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Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: government Output:
[ "Which MP was known as the Beast of Bolsover?", "Which former Education (and Transport) Secretary is MP for Bolton West?", "What position has Boris Johnson held from 4 May 2008?", "After Harold McMillan who was Britain's next Prime Minister?", "Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Zulu War?", "Who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain at the start of the first Boer War?", "Who was Britain's first ever Labour prime minister in 1924?", "Who was Britain's first Labour prime minister?", "Who was Prime Minister of Britain at the time of King Edward VIII's abdication in 1936?", "Until Tony Blair, which of Britain's Labour Prime Ministers was in office for the longest overall time?", "Who was the Prime Minister of Gt. Britain at the outbreak of The First World War?", "Which US government official is the equivalent of the British Foreign Secretary?", "Who as at August 2007 is British Home Secretary?", "What is the upper house of the British Parliament?", "In 1969, who became the youngest woman ever to be elected to British Parliament?", "Which British Prime Minister signed the 'Entente Cordiale' in 1904?", "Who was British Prime Minister from 1902 to 1905 ?", "Who became British Prime Minister in July 1902?", "Prior to Gordon Brown, who was the last British Prime Minister to represent a Scottish constituency?", "Which 20th century British prime minister had the longest surname ?", "Who was the first person to be officially called British Prime Minister, 5 days after he took office in 1905?", "Who was the next British Prime Minister after Arthur Balfour?", "Who became British Prime Minister in October 1922?", "Who was British Prime Minister from 1922-23, shortly before he died?", "Who became British Prime Minister in October 1809?", "The Cato Street Conspiracy was a plot to kill which British Prime Minister?", "Who was British Prime Minister between Winston Churchill's two terms in office?", "Which British Prime Minister said of Downing Street 'One of the most precious jewels in the national heritage'?", "Who was the British Prime Minister during the Falklands War of 1982?", "Who became British Prime Minister in June 2007?", "Who became British Prime Minister on November 1990?", "Who was British Prime Minister in 1994?", "American millionaire Leonard Jerome was the grandfather of which British Prime Minister?", "In May 1940, who became British Prime Minister after the resignation of Neville Chamberlain?", "Ewart was the middle name of which British Prime Minister?", "William Lamb was the family name of which 19th century titled British Prime Minister?", "Who became British Prime Minister in June 1935?", "Who is the only British Prime Minister to serve under 3 monarchs?", "Who was British Prime Minister at the time of the Jarrow March?", "Who was the only British Prime Minister to hold office during the reign of King Edward VIII?", "Who was the only British Prime Minister to hold office during the reigns of three British monarchs?", "Who became British Prime Minister in June 1970?", "A statue of which British prime minister stands outside Huddersfield railway station?", "Which British Prime Minister said 'A week is a long time in politics'?", "Who was British Prime Minister from 1974-1976?", "b Who was the tallest British Prime Minister of the 20th century?", "Which British Prime Minister, who was born in Portsmouth in March 1912, died on March 26th 2005 aged 92 ?", "Which British Prime Minister introduced income tax, to help offset a reduction in revenue caused by a decline in trade?", "Which British Prime Minister delivered the 'Winds of Change' speech in 1960?", "Who was British Prime Minister at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis?", "Name the British Prime Minister at the outbreak of WW1?", "In the 1950's who succeeded Winston Churchill as British prime minister?", "Which British prime minister resigned as a result of the Suez Crisis?", "Who was British Prime Minister from 1955 to 1958?", "What is the name of the leader of the British UKIP Party?", "Who founded the British Union of Fascists in 1932?", "Who was the only British King of the House of Saxe-Coburg?", "Who is the next in this series: Nelson Rockefeller, Walter Mondale, George H. W. Bush, Dan Quayle, Al Gore ... ?", "Which former actor was elected Governor of California in 1966?", "Who was the governor of California from 1967 to 1975?", "Which actor became the 38th Governor of California, USA in 2003?", "What was discovered in the American River in California in 1848 by carpenter and sawmill operator James W Marshall?", "Canaan Banana was the first president of where?", "Who is the present Prime Minister of Canada?", "Who in 2008 was re-elected Prime Minister of Canada?", "Who was re-elected Prime Minister of Canada in May 2011?", "In 1867 who became the first Prime Minister of Canada?", "Which French Canadian became Prime Minister of Canada in 1968?", "Who was the Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1979?", "Princess Estelle, Duchess of Ostergotland, granddaughter to King Carl XVI Gustaf, became 2nd in line to what nation's throne when born in 2012?", "Which film actor became mayor of Carmel, California in 1986?", "Who was West German Chancellor from 1969 to 1974 Willy Brandt.?", "Who, in November 2005, became the first ever female Chancellor of Germany?", "Chandrika Kumaratunga was the first female President of which Asian country from 1994 to 2005?", "In 2012, who was elected as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and will serve as the leader of China until 2022, arguably becoming the most powerful man in the world ?", "Which Cabinet member is the MP for Chingford and Woodford Green?", "Which cabinet minister is MP for Chingford and Woodford Green?", "Which former party leader is MP for Chingford and Woodford Green?", "Which member of the cabinet is the MP for Chingford and Woodford Green?", "The principal Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons has the official title Chairman of Ways and Means. Who is the current holder of the post, the MP for Chorley?", "To which, position did Joachim Gauck succeed Christian Wulff in spring 2012?", "Of which country did Christina Kirchner become President in 2007?", "Which television personality was elected the mayor of Cincinnati in 1977?", "Name the town in California where Clint Eastwood was elected mayor in 1986.?", "What position in the U.S. government has been held by Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger?", "What was Colin Powell's role in George W Bush's government from 2001 to 2005?", "Who did Michael Gorbachev succeed as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union?", "Who was the first and only President of the Confederate States of America?", "Who was the only President of the Confederate States of America?", "Who is the Conservative MP for Tatton?", "Which former leader of the Conservative party was MP for Folkestone and Hythe?", "Who succeeded John Major as leader of the UK Conservative Party?", "Which former politician and convicted perjurer was appointed in November 2007 to lead a prison reform task force for the Conservative Party?", "Who became leader of the British Conservative Party in July 1965?", "Who did Margaret Thatcher succeed as leader of the Conservative Party?", "What politician nicknamed 'the big beast' returned to the Conservative party shadow cabinet?", "Who have the Conservatives chosen as their candidate to run for the 2016 London Mayor elections?", "Constantine XI Palaiologos was the last ruler of which empire?", "Who was the President of Costa Rica between 2006 and 2010?", "Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner became President of which South American country in December 2007?", "Sixty year old Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is the current president of which South American country ?", "Who was elected President of Cuba in February 2008?", "Who was Prime Minister of Cyprus from 1960 to 1977?", "Who am I, I was born in 1936 in Czechoslovakia, was a playwright and became a politician being the last President of Czechoslovakia (1989-92) and the first President of the Czech Republic (1993-2003)?", "Who was both the last President of Czechoslovakia and the first President of the Czech republic?", "Who was the last president of Czechoslovakia before its dissolution in 1993?", "Daniel Ortega at the beginning of 2015 is the president of which country?", "Dan Quayle was Vice President to which president of the USA?", "David Ben-Gurion became Prime Minister of the provisional government of which newly created country on 15 May 1948?", "What new country was led by David Ben-Gurion?", "Where is David Cameron's Oxfordshire constituency?", "Lord David Sutch was the founder of which UK political party?", "To what political office was Dean Rusk appointed in 1961, as a result of which he played a leading role in the 'Cuban Missile Crisis' the following year?", "Which, now defunct, political party was founded by Declan Ganley in April 2009?", "Before Bill Clinton, who was the last Democrat President of America?", "Who was the first Democrat President of the 20th century?", "Who was the Democratic candidate defeated by George Bush Snr in 1988?", "Who was the US President nominee for the Democratic Party in the 2004 Presidential election?", "Having been the M.P. for this constituency since 1970, Labour M.P. Dennis Skinner has acquired the nickname, The Beast of ---- where?", "MP Dennis Skinner is a member of which British political party?", "Which woman is the MP for Derby South?", "Dilma Rousseff has been under a political cloud recently after allegations of finance tampering have led to a clamour for her impeachment, at the time of writing (20/4) of which country is she president?", "Which 'BRIC' country re-elected female president Dilma Rousseff of the Workers' Party, 2014?", "Which MP represents the constituency of Doncaster North?", "In which country did Grand Duke Jean become head of state in 1964?", "In what country is The Duma part of parliament?", "Which country had a parliament called the Duma?", "Name the controversial leader of the Dutch right-wing Freedom Party which won 24 seats in the Dutch elections, who was refused entry into the UK for his 'racist views'?", "What was the name of the Dutch MP refused entry into the UK in early 2009?", "Who was Vice President to US President Dwight D Eisenhower?", "Eamon de Valera founded which political party in 1926?", "Whose resignation prompted the Eastleigh by-election in February 2013?", "Of which country was Edith Cresson prime minister from 1995 to 1999?", "Born in 1849, Edmund Barton became the first Prime Minister of which country?", "From 1901-1903, Edmund Barton was the first Prime Minister of which country?", "Sir Edmund Barton became the first prime minister of which country in 1901?", "On Christmas Day 1977, Menachem Begin of Israel met with Anwar Sadat of Egypt to start peace talks. Which one of them was celebrating their birthday that day?", "Can you name the last King of Egypt?", "Who was elected to replace Hosni Mubarak as President of Egypt in 2012, but was later deposed in July 2013?", "What was the name of the Prime Minister of Egypt who was assassinated in 1910?", "Which statesman, Egypt's third President, was born on 25/12/1918?", "Who became President of Egypt in June 2012?", "Ehud Olmert became Prime Minister of which country in 2006?", "The ingredients for the 1947 wedding cake for the future Queen Elizabeth II were a present from the Girl Guides of which country?", "Elected in 2006, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf is the female President of which country?", "In 2005 Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf defeated ex-footballer George Weah to become the first female president of which African country?", "Emperor Bokassa was overthrown as ruler of what country in September 1979?", "Who formally became Emperor of Japan in 1926 and became its constitutional monarch in 1946?", "Who was emperor of Japan during world War II?", "Who was the Emperor of Japan who died in 1989?", "Whose accession to the throne of England created the Union of the Scottish/English Crowns in 1603?", "Enid Lyons was the first woman to be appointed to the federal cabinet in which country?", "Enoch Powell's political career ended in 1987 as a member of which party?", "Which British politician became Member of Parliament for Epping in October 1924?", "Ernesto Geisel became President of which South American country in 1974?", "The Folketing is the parliament of which European country?", "In September 1968, Marcelo Caetano became Prime Minister of which European country?", "Which country assumed the Presidency of the European Union on 1st. July 2009?", "Since the abolition of the monarchy in 1870, French Presidents have also automatically become co-princes of which independent Europian principality?", "In 2008, who was the President of Palestine and Fatah leader?", "Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa became President of which country in December 2006?", "Born in 1882, which famous Irishman left Sinn Fein in 1926, and founded Fianna Fail?", "In a coup in 2006, who seized power in Fiji?", "Who, in 2010, became the first Green Party member of the House of Commons?", "Although born Claudia Alta Taylor, by what name is President Lyndon Johnson's first lady better known as?", "Who was the First Lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945 ?", "Who is the leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party, and currently, the First Minister of Scotland?", "Who became the First Minister of Scotland when the Scottish Parliament was established in 1999?", "Which country's parliament is called the Folketing?", "Who was elected President of France in June 1969?", "Which former Prime Minister of France became his country's President after the resignation of Charles de Gaulle?", "Who became the first socialist President of France in 1981, being re-elected in 1988?", "Whom did Nicolas Sarkozy succeed as President of France in 2007?", "Who was Prime Minister for France in 1974 to 1976 and 1986 to 1988 and became President of France in 1995?", "Who was President of France for over 10 years from 1958?", "Who was elected president of France follwing the death of President Pompidou?", "Francois Fillon was appointed Prime minister of which country in May 2007?", "Who became President of the USA on the death of Franklin D Roosevelt and remained in office until 1953?", "Which French President was nicknamed 'The Great Asparagus'?", "Which French president succeeded Charles de Gaulle?", "Name the new French president of 2012?", "In May 1994, the Channel Tunnel was formally opened by Queen Elizabeth II and which French President?", "Fulgencio Batista was the leader of which country between 1952 and 1959?", "Which party did F W de Klerk represent as South African president?", "Geir Haard (who in 2012 became the first politician to face court charges for negligence in contributing to the 2008 global financial crisis) led what country?", "In September 1990, Geoffrey Palmer resigned as Prime Minister of which country?", "George H. W. Bush was vice president to whom?", "Which Cheshire constituency has been represented in Parliament by Neil Hamilton, Martin Bell and George Osbourne?", "Which office has been held by Horace King, Selwyn Lloyd and George Thomas?", "Who was the third President of the USA, following on from George Washington and John Adams was also famed for his numerous inventions?", "Before becoming President of the United States, George W Bush was govenor of which state?", "If George W. Bush were to have been impeached (and convicted), who would have become President?", "Who is the Vice-President for George W Bush?", "When Gerald Ford was president of the USA, who was his vice president?", "Who was the last Kaiser of Germany?", "What is the name of the current President of Germany?", "Who became President of Germany in June 2010?", "Who resigned as President of Germany in February?", "Who was the first Chancellor of the re-united Germany in 1990?", "Who became Chancellor of West Germany in 1969?", "Who was Chancellor of West Germany from 1969-74?", "Who preceded General Cornwallis as Governor-General of India?", "Who was the first governor-general of India?", "Leland Stanford, Earl Warren and Pat Brown (father of the current holder) have held the position of Governor of which US state?", "Ronald Reagan was governor of which US state?", "Who was Prime Minister of Great Britain at the end of World War I?", "Who became Prime Minister of Greece last November?", "The head of state of Jersey and Guernsey, which are both Crown dependencies and not part of the United Kingdom, is Queen Elizabeth II. She rules there because she holds what title?", "In which country were democratic elections held in May 1989, and though Guillermo Endara was elected president, the results were annulled by the existing government?", "Habib Bourguiba became the first President of which North African country in 1957?", "Who when elected as MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington in 1987 became the first black woman member of the House of Commons?", "What was the nickname of President Duvalier of Haiti who died in 1971?", "Who became President-For-Life of Haiti in April 1971?", "Which UK member of parliament resigned in June 2008 to fight the Haltemprice and Howden election on a civil liberties platform?", "Hammurabi was a king of which people in about 1750BC?", "Which British actress won the Hampstead and Highgate seat for Labour in the 1992 General Election?", "In 1989, Hans-Adam II became the monarch and head of which European state?", "Harold Holt became Prime Minister of which country in January 1966?", "Hastings Banda was the first President of which African country?", "Helen Clark became the first woman Prime Minister of which country in 1999?", "To what office in the USA was Henry Kissinger appointed in 1973?", "US President Herbert Hoover belonged to which political party?", "Which American President used the slogan: It's the economy, stupid for his presidential campaign?", "Who was the first person to bear the title of Holy Roman Emperor?", "Who was the last British Governor of Hong Kong?", "Hosni Mubarak was ousted as leader in 2011 from which nation?", "Mir Hossein Mousavi was the beaten opponent in which country's presidential election?", "Whose last recorded words in the House of Commons were: I wish everyone, friend or foe, well. And that is that. The end ?", "Who was the leader of the House of Commons from 1998 - 2001?", "Elected on September 4th 2012, who is the current Leader of the House Of Commons ?", "Where is the House of Keys the governing body, with 24 elected members?", "The person holding what office sits on the Woolsack in the House of Lords?", "Which businessman on his elevation to the House of Lords, by Gordon Brown, in 2000, took the title Baron of Clapton?", "For which party did Lan Howling Laud Hope receive 197 votes in the recent South Shields by-election?", "Hubert Humphrey served as Vice-President to which US President?", "Which American leader's Vice-President was Hubert Humphrey?", "Hu Jintao became President of which country in 2003?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: tv Output:
[ "In the children's television programme, who is the voice of Bob the Builder's father?", "Which TV actor provided the voice for Bob the Builder on his number one hit?", "What is the name of 'Bob the Builder's' cement mixer?", "In the children's tv series, what is the name of Bob the Builder's female business partner?", "Who narrated the children's animation called 'Bod'?", "Who played Bodie and Doyle's boss, George Cowley, in the UK television series 'The Professionals'?", "In which long running BBC series did Bonnie Langford play the part of Melanie?", "'They Might Be Giants' ' song 'Boss Of Me' was the theme tune to which American sitcom that ran from 2000 to 2006?", "In the TV series Boston Legal, who played the character of Denny Crane?", "Who plays Boycie in Fools and Horses?", "`Gissa Job` was the catchphrase of which character from the TV show `Boys from the black stuff`?", "Bradley Walsh hosts which ITV quiz programme?", "Which BAFTA-nominated television writer has created the series Scott & Bailey. At Home with the Braithwaites for ITV and Last Tango in Halifax and Happy Valley for the BBC?", "The names Corbett and Brambell are most associated with which well-known UK TV series?", "Which co-presenter of a programme for car enthusiasts has also presented Braniac: Science Abuse, The Gunpowder Plot: Exploding the Legend, Blast Lab and Invisible Worlds?", "Which former Big Brother contestant who was famous for quotes such as what is the opposite of opposite and do fish get thirsty and later went on to present Braniac: Science Abuse on Sky television?", "Who played chemistry teacher Waiter White in the American TV series Breaking Bad?", "The characters 'Susan Meyer', 'Lynette Scavo', 'Gabrielle Solis', 'Bree Van De Camp', and 'Mike Delfino' appear in which television show?", "Which TV series featured Brett Butler playing the main character called Grace Kelly?", "In which television programme did Brian Conley play the part of 'Digby'?", "In which 1960s and 70s TV sitcom did Brian Wilde play a character called 'Bloody Delilah' ?", "Which American actor and singer has joined Amanda Holden as one of the judges on the current series of 'Britain's Got Talent'?", "Which English comedian has joined Amanda Holden as one of the judges on the current series of 'Britain's Got Talent'?", "Who played the title role in the TV western series Bronco?", "Who created Brookside and Hollyoaks?", "In 'Brookside', which actress, later to become the star of many TV dramas, played the part of 'Heather Huntingdon' who became 'Heather Haversham', who became 'Heather Black'?", "Who plays the part of Mrs Brown in the TV comedy Mrs Brown's Boys?", "You get nothing for a pair was a Bruce Forsyth catchphrase in which programme?", "Which TV Game Show has been presented by Leslie Crowther, Bruce Forsyth and Joe Pasquale?", "Which 90s sci fi series with James Belushi was based on Bruce Wagner's comic strip of the same name?", "Which US crime drama TV series ran from 2008-2013 and starred Bryan Cranston in the leading role?", "Who played the part of Budgie in the 1970's drama series?", "Who plays the title role in the US television series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'?", "Who starred as Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the US TV series?", "Who kept the score on Bullseye?", "Who was the scorer and announcer on 'Bullseye' who frequently felt the need to say Take yer time to the contestants?", "Which children`s television show featured the characters of George, Zippy and Bungle?", "Which detective lived in Cabot Cove Maine?", "Under what pseudonym did Edith Pargeter create the detective Brother Cadfael?", "`The Cage` was the 1964 pilot episode of which TV series?", "Who plays Cain Dingle in `Emmerdale'?", "Who stars in the TV series Californication?", "Who played the role of Caligula in the 1976 UK tv series 'I, Claudius'?", "What genre best describes the 1967-72 UK TV series Callan?", "Who played 'Callan' in the TV series of the same name?", "Who hosted Call My Bluff?", "Who was the first chairman of BBC TV's Call My Bluff?", "Which TV soap opera features a police officer called Calvin Valentine?", "The US television serials The Good Wife, Canterbury's Law and ER all have or have had which actor as one of the leads?", "In which classic T.V. crime series did Captain Frank Furillo appear ?", "Which actor provided the television voice for 'Captain Scarlet'?", "Which actor, who died in June 2014, provided the voice of Captain Scarlet?", "What Carl Sagan television series was resurrected in 2014 with Neil deGrasse Tyson as host?", "In the TV comedy series, 'Allo, 'Allo, what was the name of Rene Artois' wife, played by Carmen Silvera?", "Which sitcom with Vickie Lawrence was a spin-off from the Carol Burnett Show?", "Which pensioner is played by Caroline Aherne?", "Which TV show featured the character Carrie Bradshaw?", "Who plays Carrie in the TV series `Sex and the city`?", "Who plays CIA Officer Carrie Mathison in 'Homeland'?", "Cartman is a character on what TV show?", "What television show features the last human in the universe, Lister, a creature descended from the common feline, known as Cat, a computer called Holly, and a holographic projection of a human known as Rimmer?", "Which Scottish actress played Catherine of Aragon in the 1970 TV series, The Six Wives of Henry VIII, but is much better known for her role as Margaret Meldew in One Foot in the Grave?", "Who played Catherine of Aragon in 'The Six Wives of Henry VIII' AND Queen Victoria in 'Edward VII'?", "Which actress played Cathy Gale in 'The Avengers'?", "Which ex-World Heavyweight Champion boxer signed up for Celebrity Big Brother 2014?", "Which Jackson appeared in Celebrity Big Brother in January 2009?", "Who was the last person to leave the house in the first UK television show of Celebrity Big Brother in 2001?", "What is the name of the television character who hosts the UK show 'Celebrity Juice'?", "Who played 'Chandler Bing' in the US TV series 'Friends'?", "Joey, Chandler and Ross are all characters from which US television series?", "First shown on the station's launch night, what is Channel 5's first original soap opera called?", "Suzy Perry is a presenter on which Channel 5 programme?", "In which TV 'soap' did the character Charlene Mitchell appear?", "Who was the voice of 'Charlie' in the TV series 'Charlie's Angels'?", "In the TV series 'Lost', who played a rock musician from Manchester called Charlie Pace?", "Who played 'Sabrina Duncan' in the 1970's TV series 'Charlie's Angels'?", "Which angel in Charlie's Angels was played by Jaclyn Smith?", "Who was the producer of TV series such as Charlie's Angels, Starsky & Hutch, Hart to Hart and Dynasty?", "In the tv show Charmed, what was the name of the eldest sister (played by Shannen Doherty) who was killed off at the end of Season 3?", "What star of the NBC sitcom Cheers was later the focus of the Showtime TV series Fat Actress?", "Which singer provides the voice for Chef in South Park?", "Which comedian starred in the ABC sitcom Chicken Soup?", "Tomorrow marks the anniversary of the debut of what long running children's television series, originally produced by the Children's Television Workshop?", "Who has presented Give Us A Clue, Child's Play, and Crackerjack?", "What country, after having governed it for 155 years, transferred its sovereignty of Hong Kong to China in 1997?", "Jess Wright, Chloe Sims, Lauren Pope and James Argent all appear in which British Television reality show?", "Which Coronation Street character has been played fro several years by Chris Gascoyne?", "Chris O'Dowd plays the imaginary friend of a young boy in rural Ireland in which TV series?", "Who devised the TV series 'Citizen Smith'?", "Who has presented City Hospital, Departure Lounge and Last Choir Standing?", "In which TV series did Alison Janney play 'C.J. Cregg', a Press Secretary?", "Claire Skinner plays a wife and mother in which TV comedy?", "First shown in 1984, which sit-com featured the characters Cliff and Clair Huxtable?", "In which 1960's TV series did Clarence the cross-eyed lion appear?", "Which TV comedy drama series featured a character called Claude Erskine-Brown?", "The first ten series of which long running TV drama featured the character Claude Jeremiah Greengrass?", "Derek Jacobi played Claudius in which BBC TV series?", "Who played oil baron Clayton Farlow in the 80's soap Dallas?", "Who played the part of 'Clayton Farlow' in 'Dallas'?", "Angela Grisanti Vecchio, Stanley Zbornak, Clayton Hollingsworth and Salvadore Petrillo are characters in what US television series?", "Who hosts the TV quiz show 'Cleverdicks'?", "Clint Eastwood played the character of Rowdy Yates in which US TV series of the 1960s?", "Which British fashion designer created the UK television series 'The Clothes Show' in 1986?", "The 1975 TV series The Invisible Man starred which actor, who also appeared in Colditz in the same year?", "Whose last literary work was the TV play Karaoke and Cold Lazarus?", "Who was the male star of Colin's Sandwich?", "Also the host of a much better-known quiz, who has hosted TV quizzes 'The Colour of Money', 'It's Not What You Know' and 'Everybody's Equal'?", "Which actor portrayed the fictional detective Columbo on screen?", "Who plays the detective `Columbo` on TV?", "Who does the commentary in the UK tv programme 'Come Dine With Me'?", "Which American TV drama centres around the offices of Sterling Cooper Advertising Agency?", "As at 2004, which actor is the only member of the original Coronation Street cast who is still in the show?", "Who played barmaid Michelle Connor in the UK tv soap 'Coronation Street'?", "Who plays Michael Rodwell in Coronation Street?", "Which actress appeared as a barmaid in over 2,800 episodes of 'Coronation Street' until her death in 2011?", "Which actor played dodgy author Mel Hutchwright in Coronation Street?", "Who played the part of Mel Hutchwright on 'Coronation Street'?", "Who played Hayley Cropper in Coronation Street?", "Which star of the 1970's sitcom 'The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin' has been a regular in 'Coronation Street' since the 1980's?", "Who played factory boss Danny Baldwin in the British television soap 'Coronation Street'?", "Which 'Coronation Street' character was played for may years by Jean Alexander?", "In the episode of Coronation Street that aired in Britain on 3 March 2008, who pushed Gail Platt down the stairs, leaving her hospitalised and suffering short term amnesia?", "Which US TV show, where the star appeared as a fictionalised version of himself with his friends George Costanza, Elaine Benes and Cosmo Kramer, ran for 9 seasons?", "Who created the radio/TV character Count Arthur Strong?", "Who succeeded Carol Vorderman on the TV quiz show, Countdown in 2009?", "Who took over as presenter of Countdown from Des O`Connor in 2009?", "Who was named the new host of Channel 4's Countdown?", "Who replaced Jeff Stelling as host of Channel 4's Countdown?", "Who took over from Jeff Stelling as the host of 'Countdown'?", "Count Duckula was a spinoff from which other children's animated series?", "The Count of Monte Cristo was originally written in which language?", "In which BBC crime drama which ran for six series, did clinical psychologist 'Dr. Tony Hill' work first with 'DI Carol Jordan' and then with 'DI Alex Fielding'?", "What was the name of Australian tv's 'Crocodile Hunter?", "Who played Curly in Coronation Street?", "The novels 'The Shipmaster, 'The Iron Ships' and 'The Trade Winds' by Cyril Abraham, are based on which 1970's British tv series?", "Which actor was a Dad's Army regular and also appeared in the film 'Ben Hur'?", "Which member of the cast of Dad's Army was born in Hayfield in 1915?", "In addition to hosting the Academy Awards, what stand up comic took over for Craig Kilborn behind the desk of The Daily Show?", "Kyle MacLachlan played agent Dale Cooper in which early 1990s US TV series?", "What American TV serial, first broadcast between April 1990 and June 1991, followed an investigation headed by Special Agent Dale Cooper?", "On what TV show would you see Daleks saying exterminate?", "Late actor Larry Hagman played which character in the US television series 'Dallas'?", "Patrick Duffy played which character in 'Dallas'?", "Who played Jenna Wade in the US tv series 'Dallas'?", "Which Dallas actor also appeared in the MGM musicals Show Boat and Kiss Me Kate?", "Who created the Yorkshire detectives 'Dalziel and Pascoe'?", "Prokofiev's Dance of the Knights is used as the opening theme music for which reality TV show?", "In which American sitcom did the character Dan Conner appear?", "Who is the English voice of Ernest Penfold in the television cartoon series 'Danger Mouse'?", "Daniel Casey played the role of Detective Sergeant Troy in which TV series?", "Holly Hagan, Scott Timlin, Vicky Pattison and Daniel Thomas-Tuck have all appeared in which UK television reality show?", "Shaggy, Velma, Fred and Daphne are all characters in which television cartoon series?", "Which Lancashire actress played the part of 'Daphne Moon' in 'Frasier'?", "Who played Mr Darcy in the 1995 BBC adaptation of the Pride and Prejudice?", "Who played Mr Darcy in the 1995 television series 'Pride and Prejudice'?", "Can you name the actress who links 'The Darling Buds of May' and 'Rosemary and Thyme'?", "Which actor used the word Perfik in The Darling Buds of May?", "What was the name of Catherine Zeta Jones character in The Darling Buds of May?", "Who plays Detective Inspector Dave Creegan in the UK television series 'Touching Evil'?", "Which famous film actor once played the detective David Addison on television?", "What links a village in Oxfordshire, a game show that was presented by Jasper Carrott, and David Beckham?", "David Vine, David Coleman and Sue Barker have all hosted which BBC television quiz show?", "Which American situation comedy created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman premiered on NBC on September 22, 1994?", "Which British sitcom about the Home Guard in World War II was written by Jimmy Perry and David Croft and broadcast between 1968 and 1977, running for 80 episodes?", "The longest running television series ever, November 6, 1947 saw the debut of what now weekly news program, now hosted by David Gregory, following the unfortunante sudden death of host Tim Russert?", "In which UK TV series did Ronnie Barker play Arkwright and David Jason play his nephew Granville?", "What was David Jason's character called in 'Porridge'?", "Joanna Lumley and David McCallum played which pair in a TV series?", "David McCallum played the character Dr Daniel Westin in which TV series?", "David McCallum played the character Illya Kuryakin in which TV series?", "Which 'Doctor' has been played on television by Bill Simpson and David Rintoul?", "Which 1985 TV series starred David Suchet in the title role about the proposed construction of a motorway through Cleeve Gorge it also starred George Cole, Julie McKenzie and Simon Cadell?", "Dick York, Dick Sargent, David White and Paul Lynde worked together on what US TV serial in the 1960s and 1970s?", "Who played the title role in the 1955 film 'Davy Crockett, King Of The Wild Frontier'?", "T.V. Sitcoms - What was the name of The Vicar of Dibley, played by Dawn French ?", "The 'Autobots' and the 'Decepticons' are the main factions of which toy line?", "In which TV drama/soap would you find the actress Deena Payne?", "What was the name of the changeling on Deep Space Nine?", "Which British comedian created the character Dennis Pennis?", "Played by Denver Pyle during the 6 year run of the show, who was the patriarch of the Duke clan on The Dukes of Hazzard?", "Which actor who had starred in a previous show called Department S went on to have his own series in 1971 called Jason King?", "Which TV comedy series first cast Derek Nimmo as the bumbling cleric, Reverend mervyn Noote?", "In which long-running TV programme did Elizabeth Carling and Emma Amos take over the leading female roles from Dervla Kirwan and Michelle Holmes?", "Which popular daytime show was hosted by Des O'Connor and Melanie Sykes?", "In Desperate Housewives, who played Susan Mayer?", "Which actress links the 1989 film `Tango and Cash` and the TV series `Desperate Housewives`?", "Which comedian partnered Robert Powell in the TV comedy series `The Detectives`?", "Who played the part of Dr Mark Sloan in the TV series Diagnosis Murder?", "Who wrote the book and presented the recent t.v. series 'The Diamond Queen'?", "Which actress played the part of Brenda Furlong in the TV comedy series, Dinner Ladies The same actress also wrote and produced the series.?", "Name the 1978 TV programme in which Lorne Green played Commander Adama and Dirk Benedict plays Lieutenant Starbuck?", "What radio host are dittoheads fans of?", "Who created the character of Doctor Finlay in the British TV series (1962-1971) Dr Finlay's Casebook?", "Who was the writer of the books on which the UK comedy TV series Doctor in the House (1969-70) were based?", "What is the title of the four-episode special of 'Doctor Who', made for the Red Nose Day telethon in the UK, broadcast in March 1999?", "In the UK television series 'Doctor Who', what is the name of the leader of the underground-dwelling race 'Tractators'?", "Which screenwriter and novelist created the Daleks for the tv series Doctor Who?", "Who played Doctor Who in just 31 episodes between 1984 and 1986?", "In 1981, who took over from Tom Baker in the TV series `Doctor Who`?", "Which actor was the fifth Doctor Who from 1982-1984, and in that role often wore Edwardian cricket costume?", "What was the name of the robot dog that became a regular companion for Doctor Who?", "Who played the third incarnation of the Doctor in the TV series Doctor Who?", "Which 'Doctor Who' was assisted by 'Zoe Herriot' played by Wendy Padbury and 'Jamie McCrimmon' played by Frazer Hines?", "Which popular Doctor Who villains, it was revealed in 2011, are to be given 'a rest' by scriptwriters?", "Of all the actors who played Doctor Who in the TV series of the same name, who appeared in the most episodes?", "Who succeeded Jon Pertwee as Doctor Who?", "Who was announced as the new television Doctor Who in July 2013?", "In the UK television series 'Doctor Who', which actor played the ninth Doctor?", "Which Doctor Who actor did David Bradley play in the recent TV drama An Adventure In Space and Time ?", "Who is the lead writer for 'Doctor Who', succeeding Russell T. Davies?", "Who played Rose Tyler on Doctor Who?", "Who has taken over the TV role of Doctor Who, from actor David Tennant?", "Who replaced David Tennant as Doctor Who in January?", "Who played Martha Jones in the UK tv series Doctor Who?", "Which historical figure has been played on film and TV by Richard Harris, Tim Roth and Dominic West?", "The only sitcom created solely by Johnnie Mortimer, which 1981-1991 sitcom starred Windsor Davies and Donald Sinden as warring antique dealers?", "Which T.V. sitcom starred Donald Sinden, Windsor Davies and Honor Blackman?", "Who voices Donkey in the Shrek series of films?", "Which actress links Dorothy in The Golden Girls and Maude Findlay in Maude?", "Who has played Dot Cotton in Eastenders since 1985?", "Which now famous film actor came to prominence playing Dr Doug Ross in the TV series ER?", "Who created and wrote the TV series `Downton Abbey'?", "Who writes the scripts for the TV series Downton Abbey?", "Who plays Isobel Crawley in the UK television series 'Downton Abbey'?", "Which actress joined the cast of `Downton Abbey' in Series 3 playing the mother of the Countess of Grantham?", "Who plays the Dowager Countess of Grantham in the TV series 'Downton Abbey'?", "Who plays Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham, in the UK television series 'Downton Abbey'?", "Who played 'Doyle' in the TV series The Professionals?", "Who played Ray Doyle, John Deed and George Gently on TV?", "Who is the host of the TV series Dragon's Den?", "Which Bolton-born woman, the founder of Pall-Ex Ltd, replaced James Caan on BBC's Dragons Den?", "Who is the new judge on 'Dragon's Den'?", "Which executive producer of Dream On is well known for films such as Trading Places?", "Dresden china originated in which country?", "Who played the unscrupulous Damien Day in the TV series Drop The Dead Donkey?", "Who is to blame for making Dr. Phil famous?", "Who played the title role in the UK television series 'Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman'?", "Which actor played Dr Who between 1974 and 1980?", "Which actor was first to play `Dr Who` on TV?", "Which actor starred as Dr Who in the 1st colour episode?", "Which actor played the second Dr Who?", "Which of the actors who portrayed Dr Who, famous from the UK TV series of the same name, appeared almost exclusively on radio, film, written works, and comic strips?", "The actress Laila Ward, who played Dr Who's assistant, married which of the Doctors?", "Which Dr Who actor starred with Ken Stott in the 1994 BBC Scotland drama 'Takin' Over the Asylum ?", "Who succeeded Jon Pertwee as Dr Who?", "Who played the first doctor in the UK TV series Dr Who?", "Which 'Dr. Who' actor came between Patrick Troughton and Tom Baker?", "Which Northampton-born actor will replace David Tennant as the eleventh 'Dr. Who', in 2010?", "Who replaced Matt Smith to become the latest Dr Who?", "Who played the part of companion Martha Jones in the 2007 series of Dr Who?", "According to William Shakespeare, who killed Duncan?", "Which former 'Eastenders' actor and Labour activist was elected to be one of the West Midlands representatives in the European parliamentary elections of 1999?", "What Eastenders star sang on the novelty hit Come Outside?", "Which actor appeared in 'The Paradise Club' and 'Eastenders'?", "Who plays the role of Sharon Watts in the TV soap opera `Eastenders`?", "Which Eastenders actor has played the policeman Nick Rowan on TV?", "Who played Mick Carter in Eastenders?", "Ross Kemp plays which Eastenders character?", "Who portrays Kara Tointon in TV's Eastenders?", "In a special live edition of 'East Enders', which character was the Olympic torch bearer?", "In which sitcom did a Jack Russell terrier called Eddie appear?", "Zoey Barkow, Kevin Peyton, Eddie Walzer and Fitch Cooper are all characters in which US television series?", "What British sitcom features Edina Monsoon and Patsy Stone, immature, prosperous, preposterous, substance-abusing fashion obsessed Londoners who value fame and style over substance?", "Name the actress, she died in August 2002, who played the part of 'Madame Edith Artois' in the TV series 'Allo, Allo'?", "What was the Ed Sullivan Show originally called?", "Which actress played Queen Victoria in the 1970s TV drama Edward the Seventh?", "What British TV series, that aired between 1967 and 1972 starred Edward Woodward as a reluctant professional killer for a branch of the British Government's intelligence services known as 'the Section', and Russell Hunter as his unwilling assistant ?", "Who took over from Dermot Murnaghan as host of BBC2's Eggheads?", "Who joined the Eggheads team in 2008, having won Are You An Egghead?", "Who retired from the 'Eggheads' team in May 2014?", "Which former winner of Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Mastermind and Brain of Britain became the seventh member of the Eggheads quiz team in 2009?", "Which actor, (the eighth Doctor Who) played the role just once in a 1996 TV movie?", " 'Elmo's World' was a segment of which children's television show?", "Which late actress played Elsie Tanner in the UK tv soap 'Coronation Street'?", "On British television, John Steed and Emma Peel were known collectively as what?", "Which TV series was about a pop group called The Majestics featuring Robbie Coltrane and Emma Thompson?", "Which actress, who appeared in 'Emmerdale' for just over a year until January, has written a memoir of a year in her life called 'Where Have I Gone'?", "What was the name of the actor who played Jack Sugden in Emmerdale and who died in July 2008?", "Who played the part of 'Jack Sugden' in 'Emmerdale' for 28 years He died in July of this year (2008).?", "Steve Halliwell plays which character in the UK television soap 'Emmerdale'?", "Who wrote 'Jurassic Park' and created the TV series ER?", "Which actor returned to ER in 2009 to huge acclaim?", "Which ER star played opposite Jenny Seagrove in Don' Go Breaking My Heart?", "Which one of these characters is from the TV series ER?", "William Frawley and Vivian Vance played Fred and Ethel Mertz in which popular 1950's American TV comedy show?", "Which French fashion designer regularly co-hosted UK TV's 'Eurotrash'?", "In 2002, who won BBC TVs `Fame Academy`?", "Who first hosted Family Feud?", "Who presented Family Fortunes in the two years between Bob Monkhouse and Les Dennis?", "Who created the US animated series 'Family Guy' in 1998?", "In the TV show Family Guy, what is the name of the Griffins` lecherous neighbour?", "What is the name of the Griffin's sex-crazed airline pilot neighbour in the US television animated series 'Family Guy'?", "Which actor played Alex in the TV show `Family Ties`?", "Which actor plays Father Brown in the latest T.V. series?", "Who played the part of Father Ted in the T.V. series?", "Who along with John Cleese wrote 'Fawlty Towers'?", "Who co-wrote `Fawlty Towers` with John Cleese?", "Who played Manuel in `Fawlty Towers`?", "Flatmates Felix Unger and Oscar Madison are the central characters in which play, film and TV series?", "Which series had the characters Felix Unger and Oscar Madison?", "What fictional detective is featured in the novel/movie The Hound of the Baskervilles?", "Who hosted the celebrity version of Fifteen to One which had one episode last September and four in June this year?", "What was the follow up series of Porridge with Fletcher being released from jail?", "April 19, 1987 saw the debut of The Simpsons as series of shorts on what prime time Fox series?", "Judged by Nigel Lythgoe and Mary Murphy, what Fox show features a panel of finalists who dance with and against each other for fan votes?", "What was the first program shown on Fox when the network started broadcasting in prime time in April 1987?", "The Simpsons is the longest running animated series in TV history. What show that aired on Fox is the second longest?", "Who plays the title character in Foyle's War?", "Based in Seattle, the TV show Fraiser was a spinoff of what long running series?", "On T.V. who played Frank Cannon?", "On TV who played the detective Frank Cannon?", "Late English actor Oliver Reed played Uncle Frank in which 1975 film?", "Which character, who first appeared in 'Detective Comics' in 1948, has been played on TV in the 1960's by Frank Gorshin and John Astin and on film in 1995 by Jim Carrey?", "What diminutive actor stars as Frank Reynolds in It's Alway Sunny in Philadelphia?", "In TV's Last of the Summer Wine Frank Thornton plays which character?", "In the TV sitcom Frasier, what was the name of Martin Crane's dog?", "What is the name of the Jack Russell dog in the US television series 'Frasier'?", "'A Touch of Glass', 'Friday the 14th' and 'The Miracle of Peckham' were episodes in which classic sitcom?", "Which actress played Monica Geller in the TV series Friends?", "Who plays Ross in friends?", "Which comic duo first appeared together in TV's The Frost Report?", "Which actor pursued 'Dr. Richard Kimble' in the TV series 'The Fugitive'?", "Which American TV producer who died in 1987 was responsible for 1960'S TV shows such as The Untouchables, The Fugitive and The Invaders ?", "Who hosted the travel programmes Around the World in 80 Days (1989), Pole to Pole (1992), Full Circle (1997), and Hemingway Adventure (1999)?", "Who played Uncle Jesse on the show Full House?", "Who created the TV series Futurama'?", "What is the name of the alcoholic, chain-smoking robot in the television series 'Futurama'?", "What is the name of the drunken robot in the TV series Futurama?", "What is the name of the one-eyed mutant and important character in 'Futurama'?", "What can be a Greek god, a Paris-based, high-fashion luxury-goods manufacturer, and a Futurama character?", "Who is the star of TV series The F Word and Hell's Kitchen?", "Which actor plays the part of John Snow in the TV series Game of Thrones?", "In what TV game show do players not want to join the '200 Club'?", "Of all the gameshows that were revived for a series of one-off specials in Ant And Dec's Gameshow Marathon which was the oldest?", "First shown in 1976, which ITV series featured Gareth Hunt as the character Mike Gambit ?", "What you talkin' about Willis was a catchphrase for the late Gary Coleman in which TV series?", "Which cartoon character has a pet snail called Gary who meows?", "Actor Gary Webster took over as an eponymous character in which TV series of the 70s and 80s?", "Who played Michael Murray in Alan Bleasdale's TV drama G.B.H.?", "What was the first name of the character played by Geoffrey Hughes in the TV sitcom Keeping Up Appearances'?", "In TV's Heartbeat Geoffrey Hughes plays which character?", "George and Mildred and Robin's Nest were spinoffs from which 1970s sitcom?", "Prior to gaining enormous success in his own right, which comedian played 'George Dawes', the scorekeeping baby, in the t.v. comedy series 'Shooting Stars'?", "Who currently plays Inspector George Gently on TV?", "Who plays Chief Inspector George Gently on television?", "Which British actor plays the lead part of George Smiley in the new film version of John Le Carre's Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy?", "Which German born super-model, actress and singer currently hosts the TV show, Germany's Next Top Model?", "Doctor Beaker, Zarin, Mitch the Monkey and Professor Popkiss are all characters from which children's television series created by Gerry Anderson?", "Produced in the UK between 1961 and 1962, what was the first UK Gerry Anderson series to be shown overseas?", "Paul Metcalfe is the real name of which Gerry Anderson puppet character?", "Of which Kansas town was Tex Tucker the sheriff in a Gerry Anderson T V puppet show?", "In which Gerry Anderson TV series did Mike Mercury appear?", "Which Gilligan's Island castaway originally hailed from Winfield, Kansas and was the youngest of the castaways?", "What was the full character name of the movie star on TVs Gilligan's Island?", "With an estimated worth of $2.1 billion (as of last year) what was the name of the richest man on Gilligan's Island?", "What Glee character has the initials RB?", "In which TV cop series of the 1980's, did Michael Brandon and Glynis Barber play the lead roles?", "Which British presenter spoke the first words on GMTV when it was launched in January 1993?", "Old television quiz shows - who was the original presenter of the TV quiz show Going for Gold?", "Who hosted the BBC gameshow Going For Gold which featured contestants from various European countries?", "Who was the question master in the original series of TV's Going For Gold?", "The last episode of which long running T.V. series was entitled Goodbye, Farewell and Amen?", "What celebrity TV chef, who currently hosts Iron Chef America, got his start as the genius behind the show Good Eats!, which ran for 14 season?", "Which actress enjoyed the Good Life then went Solo?", "Gordon Ramsay's first foray in TV was in which 1998 fly-on-the-kitchen-wall documentary?", "Which TV series featuring British celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay that debuted in 2004 shows him visiting a failing restaurant and try to improve it in one week?", "'Gourmet Night' and 'The Kipper and the Corpse' were the titles of episodes from which TV series ?", "Which English producer and screenwriter is responsible for the creation of the fictional school Grange Hill ?", "Which TV producer and scriptwriter, created the TV series, 'Grange Hill'?", "Which professional baker is a judge on 'The Great British Bake-Off' alongside Mary Berry?", "The Grey Cup is awarded to the champions of the Football League in which country?", "Who plays Lexie Grey in the US TV series Grey's Anatomy?", "Who plays Mark Sloan in the US TV series Grey's Anatomy?", "Who plays Meredith Grey in the US TV series Grey's Anatomy?", "Two different doctors appear in Diagnosis Murder, and Grey's Anatomy, but have the same name. What is it?", "Who was the presenter of the UK television series 'The Old Grey Whistle Test' from 1972 to 1978?", "Which BBC TV programme of 4 series featured Rowan Atkinson, Pamela Stephenson, Mel Smith and Griff Rhys Jones, with Chris Langham in the first series?", "Jon Snow was killed off in what series in 2015, adapted from GRR Martin's 'A Song of Ice and Fire'?", "Which actor played the crippled deputy in Gunsmoke?", "Who apart from 'Doc' lasted through all the 'Gunsmoke' series?", "What was the name of Matt Dillon's limping deputy in Gunsmoke?", "Who starred in the TV series Nice Guy Eddie as a Liverpool private eye?", "In which TV series did Guy Williams and June Lockheart play John and Maureen Robinson?", "Roger 'Race' Bannon, Hadji, and a dog called Bandit are leading characters in what 1960s TV cartoon, now media franchise?", "Who played Scottish police officer Hamish Macbeth on TV in the 1990's?", "Who played the title role in 'Hamish Macbeth'?", "'Handbags and Gladrags' is the theme tune of which comedy TV show?", "Which TV programme has been presented by Lisa Riley, Jonathan Wilkes and Harry Hill?", "Which crooner, a favorite of Judge Harry Stone on Night Court, was known as The Velvet Fog?", "Which British TV series starring John Simm as DCI Sam Tyler and Philip Glenister as DCI Gene Hunt was remade in the USA starring Jason O'Mara and Harvey Keitel?", "Which former 'Have I Got News For You' presenter made an occassional appearance as Patrick in 'One Foot In The Grave'?", "On television which actor played Onslow in 'Keeping up Appearances' and Vernon Scripps in 'Heartbeat'?", "Who played Claude Greengrass in 'Heartbeat'?", "Who is the husband of Helen of Troy in Troilus and Cressida?", "Kate Philips played which wife of Henry VIII in 'Wolf Hall'?", "Jonathan Rhys Meyers, who played Elvis Presley in the TV series Elvis, went on to play Henry VIII in what British TV series?", "Which actor, who first played Geoffrey Shawcross in the TV series, Hetty Wainthropp Investigates, played the part of Merry in the Lord of the Rings films?", "He starred in and sang the theme song for 'Hi-De-Hi. Who is he?", "Who starred alongside Rod Taylor in Hitchcock's movie The Birds?", "What name is shared by 'the voice of the book' in the original 'Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy', a renowned football commentator, and one of television's 'Dragons' (full name required)?", "Which nation boasts the world's longest running TV sports show, Hockey Night, first aired 1952?", "Holby City was a spin-off from which BBC medical drama?", "The show Holby City was a spin off from which UK TV series?", "Which UK TV series based around the fictional Holby City Hospital, focuses on the staff and patients of the hospital's Accident and Emergency Department?", "Presented by Holly Willoughby and Stephen Mulhern, What did the UK children's tv programme M.O.M. Stand for?", "Which British musician hosts their Annual Hootenanny on television on New Year's Eve?", "In the 1960's TV series 'Bonanza', which actor played the part of 'Hoss Cartwright'?", "Which British comedian and actor played Dr Gregory House in the US TV series House?", "Who plays Dr House in the US TV medical series 'House'?", "Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, Howard and Penny are characters in which US sitcom?", " 'Teardrop' by Massive Attack is the theme tune to which US television medical drama starring Hugh Laurie?", "'Teardrop' by Massive Attack is the theme tune to which US television medical drama starring Hugh Laurie?", "Hugh O'Brian played the lead in what Old Western series?", "Who played the part of Sir Humphrey Appleby in the TV series Yes Minister and Yes, Prime Minister?", "What was the name of the gypsy girl that Quasimodo fell in love with in Victor Hugo's The Hunchback of Notre Dame?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: broadcast Output:
[ " 'The Grand Ole Opry' in America is famous for what type of music?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: geology Output:
[ "What type of rock is granite?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: royalty Output:
[ "Who was the first British reigning monarch to visit Australia?", "Cambodia, which over the course of 1841 to 1953 was under the joint suzerainty of Thailand and Vietnam then was a monarchy under the protection of France which included an occupation by Japan, was steered to independence in 1953 by whom?", "MBE, OBE, CBE which is the highest honour?", "In the order of the British Empire, what does the letter `C` stand for in CBE?", "In 2005, who became the youngest person ever to be made a Dame of the British Empire?", "Which king of England, Denmark, Norway and parts of Sweden who died on November 12th 1035 is buried at Winchester Cathedral?", "What is the title of a British nobleman ranking above an earl and below a duke?", "Which rank of the peerage is directly below a duke?", "Seymour is the family name of which English duke?", "Who became the first Earl of Chatham in 1766?", "Who is the current Earl of Chester?", "Which British Prime Minister was the 1st Earl of Stockton?", "King Edward III founded this premier order in about 1349, what is it called?", "Edward Stanley served three terms as Prime Minister in the 19th century, he was known by what title?", "Who was the last emperor of China?", "Which king of England had a mother and a son who were both beheaded?", "Who ruled England between 1603 and 1625?", "Who was the king of England who succeeded James I?", "Which King founded the Church of England?", "Who was the first head of the Church of England?", "Which King of England allegedly ordered the murder of the Princes in the Tower, although some historians refute this claim?", "Which King of England was imprisoned by Leopold of Austria in Durenstein Castle?", "Who was king of England from 1042 to 1066?", "Which son of Sweyn Forkbeard became King of England in 1016?", "Which King of England is buried in Gloucester Cathedral?", "Who was King of England at the Battle of Bannockburn?", "Who was King of England when the 'Stone of Scone' was removed to England in 1296?", "Which King of England was the father of both The Black Prince and John of Gaunt?", "Who was King of England at the outbreak of the Hundred Years War?", "Born in Rouen in France in 1442, who was King of England from 1461 to 1483?", "Who was on the throne of England in 1472?", "Who was the first Yorkist King of England?", "Who was the last Catholic monarch to reign over England?", "Which English queen is said to haunt the library at Windsor Castle?", "Which nation in 2014 saw the abdication of Juan Carlos and the ascension of Felipe VI?", "Who was the founder of the Flavian dynasty of Roman emperors?", "What is the honour system founded by Napoleon in 1802 that has five classes including Grand Cross and Officer?", "Which country is known as The Hashemite Kingdom?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: architecture Output:
[ "Who designed the Bridgewater Canal, opened in 1761?", "Which late 17th and early 18th century British architect designed Brighton Pavilion, Marble Arch, and the plan for London's Regents Park?", "Which engineer built the Menai Suspension Bridge and the Caledonian Canal?", "Which Scottish civil engineer was responsible for building the Caledonian Canal?", "At which English castle in Northamptonshire was King Richard III born?", "Which 19th century gardener, architect and MP designed the Great Conservatory, a huge glasshouse, at Chatsworth House?", "Which London landmark was designed by Sir Christopher Wren to commemorate the Great Fire of London?", "Which English mechanical and civil engineer who died in 1859 was responsible for engineering the Great Western Railway and designing the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol ?", "Which architect designed the Crystal Palace for the Great Exhibition of 1851?", "Which striking building in the Manchester area has been designed by architect Daniel Libeskind?", "Which London building was completed in 1977 from a design by Denys Lasdun?", "The headquarters building of which government agency is known as 'The Doughnut' due to its shape?", "Which British scientist lived at Down House, Kent, now in the care of English Heritage?", "Which famous scientist lived at Down house in Kent?", "In Italian, the word Duomo means which building?", "Which architect, President of the Royal Academy from 2004 to 2011, is responsible for the National Space Centre in Leicester and the Eden Project in Cornwall?", "Which prominent English architect now aged 74 was responsible for designing The Eden Project and the National Space Centre in Leicester ?", "What world famous architect designed Seattle's Experience Music Project to look somewhat like a smashed guitar?", "June 8, 1867 saw the birth of what American architect and interior designer, and leader of the Prairie school movement, whose most famous design is Fallingwater in Pittsburg?", "Which architect designed the house Fallingwater near Pittsburgh, and the Robie House in Chicago?", "Which British engineer designed the Forth Bridge and the original Aswan Dam?", "What famous house, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, is perched over a river in Stewart Township, Pennsylvania?", "Frederick Gibberd won the competition to design which Liverpool building?", "What is the official residence of the French President?", "Which German-American structural engineer and designer was Chief Engineer for the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco?", "The Great Pyramid of Giza was built for King Khufu as a what?", "Who designed the Guggenheim Museum in New York?", "English architect Sir Horace Jones designed which London bridge?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: event Output:
[ "Which future President made the famous Checkers Speech in 1952?", "Which American President once famously proclaimed `Ich bin ein Berliner`?", "Who famously proclaimed 'Ich bin ein Berliner' on 26 June 1963?", "On December 8th, 1941, FDR delivered his famous a date that will live in infamy speech. To what was he referring?", "Who gave the famous speech known as the `Gettysburg Address`?", "Who made the Gettysburg Address in 1863?", "Give me Liberty, or give me Death! is a quotation attributed to which speaker at a court hearing on 23 March 1775, at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: media_common Output:
[ "On which play was the film Cabaret based?", "What is the four-word name of the 1951 play on which 'Cabaret' is based?", "Which play and film was adapted from a story by Christopher Isherwood and later adapted as the musical and film Cabaret?", "The 1992 film 'Candyman' is based on which short story by Clive Barker?", "I Capuleti e i Montecchi is an opera by Vincenzo Bellini based on which story?", "The Catcher in the Rye?", "What is the British version of the board game Clue?", "The film Clueless is a modern take on which literary classic by Jane Austin?", "The 2006 film A Cock and Bull Story was about an attempt to film what book?", "Which 1910 comic novel by H G Wells features the Potwell Inn in Sussex?", "How is the painting 'The Militia Company Of Captain Frans Banning Cocq' better known?", "'The Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq and Willem Van Ruytenburch' is the proper title of which Rembrandt painting?", "Which fictional detective retired to keep bees?", "Which television character is well known for his catchphrase D'oh?", "Which show was based on Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quixote?", "To whom was the Eroica dedicated?", "Forbidden Planet is a 1956 sci-fi film based on which Shakespeare play?", "What Shakespeare play was the basis of The Forbidden Planet?", "Franco Alfano completed which Puccini opera after the composers death in 1924?", "Which of Puccini's operas was left unfinished at his death and later completed by Franco Alfano?", "Which opera by Puccini was completed after his death by Franco Alfano?", "In which Clint Eastwood film was the catchphrase `Go ahead, make my day` first used?", "Which musical was an adaptation of Christopher Isherwood's Goodbye to Berlin?", "Which 2010 3D fantasy film, starring Sam Worthington and Liam Neeson, is loosely based on the Greek myth of 'Perseus'?", "The musical 'Half a Sixpence' was based on which 1905 novel?", "The storyline of which 1994 Disney animated film is based on the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet?", "Steve McQueen had his first starring role in which 1958 cult horror/sci-fi film?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: symbols Output:
[ "Who is Bolivia named after?", "Who is the namesake of the country of Bolivia?", "Whose effigy is burned on Bonfire Night in the UK?", "Which English monarch was known as 'Brandy Nan'?", "Which Bronte sister used the pseudonym Currer Bell?", "South African rugby winger Bryan Habana was named after which famous English sportsman?", "After which American President is the capital of Liberia named?", "January 17, 1942 saw the birth of one Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr. Nicknamed The Louisville Lip, under what name did he achieve boxing immortality?", "Who is the city of Charleston, the capital of South Carolina, named after?", "Which chemical element is named after the Latin for Copenhagen where it was discovered?", "US veterinary pathologist Daniel Salmon (1850-1914) oversaw the discovery of what, named eponymously?", "Washington DC National Airport has been named in honour of which US President?", "Who was Domenikos Theotocopoulos better known as?", "By what name was scultpor and painter Domenikos Theotocopoulos better known?", "Which golfers name has been used in the EA Sports PGA Tour games for over 15 years?", "What church, known as the Irvingites mainly due to the preaching of Edward Irving, was founded in Scotland in 1832?", "Element 101, Md, is named after which Russian chemist?", "Which US state is named after Queen Elizabeth I?", "In November 1982 Eltham Little Theatre in London was renamed after which performer born in Eltham in 1903 who raised funds for the theatre?", "Three of the Galilean moons of Jupiter are Io, Europa and Callisto. Which is the fourth?", "Sportsman Gerry Watson is better by which first name?", "Which day of the week is named after the Norse god of thunder?", "Which month was named after the Roman god of war?", "After the Latin name for which modern European capital is the element Hafnium named?", "The element of the Periodic Table HAFNIUM has its name derived from the Latin name for the city in which it was discovered. Which city?", "Which monotheistic, Abrahamic religious movement accepts Haile Selassie I, the former and final Emperor of Ethiopia, as the incarnation of God, called Jah?", "What are people from Hamburg called?", "For which ancient ruler was the Mausoleum at Harlicarnassus built ?", "Which country puts `Helvetia` on its postage stamps?", "The International Airport at the Cretan capital of Heraklion is named after which writer?", "Which American owned a yacht called 'Honey Fitz'?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: religion Output:
[ "In which religion is the god Brahma found?", "Which Sanskrit word appears as a concept in both Buddhism and Hinduism, etc., and means Law or Natural Law?", "What is the cathedral church of Rome?", "The Bible Student Movement founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1872 is now known by which name?", "What movement was founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1881?", "What Christian festival commemorates the coming of the Three Wise Men to Bethlehem?", "What Christian holiday falls on the Sunday before Easter?", "What is the Scottish name for All Saints Day, a Christian ceremony grafted onto an ancient pagan ceremony?", "What is the name for a person who is a member of the Church of England?", "Which 12 century Cistercian abbey stood just outside Ripon?", "The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is a shrine for which religion?", "In Egyptian mythology who was the god of embalming who also watched over the dead?", "In Egyptian mythology, who was the God of embalming who also watched over the dead?", "Which god of embalming in Egyptian mythology is usually portrayed with the head of a Jackal?", "In Egyptian mythology, the brother of Horus and Isis, who was the god of storms, and often represented as a hippopotamus?", "In Egyptian mythology, which God has the head of a crocodile?", "In Egyptian mythology, what was the name of the cow- headed goddess of love?", "Creed Prayer Alms Fasting Pilgrimage five pillars what religion?", "The symbols known as the 'Five Ks' are central to which religion?", "Which religion has Five K's (Kesh, Kangha, Kachera, Kara and Kirpan)?", "Which religion believes in the Four Noble Truths?", "Guru Nanak founded which religion?", "Which religion has Five Pillars (the Shadahad, Salah, Zakah, Sawma and Hajj)?", "Who is the Hindu destroyer god?", "Which Hindu deity has the head of an elephant?", "What is the collective name of the four holy books of the Hindu religion?", "Pavarti or Uma is the wife of who in Hindu religion?", "In the Hindu religion Mohini, Krishna and Rama are all incarnations of which god?", "The third day of the Hindu festival of Diwali honours which Goddess of Fortune?", "What is the tenth and final day of the Hindu festival of Navrati called?", "The oldest Sanskrit literature and Hindu scriptures are called what, meaning 'knowledge' in Sanskrit?", "In Hinduism what name is given to the festival of Colour or Colours?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: american_football Output:
[ "Who was the Head Coach of the Green Bay Packers from 1959 to 1967 - he is remembered in the name of a trophy in the sport?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: award Output:
[ "Which British author wrote the 1996 Booker winning novel Last Orders?", "Which British author wrote the 1995 Booker winning novel The Ghost Road?", "Which book by Mark Haddon was the Booker Prize winner in 2003?", "Who won the 2011 Booker Prize for 'The Sense of an Ending'?", "Who was the recipient of the 1981 Booker Prize for their novel 'Midnight's Children'?", "Who won the Booker Prize in 1981 for Midnight's Children?", "Who won the Booker Prize in 2001 with 'True History of the Kelly Gang'?", "In 2012 , who became the first woman writer to win the Booker Prize for the second time ?", "Who wrote the 1984 Booker Prize winning novel 'Hotel Du Lac'?", "For which book published in 1981, did Salman Rushdie win Britain's oldest literary award, The James Tait Black Memorial Prize, as well as the Booker Prize?", "Who, before being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for 2003, was the first author to be awarded the Booker Prize twice?", "Which novelist won the 1993 Booker Prize for his novel 'Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha'?", "Which author won the Booker Prize in 1991 for his novel 'The Famished Road'?", "Who wrote the 1986 Booker Prize winning novel 'The Old Devils?", "Who wrote the 1973 Booker Prize winning novel 'The Siege of Krishnapur'?", "Which author has been nominated for the Booker Prize for the novels 'Briefing For A Descent Into Hell', 'The Sirian Experiments' and 'The Good Terrorist' but is yet to win the award?", "Who won the 1997 Booker prize for the novel 'The God of Small Things'?", "Who won the Booker Prize in 1990 with the novel 'Possession'?", "Which South African author was the first person to win the Booker Prize twice with his novel 'Disgrace'?", "Who won the Booker Prize twice for his novels 'The Life and Times of Michael K' and 'Disgrace'?", "Who wrote the 1993 Booker Prize winning novel Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha?", "Which author won the Booker Prize in 1995 for The Ghost Road'?", "Which Booker Prize winner coined the advertising slogan 'Naughty by nice'?", "Who wrote the 1980 Booker Prize winner Rites of Passage!?", "The film Schindler's List was based on whose Booker Prize winning novel of 1982?", "Who wrote the Booker prize-winning novel Moon Tiger?", "Who wrote the 2006 best seller 'The Book Thief' set in Munich during World War II?", "Who won the 'Oscar' for Best Actress in the 1950's film 'Born Yesterday'?", "Controversy at the Oscars - Which film director created a stir at the 2003 Oscar ceremony There was a loud and prolonged booing after he won the award for best documentary for his film Bowling for Columbine, because in his acceptance speech he had delivered a tirade of abuse against George Bush.?", "Who won the Oscar for best actress for her role in the film Boys Don't Cry in 1999?", "Who has won Best Leading Actress Oscars for her roles in 'Million Dollar Baby' and 'Boys Don't Cry'?", "Which American pop singer/songwriter who won the first season of the television series American Idol in 2002 won two Grammy Awards in 2006 - for her album Breakaway and the single Since U Been Gone?", "Which composer won an Oscar for the music score in the film 'Bridge on the River Kwai'?", "Who had a hit no 5 in US 1971 with Bridge over Troubled Water?", "Who wrote the 2012 Man Booker prizewinning novel Bring Up the Bodies?", "Broderick Crawford won an Oscar as best actor for his part in which 1949 film?", "What was Bruce Springsteen's first number one album in the U.K.?", "In 1984 which Bruce Springsteen song was the first to win a Grammy for him (He has won 20 in all)?", "What is the highest prize awarded at the Cannes Film Festival?", "What is the name of the highest prize awarded at the annual Cannes Film Festival?", "What is the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival?", "Who won an Oscar for playing the title role in the film Capote?", "Which film, for which Carey Mulligan won a Best Actress BAFTA, is based on the memoirs of journalist Lynn Barber?", "Which former jump jockey won the prestigious 'Crime Writer's Association' award the Cartier Diamond Dagger, in 1989?", "Which actress was nominated for a best actress Oscar for her performance in the 1995 film `Casino`?", "In 2014 Cate Blanchett won an acting Oscar for which film?", "For which film did Catherine Zeta-Jones win an Academy Award as Best Supporting Actress?", "Runa Islam, Mark Leckey, Goshka Macuga and Cathy Wilkes are this year's nominees for which prize?", "ABBA and Celine Dion were winners of what European song contest?", "Who won an Oscar for the music for Chariots of Fire in 1981?", "Which 1959 film starring Charlton Heston won a record 11 Academy Awards?", "Which modern children's author, a former Children's Laureate, wrote '4 Children and It' in 2012?", "Chris Andrews got to no.3 in '65 with a title whose initials were YM. What was it?", "In 2011, Christian Bale won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role as an assistant to his half-brother in which boxing related film?", "Christopher Walken won the best supporting actor Oscar in 1979 for his role in which film?", "Who, in 2004, was nominated for two academy awards: Best Supporting Actor in Collateraland Best Actor in Ray (which he won)?", "Which actor won his first best actor Oscar for the 1986 film `The Color Of Money`?", "Which pop star won a Golden Globe in 1962 for his role in Come September?", "Who had a 2004 No.1 hit with Confessions Part II?", "Who won the 1954 Academy Award for Best Actress for her role in the film 'Country Girl'?", "Who won the Oscar for Best Actor in 2010 for his role as Otis Blake in the film 'Crazy Heart'?", "Who was the first winner of ITV's Dancing On Ice?", "In 2008, Daniel Day-Lewis won the 'Oscar' for Best Actor for his role in which film?", "In 1959, for which film did David Niven win his only Academy Award?", "Who won the 1995 Best Actress Oscar for her part in 'Dead Man Walking'?", "Which 1983 film starring Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger won 5 Oscars (Academy Awards)?", "Who won an Oscar for his part in The Deer Hunter?", "The theme tune to which TV series starring Don Johnson gave Jan Hammer his first UK chart success?", "In which 1988 Academy Award-winning film did Dustin Hoffman play a character with special mental powers called Raymond Babbitt?", "Which 2011 Nobel Prize was jointly awarded to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkol Karman?", "For which film did Emma Thompson win an Academy Award for Best Actress?", "Who won the Oscar for best director for the 1996 film The English Patient?", "The Nobel Prize in Literature 1954 was awarded to Ernest Hemingway for his mastery of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in what novella, featuring as a main character a tired gentleman named Santiago, and for the influence that he has exerted on contemporary style.?", "Which Irishman has won the Eurovision song contest twice as a singer and once as a composer?", "Who won the Eurovision song contest for Ireland in 1980 singing What's Another Year?", "Who won the Eurovision song contest for Ireland singing `What`s Another Year`?", "Which Austrian performed the winning song, Rise Like a Phoenix, at the Eurovision Song Contest 2014?", "Who won (barefoot) the British Eurovision Song Contest in 1967 with Puppet on String?", "Who were the last act to win the Eurovision Song Contest for the UK?", "Who won the Eurovison Song Contest for the United Kingdom in 1967?", "Which duo had top five hits in the 1980's with Shout and Everybody Wants to Rule the World?", "The US think tank Fund For Peace comes out with a Failed States Index every year. Which country topped the list for a fourth consecutive year in 2011?", "With whom did Faith Evans had a No. 1 hit in 1997 with the song I'll Be Missing You?", "The Fields Medal is equal to a Nobel prize in what area?", "Who won an Academy Award for best supporting actor forThe Fighter?", "Who won the 2010 Man-Booker Prize with the novel The Finkler Question ?", "Who won his second Oscar in successive years for Forrest Gump?", "In 2007, Forrest Whittaker won the 'Oscar' for Best Actor for his role in which film?", "Name Frank Sinatra's Oscar winning song from the 1959 movie, `A Hole in the Head'.?", "Which 1950s singer won an Academy Award for From Here to Eternity?", "Which 'Lady Gaga' hit was the UK's best selling single of 2009?", "Gene Hackman played the sheriff of Big Whiskey and received an Oscar in which 1992 film?", "Which clothing firm shares its name with a 1971 Academy Award winning film starring Gene Hackman?", "Gene Hackman won the Best Actor 'Oscar' for his role as 'Popeye Doyle' in which film?", "Which American film director of Greek origin has twice won the Academy Award for Best Director for his films 'Gentleman's Agreement' and 'On The Waterfront'?", "Geoffrey Rush won the 1996 Academy Award for Best Actor for playing a mentally handicapped piano player in which film?", "Glenda Jackson won an Oscar in 1971 for which film?", "Glenda Jackson won Best Actress Oscar in 1971 for her role in 'Women In Love' and again in 1974 for a role in which film?", "Which role as 'the other woman' won Glenn Close her first Oscar nomination?", "Which actor won an oscar for playing Vito Corleone in `The Godfather Part II`?", "Which singer won an Academy Award for his role in the 1950s film Going My Way?", "Who won an Oscar for her role as 'Mammy' in 'Gone With The Wind'?", "In 1978 who became the youngest man to win a Best Actor Oscar for his performance in `The Goodbye Girl`?", "Who was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar for her role as Mrs Robinson in The Graduate?", "What is the title of Graham Swift's 1996 Booker Prize winning novel which was made into a 2001 film of the same name starring Michael Caine and Helen Mirren?", "Which artist won the 1992 Grammy for Album of the Year for his Unplugged album?", "Who won the Pulitzer Prize for his novel `The Grapes of Wrath`?", "The Guardian Fiction Prize was replaced in 1999 by the Guardian First Book award. Whose novel White Teeth was the second winner?", "For her performance in which film did Halle Berry win an 'Oscar'?", "The Hand That Feeds was a No.1 hit for which band in 2006?", "Which winner of an Oscar, a Grammy, an Emmy, a Tony and a Pulitzer, wrote musicals with Hart, Hammerstein and Sondheim?", "Hattie McDaniel, an American actress, was the first black performer to win an Academy Award, in 1939 for Best Supporting Actress for her role of Mammy in which film?", "In 1961 which Henry Mancini record won Grammy record of year?", "Hilary Mantel won the 2009 Man Booker Prize with which novel?", "What is the title of Hilary Mantel's book that won her a second Man Booker Prize?", "Which group has had hits with the albums 'Hopes and Fears', and `Under the Iron Sea'?", "The Hubbard Medal, whose past winners include Sir Ernest Shackleton, Charles Lindbergh, and the Apollo 11 crew, is awarded by which society?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: travel Output:
[ "In which city, one of the hosts for the 2003 Cricket World Cup, is the Buffalo Park Ground?", "Which mountain overlooks the city of Cape Town in South Africa?", "In which part of the British Isles is Carisbrooke Castle?", "In which English city is the Cartwright Hall Art Gallery?", "What is the name of the famous Chicago building that is 110 storeys high?", "The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, built on the site of the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, is in which Russian city?", "Which English town is known for its collection of concrete cows?", "Coney Island is situated in which Borough of New York City?", "Which Derbyshire town is famous for having a church with a crooked spire?", "The Jet d'Eau Fountain is in which European city?", "Opened in July, 1955, where is Disneyland Park, Disney's first?", "In which Indian city is Eden Gardens, the second largest test cricket ground in the world?", "Eden Park staged some of the 2011 Rugby World Cup matches, in which city can it be found?", "Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World stood at Ephesus?", "Which wonder of the ancient world was at Ephesus?", "Europa Point is the southern tip of which British territory?", "Which ancient structure ran from Old Kirkpatrick, Dumbartonshire to Bo'ness Falkirk?", "What station is at the western end of the Ffestiniog railway in Wales?", "In which town or city is the Fitzwilliam Museum?", "The Fitzwilliam Museum is in which British town or city?", "What micronation can be found along the French Riviera?", "What complex, once the residence of the Muslim rulers of Granada that became a Christian palace, was rediscovered in the 19th century and now exhibits Islamic architecture, together with Christian 16th century buildings and gardens?", "The Grand Bazaar, said to be the world's largest covered market, is in which city?", "The prominent headland known as the Great Orme is close to which Welsh town?", "Which seaside resort extends either side of the Great Orme headland?", "Where in Britain is the Great Western Railway Museum?", "Grey Street, named after Prime Minister Earl Grey, is a major street in which British city?", "In which Yorkshire town are the Royal Horticultural Society's Harlow Carr gardens?", "What is the name of the cafe/tea room, founded by Frederick Belmont in 1919 in Harrogate, and now a tourist attraction?", "In which English town is 'The Hat Works', the only museum of hats and headwear in the country?", "What runs for about 1.3 miles on Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in Los Angeles county and is said to attract 10 million tourists every year?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: military Output:
[ "Which South African soldier / statesman fought against the British in the Boer War, then on the side of the allies in both World Wars, and was instrumental in the founding of the League of Nations in 1919?", "Which famous Hollywood actor (not including Presidents) had the highest military rank as a Brigadier General in the US Army Reserve?", "Great Britain declared war on Germany after they invaded which country in 1939?", "After which war did Britain gain Ceylon. Mauritius, Trinidad and Tobago?", "Which country declared war on Britain in 1812?", "Which is the oldest regiment of the regular British Army?", "Ride of the Valkyries is the official quick march of which branch of the British Army?", "In British army what ranks between Major General and Colonel?", "In the British Army, what rank falls between Major General and Colonel?", "In the British Army, which commissioned rank is indicated by a crown on each shoulder?", "What is the trade of a British Army soldier with a white horseshoe on his arm?", "In the British and American armies, what rank is between a General and a Major-General ?", "Which city was the site of the dervish rebellion and the death of the British General Gordon in 1885?", "In the British Royal Navy, which rank is between Captain and Rear-Admiral?", "What brutal dictator seized power in Cambodia?", "Apart from the USA, Canada and British possessions, which other country from the Americas actively took part in WW2, declaring war on the Axis countries in 1942?", "Who led the Muslim forces who captured Jerusalem on this day in 1187, thus ending 88 years of crusader rule of the city?", "What was the name of the series of religiously sanctioned military campaigns between 1095 and 1291 waged by much of Latin Christian Europe to restore Christian control of the Holy Land?", "Who served in the Crimean War (1854 - 56), was responsible for suppressing the Taiping rebellion in China in 1860, was governor of the Sudan 1877 - 79, and died there?", "Which place between York and Knaresborough in the UK was the site of a decisive battle in 1642 when Cromwell defeated Royalist forces?", "Which Scottish leader was finally beaten at Culloden?", "Which battle is known as 'Custer's Last Stand'?", "Who was the wing commander who led the 'Dambusters' bomber raids in 1943?", "Who owned the black labrador that was killed on the evening of the Dam Busters raid?", "Who was Commander-in-Chief of American ground forces in planning the invasion of France in 1944 and Commander of the US 1st Army on D Day?", "In which battle did Edward the Black Prince 'win his spurs'?", "What was the surname of the President of Egypt at the time?", "Where did Scottish patriot William Wallace lead soldiers to a defeat of the English in 1297?", "In 1314, Robert the Bruce and a small Scottish army inflicted a massive defeat on a huge English army at Bannockburn. Who was the leader of the English forces ?", "Led by Ethan Allen, The Green Mountain Boys, c.1764-1776, established which US state, defeating the British provinces New York and New Hampshire?", "Edward I of England defeated whose forces at Falkirk on 22 July 1298?", "Who was King of France from 1643 to 1715?", "Which battle between England and France was fought in August 1346?", "Who led the Free French forces during World War II?", "During which battle of 1876 did the Sioux Indians massacre George Custer's Seventh Cavalry Regiment?", "In WW2 Operation Yellow was the codename for the German invasion of which country?", "In 1915, which Balkan nation joined W.W.I., on the side of the Central Powers (i.e. Germany), by declaring war on Serbia?", "On Aug 23, 1939, Germany signed a non-aggression pact with what other country, paving the way for the Nazi invasion of Poland?", "What 1943 WWII battle between Germany and the Soviet Union remains to this day the largest series of armored clashes ever?", "September 1, 1939 saw the start of World War II when Germany invaded what country?", "Which former Gestapo boss was sentenced to life imprisonment in July 1987 for crimes against humanity during World War II?", "The Battle of Rain, or Lech, on April 15th 1632 in which the Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus beat the forces of the Holy Roman Empire was part of which war?", "In 1989, there was a peaceful transfer of power to non-Communist governments in East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and which other country?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: time Output:
[ "In what country did the Boxer War, or Boxer Rebellion, happen?", "The Boxer Rebellion took place during 1900 in which country?", "The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising that took place in what country?", "On which date do we celebrate 'Boxing Day'?", "What is Canada's national day (Canada Day)?", "On what date is Candlemas Day?", "The first world's fair in the United States since World War II, what city hosted the 1962 World's Fair, known as Century 21 Exposition?", "The military action popularly known as The Charge of the Light Brigade took place in which war?", "On the western Christian calendar, what date is Twelfth Day?", "In which country was there a civil war between 1861 and 1865, which was lost by the Confederate forces?", "In what country did the Tamil Tigers fight a civil war?", "What is the name of Colonel Muammar Ghaddafi's home town where he was killed in 2011?", "Where was the venue for the Commonwealth Games in 2010?", "During which conflict was the battle of Crecy fought?", "In which war did the battles of Crecy and Poitiers take place?", "The battle of Crecy was fought during which war?", "Which battle, the first major engagement of the Crimean War took place on 20th September 1854?", "D.C. sniper John Allen Muhammad was executed last night for his role in terrorizing the nation's capital in October 2002. In what state was he executed?", "Which was the first major battle of the English Civil War, that took place in October 1642?", "What was the last battle of the English Civil War?", "On which date is Epiphany celebrated in the traditional Western calendar?", "Starting 30 years of conflict, the Eritrean War of Independence broke out on Sept 1, 1961, as Eritrean separatists fought for independence from what country?", "Where was Expo 2010 held from 1 May to 31 October 2010, the most expensive Expo in the history of world's fairs with the largest site (5.28 square km), with more than 190 countries and over 50 international organisations participating?", "In which city did Expo 67 take place?", "In Christian chronology when is the 'Feast of Stephen'?", "To what religion would you belong if you celebrated 'Diwali' (The Festival of Lights)?", "Globo Esporte, which carried the headline 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA' following Argentina's 4-0 defeat by Germany in the 2010 FIFA World Cup, is a newspaper in which country?", "What major 1915 campaign of the First World War is also called as the Battle of Canakkale and is credited with shaping the consciousness of more than one country?", "In the First World War, what other name is given to the third battle of Ypres of June 1917?", "In which English Country did the Battle of Flodden Field take place?", "In which English county is Flodden Field, the site of the famous battle of the same name?", "The site of the Battle of Flodden Field is in which county?", "In which 18th century war were the battles of Dettingen and Fontenoy?", "In which country was the 1950 Football World Cup held?", "In which American state is Gettysburg, where Abraham Lincoln made his famous address?", "Which US city was ravaged by a Great Fire in 1871 that left thousands homeless?", "Which month in the Gregorian calendar was originally the seventh month of the Roman calendar?", "Which month of the Gregorian calendar was originally the first month of the Roman calendar?", "Grounation Day (April 21) and Coronation Day (November 2) are important holy days in which religion?", "Which date is Groundhog Day in the USA?", "In which town did the Gunfight at the OK Corral take place?", "Which town was the scene of the Gunfight at the OK Corral?", "Who was die leader of the gunpowder plot?", "Hlobane and Isandhlwana were battles in which 19th century conflict?", "Duvali, Dushira and Holi are religious days in which religion?", "In the Christian calendar what is the first day of Holy Week?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: visual_art Output:
[ "What highly influential movement of artwork is considered established by Picasso, Braque, Metzinger and others in Paris, 1911?", "What name is given to the style of art invented by Picasso and Braque in which the subject is reduced to basic geometric solids?", "Which exponent of Brit Art created works involving a bed, a tent and a beach hut?", "Which artist painted Bubbles, which was used in the advertising for Pears soap?", "Which US pop artist created 100 Campbells Soup Cans?", "Name the French artist (1839-1906) whose painting 'The Card Players' is one of the most expensive ever sold?", "Which Impressionist artist painted The Card Players circa 1892-4?", "The Card Players and The Boy in the Red Vestare are works by which 19th century French artist?", "Which artist, described by Matisse as the father of modern painting, painted Apples and Oranges in 1899, The Bather in 1885-87 and The Card Players in 1890?", "Which post-impressionist painted The Card Players in 1892?", "Who painted The Card Players, at Feb 2012 the most expensive artwork in the world?", "Umberto Boccioni and Carlo Carra are associated with which artistic movement founded by Filippo Marinetti in the early 20th century?", "The painting that has the words ceci n'est pas une pipe written on it, is by which artist?", "Which is these is the real name of a famous 20th Century Graffiti artist?", "The artists Monet, Manet, Degas and Cezanne are mainly noted for what style of art?", "Early Sunday Morning and Chop Suey are works by which artist?", "Which 20th century artist's works include 'Christ Of St. John Of The Cross' and 'Metamorphosis Of Narcissus'?", "Peter Blake, Richard Hamilton, Claes Oldenburg, and Jim Dine were amongst the leading exponents of which 1950's / 60's style of painting?", "What art movement was exemplified by Claude Monet?", "What is the largest hammered copper statue in the world?", "Courbet belonged to which artistic school?", "The 1994 Triptych Three Studies for Figures at the Base of Crucifixion was a breakthrough work by whom?", "Which French artist, along with Picasso, was a founder of Cubism He designed sets for Diaghilev ballets and was awarded the Legion D'Honneur. Among his works are The Woman Musician and The Candlestick.?", "Who founded the Cubism movement with Picasso?", "Which painter, along with Georges Braque, founded the style cubism in the early 20th century?", "A hugely valuable little sculpted guitar recently recovered by police in Italy was made by which cubist artist for his daughter Paloma?", "Which artist painted A Wheatfield With Cypresses in 1889?", "In 1919, which Dadaist created L.H.O.O.Q., a parody of the Mona Lisa, in which a moustache and goatee beard were added to a reproduction of the painting?", "Dali belonged to which artistic school?", "Name artist Damien Hirst's famous (supposedly 50m) diamond and platinum encrusted skull artwork?", "Who painted the famous paintings known as Children at the Beach at Guernsey, Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, The Swing and The Theater Box?", "The painting A Dance to the Music of Time 1634 - 1635 displayed in the Wallace Collection, London is by which artist?", "Now in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence, the Renaissance masterpiece, 'The Statue of David is by which sculptor?", "Who created the statue of David, which is held in Florence's Academia Gallery?", "Which French artist (1748-1825) painted The Death of Marat?", "Which French neoclassical artist painted The Death of Marat in 1793?", "Which painter produced the works The Death of Marat and Napoleon Crossing the Alps?", "Which French painter painted 'The Death of Socrates' in 1787 and 'Leonidas at Thermopylae in 1814?", "Who painted Dedham Vale and The Valley Farm?", "What name was given to a group of painters who first exhibited in Paris in 1906, including Matisse, Bracque, Derain, van Dongen and Dufy, who presented bold forms, brilliant colours and clearly defined patterns?", "Which one of the painters as a member of the De Stijl movement?", "Which 18th-19th Century English artist painted 'Hannibal Crossing The Alps' and 'Dido Building Carthage'?", "What is Edward Hopper's famous night-time painting of customers in an American diner?", "Which artist was born in 1746, died in 1828, and produced a series of satirical paintings entitled 'The Disasters Of War'?", "Who created the works The Third of May 1808 and The Disasters of War?", "Who created the Piet in St Peter's Basilica, the Doni Tondo in the Uffizi Gallery, and the sequence of poems written to Tommaso dei Cavalieri?", "Dora Maar au Chat and The Weeping Woman are both portraits by which artist of his lover?", "Drowning Girl is one of the notable works of which 20th century artist?", "For which painting was Edouard Manet condemned as incompetent and subversive by critics, which damaged his reputation for years?", "Edward Hopper painted a famous picture in 1929 that shares a name with which dish?", "Which of these is the correct title of a work by Edward Hopper?", "Sold for $100 million in 2008, 'Eight Elvises' is which artist's most expensive painting?", "Elective Affinities is a work by which painter?", "Who was the German painter and sculptor who was a founder of the surrealist movement Among his works are The Elephant Celebes and Le Grand Amoreux.?", "Fernand Leger belonged to which school of art.?", "Who painted 'The Fighting Temeraire'?", "Among the works of which English landscape painter are The Fighting Temeraire and The Sun of Venice Going to Sea?", "The Fighting Temeraire is a work by which artist?", "Who painted the picture of The Fighting Temeraire?", "For The Love of God is a famous Skull work by which artist?", "Four Darks in Red is a 1958 work by whom?", "Irish-born Francis Bacon (1909-1992) is known in what field?", "Franz Hals painted his most famous work in 1624; what was it called?", "What is the title of the most famous painting by Franz Hals?", "Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc were prominent members of which German Expressionist Art movement based in Berlin?", "Painted in 1905, the painting Garcon a la Pipe was a famous painting by which famous artist who died in 1973?", "Which artist who lived from 1450 to 1516, painted 'The Garden Of Earthly Delights'?", "Who painted the early sixteenth century triptych 'The Garden of Earthly Delights'?", "Who sculpted The Gates of Hell depicting a scene from Dante's Inferno from 1880 until his death in 1917?", "Which art movement was pioneered by Pablo Picasso and George Braque?", "What movement did Georges Braque belong to?", "Which avant-garde art movement, pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque around 1906, revolutionized European painting and sculpture and inspired related movements in music and literature?", "With which art movement was Georges Braque associated?", "What term best describes Georges Braque?", "Which artist born in what is now Belgium (c. 1380-1441) painted the Ghent Altarpiece?", "Artists William Harnett, Annibale Carracci, Abraham van Beyeren, Juan Snchez Cotn, Jean-Baptiste-Simon Chardin, Vincent van Gogh, Edouard Manet, Fernand Lger, Georges Braque, Giorgio Morandi, Paul Czanne and Pablo Picasso have all painted what style of painting?", "Who painted Girl before a Mirror ?", "Who painted Girl with a Pearl Earring circa 1665?", "Which 19th century French painter's works include The Gleaners and The Angelus , both of which were extensively reproduced at the time?", "What British graffiti artist gained worldwide fame?", "Which famous British graffiti artist describes himself as a 'Quality Vandal'?", "Which of these would you most associate with Graffiti Art?", "Which of these is a famous work by Grant Wood?", "The mural-size canvas painted in oils, known as Guernica, was painted by whom?", "Who painted Guernica and The Old Guitarist?", "What war was depicted in Picasso's painting Guernica?", "'The Harlot's Progress' is a series of paintings and engravings by which 18th Century English painter?", " 'The Harlot's Progress' is a series of paintings and engravings by which 18th Century English painter?", "Who made two series of engravings based on two series of his paintings, called A Rake's Progress and A Harlot's Progress?", "Which French artist painted Haystacks, Rouen Cathedral and Sunrise?", "Who painted The Haywain?", "In which art gallery would you find The Haywain by Constable, The Stonemasons by Canaletto and The Arnolfini Protrait by Van Eyck?", "Which female Mexican painter was responsible for 'Tree Of Hope', 'Henry Ford Hospital' and 'The Dream'?", "Which Dutch Renaissance artist painted The Hunters in the Snow, in 1565?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: dining Output:
[ "May 15, 1940 saw the first restaurant in what fast food franchise, now the worlds largest, open in San Bernadino, Ca?", "Named after a service station on the M4, which chef is proprietor of The Fat Duck and has been In Search of Perfection in print and on the media?", "Which celebrity chef is the owner of the three Michelin-starred restaurant, The Fat Duck, in Bray, Berkshire, which has been voted the Best Restaurant in the UK for the past six yearsby The Good Food Guide ?", "Which French chef created Peach Melba in 1893?", "What food was named after a composer by the French chef Escoffier?", "The name of what popular German rye sandwich bread translates as devil's fart?", "The German dessert Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte is known by what name in Britain?", "Translating as `skewer', what Greek dish consists of small pieces of pork, tomatoes, onions and tzatziki wrapped in pita bread?", "Which four letter word beginning with G is a Greek dish made with slices of spiced meat cooked on a spit, served with salad and pita bread?", "Name the Greek dish of vine leaves stuffed with rice, meat and herbs?", "What is the Greek and Turkish delicacy of spiced rice and meat wrapped in vine leaves?", "What is the name of Heston Blumenthal's restaurant in Bray?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: meteorology Output:
[ "Which Island Nation was devastated by cyclone Pam in March 2015?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: games Output:
[ "From which other card game is bridge derived ?", "Ambigu was an early form of what card game?", "What game, created in 1904 by a quaker, Elizabeth (Lizzie) Phillips, when revised by Charles Darrow and others became one of the world's most played commercial board games?", "In what country did chess originate?", "In what country is chess thought to have originated?", "Generally acknowledged as the father of role-playing games, Gary Gygax, along with Dave Arneson, was the mastermind behind what major game?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: film Output:
[ "Bob Parr is a leading character, and head of the family, in which animated movie?", "In which movie did Bogart have his first gangster part?", "Bolt, in the title of the 2008 movie, was voiced by which actor?", "Who directed the film Bonnie and Clyde?", "Who played Bonnie in the 1967 film `Bonnie And Clyde`?", "Which of the following appeared in both the films `Magnolia` and `Boogie Nights` Mark Wahlberg, Julianne Moore or Tom Cruise?", "Who wrote the opera 'Boris Godunov' in 1874?", "Who played Ron Kovic in the 1989 film 'Born on the Fourth of July'?", "Who played Boromir in the film version of The Lord of the Rings directed by Peter Jackson?", "In which country did the bossa nova originate?", "Who is the English film director of The Bourne Supremacy, The Bourne Ultimatum, United 93 and Captain Phillips?", "Which film classic was based around the Boxer Rebellion?", "Which former Nazi war criminal was the subject of Ira Levin's 1976 novel The Boys from Brazil'?", "Brabantio and Grantiano are characters in which Shakespearean play?", "In which 2010 film are the main characters played by Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Quinton Jackson and Sharlto Copley?", "Helena Bonham Carter and Meat Loaf appear in which 1999 film starring Brad Pitt?", "What is the title of the 1999 film, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton, which was adapted from Chuck Palahniuk's 1996 novel?", "Who was the leader of the band that appeared in The Brady Bunch Movie?", "Who played the title role in Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)?", "Which singer/songwriter played the character of Renfield in the 1994 film `Bram Stoker`s Dracula`?", "Which actor played the title character in the films 'Ed Wood', 'Donnie Brasco' and 'Edward Scissorhands'?", "Which actor, who died in 2011, became famous when referred to as the best actor in the world by Steven Spielberg He starred in a succession of movies including The Usual Suspects, Brassed Off, Last of the Mohicans and The Constant Gardener?", "Who directed the 1995 film 'Braveheart'?", "More familiar for television roles, who played King Edward the First in the film Braveheart?", "Which famous person in history did Mel Gibson play in the film `Braveheart`?", "Which former member of the 'Monty Python' team directed such films as 'Brazil' and 'The Fisher King'?", "Who directed the 1961 film 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'?", "What was the name of the Oscar-winning song 'performed' by Audrey Hepburn in `Breakfast at Tiffany's'?", "Who played the male lead in the film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'?", "Who was the leading man in the film 'Breakfast at Tiffany's?", "In the film `Breakfast at Tiffanys`, what is the name of Audrey Hepburn`s character`s cat ?", "What director created the popular 1980's films The Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off?", "Which actress starred in the 1980s films The Breakfast Club and Pretty In Pink and later turned down the Julia Roberts role in Pretty Woman?", "What film, sub-titled The Story of Christy Brown, is a 1989 drama directed by Jim Sheridan and starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Ray McAnally, Brenda Fricker, Fiona Shaw, Julie Hale, Alison Whelan, Kirsten Sheridan, Declan Croghan, Eanna MacLiam, Marie Conmee and Cyril Cusack, that tells the true story of an Irishman born with cerebral palsy?", "Which 1998 film, starring Lynn Redgrave, Ian McKellan and Brendan Fraser centred on the life of film director James Whale?", "The astronauts Dallas, Ripley, Kane, Lambert, Brett and Parker, are characters in which 1979 science fiction film?", "Which 1979 features characters called Ripley, Dallas, Brett and Lambert?", "Which 2001 film is based on the story Super-Toys Last All Summer Long by Brian Aldiss that deals with the age of machines where child creation is controlled?", "Which TV series had characters called Dougal, Zebedee, Brian, Ermintrude, Dylan, Florence and Mr Rusty?", "Which American screenwriter, producer, director, actor, author and editor, most productive in the 1950's, made Plan 9 From Outer Space, Glen or Glenda and Bride Of The Monster?", "Which actor went from a bridge in 'The Cruel Sea' to a 'Bridge On The River Kwai'?", "Who played Lieutenant Colonel Nicholson in the 1957 film 'The Bridge on the River Kwai'?", "Bridge River Kwai - Bridges Toki Rio - what actor links films?", "The film, Bridget Jones's Diary was based on the novel by which English authoress?", "Who wrote the play Still Life, on which the 1945 film Brief Encounter was based?", "In Which We Serve, This Happy Breed and Brief Encounter are early films by which director?", "Who directed the 1945 film, 'Brief Encounter'?", "David Lean directed the 1945 film 'Brief Encounter', but who composed the incidental music and also produced the film?", "Name actor Von Ryan's Express, The Third Man, Brief Encounter?", "Which actress began her professional film career aged six in Bright Eyes in 1934?", "Who wrote the novel `Brighton Rock`?", "Which actress appeared in the film Calendar Girls and the remake of Brighton Rock?", "The 2003 Stephen Fry film Bright Young Things was based on which author's novel Vile Bodies?", "What was the only western that Brigitte Bardot appeared in (it was based on a book by Louis L'Amour)?", "What activity is the subject of the movie Bring it On?", "In which Bond film does Britt Ekland play the character of Mary Goodnight?", "In which James Bond film does Britt Ekland appear?", "Who was in the films Zelig, Stardust Memories, and Broadway Danny Rose?", "Who directed the 2005 film 'Brokeback Mountain'?", "Which film star (of Brokeback Mountain fame) died on 22 Jan 2008?", "Who wrote the short story on which the 2006 film 'Brokeback Mountain was based?", "Better known as an actor, who directed the film `A Bronx Tale`?", "Who starred in and directed the 1993 film A Bronx Tale?", "Who voiced the character of Bruce the shark in Finding Nemo?", "In the Die Hard films what is the name of Bruce Willis` character?", "What is the name of Bruce Willis` character in `Die Hard`?", "In which 1998 film did Bruce Willis lead a team to confront a deadly threat from outer space?", "In which film did Bruce Willis play the character 'Harry Stamper'?", "Bruce Willis is best known for his role of John McCain in which film series?", "In which film did a dog called Bruiser Woods first appear?", "Which actor played the title role in the 2009 film, Bruno?", "Who played the title character in the 2009 film 'Bruno'?", "Drizella Tremaine, Gus, Bruno and Lucifer are all characters in which Disney film?", "Who played both Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers on film in the 1930s?", "What movie was about a dunking Golden Retriever named Buddy?", "Who has played Dick Tracy, Bugsy Siegel and Clyde Barrow on film?", "In which US city was the 1968 film 'Bullitt' set?", "Which actor played the title role in the 1968 film 'Bullitt'?", "Which American actor starred in the films Bullitt, Papillon and The Great Escape?", "Which film originated the obsession/jealousy term 'bunny boiler'?", "Which 1956 film starring Burt Lancaster was shot in Paris, including at the Cirque d'hiver?", "Busby Berkeley was famous for his contribution to elaborately staged extravagant scenes in film musicals, mainly between the 1920s to 1940s, as what?", "Which actress, who died in 1962, starred in the films Some Like It Hot and Bus Stop?", "For what role is actor Buster Crabbe best known?", "Who played Butch Cassidy in the 1969 film `Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid`?", "Who played the Sundance Kid in the 1969 film `Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid`?", "A 1969 American western film that tells the story of two bank robbers is Butch Cassidy and the ... what ... Kid?", "Who voiced the character 'Buzz Lightyear' in 'Toy Story'?", "What is the name of the nightclub singer who is the central character of the musical 'Cabaret'?", "Who is the central female character in the musical 'Cabaret'?", "The film musical, Cabaret was based on the short novel, Goodbye to Berlin, written in the 1930's by which British author?", "Who directed The Cable Guy?", "Who wrote `Pygmalion` and `Caesar and Cleopatra`?", "Who plays Calvin J Candie in the 2012 film 'Django Unchained'?", "Who played King Arthur in the 1967 musical film Camelot?", "Who made a cameo appearance in Die Another Day as fencing instructor Verity?", "In two films made in 2000 and 2003, what was the collective name of Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu?", "What was Cameron Diaz's first major movie (hint: her co-star was Jim Carrey)?", "Who was Captain America's sidekick during World War II?", "Captain Corelli's mandolin is a book a film set in which country?", "Who played Captain Jack Sparrow in the 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series of films?", "Who played Captain Jean-Luc Picard in the television series 'Star-Trek: The Next Generation'?", "Who plays Captain Kirk in the 2013 Star Trek film?", "Who played the title role in the modern day pirate film 'Captain Philips'?", "Which actor played the part of Captain Smith in the 1997 film `Titanic'?", "'Caractacus Potts' is a character from which book and film?", "In children's literature, which car did Commander Caractacus Potts drive?", "General Gordon, Michelangelo and Cardinal Richelieu have all been played on screen by which actor?", "What legendary Universal Studios horror star, the Eighth Wonder of the World, had his home on Skull Island before filmmaker Carl Denham drags his hairy ass back to New York?", "Which American film director and writer is best known for his suspense and thriller films, including 'Carrie'. 'Scarface', 'Carlito's Way' and 'Mission: Impossible'?", "In the film `Carlito`s Way`, who played Carlito?", "Who plays groundsman Carl Spackler in the 1980 film 'Caddyshack'?", "For an American Express ad, Tiger Woods once donned the role of Carl Spackler, a character from what 1980 comedy set at the Bushwood Country Club?", "As portrayed by Carl Weathers, and known as The Master of Disaster, The King of Sting, The Dancing Destroyer, or The Count of Monte Fisto, what was the name of the opponent Rocky faced for the Word Championship title in the first Rocky movie?", "Name the actress who played the title role in the 1976 film 'Carrie'.?", "Who played Carrie in the 1976 horror film of the same name?", "Which actress, who appeared in 24 of the films, played Calpurnia in Carry On Cleo?", "Who played the title role in the film 'Carry On, Columbus'?", "Which actress played Annie Oakley in the film Carry on Cowboy?", "The Third Foot and Mouth Regiment featured in which Carry On film?", "Which Carry On film features characters The Khasi of Kalabar, Private James Widdle and the 3rd Foot and Mouth Regiment?", "Which of the Carry On film featured the `3rd Foot And Mouth Regiment`, the `Devils In Skirts`?", "Joan Fussey, Miss Haggard and Josh Fiddler are all characters in which 'Carry On' film?", "What was the title of the first ever 'Carry On' film?", "Which Carry On film contained the line 'Oh yes colonel, many times, but never with a daffodil'?", "Which was the second Carry on film?", "Released in 1962, which was the first of the 'Carry On ....' films to be released in colour?", "Which actor appeared in the most 'Carry On' films?", "Who played Cardinal Wolsey in the 1971 film 'Carry On Henry'?", "The 1942 film, Casablanca was based on which play, written by Joan Alison and Murray Burnett?", "Who directed the 1942 film, 'Casablanca'?", "Which actor famously said the line `Here`s looking at you, kid` in the film `Casablanca`?", "The film `Casablanca` is set around which war?", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons, the story (and movie) about a boy/man who ages in reverse, was written by what great Jazz Age writer?", "Casey Kasem provided the voice of which character in Scooby Doo?", "Who played Sam 'Ace' Rothstein in the 1995 film 'Casino'?", "Who played Cat Ballou in the 1965 film of the same name?", "Which British pop group appeared in the 1965 film 'Catch Us If You Can'?", "In which 1992 film does the character Catherine Tramell appear?", "In which film did Sharon Stone play the character 'Catherine Tramell?", "Who played 'Harvey 'Big Daddy' Pollitt' in the 1958 film 'Cat On A Hot Tin Roof'?", "Who played the title role in the 2004 movie Catwoman?", "Who played Cat Woman in the 1997 film Batman Returns?", "In which film does Michelle Pfeiffer play the character of Catwoman?", "Which Bond girl met Ringo Starr when they starred in the 1981 film Caveman, and later married him?", "'Cedric Errol' is better known as which fictional character?", "Which 1945 film, starring Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard, was shot mostly at Carnforth Station in Lancashire?", "In which film did Noel Coward play Captain E V Kinross and Celia Johnson his wife Alix?", "What sport features in the films `He Got Game` (1998), `Flubber` (1997) and `Celtic Pride` (1996)?", "Who starred in the title role in the 1992 film `Chaplin`?", "What was the last silent film in which Chaplin's little tramp appeared?", "In Chaplin's The Great Dictator, what was the dictator's name?", "From which film, for which Chaplin film wrote the music, did Petula Clark have a Number One with 'This Is My Song'?", "Who wrote the screenplay of Chariots of Fire?", "What movie cast included James Garner, Richard Attenbourough, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Donald Pleasance, James Coburn, Gordon Jackson, Angus McPhee among many others?", "Donald Pleasance, Telly Savalas and Charles Gray have all played the role of which James Bond villain?", "What series of 29 British films made between 1958 and 1978 were made by a collection of actors including Sid James, Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey, and Kenneth Connor?", "Which film starring Clark Gable and Charles Laughton was set mainly on a ship at sea?", "Characters Charlie Allnut and Rosie Sayer appeared in which classic 1951 movie?", "In book and film, which vessel was commanded by Charlie Allnut?", "Who played Charlie in the 2005 film Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?", "Which film features the characters of Raymond and Charlie Babbitt?", "Which tough-guy actor was the voice of the dog Charlie B Barkin in the 1989 animated film All Dogs Go to Heaven?", "What is the name of Charlie Chaplin's 1952 film about ballet?", "What is the title of Charlie Chaplin's first full-length feature film?", "What is the title of late actor Charlie Chaplin's last completed film, launched in the UK in 1967?", "Which Charlie Chaplin film satirized Adolf Hitler?", "Who played Charlie Chaplin in Richard Attenborough's 1992 film?", "Who provided the voice of Charlie for Charlie's Angels in the original TV series and the films made in 2000 and 2003?", "In which 1969 film did Michael Caine play Charlie Croker?", "In which famous film did Michael Caine play a character named Charlie Croker?", "Formerly known as 'Marky Mark', who played 'Charlie Croker' in the 2003 film 'The Italian Job'?", "Who played Charlie Croker in the 2003 film 'The Italian Job'?", "Charlie Sheen starred as which character in the TV series Two and a Half Men?", "In the 2008 film 'Charlie Wilson's War' which actor took the title role?", "What links French dramatist Pierre Corneille (1606-1684) and actor Charlton Heston (1923-2008)?", "Now say Chatillon, what would France with us is the opening line in which Shakespeare play?", "What is the name of the actor and singer who voiced the character 'Chef' in the animated series 'South Park' from 1997 to 2006?", "Which 2004 film was about Che Guevara's early days traveling across South America?", "What is the title of the 1987 film in which Cher plays a widow who falls in love with the brother, played by Nicholas Cage, of her husband-to-be?", "Which 1992 Robert Altman film featured cameos from Angelica Huston, Burt Reynolds and Cher, all playing themselves?", "Which actor starred in the films The China Syndrome and Disclosure?", "Who directed the 1974 film `Chinatown`?", "Who played the role of J J Gittes in the 1974 film 'Chinatown'?", "In the 1968 film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang who buys the car from garage owner Mr Coggins and rebuilds it?", "What is the name of the absent-minded inventor in the 1968 film 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'?", "Which British author co-wrote the script for the 1968 film 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'?", "What 2009 science fiction disaster film starring John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton, and Woody Harrelson references Mayanism and the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, depicting a series of Doomsday scenarios that plunge the world into chaos?", "Who wrote the play A Chorus of Disapproval?", "Which Best Picture nominated movie tells the story of US soldier, 'Chris' Kyle?", "Films - Russell Crowe and Christian Bale starred in a remake of which famous western?", "Which singer and actress first performed the role of Christine in Phantom of the Opera in the West End in 1986?", "Christopher Eccleston, Kerry Fox and Ewan McGregor played flatmates in which 1994 film?", "What character did Christopher Lee play in two Star Wars movies?", "Which spin-off from a 60s sitcom was a 1999 movie with Jeff Daniels and Christopher Lloyd?", "Christopher Reeve had the title role in the first of which series of films?", "What was Christopher Reeve's first movie?", "Who is the New Zealander who directed Shrek, Shrek 2, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian?", "What was the name of the character played by Chuck Connors in The Rifleman?", "What was the name of the bride in the 1998 film Bride of Chucky?", "What was the first film starring Chucky?", "Who played Cilla Black in the 2014 ITV drama series Cilla?", "in which 1964 Gerry and the Pacemakers film did Cilla Black appear?", "Who played the title role in the recent ITV biographical drama Cilla?", "Who played the role of Cilla in the biopic shown on TV in 2014?", "Who played the title role in the 1965 film `The Cincinnati Kid`?", "Who wrote the original French fairytale, Cinderella, on which the ballet was based?", "Who played boxer James Braddock in the 2005 biopic Cinderella Man?", "Who played boxer Jim Braddock in the 2005 film 'Cinderella man'?", "The 2007 film 'Cinderella Man' is a biopic of which boxer?", "What was the title of the first feature film made in Cinemascope?", "Who directed the film Citizen Kane (1941)?", "Who produced, directed and starred in `Citizen Kane`?", "Who wrote, directed, and starred in Citizen Kane?", "Who starred in the films: The Gold Rush, City Lights & Modern Times?", "What famed documentarian, a staple of PBS, has produced films on The Civil War, Baseball, Jazz, World War II, and National Parks?", "Which film, directed by John Ford and starring John Wayne, John Carradine and Claire Trevor, was indirectly based on Guy de Maupassant's story Boule de Suif?", "In which ballet is Clara taken to the Kingdom of Sweets after she helps to defeat the evil Mouse King?", "Clare Grogan, singer with Altered Images first found fame as an actress in which film?", "What film about racial prejudice in the USA by Clarence Brown, from a novel by William Faulkner, involved a black boy, a white boy and an old woman assisting a black man accused of murder?", "Who played Clarice Starling in the film Hannibal?", "In which film did Jodie Foster play FBI agent Clarice Starling?", "Which actor, possibly best known for his portrayal of Clark Griswald, hosted the American Acadamy Awards Ceremony in both 1987 and 1988?", "In which 1959 film did an opera singer called Claude Heater play Jesus Christ, but was not creedited as his face was never shown ?", "The films The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger and The Sum of All Fears feature which character created by Tom Clancy?", "Cleavon Little was the name of the sheriff in which spoof western?", "What is the name of retired gunslinger, played by Clint Eastwood, in the 1992 film 'Unforgiven'?", "What is the title of the 1971 film in which Clint Eastwood plays DJ Dave Garver?", "Which film was the directorial debut of Clint Eastwood in 1971?", "In which film did Clint Eastwood sing the song I Talk To The Trees'?", "Which film musical starred Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood and Jean Seberg?", "In which film did Clint Eastwood actually say 'go ahead, make my day'?", "What is the title of the fourth 'Dirty Harry' film, starring and directed by Clint Eastwood?", "What is the name of the 1978 movie starring Clint Eastwood and an orang-utan called Clyde?", "In which film did Clint Eastwood play Will Munny?", "Which record-breaking film marked Clint Eastwood's directorial debut?", "What successful 2008 film starring Angelina Jolie did Clint Eastwood direct?", "What is the title of the only 'Dirty Harry' film directed by Clint Eastwood?", "Which 2004 film, directed by Mike Nicholls and starring Clive Owen, Julia Roberts, Jude Law and Natalie Portman concerns two obsessive couples whose intimacy pushes them further apart?", "Clive Owen played Dwight in which 2005 film?", "Which actress played Ronnie in the film `Close Encounters Of The Third Kind`?", "In Curse of the Pink Panther who plays Clouseau after surgery?", "The 1980 film 'Coal Miner's Daughter', starring Sissy Spacek. portrayed which country singer's rise to fame?", "Which 2003 drama film, named after a painting by Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer and directed by Peter Webber, stars Scarlett Johansson, Colin Firth, Tom Wilkinson & Cillian Murphy?", "Eddie Murphy starred in a remake of which Jerry Lewis comedy?", "Who played Commodus in the 2000 film 'Gladiator'?", "Which George directed the 2002 film Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind?", "John Wayne played the lead role of whom in the 1958 film The Conqueror?", "Which actress co-starred with Mel Gibson in the 1997 film Conspiracy Theory?", "Which British actor played the lead part in the film of one of John Le Carre's more recent novels The Constant Gardener?", "Which animal character, who first appeared on film in 1933, was conceived by Merian C Cooper and created by Willis O'Brien?", "In 1997, which movie star agreed to take the lead role in `Cop Land` for a fee of just $60,000 in order to play a serious role?", "Who played 'Captain Corelli' in the film 'Captain Corelli's Mandolin'?", "Pieter, Griet, Maria Thins and Cornelia Vermeer are all characters in which 2008 play?", "'Maverick', 'Ice','Viper', 'Goose', 'Jester' and 'Cougar' were names used by various characters in which film?", "In 1931 which Hungarian actor played Count Dracula in films?", "Who played 'Countess Dracula' in the 1971 film of the same name?", "Who directed the 1966 film 'A Countess from Hong Kong?", "What song starts The warden threw a party in the county jail?", "What was the name of Courtney Cox`s news reporter in the `Scream` films?", "Who played the title role in the 1992 film My Cousin Vinnie?", "In which Disney film would you find Sebastian the Crab?", "In which Carry On film does Kenneth Williams play Captain Fearless and Bernard Cribbins Midshipman Albert Poopdecker?", "The Crocodile Hunter was a nickname given to what Australian naturalist, who was killed by a slightly irritated sting ray in 2006?", "Who played the title role in the 1970 film 'Cromwell'?", "Which Disney film includes the characters Bubbles,Crush and Mr Ray?", "In the 1987 film 'Cry Freedom' which character was played by Denzel Washington?", "The 1987 film 'Cry Freedom' is a biographical drama about which South African civil rights leader?", "Who Directed the 2008 film 'Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull'?", "Who plays the villainous Soviet agent Irina Spalko in the 2008 film 'Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'?", "Which 1993 film is about the affair between author C S Lewis and poet Joy Grisham?", "What is the official language of Cuba?", "What child actress delighted audiences in Curly Top and Heidi?", "The 1957 film 'The Curse of Frankenstein' was based on a novel by which author?", "'The Curse Of The Black Pearl' was the first of which series of films?", "In the film `The Curse Of The Pink Panther`, which actor plays Inspector Clouseau after having plastic surgery?", "Who played Private Joe Walker in Dad's Army?", "Who starred as Daisy in The Great Gatsby?", "Who played Daisy Duke in the 2005 film The Dukes of Hazzard?", "What 2002 novel was made into a film starring Dakota Fanning and Queen Latifah 6 years later?", "Who plays Dalton Russell, who tells why he is in a cell, in the 2006 film Inside Man?", "Which British composer wrote the music used as the theme for Desert Island Discs He also wrote the Dambusters march and the Knightsbridge march.?", "What is the name of the Australian actor/comedian who created the character Dame Edna Everage?", "As whom were John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd known in the title of a 1980 film?", "In which series are FBI agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) the investigators of cases involving paranormal phenomena?", "Who directed the 1990 film Dances With Wolves?", "Who wrote the music for the films 'Dancing with Wolves' and 'Out of Africa'?", "Daniel Craig played Ted Hughes in what 2003 film?", "What is the nickname of the frontiersman Nathaniel Poe, played by Daniel Day Lewis, in the 1992, film 'The Last of the Mohicans'?", "'Five Points' was the setting for which 2002 Martin Scorsese film starring Daniel Day-Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz and Liam Neeson?", "Which 2007 Italian drama film directed by Daniele Luchetti is based on Antonio Pennacchi's novel?", "Daniel Radcliffe is best known for playing which film role?", "Name the Danny Boyle biopic about a climber trapped by a boulder for more than five days?", "What 1996 film directed by Danny Boyle, was advertised with the tag line Choose Life?", "Danny Zuko was a main character in what film?", "Which actor links the films 'Mrs. Doubtfire', 'Dante's Peak', and 'Mamma Mia!'?", "Who played the part of the vulcanologist who warned of impending disaster in the film 'Dantes Peak'?", "Who plays Daphne in the 2002 film 'Scooby-Doo'?", "Which cartoon character had friends called Velma Dinidey and Daphne Blake?", "Which film director's credits include Memento, Insomnia, Inception and The Dark Knight Rises?", "Also the director of 'Insomnia' and 'The Dark Knight', who directed the 2010 sci-fi film 'Inception'?", "Who played the joker in the 2008 film The Dark Knight?", "Which famous actor is well known for his voice over work, including the This is CNN tag and the voice of Darth Vader in the Star Wars film franchise?", "Who supplied the voice for Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy between 1977 and 1983?", "In which Star Wars episode does Anakin Skywalker transform into the black-suited Darth Vader?", "What is the name of the mermaid played by Daryl Hannah in the 1984 film 'Splash'?", "Which Welsh actor portrays David Frost in the 2008 film, Frost/Nixon?", "Which movie was a biopic about the life of David Helfgott?", "Which 1957 film directed by David Lean was the story of the construction and demolition of a civil engineering work in Burma?", "Which romantic film directed by David Lean is set in World War 2 and based in and around Milford railway station?", "What was David Leans first film?", "In which film did David Niven play James Bond?", "David Prowse is best known for playing what Star Wars character?", "Who was the director of the 2006 film The Da Vinci Code?", "Who played 'Robert Langdon' in 'The Da Vinci Code'?", "Which novelist appeared in the film Day For Night?", "Who played The Jackal in the 1973 film The Day of the Jackal?", "Who directed the 1951 classic movie The Day The Earth Stood Still?", "'On Stranger Tides' and 'Dead Man's Chest' are subtitles of which series of films?", "Who starred as unconventional English teacher John Keating in the 1989 film Dead Poets Society?", "What's missing: Magnum Force, The Enforcer, Sudden Impact, and The Dead Pool?", "What connects Martin Scorsese to the names The Dead Rabbits, The Daybreak Boys, and The Whyos (among others)?", "Dean Martin starred in 4 films as which fictional US government counter-agent, created by Donald Hamilton?", "Which American author wrote the Pulitzer Prize-winner 'A Death in the Family?", "Who played Hercule Poirot in the films `Death On The Nile` and `Appointment With Death`?", "Who directed the Death Wish series of films?", "Which of Shakepeare's plays was made into a film in 1953 starring Marlon Brando, James Mason, Louis Calhern, John Gielgud, Deborah Kerr and Greer Garson?", "Deborah Kerr played the female lead in the film version of which musical ?", "Which film, starring Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr, was released in June 1956?", "In which film did Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr have a passionate clinch on a beach?", "In which 1947 film starring Deborah Kerr, were a group of nuns sent to the Himalayas to set up a convent?", "In 1976 or 1977, John Carpenter and Debra Hill began drafting a story titled The Babysitter Murders, which eventually became what film?", "What actress, born in Muscat, Oman, began acting on Australian television on Paradise Beach and Home and Away and is known for her roles in Wedding Crashers (2005), Hot Rod (2007), Definitely, Maybe (2008) and Confessions of a Shopaholic (2009)?", "True versatility! Which actress achieved her biggest success in Samson and Delilah and co-invented the first form of spread spectrum, a key to modern wireless communication?", "Who directed the films Deliverance, Hope and Glory and the Tailor of Panama?", "Demi Moore shaved her head for the title role in which 1997 film?", "D.C.J. What part did Denise Richards play in 'The World is not Enough' (1999)?", "Who plays Denis Thatcher in the 2011 film The Iron Lady?", "In which Ealing film comedy did Dennis Price kill off various members of the D'Ascoyne family?", "Which 1962 film starring Frank Sinatra was remade in 2004 starring Denzel Washington?", "Denzil Washington played which black militant leader in the 1992 film of the same name?", "Which film about a submarine had as one of its stars Denzil Washington, whose character had violent disagreements with his Captain played by Gene Hackman?", "Which 1976 Derek Jarman film was dialogued entirely in Latin?", "Which cartoon character first appeared on screen in 'The Wise Little Hen' in 1934 and later in the 'Oscar' winning cartoon 'Der Fuhrer's Face' in 1942?", "Whose plays included 'Design for Living' and 'Present Laughter'?", "Which singer starred in the film `Desperately Seeking Susan`?", "In the 1985 film which actress was 'Desperately Seeking Susan'?", "Which actor provides the voice for Gru in the film Despicable Me?", "Which US actor is the voice of Gru in the 2010 animated film 'Despicable Me'?", "Which British actor/comedian is the voice of Dr Nefario in the 2010 animated film 'Despicable Me'?", "Which American actor played a submarine 'skipper' in the films 'Operation Petticoat' 1959 and 'Destination Tokyo'?", "Who began a collaboration with Walt Disney in 1945 to make the Academy Award-nominated short cartoon, Destino, that was released in 2003, after his death in 1989?", "Devil's Tower National Monument in Wyoming, USA features prominently in which landmark 1977 science fiction film?", "Which actress starred in `Dial M For Murder`, `Rear Window` and `High Society`?", "Who starred in Mogambo, Dial M For Murder, Rear Window and High Society before giving up her film career for marriage in 1956?", "Can you name the singer of the title track for '1971 - Diamonds Are Forever'?", "Who sang the title songs for the James Bond films 'Goldfinger' and 'Diamonds are Forever'?", "Which singer was played by Diana Ross in the 1972 film 'Lady Sings The Blues'?", "Which 1995 film featuring talking animals is based on a book by Dick King-Smith?", "Who played Giacinta 'Jinx' Johnson in the 2002 James Bond film 'Die Another Day'?", "Name the character played by Bruce Willis in the 'Die Hard' films?", "What is the name of the character who is the protagonist in the 'Die Hard' film series?", "Who was the hero in the Die Hard series of films?", "Who plays the main villain in `Die Hard: With A Vengeance`?", "In a film of the 1950s, what was the name of the car in which Kenneth Moore and Dinah Sheridan travelled from London to Brighton?", "In which sci-fi TV series did Dirk Benedict play Lieutenant Starbuck?", "Around which war is `The Dirty Dozen` set?", "Inspector 'Dirty' Harry Callaghan attempted to clean up the streets of which US City?", "What city's police force employed Dirty Harry?", "Which city is the setting for the Dirty Harry film starring Clint Eastwood?", "What was the surname of the lead character in the 'Dirty Harry' series of movies?", "Which Walt Disney animated feature film bombed when it was first released in 1940, only eventually reaching profit in 1945?", "Which was Disney's second animated film?", "Edgar, Berlioz and Billy Boss are all characters in which animated Disney film?", "Which of this is the correct title of a 2003 Disney movie?", "Which Disney film centres around the character of a deformed bell ringer?", "Which was the first of these Disney films to be released?", "Which Disney film is based on a work by Lewis Carroll?", "Which 2005 Disney film is set in the town of Oakey Oakes?", "What was Disney's first non animated live action film?", "Which Robert Louis Stevenson story became Disney's first non animated film in 1950?", "Which Disney film had the theme tune A Whole New World?", "Which Disney film was the most successful movie of 1992 earning $504 dollars Worldwide?", "Which of these Disney films was released before the others?", "What was the name of the 1963 Disney live action movie, where 3 animals ventured to get themselves home?", "Disney's recent animated film Frozen is based on which tale by Hans Christian Andersen?", "Who plays Stephen in the 2012 film 'Django Unchained'?", "Lightning McQueen, Doc Hudson and Fillmore are all characters in which 2006 animated Disney film?", "Queen Grimhilde, Happy and Doc are all characters in which Disney film?", "Doctor Calico is the villain in which Disney movie?", "Which group of Marvel superheroes fought Doctor Doom?", "Who played a bisexual bank robber in the 1975 film `Dog Day Afternoon`?", "In which country is most of the British horror film `Dog Soldiers` set?", "Who directed the movie La Dolce Vita?", "Who was the female star of the Rome-set film, 'La Dolce Vita'?", "Eddie Valiant, Judge Doom and Dolores are all characters in which Disney film?", "In the film `Cannonball Run` what was the name of the super-hero played by Dom DeLuise?", "Who played Bond Girl Domino Petachi in Never Say Never Again?", "Actors Saoirse Ronan, Julie Walter, Domnhall Gleeson and Jim Broadbent appeared in which film?", "In which 1973 thriller film directed by Nicolas Roeg was there an explicit sex scene between Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie?", "Who played gangster Don Logan in the 2000 film Sexy Beast?", "Who choreographed the ballets Swan Lake and Don Quixote, among others?", "Who was separated from her husband in June 2009 to film Don't Be Afraid of the Dark in Australia?", "From which musical does the song Don't Cry For Me Argentina come?", "The film 'Don't Look Now' with Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland was adapted from a book by whom?", "Who played Don Vito Corleone in the 1972 film The Godfather?", "Wrestler Dwayne Johnson, who appeared in the 2005 film 'Doom', is better known by what name?", "Who wrote the novel The Picture of Dorian Grey?", "In which Hitchcock film did James Stewart and Doris Day play Dr Ben and Jo McKenna?", "In which famous film would first have come across the character of Dorothy Gale?", "Which family film of 1957 starring Dorothy McGuire and Fes Parker centres on the story of a youg boy and his love for his dog on thier family ranch home during the 1860's which ends tragically after the dog contracts rabies following a fight with a wolf?", "Who voiced 'Dougal' in the 2005 film 'The Magic Roundabout'?", "Who plays architect Doug Roberts in the 1974 film 'Towering Inferno'?", "Which Hungarian-born actor acted in films from 1917 to his death in 1956, and is best known for playing the title role in the 1931 film Dracula?", "Who was best known for his role as Dracula, a role he first took on in film in 1931?", "In the Dr Dolittle stories what type of creature was Too-Too?", "Who played 'Judge Dredd' in the 1995 film?", "What was the name of Drew Barrymore's character in E.T.?", "Who played Jessica Tandy's son in the film Driving Miss Daisy?", "In the original Star Trek TV series that aired from 1966 to 1969, who played Dr. Leonard Bones McCoy?", "What character did Ursula Andress play in the Bond film Dr No?", "Who stars as the title characters of the 1925 spoof film 'Dr Pyckle and Mr Pryde'?", "Who played the President of the United States in the film Dr. Strangelove?", "How were Dr Stantz, Dr Spengler and Dr Venkman better known in the 1980's?", "Basil Rathbone made 14 Sherlock Holmes films. Who played the part of Dr Watson?", "Who played Dr Who in the 1965 film Dr Who and the Daleks?", "Who played the role of Georgiana Cavendish in the 2008 film 'The Duchess'?", "Who starred in the 1933 comedy satire film 'Duck Soup'?", "The tune Duelling Banjos featured in which 1972 film?", "In which opera does a hunchback jester help his master, the Duke of Mantua, to seduce the daughter of a courtier?", "Which of Verdi's operas tells the story of the hunchbacked jester to the 'Duke of Mantua'?", "Which Verdi opera opens with a banquet in the palace of the Duke of Mantua?", "Who was the Duke of Mantua's jester?", "Who starred with Jeff Daniels in the 1995 film Dumb and Dumber?", "What 1973 film, based on a novel by French ex-convict Henri Charrire, starred Steve McQueen & Dustin Hoffman?", "What was the name of the character played by Dustin Hoffman in 'The Graduate?", "What is the title of the 1976 film about the Watergate Scandal, starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman?", "In which 1970 film, did Dustin Hoffman play the part of a hundred year old survivor of the Battle of The Little Big Horn?", "In which film does Dustin Hoffman play Michael Dorsey and Dorothy Michaels?", "Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman play husband and wife in which 1979 film?", "Dustin Hoffman played a character suffering from Autism in which Film?", "What movie by D.W. Griffith glorified the Ku Klux Klan?", "Who played Heinrich Himmler in the 1976 film 'The Eagle Has Landed'?", "Who wrote the novel 'The Eagle Has landed'?", "Johnny Depp plays John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, in which 2004 film?", "Who was Fred Astaire's female leading lady in the 1948 film `Easter Parade'?", "What is the title of the 2010 film that is the sequel to the 1999 film East is East?", "Which proponent of Method acting directed the films 'On the Waterfront' and 'East of Eden'?", "Which US actor, who appeared in the film 'East of Eden', died in a car accident in 1955?", "Who directed the 1969 film 'Easy Rider'?", "Which US actor appeared in the films 'Ironweed', 'The Pledge' and 'Easy Rider'?", "In the 2010 film, Eat, Pray, Love who plays the part of the book's author?", "Which actress caused a sensation by appearing naked in the 1933 film Ecstasy?", "Which 1987 film stars Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley?", "What was Eddie Murphy's first movie?", "A film released in 2000 starring Ed Harris, Jennifer Connelly, Robert Knott, Bud Cort, Molly Regan, Marcia Gay Harden and Sada Thompson tells the life story of which painter?", "US actor Ed Harris directed and starred in which 2000 film about an American artist?", "Which 2001 film starring Joseph Fiennes and Ed Harris is about two opposing snipers facing each other during the Battle of Stalingrad?", "Which 2008 Western film starred Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen as lawmen, Jeremy Irons as a rancher and Renee Zellweger as a piano-playing widow?", "A novel by Irvine Welsh set in Edinburgh was made into which 1996 film?", "Who played Edith Piaf in the 2007 film 'La Vie En Rose'?", "Who played Rita`s tutor in the film `Educating Rita`?", "Who plays Edward Cullen in the 'Twilight' film series?", "Which 1937 film about boxing, starring Edward G Robinson, was remade in 1962, as a musical, starring Elvis Presley?", "In which film starring Edward G Robinson are the main character's dying words Mother of Mercy, is this the end of Rico?", "'Edward Lewis' and 'Vivian Ward' were the principal characters in which popular 1990 film?", "In which 1990 film do the characters Edward Lewis and Vivian Ward appear?", "Edward Norton, EricBana and Mark Ruffalo have all played which character on film?", "Who directed The Nightmare Before Christmas and Edward Scissorhands?", "Who played the title role in the film `Edward Scissorhands`?", "Which 1973 British horror film, directed by Robin Hardy starring Edward Woodward and set on a remote Scottish island, was remade in 2006, directed by Neil LaBute and starring Nicolas Cage, set on an island in Puget Sound, Washington?", "Who has played, on film, John Dillinger, Sweeney Todd, J M Barrie, Jack Kerouac and Ed Wood?", "Who played the title role in the Tim Burton film `Ed Wood`?", "Which film star did Martin Landau play in the 1994 film `Ed Wood`?", "Dr Egon Spengler appears in which film?", "In which films do the characters Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler and Winston Zeddemore appear?", "Who co-starred with John Wayne in El Dorado?", "Katherine Hepburn won an 'Oscar' for her portrayal of Henry II's wife, Eleanor, in which 1968 film?", "In the James Bond film The World Is Not Enough who played Bond girl Elektra King?", "Which actor played the title character in the 1980 David Lynch film The Elephant Man?", "Who played `The Elephant Man` in a David Lynch film?", "Who played Eliot Ness in the 1987 film `The Untouchables`?", "Who has played (on film) Queen Elizabeth I twice, Galadriel three times, Katharine Hepburn and Veronica Guerin?", "What is the title of late actress Elizabeth Taylor's last feature film?", "Who played Eliza Doolittle in the 1964 film My Fair Lady?", "Who played Eliza Doolittle in the film `My Fair Lady`?", "Who played 'Ellen Ripley' in the films 'Alien' and 'Aliens'?", "Who played Elliot Ness in the 1987 film The Untouchables?", "Elmo Lincoln was the screens first what 1918?", "In what Elvis film does he play a hillbilly garage hand?", "What was Elvis Presley's first feature film?", "What was the title of Elvis Presley's first feature film?", "What was the title of the first film that Elvis Presley appeared in?", "In what movie did Elvis Presley play a Red Indian?", "In which 1960 film did Elvis Presley play a mixed race character?", "Who were Jake and Elwood better known as in a 1980 film?", "Which film by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger was about a young ballet dancer who defies the producer by being in love with a composer, and starred Moira Shearer, Robert Helpmann and Marius Goring?", "Who does Emilio Estevez play in the 1988 film 'Young Guns'?", "Disco Volante is the name of Emilio Largo's yacht in which James Bond film?", "Who played the title role in Emma?", "Who played the title role in the 1996 film 'The English Patient'?", "Which 20th Century English playwright wrote 'Entertaining Mr Sloane'?", "Who starred in the film `Enter The Dragon` ?", "Who starred in the film `Enter The Dragon`?", "Ephialtes of Trachis was the traitor who showed the Persian forces a trail around the allied Greek position at the pass of Thermopylae, which helped them win the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC. He was portrayed as a severely deformed man in which blood-soaked 2007 movie?", "Which fruit shares a name with a 1969 short film by Eric Sykes, and an animated television show for children?", "Telly Savalas played the role of Ernst Stavro Blofeld in which James Bond film?", "Zuniga, Escamillo and Frasquita are characters from which opera?", "Which actress provides the voice of Esmeralda in the Disney film The Hunchback of Notre Dame?", "Who is the speaking voice of Esmeralda in the 1996 Disney film 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'?", "Who played Esmeralda, to Charles Laughton's Quasimodo, in the 1939 version of the film, The Hunchback of Notre Dame?", "Esmeralda is the romantic interest in which Disney film?", "Which actress played both Estella and Miss Havisham in 1946 and 1985 respectively?", "Whose early film roles included Estella, in David Lean's Great Expectations and Ophelia in Laurence Olivier's Hamlet?", "Who directed the 1982 film 'E.T.'?", "Who played 'Gertie' in the film 'E.T.'?", "John Wayne played Ethan Edwards, who sets out to find his abducted niece, in which classic 1956 western film?", "The Wheel Spins Ethel Lina White basis for what Hitchcock film?", "'Everybody's Talkin' featured prominently in the music for which 1969 film?", "The song 'Everybody's Talkin' by Nilsson, featured in which film?", "The 1972 film 'Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)' was directed by and featured who?", "In the Star Wars series of films Alec Guinness, Ewan McGregor and James Arnold Taylor all played which character?", "The film `Rogue Trader`, starring Ewan McGregor, is based around the life of which real life person?", "Which 2001 musical film based on the Orphean myth and on Giuseppe Verdi's opera La Traviata stars Ewan McGregor and Nicole Kidman?", "The 1982 film 'The Executioner's Song' is about the final nine months of the life of which US convicted murderer who demanded the fulfilment of his own death sentence for two murders he committed?", "What is the name of the actress who had become famous for her role as the possessed girl, Regan, in the 1973 film The Exorcist?", "Who played the possessed child in the film `The Exorcist`?", "What is the name of Linda Blair`s character in the film `The Exorcist` Carrie, Regan or Tanni?", "Who wrote the screenplay for the film 'The Exorcist'?", "Who was the author of the best-selling novel on which the film The Exorcist was based?", "Whose last film as a director was 'Eyes Wide Shut' in 1999?", "Who played Fagin in the original West End production of Oliver and in the 1968 film of the same name?", "Thumper, Flower and Faline are all fictional characters in which Disney film?", "Which is the only one of Shakespeare's comedies in which 'Falstaff' appears?", "Who plays Fanny Brice in the 1968 film 'Funny Girl'?", "Who wrote the 1940 novel 'Fanny By Gaslight'?", "Which US actor is the voice of Mr Fox in the 2009 animated film 'Fantastic Mr Fox'?", "Which American author wrote `A Farewell To Arms` in 1929?", "Who played the part of Michael Douglas's wife in the film 'Fatal Attraction'?", "A 1999 movie starring Peter O'Toole as Father Damien had the name of what island of the Hawaiian archipelago as its title?", "Which German writer, one of the key figures of the movement of Weimar Classicism in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, produced the two-part drama Faust, numerous poems and the novel The Sorrows of Young Werther?", "Who once enjoyed eating human liver, fava beans, and a nice chianti?", "Which 1967 film ended with the deaths of the characters played by Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty?", "In which 1933 film did Fay Wray star as Ann Darrow?", "Played on the big screen by Fay Wray, Jessica Lange, and Naomi Watts, Ann Darrow was the object of what creature's affection?", "Felix Salten wrote which Disney cartoon?", "Which novel by Felix Salten was made into a movie by Walt Disney in 1942?", "In the TV version of The Odd Couple, the part of Felix Ungar was played by Tony Randall. Which actor played the part in the original 1968 film?", "Oscar Madison and Felix Unger are better known as which fictional Neil Simon characters?", "What is the name of the wizard and Leader of the Fellowship of the Ring in Tolkein's 'The Lord of the Rings'?", "Who did Fess Parker play in on TV 1964?", "The 2005 US film 'Fever Pitch', starring Drew Barrymore, is about which sport?", "What sport is featured in the film Field of Dreams starring Kevin Costner?", "Which actor has appeared in the films `Se7en', 'Fight Club', 'Inglourious Basterds' and 'Oceans Eleven'?", "Finding Dory is a sequel to which animated film?", "In Finding Nemo, what was the name of Nemo's father.?", "What was the sequel to a Fish Called Wanda?", "Who co-starred with Robin Williams in The Fisher King?", "A Fistfull of Dollars was filmed on location in which country?", "Who first played Flash Gordon on film?", "Who played Flash Gordon in the 1936 film of that title?", "Which actor played the roll of Fletcher Christian in the 1962 film Mutiny on the Bounty?", "Who played 'Fletcher Christian' to Charles Laughton's 'Captain Bligh' in the film 'Mutiny On The Bounty'?", "Who played Fred Flinstone in the 1994 film 'The Flintstones'?", "In the 1994 film The Flintstones, which legendary actress played Fred Flintstone's mother-in-law?", "Which 1898 Henry James novel features children named Miles and Flora?", "Flora, Merryweather and King Hubert are all characters in which Disney film?", "Mother Gothel, Vladimir and Flynn Rider are all characters in which 2010 Disney film?", "Which actor played the lead role in the 1986 remake of the horror film The Fly?", "In 'Follow That Camel', the fourteenth Carry On film, Sid James was replaced by which US actor?", "Glen Ford played which legendary golfer in the 1950's Hollywood biopic, 'Follow the Sun'?", "The 1951 movie 'Follow The Sun', that starred Glenn Ford in the leading role, was a biographical film of the life of which American Golf legend?", "Which golfer was portrayed by Glenn Ford in the 1951 film Follow the Sun?", "Which actor played a character who was frozen for 50 years in the film `Forever Young`?", "The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls was set during which war?", "For your eyes only was the 12th Bond film, and the 5th to star which actor in the lead role?", "Which character played by Janet Brown appears at the end of the Bond film For Your Eyes Only?", "Who wrote the screenplay for the 1994 film 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'?", "What is the name of the Hound in the 1981 movie The Fox and the Hound?", "Almost unrecognisable with a prosthetic nose, who plays John E. du Pont in 'Foxcatcher'?", "In which James Bond film did the character Francisco Scaramanga appear?", "Which movie musical with songs by Tom Watts and Crystal Gayle did Francis Ford Coppola direct?", "What is the name of the 2002 film directed by Steven Spielberg in which Leonardo DiCaprio starred as real life con man Frank Abagnale?", "In June 2011, FBI arrested Boston mob boss James 'Whitey' Bulger near Los Angeles after a 16 year manhunt. He was the inspiration behind the character of Frank Costello in which Oscar-winning film?", "Who played Frankenstein's monster in the 1931 film Frankenstein?", "Who played Frankenstein`s monster in the 1931 film `Frankenstein`?", "Where did Billy Clanton and the brothers Tom and Frank MacLaury famously die on October 26, 1881?", "In the 1991 film Frankie and Johnny Al Pacino was Johnny, who played Frankie?", "Who played Frankie in the 1991 film `Frankie and Johnny`?", "Drugs baron Franz Sanchez is a character in which 1989 James Bond film?", "Actors Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly appeared together on screen for the first time in which 1946 film?", "Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers danced 'Cheek to Cheek' in which musical?", "Who played Freddie Krueger in no fewer than seven horror movies?", "Who plays Freddie Krueger in the 1984 film 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'?", "What is the name of the actor who has now become famous for his role as the killer Freddie Kruger in the 1984 film A Nightmare on Elm street?", "Which dog appears in comics with Shaggy, Fred, Velma & Daphne?", "In which 1925 silent film, directed by Fred Niblo, were extras offered a prize of $100 to the winner to make a race more exciting, resulting in a horrendous crash that remains in the movie?", "Who directed the 1975 film 'French Connection 2'?", "In which city did the action in the film `The French Connection` take place?", "The film The French Connection is set in New York and which French city?", "Who played Jimmy `Popeye` Doyle in `The French Connection`?", "Which 2005 Nobel prize-winning English playwright wrote the screenplay for the film The French Lieutenant`s Woman?", "Which playwright wrote the screenplay for the 1982 film 'The French Lieutenant's Woman'?", "Which film director, who died today in 1980, directed the films Marnie, Rear Window, The Trouble With Harry, and Frenzy, among many others?", "Give the name of the villain from the 'Friday the 13th.' series of movies?", "Prints of which 1927 silent German expressionist science fiction film directed by Fritz Lang were discovered in Australia, the Museo del Cine in Buenos Aires, Argentina and the National Film Archive of New Zealand, to become the basis for a restoration project for a DVD/BD?", "What was the name of the 1927 film that was directed by Fritz Lang and featured a robot called Maria that inspired George Lucas to create the character C-3PO?", "Who played Frodo in ?", "Which actor, who died in July 2012, made his film debut playing Fatso Judson who beat Frank Sinatra's character to death in 'From Here to Eternity'?", "Who plays secret agent Charlie Wax in the 2010 film 'From Paris With Love'?", "Which well known actor played the part of Red Grant in the Bond film From Russia With Love?", "In the James Bond film From Russia with Love who played Bond girl Tatiana Romanova?", "Who sang the theme song in the film 'From Russia with Love'?", "Whose fairy tale The Snow Queen was the inspiration for the movie Frozen?", "Who directed the 1993 film `The Fugitive` Peter Weir, Andrew Davis or Wolfgang Peterson?", "Who played Deputy Marshal Samuel Gerard in the 1993 film `The Fugitive`?", "Who directed the 1987 film 'Full Metal Jacket'?", "Who directed the film `Full Metal Jacket`?", "Which actress starred in 'Funny Girl'?", "Galt MacDermot wrote what 1967 musical stage show?", "Who directed the 1982 film 'Gandhi'?", "Who played 'Gandhi' in the film of the same name?", "Who played the leading role in the 1982 film 'Gandhi'?", "Who played the title role in the film Gandhi?", "Who played the title role in the film `Gandhi`?", "Who played Leonardo DiCaprio's murdered father in the 2002 film 'Gangs of New York'?", "Actor Pierce Brosnan made his screen debut in which British gangster film?", "In the 70s which gangster film won an Oscar as did its sequel?", "In which movie did Garbo say, I want to be alone.?", "Gary Busey played which pop star in a 1978 film?", "For which film did Gary Cooper win Best Actor Oscar in 1941?", "In which film did Gary Cooper play a farmer who became a war hero?", "Who directed The Big Sleep and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes?", "Which hollywood sex symbol, star of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, died in 2011, aged 89?", "Who wrote the novel Gentlemen Prefer Blondes?", "In which Marx Brothers film does much of the action centre on the theft of a painting, during a party given in honour of Groucho's character, the explorer Captain Geoffrey T. Spaulding?", "Which Shakespearean play is the basis for films directed by Orson Welles in 1948, Roman Polanski (1971), Geoffrey Wright (2006), Akira Kurosawa (1958), Billy Morrissette (2001), and Vishal Bharadwaj (2004)?", "In which classic film is businessman 'George Bailey' on the brink of suicide when 'Clarence Oldbody' shows him what the world would have been like without him?", "In which play by George Bernard Shaw is the daughter of 'Lady Britomart Undershaft' an Officer of the Salvation Army?", "What was the name of the mythical sculptor who fell in love with the statue of a woman he carved, as told by Roman poet Ovid, and inspiring George Bernard Shaw's play of the same name?", "George Burns and Walter Matthau starred in which 1975 film about two ageing vaudevillains?", "Quentin Tarantino and George Clooney play brothers Seth and Richard Gecko in which 1996 film?", "Which was the 2013 sci-fi film which scored an Oscar for Best Director and starred Sandra Bullock and George Clooney?", "George Cukor directed which 1964 film musical?", "What is the title of the 1996 Oscar-winning documentary about the Muhammad Ali and George Foreman 1974 'Rumble in the Jungle' fight in Zaire?", "By 1922 Fred Astaire and his sister Adele were so popular that George and Ira Gershwin wrote Funny Face and what other show especially for them?", "Which 1967 film, directed by Stuart Rosenberg starring Paul Newman and George Kennedy, was about the fate of a man sent to prison for vandalising parking meters?", "In which film did George Lazenby star as James Bond?", "Which film which stars John Hurt, Richard Burton (in his last film role) and Suzanna Hamilton is based on a book by George Orwell?", "Played by George Takei, who was the helmsman on the USS Enterprise for the duration of the series?", "A retired postal worker, George Wilson is the cranky neighbor constantly being harassed by what comic strip character?", "Which famous cowboy was created by George W. Trendle?", "Which actress star of the film Georgy Girl died in May 2010?", "What was the name of Geppetto's puppet who came to life?", "Which historical figure has been played on film by Gerard Depardieu, Marlon Brando and Jim Dale?", "In which film does Andie MacDowell try to fiddle a US stay for Gerard Depardieu?", "Which story by Hans Christian Andersen involves Kai, Gerda and a splintered mirror?", "What was the sequel to the John Travolta film Get Shorty?", "Who was the female star of the 1984 film Ghostbusters?", "In the James Bond film Die Another Day who played Bond girl Giacinta Jinx Johnson?", "What type of opera is Puccini's Gianni Schicchi?", "Which 1999 Oscar winning film was directed by Mike Leigh and starred Jim Broadbent as Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan fame?", "What film, released in 2000, is the story of Gilbert and Sullivan's first production of The Mikado?", "In which animated movie will you find a tortured Gingerbread Man?", "Sharon Stone plays Ginger McKenna Rothstein in which 1995 film?", "Who directed the 2011 Hollywood version of 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'?", "Who is the principal actor who plays a character named Michael Blomqvist in the 2011 film The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?", "Which Gilbert And Sullivan opera that was introduced in 1889 opens to 24 Venetian young maidens binding white and red roses in posies to give to Marco and Giuseppe Palmeiri two persons that they all love ?", "What movie from the 1980's featured a cute little creature named Gizmo?", "Who directed the film `Gladiator`?", "Who played Commodus in the 2000 film Gladiator?", "Glen Campbell appeared in which film with John Wayne?", "In which 1987 movie thriller did Glenn Close boil a bunny?", "What 1956 film, that satirises the U.S. occupation of Japan following World War II, starred Glenn Ford & Marlon Brando?", "Which English actor appeared in The Go Between, Women in Love and Shout?", "Who plays Cedric Diggory in the film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?", "What role was played by Robbie Coltrane in the 2005 film Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?", "Who played Godber in the sitcom 'Porridge?", "Which singer played Johnny Fontane in The Godfather?", "Which singer played the part of Johnny Fontaine in 'The Godfather'; he had the first no. 1 hit 'Here in my Heart'?", "Who wrote the 1969 novel 'The Godfather'?", "Who played Vito Corleone in The Godfather?", "Which actor played Michael Corleone in the Godfather series of films?", "In which city does the action of the 1998 movie Godzilla take place?", "Her real name was Virginia Katherine McMath, but this famous actress and dancing star of many films, which included Gold Diggers of 1933, was better known by what name?", "At which film festival is the Golden Bear awarded?", "Who played 'M' , the head of MI6, in the 1995 James Bond film 'Goldeneye'?", "A former 'Bond Girl', which UK actress is nominated for her leading role in 'Gone Girl'?", "Who starred as Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind?", "Who wrote the books, 'Lost Horizon' and 'Goodbye Mr. Chips'?", "Who played mobster Henry Hill in the 1990 film Goodfellas?", "Who directed the film 'Good Morning Vietnam'?", "Who starred in the film Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)?", "In the film `The Good the Bad And The Ugly` who played `The Bad`?", "Who played Will Hunting in the 1997 film 'Good Will Hunting'?", "In which 1956, film musical did Gordon MacRae sing about the attributes of My Boy Bill?", "In which film did Gordon McRae play Billy Bigelow after Frank Sinatra dropped out?", "Which actress played the lead role in the 1988 film 'Gorillas in the Mist'?", "Rapunzel, Mother Gothel and Paulo are all characters in which 2010 animated film?", "Which 2010 Disney movie features the villainous Mother Gothel?", "The expression 'Go West' originally (mid-1800s) encouraged people to move from/within?", "Who plays the part of Princess Grace in the 2014 film 'Grace of Monaco'?", "Dairy cows named Maggie, Mrs. Colloway and Grace are leading characters in which movie?", "Grace Kelly met Prince Rainier whilst filming which movie in Monaco?", "Which Graham Green book and film had Pinky as the star?", "Governor Ratcliffe, Nakoma and Grandmother Willow are all characters in which Disney film?", "Who lived from 1895 to 1973, directing films such as the 1929 version of Stagecoach, The Grapes of Wrath and the Quiet Man?", "What was the first feature film under its new persona by the studio formed from The Graphics Group of Lucasfilm?", "Who co-starred with George Clooney in the 2013 movie Gravity?", "Which 'Grease' track was covered by Hilda Baker and Arthur Mullard?", "What physical actress starred alongside John Travolta in Grease?", "Who played Sandy in the 1975 film Grease?", "Who was the star of the 1940 satirical film 'The Great Dictator'?", "Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson and which other actor starred in both The Magnificent Seven and The Great Escape films?", "Name the actor who died in 2014, star of The Rockford Files and The Great Escape?", "Where was the 1990s version of Dickens' Great Expectations set?", "Who is Pip's secret benefactor in 'Great Expectations'?", "Who plays the title character in the 2013 remake of 'The Great Gatsby'?", "Who directed and starred in the 1968 film 'The Green Berets'?", "Who plays the part Green Lantern in the 2011 film 'Green Lantern'?", "The 1999 film, 'The Green Mile' was directed by whom?", "Which character was portrayed on film by Gregory Peck and on TV by loan Gruffudd?", "Gregory Peck played attorney Sam Bowden in what 1962 film?", "Gregory Peck played Lt Joe Clements in what 1950s film?", "What species is Gizmo in the `Gremlins` movies?", "Which 1935 film of a Tolstoy tragedy starred Greta Garbo?", "In which 1932 film does Greta Garbo say the line 'I want to be alone'?", "In which 1932 movie did Greta Garbo say I want to be alone?", "In which Grimm's fairy tale does a prince climb up a maiden's hair?", "Who is the narrator in the 2000 film The Grinch Who Stole Christmas?", "What is the title of fictional characters Wallace and Gromit's first film?", "In which film did Groucho Marx say, Either this man is?", "In which of the Marx Brothers' films did Groucho Marx play the character 'Rufus T. Firefly, Prime Minister of Freedonia'?", "In the 2009 film 'The Gruffalo', who voiced the 'Gruffalo'?", "What was the sequel to the movie Grumpy Old Men?", "Who created the character Gunga Din?", "Which 1991 film, starring River Phoenix and Keanu Reeves, and written and directed by Gus van Sant, was loosely based on Shakespeare's 'Henry IV, Part I'?", "Gwyneth Paltrow played which American poet in a 2003 film?", "What is the title of the 1998 romantic comedy-drama film, starring Gwyneth Paltrow and John Hannah, which alternates between two parallel universes?", "Who plays the role of Hagrid in the Harry Potter series of films?", "`Hakuna Matata` was a song from which 1994 Disney film?", "In Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince, who is revealed to be the half-blood prince?", "What is the title of the 2001 film starring John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry and Vinnie Jones?", "What was the name of the killer in the film `Halloween`?", "Who directed the 1978 film 'Halloween'?", "Which actor played the roles of Lord Nelson in the 1941 film, That Hamilton Woman, and Heathcliff in the 1939 version of Wuthering Heights?", "Who played the title role and directed the 1948 film 'Hamlet'?", "In the play 'Hamlet' what was the name of the Norwegian prince?", "Who plays alcoholic John Hancock in the 2008 film 'Hancock'?", "Handmade Films was formed to produce which film?", "Who played the nanny in the 1992 film `The Hand That Rocks The Cradle`?", "The 2009 film 'The Hangover' is set in which city?", "Who directed the film Hannah and her Sisters?", "In the 1986 film 'Hannah and her Sisters' who played Hannah?", "Who is Hannah Montana's alter ego?", "Who took the role originated by Jodie Foster in films about Hannibal Lechter?", "In which 1988 film would you find the character of Hans Gruber?", "Who played Han Solo in the 'Star Wars' series of films?", "Who directed the first two Beatles' films 'A Hard Day's Night' and 'Help! '?", "NOW, what I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts, are the opening sentences of Dickens' 'Hard Times'. Who says them?", "Who played Jean Harlow in the 1965 film Harlow?", "The Sin of Harold Diddleback, 1947 was the last film of which silent film star?", "Who was the star of the film based on the record Harper Valley PTA by Jeannie C Riley?", "What character did Harrison Ford play in the Star Wars films?", "Which character did Harrison Ford play in Star Wars?", "Which 1986 Peter Weir movie and based on a Paul Theroux novel starred Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren and River Phoenix?", "In which 1985 film did Harrison Ford play detective John Book?", "Who played the title character in the 2010 film Harry Brown?", "Which film features the characters Sally Albright and Harry Burns?", "Who had the part of Dirty Harry - hurt hand - dropped out?", "From which film did The Harry Lime Theme come?", "The Harry Lime theme was used in which film?", "US outlaws Robert LeRoy Parker and Harry Longabaugh were better known by what names?", "Who played Sally opposite Billy Crystal in the 1989 film, When Harry Met Sally?", "Who directed the 2001 film `Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone`?", "What is the title of the third Harry Potter book?", "What is the title of the fourth Harry Potter film?", "Which book (and film) records the events of 'Harry Potter's' sixth year at 'Hogwarts'?", "What actor starred as Harry Potter?", "What is the name of the actor who plays Harry Potter in all the films?", "Which actor plays the title role in the Harry Potter films?", "What is the original title of the book translated into Spanish as 'Harry Potter y el Caliz de Fuego'?", "Voiced by Harry Shearer, what Simpsons character was modeled after Ted Koppel?", "Who played gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk in the 2008 film 'Milk'?", "Known as Action Man in the UK, what 1964 Hasbro toy is responsible for the coining the phrase action figure?", "Who wrote/directed the movies The Hateful Eight and Inglourious Basterds?", "Who played Hawkeye Pierce in the film version of MASH?", "What is the title of the 1959 film in which Hayley Mills plays a young girl who befriends a murderous Polish sailor?", "Which 1959 film, starring Hayley Mills, is based on a short story by Noel Calef called 'Rodolphe et le Revolver'?", "Who wrote Heart of Darkness?", "What was the name of the frog in the children's TV series Hector's House?", "In which film did Susan Sarandon play Sister Helen Prejean?", "Who played Dolly Levi in the 1969 film 'Hello Dolly'?", "Which English actor played Pinhead in eight of the 'Hellraiser' series of films?", "Who played the part of He-Man in Masters of the Universe?", "The narrative poem The Gypsies (1824) by Alexander Pushkin influenced a novella by Prosper Mrime (1845), which was the basis for a libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halvy for which opera that premiered at the Opra-Comique of Paris in 1875?", "British actor Henry Cavill has been chosen to play which superhero in a film due to be released in 2013?", "Based on his nickname, what is the name of the next installment of the Superman movie series, staring Henry Cavill, slated to hit the theaters next year?", "In which major film of 2014 did Henry Cavill play the title character?", "Which real life law enforcer did Henry Fonda play in the film My Darling Clementine?", "Reginald Rose wrote a play adapted from his 1957 teleplay, and later film, script of the same name. The film became famous with Henry Fonda in the lead role as foreman of a jury. What was the play?", "Which actor played the part of 'King Henry II' in both 'Becket' in 1964 and 'The Lion In Winter' in 1968?", "Instrumental composition by Henry Mancini written as the theme for this 1963 film?", "Which actor, who died after a riding accident while filming in 1988, played Henry Salt in the 1971 film Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory1?", "What role did Henry Travers play in a famous and still-popular 1946 film?", "What role on film has been played by Lon Chaney, Claude Raines and Herbert Lom, amongst others?", "In the novel 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens what is the name of Herbert Pocket's fiancee, who he later marries?", "Who was the star of wartime films Spare a Copper, He Snoops to Conquer and Turned Out Nice Again?", "Which actress provided the love interest in the film High Noon ?", "Who was the star of High Noon, the American 1952 western film directed by Fred Zinnemann that tells the story of a town marshal who is forced to face a gang of killers by himself?", "What was the name of Gary Cooper's character in the 1952 film High Noon?", "Which playwright's works include 'The Madness of George III' and 'The History Boys'?", "Who played Alfred Hitchcock in the 2012 film Hitchcock?", "The character Miss Froy goes missing on a train in which 1938 Hitchcock film?", "The French call it La Mort aux Trousses what Hitchcock film is it?", "The Sapphire Affair of 1962 connected with the Cuban Missile Crisis was the basis of what similarly titled 1969 Hitchcock thriller?", "In what Hitchcock film does he NOT appear?", "What was Hitchcock's first sound movie?", "Which was the only one of his own films that Hitchcock ever remade?", "What was Hitchcock's first film in colour?", "This actor is the youngest of 5 children, his great-grandfather was blind and a piano tuner and music teacher, he acts frequently with his wife, he won a Primetime Emmy Awards 2014 for Outstanding Actor, and among many films and TV series starred in the film version of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy; who is he?", "Who played the young Bilbo Baggins off to adventure in the 2012 film 'The Hobbit - an Unexpected Journey'?", "The third part of trilogy of Hobbit movies, released at the end of 2014, is called what?", "Who played 'Holly Golightly' in Breakfast at Tiffany's?", "In which film does 'Holly Golightly' visit Mafia boss 'Sally Tomato' in Sing Sing Prison?", "In which 1993 film does Holly Hunter play non-speaking Ada McGrath?", "What is the full title to the sequel to the film Home Alone?", "Which actress played the 'Bond' girl Honeychile Ryder'?", "In the James Bond film Dr. No who played Bond girl Honey Rider?", "Which actress played 'Bond girl' Honey Ryder?", "What was the name of the Bond girl played by Honor Blackman?", "Which Bond girl was Honor Blackman?", "Who played Smee in the 1991 film 'Hook'?", "In the film Hook who played Hook?", "Who played 'Peter Pan' in Spielberg's 'Hook'?", "Which character did Julia Roberts play in Steven Spielberg's Hook?", "Who played the title role in the 1951 film 'Captain Horatio Hornblower RN'?", "In which 1976 horror film did John Travolta appear with Sissy Spaceck?", "Which Shakespeare character said 'A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse'?", "Who wrote the 1955 play 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' ?", "In which 1952 Howard Hawks film did Marilyn Monroe co-star with Cary Grant and Ginger Rogers?", "Which film, directed by Howard Hawks and starring John Wayne and Montgomery Clift, was about a cattle drive to Abilene, Kansas?", "Which of these was a 1948 Western starring John Wayne and directed by Howard Hawks Red River, Yellow River or Moon River?", "How the Grinch Stole Christmas was written by who?", "Who wrote How the Grinch Stole Christmas?", "Starring Hugh Jackman and released in 2009, what is the title of the fourth film of the 'X-Men' series?", "Hugh Lofting created which fictional character?", "Villain Hugo Drax appears in which 1979 James Bond film?", "What is the name of the private investigator, played by Humphrey Bogart, in the 1941 film 'The Maltese Falcon'?", "What is the name of Humphrey Bogart's character in the film 'Casablanca'?", "What was the hunchback of Notre Dame`s name?", "In which country is the film The Hunchback of Notre Dame set?", "The Hunchback of Notre Dame was originally written in what language?", "Who plays President Coriolanus Snow in the 2012 film 'The Hunger Games'?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: business Output:
[ "In 1992, Boutros Boutros-Ghali became head of what organisation?", "What organization was led by Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Kofi Annan?", "August 28, 1898 saw the introduction of what popular soft drink, originally called Brad's Drink, named after it's inventor, New Bern, NC pharmacist Caleb Bradham?", "Which US soft drink was invented by Caleb Brabham, and was originally sold under the name of 'Brad's Drink'?", "Name the successful travel and 'e-tailer' website founded Martha Lane Fox and Brent Hoberman in 1998?", "In the British Army, which of these ranks is the highest Major, Captain or Colonel?", "What is the rank of a British Army officer who wears a crown and two pips on his epaulettes?", "Which company owns British Gas?", "Who, as the first chairman of the British Rail Board, infamously directed the huge reduction in railway lines across the UK in the 1960s?", "Which company makes 'Budweiser' beer?", "In 1948 which South African became the first person from outside the UK to hold the post of Chancellor of Cambridge University, a post he held until his death in 1950?", "Lexus is the luxury vehicle division of what car maker?", "What is the name of the US electric car manufacturer, founded in 2003, whose cars include the Model S and the Model X?", "Who became chair of Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1989?", "Which perfume was named after Coco Chanel's birthday?", "What long running children's TV series, produced by The Children's Television Workshop, was first aired on Nov 10, 1969 and has broadcast 4212 shows to date?", "In May 2001, Christopher Bailey was appointed creative director of which British luxury fashion house that manufactures clothing, fragrances and fashion accessories?", "What brand name are Chuck Taylor sneakers sold under?", "Who was the director of the CIA from 1976-81?", "Name the CIA employee who famously became a whistleblower in 2013, revealing details of US/UK mass public surveillance?", "Which clothing retailer founded in 1975 is based in Arteixo in northern Spain?", "Which drink did the Coca Cola Company launch in 1982?", "What was the first British credit card?", "In 2013 Yahoo purchased which pictures and video microblogging website business that was founded in 2007 in New York City by David Karp?", "David Stern was the commissioner of what organization?", "Which department store chain claims to be never knowingly undersold?", "Which company's products include Dettol, Veet, Cillit Bang and Durex?", "Which electronics company released the world's first all-electric compact calculator in 1957?", "Oct 5, 1902 saw the birth of Ray Kroc, who started which ubiquitous food source, the most successful fast food operation in the world?", "Which American car make, owned by General Motors, took its name from the Native American chief who led a rebellion against English rule in 1763?", "What's the best-selling variety of Girl Scout cookies?", "Who became chief designer at Givenchy in 1996?", "Gladwyn Jebb served as acting Secretary-General of which organisation until the election of Trygve Lie in 1946?", "Name the Mexican founder of the vast corporation Grupo Carso, and the world's richest man 2010-13?", "What series of toys, aimed at little girls, was released by Hasbro in 1983?", "Formed in the 1980s and having the leader Hassan Nasrallah, which radical Shi-ite Muslim organisation in Lebanon has, for years, been involved in guerilla warfare against Israel?", "What did Alfred Hormel invent?", "Chinese corporation Huawei, controversially blacklisted in 2012 by the US Government Intelligence Committee, is (at 2012) the world's largest equipment manufacturer in which sector?" ]
Definition: Given a broad category, generate a trivia-type question based on a specific entity in that category. The question should be non-ambiguous. External resources such as Wikipedia could be used to obtain the facts. Positive Example 1 - Input: boat Output: In 1907, which ill-fated liner of the Cunard Line made its maiden voyage? Positive Example 2 - Input: internet Output: Who created Facebook in 2004? Negative Example 1 - Input: location Output: Ben Collins was 'outed' in January 2009 as which mysterious TV character? Negative Example 2 - Input: people Output: Which actress won the Best Actress Oscar for the 1989 film 'Driving Miss Daisy'? Now complete the following example - Input: metropolitan_transit Output:
[ "Upminster and Ealing Broadway are respectively the eastern and western termini or which London Underground line?" ]

Dataset Card for Natural Instructions ( Task: task901_freebase_qa_category_question_generation

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The following paper introduces the corpus in detail. If you use the corpus in published work, please cite it:

    title={Super-NaturalInstructions: Generalization via Declarative Instructions on 1600+ NLP Tasks}, 
    author={Yizhong Wang and Swaroop Mishra and Pegah Alipoormolabashi and Yeganeh Kordi and Amirreza Mirzaei and Anjana Arunkumar and Arjun Ashok and Arut Selvan Dhanasekaran and Atharva Naik and David Stap and Eshaan Pathak and Giannis Karamanolakis and Haizhi Gary Lai and Ishan Purohit and Ishani Mondal and Jacob Anderson and Kirby Kuznia and Krima Doshi and Maitreya Patel and Kuntal Kumar Pal and Mehrad Moradshahi and Mihir Parmar and Mirali Purohit and Neeraj Varshney and Phani Rohitha Kaza and Pulkit Verma and Ravsehaj Singh Puri and Rushang Karia and Shailaja Keyur Sampat and Savan Doshi and Siddhartha Mishra and Sujan Reddy and Sumanta Patro and Tanay Dixit and Xudong Shen and Chitta Baral and Yejin Choi and Noah A. Smith and Hannaneh Hajishirzi and Daniel Khashabi},

More details can also be found in the following paper:

    title={Compress then Serve: Serving Thousands of LoRA Adapters with Little Overhead}, 
    author={Rickard Brüel-Gabrielsson and Jiacheng Zhu and Onkar Bhardwaj and Leshem Choshen and Kristjan Greenewald and Mikhail Yurochkin and Justin Solomon},

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For any comments or questions, please email Rickard Brüel Gabrielsson

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