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Like a grinning Jack O ' Lantern , its apparent glee is derived from a lobotomy , having had all its vital essence scooped out and discarded . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.026683 | 0.973317 |
Last Orders nurtures the multi-layers of its characters , allowing us to remember that life 's ultimately a gamble and last orders are to be embraced . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994248 | 0.005752 |
Witty , vibrant , and intelligent . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994718 | 0.005282 |
Off the Hook is overlong and not well-acted , but credit writer-producer-director Adam Watstein with finishing it at all . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.058498 | 0.941502 |
Wilco fans will have a great time , and the movie should win the band a few new converts , too . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.992912 | 0.007088 |
The package in which this fascinating -- and timely -- content comes wrapped is disappointingly generic . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.028868 | 0.971132 |
A chilly , brooding but quietly resonant psychological study of domestic tension and unhappiness . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.988538 | 0.011462 |
Violent , vulgar and forgettably entertaining . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.011483 | 0.988517 |
It would n't matter so much that this arrogant Richard Pryor wannabe 's routine is offensive , puerile and unimaginatively foul-mouthed if it was at least funny . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.034358 | 0.965642 |
In the wrong hands , i.e. Peploe 's , it 's simply unbearable | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.009598 | 0.990402 |
... the efforts of its star , Kline , to lend some dignity to a dumb story are for naught . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.02113 | 0.97887 |
Leaves viewers out in the cold and undermines some phenomenal performances . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.012198 | 0.987802 |
There 's no excuse for following up a delightful , well-crafted family film with a computer-generated cold fish . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.016535 | 0.983465 |
Kurys seems intimidated by both her subject matter and the period trappings of this debut venture into the heritage business . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.028419 | 0.971581 |
Neither revelatory nor truly edgy -- merely crassly flamboyant and comedically labored . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.012137 | 0.987864 |
It 's not like having a real film of Nijinsky , but at least it 's better than that eponymous 1980 biopic that used soap in the places where the mysteries lingered . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.904704 | 0.095296 |
The work of a filmmaker who has secrets buried at the heart of his story and knows how to take time revealing them . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.989766 | 0.010234 |
Rice is too pedestrian a filmmaker to bring any edge or personality to The Rising Place that would set it apart from other Deep South stories . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.04154 | 0.95846 |
Parker updates the setting in an attempt to make the film relevant today , without fully understanding what it was that made the story relevant in the first place . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.015134 | 0.984866 |
Gussied up with so many distracting special effects and visual party tricks that it 's not clear whether we 're supposed to shriek or laugh . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.010987 | 0.989013 |
Smart and fun , but far more witty than it is wise . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.991347 | 0.008653 |
Everything about Girls Ca n't Swim , even its passages of sensitive observation , feels secondhand , familiar -- and not in a good way . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.071473 | 0.928527 |
At every opportunity to do something clever , the film goes right over the edge and kills every sense of believability ... all you have left is a no-surprise series of explosions and violence while Banderas looks like he 's not trying to laugh at how bad it | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.026362 | 0.973638 |
When you 've got the wildly popular Vin Diesel in the equation , it adds up to big box office bucks all but guaranteed . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.954768 | 0.045232 |
The subtitled costume drama is set in a remote African empire before cell phones , guns , and the internal combustion engine , but the politics that thump through it are as timely as tomorrow . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.984243 | 0.015757 |
An enthralling , entertaining feature . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.995505 | 0.004495 |
Deep intelligence and a warm , enveloping affection breathe out of every frame . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993644 | 0.006356 |
It 's endlessly inventive , consistently intelligent and sickeningly savage . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993307 | 0.006693 |
Meticulously mounted , exasperatingly well-behaved film , which ticks off Kahlo 's lifetime milestones with the dutiful precision of a tax accountant . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.99032 | 0.00968 |
Feels familiar and tired . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.017339 | 0.982661 |
No , I hate it . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.024007 | 0.975993 |
How do you make a movie with depth about a man who lacked any ? | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.091567 | 0.908433 |
Land , people and narrative flow together in a stark portrait of motherhood deferred and desire explored . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993014 | 0.006986 |
Mr. Deeds is sure to give you a lot of laughs in this simple , sweet and romantic comedy . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993758 | 0.006242 |
Short-story quaint , touchingly mending a child 's pain for his dead mother via communication with an old woman straight out of Eudora Welty . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.990709 | 0.009291 |
the film does n't sustain its initial promise with a jarring , new-agey tone creeping into the second half | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.01514 | 0.98486 |
The Importance of Being Earnest , so thick with wit it plays like a reading from Bartlett 's Familiar Quotations | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.956962 | 0.043038 |
To others , it will remind them that Hong Kong action cinema is still alive and kicking . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.991229 | 0.008771 |
A strong and confident work which works so well for the first 89 minutes , but ends so horrendously confusing in the final two | 0 | positive | 1 | negative | 0.445055 | 0.554945 |
Easily one of the best and most exciting movies of the year . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.995035 | 0.004965 |
A humorless journey into a philosophical void . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.008504 | 0.991497 |
The sequel plays out like a flimsy excuse to give Blade fans another look at Wesley Snipes ' iconic hero doing battle with dozens of bad guys -- at once . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.022341 | 0.977659 |
-LRB- Hell is -RRB- looking down at your watch and realizing Serving Sara is n't even halfway through . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.027537 | 0.972463 |
It 's lost the politics and the social observation and become just another situation romance about a couple of saps stuck in an inarticulate screenplay . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.011305 | 0.988695 |
A treat for its depiction on not giving up on dreams when you 're a struggling nobody . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.991474 | 0.008526 |
A soulless jumble of ineptly assembled cliches and pabulum that plays like a 95-minute commercial for NBA properties . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.009892 | 0.990108 |
If you can get past the taboo subject matter , it will be well worth your time . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.991655 | 0.008345 |
For all its violence , the movie is remarkably dull with only Caine making much of an impression . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.010029 | 0.989971 |
Like the excruciating End of Days , Collateral Damage presents Schwarzenegger as a tragic figure , but sympathy really belongs with any viewer forced to watch him try out so many complicated facial expressions . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.213607 | 0.786393 |
If you value your time and money , find an escape clause and avoid seeing this trite , predictable rehash . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.034762 | 0.965238 |
Nicks and Steinberg match their own creations for pure venality -- that 's giving it the old college try . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.460664 | 0.539336 |
With its paint fights , motorized scooter chases and dewy-eyed sentiment , it 's a pretty listless collection of kid-movie clichés . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.024136 | 0.975864 |
Spectators will indeed sit open-mouthed before the screen , not screaming but yawning . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.015543 | 0.984457 |
A sharp , amusing study of the cult of celebrity . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994505 | 0.005494 |
The movie does n't generate a lot of energy . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.014543 | 0.985457 |
Hashiguchi vividly captures the way young Japanese live now , chafing against their culture 's manic mix of millennial brusqueness and undying , traditional politesse . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.989891 | 0.010109 |
It is n't quite one of the worst movies of the year . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.012499 | 0.987501 |
An action\/thriller of the finest kind , evoking memories of Day of the Jackal , The French Connection , and Heat . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.991813 | 0.008187 |
A plodding teen remake that 's so mechanical you can smell the grease on the plot twists . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.009308 | 0.990692 |
`` Solaris '' is a shapeless inconsequential move relying on the viewer to do most of the work . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.018422 | 0.981578 |
This amiable picture talks tough , but it 's all bluster -- in the end it 's as sweet as Greenfingers ... | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.965901 | 0.034099 |
An unsophisticated sci-fi drama that takes itself all too seriously . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.011253 | 0.988747 |
Some people march to the beat of a different drum , and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in , this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.969926 | 0.030074 |
That rare documentary that incorporates so much of human experience -- drama , conflict , tears and surprise -- that it transcends the normal divisions between fiction and nonfiction film . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.993478 | 0.006522 |
You can tell almost immediately that Welcome to Collinwood is n't going to jell . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.029865 | 0.970135 |
I ca n't begin to tell you how tedious , how resolutely unamusing , how thoroughly unrewarding all of this is , and what a reckless squandering of four fine acting talents ... | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.013637 | 0.986363 |
Even if it pushes its agenda too forcefully , this remains a film about something , one that attempts and often achieves a level of connection and concern . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.983402 | 0.016598 |
-LRB- Reynolds -RRB- takes a classic story , casts attractive and talented actors and uses a magnificent landscape to create a feature film that is wickedly fun to watch . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.992992 | 0.007008 |
We ca n't accuse Kung Pow for misfiring , since it is exactly what it wants to be : an atrociously , mind-numbingly , indescribably bad movie . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.087187 | 0.912813 |
Friday After Next is the kind of film that could only be made by African-Americans because of its broad racial insensitivity towards African-Americans . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.023943 | 0.976057 |
... this story gets sillier , not scarier , as it goes along ... | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.049563 | 0.950437 |
I 've yet to find an actual Vietnam War combat movie actually produced by either the North or South Vietnamese , but at least now we 've got something pretty damn close . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.874885 | 0.125115 |
A film centering on a traditional Indian wedding in contemporary New Delhi may not sound like specialized fare , but Mira Nair 's film is an absolute delight for all audiences . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994714 | 0.005286 |
Judd 's characters ought to pick up the durable best seller Smart Women , Foolish Choices for advice . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.052035 | 0.947965 |
The plot twists give I Am Trying to Break Your Heart an attraction it desperately needed . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.990748 | 0.009252 |
Terrific as Nadia , a Russian mail-order bride who comes to America speaking not a word of English , it 's Kidman who holds the film together with a supremely kittenish performance that gradually accumulates more layers . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.984545 | 0.015455 |
It 's not only dull because we 've seen -LRB- Eddie -RRB- Murphy do the genial-rogue shtick to death , but because the plot is equally hackneyed . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.011386 | 0.988614 |
That Jack Nicholson makes this man so watchable is a tribute not only to his craft , but to his legend . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.991768 | 0.008232 |
The film proves unrelentingly grim -- and equally engrossing . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.987871 | 0.012129 |
A domestic melodrama with weak dialogue and biopic cliches . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.008808 | 0.991192 |
Not counting a few gross-out comedies I 've been trying to forget , this is the first film in a long time that made me want to bolt the theater in the first 10 minutes . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.038395 | 0.961605 |
A movie that harps on media-constructed ` issues ' like whether compromise is the death of self ... this Orgasm -LRB- wo n't be an -RRB- exceedingly memorable one for most people . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.015772 | 0.984228 |
We never truly come to care about the main characters and whether or not they 'll wind up together , and Michele 's spiritual quest is neither amusing nor dramatic enough to sustain interest . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.012263 | 0.987737 |
The kind of movie that leaves vague impressions and a nasty aftertaste but little clear memory of its operational mechanics . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.023056 | 0.976944 |
Everything about it from the bland songs to the colorful but flat drawings is completely serviceable and quickly forgettable . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.02329 | 0.97671 |
An exceptionally acted , quietly affecting cop drama . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994859 | 0.005141 |
Too smart to ignore but a little too smugly superior to like , this could be a movie that ends up slapping its target audience in the face by shooting itself in the foot . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.050015 | 0.949984 |
A stirring road movie . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994802 | 0.005198 |
As inept as big-screen remakes of The Avengers and The Wild Wild West . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.011948 | 0.988052 |
It is a happy , heady jumble of thought and storytelling , an insane comic undertaking that ultimately coheres into a sane and breathtakingly creative film . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.99119 | 0.00881 |
An enthralling aesthetic experience , one that 's steeped in mystery and a ravishing , baroque beauty . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.994836 | 0.005164 |
For the most part , the film does hold up pretty well . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.98274 | 0.01726 |
A ragbag of cliches . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.006692 | 0.993308 |
Dull , a road-trip movie that 's surprisingly short of both adventure and song . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.009095 | 0.990905 |
There 's no disguising this as one of the worst films of the summer . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.060594 | 0.939406 |
Like the original , this version is raised a few notches above kiddie fantasy pablum by Allen 's astringent wit . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.985058 | 0.014942 |
There 's nothing interesting in Unfaithful whatsoever . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.019662 | 0.980338 |
A comedy-drama of nearly epic proportions rooted in a sincere performance by the title character undergoing midlife crisis . | 0 | positive | 0 | positive | 0.983093 | 0.016907 |
The screenplay by James Eric , James Horton and director Peter O'Fallon ... is so pat it makes your teeth hurt . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.015315 | 0.984685 |
Final verdict : You 've seen it all before . | 1 | negative | 1 | negative | 0.096536 | 0.903464 |
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