[ "A woman is lying back as someone else shapes her eyebrows.", "A woman laying down on a chair gets her eyelashes done.", "A woman is laid back in a chair while someone is working on their eyebrows.", "A girl is in a chair having her eyebrows tweezed.", "A young girl is having a cosmetician do a service for her, she smiles as she is receiving service.", "A woman looks satisfied as she is having lotion applied to her face.", "A woman smiles and leans back as a technician plucks her eyebrows.", "A woman lays back and closes her eyes while someone shaves her eyebrows.", "A girl lays on a table as another person plucks and shapes her eye brows.", "A young woman in a salon chair is having her eyebrows plucked." ]
[ "一个女人躺着上面有一个人拿着笔在她的眉毛上画着。", "一个人在往一个躺着的漂亮的女人的脸上画眉毛。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的女人正躺着纹眉毛。", "一个人在用眉笔给另一个穿着蓝色卫衣女人画眉毛。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正躺在沙发上做美容。", "一个人正在给一个女人的脸上涂抹润肤露。", "一个女人微笑着躺在哪里另一个人在给她做眉毛。", "一个女人躺下, 闭上了眼睛, 而有人刮掉了她的眉毛。", "当另一个人采摘并塑造她的眉毛时,一个女孩躺在桌子上。", "一个坐在沙发椅子上的女子正在修理眉毛。" ]
[ "a man gets some liquid put on his eyebrow and then gets a white bandage put there", "A woman puts wax on a man's eyebrow and attaches a cloth strip.", "A man getting his hair cut on a sink hes laughing with another person", "a man is having his eyebrows waxed at a salon.", "A young men is shown with his head on a hair salon sink and is receiving an eye brow waxing while someone else is recording him and we can hear him laugh.", "A woman puts wax on the eyebrows of a man reclining in a chair over a sink", "A man getting an eyebrow wax by a woman.", "A man is lying down about to get his eye brow waxed.", "A man is receiving a wax job on his eyebrows.", "A woman uses a spatula to paint wax onto a mans eyebrow before pressing a strip of paper onto the wax" ]
[ "一个男子躺着一双手在他眼角涂了药膏然后贴上白条不停的揉搓着。", "一个人在为另一个人剔除眉毛上的杂毛,并为他涂上液体。", "一男子静静的躺着,有人拿了一张纸贴在他的眉毛下面。", "一个男子平躺着,而他旁边有个人正在他的头部贴东西。", "一个人将手中的白纸条贴在闭着眼睛的男子脸上并不断摩擦。", "一个男人躺在椅子上,另一个女人把脱毛帖贴在他的脸上。", "一个人正拿着一个物体在另一个人的脸上做着什么。", "一个男人躺在旁边一个人在给他的眉毛上蜡。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的男人正在修眉毛。", "女人用铲子把蜡涂在男人的眉毛上, 然后把一张纸压在蜡上。" ]
[ "A woman giggiling and seems to be in a bit of pain trying to wax her eyebrows.", "A woman smiles and laughs into the camera while pulling something off her face.", "A girl smiles and laughs while taking tape off of her face.", "A lady is laughing in front of a camera while pinching her nose.", "A young woman is talking, smiling and laughing while touching her face.", "A close up of a woman's face who is laughing as she is pulling off a hair removal strip near her eyebrows.", "A woman has some type of plastic attached to her face and is laughing while trying to pull it off.", "A blurry video of a young woman laughing and pulling something stuck on her face off.", "A woman is laughing while pulling wax off of her face.", "a girl is looking into a camera ripping waxing paper from her eyebrows." ]
[ "一个长头发的女人在笑着摸眼眉上的东西。", "一个女人用手撕拉着贴在额头的胶布,并发出笑声。", "一个女孩用手去弄脸上白色的物体,但是没有弄下来。", "一个女人正在撕自己额头上贴着的东西。", "一个女人用手摸着脸上贴着的东西大笑着。", "一个年轻的女子正满脸笑容的拔掉眉毛附近的脱毛条。", "一个女人在脸上贴着某种塑料,并在试图将其摘下来的时候笑了起来。", "一段模糊的录音录音中一名年轻女子笑着把什么东西粘在她的脸上。", "一个女人一边哈哈大笑,一边把她脸上的蜡弄掉。", "一个女孩在看着从她的眉毛上扯下蜡纸的一个镜头。" ]
[ "Someone wearing gloves is putting wax on a man's eyebrows and then ripping it off.", "Waxing is done on the lady eye lash to remove the small hair and remove with force", "A person gets his or her eyebrow waxed while lying down.", "A person is holding a men's head while using a wax applicator stick with wax at the end on top of the man's eyebrow area.", "A person is applying wax to another person's eyebrow area, places paper on it, and removes it.", "A man gets a hot wax hair removal on his eyebrows.", "A person lays with their eyes closed as another person applies sticky strip to an eye lid to remove hair.", "A person with eyes closed is having the area underneath the eyebrow painted and shaved of air.", "a woman lies on a table as someone plucks hairs off her eyebrows, lays down a strip of tape, then pulls it away.", "A black woman lies down with her eyes closed while another person wearing gloves waxes her eyebrows" ]
[ "一个戴着蓝色手套的人在给一个躺着的人修眉毛。", "一名男子戴着手套,为另一名男子用胶水和纸粘眼皮上的毛。", "一个人在男人的眼皮上涂了东西,然后贴上白色胶带又撕下来。", "一个房间里,一个人正在替别人用纸和胶水沾掉眉毛。", "有一个人在帮另外一个人的眉毛旁边涂着什么东西。", "一个人正在用一根热蜡为一名男子脱毛。", "有一个人在另一个闭着眼睛的人的眼睑上涂上粘糊糊的东西来脱毛。", "一个闭着眼睛的人在眉毛下面涂了一层蜡并撕下来。", "用胶带给一个躺在桌子上的女人拔眉毛。", "一个黑人女人闭着眼睛躺着, 而另一个戴手套的人给她的眉毛打蜡。" ]
[ "A teenage boy has his eyebrows waxed while a girl laughs.", "A young man laying on a table is having his eyebrows waxed by a woman", "A young boy is laying down as someone applies wax strips and pulls them off his eyebrows.", "a lady was removing the eyebrow hair by pasting the waxing sticker and removing that", "The boy is laying on the table, as the laughing girl peels an adhesive strip from his forehead.", "A young man lies down and gets his eyebrows waxed by a woman.", "A girl laughs at a boy while another girl places tape across the top of his eyebrows and yanks off the tape and extraneous hair.", "A young man lies on his back as a laughing female places and then removes something from his face, before he says he will never do this again.", "Laughter is heard, while a max is being waxed of certain facial hair.", "An Asian man is laying down getting his eyebrows waxed by a girl." ]
[ "一个人在用胶带给一个躺在床上的男人拔脸上的毛。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女儿正在给一个穿黑色衣服并且躺着的男人做脸部美容。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男子,躺在床上被另一个人擦脸。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人躺在床上洗头发。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人正躺在床上。", "一个男人躺在床上,之后一个女人将男子眉毛上的胶带扯了下来。", "一个女孩嘲笑一个男孩,而另一个女孩把胶带放在他的眉毛顶部,并从胶带和多余的头发上扯下来。", "一个男人躺在床上,然后另一个人从他脸上拿下了一个东西。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人躺着在享受面部护理。", "一个女孩正在给一名躺下的亚洲男子修眉毛。" ]
[ "A woman gets her eyebrows waxed by another woman, and grimaces.", "A lady was doing the eyebrows hair clearing to another person", "A woman is applying wax to the eyes of another woman in order to trim the eyebrows.", "A young woman gets her eye brows waxed by another woman at a spy .", "A woman applies waxing strips to the eyebrows area of a client, then removes them.", "A woman is getting her eyebrows waxed by a professional.", "A woman had her head on the person using a tape to remove the hair on her eyebrow", "A woman gets her eyelid wax by an older woman.", "A woman is laying back in a chair and getting her eyebrows waxed.", "A beautician is waxing a customer's eyelid and shaping her eyebrows" ]
[ "一个身穿白色上衣的人在给一个身穿黑色衣服的女人弄眉毛。", "美容师带着手套用胶纸把客人上眼皮上的汗毛粘下来。", "一个人正在给一个躺着的人修眉毛。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人再给一个躺着的人修眉毛。", "一个女人仰面躺着,站着的女人用胶布粘了一下她的眼皮并拿来一根棉签。", "一个专业人士拿着工具清理一个女人的眉毛。", "一个女人用胶带把她眉毛上多余的眉毛弄掉。", "一个人帮另外一个人清楚眼部的多余毛。", "一个女人躺在椅子上在修眉馆修眉毛。", "一个人在给一位躺着的女性进行面部的修整。" ]
[ "A man is having his eyebrows microbladed by a woman.", "In a salon a woman is plucking and shaping the eyebrows of a young woman", "A boy is grimacing while getting his eyebrows plucked with tweezers.", "A young man is getting his eyebrows groomed by a salon worker while a young woman watches.", "A woman in a salon is plucking a teenage boy's eyebrows.", "Video of a guy lying down and getting his eyebrows groomed", "A young man lying down has eyebrow hairs tweezed from his face.", "A young boy is having something done to his forehead with a medical instrument, while he is lying on his back and talking.", "The young man is getting his eye brows tweezed for the first time.", "A young man has his eyebrows plucked by a salon technician" ]
[ "一个女子在给一个年轻的男子修眉毛。", "一个女子正在给一个躺在床上的男子画眉毛。", "一名穿着白色上衣的女士在给一位男士美容。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个人正在给另外一个人洗眼睛。", "一个男人躺在床上,一个人在挠他的肚子。", "一个男人躺在那,另一个人在帮他修剪眉毛。", "一个人正在帮躺在床上的年轻人修着眉毛。", "一个女人正在使用医疗设备给一个男孩治病。", "一个女人给一个躺在床上的男人修眉毛。", "一位女技术员正在修改躺在床上的男士的眉毛。" ]
[ "A woman paints glue on the side of a bald man's face near his right eye.", "A woman begins to apply some gel or liquid to a specific spot on a man's face.", "A bald head man was speaking to a lady by holding the hands the lady was applying the wax on his face", "A woman applies wax on a man's eye brows while he protests and tries to push her away.", "A man that is sitting down prepares to get his eyebrows waxed by a woman.", "a woman putting hot wax onto the face of a man", "A woman uses an object to rub a substance on a man's face.", "A male is about to get his eyebrow waxed with hot wax.", "A man is sitting down in a chair while a woman starts to put wax on one of his eyebrows.", "A woman applies wax to a mans face as they talk to each other." ]
[ "一个男子坐在床上,一个女子过来将黄色的液体涂在他的太阳穴。", "一个女人拿着木条蘸着液体在一个男人的脸上涂抹。", "一个身穿白色上衣的男子在房间里纹身。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人在帮另一个人上药。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在做着按摩。", "一个女人把油抹在了一个男人的脸上。", "一个女人用一个物体把一种物质擦在了男人的脸上。", "一个人正在给一个穿白衣服男子的头上用物体画着什么。", "一个男人正坐在椅子上,一个女人开始在他的一条眉毛上涂蜡。", "一个女人正在用手上的东西涂抹坐在她面前的男人眉毛上。" ]
[ "Can esthetician pulls black tape off of a woman's face above and below her eyebrow, before using a brush to brush the eyebrows.", "A woman is having her eyebrows waxed and brushed neatly.", "A close up of a woman's face while she is getting work done on her eyebrows.", "A woman is lying down while another woman grooms her eyebrows.", "A woman getting her eyebrows waxed as music play in the background.", "A woman strips the eyebrow hairs off of another woman.", "A girl is laying down while someone else waxes her eyebrows.", "A person picked the tape above the eyes and used a brush to brush the eyebrows", "A fast motion video of a woman getting her eyebrows waxed and finished.", "A woman has her eyebrows shaped and waxed by someone else." ]
[ "一个人正在给一个美丽的女孩用染眉膏染眉毛。", "一个女人闭着眼躺着,旁边的人在给她修理眉毛。", "一位女子在美容会所,精致的修眉毛。", "一个人在给另外一个躺着的人化妆。", "一个人正躺着闭着双眼接受他的眉部美容。", "一个女人正在给另一个女人脸上除去多余的眉毛。", "一个女孩正躺在那里,而其他人则在给她修眉毛。", "一个人把带子从眼睛的下方拿了起来,然后用刷子刷眉毛。", "一个人将另一个女人眉毛打蜡和完成。", "一双手在一个女人的脸上撕下黑色物体,然后为她打理眉毛。" ]
[ "A woman applies a wax strip to a young woman's eye brows.", "A young girl sits on a chair and then has some of her eyebrow hair waxed off.", "A beautician applies a patch to the skin of a teenage girl who winces with pain as it is removed.", "A person is sitting in a chair and is getting her eyebrows waxed off.", "In a beauty salon, a girl is getting eyebrow hair removed when a technician puts tape on her left eyebrow and pulls it off and then the girl winces in pain.", "A girl is seated with her eyes closed, and someone applies a wax strip to her eyebrow and then pulls it off.", "A young girl is having one of her eyebrows waxed and winces in pain after it's done.", "A woman waxes the eyebrow of a girl who exclaims in pain as someone else laughs.", "A young girl is sitting in a chair getting her eyebrows waxed.", "A girl waits while someone waxes her eyebrow, and then winces in pain." ]
[ "一个人正在帮一个女孩帖她眉毛上的杂毛。", "一个白衣服女人闭着眼睛,另一个女人在给她画眉毛,她们不停说着话。", "一个女人把布放在一个女孩眼部揉了揉撕掉。", "一个女人拿着一块白色的东西贴在了一个女孩的眼睛上。", "屋子里,一个小女孩坐在椅子上,另一个人把一个白色的东西贴到小女孩脸上然后撕下来。", "一个女孩闭着眼睛坐着,另一个女人把胶带粘到她的眉毛上然后迅速撕了下来。", "一个年轻的女孩正在让她的眉毛打蜡, 做完之后痛苦地畏缩。", "一个女人在别人笑的时候, 皱起了眉头, 她痛苦地惊呼着。", "一个年轻女孩正坐在椅子上修眉毛。", "一个女子正在给一个坐在凳子上女子的眉毛上打蜡。" ]
[ "a lady putting a fake tattoo to a male adult", "A boy is holding the head of a man and hitting it.", "A man and a woman are together and there is some Monopoly money on the table.", "A woman uses one hand to feel the top of a man's bald head and then picks up play money.", "A male and female are sitting at a table the female puts her hand on the males forehead and he has his eyes closed then she starts talking.", "a woman holding a man's head, hits the man's nose", "A woman applies and then removes an eyebrow strip from a mans eyebrows.", "Two people are at a table that has monopoly game on it and one person checks the other's head.", "A man closes his eyes as a woman rubs his head, then picks a band aid up off of the table.", "A woman holds a man's head as he nearly falls asleep." ]
[ "一个光头男人闭着眼睛,另外一个穿着粉色衣服的人的一只手放在他的头顶,然后粉色衣服的人把手拿开在桌子上拿了一个东西。", "一个穿红色衣服的女人用手按着一个胳膊上有纹身的光头男人的头部。", "一个人闭着眼睛另一个穿着红色衣服的人把手放他头上。", "一个穿着黑色上衣,手臂上有纹身的男子闭着眼睛坐在椅子上。", "在一间明亮的房间里,两个人正在做游戏。", "一个女人抱着一个男人的头,然后碰到了男人的鼻子。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人在房间里把手放在男人的头上。", "两个人在桌子旁玩垄断游戏,一个女人摸着另一个男人的头。", "一个男人闭上眼睛,一个女人揉着他的头。", "一个女人抱着一个男人的头,因为他几乎要睡着了。" ]
[ "A pair of hands apply red wax underneath and between a woman's eyebrows.", "A female person speaking while lying a creme into the face of a female person", "A woman is applying a wax to the other woman's eye area.", "The woman is waxing the other woman's eyelids while explaining the process.", "A woman is talking while she is applying wax to another woman's eyebrows.", "A beautician is applying a hot orange wax under a clients eyebrows.", "A woman has applied wax to a woman's eye brow in preparation to remove the hair.", "A woman is applying wax to the eyebrows of a client.", "A woman in a reclined position has her eyes closed as someone applies wax to remove facial hair near her eyes.", "A woman is showing how to wax eyebrows using hot wax." ]
[ "一只手按着另一个人的头另一只在画着颜色。", "一个人给躺在床上的女人的眉毛上涂上橙色颜料。", "一个人用一根小木块将红色的液体涂到女人的眼皮上。", "一个人在给一个躺着的女人脸上涂抹橙色的面膜。", "一个人将橘色的液体涂抹在一个女人的脸上。", "一名美容师正在给她的客户的眉毛下涂上一层蜡。", "一个女子在一个躺着的女子眉毛下面和眉毛中间涂上蜡。", "一个女人正在给客户的眉毛涂上蜡。", "一个躺着的女人会闭上眼睛,因为有人用蜡除去她眼睛附近的眉毛。", "一双手拿着工具,正在给一位女士的脸上涂抹东西。" ]
[ "A young woman has her eyebrows waxed and flinches in pain.", "A woman at a salon is waxing another woman's eyebrows while that woman reclines on a pillow.", "A young girl has a bandaged ripped off of her by a woman.", "A pink-nailed woman rips a face strip off another woman's face, then grabs a file.", "Someone applies wax and a strip over a girl's eye and then pulls it off quickly.", "A person applies wax to the eyebrows of another person who flinches when the wax is removed.", "A girl laying on a table getting her eyebrows waxed.", "A person uses wax and a strip to remove hair from a woman's eyebrows.", "A person smooths a piece of cloth onto a woman's eyebrow and then pulls it off.", "A girl winces while she is having her eyebrows waxed." ]
[ "技师在帮一个穿黄色上衣的女孩除掉脸上的毛。", "一个人给一个小女孩的脸上贴上带胶的纸,并迅速撕下来。", "一个人用力撕下另一个人额头上的东西。", "一个女人手上拿这一个工具,对着一个躺在床上的女子做服务。", "一个人躺在那里另外一个人正在按摩他的眼睛。", "一个人正在用蜡涂在另一个人的眉毛上,蜡烛移除时他会退宿。", "一个人正在给一个躺在床上的女人修理眉毛。", "一个人从一个女孩的眉毛上撕下了白色的东西。", "一个人将一块胶布粘在女人的眉毛上。", "一只手撕掉一个女孩眉毛上的胶贴,然后这个女孩睁开了双眼。" ]
[ "Woman at a salon doing an eyebrow wax on a client.", "A man getting his eyebrows waxed and gets ready to have it peeled off.", "A man is laying down and is getting his eyebrow waxed.", "A young man is lying down and someone is waxing his eyebrows for him.", "A piece of fabric is places on a man's face near his eyebrow by two hands that press it onto his skin.", "A man waxing another man's eyebrows in a spa.", "A young man has wax placed on his eyebrows in preparation for waxing", "A person places a strip across a man's face while waxing his eyebrows", "A man is getting his eyebrows waxed by a man with golden watch.", "A man is getting his eyebrows waxed by another person." ]
[ "一个男人闭着眼睛,另一个人用双手在他眉毛上贴东西。", "一个人给一个躺着的男人的左眼睛上贴着东西。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人给另一个人做眼贴。", "一个人拿着一张纸给躺在床上的男人眉毛上贴着。", "一个人在一个躺着的人的左眼上贴上一块布,然后撕掉。", "一个人在给另一个躺着的男人的眉毛上打蜡。", "一名年轻人躺在床上另一个人在他眉毛上放了蜡,准备打蜡。", "一个人在给一个躺着的男人的眉毛上贴胶带。", "一个戴着金表的男人正在给另外一个男人修眉毛。", "一个人正在给一个躺在床上的男子的眉毛上打蜡。" ]
[ "A person is lying with her head on a sink, as another person applies wax to her eyebrow.", "A woman is getting her eyebrows worked on with her eyes closed.", "Two women are talking while one grooms the others eyebrow.", "A woman was smiling while another lady applied wax on her eyebrow", "A woman is laying in a salon chair with her eyes closed, while her eyebrows are being covered in a white substance.", "A girl is getting her eyebrows waxed by another women.", "A woman uses a cotton swab to apply a substance on the eyebrows of another woman.", "A woman lays back with her eyes closed and lets another woman put stuff on her eyebrows.", "The lady is relaxing on the chair as her eyebrows are ready to be plucked.", "A woman is laying into a sink and getting her eyebrows waxed while having a conversation with another woman." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在往躺着的女人的眉毛上涂抹东西。", "一只手在给一位黑人女士修眉毛,那位黑人女士在说话。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在给一个女人修眉。", "一个身穿黑色上衣的男人给一个躺着的女人描眉。", "一个女人躺在椅子上闭着眼睛,另一个人手拿一根木棒在给她左眉毛上药。", "一个人正在给另一个女孩用眉笔在画眉毛。", "一个女人正在给另外一个女子的眉毛上涂着东西。", "一个女人闭着眼睛躺着,另一个女人把东西放在她的眉毛上。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在给另一个女人拔眉毛。", "一个人手上拿着工具正在给一个女子做眉毛。" ]
[ "A woman is in pain as her eyebrows are tweezed and waxed.", "A woman getting her eyebrows done at a salon is making a crying face.", "A woman is upset as she gets her eyebrow done at a salon and another woman laughs.", "A woman is lying with her head in the sink at a salon and is talking to her friend while another woman is working on her eyebrows", "A woman wimpers while getting her eyebrows waxed at a salon.", "A woman is having her eyes cleaned out laying on a sink.", "At a hair salon a woman is leaning back over a sink and pretending to be upset.", "A female is crying because she is getting her eyebrows threaded.", "A woman is sitting against a salon sink and they are getting their eyebrows waxed by someone else.", "An upset woman gets her eyebrow rubbed while sitting in a salon chair." ]
[ "一个人在为一位女士洗头时修剪她的眉毛,并用手在她眉毛上面弄。", "一个女人躺在洗头椅上,另一个人手里拿着纸擦女人的眼部。", "一个身穿黑色外套的女子,正在做面部护理。", "一个人拿着棉球给另一个女人擦拭着眉毛。", "一个女人在哭泣地说话,另一个人在帮她摖眼睛。", "一个女人正在给躺在水槽上的女人清洗眼睛。", "在一家美发沙龙里,一个女人向后靠在一个水槽上一个人正在给她清理眉毛。", "一名女子正在哭泣因为他在做着修眉前的步骤。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在洗头池边修眉毛。", "一个女人坐在沙发上的椅子,被人正在给她修眉。" ]
[ "A girl and bright pink clothes lays on at estheticians table with her glasses on her stomach while the lady uses fabric to wax her eyebrows.", "A woman is waxing another girl's eyebrows in a beauty salon.", "A girl laying on a table has her eyebrows waxed by a woman", "A woman is getting her eyebrows waxed, she is asked if it hurt and she answers yes.", "In parlour a women is pucking eyebrow to another women", "A woman is laying in a chair as another woman waxes her eyebrows", "A woman is laying down in a salon chair where another woman works on her eyebrows.", "A woman lies back in a chair as another woman waxes her eyebrow.", "A girl sits in a chair while another woman waxes her eyebrows.", "A woman waxes a young girls eyebrows and the person recording laughs." ]
[ "一名女子正在为另一名女子进行按摩。", "一个黑皮肤穿着红色外衣的女人躺在床上护理眼睛。", "一个红色衣服的女人躺在床上被另一个人修眉毛。", "一个戴着口罩的女人在给躺着的女人做东西。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在做美容。", "一个女人躺在椅子上,另一个女人正在修她眉毛。", "一名女子躺在沙龙椅子上,另一个女子正在修理她的眉毛。", "一个女人为躺在椅子上的女人修眉毛。", "一个女孩坐在椅子上另一个女人给她修眉毛。", "一个女人给一个年轻女孩眉毛打蜡,随后有人开始笑。" ]
[ "A woman is pulling a sticky tape off a mans eyebrows.", "A woman is standing next to man who is sitting and getting his head waxed.", "A doctor is massaging a man's head, and he is trying to get her to rip a bandage off as quickly as possible.", "A man is sitting in a chair counting down to a woman who is standing with her hands on his head getting ready to peel a wax strip off of his eyebrow.", "A female nurse prepares to remove an eye bandage from a male patient.", "A WOMEN IS WAXING A MANS EYE BROWS AND IT LOOKS LIKE IT HURTS.", "a man with no shirt on sits down while a woman massages his head", "A woman is attempting to wax the eyebrows of a man.", "A shirtless man prepares to have one of his eyebrows waxed off by a woman in a bathroom.", "A woman is holding a man's head and rubbing something on it." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的女人双手扶在一个男人的头上 。", "一个女人试图固定男人的头,另一只手抚摸他的眉毛。", "一位按摩师为一个光头男人按摩头部。", "一个白色上衣的女人正在给一个男人按摩头部。", "一个穿白色衣服的女人在给另一个人按摩头部。", "一个女人正在帮一个男人擦眉毛,看起来好像很疼。", "一个没穿衬衫的男人坐着,而一个女人正在按摩他的头。", "一个女人正在试图给男人的眉毛上蜡。", "一个赤膊男子准备在浴室里让一个女人帮他修理眉毛。", "一个女人在给一个男人的头上贴创可贴。" ]
[ "A woman appears to be giving a close up tutorial on brows.", "Lady that is demonstrating how to wax your eyebrows at home.", "A woman is demonstrating how to remove hair from her eyebrows.", "A lady is demonstrating some kind of kit that looks like a patch on eyebrows.", "A woman is applying a wax paper to her face under her eyebrow and talking", "A woman gives instructions while she puts a piece of white paper over wax under eyebrow.", "A woman teaches how to outline an eyebrow and place a wax strip on for removal of stray hairs.", "A woman is showing how she can wax her own eyebrows", "A women placing a wax strip on top of her eyebrows.", "A dark haired woman is demonstrating how she does her eyebrows." ]
[ "一个女人手里拿着卸妆棉放在眉毛上,嘴上还自言自语说着话。", "一个扎着马尾的女人拿着一张贴纸贴在眉毛上。", "一个戴着戒指的女人拿着一张贴纸贴在了自己的眉毛上面。", "有一个人正在用双手拿着一个白色布条粘在眼皮上。", "一个女人将一个白色胶布贴在了眉毛上面。", "一个女人讲的话把一个白色的胶带粘在了自己的眉毛上。", "一个女人正在用胶带把眉毛遮起来。", "一位女士正在展示她如何为自己的眉毛贴眼贴。", "一个长发女人在她的眉毛上放了一条蜡条。", "一个深色头发的女人正在示范她如何修眉。" ]
[ "A woman is lying down while an infant on her chest is laughing.", "A baby laughs while sitting on a woman's stomach while another person does something to her forehead.", "A woman is laying on a table with a little baby laying on top of her while another person is waxing the woman's eyebrows.", "A woman, lying face up on a bed has a child resting on her tummy and she is talking to it while someone is putting something on her forehead.", "A baby is laughing while her mother is getting a facial done.", "A baby is laughing as someone is fixing his mother's face.", "A woman holds a baby on her belly and gets something done to her face.", "A baby is laying on women's chest and the baby is laughing and the lady is laughing at the baby.", "the lady laying down with a baby on her while having her face makeup.", "A baby lays on top of a woman and then laughs while doing so." ]
[ "一个女人在做美容,她的孩子趴在她身上,兴奋的看着美容师操作。", "一个小婴儿趴在妈妈肚子上发出咯咯的笑声,妈妈和周围的人也笑了。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的小婴儿趴在穿着白色背心的女人身上。", "一个小宝宝正趴在一个女人身上,两个人都在笑。", "在一间明亮的房间里,一个大人身上趴着一个小孩正在开心的笑。", "一个婴儿正在笑,因为有人正在护理一个女人的脸。", "一个女人把一个婴儿抱在肚子上,然后一个男子拿着一根棍子在点他的脸。", "一个婴儿躺在一个女人的身上被女人逗笑。", "这位女士在化妆的时候她还抱着孩子躺在床上。", "一个女人躺在床上,有人在她的眉毛上涂东西,一个婴儿趴在她身上。" ]
[ "A guy starts laughing as he is shown a sticky strip to remove hair.", "A man giggles as he looks at a piece of paper with his hair on it.", "Three people are laughing hysterically after doing waxing on the man's hair.", "A person is sitting down laughing with others around laughing.", "a man in a black sweatshirt laughs and a person shows a white object to the camera", "A man sitting in a chair laughing at something being put in front of him.", "A young man laughs after having gotten some hair waxed off.", "A man is laughing really hard when another man shows him an item.", "A man has just used a wax strip to remove some hair, and he is laughing about it.", "People laugh after a young man gets his eyebrow waxed." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的短头发男人正在笑。", "一个男子在大笑,旁边还有一个女子给东西男子看,旁边有人在笑。", "房间里的凳子上坐着一个穿着黑色外套的男人正在捧腹大笑。", "一个板寸头,穿着黑色连帽上衣的男子在笑。", "一个人用手摸着眼睛大笑,一只手拿着一条白色的纸一样的东西。", "一个坐在椅子上的人在笑被放在他面前的东西。", "一个年轻男子在弄掉一些头发后笑了起来。", "当一个男人给他看东西的时候,旁边的人和他都笑的很厉害。", "一个男人刚刚用蜡条去除了一些头发并大笑。", "一个年轻人的眉毛打蜡后, 人们就笑了。" ]
[ "Someone is shaping a woman's eyebrows using tape and speaking while in the process.", "A person placed a tape above the eyebrow of a woman", "A lady is getting her eyebrows waxed by another lady.", "A closeup of a person getting tape placed over their eyebrows while an explanation is given in a language other than English.", "A woman demonstrating and explaining how to wax eyebrows.", "a person pealing off tape over the other eye bride.", "A woman places tape around another woman's eyebrows.", "A person is putting clear tape above a girl's eyebrow.", "A clear piece of plastic is applied to a woman's skin, right above her eyebrow.", "A person places a thin tape around a woman's eyebrows" ]
[ "一个女人将一块胶布贴在另一个女人的眉毛上面一点。", "一个人将胶带粘贴在一个女人眉毛上方。", "一个人用一条透明的胶带粘在女人的眉毛上方部位。", "在一个明亮的室内,一双手正在修眉毛。", "一双手捏着贴在一个人的眉毛上的胶带纸的边缘。", "一个人在一个女人的眉毛上方贴了一个胶带。", "一个人把胶带贴在另一个女人的眉毛周围。", "一个人把透明胶带放在了女孩的眉毛上方。", "块透明的塑料片涂抹在女性的皮肤上,就在她的眉毛上方。", "一个人把薄薄的胶带贴在女人的眉毛上。" ]
[ "A young woman is smoothing the paper over wax to shape her eyebrow.", "a person puts a white paper over their left eye", "A woman rubbing a piece of tape over her eyebrows to wax them.", "A woman appears to wax her left eyebrow in one quick motion.", "A woman attempts to wax her eyebrow on camera and takes it completely off.", "A woman puts white tape on her eyebrows and she rips it out,", "A woman is shown using a wax strip on her eye brow and ripping it off.", "A woman applies a wax removal pad to her eyebrow and rips.", "A woman is applying a piece of paper to her face and then rip's it off.", "A young woman using wax to remove her eyebrows quickly." ]
[ "一女孩对着镜头用纸巾在脸上不断的磨磨蹭蹭,而后将纸巾拿下。", "一个女孩用一块胶布把自己左边的眉毛给粘下了。", "一个披着头发的女人在室内用胶带粘眉毛。", "一个披着头发的女人正在用胶带脱掉眉毛。", "一个女人将一个白色的纸贴在脸上并不断摸最后撕下了。", "一个女人用手来回摸着一块贴在她眉毛上的白胶布,然后猛地撕掉了它。", "一个女人把把粘胶粘在眉毛上并把它撕下。", "一个女人正在用一个东西处理她的眉毛。", "一个女人正在她的脸上贴一张纸,然后把它撕下来。", "一个年轻的女人用蜡迅速去除她的眉毛。" ]
[ "A man lays down and gets his eyebrows waxed while people tease him.", "A man lying down is having his excess facial hair scrapped off using a tape.", "A man laying down getting his eyebrows waxed he laughs in surprise at how it feels.", "A woman is removing hair from a man's eyebrow using tape.", "Young man getting his eyebrows waxed and feeling the pain of the procedure.", "A man is getting his left eyebrow waxed and he and the woman waxing it laugh.", "A person pulls a piece of tape off of a person's face, touches the person's face, and then the person touches his own face, lifts his head and speaks.", "A man is laid down flat on his back as he has the hair over his eyebrow removed via a yanked tape.", "A man laying down has his eyebrow waxed and shrieks in pain", "A man has a delayed reaction after having his eyebrows waxed." ]
[ "一个男人躺着,一个人将一条白色的胶布粘在他的眉毛上方并用力撕掉。", "一个男人躺在床上有人在他的眉毛上贴了一纸,然后使劲一扯。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的人正在躺着接受治疗。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人躺着,另一个人给他做眉毛修饰。", "在一间明亮的房间里,一个只手在给一个男人撕绷带。", "一个男人正在给他的左眉毛打蜡,他和一个女人正在笑。", "一个人从一个人的脸上拉下一条胶带并触摸那个人的脸,然后那个人触摸自己的脸,抬起头来说话。", "一个男人平躺在床上,他眉毛上的毛发被别人用一根拉过的胶带摘下并做出痛苦的表情。", "一个男人躺下了,他的眉毛被别人上了蜡,接着痛得尖叫起来。", "眉毛打蜡后,一个人揭开一个人眉毛上的东西。" ]
[ "A woman is shown getting prepared to get her eyebrows waxed.", "A woman lies on her back and talks while someone prepares her eyebrows for waxing.", "A woman is laying down, talking, while another person is removing makeup and oil from her face with a pad.", "A lady lying on a stretcher in a spa and another person begins to wipe her face with cotton.", "A lady was speaking some thing and recording while she was given make up", "A person is cleaning the face of another woman with a round cotton pad.", "A woman records getting pampered during an eyebrow waxing session.", "A woman is preparing to get her eyebrows waxed by a professional.", "A woman narrates while getting her eyebrows waxed in view from above", "A lady is filming herself being eye waxed while lying on a bed." ]
[ "房间里有一个人正在给一个躺着的女子补妆。", "一个女人躺在床上,有人用一块清洁棉擦拭她的眉毛。", "一个穿蓝色短袖的女人正躺在床上说话,另一个人用粉扑擦她的脸。", "一个房间里,一个人正在替黑发女子涂抹东西。", "有人拿着粉扑正在给另一个黑发女人擦脸。", "一个人正在给一个躺着的女人用棉花擦额头。", "一名妇女记录了给眉毛打蜡的过程。", "一位女士正准备让专业人员给她修眉毛。", "一个女人一边讲述自己的眉毛, 一边让自己的眉毛打蜡。", "一位女士正躺在床上拍摄自己的眉毛被打蜡。" ]
[ "A woman is applying wax around her eyebrows so she can rip the hair off.", "A person films herself putting wax around her eyebrows and the applies the paper.", "A woman is using a stick to apply wax around her eyebrows and then she puts a cloth over the wax.", "A woman is preparing to wax her eyebrows with a sheet of paper.", "A woman is applying wax over her eyebrow and then places a strip on the wax.", "A woman applies wax around her eyebrow and then applies a strip of paper to it.", "A woman uses a stick to apply wax to her eyebrow.", "A woman is applying wax and a waxing strip to her right eyebrow.", "A woman uses a stick to apply wax on top of her eyebrow before she applies a white fabric wax strip.", "A person is applying the wax to the eyebrows and applied the wax paper" ]
[ "一个黑色头发的女人在用一块竹片涂着自己的眉毛上面,然后用纸巾按住涂的位置。", "一个女人拿着化妆工具在给自己的脸部化妆。", "一个女子拿着眉笔在自己的脸上化妆着。", "一个女子在眉毛上涂东西然后又用白色的纸巾贴了上去。", "一个女人用刷子在自己眉毛的上方位置刷上透明水剂,用双手将白纸按在眉毛上方。", "一个女人在她的眉毛周围摸着一些蜜蜡,然后把一张纸粘在上面。", "一个女人用一根棍子把蜡涂到她的眉毛上。", "一个女人正在给她的右眉毛上边涂了一些东西。", "一个女人正在用一根棍子在她的眉毛上涂蜡。", "一个女人手上拿着一个东西涂抹到了自己的眉毛上面。" ]
[ "A woman lays on a chair as another woman uses tweezers to pluck the eyebrows.", "A young woman is getting her eyebrows tweezed in a salon.", "A person is using a tool to fix the shape of a woman's eyebrows.", "A woman sitting on a chair while another person plucks her eyebrows.", "A woman is laid back in a chair while another woman works on her eyebrows.", "A woman is sitting on a chair and is getting her eyebrows done.", "A woman is applying mascara on a young girl sitting in a chair.while Asians can be heard talking loudly and annoying the crap out of me is written.", "Woman leans head against chair as beautician has hands over her face to pluck with tweezers.", "One teen girl or young woman seated and have her eyebrows plucked or made up by another person.", "A girl is getting her eyebrows made up while women talk in the background." ]
[ "一个人拿着一根棍子在对着躺在沙发的女子脸部滑动。", "一个人在拿着眉笔给一个躺着的女人画眉毛。", "一个人正在给一个头戴紫色的发箍的女孩画眉。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个人正在给女孩修眉。", "一个人手里拿着工具在一个躺着的女人脸上摆动。", "一个女人正坐在椅子上,正在让另一个人完成她眉毛的修整。", "一个人正在使用工具给另一个人画眉毛。", "女人倾斜头靠在椅子上,美容师用手捂着脸用镊子拔。", "一个人给一个躺着的小女孩整理她的眉毛。", "一个女孩躺靠在椅子上,一双手正在给她画眉。" ]
[ "A boy is leaning back in a chair and having his eyebrows waxed by a woman.", "A person is getting something put on their eyebrows by someone else.", "A woman spreading wax on a boy's eyebrow with a pallet stick", "A boy is sitting in a chair getting his eyebrows waxed", "A person is sitting in a chair, and the other person is going to wax the eyebrow.", "A young person is seen having their eyebrows manicured by another person.", "A woman performing a beauty treatment for a customer while onlookers make comments.", "A young boy at a salon where he gets a material applied to his eyelashes by a woman", "A young man getting ready to have his eyebrows waxed.", "A young woman is having her eyebrows done sadly." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个人,拿着眉笔,在给一个说话的人画眉毛。", "一个男孩躺在板凳上,另一个人拿了一支笔在男孩眉毛那里画了一笔。", "一个人正在帮一个男孩画眉毛,男孩一直看着自己的眉毛。", "一个女人拿着一种白色的东西涂在了一个男人的眉毛上。", "一个人拿一个白色的小棒在坐着的一个人眉毛上方抹。", "一个人正在为一个年轻人修剪眉毛。", "一名妇女为顾客进行美容治疗,而旁观者发表评论。", "一家沙龙里 ,一个女人正在给一个男孩修眉。", "一个年轻人正在给另一个年轻人修眉毛。", "一个穿着黑衣服的人把东西涂在了躺着的男孩眉毛上。" ]
[ "A man is laying on a table while a woman gives him an eye treatment.", "A woman is applying a solution to a mans forehead and eyebrow area.", "A very hairy man is getting a very special facial.", "A man undergoes some kind of eyebrow beauty treatment while lying down.", "a man is given a beaty treatment around the eyebrows of his face", "A man is laying down as someone is doing his eyebrows.", "A person is holding a gel tube in her hand and she applies it to a man's eyebrow.", "A man laying down getting his eyebrows shaved by a woman.", "Clear liquid coming out of a pen is being placed under a man's eyebrow.", "A person applies some type of substance onto another man's eyebrows." ]
[ "一个人拿着一支化妆笔在给一个男人画眉毛。", "一个女人正在帮一个男人处理他的眉毛。", "一个人正在给一个满脸胡子的男人涂一种白色的液体。", "一个留着络腮胡,留着短发的男人躺在床上纹眉。", "一个长着胡子的男子正闭着眼睛躺着。", "一个人正在给一个躺着的男人修理眉毛。", "一个男人正躺在那里,另一个人拿着一个黄色的东西涂在他的眉毛两侧。", "一个女人再给一个躺下来男人剃眉毛。", "从钢笔里流出的透明液体正被放在一个人的眉毛下。", "一个女人把某种物质涂在另一个男人的眉毛上。" ]
[ "A stylist in a salon is working on a seated female.", "A woman explains how she is adding makeup to another woman's eyebrows.", "A woman arches someone's eyebrows, while she conversates with other women and someone laughs.", "Women laugh and joke as one does another's eye makeup.", "A woman is working on the eyebrows of another woman while they talk and laugh.", "a group of people together as a woman wipes off her face to paint makeup on another woman", "A beautician works on a woman's eyebrow while a third woman makes a joke.", "Two women are talking while one of them styles a third woman's eyebrow.", "A woman stles another woman's eyebrows while the female camera person laughs and talks.", "Woman in a beauty salon doing another woman's makeup who is sitting in a chair." ]
[ "一个女人正在为另一个女人画眉毛。", "一个女人拿着眉笔给另外一个女人画眉。", "一个女人在房间内给另一个女人化妆。", "一个穿着裙子的胖女人正在帮另一个女子纹眉。", "一个女人给另外一个女人画眉,同时还用手在自己眉毛上比划了下。", "一个女人擦了一下脸,然后给另一个女人画眉毛。", "美容师在女人的眉毛上化妆,而第三个女人则在开玩笑。", "两个女人在交谈的同时还在给另一个女人画眉。", "一位女士盯着另一个女人的眉毛,而女性相机的人笑着说话。", "在室内,一个女子手上拿着东西正在给一个女子化妆。" ]
[ "A person rips a wax strip from their face and then looks to see if the hair is gone.", "A woman is standing in a mirror and she waxed between her eyebrows", "A woman tries to wax her eyebrows on camera but no hair comes off.", "A woman has a piece of tape in between her eyebrows and pulls it off.", "a woman standing up in a room messing with their face by themselves", "A woman pulls off a strip of wax from her eyebrows.", "A lady is plugging her eye brows by using wax paper", "A woman is peeling off a wax strip of her eyebrow.", "a person in a bathroom doing stuff to their face with pain on their face", "A woman stands in the bathroom removing a strip of sticky tape from her eyebrow area." ]
[ "一个女子正在对着镜子带着自己的眼贴。", "一个女人将额头上的一块胶布扯了下来非常的痛。", "一个女人从脸上拿下一块白色的东西。", "一个人正在把额头上的白色东西撕下来。", "一个女人把脸上贴着的类似胶带的东西撕了下来。", "一个女人用手把眉毛上的胶带撕了下来。", "一位女士把她眉毛上的蜡纸撕了下来。", "一个女人正在剥去眉毛上的蜡条。", "一个人在浴室里脸上痛苦地对着自己的脸做着东西。", "一个女人正在用手去撕掉鼻子上的胶带。" ]
[ "A person removing a strip of wax from the middle of a man's eyebrows.", "A person rips a piece of tape off of another person's face.", "A man has a wax strip placed on his eyebrow, and another man rips it off and he yells in pain.", "Man getting his eyebrows waxed and screaming as the wax is ripped off.", "A man sits in a chair and a woman rips a wax strip off of his forehead, people laugh.", "a person gets their head worked on by a person in a room", "A woman snatches a wax strip off of a man's face between his eyebrows, and theman hollers then people in the room laugh.", "A man is sitting in a chair while another man pulls out his eye lashes.", "A guy sits in a chair as another guy pulls off a sticky strip from his eyebrow area.", "A woman pulls off a piece of paper from a man's forehead, then the man places his hand on his forehead." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色衣服手里拿着针的人给另一个人扎鼻子。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人帮一个男人拔毛。", "一个人揭开了贴在另一个男人脸上的东西。", "一个人身穿着深色的衣服在给另一个人弄眼睛。", "一个男人抬头坐着,旁边站着一个人从男人的脸上揭下一个东西。", "一个人正在撕扯另一个男人脸上的脱毛贴。", "一个女人在男人的眉毛之间从他的脸上抓起一块蜡条,然后是那个人在房间里大笑,后来房间里的人都笑了。", "一名穿着蓝色衬衫的人帮坐在椅子上的男子拿出他的眼睛睫毛。", "一个人坐在椅子上另一个人从他的眉毛区域拉出一条粘性条带。", "一个女人从男人的额头上扯下一张纸,然后那个男人将手放在额头上。" ]
[ "A woman applies wax to another persons eyebrow and then places a cloth over it.", "A young man lays still as another person removes unwanted hair from his brow.", "Someone uses a small wooden paddle to apply something to the eyelid of a young man.", "A person is at a salon having their eyebrows waxed.", "A man is having his eyebrows waxed with his eyes closed.", "a boy is getting hair removed from the top part of his eyelid.", "In a room a woman is getting her eyebrows waxed.", "A woman applies a paste to a student's right eyelid and covers it with a bandage.", "A person who is lying down, getting his eyebrows waxed.", "An Asian person having their right eyebrow waxed while lying down." ]
[ "一个穿着西装的男人在睡觉的时候被人整蛊了。", "一个人在给一个躺着的男生弄眼睛。", "一个人正拿着工具清理另一个人的眼部。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人躺在床上正在脱毛。", "一个人正往一个穿着西服的男子额头上贴东西。", "一个人把一个胶带放到一个睡着的男人的眉毛上。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在给另一个人做修眉。", "一位女士在学生的右眼皮上敷上一块膏药,并用绷带将其覆盖。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男子在沙发上躺着。", "一个男人躺在床上,有人在给他的眉毛打蜡。" ]
[ "A woman is waxing another woman's eyebrow, then applying tape and pulling it off.", "A girl is sitting in a chair while someone else is applying wax and waxing her eybrows.", "A woman is getting hair removed from between her eyelash and eyebrow the use of tape applied by a technician.", "A woman is in a shop and getting her eyebrows waxed.", "A woman lies on a table giggling nervously while another woman waxes her eyebrow.", "A woman waxing another woman's eyebrows as she holds her face and yells.", "A woman gets her eyebrow waxed by a professional while sitting down.", "A woman sits down while her friend grooms her eyebrows.", "A nervous girl prepares herself to have her eyebrows waxed.", "A woman is laughing while another woman puts wax on her eyebrow. The woman then applies a piece of to her eyebrow before ripping it off." ]
[ "一个化妆师在给一个女人修理眉毛。", "一个女人躺在床上,另一个人在给她用胶拔眉毛。", "一个人在给躺在床上的一个女子进行修理多余的眉毛。", "一个女人躺在床上,修眉师为她修理眉毛。", "有人在给一个躺着的女子的眉毛下涂抹着东西,接着用胶布粘了一下。", "一个人在给一个女人的眉毛上涂抹着东西,然后粘上胶带撕了下来。", "一个女人正躺在床上让别人给她的眉毛上打蜡。", "一个人在给一个躺着的女人修饰眉毛。", "一个人在一个紧张的女孩的眉毛上打蜡。", "一个人往一个女子的眉毛上涂了一些东西,然后在上面放了一个蜡纸,并且将它撕了下来。" ]
[ "A young man is lying on a couch waiting to have his leg waxed.", "A woman presses down a piece of waxing paper on a man's leg as he lies on a couch.", "Someone applies wax and a strip to a boys leg and gets ready to rip it off.", "A man is laying down, about to have his leg hair removed with a wax strip.", "A person rubs a piece of waxing tape on a young mans leg.", "A woman puts wax paper on a mans legs and he is laying down.", "A man is about to get his leg waxed by another person while laying down.", "A female checking a bandage on a younger boy's arm.", "A woman is about to rip off hair removal tape from a young man's right shin while he watches", "A boy laying on a sofa has a wax strip on his leg and someone is getting ready to pull it." ]
[ "一个外国男人躺着,另一人在给他的腿上敷着一个白色的块状物体。", "一个男子在躺着,腿被敷上一片膏药。", "一个人把一个白色的东西从另一个人的小腿上撕了下来。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个男人在给躺在沙发的男人贴白色的布。", "一个女人一边和躺着的男人交谈,一边拍打贴在男人腿上的药膏。", "一个女人把蜡纸贴在了一个男人的腿上,他正在躺着与女人交谈。", "一个男人躺着的时候,一个人在他的腿上涂着东西。", "一个女人在一个年轻男孩的手臂上检查绷带。", "一个女人正准备从一个年轻男人的右胫骨上剪下脱发胶带。", "躺在沙发上的男孩腿上有一条蜡条, 有人正准备拉。" ]
[ "A person is seen having their leg hair waxed while others watch.", "A person opens a box while another person sits in a chair.", "A man in a chair with his legs shown, getting his legs waxed.", "A person is sitting on a mat and is unwrapping an item.", "Hands are seen opening a pink package between someone's legs.", "A family together as they apply waxing strips to their dads legs", "Somebody grabs a box of cards from somebody else's laps, then puts it back and simply takes away a card.", "A person is shown getting their legs waxed by an older woman.", "A man has hair removed from his legs with sticky strips being applied in a store.", "a demonstration of a very hairy man getting his leg hair removed" ]
[ "在房间里面,一个人正在拉着纸巾,旁边一个女的却放进去。", "一个女人正在用一个粉色的零食诱惑一个男人。", "一个人光着小腿坐着,另一个人拿着粉红色的东西。", "一个人将自己的两条腿放在了一个垫子上。", "一个穿着黑色袜子的人坐在椅子上与别的人交流。", "一个人在一个男人的腿之间操作着一些东西。", "有人从别人的圈子里抓起一盒卡片,然后把它放回去,然后拿走了一张卡片。", "一个年长的人正要给另一个拔毛做准备。", "一个男人的正在用一种胶带去除他的退毛。", "一个非常毛茸茸的男人脱下他的腿毛的示范。" ]
[ "A boy is having wax applied to his feet as people around him look at what's happening.", "Someone is waxing another person's leg while they sit on the ground.", "A person applies a white waxing pad to another person's leg.", "One person applies a strip of wax to another's leg, preparing to wax the hair off.", "A boy is having his leg waxed by a girl while sitting on the ground.", "A young man stretches out his leg as someone prepares to wax it and women in the background reassure him that it doesn't hurt.", "A young man has hair removed from his right ankle.", "A person is waxing another person's leg and a group of people are laughing and talking.", "A man is having his legs prepped for hair removal by another person.", "A man is sitting on the floor and having his leg hair being waxed off." ]
[ "一个人坐在地上,另一个人拿着白色的纸粘到了他的腿上。", "一个女人将白纸贴在了坐在地上的人的小腿上。", "一个人露着小腿,另个人把白胶布粘到腿上,旁边有人在观看。", "一个男人坐在地上露出小腿,另一个人用一块白布帮他脱毛。", "一个男的坐在地上,伸出一条腿,另一个人放了一张长方形白纸在他小腿上,并用手按压。", "有人准备给一个年轻人的腿打蜡,背景中的女人向他保证不会受伤。", "一个年轻人的右脚踝上的腿毛被拔掉了了。", "一个人在给另一个人的腿打蜡,一群人在笑着说话。", "一名男子正在为另一个人的脚上脱毛做准备。", "一名腿毛被打蜡的男子坐在地板上。" ]
[ "Man screams as a woman rips off paper strips off of the man's leg.", "A man is getting his legs waxed and is in pain each time they remove the tape.", "A man is lying on his back on a table while a woman is waxing his leg.", "a man laying on the bed as a person pull the hair off his leg with tape.", "A man sits down on a waxing table and winses in pain as his right leg is repeatedly waxed.", "A woman is waxing a man's leg over and over and he looks like he is in pain.", "A man is laying down while a woman is quickly waxing hair off his legs", "An older man is seen having his legs waxed by another individual.", "A woman rapidly removes the hair from a man's leg with a wax strip.", "A man grimaces and winces while a woman waxes his legs." ]
[ "一个女人在帮一个穿蓝色衣服的男人粘腿毛。", "一个女人往男人的脚上贴一块东西然后撕掉,重复着。", "在一个房子里。一个穿黑色衣服的女人正在为一个男人粘腿毛。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人正在用胶带粘一个人的腿毛。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的人正在给人粘腿毛。", "一个女人正在不停地给一个男人的腿上蜡并脱毛,看上去他好像很痛苦。", "一个男人躺在床上,一个女人正在给他用工具脱腿毛。", "一位女士在为一个年长的男人的腿部使用脱毛膏。", "一个女人用蜡条迅速把男人腿上的毛发拔掉。", "当一个女人给他的腿打蜡时,一个男人正做鬼脸。" ]
[ "A woman is applying tape to a boys shin in preparation for removing the hair.", "A woman is getting ready to pull a piece of tape from the shin of a young man and she is going to count to three before she does it.", "A man gets his legs waxed from a woman while at home and sitting in his chair.", "A woman applies linen tape to wax on a mans leg in preparation to remove the hair.", "A woman applies a wax strip to a man's lower leg", "A woman showing how to use wax to wax a man's leg.", "A man sits on a chair with his trouser leg pulled up, while a woman smooths a waxing strip onto his shin", "A guy is sitting in a chair and getting his leg waxed by a lady.", "A woman applies a wax strip to a man's leg and prepares to pull it off.", "A woman is putting a waxing strip on a guy's leg and explaining what she's going to do." ]
[ "一个人在另一个人的腿上贴了一个透明的贴。", "一个女子抱着一个男子的腿,在贴除毛用的贴纸。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在给一个男人贴胶纸。", "一个人用手在另一个人腿上粘着东西的地方按摩。", "一位妇女在给一位腿部受伤的男人贴膏药。", "一个女人展示如何把蜡打在一个男人的腿上。", "一个男人坐在椅子上并拉起了裤腿,一个女人在他的小腿上抚平了一条打蜡条。", "一个人正在给另一个人的腿上打蜡。", "女人在男人的腿上涂上蜡条, 并准备把它拔下来。", "一个人正在往另一个人的腿上粘胶带,并用手来回的摩擦。" ]
[ "A guy lays on his stomach as a woman removes his back hair with a wax strip.", "A man is having his lower back hair waxed by a woman", "A group of people having a conversation as they observe a man getting a section of his back waxed.", "A woman puts waxing tape over a man's back and pulls. Another woman watches.", "Someone is laying on their stomach and having wax laid down on their lower back and then having it ripped off.", "A few women are standing around a man lying on a table, and one woman pulls a waxing strip off of his lower back.", "A person is laying on a table while a woman is applying wax to remove hair.", "A man is lying on his front while a woman removes hair from his back using wax strips.", "A woman is waxing a man's back while he lays on the salon table.", "A person getting their front of the tummy waxed." ]
[ "一群女人正在给一个肥胖的男人 撕膏药。", "有三个人正在给一穿蓝色衣服的男子治疗。", "几个人手上拿着东西贴在要给躺着的男人身上。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的女人正在用胶带粘一个男人的腰。", "黑色外套的人在给躺着的人按摩肚子。", "一个趴着的男人,与此同时另外一个人把他背上的胶布给弄下来。", "几个女人正在帮一个趴在桌上的男人剃除毛发。", "一名男子躺在他的前面, 而一个女人用蜡条快速地从他的背部脱毛。", "当一个女人躺在沙龙的桌子上的时候, 一个女人正在给他的背部脱毛。", "一个男子趴在床上,旁边站着三个人,其中一个女士在男子后背上的一个白色布条上面,用手来回晃动,然后快速揭下布条。" ]
[ "A man sits on a massage bed with his legs out straight while a woman removes his leg hair with waxing strips", "A man is sitting on a table in shorts in a mall while having his legs waxed", "A man is laying on a chair and is getting his legs waxed.", "One doctor is rubbing a man's leg while another is talking in a language that isn't English.", "A man describes raising a million pounds of money for local goods while a woman shaves the legs of another man.", "A man in a mall gets his leg waxed, then a man speaks.", "A woman is waxing the hair off of a man's legs as a man speaks.", "a lady attempts to wax the legs of a man that is sitting", "A man is talking about another man who is about to get his leg waxed.", "A man has waxing strips applied to his legs and removes, and another man explains." ]
[ "一个女子正在给一个男子剔除脚毛然后另外一个男子在说话。", "一个医生正在给,一个穿着白色半袖黑色短裤的男人诊断腿。", "一个穿白色上衣的男人躺在床上被别人刮腿毛。", "一个穿白色衣服的人在给一个戴帽子的人的腿上贴东西。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在接受治疗。", "一个男人在商场里给他的腿打蜡,然后一个男人开口说话。", "一个男人坐在小床上,一个女人为他脱去腿上的毛。", "一位女士试图给坐在床上躺着的男人的腿上打蜡,旁边还有个男人在说话。", "一名男子正在谈论另一名即将打蜡的男子。", "一名男子的腿上涂了打蜡条,并将其摘除,另一名男子解释说。" ]
[ "A person is shown wrapping aid around a persons ankle.", "A person is having their leg waxed by a woman.", "a woman is taking some hot wax and putting it on anohter person's leg", "A woman is pasting some bandage on the leg of the other person.", "a woman putting wax onto the leg of a person and waxing them", "A woman applies paper to wax on a person's leg while talking about the process.", "A woman brings a piece of wax paper and places it on someone's left leg.", "A women is laying down on a table and another women is applying hot waxing to the women's leg.", "A woman lays wax on the shin of someone's leg and is speaking.", "A woman is applying hot wax paper unto her client" ]
[ "一个人正在一个屋子里面让理疗师做去腿毛的项目。", "一个穿着黑色衣裤的女子往另一个人的小腿上贴药膏。", "一个女子拿着一个药贴贴在了别人的腿上。", "一个人把一个白色的东西贴在了一个人的腿上。", "黑色衣服的女子将蜡纸粘在另一个人的腿上。", "一个女人一边正在讲话一边把纸张贴在另一个人的腿上。", "一位女士拿出一张蜡纸,贴在在另一个人的左腿上。", "一个女人躺在一张桌子上,另一个女人正在给躺着的女人的腿上涂上热蜡。", "一个女人在一个人的腿上涂蜡,并且说话。", "一个女人正在给一条腿粘贴热蜡纸。" ]
[ "Two girls wax someone's legs in preparation for hair removal.", "A person is lying on their back in a salon as a woman applies wax to her leg and another holding a strip gives her instructions.", "Two women work on another woman's feet as she lays on a massage table.", "Multiple people are standing and trying to wax someone's legs.", "A team of women apply wax to someone's leg and prepare to wax it.", "A woman applies wax to a woman's legs while another woman watches", "A group of young women waxing the legs of the person lying on the table.", "Two people are waxing the lower legs of another person.", "Several woman are working on and applying lotion to someone's legs.", "The lady lays on the table with her legs slightly bent as two woman wax her legs." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人正在将脱毛的胶水抹在另一个人腿上。", "一个女孩看着另一个女孩用刀片刮着别人的脚。", "一个穿蓝色背心的女人正在给床上躺着的女人的腿部涂抹液体。", "一个穿着蓝色背心儿的女子和另外一名女子在对着一个躺在床上的人做服务。", "在一个房间里,有四个人,其中有一个女人穿着蓝色背心。", "一个女人在一个人的腿上涂蜡,而另一个女人在旁边看。", "一个人躺着露出小腿,一个女士在他腿上涂着蜜蜡。", "两个人正在给另一个人的小腿打蜡。", "几个女人正在为躺在床上的人的腿上涂抹某种液体。", "一位女士双腿微微弯曲躺在桌子上,另两个女人给她的腿打蜡。" ]
[ "A man lies on his back on a bed while a woman applies a waxing strip to his calf, watched by a number of onlookers.", "A woman applies a large piece of tape to a young mans leg.", "A teenage boy smiles then cringes as he lays on a gurney while a woman prepares to strip wax his leg.", "A woman places a piece of paper on the leg of a man.", "A woman is pressing a wax strip on a boy's leg while another boy cheers him on.", "A teen boy having his legs waxed while his friends watch.", "a woman is applying a waxing strip on a man's leg to remove the hair", "A young man is getting hair removal tape applied to the inner calf of his leg while someone tells him to take the pain.", "A man is laying down on a bench and is getting his legs waxed by a woman.", "A boy is sitting in a chair and getting his leg waxed while people watch." ]
[ "一个女人往一个躺着的男人的腿上贴了一个白色物品。", "一个女人在给另一个男人粘上刮腿毛的粘纸。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人正在给一个男人粘腿毛。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个人给躺在床上男人贴白色的布。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的女人把一个白色的东西贴在另一个人呢的腿上。", "一个十几岁的男孩在他的朋友们看他的时候, 腿被打上了蜡。", "一个女人正在给一个男人的腿上涂蜡脱毛。", "一名年轻男子正在将脱毛胶带涂抹在腿部内侧小腿上,而有人告诉他要承受疼痛。", "一个女人拿着蜡纸贴在一个躺在床上的男人腿上。", "一个男孩坐在椅子上, 在人们看的时候, 他的腿被打蜡。" ]
[ "Two young women are attempting to put a bandaid on the front of one of the girl's left leg.", "Two girls in a bedroom as one girl waxes her leg.", "A person is putting a piece of tape on their leg.", "A girl sticks a strip of paper on some wax on her shin, and presses it down, while another girl waits to rip it off.", "A young girl presses down a wax strip on her leg while another prepares to rip it off.", "A young woman and a friend wax her legs and get ready to pull it off.", "Two girls are in a room while one is has wax paper on the leg and the other girl is there assisting her.", "a person sitting down as another person helps them wax their leg", "In a room a girl is sitting in a chair while she waxes her leg.", "A young woman is waxing her shin while another young woman assists." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个女人,拿着胶带在黏贴自己的腿毛,旁边一个女人在观看。", "一个女人在小腿上贴胶布,另一个金发女人捏住了胶布。", "一个戴手链穿白色上衣的人正在按摩自己的腿。", "一个女人正在往自己的大腿上贴一个白色的东西。", "房间内,一个女人在用胶布黏贴自己的腿毛,旁边一个女人在观看。", "一名年轻女子和一位朋友给她的腿打蜡,并准备把它拉下来。", "两个女孩在房间里,其中一个女孩腿上贴着蜡纸。", "一个人坐下,另一个人帮他们给腿打蜡。", "在一个房间里,一个女孩坐在椅子上,她的腿上蜡。", "一名年轻女子在给另一名年轻女子助攻时打她的小腿。" ]
[ "The man is explaining while waxing some hair off his legs.", "A man demonstrates how he's about to rip some paper he's applied with wax onto his hairy leg.", "A man is seated applying a wax strip to the top of his left thigh.", "A man wearing shorts and sitting on a chair places a large adhesive patch on his left thigh, and smooths it down.", "One is removing the hair on his thigh with wax paper", "A man is showing how he puts a wax strip on his leg to remove hair.", "A person places a wax strip on their leg and smooths it out.", "A male athlete is showing how to put a bandage on his leg", "A man is going to wax his legs and shows how to do it.", "A man is sitting down and putting a strip on his thigh and begins talking to his viewing audience." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个人,把一块胶布,黏在自己的腿上。", "一个身穿短裤的人把一张粘毛纸贴在了自己的腿上。", "一个人坐在那里,给大腿上贴了一个东西又在讲着什么话。", "在一间明亮的室内,一个人正在腿上贴膏药。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人把一个胶布贴到腿上。", "一个男人正在展示他如何在腿上放上一条蜡条来脱毛。", "一个人在他的腿上放上一条蜡条,然后把它弄平。", "一名男人正在展示如何将绷带放在他的腿上。", "一个男人要给他的腿上蜡,然后展示怎么做。", "一个男人坐下来,在他的大腿上放了一条长条,开始和观众说话。" ]
[ "A group of young men are gathered around as one of them tries to take the hair remover strip off his leg.", "A group of teenage boys laugh hysterically as they get ready to wax one of their legs.", "A person attempts to remove hair from a young man's leg while others laugh.", "A bunch of boys laughing while one of them has something on his leg.", "A boy is having his legs waxed while other people are laughing and watching.", "A guy sits on the bed with a sticky substance on his leg.", "A teenage boy sits on a hotel bed as his friends egg him on to wax his leg.", "Some kids are all laughing as one of them is using a wax strip to rip off hair.", "A group of young people wax the legs of one of the young men on a bed.", "A group of teenagers puts a wax strip onto a boy's leg and he yells." ]
[ "四个男孩中的一个男孩坐在床上看这他自己的腿。", "几个年轻人在玩耍,一个男小伙在床上,有人在用胶带拔他的腿毛。", "一个没有穿上衣的人正在和朋友没玩游戏。", "一个光着上身的男子坐在床上,旁边有几个人在大笑。", "床上坐着一个腿受伤的男人,旁边站着三个人。", "一些人在旁边笑着看着一个男人坐在床上,他的腿上有粘性物质。", "一个赤裸男孩坐在床上腿上涂热蜡,旁边的人开心的大笑。", "有些人在笑,因为他们中的一个人正在用蜡脱腿毛。", "一群年轻人在床上给一名年轻男子的腿打蜡。", "在室内,有很多男子在屋子里面一直说话,其中一个男子的腿上贴了一条蜡条。" ]
[ "A group of people looking a a person on a table putting something on his leg.", "A group of people getting there legs shaved at a contest.", "A person applies wax to a man's legs with a wooden stick.", "someone is laying on a table as they get ready to get their leg waxed", "Video Flow, Here's William shows someone shaving the leg of someone sitting on a table.", "A person is leaning back on a table while another person is rubbing a stick on their leg.", "With a group of people gathered around him, a boy lays on a table and has wax applied to his leg.", "A person is seen having their legs prepped for waxing while others watch.", "A substance is applied on someones leg as they lay down on a table.", "A lot of people watch as the man on the table gets his legs shaved." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个人,拿着刮板,在给躺在床上的男人,刮腿毛。", "有很多人围着一个人,一个人坐立在床上,另一个人用东西在她腿上刮。", "一个人在给另一个坐在床上的男子刮腿毛。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个人躺在床上腿被擦药。", "一个穿着黑短袖的人在给另外一个人的腿上涂东西。", "一个人拿着一个东西在另一个坐着的人的腿上刮。", "随着一群人聚集一个男孩躺在桌子上,并在他的腿上涂蜡。", "在一个房间里一个男孩坐在床上,另一个人拿着一个东西在他的腿上刮着。", "当他们躺在一张桌子上时,一种物质被涂在他们的腿上。", "一个人躺在床上,另一个人在给他刮腿毛。" ]
[ "A woman explains how she applies a wax to a woman's legs as the other woman lies on a bed.", "A woman uses a tongue depressor to put wax on the legs of a client as she lays on a bed in the salon.", "A woman talks about waxing another womans legs and starts to reapply more wax.", "A person is lying on the bed while another person is applying some thing on her legs", "A British woman waxes another woman's legs and narrates how it's done.", "A woman is shown applying wax to another woman's leg while describing it.", "A woman is applying some wax on an young womans legs.", "A woman commentates and applies to a woman's leg, demonstrating how to apply it evenly.", "Woman applying wax to a womans legs while explaining what she is doing.", "A lady is laying down while another lady is applying wax to her legs." ]
[ "一个女人躺在床上,旁边有个女人在她的腿上涂了一些东西.。", "一个女士再给另外一位女士的小腿涂上润肤剂,再拿起刮毛刀划掉她的腿毛。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人正躺在床上,一个戴黑围裙的女人在给她的腿美容。", "一个女人光着双腿躺在床上,另一个女人站在床边给她的双腿刮腿毛。", "在一个房间里,一个躺着的女人,一个站着的女人,站着的女人在给躺着的女人做腿部按摩。", "一名女子在另一位躺着的女士腿上涂上蜡并描述着它。", "一个女人在年轻女人的腿上涂一些蜡。", "女人评论并适用于女性的腿部的乳液,展示如何均匀涂抹它。", "一个穿白色上衣的女人在给一个女人脱毛。", "一位女士正躺在场上,而另一位女士正在给她的腿涂蜡。" ]
[ "A man laying on a table getting his legs waxed while other men watch.", "A man laying in a lounge chair being applied with hair removing wax on his leg.", "A man is shown laying on a table while a woman applies a wax to his leg and another man comments.", "A man having his legs waxed by a woman wearing a white apron.", "A woman is waxing a guys legs while others watch inside.", "A woman places wax onto a man's leg to prepare him for hair removal.", "A woman paints wax onto a man's bare legs to remove hair.", "A man is having hot wax applied and ripped to remove his leg hair.", "A man is laying on a massage table as a woman applies hair wax to his right leg", "A man sits on a table while getting his legs waxed by a woman." ]
[ "一个男子坐在一个沙发上,边上一个女子在帮他刮腿毛。", "一个男人穿浴衣仰躺在护理床上,一个女人给他腿上抹东西。", "在一个房子里,一个穿着黑衣服的人正躺在一个椅子上。", "一个有点胖的女人正在给一个男人刮腿毛。", "一个男人半躺在一张小床上露出两条腿,旁边一个女人过来用小长条的物体往小腿上抹透明液体。", "一名女子将蜡涂在男子的腿上,为他脱毛做准备。", "一个女人在男人光秃秃的腿上用发蜡脱毛。", "一个男人躺着旁边一个人正在为他涂热蜡然后撕去他的腿毛。", "一个男人躺在按摩床上,一个女人把发蜡涂在右腿上。", "一个男人躺在椅子上,一位女士正在给这个男的剃腿毛。" ]
[ "A man rips off a hair removal sheet from a boy's leg.", "A boy sits on a chair outdoors with his leg straight out onto another chair, then a white paper stuck on his shin is ripped off, together with his leg hairs", "A man gets hair waxed off from his leg by another person.", "A man sits sprawled out in a chair outdoors as another man strips a hair waxing strip off his shin.", "People are counting down while they wax off someone's leg hair.", "A person is preparing to remove a hair removal strip from someone else's leg by counting down, then later proceeds to peel it off instantaneously.", "A group of adults are having fun waxing a friends' leg.", "A man having a wax strip being pulled from his leg as he grimaces in pain.", "a group of people watching a man get his legs waxed.", "A guy sitting in a chair and another pulling a wax strip off of him." ]
[ "一个人将一个白衣男子的腿上的纸条撕扯下来。", "一名外国男子在向人展示去毛增白贴纸。", "一个穿着白色衬衫的男人坐在躺椅上,另一个男人帮他揭掉了贴在小腿上的膏药。", "明媚的阳光下,一群人正在用沾纸沾掉了一个小孩的腿毛。", "有一个穿着白色上衣的男人坐在椅子上面,他把双腿放在黄色的板凳上。", "一个人通过倒计时从另一个人的腿上取下脱毛条,然后立即将其剥落。", "一群成年人正在为朋友的腿打腊寻欢作乐。", "他的腿上有一条蜡条被从他的腿上拔出来时,男人的一脸痛苦的表情。", "一个人揭开了贴在一个躺着的男人腿上的蜡纸。", "一只脚上贴着一个产品,然后另一个人把它撕下来。" ]
[ "a guy applying wax to his leg hair and ripping his hair out", "A man gets part of the hair on his knees removed by a woman.", "Someone is waxing a man's upper thigh in the bathroom.", "A man is sitting on a sink while a woman is removing hair from his leg.", "A person removes a strip of wax attached to a man leg.", "A guy using waxing strips to take off the hair on his legs while in his bathroom.", "A man gets his thigh waxed while sitting on a surface and then cries in pain.", "A man is sitting on a sink waxing the hair on his legs while a woman laughs and gives him advice on how to do it.", "A man sits on his sink counter and has his legs waxed.", "A man applies waxing strips to his leg, and then hesitates to pull it off." ]
[ "一个光着身子的男人因为痛苦而哭笑不得。", "一个女人和一个小孩子,在用胶带粘一个男人的腿毛。", "一只手在用一个东西给一个男人除腿毛。", "一个穿着红内裤的男人正在被另一个人粘腿毛。", "一个穿着短裤的男人,在满是腿毛的腿上贴了一个东西,然后腿上出现了一圈没有腿毛的皮肤。", "在浴室里,一个女人用蜡条在给另一个男人脱着腿毛。", "一名男子坐在桌面上给大腿打蜡脱毛,然后痛苦地哭泣。", "一个男人正坐在水槽上,一个女人笑着给他做了如何做建议。", "一个穿着内衣的男人坐着给自己的腿打蜡。", "一个人把打蜡条涂在他的腿上, 然后犹把它拔下来。" ]
[ "A man lying on the floor is looking at a woman's foot while they are talking.", "A man is lying down on the ground with one trouser leg rolled up allowing himself to be waxed on the shin and calf while another woman holds down the other leg with her foot.", "A man is having his hair removed off of his legs while sitting down on the floor.", "A man is having his legs waxed while others watch.", "A man lays out and has a laugh as a woman looks like she is waxing one of his shins.", "A group of people are sitting on the floor where a man is waxing the hair off his legs.", "A man is sitting on the floor while someone waxes his legs.", "A man sits on a floor and has a woman remove hair on his legs with a wax strip.", "A man and a woman lying next to each other and someone waxing the man's leg.", "A man lying on the floor prepares to get his leg waxed." ]
[ "一个穿灰色衣服、牛仔裤的男人和一个穿红色裤子的人讲话。", "一个穿着牛仔裤的男子躺在地上,在他的边上坐着一个女子。", "一个男人半躺在地上,周围有其他人在说笑着。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的男子躺在地上旁边有一名没有穿鞋的女子坐在旁边。", "一个男人半躺着在动腰部,旁边一个坐着的女人把一只光脚放在男人的大腿上。", "一群人坐在地板上,一个人正在另一名男人的腿上打着蜡。", "一个男人坐在地板上,有人给他的腿上除腿毛。", "一个男人坐在地板上面,让另一个女人用蜡条去除腿上的头发。", "一个人拿着蜡纸在一个躺着的男人腿上撕扯着。", "在室内, 一个躺在地板上的一个人准备接受腿上打蜡。" ]
[ "A piece of paper with a sticky substance on it is placed on a hairy leg.", "a man is getting his legs waxed by someone in a small room.", "A person is putting waxing paper and removing leg hair from a man's leg.", "A woman applies, presses down and rips away waxing strips on a man's legs", "A man gets hair on his stomach removed with a sticky patch, while the man doing it explains.", "A man is having hair removed from his legs by getting waxed.", "A man looks anxious as he gets his legs waxed.", "A man has his hair waxed from various parts of his body.", "A man is having the hair on his leg removed with wax.", "A man has another person wax and rip off hair from his body." ]
[ "美容师拿着粘纸,把一个男人的汗毛都粘掉了。", "一个人带着手套手拿脱毛胶去脱另一个人腿上的毛。", "一个穿白色短袖的人正在接受腿毛处理。", "一双戴着手套的手,拿着胶布,在全是腿毛的腿上,占着腿毛。", "在一个房间,一双手在给一个男人去汗毛。", "一个男人在腿上摸着蜜蜡,把一张纸粘在上面准备脱毛。", "一个人正在使用工具给另一个人祛除腿毛。", "一个人把一个东西撕开后贴到了另一个人的腿上。", "一个人在给另一个男子用蜡除去他腿上的汗毛。", "一个男人在躺着,另一个人正在给他剃腿毛。" ]
[ "A few people are milling around a young man while waxing his leg calf hairs in a rather informal manner.", "A man gets his legs waxed while people are shouting around him.", "In a noisy environment a young woman applies wax to a mans leg and pulls it off as he yells.", "In a loud crowded room a man is getting some hair removed from his leg.", "A lot of teenagers cheer as the girl shaves off the man's hairy legs.", "A man is getting his left calf hairs waxed by his friends in a dark room.", "a group of people putting wax on a mans leg as they get ready to remove the hair and wax", "A man puts wax on his calf and then rips it and his leg hair off.", "People putting tape on a man and then peeling it off.", "A man in the middle of a loud crowd is getting his legs waxed." ]
[ "一个腿上贴着除毛贴的人被别人给撕去了除毛贴。", "一个人在腿上贴了一个东西并且撕开。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正坐在房间的椅子上。", "在阴暗的房间,一个人在腿上粘上胶带,然后撕下。", "一群人在看一个人用一张纸贴到腿上,之后这个腿上好干净。", "一个人正在一个黑暗的房间里被朋友们轮着打蜡。", "在一个房间里面,一群人把蜡放在一个人的腿上。", "一个男人把蜡放在他的小腿上,然后撕开它和他的腿毛。", "人们把胶带放在一个男人身上, 然后把它剥掉。", "一个带手链的人揭下来在自己腿上的一块白布。" ]
[ "A woman prepares to wax the legs of a man.", "A person is massaging a mans legs while he is sitting on a chair.", "A woman applies wax to someone's shin and lays a cloth strip over it.", "A man is getting his legs waxed in by a woman", "A woman applies a substance to a young man's right shin while he watches with arms folded.", "A woman puts cream on a boy's leg and then a cloth as he smiles.", "A man is sitting on a couch with his legs up and a woman is preparing to remove his leg hair with a wax strip.", "A guy is sitting down as someone is waxing his legs.", "A boy lies down as someone applies wax to his legs", "A young man is sitting in a chair preparing to have his leg waxed." ]
[ "一个男人坐在沙发上,一个女人使用剃毛器帮他刮腿毛。", "一个穿着红色上衣的女人正在给一个躺在板凳上的男子的腿涂上脱毛膏。", "一名工作人员在给一名男子按摩腿。", "一个穿白色短袖衫的男子坐着,一个穿玫红色衣服的人正在往男子腿上刷东西。", "一个人在另一个男人的腿上涂抹了些液体又用纸擦了擦。", "一个女人正在给一个男人的腿上涂抹着东西。", "一个男的半躺在沙发上另一个人正在往他腿上涂抹东西。", "一个男人正坐在那里,一个女人正在给他的腿上蜡。", "一个男孩躺着另一个人在他的腿上涂抹东西。", "一名年轻男子坐在椅子上准备让他的腿打蜡。" ]
[ "Two women are in the bathroom and one is taking hair off the other ones leg.", "In a bathroom, a man has his legs waxed as a woman smiles after pulling off sticker.", "A girl is sitting down and waxes a strip of hair off of a man;'s leg.", "A woman is shaving the leg of a man, then puts a wax strip on it, pulls it off, and runs as he screams.", "The young man sits on the edge of the tub, as the female applies a hair removal product to his leg.", "A woman helps a man remove hair from his leg by waxing it.", "A woman puts wax on a man's leg and then pulls the hair off his legs.", "A girl puts wax on a man's leg and then pulls out his hair.", "A woman waxing another woman's leg with a strip of hair removing wax paper in a bathroom.", "A person is showing how a female shaves a males leg." ]
[ "一个穿着衬衫的女人用除毛贴将另一个人腿上的毛给拔了。", "一个男人坐在浴缸旁边,一个女人在给他腿部除毛。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个女人在给另一个人撕腿毛。", "一个人在另外一个人的腿上涂了一些东西,然后撕了下来。", "一个女人把黑色的液体涂在另一个人的腿上,接着用白色的纸张将另一个人的腿毛扯掉。", "一个女人在一个男人的腿部上面涂上蜡,之后又在腿上面贴上一张纸并扯了下来。", "一名女子在男子腿上涂蜡,然后将腿毛从他腿上拔下来。", "一个女孩在男人的腿上涂蜡,然后撕掉打蜡条。", "一名女子在浴室用一条脱毛蜡纸给另一个女人的腿打蜡。", "一个女人正在把某种粘稠物涂抹在另一个男人的腿毛上。" ]
[ "A man is getting is hair waxed off by a woman in a store.", "A woman pulls a wax strip off of a man's leg two times and he jumps each time.", "A man wearing black pants and black shorts gets his legs waxed at a salon.", "A man is shown being aided in the attempt to remove hair through waxing.", "A person is applying a wax strip and ripping it off on a man", "A person is sitting on a chair as someone is waxing his legs.", "A person is shown sitting down and having tape removed from leg.", "A man jumps as a waxing strip is removed and he is hit in the face.", "A man is receiving a hot wax treatment on his leg.", "a man has his right leg extended and a person tries to wax it" ]
[ "一个女人在撕扯另一个男子腿上的胶带。", "一个外国女人用可撕式脱毛贴给一个外国男人脱毛。", "一个男子在给坐在凳子上的男子沾掉腿毛。", "一名女子在对着一个坐在凳子上的男子往腿上粘了一个东西又吸了下来。", "一个女人把另一个男人脚上沾着的类似胶带的东西撕下来。", "一个人正坐在椅子上,另一个人正在给给他用脱毛帖脱毛。", "一个人坐下来,另一个人从他的腿上取下胶带。", "当一个打蜡带被移除时,一个男人跳起来,他被击中了脸。", "一名男子正在把另一个名男子腿上胶贴撕下来。", "一个人的右腿伸展开,一个人试着在打蜡。" ]
[ "A boy is getting tape put on his leg and having someone rip it off to pull the hair off his leg.", "A boy tears a wax strip off a friend's leg and accidentally tears some flesh.", "A teenage boy sits in a tub as his friend waxes the hair from his leg painfully.", "Two boys are in a bathroom and one is ripping wax strips off another's legs as he screams.", "A man reacts to the pain resulting from having his skin ripped off with waxing strips.", "a person is putting a waxing strip on somebody's leg and pulling it off", "A young man is sitting on top of a tub while a friend removes bandages off of his leg in a rough fashion.", "A guy sitting and another guy pulling some tape off of the other guy's knee.", "Boy waits for wax strip pulling, is tricked by false pulling, has strip pulled, and points at broken skin.", "A boy is ripping wax strips off another boys legs who is crying from the pain" ]
[ "一个人正在撕一个小孩子膝盖上的胶布。", "一个男子为一个坐在马桶上的男子撕膏药。", "一个男人将另一个男人腿上的胶带撕下来。", "明亮的房间内,两个小孩,坐在池子内玩耍。", "一个人把另一个人腿上的膏药撕掉,疼的他哇哇大叫。", "一个人给别人的腿上加上脱毛条然后把它扯下来了。", "一个年轻人坐着,他的朋友则粗暴地从他腿上摘下绷带。", "一个人坐着,另一个人从另一个人的膝盖上取下胶带。", "一个男子用贴片拉掉另一个男孩腿上的毛。", "一个男孩正在从另一个因疼痛而哭泣的男孩腿上撕下蜡条。" ]
[ "A young man is learning what it feels like to get his leg hair waxed", "A person is applying waxing paper on a man's leg as other watch.", "A young man sits at desk with his leg up, while the leg gets waxed by a women.", "The lady is trying to pluck the guy's hair on his legs as other watch.", "In a building a kid is getting his legs waxed by a lady.", "a man with glasses gets something put on his leg and ripped off", "Someone was sitting and a wax strip was used on his leg", "A group of people watch as a woman waxes a man's leg.", "A young man having the lower half of his leg waxed by a woman.", "Workers stand around watching a woman wax a man's leg." ]
[ "一名女孩正拿着拔毛帖向另一名男孩的腿上粘去。", "一个男人把腿放在桌子上,另一个人用胶布粘在他的腿上再揭开,另有一些人在观看。", "一个男子坐在椅子上抬着腿,让另外一个人给他刮腿毛。", "一个穿黑色短袖衫的男人举起自己的右腿,正在让人帮他做腿部除毛。", "在一个房间里有一个男人坐在板凳上,他把一条腿放在桌子上面。", "一个戴眼镜的男人把正在被另一个人用一些东西在他腿上撕扯着。", "一群人正在观看一个人使用工具给另一个人的腿部去毛。", "一群人看着一个女人给男人的腿上打蜡。", "一个年轻人,他的下半条腿被女人打上蜡去除腿毛。", "一群人围看着一个女人给一个男人的腿打蜡。" ]
[ "A woman is massaging the leg of a person after applying the hot wax on their leg.", "A women waxing a guys hair legs while sitting down.", "a man is getting a wax strip rubbed on his calf by a woman.", "Group of people watching as a man gets his leg waxed by a woman.", "A young woman is applying tape to a man's right leg and then she talks about it.", "A woman is applying wax onto a man's leg hair.", "a woman is placing wax on a man's leg and smoothing it out", "A woman is kneeling in front of a man's leg and applying a wax strip to it.", "A group of people rubbing a hairy mans leg as they start to laugh and apply something", "A man is sitting in a chair while a girl waxes his legs." ]
[ "一个女人正蹲在地上在一个男人的大腿上涂抹着什么东西。", "一个男人展示了一张用过的脱毛贴,同时一个女人在帮助另一个男人脱腿毛。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在给一个男人粘腿毛。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在帮另一个人上药。", "一个女人在给一个男人的小腿上贴膏药。", "一个女人正在给一个男人的腿上涂腊而他朋友在旁边观看。", "一个女人在给坐在椅子上的人擦脚,一个人在看着。", "一个女人跪在一个男人的腿前,并在上面涂上蜡条。", "一个身穿黑色衣服的人再给一个人按摩着。", "一个女孩正在给一个坐在椅子上的男人拔腿毛。" ]
[ "A girl applies tape or wax strips to the legs of a young man sitting in a sofa.", "A woman tapes pieces of paper to a man's leg as he is talking to her.", "A woman is getting ready to wax a guys legs with wax paper", "A woman puts wax strips on a man's bare leg while he speaks.", "A woman is putting some wax paper on a man's leg to remove the hair", "A woman bandages the leg of young male child who wears glasses.", "A boy gets temporary tattoos rubbed on to his legs.", "A woman puts sticky pads on a man's shins ad rubs on them", "A woman is applying adhesive patches to a man's leg.", "A guy sitting down as a girl puts two strips of paper on his legs and then rubs them." ]
[ "一个房间里一个女人在给一个男人贴去毛贴。", "一个男人坐在沙发上,另一个女人往他的腿上贴着膏药。", "两个人在屋里一个人正帮戴眼镜的贴膏药。", "一个女人的手上戴着手表给一个戴眼镜的男人腿上贴东西。", "在一个房间里,有一个女人正在往另外一个男人的腿上贴着什么东西。", "一名女子正在给一个戴眼镜的男孩用蜡纸脱腿毛。", "一个女人在一个男孩的腿上贴了张纸并抚平。", "一个女人把黏糊糊的垫子贴在男人的小腿上。", "一个女人正在给一个男人的腿涂上东西。", "一个女子在一个男子的腿上贴着两张蜡条。" ]
[ "A woman shows how to shave her legs with wax.", "A young woman wearing a bathing suit demonstrates how to remove body hairs by waxing them off", "A woman is giving instructions on how to wax legs and how often to wax.", "A women is explaining and demonstrating how to do a leg wax.", "A girl is waxing her legs and is advising to do it every fortnight.", "A woman shows how to wax her legs using a white pad.", "A woman is waxing her right leg while explaining how to do it", "A woman is shown using wax strips on her legs while explaining the process.", "A person is showing how she removes hair with tape on her leg quick.", "A young woman demonstrates how she waxes her legs and removes unwanted hair." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间,一个女人正在使用胶布粘腿毛。", "一位穿蓝色背心的女子正在讲解自己是怎么脱腿毛的。", "一个穿着蓝色汗衫的女人在粘自己腿上的腿毛。", "一个穿着蓝色背心的女人正在脱腿毛。", "有一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人,在做床上在用粘毛贴,粘着腿上的汗毛。", "一个女人正在展示如何用白色的脱毛帖给她的腿脱毛。", "一名妇女正在给她的右腿打蜡,同时解释如何做到这一点。", "一名女在解释,如何在腿上使用蜡条。", "一个女人正在展示如何用胶带迅速的在腿上脱毛。", "一位年轻女士演示她如何给她的腿打蜡并去掉多余的头发。" ]
[ "A person is using tape to remove hair from another person's leg.", "A woman lays on a table as another woman waxes her leg.", "A person uses wax strips to remove hair from a woman's leg.", "A person is waxing the hair off of another's persons right leg.", "A woman is getting her legs waxed at a salon.", "A person is getting waxed inside a room wearing a white garment.", "A woman gets her olive skinned legs waxed by a professional.", "Someone is professionally waxing hair off a woman's right leg.", "A person is laying on a table having their legs waxed by another person.", "a person waxing another person's leg with a wax strip" ]
[ "一个人正在帮另一个人进行腿部脱毛。", "一个人戴着透明手套,在另一个人腿上用白色的纸一拉一拉的。", "一个人躺在那里,另外一个人拿着贴纸在不断的粘到她腿上又撕下来。", "一个戴着手套的人,对着一个躺在床上的人在做腿部护理。", "在一个房间里,有一个躺着的人,一个站着的人,站着的人在给躺着的人按摩腿。", "一个戴着一次性手套的人在房间里给一个躺着的人打蜡。", "一个人躺在床上,另一个人用工具粘住那个人的腿,然后再撕开。", "有一个人专业的给一个女人右腿打蜡。", "一个人戴着手套给躺在那里的人粘腿毛。", "一个人露出双腿,另一个人戴着手套拿着一张白色的纸,在这个人腿上粘东西。" ]
[ "A boy is allowing clear tape on his leg, which then allowed a girl to pull it.", "A group of young people try to wax a boy's leg.", "A person applies a paste in another person leg and both of them are talking to each other", "A girl rips off a giant bandaid off of a guy's leg.", "A person is rubbing a wax strip on another person's leg and then he pulls it.", "A woman tries to wax a teenage boy's leg while he's filmed by another girl.", "A group of girls are waxing the leg of a young man.", "a person sitting down and getting wax put on their leg and pulling it off", "A group of girls wax a young mans leg and get ready to put the wax off.", "A man is sitting on a bed while someone waxes the hairs off of his leg" ]
[ "一个人将一块胶布仔细地贴在另一人的小腿上,随后快速地揭掉。", "一名女子为另一名男子在腿上贴上脱毛纸,另一名女子正在拍摄男子被扯下脱毛纸的表情。", "一个人正在给一个坐着的男孩儿拔腿毛。", "一个男孩再跟另一个男孩,用胶布粘腿毛。", "一个穿着浅灰色衣服的男孩子坐在床上伸出脚,有人往他脚上贴了一张胶纸准备撕掉,他连忙制止却被其他人按住了。", "当一个女人被另一个女孩拍摄时,她试图撕掉一个十几岁男孩腿上的脱毛帖。", "一群女孩正在给一个年轻人的腿打蜡。", "一个人坐下来,把蜡放到腿上并将其扯下来。", "一群女孩子给一个年轻人的腿上蜡,准备把蜡弄掉。", "一个男人坐在床上,而有人给他的腿上的毛发上蜡。" ]
[ "Someone wearing latex gloves using wax to remove hair from someones legs.", "A woman shows and explains how leg waxing is done on a model.", "A person is using wax and sticky paper to take the hair off of another person's leg.", "A woman explains how to use wax and a strip to remove hair from the legs.", "A person white a white lab coat on a waxing another person's leg.", "A women is shown getting her legs waxed by a professional.", "A hair specialist places a strip on already placed hot wax and then removes it.", "A women waxing another women's legs showing how easy it is to do.", "Pink wax is applied to bent leg, wax strip is applied, wax strip is pulled off and result is silky legs.", "A woman's legs are prominently displayed as someone applies wax and strips to them, demonstrating how to wax your legs." ]
[ "一个人腿上涂着粉红色物质,一个医生慢慢地涂匀,最后那个人的腿达到了效果。", "一个人带着手套用纸擦拭另一个人腿部的粉红色液体。一个人将右手搭在自己的右腿前部展示自己的腿。一个人双手拿着另一个人的小腿展示着她的腿。", "一个女人在白色的床上做腿部按摩。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个身穿白色衣服的女人正在给躺在白色床上面的女人按摩。", "在一间明亮的房间里,一双手正在一双腿上擦粉色的物体。", "专业人员正在给一个女人腿上打蜡。", "一个人用纸擦拭另一个人腿上的热蜡,然后捏腿。", "一个女人给另一个女人的腿上打蜡,然后看起来脱毛很容易。", "将粉红色的蜡涂在弯曲的腿上,将蜡条拉下来后,腿部变得顺滑了。", "当有人给女人涂蜡和条带时, 女人的腿就会突出地显示出来, 展示如何给你的腿打蜡。" ]
[ "A man is being waxed by another person.", "A man is cheered on as he prepares to have his leg hair ripped off.", "A person is getting their back hair removed via waxing and people are cheering.", "A person is seated while another places a hair removal strip on leg to remove hair.", "A person places an adhesive strip on the limp of another person.", "A group of people cheering on a man getting his arm hair removed by a patch.", "A group of people cheer as a man gets his legs hair removed.", "A man is about to let someone wax the hair off of his arm.", "A man is experimenting how painful it is to get his leg wax from a lady.", "A guy is holding his arm up and somebody is sticking an item on his arm." ]
[ "一人拿着一张脱毛纸贴到了另一个人的小腿部位。", "一群人在兴奋得呼喊着,同时有一个人把胶布贴在一个男子长满毛的腿上。", "在房间里,一个人在为一个男人拔腿毛。", "一个人用手把一张白色的东西粘在了一个人的腿上。", "惊叫声中,一个人把一张小纸条贴到了另一个人的小腿上。", "一群人在为一个男人欢呼,因为他手臂上面的毛用胶带粘掉了。", "一群人在高呼后,有个人把一张纸贴到了一个人的腿毛上。", "一个男人正准备让别人把他的手臂上的头发除掉。", "一个人拿着一个工具在弄一个人的腿毛。", "一个家伙举起他的手臂,有人在他的胳膊上粘一样东西。" ]
[ "Up beat pop-rock music plays as a man laying face down has the backs of his legs waxed.", "Set to \"Eye of the Tiger\", a girl pulls wax strips from the backs of the knee joints of someone lying on a bench.", "Two people wax the hair off the thighs of a man.", "One person is demonstrating waxing hair on another persons legs.", "A person is laying on a table while a woman rubs something on the back of their right leg and a man waxes the hair off the left leg.", "A guy is laying on a table and getting his legs waxed.", "Two women remove hair from a person's leg using wax strips.", "Two people remove a man's leg hair using wax strips.", "A man laying down and having his legs prepped and waxed.", "A man and a woman are placing wax strips on a man's legs and pulling them off" ]
[ "一个人在那趴着,小腿上贴了2张膏药,另外两个人在旁边揭膏药,粘下了好多腿毛。", "两个人拿着腿毛胶帮助趴在床上的人粘腿毛。", "一个男的腿后面贴了两个胶带,一个人给他拔下来胶带上有腿毛。", "一个人趴着,腿上贴着脱毛贴,另一个人一把撕下了脱毛贴。", "一个女人在一个躺着的人腿上贴蜜蜡纸,一个男人揭下腿上的贴纸。", "一个认趴在桌子上,其他人在撕他腿上的胶带。", "两个人正在用胶布从别人腿上摘除毛发。", "两个人在用蜡条去除一个男人的腿毛。", "一个男人躺了下来,其他人则用胶布撕他的腿毛。", "一男一女正在男人的腿上放蜡条, 然后把它们拉了下来。" ]
[ "A woman is seen performing a hair removal on another man's leg using hair removing wax paper.", "A woman is pressing paper against a man's leg, then pulls it off and shows the paper off.", "A woman places a wax strip on a man's leg before tearing it off.", "a guy is given a wax treatment by a lady in a beauty shop", "A man is sitting in a chair getting his leg waxed.", "A man hold a phone while a woman rips hair and wax off his leg.", "A woman pulls out some tape and removes a guys leg hair.", "Woman quickly rips wax paper or tape off the leg of a man sitting on a stool.", "A woman places a wax strip on a man's leg, then rips it off.", "A man is letting a woman wax a strip of hair off of his leg." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的人从一个人的腿上撕下来了一个东西。", "一个女人将一块胶布贴在一个男人的小腿上,然后用力将胶布撕了下来。", "一个人坐在椅子上抬着腿,另外一个人在旁边看着。", "一个穿白色短袖的女子揭下了一个男子腿上的白布。", "在一个厨房内,一个女人在一个光着腿的男人的腿上贴了一张胶带,然后用力一撕.。", "当一个女人在给一个男人腿上打蜡时,这个男人正拿着电话。", "在室内,一个女人将一块布从一个男人腿上揭下来。", "男人坐在凳子上,女人快速的从男人的腿上撕开蜡纸或胶带。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在一个女人帮住下脱着毛。", "一个男人让一个女人把他腿上的东西揭下来。" ]
[ "A man lies down as wax and paper are applied to his left leg.", "A boy lies on a couch while someone applies wax to his leg.", "a young boy is lying on a bed and another person applies wax on the hair on his leg and is getting ready to pull it.", "A white male gets hot wax applied to his leg by a woman.", "A man is lying back in a chair, about to have his leg hair waxed.", "A teenaged boy is letting people prepare to wax his leg.", "A young man in shorts is laying on a treatment table while applies wax and then a strip of paper to his left shin.", "A young man is laying on a waxing table as wax is placed on his leg.", "A teen boy get wax applied to his hairy leg as a prep to get a hair wax removal.", "A young man lays on a table and has hot wax applied to his left leg in preparation for hair removal." ]
[ "一个人正往另一个穿着短裤的男人的腿上涂抹着东西。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的男人,躺在那里正在去腿毛。", "一个男子半躺在床上,另一个男子往他腿上涂抹了一些东西。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个男人在给一个躺在床上的男人在贴膏药。", "有人在给躺在床上的男子的小腿上涂抹着白色的液体,接着贴上去一张白纸。", "一个男人正在给一个男孩的腿上涂抹着东西,并粘上了胶带。", "一个穿着短裤的年轻人在涂蜡的时候躺在一张治疗台上,然后在他的左腿上放一张纸条。", "一个年轻人正躺在蜡台上,腿上涂了蜡。", "一个人用刷子给一个半躺着的男人腿上涂腊。", "一名年轻人躺在桌子上, 左腿上涂了热蜡, 为脱毛做准备。" ]
[ "a lady puts something to wax someone on the back of their leg", "A man is laying on the floor while another women removes body hair.", "A man in his underwear is laying on a towel on the floor and a woman is kneeling and apply wax strips to the back of his leg.", "a woman is applying from wax strips and then pulling them off on a man", "A man in a blue shirt lies on the ground as a woman applies wax and a wax strip to his legs.", "A woman is applying waxing paper to the back of a man's leg.", "A woman is walking the back of a man's leg that is laying on the ground.", "A woman puts hot wax and paper on the back of a man's leg.", "A woman kneels over a man laying face down on a floor to prepare for waxing his left leg.", "a lady tries to help a person that is laying down on their stomach" ]
[ "一个穿白色上衣的女人给男人的腿上贴膏药。", "一个女人正在给另一个女人的大腿上贴上白色的纸片。", "一个男人躺在地上,一个女人将一块白色的东西贴在他的腿上。", "一个人躺在地板上,另一个人在他的腿上贴东西。", "一个蓝色衣服白色短裤的男人趴在地板上,一个白色衣服的女人在他腿上涂上东西后贴上膏药贴。", "一个女人正在给一个趴着的男人腿后面涂蜡纸。", "一个男人趴在地上,一个女人在给他涂抹脱毛膏。", "一个女人把热蜡抹和纸放在一个男人的腿上。", "在地板上趴着的男人旁边跪着一个女人,准备粘掉他的腿毛。", "一名男子躺在地上,另一名女子拿起地上的东西准备拔去男子腿上的毛。" ]
[ "A man is sitting in a chair and gets his leg hair waxed off and he yells.", "A man sitting down in a chair while getting his legs waxed.", "A guy with orange top on is letting others to vax the hair off his leg with tape", "A man is sitting and someone is applying a wax strip to his leg.", "A man waxing his legs in a room at work.", "A person is massaging another males leg because he's injured.", "Man in orange shirt gets his leg waxed.", "A man is laying down having another person put waxing stripes on his leg to rip off.", "A man is laying on his back as a woman removes hair from his leg using tape.", "A man is trying to help his friend to wear on the knee pad." ]
[ "一个人在给一个穿着橘色半袖的男人在腿上贴膏药。", "一个男人用手揉搓另一个男人的小腿,另一个男人在微笑。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的人正在让别人往自己的腿上贴膏药。", "一个人在给坐着的男人腿上贴有粘性的纱布贴。", "在一个房间里,有一个男人在坐着,有人在给他按摩腿。", "一个男人坐在那,另一个人在帮他脱掉腿毛。", "一个人蹲着给一个坐着的男人粘除腿毛。", "一个男人坐在地上让另一个人将他腿上的蜡条撕下来。", "一个人拿着蜡纸在另一个男人的腿上粘贴。", "穿橘色衣服的男人坐在沙发上,而另一个人正试图帮他把腿上的贴纸撕掉。" ]
[ "A person is lying on the bed while another person is applying a wax strip and is removing hair", "A person is having their lower leg waxed and another person is pulling the wax off to remove the hair.", "A man is laying on a table and is getting his leg hairs waxed.", "Someone puts wax strips on a man's leg and rips them off.", "A person rips a waxing pod off of the leg of another person wearing socks.", "A person with a very hairy leg is in the process of getting it waxed.", "A man gets his very hairy legs professionally waxed by a woman", "A man getting a waxing done on the lower part of leg.", "A man with pink wax on his leg is getting it waxed.", "A man is getting hair removed in a very painful way." ]
[ "一个戴着手表的女子在给脚上穿着袜子的人撕粘在腿上的白色胶带。", "一个人用白色的贴纸将旁边人腿上的腿毛粘掉。", "一个人躺在床上,另一个人用胶布给他粘腿毛。", "一名身穿白色外套的女子,正在用双手触摸一名男子的腿部。", "有人将白色的贴片贴在小腿上,随后将它撕下来。", "一个人将一个人的腿上的蜡带给用力的撕了下来。", "一个人的腿上有很多粉红色的东西,另一个人正在他的腿上按着一块胶布,然后撕开胶布来拔他的腿毛。", "一个男人在腿的下半部分完成打蜡。", "一个腿上涂着粉蜡的男人正在脱毛。", "一个男人正在以一种非常痛苦的方式去除头发。" ]
[ "A young woman in a white shirt sits in a black chair.", "A person sitting on the ground in a messy room grabs something off the floor to observe it.", "A teenage woman is sitting on the floor, one leg of her pants is rolled up and music plays.", "A girl crosses her legs while she is on the floor going through some things.", "A young woman sits on the floor and picks up an object.", "A young woman with her pants rolled above her knees prepares to wax her leg with wax strips.", "A young girl is playing with scraps of paper on the floor while high energy music is being played.", "Someone is sitting on the floor loafing with a lot of stuff around them.", "Girls sits on floor with legs extended and reaches for something across cluttered floor.", "Young teen-age girl sits on the floor playing a game and eating." ]
[ "一个小男孩儿在地上面坐着然后左右翻动着地面上的东西。", "在一个房间里,一个人坐在地上玩耍。", "一个身穿白色上衣的男子坐在家里的地板上玩牌。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人正光着脚坐在床上拿东西。", "一个坐在地板上的白衣女人,捡起了身边的一块灰色东西。", "一个女人正坐在地上,准备用蜡在自己的腿上涂抹。", "一个年轻女孩在地板上玩纸牌, 而高能量音乐正在播放。", "有人坐在地板上,周围有很多东西。", "女孩子们坐在地板上,伸展双腿,伸手在杂乱的地板上拿东西。", "一个人翘着腿坐在地板上拿起一个黑色白边的东西。" ]
[ "A person sits with his legs extended on a bench preparing to have them waxed.", "In front of a crowd a woman is placing hot wax on a man's legs.", "a man is laying on a table getting his legs waxed.", "A woman appears to be preparing to wax a man's leg, with many people looking on and laughing.", "A group of people surround a young man sitting on a table who is getting wax applied to his legs by a woman.", "A guy sitting in front of a group of people gets waxed spread across his leg.", "A woman applies product to a seated young man's legs in a crowded room as kids and adults watch and talk.", "a group of kids watching a man get wax put on his legs.", "A man sits on a stretcher while a woman shaves his leg.", "A man sits on a table as a woman applies hot wax to his legs in front of a crowd." ]
[ "一个穿着白色上衣的女的在给一个半躺着的男的刮腿毛。", "有很多人,其中有个穿蓝衣服的男人坐在床上双腿伸直,一个白衣女人正在往他腿上涂抹液体。", "一个男子坐在床上让一个女子给他的腿涂抹着东西。", "一个人坐着,另一个人在用一个东西涂抹他的腿。", "一位美女在一位男士腿上涂抹药品演示给大家看。", "一个男人坐在床上被众人看着,让一个女人把蜡铺在他的腿上。", "在拥挤的房间里,一位女士将产品用到一个坐着的年轻人的腿上,旁边的人在观看。", "一群孩子看着一个男人被涂抹上脱毛膏然后被撕掉。", "一名妇女刮他的腿时,另一名男子坐在沙发上。", "一个男人坐在一张桌子上,旁边的一个女人将热蜡涂在他的双腿,还有一些人们在观看。" ]
[ "a woman is applying some wax on to a man's leg and pulling it fast", "A teenage boys sits on the floor with a strip of wax on his leg, and then someone pulls it off quickly.", "A man rips of a strip of yellow was from his friends leg while the person recording the video laughs.", "A man in shorts sits on the floor and moves around while another person pulls a waxing strip off his leg.", "A man has a strip of wax on his leg, it is removed by the person sitting in front of him.", "A person removes the hair from a young mans legs with wax.", "A man sits with wax strip applied to the hair on his leg and another person rips off the strip.", "A boy has wax and a wax strip on his leg, and another person rips it off quickly, as the boy feels discomfort.", "A boy having his legs waxed with a girl laughing in the background", "A person pulls a wax strip off of a man's leg." ]
[ "一个男人用除毛蜡纸给一个男人除腿毛。", "一个男子在用胶带给另一个男子粘腿毛。", "一个人正在给一个男孩用胶纸粘掉腿毛。", "一个人身穿着浅色的衣服坐在地上笑。", "一个人将一个男人腿上的胶布撕了下来,并开心地笑了起来。", "一个人把另一个男人腿上的胶带撕了下来。", "一个男人坐在地上,另一个人帮他把腿上的带子扯了下来。", "一个男孩的腿上贴着胶布,另一个人给他撕了下来。", "一个男孩的腿上的胶布被一个女孩撕了下来。", "一个人从另一个人的腿上撕下了一条蜡条。" ]
[ "A young man lays on a table in a gym as a woman applies a substance to his legs, and the other kids there laugh.", "A boy is laying on a chair in an auditorium with many others watching.", "A woman was shaving the leg of a man lying while others sit and watch", "A man lays on a table and a woman puts wax on his legs to remove hair.", "A girl is touching the leg of a young man that is sitting.", "A boy is on a gurney laying down and a nurse is shaving his leg in front of a crowd of students.", "A boy is on a nurses table in a gym as he is getting his legs shaved in front of a crowd.", "A woman is shaving a young man's legs as other young people look on and scream.", "A man is laying on a table while a woman puts wax on his leg.", "In front of an entire auditorium a teenage boy gets one of his legs waxed." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人将脱毛胶涂到了男孩的小腿上。", "一位女士在众人的面前给男孩剃腿毛。", "一个女人正在给床上的男人剃腿毛,旁边坐满了观看的人。", "一个女人正拿着一个东西往一个男人的腿上放。", "老师在表演脱毛膏的好处,大家都很好奇。", "一个男孩躺在轮床上一名护士在学生面前帮他刮腿毛。", "一个男孩正在健身房的护士桌上被一个女人刮腿,一群人正看着。", "当其他年轻人看着并尖叫时,一个女人正在剃一个年轻人的腿毛。", "一个男人躺在一张桌子上,一个女人在他的腿上涂蜡。", "在整个礼堂的前面,一个十几岁的男孩子的腿上上了蜡。" ]
[ "A woman is applying wax cream to a woman and she is pulling it off.", "A person places wax on another and demonstrates several pulls on the wax instead of one long pull.", "A woman is applying a piece of wax to another womans skin then she pulls it off", "A woman describes how to properly remove wax from skin and then demonstrates.", "A woman uses wax to wax someone's skin, while she talks about how to do it.", "A woman is showing how to remove hair with wax strips properly.", "A person is removing wax from skin while instructions are given.", "The lady is doing a demonstration on the proper way to do waxing.", "A person demonstrates removing hair from another person using wax.", "Two gloved hands are shown pulling wax off of someone's leg." ]
[ "美容师带着一次性手套,把东西粘到一个人身上,又揭了下来。", "一双戴着手套的手在别人身上按压白色的固体后从身上撕了下来。", "一个人戴着透明手套把另一个人身上白色的东西揭了下来。", "一双戴着透明手套的手,把白色的东西贴在皮肤上撕下来。", "一双戴着手套的手,正在不停的触摸一个白色的物品。", "一个人正在用另一个人的肚子演示着如何正确地用蜡条脱毛。", "一个人把躺着的人身上粘的东西撕了下来。", "这位女士正在以正确的方式做一个打蜡的示范。", "一个人演示使用蜡去除另一个人的毛发。", "两只戴着手套的手从另一个人身体的某个部位拉蜡。" ]
[ "Someone is spreading wax on someone else leg, the ripping it off.", "Client lays on bed getting a hair removal as the technician pulls the wraps from her legs.", "Someone with gloves wipes goo all over someone's leg and then yanks it off.", "A person is removing the hair from a clients leg using some kind of wax.", "A woman is having her legs waxed at a salon to remove her leg hair.", "Someone laying down on a table while someone waxes their leg real fast", "A person is lying on a table while another person waxes his legs.", "A person's leg has wax put onto it and then the wax is pulled off.", "A person is getting their legs waxes and the waxer is pulling off the tape.", "Someone is doing a wax job on another persons leg." ]
[ "一个戴着蓝色手套的人正在将另一个人腿上的胶体撕下。", "美容院里美容师正在对客人进行脱毛处理。", "一个人坐在床上,另外一个人在给床上的人扣腿上的黄色胶体。", "一个人躺在床上,而另一个人戴着手套为他去下腿上涂抹的东西。", "一只戴蓝色手套的手从一只小腿上面撕扯着什么东西,另一只手按着腿。", "一个人正在给躺着的人腿上涂抹脱毛膏。", "一个人躺在床上,而另一个人给他的腿打蜡脱毛。", "一个人的腿上涂有蜡,另一个人帮他把蜡撕下来了。", "一个戴着手表的人在给一个人的腿进行着脱毛。", "一个戴着手套的人在另一个人的腿上撕拉着东西。" ]
[ "A person explaining and demonstrating how to weave a basket.", "A person telling us about the ball that has rope around it.", "A woman demonstrates the ways that she starts to weave a basket.", "A woman shows off how to make a basket from scratch.", "A traditional craftswoman shows how to round weave over a spherical mold.", "she is weaving straw around some thing sticks she placed in a ball", "Person touches base of basket where thinner reeds are wound around starburst of thicker reeds.", "A person displays a circular arrangement of splayed out straws while weaving.", "A woman is giving a demonstration on how to make a wicker bowl.", "Someone is showing the bottom of a basket and how to make one." ]
[ "一个人正在一边编织着手工品,一边向我们介绍。", "一个人在用竹条编制工艺品并做着讲解。", "一个女人介绍着手中东西编织形状的过程。", "一个人在室内操作并简述编竹帽子的方法。", "一个人用手在介绍怎样编织竹条篮子。", "她正在把稻草绕在一个东西的周围。", "人触摸篮子的底部, 在那里较薄的芦苇被缠绕在较厚的芦苇的星爆周围。", "一个人在织布的时候会显示出一个圆的秸秆排列。", "一位女士正在演示如何制作一个柳条碗。", "一个人正在展示如何制作一个篮子的底部。" ]
[ "A woman is talking and demonstrating how to weave reeds into a basket.", "A woman's hands weaving together reeds to make the bottom of a basket.", "A woman sitting on a chair weaves a basket together.", "A woman is sitting in a chair while weaving a basket with her hands.", "A woman in a pink shirt gives instructions on how to weave an object together.", "A woman sits in a chair as she weaves a basket by hand.", "A women is sitting in a chair showing how to weave.", "An elderly woman shows how to weave a wicker basket.", "A woman shows how she weaves a basket, while sitting down.", "A woman weaving some type of basket and giving instructions" ]
[ "双手带着多个戒指的一位老人在用竹鞭在编一个东西。", "一个女人坐在椅子上编制竹条制品。", "一个穿着红色上衣蓝色裤子的人在编东西。", "一双苍老的,戴着戒指的手在用竹篾编着筐。", "明亮的室内,一名身穿红色上衣的女子,手里拿着一个灰色的物品。", "一个人坐在椅子上用竹条编织一个篮子。", "一个人坐在椅子上一边说话手里一边在编织着。", "一名老年妇女坐在椅子上盘着腿展示她是如何用柳条编织篮子的。", "一个女人展示了她在坐下的时候是如何编织篮子的。", "一个女人正在展示如何正确地编织篮子。" ]
[ "A person wearing blue pants weaving a brown and white basket.", "A person is weaving a yellow and burgundy colored basket by hand.", "A person weaves a small brown wicker basket by hand.", "A close up of hands weaving a basket while music plays.", "A man finishes the hand weaving of a basket using a vine.", "As a woman sings, someone is weaving a basket that is nearly finished.", "Someone is doing basket weaving while music is playing in the background.", "a mans hands doing basket weaving while music is playing in the background", "A person is making a bamboo container with his hands and putting knots", "Music plays while a man weaves a basket on his lap." ]
[ "一个穿蓝色衣服的人在编制一个手工艺品。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人在用藤条编一个小花篮。", "一个人手里拿着绳子在编织手工艺品。", "在一个房间里,有一个人手里拿着筐子在编。", "一个人正在利用竹子编织着一个漂亮的篮子。", "当一个女人唱歌的时候,一个人正在编织一个快完成的篮子。", "音乐在后台播放着,一个人正在进行篮子编织。", "当音乐在后台播放时,一个人的手在编织篮子。", "一个人正在用他的手做一个竹制容器, 然后打结。", "一个男人在他的膝盖上编织一个篮子。" ]
[ "The woman are cutting up pieces of weed and weeding them into each other.", "Someone takes clumps of grass and twists the grass into a bunch to weave.", "A person cuts a rope from the palm leaf and put stitches with it", "A woman is weaving straw into some type of item while using straw and a razor blade.", "A woman is weaving a basket and is asked how many she makes a day.", "a person with bare feet interacts with the environment around them", "A woman works with two pieces of twine while explaining what she is doing.", "A group of people sit around and knit together some straw into some sheets.", "A woman sews together a bunch of dried grass and twigs.", "A woman is teaching someone how to weave a basket or other material using wicker" ]
[ "一个人在编织竹子做的物体,然后用刀片切割下多余部分。", "一个人在用刀片把稻草割开后,用稻草编织东西。", "一个黑皮肤的人坐在那里拿着草藤编东西。", "一双黑色皮肤的手,手里缝制着一个篮子。", "一个穿着红色上衣的黑人女子正在编织东西。", "一个人光脚坐在地上正编织着手中的藤条。", "一个女子拿着工具在两条麻绳上做着什么工作。", "一群人围坐在一起,把一些稻草编成一些被单。", "一个穿红色衣服的女人正在用干草进行编织。", "一个女人在教别人如何用柳条编织一个篮子。" ]
[ "A child shows the end process of making a woven basket out of straws.", "A woman is cutting a bundle of cords with a scissor", "Someone is gluing what appears to be straws or tightly rolled paper onto an art project that is made up of all these straws or rolled paper.", "A little boy is cutting straws and gluing them", "A woman cuts candles and then glues them", "A person works on weaving a basket, painting it decoratively.", "A person cuts pieces of a woven basket and then applies glue to them.", "A person making the small container with using the waste materials", "A girl cut some paper on an art project & put glue on it.", "A person cut one of the rope used in weaving the basket and applied a glue to it" ]
[ "在一个房子里,一个穿着条纹衣服的人正在用剪刀剪东西。", "一个穿着灰白条纹上衣的女孩正在制作篮子。", "在房间内,一个小女孩在专心致志地做手工。", "在明亮的室内,一个人在用胶棒粘东西。", "一个人在快要编完的彩色小筐的彩条上涂上胶水。", "一个人正在拿着剪刀编织一个篮子,并用绘画装饰它。", "一个人剪下一个编织篮子的碎片,然后给他们涂上胶水。", "一个身穿个条形衫的人在用废料制作一个小容器。", "一个女孩在一个艺术作品上剪了一些纸并涂上了胶水。", "一个人剪下用于编织篮子的绳子之后把胶水涂在上面。" ]
[ "A man is using bolt cutters to cut a woven basket.", "A guy is cutting some piece off of a woven basket.", "A person is using a tool to help make a basket.", "A man speaking Spanish uses shears to construct a basket.", "Gentleman speaking a foreign language as he cuts on a basket in his hand.", "A man talks and demonstrates how to disassemble a wooden basket.", "A man speaks while demonstrating how to weave a basket.", "A man is demonstrating how to trim the ends of a handmade basket.", "A man uses metal shears to weave a basket together.", "An old woman talks about cutting down a basket she is making." ]
[ "一个人正拿着一把剪刀剪着竹筐上的枝枝。", "一个人边拿着剪刀边修理一个竹篮。", "一个男人一边说话,一边用剪刀剪竹条。", "一个人拿着剪刀在修剪一个手工制作的框子。", "一个人手里拿着剪刀在桌子上面编织篮子。", "一个男人谈论并演示如何用剪刀拆卸一个木篮子。", "一个人一边说话,一边演示如何编织篮子。", "一个男人正在示范如何修剪一个手工制作的篮子的末端。", "一个人拿着剪刀正在修剪一个竹篮子。", "一位老太太说要修剪她正在做的篮子。" ]
[ "A person measures 6 inches on a stick, removes bark and measures another 6 inches", "A person is using a yellow measuring tape to measure a piece of wood.", "A woman talks while measuring a branch outside with a tape measure.", "A lady is measuring a stick with an inch tape outdoors", "A girl is measuring out sections of a piece of wood to be cut.", "A woman measures a large stick while standing outdoors; hammering can be heard in the background.", "Someone is measuring the length and circumference of a branch.", "A woman is outdoors and measuring a stick using measuring tape", "A woman is demonstrating how to build something using six inches of a stick.", "A person is using a measuring tape to measure six inch increments on a stick and marking the measurement's with their fingernail." ]
[ "在室外,两只手拿着盒尺量一根木头。", "一个人在地上捡根树枝然后拿着尺子在测量。", "一个人在野外找了一根木棍,拿着尺子测量木棍的长度。", "一个人正在用卷尺量她手里的一根木棍。", "在白天的户外,一只手拿着尺子,在测量一根小树枝。", "一个人正在户外的时候测量一根木棍,然后有敲击的声音。", "一个人正在测量树枝的长度和周长。", "一个女人正在户外用卷尺测量一根棍子。", "一位女士正在演示如何使用六英寸的棍子制作东西。", "一双手在用黄色的卷尺,测量一根木棍并用指甲标记。" ]
[ "A group of older women are sitting in a circular formation doing crafts.", "A woman walks around a table while other women are making crafts.", "Some women are sitting at tables working on a project.", "A couple of older woman sitting together at tables working.", "An older lady walks off whilst other ladies are sat down.", "A group of ladies are at tables diligently working on something.", "An older woman walks around checking on and helping several other woman who are working on an arts and crafts project.", "A group of women are sitting in a room with a bunch of products on desks", "A group of women sit at tables crafting and chatting with each other.", "Some women, sitting around an array of tables in a room are weaving baskets and another woman is passing out raw weaving materials." ]
[ "在房间里,有一群人坐在椅子上做东西。", "在一个放着几张桌子的屋子里,几个人在桌子旁边做着东西。", "在一个家庭里,有一位老人从中边说话边走过去。", "在一家餐厅里面有多位客人在用餐。", "房间里摆放了一圈的桌子,桌子上凌乱的摆放了一些物品,几个人坐在桌子旁边制作手工物品。", "在房间里,一群女士正在努力地做着一些事情。", "一个年纪大的女生在一群人中间走来走去。", "一群妇女坐在一个房间里,桌子上摆着一堆东西。", "一群人正在房间的桌子上制作工艺品和聊天。", "一些妇女坐在一个房间里的一张桌子周围编织篮子, 另一位妇女正在分发原始编织材料。" ]
[ "A basket manufacturing process is described by someone while another person demonstrates.", "A structure of sticks is shown and then people are seen though the sticks.", "in a foreign language, a man is describing the making of furniture and baskets.", "A person is explaining how woven bamboo baskets are made.", "A man is narrating over footage of a straws woven together that are used to make baskets.", "A chair is being weaved as someone demonstrates the process.", "A lady gracefully crafts, by hand, a detailed wicker basket.", "A wooden basket is being made while a man apparently discusses it.", "A man is talking about his design while showing the complex design.", "An abundance of long white sticks are shown overlapping each other and then a man is shown crafting with them." ]
[ "一个人在使用竹片先做成一片大的网状,最后加工成了一个竹筐子.。", "用一根根长竹条交错搭着,编织成一个竹筐。", "一个人用竹子编了一个实用的竹筐。", "一个穿着长袖的人在用双手编织篮子。", "一名身穿蓝色外套的女子,手里拿着一个灰色的竹楼。", "当一个人在讲述这个过程时,有一个人正在编织一个物品。", "一位淑女用手工优美的手工制作了一个精致的柳条编织篮子。", "正在制作一个木制篮子,而一名男子显然在讨论它。", "一名男子正在谈论他的设计,同时展示复杂的设计。", "大量的长长的白色棍棒重叠一起,然后一个男人用它们制作艺术品。" ]
[ "a woman is showing how to weave a multi colored basket.", "Someone is showing how to weave a basket with two different kinds of twine.", "A person is wrapping wood around a craft to make something.", "A person is using twine and straws to make a basket.", "Two hands hold straw or wcker in a circle, showing how to weave it to make a basket.", "A young lady is making a basket with plastic wire.", "Calming music plays while someone practices a caning or weaving activity.", "Someone is working on making a basket by themselves with their hands.", "A woman is weaving the bottom of a wicker basket.", "A person is using some wood to create a basket." ]
[ "一个人将手里的材料,编织成精美的造型。", "一个人在用藤条在灵巧的编制东西。", "一个人在展示他如何编制一个花篮。", "一个人用东西在腿上编制着手工艺品。", "一个人用手拿着几根绳子编一个东西。", "一个人正在用双手编制一个篮子的底部。", "当有人练习杖或编织的活动时,会播放奏乐的音乐。", "有人正在自己用手把塑料条制作成一个篮子。", "一个人正在编织柳条篮子的底部。", "一个人正在用一些木材制作一个篮子。" ]
[ "Two young men are working together to hand-make a large basket.", "Outside two mend are using straw to make baskets", "Two people weave a basket together in front of a stone building.", "A man is weaving a basket and another man is doing something else I am not sure of", "Two boys worked to create a large basket in front of their home.", "Two guys are outside and weaving a big basket together quickly.", "Two young men weave large baskets with long strands of wicker.", "A shirtless man makes a basket with vines while another shirtless man prepares the vines behind him.", "Two men are working by building a basket by hand outside.", "Two shirtless men are weaving a large basket out of fibers." ]
[ "一个男人在编用竹子编竹筐,旁边那个男人在弄竹条。", "一个没有穿上衣的男人在编织箩筐,另一个在整理藤条。", "一个人把一条长绳子穿在了一个筐子上另一个人用剪刀剪东西。", "两个光着上身的人在编织东西,旁边堆了砖。", "一名身穿蓝色裤子的男子和一名身穿黑色裤子的男子,手里拿着白色的物品。", "两个人在室外,他们正在用一些带子来拼凑一个大篮子。", "两个年轻人用长长的木条编织大篮子。", "一个赤膊上衣的人做了一个挂满藤蔓的篮子,另一个赤膊的人在背后准备藤条。", "两名男子正在外面手工制作一个篮子。", "两个赤膊男子正在用纤维编织一个大篮子。" ]
[ "A person uses a tool to pry the end of a cord out of a woven basket.", "The man is putting together a heavy yarned basket with his own hands.", "An elderly woman is nearing completion of a hand woven carry bag.", "A person is outdoors weaving a basket with tools and straw.", "A man is sitting outside and using a tool to weave a basket.", "A person is using a hook like tool to pull straw through a loop.", "A man is repairing a wicker object with a tool.", "A man is weaving a very intricate basket for good use.", "A man uses a tool to loosen twin as he wraps an object with it.", "A person using a long metal tool to weave an object out of wicker." ]
[ "一个人坐在路边用一个铁棒子撮着手工制品。", "一个穿着围巾的人正在手动编织一件物品。", "一个人左手拿着一个盒子形状的物体,右手正在用绳子打结。", "有一个身穿深色衣服的人用工具正在编制东西。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人正在编一个东西。", "一个男人拿着一个钩状工具在腿上编织着。", "有一个人正在用工具修理柳条编制的物体。", "一个人正在编织着一个非常复杂的篮子,以便充分利用。", "一个穿着格子上衣的人在编织手工艺品。", "一个人使用长金属工具将柳条编织成物品。" ]
[ "A Hispanic speaking fellow introduces the two women sitting weaving baskets as they also speak.", "a person standing up and then showing women putting together items", "A foreign speaking TV show features basket weaving projects by women.", "A young man narrates while a woman demonstrates basket weaving.", "A lady is on camera discussing her baskets that she hand makes.", "Man speaks, woman looks between reeds, woman weaves basket with reeds and older woman speaks.", "A man and woman are speaking while another woman weaves reeds to make a basket.", "A man is speaking about a woman making a basket out of wood.", "A male and women, both non-english speaking, talk while another women makes a basket.", "A man is talking and a woman is making a basket using straws, then another woman begins to talk." ]
[ "一个男人在主持节目,一个女人在编篮子,另一个女人在讲话,最后男主持人在继续主持节目。", "一个男人在说话,一个女人在编着竹篓,一个老人在说话。", "一个男人正在说话,一个女人正在用竹条编着东西。", "一个男人和一个女人介绍传统编篮工艺,并且展示了如何编篮。", "一个男人站在树前说话,一个女人编着竹筐,另一个女人坐在她前面说话,前面那个男人又站着说话。", "一个老女人在教女人用芦苇编篮时,男人在讨论着。", "一个男人在说话。一个女人正在编织芦苇做一个篮子。一个女人在讲解。一个男人在说话。", "一个男子在介绍一个女人用用木条编制篮子。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的妇女在编织木制品。", "一个男人在说话,一个女人在用吸管做篮子,然后另一个女人开始说话。" ]
[ "An older woman is weaving together a large basket made of straw.", "A woman is demonstrating how she is making a basket by hand.", "An old woman is demonstrating how to weave a basket.", "A woman is sitting and weaves a basket with grass.", "A woman is demonstrating how to weave a basket using her hands", "An older woman is weaving a very large green basket.", "A woman is weaving a basket at the fastest speed i have ever seen!", "A woman works on constructing a basket as she narrates.", "An older woman begins to weave a basket at double speed", "a woman sitting weaving a straw basket with straw" ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的白发老太太正在编竹篮。", "一个卷发女子在用长条编织一个东西。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的女人在几个木棒上织毛线。", "明亮的房间内,一个女人,坐在凳子上编竹篓。", "一个老太太在用藤条编织着什么东西。", "一个老妇人正在坐着编织一个非常大的绿色篮子。", "一个女人正在以我所见过的最快速度编织一个篮子。", "一位妇女正在讲述怎样建造一个篮子。", "一位上了年纪的妇女开始以很快的速度编织篮子。", "一女人正在用长长的物品编织一个篮子。" ]
[ "A man is weaving a basket and then a group of people are shown gathered in a crowd.", "A man sits on a stone slab weaving a basket", "A person sits and weaves a basket at a festival.", "A man wearing renaissance clothing thatches a basket and then three other men in renaissance clothing each grab a woman, as a crowd watches.", "A man sets on the street and works on making a homemade basket.", "A group of people are watching a performance of a mid-evil village.", "Three men are man handling some women in a public setting while other look on.", "Out in a street, one man dress in midieval cloths weaves a basket while others fight in the street.", "a man is using long sticks of wood to weave a basket", "A person sitting on the street weaving a basket while there are other events happening around him." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜,戴着帽子的男人在认真的编织东西。", "一个人迅速认真地手工编织篮子,而另一边的街道男男女女在撕拉着。", "一位身穿土黄色衣服的人正坐在地上用竹子编篮子。", "一个人靠着墙带着帽子坐在那里用手编织着一个东西。", "在一个宽阔的外面,一个戴着帽子的男人在用手编东西。", "一个人在编制篮筐,然后有一群人在观看另一群人的表演。", "一个男人坐在椅子上编织着手工艺品,四个人在表演,一群人在观看。", "在大街上一个穿着中世纪衣服的男子正在编织篮子,而另一边有人在大街上打架。", "一个男人正在用一根长藤条编一个篮子。", "一个人坐在街上编织篮子,一群人在围观另一群在大街上拥抱的人。" ]
[ "A woman talks about a basket that was woven by her grandmother.", "A woman is talking about how long she has been making baskets.", "A woman is speaking to the camera while displaying baskets that she is holding.", "A woman shows some wicker baskets and describes their significance.", "An elderly Maori woman shows a weaved basket and talks about her grandmother.", "An aboriginal woman is holding a basket while talking about her family history.", "a person holding an item and explaining the history of it", "A woman is showing baskets that was homemade from her family.", "A woman shows a basket she made while talking about her life.", "A woman shows a woven, handmade basket that she is working on." ]
[ "一名穿着薄荷绿色背心的女子正在介绍自己亲手编织的手艺品。", "一皮肤黝黑的女子正在介绍一种手工编织物。", "一个卷着头发的人用双手展示着手里面的一件编织品。", "白天的户外,一个人,拿着一个竹盘,坐在地上说话。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人手里拿着一个圆圆的东西。", "一名黑人妇女一边在谈论她的家族历史一边展示一个篮子。", "一个人正拿着一个工具并在说着话。", "一名年迈的妇女正在展示她家人自制的篮子。", "一个女人坐在地上让人们展示着她编织的篮子。", "一个穿短袖的人手里拿着一个编织物,然后谈论着什么。" ]
[ "A man is sitting on the floor weaving a basket.", "An old person was making the a container with long interior with some effort", "A seated man is shown weaving and constructing a basket, as violin music plays.", "An older man is seen weaving a basket in a traditional manner.", "A man sitting on the floor weaves a big basket while being filmed.", "An older man demonstrating how he constructs a wicker basket.", "An older adult sits in a primitive setting an weaves a basket.", "A frail elderly man is using natural materials to weave a basket.", "A man is using strips of wood to weave a basket.", "A man sits in a shed as he uses pliable wood to make a basket." ]
[ "一个正走在地上用竹条做了一个手工竹筐。", "一个男人赤裸着上身坐在地上正在编制竹篓。我爸是射手。", "一个瘦瘦的老人,正在编织着一个东西。", "一个有纹身的人,坐在地上编织篮子。", "一个骨瘦嶙峋的老人坐在地上编织竹筐。", "一个老人演示了怎么才能做一个柳条框。", "一个老年人坐在一个原始的环境中编织一个篮子。", "一位身体虚弱的老人正在用天然材料编织篮子。", "一个穿着白色裤子的男人正在用竹条编一个竹筐。", "一个男人坐在棚子里,用柔软的木头做一个篮子。" ]
[ "An older woman is seen basket weaving while sitting on a carpet.", "An old lady is sitting on the floor weaving a bamboo basket.", "A woman sets on a blanket and works on making a homemade basket.", "A woman is demonstrating how to start weaving a basket.", "A woman sits on a rug and weaves straw into a wooden base.", "An elderly woman sitting on a rug demonstrates how to weave a bottom onto a basket.", "An Indian lady is showing of how to made a basket.", "Woman inserts reed into edge of metal plate with woven basket resting on her legs.", "A woman is threading straw through the slits of a basket top.", "An older woman is sitting on a rug and showing how to sew something on a basket." ]
[ "房间内,一个老人,坐在地板的垫子上,在编竹篓。", "一个短发老太太座在地上,手持竹条将一个圆形东西穿过,同时还在说话。", "一个人坐在地毯上在编制着篮子。", "一个身穿短袖的外国女人坐在地上用双手编织着笼子。", "一个老太太坐在红色的垫子上面正在穿针引线。", "一个老妇人坐在地毯上,手里拿着工具在编织篮子的底部。", "一位印度女士正在展示如何制作一个篮子。", "妇女将芦苇插入金属盘边,并将编织的篮子放在她的腿上。", "一个坐在垫子上的女人正在用竹片在编织竹篮。", "一个人坐在地毯上,他的旁边放着一个篮子。" ]
[ "A woman is feeling the rim of a basket, as though testing to see how well it's made.", "A man tests the quality and strength of a basket by pulling the rim.", "Someone is showing how to finish off making a basket and going around the top.", "A person is showing how the rim of a woven basket should be installed.", "A person is holding a handmade container and speaking something", "A person demostrates how strong a weaved basket is by pulling at it.", "A person pulls on a woven basket showing it's durability.", "A man is making a basket as other people talk in the background.", "A man is pulling a basket and trying to bend it and shape it.", "A man is feeling the edges of a straw woven basket." ]
[ "一个戴着手边的人编制好了一个竹筐。", "一名外国男士正在展示自己亲手编织的竹篮筐。", "一个戴着手表的人正在用手修整编好的竹筐。", "一个戴着手表的人手里拿着一只竹筐。", "一个穿着绿色短袖的人在拉扯一个圆形的竹筐。", "一个人手里拿着一个篮子,之后他用双手来四处拉扯这个篮子。", "一个戴着手表的人手里拿着一个编织的篮子一边说话一边摸着。", "当其他人在后台谈话时,一个人正在制作一个篮子。", "一个人正在拉一个篮子,试图把它弄弯并塑造它。", "一个男人正在摸索一个草编的篮子的边缘。" ]
[ "A group of women weaving baskets while talking and laughing", "A woman explains how to place material on a wicker basket.", "A woman's hand is seen placing pieces onto an unfinished basket as a voice narrates the assembly of a basket using different colors.", "A person is demonstrating how to weave a straw basket.", "a women weaving a small basket and another women shown weaving another basket", "A women is showing off her basket that she is weaving.", "A woman is showing how to do a basket weaving project for a group of ladies.", "a woman is conductin a basket weaving class with a few students who are attempting to weave baskets.", "A woman is demonstrating how to build a colorful basket out of reeds, with a given weave.", "A man with a wicker basket looks up to a woman in the same class with the same basket." ]
[ "一个人坐在房间里的板凳上编织着手工制品。", "一群老奶奶正很开心的在用竹片编织竹篮。", "在室内有很多人坐在凳子上面正在编篮子。", "一个人正在一张桌子前用白色扁平条状物编织东西。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人正在编一个东西。", "一个女人在向其他人炫耀她正在编织的篮子。", "一位女士正在向别人展示如何编织篮子。", "一个房间里面几个人正在编织着一个器具。", "一位女士正在演示如何用特定的编织把芦苇做成一个五颜六色的篮子。", "一个拿着柳条篮的男人, 抬头看着同一个班里拿着同一个篮子的女人。" ]
[ "Several people are weaving different types of wooden baskets as woman talks.", "A group of people weave baskets then a close up of one of them.", "A group of elderly people together using sticks to weave together baskets", "Tourists, in a tropical climate, making baskets out of wood", "Several people walk around stalls in a village and look over items for purchase.", "A man in a tented village weaves a basket by hand.", "A woman talks about basket makers that are in her neighborhood.", "A person is explaining the activities of a basket weaver in French.", "Several people attempt to learn how to make wicker baskets.", "A bunch of clips are shown of people making baskets in the streets." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的断头发男人正在走路。", "一些人坐在椅子上,用藤条在编织篮子。", "一些人在用竹子编织成竹筐等东西,配有女人解说的声音。", "一群人围坐在路边,编织着手中的东西。", "几个人坐在椅子上用植物的枝条编东西。", "一个人在帐篷里用手工编织一个篮子。", "一位女士谈到了她附近的篮子制造商。", "一个人正在用法语解释编蓝工人的活动。", "有几个人试图学习如何制作编织条筐。", "在街道上,有很多的人手上拿着一些工具在制作篮子。" ]