validation set for SSP and fine-tuning details

by adrienchaton - opened

Thanks for sharing this benchmark, these are interesting comparisons you ran and I would like to expand on that by also benchmarking codon LMs which are somewhat middle ground between genomic and proteomic LMs. I have two questions please:

  • for the SSP task, I see no validation set ... comparing with your paper it looks like you uploaded train (=6224) and validation (=1556) into a single training data file (=7780) ... would it be possible to share the splits you used for your paper please?

  • regarding the finetuning details, did you use MSE loss for the regressions tasks please? and you didnt mention any learning rate decay (or any regularization) ... are you keeping it fixed to 0.003 and monitoring best R2 or cross entropy every epoch to select the checkpoint to evaluate?


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