[ "A person weaves baskets with straw, using a tool, as other baskets sit in front of them.", "A person is carefully weaving some baskets using some straw.", "A woman weaves a strand of reed around the outside of a basket she is weaving.", "A person is sitting down weaving a hat or basket out of straw.", "A person is holding something in his hands while using a string to make something.", "A man using straw to create a table mat, but is having difficulty with the material.", "A woman is weaving a basket with a loud hammer sound in the background.", "A man tying straw in to a wicker hat asking someone if it's good enough.", "A woman is weaving a basket by hand.", "Hands weave the top to a basket, while hammering is heard in the background, and a guy makes a joke about the temperature." ]
[ "一个人正在用竹片编制精致的篮筐。", "一个男人收非常灵巧,用藤条编织出美丽的篮子。", "一个身穿浅色外套的人用双手编织竹制品。", "一个人双手拿着草绳在编织一个工具。", "一个穿黄色衣服的人在编织着手工。", "一个人正在他的腿上用竹条编织着一个手工工艺品。", "一个女人正在编织一个有一个响亮的锤子声音在背景的篮子。", "一个男人把稻草绑在一个柳条帽子上问一个人是否足够好。", "一个穿着棕色衣服的人在手工编织。", "在背景中听到锤子的声音,一个人在编织一个篮子。" ]
[ "someone in a black trouser hand making a basket while seated down", "An artisan shows how to weave a basket using reeds and a small tool.", "A person threads a green material through a tightly woven basket, making stripes.", "Music plays in background as a person is weaving a basket.", "A person is weaving a basket with some long grass pieces.", "Music plays while a man weaves a basket that is on his lap.", "Hand made steps of making a wicker plate are shown.", "A person is weaving a basket by their own hands.", "A man is weaving a basket using his own hands with background music playing.", "A man works on a basket outdoors as some music plays." ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服的人手里拿着软木条正在编制一个盘状物体。", "一个身穿黑色衣服的人在用一根竹条编竹篮。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人正在编织东西。", "一个身穿深色上衣的人坐在地上用手编制着物品。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人,坐在地上编织竹篮。", "一个男人在音乐播放时编织着膝盖上的竹篮。", "一个人展示了制作柳条板的手工制作步骤。", "一个人正在用手工编织一个漂亮的篮子。", "随着背景音乐的播放,一个男人用自己的双手编织一个篮子。", "一个人在外面坐着用竹片和工具在制作东西。" ]
[ "A woman shows how to make a basket weaving materials by hand.", "A women showing a crafty example of how to weave a basket", "A woman is demonstrating how to use tools to weave a basket.", "A woman is demonstrating how to weave a basket together.", "A woman is demonstrating how to weave a circular basket.", "A woman tries to insert more bamboo material to finish a wicker basket.", "A woman providing a tutorial on how to weave a basket.", "A woman talks about repairing a basket, using a tool to weave material into it.", "a person tries to attach a green item to a basket in front of them", "A woman is talking and using an instrument to weave a basket." ]
[ "一个戴着手表穿着蓝色衣服的男子在编制一个篮子。", "一个蓝灰色t恤的女人在教人们编织篮子。", "一个女人将枝条绕着篮筐边编织,篮筐把手边夹了个工具。", "一个穿着短袖上衣的人一边在说话,一边在编篮子。", "房间里,一个女人在编竹篓,桌子上还摆了很多工具。", "一个女人一边讲解一边编制一个柳条篮子。", "一位妇女提供了一个关于如何编织篮子的教程。", "一个女人用一种工具把材料编织到篮子上沿。", "一个人试图在他们面前的篮子上贴上一个绿色的东西。", "一个女人在桌子旁坐着说着话,并用工具编织一个篮子。" ]
[ "Someone is using their hands and feet to weave material together.", "The guy is doing a demonstration on how to weave a basket.", "A person is working quickly to craft a mat out of dried grass.", "Individuals weave with straw while sitting on the floor.", "An individual is using long pieces of straw to create various objects.", "A person demonstrates weaving a basket while music plays.", "A person is making a basket with thin pieces of wood.", "A man is sitting down, he is crossing bamboo to make a bag.", "A person is seen, from the chest down, constructing or braiding a vessel or vase out of straw using his hands to braid the material, and light jazz music plays in the background.", "A person uses their hands and feet to weave a straw basket." ]
[ "两个脚两只手在边凉席旁边放着剪子,另一个人在编草帽。", "一个农村妇女在演示如何用竹子编器具。", "一个光着脚的人正坐在地上编织东西。", "一个穿着花衣服的人坐在地上,编织着东西。", "一个人光着脚在编席子。一个人在编一个竹篓。", "一个人在音乐播放时演示如何编织一个篮子。", "一个老人正在用薄薄的木片做一个篮子。", "一个男人坐在地上,他正在用竹子交叉做袋子。", "一个没穿鞋的人正坐在地上编织容器。", "一个人用他们的手和脚编织一个草篮。" ]
[ "An older man is sitting down in a chair weaving baskets", "An elderly man sits on a porch and weaves together a basket", "A man is shown sitting down and weaving a basket with some pieces of material.", "A foreign language placard and footage of a man sitting and weaving rattan basket.", "a person messes around with some kind of basket in their hands", "Music plays as a man uses reads to weave a basket and then another man weaves a smaller basket.", "Words are displayed in a foreign language, then a man is holding a basket, then a woman is sitting making a basket.", "A man is weaving a small basket while holding it on his lap.", "text in Spanish appears and then shows a man weaving a basket", "South American music plays over a video demonstrating traditional basket weaving." ]
[ "一个人坐在凳子上用藤条飞快地编织着篮子。", "一个男人拿着草帽,用稻草编制一个物体。", "一个穿着格子衬衫的人在手工编东西。", "一个戴帽子的男人用许多有弹性的细棍子编织着一个工艺品。", "一个人用藤条快速的编织着东西。", "音乐播放时,一个男人用大的材料编织着一个篮子,然后另一个人在编织一个较小的篮子。", "然后一个男人正拿着一个可以编篮的材料编着一个篮子。", "一名男子正在编织一个小篮子,同时将它放在膝盖上。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人正在编织篮子。", "南美音乐通过一段展示传统篮子编织的视频播放。" ]
[ "The man is making a basket by hand, as a male voice narrates the scene.", "A man demonstrates weaving a reed to make a basket, and a woman walks away.", "An elderly man weaves a basket and talks as he does.", "A man is weaving a basket as a woman walks away with a container of liquid.", "Clips of a man and a woman making baskets play while the man talks about it.", "An Indian man is demonstrating how to weave a basket.", "A man wearing a hat is creating a basket with bamboo as a woman is walking away from him.", "A man is weaving a basket outside while others watch and walk around nearby.", "A man is sitting outside weaving together large straw baskets by hand.", "A clip from a news article showing several poor villagers in a foreign country." ]
[ "一个坐在地上的老人在用竹子编制箩筐。", "一个男子在做着编织的活,有个女子走到房门前面。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,几个人在编织东西。", "一个老人在用手编着一个东西,并且说着话。", "一个穿着灰色衣服戴着土黄色帽子的老人,再用条子编着竹篓。", "一个印度人正在演示如何编织一个篮子。", "一个戴着帽子的男人正在用竹子制作一个篮子,一个女人拿着杯子走开。", "一个男人在外面编织篮子,而另外一些人在旁边观看和走动。", "一个男人坐在外面手工编织大草篮。", "一篇新闻报道的片段展示了一些在国外的贫困村民的生活。" ]
[ "Someone wearing a gold ring is weaving a basket on a table.", "An older lady narrates how to basket weave as she demonstrates.", "A female is weaving a basket and explaining how to do it.", "Someone is weaving a basket of some sort together on a table.", "A woman is weaving a basket and explaining how to do it as well.", "A person works to weave wicker through a base.", "A woman weaves strands of fiber through a set of reeds in a basket shape.", "A person is using their hands to weave a piece of wicker furniture.", "A woman demonstrates weaving fibers along the frame of a basket.", "A woman is using a thin wooden string to make a basket." ]
[ "一个戴着戒指的女人正在编织竹制用品。", "一个手巧的外国老奶奶在用竹竿编织竹篮。", "一个人在白色的桌子上编织着东西。", "一个戴着戒指的人正在桌子上编者篮子。", "一个戴着金色戒指的人在用手编制一个竹筐。", "一个人正在示范如何往篮子的模具上编柳条。", "一个女人正在示范如何编织一款手工制品。", "一个人在桌上正在仔细的编织一个器具。", "一位老人在桌子上用竹子编织一件物品。", "一个女人正在用一根细细的木绳做一个篮子。" ]
[ "A group of women are demonstrating their basket weaving skills.", "A traditional weaver weaves baskets along with two other girls.", "A girl is sitting on the floor and weaving a wooden basket.", "A group of people are sitting on a floor working on making wicker baskets.", "A group of women are carefully weaving baskets with their own hands.", "Three women sitting on the ground and weaving wicker baskets.", "Women are sitting on the floor and weaving baskets together.", "A group of young women sitting on a floor and assembling baskets out of straw.", "Young people are weaving baskets on a dirt floor.", "A group of children are sitting on the floor weaving baskets out of straw." ]
[ "在一个手工作坊里,三个人坐在地上在做手工艺品。", "房间里有三个女人正坐在地上编织竹筐。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的女人正在和一群人一起编东西。", "几个穿着不同颜色衣服的人,跪坐在地上编织篮筐。", "房子里,三个坐在地上的女人在编织竹篮。", "三个女人正坐在地上用柳条编织着各式各样的篮子。", "妇女们正坐在地板上,一起编织篮子。", "一群年轻女子坐在地板上,熟练地用稻草组装篮子。", "一个年轻人正在泥土地板上编织篮子。", "一群孩子正坐在地板上用稻草编篮子。" ]
[ "A woman is tying two circular pieces of wood together using thin reed type lashes and talking about it.", "a women demonstrating how to build a wooden craft and tying a knot", "A woman is tying together a craft work with pieces of it.", "Two wooden circles are held together with a woven string.", "A lady is tying two intersected rings together using a piece of string.", "A woman in a green shirt gives a tutorial on basket weaving.", "A person is tying together some pieces of wood with a string", "Someone is weaving together two rings with a long piece of twine.", "Using basket weaving reeds, a woman explains how to weave the next reed starting at the bottom.", "A woman is demonstrating how to make a lashing while basket weaving" ]
[ "一个女人用包装条十字交叉固定两个圆环。", "一个人在拿着一个四角物体那一根绳子在中间来回反复穿梭。", "一个身穿绿色上衣的女子在房间里编织东西。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着绿色衣服的人在桌子上编织东西。", "一个人站在桌子前,正在用一根绳子系两个环形的物体。", "一个穿绿色衬衫的女人正在桌子旁,做着一个关于编织篮子的教程。", "一个人正在用绳子把两块环形木头绑在一起。", "有人正在用一根长长的绳子将两个戒指编织在一起。", "使用篮子编织的芦苇,一位女士解释了如何从底部开始编织下一个芦苇。", "一个女人正在展示如何在篮子编织时进行绑扎。" ]
[ "A woman is using a needle to weave a mat on a covered surface.", "someone is weaving using their hands and a small stick", "Music playing in the background while two hands do some stitching.", "A person is demonstrating a weaving technique that is using a wooden pin to hold the thread in place.", "A person is weaving a string together that is in front of them.", "A person uses a knitting needle to help them weave a basket like pattern using straw.", "A person is weaving and moving string to make a design.", "A person knitting threads together to create a square shaped cloth.", "A person is seen weaving using a weaving stick while moving the strands around.", "A woman is threading a needle through a pattern to make an object." ]
[ "一个人拿着一个工具在编制手工艺品。", "一双巧手正在用一根小铁针织一张四方形的麻绳网。", "一个人正在利用绳子和其他工具进行手工编织。", "一个人拿着针在桌面上编织着东西。", "明亮的房间内,一双手,拿着签子,在勾毛衣。", "一个人拿着编织针用稻草编织一个图案。", "一个人正在编织和移动字符串来进行设计。", "一个人编织线在一起, 以创建一个方形的布。", "一个人正在移动这绳子的同时用一根编织杆织布。", "在一个房间里面,一个女子正在不停的编织着东西。" ]
[ "Woman are sitting at a work bench, constructing rectangular shaped objects, covering them with weaving materials.", "A group of women are weaving together basket containers while being interviewed.", "Woman describing a procedure used to make a rattan basket.", "A woman is talking into a microphone while she is making a craft item.", "Several woman are sitting together building something shaped like a square.", "A man asks a question of a woman weaving part of a box and she answers him.", "A group of people were making something with tape and making some stand like", "A guy is interview a lady with pink top while she is making something with tapes", "A woman speaking in a foreign language is weaving a basket.", "A group of women work to make crafts as one of them is interviewed about it." ]
[ "在一个房间里有很多人在制作手工艺品。", "一个做着手工艺品的女士在接受采访。", "一个穿红色衣服的女人一边接受采访,一边做着手中的东西。", "几个穿着不同颜色衣服的女子坐在桌旁编织东西。", "几个女人在编织东西,一个人拿着话筒对着其中一个戴着眼镜的女人,这个女人一边编织东西一边对着话筒说话。", "一群女人坐在一起编织笼子,有个人问其中一个女人问题,女人回答了问题。", "一群人正在用胶带制作一些东西并进行讲解。", "一个男人正在采访粉红上衣的女士,而她正在用胶带制作一个长方形的东西。", "一个穿着粉色背心的女人正在编织一个篮子。", "一群妇女正在制作手工艺品,其中一人正在接受采访。" ]
[ "A person is using a tool to press down on a small basket that is being weaved.", "a woman putting threads into a weaved object using a tool", "A person is using a small tool to tighten the loops on a weave.", "A woman making a tutorial on how to weave and create a basket with pliers", "a person is using a special tools to weave a basket out of thin pieces of wood", "A woman in demonstrating how to weave string into a basket with a special tool.", "A woman is weaving a small wicker basket with yarn and wicker", "Someone is weaving a miniature item and talking about the process.", "A woman is basket weaving a miniature item using specialist tools and commentating on the process.", "A person works with a weave using a metal instrument." ]
[ "一个女人正在演示如何使用工具制作一件工艺品。", "一个人用一个小钳子在拨动彩色的东西。", "一个涂着指甲油的人,手上拿着工具在制作东西。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在桌子上编织东西。", "一个人一只手拿着工具,一只手拿着材料在制作花篮。", "一个女人拿着工具,在用绳子编织一个篮子。", "一个女人正在用一个工具用柳条和纱线编织着一个小篮子。", "有一个人在边编织一个小篮子边说着话。", "一个女人正在用工具编织一个小篮子。", "一只手拿着工具,去完成另一只手上的织品。" ]
[ "A person talks and uses a tool to work a piece of material through a woven basket.", "A woman using a metal tool is explaining how to weave a basket.", "A woman is demonstrating the procedure for the finishing touches on basket weaving.", "A woman is making a homemade wooden basket and also demonstrating the process.", "a woman is using some tweezers and showing how to weave a basket", "A person using a hand tool while making and describing a wicker basket.", "A person using a tool creates a channel to thread a piece of trim through a basket.", "A woman demonstrates how to weave the handles of a basket keeping the reeds straight.", "A woman's hands can be seen close up as she is demostrating how to weave a basket.", "A woman tells how to make a basket and how to do the rim of the basket." ]
[ "一个人用专用工具完成了一个框子编制的最后一步。", "一双手一边拿着镊子一边调整竹子的方向编制竹篮。", "一个人拿着一个东西穿过了一个篮子。", "一双手拿着一个银色的东西串着米白色的竹片。", "在一个房间,一双手拿着银色的工具正在工作。", "一个人拿着工具正在小心翼翼的制做柳条篮子。", "一个人使用工具将一块装饰物穿过篮子。", "一个人手里拿着工具正在编织一个篮子。", "一个人正在演示如何用工具编织一个篮子。", "一个女人讲述如何制作篮子的边缘。" ]
[ "A man is making a homemade contraption out of sticks and hay.", "A man talks and ties straw into knots to make a piece of furniture.", "A man is sat behind a partially made, wicker object.", "A person talks as he shows how to create a wicker basket.", "A man describes a basket weaving technique and shows off a completed basket.", "A person weaving furniture while answering questions from someone in the background.", "a person sits next to some bars that are on an item in front of him", "A man is sitting in front of a basket weaving project and is talking in a foreign language while he works.", "A man is weaving wicker furniture and explaining the proccess.", "A man demonstrates traditional basket weaving while talking with someone else in a foreign language." ]
[ "一个人坐在一个竹篮面前,边说边对面前的竹篮指指点点。", "一个男人在演示用竹条如何制作小笼子。", "一个身穿灰色短袖的男子正在编竹筐。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个男人,坐在凳子上,编竹篓。", "一个人在用竹条穿过竹片编织着一个框。", "在室内,一个男人一边藤条编织着篮子,一边跟一旁的人交流着。", "一个人正在整理他面前的一个栏杆组成的项目。", "一个男人正坐在篮子编织项目前面,在他工作的时候正在用外语交谈。", "一个人正在织造柳条家具, 并解释过程,动作很快。", "一个穿灰色衣服的人正在编织篮子。" ]
[ "A woman sits on a bench and demonstrates how to make a basket.", "An older woman sits outside on a bench, surrounded by baskets, and shows how they are made by weaving straw.", "Elderly woman surrounded by multiple colors of basket weaving material works on a basket.", "A woman is sitting on the bench of a picnic table pushing a metal top on straws.", "A old woman is teaching people how to make baskets.", "A woman is demonstrating the proper way to weave a basket.", "A person is showing how they are playing with a lot of strays.", "A woman is sitting on a bench and explaining about the straw pieces she has in her hands.", "An elderly woman is explaining how she fixes the bottom of baskets that are being weaved.", "An older woman is sitting outside on a bench making baskets." ]
[ "一位妇人正在专心用手编制出心仪成品。", "一位老奶奶坐在凳子上用竹条编竹篮。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人在编竹篮。", "一个女人正拿着一个东西坐在一个木板上。", "在一个户外,有一个白头发的女人坐在一张板凳上面。", "一个女人坐在椅子上正在演示如何编织篮子的正确方法。", "一个人正在展示他是如何编织一样物品的。", "一名妇女坐在长凳上,并解释她手中的稻草片。", "一位上了年纪的妇女正在解释她是如何修理正在编织的篮子的。", "一位老妇人坐在外面的凳子上,正制作篮子。" ]
[ "A person demonstrates how to weave baskets by hand.", "A man outdoors weaves a basket out of strands of straw", "A man is shown weaving a basket by hand and then shows completed products.", "Someone is basket weaving with some skill before examples of what is possible are displayed.", "A person taking straw and making a hat and baskets out of it.", "Hands are seen weaving a basket and then examples of completed baskets are shown.", "A person is weaving straws to make a straw basket.", "A person sits outdoors and weaves straw together, then examples of straw baskets are shown.", "A person is weaving a basket together and then the final products are shown.", "A person uses small wooden sticks to create various baskets that are shown." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色衣服的人在用竹子编织竹篓。", "一个人正在编织竹篮,并且展示出许多编织作品。", "一个人用竹条认真地编着什么,最后展示了几个成品。", "一个人用双手编织出很多种的工艺品。", "一个人正在编竹制品,还有不同样式的竹蒌。", "一个人用双手手编织着一个篮子,然后是制作成功的例子。", "一个人手工编织稻草做出了各式各样的篮子。", "一个人坐在外面把稻草编织在一起,然后展示。", "一个人正在编织一个篮子, 然后显示最终的产品。", "在室外,一个人用小木棍制作各种各样的篮子。" ]
[ "A person is using straw to make a homemade basket.", "A man ties straw together sitting in a chair on his porch.", "An old man is demonstrating how to use plant fibers to make a decoration.", "a person works on a straw item that they have in their hands", "A person weaves a straw-like material into a form.", "A woman sits on a porch of a house and makes a basket from straw.", "A woman is speaking while a man weaves straw to make a basket.", "A crafter performs basketweaving while sitting in a chair as someone comments.", "A person is showing how to weave something using plants.", "A lady is seated working on or hand weaving a basket of some sort." ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服的老年人正在用蓑草编制。", "一个女人坐着用稻草正在编制着一个东西。", "一个老爷爷坐在椅子上用草编织着东西。", "一个女人正拿着稻草编织一个草篮子。", "一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的人正在椅子上坐着编织一个物品。", "一个女人坐在房子的门廊上,用稻草在编织一个篮子。", "当一个男人编织稻草制作一个篮子时,一个女人在说话。", "一个人正在谈论另一个坐在椅子上做篮筐编织的工匠。", "一个人正在展示如何使用植物编织东西。", "一位女士坐在那里工作, 正在用手在编织某种篮子。" ]
[ "A woman sits on a stool and practices basket weaving.", "A lady is sitting with a part made basket in front of her and is looking through tools to use.", "A woman is sitting with a board on her lap that holds a basket she is making, she grabs a tool.", "A woman seated on a bench has a board with a craftwork candle holder resting on her knees", "A woman is seated on a stool crafting a wicker basket", "A woman was sitting with a plank on his leg holding a woven broom", "Classical music is playing while a woman works on a craft project.", "A woman using a tool to make something out of wood and sticks.", "A woman is sitting down making a basket on her lap.", "A woman is sitting down and doing craftwork while music plays." ]
[ "一个女子正在认真地编织着花篮子。", "一个外国女人坐在椅子上,对着木制工艺品,拿起剪刀。", "一个穿着紫色毛衣的女人正在房间里制作精美的工艺品。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的女人正在做手工艺品。", "有一个身着深色衣服的人坐在凳子上面制作一件东西。", "一个女人坐着弄腿上的的木头编织一把扫帚。", "当一个女人在一个工艺项目上工作时,古典音乐正在播放。", "一个女人用一种工具用木头和木棍做某些东西。", "一个女人正坐下来, 在腿上编制了一个篮子。", "当音乐响起时,一位妇女正坐在凳子上做手工活。" ]
[ "A woman is describing tucking in wicker to teach people how to make a basket.", "A lady wearing a watch is knitting wooden basket with her hands.", "A person making an basket weave by hand, hemming the details", "A woman demonstrates and explains tucking pieces in while basket weaving.", "A female is giving a demonstration on how to make a basket.", "A person is talking and demonstrating how to weave a basket properly.", "A person is carefully weaving part of a traditional beige basket on top of a table.", "A woman shows and vocalizes how to make a hand woven basket.", "A woman describes how she weaves and makes a basket.", "A woman shows how to properly weave a basket with her hands." ]
[ "一个带手表的人编一个篮子,旁边放着一个编好的。", "一名女子正在用木质的竹条编制一个手工艺品。", "一个女人在编织东西,并且在用手指着在讲解。", "一个手上戴着手表的人双手正在编织着东西。", "两只手正在用一些棕色的木片编制东西。", "一个人一边讲解一边演示如何正确的编织竹篮。", "一个人正在桌子上仔细地编织一个传统米色篮子的一部分。", "一位女士展示并发出如何制作手工编织篮子的声音。", "一个女人描述她是如何编织和制作一个篮子。", "一位女士展示了如何用双手正确编织一个篮子。" ]
[ "Various videos of people weaving baskets are shown back to back.", "Someone is weaving a basket in a traditional manner and by hand using a method that they are familiar with.", "a person tries to put some items in a basket in front of her", "A female sits on the ground partaking in basket weaving with wicker material.", "A seated woman weaves a part of a basket by hand.", "A person is using strong hay needles to thread their basket", "A woman sits and hand weaves a basket using straw.", "a person kneeling down putting together something around a bowl", "A person from another country preparing a basket in the day in their village.", "A woman is shown making a basket by weaving it." ]
[ "一个穿着绿花裤子和一个穿着黄花衣服的女人在编篮子。", "一些女人正在用草藤编织着各种各样的东西。", "一个女人坐在地上,正在用草编织着一个东西。", "一个女人正坐在地上编织着木篮子。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人再用草编东西。", "一个人拿着竹条在熟练的编织着一个竹篮子。", "一个女人坐在那里,用稻草编织篮子。", "在房间里,一个女人跪在地上。在编篮子。", "一个来自另一个国家的人在他们的村庄里编制着一个篮子。", "一个女人正在用手中的长条编一个篮子。" ]
[ "An older man is weaving a basket which is then placed on a chair.", "An old man weaves a basket while sitting on the side of a street.", "An elderly man is seated as he demonstrates how to weave a basket.", "An older man is sitting on a bench outside making a basket.", "An elderly gentleman is seen crafting a basket, which is shown at the end.", "A man is shown weaving a basket and then a close up of the basket is shown.", "A person sits and makes a basket while another person tells what he is doing.", "An old man is using a material to weave a homemade basket.", "An elderly man quickly weaves a basket and puts it on display.", "A man makes a basket then displays it on a chair" ]
[ "一个穿白色衣服的男人正在编制竹篮框。", "一名男子坐在板凳上面编织出了一个菜篮子。", "一个穿白色上衣的男子正坐在凳子上编竹篮。", "一个白衣男子坐在椅子上编制着竹篮子。", "一个白发老人坐在椅子上编篮子。一个编好的篮子放在靠背椅上。", "一个人正在编织一个篮子,然后把一个完成篮子展示出来。", "一个人坐下来制作一个篮子,而另一个人告诉他正在做什么。", "一个老人正在用一种材料编织一个自制的篮子。", "位老人迅速编织了一个篮子,并把它展示出来。", "一个男人做一个篮子然后把它放在了椅子上。" ]
[ "A person knitting a string putting it through the sticks then cutting with a scissors", "A woman is demonstrating how to thread and work a loom.", "A length of purple yarn is loaded onto a type of loom.", "A person is threading a loom and then cuts the thread with a pair of scissors.", "A person threads a large piece of yarn onto a device and then cuts the end off.", "A woman is weaving yarn around a loom and then cuts the yarn.", "A woman weaves string around a simple machine and cuts off the excess.", "A person uses a loom to create what might be a blanket.", "A woman layers yarn across a crotche tool and then cuts the end off.", "A person uses a knitting machine to assemble a knitted item." ]
[ "一个人正在用毛线做着东西,完成后用剪刀剪断了毛线。", "一个人拿着毛线在用简易织机织围巾。", "一个女人在一面白色桌面上将一根绳在一个架子上缠绕两下,然后剪断。", "一个人的手拿着一根粉色的绳子在对着一个东西在编东西。", "一个人正在用一根粉色的线在饶圈圈。", "一个女人拿着纱线在织布机上编织,然后将纱线剪断。", "一个女人在一台简单的机器周围进行编织。", "一个人使用织布机来制作可能是毯子的东西。", "一个女人将纱线穿过一个工具,然后切断一端。", "一个人使用针织机来组装针织物品。" ]
[ "A female's hands weaving thread or yarn in a loom to produce a fabric item.", "A woman is using a heddle loom as she passes the shuttle back and fourth.", "A person is using a small weaving machine while music plays in the background.", "A woman is weaving using a special kind of loom.", "The person is making something out of yarn and string.", "A person demonstrating how to use a small loom.", "A person is creating something through weaving on a set display.", "a demonstration of weaving a carpet in a traditional way with threads", "A person demonstrates weaving with wool and loom.", "A woman creates a special yarn creation with a unique contraption." ]
[ "一个人正在用缝衣针缝制着一块布。并且针线旁边缝制着。", "一个人正在展示着一件工艺品的穿线制作过程。", "一个人拿着一个工具在桌子上织东西。", "一个戴戒指的人在缠着线的架子上用梭子编制东西。", "一个人在进行着工艺品纺织,不停的把线来回穿插在一排线上。", "一个人正在演示如何使用一个小型织布机。", "一个人正在通过一个器具来编织一些东西。", "一个人 用线程以传统方式演示着如何编织地毯。", "一个人正在房间用羊毛和织布机示范编织。", "一个女人用独特的装置创造出一种特别的纱线。" ]
[ "A man uses a large loom to create a very colorful tapestry", "A man is weaving a rug with an non-electric manual wood weaving tool.", "A man works with a wooden machine to make mat.", "A man is using a large loom to make fabric and long pieces of wood pack the strings in.", "A man is using a large wooden weave to make a woven rug.", "A man explains how he is working on a very large hand loom.", "A man uses a weaving maching to weave a beatiful area rug.", "A man is sitting and weaving some tread with a wooding object.", "A MAN IS WORKING ON A RUG ON A LOOM IN A WORKSHOP.", "A man is using a large loom to make a maroon patterned textile." ]
[ "一个男人在针织机上制作着精美的工艺品。", "一个男人在操作一台木质的织布机在织布。", "一个男人穿黑色衣服的男人正在织布。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在织布机上织布。", "一名男子坐在椅子上操作编织机编织毯子。", "一个男人演示他是如何在一个非常大的手工织布机上工作的。", "一个男人在用编织机编织一个美丽的地毯。", "一个男人正坐在织布机面前边看边织布。", "一个男人在一个工作室里的一个织布机上工作。", "一个男人正在使用一个巨大的织布机制作吃一个栗色的花纹纺织品。" ]
[ "A narrator describes the history and routines of a textile company.", "Thread is being woven on a large industrial loom, then a bunch of people are eating in a small cafe.", "A loom machine is displayed as a narrator discusses historical information.", "A loom is shown working away on its own and then the staff of the place is shown.", "A loom machine is shown working and then the staff of the company is on break while a woman narrates.", "A mechanical loom works as a woman does a voice over about the royals.", "An automatic machine weaves a blue fabric, as people sit in a room together eating, drinking, and talking.", "A machine is weaving blue threads and a group of people are sitting at tables.", "A machine is moving a large amount of string back and forth.", "A group of people sit in a break room while eating food." ]
[ "一台自动纺织机正在运转,餐厅里的人在吃饭。", "一个房间里面一部纺织机和机器在工作。", "一个穿灰色上衣的男人在一个房间在吃食物。", "一群穿着深色衣服的人在围着几张桌子吃东西。", "一个车间里机器完全实现了自动化不需要更多的人工。", "一群人正坐在椅子上围绕着桌子吃东西。", "一个机器在自动变质蓝色的编织物。一群人们坐在一个房间里面吃,喝,说话。", "一台机器正在织蓝线,一群人正坐在桌子旁。", "一台机器正在前后移动大量的绳子。", "一群人一边吃东西, 一边坐在休息室里。" ]
[ "strings are looped around a wooden rode, then fed through a machine with a metal tool.", "A person is wrapping yarn around wooden poles and appears to be weaving something.", "A woman threads a loom at various points with green thread.", "Yarn is being thread through a loam with a crochet hook.", "A woman using a large needle and thread to create a large machine that weaves fabric", "Someone is placing yarn on a loom by hand as they thread each piece and loop each layer.", "a woman running thread through a wooden weave and layering it .", "Yarn is being stretched on a loom so that it can be weaved into something.", "A person is wrapping neon green yarn around wooden slats.", "The woman is carefully weaving a green material on a piece of wood." ]
[ "在明亮的屋子里一个人拿着钩针将线穿过缝隙缠在木棒上。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人用绿色的毛线在织东西。", "绿色的线在手艺人的手下,变的很有条理,变成工艺品。", "一个人在使用工具对毛线进行编织工作。", "一个人将绿色的线来回的绕在一个木头上面。", "有人在织布机上用纱线缠绕每一件并且把每一层都圈了起来。", "一个人正在使用工具整齐的编织着织物。", "一个人在将绿色的纱线穿入织布机的梳扰中以便织成某件东西。", "一个人正在用绿色的纱线在木质框架上编织东西。", "一个人正在一块木头上小心地编织绿色材料。" ]
[ "A woman during craft work while a pair of wire cutter, keyboard and holder on the table.", "A woman gives instructions while showing an example of an embroidery project.", "A demonstration of the knitting work made into a piece of art", "A woman demonstrates her colorful weave finished design as she displays it for all to see.", "A woman is talking about her sewing process as she shows off her creation", "A woman is demonstrating how to do a weaving and how you can hang it on the wall.", "A woman is demonstrating to people how to sew something.", "The lady is doing a lecture on an art session, making a decorative hanger.", "A woman is demonstrating how to make a wall hanging.", "A woman shows of a finished knit piece of artwork" ]
[ "一个人在一个铺有一张纸的桌面上做着手工活。", "一个女人在工作台上织围巾,围巾上面色彩非常丰富。", "一个人将毛线系在编织针上,并展示了最终样子。", "在一个明亮的房间,一双手在织五颜六色的毛衣。", "一个女子在教大家如何做手工,一边操作一边讲解。", "一个女人正在演示如何织布,以及你如何把它挂在墙上。", "一个女人在向人们展示如何缝制东西。", "这位女士正在做一个艺术课的讲座,她在装饰一个衣架。", "一个女人在演示用毛线编织一个艺术品。", "一个女人正在制作一件针织艺术品。" ]
[ "A woman is demonstrating how to use a weaving machine to make a very colorful fabric.", "A woman demonstrates how to use a weaver's loom in making a rug.", "A woman is demonstrating how to use a weaving machine.", "A person is weaving material using a manual weaving machine and is explaining how to use it.", "A person uses a string loom to create a pattern.", "A woman uses a textile stitching machine while discussing her methods.", "A person demonstrates how to weave using a loom and a shuttle.", "A person is weaving a cloth on a weaving loom.", "A person using a loom tamps down the weaving, pulls down a lever, and begins to weave the shuttle through.", "A lady giving a tutorial on weaving on a old style weaving machine." ]
[ "一个人坐在织布机前,演示如何使用织布机。", "一位女人在房间里用机器编织工艺品。", "女子用一台小型织布机展示如何正确织出布匹。", "一台黄色的织布机,一双手正在使用着它。", "在室内,一个人在用织布机将线织成布。", "一个女人在演示纺织机的正确使用方法。", "一个人正在演示如何使用织布机和梭子进行编织。", "一个人正在示范如何在织布机上织布。", "一个人使用织布机将织布压平,然后开始把东西放进去。", "一位女士在一台老式的织布机上做了关于织布的教程。" ]
[ "A person is a using a tool in order to weave something colorful.", "A woman using a loom to make a garment out of many colors", "A woman uses a loom to make a very colorful garment, it is set up in a rainbow pattern.", "A woman demonstrates how to use a loom to make a rainbow fabric.", "A woman is using a machine to weave string together.", "A woman dictates and demonstrates using a loom with bright threads.", "A woman passes the shuttle back and forth through her weaving craft.", "A women is using a loom to create a rainbow colored piece of fabric.", "A person works at a wooden weaving machine with rainbow colored threads.", "Someone is weaving a colorful carpet in a traditional loom." ]
[ "一个人在纺织机前用彩色的线织着彩色的布。", "一位青年人在房间里使用工具制作手工艺品。", "一个人正在纺织彩色的线,还用梭子在线之间穿梭。", "一个穿着格子衣服的人,在用织布机织布。", "在一个明亮的房间,一双手在摆弄着五颜六色的线。", "一名女子正在用明亮的线来演示织布机的使用方法。", "一个人用梭子在彩色的丝线上来回穿梭。", "一位女士正在用织布机制作彩虹色的布料。", "一个人在一个木制的织布机与彩虹色的线上工作。", "一个人在传统织布机上编织五颜六色的布。" ]
[ "A woman is setting up her loom in order to make something with it.", "A woman works pink thread on a loom pulling the threads up to put a plastic oval underneath it.", "A woman in a orange shirt is working on a loom with pink heart shaped pattern on it.", "A woman is playing around with a textile machine that has purple thread in it.", "A woman tries to free a wood piece from her weaving machine.", "A woman is sitting at a knitting table setting the knitting tool.", "A woman positions a block of wood underneath yarn in a loom.", "A woman positioning a wooden tool behind strings on a machine.", "A women is setting an object in side a weaving maching", "A lady in an orange shirt is beginning to use some type of knitting machine." ]
[ "一个女人在用纺织机纺织粉红色的布料。", "一个女子正在把一个白色的物件放入纺织机中并摆正位置。", "一个戴着手链人从一排线下面去拿一个梭子。", "有一双手正在拿着梭子在织布机上慢慢的织布。", "一个穿红色衣服的人纺织粉色的线。", "一名女子正坐在编织工作台旁进行编织。", "一个女人将一块木头放在织机的纱线下面。", "一个女人在织布机上坐着,她拿着布索在织布。", "一个女人正在编织机器上用纺锤穿线。", "一个穿橙色衣服的人,正在一台机器面前工作。" ]
[ "A number of professional art weavers are seen at work using mechanical wooden instruments to weave.", "A woman is running a large weaving machine in a factory.", "Several people are weaving cloth on electric looms in a room.", "A woman operates a machine with a colorful surface while others work behind her.", "A few workers are in the room and one worker is running a machine.", "A woman uses a large loom machine to weave beautiful fabric.", "A woman at a factory works on a loom containing multiple colors of thread.", "In a factory, a woman weaves cloth by operating a loom.", "A large weaving machine with a woman working it making cloth with thread.", "A person is weaving some cotton threads in a mill and the other person is sitting near by him" ]
[ "一群人在纺织厂里不断的进行着纺织劳动。", "有许多的机器,有好几个人在工作,有个绿衣服的女子坐在织布机前面。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人在厂里织布。", "在一个昏暗的室内,一群人正在工作。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人和一个穿着绿色衣服的女人坐在织布机前织布。", "一个女人正在用一台织布机编织颜色相间的布。", "一个工厂的女人在用织布机纺织一种带着多种颜色的步。", ": 在工厂里,一个妇女通过操作织机来编织布料。", "一个女人在一个大型的编织机上用线来织布。", "在织坊里很多人在用织布的机器去操作。" ]
[ "A lady making the woolen clothes and explaining to it.", "a person weaving yarn onto a nail board with knitting needle", "A woman is knitting and is using a loom and a needle.", "A woman shows how to start the crochet needle to the cloth of a pattern.", "A person is weaving some wool on a frame", "Moving a needle on a hand loom is being demonstrated.", "A person is needle-pointing material using a needle-point on a rug.", "A woman is giving instruction on how to loom yarn using a tool.", "Someone is cross stitching the white yarn around some nails.", "A woman holds white yarn and uses a crotche needle to start to thread it." ]
[ "在一个室内,一个双手正在使用白色的线编织东西。", "一位女子在教别人如何编织东西,之后教别人如何打结。", "一个人正在编一根白色的毛线然后用针穿过毛线。", "一个人一只手拿着一根毛线,另一只手拿着一根金色的小棍子。", "在一个室内,一双手正在钩毛衣。", "一个人正在展示如何在针织机上移动针。", "一个人正在使用针织用具来织东西。", "一个女人正在演示如何使用织布机。", "有人在钉子周围交叉缝合白色纱线。", "一个女人持有白色的纱线,并用一根针头穿线。" ]
[ "A person is showing how they knit with a wooden machine", "A woman is talking and holding an object that is made of wood and has material on it.", "A woman is demonstrating and narrating the instructions to weave a belt.", "A woman explains how to use a table weaving loom.", "A person shows off their colorful fabric weaving project on a weaver.", "A woman is instructing another woman how to weave on a type of peg board.", "A woman is using string and a crafting tool to make a designed strap.", "A woman off camera is describing how to use the object of the person who is handling it.", "A woman is showing how to weave using a specific device.", "A person weaves looms back and forth through a wooden instrument." ]
[ "在一个室内,一双手正在整理着一块彩色的布条。", "一个女人正在不停地转动绑在木具上的线团。", "一个穿着蓝色外套的人正在演示他的工具。", "一个人正在用手拉几根木棍上边的彩色布条。", "明亮的房间内,一名身穿蓝色上衣的女子,双手正在不停的触摸一个白色的物品。", "一个女人正在教导另一个女人如何在一种钉子上织东西。", "一个女人用绳子和一个工艺工具制作一条带子。", "一个女人在描述如何正确使用这个东西。", "一位女士正在展示如何使用特定设备进行编织。", "一个人在一个木制的工具里来来回回地编织。" ]
[ "A person is using a machine to make fabric into clothing.", "Clacking sounds are coming from a loom as someone makes cloth.", "a person weaving fabric with a big weaving machine", "Someone is using a large yarn loom machine by hand in a repetitive series of steps to make fabric.", "A person was weaving fabric using a wooden machine", "woman is operating a vertical hand loom to make cloth.", "A person tugs on a wire that attaches to a machine that performs a process.", "A person working a loom and making something another person is talking.", "a person using a big machine as they are sitting down to sew", "A person operates with his hands a large textile loom." ]
[ "一个人正在用手工机器纺织着自己的物品。", "一个人在古老的机器后面坐着,用手一边拉扯一边敲打。", "一个穿白色上衣的人坐在织布机前在织布。", "一个穿白色衣服的女人正在操作织布机。", "一个人拿绳子拽着纺织机,机械一上一下的动着。", "一个女人正在操作一个垂直的手织机来制作布料。", "一个人牵引着一根连接在一个机器上的电线。", "一个人在织布机上织着东西,而同时别人又在说话。", "一个人坐在洒满阳光的窗下用织布机织布。", "一个人用手操作一台大型的织布机。" ]
[ "A man is speaking about thread easily passing through a machine.", "A man is explaining in a video how a loom machine weaves fabric.", "A threading machines works. The video then cuts to a man threading the machine, and then what looks to be a finished product.", "Two ropes are pulling pieces of wood with strings on them.", "A weaving process of threads are revealed in this clip, showing the audience how to weave.", "Two ropes lift and drop two wood boards wrapped with twine, a person interacts with the contraption then a tapestry is held up.", "A person operates a wood weaving machine with ropes attached.", "Strings are attached to a machine that is going up and down.", "Two ropes are attached to a textile machine and a man is describing their function.", "A man describing a process of threading and showing a final product." ]
[ "有二根绳子吊着二个绑着绳子的物体,一个人在使用这个机器。", "一个人在用老式织布机在织布然后展示成品。", "穿着白色衣服的男人在操作机器纺织。", "一个妇女正在演示挂毯的制作工艺过程。", "两根绳子的一端连接着缠绕好的绳子上下活动。", "两根绳子提起并落下两块用线包裹的木板,一个人与这个装置相互作用,然后一个挂毯被举起来。", "一个人在操作一个有绳索的木材织机。", "两根绳子吊起两个木块,在演示着织布的过程。", "两条绳子连在一台纺织机上,一个人正在描述它们的功能。", "一个男子描述了织布的最终产品的过程。" ]
[ "A man is using a manual machine to make something out of white cloth.", "A person is using a machine to do something with white thread.", "A woman showing the proper way to use a loom.", "I woman demonstrates how to make a piece of fabric with a loom.", "A special string machine is shown along with a woman working with it.", "A person is demonstrating how to use a loom to weave fabric.", "A person who showing us their skills on a weaving machine.", "A person is using a threading machine to knit some fabric.", "A woman demonstrates how to weave a piece of fabric material,", "The woman is using a piece of equipment to weave something that is made of yarn or thread." ]
[ "在一个操作间,一个人正在纺纱机前面纺织纱布。", "一个女人明媚的阳光下用传统织布机织棉布。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在运行着织布机一层一层地织布。", "一个女人坐在窗户旁边用木质的织布机织布。", "在室内有人正在用织布机将线织成布。", "一个人坐在椅子上正在示范如何正确使用织布机来织布。", "一个人正在示范如何正确的使用织布机织布。", "一个人正在使用穿线机来编制一些面料。", "一个女人用一双手演示如何编织一块布料。", "一个女人正在使用编织机编织东西。" ]
[ "A person is wrapping string around pegs on a frame.", "A person is holding a small object, and is weaving yarn around the nails along the sides of the object to form a pattern.", "A demonstration of weaving yarn on a small loom.", "A person is making a craft uisng a pink thread and a metal plate.", "A woman making a tutorial on how to knit and weave a basket with red thread", "A person is weaving a piece of yarn through a device that keeps it separated from each other.", "A woman demonstrates how to work on weaving patterns with thread.", "Someone weaving yarn through a weaving stencil to make something.", "Hands can be seen wrapping yarn around a metal loom with hooks.", "Pink string is being woven up and down on a square holder." ]
[ "一个人手里拿着一块板子将绳子绕在上面。", "一个人在某种工具上缠绕着紫色的毛线。", "一个人用手在一个带钉子的板子上编织毛线。", "一个人手上拿着一根红色的毛线在对着一个小工具,在转圈。", "一个人用红线在一个正方形的物件上编格子。", "一个人正在用一个装置工具编织着红色的纱线。", "一位女士演示如何使用线编织图案。", "有人通过编织模板编织纱线来制作东西。", "可以看到用铁钩缠绕金属织布机的纱线。", "一个人拿着一根绳子,用双手在一个方形的支架上编织。" ]
[ "A sped up video of someone threading a pice of yard in between nails on a piece of cardboard.", "Putting yarn onto a bunch of nails that are in some cardboard.", "A woman explaining how to weave the yarn across a board.", "A woman shows how to make a loom and how to thread the loom.", "A person laces yarn on top of a wooden board with nails attached to it.", "A woman is shown wrapping yarn on a board and describing her process.", "A person is showing a crafting technique where yarn is being wrapped around nails nailed into a wooden board.", "A woman wraps yarn around a set of nails put into a wood board as she describes what she is doing.", "A person weaves yarn in a pattern through nails on a board.", "A person speaks and wraps a length of string around nails hammered into a wooden board." ]
[ "一个女人正在房间里整理纺线并介绍工艺。", "一个人把白色的线上下来回绕动,并且固定在一个物体上。", "一名年轻人在白色的墙上进行排线。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在把线分在一个物件上。", "一个人把一条白线缠到两根铁丝上面。", "一个女人正在用纱线在一块木板上缠纱线,并描述她的工作过程。", "一个人正在展示一种手工艺术,将纱线缠绕在钉入木板的钉子周围。", "当一个女人描述她正在做什么时她将纱线缠绕在一块钉在木板上的钉子上。", "一个人通过板上的钉子以一种模式编织纱线。", "一个人在有两排钉子的木板上,用一根绳子来回上下缠线。" ]
[ "A woman is weaving a carpet or rug and others speak in foreign language.", "A woman works with her hands on a loom to weave fabric.", "A woman in green with a pink hat weaving.", "Three different hand woven items are in various stages of creation.", "A woman stands in front of hanging material as she weaves it together.", "An Asian person makes rugs by hand thread by thread.", "Women shown threading together clothes with traditional singing.", "The woman are working together to make blankets at a factory.", "Older woman are weaving rugs and humming a song while working.", "Several different workers are shown making and crafting different quilts and rugs." ]
[ "一个女士在用双手编织,另一个女士手里拿着工具在织布上敲打着。", "一个女的在用织布机将一根根的粗线织成毯子。", "几个戴着头套的织布工人在织五颜六色的布。", "在室内,一些戴帽子的人正在编织东西。", "一个穿绿衣服的人在编绳,一个女人坐在编好的绳子前敲打。", "一名妇女在织布机上用线不停的编织着。", "妇女们正在织布并且敲打布面。", "这个女人正在一家工厂里和其他工友一起做毯子。", "一个老女人一边编织地毯一边哼着歌。", "有几个不同的工人参加制作和制作不同的被子和地毯。" ]
[ "A voice over explains weaving as someone's hands demonstrate the craft.", "a person embroidering yarn within plastic rods in a board", "A woman is giving instructions on wool and thread works with a needle.", "a person is using a loom to weave and talking about it.", "A person is showing how to weave yarn through the strings on a loom.", "A woman demonstrates weaving while discussing what she is doing.", "A woman is describing the proper way to use a loom.", "A woman illustrates how to weave loom yarn while she narrates the process.", "A woman shows the viewer how to knit a piece of cloth.", "A speaker demonstrates how to weave using yarn on warped threads." ]
[ "一个女人在讲话并用手里的绳子缠绕在另一些绳子上。", "一位美女正在教大家如何手工织工艺品。", "一个人把白色的绳子编制在白色的网子上面。", "一个人在用磨具把毛线来回缠绕织白色毛衣。", "一个白色的桌子上放着一个手工的工艺品。", "一名女子在展示编织的时候并讲述了他在干什么。", "一个人正在一个机器上穿着毛线,并一边说着话。", "一位女士在叙述织造过程的同时 展示了如何编织织布机纱线。", "一位女士向观众展示如何用毛线编织一块布。", "一双手正在把纱线缠绕在织物上进行编织。" ]
[ "A woman stands next a tapestry piece and begins to thread a needle and thread through it.", "A woman demonstrates the weaving of a tapestry on a loom.", "A woman is knitting a tapestry using a device that stretches the fabric out.", "A woman is making a tapestry on a tapestry loom.", "A woman is weaving a tapestry and explaining how to do it.", "A woman is giving a tutorial on how to weave on a loom.", "A woman is demonstrating how to knit some type of tapestry on the wall", "A woman uses a loom and thread to weave a piece of fabric with a pattern.", "The woman greets the camera, before turning towards the tapestry that she has woven.", "A woman shows the method how to make a fabric." ]
[ "一个女人在展示手工编织一块布艺。", "一个人用一根针穿过面前机器上的毛线。", "在一个房间里面,有一个女人拿针对准了身后的线。", "一个穿着格子衣服的人面对着织物在进行操作。", "一个穿着格子衣服的人正在做一个东西。", "一位女士正在教导如何使用织布机织布。", "一位女士在演示怎么织墙上的某种挂毯。", "一个女人用织机和线来编织一块带有图案的织物。", "一位女人向镜头打招呼,然后转向她编织的挂毯。", "在室内,一位女士正在展示如何制作织物。" ]
[ "A woman uses her hands to braid and change a group of strings.", "In a room a older woman is waving a rug.", "Someone is separating stings that are running vertically up and down.", "a lady messes around with an item that is sitting in front of her", "A person works with a weaving machine to make fabric.", "A person was making some woolen cloth by keeping her hands on the other sides of the thread", "A woman is weaving yarn in an up and down pattern.", "An old woman weaves some fabric on a frame as a demonstration.", "A woman is weaving a thread through a device in order to make an intricate pattern.", "A colored material is being knitted using the wood knitting loom." ]
[ "一个戴着眼睛的人在来回穿着梭子织布。", "一个戴着眼镜裹着头巾的女人,在手工编织一件东西。", "一个人正在用手在竖着的线之间穿梭。", "一个戴着眼镜的人头上戴着头巾在织布。", "在房间内,一个女人,站在织布机上织布。", "一个人坐在线的另一端用手在制作一些羊毛布。", "一个带着帽子的女子正在用双手编织纱线。", "一位老妇人演示如何在一个框架上织一些布料。", "一个女人正在织一个线穿过一个装置以制作一个错综复杂的图案。", "一个女人正在用织布机编制一些东西。" ]
[ "The man is showing the art of weaving some well designed clothing material.", "A man sitting and weaving a wood adjusted the weave with a wood", "A man is weaving a strap on a thin weaving loom.", "Person holding a colorful craft project in their lap with a lot of stings.", "A man is showing how to create a customized cloth pattern with wooden frames.", "A person is using a tool to thread a piece of cloth together in his lap/", "Hand looming an ornate tapestry is being demonstrated using a small wooden frame and tools.", "A man is making an artistic piece of fabric using some thread and a tool.", "a male person doing a hand work trying to build a carpet", "A person put a wood stick through some thread and move it up and down." ]
[ "一个男子正在用针线缝制着一块花布。", "有一个人在用老式织布机织一个东西。", "一个穿白色衣服的男人在用木头进行手工编织。", "一双手将一条短棍放在线的中间,并来回移动了下。", "一个人用木板隔开线,然后把线梭穿过去再用木板打实。", "一个人在使用一种工具在腿上织布。", "一人在利用木棍丝线和挂毯加工毯子。", "一个男人正在使用一些线程和工具制作一件艺术品。", "一个男人正在做手工试图做一个地毯。", "一个人用一块木头穿过条纹样式的布,然后来回移动这块木头。" ]
[ "A young woman explains how to start the needle with the thread.", "A woman explains her embroidering project as she holds her embroidering needle in her hand.", "A woman demonstrates using a large needle to weave on a miniature loom.", "A female discusses using a blunt embroidery needle to do a type of weaving.", "A woman explains how to make a craft item with yarn, a needle, and a board.", "A woman is explaining how to thread a needle without a machine.", "A woman is doing some embroidery with a large needle and a wooden form.", "A woman gives instructions while holding a needle and thread.", "A woman explaining how to knit with a special tool used for knitting.", "The woman is explaining how she uses the needle, which is attached to a spool of thread." ]
[ "一只手拿着板 ,另一只手拿着针线在板上穿。", "两只手在白色的平面上拿着针在一块木板上穿线。", "一块木板上有很多线,一个人手拿着一个带线的针。", "一个人手上拿着一根长针,另一只手上拿着一块板子,上面缠绕着线。", "一个人手里拿着线板另一只手上拿着针。", "一个女人正在讲解如何在没有机器的情况下穿针。", "一个女人手里拿着木块和针线在说话。", "一个女人拿着针线的时候给予指示。", "一个女人用一种用于编织的特殊工具来解释如何织针织物。", "这个女人正在解释她是如何使用针头的。" ]
[ "A woman demonstrates how to weave on a loom.", "A woman showing how she threads a large needle on a piece of cloth by going through it and adding another string", "A woman providing a demonstration for a particular knitting skill.", "White yarn is being woven through many strand of gray yarn on a pegboard.", "A woman is seen operating a knitting jig with yarn.", "A woman knitting using a long white needle and yarn on a board.", "A woman explains how to weave on a hand made small loom.", "A woman demonstrates how to weave with grey and white yarn.", "A woman shows how to do a technique for cross titch.", "A strand of yarn is woven through a blocked square of yarn strings with the help of a plastic stick." ]
[ "一个人正在用工具将白色的线跟灰色是线混合在一起。", "一个人用一根特制的穿着白线的针,穿过一排黑线。", "工作人员正在展示着他们自己的工艺品。", "一双手拿着一个绑着白色绳子的棍子穿过几根线当中。", "一个人将白色的毛线穿插在灰色的毛线内。", "一个人在用一根长的白色针和毛线编织物品。", "一位女士解释了如何在手工制作的小织布机上织布。", "一位女士用木棍演示了如何用灰色和白色纱线编织在一起。", "一个人在一个洞洞板上用灰色和白色毛线编织东西。", "在塑料棒的帮助下,一股纱线通过一个被封锁的方条纱线。" ]
[ "A woman sitting down while threading a tapestry with her hands.", "A woman is threading a decorative cloth that is hung by a horizontal pole.", "A woman is stringing up a picture to a rod with some thick string.", "A woman is weaving her craft using assembled long poles held together by strings above.", "Women are giggling and laughing around while doing some craft.", "A women crafts a tapestry with threads as it is hanging from a long bar.", "A woman threads thread through the corner of a tapestry of a representational landscape.", "A woman applying a small pole to hold her fabric.", "A woman is tying up a tapestry using thread.", "A woman is hanging a small woven mural for display." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色短袖的女人在编织壁画。", "一个女人用双手,使用线,编织着一幅画。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的女人正在用针刺绣。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的外国女人,正在做一件工艺品。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的女人在缝着剪了一个布。", "一个女人在一副被挂起来的作品上编织。", "一个女人把线穿过一幅具有代表性的景观的挂毯的角落。", "一个女人用一根小线杆托住她的纤维,做着东西。", "一个戴着手镯的女人用线在捆绑地毯。", "一名女子正在熟练的编制一幅挂着的壁画。" ]
[ "A gentleman is giving a tutorial of how he is doing some sort of needlepoint project.", "A man is using a thread board and needle for crafting yarn while talking", "A man is holding down a piece of krocheted fabric and discusses it.", "A person uses a tool to create a craft project.", "A man giving instructions for what looks like some kind of weaving.", "A man's voice explains a weaving technique, while his hands show the weaving being done.", "A person demonstrates and describes adding a thread to a textile.", "a person using their hands and using a small tool to mess with thread on a board", "A man is explaining how to weave on a loom.", "A man is instructing on how he hides a thread in a stitch." ]
[ "一个人正在地毯上面,用针线缝制这毛衣。", "一个人用一根尖尖的铁棒从桌上的物品中挑出了一个白色的物体。", "一个人正在小心翼翼地用针把毛线挑出来。", "一个人在用一根挑针修整一幅绣品。", "一个人的双手在用一个粗长针,拨弄一块板子上的有颜色物品的边缘。", "一个男人一边用声音解释编织技术,一边用他的双手展示编制过程。", "一个人演示并描述了向纺织品添加线程。", "一个用手和一个小工具弄乱板上的线。", "一个人正在讲解在一个板子上编织一个艺术品。", "一个手上拿着一个工具,一边在摆弄着,一边在说活。" ]
[ "A woman manually threading together some kind of linen.", "Patterns are being created using a pencil and a crochet hook.", "A lady is filming herself making some sort of fabric.", "Weaving of a material was demonstrated by a woman using two pencils.", "A woman is using a crochet hook and a colored pencil to create a design with fabric.", "A lady is using a needle and pencil to weave thread.", "A woman works with thread in a loom while she describes the process.", "A person weaves a garment with the help of a colored pencil.", "A person is weaving yarn together and using different tools.", "A woman demonstration and narrating how to use a loom." ]
[ "一个人的两只手上正在拿着工具在勾线。", "一个人用一个金色的棒把蓝色的线勾到铅笔的头上进行编织。", "在一个房子里有一个手上有一根皮筋的人正在涂色。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在用笔编制。", "一个人在织布机上,用两根钩针在织布。", "一个女人正坐在椅子上用铅笔和一个木棒编织着一个物品。", "一个女人正在演示织机中使用线的过程。", "一个人借助彩色铅笔在室内编织毛毯。", "一个人正在编织纱线在一起, 并使用不同的工具。", "一个妇女演示和叙述如何使用织布机。" ]
[ "A person is weaving yarn using an antique machine that threads the yarn as they use different tools.", "The person is operating a type of yarn machine by hand.", "Red twine being created in a large string making machine.", "A loom machine is crafting material together in a warehouse.", "Various angles of a loom machine are shown, from the hanging yarn at the bottom to the bright yarn at the top.", "A person uses a large machine, threaded with string, to create a rug.", "A close up of a yarn mechanism spinning yarn", "A lady is operating a loom that is strung with a hot pink yarn.", "A person operates a hand loom passing the shuttle between the warp and the weft", "A person is operating a yarn weaving device using pink yarn." ]
[ "一个人正熟练用各种各样线使用机器制成成品。", "一个人坐在织布机前认真地工作,并伴有微笑声。", "一个人在室内使用工具在织大红色的布。", "一只手在织布机上慢慢的织红色的布。", "一个人在用木头的织布机纺织布料。", "一个人正在使用一个木质机器在制作地毯。", "一种纱线机构纺纱的闭合装置在运转。", "一位女士正在挂着一条热粉色的纱线的织布机操作着。", "一个人操作着一个手织机, 通过经线和纬纱之间的穿梭机。", "一个人正在使用粉红色的纱线操作纱线编织设备。" ]
[ "A person is using a loom to weave thread into a shape or design.", "A person is weaving a length of fabric through a loom.", "A woman weaving yarn through strings on a loom structure.", "A girl is making a homemade piece of clothing using colorful thread.", "A woman is sitting before a knitting loom, wrapping yarn around it to make a stitch.", "Hand are shown demonstrating how to hand weave on a small loom.", "Using ribbons and textured strings, a woman is weaving an unusual length of cloth", "A young girl is weaving a piece of fabric with colored twine on a hand weaver while talking about it.", "a person using string to do sewing with their fingers and using a pattern", "A woman weaves thread on a small loom while speaking about it." ]
[ "一个女人在使用一台彩色编织机用一些彩色丝线编制布片。", "一个人用黄色的线编织成不同的形状。", "一个手戴戒指的人正在编织工艺品。", "一双手正在用米色丝线编织物品,物品上还有蓝色和红色丝线编成的花纹。", "一个人坐在房间里用双手正在编织着一幅彩色的线组成的作品。", "一个人在示范如何在一个小织布机上手工编织。", "一个女人用丝带和有纹理的绳子织布, 织成了不寻常的布料。", "一个年轻的女孩正在用彩色丝线编织东西。", "一个人使用毛线将一块布状织在了一起。", "一个女人在纺织一个小织布机时并谈论着它。" ]
[ "A machine weaving fabrics had it mechanical part oscillating", "A machine is being used to chip wood into very thin pieces.", "An industrial machine is weaving some sort of fabric with white yarn.", "A large, industrial, weaving machine creates fabric at a quick and repetitive pace.", "A large machine in a factory is moving up and down quickly.", "A machine labeled \"Dynamic IO\" appears to be making yarn.", "A person operates a fabric loom machinery on a factory floor.", "A machine is making some sort of high quantity object in a factory.", "In a building a yarn machine continues to make yarn.", "a dynamic machine making a lots of siding cutting lots of peaces," ]
[ "在一个厂房里,一台机器不停的在工作。", "一台全自动织布设备,迅速地将线织成白布。", "一个类似纺织的机器正在快速地运作着。", "一台机器正在工作,后面还有两个人。", "一台机器在无人看守的情况下自动运行着。", "一台带着标志的大型机器正在人们的操作下工作着。", "一些人在工厂的地板上操作织物织布机机械。", "一台机器正在工厂里快速的制造着某种高数量的物体。", "在室内,一台纱线机正在制造着纱线。", "一台绿色的机器正在编织着白色的东西。" ]
[ "Two women are trying to play around with some clothing materials.", "There is a group of women pulling thread into long strands with their hands.", "A small group of older women are using yarn to make something.", "People are using their hands to pull and process wool.", "People wearing large hats string together a white material.", "A couple of people are seperating something with their hands.", "A group of elderly women are working on thinning out and weaving some unprocessed wool", "Woman in a group working with materials for making items", "Some older people in straw hats are pulling apart some wool in a marketplace.", "A group of people are weaving something with the cotton" ]
[ "一群人在一边聊天一边梳理着手中的东西。", "一群人在地上开心地扯着破旧的棉花絮。", "几名老人围坐在一起把棉花缠绕在手上。", "明亮的房间内,几个人,坐在一起,整理棉花。", "几个戴着帽子的人正在拿着手中的东西工作。", "有几个人笑着正在用手分开一些什么东西。", "一群老年妇女正在努力编织一些未经加工的羊毛。", "一个妇女在一个组织工作的材料制作物品。", "一些戴着草帽的老年人正在市场上拆开一些羊毛。", "一群人坐在地上用棉花在编织东西。" ]
[ "A person shows a machine with a nail in the corner and explains something", "Someone is showing how to use a small loom to make something.", "A young woman teaching what different parts of a loom does.", "A girl explaining how to knit on a manual, wooden, knitting machine.", "Someone prepares and display a machine used to make knitting crafts.", "A person works at a wooden weaving machine with a white and blue cloth.", "A girl describes the tension on a loom and how it works.", "A lady is demonstrating how to use a loom to weave fabrics.", "A person talks about and demonstrates how a small table top loom works", "A person uses a loom to sew a cloth towel." ]
[ "一个女孩子在讲解手工织布机的用法。", "一名女子在展示如何使用简易的织布机来织想要的东西。", "一个戴戒指的人正在织布机前织布。", "一个房间里,一个人正在传授织布的秘诀。", "一个穿着红色毛衣的女人,坐在桌子前面,桌子上面有着一个织布机织着布。", "一个人在木制织布机上用白色和蓝色的布料进行工作。", "在室内一个人在讲解着如何使用桌子上的小型织布机。", "一位女士正在示范如何使用织布机织布。", "一个人谈论并演示一台小型台面织布机是如何工作的。", "一个戴戒指的人正在一个织布机前织布。" ]
[ "A woman knitting a cloth with another person holding down the cloth for her.", "Woman uses a crochet hook to finish edge of pot holder woven on a frame.", "Someone making a square shaped craft and continuing to stitch.", "A lady is finishing a piece of craft with loom band she is using a hook to finish it off", "Showing how to knit a coaster that you can put a glass on.", "A woman is showing how to remove a project from a small loom.", "A woman finishes crocheting a small colorful fabric basket together.", "A woman is using a needle to stitch a fabric together.", "A woman is demonstrating how to weave a potholder by hand.", "A woman demonstrates how to detach sewed on material from its original" ]
[ "一个人拿着粉色的竹签在一块布片上面编织。", "一个女子一边讲解用手在缝制一个布片。", "两个女人相互帮助,分别拿着棉线和细小的木棍,一起编织东西。", "在一个明亮的房间,一双手正在绣着五颜六色的布。", "有人拿着钩针在对钩的成品进行着一个边框的处理。", "一个女人正在展示如何从一个小织布机上移除一些毛线。", "一个女人正在示范如何使用工具编织一件织物。", "一个女人正在用针头把织物缝合在一起。", "一个女人正在展示他是如何编制一块布的。", "一个人手里拿着钩针正在编织一个东西,另外一个人在旁边辅助。" ]
[ "A man is making a colorful fabric with a wooden loom.", "The guy is doing a demonstration on how to weave using a wooden machinery.", "A loom is being used to weave a very nice rug by a man.", "In a factory, a man adjust a wooden weaving machine to the right degree.", "A man uses a loom in a shop to make part of a blanket.", "A man is using a wooden machine to stretch string and make fabric.", "A male is using a loom to create a fabric with yarn.", "A person uses a loom to weave strings into a textile product.", "Man wearing a hat is receiving instructions on operating a loom.", "A man uses a manual loom to make a colorful piece of fabric out of thread." ]
[ "一个人在用老式手动纺织机织一块布。", "戴帽黄衣男人在用手动织布机织着一块红蓝白相间的布。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的人正在用机器织毛线。", "一个头戴帽子穿着黄色上衣得女人在学习织布。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的人坐在一个纺车钱放线。", "一个男人正坐在椅子上用一台木制机器来拉绳和织布。", "男性正在使用织机来制作带纱线的织物。", "一个人坐在织布机前面使用纺织机纺织布料。", "一个戴牛仔帽的男子坐在织布机前织布。", "一个男人用手工织布机用线制成一块五颜六色的织物。" ]
[ "A woman sitting at a loom discusses a threaded weave that is denim.", "A woman stands up and moves from one loom to another loom.", "A woman is demonstrating the difference in weaves between two looms.", "A woman is describing the way the threading machine is working.", "A woman uses a complex device to weave thread.", "A woman standing at a loom and explaining weaving process.", "A older women showing different machines with thread on.", "A woman demonstrates different looms and explains what they are used to weave.", "A woman is standing behind a loom with white yarn on it and moves behind the second loom next to the first one.", "A women is describing and showing sewing equipment" ]
[ "一个女子一边在说话手一边搭载木质的机器上。", "一个紫色衣服的女人正在一架木质纺线机旁介绍着这款机器。", "一个穿紫色上衣的女子正在展示桌子上的机器。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的人在机器面前站立着。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人正在一个机器旁边。", "一个女人站在织布机边讲解布的纺织过程。", "一个年长的妇女用手摸着纺织的工具说些什么。", "一位女士展示了不同的织布机,并解释了它们的编织方式。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的女人正在操作织布机。", "在室内,一名妇女正在描述和展示缝制设备。" ]
[ "The person is explaining what she is doing with the yarn.", "A person demonstrates how to use a knitting needle to create a knitted object.", "The woman is demonstrating how to knit with great precision.", "A person is showing a weaving technique with a needle and yarn.", "A woman shows how to weave on a home made loom with a needle.", "A women is talking about the best way to weave the pattern she is doing.", "Colored yarn is woven with a needle to form a design.", "The hands of someone doing a yarn weave are visible and their voice is audible as they demonstrate.", "A person using a knitting needle to hand weave a piece.", "A woman showing her crocheting pattern with the needle thread." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个人拿着签字,在穿毛线。", "一个女人在进行着针织作品的教学。", "一个人手上拿着毛线,在桌子上钩织毛线图案。", "一双手正在拿着针在桌子上打毛线并讲解。", "一个人用右手拿着针在编织白蓝针织物。", "一位女士正在谈论她正在编织的最佳方法。", "一个人拿着针和彩色的线在编织物品。", "一个人很认真的正在用毛线纺织着。", "一个人正在用一根针编织一条围巾。", "一个拿着针的女人正在演示如何编织东西。" ]
[ "A woman sat at a loom, is actioning it several times to progress the cloth she is working on.", "A woman uses alternating hands to move wooden bars attached to strings back and forth.", "A woman uses a string machine for a certain purpose.", "A women works on a loom with blue thread at a normal pace.", "A woman is using a machine to put strings together and make clothing fabric", "The woman works the loom moving the wood piece from left to right.", "A woman is using a large machine to prepare some material.", "A woman is using a large loom with some thread in it to work on something.", "A person is sliding a bar, pulling yarn, back and forth across a loom while pushing and pulling the bars on the loom.", "A person is using a large loom to weave a piece of fabric." ]
[ "一个穿着白色上衣的女人在织布机前边坐着织布。", "一个人正坐在纺布机前进行作业中。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人正在用工具做着什么东西。", "一个人双手在推一个机器,机器上挂着彩色的线。", "有一个人坐在一个机器旁边正在工作。", "一个女人在织布机上工作,并把一个木片来回移动。", "一位女士正在用一台大机器准备一些材料。", "一个女人正在用一个大织布机, 做一些东西。", "一个人在推动和拉动织机上的杆时滑动杆,拉动纱线来回穿过织机。", "一个人正在用一个大织布机织一块织物。" ]
[ "A woman is weaving a piece of fabric on a spindle table.", "A woman is seated at a piece of equipment, as she moves the thread into position.", "A woman sits in front of a large loom machine and works the fabric through.", "A woman uses a large loom to weave fibers into a material.", "A woman sitting at a loom passes the shuttle through the warp and weft, set the shuttle down, and straightens the new thread.", "a woman using a large device to sew yarn.", "A woman using a manual weaving machine at a casual pace.", "A woman shows her special string machine while sitting down.", "A women knitting with some type of fabric in what seems to be her house.", "A woman seated at a loom weaving the thread through it." ]
[ "一名女子在房间里使用纺织机在织布。", "一名女子在织布机前演示如何使用织布机织布。", "一个女人正在利用一台机器将线变成一块布。", "一个房间里,一个女人正在用机器纺织。", "房间里,一个有点胖的女人在穿毛线。", "一个女人正坐在椅子上用一个大型设备在缝制纱线。", "一个非常胖的女人正在用熟练的手法操纵着一个手动的编织机。", "一位女士坐着演示她的织布机。", "一个女人在她的房子里编织着某种类型的织物。", "一个女人坐在织布机前用工具织布。" ]
[ "a person demonstrating a device used to sew with yarn.", "A person is weaving colorful yarn on a wooden loom.", "A person is pulling multi colored thread through an upright wooden contraption.", "A person pulls a long length of yarn through a standing weaving frame.", "A person pulls a long length of thread material through a standing loom.", "A person is stringing fabric through a loom to make a blanket.", "A human is weaving a fabric with some colorful yarn.", "Person uses wooden equipment to loom yarn inside a room.", "A child weaves a piece of yarn through a wooden device.", "A textile project with multicolored large fiber is being woven on a loom." ]
[ "一个人正在不停的拉着绳子去做工艺品。", "一个人用一条彩色的绳子在小木棍上编制作品。", "一个人在室内用木制工具和五彩绳编织东西。", "一个人用双手拽着一根线,把线缠向类似凳子的木头上。", "一个人一点点的将地上的彩色线拽了起来。", "一个人正在用织布机把毛线编制起来做毯子。", "一个人正在用五颜六色的纱线编织着手工制品。", "一个人使用木制设备在房间内织布纱线。", "一个孩子在通过木制装置编织一条围巾。", "一个用五颜色的大纤维织成的纺织项目正在织布机上织成。" ]
[ "A person is knitting a craft with her bare hands.", "A person is using string to make art and is moving the strings to the side to make a pattern.", "A person weaving some colorful yarns using their two hands", "Some kind of yarn is used to stitch a design in progress.", "A person weaves a rug using different colors of yarn.", "A person attempts to tie several pieces of colorful thread.", "A person is making a tapestry by hand on a tapestry loom.", "A person is sitting down and they are weaving some type of clothing with a device", "Two hands are rapidly pulling string through a device to make a pattterened cloth.", "A person is weaving threads in and out with their hands, on a loom." ]
[ "敞亮的室内,一双手使用彩色的带子编东西。", "一个人不停地将彩色的线穿过一排白线并拉回来。", "一个人用各种颜色的线编制着一块五颜六色的布,工序非常麻烦,技术要求很高。", "一个手上绑着红绳的人用双手在编织着一种图案。", "一双手在类似机器的竖条工具上编织着一块五颜六色的物品。", "一个人正在试图绑着五颜六色的线。", "在一个房间里面,一个人在挂毯织机上手工制作挂毯。", "一个人正在用彩色的线编织带有花纹的布。", "两只手正在迅速地把绳子拉过一个装置,做成一块带状的布。", "一个人在织布机上用手在里面和外面编织线。" ]
[ "A man uses a thick needle to go up and down between lines to weave a piece of yarn on a loom.", "A person demonstrates a dovetail weave against a white background.", "Someone is showing how to weave yarn in a small loom.", "a woman is sitting down and showing how to do a certain weave technique", "A wman is working on a artwork by weaving it in a stitch call dovetail weave", "A person weaves a thread through wires that hold purple threads already woven through.", "A man uses a light blue needle to demonstrate a weave on a project.", "a woman demonstrating how to do a dove tail weave", "A person demonstrates weaving colored yarn through a frame.", "A man showing a weaving technique in a tutorial video in an indoor room" ]
[ "一个女人正在演示如何把线条穿成一副图案。", "一个人戴着戒指的人在用蓝色的针穿过白色的线。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个人在桌子上做手工。", "一个手上戴戒指的人正在用蓝色的条形物体操作。", "一只手拿着一根蓝色的针正在一根根的穿过一些白色的线,另外一只手按着线。", "一个人拿着一根带线的编织针穿过已经编织了紫色线的编织品。", "一个人用浅蓝色的针在一个项目上演示一个编织。", "一个女人在展示如何做鸽子尾巴样式的编织。", "一个人展示了通过框架编织彩色纱线。", "一只手按在一些白色东西上,另一只手将一个针形的物体慢慢的穿进绳子里。" ]
[ "A woman is explaining how to use a small loom.", "A woman is describing how to play an instrument with string.", "A female explains about a weaving frame that she is using.", "There is a woman holding a metal loom that has thread streatched across it.", "A woman demonstrates how to operate a machine with loom parts.", "A woman adjusting a bar on a mechenisim and explaining what she is doing with it.", "A woman is demonstrating how to weave using a metal loom.", "A woman instructs on the use of a weaving machine that she can lift upright with her hands.", "A woman with short dark hair is showing us how to weave a loom.", "A woman holds a metal hand loom and identifies a part of it and explains how to move it" ]
[ "一个女子在讲解如何使用她手中的工具。", "一个女人坐在椅子上展示着一台小型的织布机。", "一个身穿黄色吊带衣服的女子,正在玩一个铁质的东西。", "一个坐在凳子上的女人手里拿着东西在展示。", "一个穿着花色上衣的人正在讲解手中的工具。", "一个女人坐在椅子上拿着一个工具并在调整上面的一些毛线,并在解释她在用它做什么。", "一名妇女正在演示如何使用金属织布机进行编织。", "一名妇女用双手举起织布机,演示怎么操作。", "一个短发的女人正在向我们展示如何使用编织机。", "在室内,一名女子坐在凳子上面并且手上拿着一台金属手织机在说话。" ]
[ "A person has a small wooden loom infront of her and is weaving.", "A woman is weaving something out of red, blue, and black thread.", "a person sitting down putting and pulling string thru a tool by themselves", "A woman holding a lap loom, weaving threads into the loom.", "a woman running a thread through other threads with different colors.", "A woman starts to string the weft of her loom for weaving.", "A woman is traditionally weaving thread together to make cloth.", "A woman weaves colored threads on a simple hand loom.", "A person is stretching yawn on a couple of sticks.", "A woman is weaving cloth on a hand weaver using twine of varying colors." ]
[ "一个穿着橙色衣服的人正在给纺织机上毛线。", "一个女人正在用古时候的方法编织布匹。", "房间内一个穿红色上衣的女子正在编制着一些东西。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女人,拿着穿着全是线圈的工具。", "一个人在一个缠着很多线的木框上用线编织着。", "一个女人正在用绳子准备把织布机的纬纱编织起来。", "一个女人正在用编织线来制作布料。", "一个女人正在一个简单的手工织布机上编织彩色线。", "一个穿橙色衣服的女人正在用线织东西。", "一位妇女用各种颜色的麻线在织布机上织布。" ]
[ "Music plays while a person works on a weaving thread craft.", "A person is performing a weaving with several colors while music is playing.", "A person demonstrates how to use yarn to weave on a small loom.", "A person is knitting a pattern using different colors and demonstrating how to do it.", "a person is showing how to make a bracelet by weaving a threat", "A woman demonstrates how to weave different color threads together", "A woman weaves string across pieces of twine strung on a piece of light cardboard.", "A person is showing how to do weaving with different colors.", "A person is weaving a strip of yarn with their fingers.", "A woman is showing how to string together some yarn to make something." ]
[ "两只手在明亮的室内一个手拿针线另一只手拿着板。", "一双灵活的手在演示编制的全过程。", "一个涂红色加油的人在一个板上用线编东西。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女人正拿着彩色的毛线编织东西。", "一个人用多种不同颜色的线来编织东西。", "一个女人正在演示如何将不同颜色的线织在一起。", "一个女人在一块轻质纸板上用绳子串了起来。", "一个人正在展示如何用不同的颜色织布。", "一个涂着红色指甲油的人正在用手织成一条纱线。", "一位妇女正在展示如何把一些纱线串在一起做成某种东西。" ]
[ "A woman demonstrates how to knit with a wooden knitting triangle.", "A woman explaining a knitting project on a small, triangular wooden frame.", "The woman is describing something that she has in her hand that is made of wood, and has nails and thread on it.", "Someone is using her hands to show how to use a yarn", "A woman holds a wooden object in her hands as she begins to demonstrates how to use it.", "Two hands are holding a triangle with yarn on it and using a small comb.", "A woman is showing how to work with a crochet board and talking about it.", "a person that is at a table using a tool on a piece of wood and some string", "Someone teaching how to put something together a specific item.", "A woman lays out yarn on a triangular wooden framework." ]
[ "一个人拿着一个木板把一个木板上面的钉子撬动了出来。", "一个人在讲解如何把一根线放在三角形中。", "一个人一边说话,一边拿起桌子上的东西。", "一个人的双手在一张深色的案子上拿着工具在演示。", "一个人用一个叉子形状的东西固定一个三角形形状的针织品。", "两只手拿着一个三角形通过一把小梳子把纱线编织在三角形上。", "一个女人正在展示如何用钩针板工作。", "一个人在桌子上使用一块木头上的工具和一些绳子。", "一个人边说话边展示着一个未知的工具。", "有人用工具将毛线编在一个三角形的木质框架上。" ]
[ "A welder is shown welding metal together in a building", "A man is suited up and ready to work on heated metal.", "Someone is welding something and wearing full body protection.", "A man is standing and using a drill and drilling in a wall", "A man welding a piece of metal while standing on top of something.", "A welder is shown welding something in a dark room.", "A person with a welding suit on is welding a piece of metal with a light behind them.", "An electrician on a ladder worker on electrical power cords", "Someone in full safety gear does some welding causing a very bright light.", "A man is blow torching, and is fully wearing protecting clothes." ]
[ "一位电焊工人正在用工具焊着东西。", "晚上一个男人在用门外用手机拍天空。", "一个人戴着眼罩正在黑暗的地方焊接。", "一个穿着卡其色衣服戴着帽子的人正在工作。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在电焊工作。", "一个焊接工在一个黑暗的房间里焊接东西。", "一个穿着焊接服的人正在焊接一块金属,背后则有一盏灯。", "一个电工正在用电源线在梯子上工作。", "一个戴着防护工具的男人正站着在焊接。", "在一个黑暗的地方,一个人正在做着焊接的工作。" ]
[ "A light that produces a lot sparks around it and making some sound.", "A man is doing some kind of welding in the dark.", "A person wearing a face guard is using a welding iron.", "A person is welding something and producing a bright spark.", "A blacksmith wearing full protective gear blow torches an area.", "A person wearing a welding mask uses a noisy arc welder.", "A man in a mask is welding metal", "A person using a welding machine while wearing the proper protective equipment.", "a person lights a metal object that is sitting right next to them", "Someone is applying a welding stick to a metal surface and it is creating sparks." ]
[ "一个人戴着面罩正在进行电焊工作,可以很明显的看到四溅的火花。", "有一个带着面具的人,在切割什么,火花四溅很震惊。", "一个人戴着一个头盔正在焊接一个东西。", "一个人戴着防护面具在进行电焊工作。", "黑暗中电气焊发出刺眼的光,火星四溅。", "一个戴着焊接面罩的人,正在使用弧焊机在焊接着。", "一个戴着面具的人正在用工具焊接金属。", "一个穿着防护设备的人正在进行焊接工作。", "一个人点亮了放在他们旁边的金属物体。", "有人正在将焊条应用于金属表面,并产生火花。" ]
[ "A group of people socializing and then person uses a blowtorch on a metal object.", "A man is welding a metal box, and other welders are also in the workspace.", "A person is welding on a metal cube with sparks flying.", "A person welding a piece of metal while someone hammers in the background.", "A person wearing gloves is welding a metal cube box", "A group of men speak and then a person welds a metal box.", "People in a factory talking then one man welds a square metal box.", "Men convene in a fab shop while one worker welds a metal cube.", "Two people are shown talking then one of them is welding something with gloves and a bright light.", "a group of people are working in a workshop and fixing some metal pieces together" ]
[ "三名男子正在用电焊焊铁,发出嘶嘶的声音。", "一个人正在认真仔细的焊接某种金属物体。", "一群人在说话,一个人手里拿着工具对一个东西在焊接。", "一个男人正在用电焊焊一个铁盒子。", "一个穿着绿色外套的男人在焊东西。", "一群人在说话,然后一个人在焊接一个金属盒子。", "工厂里的人说话时,一个人焊接着一个方形的金属盒子。", "一家工厂里有几个男人站在一起在交谈, 而一个工人在一个金属立方体上焊接。", "两个人正在谈论,然后他们中的一个人用手套和明亮的灯光焊接东西。", "在车间里,几个男人在一起聊天,另一个男人正使用工具将金属片焊接在一起。" ]
[ "A man is wearing a helmet and welding some metal together", "A man in an industrial environment, welding as sparks fly all over.", "A person welding in a factory with welding glass in his hands", "A man is using a welder at a bench on long pieces of flat metal while wearing safety gear.", "A man wearing protective gear is blow torching an area of the metal object sitting in front of him.", "A MAN IS WORKING IN A FACTORY, SAUDERING AN OBJECT", "Sheet metal is being cut by a worker in an industrial setting.", "A man is using a blow torch while working in a workshop.", "A man is using a laser beam to cut something.", "A man is welding something out of metal in a shop." ]
[ "在一间厂房里,一个戴着安全帽的男人在焊接东西。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人在车间进行电焊作业。", "一个拿着防护罩的人正在用工具做着什么。", "敞亮的室内,一名身穿白色上衣的男子,正在室内工作。", "在一家工厂内,一个男人,拿着焊枪,在机器上工作。", "一个男人在一家工厂工作,正在焊接东西。", "在工业环境中, 有一个人正在切割金属板。", "一名男子车间工作时使用喷焊枪。", "一个穿着白色上衣的工人在车间工作。", "一个男人正在一家商店里用金属焊接东西。" ]
[ "A person with welding goggles is welding while messages are displayed.", "A man with a welding mask is welding something mentions how dangerous weld fumes can be.", "Man wearing a welding mask while performing work on an object.", "Welding is being done and a disclaimer of how dangerous the fumes is shown.", "The welder is wearing a welder's mask and gloves, while warnings are displayed on the screen as he welds.", "A man is welding something, while weld fume rises off the work.", "At a table someone is using a mash while welding something.", "A person is demonstrating how to weld metal safely while warnings are displayed.", "A person is wearing a heavy protective mask, and is doing some welding work with a torch.", "A welder using a welding torch as warnings are shown." ]
[ "一个人戴着特有面具,右手拿着电焊枪,正在对工作台面上的一块金属进行焊接。", "一位消防人员在房间里使用工具,解除消防隐患。", "一个穿红色衣服的男的拿着焊锡工具在焊锡。", "灰暗的房间里,一个人戴着面具拿着工具正在工作。", "一个人带着面罩做着电焊的工作,焊接的光很刺目。", "一个人正在焊接什么东西, 而焊接烟尘则从工作台中升起。", "在一张桌子上,有人在使用焊接东西的工具焊接东西,并发出了火花。", "一个人正在演示如何在显示警告能安全的将金属焊接在一起。", "一个人戴着厚厚的保护面罩用焊枪焊接。", "在室内,一个人头上戴着帽子正在做着电焊的工作。" ]
[ "A man weld some metal together with an electric arc welder.", "A person with a welding mask welds equipment indoors up close.", "A person is wearing a mask while welding when sparks fly.", "A person is welding something together and large sparks are coming out.", "A person is wielding and there are sparks flying in the air.", "A man is standing in a room and welding some objects together.", "A welder works on a project while wearing a mask as another man speaks.", "A guy is wearing a mask while doing welding in the dark.", "A man is standing in a darkened room using a tool causing bright blue sparks to fly off of what he is working on.", "A welder is arc welding something to a metal bar or pole." ]
[ "在夜晚,一个电焊工人正在进行着电焊操作。", "一个人手中拿着电焊头上戴着护具在焊东西。", "在仓库里,一位焊工戴着面具在焊接物品。", "一个人戴着面具正在焊接,枪口喷吐着刺眼的火花。", "一个人戴着头盔站着在用电焊焊钢管。", "一个人在一个房间里把一些东西焊接在一起。", "当另一个男人说话时,一名焊工正戴着面具在工作。", "一个人在黑暗中焊接时戴着防护面具。", "一名男子站在黑暗的房间里, 使用一种工具, 导致明亮的蓝色火花飞溅出来。", "室内一名戴着眼罩焊工将电弧焊接到金属杆上。" ]
[ "A person wearing a welding helmet welds a metal piece", "A woman is practicing how to mig weld on a pipe.", "A person is welding but their face is very protected in this hot dangerous job.", "a person who is wearing a mask to cover his face is welding something", "A lady in a welding mask is welding a piece of metal.", "A person wearing a safety mask is using a blow torch on a piece of metal.", "Someone is welding a metal plate and the arcs and sparks are yellow and blue.", "Someone is welding two pieces of metal together, while a girl is talking in the background.", "a person with a mask on uses some item and creates sparks on metal", "a man is doing some welding on a piece of equipment in a shop." ]
[ "有一个戴着头盔的人用电焊机在工作。", "一个人戴着防护面罩拿着电焊工具在做焊接。", "一个人正带着防护罩用工具处理着东西。", "一个人戴着手套和头罩在做着电焊。", "一个人正带着面罩认真进行着电焊工作。", "一个女人带着防护工具,在焊接金属并冒出了火光。", "一个人戴着面具正在房间里进行着电焊。", "一个头戴防护工具的人在焊接一个物体。", "戴面具的人使用某种物品并在金属上制造火花。", "一个戴面罩的男人正拿工具在焊接一个设备。" ]
[ "A man is sparkling fire while using a torch on metal.", "A person uses a tool causing sparks to fly.", "A man is cutting an object with an electric saw and sparks are coming out.", "A person using a grinder and grinds the welded bead flat to the metal.", "A man appears to be doing a welding job as sparks fly.", "A man uses a welder to weld some metal together.", "Sparks fly as a welder uses special equipment to weld metal.", "A man is welding in a work room and has taken all the necessary precautions to ensure his safety.", "A man dressed in welding gear is welding something metal.", "A person uses a TIG welder to weld two pieces of metal together" ]
[ "一个身穿橙色衣服的男人在用机器切割东西。", "一个人在用焊接器焊接一个金属棍子。", "一个带着防护罩的人正在用电锯切割着金属。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个男人戴着面具,正在电焊。", "一个人戴着电焊面罩用电焊机进行电焊。", "一个人正在使用焊工将金属焊接在一起。", "焊工使用特殊设备焊接金属时,火花就飞了起来。", "一名男子正在工作室里焊接,并采取了所有必要的预防措施。", "一个带着面具的男人正拿着工具在焊接某个东西。", "一个人使用TIG焊机将两块金属焊接在一起。" ]
[ "A person in full welding attire and helmet welding a piece of metal.", "Somerhing is sparkling brightly, then turns out someone is welding a gate.", "A person is welding an object into a large metal opening.", "Someone doing some type of welding on what appears to be the back of a vehicle.", "A person that is either welding or has set off a firework lots of sparks going on.", "a person heats up a piece of metal in front of them", "A person is welding something, it is a very bright light then it zooms into the item being welded.", "A person was welding together a metal at a point", "a man using a welder in order to weld something in a garage", "Someone is lighting some fireworks and leaves one about to light up." ]
[ "在一个车间里面,一个人正在用电焊焊着东西。", "一个人向大家演示怎么才能快速地把一个东西电焊好。", "一个人手里拿着电焊在焊一个黑色的大铁门。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一只手拿着一个工具在施工。", "一个穿着防护衣的人正在焊接东西。", "一个人使用一种工具加热一块金属。", "一个人正在使用一个工具焊接着一个物品。", "一个人正在把一块金属焊接在一起。", "一个男人使用焊工在车库焊接东西。", "有人点燃了一些烟火,并且留下一个即将点燃的烟花。" ]
[ "Men are shown welding and a man then talks about welding, then welding is shown again as they talk about a machine.", "A man is explaining work getting done on a site with two men wearing masks.", "Two men are shown welding while another man in a construction hat is talking about work.", "Two men are welding in a workshop while a man with a hard hat on discusses his trade.", "a couple of people with big masks on work on an item", "Two men are holding torches welding metal together on a construction site.", "Men are shown welding some metal and than a power generator is shown.", "Two men welding, another man talking about welding and a large welding machine", "Two workers weld different machines before someone talks to the camera.", "Two men are welding while another man is being interviewed and talking about the machinery." ]
[ "一起带着安全帽的在机器上烧电焊。", "一个白色衬衫的男人在解说两个人是怎么样电焊的。", "两个人在用电焊东西,然后一个白衣男子在说话。", "两个人戴着头盔在进行氩弧焊作业。", "工作场地两个戴着焊帽的人在做电气焊的工作。一个戴眼镜和安全帽的人站着嘴动着。大型机器。", "两个男人头戴着头盔正在工作,之后一个男人正在发言。", "男子带着护具在焊接一些金属,一个人在说话。", "两名男子焊接,另一名男子谈论焊接和一台大型焊接机。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正站着焊一个东西。", "两名男子正在焊接,另一名男子正在接受采访并说着机器。" ]
[ "A man is welding a piece of equipment on a work bench in a welding shop.", "A man flips his safety visor down and then welds something on a table.", "A man is welding two pieces of metal together while using safety equipment.", "A man is carrying out some welding operation in a metal work room with his visor down.", "A man drops his helmet over his face and begins to weld a piece of metal using a mig welder.", "A man working in a garage or warehouse of some sort is using a welding tool to weld parts together.", "The man is welding two pieces of steel together with a face mask on.", "A man in a studio dons his protective helmet and begins welding a metal object.", "A man ignites a torch and lowers his mask, and then starts to weld something.", "A man begins to weld some metal on a work table." ]
[ "一个人头盔的男人在用机器在铁板上烧出火花。", "在一个房间里,有一个戴着头盔男人在焊东西。", "一个认真的男人正在努力的焊接一样东西。", "一个人戴着焊接帽子在工作台前焊接东西。", "一个戴着护目头盔的男人右手操作着一支喷射白光的焊锡工具。", "在某种类型的车库或仓库工作的人正带着头盔使用焊接工具把零件焊接起来。", "在房间里,一个戴着面罩的人正在焊接工具。", "一个男人在工作室里戴上防护头盔并开始焊接金属物体。", "一名男子点燃火炬并降低他的面具,然后开始焊接一些东西。", "一个男人戴着面罩在工作台上焊接一些金属。" ]
[ "One is cutting the metal plate with the help of an gas cutting tool", "A man welds two strips of metal together with a torch.", "Someone is using a torch to separate two bits of metal which is clamped down.", "A person is using a torch to cut a piece of metal.", "A man using a blow torch to cut a piece of metal.", "A person is holding a blow torch and torching a piece of metal.", "A person is using a blow torch on a metal sheet.", "Someone welds two peices of metal together with a small welding tool.", "A tool is on top of a piece of shiny metal and blowing a flame out of it.", "A person uses a flame to weld two pieces of light-colored metal together." ]
[ "一个人正在使用工具焊接两块铁片。", "一个人拿着电焊枪对着两片金属进行电焊。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正坐在一个房间里。", "一个男人正拿着焊接枪把两块钢板焊接到一起。", "一个人拿着电焊在焊两片同样大小的铁皮。", "一个人用手里的喷灯切割一块金属。", "一个人正在用喷枪对着金属片焊接金属片。", "有人用一个小的焊接工具将两块金属焊接在一起。", "一个人拿着一个喷火器对着一块金属板喷着。", "一个人使用火焰将两片浅色金属焊接在一起。" ]
[ "A man standing in front of a workshop welds together two pieces of metal.", "A man is arc welding as a vacuum pulls away welding fumes.", "A man lowers a welding mask over his face and performs a welding job in a metal shop.", "A sideways video of a man welding a piece of metal on a table.", "A man is welding something that lets off lots of sparks", "A man is in a noisy work shop doing welding.", "A person wearing a protective face cover is drilling while a machine is in use above the metal area.", "The man uses a welder on a table to create sparks whle wearing a helmet.", "a man in his garage as he uses a welding mask to weld together large pieces of metal together", "A man works on welding something in his workshop as sparks fly." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的人拿着电焊在焊东西。", "一名电焊工在吹风机下进行电焊操作。", "一个人拿着工具在切割桌子上的东西。", "一个戴着安全面具的男人,正在焊着东西。", "一个房间里,一个男人,拿着一个焊枪,在焊一个铁槽。", "一名工人在一个嘈杂的工作车间做焊接。", "一个戴着保护罩盖的人正在金属区域上方使用电焊工具。", "有一个戴着头盔的男人正在桌子上用电焊打着火花。", "一个戴着焊接面罩的人把大块的金属焊接在一起。", "一个人在他的车间里焊接东西,火花四溅。" ]
[ "A heating element is used to heat an electrical board while also using a pair of tweezers.", "A person is heating up a circuit board and holding tweezers over it.", "someone holding a tool over a device as they are working on it", "A person is holding some sort of rotating device to repair a computer", "A man is shown working on computer equipment using heat and tweezers.", "A person shakes and uses a metal cylindrical tool over a circuit board.", "Work is being done with several tools on a computer motherboard.", "Smoke rises as a motorized, hand-held device is being used to work on computer parts", "A person uses a tool which creates heat over a pair of tweezers.", "A person is using a soldering gun to work on a small green circuit board" ]
[ "一个男人在拿着一个仪器烤着电路板。", "一个人左手用夹子夹着东本,右手拿着工具。", "在房间里,一个男人在专心地修机器。", "一个人正在用一台机器烘烤着冒着烟的镊子。", "一个人一手拿着镊子一手拿着一个圆柱形的东西在修理东西。", "一个人在电路板使用金属圆柱形工具来回晃动着。", "一个人正在使用工具对某种零件进行着加工。", "当一个机动的手持设备被用来在电脑部件上工作时, 冒烟了。", "一个人使用的工具可以在一对镊子上产生热量。", "一个人正在使用焊枪在小型绿色电路板上工作。" ]
[ "A man is observing the work of a welding machine.", "A man watches a robotic drill work on a piece of metal.", "A piece of big equipment in doors welding pieces on a metal object.", "A guy with a safety mask on is watching a robot do welding.", "A man in protective face gear is standing by watching as a robot is welding on a piece of metal.", "A man and a robot work on welding a piece of machinery.", "A male helps as a mechanical arm solders a piece of machinary.", "A man is using a large welding machine to weld.", "A robotic welding device performs spot welds on an object as a man rotates the object.", "A guy is using a huge welding machine to do some work on a piece of metal." ]
[ "一个男人戴着面具看着一台机器正在给另一个物品电焊。", "一个男人正在操作一台机器,给一个零件进行焊接。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在房间里做电焊。", "在一个房间里,一个人戴着头盔正在观察着一台机器工作。", "在一个车间里,有个人戴着护罩,旁边有个机器臂在做焊接工作.。", "一个男人正操控着一个机器人焊接一件物品。", "一名男人在帮助机械臂焊接一块机械。", "一名男子正在使用大型焊接机进行焊接。", "一个戴着头盔的男人正在房间里焊接机器人。", "一个人正用一台巨大的焊接机器在一块金属上做一些工作。" ]
[ "AN INDIVIDUAL USES A LASER OR GRINDER TO DRILL ON A PIECE OF PIPE.", "Someone is welding a pipe, with a blow torch.", "A man wearing a welding helmet and shorts welds pipes.", "A man is carefully welding a part of a car engine exhaust.", "A man is welding a piece of pipe together in a metal shop.", "A masked man is doing work on a structure of pipes.", "A man uses a welder to weld the main pipe on a pipe with a tree branch like structure of pipes at the top.", "A man is stick welding an exhaust pipe together in his garage.", "A man welding a metallic object while wearing protective gear.", "a man is doing some welding on a piece of metal in a shop" ]
[ "一个穿灰色衣服的恶人那这机器焊接东西。", "一个男人使用电焊工具对机器进行改造。", "一个带着面罩的人正在用工具处理一块金属。", "一个带着面罩的人正用机器对手下的东西进行处理。", "一个戴着焊帽的人在使用电气焊的焊枪。", "一个戴着护面罩的男子正在做管道结构工作。", "一个男人用焊接工具焊接管道上的其他管道。", "一个人正在他的车库里把排气管焊接在一起。", "一个穿着保护装置的男人焊接金属物体。", "一个人戴着手套和面罩,正在给一块金属做焊接。" ]
[ "A man in protective gear welds on a long, heavy piece of pipe.", "A man with a welding mask is welding on a pipe.", "A man seals together a large pipe with a welder; wearing full protective gear.", "Someone is welding a metal pipe and talking to another person.", "A person doing some kind of welding by wearing the welding glass.", "A man is welding a long section of metal while another looks on", "Someone with a mask on is welding steel with an arc welder in a shop.", "A welder is welding a very large pipe while turning the torch.", "A man uses a welding machine to weld a large tube together.", "A man in a welders mask cuts a large pipe with a cutting torch." ]
[ "一个电焊师父正在车间里面进行电焊作业。", "一个人戴着安全面具,手拿电焊工具在给机器做维修。", "一个戴着黑色面罩的人,用手里的工具对一根管状物进行焊接。", "一个戴着头盔人用双手在焊接一个东西。", "一名身穿白色外套的男子,正站在机器旁边工作。", "一个男人正在焊接金属上工作着,一旁的人在观看着。", "一个戴面具的人正在一个工作间里面用电焊枪焊接钢材。", "一个电焊工正在使用焊枪在焊接一个非常大的金属管道。", "一个男人用一台焊接机器焊接一个大管子。", "一个戴着电焊面具的人正在用工具切割一个大管道。" ]
[ "Two men in a large room look over a large object and appear to examine it.", "Two men use a jigsaw to cut plastic in a workshop.", "Two men work together on yellow material in a big machine placed in a factory.", "Two men in a workshop are using a specialized piece of seal together a flag.", "Two men are in a factory wood carving their material.", "A man holding fabric on a machine while another man operates it", "Two men are repairing or making something using a large industrial machine.", "Two men are working on a project with the help of some type of machine.", "two men are working in a big shop doing work.", "Two men are using an industrial sewing machine to sew fabric." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人和一个穿着黄色衣服的人在工作。", "两个男人在厂房内的机器上操作着工作。", "一个穿黑衣服的男人正在摆弄着桌上的黄色东西。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男子和一个穿着绿色衣服的男子,两个人在工作。", "一个人弯腰站在一个机器旁边,一个人站在他对面看着他操作机器。", "一个人拿着机器上的织物,同时另一个男人在操作它。", "两个人正在用一台大型工业机器修理或制造东西。", "有两个人在某种机器的帮助下正在做一个项目。", "两个男人正在一个宽敞的工作间工作。", "两名男子正在使用工业缝纫机缝制布料。" ]
[ "A large machine welded a peice while a man kept the machine running then stops it and picks up the peice.", "Sparks flash from a machine as it operates then a technician goes to look after it stops.", "A man uses a machine to weld together pieces of metal", "A machine welds a metal pipe and then a man removes it.", "Sparks fly everywhere as a machine works on a piece of metal.", "a worker stand watch as a machine cute on a part.", "A person holds up their hand to a machine that is sending out sparks, and then the person picks up a metal bar.", "A man at his job where a large machine welds metal together as he shields himself", "A person is watching a robotic welding machine run and then unloads the metal from the machine.", "A person is holding their hand against a bright light and sparks caused by a piece of equipment and then the machine stops and the person picks up the bar." ]
[ "房间内,一个男人,操作着冒着火星的机器,在干活。", "在机床间,一名身穿灰色上衣的人在操纵着电焊机。", "一个男人在操纵机器打磨一个圆管。", "一个穿白色衣服的人在室内进行氩弧焊作业。", "在一个房间里,有一个人正在操作机器工作着。", "一个工人在操作一台机器加工零件,并发出了火光。", "一台机器正在切割一条金属管,然后一个人拿起了金属管。", "一个男在工作,一台大机器在焊接金属,保护着自己。", "一个人正在观看机器人焊接机的运行,然后从机器上卸下金属。", "一个人用手来遮挡机器设备工作时造成的火花,当机器停下来的时候,那个人拿起了一根金属棒。" ]
[ "A welding torch is being used and a bright blue light is being produced.", "a bright light flares around as someone is working on it.", "A person is continuous welding two metal items together.", "The piercing blue flame of an arc welder cuts through metal as it emits its bright sparks.", "A person is using a torch to burn through an object.", "Somebody is welding something and a blinding electrical arc is being produced.", "Some sort of welding is taking place but it is difficult to see specifics because of the brightness of the light.", "A person is welding something in this dimly-lit video.", "A welder shows how to use a plasma welderon a steel plate.", "Someone who is wearing a decorated welding helmet is welding something." ]
[ "一个人手拿电焊工具,蹲在地面上对机器进行维修。", "有一个人正在做用电焊机工作,火花四溅。", "一个人拿着工具在切割东西,发出蓝色的光。", "在一个阴暗的室外,一个人正在焊东西。", "漆黑的晚上,有人在用电焊,火星四溅。", "有人在焊接什么东西,电焊发出刺眼的光芒。", "一个人正在对着金属进行某种类型的焊接。", "在一个黑暗的房间里面,一个人正在焊接着东西。", "焊工展示了如何在钢板上使用等离子焊接技术。", "一个戴着焊接头盔的人在焊接什么东西。" ]
[ "A young boy helps his Dad by welding metal together.", "A little boy is involved in electricity with a face mask on.", "A young boy welds two pieces of metal together while his father narrates.", "A guy talks about his son welding a peice of metal for a girl named felisha.", "A person uses a welding torch on some metal at a workstation.", "A person with professional goggles placed protectively over the eyes is seen welding.", "A person wearing an helmet and working with a machine continuously", "A very young boy is helping his father to weld.", "A kid is doing some welding to help build a horse corral.", "A child is in a shop welding metal while an adult describes what the child is doing." ]
[ "一个小孩子戴着面具,拿着工具在操作台上操作。", "一个带着头盔的小孩,在用工具进行电焊。", "一个戴着面罩的孩子正在用工具处理一个金属。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个小孩正在做实验。", "一个人头上戴着面罩,手上戴着手套在电焊。", "在房间里,一个带着专业护目镜的人,在做焊接工作。", "一个戴着头盔并不断的操作机器的人。", "一个非常小的男孩正在帮助他的父亲焊接。", "一个穿着军绿色衣服的男孩在进行焊接。", "一个孩子在一家商店焊接金属,而一个成年人描述孩子在做什么。" ]
[ "A person is drilling on a piece of metal in a dark room", "An automated machine is welding holes into several different tubes at the same time.", "A machine works precisely to work on a piece with many holes.", "a man is using a high beam laser to weld some pieces of metal", "A robot appears to be either welding or drilling into a metal object.", "A welding machine is welding the metal of a cabinet.", "The man is showing how to weld steel together wearing protective face gear.", "A machine is welding on some metal then some words pop up on the screen.", "Welding is being done to a particular spot on an iron wall using a machine.", "Someone is welding something that looks like a fence with holes." ]
[ "昏暗的房间内,一台机器,在铁板上工作着,上面冒着火星。", "一个人正在使用工具,进行打孔作业。", "一个铁皮上一个机器不停地对着它电焊。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个机器正在运作。", "一个发光的机器对着都是圆孔的铁板转动。", "有一台焊接机正在金属版面进行快速焊接。", "一个人正在用焊接工具焊接着什么。", "一台机器正在焊接一些金属, 然后屏幕上突然出现了一些单词。", "在一个房间里面,一个人正在用电焊焊接着东西。", "机器正在焊接看起来像带孔的栅栏。" ]
[ "A men is using a propane blow torch to brake an object.", "A person welds a metal tube with a welding torch.", "A metal tube rests in a clamp while a man welds it.", "In a garage someone in a welding mask welds a large metal pipe.", "Someone is using a blow torch to weld a cylindrical metal object.", "A man in a workshop welds a pipe clamped into a large vise.", "A man is welding on a cylindrical piece of metal, being held up over his head.", "A person is using a fire tool to weld together two pieces of metal.", "A man in a workshop was welding a metal rod together", "a man wearing a red shirt is welding a pipe" ]
[ "在一个房间里面,一个穿着红色衣服的人在烧电焊。", "一个人在工作间里专注地进行电焊工作。", "一个男子带着面具拿着工具,在焊接一个东西。", "一个穿红色衣服的人,双手拿着工具在焊接管道。", "在一个房间里,一个人戴着面罩正在焊东西。", "有一个人在车间里把夹着的管子焊接在了一起。", "一个男人在一块圆柱形金属上焊接,金属被举过头顶。", "一个人正在用高温工具将两块金属焊接在一起。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在车间焊接。", "一个身穿红色衬衫的男人正在焊接一根管子。" ]
[ "A piece of metal is being welded and a man speaks in the background.", "A person is using a torch tool to work on an object.", "A person welts a knife and uses a welding machine.", "A bar lights and sparks with chemical fire and begins to burn down.", "a person works on an item in front of them and sparks shoot everywhere", "A welder is shown welding something on a work bench and a man speaks.", "Someone is welding metal in a workroom consistently so that hardly anything is visible.", "A person is using an machine to solder metal together.", "A person in the background is doing welding and some sparks can be seen.", "A welder holds a piece of metal as they weld it." ]
[ "工作间里有一个人在用焊条焊接着一把刀。", "一个人在用电焊机焊接工作台上的钢具。", "一个人拿着电焊用一根铁棍焊接一块铁片。", "一个男人用一把锋利的电锯,把铁桌子锯开了。", "一束火光四射的火苗下面有一把刀。", "一个电焊工在工作台上焊接什么东西,然后一个人说话。", "有人正在一个工作室里一直焊接金属,火花四溅。", "一个人正在使用机器将金属焊接在一起。", "一个人正在进行焊接,可以看到一些火花。", "一个焊工在焊接时会拿着一块金属手持棒。" ]
[ "A welder is welding a metal objet while two other people are observing the work.", "A few men a on construction site using a blow torch", "A person wearing a welding mask is welding a piece of metal.", "A welder is welding on what appears to be a cylinder of some sort.", "man in welders mask and a Winnie the Poo bandanna welds a metal tank.", "A man does a welding job on a large diameter steel pipe connection.", "A man in safety gear welding a large metal cylinder with others watching.", "A person wearing a pooh bear hood carefully welds something as others watch.", "A man wearing a welding helmet is welding a large tube.", "A person welding while another checks his work wearing glasses." ]
[ "一个穿绿色工作服的男人焊接铁管。", "一个人在专心的进行电焊工作,旁边有一个人在观看。", "一名焊工戴着面具在焊接一根圆形柱子。", "一个人戴着面具手拿装置对一个机器进行加工。", "一个戴着头盔的人正在做着电焊工作。", "一个人在一个钢管上做焊接工作,另一个人过来查看。", "一个男人正在展示如何焊接金属管,其他人在观看。", "一个戴着小熊帽的人,仔细地焊接着一个东西。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的男人正在焊接着一个粗管子。", "一个人在焊接一个东西,另外一个人用手挡着脸在看。" ]
[ "A man was using a cutoff wheel to cut some pipe and another person was using a welding machine.", "A man grinding on a piece of metal and talks about how he enjoys it.", "A man is seen using an angle grinder to cut a pipe before we see a man welding.", "A man is reflecting on his outlook regarding welding", "A man is demonstrating how to do welding while talking.", "Different people are shown cutting apart pipe and maybe welding something together.", "A person cuts through a metal pipe and then another person welds something.", "The man welded through a piece of steel while wearing a protective mask.", "A man and woman can be heard discussing metal working as images of heated metal is manipulated using tools.", "A man with a mask welds a pipe and other materials." ]
[ "一些人正戴着头盔进行切割,和焊接等操作。", "一男子头戴防护面具正在切割一根钢管。", "一个穿着黄色工作服的男人在锯管子。", "一个戴着帽子的人拿着工具在对着一个钢棍在做电焊。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在切割管子。", "一个男人头戴着头盔那着工具正在切断管道。", "一个戴着面罩的工人正在试图切断一根金属管。", "一个带着保护面罩的人正在用工具焊接着什么。", "一个男子手里拿着一个磨砂轮在切割一个金属管。", "一个戴面具的男人拿着工具焊接管道。" ]
[ "A man speaks as various images are shown including a man teaching his class.", "A group of people are programming industrial robots to build things.", "A man talks about a successful engineering program while we see students using robotic welders.", "Someone is watching a machine behind a glass window making sparks.", "a group of AI machines working on materials and people surrounding or talking in a classroom", "A man is showing how automatic tools will help assist workers", "People hold up welding masks and watch a weld and then a machine welds.", "Two people standing in front of a robotics demonstration working.", "A person watches welding through a welder's mask as automatic welding arms work.", "Some kind of metal work is being shown where the students have to wear sheilds then a class room setting is shown." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人拿着面具在焊接。", "一个人看着房子里面的机器人正在焊东西。", "很多黄色的机器人正在使用他们的焊接技术,有人在旁边观看。", "一个戴着眼镜手上拿着电焊工具的男子在工作,还有一个男子在说话。", "一个男人在焊接,两个人在观看。两个自动手臂在焊接。一个男人在介绍。一个男人在白板前讲课,下边有人在听。", "一个男人展示并讲述了一个自动焊接的机器人如何有助于帮助工人工作。", "人们拿起焊接面罩,观察焊接,然后焊接机器。", "两个人站在机器人前面,示范正在的工作。", "一个人通过焊工的面罩观看自动焊接臂工作。", "正在展示某种金属作品,学生必须穿着鞋带,然后展示课堂设置。" ]
[ "A fiber laser is being used by a man showing how he uses it.", "A man is showing and discussing how fast a fiber laser works.", "Welding is being shown making lines down a piece of metal.", "A lase being used and a person tells how the laser works.", "Some kind of metal cutting machine is being shown while a narrator explains the specifics of the machine", "A man is demonstrating a laser metal cutting machine and talking about it.", "A man wearing flash goggles as he watches a powerful laser operating, then a laser makes rapid cuts in a thick sheet of metal.", "A person in a workshop was welding a metal sheet together", "A guy with goggles is using a machine that is producing sparks.", "A man is using a machine to laser cut metal as some describes the details of the laser." ]
[ "一个仪器在桌子上面的铁片上面发出火光从中间划过。", "一位穿着红色衣服戴着眼镜的男子正在观察与研究,实验中火花四溅。", "一个人弯着腰看着。一台机器正在运作着。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在看电焊迸发出来的光芒。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人正在看一个发光的东西。", "一个男人正在展示激光金属切割机然后说着话。", "一个男人戴着闪光护目镜,正在观看激光快速切割厚金属片的操作。", "车间里的人正在将金属板焊接在一起。", "一个有护目镜的人正在使用一台产生火花的机器。", "一名男子正在使用机器来切割金属。" ]
[ "Some one is using a welding tool of some sort", "Two men in protective gear use a welder that sends sparks off of a piece of metal.", "A welder using a blowtorch to work on his job.", "Someone is either cutting apart or welding together something with a tool causing a really bright light.", "a person welding something in the dark, making a loud sound.", "a person wielding a metal object with a wielding gun on a table", "A man is using a tool, which is seen creating blue sparks.", "Worker uses soldering tool which creates circle of bright light and outward sparks.", "Someone uses a tool to make loud blue sparks in the dark.", "A person wielding a piece of metal while others watch and learn." ]
[ "一个人在用电焊焊东西,飞溅出很多火花。", "一个人在操作着什么工具,期间有火星和亮光出现,还有很大的声音。", "一个人拿着焊接工具戴着面具在做焊接作业。", "一个人拿着焊接工具在进行焊接工作并发出刺眼的光。", "两个人带着护罩在焊接东西,焊接的时候闪烁着蓝色的火花.。", "一个人在桌子上拿着一个工具切割着一件金属物体,并摩擦出火花。", "一个男人正在使用一种工具,可以看到这种工具产生蓝色的火花。", "工人使用焊接工具, 创造出明亮的光线和火花的圆圈。", "有人用工具在黑暗中制造出大量的蓝色火花。", "一个人正在做着电焊,而另一些人则在一边观察和学习。" ]
[ "A man wearing a welding mask welds two pieces of metal together.", "A person seated in a workshop is busy doing welding", "A young man is using a welding rod and electric welder to weld on a piece of metal.", "A young man welds an item while working in his shop.", "A man is wearing protective head gear while welding two pieces of metal.", "A boy wearing a welding helmet prepares to wealth and then begins.", "A bright light flashes as a kid begins to weld metal together.", "A young man uses a welding mask and after that starts welding.", "A person wearing a large face mask welds something together.", "After putting a face shield on an man carefully welds something." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在做电焊。", "一个男子戴着头盔在桌子上正在做电焊。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在一个房间里电焊。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在拿着工具弄东西。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人戴着头盔在焊东西。", "一个戴着焊接头盔的男孩拿着电焊枪开始工作着。", "当一个孩子开始把金属焊接在一起时,明亮的灯光会闪烁。", "一个男人用焊接面罩遮住脸开始使用焊接工具焊接。", "一个戴着大面罩的人拿着焊具正在焊接东西。", "一个男人把面罩戴上之后,做着焊接。" ]
[ "A man using a tourch to solder together two pieces of steel together", "A man lights a welding torch and then he uses it to join together several pieces of metal.", "Worker turns on torch over metal panel causing large flame, sparks and smoke.", "A man uses a welding tool to weld an object in a workshop.", "A man uses a blowtorch to weld a piece of metal and describes what he's doing.", "A man demonstrates the proper way to do welding.", "A man is welding while others work behind him", "A man welding a piece of metal with other men walking around him.", "A man is doing some welding on a piece of metal.", "A man shows how to weld with a certain type of welder." ]
[ "一个人拿着一个焊铁机在焊一块铁板。", "一个男子用电焊机焊一块铁板,伴随火花四射。", "一个人借助工具在修理一个黑色的物品。", "一个穿着深色上衣的人拿着工具在焊接。", "一个人在放满了器材的室内用气割切割一块铁板。", "一个人在一个工作台上展示了正确的焊接方法。", "一个人在焊接,而其他人在他身后工作。", "一名男子焊接了一块金属。其他人在周围走动。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在一块金属上做一些焊接。", "一个人拿着焊枪在工作台上对一个铁片进行加工。" ]
[ "Someone in full welding gear welds a piece of metal near a wall.", "A man in protective gear and a welder's mask welds on a metal surface.", "Someone is welding something with their safety equipment on with a welding helmet.", "A man is using a welding tool to seal a part together.", "Someone, standing over a piece of metal, is welding, using an arc welder.", "Wearing a helmet and using a torch, a man welds something together.", "A ma nis using a blowtorch on an object while wearing a face guard.", "A person with a mask welds in a dim room lit up by the sparks.", "A man is using a welding machine to weld two pieces of metal.", "Someone in a shop welds an item together as they wear the proper safety gear." ]
[ "一个人戴着电焊面具拿着电焊枪在进行电焊。", "一个人穿着防护装备在房间里焊接东西。", "一个身穿红色上衣的人带着面具正在做电焊工作。", "一个人身穿工作服手拿工具正在进行电焊工作。", "一个戴着头盔的人拿着焊枪在焊东西。", "一个人戴着头盔并使用火炬,把东西焊接在一起。", "一个戴着面罩的人正在用喷枪进行电焊工作。", "一个戴着面罩的人在一间昏暗的房间里焊接。", "一个男人正在用一台焊接机器焊接两块金属。", "商店里有人把一件东西焊接在一起。" ]
[ "Someone uses a welder on a metal surface while hip hop music plays in the background.", "A welder zaps a metal surface while listening to an explicit song.", "A blowtorch being used to work on some iron with rap music in the back ground", "A person is welding on some metal and when the welding stops, a small fire is on the metal.", "A tool creates sparks and an orange glow on a table with music playing.", "A man creates art work using a welding tool and metal while rap music plays.", "A worker is welding a piece of metal in a shop while music plays.", "Someone is welding what appears to be a car hood while rap music plays.", "The person is welding using a soldering gun as music is heard on the background.", "A guy is working on something with fire and playing some music on the background" ]
[ "一个人在铁上使用焊机然后使它着火燃烧。", "一个人使用电焊工具,对着机器进行维修处理。", "一个人正用工具将一块铁片弄了很多个黑洞。", "一个戴着黑色手套的人拿着工具在焊切一块铁片。", "一个人在金属物体上焊了许多形状不一的洞。", "一个人拿着电焊枪在金属上进行电焊。", "当音乐响起时,一个工人正在商店里焊接一块金属。", "在说唱音乐播放时,有人正在焊接似乎是汽车引擎盖的东西。", "一个戴着黑色手套的男人用焊枪对铁板焊接着什么。", "一个人在一块铁板上不断地用电线电击着,留下一些痕迹。" ]
[ "A person welding something while an industrial machine beeps in the background.", "A man welds something together while working inside his shop.", "A welder wearing safety equipment, works intently on a pipe.", "A man is wearing a mask and welding a pipe.", "A man is using a fire tool to weld a piece of equipment inside of a room.", "A man is working and drilling some kind of a pipe", "Wearing a welding hat, a person uses a torch to weld something together.", "A man with a protective mask on is bent over using a welder on something.", "A man with a protective mask is welding a large pipe.", "A man wearing a mask and protective gloves operates a welder." ]
[ "一个男子戴着防护面罩在焊接管线。", "在厂房里,一个身穿灰色衣服的男人拿着电焊头在工作。", "一个男人带着防护面罩进行电焊工作。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在用电焊机做焊接。", "一个男人正在用工具焊接着什么,火花飞溅。", "一个男人正在拿着一个工具钻一个管子。", "一个人手里拿着一顶焊接的帽子,在工作台工作着。", "一个男子在屋子里面焊着什么东西。", "一个戴着防护面罩的人正在焊接一根大管子。", "一名戴着口罩和保护手套的男子正在做着电焊工作。" ]