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hate people
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guys dont know jack shit cars really care wondering sake
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saw spider scared initial reaction saying fuck asshole dont know thats better worse last reaction spider fuck shit penis cock
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push boyfried awayi greatest boyfriend weve together half years taught better help myself recent years ive become mentally unstable anxiety eats like disease depression anger insurmountable times weve fought bit cant understand im unreasonable time ive gotten antidepressants since october occasionally ill get massive bouts anger stupidest things example going take laundry get done got upset able spend saturday together escalated fight lots insults slung primarily me cooled still frustrated sick it argued left close door fucking lost it want to did anger boiled took anything near threw door things broke heard opened door screamed fuck problem called psycho said know hell even come back person take much im fearing ive lost him fear causes shit pushes farther away awful person know that want over cant deal unpredictability anymore want end know way want suffer attached anymore want end give peace
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likely dead new yearssooo im sick trying get existence depressed almost years struggling anxiety social phobia least years last year great healthy person finally got boyfriend lot activities people consider fun nothing sad life mood kind ok mostly apathy went really downhill autumn tried jump building block least times enough fucking balls it got locked mental hospital weeks suicidal thoughts much handle got prescribed new antidepressants work last weeks started find interacting people cringe hard tired it instead partying year im going get lot alcohol hopefully drugs go bench far away fuckers fun living happy life blast music hopefully get fucked courage jump fucking ugly ass building want keep fighting waiting get better people telling it gets better trust me not living like fighting like lying ground beating raping bottle ing survive make follow up hope dont
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suck replying people much like said cant come say feel like might well say nothing bc dont wanna wrong thing
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personally find idea one testicle extremely funny hilarious even like person anywhere one testicle
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school help im really strapped time anyone help two five paragraph essays need turned next hour
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wikipedia article day chicken gun largediameter compressedair cannon used fire dead chickens aircraft components order simulate highspeed bird strikes aircrafts flight jet engines aircraft windshields particularly vulnerable damage strikes common target tests whole dead standardsize chickens would used cooking thought accurately simulate large live bird striking plane flight aircraft component tested engine windshield etc fixed place test stand cannon fires chicken it chicken gun first used mids de havilland aircraft hatfield hertfordshire chickens killed local farm shortly use another early use chicken gun royal aeronautical aircraft establishment rae farnborough hampshire s goodyear aerospace litchfield park arizona used gun ceramic diaphragm seal compressed air back guns barrel fire gun needle struck ruptured diaphragm allowing compressed air drive chicken in containera cylindrical cardboard ice cream carton barrel muzzle metal ring stopped carton allowed chicken pass through cameras recorded collision united states air force commissioned aedc ballistic range s test airplane canopies began operating the gun later used test aircraft parts leading edges wings development boeing s cockpit windows subjected chicken test an anesthetized pound kg chicken loaded pneumatic gun fired knots mph kmh headonit described a messy test
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relationship multiple people polyamorous relationship wv cade j cade main focus currently using actual name hes ok it currently lying bed j cade alone separate house pm call check already sleeping issues j asleep point worried cade suicide attempts none since hes close calls tho bad feeling know mean much still fucking love much means world drug self harm problems worrying really bad may make panic scared worried lover
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fuck youfuck yoy fuck whats point anymore
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normalize calling guys sis queen girls bro dude day got flamed friends calling girl friend dude fucking matter call bro bro dude used guys
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want christmas gun end suffering withim failure adult dependent abusive mother least end year move ever go back help would love see fail ive never much social life friends online somehow manage disappoint everytime one friend recently brain tumor removed worried him came back today made best effort focus making happy didnt act depressed didnt show depression didnt make anything me even played game usually hate refuse to along friends simply pointed group people trolls likely attack us lagging behind group didnt know really trying ended making pissed me tried lie think medication whatever didnt rest them me even made point tell reason rarely play game simply dislike it despite fact made complaint today actually tried thats one example many feel like failure matter hard try people around hate me mother father left favors new children more people used think friends using laugh older cousin raping numerous times pile shit it hate much want die almost daily minor panic attacks thinking failure nothing way changing it cant therapy get medications cant go make new friends small town kids hated public school better them good kid teachers liked point bullying got bad taken school cut myself usually deep notice it chest faint scars look close enough ive always fond letting aggressive cats ive sometimes come contact damage me mean cat scratches lie works best cat scratches girlfriend tried hard for seems despise too dont know why opinion pretty negative told me shes basically insisted child knows nothing real world etc etc despite fact shes made major mistakes lied them shes never found someone accepting gender fluidity me despite fact sometimes stressful sexually wants things bring back bad memories id willing make happy live everyone know hates me cant stand me thinks im joke girlfriend talked badly behind back friends assumed depression attention grab id like blow brains out really would tried strangle belt lost consciousness guess released belt woke hours later tried od dry texture pills made vomit chance digest dont nerve cut deep enough hit artery legitimately want die gun id it dont try burden try be try make everyone else feel good need support basically fuck me hate much think badly me shouldnt problem isnt thats selfish me making deal someone hate wonder even stays loves me want responsible consequences taking last bit live away sleep late trying avoid awake sleep closest thing release right now took benadryl try heighten mood makes calm risk alcoholism time access beverages sort ive tried weed nothing me cant even find relief substances anymore used think okay lonely life style id outdo everyone id fucking win theyd working fucking target id nurse id one good apartment flat screen tv decent car nice clothes didnt need anyone anything id show im failure am burden want die dont want people tell to wish theyd guts tell like know want to stop pretending dont want myself would kill could quickly yes could change situation would really would id like to cant even go take walk fucking walk wish people talk want talk like me pity feeling responsible me see sort redeeming quality thats even worth it dont that im sorry
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lmao im older im probably gonna make lot money scamming tourists selling junk food double price buying corner store touristic area one perks super touristic area never understand many people come there
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think really existnothing feels real ever cant remember feeling like real person like actually exist people ignore listen forget time disposable extra peoples lives existing convenient times them like im fading away world even cutting feels like anything anymore im nonexistent see point living is fake im real getting worse going keep getting worse
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sam firstenbergs ninja the domination mixes martial arts the exorcist like horrorthe horror elements thrown screen simply laughablebut film works mindless actionmartial arts flickthe fight scenes wellchoreographed excitingand film never boringso forget stupid dialoguelame acting annoying soundtrackgrab beer check one outhighly recommended
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agree mr caruso jr lanzas finest voice god offer could found courage go broke leave hollywood head opera could american caruso everyone says could case fantastic introduction art form bones thats way gonna it see film see mr lanza still come discussion even house someone says pavarotti say mario lanzaas film dvd must restored vhs good enough also lanza film put dvd others right bad boring
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year diei keep saying im suicidal im fucking lying im suicidal point ive lost empathy keep living fantasize badly hurt family friends left go im virtually selfdestructing sociopath point whats point trying save im far gone ampxb finally therapist validates ive able trust bullying well sexual abuse suffered kid well urges physically sexually assault everyone around me isolate much possible ampxb im delirious madman shallow husk person wanted rather monster now ampxb lots probably depressed think shitty person chances think hundreds ways murder rape people like do daily im fucking alienated think people hate people even feel like im person anymore depraved ghoul becoming like day ampxb situation life capable getting better all terminal downwards spiral getting worse worse insanity ampxb still faint sense hope want snuff last embers light already light goddamn illusion embracing oblivion thing thats real exist game selfdelusion cant tolerate life anymore fact life even exists begin tragic mistake ampxb last remnant good person let become complete piece shit wants kill hurt anyone outside remaining friends family
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idealists dreamers hardly ever good livesto survive society need focus ass moment realisation counted becoming adult accept society never going choose kindness selfishness stfu well cant deal it want jump _breed another slave feel fulfilled live_ bandwagon either hope left
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full surprises beautiful cruel times like life itself leaves one asking more best parts course action scenes chases really wonder much work guys put making scenes whale chases polar bear hunts etc wonderful experience missed anyone dives surfs goes beach while music enticing narration superb extremely well paced definitively one best documentaries ever made worth less respectable for kind footage cruel might recommended people weak stomachs every killer whale footage cruel
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escapei seriously cant stand experiencing this cant take anymore break give death know do really see redflag something inevitable
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long time always thought something wrong bc voice head never shuts up constant thing want take meds bc want feel crazy tell crazy want feel way anymore amp feel alone even not struggling
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change da world final message goodbye gn homies imma sleep
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coronavirus day coronavirus test officially came positive struggling breathe day congestion head nose felt stuffy head feels heavy still cant smell anything
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sleeping deathi spend time sleeping hours day makes feel sick home sleep car park
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killing tomorrowim serious it way make life better point
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many people seen using obama username also hail obama prism want to to
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parents fuck honestly want end
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state sub discovered subreddit thought going good teenager related posts boy wrong recently noticed many posts like i asked best friend i told crush like her yeah might true surely tiring seeing thing again yeah wanted share this
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virtual hug checkpoint please stop scrolling sends virtual hug ok thanks stopping by may keep scrolling now
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years enoughive living like far long fight thoughts every day ive tried everything im tired im sorry m
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movie absolutely perfect way explain good movie is movie children parents timeless saw movie oceans eleven must admit actors oe class advance play klatretsen much downtoearth moving say oceans eleven fact movies many things common klatretsen good bear comparison oe youngsters play part perfect way believe compared used denmark different cases impossible acts handled way belive many young actors and sometimes even old boys story things common oceans eleven except reason stealing money klatretsen need climb strongroom part young people take care idas younger brother gives fine element movie try imagine rob bank year child nappy arm br br this movie bear comparison grown up movie like mi oceans eleven yes believe good best see theater children room comments movie comments stay hearts forever br br regards klavs
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numb nothing live might goodbyeif button press would instantly end life wouldve pressed years ago ive come realization life never get better never weight want never medication never find someone love me never father didnt molest me never mother dont resentment towards never choice past make choice future one trying come best ways happen shotgun would traumatic around me hanging debating carbon monoxide moms coworker recently ended successfully tips
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feeling suicidal stop playing safecurrently unemployed married going years together kids dogs cat ongoing depression anxiety job search feeling pretty worthless ive thinking ending all read skimmed post sub someone said paraphrasing have ever dated guy want know like got thinking ive trying live life based messing existing life trying get back somewhere around was maybe right approach mean really thinking killing myself got lose completely crazy would even opportunity live much fear time wish would go away
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toilet seats designed women dont wanna say huge dick realised theres space toilet bowl thats kinda annoying especially theres toilet paper take dump
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takes get adjusted sound sons pioneers thoroughly enjoy it soundtrack would played orchestra like max steiner dmitri tiomkin would lose folkloric character music conducts film everything seems follow rhythm whole cast excellent ben johnson harry carey jr young men guiding caravan ward bond mormon leader joanne dru flirting actress ford able make would ordinary western something totally different original showing us music dances all people
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first year reddit over th november exact already say thanks making first year reddit great ive laughed ive pressed f pay respect ive done sorts stuff first year great thank guys making phenomenal
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kinda wish able say reason head saying anything disrespect punished want yo fuvking
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goddamn motherfucking damn im still person years think ill end for legal reasons thats joke prolly idk well see
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trust high placesi dont know me doesnt matter feel moment look balcony feel big urge like jump down live th floor intentionally rush back cant trust staying trying jump so like see knife urge stab dont make sure never follow urges
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dont want family friends knowyou ever think leaving note says something along lines love thank everything turning next page life say im abonding technology electronics living hippie while deed hidden everywhere truly boonies way family avoid heartbreak redflag
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hard times covid quarantine lots people probably struggling depression im tell go outside hang people go hobbies play sports make sure safe virus tho depression killed many people covid ever will find something rather feeling sad
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switches bi ppl domsub world im double bi
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freaking years old therapist need asking brushed fking teefersi want know felt ask want know intricate detail emotions going head asked thati mean put position client oral hygiene practice due never something reinforced child going head get ready ask questioni want ask brushing teeth twinge insecurity words say want put much pressure client maybe make cutsie sound quite badly maybe feel like treating like child essentially is grown manchild brush teeth maybe sneak slight dig motivate morethose immediate thoughts come mind yet use word teefers time later session attempt compliment deep discussions usually thinks very smart yeah one things like other one things belong let us realistic
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get work hours im donemy shift work ends hours im thinking driving car bridge nothing helping pain im trying hard nothing coming it im failure nobody understands whats happening nobody fix whats happening feels like never going change nothing live anymore guess im reaching help last time anyone really got past this abused family members growing up past years recently gotten worse last months absolute hell im has anyone gotten passed this please help me feel like choice
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instagram youtube completely reddtified created instagram account month ago bunch friends forced to deleted account yesterday everywhere go felt like reddit content stolen reddit make hiveminds similar reddit youtube destroyed text speech voice bot channels read raskreddit meme subs also blame youtubers jump reddit content anything else feels reddit shit people like destroyed good apps serve purpose anymore makes hate reddit hivemind even ever before
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happy scared math finals make board game math questions
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careful say reddit account tracked contactedeven hypothetical questionsscenarios talk about take advice especially youre using certain wifi service
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uzak turkish film shown us distantbr br was directed produced written filmed nuri bilgebr br ceylanbr br this movie gritty somber version clash city mouse mahmut played muzaffer zdemir country mouse yusuf played emin toprak br br both men superb actors plot allows demonstrate acting skill tragically emin toprak died automobile accident shortly movie completedbr br in country cousincity cousin tales contrast rural urban life styles portrayed humorous fashion film theres little humor even warmth menbr br have lost touch human society mahmut s work abr br commercial photographer tile company gives satisfaction divorced woman clearlybr br still loves satisfying human relationshipsbr br mahmut lost job factory closing small town skills energy find work city human interactions primarily confined silent observations people cross path hes clearly warm caring person cant express qualities urban environmentbr br the cousins relate well world relate well other neither makes effort act way would provide opportunity bonding closeness br br in sense film portrays opportunity wasted br br conceivably cousin could provided least part lacking others life instead steer parallel unhappy courses two men distant throughout situation suggested films titlebr br one friends mentioned masterful way ceylan builds detail upon detail details ultimately tell us characters might learned simple expositionbr br uzak shown part rochester labor film series labor film traditional sense genre labor film demonstrates harmful effects unsatisfying work mahmut unemployment yusufbr br this quiet absorbing dark film although make happy viewing walked thebr br theater realizing seen truly creative andbr br important movie film worth finding seeing
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hey thing keeping alive possibility study abroadi fucking feel guilty raped fingering count rape saying count rape sitting crying making finish could leave count rape still feel like thats fault fault fault went dorm stayed even though didnt want to thought id help get francisco made everything much worse hate making decision hate saying nothing nothing hate look hate feel hate body soul heart im ugly twisted little thing thats limping around hurt cant get fact theres nobody else blame cant blame him stupid didnt know doing cant blame world fuck world even define that cant blame francisco even wasnt that bad least told truth sometimes terrible gross disgusting rest world im waste space contribute nothing take everything dont give anything return parents barely call mom never say love her ask ask ask dad things never give anything back literally definition excess waste nothing important act like deserve important voice head thats disillusioned positive fuck think is
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vertical diagonalcurrently contemplating failed three times since oct last year dont want fail seem like attention seeking cunt fourth time
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need fucking meds pleaseive meds week abruptly sertralinezoloft doctor fucking sucks didnt let refill pharmacys responding genuinely want kill ive never felt fucking horrible idk actually get medication father offered go driving considered crashing fucking car im back mothers house fucking hates dont know fuck anymore havent able stop crying minutes time cant fucking fucking cant need access meds im going fucking die
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friend f want friends people talk to idrk make reddit drop ur socials dm whatever u
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im dying hour please help life storyhello people im reaching anybody help way can please bare naivety usually reach people all let alone online ampxb try summarise hellishness life short simple possible hopefully relate extent help me im year old guy depression anxiety stress diagnosed extremely severe mental illness started father committed redflag years ago continuously gotten worse past years left school full time graphic designer great stayed job year months ago attempted redflag abandoned job incredibly lucky age boss treated better anyone else life past months ive absolutely nothing life waking find listening sad music annoyed nothing do simultaneously lacking motivation get new job meet new people im currently medication anxiety depression enough always find trance lost suicidal thoughts always wonder would like side better worse nothing everything extremely luring im naturally curious person kinds ideas take drugs like lsd mdma pretty often now take hopes one time may find see dad went years maybe find reason live ive heard people profound experiences finding need life theyre drugs right currently mdma pills plan take finally guts take life plunge death shopping centre carpark mainly hoping drugs give guts jump is somebody please help me currently live state fearing living dying feel like time running out ampxb
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im failurethis probably going long ass post explaining background story ill start now was part straight student throughout th th th th grade always work time even got award never missing day school th th grade then start th grade well felt classes bit difficult slipping little bit first time ive two cs report card first semester rest year fine stepped gpa end year year th grade schedule classes completely changed moved alternating schedules x block schedule basically classes every day except wednesday thursday wednesday first classes thursday classes mildly disturbed felt fine then started noticing missing assignments sometimes since alternating schedule always least day work things new schedule work could due next day started slip f c two bs two as a whole spectrum grades started get sloppy without enough sleep week vacation right weeks winter break ive missed much class everything kind collapsed me point talents lifting fighting im even strong bench less bodyweight since break gained lbs now bench rep max pretty weak know another contributing factor years ago th grade made friend online got pretty close spoke every day turning pretty good friends plans meet irl college then one day blue said was a sad person people pity pretty confused kept telling creep never contact again blocked speak recently messaged unblocked me said quote look boyfriend go watch porn cry loneliness obviously closure ill tell one last time ever want speak again kind blocked point brushed off started thinking though sad excuse human being always pretty correct guessing going life could tell me im thinking ive wasting life antisocial behavior couldve fun spending time better friends fun leads now tonight cried first time year curled fetal position cried half hour got came post sob story try get people care me cant tell parents theyd flip really feel throwing bridge one best options oding oxycodone ive never given anything full dedication also lose pieces win chess right im pawn game might well go waste create opening people use death justify things wrong education system us live aspen colorado hopefully ill throw terrellwade bridge tomorrow feet seconds freefall acceleration mph go splat river rocks it dont ill edit post say otherwise
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excited might care wanted share first language english finally years learning language going take advanced c english proficiency exam day tomorrow excited nervous cant sleep can guys please calm down thank you
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eventually danny decided try sleep left gramps wine kitchen threw away things written left brothers cigarettes back found them headed bed slowly stumbled kitchen silently walked past cats sleeping table chairs gently opened door room let fall bed soon head hit pillow memories come back fears haunted again ok hell able forget everything tomorrow anyway im bored balls hurt guys
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person loved world died years ago still feel acute grief looks like redflag might answeri loved much still cry hysterically every single day listen voicemails cannot take fact gone never ever get this want die much pain it cant face life without anymore
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nothing mom totally crying ya know ampxb httpspreviewredditrlvveabpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsafcecadede
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yall ever look someone like wonder fuck someone perfect got someone like you cuz dude wtf gf deserves wayyyyy
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thanks grandma cool grandma reminded stupid childhood trauma severely messed cant stop suicidal thoughts ill fine need help someone talk to know im coward commit anything
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ew making post like makes feel sickim coming back hopefully one last time reorganize plans give little ultimatum see theres place here job carrier wack give shit dreams goals none care family average bad important friendships really big deal care care care matter do want keep dignity struggle live struggling better dead thats really living im going waste time trying fix things better really care main idealistic goal would stay absolute isolation eternity away everything everyone else erasing bad memories life able whatever want terms interests games stuff watch suff cook plants care for books exerciseimagine little paradisemansion could whatever want truth im detached reality like it like world things ive gone many times already even feel bad anymore ive realized many things mostly peace gonna go uni year guess felt got approved nothing ok thought get actually checking grades see stood nothing aw chose subject go for care chose agronomy mostcompatible me actually thing thought im gonna see plants guess cool care career dream job whatever dont year first sexual experience grindr hookup guess realized im kind person sleep around enjoy themselves mad that im happy realized longer obsessed sex also reflected realized reeaally enjoy human men much enjoy furry porn real people boring kinda suck true path would relationshipbut probably not since care enough relationship kinda least care life certain degree ground reality whatever im also gonna drwaing course year really care it signed something mild curiosity even like drawing tried learn realized really want put work although like art imagination rich many concepts characters little fantasy worldi really want draw whole you never stop learning thing makes hurl translates oh start bad still draw interested even tho itll look bad even years itll still look bad you wow pathetic one admired artists draws porn literally said get quality porn imagine someone anyone could possibly enjoy drawing process admire determination imagine horny invest time effort making good porn so overall care im fit reality like it like environment countryhot garbage id rather born fucking nigeria die aids newborn family history like it want bother try therapy fix myself even though broken damaged believe therapy really want try getting brainwashed womanman late s whos listening theyve paid so mention annoyance would asking family put therapy yeah im mood open everyone say give shit plan offing eventually thatd annoying really really really care keeps going daytoday mindset little goals stablish always involve entertainment sources creative work whim games books anime series gardening cooking random shit like making clay sculpture learning make winecider myself stealthly fun little occult artistic moment looking goetic rituals making summoning circles summon spirits haha didnt work out still huge circle tho pretty also collect incense plan buying occult shit now bought little dragon statuette hes cute also tarot deck pretty cards guess im charlatantype real magician thats ok like writing little story imagination gave tho realized really make whole thing got bored writing boring fit fully express imagination stories orwhatever random stuff end care entertainment satisfaction obeying whims random desires things really care anything anyone else im going try struggle better life better me decades eventually die either way dont want go adult life mean ill forced annoying job take time away ill live boring days away annoyed things like taxes robberies scams whatever meanwhile family annoying like always itll get worse worse die whatever ill eventually die heart attack stroke cancer like everyone suffer horribly till im gone rot away nothingness wow load bs ampxb solution that ill continue days following perfect daytoday philosophy keep calm stable angry things get upset easily think suppose maybe whatever goals stablished dayweek ill uni guess want see like agronomy thing andi really choice it gonna bother getting job even though feel liiiiiiiiiiitttle bad still living parents brasil us like theyre mad gonna kick something stay im uni im really gonna bother job regardless want eventually kill anyways need care that ill make money buying weed selling brownies something know get cheap weed guy worry im done using weed myself make easy cash thats sure anyway yeah ill live philosophy uni drawing course months one meanwhile ill list things actually list already existant tobereleased games well seriesmoviesetc consume entertainment play watch follow interests entertainment sources whatever feel like doing eventually ill run things do hopefully probably uni ends ill end uni times high telephone tower close old school feels weird say old since last year still ni easy place get ever gate easily climbed theres nothing impeding someone climbing tower ill gather courage hopefully dont chicken out really must otherwise ill get fucked climb one day jump really different dying stroke heart attack cancer whatever painful less sufferingduration actually get decide die random unhappy surprise like boom stroke doesnt matter healthy still got bad luck really bad luck too used feel like god get true god doenst really give shit bad luck brain damage hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhaha anyway yeah thats idea want go terms keep dignity matter stick something right one likes quitter certainly not things disdain pathetic people struggling fail give cry it get also annoy me seems theyre really shit like if fall get back up mentality fucking overused really hate interpretation life a series falls supposed true definition life id rather shot right fucking disgusting pathetic view guess alright mess sometimes live constantly failing miserably thats pathetic get grip buddy something wrong fall get once alright fall many times look buddy covered mud yeah get up get go home wash yourself stay there weird metaphor right im trying say really feel like ruining mental stability conquered experience mindset trying fix myself imagine fucking work do end one help me people cant help others end comes yourself want help yourself dont im already helping plan got bored writnig this stop around here hope get replies even doesnt really matter anyone says say much support really care much people posts internet were dettached like attention ampxb ampxb
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wish id itfor every day passes wish die gets intense magic insta kill pill now im sure id say no guts it im afraid regret anything drastic thats constantly wish ill die suddenly unexpected control id contempt that every time go sleep hope wake up passing away dreaming dream life would great could make problems go away but everyone knows life simple want die want face problems life going nowhere im bad person every waking moment im distracting reddit video games wishing dead hate much wish never existed want live life anymore fucking terrible im sorry family know much longer ill keep putting off eventually hope ill it absolutely enough cant distract longer want bad
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creeping backhi there havent visited sub quite time felt like better guess wrong felt pretty ok months now creeping back me longer afford antidepressants seems like things getting bad again cant shake feeling cant get back im sure do im extremely apathetic exhausted today im trying remain focused work feel like walking running car tree feel bad post guess needed place vent sorry
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rating cokes cokes allowed interested pepsi
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gameinformer magazines actual games stacked like inches tall
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must play something contrarian reviews ab tak chappan extremely notredflag mine notredflag slightly equivalent c letter grade mebr br it seems lot praise rooted two factors one ab tak chappan realistic typical bollywood film two trying things differentlybr br the first point care less about im looking realism films score higher film shows story characters closer believe real world beim big fan surrealism fantasy absurdism on although dislike realist films merely fact theyre realistbr br for second point agree commendable try things differently however think originality versus formulaicism makes better worse film itself film original poor like film formulaic excellent matters well film whatever sets enjoyable aesthetically rewarding viewerbr br ab tak chappan based true story mumbai cop named daya naik naik encounter specialist encounter specialists could said early instantiations real world judge dredds trained operate like criminals gang members pursue theyre basically given license killeffectively acting policeman judge jury executioner matter moments ab tak chappan follows story sadhu agashe nana patekar encounter specialist based naik see work interacting fellow encounter specialists engaging violence see home trying live normal life lessthanluxurious surroundings see trying adjust new commissioner halfway film see odd relationship notorious indian gangster zameer zafar prasad purandharebr br all potential make fabulous gritty film agree nice forgo typical bollywood musical numbers romancesnot every film needs stuff ab tak chappan producer ram gopal varma famous leaving music romances background wayside many films hes directed produced additionally ab tak chappan good performancespatekar almost gives death wish era charles bronson vibe also admirable cinematographythe handheld stuff near beginning film particularly effective example great score mixes moody hollywoodsounding actioncrime score traditional indian instruments modalities violence well done grittybr br there also decent exploration subtexts including morality having encounter specialists idea following orders on encounter specialists shown largely divorce ideas right wrong poignantly film questions merit blindly following orders parallels drawn encounter specialists following orders and say members countrys military were shown corrupt situation lead tobr br but you knew but coming you director shimit amin scriptwriters created story far many characters far much sprawl moves bit slow problems may due amin crew looking godfather films ab tak chappan at least superficial resemblances to although policemans perspectivebr br most encounter specialists get know wellthese shallowly drawn characters say least except agashe jatin shukla nakul vaid one narayan know least halfway film name mentioned number times id get glimpses scene would change everyone would change clothes time appear id start figuring narayan wasbr br the thing happened agashes first commissioner film already far new commissioner could figure relationships seems like new characters every scene never learn stories them might artistic merit encounter specialists mostly killing people know anything because theyre mostly orders since learn much encounter specialists either difficult find characters care about exactly make gripping filmbr br the primary villain zameer halfway film theres indication this get much screen time villains parading film hes literally phoning performance inhes another location dubai communicating telephone majority film actually see zameer much extent film depends couple twists necessitate showing zameer number things could see things lot villains could left outbr br that would tightened film bit making focused halfhour shorter would benefited impact actionpacked film means least first minutes so found admiring ab tak chappans considerable style saying okay get story already
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came vent guessim fucking worthless dumbfuck piece shit im fucking useless deserve breathe cant anything barely pass classes cant sport art fucking thing cant even get drivers license im fucking dumb it ever get college probably happen end dropout something like unemployed alcoholic family one care friends beg kill myself none convince probably neither anyone here try help might well ignore message unless fucking superhumans able change mind said vent little bit im fucking angry frustrated guess better screaming walls im done shit want die
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im jump story buildingim angry upset way things are longer contendedness patience case wondering false rape accusation loss everything everyone see happy lifefuture young guy thought anyone
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allowed post memes anymore keep trying post image let me happened now used able to anyone offer explanation
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anyone conversation im really bored rn hmu ig
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tested hang nowi hurt much hurt thought would go fast ofc would little painful thought wouldnt sting much hanging listed non hurtful thing fuck plans may ruined bc scared hurt much dont hang jump
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anyone else feel like mean nothingive depressed while sometime anger sadness combined recently taken toll im angry furious life im terribly sad feel nothing started think honestly feel like well parents suffered death theyll fine die siblings friends ok wanna spend years working shit job like survive ill probably working fine job middle class wife kids want theres billion people earth im unique all continue
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anyone wanna uhh roleplay lmao im really fucking boredddd wanna try pretty fun dont topics mind knows get lot could group woah yeah anyways filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
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lonely feel useless whats pointnot sure start here found today ive weighing options head kill try get help seem feasible me part thinks get help going make fit anywhere suddenly make people like months cant see change life significantly im living city adore moved country five years ago city nearly year it however feels city thing have family here people never stay friends year best know cant take odd moods when let guard depression anxiety is im girl im gay ive proper relationship dated girl months two years ago broke off really probably best never would worked ive fallen couple girls since then initially liking me decide dont one closest i use term loosely friend one girl time last year staying place instead travelling work incredibly happy several considered dates things going great im quite sure even wants friends me could tell becoming distant earlier year march told felt got youre amazing person but im sick people give shit telling im amazing disappearing life hear family much family have used speak dad skype time however life changed new partner years ago months go without us speaking place feel needed work also socialising know good thing like people work time even always enjoy work itself outside work feel existence pointless im important necessary part anybody elses life think dying think people would eventually notice would work think every makes sad im overweight incredibly enough im comfortable doctor told lose weight ive tried dieting made hungry tried going gym got bored it im thinking trying couch k dunno arsed junk food vice drink smoke drugs instead ill junk food seems much simpler end it though im sure go it stand rail platform want either jump rails electrocuted front train pulls in think jumping infront traffic think drowning river tried actually anything since teenager tried choke several times span couple years would feel terrified afterwards thought maybe trying cbt ive read help depression anxiety get really anxious nervous social situations point leave cry hyperventilate outside event tonight thought id enjoy didnt aware person made uncomfortable situations im fine own otherwise id never go anywhere anything thats usually things everyone else mostly well were really expected socialise gigs walks lectures stuff like that antidepressants couple years now dosage halved months ago thought feeling better im thinking ill need revers continue on want find peace hurt anymore apologies cohesive lot thoughts head share somehow someone
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someone talk meive wanting murdered weeks now want throat cut bad ive tried hire people it im live usa
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feeling suicidal overall fcking terrible deep down small twisted part feels good deserve every second miserytldr planning redflag fantasies bordering schadenfreude relationship intimacy issues selfhate paranoid others jealousy plague mind selfdoubt preface im writing phone autocorrect spelling formating good english good either feel free correct me dont plans it probably lack courage ive thinking daily or least couple times week long time feels like part me strange bodys instinct selfpreservation yet brain finds comfort relish pursuing mental anguish like hummingbird looking nectar suicidal fantasies feel soft sweet comforting like warm blanket wrapping around me safe dont know feels good reassurance fact always option enjoy selfinflucted schadenfreude if could call that moment start thinking realitically hit wall ill start thinking statistics showing redflags fail ill fail im plain jane whose exception surviving redflag actually worse dying in eyes unwanted repercussions would make regret seek redflag even more life objectively bad fact id say average hope im arrogant im saying might potential better now even solar system or even orbit people look admire one always improve dont know far reach theres even limit now one thing keeps better way myself norwegian word redflag selvmord translates selfmurder now degree way think redflag graetly varies almost always want inflict damage part me fantasies redflag may stem desire killing part myself part bad part ive managed coexist majority life feel slowly dominating controls body noticable manner thoughts bit paranoid im throughoutly convinced friends even loved ones genuinely despise me every little action make interpretted scheeming making fun me dont know anyone would take advantage theres nothing good take me despite new fears fact frequent cant shake scaring me days convinced even dear sister detests prescence people honestly want and wouldve wasnt that warning long unecessary rant ahead ltrantgt younger didnt large variety potential friends anchored one girl could actually bear existance honestly relief one friend kindergarten she darkskinned girl there sadly left over rest bullied made feel terrible things couldnt change things defined me dark place socially shone like star distance closer got her clearer things got you thought would say brighter right mightve notsosmart kid still am knew using me told one day got bullied bit herself combined way treated like me immediately forgot offered opportunity girls felt used longlost friend kindergarten returned fifth grade immediatley loved everyone including me friend lets call eva differentiate furious mean bitter me built small empire schoolyard crumbling quickly eva desperate power tried turn everyone friend failed fortunately burnt bridges we dont go school now friend were still close friends currently bffs eva still terrible person stand experience least taught spot bad apples witv someone desperation ltrantgt reason mentioned event yikes rambly bitter fcking primary drama lmao trusting people fear intimacy ties back everyone hating me actually fucking crazy mind stretch bend like bloody playing twister find ways people hate me picture this youre sitting bus minding business see two people whispering eachother catch one briefly looking you sinking feeling hits you theyre taliking you youre useless even family thinks youre whiny dumb selfobssesed ugly look strangers finished talking looking eachother laughing see fucking see dumbass youre nothing prime entertainment them walking trainwreck people poke fun instant dopamine would almost shame killed yourself would people talk about youre good pleasing people best could do another voice head joins conversation said ever think you god youre selfobsessed course people dont always think even youre trash they like you lives live dont care shut up someone actual worth would able catch attention like that someone likewise hideousness youre unremarkable ways didnt even notice you think it mightve laughed that point youre immersed thoughts dont notice strangers leaving destination almost passed thats type thought processes everyday situations triggered simple gestures hate it hate it hate it im insecure person ive ever seen looking mirror makes nauseous sheer hideousness inside out even believe i know albeit denial fear confrontation one cares theyre faking dont want cause harm talking feelings redflag cause harm too matter mental battle mind well might dramatic thing ive ever written makes rather embarassed despite that im trying push beyond ill explode or implode already told friend suicidal thoughts worried made guilty make feel way deserve it internet place vent into feel selfish want people read desperately need second opinion writing made realise things know affecting me worst thing is scratch surface like fact im always sad unmotivated fact opposite point think im cured somewhat good person id rather plague person reading if someones reading this thank you really makes day im feeling sorry too
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck god put cute ass people god forsaken world turn around make fucking awkward talk
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girls yall feel guys big noses ive told im anywhere great hair amp great smile dimples gigantic nose im super self conscious about again ive got great dimples amp smile smile nose expands size elephant yall feel this
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im making religion mostly fun might end taking seriously originally intended made many solid plans yet gonna sorta cultlike polytheistic gods want sacrifices rituals sinners saints run mill stuff im run idea god yall veritate ruler life certainly important god queen gods eat heart anyone wrongs sinners heartless haha heres first sketcheshttpimgurcomavhczqb everything rambling thoughts sketches please comment want hear dumb little project rest post exactly that _________________________________ general anyone happens see pure a god angel type thing given name yet considered holy man blinded beauty purest words holy men transcribed holy men sacrificed gods accepted gods become one angel type creatures sex nudity hallucinogens pure things blessings gods appreciated greatly surpressed afterlife given holy men everyone else reincarnated whichever creature fits level purity people pure get human more people unpure get insects small animals im gonna stop blathering now read this thank you know did thank you
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bought pills alcohol kill tonightfinally stop feeling pain im feeling going easy got xanax alcohol im going overdose pray whatever is die tonight wonder mom say funeral read old posts understand why redflag note pillow wrists full scars im listening music feel closure death near me thank everyone help move on
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ask girl ok ive never actually true feelings anyone till im wondering ask someone
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hate phone dies instead dont know much time passed feels like forever nothing ever feels like home standing alone head
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pretty surprised flick even though budjet obviously lacking still impressed movie took years make still turned good acting pretty impressive story really captivated me complaint would ending really little abrupt taste hey audience left wanting movie succeededbr br i would really recommend anyone hollywood look antonella ros excellent spanish talent something hard find days bad novela acting antonella ros truly star rise
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u get good somethinglegit ive taken art classes years random girl class last year school visual arts stuff draws x better ever could like god damn everything im bad literally cant good anything
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suffering depression redflag couple years now rd year university year left really know that seriously considering dropping out feel know anything good anything feel never get job even do suck it really like study also anything else like done internships sucked both hated every bit iti supposed another internship part course still able even start applying thinking fact sit interview makes anxious get panic attacks think ever able job every time read job post feel incompetent write cover letter say good anything hence want drop outbut drop out doif finish last year whatuni expensive parents paying it really want pay year nothingi feel like loser confidence friends always lonely sad crying need advice
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im edge please helpim deep pain lost last chance getting love life me im trying panic attack feel pain throughout body everything hurts feel like im dying please help way
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work making want tosomething somethinggot new boss beginning april cunt micromanaging yuongest manager bunch hes singling lot riding hard get stupid tasks done hes business couple weeks pulled office first week told need step role im listening getting resultsall forgot complete couple tasks trying regular job he asks stuff outside job description lot_ hes got working days straiight stocktake fine woulkd fine year old month old baby husband works full time clinical depression boss unaware last part however since give fuck rest pretty sure care prettttyy suure ive suffering pnd again well anyway im fluoxetine taking get stocktake varification day hurt right t want kill myself buuuut want stop feeling way feeling all would super work hr day yesterday hr today days hr shifts next days off yay yay days row lets see make it start getting zopiclone stash god im fucking retard babies need mebut cant even take care them job good i im cut this
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literally midnight cant fall asleep even though eoc exam tomorrow god help fall asleep exam even tired dude
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destroying support systemsits long time coming think last isolation periods redflag scares finally driven last friends away today birthday hear thing people living five months ago even send text hurts also happy going kill soon without them easier never really thought important imso selfish close didnt want say goodbye feel like now so
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anyone wanna try pushup challenge put simply im looking someone push ups day with want us remind encourage it every time try last days im trying find someone whos also interested getting stronger
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im gonna end fuck lifeguys hard truth islife luck fucking shitty lifeno brothersisterparent divorce have see mom fuck rich man change home every year loose friendsalways first school i wanted go live dadmom break phone smash call brother smash force stay momi usless surgeryadenoidectomieafter loose souli could longer feel anything emotionstiredhungryso could longer sleepeven hours sport cant sleep secondemy mom throw dad due circunstance marry rich man rise kids leave like rubbishnow im stuck years old body everweak shit years sleep alli cannot even get fucking erectionim longer good schoolmy dad call fucking crazygirl etci know life ruined cant anything change nobody helpim gonna kill inhaling vodka throw fucking body subwaypeace fuck life fuck god fuck everything wish reborn good health family brother alone
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organ donationif necessary paper shit front hospital would able harvest organs ateast could used someone way die
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basically long blogpost think ive got pretty good reasons myself see think otherwiseim end line folks although would like hear lads would say personally think ive done good job making long blogpost explanation bit top usual cocktail anxiety depression substance abuse chemically addicted thing prescribed not fact dropped school highschool freshman amp elongated social interaction since bout years job doesnt count ive chronic disease since baby ibd turned crohns disease large intestine removed amp ulcers kept popping replacement small intestine this two choices first option connected jpouch w pouchitis little remission relative people jpouches ive developed antibodies hardhitting immunosuppressants ie remicade since pumped full stuff kid im likely die extreme pain sometime ss meds stop working regardless meaning constant diarrhea constantly shitting bed night nearconstant internal pain amp constant fear stricture complications leading extreme pain option ostomy amp ostomy bag due fact scar indent inch deep amp inches long abdomen dozen surgeries child bag leaks constantly without ton extra adhesive thus put adhesive leading x diameter circle basically painful fungus infection thats especially raw thanks acidic nature shit antifungal things hamper it never notpainful turn leads a extreme pain upon taking shower touching it applying new bag b pain bend wrong goddamn direction sleep angle slight lean right yes issue brought wound care nurses well relevant doctor cant anything right now due stricture im stuck ostomy without active intervention monthly endoscopies balloon dilation area intestinal fluid pool said stricture eventually leading internal expansion amp thus mindrending pain speaking experience due covid operations stopped guess halfyear absolutely negative desire condition passed onto kid point ive informed parents intentions yes course theyve tried help appreciate efforts despite futile are point believe keeping alive sake others is lack better word phrase simply worth it ampxb relevant bit think obvious anyone anxiety little social interaction constant fucking pain nearly every second day multiple addictions due aforementioned things tends make man suicidal id prolly psychologists fucking field day ive picked nice area woods although near road first responders go much effort plan call killing order streamline things despite possible risk main thing yet decide upon whether go head unfortunately meaning none family members would want keep rifle mm head unlikely possible become vegetable rather dying exit baghave wait materials cant transported car higher risk failure two things yet decide upon are know whether drive place question walk driving would mean family would trouble getting car back walking might get cops called ass decide head would impossible decide exit bag also itd give much time back out another thing ive drafted redflag letter family amp ive planned short post chat servers frequent im still trying think something give first responders either means apology something make laugh either sorry mess letter joke something maybe both less id appreciate opinions question regarding leave first responders
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watched neighbors todaytoday canada day stood inside house peering window watching everyone leave festivities saw people leaving kayaks dogs swimwear drink coolers blow rafts heard laughing chattering singing huge wake call made think what hell life agoraphobia generalized anxiety disorder messed sleeping schedule sleep am pm generally people leaving fun day getting ready go sleep spend time awake panic attacks laying bed laptop cant much chronic nausea hate routine hate life want anxiety anymore im tired fighting myself cant it
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fuck everythingi fucking hate life hate much everything shit done
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ive enoughim tired orders responsabilities laws truly good times ive ever drugs thank god drugs break ever got daily struggle depression social anxiety good times brief worth lifetime pain fantasize redflag daily wrote rewrote final note head many times wondering leave one world deserves nothing me ill it hope soon
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miss friend havent talked guy friend seen lowkey really miss gay way
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join skribblio u want heres link httpsskribbliohdnweuukcahttpsskribbliohdnweuukca
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coworker friend suicidal know help want tohi there coworker mine struggled depression long time i believe least decade known last year half recently entered relationship former coworker im sure knows never met place let know current situation reason know suicidal posted two months ago recognized username im girlfriend interact daily basis know show support without seeming awkward intrusive plays major role restaurant work in clearly major impact mental health everyones mental health different works one person ie medication therapy support may work another however want know connect person let know resources available him human resource department counselling service friend perusing subreddit looking sign live little longer presence reach to it