@user when a father is dysfunctional and is so selfish he drags his kids into his dysfunction. #run
[ "@user when a father is dysfunctional and is so selfish he drags his kids into his dysfunction.#run" ]
@user cuando un padre es disfuncional y es tan egoísta que arrastra a sus hijos a su disfunción.#run
@user @user thanks for #lyft credit i can't use cause they don't offer wheelchair vans in pdx. #disapointed #getthanked
[ "@user @user thanks for #lyft credit i can't use cause they don't offer wheelchair vans in pdx.#disapointed #getthanked" ]
@user @user gracias por el crédito #lyft que no puedo usar porque no ofrecen furgonetas para sillas de ruedas en pdx.#desalentado #getthanked
bihday your majesty
[ "bihday your majesty" ]
bihday Su Majestad
#model i love u take with u all the time in ur📱!!! 😙😎👄👅💦💦💦
[ "#model i love u take with u all the time in ur📱!!!😙😎👄👅💦💦💦" ]
#modelo yo amo u tomar con usted todo el tiempo en ur!!!
factsguide: society now #motivation
[ "factsguide: society now #motivation" ]
factsguide: sociedad ahora #motivación
[2/2] huge fan fare and big talking before they leave. chaos and pay disputes when they get there. #allshowandnogo
[ "[2/2] huge fan fare and big talking before they leave.chaos and pay disputes when they get there.#allshowandnogo" ]
[2/2] gran fan fare y gran charla antes de que se vayan.chaos y pagar las disputas cuando lleguen allí.#allshowandnogo
@user camping tomorrow @user @user @user @user @user @user @user danny…
[ "@user camping tomorrow @user @user @user @user @user @user @user danny…" ]
@user acampar mañana @user @user @user @user @user @user danny
the next school year is the year for exams.😯 can't think about that 😭 #school #exams #hate #imagine #actorslife #revolutionschool #girl
[ "the next school year is the year for exams.😯 can't think about that 😭 #school #exams #hate #imagine #actorslife #revolutionschool #girl" ]
El próximo año escolar es el año para los exámenes. No puedo pensar en eso.
we won!!! love the land!!! #allin #cavs #champions #cleveland #clevelandcavaliers …
[ "we won!!!love the land!!!#allin #cavs #champions #cleveland #clevelandcavaliers …" ]
@user @user welcome here ! i'm it's so #gr8 !
[ "@user @user welcome here !i'm it's so #gr8 !" ]
@user @user bienvenida aquí !I'm it's so #gr8 !
↝ #ireland consumer price index (mom) climbed from previous 0.2% to 0.5% in may #blog #silver #gold #forex
[ "↝ #ireland consumer price index (mom) climbed from previous 0.2% to 0.5% in may #blog #silver #gold #forex" ]
El índice de precios al consumidor de #ireland (mamá) subió del 0,2% anterior al 0,5% en mayo #blog #plata #oro #forex
we are so selfish. #orlando #standwithorlando #pulseshooting #orlandoshooting #biggerproblems #selfish #heabreaking #values #love #
[ "we are so selfish.#orlando #standwithorlando #pulseshooting #orlandoshooting #biggerproblems #selfish #heabreaking #values #love #" ]
somos tan egoístas. #olando #standwithorlando #pulseshooting #olandoshooting #grandes problemas #egoístas #hearover #valores #amor #
i get to see my daddy today!! #80days #gettingfed
[ "i get to see my daddy today!!#80days #gettingfed" ]
Tengo que ver a mi papá hoy!! #80days #gettingfed
@user #cnn calls #michigan middle school 'build the wall' chant '' #tcot
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user #cnn calls #michigan middle school 'build the wall' chant '' #tcot" ]
@user #cnn llama a #michigan escuela media 'construir la pared' cantar '' #tcot
no comment! in #australia #opkillingbay #seashepherd #helpcovedolphins #thecove #helpcovedolphins
[ "hate" ]
[ "no comment!in #australia #opkillingbay #seashepherd #helpcovedolphins #thecove #helpcovedolphins" ]
en #australia #opkillingbay #seashepherd #helpcovedolphins #thecove #helpcovedolphins
ouch...junior is angry😐#got7 #junior #yugyoem #omg
[ "ouch...junior is angry😐#got7 #junior #yugyoem #omg" ]
ouch...junior está enojadogot7 #junior #yugyoem #omg
i am thankful for having a paner. #thankful #positive
[ "i am thankful for having a paner.#thankful #positive" ]
Estoy agradecido por tener un paner. #gracias #positive
retweet if you agree!
[ "hate" ]
[ "retweet if you agree!" ]
¡Retuitea si estás de acuerdo!
its #friday! 😀 smiles all around via ig user: @user #cookies make people
[ "its #friday!😀 smiles all around via ig user: @user #cookies make people" ]
sus sonrisas #friday! alrededor a través del usuario ig: @user #cookies hacen a la gente
as we all know, essential oils are not made of chemicals.
[ "as we all know, essential oils are not made of chemicals." ]
Como todos sabemos, los aceites esenciales no están hechos de productos químicos.
#euro2016 people blaming ha for conceded goal was it fat rooney who gave away free kick knowing bale can hit them from there.
[ "#euro2016 people blaming ha for conceded goal was it fat rooney who gave away free kick knowing bale can hit them from there." ]
#euro2016 las personas que culparon a Ha por la meta concedida fue el gordo rooney que dio patadas libres sabiendo que la bala puede golpearlos desde allí.
sad little dude.. #badday #coneofshame #cats #pissed #funny #laughs
[ "sad little dude.. #badday #coneofshame #cats #pissed #funny #laughs" ]
#Madday #coneofshame #cats #pissed #funny #risas
product of the day: happy man #wine tool who's it's the #weekend? time to open up & drink up!
[ "product of the day: happy man #wine tool who's it's the #weekend?time to open up & drink up!" ]
producto del día: hombre feliz #herramienta de vino que es el #weekend?time para abrir & beber!
@user @user lumpy says i am a . prove it lumpy.
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user @user lumpy says i am a .prove it lumpy." ]
@user @user lumpy dice que soy un .prove lumy.
@user #tgif #ff to my #gamedev #indiedev #indiegamedev #squad! @user @user @user @user @user
[ "@user #tgif #ff to my #gamedev #indiedev #indiegamedev #squad!@user @user @user @user @user" ]
@user #tgif #ff a mi #gamedev #indiedev #indiegamedev #squad!@user @user @user @user @user
beautiful sign by vendor 80 for $45.00!! #upsideofflorida #shopalyssas #love
[ "beautiful sign by vendor 80 for $45.00!!#upsideofflorida #shopalyssas #love" ]
hermosa firma del vendedor 80 por $45.00!!!#upsideofflorida #shopalyssas #love
@user all #smiles when #media is !! 😜😈 #pressconference in #antalya #turkey ! sunday #throwback love! 😊😘❤️
[ "@user all #smiles when #media is !!😜😈#pressconference in #antalya #turkey !sunday #throwback love!😊😘❤️" ]
@user all #smiles when #media is !!pressconference in #antalya #turkey !sunday #throwback love!
we had a great panel on the mediatization of the public service #ica16
[ "we had a great panel on the mediatization of the public service #ica16" ]
Tuvimos un gran panel sobre la mediatización del servicio público #ica16
happy father's day @user 💓💓💓💓
[ "happy father's day @user 💓💓💓💓" ]
Feliz día del padre @user
50 people went to nightclub to have a good night and 1 man's actions means those people are lost to their families forever #rip#orlando
[ "50 people went to nightclub to have a good night and 1 man's actions means those people are lost to their families forever #rip#orlando" ]
50 personas fueron al club nocturno para pasar una buena noche y las acciones de 1 hombre significan que esas personas están perdidas para siempre para sus familias #rip#orlando
i have never had a chance to vote for a presidential candidate i was excited about and this cycle looks to be no different.
[ "i have never had a chance to vote for a presidential candidate i was excited about and this cycle looks to be no different." ]
Nunca he tenido la oportunidad de votar por un candidato presidencial por lo que estaba emocionado y este ciclo parece no ser diferente.
#alohafriday #time does #not #exist #positivevibes #hawaiian @user @user @user @user
[ "#alohafriday #time does #not #exist #positivevibes #hawaiian @user @user @user @user" ]
#alohafriday #time does #not #exist #positivevibes #hawaiian @user @user @user @user
@user rip to the fellow nohern ireland fan who sadley passed away tonight!.. gawa, forever singing and cheering on fire
[ "@user rip to the fellow nohern ireland fan who sadley passed away tonight!..gawa, forever singing and cheering on fire" ]
@user rip al compañero nohern ireland fan que sadley falleció esta noche!..gawa, siempre cantando y animando al fuego
it was a hard monday due to cloudy weather. disabling oxygen production for today. #goodnight #badmonday
[ "it was a hard monday due to cloudy weather.disabling oxygen production for today.#goodnight #badmonday" ]
Fue un lunes duro debido al clima nublado.desactivando la producción de oxígeno para hoy.#Buenas noches #badmonday
it's unbelievable that in the 21st century we'd need something like this. again. #neverump #xenophobia
[ "hate" ]
[ "it's unbelievable that in the 21st century we'd need something like this.again.#neverump #xenophobia" ]
Es increíble que en el siglo XXI necesitemos algo como esto. de nuevo.#neverump #xenofobia
#taylorswift1989 bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do. w
[ "#taylorswift1989 bull up: you will dominate your bull and you will direct it whatever you want it to do.w" ]
#taylorswift1989 bull up: dominarás tu toro y lo dirigirás lo que quieras que haga.w
morning~~ #travelingram #dalat #ripinkylife
[ "morning~~ #travelingram #dalat #ripinkylife" ]
#travelingram #dalat #ripinkylife
@user once more only one word tells it all: #photoshop. #enoughisenough #dontphotoshopeverything #wheresallthenaturalphotos
[ "@user once more only one word tells it all: #photoshop.#enoughisenough #dontphotoshopeverything #wheresallthenaturalphotos" ]
@user una vez más sólo una palabra lo dice todo: #photoshop.# lo suficiente #dontphotoshoptodolo #dondetodoslosfotosnaturales
oh, #cedarpoint. waited 2 hours in the valravn line and it stopped working. we were so close.
[ "oh, #cedarpoint.waited 2 hours in the valravn line and it stopped working.we were so close." ]
Oh, #cedarpoint.esperó 2 horas en la línea Valravn y dejó de funcionar. estábamos tan cerca.
i am thankful for sunshine. #thankful #positive
[ "i am thankful for sunshine.#thankful #positive" ]
Estoy agradecido por el sol. #gracias #positiva
when you finally finish a book you've been working on for awhile... #bookworm #ontothenextnovel
[ "when you finally finish a book you've been working on for awhile... #bookworm #ontothenextnovel" ]
Cuando finalmente terminas un libro en el que has estado trabajando por un tiempo... #lombriz de libro #ontothenextnovel
yup, being a knicks fan is hard, so its easier to just be an nba fan when the playoffs roll around 😎
[ "yup, being a knicks fan is hard, so its easier to just be an nba fan when the playoffs roll around 😎" ]
Yup, ser un fan de los knicks es duro, por lo que es más fácil ser un fan de la NBA cuando los playoffs rodan alrededor
there is life after social networking. embrace each day. be
[ "there is life after social networking.embrace each day.be" ]
hay vida después de social networking.embrace cada día.be
my mom shares the same bihday as @user bihday snake! see you this weekend 🙌🏼
[ "my mom shares the same bihday as @user bihday snake!see you this weekend 🙌🏼" ]
mi mamá comparte el mismo bihday como @user bihday serpiente!ver este fin de semana 1⁄4
lovely echeveria blooms#flowers #grow #gardening #iphonesia #bliss #blooms #basilicabotanica
[ "lovely echeveria blooms#flowers #grow #gardening #iphonesia #bliss #blooms #basilicabotanica" ]
hermosa echeveria florece#flores #crece #jardín #iphonesia #bliss #blooms #basilicabotanica
i am amazing. #i_am #positive #affirmation
[ "i am amazing.#i_am #positive #affirmation" ]
Soy increíble. #i_am #positive #afirmation
#model i love u take with u all the time in ur📱!!! 😙😎👄👅💦💦💦
[ "#model i love u take with u all the time in ur📱!!!😙😎👄👅💦💦💦" ]
#modelo yo amo u tomar con usted todo el tiempo en ur!!!
#whenever im and #something goes #wrong |
[ "#whenever im and #something goes #wrong |" ]
# Cuando yo y algo va # # mal #
feeling blue #illustration
[ "feeling blue #illustration" ]
sentirse azul #ilustración
the best pa about life is knowing who you are! 😊☀️🌼🌻 …
[ "the best pa about life is knowing who you are!😊☀️🌼🌻…" ]
el mejor pa sobre la vida es saber quién eres!
#abc2020 getting ready 2 remove the victums frm #pulseclub #prayfororlando
[ "#abc2020 getting ready 2 remove the victums frm #pulseclub #prayfororlando" ]
#abc2020 preparándose 2 quita las victums frm #pulseclub #prayfororlando
for her #bihday we got her a #nose #job @user 🎈🐶🎉🎂🎁 #bihday #petunia we love you 🙃
[ "for her #bihday we got her a #nose #job @user 🎈🐶🎉🎂🎁#bihday #petunia we love you 🙃" ]
para ella #bihday le conseguimos un #nose #job @user bihday #petunia te queremos
off to concelebrate at the #albanpilgrimage for the first time. @user
[ "off to concelebrate at the #albanpilgrimage for the first time.@user" ]
para concelebrar en la #albanpilgrimage por primera vez.@user
@user let the scum-baggery begin.....
[ "@user let the scum-baggery begin....." ]
@user deja que la basura comience....
thank you! 😍😆 super love it! ❤️ zpamdelacruz #wedding# @ dolores, capas tarlac.
[ "thank you!😍😆 super love it!❤️ zpamdelacruz #wedding# @ dolores, capas tarlac." ]
¡Gracias! super lo ame! zpamdelacruz #wedding# @ dolores, capas tarlac.
a scourge on those playing baroque pieces on piano beyond belief
[ "a scourge on those playing baroque pieces on piano beyond belief" ]
un azote para los que tocan piezas barrocas en piano más allá de toda creencia
@user lets fight against #love #peace
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user lets fight against #love #peace" ]
@user permite luchar contra #love #peace
happy father’s day, mr. rayos #video #fathers #day #rayos #world #hotvideo #videos
[ "happy father’s day, mr. rayos #video #fathers #day#rayos #world #hotvideo #videos" ]
Feliz día de padre, Sr. Rayos #vídeo #padres #día#rayos #mundo #vídeo caliente #vídeo
@user ascot times with this babe ❤️❤️ #ascot #fashion #monochrome #style #instahappyday
[ "@user ascot times with this babe ❤️❤️#ascot #fashion #monochrome #style #instahappyday" ]
@user ascot veces con esta chica #monochrome #style #instahappyday
the weekend..is here!!🙌😉😘💙😊 #selfie #yolo #xoxo #like4like
[ "the weekend..is here!!🙌😉😘💙😊 #selfie #yolo #xoxo #like4like" ]
el fin de semana .. está aquí!!! #selfie #yolo #xoxo #like4like
happy at work conference: right' mindset leads to culture-of-development organizations #work #mindset
[ "happy at work conference: right' mindset leads to culture-of-development organizations #work #mindset" ]
feliz en la conferencia de trabajo: la mentalidad de la derecha conduce a las organizaciones de la cultura del desarrollo #work #mindset
christina grimmie's last performance before being shot... via @user #christinarip #voice #christinagrimmie
[ "christina grimmie's last performance before being shot... via @user #christinarip #voice #christinagrimmie" ]
La última actuación de Christina Grimmie antes de ser disparada... vía @user #christinarip #voice #christinagrimmie
we are ready to dance #roar #preschoolers #students #proud…
[ "we are ready to dance #roar #preschoolers #students #proud…" ]
Estamos listos para bailar #roar #preescolares #estudiantes #proud
you've really hu my feelings :(
[ "you've really hu my feelings :(" ]
realmente has hu mis sentimientos :(
@user my wife whom i adore had to miss your poland show because she had surgery. her name is bridget & she's my everything.
[ "@user my wife whom i adore had to miss your poland show because she had surgery.her name is bridget & she's my everything." ]
@user mi esposa a quien adoro tuvo que perderse su show de Polonia porque ella tuvo cirugía.su nombre es bridget & ella es mi todo.
@user i am so jealous of you right now.... #chatiado
[ "@user i am so jealous of you right now....#chatiado" ]
@user estoy tan celosa de ti ahora mismo...#chatiado
i celebrate every man that has played it's fatherly role. father's day#
[ "i celebrate every man that has played it's fatherly role.father's day#" ]
Celebro a cada hombre que ha jugado su papel paternal. Día del padre #
i'm sure they are just as happy.... 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 hour
[ "i'm sure they are just as happy....👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 hour" ]
Estoy seguro de que son tan felices como... 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 1⁄2 hora
😩the white establishment can't have blk folx running around loving themselves and promoting our greatness
[ "hate" ]
[ "😩the white establishment can't have blk folx running around loving themselves and promoting our greatness" ]
El establecimiento blanco no puede tener blk folx corriendo por ahí amándose a sí mismos y promoviendo nuestra grandeza
good morning! the journey begins! 😄👍🏻🛳 #travel #yeah #thejourneybegins #hello…
[ "good morning!the journey begins!😄👍🏻🛳#travel #yeah #thejourneybegins #hello…" ]
¡Buenos días!¡El viaje comienza! #3#travel #yeah #thejourneybegins #hello
@user # if you #luv #hottweets like this from ▶ ♥#venusexchange♥
[ "@user # if you #luv #hottweets like this from ▶ ♥#venusexchange♥" ]
@user # si usted #luv #hottweets como este de venusexchange
our new brochures have arrived! how exciting!! #aworks #solutions
[ "our new brochures have arrived!how exciting!!#aworks #solutions" ]
¡Nuestros nuevos folletos han llegado!¡¡Qué emocionante!!#aworks #solutions
so much stuff happening in florida! first #orlando shooting and now #disneygatorattack on a two year old kid😥🐊
[ "so much stuff happening in florida!first #orlando shooting and now #disneygatorattack on a two year old kid😥🐊" ]
¡Tantas cosas pasando en Florida!primero #orlando disparando y ahora #disneygatoratack en un niño de dos años
@user ferrari will do it💪🏼 for the sake of the championship. this gp is clearly a turning point rb, ferrari,mercs...😍
[ "@user ferrari will do it💪🏼 for the sake of the championship.this gp is clearly a turning point rb, ferrari,mercs...😍" ]
@user ferrari lo hará por el bien del campeonato.Este gp es claramente un punto de inflexión rb, ferrari, mercs...
aced my first test! #proud
[ "aced my first test!#proud" ]
¡agregó mi primera prueba!#Orgulloso
seeks probe into #udtapunjab' leak, points finger at #amarinder, #aap
[ "seeks probe into #udtapunjab' leak, points finger at #amarinder, #aap" ]
busca una sonda en la fuga de #udtapunjab, apunta con el dedo a #amarinder, #aap
@user wrapping up #senseaboutmaths @user 6th @user @user @user
[ "@user wrapping up #senseaboutmaths @user 6th @user @user @user" ]
@user envolviendo #senseaboutmaths @user 6th @user @user @user
@user hey, white people: you can call people 'white' by @user #race #identity #med…
[ "hate" ]
[ "@user hey, white people: you can call people 'white' by @user #race #identity #med…" ]
@user hey, gente blanca: puedes llamar a la gente "blanca" por @user #race #identity #med
@user @user you might be. just have not shown here today. regurgitated talking points and name calling?
[ "@user @user you might be.just have not shown here today.regurgitated talking points and name calling?" ]
@user @user usted puede ser.just no ha mostrado aquí hoy.regurgitated los puntos de conversación y el nombre que llama?
sometimes you have to raise a few brows to raise the bar. #golfstrengthandconditioning #strong #felixfoisgolf
[ "sometimes you have to raise a few brows to raise the bar.#golfstrengthandconditioning #strong #felixfoisgolf" ]
A veces tienes que levantar unas cuantas cejas para levantar la barra.#golfforternessandconditioning #strong #felixfoisgolf
about that 😀😀😀 #greathonour #careerconvos @user @user
[ "about that 😀😀😀 #greathonour #careerconvos @user @user" ]
sobre eso #greathonour #careerconvos @user @user
@user designing #innovative learning space @user to include #wateringhole #cave #mountaintop #campfire @user h…
[ "@user designing #innovative learning space @user to include #wateringhole #cave #mountaintop #campfire @user h…" ]
@user diseñando #innovativo espacio de aprendizaje @user para incluir #wateringhole #cave #mountaintop #campfire @user h
how the #altright uses & insecurity to lure men into #whitesupremacy
[ "hate" ]
[ "how the #altright uses & insecurity to lure men into #whitesupremacy" ]
cómo la #altright utiliza la inseguridad de & para atraer a los hombres a #whitesupremacy
carrying a gun wouldn't of helped if you can't take it in with you. gun control won't stop the black market! terrorism will get worse!
[ "carrying a gun wouldn't of helped if you can't take it in with you.gun control won't stop the black market!terrorism will get worse!" ]
Llevar un arma no ayudaría si no puedes llevarlo contigo.¡El control de la pistola no detendrá el mercado negro!¡El terrorismo empeorará!
use the power of your mind to #heal your body!! - #altwaystoheal #healthy #peace!
[ "use the power of your mind to #heal your body!!- #altwaystoheal #healthy #peace!" ]
¡¡Usa el poder de tu mente para #sanar tu cuerpo!!- #altwaystoHeal #healy #peace!
woohoo!! just over 5 weeks to go!
[ "woohoo!!just over 5 weeks to go!" ]
woohoo!! poco más de 5 semanas para ir!
being in a far away place where you have no family members hus
[ "being in a far away place where you have no family members hus" ]
estar en un lugar lejano donde no tienes miembros de la familia hus
ready to rehearse tonight with new music and new videos, look out for the announcement! #midweek #newmusic #watchthisspace #guitar
[ "ready to rehearse tonight with new music and new videos, look out for the announcement!#midweek #newmusic #watchthisspace #guitar" ]
listo para ensayar esta noche con nueva música y nuevos videos, ¡mira el anuncio! #midweek #newmusic #watchthisspace #guitarra
now on monday nights at 8pm on #up channel!!!! i finally get to see what all the fuss is about!!!
[ "now on monday nights at 8pm on #up channel!!!!i finally get to see what all the fuss is about!!!" ]
¡Ahora en las noches de lunes a las 8pm en el canal #up!!!!¡Por fin puedo ver de qué se trata todo el alboroto!!!
watching the new episodes of @user on @user
[ "watching the new episodes of @user on @user" ]
ver los nuevos episodios de @user en @user
@user offline now after a very nice and long night.. 😚 #snapchat @user #redhead #vermillionred
[ "@user offline now after a very nice and long night..😚 #snapchat @user#redhead #vermillionred" ]
@user offline ahora después de una noche muy agradable y larga.. #snapchat @user#redhead #vermillionred
15 things incredibly #people do
[ "15 things incredibly #people do" ]
15 cosas que la gente hace increíblemente
yes! received my acceptance letter for my masters so will be back at @user again in october! #goodtimes #history
[ "yes!received my acceptance letter for my masters so will be back at @user again in october!#goodtimes #history" ]
¡Sí!Recibió mi carta de aceptación para mis maestros así que volverá a estar en @user de nuevo en octubre!#goodtimes #history
daughter riding her bike around driveway, son playing his guitar for us while we enjoy 🍺 by the campfire... #summeime #memories
[ "daughter riding her bike around driveway, son playing his guitar for us while we enjoy 🍺 by the campfire...#summeime #memories" ]
hija montando su bicicleta por el camino de entrada, hijo tocando su guitarra para nosotros mientras disfrutamos de o junto a la fogata...#summeime #memories
omg!!! loving this station!!! way to jam out at work!!! while getting work done of course!!!! #memories @user
[ "omg!!!loving this station!!!way to jam out at work!!!while getting work done of course!!!!#memories @user" ]
omg!!!Amando esta estación!!! manera de atascarse en el trabajo!!! mientras se hace el trabajo por supuesto!!!!#memories @user
@user i'll always hope that one day i'll get to hug you, but i don't think that it's gonna happen anytime soon...
[ "@user i'll always hope that one day i'll get to hug you, but i don't think that it's gonna happen anytime soon..." ]
@user siempre esperaré que algún día llegue a abrazarte, pero no creo que vaya a suceder pronto...
#model i love u take with u all the time in ur📱!!! 😙😎👄👅💦💦💦
[ "#model i love u take with u all the time in ur📱!!!😙😎👄👅💦💦💦" ]
#modelo yo amo u tomar con usted todo el tiempo en ur!!!
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[ "couple having sex fat naked japanese girls" ]
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#hump on that #hump day #humpers😩 @ edwardsville, pennsylvania
[ "#hump on that #hump day #humpers😩 @ edwardsville, pennsylvania" ]
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[ "personalised we... gbp 7.99 get here: #shop #cool #home #fun" ]
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