[ "a young man working on an engine of a car with a tool", "a kid is working on a metal machinery and welding the metal together.", "A man uses a welding tool to connect two pieces of metal under a car hood.", "A person is fixing something in the hood of a car.", "A kid welds a car floorboard with no safety glasses on.", "A young man is welding the bumper of a red car.", "A boy is welding some material together, closing his eyes to avoid the intense flash of the arc.", "A young man is welding the center console of a car.", "An older kid is using electric soldering along a joint in a car's body", "A young teenage boy is outside and he is welding pieces of metal together." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在修理汽车。", "一个面板上写着一串英文字母非常好看。", "一个男孩正拿着一个工具,来焊接修理一个东西。", "一个男人正拿着一个机器焊接一块铁片。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个男人正在修理着什么东西。", "一个年轻的小男孩正带着手套给一辆红色的汽车焊接。", "一个男孩正在焊接一些材料在一起, 闭上他的眼睛, 以避免强烈的闪光。", "一名年轻人正在给一辆车的中心控制台进行焊接。", "一个年纪较大的孩子正在沿着汽车车身的关节使用电焊。", "一个年轻的男孩在外面,他正在焊接金属片。" ]
[ "A man uses a welder to weld a piece of metal in a shop.", "A person wearing a welding helmet, welding on some metal.", "A person who is welding something outside in a garage.", "The video depicts someone who is welding a piece of iron together.", "A person in full welding attire and helmet hunched over and welding.", "A person was welding a metal part together in a workshop", "A person with a mask on is welding some steel together", "A person is welding some object and there are huge sparks.", "A man in a welding mask is doing some welding on large metal plates", "a person works on a machine that is in front of them" ]
[ "一个人手拿电焊工具,蹲在地面上给机器进行维修。", "一个穿绿色衣服戴防护面罩的人正用电焊机焊接东西。", "一个男人拿着工具戴着面具在焊接物品。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个人正在焊接东西。", "黑暗中一个人在用焊枪,焊枪的光亮耀眼。", "一名工人正在车间里焊接金属零件。", "一个戴着面具的人正在焊接一些钢材。", "一个人正在焊接某些物体,并产生巨大的火花。", "一个戴着焊接面罩的人正在大金属板上焊接。", "一个人手上拿着一个电焊工具正在工作。" ]
[ "A man wearing a welding hood welds or cuts with a torch on top of a boiler.", "A man clad in blue coveralls welds on top of a large metal tank.", "A guy wielding some type of large canister and then cools it down.", "A man sits on top of a large metal structure inside a warehouse and uses an arc welder on it.", "A guy in a welding mask is on top of something and trying to weld it.", "A man wearing a welding suit with mask is welding a piece on a large metal vat.", "A welder makes repairs on a large tank and then checks his work.", "A welder is on a top of a large, metal object and is welding together metal parts.", "A man sits atop a large tank and welds a seam.", "A man in blue coveralls on a large take welds it and then hammers it." ]
[ "一个戴着面罩的男子在机器上电焊。", "焊工在一个大的铁的圆桶上面工作着。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的男子带着头盔,在一块圆形物体上进行电焊。", "一个穿着深色衣服戴着头盔的人在焊接。", "在一个房间里,有一个戴着面罩的人正在焊东西。", "穿着带面具和焊接服的男人在一个大金属缸上焊接。", "一个焊工拿着工具在一个大油箱上进行着维修检查的工作。", "焊工蹲在大型金属物体的顶部,并将金属部件焊接在一起。", "一个男人坐在一个大罐子上面,焊接一条缝。", "一个穿着蓝色工作服的人在一个物体身上焊接。" ]
[ "a man testing out some sort of machine that he put together that can melt metal.", "A guy in his workshop has made some sort of contraption.", "A man operates a spot welder made out of wood on his workbench.", "a man with a wood box and wires attached in a work bench garage", "A man is showing some gadget that appearsto be welding or soldering something.", "A man demonstrating some kind of heating mechanism cutting through metal.", "A wooden machine in front of a man is burning through a couple pieces of metal.", "A man shows how he has made a home made spot welder.", "A man is in a garage and builds a machine that burns metal hot.", "A man stands in a room, with a wooden contraption of some kind, that has wires and metal parts, and when he tirns it on the metal glows." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色外套的男人在桌子上做实验。", "一个男人在操控着一个机器,并燃烧着两片铁片。", "在一个房子里,一个穿着黑衣服的人正看着他桌子上的工具。", "一个穿着黑色外套的男人他的面前有很多零件。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人正在工作。", "一个男人在演示如何用一种加热装置来切割金属。", "在室内,一个人用一个工具将两个贴片粘连在一起。", "一个男人展示他是如何做出一个家用焊接焊工的。", "一个男人在他的工作室里正在演示用一个机器把金属片加热。", "一个男人站在一个房间里,随后一个机器开始工作。" ]
[ "A man wearing proper protective gear is welding a piece of machinery.", "A person uses a welding machine to connect two parts together.", "A man wearing a green shirt uses a welding tool indoors.", "A man wearing a helmet is in a garage welding metal.", "A man appears to be welding things inside of a large machine", "A welder completes multiple welds as sparks fall to the floor.", "A man is doing some work on a machine and using a electric machine.", "A man is shown welding metals while wearing protective gear.", "A man is welding a piece of machinery in a shop.", "A man is wearing a mask to protect his face from the many sparks that fly around him as he begins to weld." ]
[ "一个穿绿色衣服的人在车间电焊东西。", "一个男人正在拿着电焊机给一个零件焊接。", "一个身穿绿色衣服的男人拿着电焊机在工作。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人,带着专业设备在焊接一个东西。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人正在焊东西。", "一个人正在用电焊焊接一个金属品,焊接的火花落到地板上。", "一个人正在机器上做一些工作,用的是电动机器。", "一个穿着防护装备的男子在进行金属焊接作业。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的男人正在修一台大机器。", "一个戴面具的人正拿着工具焊东西。" ]
[ "A man with a welding tool welds metal as two workers watch behind masks.", "Two person with cap in their head with light are watching something else", "A man is using a welding machine to seal a item.", "Two men are wearing masks as one man is welding overhead.", "Someone wearing protective gear is using a welder that is giving off a lot of light.", "A group of people are shining a light and wearing protective hats.", "A man is wearing a heavy duty work uniform and using some sort of tool to do some work.", "A person welding with his left hand while high right hand holds a welding mask to protect his eyes.", "A group of two people adjust the lighting in an area.", "A person in protective gear uses a tool that produces very bright light." ]
[ "一个戴着安全帽手里拿着防护器具的男人正在看电焊。", "两名戴着灰色帽子的工作人员正在认真的工作。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的人戴着头盔做电焊。", "两个穿着深色衣服的人正在检修车。", "一个人戴着头盔拿着东西挡着脸在焊东西。", "一个带着防护面具的人,正在观看一个人焊接管道。", "一个男人穿着重型工作服,并且使用某种工具来做一些工作。", "一个人用左手焊接,而右手拿着焊接面罩以保护他的眼睛。", "一个由两个人组成的小组调整一个区域的灯光。", "穿着防护装备的人正在使用能产生非常明亮光线的工具。" ]
[ "A man is welding some form of metal construction project.", "a man is soldering metal with a mask on to protect his eyes and face.", "A guy has a mask on and is welding a machine with a torch.", "A person pulling a welding mask down over his fast and starts to weld.", "A man puts his mask down and solders an item as sparks emit.", "A person turns on a welding torch and begins to weld a piece of metal.", "A welder puts on his mask and begins to use tools to weld metal.", "A welder is welding with sparks flying, making it necessary for him to wear his protective mask and clothing.", "A man uses an arc welder to put two pieces of metal together.", "A man wears a welding helmet while using an arc welder to work on a project." ]
[ "一位电焊工人正在操作间熟练的进行作业。", "一个戴头盔的人正在用工具焊东西,有很大的火星。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人正在焊接着一个东西。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个戴着面具的男人正在电焊。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个戴着面具的人在电焊。", "一个人正在使用焊枪来焊接一块金属物品。", "一个人戴着头盔,手里拿着工具在工作。", "一个戴着防护面罩的人正在做焊接的工作火花飞溅到了面罩和衣服上。", "一个男人用电焊机把两块金属焊在一起。", "一名男子戴着焊接头盔,正在进行焊接工作。" ]
[ "A young man is in a work shop welding something on a table.", "A person wearing a welding helmet is welding a piece of metal.", "A man arc welds a piece of metal on a small bench", "A person putting down the visor of his welding helmet and then proceeds to weld a piece of metal.", "A man in a welding shop is using a welder to weld a piece of metal.", "A man wearing a welding hood is welding something, he stops welding, stands, raises the welding hood and walks away.", "A boy in shop class is wearing a mask and using a torch to metal.", "a boy is welding a metal object with fire with a safety mask on.", "Wearing a welding mask, a person welds two pieces of metal together.", "A man in a workshop is welding as his colleagues look on." ]
[ "一个人戴着面具手上拿着电焊工具在工作。", "在室内,一个人带着头盔在电焊一个物件。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男子在桌子上焊接东西。", "一个身穿深色上衣头戴面罩的人在室内进行焊接。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在进行电焊。", "一个戴着焊接罩的人正在焊接什么东西,然后他停止焊接,站立,掀开焊接罩, 走开了。", "一个戴着面具的男人正在使用手上的工具焊接一块金属。", "一个男孩戴着安全面罩正在用火焊接一个金属物体。", "一个人戴着一个焊接面罩, 把两块金属焊接在一起。", "一个戴面罩的男人在用工具焊接东西,旁边一个女人在跟另一个男人谈话。" ]
[ "A man puts on a mask and then does a welding project.", "A man shows himself using a tool and it zooms in to show how it works.", "A guy wearing a protective gear over his face is doing some welding.", "A man wearing welding gear melts a piece of metal with a torch", "A man is shown welding something then a close up is shown of what he is doing.", "A man stands holding an arc welding gun then is shown leaning on a table operating the welder the view then switches to the welding tip and the puddle of the weld", "A man stands talking holding a torch and then performs a welding action on a piece of material.", "a person works on an item that they have in front of him", "A man speaks briefly to the camera, then begins to weld an item.", "A man is demonstrating a type of welder, while another man talks about what is happening." ]
[ "一个人向大家讲述自己平时是怎么搞电焊工作的。", "一个人在带着防护头盔在用电焊焊接某种东西。", "在一个房间里,有一个戴着面具的人,他在焊东西。", "一位穿蓝色衣服的人在屋子里焊东西。", "一个穿着褐色衣服的人正在焊接一个东西。", "一个男人站着的时候拿着电焊枪,然后在展示焊接的技术。", "一名男子站在一起拿着工具说话, 然后对一件材料进行焊接操作。", "一个人在他的面前正在做一件事情。", "一个男人对镜头说话,然后开始焊接一件物品。", "一个男人正在示范一种焊接工,而另一个人谈论正在发生的事情。" ]
[ "A child in a room with a window showing off their whistling skills.", "A young child repeatedly whistles while wearing bright red lipstick.", "A young boy practices whistling by moving his mouth in different ways.", "A young child with wild hair whistling different notes indoors", "A person is showing how a little boy is playing with make up.", "A young person with spiky hair practices whistling different sounds.", "A person with dark lipstick in her lips is whistling with a gap", "A girl is moving their lips and whistling in a bathroom.", "A young girl wearing lipstick is trying to whistle and she has messy hair.", "A young boy is looking at the camer while trying to whistle" ]
[ "一个女孩脸上化了浓妆,对着镜头撅嘴瞪眼。", "一位头发竖起的小孩子正努力地吹着口哨。", "在一个房间里,一个留着短发的人嘴巴里在吹气。", "一个短发的小男孩儿正在房间内吹口哨。", "有一个头发乱乱的小男孩正在吹口哨。", "一个小孩子正在一遍又一遍的吹着口哨。", "一个涂着口红的小女孩正在吹着口哨。", "一个女孩正在浴室里对着镜头吹着口哨。", "一个女孩正在展示他涂在嘴上的口红。", "一个短头发的小男孩儿正在房间里用嘴吹口哨。" ]
[ "A boy lays on his stomach smiles and makes whistling sound and talks.", "A very young boy is holding a pencil and laying on a kitchen counter.", "a little baby looks at the camera and makes some odd faces", "A young toddler laying on top of a counter repeating what he is prompted.", "A baby whistles and talks while holding a pencil and lying on a table.", "Toddler wearing pajamas smiles, whistles and speaks while leaning forward in kitchen.", "A baby smiles and makes faces while on their belly.", "A woman is speaking to a baby boy and he speaks back and reacts.", "A little boy is being told to whistle and he tries and forgets about it.", "Toddler boy talks and whistles while laying on the floor." ]
[ "一位母亲正在教着自己的儿子怎么叫爸爸。", "一个穿着睡衣的小男孩趴桌子上学讲话。", "一个穿着图案衣服的小孩子趴在桌子上吹口哨。", "一个小男孩正趴在地上睁大双眼往上看。", "一个小孩趴着抬起头微笑,小孩用嘴发出一些声音。", "在厨房里一个穿着睡衣的小孩身体前倾着微笑,还吹口哨说话。", "一个小男孩正在桌子上不停的叫着什么。", "一个女人正在对一个男婴说话,他会说话并做出反应。", "一个女人在和一个小孩说话,小孩吹了一下口哨。", "蹒跚学步的孩子在地板上说话和吹口哨。" ]
[ "A little boy explaining how to whistle with your fingers.", "A boy shows four fingers and pushes up on his tongue.", "A boy sticks four of his fingers in his mouth to hold his tongue back.", "A boy demonstrates how to whistle by using one's fingers to push the tongue back.", "A boy trying to teach the world how to whistle using four fingers.", "A boy explains how he whistles using two fingers to push his tongue back to the roof of his mouth.", "A boy is demonstrating the art of whistling to his viewers.", "A young boy demonstrates how he holds his tongue to whistle.", "A little boy demonstrates how to whistle with your fingers.", "A young boy is demonstrating how to use his fingers to whistle and he is talking about it." ]
[ "一个小男孩将两只手的一根手指塞到嘴巴里,拿出来后各塞进去两根手指。", "一个小朋友正在展示他可以将四根手指放进嘴里。", "一个男孩子一边说话,一边将手放进嘴里。", "一个男孩正在张大嘴巴拿着手指伸进去摸舌头。", "一个人正在房间里讲解如何将手伸到嘴里。", "一个男孩把自己的舌头向上翘起,并解释他是如何用手指将自己向上翘起的舌头推回嘴巴里的。", "一个男孩先用两根手指压住自己的舌头,然后又用四根手指压住自己的舌头。", "一个小男孩演示了他如何用手指吹口哨。", "一个小男孩演示如何用你的手指吹口哨。", "一个小男孩正在展示如何使用他的手指吹口哨,他正在谈论它。" ]
[ "A young boy is whistling to a song and begins to sing.", "A boy is looking into the camera while whistling along to a song.", "A young boy is tring to imitate a whistling song that is playing/.", "A young boy attempts to whistle to a recorded tune.", "A kid is whistling while a song is playing in the background.", "A boy attempts to whistle along with playing music that features a whistler.", "A young boy in a red tank top attempts to whistle to music.", "A young boy tries whistling to a popular tune being played.", "A little boy is lip-syncing to a song he is listening to.", "A young boy recording himself whistling to a famous song" ]
[ "一个小男孩正在练习一段口哨表演。", "一个穿红衣服的小男孩在表演口技。", "一个小孩站着嘟嘴吹口哨,对口型轻轻哼着歌。", "一个穿着红色上衣的小男孩用嘴巴在吹着音乐。", "一个穿红衣服的小男孩在一块蓝色的布前面撅着嘴。", "一个男孩试图随着以吹口哨为特色的音乐吹口哨。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小男孩企图跟随着音乐吹口哨。", "一个小男孩正在吹口哨,试图吹出一曲流行的曲子。", "一个穿着背心站在室内墙壁前的男孩正在说话。", "一个年轻男孩在一首著名的歌曲中吹口哨。" ]
[ "A man Wistles while he plays a small guitar facing towards the camera.", "A man is playing a guitar and whistling a tune at the same time.", "A man is playing music on a guitar and whistling to the song.", "A seated man whistles to the tune he is playing from the guitar.", "A man in glasses is playing the guitar while whistling", "A older gentlemen whistling a song as he strums an acoustic guitar.", "A man is whistling and playing the guitar at the same time.", "A man plays an acoustic guitar while whistling a tune.", "A guy whistles a tune as he plays the guitar.", "A man plays his guitar while whistling inside his house." ]
[ "一个男子一边吹着口哨一边弹着吉他。", "一个男的正吹着口哨,弹着吉他。", "一个戴眼镜的男人在房间里弹奏吉他。", "一间室内有一个戴眼镜的人在自弹自吹。", "一个戴眼镜的男人在房间里手里抱着吉他弹奏着嘴中吹着口哨。", "一个男人手里拿着吉他,一边吹口哨一边谈吉他。", "一个男人在一边吹着口哨一边弹着吉他。", "一个戴眼镜的男子在室内边弹吉他边吹口哨。", "一个人在一边弹奏吉他一边吹着口哨。", "一个男人在房子里吹着口哨弹着吉他。" ]
[ "A person puts four fingers in their mouth and attempts to whistle.", "Someone demonstrates whistling using four fingers, but isn't able to do it well.", "A girl trying to show how to use fingers to whistle.", "A woman wearing eyeglasses places her fingers in her mouth and starts whistling.", "A woman wearing glasses is trying to whistle with four of her fingers in her mouth.", "A person sticks two fingers from each hand into their mouth and tries to whistle.", "A lady in a very dark room puts two fingers on each hand in her mouth and tries to whistle with limited success.", "A woman is showing how to whistle using your fingers.", "A young person demonstrates how to whistle with two fingers in your mouth.", "A woman practices whistling with fingers in her mouth but doesn't do it very well." ]
[ "一个黑色头发的女孩子戴着眼镜正在用手指塞进嘴巴里吹口哨。", "一个女人将嘴巴张开然后把手放进去吹口哨。", "戴眼镜的人将手放进嘴里发出口哨的声音。", "在黑暗的房间里,一个戴眼镜的人,把双手的四根手指放嘴里。", "在一个房间里,有一个短头发的,戴着眼镜的女人。", "一个戴眼镜的人把两只手的两根手指伸进嘴里,试图吹口哨。", "一位女士在一个非常黑暗的房间里,把两只手指放在嘴边,试图吹口哨。", "一位女士正在展示如何用你的手指吹口哨。", "一个年轻人演示如何用两根手指在你嘴里吹口哨。", "一个女人用手指吹口哨,但做得不是很好。" ]
[ "A is sitting by a desk and playing a musical instrument.", "A person is playing two notes on a woodwind instrument.", "Some one sitting at a desk with a computer playing a recorder or other wind instrument.", "A person is holding a musical instrument and blowing into it.", "A erson sitting at a desk with a computer on it, plays a short note and a long note on a recorder and the light fades to black", "Indoors at a desk, a male a plays a tune on a flute of some kind.", "A person was playing the flute by playing the mild music with that", "A kid plays the flute in his room on this computer desk.", "A woman sits in front of her computer and blows into a woodwind instrument.", "A man sitting in front of a computer starts to play a note on the recorder before the scene fades to blackness." ]
[ "一个穿着黑白连帽卫衣的人坐在电脑桌前吹笛子,桌子上开着电脑放着键盘和鼠标。", "在一个房间里有一个穿着蓝色衣服的人在吹笛子。", "一个男人坐在电脑旁边专心致志地吹笛子。", "一个男子坐在电脑前面在吹着乐器。", "一个人正在房间里的电脑桌前吹箫。", "一个男人在室内的办公桌旁边吹奏一支笛子。", "一个人在电脑桌面前吹奏着一个长笛。", "一个人坐在他房间的电脑面前吹着笛子。", "一个人坐在电脑前, 在吹奏一个笛子。", "一个男人坐在电脑前吹笛子,随后画面渐渐变得一片黑暗。" ]
[ "A woman is bobbing her head from side to side and whistling along to some music.", "A woman is whistling continuously to the song that is playing in the background.", "A woman is whistling along with some music in the background.", "A woman whistles at home by herself while sitting down.", "A woman is whistling along to a famous marching song.", "A woman is wearing eyeglasses and she is whistling inside a room.", "A women is seated and whistling while documenting the musical notes.", "A dark haired woman wearing glasses is whistling along with band music that is being played off-screen.", "A woman is whistling with some skill to a classical piece of music that is most recognisable.", "A woman is recording herself whistling in front of a camera." ]
[ "一个身穿灰色上衣戴着眼镜的长头发女人在吹口哨。", "一个戴黑框眼睛的女人在伴着音乐吹口哨。", "一个戴眼镜的外国女孩在屋里坐着用嘴吹口哨。", "一个带着黑框眼镜的女士在吹口哨。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个女人正在晃动着脑袋。", "一个带着眼睛的女人在房间里面吹口哨。", "一个带着眼镜的女人在那里吹口哨。", "一位深色头发戴着眼镜的女士伴随着银幕上播放着的乐队音乐跟着吹口哨。", "一个戴着黑色眼睛的女人在房间里吹口哨。", "一个女人正在吹着口哨展示着自己。" ]
[ "A young boy whistles, places his hand on his head and then places his fingers in his mouth.", "A little girl is smiling in front of the camera in a car.", "While in a vehicle, a young boy is trying to whistle while someone is talking in the background.", "In the backseat of a car, a little boy is making funny faces at a camera.", "A toddler girl is putting her hand on her head and whistling.", "The girl puts her hand on top of her head while she whistles.", "A child places a hand on her head and attempts to whistle.", "A young boy in a car puckers his lips and whistles.", "A little girl places her hand on her head and then puts her finger in her mouth and looks to the side.", "A small child gives her attempt at whistling while other cheer her on." ]
[ "一个穿着白色背心的小孩,在小汽车里面吹口哨。", "一个穿着白色背心的小孩在做一些表情。", "一个小孩把一只手放头上同时用嘴吹口哨。", "一名身穿白色上衣的女孩,正坐在一辆汽车内。", "在一个汽车内,有一个小女孩在玩耍。", "女孩一边吹口哨一边将手放在头顶上。", "一个穿白色衣服的小孩把手放在头顶上嘟着嘴。", "一个坐在汽车里的小男孩嘟起嘴唇,吹着口哨。", "一个小女孩坐在汽车里,然后把手指放在嘴里。", "一个小孩子正坐在一辆车里噘着嘴。" ]
[ "A man in an army uniform dances back and forth to a song then the word whistling appears on screen and the song is whistled.", "A man in uniform holds up his hand and then dances to music.", "A person is dancing and whistling on a stage until a text that says whistling comes up.", "A black and white video of a man with a bowl cut singing.", "Im an old back and white video a man is shown dancing and whistling to music.", "A man dances alone to the sound of whistling and music.", "A man is dancing and whistling as music plays in the background.", "A man performances dance moves to old music while wearing a suit.", "A man dances and whistles a tune for an audience in the 1960's.", "A man is standing on stage and is dancing in a weird way" ]
[ "一个穿着衬衫的男人,一边扭着身体,一边唱着歌。", "一个身穿灰色衣服的男人在愉快的跳舞。", "一个穿着正装的男人正在舞台上伴随着音乐跳舞。", "一个男人正一边唱歌一边扭动着自己的身体。", "一个男人在跟随着音乐欢快地跳舞。", "一个男人独自在哨声和音乐声中跳舞。", "当音乐在背景中奏响时,一个男人正在跳舞和吹口哨。", "一个男人穿着西装随着旧音乐表演各种舞蹈动作。", "20世纪60年代, 一个人为观众跳着舞蹈和吹口哨。", "一个男人站在舞台上跳着奇怪的舞。" ]
[ "A man is listening to music and whisteling while singing a song.", "A man wearing headphones sings about the skill of whistleing", "A man wearing earphones whistles a few bars, and starts to sing a song about whistling.", "A person is whistling a tune and then sings about whistling.", "A man is staring at the camera and begins to whistle and sing.", "A man wearing earphones whistles into a camera and smiles.", "A young man is shown whistling a song and then sings a song.", "A man with earphones in his ears singing a song about whistling.", "A young man whistling and singing along with a song.", "A man with headphones on sits and whistles then sings along with a song playing." ]
[ "一个黑发的男人带着耳机在家里唱歌吹口哨。", "一个穿着白色衣服戴着耳机的男人在房间里唱歌。", "在一个房子里。一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在吹口哨。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人戴着耳机唱歌。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在戴着耳机唱歌。", "一名戴着耳机的男子微笑着对着镜头吹口哨。", "一个年轻人正在吹口哨吹着一首歌,然后又唱起了这首歌。", "一个男人带着耳机在他的耳边吹口哨并唱着一首歌。", "一个穿着白色衣服的年轻人吹口哨, 唱着一首歌。", "一个戴着耳机的人坐着吹口哨, 然后随着一首播放歌唱歌。" ]
[ "A man sitting in front of a webcam whistles to his audience.", "A man is indoors whistling and then begins to blink rapidly.", "A man with a distinctive mustache whistles in front of the camera.", "A man whistles, and smiles, while in a very dimly lit room.", "A man is sitting down while he is whistling and blinking repeatedly.", "A man, with a mustache, is whistling a song with his mouth.", "A man whistles a toon with his mouth and then blinks his eyes several times.", "A man wearing a denim shirt whistles and nods his head.", "A man with a moustache and brown hair is whistling.", "A man with bushy eyebrows and a blonde mustache is whistling then blinks his eyes." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色衣服的短头发男人正在吹口哨。", "一个穿着蓝色衬衣的白胡子老头在吹口哨。", "一个长着很多胡子的男人正对着屏幕吹口哨。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男子眨着眼睛,用嘴巴在吹着口哨。", "一个有胡子穿着衬衣的人在吹口哨。", "一个男人正在一遍又一遍地吹着口哨。", "在一个昏暗的屋子里一个男人正在吹口哨,然后眨了几下眼睛。", "一个穿着牛仔衬衫的男人正在房间里吹口哨。", "一个留着胡子和棕色头发的人在吹口哨。", "一个有浓密眉毛和金色小胡子的男人吹着口哨,然后眨了眨他的眼睛。" ]
[ "A close side profile of a man staring then beginning to whistle.", "A close up of man's face is seen staring and then he begins to whistle.", "A man stares straight ahead, swallows, then starts to whistle.", "A man is listening to music and starts whistling along to it.", "A man is shown whistling in tune to the music.", "a man with a pair of glasses on looks in front of him at something intensely", "A man wearing glasses is whistling a tune to background music.", "A man watches something on a screen and begins to whistle.", "A man facing to the left of the camera begins to whistle.", "A man is staring blankly and then begins to blow air into his cheeks" ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的男人用嘴巴吹出动人的旋律。", "一个带眼镜留胡子的的男人在吹口哨。", "一个老人戴着一副眼镜用嘴吹着口哨。", "一个戴眼镜的花白胡子男人正在吹口哨。", "有一个男人,留着胡子,胡子都已经白了,他还戴着眼镜。", "一个男人朝着一个方向在观看,并鼓着嘴在吹气。", "一个戴眼镜的人在看着前方吹着口哨。", "一个男人听完一段音乐后开始吹起了口哨。", "一个戴着眼镜留着胡子的男人正在吹口哨。", "一个男人目不转睛的望着一个方向,并吹起来口哨。" ]
[ "A guy with dark hair is dressed up and singing with a microphone.", "A man in a suit is whistling into a microphone.", "A man is performing through a whistle made louder with the aid of a microphone.", "A guy is holding a microphone while singing a tune.", "A man is performing a song by whistling accompanied but a piano.", "A man wearing a suit is whistling along to some classical music.", "A man in a gray dress suit is whistling a tune.", "a man in a tux whistling into a microphone.", "A man in a tuxedo whistles with classical music played on a piano.", "An Asian man is whistling on stage into a mircrophone." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色西服的男人,拿着话筒在唱歌。", "一个男人在舞台上伴随着钢琴声吹口哨。", "一个人拿着话筒随着音乐,正在哼唱着。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个穿着黑色的西服的男人在唱歌。", "一个穿着西装的男人拿着话筒在吹口哨。", "一个穿着西装的男人伴奏着一些古典音乐吹着口哨。", "一个穿着灰色西装的人拿着话筒,嘴在动。", "一个穿着礼服的男子用口哨表演乐曲。", "一个穿着黑色燕尾服的男人正在舞台上演奏音乐。", "一个亚洲男子拿着麦克风在舞台上演示吹口哨。" ]
[ "An audience watches and reacts to a man making whistling noises both on his own and with a flute.", "An audience is laughing as a guy is whistling into an object.", "A man is doing different styles of whistling and some older adults are laughing.", "A man is blowing a whistle and whistling to a audience of people.", "a group of people listening to a person play a musical instrument", "Women in an audience laugh as a man on stage makes whistling noises with an instrument and his lips.", "An old man is showing a group of people a certain type of whistle.", "A group of elderly women are watching a man whistle into a whistle.", "A crowd is watching a man use an instrument and his mouth to make whistling noises.", "A man shows off different types of whistling sounds to an audience." ]
[ "一个群人都在笑,另一个男人正在吹奏着一个哨子。", "一个中年人在观众的注视下吹奏乐器。", "一个人在台上表演吹箫,台下有很多观众。", "有一群人在观看一个穿着深色衣服的人表演。", "有一群穿着深色衣服的人正在演出。", "在一群观众里一个女人笑着,看着舞台上的一个男人用乐器和嘴唇发出吹口哨的声音。", "一位老人正在向一群人展示一种特定的哨子。", "一群上了年纪的妇女正在观察一个男子吹口哨吹口哨。", "群人正看着一个人用一个工具和他的嘴发出哨声。", "一个男人一边向观众演示吹口哨,一边说话,惹得观众都哈哈笑。" ]
[ "A boy is demonstrating how to whistle and it shows us three times.", "A child demonstrating now to whistle with a specific tongue placement.", "A little boy says something and then begins to whistle.", "A young male is talking and then starts to whistle a tune.", "A boy with dark hair and dark eyes is demonstrating that he can whistle by positioning his tongue behind his front top teeth and whistling a few notes.", "A little kid is making faces and blowing with his mouth onto something", "A boy is making faces and whistling in front of a camera.", "Boy speaks, opens mouth wide showing teeth and tongue, whistles, wet lips and whistles again.", "A boy with short dark hair wearing a white shirt is whistling.", "A child says something and makes funny faces before he starts whistling." ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣服的短头发男孩正在吹口哨。", "房间里一个穿着白色上衣的男孩在讲话和吹口哨。", "一个穿白色衣服的男孩卷起舌头并吹起了口哨。", "一个小男孩在说了一句话后开始吹口哨。", "一个小男孩说了几句话后并且在对着大家吹口哨。", "一个小孩张大嘴巴,之后他在吹着口哨。", "一个小男孩张开了嘴,然后用嘴吹起了口哨。", "男孩正在教大家如何才能很好的吹口哨。", "一个身穿白色衬衫黑色短发男孩吹口哨。", "一个孩子正在吹口哨,随后做出有趣的表情。" ]
[ "A man is whistling a tune, and then takes a breath and swallows, and continues whistling.", "A man whistling along to a record that is playing.", "An older dark skinned man faces the camera and whistles some tunes.", "A male is whistling along to a tune that is playing in the background.", "A man was whistling to make a beat to some other beat", "a man is sitting in a chair whistling to music", "A man seated is performing a whistling song and music instruments can be heard in the background.", "A man in a white and orange top is whistling along with some exotic music that is playing in the background.", "A man is whistling in tune to a song that is playing in the background.", "A man with a mustache and glasses whistling to accompany a track playing in the background." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的男人正在认真的吹口哨。", "一个穿着有英语字母的白色上衣戴着眼镜的男人在吹口哨。", "一个带着眼睛的人,正在聚精会神的吹口哨,发生好听的声音。", "一个房间里,一个穿着白衣服的男人正在吹口哨。", "一个戴着眼镜的留着胡子的男人正在吹口哨。", "一个男子坐在椅子上用吹口哨的方法吹出好听的音乐。", "一个戴眼镜的男人正跟随着音乐用嘴吹着口哨。", "一个穿着白色和橙色上衣的男人在吹口哨,还有一些异国情调的音乐在背景中播放。", "一个人正在用口哨吹奏一曲正在播放的歌曲。", "一个戴着眼镜的男子在房间里面吹着口哨。" ]
[ "A woman and a boy are sitting on a stage while whistling and singing.", "Two actors are on stage performing a scene from a play.", "Two actors perform a scene in a musical while seated on a stage.", "A woman and a boy sit on stage and hug while singing together.", "A man and a woman are sitting on a stage singing a song.", "A woman and a boy singing together on stage in a musical.", "A woman sits and speaks with a boy during a play on a stage.", "Two headset wearing actors on a stage whistle and sing a song for a musical.", "Two people with microphones sit on the edge of a stage in a play.", "A woman is whistling next to man and then both the woman and the man are singing on stage." ]
[ "一个长头发女人和一个戴帽子的男人正在台上表演。", "一个男孩和一个女孩在表演舞台剧,他们聊天并拥抱。", "一个戴着帽子的女子坐在一个穿着西装的人身上。", "舞台上一个男孩正在和一个女孩正在表演。", "一个戴着帽子穿着裙子的长发女子正和一个穿着西服的男子坐在一起。", "一个女人和一个男孩一起在坐在音乐剧的舞台上跟着伴奏唱歌。", "一位女士坐在舞台上和一个男孩子说话。", "两个戴着帽子的演员在舞台上吹口哨,为音乐剧唱歌。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服和一个穿着黑色衣服的人在舞台上表演。", "一个女孩在男孩旁边吹口哨,然后两人都在舞台上唱歌。" ]
[ "An old man with glasses looks forwards while sitting at a computer monitor.", "An man continually purses his lips as he looks at something he is doing.", "A man sits and whistles to himself as he examines something.", "The man moves his head to the left then the right and looks at the computor screen.", "A man who is seated is intently focused on something in front of him.", "A bald, moustachioed man whistles as he appears to type at a computer, the screen reflected in his glasses.", "An old man with glasses is looking downwards and concentrating.", "The man is looking around in all directions for something", "An old man is sitting down at a desk and slowly shaking his head while reading something.", "A man turns his head from side to side and takes a deep breath." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的白胡子男人在家里上网。", "一个戴眼镜的男人在吹着口哨,看上去很惬意。", "一个戴着眼镜,穿着黄白条纹的衣服的人正在想事情。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人戴着一副眼镜。", "一个戴眼镜的男人在无声地看着什么东西。", "一个秃头并有胡子的男人吹着口哨在电脑前打字,眼镜里反射出屏幕的亮光。", "一位戴眼镜的老人正聚精会神的向下看。", "一个戴着眼镜、穿着条纹上衣的男人在四处张望。", "一位老人坐在书桌旁边,在不停地左右摇头。", "一个男人把他的头从一边转到另一边,然后深深地吸了一口气。" ]
[ "A band plays in the background while a screen is shown of their cd cover.", "A person sings rhythmically poetic lyrics that are set to music.", "A disco style song plays in the background and the songs title and artist shows on screen.", "A recording of a popular song from a soul music group.", "A man singing funk with good instrumentals accompanying his singing.", "Funky seventies music plays over a screen that says \"Blow Your Whistle\" with green decor.", "A record cover has a black background and green artwork with the title of Blow Your Whistle.", "The title and artist are displayed on screen while that song plays.", "The song Blow Your Whistle by Chuck Brown and The Soul Searchers is playing.", "Credits are being shown for some kind of activity and a man is singing in the background." ]
[ "在一个绿色花纹中有着一串白色英文。", "黑底背景上显示一串被彩色边框框着的英文单词。", "一幅画画上有一圈绿色的东西围着三行英文字母。", "绿色花纹围成的方框里有三排英文字母。", "绿色的花边图案中间有三行白色的英文句子。", "屏幕上正在播放七十年代的音乐,绿色的装饰上面写着“吹响你的口哨”。", "一个唱片封面有一个黑色背景和绿色的艺术作品,标题吹吹你的哨子。", "这首歌播放的时候,标题和艺术家都在屏幕上显示出来.。", "查克·布朗和灵魂搜索者的歌曲《吹响你的口哨》正在播放。", "有一圈绿色的造型和几行字幕出现在屏幕上。" ]
[ "A girl is singing and dancing for the camera as she makes gestures to show what the song says.", "A girl lip-syncs to music inside a bedroom with digital fireworks effects added", "A little girl dances and makes various facial expressions while music is playing.", "A little girl performs a musically while acting it all out in a small room.", "A young girl performs a dance to a pop song.", "A young girl wearing a red shirt dances around with music playing in the background.", "A young girl in a red shirt makes a video while dancing and singing.", "A girl gestures and moves about as graphics are overlayed on screen", "A YOUNG GIRL IS DANCING IN A ROOM AND RECORDS THE DANCE ADDING SOFTWARE ENHANCEMENTS.", "A young girl sing to a song she is listening to in her room." ]
[ "一个女孩在手舞足蹈做着各种搞怪的动作。", "一个女孩在房间里伴随着音乐唱歌跳舞。", "一个红衣小女孩跟着音乐的节奏做出自己的节拍和韵律。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女孩正在唱歌,她身后的墙上贴着海报。", "在房间内,一个小女孩,在地板上唱唱跳跳的玩耍。", "一个身穿红色衬衫的年轻女孩随着背景音乐跳舞。", "一个穿红色衬衫的年轻女孩一边跳舞一边唱歌, 一边拍着视频。", "一个女人站在镜头前开心的跳舞比划手势然后屏幕上出现了漂亮的花纹。", "一个年轻的女孩正在一个房间里跳舞。", "她在房间里,一个年轻的女孩正唱一首歌。" ]
[ "A boy whistles along to a song on the radio.", "A a song is being played, a boy is sitting in a moving vehicle, and then, he starts whistling.", "a little kid is sitting in the backseat of a car and talking to the camera", "A young boy sitting in a car with his seat belt on begins to whistle.", "A young boy riding in a car starts to whistle.", "A boy is sitting a car seat and whistling a tune.", "A boy, sitting in the back seat of a car, whistles.", "A little boy is shown in a car seat while driving, and whistling a tune.", "A kid in a moving vehicle is whistling while music is playing in the background.", "A young boy looks out the window of a moving vehicle and whistles." ]
[ "一个小男孩正坐在车里,用口哨吹着曲调。", "一名小男孩坐在车上,高兴地吹起了口哨。", "一个短发小男孩坐在车里面跟人说话。", "在一辆车里,一个穿红色衣服的男孩在吹口哨。", "一个小男孩坐在车的椅子上,吹着口哨.。", "一个男孩坐在汽车的安全座椅上,用口哨吹着一支曲子。", "一个男孩, 坐在汽车的后座上, 吹口哨。", "一个小男孩坐在汽车的座位上,吹着一支曲子。", "当音乐在背景中播放时, 行驶中的车辆上的一个孩子在吹口哨。", "一个坐在车上的小男孩看着窗外,然后嘟着嘴巴吹口哨。" ]
[ "A person places a big orange whistle in a child's mouth and they attempt to blow it.", "A boy is blowing into a whisle that someone is holding.", "An adult hold up a plastic whistle and a child blows on it.", "A little kid playing and trying to blow a whistle that someone else is holding for him.", "A father is helping is son blow on a whistle but he gets distracted anyway.", "A kid bites down on a orange whistle and then walks away.", "A person holds an orange whistle to a toddlers mouth making them blow.", "A toddle has a whistle put near his mouth but he is unsure what to do with it and walks off.", "A little boy plays with his mom to learn how to blow a whistle.", "A young boy puts his mouth on a whistle, but does not blow." ]
[ "一个人拿着哨子给走过来的小男孩吹,小男孩吹了一下就走了.。", "一个可爱的小朋友正在尝试吹口哨,但没有成功。", "在一个满地玩具的房间里一个小男孩吹了一下口哨。", "一只手给了一个黄头发的外国小孩嘴里塞了一个哨子又取下外国小孩又跑了。", "一个人拿着橘色的哨子放到一个黄色头发的小宝宝嘴里。", "一个小孩咬着橙色的哨子然后走开了。", "一个人拿着橙色的哨子对着幼儿的嘴, 让他吹。", "一个托举哥在他的嘴边放了一个哨子, 但他不确定该怎么处理, 就走了。", "一个小男孩和他妈妈一起玩, 并学习如何吹哨。", "一个小男孩把嘴放在哨子上, 但不吹。" ]
[ "Inside a man is sitting down and moving his head back forth.", "A man is very happy with whistling. The whistle was very beautiful.", "A man is face to face with the camera and whistling a tune.", "A man is up against a wall whistling with his eyes closed.", "A man is whistling a tune very loudly with a very high pitch.", "A man, wearing a Go- T beard, is facing the camera, and whistling a song.", "A man is whistling in different pitches to whistle a song.", "A man is whistling a harmonic melody to the camera, in perfect pitch.", "A person is whistling a high pitch sound.", "A man whistles a tune very passionately for several seconds." ]
[ "一个穿绿色衣服的男人在靠着墙吹口哨。", "一个男人正靠在墙上动情地吹着口哨。", "一个有胡子的男人吹着口哨,忘我地吹奏出了一首有曲调的音乐。", "一个留着短发,穿着立领衣服的男人闭着眼睛。", "一名男子闭着眼睛吹口哨然后睁开眼睛吹口哨。", "一个留着大胡子的男人对着镜头吹着口哨。", "一个男人正在用不同的音调吹口哨。", "一个男人在对着镜头吹着和谐的旋律,完美的音调。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的男子在房间内忘情的唱歌。", "一名男子对着镜头吹着口哨,晃着脑袋。" ]
[ "A man's face is shown in profile close-up as he whistles along with some music.", "A man with a graying mustache and glasses is whistling.", "A man is whistling along with the music that playing in the background", "A man with a mustache whistling to soft background music.", "The old guy is whistling as he plays a percussion instrument so intensely.", "A middle aged man is whistling along with some music heard in the background.", "A man is whistling and playing a tune as he is.", "A man with glasses and a mustache closes his eyes whistles", "A man uses his lips and mouth to whistle several different notes.", "A closeup of a man's face while he whistles to a song." ]
[ "一个带着眼镜的老人不停地抽动着嘴角。", "一个戴着眼镜留着黑白胡须的男子展示吹口哨。", "一个老人在用嘴巴吹着带有音乐节奏的口哨。", "一个戴着眼镜的胡须发白的男人嘴巴在活动。", "在一个房间里,一个戴的眼镜长满胡子的男人悠闲地吹着口哨。", "一个中年男子伴随着背景音乐吹着口哨。", "一个戴眼镜长胡子的人正在嘟着嘴好像吹口哨。", "一个戴着眼镜并且满嘴胡子的人正在用嘴吹口哨。", "一个有着胡子的男人正在用他的嘴唇吹着口哨。", "一个戴眼镜的男人正在用嘴吹口哨。" ]
[ "A young man wearing a knit hat is whistling a song.", "A man whistles to himself like a bird in his bedroom.", "A man whistling in a white shirt and a black stocking cap.", "A man whistles a certain tune while in his bedroom.", "A man wearing a Monster fitted cap is whistling in his room.", "A person was sitting indoor and whistling to the camera", "A man is whistling a tune while wearing a monster-branded beanie.", "A man wearing a beanie is whistling while sitting down in a room.", "A man whistling a tune while being somewhat animated with his head and hand motions.", "A man is sitting down whistling a song and waving his hands." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服戴着帽子的男人在吹口哨。", "一个戴帽子的男人在吹口哨,他表现得很享受。", "一个戴着帽子,留着络腮胡的男人在吹口哨。", "一个戴着帽子的男子在屋子里面吹口哨。", "在一个房间里,有一个戴着帽子,右手戴着手链的男人。", "一个穿着半截袖和戴着帽子的男人坐在室内说口哨。", "一个男人正在非常认真的吹着口哨。", "一个戴圆顶帽子的男人在一间屋子里坐着时吹着口哨。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人正在吹口哨。", "一名男子吹着口哨,愉快的挥舞双手。" ]
[ "A blonde girl is talking to the camera and another guy starts talking to the camera.", "A man asks a woman if she can whistle and she obliges", "A video in which two people in the same room speak over webcam about how he is old and she can whistle.", "A man and woman talk back and forth through a computer even though they are sitting in the same room.", "A man and a woman sit with their backs to each other and talk to each other with computers.", "A man and a woman are talking on video chat and the man asks the woman if she can wistle", "A man and a woman are talking to each other in the same room while videotaping each other.", "A man and a woman talk to each other over web cameras while sitting in the same room and the man asks her if she can whistle, which she then demonstrates.", "Man and women on a date are and the man asks the women is she can whistle after she says he looks old.", "A guy and girl are talking to each other on the computer while they are sitting behind each other across the room." ]
[ "一个戴着项链的金黄色头发的女士正在吹口哨。", "一个留着胡子穿着格子衫的男人,和一个留着短发的女子在说话。", "一个女人和一个男人正坐在椅子上聊天。", "一男一女背对着在给自己录像,两人的画面里都可以看到对方的背影。", "8", "一个男人和一个女人正在用电脑聊天,男人问女人是否可以听话。", "一个男人和一个女人在同一个房间内却使用电脑交谈。", "一个男人和一个女人坐在一个房间里互相通过网络摄像机聊天,男子问她能不能吹口哨, 然后她就演示了一下。", "男人和女人约会是男人问女人是她可以吹口哨后她说他看上去很老。", "一个男人和一个女人各自坐在房间的两头,各自对着电脑交谈。" ]
[ "a boy begins to blow and then moves their arms from side to side", "A teenage boy is shown puffing his cheeks out as if blowing air.", "A boy standing moving around and blowing air from his mouth.", "A boy wearing black shirt whistling without a sound and moving his head sideways", "A young man blows out his cheeks and attempts to whistle but no sound comes out.", "A man wearing a t-shirt inflates his cheeks, moves his head and shoulders left and right, and then becomes still.", "A boy is attempting to whistle or is blowing air while on camera.", "A man with no expression purses his lips to whistle, then returns to no expression.", "A man makes his lips into a circle and moves his body side to side slightly.", "A boy is wiggling back and forth and making the facial expression of whistling." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色短袖的男孩左右摇摆几下并嘟起嘴巴深呼吸。", "一个男人嘟起嘴巴,微微摇晃了一下身体。", "一名黑衣男子站在橙黄色背景中间,轻动嘴唇,左右摇摆。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人摇着头在吹气。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个男人正在呼气。", "一个男人穿着T恤鼓起脸颊,左右移动头和肩膀,然后变得静止。", "一个男孩正试图在镜头前吹口哨或吹空气。", "一个面目表情的男人撅起嘴巴吹口哨,没有声音。", "一个男人把他的嘴唇做成一个圆形,然后轻轻地移动他的身体。", "一个男孩边左右摇摆边做出吹口哨的面部表情。" ]
[ "An older man with a mustache whistles into the camera.", "A guy looks at the camera and starts to whistle at it.", "A man is practicing how to whistle indoors at a home.", "A man is whistling while recording himself in front of his computer camera.", "A man demonstrating whistling in his home to teach others.", "A man sits in front of the camera and whistles a song.", "A man is whistling, but pauses several times to catch his breath.", "A man recording himself while whistling and slightly moving his head back and forth.", "A man with a mustache is turning his head and whistling.", "A man sitting at a table whistles a tune trying to keep a melody going." ]
[ "一位穿黄衣服的老爷爷正在对着镜头吹口哨。", "一个短头发男人正在嘟着嘴吹口哨。", "一个外国男人,正在按照一定旋律吹口哨。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个留着胡子的男人在用嘴巴吹着口哨。", "一个留着胡子的男人,在昏黄的房间里,吹着口哨。", "一个男人正坐在镜头前,用嘴吹着口哨。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在吹口哨。", "一个男人在一边吹口哨,一边微微摇晃着头来回拍录自己。", "一个蓄着小胡子的男人正在转头并吹口哨。", "一个男人坐在一张桌子旁边吹着口哨,试图保持一段旋律。" ]
[ "A little boy is standing on the sidewalk whistling.", "A little boy standing outside tries to practice whistling and is excited when he whistles.", "A happy little boy is whistling and relieved when he is done as well.", "A little boy is whistling as someone is recording him and he lets out a sigh at the end.", "A little boy is standing on the sidewalk and is whistling.", "A little boy whistles over and over while standing on the street.", "A young male child is outside on the sidewalk and is trying to whistle.", "a cute little boy is smiling while showing his talent of whistling", "A young asian boy ina grey shirt is tanding outside trying to whistle.", "A boy standing on the sidewalk tries to show off his whistling." ]
[ "一个穿灰色上衣格子短裤的小男孩尝试着吹口哨。", "一个中国小男孩站在马路上学习吹口哨。", "一个穿灰色短袖的小男孩儿正站在室外的马路上吹口哨。", "一个穿着短袖的男孩在吹口哨,双手搅动自己的衣服。", "一个男孩小声地吹着口哨,吹完之后笑了。", "一个小男孩站在大街上,他一遍又一遍地在吹口哨。", "一个小男孩站在外面的人行道上,正在试着吹口哨。", "一个可爱的小男孩在展示他吹口哨的才华时微笑着。", "一个年轻的亚洲男孩穿着灰色的衬衫在人行道上吹着口哨。", "一个小男孩站在人行道上试图用嘴吹口哨。" ]
[ "A guy in glasses s whistling a tune using his lips.", "A guy sits in a chair looking up and fluffing his cheeks.", "A man is sitting in a chair and whistling to music.", "A man whistling to the beat of a song being played.", "A man is whistling along with the music and enjoying it.", "A man is sitting in a chair whistling along to the song playing in the background.", "Man sitting in a chair in a room whisteling a song.", "A gray haired man wearing glasses is whistling a tune.", "A man is sitting in a chair and is whistling while listening to music.", "A man sitting in a chair whistles a musical tune." ]
[ "一个人在房间里面坐在板凳上面用自己的嘴巴发出了声音。", "一个戴着眼镜的男子坐在椅子上,在吹口哨。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人正在室内吹口哨。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人坐在一个黑色的椅子上吹气。", "一个带着眼睛的男人在用嘴哼这口哨。", "一名中年男子坐在椅子上,听着背景音乐吹口哨。", "一个坐在房间里的椅子上的男人,正在通过吹口哨唱一首歌。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人正在吹口哨歌。", "一个男人正坐在椅子上,边吹口哨边听音乐。", "在室内,一个穿着白色衣服的男人坐在椅子上吹口哨。" ]
[ "A guy is whistling a song in front of the camera in a bedroom.", "A man is sitting in an office and whistles into a headphone mic.", "A man seated and wearing over the head phones is whistling.", "Man sitting at a desk and whistling while he has on a headset.", "A man is sitting down in a bedroom and whistling into a headset.", "A man wearing a pair of glasses and headphones is whistling a melody.", "A man wearing glasses whistles into the microphone of a headset.", "A young man is whistling a tune, while wearing ear phones and a microphone.", "A man wearing a mic is whistling a song while he does something else.", "A guy wearing a headset is whistling a song while working." ]
[ "一个男人正在房间里戴着耳机吹口哨。", "一个男人戴着耳机对着麦克风吹着口哨。", "一个绿色衣服的男子戴着耳机在欢快的吹着口哨。", "一个戴着眼镜和耳机的男人正对着一个话筒吹口哨。", "一个穿绿色短袖脸上长胡子的男人戴着耳机坐在房间里。", "一个戴着眼镜和一副耳机的男人在吹一首歌的旋律。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人戴着耳机对着话筒吹口哨。", "一个男人正带着耳机和麦克风在吹口哨。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的男人正在房间里唱歌。", "一个戴着耳机的男子在工作时吹口哨。" ]
[ "A young boy with glasses blows at the camera.", "A young boy wearing glasses makes faces at the camera.", "The little boy is blowing air out of his mouth, as an adult speaks in the background.", "A little is playing with a video camera and making air noises with his mouth.", "Young boy moving towards the camera and blowing, men talking in the background.", "A young boy is facing the camera and is trying to whistle and then pans the camera around.", "A young boy leans forward and blows at the camera, then moves away and returns", "A young boy is blowing into the camera, the pans it to view a pumpkin.", "A little boy plays uses a phone to show off his pumpkin.", "A young boy with glasses in a living room makes an attempt at whistling." ]
[ "一位戴着眼镜的小男孩对着镜头打招呼,嘴里发出呼呼的声音。", "一个穿蓝色衣服,戴着黑框眼镜的小男孩手里拿着绿色的足球,向镜头呼着气。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男孩在介绍他的玩具。", "一个穿着深色衣服的孩子在床上玩耍。", "一个戴着眼镜穿着蓝色上衣的男孩子正在说话。", "一个小男孩正对着镜头,正试图吹口哨,然后把镜头转到四周。", "一个小男孩身体前倾吹了口气,然后走开并返回。", "一个小男孩正对着镜头吹气,然后镜头转向旁边的一个南瓜。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的小男孩正在炫耀他的南瓜。", "一个戴着眼镜的小男孩坐在椅子上怀里抱着一个球。" ]
[ "A man whistles with his eyes closed and plays a guitar.", "A man whistles, plays the acoustic guitar, and taps along to the music.", "A man is sitting and strumming the guitar and whistling.", "A man whistles along while playing his guitar in his home.", "A man sits whistling and playing an acoustic guitar to accompany him.", "A man with eyes closed whistles and plays the guitar with an intense look on his face.", "A guys is strumming a guitar and whistling with his mouth.", "A man sitting down plays an acoustic guitar while whistling.", "A person playing a song on an acoustic guitar while whistling.", "A young man whistles and strums the guitar at the same time." ]
[ "一个有络腮胡的男人正在弹吉他,口中吹着口哨。", "一个男人抱着吉他一边弹一边吹着口哨。", "一个男人在房间内吹着口哨弹着吉它。", "在一个的房间里,一个长着胡子的男人正在弹吉他。", "房间内,一个男人在边吹口哨,边弹吉他。", "一个男人在房间里弹着吉他,晃着头吹着口哨。", "一个男人正在弹着吉他,嘴里吹着口哨。", "一名男子坐着,吹着口哨,弹奏着一把吉他。", "在房间里一边吹口哨一边弹奏吉他歌曲的人。", "一个年轻人吹着口哨的同时拨弄着吉他。" ]
[ "A kid sits on a couch and whistles to the camera.", "A young boy with blond hair and sitting on a sofa is whistling as he stares into the camera.", "A young boy is sitting on a couch and whistling a song.", "A boy whistles different pitches and short tunes with clarity.", "A boy sits on a couch looking at the camera, and whistles loudly.", "A little boy is demonstrating how to whistle a tune.", "A young boy sitting on a couch whistling.", "A young boy on a couch whistles a tune and smiles.", "A young boy on his couch is trying to whistle.", "a little kid sitting down on a couch and then making noises with their mouth" ]
[ "一个黄色头发的小男孩,坐在沙发上吹口哨。", "一个身穿黑色衣服的小男孩坐在沙发上吹口哨。", "一个小男孩坐在沙发上正在用嘴吹着口哨。", "在一个房间里,一个男孩正在吹口哨。", "房间里,一个男孩坐在沙发上吹口哨。", "一个小男孩坐在沙发上演示如何吹口哨。", "一个小男孩坐在沙发上吹这有节奏的口哨。", "一个小男孩在沙发上吹口哨和微笑。", "一个坐在沙发上的小男孩正在吹口哨。", "一个金发小男孩嘟着嘴巴面朝前方坐在沙发上。" ]
[ "Two women are whistling in a forest-like area, while one of them tries to shoo something out of her face.", "Two young women in green and white shirts perform music with their mouths.", "Two women standing in the woods trying to whistle a song together.", "A person is singing with another person together outside .", "Two wemon are standing in a forest and wistling a tune together.", "Two females are outside in a wooden area, they are whistling then they laugh and talk and start to whistle again.", "Two women that look alike whistle in a forest and then start laughing.", "A couple of women out in a wooded area whistling and laughing.", "Two women in the woods have fun whistling while one makes jokes about bird attraction", "Two women stand in a wood and try to whistle, but keep laughing instead" ]
[ "一个身穿白色上衣的长头发女人和一个身穿绿色上衣的长头发女人在吹口哨。", "一个浅绿色上衣的女子和一名白色上衣的女子一起吹了一段口哨,两人都有笑场。", "两个外国女人在森林里快乐的吹着口哨。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的女子挥了挥手,另一个女子在旁边笑。", "两个女人在比试吹口哨,偶尔聊天或发笑。", "两个女性在一片树林里吹口哨,然后她们笑着说话,并开始再次吹口哨。", "两个看起来相似的女人在森林里吹口哨,然后开始大笑。", "两个女人在树木繁茂的地区吹着口哨和大笑。", "树林里的两个女人吹口哨很开心, 而一个女人则拿鸟鸣开玩笑。", "两个女人站在树林里,试着吹口哨,一直笑着。" ]
[ "A toddler girl is sitting on a wooden chair holding a doll and whistling.", "A little girl sitting on a chair with a doll in her hand is whistling.", "A toddler sits in a cradle with a baby doll as another child speaks.", "A little girl with a doll is whistling, while another girl is talking to her mother.", "a little girl with a doll is rocking in a rocking chair", "A little girl is sitting on a chair whistling and holding a doll.", "This little child is whistling a tune with a surprisingly big sound", "Child is sitting in a rocking chair with a doll while trying to whistle.", "A young girl is sitting and pointing her finger while whistling and talking to her mother.", "A young child sits in a small chair while she holds a toy doll." ]
[ "一个抱着玩具娃娃的小女孩在吹口哨。", "一个小女孩在房间里坐在凳子上拿着玩具在玩耍。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的小孩正在抱着布娃娃玩。", "一个小女孩坐在椅子上,左手抱着玩具正在玩。", "在一个房间里,有一个小宝宝抱着一个洋娃娃。", "一个小女孩手里拿着一个娃娃,坐在椅子上,吹着口哨。", "一个小宝宝正抱着玩具开心地吹着口哨。", "一个小女孩正坐在摇椅上抱着一个洋娃娃试图吹口哨。", "一个小女孩手里抱着玩具娃娃坐着玩,嘴里还不停的说着什么。", "一个小孩子抱着玩具娃娃坐在一把小椅子上。" ]
[ "An older man is sitting on a couch while whistling a song.", "A man is sitting on a couch, whistling a tune.", "An older man whistles a tune while sitting on a couch.", "A man wearing a sweater whistles a pretty melody.", "A middle age man is sitting on a couch and whistling a tune.", "A man wearing a sweater sits on a couch and whistles.", "A man in a loud-patterned sweater sits on a loud-patterned couch and whistles.", "A man whistles on a coach with his arm resting on the top.", "A man in a sweater on a couch whistles a tune jauntily.", "A man is sitting on a couch and whistling a tune." ]
[ "一个白色衣服的外国老人正休闲地对着镜头吹口哨并摇着头。", "一个中年男子正在向我们去说些什么。", "一个穿着白色毛衣的男人的坐在沙发上吹口哨。", "在明亮的房间里,一个男人坐在沙发上,说话。", "一个男人坐在沙发上愉快地吹着口哨。", "一个穿着毛衣的人正坐在沙发上吹口哨。", "一个男人正坐在沙发上,嘴里吹着口哨。", "一名男子在沙发上练习吹口哨,手臂放在沙发上面。", "一个穿着毛衣的男人在沙发上吹着口哨。", "一个短发的男人坐在沙发上吹口哨。" ]
[ "a man begins to whistle to a tune that he hears playing", "A man is sitting in a chair in front of a camera whistling", "A man is whistling to the beat of a song.", "A man is singing and whistling while a song is playing in the background.", "A man sits and nods his head to music before starting to whistle.", "A man is nodding his head and whistling to music.", "An older man is whistling perfectly to a song he's listening too.", "A man is bobbing his head, then whistling along to a song playing on a radio.", "A man is listening to music and then begins to whistle to the tune.", "A man is sitting in a room and whistling to the music that is playing." ]
[ "一个穿着红色衣服的男子跟着音乐吹起了口哨。", "一位戴着眼镜,穿着红色衣服的男人悠闲地吹着口哨。", "在一个房间里,一个戴着眼镜的人在吹口哨。", "在一个房间里,一个戴着眼镜的人正在吹口哨。", "一个穿着红色上衣的人正在吹着动听的口哨。", "一个带眼睛的男人点着头,还吹起了口哨。", "一个年长的男人正在吹嘘他正在听的一首歌。", "一个男人正在摇头,然后吹着口哨,随着收音机播放的一首歌曲。", "一个男人正在听音乐,然后开始向曲子吹口哨。", "一个男人坐在一个房间里,用嘴吹出不同的动作。" ]
[ "A man is whistling a song playing in the background.", "The lady just continuously whistle out some tune of a certain song.", "A person is whistling the tune of a Bruno Mars song, wearing a white tee shirt.", "A man is whistling the the tune and beat of a song that is playing.", "A boy with long hair and a white shirt is whistling with his mouth.", "A person in a white shirt is whistling a tune with their lips.", "A teenage boy in looking at himself in the mirror while whistling a tune.", "A person whistles along to a song that is playing in the background.", "A boy in a white tee shirt is sitting there just whistling a tune.", "A young girl was whistling while in a room alone" ]
[ "一个男人用嘴做口哨吹出了一首歌。", "一个男人吹着口哨熟练的在吹奏歌曲。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人在撅着嘴吹口哨。", "一穿着白色衣服的男人在一面墙前吹口哨。", "一个穿白色T恤的人在用嘴吹一首音乐。", "一个穿白衬衫的人正在用嘴唇吹口哨。", "一个男孩在正在吹着口哨边打着节奏。", "一个人跟着一首正在播放的歌曲吹口哨。", "一个穿白色T恤衫的男孩正坐在那边吹口哨。", "一个年轻女孩独自在一个房间里吹着口哨。" ]
[ "A boy has his blowing into his hands that are clasped together and then he starts talking.", "A boy is demonstrating making a whistling noise with his closed fist.", "A boy is using his hands to make a duck call and then speaks to the camera.", "A young boy demonstrates of to do a unique call with his hands.", "A young man is making sounds by cupping his hands over his mouth while he talks about it.", "A child demonstrating how to whistle with his hands cupped together.", "A boy makes a sound by blowing through his hands.", "A boy is a bathroom demonstrating how to make a sound with his mouth and hands.", "A young child in a bathroom as hes making noises with his hands", "A little boy is explaining and doing noises by blowing into his palms" ]
[ "有一个小男孩用手在吹发出声音,然后说话。", "一个小男孩在房间里用嘴巴对着握紧的双手吹完气后向大家说明了他的行为缘由。", "在一个房子里,一个穿蓝色衣服的男孩正说话。", "一个穿着彩色衣服的孩子在一个房间里做着动作。", "一个穿着蓝色条纹衣服的人正在吹手。", "在浴室里,一个孩子展示如何用双手捧着一起吹着口哨。", "一个男孩通过他的手吹出来一个声音。", "一人小男孩在浴室里面展示用手吹声音。", "一个小孩在浴室里用他的手发出声了响。", "一个男孩把气吹进手掌里发出声音并正在解释为什么会这样。" ]
[ "A mouth was whistling with his mouth and blinking his eyes", "An older man is practicing his whistling ability while blinking heavily.", "An older man awkwardly staring into a camera while whistling.", "A man is blinking and whistling intermittently and nodding his head slightly.", "A mustached man whistles over and over in front of the camera.", "a person looking at the camera and making whistling noises that are loud", "The man is having difficulty as he tries to whistle some tune.", "A man with a thick mustache is trying to whistle.", "A man is close up the camera and starting to whistle with his lips.", "A man is whistling a brief tune in his house.." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衬衣的男人眼睛眨着嘴动着。", "一个穿着衬衫的男人在给人们表演着吹口哨。", "一个穿白衬衣、白胡须、黑头发的男人正在吹口哨。", "一个长着胡子的男人正在吹着口哨。", "一个有胡子的男子正在不断的眨动着眼睛。", "一个人看着相机,并用嘴发出呼啸的声音。", "一个男子准备吹口哨,但是这对他来说有点困难。", "一个留着浓密胡子的男人正在吹口哨。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的男子用嘴唇吹口哨。", "一个人正在他的房子里吹口哨。并且一直在眨眼睛。" ]
[ "A boy purses his lips while playing a small yellow ukulele.", "A boy whistles and plays a miniature guitar at the same time.", "A boy is playing a small guitar while he is whistling.", "A boy whistles and plays a miniature guitar while sitting down.", "A young boy whistles while playing along with a yellow ukulele.", "A little boy is in his room playing a mini guitar.", "A boy whistles and then plays a tune on a ukulele.", "A young boy whistles loudly while playing a small ukulele instrument rhythmically.", "A young boy is strumming his guitar and whistling a tune.", "A young boy with an instrument is playing music and whistling" ]
[ "一个小男孩一边吹着口哨,一边谈着小吉他。", "一个小男孩手里弹着尤克里里嘴里吹着口哨。", "一个身穿灰色短袖的小孩在弹一把黄色的吉他。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小男孩,弹奏着黄色的吉他。", "室内有一个小男孩手里抱着黄色的儿童吉他。", "在房间里,一个小男孩一边在弹着一把迷你吉他,一边吹着口哨。", "一个男孩一边吹着口哨一边弹着尤克里里。", "一个小男孩在有节奏地演奏小型尤克里里乐器并大声吹口哨。", "一个小男孩正在弹奏吉他,并且吹着口哨。", "一个带着乐器的小男孩正在吹奏音乐和吹口哨。" ]
[ "A man whistles as he strums his guitar without a shirt on.", "A man is playing a guitar and whistling at the same time.", "A shirtless man plays guitar and whistles in an echoing room.", "A man in a dark room whistles and plays the guitar in unison.", "The man is gentley whistling and playing the guitar at the same time.", "A shirtless man is playing a guitar while whistling a tune.", "A man plays a guitar, and then whistles accompaniment for himself.", "A male is playing the guitar while whistling along to a tune.", "A shirtless man with an earring plays a guitar and whistles.", "A man with no shirt on plays a guitar and whistles at the same time." ]
[ "一个光着背的男人在晃动着身子弹吉他。", "一个男生一边弹奏吉他一边吹口哨。", "他用吉他和口哨表演了一段美妙的音乐。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个没有穿着上衣的男人在弹琴。", "有一个没有穿上衣的男人在一边唱歌一边弹吉他。", "一个赤膊男子一边弹吉他一边吹口哨。", "一个人弹吉他,然后吹口哨为自己伴奏。", "一个男子正在弹奏着音乐,他很投入。", "一个戴着耳环的赤膊男子边弹吉他边吹音乐。", "一个没有衬衫的人在弹吉他的同时吹着口哨。" ]
[ "A lady in a store is trying to whistle a tune.", "An Asian woman tries to whistle and looks confused at the results.", "a woman wearing a fur coat is whistling and making some sounds", "A woman makes a confused face while working on her whistling skills.", "A young woman whistles a tune into a camera as she tries to think.", "a lady with a coat on stands around and begins to whistle", "A woman trying to learn how to whistle while being recorded.", "a woman whistling while looking on inside a department store.", "An Asian woman attempts to whistle, but is largely unsuccessful.", "A woman is whistling a tune and trying to remember how it goes." ]
[ "在一个明亮的房间,一个女人正在嘟着嘴吹口哨。", "一个中分齐耳短发女子在吹着口哨。", "一个穿黑衣服的女人在吹口哨,并时而皱眉。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个女人在吹气。", "一名身穿黑色外套的女子,正在一个房间内玩耍。", "一个穿个外衣的女人对着镜头开始吹口哨。", "在房间里,一个女人正在试图如何吹响口哨。", "一个穿着黑色外套的女人在一家百货公司里边吹口哨。", "在室内一个穿着黑色外套的女人在练习吹口哨。", "一个女人在吹口哨,试图想记起口哨的吹法。" ]
[ "A person is showing how people are swimming in a jet ski in the ocean.", "A group of sailboats sail across the ocean then a sunset occurs.", "A few boats are riding in the ocean while a sunset is occuring,", "A series of sailboats are gliding in the ocean followed by the sunset.", "Some people are riding the waves in the water at a beach.", "Sail boats are shown sailing in a circle with different shots of the ocean.", "A group of people wind sailing in a circle while piano music plays.", "A group of light sailboats are racing on a course, and then some calm ocean views are shown.", "In the ocean, several sail boats circle while the camera pans the shore.", "Sale boats are shown on a body of water on a clear blue day." ]
[ "夕阳西下的海面有帆船,沙滩边有好多搭建的帐篷。", "六艘帆船在海面行驶,夕阳西下,海面轻轻涌动。", "在一望无际的蓝色大海上,有许多白色帆船扬帆起航。", "一群人正排着队在海上进行帆板运动。", "在碧蓝色的大海上,一群人在做帆船运动。", "帆船在围着一个圆圈航行,用不同的拍摄方向在拍摄海洋。", "当钢琴音乐播放时,一群人在大海上围绕着圈航行。", "一群轻型帆船在赛道上排队航行,然后展现了平静的海面。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在水上驾驶帆船。", "在晴朗的蓝天里,出游的船只在水面上游荡者。" ]
[ "A man is on the water and is riding a surfboard with a sailboard on it", "a person surfs through the water with a surfboard during the daytime", "A male is water gliding in a body of water.", "A boy is hanging off the sail of a boat in a swimsuit in the ocean.", "A man is riding a surfboard with a sail on it through bright blue water.", "A man wind surfs across a lake having a lot of fun doing it.", "A guy is using sail board in order to sail on the ocean water while waving to the camera.", "A guy is navigating through the water on a surfboard.", "A guy is windsurfing in the water and gives a thumbs up.", "A man gives the thumbs up while riding a sail board." ]
[ "一个男人在宽阔的海面上开心地做滑翔运动。", "一个男人站在带帆的冲浪板上在海上冲浪。", "一个男人借助工具在海面上高速行驶。", "一个男人在广阔的海上,站在船上行驶。", "明亮宽敞的室外,一个男人正在海上玩冲浪。", "一个男人在海面上冲浪,看起来很开心。", "一个光着上身的男人操控着帆板在海水中航行,同时向镜头挥手。", "在音乐的伴随下,一个人使用工具在水上冲浪。", "一个家伙在水中冲浪并竖起大拇指。", "一个男子在水上操控着一个帆板滑行着。" ]
[ "A man is wind surfing with cars driving by on the road next to the water.", "A man is shown riding a surfboard with a sail around a lake while music plays.", "A very skilled windsurfer makes turns around a bouy in the woater on his windsurfing boat", "A person is sailing on a lake using the wind to steer.", "A man does the textbook carve while gliding on a sail.", "A person is windsurfing across the water as vehicles drive by.", "A person is in the water using a water gliding device and gliding across the water.", "A man is para-sailing in the bay and moves back and forth quite fast in the water.", "A person rides on a surf board with a blue sail attached to it.", "A man kite surfing around a buoy in water next to a road where vehicles are traveling." ]
[ "一名帆船运动员在进行高难度的帆船训练。", "一个人在宽广的水面上,自由自在地玩冲浪。", "一位身穿白色背心的黑人,在碧蓝的海面上练习帆船。", "一个人在海上做帆船冲浪运动,帆是蓝色的。", "公路旁的水上一个人在做操作帆板的动作。", "当车辆在路边经过时,一个人正在水面上冲着浪。", "一个人正在使用水上滑行装置,在水面上滑翔。", "一个男人驾驶着帆船在海上流利的翻转着航行着。", "一个人正站在一个有蓝色帆的冲浪板上冲浪。", "一个男子在水面上冲浪,在水面上的一个公路旁边的车辆正在行驶。" ]
[ "On a lake a man is windsurfing and it is a beautiful day.", "A guy is out windsurfing across a large body of water.", "A man windsurfs across a lake and leans back to centre his balance.", "A man is windsurfing on a lake while some music plays.", "A man skims along the water on a waterboard with a sail called a sailboard.", "A man is riding a surfboard with a sail, on the water.", "A man is skimming the ocean waves on a light weight sailing board.", "An informational video for a man using a parasail to glide across the water", "A man rides his sail board over some dark and choppy water.", "A man stands riding on a sailboard in a river." ]
[ "海面上,一位男士正驾驶着滑板在水上滑行。", "一个男孩站在漂流板上在海上面玩的很开心。", "一个穿着运动服的男人使用滑板在海上冲浪。", "一个人扶着水上滑行器的机翼在水上滑行。", "一名身穿黑色外套的男子,正在海里冲浪。", "一个男人正在水上骑着一个有风帆的冲浪板在不停地移动着。", "一个男人正在驾驶一个轻型帆船掠过海浪。", "一穿着红色衣服的男人用滑翔伞滑过水面。", "一个穿着黑色紧身衣的男人在海上冲浪。", "一个男人站在河里的一个帆船上在滑着水。" ]
[ "In a large body of water a group of people are riding surf boards with sails attached.", "a couple of people in the ocean on boards riding the waves", "A group of people are para-surfing in waves, while music is playing.", "Various people windsurf in the choppy ocean waves together, almost falling over.", "A person is riding a sail boat and doing flips on the water.", "A person is wind surfing along the beach with several other surfers.", "A very choppy and active ocean is shown with many wind surfers gliding over the waves.", "A group of surfers cut the waves on surf boards with sails attached.", "An ocean with wind surfers surfing on the breaking waves.", "Several people have boats out on the ocean battling consistent waves." ]
[ "帆船运动员们在波涛汹涌的海面上进行帆船表演。", "海面上波涛汹涌,很多人在上面用小船进行冲浪。", "在大海上,很多人驾驶着不同颜色的帆船在海面上冲浪。", "在浩瀚的海洋中,有一群人在海平面移动着风帆向前滑行。", "几个人正在翻着浪花的大海上玩帆船。", "一个人和其他几个冲浪者一起沿着海滩附近的海浪上冲浪。", "在一个浪潮很大的海滩上大家都在冲浪。", "一群冲浪者在冲浪板上剪断波浪,上面连着帆。", "一个有风帆冲浪者在破浪中冲浪的海洋。", "有几个人在海上有船只在与持续的海浪作斗争。" ]
[ "A person rides a surfboard with a sail over open water.", "A person wearing a red outfit is wind surfing in the ocean.", "A person is sailing on a board with a ship sailing by in the background.", "An individual is windsurfing on a large body of water.", "a person rides around on a little surfboard in the water", "A man is windsurfing while music is playing in the background.", "A man standing on a surfboard with a sail rides it on the water.", "Person windsurfs across the sea by gripping sail bar and leaning backwards.", "A man with a life jacket on is wind surfing on the water.", "A person is Perisailing and trying to stay up on their feet." ]
[ "一个女人紧紧拿着帆在海上进行帆船冲浪。", "一个穿红色上衣红色短裤的女孩套着一件黑色的防护服漂浮在海上。", "在一片海面上。一个穿红色衣服的人正驾驶的帆船。", "一群穿着浅色衣服的人驾驶着深色的帆船在水面上滑行。", "一个穿着红色短裤的人正在水面上开帆船。", "当音乐在背景中播放时,一个人正在海上冲浪。", "一个人在波涛汹涌的海中驾驶帆船前行。", "人们紧紧抓住帆杠,向后倾斜,风冲浪越过大海。", "一个穿着救生衣的人正在水面上乘帆船冲浪。", "一个人驾驶帆船并试图保持他们的身体平衡。" ]
[ "A person is windsurfing while music is playing in the background.", "A person skates in the water very fast overcoming the waves", "A person is on a sail boat for one person on the ocean.", "a surfer goes through the water in a very fast manner", "A sailboard rider glides swiftly through some low, choppy waves.", "A man is sail surfing on the big open sea.", "Two people are using their surfboard to take on some really harsh waves in the ocean", "The man is riding a sailboard in the ocean, as he gains speed and maneuvers through the waves.", "A windsurfer in a black wetsuit elegantly glides on the ocean surface.", "A person is being recorded while surf sailing the water." ]
[ "一位穿着黑色衣服的是正在海上玩着冲浪。", "一名男子操控着帆板在海面上高速前行。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男子在海上驾驶着帆船在冲浪。", "在户外蓝色的大海,一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在冲浪。", "一个男人踩着一个帆船手扶着帆,在海上冲浪。", "一个男人正在大海上用带帆的冲浪板冲浪。", "两个人正在使用他们的冲浪板在海洋上冲浪。", "一个男子正在海洋中乘坐一个帆板,他在海浪中快速行驶。", "穿着黑色潜水衣的风帆冲浪手优美的在海面上滑翔。", "一个人驾驶着一个冲浪板在海里快速的航行。" ]
[ "a man putting together his boat and sailing while music plays.", "A man wearing a wetsuit begins to windsurf on a large body of water.", "A man is standing on a surf board in the water and holding on to the sail.", "on a large body of water, a gentleman goes windsurfing alone.", "A person brings his wind surfing board into the water, and then gets on and begins to ride.", "A man is wearing a wet suit and pulling a board into the ocean to windsurf.", "A person is setting up material and goes out to the water to wind sail.", "A man in a wetsuit is shown dragging a sail and board into the water and then begins parasailing.", "A man in a wetsuit takes his sail board out on a cold lake.", "A man gets on a wind surfing contraption and starts to take off on the lake." ]
[ "一个男人穿着黑色衣服在水里开着帆船。", "一个男人将帆船立起后在海上冲浪。", "一个戴着黑头盔的人正在海上玩冲浪。", "在一条河上,一个全身装备的人正在准备扬帆起航。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人站在帆船上在海上航行。", "一名男子身穿泳衣,将一块木板拖入海洋,进行风帆冲浪。", "一个男人正在驾驶着一艘帆船在水面上行驶着。", "一名男子穿着潜水服,将帆和船拖入水中然后开始冲浪。", "一个穿着潜水衣的人把他的帆板放在一个冰冷的湖里。", "一个人在水面上行驶着风帆冲浪装置。" ]
[ "A person is wind gliding on water where there are a lot of waves.", "A person windsurfs on a body of water on a very windy day", "A person is surfing in the ocean on what appears to be a cloudy evening.", "A man windsurfs on the waves on a windy day.", "A person is shown sailboarding on the ocean on a windy day.", "On a windy day a man is parasailing on a river.", "Someone is windsurfing on a choppy body of water under a cloudy sky.", "A person is out in the water and windsurfing on a windy day.", "A person is in the water and is parasailing then falls in the water.", "there is something in the water in the middle of the ocean" ]
[ "一个人在海面上站着一个物体上,随着风的吹动而在移动。", "一个人正驾驶着冲浪板在海面上冲浪。", "一个人正在海上踩着小帆船冲浪还起起伏伏的。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人海上游玩。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人在水面上划船。", "在刮风的时候,有一名男子正在河面上玩帆伞运动。", "有人在多云的天空下,在一片波涛汹涌的水面上冲浪。", "在刮风的日子里,一个人在水中冲浪和帆板运动。", "一个人在水里,正在滑翔伞,然后掉进水里。", "在室外的海面上,一个人正在水面上滑着船。" ]
[ "A woman in a wetsuit windsurfs in turbulent water while music plays in the background.", "A small group of men are windsurfing in the ocean, having fun.", "At the seaside two people are seen wind surfing then one falls off, then another person is also seen wind surfing.", "Some people are surfing on surf boards that have sails on them.", "Two windsurfers catch waves and ride their boards in very rough surf.", "Wind surfers ride in choppy ocean waves near the shore.", "Surfers on sail powered surfboards are surfing the waves, while a woman is singing.", "Windsurfers ride breaking waves backwards and forwards in a strong breeze", "A group of people are sailing along the waves in the ocean.", "Two people are parasailing each on a separate board in the waves." ]
[ "几个人在海里随着一波又一波的浪在冲浪。", "在有一些人冲浪的地方,一个人正在冲浪,并在其中做出了一个旋转的动作。", "一群极限运动爱好者正在波涛汹涌的大海上玩帆船。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,几个人抓着帆船在海上玩耍。", "江上白浪翻滚,几个人却在随着水流冲浪。", "冲浪者在波涛汹涌的海岸边玩风帆冲浪。", "一群人正在海浪上不停的进行着冲浪。", "风帆冲浪者在强风中向前和向后冲浪。", "在大海里有一群人迎着海浪在海上航行。", "两个人在海浪中的一个单独的木板上进行滑翔伞。" ]
[ "A person is holding onto a sail and windsurfing on the ocean.", "A person is wind surfing on the ocean holding the rail of the apparatus.", "A person in a wet suit wind surfing across small waves in the ocean.", "A person is holding onto to a bar and windsailing across the ocean.", "Someone is in the middle of the ocean on a wind surfing board.", "A man kite boards on the ocean In intense Wind.", "A man is windsurfing on the water in first person view.", "Someone is wind surfing across the surface of the water to enjoy their day.", "A person was surfing with the wind over the surface of water", "A person wind surfing shows the view as seen from the surfing position." ]
[ "一个人正在广阔的海面上玩着冲浪帆板。", "在海上,一个人抓着船帆的栏杆正在向前航行。", "海面上,一个人正驾驶着帆船在海面上行驶。", "一个人穿着专业的服装在海面上划船。", "一个人用浪板在海上慢慢的滑行者。", "一个男人在狂风的海洋中玩风筝板。", "一个人在宽阔的水面上悠闲的冲浪。", "有个人在水面上冲着浪,享受着他们的一天。", "一个人在水面上乘着小船在海上冲浪。", "一个人拉着帆站在皮划艇上在海里冲浪。" ]
[ "Someone is out on the water with a boat and sail.", "a man with a surfboard attached to a sail as he spins backwards in the water and tries not to fall", "A man in a wet suit windsurfs around in circles.", "A person in a black wetsuit rides on a surfboard with a sail.", "A guy is standing and riding his windsail in the high wind.", "A man is windsurfing on a body of water going around in circles.", "a man in black suit turning a round on the ocean.", "A windsurfer keeps his board steady by holding the sail, and then pulls the sail to flip around.", "A person is standing on top of a surf board on the ocean.", "Man on the water blowing daround on a para sail." ]
[ "在一片宽阔的海域,一个人驾驶着一个帆船。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在水面上摆动帆船。", "一个穿着黑色皮衣的男的在水面上做着帆船运动。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人正在海上进行帆板的运动。", "一个人抓着帆板站在小帆船上在水面上滑行。", "一个男人正在海面上驾驶着冲浪板旋转着。", "一个穿着黑色紧身衣的男人在海面上做旋转动作。", "一个风帆冲浪者拿着帆保持板子稳定, 然后拉着帆四处翻转。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人站在海洋上冲浪。", "在室外的海面上,一个男人正在水上远航。" ]
[ "Youngster is a little overwhelmed by his sailboard, but gets it under control on a breezy day.", "A person is shown kayaking in the middle of the ocean.", "A man tussles with a sail to keep his vessel afloat", "A man is out in the ocean trying to float in a small sail boat", "A young windsurfer struggles with his sail trying to tack on choppy waters.", "A man is trying to pull his sail out of the water and get his sail board to catch the wind.", "A person riding a surf board works to pull a sail up to the top of the board.", "A boy is trying to parasail in windy conditions in the ocean.", "A man is riding a surfboard with a sail attached in a body of water, a different man talks about it.", "A man is wave-sailing on the water and trying to keep his balance without falling off." ]
[ "在无边的海里,一个人站在船上费力的把帆摆正。", "一个人的帆船在船上翻下去了,他把帆船拉了起来,在海上飘来飘去。", "一个人在海面上奋力地将船帆拉起来。", "一名身穿黑色上衣的男子,正在大海中划船。", "在一个宽阔的室外,一个人正在海面上冲浪。", "一个男人试图将他的帆从水中拉出来并让他的帆板迎风。", "一个人骑在冲浪板上的人在用手将帆拉到船顶。", "一个男孩抓着冲浪板上的帆行驶在海面上。", "一个男人正在海面上站在一个帆船上行驶着。", "一个人在水面上摇摆不定, 试图保持平衡。" ]
[ "Two person were surfing on the sea along with some background music.", "In a deep ocean, two men are sailing across the sea while the wind is blowing against the direction.", "Two people are wind surfing next to each other in choppy water.", "Two persons are going on a sailing boat on an ocean", "two people sail around in the ocean during the day", "Two people are windsurfing in the ocean as rock music blares.", "People are out on the water and using sail boards.", "Two sailors sail slowly through water, creating a splash to some music.", "Two people are kite surfing close to each other on the water.", "Two people in the water on sail boards ride toward the shore" ]
[ "两个穿着黑色衣服的人正在海上进行海上运动。", "在大海上,两个人使用帆船迎风滑行。", "两个人吃着黑色的衣服在大海上玩着帆船进行冲浪。", "两个人在使用帆船在大海上缓慢地前行。", "水面上泛起许多波浪,两个人站在帆船上面操作着帆船。", "两个人正驾驶着船帆在一片海面上冲浪。", "两个人正在海面上用帆船行驶,然后画面转到了另一个人。", "两个水手在水中缓缓地航行,随着音乐创造了一个飞溅的水花。", "两个人站在有帆的小船上在海上冲浪。", "在室外的海面上,水里有两个人坐在帆板上向岸边驶去。" ]
[ "A man windsurfs while upbeat blues music plays in the background.", "A person is holding onto a surfboard sail throughout the water.", "A man is sailboarding as someone sings in the background.", "A man is on a surfboard wind surfing on the water.", "A camera showing someone sailing on a body of water as rock music plays over the video.", "A man is shown up close kite-boarding on a large body of water.", "The man is riding on a sailboard at a very fast pace, as the music plays in the background.", "A man is windsurfing swiftly through a body of water, hitting a few waves as he goes.", "A person is hanging on a large plastic device and riding it in the water", "A person is windsurfing very quickly as a mounted camera shows the rider." ]
[ "一个男人手抓着杆子脚踩着板子,在海面上移动。", "一个男人用帆船在海面上飞速的滑行着。", "一个男人在装着相机的帆上纪录自己冲浪的过程。", "一个人在水面上双手抓着一个东西被拉动着。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在海面驾驶帆船。", "一个男人在一大片水上踩着冲浪板靠近一个风筝。", "随着音乐在后台播放,这名男子以非常快的速度骑在帆船上。", "一个人正在通过水体迅速地冲浪, 一边走一边打几浪。", "一个人正挂在一个大塑料装置上,在水中骑着它。", "一个男人在海面上非常迅速的进行帆板运动。" ]
[ "A man rides gliding surfboard through the wind and records himself.", "A man is filming himself holding on and windsurfing in the ocean.", "Man windsurfs by holding sail's cross bar, leaning back and gliding over the sea.", "A man using a surfboard and a raft to go on the water with background music", "A man is surfing with a kite on a nice body of water.", "A man hangs on to a railing as he quickly windsurfs through the ocean.", "A man is standing on a board holding a pole as he wind surfs across the water.", "a man on the ocean as he grabs on to his parasail then changes the view to first person", "A man skims across the water with a para glider.", "A guy is windsurfing across a large body of water on a clear day." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人,在大海里玩着冲浪板。", "一个人在水面上乘着单人帆船在快速前进。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男子双手抓着帆船,在海上冲浪。", "一个穿黑色衣服的光头男人,踩着风帆在海平面滑行。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男士在海面上航海。", "一个男人驾驶着一个帆船,快速的在海洋里行驶。", "一个男人在水面上冲浪时, 他拿着一根杆子站在一块木板上。", "一个男人抓着滑翔伞在海上飞速地冲刺着。", "一个穿着泳衣的男人正坐在帆船上划水。", "一个家伙在一个晴朗的日子里冲浪穿一大片水域。" ]
[ "A person is leaning on the board as they are wind surfing.", "A person stands up on a wind sail boat and then sails around the water.", "Someone is getting on a board in a body of water and another person is on a wind board.", "A person standing on a surfboard on a lake begins to windsurf across the water.", "A group of people outdoors water skiing while playing music in a ocean", "A man out on the lake windsurfing on a windsurfing board", "A man is windsurfing while hip hop music is playing in the background.", "A person on the water starts moving on a sail board.", "A person is talking while another is riding a surf board across the water.", "A person rides on a board with a sail on a lake." ]
[ "一个人站在湖面上,扬起了船帆向前滑行着。", "一个人正在湖面上借助风力玩着他的风帆。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正站在水上的木板。", "一个人海里在船上站着,一个人在海里有帆的小船上站着。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在湖里开帆船。", "一个人在湖面上用帆船冲浪板冲浪。", "一个男子在水面上玩着带帆页的滑水板。", "一个人在水面上进行着帆船的练习。", "一个穿着黑色背心的人在水面上冲浪。", "一个人在湖面上带着帆在木板上骑行。" ]
[ "A man is being interviewed about his parasailing.", "A man is seen talking to another man at the beach then he is seen on the ocean windsurfing.", "A man appears to attempt hang gliding out of the ocean!", "A man windsurfing and being interviewed by a man with a microphone.", "A person is windsurfing on a windy and rough body of water.", "People are out in the ocean using sail boards to do tricks.", "A windsurfer is interviewed while clips of him taking big waves are shown.", "A man is giving an interview and then we see flashback of him performing on a parasail.", "A wind surfer is being interveiwed then you see him in action on the waves doing flips.", "a man is getting interviewed after doing some windsurfing in the ocean." ]
[ "一个穿着紧身泳衣的外国男人正在河面上冲浪。", "一个冲浪者,正在水面上演示着冲浪。", "一个人正在询问另一个男人关于冲浪的事。", "在室外一位穿着黑色衣服的男子正在接受采访。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男子正在对着话筒讲话。", "一个男人在谈论人们怎样在海里用帆板表演特技。", "一个风帆冲浪者接受采访,然后一个人在海面上冲浪。", "一个穿黑色运动服的运动员正在被接受采访。", "一个风冲浪者正在被干预,然后你看到他在波浪上做翻转。", "在海洋中进行一些帆板运动后,一名男子正在接受采访。" ]
[ "A parasail is steered by a man who rides towards the sun", "a man is recording himself in the ocean or a lake sailing with a small device", "In choppy seas someone is holding onto a pole near the bow of a boat.", "A person is riding a device in the water going towards the sun.", "A person is sailing in a big lake with his point of view shown.", "A person is wind surfing on a lake near sunset.", "A participants-eye view of a windsurfer as they move through the water.", "Someone is on a sailboard going through the choppy water.", "a man parasailing on the ocean as he uses a camera attached to his head", "A first person view of someone wind surfing in the sea" ]
[ "一个人迎着阳光在广阔的大海上肆意地冲浪。", "一个人驾驶着帆船在宽阔的大海上运动。", "阳光很好的天气,一个人利用工具在水上滑行。", "一个人驾驶着帆船在水面上滑行,远处是太阳。", "海上,一个人的手拉着船帆的杆,帆船迎着太阳光行驶着。", "日落的下面,一个人正在湖面上冲浪。", "一个冲浪者在一望无际的海上勇敢的冲浪着。", "人在一个帆船上穿过波涛汹涌的水面。", "在一个海面上,一名男子在海上滑翔,不停的向前走着。", "一个人扶着一个船帆正在海面上冲浪。" ]
[ "People make attempts at staying on their boards as they windsurf through the water.", "Some people are sailboarding on a choppy ocean in the sunlight.", "This is a compilation showing three different kite surfers with music playing in the background.", "A group of people are parasailing on a large body of water.", "person out on the ocean swilling round as the music play.", "A man is wind surfing on water and he falls and then another man is wind surfing.", "People para sailing across the ocean doing tricks while music plays.", "Multiple people are shown tying to do tricks while sailing on a surfboad.", "A guy stands on a sailboard and sails through the water then fallsa down.", "Several scenes of a man kite surfing in rough water with music in the background." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝衣服在水里蹬着小帆船。", "一个人正在海上乘着帆船,摇摇晃晃。", "一个人在海上练习帆船 结果摔倒了。", "一个人开着帆船在海上行驶,然后船翻了。", "水面上波浪翻滚,一些人正在帆船上面驾驶帆船前行。", "一个男人在水上冲浪,他跌倒之后另一个男人正在风中冲浪。", "一群人驾着帆船在水面上做着一些动作。", "在冲浪板上航行时,有多人表示要做技巧。", "一个人站在帆板上,在水中航行然后坠落。", "一个男子在汹涌的水中冲浪,伴随着音乐的背景,男子掉进水中。" ]
[ "A person wearing an orange life vest and windsurfing across the water on a very windy day.", "Two guys are in the water sailing around while someone in the background socializing with them.", "A couple of people wind surfing on a lake of water.", "Two people on sailboards are out on a lake on a windy day.", "A look at two different people sailboarding on the open water.", "Two people wearing life preservers are wind surfing on a choppy lake.", "Two people parasailing across a large body of choppy water.", "Two people are on a lake wind surfing on a sunny day.", "two men riding on surf boards with sails on a lake", "Two people are wind surfing across a lake on a breezy day." ]
[ "一群人正在蓝色的大海上开心的玩着冲浪。", "在水面上,很多穿着红黑相间上衣的人使用简易的风帆在前进。", "起风的海面上,一个人正在努力地把握方向。", "在水中一个人拿着一个有风帆的工具在水面上前行。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有一个人在河里驾驶着一艘小船。", "一个人穿着救生衣,驾驶着船帆正在湖面上冲浪。", "两个人驾驶着帆船穿过一大片波涛汹涌的海面。", "在阳光明媚的日子里, 两个人在湖上风帆冲浪。", "两个男人正在一片湖面上乘坐冲浪板。", "在一个微风吹拂的水面上,两个人正在穿过湖面冲浪。" ]
[ "Photo shots of several people in the deep ocean on surf boards", "People are in the beach flying kites and surfing in the sea.", "a group of people are collectively parachuting down into the ocean", "Various people are wind surfing, wind sailing, and stand up paddle surfing.", "A slideshow of people parasailing and windsurfing on water", "A group people on a beach are parasailing and wind surfing", "A slideshow plays of people paddle boarding and parasailing as music plays.", "People are doing different types of sports in the water that include sails and parasails.", "A group of people are parasailing, sailing, and paddle boarding in the water.", "People fly kites, ride crafts and paddle board at the beach." ]
[ "几个人在海面上用各种方式玩耍着比如冲浪。", "播放的照片里有各种在海边玩耍的景象。", "沙滩上,大家都在冲浪,还有一些人在玩球。", "有一个身穿深色衣服的人拿着将在划船。", "蓝蓝的天空下有很多人正在海滩上坐着。", "一群人在宽阔的海洋上玩着滑翔伞和风帆冲浪。", "当音乐播放时, 人们划桨登船和滑翔伞的幻灯片播放。", "人们在海边,进行着不同的体育运动。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在大海上玩划桨。", "人们在海滩上放风筝,站在小船上手里拿着划桨板。" ]
[ "A man is shown controlling a watercraft composed of a surfboard and a sail.", "A person launching a windsurfing board from the shore on a windy day.", "A person is holding onto a surfboard sail across the water.", "a person rides in the water with an orange object they are using", "A person is demonstrating how to use a tiny paddle boat in the water.", "A wind surfer surfs on the open water; sometimes nearest the shore.", "Music plays while a man climbs onto a surfboard with a sail and starts moving in the water.", "A person pulls themselves up onto a surfboard with a sail and begins to propel it.", "Someone is standing and holding onto the sail on some kind of canoe.", "A person getting on a windsurf board and then sailing out into the water." ]
[ "在一片海面上,有人玩着帆船,一只脚从水下站在了帆船上。", "一个人穿着滑水装备,拿着手持帆船在水面上滑行。", "一个人在河水上玩起了水上冒险活动。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人踩着一个有帆的滑板在水上冲浪。", "有一个穿着深 色衣服的人正在划水。", "一个冲浪的冲浪者在开阔的水面上冲浪,有时在离岸边很近的地方。", "一名男子爬上冲浪板与帆并开始在水中移动。", "一个人拿着帆把自己拉上冲浪板, 开始推动冲浪板。", "在一个河面上面,一个人正在开着帆船。", "一个人承在风帆冲浪板上,然后驶入水中。" ]
[ "In the ocean, a wind sailor catches a breeze and sails out to sea.", "A person rides a surfboard with a red and yellow sail attached.", "A boy is riding on a surfboard attempting to wind surf", "A man is surfboard sailing on the ocean and trying to keep the sail up.", "A man stands on a surfboard with a sail as wind propels it through the water.", "A person is sailing a sail on the wide open ocean while having a good time.", "The man is trying to go sailing on the ocean on this beautiful day.", "A person attempting to windsurf into the horizon on a windy day.", "A guy gets his feet set and starts to ride on a sail board.", "A surfer on the water gliding along with the wind and waves." ]
[ "一个穿蓝色衣服的额男人在海面上玩冲浪。", "一个男子操控着帆板在海面上前行。", "一个帆船运动员正在海上划船,风浪很大。", "在一片海面上,一个男人正在扬帆起航。", "一个穿着蓝色救生衣的男人驾驶着一个单人帆船在海面上漂流。", "一个人在广阔的海洋上踩着帆船航行,同时享受美好时光。", "在这个美丽的日子里,这个人正在努力的驾着船在海上航行。", "一个人在刮风的日子里试图驾驶着帆船冲浪。", "一个男人站起来摇着帆船,开始是坐在帆板上。", "一个男子在水里拿着滑行工具在滑行。" ]
[ "On a very windy day, a wind surfer can be seen crashing into the rugged waters.", "A person windsurfing on very choppy water and wipes out.", "A person wind surfing has a crash and fall in loud windy surf.", "Several people are riding surfboards with sails across the water before someone flips over.", "A windsurfer sails rapidly across the water then hits a small wave and flips over.", "Someone is riding a surfboard with a sail past others and then falls in the water.", "A person that is windsurfing in a water park or resort area and then they crash and turn over.", "On a large body of water on a windy day, people are riding on sail powered surfboards and then someone falls over.", "A windsurfer surfing in choppy waters and then falling into the water.", "A person is windsurfing. He loses control and flips into the water." ]
[ "冲浪的人在海面上驾着帆船,然后被风吹倒了。", "一个人在海边用帆船冲浪时被大风刮倒。", "一个人在一片蓝色的大海上练习帆船表演。", "一群人在一个水面上玩一项体育项目。", "一个人在海上冲浪,这时这个船翻船了。", "一个男人驾驶着冲浪板在行驶着,然后掉进了水里。", "一个人在水上乐园或度假区帆板冲浪, 然后倾翻了。", "在刮风的日子里, 人们骑在帆动力冲浪板上, 然后有人摔倒。", "一个冲浪手在波涛汹涌的水中冲浪,然后掉进水里。", "一个人盛着冲浪船在水里冲浪,随后冲浪船失去控制他摔进水里。" ]
[ "A person is windsurfing at the beach as a catchy pop song is played in the background.", "A man outdoors parasailing in the ocean with background music", "A Mariah Carey song is played and someone is shown wind surfing.", "A young man moves around a lake on a windsurfing board.", "Music is playing in the background while a male is windsurfing.", "A man holds onto a bar attached to a sail as he rides a surfboard attached to the sail.", "A person rides on a surfboard with a red sail with transparent center attached.", "A person is wind surfing in shallow water in the ocean.", "A boy is seen catching the wind in the sail of his surfboard, and gliding across the water.", "a man sailing a small boat is trying to control it so it doesnt tip" ]
[ "一个人在水上驾驶着一艘红色的帆船。", "一个男的在帆船上玩冲浪,海面上很安静一望无际。", "一个外国人正在潜艇上玩海上冲浪。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人踩着帆船在海上游玩。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在划着船。", "一个男人乘着帆板在海上滑行,他扶着一根拴在船帆上的绳子。", "一个人骑在冲浪板上在海上缓慢向前行驶着。", "一个男人正在海洋中的浅水区冲浪。", "一个穿着灰色短袖的男孩儿。正在海上冲浪。", "一个人驾驶着一个小帆船行驶在水面上。" ]
[ "A man windsurfing reaches out and touches the water before coming back to an upright position.", "A man is windsurfing, and he leans back to let his fingers touch the water as he rides.", "A man in a red and white shirt is solo sailing, while leaning into the water, dragging his left hand in it.", "Man splashes water with hand while holding on to transportation.", "The man is riding on a sailboard, as he runs the fingers of one hand through the waves.", "A person leans down while holding a sail and skims the water with their hand.", "The man is on the water, putting his hand in the water as he is wake boarding.", "On the water is a man skimming the water with his hand while riding a sailboat", "a man paragliding with a sail boat in the ocean", "A man is hanging onto a sail on a ski of some sort and running his hand through the water." ]
[ "一个穿着白色裤子的拿着拉着一根杆子在摸海水。", "一个壮硕的的男人驾驶着帆船在海面上飞驰着。", "一个帆船运动员正在海里穿行,他的速度非常的快。", "在一片海面上,一个穿着白色裤子的男人正在冲浪。", "一个穿着短袖的男人用船上的绳子吊着自己在水上移动。", "一个男人在海上一边拿着帆, 一边俯身, 用手在水中滑行。", "一个男人正在海面上驾驶着帆船,并不时地把手伸进海里。。", "水面上有一个人在乘坐帆船飞驰时, 用手在水面上滑行。", "一名男子乘着帆船正在海面上前行。", "一个男人正悬挂在船帆上,把手伸进水里。" ]
[ "A group of people are parasailing in the choppy water.", "A group of men are windsurfing on slightly choppy sea.", "People are in the ocean on surfboards that have sails on them.", "Water sportsmen ride single-person sports boards on a windy ocean.", "Men ride the choppy waves of the ocean as they windsurf.", "Several people in a race are wind surfing on wavy waters.", "In the ocean, several men drive their wind boats as fast as they can.", "Men are wind surfing across rough waters in full gear.", "A group of people are windsurfing across some rough currents.", "A man out on a body of water on a surf board with a sail." ]
[ "在海面上,一群人分别乘坐冲浪船冲浪。", "在海上有很多人站在单人船帆上冲浪。", "一群人借助工具在宽阔的海面上滑行。", "一群穿着运动服的人正在海面上滑翔。", "在海上有一名帆船运动员,旁边还有好4名帆船运动员.。", "在一场比赛中,有几个人在一片波浪形水域上冲着浪。", "波涛的海浪中,几个人以最快的速度冲着浪。", "男人们正全速地在波涛汹涌的水面上冲浪。", "一群年轻人正在穿越一些粗糙的水流。", "一个人拿着帆在冲浪板上的水面上走了出来。" ]
[ "A male is surfing in the ocean and having difficulties with the wind.", "A person is in a large ocean and is riding a small wave on a surfboard", "Various wind surfers execute a number of maneuvers on the the water.", "A person windsurfing and spinning around with the board", "Shots of people using wakeboards with sails on the water.", "Mulitple people wind surfing and doing some tricks while music plays.", "Three man are windsurfing in the ocean and demonstrating different tricks", "A young male is windsurfing on the water and falls down multiple times.", "A person is wind surfing in a body of water.", "Music playing while watching a group of men surfing." ]
[ "一群人在海上玩着帆船挑战着极限运动。", "一个人在海面上用带着帆的冲浪板冲浪。", "一个穿着短袖的男人在海上扶着有帆的小船在冲浪。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在水面上驾着帆船前进。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男子正在海上抓着帆船旋转。", "在音乐播放的时候,一些人踩着帆船在海上做着各种技巧。", "三个人正在海上冲浪并展示不同的技巧。", "一个年轻的男性在水上滑水冲浪并多次跌倒。", "一个人穿着黑色衣服在水中冲浪滑行。", "在室外的海面上,有很多人正在海面上冲浪。" ]
[ "A guys is windsurfing and doing tricks in the water.", "Multiple wind surfers are out on the water together in the afternoon.", "At the beach, several people para sail and spin in the ocean.", "A man doing tricks on a sailboard in the ocean surf.", "Several people are riding sailboards in the ocean's choppy waters.", "People in the ocean, doing stunts on surfboards with sails attached to them.", "An athlete executing various moves while windsurfing on the water.", "WInd surfers sail back and forth along the waves performing jumps and spins", "Multiple people are water surfing in the ocean.", "An surfer is sailing an coast on the shore making waves." ]
[ "一群人正在大海上愉快的玩着海上冲浪。", "在大海上,几个人正在使用帆船冲浪。", "一个穿着白色上衣黑色裤子的人在海面上划帆船。", "几个穿着白上衣黑裤子的人正在海面上冲浪。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的男子正在大海上旋转着帆船。", "有人在大海里用有帆的冲浪板做特技表演。", "一个海上帆船运动员在水上滑行时做出不同的动作。", "大海里面一个男子在海里面上面冲浪。", "一个黑色头发的男子在海上玩着帆船。", "在室外,一位冲浪者正在海岸边航行,兴风作浪.。" ]
[ "A man struggling to hold onto the sail attached to the board he's standing on.", "A windsurfer slowly surfs on the water then gradually goes faster.", "A person on a sail board enjoys moving through the water.", "A man is windsurfing with is friend across the shore line.", "A man is wind surfing on a lake on a windy day.", "Two people with life jackets are wind surfing on some rough waters.", "On a very windy day, several wind surfers move across the ocean.", "People glide through the water on boards with sails attached to them.", "A man wind surfs on a very windy day while other people are windsurfing too.", "A man is windsurfing and another windsurfer zooms past." ]
[ "静静的河面上一个男人正在玩冲浪。", "一个男人穿着救生衣站在帆船上在水中滑行。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人正在水面冲浪。", "一个人正在驾驶着蓝色的帆船在水面上活动。", "一个穿着救生衣的人正在水上驾驶帆船。", "两个穿着救生衣的人在一片汹涌的水面上进行帆船冲浪。", "在一个刮风的日子里,几个冲浪者在大海中漂移。", "人们正在船上滑过水面,而船上附着帆。", "一个男人在刮风的日子里冲浪,其他人也在风帆冲浪。", "一个人正在风帆冲浪, 另一个风帆冲浪者从他身边疾驰而过。" ]
[ "A person wind surfing the waves while music is playing.", "Several different classes of wind surfers are shown speeding through bay waters.", "a couple of teenagers are shown ocean sailing sport by moving around", "Several sailors are shown out on the open water in a competitive manner.", "A group of people wind surf on a body of water near a large city.", "A person uses a wind sail to travel across a large body of water.", "Several people are riding on surf boards with sails in the ocean.", "Windsurfers are showing going across the water with rock music in background.", "A person windsurfs in the ocean off the coast of a nearby a city.", "A person is wind sailing on water near a city, then other people are wind sailing on water." ]
[ "一个人正在海上,一个人正漂浮在水面上。", "几个人乘着帆船在水面上激情的运动着。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的人在海上玩转着帆船。", "一个穿着红色上衣的男人在海面上冲浪。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人正在开帆船。", "一个人使用风帆船在一大块水域中航行。", "有几个人乘坐冲浪板在海洋中航行。", "摇滚乐为背景风帆冲浪者正在横穿水面。", "一个人在附近城市的海岸上玩着冲浪。", "一个人在城市附近的水上航行,然后其他人在水上航行。" ]
[ "Man in orange life jacket wind surfs on a body of water.", "A man is kite-surfing while a woman in the background narrates and music plays.", "A man is riding a surfboard, equipped with a sail and a woman is talking about it.", "A man windsurfs on a body of water while an unseen woman speaks in a foreign language", "A man is shown windsurfing on the ocean while a woman talks in a foreing language.", "A man demonstrates wind surfing from a surf board while crossing a lake.", "A voice over is talking while a man rides a sail board.", "A man windsurfs on a waterboard equipped with a sail.", "A male is standing on a surfboard with a sail attached and skimming over the top of a body of water.", "A man windsurfing while a woman announcer speaks in the background." ]
[ "两个穿橘黄色救生衣的男人正在海上冲浪。", "一个男人在海上玩着帆船。另一个男人也在玩着帆船但是是在另一个方向。", "男子驾驶无动力帆船,通过摆动船帆控制方向。", "一个男人乘坐着桨板迅速从水面划过。", "在户外的一条河上,有一个人驾驶着小船。", "一名男子在冲浪板展示冲浪,并穿过湖面。", "当一个人登上帆船板时, 一个声音在说话。", "一个人在一个装有船帆的水上冲浪器上风冲浪。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在海上玩着帆船。", "一个女播音员在播报一名男子风帆冲浪的画面。" ]
[ "Two people are aggressively sailing their boats in the water, causing one of them to fall off.", "A person wind sailing making an abrupt three hundred and sixty degree turn then falling.", "A man is learning how to parasail seems to be his first time.", "A person is on a sailboat and is sailing in the water and falls over.", "Man windsails very quickly across the water, just narrowly misses hitting another sail board before turning over when he stops", "Two kite surfers move fast towards each other then cross past one another.", "There are two man serf sailing in a lake on the water.", "Someone is windsurfing in a body of water, then falls down.", "Two people are out on the ocean windsurfing and then one of them falls of the board.", "people out in the water messing around on a small board trying to keep their balance" ]
[ "海上有两艘帆船,其中一个男人驾驶的帆船倒在了水里。", "一个人在海上玩风帆,之后失去平衡倒下了。", "两个男人驾驶着小帆船在海面上玩冲浪。", "一个光着上半身的人在海上玩帆船,结果掉进了海里。", "海面上,一个男人在玩帆船,转弯时他不小心掉入了水里。", "两个冲浪者向着对方快速移动,然后彼此交叉穿过对方。", "有两个男人农奴在水中的湖中航行。", "有个人在海面上进行风帆冲浪,然后摔倒了。", "两个人正在海上冲浪,其中一个人不小心摔了下来。", "人们在水中在一块小板上四处游荡试图保持平衡。" ]
[ "The man is out parasailing in the ocean on a nice day.", "A person is wind surfing in a large body of water.", "Kite surfer bends legs deeply and grabs horizontal kite bar while gliding forward on sea.", "A man is riding a surf board with a sail across the ocean.", "A person is out on a sunny day and wind surfing across the water.", "A water board floating on the ocean with the person guiding it.", "Somebody is windsurfing out on the ocean, and they are heading back towards the shore.", "A man surfing on the surfing ride on the sea fast along with the waves.", "A man dressed in a wetsuit is windsurfing in the ocean on a windy day", "This person is using a sail board on the ocean traveling towards the camera." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在海上驾驶着帆船。", "一个男人在大海上迎着风滑彩色帆船。", "一个穿着黑色的上衣男孩在大海上玩帆船运动。", "一个穿着黑色泳衣的男人手持帆船在海上冲浪。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在驾驶帆船。", "在海上,一个人驾驶着带帆的冲浪板航行着。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在海上用帆船冲浪。", "一个人在海上冲浪时随着海浪而快速地冲浪。", "一个穿着潜水服的男人在刮风的日子在海洋风帆冲浪。", "这个人正在用海上的一个帆板向镜头移动。" ]
[ "The rocky ride in the boat on the ocean could make a person seasick.", "A guy is holding tightly on the attachment to the flag on a surfing board to surf on the water", "Someone is wave-sailing in the ocean or a lake as it is showing the speeds in how fast he travels.", "A man holds onto the bar of his windsurfing board as he bobs along the water.", "A guy is wind surfing fast on the open water.", "A person dressed in black swimsuit is windsurfing out in the sea.", "A man is holding onto the boat while sailing on a lake.", "Person video taping themselves riding a parasail quickly across the water.", "A man windsurfing in the ocean water on a breezy day.", "a person is on the sailboat surf and wind taking him away" ]
[ "宽敞明亮的海面上,一个人正在冲浪。", "在大海上,一个人正在使用帆船滑行。", "一个人抓紧手中的横杆,在水面上前进。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人抓着帆船上的一根黑色栏杆,帆船正在海上前进。", "一个人在海上抓着踏板冲浪,海上较为平缓,无大浪花。", "一个穿黑色泳衣的人正在海上风帆冲浪。", "一名男子在湖上航行的时候紧紧抓住船。", "一个人的视频录像,他们在一个滑翔伞上快速的穿过了水面。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在在海上驾驶一艘帆船。", "一个人在帆船上冲浪希望风把他带走。" ]
[ "people surfing on the sea with surfing board with flags with music playing in the background", "On a river or a lake a person is windsurfing back and forth.", "A person is on a boat and there is a scene of the murky water.", "Wind surfers are out on a sunny day on the murky waters as one surfer observes another in the distance shuffling about.", "A man is wind surfing on wavy water while others are watching around him.", "A person is kite boarding and watching another person kite board.", "On the ocean there are many people wind surfing on a mostly calm scene.", "A first person view of someone wind surfing along with other people.", "A person uses a wind sail to ride through an open body of water.", "Someone is parasailing in what seems to be shallow waters." ]
[ "在一望无际的海面上,一个人正在冲浪。", "几个人在海上进行着帆船的运动,都英姿飒爽。", "一个人正在大海上玩着帆船还有一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在慢慢向他走来。", "在大海的岸边,一个人正在开游艇,旁边还有人在观看。", "在宽阔的大海上,一双手正在划着白色的船。", "一个人正在水上滑帆板,看着另一边的人也滑着。", "在海洋上有许多人在一个平静的场景中冲浪。", "一个人水里玩冲浪,水中还有一些人在玩。", "一个人用风帆穿过一片开阔的水域,随后一个人走过来。", "有人在看起来很浅的水域里用帆船。" ]
[ "A man is riding on a boat and the boat is going fast.", "A man wind surfs along the ocean next to the shore.", "A man surfs on top of the water using sails, leaning back.", "A man is riding along windsurfing as the wind blows his sail.", "A man is windsurfing in a large body of water and a person behind them.", "A man is speeding across a body of water while windsurfing.", "A man wearing a black baseball hat wind surfing in the ocean.", "A man rides in a skater in the sea and is seen very closely with the wind sound", "A person is riding a kite surfing board through the water.", "A man is doing a selfie shot of himself on a wind surfboard in fast moving water." ]
[ "一个身穿白色上衣戴着黑色帽子的男人在海里航行。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在海上玩着帆船。", "一个带着帽子穿着白色上衣的男人在冲浪。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个戴着帽子的人在海上玩耍。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在驾驶帆船。", "一名男子正站在风帆冲浪板上,并在海上超速行驶。", "一个带着黑色帽子的男人乘着帆船在海中前行。", "一名男子在海中骑着一个滑板在滑行,风的声音非常大。", "一个戴着帽子的男人正在水中骑风筝冲浪板。", "一名男子正在快速移动水中的风冲浪板。" ]
[ "A person gliding across the water on a ski board in the water.", "A jet skier travels along water, with only their foot within view of the camera.", "A person is on a lake and is wind surfing.", "Someone recording themselves going across the water while kite surfing.", "Some type of water ski noisily skiing over the water.", "a wind surfer is gliding along the surface of water", "A wind surfboard travels quickly across the water while being buffeted by the waves.", "Someone is wind surfing on a lake or ocean with a camera mounted on the sail.", "A person is in the ocean and is surfing on waves.", "Someone is skating over some frozen water while wearing baggy gray pants." ]
[ "在一处水面上有一个穿的白色鞋子的人正在水面滑行。", "一个人在宽广的海面上做匀速滑翔运动。", "黄绿色的水里,一个人利用工具在水上滑行。", "一个人正在一片大海上愉快的玩冲浪。", "一个人在平静无波的海面上平稳地冲着浪。", "一个冲浪者正在沿着水面上滑行着。", "一个冲浪爱好者在海浪冲击的瞬间快速穿过水面。", "有人在湖面或海洋上冲浪, 并在风帆上安装了摄像头。", "一个人在大海上踩着冲浪板玩冲浪。", "有一个人穿着宽大的灰色裤子在冰冻的水面上滑冰。" ]
[ "A man wind surfing in the water on a sunny day.", "A young man is sailboarding on a flat open expanse of water.", "A man in shorts is riding a sailboard through open water.", "A person is wind surfing while rock music is playing.", "Young man wind surfing on an open body of water on a sunny day.", "People windsurfing on a lake while rock music plays in the background", "Two different men are parasailing and surfing in the ocean", "Clips of a young boy on a surfboard that has a wind sail attached", "A man windsurfing in the lake on a beautiful sunny day without falling down.", "a man on a large body of water wind surfing" ]
[ "一个帅气的外国男人在大海上熟练地操控着帆船。", "海上做帆船运动冲浪的愉快的人们。", "一个裸着上身的男人在水面上玩冲浪板。", "一个穿短裤的人站在皮划艇上在水中遨游。", "一个光着膀子男子正在海面上杨帆航行。", "在音乐播放时,人们在一片海上用帆船冲浪。", "两个不同的男人驾驶着帆船在海里滑翔冲浪。", "一个年轻的男孩驾驶着帆船在海上冲浪。", "一个男人在美丽的阳光灿烂的日子在湖中滑浪风帆而不会跌倒。", "一个人在一个很在海域上驾驶着帆船。" ]
[ "A man surfs with a sail on his surf board.", "A person is parasailing while there is sixties music playing in the background.", "A Person windsurfing with a black/yellow sail;and the water is very choppy.", "A man is wind surfing on the ocean with other surfers in the background.", "Somebody is using a waterboard with a sail to move across the water.", "A man is sailing on the waves in the ocean.", "A person is para sailing on waves on an open body of water.", "A person is windsurfing on the ocean while music is playing.", "This man was wind surfing in the water with a black wet suit on.", "A guy, in a wetsuit, is windsurfing in choppy waters." ]
[ "一望无际的海面上,一个人正在冲浪。", "一名帆板运动员正驾驶着他的帆板在海面上高速地前行。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在海上冲浪。", "一个身穿深色衣服的人乘着帆在水面上行进。", "一名身穿黑色外套的男子,正在浩瀚的大海上滑翔。", "一个男人在海洋中驾驶着冲浪板航行。", "一个人正在水面上驾驶帆船在航行,背景是另外一个人。", "一个人在音乐播放的同时在海上进行帆板运动。", "一个穿着黑色紧身衣的男人在海上冲浪。", "一个穿着潜水衣的家伙正在波涛汹涌的水中冲浪。" ]
[ "Several still and motion scenes show people windsurfing and paddle boarding in the ocean.", "A man struggles to get upright on a wind surfing board and as he eventually does so he promptly falls into the water.", "People guy attempts to stand upright on a water board with a sail but falls into the water.", "People wind surf while the tide comes in, and one guy falls over.", "A group of people attempting to kite surf on the ocean.", "A man out in the ocean riding performing several water sports", "Several people are riding stand up surfboards and sail boards in the water.", "A group of individuals are wind surfing on the ocean.", "Several individuals are wind surfing while enjoying a day on the water.", "Water sports enthusisasts are shown at a shore, when one windsurfer struggles to get his sail up out of the water as music plays." ]
[ "一个穿绿色衣服的人扶起船帆后摔倒在水里。", "一个男人在海面上进行滑翔运动,站立不稳掉入水中。", "一个男孩在大海里玩着帆船,帆船倒了,男孩掉进了海里。", "一群人站在海里的冲浪工具上冲浪。", "很多人站在帆船上在水上前行,其中一个人不小心掉到了水里。", "在风和日丽的沙滩边,几个人在海上表演着不同的海上运动。", "海边有冲浪和学帆板的,一个男子在帆板上刚刚站起来后摔倒。", "一群人在海上握着滑翔伞冲浪玩耍着。", "一个穿着短裤的人拉起帆叶,他掉入了水里。", "在室外,很多人在海面上冲浪,其中还有的人在水里站着。" ]
[ "A guy drops the windsail attached to his surfboard and then tries to pull it back up.", "A man is on a surfboard with a sail attached and stands to pull the sail up, as music plays.", "A man is pulling up a sail in order to prepare for a ride on a small boat.", "A man standing on the surfing board on water lifted the wind banner of the board", "In the ocean a man is trying to pull up his sail from the water,", "A man is sailing on a boat in the water.", "A man is pulling on a rope to lift a wind sail onto a surfboard.", "A man is on the water trying to wind surf and lift the sail on his board up.", "A man on a sailboard in the middle of the ocean moving the sail.", "A man pulls his sail from the water to prepare it for windsurfing." ]
[ "一个扎着小辫子的男士正在海面上练习冲浪。", "一个人在使用小帆船进行着水上运动。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人在海上玩耍。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在海上冲浪。", "碧蓝的水面上泛起层层波浪,一个人站在一个帆船上面,拉起来了倒在水里面的船帆。", "在深蓝色的海面上有一名男子在乘船航行。", "一个男人正在水面上尝试将水里的船帆拉起来。", "一个男人站在海面上的冲浪板上试图把帆升起来。", "一个男人在大洋中央的一个帆船上移动着帆。", "在室外,一名男子从水中拉起帆来准备风帆冲浪。" ]
[ "Several people are riding sailboards and almost bumping into each other.", "People are riding on sailboards in the water, as the sharp wind blows them around.", "A large group of people go windsurfing in the ocean with a good breeze blowing.", "People are surfing with their surfboard with handle around the beach.", "a person sailing along on the sea as the wind blow it.", "A group of people sail on the open water in the waves.", "A man rides a surf board with a large wing attached to it.", "Many parasailers navigating their boards in a large body of water on a windy day.", "A man and several others are windsurfing in the ocean.", "A person is at a water location where wind surfing is taking place and someone is videoing as they wind surf past." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服黑色短裤的人在水面站在冲浪板上冲浪。", "一群人操控着单帆船在海面上冲浪。", "海上有许多人正用装备在海上进行冲浪。", "一个人站在帆船上出海,海面上掀起了层层波浪。", "在一个宽阔的海边,有一群人在玩潜水。", "一群人乘着海浪滑行在开阔的水面上。", "一个人站在一件物体上面,然后物体在水里移动。", "在刮风的日子里,许多人乘着帆船在大海上航行。", "一个男人和其他几个人正在海上乘帆船冲浪。", "很多人用着冲浪工具在冲浪,在水里激起水花。" ]
[ "Three adolescent school girls are posing for a photo and winking.", "Three young ladies in school uniforms take turns winking at the camera.", "3 lady talking and smiling outside by a brick wall", "Three girls are winking and smiling for the camera.", "3 girls are staring at the camera, one girl winks and the others are laughing.", "Three girls in uniforms take turns trying to wink at the camera.", "Three girls are standing next to a brick wall winking.", "Three young women in a school uniform attempting to wink in unison.", "Three young ladies in school uniforms seeing if they can blink one eye.", "The girls standing close together winked to the camera and smiled" ]
[ "三个穿着制服的外国女人正在开心谈小。", "三个穿着深蓝色校服的女学生在抛媚眼。", "三个漂亮的女孩在相互谈论着彼此。", "三个穿着黑色外套的女孩一边说话一边眨眼睛。", "三个穿着蓝色外套的女子并排在一起说话。", "三名穿着制服的长发女孩,轮流对着镜头眨眼睛。", "三个女孩同时站在一堵墙前,在眨眼睛。", "三个身穿校服的年轻女子试图一致眨眼。", "三个穿校服的年轻女士看看能不能眨一下眼睛。", "站在一起的女孩们对着镜头眨眼, 微笑着。" ]
[ "A young man winks, smiles and blinks with his eyes while pointing with his hand.", "a young man sitting, gesturing with their hand in a store", "A boy winks and points at the camera from inside a book store.", "In a library,a person is winking and another one is speaking to him while laughing.", "A boy sits in a book shop, and winks and make a pointer finger with his thumb.", "A person is snapping, pointing, and winking at the camera.", "A woman makes a gun figure with her hand and winks her eye several times.", "A boy sits in a book store and winks at the camera while giving finger guns.", "A young teen boy, winks several times and points his finger while sitting in a store.", "Young person makes shooting gesture with hands, winks using side of face, and opens eyes wider." ]
[ "一个人对着镜头做怪脸并用手比手枪。", "一个黄色头发的人在做眨眼的东西,并用手比枪的动作。", "一个身穿灰白色条纹的女子正在用手势比划着。", "一个女人坐在凳子上面在比划着手,眼睛在一眨一眨。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的人正在眨着眼。", "一个人正在拍摄,对着镜头指指点点和眨眼。", "一个女人用她的手做了一个枪形,并眨了几下眼睛。", "一个男孩坐在书店里, 一边给手指枪, 一边对着镜头眨眼。", "一个年轻的男孩坐在商店里眨了几下眼睛。", "年轻人用手做投篮手势,使用面部眨眼,睁大眼睛。" ]