Sanity check code:

    tagwiki =
    print(f"Title {tagwiki.title}")
    print(f"Body {tagwiki.body}")
    print(f"Created at {tagwiki.created_at}")
    print(f"Updated at {tagwiki.updated_at}")
    print(f"Is locked {tagwiki.is_locked}")
    print(f"Is deleted {tagwiki.is_deleted}")
    print(f"Other names {tagwiki.other_names}")
    print(f"Tag id {tagwiki.tag_id}")
    print(f"Tag name {Tag.get_by_id(tagwiki.tag_id).name}")

The deleted wiki is not added, and for multiple wiki pages, the only one with newest date + not deleted state is reflected.


KBlueLeaf changed pull request status to merged

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