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beat upi want get beat up bruised bloody
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relaxing first time while operating system decides die universe wont let rest it
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ive never felt shitty lifeduring freshman year university tried kill myself bullying experiencing thought ive well since then branched out made new friends went therapy started appreciating lot more key word thought recently experiences made want try again last weekend friend committed redflag feeling depressed long time something none friends ever knew about theres bridge area known redflags jumped it one former bullies started telling friends kill deserved die pisses hell off also bullied one classes done zoom quarter theres group guys class making life literal hell theyre calling retarded cause disability telling sound like cancer calling ugly calling faggot cause im bi telling try killing after opened redflag attempt telling im useless english major theyre business majors lot things professor really supportive even called email whole class found said things me said theyre guys theyre boys perfect definition told struggle mental health went similar things undergrad im lost dont know do advice gave ignore even gets worse things love surround people love helping get today even told life valuable always support nice girlfriend family lot friends supportive reached too wanna try again plan try again dont deserve treated like this feel like id giving people want it
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hey really going throw bad time right anyone free chat
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british people really exist ew
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oh cake cant fucking eat nooooooooooooooofilleroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosomuchfillerooooooooooooooooooowhyareyoustillreadingthisoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohaveanicedayiguessoooooooooooooo
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thinking back time mum got pissed kid said stuff literally owing life something like ok maam ask born couldve literally made wed happier way
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safe spaces arent safe spaces mei opened experiences sexually assaulted raped women know people said im homophobic didnt enjoy catcalled woman age motherly touching time giving unwanted hugs course wasnt abusing power teacher reach back touch me anything normal middle school teacher would do fuck safe space talk women abused without labelled victim women apparently pure pristine i im girl too world sucks theres good theres people use experiences assholes others never see world changing better everyone becoming selfish caught even stop think second theyre doing everyone cares making look good everyone cares always right always correct always last word everyone cares themselves care too im going fucking kill myself
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need shirts plz send recommendations tshirts preferred
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im gonna honest im depressed im desperate depressed anxious wish so wish best friend wish close friends feel alone theres one confide without ulterior or creepy motive parents fucking despise ever making happy or least act like it im lonely hell doubt talking would get friend potential romantic partner since possibility ever factor anyone sub im sorry yall carry ur day
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fuck sex man want loved someone makes feel like committing toasterbath
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cant endure anymoreim sitting unable even complete highschool watch people enjoy life sucess ive already attempted redflag barely managed survive people said theres help get better year later still cant find reason even get bed dont even reason depressed all sometimes feel like im faking it doubt anyone really cares dont evne know im writing here currently hope wont wake tomorrow ill make sure properly time
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understanding loss personality trait i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i
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people kill themselvesare ways kill besides hanging gun shot ive recently thought jumping something dont want fall take long regret halfway down would want drift instantly
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hi hey hello help young know im trans bi people said stuff like youre young know that think cause im sure im id like second opinion
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last adventuretime time begins cycle ideation mystery whats mind come redflag ive made way fun desire twisted toward undone dagger plunged heart thrilling ride soul released body phoenix soaring sky id fly new universe new life quantum immorality would side thing curbs great appeal something chose long time ago ideal siren song death allowed enticing experience allowed exciting thrilling adventure allowed last one ill see life full adventure death one live fullest take plunge love much grow overcome strife death must fucking earn breath taking alive death offers thrill seek mean another victim must redflag desire lasts moment save life using ideal ive chosen
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today might last dayi trying wait longer really couldnt take it somethings might help regain hope life also fun things hopefully not last day really cant
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society sees terrorist maybe go kill myselfim gonna labeled terrorist supporting certain people maybe ill go kill myself fighting help people thier psychological health alienate even more instead helping people like mass shooters shit like were gonna alienate even make problem worse make people suicidal nothing ever gonna change maybe go die guess nobody wants help someone homicidal thoughts theres help people suicidal homicidal thoughts then
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one understandsorry strong language one ever fuking understands want help fuking cried parents gives fuks think im crazy think wont kill soon mom says reach point care anymore fuking step dad looks let shit behind back im sick around now planning enjoying rest year ending new years seems plans gonna change want fuking escape shit hole ass life see things better without around birthday november th cracked like heard voices saying end it cried much tried take little sister came found parents came in showed comparisonwell moment back fuking shit lol matter say theyll never understand thing fuking tried talk oh well know dont feel sad anymore like im comfortable dying lol like im anticipating kind big event lol sigh ill write nice note leave theyll fuking understand game pain fuking real waste fuking time ill gladly sit hell thats real could ran away place wouldve got go option left taking life might drink fuking poison hang buy gun someone open fuking skull honestly either way ill dead yea fuk world every person thinks people form depression crazy hate all one fuking gets it im done fighting lol officially give up anyways im guyshonestly wish could lived better world
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isle broken dreamshello stranger good meet you well informally known left fault moved california pursuing acting dream family friends state one friendbut kicking month im worried homeless before why though spend much love feed homeless help everyone can horrible things happen me whats wrong me knowone wants cast me look weird cast anything ampxb nothing works mei dont even energy finish post want explain want helpbut know do
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problem that kind surprised first time hearing cousins name missed dearly spent dollars plane ticket go visit think much it noticed course couple weeks constantly getting snapchats jessica reluctant open front me another thing surprised always would open things front me never problem phone open snapchat jessica kind pulled phone closer see screen noticed phone background one day saw happy birthday card picture drawn it signed jessica
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sympathy advice million people shouting darkness internet thought one lasts acts would add voice cacophony think web one day become sentient yell us voice hear noise worst something like whalesong best forever unable decipher message about reason another reason perhaps person might able learn mistakes begin brief history born christian parents first memories ozarks father program become minister one day left gone quite time mother i living small trailer began starve father returned two children boy eleven girl ten disneyworld several months wealthy mother starved became homeless children previous marriage mother idea even existed memory goes almost completely blank five years next memory raped older stepbrother seveneight sixteen ish always physically strong managed sort of fight off showing resistance step siblings sat together methodically broke couple fingers memory vague pretty sure incident type lived major city time projects parents spent time evangelising unemployed waiting assignment church long another child way younger brother spent next years trying best raise brother bouncing place place father unusually terrible job fired often would end new church really sure exactly parents never around age fourteen almost employed fulltime several jobs parents divorced paid bills provided food tried make decent go high school strong pretty athletic well football while classroom another matter spent and still do time reading anything everything midwestern classrooms taught lowest student became bored quit school attend dualcredit college classes battery tests loved academia met girl fell love three half years went wrong girl dumped mother thought would great marry truckdriver run leaving brother fend himself quit school return home became drugdealer survive also became quite addicted heroine one step ahead law one day vanish took now almost adult brother me got clean poison fully entrenched younger brother failings take credit for struggles day addiction time work menial grid kind stuff could get work all sure legal status long ago sure mountain debt student loans trying get without support long ago younger brother called said i ms need help children moved discover watch slow painful death imagine reality less pain associate reality myself tried professional help tell nearly sociopath capacity kind feeling exception younger brother gone collection pills put sleep forever take soon think best become monstrous know post interesting even slightest importantly helpful anyone around questions question would benefit please askyou literally cant bother me
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george cukor always one favorites unsung hero generation nobody mentions cukor breath john ford howard hawks william wyler billy wilder yet look filmography sparkling comedies the philadelphia story adams rib holiday psycho melodramas gaslight a double life great semi western heller pink tights mention my fair lady travels aunt service actors never put front camera feel certain tenderness watching rich famous flashes old master still much evidence candice bergen gives us first time career glimpses wonderful comedian become jacqueline bisset throwback days greer garson loretta young hart bochner steps in teasing us promising something spectacular eventually materialize apartment zero meg ryan bergens daughter already meg ryan tired formula is remains cukor film gather one almodovars favorite movies
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depressed several years ago thought ok seems come backlong story short fucked youth scarred pretty badly got shit together thought right track this years ago however lately past months so feeling horrible back point suicidal thoughts cannot talk people problems matter hard try tried several psychiatrists etc hate job get recognition anything do hours exhausting see change future applied several jobs reply qualified finance wise stuff going shitter well surprise costs makes savings like bucket hole it last euros moment luckily girlfriend but stupid know wrong dick towards her means well frustrations get irritated work her relationship tense weird thoughts dumping click anymore crying im alone thought leave sooner later nobody friends only drinking buddies family non existing due problemsissues first sentence feel lonely lot even though like alone really know going post apologies possible mistakes english first language sort weird back phase killing scare calms sort way knowing could end miserybe peace one little act
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movie fantastic fan bams cky videos jackass show viva la bam cant help like it friends fans enjoyed it others thought great like mostly female friends really appreciate crude humor personally think made movie funny im pretty sure entire movie filmed bams home town includes lot regularly visited locations cast made friends cky buddies also includes big name pro skateboarders too soundtrack phenomenal music him opinion haggard all great plot characters never see anywhere else plenty humor great music cast dedicated project
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people keep wanting help think hanging ceilingi deleted social media long ago hopes getting mental reset feel slowly getting worse someone given number people asking get ahold friends people coming talking negative thoughts feelings theyre going feel like total prick advice shitty since cant even believe im typing think going away never coming back hope ends soon hope get better soon
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past years feeling like want continue want stop existing even know explain even know main problem anymore lot self esteem issues still have parents divorced friends somehow managed get point graduated got job wanted trusted friends girlfriend overall improvement still feel even understand drives nuts know do lost desire live
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access sodium pentobarbitali heard use something called sodium pentobarbital euthanasia please tell access druginjection im committing redflag yet times comes wanna prepared
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anyone wanna talk im probably gonna awake another hour ish anyone wanna talk need feel alone im f matters
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anyone else wanted helpfor history sorta depressed years recently cheated dumped person considered family still person cares ok which obviously shitty situation meantime found friends really support things get hard also pretty good qualifications cant find job anywhere graduating may guess curious people felt like want help know obviously need help hate therapy feel worse afterwards want future anything actually want really want kill myself want exist anymore either least exist reality
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join server cause teen
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want someone know im catsnot cant feed themselves love them dont want sad gone used lots reasons stay alive days them
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made diss track towards donald trump like trump begin with made diss track towards amp lauren witzke hope enjoy tbh trump terrible person beep boop video linkhttpsyoutubengwpczhxfm
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movie everything typical horror movies lack although things far fetched dealing quality snow man engineers preview reveal cant wait jackzilla dare say oscar winner perfect date movie advise men nice romantic surprise see movie special person
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situations redflag correct answerif think isnt please dont leave comment thank
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scariest story ever hear slowly open eyes like am try get up cant move find difficult breathe one point see something next bed tall shadowlike figure standing there figure slowly moves towards you want struggle cant eventually slowly leans towards face whispers ear thing leaves shocked uwu
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know gotten bad dream someone cuddling yeh affection depravity real
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f want kill bad hurtsi literally use world everything dreamed everything want achieve fails me get bullied severely nobody helps cares me ive depressed since th grade mom always disappointed wants better hard try want disappoint anymore today tried hang doorknob work all would literally anything die pass out im typing crying sorry anything spelled wrong
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feel bad wanting die see many people worse melike sometimes wish could escape time real reason too theyre intrusive thoughts get brains running feel severe im thankful time feel stupid feeling like first place ppl clearly worse
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excessive risk takingi typical unhealthy habits drinkingsmoking im prone excessive risk taking redflag conscious deliberate active choice theres risk me risky situations present us have act often make decision very fast intuitive level high risk situations very nice distracting nearly uplifting effect maybe theres short term gain eg sex seems difficult tackle this ideas
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confess something grade exam super important brought exam home typed questions online found answers put piece paper went back school saying left field trip paper desk excuse put exam back desk without anybody noticing me years later brother grade asked whats story andre told looked showed answers took note im bad man
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friendsno family love game bit longer im gone
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bed feeling suicidal usual decided try browse rnihilism know sounds odd hear out realisation nothing going matter kind helped bit ability separate feelings thoughts nothing matter end mean never able feel validity happiness ok wander life enjoying die got suicidal spiral minutes oddly proud
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joline heather graham sets husband carl luke wilson disappeared clear head marriage joline committed marriage starts journey find carl yet way discovers lot herself trip encounters bountiful interesting characters unknowingly help find waybr br in eyes classical road movie moves right pace some viewers may find slow throughout movie keeps humorous note joline responds craziness world around warm knowing sometimes sad smile actresses actors give wonderful performances musical score immaculate
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kill myselfi want discussion really comes it not
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tired long went strip mining hours went strip mining fortune pickaxe ended getting stack diamonds right end put diamonds chest skeleton shot lava lost fortune pickaxe grinded xp hours got fortune pickaxe
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assume know film about also forced assume come review knowing probably watch regardless say rings true read likely find consonance least part review undecided really entirely certain happened late s early s urban suburban youth music culture probably read one reviews pretends objective insteadbr br although grow california american punk scene first music scene ever truly lived in height hardcore immersed everybody band common denominators bands indeed members audiences werebr br rejection conformitybr br tolerance enjoyment differencebr br desire fun hard fastbr br hairstyles politics dislike authority figures violent slamdancing integral experienced though certainly cliques factions tended intolerant dress speak act punk enough often certain amount unearned credit extended cliques tried really hard live fascistic paradigm anarchic self mutilating angry young cophaters br br although interviews audience punks penelope spheeris excellent calpunk documentary decline western civilization present narrow view subculture us enjoyed interviews bands club owners promoters even security people much representative least perspective memories the scene nevertheless possible approach prejudices punk experience film without preconceptions challenged unfortunate is blame rests solely promote believe feel comfortable stereotypes filmmakers blame messenger br br the music presented going everybody even most crude stuff there loud obnoxious fast less concerned technique raw energy br br for me seeing early black flag ron reyes singing x fear circle jerks worth far cost hard obtain film much like germs seeing darby crash mess nice guy left bit cold nevertheless scenes darby playing pet tarantula shut down droned background precious x interview also great br br spheeris straightforward documentary style supplemented wild pans zooms musical segments interviews framing used nicely provide context whatever said considering experience budget spheeris well anybody could filmbr br recommended appreciate film actually about forgotten years fun honest directionless rebellion amaerican punk coopted yet another flow within musical mainstream stereotypes became important basic philosophy
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dont remember like want livehow feels motivation passion ambition hint hope want wake every day
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im experiencing one darkest periods life amd family thinks better solution always insult meits months life circle shitty things every day wake up watch online classes get insulted parents go sleep think im going crazy okay weekend online classes wake up get insulted go sleep always telling sleep much nothing day everyday same want kill courage yet guess days pass want die do im going run away family time ago covid made every plan escaping impossible
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first timedunno wanti felt empty since long time since then cant keep job woman left left fiance cant tell much went school sucks done maths like planned pli sci stupid geuss wanted change world cuz military wrong im teller bank maths one cares oh also medical bills lol got genetic heart disease years ago could kill anytime yay
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shocked good german version films scream was surpassing modern american efforts slasher filmsbr br it films dont likable characters genuine mystery suspense graphic murders brilliant soundtrackbr br this stylish horror film one best kind come years german cinema going strength strength lately shame people wont go see films missing out easily available dvd even hate subtitles think see it one best horror films see year
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water fountain cause want put lips make sick
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im scared ill kill myselfive living depression five years getting worse ive talked therapist thinks would best went psych ward want talk suicidal thoughts although ive told im afraid them told beyond abilities help me ive committed psych ward twice help me gave meds made feel like zombie treated like guinea pig repeat that everyday feels like theres less less hope im really scared close friends talk family
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th day reddit account ive reddit two years now various accounts th day account remember made wasnt great place im posting kinda reminder myself now im happy still yes thats cool thanks make reddit enjoyable place
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really need advice hi school starting would like hear people think girl school would speak me good reason start last year really broke money name started selling weed surprisingly one first made lot money never got caught sold school property good till word spread much surprisingly guy friends gave shits everyone else became scared buying me started selling lot more became much stopped school year over regret selling motorcycle pay insurance it really want go back really good job sales make enough really would like fix reputation people scared me advice thanks
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guys know disney movie inside out think joy lives head died long time ago
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mystory school leaving ive school since kid since found better one im going different highschool big deal since people hated entirely fault although barely anything ever happened wanted share one story school hosted breakfast kids get home sometimes would walk gf there interesting thing this every time walked cafeteria one cutoff hallway matter what always pair or group high schoolers making andor crying me friends gf bet couple hall would something honestly cant remember im tired hell right bet something around lines making sacred hall relationship went th december th grade never absence weird high schoolers break fuck tldr is say it hallway ton stupid teenagers made funny hell reason know die im going sleep one good memories old school wanted share
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last fall life fine applying universities across globe getting accepted few even got good scholarships for decided decline offers reason yet discover thought better options me then got accepted dream university happened country always dreamed moving to started telling everybody moving country then scholarship announcement day came out get scholarship declined every single offer given point stupid enough think one university would work out not look like failure everyone much going me backfiring already told boss would coming back fall already found replacement job month stuck going shitty community college hometown rural west usa everyone always talks hard rejected dream school harder get accepted able afford itnothing seems working me direction try seems work out friends going dream schools across country stuck hometown without job much going gone hard think life could should be living right now life literally crumbling eyes
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antivax parents charged child abuse think opinion think should
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am sqwad hair looks good right sleep ruin
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frog dissection today seen post friday abt it would know im excited basically watch preview ended crying amp passing out really sensitive animals everyone knows that ive asked it safety said no feel going happen is im going cry feel lightheaded panic attack pass out panic attacks happen often wouldnt surprised im really scared
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unable feel love cant get job snap still care end it lolso fun fact im chronically lonely yet whenever anyone expresses interest clamp push away get intimate cant sleep someone unless genuinely care or even love exists im sick it someone emotionally stunted also longing deep connection pandemic cut college going times short graduation happening lost job getting cant get one cause industry shrunk im stuck home mom abused kid keep lashing friendsfamily still care me kill get done even worth living go bed alone every night genuinely enjoy life like get ppl meant bad days goddamnit get one fucking good day year thats want one
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man say dog died ees hongry
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holy shit typing password computer realized messed pressing enter erased characters ended correct password without clicking see character ive stopped in
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supplies want go sooni bought everything back im tired ive started abusing sleeping medications again matter im four times dose one now hopefully ill finish planning soon end this needed tell someone im planning killing soon talked friend tonight understand upset stressed tell im almost done give up edit also recently reason gotten agonizingly painful tinnitus thats getting worse theres cure honestly planning redflag long that furthuring mental insanity cant even think right ringing hurts im sorry think life me want make everything end
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value life peoplei ever hear people talk sad everyone else feel die like fuck me living suffering right long everyone else gets something nice it
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post nut clarity even exist clarity ever get one force upon go school
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get comments please itll worth time need comments
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worst song ever heard reason makes feel nostalgic httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdkemljb_ihttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdkemljb_i
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suicidal also particularly want live im pretty sure heart attack yesterdayso ive struggled thoughts redflag since kid ive strongly convinced want kill myself number reasons im issues figuring think recent events im currently selfemployed uninsured uninsured part stupid know think makes too much difference here given feel this running errand motorcycle yesterday started feeling uncomfortable particular chest feeling tight started feeling weak tried ignore first pretty soon felt like stop get water would pass out pulled fast food place ordered fries got water bites several cups water felt bit better minutes later wanted lay vomit went outside walked nearby parking lot hopefully people wouldnt see me laid pavement threw bit later left arm went numb kinda suspected going point phone told even wasnt heart attack needed go hospital right now heh looked much heart attack costs decided call figured that super pathetic way place die im ok letting go here andafter hour felt ok today felt tired tried going walk chest hurt again head back home im pretty sure survived heart attack yesterday im wrong relatively fine still obviously right thing go doctor get checked out im that heart isnt halfdead thats great really is id rather die face rest life financial ruin guess im struggling figure think this do seems like bunch things think im die even maybe almost died yesterday even heart attack could still also probably live years dont want scare people talking dying also dont want gone unexpectedly opportunity say goodbye make arrangements do
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hey girl u gift wrapping cos wanna tie ribbon around u
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momat night dreams see alive well ask been happenedi never receive answer need again im sure ill see kill want someone kill me need peace
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the devil dark william shatners favorite episode also one favorite episodes program pure star trek deals one series main themes respect life forms think one could get clearer example one shows interesting ideas episode kirk crew confront monster killing miners distant planet story excuse explore right humans destroy creatures vital part environment todays concerns environmental causes make show relevant ever before extremely well written performed gusto beloved cast one memorable sequence involves spock joining mind monster plenty tension spock kirk they want solve problem using different methods adds fun shatner leonard nimoy best work here
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teachers apologise accents americans know teachers uk apologise video american accent also opposite true guys
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aight one always downvoting posts lmao
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college admissions far ive accepted schools ive applied wont know rd next month
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understand girls post made midnight cant go sleep cant stop thinking this yo guy likes age girl one day conversation text says i like relationship guy friend worry feelings shit know say respond cool month later sends pic i assume self looking like left shower think shirt see like slimmest line might bra text says my hair poofy lol read question is like level friendzoned changed mind completely overreacting hair sorry spelling grammar wrong im phone kinda panicking
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u know true how feel insidehttpsyoutubetdijtpzlyhow acthttpsyoutubeazkadwmi
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signed nli im going college im excited needed tell someone
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whos celeb crush title says duh
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falsely accuseda couple months ago accused rape female acquaintance im virgin but things way high school ive lost basically every friend ever really trusted able convince people knew situation innocent still realized bad things significant others years feel nothing guilt ive trying make amends however possible nothing working im basically isolation now dont think deserve live feel like passing might make people feel better fucks bad people thought would ever intentionally hurt someone fucks even actually stupid see it dont feel like anymore im scared ill shell forever
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lies tell lies tell hate revealing voices head gt filler filler filler filler filler fillerlt
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knoi wanna touch depressionredflag one quick second fact one thing say it matter suffer depression matter attempted redflag million times matter studied mental illness depth levels possible person committed attempted redflag person currently trying find way depressions dark deep void subject depression conversation kno feel understand go thing fought battle agree literally pure ignorance thing complex human brain comprehension existence our brains included different every piece sand beach every snowflake ever fallen every star ever wished upon comprehension individual experiences completely different one next fucking tired people trying project idea understanding every thing happens anyone world era arrogance swear need go bathroom look mirror take real long look eyes tell aloud i kno shit
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enoughplease life stop already im sick shit on cant keep up cant keep anymore taking everything power walk door it plan im afraid it long wake find body cant learn him fair him cant take things pace people get mad try say needs needs worth it im worth it one last cuddle heads tomorrow weekend could then ill figure out much emotion cant anything it trying fix things makes worse cant keep up one sleeptomorrow get with even posting thisi even know maybe record outburst exists maybe feel like something say matters tonight something feel matters all know fair hes still grieving im selfish ass this im sorry im weak need bedthis much
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thing want kill myselfnothing enjoyable anymore dont want anything life id rather die right now kill years old currently dont want live world anymore made live purpose alive useful skills life dont want improve myself eat loads junk food regard health dont give shit healthy im going commit redflag anyways
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could go this keep brief me jump one thing another little child exposed studies consumed wholly it came tv came day dreaming came sadness binge watching eating alcohol now would old skin constantly go back forth taking plunge binge watching drowning melancholy need fill something consuming time not crumble pieces easy use mobile easy accessible normal cure fix go back child addicted studying idea currently much better used be really need perspective deal tendencies mine in feed keep check it time channel addictive tendencies productive
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time crush next elementary class pretty edge help greeted hello smile ended red tomato
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amazing performance simon pegg gets better better every role usual plays part cringy character makes want hide behind cushion embarrassment sometimes thats pegg aboutbr br the laughs regular eye watering everyone aimed penn movie cleverly put together every character plays sophisticated serious part penn humour involved huge credit director robert weidebr br and cant let one go without quick round applause gilliam anderson shone throughout highly recommended all
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dont talk strangers complain im introvert ffs
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sometimes think giving everythingdoes make sense think would easier die finally sleep forever
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havent power hours really actually upset this pseampg says th return power currently car charging phone
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soonive lost hopes ive reason keep fighting mental illness let consume me let pain engulf option end it never get better ive waited years years full hope shot happiness like everyone else around me making things worse illness perfect punishment someone ungrateful me either die live failure life
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bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh
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comment ill roast based post history im bored got nothing better yeh
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comes wavessome days feel great really look forward whats next me days feel like get hit wave something pure depression suicidal thoughts started around years ago havent gone day didnt think killing myself usually deal days think fuck it lose since suicidal thoughts come also something prevents it death anxiety dont know happens die freaks out limited time here whats next would say im spiritual really happens im sorry im getting topic tried drowning twice couldnt it drive along cliff consider yanking wheel taking down thoughts come whats gonna happen die andy curl ball let thoughts take brain hate thoughts prevent kill myself days call blessing days curse maybe primal thing thats keeping alive maybe brain sends thoughts make sure dont kill myself dont know do cant take anyone want know someone thoughts deal it usually work play video games read watch movie keep mind time googled anything people dealing death anxiety werent helpful thank taking time read this really appreciate it
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someone told dad drown shame brother said man dad must ride around sshitlermobilefuhrerwagon satire also compared nazis several times man twitter hates dad also phones die might need reply tomorrow will remove violates personal info rulequestions
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struggles selfesteem reaching helpfirstly know post right place forgive me also want sound like kind dude complains able get girlfriend im going sake clearing mind im lbs attractive whole body region however physical appearance altered vigorous work hardcore determination both things motivation do focus post selfesteem know low selfesteem depression different things one lead other now lot posts ive reading subreddit people seem say showing low selfesteem huge turn women question is change view feel pathetic hopeless already ive trying wrap head around long time like couple years ive hated long something needs change really want change appearance mental health hopefully gain love wonderful woman someday also love myself however find extremely difficult improve physical mental health im looking guidance advice thanks read
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posting award myself nriebejuebe jejeiejebeuue hebsoowbejrn r anne xhdkeleoneidowk true story
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im tired fault lol particular exam ive studying homework stuff almost hrs tired wanna rest eyes studying advanced next lessons im done yayyy
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bored probably need talk someone dont really know anymore new rule dumb fuller filler filler