[ "A kid with blond hair is trying to close one eye at a time.", "People are having a conversation while a woman winks her eye.", "A young girl is looking at herself while she is blinking her eyes", "A young girl squints and frowns and looks sad.", "A little girl was staring and winked coupled of times", "A small girl's face is shown while people talk in the background, one of her eyes twitch.", "A young person tries to wink and blink their eyes in certain ways.", "Close up of a little girl's face while she repeatedly opens and shuts her eyes.", "In a crowded place a girl is playing with her eyelids.", "A girls stares into a camera as she squints one of her eyes." ]
[ "一个金色头发的女人在房间里挤眼睛。", "一个长头发的小姑娘眼睛在不停地眨来眨去。", "一个长着金色头发的小孩子一直眨自己的眼睛。", "一个黄头发的小女孩正对着镜头眨眼睛。", "一个黄头发的人慢慢的做着面部表情。", "当人们在后台说话时,一个小女孩的脸被展示出来,她的一只眼睛抽搐着。", "一个金色头发的小女孩一直在眨着眼睛。", "一个一头黄发的小女孩反反复复的咪着眼睛。", "一根金发女孩对着镜头做着各种眼部动作。", "一个女孩盯着镜头,并且一直眯着眼睛。" ]
[ "A little boy is in the bathtub being told to wink with using his hands.", "A boy in a bath tub is encouraged to practice winking", "A young boy is in the bath tub and a woman talks to him and he tries to wink one eye at a time.", "Boy in bathtub of water closes one eye at a time as directed by a female.", "Small boy in a bathtub covering hos eye and talking to a woman.", "A young boy in the bath attempts to wink with direction from a female voice, but fails, blinking instead and attempting to use his hands to assist.", "A boy in the bathtub practices his blinking and accidentally uses his hand.", "A little boy sits in a tub of water and is attempting to successfully wink each eye separately.", "A little boy in a tub of water with a woman coaching him on winking, first the right and then left, and he uses his hand to close the left .", "A young boy in a bath tub learning to wink his eyes with a woman's verbal direction." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个小男孩,坐在浴缸里玩耍。", "一个小男孩坐在浴缸里洗澡,露出撒娇的表情。", "一个光着身子的小男孩坐在浴池里用手揉眼睛。", "一个在洗澡的小孩用手一会儿捂着眼睛一会儿皱着眉一会儿张大嘴。", "一个小男孩在浴缸里洗澡,他还用手遮住自己的右眼。", "一个小男孩坐在浴池里,他长大嘴巴之后又将自己的眼镜捂住。", "一个小男孩正在浴缸里根据妈妈的口令捂住相应的眼睛。", "一个小男孩坐在水桶里,试图成功地将每只眼睛分开眨眼。", "一个在水里的小男孩, 一个女人在眨眼的时候教他, 先是右转, 然后是左, 他用手抹了下右眼。", "一个小男孩坐在浴缸里,可爱的做着鬼脸。" ]
[ "A child winks, smiles and touches his mouth and cheek and winks twice again", "A boy is seen smiling at the camera as a lady asks him to wink and then wave to the camera.", "A young boy showing how he likes to wink and wave.", "A boy winks, then waves and then winks again for a woman.", "A young boy makes facial and hand gestures while in his home.", "A mother is giving her child instructions of winking and waving and the boy is following those instructions.", "A little boy waves at the camera, as someone else instructs him to give another wink.", "A woman is talking to a little boy and he is showing his teeth and waving at the camera.", "A woman encourages a young boy to wink and wave.", "A boy winks one eye, puts a finger to his lips and the other hand to his ear, then waves his hand and winks again." ]
[ "一个穿着长袖上衣的还在在挥舞着自己的手。", "一个小朋友在一个女人地说话声中对着镜头摆手。", "一个身穿灰黑衣服的小男孩,黄头发小男孩正在向镜头招手。", "一个女人抱着一个在向别人打招呼的男孩。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在和自己的孩子交谈。", "一个小男孩在房间里,挥动着手并眨着眼睛。", "一个小男孩向镜头挥手致意, 因为别人指示他再眨眼。", "一个女人正在和一个小男孩说话,他正在露出牙齿,挥手致意。", "一个穿着灰色外套的男孩正在镜头前写做鬼脸。", "一个男孩眨了眨一只眼睛,把一个手指放在他的嘴唇上,另一只手放在他的耳朵上,然后挥动他的手。" ]
[ "A man is repeatedly smiling and winking at the camera as a counter keeps track of his attempts.", "A guy knods and winks at the camera as odd noises play in the background.", "A guy is having a close up camera moment winking like a gif.", "A man is demostrating facial movements for entertaining purposes with sound effects.", "A young man does several videos on how to wink and smile.", "A young man is smiling at the camera and winks over and over and over.", "A young man smiles and nods to the camera several times while different sound effects, including a crunch and an elephant are audible.", "A countdown from ten to 4 while a man makes different facial expressions for each number.", "a man looks at the camera and then winks and smiles at it", "A man is winking and smiling while nodding and looking forward." ]
[ "一个黑头发的外国男人正在不停的眨眼睛。", "有一个黑色卷发的男人在微笑着眨眼。", "一个黑发男子正在露齿微笑,同时眨了一下眼睛。", "一个卷发男子正看着前方眨着自己的眼睛。", "一个卷发的男人,微笑着在眨眼睛,露出雪白的牙齿。", "一个男人轻轻地在抬着头微笑,并眨了一下眼睛。", "名年轻男子微笑着对镜头眨了几下眼睛,同时听到了不同的声音效果,包括嘎吱嘎吱的声音和大象。", "倒数从10到4男人为每个数字做出不同的面部表情。", "一个男人看着镜头,然后眨眼并微笑。", "一个人一边眨眼, 一边微笑, 一边点头, 一边向前看。" ]
[ "A young boy makes face and does things to his face to say his cool.", "A boy licks his fingers and then slicks his brows and eyelashes down.", "A young boy winks, making someone watching him laugh, and then licks his finger before touching his nose and forehead with it.", "a little boy looks at the camera as a movie plays in the background", "A boy makes faces with smiling and runs his finger over his face.", "A kid making a funny face then licking his finger and grooming his eyebrows and hair.", "a boy sitting laughing wiping his forehead putting his hand in his mouth.", "A child is making funny faces and licking their hands by themselves.", "A boy smiles into the camera and does an impression.", "A kid is making cool, funny faces in front of someone." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个小男孩,在玩耍。", "一个男孩露着牙齿很开心的在那里笑。", "一个小男孩在做鬼脸,把手放进嘴巴里。", "一个穿黑色衣服的金发小男孩用手指在脸上做鬼脸。", "屋子里,一个小男孩笑着用一只手摸着额头。", "一个孩子做了一个有趣的鬼脸,然后舔着他的手指,梳理着他的眉毛和头发。", "一个男孩坐在那里,一边笑着,一边擦着额头,把手放进嘴里。", "一个小孩子 在镜头前面舔着自己的手。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在室内笑。", "一个孩子在别人面前做着很酷和搞笑的面部表情。" ]
[ "A baby takes a bite of food while glancing into the camera.", "A baby is sitting on a chair and trying to eat a piece of food.", "A little girl sitting on the chair ate a snack and then bent her head sideways", "A baby tries to wink one eye after being asked to by a girl in the background but instead blinks both eyes.", "Someone is trying to get their baby to wink into the camera.", "Baby in a pink shirt eats something in highchair while someone talks.", "Parents try to get a wink on video while the toddler is eating.", "A baby sitting at the table and eating and moving their head back and fourth.", "A baby is sitting in a high chair and eating something and the mother is speaking and encouraging her to wink.", "A baby is eating food as her parents are talking to her." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一个小孩子正在吃东西。", "穿粉色衣服的小女孩正在津津有味地吃着她手里的东西。", "一个穿粉色衣服的婴儿,坐在椅子上,用手拿着吃东西。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的小女孩坐在椅子上吃东西。", "一个坐在凳子上的小宝宝一边眨着眼睛一边吃着东西。", "穿着粉红色衣服的婴儿坐在高脚椅上吃东西,旁边的人在和她说话。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的小孩子正在一边吃东西一边眨眼睛。", "一个婴儿坐在桌子旁吃东西,然后把头向侧面移动。", "一个婴儿正坐在高脚椅上吃东西,母亲在说话并鼓励她眨眼。", "一个坐在椅子上的小婴儿一边吃着东西,一边将脑袋歪向左边。" ]
[ "A girl is practicing winking and a female urges her to do it again.", "A small child is smiling lots to her mum.", "Sitting at a dinner table, a girl looks at a person and attempts to wink for her.", "A little girl is sitting at a restaurant table and smiling while a woman talks to her.", "A little girl is sitting at a table during a meal.", "A woman asks a young child to blink and the child squints their eyes in an attempt.", "A little girl wearing a cotton beanie cap is winking her eye at someone.", "A young girl winks after being asked by a woman to do so, then the woman tells her to do it again.", "A toddler girl is looking towards the person recording and smiling.", "a little kid wearing a hat is eating something at a restaurant and laughing" ]
[ "一个穿红色上衣戴粉色帽子的小女孩在微笑。", "一个戴着帽子的孩子正甜甜地笑着,背后有一个女人的说话声。", "一个穿红色衣服戴粉色帽子的小女孩一边笑一边眨眼睛。", "一个戴粉色帽子的外国小女孩,听到一段话后高兴的笑了。", "一个戴着粉色帽子的小女孩在开心地笑着。", "一位妇女让一个小孩子眨眼睛,孩子试图眨眼尝试。", "一个戴着棉帽帽的小女孩正在眨着眼睛看着某人。", "一名年轻女孩被一名妇女要求这样做后眨眼,然后那个女人告诉她再做一次。", "一个蹒跚学步的小女孩正在看着一个人。", "一个戴着帽子的小孩在餐馆吃东西,然后哈哈大笑。" ]
[ "A little girl is making faces while riding a bus and being encouraged to do so.", "A toddler girl sits in the back of a vehicle as she attempts to wink her eye.", "A little girl with a disability shows how she can open her mouth evenly when she tries hard.", "A small girl was trying to smake different actions with her eyes and with mouth on moving vehicle", "A young toddler makes funny faces while adults socialize in the background.", "A little girl with brown hair is smiling and trying to make a face with her mouth.", "A small girl riding in a bus makes different faces with her mouth and eyes.", "A little girl making a squinting facial gesture and yelling in a vehicle.", "The little girl is trying to learn how to wink her eyes as they ride in the car.", "A young girl makes a weird face being coached by an adult." ]
[ "一个长头发的小女孩在车上做鬼脸,她旁边有个人在坐着。", "一个小女孩在车上做着鬼脸,旁边有好多大人在说话。", "在一辆行驶的车上,一个女孩一直做着不同的鬼脸。", "一个小女孩张大嘴巴做着奇怪的表情。", "一个长发小女孩在车上长大嘴巴做鬼脸。", "一个棕色头发的小女孩正在对着镜头做鬼脸。", "在一辆公共汽车里面,一个女孩子正在看着旁边的人。", "一个小女孩在车上做着斜视的面部手势和大喊大叫。", "小女孩正在努力学习如何在他们坐车的时候眨眼。", "一个年轻的女孩在大人的指导下做了一个奇怪的表情。" ]
[ "A man shares a bite of his pie with a baby sitting in its high chair.", "A baby is eating their food off of their dads fork and loving it.", "A man feeds food to a baby sitting in a high chair.", "A smiling baby is sitting in a high chair and a man hands the baby a blueberry.", "a man sitting feeding the baby blue berries in a spoon.", "A father gives his daughter a blueberry and she smiles when she gets it.", "A man feeds a piece of fruit to a baby who takes it willingly.", "A baby is spitting out some food that he does not like", "A baby girl, sitting in a high chair is being fed a blueberry on a fork by a man.", "A baby in his high chair takes a meal that an adult gives him." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人,给了一个宝宝一块吃的,宝宝开心地笑了。", "一个大人真的喂一个小孩子吃饭小孩子很开心。", "一个男人正在用叉子递给小宝宝一些吃的。", "一个男子把叉子里的食物递给了一个坐在凳子上的宝宝。", "在一个房间里,有一个大人正在喂一个孩子吃食物。", "一位父亲将一个蓝莓递给女,当她拿到手上的时候她笑了。", "一个男人将一块水果喂给一个自愿吃的婴儿。", "一个婴儿正在演示吐出一些他不喜欢的食物。", "一个坐在高脚椅上的女婴被一个男人用叉子喂蓝莓。", "一个坐在他高椅子上的婴儿吃了一个成年人给他的饭菜。" ]
[ "A baby sits on a chair and winks for a daddy", "A man in the background tells a little boy to wink then the little boy looks at the camera and winks.", "A parent tries to teach his child how to wink, and the child is semi successful.", "A father off camera tells his little boy to wink and he winks in response.", "A child looks at a camera and makes funny faces.", "A man tells a child to wink and the child tries to wink on cue.", "A man is asking his baby to wink in a video multiple times", "A small baby tries to wink but ends up blinking instead.", "a mom and her young child as she teaches her how to make funny faces then turns to the camera", "A toddler is showing how he can wink with one eye." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的小孩在那眨眼睛。", "一个小朋友先是转头看向自己的前方,接着挤动自己的面部表情。", "男孩在一个大人的指导下,一直做着一个相同的动作。", "一个穿白色衣服的幼童正在眨眼睛微笑。", "在一个房间里,有一个身穿白色上衣的小孩在观望。", "一个男人叫一个孩子眨眼,孩子试图眨眼睛。", "一个男人在教一个小孩子多次在他的指示下眨眼。", "一个婴儿试图眨眼最终可以眨眼了。", "一位母亲教她的小孩如何制作有趣的面孔。", "一个幼儿正在展示他如何用一只眼睛眨眼。" ]
[ "A young girl shows how to wink with both eyes and than one eye.", "A woman asks a child to blink and wink their eyes.", "A baby practices blinking and winking when prompted by her mother.", "A young child is looking at the camera and blinking her eyes.", "A woman with a British accent is talking to a little girl who is winking and blinking her eyes.", "A young girl is winking and smiling and about to speak.", "A toddler demonstrates winking and blinking in response to a woman's prompts.", "A mother is telling her young daughter to wink and blink, and asks what the difference is.", "A mom is trying to get her small child to wink but she will only blink.", "A little girl attempts to blink her eyes while the lady speaks to her." ]
[ "一个穿着黄色衣服的小女孩睁大了眼睛。", "一个可爱的小女孩用自己的面部表情表达感情并笑了。", "一个头上扎着辫子的小女孩一边笑着一边眨眼睛做鬼脸。", "一个小女孩在挤着眼睛,然后笑着。", "一个穿黄色衣服的孩子在挤弄着眼睛。", "一个年轻的女孩做出眨眼咧嘴微笑的表情之后开始说话。", "一个女人说着话,一个小女孩对着她眨眼。", "一位母亲告诉她的小女儿眨眼,问问有什么不同。", "一位母亲正试图让她自己的小孩子眨眼。", "一个小女孩在女士跟她说话的时候试图眨眼睛。" ]
[ "A female is posing with a cup and straw infront of her then she moves the cup away.", "A young woman looks into the camera and makes as if she's sipping from a cup, winking and posing.", "The girl is blowing over the top of the straw while winking.", "A woman is drinking a beverage with a straw from a plastic cup.", "A woman is drinking out of a cup and staring at the camera", "A girl is holding a drink with a straw and blows into the straw and winks.", "A woman poses with a beverage and then smiles into the camera", "A young woman makes a series of faces for her camera while holding a plastic cup with a straw.", "A girl is looking at the camera and drinking from a Starbucks cup.", "Asian woman posing for the camera pretending to be sipping on a drink" ]
[ "一个穿着黑色上衣黑色长发的女人在喝饮料自拍。", "一个女人把一个插着吸管的杯子放在嘴边,然后摆出不同的表情。", "一个女人一边拿着饮料,一边微笑嘟嘴卖萌。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的长头发的女人手里拿着一个插着绿色吸管的透明饮料杯。", "一个化了妆的女人正在抱着奶茶自拍。", "一个女孩拿着一杯饮料,嘟着嘴在眨眼睛。", "一个女人拿着一杯饮料摆好姿势然后对着镜头微笑。", "一个画着浓妆的长发女子拿着饮料瓶在嘟嘴挤眼。", "一个女孩看着前面, 喝着星巴克的杯子。", "一名亚洲女性在摆一些喝饮料的拍照姿势。" ]
[ "A woman talks to a small boy who tries to wink but shuts both eyes.", "A little boy cringes as he tries to open just one eye as instructed.", "A preschooler gets off a bed on his mother's command but when ask to close one eye, closes both.", "A little boy sits on the bed blinking, then hops down and stands on the floor looking at the camera and blinking.", "A boy gets out of a chair and stands and then closes both his eyes.", "A woman scolds the child but ends up laughing because of the boy's funny face.", "A young boy is instructed to stand up and then to close only one eye.", "A little boy is told to stand up and close or open one eye.", "A woman asks a young blonde child to stand up.", "A little boy hops off the bed and closes his eyes while looking very tired." ]
[ "小女孩在床上趴着,小男孩下床闭着眼睛闹着玩。", "一个人让床上的小男孩站起来并检查他的眼睛,旁边一个小女孩扑倒在床上,还有一个人站在小女孩后面。", "在房间里,一个小男孩从床上跳下来。", "一个小男孩从床上下来,一个小女孩趴在床上玩。", "室内有一个人和两个小孩子,其中一个小孩子闭上眼睛。", "一位妇女在责骂小孩,因为小孩的脸太润滑,结果笑了。", "一个小男孩被指示站起来, 然后只闭上眼睛。", "一个男孩被告知站起来并且眼睛睁开一下闭上一下。", "一个小男孩从床上站了起来然后闭着眼睛。", "一个小男孩从床上跳了下来, 闭上了眼睛。" ]
[ "A toddler is sitting at a table eating a meal and shaking his head.", "A baby shakes his head \"no\" when he is asked if he has finished eating yet.", "a baby boy in a high chair in front of a table laughing and eating", "A baby boy is eating, his mom asks him if he's done, he shakes his head no and winks", "A baby shakes his head in disgust at what he just ate, and then laughs at his mother.", "A little boy is sitting at a table with food and is laughing.", "A toddler seated at a table eating and winking his eyes.", "A boy is sitting in a booster seat and winks at his mother when she asks if he was finished.", "At the dinner table, a toddler shakes his head then laughs after tasting something new.", "A baby is eating and shakes his head no and then laughs after a female talks to him." ]
[ "在一个室内,一个小孩正坐在凳子上吃饭。", "一个小男孩吃完饭后快乐的捧腹大笑。", "一个穿着蓝色兜兜的小孩正在摇头晃脑。", "一个金色头发的小孩一边笑着一边摇着头。", "在一个房间里,有一个小宝宝围着围兜坐在椅子上面。", "一个小男孩正坐在一张桌旁拿着食物, 笑着。", "一个婴儿坐在一个桌子旁,前面是他的餐盘。", "一个小孩坐在惭怍前拿着盘子里的食物一遍摇头笑着。", "一个孩子在餐桌上吃了新东西之后摇摇头。", "一个婴儿正在吃东西并摇头,最后笑了起来。" ]
[ "A little girl making funny faces, sticking out her tongue.", "A young child is making faces while adults are watching her and laughing.", "A young girl making facial grimaces to the camera, while onlookers laugh", "A girl is showing other people her funny faces, using her tongue and mouth.", "People laugh at a little girl trying, and failing to wink and touch her nose with her tongue.", "A little girl makes a strange face then touches her nose with her tongue when she is instructed to do so.", "A little girl tried to touch her nose with her tounge and wink at the same time.", "A little girl makes funny faces while a lady laughs about it out of view.", "A little girl makes funny faces and then touches her nose with her tongue.", "A little girl makes funny faces, tries to touch her nose with her tongue and tries to wink while adults laugh." ]
[ "一双有着大眼睛的小女孩通过挤眉弄眼,逗笑了她的家人。", "一个小女孩挤眉弄眼同时还歪嘴巴,还吐出舌头舔自己的鼻子。逗得大人哈哈大笑。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女孩在房间里做鬼脸。", "一个小女孩咧着嘴笑着,用舌头舔鼻子。", "一个女孩做着各种鬼脸,然后她将舌头伸出触碰鼻子。", "一个小女孩开始做出了一个奇怪的表情然后又做了一个舌头舔鼻子的表情逗的身边人哈哈大笑。", "一个穿红色衣服的女孩挤着眼睛,用舌头去舔鼻子。", "当一位女士笑出来时,一个小女孩做了有趣的脸。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的小女孩正在做鬼脸。", "一个小女孩在做鬼脸,用她的舌头触摸她的鼻子,并眨眼。" ]
[ "A little boy is sitting at the table at a restaurant with a bottle in his mouth, he then blinks his eyes and smile", "A kid is sitting and is drinking from his bottle and is smiling", "A young boy is sitting at a table while drinking from a bottle", "A toddler is sitting at a table drinking his bottle with other people talking and laughing.", "Baby sitting at a table in a restaurant while it drinks from a bottle.", "A baby laughs and makes eye gestures while sucking on a bottle inside a restaurant.", "A baby is sitting at a table at a restaurant drinking from his bottle.", "Cherubic little boy, with a buffet feast in front of him, is content to enjoy a liquid lunch.", "A little boy is sitting at a table in a restaurant holding a bottle to his mouth.", "a little baby drinks some milk that is in a bottle" ]
[ "一个小孩在餐桌面前一边喝牛奶一边笑。", "一个外国可爱的小孩在喝奶,对着屏幕幸福的笑起来。", "一个光头的小孩儿正坐在房间的凳子上喝奶粉。", "在餐厅里,一个小男孩坐在椅子上手里拿着奶瓶。", "一个嘴里叼着奶瓶的小孩儿坐在椅子上桌子上面有很多食物。", "在一家餐馆里,一个婴儿在吸奶瓶的时候大笑,并且还会做一些表情。", "一个婴儿坐在一家餐馆的桌旁, 喝着瓶子里的奶。", "天真的小男孩正在满足的享用着液态午餐,在他面前还有一份自助餐盛宴。", "一个小男孩坐在一张桌子在一家餐馆,拿着一瓶喝东西。", "一个小孩子正在喝装在瓶子里的牛奶。" ]
[ "A young girl is winking and smiling at the camera.", "A little kid reaches for something inside a small bowl.", "A little girl is in the center of a room surrounded by adults talking to her.", "A little girl is winking her eye and smiling again and again.", "A toddler girl reaches for a bowl and turns around and winks.", "A little girl winks her eye and smiles in the middle of a group of people.", "Someone is watching a little girl in a blue dress wink her eye.", "A little girl stands, reaches into a bowl, winks twice and smiles at people.", "A young girl puts her hand in a bowl, then winks, smiles, and winks again.", "Girl taking candy from a dish and then making funny faces" ]
[ "被阳光照耀的房间内,一个小女孩,站在地板上眨眼睛。", "一个可爱的小女孩正在镜头前对着镜头俏皮的眨眼。", "一个小女孩转过身开心的向旁边的人做着鬼脸。", "一个穿着蓝色裙子的小女孩在眨眼睛。", "一个小女孩可爱的向镜头眨眼睛两次。", "在一群人中,一个小女孩微笑着眨眼睛,周围的人在观看。", "一个穿蓝色连衣裙的小女孩正在眨自己的眼睛。", "一个小女孩站着, 把手伸进碗里, 眨眼两次, 对着人微笑。", "一个年轻的女孩把手放进碗里然后眨着眼睛。", "女孩正准备拿碗里的东西时扭头做了两个鬼脸儿。" ]
[ "Toddler in high chair smirks, opens mouth and blinks both eyes five times.", "A young toddler is sitting in a high chair while an adult speaks to him.", "A toddler seated in a high chair winks with both eyes several times when asked to do so.", "A baby tries winking while sitting in his chair but cannot do it.", "A father tells his baby to wink for the camera and the baby winks several times.", "A little boy is sitting in a highchair and a man is asking him to wink so he winks several times.", "A man talking to a child who is sitting in a high chair.", "A little boy is winking while being prompted by a man,", "A baby sits in their chair and attempts to wink but blinks both eyes.", "A man asks a baby to wink and the baby attempts to but instead blinks his eyes much to the man's amusement." ]
[ "一个人正在非常开心的跟一个小宝宝说话。", "一个男子在问小孩子你可以眨眼吗,小孩就眨起了双眼。", "在一个房间里,一个小孩坐在餐椅上眨眼睛。", "在明亮的室内,一个穿红色衣服的男孩坐在椅子上。", "一个穿着红色短袖的小孩坐在凳子上不停的眨眼睛。", "一个小男孩坐在高脚椅子上,一个男人教他眨眼,所以他眨了几下眼睛。", "一个男人在说话逗着一个坐在椅子上的小孩子。", "一个小男孩在一个男人的提示下眨了眨眼睛。", "一个穿着红色衣服的婴儿正在眨眼。", "一个穿橘红色衣服的小男孩不停的眨眼睛。" ]
[ "A father sits at the table with his daughter that's eating food in her high chair.", "A baby eats very messily, and tries to wink like her dad.", "A man is talking to his baby about their food while their dog is somewhere near the table.", "a man is winking to a child seated at the dinner table and the child is laughing and smilling", "A man plays with a baby by winking his eye.", "A man sitting at the table trying to get his young child to wink.", "A dad is teaching his child to learn how to wink.", "A dad tries to get his baby to wink at him while she's eating.", "A daddy tries to teach his daughter how to wink as she eats her dinner.", "A blonde toddler is sitting in a highchair as a man talks to her." ]
[ "在一个室内,一个男人正在引逗一个小宝宝。", "一个爸爸正在看着一个小女孩吃饭,逗她开心!。", "一个穿绿色短袖的男人正冲着儿童座椅上的小女孩挤眼。", "一个系着围兜的婴儿坐在椅子上吃东西,旁边坐着一个大人。", "一个儿童围着围脖坐在儿童椅里面正在吃饭,旁边坐着一个男人正在看着小孩。", "一个小婴儿坐在凳子上,旁边一个男人对着孩子眨着眼睛。", "一个男子正在教一个坐在婴儿椅上的小孩子眨眼睛。", "一位父亲试图让她的孩子在吃饭的时候对他眨眼。", "一位爸爸试图教他正在吃饭的女儿如何眨一只眼睛。", "一名金发碧眼的幼儿坐在高脚椅上, 一名男子与她交谈。" ]
[ "A woman is laughing while trying to get a baby to talk.", "An adult talking to a baby who is sitting on a kitchen table.", "A woman is talking to another adult while she encourages her toddler to speak, which is what happens.", "A woman talks to a baby while he makes faces for her.", "A woman is speaking to her son that is sitting on top of the bench table.", "A woman talks to a little boy on the table and he talks back.", "A baby is sitting on the table while a woman sitting on the chair is talking to him and she laughs at the camera.", "A woman tries to pursued a young boy to wink his eye.", "A woman talks to and laughs at her toddler son as he sits on a table.", "A lady with a kid sited on a table in a blue and red dress code" ]
[ "一个女人正在对着一个穿着红蓝衣服的小孩说话。", "小孩子坐在桌子上,大人在一旁逗弄。", "一个穿红衣服的女人正在逗弄一个小孩,女人还开心地大笑。", "一个穿着袜子的小孩在笑,旁边坐着一个大人。", "在一个房间里,有一个小宝宝和一个女人,他们正在说话。", "一个女人对坐在桌子上的小男孩说话,然后这个小男孩也说话了。", "一个婴儿正坐在桌子上,而一个坐在椅子上的女人正在和他说话,她对着镜头大笑。", "一个小孩子坐在一张桌子上,旁边有个女人正在同他讲话。", "一个穿着红色上衣的女人在和她的孩子在玩耍。", "一位带着穿蓝红衣服的孩子的女士坐在的凳子上。" ]
[ "A few different boys are winking to the sound of a bell.", "A teenage boy is making a random sound in a bunch of short clips.", "A young man repeatedly winks and says \"Blah\"", "A young man in different scenes, saying something like \"Bwa.\".", "A young man winks in various different settings and blows a kiss.", "A kid keeps saying blah and winking over and over again.", "A compilation which consists of a young man in different instances uttering the same words", "A boy is shown winking several different times while at various places.", "A young teenager is repeatedly filming himself bleating.", "A boy says \"blah\" in various shots of his face in different places." ]
[ "一个男子不停的在用一只眼睛眨眼睛。", "一个小男孩用视频记录着他不同时刻发出的媚眼。", "一个卷发男孩在不同场景眨着眼睛。", "在不同的环境里,同一个小男孩,做着一样的动作。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在用嘴发出奇怪的声音。", "一个男孩在变换着不同的场景,一遍又一遍地眨眼。", "由一个在不同情况下说出相同单词的年轻人组成的汇编。", "一个男孩在不同的地方被看到几个不同的时间点眨眼。", "在一个房间里面,一个男子正在不停的说着话。", "一个男孩子在各种镜头下眨着眼睛说着同样的话。" ]
[ "A little kid is covered in food and is talking to an adult.", "A little boy has food smeared on his face while winking to another person.", "A little boy seems to be eating and playing with chocolate.", "A little boy has food on his face and is squishing liquid between his fingers and then smiles at the camera.", "a little boy with food all over his hands and face is smiling", "A little kid is playing around with food and getting it into his face", "A young boy with a messy face and hands winks as his mother's request.", "A child with food all over his face winks after a woman asks him to wink.", "child with food all over his face winking at the camera.", "A small boy with a messy face winks and waves while smiling." ]
[ "小孩子吃东西吃的自己满脸都是巧克力渣。", "小男孩把饮料弄在手上和脸上,并且还在抛媚眼。", "一个戴着口水巾的小男孩把自己脸上和手上弄得全是食物。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个小孩满嘴满手的食物。", "一个小男孩不停的搓着粘有褐色液体的手,接着眨了一下眼睛。", "一个小孩正在玩食物,并把它弄到了他的脸上。", "一个脸和手凌乱的小男孩,按照母亲的要求眨眼。", "一个女人要求一个脸上带着食物的孩子眨眼之后,他便眨了眨眼睛。", "一个孩子满脸涂满了食物在镜头前眨着眼睛。", "一个面色凌乱的小男孩一边微笑一边眨眼, 挥手致意。" ]
[ "A girl stared into the camera and her eyes and lips begin twitching.", "A boy is winking repeatedly while sitting in a chair.", "A person is sitting in a dark room and winks one eye several times while the corner of their mouth moves with the winks.", "A kid is sitting on a couch and constantly tweaks his eye and tweaks his lip.", "A woman is blinking her eyes while twitching her left eye.", "A straight faced young girl sits in front of a camera as her eye twitches and people chat in the background.", "Person staring at the camera occasionally winking in a dark living room.", "A boy stares at the camera and winks repeatedly while other speak in the background.", "A boy is trying to wink one eye but he is winking both eyes.", "A kid watches a screen and winces his face at it as well." ]
[ "一个小孩坐在镜头前时不时眨眼,抽动自己的嘴角。", "一个女人坐在沙发上,眨着眼睛,并抽动嘴巴。", "一个穿黑色短袖的短发小男孩儿在不停地眨自己的眼睛。", "一个女人在昏暗的房间里跳动眼睛和抽动嘴唇。", "一个人在不停地眨着眼睛抖动嘴巴。", "黑夜里有人在一旁聊天,一名女子坐在沙发上不停地眨眼睛。", "一个人盯着镜头,偶尔会在黑暗的客厅里眨眼。", "一个男孩子在镜头前眨着眼睛,后面有人在说话。", "一个男孩想眨一只眼睛,但他两只眼都眨了一下。", "一个孩子看着屏幕眼镜一直在眨,嘴角也开始向上提。" ]
[ "A young child being recorded making various faces instructed by his mother", "While a voice in the backgroundn is talking a child is winking back and forth with both eyes.", "A young boy blinks while listening to a television show.", "A young boy winking his eyes rapidly and a woman in the background telling him to go slower.", "A little boy on the couch repeatedly winking with his left eye and then his right eye, back and forth.", "An adult filming a small boy making faces at the camera.", "A little boy blinks alternating eyes as the TV plays and a woman talks to him.", "A child makes faces at the canera while a TV blares.", "A young boy is seen on a couch making funny faces to the camera.", "A little boy blinks his right and left eye back and forth." ]
[ "一个穿着红色衣服的孩子一边摇头一边眨眼睛。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小男孩不停地做着面部表情。", "在一个房子里,一个身穿红色衣服的小男孩正在挤眉弄眼。", "一个小男孩正在很开心的眨着眼睛。", "一个穿着红色衣服的孩子在挤眉弄眼。", "一个小男孩坐在沙发上,之后他开始挤眉弄眼。", "一个小男孩坐在沙发上摇头晃脑的眨眼睛。", "一个坐在床上的孩子在摄像头前做着鬼脸。", "一个身穿红色背心的小孩子头晃着坐在沙发上。", "一个小男孩来回眨眼他的右眼和左眼。" ]
[ "A man raises his eyebrows, winks his eyes in time with a gong, and then forms a piece sign with his fingers.", "A young man opens his eyes widely then winks one eye and then the other and then gives the victory sign.", "A man raises his eyebrows then winks and shows the peace sign.", "A man in front of a camera winks with one eye then the other while a bell rings during each wink.", "A man sitting in a room opens his eyes wide, winks each eye, then makes a hand sign.", "A man is looking at a camera and is winking his eyes and making faces.", "A man is sitting in front of the computer camera and recording his winks which are timed with a single bell chime each.", "A MAN WINKING HER EYE IN TWO TIMES IN HER HOUSE.", "A young man is having a bit of fun as he has an audio playing behind him and when a bell rings first in precise timing he closes and opens his left eye and on a second bell his right and finishes with a \"V' sign using two fingers on his left hand.", "A man opens his eyes wide and a bell goes off when he winks." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在做不同的表情。", "一个男人在家里挤眉弄眼然后伸出了两根手指。", "在一个明亮的房间里,有一个人坐着他的眼在动。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男子眨了一下眼睛,比了一个剪刀手。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人,在表演着各种各样的面部动作。", "一个坐在房间椅子上的年轻男人眨了两下眼镜,然后做了个V的手势。", "一名男子正坐在电脑摄像头前, 记录下他的眨眼时间。", "一个男人在他家里,分别用力的眨了他的两只眼睛。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人正坐在椅子上。", "一个男人睁大他的眼睛,当他眨眼的时候就会有一个声音。" ]
[ "A baby is sitting in a basket in the bathtub and winks for the person taking the video.", "A young boy sits in a bath tub and winks.", "A baby is sitting in a laundry basket in a bathtub full of laundry.", "The baby is asked by daddy to give him a wink, and he does with a smile.", "A baby sits in a laundry basket in a bathtub full of water and winks when someone behind the camera says to wink.", "A little boy sits in bath water inside of a laundry basket.", "A little baby in the tub winks for his dad.", "A little boy sitting in a bathtub winks when a man tells him to.", "A baby wearing his favorite necklace is playing with his toys in the bathtub.", "A child is in a bathtub while someone asks them to blink and they did." ]
[ "在一个房间里有一个戴着项链的小孩正在洗澡。", "一个带着项链的小男孩坐在浴缸里洗澡。", "一个脖子上戴着装饰品的孩子在房间里。", "一个留着短发的小孩,坐在浴缸里玩耍。", "一个小男孩坐在浴缸里眨了一下左眼。", "一个小男孩坐在一个装满水的洗澡池里洗澡。", "一个小男孩正坐在一个浴缸里面洗澡。", "当一个男人叫他眨眼时, 一个坐在浴缸里的小男孩听话的眨了眨眼。", "个戴着他最喜欢的项链的婴儿正在浴缸里玩他的玩具。", "一个孩子在浴缸里,而有人要求他眨眼,他们这样做了。" ]
[ "A woman in a cowboy hat smiles and then winks.", "a girl with a cowboy hat is speaking and winking while she's around a crowd of people", "A woman in a cowboy hat is smiling and talking and winking at the camera.", "Attractive woman in a large cowboy hat winking at the camera.", "A woman wearing a cowboy hat was smiling and winked", "A person is filming a lady smiling big and winking.", "A woman with a cowboy hat is talking to a man in a club.", "A lady flirts and winks as people are gathered around in a bar.", "A young woman in a cowgirl hat is smiling and winking at the camera.", "A girl smiles and winks at the camera in a bar." ]
[ "一个戴着牛仔帽的女人对着镜头眨眼。", "一个戴着牛仔帽的女人笑着非常开心,然后露出了牙齿。", "一个美女在自拍并且与别人友好互动。", "一个戴着帽子的一女生张大嘴巴眨着眼睛在和前面的人说话。", "一个女人带着帽子在张嘴动,旁边有人站着和走动。", "一个戴着帽子笑容满面的女子正在和人打招呼。", "一个戴着牛仔帽的女人正在和俱乐部里的一个男人说话。", "在一家酒吧里面,一位女士对着镜头眨眼睛。", "一个戴着牛仔帽的年轻女子对着镜头微笑着。", "一个女孩微笑着对着酒吧里的相机眨眨眼睛。" ]
[ "A baby makes faces and smiles as a woman speaks to it.", "A young baby sitting in a toddler's chair is smiling at the woman who is filming him.", "Someone is trying to get a baby to laugh or smile.", "A woman is talking to a baby who is smiling.", "a man is talking to a baby and the baby is smiling", "Someone behind the camera talks to a small baby who smiles and drools at the camera.", "A woman from another country tries to make her baby happy.", "A baby is smiling and winking and making faces at the camera.", "a small baby boy being held by a person is smiling", "A woman is talking to a baby while the baby smiles and makes faces." ]
[ "一个人在逗一个穿粉色上衣的小孩笑。", "一个小婴儿面对着镜头,不时地眨着眼睛。", "在一个房子里,一个穿粉色衣服的小孩正流着口水。", "一个小孩子正看着前方一边笑一边眨眼睛。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的小孩在笑着眨眼睛。", "镜头后面的人对着一直微笑、留着口水的婴儿说话。", "在户外,一个小男孩正在笑眯眯的笑着。", "一个婴儿微笑着,眨着眼睛,对着某一个人做鬼脸。", "一个被一个人抱着的小男婴正在微笑。", "一个小婴儿在微笑,他皱皱鼻子挤挤眼睛。" ]
[ "A boy attempting to wink closes both eyes and scrunches his face.", "A dad tries to get his son to wink, but he closes both eyes instead.", "A small child is being asked my a man to wink.", "A baby looks around and smiles and makes faces near a television.", "A small child is seen making faces in front of the camera.", "a baby in a crib frown when someone is talking to him", "a little baby looks at the camera and makes a series of faces at it", "A father is telling his son to wink and he blinks both eyes.", "A small boy was doing some action based on the person speaking in front of him", "A man is talking to a child, the kid is trying to wink." ]
[ "一个黄色头发的小孩做着不同的面部表情。", "一个金发的小男孩对着镜头微笑和摆出鬼脸。", "一个男孩听到大人的话后做出搞怪的表情。", "一个金发的小孩儿正在不断的微笑。", "在一个昏暗的室内,一个小孩正在开心的笑。", "一个男孩在别人对着他说话的时候挤着眼。", "一个人在说话,把一个金色的小孩子逗的龇牙咧嘴的笑。", "一位父亲告诉儿子眨眼睛,他眨了眨眼睛。", "一个赤裸上身的小男孩在房间里放声大笑。", "在室内,一个小孩正在和一个人在说话。" ]
[ "A girl staring at the camera while she takes her hand and places her index finger on her nose", "A woman is pressing her nose with her finger and then she smiles a few times.", "A young woman stares into the camera smiling and pressing down her nose with one finger.", "A girl is smiling and playing with her nose as music plays in the background.", "A girl listening to music and touching her nose and smiling.", "A young asian girl is making faces into her phone.", "Girl listens to music, show reaction, covers nostril, smile, uncovers nostril", "A selfie video of young person sitting and listening to music.", "A young girl smiles and presses the end of her nose with her index finger.", "A girl holds her finger to her nose then puts it down as she smiles." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个女人,笑着用手指碰了一下鼻子。", "一个女孩用左手食指摸着鼻子,做了个微笑动作,然后把手拿开又做了个微笑动作。", "一个女人用头发挡住半边脸,一手捂着鼻子又放下。", "一个黑头发的女人,把手指放在自己的鼻子上。", "房间内,一个女人,用手指摸着鼻子,嘴巴在一张一合。", "一个女孩拿着自己的一根手指捂住鼻子,之后开始微笑。", "一个女孩把一根手指头放在鼻子上,然后拿下来。", "有点羞涩的年轻人坐着听音乐的自拍视频。", "一个年轻的女孩微笑着用食指按下她的鼻子。", "一个女孩将手指按在她的鼻子上,然后微笑的时候将手指放下。" ]
[ "A man sitting in front of a microphone, listening to someone else speak before loud music chimes in", "A man is being interviewed about on-line rated X Videos.", "A man in a suit is setting next to a microphone and he closes his left eye.", "A man stands and listens to someone speaking, then winks and his face is obscured by special effects overlays", "A female is speaking, before the man sitting at the microphone winks and then music and video effects are played.", "A man is sitting in front of a microphone, winks, then sunglasses and a face appear.", "A woman talks, a man at a microphone winks, and then graphics and autotune voices play.", "A female reporter asks a man at a conference a question and he winks his eye, then humorous graphic overlays get placed on his face and music is heard.", "A man is sitting in front of a microphone, listening to another person talk.", "A man who is speaking on a platform, being asked a question, then the video transforms into a video meme, with animated sunglasses and a music track being played." ]
[ "一个人正在桌子前面接受着记者的采访,并且眼神回应。", "一个男人坐在讲话台上讲话眼睛眯了一下。", "一个穿着西装的男子坐在麦克风前看着对面。", "一个人在接受采访的时候获得了观众的掌声。", "有一个穿着西装,戴着领带的男人坐在麦克风旁边。", "一个男人坐在麦克风前面,眨了一下眼,背景中播放着音乐。", "一个女人说话, 一个男人在麦克风眨眼, 然后图形和自动语态播放。", "一位女记者在会议上问一个男人一个问题,他眨了眨眼睛,然后幽默图案就伴随着音乐放在了他的脸上。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男子在桌子前认真的听讲。", "一个人正在平台上讲话,被问到一个问题,然后音乐响起了。" ]
[ "A young boy is coached while making faces for a camera", "A child tries winking with someone trying to teach them how to wink.", "A mother laughs and asks her child to make another funny blinking face.", "A child is making faces while riding in a moving car.", "A little kid does funny blinking and facial expressions to the camera.", "Female and child riding in a car, child trying to wink and smile.", "A child tries to wink, while a woman recording laughs about how they're failing at it.", "the mom and the son is driving down the street and the mom is trying to teach the lil boy how to wink", "A little boy who is making funny faces using his eyes.", "A woman talks to a child while they are driving in the car and he winks and smiles." ]
[ "一个戴着红色帽子的小孩坐在车上开心的眨眼睛。", "一个戴着红色帽子的小孩,正在表演微笑。", "一个戴着帽子的小男孩正在闭上自己的一个眼睛。", "一个带着红色帽子的小男孩坐在车窗旁边。", "一个戴着帽子的小孩坐在汽车后座上做表情。", "在汽车里有一个孩子在试图眨眼和微笑。", "一个孩子在一辆行驶的车上眨着眼睛,一个女人在旁边说着话。", "妈妈和儿子开车沿街行驶, 妈妈想教那个小男孩怎么眨眼。", "一个小男孩正在用他的眼睛做搞笑的脸。", "一个女人在他们开车的时候跟孩子说话。" ]
[ "A little kid has his face by a plate of spagetti and winks and then sits back and winks again.", "A child winking at the camera while eating at a restaurant.", "While out at a restaurant, a boy is asked to sit back and wink.", "A boy leans over and looks at a plate of spaghetti, and winks at the camera as a woman talks to him off-camera.", "A young kid opens his mouth over his plate and then winks too.", "A little boy sitting at a table with a plate of spaghetti in front of him, flirting with the camera.", "A boy sitting at the dinner table with a plate of spaghetti in front of him.", "Women encourage a little boy to eat a plate of spaghetti as he looks at them and winks.", "A little boy is looking at his food on a table before sitting back as his parents talk to him.", "A boy leans forward with open mouth and pretends to eat at a plate of spaghetti and then winks and leans back." ]
[ "一个小男孩坐在餐桌面前,张开嘴巴对着桌面的食物。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的小男孩看着一盘快吃完的意大利面。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的小男孩儿正在吃意面。", "在一个昏暗的餐厅,一个穿着绿上衣的男孩子在吃面。", "一个穿绿色衣服的男孩坐在红色的沙发上,身前有一盘食物。", "一个小男孩坐在桌子旁边,面前摆着一盘意大利面,对着镜头抛媚眼。", "一个男孩坐在饭桌前, 面前摆着一盘意大利面,然后对着镜头眨眼。", "女人在鼓励一个小男孩吃一盘意大利面,小男孩一边看着它们一边眨眼。", "一个小男孩坐着在看他桌子上的食物,同时父母和他说话。", "一个男孩张开嘴对着桌子上的食物,然后看着镜头,对着镜头眨眼向后靠去。" ]
[ "A little girl with blond hair is winking to a woman that is speaking.", "A little girl was closing her eyes and sometimes winking it while smiling", "A little girl tries to wink for the camera but scrunches her face in the process.", "A little girl with food in her mouth winking at a woman talking to her.", "A littel girl is laughing and winking her eyes in the camera", "A young girl winks both eyes while an adult encourages her.", "A young girl winks by closing her right eye lid.", "A little girl sits in a kitchen and winks with one eye.", "A young girl winks for her mother who is watching.", "The child is being encouraged to wink her eyes by the female, before the child comes closer." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小女孩在挤眉弄眼。", "一个小孩子一边半眯着眼一边嚼着嘴中的东西半坐在椅子上。", "一个小女孩不停地对着镜头眨眼睛,做鬼脸。", "一个可爱的女孩子正在学习如何做鬼脸。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个小女孩,坐在凳子上玩耍。", "一个小女孩在大人的鼓励下对着镜头眨眼睛。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小女孩正在眨眼睛。", "一个小女孩坐在厨房里, 用一只眼睛眨眼。", "在一个房间里面,一个女子正在不停的眨着眼睛。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的小女孩坐在凳子上眨眼睛。" ]
[ "The woman is modeling her face and is blinking at the camera.", "A woman is doing different poses and facial expressions, including winking.", "The pretty lady is flirting around as she holds her chin, poses and gives a wink.", "A woman is posing to practice to be a model while another person watches her so she winks at this other person.", "A woman has a coy smile on her face before she winks.", "A young woman is in front of the camera she poses and winks at the camera", "Woman has hand under chin, lowers hand, shifts body to other side, and winks.", "An attractive woman posing and then winking towards the camera.", "A girl looks pensively at the camera for a few seconds, then winks", "A woman doing different model poses, smiles and then winks." ]
[ "一个黄头发的外国女孩正对着镜头摆出各种表情,背后一堵白墙。", "一个女人做出微笑表情和眨眼表情。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个长发的女人在眨眼。", "一个穿深色衣服的人在摆姿势眨眼睛。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的人正在做各种动作。", "一个女人把手从脸上拿开,还笑着眨眼睛。", "女人用手托着下巴,然后放下手,稍微扭头并眨了一下眼。", "一个迷人的女人摆姿势, 然后向镜头眨眼。", "一个身穿条子衣服长头发的女人手动着眼挤着。", "一个长头发的女子正在眨着她的眼睛。" ]
[ "The boy takes a sip of a drink and then turns his head and winks", "a person looks over at the camera, smiles and then winks.", "A man takes a drink out of a glass and then winks at the camera.", "A guy takes a sip of a drink from a glass and then winks.", "The man drinks,smiles and then winks seeming to have a nice day.", "A man takes a sip of a beverage from a glass, and then turns his head and winks his eye.", "A teenage boy drinks something out of a glass and then winks.", "A man rinks from a glass then he winks at the camera.", "A young man takes a drink from a bottle and turns and winks , while someone is talking.", "A man takes a sip from the glass before turning his head to wink." ]
[ "一个外国男人喝了一口杯中的饮料后展颜一笑。", "一个男人手里拿着装有啤酒的玻璃杯在喝。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在一个房间喝着啤酒。", "一个男子手上拿着一杯东西喝了一口。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在用杯子喝酒。", "一个男人喝了一口杯子里的饮料,然后微笑着点头。", "一个十几岁的男孩喝了一个杯子里的东西然后眨了眨眼睛。", "一个男人喝了一口杯中的液体,然后他对镜头眨了眨眼睛。", "一个年轻人男子杯子喝了口饮料,然后扭头眨了下眼睛。", "一个男人从玻璃杯里啜了一口,然后转过头去眨眼。" ]
[ "Music video with just the music playing but no one is singing", "A young man holds a microphone, then is singing indoors and Outdoors.", "A good-looking man creates a music video by stitching various clips.", "A guy wearing different clothing in each shot is playing and singing music.", "A guy is performing on a stage in several clips.", "A male is singing songs in a variety of different settings.", "A music collage video showing a guy singing and winking.", "A man is talking silently in various different circumstances as music is being played.", "A young man with curly hair has many musical performances.", "A singer wearing a sweater goes through different poses for the video." ]
[ "一位外国青年拿着麦克风要动情的演唱。", "一个男人在拿着吉他对着麦克风弹唱。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男子在舞台上弹吉他。", "几个穿着深颜色衣服的人在舞台上表演。", "一个卷头发的人正在对大家演唱歌曲。", "一个男人正在各种不同的地方里唱着歌。", "一段音乐拼贴视频, 显示一个家伙在唱歌和眨眼。", "随着音乐的播放,一个男人在各种不同的环境中默默的说话。", "一个穿着红色上衣的男孩在对着麦克风唱歌。", "一位穿着毛衣的歌手为视频拍摄了不同的姿势。" ]
[ "A little baby is scrunching his face and smiling at his mother.", "A little baby boy fastened in a car seat is being coaxed to make funny happy facial expressions", "A baby is smiling and interacting with a woman who is not visible.", "a baby boy sitting in a car seat laughing and squinting", "A baby in a car seat closes his eyes and opens his mouth wide.", "A little baby seating on the car seat in the car is make a funny face expression", "A woman is speaking to her baby and encouraging him to make a funny face.", "A baby does some facial expressions when someone speaks to him", "A baby lying on his seat closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide couple of times", "A baby smiles and then makes a cute, funny face." ]
[ "一名穿着灰色短袖的男婴儿坐在椅子上笑。", "一个穿蓝色短袖的孩子坐在婴儿车中冲着人笑。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小孩在跟妈妈做鬼脸。", "一个穿短袖衫的小婴儿身上挂着两道黑色的带子。", "一个小孩子嘴巴一张一合,并且漏出舌头。", "一个婴儿在汽车座椅上做着有趣的表情。", "一个女人对躺着沙发上宝宝说着鼓励的话,让他做出来一张有钱搞笑的表情。", "一个小孩子坐在座椅上面做一些面部表情。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男孩坐在沙发上开心的笑了。", "一个婴儿微笑,然后做一个可爱,有趣的脸。" ]
[ "A girl waves at the camera before giving a wink.", "A young girl gives a wink and then waves her hand goodbye.", "A girl looks in the camera then waves and smiles.", "A young woman wearing a sweatshirt waves, winks and then smiles.", "an asian girl winking, smiling and waving at the camera", "A young girl is shown, she waves at the camera and laughs.", "A girl is recording something on her laptop and smiles and waves.", "A girl waves, smiles, and winks at the camera as an unseen person talks to her.", "A young girl is sitting in front of the camera and she is winking and smiling", "A woman is waving and smiling and being asked the question \"how can we survive.\"" ]
[ "一个漂亮的年轻女孩在眨眼打招呼。", "有一个穿着黑色衣服的小女孩挥了下右手,并眨了下右眼,然后露齿微笑了起来。", "一个穿黑衣小女孩挥了挥手又来了个微笑。", "一个长头发的小女孩,挥手向大家打招呼后笑了。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人正在摆手,并眨眼微笑。", "一个年轻女孩子在房间里,微笑着挥手。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人挥了挥手,笑了一下。", "当一个看不见的人和她说话时, 一个女孩挥手致意, 微笑着对着镜头眨眼。", "一个小女孩挥了挥手然后眨着眼笑了笑。", "在室内,一个穿着黑色衣服的女孩一边摆手一边眨着她的眼睛。" ]
[ "The kid winked and blinked his eyes repeatedly after being told to do so.", "A young boy trying to wink at the camera after being asked to.", "A young child is making funny faces at his father who is filming him.", "A boy is standing in a hallway trying to wink his eye.", "A young boy is winking his eyes after a man tells him to do it.", "A boy is winking while a man in the background is talking to him.", "A little boy is trying to wink at the camera.", "A young boy makes funny movements with his mouth as he learns to blink one eye.", "A person is showing a little boy speaking and singing in the house.", "When prompted to wink, a young boy shuts both eyes and moves his mouth." ]
[ "一小男孩对着镜头做鬼脸,不停的眨眼睛歪嘴巴。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的小男孩对着镜头眨着眼睛。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的孩子正在眨眼睛。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的小男孩正站在一个房间里。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的小男孩儿歪着嘴巴眨着眼睛。", "一名穿绿色上衣的男子,在别人和他说话的时候,一直眨眼睛。", "一个小男孩正试图对着镜头不断地眨眼睛。", "一个小男孩边眨眼边咧着自己的嘴。", "在室内,一个男孩一直在做着一个表情。", "一个男孩子的眼睛一直在做着各种表情,嘴巴也在动着。" ]
[ "A little girl makes faces at the camera and she and a woman laugh.", "A girl reacts to trumpet music while in her home.", "A girl is making faces and then she leans her head back and laughs.", "A little girl wearing a Micky Mouse shirt is singing and laughing.", "A YOUNG CHILD IS PREENING FOR THE CAMERA IN A HOUSE.", "A girl sits and looks at the camera as she makes funny faces.", "A young girl nods her head and giggles while a television plays behind her", "A little girl pretends to sing then makes faces and laughs.", "A young girl is making faces in front of a camera with the tv on in the background.", "A little girl in the living room is trying to wink and also moving her lips." ]
[ "一个长头发金发小女孩在冲着镜头做搞怪动作。", "放有电视机的房间里,一个穿短袖上衣的黄发女孩在唱歌。", "在一个房间里面,有一个人身穿灰色衣服的小女孩。", "一个穿短袖衣服的短发小女孩对着镜头闭着眼睛做鬼脸。", "在室内有一个短发小女孩一边做鬼脸一边自拍。", "一个小女孩坐在房间的地板上,做着各种搞笑的鬼脸。", "一个年轻的女子在房间里摇着头笑出声来。", "一个小女孩在房间里面假装唱歌,然后做鬼脸和笑,。", "一个小女孩在镜头前做着鬼脸表情。", "一个小女孩在起居室闭着眼睛晃动着身体。" ]
[ "A girl opens her mouth and winks a few times to the camera", "A girl looks into the camera, looks around her, then winks.", "A woman is sitting in the room looking at camera winking her eye", "A woman looks back and forth before attempting to wink.", "A woman is nodding her head and then winking at the camera.", "A girl looked around, opened her mouth and then winked", "A woman looks side to side, then winks at the camera.", "A woman looks back and forth and then moves her eyes and mouth to wink.", "A teenage girl looks to the left and to the right then winks.", "A girl looks around and then makes a wierd face." ]
[ "一个穿着灰色衣服的女人坐在车里挤眼睛。", "一个女孩张着大嘴,眨着眼睛来做鬼脸。", "一个女人左右看了一下之后张开了嘴巴。", "一个黄头发的女子一会儿眨眨眼睛一会儿张大嘴巴。", "一名女子眼睛,嘴巴在做着搞怪的动作。", "一个女孩环顾四周之后,张开嘴并眨了眨眼。", "一个女人朝两边望了一眼后,朝着镜头做了一个鬼脸。", "一个女人来回看,然后移动她的眼睛和嘴巴并且眨着眼睛。", "一个穿着蓝色短袖的女孩儿正在车里做鬼脸。", "一个女孩环顾四周,然后做出一张奇怪的表情。" ]
[ "Someone is using a wood burner to burn something into wood.", "An artist uses a soldering iron to burn artistic images into wood.", "A person using some sort of hot tool makes markings into a piece of wood.", "A person is uses branding iron on wood and than uses ink to paint the letters", "A person is using a branding iron to burn designs into wood.", "Someone is using a wood burning to decorate a piece of wood.", "A person uses red hot wire tips to burn designs and lettering into wood.", "A person is demonstrating different tips on wood burners to show the different effects you can do.", "Someone is using a soldering iron to write letters on wood", "Symbols are being burned into 2 different pieces of wood." ]
[ "一个人正在用灼热着的工具在木头上绘画写字。", "一个人使用电动烧红的工具在木板上做画。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有个人手上拿着工具在烧东西。", "有一个人拿着烧红的工具在木板上写东西。", "一个人拿着一个非常热的东西正在画画。", "一个人拿着一个烧制的工具在一块木头上装饰着。", "一个人使用红色的电线尖端来燃烧设计和刻字到木头。", "一个人正在展示不同的技巧在木头燃烧器以显示不同的效果你可以做。", "一个人正在用烙铁在木头上面写字。", "一个烧成红色的物体在平面上画符号。" ]
[ "An artist is etching a flat piece of wood into a medallion.", "A person is adding a design of there own onto a small piece of wood.", "A person uses a hot poker tool to burn intricate designs into small wooden medallions.", "A medallion is shown and then someone is carving a design into a piece of wood.", "A person is demonstrating how to make artwork by burning a piece of wood.", "A person doing engravings on a small piece of wood to make a pendant.", "Someone draws on an object with a pen as music plays.", "A wood burning artist demonstrates how to burn a design on a wood chip.", "A timelapse video of a women creating a wood necklace using a soldering iron", "A woman crafts jewelry from slices of wood using a burning tool." ]
[ "一个人正在画着一个小的工艺品,已经画了一小半。", "一个左手中指戴戒指的人用工具在一个不规则圆形物体上描绘线条。", "一个人拿着一个圆圆的东西用工具在上边雕刻图案。", "一个人用手拿着一个工具雕刻着一块圆形的木头。", "一个戴黄色戒指的人用笔在一个圆形东西上作画。", "一个人在一小块木头上设计着正准备雕刻一个吊坠。", "当音乐奏起时,有人用钢笔在物体上画画。", "一位燃烧木材的艺术家演示了如何在木屑上燃烧设计。", "一个女人用烙铁在木块饰品上画图案。", ": 一种女人用燃烧的工具用木片制作珠宝。" ]
[ "There is a person who is demonstrating either woodburning or laser burning.", "A hand burns some type of pattern into an unknown object with a pen.", "Someone uses a small engraving to burn a design into wood.", "Using an etching tool, a man burns letters into a piece of canvas.", "A hand hovering over a piece of wood uses a wood burner to burn a couple marks in the wood.", "A woman is using a heat pen to write on an object.", "A person is using a pen-like device to burn a carving into the wood.", "A person uses a hot burnishing tool to cut characters in a surface.", "A very hot small pen shaped cutting tool being used on a flat surface.", "A person burns letters onto a wooden piece of furniture." ]
[ "一只手拿着一根发光的笔在一个板子上画着。", "一个人用的电容笔在石板上写写画画。", "一个人拿着能写字的东西在写着什么。", "一只手握着一个淡蓝色的笔头不停的冒出火花在写字。", "一只手拿着一支银色的笔,正在黄色的物体上画东西。", "一个女人正在用一根会燃烧的笔在一个物体上写字。", "一个人正在使用着火枪在木板上雕刻着字体。", "一个人使用一个热烫的工具在一个表面上切割字符。", "一种非常热的小型钢笔形状的切割工具,用于平面上。", "一个人手上拿着一个工具正在木制家具上面写着东西。" ]
[ "A hand drawing a picture of a bird from the head down to its feet.", "Some is using a wood burning tool to burn the image of a bird into the wood.", "The artist drew a picture of a bird on a wooden surface.", "A time lapse sequence of a person drawing a bird on some wood with a hot iron", "Someone is using a tool to etch a picture on a woodboard.", "A person was engraving the picture of a bird on a wood", "Someone is drawing or burning a drawing of a bird on wood siding.", "A woman burns the image of a bird into a wooden board", "A woman is drawing a bird with a heated gun on a piece of wood log.", "A woman with several rings on her finger burns the image of a bird on a peice of wood, taking time to put in shaddows." ]
[ "一个人在一个原木桌子上画了一个鸟。", "一个人用工具在木板上画了一只小鸟。", "一个人在画一幅画画的是一只鸟头和身体已经画完了。", "一只手拿着笔,在一块木板上画了一只鸟。", "在一个明亮的室内,一只手在桌子上面画着小鸟。", "一个人把一只鸟雕刻在一块木板上。", "一个戴着戒指的人在用一个工具画一只鸟。", "一个女人在木板上烧成一个鸟的形象。", "一个女人用一把加热的枪在一块木头上画一只鸟。", "一个人手上拿着工具正在一个木块上雕刻。" ]
[ "A person etches a tree into a wooden block using a pointed pen.", "A person drawing using a sketch book and a pencil.", "A person is holding a board on one hand and an object on the other drawing something on the board.", "someone is making a wood carving art drawing.", "Person drawing very intricately with lead on a piece of paper.", "A person is creating a burned image of a tree on a piece of wood with a soldering iron.", "a person draws on a piece of paper a really nice tree", "A person is etching a tree into a wooden block.", "Someone burns an intricate design into a piece of wood using a small tipped soldering iron.", "Someone is using an engraver to make a picture on wood." ]
[ "一个人左手拿着木头,右手拿着雕刻工具在雕刻。", "一个人使用工具,对着木板设计精美的图案。", "一个女孩使用电钻在一块木板上刻画一棵树。", "一个人拿着工具在白色的东西上作画。", "一个人在木头上,用很尖的刻刀雕刻着。", "一个人用烙铁在一块木头上创造一棵树的图像。", "一个人在一张纸上画一棵非常漂亮的树。", "一个人用工具在一块木头上雕刻一棵树。", "有人使用小型烙铁将一块木头烧成复杂的设计。", "一只手拿着一个白色的方形物体,另一只手用一个带有针头的笔状物在方块物体表面刻画着一些图案。" ]
[ "A man is using an instrument to engrave a design onto a piece of wood.", "A person is soldering a picture on a board at a table.", "A woman uses an electric tool to burn lines into paper and create an artwork.", "A person makes a picture with a wood burning tool on a flat piece of wood.", "A woman is using an etching tool to etch the image of a tree and its roots on a hard, movable surface.", "A woman uses a smoking, plugged-in electric utensil on a piece of paper with a drawing.", "A left-handed person with long dark hair makes art using a pen-like tool that burns wood surface.", "A young woman creates a picture on a board using a wood burning pen at a desk in her room.", "A woman is seen using a wood burning too to create a piece of art.", "A person making some art work with a hot pen and some paper." ]
[ "一个人拿着一个工具制作出了一个漂亮的图形。", "一个女人坐在桌子旁边,拿着工具在木板上作画。", "一个人拿着一个工具在一个白色的纸上画画。", "一个人拿着雕刻工具在桌面儿上雕刻。", "一个长发女子用设备在木板上作画。", "一个女人用一个专业的工具在一张纸上刻画。", "一个人拿着一个像笔一样的工具在一块木板上作画。", "以为年轻女子在房间里用一种电类型的笔在一块木板上创作画作。", "一个女人正在燃烧木头创造一件艺术品。", "有一个人用工具在纸上画着一幅画。" ]
[ "An artist sketches a picture of a dinosaur on a circular board", "A man is carving a dinosaur, that appears to be Godzilla, into a wood log with a heat gun.", "A person using a wood burner to draw godzilla into a slice of wood", "A person is creating a wood burning depiction of Godzilla.", "A person drawing godzilla by using a heat pen to draw on wooden block", "On a sliced cross-section of a log, someone uses a wood burner to draw a fantasy beast.", "A young person is using a carving tool to carve a picture on a round piece of white wood.", "A person draws dinosaur character in wood with fire marker.", "A person does some touch up work to their own Godzilla artwork.", "Someone quickly did a wood burning of a dinosaur on a wooden tree circle." ]
[ "一个人在圆形的木板上使用雕刻工具雕刻出恐龙。", "一个人用电笔在特制的纸上画了一只恐龙怪兽。", "有一个圆盘一个人在这个圆盘上画怪兽。", "在黄色的圆桌上,放着一个圆碟,一双手拿着一只笔画一只怪兽。", "在一张桌子上,一个人用带线的笔画了一幅画。", "一个人用木头燃烧器在一块由木头切成的横截面上画了一个幻想中的野兽。", "一个穿着蓝色裤子的人一只手按着圆形物品,一只手拿笔画着。", "一个人用火标记在木材中绘制恐龙角色。", "一个人正拿着工具在一个纸上涂画着画。", "一个人手上拿着工具正在雕刻着一只恐龙。" ]
[ "a person using a tool to etch a desin into a piece of wood.", "A person used a soldering iron to engrave a pattern on a wood", "A person uses a hot iron to burn a design into a piece of wood.", "A person is shown in the act of wood burning art in fast motion.", "A person uses a tool to burn a design into a wood block", "A person is using a wood burner to draw a design in wood.", "Someone is performing art work on a wood carving with a great deal of care and with precision.", "A person is using a wood carver to carve into a small piece of wood.", "A person drawing a figure on a piece of wood.", "A person burns an image on a piece of wood." ]
[ "一个人手里拿着一只黑色的笔一样的东西在一块木板上刻花。", "一个人伴随着音乐在一块木板上画画,偶尔还旋转一下木板。", "一个人把木板放在桌子上,拿一支笔在木板上画画。", "一个人在浅色的桌子上使用工具在雕刻。", "一个人用一支黑色的笔在一块白色的木板上画画。", "一个人正在使用木头燃烧器在木头上制作图案。", "有人在木雕上非常小心和精确地进行雕刻。", "一个人正用雕刻工具雕刻一个块木头上的图案,。", "一个人拿着一块木头用笔在上面绘制图形。", "一个人手上拿着工具在给一个木块做雕刻。" ]
[ "A person is detailing letters on a wooden board to read \"Stone\"", "A person carves the word \"Stone\" into a piece of wood with veins in it.", "A girl using a wood burning device burning a design on a piece of wood.", "A sketch is being drawn by a specific kind of pen.", "A person is doing artwork on a table and rotates the paper.", "Someone is shading a picture with the word \"stone\" on it with a wood burning instrument.", "A person is using a heat pen to burn a letter design onto wood.", "A person is using a pencil to draw a picture of something.", "A person creating art by burning a design into wood with a wood burner.", "Somebody is sketching out a drawing on a piece of wood as music is being played." ]
[ "一个人左手拿着一个东西在桌子上画画。", "一人手里握着一支刻笔在描绘好的木板上涂鸦。", "一个人正在用手拿着一只笔在一个板上画画。", "一个人用笔在一块木板上画出一个图案。", "画板上放着两个薄片,一只手拿着一个工具在薄片上涂画。", "一个人正在用一种燃烧木材的工具在一块木板上雕刻出“石头”这个词。", "一个人正在用笔把字母的设计刻在木头上。", "一个人正在用铅笔画一些东西的图片。", "通过将设计烧成木材与木材燃烧器创造艺术的人。", "一双手快速的画一幅画在一块木头上。" ]
[ "A person creates a rendering of a pig on a wood piece.", "Someone paints a picture of a pig on an object.", "Demonstrating a picture drawn with hot knife device in fast motion.", "a person using a wood burner to draw a pig", "A person's hands are visible doing a time lapsed carving of a pig in a small piece of wood.", "A person showing how to make a picture of a pig on a small piece of wood.", "A person uses a brush and paint to decorate a small piece of wood.", "A young woman carves a pig into a wooden chip on her table.", "Someone is burning a pciture of a pig onto a small piece of wood.", "a man making a timelapse where he paints a very detailed picture of a pig on a small block" ]
[ "一个人在一个有孔的小木牌上画了一只猪。", "一人在一块小小的木块上,雕刻出一只小猪,活灵活现。", "一个人在木块上刻了一只栩栩如生的猪。", "一个人在棕色的桌子上用百色的硬板刻画。", "一个人在一小块儿木板上画了一头栩栩如生的小猪。", "一个人在展示如何在一小块木头上画一头猪的图片。", "一个人正在使用工具在一块小木头上进行绘画创作。", "一个人在桌子上雕刻一块木头,上面刻着一头猪。", "有人把一张猪的照片刻在一小块木头上。", "一个男人在一个东西上画了头小猪。" ]
[ "A laser etching machine is etching a Route 66 highway logo into a block of wood.", "A laser burns a route 66 symbol into a block of wood quickly.", "A machine is very quickly engraving route 66 on something.", "a person using a tool to burn and cut a piece of wood with an image", "A piece of wood is beneath an engraver and the engraver starts to engrave.", "A laser moves back and forth over a block of wood quickly and burns a design into that block of wood.", "A machine burning an image into a small piece of wood.", "a machine making a sign on a piece of paper and speeding it up to make it faster", "A machine is embedding a piece of wood with Route 66 insignia.", "A person is heating a block and a sign is appearing on the block." ]
[ "一个机器在一个白色物品上印上印子。", "一个人操作机器,在木块上设计出精美图案。", "房间里的一台机器正在木板上喷制绘画图案。", "一个机器对着一个白色的板子来回操作,板子上出现数字图案。", "一个机器在一个白板上来回晃动,白板上出现了一个图案。", "激光在一块木头上来回移动画出了一个图案。", "一个机器快速的在木头上打印出图案。", "一台机器在一张纸上做一个标志并加速它以使它更快。", "一台机器正在把66号公路徽章做到一块木头上面。", "一个人正在快速的加热一块白色物体,然后上面出现了一个标志。" ]
[ "A person is using a marker and drawing something onto a wooden board.", "A person uses a wood burning tool to create artwork on a board.", "A person is using a burning tool to draw on a piece of wood.", "A man shows how to do a wood burning craft project.", "A boy was doing the sketch on the card board and coloring the drawing", "Artist uses electric tool to draw hair on outline of face on wood surface.", "A person using wood and a handheld wood burner to exhibit skills.", "A person is doing a wood burning picture of a face on a piece of wood.", "A board that someone wearing very hairy sleeves is drawing a face very quickly upon.", "Someone is engraving a piece of wood with a small engraver." ]
[ "一男子正在木板上用他娴熟地画工认真地画着什么。", "一男子用工具在木板上雕刻出一副人像图案。", "一个男人趴在桌子上用黑色的笔在木板上画画。", "一个短头发的人拿黄色的笔在板上画画。", "一个人在一块长方形的木板上画了一幅头像画。", "一个艺术家用电动工具在木材表面的人物头部轮廓线上画出头发。", "一个人在房间里拿着工具在木头上涂颜料。", "一个人正在一块木头上面画画。", "一个人的袖子非常毛茸茸的,正在非常迅速地在木板上画一张脸。", "有人正在用一个小小的雕刻品雕刻一块木头。" ]
[ "A person is using a sharp tool to indent a image into a piece of wood.", "A person is talking at a table and showing a folder.", "A table a chair can be seen while a man illustrates a drawing.", "Some one drawing on a piece of paper in front of them.", "A person is showing how they draw in a brown bag.", "A gentleman is using a wood burning tool to burn a pattern that is drawn onto the wood.", "A man is using a wood burner to make a design.", "A man drawing a picture on a piece of wood and talking.", "A man talks about surfing while drawing a picture about surfing.", "a man drawing on a material while talking about it." ]
[ "一个男人拿着一支笔在图纸上作画。", "一个男人正在讲解自己用工具刻画的东西。", "在一个白色的圆桌上有一个本子,一个人拿着笔在本子上画画。", "一个人正在一张纸上画画,下面还垫着一个白色的圆盘状物体。", "在一个明亮的房间,一双手用黑色的笔在黄色纸上画画。", "一位绅士正在画使用木材燃烧工具来燃烧木头的图案。", "一个人正在用木材燃烧器来做设计。", "一个人拿着笔在一块木头上画画并且说着什么。", "一名男子谈论冲浪时在桌子上画了一幅关于冲浪的图片。", "一个人在谈论这些材料的时候画了一些东西。" ]
[ "A fast motion demonstration of the use of an engraving tool to make wood crafts, set to music.", "A person was making the art on small card board cuts with some instrument", "Two people are together, one is using a tool that is drawing on a wooden heart.", "A person sits at a counter and burns tiny pictures into small wooden shapes.", "Someone is using a device to burn a picture onto a wooden heart.", "A person uses a wood burning tool on a small piece of heart shaped wood.", "someone is showing how to make a wood burning art picture.", "A person is burning a design into a piece of wood.", "A person is using an electric wood burning tool in wood.", "Two people using wood and a soldering iron to make art." ]
[ "一个手拿工具的男子正在演示如何弄出一个卡通形象。", "一个人在一个又一个小木板上画出精美的图案。", "一个人正用电动工具在一块心形的木块上雕刻英文字母。", "一个穿红色上衣的人拿着工具在雕刻。", "一个人正在用电烙铁在心形小木片上烙画。", "一个人正坐在桌子前,用激光笔在一块心形木板上作画。", "一个人正在使用工具雕刻着什么东西。", "一个人正在把一个图案刻在一块木头上。", "一个人正在木材中使用电动木材燃烧工具。", "两个人正在使用焊铁在木制品上做艺术。" ]
[ "A person paints black-and-white painting on the ground.", "A man painting a master piece on a piece of wood", "A person can be seen putting some finishing touches on a painting of a bridge.", "A person is shown making a painting on the ground .", "Someone is drawing a picture of a bridge on a piece of wood.", "A person is using a paint brush to paint on a board on the floor.", "A guy is shown painting on a drawing he has laid on the ground.", "A person uses a brush to paint a picture of a bridge on a piece of wood.", "Someone is making slow brush strokes on a painting of a bridge.", "A man with a paint brush and paper making a drawing of a bridge" ]
[ "一个穿蓝色衣服的人蹲在地上在画一幅画。", "一个人正在一块木板上认真地画着画。", "一个男人用画笔在放在地上的木板上缓慢的作画。", "一只手拿着工具在一块木板上画画。", "一个人在木板上画了一座非常雄伟的大桥。", "一个人正在使用油漆刷在地板上的一块木板上绘画。", "一个人正在一个木板上用一支笔画上一幅画。", "一个人在用刷子在一块木头上画一座桥。", "一个男人正在慢慢地画一幅画在一座桥上的画。", "一个男人拿着画笔在纸张上画了一座桥。" ]
[ "Two hands are shown using a wood burner drawing on a wooden block while music plays.", "Two people are using a tool to draw something on a block.", "Two people drawing a picture with a special pen.", "A person demonstrates special drawing and coloring as music plays.", "A person etches an elaborate design on a wooden box.", "A person is uing a wood burner to burn a design into a plank of wood to make art.", "An artist demonstrates the use of a special pen to make illustrations.", "Someone is using a wood burner and burning some pictures on a wood box.", "Two people carving images on top of wooden boxes with clasps.", "An individual showing the work of drawing and etching on the surface of a box." ]
[ "一只手拿着一支笔在白色的东西上面画画。", "一个人正在木制的箱子上进行绘画。", "在房间里,一个男人正在一个箱子上画画。", "一个人拿着工具在白色箱子上画画。", "一个人拿着黑色的笔在白色的盒子上作画。", "一个人正在用一个木头燃烧器来制作一块木板艺术品。", "一位画画的人演示使用特殊笔来制作插图。", "有人正在使用木材燃烧器并在木箱上烧一些照片。", "两个人正在木箱上用工具雕刻图像。", "一个人展示了在盒子表面上绘制和蚀刻的工作。" ]
[ "A person is using a special type of pen to draw a picture.", "A drawing of a girl and cross being made with a unique tool.", "A person is holding a tool in their hand and they are creating art.", "Someone creating a piece of artwork using an electric heating device.", "A person demonstrates how to use a wood burning tool to draw a picture.", "Someone is using a tool to shade in the color of brown on a drawing.", "An artist is doing a wood burning art piece of a sword as whirling music plays in the background.", "A person is coloring a picture using a wood-burning tool.", "Someone is using a tool to carve designs into a paper.", "A person is using a special tool to gently carve out a picture." ]
[ "一个男子拿着一个机器正在一个画好的图片上上色。", "一个人用机器在石板上熟练地画画。", "在一个房子里。一个人正在一块白纸上进行作画。", "一个人用烙铁在纸上一点一点的画画,纸上已经画好了一个小女孩。", "一个人拿着一支笔在一张白色的纸上在作画。", "一个人拿着一支笔在一张纸上涂上棕色。", "一个人正在用工具在上涂改着一张纸上的图案。", "一个人正在使用着工具给绘画上颜色。", "一个人正在用一种工具把图案雕刻到纸上。", "一个人正在用一种特殊的工具雕刻一幅画。" ]
[ "A demonstration of a women wood burning a cat into a piece of wood.", "A person uses a cauterizing iron to create a cat design.", "a person drawing a cat using a ceramic like paper", "an individual drawing a picture of a black cat with a pen", "a person using a drill to draw a cat on a piece of wood.", "A person begins a wood burning image of a cat on a small square of wood.", "An artist burns an image of a cat into a block of wood.", "Someone is burning a picture of a cat onto a piece of wood.", "A person is performing a time lapsed high speed sketch of a cat.", "A person is making a sketch of a cat using a charcoal based pencil." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一双手正在雕刻木板。", "有只手在一个木板上,很快的就画出了一只小猫咪。", "一个人正用黑色的颜料在木块上勾勒一只猫。", "一个人在绿色的桌子上用工具弄画。", "有人拿笔在木板上画出了一只猫头的图案。", "一个人正在用激光笔在一块木头上刻画一只猫。", "一个人在一块黄色的物体上刻画出一个图案。", "有人正在把一只猫的图片刻到一块木头上。", "一个人在展示在木板上画着一只猫的画像。", "一个人用东西在木块上画一只猫的素描。" ]
[ "A man is burning an image into a piece of leather with a hot tool", "A person copies a picture of a Spitfire onto a piece of leather using an elaborate pen", "A sped up video of someone drawing an image of an airplane on a piece of paper.", "A man is drawing a picture quickly with a tool.", "A person is drawing a plane on a piece of leather using a picture.", "A person uses a heated wire to start to copy a picture of an aeroplane onto a piece of leather", "A person is drawing some type of artwork on a table", "A person draws a picture of an airplane using a special pen.", "A man is copying a picture of a plane on a piece of leather.", "A man draws the front of a propeller airplane while using a picture as a model." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间里,一只手拿着一支笔在纸板上画画。", "一个人用特殊的工具在木板上画画。", "一个人正在用笔在木板上画东西,旁边是一个飞机的海报。", "一个人的左手无名指上戴着戒指,在临摹一张画。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一双手正在布上画着画。", "一个人使用加热电线把照片上的飞机复制到一块皮革上。", "一个男人正在使用工具在木头上画画。", "一个人用一支特别的钢笔画一张飞机的画像。", "一名男子在一张皮革上复制一张飞机的照片。", "一个男人在使用一幅画作为模型的时候画着螺旋桨飞机的前面。" ]
[ "A person using an electric tool to carve a storm troopers face into a block of wood.", "A pair of hands are using a tool to create a Storm Trooper picture from a piece of wood, whilst Storm Trooper music plays in the background.", "An artist makes a mall stencil outline of a Star Wars franchise character.", "A person using a tool on a wood block to create a helmet head on the block.", "A person creates a design on a small square of wood while music plays.", "A man is making a wooden etching of what appears to be a storm trooper.", "A man creates a Star Wars character in art on a wood piece.", "a person sitting down making a piece of art on a small block of wood", "Someone uses a wood working tool and marker to create a picture on a block of wood.", "An individual creates an image of a storm trooper on a piece of wood." ]
[ "一个人用笔在一块正方形的小木块上画了一个狗头。", "一个男孩拿着电笔在木板上画着东西。", "一个人用机器笔在纸板上描绘着安全面罩。", "一个人在一个方形的物体上快速地画画。", "一个人拿着一支类似带有电线的笔在画卡通画。", "一名男子在桌子上雕刻一个看起来像冲锋队的木制蚀刻。", "一个人在一块木头上创造了一个艺术品中的星球大战角色。", "一个人坐着用一小块木头做一件艺术品。", "一个人在一个桌子上用木板雕刻着图案。", "一双手正在一块木头上做了一个风暴骑兵的图像。" ]
[ "Using a wood burning tool, someone creates designs on the back of a wooden spoon.", "A young woman carves an image into her wooden spoon in her spare time.", "A person is making a decorative drawing on a wooden like object.", "Someone is etching a figure onto the back of a wooden tool, using an electric etching tool", "A woman is etching a design into a wooden spoon.", "A woman demonstrates how to use a soldering iron to burn designs on a wooden ladle.", "The lady is doing an art demonstration as she draws on a piece of wood.", "A person was using a soldering iron to engrave an image on the back of a wooden spoon", "A person is using an etching tool to draw a design on a wooden spoon.", "A person making a burn doodle on the back of a spoon" ]
[ "一个人在用笔在一块小木板上画画。", "一只手按着嫖,一只手用刻笔在上面画画。", "一个人右手拿着工具在勺子的背面刻着花纹。", "一个手上戴着装饰品的人在勺子上画花纹。", "一个心灵手巧的人在饭勺上刻出美丽的图案。", "一位女士演示了如何使用烙铁在木制的勺子上烧图案。", "一位女士正在用一个勺子上做艺术展示。", "一个人用电烙铁在木头上面熟练的做画。", "一个人正在用一个刻蚀工具在一个木勺上绘制图案。", "一个人在手上拿着工具正在一个东西上面画画。" ]
[ "A person is drawing/burning a picture of a man's face on a piece of wood using a hot soldering iron.", "A person is burning a picture into wood.", "Someone is painting the face of a man in a very unique way of doing art.", "A person uses a wood burning device to create a portrait of a man.", "a man is drawing a portrait of a man with sunglasses on on a wood.", "A close up a a tool carving a pattern into wood, which emerges into a man", "A person does a wood burning painting of a guy wearing glasses.", "A person is burning a picture into a piece of wood.", "A person uses a hot iron to create a portrait on a wooden board", "A person was using a soldering iron to burn an image on a wood plank" ]
[ "一个人使用工具在一块木板上进行绘画。", "一双手拿着一个电热笔熟练的画一个头像画。", "一个男人在木板上用刻刀画出一幅画。", "一个人正在木板上精致的烙刻着人像图。", "一个人在一块白色木板上画了一个戴眼镜的男人的头像。", "一个人用工具在木板上雕刻出一个人的图案。", "一个人正在用工具在一个木板上面烧出一个图案。", "一个人正在将一块木头刻成一张照片。", "一个人正在用某种工具刻画着木板上的画。", "一个人正在使用烙铁在木板上刻录图像。" ]
[ "A person carves a cartoon duck into a wooden object", "An individual burns an image of a bird into a piece of wood.", "Someone is using a wood burning tool to carve an image of a bird into a slap of wood.", "While rock music plays, a person burns an image of a bird into wood.", "A person using a hot tool in order to carve a duck into a piece of wood.", "A person is using a special tool to make a burned in design on a piece of wood.", "Time lapse footage of a person tracing a pencil drawing on wood with a wood burning tool.", "An image of a duck is burned into wood using a wood burning tool.", "A person is using a soddering run to go over the outline of a duck on a board.", "A pyrography artist uses a heated metal tool to burn the image of a bird into a block of wood." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个人,拿着刻刀,在木板上雕刻。", "一个男孩拿着工具在木板上画鸭子。", "一个人在用笔在一块木头上刻着一幅画。", "一只手拿着蓝色的工具在木头上制作出花纹图案。", "一个人用电焊在木板上烙出一只鸭子的图案。", "一个人正在使用一种特殊工具在一块木头上烧出图案。", "一个人用一根特别的笔在一块木头上花了一只小鸭子。", "一只鸭子的图像是用木头燃烧的工具雕刻的。", "一个人正在一个木板上刻画一个鸭子。", "烙画艺术家使用加热的金属工具在木头上烧成一副鸟的图像。" ]
[ "A person is using a soldering iron to burn a design on a disk.", "Someone is using a wood burner to create a picture on a wood medallion.", "A man etches an image of a dog onto a wooden coin.", "A person paints the face of a dog on a small circular wooden disc.", "A person is using a hot instrumruent to etch an image on a piece of wood.", "High speed demonstration of the use of a wood burning tool on a small piece of wood.", "A hot iron tip is used to burn an image of the face of a dog into a small wooden medallion.", "The artist is burning an image of a dog, into a piece of wood using a soldering iron.", "Someone is using a wood burning tool to make an image on a circular piece of wood.", "Someone is doing some art work as he draws the face of an animal." ]
[ "一个人正在一个特别小的圆卡片上画了一个狗头。", "一个人用画笔在圆木片上画了一只狗。", "在房间里,一个人用笔在木块上画画。", "一支笔在一只手拿着东西的上面点点画画。", "在一张白色的桌子上,一只手拿着圆盘,另一只手拿着笔画画。", "一个人正在示范如何使用燃烧工具在一块小木头上高速燃烧。", "一个人在一个圆形的木头上画出了一只小狗。", "这位艺术家正在用电烙铁把一只狗的肖像烧在一块木头上。", "有人正在使用木材燃烧工具在一个圆形的木头上制作图像。", "有人在做一些艺术作品, 他画了动物的脸。" ]
[ "An artist cuts a design into a wood board with an exacto knife.", "A person is burning a design on to a wood board.", "A man etching a logo onto wood with a wood burner.", "A persons hand doing wood-burning artwork on a piece of wood.", "Someone is carving a shape or coloring something into a piece of wood.", "A person is wood burning a spartan into a piece of wood.", "A person is making a design on a cutting board with a wood burning tool.", "A person is burning the helmet of a roman onto a piece of wood.", "A person does a sketch drawing on a wooden board.", "A person showing the creation of a Trojan helmet by wood burning." ]
[ "一个人左手扶着木板右手拿着笔在木板上面涂画。", "一个人拿着黑色的笔往木板上画图案。", "一个人在房间里拿着一块木板雕刻着。", "一个人手上拿着一支笔,对着一个木板在画画。", "一个人正拿着一个黑色带长线的笔在一块木板上雕刻图案。", "一个人拿着一支笔在一块木头上雕刻了一幅画。", "一个人拿着一指笔在木材工具画着画。", "一个人正在用手拿着工具把一个罗马人的头盔烧到一块木头上。", "一个人拿着一只黑色的笔在一块木板上画图.。", "一个人手里拿着工具,在一块木板上面作画。" ]
[ "Somebody is using some type of etching tool to create an ornate design.", "A person using a wood burning tool creates an intricate photo.", "A person is seen creating some wood burned art with a wood burning tool.", "A person is showing how to color in a drawing of something.", "A wood carving knife is used to carve a flower in the wood.", "A person uses a long object to manipulate an artistic image on a canvas.", "An artist adds detail to a wood cut using a special tool.", "An artist with an instrument, carves a piece of art.", "Someone is painting on a canvas with a paint brush.", "A person doing a drawing on to a piece of wood with a wood burner" ]
[ "在一间明亮的屋子里一个人正在给图画上颜色。", "一个人在用特殊的工具在木板上画画。", "一个人正在用黑色的画笔填充桌上的图案。", "一个蓝色的笔在精美的图案上描绘着。", "在一块黄色的木板上,一只手在用一个工具在木板上作画。", "一个人使用他手里的物体来更改画布上的艺术形象。", "一个人在用一种特殊的工具在木材上添加细节。", "一个艺术家用一种工具,正在雕刻一件艺术品。", "一个人正在用画笔在画布上作着画。", "一个人正在用木材燃烧器在一块木头上画画。" ]
[ "A man is sitting at a table using a wood-burning tool on a piece of wood to make a picture.", "A person sits and works on a woodcarving project with a large tree imprint.", "Young man using pens and a wood burning device to decorate a piece of wood.", "A person is using a special pen to draw an intricate drawing involving a tree and roots.", "A person is drawing a picture on clothe with a marker.", "An artist is drawing, changing his pen, and mumbling to himself.", "A tattoo artist showing the first steps of designing a tattoo.", "A person draws into a piece of wood with a black marker.", "The person is showing his skills in doing some intricate art work.", "A young man sketches out a large tree while offering comment." ]
[ "一个手上还带着护腕的人拿着黑色笔在画。", "一个男人拿着笔在纸上细致地画着图案。", "一个穿着短袖的男人在用笔在木板上画画。", "在一个明亮的房间,一双手用黑色的笔在白色的纸上画画。", "有一个人坐在桌子旁边,他手里拿着笔正在画画。", "一位艺术家正在画画,然后自己自言自语的说着话。", "一个人正在用笔在桌子上进行着绘画。", "一个人用一根黑色的笔画在一块木头上进行作画。", "这个人正在展示他在一张纸上画着复杂的图形。", "一个人拿着一支笔在一张纸上画了图案,桌子上放着三支笔。" ]
[ "A person who is tracing a picture with a very thin marker", "A person is coloring in an drawn art with a brush very slowly", "Someone is meticulously tracing and coloring a picture with a brown drawing utensil.", "Someone is using a wood burning tool to burn a design into wood.", "A wood burning tool is used to etch designs into a piece of wood.", "A person is drawing a picture with a very fine brush", "A person colors in outlines of a drawing using a brown pen.", "A person uses a wood burning tool to go over an already sketched design.", "Someone uses a wood burner to create a drawing on a piece of material.", "a person is tracing the outline of a design on fabric with a marker" ]
[ "一个男人戴着手套正在沿着描线描边。", "一个人在用特殊的笔给绘画作品勾勒线条。", "一个人正在用笔小心地在纸上描画着。", "一个人拿着工具在浅色的案子上作画。", "一个人拿着手中的工具在雕刻细小的纹路。", "一个人正在用一把可以发出亮光的笔画画。", "一个人用一支笔在一幅画的轮廓中涂上颜色。", "一个人使用木材燃烧的工具来进行在木板上绘画。", "有人用木材燃烧器在一块白色板子上画画。", "一个人用工具在一个有着设计轮廓的东西上面慢慢的刻画着。" ]
[ "A person is using a drawing tool to fill in scales of a dragon on paper.", "A persons hand up close is shown performing wood carving.", "An artist uses a special metal tool to apply decorations to a piece of artwork.", "A right hand is using a special tool to make a design on a piece of wood.", "A person who is shading in some artwork with some type of utensil.", "A person paints the scales of a dragon illustration using a metal implement.", "A person is craving a design using a small sharp tool.", "A person is drawing on a piece of paper with a marker.", "A person is using a tool to burn an image of a dragon onto wood.", "A person is using a specialized tool to add texture to an intricate drawing of a dragon." ]
[ "一个人手拿工具,给桌面上的图案上颜色。", "一个人用特殊的工具在纸板上画画。", "一个人手里拿着机器在白纸上的画上边涂颜色。", "一个人在用工具在木头上刻着一幅风景画。", "一个人正在拿着工具给一副画上颜色。", "有一个人正在使用他手里的物体创造画布上的艺术形象。", "一个人正在使用一个小巧的工具来设计。", "一个人正在用标记在一张纸上画画。", "一个人正在用一种工具把龙的形象烧在木头上。", "一个人正在使用一个专门的绘图工具来把图上的龙鳞添加颜色。" ]
[ "A person is using a tool to do some sort of art project on paper.", "A person painting with black ink, applying soft strokes on wood.", "A man is narrating as he draws pictures on some wood.", "A person is using a special writing tool to draw something.", "A man is carving an image into a piece of wood using a wood-burning kit.", "This man is drawing on the wood and showing us how to make it dark.", "A person draws on a piece of paper with a black pen.", "A man uses a tool to carve a design in a piece of wood.", "A man is drawing with a drawing instrument on his pencil.", "Very carefully, a man is drawing on a piece of wood." ]
[ "一只手拿着一只黑色的笔在木板上慢慢的作画。", "一个人的一只手,在用工具在一张纸上画着东西。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个人正在桌上画画。", "有一个穿着浅色衣服的人在模板上面画东西。", "一个穿白色衣服的人在白色纸上画着画。", "一个男人坐在旁,用工具在木头上画画,并教我们怎样把它弄得黑一些。", "一个男人用一支黑色的钢笔在一张纸上画画。", "一个男人用手拿着一个工具刀在一块木头上雕刻一个图案。", "一个男人正在用一个绘图工具在木板上画画。", "一个人拿着工具在一块木头上画画。" ]
[ "A person used the sun ray through the magnifying glass to burn the image of a lion on the wood", "A man is demonstrating the art of burning wood in the sun with a mirror.", "Someone holds a magnifying glass over a piece of wood with a tiger on it and it starts to smoke.", "A man tries to capture the sun by shining a magnifying glass on a piece of art.", "A man is using a magnifying class in the sunlight to burn an image of a tiger onto a piece of wood.", "A man is outside and is using magnifying glass on a tiger that is sketched into a piece of log.", "An individual lets the sun shine through a magnifying glass to burn etchings in a wood carving.", "A very tanned arm is holding a magnifying glass and using the sun to burn an intricate lion's face into wood.", "a person using a tool to try and burn into the wood itself using the sun", "A man uses a magnifying glass to burn a leopard design onto wood." ]
[ "在阳光下有一个人正在用放大镜在木板上作画。", "一个男人使用放大镜聚焦太阳光在一块木板上进行雕刻。", "在太阳光的照射下,老花镜汇聚了一道亮光。", "一个人拿着放大镜对着有老虎图案的地方照射,老虎图案在冒烟。", "一个人利用放大镜,在木头上灼烧出老虎头。", "一个男人在外面,用放大镜在木桩上画老虎。", "一个人让阳光通过一个放大镜照射在一个木雕刻蚀刻蚀刻。", "一只晒黑的手臂拿着一个放大镜,用太阳把一个木头烧成了复杂的狮子的脸。", "一个人正在试图使用一个工具燃烧木材。", "一只手拿着放大镜在木头上燃烧,然后烧成一个老虎头的样子。" ]
[ "A person is using a hot tool to burn the image of a tiger on a piece of wood.", "A man drawing a tiger onto a piece of wood.", "A man is using a special pen that burns into wood to draw a tiger", "A hand is shown burning the image of a tiger into a piece of wood.", "A man is burning a picture of a tiger into a piece of wood with a tool.", "A person is drawing a tiger on a piece of wood.", "A person draws a figure of a bengal tiger on a piece of wood.", "A person is etching a tiger's head on a piece of wood using a woodburner tool.", "A person is wood burning a picture on a piece of wood.", "A person is drawing an image on the piece of wood." ]
[ "一个人拿着黑色的笔在木板上画一只老虎。", "一个人用手按着木板,用美工笔画了一只老虎。", "一个人在木板上进行作画,在画一只老虎。", "一个人用右手的笔,在木板上画出一个图案。", "一个人在用笔往一个黄色平面上画老虎。", "一个人正在桌子上,用工具在一块木头上画一只老虎。", "一个人在一块木头上画出一只孟加拉虎的形象。", "一个人正在用一个工具在一块木头上雕刻一只老虎的头。", "一个拿着黑色笔的人在褐色的板子上作画。", "一个人拿着工具正在一块木头上画一幅画。" ]
[ "A man using a marker to create a drawing of a goat.", "An artist use a soldering iron to burn the image of a ram on a wood", "A person is sitting and drawing a ram on a canvas.", "A person using a motorized tool adds details to a picture of a ram.", "An individual who is wood burning a picture of a ram.", "Someone doing a large drawing of a ram's face with an electric pen.", "A person uses a wood burning pen to make an artwork in a piece of wood", "A person painting a ram on a large canvas with a paint brush .", "An artist drawing a very detailed portrait of a ram's head.", "A person draws a ram on a piece of canvas using an electric utensil." ]
[ "一个人在桌子上画角很大的羚羊的鼻子部分。", "一个人在用笔画一幅精美的公羊图。", "一个人正在用笔在纸上快速地涂画着。", "一个人正用手拿着一支笔在画一只羊的嘴巴。", "一个人正拿着一支带着长线的笔画一幅山羊的画。", "一个人拿着一支笔正在一幅画上进行最后的修整。", "一个人使用木灼笔在一块木头上制作艺术品。", "一个人用油画笔 用画笔在大画布上画公羊。", "一位艺术家画了一幅非常详细的公羊头肖像。", "一个人使用电器在一块帆布上画一只公羊。" ]
[ "A person is carving an art image with a knife out of wood", "A wood-burning to is used to burn dark patterns into the edge of a board.", "A timelapse making of an art piece with a piece of wood and a black marker", "Someone uses a wood burner to burn a design into wood.", "Someone is using a tool to burn the edges of a plank of wood.", "a person is using a hot burning tool in order to make something out of wood", "Using speeded up motion, an artist is painting the edges of a piece of wood.", "Someone uses a wood burner to add a design to a peice of wood.", "A man is burning wood with an wood-burning instrument to make a picture on it.", "A person is burning designs in a plank of wood." ]
[ "一个人用卷刀将木板上面卷了很多孔。", "一个人手里拿着一个电洛铁在一块木板上作画。", "一名年轻人用工具在木板上进行雕刻。", "一个人拿着黑色的笔往木头上画画。", "一个人拿着一只笔在一块板子上画画。", "一个人正在用一根激光笔在一块木头上作画。", "艺术家用加速的动作来画一块木头的边缘。", "有人用木头燃烧器在一块木头上设计了一个图案。", "一个人正在用笔在木头上面画了一幅画。", "一双手正拿着烙铁在木板上燃烧图案。" ]
[ "A person demonstrates how to use a air paint device to create pictures in fast motion", "A video of a person drawing a picture of an animal.", "A person is coloring in a picture with color in fast motion.", "A man practices tattoo art on paper to music inside a studio.", "A time-lapse video of a man drawing a deer", "a person sitting down and doing art pieces on a small piece of paper", "A person colors pictures of reindeer using an airbrush attachment.", "The woman is attempting to make drawings with a pencil only.", "A person colors a picture of a cartoon deer using an airbrush.", "A time lapse video of a drawing a cartoon horse in wood." ]
[ "一个戴着戒指的男人在给桌子上的画涂颜色。", "一个人用工具在木板上雕刻出一副卡通图案。", "一个人在桌子上给已经画好的几幅画涂上颜色。", "一双带着戒指和手链的手正在一张纸上画画。", "一个带手链的人给桌上一张纸上的图案涂颜色。涂完一张放到旁边。", "一个人坐在桌子旁,用工具在一张小纸上做着一件艺术作品。", "一个穿着黑色衣服戴着手链戒指的男人在用喷枪给画板上的驯鹿上色。", "这名女子在桌子上试图用铅笔画画。", "一个人使用喷枪为卡通鹿的图片着色。", "一个人拿着一支笔正在给画上色,桌上放着一张已经上好色的画。" ]
[ "A man shows how to create a picture of a tiger using a small flame.", "A person using a blowtorch to burn a graphic of a lion design into wood.", "A man is using a torch and creating a large lion on a wooden panel.", "Artists that is making markings with a tool with fire on the lion.", "A man is using an airbrush to fill in the mural of a lion then a blow torch is used to create a shadow effect.", "Someone drawing a large lion by using a blowtorch a flame.", "A man draws the paws on a lion using a blowtorch on a large wooden board.", "A man is spraying fire at a very large drawing of a tiger.", "A man uses ink and a blowtorch to complete a large lion drawing.", "A person was using a fire touch to burn the image of an elephant on the wood" ]
[ "一个人正在认真的,使用一个发射火焰的工具,在板子上绘画一只狮子。", "一个男的用一种喷火的工具对着一幅画喷火,有狮子的画像,也有豹的画像。", "一个男人用火枪在木板上画一只狮子。", "两个穿着深色衣服的人正在喷漆墙画。", "一个穿着黑色外套衣服的人在用火枪作画。", "一个人正在用喷火枪在白色的柱子上画了一只大狮子。", "一名男子在大型木板上使用喷枪在狮子上绘制爪子。", "一名男子正在向一只非常大的老虎画中喷火。", "一个男人用墨水和一个喷灯来完成一个大型的狮子画。", "一个人手上拿着一个喷火的工具正在制作一幅动物画像。" ]
[ "A person is using a soldering tool to burn an image onto a piece of wood.", "An artist makes updates to a wood drawing of a creature.", "Person demonstrates how to create a drawing of a small creature.", "A person is burning a animal picture on a block of wood.", "A person is sitting down at a table drawing some type of animal on paper.", "Someone is drawing or burning a shape into a piece of wood.", "Someone is using a pen to complete a drawing on an unknown surface by darkening and thickening the lines.", "Someone draws a picture of a very hairy and cute goat onto a wooden block.", "Artist uses a pointed marker to draw a happy animal on a block of wood.", "A person is drawing a Poro from the game League of Legends." ]
[ "一个人正在卡片上面画一只羊头的一幅画。", "一个人在一张浅褐色的卡片上用笔画出了一个卡通形象。", "一个人正在用黑色的比在一块木板上修图。", "一个人在画一张黑白色的卡通画,动作娴熟。", "黑色的桌子上,一只手拿着笔,在黄色的卡片上画着图案。", "有人在一块木板上绘制出一个可爱的形象。", "一个人拿了一指笔在纸上画着一个图。", "有人把一只毛茸茸又可爱的山羊画在木块上。", "一个人拿着画笔在一个白色的板子上画着画。", "一个人正在从传奇联盟的游戏中画一个波罗。" ]
[ "A time lapse video of someone carving a image into a piece of wood.", "A person is etching black onto a heart that is on the table.", "A person is burning a design onto a piece of thin wood with a tool.", "A person is working with a tool on a wooden surface.", "A person uses a tool to make a detailed drawing on the heart shaped object.", "Person applying black lines on a heart shaped disk with an instrument that looks like a dental device.", "Someone takes the time to burn an image into a peice of heart shaped wood.", "A person is performing the art of wood burning while music is playing in the background.", "Someone is sketching art on an unknown shell-like surface.", "A person is using a wood-burning implement to etch a design in some pieces of wood." ]
[ "一个人正在一个心型的木板上画东西。", "一个人拿着工具在一个物体上勾画着。", "一个人用一支笔在一个被雕刻过的木板上画画。", "一只手握着工具给桌子上一个心型的物品绘着图案。", "一个人在用烙笔在一个切好形状的白色平面上烙图案。", "一个人拿着一种工具在一块心形有图案的木头上涂着黑边。", "一个人把一个图像烧成一块心形的木头。", "当音乐在背景中播放时, 一个人正在表演木材燃烧的艺术。", "有人在一个未知仪器在贝壳状表面上做画。", "一个人正在用一个烧木头的工具在一些木头上蚀刻一个图案。" ]
[ "A person is using a pen to draw onto an object.", "A girl using a pen to paint a design on a piece of wood.", "In a time lapse, a picture is being painted by ink", "An artist decorates a slab of wood with a wolf and Celtic knot designs.", "An artists puts the finishing colored touches on a piece of wood", "A person is adding a black outline to a painted image to make the image stick out more.", "A person is drawing with a pen and adding creativity to the design.", "A person is tracing over colored stenciling design on wood", "An artist colors an intricate design on a wooden surface.", "Someone is using a black caligraphy pen to make markings on a wood carving with a picture already on it." ]
[ "在一块木板上,有豹子样式的花纹和其它图案,一个人拿着画笔正在继续在上面作画。", "一个人用笔在不停地描绘着面前的画。", "一个人用笔在画纸上快速的勾勒线条。", "在一个明亮的房间,一双手在给一幅画上色。", "一个人的手拿着笔在一个有图案的物品上涂色。", "一个人正在为绘制的图像添加黑色轮廓,以使图像更加突显。", "一个人正在用一支钢笔在一块木头上画画。", "一个人在木头上描绘着彩色的雕刻艺术品。", "一个人正在用手中的画笔画着一副画。", "一个人使用黑色笔在木头上绘色,木头上面已经有一幅画。" ]
[ "A person uses a pen to trace a feather on a piece of white paper.", "A person using an art pen to draw feathers of a bird.", "a woman is engraving an imagine into a piece of wood", "A woman uses a pen-like hot iron tool to burn an image into a slab of wood.", "A person is using a small tool to draw a design into a flat piece of wood.", "A person is using a tool to draw a picture that is sitting on a table.", "A person is using a blade to create art on a canvas.", "A woman demonstrates an art technique while loud music plays in the background.", "A woman uses a sharp edged tool to make impressions on an oval piece of wood, forming a picture.", "A hand uses a tool to do wood burning on a piece of wood while music plays." ]
[ "一个人正在仔仔细细的画着一幅画。", "一个人拿着铁丝画笔,在画纸上画画。", "一个人用一支笔画出了一幅美丽的画。", "一个人在细致地给画里的人物头发上色。", "一个人在用黑色的笔认真的在纸上画画。", "一个人正在使用工具绘制一张在桌子上的图片。", "一个人使用刀片在画布上创作艺术品。", "一个女人一边听着喧闹的音乐一边展示着一种艺术技巧。", "一名妇女使用锋利的工具在椭圆形的木头上留下印记并形成了一幅画。", "一只手使用工具在一块木头上面做画。" ]
[ "Two sticks with battery cables are held on a plank of wood, one at the corner and the other in the center on a metal ring, a burn pattern begins starting at the corner stick.", "A person heats metal sticks to use for doing a design on a piece of wood.", "A person is using electric needles to burn into a block of wood.", "A man using two soldering irons to try to create art by burning wood", "A person is shown burning wood on a table with a fire stick.", "A person using an electrified needle burn an image into a piece of wood.", "A man uses Lichtenberg wood burning to create designs in wood.", "Someone making burn marks in to a block of wood", "A person burns designs into a block of wood with tools.", "A person is burning a leaf design with fire into a wooden block." ]
[ "一个人正在一块板子上面用两个电焊东西画画。", "一位青年人使用工具,在木板上制作精美工艺品。", "连接正负极的两支笔放在木板上,木板上就出现了黑色的花纹。", "在宽阔的户外,一个男人拿着两个棍子在烫黄色的板子。", "在室外一个人,手里拿着两跟棍子,正在烧黄色的板子。", "一个用电针的人把一块木头刻成了一幅图像。", "一个人正在使用工具在一块木板上进行绘画创意。", "有人在一块木头上涂了点燃烧的痕迹。", "一个人在房间里用工具把图案烧在一块木头。", "一个人正在用火器在木板上雕刻图案。" ]
[ "A person is talking as they are carving an L onto a piece of wood.", "A woman demonstrates using a wood burner to burn a letter onto a piece of wood.", "A carpenter is burning letters into a plank of wood.", "A woman uses a wood-burning rod to burn the letter L into a piece of wood.", "A person holds a block of wood as they fill-in letters with black ink.", "A person traces the outline of the letter L to burn it into a block of wood.", "An individual is using a wood burner to put letters onto a piece of wood.", "A woman carving letters into a piece of wood using a hot torch gun.", "A woman demonstrates using a wood burning iron to burn a capital letter \"L\" into a block of wood.", "A person burning letters into wood using a small tool." ]
[ "一个人使用工具在木头上描绘出字母的边缘。", "一个外国女人正在演示如何在木板上雕刻文字。", "一个人在家里的木头上用工具刻字母L。", "一个人拿着工具在一个已经雕刻好英文字母的木板上上色。", "一个人正在用工具在一个长方形物体上雕刻字母。", "一个人在一块画着字母的木头,围着字母 l 的轮廓烧着。", "一个人正在使用工具在一块木头上刻画一个字符。", "一个妇女用热的火炬枪把字母雕刻到一块木头上。", "一个人在白色地毯上拿着米色木板刻字。", "一个人时候苏杭拿着工具在木头上刻着东西。" ]
[ "A sketch of a group of people is being colored with black ink.", "A child is demonstrating using a wood burner while talking about the process.", "A person uses a tool to burn a design onto a piece of wood.", "a woman is using a heating tool in order to create art", "A group scene is shown being wood burned into a decorate piece of wood.", "A person uses a heated pen to trace the outline os a group of people onto a piece of paper.", "A person is demonstrating the art of wood burning to make images on wood.", "A person is using a tool to cut a piece of paper in the shape of a group of people.", "A person is using a tool to do a wood burning picture of a group of people on wood.", "The person in the video is showing an example of how to burn a design into wood." ]
[ "一个人正在用大粗笔在加深一副画。", "一个人拿着一根电焊笔在认真地画着人像图。", "一个人拿着刻刀在一块板子上把铅笔画的图形刻了出来。", "一个人拿着雕刻工具在白色的木板上雕刻出许多人形。", "一只手拿着一个电烙铁正在一个木板上勾勒着线条,画出了一幅画。", "一个人用加热笔描绘出画在纸上的一群人的轮廓。", "一个人正在展示木材燃烧的艺术,以便在木头上制作图像。", "一个人正在用一种工具来切割一张成一群人形状的纸。", "一个人正在使用一个工具在木头上画人物。", "视频中的人正在展示如何将设计刻录到木头上。" ]
[ "A piece of wood is on fire and someone is making it spell out something.", "A carpenter is using fire to burn words into a plank of wood.", "A person is using a blow torch to burn letters onto a piece of wood.", "Creating a wooden sign using the skill and art of woodburning", "A person is writing on wood with fuel and then igniting the fuel.", "A person burns letters into a piece of wood with a wood burning instrument.", "someone is burning letters into a piece of wood.", "A person burns text into a wooden board, large flames leaping upwards.", "Someone is burning letters into a wooden sign using a blowtorch.", "A person creates a sign with letters on it through the use of fire." ]
[ "一个人拿着火枪在一块木板上写着字母。", "一个人正在用电动工具在木板上刻字,刻好的字母就着火了。", "一个人正在拿着喷枪在一块木板上雕刻着。", "在一个漆黑的地方,一个人拿着一个工具在对着一团火。", "一个桌子上着火上面刻上了英文字母。", "一个人正在用喷火的工具在一块木头上烧出字母。", "一个人拿着喷漆在把字母烧成一块木头。", "一个人将文字烧成木板,大火焰向上跳跃。", "有人正在用喷灯把木头上面烧成字母成为木制的牌子。", "一个人通过使用火在上面创建一个写着字母的牌子。" ]
[ "A person is wrapping some boxes in a gift wrap while a kid is moving around", "A person is wrapping packages on the floor while a small child walks around.", "A man is sitting on the floor wrapping Christmas presents while a little boy walks around.", "A man wraps Christmas gifts as his child walks about the room.", "A man is shown gift wrapping presents while a little kid is helping.", "A man is sitting on the floor wrapping presents and a baby walks around him.", "A man and a little boy are wrapping a lot of gifts.", "A man attempts to wrap presents while being distracted by a toddler.", "A man demonstrates how he wraps gifts, while Christmas music plays", "A man is wrapping Christmas presents in fast forward while a toddler is walking around in the room." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一名身穿白色上衣的男子,正在房间内收拾东西。", "在一个房间里到处堆放着儿童玩具,有一个男子陪同自己的小孩正在包装纸盒。", "一个身穿白色上衣的人和一个小孩子在室内包装礼物盒子。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人和一个孩子在包礼物。", "一个白色衣服的男人和一个穿着格子衣服的小孩,在房间里用包装纸包装一个纸箱。", "一个人正坐在地上包装礼物,一个婴儿在他身边走来走去。", "一个男人和一个小男孩正在包装许多礼物。", "一个男人试图在一个孩子的注意力的分心的情况下包装礼物。", "圣诞音乐响着,一个男人在包装圣诞礼物。", "当一个小孩在房间里走来走去时,一个人正在快速地包裹圣诞节礼物。" ]
[ "A young boy is setting in the floor opening Christmas presents.", "Two people are sitting on the floor in a room and using wrapping paper and tape to wrap gifts.", "A young man attempts to wrap a gift using Christmas paper.", "A man is showing off a present he has wrapped.", "A woman and a boy on the floor wrap presents in red and white paper as she talks.", "A young man sitting on a carpeted floor and wrapping gifts while an offscreen voice criticizes him.", "A teen boy wrapping a Christmas gift not so neatly.", "A boy is wrapping a present whilst talking to a lady.", "Boy sits on floor with wrapped packages, places tape along folded edge, and straightens tape with mouth.", "A teenaged boy and another person are wrapping gifts in red and white paper." ]
[ "他们正拿红白条相间的包装纸把东西包装起来。", "在一个室内的地面上,摆着很多东西,一个男子在用胶带贴东西。", "一个男人坐在地上用胶带认真地做着包装。", "一个穿黑色上衣的孩子坐在地上包装一样东西。", "一个人手里拿着一个白红条的盒子,一个男人坐在地上在打包盒子。", "一个年轻人坐在地毯上包装礼物,与此同时身边有个人在批评他。", "一个十几岁的男孩把圣诞礼物包装得不那么整齐。", "一个男孩一边和一位女士谈论,一边在包装礼物。", "一个穿着短袖的男孩坐在地毯上包装一个东西。", "一个十几岁的男孩和另一个人正在用红白相间的纸包礼物。" ]
[ "A person giving instruction on how to wrap a gift.", "A man is demonstrating how to wrap a present as his dog walks around the house.", "Someone discusses how to wrap presents on the floor while a dog looks around.", "Someone is wrapping a present as they describe how to do it.", "A woman is wrapping a present on the floor and a small dog is standing near her.", "In a residential setting, a Yorkie dog looks on as a demonstration is being shown by an off camera adult of how to properly wrap a present in Christmas paper.", "A little dog walks around as a person wraps a holiday gift on the floor.", "A person is wrapping a gift while a small dog paces nearby.", "A man wrapping a small present while his dog passes besides him", "A person is showing how to wrap a present while a dog watches." ]
[ "在房间,一个男士在用彩纸包装礼盒。", "一个人在用包装纸包装一个物品他的狗狗在旁边观看着。", "木质地板上有一只狗正在走路,一个人在地上展开了一张包装纸。", "一个人在用包装纸包一个盒子,一只狗在边上看着。", "在一个房间里,有一只小狗,旁边有一个人正在对盒子进行包装。", "有一个人正在演示如何用包装纸正确包装一份礼物。", "一个人在地板上包裹礼物时,旁边一条小狗在走来走去。", "一个人正在包装礼物,一只小狗在附近走动。", "一个男人包了一个小礼物,而他的狗从他旁边走过。", "一个人正在室内包装东西,旁边站着一只狗。" ]
[ "A female child at a table with various wrapping papers is wrapping up a square box.", "A young girl is wrapping a box up in Christmas wrapping paper", "A girl is wrapping a gift by herself in some wrapping paper.", "A girl is folding wrapping paper over a box and then grabs the tape.", "A girl in her living room is wrapping a gift that is on the table.", "A young girl measures and wraps a gift and then tapes it.", "It's the thought that counts when a young girl gives wrapping presents the old college try.", "At a table a girl is carefully wrapping up a box with christmas paper, she folds the paper over the top then reaches for cello tape.", "A young girl is wrapping apresent for Christmas and then tapes it shut.", "A little girl wraps a Christmas present on a bed while listening to music." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一个女孩正在包装礼物。", "一个小女孩用桌子上的纸包住了礼物盒。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小孩在给一个盒子上叠东西。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个女孩在叠桌子上面的纸。", "一个小女孩用包装纸将一个红盖子的盒子包了起来。", "一个年轻女孩包裹了一件礼物,然后把它录下来。", "一个长头发的女孩在柜台上包装着礼物。", "在一张桌子上,一个女孩小心翼翼地用圣诞纸包好一个盒子,她将纸张折叠在顶部,然后伸手去拿胶带。", "一个年轻的女孩正在包装圣诞节礼物。", "一个小女孩在用纸去包着一个盒子,手里拿着一个胶布。" ]
[ "A unwrapped board game before it cuts to it being wrapped up.", "A child makes a funny comment as someone throws a Christmas parcel on top of a playmat.", "Someone throws a present onto another present and says that is how they wrap Christmas gifts.", "A young boy is commenting on how they wrap Christmas gifts when a square of wrapping paper is dropped on the top of a gift.", "a small little boy talking while a present is covered with a box of Christmas presents", "A boxed game is displayed and then it is shown fully wrapped with gift wrap.", "A child's boxed toy is on the floor and a wrapped box is thrown on top of the toy.", "A little boy talks about the Christmas gifts that are gathered under the tree.", "A child is looking at a box decorated as a christmas gift and puts a lid on it.", "Someone is wrapping a Christmas gift that is a toy with Christmas paper." ]
[ "在一个房间里放着很多红色的礼物盒。", "地上放着很多礼物,一个小孩子在说地上金黄色这个礼物。", "在房间里摆放着很多圣诞礼物,其中一个礼物的包装纸是圣诞老人。", "一个人用手把一个黄色的带图案的东西放在了一个纸片上。", "一个女孩在说话,桌上有圣诞老人图像装饰的包装纸,还有礼盒。", "一个人正在讲述一个玩具,然后显示完成礼品的包装。", "在房间的地板上摆放着各种包装不同的礼物。", "一个小男孩谈论在圣诞树下聚集的圣诞礼物。", "一个孩子正在看一个装饰成圣诞礼物并盖上盖子。", "有人在房间里用包装纸在包裹圣诞礼物。" ]
[ "A woman seated at a table wraps a box with wrapping paper", "A woman is sitting at a table and demonstrating how to gift wrap paper", "A woman is wrapping a present and talking about how to do it.", "A woman is demonstrating how to wrap a present while using a ruler.", "A woman demonstrates how to wrap a present using red wrapping paper.", "A woman explaining and showing how to wrap a present.", "A woman in a patterned sweater shows how to wrap a cardboard box as a present.", "A lady pulls wrapping paper halfway up the box before she let the paper fall away from the box, and grabs a ruler.", "A woman is talking as she demonstrates how to wrap a gift.", "A lady is wrapping a box with red wrapping paper and using a ruler." ]
[ "一个穿着毛衣的女人正在给礼物进行包装。", "一个女人坐在椅子上,用包装纸在桌子上包装一个盒子。", "一个女子坐在房间里精心地包装着礼物。", "有一个身穿深色衣服的人在包装一个盒子。", "一个戴着戒指的女人在用纸包着一个盒子。", "一个女人在解释和展示如何正确的包装礼物。", "穿着图案毛衣的女人展示了如何将纸板盒包装成礼物。", "一位女士把包装纸拉倒盒子的一半,然后让纸张从盒子上掉了下来,随后拿起一把尺子。", "一个女人正在说话,她演示了如何包装礼物。", "一个女人正在用尺子把一个盒子用包装纸包起来。" ]
[ "Two young people are trying to decide how much paper to use when wrapping a gift.", "Two girls are showing how they like to wrap a present.", "One child telling the other one how to measure wrapping paper to wrap gift", "Two young girls unwrap a box containing a doll toy figure.", "Two people lay out a piece of wrapping paper and place a box on the wrapping paper.", "Two girls hold a makeup kit and talk about it.", "A person was packing some gift with some silver gift paper by keeping at one end", "A couple of kids talk about a game that they are going to play", "Two children work together to wrap a present while sitting on the floor.", "Two kids unwrap a toy that says Monster High on the box." ]
[ "两个穿着黑色衣服的人把一个盒子放到了一张亮纸上。", "一个人在向另外一个人请教如何包装玩具!。", "一个女孩把一个玩具盒子放在一张纸上,用手拿着它。", "在一张床上,两个女人在介绍一个商品。", "两位美女在用包装纸非常细心地包装礼盒。", "两个女孩一边拿出化妆包一边讨论它。", "两个人坐在床上正在用一些银质礼品纸包装一个盒子。", "有几个还在聚在一起谈论他们要玩的游戏。", "两个孩子坐在地板上,一起用礼物包装纸包装礼物。", "一个女孩和一个男孩正坐在地板上玩着玩具。" ]
[ "A woman wearing a watch has a box on top of a gift paper and a pair of scissors and a tape on top of a table.", "A woman shows the proper way to wrap a small present.", "A woman talks us through the items you need to wrap a box that has already been wrapped.", "A woman is describing how to wrap a christmas present including what supplies are needed.", "A woman is demonstrating how to wrap a Christmas present.", "A woman sitting at a table with a box and items to wrap the box adjusts the items in front of her.", "A girl is demonstrating how to wrap a box in gift wrap.", "A lady that's going to demonstrate how to wrap a present.", "Woman discussing the necessary tools to wrap a Christmas presant.", "A woman gives directions on the four things you need to wrap a present." ]
[ "房间内,一个女人,坐在桌边,摆弄着桌子上的工具。", "一个戴着圣诞帽的女人在演示怎样包装礼物盒。", "一个穿毛衣左手戴手表的人正在演示。", "桌子上放着剪刀和胶布,还有一个盒子,一个女人坐在旁边。", "在一个房间里,有一个戴着手表的女人坐在一张桌子前,桌子上面摆放了纸张和剪刀。", "一个女人坐在桌子旁,正在介绍一个盒子和包装盒子的东西。", "一个女孩正在示范如何包装礼品包装盒。", "一位头戴圣诞帽的女士将要示范如何包装礼物。", "女人在讨论包装圣诞礼物的必要工具。", "一个女人坐在桌子前清点桌上的东西,右下角有一个女人在坐着说话。" ]
[ "A person cuts wrapping paper and wraps up a soccer ball.", "A person cuts wrapping paper and uses it to wrap a soccer ball.", "A person puts a soccer ball on a piece of gift wrap and starts wrapping the ball.", "A person is seen cutting wrapping paper to wrap a soccer ball.", "A young boy tries to wrap a soccer ball in wrapping paper.", "A person cuts wrapping paper to wrap up a soccer ball.", "A person is cutting wrapping paper and wrapping it around a ball.", "A person kneels down, cuts and covers a soccer ball with wrapping paper.", "Music plays while a boy is cutting wrapping paper then wrapping up a soccer ball with the cut piece.", "Someone struggles to gift wrap a volleyball on the living room floor." ]
[ "一个穿绿衣服的人用剪刀剪一张纸,再用纸包住球。", "一个人用剪刀把纸剪开包住了一个足球。", "一个穿着绿色格子上衣黑色裤子的人在用纸包一个足球。", "一个人在一个红色的毯子上裁剪一块纸,包裹住球。", "在一间明亮的房间里,一个人正在拿剪刀比着一个球剪纸。", "一个人用剪刀剪下一张纸来包裹足球。", "在室内一个人剪下一张彩纸包扎一个足球。", "一个人拿着剪刀在房间里剪一块纸,把足球包住。", "一个男孩正在切割包装纸,然后用剪切的一块包裹一个足球。", "有一个人在地毯上用包装纸把排球包裹起来。" ]
[ "A man in a blue shirt is explaining and demonstrating how to wrap a box.", "A man is demostrating about wrapping something with a red wrapping paper.", "A man holding a parcel on a table gives instructions of how to wrap a parcel by folding the paper.", "A man is sealing a package and describing what he is doing.", "The man is demonstrating the correct way to wrap a gift.", "A man demonstrates how to fold the end when wrapping a present.", "A man is describing how to properly wrap a gift box.", "A man is trying to wrap a box in some wrapping paper while it is placed on a table.", "A man is demonstrating how to wrap a white box with red paper.", "A man is giving instructions on how to wrap a gift on top of a table." ]
[ "一个穿蓝色衣服的男人正在讲解如何折叠包装纸。", "一个男人在展示礼品盒的包装技巧。", "一个男子用双手轻轻的在折叠包装纸的封口处。", "一个男人在给白色盒子包红色的包装。", "一个男人在桌子上演示如何包装一叠白纸。", "一个男人在演示如何在包装礼物的末端折叠。", "一个男子正用双手在包装一个东西。", "当一个人把一个包装纸放在一张桌子上时,正试图用包装纸包好一个盒子。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人正在演示如何用红纸包装白盒子。", "一名男子正在演示如何在桌子上包装礼物。" ]
[ "A girl is wrapping a present and describing her day.", "A young girl is wrapping a box with wrapping paper and tape while someone else looks on and talks to her.", "A young girl is sitting on the floor wrapping a gift in wrapping paper.", "A girl wraps a gift set on the floor using wrapping paper and tape.", "A young woman is wrapping a present in her room.", "A girl uses tape and wrapping paper to wrap a present while talking about her day.", "A girl is sitting on the floor and preparing to tape a wrapped present.", "A girl is sitting on her floor wrapping a present with tape.", "A young girl is wrapping a gift and speaks something about that person", "two girls talk while one of them wraps a package in wrapping paper." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一个女人正在包装盒子。", "在房间里一个女人坐在地上拿着胶带在包裹盒子。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在用胶布粘一个包装。", "一个穿着白色外套的长发女子坐在地上弄包装纸。", "一个穿白色衣服的女人在包装一个盒子。", "一个女孩在房间里一边用胶带和包装纸包礼物一边谈论自己的一天。", "一个女孩正坐在地板上准备录一个包装好的礼物。", "一个女孩正坐在地板上, 用胶带包裹着一份礼物。", "一个穿着白色外套的女孩儿正在包装一个礼物。", "两个女孩说话, 而其中一个用包装纸包裹一个包裹。" ]
[ "A person is using some wrapping paper to wrap up a large gift", "A person is wrapping an art set in Christmas wrapping paper.", "A person talks about how to wrap a package and slides it on the table.", "A wrapping paper roll under a gift about to be wrapped rolling itself back up.", "A person has an item on the table and is preparing to wrap as a present.", "The edge of some wrapping paper rolls up to a boxed item then someone pulls the paper back and centers the item in the paper.", "A person is showing there christmas wraps for presents.", "A person demonstrates and narrates how to wrap a gift on a flat surface.", "A guy wrapping a present and one side rolls up", "A woman begins to wrap a present with wrapping paper." ]
[ "一个桌子上有一张彩纸一个人把它展开。", "桌上反铺着一张比桌面还大的彩纸,彩纸上放着一个蓝色包装的物品,彩纸的边向桌面中央卷起。", "一个人正在用彩色的纸来包装一件礼物。", "一双手推开了卷到一起的纸,并挪了挪放在纸上的盒子。", "一个人正在铺平桌子上的一张花色纸。", "在桌子上,一些包装纸的边缘卷到一个盒装物品旁,然后有人把纸拉回来,并将盒子放在纸中心。", "一个人正在演示如何包装圣诞礼物。", "一个人用手将一张卷着的纸铺在桌子上。", "一个人包装了一份礼物, 一边卷了起来。", "一个人准备在桌子上用包装纸包装礼物。" ]
[ "A woman cuts paper to prepare for wrapping a gift.", "A lady uses scissors to cut a piece of wrapping paper.", "A woman is wrapping a gift, while talking about it, and has a tall stack of Christmas gifts on either side of her.", "A woman draws her scissors down a roll of wrapping paper, and centers a box.", "lady is showing how to wrap gifts of different sizes", "A woman with presents to either side of her shows how to wrap them.", "A woman using wrapping paper to wrap a white box by using scissors to cut a piece of paper.", "A woman is cutting the gift wrapping paper to fit the box she's going to wrap and discussing it.", "A woman is demonstrating how to wrap gifts and she is cutting the wrapping paper with scissors.", "A woman describes how to wrap a gift as she demonstrates." ]
[ "一个女人手里拿着剪刀剪纸,坐在桌面前包着东西。", "一个身穿白色衣服的女人用一把剪刀把一张纸剪成了两半。", "在一个房间里,一个留着长发的人在包装东西。", "一个穿白色上衣的女人,在包装一个盒子。", "一个长发女子正在用剪刀剪开一张花色包装纸。", "一个女人正在展示如何包装礼物,两边放满了包装好的礼物盒。", "一个女人用剪刀剪掉了白色盒子下面压着的一张包装纸的一部分。", "一位女士正在剪礼品包装纸,以适用于她包装盒子。", "一个女人正在示范如何包装礼物,她正在用剪刀剪包装纸。", "一个女人正在演示如何包装一件礼物盒。" ]
[ "A woman is putting a box down on wrapping paper and telling people how to wrap it.", "A lady placed a box on a wrapping paper and positioned it to the center", "A woman is in her house on her knees wrapping a present", "A woman is wrapping a present while explaining how to do it.", "A person is on the table and is showing wrapping paper for presents.", "A woman shows how to line up a present in a gift box with the wrapping paper.", "A woman telling how to wrap a gift the proper way.", "A woman places a box on top of wrapping paper and begins to wrap it.", "A woman wraps a gift in wrapping paper while explaining the process and how to do it.", "A woman demonstrating how to gift wrap a large gift box." ]
[ "一个穿灰色上衣金色头发的女人用包装纸包装盒子。", "一个金色长发且穿着灰色连帽衫的女生正在包装礼物。旁边有一个沙发和一盏台灯。", "一个穿灰色衣服的女人正在用彩纸包盒子。", "一个女人在用包装纸包裹一个方形盒子。", "在一间明亮的房间里,一个女人正在包装礼物。", "一位女士展示了如何用包装纸包裹礼品盒。", "一个女人告诉如何以正确的方式包装礼物。", "一位女士将一个盒子放在包装纸上,并开始包装。", "一个女人在解释这个过程和如何做的同时, 用包装纸包裹礼物。", "一个女人示范如何包装一个大礼盒的。" ]