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benched kg yesterday know lot skinny big accomplishment especially month bit really know else tell heres normal sized attractive me
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hi guys watch fany motorsport general car guys want know one yall share interest thanks
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cant sleepi get depressed day really hits night im alone everyone asleep get thoughts redflag feel lonely lately ideas help
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oh wellwho cares mean it cares family doesnt friends dont cares plenty liquor rounds ammunition dont think ill miss im sorry world normally id try help others subreddit different account different persona sorry jordan sorry dylan rest family sorry goodbye sorry me sorry edit note wrote see soon bye
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committed mentally therapy knew could pay it therapist click would keep trying someone did redflag got better weeks leading therapy started unusually good mentioned really unusually good cemented it depression less gone six weeks two months four days sober pretty confident depression really going working hard making real practical progress
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plenty written mamets the house games good decided revisit flick see held years surprised much enjoyed viewing again films success durability probably much two principal ingredients always fun film good story good scam mamet manages bring signature moodiness obvious histrionics film scamming us audience mark simultaneously explains art conning again etc building story the house games freebie cable worth look first timers okay rerun mamet fans b
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think fucked upa days ago told significant love her would leave alone wanted take distance her could kill feel guilty death emotional support urges kill keep growing life crumbling down really miss her nothing repair damage caused feels like ever death way
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yes call perfect movie one boring second fantastic cast mostly little known actresses actors great array characters well defined understandable motives could sympathize with perfect lighting crisp black white photography fitting soundtrack intelligent harmonious set design story engaging works one prime quality pictures pride hollywood rest mark everyone endeavor reachbr br barbara stanwyck simply stunning nothing actress do always went easy melodramatic side hysterical outbursts lady always thought better actress screen goddesses like bette davis joan crawford movie confirmed opinion always tough nails time conveying true sentiments fair add also got many good parts long career one far least interestingbr br the title fits movie well desires human desires think everyone understand actually one seems scheming movie characters act impulse everybody wants happy without hurting anybody else sad fact often leads complications makes dramatic content go herebr br i liked movie say youth maturing necessity compromise movie associate one alfred hitchcocks shadow doubt creates similar atmosphere idealized time caricatured small town america story certain similarity fritz langs considerably harsher movie clash night made one year earlier stanywck stars similar part also recommend it
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find im faking itim terrified im feeling bit background gotten pretty dark place almost year ago wife im early s pleaded get help did went meds which first intensified suicidal thoughts dosage upped felt getting better also started therapist ive cognitive behavioral therapy seems helped fact could say total upswing now feel like im spiraling control feelings work tolerable not my manager got laid month ago get along replacement supervisor team feel like theres future work im frightened going back rest world get new job suffer rejection work best least safe much anymore feel days getting shorter daylight saving time ends sunday clocks fall back meaning gets darker hour earlier causes anxiety look day see little ive accomplished sun sets know ill cope worst thing volunteer youth group while kids great theyve looked me ive adult talk parent judgmental gone tough times confided ive constant help them feel fake try help see big picture everything okay hope lives ahead make good choices thrive believe me yet im feeling hope future me find im faking it know theres answer this needed let guess thanks reading
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mental health deteriorating badlyi getting sicker sicker hard function anymore day day life hard whilst dealing severe mental health issues cant live way want see future even worse today last appointment doctor try best slit wrists
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good common logical sense know oil cannot last forever acutely aware much life suburbs revolves around petrochemical products ive avid consumer new technology keep running space powerboards know even energy crunch associated peak oil change life appreciablybr br the end suburbia shows rational entertaining manner much whole familys lifestyle change lifetime particularly concerned future generations pick tab excesses however filmmakers offer glimmer hope acknowledge human resourcefulness determination sense community tends engendered shared hardshipbr br there point trying pretend peak oil baseless propaganda treating like approaching radioactive cloud on beach ie suicide pills ready even best efforts times get harder over im hoping theres enough compassion humanity go around
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potseeking preteen joshua miller as tim throws sisters doll river daniel roebuck as samson howls smokes cigarette killing danyi deats as jamie doll washes away naked young woman stays rivers edge passerby see viewing dead body group twentysomething teenagers mostly classmates naked corpse stoners keanu reeves as matt crispin glover as layne found cameraworthy friends wonder guilty beerguzzling killer friendbr br veteraninthecast dennis hopper as feck keeps youngsters heads fed mr hopper killed woman lives one lifesized sex dolls mouth apparently ready action ione skye leitch as clarissa living doll waiting reeves kiss her copulation notably crosscut flashback opening strangulation actual teenager first feature role ms leitch daughter sixtiessinger donovan make quirky connections ownbr br you read lot movie not depending mood characters backgrounds may little subtle obviously killer teen teased note weight attitude toiletconnected nickname characters relationships motivations vaguely defined cast certainly keeps material interesting and director tim hunter photographer frederick elmes writer neal jimenez obviously skilledbr br rivers edge tim hunter keanu reeves crispin glover dennis hopper joshua miller
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almost finishedhello again grown weary existence parents curse life could courtesy abortion sick waking up night close eyes sleep pray whatever chooses must continue may finally eternal rest finally let go tired done everything society suggests become less unhappy well paying job hobbies friends mother father sisters care me sick going on continue them something must broken take medications sit lamp season affective disorder want finished would easy meander car close garage door start vehicle rest pull razor blade keep finally disgusted everything decide end it going back hospitals seen councilors psychiatrists tried coping methods lived long enough tried well living kindness heart giving freely others asking nothing return do time feel nothing truly matters feel little positive emotion rage unhappiness lucky sadness friend killed felt jealous could justify longed long hope peace know wife struggles son will everyone look disgust done rambling want stop hurting
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important u r da shawty u got dont bitch urself im demon time
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hey one bothered youtubes adds im seriously going start watching demoniced channels only
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wish snowed anyway headache everyday normal
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porn addiction want die cant kill myselfim limit like im bad dream im awake hours pass wake it im barely making work ruining relationship fiance cant seem control nowhere turn feel like addiction symptom depression cant sure went therapist freeze cant say anything get guilty dont want actually get better
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say somethingi wanna go much detail due fact made post last night this first ever redflag attempt failed im supposed graduate june dad excited that thats makes things even worse im scared going try again deep inside want die point longer control myself im wondering tell guidance today know ill go psych ward three times life feel would kind relief worrying whether going die today day that want take break madness finally telling someone instead keeping bottled long would set ease little bit god relief would get like ow
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whats annoying nagging thing stops every timeive teetering suicidal whole life im currently first time attempted and failed horribly times around point wouldve done couldve found means it big thing terrified physical pain im less terrified physical pain itd lot easier it something seems stop every time last year horrible me moved back home town deal abusive father first time years since moved house fell drugs under control now car stolen gotten pregnant amp abortion got fired recently shitty experiences people thought close friends robbed overall dangerous situations year live life extreme depression extreme anxietyparanoia lately holds back a baby sister around weve actually started talking little parents kind nightmare deal know im sane person life love like crazy worry repercussions death would her b ex boyfriend angel cares deeply would devastated gone really try hes extremely busy live different states top that longer romantic feelings me mainly bullshit claims hes going internal process give time theyll likely come back know hes saying keep hurting myself regardless lack romantic feelings hes really attached me hurts cling hope yaknow love him hope kind keeps going anywhere shit even lying cant cope guilt would died im exhausted though like honestly truly energy get life want it want die lot bullshit last year put bad situations im trying move away get them depression consistent regardless kind situation throughout life im pretty sure sort mental illness never health insurance means seeing therapist anything biological mom mental asylum years family says schizophrenia suspect borderline im starting worry hereditary ive getting crazy levels paranoia lately thinkin feds amp shit also could just again lifestyle choices shit something wrong keep fucking friendships ruining reputation etc last boss told reason firing literally vibe off thats kind stuff really makes think something seriously wrong me know bottom heart im least malicious person know guess im place needed vent think closest friends know im suicidal tbh theyre kind tired hearing it nobody life wants deal negativity really feel inadequate survival difficult me real support system financially emotionally
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distracteda recent experience made feel comfortable enough know want life going days ago got distracted realised happy distracted it going tonight light spliffs get nice toasty relaxed itll over doesnt scare least even excite me
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ive gotten point stress sad tired angry ive let go posture bad voice low slow im tired literally everyday everyone tired fault think mean got huge mental health issues that barely survived btw abs math comes right push back im weak get overwhelmed feel like cant anything cry cry boys shouldnt cry anytime someone tried teach anything repeat never understand lost friends nothing nothing live for dont mean sound like pity party feel like theres nothing anymore
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wtf babies eating cousin years old lifted medicine ball pounds wtf milk one time like months fell bed bed high fell bed n hit head dresser n didnt cry kid crackhead sumn
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im teasing
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feel like never amount anything life going directionout uni degree stuck horrid low paying job partner never seems want spend time me feel ugly fat like repel people constantly feel guilty jealous best friend since graduation countless related jobs still seems bitch moan without thoughts anyone else going date one friends throwing around too whilst im stuck like worthless piece shit cant even get pet rabbit like think im worthwhile im loss do lack motivation get better want give now
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movie comedies nowadays generally minutes toilet humor foul language groinkicking modern comedies appeal lowest common denominator undemanding slow brain sure occasional good comedy come along theyre becoming rarer timebr br mr blandings buildings dream house shows s hollywood capable of screamingly funny jim muriel blandings cary grant myrna loy decide build house connecticut suburbs film follows story beginning house hunting trips houses riotous construction way finished homewith zuzzzuzz water softenerbr br grant loy perfect roles course grant particularly funny watches houses costs zoom control however film stolen blandings wise attorney played perfection melvyn douglas managing steal every scene hes in douglas understatedly hilarious watches blandings lurch crisis crisis reginald denny blandings harried architect harry shannon crusty old water well driller also wonderfulbr br ive watched movie numerous times always makes laugh think good film watch need lift whether building house not
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hey stop scrolling reminding great day
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anyone participate nnn lose im bit unsure rules haha
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holy shit honkeymommymilkers must rich awards goddamn
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wildest shit happened school today whole coronavirus learnt year caught covid apparantly year s needed sent home learnt lunch people kind nervous teachers started calling names people year contact got asked go home everybodys running around lunch hall screaming aah theres fucking covid hall even teacher told everybody calm sit down kids screaming were gonna die what it array swear words get banned subreddit tldr year caught covid lunch hall panic jesus day
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tell ur crush u like them long friends ask someone out love want know people think
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unpopular opinion uhhh weebsgtgtgtgtgtgt want someone watch anime heh
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one way make better nowi got help waited tried everything could think of almost deluded thinking working fortunately reminded unwanted worthless am im moving date redflag december probably around christmas nice gift everyone least plenty time write note want apology sticking around long thorough record point tell awful give people false hope here get better mean say otherwise
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know dofirst off im sweden well story is month ago wife left me wanted divorce signed papers since sweden think six months divorce get least children together late february next year divorce real love wife technically still wife im love well since ive done really stupid stuff put debts things things really regret would differentely thousand times cant trust cant live anymore thing is told could try later get life together job apartment things told engaged different dating sites internet also dating groups facebook trying find guy trust love im cant get anyone talk this weekend wrote lot interesting women single one replied me cant start conversation strangers out well may think irony want wife dating sites am im mostly try get wife see takes me stated im unemployed hate live im living filthy room friends apartment close every single day im crying eyes out hoping someone shoot endure misery want get wife or ive said friends want wife back die see much reason living all sorry rant kinda
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recently moved new city away people know love nights days get lonely almost feel life pointless point even slightest tasks something beat hours oh even get started night time feel thoughts creeping sends spiral emotions ill spend night crying sometimes cannot even find reason why people tell need reach find new friends people connect even know start redflag makes much harder needing advice
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good byehello name randall live costa rica wanna die want jus go sleep never wake up im years old feel useless never thing life feel like time running know maybe one first post reddit maybe last
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intelligence curse lost itim breaking point redflag back mind years creeping front im graduate high schoolor likely fail senior year live life dropout clue go im unintelligent work this might graduate everyday try avoid talking grades parents know ill disappoint further hurts removes time ticking bomb am im smart incredibly so hate it cause much strife years living takes away much could make happy deprives view sort wonder awe leaves rationalizing math science want people see that want see guy enjoys fun intellectual conversations point im considering stopping mental functions ending it sad thing is know almost guarantee succeed another curse knowledge want gone calling redflag hotline simply work lack courage talk someone talking text changed things makes bearable even feel much love towards family see stepping stone covered superglue thats meant hold back help out im pathological liar person hurts feel guilty pisses off lying become ingrained psyche point even let people see real me ever wear mask happiness positive outlooks like things perfect little cracks form may see true self little end day go home fix duct tape glue thats subtly applied make seamless religion never option simply knew better help analytical mind reject life faith simply sit here trudging life one day time hoping might find something help me get look start running along path someplace better theres easier road ends much sooner road give rest go even know want life point redflag tempting time want make things worse people close me im stuck middle intersection others pass by ever manage figure account use here please leave alone reserved almost exclusively positive side treasure dearly try shield aspects life
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life terrible pit full shitwhat point living cant get pit shit find in feel like rats would trap oily bowl doomed swim scrape sides futilely eventually tire drown kids would better family give time always saying hurt stay hope get pit tried everything success
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one wants meet new people meet someone high school kid fuckedive tried talking people often leads people saying i even know you talking me fuck meant do seems know anyone early absolutely screwed alone
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day reminding drink water forgetget life drink water dont die dehydration
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get know hello name sergio years old adhd also born months early survived months hospital that worry that anyways im gamer plays much smash brothers friends
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stay gotoday day second thoughts tools backpack deed work want go though it hate much feel like life irreparable place want ball paranoia stomach go away scared damage im going leave behind empathy left family could care less parents siblings going feel girlfriend going happy this twin daughters months old people actually care for understand know daddy around anymore playtime funny faces snuggles want push them cant cant handle emotions constant whirlwind mind anymore piece shit even thinking this office right want it may go hospital instead decided yet either way getting settled tonight
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fellow teenagers reddit please give cutefunny name ideas call gf im trying brainstorm cute funny things call girl friend need inspiration got any dont shy
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school year sucks thats all said before want say again now im going leave sad
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guess song aint tellin im finna im beyond fuck shit hey lil mama would like sunshine person touch gang gon turn shit columbine ice neck cost ten times three thirty thousand dollars nigga get flee hit rodo spent like ten gs
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holy fuckkk opened reddit computer first time theres much info stats stuff woahhh
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time leave worldanother update recent depression spree girlfriend officially left me longer loves me going me parents told today leaving weekend decided kill gone choosing charcoal inhalation way go out think anyone stop feel free ask questions fortunate update thanks inspiring words guys go although one night ex called tears sadness sat bathroom almost ended it got it friends last night even though cant talk problems due pride able ignore problems good amount weekend thank again
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one cerebral insightful movies ever seen script language costumes scenery plot characters etc supreme bored watched intensely even listened movie working many times lost count scarlett ages gracefully acquiring wisdom beyond years end movie takes tara ireland family originally see results another civil war played there time irish englishbr br this movie depicts double standards men timea man still respected girlfriends whores woman merely seen private place man society accuses impropriety course scarlett always thinking outside box breaking rules necessary create needed change help people andor survivebr br scarletts beauty definitely bone strength selfesteem wisdom grow ages br br i remember lines confronted much plate as tomorrow another day way carried herself determination courage learned experiences good movie show daughters teaches woman important respect yourself men especially handsome ones two sides may treat woman differently depending acts respects herself attractive woman needs learn movie teaches br br this movie like therapy me better gone wind second part takes place ireland anyone irish decent cherish scenery people scarletts character within it
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first job got first job im working tim horton im starting wednesday im really eager start working
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hate peoplei cant stand anyone suicidal thoughts every day able get help socialize hate everyone see doesnt help either like every human same useless disgusting thing end everyone selfish noone actually cares others noone tries empathy try seem so
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stop thinking killing myselfi stop thinking killing myself anything power stop thinking including one occasion principle pulled class youtube instead supposed doing even attempts temporary useless end last night scary thought society corrupt could remove crooks could make society perfect wait point serving society yourself everything useless end end since theres point managed scare myself
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im donethe light life burned longer desire continue existing ive tried never successful hope months pass body gives become successful always wish last sleep every night
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looks like finally timei plan research done maths done tomorrow go get items required finally either die andor show mother serious death laughing off relieving
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im scared death want diethe girl loved boyfriend today feel trapped angry want die
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pornhub recommend gay porn bitch im ladies fellas stop showing pp plz
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sad negative thoughtshas one good life yet feel sad wanting die thought since im middle school s yet urge die really eating me like every pasting moment die wanna die
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need help dont know turn pointive depressed months way get away smoking weed amd cigarettes everyday im pretty young stuff way ever happy honestly dont know do cant even come enough reasons keep going point
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goodnight yall scheduled shit posts return morning
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little bit annoyed sometimes theses kids couple years older call btec casey pass reason know meant always shouted fuck since casey even name pissing off anyway got curious typed btec urban dictionary kind pissed realised meant next time hear say me think might slap since know casey is hell thought would funny say that least years older since year almost everyone year older calls btec casey annoys since want people call real name since many people secondary school knew even existed would nice least people know existence call name tldr couple bitches call btec casey found meant got pissed everyone calls btec casey btw name actually kiera sound anything like casey sorry writing this wanted write somebody
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damn bus weird spent ish minutes talking another driver like buddy forget route
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trashi trash drunk damaged forever broken deserved everything happened me want done already
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im failure againi planing going school know im going make it wanted study get purpose life due something dont want get gonna happen dont know do ive planing time everything went shit year could erase year life everything would much better sit shit everything seems hopeless know two ways thats easy purposeless route really hopeing go school friends family think im going go school stomach courage tell situation want fucking disappointment anymore im getting older feel soon going late start over shame living home without job fucking failure walking around knowing everyones disappointed amounted anything far probably future either feel like want know next want walk around head slumped down
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sure reason live enough anymoremy partner years went lovers best friends their choice mine longer trust made bad choices past i cheated understand viewpoint entirely still madly love them know go on miracle cheated still together trying work it honor trust paramount me know cheating destroyed things im cheater immediately regretted came senses killing option thought partner want make sad figured maybe regain shred honor living them make smile living punish did im sure keep going anymore barely able keep going before thought things mend wrong partner deserves world longer give that want best friend cant make happy give trust like loving relationship can like used have know do think soldier anymore could never bear sight someone else even though know would happier cant anymore im scumbag honorless piece shit cheating deserve die anyways
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guys watch gay porn get rid morning wood since im straight watching gay porn turns sexually find get rid morning wood much faster wait normally suggest anyone try next time need get rid boner
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anyonei tell dad im depressed im tired feeling way thinks nothing need man seriously feel like ending im scared anything really could use someone talk
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think blame porn addiction parents no hormones yes exploited society yes becoming sexually acceptive blame most told you jews pornhub xtube brazzers blacked redtube youporn chattube jewish excecutives feeling antisemitic yet
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soul tiredim going hurt myself im definitely deep depression idk do marriage dying dont like job lost identity person kids nobody talk causing bottle everything weighing down now plans hurting couldnt bear think loved ones im leaving behind wish rest good theres light end tunnel ive worked way hard life looks good paper leaves many voids know redflag watch im much heartache pain every day feel like im walking cinderblock shoes exist withering away every day ill take advice get needed place could anonymously get weight chest youre reading this thank you
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hello fiance f mental health struggles long time last night decided write suicide note almost popped pills ibuprofen ready online therapy good little bit help all really tell therapist needed to tried find new therapist area none available obviously want see psychiatrist get prescribed treatment plans allow sessions unless see therapist first online one count honestly want able help way can know cannot much besides her would love advice tips help her could help herself like listing positive things day something like that thank help tldr need advice help fiance depression need advice depression help fiancee
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first time life im pretty proud looked report book realised scored overall score exams years ago received results today saw got overall know nothing crazy still though im really proud improvement also im asian imagine pissed parents saw results
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lets start review notredflag note glad decide wimp tony shot retrospective season like people rumoring actually creator writer episode david chase quite opposite actually know tony live die hes coma chances recovering slim none episode seemed move slow coma induced dream tony involving mistaken identity robed asian monks slapping sht absolutely flatout weird minutes got little sick everyone grieving shouldn reason slam episode weird unpredictable episode still wellwritten intense edie falco gave astounding careerdefining performance episode conflicted wife face husbands couldbe demise also found interesting aj dropped school swore vendetta junior aj likely balls pull off silvio actingboss opens numerous doors problems later episodes lot great quips episode also think vito polesmoker spadafore may meet demise keeps greedy sobbr br this great episode disappointed even though tony kills people audience adore feel hero show necessary episode series even though little snore inducing towards conclusion kudos edie falcos performance david chase writers creating wholly original unpredictable plot twist season the sopranos fcking clue going go cant wait next weeks episode rating br br best line episode paulie aj lets go van helsing
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sapiosexual makes himbophobic like going openly bigoted toward himbos like
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feel never livedall life thrown around people consider friend one else find someone else would talk anymore even block social media whatsapp reply messages thought life got better found friend mine got close talked everything sun eventually got together months friendships classmate spend lot time together broke months days relationship rd march depressing blamed insecurities previous weeks constantly talking another boy junior orientation kidmeans orientation group leader school got close started talking much gradually talk less said never like last weeks relationship started sending pictures whenever say want see also started talking lot conversations asked join dates accepted without thinking feelings also got parents send school something always wanted never accepted within one month knowing him already let catch ride school parents car talk parents despite knowing year months never let see parents go great lengths ensure parents dont see me time also go library study invited me would also rather go home go home me make feel insecure actions yet maintain never together past week since broke insecurities couldnt handle it started talking ignored me front face laugh talk happy around him started sending hearts messages happen see text class something never used do also broke promise would skype one else today skyped know asked since online skype today rarely days except skype me feel never live lot problems like family never peace friends loner feelings start snowball feel depressed wish antidepression medicine feel bad without want jump building stab knife know im crazy getting betrayed scammed feelings whole life isnt something take it someone talk to people side feel like belong world
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goodbye postthis post blend rest dont expect anyone see it im simply posting get word one left world listen nothing world alone always alone life meaningless ill pulling trigger soon put something give closure
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im dying to wish merry christmas
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matter am right bridge hour awayive picked good ones zero risk surviving impactover land feet even lower risk generating anything article podunk newspaper even name terms world dying zero meaningful impact possibly nobody covid still raging hopefully get wish funeral remembered way shitty part amazing family inexplicably loves deeply tries support im getting point fucking unethical keep accepting help throw side bridge supposed die decade ago jumped balcony yet somehow miraculously survive permanent injury would perfect idiot dying drunken accident today id barely even cross mind accomplished literally nothing life except leech hardworking family last remaining friend sisters professors even hooked as since fly across country totally helped out therapy cant make accomplishing nothing pay crippling debt medication makes easier pretend want alive accomplishing nothing meaningful except make people feel better already know impact redflag need explain me ive read almost every redflag bereavement post could get hands way staving inevitable hopes something might change thing changes get deeper hole zero motivation climb of im done maintaining facade falls apart ive hurting people closest ill continue long im alive im going cause pain anyways might well least damage possibly getting sooner rather later
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would like ask favour people want ask mum go see therapist somebody please tell things could say try persuade mum let see therapist local doctors thinking good times childhood screaming crying internally laughing joy instead pain self harming myself good times hey
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never girlfriendany boat
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bro messed friend made joke bets cocomelon rule search history teacher heard asked said nothing teacher googled cocomelon rule
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people actually telling mums crushessos like why mom keeps asking who like do girlfriend im gonna make think im single forever probably tbh ll also idk embarassing like im religious parents condone stuff feels weird talk even friends romantic stuff people talk parents it
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dintt chicken cross road hit kfc truck
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call nonbinary so girlfriend boyfriend wife husband
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great showi remember much remember watching loving it remember mother father really like grandmother like grandmother really appreciate became adult knowledgeable nonsense favorite song show sardines morning that might title remember seeing show hearing song went cleveland ohio visit cousins sister sang song much time left little cousins singing too would love find dvd
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wanted another child much lifei kids ex wanted another one ididnt longest time time went clock started ticking year since past since left still want another child dot want multiple baby mommas dont wamy kids half brothers sisters wanted normal life normal mom dad living together dream shattered life shattered crying type this every night feel like getting closer finally getting ablity ignore fear end lifei hurt mentally physically emotionally right lower leg hurting weeks point lay couch crying heart hurts much hurting bad think maybe miniature heart attacks hope every day heart attack wont call feelings trash try meet women force like someone else real wish would talk me wont hate life done it every day slip closer ending life want end it keep thinking committing crime killed cop dont want earth anymore sad part thought dying makes happy finally get happy think times skirted death wonder why survived ramstein airshow crash caught falling cliff checking castles germany barely missing car wrecks why live life pain dont want live pain want happiness watching smaillville type this watching marriage couples scripted tv course id kill fake relationship her dont cant anyone else right ill die alone ill die without true love die thinking her
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life fucking jokei years old high functioning autism longer read study sound vibration movement environment interrupt line thought have left constantly fight get concentration back incredibly hard concentrate worth living deteriorated point go long walks pace back forth room locked hospital twice redflag doctors psychiatrist therapists cannot help me think cutting open neck
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failurealmost month later im finally hospital funny try kill yourself get sent psych ward afterwards sit room color only dull crayons see therapist every day listens minutes ushering door still dont meds still dont help liver damage insanely expensive hospital bills sense failure god real must really wanna watch suffer
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edge backi fell love wonderful girl drove away years later due alcoholism bottle flushed away aspirations attorney then dated around started new path found something else good found wonderful woman got married drank occasion never overindulged done that life good new job higher pay american dream one evening comes living room proceeds i want divorce im attracted you hate here shattering moment drove back bottle knew it hammer cocked sobbing uncontrollably front her wanted die ill never forget feeling cocked gun pointed towards head everything felt control regained it liberating feeling feel much control ill never forget cold steel felt pressed side head something inside decided let go tell you gets better im quite lonely grew middle class yearning life went college enjoyed immensely went grad school lost myself embarked new career path found myself years later lost myself whatever going easy im newly single going wicked divorce reflect happened two weeks ago think great feels knowing glock fail went lowest bidder spring
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strange thoughts morningafter watching video someone posted dying words the one front pagethe guy leukemia suddenly started feeling selfish condition known depression find using sometimes almost like crutch went hating embarrassed fully embracing talking openly it comparing someone cancer makes feel like utter douche signed back license weeks ago make organ donorjust case something ever happen me made feel good myself morning however watching video washed overwhelming feeling selfish living people need organs dying go ahead die someone else live taking space whining problems someone else lot potential never overwhelming actually scaring lot im kind freaking moment
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im going iti enough money right would go heroin shoot whole bag im gonna wait til come cash im going going prison court morning one case atleast seperate charges im going get hit soon probably adding years wife filed divorce weeks ago living moms trying lose hope kids age trying stay sober positive for cant anymore im done
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feeling sad hopeless flso im generally pretty happy super extroverted person locked without anything look forwards hard enough school hell online go two days week cant find motivation im behind feel lost know future cant see past life always hard worth it im trying sleep think pills thing stopping idea might happy future dont want hurt family im depressed dont think take care myself showering eating interacting family idk dont know do
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i wanna it theres even point anymore life pointless im worthless always fuck every single thing up even able build life wanna tonight im scared work though life pointless point try hard still everything touch fuck cant manage thing holding back hurting family point nothing else left aside that hardly enough hold back anymore though im tired life theyd get eventually im scared right now body turn to part even know im posting this want help anymore im done cry every single night multiple times day nothing live for nothing look forward to nearly friends literally thing holding back family im done
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im starting feel donei really energy write everything out consistently losing since teenager somewhat serious plans end teen im severely depressed since july prompted seek help ineffective romantic social life speak of im wasting time college used think would never commit redflag day wears more feel like im reaching sort threshold im still deeply uncomfortable redflag find thinking increasingly want miserable want gay want unsuccessful lonely loser keep thinking maybe one day happy things look bleak now im disappointed way life turned out would ask start enjoying life feel hopeless suggestions welcome anyway disclaimer im currently danger others
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hate university life friends feel steadily depressedi feel lonely feel empty stopped exercises thought killing becomes wish ive talking people say im overreacting stopped taking serotoninregulating pills solve problem lost friends cant seem make ones life shit im gay makes even harder one question kill myself
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movie takes voice terror makes better holmes protecting inventor switzerland trail professor moriarity become nazi better version holmes wwii world rathbone great job holmes spy detective see liked voice terror
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really would survived always before gone three four days without eating single thing dozens occasions last fifteen years fine guy wonderful helped great deal felt like intentional attempt act like burdensome charity case know
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opinions schitts creek wanna know watch based demographics opinions im looking funny show
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wish redflag agonizingso ive cycle wanting die thinkingplanning it tired scared pull years now ive already decided method drowning sticking head bucketdrum water ps live near easily accessible body water thought would sure fire way die given couple hours without discovered would fairly easy clean up prepared tried times already agony always gets me times held breath times aware inhaling water beginning would expedite process times thought sister shed devastated times id break bathroom decided stop attempts hold idea living someone wanted live sister every time thought redflag visited mind let linger long im fixating thought loved one would devastated came family abuse family lies person considered real family thought maybe id stick around long needed me fast forward now im good place life im suicidal thoughts again time im sure living someone anymore sister gained close friends act support system grown distant lying like everyone else family thought relationship better that recently discovered shallow water black out thought would take care agony part drowning almost instantly pass hyperventilation tried minutes ago still bring pull through know anymore ive wanting die long ive tired angry pain long im much wuss it part thinks whole living someone stint masking cowardice know anymore want live cant kill next
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wanna jump windowmy mother treating like worst kid one time completely open times open her times watch little sister buy things mom seem gone cant this real want die cause till now mom one me this know do nothing left me keeps up fair talking open mad like did night might last life
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bored homework dm me im bored hw id like meet chill people cure boredom dm youd like not suck
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know directors intent make sure sky almost always sunny beautiful film perhaps romantic image many americans time film set middle war macy returned war his neighbor asks hey true got fritz there trying get life one day gets new pair glasses hence name sees things clearly surrounding situation reveals one rabid antisemitism macy dern could wrapped it funny neither jewish film accusation made also historically accurate labor union democrats time wrapped flags america god macy continually pestered come meeting presence brings unexpected resultsbr br applying time frame today study contrast undergone complete reversal average citizens taken patriotism religion unifier supporting republican party viewing organized labor part leftwing unpatriotic americabr br a great picture watch care see friendly timid meek macy played beautifully him get caught carnage race hate mid s nycbr br a tough emotionally charged film
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guess lads ive officially joined year old totally cool kids club
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perhaps many viewers got frustrated film live lives without ever thinking deeply life itself want point distant arthouse film one best arthouse films arthouse films seen distant one really stands glittering piece gold even fair say films cinematography depiction human emotion surpass tarkovskys nostalgia one commentator got right sex jaded common feature among foreign films surprisingly lacking distant good way remarkable distant captures details life usually ignore rich essence existence often gets buried din visual extravaganza commercialized world fortunately distant much spare audiences see screen bare portrait human beings