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Welcome to Rutter
Welcome to Rutter's developer guides! Here, you'll find information about Link, our front-end library that allows merchants to share their data with you in one-click, and our unified API for Commerce & Accounting platforms. We've tried our best to make this documentation comprehensive and helpful. If you have suggestions or find issues, please let us know. To get going quickly, we recommend using Postman to test out some of our API endpoints. Be sure to set your environment variables correctly from your dashboard! If you want to start integrating Rutter with your app, please take a look at our React
Welcome to Rutter
Quickstart, JavaScript Quickstart, or Webhooks Quickstart guides. Updated about 2 months ago Rutter’s mission is to enable new commerce experiences. We believe that by providing a universal commerce API, we can accelerate the development of new products by abstracting away the complexities of dealing with different ecommerce storefronts, accounting systems, payment processors and other merchant systems of records. To get a demo or learn more about how we can work together, please connect with us! Use our published Postman collection to quickly test out our endpoints with your keys. You can also use this link.
Welcome to Rutter
A comprehensive breakdown of all Rutter client and server-side errors We use standard HTTP response codes for success and failure notifications, and our errors are further classified by error_type. In general, 200 HTTP codes correspond to success, 40X codes are for developer- or user-related failures, and 50X codes are for Rutter-related issues. Error fields will be null if no error has occurred. Property Type Description error_type string Broad categorization of the error. Safe for programmatic use. error_code string The particular error code. Safe for programmatic use. error_message string A developer-friendly representation of the error code. This may change over time
Welcome to Rutter
and is not safe for programmatic use. Welcome to Rutter's developer guides! Here, you'll find information about Link, our front-end library that allows merchants to share their data with you in one-click, and our unified API for Commerce & Accounting platforms. We've tried our best to make this documentation comprehensive and helpful. If you have suggestions or find issues, please let us know. To get going quickly, we recommend using Postman to test out some of our API endpoints. Be sure to set your environment variables correctly from your dashboard! If you want to start integrating Rutter with your app,
Welcome to Rutter
please take a look at our React Quickstart, JavaScript Quickstart, or Webhooks Quickstart guides. Updated about 2 months ago
Introduction to Link
Rutter Link is the client-side component that your users will interact with in order to link their accounts to Rutter and allow you to access their accounts via the Rutter API. Rutter Link will handle credential validation, OAuth, and error handling for each platform that we support. Link works across all modern browsers and platforms, including web, iOS, Android, and mobile webviews. On web instances (React & JavaScript), loading the Rutter JS will create a global Rutter object on the window object. To open the Merchant Auth flow, you must call Rutter.create() while passing in your public_key, and then open()
Introduction to Link
on the resulting object. The create function takes in an object as an argument. Below is an example: After the Rutter Instance is created, the resulting object has the following functions: The open function opens the Merchant Auth popup, and will return a publicToken after a successful authentication to the callback you specified in the create function above. Below is an example: Updated about 2 months ago
After a merchant connects their platform with you, a new Connection is created. Each connection created in Rutter goes through the same stages: The Initial Sync stage represents when a connection is first made and Rutter attempts to sync data for the first time. As soon as the connection is established, Rutter pulls data from all available endpoints (based on allowed scopes). Depending on the size of the connection (e.g. a merchant with 10 products vs. a merchant with 1 million products), this might finish instantly or in a few hours. Rutter optimizes fetching for each platform based on the
maximum rate-limit. If you need a subset of data as quickly as possible or if you want to increase the initial synchronization speed, please see the Configuring a Speedup section below. When the connection is ready, you will receive an INITIAL_UPDATE webhook. If you try to fetch data from Rutter before the connection is ready, you will receive a PRODUCT_NOT_READY error. Force Fetch It is possible to send requests when a connection is not ready by setting the force_fetch=true query parameter in your requests to Rutter's orders and transactions endpoints. At present, this feature only works for these two endpoints.
Please keep in mind the returned data may be incomplete. The Historical Sync stage represents the stage after the Initial Sync is finished and Rutter attempts to sync the remaining batches of historical data for a connection. By default, the initial download attempts to synchronize all historical data for a merchant so you have full access to the data once the INITIAL_UPDATE webhook is fired. In this case, you can ignore this stage. It is possible to receive multiple webhooks if you have configured Rutter to prioritize other pieces of data. Please see the Configuring a Speedup section below. After
the initial & historical synchronization is finished, Rutter subscribes to all available webhooks and regularly polls the merchant's platform to keep data synchronized. At this point, you will receive webhooks for all updates to the data, for example Order Webhooks. We allow prefetching of data so that a customer can get the most recent N months of products, orders, or customers within a minimal period of time. Please reach out to [email protected] or the customer success manager to configure this. For example, say a business has 24 months of historical data. A Rutter customer can first prefetch the most
recent 6 months of orders and products, followed by the most recent 8 months of customers, and then the remaining 18 months of orders and products and the remaining 16 months of customers. After these initial 24 months of orders, products, and customers have been synced, we start a continuous data sync every 10 minutes, sending PRODUCT_CREATED/PRODUCT_UPDATED and ORDER_CREATED/ORDER_UPDATED webhooks as new orders and products changes come in. In table form, the above scenario looks like this: Batch Data Included Webhook Fired 1 Most recent 6 months of orders and products INITIAL_UPDATE 2 Most recent 8 months of customers HISTORICAL_UPDATE
3 The remaining 18 months of orders and products and the remaining 16 months of customers HISTORICAL_UPDATE N/A Any future orders/products PRODUCT_CREATED/PRODUCT_UPDATED ORDER_CREATED/ORDER_UPDATED If a merchant pauses the connection by uninstalling your application from their system, Rutter will fire a CONNECTION_NEEDS_UPDATE webhook. This means that Rutter can no longer synchronize the data and you will need to ask the merchant to reconnect their platform. Once the merchant reconnects their platform, you will receive a CONNECTION_UPDATED webhook. Disconnections can happen if a merchant shuts down their store or ends their subscription with the platform. In these cases, Rutter can no longer
connect with the merchant's data, and you will receive a CONNECTION_DISABLED webhook and you may need to ask the merchant to reconnect or resolve the issue. To understand why a connection is disabled, you can use Fetch a Connection Status to see a list of standardized reasons. Once the merchant reconnects their platform, you will receive a CONNECTION_UPDATED webhook.
Webhooks Quickstart
After a merchant connects their store with your app, it takes some time to load an initial dataset that you fetch via our API. While Rutter is loading the data, responses will fail with an error_code of PRODUCT_NOT_READY. For more details, see Errors Overview. We recommend using our Connection Webhooks to get notified when you can start fetching data safely. We recommend using ngrok to serve your backend over a public URL. After installing ngrok, if your backend is running on port 4000, run ngrok http 4000. This will then give you public URLs that Rutter can hit to send
Webhooks Quickstart
updates. To let Rutter know what your webhook URL is, go to the Platforms page in the dashboard. Paste in the public URL that ngrok generated for you in the previous step. That's it! Now, you can run through the connection flow again, and check that events are sent to your webhook URL. Updated over 1 year ago Rutter’s mission is to enable new commerce experiences. We believe that by providing a universal commerce API, we can accelerate the development of new products by abstracting away the complexities of dealing with different ecommerce storefronts, accounting systems, payment processors and other
Webhooks Quickstart
merchant systems of records. To get a demo or learn more about how we can work together, please connect with us! Use our published Postman collection to quickly test out our endpoints with your keys. You can also use this link.
ReadMe transforms your API docs into interactive hubs that help developers succeed. Trusted by more than 2500 leading developer experience teams Easy-to-edit guides to help developers get started Real-time API logs for troubleshooting and insights Changelog and more to keep users in the loop Manage multiple APIs in one hub and unlock advanced permissions with ReadMe Enterprise. Explore Enterprise Join the 2500+ companies putting developer experience first Sign up for a free 14 day trial of the full platform. Your API Reference is free forever. A Connection is a Rutter term for a merchant credential for a specific accounting or
commerce platform. A single end-user of your application may use Quickbooks & Shopify, and each one of these is a separate connection. Connections are generated when a merchant goes through the Rutter Link flow. Each Connection has a unique access_token, which is used to identify calls to our API. A Platform is a specific Ecommerce platform (Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.). Products are the goods that merchants sell. A product has one or more variants, which represent a specific option of the product. E.g. A product, "Tank Top" may have variants "Blue Tank Top" and "Red Tank Top". A specific option of
a product, and is tied to a SKU number and inventory levels.
We’re happy to answer your questions on integrations, checkout, pricing, and everything else! Fill out the form and we’ll contact you within 24 hours. Rutter adds new integrations constantly, and in this section, we detail the platforms we currently support. Want to support a platform that currently isn't listed? Contact us at [email protected] - we are constantly adding new platforms.
Rutter adds new integrations constantly, and below are the currently supported platforms. Platform Enumeration Read APIs Write APIs Shopify SHOPIFY Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Amazon AMAZON Fully Supported Squarespace SQUARESPACE Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments BigCommerce BIG_COMMERCE Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments WooCommerce WOO_COMMERCE Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Wix WIX Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Magento 2 MAGENTO Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Etsy ETSY Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments PrestaShop PRESTASHOP Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Shoper SHOPER Fully Supported Stripe STRIPE Fully Supported PayPal PAYPAL Fully Supported eBay EBAY Fully Supported Square SQUARE Fully Supported Lazada LAZADA Waitlist FNAC FNAC Waitlist Shopee SHOPEE Waitlist
Walmart WALMART Waitlist Mercado Libre MERCADO_LIBRE Waitlist
Welcome to Rutter
Welcome to Rutter's developer guides! Here, you'll find information about Link, our front-end library that allows merchants to share their data with you in one-click, and our unified API for Commerce & Accounting platforms. We've tried our best to make this documentation comprehensive and helpful. If you have suggestions or find issues, please let us know. To get going quickly, we recommend using Postman to test out some of our API endpoints. Be sure to set your environment variables correctly from your dashboard! If you want to start integrating Rutter with your app, please take a look at our React
Welcome to Rutter
Quickstart, JavaScript Quickstart, or Webhooks Quickstart guides. Updated about 2 months ago Rutter’s mission is to enable new commerce experiences. We believe that by providing a universal commerce API, we can accelerate the development of new products by abstracting away the complexities of dealing with different ecommerce storefronts, accounting systems, payment processors and other merchant systems of records. To get a demo or learn more about how we can work together, please connect with us! Use our published Postman collection to quickly test out our endpoints with your keys. You can also use this link.
Welcome to Rutter
A comprehensive breakdown of all Rutter client and server-side errors We use standard HTTP response codes for success and failure notifications, and our errors are further classified by error_type. In general, 200 HTTP codes correspond to success, 40X codes are for developer- or user-related failures, and 50X codes are for Rutter-related issues. Error fields will be null if no error has occurred. Property Type Description error_type string Broad categorization of the error. Safe for programmatic use. error_code string The particular error code. Safe for programmatic use. error_message string A developer-friendly representation of the error code. This may change over time
Welcome to Rutter
and is not safe for programmatic use. Welcome to Rutter's developer guides! Here, you'll find information about Link, our front-end library that allows merchants to share their data with you in one-click, and our unified API for Commerce & Accounting platforms. We've tried our best to make this documentation comprehensive and helpful. If you have suggestions or find issues, please let us know. To get going quickly, we recommend using Postman to test out some of our API endpoints. Be sure to set your environment variables correctly from your dashboard! If you want to start integrating Rutter with your app,
Welcome to Rutter
please take a look at our React Quickstart, JavaScript Quickstart, or Webhooks Quickstart guides. Updated about 2 months ago
Introduction to Link
Rutter Link is the client-side component that your users will interact with in order to link their accounts to Rutter and allow you to access their accounts via the Rutter API. Rutter Link will handle credential validation, OAuth, and error handling for each platform that we support. Link works across all modern browsers and platforms, including web, iOS, Android, and mobile webviews. On web instances (React & JavaScript), loading the Rutter JS will create a global Rutter object on the window object. To open the Merchant Auth flow, you must call Rutter.create() while passing in your public_key, and then open()
Introduction to Link
on the resulting object. The create function takes in an object as an argument. Below is an example: After the Rutter Instance is created, the resulting object has the following functions: The open function opens the Merchant Auth popup, and will return a publicToken after a successful authentication to the callback you specified in the create function above. Below is an example: Updated about 2 months ago
After a merchant connects their platform with you, a new Connection is created. Each connection created in Rutter goes through the same stages: The Initial Sync stage represents when a connection is first made and Rutter attempts to sync data for the first time. As soon as the connection is established, Rutter pulls data from all available endpoints (based on allowed scopes). Depending on the size of the connection (e.g. a merchant with 10 products vs. a merchant with 1 million products), this might finish instantly or in a few hours. Rutter optimizes fetching for each platform based on the
maximum rate-limit. If you need a subset of data as quickly as possible or if you want to increase the initial synchronization speed, please see the Configuring a Speedup section below. When the connection is ready, you will receive an INITIAL_UPDATE webhook. If you try to fetch data from Rutter before the connection is ready, you will receive a PRODUCT_NOT_READY error. Force Fetch It is possible to send requests when a connection is not ready by setting the force_fetch=true query parameter in your requests to Rutter's orders and transactions endpoints. At present, this feature only works for these two endpoints.
Please keep in mind the returned data may be incomplete. The Historical Sync stage represents the stage after the Initial Sync is finished and Rutter attempts to sync the remaining batches of historical data for a connection. By default, the initial download attempts to synchronize all historical data for a merchant so you have full access to the data once the INITIAL_UPDATE webhook is fired. In this case, you can ignore this stage. It is possible to receive multiple webhooks if you have configured Rutter to prioritize other pieces of data. Please see the Configuring a Speedup section below. After
the initial & historical synchronization is finished, Rutter subscribes to all available webhooks and regularly polls the merchant's platform to keep data synchronized. At this point, you will receive webhooks for all updates to the data, for example Order Webhooks. We allow prefetching of data so that a customer can get the most recent N months of products, orders, or customers within a minimal period of time. Please reach out to [email protected] or the customer success manager to configure this. For example, say a business has 24 months of historical data. A Rutter customer can first prefetch the most
recent 6 months of orders and products, followed by the most recent 8 months of customers, and then the remaining 18 months of orders and products and the remaining 16 months of customers. After these initial 24 months of orders, products, and customers have been synced, we start a continuous data sync every 10 minutes, sending PRODUCT_CREATED/PRODUCT_UPDATED and ORDER_CREATED/ORDER_UPDATED webhooks as new orders and products changes come in. In table form, the above scenario looks like this: Batch Data Included Webhook Fired 1 Most recent 6 months of orders and products INITIAL_UPDATE 2 Most recent 8 months of customers HISTORICAL_UPDATE
3 The remaining 18 months of orders and products and the remaining 16 months of customers HISTORICAL_UPDATE N/A Any future orders/products PRODUCT_CREATED/PRODUCT_UPDATED ORDER_CREATED/ORDER_UPDATED If a merchant pauses the connection by uninstalling your application from their system, Rutter will fire a CONNECTION_NEEDS_UPDATE webhook. This means that Rutter can no longer synchronize the data and you will need to ask the merchant to reconnect their platform. Once the merchant reconnects their platform, you will receive a CONNECTION_UPDATED webhook. Disconnections can happen if a merchant shuts down their store or ends their subscription with the platform. In these cases, Rutter can no longer
connect with the merchant's data, and you will receive a CONNECTION_DISABLED webhook and you may need to ask the merchant to reconnect or resolve the issue. To understand why a connection is disabled, you can use Fetch a Connection Status to see a list of standardized reasons. Once the merchant reconnects their platform, you will receive a CONNECTION_UPDATED webhook.
Webhooks Quickstart
After a merchant connects their store with your app, it takes some time to load an initial dataset that you fetch via our API. While Rutter is loading the data, responses will fail with an error_code of PRODUCT_NOT_READY. For more details, see Errors Overview. We recommend using our Connection Webhooks to get notified when you can start fetching data safely. We recommend using ngrok to serve your backend over a public URL. After installing ngrok, if your backend is running on port 4000, run ngrok http 4000. This will then give you public URLs that Rutter can hit to send
Webhooks Quickstart
updates. To let Rutter know what your webhook URL is, go to the Platforms page in the dashboard. Paste in the public URL that ngrok generated for you in the previous step. That's it! Now, you can run through the connection flow again, and check that events are sent to your webhook URL. Updated over 1 year ago Rutter’s mission is to enable new commerce experiences. We believe that by providing a universal commerce API, we can accelerate the development of new products by abstracting away the complexities of dealing with different ecommerce storefronts, accounting systems, payment processors and other
Webhooks Quickstart
merchant systems of records. To get a demo or learn more about how we can work together, please connect with us! Use our published Postman collection to quickly test out our endpoints with your keys. You can also use this link.
ReadMe transforms your API docs into interactive hubs that help developers succeed. Trusted by more than 2500 leading developer experience teams Easy-to-edit guides to help developers get started Real-time API logs for troubleshooting and insights Changelog and more to keep users in the loop Manage multiple APIs in one hub and unlock advanced permissions with ReadMe Enterprise. Explore Enterprise Join the 2500+ companies putting developer experience first Sign up for a free 14 day trial of the full platform. Your API Reference is free forever. A Connection is a Rutter term for a merchant credential for a specific accounting or
commerce platform. A single end-user of your application may use Quickbooks & Shopify, and each one of these is a separate connection. Connections are generated when a merchant goes through the Rutter Link flow. Each Connection has a unique access_token, which is used to identify calls to our API. A Platform is a specific Ecommerce platform (Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.). Products are the goods that merchants sell. A product has one or more variants, which represent a specific option of the product. E.g. A product, "Tank Top" may have variants "Blue Tank Top" and "Red Tank Top". A specific option of
a product, and is tied to a SKU number and inventory levels.
We’re happy to answer your questions on integrations, checkout, pricing, and everything else! Fill out the form and we’ll contact you within 24 hours. Rutter adds new integrations constantly, and in this section, we detail the platforms we currently support. Want to support a platform that currently isn't listed? Contact us at [email protected] - we are constantly adding new platforms.
Rutter adds new integrations constantly, and below are the currently supported platforms. Platform Enumeration Read APIs Write APIs Shopify SHOPIFY Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Amazon AMAZON Fully Supported Squarespace SQUARESPACE Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments BigCommerce BIG_COMMERCE Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments WooCommerce WOO_COMMERCE Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Wix WIX Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Magento 2 MAGENTO Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Etsy ETSY Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments PrestaShop PRESTASHOP Fully Supported Products, Fulfillments Shoper SHOPER Fully Supported Stripe STRIPE Fully Supported PayPal PAYPAL Fully Supported eBay EBAY Fully Supported Square SQUARE Fully Supported Lazada LAZADA Waitlist FNAC FNAC Waitlist Shopee SHOPEE Waitlist
Walmart WALMART Waitlist Mercado Libre MERCADO_LIBRE Waitlist
Rutter adds new integrations constantly, and below are the currently supported platforms. Platform Enumeration Status Quickbooks Online QUICKBOOKS_ONLINE Supported Quickbooks Desktop QUICKBOOKS_DESKTOP Waitlist Xero XERO Waitlist Oracle Netsuite NETSUITE Supported FreshBooks FRESHBOOKS Waitlist Sage Business Cloud Accounting SAGE_CLOUD Waitlist
Test the Rutter API Rutter Sandbox is an environment that enables developers to test the Rutter API with realistic data without needing to authenticate merchants via Rutter Link. With Rutter Sandbox, you can confirm that your integration works the way you intend. In the sandbox, you can test Rutter Link without needing to authenticate a real store. This makes it easy to integrate Rutter Link into your application and test the end user connection experience. You'll need the sandbox public key, which you can find on your Rutter Dashboard. For more on how to connect a store, read Rutter Link
Sandbox. We also provide you with an existing set of active connections so you can quickly test the Rutter API. You can find the sandbox access tokens in your Rutter Dashboard: With this access token, you can fetch information from a sandbox Shopify store and get realistic data. Just make sure to change the base URL of your requests from to! You are also free to use any Shopify access token to send requests to the Sandbox. In the future, we will be adding more platforms to the sandbox environment. Note We've provided an example for Fetch All
Orders with Rutter Sandbox. To use the other routes listed below, go to the corresponding API page in our standard API docs, and simply change the subdomain of your request URL from production to sandbox. At the moment, we support the following endpoints in sandbox mode:
The sandbox environment makes it easy to test out the Rutter Link authentication flow. Be sure you've read through Introduction to Link to get an overview on how it works. To test Rutter Link, pass in your sandbox public key which you can find on your Rutter Dashboard: In the Rutter Link popup, select a platform (ex. Shopify) and enter any store info into the text boxes (it doesn't matter what you enter in the sandbox environment) to simulate a successful connection. You will then receive a public token that you can use to exchange for an access token and
fetch data from that connection. Rutter Link Sandbox Function Clarification Rutter Link Sandbox is designed for you to test the authentication flow only. The public_token/access_token generated by Rutter Link Sandbox currently cannot be used to make requests to Rutter Sandbox.
The /orders endpoint allows developers to receive user-authorized order data for a merchant's store. Due to the potentially large number of orders associated with an Item, results are paginated. Manipulate the cursor parameter in the request (using the next_cursor from the response when available) to fetch all orders. Property Type Description orders object[] Array of Orders connections object request_id string Rutter request ID used for tracking API calls next_cursor string | null
To make API calls to fetch a merchant's data, they must first give you access to their store's data. Rutter Link does the heavy-lifting of getting access to a merchant's account for you, while ensuring that the process is user-friendly and secure. To see an example of this in action, you create an account and see our tutorial. Link To learn more about Rutter Link and how to use it, check out our Quickstart guide here:
Rutter uses your client_id and client_secret keys to control access to our API via HTTP Basic Auth. You can find your keys in your dashboard for each of our API environments (sandbox, production). You must keep these keys secret, so make sure it isn't available in publicly accessible areas, such as GitHub and client-side code. Rutter expects your client_id and client_secret to be included in API requests to the server, Base64 encoded within an Authorization header. The header is formed by concatenating the word Basic, followed by a space, and a base64 encoded string of the client_id, a colon (:),
and the client_secret. Authorization: Basic base64({client_id}:{client_secret}) For example, if your client_id is my_client_id and your client_secret is my_client_secret, the header will be: Authorization: Basic bXlfY2xpZW50X2lkOm15X2NsaWVudF9zZWNyZXQ= Authorization Header For all requests to merchant data, you must add Authorization header with a value of Basic, followed by a space, a Base64 encoded client_id, a colon, and client_secret
After a merchant connects their platform with you, a new Connection is created. Each connection created in Rutter goes through the same stages: The Initial Sync stage represents when a connection is first made and Rutter attempts to sync data for the first time. As soon as the connection is established, Rutter pulls data from all available endpoints (based on allowed scopes). Depending on the size of the connection (e.g. a merchant with 10 products vs. a merchant with 1 million products), this might finish instantly or in a few hours. Rutter optimizes fetching for each platform based on the
maximum rate-limit. If you need a subset of data as quickly as possible or if you want to increase the initial synchronization speed, please see the Configuring a Speedup section below. When the connection is ready, you will receive an INITIAL_UPDATE webhook. If you try to fetch data from Rutter before the connection is ready, you will receive a PRODUCT_NOT_READY error. Force Fetch It is possible to send requests when a connection is not ready by setting the force_fetch=true query parameter in your requests to Rutter's orders and transactions endpoints. At present, this feature only works for these two endpoints.
Please keep in mind the returned data may be incomplete. The Historical Sync stage represents the stage after the Initial Sync is finished and Rutter attempts to sync the remaining batches of historical data for a connection. By default, the initial download attempts to synchronize all historical data for a merchant so you have full access to the data once the INITIAL_UPDATE webhook is fired. In this case, you can ignore this stage. It is possible to receive multiple webhooks if you have configured Rutter to prioritize other pieces of data. Please see the Configuring a Speedup section below. After
the initial & historical synchronization is finished, Rutter subscribes to all available webhooks and regularly polls the merchant's platform to keep data synchronized. At this point, you will receive webhooks for all updates to the data, for example Order Webhooks. We allow prefetching of data so that a customer can get the most recent N months of products, orders, or customers within a minimal period of time. Please reach out to [email protected] or the customer success manager to configure this. For example, say a business has 24 months of historical data. A Rutter customer can first prefetch the most
recent 6 months of orders and products, followed by the most recent 8 months of customers, and then the remaining 18 months of orders and products and the remaining 16 months of customers. After these initial 24 months of orders, products, and customers have been synced, we start a continuous data sync every 10 minutes, sending PRODUCT_CREATED/PRODUCT_UPDATED and ORDER_CREATED/ORDER_UPDATED webhooks as new orders and products changes come in. In table form, the above scenario looks like this: Batch Data Included Webhook Fired 1 Most recent 6 months of orders and products INITIAL_UPDATE 2 Most recent 8 months of customers HISTORICAL_UPDATE
3 The remaining 18 months of orders and products and the remaining 16 months of customers HISTORICAL_UPDATE N/A Any future orders/products PRODUCT_CREATED/PRODUCT_UPDATED ORDER_CREATED/ORDER_UPDATED If a merchant pauses the connection by uninstalling your application from their system, Rutter will fire a CONNECTION_NEEDS_UPDATE webhook. This means that Rutter can no longer synchronize the data and you will need to ask the merchant to reconnect their platform. Once the merchant reconnects their platform, you will receive a CONNECTION_UPDATED webhook. Disconnections can happen if a merchant shuts down their store or ends their subscription with the platform. In these cases, Rutter can no longer
connect with the merchant's data, and you will receive a CONNECTION_DISABLED webhook and you may need to ask the merchant to reconnect or resolve the issue. To understand why a connection is disabled, you can use Fetch a Connection Status to see a list of standardized reasons. Once the merchant reconnects their platform, you will receive a CONNECTION_UPDATED webhook.
When using Rutter, you will not experience the normal rate-limits imposed by a specific Ecommerce platform (e.g. Shopify). Rutter has its own rate-limits, but these are much more lenient and will be negotiated as part of your production plan. In order to offer fast performance to merchants' data, Rutter uses a combination of caching and webhooks to store the latest data for a merchant. When you send requests to Rutter's API (Products, Orders, and Customers), most of the time the data will be cached and returned immediately. One exception is when a merchant first authorizes you to use their data:
Rutter will begin downloading the data immediately, but it will not be ready until the INITIAL_UPDATE webhook fires. Rutter does an "initial sync" of a merchant's data when they authenticate your app. This may take hours to days depending on the size of the store, and the most requested data will be cached first. Once this process completes, Rutter subscribes to relevant webhooks on the Ecommerce platform to keep the data in sync. As a final precaution, Rutter also regularly makes requests to platforms to double-check that no updates were lost from the webhooks.
The Connections endpoints are used to manage Connections, which are the individual stores that merchants have shared their data to you with. You can use these endpoints to create a new connection manually and send an authentication link directly to a merchant, or get access to the raw credentials for a specific platform (Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.). To understand the lifecycle of a Connection and the important events that occur when a merchant connects/disconnects their platform, see Connection Lifecycle.
One of the returned fields in the connection object from the Create a Connection endpoint is the link_url, which is a unique, stable link that you can send to a merchant for Merchant Authentication. The link_url points to the Rutter Link web app, which handles the authentication flow for each Ecommerce platform. Once the merchant completes the Link authentication flow, a CONNECTION_UPDATED event will be fired to your Webhook URL , and you will be able to fetch data for their store through this Connection. There are a few query parameters that you can specify to a connection URL to
customize the authentication experience. Here are some examples: Loads the authentication flow directly to the Wix-specific step: Loads the authentication flow directly to the Wix-specific step and on completion the merchant will be redirected to Google: Query Parameter Example Value Description platform SHOPIFY If platform is specified, the Rutter Link flow will start directly at the authentication process for the specified platform, skipping the screen for choosing the platform. See the values in the ENUM column here. redirect_url If redirect_url is specified, the merchant will be redirected to the URL specified, and a public_token query parameter for
the connection will be added to this url. If the value is, the final URL will be This value must be encoded properly in UTF-8 format shopifystore example if shopifyStore is specified, the Shopify authentication screen will be pre-filled with the store URL. If the value is example, Rutter Link will show
Generates new connections programmatically. POST body is optional, unless you are creating a connection with existing credentials/tokens. Allows programmatic creation of connections. Leave the body empty to create a completely new connection for a new merchant. If platform is specified, associated credentials (OAuth, Basic Auth, etc.) for the connection must be provided so Rutter can make authenticated API requests to the platform. To see what values are required for each platform, check the platform-specific documentation below or please contact [email protected] Property Type Description connection object The new connection object. See information about the link_url here.
Returns all active connections for your Rutter account.
The /connections endpoint allows developers to fetch general information about a merchant's store, including the URL and name of the store. Property Type Description connection object
The /status endpoint allows developers to fetch general information about a merchant's store and its synchronization process. Property Type Description platform string The ENUM of its platform based on Supported Commerce Platforms needs_update_status object Contains bool needs_update. See below for more explanation disabled_status object Contains information regarding if or why a connection is disabled historical_sync_status object Contains progress information on initial sync and historical sync based on Connection Lifecycle is_ready boolean Whether the connection is ready to receive requests link_url string The URL that can be shared with merchant to have them re-authenticate created_at string The ISO 8601 timestamp the
connection is established last_sync_completed_at string | null The latest ISO 8601 timestamp that Rutter successfully sync'ed with platform. If you see this is null, it means Rutter has never successfully made a sync through platform Needs Update Status: Historical Sync Status: Disabled Status: Enumeration Explanation SHOP_API_KEY_EXPIRED API key for the shop has expired. The merchant needs to get a new API key SHOP_ID_IS_INVALID The shop ID is invalid. Please check if the shop id in your records is correct SHOP_NOT_FOUND Shop cannot be found. Please check with merchant if shop url is correct SHOP_IS_DISABLED_OR_EXPIRED The shop has been disabled on
the platform. Please check with merchant if the shop needs to be re-enabled SHOP_IS_LOCKED Platform has locked the shop. Please ask merchant to reach out to merchant to determine action needed to unlock store SHOP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED Payment required. Please ask merchant to make payment to platform SHOP_IS_UNAVAILABLE Connection attempted to be made with the unavailable shop. Please check if the shop is ready WEB_SERVICE_IS_DISABLED Web service has been disabled TUNNEL_ERROR Connection is made with developer account. Please use production credentials to access instead CERT_EXPIRED Connection cannot be made due to an expired SSL Certificate. Please ask the merchant to renew UNKNOWN
Unable to establish a Connection with the store
Allows you to fetch the underlying API keys and tokens that are used to make authenticated requests for each platform. Depending on the type of authentication used in the underlying platform, different fields may be returned. You should view the platform-specific API pages to properly format your request. If the credential type is oauth, an access_token property will be included along with any other required pieces of information to make a direct API call, which can be used to make authenticated requests to the platform directly. NOTE: Refresh Tokens are not returned, to prevent loss of access. If the credential
type is oauth1.0a, the 4 fields necessary to generate an authenticated requests are returned. If the credential type is basic, the platform API uses Basic access authentication.
Deletes a Connection to a merchant's store.
Retrieve all of the orders from a merchant's store. A Rutter Order represents any order processed by a store owner's shop. For each order there is an associated Customer. For each order, there is an array of line_items, which are the products included in the order. For any status that is unknown or other, it's because Rutter isn't able to determine its status into one of our pre-defined statuses. Property Type Description id string The Rutter ID of the order. This value is a UUID generated by Rutter that uniquely identifies an order regardless of platforms. platform_id string This is
the platform specific order id for this order. order_number string Order number merchants typically see in their dashboard. Usually it's incremented by 1 for every new order status string The status of the order. One of: payment_status string The status of the payment associated with the order. One of: fulfillment_status string The status of the fulfillment for the order. One of: fulfillments object[] Array of abridged Fulfillment Objects. line_items Line Item Object [] Array of line items in the order refunds object[] | null Array of refunds in the order, if available. This value can be null if a platform
doesn't supply refunds information. billing_address Address | null The billing address of the customer for the order. This value can be null if the customer did not purchase the product online or as a guest. shipping_address Address | null The shipping address of the customer for the order. This value can be null if the customer did not purchase the product online or as a guest. customer Customers | null An abridged Customer object. This value can be null if the customer did not purchase the product online or as a guest. total_shipping float | null The sum of all
shipping costs. This value is null if the no shipping was set. total_discount float The sum of all discounts applied to the total price. It should be non-negative. total_tax float | null The total tax paid on the order. This value is null if no tax was set on the order. total_price float The sum of all line item prices, shipping, taxes, tips, and minus discounts, in the shop currency. It should be equal to how much the buyer pays out of pocket when the buyer places the order. Must be non-negative. iso_currency_code string | null The ISO-4217 currency code
of the order. This can be null if the platform does not return correct information. created_at string The ISO 8601 timestamp the order was created. updated_at string The last ISO 8601 timestamp the order was updated. transactions Transactions[] Not included by default. See Fetch Order Expansions. There can be some differences in field values due to platform-specific limitations or if the connection is missing required scopes. Amazon: total_price will be 0 when the order is in "pending" state until Amazon settles this order Amazon: Currently, we only provide fulfillments data on Fulfilled by Amazon fulfillments.
Orders have an associated billing_address and shipping_address Property Type Description address1 string The street address of the address. address2 string | null An optional additional field for the street address of the address. If the address line 2 is not present, it can be null city string The city, town, or village of the address. postal_code string The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the address. region string The abbreviation of the region of the address. For the US, this would be states, for other places, it would be provinces or equivalent. country_code string The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1
format) for the country of the address. first_name string The first name of the person associated with the address. last_name string The last name of the person associated with the address. phone string | null The phone number at the address.
Orders have associated line items, indicating what products are bought for this order along with its quantity. Property Type Description id string The ID of the line item. platform_id string The origin platform ID of the line item. You can use this ID to make custom API calls without Rutter to the platform. product_id string | null Rutter ID of the product represented in the Line Item. If the product has been deleted or does not exist in Rutter, the value will be null. This usually happens when an order is placed for a product, but later the merchant deletes
that product so the order lose the reference to the ID of that product. variant_id string | null Rutter ID of the product variant represented in the Line Item. If the variant has been deleted or does not exist in Rutter, the value will be null for the same reason above. If the product bought is a default product (meaning there is no variant), variant_id will also be the same as product_id title string Title text of the line item. This should be the same as title of the variant from products endpoint. price float Total cost of all of
the products associated with this line item added together. Typically it would be unit_cost times quantity plus other fees, if any. unit_cost float The price per unit of the variant associated with this line item. This should be the same as price of the variant from products endpoint. iso_currency_code string The ISO-4217 currency code of the order sku string The stock keeping unit of the variant associated with this line item. This should be the same as sku field from products endpoint. quantity integer The number of the variant sold for this line_item
The /orders endpoint allows developers to receive user-authorized order data for a merchant's store. Due to the potentially large number of orders associated with an Item, results are paginated. Manipulate the count and offset parameters in conjunction with the total_orders response body field to fetch all available transactions. Property Type Description orders object[] Array of Orders connection object next_cursor string | null
Property Type Description order object Order Object connection object
Rutter allows updating specific orders with shipping/fulfillment information like carrier, tracking number, and tracking URL. Property Type Description id string The Rutter ID of the fulfillment. This value is a UUID generated by Rutter that uniquely identifies a fulfillment regardless of platforms. order_id string The Rutter Order ID that this fulfillment is associated with. carrier string Carrier company, ex "USPS", "Fedex", "UPS", "Canada Post", etc. Can be any string service string Carrier shipping service, e.g. "Priority Mail", "2 Day Delivery", etc. Can be any string tracking_url string The tracking URL string that buyers can click to look up tracking information.
tracking_number string Tracking number associated with this parcel. Usually buyers can track tracking info using this number at carrier's website. line_items object[] The product variants and quantities associated as part of this fulfillment
Property Type Description fulfillment object connection object After you create a fulfillment for an Order, Rutter automatically updates the fulfillment_status of the order to fulfilled both internally and in the Ecommerce platform. There can be some differences in field values due to platform-specific limitations or if the connection is missing required scopes. WooCommerce: WooCommerce does not natively come with tracking information unless the merchant buys and installs the $49.00 native WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin. If a store does not have this plugin installed, Rutter will only mark the order as completed without tracking information. The following platforms do not support
partial fulfillment: Etsy, Prestashop, Squarespace, WooCommerce, and Square. If you call fulfillment API even if with line_items, Rutter will ignore the supplied line_items and mark the order as fulfilled.
A Rutter Transaction represents any payment or attempted payment received by the merchant. Depending on the commerce platform connected, a Rutter Transaction may belong to an associated Rutter Order. Property Type Description id string The Rutter ID of the transaction. This value is a UUID generated by Rutter that uniquely identifies a transaction regardless of platforms. order_id string | null The Rutter Order ID that this transaction is associated with. If the transaction is not associated with an order, or the platform doesn't support order type, this field would be null payment_method_type string One of: gateway string The name of
the payment gateway the transaction was processed through. gateway_data object | null An object containing additional metadata. This field is only populated for commerce platforms like Shopify that do their own payment processing & partner with another processor (Stripe), which attaches metadata to the transaction. Otherwise the value is null. The properties depend on the payment gateway used. type string The transaction's type. One of: amount float The total amount for this transaction in its currency. This field should always be non-negative. iso_currency_code string The ISO-4217 currency code of the transaction. status string The transaction status. One of: created_at string
The ISO 8601 timestamp the transaction was created.
Amazon: We currently obtain transactions for Amazon using Amazon Settlement Reports, which provides only 90 days worth of transactions data. PayPal/Shopify: Transactions will be pending status initially if the transaction needs investigation. Once the transaction is settled, PayPal/Shopify will create another transaction with the success status. Stripe/Square: Transactions will be overwritten if the transaction status gets updated. To ensure you get the most up to date transactions, you may want to poll each pending transaction with Rutter periodically to check if the transaction changes its status.
A Rutter Payout represents a transfer of funds from a merchant's storefront account to their linked bank. Each payout object contains multiple linked Rutter Transaction objects. Property Type Description id string The Rutter ID of the payout. This value is a UUID generated by Rutter that uniquely identifies a payout regardless of platforms. amount number iso_currency_code string The ISO-4217 currency code of the payout. destination object The destination of the payout. Contains the following properties: account_number_last_digits, bank_name, destination_id, last_four, routing_number gateway string gateway_account_id string method string Available for stripe only. One of: schedule string One of: status string One of:
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