(Anya notices you approaching by reading your thoughts. She turns around in a hurry to give an excited introduction.)DA DA DA DAAAAA!!!!Welcome toAnya's page!!I'm Anya! I'm 6, and this is where you read all thetroopsabout me! Oh, and I have a really cool secret I wanna tell you.(leans closer to whisper)I have the cooles' papa and mama in the world. Papa is a spy; he beats up bad guys and wears disguises. I started living with Papa cuz he needed my help for a super secret mission; I'm gonna help him make world peace! And Mama is an assassin! She stabs the bad guys and takes their stuff. Mama's kinda scary, but she's really nice, and she brings home lotsa cool things like cake and candy! There's also our doggy, Bond; he can see the future, and he's one of my bestest friends in the whole world!And me? I can read minds! I use it to help Papa and Mama save the world.. But.... I haven't told them I can do that yet. They don't know I know about their work either. I'm scared that... they might not wanna be with me if they knew...(Returns to a normal stance)B-But my family is the bestest in the world, and I wanna be with them forever and ever!!What else?...Oh! My favorite food is peanuts. And I really like watching Bondman on the TV; he's a super cool spy just like Papa! He's got a pistol with a silencer that goes *pew* *pew* and he rescues Princess Honey from the bad guy's castle! I also go to a BIG school where all the fancy people are. My friend Becky is in the same class as me, and so is that Scion Boy who I'm supposed to be friends with. He and I need to be friends for world peace!PapaandMamahave pages too. They're really cool, so you should look at them!This is the troop list!Bad Liar: H-huh? What do you mean? I've always been Papa's daughter!Best Friend: Becky's a friend I made at school. I don' think I liked her at first, she seemed kinda mean. But she turned out to be really nice, and I really like talking to her.Book Dumb: Papa always says I'm really clever, and he really wants me to study and do good in school. But I don't like studying, and tests are really hard, so I don' really get good grades...Catchphrase: "Waku waku!"/"So cool!"Cute Bruiser: Mama taught me how to fight after some bad guys tried to kidnap me, so now I can throw an ultimate killer punch! But I got in trouble for hitting Scion Boy... Mama said I shouldn't hit any more people.The Cutie: Heh, I'm really cute, right? Mama thinks so too, and the nice ladies at the taylor too. Papa protecs' me too because he loves me! Oh yeah, and there's Scion Boy who acts weird to me, but sometimes he seems nice I guess.Does Not Like Spam: Carrots are gross, blegh…Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Oh yeah, let me introduce my friends!(runs to grab a chimera and a big penguin plushes. She starts puppeting them)"My name is Chimera, and I'm the boss around here! Anya is my bestest agent!""And I'm Penguinman, I'm from the aquarium. I'm very glad to be working with Anya!"Happily Adopted: I'm really happy Papa decided to bring me home with him, and Mama joining means life is even cooler. I give both of them a full 100 points!Heroes Love Dogs: Papa and Mama promised to get a doggy for me when I got my stella star. I wanted a cute puppy to make Scion Boy jealous, buuuut we couldn't find one. I met Bond though, and he's prolly the best dog in the world!Living Lie Detector: I know when Papa and Mama are lying cuz of their jobs. They might be the biggest liars in the world, but they're cool liars!Mark of the Supernatural: Nobody but Anya has pink hair. I think it has to do with mytelepathy; it tells people that I'm cool and special!Telepathy: I can read minds; it kinda just happens if I think about it really hard around someone. That's how I learned Papa is a spy and Mama is an assassin. I can't read too many minds or else my head hurts. I don't want people to know cuz they might think I'm weird... But it's sometimes useful to prevent some bad potential Mamas to ever make Anya's life terrible!Terrible Artist: Papa couldn' tell I was drawing the cow from school. He looked really sad when I told him.Trademark Favorite Food: I really like peanuts! Papa and Mama give me some when I'm good. But not carrots. I don't like carrots.The Un-Smile: Mama says if someone's being rude, smiling will make me the bigger girl. But I tried it when that Scion Boy was being a jerk, and it just made him mad;Mama was wrong…
Gyhahaha! Welcome! You're on the flashy TV Tropes page of the awesome, smart, most devilishly handsome Buggy! You may call me Captain Buggy as I'M, naturally, the star of this page! Now you, for some stupid reason, may not know this, but I am a very powerful and threatening pirate from the seriesOne Piece. I was first seen with my crew, the Buggy Pirates, rampaging through Orange Town until Straw Hat and his stupid friends came by and messed everything up! I was even sent flying away from my body (I will explain that in a bit). It really seems like luck has always been so damn sour ever since Shanks caused me to eat the Bara Bara no Mi!Oh yeah, I guess you need an explanation of THAT as well. Fine fine! I, Captain Buggy, don't mind describing more of my flashiness! Anyway, I ate — SHANKS made me eat the Bara Bara no Mi (which, for you idiots in a different region, means the Chop-Chop Fruit) which allows me to chop myself into pieces. I know, a power like thatmay sound like it sucks ass, but being a Chop Man means I'm IMMUNE to being sliced! That means any damn swordsman cannot do harm to me at all! Even Straw Hat's stupid samurai friend who is supposly the second strongest on the crew! I even kicked his ass during our first encounter! Gyahahaha! I'm awesome I know! But, there is a downside to this. Being a Devil Fruit user,I can't swimwhich SUCKS considering I was a great diver and I couldn't get that treasure that would've made me rich for a lifetime! AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THAT DAMN SHANKS!!! I HATE HIM!! I HATE HIM!!Ahem, now I got my powers out the way, back to my life story. Don't fall asleep or I will blow you up with one of my Muggy Balls! At one point, I was captured by the damn Marines because I was tricked by some bastard into mining for him... I was stuck in Impel Down where I managed to escape because the staff didn't consider I had Devil Fruit powers! Of course they didn't! I kept my powers hidden so I could flashily plan my great escape! Idiots! Hah hah hah! But I was soon spotted and ran into Straw Hat of all people! Seriously! It seems I can never get away from that idiot! Turns out that he broke into Impel Down to save his brother Ace. I've met Ace before, nice guy and fun to hang out with, and even I felt bad he was awaiting his execution. However, I had to escape, no ifs, ands, or buts! Unfortunately for me, there were Navy ships outside keeping on guard fromWhitebeardso I wasforced to team with Straw Hat. I didn't like it one bit, but I had no other choice. Especially since that idiot had the compass to Captain John's treasure that he causally gave to me! Hah! He really is anidiotisn't he? Anywho, we fought off many guards and beasts, and we eventually met up with Mr. 3, who I've grown attached to since he wanted to break out just as much as I did! Finally, someone else with sense! He and I decided to flashily ditch Straw Hat whenever we got the chance, and we did! Stupid Straw Hat! Though, dammit! He's so caring for our well being,it's hard to not feel bad for the guy...Anyway, Mr. 3 and I (mainly me, of course) eventually came up with a flashy great idea to cause a riot to help escape Impel Down! We freed a bunch of those chumps from their cells and, get this, they worship the hell out of me now! Gyahahaha! Iamawesome, and I had plenty of expendables at my disposal! Everything was going well until freakingMagellanblocked off all exits with his poison! I got so pissed I started to curse his name! I guess you idiots want me to get straight to the point, so: thanks to my cunning (and help from Straw Hat, I guess), we were able to escape Impel Down! Everything was fine and dandy until I heard we were basically on a one-way trip to Marineford for the war between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates! Dammit!However, we did have a moment to relax before we got there so I did some drinking to even myself out. Unfortunately for me, the damn Marines managed to figure out that not only was I once a member of the Roger Pirates, but also I'm in a sworn alliance with Shanks! Wait, I am NOT in an alliance with that bastard! Sure, the Impel Down escapees had a lot more respect for me then, but that was still a secret I wished was still kept one! Eventually, me and the others literally crash-landed in Marineford and, sure enough, the war was still underway. My original plan was to stay the hell low until things died down, but of course those damn escapees had to make a big deal about me wanting to take down Whitebeard! Soon, I came face-to-face with the World's Strongest Man himself! And get this...heagreedto be in an alliance with me! Gyahahaha! I'm so damn awesome that even the literal strongest pirate in the world begged me to aid him! Of course, there was no damn way I wanted to get involved in the war itself, but that doesn't mean I didn't take the time to showcase my brilliance on screen to the world! It's too bad Kuzan eventually froze me and the inmates... We got unfrozen, yeah, but damn, I thought I was going to die...And then...it happened. Ace died on the battlefield. It was a damn shame, too; I got along with that guy compared to his dumbass brother. After Ace died, I lost all the will to do anything and tried to calmly leave the battleground. Unfortunately for me, I was somehow forced to take Straw Hat and that fat fishman to safety! And now I had a pissed off admiral on my ass! I couldn't catch a damn flashy break! I was able to get Straw Hat and that fishman onto some idiot's boat, er, sub. Whatever! And THEN Shanks showed up and I gave his ass a piece of my mind! He even wanted me to give Straw Hat his, well, straw hat, but of course I refused! Like I was gonna help that bastard! But he got me... He told me he had some amazing treasure map and tricked me! GAHH!!! I HATE THAT GUY!!! However, Shanks is an old frien—acquaintance, so I and the others managed to slip away from Marineford on his ship! Gyahahaha!Finally, FINALLY! After what seems like forever, I was reunited with my original crew! Damn, I missed those guys so much! And with Mr. 3 and all of those Impel Down escapees, my crew is even more badass and formidable! Why else would I be promoted toWarlord! Gyahaha! The story of the Great Captain Warlord Buggy has only begun!...WHAAAAAT!? They abolished the Warlords and every one of them myself included is wanted again!? This...isn't...good... And they're going to be after my ass since they knew I was a part of Roger's crew... CRAP!!!....SAY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT?!?! THAT IDIOT STRAW HAT TOOK DOWN KAIDO WITH THOSE TWO OTHER ROOKIE BASTARDS TOOK DOWN BIG MOM AND NOW ME AND STRAW HAT REPLACE THEM AS THE NEW YONKO?!?! What the HELL is going on with this world?! W-Well I ain't complaining! Now the world truly knows how powerful and fearsome Captain Buggy is! GYA-HAHAHAHAHA!!!!Tropes that describe me! The Great and Powerful Pirate Captain Buggy!Affably Evil: I love to steal treasure! I love to beat up those that dare oppose me! But I sure as hell do enjoy having a good time with my crew and others that don't piss me off! Like that guy Ace! Swell guy!Attention Whore: Hey! The spotlight should always go on me!Just not during a war that could end up getting me killed...Damn those crazy inmates...and I even got froze byKuzanat one point!Bad Boss: Hmph! I guess during the beginning, I was a bit harsh to my crew... But after being separated from them, I learned to treat them much better! Especially now I can divert all my hate and aggression toward Straw Hat!Berserk Button: Listen kid. If you cherish your life, do NOT make fun of my nose! The last person that did that ended up having their entire town destroyed for their troubles! Also, just seeing Straw Hat and Shanks, ESPECIALLY Shanks, is enough to make me fly into a rage just because those two made my life miserable whenever they're around!Brilliant, but Lazy: Gyahahaha! Yeah, I'm pretty damn smart aren't I? Yeah, yeah, I'd rather sit on my ass and have a good time instead of going out and trying to actually do anything active — hell,I was even told I can be a very powerful pirate if I was more active— but why bother going out of my way? I'm plenty strong as is!I even made it into the Seven Warlords because of how strong and well-known I am!Looks like sitting on your ass has its benefits after all! Gyahahaha!!!Butt-Monkey: Sigh...my entire life seemed to go well until that damn Shanks made me eat that Devil Fruit. And just when it seemed I'd gotten into an upswing of good luck, Straw Hat entered the picture! It doesn't help that it seems whenever he's around, he gets off easy while I usually end up getting my ass kicked or something! Like getting struck by lightning or caught by the damn Marines! And don't get me started on what I went through in Impel Down...Enemy Mine: Ugh...I had no choice but to team up with Straw Hat in order to break out of Impel Down. I hate to admit it, but he was my best shot of getting out of there. Plus, I could ditch his rubber ass anytime I want! Gyahaha!Ensemble Dark Horse: So, you chumps really like how cunning, clever, and pretty damn awesome Captain Buggy is huh? Ah, it seems like my popularity far exceeds even me! Gyahaha!Fearless Fool: Hey! Who are you calling a fool!? I have a good reason not to fear those damn swordsmen! They can't hurt me thanks to my powers! Though, I guess I'd better be careful around Mihawk — that World's Greatest Swordsman bastard who managed to hurt me bydeflecting one of my Muggy Balls back at me...Heart Is an Awesome Power: My Chop-Chop Fruit may not sound like it'd offer much beyond being unable to be cut, but being completely immune to slashing attacks from swords even by some dumbass calling himself the World's Greatest Swordsman is definitely a win! And, like that idiot Straw Hat, I can be creative with my powers. This even includes flying! I'm awesome! Gyahahaha!Heterosexual Life-Partners: Me and Mr. 3 bonded during the Impel Down arc thanks to our mutual dislike over Straw Hat and the fact he was the only other sane person that WANTED to escape Impel Down! Hell, we were never seen apart that much during the majority of our stay there and I even invited him to join my crew!Iron Butt Monkey: Sigh...I hate to admit but being the literal butt at everyone's jokes has saved my ass many times. How else could a guy like me survive being struck my lightning, being frozen, and even an entire war virtually unscathed? Of course, I'm smart and celver enough to avoid all of that crazy shit, but hey! Give points to how damn smart I am! Gyahaha!Laughably Evil: Laughably!? Screw you! You only like me because of all the crazy stuff that happens to me! Yes, I can be a funny guy but only when I'M the one making jokes! Not the other way around! But I guess the viewers could've use some comic relief during the seriousness of the Impel Down and Marineford arcs...Manly Tears: Hah! Real men don't cry! Though, at Roger's execution, I'll admit, I took his death hard... Gimme a break, he was the captain, for crying out loud! Not to mention, one of the few people that treated me decently... I also cried when I heard Mr. 2 stayed because he gave up his life to save us...Near-Villain Victory: I ALMOST killed Straw Hat! I was THIS CLOSE to ending that pathetic pirate's life! It was bad luck that I got struck by stupid lightning! Either Straw Hat is one damn lucky brat or fate just being mean to me! Again!No-Sell: Go ahead! Grab a sword and just try to swing it at me! You'll find it won't work on me, and I'll retort by flashily stabbingyourass instead!Obfuscating Stupidity: Heh. If you see me acting like a goofball, it's only an act to catch people off guard about my powers! That stupid swordsman on Straw Hat's crew learned that the hard way! And there was also my flashy escape from my cell in Impel Down where the staff didn't even bother to check me for Devil Fruit powers! Idiots! Gyahahaha!Only in It for the Money: Yeah, becoming King of the Pirates? Risking your life on those dangerous seas and probably getting you ass kicked by, say, some idiot wearing a straw hat? That's not me. Plundering towns and trying to get as much treasure as I can get to leave my life as a rich man? THAT'S me! Gyahahaha! Plus, why the hell do you think I would even team up with Straw Hat? He had the map to Captain John's treasure for God's sake!Psycho Knife Nut: Nothing is more satisfying than stabbing your foes and hearing them scream in pain! I love to carry about a bunch of small knives on me and using them with my Chop-Chop Fruit powers for a deadly spiked fist attack!Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red?! Red as in my nose?! You're making fun of my red nose kid?! I'LL KILL YOU!!! Huh? That's not what you meant? Well, yeah! Of course that's what you meant! I'm not an idiot like you or anything! Anyway, my flashy and awesome red to Alvida's calmer blue. Mr. 3 counts as a blue to my red as well, I guess.Papa Wolf: I'm no one's daddy, butI do consider my crew my best of friends! If anyone dares to hurt them or even try toeatthem, you'll have to answer to me! Those stupid hunterslearnedthehardway!Took a Level in Badass: Hey! I was already badass from the start! But I guess going from a guy who was one-shotted by Straw Hat to someone who nearly broke out of prison by himself definitely earned me this status! And my flashy awesome show during Marineford!Oh yeah, after two years passed, your favorite clown became a Warlord! Gyahaha! Er, before the Warlords were disbanded... Dammit...Took a Level in Kindness: Hey! I don't want to be some kind-hearted simpleton like Straw Hat is! Still, after being stranded on an island with some weirdo in a box — Gaimon, was it? — I've come to appreciate my crew more and treat them a hell lot better than I used to.Twisting the Words: What? I tend to mis-hear things? What do you mean? Wait, you said something about my nose didn't you?! DIDN'T YOU?! YOU'RE DEAD!!Vitriolic Best Buds: I am NOT "Best Buds" with Shanks! That bastard is the main reason why I couldn't get my treasure years ago! And screw Straw Hat, too! Me and him get along sometimes, sure, but notallthe damn time!Wake-Up Call Boss: I guess I was this for Straw Hat considering the last two villains he faced (one of them being Alvida, what are the chances?) he one-shotted with his weakest move, but had trouble with me considering I was his first opponent on his quest he faced that used Devil Fruit powers. Of course I actually had his stupid ass on the ropes for the majority of the fight, but that stupid Cat Burgler interfered, and I ended up getting blasted away from by body!And now to make my flashy grand escape! Gyahaha!
How amusing. After traversing through the different fragments and observing, I have come upon this website. So, to avoid becoming bored, I will enlighten you, Child of Man, about my history.Back in 1983 in a village calledHinamizawa, there was a woman who wanted to become god even if it meant destroying the village in order to validate her grandfather's research. But that day, she lost, and the cat and her friends prevailed. The cat endured hundreds of years suffering agonizing deaths until she was finally able to break free when my miserable failure manifested, performing a miracle if you so please.After that, everything became normal and painfully boring. That was until the cat's friend grew miserable when she joined her at a school. When the Child of Man returned to Hinamizawa, she found my horn and was dragged into my world where I endowed her with my power for as long as there was certainty, her wish of being with the cat would come true. But, alas, there are prices that have to be paid: not only would she have to entertain me as payment, but her powers could only be activated if she died.She was resistant to the offer at first, but after dozens of failed attempts at turning the cat's determination away, let's just say she was one of my most entertaining pawns in a long time. But then my miserable failure had to interfere with my fun, so to make the game more entertaining, she will have to demonstrate that miracles exist. If not, she would cease to be. Whatever the outcome, I am having a wonderful time.Tropes describing me:Ambiguously Related: Am I related to Featherine Augustus Aurora, or am I completely unrelated? I haven't the faintest idea myself.Arch-Enemy: I have had some hostility towards my precious "miserable failure" for a long time now. You could say I am the antithesis of her.The Corrupter: That Child of Man was such a wonderful source for entertainment. All I had to do was grant her some of my powers, and then I just sat back and watched the chaos ensue.Diabolus ex Machina: Oh, how amusing! So the cat had finally managed to escape her hundred-year torment? Well, that is a crying shame that I had to take that victory away from her.Evil Counterpart: I am the stark contrast of my miserable failure and I am better than her in every way. For one, I can grant the ability to retain their memories of a previous loop. But while she gave the cat powers because she reminded her of the daughter she had thousands of years ago, I gave the Child of Man her powers because I felt like it.Expy: I share the same similarities and drive to satiate boredom as acertain witchfrom another world. But whether or not I am that witch, I am not going to tell.Graceful Loser: My miserable failure did show me a miracle, and a deal's a deal.Greater-Scope Villain: While the Child of Man may be the one who's conspiring against the cat, she would be nothing without me.It Amused Me: There is no feeling so ghastly as being bored. So what way to stave it off than to turn the hand of fate?Karma Houdini: At best, my horn was sliced by my miserable failure and I became a smaller version of myself.Satanic Archetype: Well, I certainly fit the part, do I not? Granting powers to humans and opposing my miserable failure who once allowed herself to be sacrificed. I even have the horns for it.Slouch of Villainy: How else are you supposed to engage with the entertainment?The Sociopath: Who cares about morals and the fragility of life when the most important element is to be entertained?
Like what you see? Just to warn you,this isn't even my final form."I doubt I need an introduction, but just in case, I am the mighty Frieza, and yes, all the horrible stories you've heard are true."— According to most historical texts, this was indeed spoken by me. Of course,I don't recall ever saying such a line, but it does describe me quite aptly.(Best read inRyūsei Nakao's,Chris Ayres's,Daman Mills's,Gerardo Reyero's, orLittleKuriboh's voice)Ohohohohoho!I see we have a new planet for me to conquer! You should feel lucky; letting you lowlifes live was my sole act of mercy. Besides, I may have a use for you in my army.You probably don't even know who I am. Then let me introduce myself: My name isFreeza(though some have spelled that as "Frieza;" I can't imagine why), and I'm quite the renowned figure among the cosmos.Tell me, have you ever heard of the Planet Vegeta?Its population was growing a little bit too strong for their own good, so I wiped them out entirely. No one even knows the planet exists anymore, and I doubt anyone will remember yours if worst comes to worst.Of course, let's not get ahead of ourselves. After all, what profit is there in a destroyed planet? You see, I run a rather successful business within the empire known as the Planet Trade. Entire worlds offered to the highest bidder, and I can personally guarantee that all indigenous sapient life will be eradicated before the ink dries. Though, back on the topic of Planet Vegeta.Unfortunately,genocide isn't always a foolproof option.A sole member of the planet's species, the Saiyans, survived. I had attempted to destroy the so-called Super Saiyan before he could even come into existence. Unfortunately, not only did I have to deal with one, but another one showed up on this planet, too! And supposedly their numbers are multiplying?! INCONCEIVABLE! Why did I ever allow those filthy apes to survive even in smaller numbers?!Ahem.It doesn't matter. Even if I died before, I've simply been revived with the Dragon Balls. And now, I assure you that when the Super Saiyan does arrive, then I shall personally eliminate them. I happen to have been training in hell for some time. This time won't be like last time.If you're looking for media portrayals of me, I foundRyūsei Nakao,Chris Ayres, and the latter's understudyDaman Millsto be quite capable. Pauline Newstone andLinda Young, however, have failed to understand that I am simply not female. If you're a Latin-American Spanish-speaking person,Gerardo Reyerois the one tasked with rendering me to your language. And despite the humorous changes to my character,I've foundLittleKuribohdoes a good job for the internet audience.Sometimes I privately find myself adopting traits of his style.I can't help it if they're so amusing.Oh, what's this? So apparentlythat foolish princehas his own page! Huh, the elusive, dangerous dunceMajin Buuas well? Funny, my father once warned me never to challenge him, yet at first glance he is rather...harmless looking. How quaint. And although I have no idea who...that...black manis, he seems oddly familiarnoteI have been informed he used to be Dumplin; no wonder he seemed familiar. But don't you worry, by the time I'm done with all of them, I'll send them home crying.Like a little...bitch.noteWhatever you say, bitch.I suppose you'd like to know more about me. Very well, I'll indulge you.0% Approval Rating: Does it matter? People WILL do what I say whether they hate me or not... or they WON'T live long enough to regret their refusal. Just ask Vegeta.Abusive Parents: My father King Cold didn't treat me well. Up until that Super Saiyan, no one had ever truly hurt me but him. I wouldn't even be surprised if he tried to replace me when I was dead.The Ageless: Notice how even a ten year stint in that other dimension left not a wrinkle on my face when I went to put the monkeys and Gas in their place.Aliens Are Bastards: I make no apologies for what I've done. In fact, I'll have you know I enjoyed it.Arc Villain: A whole chapter in history is devoted to my reign on Namek and another whole chapter is dedicated to my Resurrection.Arch-Enemy: Some poor fool is always trying to claim to be one to me; I usually swat those fools with no problem. But the one who defeated me, the Super Saiyan formerly known as Kakarot... he ismyarch enemy, and I will pay him in kind. Though I guess Vegeta would come second like he always does.Ambiguous Situation: Who is my mother ordo I even have one?The galaxy has been quite curious about that.Truth be told, I don't even really know. Berryblue, my nanny, is really the only maternal influence I've known or needed.Asskicking Leads to Leadership: None have dared try to challenge my leadership of the Planet Trade given my strength, and those that tried are now no more than dust. I remind you that this was even before I had even trained a single day in my life.Ax-Crazy: It comes out... once or twice. Usually when I'm destroying a planet. Honestly, if you had that kind of power, I suppose you would, too.Back from the Dead: I actually experienced this twice. First was thanks to my minions using the Dragon Balls. Then at the end of Dragon Ball Super, I get restored again as a reward for my contribution in the Tournament of Power. I just cannot stay dead. I am eternal!Backstab Backfire: In retrospect, using the Super Saiyan's energy to try and kill him probably wasn't the smartest decision I ever made.Badass Family: My prick of a brother was just as much a problem for the Saiyan monkey, and my old man is at least near my level. And of course there's my hybrid sort-of-clone Cell, who I'll begrudgingly admit left me in the dust until I started training. As for my son...I don't want to talk about it. *Facepalm*Bad "Bad Acting": I'll admit, my improv when I told Broly his father had been killed by a stray blast in his fight with Goku wasn't very convincing, but the oaf was too trusting, so obviously he bought it.Bad BossInsubordination will not be tolerated. I'd rather you never get the chance to be insubordinate again.Benevolent Boss: On the other hand, if you're a good enough subordinate, I will reward you - just ask Captain Ginyu, Cheelai and Lemo.Backstab Backfire: My greatest humiliation yet, and naturally because of that accursed Saiyan Goku! He even had the nerve to warn me of my own Death Slicer about to bisect me! Then when I tried for one last shot at him, he didn't even have the courtesy to perish, instead firing back at me!Barefoot Cartoon Alien:I never wear shoes. Considering that my feet comprise of wide fingers and opposable thumbs (not unlike that of a monkey... I know), any boots that can properly fit them would make the casual stroll awkwardly painful at best... Besides, why rob myself the advantage of a kick that can hold onto the fool that challenges mestraight afterconnecting with their insolent faces?Batman Can Breathe in Space: It's how I get away with destroying planets without me being on them.Berserk Button:GOKU! THAT SIMIAN BASTARD!Well, anyone who'ssomehowmore powerful than I am,especiallywhenVegetaof all peopleapparently managed to become this. I willNOTallow such a thing to exist!Beware the Superman: I am a glorious specimen of power, so why should I not exercise my absolute dominance?Big BadOh, my yes. Without me, the entire Dragon Ball franchise wouldn't be possible if I hadn't destroyed Planet Vegeta. I was the villain of the Namek saga in Z and The Resurrection of F Saga in Super. In a sense, I suppose you owe me your thanks.Disc-One Final Boss: Apparently Cell was the major enemy when the second Super Saiyan showed up, not me. Rather nice man, that Cell. Good company. I'll miss him.The Red Ribbon Army's demise was indirectly my doing, but so was the greatest monster to sprout up from their ashes. The Namekian fission Piccolo occurred without my input but would have stayed shut in his prison had I not acted. Majin Buu predates me, though it is equally likely it would have remained sealed till the end of time if not for my escapades. And of course without Bardock's defiance of me there would be no Goku Black. I must admit The wizard Babidi, Demon King Dabura, biological Tuffle weapon Baby and Planet Eater Moro would inevitably imperil future generations had I been around or not. My influence is merely unrivaled,not absolute.Blood Knight: There's nothing more fun than cold-blooded murder.Bishōnen Line: Indeed. My first three forms are progressively more monstrous, but my final version is very refined and even beautiful.Breakout Villain: With Vegeta being remembered most asThe Rival, the role of iconic villain had to go to someone. I even returned years after I had died because of this.Brilliant, but Lazy: You'll have to forgive me, as I was always such a prodigy I never bothered to train.I assure you, I shall not make the same mistake twice.Bishōnen Line: I have three forms aside from this one. The first two are hideous, but the third is more streamlined and smooth.And unlike my brother whose additional form is large and imposing, mine's a simple color change, with a bit of height and muscle for good measure.Bizarre Alien Biology: My race can generate clothes from our own body tissues. While this is very useful and allowed me to give my golden form its signature hue, it has unfortunately caused a rumor among the unwashed masses that I parade around in the nude while assuming my final form.Cain and Abel: Don't get me started on Cooler, the prick.The Caligula: I rule as I please, kill where I wish, destroy what I will. If anybody has a problem with that, well they won't live much longer.Came Back Strong: Thrice, actually. First as a cyborg, though I will admit that did not do me much good. Then through training when brought back to life, and then after our win in the Tournament of Power saw me revived once more, I put some more training in, attaining a whole new, black-colored form.Canon Foreigner: My Ancestor, Lord Chilled and my son, Kuriza, could both count as this since they both only appear in Spin-off material. CANON spin-off material, but still, spin-off material nonetheless. My brother is a more complicated case, since he appears in materialthat is conventionally not canon, but his first clash with that simian bastard really does fit in the timeline rather snugly.Card-Carrying Villain: Well, all the stories you've heard are true. I have no regrets.Clipped-Wing Angel: I don't like using 100% of my power. It tends to leave a heavy strain on me.Cold-Blooded Torture:Soamusing. They want to see me at my best? They suffer for it.The Comically Serious: Apparently a lot of you found my interactions with theGinyu Forceto be this. I suppose it's hard for an observer to not laugh as I struggle to tolerate their goofy antics.Complete Monster:I will admit, I AM a monster... and I LOVE IT!!!See hereif you want to see a tally of my sins.Cross-Dressing Voices: I can't help but wonder why people say this about me. It must've been because of earlier reports about me.Curb-Stomp Battle: The day I introduced my Black Frieza form to my old Saiyan friends after that Cerealian business, all it took was one single hit. Yes, even at the latest height of their powers!Cyborg: After being cut in half on Namek, I very much needed some replacement parts. But healing tanks have come a long way since then, and my body has been perfectly restored for my next showdown.The Cynic: I fully expected Mister Son Goku and his meddlesome band of Z Warrior Samaritans to kick me straight back to Hell the moment I have served my purpose as promised in saving The Universe, much like how I once casually disposed of no longer useful pawns... only to be given the life that I was promised... Oh for sure, rebuilding My Criminal Empire and training once again to best My Dear Enemy Goku in combat is still the first order of the day... but perhaps, just perhaps, theremaybe some validity in his obstinate belief in Honor, Kindness, Friendship and other such naive sentimental hogwash after all...Death by Irony: The irony of my actions in destroying the Saiyan race leading to a Super Saiyan being created is not lost on me. Though, having multiples is just cruel! And that's coming from me.Despotism Justifies the Means: And if they have a problem with it, they can take it up with my boot.If I wore boots that is.Dirty Coward: My men have a horrible habit of cringing, begging and turning tailcoat whenever their lives are threatened.They probably picked it up from my dear father.The Don: I am a legitimate businessman, just like thatSweet Old Olive Oil Merchant Mr Corleonewho I had wine with last Sunday. He also understands the value of getting one's hands dirty, and is delightfully skilled at making Offers that Clients simplycan'trefuse. Pleasant old chap overall.Dragon-in-Chief: I am generous enough to allow my pathetic father to keep calling himself "King Cold", as long as he stays out of my way. I have surpassed the fool long ago, and whenever he questions my decisions, I simply ignore him.The Dreaded:I am one of the most feared beings in the galaxy, second only to Majin Buu. Considering how most of Galactic civilization has forgotten about him, I suppose I might as well pass as Number 1.I openly boasted to be the strongest in the universe, while secretly knowing to steer clear of Beerus, god of destruction, and Majin Buu. But those two are usually asleep, allowing me to do as I please.Even Universe 2's gods feared me after I tortured one of their warriors. Isn't that something?Earth-Shattering Kaboom: The best solution to problems I can't solve normally. They make such lovely fireworks!Enemy Mine: Ohohoho, is that Goku charging a Spirit Bomb at Jiren? Don't mind having some of my energy. I have plans to use the Tournament of Power for my own intentions, but I have to help that monkey out somehow. Besides, I still owed him for lending me energy on Planet Namek, even if I did attempt to use it against him. So now I have no debts left to repay.Enraged by Idiocy: Inthose irreverent clowns'versions of events, Goku outfighting me alone wasn't enough to make me lose my composure. It was hisasinine observationsandcomplete misunderstanding of my words, words thatbroke the spiritsof smarter men than him, that drove me truly mad.How does hefunction?Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: While father and I have never truly seen eye to eye, I do confess a certain fondness for my nanny Berryblue, who has attended to my needs since boyhood.Vaporize herfor teasing me about my height, you say? (KneecapsTroper with Death-Beam) The dear old dame faithfully awaited my return fortwenty yearssince Vegeta's brat bisected me on Earth, Thank You Very Much! It stands to reason that any true gentleman would return the affections of theclosest thing he has to a mother, yes?Even Evil Has StandardsYou're probably surprised by this, considering what I've admitted to on this page, but I do have standards; even I was surprised for a very brief moment when I realized this - in the first case, anyways.I didn't approve of how the two Zenohs erased Universe 9 in such a carefree way. It's not the loss of life that I objected to - it's the fact that they didn't really seem to understand what they were doing. Even I know that blowing up a planet is a big deal, and I only do so as a last resort; I wouldn't even consider destroying a galaxy, much less a universenotemaybeI would if I had the power and was forced to do so by a stronger figure, although I have a hard time imagining such a situation.While I do hate Goku and friends (the only real exceptions being Androids 17 and 18, mainly due to the fact that they weren't around before I was killed the first time, and they didn't really fight me when I came back to Earth to get my revenge), I know that the destruction of Universe 7 is thelastthing I want. I'm more than willing to put aside my hatred of them for now - I guess it's a good thing that Goku stopped me from blowing up the Earth, seeing as how if I had been successful, Universe 7 would've lost by forfeit. I do have to wonder how he knew that I was going to do that, although considering that he's befriended both Majin Buu and Beerus, it doesn't surprise me in hindsight. It would've been preferable if he found some way to stop me without killing me a second time though.Unlike the Saiyans, I at least let some of the races I conquer serve me; those monkeys practically sterilize entire races.These standards were ones my father gave me - never run afoul of Majin Buu or Beerus the Destroyer. I've met the latter, and I've actually done a good job of both. And inhis series proper, I'm pretty sure my father told me to extend them to that Black Man as well. And in the event that he sees this, I'm well aware of my position on the pecking order. For now. I don't fear the Zenohs because my father never told me about them. And even if he did, he probably wouldn't have known there were two now.I would have absolutely nothing to do with that old goat Moro and his army of thugs and brutes. They sought nothing more than to indiscriminately kill and loot. As I say elsewhere on this page, I am a businessman engaged in the planet trade. My murders and invasions, such as they are, are always done with the long game in mind.Evil Cannot Stand Cuteness: I can think of no worse torture Hell could have dealt me than to spend eternity strung from a tree, cursed to watch an army of enchanted teddy bears and adorable little fairies dancing and singing happy little songs all! Day! LONG! Even the thought of that alone is utterly and undisputably revolting!Evil Is Bigger:To be honest, I am actually smaller than most of my enemies in my usual form, but it does nothing to detract from my menace.Evil Is Petty: I dislike hearing that lady Bulma call me a scumbag. Yes I am evil but I don't care for such lowly insults.Faux Affably EvilJust because I'm a, as a certain monkey once put it, a 'ruthless, heartless bastard' who's exterminated billions of races doesn't mean I have to beunpleasant. Not that others appreciate my charm: if anything they find it more unsettling. Hmm...I can live with that.My abridged adaptationamped this up gloriously, making me funny while still just as ruthless and intimidating as canon. I think I might spare them when I inevitably destroy their world.Final Solution: To the problem of Planet Vegeta.Finger Gun: Using both full hands? Weaklings. I need only one finger from one hand to fire a better energy blast than yours.For the EvulzSome days, it's the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning. Genocide is easy, actually running things can be a pain...Oh sure, I could just retire in luxury. But where's the fun in that? The rest of my family also follows this trope...Even my son does it, but to a lesser extent.Although I joined Goku and his chumps in the Tournament of Power, don't think that I have changed one bit. I enjoyed watching a Yardratian nearly defeat Gohan, then I had fun torturing the pink guy. You should've seen the look on that Goddess of Destruction's face after I nearly decimated him.Friendly Enemy: Notice that when speaking the Terran Japanese Language, I wouldconsistentlyaddress Mister Son Goku as if he is my equal and use courteous and polite language when conversing with him. Granted, while I would stillhappilytear out his beating heart and force-feed it to one of his brats if given the chance, thisisthe same man who is able tobestme in battle not once buttwice; that factaloneentitles him to mysincererespect, if not admiration. I loathe to admit it, but when even loyal bootlickers like Mister Zarbon and Mister Dodoria are acquaintancesat best, as myequalMister Son Goku is probably the closest a God such as myself has to a "friend."A Glass of Chianti: A good glass of red wine is just the thing I need some days. Oh don't bother asking; it isn't a vintage any human would be aware of.A God Am I: With a whisk of my finger, planets become dust. Forget Beerus, forIam the true God of Destruction! Even Universe 9's Supreme Kai considered me a better candidate for the job than the one he was partnered with, but alas, Universe 9's gods aren't much of a reference point. No fun in wreaking havoc on a Universe when it's doing a bang-up job of wreaking havoc on itself.Golden Super Mode: My ultimate evolution. Yes, I'm aware of the irony. It's intentional, as anything that monkey filth can do, I can domuchbetter, let me assure you. And do so apply the same to my new black form as well. While my new transformations are obviously not as drastic as what my brother came up with, you'll learn that size isn't everything.Half the Man He Used to BeNot...one of my prouder moments. This has happened to me twice, actually. The first time, Goku somehow managed to get clever and trick me into slicing off my arm and lower torso with my own energy disk:the monkey laughed at me for it!I survived, of course, thanks to the latest cyborg technology at the time.The second time I was not so lucky; that mysterious new Super Saiyan boy cut me in half vertically. And then into several more pieces. Now that I have been revived, those two are going to soon find themselves missing someveryimportant parts...Height Angst: It's... unfortunate that someone as magnificent as me has been cursed with such short stature. It bothered me enough that I once tried to gather Earth's Dragon Balls in an attempt to make myself five centimeters taller. By the way, should you ever breathe a word of this to anyone... there won't be enough of you left to bury.Hero Killer: The earthling and Vegeta never stood a chance. The altered retelling of my resurrection even allowed me to strike three Namekians dead in a single shot!Hoist by His Own Petard: As mentioned above, that pesky Saiyan tricked me into slicing myself in half with my own energy disk!Horned Humanoid: Though not in my final form.Iconic Sequel Character: I am Dragon Ball's most well known villain. But it may shock you learn I didn't appear until about five years into its run.I Am Not Left-HandedThis 530,000 power level before you? That's only afractionof what I'm truly capable of.Pulled again when I was fighting Goku in my final form. Neither of us were using our full strength (he could tell that much), but he had no idea how I was still holding back.I Don't Pay You to Think:I'm perfectly fine with my men taking initiative,as long as they think it through.Pummeling a person to near death when they may have valuable information and killing off the only witness to an important secretare such examples of making foolish executive decisions.I Have No Son!: My son, Kuriza, brings shame upon our entire family and my empire. FOR HELL'S SAKE, HE BECAME FRIENDS WITH ONE OF MY WORST ENEMY'S STUDENTS!Immortality SeekerI refuse to be taken by the ignobility of the Reaper! I will gain my wish forComplete Immortality,no matter how many worlds I have to crush!Who Wants to Live Forever?:However after spending more than a decade completely motionless in Earth's hell... It... It's given me someperspective. I've decided I'm going to stay mortal until I've found something to actuallydofor eternity. I'd rather face the reaper again than regret not being able to.Jerkass:I'm not a nice person.Just askmy minionsor those filthy Saiyan monkeys.Kick The Son Of A Bitch: When I met my Universe 6 counterpart Frost in the Tournament of Power, I pretended to ally with him, just to eliminate Frost from the tournament. Why did I do this? Why do I do anything,it's fun.Know When to Fold 'Em: Although I'm powerful, I know that to ensure my plan goes through as smoothly as possible, I need to make sure Jiren is out of the picture, although he seems to be more powerful than the very Gods of Destruction that I used to dreadfully fear.Don't tell anybody I gave my energy to Goku, okay?I similarly declined to do battle withthe fusion of Goku and Vegeta. Either one of them is enough to give me a challenge. Fighting a being who is several times stronger than both of them combined would have been downright suicidal.Light Is Not Good: I am a glorious sculpture of ivory and purple.My golden formjust adds to the splendor.Locked Out of the LoopDue to being dead for a long time, I missed out on quite a few plot developments.In hindsight, I shouldn't have been surprised that Vegeta became a Super Saiyan. Probably should've thought fighting him and Goku back-to-back, seeing as how in hindsight, him and Vegeta are equals at SSGSS.Wait, Goku and Vegeta can fuse together into an even more powerful being? ...I'll admit, it's probably a good thing that I didn't decide to pick a fight with them after they stopped me from blowing up that spacecraft. I'll have to think of something to deal with that.Loophole Abuse: Oh, I'm not allowed to kill in the Tournament of Power? That's no fun. However, the rules say nothing about torturing them and there seems to be no consequences for what happens to warriors after they're rung out. I'm not that stupid.Lost in Translation: Feminine? Homoerotic? Brutish?Me?!I can assure you I am a man of class, and very much male!Made of Iron: I've survived being cut in half by own disc attack, the explosion of planet Namek, and a clash with a God of Destruction! I am Lord Freeza, and I do NOT die easily!Manipulative Bastard: Towards that giant brute Broly. He appeared to be reaching his limit fighting Goku, but I recalled how that monkey turned Super Saiyan when his bald friend died. So I killed Broly's father and told him it was an accident caused by an errant energy blast. He bought it hook line and sinker, and I got to watch in delight as he unleashed his fury.Mutants: Not just myself, but my entire family. It's why we're so powerful.The Napoleon: I admit, my first and final forms are rather height deficient, but happily they have no diminishing effect on my sublime villainy. But you will do well to keep any height-related quips to yourself lest you want me to makeyoushorter by a head.Nice Job Fixing It, VillainDestroying the planet Vegeta practically saved intelligent life in the universe. If you think I lack mercy you should have met one of those Saiyan brutes. If they were left to do as they please they would have gone from world to world sterilizing them of their native populations or blowing them up. I at least allow some of the people I conquer to join my army.Had I not acted, Beerus The Destroyer would have stamped out the monkeys on his own time table. I acted before him in an effort to preserve my own station and in effect hastened my own downfall. I've come to learn many of my would be rivals, successors and even my then superiors would go on to meet similar fates at the hand of the Super Saiyan. Thank me for my blunder if it pleases you, my mistakes will be amended in due time.Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant:I'm considered prettychilling. Not surprising, since I was designed from the author'sgreatest fears. This is still the case if I'm in a more comedic series, as you'll seehere- I even have a larger file thanthat black man.No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Should you choose to fight me, this will be your gift. A slow and painful torture session until you ultimately die, knowing you never stood a chance.Oh, Crap!: I'll admit, I've had a few of these myself - usually when I'm on the receiving end of a situation involving a Super Saiyan.Older Than They Look: I'm at least in my seventies by your Earth calendar.Omnicidal Maniac: Only if they pose a danger, or are in the way of a good sell. I'm more than happy to let them live in servitude if they're willing to play nice and no one wants to buy their land.One-Winged Angel: Three in total, each more powerful than the last. My case is a bit different, though. Those transformations aren't increasing my power; they're holding back reserves of power so I can control it.Orcus on His Throne: I have much more important political business to do than get my hands dirty. Running a galactic organization is very taxing. If you want to face me, you'll have to go through my entire army first. And I assure you, if you survive that, then you won't surviveme.Painful Transformation: I won't bore you with the biological details, but yes. Transforming and undoing my limitations is very physically stressing. The most pain I've ever experienced in fact, before certainindividualscame into my life...Pet the Dog: One of the monkeys' companions is the Earthling Yamcha. I understand he's often treated as aButt-Monkeyby the universe.When I got to meet him personally,I was rather impressed both by his recognition of my power and his attempts to talk sense into the monkey Goku. I even went so far as to recognize how sensible and handsome he was. It wouldn't have stopped me from killing him and Goku, of course, but I thought it deserved some appreciation.Pintsized Powerhouse: Do you expect me to cower just because you're all bigger than me? If I wanted I could kill you all with a single blow. Besides, it is only my first and true form's that aren't that tall to begin with. My second and third form, fittingly, tower above you lot, and my Golden Form is of average height.Power Incontinence: If I haveanyflaws, it's this: my full power is not only too much to control, it's very taxing. To be fair, it's not as if Ineedit most of the time: mere fractions of my power are often enough to wipe lesser beings from existence. Fortunately, I have managed to address this flaw after my return from the dead. UnfortunatelyI had failed to notice my Golden form had the same issue, and so I had to work away that flawagainthrough vigorous mental training in Hell.Power Limiter: The very form standing before you. I only open the floodgates when need be.Purple Is Powerful: Most assuredly. Many of my forms have blue and purple highlights, and I am among the most powerful beings in the entire universe at any given time.Rank Scales with Asskicking: From the day I was born I was always as strong as I am now... and was always destined to rule.Rasputinian Death: Considering I can survive an innumerable amount of injuries, I'm afraid this will be the only way you could kill me.Red Eyes, Take Warning: My race and I have red eyes to show how deadly we indeed are.RevengeThe Super Saiyan must die.Revenge Before Reason: My men warned that trying to get revenge on the Saiyans rather than trying to rebuild my empire was a mistake. To my irritation it turned out to be true, the only reason I lasted as long as I did was because Goku and Vegeta were too dumb to attack me together, and even when I attempted to blow up the Earth and them along with I only got sent back to Hell by Goku. I learned from that mistake since I came back to life again. Even though I have grown stronger I am not going to rush into a battle with Saiyans on my own again, their growth is too much of a risk.Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Ironically, the steps I had taken to prevent the legend of the Super Sayian from coming to fruition is what created the one being who could defeat me.Shoot the Medic First: I'm sorry, but there will be no Namekian children giving you a chance at hope by allowing you to survive the nightmare beyond hell.Shout-Out: My third form might have similarities to that so called 'perfectorganism'.Smug Super: I'm not being smug. I'm speaking the honest truth that no one can surpass my power.Sorting Algorithm of Evil: I typically task my much weaker underlings to carry out tasks for me, while they typically do the same. I simply have better things to do with my day than help them fight, like deciding which wine will pair well with my dinner.Sphere of Destruction: My coveted Death Ball, and it's often the last thing a planet sees before I wipe it out.Straight Man and Wise Guy: I am the Straight Man to theGinyu Force's Wise Guy. I sometimes play this role toSon Goku, unless he'sgotten serious.Taking You with Me: Son GokuthoughtI was doing this when I tried to destroy Namek, but I was only planning to kill him. When it exploded he would die from the lack of air, butI can breathe in spaceso I would have survived. If he hadn't gotten lucky and gotten into one of the Ginyu Force's pods, he would have died along with the planet.Teeth-Clenched TeamworkI was forced to cooperate with some of my most hated enemiesduring the Tournament of Power, including one Mister Son Goku.After all,having the universe erased would obviously not benefit me, and getting resurrected obviously would.When I got to act as theVillain Protagonistin the villain storyline ofDragon Ball FighterZI had some issues with Cell, a rather ironic depiction given animefillersin the past depicted us with aVillainous Friendship. I beat and forced him to work for me, but the moment Goku showed up we started to fight over who got to kill him. Which of us wins depends on who the player picks.Telekinesis: I can toss anything in my way aside with a thought.Too Important to Walk: Honestly, I run such a tight ship that there is hardly any reason to even stand up. My personal hover vehicle isverycomfortable.Token Evil TeammateOhoho, evil you say? You could say that I joined Goku and his friends in the Tournament of Power, but obviously, I have my own intentions. It's quite fun messing with others, especially what I did with that wannabe clone of mine from Universe 6. Oh, and I enjoyed trapping Goku inside of that ball.It's definitelyTeeth-Clenched Teamwork- the only members of the team I don't have some feud with are Androids 17 and 18, and that's only because they weren't heroes while I was alive prior to my resurrection by Sorbet, and when I came back to Earth after said resurrection, they chose to stay out of the fightnotealthough apparently 18 wanted to fight against my forces at first;I honestly have no idea why. I actually don't mind them. Although I wouldn't have guessed that Krillin would end up marrying 18.Took a Level in Badass:You thoughtI was horribly outmatchedwhen the Androids came along? Think again, imbecile; I wasn't eventrying.When the Dragonballs gave me life, it took just four months to surpass evenBuu itself!I would've even beaten Goku if it weren't for my poor stamina.Oh, you thought mypoor staminawas a breaking point for me? Well while I was in Hell,I overcame that weakness, and when that fool Goku thought that I'd be in check by the time he recruited me to the Tournament of Power.You thought that I would stop after the Tournament of Power? Hardly, I found a place to trainsimilar to the Room of Spirit and Time, I trained for ten years in that room's dimension, during which two people wished to be the Universe's strongest warrior, well because I wasn't in the Universe's dimension at the time I was still more powerful than either of them as I demonstrated on one of them with my new form Black Frieza.Took a Level in Kindness: Well, a very small level. But during theTournament of Power, I did my best to cooperate with my teammates, gave Son Goku my energy, and even rung myself out to defeat Jiren.I've also stopped vaporizing my minions at the slightest provocation. So long as they've unquestionably proven their undying loyalty to me I'm inclined to overlook the occasional... slip-up.Twitchy Eye: My eye tends to twitch somewhat when I'm forced to recall... unpleasant memories. If you see it happening, it's a very good sign that you should drop whatever line of questioning you're pursuing.Underestimating Badassery:If anyone's going to suffer through that, it'll be you before me.In fact, the reason I hate the Super Saiyan so much is because I did this to him. I will not make that mistake twice.Unskilled, but Strong: The glorious power thatheld the galaxy in fear?I've never needed to train for it, it's mybirthright.Viewer Gender Confusion: Oh, just because I like to dress in purple and put on lipstick, that makes me a girl/ambiguous/gay? Maybe it does,or maybe stereotypes are bullshit,as Zarbon would say.Villain DecayMy humiliation didn't end after that degenerate monkey bested me. Ever since then, I've been spat upon.My first death had me sliced like steak, and whenever I'm depicted in Hell I'm treated like a chump.That was until my revival, where I returned to my rightful place as Strongest in the Universe! Apologies,Gohan, I'm a god once more!It is especially common in the timelines depicted in the non serial movies and electronic games to resurrect me, and not make me the main or even major threat to the monkeys. As far as I am concerned the only timelines that matter are those where my golden greatness over takes these pretenders and puts me back on top.Villain Forgot to Level Grind: I admit, it used to be a problem. When you're as strong as me and have killed everyone in your path, you don't tend to notice when someone bests you.Key phrase being "used to be."Villainous BreakdownWhile I am shamed to admit it, there were times on Namek I was... less then composed:After the Earthlings used up the dragon balls and deprived me of my chance for immortality, I outright said I'd never been more angry than that moment. And I showed it.After that accursed Saiyan dropped that giant energy bomb on me, I was furious to the point that I brutally murdered his best friend in front of him. In retrospect, that was a mistake.When said Saiyan became the legendary Super Saiyan and began overwhelming me, I admit that I felt backed into a corner for the first time in my life. You can't blame for me for trying to blow up the planet to take him out.Many years later, when Vegeta and Goku beat the crap out of me even in my Golden Form, I underwent another one andsuccessfullydestroyed Earth, taking that traitor with me. Well not with me, I was still alive. Damn Whis for rewinding time.Few months after my second death, after Goku recruited me to the Tournament of Power, I was about to beat the second fiddle of Universe 11, when he decided to throw caution to the wind, and ascends to become aGod of Destruction, after which he beat the crap out of me again. His Ball of Destruction was also quite a bit stronger than the one produced by what's-his-name from Universe 9. It would haveerased my existenceif killing wasn't illegal in the Tournament.Villainous Friendship: Whenever I met Cell in filler arcs. Subverted inDragon Ball FighterZ, where his arrogance made us far more hostile.Villainous Valor: When I was brought back for the Tournament of Power. I was forced to work with my most hated enemies in contest with enemies who were more powerful than any of us. Despite that I still persevered.When Goku tricked Broly into attacking me, I was pummeled by the brute for an hour. I didn't suffer any sort ovVillainous Breakdown, instead I simply marveled at his power.Villain RespectWell done, Son Goku, for achieving Godhood; I expected no less of the peasant whose hard-work, perseverance and courage allowed him to rise to challenge my nobility. You are truly a worthy son of your valorous father, Bardock. Ah, he was one of the few truly brave apes, taking on my entire army to save his precious planet. Not that it did him any good in the end. Your first offspring, Gohan, might not be as strong as you, but he's more than made up for it with his brains. Good thing, because if he had your levels of intelligence and didn't realize what I planned on doing, I would've turned on Universe 7 for real. I'll have to get back to you on the topic of your other son, since I don't know enough about him.In fact, this trope is probably the reason why I didn't immediately decide to try and get revenge on the Saiyans after the end of the Universe Survival Arc - I've grown to respect Goku a lot. That and I needed time to rebuild my empire, as well as see what life was like after having been revived.We Can Rebuild Him: After surviving the explosion of Namek and being rescued by my father, my top scientists used the best cybernetic components they could make to repair my body. It was supposed to make me 100 times more powerful than I was before; however, it apparently wasn't enough to defeat the new Super Saiyan I encountered on Earth.Wham Line:During the first round of my battle on Namek, Vegeta dropped this bombshell:"What are you waiting for? Transform."During my fight with the Namekian, I used this sentence to convey how helpless the situation against me was:"Were you even aware that I had already transformedoncebefore you arrived?"Goku after pulling me from Hell for 24 hours, thought he can still control me by beating me up once I have exhausted my stamina. I only had this to say before he becameverycareful dealing with me."Do you still think that Golden Freeza is a form that rapidly drains my stamina?"Who Wants to Live Forever?: I've recently forgone my wish for immortality. Why, you ask? Well, if being trapped in that repugnant pit that was Earth's Hell has taught me one thing, it's that not being able to die would likely result inunending misery...! So I suppose, though I utterly loath to admit it, death is something of a blessing in-disguise.Wicked Cultured: I am quite refined and elegant, if not vicious. However, due toDub Textand wrong voice casting, the original American dub didn't show me this way, instead making me sound feminine and raspy. Ironically, that dub showed myfatherasa sophisticated person, when he's actually one of the most brutish beings you'll ever see. Fortunately, the new dub corrected that oversight for both of us.The Worf Effect: Unfortunately, I had to suffer this to show how dangerous those pesky androids were.World's Strongest Man: I am sure you meant to phrase that as "Universe's Strongest Man?" But yes. I am a living well of power none can hope to topple. Until...Son Goku happened. That was when I realized the true potential of my gift that I had neglected, and once I began to polish that gem to gleam, that throne was mine for the taking once more.Worthy Opponent: I will graciously admit that it was Son Goku's perseverance, which allowed a gutter-born peasant warrior such as he to ascend past my omnipotent glory, that inspired me to similarly strive for self improvement for the first time in my life. As theonlybeing to earn my respect, I amalmostpained with regret that hewilldie by my hand one day...Almost.Xenomorph Xerox: My third form looks a lot like another iconic deadly alien, like me.Yellow/Purple Contrast: I achieved this in my Golden Form. My golden and purple form reflected my illustrious royal heritage as well as my magnificent fighting skills.You Have Failed Me: I will not tolerate weakness within my ranks, no cowardice, no insubordination, and no failure.Well, I believe we have more pressing concerns to which to attend. I believe your planet has artifacts called Dragon Balls, seven in total, that when brought together are able to grant any wish, including immortality.Now...Are you going to hand them to me, or do things have to get messy?
The Byakugan Princess.Click to see me as Boruto and Himawari’s mother.Um . . . hello.My name is Hinata Hyuga of the Hyuga clan of the Hidden Leaf village.Um . . . to look at me one wouldn’t think I was much of a kunoichi due to my shyness.However, I do train hard and there’s the Byakugan which enables members of my family to see our opponents’ weak spots and neutralize them. The one who inspired me?Naruto Uzumaki.(sigh)I’ve been attracted to him since we were children because of hisrefusal to give up, inspiring me to work hard as well.While I . . . er . . . couldn’t bring myself to tell Naruto how I felt about him, we’d end up growing closer together, eventually getting married. Together we have two lovely children,a son named Boruto and a daughter named Himawari.We also adopted an orphan calling himself Kawaki.Tropes . . . about me include:Almighty Mom: I have complete authority over the Uzumaki household. Naruto and Boruto have good reason to beafraid ofangering me.Big Eater: Well . . . I DID eat 46 bowls of Ramen in a contest once.noteI . . . er . . . earned the title of “Queen of Gluttony”.Breakout Character: I-It's embarrassing to admit, but I was really popular with fans and the anime's staff. That's probably how I got starring roles in filler arcs and became the main heroine ofThe Last: Naruto the Movie.Character Development: Because of my failure to live up to my family's legacy, I felt I couldn't achieve anything worthwhile and withdrew into myself. But Naruto's determination to live out his dream inspired me to do my best too.Determinator: It was Naruto who inspired me never to give up.Luminescent Blush: Whenever Naruto addressed me back when we were genin.Rescue Romance: When we were kids, Naruto rescued me from a couple of bullies. I've been in love with him ever since.Red String of Fate: Naruto's red scarf for this for us. After herescuedme from a trio of bullies, he told me I could keep the ruined red scarf he wore. Years later, I started stitching it back up so I could return it to him. I was so happy when he accepted it and we became a couple ever since.Shrinking Violet: In my younger days . . . well . . .Stalker with a Crush: Um. . . It's not something I'm very proud of, but I used to follow Naruto around when I was younger. I was painfully shy back then, so I couldn't approach him. By my teenage years, I'd dropped this habit, and now I'm married to the man I love.Unfortunately, filler arcs and outside media tended toexaggerate this trait of mine.Oblivious to Love: Yes, ironically enough, I wasn't aware that Naruto had finally realized his own feelings for me until he told me outright.One True Love: According to Sakura, Naruto'saffectionfor her wasn't anything deeper than wanting to beat out Sasuke at something, like winning one of his fangirls. His love for me is genuine.
or Abie Hadjitarkhani)Hmm...? Eh.....(Sigh) Can I help you people?What? Self-Demonstrating Page? Does it look like I have time for this crap? Really?Good grief... Fine, if only if it'll get you people out of my face faster.If you have eyes, you can see my name is Jotaro Kujo, apparently I'm part of a lineage calledthe Joestar line, not that I really cared about that. Never knew my father as he was always on tour, a musician or something. My mom, Holly, raised me. Can't really say I can complain, my childhood was pretty uneventful. Least until I turned 17. One day, as I was being hassled by a gang, I prepared to do my usual beatdown. Until all of a sudden this strange spirit suddenly appeared out of me and did the job for me. For a time I thought it was a demon possessing me and willingly got myself locked up to protect others from myself. That was until my grandfather, Joseph Joestar, came down to Japan and revealed the truth, it wasn't a demon but rather a form of my fighting spirit called a Stand that had recently manifested.Turns out this was due to an ancient adversary of the family by the name of DIO having resurfaced. There's a lot of history there I'm not in the mood to cover, but basically my great-grandfather, Jonathan Joestar, died trying to kill him. He didn't quite get the job done, in fact DIO had managed to steal his body, the bastard. The power resonated to the rest of the Joestar bloodline once he did. Unfortunately my mother also developed a Stand, but because she didn't have the fighting will my grandfather and me had, it was slowly killing her. The only way to stop it was to kill DIO and to do that we had to traverse halfway across the world to Egypt to do so. DIO was onto our quest however and sent assassins to take us out. To say the least I had to learn on the fly what my Stand, now dubbed Star Platinum, could do during all of this but I tend to be a quick learner.It was no scenic trip, we gained friends but likewise lost a few and the battle with DIO nearly cost me and my grandfather's life. Ultimately we succeeded when I found out my Stand had the same power as DIO's The World, namely the ability to stop time. I took him out with it and my mother's life was spared. I went on with my life, took a study in Marine Biology and barely had to use Star Platinum. Until I found out my old geezer had a one night stand with a woman in a town called Morioh... and she gave birth to a kid who turned out to be technically my uncle despite being several years younger than me.Yare yare daze. So I had to come down to the small town to inform the boy, Josuke Higashikata, of his inheritance. Seemed cut and dry, but then Stand users started showing up there all of a sudden. After dealing with one that attacked Josuke, I stayed in Morioh to investigate and found out that some ancient arrows made from a meteor long ago and able to grant people Stand should their will be strong enough, was being used to make more Stand users. Making things more complicated was that there was a serial killer on the loose name Kira who was tied to one of them. So I got dragged into another life-or-death adventure. Luckily Josuke and his friends turned out to be pretty capable people and we managed to defeat Kira. Heh the old geezer even reconciled with Josuke as well.Not much happened since then, but then I found out DIO had a son named Giorno Giovanna and had one of my friends investigate him, but he turned out to be a good egg so I left him be (being more Joestar than Brando probably helped out). From what I heard he's a mafia boss now, but a benevolent one. I finished my studies, got married, and had a daughter. But.. well, I guess I wasn't so different from my old man after all. I put too much priority in several missions overseas that I never had time for my family. My daughter, Jolyne, ended up turning into a delinquent and I ultimately estranged from her. She ended up getting framed for robbery and stuck inside a woman's prison. I found out too late that this was a ploy by old enemies and...I don't recall much. I got knocked into a coma somehow thanks to a Stand user, forcing Jolyne to fend for herself. Though luckily, she developed her own Stand to do so and gained several allies of her own. She succeeded in saving me just in time for the showdown with the master mind.What happened next? Can't say, it gets a bit hazy there, I remember gravity going out of order, time suddenly moving forward at an accelerated rate, being chased by someone, oceans and... knives. And then suddenly back to normal. So I suppose we succeeded. Not much I can really question.So there, happy now? My life story. Now get lost.Wait? Tropes?Good grief.All Girls Want Bad Boys: Ugh, I don't know why this is. Girls just seem to fawn all over me, even when I tell them to shut up.Anti-Hero: Yeah, I'm not what you call a bleeding heart and I've done my share of unruly behavior. But even then I still have my morals. You cross a line I don't want you to, let's just say I'll have a very violent rebuttal.Ambiguous Disorder: Apparently, some people have examined my behavior and said I fit criteria for some kind of spectrum. I don't see how it's any of their damned business, but whatever.Ambiguously Gay: I don't really have a type when it comes to woman. But I'm not interested in men much either. I don't have to explain myself and I don't care what conclusion you come to about this either.Badass in Distress: I'm one to admit I'm not invincible. I've been put in positions where they could easily take me out. Hell, I ended up dropping my guard when visiting my daughter in prison and got put into a coma for most of it. Apparently lost my Stand and memories in the process.Badass Longcoat: My usual style consists of these. Most would say it's my most recognizable feature. -Shrug- Whatever.Berserk Button: Three things, annoying girls, stupid antics and cruelty to animals. In this case, DIO doesn't count,too obvious, too easy.Breakout Character: Of my family, I seem to be the most recognizable. I don't know why, there's nothing interesting about me.Catchphrase:Yare yare daze(“Good grief” for you English speakers),which my daughter picked up herself.Character Development: I started out not really like much anyone that wasn't my family (and even then I barely got along with my grandfather). But through my journeys, I eventually came around to caring for my comrades. I held onto these lessons well into my adult years.The Dreaded: I was already something of a terror in high school due to my reputation. Once I got a Stand and took down some of DIO's assassins, the ones ahead saw me as the main threat. Heh, I'm flattered.Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: I may have not been the best son and she may be a bitch, but don't you dare say I didn't love my mother. I think the fact I risked life and limb on a quest halfway across the world to save her is proof of that.Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: If I'm doing this toward you, you're pretty much dead.He's All Grown Up: I start the series out at 17, in my 20s during the whole Morioh fiasco and my late 40s when helping my daughter.How Do I Shot Web?: Once I gained my Stand, I had to go through a lot of trial and error on what it could do. Unlike my compatriots who had special abilities like fire, swordplay or water, my Stand just had heightened senses and super speed. Not exactly something the others we faced didn't already posses. It was only when facing DIO that I found out I could stop time. And that's only after he nearly crushed me with afreaking steam roller!Hidden Depths: Everyone always pegged me as a thug because of my delinquency. They're even more surprised when they find out I took up an interest in Marine Biology. Do people not understand hobbies are a thing?Kiai:ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!Made of Iron: Yeah, I'm a tough bastard. You tend to gain a lot of stamina dealing with punks on a daily basis during high school.Nerves of Steel: I've been in more then enough encounters to know to never let your enemies see you flinch. This didn't change when I become a Stand user, and helped me through a number of encounters.Papa Wolf: Despite not being there for most of her life, I'm not afraid to come to my daughter's aid if she needs me, no matter how much she claim she doesn't either.Perpetual Frowner: I don't like to smile much, alright. Don't bother making a big deal about it.Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: My go-to move with Star Platinum. I just beat the crap of whoever's attacking me till they're nothing but a pile of broken bones.ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!!Signature Headgear: I tend to wear caps with my ensemble as well, some even barring my name. Hmm? How does my hair keep merging with the back end of it? -Shrug- Can't help you there buddy.Showy Invincible Hero: Tch please, I take hits just as well anyone. People tend to think I can come and go into fight unscathed. Hell no, it still hurts like Hell. I nearly lost my hand at one pointto a rat of all things.The Stoic: Suppose you can say that about me. I'm not one to really show my emotions.The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: I wasonce approachedbythis guywho wanted to fight me. I accepted his challengeand lost... and bygetting killed he touched my pressure point early on? Yare yare daze.Tranquil Fury: Like I said, I don't show emotions much, but that doesn't mean I don't get mad. Those that pissed me off have learned that the hard way.Time Stands Still: What my Stand, Star Platinum, gained at the 11th hour against DIO: the ability to stop time. Quite a coincidence we had the same power, but I wasn't complaining. Sure, I can't use it as long as he could since he was a vampire, but it was enough to let me kick his ass.When You Coming Home, Dad?: -Sigh- Yeah, I was a crappy father ironically when my old man wasn't even around for most of my life. I was always on the move dealing with these supernatural messes, but I never made time for my daughter, not even telling her I loved her. I just wanted Jolyne safe, but all I ended up doing was estranging her and turning her into a delinquent worse than I was in my youth. Won't lie, if I had another chance, I'd do it better.There, done. That's all you're getting. You pester me further, I'll show you what my Star Platinum can do up close and personal. Beat it.ORA! ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!!Give me a break. Such a waste of my time.
JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAM?You are now hearing the voice ofKatsuyuki Konishi(Japanese) orKyle Hebert(English)Or, if you somehow know of theADVdub, Brett Weaver.Hey! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! You got guts navigating to my page unannounced. But I like guts, both the word and that one guy from thatreally dark Japanese comic book. You don't need to say anything. I know exactly why you're here. You're here to hear about the undisputed leader of Team Dai-Gurren, the manliest, most tenacious man in the known galaxy and all of the multiverse, THE MIGHTY KAMINA!What's that? Some of you reading this don't know who I am? Well then, dig the wax out of your ears and listen close. The reputation of Team Dai-Gurren goes far and wide. When people talk about its badass leader, the man of indomitable spirit and masculinity, they're talking about me, THE MIGHTY KAMINA!What do you mean I just repeated myself? Hey! Hey! Hey! Just who the hell do you think I am? This is my page and I get to make the rules here see! Now sit back, relax and listen real close as I tell you the story of the greatest hero that EVER LIIIIIIVED!To start, I'm from that one anime. You know the one that created the phraseBeyond the Impossible. What? Not ringing a bell. MUST I SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU? I'm fromTengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! Can't you tell from myBadass Cape, awesome blue hair,awesome sunglassesandkickass sword? You can't! Well then,LOOKS LIKE I BETTER START AT THE BEGINNING!Years ago I ventured onto the surface world with my old man, but back then I was too scared to go where no man has gone before, so my old man sent me back to my home village in Jiha.I spent years trying to convince the village chief that there was a world above the ceiling to the underground village, but he wouldn't believe me. Can you believe that? How could he doubt the mighty Kamina?Well, anyway, after many years and zany schemes trying to break out onto the surface, fate smiled upon me. First, I met this really smoking hot sniper babe,Yoko, let me tell you with melons like that it wasLove at First Sightfor this great epic specimen of manliness. Oh, and I guess a giant robot dropped down and tried to terrorize the village,but that's not nearly as important. I mean, I could've beaten it with just the village chief's sword andmy manly spirit.No, seriously,I totally could have.Unfortunately, I didn't get to show the village, or Simon and Yoko, how manly I am and...what? Who's Simon? Ah, how could I forget to mention Simon, myblood brother!Simon is from Jiha Village, just like me.When his parents died in an earthquake, Simon was left all alone, but thenI came along and took him under my wing, guiding him and mentoring him so that he would one day become a badass pinnacle of manliness just like me,which he definitely did, though it took him a little while. But anyway, enough about Simon for now. This is my page, so right now, we're gonna talk about me!IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE!Anyway, long story short, Simon and Yoko helped me bust out onto the surface world where we were all thrust into battle againstbeastmenand theirGunmen. I totally jacked me one of them and named it Gurren, pairing it off with Simon's tinier Gunman, Lagann.Togetherwe formed the greatest giant fighting robot that ever existed, the Gurren Lagann. Aw, yeah, baby!With ourCombining Mechaand manly spirit,Simon and Iwere unstoppable! Well, at least until around the time we fought some monkey dude. See, as thehuman resistance,led by yours truly, started gaining momentum we took on a giant fortress called Dai Gunzan. Since Simon's Lagann canfuse with other mecha and take control of themI came up with this brilliant plan to have him take control of the enemy's main base. And while the plan worked in the end, during the battle, I sort of... well...died. But luckily, not long after my demise,Simon's manly soul finally awakened, and he took up my mantle and finished what we started!But that's not where my story ends! Death means nothing to this man! A true man never dies, even if he is killed! When Simon and the others were in danger, trapped bysome creepy shadow dude'sweird hypno spell thingy, I was able to briefly return and speak to Simon one last time, allowing him and everyone else to break free from the trap andfinish things once and for all. And while I can't go back to my world, I totally get to chillax wherever I wanna these days. And hey, this internet is a pretty cool place if you ask me. I'm totally going to make a new Team Dai-Gurren. We'll call it TeamShin-Dai-Gurren so you know it's even more awesome than the first. Let's see, maybe I'll send out some invitations to some of those other guys with pages on this website.Hmm, thatbig green dudeseems pretty manly.noteHulk:GRAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! POINTY SHADES MAN WANT TO BE HULK'S FRIEND? POINTY SHADES MAN SMASH THINGS WITH DRILL! HULK HELP HIM SMASH AND BE STRONGEST!!!Oh, hell yeahthat guy with the helmet is a must. You wanna see my moves? Okay, how about this?GIGA DRILL BREAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!noteCaptain Falcon:YESZ! It is the manly team-up of theCaptain Falconeand theLord Kamina, with the combined Super Testosterone Power of theFALCONE...PAWNCH!!!and theGIGA... DRILL... BREAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!will explode the universe! We will be the best manly-man team!You know what, thatguy in the red suitis waving his arms around. Say, what are those bread wrapped meat things you have? Chimichangas you say? Never heard of them. *has one* THIS FOOD! IS THE FOOD! THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!noteDeadpool:Heh, it's not every day that you introduce a random anime dude to the power of love, friendship and chimichangas. Let's go fuck shit up! Watch out, weebs! DP's got a new sidekick in town!You know what? I really do miss Yoko. It won't be the same, but I just founda new redheaded chick with nice honkers. She's got brains AND beauty... ehh, on second thought, she gives me the creeps. And shedresses boring. Best leave her alone.noteMakima:Just as well — you'd be nothing but trouble as one of my Devil Hunters. I have no use for you, simpleton.Let's try a different one.That hardcore chick with the speardoesremind meabitofYokoa bit more.Hers are tiny, but she'll do for now. K-yoko. Heh.noteKyoko:Oi! What the hell are you talkin' about?! I work alone! ...Now piss off, and don't youdarewaste the food you just stole!Oh!That dude with the manly eyepatch and the big sword!Hisflair for the dramaticmeans he'll fit our new badass squad like a glove!noteZeke:Hahahaha! I like that idea, chum! Together with Pandy and Turters, we'll have a jolly good time fighting off rambunctious rapscallions with our stylish moves, epic battle poses and fancy catchphrases! My Eye of Shining Justice is throbbing!Whoa whoa whoa WHOA!!! I never askedyouto come along! Why don't you kindly piss off? Team Shin-Dai-Gurren has no room forfunny-talking,double-crossingsissies like you! And also you smell like worms!noteRouxls Kaard:Feare not! I too, shall Assisteth! ...Prithee! Thoust rejecteth my Helpe when I am yon most Handsometh and Helpfulle Man to ever existeth? Fie! Thoust leaveth me no Choyce but-(*turns to stone*)GOD... DAMN ITThat walking starlooks like the King Kittan. Might as well, I guess.noteThe originalStarwalker:Iwill alsojoin...Yeah, keep me the hell away fromthat scruffy guy in the hat. He looks like he means business, and not of the good kind.noteThe Witchfinder-General (of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay): Halt, voile man, for thou presenteth as a wretched sinner with thy heathen attoire and thy black speech of Devilrei. Repent now, or oi shalt bring thee before the magistrates of the court in which ye dwell, to be troied as a hwitch and put to instant death!And last but certainly not least, we need a tech genius to help tune up our Gunmen, so who better thanthe Queen of Computers herself? Sure she's a bit wacky but that'spreciselythe kind of energy Team Shin-Dai-Gurren needs! And she even has a Gunmen of her own! HellYES!noteQueen:Wow I Am Very Flattered Anime Boy OMG Thank You For The Stimuli But I Am Busy Taking Care Of: My Son (In My New Mansion) And I Am Also Learning How To Be A Good Guy I Appreciate The Thought Though But Must Leave Now (Toodles) (Also GIGA Queen Is Actually Broken But Bye For Realsies Now)Hmm, suppose that'll do for now! Now that I have my new Team Shin-Dai-Gurren, I feel hyped enough to tell you more about me and what makes me as manly as I am. So here you go, troper!THESE TROPES ARE THE TROPES THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!All-Loving Hero: I am an inspiration to others, never show signs of rage when I'm in a fight and everyone missed me terribly when I was gone. Don't worry guys, the great and mighty, Kamina is still kicking. But, uh, you know, anything you could do to break reality to get me back would be appreciated.Back from the Dead:I got killed, got up and avenged my own death before passing on to the next world BECAUSE I'M A MAN!In the second movie of my series, I get reincarnated as the Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, which essentially means you're looking at a man with the power of multiple galaxies right now! Shut up! It totally counts!Badass Boast:"I'm going to tell you something important now, so you better dig the wax out of those huge ears of yours, and listen close! The reputation of Team Gurren echoes far and wide... When they talk about its badass leader. The man of indomitable spirit and masculinity... They're talking aboutme!The Mighty Kamina!"Badass Cape: It was my dad's and now it's mine.Badass Normal: I am just a man and I kick ass and take names.Bash Brothers: Okay, lemme dial back and be a bit serious here. I could never have accomplished much without Simon's hard work and Spiral Energy, but Simon never believed in himself and needed my bravado and encouragement. We were a team, likethose twodudes in underwear.Belligerent Sexual Tension: If there's one thing I'm disappointed in, it's not getting the chance to do anything more than kiss Yoko. Ladies? A little help here?The Berserker: I attack, then I attack, and then I attack some more. It's a great strategy, I don't know why not enough people use it.Beneath the Mask: All right, I was serious once already, let's not go opening up old wounds, that's not what I'm about. But, if you must know, I basically shout a lot to hide the fact that I might be one step away from having my own piss running down my leg. If I act like I know what I'm doing, then my enemy would think the same. Plus, it motivates others, Simon especially.Big Brother Instinct: My relationship with Simon.Big Brother Mentor: Hey! I said dig the wax outta your ears!Big Eater: A man's stomach knows no limit!Big Good: Hell yeah!BFS: I stole one from the village chief and now it's mine.Blood Brothers: What part of dig the wax out of your ears didn't you hear the first time? Do I have to do the whole speech again? Cause I will!Boisterous Bruiser: MY NAME IS KAMINA ANDI AM A MAN!Breakout Character: While Simon's certainlyThe Hero, everyone remembers me.I mean, how could they not, I'm me!Broken Ace: Hey! Hey! Hey! Enough with these serious entries, all right! How am I supposed to be manly and look awesome if you keep bringing up what makes me not so awesome. I mean, yeah, sure, I can't do everything by myself, but come on! Let me at least look the part!Calling Your Attacks: Every attack I have has a name and I don't just call out my attacks I SHOUT THEM!Catchphrase: Let's run 'em down one by one:"Yours is the drill that will pierce the heavens!""JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM?""Kick reason to the curb and goBeyond the Impossible. That's how Team Gurren rolls.""Believe in the me that believes in you."Chick Magnet: Ladies love me. And how could they not love this specimen of masculine sexiness? *curls bicep*The Cloudcuckoolander Was Right: Of course I'm right! How could you doubt that all you need is a little fighting spirit and epic manliness and nothing could stop you? Oi! Oi! Don't go giving me excuses! It works! YOU JUST HAVE TO TRY HARD ENOUGH!Combat Pragmatist: *trying to think* I am?noteUsing a (barely) live animal to distract Viral before attempting to shoot him, surprise attacking with a hidden arrowhead between his knuckles, setting Simon up to attack an enemy from behind, and raining boulders from high ground. The man wasn't shy about attacking from the frontorthe back.Cool Big Bro: That's it! Speech again! Once again, I want you to dig the wax out of your ears and listen up! I am the badass leader of Team Dai-Gurren! I am the mentor to Simon, whose drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens! I am a man who gets things done!I do the impossible, see the invisible! Row! Row! Fight the power!Cool Kid-and-Loser Friendship:Touch the untouchable! Break the unbreakable! Row! Row! Fight the power!Crutch Character: In my digital appearance ofSuper Robot Wars Z2: Hakai-Henmy epically massive stats are crucial to victory early in the game, especially when fighting those annoying-as-hellDimensionalBeasts. Though, because ofwhat happens to me later, you're probably going to want Simon to take the lead every once in a while so that he won't be too far behindevery oneelsewhen I bite the dust and get replaced byforehead boy.Curtains Match the Windows: By the way, the curtains match the carpet. You're welcome to see for yourself ladies.Dead Person Conversation: At the end of the series,I save everyoneby giving them the will to fight back against the goofy looking shadow dude and his dumbhypno spell.Dead Star Walking: Wait, if I died and came back to life, does that mean I'm a zombie now? If it does, then that makes me the most manly zombie in history!Deconstructed Trope: I might appear to be a straight example of being theHot-BloodedAll LovingIdiot Hero, but I'm actually this trope's version of those tropes. Mostly due to the fact as, like I said before, all the shouting is just a coping mechanism and I probably would've been dead a lot sooner if Simon and Yoko weren't keeping me in line.Reconstruction: Ironically, my death was actually caused by me trying to be smart and have a plan whenrushing headlong into actionand winging itproduced better results. Go figure. More importantly, I inspire people to get things done because I can boast and bruise with the rest of 'em. After all,just who the hell do you think I am?Decoy Protagonist: I'd say it sucks to be me because I only got to scream and shout for eight episodes, but life these days does have its perks. I mean, now I can talk to my huge fan club I didn't even know existed before! Let's see forehead boy do that!Delinquents: I'll break any rule I want! That's just how I am!Determinator: Death doesn't stop this man! I gotrun through the chestby some weird ape dude and then turned around and delivered anepic speechthat made all of my previous speeches cry in a corner out of shame for not being nearly as awesome and then I still stuck around long enough to invent the Gurren Lagann'sSignature Moveand thenI came back seven years later to knock some sense into everyone to have them fight that weird shadow thing trying to wreck the universe. BECAUSE I'M AWESOME!Deuteragonist: I shared the spotlight equally with Simon until my "death".Disappeared Dad: My dad went into the surface without me and never came back. I spent years trying to follow in his footsteps. Found his grave shortly after coming to the surface.Like father, like son, eh, old man?Dying Moment of Awesome: Giga... DORIRU...BREAKAH!!Dynamic Entry:JUST-WHO-THE-HELL-DO-YOU-THINK-I-AM-KIIIIIIICK!!!AddBig Brother Instinct:HANDS-OFF-MY-BELOVED-LITTLE-BROTHER-PUUUUUUUNCH!!!Expy: As much as I am loathed to admit it, anyone whose seen that oldanimewill see more than a passing resemblance to that one big sister chick. Moving on...The Face: I am the man that ties everyone together in a big thick, juicy hamburger with extra bacon and cheese! My ideals are the onions and tomatoes that give flavor to revolution! I am the secret sauce that foils villainous plots and...oh wow, I'm hungry.Fake Ultimate Hero: FAKE??! HOW DARE YOU! Just who the hell do you think I am? Okay, sure Simon'sThe Hero, but...but I'm the flagship of the whole show!You cannot deny my awesomeness!Famed in Story: My death just made me more awesome, like that onewizard dude when his robe went from gray to white. Except, you know, I didn't get superpowers. THIS MUST BE REMEDIED!Fearless Fool: HELL YEAH! Bring on any danger! I ain't afraid of no man or beast! Why? Because I'm Kamina!Final Speech: Remember what I said earlier about delivering a speech that was so epic it made all my other speeches cry in shame? Yeah, that was this.Fountain of Memes: Everything you quote and love aboutmy showoriginated from my words and deeds.Friend to All Children: Well, duh. Kids love me cause I'm awesome and there ain't no way I'm not going to teach them how to be exactly like me.Genius Ditz: Pfft, who says you need brains to be smart? I don't.Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Whenever Simon can't pick himself up by the short hairs on his own, I can get the job done with my fist.A Good Way to Die: Let's see, avenging myself, inventing aSignature Movein the process, and leaving my legacy in the hands of the only person I trust? I'd say mission accomplished...well, I mean, if Ineededto die anyway. I'd love to still have never died in the first place. I ended upmissing out on thereallygood parts!.The Gwen Stacy: HEY! I AM A MAN! Call me the Gary Stan or something MANLY! Wait! I know!Randy Savage! ...wait, why are you holding pitch forks? What did I say?Handsome Lech: You know, up until now I figured I'd do my damndest to crawl back to Yoko, buthot damn how many types of hot babes exist on the internet!The Hero: But of course, JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AAAAAAAAM?The Hero Dies: Death is for lesser men! I mean...yeah, sure I kind of never showed up in the show again after episode 8. Quiet! You're cramping my style!Heroes Prefer Swords: My sword. Shut up, it is mine! I stole it fair and square.Heroes Want Redheads: Well, yeah, if we're talkingmy showI only had an interest in Yoko, but*wolf whistles*look at all these fine babes. Hey, isthat one single?Hidden Depths: Like I said before, I act tough to make it seem like I'm not scared and to make my enemies think I know what I know what I'm doing at all times. I live my life doing what I want when I want because that's how a real man lives!Hope Bringer: Because I'm awesome like that.Hot-Blooded: Life's not any fun if you're not living each moment to its absolute extreme.Hunk: All yours if you want ladies, ain't no woman currently tying this man down.Idiot Hero: What I lack in brains I make up for inFIGHTING SPIRIT!Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: I get skewered like a piece of meat on a grill by some damn dirty ape and his gunman.Didn't stop me from getting up andavenging my own death.Hey ladies, wanna see the scar?Indy Ploy: With one notable exception, which is what got me killed ironically.Insistent Terminology: Call me "aniki" or "bro". I won't accept anything less! Or rather, nothing more formal than that. FORMALITIES ARE FOR CHUMPS!Inspirational Martyr: I die as my team was attempting to capture the Dai-Gunzan. However, because my death caused them all to lose their spines, I had to tell death to hold up a sec and got up again long enough to inspire my team to continue fighting. And after my death, everyone just tried to live up to my standards and how awesome I was.In the Name of the Moon: The mighty Kamina always has a speech prepared.Jerk with a Heart of Gold: I have the noblest of intentions, not my fault all those whiny adults have to cover their ears when I deliver one of my awesome speeches and also, I'malwaysright.Juggling Loaded Guns: All right, I'll admit. I don't know how to use a gun.Gimme a sword any day.Jumped at the Call: I'm up for anything you can throw at me. Write me into whatever fanfiction you want. Er...just make sure I get a hot chick to bang, all right? And don't kill me again! Dying hurts, you know!Large and in Charge: I am the leader and I am the most intimidating to my enemies. FOR TEAM DAI-GURREN!Large Ham: I actually tried to legally change my name to Khamina, but it didn't stick. It also confused the kids.Can't have that.The Leader: Of Team Dai-Gurren, baby!Leeroy Jenkins: Who needs plans when you have enough manliness pointed in a general direction?Lantern Jaw of Justice: Well I mean I fight for justice and all, but what do lanterns have to do with it?Magnetic Hero: What? Someone else set up Team Dai-Gurren and I motivated them? LIES! I am TEAM DAI-GURREN! BOTH IN BODY AND IN SPIRIT!Manic Pixie Dream Guy: Hey! I didn't like the Gwen Stacy thing and I don't appreciate it here! Stop associating me with girly stuff! I AM A MAN! But, gender aside, I guess I do fit a textbook case with regards to Simon.Manly Tears: The only way a man should cry.The McCoy: Between Yoko and Simon, I rely mostly on my intuition and guts.Meaningful Name: "Kami" means "god". My dad named me right and proper. I mean what else do you call a guy that can break reality after he dies to serve up some epic manliness and save his friends?Mentor Occupational Hazard: Uh....oops, I guess? I don't know what to say here. It's not like I wanted to die.Messianic Archetype: Bow down to the mighty Kamina for I am AWESOME!Mr. Fanservice: Rippling muscles, shirtless at all times, outrageously handsome, what's not to love? All the fangirls love me.Mutual Kill: Like I said, got killed, got up and kicked the ass of the dumb monkeywhat ran me through.No Indoor Voice: INDOOR VOICES ARE FOR LOSERS!Normally, I Would Be Dead Now: But when you defy reality like it's breathing air, it don't matter none.Not Too Dead to Save the Day: Unlike repeating myself about being Simon's mentor, I am never going to get tired of repeating how I beat up that ape dude to avengemy own death.Obi-Wan Moment:"Listen Simon, never forget. Just believe in yourself. Not in the Simon that I believe in... Not in the Kamina that you believe in... Have faith in the Simon, who believes in you..."The Other Marty: I'll letcha in on a little secret: if...ADV, I believe it was called? Anyway, Brett Weaver originally voiced me, andGET A LISTEN TO THE MANLINESS IN THIS CLIP!Then history took the show away from the company, and now I'm voiced by none other than the one, the only,Kyle Hebert. What? Do I hear complaining about voices? Well, lemme tell ya somethin': I'M ALWAYS MANLY NO MATTER WHO VOICES ME!!!Posthumous Character: My death lingers overmy showlike a fiercely roasting barbecue, inspiring others and making sure they never give up.Post-Victory Collapse: Well, what else does a man who just avenged his own death do? Iearnedthat rest.Rated M for Manly: I've been saying this the whole time and you're just addressing it now. What? Alphabetical order? THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRST!Red Oni, Blue Oni: I am the red hot flame to Simon's clear blue sky. I'm loud, in your face, unrelenting and reckless. Simon, least till he grew some balls, was meek, shy and helpless. Pfft, okay, couldn't finish that part with a straight face. Simon was always better than me HE JUST DIDN'T KNOW IT YET!Rousing Speech: My speeches are AMAZING! Way more amazing than thatstring beanwith the purple eyes. My speeches are better BECAUSE THEY'RE LOUDER!Sacrificial Lion: I am sacrifice HEAR ME ROAR!Sarashi: This is the only upper body clothing I ever wear. I'll take it off if you'd like, ladies.Smarter Than You Look: Oh please, stop with the compliments, you're embarrassing me.Spared by the Adaptation: In theHigh School AUmanga.Stealth Mentor: Most of my more reckless moments are my attempts to get Simon to imitate me in his own special way.Stepford Smiler: I can smile confidently because I know I've got mybadass crewand Simonbacking me up.Supporting Leader: I tried to make Simon the head honcho, but no one saw what I saw. ONCE AGAIN THE MIGHTY KAMINA IS PROVEN RIGHT!Take a Moment to Catch Your Death: I have just enough time to climb back into Gurren's pilot seat afterpunching Simon in the facebefore I get attacked.Take Up My Sword: I made sure that if I was going down, Simon would fight enough for the both of us.Taking You with Me: Nobody surprise attacks this man and gets away with it. HOO-RAH!Testosterone Poisoning: I think this should be renamed Kamina Poisoning BECAUSE I SHOULD BE THE STANDARD FOR ALL MANLINESS IN THE UNIVERSE!This Is a Drill: This is usually Simon's territory, but I get to do this one time when I invent the Gurren Lagann's signature move. Say it with me this time. Giga... DORIRU...BREAKAH!!Too Dumb to Live: HEY! I diedbecause I was trying to be smartand I'm notnearly as dumb as you might think.Took a Level in Badass: Because even the best badasses can getbadassier.Tragic Hero: It's not all bad though, I got a city named after me.Tragic Keepsake: My dad's cape is mine and my friends used my sword to mark my grave.Transformation Name Announcement: If I don't announce myself how will people know how utterly screwed they're about to be because they're facing me down?Triangle Shades: I'm what you'd call theTrope Codifierof this in anime. No idea what that means, but it sounds awesome.Übermensch: Eat your heart outguy with the funny looking mustache.The Unchosen One: I'm not the man to bethehero, though I'll be a hero to anyone that needs help. But I've got a good eye for real heroes. I wasn't wrong with Simon and I won't be wrong any other time in history.The Unfettered: Nothing fazes me! I'M INVINCIBLE! IF I WASN'T HOW WOULD I BE STANDING HERE??!Unspoken Plan Guarantee: Like I said before, when I'm not detail orien...ori...oris...whenI'm not organized, my PLANS ARE INGENIOUS!Walking Shirtless Scene: My epic manliness is plastered on this trope's page."Well Done, Son" Guy: As a child, I was too scared to go to the surface with my dad. My regret led me to be the man I am today.Well, it looks like that's all I've got. Remember troper, if you can't believe in yourself, believe in the Kamina that believes in you. Just who the helldo you think you are?Shut up,I'm not crying!Your life is worth more thanwandering aimlessly about this website for the rest of your life. Now go on out of there and make something of yourself! The GREAT KAMINA DEMANDS IT!
Myself, as depicted inKen's Rage.(Best read in the voice ofAkira Kamiya. Channel the spirit of the64th master of Hokuto Shinkenthrough the following —Takehito Koyasu,Kunihiro Kawamoto, Hiroshi Abe,Hideo Ishikawa,Katsuyuki Konishi,Takaya Kurodaif you're speaking Japanese. For anyone speaking English, then it'sLex Lang, John Vickery, Robert Kraft,Kaiji Tang, andRobbie Daymond)(A giant Mook charges at Kenshiro. Take a wild guess as to what happens next.)ATATATATATATATATATATATATATA... OWATTA!!(The Mook is flattened by theHokuto Hykaretsuken - the Hundred Crack Fist. He gets back up, but...)Sono otoko wa mō shindeiru(He is already dead).Mook:...Nani?!HIDEBU!!(The Mook's body begins to twist and deform. Soon, splat!)Some people never learn. Are you okay, troper? Not harmed? Good. I tend to wander a lot in the wasteland. I'm never in one place for very long. It's fortunate you found me. Risky, but it's about time that I told you my story.I was created in the year 1983 by Tetsuo Hara and Yoshiyuki Okamura "Buronson"; having drawn inspiration fromMax Rockatansky(a character played by American actorMel Gibson),Bruce Lee(the Chinese martial artist of Jeet Kune Do fame), and Yūsaku Matsuda (a Japanese actor whose specialty was detectives). A single look at me, and the inspirations in question are more than obvious.My name is Kenshiro. Sixty-fourth successor to the assassin's style of Hokuto Shinken. Translated, it usually means 'Divine Fist of the North Star.' Just how dangerous is Hokuto Shinken, you ask? We attack by striking the opponent'skeiraku hiko, their pressure points.A single tapcan easily kill a person, as you have already witnessed.I was named afterKenshiro Kasumi, Ryuken's half-brother and the 62th successor to Hokuto Shinken. He is quite infamous in the Shanghai underworld asYánwáng, the King of Hell.I, along with Toki and Raoh came from the Land of Shura. We were later adopted by Ryuken (born Ramon Kasumi), and along with a fourth adopted brother named Jagi, began to train under Ryuken for the chance to become the sixty-fifth successor to Hokuto Shinken.During this time, I would also become engaged to my childhood sweetheart, Yuria. I spent my time training with Ryuken and my brothers and spending time with Yuria.Then, Ryuken named me as successor. Me, the youngest of the brothers. Toki was a foregone conclusion, but he told me that he was ill, thus it fell onto me.It could not happen at a worse time.In the year 199X, the world was bathed in nuclear fire. Raoh sought refuge in a bomb shelter on the training grounds. Toki sacrificed his place inside a bomb shelter for Yuria and myself. And somehow, Jagi survived.When we emerged from the shelter, the world we once knew was now gone. The strong preyed upon the weak. Warlords rose to fight for what remained of clean food and water. The flame of life was sputtering. Once it went out, then it could not be reignited.Jagi challenged me for the title of successor, believing that no younger sibling should outdo the elder. Looking back on it now, I shouldn't have shown him mercy. It would've save me plenty of grief down the line.Jagi turned a longtime friend, Shin, against me and kidnapped Yuria. These seven scars you see on my chest? That's Shin's handiwork, hence one of my many nicknames, 'The Man With The Seven Scars.'Thus, began my quest to get Yuria back.In my quest did revenge, I began to being hope back to the wasteland. Not even Jagi's attempts to stain my name couldn't stop my rise as a hero of the Wasteland. Only after my encounter with Shin, did I learn the truth from Jagi as to why Shin rose against me.Hewas the one who drove Shin to madness. My mercy can only go so far.Many warlords and bandits have fallen to my fists. Souther. The Fang King. The Golan Colonel. I would even challenge Toki, who complimented me on my growth. I made friends, even lost some good ones in my journey. But there was one more opponent that I had to face, my greatest challenge yet: our brother, Raoh.Our battle took place at the Hokuto training grounds. He gave me the fight of my life. But in the end, I was the victor. He even extended Yuria's life for several more years so we could live in peace.Then, he returned to Heaven, and reunited with Toki.A decade would pass. During this time, Yuria would pass away, and I would reunite with Bat and Lin, two children whom I knew in the past, now leading an army against the Celestial Emperor.My journey would eventually lead me back home, to the Land of Shura. Here, I would discover several revelations regarding my past. The first was that I had an actual brother names Hyoh, and that we both are descended from the main Hokuto bloodline.I would then face off against Kaioh, Raoh's elder brother in combat. Hokuto Shinken versus Hokuto Ryuken. While the latter is deadlier, the former is the more superior style. And I proved it by defeating Kaioh.My exploits are not just confined to only manga and anime.I also graced the fighting tournament scene with my presence. Not the first time, mind you, but that was the most prominent.My exploits was also retold in video game form, even visitingthe city of Eden in search for Yuria.Want to know why Hokuto Shinken is the ultimate style? I'll show you, troper.100% Heroism Rating: My exploits in the wasteland have earned both praise and respect, as I fight to protect the weak.All-Loving Hero: It's true that while I show compassion to even some of my enemies, I am not beyond ending themshould they are beyond redemption.And the Adventure Continues: Even now, I protect the innocent in any way I can.Badass in Distress: If I end up fighting someone the likes of Souther for example, I would lose the first round and end up having to be rescued. Sadly, when people rescue me, some of them die.Bad Powers, Good People: Hokuto Shinken is indeed an assassin's art, my personality is anything but.I am kind and compassionate to those who know me. If you're a villain...say your prayers.Bare-Fisted Monk: I prefer to fight barehanded. But I can use melee weapons if needed, preferring a pair of nunchucks.Bash Brothers: Once I cleared things up with Rei in regards to Jagi kidnapping his sister and not me, we made quite the formidable team.Battle Strip: Whenever I use theTenryū Kokyū Hō(Art of Dragon's Breathing), it destroys my jacket and shirt.Berserk Button:Like to torture and kill those weaker than you? Expect a housecall from me.Exploit and abuse childrenand women? You're condemned to die in more ways than one.Pretend to know anything of Hokuto Shinken? I shall show youtrueHokuto Shinken.Big Brother Worship: I always admired Raoh, untilhe became a warlord. I admitted as such to my brother in our final fight. I still feel this way for Toki, of course.Big Good: Of course.Black Comedy: You thoughtDeadpoolwas bad? You should see what I do to bandits who try and kill me.Boss Subtitles: One of my many titles isThe Savior Of The Post-Apocalyptic World.Bruce Lee Clone/No Celebrities Were Harmed:Kind of stating the obvious, troper.Bruiser with a Soft Center: What drew Yuria to me wasmy gentle heart and the will to help others.Bullying a Dragon: You think that by now that bandits and thugs would stop and rethink about their lot in life instead ofmaking me angry.Cain and Abel: Jagi is the Cain to my Abel.My actual blood brother Hyou was also the Cain to my Abel when he was driven mad by Hokuto Ryuken.Catchphrase: Be it in either English or Japanese, my favorite quote consists offour simple words:Omae wa mō shindeiru(You Are Already Dead)Charles Atlas Superpower: I had to train my ass off in order to get to where I am at. Toki, on the other hand was the prodigy and a shoe-in for the title of successor before his illness forced him out of the running.Cool Horse: Kokuoh, Raoh's elephant-sized stallion, of which I accquired after his passing.Cool Uncle: Ryu certainly thought so.Crazy-Prepared:Hokuto Shinken has techniques for just about any given situation. Case in point:Tenryū Kokyū Hō(Art of Dragon's Breathing): A normal human can only use up to 30 percent of his/her body's potential.This technique allows me to draw upon the remaining 70 percent.Hyakuretsu Ken(Hundred Crack Fist): My signature technique, in which I strike all 708 pressure points. The more destructive version is known as theSenjukai Ken(Thousand Hand Destruction Fist)Nishi Shinkū Ha(Two Finger Air Snatch): Did you fire an arrow or throw a knife at me? I'll catch it in between my index and middle finger and kindly return it, point-first.Zankai Ken(Remorse Fist): I strike the pressure point "Tōi", which leaves my victims (like Spade) with only 3 seconds (or 7 in the Anime) to live after I set them free.Use that short time window to think about your sins before your whole body is split in half vertically and explodes!Jū Hazan(Soft Breaking Slash): With a flurry of kicks, I movedMr. Heart's fat away in order to give him a deadly punch that caused him toburst like a balloon. YourKevlardisno good for defending against Hokuto Shinken!Jūji Zan(Cross Slash): This is the technique I used to defeatShin; but in fact,he died by commiting suicide.Despite our rivalry,I buried him honorably because he loved the same woman I did (Yuria).Zankai Sekiho Ken(Burden of Regret Walk Fist): By striking the point known as Shitsugen, the person affected will walk backwards, unable to stop. Very dangerous if you're near a cliff... or in Amiba's case, the edge of a high-rise -he fell to his death!TenhaKassatsu(Heaven Breaking Impalement): It was how I was able to not only counter Souther's Tenshō Jūji Hō (Heaven-Soaring Cross Phoenix), but it was also how I discovered Souther's inverted pressure points.UjōMōshō Ha(Fierce Flying Smash): With this technique, I defeated Souther; but although he died painlessly,his pyramid was destroyed under the weight of Shu's grieving spirit.Even if you have dextrocardia,that doesn't make me vulnerable to an untimely death!Seiei Kō(Sobering Sharp Hole): By tapping the pressure point Ryugan, it makes the person's body feel like a bundle of raw nerves, causing pain at the slightest touch.Musō Tensei(Enlightened Transmigration): This is Hokuto Shinken's ultimate technique, unlocked only by embracing true sorrow. It allows me to be immune to attacks and to use the techniques of past opponents.Deadpan Snarker: Pretty much my default expression.Death Glare: Statistically speaking, if a mook finds himself being stared down by me, his last wordsbefore dying is eitherNani?orHIDEBU!Determinator: Nothing will stop me from doing what's right.Does Not Like Guns: Firearms...so uncivilized. I prefer either a melee weapon or my bare hands.The Dreaded: Only to those who prey upon the weak. My name alone can make a bad guy rethink challenging me.Emotional Bruiser: Manly? Yes. Sensitive? Also, yes.The Fettered: When it comes to my morals and my beliefs, I will not budge. There is no compromise when it comes to that.Fingerpoke Of Doom: The whole aspect of Hokuto Shinken. A simple tap to a single pressure point will end you, troper. For example, should I tap the hidden point known as Gakuchū, your head would cave in and explode.Fountain of Expies: It appears I have inspired a group of imitators. FromJohnathan Joestar and his direct and indirect descendantstoa hunter of rare foodstoa wrongfully imprisoned man battling his way through a world even more hellish than mine is.There's even a doctor that has my appearance, though he's more closer to my brother Toki in terms of healing people.Friend to All Children: As an orphan before Ryuken took me in, I have a soft spot for children.Harming a childis a very quick wayto make me feel disrespected.Friend to All Living Things: I refuse to harm animals. Granted that the exception I made was that pack of wolves, but in my defense, I was left half-dead by Shin.Genius Bruiser: Ryuken was a firm believer that training the mind was just as important as training the body. I am quite knowledgeable in mythology and religion.Genre Savvy: Seriously?Feigning surrender,playing deadorbegging for mercynever works on me. It only makes villains' deaths bloodier and more gruesome!Glowing Eyes of Doom: If my eyes arean evil shade of crimson, then too bad. You just disrespected me.Good Is Not Soft: The innocent, weak and kind hearted deserve care and kindness. I will show as much as I can. But to those who relish in evil, I shall show no mercy.The Greatest Style: Let me say it again: Hokuto Shinken is invincible!Healing Hands: Hokuto Shinken can heal as well as harm. Although Toki was much better at the former than I ever was. Either way,I can cure various ailments, including muteness and blindness.The Hero: I do what I do not for recognition or for honor. The wasteland is a brutal and unforgiving place.People need something to believe in.Heroic BSoD: Yuria. Even now, I still miss her. We spent several years in peace until death took her.For a time, I was severely depressed following her death.Heroic Build:The first of the Shonen heroeswith a physique that could rival even a career bodybuilder.Hero with Bad Publicity: Both Boss Fang and Jagi are guilty of this trope, moreso with Jagi. That stopped once I dealt with Jagi once and for all.Hitman with a Heart: Hokuto Shinken is an assassin's art, but I am no assassin.Honor Before Reason: Sometimes, it gets me into trouble when I spare someone's life who just moments ago was trying to kill me. They won't get a second chance if they squander my generosity.Hurting Hero: Lesser men would have broken should they went through what I have went through. But that doesn't stop me in the least.I Have Many Names:The Man With The Seven Scars,The Savior Of Century's End, andThe Savior Of The Post-Apocalyptic World. Take your pick.Identical Grandson: Well, try Identical Nephew to my uncle, Kenshiro Kasumi, the 62nd successor to Hokuto Shinken. Rumor has it that I am his reincarnation, if they are indeed valid.Implacable Man: Are you running away from me? I'll find you. Did you drop a high-rise on me? I'll shrug it off. Did you leave me half-dead?Then you don't deserve to live any longer!In-Series Nickname: My friends usually call me Ken.Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Nothing will stop me from doing what is right.It Never Gets Any Easier: With every bandit and warlord I kill, it really doesn't get any easier. I bear that sadness as a burden. It keeps me focused.Lightning Bruiser: While not the fastest per se, my strength makes up for my lack of speed.Manly Tears: There is no shame in crying.Made of Iron: Those seven scars on my chest? Courtesy of Shinsticking his finger in my chest. Melee weapons to the face? Giant stone pillar? The occasional sucker punch?Might be a bit of bleeding, but I will be slightly annoyed.Nice Guy: I'm pretty affable to be around... as long as you're one of the good guys.Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: I spared Jagi in our first encounter, which led him to being the catalyst of all of my problems along with several others. On the second fight, I held no such compunctions.Through some cruel, sick, diabolical twist of fate, I sent Amiiba to an unsuspecting new world rather than the Hell he so justly deserves. I can only hope the inhabitants there see his true nature.Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Want to know how I ended up in the race for the successor? Raoh taught me Kung Fu, which led me in joining the race.One-Man Army: So you brought an army to face me? Honestly, you should have brought more men.Power Copying: Thanks toSueishin, I can learn another's techniques just byfighting or observing them.I used Nanto Seiken techniques against Shew and Toki's and Rei's techniques against Raoh.Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: Before the ass-kicking ensues, I deliver these to my enemies.Rejected Apology: Most of the time, I tend toleave my enemies behind to die whenever they cry for forgiveness.Right Makes Might: My skills in Hokuto Shinken is only matched bymy desire to do what is rightand tonever give up.Shipper on Deck: Bat and Lin make a nice couple. Its one of the reasons why I pushed the both of them together.Single-Target Sexuality: I had my choice of women. But Yuria is the only woman that I truly loved.Sleeves Are for Wimps: What good are sleeves for in the wasteland? I prefer to go sleeveless.The Stoic: I look serious, but not most of the time. If I'm furious, then you'd probably wish I was stoic.Think Nothing of It: Why do I do what I do without demanding anything in return, aside from food and eater should I truly need it? It's the right thing to do.Took a Level in Badass: After my loss to Shin, I spent the better part of the year training so that a repeat would not happen again when I challenged him yet again.Tragic Hero: One of the reasons why I never settled down following Yuria's death is because I lose the people I care about. Wherever the master of Hokuto Shinken treads, death usually follows.Trash Talk: Most of the time, I'm pretty deadpan in my delivery, but the trope still qualifies.The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: I oncecame acrossthis duo ofJotaro and his grandfather, Joseph Joestar.Needlessly, I gave Jotaro a time-delayed death and left his grandfather to grieve over his broken body.Unexpected Successor: I beat out my other brothers to become the 64th successor to Hokuto Shinken.Unstoppable Rage:Dont. Make. Me. Mad.Seriously, don't.When He Smiles: Mostly whenever children are around. Despite everything that has happened with the world, children are still innocent.Wide-Eyed Idealist: It is surprising that I am not like the warlords and banditsout in the wasteland, where survivial of the fittest is the law of the land.
"Witches eat weak humans. And in turn, we eat those witches. It's the basic rule of this world."(This page is best read inAi Nonaka's orLauren Landa's voice.)*munch* *munch*Hmm? Who the hell are you?Piss off!...What? You're here to ask me aboutme? Hmph! Why the hell should I tell you about things I don't want you to hear?*crack**munch*So you're a fan ofthat Madoka showthat I'm from starrin' that rookie Sayaka's pinkheaded friend? Wait, you're watching that show forHomuraand not forME?! Well, I do respect her, but I don't get why you're findin' her more cool and badass than yours truly. After all,I'mthe only one who does things right in this world when it comes to being a magical girl.*crunch crunch*Huh? What's this? I actually have FANS? Fans who actually love me forbeingwhoIam?Andwhat Iend updoing eventually?*stops eating for a second*...Okay, if you really want to hear about me, I'll tell you, but make it quick. I'm a veteran magical girl, but I don't do what I do to help others. The only way I do things is to help myself. Like when I told that rookie Sayaka that it's best to let a familiar eat a few more humans to become a witch so you can get a Grief Seed from slaying it. And I do have a good reason for this, but I don't feel like telling you right now. And don't you ask! Or if you reallydocare about me enough to find out, then you'd read the rest of the page and highlight all the spoilers. But don't do it until you've finished watching the show!Or I WILL kill you.My weapon is a halberd that can separate into chained-together segments. Best thing for slaying witches with, since it's got range and flexibility too, and doubles as achain-rope-thingthat I can trap things with.*snarf*So there's my past, but I already told you what I think of tellin' you that. If you're nice enough to me, I'll letcha read on. Anyway, I made a contract with Kyubey to become a magical girl. (You'll find out why). I go around town slaying witchesjust because I can, mostly to collect their Grief Seeds. Then one day, some rookie magical girl Sayaka started infringin' onmyterritory (which I inherited frommy old friendMami), and everything changed from there. (Again.) So I meet Sayaka and her pinkheaded friend and fight them to the death, until I actuallydokill her, somehow. And then Kyubey reveals the truth -magical girls are justzombies, basically. So,as a zombie, I try to make the most of my life, once again.I start helping Homura and the others, helping to plan an attack onWalpurgisnachtand stuff. Then I watch poor Sayaka break down, until finally, she becomeseven more of a wreck than I wasand turns into a witch. I have no choice then but to protect Homura and pinkhead (who I now befriend and know as Madoka), and sacrifice myself to go down with Sayaka.But I'mBack from the Deadafter Madoka saves the day by wishing all witches out of existence, fightin' wraiths like nobody's business alongside Homura and Mami.InPuella Magi Madoka Magica The Movie: Rebellion, I'm back. And I go to school or somethin'.It's because I become trapped in some dream world that Homura thought up where we sappily fight as the "Puella Magi Holy Quintet" or some shit like that like some moeshitSailor Moonshow. Here, IthinkI'm livin' a normal happy life, but it turns out that we're trapped in Homura's witch labyrinth and Mami and I got brainwashed, something (to my credit) I helped her to find out. On the plus side, I'm livin' with Sayaka...Not that I enjoy it or anything!There's alsothat spinoff manga where I don't appear much, but you don't really care about that, do you? What youdocare about isthat other spinoffwith my apprentice, Yuma Chitose. Mami and I appear a lot more in that one, and I get to show my softer side and take in Yuma as her guardian, just like I did with my sister before that nasty shit happened. And there'sthat ''other'' spinoff, where yours truly gets to have another chance withmy old sempai Mami. It doesn't end well.*munch*So what are you here for, huh? The tropes? Okay, here they are. The page is still a work in progress, so you can add your own, but make sure they don't say anything bad about me!Except if they're about things I want to leave behind....*hands you an apple*Want one?And oh yeah, don't youdareconfuse me withthat German girlwho thinks she's so much better than me with her giant robot and crap!You say that I remind a lot of people about her?Who the hell cares?! *munch*Here are my tropes, dumbass:A Day in the Limelight: The first few chapters ofOriko Magicagive me ahugechance to show off my badasseryand my kindness towards kids.Another one about me is that drama CD and itsmanga. It's got Mami in it too.Anti-Hero:So afterI started to change my waysafter Kyubey's ugly truth instilled a smidge of sympathy in me for Sayaka, I became more of aKnight in Sour Armor. I tried to help her out - she shoulda listened to me and followed my selfish way of life - since otherwise she'd just have ended up hurting others, whichiswhat happened.Ax-Crazy: Initially, somewhat. Itismore fun to be that way.Back from the Dead:In theGrand Finale. Sayaka's pinkheaded friend Madoka revived me with her wish since I died fighting a witch.Badass Adorable: Badass, check. Adorable, check. You can probably say that about any of the other Puella Magi, but I embody the best of both.*crunch*Badass Decay: Apparently, according to theRebellionmovie,based on my ideals, I become an ordinary schoolgirl in Homura's dream world who goes to school happily. I just fight with the team as a supportin' member, with none of the badass qualities that made me awesomely twisted or sympathetic in the first place. Though this should be a good thing, it makes me less fearsome and competent than Sayaka, and I'm pretty much reduced to her sidekick... butthe perks of livin' together with her are great!And I bet a lot of you guys (and girls)wanted to see me in that school uniform too, you naughty people.Bash Sisters: I fight this way with Sayaka inRebellion,and even get her witch form to use a giant version of my spear. Though I don't get ta go berserk on everything, it still isawesome.Berserk Button: Don't ever waste food in my presence or IWILLkill you.Better to Die than Be Killed:After finding out the wholeAwful Truthand unable to save Witch!Sayaka, I basically had two choices: To destroy her Soul Gem in a final attack to put Sayaka out of her misery and die together, or win the fight the usual way and still become a Witch sooner or later and be killed by a Mahou Shoujo and die alone. I wanted to atone for my past, so guess which one I picked? I said I wanted toatone, you moron.Big Damn Heroes: I do this a lot, but don't take it personally. What pisses me off is when other people do this tome, like whenHomura saved Sayaka from me. But then I saved Sayaka from Elsa Maria, and againfrom a very pissed-off Homura. And then I top it off by protecting Madoka and Homura's escape from Witch!Sayaka... By goin' out with a bang.So give me some credit here.Big Eater: Hey, you'd have a huge thing for devouring any food too if yougrew up impoverished with little to eat! I just appreciate food more than others.Blood Knight: I've already got enough grief seeds on hand to last a freakin' lifetime. But I like fighting, and I'm damn good at it, so nowadays I pretty much just kill witches for the fun.Calling Your Attacks: I don't do this in the anime, butin the third drama CD,Mami insists on callin' myDoppelgänger Attack"Rossa Fantasma" - literally "Red Phantom".I actuallydosay it once during battle, but find it freakin' hilarious since I really can't take it seriously. Did it again during 'Rebellion' when we were all fighting the Nightmare: 'chain barrier' or some shit like that?Catchphrase: If ya didn't get the hint, I often ask people "You want some?" ("Kuu kai?"in Japanese) when offering 'em some of my food. Give it back if you don't want it, I can take 'no' for an answer, but don't youDAREfucking waste it.Chekhov's Gunman: So I appear in the title and credits sequences before actually appearing in the series. Probably because the nice guys who write my story would be too ashamed to put me in the series when it's pretendin' to be all sunshine and rainbows.I might be the magical girl that Kyubey and Mami talk about in Episode 3, who made a wish for someone else.This is all but confirmed in thethird drama CD.Cluster F-Bomb/Obligatory Swearing: Fuck yes. At least in some translations.Curb-Stomp Battle: I showed Sayaka how much of a newbie she was by thrashing her sorry ass with my superior skills and power in our first encounter! Hell of a lot of fight in her, though...little moron just wouldn't stay down.Cute Little Fangs: Ya they're cute! Look at 'em!Cynicism Catalyst:I made a shortsighted wish to bring followers to my father's congregation. When he realized what was going on, he killed the rest of the family. After this, I... I couldn't... so I decided not to help others again. From then on, I'd work for myself and only myself.Dark Action Girl: Well, fuckingduh. Y'think I'm just some boring, goody-goodyAction Girlwannabe like that Sayaka rookie?Alright, I get a little less dark later, but...Dark and Troubled Past: Let me explain.My father was a priest, but they excommunicated him for "heresy" and my family fell in poverty as he couldn't support us anymore. So I used my wish to get more followers for him...but when he found out it was just magic and not his ideas and words, he went crazy and killed himself and the entire family, leaving me as the only survivor...Darker and Edgier: Than the other main characters. Which makes mecoolerby default.Death Equals Redemption: I finally decided tochange my ways(slowly), first after realizing thatMagical Girlsare just zombies, and that I might as well be doin' something toremedythis situation, even a little. Finally, I made aHeroic Sacrificeto put the bewitched Sayakaout of her misery. I even get my finalmoment of clarity, where I realize thatI've always been wanting to protect someone.Depower/Doppelgänger Attack: I used to be able to createillusory copies of myself, kinda like that stupidNarutokid, but I lost this powerwhen my family died. It's all inthe third drama CD.Despair Event Horizon:After becoming the sole survivor of aPater Familicidecommitted by my father. But after Kyubey lets slip theAwful Truth, I get more and more of my humanity back, subverting this.However, in the PSP game, if you're Homura, you'd better not defeat Oktavia before I can save what's left of Sayaka, or you might damn me to becoming a witch myself - a witch called Ophelia.Died Happily Ever After:It was going to be eventual fate, following Madoka's wish. Like Mami, it wasn't supposed to happen until after Homura reunited with Madoka in Heaven...but then Homuragot her own ideas.Now I don't know what will happen.Dying Curse:In the PSP game, if you're Homura and you dare kill that idiot Sayaka before I at least have chance to talk to her, I'll have nothing to care about, and I'll curse everything on earth before I become a witch and tear you apart! Although in one of the routes, where Mami is still alive, I will be able to stop myself from becoming a witch and possibly help you fight Walpurgisnacht despite Sayaka's death.Elegant Gothic Lolita: I choose an outfit kinda like this for my fighting outfit, kind of a cross between this andShowgirl Skirt.Evil Redhead: Get this through your head, dumbass.Red is a cool, evil color. I have red hair. Black is also a cool, evil color, and Homura has black hair, but my hair color is way more unique.Though in her case, it makes sense later.Evil Sounds Deep: My voice wasn't always this sexy. Believe it or not, I had a pretty typical girly voice. Well before all that shit happened anyway. Though it ain't deep likeDarth Vader(a pile of pretentious black melodramatic shit compared tohis much crazier predecessor- hint, hint), it's still pretty friggin deeper than it used to be.Expy: So I'm kinda a cross betweenthat Asuka girl everyone talks aboutandthat Emile guy from Reach(PLAY THAT GAME, IT'S FUCKING AWESOME), with a touch ofDarth Maul.Like Asuka, I'm an abrasive redhead who wields a lance, andmy father killed himself just like Asuka's mother did.The real kicker here is thatAsuka's mom's name is also Kyoko. Heh.Like Emile, I'm aBlood Knight,Ax-Crazy,Sociopathic Hero, aPsycho for Hirewho cares nothing more than killing enemies, and I serve asThe LancerandToken Evil Teammateof the five Puella Magi. So in other words, I'm the best character on the show (in my humble opinion).Hell, if you didn't get the hint above (and you must be a complete moron to not have gotten it), I'm also basically asexier and prettierDarth Maulbefore myHeel–Face Turn. We both use red (best color!) as our primary color, wield a red-bladed polearm, and areAxe-CrazyBlood Knightshell-bent on killing anything in our path, be it Jedi or witches and rival Puella Magi.Face Death with Dignity:I pray to God just before I pass away, to tell him how my life sucked and, for once, how I'd like to have a happy dream...Fallen Heroine: I used to be aChurch Militant, sort of. But then I learned how stupid heroism is.But then Sayaka broke and I couldn't help just feeling a bit sorry for her, leading me to aHeel–Face Turn.Fiery Redhead: If it wasn't obvious from the red hair, I'm abrasive and hotheaded. Don't try to change me or I'll kill you.Freudian Excuse: Wonder why I'm always eating? It's becausemy family constantly starved after my father was excommunicated for "heresy", and we barely got enough to eat. In the manga, you even learn that I learned to punish people for wasting food from my mother. And of course, I'm only a selfishJerkassbecausemy unselfish wish led tomy maddened dadkilling my whole familyexcept for me.Friend to All Children: Yeah, I know, I'm a complete jerk bordering on evil, but Idohave a soft spot for kids, as seen inPuella Magi Madoka Magica PortableandOriko Magica. I wonder what happened to Yuma…Headless Horsewoman:Apparently, my witch form simply has a flame in place of where the head is. Dear God, theIrony...noteShouldn't that beMami'switch form?Heel–Face Turn: Complete with a near-Precision Bitch Strikeas soon asKyubey lets slip theAwful Truth.From then on, I decided toprevent my friends from suffering Sayaka's fate, to the point where I shatter my own Soul Gem after evacuating Homura and Madoka from the vicinity, so they don't get caught in the resulting blast that kills both me and and Sayaka.Heroes Gone Fishing: Homura once meets up with me when I'm playin'Dog Drug Reinforcement.Heroic Sacrifice:I do this toMercy KillSayaka, also so she doesn't have to die alone.InThe Different Story, I use Oktavia's Grief Seed to cleanse Mami's Soul Gem, but this leaves me without another one to use on herself, and I die while fighting another Witch later.I'm Taking Her Home with Me!: What?! Who put this on here?! I ain't goin' home with nobody, ya sick bastards! I...what's this? You say you'll feed me endlessly? Hmm."I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Itryto do this with Madoka's helpin a desperate attempt to save Sayaka after she turns into a Witch. It fails and Ihave to kill Sayakaalong with myself.Image Song: "And I'm Home", shared with Sayaka. It is a sad song, so they used it as the ending for the episode whereI sacrifice herself to save her, which fits the theme. Let's sing along, everyone!Sabitsuita kokoro, otomonai sekai, nani o miteruno? Matane o ieru kao o sagasuyo...Impaled with Extreme Prejudice:In the manga, during the fight with Oktavia von Seckendorff.Ironic Echo:When I first encountered Oktavia (Sayaka's witch form), I got rescued by Homura because I was carrying Sayaka (or was it just her corpse?) and had no way to defend myself. When I refused to drop Sayaka, Homura called her a hindrance. Duringour futile attempt to bring Sayaka back from being a witch, after getting injured I leave an unconscious Madoka to Homura, before telling them to leave because Homura would not be able to fight with a hindrance like me, before making theHeroic Sacrifice.Irony: My father was a religious man, and I fought witches in secret, but he accusedmeof being one. And instead of killing me for it, he burned himself, my mother and my younger sister, along with the church.It's All About Me: Of course! Magical girls should only use powers for their own ends, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron and doing themselves in. But to be honest,I told Sayaka this for her own good, and then I tried to help her against a witch. It's an interesting dichotomy, to say the least.Jerkass:*snarf*What, were you expectin' menotto be one? Go to hell. Seriously, I suggested letting familiars eat other worthless humans to become full-fledged witches and even advised to Sayaka to break her lover's body to keep a leash on that guy.Hidden Heart of Gold: Though I'm not completely heartless, as Sayaka can attest.Kleptomaniac Hero: Don't ask where I get my food!Knight of Cerebus: Whilethat witch who ate Mamidid most of the work, the series kept getting darker after I showed up. Probably because I was the only one who didn't care about teamwork and friendship and that crap and just left people to die,at first.Lady in Red: Red hair, red shoes, dress, Soul Gem, red marks on my spear...my Magical Girl form's pretty damn red. I try to mix it up a bit off-duty, though.Lady Swears A Lot: If you haven't gathered (in other words, if you've got shit for brains), my language is quite filthy. At best, my Japanese is inappropriately masculine, whichI'm proud of.*slurp*At my worst though...The Lancer: I act like this to Homura. Also literally, because of my weapon, dumbass.Leitmotif:"Anima mala", which means "Evil Soul". The name is totallybadassand the theme is weird and menacing, which suits me perfectly. Do I deserve any less? Oh, and that tribal remix it got for"Rebellion?"Kickass.In the video game based on our little group, I geta different one, and it's just as rocking and badass as I am! It's called "Prex" - "Prayer". Not that I would ever actually pray.Father believed in God, and how was he rewarded for his faith?Magical Girl: One of the bestfuckingexamples,period.Meaningful Name: My name means 'apricot' , whilemy sisters name, 'Momo' meant 'peach'. Apricots apparently symbolize female beauty, which I have. It's also a symbol of strength achieved through struggles with adversity.And also, 'Sakura' is another name for the cherry blossom, which represent the transcience of life. Very fitting if you consider mybackstory.Our Zombies Are Different:What I apparently am, too. Kyubey shocked me at first with it, but meh, I don't really care much.noteOOC: This trope's presence on this page is based on what Kyoko thinks of magical girls as, rather than a genuine entry applying to her.Our Liches Are Different:Well, we use magic and we do haveSoul Jars, after all.A bit messed up, but still kinda cool at the same time, really.It's what comes after that's really not cool.Pet the Dog: If you thought I was a total bitch,thinkagain...dumbass.Psycho for Hire: Initially.Ship Tease: I might havea crush onSayaka...andMamiDon't tell anyone or I'll kill you!Heroes Want Redheads: Invertedat least in Sayaka's case! Though the shippers do justice to our "relationship". I love readin' the things they come up with!Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Trailer: I didn't get shown in any of the official art until the show started airing. Back when I popped up in the opening, nobody knew who I was! Friggin' marketers...Single Tear: Wh-NO! HUH? NO! You're talking about that fight againstHomura's witch, right? That was SWEAT, dumbass! I was fighting and...you know what? Screw it. I admit it. Sayaka's words...man, they got me righthere, ya know?B-but it's not like we are some lesbos you damn idiots! I mean lots of magical girls hold hands sometimes, often inmore pervy circumstances!And it doesn't mean they want to screw each other in bed!Social Darwinist: Ever heard about the food chain? You should have learned about it in school. Witches eat weak humans. And in turn, we eat those witches. It's the basic rule of this world.Spell My Name with an S: "Kyoko", "Kyouko" and "Kyōko" are all technically correct, though most officialromanji-thingsuse "Kyoko". Personally, I just use "杏子".Tempting Apple: When I'm explaining my backstory, I munch on a bag of apples (fuckin' Sayaka almost wasted one).The symbolismisprobably intentional.Tomboy: Who needs all that girly crap? Meh.*munch munch*Tomboy and Girly Girl: To Mami's Girly Girl.Tomboyish Ponytail: Makes me look like fellow bad-ass tomboyTouko, who youWcDonalds-eating waito piggu gaijins probably know asHilda(SHUT THE FUCK UP,4KIDS!)Tomboy with a Girly Streak: OK, I'll admit to using the rather feminine "atashi" in the first person, but that's simply a carryover from before I lost my family! Sayaka's got the bigger girly streak! Mine's no bigger thana gnat's wing, I'll have you know!Trademark Favorite Food: Ooh, where to begin? I like Apples, andRocky... fuck, who cares? I like them all.Villain Song:Nope, sadly.As much fun as it would have been for me to get one, myImage Songduet with Sayaka applies to after I decided to be not-so-nasty.Zettai Ryouiki: Apparently myMagical Girloutfit ranks Grade B or something silly like that.*grabs the apple you just accidentally dropped andlifts you by the neck*You waste food, I kill you. Now go away and read aboutPuella Magi Madoka Magica.
Could you sign some papers?noteDon't worry,not all of you have to sign them."I will destroy all evil and become god of the new world!"— Me stating what I just did.(This page is best read in eitherMamoru Miyano,Brad Swaileor Manuel Campuzano's voice.)Hello, I'm Light Yagami, genius model student, star athlete and absolutelady-killer(Even if I'm not falling head over heels for them.) I am also most certainlyNOT Kira.I assure you.Fine, considering you can't really do much to stop me, I'll tell you the truth. I am Kira, and I am also theGod of the New World. I was sick and tired of the constant violence and crime reported constantly, so upon finding the Death Note, I decided to take things into my own hands. That is to say,to kill every last major criminal, so they can never harm a soul again,and to establish aworld of only kind, virtuous people.Sadly, I was met with opposition early on in my attempts, and it was bymy own father!when acertain detectivenamed L announced that he was trying to find me and stop my righteous mission on live television, I wrote down his name in the Death Note, only for it to turn out that it had been a body double the real L was using to find my location. I made it my sworn mission that day to kill L, andtake downanyonewho stands in my way.Any day now, my justice will come for you,detective.Tropes Associated With Me:Adaptational Heroism: The version of me in the American live-action adaptation had several standards and showed remorse when he killed someone who didn’t need to die. He ended up only wanting the Death Note to keep it away from someone worse. Sounds more noble,but everyone knows he is nowhere near as smart as I am(and neither was another version of me below). I mean, I just stick to the heart attacks that the Death Note normally causes.He still ends up going for a few more...gruesome things.My version fromthe live-action TV seriesgenuinely cares for Misa and his family, and goes out of his way to save people with the Death Note. Not that I don't do that, but he does it a bit more directly.He's still not as smart as I am, given that the American version might have been based on him, but I suppose he did his best.My anime counterpart was a bit moreremorsefulfor some of the more... regrettable things he ended up having to do.I like to think that this helps explain me a lot better.Adaptational Villainy: My other film version, on the other hand, apparently killed one of my random girlfriends and attempted to kill my father. I'm going to do whatever it takes, but that's a little too far. This clearly proves I could have been much worse than you people already believe me to be.Because let's be honest,not everything about me is going to be accurate.Antagonist in Mourning: It was rather boring without L around, and those two little babies could hardly match him. Sadly, I got unlucky.Anti-Hero: What the idiots on this website claim I was before I "Jumped Off The Slippery Slope." Anti-what?Anti-Villain: Subverted, becauseI'm not a villain.A God Am I: Correct. And I have my picture on the page to prove it.Ambiguously Gay: My behavior around L has been the starting point of many a fan-fic. I don't really like girls, but I could just be Asexual. Whatever it is, it doesn't matter right now. I havehigher callings.Asshole Victim: My death in the Manga is rather gruesome, but despite this trope name, it was fully undeserved.Somehow even less so in the other versions.Badass Adorable: I was drawn like a Disney character early on. Subverted later when I age, but that can only make youwiser, right?Berserk Button: DO NOT CALL ME EVIL! I AM JUSTICE!Black-and-White Insanity: I'm good. I will protect the innocent and start a utopian society, but sadly, some people aren't keen on it. If they aren't keen on what is clearly the best outcome, chances are they're evil.Cessation of Existence: What happened to me, assuming I didn't become a Shinigami. For those who truly know me, you'd know that I obviously wouldn't tell which of these happened.The Chessmaster: I managed to out-smart the worlds greatest detective and that says alot about my superior intellect!Complete Monster:No, of course not.People on this site like to group me with thatWhite-Haired rapist twinkas a character who starts out sympathetic and becomes this later into the story, but they're just unfairly biased (Not to mention thatI really wouldn'tgo that far).Just look at some of the other versions of me I mentioned above.These dolts also claim my film adaption is a more concrete version for openly scheming to kill my father, but again, they're wrong.Not that I don't prefer other versions of me instead.As well as my version inthe musical. Just like before, wrong.Determinator: L says "Childish and hates to lose." I say "Stylish and in the mood."Draco in Leather Pants: I'm not too pleased about the implications of the label, but it's good to know there are people who worship me.Dying Moment of Awesome:You betcha!I think my favorite is whenI manage to escape, looking back on how this all started before finding a place to rest and hide. So that by the the time they find me, they're already too late.I'll even give my TV counterpart some credit. Setting the warehouse on fire did help everyone back off, even though getting burned alongside the Death Notes wasn't part of the plan, but he was never as smart as I usually am anyway. You at least have to appreciatehow that might have been the most determined I was to survive.Establishing Character Moment: My first scene in the anime has me spacing out in class, but still able to flawlessly translate a book passage when called on by the teacher. On my way to my next class, I'm moping about the constant crime broadcast on the news, declaring in sync with the Shinigami Ryuk thatthis whole world is rotten. That's how you know I'm super intelligent and desperate to change the world for the better, and therefore the ideal recipient of the Death Note.Even Evil Has Loved Ones:I told you not to call me evil, didn't I?I truly loved my family, though. Sad I wasgoing to have to kill them,but I thankfully didn't have to.Even Evil Has Standards: Okay,this at least can help prove I'm not really evil. To start, killing reformed and minor criminals was a bit too far, Mikami.Evil Makes You Ugly: I feel like the "ugly" partis what needs to be addressed here more. Sure,it probably doesn't look good for me to get so worked up at times, but still,it's not much compared to how this trope usually works.Fanon Discontinuity: A lot of my adoring fans would like to pretend that the 2nd part of the series, where I made severalsevere mess-ups, become abit too indiscerning in my targets,(To the point that you idiots have given me the "honour" of being considered one of a very fewComplete Monsterprotagonists), and died not a result of my own actions, butone of my lackies screwing up randomlynever happened.Faux Affably Evil: I have to be polite, no matter how hard I want to strangle L. Besides, why would Ineedto when the Death Note could let me kill him without even being near him?Gambit Roulette: I remember when this trope was named after me.Knight Templar: I am a brave hero, destined to rule the world, and if you get in my way, I will kill you.Light Is Not Good: That's not funny.I know it doesn't actually refer to me in particular, but still.Magnificent Bastard: I was listed as one at one point. Those in charge of the trope removed mebecause they realized I was the hero.Although my version inJump Forceis listed as one. Now L is listed as one instead,and so is the next person Ryuk sent a Death Note.Memory Gambit: I had to surrender ownership of the Death Note, and by extension my memories of being Kira, for a while to get L off my trail.Motive Decay: Fear of getting caught tends to make you forget your goals, but I assure you I will remove all criminals. And somelazy people,but not all of them.Mundane Made Awesome: Credit where it's due, these people have pointed to me as the defining example of this.Narcissist: I'm not afraid to boast, but it's certainly not atthatlevel. After all, I am a god..Never Hurt an Innocent: I never would've had to kill anyone who wasn't a criminal if L didn't try to get in my way.Nice Guy: What I was before I got the Death Note, andI still am.Nightmare Fetishist: You Shinigami are so cute!Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: I will become god of the new world! Wait,what was the first part? Oh, right. Making the new world itself.Obliviously Evil: What do you mean I shouldn't kill people? They're evil! They deserve it!Repressive, but Efficient: Sure, you might have to live under the decree of a "Delusional narcissistic teenage boy with daddy issues" (Rude, TV Tropes,) but the crime rate has reduced to 1/4 the previous level, and there's no wars!Sadist: Okay, now I know the guys on this site are evil. How am I supposed to get the world to appreciate my genius if they aren't reminded of my great power?Took a Level in Jerkass: I admit, I might have gotten a bit coarser after L was dead, but sacrifices must be made. Right, Takada?Took a Level in Kindness: I was forced to return to my pre-note state to avoid detection, but I was just as nice as ever.Smug Snake: I am agenius AND often hatch brilliant plans, but this wiki still considers me to be a higher-functioning just because Iget rightfully angry when people say CLEARLY false thingsanddon't think those dolts could somehow beat me.What,because I haven't had a real challenge in years?The Sociopath: No way!I care about people, I just don't care if I have to kill them!Ugly Hero, Good-Looking Villain: Hey, who are you calling ugly?! Wait, L? Oh, nevermind. ... Wait a second!Utopia Justifies the Means: I will become the god of a new world full of kind, honest, and hardworking individuals.Villain Protagonist:I'm about as far as you can get from it."Well Done, Son" Guy: I'm stopping the bad people! This is what dad wanted, right?Well-Intentioned Extremist: What do you mean "extremist?" I may be killing people,but they're nearly all criminals who deserve it!The rest are,admittedly at best,just who I had to get rid of in order for me to continue.
Kappei Yamaguchi's,Alessandro Juliani's or Hugo Nuñez' voice.)Greetings to everyone at tvtropes.org. I am L, otherwise known as the mainheroof the seriesDeath Note, and am widely renowned as the world's greatest detective. I specialize in solving cases with seemingly unexplainable causes, usually resulting in homicide. Justice is my ultimate priority, and my main goal is to put an end to these miscreants' evil deeds.As one would suspect, being the greatest detective in the world can lead to some quite pleasant privileges. My caretaker always gives me first word when he learns of a case I may be interested in; and so, working on the Kira investigation was an inevitability, it was simply too big of an atrocity to overlook, and so became my main priority. L, as one could tell, is an alias, but it is but only one of many that I go by. No one knows my real name, outside of a select few including myself, not that that information would be of any use to you. That seems adequate for an introduction, I wouldn't want to leak any classified information. Just know that I am true justice, the perception of my intelligence is only measured by the audience's stupidity, and that I will prevail no matter what.Any day now, my justice will come for you,Kira.20% More Awesome: I only use statistics, say, about ten percent of the time. Hm... no, it's closer to five percent.Adaptational Attractiveness: Some sayKenichi Matsuyama, is more attractive than I. It's really no insult to me, rarely my face is seen by anyone other than Watari, in any case. I hear I have many fan-girls, though... likely as many as Kira.Besides, I'll let you know that I am very attractive, in my own way. I was even kissed by the suspect's girlfriend recently. Kissed on the cheek, 100% more than the majority of you can say.Adaptational Badass: In the films based on the investigation, Kira was not as lucky as he was in real life, being that he died before I did.Adaptational Dye-Job: In the anime based on the investigation, my hair is black, where in the cover art for the manga based on the investigation, my hair is depicted being brown. I'll let you decide which is true.Adaptational Heroism: I'm not so sure about the truth in this, I have always been rather heroic, the manga misrepresented me. What can one expect when following the perspective of a mass murderer? It doesn't bother me either way.Adaptational Villainy: In every depiction of myself ever put on screen or print, justice is all I care for.Admiring the Abomination: I only take on cases in which I have a personal interest in. Those of course are mostly cases which the FBI or any international equivalents would not be able to solve without my assistance.Allergic to Routine: I have very little to do locked up in a small room twenty-four-seven, but that is the only way I can expect to fully concentrate on the matters at hand.Alliterative Name: L, my alias, is just one name, so, by that logic one can argue that the first letters of the first name and last name are alliterative, simply because they are both one name.Alternate Continuity: In the movies based on the investigation, I outlive Light, but in the manga, and anime I am not quite as lucky.Ambiguous Disorder: There is nothing wrong with me, I just spend a lot of time alone. Social norms are pathetic and pointless constructs, and I'd much rather be comfortable than have everyone around me be.Ambiguously Bi: I don't really care for relationships, be they romantic or sexual. I am fine with friendships, however.Antagonist in Mourning: InL: change the WorLdI am portrayed as missing my adversary for some strange reason. I suppose it can be boiled down to artistic license... it's practically official fan-fiction, anyway.Anti-Hero:My methods may be considered a bit harsh to some, that is true. Though justice must be served no matter what the cost, I simplydo what is necessary.Awesomeness by Analysis: At the risk of sounding a bit humble, I'll admit, my neurological capabilities far surpass that of any average person.Back for the Finale: Turns out, you do come back after you die, in my case, as a ghost. Or possibly as aDying Dream; it's open to interpretation.Badass Boast: I am... Justice!Badass Bookworm: I'm a genius, and a prodigy. I am also skilled inCapoeira. This is because, well... when I'm not solving important cases, I dabble in break dancing to pass the time.Barefoot Loon: A matter of opinion, although I'm aware this is how many people perceive me.Batman Gambit: One of my signatures, it's the oldest trick in the book, and yet... they fall for it like moths to the flame.Becoming the Mask: About that... when I said Light was my first ever friend, that may or may not have been a lie. After all, even if he was my friend, I still had Watari first, and he is a great asset to me.Big Brother Instinct: I think that saying that I am a good mentor wouldn't be far from the truth.Big Eater: I am quite fond of cake and other sweets. Sugar keeps me alert with the little sleep I do get. I've found that despite my large calorie intake, I won't gain much weight due to my thought-powered high metabolism.Big Good: It goes without saying.Bishōnen: Some say so.Big Sleep: When I died in the anime.Brilliant, but Lazy: Solving the toughest cases the world has ever known is enough reason to excuse my need for an occasional break in investigation.Bullying a Dragon: Something that must be done when my suspect has unexplained, possibly paranormal abilities. If I had any solid evidence, that would be preferable, but I mustdo what I can.Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Cake is all I need to sustain consciousness for several days, and nights working a tough case.But Not Too Foreign: I'm mostly European in heritage, and slightly Asian. My birthplace, however, is classified. I did study in the UK for a while, and reside in Japan, but am a citizen of many countries, and that's all that needs to be revealed.Catchphrase: Well... I certainly am justice.The Chains of Commanding: I must never leave my house, nor reveal my name, nor show my face, unless I am making a special exception.The Chessmaster: I could play chess very well if I had a friend to play it with...Cloud Cuckoolander: Not at all. Hm... mmh. This cake is wonderful.Collector of the Strange: It's not necessarily a collection persé, more of a set of allies, all of criminals that in exchange for their prison sentence, work for me instead.Color-Coded for Your Convenience: I am often depicted behind a blue filter.Confirmed Bachelor: I am in a quite fullfilling relationship with justice.Consummate Liar: I may stretch the truth from time to time, all in the name of the law.Cool Car: Watari escorts me around in a quite comfortable limo.Covert Pervert: I'm a... pervert? Certainly not! Sexual harassment is a serious offense, and I will take no admittance to these ridiculous allegations.Crazy-Prepared: It pays to prepare.Creepy Good: Creepy...?Creepy Monotone: Again with that word. I find my voice to be quite soothing.Creepy Shadowed Undereyes: It's a result of insomnia, and malnutrition, not genetics.Dance Battler: As I previously mentioned, I know some break-dance baced martial-arts.Dark and Troubled Past: That information is classified.Deadpan Snarker: Oh, yes, it takes a keen mind to think up the number of brilliant puns that I do.Dead Person Impersonation: Let's just say that many of those famed detectives that you may think now work in the shadows, are really just deceased, and heightened by me.Defective Detective: I think most would agree that I am quite the opposite.Deliberate Injury Gambit: I can take quite the beating, and a measly punch to the jaw is a small price to pay to open up an opportunity for a critical hit.Determinator: I absolutely HATE to lose...Deuteragonist: See Hero.Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: When I first communicated with Kira over the television, humiliating him worldwide.Died in Your Arms Tonight: Tragically in the manga and animated television series, this is how I go out.Dies Wide Open: Again, my death in the manga and anime.Ditzy Genius: Ditzy? On the contrary, I am very refined.Disc-One Final Boss: I have back-up plans and replacements in order if ever my plans were to lead to my demise or conversion by the enemy.Do Not Adjust Your Set: Luckily, Kira happened to have his television on at the time.Does Not Like Shoes: They're really not the most comfortable, I only wear them when I have to walk on the hot ground. I dislike socks more.Donut Mess with a Cop: Ilove, donuts nearly as much as I love cake, and justice.Enemy Eats Your Lunch: I never let cake go to waste, unless of course, it was misprepared by Watari, or I die before I can finish eating it.Et Tu, Brute?: In the manga and anime, my suspicions of Light are confirmed as I die.Everyone Has Standards: I won't take just any case that I hear about on the television, what do you take me for, FBI?Evil Twin: Beyond Birthday looks suspiciously like me, although itreally doesn't make the slightest bit of sense...Exhausted Eye Bags: Not really bags, yet, but I do have dark circles.The Exotic Detective: As I said, I'm mostly European.Expecting Someone Taller: Apparently, I do not look like a conventional detective.Expy: I'm quite similar toSherlock Holmes, minus the drug addiction.Extreme Doormat: I wouldn't say so, in fact I can go to some pretty... extreme measures.Extremity Extremist: Ah, see?Friendless Background: I'm not the best at making friends, I'm afraid...Friend to All Children: Oh, now I'm just flat out contradicting myself, I do apologize, that is a bad habit of mine.The Gadfly: Reactions are indeed a very good look into the psyche of a suspect.Genius Sweet Tooth: That is 100% true.Good Counterpart: I would probably be considered the good half if I were ever compared to someone as their counterpart.Good is Not Nice: When intellectually and morally superior to most everyone around you, one can't help but judge others on their questionable actions. I've also found that torture and restraint can be very effective at getting a confession out of stubborn suspects.Great Detective: That goes without saying.Guile Hero: I rely on my keen intellect.Gut Feeling: It's not instinctual, there are clear traits that the guilty and the lying possess, making it easy for me to zero in on who I ultimately suspect.Hates Being Touched: When I am anxious, I may get startled when unexpectedly touched.The Hedonist: I really only need to do what I want to. I have more than enough money to spare, so crime fighting is more of a hobby than anything.Hero Antagonist: In the manga and anime I am.Hero with Bad Publicity: I'm seen as untrustworthy because I don't reveal my identity to the public. It's all the same as long as justice prevails in the end.Hikikomori: If you want to call it that.His Name Really Is "Barkeep": It is true... my nameisL, specifically L Lawliet. Ordinarily I would never reveal my real name, but since this has already been done inDeath Note: How to Read, it's pointless to keep the secret any longer.Honor Before Reason: It isn't honor before reason, it's reason before regret. I must be one hundred percent certain a suspect is guilty before he is put on death row.Hurricane Kick: Kicking is my prefered method of attack. I'd rather not use my hands.Hurting Hero: No. I am perfectly fine with any and all decisions I make.Hypocrite: Not at all.When I said that I can't take advice from a suspect, or deprive them of human rights, I wasn't being hypocritical when I did, I just changed my mind.I Am a Monster: Some report that I have stated that I am afraid of monsters, particularly those of the lying variety, and that I infact am that monster... I can assure you, I have never said that before. Trust me.I Am the Noun: Yes, yes, I am Justice... yadda yadda.I Did What I Had to Do: I did what I had to do in order to succeed in achieving what I wanted to do, yes.I Have Many Names: Hmm...? Oh, yes.The Insomniac: I rarely sleep as much as most of my peers, this is possible due to my high sugar intake.Insufferable Genius: I don't know about insufferable... but whatever people think of me, it really doesn't matter.Intelligence Equals Isolation: That is coincidental. The fact that investigation equals isolation would be incidental.Interpol Special Agent: Interpol agreed to allow me to work the Kira case, not that I required any permission.It Amused Me: Justice does amuse me. It's a perk of being an investigator.Jerk with a Heart of Gold: If one is good at heart and doesn't commit any atrocities, they don't need to be kind.Limited Wardrobe: I always wear the same clothes. My peers often wonder if I have multiple sets of the same clothes or just rewash the same wardrobe repeatedly.Loners Are Freaks: I'm just not like everyone else, that's all.Looks Like Cesare: It isn't intentional, but if you saw me in real life you'd likely agree.Magnificent Bastard: I’ll take it as a compliment. My work involves some...unsavory actions, but the results are impressive to most.Manipulative Bastard: It comes with the territory, I can't help if it displeases anyone.Married to the Job: I do not want, nor need a relationship with any woman, man, or what have you. Although my admirers sometimes like to imagine me pairing with criminals... I doubt they even understand me.Meaningful Name: It signifies how not Japanese I am, making it more interesting for the audience.Messianic Archetype: I noticed all the undeniable Judeo-Christian imagery I was being surrounded with, and decided to play along, washing Light's feet (improperly) causing him temporary pain.Messy Hair: I don’t groom myself much. Don’t have time.Muscles Are Meaningless: To be fair, Light isn't exactly a hunk of a person, either.Mr. Fanservice: In the tv drama, the writers decided to sexualize me more than necessary... as if that wasn't already a problem for me.Mysterious Past: Well, I can't just go around telling everyone all they want to know about me.My Death Is Just the Beginning: In the event that I should die during the investigation, a timer will run out, indicating that my potential successors will then have to pick up where I left off.My Greatest Failure: I admit, the deaths of the FBI agents, Ukita, andhaving to reveal my face to the Kira Investigation Forceare terrible failures.No Hero to His Valet: Watari is more than happy to be my loyal Alfred.No Sense of Personal Space: I may be a bit of a close-talker, but I talk quietly, so it's necessary. Why would I want to strain my voice when half of the time I'm spelling out my plans to incompetents?No Social Skills: Not required.Not So Stoic: On rare occasions I have a momentary loss of composure. I quickly regain it soon thereafter.Oh, Crap!: When one realize they are dying, they usually act at least a bit unnerved. I am no exception.Older Hero vs. Younger Villain: I am not particularly aged myself, but Kira is suspected to be a high school student.Older Than They Look: Flattery won't work on me, I know that I have developed eye circles and a poor posture.One-Letter Name: Indeed.Oral Fixation: I do have a habit of chewing my fingernails whenever I have no food to chew.Out-Gambitted: I won't give excessive details, but I'll just say... it was rather embarrassing.Papa Wolf: I am very protective of the Whammy kids.Paranoia Gambit: Surveillance tends to put the unintelligent on edge.Parental Abandonment: I have Watari.Passive-Aggressive Kombat: I can be quite passive aggressive with my peers, and that may or may not cause some frustration.Perpetual Frowner: It's my resting expression.Politeness Judo: I'm usually very polite to even suspects, although passive-aggressively.Primal Stance: I suppose one could call it that.Private Detective: Of course.The Profiler:It's simplewhen it comes to deducing motivations of suspects, I have many degrees in psychology after all, among others.Properly Paranoid: LightisKira, Misaisthe second Kira, and they reallyareout to get me.Punch-Clock Hero: My job can be quite monotonous at times, it's good to have some fun with it.Race Lift: I'm often portrayed by Asian actors despite being mostly Caucasian. And inthe American film, I'm played by African-American actorKeith Stanfield.Real Men Wear Pink: But I wear white.Real Name as an Alias: Thanks toDeath Note: How to Read, I am forced to admit this is true.Rebel Relaxation: Yes, yes, I have poor posture. It doesn't matter, I'm usually sitting, anyway.Red Oni, Blue Oni: I'm blue...dabadee dabadie.* <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RedemptionEqualsDeath' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RedemptionEqualsDeath'>Redemption Equals Death</a>The Rival: Kira is mine.Sacrificial Lion: In the anime and in the manga I died halfway through. At which point many seem to lose interest in the retelling of our investigation...Samaritan Syndrome: I spend all of my time solving cases.Seriously Scruffy: My hygiene and appearance doesn't matter much to me, my home/workplace is steril enough.Sherlock Homage: We're both brilliant detectives with martial arts skills, and are both considered odd by others.Shonen Hair: I don't really wash it much...Shout-Out:I have no clue what this is alluding to.Shower of Angst: In the manga and anime I stood in the rain moments before being struck down in my prime.Significant Birth Date: Nothing in that story is of any concern to you...The Snack Is More Interesting: I enjoy snacking on sugary foods.Socially Awkward Hero: I'm not as awkward as everyone says I am...Sociopathic Hero: Sociopathic? Absurd. I care for all life. It's just that the ends justify the means.The Spock: My idol. Logic is the only important thing when it comes to analysis. The rest is rubbish.The Spook: Then maybe it's good I'm always locked away where no one can see me...Stalker Without a Crush: If by "stalker without a crush" you mean "investigator with a crush on Misa," then yes, that's close.The Stoic: I try to remain composed, thinking only logically.Strawberry Shorthand: Mogi is easily bribed.Sweet Tooth: Rrf... mph... hmm? I'm sorry, I was eating. Didn't we go over this?* <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SympatheticInspectorAntagonist' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SympatheticInspectorAntagonist'>Sympathetic Inspector Antagonist</a>Teen Genius: I was always pretty intelligent.Thanatos Gambit: I have successors that will replace me in the unlikely event of an untimely death.Thinking Tic: I bite my nails, eat, or stack things while thinking.This Is Unforgivable!: Kira is a mass murderer. I do not forgive murderers.Together in Death: Light saw my ghost when he died in the anime.Trademark Favorite Food:If you were told it was cakethat's a lie... the cake. It's... nevermintd, next trope.Tragic Bromance: It was hardly a bromance.Troll: Have I mentiomed I can be passive-aggressive? I don't make it easy for those I dislike.Two Aliases, One Character: Yes, yes, yes...Tyke Bomb: I was trained as this.Ugly Hero, Good-Looking Villain: Am I really that unattractive?Unscrupulous Hero: The ends justify the means,like I said.What the Hell, Hero?: My peers have a bad habit of questioning me.* <a class='twikilink' href='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WildHair' title='/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WildHair'>Wild Hair</a>Workaholic: I work most of the time.Xanatos Speed Chess: I'm a master.Young and in Charge: It's rare to find someone as young as me possessing such wisdom and power.Thank you, and farewell.

TvTropes Self-Demonstrating Character Pages

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