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Bulbasaur a green frog-like animal with red eyes and a flower bud on the back
Caterpie is a green caterpillar with yellow circles on it side and a red antenna on the head
Voltorb is a pokemon that resembles a pokeball with eyes without the button its red on the top half and white on the bottom one
Electrode is Voltorb evolution that resembles a upside-down pokeball with a mouth and eyes
Exeggcute resemble a group of six pink eggs of which one is cracked exposing some egg yolk
Exeggutor is Exeggcute evolution that looks like a coconut tree with yellow faces on the top
Cubone is a small bipedal dinosaur with a brown body and a lighter colored belly it uses a skull as a helmet and holds a bone
Marowak is Cubone evolution with the same brown body except the belly the skull as a helmet and the bone in its hand
Hitmonlee is one of Tyrogue evolutions it has a ovaloid body with long legs and arms mainly brown with some whiter rings on his arms and legs
Hitmonchan is one of Tyrogue evolutions it has a humanoid body with some pads on his shoulders and is dressed with a tunic and kilt
Lickitung is an amphibian pokemon with a round body and thick tail his tongue is exposed and has the same size as his body
Koffing is a spherical pokemon with a mouth and eyes with a skull and crossbones marking it has several geyser like protrusions which release gas
Metapod is Caterpie evolution that look like a green chrysalis having some segments on its body and a single visible eye
Weezing is Koffing evolution which consists of two spherical heads connected by a thin tube both resembling Koffing
Rhyhorn is a rhinoceros like pokemon with a body covered in rocky plates it has a triangular head with narrow red eyes and a short horn on the tip of its snout
Rhydon is Rhyhorn evolution looks like a gray rhino there are several spikes and projections on its head and there is a row of spikes down its back
Chansey is Happiny evolution it is a pink ovoid with stubby arms and dark pink feet it has tiny eyes and a mouth on its belly there is a white egg on a pouch
Tangela is a plant pokemon covered by blue seaweed-like vines that obscure its face there is a small opening in the vines that reveals its eyes surrounded by a black space
Kangaskhan is a marsupial pokekmon that resembles a kangaroo it has a brown body with some raised patches red eyes and a tiny version of itself on front
Kangaskhan is a marsupial pokekmon that resembles a kangaroo it has a brown body with some raised patches red eyes and a tiny version of itself on front
Horsea is a seahorse like pokemon with red eyes and a long tubular mouth with three spike like fins on either side of its head it also has a fin on the back
Seadra is Horsea evolution looks like a seahorse covered in rough scales it has a long tubular mouth and spiny fins
Goldeen is a white fish with circular blue eyes and pink lips on its forehead is a large horn it also has a wavy fin with a patch of orange
Seaking is Goldeen evolution with a orange and white body large round eyes pink lips and a large horn on the forehead its fins have several black markings
Butterfree is Metapod evolutions it looks like a butterfly with legs hands a nose big red eyes two antenna and huge wings
Mr Mime is Mr Mime Jr evolution looks like a human clown with red balls on its body white gloves and blue shoes
Scyther is a green insect like pokemon with legs arms that end on scythes some blunt horns triangular eyes and wings
Jynx is a humanoid pokemon that resembles a woman it has a purple face pink lips round eyes and a long blonde hair
Electabuzz is a humanoid feline pokemon it has a yellow fur with black stripes and a long tail it has a couple antennas on its head
Magmar is Magby evolution a bipedal pokemon full of flames with a duck face puffy arms round body and a tail with fire on the end
Pinsir is a beetle like pokemon with large spiky horns and a shell body it also has arms and legs
Tauros looks like a bovine with large horns brown fur and three tails it also has three silver dots on its face
Magikarp is a pokemon that looks like a carp with big eyes pink lips two golden fins and a orange tail
Weedle is a larval insect with a segmented body made of spheres with two spherical feet on each segment it has a pink nose and a horn
Gyarados is Magikarp evolution it has a long serpentine scaly body it has a large mouth red triangular eyes a three pointed crest on the head and white fins on the back
Lapras is a aquatic pokemon with a turtle like body having multiple fins and a gray shell a large neck and a round face
Ditto is a light purple blob pokemon it has no defined shape two tiny eyes and a mouth
Eevee is a small fox like pokemon with a bushy tail and a furry collar it has big brown eyes and pointy ears
Vaporeon is Eevee evolution it looks like a aquatic fox with large fins on the ears a split tail fin and a blue body
Jolteon is Eevee evolution it looks like a fox covered with spikes with a yellow body and a white ruff on the neck it has small eyes nose and mouth
Flareon is Eevee evolution it looks like a fox with short red fur a fluffy yellow mane and tail and also a tuft on the top of its head
Kabutops is a insect like pokemon with a skeletal build it has a flat head with two small eyes two legs and two arms which have large white scythes
Aerodactyl is a reptilian pokemon that looks like a pterosaur with some draconic features a gray body and purple wings
Snorlax is a huge bipedal mammalian pokemon with a cream colored face and belly and blue body which is mostly composed of his belly
Articuno is a large avian like pokemon with a blue body a beak circular eyes and it has a blue crest on the forehead
Moltres is a large avian like pokemon with sharp eyes a sharp beak yellow body and flames erupting from its body
Dratini is a reptilian pokemon with a blue serpentine body a white round nose two fins on the ears and a white dot on the forehead
Dragonair is Dratini evolution with a long serpentine body a rounded snout a small white horn on the forehead two little wings on the ears two crystal balls on the tail and one on the neck
Dragonite is Dragonair evolution it resembles a small round dragon with a round snout two green wings a couple of antennas and a small horn on the top of the head
Beedril is Kakuna evolution it resembles a bee with four stingers on its side and a large one on the abdomen
Beedril is Kakuna evolution it resembles a bee with four stingers on its side and a large one on the abdomen
Mewtwo is a humanoid pokemon with a white body it has a purple tail blue eyes and sharp ears
Mewtwo is a humanoid pokemon with a white body it has a purple tail blue eyes and sharp ears
Mew is a small pokemon with mammalian features it has a wide snout triangular ears and wide blue eyes it also has a long tail it is purple
Chikorita is a small quadrupedal pokemon with green spikes around its neck and a huge leaf on the top of its head
Bayleaf if Chikorita evolution it is a medium sized quadrupedal with a long neck that has sprouts all around a large sharp leaf on the forehead and red eyes
Meganium is Bayleaf evolution it is a large dinosaur like pokemon with flower petals around the neck two yellow antennas and a green body
Cyndaquil is a small mammalian pokemon with tiny arms a rounded head a pointy snout and flames in the back
Quilava is Cyndaquil evolution a long quadrupedal pokemon with a slender body it has flames on the back and on the top of its head it has sharp ears and eyes
Typhlosion is Quilava evolution it has a large bulky triangular body with a rounded snout a big mouth and flames erupting from its neck
Totodile is a crocodile like pokemon with well developed jaws two tiny arms and legs red eyes and red spikes on the back
Croconaw is Totodile evolution it resembles a bigger crocodile with two arms and legs some fangs erupting from the mouth and big red spikes from the top of the head to the back
Pidgey is a small bird pokemon with brown and cream colored feathers a small beak and sharp eyes
Feraligatr is Croconaw evolution it resembles a large crocodile with blue scales on the body it has a large jaw and red spikes on the head back and tail
Sentret is a small mammalian pokemon covered in brown fur with a white circle on its belly it has a large striped tail it has wide arms and big ears
Furret is Sentret evolution it resembles a ferret with a long and slim body with rings a round face and sharp ears
Hoothoot is an owl like pokemon with huge red eyes short wings on the side of the body black rims on its eyes and two black antennae
Noctowl is Hoothoot evolution it looks like an owl with brown wings a small beak sharp eyes and a bush above its eyes
Ledyba is a pokemon that resembles a ladybug with six arms two round eyes and a pair of antennae it has a red body with black dots
Ledian is Ledyba evolution it resembles a ladybug with some humanoid features it has a round torso four arms and two legs ovaloid eyes a pair of wings and antennae
Crobat is Golbat evolution it resembles a bat it has two pairs of wings one higher and one lower a triangular mouth yellow eyes with red iris and sharp ears
Pidgeotto is Pidgey evolution it resembles a raptor it has a crest of red feathers on its head a small beak black eyes two wings on the side of the body and a colorful tail
Chinchou is a small pokemon with a round blue body large yellow eyes with pupils shaped like plus signs two fins on the side of the body and two antennae originating from the back with yellow teardrops on the end
Lanturn is Chinchou evolution it resembles an angelfish with a rounded body a yellow mask around the red eyes two fins a bifurcating antennae and a big dorsal fin
Pichu is a small rodent pokemon with a small torso two tiny arms and legs a round head with large triangular ears two pink circles on the cheek and a black tail
Cleffa is a small pink round pokemon with stubby arms and legs two brown triangular ears and a little curl on the forehead
Igglybuff is a small pink round pokemon with stubby arms and legs round red eyes and a tuft of hair on the top of the head
Togepi is a pokemon with a egg shaped body that is still encased on its eggshell stubby arms and legs and conical spikes in its head
Togetic is Togepi evolution it has a round torso a large neck two arms and legs a pair of wings on the back and some rounded spikes on the head
Natu is a pokemon shaped like a ball that resembles a bird it has two tiny wings an ovaloid beak and red feathers on the tail and the top of the head
Xatu is Natu evolution it has a round head with a yellow beak wings with some drawings and two feet
Mareep is a pokemon that resembles a sheep with blue face and legs cream wool that covers its entire body a curly tuft on the head it has conical ears with strips as well as a stripped tail with a bulb on the end
Pidgeot is Pidgeotto evolution it resembles a large eagle with colored feathers on its head tail and wings sharp red eyes and a short beak
Pidgeot is Pidgeotto evolution it resembles a large eagle it has a crest on the head with yellow and red feathers a red tail two large wings small feet and a short beak
Flaaffy is Mareep evolution it resembles a sheep standing on its back feet it has a pink body white fluff around the neck and on the top of the head conical striped ears and a striped tail with a blue ball on the end
Ampharos is Flaaffy evolution it has a yellow body with a white circle on the middle it has long white hair with a red ball on the forehead and a white tail with red balls on it
Ampharos is Flaaffy evolution it has a yellow body with a white circle on the middle it has a red ball on the forehead and on the end of its tail it has conical striped ears
Bellossom if Gloom evolution it is a humanoid pokemon with two arms two blue round eyes two big flowers on its head and a skirt made of leaves
Marill is a blue round pokemon it has stubby arms and legs round eyes large mouse like ears and a thin tail with a blue ball at the end
Azumarill is Marill evolution it has a ovaloid body being blue on the top and white on the bottom large bunny ears round eyes and a thin tail with a blue ball on the end
Sudowoodo is a pokemon that resembles a tree it has a long wood body two twig arms with leaves bundled as balls on the end two eyes and a smile
Politoed is a pokemon that resembles a frog it has a green body with a yellow swirl on the belly it has two arms and legs round eyes two pink dots on the cheeks and an antenna on the back of the head
Hoppip is a pink round pokemon it has stubby arms and legs yellow eyes conical ears and two leaves on the top of is head
Skiploom is Hoppip evolution it is a green round pokemon with stubby arms and legs two large flat ears red eyes and a flower on the top of the head
Jumpluff is Skiploom evolution it is a blue round pokemon with stubby legs and three cotton puffs extending from its body
Rattata is a pokemon that resembles a rat with a purple body a tail with a curl on the end red eyes and sharp ears it has large front teeth
Aipom is a pokemon that resembles a monkey with a purple body two arms and legs and a tail with a hand-like ball on the end
Sunkern is a small round pokemon with big round eyes and a mouth it has triangular protrusions on the top of its head and a sprout growing on its top
Sunflora is Sunkern evolution it resembles a sunflower it has a green body with two legs and two leaves as arms its head is a large yellow sunflower with eyes and a mouth
Yanma is a pokemon that resembles a dragonfly it has a long slim body two pairs of wings six legs a green round head with orange spikes on the top of its head
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