<s>[INST] Appendix cancer, adino carcinoma, removed partial intestine. Suggestion? Patient: last year my wife was went through a surgery for appendix cancer, that appendix was removed , that appendix slice tested in lab and found so called adino carcinoma in apedix, after that doctor decided to operate again and remove her partial intestine, there was no sign of cancer in any test other than the biopsy of appendix, however after one moth of hospitalization came back to home, 6 month of follow up check up no bad sign, now almost one year of surgery puss mark notice at steches near belly button .Please advice this is not a sign of any cancer [/INST] Doctor: Hi and welcome to HCM. First, you dont have to worry. This cant be tumour relaps because this is lesion in abdominall wall,obviously some local infection or wound abscess.This is often seen after laparotomy. Appendix cancers are rare but in most cases surgery is enough for complete treatment and recovery. If tehre were no found metastasis or extended disease during the surgery, you dont have to expect relaps. If they found it they would recomend chemotherapy. This lesion around belly can be treated with antibiotic creams or by surgical drainage. Wish you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Suffering from renal cell carcinoma. Showing recurrence of carcinoma near kidney. Suggested surafenib 400mg. Treatment? Patient: one of my elder sister was suffering from renal cell carcinoma .Four months before doctors completed nephrectomy of her right kidney.A completion of nephrectomy one oncologist completed 20 radiotherapy course. Now it is showing recurrence of carcinoma near the right kidney.At this moment dr. suggest to eat tab-surafenib 400mg twice daily. we are not rely on this doctor.There is any better treatment for her. cancer still not spread another part of the body. Please suggest. Thanks Rabiul Islam. [/INST] Doctor: since you said your sister has recurrence it is important to confirm whether recurrence is confined to local region only or if there is spread to distant parts of the body. If the recurrence is solitary, resection of the lesion would help. Sorafenib is for metastatic disease. Since her disease has come back in just 4months, you need to understand that she has got aggressive cancer and whatever treatment is offered the responses are shortlived </s>
<s>[INST] Q. Why am I not getting pregnant even after taking Clomid and Letrozole treatment? Patient: Hi doctor, I am 31 years old. I am trying to conceive for two years and did four Comid cycles, ovulation happened but no conception. Then did Letrozole cycle, and got pregnant. But was later diagnosed with molar pregnancy and had D and C. Then took a break for six months, again did two Clomid cycles ovulation happened but no conception. Now did Letrozole cycle but no conception. I do not understand what is the reason for no pregnancy. My husband did his semen analysis it is 42% normal. My hormones tests for FSH, prolactin was normal, and pelvic ultrasounds are normal. Could you please guide me regarding this? I am really upset. [/INST] Doctor: Hi. As you have taken many treatments but pregnancy is not happening. Actually I need to see all the investigations before coming to a conclusion. But with your history, I can say that you can do hysterosalpingography, to see the tubes are good or not. If not satisfactory then you may require a laparoscopic-hysteroscopic examination to see the tubal cyst and endometrial lining. There is a history of molar pregnancy, so need to do some more test also. Pregnancy is not a simple process. You can consult infertologist with all the previous reports and can continue the treatment. Many times it takes more time. Because it is very complicated. And the chance of pregnancy is only once in one cycle. Patience and a positive attitude towards treatment are also as important as the treatment itself. </s>
<s>[INST] Will it be safe to take Livolin forte for mild hepatomegaly? Patient: Hi doctor. My GGT reading in my liver function was abou 850; but a CT scan revealed no scar or damage to my liver and every other about the liver appeared normal except that it was mildly enlarged leading to a conclusion of mild hepatomegaly. I have been placed on Livolin Forte for 1 month and within 2 weeks of intake, my GGT dropped to 650. Every other parameter in liver has dropped to normal. What this portend for me and what is the hope of my liver normalising? [/INST] Doctor: thank you for posting query.increased GGT presentation but with Insufficient history.increased ggt without increased liver enzymes maybe due to 1. alcohol abuse 2. gall bladder pathology 3. certain medicationhave you ruled out all causes. underwent blood tests and radiological examination (ct and ultrasound of abdomen). if not, do it asap.Livolin fort is safe to use.further advice:- abstinence from "Alcohol and drugs" - LOW fat diet should be followed- vegetables should be ingested daily- use lemon juice (lemonade) once in a day- walk 30 to 40 minutes everyday.- or swimming is alternative to walking-"recheck GGT enzyme after 6 to 8 weeks".if any further questions, feel free to ask.Health professionals aim to diagnose properly and manage patients according to their limited knowledge. Cure is blessed by the ONE who Created us, whose power and knowledge is unlimited .wish you good health.regards,Dr Tayyab Malik </s>
<s>[INST] Chronic IBS, right abdominal pain, constipated motions, constant urge to evacuate, enervation since appendicitis surgery. Remedy? Patient: I have been suffering from IBS ( Irritable Bowel Syndrome ) problem from 4 years now (2008-2010 and now again in 2012). I am suffering from pain in my right abdomen (lower side) with constipated motions. This pain also radiates to my right leg and back sometimes (especially while applying pressure to evacuate). I also feel an urge to evacuate after having meals. Frequency is more than thrice a day. I feel less energetic and lethargic. And I also feel frequent urination . Occasionally, feel bloated and acidity. The problems have resurfaced after I underwent an appendicitis surgery in Aug 2012. I took allopathic medicines in 2008 and by taking heavy doses of anti-spasmodics, antidepressants and other medicines over a year, the problems got subsided but the same problems have reoccurred now and posing numerous problems in my personal as well as professional life. I have also undergone alternative therapies ( ayurvedic and herbal treatments) but didn t help much. I have been taking care of my diet as various doctors said IBS is aggravated due to imbalanced and gas-producing foods.... I only get temporary relief and the problems reoccur if I stop medications. I have also felt the problem increases (pain as well as constipation) when i masturbate. Please help me out as it has been a harrowing experience as I have taken so many tests (all are normal), consulting numerous doctors without any effective results and it is really depressing sometimes. [/INST] Doctor: Hi welcome to Health care magic forum. Thanks for calling H.C.M.Forum. you have got pain in right lower abdomen , some times spreading to back and leg when straining for defaecation. You feel an urge to evacuate, after food, You feel less energetic, and lethergic. You also feel bloating and acidic. Pain recurred after a surgery for appendicitis. You have got frequency of micturition. and pain increasing after masturbation. No relief with many treatments, and many systems of medicines. I advise you to consult an urologist for diagnosis and treatment. Have the urinary system examined for prostate, urinary tract infection, or stones in the urinary tract, which would have co existed along with I.B.S. Avoid taking spices, junk foods, and oily foods. Avoid untimely diet. Practice diversion procedures like yoga, meditation, reading books like magazines, and hearing interested music. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Ovarian cancer Patient: my sister is suffering from ovarian cancer.we awared of it just 2 days ago through her biopsy report and now the cancer has reached its 4th stage what to do now for her long life please help us [/INST] Doctor: Hi,Welcome to HCM. Stage 4 ovarian cancer is not curable. Ovarian cancer is a dangerous cancer because it is asymptomatic and is often not diagnosed until it is in its advanced stages. Between 2000 and 2010, the rates of diagnosis of ovarian cancer have remained relatively stable, with a decrease of less than 1 percent annually in the number of women diagnosed. The mortality rate and life expectancies have remained stable.For stage IV ovarian cancer, the 5-year survival rate is 17.5%. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] fatty liver and uric acid.. Patient: i am 35 year old male and have a fatty liver for the past 9 years now and apparently high uric acid levels also . drinking alcohol for the past about 18 years regularly. I feel fatigued and drained when wake up in the morning and have pain in the ankles and knees. I used to be fair in complexion but now look dark and pale , hair fallen and greyed and look much older than my age my height is 5' 8 and weight is 82 kgs. what should i do ? [/INST] Doctor: alcohol causes mood changes forgetfulness ( dementia) , reduces vit B 12 and folic acid levels . causes deranged cholesterols all damaging ur health . leg pains could be due to neuropathy associated with alcohol secondary to faulty VIT B 12 metabolism . keep uric acid controlled by medications and repeated levels checked. exercise , reduce alcohol consumption , and vegetable diet will all help u. take care </s>
<s>[INST] What causes tightness in the chest and breathlessness? Patient: My name is Michael Morin, and I m 54 years old. At the age of 24, I was diagnosed with a heart condition. I was told I had heart disease that was similar to an 80 year old. I also had diabetes. I had just left the Marine Corps Reserve a year earlier. I joined the Marines at age of 17. I received a number of vaccinations in boot camp, one of which was the smallpox vaccine. When I left boot camp for R and R, I went home where joined in a game of pick up football. I began to have tightness in my chest and I was short of breath. I used to believe my problem developed from some sort of virus I got from the air-jet vaccination gun the service used, but now after speaking to one doctor by chance. Now I believe my problems were from the smallpox vaccination. I have been fighting an up hill battle with the Veterans Administration on compensation and treatment for the past 30 plus years, because of the lack of help from the medical field. I need to fine evidence and were to fined it. Who know more about what adverse effects smallpox vaccines cause and who can help me with my case. Thank you, Michael Morin [/INST] Doctor: Hi, Yes, research studies do show that few people do get heart problems after taking small pox vaccination. Few deaths have also been reported. Presently if you have tightness in the chest associated with breathlessness it could be angina. As such angina is not a disease but is caused by low oxygen in the blood reaching the heart. However, angina can be indicative of some serious developing coronary artery disease. You can take sublingual Nitrogycerine when you feel tightness in the chest after consultation with your treating doctor. Do not neglect yourself, visit a cardiologist, get physically examined & get all screening tests done to rule out any CAD. The tests will include CBC, Urinalysis, lipid function tests, X-ray, ECG, Echocardiography, Stress tests & CT or MRI if required. Get treated. In the meantime, stop addictions if any, avoid taking red meat, oily-spicy food. Take low carbohydrate, boiled home made food, fruits & veggies. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Nupur K, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Is it safe to take EC-naprosyn and tizanidine for back pain? Patient: I had pain in my lower back on the left side so i went to the doctor and she gave me EC-naprosyn and tizanidine for pain because she thought it was my muschel by where it hurt when i moved but I have also been unable to use the bathroom so i drank Magnesium citrate from walgreens so i could go but i am still unable to go and still have pain [/INST] Doctor: HiThank you for asking HCM. I have gone through your query. If you have dysuria and back pain then you should out an urinary infection which is most likely. If that is clear and you have signs and symptoms of muscle strain or sprain then you can take tizanidine which is a muscle relaxant and naproxen a NSAID for short duration. Hope this may help you. Let me know if you have any further queries. </s>
<s>[INST] What cause lower back pain during and after periods? Patient: I have just finished my period at which time I had alot of lower back pain. I have only ever had lower back pain with my period on one other occasion. It has now been two weeks since my last period ended and im still having lower back pain What could this be? [/INST] Doctor: Hilow Bach ache that starts with menses is suggestive of some infection in your genitourinary tracti would advise you for urine test urine culture and sensitivity testmeanwhile have plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated maintain a straight spine posture while workingdon't use pillowsleep on a hard beddo some stretching exercises and physiotherapy Hope this helps youRegardsDR BR Hudda </s>
<s>[INST] Have back pain when trying to stand up. Paracetamol suggested. Can you help? Patient: I am a 62 yo man who suffers severe back pain on the lower right side of my back. Pain is very very severe when in certain positions, particularly when I try to stand up from being seated. Pain is like a muscle spasm and appears to "lock". On occasions pain affect lower base of spine on both sides. Ive had problem for many months but has got much worse recently. My doc is largely puzzled but offers paracetamol. can u help? ...SB [/INST] Doctor: Hi, thanks for writing to HCM.As your pain is occuring only during certain positions and is not present at rest, the most propable reason could be a STRAINED MUSCLE. The general guidelines of management are as follows -* avoid activities which puts additional strain on the involved muscles* Ice packing to alleviate the acute pain* Once the acute pain subsides, Moist heat fomentation is to be done to relax the muscles* Physiotherapy to stretch and strengthen the back muscles* Ocassional analgesics & muscle relaxants as needed.Hope this information is helpful. Good day </s>
<s>[INST] Is recurrent swelling in the toes a matter of worry? Patient: My 27-year-old daughter, who has Down Syndrome, has puffy toes with purple areas on the tips and top surface. They are also cracked. I don t think she has this in warm weather. She says she feels no discomfort. Last winter, her doctor had her feet scanned for circulation problems and found none. Is this recurring condition anything to worry about? [/INST] Doctor: Hi, It could be small hemorrhage from the veins. Can happen in certain diseases like Renauld's disease (a type of peripheral vascular disease). I suggest a consultation with a surgeon ASAP. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Gopal Goel, Orthopedic Surgeon </s>
<s>[INST] What are the early signs and symptoms of pregnancy? Patient: I am 11 days late for my period. I have had PMS/pregnancy symptoms for over two weeks now, not severe ones just breast tenderness and light cramps on and off. However, I have taken three pregnancy tests and they were all negative. Could I still be pregnant and what should I do? [/INST] Doctor: Hello dear,I understand your concern.Usually the urine pregnancy test is positive a week after missed period.So as the period is delayed by 11 days the pregnancy test should be positive by now incase if your cycles are regular.So the sore breasts and cramps might be mostly due to premenstrual symptoms.Wait for spontaneous onset of periods.In case if you dont get the periods I would like you to repeat the test after a week.If even then the pregnancy test is negative there is no chance of pregnancy.And then I suggest you to consult doctor for further management.Nothing to worry.Stress might also delay the periods.So avoid stress if any.Relax.Blood HCG test also helps in accurate diagnosis in ruling out the pregnancy.Hope this helps.Best regards... </s>
<s>[INST] What causes sudden pain in the hips? Patient: I have hip pain that came on suddenly and would alternate between very painful and no pain at all. It go better after a few days and seems to have gone away. Wondering about exercise, I usually work out hard about 3 times a week. I wonder too what caused it and what might prevent it. [/INST] Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Sudden onset hip pain can be from a strain or tear from an acute episode. Acute hip pain can also be from bruises from direct impact. Sharp pain in the hip can be sudden and can be referred from the lumbar spine. Sudden hip pain can be from femoral fractures or a more severe hip dislocation. May be a vascular necrosis, infection, rectus femoris tendinitis, labial tear ,hip sprain,rectus femoris avulsion etc. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Does taking Cytotec harmful during pregnancy? Patient: Hi..my sister is pregnant for 7weeks..she was pregnant for twins..but she took cytotec and she bled for the only 1..when she had done pregnancy test she was still preg for the another bby inside her..and now she wants to keep the another..if there any side effect on the baby? [/INST] Doctor: cytotec is a medicine which helps in abortion process plus it causes malformations in d baby...as u have already took cytotec n bled...yup side effects can occur...u can do usg n check whether foetal heart rate is dere...n go to gynec if u wan to take risk </s>
<s>[INST] Q. The color of my glans changed to white after I used cortisone cream. Why? Patient: Hello doctor, I am a 28-year-old with 60 kg, and 1.79 cm. My problem started as red skin on my glans, and the dermatologist told me to use Cortisone cream for two weeks, after that, my penis as had an inflammation, because I used Cortisone cream on my glans. (Now the inflammation is finished) but my glans is white, and my glans circle is purple and thickened, what can I do? [/INST] Doctor: Hello. I checked your image (attachment removed to protect patient identity) if you have itching need to think of fungal infection. If no itching it can be PPP (pearly penile papules). Please share a clear image as it is blurred. 1. Do you have pain? 2. Did you have recent unprotected sex? 3. Do you feel any odor? </s>
<s>[INST] Dark, solid, bump on penis foreskin. Blood test done, no STD. What could be this? Patient: hi there...im kinda freaking out right now because i have a bump on my penis foreskin and its dark, solid, doesn t hurt at all, its not filled up with fluid, it doesn t look anything like a wart , and for the last year and a half i have only been with one person and have never even kissed another girl. Im really confused cause when i got tested and they took blood the last four or five time within the last 2 years i was negative with all std tests....Someone please help cause i have search the entire net it feels like and nothing is similar [/INST] Doctor: HelloThanks for your query,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have dark,solid bump on your foreskin.This could be either a calcified vein ( one of the tributaries of Dorsal vein of penis) or a sebaceous cyst.However final diagnosis can be confirmed only on diesct inspection and palpation of the bump.Please consult qualified General Surgeon or Urologist for clinical assessment and further treatment which will depend upon the final diagnosis.Dr.Patil.. </s>
<s>[INST] Hard lump on c6-c7, nerve pain, muscle spasms in area. X-ray normal. Treatment? Patient: I have a hard lump at the back and to the Left Of my neck at c 6 to c7 . My doctor has referred me for an ultrasound. I have had a normal exray with no evidence of abnormality. It flares up from time to time and causes nerve type pain and all my muscles around the area to spasm . I am having an ultrasound. I have had this for 2 years now. What are your thoughts in what it could be. Regards [/INST] Doctor: Welcome to HCM. Most probably it is swelling in the subcutaneous fat. It is also known as hump. Sometimes it is painful. If possible upload a clinical picture of your neck and upper back. Usually local measures such as physiotherapy may help to relieve the pain. We need to see your posture and if you have protruding neck with abnormal spine curves. Is it painful? is it just looking bad? whats your concern pain or cosmesis? Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] What is the treatment for polyps in gall bladder? Patient: My wife was admitted to hospital for sever pain in stomach. Ultrasound showed 4-5 polys in Galbladder of 3 to 4 mm each. As per doctor it gasto intestine pain and she was treated for same only. What is treatment of polys? Is it something to worry? Can it be treated with medeicenes ? [/INST] Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has multiple polyps un gall bladder. However its size is very small so its not a big deal. You have pain which can be relieved by dicyclomine or buscofan. If ypur bilirubin and liver enzymes are normal then nothing to worry. If you have obstruction then surgery is required. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Reason for fluctuation in the psa level? Patient: My psa level has fluctuated the past few years , especially being on Androgel. My recent psa level reading was 6 up from 4 in about 18 months time periods. My urologist has requested a biopsy and I was wwondering if it couldn't be from an infection and treated with antibiotics or from my hemmoroid problems? [/INST] Doctor: Hi, dear. I have gone through your question. I can understand your concern regarding your psa level. Your psa level is only slightly high. No need to worry much about that. There are many causes of high psa level. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, acute prostatitis may leads to such psa level. You should go for prostatic biopsy once to rule out major cause. Don't worry just go for it once and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] When can contraceptive be taken after having unsafe sex? Patient: My last period was on d 17th of last month I had unprotected from d 28th -30th of April nd today is 11th of May, am a Mother of a 4yr old nd avin a 6month baby at hand,I am so scared of getting pregnant cos my kids were delivered tru a cesarean section,av being feeling sick nd uneasy using d bathroom frequently to pee ,plz could i be possibly pregnant or maybe it s my fear of being pregnant,I really dnt need anoda baby now plz help me out can I get a pill now? Wat pill can I use [/INST] Doctor: Hi there,After going through your question, my opinion is that:1) There is always a chance of pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse.2) You have a good chance of being pregnant as you had sex during ovulation period.3) Emergency contraceptives are effective only if used within 72 hours of unprotected sex.4) Now, the only thing you can do is wait for getting periods or get a blood test called serum beta hcg which can detect pregnancy a week after unprotected sex.5) Sometimes, the symptoms you are describing could also be due to anxiety.I hope this helped.regards,Dr. Shikha </s>
<s>[INST] What causes vomiting and cough in an infant? Patient: I keep my 6 week old granddaughter. She is on Similac Formula and has been spitting up a lot in the last week. Sometime she projectile vomits. She is not running a fever, has 2 to 3 wet diapers in 6 hours. Her temperature ranges from 97.6 to 99.5. She has been coughing and today has been unusually fussy.. Her mother said she cried almost 3 hours this afternoon. She quiets when held. Do we need to be concerned, does she need to see her doctor. [/INST] Doctor: Hi...this looks like a viral illness and upper respiratory illness. There are 2 issues -1. Keep checking her temperature and if it crosses 101F she needs to be evaluated for sepsis.2. Other probability is she might be having an ear infection and it could be the reason for her fussiness.She needs to see her doctor.Regards - Dr. Sumanth </s>
<s>[INST] Can Motrin 800 be taken for anti-inflammatory purposes while taking Xarelto? Patient: Xarelto and Motrin 800. Can they be taken together? Tweaked my back this morning and took 800 Advil, saw chiropractor and got treated. She knows about Xarelto that I take once a day at night. She told me to take 800 Motrin tonight for anti-inflammatory purposes. Just took Xarelto and Motrin 800 before I thought about checking. YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Doctor: Consult an orthopedic doctor for back.Tylenol 650 or500 is safe to take.Take rest,apply voltage gel after fomentation </s>
<s>[INST] What causes blood clot and blue discoloration in the finger? Patient: Hi, can you have a small hematoma in your finger? It looks like a bunch of blood vessels together, and there s a bump but it doesn t hurt. It s blue- green in color. It almost looks like a vericose vein, but it s round, and it s in the inside of my finger. My Neurologist had no idea what it was? [/INST] Doctor: hi,whether your bule bump is pulsatile in nature? painless?if yes, more likely it is haemangioma.haemangioma is incresed growth of blood vessels.final confirmation can be done by skinbiopsy and/ or by USG if the bump is large enough. </s>
<s>[INST] Are headache and nausea side effects of maharasnadi kashayam tablet? Patient: dear Doctor, I am taking maharasnadi kashayam tablets - 4 per day. And being treated with ketakeemoolaadi oil for my back problems. I have been experiencing many headaches, nauseating almost like migraine. Is this perhaps a side effect of the medication? [/INST] Doctor: Hi,It could be due to the side effects of the medicine. Maharasnadi kashayam is an ayurvedic formulation claimed to be effective in the treatment of various painful conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, muscle sprain, and neuropathy. However its safety and efficacy has not been proved on any clinical trials.Based on the history you seem to have developed side effects apparently caused by this formulation.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Mohammed Taher Ali, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Q. Can you help me with the results of my urinalysis? Patient: Hi doctor,I have not been feeling well, so I had a urinalysis done. I did start my period later that day. Are these results inclusive of starting your period? Can you help with the results of my urinalysis? [/INST] Doctor: Hi. The urine analysis report (attachment removed to protect patient identity) shows urinary tract infection. I suggest the following preventive measures for UTI: For more information consult a urologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Blood in saliva while brushing, sneezing and coughing, severe itching in body. No smoking habit. Help Patient: Iam a young man of 32years.I don't smoke,but I use to drink before but since stop drinking.Recently l noticed when l brushing my teeth l bleed,whenl sneeze or cough a little in my saliva l split blood appears.Iam really disturbed.2:Whenever lam hot,my body start itching me from inside although there will be nothing or scratches on my body,but l use to scratch so much that is embarasing me. [/INST] Doctor: Hi,Welcome to HCM.Bleeding gums can be due to bad oral hygiene, and due to inflammation of gums called as gingivitis.Coughing up blood in saliva is definitely worrisome. Itching could be due to many reasons but most common is allergies to food.I suggest you get a detailed examination done by a GP near you to rule out causes of these symptoms.I would also suggest you get a complete lab workup to rule out bleeding disorders, and any kind of malignancy.Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Is throat dryness normal while suffering with dental infection? Patient: hi I've a dental infection that I've been dealing with. Anyway, I believe it's caused me some anxiety. fOR A WEEK I've had a fear of eating. I feel I can't swallow. I have this fuzzy feeling in throat - dry throat. I find myself constantly swallowing. is there a medical condition or is this mental [/INST] Doctor: Hi,As per your complain throat dryness when having a dental infection can be due to mere anxiety while in case if you are constantly breathing through mouth then it can also give you a dry throat. So in case if you have tooth infection then you should just relax as there is nothing to get so anxious and suffer from side effects and it will be better to consult a Dentist and get evaluated and an x ray of tooth can be done.You can be advised a course of antibiotics and painkillers followed by treating the tooth with root canal treatment or extraction of tooth depending on the condition of the tooth.Hope this helps. Let me know if I can assist you further.Regards,Dr. Honey Arora </s>
<s>[INST] What causes mild chest pain? Patient: I am 58 years old, hight 162Cm,weight 70 Kg and hypertensive and diabetes but I am on medication and all the parameters are normal. My TMT is negative. Sometines I have mild pain in the chest which goes away. Whether it is an indication of heart problem.What should I do and what further checks are required?Whether such pain can be due to anxiety, acidity or spondolytes? [/INST] Doctor: HI Thanks for posting your query in HCM Chest pain could be due to Heart problem , Acidity , Muscular pain , Rib Pain spondylosis, Lung problem . Since you have got your TMT negative the chances of heart as cause of pain is very less. But I need to know when was your TMT done ? I also need to know the character of chest pain , whether it is sharp pricking or Aching or heaviness in chest or burning ? What is the exact site of pain and is there any radiation of pain to any other site ? Also what makes the pain more --- Exertion or taking deep breath or having food ? If you can revert back with the details for my query I can advise you more on your problem . Expecting your reply soon . Take Care . </s>
<s>[INST] What causes dry skin and patches of blotches on legs of a 3 month baby? Patient: My grandaughter has dey skin and patches of blotches of whitish discoloration especially on her legs and patches of hair and her scalp is dry. We especially started noticing this after taking her to the beach. She is only 3 months old but it is becoming more noticeable. Both parents have a history of eczema. Not sure what to do about it??? [/INST] Doctor: Hi... I sympathize with the kid and understand your concern. By what you quote I feel that it could be eczema. The trick of the management is keeping the skin moist and never allowing it to be dry. For this oil massage and lotions like Oilatum will help. Regarding cure options - eczema is a sort of allergy...allergies can only be controlled and can never be cured. But usually kids grow out of it...that is as the age progresses, they become better starting from 6 months.Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Health care magic are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.Dr. Sumanth MBBS., DCH., DNB (Paed)., </s>
<s>[INST] What causes sharp pain during stretching of mouth after rhinoplasty? Patient: i had rhinoplasty 3 months ago and recently i ve been experiencing some sharp pain when i smile. at first it was only on one nostril but now the pain has spread to the other one as well. is this normal? is this temporary? when should i be concerned? who should i see for this since my original surgeon is not nearby to consult? [/INST] Doctor: Hello,Your symptoms could be related to a stretched muscle or a pinched nerve (trigeminal nerve). Coming to this point, I would recommend consulting with your surgeon for a physical exam.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Ilir Sharka, Cardiologist </s>
<s>[INST] What causes tight feeling in chest with increased physical activity? Patient: hi,when ever i do any physical activity like running, i don't neceseraly have shortness of breath, but it feels like i can't take as much air in my lungs as i could normally. Also i have this feeling in my chest which vary's from the middle to the left and sometimes for a brief moment to the right. sometimes i feel it just in my middle-back on the right side. it feels like i have heartproblems but i don't have a high pulse or feel actual pressure in my chest. more just a feeling.. also not painfull but just concerning becouse it is in that area... i don't know if this is anough information but i hope you can ask me some more question regarding what symptoms i should have to get a sence of it being heart problems.. or that it's something like acid reflux which i have red about. i'm an 18 yo man . my father, uncle and grandfather have had hart problems in the past 3 months. (grandfather already 40 years back but now again) [/INST] Doctor: Hello,Since you are having a strong family history of heart diseases, we should definitely rule out heart diseases for your symptoms. So better to consult a cardiologist, and get done blood pressure monitoring, ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test).If all these are normal, then no need to worry about heart diseases. Also, get done pulmonary function test (PFT) for the diagnosis of exercise-induced asthma. If PFT is normal, then no need to worry about lung-related diseases. Sometimes undiagnosed stress and anxiety can also cause similar feelings. So avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards,Dr. Kaushal Bhavsar </s>
<s>[INST] Can extreme mood swings and insecurity suggest anxiety disorder? Patient: I am a student in a university and I have taken psychology classes and such, and I was wondering about my mental state. Now i know that may be weird to ask but I need to know if a have anxiety disorder or something because of my past and how do I stop being the way I am.I want to start by saying I have had a hard childhood. The asian culture I grew up in was very demanding so I feel as if now that I'm on my own living and supporting myself without my parents completely...the things i experience are because of my past and i just am not consciously aware of it. My parents never told me they were proud of me and I was always not the best...I was never good enough for my parents even though in reality I was above average in school all the time. The past four years have been difficult and i have just recently moved out two months ago. My parents and I were able to try to mend things together and I got close and dependent on my parents and then they got mad and left me over and over...they never stayed the same. WHat I mean by leaving me...I mean disowning me...stop talking to me...etc. I'm in a wonderful relationship with a guy I will probably marry in the future. I want everything to be well, but I have concerns. My boyfriend is wonderful, but I get scared for no reason that I'm going to lose him. Sometimes because I'm afraid he will find someone better. I'm so insecure and I don't have any reason to be and I know that i don't have reasons to be but i am and I don't know why. In addition, I feel so sad and sometimes mad- but more sad- when things don't go as planned. Its almost like I am so uptight and stiff and not flexible like I know I am. I want to know why I act like this. I get periods of sadness as well even when I have no reason to be. I'm really happy out of my parents' house. But i have the concerns I have listed above. Also...if this is all because of my past, how do I let go of the past? How do I stop my mind from thinking too much negatively?thanks [/INST] Doctor: DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely suggest that you are victim of your own negative thinking. You cannot term your current state of mind as clinical depression. Rather, this is just disappointment. Disappointment which arises out of unforeseen life events do bring such symptoms like sadness, irritation, anger, lethargy, lack of interest, lack of appetite etc. Please understand this fact and make sure to introspect. Talking to your friends, out door activities and being creative should give you relief. Find the reason for your disappointment and consult a psychologist if need be. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes pleural thickening with patchy opacities in the lung? Patient: My chest xray says: left plueral thickening with patchy opacities of the left upper lung zone.The left hilum is elavated with comparative volume loss of the left lung. The pulmonary vessel on the left shore a hanging down appearance. Foci of calcilification on The right upper zone. Heart size is normal. [/INST] Doctor: Thanks for your question on HCM. In my opinion you should nit worry much about this report.It is old lesion and must be due to old lesion.You may have old TB and due to this fibrosis occured and long standing fibrosis causes pleural thickening, fibrosis and calcification and volume loss.So you are having left lung malfunctioning. So better to take pulmonary vaccines like pneumococcal and h.influenzae for prevention of future infection.Better to start pulmonary rehabilitation and chest physiotherapy. </s>
<s>[INST] How should this blood disorder be further treated? Patient: Thank you for the opportunity. I am having a problem of blood disorder and after four years my WBC has gone to 69.5. I am on medication and I am taking Hydas (substitute to Hytas) for last four years. What do I have to do now. My dosaze is 2 per day. [/INST] Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your wbc count is very high. Many leukemia or leukemoid reaction may be there. Please send me your complete blood count and peripherals smear examination report. If you don't go through it then go for it. Treatment depends on type and stage of leukemia. So send me all your reports so that I can help you further. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] How can dry skin with itching, soreness and redness be treated? Patient: hi, i have a shaved head and the last couple months i have had dry skin appear on both temples. It can be quite itchy, i tried E45 skin cream but it made the area really red and sore. I also tried 'simple' skin cream but it does the same thing, is there anything else i can try? [/INST] Doctor: Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagicI will keep a possibility of scalp seborrheic dermatitis. It usually presents as dry, flaky and itchy patches on scalp.The condition is a result of interplay between factors like overgrowth of malassezia furfur, a yeast and scalp inflammation.The cream that you have been using is just a moisturizing cream and not specific for seborrheic dermatitis.If I was the treating doctor I would have asked you to use an antifungal antidandruff shampoo e.g Ketoconazole based shampoo, daily or every alternate days.In addition to the shampoo I also ask my patients to use a topical steroid lotion e.g mometasone furoate, once or twice daily.Seborrheic dermatitis is a steroid responsive condition and most patients respond to this treatment protocol.Topical steroids may be discontinued once significant improvement has been achieved. Thereafter the improvement may be maintained with an antifungal shampoo, used either daily or every alternate days.Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Possible cellulitis in the lower leg. Wound not healing. History of skin cancer. Need surgery? Patient: possible cellulitis LOWER RT. LEG the leg was kicked twice thre months ago. the wound won t heal. also has history of cancer. skin cancer sergical removal on forehead . also on left side at base of earlobe sergically removed lump . seperate sergeries. pain is increased with time. NOT HEALING . PLEASE can you help . my friend is stuborn!!!! We need to educate him. [/INST] Doctor: dear there, there are less chances that it is a cancer but we cant ignore this.even if it is a cellulitis you should consult the surgeon as it can be equally harmful as cancer.it can proceed to septicemia which is again lifethreatning. </s>
<s>[INST] Does liver dysfunction affect the spleen? Patient: I have a 11 yrs old girl. She is having intermittant stomach pain and we took treatment for liver. Recently sonography results indicate mild fluid collection in POD and mild enlargement of spleen. Does liver dysfunction affect in anyway the spleen. She is having still pain now. [/INST] Doctor: Hi thanks for asking question.You have not mentioned which liver pathology is treated.Yes liver condition can affect spleen if portal hypertension present.So if any cryptogenic liver cirrhosis Like condition present then spleenomegaly with fluid collection can occur.Inflammation or infective condition also can lead fluid collection.Do her LFT , RFT as detail investigation.It might be helpful.ex.hypoalbumin can lead to edema and fluid collection.The detailed history and physical examination finding needed for further work up.Take care...Wish you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes a heavy brown discharge during periods? Patient: umm my period came the last week of oct. 2days ago i had unprotected sex with a guy ive never had sex with before i am currently having a heavy brownish cottage cheesey discharge that just started after i took a hot bath with no bubbles about 2hrs ago.what could this be? [/INST] Doctor: Hi dear, I have gone through your question and understand your concerns.This seems to be a spotting likely to be due to hormonal disturbances or due to any local lesions in the cervix or vagina.I will suggest you to consult an OBGYN specialist to get properly examined, investigated including pap smear, vaginal swab examination and ultrasound , and get appropriate treatment.Hope you found the answer helpful.Wishing you good health.Dr Deepti Verma </s>
<s>[INST] Can a lump on gum be cancerous? Patient: My 12 year old daughter has a large lump on her gums. I think it might be her gum, it looks exactly the same as the gum on the lower left. It is on the lower right gum, and she says she feels it even if she isn t touching it. It s the same color as the gums, and it it also squishy. I think it maybe cancer? I wouldn t want my daughter to go to hospital and have surgery. Please help ASAP. [/INST] Doctor: Hi! Good evening. I am Dr Shareef answering your query.I must explain you first that all gum swellings are not cancerous. There are a lot many other common benign gum swellings, which are completely treatable apart from any kind of cancerous lesions. Delaying the treatment might cause more harm to the patient. If I were your family physician, I would without any delay refer your daughter to a general surgeon or a maxillofacial surgeon for a proper diagnosis and early management. So, I would also advise you to do the same at the earliest.I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your daughter's problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts.Thanks for choosing health care magic to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Dr Shareef. </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest remedy for lumps in rib cage Patient: My mom has a lump on her rib cage right next to her right breast under her arm. The lump about 1 to 2 inch away from it. it is about the size of two thumb nails put together. She says she can feel it when she lets her arm down and that it only feels on the right side and nothing on the left. She first felt it around 2 to 3 months ago. Any idea what it could be? She is scared that it might have to do something with breast cancer. Thank you. [/INST] Doctor: HI,Dear, Thanks for the query from you for your rt breast under arm lump-and of size of 2 thumb-nails and the left under arm is normal, since 2-3 months back.1-I feel concerned that you are serious to know where from this hard painless lump comes? and is it cancerous?2-In my opinion this under arm lump of 2 thumbnail size being painless-,appears to be ant.axillary node , or may be the breast tissue in the breast tail.2-a-But by reason of her age this hard lump underneath the right under arm needs to be worried , as at her age the breast cancer chances are more.3-I would advise Surgeons opinion-who would fix the diagnosis by FNAC or by excision biopsy,to rule out the cancer or chronic infection with TB.4-Hence it is a worrysome lump and needs immediate treatment on the lines suggested above.5-Hope this would solve your worry of the hard painless lump in rt underarm. 6-Wellcome to HCM for any more query. </s>
<s>[INST] Bumpy pink rash on abdomen, stings, itchy, bumps turning black. Treatment? Patient: Hi I have a bumpy pink rash that appeared on the right side of my abdomen that stings sometimes spontaneously without me even touching it. It is itchy around it but not on it. So far its been over a week and a few other rashes have appeared throughout the abdomen. But the first one has bumps which are beginning to turn black. What do I have and what can I do about it? [/INST] Doctor: Hello, Thanks for the query to H. C. M. Forum Red bump with stings with mild pain that too from one week are suggestive of Herpes Zoster or simplex. This is contagious and infectious disease. No w you mentioned that they ( bumps) are turning into black i.e. one more step that indicates that it is herpes. As this is in localized area, same thing happens in herpes. If it is only in one half of abdomen than sure herpes. 2 nd remote chance is that it may be Chicken pox ( it spread all over body but more over abdomen and thorax) Only physical examination can reveal , what is this. Good luck. Dr. HET </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest remedy for a heart disease Patient: I have Ehler-Danlos (hybermobile) type and now have an extremely high CRP rat 34.4 (I believe anything over 7 is a concern). I've had 4 shoulder replacements. My orthopedic surgeon aspirated some fluid from the joint/prosthesis and has ruled out an infection there. Now my familiy doctor doesn't seem concerned at all with a 34.4 CRP reading but I am! I am 53 years old and have a lot of other symptoms as well, but my main concern right now is that my extremely high CRP may indicate something that should be treated right away - like cancer or lupus. There have been no tests ordered and I feel very confused about how much I should push my doctor to investigate this. By the way, my CRP has been elevated from a shoulder infection prior -- then it was only at 12 -- now at 34.4 that seems very frightening to me. My high sensitivity CRP test put me in the "average" range for heart disease. Do you have any suggestions for me? [/INST] Doctor: welcome to hcm ...high crp means that there is infection or inflammation ..as per aspiration your doctor could not find infection ..its good ..now crp may be raised in inflammatory conditions ..let the orthopaedic doctor treat condition ...crp will decrease with time ...and second thing ..raised crp is one of the risk factor of cardiac disease but it is not the only factor ..so just relax </s>
<s>[INST] Is Motillium advisable for nausea and acid reflux in a heart patient? Patient: Hi Ive been prescribed motilium for my nausea & reflux which I ve had for about 8 months. I ve had a gastroscopy, Ct scan chest & stomach, barium swallow & colonoscopy all came up ok. I m also on warfarin (aortic valve replacement)& other meds. Im just wondering if I should b taking this with my heart condition? Any advice please as I m getting very confused & anxious . Also a recent blood test came back as highly probable for celiac disease. I ve been Gluten free for 4 weeks today & still feel nauseous intermittently. Help please [/INST] Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. I understand your concern and would explain that it is safe to take Domperidone concomitantly with warfarin and other drugs. But, you should know that this drug may lead to severe adverse effects on the heart (life QT prolongation syndrome, severe arrhythmia and acute cardiac death). For this reason, I would recommend periodically check up with a resting ECG every 2 months while taking this drug, just to be sure that everything is OK. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest solution for lump in lower back Patient: My wife has a quarter size lump on her lower left side of her back that is painful to the touch that has been there for over a year and has not changed in size or shape. She has a appointment in two weeks to have it check out. Should we get it checked out sooner? [/INST] Doctor: Hi.This is either a lipoma or a sebaceous cyst. It is better to get this removed (excised) for 2 reasons.1> your get rid of the disease and 2> you get the histopathological diagnosis- makes you tension-free </s>
<s>[INST] What treatment should be taken for back pain and shooting pain in nerves ? Patient: Hello doctors, my age is 25 & weight 80kgs.Is there any solution for me.plz tell me what type of treatment I have to take... I m having back pain after long travelling or at the time of working in straight posture for more than ½ hr.already taken x ray for my back bone doctor said gap between last joint is less it gives pain.some exercise they told but helpless... also before 2 months while playing sports i got pain in my left leg nerves near buttocks .now i cant sleep in that left side position and cant sit long time in a single posture it gives me HEAVY SHOOTING PAIN while i try to change my posture.after sometime changed my posture everything is normal. [/INST] Doctor: Hi, Thanks for query, As there is reduction of space between lower vartebrae you have to consult orthopedic surgeon again as you developed Sciatica which is due to pressure on the nerves coming out between vertibrae. Go for back extension exercise,avoid forward or backward movements.use hard bed for sleeping. Ok and bye. </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for upper back and neck pain Patient: I m a 28 year old male. I am 5 8 and 260 pounds. I have sever anxiety and am on paradise time for that and it does help. As of late I have been having major upper back and neck pain accompanied with these odd episodes with my heart. I will be sitting and within a second my heart rate jumps from a resting 60 bpm to over 200. There is no pain anywhere it s just very uncomfortable and scary. The heart rate slow during if I lay on the floor and push in hard on my stomach. It usually take anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes for my heart to return to normal. Is this related to my back, my stomach, my esophagus or my heart? [/INST] Doctor: HelloThis sudden increase in your heart rate is most probably the part of your anxiety. Its not related to your back or oesophagus.I think you should visit your doctor again.The back and neck pain would require a treament in the form of physiotherapy.You can take tablet combiflam when needed for pain. Do hot compresses for muscle relaxation. Can wear a cervical collar for neck pain.Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] What are the risks of pregnancy while on IUD and how does it affect ovulation? Patient: I have a merida IUD. I have not had a period in 2 1/2 years but recently started spotting. I have taken benedryl to sleep for the last five years and recently decided to wean myself off and switch to melatonin. What are the risks of pregnancy while on the IUD and how does it affect ovulation. Thank you [/INST] Doctor: Thank you for the question and I am happy to help.The Mirena IUD secretes progesterone in the inside of the uterus and prevents the uterine lining from responding to the normal cycle of hormones produced by your ovaries. The Mirena IUD does not affect ovulation - you are still ovulating while it is in place. The main way that this IUD works is by thickening cervical mucous and creating a barrier for sperm to get to the fallopian tube. When the IUD has been in place for a long time, it might cause thinning of the uterine lining which can lead to breakthrough bleeding. This can be prevented by putting you on a short course of progesterone or birth control pills. The risks of pregnancy while on the Mirena IUD are extremely small. They are not zero, however, and you should take a pregnancy test.I hope that this helps and good luck to you!Dr. Tim </s>
<s>[INST] Q. How long should my husband and I wait to try for a baby if we did cocaine? Patient: Hello doctor,I am trying to conceive but my husband and I did cocaine a week ago. How long should my husband and I wait to safely continue to try to get pregnant? How long until it is out of our system? How long does cocaine stay in sperm? Thanks in advance. [/INST] Doctor: Hello, Wellcome to iclinq.com. There are few researches/studies on cocaine use by males and its effect on pregnancy. Few suggest that cocaine by itself has limited effects as most of the time it is taken along with other drugs or as a cocktail of alcohol and cigarette (tobacco). So, most of the people take not just cocaine but a combination of drugs. Cocaine narrows blood vessels (vasoconstriction). It can lead to erectile dysfunction. Few studies suggest that it has receptors on testicles and sperm. So, it can degenerate testicular tissues/or sperm quality, transfer from sperm to female egg and can lead to early miscarriage. Cocaine is a very fast acting drug which affects the nervous system and produces short-lived euphoric attitude for 15 minutes to an hour, but causes long-term damage to the body and brain like anxiety, depression, aggression, impairment of logic and critical thinking, heart problem, hypertension and decrease in bone density. Its half-life is an hour. So, it takes about an hour for half of the cocaine consumed to leave the body. But, with long-term use, the drug starts to accumulate in the blood and body tissues allowing certain tests to detect it in the system for an extended period of time. After a single use of cocaine, agents created by its metabolism can be detected in the urine for two to four days, and in chronic users, cocaine can be detected up to 12 days and highly concentrated cocaine can be detected in the urine up to three weeks. It can be detected in the saliva and blood for an average 12-48 hours. In hairs and sweat for an extended period of time, it can be detected. So, after all the above description, I do not know how your husband had cocaine, as a cocktail along with other drugs, or just cocaine? Secondly, how long he has been taking it? For you, have you been on alcohol, cocaine or smoking? If you had taken in the past, better to quit completely. My advice is, try to avoid drugs like cocaine, alcohol, ketamine, and MDMA completely for a couple of months before trying for pregnancy. Because, if the mother has an addiction, it has psychosocial effects on the fetus in addition to the drugs' side effects itself. Best of luck. For more information consult an obstetrician and gynaecologist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] What causes itching and white discharge on penis tip? Patient: Hi,i'm 23 yrs i had unprotected sex 2 weeks ago now in the morning i find i white discharge at the tip.its itchy and burning especially when urinating.i feel like there is something stack and i feel urinating more and more.The girl is okay no pain.what do i do? [/INST] Doctor: DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. From the description, it seems your penis could be suffereing from inflammation due to the unprotected sex. Frequent urination also suggests that angle. STDs can be tested later, but for the time being, consult a physician for treatment of inflammation. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Does sodium monofluorophosphate cause neurotoxicity? Patient: is sodium monofluorophosphate toxic (found in toothpaste) I realize by conventional standards there may be considered a low-toxicity rate but I have heard even small amounts may cause neurotoxicity. People do use toothpaste every day and often multiple times per day. [/INST] Doctor: Hello,Let me tell you that like other drugs sodium monofluoro-phosphate has some side effects and your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judged that the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects. Sodium monofluoro-phosphate can cause gum irritation but it does not cause neurotoxicity.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Prabhash Verma, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] What causes the pain and rash in the back? Patient: I have what feels like a cramping pain on the middle left side of my back around the rib cage and to the middle side of my stomach just under my rib cage. It also has a rash in the same area from back around the side and to the front in the same exact spots i feel the crcramping pain. And the rash has little pains on the surface of the skin. Like a needle poking. [/INST] Doctor: Hi, thank you for posting!I have gone through your query and I understand your concerns.According to your symptoms, I think that your suffer from herpes zoster, which is a viral condition.Its diagnosis is simple and is based on visual examination, because the rash it produces is typical.The treatment is made with antivirals, such as acyclovir in tablet and cream form for external use; painkillers; vitamin therapy.You need to contact your neurologist, in order to determine the right diagnosis and treatment.Feel free to ask me for anything unclear.Take care,Dr. Behar. </s>
<s>[INST] Q. Please explain about non-Hodgkin lymphoma in detail. Patient: Hi doctor, What is non-Hodgkin lymphoma? What can cause NHL? Which age group is more commonly affected? Can NHL occur without any family history? Does all left supraclavicular (Virchow's node) node is associated with lymphoma? Can single small but persistent size of lymph node enough for NHL? Why my lymph node is not getting bigger in its size? How fever is related to cancer/NHL? Can NHL/lymphoma/any other form of cancer occur without any symptoms such as fever, weight loss or night sweat? In NHL, the lymph node can develop inside a chest, in the abdomen and inner side of the body. How can we feel them? Which kind of symptoms occurs if they are in? Please explain. In NHL, How to know the swelling of stomach, spleen, and liver as it is not visible outside? Can a cough occur in NHL? In NHL/lymphoma, can we get any clue from the change (decrease/increase) in the level of blood cells such as WBC and platelets? [/INST] Doctor: Hi. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is a group of lymphomas, which does not fall into the classification of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Anything which does not fit the criteria of Hodgkin's is NHL. NHL can be caused due to a viral infection like Epstein Barr Virus, radiation, immune-modifying drugs, etc. Any age group can be affected, but particularly above 50 years. Yes, it can occur even without any previous family history. No, it can rise in infections from surrounding areas or even another type of cancers. Virchow's node is one classically for gastric cancer metastasis to that node. Single lymph node, even if persistent is not a classical sign of lymphoma. Usually increase in size, multiple lymph nodes involvement and at 2 or more sites like axillae, femoral, etc. Single site, single lymph node which is persistent, is usually due to chronic inflammation. Due to chronic inflammation over a long time, intra-lymph node fibrosis (just like scar tissue) must have formed, which would not allow it to reduce in size. So, it will remain the same size. If there is no change in size, then nothing to worry about. Cancer particularly NHL can reduce immunity and increase the possibility of infection and hence fever. Also, in cancers, increased metabolism occurs, which can result in increased metabolic rate and hence sweating or fever can be seen. Night sweats particularly indicate cancer/ NHL. Usually, some symptoms will be found. Depends on the location, the involvement of other areas and the stage symptoms can vary. This way, all cancers start small and are not detectable, even by best methods. Internal lymph nodes require radiological investigation like CT, ultrasound etc for evaluation. Based on symptoms, if any, it can be evaluated. If doubtful, get a lymph node biopsy of the Virchow's node to confirm. You can find spleen and liver enlargement by radiological investigations or deep palpation. Stomach requires a definite ultrasound. A cough is not a classical symptom of NHL and usually, in lymphomas, bloods levels are not affected. </s>
<s>[INST] Can smoking menthol cigarettes affect sexual health? Patient: Hi. My name is Hamad, and I have been smoking menthol cigaretts for a couple of months now. I would like to know if it really effect my sex life because I think it effected me allready. and what nutrition will give me a possitive result. thank you. [/INST] Doctor: Hi and welcome to Healthcaremagic. Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can.Cigarettes, including those with menhtol can affect sexual health only after long term use and this is definitely something that should be avoided since it affects negatively all other aspects of health. However, if you have severe sexual difficulties then this may be related to other factors such as psyhological, or vascular issues so it would be better to see urologist if you have any doubts since smoking should not lead to such severe problems after short term use. Nutrition should include variety of foods which shol d be fresh and include fruit, vegetabes and high fibre food,avoid alcohol, fatty food and fried food and spices. THis may help.I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time.Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for pneumonia Patient: I was diagnosed with a very large pneumonia about a month ago in my left upper lobe, I have been on 3 different kinds of antibiotics. I just received a phone call from my doctor with the results from my follow up chest xray and find out that the pneumonia has not gone away and is still about the same size. What should be our next step? She wants to put me on another type of anibiotic. [/INST] Doctor: Thanks for your question on Healthcare Magic.I can understand your concern.You are having persistent lung opacity despite of antibiotic treatment.So possibility of these is very high. 1. Drug resistant infection2. MalignancySo better to first diagnose and then start appropriate treatment.Bronchoscopy and CT scan of thorax are advised in your case.Bronchoscopy will isolate the causative organism and guide about specific antibiotic therapy.CT scan will tell you if there is mass lesion present or not.Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Have lower back pain, lot of gas in stomach. Treated kidney infection. Prescribed zerodol,cipro Patient: I have been having lower back pains for the past year or so coupled with a lot of gas in my stomach. I have seen my doctor for a kidney infection and was treated. But the symptoms remain. I have no history of lumbar injury. I am 57 yrs old an in generally good health. I was prescribed Zerodol 100mg and Cipro 500mg for the infection and they seem to work but the lower back pain lingers. I have noticed that the pain is especially discomforting between midnight and 7am. thanks for your advice. [/INST] Doctor: Hello dear,The symptoms are attributed to increased gas formation secondary to excess acid secretion in stomach.Presenting with such symptoms, I usually treat my patients with:1. Tablet Pantoprazole 20 mg twice daily (to be taken half an hour before food)2. Anti spasmodics like Dicyclomine preparation twice daily (to be taken after food)3. Application of analgesic+muscle relaxant gel.4. Take soft, plain, non-spicy foods.5. Drink lots of fluid to maintain adequate hydration.6. Physiotherapy exerciseIf symptoms still persist, it will be better to consult an Orthopedician & get a proper physical examination done.Investigations like complete blood count & MRI of lumbosacral spine will be helpful in detecting any pathological cause for the symptoms.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Can sinus be related to heart problem? Patient: I am worried about my Dad's family history of CHF and he is ALWAYS having terrible sinus drainage. Can this be related to a heart problem at all? I know congestion is related, but can this drainage be related? He has had one stent put in the past. The sinus drainage has gotten worse and worse and he is always coughing. He goes to the VA for check ups, but I am just worried they may be missing something. He says that he feels fine otherwise with no chest pain, but he does get SOB with increased activity and requires frequent rest breaks. [/INST] Doctor: Hello!Thank you for asking on HCM!Regarding your concern, I would explain that sinus drainage is not related to CHF. It may be just a chronic sinus infection or an allergic reaction. I would recommend performing some allergy tests and a sinus discharge bacterial culture to investigate for the possible causes. Considering the fact that he has one coronary stent and has chronic cough, I would recommend performing a cardiac ultrasound and resting ECG to evaluate his cardiac function and exclude possible heart failure. Hope you will find this answer helpful!Best wishes, Dr. Iliri </s>
<s>[INST] Is the CRP rate of 10 safe in a 69 year old for routine dental care? Patient: I have a dental patient in the chair 69 yo, cauc female. ONly had one abnormal value. MCV of 104.1 on her hematology report and special chemistry of 10.7 on CRP which she states is better than her previous cardiac score of 20. Any hesitation with routine dental care? [/INST] Doctor: CRP Levels above 3 are risky. Make sure you have prophylactic ( precautionary ) amoxycyllin 2g 1 hour before any dental treatment involving gums. </s>
<s>[INST] suffering from psoriasis skin disease.. Patient: Hello i am suffering from psoriasis skin disease please infrm the treatment. [/INST] Doctor: Hi. The treatment for psoriasis is use of keratolytic agents for the actual lesion... The other treatment is preventing recurrence by use of healthy diet,  natural rest and practising non stress life..  Simple infection has to be prevented though.. See a doctor for the best keratolytic cream or ointment... </s>
<s>[INST] How can a large tender bruise across the ribs be treated? Patient: Hi, I have a large bruise across my ribs, it is quite painful when touched but I believe nothing is broken because I can still move normally and do things I normally do. I am due to take an 8.5hr flight in 4 days and am wondering if there are any risks acociated? Thanks [/INST] Doctor: Hello, Thanks for writing to us, I have studied your case with diligence.As per your history of trauma there is possibility of rib contusion.Rib contusion is not always visible on X ray .I will advise to consult to orthopaedic surgeon.Medication like muscle relaxant and analgesic will reduce pain along with it use rib support belt.You may consult physiotherapist for pain management. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case.You may need to take rest for early healing.Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. If you find this answer helpful do not forget to give rating at end of discussion.Wishing you good health.Take careRegards Dr Vaibhav </s>
<s>[INST] How to treat bruise like marks in the back of mouth? Patient: Hi, I recently had my back molars removed because they became infected. And about 2-3 weeks after my surgery I have black bruise like marks on in the back of my mouth on my inner cheeks. Also my lip is beginning to swell a little and it has a bruise like mark now. What is this? Should I see my regular PHD or a Dentist? [/INST] Doctor: thanks for the query, the black bruise like marks could be because of the ecchymosis secondary to cheek biting or normal physiologic pigmentation. the swelling over the lip could be secondary to tooth infection. consult your oral physician to take radiographs and rule out the causative tooth. if i am your treating doctor i would start with a course of antibiotics and tell you to gargle with saline. i hope my answer will help you, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for prostate cancer Patient: My 61 year old father has been diagnosed with Advanced Level IV Prostate Cancer. He has been healthy in the past beyond arthritic knees. His PSA score was 60 the first test; the 2nd test was 4 (before any treatment). He did not tell me of his condition until 5 months after his diagnosis, and because of this, I am afraid to ask him straight-forward questions. His cancer has spread to the lymph nodes and there is evidence of bone metastases. I don't know how scared I should be. Does he has months or years to live? He is currently taking hormone therapy. [/INST] Doctor: Hi, dearI have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He has prostate cancer stage 4 with bone and lymphnode metastasis. Surgery is not helpful In stage 4 cancer. Chemotherapy, radiation treatment and hormone therapy should be given. Despite of treatment prognosis remains poor. Life expectancy is not good. Sorry to say but it is fact. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using health care magic. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes red itchy spreading bumps on scrotum, arms and legs? Patient: I have a rash on different areas of my body. I thought maybe it was just jock itch because I ve got red bumps on my scrotum but it has spread to my groin, armpits, lower back, sides, and on my legs. Very itchy. Is it possible to spread jock itch or could this be something else? [/INST] Doctor: Hello,Red ,itchy, spreading rash suggestive of fungal infection.Apply Candid B lotion thrice a day over lesion.Keep hygiene. </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for painful bowel movements in a child Patient: Hi My son is 1 month old and is crying for 3 hours(not continously) daily from last 1 week.and ....daily once he will pass motion freely and 5 to 6 times he is passing small amount with crying...his stomach is also very tight....all our family memebers are suffering to his trouble.....kindly help me in this..... [/INST] Doctor: Let me assure you that for a child of this age passing stool 10 times a day is as normal as passing stool once in 10 days and in either of the cases there is nothing to worry about. A child often cries due to increased air intake while feeding which may give rise abdominal distension and thereby abdominal colic. Giving Decolic infant drops 6-8 drops as per requirement should give the child relief. This is unrelated to the condition that other family members are suffering from. For them, increase the amount of greeen leafy vegetables in diet and also give fibre supplements like isabgol husk regularly at dinner and things should improve gradually. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes high fever,sore throat and rashes on face and neck? Patient: My four year old has been ill on and off with a high fever for over 2 weeks, complains periodically of stomach ache headache sorethroat but he doesnt really have any symptoms, he was admitted to hospital mon with high fever, bloods came back at crp 62 but no signs of why, repeating bloods next day when fever was down crp 100 sent home with a fever, had a fever in nite, fine duriing day til high fever mid afternoon and early hours of morning, woke up today with rash on trunk , neck and face no temp this morning but temp again this aft, any ideas?? [/INST] Doctor: Hi Dear ,Welcome to HCM.Understanding your concern. As per your query you child have symptoms of high fever,sore throat and rashes on face and neck which is because of streptococcal infection leading to strep throat. It is leading to granular pharyngitis. It could be due to poor and compromised immunity of body. Need not to worry. I would advise you to take few preventive measures such as do warm saline gargles on daily basis 3- 4 times a day. You should do tepid sponging to avoid high fever. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Take proper antibiotic course such as Levofloxacin for 5-7 days. Take anti-inflammatory drugs such as Sinarest as well. Visit pediatrician once and get complete examination done. Go for blood tests and sputum test as well. You should drink plenty of fluids. Take supplements rich in vitamin B12 to booster immunity. Maintain proper oral hygiene. Hope your concern has been resolved.Get Well Soon.Best Wishes,Dr. Harry Maheshwari </s>
<s>[INST] What causes sickness, vomiting and liver ache? Patient: Lately, I have been getting very sick the next day after only a few drinks 2-4 over a span of 3-4 hours. Sick to the point where my head pounds, i vomit frequently, nothing stays down (water, bread) and only start to feel better in the evening (6-7pm) I have plenty of food in stomach though. Also, had half a beer tonight and felt sick instantly, now my liver is aching. [/INST] Doctor: Hello,It looks like you had indigestion or food allergy. You can take anti emetics to stop vomiting, one SOS when needed. It should stop, if vomiting does not stop you will have to take injections. After you have stopped throwing out you should keep yourself well hydrated. Take soups & ORS.You are suggested to visit ER, get clinically assessed by a GP. Get Urinalysis, blood tests (liver function tests) and USG (liver and gall bladder) done to detect any liver enlargement or any other developing pathology. Take boiled food and food that is easily digestible. Avoid taking raw food or fruits. Cut on alcohol and addictions if any. You can take antacids and PPI's for relief.Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Nupur K, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for raised spot on the belly after piercing Patient: I had my belly button pierced in early September and I have had no issues infection wise until now. In between the two holes of the piercing there was a little spot that looked like scar tissue. I noticed that after I had taken a shower, the spot looked like it had risen. However, there was no pus or any other fluid coming from the spot. I looked online and read that I should treat it with rubbing alcohol. Since then, the risen spot has started to scab over. Should I continue to treat this spot as I have been? [/INST] Doctor: Hi, thanks for using healthcare magicIf the area is dry with no discharge or any other symptoms of infection (swelling, increased redness, increased warmth of the area, tenderness) then you can discontinue the use of the alcohol.If the symptoms are continuing then you can continue using it daily.I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Done tooth extraction. Prescribed megamox, metronidazole. Taking losartan and metformin. Dark green stools Patient: Dear Doctor,I had a tooth extracted some 4 days ago and was given megamox 1g (taken every 12 hours) together with metronidazole 200mg (taken 3 times daily) both after meals. It should be taken for one week. I mentioned to him I'm taking daily losartan 50mg and metformin 500mg. I noticed dark green stools. My stools are soft but not loose. I went to the dentist and told him about it but he said it's because of the antibiotics. I didn't feel any weakness, pain - just normal. Can you give me a piece of your opinion sir? Thank you very much. Gabby [/INST] Doctor: Hello and welcome.yes your dentist has suggested you correct reason for having loose stools and also change in colour.once your course of antibiotic is completed you will be fine.Any further persistence of symptoms should definitely worry you else do not worry.Thanks.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for coughing up blood , chest pain and shortness of breath Patient: i have been sick since thanksgiving of 14. First it started with a chest cold, didn t get better with meds, started cauphing up blood. Dr put me on more meds and steroids and inhalers, nothing helped. By mid Jan it wasn t getting anybetter. Sent to hosp 1st time they said pnueanonia, more meds, steroids and inhalers. By mid March still no better 2cd trip to er said other stuff healing but fluid in lungs and now have pluralsy. I always have a mild chest pain on the right side by the lungs, but on bad days if i do any sort of extra physical activity the pain intensifies to a 9 or 10, including difficulty breathing heart palpatations, light headed. The pulmonologist is testing for asthma, copd and anphazema. I don t smoke and never have or will. I m worried about my heart, my mom has congestive heart failure and my baby died of a rare heart defect when 2. I don t know what path to take and can t take the pain and discomfort any more [/INST] Doctor: Hi thanks for contacting HCM...Noted you have mentioned pneumonia infection...Do you have done chest x ray for it?In pneumonia it might show consolidation.In pneumonia as complication yes plura can be affected and so plurisy can be there...You can do your sputum examination and culture for choosing antibiotic and tuberculosis will also be ruled out.By pulmonary function test asthma and COPD like causes will be ruled out....If congestive symptom more decongestent can taken...If your symptoms even still increasing then yes biopsy may need to investigate further.Take care.Dr.Parth </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for shortness of breath and black dots on the breast Patient: hye, My aunt is having shortness of breath and she is on vent now. Her breast showed some kind of infection that apparently turned out to have black blisters. I could she those spreading. When we went for lungs x-ray doctor said she has accumulation of water in her lungs [/INST] Doctor: Thanks for your question on Health Care Magic. I can understand your aunt's situation and problem. By your history and description, possibility of bacterial infection especially staphylococcus is more in her case. She is having pleural effusion and infective skin lesions on breast. Staphylococcus can cause pleural effusion and blister formation on skin. So chances of staphylococcal infection is more in her case. Better to send pleural fluid culture and sensitivity for the diagnosis of staphylococcal infection. This will also tell about effective antibiotic therapy. With appropriate antibiotics and Care, this infection can be treated. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing good health to your aunt. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment to increase height Patient: hello sir, m from india.. male 22 years of age.. m really fed up with my current height.. i feel really shame when i stand in front of people.. my height is 5 feet and 5 inch.. i really want to grow tall.. gain atleast 3-4 inches more.. is der any possible ways for me.. or are der any drugs of medicines for it.. please help.. [/INST] Doctor: Hello, Height is a genetically determined factor and can not be altered much with drugs. Complex surgical correction can be tried, but may not be required for your case. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr. Shinas Hussain </s>
<s>[INST] What causes severe depression and short temperedness? Patient: i am literly thinking im crazy or a maniac i been looking stuff up like thisi imagine my family being brutaly murdered one by one infront of mei always am ina shitty or irratatiable mood all the time well 70 percent of the timei always gotta screamim deadly afraid of speaking infront of ppl bc i think they think im really stupid n there gonna hit me or make fun of me really badly till i cryi always killing the **** out of ppl in video games bc it relives my mind i had a couple suvicidal thoughts,umm i had lots of thoughts of joining a gang n killing the mutherfuckers who ****** with mei always get annoyed by the smaleest things or person n who ever that person was i feel like beating the **** out of them.im only 16 btw and im dead serious i been thinkg of alot of crazy voilnc to my family since i was little n much more.BUT PLEASE SOME ONE LEVE A Answer no daMM LINKS I WANT A ANSWER HERE NOW I BEEN GOING INSANE FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS I ALSO BEEN THROWING OVER ANGER N OTHER THINGS.I also dont feel anything some times [/INST] Doctor: DearWe understand your concernsI went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. All these given thoughts are just normal for every person like you. You are obsessive. That is all. These are called obsessive thoughts. Brain (mind) is made for its own functions and its duty is to think. Therefore you cannot stop it from thinking. But you definitely can control the way it thinks by diverting its attention to more demanding things. Creative thinking should help brain diverting. If you try to forcefully overcome obsessive thoughts, it will come back every now and then and disturb you more vehemently. Rather, this is just disappointment. Disappointment which arises out of unforeseen life events do bring such symptoms like sadness, irritation, anger, lethargy, lack of interest, lack of appetite etc. Please understand this fact and make sure to introspect. Talking to your friends, out door activities and being creative should give you relief. Find the reason for your disappointment and consult a psychologist if need be. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques.Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications.Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes rapid and skipping of heart beat? Patient: Hi there. i will try and explain everything without missing anything out. i feel my heart racing all the time and it misses a beat, i only have to go into the kitchen and it starts beating really fast, i often get out of breath easily. i also get pains in my right side and have started to get pain in the left side now and low in my belly. iv also been know to go all dizzy and fussy this can pass within 10 mins but twice it happend for 2hrs, i felt like i was going to die but that was about 4-5 mounth ago. my finger joint hurt quite alot in the day but mainly when i wake up in the morning. this has been going on for almost a year now, im quite scared to go to my doctors. [/INST] Doctor: Hi, The symptoms you are having looks like VPC'S, which is extra beats originating from places other than the normal conducting system of the heart. I'll advise you to get an ECG and 24hr Holter monitoring done, after which only we can ascertain the diagnosis. This could also be some abnormal arrhythmia so kindly do those tests. I'll also advise you to get a 2D Echo done to rule out any possible cardiac related abnormality. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Regards, Dr Sameer Maheshwari, Cardiologist </s>
<s>[INST] Does letoval help in conceiving? Patient: I have a medical history of PCOD for almost 6-7 years. I am 32 and would like to concieve... My doctor has advised Letoval for 5 days starting from the 2nd day of the menstural cycle. I would like to understand how far does this medicine help in conciving... [/INST] Doctor: Hi,Yes, it does help in conceiving. Aromatase is an enzyme responsible for the production of estrogen from androgen in the body. Letoval works by inhibiting aromatase thereby suppressing estrogen production this results in release of gonadotropins (FSH and LH) from pituitary gland. These hormones can cause release of eggs from the ovaries in women suffering from PCOD thus increasing the chances of pregnancy hence they are found to be useful in the treatment of infertility.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Mohammed Taher Ali, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] What causes severe pain and swelling in the foot after an injury to the shin? Patient: After hitting my shin 2 weeks ago, firstly no real pain or problem but after a few days ankle swelled and turned blue.Again no real pain but in lasr few days intense pain at side of foot. On feet all day as a teacher and need tp drive. Pain killers do not have any effect. Please advise, [/INST] Doctor: in my opinion you may have injured your ligaments or caused a severe haematoma, you should keep doing ice packs on your foot for 7 minutes twice daily you can also use bandage but if swelling increased then it may need to be examined physically and by MRI. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes a feeling like brain flips and rolling backwards? Patient: Over the past 2 days this has happened to me three times and never before in my life. When I was sitting at my desk once and laying on the couch twice with my eyes open I get a feeling like my brain is doing flips in my head and rolling backward and it almost feels like my eyes are rolling back. It makes me feel dizzy and disoriented until I stand up. Its very hard to describe, but really scares me, have you heard of this before? Iam a 27 year old female. [/INST] Doctor: Hello,I don't think yours is a serious condition. Most likely benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is causing your issues. If your symptoms persist, see your doctor.Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Erion Spaho, Neurologist, Surgical </s>
<s>[INST] What causes seizures in a patient with brain tumour? Patient: Hi, One of my friend has brain tumor in his childhood so he had treatment then.he recovered from this desease but after that he was getting fits then he had taken.treatment for fits, he is ok now but he is getting some current.or jhatka in.his body when woke up or when.he could not sleep properly. Please suggest what should we do for him for this Thanks [/INST] Doctor: Welcome to healthcare Magic. Surgical scarring in the brain can cause seizures after after brain surgeries. Probably he needs some fine tuning of his anti-seizure medications. Something related to the sleep makes me suspicious about the antiseizure med management. He should see his neurologist soon. Meanwhile please monitor him closely. Avoid accidents. He should avoid working near the heavy missionary or climbing heights. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest treatment for large external painful hemorrhoid Patient: Hi. This is so embarrassing. That's probably why I haven't gone to the Doctor. I have a pretty large external hemorrhoid. It's painful. For the last couple of days I have tried over the counter medications. It doesn't seem to be shrinking. It's I guess about a inch in diameter and very hard. Should I just wait it out. I am soaking in warm water now. I read online where it could help. I had one similar to this about 6 months or so ago and it went away after over the counter treatment. This one seems more painful and larger. Is this something you could help me with? [/INST] Doctor: . I read your question carefully and I understand your concern. First of all you don't have to be embarrassed from this situation, especially in front of healthcare providers, since this condition is something that healthcare providers have a lot of experience and it is not seen as something weird, rare or embarrassing. From what I read in your post, it seems like the symptoms might be a consequence of thrombosed hemorrhoids (hard and painful).The conservative measures that might help you are warm baths; ice can relieve the pain of acute thrombosis; high-fiber diet (methylcelulose); stool softener; topical steroids can alleviate symptoms of itching and inflammation; topical nitroglicerine can also reduce symptoms, but it can have side effects like dizziness and hypotension. I recommend to visit a general surgeon or a proctologist in order to be evaluated more objectively and for a possible surgical treatment. I hope my answer was helpful. Best regards and I wish you a fast recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes frequent cough along with tiredness? Patient: Non smoker, 44 yr old female. Last 2 years have had difficulty exercising and feel tired. Frequent light cough and feels weird when I exhale. Pulmary fibrosis killed my father and mother has asthma, however pulmonary tests show nothing. I am concerned. I know my lungs are not right [/INST] Doctor: If the pulmonary function test is normal and you have a very light cough, I believe there must be nothing wrong with the lungs. If you are obese it could be related to that however if not then u need to rule out any cardiac problems. </s>
<s>[INST] How to treat a scar in lung? Patient: hi, i am planning to apply for uae dubai, but my problem is i have a lung scar, and i have read a lot about medical examinations in uae and i found out that they would really deny those found with a lung scar active or not. is it really true? what if i have undergone a tests and it is not active would i still be denied. [/INST] Doctor: Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts.I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them.Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-?TB / or Parasitic Granuloma with scar?Asbestosis with granuloma with Scar.Treatment-Consult your Chest Physician,who would rule out the various causes leading to Lung scar like you have.As you don't seem to have accompanied dyspnea or any other complaint ,you need not worry, as it seems to be incidental finding and seems to be caused by old illness...mostly TB lungs.IGRA and PCR tests of the scar tissue biopsy would confirm any active lung infection right now in your case.Supplementary blood ESR,CBC,would be helpful in coming to specific cause of the scar in your lung.Hope this would help you to solve your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard.Good Day!!Dr.Savaskar M.N.Senior Surgical SpecialistM.S.Genl-CVTS </s>
<s>[INST] Premature baby. Vomiting after giving polio, hepatitis injection. Should i meet doctor? Patient: Hi Dr, my baby is pre mature, she was born in the 7th month. My doctor told me to get her for polio drops & BCG & hepytitus injections once she is 2 kg. Yesterday she weighted 235grms. Dr gave her polio drops & hepytitus injection. He said BCG will be given on this Tuesday. Today after both her feeds she vomited twice. plz advice is it serious & need to rush to the dr or this happens to all babies after the polio & hepytitus doses. Looking froward to hear from you. Thanks. [/INST] Doctor: Thanks for asking the query,This is side effect of the vaccination given to your child.I would suggest you to take the child to child specialist so that an antiemetic can be given.Give her fluids as chances of dehydration are more.Hope you find this as helpful,Regards.. </s>
<s>[INST] Had laparoscopic surgery for ovary and appendix. Pain in the left side. Doing Lamars breathing. Is this related to the surgery? Patient: I had surgery about two weeks ago it was keyhole laperscopy. I had my right ovary and tube plus appendix. I managed to get back on my feet after a week, but last night and today I have been experiencing left hand side pains.. the pain is excruiating and I have to do lamars breathing and take tramadol to ease the pain.. I just wondered if this was normal or do i need to see my doctor or surgeon about this just in case it is something else? [/INST] Doctor: Hi Pain can be due to left ovary problem or Urinary tract infection. Get an Ultrasound abdomen to confirm the diagnosis. Till then take Antibiotic like Levofloxacin and Antispasmodic like Dicyclomine along with Rabeprazole. If you come back with ultrasound report,i will clarify further Wish you good health Regards </s>
<s>[INST] Q. Can an HIV positive person marry an HIV negative? Patient: Hello doctor, Can an HIV positive person marry an HIV negative? [/INST] Doctor: Hello. For more information consult an HIV AIDS specialist online --> </s>
<s>[INST] Where do they inject for stent removal between the kidney and bladder? Patient: HELP! If it is local, where do they stick the needle??? How long does it take and how will I feel afterwards? I intend having nothing to eat and drink from the evening before because pain makes me sick. I had the stent placed last week after removal of a kidney stone -the stent is between my kidney and bladder. I was offered to have it removed under general but there is a waiting list and the stent is painful and uncomfortable. I just hope this procedure is quick [/INST] Doctor: Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Double j stents are placed between kidney and urinary bladder in the ureter. They can be removed easily in local anesthesia the most common way is to just insert lignocain gel in the urethra and wait for 5 to 10 mins then they will pass cystoscope through your urethra and localize the lower end of the stent and pull it out of your urethra it is just a 15 min procedure and you will not be feeling any sort of pain after local anesthesia. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the different types of dentures with lighter weight? Patient: When I was shown the different types of dentures , meaning the one was lighter weight. But it had a different look to it when I was shown then when I GOT THEM. Can you show me the different types of dentures that are lighter weight. I swear the ones I was shown had a redish look to them but not when they brought them in yesterday [/INST] Doctor: Lightweight skeleton dentures leave the roof of your mouth clear so that you can still taste your food and so that there is nowhere for debris to collect when you eat.The metal conducts heat so that you get the correct temperature sensation from the food in your mouth and the clasps grip your teeth tightly so that the dentures stay firmly put when you chew sticky food.The cost of a denture depends on the type of base material used and the quality of the teeth used. The cheapest teeth, wear rapidly, chip and look poor after a short period of time. The very best teeth are all porcelain which are very expensive but look excellent. In between there are many extremely good acrylic teeth to choose from.The cost will be between £800 and £1000. </s>
<s>[INST] What is the treatment for stomach pain and headache? Patient: I have a ten year old female that has experienced on and off stomach pains with headache and sore throat at some points. The stomach pain is more common for her. I have watched her diet and how much she eats. She was taken to the dr once before and they stated she may be "backed up". She is able to have bowel movements. Any solutions? Could it be related to her body becoming closer to menstration? [/INST] Doctor: Hi.Thanks for your query and an elucidate history for a 10 year old girl..The commonest cause of pain in abdomen of a girl child who is just 10 years old with a history of sore throat and headache is the tummy tonsils. Yummy tonsils means , the enlarged lymph nodes in the mesentery, the fatty suspensory curtain for the intestine.The develop as a result of infected throat material , reaching via the intestines to the draining lymph nodes. These can be well seen on high resolution ultrasonography and once diagnosed need a careful and continuous evaluation as to how the treatment is being helping for the resolution. Investigations::of blood, urine and stool.Throat swab for gram staining and culture and sensitivity.USG guided FNAC of the lymph nodes if possible.Treatment in the form of a 3 week course of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines may resolve the problem. Ultrasonography would help to confirm or rule out other problems like Appendicitis, diverticulitis and so on ... </s>
<s>[INST] Gurgling stomach, loose, orange colored stools. Any home remedies? Patient: I have been experiencing loose, orangey coloured stools for the past few days and am experiencing a gurgling stomach from time to time. I took Gastro-eze yesterday morning after my first and only bowel movement for the day and again after my first bowel movement today, which again was loose and orangey coloured. I am still suffering from gurgly stomach, but not badly. Can you suggest what may be causing this problem and what home remedies there are for it. Thanking you in anticipation. [/INST] Doctor: Hi, thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum. Summer diarrhea and amoebic diarrhea are most common. Causes are very common, Infected and impure water. Amoebiasis ( entamoeba histolica). If possible use sterile water , if not possible , use boiled and than cooled water for personal drinking use. For amoebiasis an anti-amoebic treatment is necessary after the consultation of doctor. Plenty of water and fluids advised. If diarrhea severe and there is feeling of dehydration ( water deficiency) than get in 3-4 drips after the consultation of treating physician. Good luck. Dr. HET. </s>
<s>[INST] How can I confirm if my daughter has swallowed a penny? Patient: My fiance and I think our two yr old may have swallowed a penny.. She came from her rm and said she had done so... In a panic she put her finger in her mouth and vomited .... No penny. Gave her a bath she says nothing hurts she s breathing normally it just seems she was scared as well as we were... What do u recommend? [/INST] Doctor: Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query.If your daughter is giving history of swallowing a penny, then immediately consult a pediatrician and get a radiograph done to confirm the diagnosis. If it goes in the respiratory tract, the it might be an emergency issue, so rush to the physician immediately.I hope I have answered your query, take care. </s>
<s>[INST] How to treat severe rashes and scaly skin in inner thigh? Patient: Hello Dr Prasad I am an Indian resident and I am 22 years old. Have been developing inner thigh rashes since the last one month. Tried applying Itch guard but that helped in no way. In fact, it has become worse. The skin has become scaly and has developed a reddish brown colour. Scratching results in whithering of white scales from the skin. A little of these rashes have spread from the inner thigh are to the sides of the bladder as well. The skin sometimes burns but mostly gives an itching sensation.Please provide me a medication prescription or suggestions of how to treat this severe problem. [/INST] Doctor: Hello,Thank you for posting on HCM.It seems you are suffering from Tinea cruris and corporis, a kind of fungal infection.I would suggest you to consult your dermatologist for proper management of the condition.I usually recommend proper course of oral anti-fungal drugs like Fluconazole or Itraconazole along with anti-fungal cream like luliconazole for local application at bedtime. You can additionally use antifungal dusting powder containing sertaconazole during day time and a soap containing ketoconazole for rinsing of affected areas. Take oral antihistaminics for itching as required.Maintain hygiene over those areas and avoid wearing tight undergarments.Hope your queries are resolved and wish you best of health.Kindly spare some time to rate my answer and drop your valuable review at the following link: you require any further assistance in future, you can reach me directly through the above mentioned link.Thank youDr Hardik Pitroda </s>
<s>[INST] Have mild disc bulge, painful spine, compression in neck. Is it an injury? Patient: Hi I have mild disc bulge l4-5, due to which i'm getting pain in my right leg and at lower disc as well. Also my neck nerves compressed and i;m getting pain from neck, right solder and hand.i'm taking treatment for these since couple of months.Apart from these now a days i'm getting pain in my spine while i use any work in little bit bend position.will it causes major problems. is my spine effect or injured or it is simple common problem?please let me know the reason and solution for this. [/INST] Doctor: Hi and welcome to HCMYou seem to have a prolapsed inter vertebral disc, rightly at L4L5 region . This disc may be compressing upon a nerve root that either exits or traverses through that level. Having known this basic anatomy, you must avoid any activity that aggravates the condition, like bending forward and lifting heavy objects, sitting long hours on computer, inappropriate sitting posture, etc.The medications will relieve pain and help muscles to relax. Physiotherapy shall also help a lot, especially exercises that strengthen your back. Kindly note that exercises should only be done when it doesn't hurt. Adequate rest and proper nutrition is equally important. Drink lots of fluids since dehydration affects the disc. I do hope that you have found something helpful and informative and I will be glad to answer any further query.Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] What causes persistent cold feet in a diabetic? Patient: For 3 years I have had cold feet summer and winter. I am diabetic for 3 years, back problem which has damaged my nerves in my legs. Recently my feet are warm to touch in the area of the front foot behind the toes and they are not cold. Is something better or worse? [/INST] Doctor: Hi,Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.Persistent cold feet in a diabetic could be due to peripheral arterial disease due to premature atherosclerosis and consequent narrowing of arterial lumen. In such case foot pulses will be weak.The ankle-brachial index (ABI) can be measured to detect the severity of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).Regards Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D.Mumbai </s>
<s>[INST] Internal bleeding, severe anemia, pancreatitis. Causes and treatment? Patient: MY MOTHER HAS JUST BEEN SENT TO EMERGENCY - WEEKS AGO SHE WENT AGAIN AND WAS NOT DIAGNOSED WHAT SEEM TO BE SOME INTERNAL BLEEDING SINCE SERVERE ANEMIA WAS PRESENT - NOW MY SIS HAS JUST GLEANED FROM RECORDS THERE OF ESO...ECTOMY ABOUT TO TAKE PLACE ANY TIME AND WE JUST HAVE NO CLUE AND NOT BEEN INFORMED AS TO WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON - LAST VISIT WAS DISCOVERED PANCREATITIS?? HELP PLEASE URGENTLY [/INST] Doctor: It look like there must be some bleeding from veins of her stomach and esophagus junction which is just my guess . As there is very little to deduce from the report you have given . If your mother had episodes of vomiting blood it's likely to .br the cause, Dear friend find the treating doctor and ask him to explain everything concerning this as you are entitled to know everything they do on your mother . Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Child has dizziness, painful knee, stomach cramps and food allergies. Taken Ibuprofen. Help? Patient: about daily, my 9 y.o. daughter who is half asian and half caucasian, experiences internal hip pain in her right hip. our pediatrician has not been able to diagnose her. he did think it was referred pain after discovering on an xray that she was impacted w/ stool . she began a regiment to help her regularity and it seemed to improve. however, it has returned, though she is regular now. the pain can be relieved by ibuprofen or acetaminophen. she does not have swollen fingers/joints that we can visually see. her hip s range of motion does not seem at all impaired upon examination and manipulation. it used to happen more at night and nowadays it is more in the afternoons. not so much in the mornings. she can get it when she s been sitting for a long time, while walking or running. sometimes she is in tears b/c of the pain. sometimes it is on the other hip. sometimes her knee hurts. she has not lost weight, she is athletic, with a healthy/ normal amount of exercise.for her age. she is in a PE group where she runs a mile, twice a week. i don t know if these symptoms are related, but here are other things that happen infrequently for her--so i don t know if it is associated with her hip pain. sometimes she is dizzy when laying down in bed flat. she often has stomach aches (maybe just food allergies ) right after eating. just the other day at PE, when she ate a meal about an hour before PE, she told me afterward that when they were beginning to exercise, she had NO ENERGY and felt weak, but pushed herself to continue b/c she enjoys sports with friends. i think that day was the day she told me that while she was running, for about 5 seconds, her vision got dark and blue and she stopped running and it soon returned to normal. scary! don t know if any of these things are related. would appreciate any help. thanks. grateful, k [/INST] Doctor: ADDIMG MILK TO CHILD DIET IS MAJOR MISTAKEW AND NOBODY THINKS ABOUT IT WE SHOULD NOT ADD ANIMAL MILK TO DIET AFTER 2 YEAR AND UNTI2 YEARSBREASTFEED ISREQUIRED YOU CAN ADD JUICES FRUITS VEGETABLES CEREALS ALL THE SYMPTOMPS ARE TO MILK ALLERGY AND SLOWLY EVERY SYSTEM IS INVOLVED INCLUDING BONES I ADVISE YOU TO STOP ALL MILK AND DIARY FTOM DIET NOT EVEN SHAMPOO SOAPS AND CREAMS HAVING MILK YOU CAN CONFIRM BY GETTING BLOOD SERUM TESTED FOR SPECIFIC ANTIBODIES FOR MILK AND AFTER ELIMINATION DIET 3 WEEKS ARE NEEDED TO RECOVER FROM DISEASE </s>
<s>[INST] What causes pressure on the abdominal area with overweight? Patient: I have been about 50 pounds overweight for years, but recently when I lay back on the exercise ball to do my ab crunches, I can feel a "ridge" like a mountain range running up and down inside my abdomen area. It seems to be growing and has started to push out my belly button (which has always gone "in"). I am wondering if this could be some sort of "fat tumor" or is it probably just belly fat? It feels different than just the fat I have become used to over the years. I have never felt anything like it. The "ridge" is definitely very obvious to feel and find. Should I be concerned? [/INST] Doctor: HI.Thanks for your query.Nice explanation to make a diagnosis on clinical history alone. This looks to be a Hernia as it rises on increases intra-abdominal pressure. If the ridge is too long this can be due to divarication ( separation) of the recti muscles from each other - this is also as bad as a hernia.No this may not be a fat tumor.The best way is to get this confirmed by clinical examination by a Surgeon and to plan. If this is hernia- a prolene mesh repair will help to block of this protrusion. </s>
<s>[INST] Should I take vaccination for a cat scratch? Patient: hi.i m ratan sarkar.yesterday my cat was scratch in my legs from her nail.cause bleeding,i wash perticular area with soap 5-6 times,i give there some anti-bacterial ointment.and then take some anti-biotic tablets..i want to know.may i have a risk of rabies and have to go for vaccine? [/INST] Doctor: HIThanks for posting your query to Healthcaremagic. Following cat bite first thing you need to do is wash the wound with soap water . Get a Tetanus Injection ( if not taken in the past 3 years ). Then if you can observe the Cat for 10 days and nothing happens to it then not need for any vaccination. But if you can’t observe it or if it dies within 10 days then you should get the vaccination . Also there is no need to get Vaccinated if your pet has been vaccinated for rabies before. Hope this information was useful to you. Any clarifications feel free to ask . Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Does dementia patient get confused on changing places? Patient: not sure if a friends dad may have a form of dementia ? his dad has just moved back to his home state and now is missing ,,,, they don t know where he is .... and he was gone 5 hrs one time and got back home after getting his barrings could a move set on a confusion . [/INST] Doctor: Hello!Welcome on Healthcaremagic!His symptoms could be related to different possible disorders: dementia, depression or psychosis, or epilepsy seizures. For this reason, it would be necessary consulting with a psychiatrist for a careful mental examination and some cognitive tests. A brain MRI and an EEG are necessary too. Further blood lab tests (complete blood count, fasting glucose, blood electrolytes, thyroid hormone levels) are needed to exclude any possible triggering factors. You should discuss with his doctor on these tests. Hope you will find this answer helpful!Kind regards, Dr. Aida </s>
<s>[INST] Q. Please explain the poisonous effect of phenol ingestion. Patient: Hello doctor, My friend aged 30 had two drops of phenol mistaking for milk. He vomited and had lot of salt water. Please advice for any side effect. [/INST] Doctor: Hi. I want to assure you not to worry as everything is going to be fine if proper care and treatment is opted in for. I have thoroughly gone through your case and can well understand your genuine health concerns. 1. No, there is not much problem right now as he vomited and also had a lot of water. It is fine because it was only two drops. 2. We usually do not go for emesis (vomiting) for phenol poisoning cases. Because, it is a volatile compound and causes vapors entering the lungs through the airways. 3. As it was only two drops, I do not think it may cause much trouble. If he feels short of breath contact me back, otherwise fine. 1. He should avoid re-exposure. 2. Rule out if there is some sort of suicidal ideation due to depression or anxiety and take him to a psychiatrist for physical evaluation. For further follow up consult a general practitioner online.---> </s>
<s>[INST] Pain in the back, discomfort in the lower abdomen. Urinalysis showing high bilirubin levels. Liver or kidney disease? STD? Patient: I recently have had pain in my back and alot of discomfort in my abdomen i went to a doctor and they did a urinanalysis and a blood test . The doctor told me the blood test was fine but the urinanallysis wasn t . I was high in biliburin and WBC and RBC where found. She stated it could be my liver or kidneys but also my husband had his physical last year and he was High in WBC . Last time we had sex previouse to my sickness i told him that his ureatha was red and spotty. I am wondering could we be passing an infection back and forth between us [/INST] Doctor: if you are worried about STDs then a panel of investigations available at a standard laboratory, talk to your husband and both of you get it done. regarding high bilirubin and wbcs and rbcs in urine, get thorough renal function test and urine culture and sensitivity. </s>
<s>[INST] What are the side effects of taking Nacfil 600 mg for polycystic ovaries? Patient: i am 23 years old n my period is not in time(2/3) month. and i checked with docter and she suggested to take ovaral first now she said me i have a problem of ploycystic overies and she suggest me use nacfil 600 mg medicine for 6 weeks .. is it fine for me? what side effect of this medicine? [/INST] Doctor: Hi,Generally it is well tolerated. Nacfil-600 is commonly prescribed to treat infertility associated with polycystic ovary syndrome. It helps in induction of ovulation (egg release from ovaries) and increases insulin sensitivity, which helps you get pregnant. Its common side effects include fever, nausea, vomiting, runny nose, drowsiness, and allergy. Continue taking it as prescribed. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. Regards, Dr. Mohammed Taher Ali, General & Family Physician </s>
<s>[INST] Suggest birth control pill for heavy bleeding and severe cramps Patient: My daughter who is now 22 years old has been on numerous birth control pills since the age of 16. The original intent was to stop the severe cramping and heavy bleeding. A pill might work for 3-4 months and then the heavy bleeding and severe cramps come back. She would just like to find one she can stay on for a long time. Any suggestions? [/INST] Doctor: HiDr. Purushottam welcomes you to HCM virtual clinic!Thanks for consulting at my virtual clinic. I have carefully gone through your query, and I think I have understood your concern. I will try to address your medical concerns and would suggest you the best of the available treatment options.1.First of all do not panic.2. Instead of trying various types of birth control pills, I will suggest that she should have low dose pill like OVRAL L and she can safely take it in the future. She should regularly take tablets for 21 days and 7 days off.3.Also,a healthy diet and regular exercise is advisable.Supplements of Vitamin B 12,Folic acid, Iron and Calcium will be helpful. 4. I will suggest to get a good USG done to know if there is any structural cause in the uterus and ovaries for her heavy and painful periods. I hope my answer helps you.Thanks.Wish you great health.Dr Purushottam S Neurgaonkar </s>
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