Dataset Preview
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Job manager crashed while running this job (missing heartbeats).
Error code:   JobManagerCrashedError

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# Zero-OS Python Client ## Install ```bash pip3 install 0-core-client ``` ## How to use ```python from zeroos.core0.client import Client cl = Client(host='<0-core-host-address>', password='<JWT>') #validate that core0 is reachable print( #then u can do stuff like print( cl.system('ps -eF').get() ) print( cl.system('ip a').get() ) #client exposes more tools for disk, bridges, and container mgmt print( cl.disk.list() ) ```
Muhamad Azmy
Apache 2.0
redis (>=2.10.5)
Zero-OS 0-core client
# Python Client O-orchestrator is the Python client used to talk to [Zero-OS 0 Rest API](../ ## Install ```bash pip install 0-orchestrator ``` ## How to use ```python In [9]: from zeroos.orchestrator import client In [10]: c = client.Client('') In [11]: c.api.nodes.ListNodes().json() Out[11]: [{'hostname': '', 'id': '2c600cbc2545', 'status': 'running'}, {'hostname': '', 'id': '2c600ccd2ae9', 'status': 'running'}, {'hostname': '', 'id': '0cc47a3b3d6a', 'status': 'running'}, {'hostname': '', 'id': '2c600ccd2ad1', 'status': 'running'}, {'hostname': '', 'id': '2c600cbc23bc', 'status': 'running'}] ``` ## To update the client from the RAML file ```shell go-raml client -l python --ramlfile raml/api.raml --dir pyclient/zeroos/orchestrator/client ```
Christophe de Carvalho
Apache 2.0
Jinja2, aioredis, etcd3, netaddr, python-dateutil
Zero-OS Orchestrator
## 0x-contract-addresses Addresses at which the 0x smart contracts have been deployed. Read the [documentation]( ## Installing ```bash pip install 0x-contract-addresses ``` ## Contributing We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository. Please read our [contribution guidelines](../../ before getting started. ### Install Code and Dependencies ```bash pip install -e .[dev] ``` ### Clean `./ clean --all` ### Lint `./ lint` ### Build Documentation `./ build_sphinx` ### More See `./ --help-commands` for more info.
F. Eugene Aumson
Apache 2.0
e, t, h, e, r, e, u, m, , c, r, y, p, t, o, c, u, r, r, e, n, c, y, , 0, x, , d, e, c, e, n, t, r, a, l, i, z, e, d, , b, l, o, c, k, c, h, a, i, n, , d, e, x, , e, x, c, h, a, n, g, e
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Natural Language :: English, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial, Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic, Topic :: Security :: Cryptography, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries, Topic :: Utilities
>=3.6, <4
mypy-extensions, bandit ; extra == 'dev', black ; extra == 'dev', coverage ; extra == 'dev', coveralls ; extra == 'dev', mypy ; extra == 'dev', mypy-extensions ; extra == 'dev', pycodestyle ; extra == 'dev', pydocstyle ; extra == 'dev', pylint ; extra == 'dev', pytest ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'dev', tox ; extra == 'dev', twine ; extra == 'dev'
Addresses at which the 0x smart contracts have been deployed
## 0x-contract-artifacts 0x smart contract compilation artifacts Read the [documentation]( ## Installing ```bash pip install 0x-contract-artifacts ``` ## Contributing We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository. Please read our [contribution guidelines](../../ before getting started. ### Pull in artifacts from TypeScript build environment ```bash ./ pre_install ``` ### Install Code and Dependencies ```bash pip install -e .[dev] ``` ### Clean `./ clean --all` ### Lint `./ lint` ### Build Documentation `./ build_sphinx` ### More See `./ --help-commands` for more info.
F. Eugene Aumson
Apache 2.0
e, t, h, e, r, e, u, m, , c, r, y, p, t, o, c, u, r, r, e, n, c, y, , 0, x, , d, e, c, e, n, t, r, a, l, i, z, e, d, , b, l, o, c, k, c, h, a, i, n, , d, e, x, , e, x, c, h, a, n, g, e
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Natural Language :: English, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial, Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic, Topic :: Security :: Cryptography, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries, Topic :: Utilities
>=3.6, <4
mypy-extensions, bandit ; extra == 'dev', black ; extra == 'dev', coverage ; extra == 'dev', coveralls ; extra == 'dev', mypy ; extra == 'dev', mypy-extensions ; extra == 'dev', pycodestyle ; extra == 'dev', pydocstyle ; extra == 'dev', pylint ; extra == 'dev', pytest ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'dev', tox ; extra == 'dev', twine ; extra == 'dev'
0x smart contract compilation artifacts
## 0x-contract-wrappers 0x contract wrappers for those developing on top of 0x protocol. Read the [documentation]( ## Installing ```bash pip install 0x-contract-wrappers ``` ## Contributing We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository. Please read our [contribution guidelines](../../ before getting started. ### Install Code and Dependencies This package contains code generated via npm package @0x/abi-gen. Preparing this package for development or installation requires running `./ pre_install`, which will invoke abi-gen to write the files to the src hierarchy. It expects to find abi-gen and the contract artifacts at the relative directory locations in the monorepo. After code generation, ensure that you have installed Python >=3.6 and Docker, and then: ```bash pip install -e .[dev] ``` ### Test Tests depend on a running ganache instance and with the 0x contracts deployed in it. For convenience, a docker container is provided that has ganache-cli and a snapshot containing the necessary contracts. A shortcut is provided to run that docker container: `./ ganache`. With that running, the tests can be run with `./ test`. ### Clean `./ clean --all` ### Lint `./ lint` ### Build Documentation `./ build_sphinx` ### More See `./ --help-commands` for more info.
F. Eugene Aumson
Apache 2.0
e, t, h, e, r, e, u, m, , c, r, y, p, t, o, c, u, r, r, e, n, c, y, , 0, x, , d, e, c, e, n, t, r, a, l, i, z, e, d, , b, l, o, c, k, c, h, a, i, n, , d, e, x, , e, x, c, h, a, n, g, e
Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha, Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Natural Language :: English, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial, Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic, Topic :: Security :: Cryptography, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries, Topic :: Utilities
>=3.6, <4
0x-contract-addresses, 0x-contract-artifacts, 0x-json-schemas, 0x-order-utils, web3, attrs, eth-utils, mypy-extensions, bandit ; extra == 'dev', black ; extra == 'dev', coverage ; extra == 'dev', coveralls ; extra == 'dev', mypy ; extra == 'dev', mypy-extensions ; extra == 'dev', pycodestyle ; extra == 'dev', pydocstyle ; extra == 'dev', pylint ; extra == 'dev', pytest ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'dev', sphinx-autodoc-typehints ; extra == 'dev', tox ; extra == 'dev', twine ; extra == 'dev'
Python wrappers for 0x smart contracts
## 0x-json-schemas 0x JSON schemas for those developing on top of 0x protocol. Read the [documentation]( ## Installing ```bash pip install 0x-json-schemas ``` ## Contributing We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository. Please read our [contribution guidelines](../../ before getting started. ### Install Code and Dependencies ```bash pip install -e .[dev] ``` ### Test `./ test`. ### Clean `./ clean --all` ### Lint `./ lint` ### Build Documentation `./ build_sphinx` ### More See `./ --help-commands` for more info.
F. Eugene Aumson
Apache 2.0
e, t, h, e, r, e, u, m, , c, r, y, p, t, o, c, u, r, r, e, n, c, y, , 0, x, , d, e, c, e, n, t, r, a, l, i, z, e, d, , b, l, o, c, k, c, h, a, i, n, , d, e, x, , e, x, c, h, a, n, g, e
Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha, Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Natural Language :: English, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial, Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic, Topic :: Security :: Cryptography, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries, Topic :: Utilities
>=3.6, <4
jsonschema, mypy-extensions, stringcase, 0x-contract-addresses ; extra == 'dev', bandit ; extra == 'dev', black ; extra == 'dev', coverage ; extra == 'dev', coveralls ; extra == 'dev', eth-utils ; extra == 'dev', mypy ; extra == 'dev', mypy-extensions ; extra == 'dev', pycodestyle ; extra == 'dev', pydocstyle ; extra == 'dev', pylint ; extra == 'dev', pytest ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'dev', sphinx-autodoc-typehints ; extra == 'dev', tox ; extra == 'dev', twine ; extra == 'dev'
JSON schemas for 0x applications
## 0x-middlewares Web3 middlewares for 0x applications. Read the [documentation]( ## Installing ```bash pip install 0x-middlewares ``` ## Contributing We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository. Please read our [contribution guidelines](../../ before getting started. ### Install Code and Dependencies Ensure that you have installed Python >=3.6 and Docker. Then: ```bash pip install -e .[dev] ``` ### Test Tests depend on running a local ethereum JSON-RPC server. For convenience, a docker container is provided that has ganache-cli. A shortcut is provided to run that docker container: `./ ganache`. With that running, the tests can be run with `./ test`. ### Clean `./ clean --all` ### Lint `./ lint` ### Build Documentation `./ build_sphinx` ### More See `./ --help-commands` for more info.
Michael Huang
Apache 2.0
e, t, h, e, r, e, u, m, , c, r, y, p, t, o, c, u, r, r, e, n, c, y, , 0, x, , d, e, c, e, n, t, r, a, l, i, z, e, d, , b, l, o, c, k, c, h, a, i, n, , d, e, x, , e, x, c, h, a, n, g, e
Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha, Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Natural Language :: English, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial, Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic, Topic :: Security :: Cryptography, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries, Topic :: Utilities
>=3.6, <4
eth-account, eth-keys, hexbytes, mypy-extensions, 0x-contract-addresses ; extra == 'dev', 0x-contract-wrappers ; extra == 'dev', 0x-order-utils ; extra == 'dev', web3 ; extra == 'dev', bandit ; extra == 'dev', black ; extra == 'dev', coverage ; extra == 'dev', coveralls ; extra == 'dev', eth-utils ; extra == 'dev', mypy ; extra == 'dev', mypy-extensions ; extra == 'dev', pycodestyle ; extra == 'dev', pydocstyle ; extra == 'dev', pylint ; extra == 'dev', pytest ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'dev', sphinx-autodoc-typehints ; extra == 'dev', tox ; extra == 'dev', twine ; extra == 'dev'
Web3 middlewares for 0x applications
## 0x-order-utils 0x order-related utilities for those developing on top of 0x protocol. Read the [documentation]( ## Installing ```bash pip install 0x-order-utils ``` ## Contributing We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository. Please read our [contribution guidelines](../../ before getting started. ### Install Code and Dependencies Ensure that you have installed Python >=3.6 and Docker. Then: ```bash pip install -e .[dev] ``` ### Test Tests depend on a running ganache instance with the 0x contracts deployed in it. For convenience, a docker container is provided that has ganache-cli and a snapshot containing the necessary contracts. A shortcut is provided to run that docker container: `./ ganache`. With that running, the tests can be run with `./ test`. ### Clean `./ clean --all` ### Lint `./ lint` ### Build Documentation `./ build_sphinx` ### More See `./ --help-commands` for more info.
F. Eugene Aumson
Apache 2.0
e, t, h, e, r, e, u, m, , c, r, y, p, t, o, c, u, r, r, e, n, c, y, , 0, x, , d, e, c, e, n, t, r, a, l, i, z, e, d, , b, l, o, c, k, c, h, a, i, n, , d, e, x, , e, x, c, h, a, n, g, e
Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha, Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Natural Language :: English, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP, Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial, Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic, Topic :: Security :: Cryptography, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries, Topic :: Utilities
>=3.6, <4
0x-contract-addresses, 0x-contract-artifacts, 0x-json-schemas, deprecated, web3, eth-abi, eth-typing, eth-utils, mypy-extensions, 0x-contract-wrappers ; extra == 'dev', bandit ; extra == 'dev', black ; extra == 'dev', coverage ; extra == 'dev', coveralls ; extra == 'dev', mypy (<=0.770) ; extra == 'dev', mypy-extensions ; extra == 'dev', pycodestyle ; extra == 'dev', pydocstyle ; extra == 'dev', pylint ; extra == 'dev', pytest ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'dev', tox ; extra == 'dev', twine ; extra == 'dev'
Order utilities for 0x applications
# 0x Python Wrapper ### API docs Can be found here: ### DEV environment Install test dependencies: `python3 install -e [.dev]` Run some tests: `python3 -m unittest tests.test_0x` Run all tests: `python3 -m unittest discover -s ./tests`
0, x, ,, a, p, i, ,, p, y, t, h, o, n
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Environment :: Console, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Natural Language :: English, Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Topic :: Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
0x python wrapper
# 0x-sra-client A Python client for interacting with servers conforming to [the Standard Relayer API specification]( Read the [documentation]( # Schemas The [JSON schemas]( for the API payloads and responses can be found in [@0xproject/json-schemas]( Examples of each payload and response can be found in the 0x.js library's [test suite]( ```bash pip install 0x-json-schemas ``` You can easily validate your API's payloads and responses using the [0x-json-schemas]( package: ```python from zero_ex.json_schemas import assert_valid from zero_ex.order_utils import Order order: Order = { 'makerAddress': "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 'takerAddress': "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 'feeRecipientAddress': "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 'senderAddress': "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 'makerAssetAmount': "1000000000000000000", 'takerAssetAmount': "1000000000000000000", 'makerFee': "0", 'takerFee': "0", 'expirationTimeSeconds': "12345", 'salt': "12345", 'makerAssetData': "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 'takerAssetData': "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 'exchangeAddress': "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", } assert_valid(order, "/orderSchema") ``` # Pagination Requests that return potentially large collections should respond to the **?page** and **?perPage** parameters. For example: ```bash $ curl ``` Page numbering should be 1-indexed, not 0-indexed. If a query provides an unreasonable (ie. too high) `perPage` value, the response can return a validation error as specified in the [errors section](#section/Errors). If the query specifies a `page` that does not exist (ie. there are not enough `records`), the response should just return an empty `records` array. All endpoints that are paginated should return a `total`, `page`, `perPage` and a `records` value in the top level of the collection. The value of `total` should be the total number of records for a given query, whereas `records` should be an array representing the response to the query for that page. `page` and `perPage`, are the same values that were specified in the request. See the note in [miscellaneous](#section/Misc.) about formatting `snake_case` vs. `lowerCamelCase`. These requests include the [`/v2/asset_pairs`](#operation/getAssetPairs), [`/v2/orders`](#operation/getOrders), [`/v2/fee_recipients`](#operation/getFeeRecipients) and [`/v2/orderbook`](#operation/getOrderbook) endpoints. # Network Id All requests should be able to specify a **?networkId** query param for all supported networks. For example: ```bash $ curl ``` If the query param is not provided, it should default to **1** (mainnet). Networks and their Ids: | Network Id | Network Name | | ---------- | ------------ | | 1 | Mainnet | | 42 | Kovan | | 3 | Ropsten | | 4 | Rinkeby | If a certain network is not supported, the response should **400** as specified in the [error response](#section/Errors) section. For example: ```json { \"code\": 100, \"reason\": \"Validation failed\", \"validationErrors\": [ { \"field\": \"networkId\", \"code\": 1006, \"reason\": \"Network id 42 is not supported\" } ] } ``` # Link Header A [Link Header]( can be included in a response to provide clients with more context about paging For example: ```bash Link: <>; rel=\"next\", <>; rel=\"last\" ``` This `Link` response header contains one or more Hypermedia link relations. The possible `rel` values are: | Name | Description | | ----- | ------------------------------------------------------------- | | next | The link relation for the immediate next page of results. | | last | The link relation for the last page of results. | | first | The link relation for the first page of results. | | prev | The link relation for the immediate previous page of results. | # Rate Limits Rate limit guidance for clients can be optionally returned in the response headers: | Header Name | Description | | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | X-RateLimit-Limit | The maximum number of requests you're permitted to make per hour. | | X-RateLimit-Remaining | The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window. | | X-RateLimit-Reset | The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds. | For example: ```bash $ curl -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2017 12:30:06 GMT Status: 200 OK X-RateLimit-Limit: 60 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 56 X-RateLimit-Reset: 1372700873 ``` When a rate limit is exceeded, a status of **429 Too Many Requests** should be returned. # Errors Unless the spec defines otherwise, errors to bad requests should respond with HTTP 4xx or status codes. ## Common error codes | Code | Reason | | ---- | --------------------------------------- | | 400 | Bad Request – Invalid request format | | 404 | Not found | | 429 | Too many requests - Rate limit exceeded | | 500 | Internal Server Error | | 501 | Not Implemented | ## Error reporting format For all **400** responses, see the [error response schema]( ```json { \"code\": 101, \"reason\": \"Validation failed\", \"validationErrors\": [ { \"field\": \"maker\", \"code\": 1002, \"reason\": \"Invalid address\" } ] } ``` General error codes: ```bash 100 - Validation Failed 101 - Malformed JSON 102 - Order submission disabled 103 - Throttled ``` Validation error codes: ```bash 1000 - Required field 1001 - Incorrect format 1002 - Invalid address 1003 - Address not supported 1004 - Value out of range 1005 - Invalid signature or hash 1006 - Unsupported option ``` # Asset Data Encoding As we now support multiple [token transfer proxies](, the identifier of which proxy to use for the token transfer must be encoded, along with the token information. Each proxy in 0x v2 has a unique identifier. If you're using 0x.js there will be helper methods for this [encoding]( and [decoding]( The identifier for the Proxy uses a similar scheme to [ABI function selectors]( ```js // ERC20 Proxy ID 0xf47261b0 bytes4(keccak256('ERC20Token(address)')); // ERC721 Proxy ID 0x02571792 bytes4(keccak256('ERC721Token(address,uint256)')); ``` Asset data is encoded using [ABI encoding]( For example, encoding the ERC20 token contract (address: 0x1dc4c1cefef38a777b15aa20260a54e584b16c48) using the ERC20 Transfer Proxy (id: 0xf47261b0) would be: ```bash 0xf47261b00000000000000000000000001dc4c1cefef38a777b15aa20260a54e584b16c48 ``` Encoding the ERC721 token contract (address: `0x371b13d97f4bf77d724e78c16b7dc74099f40e84`), token id (id: `99`, which hex encoded is `0x63`) and the ERC721 Transfer Proxy (id: 0x02571792) would be: ```bash 0x02571792000000000000000000000000371b13d97f4bf77d724e78c16b7dc74099f40e840000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000063 ``` For more information see [the Asset Proxy]( section of the v2 spec and the [Ethereum ABI Spec]( # Meta Data in Order Responses In v2 of the standard relayer API we added the `metaData` field. It is meant to provide a standard place for relayers to put optional, custom or non-standard fields that may of interest to the consumer of the API. A good example of such a field is `remainingTakerAssetAmount`, which is a convenience field that communicates how much of a 0x order is potentially left to be filled. Unlike the other fields in a 0x order, it is not guaranteed to be correct as it is derived from whatever mechanism the implementer (ie. the relayer) is using. While convenient for prototyping and low stakes situations, we recommend validating the value of the field by checking the state of the blockchain yourself. # Misc. - All requests and responses should be of **application/json** content type - All token amounts are sent in amounts of the smallest level of precision (base units). (e.g if a token has 18 decimal places, selling 1 token would show up as selling `'1000000000000000000'` units by this API). - All addresses are sent as lower-case (non-checksummed) Ethereum addresses with the `0x` prefix. - All parameters are to be written in `lowerCamelCase`. This Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator]( project: - API version: 2.0.0 - Package version: 1.0.0 - Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen ## Requirements. Python 2.7 and 3.4+ ## Installation & Usage ### pip install If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github ```sh pip install git+ ``` (you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+`) Then import the package: ```python import sra_client ``` ### Setuptools Install via [Setuptools]( ```sh python install --user ``` (or `sudo python install` to install the package for all users) Then import the package: ```python import sra_client ``` ## Getting Started Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following: ```python from __future__ import print_function import time import sra_client from import ApiException from pprint import pprint # create an instance of the API class api_instance = sra_client.DefaultApi(sra_client.ApiClient(configuration)) asset_data_a = 0xf47261b04c32345ced77393b3530b1eed0f346429d # str | The assetData value for the first asset in the pair. (optional) asset_data_b = 0x0257179264389b814a946f3e92105513705ca6b990 # str | The assetData value for the second asset in the pair. (optional) network_id = 42 # float | The id of the Ethereum network (optional) (default to 1) page = 3 # float | The number of the page to request in the collection. (optional) (default to 1) per_page = 10 # float | The number of records to return per page. (optional) (default to 100) try: api_response = api_instance.get_asset_pairs(asset_data_a=asset_data_a, asset_data_b=asset_data_b, network_id=network_id, page=page, per_page=per_page) pprint(api_response) except ApiException as e: print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->get_asset_pairs: %s\n" % e) ``` ## Contributing We welcome improvements and fixes from the wider community! To report bugs within this package, please create an issue in this repository. Please read our [contribution guidelines](../../ before getting started. ### Install Code and Dependencies Ensure that you have installed Python >=3.6, Docker, and docker-compose. Then: ```bash pip install -e .[dev] ``` ### Test Tests depend on a running instance of 0x-launch-kit-backend, backed by a Ganache node with the 0x contracts deployed in it. For convenience, a docker-compose file is provided that creates this environment. And a shortcut is provided to interface with that file: `./ start_test_relayer` will start those services. With them running, the tests can be run with `./ test`. When you're done with testing, you can `./ stop_test_relayer`. ### Clean `./ clean --all` ### Lint `./ lint` ### Build Documentation `./ build_sphinx` ### More See `./ --help-commands` for more info. ## Documentation for API Endpoints All URIs are relative to _http://localhost_ | Class | Method | HTTP request | Description | | ------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------- | | _DefaultApi_ | [**get_asset_pairs**](docs/ | **GET** /v2/asset_pairs | | _DefaultApi_ | [**get_fee_recipients**](docs/ | **GET** /v2/fee_recipients | | _DefaultApi_ | [**get_order**](docs/ | **GET** /v2/order/{orderHash} | | _DefaultApi_ | [**get_order_config**](docs/ | **POST** /v2/order_config | | _DefaultApi_ | [**get_orderbook**](docs/ | **GET** /v2/orderbook | | _DefaultApi_ | [**get_orders**](docs/ | **GET** /v2/orders | | _DefaultApi_ | [**post_order**](docs/ | **POST** /v2/order | ## Documentation For Models - [OrderSchema](docs/ - [PaginatedCollectionSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiAssetDataPairsResponseSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiAssetDataTradeInfoSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiErrorResponseSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiErrorResponseSchemaValidationErrors](docs/ - [RelayerApiFeeRecipientsResponseSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiOrderConfigPayloadSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiOrderConfigResponseSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiOrderSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiOrderbookResponseSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiOrdersChannelSubscribePayloadSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiOrdersChannelSubscribeSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiOrdersChannelUpdateSchema](docs/ - [RelayerApiOrdersResponseSchema](docs/ - [SignedOrderSchema](docs/ ## Documentation For Authorization All endpoints do not require authorization.
F. Eugene Aumson
O, p, e, n, A, P, I, ,, O, p, e, n, A, P, I, -, G, e, n, e, r, a, t, o, r, ,, S, t, a, n, d, a, r, d, , R, e, l, a, y, e, r, , R, E, S, T, , A, P, I
urllib3 (>=1.15), six (>=1.10), certifi, python-dateutil, 0x-contract-artifacts ; extra == 'dev', 0x-contract-addresses ; extra == 'dev', 0x-contract-wrappers ; extra == 'dev', 0x-order-utils ; extra == 'dev', web3 ; extra == 'dev', bandit ; extra == 'dev', black ; extra == 'dev', coverage ; extra == 'dev', coveralls ; extra == 'dev', pycodestyle ; extra == 'dev', pydocstyle ; extra == 'dev', pylint ; extra == 'dev', pytest ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'dev', sphinx-autodoc-typehints ; extra == 'dev'
Standard Relayer REST API Client
# 0x-web3 is a temporary fork of web3. It adds primitive support for ABI tuples, which is needed in order to facilitate calling the 0x smart contracts. The fork’s changes to are visible in an open PR, and when that PR (or something analogous) is merged, this package will be taken down. [![Join the chat at](]( [![Build Status](]( A Python implementation of [web3.js]( * Python 3.5+ support Read more in the [documentation on ReadTheDocs]( [View the change log on Github](docs/releases.rst). ## Quickstart ```python import json import web3 from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider, TestRPCProvider from solc import compile_source from web3.contract import ConciseContract # Solidity source code contract_source_code = ''' pragma solidity ^0.4.0; contract Greeter { string public greeting; function Greeter() { greeting = 'Hello'; } function setGreeting(string _greeting) public { greeting = _greeting; } function greet() constant returns (string) { return greeting; } } ''' compiled_sol = compile_source(contract_source_code) # Compiled source code contract_interface = compiled_sol['<stdin>:Greeter'] # instance w3 = Web3(TestRPCProvider()) # Instantiate and deploy contract contract = w3.eth.contract(abi=contract_interface['abi'], bytecode=contract_interface['bin']) # Get transaction hash from deployed contract tx_hash = contract.deploy(transaction={'from': w3.eth.accounts[0], 'gas': 410000}) # Get tx receipt to get contract address tx_receipt = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx_hash) contract_address = tx_receipt['contractAddress'] # Contract instance in concise mode abi = contract_interface['abi'] contract_instance = w3.eth.contract(address=contract_address, abi=abi,ContractFactoryClass=ConciseContract) # Getters + Setters for web3.eth.contract object print('Contract value: {}'.format(contract_instance.greet())) contract_instance.setGreeting('Nihao', transact={'from': w3.eth.accounts[0]}) print('Setting value to: Nihao') print('Contract value: {}'.format(contract_instance.greet())) ``` ## Developer Setup ```sh git clone cd ``` Please see OS-specific instructions for: - [Linux](docs/ - [Mac](docs/ - [Windows](docs/ - [FreeBSD](docs/ Then run these install commands: ```sh virtualenv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install -e .[dev] ``` For different environments, you can set up multiple `virtualenv`. For example, if you want to create a `venvdocs`, then you do the following: ```sh virtualenv venvdocs . venvdocs/bin/activate pip install -e .[docs] pip install -e . ``` ## Using Docker If you would like to develop and test inside a Docker environment, use the *sandbox* container provided in the **docker-compose.yml** file. To start up the test environment, run: ``` docker-compose up -d ``` This will build a Docker container set up with an environment to run the Python test code. **Note: This container does not have `go-ethereum` installed, so you cannot run the go-ethereum test suite.** To run the Python tests from your local machine: ``` docker-compose exec sandbox bash -c 'pytest -n 4 -f -k "not goethereum"' ``` You can run arbitrary commands inside the Docker container by using the `bash -c` prefix. ``` docker-compose exec sandbox bash -c '' ``` Or, if you would like to just open a session to the container, run: ``` docker-compose exec sandbox bash ``` ### Testing Setup During development, you might like to have tests run on every file save. Show flake8 errors on file change: ```sh # Test flake8 when-changed -v -s -r -1 web3/ tests/ ens/ -c "clear; flake8 web3 tests ens && echo 'flake8 success' || echo 'error'" ``` You can use `pytest-watch`, running one for every Python environment: ```sh pip install pytest-watch cd venv ptw --onfail "notify-send -t 5000 'Test failure ⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠' 'python 3 test on failed'" ../tests ../web3 ``` Or, you can run multi-process tests in one command, but without color: ```sh # in the project root: pytest --numprocesses=4 --looponfail --maxfail=1 # the same thing, succinctly: pytest -n 4 -f --maxfail=1 ``` #### How to Execute the Tests? 1. [Setup your development environment]( 2. Execute `tox` for the tests There are multiple [components]( of the tests. You can run test to against specific component. For example: ```sh # Run Tests for the Core component (for Python 3.5): tox -e py35-core # Run Tests for the Core component (for Python 3.6): tox -e py36-core ``` If for some reason it is not working, add `--recreate` params. `tox` is good for testing against the full set of build targets. But if you want to run the tests individually, `py.test` is better for development workflow. For example, to run only the tests in one file: ```sh py.test tests/core/gas-strategies/ ``` ### Release setup For Debian-like systems: ``` apt install pandoc ``` To release a new version: ```sh make release bump=$$VERSION_PART_TO_BUMP$$ ``` #### How to bumpversion The version format for this repo is `{major}.{minor}.{patch}` for stable, and `{major}.{minor}.{patch}-{stage}.{devnum}` for unstable (`stage` can be alpha or beta). To issue the next version in line, specify which part to bump, like `make release bump=minor` or `make release bump=devnum`. If you are in a beta version, `make release bump=stage` will switch to a stable. To issue an unstable version when the current version is stable, specify the new version explicitly, like `make release bump="--new-version 4.0.0-alpha.1 devnum"`
Piper Merriam
e, t, h, e, r, e, u, m
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Natural Language :: English, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
eth-abi (<2.0.0,>=1.2.0), eth-account (<0.4.0,>=0.2.1), eth-utils (<2.0.0,>=1.2.0), hexbytes (<1.0.0,>=0.1.0), lru-dict (<2.0.0,>=1.1.6), eth-hash[pycryptodome] (<1.0.0,>=0.2.0), requests (<3.0.0,>=2.16.0), websockets (<7.0.0,>=6.0.0), web3 (==4.8.2), cytoolz (<1.0.0,>=0.9.0) ; implementation_name == "cpython", toolz (<1.0.0,>=0.9.0) ; implementation_name == "pypy", pypiwin32 (>=223) ; platform_system == "Windows", eth-tester[py-evm] (==0.1.0-beta.33) ; extra == 'dev', py-geth (<3.0.0,>=2.0.1) ; extra == 'dev', flake8 (==3.4.1) ; extra == 'dev', isort (<5,>=4.2.15) ; extra == 'dev', mock ; extra == 'dev', sphinx-better-theme (>=0.1.4) ; extra == 'dev', click (>=5.1) ; extra == 'dev', configparser (==3.5.0) ; extra == 'dev', contextlib2 (>=0.5.4) ; extra == 'dev', ethtoken ; extra == 'dev', py-geth (>=1.4.0) ; extra == 'dev', py-solc (>=0.4.0) ; extra == 'dev', pytest (>=2.7.2) ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'dev', sphinx-rtd-theme (>=0.1.9) ; extra == 'dev', toposort (>=1.4) ; extra == 'dev', urllib3 ; extra == 'dev', web3 (>=2.1.0) ; extra == 'dev', wheel ; extra == 'dev', bumpversion ; extra == 'dev', flaky (>=3.3.0) ; extra == 'dev', hypothesis (>=3.31.2) ; extra == 'dev', pytest (<4,>=3.5.0) ; extra == 'dev', pytest-mock (==1.*) ; extra == 'dev', pytest-pythonpath (>=0.3) ; extra == 'dev', pytest-watch (==4.*) ; extra == 'dev', pytest-xdist (==1.*) ; extra == 'dev', tox (>=1.8.0) ; extra == 'dev', tqdm ; extra == 'dev', when-changed ; extra == 'dev', mock ; extra == 'docs', sphinx-better-theme (>=0.1.4) ; extra == 'docs', click (>=5.1) ; extra == 'docs', configparser (==3.5.0) ; extra == 'docs', contextlib2 (>=0.5.4) ; extra == 'docs', ethtoken ; extra == 'docs', py-geth (>=1.4.0) ; extra == 'docs', py-solc (>=0.4.0) ; extra == 'docs', pytest (>=2.7.2) ; extra == 'docs', sphinx ; extra == 'docs', sphinx-rtd-theme (>=0.1.9) ; extra == 'docs', toposort (>=1.4) ; extra == 'docs', urllib3 ; extra == 'docs', web3 (>=2.1.0) ; extra == 'docs', wheel ; extra == 'docs', flake8 (==3.4.1) ; extra == 'linter', isort (<5,>=4.2.15) ; extra == 'linter', eth-tester[py-evm] (==0.1.0-beta.33) ; extra == 'tester', py-geth (<3.0.0,>=2.0.1) ; extra == 'tester', eth-testrpc (<2.0.0,>=1.3.3) ; extra == 'testrpc'
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
msgpack (>=1.0), requests (>=2.21)
Cubic SDK
# 100Bot This is a son-of-[IoBot]( project, taking the best things about Io and turning them into a monster. A picture is worth 1000 words: ![Screenshot of example conversation](example.png) 100Bot is powered by the Watson Tone Analyzer service. Each message is carefully parsed for emotional significance and response, so that the perfectly appropriate reaction emoji can be chosen. ## Running 100Bot The bot requires three very specific parameters: - A Watson Tone Analyzer `username` credential - A Watson Tone Analyzer `password` credential - A Slack Integration Token for a bot ### Running with docker-compose The easiest way to get 100bot up and running with dependencies is by using the docker service file included: `docker-compose.yml`. Modify the supplied `.env-sample` to provide credentials for the Watson Tone Analyzer and a Slack bot. Then build and start the service with: ```shell docker-compose up -d ``` ### Running natively with python Pip modules `slackclient` and `requests` must be installed. Use virtualenv to make your life easier. Passing of credentials can be done with argparse: ```shell python3 \ --bx-username "user" \ --bx-password "verysecret" \ --slack-token "xoob-137138657231-2ReKEpxlvWwe6vDBripOs7sR" ``` but can also be done with environment variables: ```shell export BLUEMIX_USERNAME=user export BLUEMIX_PASSWORD=verysecret export SLACK_TOKEN="xoob-137138657231-2ReKEpxlvWwe6vDBripOs7sR" python3 ``` (yes, these are all fake credentials don't try them...)
Evan Bluhm
Development Status :: 4 - Beta, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Topic :: Communications :: Chat
Bug Reports:, Homepage:, Source:
slackclient, requests
Spice up your Slack-life with emojis!
This is a package to deal with missing values in a dataset. 101703235 Hitesh gupta coe13
Simranpreet kaur
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
a package to deal with missing values
This is a package to deal with missing values in a dataset. 101703272 Jyot Guransh Singh Dua coe13
Jyot Guransh Singh Dua
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
a package to deal with missing values
This is a package to deal with missing values in a dataset. 101703272 Jyot Guransh Singh Dua coe13
Manavbir singh gill
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
a package to deal with missing values
This is a package to deal with missing values in a dataset. 101703549 simranpreet kaur coe15
Simranpreet kaur
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
a package to deal with missing values
Inaayat Goyal
T, O, P, S, I, S, S, C, O, R, E, ,, R, A, N, K, ,, D, A, T, A, F, R, A, M, E
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools
numpy, pandas, DateTime, isqrt
Calculate Topsis score and save it in a csv file
# Topsis Package by Aditya Kalhan Roll Number : 102053005 Subgroup : 3COE18 It takes a csv file, weights (seperated by comma) , impacts (+ or -) and outputs a result file. # What is Topsis TOPSIS is based on the fundamental premise that the best solution has the shortest distance from the positive-ideal solution, and the longest distance from the negative-ideal one.<br> Selecting an appropriate Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method for a given MADM problem is always a challenging task.<br> Within the MADM domain, the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is highly regarded, applied and adopted MADM method due to its simplicity and underlying concept that the best solution is the one closest to the positive ideal solution and furthest from the negative ideal solution.<br> ## Installation Use pip installer <br> ``` pip install 102053005-Aditya-Topsis ``` ## How to use it Open terminal and type <br> ``` 102053005 sample.csv "1,1,1,1" "+,+,-,+" result.csv ``` ## Example | Model | Storage Space | Camera | Price | Looks | |-----------|:-----------:|-----------:|-----------:|-----------:| | M1 | 16 | 12 | 250 | 5 | | M2 | 16 | 8 | 200 | 3 | | M3 | 32 | 16 | 300 | 4 | | M4 | 32 | 8 | 275 | 4 | | M5 | 16 | 16 | 225 | 2 | weights = [1,1,1,1] <br> impact = ["+","+","-","+"] ## Output | Model | Storage Space | Camera | Price | Looks | Topsis Score | Rank | |-----------|:-----------:|-----------:|-----------:|-----------:|-----------:|-----------:| | M1 | 16 | 12 | 250 | 5 | 0.534269 | 3 |~ | M2 | 16 | 8 | 200 | 3 | 0.308314 | 5 | | M3 | 32 | 16 | 300 | 4 | 0.691686 | 1 | | M4 | 32 | 8 | 275 | 4 | 0.534807 | 2 | | M5 | 16 | 16 | 225 | 2 | 0.401222 | 4 | Output will be saved in a CSV file whose name will be provided in the command line. It will have all the columns along with the Topsis Score and Ranks.<br><br>
Aditya Kalhan
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
This is a package for implementing Topsis
# 10dulkar17-utils Python library for dashboard
Shubham Tendulkar
colorama, colorlog, requests
Python library for dashboard
ÿþ#\x00 \x00m\x00a\x00l\x00w\x00a\x00r\x00e\x00_\x00a\x00n\x00a\x00l\x00y\x00s\x00i\x00s\x00_\x00u\x00s\x00i\x00n\x00g\x00_\x00M\x00L\x00 \x00 \x00 \x00 \x00A\x00 \x00p\x00y\x00t\x00h\x00o\x00n\x00 \x00p\x00a\x00c\x00k\x00a\x00g\x00e\x00 \x00t\x00h\x00a\x00t\x00 \x00u\x00t\x00i\x00l\x00i\x00s\x00e\x00s\x00 \x00m\x00a\x00c\x00h\x00i\x00n\x00e\x00 \x00a\x00 \x00l\x00e\x00a\x00r\x00n\x00i\x00n\x00g\x00 \x00m\x00o\x00d\x00e\x00l\x00 \x00t\x00o\x00 \x00d\x00e\x00t\x00e\x00r\x00m\x00i\x00n\x00e\x00 \x00 \x00 \x00w\x00h\x00e\x00t\x00h\x00e\x00r\x00 \x00a\x00 \x00f\x00i\x00l\x00e\x00 \x00i\x00s\x00 \x00l\x00e\x00g\x00i\x00t\x00i\x00m\x00a\x00t\x00e\x00 \x00o\x00r\x00 \x00n\x00o\x00t\x00 \x00 \x00 \x00 \x00#\x00i\x00n\x00s\x00t\x00a\x00l\x00l\x00a\x00t\x00i\x00o\x00n\x00 \x00 \x00 \x00p\x00i\x00p\x00 \x00i\x00n\x00s\x00t\x00a\x00l\x00l\x00 \x001\x001\x001\x007\x005\x002\x00 \x00 \x00#\x00U\x00s\x00a\x00g\x00e\x00 \x00 \x00 \x00p\x00y\x00t\x00h\x00o\x00n\x00 \x00p\x00r\x00e\x00d\x00i\x00c\x00t\x00.\x00p\x00y\x00 \x00"\x00y\x00o\x00u\x00r\x00 \x00f\x00i\x00l\x00e\x00s\x00 \x00p\x00a\x00t\x00h\x00"\x00
A. Kibe
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
Bug Tracker:, Homepage:
joblib (==0.14.1), numpy (==1.21.4), pandas (==1.3.5), pefile (==2021.5.13)
malware analysis
Alexander Tretyak
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
A Python implementation of transpilers Python → 11l and 11l → C++
<div align="center"> <h1> <a href="#"> <img alt="123TV-IPTV Logo" width="50%" src=""/> </a> </h1> </div> <div align="center"> <a href=""><img alt="TV Guide status" src=""/></a> <a href=""><img alt="PyPi version" src=""/></a> <a href=""><img alt="Supported platforms" src=",macOS,Windows?list=|"/></a> </div><br> **123TV-IPTV** is an app that allows you to watch **free IPTV**. It **extracts stream URLs** from []( website, **generates master playlist** with available TV channels for IPTV players and **proxies the traffic** between your IPTV players and streaming backends. > **Note**: This is a port of [ustvgo-iptv app]( for 123TV service. ## ✨ Features - 🔑 Auto auth-key rotation > As server proxies the traffic it can detect if your auth key is expired and refresh it on the fly. - 📺 Available [TV Guide]( > [TV Guide]( repo generates EPG XML for upcoming programs of all the channels once an hour. - [![](]( Two iconsets for IPTV players with light and dark backgrounds > There are 2 channel iconsets adapted for apps with light and dark UI themes. - 🗔 Cross-platform GUI > GUI is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS for people who are not that much into CLI. ## 🚀 Installation - **CLI** ```bash pip install 123tv-iptv ``` - **GUI** You can download GUI app from [Releases]( for your OS. - **Docker** ```bash docker run -d --name=123tv-iptv -p 6464:6464 --restart unless-stopped ``` > For dark icons append following argument: `--icons-for-light-bg` ## ⚙️ Usage - CLI You can run the app without any arguments. ``` 123tv-iptv ``` <img alt="123TV-IPTV CLI screencast" width="666" src=""/> | Optional argument | Description | | :--- | :---- | | --icons-for-light-bg | Switch to dark iconset for players with light UI. | | --access-logs | Enable access logs for tracking requests activity. | | --port 6464 | Server port. By default, the port is **6464**. | | --parallel 10 | Number of parallel parsing requests. Default is **10**. | | --use-uncompressed-tvguide| By default, master playlist has a link to **compressed** version of TV Guide:<br/>`url-tvg=""`<br/>With this argument you can switch it to uncompressed:<br/>`url-tvg=""` | | --keep-all-channels | Do not filter out not working channels. <br /> **Linux** users can install **systemd service** that automatically runs 123tv-iptv on start-ups ⏰. ```bash # Install "123tv-iptv" service sudo -E env "PATH=$PATH" 123tv-iptv install-service # You can specify any optional arguments you want sudo -E env "PATH=$PATH" 123tv-iptv --port 1234 --access-logs install-service # Uninstall "123tv-iptv" service sudo -E env "PATH=$PATH" 123tv-iptv uninstall-service ``` ## ⚙️ Usage - GUI <img alt="123TV-IPTV GUI screenshot" width="614" src=""/> If you don't like command line stuff, you can run GUI app and click "Start", simple as that. GUI uses **config file** on following path: * **Linux**: ~/.config/123tv-iptv/settings.cfg * **Mac**: ~/Library/Application Support/123tv-iptv/settings.cfg * **Windows**: C:\Users\\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\123tv-iptv\settings.cfg ## 🔗 URLs To play and enjoy your free IPTV you need 2 URLs that this app provides: 1) Your generated **master playlist**: 🔗 2) **TV Guide** (content updates once an hour): 🔗 ## ▶️ Players Here is a **list** of popular IPTV players. **123TV**'s channels have **EIA-608** embedded subtitles. In case if you're not a native speaker and use *TV*, *Cartoons*, *Movies* and *Shows* to learn English and Spanish languages I would recommend you following free open-source cross-platform IPTV players that can handle EIA-608 subtitles: - **[VLC](** This old beast could play **any subtitles**. Unfortunately it **doesn't support TV Guide**. - **Play** ```bash vlc ``` - **[MPV](** Fast and extensible player. It **supports subtitles**, but not that good as VLC, sometimes you could encounter troubles playing roll-up subtitles. Unfortunately it **doesn't suppport TV Guide**. - **Play** ```bash mpv ``` - **[Jellyfin Media Player](** <img alt="Jellyfin Media Player screenshot" width="49%" src=""/> <img alt="Jellyfin Media Player screenshot" width="49%" src=""/> Comfortable, handy, extensible with smooth UI player. **Supports TV Guide**, has **mpv** as a backend. **Supports subtitles**, but there is no option to enable them via user interface. If you want to enable IPTV subtitles you have to use following "Mute" hack. - **Enable IPTV subtitles** I found a quick hack to force play embedded IPTV subtitles, all you need is to create one file: > Linux: `~/.local/share/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts/subtitles.lua` > Linux(Flatpak): `~/.var/app/com.github.iwalton3.jellyfin-media-player/data/jellyfinmediaplayer/scripts/subtitles.lua` > MacOS: `~/Library/Application Support/Jellyfin Media Player/scripts/subtitles.lua` > Windows: `%LOCALAPPDATA%\JellyfinMediaPlayer\scripts\subtitles.lua` And paste following text in there: ```lua -- File: subtitles.lua function on_mute_change(name, value) if value then local subs_id = mp.get_property("sid") if subs_id == "1" then mp.osd_message("Subtitles off") mp.set_property("sid", "0") else mp.osd_message("Subtitles on") mp.set_property("sid", "1") end end end mp.observe_property("mute", "bool", on_mute_change) ``` After that every time you mute a video *(🅼 key pressed)*, you toggle subtitles on/off as a side effect. - **Play** ``` 1) Settings -> Dashboard -> Live TV -> Tuner Devices -> Add -> M3U Tuner -> URL -> 2) Settings -> Dashboard -> Live TV -> TV Guide Data Providers -> Add -> XMLTV -> URL -> 3) Settings -> Dashboard -> Scheduled Tasks -> Live TV -> Refresh Guide -> Task Triggers -> "Every 30 minutes" ``` - **Note** ``` Some versions does not support compressed (*.xml.gz) TV Guides. ``` - **[IPTVnator](** <img alt="IPTVnator screenshot" width="666" src=""/> Player built with [Electron]( so you can run it even in browser, has light and dark themes. **Support subtitles and TV Guide.** - **Play** ``` 1) Add via URL -> 2) Settings -> EPG Url -> ``` ## 👍 Support - []( is wonderful project which can offer you a free IPTV, please support these guys buying VPN with their referral link. - Also I would highly appreciate your support on this project ⠀<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Buy Me A Coffee" src="" width="178" height="41"></a>
Andy Trofimov
1, 2, 3, t, v, ,, i, p, t, v, ,, m, 3, u, 8, ,, p, l, a, y, l, i, s, t, ,, t, v, g, u, i, d, e, ,, e, n, g, l, i, s, h
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9, Topic :: Internet, Topic :: Utilities
aiohttp (>=3.8.1), tqdm (>=4.64.0), netifaces (>=0.11.0), furl (>=2.1.3), pyaes (>=1.6.1), typing-extensions (>=3.7.4) ; python_version < "3.8", wheel (<0.38,>=0.36.2) ; extra == 'dev', flake8 (>=4.0.1) ; extra == 'dev', mypy (>=0.961) ; extra == 'dev'
123TV Free IPTV
#### pysoftnlp ##### --- 河南863软件孵化器有限公司大数据事业部商机雷达项目自然语言处理工具包 ##### --- pysoftNLP是一个提供常用NLP功能的工具包, 宗旨是直接提供方便快捷的解析、词典类的面向中文的工具接口,并提供一步到位的查阅入口。 功能主要包括: * 中文分词(tokenizer) * 文本清洗(clean) * 文本分类(classification) * 命名实体识别(公司,ner) * 文本数据增强(enhancement) * 句义相似度计算(similarities) * 关键字提取(extraction) 持续更新中... #### 安装 Installation * win环境: ```bash pip install pysoftNLP==0.0.4 -i ``` * 资源包下载和使用 ```python #下载所使用的资源包 from pysoftNLP.utils import down down.download_resource() ``` #### 使用 Features 1.分类模型使用 ```python from pysoftNLP.classification import bert_dnn #分类模型--训练 train_data = 'x_tr_863.csv' test_data = 'x_te_863.csv' train_df, test_df = bert_dnn.read_data(train_data, test_data) #encode:词向量模型(目前只支持bert) ,sentence_lenth: 50(句子的长度), num_classes(9分类) args = {'encode': 'bert', 'sentence_length': 50, 'num_classes': 9, 'batch_size': 128, 'epochs': 100} bert_dnn.train(train_df, test_df, args) from pysoftNLP.classification import pre #分类模型--预测 model_name = '863_classify_hy.h5' label_map = {0:'it',1:'电力热力',2:'化工',3:'环保',4:'建筑',5:'交通 ',6:'教育文化',7:'矿业',8:'绿化',9:'能源',10: '农林' ,11:'市政',12:'水利' ,13:'通信',14:'医疗',15:'制造业'} texts = ['广西打好“电力牌”组合拳助力工业企业从复产到满产中国新闻网', '分别是吕晓雪、唐禄俊、梁秋语、王翠翠、杨兴亮、吕桃桃、张耀夫、郭建波、中国医护服务网', '富拉尔基区市场监管局开展《优化营商环境条例》宣传活动齐齐哈尔市人民政府', '2020上海(国际)胶粘带与薄膜技术展览会制造交易网' ] pre.predict(model_name,texts,label_map) ``` 2、数据增强 ```python from pysoftNLP.enhancement import augment input = 'D:\pysoftNLP_resources\enhancement\Test\Trian_hy.csv' output = 'D:\pysoftNLP_resources\enhancement\Test\Trian_out.csv' num_aug = 20 #一条数据可以扩展到多少条 alpha = 0.05 #一条数据量变化的百分比 augment.gen_eda(input,output,alpha,num_aug) ``` 3、命名实体识别(公司) ```python from pysoftNLP.ner import train args = {'sentence_length': 100, 'batch_size': 512, 'epochs': 20} # 参数 output_path = 'ner_company' #模型的输出 train.train(args, output_path) #单句预测 from pysoftNLP.ner import pre text = '这是一个单句' # model_name = 'ner' pre.single_sentence(text,model_name) #多句预测 out_path = 'D:\pysoftNLP_resources\entity_recognition' list = ['中广核新能源湖南分公司', '该公司', '中广核新能源公司'] pre.multi_sentence(list,output_path,model_name) ``` 4、相似度计算 ```python #文本相似度计算 from pysoftNLP.similarities import similar test_vec = '自然语言处理与人工智能' sentences = ['逍遥派掌门人无崖子为寻找一个色艺双全、聪明伶俐的徒弟,设下“珍珑”棋局,为少林寺虚字辈弟子虚竹误撞解开。', '慕容复为应召拒绝王语嫣的爱情;众人救起伤心自杀的王语嫣,后段誉终于获得她的芳心。', '鸠摩智贪练少林武功,走火入魔,幸被段誉吸去全身功力,保住性命,大彻大悟,成为一代高僧。', '张无忌历尽艰辛,备受误解,化解恩仇,最终也查明了丐帮史火龙之死乃是成昆、陈友谅师徒所为', '武氏与柯镇恶带着垂死的陆氏夫妇和几个小孩相聚,不料李莫愁尾随追来,打伤武三通', '人工智能亦称智械、机器智能,指由人制造出来的机器所表现出来的智能。', '人工智能的研究是高度技术性和专业的,各分支领域都是深入且各不相通的,因而涉及范围极广。', '自然语言认知和理解是让计算机把输入的语言变成有意思的符号和关系,然后根据目的再处理。'] args = {'encode': 'bert', 'sentence_length': 50, 'num_classes': 9, 'batch_size': 128, 'epochs': 100} similar.similar(sentences,test_vec,args,3) ``` 5、关键词抽取 ```python from pysoftNLP.extraction import keyword text = '6月19日,《2012年度“中国爱心城市”公益活动新闻发布会》在京举行。' + \ '中华社会救助基金会理事长许嘉璐到会讲话。基金会高级顾问朱发忠,全国老龄' + \ '办副主任朱勇,民政部社会救助司助理巡视员周萍,中华社会救助基金会副理事长耿志远,' + \ '重庆市民政局巡视员谭明政。' print(text) pos = True seg_list = keyword.seg_to_list(text, pos) filter_list = keyword.word_filter(seg_list, pos) print('TF-IDF模型结果:') keyword.tfidf_extract(filter_list) print('TextRank模型结果:') keyword.textrank_extract(text) print('LSI模型结果:') keyword.topic_extract(filter_list, 'LSI', pos) print('LDA模型结果:') keyword.topic_extract(filter_list, 'LDA', pos) ```
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Python wrapper for pysoftNLP: Natural language processing project of 863 Software Incubator Co., Ltd
# configclasses ![PyPI]( [![codecov](]( <a href=""><img src="" /></a> [![Downloads](]( Like dataclasses but for config. Specify your config with a class and load it with your env vars or env files. ```python import httpx from configclasses import configclass class UserAPIClient(httpx.AsyncClient): def __init__(self, config: ClientConfig, *args, **kwargs): self.config = config super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) async def get_users(self, headers: Optional[Headers] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: response = await self.get(f"{self.path}/users", auth=headers) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() @configclass class ClientConfig: host: str port: int config = ClientConfig.from_path(".env") async with UserAPIClient(config) as client: users = await client.get_users(auth_headers) ``` ## Features - Fill your configclasses with existent env vars. - Define default values in case these variables have no value at all. - Load your config files in env vars following [12factor apps]( recommendations. - Support for _.env_, _yaml_, _toml_, _ini_ and _json_. - Convert your env vars with specified type in configclass: `int`, `float`, `str` or `bool`. - Use nested configclasses to more complex configurations. - Specify a prefix with `@configclass(prefix="<PREFIX>")` to append this prefix to your configclass' attribute names. - Config groups (__TODO__): ## Requirements Python 3.8+ ## Installation Depending on your chosen config file format you can install: - .env -> ```pip install 12factor-configclasses[dotenv]``` - .yaml -> ```pip install 12factor-configclasses[yaml]``` - .toml -> ```pip install 12factor-configclasses[toml]``` - .ini -> ```pip install 12factor-configclasses``` - .json -> ```pip install 12factor-configclasses``` Or install all supported formats with: pip install 12factor-configclasses[full] ## Usage There are three ways to use it: - Loading an .env file: ```.env # .env HOST= PORT=8000 DB_URL=sqlite://:memory: GENERATE_SCHEMAS=True DEBUG=True HTTPS_ONLY=False GZIP=True SENTRY=False ``` ```python from configclasses import configclass @configclass class DB: user: str password: str url: str @configclass class AppConfig: host: str port: int db: DB generate_schemas: bool debug: bool https_only: bool gzip: bool sentry: bool ``` ```python # from api.config import AppConfig app_config = AppConfig.from_path(".env") app = Starlette(debug=app_config.debug) if app_config.https_only: app.add_middleware( HTTPSRedirectMiddleware) if app_config.gzip: app.add_middleware(GZipMiddleware) if app_config.sentry: app.add_middleware(SentryAsgiMiddleware) ... register_tortoise( app, db_url=app_config.db.url, modules={"models": ["api.models"]}, generate_schemas=app_config.generate_schemas, ) if __name__ == "__main__":,, port=app_config.port) ``` - Loading predefined environmental variables: The same than before, but instead of: app_config = AppConfig.from_path(".env") You will do: app_config = AppConfig.from_environ() - Loading a file from a string: ```python test_env = """HOST= PORT=8000 DB_URL=sqlite://:memory: GENERATE_SCHEMAS=True DEBUG=True HTTPS_ONLY=False GZIP=True SENTRY=False""" app_config = AppConfig.from_string(test_env, ".env") ```
Pablo Cabezas
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10
Homepage:, Repository:
tomlkit[toml] (>=0.7,<0.8); extra == "toml" or extra == "full", python-dotenv[dotenv] (>=0.19,<0.20); extra == "dotenv" or extra == "full", pyyaml[yaml] (>=6,<7); extra == "yaml" or extra == "full"
Like dataclasses but for config.
Vault 12factor and Django integration ===================================== This project provides helper classes for integrating `Hashicorp Vault <>`__ with your Python projects and Django. **Please note that this is still under active development and APIs are subject to change.** Installation ------------ This has been uploaded to the Cheeseshop aka Pypi as `12factor-vault <>`__. So just add ``12factor-vault`` to your ``requirements.txt`` or ````. ``pip install 12factor-vault`` also works. Environment variables +++++++++++++++++++++ ============================ ========================= ====================== Environment Variable Vault auth backend Direct configuration static method on BaseVaultAuthenticator ============================ ========================= ====================== VAULT_TOKEN Token authentication token(str) VAULT_APPID, VAULT_USERID App-id authenticaion app_id(str, str) VAULT_ROLEID, VAULT_SECRETID Approle authentication approle(str, str, str, bool) VAULT_SSLCERT, VAULT_SSLKEY SSL Client authentication ssl_client_cert(str, str) ============================ ========================= ====================== The Django example below uses the following environment variables: =========================== ================================================== Environment Variable Description =========================== ================================================== VAULT_DATABASE_PATH The path to Vault's credential-issuing backend VAULT_CA The CA issuing Vault's HTTPS SSL certificate (for CA pinning) DATABASE_NAME Name of the database to connect to on the database server. DATABASE_OWNERROLE The PostgreSQL role to use for ``SET ROLE`` after connecting to the database =========================== ================================================== General usage ------------- Basically after configuring a ``BaseVaultAuthenticator`` instance which creates authenticated Vault clients (relying on the excellent `hvac library <>`__) you can use that to create ``VaultCredentialProvider`` instances which manage leases and renew credentials as needed (e.g. database credentials managed by one of Vault's *secrets* backends). ``VaultAuth12Factor`` is a subclass of ``BaseVaultAuthenticator`` that reads all necessary configuration from environment variables. Django ------ Integrating with Django requires a small monkeypatch that retries failed database connections after refreshing the database credentials from Vault. The ``vault12factor`` Django App will install that patch automatically. You also have to wrap your database settings dict in a ``DjangoAutoRefreshDBCredentialsDict`` instance that knows hot to refresh database credentials from Vault. ``vault12factor`` will check if an instance of ``DjangoAutoRefreshDBCredentialsDict`` is configured in ``settings.DATABASES`` before monkey-patching Django. So if you want to use ``vault12factor`` but configure your databases in separate Django apps or other things that this code can't detect, you will want to call ``vault12factor.monkeypatch_django()`` yourself. Here is an example for integrating this with Django, using Vault to get database credentials. When using PostgreSQL you will also want to look at `django-postgresql-setrole <>`__. .. code-block:: python # in INSTALLED_APPS += ['django_dbconn_retry', 'vault12factor',] from vault12factor import \ VaultCredentialProvider, \ VaultAuth12Factor, \ DjangoAutoRefreshDBCredentialsDict if DEBUG and not VaultAuth12Factor.has_envconfig(): SECRET_KEY = "secretsekrit" # FOR DEBUG ONLY! DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': 'authserver.sqlite3', } } else: if DEBUG: SECRET_KEY = "secretsekrit" # FOR DEBUG ONLY! VAULT = VaultAuth12Factor.fromenv() CREDS = VaultCredentialProvider("https://vault.local:8200/", VAULT, os.getenv("VAULT_DATABASE_PATH", "db-mydatabase/creds/fullaccess"), os.getenv("VAULT_CA", None), True, DEBUG) DATABASES = { 'default': DjangoAutoRefreshDBCredentialsDict(CREDS, { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql', 'NAME': os.getenv("DATABASE_NAME", "mydatabase"), 'USER': CREDS.username, 'PASSWORD': CREDS.password, 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '5432', # requires django-postgresql-setrole 'SET_ROLE': os.getenv("DATABASE_OWNERROLE", "mydatabaseowner") }), } License ======= Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Jonas Maurus All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Jonas Maurus (@jdelic)
Development Status :: 4 - Beta, Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: System Administrators, License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License, Operating System :: POSIX, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
hvac (>=0.3.0), django-dbconn-retry (>=0.1.5)
Helper classes to integrate Django and other projects with Vault
<h2 align='center'>✖️Unofficial Python API Wrapper of 1337x</h2> <p align="center"> <img src="" align="center" height=205 alt="1337x" /> </p> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src=''> </a> <a href=""> <img src=''> </a> <img src=''> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Stars"/> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Issues"/> </a> <p align="center"> This is the unofficial API of 1337x. It supports all proxies of 1337x and almost all functions of 1337x. You can search, get trending, top and popular torrents. Furthermore, you can browse torrents of a certain category. It also supports filtering on result by category, supports sorting and caching. <p align="center"> ## Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Start Guide](#start-guide) - [Quick Examples](#quick-examples) - [Searching Torrents](#1-searching-torrents) - [Getting Trending Torrents](#2-getting-trending-torrents) - [Getting information of a torrent](#3-getting-information-of-a-torrent) - [Detailed Documentation](#detailed-documentation) - [Available attributes](#available-attributes) - [Available methods](#available-methods) - [Available category](#available-categories) - [Available sorting methods](#available-sorting-methods) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Projects using this API](#projects-using-this-api) - [License](#license) ## Installation - Install via [PyPi]( ```bash pip install 1337x ``` - Install from the source ```bash git clone && cd 1337x && python sdist && pip install dist/* ``` ## Start guide ### Quick Examples #### 1. Searching torrents ```python >>> from py1337x import py1337x # Using and saving the cache in sqlite database which expires after 500 seconds >>> torrents = py1337x(proxy='', cache='py1337xCache', cacheTime=500) >>>'harry potter') {'items': [...], 'currentPage': 1, 'itemCount': 20, 'pageCount': 50} # Searching harry potter in category movies and sort by seeders in descending order >>>'harry potter', category='movies', sortBy='seeders', order='desc') {'items': [...], 'currentPage': 1, 'itemCount': 40, 'pageCount': 50} # Viewing the 5th page of the result >>>'harry potter', page=5) {'items': [...], 'currentPage': , 'itemCount': 20, 'pageCount': 50} ``` #### 2. Getting Trending Torrents ```python >>> from py1337x import py1337x # Using the default proxy ( Without using cache >>> torrents = py1337x() # Today's trending torrents of all category >>> torrents.trending() {'items': [...], 'currentPage': 1, 'itemCount': 50, 'pageCount': 1} # Trending torrents this week of all category >>> torrents.trending(week=True) {'items': [...], 'currentPage': 1, 'itemCount': 50, 'pageCount': 1} # Todays trending anime >>> torrents.trending(category='anime') {'items': [...], 'currentPage': 1, 'itemCount': 50, 'pageCount': 1} # Trending anime this week >>> torrents.trending(category='anime', week=True) {'items': [...], 'currentPage': 1, 'itemCount': 50, 'pageCount': 1} ``` #### 3. Getting information of a torrent ```python >>> from py1337x import py1337x # Using and passing the cookie since is cloudflare protected >>> torrents = py1337x('', cookie='<cookie>') # Getting the information of a torrent by its link >>>'') {'name': 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince', 'shortName': 'Harry Potter', 'description': "....", 'category': 'Movies', 'type': 'HD', 'genre': ['Adventure', 'Fantasy', 'Family'], 'language': 'English', 'size': '3.0 GB', 'thumbnail': '...', 'images': [...], 'uploader': ' ...', 'uploaderLink': '...', 'downloads': '5310', 'lastChecked': '44 seconds ago', 'uploadDate': '4 years ago', 'seeders': '36', 'leechers': '3', 'magnetLink': '...', 'infoHash': '...'} # Getting the information of a torrent by its link >>>'258188') {'name': 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince', 'shortName': 'Harry Potter', 'description': "....", 'category': 'Movies', 'type': 'HD', 'genre': ['Adventure', 'Fantasy', 'Family'], 'language': 'English', 'size': '3.0 GB', 'thumbnail': '...', 'images': [...], 'uploader': ' ...', 'uploaderLink': '...', 'downloads': '5310', 'lastChecked': '44 seconds ago', 'uploadDate': '4 years ago', 'seeders': '36', 'leechers': '3', 'magnetLink': '...', 'infoHash': '...'} ``` ## Detailed documentation ## Available attributes ```python from py1337x import py1337x torrents = py1337x(proxy='', cookie='<cookie>', cache='py1337xCache', cacheTime=86400, backend='sqlite') ``` **Proxy** If the default domain is banned in your country, you can use an alternative domain of 1337x. - [``]( (**default**) - [``]( - [``]( - [``]( - [``]( - [``]( - [``]( - [``]( - [``]( - [``]( **cookie** Some of the proxies are protected with Cloudflare. For such proxies you need to pass a cookie value. To get a cookie go the the protected site from your browser, solve the captcha and copy the value of `cf_clearance`. ``Firefox: Inspect element > Storage > Cookies`` <br> ``Chrome: Inspect element > Application > Storage > Cookies`` **cache** Py1337x uses [requests-cache]( for caching to store data so that future requests for that data can be served faster. `cache` can be any of the following. - A boolean value: `True` for using cache and `False` for not using cache. (**cache is not used by default**) - Directory for storing the cache. **cacheTime** By default the cache expires after one day. You can change the cache expiration time by setting a custom `cacheTime`. - `-1` (to never expire) - `0` (to “expire immediately,” e.g. bypass the cache) - A positive number (in seconds [**defaults to 86400**]) - A [`timedelta`]( - A [`datetime`]( **backend** The backend for storing the cache can be any of the following. - `'sqlite'`: SQLite database (**default**) - `'redis'`: Redis cache (`requires redis`) - `'mongodb'`: MongoDB database (`requires pymongo`) - `'gridfs'`: GridFS collections on a MongoDB database (`requires pymongo`) - `'dynamodb'`: Amazon DynamoDB database (`requires boto3`) - `'memory'`: A non-persistent cache that just stores responses in memory ## Available methods ```python from py1337x import py1337x torrents = py1337x() ``` Method | Description | Arguments ----------|-------------|----------- | Search for torrents | self,<br>query: `Keyword to search for`,<br>page (Defaults to 1): `Page to view`,<br>category (optional): [category](#available-categories),<br>sortBy (optional): [Sort by](#available-sorting-methods),<br>Order (optional): [order](#available-sorting-order) torrents.trending() | Get trending torrents | self,<br>category (optional): [category](#available-categories),<br>week (Defaults to False): `True for weekely, False for daily` | Get top torrents | self,<br>category (optional): [category](#available-categories) torrents.popular(category) | Get popular torrents | self,<br>category: [category](#available-categories),<br>week (Defaults to False): `True for weekely, False for daily` torrents.browse(category) | Browse browse of certain category | self,<br>category: [category](#available-categories),<br>page (Defaults to 1): `Page to view` torrents&#46;info(link or torrentId) | Get information of a torrent | self,<br>link: `Link of a torrent` or<br>torrentId: `ID of a torrent` ### Available categories - `'movies'` - `'tv'` - `'games'` - `'music'` - `'apps'` - `'anime'` - `'documentaries'` - `'xxx'` - `'others'` ### Available sorting methods - `'time'` - `'size'` - `'seeders'` - `'leechers'` ### Available sorting order - `'desc'` (for descending order) - `'asc'` (for ascending order) ## Contributing Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. 1. Fork the Project 2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`) 3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`) 4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`) 5. Open a Pull Request *Thanks to every [contributors]( who have contributed in this project.* ## Projects using this API * [Torrent Hunt]( - Telegram bot to search torrents. Want to list your project here? Just make a pull request. ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE]( for more information. ----- Author/Maintainer: [Hemanta Pokharel]( | Youtube: [@H9Youtube](
Hemanta Pokharel
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Topic :: Internet, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules, Topic :: Utilities
Documentation:, Homepage:, Issue tracker:
requests, bs4, requests-cache
Unofficial API of
153957 theme ============ `View demo album here <>`_ Photo gallery template ---------------------- Web photo gallery templates adapted to my personal preferences. Usage ----- This section describes how to install an use this theme. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Install the ``153597-theme`` package:: $ pip install 153957-theme Configure ~~~~~~~~~ In ```` configuration for an album the ``theme`` setting should be a path to a theme directory. However, since this theme is provided as a Python package its location might be harder to get. Two options are available for configuration: The theme can be configured as a plugin or you can get the path by importing the package. By setting is as plugin the theme is automatically set. Set ``theme`` to an empty string and add the theme and menu plugins:: theme = '' plugins = ['153957_theme.theme', '153957_theme.full_menu', …] The alternative:: from 153957_theme import theme theme = theme.get_path() plugins = ['153957_theme.full_menu', …] Sources ------- Based on `sigal <>`_ version of Galleria theme, which is distributed under the MIT License. Theme based on `Galleria Classic <>`_, which is distributed under the MIT License.
Arne de Laat
Arne de Laat
p, h, o, t, o, , a, l, b, u, m, ,, t, h, e, m, e, ,, s, i, g, a, l, ,, g, a, l, l, e, r, i, a
Environment :: Plugins, Environment :: Web Environment, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML
sigal, flake8 ; extra == 'dev', flake8-isort ; extra == 'dev', build ; extra == 'dev', twine ; extra == 'dev'
Theme for sigal generated photo albums
====================================================== Python Analytics for Snowplow ====================================================== .. image:: :alt: Build Status :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: Overview ######## Add analytics to your Python apps and Python games with the Snowplow_ event tracker for Python_. .. _Snowplow: .. _Python: With this tracker you can collect event data from your Python-based applications, games or Python web servers/frameworks. Find out more ############# +---------------------------------+---------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Technical Docs | Setup Guide | Roadmap | Contributing | +=================================+===========================+=========================+===================================+ | |techdocs|_ | |setup|_ | |roadmap| | |contributing| | +---------------------------------+---------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | `Technical Docs`_ | `Setup Guide`_ | `Roadmap`_ | `Contributing`_ | +---------------------------------+---------------------------+-------------------------+-----------------------------------+ .. |techdocs| image:: .. |setup| image:: .. |roadmap| image:: .. |contributing| image:: .. _techdocs: .. _setup: .. _`Technical Docs`: .. _`Setup Guide`: .. _`Roadmap`: .. _`Contributing`: Contributing quickstart ####################### Assuming Git, Vagrant_ and VirtualBox_ are installed: :: host$ git clone host$ vagrant up && vagrant ssh guest$ cd /vagrant guest$ ./ deploy guest$ ./ test .. _Vagrant: .. _VirtualBox: Publishing ########## :: host$ vagrant push Copyright and license ##################### The Snowplow Python Tracker is copyright 2013-2014 Snowplow Analytics Ltd. Licensed under the `Apache License, Version 2.0`_ (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .. _Apache License, Version 2.0:
Anuj More, Alexander Dean, Fred Blundun
Apache License 2.0
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 2, Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
greenlet (>=0.4.15), requests (>=2.19.1), pycontracts (>=1.7.6), celery (>=4.2.0), gevent (>=1.3.3), redis (>=2.10.6), six (>=1.11.0)
Snowplow event tracker for Python. Add analytics to your Python and Django apps, webapps and games
# Resumo do funcionamento A biblioteca desenvolvida auxilia desenvolvedores a explorar os dados com funções essenciais para a identificação de outliers e anomalias e uma interface que auxilia a visualizar as informações de acordo com o arquivo de configuração. A biblioteca recebe um arquivo yaml com as configurações de cada etapa do pipeline de dados, e do endereço do banco de dados. Após a execução do banco de dados, o banco de dados de dados é atualizado com os resultados da análise e os resultados podem ser visualizados por meio de dashboards no metabase.
Nicolas Mantzos
u, n, b, ,, f, g, a, ,, g, c, e, s
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
Homepage:, Repository:
altair (>=4.2.0,<5.0.0), attrs (>=22.2.0,<23.0.0), bpemb (>=0.3.4,<0.4.0), certifi (>=2022.12.7,<2023.0.0), charset-normalizer (>=2.1.0,<3.0.0), contourpy (>=1.0.6,<2.0.0), coverage (>=7.0.2,<8.0.0), cycler (>=0.11.0,<0.12.0), entrypoints (>=0.4,<0.5), exceptiongroup (>=1.1.0,<2.0.0), fonttools (>=4.38.0,<5.0.0), gensim (>=3.8.3,<4.0.0), idna (>=3.4,<4.0), importlib-resources (>=5.10.2,<6.0.0), iniconfig (>=1.1.1,<2.0.0), Jinja2 (>=3.1.2,<4.0.0), joblib (>=1.2.0,<2.0.0), jsonschema (>=4.17.3,<5.0.0), kiwisolver (>=1.4.4,<2.0.0), MarkupSafe (>=2.1.1,<3.0.0), matplotlib (>=3.6.2,<4.0.0), numpy (>=1.24.1,<2.0.0), packaging (>=22.0,<23.0), pandas (>=1.5.2,<2.0.0), Pillow (>=9.4.0,<10.0.0), pkgutil-resolve-name (>=1.3.10,<2.0.0), pluggy (>=1.0.0,<2.0.0), pyparsing (>=3.0.9,<4.0.0), pyrsistent (>=0.19.3,<0.20.0), pytest (>=7.2.0,<8.0.0), pytest-cov (>=4.0.0,<5.0.0), python-dateutil (>=2.8.2,<3.0.0), pytz (>=2022.7,<2023.0), PyYAML (>=6.0,<7.0), requests (>=2.28.1,<3.0.0), scikit-learn (>=1.2.0,<2.0.0), scipy (>=1.9.3,<2.0.0), sentencepiece (>=0.1.97,<0.2.0), six (>=1.16.0,<2.0.0), smart-open (>=6.3.0,<7.0.0), threadpoolctl (>=3.1.0,<4.0.0), tomli (>=2.0.1,<3.0.0), toolz (>=0.12.0,<0.13.0), tqdm (>=4.64.1,<5.0.0), urllib3 (>=1.26.13,<2.0.0), whatlies (>=0.7.0,<0.8.0), zipp (>=3.11.0,<4.0.0), twine (>=4.0.2,<5.0.0)
Pacote utilizado para o deploy do trabalho final da disciplina Gerência de Configuração e Evolução de Software (GCES).
24/7 Fortnite Lobbybot With Admin Controls
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
sanic (==21.6.2), fortnitepy, aiohttp, crayons, psutil, PirxcyPinger
24/7 Fortnite Lobbybot With Admin Controls
# -1NeuronPerceptron_Pypi 1Neuron|Perceptron|_Pypi """ author: Nazmul email: """ ## How to use this ## First install the library using below command by using latest version- ```bash pip install 1NeuronPerceptron-Pypi-mdnazmulislam0087==0.0.4 ``` ## Run the below code to see the training and plot file for or Gate, similarly you can use AND, NAND and XOR GATE to see the difference- ```python from oneNeuronPerceptron.perceptron import Perceptron from oneNeuronPerceptron.all_utils import prepare_data, save_model, save_plot import pandas as pd import numpy as np import logging import os logging_str = "[%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(module)s] %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=logging_str) def main(data, eta, epochs, modelfilename,plotfilename): df = pd.DataFrame(data)"The dataframe is : {df}") X,y = prepare_data(df) model = Perceptron(eta=eta, epochs=epochs), y) _ = model.total_loss() save_model(model, filename=modelfilename) save_plot(df, file_name=plotfilename, model=model) if __name__=="__main__": # << entry point << OR = { "x1": [0,0,1,1], "x2": [0,1,0,1], "y": [0,1,1,1], } ETA = 0.3 # 0 and 1 EPOCHS = 10 try:">>>>> starting training >>>>>") main(data=OR, eta=ETA, epochs=EPOCHS, modelfilename="or.model", plotfilename="or.png")"<<<<< training done successfully<<<<<\n") except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) raise e ``` # Packages required- 1. matplotlib 2. numpy 3. pandas 4. joblib 5. tqdm # Limitation Using one Neuron Perceptron, We cant make decision boundary for XOR GATe, In summary XOR Gate classification is not possible using one Neuron Perceptron # Reference - [official python docs]( [github docs for github actions]( [Read me editor]( # more details can be found [1Neuron Perceptron](
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Bug Tracker:, Homepage:
numpy, tqdm, matplotlib, pandas, joblib
its an implimentation of Perceptron
# Web application for
Max Zheng
w, e, b, , a, p, p, p, l, i, c, a, t, i, o, n, , f, o, r, , 1, b, e, a, d, ., o, r, g, , t, o, , n, u, r, t, u, r, e, , t, h, e, , g, r, e, a, t, n, e, s, s, , o, f, , l, i, f, e
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Content Management System
aiohttp (==3.5.4), aiohttp-jinja2 (==1.1.2), aiodns (==2.0.0), cchardet (==2.1.4), click (==7.0)
Web application for
<h1 align="center"> <br> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="1build" width="500"></a> <br> </h1> <br> <p align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="PyPi Version"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Supported Python Versions"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Build Status"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Code Coverage"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Requirements Status"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Downloads"> </a> </p> <br> 1build is an automation tool that arms you with the convenience to configure project-local command line aliases – and then run the commands quickly and easily. It is particularly helpful when you deal with multiple projects and switch between them all the time. It is often the fact that different projects use different build tools and have different environment requirements – and then switching from one project to another is becoming increasingly cumbersome. That is where 1build comes into play. With 1build you can create simple and easily memorable command aliases for commonly used project commands such as build, test, run or anything else. These aliases will have a project-local scope which means that they will be accessible only within the project directory. This way you can unify all your projects to build with the same simple command disregarding of what build tool they use. It will remove the hassle of remembering all those commands improving the mental focus for the things that actually matter. ## Install ```bash pip install 1build ``` or ```bash pip3 install 1build ``` ## Usage ### Configuration - create project configuration file in the project folder with name `1build.yaml` - Example of `1build.yaml` for JVM maven project: ```yaml project: Sample JVM Project Name commands: - build: mvn clean package - lint: mvn antrun:run@ktlint-format - test: mvn clean test ``` ### Running 1build for the above sample project: - building the project ```console 1build build ``` - fix the coding guidelinges lint and run tests (executing more than one commands at once) ```console 1build lint test ``` ### Using `before` and `after` commands Consider that your project `X` requires `Java 11` and the other project requires `Java 8`. It is a headache to always remember to switch the java version. What you want is to switch to `Java 11` automatically when you build the project `X` and switch it back to `Java 8` when the build is complete. Another example – a project requires `Docker` to be up and running or you need to clean up the database after running a test harness. This is where `before` & `after` commands are useful. These commands are both optional –  you can use one of them, both or neither. #### Examples: 1. Switching to `Java 11` and then back to `Java 8` ```yaml project: Sample JVM Project Name before: ./ after: ./ commands: - build: mvn clean package ``` 2. Ensure that `Docker` is up and running ```yaml project: Containerized Project before: ./ commands: - build: ./gradlew clean ``` 3. Clean up database after some commands ```yaml project: Containerized Project after: ./ commands: - build: ./gradlew clean ``` ### Command usage ```text usage: 1build [-h] [-l] [-v] [command] positional arguments: command Command to run - from `1build.yaml` file optional arguments: -h, --help Print this help message -l, --list Show all available commands - from `1build.yaml` file -v, --version Show version of 1build and exit -i, --init Create default `1build.yaml` configuration file ``` ## Contributing Please read []( for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us. ## Versioning We use [Semantic Versioning]( for all our releases. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository]( ## Changelog All notable changes to this project in each release will be documented in []( The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details ## Authors * **Gopinath Langote** - *Initial work & Maintainer* – [Github]( –[Twitter]( * **Alexander Lukianchuk** - *Maintainer* – [Github]( – [Twitter]( See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.
Gopinath Langote
MIT License
Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools
ruamel.yaml (>=0.15.97)
Frictionless way of managing project-specific commands.
aliyun-python-sdk-core, aliyun-python-sdk-kms, asn1crypto, bcrypt, bit-array, bitarray, cffi, chardet, crcmod, cryptography, DateTime, elasticsearch (==6.3.1), enum34, greenlet, idna, impyla, ipaddress, jmespath, numpy, oss2, pandas, paramiko, pyasn1, PyMySQL, PyNaCl, python-dateutil, pytz, redis, requests, sasl (==0.2.1), six, SQLAlchemy, sshtunnel, thrift (==0.9.3), thrift-sasl (==0.3.0), urllib3, zope.interface
# 1neuron_pypi 1neuron_pypi
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Bug Tracker:, Homepage:
numpy, tqdm
An implementation of Perceptron
# 1pass2pass Utility for transfer items from the 1password (*.1pif files) to the pass ([the standard unix password manager]( ## Usage ```python python 1pass2pass [-h] [-v] [-p] [-f] [-fl] <1pif filename> <folder> ``` Positional arguments: ```console <1pif filename> - path to *.1pif file for processing <folder> - path to folder for store passwords ``` Optional arguments: ```console -h, --help - show help message -v, --verbose - increase output verbosity -p, --print-only - print data into console, without saving into password store -f, --force - force overwrite existing passwords (default=False) -fl, --first-line - Put password in first line (default=False) ``` > WARN: If you whant to use the `Pass` aplication on iOS, you need to use the `--first-line` option. > Because the `Pass` app on iOS find the password in the first line. ## Example ```console python -v -f -fl ~/Downloads/1password.1pif /Personal ``` Where we import passwords from `~/Downloads/1password.1pif` to the folder `/Personal` with verbose output, force overwrite existing passwords and put password in first line. ## Requirements - python 3.6+ - loguru
Sergey Poterianski
1, p, a, s, s, 2, p, a, s, s, ,, 1, p, a, s, s, w, o, r, d, ,, p, a, s, s
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Environment :: Console, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: MacOS, Operating System :: POSIX, Operating System :: Unix, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
Download:, Homepage:
Utility for transfer items from the 1password (*.1pif files) to the pass
# 1password-secrets [![PyPI version 1password-secrets](]( [![CI/CD](]( 1password-secrets is a set of utilities to sync 1Password secrets. It enables: - Seamless sharing of _local_ secrets used for development. Developers starting out in a project can just use this tool to retrieve the `.env` file needed for local development. Likewise it is also simple to push back any local changes to the 1password vault. - More secure and simpler method of managing secrets. By default, Fly secrets must be managed by `flyctl`. This means that setting secrets in production, developers must use `flyctl` passing credentials via arguments - risking credentials being stored in their histories. Alternatively one must secrets in a file and run `flyctl secrets import`. This works well, but you must ensure everything is synched to a secret/password manager and then delete the file. 1password-secrets enables a leaner management of secrets via 1password. Via an app name, automatically finds and imports secrets in an 1password _secure note_ to Fly. This way you ensure developers always keep secrets up-to-date and never lost files in their computer. Motivation: Using 1password for this avoids the need for another external secret management tool. And keeps the access control in a centralised place that we already use. ## Getting started ### Requirements - Install the required dependencies: 1Password >= `8.9.13` 1Password CLI >= `2.13.1` flyctl >= `0.0.451` ``` brew install --cask 1password 1password-cli && \ brew install flyctl ``` - Allow 1Password to connect to 1Password-CLI by going to `Settings` -> `Developer` -> `Command-Line Interface (CLI)` and select `Connect with 1Password CLI`. - Sign into your 1Password and Fly account (if you wish to use the fly integration). ### Installation `pip install 1password-secrets` ## Usage ### Local From within a valid git repository with remote "origin" ending in `<owner>/<repo>.git`, 1password-secrets will be able to `get` and `push` secrets to a 1password secure note containing `repo:<owner>/<repo>` in its name. By default it syncs to `./.env` file, this can overridden with a `file_name` field containing the desired relative file path. To get secrets from 1Password, run: `1password-secrets local get` To push the local changes to 1Password, run: `1password-secrets local push` ### Fly Make sure you have a Secure Note in 1Password with `fly:<fly-app-name>` in the title. `fly-app-name` is the name of your fly application. To import secrets to fly, run: `1password-secrets fly import <fly-app-name>` Secrets can be edit directly on 1Password app or using the command: `1password-secrets fly edit <fly-app-name>`
f, l, y, ., i, o, ,, 1, p, a, s, s, w, o, r, d, ,, s, e, c, r, e, t, s
Development Status :: 4 - Beta, Environment :: Console, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9, Topic :: Utilities
python-dotenv (==0.21.1), sgqlc (==16.1)
1password-secrets is a set of utilities to sync 1Password secrets.
pfp <>
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
A useful module for
EasyMicroPython IDE online hosted DjangoApp.
django, django-markdown2, markdown2, itsdangerous, pygments, mysqlclient, qiniu
1zlab website homepage.
pdfminer.six ============ *Please Note this is a fork of the main package at 29/04/2022 12:00 GMT No updtaes are likley It has been forked and uplaoded to insure an wholely MIT version of the package is avalible. The following is from the origional package.* [![Continuous integration](]( [![PyPI version](]( [![gitter](]( *We fathom PDF* Pdfminer.six is a community maintained fork of the original PDFMiner. It is a tool for extracting information from PDF documents. It focuses on getting and analyzing text data. Pdfminer.six extracts the text from a page directly from the sourcecode of the PDF. It can also be used to get the exact location, font or color of the text. It is built in a modular way such that each component of pdfminer.six can be replaced easily. You can implement your own interpreter or rendering device that uses the power of pdfminer.six for other purposes than text analysis. Check out the full documentation on [Read the Docs]( Features -------- * Written entirely in Python. * Parse, analyze, and convert PDF documents. * PDF-1.7 specification support. (well, almost). * CJK languages and vertical writing scripts support. * Various font types (Type1, TrueType, Type3, and CID) support. * Support for extracting images (JPG, JBIG2, Bitmaps). * Support for various compressions (ASCIIHexDecode, ASCII85Decode, LZWDecode, FlateDecode, RunLengthDecode, CCITTFaxDecode) * Support for RC4 and AES encryption. * Support for AcroForm interactive form extraction. * Table of contents extraction. * Tagged contents extraction. * Automatic layout analysis. How to use the origional version ---------- * Install Python 3.6 or newer. * Install `pip install pdfminer.six` * (Optionally) install extra dependencies for extracting images. `pip install 'pdfminer.six[image]` * Use command-line interface to extract text from pdf: `python samples/simple1.pdf` Contributing ------------ Be sure to read the [contribution guidelines]( Acknowledgement --------------- This repository includes code from `pyHanko` ; the original license has been included [here](/docs/licenses/LICENSE.pyHanko).
Yusuke Shinyama + Philippe Guglielmetti
p, d, f, , p, a, r, s, e, r, ,, p, d, f, , c, o, n, v, e, r, t, e, r, ,, l, a, y, o, u, t, , a, n, a, l, y, s, i, s, ,, t, e, x, t, , m, i, n, i, n, g
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Environment :: Console, Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: Science/Research, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9, Topic :: Text Processing
charset-normalizer (~=2.0.0), cryptography (~=36.0.0), pytest ; extra == 'dev', nox ; extra == 'dev', black ; extra == 'dev', mypy (==0.931) ; extra == 'dev', sphinx ; extra == 'docs', sphinx-argparse ; extra == 'docs', Pillow ; extra == 'image'
PDF parser and analyzer
# 2048 ## What is this? It's 2048, written in Python by the Ladue High School Computer Science Club. It's still in its early stages, so expect bugs! ## Getting started ### Download and run Download or clone this repo, then run `python3`. If Python complains about `termcolor`, install it with `pip install termcolor`. ### Run online Run it online on []( ### Install using `pip` Install with `pip install 2048-py`. Run `2048-py` to play the game. ### Get it from the AUR On Arch Linux, get the `2048-py` package from the AUR. Run `2048-py` to play the game.
Anthony Wang
Environment :: Console, Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop, License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3), Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Topic :: Games/Entertainment :: Puzzle Games
2048 written in Python by the Ladue High School Computer Science Club
# 2048 [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage](]( [![PyPI](]( [![PyPI - Format](]( [![PyPI - Python Version](]( My version of 2048 game, with multi-instance support, restored from an old high school project. ![2048 Preview]( ## Installation Run `pip install 2048`. Run `2048` to play the game. Enjoy. On Windows, you can run `2048w` to run without the console window. ## Resetting the game If for some reason, the data files get corrupted or you want to clear the high score... * On Windows, delete `C:\Users\<yourname>\AppData\Roaming\Quantum\2048`. * On macOS, delete `/Users/<yourname>/Library/Application Support/2048`. * On Linux, delete `/home/<yourname>/.local/share/2048`.
2, 0, 4, 8, , p, y, g, a, m, e
Development Status :: 4 - Beta, Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows), Environment :: X11 Applications, Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop, License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3), Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows, Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 2, Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Topic :: Games/Entertainment
appdirs, pygame
Quantum's version of the 2048 game, with multi-instance support,restored from an old high school project.
20XX --- `from melee_20XX import Melee_v0` 20XX is a PettingZoo-based library for Melee. (⌐■_■) ## Code Example ```python import os.path import melee from melee_20XX import Melee_v0 from melee_20XX.agents.basic import CPUFox, RandomFox players = [RandomFox(), CPUFox()] env = Melee_v0.env(players, os.path.expanduser('~/.melee/SSBM.ciso'), fast_forward=True) max_episodes = 10 if __name__ == "__main__": env.start_emulator() for episode in range(max_episodes): observation, infos = env.reset(melee.enums.Stage.FOUNTAIN_OF_DREAMS) gamestate = infos["gamestate"] terminated = False while not terminated: actions = [] for player in players: if player.agent_type == "CPU": # CPU actions are handled internally action = None else: action = player.act(gamestate) actions.append(action) observation, reward, terminated, truncated, infos = env.step(actions=actions) gamestate = infos["gamestate"] ``` ## Note This library requires Slippi, which in turn requires an SSBM 1.02 NTSC/PAL ISO. This library does not and will not distribute this. You must acquire this on your own! ## Installation `pip install 20XX` `pip install git+` (fixes some menu handling issues) ## Credits - Heavily relies on [libmelee](, - uses [PettingZoo](, - originally forked from [melee-env](
Will Dudley
Development Status :: 4 - Beta, License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3), Natural Language :: English, Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Bug Tracker: https://, Homepage:
libmelee, requests (>=2.20), tqdm (>=4.14), pettingzoo (>=1.12.1)
oss - dev testaa python module
Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
oss - dev testaa
====== 21CMMC ====== An extensible MCMC framework for 21cmFAST. This code uses `semantic versioning <>`_, though this will strictly begin when `v1.0.0` is officially shipped. * Free software: MIT license Features ======== * Seamless integration with ``emcee``-based MCMC. * MCMC is easily extensible via the addition of different likelihoods using the same underlying data. Documentation ============= See Acknowledging ============= If you find `21CMMC` useful in your research please cite at least one of the following (whichever is most suitable to you): Bradley Greig and Andrei Mesinger, "21CMMC: an MCMC analysis tool enabling astrophysical parameter studies of the cosmic 21 cm signal", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 449, Issue 4, p.4246-4263 (2015), Bradley Greig and Andrei Mesinger, "Simultaneously constraining the astrophysics of reionization and the epoch of heating with 21CMMC", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 472, Issue 3, p.2651-2669 (2017), Bradley Greig and Andrei Mesinger, "21CMMC with a 3D light-cone: the impact of the co-evolution approximation on the astrophysics of reionization and cosmic dawn", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 477, Issue 3, p.3217-3229 (2018), Jaehong Park et al., "Inferring the astrophysics of reionization and cosmic dawn from galaxy luminosity functions and the 21-cm signal", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 484, Issue 1, p.933-949 (2018), Changelog ========= v1.0.0dev --------- - More fleshed-out interface to cosmoHammer, with base classes abstracting some common patterns. - New likelihoods and cores that are able to work on any data from the ``21cmFAST`` pipeline. - Better logging - Better exception handling - pip-installable - Documentation - Pipenv support - Full code formatting applied
Brad Greig
MIT license
E, p, o, c, h, , o, f, , R, e, i, o, n, i, z, a, t, i, o, n, ,, C, o, s, m, o, l, o, g, y
Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: POSIX, Operating System :: Unix, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
click, numpy, cosmoHammer, scipy, matplotlib (>=2.1), emcee (<3), powerbox (>=0.5.7), cached-property, 21cmFAST (>=3.0.0dev1), pymultinest, pymultinest ; extra == 'samplers'
An extensible MCMC framework for 21cmFAST
# 2D Cellular Automaton This project was inspired by discussions in MATH 340 Mathematical Excursions. While we visualized multiple starting indicies for 2D cellular automata in Excel, I knew a Python script would allow greater functioniality and easier usage. I came across a respository on GitHub by Zhiming Wang titled [rule30]( Nearly all the code is borrowed from there and made it unnecessary for me to start from scratch. All the functionalities from Wang's solution exist in this project, with the only additions being supporting multiple starting indicies. # Table of Contents 1. [Installation](#Installation) 2. [Usage](#Usage) 4. [Credit](#Credit) 5. [License](License) ## Installation `pip install 2DCellularAutomaton` ## Usage ```python from CellularAutomaton import Automaton rows = 100 #Any positive number rule = 30 #From 1-256. More can be seen here starting_indicies = [20, 60] #Note this refers to the columns and columns = 2 * rows - 1, which is why rows - 1 yields center. block_size = 1 automata = Automaton(rows=rows, rule=rule, starting_indicies=starting_indicies) image = automata.image(block_size=block_size)'Rule 30 | Column 20 and 60.jpeg') ``` Output <img src="image.jpeg" alt="drawing" width="600"/> ## Credit 1. Zhiming Wang's [rule30]( ## License MIT
Muhammad Mir <>
MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Mir Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
C, e, l, l, u, l, a, r, , A, u, t, o, m, a, t, a, ,, C, e, l, l, u, l, a, r, , A, u, t, o, m, a, t, o, n
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
bitarray (>=2.6.1), Pillow
A package to visualize elementary 2D cellular automata with multiple starting indicies
# 2Keys A easy to setup second keyboard, designed for everyone. For a full setup guide, see [here]( For keyboard mappings, see [here]( ### Support Windows is supported only as the server (where the hotkeys will run) and a raspberry pi is required to run the detector. ## WARNING This will download a copy of [AutoHotkey_H](, a DLL version of [AutoHotkey]( ## Building To build the server, where hotkeys are run: ``` $ cd server $ yarn ``` To build the detector: ``` $ cd detector $ pip3 install -r required.txt ``` ## Devices **Server**: The device running the hotkeys sever, i.e. where the hot keys will be run **Detecter**: Device that handles detection of key presses & which keyboard it is and sends this to the server ## Sofware used & inspiration Inspired by LTT editor Taran's second keyboard project: []( 2Keys uses AutoHotkey_H (a DLL version of AutoHotkey): []( ## License Copyright 2018 Kishan Sambhi 2Keys is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 2Keys is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with 2Keys. If not, see <>.
h, i, d, , a, h, k, , a, u, t, o, h, o, t, k, e, y, , m, a, c, r, o, s, , 2, c, d, k, e, y, b, o, a, r, d, , k, e, y, b, o, a, r, d, s
Development Status :: 2 - Pre-Alpha, License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3), Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
aiofiles (==0.4.0), aiohttp (==3.6.2), async-timeout (==3.0.1), attrs (==19.3.0), certifi (==2020.4.5.1), chardet (==3.0.4), click (==7.1.1), colorful, colorful (==0.5.4), evdev (==1.3.0), idna (==2.9), idna-ssl (==1.1.0), multidict (==4.7.5), pystache (==0.5.4), pyyaml (==5.3.1), requests (==2.23.0), typing-extensions (==, urllib3 (==1.25.8), yarl (==1.4.2)
A easy to setup second keyboard, designed for everyone.
# bbtt: A 2b2t toolbox This is a simple commandline utility which polls *2b2t*'s server status and print it. # Usage - Install Python (>=3.7). - Execute `pip install 2b2t`. - Run `2b2t`.
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
A 2b2t toolbox.
# Python Module for 2Captcha API The easiest way to quickly integrate [2Captcha] captcha solving service into your code to automate solving of any types of captcha. - [Python Module for 2Captcha API](#python-module-for-2captcha-api) - [Installation](#installation) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [TwoCaptcha instance options](#twocaptcha-instance-options) - [Solve captcha](#solve-captcha) - [Captcha options](#captcha-options) - [Normal Captcha](#normal-captcha) - [Text Captcha](#text-captcha) - [ReCaptcha v2](#recaptcha-v2) - [ReCaptcha v3](#recaptcha-v3) - [FunCaptcha](#funcaptcha) - [GeeTest](#geetest) - [hCaptcha](#hcaptcha) - [GeeTest v4](#geetest-v4) - [Lemin Cropped Captcha](#lemin-cropped-captcha) - [Cloudflare Turnstile](#cloudflare-turnstile) - [Amazon WAF](#amazon-waf) - [KeyCaptcha](#keycaptcha) - [Capy](#capy) - [Grid](#grid) - [Canvas](#canvas) - [ClickCaptcha](#clickcaptcha) - [Rotate](#rotate) - [Other methods](#other-methods) - [send / getResult](#send--getresult) - [balance](#balance) - [report](#report) - [Error handling](#error-handling) - [Proxies](#proxies) - [Async calls](#async-calls) ## Installation This package can be installed with Pip: ```pip3 install 2captcha-python``` ## Configuration TwoCaptcha instance can be created like this: ```python from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha solver = TwoCaptcha('YOUR_API_KEY') ``` Also there are few options that can be configured: ```python config = { 'server': '', 'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY', 'softId': 123, 'callback': '', 'defaultTimeout': 120, 'recaptchaTimeout': 600, 'pollingInterval': 10, } solver = TwoCaptcha(**config) ``` ### TwoCaptcha instance options | Option | Default value | Description | | ---------------- | -------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | server | `` | API server. You can set it to `` if your account is registered there | | softId | - | your software ID obtained after publishing in [2captcha sofware catalog] | | callback | - | URL of your web-sever that receives the captcha recognition result. The URl should be first registered in [pingback settings] of your account | | defaultTimeout | 120 | Polling timeout in seconds for all captcha types except ReCaptcha. Defines how long the module tries to get the answer from `res.php` API endpoint | | recaptchaTimeout | 600 | Polling timeout for ReCaptcha in seconds. Defines how long the module tries to get the answer from `res.php` API endpoint | | pollingInterval | 10 | Interval in seconds between requests to `res.php` API endpoint, setting values less than 5 seconds is not recommended | > **IMPORTANT:** once `callback` is defined for `TwoCaptcha` instance, all methods return only the captcha ID and DO NOT poll the API to get the result. The result will be sent to the callback URL. To get the answer manually use [getResult method](#send--getresult) ## Solve captcha When you submit any image-based captcha use can provide additional options to help 2captcha workers to solve it properly. ### Captcha options | Option | Default Value | Description | | ------------- | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | numeric | 0 | Defines if captcha contains numeric or other symbols [see more info in the API docs][post options] | | minLength | 0 | minimal answer lenght | | maxLength | 0 | maximum answer length | | phrase | 0 | defines if the answer contains multiple words or not | | caseSensitive | 0 | defines if the answer is case sensitive | | calc | 0 | defines captcha requires calculation | | lang | - | defines the captcha language, see the [list of supported languages] | | hintImg | - | an image with hint shown to workers with the captcha | | hintText | - | hint or task text shown to workers with the captcha | Below you can find basic examples for every captcha type. Check out [examples directory] to find more examples with all available options. ### Normal Captcha To bypass a normal captcha (distorted text on image) use the following method. This method also can be used to recognize any text on the image. ```python result = solver.normal('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...) # OR result = solver.normal('', param1=..., ...) ``` ### Text Captcha This method can be used to bypass a captcha that requires to answer a question provided in clear text. ```python result = solver.text('If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?', param1=..., ...) ``` ### ReCaptcha v2 Use this method to solve ReCaptcha V2 and obtain a token to bypass the protection. ```python result = solver.recaptcha(sitekey='6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-', url='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### ReCaptcha v3 This method provides ReCaptcha V3 solver and returns a token. ```python result = solver.recaptcha(sitekey='6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-', url='', version='v3', param1=..., ...) ``` ### FunCaptcha FunCaptcha (Arkoselabs) solving method. Returns a token. ```python result = solver.funcaptcha(sitekey='6Le-wvkSVVABCPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq1bi0DJwx_mJ-', url='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### GeeTest Method to solve GeeTest puzzle captcha. Returns a set of tokens as JSON. ```python result = solver.geetest(gt='f1ab2cdefa3456789012345b6c78d90e', challenge='12345678abc90123d45678ef90123a456b', url='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### hCaptcha Use this method to solve hCaptcha challenge. Returns a token to bypass captcha. ```python result = solver.hcaptcha(sitekey='10000000-ffff-ffff-ffff-000000000001', url='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### GeeTest v4 Use this method to solve GeeTest v4. Returns the response in JSON. ```python result = solver.geetest_v4(captcha_id='e392e1d7fd421dc63325744d5a2b9c73', url='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### Lemin Cropped Captcha Use this method to solve hCaptcha challenge. Returns JSON with answer containing the following values: answer, challenge_id. ```python result = solver.lemin(captcha_id='CROPPED_1abcd2f_a1234b567c890d12ef3a456bc78d901d', div_id='lemin-cropped-captcha', url='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### Cloudflare Turnstile Use this method to solve Cloudflare Turnstile. Returns JSON with the token. ```python result = solver.turnstile(sitekey='0x1AAAAAAAAkg0s2VIOD34y5', url='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### Amazon WAF Use this method to solve Amazon WAF Captcha also known as AWS WAF Captcha is a part of Intelligent threat mitigation for Amazon AWS. Returns JSON with the token. ```python result = solver.amazon_waf(sitekey='0x1AAAAAAAAkg0s2VIOD34y5', iv='CgAHbCe2GgAAAAAj', context='9BUgmlm48F92WUoqv97a49ZuEJJ50TCk9MVr3C7WMtQ0X6flVbufM4n8mjFLmbLVAPgaQ1Jydeaja94iAS49ljb+sUNLoukWedAQZKrlY4RdbOOzvcFqmD/ZepQFS9N5w15Exr4VwnVq+HIxTsDJwRviElWCdzKDebN/mk8/eX2n7qJi5G3Riq0tdQw9+C4diFZU5E97RSeahejOAAJTDqduqW6uLw9NsjJBkDRBlRjxjn5CaMMo5pYOxYbGrM8Un1JH5DMOLeXbq1xWbC17YSEoM1cRFfTgOoc+VpCe36Ai9Kc=' url='' param1=..., ...) ``` ### KeyCaptcha Token-based method to solve KeyCaptcha. ```python result = solver.keycaptcha(s_s_c_user_id=10, s_s_c_session_id='493e52c37c10c2bcdf4a00cbc9ccd1e8', s_s_c_web_server_sign='9006dc725760858e4c0715b835472f22-pz-', s_s_c_web_server_sign2='2ca3abe86d90c6142d5571db98af6714', url='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### Capy Token-based method to bypass Capy puzzle captcha. ```python result = solver.capy(sitekey='PUZZLE_Abc1dEFghIJKLM2no34P56q7rStu8v', url='', api_server='', param1=..., ...) ``` ### Grid Grid method is originally called Old ReCaptcha V2 method. The method can be used to bypass any type of captcha where you can apply a grid on image and need to click specific grid boxes. Returns numbers of boxes. ```python result = solver.grid('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...) ``` ### Canvas Canvas method can be used when you need to draw a line around an object on image. Returns a set of points' coordinates to draw a polygon. ```python result = solver.canvas('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...) ``` ### ClickCaptcha ClickCaptcha method returns coordinates of points on captcha image. Can be used if you need to click on particular points on the image. ```python result = solver.coordinates('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...) ``` ### Rotate This method can be used to solve a captcha that asks to rotate an object. Mostly used to bypass FunCaptcha. Returns the rotation angle. ```python result = solver.rotate('path/to/captcha.jpg', param1=..., ...) ``` ## Other methods ### send / getResult These methods can be used for manual captcha submission and answer polling. ```python import time . . . . . id = solver.send(file='path/to/captcha.jpg') time.sleep(20) code = solver.get_result(id) ``` ### balance Use this method to get your account's balance ```python balance = solver.balance() ``` ### report Use this method to report good or bad captcha answer. ```python, True) # captcha solved correctly, False) # captcha solved incorrectly ``` ### Error handling In case of an error, the captcha solver throws an exception. It's important to properly handle these cases. We recommend using `try except` to handle exceptions. ```python try: result = solver.text('If tomorrow is Saturday, what day is today?') except ValidationException as e: # invalid parameters passed print(e) except NetworkException as e: # network error occurred print(e) except ApiException as e: # api respond with error print(e) except TimeoutException as e: # captcha is not solved so far print(e) ``` ### Proxies You can pass your proxy as an additional argument for methods: recaptcha, funcaptcha and geetest. The proxy will be forwarded to the API to solve the captcha. ```python proxy={ 'type': 'HTTPS', 'uri': 'login:password@IP_address:PORT' } ``` ### Async calls You can also make async calls with [asyncio], for example: ```python import asyncio import concurrent.futures from twocaptcha import TwoCaptcha captcha_result = await captchaSolver(image) async def captchaSolver(image): loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() with concurrent.future.ThreadPoolExecutor() as pool: result = await loop.run_in_executor(pool, lambda: TwoCaptcha(API_KEY).normal(image)) return result ``` [2Captcha]: [2captcha sofware catalog]: [pingback settings]: [post options]: [list of supported languages]: [examples directory]: /examples [asyncio]:
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Python module for easy integration with 2Captcha API
# 2ch-downloader Download all files of thread. ## Installation ``` sh pip install 2ch-downloader ``` ## Usage ``` usage: 2ch-downloader [-h] [-d DIRECTORY] [--max-directory-name-length LENGTH] URL positional arguments: URL Thread url options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY Download directory --max-directory-name-length LENGTH Max thread directory name length, 128 by default ```
Development Status :: 6 - Mature, Environment :: Web Environment, License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3), Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Topic :: Utilities
Download all files of thread.
# 2d6io-cryptobot # Dependencies This project uses @danpaquin's excellent [coinbasepro-python]( We also use Flask to generate a restful endpoint to serve our data ```python3 pip3 install cbpro pip3 install flask ``` We also use Angular and NPM to serve a web interface for the application. You will need to have [the latest version]( of node installed. Run the following installs once node is complete (see [the docs]( for more info): ```SHELL npm install -g @angular/cli ``` # Config Rename `config_example.ini` to `config.ini` and update it with the right values. **UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD `config.ini` BE UPLOADED TO THE REPO OR SHARED WITH OTHERS** The config is already in the .gitignore so the only way this will happen is if you modify that. Don't do it. # Running ## Restful Services To run from a command line run the following: ```SHELL python3 ``` This will start the flask restful service, which can be opened from your [localhost](http://localhost:5000/) This restful service has several endpoints: * [/api/wallet](http://localhost:5000/api/wallet) - Returns the current state of your wallet * [/api/analyze_coins](http://localhost:5000/api/analyze_coins) - Runs a single pass of the coin analysis process using the data feed from Coinbase ## Web Interface To run the web interface, navigate from a console to `/interface` and run the following: ```SHELL ng serve ``` Navigate to your [local angular server](http://localhost:4200) and you will see the wallet interface. To start the analysis service, click `Start Monitoring`. To disable the service, click `Stop Monitoring` # Donate Like the project? Donate! Wallet: **0xe6f912cba2D254511170884AF4637689BE8758E6** ![Donate](/assets/donations.png)
Steve Munson and David Wilt
o, r, d, e, r, b, o, o, k, ,, t, r, a, d, e, ,, b, i, t, c, o, i, n, ,, e, t, h, e, r, e, u, m, ,, B, T, C, ,, E, T, H, ,, c, l, i, e, n, t, ,, a, p, i, ,, w, r, a, p, p, e, r, ,, e, x, c, h, a, n, g, e, ,, c, r, y, p, t, o, ,, c, u, r, r, e, n, c, y, ,, t, r, a, d, i, n, g, ,, t, r, a, d, i, n, g, -, a, p, i, ,, c, o, i, n, b, a, s, e, ,, p, r, o, ,, p, r, i, m, e, ,, c, o, i, n, b, a, s, e, p, r, o, ,, c, o, s, m, o, s, ,, a, t, o, m, s, ,, t, e, z, o, s, ,, a, l, g, o, r, a, n, d
Intended Audience :: Developers, Intended Audience :: Financial and Insurance Industry, Intended Audience :: Information Technology, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Programming Language :: Python :: 2, Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
cbpro (>=1.1.4)
A crypto buy/sell analysis tool
# 2dwavesim This is a project that simulates waves on 2D plates/rooms. Given boundaries (or walls) and points where oscillation will be forced, this will simulate the resulting wavemodes! Currently it supports setting the attenuation properties of individual boundaries, multiple forcing points based on either data or a function, and any wall shape you want. It also supports variable time and space steps and spans (as long as you keep numerically stable!), as well as custom wavespeed and attenuation on the material. ![example]( TODO: - add tests - frequency-dependant wall transmission values - 3D?? ## Usage There are two main Classes: `Room(ds, width, height,*, walls=[], physics_params={})` <ul> This creates an instance of a `Room` class, which contains any walls or sources of the system. `ds` is a float which defines the unit of distance between two grid points. `width` and `height` and floats which define the dimentions of the grid. If they are not exact multiples of `ds`, then they are upper bounds on the number of points above the nearest multiple. `walls` is a list of `Wall` objects. This can be optionally set after construction as well. `physics_params` is a dict with structure `{'wavespeed':float, 'attenuation':float}`. Wavespeed represents the speed of the propigating wave on the room's medium, and attenuation represents the attenuation factor of waves on the medium. By defaut, wavespeed is assumed to be 343 units/s and attenuation is assumed to be $2^{-2}$ units $^{-1}$. **`Room.add_source_func(loc, func)`** <ul> Add a source based on a function. `loc` is the room-specific coordinate of the source. Note: unless `ds=1`, this is not the same as the list indices of the point in the room. `func` is a function taking a float (the time) and outputing a float (the value of the wave at that time). This should be something like `lambda t: np.sin(t)`, for example. </ul> **`Room.add_source_data(loc, data)`** <ul> Add a source based on a list of values. Careful! Make sure you use a `dt` value that matches the table data, as an entry of the data list will be used on every time tick. For example, if you make the data table represent the value of the wave every 200ms, then be sure to set `dt` to 200ms as well when you run the simulation. If there are less points in the list of values than there are time steps, then a value of 0 is used for all time steps past the last data point. `loc` is the room-specific coordinate of the source. Note: unless `ds=1`, this is not the same as the list indices of the point in the room. `data` is a list of floats (the value of the wave at that time). This should be something like `np.sin(np.arange(0, 10, 0.2))`, for example. </ul> **`Room.add_walls(walls)`** <ul> Add walls to the system after constructing the Room object. `walls` is a list of `Wall` objects to add the the system. </ul> **`Room.create_mask()`** <ul> Create a mask for the values of the room based on the currently set walls. This is automatically done when running the simulation, but it can be run beforehand if you want to plot the mask for visualization. </ul> **`Room.get_mask()`** <ul> Returns a 2D array of the wall mask as currently calculated. </ul> **`, t_final)`** <ul> Calculate the wave propagation from the set sources and using the set walls. This will simulate from `t=0` to `t_final` at `dt` time steps. If `t_final` isn't an exact multiple of `dt`, then it acts like an upper bound. `dt` a float giving the time step for the simulation. A smaller value means more time resolution. WARNING: Numerical stability will almost certainly be lost if this is not set to satisfy the [CFL Condition](, namely $\frac{u*dt}{ds} \leq C_{max}$ where $u$ is the `wavespeed` and $c_{max}$ is approximately 1 for the numerical method being used. `t_final` a float giving an upper limit for the amount of time to be simulated. A higher value will take more time to simulate, and will likely just repeat the steady state after a certain point in time... </ul> </ul> `Wall(endpoint1, endpoint2, transmission)` <ul> This creates an instance of a `Wall` class, which contains the wall's endpoints and transmission factor. `endpoint1` and `endpoint2` are tuple2 or 2-list2 of floats giving the position of each end of the wall in the room-specific coordinates. Note: unless `ds=1`, this is not the same as the list indices of the point in the room. `transmission` is a float in [0,1] which defines the proportion of wave amplitude able to penetrate the wall. If 0, then all energy is reflected back inwards, and if 1 then the wall "isn't there". </ul> ## Visualization The `visualization` module contains a few functions for visualizing results, or processing results into an easily displayed format. **`animate(data, *, filepath='', frame_space=10, walls=[])`** <ul> Automatically animate the given data using `matplotlib.animation.ArtistAnimation`. The animation file can optionally be saved to a file. `data` is a 3D array of waveform over time, which is the output from running the simulation. `filename` is the name and path of output file. Leave this blank to not save. Output formats are those supported by `matplotlib.animation.ArtistAnimation`, which is at least ".gif" and ".webp". `frame_space` is the temporal resolution of resulting animation. Make sure this isn't too small! `walls` is to optionally include the walls in the animation. They won't be visible if this isn't included. </ul> **`get_steady_state_index(data, *, sample_points, rms_tolerance=0.1, window_size=0.1)`** <ul> This function calculates the windowed RMS of the given points over time. This data is compared to the RMS value at the end of the simulation. Then the latest time index where all point RMS's are within a tolerance to the final RMS is taken as the time index where steady-state is reached. `data` is a 3D array of waveform over time, which is the output from running the simulation. `sample_points` is a list of points in the room which will be checked for RMS. `rms_tolerance` is a float in [0, 1] defining the limit on the amount the RMS is allowed to change from the final value and still be considered steady-state. `window_size` is a float in [0, 1] defining the percent of total points to consider in the window. </ul> **`get_standing_waves(data, *, steady_state_kwargs=None)`** <ul> This function calculates when the steady state begins, and returns a 2D array which is the average of the absolute value of all of the rooms points across all steady state times. `data` is a 3D array of waveform over time, which is the output from running the simulation. `steady_state_kwargs` is a dict of the keyword arguments to pass to `get_steady_state_index`. If `None`, then the default parameters and a sample point at the middle of the room are used. </ul>
Cooper Hatfield
Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Bug Tracker:, Homepage:
numpy, tqdm
Simulate waves on 2D surfaces with arbitrary shape/size!
# 2dxPlay Play konami 2dx files from the command line. Install with pip and run it from anywhere. `pip install 2dxPlay` ### Usage: ``` 2dxplay infile.2dx ``` If the file contains more than one wav, it will play all tracks sequentially. Press Ctrl+C to pause and enter a track number to jump to, or `q` to quit. ###Tip: Play any 2dx file just by double clicking on it: Right click on a 2dx file, choose Open With > Look for another app on this PC. Navigate to your python installation where 2dxPlay.exe is installed. (I use python 3.7, so pip installed it in `%appdata%\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts`). Check the "Always use this app" box and profit. ![img.png](img.png)
2, d, x
License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: OS Independent, Programming Language :: Python :: 3
pygame, setuptools
Play a .2dx file.
r, s, s, , c, l, i, , u, r, w, i, d
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha, License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License, Topic :: Utilities
Source Code:
feedparser (==5.2.1), urwid (==2.0.1)
A cli to read feeds
# Python 2ip Module **2ip** allows you to make requests to the API to retrieve provider/geographic information for IP addresses. Requests are (optionally, on by default) cached to prevent unnecessary API lookups when possible. ## Installation Install the module from PyPI: ```bash python3 -m pip install 2ip ``` ## Methods The following methods are available. ### TwoIP (Initialisation) When initialising the 2ip module the following parameters may be specified: * *Optional* `key`: The API key to use for lookups. If no API key defined the API lookups will use the rate limited free API. ### geo The geographic lookup method accepts the following parameters: * *Required* `ip`: The IP address to lookup. * *Optional* `format` {**json**,xml}: The output format for the request. `json` will return a dict and `xml` will return a string. * *Optional* `force` {True,**False**}: Force an API lookup even if there is a cache entry. * *Optional* `cache` {**True**,False}: Allow the lookup result to be cached. ### provider The provider lookup method accepts the following parameters: * *Required* `ip`: The IP address to lookup. * *Optional* `format` {**json**,xml}: The output format for the request. `json` will return a dict and `xml` will return a string. * *Optional* `force` {True,**False**}: Force an API lookup even if there is a cache entry. * *Optional* `cache` {**True**,False}: Allow the lookup result to be cached. ## Examples Some example scripts are included in the [examples](examples/) directory. ### Provider API Retrieve provider information for the IP address `` as a `dict`: ```python >>> from twoip import TwoIP >>> twoip = TwoIP(key = None) >>> twoip.provider(ip = '') {'ip': '', 'ip_range_end': '3221226239', 'ip_range_start': '3221225984', 'mask': '24', 'name_ripe': 'Reserved AS', 'name_rus': '', 'route': ''} ``` Retrieve provider information for the IP address `` as a XML string: ```python >>> from twoip import TwoIP >>> twoip = TwoIP(key = None) >>> twoip.provider(ip = '', format = 'xml') '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<provider_api><ip></ip><name_ripe>Reserved AS</name_ripe><name_rus></name_rus><ip_range_start>3221225984</ip_range_start><ip_range_end>3221226239</ip_range_end><route></route><mask>24</mask></provider_api>' ``` ### Geographic API Retrieve geographic information for the IP address `` as a `dict`: ```python >>> from twoip import TwoIP >>> twoip = TwoIP(key = None) >>> twoip.geo(ip = '') {'city': 'Mountain view', 'country': 'United states of america', 'country_code': 'US', 'country_rus': 'США', 'country_ua': 'США', 'ip': '', 'latitude': '37.405992', 'longitude': '-122.078515', 'region': 'California', 'region_rus': 'Калифорния', 'region_ua': 'Каліфорнія', 'time_zone': '-08:00', 'zip_code': '94043'} ``` Retrieve geographic information for the IP address `` as a XML string: ```python >>> from twoip import TwoIP >>> twoip = TwoIP(key = None) >>> twoip.geo(ip = '', format = 'xml') '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<geo_api><ip></ip><country_code>US</country_code><country>United states of america</country><country_rus>США</country_rus><country_ua>США</country_ua><region>California</region><region_rus>Калифорния</region_rus><region_ua>Каліфорнія</region_ua><city>Mountain view</city><latitude>37.405992</latitude><longitude>-122.078515</longitude><zip_code>94043</zip_code><time_zone>-08:00</time_zone></geo_api>' ``` ## Roadmap/Todo - [ ] Support for email API - [ ] Support for MAC address API - [ ] Support for hosting API - [x] Option to retrieve data as XML - [ ] Unit tests - [x] Deduplicate handler to retrieve information from API
Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Natural Language :: English, Programming Language :: Python, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
>= 3.6
requests API Client.
Sergey Konakov
Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop, License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License, Operating System :: Unix, Programming Language :: Python, Topic :: Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion
Download:, Homepage:
progressbar2, pymediainfo, sh
Simple utility to convert your video files into mp4s.
# 2PPy (tuProlog in Python) Experimental porting of [2P-Kt]( on Python, via [JPype]( > This is a __work in progress__. 2PPy is not ready for general availability, yet. ## Introduction Object-oriented and modular ecosystem for symbolic AI and logic programming, currently featuring: * a module for logic terms and clauses representation, namely `tuprolog.core`, * a module for logic unification, namely `tuprolog.unify`, * a module for in-memory indexing and storing logic theories, as well as other sorts of collections of logic clauses, namely `tuprolog.theory`, * a module providing generic API for resolution of logic queries, namely `tuprolog.solve`, currently implementing a Prolog solver * two parsing modules: one aimed at parsing terms, namely `tuprolog.core.parsing`, and the other aimed at parsing theories, namely `tuprolog.theory.parsing`, * two serialisation-related modules: one aimed at (de)serialising terms and clauses, namely `tuprolog.core.serialize`, and the other aimed at (de)serialising terms theories, namely `tuprolog.theory.serialize`, * a module for using Prolog via a command-line interface, namely `tuprolog.repl`. ## How to do stuff ### Prerequisites 1. Install Python 3 (look into the `.python-version` to know the exact version) * I suggest using [Pyenv]( to easily handle multiple Python versions on the same machine * Ensure PIP works fine 2. Install Java (JDK preferred), and **ensure the `JAVA_HOME` variable is correctly set** 3. Ensure Java and Python are both either 64bit or 32bit 4. If you have installed some prior development version of 2PPy (e.g. `tuppy` or `tuprolog`), uninstall them via ```bash pip uninstall tuppy tuprolog ``` On __Mac OS__ this may not work as expected. Consider running the following command instead: ```bash python3 -m pip uninstall tuppy tuprolog ``` ### How to develop 2PPy 5. Restore Python dependencies via PIP, by running: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` On __Mac OS__ this may not work as expected. Consider running the following command instead: ```bash python3 -m pip -r requirements.txt ``` 6. Restore JVM dependencies via ``, by running: ```bash ./ ``` Notice that this command requires `curl` and `wget` to be installed on your system (`wget` may be lacking on __Mac OS__ and Windows) ### How to use 2PPy as a library 5. Install 2PPy from Pypi by running: ```bash pip install 2ppy ``` On __Mac OS__ this may not work as expected. Consider running the following command instead: ```bash python3 -m pip install 2ppy ``` 6. Import `tuprolog.*` modules in your Python scripts 7. Profit ### How to use 2PPy as an executable 5. Install 2PPy from Pypi by running: ```bash pip install 2ppy ``` On __Mac OS__ this may not work as expected. Consider running the following command instead: ```bash python3 -m pip install 2ppy ``` 6. Run `tuprolog` module via ```bash python -m tuprolog ``` For the moment, running 2PPy means starting an interactive Python shell with pre-loaded `tuprolog.*` modules. Eventually `python -m tuprolog` will launch a command-line logic solver.
Giovanni Ciatto
Apache 2.0 License
p, r, o, l, o, g, ,, s, y, m, b, o, l, i, c, , a, i, ,, e, c, o, s, y, s, t, e, m, ,, t, u, p, r, o, l, o, g, ,, 2, p, ,, p, y, t, h, o, n
Development Status :: 3 - Alpha, Intended Audience :: Developers, License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License, Programming Language :: Prolog, Programming Language :: Python :: 3, Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8, Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9, Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence, Topic :: Software Development :: Interpreters, Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries
Bug Reports:, Homepage:, Source:
>=3.6, <4
JPype1 (==1.3.0)
Python-based implementation of tuProlog -- the open ecosystem for symbolic AI --, based on 2P-Kt
End of preview.

kfj-pypi Dataset

This dataset contains a collection of PyPI packages scraped from PyPI. The dataset includes metadata about each package, including its name, version, description, author, license, and more. The dataset is intended to be used for research and development in various natural language processing (NLP) applications such as named entity recognition and text classification.


To use this dataset, you can download it from Hugging Face Datasets using the datasets library in Python:

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("KingfernJohn/kfj-pypi-packages-metadata")

This will load the kfj-pypi dataset into a Python variable, which you can then use to access the metadata for each package.


The dataset contains metadata of 161,346 packages, with a total size of 743MB (.zip 304MB).


  • version 0.1


  "name": "",
  "version": "",
  "description": "",
  "author": "",
  "author_email": "",
  "maintainer": "",
  "maintainer_email": "",
  "license": "",
  "keywords": "",
  "classifiers": "",
  "download_url": "",
  "platform": "",
  "homepage": "",
  "project_urls": "",
  "requires_python": "",
  "requires_dist": "",
  "provides_dist": "",
  "obsoletes_dist": "",
  "summary": ""
Downloads last month