[ "A man and his dog are sitting on a couch together watching television.", "a man sitting on a sofa with a dog watching t.v", "A woman and a dog are sitting on a couch watching a video of dogs barking on a television.", "A woman sitting on the couch watching TV with her dog on her lap", "A woman and a dog set on the couch and watch television together.", "A man and a dog are both sitting on a couch and watching TV.", "A person sitting on a coach with a dog on their lap watches a television.", "A person with a dog is watching a television show about animals.", "A man sits on a lounge chair with a dog on his lap as they watch a clip of dogs barking and howling on a tv.", "A person and a dog seated on the couch are watching a show on TV." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色短袖的女人抱着宠物一起看电视。", "一名女士正带着她的宠物狗一起看电视。", "一个人抱着一条狗坐在沙发上聚精会神地看电视。", "一个穿蓝色长裤子的人和一只狗在看电视。", "在房间内,一个男人和一条狗,坐在沙发上看电视。", "一个男人抱着一条狗坐在沙发上看电视。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人和一只狗坐在沙发上看电视。", "一个抱着狗的人正在看关于动物的电视节目。", "一名男子坐在休息室的椅子上, 腿上抱着一只狗在看电视。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人和一只狗坐在沙发上看电视。" ]
[ "Three kids looking bored sitting inside on a couch watching cartoons.", "People are filmed on their couch as they watch a television show.", "A few people set around and watch television as another woman socializes outside.", "Four family members are watching television, while two other adults are out on the patio.", "Four young people are sitting on a couch watching TV.", "A woman and three children are sitting on a couch watching television and two woman are outside an open door.", "A boy and a girl are sitting on a couch watching Transformers.", "A group of people sit around, watch TV and congregate in an open atmosphere.", "Four kids sitting on a couch in a living room watching tv", "A group of people watches TV with several more people outside the doorway." ]
[ "四个人在房间里面看电视,还有个人从外面走进来。", "四个小孩坐在沙发上看电视,屋外妈妈们在闲聊。", "一个房间里几个人坐在沙发上看电视。", "有四个人在屋子里面看电视,其中有两名女子在门外面站着。", "房间里,有三个男孩和一个女孩正坐在沙发上看电视,门口有两个女人在聊天。", "一个女人和三个孩子坐在沙发上看电视,两个女人在一扇敞开的门外。", "一个男孩和一个女孩正坐在沙发上看着变形金刚。", "在一个房子里面,一群人坐在沙发上看着电视。", "四个孩子坐在客厅的沙发上看电视。", "一群小孩和外面的女人都在看门口的电视。" ]
[ "A young child is yelling with excitement and is watching a TV that is in the room behind him.", "A kid is in a room with the TV on screaming and talking to someone.", "A kid is saying something aloud and then smiles and sees someone in the front and runs away from the place", "Child is first shown screaming and then you hear grown ups speaking.", "A little boy screams as someone tries to calm him down in the background.", "A boy screamed looked around and then jumped on the bed", "The little boy is speaking to his dad while sitting down and watching tv.", "A little boy with short black hair is screaming in the room.", "A little boy screams and plays in a room while glancing at a television", "A boy is screaming and saying what he is watching." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的小男孩坐在床上尖叫。", "一个小男孩在说话,然后扭头看电视。", "一个小男孩在大声的尖叫,他的旁边传来大人的声音。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在大声喊。", "在一个房间里,有一个男孩坐在床上,旁边放着一台电脑在播放视频.。", "一个男孩尖不停地叫着环顾四周,然后跳上了床。", "这个小男孩坐着看电视的时候和他的爸爸说话。", "一个留着黑色短发的小男孩在房间里尖叫。", "一个小男孩一边看电视, 一边在房间里尖叫和玩耍。", "一个小男孩在房间里张开嘴巴在说话,房间里有一个屏幕里播放着画面。" ]
[ "A man is holding a baby while a dog howls on tv.", "A guy is standing while holding a baby and watching tv.", "A man holding a kid is standing next to a television set which is showing a dog that is standing next to a child", "A man holds his baby while his son watches television of a puppy and another baby.", "A baby watches a video of a husky and a baby talking to each other.", "A man holding a baby while watching a dog and a baby in the television.", "a man is holding a baby who is watching TV", "A kid who is being carried by a man is watching TV while a woman is talking in the background.", "A man is holding a baby while they are looking at a tv screen in which a dog and baby can be seen on the screen.", "A baby responding while watching a video of a barking dog." ]
[ "一个手臂有刺青的男人抱着一个宝宝,站着看电视里的狗狗。", "一个男人抱着一个小孩站在房间里看电视。", "一个男人抱着孩子看电视,孩子嘴里哇哇地叫着。", "一个穿着背心的男子手上抱着一个婴儿。", "一个男人正抱着一个小宝宝,小宝宝在看墙上的投影仪里的画面。", "一个男人抱着一个婴儿看着电视机里的一条狗和一个婴儿。", "一个男人正抱着一个婴儿在看电视。", "一个被男人抱着的孩子正在看电视,旁边有个女人在说着什么。", "一个男人抱着一个婴儿站着看电视。", "一个男人抱着一个婴儿在看电视,电视中有一只狗和一个小孩子。" ]
[ "A child is setting next to a television holding board.", "A young boy is sitting in front of a television and watching it while holding a board game.", "A young boy sings along with television program while at the same time playing with a board game.", "A young boy watches a video on a television screen.", "The little boy is sitting beside the television set holding a large puzzle, and his attention is drawn to the animated figure on the screen", "A young boy is trying to view television from the side.", "A little boy setting on a stand beside a tv watching cartoons.", "A little boy sets on a television stand while also turning his head to watch a cartoon.", "A young boy watches cartoons on a tv in front of him as he holds something in his arms.", "A boy is sitting down next to a television and watching it shortly." ]
[ "一个小男孩坐在了桌子上面手里拿着一块塑料板。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男孩拿着一本少儿书看电视。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的小孩坐在电视桌的边上侧着头在看电视。", "一个小孩坐在放着动画片的电视机旁边。", "一个小男孩端着胖子坐在电视机旁看电视。", "一个小男孩站在电视机旁侧着脸看电视。", "一位小男孩正坐在电视机面前看动画片。", "一个小男孩在电视台上布景, 同时也扭头看动画片。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的小男孩正坐在桌子上看动画片。", "一个男孩坐在电视旁边,腿上放着一个玩具。" ]
[ "A small baby lays on blankets on the ground, looking up at the television.", "A baby is lying on the floor as a television is playing.", "A baby girl lays on her back while staring at a television.", "A television is shown and a young baby lays on a blanket on the floor.", "A young baby is laying on a bed in a room watching t.v. with an oscilating fan.", "A little baby is laying on a bed, next to someone, while watching TV.", "A baby is laying down on a bed and is kicking their feet.", "A baby on a bed being video taped in a bedroom.", "A very young baby is laying on a bed watching the TV which is sitting on a wooden stand.", "Baby being filmed laying in bed watching something on TV." ]
[ "一个穿白色衣服的孩子正躺在床上看电视。", "一个小朋友正躺在地板上盖着被吹着电风扇。", "一个婴儿手舞足蹈的看着电视机里的画面。", "一个短头发盖着白色被子的小孩躺在床上。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在看电视。", "一个小婴儿正躺在床上看电视,旁边有人在看着他。", "一个穿着白色衣服的婴儿躺在床上,双手握着拳头。", "在卧室里婴孩躺在床上看着电视。", "一个非常年幼的婴儿正躺在床上看电视。", "婴儿被拍到躺在床上看着某电视节目。" ]
[ "A young child is entertained by a TV screen and then he turns to the adult supervising him.", "A baby is standing at the sofa while watching a tv show.", "A young child watches television and then turns around and laughs toward the camera.", "A young child watches television and laughs after watching.", "A child inside a home stands against an ottoman until he recognizes the person filming him.", "a little baby sits next to a chair and then looks at the camera", "A boy is leaning against a stool watching tv and then turns to the person behind them and stares.", "A little boy is watching TV and turns around and sees the camera person and smiles.", "A young child is watching TV and turns around to laugh at his parent.", "A toddler watching tv and walking toan adult on the couch." ]
[ "一个小孩子手扶桌面,认真地看着电视里播放的内容。", "一个穿条纹上衣的小孩,看着电视然后开心的笑。", "一个身穿花色衣服的金发小男孩,正抱着另一个人的腿。", "一个穿条纹衣服的金发小孩把双手放在一个人的膝盖上。", "一个孩子双手放在沙发上站着,孩子回头将手放在一个人的腿上。", "一个小婴儿站在椅子旁边,然后看向镜头。", "一个男孩靠在凳子上看电视, 然后转向身后的人盯着看。", "一个小男孩正在看电视,转过身来,看到摄影师面带微笑。", "一个小孩正在看电视,转过身来对着他的父母笑了起来。", "一个人和一个孩子正在看电视,孩子转过身并微笑。" ]
[ "Two babies sit in their high chair and toy chair as they watch TV.", "Two babies together as they watch tv and their mom records their reaction", "An infant in a bumbo and a toddler in a highchair are watching TV.", "Two small children are sitting in their chairs in front of the television and are watching a show.", "Toddler sitting beside a baby in a chair while they watch TV.", "Two kids are sitting in their highchairs while eating and watching a cartoon.", "A group of toddlers sit in chairs and watch television while a woman talks.", "a couple of kids sit next to each other and watch some television", "A baby and a little boy sit in separate chairs and watch TV while a woman talks to them.", "Two small children are sitting in child seats on the floor and watching television." ]
[ "在客厅里面,两个小孩正在聚精会神的看电视。", "一个小宝宝和一个小男孩在电视机前看电视。", "有两个小孩在坐着看电视,其中一个手里拿着东西。", "在房间里有两个小孩子坐在电视机前看电视。", "两个小孩坐在椅子上正在一起看动画片。", "两个小孩子正在做在自己的椅子上看动画片。", "一群幼儿坐在椅子上看电视, 而一名妇女则在说话。", "两个孩子坐在一起看电视,一个金发,一个光头。", "一个婴儿和一个小男孩坐在不同的椅子上看电视, 而一个女人和他们说话。", "两个小孩坐在地板上的儿童座椅上,在看电视。" ]
[ "A toddler wears headphones as they watch cartoons on the tv.", "A baby is watching and enjoying a cartoon shown in the TV", "A little kid is wearing some headphones as he watches a show on tv.", "A young child is wearing headphones and watching a Disney cartoon.", "A small child watches cartoons on television with headphones on.", "A toddler baby with headphones is watching cartoons quietly.", "A baby in a blue shirt and headphones, watches cartoons in a hospital room.", "A little boy has headphones and is watching a tv in a hospital bed.", "A baby is sitting on a bed in a hospital and wearing headphones and watching TV.", "A very young child wearing headphones is looking up at a tv and watching cartoons." ]
[ "一个戴着耳机的小男孩正在目不转睛地看电视里的动画片。", "一个外国小男孩戴着耳麦坐在床上,床前有一台电视,电视正在播放米老鼠,小男孩看得津津有味。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个男孩坐在床上看电视。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个小孩戴着耳机在看电视。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的小孩子正在看电视。", "一个戴着耳机的小孩正在静静地看动画片。", "一个戴着耳机的小宝宝正聚精会神的看着电视里的动画片。", "一个小男孩戴着耳机,正在医院的病床上看着电视。", "一名婴儿坐在医院的床上, 戴着耳机看电视。", "一个戴着耳机的小男孩,坐在那里抬头看着动画片。" ]
[ "A young boy sits and watches tv while a grown up stands and watches him.", "A man and a boy are in a room watching two people on a television", "A little boy is sitting on the couch watching a television program.", "A child is sitting in front of a television screen and watching it.", "A kid and his mom are watching tv and talking.", "A movie plays on the TV while a man with his hands on his hips stance by watching a boy mesmerized by the movie with food on his fork that he has forgotten.", "A little boy is sitting holding something in his hand while watching something on a television.", "A TV is playing a movie and a young child sits wide eyed watching it.", "A little boy is transfixed to the television watching the show that is playing.", "A performance is playing on a Television, which is being watched by a woman and a boy in an apartment." ]
[ "一个人站在一个坐在沙发上看电视小男孩旁边。", "一个外国小男孩正坐在床抢看直播电视。", "一个小男孩正在看电视,他的旁边站着一个大人。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在观察小孩子看电视。", "一个小男孩聚精会神地看着电视,旁边站着一个男人。", "一部电影在电视上播放,而一名男子双手放在臀部上看着一个被电影迷住的男孩,那个男孩已经忘记了他的叉子上的食物。", "一个小男孩坐着,手里拿着什么东西,看着电视上的东西。", "一台电视正在播放一部电影,一个年幼的孩子正睁大眼睛看着它。", "一个小男孩被看正在播放的节目的电视惊呆了。", "一场演出正在电视上进行, 公寓里的一男一女正在看电视。" ]
[ "A baby watching a video seems to get exciting when it appears it is coming toward him.", "A little kid is watching a TV in a room", "An infant bounces around in a baby seat while watching cartoons on a TV screen then begins to look around", "A baby is sitting in front of a television, just sitting there.", "a baby bounces up and down as it watches television", "A baby is sitting in a play saucer watching television.", "a little baby sits in a chair next to the television in front of them", "A little boy is enjoying the program playing on a Television in front of him.", "A baby is sitting in front of a television and watching a show.", "Baby coos at the TV as he bounces in the jumper." ]
[ "一个小孩子坐在玩具上看着电视里面的节目。", "一个小baby在兴致勃勃地看着电视上的画面。", "一个穿着花色上衣的孩子在室内看着电视。", "一个光头小婴儿坐在电视机前,他面前还有一些玩具。", "一个孩子正在一个屋子里面坐在电视前面。", "一个婴儿正坐在一个婴儿车里看动画片。", "一个小婴儿坐电视机前看着电视,他向后看了看。", "一个小男孩正在看电视上播放的节目。", "在室内,一个小孩正在看着电视,并且他看向了其他的地方。", "一个婴儿正坐在电视面前观看电视。" ]
[ "A man and baby are sitting on the couch watching television together.", "A baby sitting besides an adult looks towards the camera before directing his face to the direction of the heard voice.", "A baby is watching tv with her father while someone records.", "A young baby licks its lips then watches TV intently", "A man is sitting in a chair, holding a baby and watching TV.", "A little kid and an older person are watching something probably at the TV.", "A baby sitting by a man on a couch watches television.", "A toddler sits beside a man and intently watches a television screen.", "A kid sitting beside a man initially faces the camera with the tongue sticking out before looking ahead.", "A baby is sitting on a dad's lap and then sees something and stares at it." ]
[ "一个戴着眼镜的男子和一个婴儿坐在沙发上。", "一个男人和一个小朋友并排坐在沙发上都在看着什么。", "一个懵懂的光头小孩正在坐在爸爸身边。", "一个戴着眼镜留着胡子的男人和一个小孩子坐在沙发上。", "一个戴着眼镜长着胡子的男子正抱着一个大眼睛的男宝宝坐着。", "一个小孩和一个老人坐在沙发上看电视。", "一个男人坐在沙发上,怀里坐着一个婴儿。", "一个男人带着一个小孩坐在沙发上看电视。", "坐在男子旁边的一个孩子, 最初面对着镜头, 舌头伸出来, 然后向前看。", "一个婴儿坐在爸爸的腿上,然后看到一些东西并盯着它看。" ]
[ "From a variety of angles, a young girl can be seen standing and watching television.", "A girl in pajamas leans against a counter watching a TV right in front of her face.", "While music is playing, a girl is standing and facing a dresser and watching television before she looks to the right slightly where a telephone receiver is on a table.", "a little girl standing in front of a tv inside of a bedroom", "A small girl is watching tv in her bedroom that has a pink car and a phone in it.", "A little girl standing very close to the TV, and watching cartoons.", "A little girl is standing in front of a tv watch cartoons", "A little girl is leaning against a tv standing watching cartoons on t.v. while the phone is off the hook.", "A young girl is leaning against a T.V stand watching cartoons on a television.", "A small female child is watching television inside of a bedroom." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个小女孩,站在地板上看电视。", "一个小女孩正在美美地看着电视。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的女孩趴在电视机前看电视。", "明亮的房间内,一个小女孩,站在桌边,看电视。", "一个穿着红色上衣的小孩正在看电视。", "一个小女孩站在距离电视很近的地方看动画片。", "一个长头发的小女孩在电视机前看动画片。", "一个小女孩正倚靠在电视上看着电视上的动画,电话脱钩了。", "一个金发小男孩正趴在电视旁看着电视上的动画片。", "一个小女孩正在卧室里看电视。并且离电视特别的近。" ]
[ "A baby sitting on a wooden stool watching tv and clapping her hands.", "a baby sits on a brown stool and looks at the television in front of them", "A little girl sitting in a living room watching cartoons on tv.", "A girl is watching a cartoon and clapping her hands.", "A little girl sitting and watching tv claps her hands while watching a cartoon.", "A young girl sitting down in the family room is watching a cartoon on the television.", "A baby is sitting on a small stool, and she is watching a show on TV and clapping her hands.", "a little baby sits on the floor and watches the images on the television", "A little girl is sitting on a bench and watching an animated kids show", "A young girl is watching TV and clapping her hands happily." ]
[ "小孩子坐在小木椅上看电视,电视上放着动画片。", "一个小女孩儿坐在房间里的凳子上面拍的时候看电视。", "一个小孩坐在椅子上仰头看电视里的卡通片。", "一个小孩坐在木凳上面看着动画片。", "一个穿小裙子的小孩坐在房间里面看动画片。", "在房间里,一个婴儿坐在地上看着动画片。", "一个小女孩正坐在一个小凳子上,她在看电视节目,拍手。", "一个小宝宝坐在地上看着电视上的画面。", "一个穿着白色上衣的孩子坐在凳子上看电视。", "一个小女孩正在看电视,并且高兴地拍手。" ]
[ "A dog is watching television and barks when rhinoceros are shown onscreen.", "A small white dog is barking while he is watching a show on the tv.", "A dog barks at some animals that are on TV.", "A dog watch two rhinos on TV with a girl.", "A person is sitting on a chair and is watching the television", "A little white dog on the sea is howling to the rhinos on the television", "A dog and a little girl sit on a chair and watch tv.", "A girl and her dog are watching television as the dog gets over agitated and starts barking.", "A dog is sitting in the arms of the person on the couch while barking at the TV", "A dog is watching and barking at a nature show with a guy in a living room." ]
[ "房间里一个小女孩抱着一只小狗在看电视。", "一个女人抱着一条狗坐在沙发上看着电视。", "一条狗对着电视汪汪叫着,旁边坐着一个人。", "有个穿白衣的人和狗狗坐在沙发上看电视。", "在房间中,一个人抱着一条狗,坐在沙发上看电视。", "一只坐在主人怀里的白色小狗对着电视上的犀牛嚎叫。", "一只狗和一个小女孩坐在沙发上看电视。", "一个女孩和她的狗正在看电视,狗开始躁动并开始吠叫。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女孩抱着一只狗在看电视。", "一只狗和一个人在客厅里看着一个自然节目, 叫着。" ]
[ "A baby girl is sitting inside her crib while watching a tv on top of a dresser a few feet away.", "A baby watches a tv show with animals in it, from her crib, that is in front of the tv.", "A little girl in a crib is watching a video of different farm animals.", "A toddler watching a program about animals on an old crt tv", "A baby inside a wooden crib watches television with images of animals.", "A young baby is shown watching a movie of various animals.", "a little kit sitting down in their crib and watching television", "A baby girl in a crib watches a television show about animals.", "A baby is in a crib and watching a television that is showing animals.", "An infant in a crib, watching TV, with another small child and farm animals." ]
[ "一个穿着碎花裙子的小孩子坐在婴儿床里看电视。", "一个小孩子站在自己的床里面看着电视,然后又蹲下来看。", "在一个室内里,有一个电视,有一个小孩坐着看电视。", "一个小孩目不转睛的盯着电视上喂羊的画面。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在看电视。", "一个小婴儿正坐在他的英文床里面看着面各种动物。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车里看电视里的图画。", "一个女婴在婴儿床里看了一个动物的电视节目。", "一个婴儿在婴儿床里看着一台显示动物的电视。", "一个婴儿站在婴儿床里看电视,然后坐下来。" ]
[ "A little boy sitting in a child's sized rocking chair while eating.", "A woman is talking to a young child while he watches television.", "a little boy in a small chair watches some television with an adult", "A young boy sitting in a chair eating food and a man behind him sitting on a couch", "A little boy sits on a rocking chair while a man sits on a couch nearby.", "A little boy sitting in a chair is trying to talk by opening and closing his mouth.", "A toddler sitting in a chair watching television while a woman asks him a question about his day.", "A little boy is watching tv in his rocking chair while his mom talks.", "A little boy is setting in a rocking chair eating chips and watching television.", "The man is sitting on the sofa and the toddler is sitting in a little chair and they are both looking at something." ]
[ "一名小男孩正在坐在椅子上目视前方。", "一个小男孩坐在椅子上看电视,一个男人坐在后面的沙发上。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小男孩坐在凳子上吃东西。", "一个一个外国小孩坐在凳子里,后面有一个外国男人在沙发坐着。", "一个小孩儿坐在椅子上,嘴里吃着东西,旁边沙发上坐着一个光头的男人。", "一个小男孩坐在椅子上跟一个男人在说话。", "一个幼儿坐在椅子上看电视, 而一个女人问他一个关于他一天的问题。", "房间里一个小男孩正在吃着东西一边看电视。", "一个小男孩坐在摇椅上吃食物和看电视。", "一个男人坐在沙发上,一个小孩子正坐在一张小椅子上,他们都在看着什么东西。" ]
[ "A person is talking and another person is sitting down watching television.", "A children's video is playing on a distant screen in a dark room.", "a child is sitting down watching a cartoon on the T.V.", "A child watching TV from the floor while talking and crawling.", "Someones feet outstretched with no socks and sweatpants watching television.", "A small child is relaxing while watching a television show.", "A child is looking at different things through the lens of a video camera, to include another persons feet, and the television.", "A young child is very unsteadily displaying a smart phone screen with a cartoon commercial on it.", "A child watching television in a darkened room responds to an unheard question from someone else.", "In a room a child is watching TV while the mom film from her phone." ]
[ "一个人在地板上躺着,看着电视。", "一个人悠闲地坐着伸直并交叉双腿看电视。", "黑暗中有人在看电视,有人在说话。", "在漆黑的环境里一个人光着脚坐在了地板上。", "一个穿着一件黑色裤子的人正在看着电视。", "在漆黑的房间里有一个小孩子看电视来放松自己。", "一个孩子正在通过镜头看不同的东西, 包括脚, 还有电视。", "一个小孩子展示一个智能手机屏幕上的卡通广告。", "一个在黑暗的房间里看电视的孩子问别人问题。", "在一个房间里,一个孩子正在看电视,而妈妈则用手机在拍电影。" ]
[ "a kid watching a tv show and having fun with it", "The screen of a tv on the wall playing a cartoon.", "A small child laughs at a cartoon that she is watching on a mounted flat screen television.", "A young person watches a cartoon on a wall mounted flat screen television.", "two kids watching a cartoon and how it is not for kids.", "Children are watching a cartoon on a wall-mounted flat screen television.", "A television mounted on a wall displays an animated program", "a person sitting down in a room watching television by themselves", "A TV is on the wall playing cartoons with a pink monster on it.", "A group of kids are watching a cartoon on the TV." ]
[ "客厅里,一个孩子再看电视里的动画片。", "一个女人正坐在房间里看着电视放着动画片。", "一个人坐在床上在看墙上的电视节目。", "在一个房间里,一个女人在看墙壁上电视里的动画片。", "有个人正在看挂在墙上的电视机里的动画片。", "孩子们正在墙上安装的平板电视上观看动画片。", "一个人正在房间里面观看着电视机里面播放的动画片。", "一个女孩坐在房间里自己看动画片。", "墙上有一个电视画的是卡通画里面画着一个粉色的怪物。", "一群小孩子正坐在客厅的电视旁看动画片。" ]
[ "A small child stands right in front of a tv and watches, then overbalances backwards and starts crawling.", "A toddler standing very close to a tv watching the program that it displays.", "The baby is standing up against the TV stand while watching Tv.", "A baby is shown standing close to a TV then smiling and falling down.", "A baby is standing at a television and then falls onto the ground and crawls.", "A toddler is watching television and then sits on the floor as a person enters the room.", "The baby was standing up by the TV and was excited when his father cam into the room.", "A baby is standing in front of a TV before turning to the camera and falling on its behind.", "A baby watches a TV show on a TV and sits down when he sees the cameraman.", "A baby is holding onto a television stand before falling down." ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣服的短头发小孩趴在地上玩耍。", "一个小朋友站在电视机前看电视,然后他转头看了一下就摔倒了。", "一个小孩子在房间里的电视前坐在了地上。", "明亮的房间内,一个小孩,扶在桌边,看着电视。", "一个小朋友在看电视,然后倒坐在了地板上.。", "一个女人走进房间看到一个小孩在看电视,然后过去小孩就坐在地上。", "婴儿站在电视旁边,当父亲突然进入房间时,他很开心。", "一名婴儿站在电视机前, 然后转向镜头, 倒在电视机的前面。", "一个婴儿正在趴在电视上看节目,当他看人的时候,就坐了下来。", "一个婴儿抱着电视机,放开后摔倒了。" ]
[ "A woman sits on the couch asking her dog, who is seated beside her, if it likes watching tv.", "A small dog is lying next to a woman who is on a sofa watching television.", "A young child narrates a video of a dog watching TV from the couch with a woman watching on.", "A woman sat on a settee watching TV with a dog lay by her", "A woman sitting on a couch with her dog are watching television.", "A small dog sits next to a woman who is watching television on a couch in a living room.", "A woman is watching TV on a couch and talking to her dog.", "A dog is laying on the couch with a girl while they are watching tv.", "A small white and cream dog sits on a couch with a woman while a television is on.", "A dog is resting on the couch with people while they watch TV." ]
[ "一个人在客厅看电视,她的旁边躺着一只狗。", "一只狗卧在房间里的沙发上旁边坐着一个女人在看电视。", "一条白色的卷毛狗依偎在一个女人身下,这个女人在看着电视。", "一个身穿浅色上衣头戴眼镜的人坐在沙发上和一只浅色毛发的狗狗在看电视。", "一条狗趴在沙发上面,旁边坐着一个戴着眼镜的女人。", "一只小狗躺在客厅沙发上,旁边的一个女人正在看电视。", "一个女人正在沙发上看电视和她的狗说话。", "狗躺在沙发上和一个女孩在沙发上看电视。", "一只白色和奶油的小狗和一个女人坐在沙发上。", "一只狗在人们看电视时和他们一起在沙发上休息。" ]
[ "A man was standing and carrying a baby in his hand while watching the television", "A man holding a baby in front a tv while voices are heard in the background.", "A man standing, is holding a baby in a blanket while both of them are watching a TV show.", "A child, together with dad is watching tv in the living room.", "A man holding a baby watches something on television speaking to the child about what is on the screen.", "A man is holding a baby in his arms and they are watching something on TV.", "A man holding a small child is watching a tv screen as the man shows affection for the child.", "A baby seems mesmerized as he watches a program on TV.", "A young man watches television with his baby at home.", "A man is standing and holding a baby while they both watch television." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的人抱着一个小孩在看电视。", "一个男人抱着一个婴儿在看电视上的节目。", "在房间里,一个男人抱着一个孩子在看电视。", "一个穿白色上衣的人正抱着孩子站着看电视。", "在一个房间里,一个大人抱着一个孩子在看电视。", "一个男人抱着一个婴儿,他们正在看电视。", "一个男人抱着小孩子在看电视,随后朝小孩子笑了笑。", "当一个婴儿在电视上看节目时, 他似乎被迷住了。", "一个年轻人带着他的孩子在家看电视。", "一个男人抱着一个小孩在房间里面看电视。" ]
[ "A little baby is lying on a mattress as it watches a show on the television set.", "A baby is lying on a blanket in front of a TV and is kicking his/her legs,", "A baby is watching cartoons on the tv while propped up on a blanket on the floor.", "An infant is laying on a blanket on the floor and watching cartoons.", "A little boy is watching Tom and Jerry on a TV", "A baby is on the floor and watching some Tom and Jerry.", "A baby lays o a blanket and giggles while watching Tom and Jerry.", "A baby is laying on a large comforter watching television.", "A baby boy lies on a comforter on the floor watching and reacting to a large TV showing cartoons.", "A baby lays on a blanket while Tom and Jerry is being played on the television." ]
[ "在室内,一个宝宝躺在白色的垫子上看电视。", "一个小孩子躺在地上看动画片,不时还扭动着身体。", "在一个房间里,一个婴儿躺在地上看电视。", "有个小孩躺在铺了布的地上,前面的电视正在播放猫和老鼠。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小孩正在看电视。", "一个婴儿躺在地板上看着电视中的动漫。", "一个婴儿躺在一条毯子上,边看汤姆和杰瑞边咯咯地笑。", "一个婴儿躺在一个大的被子上看电视,并挥动手脚。", "一个小男孩躺在地板上的被子上看电视。", "当汤姆和杰瑞在电视上播放时,一个婴儿躺在毯子上。" ]
[ "A young baby stands with their hands on a tv stand and bounces up and down while watching the TV.", "A toddler is holding himself up and watching a TV show.", "A little baby is standing up by a tv, and is dancing watching a kids show.", "A child intently watches a television and dances along with a character on screen.", "A baby watches tv and dances along to the music.", "A baby is standing in front of a television and jumping up and down while looking at the program.", "A baby is in a room watching tv and then starts to dance.", "A young child is standing directly in front of a tv watching cartoons, and dancing.", "A toddler watches animation on television and jumps around with excitement.", "A baby is leaning up to a tv while watching a cartoon. The baby then starts dancing to the cartoon." ]
[ "一个小男孩爬在电视面前看着电视扭动着屁股。", "一个小孩子在看着电视机兴奋地摇摆。", "一个身穿白色背心的小婴儿边看电视边跳着舞。", "一个光脚小宝宝趴在电视柜前边看动画片边跟着舞动。", "一个穿着白色短袖的小孩在看动画片。", "一个婴儿站在电视机前,一边看节目,一边跳跃。", "一个婴儿在房间里看电视,然后开始跳舞。", "一个小孩正站在电视机前看动画片跳着舞。", "一个蹒跚学步的孩子在电视上观看动画,兴奋地跳来跳去。", "一个婴儿正靠在电视机前边看着一部卡通片,然后宝宝就开始跟着动画片跳舞了。" ]
[ "A young child watches as Barney the dinosaur hangs out with friends.", "A little girl is siting on a chair while watching television.", "An episode of the television show Barney plays on the TV while a child watches from the floor.", "A baby watches Barney & Friends on TV while sitting in her chair.", "a person inside of a room watching television with their daughter", "A man is filming a tv show while his baby is watching.", "A little girl watches people in dinosaur costumes on the TV", "A young child sitting in a chair is watching a television show", "The show Barney is on TV while a small child watches", "While sitting in a baby chair, a small child is watching Barney and friends on the television." ]
[ "小朋友在吃饭的时候一动不动的看着动画片,眼睛都不眨。", "两个人在房间内看着电视上放着的动画片,里面有三个穿着动漫服装。", "一个穿着白色上衣的小孩在看电视。", "一个穿着白色黑点的小孩正在看着动画片。", "一个穿着白色斑点衣服的小孩在看电视。", "一个男人正在拍摄一个电视节目,而一个孩子正在观看。", "在室内一个小孩坐在沙发上在看一个动画片。", "一个坐在椅子上的小孩正在观看一个电视节目,大人在旁边。", "一个小孩正在看电视上Barney的节目。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车上,看着电视里放着的动画片。" ]
[ "A toddler stands in front of a television and watches the characters on the screen talk.", "A small girl stands in front of a tv and stares at it the whole time.", "A youngster is encouraging another youngster that is seen on television.", "A little girl is standing in front of the tv staring at it.", "A small child is watching cartoons on a TV intently.", "A toddler watches cartoons on tv as if in a trance.", "A young child is transfixed on the show that is on the television.", "A toddler girl moves closer to a tv while watching a show.", "A small girl stands staring at the TV, mesmerized by what she is watching.", "The little girl is watching television and is so attentive to the show." ]
[ "一个穿红色衣服的小女孩正站在电视机前看电视。", "一个小孩子站在电视机面前看电视。", "在房间里一个穿短袖的小女孩儿正在看电视。", "一个穿着红色上衣的小女孩正在房间里看电视。", "房间里,一个穿着红色衣服的小女孩,仰着头在看电视里播放的节目。", "在室内一个小孩子在专心的看着电视上的节目。", "一个小孩被电视上表演的的节目迷住了。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小女孩站在电视面前离得很近看电视。", "一个小女孩正站在那里盯着电视看。", "一个小女孩正站在房间里非常专注的看着电视节目。" ]
[ "A man water skis and waves one arm while holding on.", "A male is water skiing and waves his arm twice pointing to the side.", "A man is pointing towards something while he is waterskiing.", "A man on skis being pulled by a boat lets go of one hand several times.", "a person water skiing in the middle of the ocean with water skis", "Man holds onto the ropes of a boat in the water while water skiing.", "A water skiier skis behind a boat and points their arm to their left.", "A man is water skiing while raising one arm and holding onto a rope.", "A man is water skiing in a lake while being filmed from the boat.", "A man is holding on and jet skiing across the water." ]
[ "一个穿红色衣服的男人拉着绳子在海面上飞驰。", "一个男人拉着船踏着冲浪板在海上冲浪。", "一个男子踩着冲浪板牵着一条绳子,在海上冲浪。", "一个穿救生衣的男子拉着绳子在水面上飘游。", "海上一个人拉着一条粗绳子、脚戴冲浪板在海浪上前行。", "男子紧紧抓住一条绳子,绳子拴在船上,然后在水面上滑水。", "一个滑水者在船后面被拖拽着滑行, 把自己的胳膊指向左边。", "一条快艇用一根绳子在水里拉着一个人滑水。", "一个身穿救生衣男子在快艇的牵引下水上滑行。", "在室外的海面上,一个男人手上抓着一根绳子在水上滑着水。" ]
[ "A person is jetskiing on water in a fastforrwarded video.", "A woman water skiing goes across the wake made by the boat pulling her.", "A person on a rope behind a boat water skis on one ski", "A person is skating in the beach with high speed and energy", "A woman is riding a wakeboard behind a boat.", "A female is water skiing in the ocean going side to side.", "Music plays while a person water skiis on a lake.", "A water skiier is towed on a rope, moving left and right across the wake of a boat.", "A person water skies on a lake on a bright, sunny day.", "A woman goes jet skiing as she holds on to a long rope." ]
[ "一个人在牵着船上的绳子在海面上玩冲浪板。", "一个女人正在拉着绳子在海中冲浪。", "碧蓝的海面上,一个人正穿着设备在海面上玩冲浪。", "一穿着红色救生衣的人正在拉着绳子体验冲浪。", "一个穿着红色救生衣的女人,拉着一根绳子在水面上飞驰。", "一位女性在海洋中一边滑水一边左摇右摆。", "一个人站在滑板上牵着绳子在水上滑行。", "一个滑水者被绳子拖着, 在船的尾部左右移动。", "在一个阳光明媚的日子里, 一个人在湖面上滑行。", "一个女人踩着一个滑板拉着一根绳子在海上冲浪。" ]
[ "A water skier is being pulled by a speeding motor boat.", "A view of a water skier from the back of a boat.", "A man is wakeboarding, towed on a board behind a boat.", "Someone water skis behind a power boat on a sunny day.", "A person holds onto a leash as he water skis behind a speedboat.", "Someone is riding a ski across water while holding onto a rope attached to a boat.", "A person is water sking behind a high powered speed boat.", "A man is pulled by a boat as he water skis.", "A man water skiing from a boat on a large lake.", "A person is water skiing behind a boat and they cross the wake and stay up." ]
[ "一个人踩在冲浪板上拉着一根拴在快艇上的绳子。", "汽艇后边儿拉着一名穿越划水装备的人进行划水运动。", "一个男人被一艘划艇拉着在海面上划行。", "在大海上,一个人拉着绳子,一艘快艇拉着他。", "在海上,一艘汽艇拉着一个人在冲浪。", "在海上,一个人拉着游艇上的绳子在水中滑行着。", "一个人在一艘大功率艇后面拉着横杆进行滑水。", "一个人被游艇拉着在海上自由的划水。", "一个人抓着一条绳子在一个大湖上划水。", "一个人牵着绳子在船后尾流处滑水。" ]
[ "A person is water skiing with a mono ski cutting across the wake.", "A man is waterboarding very fast behind a boat in a lake.", "A boy is being pulled behind a boat water skiing on one ski.", "a man water skiing while being dragged by a boat in the water", "A man is waterskiing quickly from the back of a boat.", "A person is on the water and is water skiing being pulled by a boat.", "A man is getting pulled by a boat while surfing on the water.", "Someone on water ski's is recorded as the fly across the water behind a boat.", "A man is water skiing making horizontal movements on a body of water.", "Someone is water skiing behind a boat and going back and forth." ]
[ "一个人在海里正在跟着一艘船冲浪。", "一个男人拉着绳索,在海上玩着刺激的滑翔运动。", "一个男人在海滩上上被一个汽艇拉着在水面滑翔。", "一个人正站在一块板子上,被一根绳索拉着滑水。", "一个男人踩着滑板,被拉着,在大海上冲浪。", "在水面上,一个人拉着一根绳子在水面上滑行。", "一个男子被一艘船用绳子拉着在水上冲浪。", "一个快艇后面拽着一个人在海面上滑行。", "一个人正在水上滑水在水面上做水平运动。", "有一个人在船后面滑水,并来回走动。" ]
[ "A person on water skis cuts across the wake and falls down.", "a water skiier takes a fall while being pulled behind a motor boat", "A man falls into the water shortly after beginning to water ski.", "a man is getting pulled behind a boat on some jet skis.", "A water skiier is being pulled behind a boat across a lake", "A person is water skiing behind a boat, then they fall.", "a person in the water going skiing while a boat is leading them", "A person on water skis is towed behind a boat, falling off into the water.", "A person water skiing while another is filming them goes down.", "Someone is skiing behind a boat and he yells and then falls down in the boat's wake." ]
[ "一个人在海上玩滑板,然后摔倒在了海里。", "一个人在海上冲浪,突然栽倒了水里。", "在一个宽阔的室外,一艘船在海面上拉着一个人滑行。", "一个人脚踩着划水板被绳子拉着在水里划动。", "水面上波浪翻滚,一个人拉着一根绳子在冲浪。", "一个游艇正在拉着后面冲浪的一个人,然后太快他就摔倒了。", "一个人在水中滑水而一艘船正在引导他。", "一个人坐在滑水板上被船拖到后面,然后掉进水里。", "一个人滑水, 而另一个人在拍摄他们,然后看到他掉进水里面。", "有人在小船后面滑雪,他大叫,然后在船的尾部掉下来。" ]
[ "A boat is traveling down a waterway while a person is water skiing behind it.", "Someone is getting pulled by a boat as they are gliding on the water.", "A boat is pulling a skier that is going back and forth over the waves.", "A person was skiing on the water in a curly motion behind a boat moving in the front", "A motorboat is seen from above, traveling down a canal or river as a water skiing trails after it, criss-crossing its wake.", "A small boat is speeding round another boat as it moves forward along a river.", "A speedboat is going down a river while a water-skier zigzags behind the boat", "A person is waterskiing from side to side while being pulled down a body of water by a speedboat.", "There are two boats moving on the water of a river as one boat is moving steadily forward and the second boat, a type of speed boat is zig-zagging in the waters behind the other boat.", "A boat driving on a river pulling a water skier behind." ]
[ "一个船在前面开,一个船在后面左右开着。", "一个人牵着笔直移动的船上的绳子在河道冲浪。", "在一个水面上一个汽艇后跟着一个冲浪的人。", "一只船在水面上开着一个人在船的身边滑动。", "在一条宽广的河里面,有一条船向前方驶去,后面跟随着一艘摩托艇。", "当一条小船沿着河流向前移动时,另一条船正在加速绕过它。", "一个人使用划水工具在一艘快艇的后面来回运动在水面上留下规则的形状。", "一个人正在滑水,前边被快艇拉速地拉动着。", "当一艘船稳稳地向前移动时,有两艘船在河水上移动,一种快艇在另一艘船后面的水域中蜿蜒前行。", "一条船在河面上前进,后面拉着一个滑水者。" ]
[ "A woman is enjoying the viewing of a waterskier, while wading in the water.", "A woman stands in the water and watches boats and then she waves.", "A boat is pulling a water skiier then a woman is seen standing in the water then turns to wave at the camera.", "Someone is speaking and filming a women, watching a speed boat, then the women waves at the camera.", "A man films a boat driving by then a woman turns around and speaks", "A girl is watching a yatch on lkae then she says \"bye\"", "A woman is standing in the big blue ocean while watching boats go by", "A woman watches as a boat pulls a water skier through a lake.", "A young woman waves as she stands waist deep in a lake.", "A motorboat pulling a raft is moving on the water in the background as a woman is in the water talking to the person shooting the video." ]
[ "一个穿着泳衣的长发女生站在海里,在招手。", "一位金发碧眼的美女在海边对录像男子说话与招手。", "一艘船正在行驶。一个站在水里的女人回过头打了声招呼。", "在有汽艇经过的河面上,旁边的一位女子在招手。", "有一个女人站在河里,河里还开着一艘船。", "一条船在水里行驶,一个女人站在水里在观看,然后在挥手。", "一个女人站在水中看着水上的船只经过。", "一个女人看着一艘船拉着滑水的人穿过湖泊。", "一位年轻的妇女站在齐腰深的湖中,挥手致意。", "一个穿着印花连体泳衣的女人在齐腰的水里摆手说话,远处有汽艇行驶。" ]
[ "A man is driving a boat while pulling a water skier behind him.", "An adult is pulled behind a boat on jet ski's.", "A man on an ocean as he rides on skiis where another person is pulling him with a boat", "A person on waterski's holds onto a rope tied to a boat that is pulling them.", "A person is water skiing on a lake while attached to a boat.", "A view of a water skier being pulled behind a boat skiing on a large body of water.", "A person is water skiing behind a slow moving boat on a lake.", "A person driving a boat while another person water skis behind the boat.", "A person is water skiing out on a large body of water.", "A person on a speed boat pulling another person behind them that is water skiing." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的人拽着一个绳子在海上玩耍。", "海面上有一个人在快艇的带领下进行冲浪。", "一个人抓紧系在船上的横杆正在滑水。", "一男子踩着滑板在一个船的牵引下前进。", "在一个宽阔的海边,有一个人正在玩潜水。", "在一艘快艇的后面,一个人拉着船上的绳子在水面上滑行。", "一个人踩着冲浪板拉着一根拴在一艘船上的绳子。", "一个人正跟在船后面在海面上滑行。", "一个人在水面上拉着一根绳子被一艘快艇拉着滑水。", "一个人拉着快艇上的一根绳子在水面上滑水。" ]
[ "A man is water skiing around the lake and did not fall.", "A man is holding on to a water slide device while attached to a boat", "a person holding on to a handle and water skiing while a boat pulls him.", "A person is pulled up by a boat and begins to water ski.", "A water skier starts their run while being towed on a rope by a boat", "A man is holding onto a yellow cord water skiing on a lake.", "a person water skiing while be dragged by speed boat", "A person starts down in the water and then gets up on water skis.", "A person is being pulled on a body of water while riding water skis.", "A person pulls up onto waterskis as a boat pulls him through the water." ]
[ "白天的户外,一个男人,拽着一根绳子,在湖面上滑行。", "一个男人踩着水上滑板拉着一根栓在船上的绳。", "在一片水面上。一个穿红色衣服的人正被绳子拉着在水面上漂。", "有一个身穿彩色衣服的人在水上玩水上滑板。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人被绳子牵着在划水。", "一名男子紧紧抓住一条黄色的绳子在湖上滑水。", "一个人被快艇拖着在开阔的水上滑行。", "一个人在水中开始, 然后在滑水上站起来。", "一个穿着红色条纹的人在水上冲浪。", "一艘船拖着一个人在一个湖里玩着水上冲浪。" ]
[ "A guy attached to the back a boat being glided across the water, while another man drives the boat.", "A person is jet skiing behind a boat and another person has an outburst.", "One man waterskis while his friends watch from a boat.", "A man called Raul is water skiing behind a motor boat at a lake.", "a man is skiing behind a boat out on the ocean.", "A man is yelling on a lake while sking on the water.", "A group of people watch a man water ski behind them in the ocean.", "A guy in the water on skis being pulled by a boat", "A boat is pulling a guy that is on skis in the water and holding on.", "A young man is pulled by a motor boat as he water skis at a fast pace." ]
[ "一个人在海上跟着一艘轮船进行冲浪娱乐。", "一个人开着游艇拉着另一个人划水。", "一个男人在汽艇的拉力下在海里冲浪,汽艇上坐了一个男人和小孩。", "在海面上一个男人,拉着绑在船上的绳子滑行。", "几个人坐在船上快速前行,后面一个人拽着绳子站在冲浪板上跟在后面。", "一个男人在移动的湖面上大喊大叫。", "一群人在海洋中观看一名男子在他们身后滑水。", "在大海上,一个在滑雪板上的人在被船拉。", "一艘船正在拖着一个在水中滑雪的家伙。", "一个年轻人在快速滑水时被汽艇拉了起来。" ]
[ "A person is pulled by a boat and jet skies along on the water.", "A person wearing water skis is pulled along a lake by a speedboat.", "A person is water skiing behind a boat at medium speed on a lake.", "Someone water skis behind a motor boat on a clear day.", "A person is behind a boat on a lake water skiing.", "A single water skier is pulled behind a boat under a cloudless sky.", "A person water skis behind a fast moving boat on a calm lake.", "Someone is on a jet ski trailing behind a boat.", "A man jet skis on a lake behind a motor boat.", "Someone is water skiing behind a boat on a lake." ]
[ "一个人在后面踩着冲浪板,拉着一根拴在快艇上的绳子。", "一个人拉着系在在水上行走的物体的绳子,跟随着绳子在水上滑行。", "一辆船只带着一个正在海上冲浪的人。", "一个在海上行驶的轮船用绳子拉着一个人。", "在水面上,一艘快艇拉着一个人在进行滑水运动。", "在万里无云的天空下,一名滑水者被一条船拉着在后面滑水。", "在一个湖面,一条船用绳索拖着一个人在水上滑行。", "有人在一艘小船后面的水上摩托后面滑翔着。", "一个踩着冲浪板的人拉着一根在船上的绳子在水面上冲着浪。", "一个人正跟随在船后面进行滑水运动。" ]
[ "A man holds onto a pole and rides skies on water.", "A boy is skiing off the side of a boat by holding on to a pole.", "A young man looking happy while water skiing off the side of the boat", "A young man practices a water sport on the lake.", "A male is showing himself going in the ocean and driving around the water.", "A woman is water skiing by holding onto a pole extended from a fast moving speed boat.", "A teenager water skis next to a speedboat by holding onto a pole extending from the speedboat.", "A young boy in a lifevest is wakeboarding fast behind a boat.", "A young boy is water sliding at the end of a small boat", "A woman is skiing on water by holding onto a log pole extended from the left side of a boat while someone else is talking to her." ]
[ "一个身穿紫色衣服的短头发男孩正在水里玩耍。", "一穿着救生衣的男子在海面上进行刺激的水上项目,身边跟随者快艇。", "一个正在滑水的人双手紧紧抓住前方的横杆。", "一个穿着花短裤和救生衣的人在海上冲浪。", "一个穿着救生衣的男孩在扶着船边的桅杆冲浪。", "一个穿救生衣的女人通过抓住从快速移动的快艇上伸出的杆子来进行滑水。", "一个少年在快艇旁边紧紧抓住一根从快艇延伸出的杆子上玩滑水滑板。", "个穿着救生衣的小男孩正在一艘小船上快速地滑水。", "一个穿着救生衣的男孩正抓着船杆在水面上滑行。", "当一个女人正在和她说话时,一名女子正在滑水。" ]
[ "In the distance, a water skier can be seen being towed by a boat.", "On a lake, a jet skier zig zags from left to right several times.", "A person is waterskiing behind a boat on a lake in a zig zag pattern.", "A person water skis from side to side behind a boat speeding down a river.", "A person water skiing behind a boat at a far distance.", "Person waterskiing behind a boat on a tranquil lake", "A man para sailing in a lake with a motor boat", "A boat pulls a water skier behind it on a lake.", "A person water skis while a boat drags them along behind the vehicle.", "A person on waterskis skis back and fourth behind a boat on a lake" ]
[ "在一片湖面上,有一艘船,有一个人拉着一根绳子,船开着,他不停地在水面上飞驰。", "一个人在一艘船后拉着绑在船上的绳子冲浪,一会儿飘向左边,一会儿飘向右边。", "一个人正在海面上玩冲浪,非常刺激。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人在海面上冲浪。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在水上滑行。", "在一个平静的湖上,一个人先乘船后滑水。", "一个人在湖面上正在被一艘船拉着前行。", "一只小船停在湖面上,一名运动员在湖面上滑行。", "一艘船用绳子拖着一个人在水面上滑行。", "在室外,一个人正在海面上冲浪。他的旁边还有一艘船。" ]
[ "Someone has a go pro camera on themselves as they water ski behind a boat.", "Two people ski in tandem beside each other while being pulled by a boat.", "Two people are trailing behind a motorboat on water skis.", "Three people are doing water skating when the sun is setting.", "Two people are water skiing behind a boat at sunset.", "A group of people are water skiing at the same time with different ropes from the same boat.", "Two people are water skiing behind the same boat as the sun begins to set.", "A water skier is hanging on to his bar and lead with two hands before switching to one hand and then reverting again to two.", "A guy is surfing by attaching his board to the yacht with a string and holding the string tightly", "First-person point of view as a person is water skiing on a lake at sunset." ]
[ "在海上,很多男人把手拉住船后面的把手,正在进行冲浪。", "几个人在夕阳下被一艘快艇拖着在水上滑行。", "一些人抓紧系在小艇上的横杆,正在进行滑水活动。", "一个男人,在海上被白色的船拉着冲浪。", "在一个宽阔的海边,有一群人在玩潜水。", "一群人在同一时间用同一艘船上的不同绳子滑水。", "当太阳开始落山时, 两个人正在跟随一条船后面滑水。", "一位水上滑水者正吊在他的酒吧里,然后用两只手在转向一只手之前,然后再一只手回到两只手上。", "一群人通过绑在游艇上的绳子在湖面上用板子冲浪。", "在室外的海面上,有很多人正在水上冲浪。" ]
[ "A man holding a rope connected to a boat water skiing.", "Some one jet sky diving on the back of an row boat.", "A man on jet skis is being pulled by a boat.", "A man on a water ski being pulled by a boat", "Somebody is being pulled behind the boat on water skis.", "A person pulled by a rope glide on the water with a surfing board", "A young boy water skiis on the water behind a boat during the day.", "A person skating over the sea tied to a boat and holding that.", "A kid is riding water skis as they are pulled behind a boat.", "Water skier holding on to a line and being pulled across the water." ]
[ "一个人抓着一根绳子在海里冲浪,有很多白色浪花。", "一个人穿着滑水装备在水上滑行着。", "一个男子开心并尖叫的享受着在水上冲浪。", "一个穿着白色裤子的人拉着绳子在水上滑行。", "白天的湖面上,一个人,拽着一根绳子,在湖面上滑行。", "一个被绳子拉着的人用冲浪板在水面上滑行。", "白天,一个小男孩在船后的水面上滑水。", "一个人绑在船后面拿着绳子在海上滑行。", "一个孩子绑在一个船的后面正在滑水。", "滑水者紧紧抓住一条线, 被拉着在水面滑行。" ]
[ "A man is holding onto a rop while skiing behind a boat", "A young lady water skiing on the water behind a boat .", "A water skier skis behind a motor boat and then unexpectedly lets go of the line, falling down.", "A person is water skiing in back of a boat using one ski.", "A person water skis and then lets go of the rope and falls into the water.", "A man is behind a speed boat water skiing with only one ski.", "A person is water skiing behind a boat, before letting go and falling into the water.", "A man is waterskiing and the boat slows down when he accidentally falls over.", "A person falls in the water while they are water skiing", "A woman is water skiing slolam-style on a lake and dismounts." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色衣服的人正在水里滑行。", "一个女人在海上滑板冲浪,并且丢掉绳子掉进海里。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人在海上冲浪,她放开绳子后掉进了海里。", "在海里一个人踩着踏板拉着绳子在前进然后扔掉了绳子落入水中。", "一个穿着蓝色救生马甲的人正拉着绳子踩着滑板在湖面滑行。", "一个男人在一艘快艇后面滑水,然后掉了下去。", "一个人在船后面滑水,手放开然后掉进水里。", "一名男子正在滑水,他不小心跌倒了同时船也慢了下来。", "一个人在滑水的时候一不小心掉进了水里。", "在室外,一个人正在水上滑水,然后他掉进了水里。" ]
[ "A man holds a woman over his head while he is waterskiing.", "A man is waterskiing behind a boat while holding a lady up in the air in a graceful pose.", "a performing duo making a great show on water while the guy carry the lady", "A man and woman go by on a jet ski the woman is being lifted up by the man.", "A crowd of people are watching a show on the water.", "2 people waterski, one holds the other in the air, watchers applaud.", "A woman and man do some tricks while being pulled on water by a boat.", "A water show going on and people are clapping for the performers.", "In what looks like a competiton a man carrying a woman in his arms ai jet skiing.", "A man is water skiing and holding a woman above his head." ]
[ "一个女人在解说当前的表演,一个男人举着一个女人从水中快速划过。", "一条河上一个男人正举起一个女人沿着河道向前运动进行着表演。", "两个人正在一条河上进行杂技表演,周围围着许多观众。", "朝着穿红裙子女人指向的方向,看到有个男人举着一个小女孩从水上飘过。", "船拖着木板前行,木板上站着一个男人,他用手举着一个女人。", "两个人在水中滑水,一个举着另一个在空中,观看者鼓掌并欢呼。", "一群人正在水面上使用各种工具进行着表演。一边的观众不停的鼓着掌。", "两个人在水里为观众展示他们的才艺表演。", "一艘船在河里拽着一个男人,这个男人手里托着一个女人。", "一个在滑水的男人双手举着一个在表演的女人。" ]
[ "Three people are waterskiing and yelling slower to whoever is driving.", "two people are skiing while being pulled behind a boat on a large body of water", "A few people are water skiing behind a boat on a lake.", "Two people are jet skiing over a body of water.", "Several people are riding on water skis and holding onto ropes and being pulled behind a single boat.", "Three people are water skiing on a large lake with dark clouds overhead.", "Three people are on water skis skiing next to each other behind a boat.", "Two people water ski and one waves for the camera", "Three people waterski while being towed behind a boat.", "A group of people are on the water and are water skiing." ]
[ "在一片海上,两个人在船的牵引下在划水。", "在海上,两个男人拉着绳索进行刺激的冲浪。", "海面上有两个人正在用工具玩海上冲浪。", "两个穿黑色衣服的男子被绳索拉着在水面上滑行。", "水面上翻滚着浪花,几个人拉着两根绳子在冲浪。", "三个人在一个大湖上滑水,头上方乌云密布。", "三个人正在一艘船的牵引下在水面上冲浪。", "三个人正在被一辆船上的绳子拉着冲浪并对着镜头做动作。", "两上人在水面上被船用绳子快速拉动着。", "两个人手上拉着绳子滑行在水面上,远处有一片树林。" ]
[ "A group of people water skiing behind a boat doing tricks.", "Four people are jet-skiing and one climbs on top of two of them to show a trick.", "A group of people are pulled by a boat and water ski on a lake.", "While a boat pulls four people on water skis in a lake, two of the skiers hold one of the skiers over their heads.", "Three people are waterskiing behind a boat with one person on the shoulders of two of them.", "three people holding to a rope,skiing behind a boat on the water.", "A motor boat with person are travelling and three persons are skating in the sea", "Four people are water skiing while they hold up a woman on the top.", "A trio of people are wearing skiis and sailing behind a boat.", "Some friends are water skiing together in a big open lake being pulled by a boat." ]
[ "四个人在快艇的牵引下玩滑板,其中三个人用手托举着另一个人。", "一艘快艇在前面开,后面拉着三个踩着冲浪板的人,其中两个还举着一个女的。", "一个人驾驶游艇在水面上用绳子拉着三个冲浪的人。", "几个人站在冲浪板上在海面上滑行并把其中一个人托举起来。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在海上冲浪。", "三个人手持绳子在水面上的小船上滑水。", "一艘快艇拖着三个人在水中滑行,其中两个人还举着一个人在头顶。", "四个人在滑水的时候,表演他们在头顶部举起一个女人。", "三个人穿着滑雪板跟在船后面航行。", "有些朋友在一个巨大的湖泊中一起滑水,然后一艘船拉着。" ]
[ "A water skiier zig zags back and forth behind a motor boat.", "A man is getting pulled behind a boat while performing water boarding.", "A person is water skiing around buoys on a lake.", "A man wake boards off the back of a boat in fast motion.", "A person is on water skis and getting pulled through the water.", "Someone is water skiing and swerving from left to right.", "A man is water skiing side to side behind a boat.", "Someone is actively waterskiing in a crisscross pattern on the lake.", "a person water skiing on a river while being dragged by a boat", "A man tempts fate as he continually jumps waves of wake and narrowly dodges buoys while water skiing." ]
[ "一个快艇拉着一个穿黑色衣服的人在水面上滑。", "一个人正缀在游艇后,踩着冲浪板表演着如何蛇形走位跨过定点的障碍物。", "一名男子拉着一只船上的牵引绳,在船后划水。", "一个人踏着踏板双手拽着移动的绳子在水面上前行。", "水面上浪花翻滚,一个人拉着一根绳子正在冲浪。", "有人在水面上从左到右转着弯滑水。", "一名男子此刻正在一艘船后面滑水。", "有人在湖面上以纵横交错的方式积极滑水。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正被船拖着在河上滑水。", "在室外,一个人,踩着滑板正在水上冲浪。" ]
[ "A girl is water skiing in the middle of the ocean.", "A woman water skis slowly behind a boat as she hangs on to a rope.", "A woman is jetsking on the water holding a rope.", "A person doing some water skiing being pulled by a boat", "A child waterskis behind a boat on a lake on a clear day.", "A person is being filmed while doing some water skiing.", "A woman is water skiing behind a boat in a lake.", "A woman water skis behind a boat in an ocean or lake.", "A person gliding on water on the back of a boat or jet ski.", "A girl is on water skis being pulled behind a boat in a body of water." ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服女人在大海上冲浪。", "一个女人在非常开心的玩滑水运动。", "在一个蓝色的大海上,有一个穿着黑裤子的女人正在漂。", "一个穿短裤的人拉着一根绳子在水面上滑行。", "一个穿红色衣服的人站在冲浪板上手里拽着绳子。", "在海上,一个人拉着一根绳子正在冲着浪。", "一名女子在一艘快艇的拖着下在水面滑行。", "在一条小船后的妇女在海面上滑翔。", "一名冲浪爱好者正在牵着一根绳子冲浪。", "在室外的海面上,一个人,脚上踩着滑板正在水上冲浪。" ]
[ "A girl is waving in a wetsuit while waterskiing across a lake.", "A small child is holding onto a handle to water ski behind a boat.", "A little kid is waving at a camera while water skiing.", "A little girl is water skiing as she holds on tightly to the rope.", "A little kid is jet skiing on the surface of the water attached to a boat.", "A child is water skiing while the music encourages them on.", "A young girl on water skis is pulled behind a boat and waves.", "A young girl smiles while water skiing and being encouraged by an adult.", "a young girl water skiing on a lake and waving", "Young girl wearing wet suit holding on to rope being pulled while water skiing." ]
[ "水面上有一个穿着黑色衣服的小女孩在冲浪。", "一个小姑娘在湖面上,被什么东西拉着在湖面上玩耍。", "一名穿着黑色的衣服的小女孩利用前面的小船拉着自己飘游。", "一个黑衣服的小孩,他正被绳子拉着在水面上漂。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的长发小姑娘正拉着一个绳子在水面上滑行。", "一个孩子在玩滑水的时候,向其他人打招呼。", "一个年轻女孩坐在水上滑水橇被拉在船和海浪后面。", "一个小女孩在水面上由一根绳子牵着前行。", "一个年轻的女孩在湖上滑水并挥手致意。", "在滑水时, 穿着湿衣服的年轻女孩紧紧抓住绳子。" ]
[ "A water skier being pulled by a boat and falling into the water.", "A person badly failing at doing something while being in the water.", "A person crashes hard in water, creating a big splash.", "The little boys are wanting to water ski but the first attempt was not successful.", "A man falls into the water after attempting to water ski", "A water skiier ditches into the lake as soon as he starts.", "There is a person standing on the shore of a lake before being pulled into the water by a boat while holding a ski rope.", "A person water skiing falls face forward in to the water while beening pulled.", "A person is on the shore and is getting pulled by a water ski, they fall face first in the water.", "A person on water skis falls into the water while a boat takes off." ]
[ "一个人在海面上拉着一个绳子踩着滑板上面。", "一个男人在划水的时候不小心掉进了水里。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在海面上冲浪。", "在一条河边,一个拿着杆的人掉入了河里。", "一个人被一根绳子牵着在划水,水溅起白色浪花。", "一个水上冲浪者一开始就掉进入湖中。", "一个人站在岸边,然后被一根绳子拉入水中。", "一个人拉着一根绳子在水面上划水,然而他跌倒了水里。", "一个人在岸边被一艘船拉下了水中。", "在室外的一个水面上,一个人手上拉着一个绳子在水上滑水。" ]
[ "A woman is pulled behind a boat while supported on water skiis.", "A person water skis behind a boat and waves.", "A woman is on water skiis behind a boat in the water", "Someone is riding water skis behind a boat and the boat appears to be accelerating.", "A water skier is water skiing behind a boat while holding onto a rope.", "A person is using water skiis while going pretty fast.", "a person riding water skis while being dragged by a boat in the ocean", "a person rolls on some skis through the water outside during the day", "Someone is water skiing behind a boat on a windy day.", "Person holding onto a tow rope being pulled while water skiing." ]
[ "一个人踩着冲浪板在海面上快速地行驶。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的人正在玩水上冲浪。", "一个身穿黑色上衣的男子正在玩水上运动。", "在一片海面上,一个全身装备的人正在冲浪。", "一个男人在海上,这个人在海上玩冲浪。", "在水面上有一个人正在使用滑水板来快速行驶。", "一个人骑着滑水橇的人被水中的一条船拖着往前滑。", "白天,一个人在船只的牵引下穿过水面。", "一艘游船用绳子拉着一个人在水面上滑行。", "在水面上滑水时,一个抓住拖曳绳索的人。" ]
[ "Several people water ski in formation as other people climb on top of their shoulders to make a human water skiing pyramid.", "A group of individuals performing a stunt on water skis under a partly cloudy day.", "A group of people are participating in a stunt by jumping off in the air", "A group of people are surfing on the water with few of them being on top of the others", "A group of men are holding on to each other and on to jump handles while water skiing.", "A group of people skiing in a snow blizzard, half of them are standing on the other half while skiing.", "A group of people doing a water show on water and sking.", "People are all holding on to swings above snow listening to the sound of music.", "Five men are holding handles which are pulling them over water, a number of woman are standing on their shoulder holding similar handles.", "Several people form a pyramid while on jet skiing side by side" ]
[ "一群蓝色衣服的女人骑在一群男人的肩上,他们手里握着绳子。", "有很多人迎风雪一个个地站在别人的肩膀上。", "几个人成功地在寒冷的天气下挑战极限。", "几个穿蓝色衣服的人踩在穿黑色衣服上的人的肩膀上滑雪。", "一群人,拉着绳子,肩膀上又站了几个人。", "一群人在暴风雪中滑雪,一半人站在另一半人身上。", "一群在水和滑水上做水上表演的人。", "人们在雪上紧紧地抓住绳子, 听着音乐的声音。", "有五个人手里拿着把手,一些妇女站在他们的肩膀上。", "几个人同时在摩托艇上形成一座金字塔。" ]
[ "Water skier being pulled by a boat and navigating a slalom course over water.", "A person is wakesurfing at a fast pace through what appears to be a lake.", "A man is gliding across the water back and forth while water skiing", "The person was water skiing around a buoy in the water.", "A person is water skiing, at times only holding on with one hand.", "A man water skis in a zig zag pattern on a lake or lagoon.", "A man on water skis who is being towed by a boat is criss crossing the wake of the boat.", "A person is water skiing from left to right in a lake.", "A child is being pulled behind a boat on water skis.", "A child is shown wake boarding behind a boat and steers back an forth over the wake." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色裤子的人拉着一根安全绳在海上冲浪。", "一个人踩着滑水板在水中被一艘船拖着滑行。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的人在船后面愉快的划水。", "一个穿着短裤的人牵着绳子正在水面上滑行。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的人正在水面上滑水。", "在湖面上,一个人正在用一个绳索在水面上滑水。", "一个人踩着滑水板被船拖在水面上滑行。", "一个人在湖中拉着一根绳子从左到右滑水。", "一个孩子牵着绳子在水面上玩滑板。", "一个穿着棕色衣服的的女孩正在水上滑浪。" ]
[ "A person is water skiing behind a boat and holding on to a pulling rope.", "A man water skis with brown mountains in the background.", "A person holds onto a rainbow-colored rope while water skiing in a lake.", "A person is riding on water skiis and holding on a rope", "A young boy is outside on a lake during a beautiful clear day while water-skiing on the back of a boat.", "Water skier leans back, holds cord handle, and creates splashing water as he is pulled in an arc on the lake.", "A man is water skiing behind a boat and holding on to the harness.", "Someone is being pulled behind a speeding boat so that they can water ski.", "Someone with american flag shorts on is water skiing on a large lake.", "A man is water skiing behind a boat on a rather calm body of water." ]
[ "一名穿着红色背心的女孩子正倍游艇拉着在水面滑行。", "一个人在玩滑水。周围还有很多绿色的树。", "一个人双脚踩着滑板正在绳子的拉力下在海中冲浪。", "一个穿着裤衩的男人手里拿着绳子在水里飘逸。", "在一个河面上面有一个穿着黑色衣服的人,脚下面踩着滑板在海面上面游走。", "一个水上滑水者向后倾斜,握住绳索把手,并且在湖面被拉成弧形时溅起了一些水花。", "一个男人正抓着一根绳子被船带着在水上跑。", "有人在一艘超速行驶的船后面被拖着,这样他们就可以冲浪了。", "一个男人穿着短裤手抓着绳子在水上滑行。", "一个人抓着绳索在平静的水面上冲浪。" ]
[ "A person is attempting to ski in a body of water surrounded by snow covered mountains.", "A person gliding across water on a pair of skis surrounded by snow and a mountain.", "a person rides around in some water with snow next to it", "A skier skis across the surface of a pond, and slows to a stop just short of the snow covered opposite bank", "A person is surfing in an island area and at the end the person losses the control.", "A woman is shown in a snowing area riding something through a small pond of water.", "A woman is in a lake surrounded by a lot of ice while she slides quickly across the water", "A woman water skiing in a pond surrounded by snow.", "A person water skies on some icy water surrounded by snow.", "A person skies across open, unfrozen water on their snow skies, and stops short of the bank of snow on the other side." ]
[ "一名黑衣男士在融化的冰川上滑雪。", "一名身穿黑色上衣的女人穿着滑雪装备在水里滑行。", "一个女人在冰面上滑行,摇摇欲坠地要摔倒。", "一个穿着深色衣服的 人在室外用工具在水上做运动。", "一个穿黑色衣服在人在雪地旁边在水面上滑行。", "一个女人在雪山中的一个水面上骑着滑雪板滑行。", "一个女人在一个被很多冰包围的湖里, 她迅速的滑过水面。", "个女人在一个被积雪围绕的池塘里滑水。", "一个穿着黑色游泳衣的人正在水面上滑着水,周围全是白雪覆盖着。", "一个人在积雪覆盖的天空中穿过空旷的未冻结的水面。" ]
[ "A person is water skiing very skillfully across a very large lake.", "a person skis next to a boat in the water outside in the daytime", "An adult waterskiing traverses the waves on a river by the shore.", "A person using water skis rides behind a boat avoiding wakes.", "A person is water skiing on the back of a boat on the lake.", "A water skier is skiing behind a boat on a lake.", "A person rides on water skis while being pulled behind a boat.", "A waterskier wearing a life jacket is pulled behind a boat.", "Someone water skis behind a boat on a lake on a clear day.", "A person jetskies in the wake of a loud boat." ]
[ "一个人在后面踩着冲浪板,拉着一根拴在船上的绳子。", "一个人站在滑板上,牵引着绳子在水上滑行。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有人在海上冲浪。", "在一片海面上,有一个男人正在海面上滑浪。", "一个人在水上滑行,水泛起了白色的浪花。", "一个水上滑水爱好者在海上跟着一艘船玩耍着。", "一个人在船后拉着绳子乘坐着滑水橇。", "穿着救生衣的水上运动员被拉到船后。", "一个人在快艇后面蓝蓝的水面上进行水上冲浪。", "一艘船拉在一个站在划艇上的一个人快速行驶。" ]
[ "A boat is pulling a woman on water skis and then she lets go and falls in the water.", "A person is waterskiing behind a boat and then is talking about it.", "A man is driving a boat and it is pulling a woman behind him as she surfs", "A woman is on some skis and getting pulled by a boat in the water.", "A woman is water skiing and a man is in the boat in front of her watching her ski.", "A woman is being pulled by a boat and water skiing across the waves.", "A water skier is seen doing tricks behind a running boat as it pans to a lady describing the event.", "a few people out in the ocean while one is skiing on the water as the other drives.", "A woman is dressed in a wet suit and water skiing.", "A person is water skiing while a woman rides in the boat." ]
[ "一个男人开着船拉着一个穿黑色衣服的女人在水面上玩,女人掉进了水里。", "一个男孩开着游艇后面拖着一个女孩在漂流板上划来划去。", "一个穿黑衣服的女人在汽艇的带动下在海中冲浪。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个人踩着冲浪板在水里冲浪。", "一个男人坐在船上,一个人站在冲浪板上手里拽着绳子跟在后面。", "一个女人正被一艘船拉着并在水上滑行穿过海浪之后摔倒。", "水面上一搜潜艇上坐着一个男人,后面拉着一个在冲浪的女人。", "一个人在海上被一艘船拉着划水然后一个女人在说话。", "一个女人穿着黑色的潜水衣正在滑水。", "一个男人坐在船上,而另一个女人则在滑水。" ]
[ "A person is attempting to water ski but cannot get above the water.", "a person uses some water skis in the water in front of them", "A person bobb's in the water of the lake, before they are shown from behind as they start jet skiing while a woman screams, then they fall.", "A person jet skies before falling down once the boat gets going.", "Man on water skis holding on to a rope being pulled by motor boat.", "A man in water skis is being pulled behind a boat.", "A man is on water skis and being pulled by a speed boat.", "A guy in water and behind a boat, trying to get up on water ski's as the boat moves forward.", "A man is in the water attached to skis and is getting pulled by a jet boat.", "A kid in a river on skies in water on gets pulled by boats" ]
[ "一个背着背包的人坐在一根绳索牵着的东西上,正在水面上前进。", "一个人拉着绳索,在水里开心地玩冲浪。", "一个水中汽艇拉着小男孩的冲浪板在水里冲浪。", "一个男人在水里利用两个滑板向前游动,追赶前面的一艘小船。", "在一个宽阔的海里,有一个人在海里玩。", "一艘船把一名穿着滑水撬的男子拉到了船的后面。", "一个男人坐着滑水板在海面上,被快艇拉着。", "一艘船在行驶中拉着一个人,那个人试图在水中站起来滑水。", "一个背着黑色书包的男子在海里玩着冲浪。", "一个孩子在水中的滑水板上被船只拖来拖去。" ]
[ "A man watching the waves on the banks of a lake and talking.", "a couple boats go through the water near some trees", "Outdoors at a lake people are playing in the water and water skiing.", "Gentle waves are on the lakes as people are shown playing in the water in the background.", "A group of people are by the shore of a lake and watching as others paddle in the lake", "Someone talks as they look over a body of water with people swimming near the shore.", "Two watercarfts drive on a lake in the distance as a man talks.", "A swimming competition is held outdoors in a lake and two people are racing while a man is filming.", "Waves ripple on a lake as a few people in the distance relax on the shoreline.", "A boat is driving through the water while towing a raft behind it." ]
[ "一群人在远处的水里开着船,后面跟着一只。", "远处水面上有人在玩儿水。周围还有很多树木。", "碧蓝的湖面上,两个白色的游艇快速驶过。", "在室外的一个水面上有很多人在水里面玩耍。", "水上有两个浪花正在飞快地向前移动着。", "一个人一边说话一边看着面前的水面。", "当一名男子说话时, 两辆水车从远处的湖面上行驶出来。", "户外湖中正在举行一场游泳比赛,一名男子在拍摄,有俩个人在比赛。", "远处有几个人在海岸线上放松时, 海面上的波浪荡漾。", "一艘船正在水中行驶,同时拖着一艘木筏。" ]
[ "A group of people water ski together behind a boat.", "A group of seven people are all water skiing behind the same boat in a formation.", "a group of people ski with each other in the water outside", "A group of people are being towed by a boat as they do their tricks.", "A group of seven people are all water skiing behind the same boat at the same time.", "A group of seven young adults are water skiing on the water.", "Seven people are water skiing on the river behind a boat.", "A group of water skiers hold onto ropes being pulled by a boat.", "Seven people are water skiing behind boats and are all in a line and managing to stay upright without any deviation.", "A group of people are being pulled by a boat as they water ski." ]
[ "一群人正穿着背心短裤在水里玩冲浪。", "六个人由六根绳拖拽着做水上滑板运动。", "一群人乘着冲浪工具,在冲浪。", "几个人牵着绳子,穿着泳装,在水上玩冲浪。", "在一个宽阔的小水边,有一群人在水中玩耍。", "在湖面上,一群人拉着手中的绳子在水上滑水。", "七个人被一条小船用绳索拉着在河上滑水。", "一群人抓住船只上的绳索在水上滑行。", "七个人排成一条直线在船后面滑水。", "一群人在滑水时被一条船拉着在河面行走。" ]
[ "A man ski on the lake in show ski team in a competition", "A man in a ski suit does a trick with a ramp as he turns and rotates himself", "A man is skiing on the lake onto a slide performing a stunt and then continues skiing.", "A man water skiing and eventually jumps of a ramp and does a 360 spin in the air", "A person water skiing over a ramp and turning 180 degrees", "A man on jet skis rides up a ramp and does a turn.", "A water skier successfully does a quick turn and lands back in the water.", "A water skier takes a jump in a lake while being pulled by a boat.", "A man is waterskiing and then goes up a ramp and turns around.", "A man water skis on water, jumps off a ramp, spins in the air and lands back on the water." ]
[ "一个身穿红色衣服戴帽子的男人正在水里滑行。", "一个男子被快艇拖着,玩着水上运动,还进行了一个旋转。", "比赛运动员的表演非常的精彩,他自己也陶醉在其中。", "一个穿红衣服的男人踩着滑板在水上滑行。", "一个男士站在水上划水,腰上系着一根绳子。", "一个坐在喷气滑雪板上的男人骑上坡道并转了一圈。", "滑水运动员滑上一个小坡道,转了个弯又成功地落到了水面上。", "一个人拉着一根绳子利用水中的跳板跳起。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的男人在水上冲浪并越过障碍。", "一名男子在水面上滑水, 从坡道上跳下, 在空中旋转, 落在水面上。" ]
[ "A man is water skiing on a river while holding a rope attached to a boat.", "A water skier skis back and forth over the wake of the boat pulling them.", "A water skier, being pulled behid a boat, is sking from side to side.", "There is a man water skiing by a speed boat.", "A man rides a board over water by holding onto rope attached to a moving boat.", "A person is seen water skiing on a large river.", "A water skier is being ulled behind a boat and goes side to side.", "a person holding tight to a rope while water skiing in a river.", "A water skier is crossing from side to side in the water behind a boat.", "A man moves from side to side while wake boarding behind a boat." ]
[ "一个男人拉着绳子在一艘游艇后面冲浪。", "一个人在一艘船后面拉着绳子,踩在冲浪板上,跟着船前进。", "在蓝蓝的天空下,一个人被绳子牵引着在向前冲浪。", "在海面上一艘船在快速地跑着他的后面还跟着一个人。", "一艘船拉着一个人在飞速地冲浪前进。", "一个人手里拿着一根绳子,然后他在一个水面上滑水。", "一位滑水运动员正通过一根绳子拉着一艘船在船的后面滑行。", "一个人在河边滑水时紧紧抓住一根绳子。", "水上冲浪者在船后面的水中从一侧穿到另一侧。", "一名男子在一艘船后面滑行,从一侧移动到另一侧。" ]
[ "A boy stood on a surfboard floating across the water as it was being pulled by a rope", "A person is water skiing by being pulled by a motor boat in a lake.", "A person is behind a boat and skiing behind it on the waves.", "A person on a board is being pulled across the water by a motor boat.", "A young man stands on a board and is pulled behind a boat on a lake.", "A young boy, wearing a life vest, is water skiing and the forest is behind him, in the background.", "A person is riding a water board that is being towed by a motorboat.", "A young person watering skiing and not holding on to a rope.", "A kid on a board in the water being pulled my a boat", "A person is on a surf board holding onto a rope and gliding on the water." ]
[ "一望无际的海面上,一个人正在玩冲浪。", "一个穿着橘色衣服的男人正在玩水上滑板。男人的身后是一片茂密的树林。", "一个人抓紧手里的东西正在海面上滑水。", "一个穿短袖的人拉着绳子在水上做冲浪运动。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个人正在水上玩水。", "一个穿着救生衣的小男孩正在一片森林的衬托下滑水。", "一个男孩正拉着一根绳子在水上冲浪。", "一个年轻人在滑水而且没有抓住绳子。", "一个孩子在水中的木板上被被前面的一条船拉着我。", "一个人正在一个冲浪板上抓着一根绳子在水面上滑翔。" ]
[ "A man is riding a waterski from behind a boat at a fairly fast speed.", "A person is wakesurfing behind a boat with a rope", "A woman leans of jet skis as she jet skis behind a boat.", "A woman is pulled rapidly across the water on water skis.", "A person water skis behind a motor boat on a beautiful day.", "A person water-skies behind a boat, going back and forth across the boat's waves.", "A woman is shown wake boarding behind a boat, she goes back and forth through the wake.", "A water skier swings back and forth across the wake or the towboat", "A woman on water skis is following behind a boat.", "A person is on some water ski's and they are getting pulled by a boat at a fast speed." ]
[ "一个穿着紫色泳衣的女孩子在海上冲浪。", "一个女人站在冲浪板上同时抓着一个绳子在海上冲浪。", "一个穿蓝色背心的人踩着冲浪板牵着一条绳子被拉着走。", "一个人双手拉着一根绳索正在玩海上划水。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在滑滑板。", "一个女人正在海上拉着一根绳子玩划水。", "一个女子正在海上冲浪,被船带的晃来晃去。", "一位水上滑水者被绑在船上的绳子拖动着来回摆动。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的女人正在冲浪。", "一个人踩在水橇上,他们被一艘快速的船拉着。" ]
[ "A person water skis behind a moving boat in a body of water.", "A water skier is being pulled by a boat as someone on the boat records them.", "Person being pulled by a tug rope while water skiing.", "A person is water skiing behind a boat that is pulling him.", "Man water skiing while being pulled by a speedboat on a lake.", "A person is pulled by a rope wile riding on water skies.", "A person attached to a boat is surfing the waves.", "A person is water skiing on the lake as his friend drives the boat.", "Person trailing a boat on boat while riding on water skis.", "A person is towed along the water quickly on water skis." ]
[ "一个人踩着滑水板牵着绳在海浪上滑水。", "一个人拉着绳子在海面冲浪,溅出好多水花。", "一个人正在船后面拉着绳子进行水上练习。", "一根绳子牵着一个人在蓝色的海面上行走。", "一辆开动的车拉着一个人在水上冲浪。", "一个人在水面上被一根绳子拉着冲浪。", "一个男子被船拉着在冲浪。", "一条船在湖面上行驶,一个人拉着船上的一根绳子在滑水。", "一个穿着泳衣的人双手拽着绳子踩着滑板在水上滑行。", "在室外的海面上,一个人在水上快速地拖着滑水橇。" ]
[ "A man on a surfboard holds onto a rope and is being propelled forward.", "A person holds onto a rope and water skis on a lake behind a boat.", "a person skis in the water while a boat pulls them", "a lady is being pulled fast by a boat while doing a water ski", "Blue sky is shown, then a man is water skiing on a lake.", "A person is showing how she rides behind a boat in the water.", "A person on two water skis getting pulled by a boat and string.", "The video camera wobbles while showing a person holding onto a long yellow rope while water skiing.", "A person is seen being pulled on some water skis by a boat.", "A person is getting pulled by a boat while on water skis." ]
[ "在一片水里,一根人在一根绳子的牵引下在划水。", "一个男人拉着一条线,在海面上进行冲浪。", "一个男的被一条绳子拴住在水面上飞快地向前滑行。", "一片水面上,一个人正在用滑板冲浪。", "一个男人站在水上手里拽着绳子快速前进着。", "一个人正在展示她是符合在船后面用绳索骑行的。", "两个水滑雪板上的人被一条船和绳子拉着。", "在河面上,一个人手里面抓着一根绳子正在水面上滑动。", "一个穿着救生服的男人踩着滑雪板被一个绳子拉着。", "在室外,一个人在滑水的时候被船拉着。" ]
[ "A person is doing tricks while water skiing behind a boat.", "A man rides behind a boat on a wake board and does a turn.", "A man is water skiing being pulled behind a boat.", "A man is water skiing and having so much fun by himself.", "A boy skiis and dwhen he goes awhile he starts to turn and do tricks.", "A young man is doing maneuvers on water skis, while music is playing.", "A man on waterskis is pulled across the water while music plays.", "Man water skiing doing 360 degree turn while still holding handle rope.", "A man wearing a bathing suit water skis behind a boat and performs a spin move.", "Water skiing on bare feet is proven possible once again." ]
[ "一个男人正熟练地做着一种水上极限运动。", "一个穿着一条短裤的男子在水上玩耍,前面有小船拖着他。", "一个穿着泳衣的男人手里拉着东西在海上冲浪。", "一个穿浅色衣服的人在水里玩滑板。", "一个穿着短裤的男人拉着一根绳子正在冲浪,两侧翻起巨大的浪花。", "一个年轻人在水上作滑水演习,有音乐正在播放。", "一名男子在滑水道上被拉出水面,当音乐响起的时候。", "男子滑水做360度转弯,同时拉着手柄绳。", "一名身穿泳衣、水上滑雪板的男子在船后进行旋转动作。", "在室外的一个海面上,一个男子正在赤脚滑水。" ]
[ "A boy is in the water getting ready to water ski on his feet.", "A guy is holding on to a bar and being pulled down the waterway and then he is holding the same bar and waterskiing.", "A man positions himself on a pole in order to take a ride on the water.", "A man holds onto a bar while he goes barefoot water skiing on a lake.", "A man begins to wakeboard while another man speaks in the background.", "A person wearing a wet suit holds on to a long pole and is being pulled across the water.", "A young man is getting ready to water ski and someone tells him it isn't too bad, then it switches to him water skiing.", "A man is water skiing while holding onto a pole.", "A person hangs off some railing connected to a boat and water skis.", "A man gives instructions before he gets pulled for waterskiing." ]
[ "一个人抓着一根杆子,在海面上站起来了。", "一个人正在飘在水上玩着水上漂非常开心。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在河中玩踩水。", "一个人正抓住扶杆,在水面上滑行前进。", "在一个宽阔的海边上,一个男人在海里抓着东西玩。", "一个穿着潜水衣的人握住一根长竿,正在被拉过水面。", "一个年轻人正准备去滑水,有人告诉他说滑水还不错,然后就转向他开始滑水。", "一个男人正在滑水,同时扶着一根杆子。", "一个人正抓着一根杆子在水面上冲浪。", "一个男人双手拉在一根长棍子上在水中快速前进。" ]
[ "A tractor on land starts moving and pulls a man who is laying in the lake wearing jet skis so that he can jet ski behind the tractor.", "A young boy is pulled by a tractor while swimming in the lake.", "A man riding a red tractor pulls a man on water skis through the water.", "A man who was in the water, was pulled by a tractor across the lake.", "A man on water sleds is seen getting pulled by a lawnmower in a lake.", "A boy is pulled out of the water on jet skis.", "A man on water skis takes a ride on a small lake with the assistance of another man riding a farm tractor to pull him.", "A person is shown inside of a pond playing around.", "A man standing on water skates being dragged with a rope tied to a cart.", "A man on a tractor is pulling a man trying to waterski from a lake." ]
[ "三个人用一辆小车和其他工具在小池塘里玩滑水游戏。", "两个人坐在车上用一根绳牵着另一个人在湖里面玩冲浪。", "一个人在陆地上开着车拉着水中的另一个人滑行。", "在室外一个人在河中拉着绑在车子上的绳子前行。", "一个男人开着一辆车,另外一个男人在河里,车一开动,河里的人就被拉着走了。", "两个人骑着摩托车把一个男孩在喷气滑雪板上从水中拉了出来。", "一名男子乘坐滑水橇,在开着农场拖拉机拉他的男子的协助下, 在一个小湖上骑行。", "两个人开着拖拉机用绳子拉着另一人在池塘滑水。", "一辆拖拉机拉着一个水中的人在水面上滑行。", "一个坐在拖拉机上的男人正在拖着一个想从湖里滑水橇的男人。" ]
[ "A man is water skiing very fast and then crashes in the water.", "A man is attempting to surf while being pulled by a fast boat but fails", "A man is shown talking about water skiing and then a clip plays of a water skier.", "A young guy is talking then he shows how he is using his surf board", "A man is water skiing in the ocean and then he falls in the ocean.", "A man talks about footage of himself on water skis.", "A man is water skiing and then falls off while another is talking about the incident.", "A man talking to the camera and then the same man surfing and falling into the water.", "A man talks about skiing and how he is different from other skiers.", "A guy is talking about his adventures while water skiing." ]
[ "一个穿着救生衣的男人,在海中拉着一根绳子,踩着冲浪板,翻进了海里。", "一个男人在讲述他在海上冲浪然后翻车的过程。", "一名男子开心地在海上冲浪但是他翻船了。", "一个男人在水面上玩冲浪板然后摔跤了。", "一个男人在说话,一个人踩着帆板在水上漂。", "一个男人在谈论自己在滑水时的镜头。", "一个人正在接受采访,谈论他在一次划水运动中跌入水中的经过。", "一个男人对着镜头说话,然后一个人冲浪并掉进水里。", "一个男人谈论冲浪与滑雪的不同之处。", "一个人正在谈论他在滑水时的冒险经历。" ]
[ "A man is driving a boat as an individual water skis behind it.", "A water skier trails behind the boat that he is connected to while another man steers it.", "A person skates in the water with the skating wheel in two legs", "A man is surfing on a board and holding a rop from a boat.", "A man water-skies behind a fast boat, going smoothly over the boat's wake.", "A boat is pulling a man wearing skiis across the water.", "Someone riding skis behind a boat driven by a shirtless man.", "A person water skiing on a lake being pulled by a man in a boat.", "Someone water skis behind a boat as a man drives.", "a person gets pulled on the back of a boat that is in the water" ]
[ "白天的户外,一个男人,开着游艇,用绳子拉着一个男人,在湖面上滑行。", "一个男人在拉着一根系在船上的绳子在海上冲浪。", "一个人用游艇拉着自己在海面上滑行。", "在一片海面上,一个人用被船拉动的滑板冲浪。", "水面上,一个人开着快艇,后面跟着一个人拉着快艇上的绳子在冲浪。", "有一个开着一艘船正在拉另一个穿着滑水板的人在水面上穿过。", "有人在一艘赤膊的男人驾驶的小船后面冲浪。", "一个人赤裸上身的男子开着船拉着一个划水者在水上滑行。", "有人在一艘船后面滑水,另一个人在开船。", "一个人开着轮船后面拉了一个在水上漂的人。" ]
[ "A long water slide is slid on by a person at a fast speed.", "A gentleman rides an extremely tall, straight drop water slide all the way to the end.", "A person slides down a very tall water slide and puts his hands up.", "In a water park someone is coming down i large slide.", "A person slides down a steep blue water slide as others slide down a wavy slide next to him.", "A man is riding down a steep blue waterslide outside.", "A man slides down a waterpark waterslide then sits up and gives two thumbs up", "a person falls down a huge water slide that is coming out of a building", "An older man sliding down a tall water slide.", "A man fell down the slide from a very tall height" ]
[ "在水上乐园一个男人从很高的地方滑水滑梯下来。", "一个男人顺着水从高处滑下来,与此同时溅起很多水花。", "一个人从一个蓝色滑坡上滑了下来。", "一个穿着泳裤的男人正在玩水上滑梯。", "一个人从几乎直上直下的冲浪滑道上冲了下来,激起一片水花。", "一个男人正在从一条陡峭的蓝色的滑水道上滑行下来。", "一个男人从滑梯上滑了下来,然后举起双手坐了起来。", "一个人从一栋大楼的滑水道上滑下来,坐起来竖起了手指。", "一个年长的男人滑下一个高高的滑水梯。", "在室外,一名男子从很高的高度跌落下来。" ]
[ "A kid is shown going down a water slide very quickly.", "Kids playing on a back yard water slide during a summer day", "A boy come down the slide into the pool and a little girl followed while screaming", "Children slide down the bouncing house slide into the cool water below.", "Young children are outside playing on an inflatable water slide.", "Two small boys slide down a blow up water slide while being encouraged by a woman behind the camera.", "Children slide down an inflatable slide while somebody waits at the bottom.", "A person stands at the bottow of a water slide waiting for a kids to slide down it.", "Children play outside on an inflatable residential water slide with adults supervising.", "A person is coming down the water slide while another person is watching" ]
[ "一个男人在一个小泳池内,有两个小孩子从滑梯上滑了下来。", "一个大人带着几个小孩在充气游泳里玩耍。", "在室外的一个玩具气球上面有一个小男孩从上面滑了下来。", "一群小孩,通过充气滑梯,滑进水池里。", "一个孩子从充气的滑梯上滑下来滑进了水池里。", "两个小男孩一名女子的鼓励下,从滑梯上滑了下来。", "在一个娱乐场上面,一个小孩从滑坡上面滑下来。", "一个人站在水滑梯的一端,等待孩子们滑下来。", "一个孩子正在成年人的看护下从一个滑梯滑了下来。", "一个小孩从滑梯上下来,接着另一个小孩也从上面下来,旁边有一个没有穿上面衣服的人在水池里。" ]
[ "A boy slides down an inflatable waterslide then stands moves out of the way as other kids come down the slide", "A young lad riding a water slide followed down by three girls sliding together", "Some children in swim suits are laughing as they slide down an inflated slide with water on it.", "A little boy is sliding down the sled then he stands up as others were coming down", "Kids are coming down a water slide quickly a one kid has to jump out of the way.", "A group of kids are coming down the water slide", "Several people are sliding down a large blow up water slide.", "A few kids are playing outside on a large water slide", "Three girls slide down an inflatable together and spill over onto the ground.", "A group of people are having fun by water sliding and laughing." ]
[ "一个小男孩从滑滑梯上面滑下来非常开心接着后面来了三个女生。", "一个小男孩从滑道里面出来后面跟着三个小女孩滑了出来并压在了地面上。", "一个小孩正在滑梯上的高处滑了下来。", "一个没有穿衣服的小孩在玩具气球上面玩。", "几个小朋友正从一个蓝色的塑料滑道上冲上来。", "在一个蓝色的滑梯上,一群孩子从上面快速的滑下来了。", "几个人正在从一个很大的水滑梯上滑下来。", "几个孩子在外面的一个巨大的滑水道上玩耍。", "三个女孩一起从一个充气垫子上滑下来,摔到了地上。", "一个小男孩从一个滑水道滑下并起身向前走,后面几个小女孩从高处快速滑下来并摔倒在地上。" ]
[ "A boy slides down an inflatable water slide, and then sits in the water at the bottom, & smiles.", "a boy goes down a slide while holding onto a camera with their hand", "a young boy is laughing and falling down a long inflatable slide", "The little boy slides down and has fun playing at the water park.", "Music plays as a boy films himself in a bouncy house and a pool.", "A child slides down a rubber slide and jumps into a pool of water.", "A child goes down a slip and slide into a pool while using a go pro to film it.", "A boy in swim trunks comes down an infltable slide, and then jumps into a very shallow pool of water.", "The young boy slides down an inflatable slide into a pool of water while others watch.", "A little boy rides down an inflatable slide and then jumps into the water at the end." ]
[ "一个小孩玩游乐滑梯滑下来,站起来不料又摔下水。", "一个小男孩拿着自拍杆在拍摄自己玩耍。", "一个男孩滑了下来,笑着掉入水池里。", "一个拿着自拍杆穿着泳衣的小男孩跳进了泳池。", "一个小男孩手拿着摄像头装置,从水上乐园的游乐设施上面滑了下来。", "一个孩子从一个橡胶滑梯上滑下来,然后跳入一个水池。", "一个孩子下滑,滑入游泳池,而使用自拍杆来拍摄。", "一个小男孩从一个气囊滑梯滑到了一个很浅的水池里。", "这个小男孩沿着充气滑梯滑入水池,而其他人则观看。", "一个小男孩从一个充气滑梯上滑下来,最后跳入水中。" ]
[ "Person waiting at waterslide gate looks down at curved slide ending inside round pool.", "A group of young adults at a water park waiting atop a water slide.", "Three people are at the top of a water slide and one is sitting to go down it.", "A view is shown through a camera of a man starting on a waterslide.", "A boy waits his turn to go down a water slide.", "There is a boy getting ready to go down the water slide while two others wait in line.", "A guy is sitting on a water slide waiting to be able to slide down it.", "A group of young adults is shown at a water park about to go down a water slide, one starts down.", "The boy and girl watch as the boy gets ready to slide down the waterslide.", "When it was his turn, the boy slid down the long waterslide." ]
[ "一个人正拿着摄像机拍摄温泉中心的动态。", "一台摄像机正在播拍摄到的超长滑梯。", "一个男子光着身子在一个滑梯上滑下去,旁边有两个人在看。", "一个穿着黑色短裤的男人坐在滑梯最上方,他的旁边还站着3个人。", "一个光着膀子的男子正坐在一个蓝色的滑道上。", "在水上乐园,一个男人坐在滑道上正准备玩滑梯。", "一个男的坐在水滑梯上准备从滑梯上滑下去。", "几个年轻人在水上公园的滑梯边上,一个人从上边滑下。", "电视上显示的是一个男孩和女孩准备从滑水中滑下来。", "一个男孩从长长的水滑梯上滑下来,后面几个人在排队等待。" ]
[ "A group of people are sliding down a large water slide.", "Three people at an outside waterpark, going down a waterslide.", "A group of people make their way down a large waterslide.", "A group of people slide down a tall water slide structure and scream.", "People are sliding quickly down a very long water slide.", "People on mats slide down a water slide at night", "Several people slide down the lanes of a water slide.", "A large water slide is being slid down by a goup of people at night time", "The kids are on the water slide enjoying their ride at dusk.", "Four people riding down a large water slide on their bellies." ]
[ "好几个人在从游乐场的滑滑梯上面冲了下来。", "四个人陆续从水上滑梯迅速地滑了下来。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女人在室外滑滑梯。", "一群人从高处的滑道向下滑来并溅起了水花。", "几个人从高处的滑道上滑下来,滑道上有水。", "在晚上,几个趴在垫子上的人从水梯上滑了下来。", "几个人从水滑梯上先下尖叫着滑下来。", "夜间一群人在滑梯高处滑下来溅起了一大片水。", "一群年轻人正在黑夜的水上滑梯上滑了下来。", "四个人趴在滑板上从水滑梯滑了下来。" ]
[ "a man and his child are in an aqua park and the man is waiting his child in the pool", "A kid shoots out of a water slide into a pool and swims to his father.", "A little boy comes down from inside a tube and swims to a man who catches him.", "A man a little boy are at a water park sliding out of various slides", "A child slides out of a water slide into a large pool.", "A little boy comes out of the mouth of a red water slide and is greeted warmly by a man in the wading area.", "Water flowing out of tubes into a pool where a young boy comes out the right most tube.", "a group of people at a water park as they watch a young boy go down the slide with his dad", "A little boy shoots out the end of a waterslide into a swimming pool.", "Young buy going down a water slide at a park and landing in a pool." ]
[ "明亮的室外,一个大人带着一个小孩正在游泳。", "在游乐园,一个小男孩在玩水滑梯,一个男人在下在接住他。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的小孩从一个管子里出来。", "一个小男孩从滑水道里划出来,一个成年人将他接住。", "在一个宽阔的游泳池里,一个小孩在玩滑梯。", "一个小男孩从一个红色的水滑梯口出来,旁边一个男人接住了他。", "一个小男孩从一个红色的管子里滑了出来。", "一群人看着一个小男孩和他爸爸一起下滑。", "一个小男孩从一个长长管道里被水冲了出来。", "一个小男孩从水滑梯中滑下来掉入游泳池,然后游向了一个男人。" ]
[ "A man is sliding on a tarp and landing face first into an inflatable pool.", "A man runs and falls to his knees on a slip and slide and falls face down in the pool at the end.", "A person slides down a slip n' slide on their knees then falls in a pool.", "A man in a tank top and shorts slides onto a wet blue tarp and lands in a kiddie pool, while onlookers talk.", "A man is running then slides onto a wet slide and flings into a small pool while others are entertaining.", "People watch as a fat man slides on a sheet and into a kid's pool.", "a man slides on some water and then goes into a kids pool", "A large man does a belly slide on a tarp into a small baby pool.", "A man slid down the slip and slide into a kiddie pool.", "A fat man slides across a slip and slides and lands in a blowup pool." ]
[ "一名穿着蓝色背心身材较胖的外国人正在划水并摔倒。", "一个外国男子从草坪的水袋上跪着滑到了草坪的充气注水圈里面。", "一个穿蓝色背心、黑色短裤的男人跪在光滑的毯子上滑到了泳圈里。", "在室外的草地上,一个穿短袖的人跳进了泳池里。", "一个胖胖的男人跑着跪倒在草地上的一个垫子上面,然后向前滑行进入一个充气泳池里面。", "一个男人向前滑行,之后摔在一个水池内。", "一个男人在一些水上滑行,后进扑入儿童游泳池。", "一个大个子在防水布上用腹部滑入一个婴儿游泳池。", "一个男人滑下滑道,滑进了一个儿童泳池。", "一个肥胖的男人跪倒滑向一个小泳池然后摔进里面。" ]
[ "Two men are at the bottom of the water tube and then a kid comes out and hits the pool.", "Two guys are waiting for someone to slide down the water slide.", "A child falls out of a slip and slide tunnel with two men waiting for her at the bottom.", "Two men at a water park are watching the end of a tube as a child slides out.", "Two people stare into a water slide until it ejects a young child.", "Two people are waiting for a child to come out of a water slide tube.", "Two men stand in a swimming pool and peer into the lower end of a closed water slide until finally someone appears out the slide", "People standing by a waterslide as a child slides into the water.", "People are at a water park, two men wait for a child to come down a slide", "two men are waiting for someone to come out of a water slide" ]
[ "白天的户外,一个小孩,从黄色的滑道上掉入游泳池内,旁边两个男人在观看。", "水上乐园上,一个孩子从滑梯中滑入水中。", "一个戴着墨镜的男人在滑滑梯旁边等小孩。", "在明亮的室外,一个人在滑梯里出来掉进水里。", "一个穿着花短裤的人从一个黄色的滑道里滑了出来。", "两个人正等待一个孩子从滑水管里出来。", "两名男子站在游泳池里, 窥视封闭的水滑梯的下端, 直到最后有人出现在滑梯上。", "一个孩子从滑水道滑进水中,两个男人在看着。", "人们在一个水上公园,两个男人等待一个孩子下来一个滑梯。", "有两个男人在等着从水道里出来滑出来的人。" ]
[ "A lot of bubbles give way to a sideways view of a swimming pool.", "Someone goes down a yellow waterslide and films being thrown into the water at the end.", "Someone falls into the water in a pool and other people are also there.", "A person goes down a water slide into a pool at a water park.", "first person view of a kid sliding down a yellow water slide into a pool", "A person is in a pool and then they dive underwater", "In an outdoor pool, a person comes off the end of the waterslide, goes under the water then back up again.", "At a waterpark someone is going down the slide and landing in the pool.", "A swimming pool shown very closer and two people are swimming in the pool", "Someone with an attached waterproof camera goes down a waterside and enters the pool at the end." ]
[ "在一个游泳池里有很多人在里面游泳。", "颠倒的镜头,然后入水,出水,可见小孩子在玩水。", "一个穿着拖鞋的人顺着黄色的滑梯滑进了有人在的水池里。", "在一个露天式的游泳场所,有的人在水里面,有的人在水上面。", "在一个游泳池里,有一些人穿着泳衣正在玩水。", "在室外游泳池里,一个人在池子里潜在水下。", "在室外的游泳池内,一个人从滑水的末端出来跳进水中,站起来后又往回走。", "在一个水上乐园, 有个人沿着滑梯往下走, 最后落在游泳池里。", "一个游泳池显示得非常近, 两个人正在游泳池里游泳。", "一个带着防水相机的人从黄色管道上冲下游泳池。" ]
[ "Many people are enjoying a water park with music playing.", "A girl in a black swimsuit goes down a waterlide and plays in the pool.", "A woman slids down a long water slide then walks into a wading pool and then is sitting in the water.", "People are enjoying a few different features at a water park.", "Music is playing while people are being shown at a water slide park.", "A montage of a water park, a waterslide, a man going down a waterslide, and a woman splashing in a pool.", "A waterslide is shown then a man gets up from the bottom of the slide and the view changes to a person walking into a pool", "A person going down a water slide and a group of people in a pool.", "A compilation of people at a water park, sliding and swimming.", "A girl can be seen enjoying a water park with a long slide." ]
[ "一群人划水其中一个身穿黑色衣服的女人在水里走动。", "一个胖女人从远处滑下来之后,落到水里面学游泳。", "一个身材微胖的女人从滑梯上起来,到游泳池里去了。", "在一个宽阔的室外,有一个游泳池,有人在游泳池里玩。", "在一个户外的游泳池里面,里面有许多人在水里面玩耍。", "在一个水上乐园的滑水道上,一个沿着滑水道走下去的男人,一个女人在游泳池里飞溅着水。", "一个人从水上滑道站起来然后走进了泳池。", "一个人从水滑梯上下来,走向 游泳池里。", "一个穿着黑色泳衣的女人正在水上乐园玩游戏。", "在水上乐园,一个女孩从长长的滑梯滑下,然后去拥挤的池塘里游泳。" ]
[ "A dog jumps from a waterfall into a swimming pool two times.", "A dog sliding down the water slide, getting out of the pool, and sliding down it again.", "A dog going down a slide into a swimming pool then doing it again.", "A dog jumps off of a waterfall slide and into a swimming pool twice.", "A dog jumps in a pool and then crawls up the rocks on the side to go down the slide again.", "An animal jumps into a pool and then goes around to jump againi.", "A dog go down a slide into a pool and the runs back on the slide and does it again.", "A dog slides off of a side in to a pool of water.", "A dog uses a slide to go into a pool and then climbs out of the pool and goes to the slide again.", "Large black dog jumps from a waterfall into a pool twice." ]
[ "一只黑色的动物在一个泳池里面玩耍。", "一条黑色的大狗两次从高处跳向游泳池。", "一直黑色的狗正在从游泳池上的滑梯滑了下来。", "一只黑色的大黑狗,它从瀑布中跳下泳池。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个黑色的狗跳入到水中。", "一只狗从滑梯上跳进了泳池,爬上岸后又从滑梯上跳了一次。", "一条狗沿着滑梯进入一个游泳池,然后在楼梯上又跑回来又做了一次。", "一条黑色的狗跳到水里又爬了起来。", "一只狗用滑梯进入游泳池,然后从池子里爬出来,再次滑到滑梯上。", "两只狗,其中一只大黑狗,不断从瀑布跳入泳池。" ]
[ "There are two young boys using an inflatable slide to play and slide into a pool of water.", "A boy is going down a blowup slide down into a pool of water.", "A child plays on a inflatable slide the ends in a small pool of water.", "A boy slides down a bouncy slide into a pool of water.", "A young boy running around an inflatable water slide and sliding down from the top into a pool at the bottom.", "A boy wearing a swimming costume and a hat runs past an inflatable water slide, then another young boy climbs over the top of the slide and slides down into the water", "A child climbs up a slide then slides down into a small pool of water.", "A boy climbs up and then slides down an inflatable slide in a backyard.", "A boy climbed up a slider and slide down into the pond", "A kid plays on a bouncy house set in his yard." ]
[ "一个小男孩从水床的一边爬上去,从另一边滑向水池中。", "一个没穿上衣的小男孩从滑梯上滑进下面的泳池里。", "一个没有穿上衣的小孩子,他跑向了一个玩具气球,并且从上面滑了下来。", "在一个室外,有一个充气的滑梯,滑梯里有水,一个小孩在玩滑梯。", "一个小孩子爬上蓝色的滑梯滑下,掉到水池中。", "一个小男孩爬到了充气水滑梯上面,并从上面滑了下来,落到了水中。", "一个孩子爬上滑梯,然后滑入水池里。", "一个男孩爬上去,然后滑下一个充气滑梯在水池里。", "一个男孩爬上滑到上方后滑入池塘。", "户外一个小男孩儿正在一个充气房子上滑落到水池里。" ]
[ "A little boy in a swimsuit is running across an outdoor ground slide.", "A young child both rolls and runs down a slip n' slide device.", "a kid is on water slide screaming and running up towards another kid", "A little boy runs up a slip n slide while the camera persone laughs.", "A child without a shirt runs down a sidewalk, and then says \"My turn\".", "Two children are outside playing with a homemade slip and slide, they take turns.", "A boy is screaming and running down a slip and slide outdoors.", "A boy slides down a slip and slide in the yard.", "A child is sliding along what appears to be a slipnslide or waterslide and another child filming asks to take a turn.", "A boy on a slip and slide stands up and runs back toward the beginning." ]
[ "一个小男孩在水泥小路上翻滚,然后站起来奔跑。", "一个人在草地上的通道向下滑了下去。", "一个没穿上衣的小男孩从室外的地上爬了起来跑过来了。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个小孩在地面上玩耍。", "室外有一个小男孩趴在地面上,这个小男孩站起来并跑了过来。", "两个孩子在外面轮流玩自制的滑梯。", "一个小男孩尖叫着从远处跑了过来。", "一个男孩从一个滑道滑下来,并且在院子里滑行。", "一个光着上身的小男孩在滑道上跑着。", "一个滑到的小男孩站了起来后朝着开始的方向跑去。" ]
[ "A young boy slides down a waterslide while a man waits in the pool for him to come down.", "A boy descends head first down a spiral water slide.", "At a water park a young boy is going down a water slide on his stomach.", "A little boy is having while going down a water slide.", "A boy is going down a curving water slide face first.", "A child slides head first down a water slide and lands in a swimming pool.", "A child goes down a water slide belly down and head first, then exits into a pool.", "A boy is sliding down a water slide while an adult male waits for him at the bottom.", "A child slides down a blue water slide on their belly into a pool.", "The little boy is headed down the big slides in the water park." ]
[ "一位小朋友正在游泳池玩着滑滑梯。", "一个小男孩在水流滑梯上冲下去,泳池下面有一个男人在接住他。", "一个赤裸上体的小男孩儿在水面的滑道里玩耍。", "白天的户外,一个小孩,用滑梯,滑入到游泳池内。", "在游乐场,一个小男孩从水滑梯的最高处滑下来。", "一个小孩子正从一个水滑梯上滑下去,然后滑到游泳池里面一个男人接住了他。", "一个孩子趴在带水的滑梯上向下滑,然后进入一个游泳池。", "一个男孩从水滑梯上滑下,而一个成年男人则在底部等着他。", "一个孩子趴着从蓝色的水滑梯上滑下。", "小男孩正沿着水上乐园的大滑梯在往下面滑着。" ]
[ "A little boy and girl slide down an inflatable water slide.", "A woman is playing with a boy when he runs away in the sand,", "A woman puts a boy down in the sand and a girl slides down an inflatible waterslide.", "One child runs across the sand and another child slides down a large water slide", "Kids are out in the sand and sliding down a bouncy house slide.", "A mom is trying to hold a little boy who runs towards a water slide.", "A woman puts a child down on sand, then a girl goes down an inflated water slide.", "A young boy goes down a water slide and a woman helps him out.", "A young boy and a young girl come down an inflatable water slide.", "A mother puts her son on the ground and the son runs away, then a little girl slides down a slide." ]
[ "一个女人将一个小男孩放下,小男孩跑向远方,一个小女孩滑了下来。", "一个小男孩在沙滩上奔跑,一个小女孩从上面滑了下来。", "海滩上一个女子带着他的孩子正在快乐的玩着滑滑梯。", "一个光着膀子的男孩在沙子里跑,一个女孩在划水。", "一个光着上身的小男孩正在沙地里往前跑。", "一个女人把一个小男孩从水滑梯里面抱了出来放在地上,小男孩向滑梯的另一端跑去,同时一个小女孩从水滑梯的高处滑了下来。", "一个女人把孩子放在沙滩上,然后一个女孩从充气的水滑梯上下来。", "一个小男孩走下水滑梯,一个女人帮他出去,然后一个小女孩滑下来。", "一个小男孩在沙滩上奔跑,一个小女孩从充气水滑梯上下来。", "一个女人把小男孩放在沙地上,小孩子跑掉 ,一个小女孩从滑梯上滑下来。" ]
[ "A child jumps and slides down an inflatable water slide.", "Two kids are seen in a swimming pool's game house while one of them rolls down into the pool.", "A boy slides down a water slide, as another watches from the top.", "A young boy wearing shorts slides down a water slide.", "Two children are playing on a blow up water slide.", "A boy rides an inflatable slide down into a pool as a man laughs.", "a small boy falling down a water slide backwards in a inflated water slide", "A young boy rolls down an inflatable slide and lands in a small pool.", "A boy slides down an inflatable slide into a pool of water.", "A little boy slides down an inflatable water slide on his back, head first into a pool of water." ]
[ "明亮的室外,两个小朋友正在开心的滑滑梯。", "一个身穿红色T恤,花裤子的小男孩从游泳池里的滑梯上滑下来。", "一个小男孩从滑滑梯上面滑到了下面的水里。", "一个男孩从充气滑梯上滑下来,滑梯底部是充气水池,里面充满了水。", "一个男孩子在水滑梯上,另一个男孩子从水滑梯上滑道水池里。", "两个男孩在充气滑梯上,一个男孩从上面滑了下来冲进了水里。", "一个小男孩从水上掉下来,往后滑进一个充满水的膨胀的滑道。", "一个小男孩从充气滑梯上滑下来,落在小水池中。", "一个男孩从一个充气滑梯滑到一个水池里。", "一个小男孩头向下从充气水滑梯上滑下来,头先进入一个水池。" ]
[ "A person with a child in front them slide down a water slide while someone is screaming.", "A woman and child cheer as they go down a water slide.", "A woman and a young boy go down a water slide at a water park screaming loudly.", "A group of kids are having fun sliding down a water slide", "First person perspective of an adult and child going down a water slide and splashing down in the pool below.", "Two people are riding on a raft down a water slide into a pool.", "A woman and a little boy are going down a water slide and fall into a pool.", "An adult and a blond boy ride a water park ride into the pool at the bottom.", "A parent and child ride a water slide in a waterpark.", "A boy is riding in the water ride by shouting loudly with water proof coat" ]
[ "一个妈妈和一个穿救生衣的宝宝坐在游泳圈上滑滑梯。", "一个男人带着一个小孩在玩水上滑梯。", "一个大人和一个小孩坐在一个小船上顺着滑到滑下。", "一个金色头发的男孩,坐在泳圈上在滑梯上滑下去。", "坐在救生圈里的人在室外滑水上滑梯。", "一个人坐着划水工具在游玩设施里欢呼并落入水中。", "一个女人和一个小男孩滑下水滑梯, 然后滑进游泳池里。", "公园里面一个男子,从滑梯上滑落。", "家长和孩子在水上乐园里乘坐水滑梯。", "一个男孩穿着救生衣在从滑道里滑到水里。" ]
[ "A group of young men go sliding on a wet mat onto a lawn", "Two young men throwing them selves down a slip and slide.", "Three shirtless young men and in a field slipping and sliding on a large plastic sheet with water.", "Teenagers using a slip and slide, but with enough power to slide onto the grass.", "A bunch of guys are sliding down the yard on a slip and slide.", "Men are sliding on a lawn where a water platform is.", "Three boys are have fun in the backyard playing with a water slip and slide.", "A couple of boys are sliding down a board with water into the grass.", "In a backyard, two males skid on a water slide while a third male watches and laughs.", "Boys play on a slip and slide in a yard." ]
[ "俩个人正赤身坐着急速地在地面上滑行。", "一群人在溜布上溜了下来飞到很远的地方。", "两个男生正在一条黄色的袋子上滑行,他们的速度很快。", "明亮宽敞的室外,几个人正在一片草地上玩耍。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有两个人从一个毯子上滑下来。", "在水上平台的草坪上有一些男子在滑行。", "在一个草坪上面,一群人都在玩着滑草的游戏。", "几个男孩正 从木板上滑下来,滑入草地。", "一群没穿上衣的男人正在后院里滑滑梯。", "男孩子们在一个小木屋旁的院子里玩耍。" ]
[ "Two boys are outside racing each other and both jump onto a wet red tarp and slide.", "Two children run simultaneously over some grass before they dive onto and slide on a slip and slide.", "Two boy running and jumping onto a slip and slide.", "Two young boys race across a yard to a pool and slip slide", "Two boys are running towards a wet slide on the grass.", "Two boys race from the side of their house down to a double racing slip and slide.", "Two boys are racing in front of a house to a slippery finish.", "Two young boys run and jump onto a small water slide area in their backyard.", "Two boys wearing swim shorts run and slide through the slip and slide.", "Two kids racing to get to the slip and slide in the yard." ]
[ "在家门口。两个小孩正在比赛先跑后滑到的游戏。", "两名身穿花色短裤男孩在草地上奔跑着玩耍。", "两个光着上半身,穿着花纹短裤的男孩奔跑着扑倒在红色毯子上。", "两个光着上身的男孩在草地上奔跑,之后他们趴在一张红色垫子上。", "室外的草地上,两个光着膀子的小男孩向前跑去,趴到铺在地上的地毯上。", "两个男孩从他们家的一边跑到一个双人滑道上,比赛滑倒和滑行。", "两个男孩子跑向一个有水的垫子上躺着。", "两个小男孩在后院的一个小水滑梯上跑来跑去。", "两个穿泳裤的男孩跑着滑过滑道和滑梯。", "在室外的草地上,有两个短发的小男孩儿正在奔跑。" ]
[ "Kids are playing and conversating, and two girls slide down a slippery bouncy castle.", "Two young girls slide down a bouncy water slide together.", "Two females scream as they slide down a plastic inflated water slide.", "Two girls go down an inflatable water slide, screaming and laughing.", "A girl slides down an inflatable water slide followed shortly after by a younger girl.", "First one girl slides down an inflatable water slide, and then another girl follows her.", "To girls slide down a water slide and get up laughing.", "Young girls sliding down a rainbow water slide and laughing all the way down.", "Two girls are sliding down a water slide under a plastic rainbow.", "Girls are screaming as they go down the inflatable water slide." ]
[ "一个女子和一个女孩在玩水滑梯,玩得很刺激。", "两个女孩从有水的滑梯上面滑了下来很开心。", "两个人从水中滑滑梯滑下来,嘴里大喊大叫,有一个人下来后赶紧站起来。", "一女人和一小女孩在游乐场,玩滑滑梯水都溅了起来。", "两个人从充气的滑梯上滑了下来,滑梯上有很多水。", "一个女人和一个小女孩从充气水滑梯上面滑了下来。", "两个人在滑梯上一边说话一边滑了下来。", "有几个女孩从彩虹水滑道滑下来,一路笑个不停。", "两个女孩在塑料彩虹下从水上滑了下来。", "当他们沿着充气水滑梯走下去时,女孩们正在尖叫。" ]
[ "Boys are running around in a backyard with a dog getting in and out of a pool.", "A group of children are outside playing a small pool and with a hose.", "Three kids play outside in a swimming pool and on a slip and slide.", "A boy is playing with a dog in their backyard with a water slide.", "Three children and a dog play in a backyard with a pool.", "A group of boys swim in a pool while a dog chases them.", "In a backyard setting, one boy is chased by a dog from a kiddie pool, while another boy runs toward a third boy.", "In a backyard, a boy jumps out a a pole and a dog chases him while two others play on a slide.", "A group of children are playing with water toys in their backyard.", "Children playing outside in a small pool and slip n'slide with a black medium sized dog jumping." ]
[ "一群人在草地上面玩耍,一个男生从泳池出来后就被一条狗追赶走了。", "一个小男孩在自制泳池里玩耍,他出来后被一条黑狗追,与此同时,旁边还有几个小孩在嬉戏。", "草坪上的游泳池里有一个人正在玩儿水。", "一些人在室外的草地上和一只狗在玩耍。", "几个小孩子光着上身在玩耍,一条黑色的狗在追着一个孩子。", "一去孩子正在户外的草地上玩耍,而另外一个小孩子被一只狗追。", "在后院里,一个男孩被一只来自儿童游泳池的狗追赶,另一个男孩跑向第三个男孩。", "在一个后院,一个男孩跳出一根杆子,一只狗追逐他,而另外两个人则在滑梯上玩耍。", "一群孩子在他们的后院玩水和玩具。", "孩子们在室外的小型水池里和一只黑色的狗玩耍着。" ]
[ "A man in swimming trunks slides down a water slide, then lands in a large swimming pool.", "Someone slides down a waterslide with legs out in front of him and splashes into a pool at the end.", "A person slides down a water slide that throws him into a pool.", "A person rides down a water-slide and gets launched out into a swimming pool .", "A person is sliding down a water slide before landing in a large pool.", "A person is going down a water slide and entering the water at the end.", "A person is going down a water slide on a cloudy day.", "There is a person looking at their feet sliding down a water slide.", "Someone is sliding down a water slide into a large pool.", "a man going down a large water slide as he then gets dropped off at the end of the water slide into the park" ]
[ "一个穿着花色衣服的人从高处滑下来落到了水里。", "在泳池处,一个穿着花色裙子的人,坐着伸直双腿从滑梯上一路滑下到泳池里。", "一个女人从滑梯上滑下跳进了水池里。", "一个人从水上滑梯上顺着水流向下滑。", "一个人从滑滑梯上滑下来,掉入水池中。", "一个人正在沿着水滑梯往下滑,最后进入水中。", "一个人坐在水滑梯上滑下在了水塘里。", "有一个人正在看着自己的脚从水滑梯上滑下来。", "有一个人从水滑梯滑入大型游泳池。", "一名男子从一个大的水滑梯上下来,然后掉进了一个泳池里。" ]
[ "A young boy, playing in the backyard, on a small, water slide.", "A boy jumps through a hoop and then slides down a water slide outside.", "A young boy attemping to jump onto a plastic ramp he falls and lands on water", "A young boy belly flops down a blow up slide and yells out.", "A little boy jumps and goes down a water slide, then shouts.", "A boy jumps though the top of an inflatable water slide, belly flops, screams and slides to the bottom.", "A boy jumps through the hoop on an inflatable pool and slide.", "A kid jumps through a play set that has water on it.", "A boy is jumping through a hole on a water slide.", "A boy runs and jumps through the hole in the water slide and lands face first in the slide." ]
[ "在户外,一个光着上身的男孩跳进了一个蓝色蓄水池里。", "一个男孩,助跑一段距离,越过圆圈橡皮床。", "一个小男孩在院子里的玩具上玩耍。", "一个人在绿色的草地上玩蓝色的滑梯。", "一个小孩从充气的滑梯上方的洞里扑出来滑到了下面的水里。", "一个小男孩跳过充气水滑梯的顶部,然后趴到了滑梯底部。", "一个男孩穿过吊环充气床跳到水池上的, 滑行。", "一个小孩跳过一个有水的滑梯。", "一个男孩正在从水滑梯上的一个洞里跳了出来。", "在户外一个小男孩从一个盛着水的充气垫入口跳进去。" ]
[ "Someone is swimming underwater and watching a kid slide into the water.", "Two kids being recorded coming out of a water slide one at a time.", "A little kid is going through a big water slide and onto the pool", "Somebody has his head under the water - then he comes to the surface as children ride down the slide into the pool.", "A boy slides down a water tube slide and lands in a pool.", "Someone with a go pro attached lands in the water, then two other boys come down the water slide behind them.", "Two children are sliding down a waterslide into a pool in a water park.", "A boy slides down a water-slide into a pool and a girl slides into a pool of water.", "Two boys slide down a water slide and splash into a pool at the bottom of the slide.", "A young boy and girl slide down a water slide into a pool of water." ]
[ "在一个明亮的户外,两个小孩从滑梯上直接滑到游泳池。", "两个小男孩从泳池的滑梯中开心地滑入泳池。", "两个穿着泳衣的孩子坐在滑梯上滑入泳池。", "两个白色皮肤的男孩子在滑梯中滑到游泳池中。", "在一个晴朗的室外,两个小孩正在游泳池里玩耍。", "有一个专业人士站在在水中,然后另外两个男孩从他们身后的滑水道上滑下来并跳入水中。", "两个孩子正从一条滑梯滑进水上公园的一个游泳池中。", "一个男孩和一个女孩从水滑梯滑下来进入游泳池。", "两个男孩滑下水滑梯,落到滑梯底部的一个游泳池里。", "在室外,一个小男孩和一个小女孩滑到了水里。" ]
[ "A toddler in swim goggles plays in the shallow pool.", "A boy goes down a water slide and swims in the swimming pool after.", "a child going down a water slide into a pool and then trying to swim", "At an indoor swimming pool, a child comes down the slide and floats with his head under water while adults stand and watch.", "An infant in goggles emerges into a swimming pool from a water slide.", "A little boy is in a pool of water, he plays in the water as some adults watch.", "A small boy slides down a blue water slide filled with water.", "Little boy falls off of a water slide into a shallow pool before he gets up and then swims underwater while a man and woman watch him.", "A young boy slides down a water slide and continues to play in the water afterwards.", "A little boy slides down a water slide into a pool and tries to swim." ]
[ "一个可爱的外国小孩穿着泳衣从水上滑梯滑落泳池,继续在泳池中游泳。", "一个小孩子从游泳乐园的滑滑梯上落下并游入水中。", "一个赤裸上身穿黑色裤子的男子站在水里,还有一个小孩子在水里游泳。", "一个穿着长袖的小孩从滑梯上滑入水里,旁边站着几个大人。", "一个赤裸着上身的人正在看自己的孩子游泳。", "一个男孩在水池里翻滚,大人们在一旁看着。", "一个小男孩从一个装满水的蓝色水滑道滑下来。", "小男孩从水中摔下来, 滑入浅水池, 然后在水下游泳, 而一男一女则在看着他。", "一个小男孩从水滑梯上滑下来, 然后继续在水中玩耍。", "一个小男孩从水中滑入游泳池, 并且试图游泳。" ]
[ "Many children are shown playing with water toys in a yard, a few slide down a water mat and talk about it.", "Children gleefully play on a slip and slide in their back yard while others play in and inflatable pool.", "kids outside on a nice day enjoying the slip and slide", "Some children play outside, they slide while others are in the pool.", "A group of children play on a slip and slide and two others stand in a pool.", "A group of kids having fun playing outside while a parent supervises.", "Children are playing on a water slide in a yard while other children are in a small kiddie pool.", "Children play in a paddling pool and a slip-n-slide in a large garden", "Children are sliding down a slip and slide while other children are playing in a kiddie pool.", "Some kids are playing with a water slide and in a small pool." ]
[ "一群人在野外玩耍,孩子们玩得非常高兴。", "几个小孩子在草地上玩耍,一个男人在一旁蹲着。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小女孩正站在室外一片草地上。", "小孩和一个男人在草坪上欢快的玩耍。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小孩坐在地上向前滑行。", "一群孩子在外面玩耍,家长在一旁监督。", "孩子们在院子里的水滑梯上玩耍,而其他孩子则在小型儿童游泳池中。", "孩子们在戏水池玩耍,在大花园里滑动滑梯。", "一些孩子滑倒, 其他孩子在儿童游泳池里玩耍。", "三个小孩正在草地上的水滑梯上滑着,还有两个小孩在充气游泳池里玩耍。" ]
[ "Children going down a small blue slide with his siblings", "Boys having fun using floaters to slide down a water slide in the back yard.", "A group of kids wait as one of them slides down a water slide.", "a person moving down a water slide with other kids around them", "a group of children plaing out in the yard with water toys", "A young boy on a small raft slides down a small water slide", "A couple kids playing on a water slide in their yard.", "Some kids jumping off the side of a trampoline and sliding down a small water slide.", "A kid on a tub sliding down a water inflatable toy.", "A boy slides down an inflatable slide while on top of an object, while his friends wait behind the slide for their turns." ]
[ "一群小孩正在开心的玩着水上游戏。", "一个穿着黑色短裤的小男孩从气垫滑梯上滑下来。", "三名小男孩在自制的滑梯上快乐玩耍。", "在天气晴朗的日子,几个小孩子在草地上玩耍。", "一个小男孩拿着气垫冲浪板从气垫滑梯上滑下,另一个小男孩拿着泳圈站在上面。", "一个小男孩乘坐小木筏从一个小水滑梯上滑下来落在草地上。", "几个孩子在院子里的水滑梯上玩耍,其中一个男孩从上面冲下来。", "一些孩子从蹦床上跳下来,然后滑下一个小小的滑水道。", "一个孩子在浴缸里从水充气玩具上滑下来。", "一个男孩在一个物体顶部滑下一个充气滑梯,而他的朋友在滑梯后面等待轮到他们。" ]
[ "Two people on a raft coming down a water slide and into a pool.", "In a water park a ma a a young kid are sliding down a pipe on a floating boat", "People are at a indoor waterpark and coming down the slide in an intertube.", "A father with his sun going on the water ride by sitting on the water boat", "A man and a kid in a float tube enjoy themselves in the water at a water park.", "A man and young boy come out of water slid and land in wading pool.", "A air tube carrying a man and a little child slide out of a water slide", "A raft with two people come out of a water slide into a large pool.", "A couple slides out a waterslide on a bright blue inflatable tube.", "A man and a kid slide down a water slide into a lazy river." ]
[ "一个男人和一个小男孩从漂流洞口中坐着小船漂出来。", "一群人在玩水滑梯,水上有人坐在漂浮的橡皮艇上。", "两个人从桥洞口里面漂流出来了,水池里有人帮忙,也有其他人在漂流。", "在一个游泳池里,一些人坐在游泳圈上。", "一对父子随着水流从管道中冲了出来。", "一个男人和一个小男孩坐着皮筏艇从管道里滑了出来。", "一个载有一名男子和一个小孩的空气管从水滑梯上滑下来。", "一个有两个人的木筏从水中滑入进一个大水池。", "一对父子在水上游乐园坐在游泳圈上从滑梯中滑下来。", "一个男人和一个孩子滑下水滑入一条河流里。" ]
[ "Two people slide on an outdoor water slide at the same time.", "On a blow up slide, two boys slide down to the water and make a splash.", "Two people slide down an inflatable slide into a pool of water in the bottom of the slide", "Two females ride down an inflatable water slide together and land in a puddle of water.", "Two young boys ride on a water slide together.", "Two people are shown sliding down a backyard waterslide.", "Two people going down a huge water slide and splashing at the bottom.", "Two adults slide down an inflatable outdoor water slide, landing in a pool at the bottom.", "Two people are sitting at the top of a water slide and then go down.", "Two people that are outside on a big water slide." ]
[ "两名小女孩正上上滑梯上开心快乐的玩耍。", "两个人从游乐设施顶部滑向了泳池中。", "花园草地上放着一个玩水的游乐措施,一男一女从最高处滑到水里。", "两个女人从充气滑梯上滑到了水池里。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有两个人从滑滑梯上滑到了水池里。", "有两个人从后院的水滑梯上滑下来,掉进了水里。", "两个人沿着一个巨大的水滑梯往下走, 在底部溅起水花。", "两名成年人从充气室外水梯上滑落,降落在底部的一个水池里。", "两个人并排坐在水滑梯的顶端, 然后往下滑行。", "在外面的,两个人在一个巨大的滑水道上玩滑水。" ]