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know help friend anymorefor weeks trying help friend constant urges self harm bit got slightly better something happened became far worse suicidal thoughts isolating emotionally know feels anymore therapist helping father knows cuts told hed put mental institution im struggling get ask help talk people here
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ive fighting kill two hours now want fight anymorei feel like lost everyone ever mattered either death choice want stop
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pm pass bedtime
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oh crap rainingi hate rain depresses mood
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aging ruined mei completely unblossomed im average child became stunning yr thought everyone naturally nice naive really feel loss identity anybody knew tell shocked badly look now im typical hot girl thats going grow ugly s everyone looks better im really lost know living others opinions thats ive unconsciously idk nothing else worth besides looks gone overheard mum saying older sister prettier aging better im going kill myself ive talked school counsellor absolutely refuse go talk stranger problems again everyone look eye stare blotchy acne covered skin people thought cared using me cant even trust family im going kill probably kitchen knife ive learnt sharpen it found pulse neck probably artery flowing blood might stab backyard sound make less likely heard ill exercise cold weather bit effective going bathroom want stench there ive never felt form love never received truly family treated like trophy feeds look bad hate everyone much including myself online long text messages idc met anyone real life id revolted
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term classic film comes from wonderful story womans bravery courage extreme loyalty poor olan got sold uncaring husband years learned appreciate her yeah right pearl br br luise rainer beautiful star best actress oscar year small role and waste oscar the great zigfield really show what any talent exotic beauty good earth shows really act beauty erased great costumes either people say show real emotions film like hell character olan shy timid woman inner strength quiet parts film eyes body convey emotions example scenes fall city looters shot people saying act well film lookingbr br paul muni shows act well character likeable one me never sees is end story sweet loving dedicated wife mother special beauty greatest one all beauty within like pearlbr br if get chance see film watch it see one best films golden age hollywood created
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relationship entry th entry series one gonna short and really sweet kinda bland well gig up girlfriend know exist gonna save anniversary present due to good reasons showed posts technically illegal post life internet naahhhhhh theres nothing wrong it also probably looking now hallo love you oh were currently fake celebrating year anniversary life lesson one is life gives lemons make lemonade sour even good go get sweet tea like chad
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anyone witness justice system lack thereof find film truly satisfying many shades gray regard characters plot virtually every character film epitomized best worst society popularity film probably due fact us one time another deal scumbags along nambypamby lilylivered meleemouthed bureaucrats empower name political correctness br br the performances across board compelling sympathized rape victim same found gratifying see wipe smug vicious arrogance faces former attackers particular found dyke one ugliest characters films ive seen nice see former victim shut mouth good lead rapist psychopath equally ugly fitting dirty harry offed loud grotesque fashion end sequel dirty harry saga equaled first
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redflag humane miserable lifei dont want sad forever ive tried many different medications try fix bipolar none seem affect me ive couple really great therapists always listened made feel comfortable nothing tried worked ive put much effort mental health sink lower ive watched mom whos s struggle depression anxiety long ive alive see toxic behavior showing life dont know stop it automatic im s refuse drag life years feel like redflag much humane that plans made time go
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know good things feel worthlessim year old guy ive knowingly depression since child pretty smart gifted gave school aged parents divorced lived mum stepdad left dad for used beaten ever disagreed throughout school bullied ever really many friends somehow managed really successful school went uni without ever trying went uni instantly hit me alone hall people mostly foreign exchange students interest anything stuck close groups two people flat tried kill too tried go meet people got harassed touched guy first time felt low nobody would talk second time trying kill unable sleep five days help psychiatrist doctor counsellor early intervention team didnt change felt ended quitting uni ive three relationships three cheated broke me still nightmares one them last two years nobody interested im average attractiveness ive interested one person thats ive work them friends anymore handful friends relationships moved abroad respond messages low self esteem know great person lots talents im lucky fairly intelligent work decent paying job feel worthless family there friends exist anymore im option girls im tool work feel like ghost know get done already see point life im forever miserable want die im sorry long postwalls texttoo much information
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everyone gets love want diei failed attempts loved general really need anymore
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guys feel going dates without knowing wish start relationship question pretty selfexplanatory im super sure whether like girl ive scared get relationship last one damaged years back therapist suggested ask go date without sure knowing want relationship wondering fellow teens feel idea im honestly sure people stand thanks advance ill answer questions asap
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reddit going kill tomorrow nighti cant bring jump height want anything dramatic like slit wrists throat anything going draw lot attention opted counter sleep pills vodka come boxes know shops visit get they sell one box time im probably going take l vodka concern im either going survive complete vegetable end incredible pain submit it resulting trip emergency room also thinking leaving note things complicated think make things painful leave behind premeditdated months now spur moment descision never tried anything like before so guess im asking likely succesfully end life going cause big mess
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ever laugh say hahahahah it yall ever that
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happy christmas people happy christmas hope yall good one fillllllllllllllllllllllllller
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ijustsawabillboardoutside itsaid cannibals rule world likeyeahsureasfuckido
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gt_gt __________ gt_gt _____ gt_ gt _______ lt _ gt ltogt ampxb ampxb mitras ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb gtltogtlt
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alcohol ruining life im going make multiple paragraph essay really feel like it however alcohol literally drove suicidal thoughts depression multiple times now im even one drinking people around currently past absolutely terrible drink normally ends involving im already terrible state things life im abused im fortunate that still fucking sucks always end pointing insecurities talk behind back even though grown ass adults yell cause feel like it cant fucking house cant let feelings without knowing used next time get drunk needed let out sorry wasting time
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friends last foreveri apologize advance language fucking hate stupid fucking world people say want help lie friend going depression problems girlfriend wanted kill himself helped him got past darkness hes still depressed hes back witth girlfriend want kill himself ask help says hes busy needs money hes best friend friends use need something someone load problems on take money anything take me dont care me died care maybe family would them im alone makes worse friends whenever needed me am morning yep wake talk redflag wants die one there avoiding me lying giving shit im alive dead hate hate me leaving alone isolated always them
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cant find reason keep goinglife thrown wrench toolbox full wrenches me due event suffer ptsd depression anxiety paranoia night terrors get average hours sleep night years now hear voice see sometimes paranoia distrust caused end marriage divorce left name moved friends another state opened one woman one two roommates something similar loved one another ended pushing away shes since left sleeping roommate night horrific hearing them job easy stressing poorly employees do cant handle all ive since far surpassed threshold want end all motivation life whatsoever im robot autopilot wake or simply get dont sleep go work go home lay down waiting end sometime dont want kill know hurt family friends also want die want hit car choke something die lose control car poor conditions someone rob end shooting me ive keep going all
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feel happy life sometimes feel guilty happy mean looking people depression that hard time im completely enjoying life bah
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still alive convinced going die sti got distracted night someone needed money distracted making sure okay missed deadline lot things happened since dont want talk also delayed it want guys know im done delaying more im killing tonight fail ill try straight tomorrow rather wait week bye reddit
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active well known cool user like please tell
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finest film ever made deal subject aids documentary two men living dying illness film beautiful heartbreaking funny incredibly moving all amazing true love story sure hankies ready watch movieyou need them extraordinary
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meeting robert plant weird go pub meet dad really good friends
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quit drugs cold turkey sober months tbh thing different life aware sad ugly stupid am atleast last years life high care everything hit ta know carry living like this l either od next time use hang woods cannot anymore hard life depressing
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hate lifei lot friends ones hurt words without realizing ive alone life ive bullied school im constantly mental breakdowns started hurting becausd think deserve
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im never going positive influence anyones life wayhaving promise youll stop talking folks dont make feel shit good feeling still even point ill go walk town tomorrow see easily get flats skyscrapers guess considering im still ill pussy time well edit pussied time well
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rumination humiliations making suicidali humiliated people no cognitive distortion social anxiety im actually good social situations told many times alcoholic sober months now humiliated much know sounds like trivial thing get suicidal every second every hour every day year never enjoy anything constantly ruminating humiliations really sad ive many potentially beautiful experiences ruined incessant rumination even sex cringe looked alone deal every article pretty much have tried not ruminating just stop ruminating think happy thoughts when start ruminating stop jesus fucking christ fucking easy cannot carry long like this even typing mind constantly reminding moron ive life
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offensive joke scroll youre truth like people virgina vigins people hungary ravenous people turkey turkeys disguised humans avoid thanksgiving likewise spanish snakes pain canadians tin cans aids japanese real spanish people whove fled sad snakes tried laugh panty jokes china wanted included chimed big continent theyre famous portugal full pilot seagulls guatemalans love eat guacamole watching mulan guate movie is russians tight schedule must rush rush fast thailand land kinks india jojo fan decided live fantasy land female version dio australia decided better us left without trail hence theyre upside down argentina really worshipping site pirate gen z named tina founders belgium love spongebob favorite character plankton hide fact ring bell time chum brazil kink country sick people person named italy bad accents tried say leach people mistook name country afganistan stans afros want bring back again dennis marked territory directly denmark bangladesh food kink tell need more im way tired awake rn
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intervals getting shorteri tried counting days last redflag attempts felt like got frequent time first counted days try tonight ordered something online make different attempt arrive monday maybe ill wait then idk yet hope itll end soon
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dad hearing want kill myselfhe basically went list things get trouble subreddit dealing suicidal person anyways im sitting bed crying now
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want go sleep littleim anxious cant function going away breakdown shut completely thought killing got wave peace laying bed staring feeling calm first time since remember felt anxiety relief could barely move didnt water room take pills didnt days still feel horrible really want it even die maybe go sleep days im tired dont know live like this
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crossed k karma would first like establish myself im year old indian teenager started new reddit account hopes posting memes interacting people around world hopefully getting positive negative reactions too im pretty popular school class clown people take seriously mean say im underdog definitely couple really good friends people know me tend hate first give chance change mind reddit account years ago too wanted refresh mind started one months huge change mental behaviour got really better keep hanging lot broken relations even people give shit me probably pewdiepies lwiay huge factor betterment hes idol posted meme reacted channel made feel really fantastic course earn money it gave huge boost confidence really needed probably like huge cringey piece past reddit experience people probably notice it im really thankful people may seem like small thing person might make day even care gets lost im keeping this thank reading
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people laughing publicrecently brain disease progressing rapidly people started laugh stupid mistakes make
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saw film amsterdams international documentary film festival privileged meet directors tobias schneebaum lively outspoken new yorkers films title amsterdam keep river right making sensational aspect cannibalism somewhat less prominent equally important loving gay relationship tobias schneebaum members groups studied anthropologist reunion nearly years age inevitable leavetaking moving highly recommend film anyone looking moving story anything pedestrian
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fun time student greece since beginning school year greece think th semptember lot conflict safety covid schools across country masks ministry gave students ridiculously large could easily cover someones entire face it even mention size comparison preschoolers one misstep minister education greece ms kerameus secondly students included put students freaking rathole arse classroom easily meters wide made useless masks hours straight it might sound bad thats worst thing schools cleaned properly result us students rightfully feared safety ones home elderly students decided act country broke schools changed locks started lock up infiltration schools preventing anyone getting standard subjects aka school minister acknowledged situation decided even try least fix situation btch threatened us said open schools would forced online classes participate lock ups would blacklisted joining thus getting absencehow works absences repeat grade school hour absence absent sad fact lot dumbass parents think right thus attacking students forcing school open usually resulting physical violence teachers plain chads totally agree students demands less students per class obeying safety steps thus ratting students absences tldr minister education greece fascist stupid individual resulting many students close schools
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sub im backthe thoughts gone feel free happy done without sub cant thank enough anyone talked me thank you seriously woke today lot thinking made realize small part large picture gone picture same know sounds stupid share this also anyone needs talk message me ill listen promise thank
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one minute im stable next minute im planning hanging myselfi bpd utterly exhausting fast mood shift used moods would shift course couple days bounce back forth extremes several dozen times single day yesterday morning woke extremely bad place ive displaying escalating parasuicidal behavior several weeks talking using pellet gun looks much like glock prop try get people acknowledge validate shitty horrible feel also get help dig hole ive dug myself clue climb own ive also extremely manic random mania manic urge hide emotional turmoil pain talking things like getting car driving hundred miles blowing literally savings maxing credit cards fancy hotel ridiculous dinners two weeks also cruising around car tune additional miles hell not manic energy scares me especially combined rapidly cycling moods massive impulse control issues recipe disaster spent day heart heart talks mom best friend phone spent hours talking phone total two them felt better talking them within minutes call ending started feelings despair hopelessness consume again feelings issue urges impulses feel particularly strong wave emotion hits me first thought hanging stepping front bus ive felt urges wash several times today came close giving temptation stepping front bus literally started sweating degree weather close it walked around hours afterwards dazedissociated state silently crying moved new hotel room spent least minutes examining room find best place anchor belt bathrobes belt basically anywhere post night honestly im always scanning surroundings see best path living moment case decide indulge urge like im always planning lay bed ill feel okay minutes thought triggers strong emotion run head next thing know im literally mentally picturing taking necessary steps hang myself minutes later im back calm collected minutes that another triggering thought pops head go back fantasizing ending all rapid oscillation okay one minute ready wrap belt around closet hanger bar next minute exhausting unpleasant unwanted roller coaster ride worst all kinds rapid massive emotional state changes urges increasingly common life level frankly mentally crippling dont want die feel like limited shitty options dying favorable outcome still shitty choice none options staying alive letting go past dearly miss desirable given emotional issues sucks much im beyond exhausted all want stability
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playing much games summer quarantine realised cop ambulance vehicles minutes hearing sirens front building
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julie brown hilariously demolishes madonnas attempt rockumentary gut ripping humor truly original catchy songs rival madonnas own cinematography sets top notchbr br kathy griffin chris elliott offer injections comedy enhances compliments film appearances bobcat goldthwait wink martindale themselves added bonusbr br its hard tell browns performance meant insult playfully tease madonna though hardly think material girl would find humor itbr br my favorite line why come to phillipines eat dog im vegetarian
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thinking ending allim long time stalker subreddit know strange thing say thinking ending many occasions feels like ever increasing feeling like right thing do right fiance friends work guess would lessen impact finding me also wondering things could do tidy things could make things easier handle passing
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hopelessi know one care even read this im sad feel hopeless someone betrayed really badly girlfriend hacked social media everyone hates me making think said things say nothing do one believe me choice anymore redflag
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dont think im close every day warm ideaguess im lesser situation ppl here advise slide road like early prevention dont think im afraid thought constantly gets more acceptable back head
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lost knowing doim male france english mother language sorry bad english lack caps im fucking tired feel like attention whore post tehre people much issues lifes deserve attention even know im really depressive im making things life normal cant speak anyone want relatives firends thraet like im sick im know feel lost suicidal thoughts since maybe months happen im alone worse thing i got close friends famiuly loves me im traumatised rapemurderinsert terrible thing here also good grades premire s term anyone familiar french system feel like deserve them im always quiet class never really participate work lot home firends work really hard maybe fear future high school want send prpa think ill fail im hardworking like physics chemistry people think im fucking genius cant think brain learn really fast somehow im good want work scientist ill probably find anything im idiot hiding behind good grades tpe basically school project starting october groups hand paper end march oral exam friday worked guys class close friends really friend they nice guys tho whatever work close friends another class work them choosed subject months realized one us like sibject whatever changed bit time goes less less motivated firends and everyone class became motivated oral exam fucking week shit past december feel like abandonned feel way too parents really close education care lot eason lazy autistic videogame player didnnt told them really upset find happenned exam also counts end school grade baccalaurat know this moment need work presentation simply im shitposting reddit procastinating avoid duty girlfirend dick watch disgusting porn every evening awful one things give pleasure im disgusted myself defend womens rights time watch bondage shit tumblr awful feel even supposely close friends close me one birthday month ago invited party maybe guys group friends me know could go explain im hypocritical shit hiding good grades avoid stuff ill stop im really disgusted posting this im wasting time awfully formatted rant needed
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see post im mobile feel like people see post recently confirm commenting me
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never stopsi depressed mentally fucked since hit puberty im adult life better still want die constantly sick hearing gets better ive tricked family friends thinking im happy recovered living good fulfilling life reality spend every minute im alone fantasising ending life think finally time go end misery
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cant cant continueit hurts hurts end relationship straw broke back ive abused raped thrown away im unlovable im tired tired alone tired strong tired myself tired constant struggle im tired always weathering storm tired all world shit people assholes want use throw away im tired piece meat used spat out im sorry cant anymore hopefully long now
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ayo guess found nier country yes read correct
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subreddit bipolar say sometimes allows photos selfies shit sometimes doesnt like subreddit bipolar teenagers anyway make fucking mind
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cutting become habiti bought knife set to cut fruits parents believe dorm room uni started cutting last year one day drunk things escalated point cant go longer week without cutting myself point actually feels exhilarating relaxing like good music ive started using tactic stay awake study get laugh i laugh im pain idk ask brief adrenaline rush attention mind you touched wrists anywhere scars might get spotted ive started considering neck stop id like cease mess up i mean accidental death would great all like this
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end next week hope gonei cant function person future past ive come close backed out time different ill either die overdose destroyed liver either way do want out cant anymore goodbye thank past help
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attention boys girls see someone visible nipples unless make clear you please ignore them know speak peoples nips say literally mind own time confused are please ignore em
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know greek mythology really offical timeline shit hear say faulty memory correct famous greek heroes existed trojan war means recent greek hero odysseus theres chance completely wrong since im relying purely memory fuck it
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corona ruined bct httpsmyoutubecomwatchveewompyrsw probably whole career
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feel trappeddo ever feel like never going able enjoy life accomplish dreams trapped mind seeing people succeed makes sad knowing could spot instead trapped thing see future redflag often sit porch middle night thinking mistakes opportunities took them makes sad times coming back way see redflag somehow would fix stuff want like this yeah idk do
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parents house spring break nothing do suicidali friends literally lie bed stare ceiling went pc gaming cafe played games hours nothing else life worst part return university fucking hate even more working degree know get job go school lots stem majors agonizing swear thing take mind things video games went grocery stared charcoal consider charcoal burning redflag method someone please help me
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im eating oranges thats wanted share yall
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boss asked say dickhead different languages tell say language title says all morning boss asked say dickhead german wanted say different language multicultural please tell say language teach tomorrow morning
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im gonna kill january thpretty much title im gonna try make last almost months girlfriend best can doesnt hate this
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generally like finish stuff consider work related things like video games series anything like dont want end scared finishing since know going back wont same finish everything feels empty like value anymore knowing never experience way makes want end go loving afterwards never wanting anything anymore
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onemy life used really good social loved lot well school nice job depressed got lot better since began everything started fall lost relationship job skipped school contact parents stopped working out lost friends since corona sitting inside months everyday social contact all therapist therapy years nothing seems help anymore eat shower anything anymore want die whats point living absolutely nothing wake even live for thinking redflag years feels like way out
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whats ur shittiest pickup line surround terrible pick lines heres mine id say beautiful beauty inside know bc inside yet
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today th birthday longer confines flair
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nearly everyone sub looking gfbf im looking clout primes amazon prime account link twitch get sub free literally printing money info go httpsmtwitchtvmikiprofile
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english teacher took hour explain memes are english teacher took full hour explaining meme class making meme competition english teachers mute could explain already understand meme was gave us low quality picture loin said make meme abruptly left zoom
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spielbergs first dramatic film letdown beautifully made film without flaws life africanamerican woman also proves movies africanamerican ethnicity center story helmed africanamerican directorbr br what love movie spielbergs ability make realistic despite fact based book furthermore danny glover excellent mr usually hes throughout movies this completely branches someone else once but performance de resistance whole film comes whoopi goldberg excellent celie never forget characters seen moviebr br now heard musical version going film well say is hope good one is one film missed
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toast paradox toast literal garbage right wake morning immaculate pm cup leaf juice milk
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days lefti know missed th one im tired im waiting everything end
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life sucksim out ciao
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certain thing story gold digger viola dana tenement house mother uses take care two brothers loving family although danas character opportunity marry streetcar conductor refuses holds millionaire everyone makes fun fantasy surprised one day really meet millionaire son owner popular abc restaurant chain two marry hastily girls dreams wealth shattered rich father disowns son marrying gold digger however truly loves new husband two unexpectedly successful making ownbr br a rare glimpse movie star viola dana film lot fun danas role accessible natural entertaining displays knack comedy well ability dramabr br the mechanics film lot fun too camera displays sophisticated late silent techniques like mobility title cards also incredibly cleverbr br if like films like best girl it patsy enjoy film
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am im sad theres school tomorrow whyyyyyyyyyy
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waste management day mafia crime boss night
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feeling dull often life pretty darn good cant seem feel appreciate ittook leave medical school earlier year best friend med school taken life recently funnily enough seem affect much think have life feels dull get excited much all feel lonely like girls cant seem motivation really pursue relationships even friends apathy seems recurring theme days life mean life awesome objectively family supportive brother started practicing surgeon super rich live comfortably beginning think temperament naturally despondent remember kid use like well feel like im ditch im trouble getting it days feels like energy climb it like ditch slope never ends fight climb days energy anymore inevitably slide back down know redflag common thought necessarily transpire action holds particularly true think often convince bad coping strategy anyone felt like successfully changed thinkingbaseline feeling want feel like this want feel know excitement passion emotions im analytical pessimistic sigh
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wish could enjoy free time never do cannot wait get home work bored
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would anything end life maybeive really hard time depressed every day constantly urge harm kill myself point im forming visualizations ideas head go it last redflag attempt march tied bag around head ive seen many therapists none really helpful except current one telling helping get better lifestyle see point continuing feel like helping really hard open anyone general also really really want kill myself point continue joy pleasure anything every day same sit home pitying thinking ways kill myself want live anymore matter never mattered anyone flashbacks stop want want die edit thinking giving everything job games everything want keep feeling like oxygen thief every day want end keep eating junk food hopes heart attack might happen soon
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love umaskerplayz thats it umaskerplayz legend absolute god pray every night amazing
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know anymorei cry every day struggle bad thoughts time minor inconvenience happensi love boyfriend much anything want leave knowing sad mad disappointedi happy life see future world plagued redflag rpe feel horrible time given therapy prescription drugs many chances time feel defeated know do tired sad hopeless love
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need advice girlfriend killed ive depressed years counting now need someone talk to
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so one favorite rockstars blocked instagram im proredflagi commented something post httpswwwinstagramcompbnseyhqp_httpswwwinstagramcompbnseyhqp_ saying as someone whos proredflag cant comment further maybe saw it eventually deleted it blocked me again people find easy kill themselves wish easy too
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nightsit seems like nights im completely alone worst much time think one would care killed myself ill never anything life hurts breathe want go
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need help persuading parents wish becoming digital artistpursuing visual designing career parents kind people believe if doctor engineer going successful get stable income call supreme bs get theyre coming from since live egypt probably worse economic state im interested careers convince it like like choices prevent choosing want life hate seeing upset want least make satisfied googled around bit want confirmations digital artvisual designing job opportunities provide consistent financial income earn respect etc thanks help hope get drowned new
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kinda wish laying titties rn thats thats post
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love movie disney channel ridiculous playing anymore think definitely put susie q back air least one night record it anyone know find it email cristinaimcom please email know find movie online anywhere told kids movie think deserve see also disney movies coming fake boring need susie q back great movie great actors see taken air everyone loves movie much taken air please take comment consideration along comments made movie thank you nice day
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guys forgot something help today day cake guys do help ppl
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male college student need help badlyi really know start it always felt fairly depressed past years never done anything thought standard teen depression thing grew depression grew never made friends high school trouble talking people uncomfortable so people understand mean say uncomfortable talking people cannot bring talk people goes beyond social awkwardness something troubles deeply say hello make eyecontact ive ridiculed lack eyecontact peers become suicidal ive begun cutting i want die kind way if press bit harder could over also mention used gpa ive gone school weeks missing midtermshomework etc also scholarship doubt ill able keep now im already ton debt people still coming me still live home even enough offset costs school i lived campus last year apartment bit feel like offing best option point health insurance parents feel comfortable talking anybody person this eventually im sure come im sure way im sure many say go schools counseling center goes back said earlier extreme reluctance talk anybody anything magnified fact want talk situation
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guys sad day cat longer me part whole life miss forever may see among stars
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im tired worldi find meaning lose it find something enjoy goes away say ok im comfortable find something destroys it try communicate gets muddy again world ive experiencing since im still feel it find love fucking years lose heartbeat every since understood circle decided im tired live like afraid hurt family mum dont anymore im afraid coming talking strangers kinda helps circles break point keep going im really tired
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nut november day weekend finally fucking weekend nothing much happened today sports went school thats realy it hornyness slowing theory still stands strong think oh yeah ate pizza today pretty bangin anyways time go bed good luck brave soldiers there good night morning dont know
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cannot believe enjoyed much did anthology stories better par linking story surprise ending hooked me alot familiar faces keep asking where seen before forget running time listed new lines tape aint minutes according vcr timer imdb space maggot douses campfire special way hikes
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jack fuck hand jack off hand work bottom fucking hand still jacking bottom
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naruto ep nothing wanted say sum ye ye ye ye ye
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fucked forgot november fapped ashamed failed first day all
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want kiss far long kiss would improve life exponentially
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abandoned people called friends know right thing wanted say mean stuff said you mean it thought makeng hate would easier hope great best fun like remember love bb drunk none see anyway
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life hits us facewe must try stay beautifulbr br debut movie one belgians best artists he sings songs tom barman long awaited movie andhappy happy joy joy flemish filmmakingreally worth watching promising piece work takes us lifes main characters live friday night title says lot way spend time them float friday nights party kinda meetbr br its rhytmic style thought off superb use music sometimes takes upperhand images feel power gainsbourg qotsa party scene minutes thrilling visual experience cause way shot keeps really set small place lot people big partyso hard shootbr br thank menijr barman making daring movie these already years going poor times flemish filmmaking made day
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get political think spiders could get way sexier
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coming guy prefer special type girls please nice give lots hugs cuddles
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hate people try get girlfriends sub like bro going get one anyway girls age dms open
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im upset fathers co worker tested positive whole family quarantine two weeks even test negative school literally reopened last two band shows next two weeks im band hate online school almost failed half classes last quarter suck online learning able talk anyone half year worst thing cant anything even know im posting guys probably downvote mad quarantining