[ "A person is laying with a dog while they both open their mouths and yawn.", "A man and his dog yawn together and then the man laughs.", "A young males yawning, getting his black lab to yawn.", "A guy is staring at the camera with his dog and slowly yawning.", "A person with an orange shirt yawns next to a black dog.", "A man is laying down with his dog. The man begins to yawn, his dog then yawns.", "A kid yawns on camera as his dog lays on his lap.", "A young man is shown yawning with a black dog.", "A man and his dog both yawn at the same time.", "a boy lays next to his dog and they both yawn together" ]
[ "一个身穿橙色衣服的男子怀中有个小狗他们一起打哈欠。", "狗的旁边有一个男人张嘴在打哈欠。", "一个身穿红色上衣的男人在室内打着哈欠。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在打瞌睡。", "一个个穿着橘红色衣服的人抱着一只黑色的狗。", "一个男人和狗躺在一起,然后男人和狗同时开始打哈欠。", "一个男子把一条狗抱在怀里然后打了一个哈欠。", "一个年轻的男人正在和一条黑狗一起打哈欠。", "一名穿着橙色上衣的男子和他的狗同时打哈欠。", "一个男孩躺在他的狗旁边,他们俩一起打哈欠。" ]
[ "A woman wearing sunglasses yawns and makes screaming sounds.", "A woman wearing glasses in the kitchen starts to yell loudly.", "A girl is yawning and then she leans forward and screams.", "A woman is touching her mouth, smiling, and shaking her head.", "A woman seems to start off yawning but then for some reason she screams.", "A woman has her hand over the mouth and begins to scream.", "A person with sunglasses and blonde hair screams in slow motion.", "A woman in sunglasses pretends to yawn, speak, and scream to another person's voice.", "A woman yawns and then screams in a mans voice.", "A woman in sunglasses is opening and closing her mouth while a voice over is simulating a man yelling." ]
[ "一个带着墨镜的女人,张大嘴巴大声喊叫。", "有一个戴墨镜,长着黄色头发的女人在尖叫。", "一个戴墨镜的金发女子张大嘴巴发出尖叫声。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个戴着眼镜女人在说话。", "一个金色长发、戴着太阳眼镜的人张大嘴巴发出尖叫声。", "一个女人把手放在嘴边,开始大声尖叫。", "一个戴着太阳镜的金发女人露出了舌头和牙齿。", "一个戴太阳镜的女人假装打哈欠并尖叫。", "一个英国女人打哈欠, 然后用男人的声音尖叫。", "一位戴太阳镜的女士正在打开和合上她的嘴,一个声音在模仿一个男人的叫喊声。" ]
[ "A woman watching over her baby while it yawns and coos.", "a baby lays on a soft surface and yawns as he they look at the camera", "A baby is laying on its back and yawning while an adult is talking to it.", "A young baby is lying in a child seat and makes faces and yawns.", "A little girl lying on the chair opened her mouth and yawned", "A baby yawns and stretches it's arms out and makes a little noise.", "A small baby plays with her mom while lying down in her bed and then she yawns.", "A young baby yawns really big then he just sort of smiles.", "A baby lies on their back and sticks their tongue out yawning.", "A baby is yawning and stretching their arms out in a chair." ]
[ "一个小宝贝躺在一个沙发上打哈欠。", "一个婴儿躺在沙发上手不停的晃动着并做着打哈欠的动作。", "一个小宝宝前一秒还很精神,后一秒就打了哈欠。", "一个婴儿躺在床上,一会吐舌头一会张开嘴巴。", "一个婴儿攥着拳头挥舞着胳膊,后来打了一个大哈欠。", "一个婴儿躺在宝宝椅上,打了个哈欠,伸展着他手臂。", "一个小婴儿躺在床上玩耍,然后她打了个哈欠。", "一个小宝宝躺在床垫上,然后打了一个很大的哈欠,跟着微笑起来。", "一个穿着白色上衣的婴儿正在打哈欠。", "在室内,一个小孩坐在一个椅子上在打着哈欠。" ]
[ "A sweet little baby yawns big and the camera backs up to show a slight smile.", "A baby is yawning while being cradled in another person's hands.", "A person hold a babies head and the baby yawns in slow motion as music plays.", "a hand is holding the head of a new born baby while it yawns", "A baby with their eyes closed yawns while being held by an adult.", "A baby is asleep and yawning as it's head is resting on someones hand.", "A young baby is yawning in front of a camera, he is being held by an adult.", "A small baby was yearning continuously without opening her eyes do some movement", "a little baby that is yawning and slowly moving their mouth as they are being held", "A very young baby yawns as it's head is being cradled by an adult's hand." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个人,抱着一个正在打哈欠的小孩。", "刚出生的宝宝正在打着哈欠,可爱的不要不要的。", "一个光着身子的婴儿正在大声的哭泣。", "一个人手里捧着一个打着哈欠的小孩子。", "一个光着上身的小孩正在不停的张嘴。", "一个婴儿头靠在某人的手上睡着了,然后打着哈欠。", "一个小宝宝正躺在另一个人的手上舒服的张着嘴巴。", "一个小婴儿一直在向往着睁开眼睛的动作。", "一个婴儿正在打哈欠并且当他们被抱着的时候慢慢地打哈欠。", "一只手抱着一个婴儿,婴作正在慢动作打着哈欠。" ]
[ "A guy is lying on his back on the floor and holding up a young girl with his feet and arms.", "A man is laying on the floor with his legs up in the air and the woman is balancing on his feet and hands as he is twisting her around.", "Two people are doing a weird yoga pose while in the living room.", "A man lies on his back with his feet in the air, while a woman balances on her stomach on his feet.", "A male is on his back on the floor with his legs up supporting a female.", "The kids are trying to do an exhibition as the guy lays on the floor.", "A man is laying on the floor balancing a woman on his feet.", "A woman is balancing on top of a man but then half of her falls over.", "A man lies down on the ground and balances a young woman in the air using his hands and feet.", "A man and a woman are exercising together in a kitchen." ]
[ "一个男人用双脚支撑着一个女人进行运动。", "一个男人躺在地上,通过双手和双脚的支撑把一个女人举起来,并试图让女人进行翻转。", "一个躺着的男人用脚把一个女人顶在半空。", "在明亮的室内,两个人在做高难度瑜伽。", "一个穿黄色短袖的男人躺在地板上,用双脚举起一个穿粉红色背心的女人。", "一个男人躺在地上,用胳膊和大腿举起一个女人。", "一个男人躺在地板上,平衡一个女人在他的脚上。", "一个女人正在一个男人身上练平衡,但后来练到一半的时候摔倒。", "一名男子躺在地上用手和脚在空中撑起一名年轻女子。", "一个男人和一个女人正在厨房里一起锻炼。" ]
[ "A lady showing us a short clip of her doing yoga.", "A woman stretches and exercises in an outdoor desert area, then sits on a mat.", "A woman is shown doing yoga in fast motion in a desert and then she is shown sitting on a mat outside.", "A woman out in nature doing yoga moves with a brief advertisement in the middle.", "A girl is doing yoga outside and then an ad for displays.", "A woman, colorfully dressed in yoga attire strikes a yoga pose in the middle of the desert.", "A yoga instructor is making a video outside while music plays.", "A woman performs yoga in the desert, then in a clearing in a forest.", "A woman stands in an open sunny space doing yoga.", "A woman is first seen doing yoga in a desert and then changes to her sitting on a mat." ]
[ "一个女人在广阔的平野上做瑜伽锻炼。", "一个女人在树林里做瑜伽,后面还有一只狗。", "有个梳着马尾穿着吊带的女子在野外练瑜伽。", "在宽阔的土地上,一个穿绿色衣服的人在做瑜伽。", "一个女人在练瑜伽,周围还有很多树。", "一个穿着瑜伽服装的女人在沙漠中摆出瑜伽姿势,另一个女人坐在一块瑜伽垫上。", "一个女人正在示范各种各样的瑜伽动作。", "一个女人在沙漠里做瑜伽的动作,然后在森林的一片空地上练瑜伽。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人正在一各瑜伽垫上做瑜伽。", "一个女人在沙漠中做瑜伽,然后又在凳子上做瑜伽。" ]
[ "A group of people talking about some type of stretching class.", "A woman speaks about her training class, and some people are stretching.", "Men and women are in a studio and the group is stretching together.", "A news commercial is advertising a workout routine that has advised an NFL player.", "Clips of people in various yoga poses are shown while a woman talks about her class.", "A man and a woman in a dark room doing yoga.", "A young instructor is telling how she can cure anything that make you sick with her teachings to a group of students.", "A woman demonstrating a yoga pose to her members and then she was in a interview", "A fitness instructor is talking about her exercise class, and there are testimonials from students.", "A whole class of people are doing some strengthening exercises." ]
[ "一群人在室内整齐的做着瑜伽的动作。", "房间内一群人正在进行着健身运动。", "在室内的运动场,一群人正在做着不同的运动。", "一个穿着白色上衣的戴着耳机的女人在示范动作并给人讲解。", "一个戴着手链的人和一群人在做瑜伽。", "一个男人和一个女人在一个黑暗的房间里做瑜伽。", "一位年轻的教练正在对一群年轻的学生说话。", "一个女人在接受采访的时候向她的成员展示瑜伽姿势。", "一位健身教练正在谈论她的健身课程。", "一大群人正在房间里做一些强化练习。" ]
[ "A man on the edge of a mountain lays on his back with his feet in the air as a woman kneels on the soles of his feet and balances there", "A guy is holding up a girl on his feet out in the country.", "A person is standing next to the ocean and looking at the mountains.", "A man and woman perform acrobatic yoga while overlooking a cliff.", "Laying down on his back with his legs straight in the air a man holds up a woman perched with her shins.on his feet.", "A woman is staring off a cliff at a body of water and some mountains.", "a girl tries to balance on the legs of a man outside somewhere", "A man and woman perform a yoga pose together in a lake setting with mountains.", "Outdoors, a man laying on his back with legs in the air, holds a woman kneeling on the bottoms of his feet.", "A man lays on his back with a woman seating on his feet in the air." ]
[ "一个人躺着用双脚支撑起一个跪着的女人。", "一名男子躺在地上伸出腿而另一个女生坐在他的腿上。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的男人正躺在室外。", "一对情侣在山上做高难度的瑜伽动作。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有一个人跪在另外一个人的脚上面。", "一个男人正躺在室外的地面上抬起双腿,之后一个女人跪在男人的双脚上。", "在一个风景很美的山上,一个男孩躺在地上两脚朝天,他的脚上跪着一个女孩。", "在一个湖泊旁边,一对男女一起做着瑜伽。", "在野外,一个男子躺在地上高举双腿,另一个女人跪在男人的双脚上。", "一个人用双膝跪在一个躺在地上伸向空中的脚上,他的对面是一条河。" ]
[ "A women instructs how to pose in several yoga different yoga poses.", "A woman is demonstrating how to do a yoga pose while using a yoga mat.", "A person is performing yoga on a blue mat while someone else gives instructions.", "A woman is giving instruction on how to do yoga in a foreign language.", "A woman performs and instructs how to do yoga stretches.", "A woman is in a small room doing exercises on a mat and is talking at the same time.", "A woman is doing various poses on a yoga mat.", "A woman dressed in black, doing yoga on a blue mat.", "A woman doing stretches and exercises on a yoga mat.", "A woman performs yoga in a living room on a blue yoga mat." ]
[ "一个女人在地板上做身体拉伸运动。", "在一个房间里面,一个女子在锻炼身体,在一块蓝色的垫子上。", "在房间内,一个女人在练习瑜伽动作。", "一个穿瑜伽服的黑发女人在瑜伽垫上做瑜伽。", "一个女人站在蓝色瑜伽垫子上做着拉伸运动。", "一个女人在一个小房间里,在一个垫子上做瑜伽的同时说着话。", "一个女人正在一块蓝色的瑜伽垫上做着瑜伽。", "一个穿黑衣服的女人在蓝色的垫子上做瑜伽。", "一个女人在瑜伽垫上做伸展运动和运动。", "一个女人正在一个蓝色的瑜伽垫上做着一些瑜伽。" ]
[ "A woman is doing some different exercises while music is playing.", "A woman is doing squats with hand weight, then a woman stretches on the ground.", "Women are exercising,one doing strength exercises and one is stretching.", "a lady bends down and does a series of exercises in front of the camera", "There is a person with their back to the camera, wearing skimpy clothes and doing squats.", "A woman in short shorts does yoga, first bending over with behind showing then doing leg lifts on the floor.", "Two women are showing how to do various exercises while wearing shorts.", "Women are performing exercises that are very sexual and seductive in nature.", "Girls in short and sexy outfits are doing squats and stretching.", "A woman does squats with weights and then a woman performs a donkey kick stretch." ]
[ "一个长头发女人在明亮的室内做着不同的动作。", "一个穿着粉红色背心的女子开始拿着哑铃做运动,然后在瑜伽垫上做瑜伽。", "一个女的正在做着锻炼,先是蹲起,之后俯下身子。", "一名身穿蓝色裤子的女子,正在敞亮的房间内健身。", "一个女人两只手各拿着一个哑铃做半蹲直立的动作。一个女人在瑜伽垫上做瑜伽。", "一个穿着短裤的女人,双手拿着哑铃在健身。", "两个女人穿着短裤在房间内做着运动。", "一位女性在室内正在进行体育锻炼。", "一个穿着蓝色短裤的女人在一个房间锻炼着身体。", "一个女人用举重做蹲姿,然后一个女人做一个伸展的驴踢动作。" ]
[ "One woman lays on her back while holding up another woman using her feet and hands.", "two girl are in the living room one is on the floor holding the other girl in the air with her feet.", "a girl is lifting another girl with her legs and hands.", "One person is holding up another person on their back by their feet.", "A woman is laying on the ground with her feet propped up holding another woman until she is let down onto the floor.", "A person lying on the floor uses her legs to lift up the other female.", "Two girls are performing gynastics with one girl having her back to the floor and using her arms and legs to support the other girl above her.", "A woman is stretching her back while being held up by another person's feet.", "a person balancing another person while on the ground with both hands and legs", "One girl is lifting the other girls with her legs while she is lie down. Both seems exercising" ]
[ "两个美女正躺在家里的毯子上互相配合着锻炼身体。", "一人躺在地上,用双手双脚将另一人举在空中。", "两个女子躺在垫子上在做双人瑜伽。", "在明亮的房间,两个穿红色衣服的女人在做瑜伽。", "一个人躺在地上用手和脚撑起另一个人。", "一个人躺在地上,用她的腿把另一个女孩抬了起来。", "一个女孩正躺在地板上,用她的胳膊和腿支撑着另一个女孩。", "一个女人在被另一个人的脚抬起的同时伸展她的背部。", "一个穿着粉色短裤的女人在一个房间做个高难度动作。", "一个女孩在躺着的时候用腿把其他女孩抬起来。" ]
[ "A couple dances an intricate ballet dance in front of a crowd.", "Two people are performing an act on stage where the woman stands atop the man's knees.", "A male and female perform a balancing act where the man leans back and the woman stands with one foot on his knees and the other on his shoulder.", "A couple is in the middle of a floor doing ballet moves", "A dance couple are practicing ballet moves by themselves on stage.", "A man is and a woman are performing a dance while the man is holding the woman up in the air.", "A lady is balancing herself on a man's leg to music.", "A man and a woman are on stage performing a gymnastic stunt.", "Two performers are performing on stage as they get themselves into an awkward position to cheers from the audience.", "A man is holding a woman up off the ground while the crowd cheers for them" ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服的女人踩在一个穿白色衣服的男人身上。", "一男一女在舞台上表演高难度的舞蹈动作。", "一个男的和一个女的在舞台上表演双人舞蹈。", "一个女子单脚站在半蹲着的男子膝盖上,另一只脚搭在男子肩上。", "在一个舞台上,有一个女人和一个男人正在跳舞。", "一个女人站在一个男人身上在舞台上表演舞蹈特技。", "一位女士在音乐中用一个男人的腿保持平衡。", "一个男人和一个女人在舞台上表演体操。", "两位表演者正在舞台上表演, 因为他们让自己陷入尴尬的境地, 受到观众的欢呼。", "一个男人和一个女人在房间的地板上做着高难度动作。" ]
[ "A man rings a gong and then step onto a round yoga mat, puts his hands together, and begins to welcome the viewer.", "A man hits a gong before moving to the center of the room.", "A man rings a gong and then stands on a mat before leading a class.", "A man hit a gong, walked to the mat and brought his palm together", "A man hits a gong, then steps onto a yoga mat and welcomes the audience to the session.", "The man hits a gong, then stands on a circle mat and begins to speak.", "A man is hitting a gong and then starting a yoga routine.", "A person hits a gong and then stands on a map welcoming others to a meditation class.", "A man wearing a t-shirt hits a small gong with a hammer and then he steps into a circular mat on the floor.", "A man hits a gong then proceeds to stand straight with his hands clasped together." ]
[ "一个身穿白色上衣裹着头巾的男人在房间里敲锣。", "一名男子在敲响一面锣后双手合十站在了毯子上。", "一个穿白色短袖的男子敲响了圆盘,然后双手合十。", "一个穿着白色短袖的男人站在一个房间里。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着白色衣服的男人站着,他在说话。", "这个人打了一下锣鼓,然后站在一个圆形的垫子上双手合十并开始说话。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人敲了一下锣,在做瑜伽。", "一个人打了一个锣,然后站在地图上,欢迎他人来上冥想课。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人在家里敲了一下小铜锣。", "一个男人用手拿棒打一下锣,然后双手合十站直了。" ]
[ "a woman is spreading her legs while upside down with her hands on the floor", "A blonde woman is filming herself doing a handstand.", "A woman does a handstand all by herself in a room.", "A lady is standing on her hands while practicing yoga.", "A woman is doing a handstand next to a small wall and lowers her legs into a split.", "A young girl is doing a hand stand while spreading her legs to the sides without falling over.", "A woman holds the position of a headstand with her legs in the air.", "A blonde girl is doing a handstand then slowly lowers her legs.", "A person is showing how they do a handstand in a gym by herself.", "A woman does a really long handstand nearest the wall in a studio room." ]
[ "一个女人在瑜伽垫上练习倒立和劈叉。", "一个留着黄色长头发的女人在做瑜伽。", "一个穿着蓝色吊带花裤子的女人在倒立。", "一个女人正在倒立,然后慢慢地把双腿放下来。", "室内有一个身穿蓝色背心的黄发女人正在倒立。", "一个年轻的女孩正在做倒立,同时将她的双腿伸展到两侧而没有摔倒。", "一个女人保持着两腿在空中的倒立姿势。", "一个金发女孩正在做倒立,然后她慢慢地放下她的双腿。", "一个人正在展示他是如何在体育馆自己倒立的。", "一个长发的女人正在室内的地板上进行倒立支撑。" ]
[ "A woman does an array of stretches while enjoying a nice outdoor view.", "A woman doing her yoga stretches with a beautiful view of the valley beneath her.", "A woman does a stretching workout in the outdoors with breeze blowing.", "A fit young girl does yoga on her roof top on a sunny day in the desert", "A woman in workout clothing stretches on a rooftop overlooking a valley.", "A woman flows through a yoga sequence outside, overlooking a valley.", "A woman outside on a roof demonstrating different yoga positions with music playing.", "A young woman does yoga and stretching exercises on a hilltop.", "a woman outside in the open doing different yoga poses by herself", "A woman is working out and doing various yoga moves." ]
[ "白天的户外,一个女人,在地板上,做瑜伽。", "一个女人在户外做着各种各样的瑜伽动作。", "一个女人在山顶十分熟练地做着运动。", "一个穿运动衣的女子在空旷的地面上做瑜伽。", "一个穿着黑色背心灰色裤子的女人,在露天的地毯上面练习着瑜伽。", "一个女人正在室外,她开始练习着瑜伽动作。", "一个女人伴随着音乐声在屋顶上展示着不同的瑜伽姿势。", "一个年轻的女人在山顶上做瑜伽和伸展运动。", "一个女人在户外场地上做着不同的瑜伽姿势。", "在宽阔的室外一个女人正在瑜伽动作。" ]
[ "A street performer lies on their back while holding up a woman using their hands and feet.", "A young couple hold a gymnastic position with the woman inverted as music plays.", "A girl bending and holding her ankles is supported upside down on her shoulders by a man lying on his back, who then uses his legs to help her get down", "A man and a woman are performing a gymnastics routine outdoors on a sidewalk.", "A man and woman are performing yoga moves in the middle of the sidewalk.", "Someone stretching and being held up by someone else out in public.", "A girl is being held upside down above a man that his holding her and then she changes position while music is played.", "Two female street performers attempt to perform various strenuous acrobatic poses.", "An individual lifts a woman up while laying on the ground.", "An individuals lays flat on the ground and holds a woman up in the air from that position." ]
[ "一位躺在地上的女士用手举起了一个蜷缩这的女士,然后用腿支撑了这位女士的身体,让她的身体舒展开来。", "一个人背朝着地先用手托着一个孩子,后来手脚并用的托着,孩子被顶着做了一些动作。", "一个身穿灰色上衣的女子在街头玩着托举动作。", "一个人身穿着浅色的衣服在大街上表演。", "室外的便道上一男一女在做杂技动作,路人走过。", "两个杂技表演者正在一个广场上表演杂技。", "一个女孩被举在一个男人的上方,他举着她,然后她在音乐播放的时候改变姿势。", "两名女性在街头表演杂技,并且尝试着各种高难度动作。", "一个男人躺在地上把一个女人举了起来。", "一个人平躺在地上,并在空中举起了一个女人。" ]
[ "A group of people practice yoga and stick their tongues out.", "A group of people wearing all white is meditating and leaning forwards while sticking their tongue out.", "A group of people are sitting on the floor and then exhaling loudly.", "A group of people doing yoga together in an open room.", "In a studio, yoga is done using stretching and face movement.", "Six people all dressed in white are doing yoga in an empty room and they all lean forward at the same time and stick their tongues out like snakes.", "In a studio, a group of people are seated and performing a yoga meditation ritual.", "A group of people wearing white are siting on the floor and they are breathing out.", "Six people are sitting on their yoga mats and breath out as they lean forward.", "There are 6 people doing yoga, they are all dressed in white, there is a pretty female in the middle that the video centers in on as they stick out their tounges in an evil manner." ]
[ "四个穿着白色衣服的女人和两个穿着白色衣服的男人坐在地上坐着运动。", "六个人伴随着音乐在练习瑜伽动作。", "六个穿着统一白色衣服的人坐在地上坐着相同的动作。", "在一个明亮的亭子,一群身穿白色衣服的人练瑜伽。", "一群人盘腿而坐在瑜伽垫上,向下压着身子,做出了鬼脸。", "有六个穿白色衣服的人在房间里做瑜伽, 他们都向前倾, 把舌头伸出来。", "在一个工作室里,一群人正坐着做一个瑜伽冥想仪式。", "一群穿白色衣服的人坐在地板上,向前俯身伸出舌头。", "六个人坐在他们的瑜伽垫上身体前倾呼出气来。", "有六个人在练瑜伽,他们都穿着白色的衣服,中间有一个漂亮的女性,而这个视频中集中的是他们以一种邪恶的方式伸出他们的舌头。" ]
[ "A group of people in a studio doing a yoga pose.", "A yoga class is shown and then flashes of pregnant wemon with an odd japanese type song.", "A group of women are doing yoga meditation as music is playing in the background.", "A group of people do yoga on mats while music plays.", "First, people do yoga together, and then a woman stands on a curved white surface.", "Several people sit on mats on the floor with arms extended, then we see a picture of a woman on a hill.", "A commercial advertising a brand and showing a class full of people practicing their breathing.", "A group of women are doing yoga together in a class.", "A group of people appear to be meditating when a girl is then shown standing upon a hill.", "Many people are kneeling in a yoga class then a woman is shown standing on a hill." ]
[ "一群人在室内跪坐在瑜伽垫上张开双手仰着头。", "一群人在房间内坐着瑜伽,之后出现了一个女人和一个网站。", "一群人在室内正在张开双手练习着瑜伽动作。", "许多人跪坐在室内,他们都伸开双臂。", "在一个房间里,一些人正坐在地上做运动。", "几个人坐在地板上的垫子上做瑜伽,伸展双臂抬头看到一张一个山上女人的照片。", "在室内,很多人跪在地板上在练习瑜伽。", "一群女子正在课堂上做着瑜伽,然后看到了一个女子站着。", "当一个女孩站在一座小山上时,一群人似乎正在沉思。", "许多人跪在瑜伽课上,然后一位女士站在一座小山上。" ]
[ "A yoga instructor positions himself on a matt to show a yoga move.", "A man begins to pose in a different position on a yoga mat.", "A guy sits on a yoga mat then gets on his knees with his head down.", "A man explains his movements as me moves about on a workout mat.", "A man is performing a yoga move while giving instructions on how to do so.", "The man on the exercise mat is going to demonstrate another exercise.", "A man in a green tank top demonstrates how to get into proper yoga positions.", "A seated man on a mat gets down on all fours and then stretches back on his haunches.", "An older gentleman is giving instructions on how to do a yoga pose.", "A man on a mat moving to a yoga position while narrating." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色衣服的老人,在瑜伽垫上做运动。", "在地板上,一个穿着绿色上衣黑色短裤的金发男人在瑜伽垫上做瑜伽。", "一个坐在垫子上的男子翻过身慢慢的趴在了垫子上。", "一个穿着更深色衣服的人正在做瑜伽。", "一个长着胡子的男人在瑜伽垫上练瑜伽。", "在室内一个男人在瑜伽垫上做着伸展一个动作。", "一个穿着绿色背心的男人示范如何进入适当的瑜伽位置。", "一个坐在垫子上的男人四肢着地,然后伸展他的背部。", "一位老先生正在教如何做正确的瑜伽姿势。", "一个坐在垫子上的男子在叙述时移动到瑜伽姿势。" ]
[ "A woman is on a yoga mat and is doing a yoga pose with others.", "A person is doing yoga in a room full of candles and a few other people.", "A woman teaching yoga to a group while surrounded by candles.", "Yoga practitioner does upward and downward facing positions in class near burning candles.", "A group of people are performing yoga in a room.", "Some people doing yoga on mats placed on the floor, along with lit candles places near the mats", "A man in a tank top is instructing what yoga poses to do next.", "A lady with black vest and bottom are playing yoga with the candles are light up in the room", "A woman demonstrates yoga poses in her yoga classroom where the lights are dim.", "A number of people are seen performing routine stretches on a mat." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的短头发男人正在锻炼。", "健身房做一个男人正在瑜伽垫上借助哑铃做伸展运动。", "一个双手双腿脚尖着地的人慢慢从瑜伽垫上站起来。", "一些穿着舒适的衣服人在瑜伽房里的瑜伽垫上做瑜伽。", "一位外国教练在健身房,教大家,练瑜伽。", "一些人在地板的垫子上做瑜伽,垫子周围还放着点燃的蜡烛。", "一个穿背心的男人正在指导瑜伽的下一步要做什么。", "三个人在房间里面做着运动,他们慢慢的站了起来。", "一群人站在室内瑜伽垫上展示着各种瑜伽姿势。", "人们看到一些人在垫子上进行常规伸展运动。" ]
[ "Someone is doing a reverse leg raise while leaning against a wall and music is playing.", "While music plays a person stands on his head with legs against the wall and tries to balance.", "A person standing on thier head with both feet on the wall, then they remove one foot and hold it straight up.", "A person has their feet on the wall then they lift one foot off the wall.", "A person rests their feet on the wall while doing a head stand before they lift one foot off of the wall.", "The person is hand standing and using the nearby wall as support.", "A person listening to music while attempting to do yoga in an empty room.", "A woman is standing on her head and she rests her feet on the wall and takes one foot off the wall.", "A person stands on their head with their feet touching the wall then they lift one leg straight up.", "A woman is doing yoga standing on her head against a wall." ]
[ "一个人正在家里的墙面上倒立,并且还单脚靠墙。", "一个人将头埋在地上,脚撑墙,倒立着做运动。", "一个人正在房间里靠墙倒立,还向上伸直一条腿。", "一个人在蓝色的瑜伽垫上倒立,脚趾顶在墙壁上。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个胖女人正在做瑜伽。", "一个人正在利用墙作支撑来进行倒立。", "一个人在空房间里做着瑜伽动作听着歌。", "一个女人头朝下,她把她的脚搁在墙上,把一只脚从墙上挪开。", "一个人在房间内的瑜伽垫上靠着墙倒立。", "一位妇女正在做瑜伽,她的头靠在地板上。" ]
[ "On the floor two men are performing a choreographed flip together.", "A guy laying on his back holding and spinning another guy in the air.", "Two people are in the middle of the floor doing circus type moves", "A couple does yoga with a man holding another man up in the air with his feet, then the man in the air does a flip and lands on the floor.", "A man lays on his back and uses his arms and legs to support another person.", "A man laying on his back with his feet up in the air while another person is propped up in the air with his feet.", "Two men are practicing acrobatics using their bodies.", "Two people are in a room and doing some partner exercises.", "Two men doing gymnastics together, one is on his back with the other man on his feet.", "A man is laying down and holding another man in the air." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人和一个黄色衣服的男人在地板上做运动。", "一个男人手脚并用将另一个男人托举起来,并使其成功落地。", "在一个房子里,一个穿着黄色衣服的人正倒立在一个人的腿上。", "一个男人正躺在地上用脚支撑着另一个男人的身体。", "一个穿着黑色衣服躺在地上的男人将另一个男人举在空中。", "两个男性杂技表演者正在一间房间里表演杂技。", "两个男人正在进行高难度的杂技训练。", "两个人在一个房间里做一些伙伴练习。", "两个男人在明亮的房间里一起做体操。", "一个男人躺在地上把另一个人抱在空中。" ]
[ "Young people in a living room trying to duplicate acrobatic move shown on placard.", "Two girls trying to do a yoga pose and the a boy and girl trying.", "Pairs of young people are doing hand stands on each other bodies, and an example of it flashes on a screen and others are watching in the background.", "Different scenes of people in different push up positions laughing and watching other.", "Various people are shown doing stretches in the floor while a man walks on his hands.", "Two females attempting a joint yoga pose in the living room and then a girl and a guy attempting a joint pose as others sit around and watch.", "A group of people are attempting different yoga poses that involve climbing on top of one another.", "Two girls in a living room try to recreate a stance on top of each other.", "A group of teens try to do a planking challenge where one gets on the other.", "A couple girls and three guys are trying to do acrobatics and laughing a lot." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,几个人,在地板上做运动,旁边一些人在观看。", "许多年轻人在一个大房间里面聚会,一个男的趴在地上做游戏。", "一个家庭里的两个成员正在模仿瑜伽上面的动作。", "几个人在地板上做动作,沙发上坐了另外几个人。", "俩个女子再做双人瑜伽,然后图片显示正确的做法。", "两个女人在房间里尝试一种瑜伽姿势,然后一个女孩和一个男人试图联合姿势,其他人坐在那里观看。", "一群人正在房间里面尝试不同的瑜伽姿势。", "客厅里的两个女孩试图在对方身上再现一种姿态。", "几个人在房间试图完成一个高难度的瑜伽动作。", "在室内,有很多人趴在地板上,在做着一个动作,并且旁边有很多人在笑着。" ]
[ "Two girls do yoga together on mats in the park.", "A woman is outside and doing a yoga pose with another woman.", "Two girls are working together and doing yoga poses on a mat outdoors.", "Two women are out in the field doing there exercises.", "Two women are outside, they are doing yoga and posing together.", "Two young women do yoga exercise together in a park setting.", "Two women are performing different yoga poses out on the grass.", "Two women use each other to do more complex yoga poses.", "Two woman are practicing yoga together while outside in the woods.", "Two woman are using each other to stretch on a mat in the park." ]
[ "晴朗的天空下,两个人正在绿色的草地上练瑜伽。", "两个女人正在做体操,她们相互帮助彼此完成动作。", "在草地上,两个人正在做高难度的瑜伽动作。", "一个穿着绿色背心的女子和一个穿着黑色背心的女子,在做瑜伽。", "在户外宽阔的草坪,两个女人在练瑜伽。", "两个年轻女子正在公园里的一张瑜伽垫上面做瑜伽练习。", "两个女人在草地上表演不同的瑜伽姿势。", "在草地上,两个女人相互利用对方做复杂的瑜伽姿势。", "一个穿绿色上衣的女子和同伴在树林里一起练习瑜伽。", "两个女人在公园互相利用对方在垫子上伸展身体。" ]
[ "A man and a woman are doing acrobatic moves together while soothing music plays.", "Two dancers on the floor perform acrobatic maneuvers while music plays", "A man lays on the floor while holding a woman up by his feet, first by her back and then her shoulders.", "A woman is learning how to do a proper yoga pose.", "Two people are on a mat performing their acrobat routine on camera.", "A woman is performing a head stand as part of a dance.", "There are two athletes with one balancing on the other.", "A woman is shown being held by and perfectly balancing on the support of the person below.", "Two people are doing partner exercises on top of a yoga mat.", "Two women do yoga as one woman balances her body weight on her yoga partner's feet in the air." ]
[ "一个男人和一个女人正在练习室练习舞蹈。", "两个女人在练习非常高难度的舞蹈动作。", "有两个人很努力的互相配合着练习一个动作表演。", "在一个房间里,两个人在瑜伽垫上做运动。", "在一个房间里,有一个人把另外一个女人用脚顶了起来。", "一个女人正在表演一个动作作为舞蹈的一部分。", "一个男人躺在地上用手和脚把一个女人支撑在上面。", "一个女人被下面的人抱着并且下面的人支撑她完美的保持平衡。", "两个穿着黑色衣服的人在瑜伽垫上练习。", "两个女人做瑜伽,一个女人的脚顶着另一个女人的全部重量。" ]
[ "a man doing a yoga pose onto a mat indoors", "In a studio a man is slowly performing yoga movements.", "A young man is doing stretches to the tune of a popular movie theme.", "A man standing with his feet together, and with hands and arms stretched as far upward as possible bends at his hips as he brings his arms down and lays his hands flat onto his exercise mat, next to his feet and touches his head to his knees.", "A male practices his yoga moves by first stretching his arm up and then bending over to touch his toes.", "A man in shorts stretches upwards then slowly bends at the waist to place his hands on the floor next to his feet, pu this head down and slowly slide them forward", "The man in shorts is stretching and bending as part of his exercise.", "A standing man holding his arms above his head bends over and touches the ground with both hands", "A guy is doing yoga very slowly by bending up and down", "A man is showing how to properly do the different yoga poses on the floor" ]
[ "一个没穿上衣的男人弯下腰用手掌触地。", "一个光着上身的男人在毯子上做瑜伽动作。", "一个穿着白色短裤的人直立着弯腰把手放在地上。", "一个穿白色短裤的人在地毯上做运动。", "在一个房间里,有一个男人把双手放到了地面上。", "一个穿着短裤的男子双臂向上伸展之后慢慢弯下腰,双手放在脚边的地板上,然后头朝下双手慢慢向前滑动。", "一个男人正在房间的垫子上做着伸展运动。", "一个站着的男人抱着他的手臂在他的头顶上弯曲并用双手触地。", "一个人通过向上和向下弯曲非常缓慢地做瑜伽动作。", "一个穿白色短裤的男子站在地毯上做运动。" ]
[ "A woman sitting with her legs crossed and stretching to each side.", "A woman is performing yoga by leaning from side to the other side in her home.", "A woman is doing stretching exercises by shifting her arms side to side.", "A woman sat with leg crossed and stretched her hand sideways", "A woman sits crossed legged on the floor stretching while music plays.", "A woman does a side bend while seated cross legged then does a bend to the other side.", "A woman stretches to her right and then stretches to her left.", "A girl was doing yoga slowly by hearing the music at the background", "A seated woman does yoga-like stretches in a living room.", "A woman does lower lumbar stretches while music plays in the background." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的女人坐在沙发前面的地板上练习瑜伽。", "一个女人在沙发凳前的地板上坐着做瑜伽。", "一名女子正坐在家中的地毯上练习瑜伽。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个女人坐在地上在练瑜伽。", "在一个房间里,靠墙有一个沙发,有一个人女人坐在地面上。", "一个女人坐在地上,之后她开始做侧弯,完毕后又向另一侧弯曲。", "一名戴眼镜的女子向右伸展然后向左伸展。", "一个女孩听着背后的音乐慢慢地做瑜伽。", "坐着的女人在客厅里做瑜伽一样的伸展运动。", "当音乐播放时,一个女性做下腰椎伸展运动。" ]
[ "A cartoon woman is sitting in a yoga pose and relaxing under a palm tree", "A drawing of a woman sitting in a yoga position.", "A painting of a woman in a yoga stance is displayed.", "A cartoon woman sits on a beach with a palmtree in a yoga pose.", "A picture of a girl in desert is being filled with foreign music.", "A drawing of a woman sitting alone on an island", "A colorful poster showing a woman and a palm tree advertises a yoga class.", "An illustration of a female cartoon character in a yoga position.", "Picture of a woman sitting under a palm tree in a yoga pose and meditating while oriental music playing", "A cartoon figure is outside performing some sort of meditation." ]
[ "一个黑色的长发女人在闭着眼睛盘腿静坐。", "一个穿白衣的女人坐在一棵树下闭目养神。", "一个动漫人物正在双腿交叉静静地坐着。", "画片上一个穿着浅色衣服的人在听音乐。", "一个卡通人物盘腿坐着,旁边有一些英文字母和一棵树。", "一幅画中一个女人坐在沙滩上背后有一棵树。", "一张彩色海报, 上面展示着一个女人和一棵棕榈树, 为瑜伽课做广告。", "一个女性漫画人物在做着瑜伽的动作。", "一个卡通形象的女人坐在棕榈树下做瑜伽的姿势。", "一个卡通人物正在外面进行某种冥想。" ]
[ "A man attempts to balance a woman on his hands and feet only.", "A father is holding his daughter above with him with his knees at the beach.", "A man is laying on a blankt on a beach, while balancing a woman in the air on his feet.", "A man and a woman are on a beach doing acrobatic moves atop each other.", "A man is laying his back, balancing a woman with his feet and arms.", "At a beach, a man is holding a woman up in the air using his hands and feet whilst laying on his back.", "a man and a woman are on the beach together doing a very hard balancing act where the woman feet are on the man's feet and then the woman stands up on his feet/ balanced", "A woman had her knees on a man's feet as he held her in the air.", "A man and a woman are doing couples yoga on the shore of a lake.", "A man is laying on a towel with his feet in the air while a woman balances on his feet." ]
[ "在海滩边上一男一女正在表演瑜伽的动作。", "一位男人和女人在沙滩上进行杂技展示。", "在沙滩上,两个人做高难度的瑜伽动作。", "一个戴着墨镜的男人躺在地上,用脚举起了一个长发女子。", "一名身穿黑色裤子的男子和一名身穿粉色上衣的女子,正在海边玩耍。", "在海滩上,一名男子躺在地上,用手和脚将一名女子举到空中。", "一个男人和一个女人在海滩上一起做一个非常困难的动作。", "一个男子把她顶在上面的时候,用膝盖顶住了一个男人的脚。", "一个男人和一个女人在湖岸上做夫妻瑜伽。", "一名男子躺在地上,双腿伸向空中。一名女子跪在他的脚上并保持身体平衡。" ]
[ "A woman does yoga inside a room with music playing over.", "A person is in a living room and practicing yoga on a yoga mat.", "A woman is on a yoga mat doing different types of stretches.", "A lady was lying on her limbs , she brought up one of the legs and then down again", "a girl does yoga in her room on a carpet in front of her", "A lady is positioned on a floor doing leg exercises.", "A woman demonstrates how to do different yoga poses in her living room.", "Woman does different yoga stances on a mat in a living room area.", "A woman demonstrates yoga in a living room while her cat watches", "From a floor position, a woman demonstrates a yoga pose." ]
[ "一个金发的女人趴在瑜伽垫上,屁股向上拱起,双手和双脚撑地,低头,然后她抬起左腿向后向前向上踢腿。", "一个穿着黑色衣裤的女子在室内做着瑜伽练习。", "一个女人正在瑜伽垫上锻炼着身体。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的人在地上做运动旁边的沙发上有一只猫。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人在室内瑜伽垫上做瑜伽。", "一位女士在地板上的垫子上进行腿部锻炼。", "一位女士在客厅里的垫子上演示不同的瑜伽姿势。", "妇女在客厅区的垫子上做不同的瑜伽姿势。", "一个女人在客厅里练习瑜伽, 而她的猫在一旁观看。", "从一个地板的位置,一个女人展示一个瑜伽姿势。" ]
[ "Peaceful music is playing while a picture of a pregnant woman is shown meditating. It then goes to a woman who starts speaking to a camera.", "A woman is seated on a mat discussing prenatal yoga.", "I young woman in a cross legged position is sitting the floor in front of a white screen.", "A woman sitting in a yoga pose introduces herself by name.", "The yoga exercise during the time of pregnancy.", "A pregnant woman is sitting and preparing to perform yoga.", "A pregnant woman is pictured doing yoga followed by a woman sitting down in an empty room with her legs folded on one another.", "a person sitting down on the floor and then talking to the camera in front of them", "A woman sitting on the floor giving advice on yoga practices for pregnant women", "A photo of a prenant woman, showing her stomach, meditating in a cross-legged postion switches to a female discussing prenatal yoga." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色背心的女人交叉着双腿坐在地上说话。", "孕妇瑜伽老师给大家介绍孕妇瑜伽。", "一个怀孕的人坐在地上。一个女人坐在地上说话。", "一个房间里,一个穿着绿衣服的女人正在介绍孕妇瑜伽。", "一个穿着蓝色吊带花裤子的女人盘腿坐在地上。", "一个女人坐在地板上在讲着孕妇如何练习瑜伽。", "一个穿白色衣服的孕妇坐着,一个穿蓝色衣服的女人盘腿坐在地板上说话。", "一个女人在瑜伽室坐在地板上,然后对着镜头讲述着什么。", "一位妇女坐在地上给孕妇提供关于瑜伽练习的建议。", "照片中一个孕妇盘着双腿,双手放在腿上,露着肚子做瑜伽。一位女士盘腿坐在白色背景墙前说话。" ]
[ "A woman stands in a field surrounded by trees and begins yoga", "A lady in a white dress stands alone in a field of trees doing yoga.", "A woman is shown outdoors going into a yoga position.", "A woman dressed all in white practices yoga in a field of trees.", "A women in a white dress is standing in an orchard and practising yoga.", "A female doing a yoga move as she stands in a grassy area surrounded by trees.", "A woman is standing in the middle of a field with her hands folded.", "A young lady is preparing to do yoga outside on a grassy field.", "Woman in a white dress practicing yoga in an orchard on a sunny day.", "Roma Yoga flashes then a woman is seen doing yoga in a treed area." ]
[ "一个白衣女人站在树林之中双手向上举起。", "在舒缓的音乐中,一个女子在林间做着瑜伽的动作。", "一个穿白色衣服的人站在树林中举起了自己的双手。", "一位浅色衣服的人站在草地上跳舞。", "室外有一个身穿白色衣服的女人双手合十。", "一个站在树林中的女人正在做瑜伽动作。", "一个女人正叠着双手站在田野中央。", "在一片草地上,一位年轻的女子正在做瑜伽。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人正在一片空地上做瑜伽。", "罗马瑜伽字幕出现后,一个女人在一片树林里做瑜伽。" ]
[ "A woman is demonstrating a rather complicated and difficult looking yoga pose.", "A woman is on a yoga mat demonstrating a very hard position.", "A woman is doing an exercise routine on a mat with one leg crossed over her knee.", "A young blond woman is positioned on a mat and showing other people a special yoga movement where her right leg is positioned beyond her back.", "A woman performs yoga exercises by tilting her feet and arms on a rug.", "A woman making a tutorial on how to perform certain yoga poses with a mat", "A woman contorted into a yoga pose on a mat in an empty room.", "A woman demonstrates how to do a yoga pose properly", "A woman shows how to do a yogi exercise and how to do it the right way .", "A woman is instucting a yoga pose on a yoga mat." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色上衣的女人正在做瑜伽运动。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的女子将右脚放在左大腿上在练习瑜伽。", "一个女人在用条腿盘在另一条腿上两手撑地。", "一个穿着蓝色背心灰色裤子的金发女人正在瑜伽垫上练瑜伽。", "在明亮的房间内,一个女人在毯子上做瑜伽。", "一位女士在垫子上编写辅导瑜伽姿势。", "一个女人在一个空房间里的垫子上扭曲成瑜伽姿势。", "一位女士在地板上演示如何做好瑜伽姿势。", "一位穿着蓝色衣服的女士展示如何进行瑜伽练习。", "一位女士正在瑜伽垫上摆姿势。" ]
[ "A group of people are in a studio doing exercises like acrobatics where they are in pairs.", "Two people are laying on the floor and each is holding a person up with their legs.", "Two couples are doing yoga with the men holding the women up on their feet and flipping them while a woman behind the camera speaks and music plays in the background.", "Two people laying on their back on a matt are holding up another person with their arms and legs, then they gentle toss the other people into another positon while still holding them with their arms and legs.", "two men lying on their backs carrying women with their raised legs then turns them", "Two women lay flat on mats each supporting a woman with their feet and hands and flip the women with their legs to a new position.", "Two couples practicing a modern dance routine at a dance studio while a woman narrates.", "A pair of couples are performing pair yoga in a studio.", "Two ladies were lying on their back and they both have a younger child resting on their raised limbs", "A person is holding another person up using their feet, then flips the person over." ]
[ "两对男女在舞蹈房里相互配合完成高难度的动作。", "有两组人在做双人瑜伽,一个人躺着将另一个人支撑起来并翻转。", "两个躺在地板上的人用脚和手支撑两个女人。", "两组人在室内的地板上坐着双人瑜伽。", "两个人躺在地上,分别举起了一个人。", "两个女人平躺在垫子上,每人用脚和手支撑着一个女人,然后双腿用力将女人翻到一个新的位置。", "两对夫妇在舞蹈工作室练习现代舞蹈表演, 而一对妇女则叙述。", "一对夫妇正在一个工作室里表演瑜伽。", "两位女士正在室内的健身房里做瑜伽。", "一个人正在用四肢举起另外一个人,并将这个人在空中做着旋转动作。" ]
[ "Someone stretches their arms out and lifts themselves up with their butts, holding the position.", "A person does a yoga pose on a circular mat.", "A man in black pants and a black and white tie dye tee shirt, shows how to do a bridge pose in yoga.", "A white man teaching yoga and instructing you to press your arms down to the ground.", "A man is laying on a yoga mat, demonstrating how to do a bridge pose.", "A man explains a yoga move while having the soles of his feet and the back of his head on the ground, and his torso and upper legs lifted toward the sky.", "A man is lifting his hips while his back and feet are on the floor.", "A person in the Setu Bandhasaana position explains what he is doing", "A man explains how to do a strange looking yoga position", "A man is lying on a green mat demonstrating a yoga pose." ]
[ "一个人把身体立起来之后把手放在大腿底下双手紧握。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的女人在瑜伽垫上坐着瑜伽动作。", "一个身穿黑色裤子的男人在室内一张垫子上做运动。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的老人正躺在一块瑜伽垫上。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在做运动。", "一名男子在解释瑜伽动作,同时将脚掌和后脑勺放在地上,他的身体和大腿抬向天空。", "一个人正在一块地毯上抬起他的屁股,他的头和脚还在地毯上。", "一个人解释了他在 setu bandhasaana做什么。", "一名男子解释了如何做一个奇怪的瑜伽姿势。", "一名男子躺在一张绿色的圆形垫子上边讲话边做瑜伽。" ]
[ "Gymnastics practicing with a man on the floor on his back with all limbs upward and a woman trying to balance herself hand to hand and foot to foot.", "A man and a woman perform aerial yoga while watched by a spotter.", "A woman helps another woman balance as she climbs a man laying on the ground.", "A woman is being coached while trying to do acrobatics in a gymnasium.", "A woman laying on her back in a workout studio lifts another woman upward while a third woman stands and assists.", "A man is instructing others how to safely balance for a pile line.", "A woman is helping another woman stretch on a man laid down.", "A woman is trying gymnastic moves on top of another man.", "A couple tries to do a yoga together, while receiving support from an assistant.", "A woman balances on a man's legs with the help of another woman in a yoga studio." ]
[ "瑜伽垫上,一个女子扶着另一个女子和一个男子展示瑜伽动作。", "一个男人四肢朝上躺在地上,然后用四肢支撑起一个女人。", "在室内,一个人躺在地上,一个女人站在他腿上,另一个女人在身后扶着她。", "有三个人正在室内地面上练习瑜伽。", "一个女子和一个男子在做双人瑜伽,一名女子从旁辅助,一名女子坐在一旁观看。", "一个男人在地上躺着用腿支撑坐在男人身上的女人,男人也在指导女人如何在腿上保持平衡。", "三个人在明亮的室内锻炼旁边还有围观的。", "一个女人在另一个男人身上尝试体操动作。", "一对夫妇尝试一起做瑜伽,同时得到助手的支持。", "在瑜伽工作室里, 一个女人在另一个女人的帮助下平衡着一个男人的腿。" ]
[ "A woman demonstrate a yoga pose by bending over, touching a chair and lifting her heels up.", "A Lily Fit advertisement shows a woman on a yoga mat stretching her back while leaning over a chair.", "A woman stands on mat, bent forward, hands on a chair seat, and rises up on her toes.", "A woman showing the proper way to perform some yoga techniques.", "The woman is exercising by leaning over and putting her hands on a chair.", "A fitness instructor demonstrates an exercise in a studio using a mat and a chair.", "A title screen transitions to a woman wearing a blue yoga outfit in a yoga pose", "WOman demonstrates a stretch while bent over holdign onto a chair.", "A woman shows an example of doing an exercise while supporting herself while bent over and holding to the seat of a chair.", "A woman is talking while have her arms and back stretched using a chair." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色衣服的长头发女人正在做运动。", "在一个空旷的房间中,一个女人使用一张椅子作为辅助道具进行锻炼。", "一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的人正在瑜伽垫上练瑜伽。", "一个女人在瑜伽垫子上用一个凳子在做瑜伽动作。", "广告过后是一个女人在瑜伽垫上做椅子健身操。", "一个健身教练在工作室里用垫子和椅子示范一些瑜伽动作。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女子脚尖着地,双手放在前面的凳子上面。", "一位女士正在一个房间里站在一个蓝色的瑜伽垫上用一个椅子来拉伸自己。", "一个女人展示了一个做运动的例子,同时弯腰并握住椅子的座位,同时支撑自己。", "一个女人双脚踩在一块蓝色的垫子上,双手支撑在一个椅子上做运动。" ]
[ "Music playing while a man balances a woman above him with his arms and legs.", "A man slowly flips a woman in rotation using his feet while lying on his back.", "A man and woman are doing acrobatic stunts together.", "A man is laying down in the floor and spinning a woman around using only his feet.", "A man an a woman are doing floor exercises together.", "A man laying on a yoga mat is flipping a woman around with his arms and legs.", "A demonstration of yoga tricks by a woman and a woman on a mat.", "A man lays on his back and flips a girl around on his legs.", "A man and a woman are practicing their gymnastic routine on a mat.", "A lady is somersaulting on the man laid on the floor over and over again." ]
[ "一个穿黄色衣服的男子和一个穿蓝色衣服女子在做动作。", "两个人在瑜伽垫上表演双人杂技表演。", "一个女子和一个男子在练习双人瑜伽。", "一个男人躺在一个垫子上用双脚支撑着一个女人。", "一个男人和一个女人练习着杂技动作,旁边有几个人。", "一个躺在瑜伽垫上的男人正在用他的胳膊和腿翻转一个女人。", "两个年轻女人在垫子上做的瑜伽表演。", "一个男人躺在他的地上,一个女孩在他的腿上翻转。", "一个穿着黑色短裤的女人在一个房间进行锻炼。", "一位女士对着躺在地板上的男子翻来覆去地翻来覆去,一遍又一遍。" ]
[ "A man holds a woman up in the air as she does body weight exercises.", "In a room a man is on the ground holding up a women with his feet.", "A man is holding up a woman with his legs and arms.", "A guy is lying on his back on the ground holding up a woman with his legs and arms.", "A man on his back holds a woman overhead while talking her through an acrobatic routine.", "A man lying on his back is balancing a woman on his hands and feet.", "A man is balancing a woman on his feet and hands.", "A man is laying with his back on the floor, he is lifting the woman up on his feet and hands and giving instructions.", "Outside a man is laying on his back and holding a girl flat in the air.", "A man is laying on his back and holding up a woman with his hands and feet." ]
[ "一个男人躺在地上,用自己的双手 双脚撑起一个女人。", "一个男人睡在垫子上,用脚支撑着女人。", "一个男人躺在地上,用手撑起女孩的脚,用脚撑起女孩的头部。", "有个男子四脚朝天躺在地上,用四肢举起一个女人。", "一男一女在室外,铺着的地毯上做运动。", "一个男人躺在地上,正在用手和脚保持一个女人的平衡。", "一个男人正在用脚和双手保持这个女人在他身上的平衡。", "一个男人躺在地板上用脚和双手举起那个女人。", "一个男人躺在地上并把一个女孩用脚支撑在空中。", "一名男子躺在地板上, 用他的手脚举起一个女人。" ]
[ "A woman lies on a mat then performs standing yoga positions", "A woman is practicing yoga on a yoga mat before being approached by a man.", "A woman lays on a yoga mat then a girl is seen standing and soing stretches in a living room.", "A person is doing a fitness exercise by stretching her arms and lying down", "A girl is practicing ballet arm movements while music is playing.", "A women stretches and performs breathing exercises in work out clothes, while another person walks nearby.", "A young woman is stretching on the floor with her knees spread out and then another woman begins stretching her arms while on an exercise mat in a living room while someone walks in the room to her left.", "A woman is stretching for the camera when a man walks in and she smiles.", "A woman demonstrates stretching exercises on a yoga mat with another woman.", "Mozart is playing while a woman does yoga stretches in her living room." ]
[ "一个女人躺在地上,另一个女人站着活动双臂。", "一个女人在进行着瑜伽训练,后来房间里又走进了另外一个人。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在站着做运动。", "一个穿着背心的女人正在做运动,后来走过来一个人。", "一个女人在随着音乐做着运动,一个男人走了过来。", "在室内,一个女人伸展伸展身体在垫子上进行呼吸运动。", "一名年轻女子在地板上伸展身体, 膝盖摊开, 随后, 另一名女子开始在客厅的运动垫上伸展双臂, 而这时有人走在左边的房间里。", "在一个房间里面,一个女子正在做着瑜伽。", "一名女子与另一名女子在瑜伽垫上演示伸展运动。", "正在播放莫扎特的曲目,一位女士在她的起居室里做瑜伽。" ]
[ "People on a ship deck particpate in an exercise class while at sea.", "From beach meditation to yoga and exercise building healty minds and bodies.", "A montage of pictures of a yoga resort shows the landscape and many women performing yoga inside a studio.", "In two separate rooms groups of woman stand on yoga mats.", "Music plays while a sunset is shown, followed by photos of people doing ypga in a room.", "A sunset on a beach scene, followed by two scenes of women doing yoga in a studio.", "Still images are zoomed in and out of the beach and exercise classes.", "Some people are seen doing exercises in class rooms together.", "A group of women engage in an exercise technique which is yoga.", "A slideshow of beach scenes and a yoga studio set to calming music." ]
[ "在昏黄的海面上,旁边的海滩上有一个人。有四名女性分别站在自己的瑜伽垫上,一条腿往前,另一条腿向后,双手举起。有八个女性,分别站在瑜伽垫上,一条腿往前,另一条腿向后,双手举起。", "在风景优美的海边跳转到四个女人在做运动,再跳到一群女人在在所运动。", "屋外黄昏时刻,室内一群人伸出双臂在做着瑜伽。", "房子里有很多人在瑜伽垫上将双手举起。", "有一群人在宽阔的房间里面,做着各式各样的瑜伽活动。", "随着海滩场景中的日落, 一群人在演播室里做瑜伽。", "静止图像放大和缩小海滩和运动课程。", "有人看到有些人一起在教室里做休闲运动。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女子在室内坐着瑜伽。", "海滩场景幻灯片和瑜伽工作室放置平静的音乐。" ]
[ "A man and a woman are performing yoga with the lady doing tricks on the guy's legs", "A man is lying on his back on a towel on the grass outside with his legs in the air while a woman rolls over him in an acrobatic fashion.", "An man laying down on a blanket in the grass performs an acrobatic lift move with a woman.", "A woman is performing acrobatics while on a man's legs.", "A man and a woman are practicing gymnastics routines outdoors on a blanket.", "A man and woman practicing their dance exercises in the park.", "In an outside setting, A couple are performing acrobatic yoga by balancing one another.", "A man laying on the ground lifts a woman in the air with his legs.", "A man and a woman are practicing acrobatic moves with him on the ground holding her up with his feet.", "A man balances a woman on his legs as she twirls around on his support at the pa.rk" ]
[ "在一片草地上有一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在练习瑜伽。", "一男一女在一片绿色的草坪上做双人瑜伽。", "两名特技表演者正在草地练习他们的动作。", "一个穿着条纹背心的女子被一个穿着黑衣的男子举起悬在空中做瑜伽。", "在一片绿色的草坪上,一个男人和一个女人,在做运动。", "一个男人和一个女人正在公园里练习舞蹈。", "在外面的环境中,一对夫妻通过相互平衡表演杂技瑜伽。", "一名躺在地上的男子用双腿将一名女子举到空中。", "一对男女正在练习杂技动作,他在地上用双脚支撑着她。", "一个男人在一个女人的腿上保持平衡,她在这个男子身上旋转。" ]
[ "A man does a stretching exercise on a woman's leg as she lays on a mat.", "a man is showing a woman how to properly do her stretches by stretching her leg", "A man is stretching the leg of a woman who is lying on the ground.", "A woman does a variety of stretches, assisted by two men.", "A woman being helped to exercise having her leg stretched out by a man", "A woman is laying on a mat on grass with a man helping her stretch.", "A woman lays on a yoga mat as a guy stretches her leg by holding it close to her chest.", "A woman lays on a blanket in the grass with one leg down that a man holds with his foot, and the other leg up being stretched by a different man.", "A woman is laying on her back as a man stretches out her left leg.", "A woman lays on a mat outside while a man pushes on her leg to stretch it, music plays." ]
[ "一个女子躺在白色的垫子上两个男子在帮他压腿。", "草坪上,一个男人正在帮一个女人压腿,旁边还有一个穿着花短裤的男人在看着。", "一个穿着红色上衣的女人正在练瑜伽。", "一个男人正在替一个女人舒展身体,旁边还有人看着。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在交别人动作。", "在一片空地上,一个女人躺在垫子上,旁边两个男人正在帮助她做一些动作。", "一个女人躺在瑜伽垫上,一个男人把腿伸到胸前,伸出一条腿。", "一个女人躺在草地上的一条毯子上,一条腿朝下,一个男人用脚抓住,另一条腿则被另一个男人拉伸着。", "一个男人给一个躺在地上的女人做压腿辅助。", "一个女人平躺在垫子上,一个男人在推着她的腿做伸展运动。" ]
[ "A glass elevator goes to the top af a building where people are doing yoga.", "A group of people ride an elevator up to the top of a building and perform yoga.", "People are riding up an elevator and then people are sitting and meditating.", "People are shown in an elevator, then others are shown doing yoga together, music plays.", "People go up in an elevator before people doing yoga is shown.", "A group of people are climbing up in a building elevator, then a group of people are meditating on the terrace", "A group of people doing different things throughout the city", "A group of people ride an elevator, practice yoga, and walk around a building in a city.", "People rid up an elevator then sit down, close their eyes, and meditate.", "People are doing daily activities around a city setting, then there is an indication of a yoga challenge." ]
[ "电梯正在往上爬,穿黄色衣服的女孩正在练习瑜伽。", "很多人聚集在一起坐在地上闭眼睛冥想。", "在一个宽阔的室外,许多人乘着电梯向上。", "一群人坐着电梯然后一群人在闭目打坐。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的人正在坐着说话。", "一群人乘坐电梯向上移动着,然后一群人在露台上冥想。", "一群人盘腿的坐在楼顶的地上闭目养神。", "一群人乘坐电梯,练习瑜伽,在城市的建筑物周围走动着。", "一群人在一个女人的带领闭上眼睛在冥想。", "人们在城市环境中进行日常活动,然后有人在做瑜伽。" ]
[ "One woman instructs another in the proper positioning for a yoga pose.", "A woman sits with legs crossed on a brown mat while another guides her.", "A lady is showing another lady how to do a particular workout pose.", "A lady seated on a mat is being assisted by another female to attain a specific posture.", "A woman instructs another woman on the proper way to sit cross-legged on a yoga mat.", "A woman is seen showing another woman how to perform a yoga pose", "A yoga instructor uses a model to show proper form and technique of a yoga pose.", "A woman is sitting on a yoga mat on the floor while another woman gives instructions.", "a couple of women practice some kind of yoga and one of them speaks about it", "a lady in all black sits in a pose with other people" ]
[ "一个女子将自己的左腿放在自己的右腿上面。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在另一个女人的指导下做动作。", "一个穿黑色上衣的女人蹲在地板上正在练习瑜伽。", "一个人在教另一个穿黑色衣服的女子做瑜伽动作。", "室内有一个女人盘腿坐在瑜伽垫上面,旁边蹲着一个女人。", "一个女人向另一个女人展示如何进行瑜伽姿势。", "瑜伽教练正在教导一个女孩怎么在瑜伽垫上进行瑜伽锻炼。", "一名女子坐在地板上的瑜伽垫上, 而另一名女子则给出指示。", "一个女人指导另一个女人练习瑜伽。", "一位穿全黑衣服的女士和别人坐在一起摆姿势。" ]
[ "A groups of three women sit outsid eint he grass with their legs spread as they do stretches to the sky and to the sides.", "Three women sit in a windy field of grass practicing stretching exercises.", "three women sit on the grass together and talk to each other", "Three young ladies sit in the grass doing yoga stretches with each other.", "Three women sitting in a park sitting in a circle practicing meditation", "Three woman sitting outside in a grassy field do stretches together.", "A yoga instructor is having her class try the move again.", "A group of three women are doing relaxing yoga outside on the grass.", "Three women are sitting on the grass doing outdoor stretches and yoga.", "Three women sit in a field and stretch their arms upwards." ]
[ "绿色的草坪内,三个女人,坐在上面做瑜伽。", "三位女人在宽广的草地上做瑜伽动作。", "三个女人两脚分开坐在草地上,她们举起双手握住又放下来。", "三个女人坐在一片绿色的草坪上,做着瑜伽。", "三个女人,坐在户外宽阔的草坪坐游戏。", "三个女人叉开腿坐在外面的草地上一起伸展。", "三个女人在一片草地上张开双腿,双手握紧在地上做瑜伽。", "三个女人正在外面的草地上做放松瑜伽。", "三个女人坐在草地在户外伸展运动。", "三个女人坐在一个草地里,双腿张开,双臂向上伸展。" ]
[ "A woman and two men are dancing along to music in a synchronized fashion.", "A white woman is dancing in a tropical place with two black men wearing red pants.", "A blonde white woman is dancing between two black men to reggae music.", "A group of people are dancing outside to music in unison.", "Two black men and one white woman dance to island music outside.", "Three very fit people are doing a workout to Caribbean music outside on the grass near some tall palm trees.", "An instructional video with a woman and two men dancing as a form of exercise.", "Caribbean style dancers stomp it out on green grass amongst palm trees.", "Two men and a woman begin to dance to music outside.", "three people are dancing together in the grass outside with each other" ]
[ "一个女子在和两个男子听着歌跳舞。", "一男两女正在跳舞,两个黑人男性正在和一个白人女性跳舞。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一群人正在跳舞。", "三个穿着短裤的人在室外的草坪上跳着舞。", "一群穿着深色衣服的人正在草地跳舞。", "三个非常健壮的人正在做一个一片草地上跟着加勒比音乐锻炼着。", "一个女人和两个男人在草地上一起跳舞。", "加勒比风格的舞者踩在绿草丛中的棕榈树旁边。", "两个男人和一个女人在外面跳着舞。", "在室外的草地上,很多人正在随着音乐跳舞。" ]
[ "A man is standing with others in a dance studio and performs a sequence of dance movements.", "A group of people in a dance studio being taught dance moves by a male dance instructor.", "A man is leading a group of people in a fitness dance.", "A group women and a male instructor are exercising inside a studio.", "A group of people are doing aerobic exercise together inside of a building.", "A lot of people are in a room and following a man in the front dancing.", "A group of people is learning how to dance following the example of an instructor.", "A man teaches a of mostly women class how to dance", "a man is leading a large dance class in the gym.", "A man explains his exercise and demonstrates it for the class." ]
[ "一个戴眼镜的男人领着许多人在跳舞。", "有一群人在舞蹈室里随着音乐跳舞。", "一个男人在前面领舞,后面站了好几排的人跟着他跳舞。", "一群人在室内跟着音乐一起在跳舞。", "在一个房间里,很多人在一起跳舞,领头的是一个戴着眼镜的男人。", "在一个房间,一群人跟着音乐进行着有氧运动。", "一群人在一个房间里跟着前面的人跳起舞。", "一个男人教一个以女子为主的班跳舞。", "一个男人正在健身房里引导一群人跳舞。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人和一些人在室内跳舞。" ]
[ "Bunch of kids on a stage trying to get the audience to dance along.", "A Zumba instructor leads a group exercise class with students of all ages.", "A large group of fitness students are practicing in the gym together.", "A group of people are dancing in unison in a gymnasium.", "A very large group of women are exercising in while watching the instructor on stage.", "A large group of people are doing dance exercises on a basketball court being led by some adults and children on a stage.", "In a gymnasium, people on a stage lead people on the floor in exercising movements of arms and legs.", "In a gym a group of people are following dance moves from people dancing on stage.", "A group of people on a stage, adults and children, are leading a group in a gym in a dance routine.", "A trainer leads an exercise class while onstage among adults and kids." ]
[ "球场上一群人在跟随着旁边看台上的人一起跳舞。", "在一个体育场内,许多人在跳着同一种舞蹈,跳着跳着一个穿着白色背心的女人拍了一个穿着黑色背心的小男孩的脸蛋。", "一群身穿短袖的人正在跟随舞台上的人跳舞。", "一群人在跟着一个人做相同的动作。", "有很多人在跳舞,旁边的舞台上还有一些小朋友也在跳舞。", "一大群人在舞台上的一些成年人和儿童带领下在篮球场上进行舞蹈练习。", "舞台下的一群人正在跟随舞台上的人做着一样的舞蹈动作。", "一个健身房里,一群人正在跟随舞台上的舞蹈人们一起舞蹈。", "在舞台上的一群人,成年人和孩子,带领一群人进入一个健身房的舞蹈动作。", "一个教练带领一个健身班的同时,在台上成人和孩子。" ]
[ "A group of people are doing either a workout or a dance routine.", "A group of women are standing on a baseball field dancing then they start to run around in circles.", "A group of women are doing a dance on a track field", "A group of women are dancing outside in a synchronized motion.", "On a field, several teen girls practice a dance routine and celebrate.", "A group of oung girls are shown dancing in unison in the grass to music, then they run around cheering.", "Some girls are all doing an exercise dance routine in formation, and then suddenly on cue, go running about in all directions on a clay tennis court.", "A group of people are on a field and are performing a dance.", "Girls in pink shirts stand in formations dancing then running around.", "Women in tight athletic clothing dance on a dirt field." ]
[ "一群人在场地上跟着音乐节奏在跳着舞。", "一群人正在随着音乐欢快地跳着舞。", "一个身穿红色上衣的女子在操场上跳舞。", "一群穿着浅色衣服的人在操场上跳舞。", "一群穿着背心和短裤的女人在室外跳舞。", "一群年轻女孩听着音乐在草地上一起跳舞,然后他们四处欢呼。", "有些女孩都在练习舞蹈的常规形成,然后突然提示,在红土网球场四处奔跑。", "一群女人在空旷的田野上表演舞蹈。", "穿粉红上衣的的女孩站在队列里翩翩起舞。", "穿着紧身运动服的女性在泥地上跳舞。" ]
[ "A group of female dancers perform on a stage surrounded by their audience.", "With a video screen behind them many scantily clad women dance to the music.", "A group of women wearing boots and skimpy outfits do a dance on stage.", "A group of people dancing on a stage in front of a crowd of people.", "A group of girls dancing on stage wearing shorts and a see through scarf.", "A group of women are dancing a choreographed routine to music on a stage.", "Several women are performing a dance while a group of people watch", "The ladies are dancing on stage in front of a large crowd.", "A group of dancers are on a stage and dancing inappropriately to music.", "A group of people dancing on the stage as people watch them perform." ]
[ "一群女人跟随着音乐在舞台上表演街舞。", "一群漂亮的女生在舞台上伴随着音乐跳着优美的舞姿。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的女人正站在舞台上。", "一群披着白纱带着白色假发的女子在舞台上跳舞。", "一群白色头发的女人在台上跳着舞。", "一群女性正在舞台上,跳着编排好的舞蹈。", "一群穿着舞蹈服装的女孩在舞台上跳舞,一群人在观看。", "一群女人们正在舞台上面高兴的表演着。", "一群舞蹈演员正站在舞台上,随着音乐跳舞。", "一群人在舞台上跳舞, 人们看着他们表演。" ]
[ "A group of people are taking part in a dance exercise class.", "A group of people in an aerobic studio dancing to music while the instructor shows the different moves.", "a group of people do some dances with each other in a gym", "A group of people dancing with an instructor in front of them.", "Several people are in a dance class following the instructor as he moves.", "A group of people dance in tandem inside an exercise studio.", "An instructor is leading an ecersize class with many people.", "People in a gym doing dance exercises in a class setting while music plays.", "a group of people are dancing together doing the same moves.", "In a gym a dance class is being held while a man demonstrates and a group follows." ]
[ "一群人在舞蹈室里面跟随着音乐跳舞。", "一名穿着鲜艳黄色裤子的男子正在带领一群妇女跳舞。", "一个身穿黑色上衣的女子在房间里练习健美操。", "在一个宽阔的房间里,有几个人在跳舞。", "多男男女女在跳着舞,旁边一个大大的镜子。", "有一群人正在一间带有镜子的房间里一起上舞蹈课。", "一个舞蹈老师带领着一群人在舞蹈室里面跳舞。", "健身房里的人们在课堂里随着音乐进行舞蹈练习。", "一群人在一个房间里一起跳同样的舞蹈。", "在健身房里,正在举办舞蹈课,一个人在示范,一群人紧随其后。" ]
[ "These group of people are at a concert dancing.", "In an outdoor space a large group of people are following a person on a stage doing aerobics.", "In an outdoor area, dozens of women perform a dance exercise routine to music.", "Group of people dancing a syncronized salsa dance at an outdoor festival.", "A group of women exercising outside to Latin music.", "A large group of people are performing exercises in front of a stage where people are leading the group", "A group of people are doing an aerobic in a park.", "People are dancing in an execise-type way in a public square while watching a live performance on the stage.", "A large group of women are doing dancing aerobics outside in a parking lot", "A group of people at an outdoor celebration perform a synchronized dance to music." ]
[ "一群人正在广场上跟着音乐一起跳舞。", "在某一个节日的现场,一群人正在伴着音乐起舞。", "一群人在空地上跟着舞台上的人一起跳舞,舞台上还放着音乐。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一群人在伴随着音乐跳舞。", "在一个广场,有很多人在一起跳舞。有一个男人推着推车从跳舞的人群中走过。", "一大群人在舞台上人们的领导下在露天场地前进行练习。", "一群人正在公园里跟着音乐做着有氧运动。", "在观看舞台上的现场表演的同时,人们正在公共广场上以exe exe风格的方式跳舞。", "大批妇女正在外面的停车场做有氧运动。", "一群人在户外举行的庆祝活动一起与音乐同步舞蹈。" ]
[ "Three woman are dancing in front of a room and trying to get others to do it.", "Three young girls are doing a dance in sync to each other and music that is being played.", "Three women are doing a dance exercise while wearing bright clothes.", "A group of women dance together to music that is playing.", "Three girls are in a gym doing the same dancercise to the beat of music.", "A group of three women are dancing to some choreography.", "Ladies dance to Zumba Choreography in a workout class atmosphere.", "Women in brightly colored clothes step back and forth and put their up and roll their hips while dancing in front of a class leading a Zumba class.", "Three women are performing a dance routine to music in a studio.", "In a dance floor, three woman with sport, tight clothes are practing a dance routine." ]
[ "三个穿着不一的长发女人正在兴奋的跳着舞。", "三个女人在舞蹈室跟着伴奏开心的跳舞。", "三个衣着不同的女人,一起跳着欢快的舞蹈,释放自我。", "三个女人在木地板上跳舞,其中一个女人穿着橙色的裤子。", "室内有三个女人正在跳舞,其中一个女人戴着黑色的帽子。", "三个女人在屋子里随着音乐声跳舞。", "几个女人在室内的健身房里跟随着音乐跳舞。", "穿着颜色鲜艳衣服的妇女,在教练的带领导下,扭动臀部跳起了舞。", "三个女人在室内体育馆表演一套舞蹈动作。", "在舞蹈室里,三个穿着运动服、紧身衣的女人正在跳舞。" ]
[ "On a dance floor, two lines of people are dancing in sync to a song that is being played.", "A lot of adults are at a dance studio practicing to dance in a line.", "Women do a modern dance together in a studio to loud music.", "Two lines of people face each other in a gym, with an instructor at the end, and dance and move to music.", "A large group of people are following the moves of an instructor.", "A group of women exercise in a dance workout class", "A group of women are dancing in a dance studio", "Two lines of people dance and cheer in time to music.", "In a dance hall, the participants are dancing to the music together as a group.", "Several woman are dancing to loud music and screaming in excitement during an exercise session which is being led by a an instructor." ]
[ "一群人站在两侧跟着老师跟着音乐在跳舞。", "在一个宽敞的室内,一群女人站成两排跟着舞蹈老师一起跳舞。", "很多的人在屋子里伴随着音乐的节奏跳起了舞。", "两队人面对面站着学习着中间的人一起做动作。", "在一个宽敞的舞蹈厅,一群人在跳舞。", "在舞蹈锻炼室里有一群妇女正在锻炼身体。", "在一个房间内一群人正在跟着音乐的节奏跳舞。", "一群人在音乐中开心的跳舞和欢呼着。", "一群人在一个舞蹈室内排成两排跳舞。", "在一个有教练带领的锻炼课程中,有几个女人在跳舞。" ]
[ "A group of women in an indoor workout facility do Zumba dance moves.", "A whole bunch of people are in a building doing the same dance together.", "At a covered outdoor facility, a group of women perform a workout dance together.", "People perform a dance with many raised arms moves in a synchronized group.", "A gym class full of women dances to the music.", "Aerobic class stands in rows lifting and crossing arms and stepping back and forth sideways.", "A bunch of women are exercising to music via dance moves in a large outdoors building with the curtains up.", "a group of women is working out in a studio.", "A group of people dancing to music playing.", "A group of people who are all doing the same dance moves as a group." ]
[ "在一个广场上,一群人正在跳着啦啦操。", "一群人在一个大棚里跟推着音乐有节奏地跳动着。", "一群人穿着远动装在一个空地上跟着音乐跳舞。", "在一个室内广场里,一群女人正在跳舞。", "晚上在院子里,一群人跟着音乐在舞蹈。", "有氧运动班排成排,交叉的举着手来回走动着。", "一群女人在舞动着双手双脚跳着舞。", "一群女人正在工作室一起跳舞锻炼身体。", "一群人随着音乐演奏在一个场地跳着舞。", "一群人跟着音乐一起做同样的舞蹈动作。" ]
[ "Several women are in a dance studio practicing a dance routine.", "A group of girls in a hall were dancing the zumba dance step in unison", "a large group of ladies out on the floor dancing.", "Many women performing dance moves to music in a large venue.", "The women are at a fitness dance class, and they all dance to the music together.", "Several women are dancing on a dance floor while music plays in the background.", "a group of woman in a dancing studio doing a few dances together", "A woman is instructing other women in a dance class.", "A group of women with colorful tops dance in a studio with a wooden floor.", "Women in a yoga studio dance to a korean pop song." ]
[ "一群人子啊舞房跟随着音乐江南style跳起了舞蹈。", "一群女人在舞蹈室内伴随着音乐跳舞。", "一群女的在舞蹈室里站好队列,并跟着音乐在跳舞。", "几个穿着不同衣服的人,在舞蹈室内跳舞。", "在一个房间里,有很多人正在做健身运动。", "一群人正在室内随着音乐跳着舞蹈。", "一群人在室内听着音乐,一起跳了起来。", "一个女人正在教其他的女人跳舞蹈课。", "一群穿着五颜六色的上衣的妇女在一个木制地板的工作室里跳舞。", "瑜伽工作室里的女人随着韩国流行歌曲跳舞。" ]
[ "A group of people are taking a dance class in a studio.", "A large group of people gathered together in a dance studio, dance in unison to music.", "An instructor is leading a group of women in a aerobic fitness class.", "A man teaches a dancing class to a group of older women.", "A trainer leads a group of women in an exercise class", "Inside of a gymnasium a group of young people are dancing to hip hop.", "A large group of people are attending a dance class.", "Two men instructing a dance course with women following the dancing.", "A man is leading an exercise dance class for a group of women.", "Two men are conducting an exercise class full of women." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一些女人,在跟这样一个男人跳舞。", "一群人在一个男人的带领下,伴随着音乐声舞动身体。", "一个男子在教许多人在教室里学习跳舞。", "在一个房间里,一个戴着帽子的人带着一群人在跳舞。", "一个男人带着一群人在跳舞,旁边还有一个没跳舞的男人。", "在一个体育馆内,一群年轻人正在随着节拍跳舞。", "一群人正在教练的带领下跟随音乐跳着舞蹈。", "两个男人在舞蹈室指导舞蹈课和女人跟着舞蹈。", "一名年轻男子正在为一群女性指导舞蹈动作。", "在室内,一群男男女女整齐划一的跳着舞。" ]
[ "A large group of woman in work out gear are dancing to music", "The are engaged in a fitness class, as they all dance and clap to the music.", "A large group of women a huddled together and dancing.", "A group of women are performing an aerobics routine to music.", "A group of women dance to music in a workout session.", "A group of woman are doing an exercise class, dancing to music.", "A group of women wearing exercise clothes simultaneously dance and perform aerobics moves to upbeat Latin music.", "A large group of people are doing a dance exercise routine to music.", "In a studio, a group of women dressed in exercise clothes, are dancing to music.", "A group of middle aged women are in a dance studio working out together." ]
[ "在室内,一群女人正在随着音乐跳舞。", "一群外籍女子正在健身房里一起跳着健身操。", "一群人在房间里跟着音乐开心的跳着舞蹈。", "一群人正在随着音乐,手脚并用的一起舞动。", "一群女人在室内跳舞她们大部分都穿着短袖和长裤。", "一群女人正在一个运动课上扭动着身体健身。", "一群穿着运动服的女性在房间里面随着音乐跳舞。", "一大群人在随着音乐跳舞。", "一群穿着运动服的妇女正随着音乐翩翩起舞。", "一群中年妇女正在一个舞蹈工作室里一起锻炼。" ]
[ "A group of people dance in a studio with a red floor.", "A group of women are shown dancing together, quickly at first", "A group of people are engaging in a very energetic work out class.", "A group of people are in a room shuffling their feet together in unison.", "A group of women are taking a class dancing to get in shape.", "A group of women shout and cheer while they shimmy backwards across the room.", "Women in a zumba class were jogging rapidly", "In a studio a large of people participate in an exercise technique.", "A group of women are in a studio dancing, cheering, and clapping.", "A group of people perform a dance together inside to music." ]
[ "一群人在明亮的室内来回走动着锻炼。", "晚上一群人们正在室内抖舞。", "一群人在屋子里快速的抖动着自己的屁股。", "一群人在室内深色的地面上跳动着并喊叫着。", "一群人在室内随着音乐不停地抬脚。", "在房间里有一群女人正在欢呼跳跃。", "舞蹈房里,一群女人正在训练速度不停的跳动。", "在一个工作室里,很多人在参加锻炼技术。", "一群女人正在工作室里跳舞,欢呼和鼓掌。", "一群人在房间里面,排成几排跳动着双腿。" ]
[ "Group of persons doing exercises and stretches while holding on to blue and white chairs.", "A large group of people dance as they hold the back of a chair.", "Group of students doing a stretching exercise with a chair facing them under a roofed court.", "A group of people performs a single step together using a chair", "a group of people demonstrating exercising with chairs outdoors", "Several people are exercising while holding onto the back of a chair.", "A group of people participate in an aerobics class which uses chairs as props.", "A group of people are doing exercises with chairs in a large hall with music playing.", "A group of people are doing a routine together using chairs.", "Participants conduct exercises with chairs along with a female instructor." ]
[ "在开阔的场地上有一群人用一只手扶着椅子做运动。", "各个年龄的女人通过不一样的椅子进行拉伸运动。", "在一块空地上,很多人扶着面前的椅子做舞蹈动作。", "一群穿红色衣服的人,跟着一个穿黑色衣服的女人在扶着椅子跳舞。", "几个人正在宽敞的场地上扶着椅子锻炼身体。", "一群人在音乐声中手扶椅背锻炼身体。", "一群人参加了以椅子为道具的有氧运动班。", "一群人正在一个带有音乐播放的大厅里,用椅子做练习。", "一群人正在一起用椅子做着健身操。", "一群人在场地上一只手扶着椅子,做着相同的动作。" ]
[ "A group of people all wearing work out clothes are dancing together", "A large group of women are dancing to the music in the background.", "A large group of people dressed in exercise clothes and in a jazzercise class or exercise dance class.", "Some group of dancers were dancing in a hall using the zumba style", "A young woman is at the front of an exercise/dance class, and teaches other women.", "A large group of people participate in aerobic dance exercise.", "a gym class doing a zumba dance together with other female students", "A group of people taking part in a zumba class.", "An exercise class that has a diversity of people dancing.", "A group of women begin to dance in a workout session." ]
[ "在健身房,一群穿着花花绿绿的人跳舞。", "在一个房间,有男有女很多人在跟着音乐跳着操。", "一群人在教室里跟随音乐声翩翩起舞。", "在一个娱乐场所里面有很多女子和男子一起在跳着舞。", "一大群穿着运动装备的人在室内跳着健美操。", "一群人正在随着音乐练习着有氧舞蹈。", "和其他女学生一起做桑巴舞蹈的体育课。", "一群要减肥的女人在参加尊巴舞班。", "一个穿粉色衣服的人和一群人在室内跳舞。", "一群妇女正在跟着音乐一起跳着舞。" ]
[ "The girl is doing a routine in front of the mirror.", "A woman does exercises while watching herself in a mirror.", "Woman watching herself doing an exercise routine in front of a mirror.", "A woman wearing a blue jacket works out in front of a mirror", "A woman does a fitness exercise by moving her feet and arms.", "A female is doing a type of exercise dance while watching herself in the mirror.", "Woman in a gym doing aerobics in front of a mirror to music.", "a woman is standing in a dance studio and doing low impact exercises.", "A young girl is doing a dance routine in front of a mirror while music is playing.", "A young woman in a gym is doing an aerobic dance exercise." ]
[ "一个梳着马尾辫的女人,在镜子前面跳舞。", "一位穿绿衣服的女子面对着一面大镜子练习着跳舞。", "一个女人看着镜子里的自己,随着音乐节奏跳舞。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的人对着镜子在运动。", "在一个明亮的房间,一名穿着蓝色上衣的女子在锻炼。", "一个穿着青色衣服的女人在室内对着镜子跳舞。", "一个女人在室内听着音乐在镜子前跳着舞。", "一个女人站在舞蹈工作室的镜子前,做着热身运动。", "音乐播放时, 一个年轻女孩正在镜子前做舞蹈动作。", "健身房里的一个年轻女子正在做有氧舞蹈运动。" ]
[ "A group of women go through a dance workout routine inside a gym.", "A group of women are doing a dance class inside of a basketball gym.", "a group of women in yellow shirts are dancing int the middle of the gym", "A group of women are doing a synchronized dance on the basketball court.", "several women dancing zumba, following the instructors, in a basketball court", "A group of people with yellow shirts on dance in a gym to music.", "Children in a gym do a coordinated exercise/dance to latin music.", "A group of people are working out in a large gym and they are doing a dance aerobics routine.", "A group of women dance to music on a basketball court for exercise.", "A few women dancing cumbia in a floor basketball court." ]
[ "有很多人在体育馆内一起学习跳舞。", "在一个室内运动场,有很多穿黄色衣服的人在跳舞。", "一群穿着短袖衫的女子正在室内篮球场上跳着舞。", "一群人在篮球场上做着统一的动作。", "明亮的室内,一群人在篮球场上跳舞。", "一群穿着黄色衬衫的人在健身房里跳舞听音乐。", "在一个室内篮球场上,一群人正在随着音乐跳动。", "一群人正在一个很大的篮球场上练习他们的跳舞健美操。", "一群妇女在一个篮球场上随音乐跳舞,以便锻炼身体。", "一些妇女在一个室内篮球场上跳着康比亚舞。" ]
[ "The lady heading a lot of women on their exercises in the gym.", "Several women rock side to side on their feet and paddle their hands up and down in the air.", "A group of women are pretending to play the drums in a gym class.", "A woman leads a lively zumba class in a large space.", "A large group of woman are doing exercises on a large dance floor.", "A large group of woman are dancing as the instructor shows what to do.", "A class of women working out in an exercise room.", "A group of women of a wide range of ages are in an exercise class", "A group of women are inside a gym and doing exercises", "a large group of women together as they are exercising by moving their hands and swinging back and forth" ]
[ "一群人在一个房间里,都跟着台上的老师做着一样的动作。", "在一个舞蹈室,很多人伴随着音乐跟着老师在跳舞。", "一群人听着音乐跳着舞,每个人都充满了激情。", "一群女人在伴随着音乐跟着教练学习跳舞。", "明亮的屋子里很多人在跟着老师做运动。", "一大群女人正在跟着教练的指示跳舞。", "一群女人正在舞蹈室里面跟着音乐跳舞。", "一2da群年龄很大的妇女正在参加一个健身班的健身操。", "一群女人在室内健身房里面锻炼身体。", "一大群的女性在一起锻炼,移动双手,来回摆动。" ]
[ "A logo appears and then people in a gym doing aerobics.", "The logos for a television station move across the camera screen, and then a group of people in a fitness class appear.", "A logo for VETOX is shown while a man narrates in Spanish.", "An introduction to a TV station followed by a room of people punching forward as they exercise.", "A brand logo is shown, first from a lower angle and then from above, followed by a group of people exercising in a gym.", "A large group of people are doing an exercise routine in a large room and they are doing punches in the air.", "A group of people are dong a exercise class and a man is talking in a foreign language.", "A commercial for VCTV is running and shows people exercising in a gym.", "A television station logo appears along with music and sound effects, then someone begins to talk as people exercise.", "A title appears on the screen, then people are standing in an aerobics Fitness room." ]
[ "一群人正在宽敞的练习室里面进行着锻炼。", "在房间里,一群人在对着镜子挥舞拳头。", "一个有很多男人和女人组成的团队正在做健身运动。", "在室内的运动场地,一群人跟随着音乐一起做运动。", "一大群人正在武馆里打着拳法套路。", "一大群人正在大房间里做日常锻炼,而他们正在空中打拳。", "一群人是一个健身班, 一个人在用外语说话。", ": vctv 的一个广告正在运行, 节目显示人们在健身房锻炼。", "个电视台的标志出现在音乐和音响效果之上,然后有人开始说话当人们练习。", "一个标题出现在屏幕上,然后人们站在健身房健身。" ]
[ "Many women are in a courtyard while they listen to music and exercise.", "A large group of women are doing step aerobics outside to music.", "A group of kids are exercising together in a play ground yard.", "A large group of women are doing step aerobics with music playing.", "Women are doing step aerobics inside a walled compound outside.", "A group of people are exercising together while dancing to music.", "A group of people are exercising using a box as a step.", "Women formed in several lines do step aerobics outdoors to fast music.", "in an outside Park a group of people are exercising and doing aerobics together", "A large class of women perform a step aerobics routine outdoors to latin music." ]
[ "有一群穿着各异的人在宽阔的广场上跳舞。", "空地上,一群人在做着统一的舞蹈动作。", "一群人正在广场空地上摆动双手跳舞。", "一个人身穿着深色的衣服在和一群人跳舞。", "一群女人,在练健身操,一边还有小朋友们玩耍。", "一群女人听着音乐一边跳舞,一边锻炼身体。", "一群人伴随着音乐利用面前的箱子进行普拉提运动。", "一群人在,在户外的快速音乐做阶梯有氧运动。", "在外面的公园里,一群人在一起锻炼和做有氧健身操。", "一大群女性在户外随着音乐一起在进行有氧运动。" ]
[ "A man is dancing ans singing among a large group of women.", "Various people are outside dancing in swimsuits and street clothes and a man is standing in front of a group of girls singing while they are dancing.", "A group of people are dancing zumba while listeing to music.", "A man sings while a group of girls dance around him.", "A man is shaking his hips and singing a musical song.", "A man is singing with a bunch of women around him, some of them are wearing bikinis.", "A man making a video singing with lots of girls dancing and shaking to.", "A man sing a Latin hip hop song while people in assorted clothes and swim suits dance along.", "A person is shown singing in a music video outside.", "A man in a music video dances along with several women." ]
[ "一群人在海边跳舞,男的穿着沙滩裤,女的穿着比基尼。", "一群人在跟着音乐跳舞抖动着屁股。", "一个身穿红色上衣的男子在室外跳着舞。", "有一个身穿彩色衣服的人和一群人在跳舞。", "一个穿着黑色红色衬衣白色裤子的男人在唱歌跳舞。", "一个男人和周围的一群女人一起唱歌跳舞,其中一些人穿着比基尼。", "一个男人和很多女孩在一起唱歌跳舞录制录像带。", "一个男人唱着歌曲和穿着各式衣服和游泳衣的人们一起跳舞。", "一个穿着红色上衣的男子在户外唱着一首歌。", "一个男人和一群女人在不同场景下跳舞。" ]
[ "A large group of people are dancing as they are following people dancing on stage.", "In a large open area many people are gathered and dancing in unison to music.", "A large group of people are working out and watching the people on stage work out.", "A very large stage is set up and people are doing exercises watching the people on stage do it like a concert.", "A large group of people dance in tandem while watching a stage performance outdoors.", "A large group of people are outside dancing together.", "Many women congregate in front of a stage and perform a dance routine as part of a fitness show.", "An audience performs choreographed dance moves while a group performs on stage.", "A crowd is dancing along with dancers on stage during an outdoor concert.", "A very large number of people dance together in unison in front of a stage and mimicing the dancers on it," ]
[ "舞台上的人在跳舞,台下的人也跟着在跳。", "一群人在一个户外场地分台上台下站着,台上和台下的人都在跟随着音乐舞动。", "在广场上,有很多身穿五颜六色的服装的人在一起跳舞。", "一圈男男女女在室外的广场上跳着群体舞。", "宽敞的场地上很多人在和舞台上的人们一起跳舞。", "一大群人正在室外的广场上跳着同样的舞蹈。", "一群人正在空旷的地方跟随舞台上的人一起跳舞。", "一群人站在舞台下面跟着舞台上的人在一起做舞蹈动作。", "在一场户外音乐会上, 一群人和舞者在一起跳舞。", "很多人在舞台前跟着音乐齐声跳舞。" ]
[ "Two women dance and move on stage as part of a performance.", "Two women dance to hip hop music on a stage for an audience.", "A man and lady dancing to music on a stage.", "On a stage, two women perform a dance while the audience looks on.", "Two women are dancing on a bright stage in front of a crowd.", "Two women are on a stage twisting their bodies as they dance.", "Two young women perform a dance routine of stage to reggae music.", "two people dancing on stage and performing for a audiance.", "two women in blacks shirts are on stage doing a dance routine", "Two ladies were dancing on stage in a choreography" ]
[ "房间里紫色灯光下的舞台上有两个人在表演。", "两个人伴着音乐在舞台上跳着舞蹈。", "两个穿着背心的女人在舞台上跳舞。", "有两个穿着黑色背心的女子在台上跳舞。", "一个男人和一个女人在舞台上随着音乐节奏跳舞。", "两个女人在舞台上扭动着自己的身体跳舞。", "两个女人在台上随着音乐在跳着舞蹈。", "两个人在舞台上跟着节奏,为观众们表演舞蹈。", "两个穿黑色上衣的女人在舞台上做舞蹈动作。", "两个穿着黑色衣服的女孩在舞台上跳舞。" ]
[ "Three women perform a dance on a wood floor next to mirrors.", "Three women in a dance studio rocking it out to some latin music.", "Three women in a workout room perform the same moves to music.", "Three ladies in a dance studio are doing a choreographed dance.", "three girls dancing in a studio in front of mirrors", "Three wemon are in a dance studio in lime green shirts and leggings dancing to some dance music.", "In a dance studio, three woman perform a dance together.", "Three young women are performing a choreographed dancer routine together to music.", "Three women perform synchronized dance moves in a dance studio while music plays.", "Three women in front of a large mirror preform a dance." ]
[ "在一个舞蹈室里面,是三个女孩正在跳着舞蹈。", "三个女孩正在舞蹈室跳着欢快的舞蹈。", "三个穿黄色的人正在练习自己的舞蹈。", "三个穿着绿色衣服的女人在跟着音乐跳舞。", "在明亮的房间里,三个女人穿着黄色背心,在跳舞。", "三个女人穿着灰绿色的衬衫跟随乐曲在舞蹈室里跳舞。", "在一个舞蹈工作室里,三个女人在一起表演舞蹈。", "三个女孩正在室内跟随音乐跳舞。", "在音乐播放的同时,三名女子在舞蹈室里表演同步舞蹈。", "三个女子在一间有着大镜子的房子里做着同一种舞蹈动作。" ]
[ "A group of woman are doing exercises to music in a workout studio.", ".A group of women taking a Zumba class with an instructor.", "Some woman in a dance class dance to some spanish music.", "A bunch of women are together in a room while someone leads the exercise.", "A quick moving Zumba workout class is happening in a purple painted room.", "Women are together in a room doing a zumba class for exercise.", "At a Zumba class, the instructors guides the participants in a dance/workout.", "A group of woman all dressed in work out clothes and hip wraps doing zumba", "People perform an energetic dance in a studio with illustrated purple walls.", "A group of woman are dancing by doing zumba with a trainer." ]
[ "一群女子在一间房子里随着音乐的节奏在跳舞。", "一群穿着休闲服的人正在舞蹈室跳舞。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的女人在舞蹈室教人跳舞。", "一群女人在一个女人的带领下正在坐着跳跃运动。", "一群人站在白色的地面上欢快的跳着舞蹈。", "一群女人正在室内,她们正在练习着高抬腿动作。", "在Zumba课程中,教练指导参与者进行舞蹈/锻炼。", "一群穿着健身服的女人在室内跳舞。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的女人在舞蹈室内跳舞。", "一群女人正在和教练员一起在房间里跳舞。" ]
[ "a young lady by a wall doing exercise while listen music.", "A woman does as an exercise routine on a gym mat.", "A young woman is in the middle of the room doing leg exercises", "A woman demonstrates a workout and bows when she is finished", "A young woman jogs in place and does toe touches.", "A woman is doing a running exercise on a mat with music and then she finishes and bows.", "A lady doing exercise to the Katie Perry song Roar.", "A young woman jogs in place and touches the floor with her hands.", "A woman on a yoga mat is exercising by running in place then bending down and touching the floor.", "A girl is dancing or exercising to some music she is listening to." ]
[ "房间内,一个女人,站在蓝色的垫子上,做运动。", "房间里的女士在瑜伽垫上做健身运动示范。", "一个穿红色上衣的人在室内做练习运动。", "一个长发女子穿着紧身衣服在瑜伽垫上做运动。", "在一个房间里,有一个女的正在跳舞。", "一个女人在音乐垫上做跑步锻炼,然后弯腰并手摸地。", "一个穿着粉红色衣服的女人在垫子上做运动。", "一个年轻的女人一边慢跑一边双手触摸地板。", "瑜伽垫上的一名妇女正在锻炼, 方法是在原地跑步, 然后弯腰触摸地板。", "一位身穿粉色衣服的女人在一个蓝色护垫上蹦着跳着弯着腰。" ]
[ "A group of people are dancing together at an exercise class.", "a group of ladies dance around in a room with each other", "The ladies are having a great time dancing in the studio.", "In a room a dance team was showing off there moves to the group.", "A bunch of girls doing a dance routine to loud music in a gym.", "A group of people are taking a dance class together", "A group of people are dancing in sync with each other with upbeat music.", "Four women and a man are practising dance moves to loud music in a studio.", "In a gym, girls are dancing and clapping their hands along to the music.", "Several people are on stage doing a dance in unison." ]
[ "一群人正在跟着音乐站在一起开心的跳舞。", "有一个男人正在和三个女人一起跳舞。", "很多人正在伴随着音乐跳舞,她们的动作都很整齐。", "一群人正在跳舞,他们身后是蓝色的墙。", "几个人跟随着音乐做出一些舞蹈动作。", "有一群身着艳丽的衣服的人正在一起上舞蹈课。", "一群人在欢快的音乐声中一起跳舞。", "四个女人和一个男人正在一间播放着嘈杂音乐的舞蹈室里跟着音乐跳舞。", "在健身房里, 女孩们随着音乐跳舞、拍手。", "音乐响起有几个人在舞台上一齐跳舞。" ]
[ "A group of women use hand weights during an exercise class.", "A group of people doing a dance work out while holding dumbbells in each hand.", "In a studio, a group of people are exercising and dancing along to the music.", "A group of women are doing dance aerobics in a workout studio.", "Several women participate in an exercise class while holding weights and listening to music.", "A group exercise class uses weights and dances to Latin-sounding music", "a group of people exercising with dumbbells in a gym studio", "A group of women holding hand weights are doing dancing exercises.", "There are a group of women holding weights and dancing in a fitness class.", "A bunch of women complete a workout using small weights and dance moves." ]
[ "一群穿着不同颜色衣服的女人在房间里跳舞。", "一群女性在健美房双手拿着杠铃随着音乐做着健美操。", "房间里有许多人正在拿着工具做健身操。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一群女人正在锻炼。", "在室内黄色的地板上,一些女人拿着几个乐器在跳舞。", "一群女人正在室内,同时手里拿着哑铃在做运动。", "一群人在健身房的工作室里用哑铃锻炼身体。", "一群手持手重的妇女正在做舞蹈练习。", "在健身班里, 一群女人手拿着哑铃正在跳舞。", "一群女人在健身房里举着哑铃进行锻炼。" ]
[ "In a gym studio, several women dance to music lead by an instructor.", "a group of young girls mixed with women are dancing in front of a mirror zumba style", "A group of women taking part in a exercise class.", "A group of women are using dance as part of an exercise class while music plays.", "The ladies are enjoying themselves while dancing and exercising together.", "A group of females are exercising together in a large room.", "Six women rehearse dance moves in a studio while music plays.", "A dance instructor is teaching several woman how to dance.", "A group of people dance in synchronicity to a song playing in the background.", "A group of women practicing their moves on the floor of a dance studio." ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服的女子在带着其余五个人在跳舞。", "六个女人穿着运动服,正在跳着健身舞蹈。", "有六个女子,在房间里跳着一样的舞蹈。", "在一个昏暗的房间里,一群女人在手舞足蹈的跳舞。", "室内的一群女人跟着前方的人一起跳舞。", "一群女人正在一个大房间里,她们正在跳着同样的舞蹈。", "练功房里一群女人正在开心的排练舞蹈。", "舞蹈教练正在教几个女人如何跳舞。", "一群人随着在背景中演奏的一首歌曲同步跳舞。", "一群练习动作的妇女在舞蹈工作室的地板上练习。" ]
[ "Several people lead a fitness session while many others come to participate.", "A group of people perform zumba together on a stage for a crowd.", "7 people of mixed genders doing zumba on a stage with a crowd watching.", "A group of people are doing Zumba with an audience around them cheering them on.", "A group of kids on a stage doing a synchronous dance routine while music is playing.", "An interactive zumba class demonstration is done up on stage in front of an audience.", "A line of people on the stage were performing a unison dance step", "The group is onstage at a fitness class, as they all move in unison to the music.", "A group of women are performing a Zumba routine on a stage and in front of a seated audience.", "People dance and workout at a live zumba class on stage." ]
[ "一群人正在舞台上跟着音乐开心的跳舞。", "一群人在舞台上随着音乐狂欢跳舞。", "一群人在舞台中央进行认真地跳舞表演。", "在一个舞台上,男男女女正在准备跳舞。", "一些人在舞台上跳舞台下人头耸动。", "观众在观看舞台上的一群人表演的节目。", "舞台上的一群人正在表演一个统一的舞步。", "在一个健身班的舞台上,一群人都在齐心协力地配合音乐。", "一群女人正在舞台上表演整齐的舞蹈。", "一群人正在观看一些人在舞台上跳舞。" ]
[ "A gym full of people are exercising to dance music.", "Indoors a group of people are all doing the same dance routine to music.", "A group of people in a studio practice solo latin dance moves.", "In a dance court a group of taking dance lessons. They are dancing latin music.", "The people are having a great time dancing and exercising in the ballroom.", "A group of people are shown in a big dark room with flashing lights dancing as a man leads them on a loudspeaker.", "In a dance class a group of women are dancing while a man is calling out commands.", "A group of people are dancing together in an exercise class.", "The people are all dancing in place as the music plays and the lights display flashing colors.", "A group of women perform dance moves in an exercise class." ]
[ "在比较昏暗的室内许多人跟着音乐在跳舞。", "一群女人在场地上跟着音乐的节奏在跳舞。", "一群人在有着闪烁灯光的房间里跳舞。", "有一群人在舞厅里面跳着集体舞。", "一个灯光昏暗的房间里有一群人在跳舞。", "在五颜六色灯光的房间里,有一群人在扭动跳舞。", "一群人在室内随着音乐在跳着舞蹈。", "一群人正一个健身房里伴随着音乐跳舞。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女人在昏暗的房间里跳舞。", "一群妇女在运动场地上跟着音乐跳舞。" ]
[ "A bunch of kids dance and exercise together in a gym.", "A large group of young children are following an instructor and doing the same dance.", "A large group of children perform a dance exercise routine.", "An entire school gym full of grade school children dance in unison.", "A lot of little kids are in a gym and doing the same exercise routine together.", "During a gym class at school kids learn to do choreography to music.", "In a gym, children dance and exercise while watching the instructor.", "A large group of children are dancing together in a gymnasium.", "A bunch of kids in a gym are doing aerobic exercises.", "Young children in a crowded gym are performing a dance routine to music." ]
[ "一群孩子在室内篮球馆里跟着老师练习跳舞。", "一群人在篮球场里跟着音乐跳着舞蹈。", "球馆里面大家伙正在跟着领舞学习者动作。", "敞亮的房间内,有很多名女孩,正站在地板上挥动双手。", "一群孩子在室内篮球场上跟着老师跳舞。", "在学校的体育课上,有一群孩子们正在学习如何跳舞。", "一个室内的房间里一群孩子正一边看着前面的一个人一边跳着舞。", "一大群孩子在体育馆里一起跟着老师跳舞。", "在一个健身房内一群孩子正在跳着舞。", "在拥挤的健身房里, 孩子们正在表演音乐舞蹈表演。" ]
[ "A group of girls doing dancing and practicing their moves to the music playing.", "Three women doing exercises back and fourth in an exercise studio.", "A group of 3 females doing dance moves in a studio.", "Three women in workout clothes are doing synchronized dance moves.", "Three woman are exercising by dancing to a Spanish song.", "A group of women are dancing as the crowd cheer for them.", "three different women dance on a floor with each other", "Women practice their special dance while in a dance studio.", "Three ladies dance to spanish music as either a dance team or exercise class.", "Three women are doing a dance exercise routine together, to music playing in the background." ]
[ "三个女人正在随着音乐重复的伸展走动。", "三个女人在跳同样动作的舞蹈,并且舞蹈动作一直重复。", "在房间里,三个女人正在跟随着音乐活动。", "在一个房间里,有几个女的正在跳舞。", "一个穿着黑短袖的女人在领着另外两个女人跳舞。", "当一群女人正在跳舞时,一群女人为她们欢呼。", "在室内三个穿不同颜色衣服的女人在跳舞。", "妇女们在舞蹈室里练习他们的特别舞蹈。", "三位女士在房间里随着西班牙音乐跳舞。", "三个女人在一间屋子里,一起做着舞蹈练习。" ]
[ "A warm up for an exercise is about to start, as music is being played.", "A Zumba teacher's contact information is displayed before her class starts.", "Two women, one on a stage, are warming up for a zumba class.", "A woman on a small platform is giving her Zumba class the warm up dance.", "A video starting off with words then goes into a zumba workout.", "a zumba tutorial where they show where you can perform zumba with them by dancing and loosing weight", "After a logo on the screen, a woman does exercises at the front of a gym.", "A girl is standing on a stage stepping from right to left while clapping her hands", "Womanin purple pants and orange shirt dances side to side in a gym while others begin to follow in front.", "A caption fills the screen and a woman dances on stage." ]
[ "在一个明亮的健身房一个人正在健身。", "在舞蹈练习室一个女孩跟着音乐节奏舞动身体。好。", "舞蹈老师跟着音乐的节拍教着学员们舞蹈。", "有个梳着马尾穿着短袖的女子在台上跳舞。", "字幕后一个半圆形台上一个女人在跳舞,台下一个人也在跳。", "一个人正在展示着通过尊巴舞可以进行着减肥。", "在运动室内,一个女人在教授其他人舞蹈。", "一个女孩站在舞台上,一边拍手一边左右摇晃。", "一个穿着橙色衬衫的女子在舞蹈室的舞台上跳舞。", "一个标题填满了屏幕,一个女人在舞台上跳舞。" ]
[ "A group of people are in a gym and doing a coordinated dance.", "A group of people are dancing on stage while the audience copy them", "In a gymnasim with a stage, a large group of people are exercising along with people on the stage.", "A large group of people are following a crew of dance instructors on a stage that is located inside a gymnasium.", "People inside a gym perform exercises together with people on a stage.", "women in lines doing exercise in an exercise class", "A group of people showing the other group how to exercise.", "Several people on a stage are exercising to music while people on the floor in front of the stage do the same.", "A group of people are learning how to do a dance.", "A person is showing a dance team leading an audience." ]
[ "一群人跟着舞台上的那些人随着音乐在跳舞。", "一群人在室内跳舞,有的人在台上跳,有的人在台下跳。", "一群人在对着镜子跳舞旁边有人在看他们。", "在昏暗的室内运动场上,一群人,在和台上的跳舞。", "在昏暗的室内,一群女人在学着舞台上面的女人在跳舞。", "台上的一群女人和台下的一群人正在做健身运动。", "一群舞台上的人正在和舞台下的人一起运动着。", "舞台上的几个人在演奏音乐,而舞台前的人们也在做着同样的运动。", "一群人正在学习如何跳舞和怎样做跳舞的姿势。", "一群人站在舞台上带着舞台下面的一群人跳舞。" ]
[ "a group of men and women are in exercise clothes exercising to music.", "Several women in work out clothes in a room dancing and exercising together.", "A group of women dance as part of a workout routine.", "Nine women are dance exercising to music, walking several steps, then squatting.", "A group of dancers practice a routine while energetic music plays in the background.", "A group of ladies working out in a dance aerobic class.", "A group of people are participating in an excercise class.", "A group of ladies in a studio perform an exercise and dance routine.", "A group of people are doing an excise routine walking back and forth while squatting.", "A groups of people are shuffling one way and then squatting and then shuffling back the other way and squatting." ]
[ "在一室内,一群女孩跟着教练在做健身操,来回运动。", "很多位女人跟随音乐,在房间里跑动着做着深蹲的动作。", "一群人穿着远动装跟着音乐在做运动。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一群女人正在跳舞。", "室内几个穿着各色衣服的女人在做健身运动。", "一群女士在舞蹈课上进行有氧舞蹈锻炼。", "房间里一群女人在来回跳跃做运动。", "一群女士在一个空旷的房间里练习一些舞蹈动作。", "一群人正在半蹲着并来回走动着做着一些常规健身动作。", "一群穿着休闲衣服的女人,在宽敞的房间里做运动。" ]
[ "Two women are dancing on the scene and others are dancing along", "Two people are dancing in front of a crowd that is dancing in a similar manner.", "A group of people are dancing in an indoor concert hall.", "Two persons were enjoying and dancing on the stage and other person were enjoying seeing that", "two woman dance on a stage while the crowd in front of them dances as well.", "a group of people dance around with each other in a garage area", "A group of people dance and work out with each other.", "A lot of people are dancing with two ladies leading them", "Two women are dancing on a stage facing a crowd.", "A fat woman and a slimmer woman do similar dance moves infront of a crowd." ]
[ "两个年轻的舞者在台上带领着众人跳舞。", "有两个女子伴随着音乐,摆动着双手在跳舞,同时旁边有许多朋友跟着一起跳。", "很多的人伴随着音乐的节奏开始跳舞,他们的动作很随意。", "在欢乐的音乐背景下,一群人在房间里跳舞。", "两个穿着黑色衣服的女人站在台上跳舞,台下有一群人在跟着跳。", "一群人在两位女性的带领下在车库区跳舞。", "一群男男女女在房间里面兴奋的跳着舞。", "很多人在和两个女士一起跳舞。", "两个女人在一个面向人群的舞台上跳舞。", "一个胖女人和一个瘦瘦的女人在人群面前做类似的舞蹈动作。" ]
[ "Five girls are dancing together in a group to a song.", "A group of young women perform a dance to modern music in a dance studio.", "Five woman practice a dance routine to music in a large dance studio.", "A group of women dance in synchronization along to music.", "Five women are dancing in a routine while one woman is giving instructions on what moves to do.", "A bunch of people are doing a dance exercise in a studio.", "A group of people perform a dance routine in coordination in a studio.", "A group of people are in a studio and doing a dance together.", "A group of girls in a studio are dancing Zumba as music plays in the background.", "A group of five women are dancing in a studio to loud music." ]
[ "一个房间里面的五个女孩跟着音乐在左右扭动。", "六个人在舞房里跳同一种舞,跟随着音乐。", "五个女子在一个室内的空间里跳集体舞。", "在一个明亮的房间,一群女人正在跳舞。", "在一个明亮的房间里,有五个女人正在跳舞。", "一群人在工作室光滑的地板上做舞蹈练习。", "一些人正在激情的跟随音乐一起跳着整齐的舞蹈。", "一群人正在一个工作室里一起跳舞。", "在一个舞蹈室内一群女人正在跳着舞蹈。", "一群女人在空旷的工作室里跳舞。" ]
[ "Some people are doing a dance to music on a stage.", "Three people dance on a stage, clapping and singing while a crowd of people watch from below.", "Three women perform their dance routine for a small crowd of spectators.", "A woman is dancing amongst other people who also are dancing.", "People are dancing on a dance floor while some people observe", "An exercise class with three people on a stage showing the dance moves to a group in front of them.", "Numerous people in a dance club moving around on stage", "Two women dance on a low-lit stage surrounded by many people.", "A few woman and a guy are on the bar dancing in front of the audience.", "a trio of women are dancing in a dimly lit enclosed area on a stage" ]
[ "一个身穿粉色衣服戴着帽子的女人在灰暗的房间里跳舞。", "几个人在舞台上跳着舞,台下许多人跟着一起跳。", "在一个黑暗的房间里,三名演员在舞台上表演舞蹈。", "在室内的一个娱乐场所,有很多人随着音乐在一起舞动着身体。", "台上有几个人在跳舞,台下有几个人也在跳。", "在舞台上,有三个人正在展示舞蹈并移动到一群观众面前。", "在舞台上,许多人在舞蹈俱乐部里走动。", "两个女人在灯光暗淡的舞台上跳舞,她们周围有许多人。", "一群穿着红色上衣的人在酒吧的舞台上跳舞。", "三个女人在舞台上灯光昏暗的封闭区域里跳舞。" ]
[ "A man is teaching an aerobics class in a dimly lit room with a group of students behind him.", "A group of people in a gym are all moving in sequence, alternating motions of swinging their arms, lifting their legs, and shaking their hips.", "A gym class with multiple people performing aerobics.", "A group follow an instructor to exercise together in a gym, while music plays.", "In a gym, a group of people are doing aerobics.", "A group of people are practicing a bollywood dance routine together.", "In a studio, an instructor leads a group of modern dance students.", "A large group of people are doing aerobic exercises in a narrow room with an instructor.", "A group of people in the gym are performing an aerobic exercise routine.", "Several women in an aerobics class dance in tandem to loud music while a few other women watch them." ]
[ "在一个健身馆里面,一群人正在一起跳啦啦操。", "一群人在房间里面扭动着身体做健身运动。", "在舞蹈练习室里,一群女子对着镜子在练习舞蹈。", "昏暗的房间内,一些人,在地板上跳舞。", "在一个房间里,顶上的灯亮着,有很多人在一起跳舞。", "一群人在屋子里一起跟着音乐练习宝莱坞舞蹈。", "在舞蹈室里一群人跟随着音乐一群跳舞。", "一大群人正在一个狭窄的房间里和一个教练一起做有氧运动。", "舞蹈室里一群人正在跳着相同的舞蹈。", "有几位女士在健美操课上伴着大声的音乐跳舞,而另外几个女人则在旁边看着。" ]
[ "Group of people at the gym doing exercises to music.", "A group of people are dancing in a exercise class.", "A group pf people are doing some exercises while listening to music.", "In an exercise dance studio, people are engaged in vigorous dance activity.", "A group is working out by doing a dance and cardio class while music plays.", "A group of people work out via dance in an exercise class.", "A group of people are in a studio working out to music", "One man is dancing with all women in an aerobics class.", "A group of people exercising and dancing together in a studio", "A group of people in a room dancing and exercising to a beat." ]
[ "在一间明亮的屋子里一群人正在跳舞。", "一群人在练舞房快乐的跟着音乐跳舞。", "一群人正在结合着音乐舞蹈,动作比较整齐。", "一群女子在房间里跟着教练学跳健身操。", "几个人在跟着音乐的节奏开心地跳舞。", "一群人在一间健身房的运动课上通过舞蹈锻炼身体。", "在健身房里,一群人随着音乐的节奏舞动起来。", "有一个男人在一班有氧运动课上和所有的女人跳舞。", "一群年轻人在工作室里一起锻炼和跳舞。", "一群人正在室内跳着舞,室内的墙上挂着镜子。" ]
[ "A group of people in an indoor studio are dancing zumba.", "A large group of girls dances in a large room in sync with each other.", "The group of women danced in sync at the dance studio.", "A group of people are in a room and dancing to a song as part of a class.", "A group of women dancing at an exercise class.", "a group of girls dancing together inside a dance studio", "A group of people are in a studio dancing with the instructor.", "A large group of women are dancing together to latin music.", "A room full of women are exercising and dancing in sync.", "A group of people in an aerobic studio dancing to music." ]
[ "一群人在舞蹈房,跟着教练循环练习舞蹈动作。", "一群人举起双手跟着音乐的节拍在跳舞。", "一群人正在伴随着音乐跳舞,他们的动作不是很整齐。", "明亮的房间内,有一些女子正在敞亮的室内跳舞。", "许多人在室内跟着音乐跳一样的舞蹈。", "一群女孩在舞蹈工作室里晃动着身体跳舞。", "一群人正在舞蹈室里与教练翩翩起舞。", "一大群妇女在一起跳着拉丁舞蹈。", "一群女子正在房间内同步锻炼和跳舞。", "一群人在有氧健身房里随着音乐翩翩起舞。" ]
[ "A group of people in a dance studio clap and complete aerobic moves to the music.", "An aerobics class in a studio with about 15 participants.", "A women's aerobics class dancing to Latin music at a gym.", "women are performing aerobic exercises while music is playing", "A group of people are doing an aerobic routine in a fitness class.", "A group of female individuals doing aerobic exercises indoors with music playing in the background.", "Several women in exercise clothing are participating in an aerobic dance class in a fitness center.", "Women in a gym setting doing a line dance style workout to music.", "A group of Ladies having at a Zumba class dancing to music.", "Several adults are participating in an aerobics class at the gym." ]
[ "一群人在一个房间里,举起双手,迈着步子,跟着音乐在跳舞。", "一群女孩在舞蹈室跟着伴奏跳起优美的舞蹈。", "一个舞蹈室里一群女人在整齐的跳着健身舞。", "几个女人正在木地板上边跳跃边拍自己的双手。", "一群人在房间内做着手舞足蹈的动作。", "一群女人在舞蹈室里移动着身体,在做健身运动。", "一些穿着运动服的女性正在健身中心参加有氧舞蹈课。", "妇女在健身房放着音乐排队跳着线舞蹈风格锻炼。", "一群女士在尊巴舞班上随着音乐翩翩起舞。", "一些成年人正在健身房参加有氧运动课。" ]
[ "In a studio multiple people exercise together with a woman instructor.", "A group of elderly ladies are doing some workout dance moves.", "A group of adults are in a big room dancing in unison for exercise.", "A group of old men and women are dancing along to the music in a gym.", "A large group of older women perform aerobics in a gym to an instructors lead.", "An exercise instructor leads a group of elderly women in an aerobic routine.", "A large group of women are exercising by following a dancing instructor at an indoor gym.", "A group of elderly woman are participating in a dance work out class.", "A group of women perform various aerobic exercises inside a room.", "A group of women are all standing up in a room dancing to a song" ]
[ "宽敞的室内一群人在跟着音乐跳舞。", "一群年龄不等的女人在跟随着音乐进行简单地跳舞。", "一群女人跟着音乐节奏起舞,看着前方的红衣服女子纠正动作。", "一群胖阿姨听着音乐,跟教练一起跳着健身操。", "屋里一群人正在跟着老师做各种舞蹈动作。", "一位健身教练带领着一群人在室内进行有氧训练。", "一大群妇女在室内健身房跟随一位舞蹈老师锻炼身体。", "一群年迈的妇女正在参加舞蹈锻炼班。", "一群女人正在一个房间里面一起跳舞。", "一群女人在同一个房间里边踢腿边摆动着双臂。" ]