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tired constant failureyesterday mom asked keep going looked normal emotionless face shrugged thinks therapy dont heart tell therapy doesnt help me ive started cutting cope constant failure tbh since early high school cant talk due culture male cant tell ive found comfort alcohol im trying keep binging becoming harder drink bottle medication im tired always failing ive worked hard many years sacrificed much slip fingers like water last several years comprised financial hardship rejections med schools deaths breakup literally havent even taken time mourn lossesfailures dont know mourn feel nothing void space nothing exists yet widens everyday consumes me think loneliness whats getting most relationship lasted months im grateful first experience healthy left craving affection dont get much attention women eat away me feeds suicidal thoughts feelings inadequacy want end cant find ways end peacefully cant share thoughts anyone since friends run ignore acknowledging others feel im failure worthless perhaps better let void consume me
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sure want shoot myselfi gun time ive thinking using almost every day know would easy thats main reason even tried get one somehow hoped someone something would stop me nothing like happened paperwork went store legally handgun since months ago knew bad idea second got store shooting number one redflag fantasy years thats wanted one finally end it im sure im serious shooting scares honest often sit there holding gun bring temple never pull trigger holding like that feeling heavy hands gives kind kick keep fantasizing shooting lethal like shooting shoulder arm test waters also various combat knives fantasize stabbing often also stabbed right left hand bad expected im sure really want kill mutilate body even more anyone feeling same know really fucked need seek help enough money therapy im also bad situation health care wise im practically going lose job get psychological help insurance
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love girl really mutual dead either today tomorrowi already shared whole story reddit couple times check post history read entirety tldr title wish dead part tries find solutions designed to tired waking tears almost breaking tears read something hear something see something tired contemplating redflag tired looking people seeing happily love others forget girl love know paint good light know im monster know im stereotypical bad guy know decision hurt people still care hope losing entirely better continuous stream knowing suicidal trying help failing maybe blaming willing got better know probably isnt know really hurt wish way tell fault tell blame this anyone mind want ask better could try frame entire thing accident could make classic redflag say goodbyes everyone would cause least pain know sorry everyone read this real mess quite unreadable probably go sleep now
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like commit die thinking why hard question like either
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others even care anymoreive never ordinary kid ive faced multiple occasions physical mental abuse growing up imagine kind effects later life hate others feel like im fed bread crumbs taking blame things fault know think tiring wake another day hope future one vent without looking like attention seeker im always tempted self harm know anymorei hate point really see anymore
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drafthiii __ im new reddit idk really works yeh hope everybody enjoying time reading wanted vent little bcs im great time contemplating redflag even usual looking life wish background feel real like belong never did matter tried always general image always felt lonely want free skin ever think since wake till knock point daydream death im fake around people nobody would ever suspect wanting end everything yet going ages head feels like constant waves headaches full disordered thoughts want stop existing feel like im real
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evil professor moriarty plots gain control sherlock holmes secret weapon could win war nazisbr br basil rathbone nigel bruce return screen sir arthur conan doyles beloved detective sidekick sherlock holmes dr watson entertaining little mystery universal studios wasted money either fancy production values sensible script knowing two stars would attraction audience would need indeed rathbone cerebral ego bruce bumbling id seem actually become characters creating gleefully keeping faces straight engaged utter nonsensebr br dennis hoey makes first appearance dogged inspector lestrade scotland yard teamed bruce two goodhearted pedantic fellows actually get save intellectually superior holmes life twice lionel atwill master sinister deserves recognition talent fine job moriarty making wicked rascal foe worthy holmes steel relishing scenes gets inflict torture painbr br william post jr kaaren verne play swiss scientist girlfriend heart mystery theyre given much do sweet mary gordon makes token appearance holmes landlady mrs hudsonbr br rathbone spices already classic interpretation holmes getting appear disguise three times story thereby revealing viewer great sleuth bit ham actor heartbr br this filmwhich based loosely elements sir arthurs short stories the dancing men the empty housefollowed sherlock holmes voice terror preceded sherlock holmes washington
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please fucking kill me want kill badly want blow head badly hate fucking life hate myself please god fucking kill me god dammit
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know whats wild one day fucker like i balls got integration shit shits crazy
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modern era one likes theres room left hermiti annoy everyone maybe first maybe while old friends friends new cannot keep friends fact driven away eventually statistically continue so young biggest fear shots big dogs heights similar things terrified core becoming lowest common denominator fear absolute uncontrollable spasms emotion desperations throughout middleschool skills math science would capability bringing mire merely passed one ear other years later find anything beyond absolute basic concepts fail comprehend make use of wasted formative years frozen fear failure failed ever act would freeze anything constantly fail complete work whereupon told lazy oafish work fucking grocery store looking like going career ever heard anthonys song bullet seems rather preferable life bottom pyramid
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samuel fuller knows war one directors american movie history could accurately portray horrific experiences form like motion picture pessimism idealism sounds little odd mix together work storyteller time hes always tell truth however brutal or put melodramatic constructs get verboten however deals postwar experience get opening scenes big boom war bold point opening shot like one big exclamation point seems continue rest scenes dead soldier ground camera pans up see another soldier shot wartorn terrain simple direct language fuller punctuates intensity something interesting title song played opening credits irony sincerity beethoven music shootout americans nazis sgt david brent james best shot battle goes on transitions treated woundsbr br it might lead one believe somewhat conventional ww flick somewhat one usually find beethoven and later extent wagner put images case instead fuller makes coming home kind movie though sense this soldier comes home injured on instead really going home brent stays germany hes fallen head heels woman helga susan cummings pretty good pulling german accent wants work smaller capacity military marry her realize a wants money get food brother however gets complex emotionally point revelation slightly naive heartfelt brent b theres underground hitler youth sect called werewolves want pick right hitler ended starting small despite argument within group attacking government thats embedded germany give them brent describes blood transfusion this plus footage nuremburg trials as narrated think fuller himself quick nopunchespulled history nazi war crimes piece piece get multifaceted look society dire straits immediate postwar environment rossellini handled way germany year zero fuller tackles layers first theres love story tragic downfall man cant see anything past thinks reasonable wife child way cant leave revelation hes partly swindled baker cummings along harold daye helgas young confused brother perform utmost detail emotions easy bmovie parts though couldve that another layer political one struggle society come grips conquered mentality made sensationalized sure fuller respect making nazis total nograyarea thing theyre evil particularly cancel reason meet endsbr br and finally theres layer style strangely absorbing probably one fullers talkiest films bad thing considering one best written scripts characters talk simply many platitudes with exception small scene two characters talk hitler youth juvenile delinquents actually according fullers autobiography probably another layer consider subtext s period movies fuller shoots almost real european style hes going fight scenes battles editing always fast sometimes cut happen full minute longer theres odd tension grows this especially theres something said character gets another one wildeyed suspicious fuller could easily go big closeup theres sinister cold quality moving away two people conversation without simple overtheshoulder deal requires it like big brawl outside american military office nuremburg footage spliced franzs memories werewolves fuller stunning stylist everbr br very hard find extremely worth your either fan directors ww movies set germany even historybuff verboten intellectual experience strong emotional one cast better expected bmovie attitude towards other equally damning thought provoking
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first episode immediately gave good impression expect series mysteries waiting solved lot good drama love fact gradually reveal stories concerning characters explaining enough stay excited course show flaws first two series characters reason show third season many characters decent sent there like rose husband hell they happened them maybe return later episodes little inconsistent said lost manages thrilling every episodeespecially first two seasons hard thing do notice third season focus character development mystery aspects show bad thing even saves episodes getting boring one elements considered strength show wonderful characters grow love characters good bad eventually want see mysteries solved get closure danger lost getting canceled due declining ratings near would devastating
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anyone done clonidineapparently lethal dose mgkg amount
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ive officially listed vinyl digital cd music list best worst itll go digital cd vinyl
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sure exactly got honestly feel cursed god universe whatever forces work felt depressed years now that child felt different weird isolated alienated seeking real help someone university asked have ever considered killing yourself occurred normal major antidepressants hospitalized twice seen countless doctors therapists psychiatrists psychologists still place reached tms ketamine places gotten anywhere tinnitus taken number blows head throughout life never sure related depression supportive family even great wife feel terrible relying much financially emotionally able make progress main problem seems feel like part anything going on understand going on know supposed doing everything seems wrong see chaos confusion honestly trying best survive thrive keeps getting worse went college thought wanted filmmaker barely even enjoy films feels like every idea done knew could network assemble crew necessary things would do ever able make wedding videosand hire maybe person decided stop that got job editing short promos tv shows gave portfolio one seems care about worked local government creating media getting fired voicing concerns noise office sensitive one hiring me go back driving done ever since able work used think driving made feel free could alone music podcasts thoughts want alone thoughts think killing day two years transported dead bodies super depressing work fedex hot noisy extremely strenuous every time someone tries help job prospect leads nowhere point even want accept help rejected many places seems would qualified for look jobs time look really bad pay much process takes much time rejected end want quit job spotty gig work fall back on feel like failure cannot contribute financiallyi feel gratitude things have tried journaling meditation yoga exercise plenty things people suggest do mind stays locked past mistakes cringey moments beat shit day everyday cannot stop compare others get jealous get angry cannot normal successful feels like getting dumber forgetful harder hearing need faculties working well possible seems getting older life gets sad embarrassing barely want leave house sensitive horrible things see situations might end ini know anymore scared getting older could possibly get even worse need help cannot seem get it everything reach everything seems impossible tumbled long time see way back
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poem wrote suicidal influences many open meaningshello ive never much interest poetry fact think one lowest forms literature expression events recent past lead writing this first poem ive ever written free will like it id like know not id still like know counterproductive suicidal individuals delete post little argument call you need me need me need me hear cry wonder ever came attempt wave goodbye put barrel temple begin wish could overdose close close need me open eyes mesmerized million lies me surface top scream stop open eyes meant goodbyes stand high way sky finally finally goodbye falling flailing failing close close need me open eyes lying bed cant dead join rest cattle hell internal battle paint smile begin daily mile time bed beautiful lie rings head need me
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ive waited years wait another just felt like sharing get load chest ive made decision go redflag im really sure dogs rescue shes attached me shes scared everyone everything look her cant trust anyone take care took life ill wait shes older socialized guess feel little proud going tonight keep thinking keep repeating years calms enough take meds once hope anyone else feels like this maybe theyll repeat words well mean cant see anything getting better try another years know can thanks reading daisy
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im failure family fired job fear girlfriend leave me world disgusting im doneso hello dunno last time using site ever honestly really couldnt care life nothing stupid decisions abuse ive always strived best ive always put others me even hurts me thats way raised love it despise anything like made giant carpet everyone walk over matter hard try stand myself always end thrown even harder eventually stopped really trying stand up would let people whatever go till matter angry frustrated got ive grown used ive become afraid anytype confrontation smoke weed ive terrified tell girlfriend person im supposed trust most makes feel like utter piece shit top accidentally lied big time mini panic attack asked virgin not time started dating girl previous dated small connection current girlfriend panicked said no even though slept ex idea regret fucking much torturing months things turning around blue got let go job weeks ago live apartment one roommate enough money pay one month rent ive start selling things ive havnt even told parents yet know make stress even harder never focus anything positive always negative even think trying help lecture im fucked fault somehow head exploding stress anger frustration best never enough love girlfriend anything abosuluty kills tell asks something cant afford take anywhere anything feel horribly pathetic ive hated self entire life years stuck hell hole ill hopefully free soon planet inhabitants fucked deserve it im disgusted humans done continue other race deserve exist im done now rant over bye tldr family hates me world disgusting girlfriend may leave me lost job fuck existence goodbye sincerely worthless piece trash
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even possible fix always broken fell apartplease anyone anyone all hear say want feel alone anymore good life far all im beginning think meant feel happiness begin with maybe time go ive never told anyone life detail ive always wanted vent cry know someone else earth knows ive gone through im going through please read need someone know im bad person life female years old parents dropped nanas house day birthday never came back me told want me mom pregnant step dads child wanted start family him dad also girlfriend left reason never got divorced dad ended children several different women know moms kid sister others met briefly fathers funeral mom never liked me look much like dad hated him younger great grandmother forced meet twice week home could get know sister mom would tell sister things like spit face hit me push ask stop without getting yelled at thankfully sister grew older adore now dad hand really know well man shwed nanas house every steal money belongings drug money also liked show drunk wanted fight nana also like much reason kept grandpa loved cherished greatly sadly died first grade angel kept safe everyone else died one protect me nana began telling much despised died pulled hair told devil someday world would know evil was would say son want me something wrong me want either promised me second grade graduated high school longer welcome home would get rid sooner would look bad so uncle worst all always hurt me also man showed wanted money drugs would hurt arms knees leaving bruises gave money great grandmother would give helping around house visited one night around am showed house again banging door nana asleep felt brave night locked deadbolt told leave yelled banged louder refused let in next day saw news night showed home left house immediately went family friends home sadly familys friend opened door unlike me turned uncle high crack night looking money buy drugs with visited man murdered taking money used crowbar man years old man helped nana many many times nothing eat needed something family children us broke heart asked nana going funeral said fault died given son needed instead going funeral sent away days hid uncle house decided turn in man funeral one attended uncle nana girlfriend side entire time people school bad group even claimed nothing wrong represented okay part left time life long event dad used dirty needle drug use got aids take care moved us state gave money since work spent drugs instead homework dad would call drug dealer sort pills look pill using school provided laptop make sure paying for often found bags unknown powders crack hidden room grades started slip point often fell asleep class dad would get high turn lights on pee everywhere scream night felt brave one night asked stop school two hours needed sleep told go hell promised turned kicked house two months later high school graduation idea give tickets ended giving mom sister step dad dad nana program left building looked family see anyone crowd called mom showed up stood looked nana friend mine got phone call her called tell come feel like it instead decided visit uncle prison two hours away thats realized one come one cared enough take hour day me surrounded families yet nothing cried spot friends mother let stay day graduation moved around streets awhile nice police officer offered help contacted grandma mothers side really know thankfully said could stay her tried get college point neither mother father would give information could fill paperwork get financial assistance throughout years developed severe depression anxiety suffered panic attacks daily leave house whole life revolved around fear eventually got help that least temporarily took trip florida grandma first time year later finally felt little bit okay point life two days trip received text blue read youre piece shit dad spoken nana since made leave help schooling paperwork understand done immediately broke tears right there hotel trip ruined five words stole another part me continued therapy psychiatrist tried talking getting disability refused work time no function normal human being goal get better get job wanted prove could make something myself months later night someone knocked door got bed looked window nanas boyfriend opened door asked going on looked second saying your dad died days ago head raced could even respond turned around got car nana left cry yet walked room sent mom text dad died minutes later called pick up sat awhile last words youre piece shit let go cried rest night went another piece me funeral one worst days life showed anxious look sad enough act want go home walked room mom asked go see him want to knew looked like skeleton point hed lost ton weight looked nothing like himself denied went straight nana gave hug may mean knew hurting everyone stared kept whispering thought head nana opened mouth you disappointed him stared wondering meant he suffered lot stole him stole anything anyone understand all he knew bad person everyone knows stood tying keep straight face legs began shake continued i know way are thought would come see died kids came except you even know hospitalized time remember exactly way felt point eyes me filled hate lips started tremble tried speak couldnt kids brothers sisters never knew giving looks like belong there ran room cried turned dad told everyone stealing money bank account never course ive never even bank account myself cousin told hed actually gotten high spent money forgot spent told everyone stole it wanted run explain would never thing im type person would believe know loved him stand chance bad one knew would live that branded waste space long time ago wash away could try harder nothing could stop trying months received hateful messages via facebook ignored everything tore apart inside lost progress id made therapy one night little bit later took bunch pills cut arms legs up nana found kitchen floor called ambulance ended mental facility week though things started look up felt like life mattered facility nice me helped me day discharged went facebook looked old messages deleting people brought down saw several unread messages old highschool friend trying get reply two years replied thinking could use friend years since one eventually hung together since year later mother another child decided move offered live boyfriend old home happily so thinking wed stable living situation is step dad started showing house high saying house car driveway one would steal things would dig trash leave hateful notes door mom stole car began lose weight went pounds pounds bones stuck everywhere looked sick time handle constantly coming around acting crazy drug use mom came one day knocked door opened stuck finger face said raising rent raked yard two weeks told rake broken shwed told leave flipped off got car broke down asked could treat way could act like never acted like mom should asked could steal car yell leaves yard response fuck you flipped backed driveway sank knees front porch panic attack want homeless again id homeless many times before called boyfriend work even speak could cry phone finally able tell happened came home soon could calmed went back work hour later step dad showed up stood scared open door know much could take surprisingly apologized told go mom wrong said realized once high left work felt little bit relief asked small told stressed developed stomach ulcer true wouldnt accept that told knew crack like looked like abusing it never touched drugs life began telling people addicted drugs boyfriend abusing me take anymore boyfriend decided needed get away them longer taking care myself miserable made month knew moving would hard decided anyway brought home boxes work began pack things slowly surely nights later someone banged bedroom window around am began yelling step dad screamed answer door calling police boyfriend jumped answered door step dad burst hit boyfriend friend recognize step dad continued hitting boyfriend head screamed me threw mail floor dug trash said going call police said stealing mail mail actually junk mail cable internet grocery store junk mail step dad shaking terribly spitting boyfriend high again digging though trash again said leave right would call police finally enough told call police knew wouldnt pushed towards door yelled get out finally left another panic attack lived tent that last part gone finally it live camper now working water electricity use old tablet local wifi im far gone point never leave camper bathe brush hair change clothes cant breathe anymore anxiety bad cant go buy groceries cant look people eye im skeleton now im afraid people im afraid everything boyfriend told long ago im strongest person ever met could never dealt this strong im here taking space im not exactly wanted be worthless nothing broke piece piece nothing left fix hope me empty empty nothing nothing
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every american thinks understands world war two see movie hollywood films war defied stereotype japanese soldiers emotionless brutes obeying orders without thinking like think every japanese man ready able fight death right day bombed nagasaki fires plain shows different reality troops pathetically undersupplied demoralized starved point cannibalism euphemistically refer human flesh monkey meat movie novel based also put death myth japanese soldiers preferred death surrender good reason believe enemies mood take prisoners raises question americans would rather avoid japanese military beaten point war necessary nuke hiroshima
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tried kill twice now one quite recent back may cut late night mother woke found me first thought done accident kitchen seemed concerned however told done purpose instantly become upset seem concerned way angry upset way like inconvenient her wounds horrible bad point hospitalization concerning deep mom told put neosporin go back sleep told feel safe asked call someone take somewhere told bleeding one could anything me told fine attention first thought crazy scared right able go maybe subconsciously attention texted cousin next day check doing weird stuff made sad mother continues act like everything normal talk since bring gets mad always says i care grow up move out always tells sensitive emotional reason seeking attention moved away college september parents insisted come back october covid arguments always bring up telling stayed there want leave close moving away next year college seems like closer get leaving worse thoughts become scared might happen me want relationship mom bad really love her seems like want one treats much worse younger sibling hurts bad truly feels like would care want able it know need help difficult form support regular life hate venting friends serious topic want scare burden them making wonder okay ya knowi feel sad time counting days try leave whichever comes first know make better
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hey cutie pies made survey yesterday really want people it im pretty bored really want know people like hope enjoy survey pretty quick yeah httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlscpflvntkzezxbwuahlfpyrusquyjwdbaubdqofaviewformuspsf_linkhttpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlscpflvntkzezxbwuahlfpyrusquyjwdbaubdqofaviewformuspsf_link
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want dieim tired want rest forever
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wonderingi wonder many people survive attempts regret it actually end it always talk survivors glad alive im survivor fucking hate im alive failed wonder im alone
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deserve it life like this
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feel like im ultimately going die handsmy whole life story necessary im going post make feel better used live michigan many hobbies much computer day ive always smart like saying that feel like everyone whos dumb says thing seems like true taking consideration results tests ive taken past end high school never really felt depressed never happy smile never depressed graduated hated life boring dull legitimate purpose friends real life really desire better i better need live happy internet food electricity shelter see point living decided since going kill reason move wherever damn well felt like it did left free housing food left free college education would say dumb would one people saw differently then understand point view truly going kill myself better leave live stay dieeven staying dying would substantially better idea moved really far away state unnamed confidentiality moved there could meet best friends internet real life had lived with girlfriend actually enjoyed life ffw year tried hard could find job money ran out valentines day know myself cant kill would destroy girlfriend cant leave same cant find job cant work job finding system advantage hell cant even get weed smoke ee make matters worse ive lived year parents house barely contributed ive paid like mo rent feel like useless person girlfriends brother pretty much told much today trying make girlfriend feel better argument mom fucking valentines day basically im trying find job still im also going try move back michigan march attempt finish college girlfriend may lost scholarships probably wont find job ill probably well possibly lose housing soon think life good one ultimately turns ill homeless guess ill kill myself legitimate reason come suffering ultimately worse death regardless temporary suffering think worst part initially going kill large amount privilege reason live im going kill reasons live my girlfriendi love much privilege or least possibility good life really reason post guess since people saying dont kill yourself help kill years now think wanted get chest feel terrible today honestly almost decided take gram mxe gamble life away decided to still probably closer redflag today ever been
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want planim risk today immediately future decided make plan ready tie loose ends happen dog afterwards years ago thought college would ticket out end ended parents place debt bad hs want im years goes quickly
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sister lying calling fat posting social media saw sister first time like week yesterday would stop saying thought fat point times hour said if really think fat try lose weight meant someone could maybe help lose weight fit gave sincere apology said think fat complaining night though would good try help her went tik tok told she needs lose weight supposed here
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one talk toi really friends say care let know im down im fucking time im tired around time surely want either ive burned people guess ever fully believe say care im messed weak needy go on ive thought calling someone am everyone asleep want talk anyway dead feel way one would worry helping me feel like im holding people back get enjoyment life logical basis assume things get better things magically change im going wake happy ill change myself highly unlikely happen ive pretty much known id end life now finding right moment plan everything seems painful od unlikely work without stronger meds hanging cutting suffocating seem painful gun would quick gun want leave gruesome scene someone find either want check out fall asleep never wake up im sorry feel way cant take anxiety self hatred fear sadness anymore nothing look forward to want someone notice me friends ask im say couldnt happier assume mean i happy really i physically incapable happy childish cant seem bring tell person feel easier tell strangers internet wish born closest friends really care cant anything disclosing change anything ultimately comes back me choose happy actively work towards it ive tried think happy
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hi mates whats deal today hi whats u guys bored sooo friends hav discord server r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us theres ppl console nintendo channel channel ask opposite sex channel relationship advice anime images ppl europe australia asia too stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome teen baby old man loool dm link
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bloody fucking failureabout months ago tried kill car garage one thing didnt count fucking neighbor coming see whats happening passed n right almost finally fucking dead n dick head decided call n pull garage fuck ima cut air bags car n crash bitch fucking hate ppl caring let fucking die well third time charm right
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yooo among us code kqmrhf server north america cmon join wish
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theres song called lizzy come back life cool high schooler named lizzy always feel like lizzy actually crazy old milf
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british documentary recently shown comedy central best of week also seen south parks second season dvd remember seeing many commercials dvd showing clips documentary occurs matt stone trey parker guy hot tub funny saw commercials used seeing time saw actual documentarybr br overall goin south park fairly funny interesting look south park episodes made series history going back matt trey came idea college however something tone documentary actually felt sort depressing fastpaced rapidfire lively actual south park episodes instead kind slow drywit style times funny time waiting something happen get chance watch it means go it think really missing much never see itbr br my imdb rating
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told story armin meiwes die kannibal der rotenburg well fuck tell ill banned
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totally disagreei thought great movie kidsdawn wells gilligans islandand promise shown barely known dana platoit disneylike hardly disregarded meaningless fluffno scary meant bei wont ruin endingbut unusual way donei mean kids characters great know expect endthe basic plot also lot kids say fact kids expert fishermen central plot especially initiallyit also helps jam towards endit also plus overly longi think clocks minutes
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baseketball indeed really funny movie david zucker manages make us laugh heads again really silly many times smart comedybr br the creators south park main actors film play good surprisingly good actually first time see actors movie oftenly reminded south park one fav showsbr br its really good funny film miss itbr br vote
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opening night released tries ambitious production succeeds truly stunning performance gena rowlands character theatre actress myrtle necessarily someone would love real life selfabsorbed often obnoxious makes life miserable around words unlike actresses myrtle also woman edge collapse quite sure demons fighting real imagined although let secret early rowlands obviously well directed love gifted husband actordirector john cassavettes role film well film without flaws overly long last part film myrtle goes stage drunk seems almost cruel improvising dialogue least stage goes way long supporting characters give good performances especially ben gazarra playing myrtles sleazy producer joan blondells character never fully developed never could figure film except placate myrtle see film rowlands alone fascinating throughout tough take eyes her although want times
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living breathing potato thats folks read title
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today gonna aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhgghhhghggghhh day
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apocalypse redux francis ford coppolas war opus probably beautiful war film ever seen capt benjamin willard martin sheen vietnam soldier tapped head dangerous highly classified mission cambodia terminate position col kurtz marlon brando highly ranked highly regarded army man seemingly gone completely insane defected army setting little society helped cultish following soldiers escorting river cambodia handful navy men along way encounter several interesting people most notably robert duvalls kilgore badass lieutenant colonel screws loose horrifying situations br br apocalypse less historical war film philosophical psychological study full metal jacket platoon running time apocalypse three hours film wonderfully paced compelling end film arrived actually surprised amount time passed beautiful cinematography surely stood me however seeing film convinced coppola one masters light photography film history godfather films tinged almost sepia tone shadows created feeling baroque composition apocalypse incredible usage natural light shadows particularly scenes involving brando sheen almost become living character pervasive effective another gorgeous scene cpt willard jay hicks frederic forrest jungle looking mangoes come across tiger sheer enormity surrounding foliage leaves big house made characters almost lilliputian colorization scene incredible everything else almost muted grey leaves incredibly vibrant green effect particularly striking another really minor notredflag moment film great scene helicopters carrying duvall company attack small village playing wagner could ultradramatic underlying soundtrack scene instead coppola turns song actual part scene duvall mentioning likes play approaching scare hell them br br the performances apocalypse first class much made amount money brando earned film amount trouble caused regardless this turned powerful performance relatively short amount screen time sheen completely outstanding first time seen really unleash film duvall lot fun watch loony kilgore apocalypse now film pervasive pop culture most know several choice lines film i love smell napalm morning et al knew little enough plenty surprises left experience seen original cut apocalypse now cannot compare newer cut film certainly experienced br br shelly
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balding want end allim going bald cant live anymore people say shave head lift feel me jacked bald guy suit personality one bit plus shaved head pale skinny white guy id look like neonazi cancer patient hair style options balding men either shave let grow slightly out makes look like something accountant whos idea fun reorganize stamp collection im terrified leaving house without hat know everywhere go people laugh balding ive given pursing women attractive women right mind wants date balding something guys s full heads hair cant go life like anymore ive gone considered good looking ugly im trying rogaine see working year ill kill want go life ugly bald loser thats baldness you people give examples bald men attractive always hypermasculine guys like rock vin diesel also s help guy s
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since people become careless coldi told suicidal last night mean hurtful reply happened us thought best friends
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im lonely stressedi stuck subjects high school absolutely hate cannot even change them everyday got school feel isolated everyone even though friends stressful year everyone terms studies dont wanna bother friends problems hate every moment school even though parents supportive point even cant anything worst part brother like best friend recently went away college feel like ive lost person could talk to dont anything look forward career friends future dont think reason apart mother would convince live
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im planning killing sooni really dont much live anymore noone relate problems have terrible acne im really shortim male get judged time skin colorim black feel like loser im even crying typing this life awful want kill painless way possible messing ending living life long issuesie paralyzed im thinking trying variety different ways go overdosing pills hanging myself jumping tall building wanted vent wont write proper redflag note one read miss im gone
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matured fascination academy awards evolved intense interest casual amusement comments written bizarre results academy award voting often difficult explain omission in cold blood one five best picture nominees one inexplicable instances especially one nominations year went wretched unwatchable dr dolittle insomniac masochist would tune rex harrison disaster richard brooks powerful adaptation truman capotes nonfiction novel retains ability capture viewers attention leave completely drained final fade out nothing particularly graphic gruesome screen film definitely adult material based nebraska multiple murder s filmed actual locations murders took place in cold blood filmed master cinematographer conrad hall stark black white screen compositions demand seen correct widescreen aspect ratio together quincy joness unsettling score halls work credited title brooks screenplay three pillars intense classic built performances fine well scott wilson cold charm robert blake intense introversion two killers there inside joke one point blake speaks bogart the treasure sierra madre duo driving mexico child star blake sold lottery ticket bogart john huston film film like book definitely slanted towards killers anticapital punishment tilt although remorselessness murderers somewhat negates sentiment despite difficulttowatch final scenes criticized film focus criminals backgrounds lives clutter family literally murdered cold blood middle night come across onedimensional characters little import lack balance comes book capote spent much time two killers death row clutter family apparently researched depth however whatever feelings one may capital punishment in cold blood leave mired deep conflicting thoughts run double bill dead man walking may speak days
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fck this one girl everyone problems her filler filler filler filler filler ah ah ah ah stayin alive stayin alive naaamee gaaame judy judy judy bo budy banana fannah foh fudy fee fy moh muudy juudy
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missed k earnings stock market cant even think straight go work im upset thinking ending nowtitle im retard watching everyone make gains lose money wish dead might throw money see happens kill self point life rigged
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every while eddie murphy surprise youbr br in movie like the golden child especially movie figure would star maybe harrison ford kurt russell someone eddie really work hes smart hes funny hes brave kind courteous thrifty clean everything else hero bebr br having chosen secure mystic child holds key protecting world complete evil embodied perfectly dance eddie goes california nepal back beautiful kee nang lewis wonders hes says crazy old holy man wong perfect always knows isbr br its exciting breathtaking spots shocking and course funny eddie action hero know could begin movie making rude remarks behind guy reading porno magazine end smartaleck remarks ed mcmahonbr br no problem child golden findbr br nine stars viva nepal
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hey think im finally readyso anyways sister fucking insane drug fueled bender claims sexually assaulted her guess assume im lying say believe women always like girl seeing since im doomed die alone think im finally ready always thought id need gun actually super easy get lethal dose heroin normal person without history opioid abuse od like need get certificate anything way way better killing gun also fun less mess anyway heres list reasons absent one family friends significant etc man kill myself many men engineering politics law running music chess etc literally every interest have theres huge male bias percentage men thats high killing increase percentage women field recreational sports leagues gender requirements women play many want always many guys leagues sometimes feature girls times drive interest guys teams everyone prefers company women women want hang women men want hang women one ever says many women here believe women always rapist therefore deserve public shunning women want around like want men around women races yoga retreats gyms women screenings wonder women etc yes women may like particular men stick around guys really care competition net overall wanted theres many dating women overwhelmed messages guys like cares theres one less guy women trouble finding guys want date apparently anyway longer care anything else except this im pretty excited finally die deserve better exes emotional punching bag finally im gonna look me think writing note fun want guilt anyone issue want people happy given reasons listed obvious existence makes people unhappy anyway survivors hope happy really do want nothing happiness everyone friends family exes enemies whatever were monkeys rock kind other something says fuck guy think better move on anyway hope find happiness find someone love care about
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java survival players welcomed ip playpandaramccom looking buddies play together own brand new server building really nice new community highly recommend come take look server survivalpvppve special items vast world explored ability claim land nether teleport commands spawn player player tp wild warp tp randomly world hosted dedicated server first k blocks spawn pregenerated reduce lag run professional friendly staff work hard catch prevent cheaters ruining server experience custom plugins player shop players buy sell stuff player disguises colored signs land claim lots prizes voting crate boxes give chance get many great items get decorative player head open shop much yet come ampxb httpspreviewreddituttkcfdftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsedfbccdeab httpspreviewredditsbvrxofftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsaacdbadefdffadfcfbf httpspreviewredditpsjqdftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsbcbdebeabcccfdaddcdd httpspreviewredditziriyeftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsfdeaffbecfbbabaafb httpspreviewredditjgbryeftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsffadecbdfecadcff httpspreviewredditxpxotieftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampscccacdedbaaecad httpspreviewredditqzzefftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsbffbeaaadfddecadafad httpspreviewredditqtoeftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsebcecdbefccdbdce httpspreviewredditlugueftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampseabbbfdfeadd httpspreviewredditwqffgeftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsccbdbedbbaabbeefa httpspreviewredditguhoofftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsbffffcbdbbaaeaaf httpspreviewredditqddrjeftypngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsdceeeaadbcddfafebc
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coloradokilling soon anyone opiates idk wants also kill wants make look bizarre possible let know could die simultaneously wearing sonic hedgehog costumes side side everyone like but even know other could funny someone
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attempted redflag monday wish committed instead attemptedmonday aug th sought means end im typing madeunfortunately spent two nights icu happy released im really wishing shit would worked planned top already fed things employment terminated even left hospital unbeknownst time added struggle negativity me honestly longer wish here want someone else somewhere else am family sort friends phone could week nobody would notice needed ride something equally trivial dont feel like choice selfish choice didnt ask born didnt ask longer wish participate
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guys wrote something like last night woke glad did is two dudes sitting hot tub feet apart cause covid guidelines
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teeny tiny little question shaving leg hair hair go it stand sit
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im tired crippled birth im fail college hate everything im typing toilet time dieill try get point this afflicted genetic disorder known osteogenesis imperfecta basically body produce bone collagen properly causes bones weak enough unable walk ive gotten older mid s ive slowly realized unable satisfied life long physically disabled resentment grown point find unable care anything fact part wants make life even worse feel deserve see mirror cant recognize thing im looking at feel life stolen somehow logical hate thinking anything occurred past ive adapting life im tired it friends tell im amazing person im inspiration know theyre lying feel way all give great advice relationships life decisions even though get house college yet combination personality compulsion seek truth times keeps spectator level want one things want idiot playing football without go hospital want guy crazy stories girls lives tell tale instead ive designated always take high road better person order keep friends family together im tired breaking bones due stupid mistakes getting yelled it im tired trying improve without getting rewards it im tired living time die note sorry long rant make sense waste everyones time sorry
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want die badly dont courage jumpim year old im considering redflag light fucking issues ive stopped able cope with born disadvantaged ive dragging way life ever since born nvld adhd nvldor none verbal learning disorder basically causes issues everything fine motor skills spatial abilities understanding social relationships excelling rightbrained task limited career options made social relationships throughout life awkward superficial best suffice say stunted ability connect people endear myself career destroyer since literally every career requires least fundamental understanding social relationships visualspatialbig picture related cognitive skills iq demonstrates best performance iq level someone borderline retarded verbal iq level someone gifted im basically walking parrot competent expressing verbally incompetent everything else done irreperqble damage selfesteem effects haunted throughout life ive always felt like loser incapable realizing ambitions succeeding anything beyond base goals this adhd another added injury insult placed strain already devastating cognitive deficits come suffering nvld ive never able achieve single thing worth mentioning entire life nvld holds back hindered suceeding endeavours ambitious am existential blight literally one greatest challenges life gradually pulvarized whatever selfperception selfrespect had also developed atopic asthma eczema allergies early young age impaired ability engage athletics later s came influence health severely decisive manner three years ago lapsed depression studying university degree history which never wanted forced pressure family one fields good at nvld giving good analytical ability verbal logical reasoning problems kept piling on months introductionary classes could barely sleep subsequently developed major depression result suicidal thoughts barely functional forced drop university recovered months bout already existing allergies amplified extreme making unable sleep due severe nasal congestion unable sleep weeks straight poor reaction nasal cortecosteroids matter did still got poor sleep period full apprehension depression period blew over simply fucked zombie slowly began recovering that month later develop acid reflux sent another period depression anxiety added effect unable eat months recover slowly acid reflux never went away neither depression anxiety caused lose weight since insomnia anxiety depression barely able cope with ate ton without thinking sleep deprivation caused eat normally do already overweightfrom isolation adhd causing poor satiety suffice say ive past years developed sleep apneawhich hereditary problem multiple chemical sensitivity former causing additional memory motor cognitive deficitssomething learned studied disease meticulouslyones irreversible adding additional issues already addled dysfunctional brain causing cognitively impaired premorbid state latter basically making unable function like normative person rendering completely unemployable long term prognosis life quality health someone issues poor zilch since mcs according current research basically untreatable avoidance exacerbating enviroments form treatment available besides sleep apnea causing become dysfunctional beginning irreversible brain damage ive researched possible solutions months way fix situation fail find nothing possible way treat brain damage osa possibly reverse cognitive dysfunction caused learning disorders via regenerative technologies still infancy seem like distant mirages desert actual available treatments could restorw previous level functioning mcs anotger issue struggle with etiology completely unknown longterm prognosis poor since treatments even recognized many worlds medical institutions people mcs end isolation life long issues short becoming paraplegic suffering severe brain injuries developing terminal cancer als ms probably worst life outcome person experience way around it like falling bottom less pit incarcerated cage bottom ocean almost nothing fix situation except try adapt vain find nothing nothing left there im tired humiliated given shortend stick life people know least successful functional enough get life born way never choose life conditions given ive stopped able cope them fail finding ways rationalize make justifications continuing miserable existence longer keeps finding ways fuck head turn everything me know choose stay whatever happens ill never find place contentness happiness life spend days bed trying numb myself complete apathy lethargy deliberating whether kill try accept things are life ahead looks grim future prospects look bleak barely worth effort continue cant dont really want hack anymore im pretty much dead everyway counts idea im writing this needed write this
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watching friend slowly descend inescapable placehi all suicidal self harming thoughts literally breaks heart watch friend tell live reason live themselves rather friends family want to need help reddit do help understand blame redflag loved one
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sure plot oldboy seems great movies days amazingly shocking highbudgethyped waybr br spin kick dramacomedy group people decide pour hearts tae kwon do regardless expect film guaranteed feel moved work pain expectations characters force experience though comedic times many moments characters rendered beautifully theres old guard character takes things seriously hoodlum turned goodguy wants second chance life meek teamsubstitute would die happy life many wellrounded characters problems importantly hopes dreams plot goals movie simple aspects movie merely highlight development characters overcome personal interpersonal struggles br br in short film leave feeling fresh determined satisfied
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notice me somebody remind im ghost human includes lgtb stuff move it next post haters today took talking somebody interact everyone grade even notice there which leads believe commit redflag wouldnt give fuck it experiment done too see really bad maybe fact grade us talk other maybe nobody would noticed all people know talked to know hate deep down keep lying saying dont hate me but since supposed encouraging redflag heres happy thing found today well kind two music teacher probably bisexual gay straight ally fo lgtb people why wears rainbow shoes sounds looks gay excuse me good gaydar dont judge lately wearing rainbow wristband might say pride gold im never close enough one friends actually trusts supports lgtb best friend crush nonbinary bisexual supports her always nice considering know im straight alright back main point here redflag note moods suddenly ever change posts note possible adhd want keep things optimistic havent diagnosed yet know what im ending post here dont want shed sob loud
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lately ive seeing posts people looking people vc discord after chat next day forget ever happened mean im curious try idk would
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think might morally obligated commit redflagim rapist murderer pedophile anything crazy like that im pretty average person lot issues often cause emotionally depend hurt people bpd know disdained people like dont really blame people it ive often abuser life havent easy life thats excuse way am explanation im emotional leech might call black hole now know bpd get better treatment thats always response get say think kill myself get better disappear relapse symptoms finishing therapy even then finishing therapy take long time sometimes years see improvement youre telling continue live agony causing nothing pain worry others possibly years come even get treatment treatment works me sounds like lot hoops jump get realization theres essentially hope doesnt everyone wish less bad people world hate bad people turn around tell kill myself ive never heard actual good argument redflag dont think ever will feasible morally ambiguous option would isolate others much possible isolation would make kill myself anyway getting harder harder convince isnt right choice
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u sort new ur redditor thats ayo hows feel loser virgin cus im nauseous rn
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one lines trailer film publicists exaggerate six featured players screen time goodbr br its always fascinating certain plot premises worked either highballing comedy deadly serious situation mary boland ditzy charlie ruggles henpecked play usual characters planning motor way california share expenses advertise someone share ride get burns allen monster dog premise deadly serious one several generations later kaliforniabr br of course traveling gracie allen know going going absolutely nuts trying figure monty pythonesque reasoning whole world aint enough get run wc fields part time sheriff full time pool hustler whos living sin alison skipworth back delve thingsbr br a real classic comedy thirties missed
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wait minute remember guys raped hey stop pissing im talking
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walking dinosaurs absolutely brilliant every regard kenneth branagh narrates way really makes want listen script documentary really sounds though researchers writers done homework insightful get hooked never lets go music also brilliant dramatic needs be visual effects scenery makes documentary work well scenery breathtaking dinosaurs look real thanks simply astounding effects informative good concept attracts adults kids toobr br in conclusion must watch love this quite possibly best documentary ever seen anything could done longer perfect bethany cox
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got free award im gonna give thats thats whole post pretty epic right lololol
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hello guysi my parents split for lifei trying balance relationship thembut today realised literally one loves me months ago dad spat facecalled everything imagine kicked placetodaymy mum told love want live heri also speech problem blocking i block certain words traumatised mei blocked name numerous times toxicity redflag conflict caused mei feel lonelyi know do whole life mistake
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day almost days september th preparing im gonna watch youtube homework
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first time messaging think looks weird added crush snapchat days ago liked years little crush since september last year feelings became stronger crush quite big really talk school best friend almost like wingman talk time get involved conversations never speak us two anyway click page message her first time messaging im feeling bit nervous do write message chat bar screenshot debate whether send looking back idea this going debate could done completely different way might think thats bad oh is snapchat first thing see clicks name antony screenshotted chat thought cant leave thats awkward ill send message send hey got good netflix recommendations sent i screenshot notification appeared page thought unbelievable thing say that deleted message completely forgetting appears deleted message appears freak again send accidentally screenshot sent message sorry left chat last thing noticed even added sent messages receive adds back adds assuming get back school weeks shell get hit that tdlr accidentally screenshot sent message crush shows screenshot panic send message delete sounded weird realised also shows delete chat send final message realise even added friend anyone help me
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hanging much longer fuck sake shit want die badly
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confusing basically id sex gender matter gender is dont wanna one getting ya know unless head ofc
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reason livehi first sorry english completely reason live cant focus anything enjoy things like books games even youtube video every day looks pretty much same nobody really likes talk me one real friend talk really rarely im stupid pass school point od life theres reason getting bed ive attempt three months ago ive failed becouse know tie loop properly what fucking funny still marks neck so do huh give single fuck anymore like life arleady going right formality thanks time
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girl u fridge cus ur shaped like one
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want kill myself tired want go sleep never awake reason attempted yet day nothing weeks friendships falling apart affecting relationship negative way evident happy answer every question fine part thinks am feel comfortable place spent long know expect happy scares want end always does tired
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going chiropractor sounds nice cracks n stuff yknow
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im garbage human beingim waste existence oh fucking god dont want hurt one anymore im worthless dont want exist fucking hate alive dont want anyone else get hurt love much hate
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hello new account new me right such think id like let know year old bachelors degree holding female college educated struggling helped dealing delusions hallucinations years lack sleep follows course medicated happenings well versed to handle them least thought was started work right last monday week today asked speak supervisor right leave boss written up fine fine fine fine realized lying it proof proof somewhere proof everywhere everyone id told said ridiculous said fineuntil looked proof spiraled getting binder hold proof notebook write times box paper clips hold proof together box sticky notes annotate work lists proof called yesterday stayed night tv yelling me bugs crawling me husbands itching disturbing me rough happened last night get sleep ish am got dreading life around am people work staring me bosses plotting me coworkers talking me cannot handle this want sleep forever cannot even get sleep first place post title required
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depressive moods pushed away loved ones im afraid ill nowhey im m begin constantly suffering depressed moods came every couple months disappeared week so however ive current period months getting worse family love feel pushing away more girlfriend years love anyone anything ive pushed away broke reasons know ive pushed point one right im sitting looking bottle bleach wondering pain drinking bleach worth release death im truly terrified might me even know ive posted im desperate need anything tldr long depressive mood pushed away family friends girlfriend contemplating whether commit redflag now
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smh bad thoughts probably going delete lmao also dont read venting thoughts wont seeing replying comments post dont read especially someone ik read friendship likely ruined fucking dont aaah fucking hell hate bad thoughts background people hurt shit also humiliated ways worst one guys ganged andi tried hit sticks cause sick bs grabbed shoved ground punching times tried make say sorry didnt ofc shoved even more schoolyard front everyone afterwards said sorry like wtf still fucking doesnt mean shit anyways end background cause shit like ive thoughts torturing people killing people anger gouging peoples eyes spoon stabbing people musltiple times even theyre dead tearing fingernails etc obviously would never that worst id probably ever assholes ever take far id hit hard nearest thing could hit with fucking hate thoughts feel fucking guilty ive tried many things ignoring them punishing physically bashing head wall burning myself punishing mentally imagining things myself ive got bad habit imagining yay issues fucking annoying wish itd go away wish end shit well cause also weird fucking illusions people read mind shit ik real cant shake away ever think anything remotly sexual thoughts immediately try block cause reason think people tell even though ik cant try block copmes strong fucking strange anyway yeah read fuck reading it yet idc dont think putting stupid shit like need help your fucked up cause yet again wont read it youre friend might well block me told read
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anyone else go bike rides get away parents bullshit no me