  - question-answering
  - token-classification
  - en

Metaphors and analogies datasets

These datasets contain word pairs and quadruples forming analogies, metaphoric mapping or sematically unacceptable compositions.

  • Pair instances are pairs of nouns A and B in a sentence of the form "A is a B".

  • Quadruple instances are of the form : < (A,B),(C,D) > There is an analogy when A is to B what C is to D. The analogy is also a metaphor when the (A,B) and (C,D) form a metaphoric mapping, usually when they come from different domains.

Dataset Description

  • Homepage:
  • Repository:
  • Paper:
  • Leaderboard:
  • Point of Contact:

Language : English

Datasets and paper links

Name Size Labels Description
Cardillo 260 *2 1, 2 Pairs of "A is-a B" sentences composed of one metaphoric and one literal sentence. The two sentences of a given pair share the same B term.
Jankowiak 120*3 0, 1, 2 Triples of "A is-a/is-like-a B" sentences with exactly one literal, one semantic abnormal and one metaphoric sentence.
Green 40*3 0, 1, 2 Triples of proportional analogies, made of 4 terms <A, B, Ci, Di> each. One stem <A,B> is composed with 3 different <Ci,Di> pairs, to form exaclty one near analogy, one far analogy and one non analogic quadruple
Kmiecik 720 0, 1, 2 Quadruples <A,B,C,D> labelled as analogy:True/False and far_analogy: True/False
SAT-met 160?*5 0, 1, 2, 12 One pair stem <A,B> to combine with 5 different pairs <Ci,Di> and attempt to form proportional analogies. Only one <Ci,Di> forms an analogy with <A,B> We additionally labelled the analogies as metaphoric:True/False
Name Paper Citation Paper link Dataset link
Cardillo Cardillo (2010) Cardillo (2017)
Jankowiak Jankowiak (2020)
Green Green, A. E., Kraemer, D. J. M., Fugelsang, J., Gray, J. R., & Dunbar, K. (2010). Connecting Long Distance: Semantic Distance in Analogical Reasoning Modulates Frontopolar Cortex Activity. Cerebral Cortex, 10, 70-76. Green (20)
Kmiecik Kmiecik, M. J., Brisson, R. J., & Morrison, R. G. (2019). The time course of semantic and relational processing during verbal analogical reasoning. Brain and Cognition, 129, 25-34. Kmiecik (20)
SAT-met Turney (2005)

Labels :

  • Pairs

    • 0 : anomaly
    • 1 : literal
    • 2 : metaphor
  • Quadruples :

    • 0 : not an analogy
    • 1 : an analogy but not a metaphor
    • 2 : an analogy and a metaphor or a far analogy
    • 12 : maybe a metaphor, somewhere between 1 and 2

Dataset Splits

  • Both lexical and random splits are available for classification experiments.

    • Size of the splits :

      • train : 50 %
      • validation : 10 %
      • test : 40 %
  • Additionally, for all datasets, the 5-folds field gives frozen splits for a five-folds cross validation experiment with train/val/test = 70/10/20% of the sets.

Datasets for Classification

  • Task : binary classification or 3-classes classification of pairs or quadruples. Each pair or quadruple is to classify between anomaly, non-metaphoric and metaphoric.


Datasets names & splits :

Original set Dataset name Split
Cardillo Pairs_Cardillo_random_split random
Pairs_Cardillo_lexical_split lexical
Jankowiac Pairs_Jankowiac_random_split random
Pairs_Jankowiac_lexical_split lexical

Data fields :

Field Description Type
corpus name of the orgiginal dataset str
id instance id str
set_id id of the set containing the given instance in the multiple choice task int
label 0, 1, 2 int
sentence A is-a B sentence. str
A A expression in the sentence str
B B expression in the sentence str
A_position position of A in the sentence list(int)
B_position position of B in the sentence list(int)
5-folds frozen splits for cross validation list(str)

Examples :

Name Example Label


Datasets names & splits

Original set dataset name Split
Green Quadruples_Green_random_split random
Quadruples_Green_lexical_split lexical
Kmiecik Quadruples_Kmiecik_random_split random
Quadruples_Kmiecik_lexical_split_on_AB lexical AB
Quadruples_Kmiecik_lexical_split_on_CD lexical CD
SAT Quadruples_SAT_random_split random
Quadruples_SAT_lexical_split lexical

Data fields :

Field Description Type
corpus Name of the orgiginal dataset str
id Element id str
set_id Id of the set containing the given instance in the multiple-choice task datasets int
label 0, 1, 2, 12 int
AB pair of terms list(str)
CD pair of terms list(str)
5-folds frozen splits for cross validation list(str)

Examples :

Name Example Label

Datasets for multiple choice questions or permutation

  • Task : One stem and multiple choices. The stem and its possible combinations are to be combined to form a sentence. The resulting sentence has a label <0,1,2>.


Datasets names & splits :

Original set dataset name Split
Cardillo Pairs_Cardillo_set test only
Jankowiac Pairs_Jankowiac_set test only

Data fields :

| Field | Description | Type | | -------------: | :------------ | :------------ | | corpus | Name of the orgiginal dataset | str | | id | Element id | str | | pair_ids | Ids of each pair as appearing in the classification datasets. | list(str) | | labels | 0, 1, 2 | list(int) | | sentences | List of the sentences composing the set | list(str) | | A_positions | Positions of the A's in each sentence | list(list(int)) | | B_positions | Positions of the B's in each sentence | list(list(int)) | | answer | Index of the metaphor | int | | stem | Term shared between the sentences of the set. | str | | 5-folds | frozen splits for cross validation | list(str) |

Examples :

Name Stem Sentences Label
Cardillo comet The astronomer's obssession was a comet. 1
The politician's career was a comet. 2
Jankoviac harbour This banana is like a harbour 0
A house is a harbour 2
This area is a harbour 1


Datasets names & splits :

Original set dataset name Split
Green Quadruples_Green_set test only
SAT Quadruples_SAT_met_set test only

Data fields :

Field Description Type
corpus name of the orgiginal dataset str
id Element id str
pair_ids Ids of the instances as appearing in the clasification datasets list(str)
labels 0, 1, 2, 12 list(int)
answer temp int
stem Word pair to compose with all the other pairs of the set list(str)
pairs List of word pairs list(list(str))
5-folds Frozen splits for cross validation list(str)

Examples :

Name Example Label