[ "An infany bounces in her play seat set up by the television.", "A baby sits in a walker and waves it's arms in the air and sits up straight, then leans forward.", "A baby jumps and puts up its hand in the air.", "A baby is sitting in a high chair while their mother encourages them to say hi.", "The baby is secure in a baby table and is bouncing up and down as the female is asking the baby to say \"hi\" to everybody.", "A baby is in a walker and she bounces while mom is talking to her.", "A baby sitting in his bouncy chair, his mothers voice in the background teaching him to say hi.", "A toddler inside a play walker not listening to his mother's commands.", "A little baby is sitting in a seat smiling as someone is talking to them.", "A baby stands in an activity center and waves its arms when asked to say hi." ]
[ "小婴儿坐下摆满各种玩具的车子上,开心地举起了手。", "一个小朋友正在站立辅助器上玩耍。", "一个站着的小婴儿忽然向上跳了一下。", "一个小孩子正站在一个玩具车里笑。", "室内一个玩具车上一个小孩子在玩耍。", "一个婴儿在学步车里,高兴的举起了双手。", "一个婴儿坐在他的婴儿椅里,他妈妈在背后教他打招呼。", "一个玩耍的小孩不听从她妈妈的命令。", "一个小婴儿正坐在椅子上面带微笑,有人正在和他们说话。", "一个小婴儿站在一个平衡支架里,对着镜头伸出双手。" ]
[ "A man and a woman is in a room, they are talking to one another.", "A woman prepares to wax a man's upper back while in their bathroom.", "A guy stands as a woman rubs his back and shoulder.", "A woman trimming the hairs near an older man's neck.", "A woman is touching the back of a shirtless man's bald head while he stands motionless.", "A woman is talking and pressing her hand on someone back.", "A woman is assisting a man with a task that takes quick action in a specific direction.", "Someone is doing something to a male's back while they laugh.", "An elderly woman is waxing an elderly man's back", "A girl and man are in the bathroom she is waxing his back." ]
[ "一个人正在给另一个人的背上加东西。", "一位年轻的女子正在为一位年纪大点的老太太搓背.。", "一个小孩子正在给另外一个老年人整理衣服。", "一个女人在一个光着上身的男人后背上比划着。", "室内有一个人正在抚摸另一个人的背部。", "一个女人正在说话,然后把她的手压在另一个人的背上。", "一个身穿灰色衣服的人在给另一个人按摩。", "有人在对男性的背部做一些事情, 而他们却在笑。", "一位老年妇女正在给一名老年男子的背部打蜡。", "一个女孩和一个男人在浴室里,她正在给他的背上贴蜡。" ]
[ "Women and men laugh as a man gets his back waxed by some women.", "Two girls are applying hair removing tape to a man's back and others are laughing in the background.", "Two women apply hair-remover wax to a man's back, while an onlooker makes jokes", "Two women are laughing and waxing a man's back", "A shy woman and another woman are both waxing a man's back and people are laughing in the background.", "Two women are laughing as the wax a man's hairy back.", "Two Asian women waxes the back of a shirtless man lying on a table.", "Two girls are waxing a mans back and laugh at him when it hurts.", "Two girls are placing wax on the body of a man.", "A woman laughs as she applies hot wax to a guys back as another woman applies the strip to remove the hair." ]
[ "一个女人在给趴在床上的男人背上摸黄色的东西,而另一个女人把一块白色的东西贴在他的背上。", "一个男人笑着爬在那里,一个女人笑着把手里的液体抹在了他的背上,另一个女人拿一个条状的东西在他背上。", "一个人趴在床上,有两个女子在给他的背上粘东西。", "在明亮的房间,两个女人在给一个男人做按摩。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人笑个不停,手里拿着一个带液体的棍子正往一个男人的身上涂抹。", "两个女人在笑着,因为她们在给一个男人的背部涂蜡并脱毛。", "在房间里,两个女人正在给一个赤裸的男人打蜡。", "两个女孩在给一个男人打蜡, 当他疼的时候会嘲笑他。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人正在一个人的背上涂抹东西。", "在室内,有两个女子在给一个男子背部贴蜡条,并且很多的人在笑。" ]
[ "A man and woman are laughing while she tries to wax his back.", "A woman rips leftover wax off a man's hairy back as winces in pain and begs for it to be done.", "A man screams when a woman waxes his hairy back off.", "A woman is tearing off waxing strips from the back of a man.", "A woman uses wax to pull back hair off of a hairy man", "A man person pulled a wax strip off a mans back and he yells.", "A man and his wife are trying to remove small pieces of an adhesive off his back", "a person sitting down without a shirt on while a woman waxes their back", "A man hollers as a lady removes the hair off his back.", "A male is on his back and allowing a person remove tape from his back." ]
[ "在房间里有一个人在给一给后背长满毛的男子脱毛。", "一个女子在撕扯一名男子背部贴着除毛的胶,男子痛地叫了起来。", "一个人把蓝色的东西粘到一个男子的背上,然后使劲撕下来。", "一个人在揭另一个戴眼镜男子的后背上的东西。", "有一个戴着眼镜的男人趴在桌子上面,他的旁边还有一个人和一只狗。", "一个男人从另一个男人背上扯下一条腊条痛的他大叫起来。", "一名男子的妻子正在从他的背部取下一小块粘合剂。", "一个人坐下来没有穿衬衫, 而一个女人打蜡他们的背部。", "当一位女士把男人背上的毛发摘下来时, 那个男人大喊大叫。", "一个人正在揭开另一男人背上的东西。" ]
[ "A man is getting his back hair removed by a woman with tape.", "A woman is applying wax and removing hair on a man's back.", "A shirtless man is having his back waxed by a laughing woman", "This man is lying on his stomach with no shirt so that the esthetician can wax the hair on his lower back", "A woman is using wax paper and ripping it off a mans back while he is laying down.", "The woman applies the waxing tape to the lower back of the man and then rips it off.", "A lady used a wax tape to remove hair from the back of a man lying", "A woman is waxing a man's back with waxing strips.", "A young woman in a salon waxes a man's back.", "A woman is helping wax a man's back while he lays on his stomach." ]
[ "一个女子将粘纸贴到爬在床上的男子背后,然后撕掉。", "一名女子手里拿着白色的贴纸从一名光背的男子身上撕开。", "一个男人正在躺着,一个女人往他背上贴东西,然后撕下来。", "一个男人趴在床上,另一个女人对其拔毛。", "有一个男人趴在床上,旁边还有一个女人。", "女人将脱毛胶带贴在男人的下背部,然后将其撕下,然后男人尖叫。", "男子趴着床上,一名女子用腊带把他身上的头发取下来。", "一个女人正在给一个男人的背部打蜡按摩。", "一个年轻女子在沙龙里给一个男人的背打蜡。", "一个女人正在给一个男人的背上打蜡,男人趴在床上。" ]
[ "Someone is waxing a mans back and they are applying something white.", "A man is laying down fast forward on the ground while a woman is putting a paste on his back.", "A person puts wax on a mans back using a stick to apply it.", "A man is laying down and getting his back waxed by a woman.", "A man is lying on his stomach without a shirt while a woman puts wax on his back.", "A woman brushes wax onto a man's back to get rid of his hair.", "A man lies on his stomach face down, while another person applies a wax to his back.", "A woman applying wax to the back of a man for hair removal.", "A person is putting a white paste on a mans bare back.", "A man is lying down while a lotion is being applied to his back." ]
[ "一个赤裸着上身的人趴在地板上,一个人给他的背上药。", "一个男孩背上贴着白纸,另一个在给他背上图白药。", "一个上半身没穿衣服的人,趴在地板上,身上放着几张白纸,另一个人搅拌着杯子里的白色膏体,用小木棒蘸取少许,涂抹在趴向地面的人的后背上。", "一个人在一个男人背上刷一种白色的东西。", "一个人把杯子里的白色膏体抹在一个趴着人的背上。", "一个女人在一个男人的背上刷蜡以帮助他脱毛。", "一个男人趴在地上,而另一个人在他背上涂着什么。", "一个人正在给一个趴着的男人背上涂蜡。", "一个人正在把一个白色的糊状物放在一个男人裸露的背上。", "一个男人躺在地上,他的背部被贴上贴纸,又被一只手用器具涂上化妆品。" ]
[ "A person is shown opening a fridge with shorts on only.", "A girl is showing a strip of wax with hair on it.", "A man in his underwear groans while a blonde girl laughs and shows his ripped off hair up close.", "A shirtless man has a very red back, and a young woman is holding up a wax strip in which is the man's back hair.", "A man is in pain from having hair ripped off his back with waxing tape.", "A woman is in the kitchen with the used waxing paper covered with a man's back hair which they just waxed.", "There are two people in a kitchen and they are both laughing.", "A man is in pain after his daughter has used a wax strip on him.", "A man hollering after he had hair removed from his back using wax.", "A woman is displaying the hair that she has just waxed from a man's back." ]
[ "一个穿着紫色衣服的女人在笑穿着黑色裤子的人。", "一个女人用除毛贴将她老公的毛给扒了,老公疼的大叫。", "女子用粘毛贴为男子除毛,痛得男子在一旁大叫。", "一个没有穿上衣的男人背对着一个女人。", "在一个房间里,有一个没穿上衣的人和一个黄头发的女人。", "一个女人在厨房里,展示了一张用过的打蜡纸,上面覆盖着一个男人背部的毛发,因为他们刚刚打了蜡。", "房子里有一对男女,他们都在笑,然后女子手上拿起了一个粘有毛发的粘胶。", "他的女儿在他身上使用蜡条后,男子痛不欲生了。", "一名男子被一个女人在用蜡将体毛从背后取下后大喊大叫。", "一个女人正在展示她刚从男人的背上打蜡下来的头发。" ]
[ "A woman is using wax strips to remove the hair from a gentleman's back in a public setting.", "A guy lays on a table as a woman applies sticky strips to remove back hair.", "A man is laying down and having his back waxed by another person.", "There is a woman applying strips to anothers person back while other people stand around watching.", "The lady in a white uniform is plucking some hair off the man's back.", "A man lies on his stomach as a woman places a wax strip on his back hair.", "A man and women are together the man is getting a massage from the woman", "a woman taking some wax and placing it on another persons back and pulling it off", "A woman waxes a man's back as he lays down.", "A man is getting his back waxed in a mall with lots of people walking by." ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣女人再给一个男人按摩。", "一个男人趴在床上,一个女人在他背上贴了一块东西然后撕掉。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人把一张纸放在一个男人的背上又撕下来。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人正在给别人贴膏药。", "一个穿着白色服装的女子正在往一个男子后背上贴东西。", "一个男人趴在一张床上,另一个女人在他的后面的背上贴了一张胶带然后撕掉。", "一个没穿上衣的男人正趴着,一个女人把长条形的东西贴在他背上又拿起。", "一个女人拿一些蜡,把它放在另一个人的背上然后把它扯下来。", "一个女人正在给一个躺在床上的男人脱毛。", "一个男人在一个商场里给他的背打蜡, 很多人都从他们身边路过。" ]
[ "A man on his stomach having his back shaved by a woman", "A man having his very hairy back be waxed by someone.", "A woman applies a product to a man who is laying face down on a table", "A man is lying on a table while a person is shaving his back.", "A woman is applying wax on the back of a may", "A person shaves the hair at the back shoulder of another person", "A man lies on his stomach on a massage table, while a woman applies a gel to his back.", "A man is laying face down on a massage table while a woman applies something to his back.", "A man is laying face down on a salon table while a woman puts wax on his back to remove the hair.", "A man lays face down as a woman squirts a substance on his back." ]
[ "一个女人给一个男人刮身上的体毛,男子的背后都刮红了。", "一个男人在专业的场所让专业人士剔除背部的厚重的汗毛。", "一个女人正在给趴在床上的男人剃背上的毛。", "一个戴着手套的女子拿着工具对着一个趴在床上的男子在做服务。", "在一个房间里,一个男人在爬着,有人拿着东西在他背部弄。", "一个人把另一个人后背上面的毛用工具剃了。", "一个女人正在为躺在按摩台上的男人涂上凝胶。", "在一名男子面朝下躺在按摩桌上时,一名女子正在他的背上涂抹一些东西。", "一个男人脸朝下躺在一张沙龙的桌子上,而一个女人在他的背上涂蜡脱毛。", "一个男人脸朝下趴着,一个女人把一种物质喷在他身上。" ]
[ "Two people pull tape off of a man's back to wax his hair. The man uses profanity.", "Two people are faxing a guy's back with tapes when they pulled the tape he is in pain and shouted out", "A man in a brazillian wax store getting his entire back waxed.", "A man in bent over with strips on his back and then two people rip those strips off of him.", "Man is getting his back waxed by two females using hot wax and strips.", "The man being waxed in feeling immense pain after several people help remove his hair with wax strips.", "A man is getting his back waxed by several individuals.", "Male bent over with tape on back, two others rapidly pulling tape off to remove hair.", "a man gets some tape ripped off his back very quickly", "On the count of three, two people pull long wax strips off a man's back." ]
[ "两个女人在房间里撕开了男子身上的胶带,男子疼得叫了出来。", "几个人从一个人的身上重重的扯下了贴在他身上的纸。", "两个人从一个人身上大力的撕下几根胶条。", "一个短发的男子趴在地面上,他旁边的两个人揭下了他背上的布条。", "三个人一起把一个男人身上的白布撕了下来。", "一个男人跪在沙发前,旁边几个人将男子背上的布扯了下来。", "一个男人被几个人用力的撕掉背上粘的东西。", "男人弯下腰把去毛胶带粘在了背上,另外两个人迅速撕开胶带帮他去毛。", "三个人快速撕下一个趴在地上男子背部的胶带。", "数到三,两个人从一个人的背上扯下长长的蜡条。" ]
[ "A man sitting on a couch with wax strips on his back and then a woman ripping the wax strips off.", "A man is bellowing because he is getting the hair off his back with wax strips.", "A man with no shirt on is getting his back waxed by a woman", "a woman is applying a wax strip and wax in the back of a man", "A man screams and then patches are ripped off of his back.", "A man yells and reacts to getting hair waxed off of his back by a woman.", "A bare-chested man yells then a woman pulls a waxing strip off his back.", "A man screaming in pain after getting waxed and gets waxed more times.", "A man is screaming in pain while another person is waxing his back.", "A woman is putting wax strips on a mans back and laughing about it." ]
[ "一个人坐在了床上吗另一人拿出了一张纸贴在了他的身上。", "一个女人揭掉一个上身没穿衣服男人背上的膏药。", "房间里,一个女人正在拔那个男人背上的毛。", "一个没有穿上衣的人坐在凳子上面,其中有一个人在向他背上撕东西。", "一个人正在给一个光膀子男子的后背贴东西。", "一个女人把一个男人背上的贴纸撕了下来。", "一个赤裸着上身的男人正在大喊大叫。", "一个男人在上蜡后痛苦地尖叫,并且被打蜡多次。", "一个男人痛苦地尖叫着,而另一个人正在给他背上除毛。", "一个人正在把蜡条放在一个男人的背上。" ]
[ "A guy peels tape from another guys back removing the hair while they laugh.", "A man is waxing the hair off the back of another man.", "A man is having his back hair pulled off with wax paper by another man while people laugh.", "A man in a Chicago Cubs hat has his bax waxed by his friend.", "A group of young males, waxing the back of another.", "A man places a piece of tape to shave on the back of another man and removes it immediately.", "A man removes hair from another mans back using wax.", "A man has his back waxed and all his freinds laugh at him when it is done.", "A guy ripping a wax strip off of another guy and then laughing.", "A man pulls off a strip of paper with wax from another man's back then shows all the hair it pulled off." ]
[ "一个男人撕下了另一个带蓝色帽子男人后背的胶带。", "一个男人兴奋的从另一个男人背上撕下贴纸并向其展示。", "一个穿着短袖人从一个男人背后撕下来一个东西。", "一个穿白色短袖的男子从另一个男子的背上揭下一块白布。", "一个没穿上衣的男人,趴在一面墙上,另外一个人用手撕掉了,趴在墙上人的后背粘毛贴。", "一名男子将一块胶带粘在另一个人的背上,去除上面的毛发。", "一个男人用蜡脱掉另一个人背上的毛发。", "一个人给一个男人的背部打蜡撕下后,男子的背部已经脱毛了,他的所有朋友都在嘲笑他。", "一个人从另一个人身上撕下一条蜡条然后笑了起来。", "一个男人从另一个男人的后背上撕下了一张纸条。" ]
[ "The lady is servicing the man with a hair removal session.", "A man has his entire back waxed to remove body hair.", "An esthetician pulls waxing strips off the back of a man one at a time.", "A woman is pulling wax strips off of a man's back revealing a hairless back.", "A man gets his back waxed repeatedly while he lies down.", "A person applies and pulls off a wax strip to a man's back.", "A man is lying on his stomach while another person waxes his back.", "A man lies down with his back exposed as a woman waxes his back.", "Someone wiping and stripping hair off another mans back.", "A woman applies and pulls off a wax strip from various areas of a man's back." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色上衣的人拿着一张白色的东西贴在一个男人背上然后撕下来。", "一个人在用贴纸给一位男子去除身上的污垢。", "一个人用一块白色的东西在另一个人的背上反复擦拭。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个人正在做按摩。", "有人把一张膏药贴在趴着的那个人的后腰上。", "一个人在一个男人的背上涂蜡并帮他脱毛。", "一个男人躺着,另一个人在他背上打蜡除毛。", "一个躺着的男人露出背部,女人在他的背上打蜡,撕下来,继续。", "一个男人正趴在床上让另外一个人给他脱毛。", "一个女人涂上一些东西在一个男人背部,然后不断地撕拉。" ]
[ "A man laughs as another speaks him off camera; both are amused.", "A man with no shirt on is with other males who are laughing at him .", "A guy stands with no shirt on and then bends over and touches his back as he turns around.", "A man with his shirt off laughs with his friends at night.", "A white topless man with tattoos on his arms is feeling his back for something while his friends chatter.", "A shirtless guy displays his back to the camera while the cameraman talks.", "A shirtless young man, shows his back to people in the same room.", "A guy stands shirtless in a room, laughing with people behind the camera as he shows his back to them.", "A male is top less and is asked to turn around by his friends.", "a man with no shirt on showing his back to his friends as they laugh." ]
[ "一个光着膀子的男人胳膊上有着纹身他正在说话。", "一个裸着上身的男人,戴着帽子,笑着起身用手挠着自己的后背。", "一个有纹身的男子正在房间内展示他的身体。", "有一个赤着上身纹着身的人在和另一个人交谈。", "有个裸着上半身的男子正在用手摸他的纹身。", "一个没穿衬衫的男人在另一个人谈话时向镜头展示了他的背部。", "在房间里,一个赤裸着上身的男人正在向别人展示他的背部。", "一个男人站在一个房间里赤膊上身,和后面的人一起笑着展示了他的背影。", "一根戴着黑色帽子的男人正在转过身去。", "一个上身赤裸的男人正张着嘴笑着并用手抓了抓他的后背。" ]
[ "A man with a hairy back in laying on his stomach while another person peels off a wax strip and shows it to the camera.", "a person laying down on the floor and them someone else waxing their back", "a woman is putting some wax strips on a man's back and pulling them fast", "A man laying on the floor has a woman rip a wax sheet off his back.", "A man is getting his back waxed and then reacts to the painful procedure.", "A man lies on his stomach while someone waxes his back.", "A women is waxing a mans back, when the paper is pulled the man screams in pain.", "A man laying on his back is having his back waxed and jumps in pain.", "A man is laying on the floor having hair removed from his back.", "A woman is waxing a man's back, the man screams when she rips it off and she laughs" ]
[ "一个女人用手一瞬间撕下了一个男人背上的胶布。", "一个男人躺在地上,一个女人将贴在他身上的胶布快速撕下。", "一个女人从一个没穿上衣的男人的背部撕下了事先粘好的一个东西。", "一个人撕开了另外一个人背上的一个东西。", "一个人拿着一个胶布正在粘另一个人的毛。", "一个人趴在地上,一个女人把他背上的一块胶带撕了下来。", "一个女人正在给一个男人除毛,当纸被拉开的时候,男人痛得尖叫起来。", "一个男人躺在地上,后背上了蜡,正痛苦的叫着。", "一个男人躺在地上,他的体毛从背上被脱了下来。", "一个女人把一个男人背上的纸撕了下来,男人尖叫着,她笑了。" ]
[ "A man is lying on his front with headphones on, while another man prepares to pull wax paper off his back.", "A man is laying on a table with a man and woman there, they are getting instructions from with another person on what to do next.", "The guy is teaching the proper way to put some plaster on the injured kid.", "A man lays on the table while wearing headphones before a man grabs a wax strip off of his back in a DJ booth.", "At a radio station, a man is laying on his stomach with people standing ready to wax his back.", "a man is laying down on his stomach while some people are gathering around him and doing something to his back", "A man is lying on a bench with waxing strips on his back and people around him are talking.", "A man is getting his back waxed during a radio segment.", "A man is wearing headphones while he is having the hair of this back removed.", "A man lays shirtless on a table while onlookers talk and one man prepares to rip something off his back." ]
[ "房间里有四个人,其中三个再往另外一个身上贴着东西。", "一个男人在给趴在桌子上的人后背贴东西,另一个男人和女人在观看。", "一个人戴着耳机趴在那里,另一个人在给他按摩。", "一个光头男人趴在哪里,有几个人在准备在男子背上做什么。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的人正在给另一个人做按摩。", "一个人趴在桌子上,有些人围着他,一个男的在他背上贴东西。", "一群人正在谈论如何正确的给另一个人的身上贴东西。", "一个男人带着耳麦趴在床上,另一个男人试图揭掉他后背上的纸贴。", "一个戴着帽子的男人在给一个男人背部脱毛。", "一名男子赤裸上身躺在桌子上, 而围观的人则在说话。" ]
[ "A man is drinking a cup of coffee while getting his back waxed while a crowd watches.", "A topless man is lying on a table surrounded by people, while someone spreads wax on the hair on his back and arm.", "A man is laying down getting hair waxed of his body.", "A guy is lying on a table getting painted by two other people.", "A man is lying on his stomach holding a drink as a woman brushes something on his left arm.", "A man lies on a table while a woman dips a paintbrush and proceeds to start painting his body.", "A man drinking from a cup is laying on a table on his stomach with someone spreading a substance on his shoulder.", "A man is laying on table drinking coffee while getting his back waxed.", "A man casually drinks coffee as a person applies hot wax to his arm.", "A guy lays on his stomach drinking a cup of beverage as a woman applies hot wax to his arm hair." ]
[ "一个光着膀子的中年男人正在被涂抹药膏。", "一个男人在一张桌子上面趴着,有个女人在向男人身上涂抹东西。", "一位女士正在给一个穿着红色裤子的男士脱毛。", "一个男子戴着眼镜趴在床上旁边有人拿着工具在给他做服务。", "一个男人打赤膊躺在桌子上,一个女人在他胳膊上涂颜料,旁有数人围观。", "一个男人趴在一张桌子上,一个女人蘸着画笔在他的身体上涂画。", "一个用茶杯喝水的人正趴在桌子上,有人在他的肩膀上涂了一些东西,旁边有人在看。", "一名男子躺在桌子上喝咖啡, 同时背部有人在刷漆。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人趴在床上喝咖啡。", "一个光着膀子的男人趴在床上喝饮料,一个女人在他身上涂一些颜料。" ]
[ "Someone is putting something on someone's skin and another concerned guy is telling them to wash it off.", "A person uses a wooden stick to spread wax onto someone else's stomach.", "People cleaning another person from an injury as other people watch.", "One man is laying on his stomach while others apply a substance that looks like wax to his upper back.", "A group of guys are applying wax to another guys back.", "A group of boys are discussing and arguing about something while in the dark.", "Someone is rubbing something onto a man's back in a dark room.", "Several people are gathered stroking something, and one person says to wash something off.", "A person applies wax removal to the back of someone lying down, and another person rips.", "A group of people apply wax and tape to a man's back." ]
[ "几个人在很黑暗的环境里在说着话。", "昏暗的房间里,一个男人躺着,两个人往他上涂抹着什么。", "在昏暗的场景中,有几个人在另一个人的背上抹了什么东西。", "昏暗的室内,一个人正在帮一个人按摩。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的人正在给另一人做着按摩。", "在黑暗中,一群男孩正在讨论或争论某件事情。", "有人在一个黑暗的房间里把什么东西涂在一个人的背上。", "几个人聚集在一起抚摸着什么东西, 一个人说要洗掉什么东西。", "一个人将蜡去除在躺着的人的背后,而另一个人撕裂。", "一群人将蜡和胶带涂在一个人的背上。" ]
[ "Man having someone place wax on his back and rip it off as they countdown.", "A man lifts his shirt, then a woman rips of a wax strip.", "A person places a piece of paper with wax on the back of a man and rips it off abruptly.", "A person gets some of his hair waxed off by friends.", "A man is getting ready to have a patch of hair removed, his friends countdown as they prepare to remove the patch.", "One person applies a wax strip to another's back and then yanks it off.", "A person puts a waxing strip on a man's back as other people scream and laugh.", "A person is placing tape on another person's back and ripping it off to remove hair.", "A person puts a wax strip on a man's lower back and then rips it off", "a person is applying a wax strip on a man's back and pulling it off" ]
[ "一个人正在使用脱毛蜡纸帮另一个人脱毛。", "一个男人背上贴了一块布,被另外一个人迅速的撕下。", "在一个房子里。一个穿格子衣服的人正在粘一个人身上的毛。", "一个人揭掉了另一个穿黑色衣服人身上的东西。", "一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的人露出肚皮,一个穿着格子衣服的人,用力把他身上的纱布撕开了。", "一个人将蜡条涂在另一个人的背上后又把蜡条拽了下来。", "一个男人正在用蜡带拉扯一个男人肚子上的毛。", "一个人把胶带放在另一个人的背上, 撕掉它去脱毛。", "一个人在男人的腰背上放一条蜡条,然后把它撕下来。", "一个人在别人肚子上贴了蜡条,然后狠狠把蜡条撕下来。" ]
[ "men are waxing a man's back in a garage with waxing strips", "Someone is waxing a man's back while everyone else watches.", "A man is having his back waxed by another man who applies the strip to the wax and presses it down.", "A small group of men apply a hair removal strip to the back of a man kneeling down on the concrete floor.", "A man wearing a red shirt is having his back waxed by another man, while others watch.", "A group of people are together, one is walking carefully holding a cup while another man has his shirt above his shoulders and another man puts a strip of material on his back.", "A person is applying some waxing paper on the back of a man sitting on a chair.", "A group of men look like they are going to wax the back of one of them.", "A man is leaning over while someone else is starting to wax his back.", "A seated man has a patch of his back waxed while other men watch." ]
[ "一群人在往另一个赤裸着上身的人身上贴东西。", "一个男人在另一个男人的背上贴了一张白色的东西,然后压住了它。", "一个男人趴在桌子上,另一个人在为他贴膏药。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个男人,在给另一个男人,贴膏药。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在给一个裸背的男人的背上贴膏药。", "一群人在一起, 一个人小心翼翼地拿着杯子走着, 另一个人在另一个人的背上放了一个东西。", "一个人正在给一个坐在椅子上的人的背上涂上蜡纸。", "一群男人看起来像要给其中一个人的背上打蜡。", "一个男人正在弯腰,而另外一个人正在给他的背上贴东西。", "一群人正在给一个坐在椅子上,趴着的男人身上贴一张纸。" ]
[ "A man gets his back waxed and then proceeds to shout obscenities when in pain.", "A guy gets his back wax and he curses and screams \"I'm done!\"", "A man is having a woman remove his back hair with tape and then finds out it is very painful.", "Someone puts a hair pulling patch on the back of a very hair man and pulls it while he hollers.", "A man is getting hair waxed from his back and screaming.", "A guy starts screaming and cussing when somebody pulls hair off his back with tape.", "Man in terrible pain after having hair waxed from his back.", "A man leans over a table as a woman removes hair from his back using wax strips, the man leans back in pain.", "Someone is waxing a man's back and he demonstrates pain.", "A man without a shirt, sitting down, lets someone else remove the hairs from his back." ]
[ "一个人从一个赤裸上身的男人上身撕开了一张白色的纸,引起男人大叫。", "一个人拿了一块白胶布把一个光背男人背后的毛沾了下来。", "一个裸露上身的男子在房间内大叫。", "一个人正在帮另一个男人撕膏药,男人发出了痛苦的声音。", "一个人用胶布把另一个人的毛粘起来。", "当有人把胶带从他背上拔下来时,他开始尖叫和诅咒。", "一个男人趴在桌子上,另一个人给他去毛,他感到痛苦然后大叫。", "一名男子靠在一张桌子上,一名女子将脱毛膏抹在他的背部然后撕下,男子痛苦的说着什么。", "有人在给一个人的背上涂蜡,而他却表现出痛苦。", "一个没穿衬衫的男人坐着,别人正在帮去除他背上的毛发。" ]
[ "A man has his back waxed, it shows the wax applied and the strip of paper but it hasn't been taken off yet.", "a person is applying wax on the back of the man to remove the hair", "A man is having his back waxed by a woman and is in agony.", "A man has his back waxed bracing himself for the pain.", "A man is having his back waxed by a woman while his friends laugh.", "A man lying on a table is getting his back hair waxed off by a woman.", "A man is lying on a table and having his back hair removed by waxing.", "A lady drawing tattoo in the back of a man lying face down", "A guy is laying on a bed getting ready to do waxing of his back.", "A guy lays on a table and prepares for back hair to be removed." ]
[ "一个小女孩在给一个背上长满毛的人按摩。", "一个外国男人正在享受中国的贴膏药服务。", "男子痛苦的趴在床上,后背涂上了药水,女子将膏药贴在了他的背上。", "一个女人在为一个躺在桌上的男人背上治疗。", "一个光着上身,胳膊上有纹身的男人正趴着,一个白色衣服的女人正在给他背上涂抹淡绿色的膏状物质。", "一个女人正在给另一个趴在床上男人的背上刮东西。", "一个女人正在使用工具修饰另一个人的背部。", "一位女士正在给一个面朝下躺着的男人背上刺纹身。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人在给趴在床上的男人背部打蜡。", "一个男人躺在一张桌子上,准备好去除后面的毛发。" ]
[ "An ecstatic woman who gave a man a back hair removal wax.", "A man having his back waxed jumps in pain as the strips are pulled off.", "A man is having wax strips pulled off his back by teenagers.", "A male is topless with wax strips on his back, someone tries to pull it off initially unsuccessfully then does manage it second time.", "A man has some tape on his back and another person rips them off to wax him.", "A child laughs and points to a man as he gets hair removed from his back.", "Two women wax a mans back in the middle of a living room.", "A man with a hairy back has patches of his hair ripped out with wax.", "A man with tape on his back is approached by someone who removes one of two strips and then he turns around while others laugh.", "A man with wax on his back letting a young pull it off and it hurts." ]
[ "后面两个人往一个胖男人后背粘了胶带,猛地一撕,男人很疼的样子。", "一个较胖的男子裸着背部,并贴上了胶布,旁边有个女人扯掉了他背上的胶布。", "一个男人的背上被贴了一张纸,并被突然撕了下来。", "一个白发男子赤裸着上身,其身上纹有纹身。", "一个赤裸上身的男人,一个人在他脊背上贴上了胶布按摩几下,并快速的撕下去。", "一个人给一个男人的背上贴东西,然后撕了下来。", "两个女子在一个男子身上贴上了粘胶然后撕了下来。", "一个赤裸上身的男人背上粘了一些东西,一个人撕下了它。", "一个光着上身的男人在背部贴胶带有人把它撕下来。", "一个男人背部被贴了两个东西,然后被揭了下来。" ]
[ "A man lays down on his stomach as people pull on his back hair.", "A group of people are rubbing something on the back of a man who is lying down.", "A man is laying on his stomach and other people are above him putting something on his back.", "People are poking at and rubbing at the back of a shirtless, moaning man.", "A man is on his stomach and getting his back waxed with cream.", "A very hairy man is being waxed and it is very painful and people are laughing at him.", "a man getting his back waxed by a group of people as they rub wax on him as he gets ready", "A man groans while someone else rubs his bare back.", "a man is laying on his front and having his back touched", "A man lies on his strong while people around him laugh and place waxing paper onto his back." ]
[ "两个人正在给一个躺着的男人背上擦东西。", "一个男人趴在地上让别人给他按摩背部。", "在一个放房间里,两个人正在帮一个人擦东西。", "一个人趴在那里,旁边有人拿一个黑色的东西贴在他的背上。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的人正在给一个人按摩。", "一个毛发很多的男人正在打蜡,这个过程是非常痛苦的,有人在嘲笑他。", "一个男人趴在地上,一群人用胶带贴在他的背上。", "一个人呻吟着,而别人揉他裸露的背部。", "一个男人正在给一个躺着的男人背部打蜡。", "两双手正在给一名趴着的男人的背上抹东西。" ]
[ "A pair of hands is applying wax onto their client's skin.", "A person gets their body waxed with hot wax preparing to be waxed.", "Someone spreading wax on someone's back while people are talking.", "Wax is being applied to hair on what appears to be a back.", "A lady paint some liquid on the skin of another human being", "A person is carefully applying wax to someone's butt hair.", "A males back is being brushed with paste in order to remove hair.", "A woman is spreading wax on a fat man's back with a wooden stick.", "someone is rubbing wax on to a hair back.", "A man is scraping something onto a woman's naked body." ]
[ "一个光着背部的人在被另一个人上药。", "一个人在另外一个人背上涂抹着什么东西。", "一个人正在昏暗的灯光下涂着黄色的膏体。", "一个男人给另一个人的腿上涂上了脱毛膏。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在抹着药。", "一个人正在小心地把脱毛蜡涂在某人的背部上。", "为了脱毛,正在用浆糊擦拭男性背部。", "一个女人用一根木棍在一个胖子的背上涂蜡。", "一个男人在一个房间进行着蜜蜡涂抹。", "一只手正在给一个屁股上涂抹着黄色的液体。" ]
[ "A woman puts a piece of tape with wax on it behind a man's back.", "A woman sticking a wax strip to man's back and yanking it off.", "A man and woman sitting and the one woman puts tape on his shoulder", "Woman applies wax strip to the back of a shirtless man.", "A lady is waxing a man's back while the man is talking and laughing.", "A woman is laughing and applying a waxing strip to the back of a man.", "A scouser is having his shoulders waxed by a female as they both laugh and chortle over it.", "A woman laughs as she applies a waxing strip to a mans back.", "A woman uses a wax strip to remove hair from a man's back.", "A women puts a waxing strip on a mans back." ]
[ "在一个房子里一个赤裸上身的男人,正在让另一个人帮她贴着东西。", "一个男人赤裸着上身,一个女人往男人背上贴着胶布。", "房间里一个女人正在给一个男人贴膏药。", "有个女子将一个东西贴在了留着络腮胡的男子的背上。", "在一间明亮的房间,一个女人正在给一个男人贴膏药。", "一个女人坐在一个男人的后面笑着,并在男人的背上涂上打蜡带。", "一个女人正在把一张贴纸贴在男人的背上。", "一个女人大笑着往一个男人身上贴了一张纸。", "一名妇女使用蜡条去除男人背部的毛发。", "一个女人在男人的背上放了一条打蜡的条子。" ]
[ "A person holds an item on the upper back of a man who is laying face down.", "A person on the floor is getting his back massaged by someone.", "A man is about to have his friend rip a strip of paper containing hot wax off of his back.", "A person laying on their stomach without a shirt while another person is about to remove wax strips.", "A man is laying on a table at the chiropractors getting his back aligned.", "A man appears to be giving another man a back massage.", "A man is laying face down on a table while another man is working on his back.", "A man getting back cracked by one friends while the other films.", "A man is preparing to have some sort of massage on his back near his neck.", "A man who is laying on his back receives a back massage." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色上衣的人在给一个躺着的人按摩。", "一个人用双手给一个裸着上半身的人按摩背部。", "一个人正在撕一个光着背的男人背上的东西。", "一双手按压在躺在床上的男人身上,不断地挤压着。", "一个男人赤裸上身趴在床上,一个男人站在他前面握着拳头按在他背部。", "一个男人正在给另一个趴着的男人做背部按摩。", "一个人脸朝下趴在桌子上,另一个人用手在他的背上按摩。", "一个人在给趴在床上的另一个人按摩背部。", "一名男子正准备在脖子附近的背部进行某种按摩。", "一个躺在地上的男人正在接受背部按摩。" ]
[ "A girl laying on her back has another girl pull a was strip off her back.", "Someone ripped a bandage off a woman's back.", "Someone speaks while a person lays on a bed with her back exposed and then someone rips a wax strip off her back.", "A woman removes hair from her boyfriends back using a hair removal tool.", "A woman is waxing the back of a man.", "A person is pulling a wax sticker off of someone's abs.", "A man getting his back hair waxed by a woman as she laughs.", "A women remove a hair in another women's back by ripping off the wax paper", "A girl pulls a wax strip from a man's back and discusses how hairy it is.", "A woman is pulling off a waxing strip from a man's small back as he lays on his stomach on a table." ]
[ "一女子将一片脱毛的膏药贴到了一名男子身上后撕下。", "一个人向另一个人背部贴了一张粘毛纸,然后快速的揭了下来。", "一个人从另一个人的背上撕下一个白色的东西,还大笑着。", "一个人用手揭掉另一个人腰部贴着的东西。", "一个人用透明胶布贴到爬在床上的人的腰部并撕下来,放到床上。", "一个人正在从另一个人的悲伤上四侠脱毛贴。", "一个女人边笑边把男人背上的东西撕下来。", "一个女人用蜡纸为另一个女人脱毛。", "一个人对着趴在床上的男子用胶带去毛。", "一名女子从一个男人的小背部脱下了打蜡的条子。" ]
[ "Someone is laying down covering their face with their hands.", "A person is lying on a message table without a shirt.", "Mans speaks to woman who is lying on her stomach naked with some type of green substance on her back.", "Someone asks a teenage boy how he feels and the boy responds negatively as the camera shows a back tattoo.", "A guy is talking to his friend and they are on a bed.", "A mostly nake lady laying on her stomach appears to be in the process of getting a tatoo.", "A boy is lying on his stomach with no shirt and talking.", "A person is sitting on their front side with no shirt and talking.", "Two men chat while one lays down shirtless with something on his back.", "A woman lays on her stomach as she gets a tattoo on her lower back." ]
[ "房间里的床上躺着一个光着上身的男子。", "一个光着身子的女人,趴在床上身上还有绿色的颜料。", "一个女人趴在床上,另一个人在和她讲话。", "一个人趴在地上身上涂着绿色的东西。", "一个趴在地上的人,在往身体上面撒着一种绿色的液体。", "一个大多数裸体的人躺在一个桌子上似乎是一个纹身的过程。", "一个男孩赤裸着上身趴在床上说着话。", "一个没有穿衣服的女人躺在床上,旁边有一堆人在说着话。", "两个人聊天, 一个人赤裸上身, 背上有什么东西。", "一个女人趴着,因为她的背部在纹身。" ]
[ "A man is laying on his stomach while someone waxes his back.", "A woman is waxing an old man's back hair off.", "A man has his back waxed by another person in quick movements with a wax sheet.", "A beautician rapidly removes hair from a man's back with wax strips while music plays.", "A man gets back hair removed from a waxing professional.", "A woman is using waxing strips to remove the back hair from a man.", "A man with salt and pepper hair is getting his back waxed.", "A man has the hair removed from his back by a professional.", "A guy laws on his stomach as another person uses sticky strips to remove the back hair.", "A man lies on his stomach on a table while a woman waxes his back" ]
[ "一个女人用黏性很强的布在光着后背的老人身上反复贴上又扯下。", "一个人在给一个男人拔后背上的毛发。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人拿着一张贴纸贴到一个人的背上撕掉。", "一个人躺着,而他旁边的人正在拿白色的纸在他背上揭来揭去。", "有一个戴着眼镜的男人趴在床上,旁边还站着一个人。", "一名妇女用蜡条清理一个男人背上的毛发。", "一个人正往个头发浓密的男人背上打着蜡。", "一名专业人员将汗毛从一个男人的背后取下。", "一个穿着白色连衣裙的女人正在给一个男人做护理。", "一个男人躺在桌子上,而一个女人在他的背上打蜡。" ]
[ "A man was lying on his belly and getting massage from the girl by applying some oil", "A guy is lying on the floor and someone is waxing his back.", "A man lays on the floor watching tv while someone applies a bandage to his back.", "A man lying on the floor as a woman is putting wax on his back to remove the hair.", "A young man has wounded his back and a nurse is putting a bandage on the stop where the wound is on this man's back.", "A woman is applying some hot wax to a mans back to remove hair.", "A guys is getting his back waxed at home by his girlfriend.", "A man is laying on the floor while a woman is putting wax tape on him", "A guy is getting someone to apply icy hot onto his back.", "A man is laying on the floor as a woman applies wax and a waxing strip on him" ]
[ "一个人趴在床上,另一个人正在给他涂些东西理疗。", "一名男子正躺在毯子上面一位身穿白色衣服的女子正在为他上药。", "一个人在另一个人的背上抹了一点东西后,又用白色的布贴上。", "一个男人躺在地上,一个女人将一些液体涂抹在男人的背上,然后将一块白布盖在上面。", "有一个人不穿上衣的趴在地上,旁边还有两个人。", "一个男人趴在地上,旁边一个人在男子背上涂了一些液体。", "一个女人正在给躺在地上的男子背上打蜡。", "一名男子躺在地板上,而一名女子正在给他贴蜡带。", "一个人正在让某人将某种东西敷在他后背上。", "一个男人躺在地上,一个女人在他身上涂了一些东西并用东西盖着。" ]
[ "A man lays on his stomach while he prepares to get a part of his body waxed.", "A man is laying down on his stomach on a table, he is preparing to receive a treatment.", "a man with a lot of hair on his back lays down on his stomach", "A man is lying down on a table while having hair removed by waxing.", "A man is lying on a bed describing the level of pain in his back injury.", "a man lays on the side of their face and talks to another person next to them", "A man lying face down on a bed, answering a woman's question.", "a man laying on a table talking while getting his back waxed.", "Someone is waxing a hairy mans' back on a table.", "A man is laying on his tummy with his shirt off and a woman talks to him as she is getting ready to wax his back." ]
[ "一个身宽体胖的男人趴在床上刮身上的体毛。", "一位全身长满毛的大叔正在享受着按摩服务。", "一个男子趴在床上,让别人替他刮掉身上的汗毛。", "一个有胡子背上长毛的外国男人,趴在白色的床上。", "一个留着胡子的男人趴在床上,他的背上涂满了白色的东西。", "一个男人趴在床上与旁边的另一个人交谈着。", "一个中年男人趴在床上和一个女人对话。", "一个男人趴在桌子上,他的背上打蜡,一个人在他肩部放了一块布。", "一个反着躺在床上的男人正在被另一个人用工具脱毛。", "一个男人裸着背趴在床上,一个女人正准备给他的背上涂蜡。" ]
[ "People around a man lying down stuck a tape at his back", "A small group of people laugh as they apply hair removal strips to a hairy man's back.", "A group of people laugh while they are waxing someone's back.", "A person is lying face down, surrounded by few people while having patches applied to his back.", "many people were placing the tattoo on the back side of the man by making lying upside down by his belly", "A group of people are putting on hair strippers on the back of a man.", "People apply wax to a prone man's back to strip hair, while laughing and talking.", "A larg man laying down having his back hair removed by a few wemon while being laughed at and filmed", "Multiple strips are applied to a person's back for the purpose of hair removal.", "A group of people put wax onto a man's back while laughing." ]
[ "一个男人趴在床上,一群人往他的背部贴胶布。", "一群人将一个很胖的人背上贴了很多膏药。", "一个人趴在床上,旁边有好多人在往她身上贴东西。", "一个人趴在床上,几个人在给他的背部占东西。", "两个人在给一个趴着的人往腰部贴膏药。", "一群人,在一个趴着的男人后背粘着几片纸,一边大笑着。", "一群人正笑着将脱毛贴纸粘在一个趴着的人背上。", "个粗壮的男人躺下来,在被人嘲笑和拍摄的时候,几个人在给他的背部脱毛。", "为了脱毛的目的,一个人的背部涂了多个蜜蜡。", "一群人一边笑一边把蜡放在一个男人的背上。" ]
[ "A person looks to be in the process of waxing a man's back.", "A man is laying down as an adhesive pad is placed on the left part of his back.", "A man applying tape to another man to remove hair from his back", "Someone puts a waxing strip on some elses back and smooths it down.", "One person is putting wax strips on a man's back to remove his body hair.", "Someone is applying the paper that goes over wax for hair removal on someone elses back.", "An individual administering care on another person who is lying face down", "An individual is laying down and getting their back waxed.", "A man laying on his stomach and someone comes and waxes his back", "A man is lying on his stomach on a table while another man is putting a wax strip on his back." ]
[ "一个戴着手链的人在给一个躺在的人按摩。", "一个人光裸上身趴着,一个用手将一个东西贴在他背上。", "一个男人正趴在床上,另一个人将一个东西贴在了他的身上。", "一个人用手拿着一个东西粘在了一个男人的背上。", "房间内,一个人在给一个躺在床上的女人按摩。", "一个人正在用来脱毛纸去除另外一个人的毛。", "一个人手里拿着一个物体贴在了一个躺在床上的人的背上。", "一个人在趴着另一个人正在他背上打蜡。", "一个人趴在地上,有人过来给他的背上涂蜡。", "一个人光着上身趴在床上,另一个人在他背上贴着一个东西。" ]
[ "A group of young men wax another (very hairy) young man's back.", "a group of people putting wax and wax sheets onto a hairy man's back and waxing his hair off", "A group of people are standing next to a man that is laying down, they use pieces of paper to wax his back.", "Many people are putting wax on a mans back and pulling hair off him.", "Two people pull waxing strips off of a man's back while another applies wax and places a cloth strip on top.", "A group of people stand around a man and wax his back.", "A man lays on his stomach and people pull wax strips off and spread wax on the man's back.", "Wax strips are applied and ripped off of a man's back as people off-camera laugh.", "A group of young people taking turns putting wax on a guys hairy back and pulling it off.", "A person lying on their stomach has wax and cloth strips applied to their hair on their back." ]
[ "一个人躺在凳子上,旁边几个人在帮助他去除体毛。", "一个光着上身的男人趴在椅子上,同时一群人再向他背上贴胶带。", "一群人在给躺着的人的背上脱毛。", "有一个光着身子的人趴在地上几个人在弄他的后背。", "一个赤裸着上身的人正趴在地上让别人贴东西。", "一群人站在一个趴在床上的人周围,给他的背上涂蜡。", "一个男人躺在地上,人们在他背上涂着什么从背上撕下来。", "人们把蜡条从男人的背上撕下来,离开时他们笑着。", "一群年轻人轮流把蜡涂到一个男子毛茸茸的后背上然后把蜡拔下来。", "几双手正在给一个躺着的男人去除背上的毛发。" ]
[ "A person pulls off a piece of tape on another guy.", "People watching as one individual peels of a strip from another person back while laughing.", "A person having their back waxed with wax strips yelping at the pain", "A person is gettting a wax strip pulled off their stomach by someone else.", "A man has a strip of wax on his back that someone rips off as they are all laughing.", "A person pulls a strip of dried wax off of a boy's back.", "A guys back is being waxed just in one spot and people are laughing at him.", "One person removed a wax strip from another person's back.", "A girl with a wax strip on back has it torn off by another woman.", "A man and woman are in a kitchen laughing before and after he pulls a patch off of her back." ]
[ "一个人在帮另一个人撕后腰的白色膏药。", "一个人把另一个贴在腰上的胶带猛的撕下来,疼的她大叫。", "一个穿着短裤的男人在一个房间自己脱着毛。", "一个人在给另一个人弄后腰上的东西。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在揭膏药。", "一个人从一个男孩的背上撕下一条干燥的蜡条。", "一个男人正在一个地方被打上蜡,人们在嘲笑他。", "一个人从另一个人的背上正在取下一条蜡条。", "一个背上有蜡条的男孩被一个女孩撕掉蜡条。", "一只手撕下一个人背部的胶贴,然后他们的旁边是烹饪工具。" ]
[ "A person waxes the hair off of a man while he lays down.", "In a mans beauty parlor a lady remove the body hair to the men.", "A man is lying face down on a raised bed while a person puts something on his back and pulls it off quickly", "In a mans Beauty parlor a women remove body hair in other young men.", "A lady is waxing a man's back while the man is screaming.", "The man is laying on the table while getting a back massage.", "A man is laying down on a massage table while getting a massage from a woman", "A man laying on his stomach without a shirt while somebody waxes his back.", "A woman massages a man's back as he lays flat on a massage table.", "A person getting their back waxed and not having a good time with it." ]
[ "一个人正在用胶带给一个躺在床上的人拔毛。", "一个男人正趴在床上,一个女人正不停地用胶带贴男人背上的毛。", "一个男人在一个灰暗的房间进行着脱毛。", "一名男子正躺在床上另一个人帮他刮着体毛。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人帮躺在椅子上的人服务。", "一个男人躺在桌子上,同时得到了背部按摩。", "一名男子躺在按摩床上, 同时接受一名女子的按摩。", "一个男人在没穿衣服的情况下趴在床上,有人给他背部打脱毛膏。", "当男人平躺在按摩台上时, 一个女人给他的背部按摩。", "一个男人在敲打另一个躺在床上的光着上身的男人的背部。" ]
[ "A shirtless man is laying face down, as the woman is using a product to remove the hair from his back.", "A man is lying on a table and having wax hair removal strips placed on his back.", "A man laying on his stomach while someone applies wax strips on his back.", "a man laying down having his back waxed by a woman.", "A man laying down on his stomach with his shirt off getting his back waxed.", "The man is laying on the table as he is getting his back waxed at the salon.", "A man getting his back hair waxed by a woman while another woman films.", "A man is laying on his stomach on a chair getting his back waxed.", "Man lying on stomach with wax strip on upper back lifts head when he feels hand.", "The man is laying down on the table, and appears to be in good spirits as a woman applies a hair-removal product to his back." ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服、牛仔裤的人在给一个躺着的男人搓背。", "一个人正在给另一个赤裸上身的人的背上贴上白纸。", "一个男人趴在沙发上,另一个人在为他按摩。", "一个人在给一个趴在床上并且没有穿上衣的男子在按摩。", "一个光着膀子的男人趴着,身上贴着一块白色的东西,另一个人手里拿着一块白色的东西在身上来回的粘着。", "一个男人趴在一个床上,另一个人拿着一张布在男子背上擦拭。", "一个人手上拿着白色的纸在给躺在床上的男人轻轻拍打。", "一个男人躺在椅子上,有人在他背上打蜡。", "一个男人躺在床上,另一个人正准备给他去体毛。", "一个女子将脱毛产品涂在一个趴在床上男子的背部。" ]
[ "A person is showing a male get tape off a person hairy back.", "A man is pulling the hair off another man's back.", "A man is lying on his stomach and another man has applied a wax hair removal strip, and pulls it off.", "A man lays shirtless and another man waxes the hair on his back, he yells.", "A man takes pleasure in ripping hot wax flannel to remove hair from a buddles back.", "A man is laying on his stomach and another man pulls a wax strip from his back and the man screams while the wax puller laughs.", "A man lying on the bed had his back hair suddenly pulled off causing him pain.", "A man is laying on his stomach while someone rips wax paper off his back.", "A man is getting his back waxed and is really protesting the pain of it.", "a man pulling a wax strip off another mans back while he yells about it." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个男人,趴在一张床上,说着话。", "一个男人压着另一个男人的后背,并从上面拿了什么,使男人大叫。", "一个穿着白色短裤的男人正趴在床上脱毛。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个男人光着上半身另一个男人给他拔着汗毛。", "一个人光着上身趴着,另一个人用纸巾垫着,在那个趴着的人后背揪了一下。", "一个男人趴在床上,另一个男人从他的背上拉起一条蜡条,而那个男人在叫。", "一个躺在床上的男人突然被拉开了后背毛发,引起了他的痛苦。", "一个人趴着,另一个人把蜡纸从他背下撕了下来,疼的这名男子尖叫。", "一个男人正在给他的背上涂蜡,他真的是在抗议这种痛苦。", "一个男子从一个男子的身上撕下了一条蜡条。" ]
[ "People watch as a man laying on a pillow gets hair ripped off of his back.", "multiple clips of a man getting strips of hair waxed off his back.", "A man has his back waxed and loud music plays.", "A man watching another man get his back hair waxed off.", "Multiple people rip off wax strips from a man's back as a man shakes his head.", "A man laying face down gets a massage then has his back waxed.", "A man laying on a table having his back waxed while a few people hold him down.", "a person is applying some wax strips on a man's back and pulling them off", "Several people are holding a man down, while he gets his back waxed.", "A man gets some of his hair waxed off as he lays on his face." ]
[ "一群外国人在给躺在床上的男人粘汗毛。", "一群人在给一个趴着的男人去背部的汗毛,另一个男人露出震惊无奈心疼的表情。", "一个男人趴在床上,一些人在为他按摩。", "一个男人光着身子躺在地上,一群人用东西把他背上的毛发揭掉。", "几个人在给一个光着膀子趴着的人拔身上的东西。", "一个男人趴在床上,另一个男人在用蜜蜡给他脱着毛。", "一个人趴在桌子上,其他的人在他的背上涂抹着一些东西。", "一个人在给一个人的背后涂上蜡条然后把它们扯下来。", "有几个人把一个人打倒在地上,而他则在背脊背上打蜡。", "一个男人趴在一个床上,几双手拔下他背上的东西。" ]
[ "A man lays on his stomach while having multiple strips of wax applied to his back.", "Someone puts wax strips on a man's back while another man narrates.", "a group of people are trying to wax the back of a man", "Some people apply strips to a man's back to wax his back for him.", "a person gets their back worked on while they are laying face down", "A few women are placing paper on a man's back to pull off the hot wax.", "A group of women prepare to wax the back of a man who is lying down.", "The man is laying on the table while the group of woman wax his back.", "A man lies face down while people surrounding him wax his back.", "People are rubbing wax pads onto a mans back who is laying down." ]
[ "昏暗的房间内,几个人,把胶布,粘在一个男人的背上。", "一男子俯躺着,按摩师们在商量为男子怎样做按摩。", "房间里,一群人正在往一个躺着的男人身上贴胶布。", "在一个昏暗的室外,一双手正在给一个男人按摩。", "几个人正在给另一个趴着的人按摩。", "一些人正在给趴着的一个男人背上贴着什么东西。", "一群女人准备给躺着的男人背部上蜡。", "男人躺上桌子上身边的女人在为他拔毛。", "一名男子面朝下躺着,周围的人在他背上涂蜡。", "人们正在把褪毛贴贴在躺着的男人的背上。" ]
[ "A woman waxes a hairy mans back while he lies face down on a board.", "A guy lays on a tabloe as a woman stands above him and removes his hair with a sticky strip on his back", "A man winces in pain as he gets his back waxed.", "Woman removing wax from the back of a man with a long fabric strip,", "A girl was doing the waxing on the back side of a bald head man", "A man lays shirtless on a massage table while a woman massages his back.", "A woman uses wax paper on a man who is lying on a table.", "a woman is waxing a man's hair on his back with a waxing strip.", "A man is laying on a table and a woman pulls a wax strip off his back.", "A woman massages a man's back as he lays on a table, his lower body covered by a blanket." ]
[ "一女子正在为男子按摩背部,并在背部贴上东西。", "一个女的正在帮一个男的脱后背上的毛发。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的女子再给一位男子拔毛。", "一个人把一个躺着的男子背上的东西撕了下来。", "有一个人趴在床上,旁边还有一个穿着条纹衫的人。", "一个女人在给一个趴着的男人背上打蜡按摩。", "一个女人正在给一个躺在床上的男人使用蜡纸脱毛。", "一个女人正在用打蜡条给躺在床上的男人的后背上打蜡,那个男人做出了痛苦的表情。", "一个男人怕在床上一个女人在给他脱毛。", "一位男士趴在床上,上半身赤裸,下半身盖着一条毯子,一位女士拿着一张东西把他背上的毛拔了下来。" ]
[ "A man is lying one the floor face down while another person pulls a wax strip off it and the man rolls over and sits up in pain.", "A man is laying on his stomach and is getting his back waxed.", "Someone pulls a wax strip off of a man's back and he writhes in pain.", "Man is lying in fetal position while another man removes wax tape from his back and they laugh.", "A man is lying on his stomach and a woman pulls a waxing strip off of his back.", "a woman remove the tape in a mans back by pulling it too quickly", "A man lays on the floor while a girl pulls the wax tape from his back.", "A man laying on his stomach while having wax strips ripped off his back.", "People are laughing as a woman uses tape to pull the hair off a man's back as he's lying on the floor in front of a tv.", "A man is getting hair waxed from his back while someone is laughing." ]
[ "一个没穿上衣的男人爬在床上,背上有白色的胶带,另外一个人把胶带撕了下来。", "一个男子裸着上身趴在地上,另一个黑色衣服的男子数了123之后一把扯下裸身男子背上贴着的一块布。", "男子趴在地上,让他帮忙用力撕掉了现在身上的药贴。", "一个男人光着上半身在背上粘了一个胶带被另一个手撕掉。", "一个人将另一个人身上的白色胶布撕了下来。", "一个女人把一个男人背上的胶带撕了下来。", "一个女人在倒数三声后将一个男人身上的粘胶带撕了下来。", "一个男子撕掉贴在另一个躺在床上的男子身上的贴纸。", "一个女人用胶带将毛发从男人的背上拉下来。", "一个男子背部被贴了一个东西,然后一双手将它撕了下来。" ]
[ "A man is sitting at a table while a woman is applying wax to his back", "A man is sitting at a table while two women tend to him and one applies a wax strip to his back.", "A white man with no shirt on is sitting at a table where two women stand nearby with foil in their hair while one appears to be waxing his back.", "A shirtless male is sitting at a table while a woman prepares to apply a wax strip to his back.", "Two women are putting bandages on a man's back as others are watching.", "A woman is applying hair removing tape to a man's back and someone is telling him to get ready.", "A bare chested man is sitting at a table, while a young girl puts something on his back and others are watching.", "The lady is peeling the man's hair at his back and is consoled by the other lady.", "A woman is applying wax to a man's back while another lady stands watch.", "two woman are applying hot wax and strip on a man back" ]
[ "一个男子赤裸着上身坐在椅子上,一个女子把一块布贴在他的背上,另一个女子摸摸他的手臂安慰她。", "一位女士正在给赤裸着上半身的男子贴膏药,而旁边的另一女子在看着。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人在给男人脱毛。", "穿着白色衣服的女人在光着上身的男人身上做着东西。", "有一个男人坐在椅子上,他的旁边站着两个女人。", "一个女人正在给一个男人的后背上贴着一些东西,旁边有一个女人在看着。", "一个裸着身子的男人坐在一张桌子旁,而一个年轻的女孩在他的背上放了一些东西,有些人正在看着。", "这位女士正在剥掉男人的头发,并被另一位女士安慰。", "一位女士在男士的背上涂蜡,而另一位女士则站在那里观察。", "一个女人在给一个男的背上贴东西,另一个女人在旁边站着看。" ]
[ "A man has a bald patch on his back where he has had his hair waxed off.", "A person has just got part of their back waxed and they are laying on their stomach on the floor.", "A guy is lying on his stomach and getting his back waxed.", "Some women laugh at a man on the floor who is in pain after getting his back waxed.", "A man with a bandage on his back lies down on the floor while two other people talk.", "A man is lying on the floor having his back waxed while two women laugh.", "a shirtless man is lying face down and preparing for back hair removal", "A man laying on the floor with a wax strip on his back and another part of his back hairless.", "A man is having his back waxed, his back is shown with red and stuff still to be taken off.", "A man is laying on the floor with a wax pad on one side of his back." ]
[ "一个人准备给一个男人揭后背上的汗毛。", "一个男人趴在地面上一旁有一人拿一个蓝色的东西让男人看。", "一个光着上身趴着的男人叫了一声,旁边有人在笑。", "一个房间里,一个男人正趴在地板上呻吟。", "一个人光着膀子趴着,这个人的背上贴着一块白色的东西。", "一个男人趴在房间里的地板上面,然后抬起了头。", "一个赤裸着上身的男人脸朝下躺着,另一个人给他看了什么。", "一个男人躺在地板上,背上背上一条蜡条,背部另一部分没有毛。", "一个没穿上衣的男人在粘背后的毛发。", "一名男子躺在地板上, 背部一侧贴有一个蜡垫。" ]
[ "A man is having his chest removed by a women while another man can be heard laughing.", "Young man bracing himself for the pulling of a wax strip.", "A man is holding onto a towl behind his head as girls wax his chest and show off the hair.", "A man has a wax strip on his chest and it is pulled off by another man.", "A man is having his chest waxed by some friends using wax strips, and a friend rips one off and shows the hair.", "A young man has a girl pull wax off his chest and makes him yell.", "A man screams in pain as his chest is being waxed.", "a tough guy getting his chest hair waxed off in front of his friends", "A MAN PULLS AN ADHESIVE PAD OFF THE BREAST OF A WOMAN.", "A woman pulls a wax strip off of a man's chest." ]
[ "一个人在另一个半裸男人身上撕下一张白色纸条。", "一个人撕下另一个男人胸上的胶布,并进行展示那块胶布。", "一个人的胸前贴着一块白色的东西,另一个人把白色的东西撕了下来。", "一名没穿上衣的男子,手里拿着一个红色的物品,正躺在床上玩耍。", "在一个昏暗的室内,一群人正在一个男人身上拔汗毛。", "一个女孩在给一个年轻人的胸前用蜜蜡脱着毛,他疼的大叫着。", "一个女人用胶带拔一个男人的胸毛,男人很痛苦。", "一个硬汉在他的朋友们面前把他的胸毛脱落。", "一个女人把一个男人身上的胶带撕掉。", "一只手从男人的胸膛上揭出一条贴在胸口的贴纸。" ]
[ "A young man has his chest hair waxed while others cringe.", "Several people are watching as someone jerks a hair removing strip of tape from a boys chest.", "College students at a frat house doing applying using wax to remove hair on a dare.", "Lady holds a camera and tell the man who has some tape on is chest that is going to be pulled off by the other young man to tell him when he is ready so she can take the picture, then the tape is pulled.", "A group of people are standing in a room and a boy is talking.", "A group of people watch and record a man wax the hair from his chest.", "A young man is pulling tape from the chest of another man while others are commenting on it.", "a group of people in a room as they use a tool to hit another mans chest as they show the marks", "A man gets the hair stripped from his chest while someone takes a video.", "a young man having his chest waxed in a bathroom with various peers surrounding to watch" ]
[ "一个人往自己的胸上贴了一个胶带,把汗毛都撕扯下来了。", "一个男孩将贴在男人胸部上的胶布撕下,一个女人在一旁拿着相机记录这一过程。", "一个穿着条纹上衣的男人正在房间里脱毛。", "一个人用手把一个男人胸口粘着的白色东西撕掉了。", "房间里一个男子用胶布撕除另外一个男子胸口的毛发。", "一个人把一个男人胸口的胶带撕了下来。", "在房里一个男子用胶带贴在另一个男子的胸部拉起。", "一群人在一个房间里,他们用工具击打另一个人的胸部,当他们展示标志的时候。", "一群人在室内,其中一个人拿着摄像机正在拍摄。", "一群人在室内,其中一个人揭下了一个男子身上的东西。" ]
[ "A lady was doing waxing for a man with heavy hair on his stomach part", "A man is having his chest waxed while a crowd watches him.", "A man is laying down and getting waxed in public.", "A man is lying down on a table while a woman waxes his chest and stomach, and others stand around watching.", "A woman waxes a mans stomach in front of several onlookers indoors", "A woman is demonstrating body on a man in public.", "People watch while a bare chested man lays down, then a woman leans over him and rips off a waxing strip and he groans.", "A woman waxes a man's chest in a crowded area while a small crowd watches.", "A man is having his chest waxed in a mall while onlookers surround him.", "A man is receiving a hot wax treatment on his chest by a woman before a crowd of onlookers." ]
[ "一个男人光着身子躺在一个台子上一个女人将一块布贴在他身上,粘下来了很多毛,周围很多人在看。", "在医院大厅,医护人员正在用绑带为受伤的病人包扎伤口。", "一个人正在给床上躺着的男人剃胸毛,周围有人在围观。", "一个人躺着,另一个人在他身上贴东西,旁边有人在围观。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个男人躺在床上,一个女人给刮汗毛。", "一个女人在公共场合展示一个体毛旺盛的男人的身体。", "人们看着一个赤裸的胸部男子躺下,然后一个女人俯身在他身上,撕掉了一条打蜡的条子,他大叫。", "一个女人在一个拥挤的地方为一个男人胸部打蜡,而小群人在旁观。", "一个女人正在商场里给一个男人的胸部打蜡,周围有一些人在观看。", "一名男子在一群旁观者面前,正在胸部受到热蜡治疗。" ]
[ "A group of friends attempt to wax the chest of a guy.", "a group of boys interact with each other in front of a camera", "A bunch of guys are putting wax paper on one of their chests.", "Boys are sitting on the floor while they apply a strip to one of the boys chest.", "A group of young boys are sitting around while one boy applies a strip of tape to his chest.", "A person places a waxing strip on the chest of their friend", "Two young men in the background hold and stroke a bottle while another opens a box in the foreground as a fourth watches and then waves a white object right into the camera", "A group of guys are standing around talking, while one is sitting and getting prepped by another to wax his chest.", "Several boys are talking as they apply a wax strip to one of their chests.", "Some boys are placing a pad on the chest of another boy." ]
[ "一个男孩正在给另外一个男孩胸口贴贴画,另外两个男孩在展示贴的贴画。", "四个男孩正在用粘毛纸贴在一个穿白色背心男人的身上。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人站在一个房间里。", "一个穿背心的男生拉开衣服露出胸部皮肤,另一个人拿着一张白色贴纸贴在他胸前。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男孩子正在往一个戴着帽子的男孩身上贴东西。", "一个人在他朋友的胸口上贴上一条脱毛贴,周围的人在观看。", "背景中的两个年轻人拿着一个瓶子,另一个在前面打开另一个盒子,然后将一个白色的物体直接向镜头挥手致意。", "一群人围坐在一起聊天, 而一个人坐在那里, 被另一个人准备给他的胸部脱毛。", "几个男孩正在试图在另一个朋友身上使用脱毛膏并将它撕下来。", "一个人把一个物品贴在一个男孩的胸口,另一个人拿起来了这个物品。" ]
[ "A man has a wax strip pulled from his chest by another person", "A guy is standing next to a girl and he gets a wax strip pulled from his chest.", "A group of people pull the wax from a young mans chest and laugh.", "A man has a strip of tape on his chest, another person pulls it off and he screams.", "A man stands waiting for a wax hair removal strip to be ripped off the winces in pain.", "A man is getting his chest hairs waxed with a wax strip.", "A man applies a wax strip to his chest hair, which another man pulls off", "A man and 2 woman in a room while 1 woman waxes man chest", "A man is standing in a bedroom with other people, and someone rips a wax strip off his chest and he turns and falls to the bed.", "A couple of people are standing with a guy and removing hair from his chest" ]
[ "一个人从另一人的身上把一张纸斯了下来。", "一群人在帮一个没穿上衣的男人拔胸毛。", "一个穿着白色短裤的男人在用胶带粘汗毛。", "一个人把一贴在另外一个人身上的东西撕了下来。", "一名男子的胸前贴上白色胶布,随后被人撕开。", "一个男人正在用胶带沾掉胸毛上毛。", "一个人撕掉了一个男子胸毛上的蜡条。", "一个男人和两个女人在一个房间里,一个女人给男人的胸部打蜡。", "一个男人和其他人一起站在卧室里,其中一个人从他胸口撕下一条胶带。", "一个赤裸着的男人胸口贴着胶布,然后一个人快速的扯下,随后人们都笑了起来。" ]
[ "A mans chest have a wax strip on it and it is pulled off.", "One man places a strip of wax on another man's chest.", "Two young men are waxing the chest hair off of their friend.", "A man applies a large wax strip to another man's chest.", "Men are putting some wax and paper on a mans chest to remove hair.", "A man stands bare chested while another smooths a large strip of paper onto some wax on his sternum.", "While one person waits, another person is apply wax to the other persons chest.", "Some men are outside and preparing to wax off some chest hair from one of their friends.", "A person is getting his chest hair waxed off outside by a friend.", "A guy getting his chest hair removed and people talking in the background." ]
[ "一个人往一个赤裸上身的男人身上贴了一个物品。", "一个人正在帮另一个人在胸前贴膏药。", "一个人用手在一个光着上半身的人身上贴东西。", "一个没有穿上衣的男子旁边站着一个人给他身上贴了一个东西。", "一个男人光着身子,一双手在往上贴着一个白色的东西。", "一个人赤裸着胸膛的男人站着,而另一个人把一张大纸片按压在胸部上的一些蜡上。", "一个人正在对另一个人的胸部涂蜡同时边上的同伴在指导。", "一些男人在外面, 准备从他们的一个朋友身上去掉一些胸毛。", "一个人的朋友正在用胶带把他的胸毛粘掉。", "一个人正在给一名没有穿衣服的男子脱他身上的胸毛。" ]
[ "A man is laying down and then has wax pulled of his chest then he screams.", "A person waxes a man's chest as he screams out in pain.", "A man puts tape on his chest and people try to pull it off.", "A male is layoff down on the couch and gets tape ripped of a persons stomach.", "A shirtless man gets something sticky ripped off of his chest while people laugh.", "Man has wax strip on chest, man screams and sits up when he is touched, and strip remains on body.", "Several people pulling a waxy fabric off the chest of a male laying on the floor.", "A man is having his chest waxed and screams in pain when it is pulled.", "A man has his chest waxed in front of a group of friends who are making fun of him.", "A young man is yelling as two people are removing wax strips from his chest." ]
[ "两个人正在给躺在床上的黑衣服的男子撕粘在胸脯上白色胶带。", "一个男人露出上身,一些人将男人胸前的贴纸撕开。", "一个男人胸上粘了东西,旁边人来揭,他疼得大叫。", "在灰暗的房间里,有三个男人在沙发上做游戏。", "一个人在另外一个人的胸前撕下一片膏药。", "几个人正在给一个躺着的男人胸前撕下,然后这个男人尖叫起来,用手捂着脸。", "几个人从躺在地板上的一名男子的胸部拉起了一件蜡质织物。", "一个男子在胸部被打蜡当被拔出来时痛苦的尖叫。", "两个人冲一个人身上撕掉一块东西。", "有个年轻人在大喊大叫,因为有两个人正在从他的胸口拔出蜡条。" ]
[ "Two men are sitting down with their shirts off with a woman rubbing a wax stripped paper on one man's chest and the other man rips it off and they both laugh.", "A man waxes his chest and everyone laughs after he is done.", "Two men with red faces set beside one another while one waxes the other's chest.", "Shirtless men are sitting together and waxing off the hair on each other's chests.", "two men with really bad sun burns are waxing one of the men's chest", "A man rubs a cloths on a mans chest and then pulls it off quickly to wax it.", "A man puts tape on another man's chest and rips it off to get his hair.", "A bare chested mans sits while a woman applies a paper waxing strip to his chest, and another man rubs it and rips it off.", "A man and a woman are waxing someone's chest and pulling it off", "Two men sitting next to each other have red paint on them and one pulls a piece of wax paper off the other." ]
[ "在一个房间里,两个不穿衣服的人坐着,一个人身上贴了一个白条,另一个人帮他撕了。", "一个男人和朋友一起,在尝试用蜜蜡脱毛。", "两个人拿着一截白色的胶带贴在第三个男人胸前,又瞬间撕掉。", "一个穿浅色衣服的人给一个人观光着身子的人粘体毛。", "一个男人把另一个男人身上类似胶带的东西撕了下来。", "一个男人将另一个男人胸口上的布扯下来,之后男人开始大笑。", "一个男人把胶带绑在另一个男人的胸上然后扯下来。", "一个裸胸男人坐着,一个女人在他的胸部涂上一条蜡脱毛条,然后另一个男人擦了擦,然后把它扯下来。", "一个男子将一张蜡条贴在了另外一个男子的身上,并且撕了下来。", "一个男子将一各腊条贴在了另外一个男子的身上,并且把它撕了下来。" ]
[ "A person with a nipple piercing is laying down while someone applies something to the skin.", "A person with in the nipple and some one puts a ring in to it.", "A person works on a man's nipple that is pierced.", "Somebody has a piece of metal stuck in their back, which a doctor applies a swab to.", "a person using items to put a nipple piercing on someone slowly", "A man getting a nipple piercing by a women who is wearing gloves.", "A man is laying on a table and someone wipes cream onto his nipple.", "a man with a pierced nipple is with a nurse possibly having a check-up", "A person is lying down and having their belly-button piercing treated.", "Close up of infected body piercing on the back of an individual then an gloved technician begins to work on it." ]
[ "一个戴着白色手套的人在按着一个胸前有圆环的人。", "一个男人的乳头上插着一个圆环,然后这个圆环立了起来。", "一个男人在自己的身体上打了人体耳环,一位医生在帮他消毒。", "一个戴着白色手套的人,对着一个躺在床上的人在做服务。", "有一个人躺在床上,旁边有戴着手套的人正在帮躺着的人处理胸口的东西。", "一个男人正躺在床上,被一个戴手套的女人穿上了乳环。", "一个男人躺在一张桌子上,有人在他的乳头上涂奶油。", "一个刺穿了乳头的男人正在被一个护士检查这。", "一个人正躺着,并且正在处理他的乳头穿孔。", "一个人的背部被刺穿,然后有一个戴着手套的人开始工作。" ]
[ "A male lies topless screaming while people hold him down to remove a wax strip from his stomach.", "A man is laying down and screaming while women are hot waxing his stomach.", "A woman is removing a man's hair on his chest and he screams and laughs.", "A man is screaming as a group of women try to finish waxing his chest.", "A shirtless man lying on his back screams while people remove a sticky substance from his abdomen.", "A man is screaming in pain as a group of people rip hair off his stomach with wax.", "A man is having something that his stuck to his stomach pulled off by a group of people.", "A boy is laying in a chair while other people hold him down to wax his stomach.", "A man is lying down on a reclining chair and screaming in pain because they are waxing his stomache.", "Man lying on a pool chair yelling while other people are attempting to pull hair off of his abdomen with tape." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜光着膀子的人在喊叫着。", "一个男子赤裸上半身躺在椅子上,旁边的人撕扯着他肚子上的毛,另一个人贴了一块胶布上去。", "一个男人光着上身平躺着,其他人用胶带样的东西贴在他胸口又撕下来。", "一个戴眼睛光着身子的外国男人躺着被两个人拔胸前的毛。", "一个人将一个躺在床上的男士肚子的东西撕掉。", "一个男人痛苦地尖叫着,一群人用蜡把他的的肚子上撕扯下来,而他在尖叫。", "一个人肚子贴着的东西被一群人拉下来。", "一个男孩躺在椅子上,而别人把他按在地上给他的肚子上蜡。", "一个男人躺在一张躺椅上,痛得尖叫起来。", "男人躺在游泳椅上尖叫着,其他人试图用胶带去除掉他的胸毛。" ]
[ "A group of people are gathered to watch a man have his belly waxed.", "Women apply and remove hair-removal strips of tape from a man's bare belly.", "The man is laying down on a table in front of a group of woman getting his chest waxed.", "A shirtless man is lying on his back while a wax strip is being peeled off of his abdomen.", "A man lying down has hair on his stomach removed.", "Two women are putting tape on a man's chest and pulling it off to remove his hair.", "a bare chested man is laying down while a women uses tape to rip out some belly hair", "A man lies on a stretcher bed shirtless while a women smooths a waxing strip onto his stomach and a man rips it off, as the woman readies the next one", "A man lies on a cot outdoors, while woman using tape remove stomach hair.", "A man is laying on his back and people are standing around while he gets his stomach waxed." ]
[ "一位男子正躺着被许多人用胶带粘掉上身的汗毛。", "一个人在帮一个半裸着躺着的人撕掉肚子上的毛。", "一个光着上身躺着的男子在被沾身上的毛发。", "在一个明亮的室外,几个人正在给一个男人贴膏药。", "一个人将一张白色的纸贴在一个男人的肚子上,另一个人将纸扯掉了。", "两个女人把胶带放在一个男人的胸前,然后把它撕下来,周围的人在欢呼。", "一个裸着身子的男人正躺在地上,一个女人正在把一个白色的物品贴在男人腹部,并撕开。", "一名男子躺在担架床上,赤身裸体,而一名妇女将一条打蜡带在他的肚子上,一名男子将其撕下来,而该女子则准备了下一个。", "一个男人正在被别人粘去肚子上的猫。", "一个男子躺在一张床上,有一个人在给他身上贴蜡,旁边很多人在说话。" ]
[ "A shirtless man is laying with his body half-off the table while a heavyset man wearing an apron, waxes his chest.", "A group of people are involved in some sort of group training exercise and they are all having fun.", "A man lays on a table as various people rip something off of him, a crowd cheers.", "Four people stand around a man laying on a table as they wax his chest hair.", "A man laying down on a table where people massage him and make him cry", "Workers laugh, watch, and take turns waxing a mans chest.", "A group of people are standing around a person lying on a table and pulls off a piece of tape off their chest.", "A man is laying on a table having his chest waxed and peeled off by others.", "Man lies on a table without a shirt while various persons stand around him ripping hair or tape off his chest.", "A man gets his chest hair waxed by three other people while laying on a table." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色裤子的男人躺在一张桌子上,一个男人和四个女人正围着他。", "一名赤裸上半身的男子躺在桌子上,旁边的女子在他身上贴了一层胶布,另一名男子过来,一把将胶布撕掉,周围发出惊呼。", "一个男人裸着上半身躺在凳子上,另一个女人正在按压他的胸口部位。", "敞亮的房间内,一名身穿黑色裤子的男子,正躺在桌子上。", "在一个室内,一个光着膀子的人躺在桌子张旁边站着几个人。", "一个男人把另一个躺在上面的男人胸前撕下什么东西,然后很痛苦,其他工人都笑了。", "一群人围着一个躺在桌子上的人,从他们的胸口脱下一条胶带。", "一个男人正躺在一张桌子上,他的胸部的毛发被别人脱掉了。", "一个人躺在一张桌子上,而许多人站在他旁边,撕掉他胸前的胶带。", "一个光着上身的男人躺在一张桌子上,旁边有位女士用手在他的身上涂抹在。" ]
[ "A man is laying on a table and is getting ready to get get his chest waxed.", "A woman is waxing a man's chest area while several people watch.", "A man is lying on his back while a wax strip is being placed on his chest.", "A person is preparing to have a patch of hair removed from his chest.", "A man is lying in a chair while someone is waxing his chest.", "A man is laying down while someone is waxing his chest hair.", "A man has a patch placed on his chest while a group of people talk.", "A guy lays on his back as another person puts sticky strips on them to remove their hair.", "a man is laying down with no shirt and is about to be waxed", "A man is lying on his back while a woman removes hair from his chest using wax strips." ]
[ "昏暗的室内,一个人正在给一个男人粘汗毛。", "一个女人正在用蜜蜡纸帮一个男子脱胸前上身的毛发,男子忍不住痛呼了几声。", "一个人用强力胶带粘掉光着上半个身体躺着的男子的胸毛。", "一个人把一块布放在了一个男人的胸口。", "一个人正在给一个光着膀子的男子身上贴东西。", "一个光着上身的男人正躺在那里,有人正在给他的胸毛脱毛。", "当一群人说话时,一个男人的胸部被贴一个贴片。", "一个人仰面躺着,而另一个人则在他们身上涂上粘性条子,把他们的胸毛脱掉。", "一个没穿上衣的男人在昏暗的房间里躺下。", "一个男人躺在床上,而另一个女人正在用蜡条帮他的胸部脱去毛发。" ]
[ "Several women are applying and removing tape from a man's chest as a way of removing hair.", "Many women are waxing a mans chest and he is screaming.", "A man is laying on a table and women are using wax strips on his chest.", "A guy laying down with a group of girls put tape on his chest and vax his hair off his chest", "A man is laying down as a few women put waxing strips on his chest and one takes a stip off as the man screams.", "A man laying on a table while a group of woman are placing wax paper on his chest.", "Four adults wax the chest of a fill grown man.", "A person is a group of people putting tape on a persons back and pulling it.", "A shirtless man is lying on his back on a bar while three or four people use strips to rip the hair off of his chest.", "A man on a table getting waxed by a group of women." ]
[ "在一间房间里,许多人正在给躺在床上的男人身上贴东西。", "一群女子围在一个男子的身边,用蜜蜡纸给他脱胸毛。", "一群人围着一个光膀子的男子,在撕该男子胸口的胶带。", "一群人拿着胶带在一个男人的胸膛上撕来撕去。", "一群人围在躺着的人身边,用胶布贴在他的胸前,并揭下。", "一群女人把蜡纸贴在一个躺在桌子惊呼的男子的胸膛上。", "四个成年人在给一个充满胸毛的成年人身上贴胸毛贴。", "一群人把胶带放在一个人胸部并把它拉起来。", "一个赤膊男子躺在酒吧的椅子上,而三四个人用条带从他的胸部撕下体毛。", "一个光着上身的男人躺在桌子上,旁边有一群人在他身上贴着一些东西。" ]
[ "A man laying on his back looks like he is in pain with a red chest.", "A woman waxes the chest of a man as he cries in pain", "A lady is performing dipilation on a man while he chats with another person.", "A shirtless man lies on a table while a woman prepares stick a waxing strip on his chest", "A man is laying on a table and you see a big red spot where hair was wax off his chest and then another person is laying a strip of material over wax on his chest.", "Someone has their hand on a mans chest, whose laying down on his back, making painful noises.", "A man has the hair on his chest waxed by another person", "A man lies down while a strip of wax is applied to his chest.", "A man yelps in agony as he receives a body waxing from a laughing woman.", "A man is laying on the table to get his chest waxed." ]
[ "一个戴着手套的女子正在将一张白纸贴在一个男子身上。", "一只手按在男人胸口,男人发出大叫,男人胸口出现在个图案。", "一个男人光着上半身躺在床上,一个人把他按的鬼哭狼嚎,还往他身上贴了东西。", "一个戴着手套的人站在床边对着一个躺在床上的男子在往身上贴东西。", "在一个房间里,有一个人躺着,那个人在往他身上贴东西。", "有人用手按压一个背部躺在地上的人的胸部,他发出痛苦的声音。", "一个人正在给一个男人粘除胸口的毛发。", "一名男子躺下,同时有人在他的胸部涂上蜡条。", "一个男人痛苦地叫喊着,因为一个女人正在帮助他脱毛。", "一名男子正躺在桌子上,准备在其胸部打蜡。" ]
[ "Man having the hair waxed off of his chest repeatedly.", "A person is using hot wax to pull the hair out of a man's chest.", "Someone is removing the hair from a person's chest using cosmetic wax.", "A person apply wax on a man's chest and use a tape to peel it off", "Showing the effects of waxing on a male chest and how it removes hair.", "A technician wearing white gloves removes hair from a man's chest, using wax and paper.", "A man gets his chest waxed while ambient music plays.", "A man getting a waxing down and the other person showing the removal of hair.", "The lady is doing a demonstration on how to shave the man's hairy chest.", "A man is getting his chest hairs waxed by another person." ]
[ "一个人倒了一些黄色的液体在另一个人的胸毛上,然后拿一张白色的纸粘在胸毛上,之后毛就没了。", "一个人在一个男人的胸口涂上蜜蜡,用纸把胸毛黏住撕下来。", "一个人正在利用一种药物将男人身上的胸毛去掉,效果很好。", "一双带着手套的手正在给一个人脱胸毛。", "一双手拿着一个白色的物品,贴在了一名男子身上。", "一个戴着白手套的技师用蜡和纸把男人胸部的毛发脱掉了。", "在音乐的背景下,一个人正在给一个男子刮胸毛。", "一个人正在往另一个人胸毛上涂腊然后用胶带撕下胸毛。", "这位女士正在示范如何给男人剃胸部的毛的示范。", "一个男人的胸毛被另一个人打蜡染上蜡。" ]
[ "The man bites a towel as the lady waxes his hair on his chest.", "a man is getting waxed on his chest with a cloth kept in his mouth", "a man with a cloth on his mouth, laying down while another person shaves his chest with wax", "A man is laying down getting his chest hairs waxed while holding a cloth in his mouth.", "A guy lays on his back as another person removes a sticky strip from his chest.", "A very dark, blurry video showcasing a man who is having a waxing service done", "a man lays on his back with a white cloth in his mouth", "A man has a cloth stuffed in his mouth as he prepares to have his chest waxed by another standing over him.", "In a dimly lit room a man bites on a towel while a woman waxes him.", "A man is getting his chest waxed while he is bites on a cloth" ]
[ "一个医生正在为一个患者看病 ,患者紧张的用牙齿咬着毛巾。", "一个光着上身的男子嘴里咬着毛巾躺着在,旁边的人在给他的胸部除毛。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女子在对另一个人脱毛。", "在黑暗的房间里,一个光着上身的男人,嘴里叼着一块布。", "一个男人咬着毛巾,另一个人从他身上取下一块胶布。", "一个人正在为一名男子做脱毛服务。", "一个人正平躺着,嘴里叼着一块白的的布。", "一个男人的嘴里塞满了一块布,因为他准备让另一个人站在他身上打蜡。", "在光线昏暗的房间里,男人咬着毛巾,而女人给他打蜡。", "一个男人在被布咬的时候, 正在给他的胸部打蜡。" ]
[ "A woman rubs a paper in both of her hands after touching a man's chest.", "A man is standing in a room shirtless and someone else is holding an ice pack.", "A woman is waxing a mans chest and then rubs a wax pad with her hands.", "A man is standing while a woman is rubbing wax strip back and forth in her hands.", "A woman tends to a man who has suffered a minor sun burn on his chest.", "A man is getting his chest hairs waxed by used wax strips.", "a man and a woman interact with each other inside of a place", "A man is standing and getting his chest waxed by a woman.", "A woman rubs some material on a man's chest while he speaks to her about what she's doing", "A lady apologizes to man while it appears that she is trying to remove his chest hair." ]
[ "一个女子在用手给一个男子身上涂抹着油。", "一个女人正在为一个男人擦身子,而男人在抱怨。", "一个女人给光着膀子的男人擦了一下胸口,然后一个女人拿了一个东西来回搓。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个男人光着膀子。", "一个女人在给一个光着膀子的男人去除胸前的纹身.。", "一名女子正在为一名男子蜡条打蜡。", "一个女人正在一边揉搓手中的物品,一边跟身边的男人聊天。", "一个男人站在房间里,一个女人擦拭他的胸部。", "一个女人在男人的胸前涂抹一些材料,。", "一名穿黑色衣服的女士,在擦拭男士的皮肤。" ]
[ "A person that is laying down on a table while a lady is putting waxing stuff on him.", "A man's chest has wax applied as three other people watch.", "A young man in a beauty parlor getting his chest covered in wax by some older women.", "A guy laying flat on his back as wax is applied to the hair on his chest.", "A shirtless guy is lying down as someone puts something on him.", "A man is laying down with no shirt and a woman rubs his neck with a stick.", "A man is having the hair on his chest waxed by a woman.", "A man laying down on a table with women around him, one woman applying something to his chest", "A man is laying on a table getting wax applied to his chest.", "A man is laying down while a woman applies wax to his chest." ]
[ "一个短发女人正在往一个光着上身躺着的男人身上抹东西。", "一个人正在给一个躺着的男人不停地抚摸胸部并涂抹了一种液体。", "一个人再给另一个赤着上身躺在那的人涂东西。", "一个人正在用自己的手抚摸着一个男人的胸口。", "一个光着上身的人躺在房间里,一个人拿着工具在他胸口抹着什么东西。", "一个没有穿上衣的男人躺在床上,一个女人正在给他的身上涂抹东西。", "一个男人正在让一个女人把他胸前的毛发打理。", "一个男人躺在一张桌子上,女人围着他,一个女人在他的胸部涂了一些东西。", "一个女人用工具给一个躺在床上的人身上涂抹了腊。", "一个女人在一个躺着的男人身上涂东西。" ]
[ "A man is standing in a room with his shirt off and sweating.", "A man whose chest is wet from a shower or sweat moves slowly in a darkened room.", "Music plays while a man's chest is shown covered in a shiny clear substance.", "A person is shown in a living room with a wet stomach.", "A guy with no top on has some kind of oil on his chest and music is playing in the background", "A man stands in a house and shows his wet chest.", "A man is walking around the house with no shirt on.", "a man stands in a room with a bunch of sweat on his chest", "A camera films a sweaty man as he walks around his home.", "A man has a wet chest as if he just got out of a shower or has been sweating profusely." ]
[ "一个人在房子里面随着音乐欢快的随之摆动。", "一个男子在劳累过后,身上有很多汗水。", "屋内的男子,光着上身,大汗淋漓的站在那里。", "在室内,一个没有穿上衣的人正在展示自己流汗的身体。", "一个光着上身的男人胸前有很多水。", "一个男人站在一所房子里,露出湿漉漉的胸膛。", "一个光着上身的男人在房间里面走来走去。", "一个男人站在一个房间里,胸前有一堆汗水。", "一个满身是汗的男人在他的家里来回走动。", "一个男人湿透了胸部,好像刚刚洗完澡或者大汗淋漓。" ]
[ "Someone waxes a man's chest while a friend looks on and gently mocks him.", "A young man with a goatee is having his chest hair ripped out by his friends.", "Young man is reacting loudly to having a piece of tape removed from his bare chest.", "A person waxing the hair off a man's chest, somebody asking him if he is okay", "A man is laying on a bed while someone puts a wax strip on his chest to remove hair.", "A shirtless man lies on his back while a wax strip is pulled off his chest.", "A shirtless man is laying as another person applies hair removal strip to his chest.", "A woman uses strips to remove hair from a laughing man's chest.", "A man is laying on a bed while a woman waxes his chest.", "A woman using hair removal strips on a guys chest." ]
[ "明亮的室内,一双手正在给一个男人在胸口上贴膏药。", "一个女人拿着一片白胶布把一个男人的胸毛沾了下来。", "一个光着上身的人躺在床上另一个人粘他的胸毛。", "一个男人赤裸上身躺在枕头上,另一个人拿着一块白色方形贴纸贴在他胸前。", "一个男人光着上身躺着,另一个人拿着一块白色的东西粘在他的身上,然后撕了下来。", "一个赤身裸体的男人躺在地上,另一个人正在将一个脱毛贴被从他胸膛上扯下来。", "一个没穿衬衫的男人躺着,另一个人把脱毛条涂在他的胸部。", "一个女人用带子把一个笑眯眯的男人的胸脯上的头发拔掉。", "当一个女人给他的胸部打蜡时,一个男人躺在床上。", "一个人手上拿着张蜡条贴在了一个男子身上,并且从他身上撕了下来。" ]
[ "A person applies hot wax onto a guys abdomen to remove the hair.", "People raise their voices excitedly as someone paints something on a guy's stomach.", "A man laid on his back gets hot wax applied to his abdomen and there conversation that takes place in the background.", "A shirtless male lying on the floor while someone else applies wax to his stomach", "A man lays on a table while someone waxes his stomach and people watch.", "A man with no shirt laying down, while another spreads wax or sugar hair removal product on his abdomen", "A man laying down getting waxed on his stomach hair.", "A man lays down while another person puts someone wax on his stomach.", "A guy laying down on his back with his shirt of getting waxed", "Someone is applying medicine on the wound of a guy with no top on laying on bed" ]
[ "一双手正在往一个男孩肚子上涂抹黑色膏体。", "一个男人平躺在小床上,并且在跟别人通电话,另外一个女人在他的身上涂抹东西。", "一只手在往一个光着上半身的男人肚子上面涂抹染料。", "一个赤裸上身的男子横躺着,另一个人正往他腹部刷黄褐色的膏状物。", "一个人正在拿着罐子,用刷子在给躺着的男人不停的在刷东西。", "一个没有穿衣服的男人躺在桌子上,而另一个人在他的腹部涂上脱毛的产品。", "一个男人平躺着,一个人在瓶子里抹出一点液体擦在肚子上。", "一个男人赤着上身躺着,另一个人正在向他腹部涂抹东西。", "一个人没穿衣服正躺在床上被另一个人拿着液体在他肚子上涂抹着。", "有人在一个躺在床上的男人的伤口上涂药。" ]
[ "A man is preparing to have his chest waxed in a professional setting.", "A shirtless man is having his chest tattooed by a girl in a cap while captions flash up on screen.", "A woman applied powder to the chest of a lying man and then a gel", "A man lying down has powder then wax applied to his chest hair by a woman with gloves.", "A woman is applying a substance to a man's chest and then using another instrument on his chest.", "A man is getting his chest waxed using powder by a woman.", "A timelapse of a man getting wax on his body as a woman gets ready to pull it off", "A man is lying down while a woman is applying hair wax to his chest.", "A man lies on his back while a woman prepares to wax his chest.", "A woman is putting power, then wax on a man's chest hair." ]
[ "一个女人给一个躺着的男人胸部涂抹些液体,随后用刷子又涂抹了一些黄色的液体。", "一个女人给躺在床上的男人滴上身体乳,并使用剃毛器帮他剃胸毛。", "一个女人往一个男人胸口倒了点液体,随后拿着刀子开始刮胸毛。", "一个光着上身的男人正躺在床上脱毛。", "一个女人给一个躺着的男人的胸前先是撒了一些东西,再是用刮毛刀在刮毛。", "一个女人正在用粉末给一个男人的胸部打蜡。", "一个男人躺在床上,一个女人在他的身上打着蜡。", "一名男子躺下, 而一名妇女则在胸前涂上发蜡。", "一个男人躺在床上,一个女人正在为他的胸部打蜡。", "一个女人将东西撒在一名躺着的男子胸上,并用东西在男子的胸上刮着。" ]
[ "A guy lays on his back as another person applies sticky glue to prepare to remove the hair.", "A lady is waxing a man's chest while a group of people are surrounding him and laughing.", "A man is on a table and another is applying something to his chest.", "A person spreading wax on a man's chest while people around giggle.", "A man is getting wax put on his chest and asks for certain areas to be left alone.", "a woman is performing some type of inspection on a man's body", "a man gets some sticky substance put on his body before waxing", "The man is laying on the table getting ready to get a shave on his chest.", "A man lays on his back and has his chest waxed while talking to bystanders.", "A man is laying on a table and a person in gloves is spreading something on his chest." ]
[ "一个带着白色手套的人,把躺在床上的一个男人身上的东西慢慢的刮下来。", "一个穿黑色半袖的男人正在给一个光着膀子的男人涂抹一些膏状物。", "一个男子躺着,另一个人在往男子的胸前涂抹着什么。", "一个戴手套的人正在用工具除掉一男子胸前的东西。", "一个人戴着白色手套在给平躺着的男人刮胸前的紫色部位。", "一个女人正在对一个男人的身体进行某种检查。", "一个人在打蜡之前会在身上涂上一些黏糊糊的物质,旁边有人在看。", "那个男人躺在桌子上,准备在胸前刮胡子。", "一个男人躺在地上,,在和旁观者说话的时候打了蜡。", "一个戴着手套的人正在给一个躺着的男人剃胸毛。" ]
[ "A shirtless male is sitting on a couch while a female is using tape to remove hair from his chest.", "A man is getting his chest waxed, and others are laughing.", "Girls laugh as a man has hair waxed off his chest, red welts forming where hair has been removed.", "A man getting his chest hair waxed while people laugh and scream in the background.", "People laugh as a man is having his chest waxed by someone else.", "A woman takes take and puts it on a mans chest and pulls the hair off.", "A woman is pinching a mans nipples and he is yelling and joking.", "A man sits on a couch with his shirt off as a woman waxes his chest.", "A shirtless man is sitting, someone is removing his chest hair by duct tape.", "A guy sits on a couch as another person uses a sticky strip to remove their chest hair." ]
[ "明亮的室内,一个人正在给一个男人贴膏药。", "一个赤裸上身的男人坐在沙发上,另一个人在替他去除胸毛。", "一个光着上身的男人胸前一片红,旁边有人在笑。", "一个人在一个没有穿上衣的男人身上贴东西。", "在一个房间里,有一个不穿上衣的男人在说着话,他的旁边还有另外一个人。", "一个女人拿着蜜蜡纸在给一个男人脱着胸毛。", "一个女人捏着一个男人的乳头,他正在大喊大叫。", "一名男子坐在沙发上, 脱下衬衫, 一个女人在他的胸膛上打蜡。", "一个赤膊男子正坐着,有人正用胶带去除他的胸毛。", "一个男人坐在沙发上,另一个人正在给他粘去胸口的毛。" ]
[ "A man is laughed at while the people around him take off various waxing papers attached to his upper body.", "People are pulling waxing papers off of a man's chest ripping out hair.", "A man screams and laughs as persons rip tapes off his hairy chest.", "A man with a hairy chest has wax strips on his chest and someone is reaching out and pulling them off.", "A person rips tape off of a mans chest causing great discomfort.", "a man has several things on his chest that are for waxing", "A man with tattoos has adhesive stuck to him, and people pull it off while everyone laughs", "A man has wax strips on his chest and his friends laugh while pulling the strips off.", "a person is applying and then pulling off some wax strips on a man", "A man is standing with wax strips covering his chest then another man removes the strips and laughs hysterically." ]
[ "有个人在撕扯另一个上身半裸的男人身上的粘胶纸条。", "一个男人的胸口上贴满脱毛蜡纸,另一个人把蜡纸撕下,周围的人发出阵阵笑声。", "一个男子在撕另一个没穿上衣的男子身上的胶带。", "一个没有穿上衣的男人身上贴了很多东西,另外一个人撕了下来。", "一个人把另一个男人身上沾着的胶布撕下来。", "一个长着胸毛着男人赤膊着上身,一旁的人在给他身上粘着几片纸。", "一个有毛的人身上贴着胶布, 人们大笑着撕掉他身上的胶布。", "一个男人胸前贴了去毛贴,他的朋友们一边笑着一边把他的贴纸撕掉。", "一个人正在把一些胶带从一个人胸上撕下来。", "一个男人站着用蜡条覆盖他的胸部,然后另一名男子移除了条带,并且歇斯底里地笑了起来。" ]
[ "A bearded man gets giddy while watching a show in which a man gets his chest hair waxed.", "People are watching and laughing at a man who is getting his chest waxed.", "A person is filing a movie of a guy getting a wax job done.", "A man screams in pain as a woman removes hair from his chest with wax.", "People are talking then a male is lying on a bed and get a wax strip removed from his chest, he then screams and curses.", "A production crew and a room full of people watch while a man gets his chest waxed.", "A man laughs as a waxing strip is removed from the chest of a man.", "A man is getting his chest waxed in four separate pictures", "a couple of people sitting down watching a person get a wax on their chest trying not to laugh", "A group of people are watching a men have his chest waxed and he is in pain." ]
[ "一个女人正在用脱毛贴帮一个男人贴胸毛。", "一个白色上衣的男人看着电影里面的搞笑片段笑了。", "几个人围在一起看电视,脸上露出笑容。", "一群面带微笑的人,看着一个躺在床上的男子被一个女子从身上撕下来一个东西。", "一个长发女子正在往一个躺着的男子身上涂抹东西。", "一个制作团队和一个满屋子的人在看,而一个人正躺在床上被另一个人撕胸毛。", "一名男子笑了起来,因为从一个男人的胸部取下了打蜡带。", "一个男人正在四张独立的照片上打蜡脱毛。", "几个人坐下来看着一个人在胸前拔毛。", "一个男人躺在床上,一群人正看着一个女人给他粘毛。" ]
[ "A man lays down as a woman pulls a wax strip off his hairy chest.", "A guy is laying on a sheet while a girl is playing with his nipples.", "A man is getting his chest hairs waxed by using wax strips.", "a man lying down while a girl removes a wax strip on his chest", "A girl was doing waxing for a man on his chest part by applying the wax on the chest and stick the label", "Some girls are laughing as a man has some wax paper on his chest ripped off.", "A man is having hair removal tape removed from his chest by a girl and he kicks his leg.", "A man without a shirt is lying down and moving his foot as a girl is talking to the camera.", "A woman applies waxing strips to a man's chest, and then rips them off.", "A man laying on a bed while a woman waxes his chest." ]
[ "一个男人躺在地上裸着上身,让一个女人给他脱毛。", "一个女的在给另一个男的胸前压了一张纸。", "一个女子在个一个躺在地上的男子拔胸毛。", "一个男人躺在床上,一个女人在给他身上贴东西。", "一个女人在给一个男人的胸口上粘的东西,然后撕了下来。", "一个女人将一个男人胸口上的蜡纸给用力的撤掉拉。", "一个男人躺在地上,另外一个女人正在给他脱毛。", "当一个女孩正在和相机说话时,一个没有衬衫的男人躺着移动他的脚。", "女人将蜡条涂在男人的胸前,然后将其撕下。", "一名男子躺在床上, 而一名女子则在他的胸部打蜡。" ]
[ "a bald man sitting, surrounded by people while they shave him with wax.", "A man is sitting down and getting his chest hair waxed.", "A bald headed man without a shirt talks in front of a bunch of liquor.", "A seated man has a wax strip on his chest pulled off then yells", "Some men seem to be having fun at what looks like a bar.", "A group of people surround a shirtless man and a woman counts to three.", "A guy sits in a chair and then suddenly screems after the count of three.", "The man is surprised as the ladies pull and wax the hair on his chest.", "A man sitting shirtless while someone counts to three in a different language", "A shirtless man is seated in a chair, and then he makes a face of surprise." ]
[ "一群人正在用胶纸粘一个男人身上的胸毛。", "一个男人在酒桌前接受撕掉胸毛的惩罚。", "一个光着上身的男子在房间内坐着。", "一个人半裸着上身,旁边有人往他身上涂着东西。", "几个人在室内将东西涂抹到一个半裸的男子身上。", "在房间里,一群人围着一个没有穿上衣的男人。", "一个男的坐在椅子上胸前被涂上东西,数到三声后突然尖叫起来。", "当女士们将头发拉到胸前时,男人很惊讶。", "一个人赤裸上身坐着,而另一个人却用不同的语言说着什么。", "在一个房间里面,一个男子正在和几个女子说话。" ]
[ "A man is laying on a table while someone is ripping wax strips off his stomach.", "A man screams in pain when someone pulls waxing strips off of his stomach.", "A man gets his stomach waxed by one woman", "A man laying in a bed has a bandage ripped roughly from his chest and groans.", "a person gets some wax put on their body and removed by a person", "Someone waxes a man's stomach, and he reacts in pain.", "A man lays on a table while some ones pulls a wax hair strip from his belly.", "A man lays back and has a woman wax the hair from his body.", "A man is getting waxed on his stomach while laying down by another person.", "A man appears to be in pain while getting his chest hair waxed." ]
[ "一个人正在给一个没有穿上衣的男人贴胸毛。", "一个男人在医院里痛苦的进行着治疗。", "在一个房间里面,有一个人正在给躺着的人拔毛。", "一个人正赤裸着上身在床上躺着有人在给他包扎。", "一个人正在往一个光着膀子躺着的男子身上贴东西。", "有人给一个男人的肚子上蜡,他表现出了痛苦的反应。", "一个男人躺在那里,另外一个人拿着一块白色的东西在他肚子上粘上去撕下来。", "一个男人躺下,让一个女人为他的身体上的汗毛除毛。", "一个没穿上衣的男人正躺在床上用腊纸脱毛。", "一个男人在胸部打蜡时,看起来很痛苦。" ]
[ "Two men put wax strips on a man with a hairy chest and prepare to rip the strips off.", "A man getting his chest waxed right before the wax strips are pulled off.", "Fast motion action of two woman applying tape or wax strips to the hair on the chest of a seated man who grimaces as they prepare to tear them off.", "A shirtless man is seated and is getting his chest hair waxed.", "A man is sitting in a chair as two women are applying some tape to his body.", "The man is seated, as strips of a hair removal product are applied to his hairy chest.", "A male is sitting on a chair and allowing a female to remove tape from stomach.", "Sped up voices sound off in the background as two women place wax strips on the abdominal and pectoral region of a nervous looking man.", "A man is sitting in a chair while two other people wax his chest.", "Two people are applying wax strips to the belly and chest of a man." ]
[ "两个人男人在给坐在椅子上的男人贴胶布。", "两个男人将透明胶带贴在一个男人的身上,企图将那个男人身上的体毛拔掉。", "两个人正在给一个坐在凳子上的人拔体毛。", "一个男人坐在中间,旁边有两个人在往他身上贴胶布。", "两位女士在一位裸着上身的男士身上贴透明胶。", "一名男子坐在凳子上,旁边有两个人在男子的胸口上贴上一张纸。", "两个人在往一个赤裸着上半身的男人胸口贴透明胶带。", "两个女人在一个看起来紧张的男人的腹部和胸侧放置蜡条时, 声音在背景中响起。", "一个男人正坐在椅子上,而另外两人则在为他的胸脯上拔毛。", "两个人正在给一个男人 的腹部各胸部贴上胶带,这个男人坐在椅子上。" ]
[ "A bare chested man sits at a desk counter and speaks into two microphones mounted on the desk, then leans back in his chair laughing.", "A shirtless man in a radio studio has hair ripped from his chest.", "A shirtless man talks into the microphone before noticing the crude tattoo on his chest.", "A man sits at a microphone and two people each show him an article and he speaks and then leans back and laughs.", "A man says \"wow, do we have to do the whole thing,\" while others are looking on and then he looks at the bald spot on his chest and laughs.", "One person takes a picture of a hairy strip of sticky tape with their phone, while a shirtless man sits rocking and patting a bare strip of skin on his chest.", "A man with his shirt off is about to talk into the blue microphone but laughs first.", "In a radio station, a bare-chested man shows that there is a part without hair.", "A man who is not wearing a shirt is sitting down as he talks into the microphone.", "A man with a shaved spot on his chest for tattooing purposes is with two others and laughing about it." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间里,一个男人正在对着话筒唱歌。", "一个光着上身的男子正在对着话筒讲话,然后害羞的笑了起来。", "一位赤裸上身的男子正在对着话筒说话。", "一名没穿上衣的男子,正坐在一张黑色的桌子旁边。", "在一个室内里,有一个男人在使用话筒说话。", "一个人拿着拍有一张毛茸茸胶带照片的手机,一个赤膊男人坐在一边摇晃着,拍着他胸前裸露的皮肤。", "一个脱掉上衣的男人正准备对着蓝色的麦克风讲话,但是他第一个笑了。", "在一个广播电台,一个赤裸上身的男人表明有一个没有毛发的部分。", "一个没穿衬衫的男人在对着麦克风讲话时坐了下来。", "在室内,一个没有穿衣服的男子坐在凳子上在和旁边的人说话。" ]
[ "A young man is having his lower belly button waxed by another man.", "A man is having a piece of clear tape placed onto his stomach by another person.", "A guy is on his back and another one is putting a wax strip on him.", "The man is putting tape on the man's belly as he asked if they were video taping him.", "A male lies topless while another person puts a wax strip on their chest.", "A man laying shirtless while another person puts plastic on his chest.", "A man is laying on a chair and it appears that his friends have put clear tape over his belly button hair.", "One man presses tape onto another man's bare stomach while they discuss it.", "A man getting ready to have his stomach hair removed.", "A man lays back as his friend presses a wax strip onto his stomach." ]
[ "一个人光着上身躺在椅子上,另一个人将一块塑料布贴在他身上。", "一个男人光着身躺在躺椅上,肚子上贴着一块透明胶带,一个男人在帮他查看。", "一个人躺着,另一个人正在往他身上贴东西。", "一个人弯着腰在给一个躺在椅子上的男子在他身上贴东西。", "一个男人躺在椅子上,另外一个人将透明胶贴在他的肚子上。", "一个男人光着膀子,而另一个人则把塑料放在他胸前。", "一个人在给一名躺在椅子上的男人的肚脐上贴胶带。", "一个赤裸上身的男人躺在椅子上,另一个人往他肚子上粘东西。", "一个没穿上衣的男人正躺在地上脱毛。", "一个人在给一个没有穿上衣的男子肚子上贴了一个东西。" ]
[ "The woman was shaving a man's belly and chest in front of a crowd.", "A man is lying down on table getting waxed while other people watch.", "A shirtless man is lying on his back while someone wipes his chest with a tissue and othher people watch.", "A man is having his chest hair waxed in front of people.", "An adult male is lying on a table and someone is preparing to shave off his chest hair with people standing around watching.", "A gentleman is having his chest hair removed by a woman while being surrounded by many onlookers.", "People are standing around a shirtless man as he gets ready for something.", "Man laying down shirtless having a waxing and shaving procedure done.", "A man is having cream applied to his torso.", "A man is getting his chest hair removed while a group of people watch on." ]
[ "一个人正在为躺着的男人用贴纸脱毛。", "一个男人躺在一张床上一群人围着他。", "一个人正在把一种液体涂在一个躺着的男人身上。", "一个女人拿着脱毛膏正在为一个躺着的男人脱毛,同时旁边还有许多人观看。", "一个人给平躺着的男人腹部用纸擦拭后,拿一个牙膏状的物品用手挤压。", "许多围观者包围着,一位先生被一名女子摘除胸毛。", "一个男人光着上身躺着,一个女人在用白纸在他肚子上擦拭。", "一群人正在观看一个人给另一个赤裸上身躺着的男人做脱毛。", "一个男人正躺在人群中另一个人则为他去除体毛。", "一个男人躺着,一名女性在他的胸上擦拭着,旁边一群人在围观。" ]
[ "A woman is applying a waxing strip to a man's chest and then pulling it off quickly", "A young woman waxes chest hair off of a shirtless, tatooed man.", "A woman applies a wax strip to a mans chest and then rips it off to remove his body hair.", "A man is leaning against a wall and a female is placing a waxing strip on his chest which she rips off.", "A lady is using hot wax to remove guys chest hair.", "A woman is laughing so hard and is enjoying waxing the man's chest.", "A man gets his chest hair waxed while sitting in a chair.", "A woman pressing a waxing strip on a man's chest and pulling it back.", "A woman is waxing a man's chest while a group of people are laughing.", "A man is setting in a chair getting his chest waxed by a women." ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服的女生看一个穿蓝色衣服的女生从一个男生身上撕下胶布。", "一名身穿深蓝色的女子正在为一个金发男子撕他的胸毛。", "一群女的围着一个上身裸露的男的,一个女的往男的胸前贴了什么,又撕了下来。", "这屋子里一个女子正在揭贴在男子胸前的纸。", "一个女人正在用胶布给一个没穿上衣的男子拔胸前的毛。", "一个女人笑得很厉害,正在给男人的胸口打蜡。", "一个男人坐在椅子上的时候, 另一个人在的胸毛打蜡,接下来。", "一个女人在男人的胸部按一个打蜡带,然后把它拉回来。", "一个女人在给男人的胸部打蜡, 而一群人在笑。", "一名男子坐在椅子上, 被一名女子打蜡。" ]
[ "A man pulls a piece of tape off his stomach really fast before yelling.", "a boy is in pain after waxing and removing the hair on his stomach", "a shirtless teenager hits himself on the abs and has a marking", "A man is pulling a waxing strip off of his stomach.", "A young man pulls a wax strip from his abdomen removing hair and expresses pain.", "A man rips a waxing strip from his chest and exclaims in pain,then wipes tears from his eyes as he holds up the strip", "A teenage guy is ripping wax strips off his stomach with friends laughing.", "a person makes a face after they decide to wax themselves", "A young man waxes the happy trail off his belly.", "A group of people watch as a man pulls waxs from his belly and yells in pain." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色裤子的男人拿着一张纸捂着脸。", "一个男孩将身上的一块胶布扯下来非常非常的痛苦。", "一个人撕下了腹部的白色东西,然后捂住了眼睛。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个没有穿着上衣的男人在脱毛。", "房间里,一个男人把贴在身体类似胶布的东西撕了下来。", "一名男子在撕下一条打蜡条时,痛苦的叫着,然后擦了擦眼泪。", "一个男子正在和朋友一起笑着撕下他的肚子上的蜡条。", "一个人决定给自己打蜡之后做一个鬼脸。", "个年轻人从他的腹部打蜡拔掉体毛。", "一个男人从他的肚皮上拉起蜡,然后张大嘴巴并用胳膊挡在脸上。" ]
[ "A person has poured some melted wax on a man who is smearing it on one half of his chest.", "A man with his shirt off laughs as he prepares to get his chest waxed.", "A young man pours a liquid onto his chest while yelling and others are yelling at him too.", "A shirtless teen boy getting something smeared on his chest.", "A young man is waxing his chest as he speaks and people are laughing in the background.", "A shirtless boy spills oil onto his chest and laughs.", "a person is applying some wax to the test of a man to wax his hair", "someone is pouring wax over the bare chest of a young male", "man is sitting in a chair as someone pours something all over his chesr", "A man lying struggled with the person applying lotion on his chest" ]
[ "一个人将饮料倒在躺在椅子上的男人的胸上。", "一个男人光着膀子,他的胸前被浇上了不明的液体。", "一个男人躺在那,另一个往他身上倒东西。", "一个光着上身的男孩正在身上倒一些液体。", "明亮的房间内,一个男人,躺在床上,身上有一些绿色的液体。", "一个没穿衬衫的男孩让另一个男孩把油泼到自己胸前并笑了起来。", "一个人正在用蜡来测试一个男人是否为他的头发上蜡。", "一群人正在往一个男人的胸前倒着液体。", "一个光着上身的男人正在身上涂着什么东西。", "一个男人在胸口涂着东西并一直在说话。" ]
[ "A man covered with tattoos getting a waxing done on his chest.", "A couple of men lie back and have their chests professionally waxed.", "Two men are sitting in chairs getting their hairs waxed off their chest.", "A man is laying in a chair and is getting waxed by another man", "Two men film getting a tattoo together in a parlor.", "The ladies are pulling the hair off the young men's chests as they lay back.", "A guy with a lot of tattoos gets his chest waxed at the salon.", "a person laying down in a chair while another person puts on wax on their chest and then pulling it off", "A woman is using tape to remove hair from the chest of a tattooed man and others are watching and talking.", "Two men get their chests waxed inside a salon." ]
[ "两个满身纹身的男人躺在椅子上让另外两个人给他们粘胸毛。", "一个人躺在那里,另一个人在用一张白纸粘他身上的东西,旁边还躺着一个人。", "两个男人躺在椅子上,另外两位服务人员给他们粘胸毛。", "一个全身都是纹身的男人躺在床上,另一个人用一块白布给他脱毛。", "一个身上满是纹身的男人平躺着,一个人拿着一块白色的东西粘在他的身上,然后撕下来。", "一个女人正在把胶带黏在一个没有穿上衣男人的胸上面,然后快速的撕了下来。", "一个有很多纹身的家伙在沙龙里给他的胸毛上蜡。", "一个人躺在椅子上而另一个人把有粘性的纸巾贴到他的胸前,然后再把它拉下来。", "一个女人用胶带将一个纹身男人胸部的毛发从胸部脱去。", "一个男人用东西在给躺着的男人胸口上粘着东西。" ]
[ "A man is laying on a table while a lady waxing his chest", "A person is applying a patch of a mans chest in order to remove chest hair.", "A man getting his chest and belly waxed by a woman.", "A man lays on his back as hair is waxed off his chest.", "A man lays down on a table and a young lady does waxing on his chest .", "a person laying down getting their chest waxed by a woman", "A man laying on a table getting his chest waxed.", "A man is laying down on his back on a table and a woman is waxing his chest.", "A man is lying on a table while another person puts tape on his chest and pulls it off.", "A man lying down on a bed while someone gave him a hair removal wax pad on his chest." ]
[ "一个女子在给一个老汉把膏药给撕下来,老汉感觉很痛。", "一个男人光着衣服躺在床上,一个女的拿着脱毛胶布去撕扯男人身上的胸毛。", "一女子用类似胶布的粘毛贴为躺着的老年人去除胸毛。", "一名身穿黑色裤子的男子,正躺在床上。", "在一个室内,一个人在给一个男人的胸口贴膏药。", "一个女人拿着胶布给一个躺着的男人把胸毛沾下来。", "一个男人躺着让一个女人给他胸口打蜡去毛。", "一名男子躺在桌子上, 另一名女子正在给他的胸部使用脱毛膏。", "一个男人躺在桌子上,而另一个人把胶带放在他的胸口,然后把它拉下来。", "一个男人躺在床上,而有人给了他一个脱毛蜡垫在他的胸口。" ]
[ "A man lying on her face was having his back waxed", "A man is lying on his stomach on a table while a woman is pouring wax and his back and removing hair.", "A man having his hairy back waxed by someone", "A woman applies a strip of wax to a man's back and then pulls it.", "Hands pull off hair then apply wax to a man's back.", "The lady is applying cream while shaving hair at the back of the guy on the table.", "A person wearing white gloves is putting wax paper on a man and ripping it off.", "The aesthetician is applying hot wax to small areas of the man's back, then pulling it off quickly to remove his abundant hair", "A woman puts warm wax on the back of a man who is getting the hair removed.", "A person is applying wax to another person's hairy back." ]
[ "一个女人戴着手套给一个躺在床上的男人身上抹蜜蜡进行脱毛。", "一个人戴着手套在给床上的男人除掉他背上的毛。", "一个戴着手套的人给另一个人背上涂东西。", "一个人带着手套正在为另一个人进行蜜蜡脱毛。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在给人做按摩。", "一位女士在桌子上的那个人的背上揭下胶带,并摸了油。", "一个人正在使用工具修饰另一个人的背部。", "美容师正在将热蜡涂在男士背部,然后迅速将其拉下以去除丰盈的毛发。", "一个女人给一个趴在床上的男人除毛。", "一个人正在给另一个人的毛茸茸的背部涂蜡。" ]
[ "The man jumped after the woman ripped the wax paper off of his chest.", "A man is laying on his back as a woman pulls a wax strip off his chest and they laugh.", "A man is laying on a table shirtless, and a woman yanks a wax strip off his chest and he starts laughing .", "A man has his chest waxed and onlookers laugh at his reaction.", "A man is laying on his back and laughing as he gets his chest waxed.", "A man laying down on a table has his chest hair waxed by a woman", "A woman puts tape on a man's chest and pulls it off causing the man to scream and laugh.", "A man receiving a waxing treatment initially jumps, but then laughs.", "A shirtless man lays on his back as wax and a waxing strip is applied to his chest hair by a woman who commences to rip off the strip and hair before he begins hysterically laughing in surprise.", "A man is laying down and gets his chest waxed by a woman." ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣服的女人在给一个男人按摩。", "一个光着上身的男子躺在床上,旁边有人在给他的胸部除毛,然后都笑了起来。", "一个戴着手镯的女人拿着一贴贴纸贴在在躺在床上男人的胸口上。", "一个赤裸上身的男子躺在床上,一个女人正在用贴纸帮他除毛。", "一个女人将一条胶布贴在一个男人的胸口上然后猛的撕下。", "一个男人躺在桌子上,他的胸部被一个女人打上了蜡。", "一个女子把胶带贴在男子的胸前然后拉扯下来害的男子尖叫大笑。", "一个女人在一个赤裸上身的男人胸上撕下了一个东西,然后他们笑了起来。", "有一个男人躺在床上有人在给他脱毛。", "一个没穿上衣的男人躺在床上,让另一个人在他的胸部上打蜡。" ]
[ "A bare chested man stand while a woman paints his upper chest with wax covers it with a paper strip and presses it into the wax", "A man has wax put on his chest, while another pulls it off with a wax strip.", "A guys is getting his chest waxed by his girlfriend in the kitchen.", "A woman applies wax to a man's chest before applying a strip to pull it off.", "A woman is rubbing a wax on a man chest then places a pad on it.", "A woman is getting ready to remove hair from a guys chest", "A woman is putting wax on a man's chest and then covers it with a paper.", "A girl is putting skin treatment on a boys chest and then she applies a piece of tape.", "A woman applies wax on a man's chest and rubs on the strip using her fist.", "A woman is applying wax on a man's chest. Then places a wax strip on." ]
[ "有一个女人往男人的胸前涂上一些东西,然后贴上一张白色的纸。", "房间里,一名身穿红色衣服的女人拿着东西抹在上身落体男人的胸上。", "一个身穿红色上衣的女人拿白色涂料在一个男人上身涂抹。", "一个女人拿着一个木片在一个男人的胸口抹上了一些东西。", "一个穿红色衣服的女人在往一个光着身子的男人身上抹东西。", "一个女人在一个男子的胸口上涂了一些液体,之后将一张纸贴在男子胸口上。", "一个女人正在给男人的胸部涂蜡, 然后用纸覆盖,旁边有个男子在说话。", "一名女子给男子的胸部涂了一层药膏,然后用胶带粘住。", "一个女人用蜡在男人的胸前涂抹,用拳头在条上摩擦。", "一个女人正在男人的胸前涂蜡。然后放上蜡条。" ]
[ "A man is applying wax with a wooden stick to his stomach hair then grabs a wax strip.", "A man applies wax to his stomach and appears is if preparing to remove hair from the area", "A shirtless man is spreading wax down the hair on his abdomen and then breaks off a piece of clear packing tape.", "A man applies wax to his chest hair with a wooden stick and bites off a piece of tape used to remove the hair.", "A man is applying wax to the front of his stomach and bites a piece of tape off a tape roll.", "A big heavy set guy is waxing his chest in his kitchen.", "A man is spreading wax on his chest hair to remove it very painfully.", "A man scrapes his stomach with a wooden stick then tears off tape probably in preparation for hair removal.", "A man is applying wax to his abdomen to remove hair.", "A man applies wax on his stomach hairs then grabs a peice of paper to rip it off." ]
[ "一位健壮的男士正在梳理身上的毛发。", "一个男人用冰棍棒刮着自己腹部的厚重的汗毛。", "一个男人在剃身上的汗毛,并用胶带粘掉。", "在一个明亮的房间,一没有穿着上衣的男人在刮汗毛。", "一个有胸毛的男人用一个木条往身上抹着东西。", "一个壮硕的男人正在用一个木棍一样的工具给他的胸部打蜡。", "一个男人用工具在自己胸前涂蜡后,从旁边拿起胶带撕了一截。", "一个男人用木棍刮伤他的肚子,然后撕下胶带,可能是为脱毛做准备。", "一个男人正在给他的腹部涂蜡以蜡来脱毛。", "一个男人在他的肚子上的毛上涂蜡,然后抓起一卷透明胶放嘴里咬。" ]
[ "A man lays shirtless while a woman rips off a wax strip attached to his chest.", "A man is laying on his back getting his chest waxed.", "A man is laying down with a wax strip on his chest and someone pulls it off.", "A man is lying down with a piece of tape on his chest before a girl tears it off.", "A man gets a strip of hair on his chest ripped off and screams", "An hairy man had tape placed on his chest and then forcefully yanked off, causing him to shout.", "A man laying on a couch gets his hairy chest waxed and he screams.", "A man gets his chest waxed by a waxer.", "A man laying on a couch gets a spot on his chest waxed by a woman.", "The woman pulls a wax strip off of the man's chest and he screams." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个人,在用胶布,粘一个男人的胸毛。", "一个男人赤裸上半身躺着,胸口贴着一块胶布,旁边的人一把将胶布撕了下来,男的痛呼。", "一个人揭开了贴在另一个男人身上的东西。", "一个人揭掉了粘在男人胸口上的粘纸。", "一个男人光着上半身躺在椅子上,一个人用胶纸去粘他胸口上的毛,男人痛得大叫了一声。", "一个毛茸茸的男人把胶带贴在胸前,然后用力拉了下来,痛的大喊大叫。", "一个男人躺在沙发上在旁边的女人将他胸前贴着的东西撕扯掉后大叫了一声。", "一个男人的胸部被打上蜡,然后被撕了下来。", "一个躺在沙发上的男人正在被别人去着他身体上的毛。", "一名女子在一名男子胸口贴上蜡条并撕下来,男子尖叫起来。" ]
[ "A person is applying wax remover between a person's eyebrows.", "A person uses a plastic and glass applicator to put wax between a man's eyebrows before applying a White Strip.", "Someone brushes wax over a person's eyebrow and puts a strip over the hair to prepare to rip it off.", "A person is applying some wax on top of a mans eyebrows and puts tape on it.", "A person is applying wax in between a woman's eyebrows and then a white strip.", "A man is laying down and is getting his eyebrows waxed.", "A woman is getting the area between her brows waxed.", "A man gets his eyebrow waxed by a woman.", "A woman gets her eyebrows waxed while laying down.", "A woman applies wax to a man's face and then places the paper strip on his forehead." ]
[ "一个人正在躺着,另外一个人在帮他弄眉毛。", "一个男人躺在床上,女人用东西涂在他的眉毛中间,然后拿一张白色的东西贴上。", "一个人在躺着的人额头中间涂了东西贴上去一张纸。", "一个人躺着,而他旁边的另一个人正在给他眉毛上贴东西。", "一个人在用刷子刷另一个人的两眉之间,然后贴一条白色的纸在上面。", "一个躺在那里的男人,他的眉毛正在被打蜡。", "一个人拿着工具在一个躺着的人,眉头间涂抹。", "一个男人被女人涂抹脱毛膏并将其眉毛撕下来。", "一个女人给一个躺下的人的眉毛打蜡。", "女人在男人的脸上涂蜡, 然后把纸带放在他的额头上。" ]
[ "A man is seen sweating as a tape is placed over his eyebrow area for excess facial hair removal.", "A woman puts wax strips on a man's eyebrow and pulls.", "A man getting his eyebrows waxed and is in pain while others watch.", "A man sweats and groans as a woman removes his eyebrow with wax and paper.", "A man winces and groans as a woman waxes his eyebrows.", "Someone is waxing a man's eyebrow and the man is in pain.", "A person places a waxing strip on a man's eyebrow and then she pulls it from his eyebrow.", "A man is having his facial hair and even his eyebrows removed using wax strips.", "A man sits back in a chair while getting his eyebrows waxed off by a women.", "A man's face is shown as a woman applies a wax strip to his eye brow and rips it off, he yells." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人,把一个东西粘在一个男人的眉毛上,然后用力的撕开。", "一个女人将胶布粘在男人的眉毛上然后撕掉。", "一个女子在一个男子的眉毛上贴上胶带,将一些眉毛撕了下来。", "一个黑衣男子用纸和胶水沾走了别人的眉毛。", "一个女人在一个男人眉毛上贴一个贴纸又用力撕下。", "一名男子很痛苦的在让别人给他眉毛上蜡。", "一个人给一个男人的眉毛上了一条脱毛条,然后从他的眉毛上拔下来。", "一个男人正在使用他的面部毛发,甚至用蜡条去掉他的眉毛。", "一个女人正在为一男子拔去脸上的毛。", "一个男人的脸被展示为一个女人在眼眉上涂上蜡条并撕下。" ]
[ "a boy lies on his back while a woman hols his head andspreads hot wax on his eyelid with a spatula and he complains.", "a person is applying wax on the eye lid to remove extra hair on eyebrows", "A mother puts wax on top of the eyelid of her son while others laugh in the background.", "A person is putting wax on a guy's eyebrows while they talk.", "A boy has black wax applied to an area near his eyebrows.", "A young man gets his eyebrows waxed for some reason.", "A man is lying on a bed and a lady is applying a black color on the eyelid of that man", "A woman puts wax on a teenage boy's eyebrow and he talks about it being hot.", "A young man is getting wax applied to his eyebrow.", "A young man is having hot wax applied below one of his eyebrows." ]
[ "一个戴着手套的女人往躺在床上的男人的眉毛下涂黑色的东西。", "一个身穿白色衣服的男人躺在床上,另一个人用一个沾满黑色浆液的木棍涂在了他的眉毛上。", "一个男子正闭着眼睛平躺着,一个人往男子眼皮上刷黑色颜料。", "一个男人躺在床上,另一个人在给他画眉毛。", "一个戴着手套的人拿着小刷子,给一个躺着的男人往眉和眼之间抹黑色的膏体。", "一个男孩躺在床上,另一个人在他的眉毛上打蜡。", "一个男人躺在床上,一位女士正在给那个男人的眼皮上涂上黑色。", "一个女人把精油在一个十几岁男孩的眉毛上。", "一个年轻人正在给他的眉毛涂上蜡。", "一个男人躺着,一双手在他的眉毛下面涂抹产品。" ]
[ "A person applies a strip to the eyebrow of a woman lying down, and then pulls the strip away.", "A lady was getting the eyebrow waxing by another person on her eye lid by placing the sticker and remove that", "A woman is lying with her back on a table while another woman waxes her eyebrows.", "A woman is laying in a chair while another person is waxing her eyebrows", "A person touches another person's head, places a strip of material on the person's eyebrow and then pulls the strip away.", "A young lady is laying on a plush table, another person begins to wax her eyebrows, during the process the lady laughs.", "A woman is lying down as another person uses a small pad to remove wax from her eyebrow.", "A woman lays as another person uses wax strips to remove excess hair.", "Music plays as a woman lays on a table and get her eyebrows waxed.", "With the help of another person, a girl is laying down getting her eyebrows waxed." ]
[ "一个穿着灰色衣服的女人躺着,一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在她的眼睛上贴了白色的纸条后撕了。", "一个女孩躺在床上,一个人用胶带沾她眉毛。", "一个长发女子躺在床上,一个人正在往她眉毛部位贴白色贴纸。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在给一位女士贴东西。", "一个女人在躺着,另一个人在这个女人的眉毛上用纸粘了一下眉毛。.。", "一个人在给一位躺在毛绒绒的桌子上的年轻女士眉毛打蜡,在这个过程中,这位女士笑了。", "一个女人躺着,另一个人用一个小布片从她的眉毛上除蜡。", "一个女人躺着,另一个人使用蜡条去除多余的头发。", "音乐播放时,女人躺在一张桌子上,给她的眉毛上蜡。", "在另一个人的帮助下, 一个女孩正在躺下, 让她的眉毛打蜡。" ]
[ "A man talks with his friends as a woman applies wax to his eyebrow to groom it.", "A bleary eyed man sits while a woman holds his left eyebrow steady as she applies something to it with a wooden spatula", "A woman is attending to a wound on a man's eyelid.", "A man is getting his eyebrows shaped by a woman wearing bright red fingernail polish.", "A person has their hand on a man's forehead and is applying something on his eyebrow", "A woman has her hand on a man's forehead and is applying wax below his eyebrow.", "A woman holds her hand up to a man's forehead while she applies facial wax with the other one.", "A man is having hot wax applied to his eye brows.", "A man is getting his eyebrows waxed is feeling very nervous.", "A man gets his eyebrow waxed by a woman and talks about his fear." ]
[ "有一个女人用手扶着男人的额头在给对方的眼睛上药水。", "在房间里,一女人在为男子处理额头上的伤口,男子还在不停地说话。", "一个穿着蓝色和白色衣服的男子眼部受伤,另一个人在给他擦药。", "一个人的手按住一个男人的额头,给他眉头涂东西。", "一个女人正按着一个男子的额头,对他进行着刮眉毛。", "一个女人把手放在一个男人的额头上,然后在他的眉毛下涂上蜡。", "一个女人把她的手放在一个男人的前额上时男人在说话,她用另一只手在男人面部涂蜡。", "一个人在一个男人的眉毛上涂了热蜡。", "一个男人正在给他的眉毛打蜡, 他感到非常紧张。", "一个女人正在给一个男人去除眼上的眉毛。" ]
[ "A women screams as she gets her eyebrows prepared to be waxed.", "Someone is putting something on a woman's eyelids and she's screaming and talking to them.", "A woman is screaming while being held down to get her eyebrows waxed.", "A girl screaming loudly while she gets her eyebrows waxed by a woman", "two people working on a lady getting her eyes waxed and screaming", "A woman screams as other women attempt to put cosmetics onto her eyes.", "A person places a strip on the eyebrows of another woman that is screaming.", "Two woman are shown waxing the eyebrows of a third lady.", "a woman is screaming as her friends try to wax her eyebrow.", "A woman is screaming while having her eyebrows waxed by two other people." ]
[ "一群人正在给一位女士弄眼角,但是女士一直大声叫唤。", "一个女人躺着,一个人用手压着她,一个人用手在她脸上拍。", "一个女生坐在椅子上,另外两个人在帮助她。", "在一个明亮的房间,两个人在摆满一个女人的脸。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人,正在给你一个女人按摩眼部。", "一名女子尖叫着,其他人正试图从她的脸上涂抹着什么。", "一个人用手指触碰一个女的眼皮,女人在尖叫。", "两个女人正在给第三个女子的眉毛上蜡。", "他的朋友们在按着一个尖叫的女人,它的眉毛上有蜡。", "一个人用双手按着一个女人,而另一个人正在摸这个女人的眼睛。" ]
[ "A woman pulls off tape off a man's face o wax his eyebrows.", "A woman places some hair removal tape near a mans eyebrows and pulls it off.", "A man getting his eyebrows waxed at a salon with a woman doing it.", "A man gets his eyebrow waxed by a woman while seated.", "A woman is waxing the eyebrows of a man sitting down.", "A woman is waxing above a man's eye brows while he sits in a chair.", "A beautician rips a hair removal bandage from a man's eyebrows.", "A woman waxes an older man's eyebrows in a home.", "A lady had a tape of a man's face and then stripped it off", "A woman does waxing on a man's eyebrows while he sits" ]
[ "一个穿白色条纹衣服的女人在帮一个男人修眉毛。", "一名女士正在给一位男士修剪他的眉毛。", "一个女人往一个男人脸上贴东西又撕下来,这个男人满脸通红。", "你个穿条纹上衣的人给男人修理眉毛。", "一个男子坐着,一个女子把他眉上的东西撕了下来。", "一个男人坐在椅子上,一个女人扯下了男人眉毛上的胶带揉了两下,又拿起一把剃刀。", "在一个房间里面,美容师从男人的眉毛上撕下脱毛绷带。", "一个女人在家里给一个老男人的眉毛打蜡。", "一位女士拿着一张男人脸的胶带然后把它脱掉。", "一个女人在男人坐着的时候给他的眉毛上蜡。" ]
[ "A lady is lying on her back with her phone on her stomach.", "A woman is laying down laughing while talking to another person.", "A lady is laying down on a chair while another lady speaks to her.", "A woman lays on a spa bed laughing as another woman films her laughing", "A girl lying back on a chair gets her lips pierced and laughs.", "The woman smiles really big and laughs while laying on the exam table.", "A lady laying down is having her eyebrows waxed in a beauty shop.", "A woman in a blue Los Angeles jacket sits back laughing in a chair.", "A fully clothed woman is laying on a massage type table laughing.", "A lone woman laying back in a chair laughing and talking with other women standing around her." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一女人正在开心的笑。", "一个女子躺在床上,一直惶惶不安地跟旁边的人交流着什么。", "一个女人躺在床上,和站着的人在交流她的感受。", "一个女人躺在椅子上不知道和别人谈论着什么。", "在房间内,一个女人,躺在床上,说着话。", "一个女人躺在那的时候,笑的很开心。", "一个女人躺在床上笑,同时周围有人在和她交流。", "一个穿蓝色洛杉矶外套的女人正坐在椅子上笑。", "一个穿着衣服的女人躺在按摩式椅子上按摩。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的女子微笑的躺着与人说话。" ]
[ "A little girl talks before laying on a massage table where a woman rubs her eyes.", "A young girl enjoys a massage as the masseuse concentrates on her eye sockets.", "A young girl is laying on her back while a woman gets ready to wax her eyebrows", "A woman is having another woman apply cream to her face.", "A young girl being pushed to lie down and having her eyes massaged", "A girl is making gestures with her face, then lays down, then a person rubs their face with their fingers.", "A little girl is laying in a bed getting her eyebrows rubbed.", "A girl lies down on her back, and a woman massages her face.", "A person is showing a girls reaction in the hospital.", "A young lady is having her eyebrows waxed as other people look on." ]
[ "一个外国女孩坐在床上,然后躺下,另一个人给她按摩脸部。", "一个女孩子在美容床上享受脸部按摩。", "一个盘着头发的女孩正躺在白色枕巾上,一个人正在给她做脸部按摩。", "一个穿着短袖的人躺在床上,一旁有人在按摩。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人,躺在一个蓝色的床上面,有一个女人在给她按摩着面部。", "一个女孩正在用她的脸做表情,然后躺下,然后一个人用手指按摩她的脸。", "一个女孩一边说话一边躺在床上,一个人在给她弄眉毛。", "一个女孩躺在地上,一个女人正在按摩她的脸。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女孩在按摩脸部。", "一位年轻女士正在修眉,其他人则在旁边看着。" ]
[ "A young woman is sitting with her head back in a sink at a salon.", "A young lady in a salon is having her eyebrows waxed by a woman.", "The girl relaxes in the chair with her head on the sink to have her eyebrows waxed.", "A girl is getting her eyebrows waxed by another woman over a salon sink.", "A woman with closed eyes lays back on a haircut sink while people ask her a question.", "A girl is laid back in a hairdressers sink as someone is waxing her eyebrows.", "At a salon a young girl has her head over a wash sink and is getting her eyebrows waxed.", "A woman getting her eyebrows thinned out at a salon.", "A girl lays with her head in a sink at a salon while the beautician tests eyebrow strips on the girl.", "A woman is lying with her head tilted back while another woman waxes her eyebrows." ]
[ "一个女人正在给一个女孩进行面部清洁。", "一个女人准备给另一个躺着的女人洗头发,不停的用手里的纸片粘她的左眼上眼皮。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人拿着一个东西在一个穿着粉色上衣的人的脸上晃来晃去。", "在一个灰暗的房间里,一个女人试图拿着东西在另一名女孩眼睛上一贴东西。", "一个人闭着眼睛靠在黑色的洗手池旁,一只手拿着一个小卡片在这个人眉毛上比划着。", "当有人给她的眉毛打蜡时,一个女孩闭着眼睛躺在理发店里的椅子上。", "在一家沙龙,一个年轻女孩的头靠在一个水槽上,正在给她的眉毛上蜡。", "一个女人在沙龙里让另一个人帮她修剪眉毛。", "一个女孩躺在美容院的水槽里,美容师在女孩脸上检查眉毛。", "一个人在给一个躺着的女子正在做着眉毛护理。" ]
[ "A man receives a wax job on his right eyebrow.", "A man waits briefly before having his eyebrows partially waxed.", "A boy prepares to have his eyebrows waxed in a salon.", "A person applies some wax to a mans eyelid, then a paper strip, and starts to remove it", "The man was getting his right eyebrow waxed by someone.", "A man has his eye brows watched by another person.", "Someone apples wax to under a man's eyebrow, and then it is ripped off.", "A man is having a wax applied to his eyebrow and then a piece of paper is used to remove it.", "Someone puts a line of wax under a man's eyebrow and then starts to remove the hair with a waxing strip.", "A man getting his eyebrows serviced and cleaned by waxing." ]
[ "一个男子正在接受医生的整眉毛的操作。", "一个男人闭着眼躺着,另一个人用胶布贴在他的眉毛上并撕掉。", "一个人闭上眼睛,别人在他的眼睛上粘了白胶布猛地一揭没揭掉。", "一个人正在给另一个闭着眼睛的人脱眼皮上的毛。", "一个人在一个男人的一只眼睛上涂上药品,贴上创可贴。", "一个人正在给一个男人的脸上涂抹着什么,然后试图撕掉。", "一个躺着的男人眼睛上打着蜡,然后被扯掉。", "一个人正在将蜡涂在男人的眉毛上,然后用一张纸将其除去。", "一个男人躺在床上然后另一个人给他眼镜做治疗。", "一个男人闭着眼睛,然后清理眉毛。" ]