### Human: I had a cholesterol test done and the results are concerning. Ttl cholesterol was 229, triglycerides 224, hdl 48, LDL 132. The dr wants to put me on meeds before talking diet and I did not fast before the test which seemed odd. Concerned? Should I opt for meeds first?### Assistant: Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have high triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. It is independent risk factor for coronary heart disease. You should take low fat diet with high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids and high fiber diet. Then repeat your cholesterol levels after 1 month. Then if needed you can take Chat Doctor. But it is prescription based medicine so consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
### Human: I have some red spots on my chest area that have appeared about a few weeks ago. I was not sure what they were but they are dry and not itchy at all. However there is only one larger one and then a few smaller ones that are on my chest area. I have tried to clean it with neutrogenas acne face wash soap bar but that didnt work. Was just wondering what is this?### Assistant: HiT hank you for asking Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query. Possibilities for your condition are allergic rash to something you exposed or hair bed infection. If allergic rash then it goes and come. In that case taking anti histamines like cetirizine (Zyrtec) and applying HY Chat Doctor. But if it is on hair bed, or it appeared after shaving hair then it can be most likely hair bed infection. In that case washing with warm water and applying provide iodine or brilliant green will be helpful. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
### Human: Hi m 24 yr old girl, Height is 5.5 and weight is 50 kg. m suffering from hair fall.. after using chemical to rebond my hairs in september 2011 . earlier i have no problem of hair fall, roots get week now but regrowth of hairs is normal. This time m using figaro olive oil.. suggest me to do something..### Assistant: Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. I appreciate your concern regarding hair fall. Hair fall is usually ascribed to multiple factors like diet and nutrition, hormones, stress, acute or chronic medical conditions, Chat Doctor. From your description, it seems you might be having Halogen Effluvium, which is hairball secondary to stress. If I were your dermatologist/trichologist, I would like to take through history including family history, history of recent major trauma/illness/stress/medications etc. and recommend some basic investigations like CBC, blood sugar, Thyroid function test. Some other special investigations like pictogram and endoscopy and further aid in diagnosis and prognosis. I would suggest you a course of oral tablets containing biotin and other essential vitamins and minerals for minimum 3 months. Also, would put you on solution containing 5%/10% minoxidil once a day and a hair serum containing peptides for hair growth at night.(Q era etc.). I would advise use of gentle shampoo and conditioner on regular basis and use of coconut oil twice a week. Also inquire from your dermatologist about upcoming treatment options like monotherapy and platelet-rich plasma. Avoid combing in wet hair and let them
### Human: how do i know if i should test for leukemia? my grandpa might have it and i was curious as to what the symptons were. so far i have all of the symptomsl; anemia, bone and joint pain, abdominal distress, swollen lymph nodes, and difficulty breathing.### Assistant: Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Leukemia can be hereditary. And you're all symptoms like anemia, joint pain, bone pain, swollen lymph node, breathing difficulty, abdominal pain etc. are seen in leukemia. You are also having positive family history for leukemia. So better to consult oncologist and get done lymph node biopsy and bone marrow biopsy for the diagnosis of leukemia. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
### Human: Hi , I am Prasanna GSEvery day when i comb my hair , I get atleast 9 to 12 Hairs Fall down .My Age : 24 , IT Proffesional - Software Enggineer .But i sleep Late Night ( morning 4 AM - 6 ) and i ll sleep till 12:30 PM ....I cant help it , its my job profile is like this .... Can you please suggest Some recommendation and way to lead a healthy routine ? Please### Assistant: Hello Rosanna, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. I appreciate your concern regarding hair fall. Hair fall is usually ascribed to multiple factors like diet and nutrition, hormones, stress, acute or chronic medical conditions, Chat Doctor. From your description, it seems you might be having Halogen Effluvium, which is hairball secondary to stress. If I were your dermatologist/trichologist, I would like to take through history including family history, history of recent major trauma/illness/stress/medications etc. and recommend some basic investigations like CBC, blood sugar, Thyroid function test. Some other special investigations like pictogram and endoscopy and further aid in diagnosis and prognosis. I would suggest you a course of oral tablets containing biotin and other essential vitamins and minerals for minimum 3 months. Also, would put you on solution containing 5%/10% minoxidil once a day and a hair serum containing peptides for hair growth at night.(Q era etc.). I would advise use of gentle shampoo and conditioner on regular basis and use of coconut oil twice a week. Also inquire from your dermatologist about upcoming treatment options like monotherapy and platelet-rich plasma. Avoid combing in wet hair and let them
### Human: Im 40 year old male about 175 pounds and I dont have diabetes or any other health problem that Im aware of.Ive had toenail fungus on right toe for about two years now. About two months ago, I started soaking it bleach/water for about 30 min a day. The appearance has changed dramatically. Now the skin around the nail is red and scabby and about two days ago I can see a clear liquid coming from where the nail and the skin meet. I also have a slight fever. I dont have any money to see a doctor, is there something I can do without seeking medical help, to see if it will go away on its own.### Assistant: Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Seems to be a case of fungal infection worsened by secondary bacterial infection leading on to pain and swelling. I would advise to maintain strict control of blood sugar which is the most likely cause for recurrent fungal infection I was your treating doctor I would have asked you to take an oral antibiotic for a week to resolve the secondary bacterial infection followed by application of a topical antifungal cream either terminate or clotrimazole twice daily for a month. An oral antifungal is often required in case of recurrent fungal infections. My choice of Chat Doctor. An antifungal dusting powder also helps to prevent recurrences once the infection is cured. An oral antihistamine once daily would help you deal with the itching associated with fungal infection. Thank you.
### Human: Dear Dr. Jain,I suffered an ectopic in 2006 and subsequently underwent and right salpingectomy. I recently got married and I went to see a gynaecologist as I was beginning to experience excruciating pain during my menstrual period. He therefore did a biopsy which was fine and suggested I get pregnant in the near future. My gynaecologist put me on Primolut. A day after I started spotting. I went back to him and he has now prescribed Primolut N. I am not sure why I am spotting...and he has not explained that. What are these drugs for? He seems to be treating me but i am not sure what for and how it works. Can you help?ThanksTamara### Assistant: Hi there,Pain during menstrual period could be due to a condition called endometriosis. It can't be diagnosed with a biopsy, you may require a laparoscopy to know exactly what is the cause of this pain, especially if it persists. The primal is a progesterone hormone tablet and may help with spotting, but again you need to know the cause of spotting. As long as you are taking the primal you will not get pregnant. Its best that you get evaluated thoroughly with a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy which will give a cause for the spotting and pain that you have. Hope this helps. Regards.
### Human: hi. im having a shortness of breath on & off its tolerable but bothersome. & maybe 4 years ago diagnosed w/ astma & went away. could be astma again? I cant make an appointment to see the dr not till tues morning. can i wait that long? nothing to worry?### Assistant: Hi, thanks for using Chat Doctor If the shortness of breath is severe or there are associated symptoms such as chest pain, palpitations, then you should consider seeing your doctor as soon as possible. In the absence of the above then you may consider waiting till your appointment. It is possible that it is related to your history of asthma, but the doctor may want to rule out other causes as well e.g. heart related problems hope this helps
### Human: Doctor, I am having difficulty in swallowing, my neck is swelling, and I am experiencing hot flashes. I also have a neck mass, and my bones are painful, what could be wrong with me?### Assistant: Based on your symptoms, it seems that you may be suffering from Goiter.
### Human: Hello I am pregnant for about 5 weeks and 2 days. Since I found out about this, I started taking one-a-day prenatal vitamins. These tablets have 4000IU of Vitamin A, 50% in the form of Beta Carotene. My question has to do with my vitamin A intake. I eat a lot of vegetables, lots of leafy greens and spinach, and fruits, mostly grapes and apples. These are also rich in Vitamin A, in Beta Carotene form. Does this constitute a potential threat to the health of the developing embryo? I am not taking any other preformed Vitamin A other than these tablets-- except for the little amount in the fortified milk, perhaps. Could you please guide me about the limits of Vitamin A intake in the form of Beta Carotene? Should I cut back on spinach and other fruits and veggies? Thank you!### Assistant: Hi,vitamin A is a type of vitamin which gets stored in liver over time and person taking lots of vegetables and fruits are not deficient of it. In pregnancy excess vitamin A, more than 10,000 IU per day can cause defects in the baby and liver toxicity in the mother. Since you are having adequate intake of in your diet, I would advise you to change your prenatal vitamin to one which does not have vitamin A. Regarding beta-carotene 12 micro grams of beta-carotene makes approx. 3 IU of vitamin A. Just take folic acid 400 micrograms till 12 weeks. Hope this helps. Regards.
### Human: EVERYONE I KNOW THINK I M NUTS. I THINK I HAVE SOME SORT OF INFESTATION THAT IS EVERYWHERE. WHEN I SAY EVERYWHERE, I MEAN EYES, NOSE, MOUTH, EARS,SCALP, GUMS, AROUND AND UNDER MY FINGERNAILS AND TOENAILS, GENITALS, AND EVERYWHERE ELSE YOU AND I CAN THINK OF. WHAT COULD THIS BE?### Assistant: Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor! Are you having any symptoms? If you have symptoms like fever, weakness, body aches etc., that may suggest of some generalized infection. However, in absence of any symptoms and if you just feel that you are infested, you might be needing a psychiatric opinion. There is nothing wrong in it as you might be suffering from some phobia, and it can be got rid of with the help of Psychotherapy and medications. Hope this information helps. Feel free to ask if you have any doubt. Wishing you a speedy recovery and good health. With warm regards,
### Human: My husband is 52. He has had diabetes since the age of 12. In April, 2010 he had a stroke leaving him with right side paraparesis. He started dialysis in May, 2010. He has a lot of pain in his lower back and woke up last night with chest hurting and the night before with stomach and lower back hurting. What do we need to look for?### Assistant: Welcome to Chat Doctor .1. There are few reasons for back pain in this case, due to the underlying paraphrases if the patient is less mobile.2. Underling Diabetes - If it is uncontrolled.3. Age related degenerative changes do may cause the back pain.4. I would recommend an MRI spine to find out the status of the disc and cord involvement, at the same time a plain radiogram (X-ray) spine for bony changes. Hope it helps you. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you.
### Human: Since Monday I notice pain near my rectum today after investigating further I found that I have a large, hard, lump mass underneath the skin on my left butt cheek, no it the rectum/anus itself but more so underneath the skin of the lower left butt cheek. My Dr. does not have any appointments open till the 20th. Should I go to the ER. Is it cancer?### Assistant: Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1.No, the history you have given does not suggest any cancer, it only suggests a superficial/ subcutaneous lump with pain.2. That could be hair follicle infection, lipomas, or superficial abscess.3. Would recommend you to see the doctor / GP, he will examine the case and do needful investigations done.4. If there is any pus discharge / collection noted - a course of antibiotic would help.5. If in case its bigger a small incision and Chat Doctor. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query.Anything to ask do not hesitate. Thank you.
### Human: I am a relatively healthy, but obese (230lbs) 61 year old with a long standing history of sinusitis. I just began the NutriSystems diet plan and am eating and drinking more dairy than I have since I was a kid. My sinusitis has become almost unbearable and my ENT says I do not have a sinus infection. I am suspecting a dairy intolerance or allergy. Could this be?### Assistant: Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. Yes, it can be dairy food allergy. Some people can't tolerate the dairy food, they are allergic to the dairy food. I advise not to take the dairy food, as it can cause further allergy. You can take the cetirizine and prednisolone tablet for allergy under your doctors' guidance. Please maintain good hygiene in oral cavity and nasal cavity it will prevent the future secondary infection superimposed to the allergy. The treatment of the allergy is to avoid the allergen, so if you avoid allergen you are away from the allergy. There is no better treatment than it. I will be happy to answer your further concern on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor.
### Human: I am 59 years old.My weight is 78 kgs and height is 1.81 meters.There is asthma in my family history.Of late I am facing symptoms of breathlessness only when i have some exertion like little brisk walking,while taking bath etc.If i take an anhaler(orange tip),i am comfortable for about 2 days but subsequently same symptoms crops-in again.Do I have to take inhaler on regular basis.I am not on any other medication.I am more on naturopathy treatment eating right type of fruits and vegtables.I regularly do breathing exercises in the morning,i am off the dairy products,sweets,fried stuff etc,i go for a walk every day for about 30-40 minutes.Recently when I had been to Australia for 2 months period,i never had to face such problem.I am more keen to have some natural remedy(not allopathic) to take care of my present symtoms R R Chari,Vadodara,india### Assistant: Hi, Hi,It can be due to upper respiratory tract infection like pharyngitis or laryngitis or may be acute bronchitis, pleurisy you can go for routine blood and X-ray chest with sputum examination, it will be helpful to make clear diagnosis. You should take antibiotics (quinolones or accolades group) with analgesics and anti-inflammatory, antihistamines. You might require inhalation steroids, beta agonists, anticholinergics as MDI or rota haler as a regular treatment. To decrease the inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles, you might be given oral antihistamines with mast cell stabilizers(montelukast) and steroids (prednisolone) with nebulization and frequently steam inhalation. You need to see pulmonologist for further advise.
### Human: hello sir i am a 25 year old fellow. i am facing hair loss since last 4 years it happend all of a sudden i never had any such problems before i am not able to make out how can i prevet this and the main parts of my hair loss started from neckside hairs and the front part of my head is continuously getting shed..please suggest somethings ...i heve taken treatment in homeopathy ayurveda but allopathic treatment was a little better..i continuously shaved my hairs for long durations but hair fall still doesnt seem to stop. i had good dense hair hairs so still have a normal look to my hairs but side fronts are almost gone please help me### Assistant: Hello dear, Causes of hair loss/thinning of hair are: 1. Environmental factors 2. Stress 3. Deficiency of certain minerals, vitamins & amino acids in diet. e.g. Iron, zinc, It B complex, lysine. 4. Hormonal factors. e.g. Thyroxine 5. Any incidence of surgery, shock, etc. Management includes: 1. Treating the underlying cause 2. Avoidance of stress 3. Dietary modifications 4. Minoxidil solution to be applied locally to stimulate the hair follicles 5. Multivitamin & multi mineral supplementation these medications have to be used regularly under the guidance of a Dermatologist, as hair loss tends to return on stoppage of these medications. There is no need to worry. Your hairs will grow back again. Wishing you a Good Health. Take care.
### Human: Dr am lisa my sister have kidney problem. now she admited in hospital.one kidney size is 5cm * 1.6cm another one size is 12cm * 1.9cm.she have stome in left kidney.Dr said right kidny size is very small. We try to remove the stone from left kidney. Today them remove the fluid.We had a fair kindly advice### Assistant: Hi Lisa....small size kidney on one side can be present since birth due to poor development of kidney while in the womb. That is totally harmless. This is most likely in your sisters case. Or it can be due to damage to one kidney by repeated infections, or poor blood supply due to narrowed blood vessel supplying that kidney etc. Because she has only one good kidney she has to protect it. So a stone in left good kidney has to be removed before it can cause any damage to it. Having one kidney is harmless...voluntary kidney donors are living normally....she needs to take care not to become overweight....avoid very high protein intake...check BP regularly.
### Human: i had unprotected sex last nite with my gf,i gave her unwanted 72 within an hour of post sex,but again today morning i had sex with her and now also m not sure, will that pill which i gave her last nite will work or i need to give her another pill..?? her period date is round about 12-14 of the month,i had sex sex on 1.6.14. Please help me..### Assistant: Hello dairy understand your concernUnwanted 72 pills protect only against the one unprotected sexual intercourse. Unwanted 72 pill does not protect you against the second intercourse. I would suggest taking another unwanted 72 as early as possible with in 24 hours after sex to prevent the pregnancy. It causes side effects like with Chat Doctor. Avoid stress, take healthy diet and do regular exercise. Hope this may help noncontact Chat Doctor for further health query Best regards
### Human: My 7 month old son has an odor coming from his nose. hes had a cold for awhile now and has been checked out by his pediatrician. recently taken antibiotic for conjunctivitis. I just noticed the smell in the last couple of days. what could be causing this?### Assistant: Hi...if the kid is active and not sick with fever or breathlessness you need not worry about this bad smell. This could just be a purulent secretion of a healing viral cough and cold. Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal
### Human: sir, my wife has been laying up in bed for 1 year caused by ill effect of wound secreting putrefied fluid after she got stiched at the time of sezure. The place of stiching at abdomen is affected with reapeted and chronic hole with white fluid surrounding after a long course of painfull swell area at times. Now the place around stiching finds no such problem except one wound created by hole secreting fluid very little. Whats ur opinion about her cure for ever completely.### Assistant: Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. It is the postoperative wound infection. It is type of chronic infection. In such a case Grams staining, culture and sensitivity should be done. And treatment should be taken as per the report received. Please take the full course of antibiotic treatment as incomplete treatment can cause repeated infection. Please take Chat Doctor. Good hygiene is the key for early cure of infection. You should maintain good cleaning and
### Human: Doctor, I'm experiencing cramps and spasms, along with a headache, fever, redness in my ear, and a cough. What could be wrong?### Assistant: It sounds like you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes excessive sweating beyond what is necessary to regulate body temperature. However, your symptoms are not typical of hyperhidrosis, and I would like to do some further examination to make sure we have a proper diagnosis.
### Human: Yes, I had an orgasm at 1130pm last night and a few hours later woke up to severe pain in my testicles with the pain radiating outward to lower abdomen and the area between my scrotum and anus. It was so painful I broke out into a cold sweat and almost threw up. It would last 5-10 minutes and then go away, then return 10-15 minutes later. I went thru 3-4 cycles of this. It felt like it began in left testicle and then moved to the right testicle. It felt like something was squeezing my testicles and the pain radiated outward. I relate it to a pain from a kidney stone. What could this be?? I have soreness now today. thanks!### Assistant: Thanks for query. The severe pain in Testicles with chills and vomiting strongly suggests infection of Testicle or Epididymis and needs to be confirmed. Please consult qualified Urologist for clinical and digital rectal examination and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis.1) Urine routine and culture.2) Ultrasound scanning of Scrotum.3) Color Doppler study of scrotum. In the mean wile start taking broad spectrum antibiotic like Čeferin along with anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Get the prescription of medicines from your family Physician. Ensure to
### Human: My girlfriend was recently diagnosed with PID and treated with doxycycline and metronidazole for two weeks. I was given a week long course of 200 mg/day of doxycycline. We were both tested for HIV, syphillis, gonnorea, chlamydia but all tests came back negative. We have not have sex for two weeks while the drugs were taking effect. I m now finding that when I masturbate, the head of my penis has red with small red bumps and my foreskin becomes red and itchy. I m also getting a clear discharge when erect. Please help!### Assistant: HiT hank you for asking Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query. Your problem can be most likely due to yeast infection. This can be a side effect of antibiotic therapy. Antifungal ointments like fluconazole for local application will be helpful for this. It is available as over the counter in brands like captain. Avoid washing the area with soaps or irritants. You can use warm water or saline for this. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
### Human: I think i have a infected tooth it just started to chip away little by little but now i can start to taste puss in my mouth. I want to do a coconut oil pull to see if that remedy works. How dangerous s it to be tasting this puss and possibly swallowing it at times ? and what can i do to prevent it and will the oil pull work?### Assistant: Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . As per your complaint it seems that infection has reached below the root tips of the infected tooth leading to Dental Abscess formation. Swallowing excess of pus can at times cause infection in stomach as well as throat. Oil pull can cause temporary relief but for permanent resolution consult an Oral Physician and get evaluated and an x-ray has to be done. In case if tooth can be saved then Root Canal treatment of tooth followed by antibiotics and painkillers can help. In case of gross decay extraction can be advised. Hope this helps. Regards.
### Human: my son is 9mths old and he is teething, and has been for months. but today he did hit his head, normal baby falls, he was trying to stand up, hrs later while eating his left side had invlountary spasms, but he hasnt done it in a few hrs, should i be worried### Assistant: Hi, A toddler at nine months generally has a few falls as he supports himself to stand with support and gradually start to stand without support. A fall and hit to the head generally should not cause many problems. But if the child has loss of consciousness seizures it needs to be investigated for any brain damage by doing a few tests like ct scan head. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Human: i have had a cold now for 12 weeks, will not go have been to the doctors was given a course of tablets about three weeks ago, which did not work. have been back today to see GP said there is nothing he can do. i cant breath,i have a blocked and runny nose have cold sores inside my nose and around it, also on my lips. i have taken cold and flu tablets nasal spray, i have also had time off work due to go back this week, its getting me down 12 weeks is a long time?### Assistant: Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I usually prescribe my such patients regular Levocetirizine + Montelukast for 4-6 weeks depending upon response.2. Furthermore, I also suggest them to have adequate amounts of liquids during day and a nutritious diet.3. Please avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible.4. I would suggest you allergy testing for common air-borne allergens such as house dust mites, molds, pollen, insect proteins, animal dander, etc. This will help you identify the substances causing allergies to you as well as to know the measures to avoid them.5. If you have nose congestion, regular steam inhalation will also help you in a long run. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
### Human: Sir, I am due for my promotion med exam in next fortnight and am worried about my SGOT & SGPT COUNT I am using SORBILINE syp, ESSENTIAL L caps, tabs Viboliv 500mg, Aloe Vera Juice & last 4 days am on a juice fast could you suggest something that could get my test results within tolerable limits as to my mind they should not be very high from normal. Lalit### Assistant: Thank you for posting your query. Increase in the level of liver enzymes reflect an INJURY to the Liver. Medically, the condition is known as "Hepatitis". You need to test for Herb & C serology as well as Lipid "Profile" too. If all causes of hepatitis are ruled out, then-abstinence from "Alcohol and Chat Doctor. - use lemon juice (lemonade) once in a day-recheck liver enzymes after 2 to 4 weeks. Wish you good health. Further queries are welcomed. Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health. Regards,
### Human: Hello, To whoever may read this, I have had a problem with poison ivy. I guess i beleived it to be a mosquito bite at first, so i scratched it. It spread to my penis, most specifically the underside and from the circumcision scar to the base of the head. Right now, Im am using a antihistamine/ analgestic cream to rid of it, and it is almost hone. However, the sink on the underside of my penis is completely dry, and has dark red patches of skin near the top. I was wondering, is this serious, or will it eventually go away?### Assistant: Hello, The most common type of psoriasis to affect the genitals, including the penis, is inverse psoriasis. Initially, this appears as Chat Doctor. You may also notice small red patches on the glans or shaft of your penis. Your doctor may prescribe a low-strength topical corticosteroids. I suggest you to visit your doctor for you genital checkup and treatment if needed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care
### Human: Hullo Rynne,I greet you from Uganda. I have this cough that has persisted for like 3 or more months. I have checked and medicated my self, but it does not seem to go. right now am taking allergy tabs (Asotolon) and an expectorant syrup (Bro Zedex). It probably is working. Would advise some that i may not be doing.### Assistant: Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should first find out the cause for your cough and then start appropriate treatment. You are having chronic cough (cough for more than 2 weeks). Following are the possible causes for this. 1. Tuberculosis 2. Chronic pneumonia 3. Bronchitis 4. Bronchiectasis. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. Chest x-ray 3. PUT (Pulmonary Function Test). Chest x-ray is needed to rule out infection like tuberculosis and pneumonia. PFT is needed to rule out bronchitis. So first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
### Human: Hi. I have been having a pain in my left kidney area for a about 5 days now. (I have been having issues off and on with kidney stones since November, so the pain is familiar) The pain has been a steady 4-5 with sharp pains at about a 7. I have also had a low grade fever off and on this whole time. I have very low energy and have been sleeping alot. Is this something I should go seek medical attention on or is it just another kidney stone? What are the signs of an infection versus a stone?### Assistant: Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, i can understand your anxiety. You have two problems. One is the kidney stones and others infection. Your symptoms of recurrent pain is due to the stones. The symptoms of fever are due to infection, caused by the stones. Chat Doctor. Do the following tests and see a Urologist :You can send reports here.1. Urine routine and culture.2. Blood routine, creatinine,RBS, calcium,phosphorus, uric acid and platelets.3. ACTIVE. According to the reports, expert treatment can be advised.
### Human: My mouth has been bothering me the past couple of days. Bottom right towards the back. Today it doesn t hurt but I can feel a knot or lump type thing when I touch my jawline area on the right side but do not have the same thing on my left side. Worried it could possibly be something serious...### Assistant: Hi ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. One of the common cause of the swelling you have described is a swelling from the parotid gland and the commonest cause is a viral parotitis. If this is it, you do not have to worry - it will subside of its own may be with some anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. However, if it persists, you might have to show it to an ENT specialist/general surgeon who after a clinical examination, might go for a FNAC of the swelling to have a diagnosis and further management. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
### Human: Doctor, I have been experiencing leg stiffness, hip pain, and neck pain, can you tell me what might be wrong?### Assistant: Based on your symptoms, you may have a fracture of the vertebra in your spine. It is important for you to undergo imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment as soon as possible.
### Human: -decreased articulation/processing -forgetfulness -constant hunger/thirst -frequent urination -blurred vision -hearing loss I am a high school girl and all these are very SUDDEN. I have a doctor s appointment in a few days, but I was just trying to get some generalizations before then. The past couple months I have had a sudden decline in my school work. I was a straight A+ student and now it s down to Bs and A-s. It takes me 2-3 times as long to do my work now. I was also a very articulate person with very good comprehension. Now I have to re-read things over and over. I m having difficulty finding words, using the right words and just making the right sounds. The rest of the symptoms I listed are self-explanatory. Please help me figure this out. Thank you so much!### Assistant: Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I read your question and understand your concern. Your symptoms may be related to a metabolic disorder (hypothyroidism, or related to the pituitary gland) or another brain lesion. I recommend consulting with the GP for a careful physical examination and some lab tests : - a complete blood count-blood electrolytes- fasting glucose-thyroid hormone levels, including TSH-cortisol plasma levels, including ACTH - blood and urine osmolarity A brain CT scan or MRI may be necessary to exclude a possible lesion of the pituitary gland or any other intracranial lesion, that may be related to this symptomatology. Hope to have been helpful! Greetings!
### Human: hello sir, i am 26 year old..i am having Dark circle around my eye...i became noticable from last 3-4 years...i have used all cosmetics available in market but no improvement...i took medical advice where i was told to have periorbital melanosis and i was adviced to use Depiwhite but again there is no improvement...plz advice me ...thanx### Assistant: Hi, Thanks for writing in. Periorbital Melanesia can be due to anemia, stress, a lot of computer/laptop usage. Effective oral and topical medications are now available for Hyperpigmentation around eye. My advice to you would be to use topical Guyana cream with good moisturizer. Take vitamin C tablets daily. Few treatments like microdermabrasion and chemical peel can help to treat periorbital Melanesia effectively. Discuss these options with your dermatologist. Hope this helps. Regards Chat Doctor.
### Human: My son has a problem. He gets ill because he has a delayed recognition of movement by the brain. He describes his illness as moving his head to thr left or right and the brain senses this movement in a delayed way. This is causing him to a bit like motion sikness but it is not motion sickness but a very real delayed recognition of movement.### Assistant: Hi, There are several things that come to mind that could fit his description of symptoms. One is positional vertigo which is a sense of unusual bodily movement that can come with symptoms of nausea (perhaps even vomiting if persistent). The other is something referred to perceptual POSTURAL POSITIONAL DIZZINESS (PPPD) and in this disorder a person is always feeling a little off kilter. Either a ENT specialist interested in vertiginous disorders or neurobiologist would be best to evaluate his symptoms for the best diagnosis. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
### Human: 2 yr old grand daughter had a pilonidal cyst had it lanced that one is healed now she has what seems to be another one coming right now its just a hard spot its not swollen her dad had plans for them to go to the lake swimming and ect .should we be concerned about her swimming### Assistant: Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. You should avoid swimming for the girl. Sinus has opening when the water enters into the opening there is chance of infections. You can use some waterproof material that can give cover to the sinus preventing infection. So avoiding a swimming is a better option. Because once the infection starts it will be very difficult to cure it in colonial sinus. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thank you. ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist.
### Human: What can you tell me about bifasicular heart block in a healthy 50 year old man, no symptoms, has run 2 marathons in last 2 months. Heart rate is 40-45 with an abnormal 12 lead EKG...only other circulatory complaint is possible raynauds syndrome...never dx but cold sensitive in fingertips...### Assistant: There are three cable-like networks to the lower chambers that carry the message to beat. They are called fascicles. When they fail in the setting of other heart disease, that is sometimes a concern. They may decline in function for no particular reason as we age. For reasons that aren't really clear, if their decline is not due to some underlying illness, it is rare for the third to become dysfunctional. Therefore, aside from warning the next doctor who is doing an EKG, it rarely matters.
### Human: I am an 18 year old female and i have a huge white ulcer on the inside of my bottom lip and it rubs against my teeth and is very painful. i have had it for 7 days and it seems to only be getting bigger. i have never had an ulcer. what can i do to make it go away?### Assistant: Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with you health concerns. From your description I would venture to guess that the ulceration you have is called an authors ulcer. These ulcers are possibly caused by a virus, but we are not completely sure about that. There is little to help heal the ulcer other than time, and they take a few days to a week to heal. To help reduce the pain I recommend for my patient a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of Ben Chat Doctor. Swish this in you mouth and around the ulcer and then spit the mixture out. The Ben
### Human: Today is the first day I took AZITHROMYCIN Formy sinus infection. I took 250mg tab at lunch time, and 250mg tab before bed =500mg tab total. . I did not realize that the first dosage should have been = 500mg total. DO I NEED TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT EFFECTIVENESS?### Assistant: Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, Daily requirement of tab Azithromycin is 500 mg, it can take in divided dose, but you should take recommended daily dose of 500 mg. It will have same effectiveness if you take the Chat Doctor. I would suggest you to complete the course of antibiotics as advised by your treating doctor, your symptoms of sinus infection will improve with this excellent antibiotics. Thank you.
### Human: My knuckle is in continual pain. It swells and hurt often. It has been more than 4 months are the pain swelling is still there. I was told by one Doctor that I may have strained muscle tissue in that area. Don t know how true that is but the pain and swelling is getting worse. What should I do?### Assistant: Here since you already have pain since 4 months I suggest visiting an orthopedic doctor and take X-ray to see there is nothing wrong with your bones if x-ray report is normal then you can visit physiotherapist who can give you physiotherapy treatment like ultrasound and moist heat for getting relief from your pain. Along with this you can also use hot and cold pack for getting some relief from pain buy anti-inflammatory as well as relaxing and healing effect of both. But if there is a problem with your X-ray and bones with internal damage the orthopedic doctor Will suggest you for surgical option also here he may ask you to do some blood test to rule out there is nothing related to Rheumatoid arthritis or increased uric acid level.I strongly recommend following all about steps to get well soon take care.
### Human: My friend is sufffering from Kidkey desease in Silchar Town, Assam. The treating doctor has said that his both the kidneies are damaged. only one kidney is wirking at 20% level and he can be alive at best for six months more from now if hir kidney is not replaced. Please advise what he should do immediately to be alive for years.### Assistant: Kidney disease even if the function of kidney is lost 90% will not kill a person. Medicine has progressed and hemodialysis is an option having thrice weekly 4hr sessions will help him survive for years. Off course renal transplantation is definitely superior option provided renal donor is present. To initiate hemodialysis first an AV FISTULA ACCESS has to be created which becomes functional only after 6 weeks of creation. So hemodialysis and renal transplantation are two options for your friend, and he can live Definitely for years on either of the modalities.
### Human: I am having a huge problem!I am having a severe pain in my lower right abdomen, it comes and goes every time I get up and it even hurts sometimes when Im lying down. I am having this problem for 36 hours now. I have been to the E.R. this morning, they took my blood, urine, temperature, etc, everything is fine. My white blood cells are in the normal range. No nausea, no fever, no vomiting, nothing. Still this pain is excruciating. From the E.R. they gave me an anti-inflammatory drug and sent me home. They said its not a hernia, not appendicitis. What in Gods name can it be???### Assistant: Hi. Thanks for your query. Your history looks like appendicitis or Nephritis (inflammation of the cecum) or right ureteric stone or so. If the pain is coming and going the possibility is more of an impacted stone in the right ureter. The blood, urine and everything else can be normal. The proper diagnosis can be made only on a high resolution ultrasonography and / or CT scan of the abdomen. Insist for one. Get the diagnosis and get treated accordingly.
### Human: I m 16 and I m having knee pains. A year ago I could walk for hours all around with no problem. Now it seems as if I walk longer than a hour my knee hurts pretty bad. I m sixteen I shouldn t be having these problems. What can I do to fix it. No medication please my dad was an addict I don t want to go down that road. What do you suggest.### Assistant: HiT hank you for asking Chat Doctor. I have gone through your query. Your persistent knee pain can be due to injury of internal structures of knee like meniscus or ligaments. A physical examination by an orthopedic will be helpful to rule out this. In case of positive signs you may need to do X-ray followed by MRI if necessary. Mild to moderate injuries can be managed conservatively. But if severe then diagnostic arthroscopy and correction is advised. You can manage knee pain by giving ice pack application, giving knee immobilization by wearing knee braces for short periods and qua Chat Doctor. NSAIDs like ibuprofen can be taken in case of more pain and inflammation which is not addicting. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks.
### Human: Hello. I am 19 years old, 55, and 200 pounds. (in case you need to know...) I have a small lump underneath my armpit. When I fist found out about it, it sort of hurt, but now its just there. I went to see a docter and they said to use a clean razor when shaving and if it doesnt dissapear, to see them again. Just recently though, I pooped blood. (by recent, I mean 2 hours ago...)### Assistant: Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have ingrowing hair or infection of hair follicles or some other lesion. You should go for examination. If needed to take a course of antibiotics or go for biopsy according diagnosis. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
### Human: Im 17 i weigh 125lbs, & right now im on birth control. & well my question is ...after having sex with my partner, i dont know if its his sperm or my cum that comes in a pinkish, orangish, Brownish color... Were worried,& we want to know what can we do, help?!### Assistant: Thank you for the question, and thank you for visiting our site. When you have intercourse, there is bumping of the cervix. The cervix is very prone to small amounts of bleeding. This blood, after intercourse, can make its way out as a brownish discharge. Given the strong association of this discharge with intercourse, I believe that my answer is the most likely. It is never wrong to consider a visit with an OB/GUN to perform an exam and confirm that everything is otherwise normal and that there is no concern regarding infection. I hope that this helps and good luck!
### Human: My husband had a widow maker about 6 months ago and had a stint installed. Since then he is out of breath, extremely tired and doesnt feel good all the time. We have heard horror stories about a 1 year survival rate. Can you tell me if this is true. Thank you. He is 48 fairly good health, had heart issues as a child.a little overweight but not obese. Well thanks for making my panic about my husband dropping dead any minute put money in your pocket. HOPE YOUSLEEP WELL.### Assistant: Hi sorry but It's very difficult to get what you men to say, please try to repost the question clearly again however as far I understood he got a stent and pacemaker in his heart extreme fatigue and breathlessness post PTC can be because of decorated function of the heart 2 d echo should be done to rule out the cause of breathless beseech will tell us the ejection fraction of the heart and regional wall motion abnormalities in heart, a problem in breathing post stenting is indicative of low ejection fraction and regional wall motion abnormality thank you
### Human: Hi, within the last day or so I have discovered a lump about the size of a marble underneath my chin midway towards my neck. Around the same time I have been experiencing dizzy spells that r exacerbated by sudden head movements. The chin lump doesnt really hurt and it kinda feels like a swollen lymph node. Yet I have never noticed it there before.### Assistant: Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. The lump under the chin is a lymph node unless otherwise proved. You may please take a course of an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medicine under Doctors prescription for 5 days. Consult an ENT surgeon - he will look after both the problems. The dizziness can be due to either a cervical spondylitis or problem due to internal ear. He will be in a position to decide the reason and ask you for investigations like X-ray or MRI of the cervical spine and mastoids. And start treatment for it.
### Human: My partner and i have been trying to get pregnant. i stopped taking the pill on the 4th of may and bled on the 7th for around 5 days ending on the 12th . i then had sex on the 12th 15th and 16th of may. i did and ovulation predictor on the 16th which was negative but positive on the 17th. could i get pregnant and do i need to have sex again?### Assistant: Hi there, I have understood your concern. I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. As you might be aware that Unprotected sex act on and around the day of ovulation can help you get pregnant. Also, sperms are alive and active for 24 to 36 hours after the intercourse. So with positive prediction test within 24 hours indicates that your sexual activity was around the day of ovulation. So you stand chance to get pregnant. You may opt to have sexual activity again, if you feel like having it. So please do not worry. Think positive. Start on Folic acid, vitamin B 12 and Omega-3 supplements at least 3 months before you plan to get pregnant. This helps to prevent many problems during pregnancy and delivery. May God bless you with a bundle of joy. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks.
### Human: last year i had high risk preganancy,when i was in my 6th mnths i had vri bad iching from head to toe and from that day my health was very bad and gradually blood supply to baby was decearsing and in my 8th month baby condition was bad has there was blood supply was only to brain and heart and i lost my baby.doctors said it was iugr.i want to know in case if i conceive now will i have the same problem and if it is so,is there any treatment for the same from the early stage of pregancy and how much does it cost.please reply i want to have a baby without any complications in my health.### Assistant: HI, I understand your concern. To avoid IUGG in next child, there should be a planned pregnancy with both of the sex partners in perfect health, good sperm & ovum quality, good nutrition, with proteins/ iron/ calcium/ vitamins containing food & folic acid/ vitamin E supplements by both the partners. - pregnancy should be diagnosed earlier. Regular monthly pregnancy check up by your obstetrician / get investigated as per doctors advise & take medicines as per advise./ good nutritive diet throughout pregnancy. This way a regular pregnancy care would, will bless you with a full term, healthy, bony baby as you wish for, be positive. Thanks.
### Human: I was out on a run about a month ago and my knee started getting sore. I finished my run, but then noticed that my knee had bruised (inside of my knee). I tried running again a week afterwards, but the pain was still there. The bruise hasn t disappeared in this one month and I haven t tried running since.### Assistant: Hello, I have studied your case and I think that you have developed knee synovitis. In this condition there is pain and inflammation in the knee joint with swelling. I would recommend you to follow these steps.1. Get x-ray of the knee joint to make sure that you are not having any arthritis of the knee joint.2. Ice application3. Knee cap for support. I hope these steps will be helpful. Take Bruce tablet for pain relief. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks

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