[ "A young child is walking down a path in the snow towards a car before he falls.", "A young boy tries to follow his mother in the snow and unintentionally falls over.", "A lady and a small baby is walking on the snow and the baby slipped and her mom asked about that", "A toddler falls into snow while attempting to follow their sibling.", "A little boy struggles to walk through snow, stumbling as he goes", "A young child slips and falls while walking in some thick snow.", "A young child walks in a heavily snowy path and falls on his bottom.", "A young child walks in deep snow and falls over as woman looks back from the street.", "A young child is following an adult in deep snow before the child falls down and struggles to get back up.", "A small child wearing a blue parka struggles to walk through deep snow" ]
[ "一个小男孩跟着大人在雪地里走,然后小男孩摔倒在雪里了.。", "一名身穿深蓝色羽绒服的小朋友在雪地中走路并摔倒了。", "一个小孩在雪地里边走着,摔了起不来。", "一个戴着帽子的小孩在雪地上走路,接着摔倒在地。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小孩,在雪里走摔倒了。", "有一个小孩在一片白皑皑的雪地上摔倒了。", "在雪地里,一个小孩走路摔倒了,又爬起来了。", "当一个女孩从街上回头看时,一个小孩走在深雪中并摔倒。", "一名幼儿在深雪中跟随一名成年人, 孩子才摔倒, 难以重新站起来。", "一个身穿蓝色大衣的小孩艰难地走过厚厚的积雪并坐在雪堆里。" ]
[ "A man is walking around outside in cold temperatures with snow on the ground.", "A man crosses a street and tries walking in the snow.", "A man wearing a hat runs accross a street and then starts to walk on the snow", "A man walking on a snow covered road while a type of emergency siren sound is in effect.", "A man is walking the streets when they are covered in snow and slush as he crosses a small side street.", "A man on a snowy sidewalk hurries across the street.", "a man walks outside in the snow and towards the camera", "A man with a beanie carefully crossing an icy road.", "a young man crossing the street looking both ways for traffic", "A man starts to walks fast as he walks down a street of snow." ]
[ "在白天的户外,一个男人,在有积雪的道路上行走。", "一个穿着冬装带着帽子的男人从有积雪的路面走过来。", "一个穿着棉服戴着帽子的人从大街经过。", "一个戴着帽子和手套的人在冰天雪地里走路。", "在满是积雪的路上,一个穿着一身黑色衣服,带着帽子的帽子的男人走过。", "一个男人在积雪的人行道上匆匆穿过街道。", "一个戴着帽子的男人在雪地上小跑着。", "一个男人小心翼翼地穿过一条积着雪的路。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正站在室外。", "一个人走在路面上的雪是,开始走的很快。" ]
[ "A woman laughs and plays in the snow on a windy day.", "A female is in a snowy field playing in the snow.", "A woman walks on a snowy patch of ground beside a column of tall fir trees.", "A woman outside in the snow walks a few feet and hits the snow with her glove.", "A woman is speaking a foreign language while in a light snow fully dressed in winter gear.", "A woman and her friend chat and play in the snow.", "A woman wearing a short red jacket and black cap plays in a parking lot during a snowfall.", "A person is outside and is standing in the snow, uses glove to push the snow.", "A girl is walking in the snow and then she bends down and hits the snow.", "A lady in a red coat is walking around in snow while another person records." ]
[ "在一个下着雪的户外,一个穿红色衣服的女人在雪地上玩耍。", "在雪天里,一个女人用手套在地上拍打了一下积雪。", "一个戴帽子穿红衣服的女人在雪地里走了一个来回。", "一个穿着红衣服的女人在大雪中玩雪。", "雪花飘飘的室外一个女人在雪地里玩雪。", "一个女人在雪地里和她的朋友玩耍。", "在降雪期间, 一名身穿红色短夹克、头戴黑色帽子的女子在停车场玩耍。", "一个人在外面,站在雪地里,用手套推雪。", "一根穿着红色衣服的女人正在打雪仗。", "一位身穿红色外套的女士在雪中四处走动, 而另一个人却在记录。" ]
[ "A small child is walking on a sidewalk, stops and pauses, then resumes walking.", "A small child walks along a snowy sidewalk and the stops for a second.", "A little boy is holding some object and walking in the road seeing someone in the front", "A young girl wearing winter clothing walks slowly down a snowy sidewalk", "A girl toddler is walking on the sidewalk on a windy day.", "A little girl is bundled up while walking along the sidewalk outside.", "A child is walking on a sidewalk, then stops, then smiles and continues walking.", "A child in a purple jacket walks, then stops, then continues walking.", "young child walks on the sidewal and then you hear an adult speaks", "A toddler is walking on the sidewalk and a woman says hi." ]
[ "一个小女孩正在雪面上拿着东西向妈妈走过去。", "一个小孩在布满雪地的路面上小心翼翼地行走。", "一个小孩走在路上停住了,又笑着走了过来。", "有个戴着帽子穿着紫色外套的小孩在路边走着。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的小孩正在马路上行走。", "一个被衣服包裹着的小女孩,在外面的街道上散步。", "一个小孩正在走路,然后停下来,有个女子跟她讲话,她又开始走了。", "一个穿着紫色夹克的孩子走路然后停下来,然后继续走路。", "一个戴着帽子的小女孩走在一个堆着积雪的道路上。", "一名幼儿走在人行道上, 一名女子再跟她打招呼。" ]
[ "A man in a coat and winter hat shows the camera how much snow is on the ground.", "A man walks outside in the snow alongside a manufacturing building.", "A man in a blue cap is walking in a warehouse area in the snow.", "A guy is showing all the snow that was on the ground.", "a person is looking at teh camera and is walking in an snowy road", "A man walks through a snow filled parking lot while talking.", "A man is walking outside in the snow behind the loading bay area of a commercial building.", "A man walked on a street covered with lot of snow", "A man walking through a snow covered parking lot behind a warehouse while making comments.", "A man is walking around a parking lot that is full of snow." ]
[ "一个男人走在周围有房子有车的雪地上。", "一个戴着帽子戴着眼镜的男人在厚厚的雪里行走。", "一个戴着蓝色针织帽和眼镜的男人走在雪地上。", "一个戴着蓝色帽子和眼镜的男人走在雪地上。", "一个戴着帽子和眼镜的男人在雪地里面行走。", "一个男人在说话的同时,正走过一个满是积雪的停车场。", "一名男子正走在外面的雪地后面的一个商业建筑物的装货湾区域。", "一个男人在全是积雪的路面上行走。", "一名男子在仓库后面的雪中走着并发表评论。", "一个男人正在一个充满积雪的停车场里走来走去。" ]
[ "A person with a white backwards cap shovels snow in a driveway.", "A guy is shoveling out a path in the snow.", "A man in a black jacket and white hat, shoveling snow on a driveway.", "A man shovels snow from a driveway so that he can get in his car and leave.", "A man is outside of some houses, shoveling the sidewalk", "A man is walking through the snow while trying to clear snow on his way using a shovel.", "A man is shoveling a driveway full of snow and speaking a foreign language.", "A man is shoveling snow in a driveway while it snows in the neighbourhood.", "A man works to shovel snow off of the road.", "a person shovels some snow while they are outside somewhere in the winter" ]
[ "在一片雪地上,有个戴着白色帽子的人在铲雪。", "一个男人在大街上拿着工具将积雪铲到旁边。", "一个穿黑色上衣的男人正拿着铲子铲马路上的一些雪。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在室外用工具弄地面上的雪。", "一个穿着黑色衣服戴着帽子的人正在铲雪。", "一个戴着帽子的人拿着铁铲在清理路上的积雪。", "一个男人正在铲雪道上的雪,并说着话。", "在下雪的室外,一个男人正在车道上铲雪。", "一个戴白色帽子的男子拿着铲子在清理道路上的积雪。", "一个戴着帽子的男人,拿着工具在雪地上面铲雪。" ]
[ "A small toddler is playing in the snow during the day outside.", "A small child is shown walking though the snow and a woman talks to her.", "A little girl wearing an red snowsuit is walking through the snow.", "A young child walks slowly in high level snow", "A little child walking in the snow while wearing a thick coat.", "A baby walking outside in the snow and making foot prints.", "A baby in a red snowsuit walks in the snow while his mother talks to him.", "A woman ask a little girl if she's cold as the little girl walks through the snow.", "A little girl in a snowsuit and gloves trying to walk through the snow.", "Outside, a female toddler walks through the snow while an unseen female speaks to her." ]
[ "在雪地里,一个穿红色衣服的小男孩在步履蹒跚的走路。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小孩子正在雪地方向前走。", "一个穿红衣服的小男孩在雪地里玩耍。", "一个穿着一身红色衣服的小孩儿手上戴着手套在雪地里走来走去。", "穿红色衣服的小孩步履蹒跚的在雪地里行走。", "一个小孩子在外面的雪地上走来走去做脚印。", "一个穿红色衣服的小孩正在雪地上行走。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小女孩行走在雪地上。", "一个穿着红色上衣的女孩儿戴着手套在雪地里行走。", "在外面, 一名女幼儿在雪中行走, 而一名看不见的女性则对她说话。" ]
[ "A little girl is washing her play dishes in a big silver bowl.", "a little girl washing plates in a big metal bowl filled with water and a rag", "A young girl washing a plate she is handed in a large bowl.", "A little girl stands in front of a bowl of water and washes a plate with a rag.", "A young girl in a kitchen washes a small plate in water while speaking to her another woman.", "A woman hands a little girl a small pink plate, which she then washes with a rag in a silver pot of water.", "A girl is using a bowl of water and a cloth to help wash dishes.", "A young child learns how to wash a plate in a large bowl", "A little girl is pretending to wash toy dishes in a bowl of water.", "A toddler girl stands in front of a large bowl of water and learns how to wash a dish" ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色围裙的小女孩正在一个不锈钢盆里洗盘子。", "一个孩子很认真地帮自己的大人洗碗。", "一个穿着蓝色裤子的小姑娘在练习刷盘子。", "一个小女孩结过一个粉色的盘子后,打湿一块毛巾擦起了这个盘子。", "一个小女孩手拿抹布沾水后,擦拭盘子。", "小女孩用一块抹布在银盆里洗一个人递给她的粉红色盘子。", "一个女孩正在用铁盆里的水和毛巾洗碗。", "一个小孩学习如何在一个大碗里洗盘子。", "一个小女孩拿着毛巾在盆里洗着盘子。", "一个小女孩站在一大碗水前, 学习如何洗碗。" ]
[ "In the kitchen sink a young child is cleaning a large metal spoon.", "A young boy with his parents as he starts to wash dishes by washing a ladel", "A little boy is standing on a stool at a sink washing dishes", "A child washes a spoon in the sink with soap and a sponge.", "A young man wearing a red shirt cleans a large spoon in a kitchen area.", "A young Asian boy is at a kitchen sink washing off a ladle.", "A young male toddler is washing dishes in a kitchen.", "A little boy is standing at the kitchen sink washing a spatula.", "A young man washing a large spoon in kitchen sink.", "A boy is washing a spatula in a big sink." ]
[ "一个穿着红衣服的男孩站在水池边刷洗着铲刀。", "一个红衣服的小男孩在厨房清洗锅铲。", "一个身穿红色上衣小男孩用海绵在水池边清洗锅铲。", "一个穿着红色上衣的小男孩正在厨房洗碗。", "一个穿着红色短袖的小孩在洗勺子。", "一个年轻的小男孩在厨房的水槽里清洗一把勺子。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小男孩在厨房里洗盘子。", "一个小男孩正站在厨房的水槽旁边先铲子。", "一个年轻人在厨房的水池里洗大勺子。", "一个男孩正在一个大水槽里洗一把铲子。" ]
[ "There are two men washing dishes at a sink.", "A guy is washing plate in the sink and talks to someone", "A man uses a sponge to wash a plate from out of the sink", "a person washes some dishes that are in the sink with water", "A person uses a brush to wash a plate then place it on the draining board while another man talks.", "A man is washing dishes while talking to someone else in the room.", "In a kitchen sink, a man is cleaning dishes with a scrub brush.", "A man is washing dishes in a sink with a scrubber and bubbles.", "A person is washing a plate in a sink with soap and water and places the plate away.", "In a kitchen a man is washing dishes and putting them in the drainer." ]
[ "一个穿着灰色衣服的男人手拿绿色刷子刷碗。", "一个穿灰衣服地男人在厨房用刷子清洗餐具。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个人正在刷碗。", "有一个身穿浅色衣服的人再用刷子洗碗。", "一个人用一把刷子把一个盘子刷干净了。", "一个男人在房间里和其他人在说话的时候在洗碗。", "在厨房的水槽里面,一名男子正在用刷子清洗餐具。", "一个男人正在用洗涤器和泡沫在水槽里洗碗。", "一个人用肥皂和水清洗水槽中的盘子并将盘子放下。", "在厨房里,男人正在洗放入沥水器中的碗碟。" ]
[ "A child washing the the dishes while an adult observes and narrates off camera.", "There is a young boy who is washing dishes and a baby next to him.", "A young boy stands on a stool while washing dishes in a sink while a young girl watches.", "A boy is washing dishes in the sink as the toddler sits on a chair right behind him.", "A young boy stands on a chair playing in a kitchen sink while a toddler sits next to him and a woman's voice can be heard.", "A young boy stands on a chair at a kitchen sink washing dishes while his infant sister plays on the chair at his feet.", "A child working in the sink standing on a chair with a baby also sitting in the chair.", "A boy standing in a chair to wash dishes in the sink as a toddler sits in the chair.", "A child washes the dishes while a younger child climbs on the chair.", "A young boy is standing on a chair in the kitchen washing dishes while his brother sits on the chair beneath him." ]
[ "一个穿白色衣服的小孩正站在椅子上洗碗,椅子上还有个小孩在坐着。", "一个小男孩在厨房用抹布刷碗,同时另一个小男孩试图从椅子上下来。", "一个站在凳子上的小孩正在用抹布洗碗。", "明亮的房间内,一个小男孩,站在凳子上洗碗。", "一个男孩在洗碗,旁边坐着一个小朋友。", "一个小男孩站在厨房的水池旁边的椅子上洗碗,他的妹妹就坐在椅子上玩耍。", "一个站在椅子上的孩子在水池里工作, 一个婴儿坐在椅子上。", "当小孩坐在椅子时,站立在椅子的男孩洗涤在水槽的盘子。", "一个孩子洗碗, 而另一个小一点的孩子爬上椅子。", "一个小男孩站在厨房的椅子上洗碗, 而他的兄弟坐在他下面的椅子上。" ]
[ "A small child holds a plate over running water and helps with doing dishes.", "The little boy was helping his mother wash and rinse the dishes.", "The mom is helping the little boy to wash and dry the dirty dishes.", "A little boy and two woman are washing dishes together.", "A little baby boy tries to help his mother wash the dishes.", "A woman is helping a child rinse dishes under a running faucet.", "Two women supervise while a small child helps rinse off a plate in the sink.", "a little boy washing plates at a sink with the help of an adult in a kitchen", "A young boy is in the kitchen and his mother is teaching him how to wash a dish while his sister, who is also helping, watches him.", "a young boy is washing some plates on the sink with instruction of his mother" ]
[ "一个小孩在将盘子从一个水池拿进另一个水池。", "一个可爱的小孩勤劳的在大水池中洗盘子。", "一个穿着条纹上衣的男孩正在洗碗。", "在一个房间里,一个小男孩正在水池洗盘子。", "有一个小孩正在水池边和大人学习刷盘子。", "在厨房里,一位女士正在帮助一个孩子用水龙头冲洗着餐具。", "两个女人在水槽边洗碗,而一个小孩帮助冲洗水槽中的盘子。", "在厨房里,一个小男孩在一个成年人的帮助下,在水池边洗盘子。", "一个穿条纹衫的男孩正在厨房里洗碗。", "在室内,一个小孩正在水槽里面洗盘子。" ]
[ "Two girls are in the kitchen dancing while doing the dishes and one girl lips syncs.", "Two girls are jumping around and dancing to music in the kitchen.", "Two young girls dancing to music while they wash their hands at a sink.", "two girls are sniging and dancing while they are washing dishes together", "Two girls are dancing around while doing the dishes in a kitchen.", "Two young girls dance and sing to music while washing dishes and just having fun.", "2 girls are singing and dancing along with a song while doing dishes.", "Two girls are dancing to music while in the kitchen.", "An older girl and a younger girl dance in the kitchen while cleaning the dishes.", "Two women are seen dancing and singing to a playing music piece." ]
[ "两个女人在房间里随着音乐舞动着身体。", "俩个女孩在房间里跟着音乐舞动一个女孩拿水杯冲了下水随后用毛巾擦干净。", "在一个明亮的房间,两个女人在跳舞。", "两个穿着浅色衣服的人哼着歌跳着舞刷碗。", "在一个明亮的房间里面,有两个女人在跳舞。", "两个年轻女孩一边洗碗,一边随着音乐声附和。", "两个女孩子边唱边唱歌,边唱边跳。", "两个女孩在厨房里随着音乐跳舞,干着活。", "一个大一点的女孩和一个小女孩在厨房里边洗碗边跳舞。", "一个女人和一个女孩在房子里一边笑一边扭动身体。" ]
[ "Two toddlers stand at the kitchen sink washing the dishes.", "Young boy and girl washing dishes together in the kitchen.", "Two children, a boy and a girl, are washing dishes together.", "Two siblings together washing dishes with their dad talking to them", "A young boy and girl washing and rinsing dishes while talking to their parent.", "A little gilr and boy talks to their dad while they are doing the dishes.", "Little boy and girl standing at a sink washing dishes talking to a man.", "Two kids were standing beside a sink while they wash the dishes", "A young girl and a young boy stand at the sink washing dishes together.", "Two kids talk to their father while they wash dishes in the sink." ]
[ "厨房里有一个小男孩和一个小女孩正在洗碗。", "两个金发小孩在厨房里分工合作洗碗。", "一个小女孩和一个小男孩在洗碗池前洗碗。", "一个小男孩和一个小女孩正站在水池边清洗东西。", "在一个房间里,有一个女孩和一个男孩一起站在洗手池旁边。", "在厨房里,两个小孩子一边洗碗,一边和一个男人交谈着。", "小男孩和女孩站在水槽边上洗碗,与一个男人交谈。", "当他们洗碗时,两个孩子站在水槽旁边。", "一个年轻的女孩和一个小男孩站在水槽边洗碗。", "两个小孩在厨房的水槽里用抹布刷碗。" ]
[ "There is a woman scrubbing a metal pan with a dish brush.", "a model is showing how to wash greasy pots after cooking in the form of a song", "Woman cleans pot by using container of water and handled scouring pad.", "A woman demonstrates washing cooking pots while singing a song.", "A young girl on a TV stage is singing while washing a frying pan, because that is what she does.", "A blonde woman scrubs a soapy frying pan while singing a song about washing dishes.", "A woman in a kids tv show is washing dishes in a tub.", "A girl wearing an apron is singing and washing a pot.", "A cheerful woman standing in front of a sink with rubber gloves on sings a song about washing pots, while she scrubs a pot.", "A woman on a children's show talks and then sings about washing pots." ]
[ "一个披着金色长发穿着绿色围裙的女人手里拿着一个刷子在洗刷笼屉。", "一个围着绿色围裙的女人在一边唱歌一边洗平底锅。", "一个穿短袖的金色长发女子正在清洗平底锅。", "有个身穿蓝色短袖围着绿色围裙的女子正在清洗锅具。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个女人,嘴巴一张一合,并且在桌上,刷洗一把平底锅。", "一个金发碧眼的女人一边跟着伴奏唱歌一边用手在刷锅。", "一个女孩在儿童电视节目里面边刷碗边唱歌。", "一个穿着围裙的女孩一边唱歌一边在洗锅。", "一个开朗的女人拿着橡胶手套站在水池前唱着一首关于洗锅的歌, 而她则擦洗着一个锅。", "一个女人在儿童节目中交谈, 然后唱关于洗碗的歌。" ]
[ "A woman us using a sponge to clean a cheese grater.", "a small girl showing how she bakes by scrubbing a small cheese grater with a sponge", "A young girl is cleaning a cheese grater with a blue sponge.", "A woman is demonstrating how to clean a grater with a sponge.", "A young adult female, in the kitchen,is cleaning a cheese grater with a blue sponge.", "A woman is scrubbing a metal object that she is holding with a sponge in her hands inside a kitchen.", "A girl is cleaning a metal food grater with a scrubbing sponge.", "A young girl demonstrates how to clean a grater with a sponge.", "A young woman is showing how to clean a multi sided grater.", "A girl showing how to clean a cheese grater using a sponge." ]
[ "一个女人在厨房里用洗碗海绵洗刨丝器。", "一个穿白色衣服的女子正在厨房用刷子清洗厨具。", "一个黑人女子手里拿着蓝色洗碗巾正在擦一个带孔的金属盒子。", "在一个房间里,一个扎辫子的人在清洗东西。", "一个女人手里拿着一个蓝色的刷子正在擦一个银白色的金属器具。", "一个女人用手中的海面擦洗另一只手拿着的金属物体。", "一个女孩用擦洗海绵清洗一个金属物品。", "一个年轻的女孩演示如何用海绵清洁磨碎机。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人正在展示如何清洁多面磨碎机。", "一个女孩子正在用海绵擦一个容器。" ]
[ "Several people stand around while a man washes dishes in a bucket outside.", "A person is showing how they clean with there hands and a bucket.", "A man is washing utensils with water in a bowl on the table.", "A ma and a woman stand before a bucket while the man reaches in.", "A group of campers wash dishes outdoors under a tent.", "a man and a woman are outside and laughing at the camera", "Some people are outside joking around in a lean-to tent putting their hands in a pan of water.", "Adults under a canopy are laughing and chatting as one gentleman washes cutlery in a bowl.", "A group of people are outdoors under a tent dipping their hands into water.", "A group of people are laughing as a man washes utensils in a pink container." ]
[ "一个男人在水里洗着东西,旁边有一群人在笑。", "一个人在盆子里面刷勺子放入了旁边的玻璃缸一位随后一个人手伸入了盆子里面又立马伸了出去。", "一个蓝色上衣的男子正在洗着桌子上的各种碗筷。", "一堆人站在室外,其中有个穿蓝衣的男子在清洗东西。", "一个穿着蓝色长袖戴着眼镜的男人在洗东西。", "一个男人和一个女人正在户外开心做东西。", "一个身穿蓝色衣服的男人在盆里刷着小勺子。", "成年人在大蓬下边笑边聊天,一位先生在碗里洗餐具。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人在户外的帐篷下洗碗。", "一个男人在一个粉红色的盆里洗着什么,旁边的女子在一边打着手势笑着。" ]
[ "A man sings while washing the dishes in his kitchen.", "A man washes a dish inside a kitchen while singing.", "A man washes dishes and sings a song while washing them.", "A man is washing dishes and singing a song of gratitude in Spanish.", "Devoted husband sings in the kitchen while doing the dishes and making his wife happy.", "A man in the kitchen was cleaning a plate with a towel", "A man is singing while cleaning and drying a plate to show that it's not just women's work.", "A man dries a plate and sings a song while he works.", "a person in the kitchen cleaning dishes while talking and rubbing a plate down", "A man is singing a song called thank you while cleaning the dishes." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男子在厨房洗盘子。", "一个男人一边擦着盘子一边在唱歌。", "一个男人正在用抹布清洗着手里的盘子。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个男人在刷白色的盘子。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人,在擦洗一个盆子。", "在厨房里,一个人正拿着毛巾擦着洗着盘子。", "一个男人在清洁和烘干盘子时唱歌,表示这不仅仅是女性的工作。", "一个男人一边擦干一个盘子一边唱着一首歌。", "一个男人在厨房里用海绵清洗着盘子。", "一个男人在厨房里用抹布旋转擦拭盘子。" ]
[ "Comical recording of a man washing dishes with commentary from an onlooker.", "A man is at the sink washing dishes while another man films him and makes jokes.", "A man is at a sink while another man describes his dish washing technique.", "A man washes a wooden spatula in the sink while the person recording commentates and laughs.", "A man introduces his friend who washes dishes as the best washer in the UK.", "The man is washing the dishes while listening to his friend.", "A man narrates as another man washes dishes in a kitchen sink.", "A man standing at a sink washing dishes while listening to a man talk.", "A man washing a spatula in the sink with another guy speaking", "A man is smiling while he is washing the dishes in a kitchen." ]
[ "一个男人在厨房洗碗,而另一个男人在开他的玩笑。", "一个戴着项链的男人正在厨房里洗木勺,有很多人正在说笑着。", "一个穿着短袖的男人在房间里对着水龙头刷铲子。", "一个男人在厨房里清洗木制的铲子。", "一个男人在厨房里面边洗边说话,后来旁边有人哈哈笑。", "一个戴着金链子的男人正在一边洗碗一边听他的朋友说话。", "一个男人讲述着另一个人在厨房水槽里洗碗的情形。", "一个男人站在水槽旁边洗碗边听着一个男人的谈话。", "一个男人在水槽里一边洗一把铲子,一边与另一个人说话。", "一个男人正面带笑容的在水池洗刷。" ]
[ "Small girl helping a man wash the dishes in a sink.", "A little girl and an older man washing dishes together in a sink.", "The young girl is helping wash the dishes with her parent at the sink.", "A young girls helps her father do dishes at home while her mother talks to her.", "A parent is washing dishes and a kid washes hands.", "A young girl helps do the dishes while her parent puts things away too.", "A young girl is helping an older adult wash and rinse plates.", "A girl is washing her plates in the sink under a faucet of running water.", "A girl and a man stand over a sink as they help each other wash the dishes.", "A man and a young girl are working together to wash the dishes." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个男人和一个小女孩,在洗碗。", "一个女孩正在洗碗,一个男人在帮助她。", "一个小女孩正在用抹布清洗着手里的东西。", "一个穿短袖衣服的男人和一个穿白色上衣的女孩在洗盘子。", "一个小女孩在帮住她的爸爸洗盘子。", "一个年轻的女孩在水槽前帮忙洗盘子,而她的父亲也把洗好的盘子收拾起来。", "一个小女孩在帮着大人一起在厨房里洗刷着盘子。", "一个男子和一名小女孩正在开着的水龙头下洗着盘子。", "一个女孩和一个男人站在水槽边互相帮助洗碗。", "一个女人和一个年轻的女孩正在一起洗碗。" ]
[ "A commercial about finish dish washer tabs telling us to join the finish revolution.", "A commercial for Finish dish washing tabs where people are inspecting their dishes.", "A commercial demonstrating how to use finish brand dish detergent.", "An ad for dishwasher detergent is shown and its cleaning power for dishes.", "A person is cleaning there dishes with a brand called Finish Revolution.", "An ad for Finish Dish Detergent Revolution is displayed.", "An advertisement for detergent, interjected with a teen messing with a plate in his kitchen.", "An ad for a finish commercial wher they show how to clean dishes", "A commercial for dish washing detergent plays as it cuts to a young man wiping a clean plate.", "A dishwasher opens up and reveals plates and then a boy is shown holding a plate." ]
[ "在厨房里,一个穿着灰色卫衣的男孩正在洗盘子,洗洁精广告。", "一个男人在厨房拿着盘子在做洗洁精广告。", "在一个厨房里。一个穿着白色衣服的人正在洗着她的盘子。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的男人正将一个盘子放到桌子上。", "洗碗机打开门。一个男人在做擦盘子的动作。一个产品的画面。", "展示了一个男人用成品洗涤剂的广告。", "一个清洁剂的广告,与一个青少年在他的厨房里摆弄盘子插了一嘴。", "这是一个洗洁精的广告,一个人展示了一个洗过的盘子。", "一个洗碗机的广告正在播放,然后切换到一个年轻人擦拭干净的盘子。", "一个洗碗机打开展示盘子,然后一个男孩举着一个盘子。" ]
[ "A man is washing a large quantity of dishes in a small sink", "A person turns the faucet on and off as he washes and rinses dishes in a kitchen sink.", "Someone is shown washing dishes in their sink and rinsing them off.", "A person scrubs dishes in a sink with running tap water as music plays.", "A person is washing and rinsing dishes in the sink.", "A person in a green shirt is washing dishes at the kitchen sink in fast motion.", "A person wash's multiple dishes using running water instead of a filled sink.", "Someone washes a variety of dishes in the kitchen sink.", "A person is washing and rinsing dishes in a kitchen sink.", "A person is washing dishes in a kitchen at a sped up pace." ]
[ "一个人先在锅里涂上洗洁精,然后用清水把锅碗冲洗干净放回原处。", "一个人在厨房水池里刷碗,之后打开水龙头用水清洁碗。", "一个穿着卢瑟上衣的人站在水管前面洗锅洗碗。", "一名身穿绿色上衣的女子,正在房间内洗碗。", "一个身穿绿色上衣的人在水池边刷碗。", "一个穿着绿色衬衫的人正在厨房洗碗。", "一个人正在快速的使用工具清洗着餐具。", "一个人在厨房水槽里洗了各种各样的菜肴。", "一个人在厨房的水槽里清洗和涮洗碗碟。", "一个人正在以加快的速度在厨房里洗碗。" ]
[ "Girl cleans plastic container with soapy sponge while sitting on a stool.", "A girl is washing a stack of dishes with a sponge.", "A little girl sitting in a hall way washing dishes out of a bucket.", "A young girl cleans Tupperware with soap and water while sitting down.", "A seated girl cleans dishes with soapy water and a sponge.", "A girl is washing a dish while sitting down in a tight hallway.", "A little girl sits on a stool washing dishes out of a bucket and what appears to be a shower.", "A girl is sitting down and cleaning off some plastic trays with soap", "A person is washing dishes with soap and water", "a girl sits down and cleans off an item she has in her hands" ]
[ "一个穿着裙子的小女孩在厨房里刷盘子。", "一个小女孩坐在凳子上仔细的清洗餐具。", "一个小女孩坐在凳子上用心的清洗东西。", "一个穿着裙子的小女孩正在清理一些塑料盒子。", "一个小女孩坐在凳子上涮一个橘色的塑料盖子。", "一个小女孩坐在狭小的走廊里用一块海绵洗碗。", "一个小女孩坐在一个凳子上,手里拿着黄色的碗在擦洗。", "一个女孩坐下来用肥皂清理一些塑料托盘。", "一个外国小女孩,正在用肥皂和水洗碗游戏。", "一个女孩坐下来, 清理她手中的一个物品。" ]
[ "Two Hispanic fellows are cleaning the kitchen as one is scrubbing a pot with a steel pad and talking.", "A person is talking to the camera while washing a pot.", "A man uses a rag and soap to clean off a pot over the sink.", "A person washes a pot with soap in a kitchen sink.", "Someone is washing a large pot in a sink with soap and water.", "A man washing a pot while talking, and a second man washing his hands.", "A woman does the dishes as a man comes over to help her out.", "A woman is washing a pot in a sink when a man approaches with gloves and begins washing something in the other sink.", "A woman is washing a large pot in a kitchen sink.", "A man speaks as he scrubs a large metal pot with a soapy rag." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的人,正在用手清洗着厨具。", "一个人在厨房的水槽边边刷锅边说话。", "在一个明亮的室内,有一个人正在水池里刷锅。", "一个穿着白短袖的人正在边洗厨具边说话。", "一个女子正在洗锅,锅的外面包括锅底都被她抹上了好多泡沫。", "一个人一边说话一边洗锅,另一个男人在洗手。", "一个女人在洗碗,这时走过来一个男人帮她一起洗。", "一个男人正在水槽旁边清洗锅,另一个人走过来洗手。", "一个穿白色上衣的女人在厨房的水槽里洗一个大锅。", "一位女士用肥皂抹布清洗大金属锅,一个男人在旁边洗手。" ]
[ "A young girl helps her parents load the dishwasher in the kitchen.", "A young child is washing some cutlery by the sink and placing them in the dish washer.", "A little girl washes dishes in the kitchen to help her parents.", "In the kitchen a young girl washes the dishes and then places them in the dishwasher.", "A little girl helps clean as she puts dishes in the dish washer.", "A young girl stands in a kitchen and puts dishes into the dishwasher, a man talks about it.", "A girl is standing at a sink rinsing off dishes and putting them in the dishwasher as a man comments.", "A dad records his daughter doing her chores of washing the dishes.", "A girl rinses a utensil in a sink and then places it in a dish washer.", "A young girl is standing at the kitchen sink rinsing dishes to put in the dishwasher." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个小女孩,站在水池边刷碗。", "一个小女孩洗了一个勺子,然后将它放入了储物筐里。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的小女孩正在洗碗。", "一个穿着深色衣服的孩子在洗手池边劳动。", "一个穿黑色衣服的小女孩正在洗碗池前站着洗碗。", "一个年轻的女孩站在厨房里,把盘子放进洗碗机里,一个男人在讨论着。", "一个女孩正在水槽里冲洗掉餐具并将它们放入洗碗机中。", "一位父亲录下了女儿在洗碗的经过。", "一个女孩在洗涤槽里洗碗,然后把它放在储物柜里。", "一个年轻的女孩站在厨房的洗碗池边洗碗。" ]
[ "An oriental child is doing the dishes with headphones on as an adult drifts into the background and another child mumbles.", "A girl in a kitchen washing dishes while someone sings in the background.", "A young girl listens to headphones and sings along while washing dishes. An older family member and another young child wander into the shot.", "A female is on camera and is in the sink washing dishes.", "a young girl works in the sink and an adult walks by in the background", "The little girl is standing at the kitchen sink, as she sings along and grabs a bottle from the counter.", "Asian girl singing while washing dishes in the kitchen.", "A young girl sings while washing the dishes.", "A girl with earbuds in is doing dishes at a kitchen sink as someone else sings.", "A little girl is doing dishes while listening to music." ]
[ "一个小女孩在家里边唱着歌边刷碗。", "小孩子在水槽面前洗碗,耳朵里听着歌,嘴里唱着歌。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女孩戴着耳机站在桌子前。", "一个戴着耳机穿着长袖上衣的小女孩儿一边在唱歌儿手一边在动。", "在一个房间里,有一个小女孩,她扎着马尾辫,耳朵戴着耳麦。", "小女孩站在厨房的水槽边,一边唱歌一边从柜台上拿起一个瓶子。", "一个带耳机的女孩在厨房里一边唱歌一边洗盘子。", "一个小女孩,一边洗碗一边戴着耳机唱歌。", "一个戴着耳机的女孩正在厨房的水池里洗碗。", "在室内, 一个小女孩一边听音乐一边洗碗。" ]
[ "A child is washing a pot in the kitchen sink with a scrub brush.", "A little girl is scrubbing a pot in the kitchen sink while humming.", "A young girl is washing dishes and singing as she does it.", "a little girl inside of the kitchen washing dishes by herself", "A young girl in a stripped shirt sings as she washes the dishes.", "A girl places a pot in the sink and starts to scrub it.", "A little girl is standing at the kitchen sink scrubing a pot with a kitchen brush.", "A little girl is washing dishes at the sink for her parents.", "A girl stands at a kitchen sink and sings while she picks up and scrubs a pot with a brush.", "A girl is washing dishes in the kitchen sink and singing a song." ]
[ "一个穿条纹衣服的小女孩正在厨房里刷锅。", "一个胖胖的小女孩独自一人在厨房里洗碗。", "一个身穿黑白条纹上衣的小女孩正在厨房里洗着锅。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人在家里刷盆子。", "一个穿着条纹衣服的女孩正拿着刷子在厨房里刷锅。", "在厨房里,一个女孩在水槽里放了一个锅,开始擦洗它。", "一个小女孩站在厨房的水池旁用厨房刷子刷锅。", "一个小女孩在水池里给她们的父母洗碗。", "一个女孩站在厨房的水池前边唱歌边用刷子擦洗一个锅。", "一个女孩在厨房的水槽里洗碗,并且还在唱着一首歌。" ]
[ "A woman is standing in front of the counter in the kitchen.", "a woman standing in a office looking at something on the desk", "A person wearing a red jacket is standing inside the kitchen.", "A person is showing there house and a person with a red coat.", "A person is talking when the camera moves around a room, and a another person is facing a counter.", "A man is watching a young boy standing over the kitchen sink.", "A woman wearing a red shirt is shown in a kitchen in front of a window", "A woman is recorded, unbeknownst to her, as she washes dishes.", "A family together watching a man in a red cape washing dishes", "A person is shown in a kitchen as the camera pans right" ]
[ "在一个不大的厨房里,一个红衣服的人在做家务。", "一个穿红色衣服的人站在水槽前洗东西,边上有煤气灶。", "房间里一个穿着白色上衣的人站在桌子前。", "一个红色衣服的人站在对着窗户的桌旁。", "在一个房间里,有一个穿着红色上衣的人。那个人站在桌子旁边。", "一名男子在看着一个小男孩站在厨房的水池边。", "一名身穿红色衬衫的女子在窗户前的厨房里被展示出来。", "一个女人被记录了下来,但她不知情,因为她在洗碗。", "一个穿红色上衣的的男人在厨房洗碗。", "一个人面对着窗口在厨房忙碌做晚饭。" ]
[ "A tattooed man in a white tank top washes dishes in the kitchen sink.", "A man is in the kitchen washing dishes and talking with music in the background.", "A women in her kitchen washing dishes being narrated by another person.", "In a dark kitchen a man is running water and washing dishes.", "A man wearing a vest in a kitchen is washing dishes.", "A man washes dishes by hand in the dark as someone narrates.", "A man is cleaning a pan in the sink and talking about how filthy it is but never mentions how grainy his footage is.", "A man is standing at a sink and doing something in the sink.", "a man in the kitchen cleaning something in the sink.", "Someone is filming someone else washing something in a sink." ]
[ "一个身穿白色背心的短头发男人在房间里做家务。", "一个穿白色背心的男人正在厨房洗盘子。", "一个穿着白色背心的男子在厨房的洗碗池旁洗餐具。", "一个穿着白色背心的人在水池里洗着锅具。", "一个穿着白色背心的男人在水池上洗碗。", "当一个人开始叙述时,一个男人在黑暗中用手洗碗。", "一个男人正在清洗水槽里的平底锅。", "一个男人站在水池边,在水槽里做着什么。", "一个男人在厨房里清洗水槽里的东西。", "一个穿白色衣服的人正在水槽旁洗东西。" ]
[ "A couple of people are in the kitchen while one of them has some pots on the stove with something white in them.", "Two sisters are in their kitchen talking and one sister is cleaning the dishes and is surprising her sister by having pots on the stove with soap inside of them.", "A woman is standing at the sink washing dishes and something is on the stove in pots.", "A girl is wearing yellow gloves and is cooking food and cleaning.", "A woman stands in front of a stove where pots are bubbling over with water.", "The woman has two pots on the stove that are full of bubbling water.", "An adult woman prepares to wash dishes and has some with dishwater heating on stove.", "A lady wearing yellow gloves is washing dishes while some liquid is boiling on the sufuria", "A woman wearing yellow rubber gloves is washing dishes and cooking on the stove.", "A young woman is shown washing dishes while another woman asks her about the pots full of soapy water." ]
[ "一个女人手上戴着手套,两个锅里还有白色的物体。", "在一些厨房用具前面,一个女人在做东西,锅子里面有许多泡泡,另一个女人在和她说话。", "一个女孩戴着手套在刷碗,锅里全是泡沫。", "一个带着塑胶手套穿着黑色短袖的女子在房间里。", "一个戴着黄色塑胶手套的人在做饭。", "一个女人在炉子上放着两个烧开了水的锅。", "一位成年妇女准备洗碗,炉子上还有一些加热的洗碗水。", "一位戴黄色手套的女士正在洗碗,用一些洗洁精在洗碗。", "一位戴着黄色橡胶手套的妇女正在炉子上洗盘子和做饭。", "一个双手戴着手套的女人用手腕擦了一下脸,旁边的锅里满满的都是泡沫。" ]
[ "A woman works at the kitchen sink with a young girl.", "A woman and little girl are washing dishes by hand in the sink while the woman talks to her.", "A woman is washing dishes in the sink with a little girl", "A young girl stand on a stool and helps do dishes.", "A small girl is helping her mother wash the dishes.", "A young girl helps her mother washes dishes at the kitchen sink.", "Mother is washing dishes and talking to little daughter who takes the sponge and says something back as she squeezes the sponge.", "A woman allowing a little girl to help her wash dishes in a kitchen sink.", "A little girl and a woman are washing dishes in a sink.", "A young girl helps her mom wash dishes in the kitchen." ]
[ "一个穿着连衣裙的小女孩在和一个女人一起洗碗。", "一名女子在厨房刷盘子,一名小女孩在旁边帮忙。", "有个穿吊带的女子在洗盘子,边上还站了个小女孩。", "一个小孩儿和一个女人,一个小孩和一个女人正在厨房里洗碗。", "一个穿着浅粉色衣服的小女孩和一个穿着黑色衣服的女人,在洗着餐具。", "一个小女孩在厨房帮助妈妈清洗水槽里的碗。", "一个女子正在洗碗,旁边的小女孩拿着海绵,女子在和小女孩说话。", "一个女人在厨房的水槽里洗碗并允许旁边的小女孩一起帮忙。", "一个小女孩和一个女人正在水槽里用海绵洗碗。", "在室内,有一个女子和一个小孩正在擦洗盘子。" ]
[ "A young girl is standing on a stool washing dishes in a sink.", "A young child is cleaning the dishes in the sink.", "A little girl is standing on a chair doing dishes, while a cat meows in the background.", "A little girl helps out by washing some dishes and utensils.", "a young girl washes chopsticks, sets them in the sink, then begins washing a plate.", "A little girl is standing on a stool and she is washing a few dishes", "A little girl is standing at a sink doing dishes.", "A young girl washes dishes like a pro, she is very short and has a stool to stand on.", "Little girl standing on a stool at a sink doing the dishes.", "A child at a kitchen sink washing eating utensils and dishware while standing on a stool." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个小女孩,站在桌边洗碗。", "一个小女孩在厨房里站在凳子上在水池前洗碗筷。", "一个很矮的小女孩站在板凳上洗碗。", "一个穿背带裤的小女孩在水池边洗碗。", "厨房里,一个扎着头发的小女孩站在凳子上正在刷碗。", "一个小女孩正站在凳子上洗一些厨具。", "一个小女孩正站在洗碗池旁边洗碗。", "一位年轻的女孩像专业人士一样洗碗,用一个板凳站立起来。", "站立在凳子的小女孩在做盘子的水槽。", "一个小女孩在池子旁边用双手洗着餐具。" ]
[ "Someone is adjusting some dishes on a dishpan or bucket, then washing or rinsing another dish in a sink.", "A young boy washing and dishes and putting them in a dish drainer.", "A little boy is trying to get a bowl to sit properly to drain while he's washing dishes.", "A person puts a white bowl into a tub and then rinses another dish.", "A child putting a bowl in a container and he opens the faucet and wash some more.", "A little boy is rinsing dishes in a sink and stacking bowls in a bucket.", "A boy is taking dishes from a plastic bucket and running them under the sink faucet.", "A man washing dishes as hes trying to sort them out on a sink", "A young male toddler is washing the dishes inside of the kitchen.", "Two bowls are put into a drying pan and then a plate is washed." ]
[ "一个人在洗手台上清洗餐具,并将盘里的餐具摆放好。", "一个小孩在厨房里将洗完碗放在篮子里。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人在一个黄色的东西里翻一个白色的东西。", "一个小孩子正在把蓝色和白色的碗放进一个黄色的盒子里。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在水管前刷碗。", "一个小男孩正在水槽前洗碗碟,并把洗过的碗放在水桶里。", "一个男孩正在从一个塑料桶里拿盘子,然后在水龙头的水龙头下面冲洗。", "一个洗碗的人正试图把碗排在水槽上。", "一个穿着白色背心的男孩儿正在厨房里洗碗。", "一个人把两个碗放入一个干燥的盘子里,然后清洗一个盘子。" ]
[ "A young girl is in the kitchen washing dishes and singing to herself.", "A young boy cleans dishes in the kitchen while singing a little.", "A young boy appears to be doing dishes in a kitchen with his back to the camera as he talks.", "A young person is standing and singing while doing something at a sink.", "A small boy working on the sink by washing some vessels", "A young child does dishes at the sink while singing a song.", "A small child is singing a song while washing the dishes.", "A young boy does some dishes and sings a song to himself.", "A kids is faced towards the sink with his hands in the sink while talking.", "In a kitchen,a small kid is washing the dishes while speaking." ]
[ "一个身穿T恤和短裤的人站在一个桌子前干活。", "在房间里一个穿着短裤的小孩趴在桌子上面。", "在房间里,一个小男孩一边拿东西,一边唱歌。", "一个穿白衣服的孩子站在洗碗池前洗碗。", "昏暗的房间内,一个小男孩,站在水池边洗碗。", "一个小孩在厨房水池边听着音乐洗碗。", "一个小孩子在洗碗的同时一边唱着歌。", "一个小男孩洗碗唱歌给自己听。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小孩把手插进水槽里。", "一个穿着白色短袖和格子短裤的小孩在厨房刷碗。" ]
[ "An older woman is filling several pots and jars with water, she then washes some dishes in the sink. .", "The elderly woman gets water from the faucet and uses the water to wash dishes with.", "A woman fills up a bottle of water and then puts it in a tea kettle, then does dishes.", "An old woman fills water into a bottle, pours the water into the tea kettle, pours the water out of the tea kettle and then washes the dishes.", "A woman performs several chores around the house including washing the dishes.", "A woman fills a kettle with water, drains the kettle and washes dishes.", "A woman shuts a door, gets water in a jug and does some dishes.", "An older woman heats water in a tea kettle to use washing dishes.", "An elderly lady is washing the dishes and making tea.", "A door closes and then a bottle is filled with water and dishes are washed." ]
[ "一位奶奶用一个塑料瓶接水。然后把接好的水倒入一个水壶。最后把水倒进了洗碗池。", "一个白发老太太在家里烧好水,把洗碗布搓好肥皂准备洗碗。", "一个戴着眼镜,穿着花衣服的老人在洗盆具。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个女人正在刷碗。", "一个穿着黑色花衣服的人正在水管前洗碗。", "一个女人拿着水杯在装水,然后倒在了水壶里。", "一个女人关上了门,并接了一罐水倒进水壶中。", "一位戴眼镜的老年妇女用茶壶加热水洗碗。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的老太太在洗碗。", "一个白发老太太打开水龙头,向塑料瓶子里接水,再把水倒入了茶壶中,最后把茶壶中的水倒入洗漱池,用抹布刷盘子。" ]
[ "Closeup of a person hand washing the dishes in the kitchen sink.", "A man is washing dishes in his kitchen sink and rinsing them off under a water purifier.", "A man demonstrates washing a dirty plate in the sink.", "A man is in a kitchen and showing how to wash a plate with a sponge.", "A white water filter is placed on a sink to purify the water.", "A man washes dishes in a sink that has a water filtration system on it.", "A man is washing dishes and using a filter to rinse them off.", "A man washes a plate in the sink, using a water spout that has a Pur water filter attached.", "A man uses a sponge to wash the dishes as he explains the process.", "A man is showing his technique for cleaning a dinner plate and then rinsing it off under a kitchen tap." ]
[ "一个穿着短袖上衣的人在房间里清洗盘子。", "一个男人正在水池旁刷刚用过的盘子。", "一个穿深色衣服的男人在厨房里洗碗。", "一个短头发的人把盘子擦了一下后,打开机器的水冲刷。", "一个男人,在厨房里用清洁海绵刷盘子,之后打开水龙头用水清洁盘子。", "一个男人在装有过滤系统的水龙头下洗碗。", "一个男的正在洗碗并用水把它冲洗干净。", "一名男子在水槽里洗一个盘子,用一个装有净水过滤器的水龙头。", "当他解释这个过程时,一个男人用海绵洗碗。", "一个男人正在一个水槽里清洗一个餐盘。" ]
[ "A girl was thought how to wash the glass bowl with the sponge and soap", "A man holds up a dirty bowl and encourages a young child to scrub it clean.", "A young child id helping someone by washing the inside of a dish with a sponge.", "A man focuses on scrubbing a bowl with a young girl next to him.", "A man is helping a little girl clean a bowl as they are washing dishes.", "A man and a boy are demonstrating the art of washing dishes.", "A man holds up a dish while a child scrubs the dish with a sponge.", "A man shows a young girl how to wash dishes in a kitchen.", "A child and a man with soap bubbles on their chins, the man is holding a soapy bowl while the boy scrubs it with a sponge", "A man helps a young child wash out a bowl using a sponge." ]
[ "一个大人正在给一个小孩让他洗碗。", "一个蓝衣服男人正和一个小孩子一起刷碗,男人带着眼睛站在小孩子身后。", "在一个房间里,一个人拿着碗另一个人正在拿东西扫。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个穿蓝色衣服的人在和孩子在做事情。", "一个穿着蓝色短袖戴着眼镜的男人和一个小孩在刷碗。", "一个男人正在教一个小孩怎么刷碗。", "在一个房间里面,一个男子端起了一个盘子, 那个小孩在洗着。", "一个男人向一位年轻的女孩展示如何在厨房里洗碗。", "一个男人和一个女孩正在拿着一个东西刷着碗。", "一个男人帮助一个小孩用海绵冲洗碗。" ]
[ "Two kids in the kitchen are trying to get something from the sink", "few kids helping in cleaning the kitchen using kitchen towels", "A boy and a girl play in a sink in a kitchen with paper towels.", "Two young children are standing in front of a sink, one of them has one hand in the sink.", "a group of children together trying to wash dishes as their father talks to them about using towels", "Two children are washing objects in a kitchen sink in a house.", "A little boy and girl are making a project in the kitchen sink.", "Two children are standing on stools in the kitchen cleaning something in the sink together.", "Two children are in a kitchen and one is reaching in the sink.", "The little girl and the little boy are playing with water in the kitchen sink." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个小男孩和一个小女孩,在桌边玩耍。", "在房间里,有两个小孩子在打扫卫生。", "两名儿童在自己的家的厨房中打扫卫生。", "两个穿浅色衣服的人在水里玩花朵。", "在一个房子里面,有一个女孩和一个穿着红色上衣的男孩。", "两个孩子正在厨房清洗水槽里的物品。", "一个小男孩和一个小女孩正在厨房的水池里做一些什么东西。", "两个小孩站在厨房的凳子上,清洗水池里的东西。", "两个孩子在厨房里,一个在玩水,另一个拿了一条毛巾。", "小女孩和小男孩正在厨房的水池里玩水。" ]
[ "A man letting a little girl spray off the dishes in a sink while he holds her.", "man showing little girl how to wash dish in a sink", "A little toddler girl standing with her dad, while he washes dishes.", "A young girl is holding a faucet attachment while a man is washing dishes.", "A girl is helping a man clean dishes using a water sprayer.", "A man playing with his little girl at the kitchen sink.", "A toddler is helping her dad spray off dishes.", "A father and his toddler daughter are standing in front of a kitchen sink doing the dishes together.", "A father is in the kitchen with a baby girl washing the sink.", "A man is washing the dishes while holding a girl on his lap." ]
[ "一个男人一边带着孩子,一边洗着碗筷。", "一个短头发男人和一个短头发女孩在做家务。", "一个男人抱着小女孩在水池旁边洗杯子。", "一位男士抱着一个小女孩在水池旁玩水。", "一个小女孩在举着喷头帮助着男士洗杯子。", "一个男人在厨房的水槽里帮助另一个小女孩一起刷碗。", "一个小孩子正拿着喷头向碗上洒水,而一个男人在洗碗。", "一位父亲和他的幼儿女儿站在厨房的水池前一起洗碗。", "一位父亲正在厨房里教一个女婴在清洗水槽。", "一个男人让一下小女孩站着他前边洗碗。" ]
[ "A person washing the cooking utensils and pots at a kitchen sink.", "A time lapse of someone wearing a blue shirt and washing several dishes in a sink.", "A person is washing dishes in a double sink and then putting the dishes in a drainer.", "A person washes multiple dishes until they are done with them.", "A person moves around pots and kitchen utensils as they wash them in the sink.", "A man is washing dishes at a sink and placing them into a drying rack.", "A person washes dishes in a sink in fast motion in silence.", "A person is washing the dishes in a kitchen", "A person is washing, rinsing and putting dishes in the drainer.", "A person speed cleans a lot of dirty dishes in a split sink." ]
[ "一个人站在水池边快速的清洗餐具。", "一个人正在快速地演示着清理厨房餐具的过程。", "一个男人站在水池前,将锅碗瓢盆一一清洗干净。", "一双手正在池子里不停的刷试着碗筷。", "有一个人站在水池旁边一直在清洗一些盘子和碗。", "一个男人正在水槽里洗碗,然后把它们放进晾水架里。", "一个人在沉默中快速地在水池里洗碗。", "一个人站在水龙头旁边用抹布清洗着里面的餐具。", "一个人正在洗碗、洗碗, 把盘子放在排水池里。", "一个人正在清理水槽中的很多脏盘子。" ]
[ "A woman stands at a kitchen sink, washes dishes and puts them in a drainer.", "A woman in a small clutter filled kitchen demonstrates the lost art of hand washing dishes.", "A woman is washing dishes by hand in a small kitchen sink.", "A woman places a plate in the dishrack and turns to clean a pan.", "A smiling woman is standing in a kitchen at the sink washing a white plate, then a red pot while music plays loudly.", "A woman doing the dishes with music playing in the background.", "A woman stands in a kitchen doing dishes while music plays.", "A woman puts a plate in a dish drainer and then begins to wash a pan in the sink.", "A woman is seen washing dishes and placing them in the drying rack.", "A woman stands in a kitchen cleaning dishes and laying them on a rack to dry." ]
[ "一个女人听着音乐在刷水池中的盘子,洗干净后,将它们摆放整齐。", "一个女人正在厨房里面洗碗,先将一个盘子放在架子上滤水,然后刷锅。", "一个男人在厨房里听着音乐洗盘子洗碗。", "一个穿着黑色上衣,戴着眼镜的女子站在水池边洗碗。", "一个女人将盘子从水中捞起放入另一个池子,接着在洗一个红色的小奶锅。", "当音乐开始播放时,一个女人正站在水槽前刷碗。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人站在厨房里洗碗。", "一名女子将盘子放在洗碗机里, 然后开始在水池里洗平底锅。", "一个女人洗碗并将它们放在晾架上面。", "一个穿着黑色衣服,戴着眼镜的女子正在清洗着盘具。" ]
[ "A woman in a kitchen is washing dishes in a sink.", "A person is standing with a foaming basin at the sink washing dishes.", "A woman is in a kitchen, washing dishes in a tub of soapy water", "A lady with white top is washing the dishes in the soap and then rinse on the tap", "A woman is washing dishes in a tub in the sink and rinsing them in the other sink.", "A fat lady in a blue beanie is washing a green bowl in the sink.", "A fat lady in a white shirt is doing dishes with epic music playing in the background.", "A woman is washing a bowl, in a white tub filled with soapy water in a kitchen.", "An overweight woman washes dishes in her kitchen sink slowly.", "A woman washes a plate in the sink and then rinses it off." ]
[ "在一个明亮的厨房,一个女人正在刷碗。", "一个人先用泡沫洗碗再用清水冲洗。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在清洗着盘子。", "一个穿着白色上衣戴着蓝色帽子的男人刷着白色的盘子。", "明亮的房间内,一个女人,在水池内,刷洗餐具。", "一个戴着蓝色帽子的女人正在洗手池中洗一个绿色的碗。", "一位身穿白衬衫的胖女士正在洗盘子, 背景中播放着音乐。", ": 一个女人正在洗碗,把手放在一个装满肥皂水的白色浴盆里。", "一个超重的女人慢慢地在厨房的水槽里洗碗。", "一个女子在厨房的水槽里洗着一个绿色盘子,然后用水冲洗干净。" ]
[ "Video of a teenager washing a pan in her sink with a scrubber and a sink full of soap.", "A person is cleaning dishes with a sponge in a faucet", "A young female is washing a pot in a soap and water.", "A girl is using a sponge to scrub a pan with soap at a sink.", "A woman washes dishes in her white sink as she has a conversation with someone.", "A woman is running the kitchen tap while washing the dishes.", "A person is standing in front of a sink and is washing a large pot", "A man and a young wash dishes and talk about washing them.", "A blind, until the camera moves to show a woman washing up", "A guy is conversing with a girl, while she is doing the dishes." ]
[ "一个女人和一个男人在厨房里聊天,女人正在洗锅。", "一个漂亮的女人在厨房边跟人说活边洗锅。", "一个留着长发的人站在水池边清洗东西。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个人正在刷碗。", "一个人拿着一块海绵在刷一个黑色的锅。", "一个女人在厨房里开着水龙头洗碗。", "一个女人站在水槽前清洗一个厨具。", "一个男人和一个年轻人洗盘子,并在聊天。", "一个长头发的女人在厨房里拿着抹布洗碗。", "一个男的在洗碗的时候正在和一个女孩子聊天。" ]
[ "Two women wash dishes outdoors while a man pumps water for them", "A group of people are bent over washing tin dishes.", "People are standing around outside and washing something with water.", "One guy is pumping water out so that two girls can rinse and wash out the dishes.", "A group is talking about a 100 mile hike that they had just finished.", "Two women clean pots with water as a man stands and watches.", "Three people are washing up their camping dishes at a campsite.", "Two women and a man pump water and clean metal pots outdoors", "A group of hikers talk about how much they hiked while using a water faucet to clean their containers.", "A family drinks water after what appears to be a really lengthy hike." ]
[ "一个戴着帽子穿着蓝色衣服的男子在挤压水。", "一个男子从水井里打水出来给两个女子洗碗。", "一个男人在压水井边压水,两个女人用压出来的水洗碗。", "一个穿着蓝色短袖的男子压水,边上有两个女子清洗东西。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有两个女人和一个男人在井旁边。男人正在打水。", "在草坪上,几个人在水龙头下清洗着餐具。", "三个人正在一个营地洗他们吃饭的工具。", "两名妇女和一名男子在户外抽水和清洁金属锅。", "一群徒步者他们在用水龙头清洗容器。", "一个家庭在室外的草地上用水管在清洗锅碗。" ]
[ "Someone is standing in front a a sink and scrubbing dishes.", "A person does dishes as a man sings in the background.", "In a kitchen some one is washing and rinsing dishes.", "Man sings while washing dishes in a white sink next to a dishdrainer full of cups.", "A man is singing while doing the dishes in a sink.", "A person stands at a kitchen sink while washing dishes.", "A man sings while he is filmed doing the dishes in a kitchen.", "Someone is scrubbing a pot in a sink fuull of dirty water.", "Person stands at kitchen sink, scrubs narrow object, rinses object and places in pot of water.", "Someone is washing dishes and rinsing them in both sides of the sink." ]
[ "一个蓝色裤子的人站着在洗东西,桌子上有一些杯子。", "一个人在厨房里用水认真地清洗餐具。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在清洗着东西。", "一个男人正站在一个水池边洗碗刷锅。", "在一个明亮的厨房里,一个人正在洗东西。", "一个人正站在厨房的水槽旁边洗碗。", "一个男子在厨房里一边唱歌一边洗碗。", "一个人在水槽的脏水里清洗厨房用具,并把洗干净的用具投到装有干净水的锅中。", "一个穿牛仔裤的人正在厨房里用手洗碗。", "一个人正在水槽里清洗东西,一边清洁,一边清水涮。" ]
[ "A young girl is washing dishes while a woman thanks her for her effort.", "a young child is washing dishes in sink with water", "A little girl is standing at the sink and runs a cup under the faucet.", "A little girl is helping to wash the dishes in the sink.", "A little girl washes the dishes while her mother off screen thanks her.", "A mom asks their young daughter if they helping wash the dishes.", "A girl is washing dishes while a woman talks to her and thanks her.", "A child with a pacifier is show putting dishes in the sink.", "The baby had a pacifier in her mouth while she attempted to wash the dishes.", "A little girl stood beside the sink and wash the dishes" ]
[ "一个戴着奶嘴的小女孩在接水清洗厨具。", "一个女孩叼着奶嘴在洗碗台边洗碗。", "一个咬着奶嘴的小女孩正在厨房里认真地刷洗餐具。", "一个含着奶嘴的小女孩正站在洗碗池洗东西。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个小孩正在刷碗。", "一位母亲再问她的女儿是否要帮忙洗碗。", "一个女孩正在洗碗, 而另一个女人在和她说话并感谢她。", "一个孩子拿着奶嘴往洗碗槽里倒碗碟。", "婴儿在尝试洗碗的时候嘴里含着奶嘴。", "一个短发的小女孩站在水槽的旁边洗碗。" ]
[ "A man is washing dishes at a kitchen sink and rapping a tune while tapping a fork on a pan bottom.", "A boy is washing a pot and using it as an drum and singing.", "A teenage boy sings a song while scrubbing a skillet then uses a fork to pound on the bottom of the pan while singing.", "A boy sings and bangs on a skillet with a fork while washing dishes.", "a boy looks at the camera and talks while cleaning a pan", "A young man is making a song while washing dishes.", "a person in the kitchen doing the dishes and banging on a pan", "Young man, washing a skillet, drops the sponge and picks up a fork to beat on the pan bottom while singing.", "A man makes a song and dance out of washing dishes in the sink.", "A young boy recording himself singing a while washing the dishes." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在唱着歌敲打平底锅。", "一个男人一边唱歌一边洗锅,然后拿起旁边的叉子敲打锅底当伴奏。", "一个人刷着碗唱着歌,并敲起了锅。", "一个穿黑色衣服的黑人男子正在用叉子敲打平底锅的锅底。", "一个人用叉子敲打着一个盆有节奏地摇晃着身体。", "一个男人在洗平底锅时敲打着并跳起了舞。", "一个男人在厨房里洗锅的时候,拿起锅和叉子敲打锅的底部,一边唱着歌。", "年轻人清洗煎锅后,扔下海绵,拿起叉子,边唱歌边敲打着锅底。", "一个男人在洗碗池里洗碗的时候唱歌跳舞。", "一个年轻男孩在洗碗的时候唱歌并摆动着身体。" ]
[ "A young child is washing a spoon in the sink and reaches for the dish soap.", "A boy is cleaning a spoon at a kitchen sink.", "A little boy uses soap and water to wash a spoon in the sink.", "A boy at a sink demonstrates how to wash a spoon in the sink.", "Over a kitchen sink, a little boy is cleaning a spoon, using dish soap and water.", "A boy holding a spoon over a sink with running water reaches and grabs the dish washing soap", "A kid is playing with water and soap in the sink in the kitchen.", "A boy turns on the water and picks up the dish soap in preparation of washing a spoon.", "a little boy in red pajamas stands in front of a sink in a kitchen", "A little boy washes a spoon in the sink of a kitchen." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个小男孩,在水池边玩耍。", "一个可爱的小男孩在水池里洗勺子,拿起洗洁精。", "在一个房子里。一个穿着红色衣服的小男孩正在洗了她的勺子。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小男孩正在水池旁边洗东西。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人正在水管上冲勺子。", "一个小男孩正在水槽前拿着一把勺子,另一只手抓住洗碗肥皂。", "一个身穿红花衣服的小孩子在水管那洗勺子。", "一个男孩打开水,拾起洗碗液,准备清洗一个勺子。", "一个穿着红色睡衣的小男孩在水龙头前清洗勺子。", "一个小男孩正在厨房的水龙头旁边洗一把勺子。" ]
[ "A girl is singing and dancing along to a song as she is washing dishes in the kitchen sink.", "A girl is standing at the kitchen sink dancing and singing to some background music.", "A girl dances to music while standing in front of a sink.", "A girl is cleaning the dishes and dancing along to a song while she is.", "Girl is at the kitchen sink washing something as music is playing in the background for which she sings and dances a little to the song.", "a woman in the kitchen cleaning dishes and dancing by herself", "A woman is standing in a kitchen and dancing to music while cleaning dishes.", "A girl dances in her kitchen while she washes dishes.", "A female is in the kitchen washing dishes and dancing.", "A girl is doing dishes and dancing along with a song playing in the background." ]
[ "一个赤脚的女孩在厨房里一边洗着碗,一边唱着歌,还一边扭着舞蹈。", "一个女人在厨房的洗碗池旁边听着音乐唱着歌跳着舞。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在跳动着做事。", "一个女子在厨房里一边刷碗一边随着音乐进行扭动跳舞。", "一个光脚的女人一边洗碗一边跟着音乐大声地唱着歌和舞动着身体。", "一个女人在厨房里自己洗碗和跳舞。", "一名女子站在厨房里,一边洗碗,一边随着音乐跳舞。", "一个女孩一边洗盘子, 一边在厨房里跳舞。", "厨房里有一位女性在一边洗碗一边跳舞。", "一个女孩在厨房里边听音乐跳舞边洗碗。" ]
[ "A woman is rinsing and washing the dishes as a man commentates on what she's doing.", "A woman is standing in front of the sink washing the dishes, while a man talks to her.", "A man and a woman are giving instructions on how to clean dishes.", "A young girl takes a plate and puts it over a sink before beginning to wash a dish.", "Someone getting ready to wash dishes in a kitchen.", "A woman washes a pile of dishes in a pan of soapy water in a sink.", "A young girl is doing the dishes and something is said about rinsing them.", "A long-haired woman is loudly washing stacks of dishes in a kitchen.", "A large stack of dishes is on the counter, a woman is cleaning them", "A women is washing dishes and cutlery in the kitchen" ]
[ "一个女人将一个装有食物的圆盘放到了一边。", "女子在洗碗池旁边洗盘子没用洗涤剂。", "一个长发的女人正在桌子前洗盘子。", "一个穿着红色吊带裙的女人正在洗一叠绿色的盘子。", "一个穿着话衣服的人正在水管前面洗碗。", "一个女人在一个水槽里用肥皂水洗一堆盘子。", "一个年轻的女孩正在洗碗,一边和旁边的人聊着天。", "一个长头发的女人在厨房大声地洗一堆盘子。", "一个女孩儿正在厨房洗碗池里清洗很多盘子。", "一个年轻的长发女子在厨房里收拾餐具。" ]
[ "A woman and a young toddler are standing at a sink washing dishes.", "A woman and her child stand at the kichen counter doing something together.", "A woman trying to dish food for her baby who is sitting on a chair", "A young child standing on a chair in the kitchen next to a woman.", "A woman standing at a counter talking to a child who is standing in a chair.", "A woman works around a toddler that is standing on a chair pretending to help in the kitchen.", "Mother and young son face the counter, and mother reaches over standing behind boy.", "A baby is in front of a sink with an adult next to them.", "A woman stands at a sink as her toddler stands on a chair helping to wash the dishes.", "A woman appears to be washing dishes next to a baby that is standing on a chair." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的女人和一个小孩正在洗碗。", "房间内,一名身穿白色上衣的女人再给小男孩儿洗手。", "一个穿白上衣的女人正在帮凳子上站着的小男孩拿东西。", "在室内,一个女子和一个小孩站在桌子面前。", "在一个房间里,有一个大人和一个小宝宝。", "一个女人围着一个站在椅子上假装在厨房里帮忙干活的孩子。", "一个穿着白色衣服的的女子带着一个孩子对着柜台站着。", "一个婴儿在一个水池前, 旁边有一个成年人。", "一个女人站在一个水池旁,她的蹒跚学步的孩子站在椅子上帮助洗碗。", "一名婴儿站在椅子上站在一个女士旁边洗碗。" ]
[ "In a kitchen of a house, a man is explaing how to clean dishes in an easier way.", "A young kid is washing dishes in a kitchen sink.", "A young man washing dishes from a very full sink of dirty dishes.", "A man is showing the dirty dishes and a young boy is doing them.", "A man is showcasing a young boy wash dishes inside of the kitchen.", "A person cleans dishes in a metal sink with two compartments.", "A person is talking in the background while a boy is washing a sink full of dishes.", "A boy wipes a spoon with a sponge in front of a sink full of dishes.", "A man speaking an Asian language films his kitchen sink and a younger person doing the dishes.", "A kid is washing dishes in a sink and there is a man speaking in a foreign language in the background." ]
[ "一男子在家介绍家里的碗筷,小孩子拿着洗碗布洗碗。", "一个小孩用海绵洗着水槽里的碗筷。", "一个手上有纹身的小孩站在水池边洗东西。", "一个穿黑色马甲的孩子正在厨房洗碗。", "水池里放着许多锅碗瓢盆,一个小孩拿着洗碗布正在洗勺子。", "一个人在一个有两个隔间的金属水槽里清洗餐具。", "一个人在后面说话,而一个男孩正在洗一个装满盘子的水槽。", "一个男孩用海绵擦拭勺子放在一个满是盘子的水槽前面。", "一个说亚洲语言的人在厨房教一个年轻人洗碗。", "一个孩子正在水池边洗碗, 背景中有一个男人在讲话。" ]
[ "People are singing in the background and the women are wearing coverings on their heads.", "People sit around and sing a song together inside a building.", "In a church, several people sit while others kneel and pray to a song.", "Women are kneeling down washing two men's feet in a bowl.", "Men, women in head scarves, and children sit in a room and sing.", "A group of people are sitting in a room together and singing.", "A group of people are sitting on chairs while a group plays music and sings in the background.", "A woman knelt before a man pulling of his shoe and a lady brought towel to the front of another man", "Men are having their feet soaked while women sing and help them with towels.", "A group of people are preparing for a special occasion." ]
[ "一个女人在给一个男人洗脚,旁边有不少人在排队。", "在一排排长凳上坐着很多人,大家唱着歌曲,有的人戴着头巾。", "一群人在教堂里歌唱,有人坐着,有人站着。", "在明亮的室内,一群人坐在长椅上聊天。", "在一个房间里面放了很多的长椅子,一群人坐在椅子上面说着话。", "一群人一起坐在一个房间里唱歌,然后两个女人给一个男人洗脚。", "几个女人正蹲在地上帮男人们洗着脚。", "一名女子跪在一名男子面前拉着鞋子, 一名女士将毛巾带到另一名男子面前。", "一群人正在唱着歌,男人们坐在凳子上,女人则在为他们洗脚。", "一群人正在为一个特别的场合做准备。" ]
[ "A priest is washing the feet of a sitting parishioner.", "A priest is washing the feet of a believer in the front row of the audience.", "A priest is on his knees and washing a man's feet.", "A priest washes the feet of one of several guys who are sitting in chairs.", "A religious ceremony of washing the disciples' feet is taking place in a church.", "A priest is washing the feet of some men and boys who are sitting in a row of chairs in front of him.", "A clergyman in robes washes a parishoner's feet while he sits on a pew.", "A clergyman washes the feet of a man sitting on a chair, in a row with others.", "A robed clergyman kneels on the floor and washes the foot of a seated man.", "A man squat at the feet on one of the men sitting and washed it in a bowl" ]
[ "一个头发花白身着一身白衣的老人在给一排坐着人其中一个洗脚。", "一个教士模样的老人再给一群六个有老有少的男人洗脚。", "一个老人蹲在地上给坐在凳子上的男子按摩聊。", "一个年级较大的男人正在给另一个男人洗脚,旁边一群人在观看。", "一个穿着白色袍子的长者正在给一个年轻人擦脚。", "一位牧师正在洗一些坐在他面前一排椅子上人的脚。", "一个穿着长袍的牧师依次给坐在长凳上的人们洗脚。", "一位牧师洗了一个男人的脚,有几个人在旁边坐着。", "一个穿着长袍的牧师跪在地上,洗了一个正在坐着的男人的脚。", "一个男人蹲在地上为另一名男子洗脚。" ]
[ "A group of people are having their feet washed at a religious ceremony.", "Women are sitting and putting their feet in metal bowls.", "Several people sit in chairs as other men wash their feet in bowls.", "A group of clergymen are washing the feet of a group of churchgoers.", "A man washes seated parishioners feet with a bowl at a ceremony", "A priest sets up to wash the feet of members of the congregation.", "A group of people are sitting on stage in a row, while a group of boys place bowls of water by their feet.", "The boys are washing the feet of older folks at a church function.", "A group of people are standing in front of a group of people sitting down with bowls in front of their feet.", "A row of people place their feet into metal bowls while church music plays." ]
[ "有一群人坐在位置上,有一些穿着白色衣服的男子拿着银色的盆准备,位置上的人把脚放进盆里。", "在室内,一群人正在帮另一群人洗脚。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个男人正在给另一个洗脚。", "有几个人坐成一排,有一排穿白色衣服的人跪了下来。", "凳子上坐着一排人,他们的对面跪着一排人拿着盆子放到地上,有人把脚放在盆子里。", "一位牧师正在准备给洗礼会众成员洗脚。", "一群人坐在舞台上,一群男孩在他们脚下放水盆。", "孩子们正在教堂的一次活动中洗老人的脚。", "在一个房间里面,一群人正在给另外一群人洗脚。", "一排人在教堂音乐播放的时候, 把脚放进金属碗里。" ]
[ "A person appears to be washing clothes using her feet while in the shower.", "A woman cleans a pile of clothes by standing on them in water and soap.", "A person with painted toe nails is stepping on cloth making suds come out into the drain.", "A female individual standing in a shower washing several wash cloths with her feet.", "A woman is standing in a bubble filled shower and stepping on clothes.", "A person steps on clothing, washing with soap using their feet.", "A person is washing laundry in a shower using their feet and soap.", "A woman washes a mound of clothes on a shower floor, stepping on them and squeezing them.", "A woman in a shower washing clothes with her feet.", "A person is using both feets to wash laundry while stomping in the shower." ]
[ "一个涂着红色脚指甲油的人正在用脚踩衣服。", "有个女人正在用脚按压一堆衣服,衣服上面有很多的泡沫。", "一个人光着脚在池子里用脚洗衣服。", "一个没有穿鞋子的人,他的两个脚在踩着水池里的衣服。", "一个脚上涂着红色指甲油的女人在光着脚踩衣服。", "一个人正在一个池子里用双脚踩踏着一些衣服。", "一个人正在浴室里用脚来踩他的衣服。", "一个女人在淋浴的地板上洗了一大堆衣服,踩在上面,挤压着她们。", "一个女人正在水槽里用脚踩衣服,里面全是泡沫。", "一个人用脚在踩不同颜色的衣服,衣服上有泡沫。" ]
[ "There are feet being washed in preparation for either an Islamic wedding or religious ceremony.", "A person preps a bucket and then washes the feet of another in it.", "A person places their foot in a metal tub as another person wipes it with a towel.", "While a man chants someone is shown washing another's feet in a bowl.", "A baby is baptised with water from a metal bowl by a priest in white vestments.", "A person puts their foot in a silver bucket which is covered by a towel.", "A person getting their feet washed at at religious ceremony", "A man is speaking through a microphone while women wash the feet of several people.", "Someone is washing the feet of another person during a religious ceremony.", "A group of people perform a religious foot washing ceremony." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,有一个人,把脚放入盆子里,旁边几个人,在给那个人洗脚。", "看见几个穿白色衣服的人,一个人的脚放在一个水盆里面,有人拿着一块布。", "一群穿着白色衣服的人聚在一起,一个拿着布,一个拿着罐子,还有一个伸出了脚。", "一个房间里,一个人正在替别人洗脚。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人拿着一块布在给另外一个人擦脚。", "一个人把脚放在了银色的水桶里然后用毛巾盖住了脚。", "一个在宗教仪式上被别人洗脚的人。", "一个男人正在用麦克风讲话,而女人则为好几个人洗脚。", "在宗教仪式上有人正在洗另一个人的脚。", "一群穿着白色长裙的人,正在参加宗教的洗脚仪式。" ]
[ "Several monks and priests dressed in white robes participate in a foot washing while some sing in the background.", "A religious official is washing and kissing someone't foot.", "A religious ceremony is taking place consisting of a clergy man washing the feet of others.", "A priest is bending over and rubbing and kissing a young man's feet.", "A priest is washing something in a mass while others sing a chant.", "A Catholic priest washes the feet of an altar boy.", "A priest bends down and splashes his face with water, then stands back up.", "A catholic priest is performing a ceremony of washing the foot of another clergyman while religious music is playing and others are looking on.", "A priest washes a cloth in a basin of water", "A priest wipes a mans foot with a towel and then kisses it." ]
[ "一个男人正在帮另一个擦脚,并且亲吻另一个人的脚。", "一个戴着粉色帽子的老爷爷在给一个人擦完脚后亲吻了一下。", "一个戴眼镜穿白色衣服的老人将手中的食物吃完后,把盘子递给了身边的人。", "一个戴眼镜的人,另一个人擦脚还亲吻了一下。", "一个人蹲在地上在给另一个人洗脚并闻了一下。", "一位天主教父双手拿着毛巾在给一个人擦脚。", "一群穿着白大褂的人其中一个人给另一个人擦脚。", "一位天主教牧师正在举行一个仪式,为另一位牧师洗脚,而宗教音乐正在播放,其他人则在旁观。", "一位戴红色帽子的牧师拿着布给另一个人洗脚。", "一位男子正在给另一位男子洗脚,随后亲吻了他的脚。" ]
[ "Man on his knees bathing someones feet that is in a wheelchair.", "A man removes someone's foot from a tub of water and then begins to dry it.", "A human is washing another humans feet who is in a wheelchair.", "A man on his knees gives a foot bath to lady in a wheel chair.", "A man washes the feet of another person in a religious ceremony.", "A person is washing another person's right foot in a bowl.", "A woman in a wheel chair is shown getting her feet washed in a tub of water.", "A man washes the foot of a woman in a wheelchair while at a church service.", "Somebody is cleaning off somebody's elses foot over a bucket before moving the bucket away and preparing to wipe down the foot with a towel.", "a person holding a towel and then taking a persons foot out of water to dry" ]
[ "一位男子正在给坐在轮椅上的人洗脚。", "一个人在小心翼翼地给坐在轮椅上的人洗脚。", "一个男人小心翼翼的给坐着轮椅的女人洗脚。", "一个身穿白衣的人正在给别人洗脚。", "一个男人拿着毛巾在给另一个人擦脚。", "一个人正跪坐在地上给另一个坐在轮椅上的人洗脚。", "一个人正在给一个坐在轮椅上的女子洗脚。", "一个男人在教堂礼拜时洗了一个坐在轮椅上的女人的脚。", "一个人正跪在地上给另一个人洗脚。", "一个人拿着毛巾,然后把人脚从水里晾干。" ]
[ "A man is on the floor on his knees washing another person's feet with water and a washcloth.", "A person massages another person's bare foot while looking down.", "A seated person in a religious ceremony getting his feet washed by someone kneeling in front of him.", "A man washes a person's foot with a bowl of water while music plays.", "A man kneels down to wash another mans feet with water.", "A priest washes a man's feet before a religious quote appears.", "A man washes the feet of another man as Jesus did to demonstrate humility.", "A man kneels on the ground and washes another man's feet with a bowl of water.", "A man is washing another's feet in a church service.", "A man knelt down in front of a foot and begins massaging the foot." ]
[ "一个短头发男人跪在地上给另一个人洗脚。", "一个男人正在给一个人洗完脚后擦脚。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的人拿着蓝色的布子给人擦脚。", "一个男子拿着另一个人的脚,地上放了两个盆。", "一个人用双手按摩着另一个人的一只脚,旁边放着一盆水。", "一个神父正在给一个坐着的人洗脚,然后出现了一个标语。", "一个男人正在帮另一个男人洗着脚。", "一个男人跪在地上,用一个盆子里的水冲洗另一个男人的脚。", "一个男人在教堂礼拜时替另一个人洗脚。", "一名男子跪在一只脚前,开始按摩足部。" ]
[ "a woman sitting down with other woman as water is being poured on their feet", "A woman is washing another woman's feet while piano music is playing.", "a man pouring water over another woman's feet while music is playing.", "A woman is sitting with her feet in a platic been while a young man pours water over them.", "A young man washes the feet of a young woman seated on a chair while music plays.", "A woman is crying while another woman is having her feet washed by another person.", "Two women sit as one gets water poured over her feet and into a basin.", "Listening to religious music one person seems emotional, while another pours water into a bucket with the feet of a third person.", "A man cleaning the feet of a women while another women nervously waits.", "An individual is washing the feet of a woman setting in a chair." ]
[ "一个穿着黄色衣服的女人正坐着愉快的弹着腿。", "房间内,一名身穿蓝色上衣的男子正在给一名身穿花色衣服的女子洗脚。", "一个女人捂着脸坐在沙发上,有人在给她洗脚。", "一个黄衣服的女人在抖腿,旁边蓝色衣服的人在给捂脸的人加水。", "一个穿白色衣服的人蹲在地上在给一个捂着脸的人洗脚。", "一个女人在哭,而另一个女人正在被另一个男人用毛巾擦脚。", "两个女人坐在一起,一个人把水倒在放在脸盆里的脚上。", "听宗教音乐一个人看起来很情绪化,而另一个人将水倒入第三个人放着脚的桶里。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人正在给另一个人洗脚。", "一个人正在洗一个坐在椅子上的女人的脚。" ]
[ "a large group of people sitting while a few men wash the feet of other men", "A man washes and dries the feet of another person who is sitting in a church or synagogue.", "A large congregation has gathered inside a building and men are kneeling washing other men's feet.", "A congregation watches as men in white wash a man's feet and music plays.", "During a religious ceremony one man washes another's feet.", "A large group of people are gathered at a religious event where at least one man is getting his feet cleaned.", "In a church full of people, men in white robes are gathered around another man and are cleaning his feet.", "A large crowded church where a man is getting his feet dried.", "A priest washing the feet of one of the parishioners", "A group of people are in church and they are demonstrating the washing of the feet" ]
[ "一个穿白色衣服的男人跪着给另一个男人洗脚。", "在教堂里一名白衣男子在给另一名男子做洗礼。", "一个男人坐在椅子上,另一个人在为他洗脚。", "两个穿白衣服的男人站着,另一个穿衣服的男人用毛巾给别人擦脚,旁边坐了一群人。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人在用白色毛巾给另一个人擦脚。", "在一个很大的教堂里,一个人跪在地上给另一个人擦脚,其他人在椅子上坐着。", "一群人穿着白大褂,其中一个人在给另一个人擦脚。", "在一个大堂里一个男人正在为另一个男人擦着脚,旁边站着人看着。", "一位牧师正在洗其中一个教区居民的脚。", "一个人坐在椅子上,一个跪着的人正在给他洗脚,周围还有许多人在观看。" ]
[ "A man in a robe and church type setting is washing the feet of others.", "a man soaks the feet of a girl that is among a group of other women", "A bunch of people in white are looking down and one person is standing over a man.", "A group of people are all dressed in white, a man is washing their feet.", "a man kneels on the floor and cleans two women's feet as the sit in chairs nearby.", "A group of people are dressed in white and gathered together, there is one person washing the other's feet.", "A man gave a towel to a woman and proceeded to wash another woman's feet.", "a group of people at a religious event where they start to wash their feet using cloths and rugs", "A priest is washing the feet of patrons of a church that they attend.", "Man in a church cleaning the feet of a woman." ]
[ "一位男子正在给每位女子洗脚并且擦干。", "在某个教会活动现场,一排女士坐在椅子上,一位神父在帮其中几个擦脚。", "一个男的在为一群穿白衣的女子倒洗脚水。", "一个男人把一块白色的布递给了一个女人。", "一个男人蹲在地上认真的叠着一块白布,递给一个女人。另外一个女人,把脚伸到盆子里,男人用壶往脚上浇水。", "一群人穿着白色的衣服聚在一起,一个男人在给一个女人洗脚。", "一个男人给了一个女人一条毛巾,然后开始给另一个女人洗脚。", "参加宗教活动的一群人,他们正在使用布和地毯洗脚。", "一位牧师正在洗他们所参加的教堂的顾客的脚。", "在教堂里面,一个男人再给一个女人擦脚。" ]
[ "A young boy slouches in a chair while his feet are washed in a tub by a woman.", "A woman washes the foot and calf of a boy wearing shorts.", "a boy sitting in a chair while lady wash his feet.", "A nurse washing the feet of a young boy, with his feet partly immersed into a tub of water.", "A woman washes a young boys feet as he reclines in his seat.", "A woman is washing the feet of a small boy and massaging them.", "An older adult cleans the foot of a young child.", "Young boy relaxes lazily in chair while maid washes his feet.", "A young boy sits in a chair while a woman kneels to wash his feet in a tub of water.", "A woman is cleaning a little boys feet in a bucket of water while he sits" ]
[ "小姐姐帮一小男孩洗脚,小男孩舒服躺在椅子上。", "一个女人在给一个穿着蓝短裤绿短袖的小男孩洗脚。", "一个穿白色衣服的女的在给一个穿绿色短袖的小男孩洗脚。", "一个女士在给一个坐在椅子上的小男孩洗脚。", "室内有一个小孩子坐在椅子上面,一个女人正在给这个小孩子洗脚。", "一个女人正在给坐在一直上的小男孩洗脚并按摩。", "一个人正在给坐在椅子上的小男孩洗着脚。", "一个小男孩躺在椅子上脚放在有水的盆子里,一个女人正在蹲着为他洗脚。", "一个小男孩坐在椅子上, 而一个女人跪着在浴盆前给他洗脚。", "一个女人正在帮一个坐在椅子的孩子洗脚。" ]
[ "A person is rinsing their feet in the tub, using a shower hear wand.", "Someone washes their feet in the tub with a sprayer.", "A young person, using a hand shower sprayer is spraying their feet.", "A person washing their feet in the tub with a hand-held shower head.", "Someone is recording themselves washing both of their feet in the shower.", "Someone is sitting in a tub or shower and spraying their feet with water.", "A a person uses a handheld shower head to rinse off their feet while sitting in a bathtub with no water in it.", "A person washes their feet in the bathtub with a sprayer.", "a person sitting in a bath tub and spraying their feet with water.", "A child is spraying his feet with a shower head in the bathtub." ]
[ "一个小孩儿正在用花洒洗自己的双脚。", "一个人正在浴室里用花洒喷头洗脚。", "一个人手上拿着花洒坐在浴缸里用水洗脚。", "一个人手上拿着花洒,在浴缸里往腿上喷水。", "浴缸内,一个人手拿着淋浴头在洗脚。", "一个人坐在浴缸里,用水喷洒他的脚。", "一个坐在浴缸里拿着手持式淋浴头冲洗脚。", "一个人用浴缸里的花洒喷头在洗脚。", "坐在浴缸里, 用清水喷脚和洗它的人。", "一个孩子正在浴缸里用淋浴喷头洗着脚。" ]
[ "A few priests are serving drinks to members in the church.", "A priest is washing a group of men's feet while the people in church are singing.", "A man is washing the feet of another man in a religious ceremony while music is playing.", "Men in robes kneel down and wash peoples feet as music is playing.", "At a church ceremony, priests are washing the feet of parishioners.", "Two church clergymen prepare to wash the feet of another man.", "A group of priests is shown washing the feet of some men who are sitting in chairs.", "A few holy people are washing men's feet during a religious ceremony.", "Clerical workers wash a man's feet in a church while singers chant.", "In a ceremonial ritual, priest are washing the feet of people." ]
[ "一群人正在神情肃穆地进行着洗脚礼。", "在教堂教员们再用圣水神圣的为教徒们洗脚。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正站在室外。", "一群男子坐在正在接受另一群穿白色衣服的人给他们洗脚。", "有一些人坐在板凳上,一个戴着红色帽子的男人在帮另外一个人擦脚。", "在教堂里,两个牧师正在给另一个人洗着脚。", "一群牧师正在洗一些坐在椅子上的男人的脚。", "一些圣洁的人在一个宗教仪式上给人洗脚。", "几个人在为一个坐着的男人在洗脚。", "在一个仪式上,牧师正在用白色的布清洗人们的脚。" ]
[ "a woman kneeling down in front of a man and cleaning their own feet", "A woman washing a man's feet and drying it with a white towel", "A woman is kneeling before her husband at their wedding washing his feet", "A woman is washing a man's feet with a white towel.", "A woman in a wedding dress is washing a man's feet.", "Bride is sitting on her knees in front of her groom and washing his fit with a white towel", "A woman dressed in a bridal gown washes the feet of the groom who is seated.", "A bride is on her knees washing the feet of her groom as sign of humility", "A woman kneels before her spouse and washes his feet.", "A woman is washing the feet of her spouse to show humility of her heart and character." ]
[ "一个半跪着的穿婚纱的女人在给另外一个坐着的人擦脚。", "一个女人用自己穿着的白色婚纱帮另一个人擦脚。", "一个穿着婚纱的女人在给一个男人洗脚。", "一位穿着婚纱的女子跪在地上为一位穿着西服的男子擦脚。", "一个穿着白色婚纱的女子用白布给一个穿着灰色西装的人擦脚。", "新娘跪在新郎面前,拿着白色毛巾在清理新郎的脚。", "一个穿着新娘礼服的女人洗了坐着的新郎的脚。", "新娘跪在地上给她的新郎洗脚,以表示谦卑。", "一个女人跪在她的丈夫面前给他洗脚。", "一个女人正在洗她的配偶的脚,以显示她的内心和性格的谦逊。" ]
[ "A group of people are sitting and a man is washing their feet.", "A man is bending down and cleaning a mans feet while music is playing.", "several people watch while a priest washes a person's feet", "A boy is getting his feet washed by a priest.", "People in a church sing a hymn as a man washes the feet of some of the church members.", "A priest is kneeling down and cleaning someones foot", "An old man washes the feet of another man sitting in a long line of people dressed in robes.", "Numerous people are seated and standing in a religious building, and three of them are washing the feet of the seated people.", "an old man is washing another person's feet in a church.", "a large group of men wearing white are in a ceremony and one man is cleaning their feet" ]
[ "一群人正在一个房子里面围在一起进行一个活动。", "一群身穿白色宗教服饰的人们,正伴随着乐音,进行着洗脚礼。", "一个穿着白色衣服的老人蹲着给一个男人洗脚。", "一群穿白色衣服的人在室内,其中一个白发的人正在给一个坐着的人洗脚。", "一排人坐在凳子上,对面蹲着几个人,其中一个人再给一个人洗脚。", "一个牧师跪下来并擦洗一个人的脚。", "一位老人洗了另一位穿着长袍的人的脚。", "一群人坐在一个宗教建筑里有三个人在给他们洗脚。", "一位老人正在教堂里洗另一个人的脚。", "一个男人正在跪地给一群坐着的人清洗脚。" ]
[ "a group of peoples sitting why men was washing there feet.", "A man and a boy wash peoples feet for them.", "Religious persons in a church are washing the feet of others in a bowl and wiping them with a towel.", "A man in white washes the feet of someone that is sitting between other people on a bench.", "Some people are sitting while some men are washing the feet of the other people", "a priest washing the legs of people in the ceremony in the church", "A priest pours water on the foot of another man and dries it with a towel.", "The washing of the feet as they call it, is a ritual done in church during the Holy Week.", "A man's feet are washed while people are singing.", "Various people are sitting in chairs while men in robes wash their feet, religious music plays." ]
[ "一个人单脚跪在地板上,用水壶帮坐在椅子上的红色衣服的男人的脚上洒水,然后用自己的衣服把脚擦干.。", "在音乐声中,一名男子在给另一名男子轻轻的擦脚。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在给人洗脚。", "一个男人把水倒在一个人的脚上之后,然后把脚上的水擦干。", "在一间明亮的室内,一个男人正在给另一个男人洗脚。", "在教堂的仪式上一位牧师正在给人洗脚。", "一名牧师把水倒在另一个人的脚上, 然后用毛巾擦干。", "按照他们的说法洗脚是圣周期间在教堂里进行的一种仪式。", "人们聚在一起唱歌时,男人的脚会被洗净。", "各种各样的人正坐在椅子上,而一个身穿长袍的人则在给一个人洗脚,宗教音乐也在播放。" ]
[ "Some girls are sitting in a row of seats next to each other while other girls are sitting at their feet, soaking and working on the girl's feet and others are looking on.", "Young girls are seen in a classroom setting and wearing uniforms, as two wash the feet of two who are seated in chairs, as they converse with each other and there is also the background chatter of more people.", "Some girls are washing other girls' feet while talking to each other.", "Girls wearing identical uniforms are washing the feet of other girls.", "A group of school girls washing each other feet in a room.", "A group of girls in school uniforms are washing feet in small bowls.", "Two young girls are washing the feet of 2 older girls.", "Laughing school girls are washing each others feet in a classroom.", "A group of girls are on their knees washing the feets of another group of girls.", "A group of girls are sitting in chairs while other girls are washing their feet." ]
[ "明亮的室内,几个女孩正在给另外的几个女孩洗脚。", "在房间里几个女孩儿在给坐着的女孩儿洗脚。", "一些女孩坐在凳子上,脚放在水里,另外一些女孩给她们洗脚。", "几个小女孩在几个人洗脚,他们穿的衣服上一样的款式。", "三个女同学给三个女同学认真地洗脚。", "一群穿着校服的女孩正在用小盆洗脚。", "两个年轻女孩正在洗两个年长女孩的脚。", "在教室里,学校的女孩子们正在笑着互相擦脚。", "一群穿着白色上衣的女孩跪下来给洗另一群女孩的脚。", "一群女孩子正坐在椅子上,而其他女孩则在洗脚。" ]
[ "A group of men at a church where a man gives another man a foot bath", "A man is soaking his feet in a green bucket on stage while music plays and an audience watches.", "A man is getting his feet bathed in water in a building with alot of people.", "A man is sitting on a chair and puts his feet in a bucket while others are singing.", "A man is has his feet in a pan of water with men around him on a revival stage.", "A church congregation watches as the church attendees perform a baptism.", "a man is sitting down on a chair and another man is washing his feet", "A man is attending a type of religious ceremony and another man is washing his feet.", "A man is washing the feet of another man while people sing worship songs in the background.", "The man is doing a washing ceremony of the feet in front of the crowd." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的男人正在给一个穿着黑色衣服坐在凳子上的男人洗脚。", "一个男人在给一个坐着的男人洗脚,另一个男人将水盆拿走了还提着一个桶。", "一名穿着白色上衣的男人在给另一个人洗脚。", "在明亮的室内,一个男人正在给另一个人洗澡。", "一个男人脚踩在盆子里另一个男人给他洗脚,洗完后旁边一个男人把盆子端走了。", "在教会上,一个身穿白色衣服的男人在给另一个进行洗礼,同时有一群人在观看。", "一个人正坐在一把椅子上,另一个人正在给他洗着脚。", "名男子正在参加一种宗教仪式, 另一名男子正在洗脚。", "一个男人正在清洗另一个男人的脚,而人们在背景中唱着崇拜的歌。", "台上,一个人蹲着正在给另外一个人洗脚,台下坐着很多人观看。" ]
[ "An older Indian man is getting his feet washed by other young Indian men.", "4 men are seated, while a man washes one mans feet, aided by two other men with a pitcher of water and cloth.", "Several men wash the feet of a seated man as music plays in the background", "A man has his feet bathed in water by three men holding a jug and cloth, there is rythmic chanting in the background.", "A group of men bless and baptize a baby while it cries.", "A trio of men washing the feet of others in some kind of ceremony.", "A guy sits in a chair as 3 guys wash his feet in a metal bowl.", "Several men bath another man's feet as music plays and a baby cries.", "A bunch of men seem to be performing some kihd of ritual", "Some Indian men are sitting at a festival while others are pouring out from a jug of water." ]
[ "在一个房间里,一群人坐着,另外一群人,给坐着的人洗脚。", "几名男子轮番为年长者端洗脚水,并且他们洗脚。", "一群人在坐着,其中三个人跪在地上为别人洗脚。", "一个男人正在给另一个男人洗澡,旁边有人在看着。", "房间里坐了一排的老男人,地上蹲着的三个男人正在用水冲洗其中一个人的脚。", "三个男人在某种仪式上清洗别人的脚。", "在一个房间里面,一位男士正在给另外一位男士洗脚。", "当音乐播放和婴儿哭泣时, 几个男人给另一个男人洗脚。", "一群男人好像在进行某种宗教仪式。", "一些男人正在往一个男人脚上倒一些东西,然后洗他的脚。" ]
[ "A group of people have their feet cleaned and scrubbed in large silver bowls.", "Church members engage in feet washing of others during a sevice.", "People are washing one another's feet during a religious experience.", "Two men and a child sit in seats and people are washing their feet for them.", "Several people are shown washing the feet of other people sitting down on chairs in a room.", "A group of varying aged men getting their feet washed and dried.", "Three people are giving foot massages to other three people", "A group of squatting people handle the bare feet of a group of sitting people as a person walks behind the groups, another person walks away from the group and a child stands nearby watching.", "Seems like a religious ritual in a church where some men's feet are washed and dried with towels by soe other men.", "Group of people having their feet washed by other people in a church." ]
[ "三个人人跪在地上在给另外的三个人洗脚擦脚。", "三个人在帮助另外三个人洗脚,周围有几个人看着。", "一个女人和两个男人单腿跪在地上为坐在他们面前的人洗脚。", "一群穿着深色衣服的人在给人洗脚。", "两个男人和一个男孩儿坐在椅子上,两个男人和一个女人跪在地上为他们洗脚,周围有人观看。", "在室内,一群年轻人正在给一群中老年人洗着脚。", "在室内,三个人跪在地上在给三个坐着的人洗脚。", "三个人坐在骑子上,还有三个人在为他们洗脚。", "三个年轻人在房间里给三个老人洗脚。", "三个在跪着的人正在给三个坐着的人洗脚,旁边还有人正在拍照。" ]
[ "A woman rubs a paitence foot in a hospital and then a woman hugs a woman in a wheelchair.", "Two women rub two pair of feet while another woman hugs a woman who is sitting down.", "People at a massage or health building talking about their experiences", "A woman is rubbing the heel of a foot, then two people hug tightly.", "A patient hugging a worker and telling her she's \"doing God's work\".", "A woman in a wheel chair hugs and thanks another woman.", "A woman is rubbing a foot then gets a hug from a woman.", "Women are messaging other people's feet and another woman hugs a messager and thanks her for her work.", "Two women are massaging the feet of others while two other women hug and show appreciation for each other.", "A woman is hugging another woman who is helping her as she was down on her luck and she is appreciative." ]
[ "技师在给人们按摩脚底,然后两个女士互相拥抱了一下。", "一个身穿绿色衣服的女人在于另一位女人拥抱并道谢。", "有两个人在给别人按摩脚部,然后有其他两个女子在互相拥抱。", "一个人在给另一个人揉脚,另一边用两个人拥抱在一起。", "一个女人在给另一个人搓脚。一个女人伏下身子拥抱一个坐在椅子上的女人。", "两个人在帮其他两个人按脚,然后一个坐在轮子上的女人抱着另一个女人在表示感谢。", "一个人正在揉一只脚然,然后两个女人在拥抱,。", "一个女人在房间里拥抱着坐在椅子上的女人。", "两个女人正在按摩别人的脚,另外两个女人则互相拥抱。", "一位女士正在给一只脚做按摩,然后两位女士拥抱在一起。" ]
[ "A religious person in a white robe is washing the feet of other religious people in red and white robes.", "A group of priests wearing fancy robes get their feet washed in a metal bowl.", "An Indian man has his feet washed in a religious ceremony", "A man washes the feet of other people at a ceremony", "A ceremony is being performed which involves washing one's feet clean.", "A man in a white robe is cleaning another man's feet with a towel.", "Several men are seated as another man washes one of the man's feet in a bowl.", "A priest washes the feet of a seated man, then walks off followed by two assistants.", "A group of men wearing white robes are having their feet washed by another group of men in white robes", "Three men were pouring water on the man's foot and then dried it off." ]
[ "有一些人坐在位置上,有一些白色衣服的人,其中一个拿着一块布在帮他擦脚。", "教会里人们在做着虔诚的洗礼,白衣的人们在给坐着的人们洗脚。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人手里端着盆子拿着毛巾给坐着的人擦脚。", "一个穿着一身白衣服的男人,在给一个坐着的男人擦脚,旁边还有一些人。", "椅子上面坐着一些人,旁边一个穿着白色衣服的人正在帮坐在椅子上面的擦脚。", "一名身穿白色长袍的男人正在用毛巾擦拭另一个男人的脚。", "当另一个男人在碗里洗一个男人的脚时,有几个男人坐着。", "一位牧师给一个坐着的男人洗了脚,然后走开了, 他后面还跟着两个助手。", "一群身穿白色长袍的男子正在被另一群身穿白色长袍的男子洗脚。", "三个人正在往男子的脚上倒水, 然后把它擦干。" ]
[ "People are singing in a foreign language during a special ceremony.", "A group of people gather around singing and washing a cloth, and a woman dumps out water.", "A group of people are performing a religious ceremony involving feet washing and singing together.", "A group of people take part in a baptism ceremony.", "Several people are kneeling over while others are standing around.", "A group of people sing a chat while a women turns to empty a red tub of water.", "A large group of people sing a song together during a church service.", "A group of people are singing and performing a religious ritual.", "A person empties a pink basin into a white bucket.", "A group of people are singing while a man holds a white cloth and a woman empties a bin into a bucket." ]
[ "一名男子将白布递给了一名女士,女士将水倒进桶里。", "一个女人蹲下,然后拿了一个盆,把盆里的水倒在旁边的桶里。", "一个头上戴有头巾的女人把红盆里面的水倒了。", "一群身穿白衣服的人,他们正在唱歌祈祷。", "一个穿蓝色短袖的男人手里拿着一块白布,旁边还有一个穿白色衣服的女人,手里端着一盆水。", "一群人在一起聊天,随后一个女人把红色盆里的水倒入桶中。", "一些人在教堂里面做一些仪式,边上有人在唱歌。", "一群人正在唱歌并且举行一种宗教仪式。", "一个人把一个粉红色的脸盆子的水倒入一个白色的桶里。", "一群人,一个穿蓝色衣服的中年男人手里拿着一条白色毛巾,一个女人将盆中的水倒进桶里。" ]
[ "Two men are playing the guitar and the other a tambourine while they sing.", "A christian music band playing with people listening or praying.", "A man is playing a guitar and singing while others clap in a church.", "A group of people are singing together and worshiping while in a religious building.", "A band plays in a religious setting, while other parishioners pray in the background.", "Several people play instruments and sing in front of a group of people who raise their hands and close their eyes.", "People in a church are singing and praying while some are kneeling.", "Several people listen to and sing along with a band", "People are standing around and some others are bent over other people's feet while they sing.", "A group of people are singing songs and preying in the building." ]
[ "一群人在室内,有的弹奏,有的坐着,有的站着,有人用手摸着另一个人的后背安慰。", "在一个房间里,有的人演奏音乐,有的人在给别人洗脚。", "两个人拿着乐器唱歌另外一些人做着不同的动作。", "明亮的房间内,有几名男子和女子,正在室内玩耍。", "在一个房间里,有人在唱歌,有人在谈乐器,有人坐在椅子上拍另一个人的肩膀。", "几个人在一群闭着眼睛的人面前演奏乐器并唱歌。", "一群人正在歌声中给另一群人洗着脚。", "有几个人在室内和一个乐队一起听歌唱歌。", "几个人正在人群中弹奏一些音乐,他们阿紫一个很大的房间里。", "在室内,很多人在屋子里面一边弹奏着乐器一边唱着歌。" ]
[ "A man was washing the legs of another person man by keeping his legs on the water", "A young man is washing the feet of another man.", "There are people washing other peoples feet in metal bowls.", "A young man is inspecting the shoe of a boy sitting down in a public forum while someone is speaking on a loudspeaker in a foreign language.", "Someone's feet is being washed in a ritual as he sits on a chair.", "A few people washing the feet of other people with bowls.", "A man is talking while another man is washing a man's feet.", "a man is kneeling down helping to wash the feet of another man.", "Some people are sitting down while others are cleaning their shoes.", "People wash a man's feet while another man speaks excitedly in the background." ]
[ "昏暗的房间内,几个小孩,在给大人洗脚。", "一些英文字母写在面板上非常的漂亮。", "一个男的坐在沙发上一个男的用一个盆给他洗脚。", "一个男人端了一盆水给另一个男人洗脚。", "一个人蹲在地上给一个坐着的人挽起裤腿,帮他洗脚。", "有几个人蹲在地上用盆在替别人洗脚。", "一个人在说话,并且一个男人在给另一个男人洗脚。", "一个男人跪着帮助另外一个男人洗脚。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人在给另一个人擦鞋。", "一个男人在给坐着的人洗脚,另一个男人在背景中兴奋地说话。" ]
[ "A lady is using her hands to wash another ladies feet.", "A Japanese news segment on a elderly massage by another person.", "An old woman is getting her feet washed by a younger lady and ending with a reporter asking questions.", "A woman kneels and washes an elderly woman's feet, then speaks to an interviewer", "A lady washes the leg of an old lady who is sitting in a chair and smiling", "A reporter is talking to a woman who is demonstrating giving a pedicure.", "There is a young woman washing the feet of an older person in a wooden tub.", "A woman is showing how she washes the feet of another person while they are at an event.", "A person washes the foot of an elderly woman, then speaks into a microphone.", "People are watching as someone is washing a person's feet." ]
[ "一个年轻女人跪在地上为一个老女人洗脚,老人开心得笑了,随后两人一起接受了采访。", "一个女人在给另一个女人放在盆子里的脚洗脚。", "一个女子跪在地上,给一个老人洗脚。", "一个女人正在用手给一个老奶奶洗脚。", "一个穿着条纹衫的女人正在给一个老太太洗脚。", "一个记者正在和一位示范了做足疗的女人交流。", "有一个年轻的女人在一个木盆里洗老人的脚。", "一位女士正在展示她在一次活动中如何洗掉给另一个人洗脚。", "一个穿着白色裤子的女人在给一个老人洗着脚。", "有一个女人跪着给一位白发苍苍的老人洗脚。" ]
[ "People sit in chairs as other people wash their feet in a metal pan.", "People are all in white clothes and some of them are washing others with water", "People wash and dry the feet of other people that sit in chairs in front of them.", "A woman is kneeling down before a row of seated people washing their feet.", "A woman gets her feet washed while at a church service.", "Two people in a church are washing the feet of the congregation.", "At a religious service with singing, A woman's feet are dried after being washed, while she and others around her are wearing white robes.", "People wearing white jackets are sitting in chairs getting their feet washed.", "A religious ceremony where people have their feet washed and cleaned.", "A group of people sitting in chairs while other people kneel before them and wash their feet." ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣服的长头发女人在给一个男人洗脚。", "一个男人和一个女人正在为坐着的女人洗脚。", "房间里一个身穿白色外套的男人,正在给一个女人洗脚。", "几个穿白色衣服的人坐在椅子上,另外几个人在帮他们擦脚。", "有一些穿着白色外套的人坐在椅子上,其中还有人赤着脚。", "在 教堂里,一群人正在进行着洗脚仪式。", "在一个有唱歌的宗教仪式上,一个女人的脚被洗干后会被擦干,而她和她周围的人都穿着白色长袍。", "穿着白色夹克的女人坐在椅子上洗脚。", "一群穿着白色衣服的人为另一群人洗着脚。", "一群人坐在椅子上, 而其他人跪在他们面前洗脚。" ]
[ "A family is standing around a living room looking towards someone at one end who is talking.", "A group of people are in a living room where a woman is getting her feet cleaned, people are walking around, and a woman is sitting on a couch with her phone.", "A living room full of 7 to 8 people, ages teen to middle aged adult, congregating and listening to slow soft vocal music.", "A man is on his knees while washing off someone elses feet on the couch", "A large group of people is in a living room area; some are sitting, some are standing, and others are walking around.", "Many people congregate in a living room together facing a woman on a bench.", "A group of people are in a room as a man is washing someone's feet.", "In a crowded front room, a group of people talks among each other.", "A group of people are in a living room with washing each other's feet.", "One person washes another's feet while a group watches on." ]
[ "一个客厅里一家人在聚会,有的在看电视,有的在聊天。", "在一家庭聚会上,大家在相互洗脚。", "一个人跪在地上给另一个人洗脚然后那个人起来又给别人洗脚。", "一群人在一个大房间里在各忙各的还有说有笑的。", "许多人看着一个穿着黑色衣服的男人给两个人洗脚同时一个穿蓝色衣服的女人走过。", "许多人聚在一个客厅里面向一个坐在长凳上的女人。", "一群人在一个房间里,一个男人在洗别人的脚。", "在拥挤的前厅里, 一群人在互相交谈着。", "房间内一群人正在互相给对方擦脚。", "当一群人看着时,一个人洗了另一个人的脚。" ]
[ "A woman massing a foot and beginning a pedicure treatment.", "Some one is giving and getting a foot massage as well as a manicure.", "Someone is massaging the legs of feet of someone else then clipping their toe nails.", "A man is massaging someones foot and using tools to clen the feet.", "A person is getting a foot massage and their toe nails clipped.", "A massage session of the feet and ankle of a person followed by the pedicure treatment.", "The person is getting a foot massage as she gets a pedicure.", "A man massaging a woman's feet and clipping her nails with clippers.", "A woman massages a client's feet and then begins to clip the toenails.", "Feet are being massaged and toe nails are being clipped." ]
[ "一个女人在给另一个女人洗着脚,然后剪着指甲。", "一个人对躺在床上的人做脚步按摩,并帮助他修剪指甲。", "一个人正在给床上的人按摩腿部和脚部,并用指甲刀剪脚指甲。", "一个人,坐在一只脚前,用双手按摩着脚。", "一双手在给脚按摩后拿出指甲刀修脚。", "一个人在给脚和脚踝按摩,然后是脚趾修剪疗法。", "当她修脚时, 这个人刚做完足底按摩。", "一个男人按摩女人的脚,用剪刀剪指甲。", "一个女人按摩客户的脚然后开始剪脚趾甲。", "一个人一会给另一人按摩一会给他剪指甲。" ]
[ "A guy is sitting in a chair as another guy washes his feet.", "A man is doing something to another man's feet in front of a crowd.", "A man is shown kneeling on the ground washing another man's feet.", "An audience is watching as a guy in white does something to a guy in a chair.", "A kneeling man washes the feet of another man seated in a chair while a group of people watch.", "A man sits in a chair while another man is doing something at his feet.", "A guy is getting something done to his feet while people watch.", "A gentleman in a white shirt is kneeling and washing the feet of a gentleman in a pink shirt that is sitting in a pink chair.", "a man messing with another mans shoes as he is kneeling down.", "A man kneels and removes the shoes and washes the feet of a man seated in a chair." ]
[ "一个穿衬衫的男人正在为一个穿着粉色衣服的男人泡脚。", "一名白色上衣的男子正在给一名粉红色上衣的男子洗脚,旁边坐满了观众。", "一个男人坐在椅子上,另外一个男人在为他洗脚。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的男子坐在凳子上,另外一名男子则跪在他的前面儿给他做脚部按摩,旁边还有很多人坐在前面看着。", "一个穿白色衣服的男人蹲在地上给一个穿粉色衣服的人洗脚。", "一个男人坐在椅子上,而另一个男人正在给他洗脚。", "一个穿着白色衣服的男人蹲在地上给坐在凳子上的人拖鞋。", "一位穿着白色衬衫的绅士跪在那里,洗着一位穿粉红色衬衫的绅士的脚。", "一个男人在他跪着的时候摆弄他的鞋子。", "一名男子跪下给坐在椅子上的男子洗脚。" ]
[ "A group of people are gathered around in what looks like a religious service.", "A priest greeting a large crowd of people at church.", "A priest is in his congregation preparing to wash a parishioner's feet.", "A religious leader greets another man with a pat on the shoulder and a kiss on the cheek.", "A priest hugs a parishioner during a service, then turns to wash the feet of the next person.", "A priest gives a man a hug then changes towels.", "People in church greet eachother and shake hands as music plays i the background.", "A priest uses water to bless people in his congregation, the priest is in a white robe.", "A priest gives another man a hug, and then exchanges words with him, and appears to give directions to another priest.", "A priest is going around and hugging the people and handing them something." ]
[ "一群人穿着白衣服其中一个拿着壶和毛巾。", "一个穿着白色长袍的男子在和一个男人交流。", "一个站着的男子和一个坐在凳子上的男子拥抱,然后走向了旁边的人。", "一个穿白色衣服戴眼镜的男人和一个穿白色衣服的人说话。", "戴眼镜的男人在和一个男人贴脸打招呼后,递了一个毛巾给另一个人。", "一位牧师和一个男人拥抱了一下,然后更换了毛巾。", "在教堂里音乐播放中教父与别人互相问候,。", "一个穿着白色袍子的牧师用水来祝福他的会众。", "一位牧师和另一个男人拥抱,然后与他交谈,又似乎给另一个牧师指示。", "一个男人走过来拥抱一个人,递给他们一些东西。" ]
[ "At a gathering, a man washes the feet of a woman.", "A women is setting in a seat while a man washes her feet during wedding ceremony.", "A man in a suit washes a woman in a dresses feet.", "A man in the process of washing a woman's feet.", "A man cleaned the feet of a woman in a white gown sitting on the chair", "A women is sitting in a chair while a man rubs a blue cloth on her foot in a bowl of liquid.", "A man washes a young woman's feet using a towel and a small bowl.", "A man in a tuxedo washing a the feet of a woman in a wedding dress.", "A man in black is washing feet of a woman in a weding dress.", "A groom is kneeling and washing his bride's feet with a rag and warm water." ]
[ "一个穿西装的男子在给一个穿白色裙子的女子擦脚,有个男子的声音在讲话。", "一个穿着白色婚纱的女人坐在椅子上,一个男的最跪在地上给他洗脚。", "一名穿着黑色衣服的年轻人在给一位穿白色的衣服的女士洗脚。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在给人洗脚。", "在一个房子里面,有一个穿着西装的男人在给一个女人擦脚。", "一名男子拿着蓝色的布在一碗液体上为一名坐在椅子上的妇女擦脚。", "一个男人用毛巾和一个小碗给一个年轻女子洗脚。", "一个穿着燕尾服的男人正在给一个穿着婚纱的女人洗脚。", "一个黑衣男人蹲在地上洗一个穿白色裙子女人的脚。", "一位新郎正跪在地上用抹布和温水洗新娘的脚。" ]
[ "In a group of 3 men, one man is talking to another man while the third is washing his feet.", "A man is washing his feet in a plastic basin while another man looks on and people are singing.", "three men sit in white chairs and one scrubs his feet", "Three men are sitting in a room and washing their feet in a floor basin.", "A seated man is washing his feet with a sponge in a tub next to two other men.", "Several men sit with their feet in tubs, and one man talks while washing his foot.", "Multiple people are sitting around while someone is scrubbing their feet.", "Three women sit in chairs and scrub their feet clean in tubs of water.", "A group of men are washing their feet while they sit down.", "Three older men are sitting in chairs and talking while one of them is cleaning his feet." ]
[ "几个黑人男子正在洗脚,其中一个往脚上涂着黄色的泡沫。", "一个人正在用肥皂洗脚,旁边的人在唱歌。", "在一个房间里,一群人正在盆里面洗脚。", "一个男人拿着肥皂向自己的脚上大量涂抹。", "一个穿着条纹衣服的人在用肥皂洗脚。", "有几个人在房间里正在洗脚,其中一个男人在往脚上涂抹东西。", "一位男士正在一个房间里面坐着擦脚。", "三个男人正坐在椅子上清洗自己脚上的污垢。", "一群黑人男人坐在一起在洗脚,给脚抹上特殊的东西。", "三个人坐在椅子上,其中一个人正在清洗他的脚。" ]
[ "Sitting in a chair, a woman with her feet in a bucket has her feet cleaned.", "A person is sitting in a chair soaking their feet in a large pedicure bucket while others are crouching at their feet tending to them.", "a couple of ladies are sitting and one has their feet in a red bucket", "A guitar is playing while another woman washes a woman's feet in a bucket.", "A woman sits with her feet in a bucket while other women sit around her talking.", "A person is sitting on a chair with their feet in a bowl of water and another woman is holding their feet.", "A woman is sitting in a chair with her feet in a red bucket while other people are near her.", "a woman is massaging the feet of another woman who is heading down in a chair", "The woman had her feet set in the red bucket, while another woman massaged her feet.", "A girl sitting on a chair surrounded by other women with her feet in a red bucket." ]
[ "一个短发女人正在给坐在椅子上的人洗脚。", "一个黑衣服的女子正在给一个人洗脚,旁边还有一个人在旁边坐着。", "在一个房间里,一个穿黑色衣服的人在给另一个人洗脚。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个人给坐在椅子上的女人在洗脚。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在给另一人洗脚。", "一个人坐在椅子上,他的脚放在盆里,一个女人帮他洗脚。", "一个女人正蹲着给一个坐在椅子上的人洗脚。", "个女人正在按摩躺在椅子上的另一个女人的脚。", "一个穿着黑上衣的女人正在给另一个人洗脚。", "一个女人正在给另一个女人做足浴。" ]
[ "Holy Thursday rituals are performed in a chapel by the priest", "A religious ceremony where there are several young boys sitting waiting to participate.", "Several boys dressed in white are seated next to each other in a hindu church.", "A group of men in white robes sing in a religious temple.", "A ceremony is held in church as the lady takes a bow in fron of the men in white gowns.", "A group of people in white are sitting as someone is praying out loud.", "Someone is singing, while boys are sitting in a line to have their feet washed.", "A man is washing a child's feet in a religious setting with singing in the background..", "An imam speaks while boys dressed in white have their feet washed.", "Several people are shown participating in a important ceremony with one man's feet being washed." ]
[ "一群穿白衣的男子坐成一排一个穿红色衣服的跪在他们面前。", "一群人穿着白色的长袍坐在教堂里等待接受洗礼。", "几个穿白色衣服的人双手交叠放着。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个女人正在给一个男人洗衣服。", "有很多人穿着白色的衣服坐在椅子上,其中有一个人把脚放在一个盆子里。", "一群穿着白色衣服的人正在坐着,有人正在大声祷告。", "有人在唱歌, 而男孩们则排成一行洗脚。", "有个男人在宗教背景下为孩子洗脚并在背后唱歌。", "一群身穿白色一个的男子端坐成一排等待着被洗脚。", "有几个人参加了一个重要的仪式,一个人在洗脚。" ]
[ "A priest holding a ceremony where he washes man's feet.", "Religious leader walks forward in gold-threaded robe, bends at ceremonial container and dips ornate scepter.", "A priest dips a scepter in a liquid and washes or anoints another person's foot.", "A group of men in a place wearing different color and types of costumes.", "A clergyman wearing robes performs a ceremonial act on a stage with several other robed people watching on the stage, and then still other robed onlookers, offstage, are scene watching the scene as well.", "A catholic mass is being performed that includes the washing of feet.", "A religious ceremony is taking place inside a building with it ending with a priest washing someones feet.", "a priest is washing the feet of another man at a religious ceremony.", "A man in a robe dips an object into water while hooded figures watch.", "A priest in a ceremonial robe washes another man's feet while others in ceremonial robes watch." ]
[ "一位教皇模样的人在给另一个人洗脚。", "一群身穿宗教服装的人在室内举行着某种仪式。", "一个人拿着棍子搅拌了一下水盆,周围很多人观看,有一个人跪着给另外一个人洗脚。", "一群人站在台子上其中一个穿白色衣服的人在给一个穿黄色衣服的人洗脚。", "一个宗教活动正在进行中,周围有许多人参加了进来。", "在一个天主教团体中正在进行着洗脚仪式。", "一个宗教仪式正在建筑物内部进行,一位牧师正在进行洗脚礼。", "在宗教仪式上,牧师正在清洗另一个男人的脚。", "穿着长袍的男人将一个物体浸入水中,同时戴着头巾的人物观看。", "一个身穿长袍的男人正在洗另一个男人的脚,旁边另一些穿长袍的人在观看,一些穿黑色衣服的人将双手合在一起。" ]
[ "Men in white robes clean peoples feet before the people put their socks on.", "Priest of some sort are washing the feet on other men with towels and bowls of water.", "A man kneels on the floor and dries a sitting persons foot with a towel, then bends and kisses it.", "a group of worshipers and getting their feet washed by priests", "A group of people are having their feet washed and blessed at a religious service.", "A man is kneeling down and washing someone's foot in a ceremony, while people are singing.", "Men dressed in white bath the feet of the sitting men.", "Priests of some sort, washing and kissing the parishoner's feet.", "Some men are giving other men foot washings in a religious meeting.", "A man is washing someone's feet and then kisses their feet." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的人,为另一个人洗脚,擦干净并亲了一口。", "在一个教会,一群人坐在位置上,有几个白色衣服教会的人在帮别人洗脚。", "一位身穿白色衣服的男子为他人擦脚,并亲吻了一下。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人给另外一个人的脚擦水。", "一排的男人坐在房间里,三个穿着白色衣服的男人站在他们前面,其中一个用毛巾帮一个坐着的人擦了一下脚后亲吻了一下脚。", "一个穿白衣服的男人半跪着在一个仪式上给别人洗脚,而人们在唱着歌。", "一位穿着白色衣服的男子正在给另外一位男士擦着脚。", "类似与牧师的职业洗刷亲吻樵夫的脚面。", "一些人在一次宗教会议上给其他人洗脚。", "一个男人正在给别人洗脚,然后亲吻他们的脚。" ]
[ "A man in a white robe cleaning other robed mens' feet.", "At a religious ceremony, a man washes the feet of several worshipers.", "A group of people are doing a reenactment of a scene from the bible in a church.", "A religious man walking a circle and washing peoples feet.", "A man is pouring water in to a bowl to wash someone's foot.", "in a hall a group of males sitting and one is going around washing their feet with water", "A man in a robe walks around to several people seated on the ground and washes their feet.", "a man in white interacts with many other people around him", "A group of people receive a form of communion from their leader.", "Several young men participate in a foot washing ceremony in a church." ]
[ "在一个室内,一群人正在看一个人为另一个人洗脚。", "外国人是在举行什么仪式吗喝什么啊。", "几个人盘腿坐在地上一个人拿着盆子走来走去。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人,一群穿着各种颜色衣服的人围坐着一圈。", "地上盘腿坐着许多人,一个穿着白色衣服的男人手里拿着一个盆子和一个壶走到人们面前蹲下。", "一群男性坐在一个大厅里,一个人用水给一些人洗脚。", "一个男人正在给一群坐在地上的男人洗脚。", "白衣男子正在与周围的许多其他人互动。", "一群人从他们的领袖那里得到一种形式的交流。", "一些年轻人在教堂里参加洗脚仪式。" ]
[ "A large group of people are partaking in a religious ceremony.", "A group of religious individuals dressed in robes are kneeling and bowing in a church.", "A religious group is worshiping a picture of Jesus Christ in a holy setting.", "A priest conducts a ceremony in the church while there is chanting going on.", "A religious ceremony is occuring with a group of sitting priests and parishoners.", "The man in long white and gold religious robes bows before men in plum and gold robes before a painting of a man is showing, then the man in white sits on the throne.", "A man is washing the feet of some higher ups in the catholic church", "A religius sevice with many robed individuals is being held and a portrait of Jesus is shown.", "A religious leader washes a persons feet before sitting in a chair.", "Ankle washing ceremony is going on in the church and people were singing" ]
[ "一个戴着黄色帽子穿着白色衣服的人在给另一个人洗脚。", "一个身穿白色衣服的男人在一群人的观看下进行封礼仪式。", "在一个场地上有很多人穿着专业的服装在看着一张照片。", "一群人在室内其中一个穿白色衣服的人正在给另一个人洗脚。", "一个穿白色衣服的人蹲在地上给另一个人洗脚周围有很多人围观。", "一个身穿白色长袍和金色长袍的男子在另外两个男子面前鞠躬,周围的人在围观。", "在一个教堂里,一个男人正蹲在地上洗天主教堂的高层人士的脚。", "一个宗教的服务与许多长袍的个人举行,并展示耶稣的肖像。", "一个看起来像宗教领袖在坐在椅子上之前先洗脚。", "脚踝清洗仪式正在教堂里进行, 人们都在唱歌。" ]
[ "A group of people in a church washing there sins away.", "A church member wipes a woman's feet while another one helps, and then he proceeds to kiss her feet.", "Two men, kneeling in front of a woman are performing a ritual, while people are singing in the background.", "A woman takes part in a religious ceremony by getting her feet washed by a man and boy.", "Church leaders wash a woman's feet during a church service.", "Two men wash a woman's feet during a religious ceremony", "a woman gets her feet washed during a service at a church.", "A church ceremony is performed as the men wash the feet of the lady.", "a man in white gown is washing a foot of a woman sitting down on a chair.", "A priest and attendant wash a woman's feet during a religious ceremony." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间,两个男人正在给一女人擦脚。", "在周围人的歌声中,两个男人在给一个女人洗脚。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在为别人洗脚。", "两个穿白色衣服的男人在给一个戴眼镜的女人洗脚。", "在明亮的房间里,两个白衣男子,在给你一个女人洗脚,并亲吻脚丫。", "在一个宗教仪式上两个男人正在用毛巾给一个女人擦脚。", "两个男人用毛巾和水正在给一个女人洗脚。", "在举行仪式的教堂上,有两个男人在为一个女士洗脚。", "一个穿着白色长袍的男人正在洗一个坐在椅子上的女人的脚。", "牧师和侍者在宗教仪式上给一名女士洗脚,旁边站着一排人拿着书在阅读。" ]
[ "A guy is talking about a time him and others had their feet cleansed with oil.", "Black hands are cleaning white feet, as a man tells a story about it.", "A man is describing an experience where someone washed his feet and then rubbed them with oil.", "A man is speaking, then people are getting their feet washed in buckets.", "A man is speaking, then someone washes another person's foot in a basin.", "a man is talking to the camera in a docuentary", "Many people are having their feet washed by another group of people.", "A group of people are washing each other feet in buckets of water", "People use towels to wash the feet of women who have their feet in a bowl of water.", "A man talks and explains the benefits of foot massage." ]
[ "一个男人正在述说一种洗脚的服务。", "一个男人在讲话。一个人在给另一个人洗脚。", "在一个房子里,一个穿着红色衣服的男人正在接受采访。", "一个穿红色衬衣的男人坐在那里后,就出现了一群人在洗脚。", "一个人拿着绿色的毛巾在给另外一个人洗脚。", "一个身穿红色衣服的男人正对着一个镜头说话。", "一个人正在介绍,许多人都在洗脚店里面洗脚。", "一群人正在用水桶互相洗脚。", "一群人正在洗着脚另一群人正在为他们擦着脚。", "一个男人正在谈论足底按摩的好处。" ]
[ "A woman carries a bucket and washes people's feet as they sit.", "A group of women are sitting in chairs with veils on their heads while one woman is washing the feet of one of the women in a bucket and a small boy is standing by.", "A woman puts her feet into a bucket of water while a young boy stands next to her and watches.", "a woman dressed up puts her feet in some water in front of her", "A woman carries around a bowl of water and washes another woman's feet.", "A woman is crawling on the ground and washing the feet of another.", "Women get their feet washed in a religious ceremony as others clap.", "Two persons are keeping their feet in water while another person is cleaning their feet", "A woman washes another woman's feet as people sing.", "The woman in white washed the other woman's feet that was in the bucket." ]
[ "昏暗的房间内,一个女人,在给坐在沙发上的女人洗脚,旁边几个人在观看。", "一个身穿白色纱丽服的女人在给坐在椅子上的女人洗脚。", "她端着一盆水,轮流给坐着的一排人泡脚。", "一位浅色衣服的人在给两一个人洗脚。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的女人在洗脚,另一个女人把盆子端走了。", "一个女人蹲在地上,再给另一个人洗脚。", "女人们在一个宗教仪式上洗脚,其他拍手哼唱着歌曲。", "一个人拿着盆清洗两个人的脚,然后把盆拿走了。", "当人们在唱歌的时候,一个女人正在给另一个女人洗脚。", "白衣女子给桶里另一个女人在洗脚。" ]
[ "A female hair stylest is washing a woman's hair in a sink", "A girl with red liptsick lays her head in a salon chair, while a woman in all black washes the first girl's hair.", "Two women are in a salon, one of them is getting their hair washed while the other is washing the hair.", "A woman has her head tilted back and is getting her hair washed.", "A woman gets her hair washed at a sink by a cosmetologist", "A woman hair styling giving a client a wash in a bowl.", "One woman is seated with her head back in a sink while another woman shampoos her hair.", "A woman slowly rinses out another woman's hair at a salon.", "A woman is washing another woman's hair in a salon sink.", "A woman is laying back while another woman is rinsing her hair in a sink." ]
[ "一位金发女士在给一名黑发女士洗头发。", "一个女人在给另外一个女人清洗头部。", "一个黄头发的女人正在给躺着的女人洗头发。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女子在给一个女子在洗头发。", "一名长发女子在给另外一名女子洗头。", "一个女发型师在用一个像碗的盆子给客户洗头发。", "一位女士坐着,头靠在水槽里,另一位女士在给她洗头。", "一个女人正在帮另一个女人用水龙头中的水清洗头发。", "一个女人正在沙龙水池里洗另一个女人的头发。", "一个女子仰着头将头发放入水池,另一名女子在帮她洗头发。" ]
[ "A woman is pouring a green liquid on another womans hair and working it into a lather.", "An individual is washing a woman's hair and scrubbing it in the process.", "A woman is sitting in a chair and getting her hair washed by another woman.", "A woman demonstrates how to shampoo hair with the product in the bowl.", "A lady was doing the head bath for another lady by applying the shampoo and massaging", "A woman uses a bowl and a sink to wash another woman's hair", "A woman is sitting down while another one washes her hair", "A hairstylist pours green shampoo from a bowl into her clients hair and washes it.", "One woman is pouring green liquid onto another woman's hair and then foaming it up.", "A beautician is washing a woman's hair in a sink and talking all the while." ]
[ "一个穿红衣服的女人在给另一个女人洗头发。", "一个金发女人正在给一个黑头发的女人洗头,一个黑头发的女人正躺在椅子上被洗头。", "一个人头放在水池里,另外一个女人拿着碗往头发上浇水,还挠了挠涂了洗发露的头发。", "有个穿着短袖的长发女子在往一个躺着的人头上倒东西。", "一个粉红色衣服的金发女人,往一个躺着的女人头上倒了一些绿色的液体,然后帮她洗头。", "一个女人用一个碗里的液体来洗另一个女人的头发。", "一个女人正在帮另一个女人清洗头发。", "一个发型师把绿色洗发水从碗里倒进她顾客的头发里,然后洗干净。", "一位女士正在将绿色液体倒在另一个女人的头发上。", "一位女士把一个白碗里的绿色液体倒在另一个女士的头发上,并一边说话一边给这位女士洗头发。" ]
[ "A girl with her head back having her hair washed by someone else.", "A woman is lying back with her head in a sink while someone washes her hair.", "A woman getting her hair washed in a sink at a hairdresser's.", "A woman washes another woman's hair in a hair washing sink, and the woman seems relaxed.", "A woman lays back in a sink as another woman washes her hair.", "a woman is on the hair washing tab and someone is gently washing her hair with running water", "A person is sitting with her head back and someone is washing her hair", "A woman is resting her head in a sink while another person runs water through her hair.", "A hand is washing a woman's head under running water in a beauty salon sink.", "A person's scalp is massaged as their hair is washed" ]
[ "一个人正在给另一个女人冲洗头发。", "一个人在帮另一个女人洗头,这个女人睁着眼睛。", "一个女子正躺在浴池上被另一个人洗着头。", "有一个身穿深色衣服的人躺着另一个人在给他洗头发。", "一个人在用双手给一个平躺着的女人洗头。", "一个人的手正在为另一个躺着的女人轻轻的用水洗头发。", "一个人躺在椅子上,有人正在洗她的头发。", "一个女人把头放在水槽里,而另一个人在她头发上防水。", "一只手正在美容院的水池里用自来水清洗女人的头。", "当一个人的头发被洗干净后,他的头皮就会被按摩。" ]
[ "A woman is shampoo and combing her hair in the shower", "A woman is demonstrating a hair care procedure while standing in a shower.", "A woman is in a bathroom, separating and combing strands of her long, black hair.", "A woman stands in the shower washing and brushing her hair", "A woman stands in a shower sectioning her hair to comb it and describes her process.", "Woman in a shower with her clothes on trying to comb out her hair.", "A woman is sectioning her hair and then cleaning it in a bathroom.", "A women is standing in a shower and running a a comb and conditioner in hair.", "A woman is braiding and brushing her hair in the shower.", "A girl describes how she's doing her hair as she's doing it." ]
[ "一个穿着白背心黑内衣的女人在洗头。", "一个女人正在厕所将自己的头发摸了一下然后梳开。", "一个女子在卫生间里穿着背心洗头发。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人,用双手清洗着她黑色的长发。", "在一个房间里,有一个女人拿着梳子在给自己梳理头发。", "女人穿着衣服在梳洗着自己的头发。", "一个女人正在梳理她的头发然后在浴室里清洁它。", "一个女人站在淋浴间, 在头发上做梳子和护发素。", "一个穿着白色背心的女人在梳理头发。", "一个女孩描述了她如何做头发的过程。" ]
[ "A mother holding a baby over a wash tub with rubber ducks while washing their hair.", "A little baby wrapped towel has their hair washed with a wash cloth.", "A woman uses a cloth to wash a baby's head as she holds it in her arms.", "A human is holding a baby and wiping the baby off.", "Woman giving a baby a bath over a blue basin.", "A person rubs a baby head with a towel in the bath", "A woman is dipping a washcloth into a tub of water and washing her baby's hair.", "A women holds a baby over a tub and uses a cloth to wash the babies head.", "A woman is washing a baby's hair while holding it over a tub of water.", "A woman washes a baby's hair as she sings and the baby chatters." ]
[ "一位母亲正在给她怀里的孩子用湿毛巾擦洗头发。", "一个女人在浴室里给一个小婴儿洗头。", "一个女子在用蓝色盆子里的水给一个小孩擦头发,小孩子笑了起来。", "一个女子抱着一个小婴儿在给他洗头发。", "一个女人正在给宝宝洗着头,小宝宝舒服的笑了。", "一个女人用毛巾在小浴盆里沾了水给怀里的婴儿擦头。", "一位女士怀里抱着一个宝宝,并在一个水池旁给宝宝清洗头发。", "一名妇女将婴儿抱在浴缸上,并用布清洗着婴儿头部。", "一个女人正在洗一个婴儿的头发,同时把它抱在一盆水上。", "一个人拿着工具正在给一个小孩儿洗头。" ]