[ "A baby is sitting on a bed and moving around before finally slumping down on the cover.", "A baby is laying on a bed with its blanket and then it sits up to collapse back onto bed shortly after.", "A baby in bed in a seated position and then rolling over to fall asleep", "A baby is sitting on a bed and then ends up lying down.", "A baby girl is trying to stay awake, but she tips over on her bed and appears to be falling asleep.", "A young baby tries to lie down one way, sits up and then falls down in the opposite direction.", "A baby who can't decide whether or not to wake up collapses in exhaustion.", "SLeepy child in bed struggling to sit up but falls back onto the bed,", "A baby in pajamas is sitting on a bed acting tired and falling over.", "A toddler is playing and falling around on a bed." ]
[ "一个穿着连体衣的小孩在床上坐着向一边倒去。", "一个穿着花衣服的小女孩在床上歪来歪去。", "一个可爱的宝宝在床上正在自己玩耍。", "一个外国小孩坐在床上来回的躺下。", "有一个小宝宝坐在床上,小宝宝一会儿就倒在了床上。", "在房间里,一个婴儿闭着眼睛坐在床上躺了下去。", "一个婴儿坐在床上,然后倒在一旁睡着了。", "躺在床上的孩子挣扎着坐起来但倒在床上。", "一个穿着睡衣的婴儿坐在床上感到疲惫并躺下。", "一个小孩子正在床上坐着,然后跌倒在床上。" ]
[ "a person sitting on the couch sleeping and then waking up in covers", "A young baby sitting on a womans lap with a blanket over the both of them.", "A child and parent sitting on the couch watching TV together.", "A woman watches TV while a baby rests on her lap under a purple blanket.", "A woman sits with a baby then a man speaks off camera and the baby responds.", "Are young baby with a pacifier in his mouth is laying there under a purple blanket.", "a little baby is sitting on the lap of a person and is covered with a blanket", "a baby and his mom together as they watch tv together sitting in their couch together", "Someone is under a purple blanket with a small child watching a TV show.", "A young baby naps and watches tv with her mother." ]
[ "一个大人在说话,,一个小孩含着奶嘴正在看着什么东西?。", "一个小宝宝正躺在一个女的的怀里。", "房间内沙发上一对母子正在看着电视。", "夜晚,一个裹着被子的女人在看电视,旁边的小孩子咬着奶嘴刚刚醒来。", "一个睡着的小男孩在一个女人怀中惊醒。", "小婴儿躺在一条紫色的毯子嘴里有一个奶嘴。", "一个小婴儿坐在一个人的腿上,上面盖着毯子。", "一个婴儿和他的妈妈一起坐在沙发上看着电视。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的女人正在盖着紫色的毯子看电视。", "一个小婴儿一边打盹一边与她的母亲看电视。" ]
[ "A woman is waking up a baby dressed in a zebra pattern onesie.", "A woman is touching a baby on its nose and saying \"wake up wake up\".", "A Lady trying to wake up a sleeping child with touching its nose.", "A man shakes a little baby to wake him up, then taps him on the nose to arouse him.", "A person is continually touching a baby's nose.", "A person is playing with a little baby;s nose while she is sleeping", "A woman gently shakes a sleeping baby and tells it to wake up, then starts tapping it on the nose and saying \"beep, beep.\"", "A mother tries to wake her baby up by gently shaking him before poking his nose multiple times.", "A woman is playing with a baby and trying to wake them up.", "A woman touches a baby’s nose to wake the baby up." ]
[ "一个婴儿在摇晃身体,一个大人用手指点他鼻子。", "一个人碰了碰正在熟睡的小孩子想要叫醒他。", "一个女人用手摸正在睡觉的孩子,孩子翘起腿动了几下。", "一个婴儿躺着动来动去,有一个大人拿手指点了下他的鼻子。", "在一个有些暗的房间里,一个小孩躺在沙发上晃动着腿脚。", "一个婴儿在睡觉的时候,一个人在用手指点婴儿的鼻子。", "一个人轻轻地摇晃熟睡着的宝宝然后用手点了点婴儿的鼻子婴儿将脚翘了起来。", "一位母亲正在摇晃她的宝宝,并多次戳宝宝的鼻子试图唤醒他。", "一个女人正在和一个婴儿一起玩,并试图唤醒他。", "一个小孩躺在床上,并且一个人的手在摸着她的鼻子。" ]
[ "Laying on a bed, a small baby reacts to music and smiles.", "A baby is on a bed and dhaking his butt while listening to music", "A baby laying on the floor shakes its bottom as it tries to crawl.", "A very young child on a blanket shimmies to the beat of music.", "A young baby and his mom together in his bed as he tries to get up and crawl", "A baby dances and grimaces to music playing on a phone", "A baby wiggling his butt and laughing while being filmed.", "A baby is sleeping and woke up happy to the sound of music playing.", "A sleeping baby wakes up and starts rocking to music.", "A person wakes a sleeping baby by playing music on their cellphone." ]
[ "一个穿花色衣服的小孩跪在床上一只手拿着相机给他拍了一张照片。", "一个小男孩跟着音乐的节奏在床上爬。", "在一个房间里,一个小孩躺在床上玩耍。", "在一床上,一个小孩正跪着并随着音乐晃动身体。", "棉被上一个幼儿趴着缓缓的起来抬起头。", "一个婴儿在床上听着音乐时边跳舞边做鬼脸。", "一个婴儿摆弄他的屁股,趴在床上笑着。", "一个婴儿趴在床上,跟随着音乐扭动身体。", "一个睡着的婴儿醒来后开始随着音乐摇摆,他很高兴。", "一个婴儿在一张床上趴着然后扭动着身体。" ]
[ "A woman is talking while she observes a baby waking up.", "A little baby boy rubs his eyes as he tries to sleep.", "A baby is sleeping and trying to wake up and is rubbing their eyes.", "A baby is lying on the bed and moving his arms around.", "A baby rubs his eyes as he begins to wake up.", "A very small baby is laying in a bed rubbing his eyes and yawning", "A baby is shown having restless sleep as a woman talks calmly to him.", "The little baby is slowly waking up as his parent changes his diaper.", "A mother talking to her baby while it wakes up.", "A little baby in a grey jumper rubs his eyes as he goes to sleep or is waking up." ]
[ "一个穿着灰色衣服的小孩子正在躺着揉眼睛。", "一个还没睡醒的小男孩躺在床上揉眼睛。", "在一个房间里,一个小孩躺在床上揉眼睛。", "一个小孩子躺在一张白色床单的床上正在手舞足蹈。", "有一个穿着灰色上衣的小宝宝用手摸着自己的脸。", "一个非常小的婴儿躺在床上揉着眼睛并扭动身体。", "当一个女人平静地对他说话时, 婴儿会出现不安的睡眠。", "当他的父母给他换尿布时, 这个小婴儿正在慢慢醒来。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的婴儿在床上扭来扭去。", "一个穿着灰色套头衫的小婴儿在睡觉或醒来的时候揉着眼睛。" ]
[ "a baby is on a bed raising his arms and moving around and he is being talked to", "A video showing a baby waking up and stretching his arms and legs.", "A baby is shown laying down and waking up from its nap.", "A tiny dark skinned baby, wearing a blue/green onsie making faces.", "A baby girl with her eyes closed is laying down, moving her arms and trying to wake up while a woman is talking to her.", "A mother watches her baby girl laying on a bed.", "A mother talks to her baby as it is laying moving around.", "A sleeping baby is moving around as it is trying to wake up", "A baby with a blue shirt stretches while closing their eyes.", "A baby in a blue outfit rubbing her eyes and stretching." ]
[ "在床上,一个穿着蓝色短袖的小孩正在边睡觉边伸懒腰。", "一个蓝衣服小朋友躺着睡觉并不停扭动身体,伴有一个女人说话声。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的小男孩在床上玩耍着。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小婴儿正躺在床上睡觉。", "一个婴儿闭着眼睛手不时挥舞,身子和脚也在动。", "一个女人在看着她的宝贝女儿躺在床上。", "一个小孩子躺在床上手舞足蹈的。", "一个熟睡的婴儿在试图醒来四处去走动。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的婴儿闭着眼睛做伸展运动。", "一个穿着蓝色服装的婴儿揉眼睛和伸展身体。" ]
[ "A baby is laying on its back while someone is rubbing their hand on his back and head.", "A mother is rubbing the back and head of a sleeping baby and calling 'baby.'", "A person rubbing the back and head of a baby", "A baby lays on its stomach while someone rubs its back and head.", "A baby is lying in his crib, being rubbed down by his mother's hands.", "A baby is sleeping on the abdomen while the mother rubs the baby's back.", "A baby lays face down in a bed while a person rubs its back and head.", "The mother pats the tiny baby's back and strokes his head as he sleeps in his crib", "A woman is giving the baby attention by massagign his back, but at the same time trying to wake he/she up.", "A quiet baby is being soothed by mom while asleep in a crib." ]
[ "一位母亲正在不断的抚摸跪躺在床上的小孩的后背。", "小孩子趴着睡觉,一位母亲用手不断地摸着他的头。", "一个人在抚摸趴在床上的小孩子的脑袋。", "在一个房间里,一个手上戴着戒指的人在给小孩按摩。", "一个光头的小孩,跪趴在床上,一双手抚摸着他。", "当一个小婴儿趴在床上时,另一个人正在用一只手在婴儿背部和头部抚摸。", "一个婴儿脸朝下躺在床上,同时一个人揉着它的背和头。", "当他睡在婴儿床上时,母亲拍拍小婴儿的背部并抚摸他的头。", "一个女人通过按摩婴儿的背部安抚她。", "一个婴儿趴在床上,一只手正在对他进行抚慰。" ]
[ "A newborn baby is sleeping and moving around while wrapped up.", "A sleeping baby is starting to wiggle around and make faces.", "A sleeping baby is moving around while lying down in a crib.", "Footage of a newborn baby in its crib moving around.", "A newborn baby making cute faces rocking back and forth with calm music", "A baby is lying in bed sleeping and apparently dreaming since the child is making faces with their eyes closed.", "A newborn baby is lying down in a small bed and is sleeping.", "A baby wrapped in a blanket lying on a bed makes facial expressions.", "A baby is wrapped in a white towel and makes funny faces.", "A newborn sleeps and stirs in a bassinet while classical music plays." ]
[ "一个小宝宝闭着眼睛躺在床上,吐了吐舌头。", "一个小孩子在床上躺着一边蠕动一边吐舌。", "一个盖着白色被子的婴儿在床上哭。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在吐舌头。", "一个刚出生没多久的小婴儿躺在床上哭。", "一个婴儿躺在床上睡觉,闭着眼睛在做着一些表情。", "个刚出生的婴儿正躺在一张小床上,正在睡觉。", "一个毯子包裹的婴儿躺在床上, 会做出面部表情。", "一个婴儿被包裹在一条白色的毛巾里面哭着脸。", "当古典音乐播放时,一个新生儿在摇篮里闭眼着摇头。" ]
[ "A infant in a walker style baby holder who jerks her head suddenly.", "A baby nods off and then startles herself and starts crying.", "A little baby in a walker is squealing while a woman talks to it.", "A baby cries in her carriage; her pacifier falls out.", "A baby girl is sitting in a walker, spits her pacifier, criea and wants to be picked up.", "A baby that is falling asleep leans its head backward, wakes up and starts to cry.", "A baby is leaning its head back andt then leans forward and starts crying.", "a small baby sneezes with a pacifier in their mouth and begins to cry", "A baby cries and drops his pacifier out while Mom looks on.", "A sitting baby starts to cry so much that his pacifier comes out." ]
[ "一个穿着粉色衣服、含着奶嘴的婴儿在婴儿车里面哭。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车里嘴里含着东西哭闹。", "一个小孩吸着奶嘴,不开心的哭了,奶嘴掉了下来。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车里含着奶嘴玩耍。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车里叼着奶嘴大声的哭着。", "一个坐在婴儿车里的婴儿仰着头,醒来的时候开始哭泣。", "一个小孩坐在婴儿车里哭,然后吐出了嘴里的奶嘴。", "一个嘴里叼着安抚奶嘴的小婴儿开始哭了起来。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的婴儿吐掉了奶嘴。", "一个坐着的婴儿开始哭得那么厉害,随后他的奶嘴就出来了。" ]
[ "A child, together with mom and dad is playing quietly in the living room.", "A baby is sleeping while another person holds them tightly and firmly.", "A little kid is falling asleep is someone's arm while another is offering food.", "A baby falls asleep on someone and then wakes up when someone brings a plate over.", "A baby falls asleep on a person who moves a plate of food out of the way", "A baby lying on a person that shows the baby a picture of a doughnut that gets the babies attention", "A baby sets their head down to sleep, then is awoken.", "A young girl laying against an adult, with her head on the shoulder being shown a plate of food.", "a little baby goes from sleeping to being awake after food is presented", "A reclined man holds a baby in his arms and a woman offers him a plate of food." ]
[ "一个穿着白色上衣的小孩看到一盘食物就抬起了头。", "宝宝睡觉的时候,被一碟肉的香味吸引醒了。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小孩躺在一个人的怀里。", "一个人抱着一个小孩子,另一个人端着一个盘子上面有食物。", "在一间昏暗的房间内,一个小孩,躺在一个大人的怀里,昏昏欲睡。", "一个婴儿躺在一个人身上,向婴儿展示了一个甜甜圈引起婴儿的注意。", "一个婴儿低下头睡着了之后,旁边一个大人用食物将他唤醒了。", "一个年轻女孩躺在一个成年人身上,她的头靠在肩膀上,然后被显示出一盘食物。", "食物出现后,一个小宝宝从睡眠变为清醒。", "一个斜倚的人怀抱着一个婴儿,一只手递给婴儿一盘食物。" ]
[ "A baby smiles at an unseen man who talks to him and laughs and tickles him gently.", "A man recording a infant girl and rubbing her belly.", "A proud father dotes on his newborn daughter as she sleeps.", "In a bouncer a baby is laying down with a blanket.", "A baby is laying down and sleeping while a man touches hair.", "a baby sleeping while a man laughs and rubs her chest.", "A baby smiles and closes its eyes and someone touches the baby.", "A small baby is sleeping with a blanket and the dad is touching the baby.", "A very small baby is sleeping while an adult is trying to wake her up.", "A little baby is wrapped in blankets and sleeping while their parent puts their hand on the baby's belly." ]
[ "一个小宝宝躺在床上另一个人用手在抚摸他。", "一个穿粉色衣服小宝宝在床上睡着,一个男人在旁边看着并用手抚摸。", "一个小婴儿在睡觉,一个大人用手抚摸她。", "一个在躺着的小宝宝在睁着眼睛,还有一个人的手在动他。", "有一个穿着红色上衣的小宝宝,小宝宝躺在那里,旁边有一只手去碰了碰小宝宝。", "一个婴儿在睡觉的时候,有个人用手在抚摸婴儿的胸部。", "一个小孩躺着,然后一只右手在小孩身上触摸。", "一个小婴儿裹着一条毯子睡觉,爸爸正在抚摸婴儿。", "一个穿粉色上衣的小婴儿正在睡觉,然后一个成年人试图叫醒她。", "一个小孩子在躺着睡觉,一个男人在旁边说话并把手放在了小孩子身上。" ]
[ "A new born baby is wrapped in a blanket trying to wake up.", "A dressed up baby lying down on his back is seen swinging his arms.", "A baby is being recorded and is stretching in the crib.", "A newborn baby moves it's arms around while laying in bed.", "A young baby stretches and waves her arms while sleeping.", "Infant in a sleeper, laying on a blanket, stretching their arms.", "A baby stretches and tries to push her hand out of her jumpsuit.", "A little baby is moving its arms back and forth while laying down.", "A dressed up baby in his crib is seen waving his arms.", "A baby fusses while lying in bed, and proceeds to fall back to sleep." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的小婴儿在伸着胳膊。", "一个婴儿正睡在被窝里并挥舞着小手。", "一个刚出生不久的小孩正在挥舞着胳膊。", "一个婴儿在床上躺着,双手不停的乱动着。", "一个小婴儿躺在粉色的被褥里,摆动双臂。", "一个婴儿穿着衣服躺在毯子上,正在伸展双臂。", "一个婴儿伸展着,试图把她的手从她衣袖里伸出来。", "一个小婴儿在躺着的时候来回移动着双臂。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小婴儿正躺在床上。", "婴儿在躺在床上挥舞双臂,然后又回到梦中。" ]
[ "A child tries to wake up their sibling who is sleeping.", "A woman rouses a sleeping toddler who opens its eyes and turns over on its side.", "A person trying to wake a little boy up, making him open his eyes.", "A young boy is awakened from sleep by a girl holding the camera.", "The little girl is attempting to wake up her brother who is sleeping.", "A child sleeping while an adult is trying to get the child to wake up.", "A young child is told to wake up and opens his eyes.", "a little boy keeps his eyes closed and then opens them slightly", "The lady is trying to wake the kid up to go to school.", "A person is trying to wake up a small child who doesn't indicate wanting to wake up." ]
[ "一个身穿蓝色秋衣的男孩拿着布在擦眼睛。", "一个女人在叫一个还在床上睡觉的小朋友起床。", "一个可爱的小男孩被一个人叫醒了脸上带着微笑。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小男孩,躺在床上玩耍。", "房间里,一个小孩在睡觉,翻来翻去不想起床。", "一个成年人试图让一个在熟睡中的男孩醒来。", "一个小孩睡的正香被叫醒过来并睁开了他的眼睛。", "一个小男孩闭着眼睛,然后笑着睁开眼睛。", "一个小朋友在床上被别人叫醒的样子。", "一个人正在试图唤醒一个不愿意醒来的小孩。" ]
[ "A person is playing a practical joke on a boy while he sleeps.", "Someone tickling the back of another persons ear as they lay asleep.", "A boy is sleeping on a couch but wakes up when another person tickles his ear.", "A guy is sleeping on a couch and a woman walks up behind him and does something to wake him up.", "A girl tickles or puts something in the ear of a boy is sleeping and he wakes up, gets up, and goes away.", "Someone is playing a practical joke on the boy that is trying to sleep.", "a person dripping something into the ear of another person sleeping on a couch.", "A person touches another person's ear that was sleeping and wakes them up.", "A group of friends are messing around with their friend on the couch.", "A girl is playing with a sleeping guy by putting something near his ear and making him react to it." ]
[ "一个正在睡觉的男人被另一个男人拿着一根棍子给弄醒了。", "一个男孩在沙发上睡觉,另一个人拿着东西在他耳边挠痒痒。", "一个人用一个白色的工具触碰睡在沙发上的人的耳朵。", "一个人在沙发上睡着了,另一个人把他吵醒了。", "一个男孩躺在沙发上睡觉,一个人用笔动了一下男孩,男孩被惊醒了。", "有人在和那个想睡觉的男孩开一个玩笑。", "一个人把东西滴进另一个睡在沙发上的人的耳朵里。", "有一个人摸了一下另一个人在睡觉的人耳朵,就把他弄醒了。", "一群朋友在沙发上和他们的朋友胡闹。", "一个女孩正在和一个熟睡的男人一起玩耍,随后把什么东西放在他的耳朵旁边。" ]
[ "A woman seemingly tries to wake a baby that is soundly sleeping.", "A new born baby is sleeping and her mother is touching the baby's cheek's.", "A mother coos at her baby while trying to get his attention.", "An infant is sitting in a woman's lap while she is talking to him and pinching his cheek.", "A baby shown wearing a striped bib and being held by a woman.", "A woman is holding a baby and squeezing its cheeks", "A baby, sleeping, is held by his mother who props up his head.", "A baby sleeps in it's mothers arms while she is mesmerized by it.", "A woman talks to a baby while holding it in her arms.", "A woman sitting in a chair was trying to wake up a sleepy baby." ]
[ "一个女人,正在抱着一个熟睡的小孩子。", "一个小男孩在女人的怀里熟睡,女人用手捏小男孩的脸。", "一位母亲正在非常用心的照顾他的小孩。", "在明亮的室内,一个皮肤黑黑的小孩在大人怀里睡觉。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的人正在抱着孩子。", "一个人手里抱着一个婴儿并用手捏婴儿的脸。", "一个女人正抱着一个熟睡中的婴儿。", "一个婴儿正在一个女人的怀抱中睡觉,女人用手揪了一下婴儿的脸。", "个女人把孩子抱在怀里并和婴儿交流着什么。", "坐在椅子上的一名妇女试图叫醒一个昏昏欲睡的婴儿。" ]
[ "A little boy is sulking and his mom is asking if he wants some juice.", "A baby lays in his crib while his mother asks him if he wants juice.", "A baby lays on his belly before starting to rub his eyes.", "A woman talks to her baby son on the bed and encourages him to go with her to get juice.", "A little boy is laying in his crib trying to wake up.", "A baby is waking up as a woman asks him if he wants to go get his juice.", "A little boy looks like he is crying while a female urges him to get some juice from \"papa\".", "A toddler in a cot is being woken up from sleep.", "A woman speaks to a baby while the baby lays down and pouts.", "A person talks and a baby lays on its stomach, moving its head left and right." ]
[ "在一个房间里,一个小孩在床上玩耍。", "一个小男孩正在床上侧着睡觉,一名女子想叫他起床,小男孩不想起来,直接脸朝下趴着。", "一个穿着白色条纹短袖的小男孩在床上趴着一只后在他背后拍着。", "一个穿着短袖的小孩,趴在白色的床上。", "一个穿着浅色上衣的揉眼睛的小孩趴在白色的床上。", "当一个女人问一个婴儿是否想要喝果汁时,他正在试图从床上新来。", "一个小男孩在揉着眼睛,, 一个女人说着从 \\\"爸爸\\\" 那里得到一些果汁。", "一个小孩正在婴儿床上从睡梦中醒来。", "当婴儿躺下并噘嘴时,一个女人对婴儿说话。", "一个人说话, 一个婴儿躺在她的肚子上并左右移动它的头。" ]
[ "A hand rubs the back of a baby who is in a crib, while a woman's voice says \"baby, wake up\".", "A parent soothingly tries to wake a sleeping baby by rubbing its back.", "A mother is rubbing her baby's back, attempting to wake the child up.", "a person attempting to waking up a small baby that is deep in sleep", "Someone is filming and patting a small child's back, encouraging them to wake up.", "A child sleeping in a crib as a woman rubs its back telling them to wake up.", "A little baby is sleeping in a crib and the mother is telling it to wake up.", ".a baby is sleeping in a crib and a woman is trying to wake it", "A mother tries to wake up her very sleepy toddler who's face first laying in her pillows.", "A woman is waking a baby by calling the baby and touching his back." ]
[ "一个小孩儿趴在了?床上。另一个人用手。去抚摸这个小孩子身体。", "在一个房间里,一个女人正在哄着一个蓝色上衣和蓝色短裤的小女孩睡觉,并用手拍着她的后背。", "有个穿着紫色衣服的小孩趴着睡着了。", "一个紫色衣服婴儿躺在床上睡早了,被妈妈抚摸了一下。", "一个熟睡的小孩睡在有绿色毯子的床上,一个人用手抚摸着她的背部。", "一个婴儿头朝下躺在婴儿床里,一个女人抚摸他的背让他醒来。", "一个小婴儿正在婴儿床上睡觉,一个人叫着婴儿,同时手还在抚摸婴儿的背。", "一个婴儿睡在婴儿床上,一个女人想要唤醒她。", "一位母亲试图唤醒一个穿着紫色上衣的小孩。", "一个女人正通过叫婴儿和抚摸他的背来唤醒婴儿。" ]
[ "A person is covering up a sleeping baby with and blanket, then the baby opens it's eye's.", "A person is swaddling a very small baby in a cozy green blanket.", "Someone is wrapping a newborn baby in a green blanket as it lies down..", "soemone is covering up there baby with a blanket then it wakes up", "The cute little baby opens his eyes as someone covers him with a blanket.", "A woman is covering a baby with a blanket as it is sleeping peacefully", "A sleeping baby is being covered with blankets and then is disturbed and wakes up.", "A person is tucking a newborn into a green blanket.", "A baby under blankets in its crib wakes up and looks up.", "A sleeping baby is laying down as it is being wrapped in a large blanket." ]
[ "一个人给一个小婴儿盖被子,小婴儿睁开了眼睛并挑了一下眼角。", "一个人正在给睡着的婴儿盖毯子,不料却吵醒了婴儿。", "一个睡意朦胧的小婴儿在盖被子的时候,睁开了眼睛。", "一个人给躺在床上的小孩盖被子,小孩子睁开了眼睛。", "一个人用手给一名小宝宝盖上了毛毯,然后小宝宝醒了,睁开双眼看了几秒。", "一个人用毯子盖在了一个正在睡觉的婴儿的身上。", "一个盖着毛毯在熟睡的婴儿被一个人打扰并且醒了过来。", "一个人正在把新生儿裹进一条绿色的毯子里面。", "一个婴儿在床上的毛毯里醒来,睁眼一看。", "一个睡着的婴儿正躺在床上,它被裹在一个大的毯子里。" ]
[ "A woman coos at an infant in a car seat and the infant smiles in response.", "A baby lays in its basinet smiling big and grinning.", "A baby is sitting while starting to smile and move.", "Someone is talking to the baby and the baby starts smiling.", "A baby is smiling while his mother talks to him.", "A cute baby is mesmerized and smiles at his mother's voice.", "A little baby is smiling at the sound of his mother's voice.", "A little baby smiling and looking up at their mom as they talk to them.", "A baby is smiling and looking up at an adult.", "An infant lays in a bassinet watching the woman talking and smiling." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的的婴儿,眼睛睁的很大,躺在摇篮里面。", "一个婴儿在婴儿车里边对着镜头笑。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小男孩正躺在那里,脸上洋溢着笑容。", "在一张床上,一个穿着白衣服的婴儿正在微笑。", "一个躺在婴儿床里盖着墨绿色被子的小孩在微笑。", "一个婴儿睁着大眼睛,对着母亲微笑。", "一个小宝宝正在非常好奇的听着母亲说话并微笑。", "一个婴儿躺在婴儿床里对着镜头微笑。", "一个婴儿正微笑着抬头看着一个成年人。", "一个婴儿躺在摇篮里看着女人说话和微笑。" ]
[ "A young infant is asleep while an unseen male talks to him and taps his cheeks to try to wake him up.", "A Father trying to wake up his very small child while is in carseat sleeping", "A man repeatedly tries to wake up the baby to no avail.", "A baby is sleeping in a car set and someone is trying to wake up the baby.", "A man tries to wake up his baby by talking to him and tickling his cheeks", "A man touches and talks to a baby that is sleeping in order to wake it.", "A man talks, trying to talk to a child shown sleeping, he nudges him with his hand.", "A man taps his son's face afew times as he tries to wake him up.", "A dad tries to wake his sleeping baby by nudging and flapping his hand by his face while yelling wake up for daddy.", "A little baby sleeping in the seat the another one wake up that baby." ]
[ "一个人在拍打一个在车上睡着的、穿着条纹衣服的小孩。", "小男孩睡着了,任由大人怎么拍打和呼喊就是不醒。", "一个人用手抚摸睡着的、系着安全带的小孩的脸颊和额头。", "一个人在不断说话试着叫醒一个孩子。", "一个人试图用手拍醒一个在汽车座椅上睡着的小孩。", "一个人正在试图叫醒躺在座位上的睡觉的小孩子。", "一个男人正在试图叫醒一个睡着的孩子。", "一个男人轻拍他儿子的脸,试图叫醒他儿子。", "一个小孩子睡觉旁边有人在摸着孩子。", "一个人试图叫醒一个在婴儿车里睡觉的婴儿。" ]
[ "A little girl running behind a little dog on a leash", "A toddler is walking her dog down a sidewalk while her parents are watching.", "A toddler age girl is walking a small dog on a leash down a sidewalk, a woman talks to her.", "A very small girl is holding a lease of a dog that is running", "A small child walks a little dog down a sidewalk.", "A small child walks a dog that is a attached to a lease she is holding.", "A very young girl walks a very small dog down the sidewalk, she runs to keep up with the dog.", "A toddler is being pulled along on the sidewalk by the leashed dog.", "A young girl runs or is pulled by her small leashed dog as an adult speaks to her.", "A toddler walk a Yorkie on a leash along the sidewalk." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色裤子的小孩牵着一只狗散步。", "一个穿花色衣服蓝色裤子的小女孩牵着狗绳跟着狗狗在跑。", "一个穿粉色上衣的小孩子正在马路上牵着一条狗。", "一个穿白色短袖的小孩儿牵着一条狗在路上走。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个小孩子在遛狗,后面跟着一个大人。", "一个小女孩正牵着一条狗在路上跑。", "一个小女孩牵着一条非常小的狗走在人行道上,她跑来跟上狗。", "一个蹒跚学步的小孩正在牵着小狗在人行道上散步。", "一个年轻的女孩子被她的小狗拉着不停的奔跑。", "一个小孩沿着人行道上拉着皮带在溜约克犬。" ]
[ "A little boy drags a wooden car toy instead of making it roll on its wheels.", "A little boy is walking around holding a string attached to a toy dog", "A small child pulls a pull toy while a dog watches and a person helps him when it falls over.", "A child pulling a toy behind him that is tied to a red string.", "A toddler is walking his toy dog next to his real dog.", "A little boy is trying to get the hang of a pull toy inside a home.", "A baby pulls a wooden toy dog past a real puppy towards a woman.", "A boy drags a wooden toy and then a woman straightens it.", "A young child walks a wooden toy dog on a string.", "A young boy is trying to walk a wood dog on a leash." ]
[ "一个小男孩试图将自己翻掉的玩具车正过来,但是没能如愿,最后一名女子帮她翻了过来。", "一个小孩在拉着一个积木玩具,另外一个女人用手把玩具翻了过来。", "一个穿蓝灰色上衣的小宝宝拉着玩具小车在家里玩。", "一个穿着深色衣服的小孩在室内拉着一个玩具走,另一个人给他弄玩具。", "一个穿浅颜色衣服的人正在和一个孩子拉着一个玩具玩耍。", "在房间里,一个小男孩牵着一只玩具狗在走着。", "一个婴儿把一个木制的玩具狗拉过一个小狗正对着一个女人。", "一个男孩拖着一个木制玩具,然后一个女人把它弄直。", "一个小男孩正在用绳子拖着一个玩具在房间内走着。", "一个小男孩正在用一根皮带牵着一只木狗走着。" ]
[ "A young boy running down the street with his dog on a leash.", "a young child is being led by a dog on a leash", "A boy walks down a street with a dog on a leash.", "A little boy is walking a dog on a leash.", "A young boy jogs down a paved road towards a dog that runs away.", "The small boy walks the dog on a leash on the side of the road then crosses to the other side.", "A boy is using a leash to walk a dog outside, the dog makes distance by moving ahead on the trail.", "A little boy is walking and following a small dog down a pathway.", "A child walks a dog on a leash down a cement road.", "A boy is walking a small dog on a street with a leash." ]
[ "一个穿着黄色上衣的小男孩正在遛狗。", "一个小男孩手里拿着一个东西,有一条狗狗在前面走,他在后面追。", "一个小孩走在路上,又去追前面的狗。", "在明亮的室外,一个穿黄色衣服的男孩在遛狗。", "白天的户外,一个小孩,牵着一只狗,在道路上行走。", "一个小男孩用狗链牵着狗走在路边,然后穿过马路去到另一边。", "一个穿黄色衣服小男孩在户外牵着一只小狗。", "一个小男孩正在跟着一只小狗沿着一条小路走着。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的男孩在水泥路边遛狗。", "一个穿黄衣服的小男孩正在街上遛狗。" ]
[ "On a dirt road, lined by trees, a woman is walking with two dogs.", "A female is walking with two dogs along a wooded pathway", "A lady in a pink tank top is walking a black and a white dog.", "Two dogs and their owners walk along a dirt path.", "A woman walks with a black dog and a white dog on a leash.", "Two dogs are being walked on a trail and a woman speaks.", "A woman blonde hair is walking both of her dogs.", "Two people walk their dogs on leashes in the woods.", "Two dogs and a woman are taking a leisurely walk down a wooded path.", "A couple are walking their dogs in the middle of the woods on a trail." ]
[ "两个人正在遛狗,一只是黑色一只是白色,。", "树木里一个人牵着两条狗散步,旁边有一个女人。", "小路上一个黑狗,一只白狗在路上散步。", "一个女子在一个两边都是树林的路上牵着两只狗走路。", "一个女人在林荫小路上带着小狗跑步。", "一个女人一边说话一边和两条狗在路上走。", "两只狗在前面走着,后面跟着一个女人在说话。", "两个人在树林里的小路上遛着两条狗。", "一个穿着红色上衣的女人在路边遛两只狗狗。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的女人和两只小狗走在野外的小路上。" ]
[ "A dog on a long leash attempts to move faster but is restrained.", "The cameraman holds a dog on a leash is pulled onto the street; a drum solo plays in the background.", "The dog is running around in the streets with his owner.", "A boarder collie dog on a white leash leads their owner across a suburban street.", "A dog is being taken on a walk and runs in the street while on a leash.", "A dog runs and pulls a person down the street while music plays.", "A person is playfully walking their dog with music in the background", "A dog is barking excitedly and pulling its owner as they are out for a walk.", "Someone takes their dog for a walk and the dog ends up taking THEM for a walk.", "A jazzy dog on a leash looks right and left before crossing the street." ]
[ "一个戴着手表的人牵着一条狗向马路上走去。", "一个人牵着一只小狗过马路,小狗东张西望。", "一条被系着狗链的狗在马路上奔跑着。", "在马路上,一条被绳拴着的狗蹦来蹦去。", "一个人在空旷的街道上用绳牵着狗遛狗。", "当音乐响起时,一只狗疯狂的在向前拉着一个人奔跑。", "一个人在背景的马路上嬉戏地遛狗。", "一条狗在散步时拉着它的主人兴奋地叫着。", "一个人带着他的狗出去散步,狗开心的跑了起来。", "在过马路的时候,一只戴着皮带的爵士小狗左看右看。" ]
[ "A woman is jogging on a beach with several dog behind her following.", "An older person runs outdoors past huts with a group of dogs running behind.", "A person running down the beach with a bunch of dog following them.", "A woman trots hurriedly as she walks multiple dogs down the shore of a beach", "Someone is running along side with a bunch of dogs.", "A person jogs along the beach with a number of dogs following them.", "A woman, along with her pack of dogs, jog along a windy beach.", "A person wearing shorts and sleeveless shirt is running with a few dogs on leash.", "A guy jogs on a beach with five dogs running beside him.", "A woman goes on a jog with four dogs following behind her." ]
[ "一个戴着帽子的男子在慢跑,后面还有一群狗跟着他在。", "一个老人带着一群狗在田野里跑步。", "一个老人牵着许多大狗在路上跑着,狗狗紧紧的跟着。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人牵着几条狗在跑步。", "一个戴着帽子的人身后跟着好几条狗正在慢慢的向前跑。", "海滩上有一位老人牵着他的一群狗在慢跑。", "一个女人和她的狗群一起沿着一个起风的海滩慢跑。", "一个穿着短裤和无袖衬衫的人和几只拴着皮带的狗一起奔跑。", "一个戴着白色帽子的人在海滩上慢跑,五只狗在他旁边奔跑。", "一个女人跑步时,有四只狗跟在她后面。" ]
[ "a little girl is pulling behind her a toy puppy and taking it on a walk", "A child pulling a dog toy down a sidewalk and a women tells chile to keep going.", "A young girl is pulling a toy dog on a sidewalk.", "A toddler walks on a sidewalk pulling a toy dog on wheels", "A toddler walks a toy dog on a leash down the sidewalk.", "Child is walking her toy dog, while she is being filmed from behind.", "A little kid walking outside down the street holding a stick", "A kid is walking a toy while another person is talking in the background.", "A small toddler pulls a toy dog on a string while walking on the sidewalk.", "A kid is walking on the pavement by dragging the toy" ]
[ "在小路上有一个黄头发的小女孩拉着一辆小玩具车在向前走着。", "一名小女童正在用绳子溜着玩具小狗。", "一位黄色头发的小女孩,手里牵着一只黄色的玩具小狗,在一条小路上走。", "一个小女孩正在拉着一个小玩具车走在路上。", "一个穿着红条纹衣服的女孩牵着一个玩具狗小车往前走。", "一个小女孩儿在路上拉着一只玩具狗在行走,然后停了下来。", "一个小女孩拉着玩具小狗走在街道上。", "一个孩子在路上拉着一个小狗玩具,而另一个人在背后说话。", "一个蹒跚学步的小孩在人行道上行走时拉着一只玩具狗。", "一个小孩正在拖着玩具走在人行道上。" ]
[ "a person walks their dog as their child walks next to them", "A girl is skipping outside next to a lady walking a dog.", "A women and a little girl take their dog for a walk.", "A guy is skipping while walking next to a woman walking a dog.", "A woman holding a leash walks a dog along a sidewalk as a child skips along behind her", "A kid is talking about his camera while videotaping another kid and a woman walking the dog.", "A woman is outside walking her dog with a little girl, a little boy is recording them and talking.", "A young girl is being video taped running down the side walk next to a woman walking her dog.", "a couple of people walking down a sidewalk as they are walking a dog together", "A woman and a young girl walk a little dog along a side walk on a sunny day ." ]
[ "一个身穿白色上衣粉色裤子的长头发小女孩在大街上玩耍。", "一个大人在遛狗,旁边一个小女孩边走边跳跟着她。", "一个女子左手牵着一根绳子,绳子的的另一端拴着一只狗,在一条小道上散步,女子的身旁跟着一个小女孩,小女孩蹦蹦跳跳的走着。", "一个牵着动物的一个女子,走在前面,另外后面有一个穿着粉色衣服的小女孩跑向她。", "一个女人牵着一条小狗在一条小路上面走,旁边有一个小女孩在蹦蹦跳跳。", "一个女人在遛狗,一个孩子在旁边蹦蹦跳跳。", "在一条马路上面,一个女子和一个男子正在街道上面遛狗。", "一个女孩在路上蹦蹦跳跳,一个女人牵着一只狗在旁边。", "几个人一起在花园中的小道中遛着狗。", "一个女人和一个小女孩沿着人行道遛一条小狗。" ]
[ "A young boy dressed in a superhero costume is walking a small dog down a sidewalk.", "A little girl is walking her dog down the street.", "A kid is being followed by his parent as he walks his dog down a path.", "A child wearing a costume is walking their dog on a quiet street", "A boy with a backpack and a spiderman suite is walking a dog down the sidewalk", "a little kid walking on a sidewalk with a dog on a leash", "A little kid dressed up in a spiderman suit is walking a little dog.", "A young kid in a costume is walking a little dog down the sidewalk.", "A young boy in a costume is shown walking a tiny dog on a leash down a sidewalk.", "A little girl wearing a backpack is walking a small dog on a leash." ]
[ "一个背着书包的小孩子正牵着一只狗在路边走。", "一个背着书包的小孩牵着一条狗在小路上前行。", "一个背书包的小孩子牵着狗在马路边行走。", "一个身穿红蓝衣服身挎双肩背包的孩子在路上遛狗。", "一个小朋友手里牵着一只狗狗走在大路上.。", "一个小孩背着书包牵着狗走在一条街道上。", "一个穿着蜘蛛侠衣服的小孩正在遛一只小狗。", "一个穿着戏服的小孩在人行道上牵着一条小狗。", "一个穿着红色上衣的男孩在人行道上牵着一条狗。", "一个背着背包的小女孩正在牵一条拴着皮带的小狗走着。" ]
[ "Two dogs with clothes on are being held by leashes by a woman talking about their home country.", "A woman is outside with a group of children and a couple of dogs, and she is explaining why one has no hair.", "A woman is speaking about a dog that is from Africa.", "a dog in the grass barks excitedly and runs around in a circle", "A woman is talking to 2 kids who are asking questions about her two dogs which she has on leashes.", "A group of children are standing and watching two dogs run around.", "A woman is telling someone about her dog in the video who is hairless and from Africa.", "Two dogs are playing while a woman is explaining that the hairless one is from Africa.", "A lady is describing her dogs and their origin of Africa.", "a couple of dogs around a large amount of people playing together while being on their leases" ]
[ "一群人在跟两只小狗愉快的玩耍,并问问题。", "两只小狗在草地上玩耍,旁面有小孩在逗它们玩。", "室外草地上,人们正在遛狗,狗狗们很活泼。", "两个被绳子拴着的狗在草地上跑来跑去。", "室外的草地上,两只拴着的狗在欢跳着,旁边有人站着看。", "一群孩子站在那里看着两条狗在地上跑来跑去。", "在户外两只狗被栓在一起,几个人在旁边站着。", "两只狗在玩耍,而一个女人正在解释说那只没毛的狗来自非洲。", "一位女士正在描述她的狗和它们的非洲起源。", "两只狗正围着一群人玩耍,一只狗还摇着尾巴。" ]
[ "A man walking a dog on a leash goes past some monuments in a field of tall grass.", "A dog is being walked outside up a path while a guy talks.", "Outside a person walks a dog through an old graveyard with long grass a many trees in the background.", "Someone is walking a dog on a leash down a dirt path with grass around it.", "A young rat terrier is being walked and he is leading the way.", "A dog on a leash walks on a path through a grassy hill.", "A person is walking their dog along a path in a graveyard.", "Someone walking down a path through a cemetery with their dog.", "A man walks a dog on a leash down a dirt path in a grassy clearing and then speaks.", "A dog on a lash walking with a man in grassy field." ]
[ "一个人正开心地在一个乡间小路上溜狗。", "一个人牵着自己的小狗走在乡间的小路上。", "一个人牵着一条狗正在一条路上慢慢地走着。", "在一个室外的草地里,中间有一条泥路一只小狗跑了过去。", "一只被绳子牵着的白色小狗正在小路上走着,两边都是绿色的草丛。", "一条系皮带的狗在青草小山的小路上行走。", "一个人正在一条小道上使用绳子溜着自己的宠物狗。", "有一个人带着一只狗穿过一片墓地。", "一个男人记录了他走在山路上遛的一只狗。", "一个人牵着一条狗田野的小道上散步。" ]
[ "A man and his dog are walking down a snowy hill.", "A man and his dog are walking outside in deep snow.", "A man is walking his dog in almost knee-deep snow.", "A person is walking with their dog through thick snow.", "a man is walking his dog in knee high snow", "Someone walks their large dog through the snow, the dog herself sinking a bit.", "A man walks his dog through the snow while he talks to it, then music plays.", "A man is walking around with his dog in the snow.", "A person walking their dog in deep snow on a cold day.", "A person walks their dog through deep snow that goes up to the dogs belly." ]
[ "一个男人脖子上戴着相机,牵着自己的狗在雪地上走。", "一个穿黑色上衣的男人牵着一条黄色的狗在雪地里行走。", "一个穿着皮衣的人带着一条狗在雪地里走。", "有个穿着黑色上衣的男子牵着狗狗在雪地上行走。", "在白色的雪地上,一个男人,牵着一只狗,在雪地上行走。", "雪地上有一名男子牵着他的大黄狗穿过。", "一个男人在他说话时遛狗穿过雪地,然后音乐播放。", "一个人带着他的狗在雪地里走来走去。", "在寒冷的天气里,一个人在厚厚的积雪中悠闲地在遛狗。", "在室外的雪地上,一个男子拉着一只狗在雪地上走着。" ]
[ "A young kid is walking around with another boy around a neighberhood.", "A boy is walking next to another boy wearing a hat and talking", "Two kids are walking together and talking while they walk.", "One kid walks and talks with with another kid while he videotapes it.", "a little kid standing outside walking around with a boy walking next to him", "Two kids are walking together and one kid is doing all the talking.", "Two boys are out walking through a neighbourhood on a bright sunny day as they make a video.", "A boy was talking to another boy in the street while they walked together", "Two boys are walking next to each other while talking to the camera", "A couple of little boys talk with one another while walking around and filming." ]
[ "一名身穿蓝色上衣的男孩,正在敞亮的室外玩耍。", "路上,一名身穿蓝色衣服的小男孩儿在说话,旁边站着一名戴着帽子的小男孩儿。", "一个金发小男孩和一个戴着帽子的黑人男孩一起走着。", "两个穿着深色衣服的人在马路上边走边说话。", "两个小孩在房屋外一边行走一边说话。", "两个小孩并排行走着,一个孩子正在和另一个小孩谈话。", "在一个阳光灿烂的日子里,两个男孩正在一个小区里面散步。", "一个穿短袖的男孩和一个戴帽子的男孩正边走路边说话。", "两个男孩一边走在一条路上, 一边说话。", "两个小孩走在路上,一边走一边聊天。" ]
[ "A kid is walking with a dog that is on a leash and a woman is walking behind the kid.", "a small child that is walking a black dog in the middle of the street", "A boy is walking his black labrador on a leash while his mother watches.", "A mother and her kid are seen walking while the boy walks ahead holding the dog's leash.", "A boy holds an orange leash while walking his black dog down the middle of the street with his mother.", "A boy is following a dog on a leash that is pulling him.", "A young boy is outside with his mum walking a black dog on the road.", "A woman is walking as her kid has a dog on a leash.", "The mother is filming her son taking a black dog for a walk.", "A boy is struggling trying to walk a large black dog." ]
[ "一个小男孩在一个女子的陪同下牵着狗散步。", "一个戴着墨镜的女子在说话,一个男孩子牵着一条黑色的狗。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,一个小孩在遛狗。", "一个穿短袖衫的小男孩牵着一只黑狗走在路上。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一个小男孩在遛狗。后面跟着一个女人。", "一个小男孩正在用皮带拉着一条狗。", "一个小男孩牵着一条狗走在马路上,他后面跟着一个女人。", "一个女人和一个孩子走路,她的孩子手里牵着一条狗。", "一个穿着短路的男孩在一个小道上遛着一只黑狗。", "一个女人在说着什么,一个男孩牵着一狗在路上行走。" ]
[ "a small baby was holding the dog collar rope and shake that rope and laughing", "A little girl is walking with a dog on a leash down a sidewalk.", "a toddler walking a dog on a leash while laughing.", "A girl holds a dog's leash while walking and laughing.", "A little girl walking a dog, laughing and being happy.", "a toddler is laughing while walking a dog along the sidewalk", "A toddler stands on a sidewalk and begins to walk with her dog down the sidewalk.", "A toddler is walking a dog on a leash on a sidewalk.", "a happy girl in pink jumpsuit is walking her dog while her parents watch her", "A toddler follows a pug dog on a leash while giggling." ]
[ "白天的户外,一个小孩,牵着一只狗,在道路上行走。", "路旁一名小朋友牵着一只狗在行走。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女孩正在一条路上走。", "一个金色头发的小女孩,一边笑着一边牵着一条狗。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的小女孩正牵着一条狗在马路边上走着。", "一个婴儿开心地牵着一只狗在街道上行走。", "一个幼儿在人行道上牵着一条狗走路。", "一名幼儿在人行道上用皮带遛狗。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的女孩正在人行道上遛狗。", "一个蹒跚学步的孩子在一边咯咯地笑着,一边遛狗。" ]
[ "Three dogs are shown walking on leashes together down the road and then another dog being walked separately is shown.", "Three dogs walk on leashes next to another dog walked by a man.", "A person walks three dogs together while another walks one.", "A person is walking dogs on leashes down a street.", "A group of people are walking multiple dogs on a pavement.", "Three dogs are being walked and another dog gets into the picture.", "someone is walking three dogs at once then the camera moves over to show one person walking on dog", "A brown dog and two white dogs walk on leashes and a fourth dog walks nearby.", "Three dogs are walking together on leashes, then a person is walking a single dog on leash.", "Four dogs on leashes are being walked together down a neighborhood street." ]
[ "一个人领着三只狗在散步,随后旁边有人领着一只狗散步。", "一个人同时牵了三条狗,随后另一个人牵了一条狗。", "两只白色的狗狗跟两只黄色狗被主人牵着遛。", "四条被绳子拴着的狗一起在街上行走。", "三只狗的脖子上都栓着绳子,并排走着,又有一个人牵着一只狗走过来。", "两只白色的狗和夹在中间黄色的狗走路,旁边还有一只黄色的狗。", "有人同时牵了三条狗, 然后相机移动过来显示一个人在狗身上行走。", "一只棕色的狗和两只白色的狗被用皮带牵着行走,旁边还有一只被另一个人牵着的淡黄色的狗。", "一个人正在牵着一条拴着皮带的狗走在街道上。", "一个人拴着三条狗在街上走,旁边还有一个人拴着一条狗在走。" ]
[ "A man is outside training his dog to walk through his legs.", "A guy is outside walking a small dog across a green lawn.", "A man accompanied by a dog is crossing a grassy field while music is playing.", "A person in a cap walks in the field with his dog.", "A man demonstrates walking his dog on a straight line along his yard.", "A dog is following a man walking through a field while music is playing nearby.", "A man is walking across a field with a dog walking between his legs.", "A man is walking in an open field while a small dog walks next to him.", "A man is walking a dog on a grass field.", "The man is practicing walking with the dog and the dog is messing up." ]
[ "一个戴着白色运动帽的男人在草坪上训练他的宠物。", "一个人在草地上训练一只小狗,旁边站着围观的人。", "一个男人牵着一只小狗在草坪上散步。", "在一片草地上,一个戴帽子的人和一条狗在前行走路。", "一个戴着帽子的男人在草地上面行走,后面有一条狗跟着走。", "背景中播放着音乐,一个男人走在一片田野上身后跟着一只狗。", "一个身穿马甲的男人身后跟着只小狗。", "一个男人正在一片空旷的草地上训练他的小狗。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在草地上遛狗。", "在户外草地上,一个男人和一只狗在散步,旁边有一个女人在观看。" ]
[ "Two girls are walking a dog outside and filming their footsteps before one of them puts her middle finger up", "Two young girls walking a dog, are filming their feet as the walk down a sidewalk; one girl then flips of the camera.", "Two teen girls are walking a dog and walking in sync.", "Some people are walking together on the side walk and laughing.", "Two people are walking together down the street and one laughs.", "The young girl, together with a friend is walking her dog around the neighborhood.", "Two young women walking on a residential neighborhood sidewalk, giggling and make rude gestures.", "Two women are walking down the sidewalk until the lady in the white dress gives the middle finger.", "Two friends are walking down the sidewalk and one of the girls flips the other one off.", "Two teen girls in a residential neighborhood with houses that all look the same purposely step off so that they can step with the same feet in unison." ]
[ "一个带着耳环的女人在和另一个人齐步走。", "两个女孩正在走路,其中一个女孩对另一个女孩做出来鄙视的手势。", "两个人正在小路上走着,其中一个人竖了竖中指。", "两个人在并排走路其中一个长发身穿浅色上衣的人比着手势。", "两个人缓慢的走在路上,旁边是绿绿的草坪。", "一个年轻女孩和一个朋友正在附近遛狗。", "两个穿着高跟鞋的女子走在街上,牵狗的女子笑着做出鄙视的手势。", "两个女人沿着人行道走着,然后穿着白衣服的女士竖起中指。", "两个朋友走在人行道上,其中一个女孩翻过另一个。", "两个人在户外的小路上走路,一个女孩抬起自己的一只手做了个手势。" ]
[ "A person takes their dog for a walk set to music.", "A dog named snowdrop is being taken on a walk.", "Out on a sidewalk. a dog walks on a leash while being filmed by someone in background.", "A dag is being walked in the side walk with a purple leash on.", "On a sunny day, somebody is having a very happy walk with their dog.", "A person walks their dog on a leash outside while a caption appears on the screen.", "A white dog on a leash walks quickly down various suburban sidewalks.", "A dog is taken for a walk outside on a leash", "A person is taking their dog out for a walk.", "a white dog with brown ears and spots is going for a walk on a purple leash" ]
[ "一位狗主人带领他的白色花纹狗狗出门散步。", "一只小狗在主人的牵引下,欢快的走着。", "一个人牵着白黄相间的狗在路上遛弯。", "一只耳朵黄色身上白色的小狗在路上溜达。", "一条白色的小狗正被牵着走在铺着石板的路上。", "一个人在街道上牵着狗链遛狗,而屏幕上则出现一个标题。", "一条拴着皮带的白色狗沿着各种各样的郊区人行道走着。", "一只狗被人用皮带拴着在户外的小路上散步。", "一个人正带着他的小狗在街道上散步。", "一条白色的狗行走在两边都有绿色植物的路上。" ]
[ "Two leashed dogs are walking in front while the brown dog looks sideways.", "On a sidewalk, two dogs on leashes are going on a walk.", "Two dogs are being walked by a girl that says she needs to get used to doing this.", "Two people walk their dogs on leashes on the sidewalk.", "A dog on a leach is walking beside another one in the street", "A fluffy brown dog is being walked on the pavement on a leash", "Two people are walking their dogs on leashes on a sidewalk.", "A woman walks her very brown harry dog on a city street, the video is sideways.", "A person is walking two dogs on a sidewalk next to a street.", "A woman is walking with two dogs down the sidewalk." ]
[ "一个人牵着黄色的狗,一个人牵着黑色的狗。", "两个人在遛狗,分别是一条黄色的狗和一条黑色的狗。", "两个人分别在溜一条黄色的狗和一条黑色的狗。", "两只狗在户外走行走,路上有车经过。", "一只黄色和一只黑色的狗正被绳子牵着在路上走。", "一个人牵着一只毛茸茸的棕色狗在人行道上散步。", "两个人正在人行道上用牵引带牵着他们的狗遛狗。", "一个女人在城市街道上遛着她的棕色的哈利狗,视频是侧面的。", "一个人在一条街旁的人行道上走两只狗。", "一个女人正带着两条狗走在人行道上,并说着什么。" ]
[ "A baby runs ahead of a man with a dog.", "A toddler holds a leash and walks a tiny puppy while a man tries to help.", "A young girl is pulling a dog with a lease, and a man picks up the dog as the girl continues to walk.", "The little girl attempts to walk the puppy on a leash.", "A toddling girl is dragging a puppy behind her when a gentleman intervenes by picking the puppy up and following her.", "A litte girl is pulling a leash that is attached to a dog but the dad is holding the dog in the air.", "A little girl walks along holding a dog leash as a man carries the dog.", "A little baby girl is pulling a dog on a leash while a man picks the dog up.", "A toddler girl excitedly walks her dog and then drags it behind her as a man carries it.", "A little girl is trying to walk a tiny puppy on a leash." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服戴帽子的男人正在抱着小狗。", "一个男人带着自己的孩子在室外遛狗。", "小女孩牵着小奶狗,小奶狗不走,被爸爸直接抱在怀里。", "一个外国小女孩和一个外国男人抱着一只小狗。", "一个小女孩牵着狗绳,她身后一个男人抱起小狗,另外一个小女孩在骑自行车。", "一个小女孩牵着一条狗,然后一个男人把狗抱了起来。", "一个女孩牵着一个一只小狗在走,一个男人在后面抱起了小狗。", "一个女孩牵着一个被绳子拴住的狗狗旁边一个男人把狗抱了起来。", "一个蹒跚学步的女孩兴奋地遛狗,然后在男人背着它的时候将它拖到身后。", "一个小女孩拿着遛狗绳,想让小狗跟着她一起走。" ]
[ "A man is walking a dog on a leash when a cat runs past them.", "A man is standing on a sidewalk as a cat runs behind him and underneath a car.", "A cat ran across the drive way and under the car parked there.", "A man is walking his dog and a black cat runs right by them.", "A man stands on the sidewalk with a dog on a leash as a cat runs past towards a house", "A black cat runs behind a man who pauses while walking his dog.", "A man is holding a dog on a leash when a cat runs by them.", "Two small dogs are being walked outdoors and then a cat comes running past them behind car.", "A man is waling the dog is around while speaking and another dog is running towards the house.", "A black cat runs past a man who is out with his dog." ]
[ "在街上有一只猫,一只狗,一个老人,和一台车。", "一个老人牵着一条黄色小狗站在路边,旁边跑过一条黑色小狗,直奔一辆停在屋外的汽车尾去。", "一只黑色的猫快速的从一个穿着黑色上衣的人身边跑过。", "一个男人牵着一只狗在逛街,有一只猫跑了过去。", "一个男士牵着一只黄色的狗,一只黑色的狗快速从旁边跑过。", "一个人在遛这狗,身后窜过一只黑猫。", "一个男子牵着一只狗不动的时候一直黑猫从他们旁边跑过去了。", "两只小狗正在外卖散步,忽然一只小猫咪从旁边跑过。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在一个街道上遛着狗并遇到一只猫。", "在室外,一只黑猫跑向了一个手上牵着一只狗的男子。" ]
[ "A toddler is walking a dog on a leash through the yard.", "A toddler walking outside with a small dog on a leash", "A baby is holding the leash attached to a dog and walking around.", "A toddler is walking his little dog outside in a field.", "Child walks on grassy field holding dog leash as dog follows behind.", "A toddler boy is out in the field walking around with his dog that is on a leash.", "A young child is walking around on the grass leading a small dog on a leash.", "A baby walks a dog around on a leash in an open field.", "A little boy walks a dog on a leash in a grassy area.", "A little boy is walking in a field with a dog on a leash." ]
[ "一个小男孩牵着一条小狗在绿色的草地上玩耍。", "一个黑色衣服的小男孩牵着一条黑色的狗在草坪上走动。", "一个小孩开心地牵着一只狗,在草地上走来走去。", "一名身穿黑色外套的男孩和一只黑色的狗,正在草地上行走。", "小孩牵着一只黑色小狗在草坪上走着。", "一个还在学着走路的小男孩牵着他的狗在四处走动。", "一个小孩子正在草地上牵着一条拴着皮带的小狗到处走。", "在一片空地上, 一个婴儿用皮带带着一只狗四处走动。", "一个小男孩在草地上用皮带遛狗。", "一个小孩儿牵着一个黑色的小狗在草地上行走。" ]
[ "Multiple children are walking dogs and the dogs are barking at each other.", "Two dogs are barking at one another outside on the grass.", "People are gather on a stairway while two dogs bark at each other.", "A group of children are walking two puppies down a path.", "A group of children walking a puppy on a leash and one walking on its own while barking.", "A group of young people are sitting and standing on steps beside grass and one has a dog who is yelping.", "A group of people with puppies out side playing with them.", "Someone is sitting on steps while a young boy plays with a dog barking at another dog.", "A boy with other kids outdoor was holding the leash of a dog", "Kids play with two dogs while taking a walk, one of which is barking." ]
[ "一片草地上三个小孩在和一条狗玩耍。", "一名外籍男孩子啊正在绿色的草坪上抚摸他的宠物狗。", "一个穿蓝色上衣的小孩正小狗互动。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男孩在牵着一条黑色的小狗。", "在草地上,一个穿着蓝色衣服的小男孩,在牵着一只小狗。", "一群年轻人正行走在草地旁边的台阶上,其中一个小伙子的狗正在大叫。", "一群人带着一只小狗在外面玩耍,并在交谈。", "有人坐在台阶上,而一个小男孩的狗对着另一个小男孩的狗在叫。", "一个男孩和其他孩子一起在草地上正在训练狗狗给它带上皮带。", "孩子们在散步的时候和两只狗玩, 其中一只在叫。" ]
[ "A boy was walking in the house and pulling a toy dog with him", "A little child walks a toy dog on a string that has wheels.", "a child walking in the hall pulling a little white and yellow and black toy puppy.", "A little boys pulls a puppy toy on a string around the floor of his house.", "A toddler is filmes while playing with a toy dog on a leash.", "A little boy is walking his toy dog on a leash through the house.", "A small toddler takes his plastic toy dog for a walk in the living room", "A young child plays with a dog toy and pulls it behind him.", "A child with a toy dog on a cord stands in a doorway then walks through a room bumping and dragging the toy, and through another doorway", "A little boy walks his pet dog inside the hall of his house." ]
[ "一个小孩在房间里拖着一只玩具狗在地上走。", "一个小宝宝正在溜着他的玩具小狗。", "一个穿红色衣服的小孩牵着一只玩具狗往前走。", "一个穿着红色上衣的小男孩在牵着玩具小狗在家里转着。", "一个穿着红色短袖的小朋友正牵着一个玩具狗在走路。", "一个小男孩牵着他的玩具狗在房子里走着。", "一个小孩子在起居室里带着他的塑料玩具狗散步。", "一个小孩子玩着一个狗玩具,把它拉在身后。", "一个小女孩光着脚牵着一个玩具狗走在了地毯上。", "一个小男孩手里牵着一个玩具狗在房子走路。" ]
[ "A small child is walking a large dog on a sidewalk.", "A small child is walking a dog down a sidewalk, a woman calls to the child.", "A kid is walking the dog towards the house and there is a lady speaking to him in the background.", "A small boy is walking a dog along a quiet neighbourhood road as an adult talks.", "A little boy takes a walk with the dog as mom watches.", "Small boy walking a large dog down the sidewalk of a neighborhood.", "A little boy is walking a dog, tied to a leash that he is holding, while a woman looks on and talks to him.", "A toddler holds a retractable leash as he walks the dog.", "Two large dogs walk down a sidewalk and disappear around the corner.", "On a sidewalk, a boy and a dog walk back home in front of the mother." ]
[ "在一条小道上,一个小孩和一只狗正在向前走。", "一个小男孩正在和一只大型犬散步。", "一个穿着蓝色裤子的小男孩正站在室外的一条路上。", "在户外宽阔的公路,一小孩和一条狗在散步。", "室外有一个小孩子和一条狗正在行走。", "小男孩带一条大狗在附近的人行道上遛狗。", "一个小男孩正在遛狗,拴在他手里的皮带上,而一个女人在旁边和他说话。", "一个幼儿在遛狗的时候拿着一条可伸缩的皮带。", "一条狗和一个孩子走在人行道上,在拐角处消失不见。", "在一条人行道上面,一个正在牵着一条狗不停的走着。" ]
[ "A guy is skateboarding with his dog through a busy street.", "A man riding a skateboard is holding a dog that is running on a leash.", "A man is being propelled on a skateboard by a dog attached to a leash.", "A man on his skateboard being pulled by his dog", "A man is skateboarding while walking his dog down a busy street filled with people.", "A man is riding through a city on a skateboard being pulled by a dog.", "A dog pulls a man on a skateboard weaving in and out of people.", "A man skateboards down the street while being pulled by a dog.", "A dog pulls a man down the street on a skateboard.", "A guy in a busy walking street on a skateboard puuled by his dog." ]
[ "在一条大街上,一个穿着黑色衣服的人牵着狗滑着滑板。", "一个男人踩在滑板上,它的前面有一条狗跑得非常快。", "一个穿黑色皮夹克的男人站在滑板上,一条狗拉着他在跑。", "一个穿黑色上衣滑滑板的人被狗拉着在有人的路上滑。", "一个男人站在滑板上一条狗牵着他不断穿过人群。", "一名男子踩着滑板被一条狗拉着在城市中行驶。", "一只狗拉着一个人在滑板上,并 在人群中穿行。", "一个男子拉着小狗在巷子里窜来窜去溜滑板。", "一条狗用滑板把一个男人拖在街上行驶。", "一个人牵着狗在繁忙的步行街上踩着滑板。" ]
[ "A man walks a small dog on a leash, only looking down to see his feet and the dog on the sidewalk.", "A person is walking their dog along the wet sidewalk.", "A person is walking a dog with a leash on the sidewallk.", "A small white dog is walking on a sidewalk attached to a leash.", "A person walks a small dog with a leash along a sidewalk", "A person slowly walking a small white dog on a rainy day.", "Someone is walking their white dog on a sidewalk with a leash and a harness on the dog.", "Someone with a poodle on a leash walks down a wet sidewalk.", "A person walking on the sidewalk with their dog on a leash.", "A man is walking his dog and the dog is stopping to sniff things." ]
[ "一个人正牵着一只白色的小狗在小路上走着。", "一个人用绳子牵着一只狗在路上行走。", "一个穿着黑色鞋子的人在路上遛狗。", "一个穿着黑色鞋子的人牵着一只白狗走在道路上。", "在一个晴朗的天气,有一个人牵着一只白色的狗在走路。", "一个人跟着一只白色的小狗在雨中行走。", "有人牵着一只白色的狗狗在人行道上散步。", "一个人带着狗狗走在潮湿的人行道上。", "一个人走在人行道上, 狗被绑在黑色的皮带上。", "一个人牵着狗,狗一直在地上嗅着什么东西。" ]
[ "A man is taking several of his dogs outside for a walk on a windy day.", "A man is walking on ice with a pack of dogs.", "A man walks dogs to a windy beach.", "This is of a man by the ocean with his dogs on a windy day.", "The man was walking with a group of dogs near the water.", "A man is walking with a group of dogs on a wet road", "A man is walking outside with several dogs, along the road towards the shore of a body of water.", "A man is walking toward the beach with a group of dogs following him", "A man is walking outside near the water with a lot of dogs.", "A man was walking towards the water along with more number of dogs following him" ]
[ "一个穿着黄色衣服的男人向水边走去,他的身边有很多狗跟随。", "在一片无人的道路上,一个男子走着,身边有好几条狗狗跟随。", "个人带着好多条小狗走在下过雪的野外。", "正在宽阔的大地上,一个男人带着一群狗,走向海边。", "一个穿着黄黑色衣服的男人带着一群狗在外面行走。", "一名男子领着一群狗在湿滑的路上行走。", "一名男子带着几只狗,沿着通往水体岸边的道路上走去。", "一个男人身后跟着一群狗向着海滩走去。", "一名男子带着许多狗在外面靠近水面散步。", "在室外,一个男子和很多的狗一起朝着水面走去。" ]
[ "A little boy walking a dog in a field of grass with a leash.", "A boy is walking through the grass with two dogs.", "A person is filming a pair of dogs in the grass walking.", "A young boy is walking a small dog on grass with a leash", "A boy gives commentary as he walks two dogs on grass with his mom.", "A person is walking to dogs at a park on leash with a kid along", "A young boy walks two small dogs on a very green feild of grass.", "A boy is walking and playing with his dogs in a grassy area.", "A boy is looking at the grass and then looking at his dogs.", "Two little boys are walking a dog, and explore the outdoors." ]
[ "小狗在草地上跑,镜头一下子又对着天空,然后一个人牵着两条狗在草地上散步,一男孩对着镜头打招呼。", "在一个阳光明媚的午后,男孩带着宠物狗去公园遛弯。", "一个穿蓝色裤子的人牵着一只黄狗在草坪上散步。", "蓝天白云下,一个外国小男孩在一片草地上遛狗。", "蓝天白云,一条小狗奔跑在绿色的草地上,一个男孩在说着什么。", "一个人牵着一条狗和一个小孩一起在公园的草地上行走。", "一个男孩子在一片绿地上牵着两条狗散步。", "一个男孩正在一个草地上散步和他的狗一起玩。", "一个男孩正在绿色的草坪上和他的狗散步。", "一名小男孩拉着两条小狗在外面遛狗。" ]
[ "A small black and white dog is walking outside in the sun.", "A black and white dog is walking on a leash down the road.", "A dog is walking down the sidewalk and then stops and turns around.", "A dog is shown walking up a sidewalk before turning its face to the camera.", "A dog running around on its leash in a park and stops to look.", "A dog is shown walking down a sidewalk on a leash.", "A dog is walking down a sidewalk while music is playing in the background.", "A dog on a leash walks ahead of it's owner before stopping.", "A dog walks calmly on a leash, then turns to look back.", "a little black and white dog runs across the street by itself" ]
[ "一条小狗正在马路上悠闲的逛着马路。", "一条黑白相配的小狗在路上左右瞭望。", "在马路上,一个人牵着一条斑点狗在走路。", "有只黑白相间的狗狗被绳子牵着在路上走着。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一只狗正在走路。", "一条狗被人用绳子绑着然后走在一条小路上。", "一条狗在人行道上走着,背景里还放着音乐。", "一只拴着皮带的狗在它的主人前面走着。", "一条狗静静地被皮带牵着走,并转身回头看。", "一只小小的黑白相间的狗自己跑过街道。" ]
[ "A black dog is running on a path ahead of its owner trying to get the red ball in his hand.", "a man takes a red ball out of a black dogs mouth", "A black dog gives it's human a red ball and the human gets read to throw the ball to the dog.", "A person throws a ball for a dog to fetch.", "Black dog outside on sidewalk running excitedly to play with red ball.", "A black dog excitedly keeps pace in front of his master as they walk together along a dirt driveway that is surrounded by grass on each side.", "Someone take a ball from a dog's mouth, and it runs down a path ahead of them looking back.", "A dog is walking with a person, and the dog is wanting it's ball.", "A black dog playing fetch with a person while they walk through a park.", "A dog brings a ball to a person and tuns ahead down a tree lined lane looking back and waiting for the ball tobe thrown" ]
[ "一条黑色的小狗捡回主人丢出的球,兴奋的向前跑。", "一只狗衔了一个圆球,然后往前跑去还不停的回头看。", "一个手拿着球在让狗闻一闻,狗激动的乱跑。", "在明亮的室外,一个黑色的狗在小路上跑。", "一个人与一只黑色的狗在室外的路上玩闹。", "一只黑色的狗把嘴里的球递给主人,随后在前面的道路上兴奋地跑着。", "一个人从狗嘴里取出一个球,然后一起沿着一条小路走下去。", "一只狗和一个人一起散步,但是狗想要人手里拿着的球。", "一个人散步时和一只黑狗玩接球游戏。", "一个人把一个球带到狗的身上, 然后狗沿着一条小巷走着。" ]
[ "A little boy pulls along a toy dog while it is on a leash.", "A little boy in an orange shirt pulls a toy dog on a string around the living room.", "A young boy is walking around pulling a toy atrached to a string.", "A toddler drags a puppy dog pull toy around the room behind him.", "A little boy with the orange top and grey bottom is walking and dragging a toy dog", "A tiny male toddler in an orange top and blue jeans drags a toy dog behind him", "A young boy pretends to walk a plastic toy dog around a room.", "A small kid in a room is walking a toy dog", "A little boy in a red shirt runs across a carpet with a toy dog.", "A little boy is shown dragging a toy dog by a piece of string." ]
[ "一个小孩拽着一个歪倒的小玩具狗走路。", "一个小孩手里用绳拖着玩具走了过来。", "一个可爱的小男孩手里牵着一个玩具狗狗在玩。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个小孩牵着玩具在走。", "一个小男孩拖动着他的玩具狗在房间里行走。", "一个穿着橙色上衣和蓝色牛仔裤的小男孩幼儿拖着一只玩具狗在他身后。", "一个男孩用绳子系在塑料玩具狗上,带着它在房间里转悠。", "一个小孩子在一个房间里留牵着一只玩具狗。", "一个穿红衬衫的小男孩手里拉着一个玩具狗在地毯上跑来跑去。", "一个小男孩正用绳子拖着一只玩具狗。" ]
[ "A dog is walking on a leash folling the instructions of the man holding the leash.", "A dog is walking and it's owner is telling it what to do.", "A man is walking a dog while speaking in the background.", "A guy is giving instructions to a dog on where to go.", "A dog walks outside on a leash while a man gives it directions.", "A dog on a leash does not listen to his owner's calls for directions.", "A man walks his dog and tries to get her to go in the direction he wants.", "A dog on a leash walks around exploring its environment", "A white dog is on a leash and walking down a road.", "A man and a dog are walking while the man encourages the dog to get it." ]
[ "一个人牵着一条狗正在马路上散步。", "一个男人在一片空地上愉快的遛狗。", "一条狗正在走动,它的脖子上被栓着一条绳子。", "一只狗在路上跑来跑去,有条绳子牵着它。", "白天的户外,一条被绳子摔着的狗,在道路上行走。", "一条拴着皮带的狗不听主人的指令。", "一个人正在使用手中的绳子教一只狗向正确的方向移动。", "一只拴着皮带的狗正在走来走去探索它周围的环境。", "一个人牵着一条白狗在街道上走。", "一个男人在街上牵着一条狗边说话边走路。" ]
[ "People and dogs stroll along a sandy beach on a partly cloudy day.", "A dog is walking around on the beach with the people.", "A dog sniffs the sand on the beach and walks toward two men.", "A dog is shown on the beach while people walk by and a woman talks.", "A group of people are walking along a beach front as a dog is drinking from a puddle.", "A woman talks as she films several people and dogs walking along the beach", "A person films other people and a dog walking along the beach.", "A dog sniffs at a beach, then people walk by the dog.", "A group of people and their dogs are walking on a beach.", "Several persons and their dogs are walking on a sunny beach." ]
[ "海边上有几个人在散步,还有两只狗跟着。", "在沙滩上,大家光着脚边走边聊天,还有人在遛狗。", "一只黄色的狗正在海边寻找着什么东西。", "在阳光明媚的一天几个人和一条狗在海边走着。", "很多人走在海边,石头旁边有一只黄色的狗。", "一群人各自带着自己家的狗狗在海岸边散步。", "一个人拍摄其他人和沿着海滩散步的狗。", "一条狗在海滩上嗅了嗅,然后跟着人们在散步。", "一群人正和他们的狗在沙滩上散步。", "一群人和几只狗在有石头的海边走着。" ]
[ "A man and woman are shown coming through a fence walking their dogs.", "The entrance to a gate is opened and two dogs run in the gate.", "Two people are standing at a gate with 2 dogs and they let one dog off the leash.", "A man takes a leash off of a dog before opening a gate and letting the dog run free into a front yard.", "A man opens the gate and unleashes a dog and then walks in with a woman and her dog behind him.", "A man releases a dog from behind a gate, he goes through himself with another woman holding a dog on a leash", "A man and a woman open a gate and let a dog through before them.", "A man opens a fence then a dog runs into the yard where the camera is located.", "An man opens a gate to walk though, his dog is unleashed and enters before him, then followed by a woman with a dog on a leash.", "A man unleashes his dog and lets it go into the gate as a woman keeps hers on the leash." ]
[ "一个男人将拴在狗身上的绳子松开,并打开门。一起走进门内。", "一个男人和一个女人带着两条狗将木门打开走了进去。", "一个男人和一个女人牵着两条狗打开门走进了院子。", "一个身穿白色衬衫男子跟一个身穿牛仔外套女子。", "一个男子和一个女子带着两条狗从门口进到院子里来了。", "一个男人打开了一个木门一条狗跑了进来,后面跟着一个女人手里牵着一条狗。", "一个男人和一个女人打开一扇门之后一只狗走在他们之前穿过门口。", "一名男子打开栅栏然后一只狗跑进了相机所在的院子里。", "一堆夫妇牵着狗打开了一扇院子门走了进来。", "一个男人解开狗链并打开了门走了进来,一位女士牵着另一条狗跟着他后面。" ]
[ "A woman walks two dogs down an empty street at night.", "A woman is walking her to the dogs on the street.", "A woman is walking dogs down the street on leashes.", "A woman is walking down the street with two dogs by her side", "A woman walks two dogs down the street at night", "A girl in a tank top walks two dogs down the street.", "A woman walks two dogs, one on each side of her.", "A woman walks two leashed dogs down a street at night.", "A woman walks her two dogs, guided on leashes, down the street.", "a lady in a tank top walking two dogs down a street" ]
[ "一个女人,牵着两条狗在马路上散步。", "一位美女正牵着两条狗沿着马路散步。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女人正在遛狗。", "昏暗的夜晚下,一个男人牵着两条狗在街上行走。", "一个穿着白色背心和黑色裤子的人在马路上牵着两条狗在走路。", "一个穿着背心的女孩牵着两只狗在街道上行走。", "一个女人左右各牵着一只狗在路上遛狗。", "一个女人在晚上带着两只被拴着的狗在大街上走着。", "一名女子走在街上, 用皮带引导着她的两只狗。", "一个穿着背心的人在路上牵着两只狗向前走着。" ]
[ "A person blindfolded walking a dog in the grass by the side of the road.", "A person and her dog are walking around outside on the grass.", "A woman is blindfolded while holding a lease with a dog on it.", "A woman wearing a blindfold walks a dog outside on the grass.", "A woman standing in grass walks and waits for a dog to sniff and go to the bathroom.", "A woman is walking her dog while she is blindfolded.", "A young woman walks her dog blindfolded in a field next to the roadway.", "A blind folded women walking her dog or training for something.", "A woman walks her dog in the grass with a blindfold on.", "A woman is walking a dog in the grass next to a stone road." ]
[ "一个女人蒙着眼镜牵着一头狗在草坪上玩。", "草地上,一个女人牵着一条狗在遛狗。", "一个女人蒙着眼睛站在草地上,还牵着一条狗。", "一个人身穿着浅色的衣服在遛着狗狗。", "在一片草地上,一名蒙着双眼的女子在狗的牵引下行走。", "一个女人正尝试着被蒙住眼睛的同时遛一条狗。", "一个身穿灰色衣服的人在明亮的室外牵着小狗。", "一个戴着眼罩的女人正在一块草坪上拉着一只狗。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的女人在一个草坪上遛着狗。", "一位妇女正在户外的草地上遛一条狗。" ]
[ "A dog is being taken for a walk by their owner and is excited.", "A person is walking a dog on a leash through a neighborhood.", "A small white dog goes for a walk down the sidewalk with a human.", "A dog on a leash walks with a man on a sidewalk.", "A small dog on a leash is being walked along a sidewalk", "A man is walking a dog down a sidewalk and the dogs starts running.", "A man walks his white, fluffy dog in multiple locations.", "a man is walking a small dog on the foot path of a street", "A person is walking a dog in the street at a fast pace.", "A person is walking around with his dog in different areas." ]
[ "在马路上,一个人在带着自己的狗跑步,狗走的很快。", "一只白色的小狗在户外奔跑,一个人用链条牵着它。", "一个穿黑裤子的人手里牵着一只白狗走在路上。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人在到处溜小狗。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的人正在路上遛狗。", "一个男人正在人行道上遛狗时,狗突然开始跑步。", "一个男人正在户外的街道上遛一直白色的狗。", "一个男子正走在一条大街上遛着一条小狗。", "一个人证在街上以快速的步伐遛狗。", "一个人牵着一只白色的狗在不同地方行走。" ]
[ "A man shows another man's house then shows him walking his dog.", "A person is walking on the sidewalk with Kevin and the dog.", "A person walking down a side walk who runs into another person walking his dog.", "A man is walking his dog on a sidewalk in a neighborhood.", "A man is talking about a man's house and then the man's dog that is relieving himself in front of the house.", "A man named Kevin is walking his dog in a neighborhood and the cameraman is walking behind him and talking.", "A man is outside a person's home as he takes his dog out for a walk.", "A man named Kevin is recorded as his dog pees on the grass in the background.", "A man video tapes another man who is walking a dog in front of his house as he tells what is happening step by step.", "A man outside of a house is walking his house while the dog relieves himself" ]
[ "一个穿着橘色衣服的男人,牵着一条狗,并跟旁边的人聊天。", "一个男子在户外牵着一条狗并在说话。", "一个人在大街上,牵着一条黑色的狗。", "在室外一个戴着帽子的男子在说话,后面还有一条狗。", "一个穿着橘色上衣的人正在遛他的狗狗。", "一个叫凯文的男人正在附近遛狗,另一个人在他身后走着说话。", "一个穿着橙色衣服的男人牵着一条黑色的狗。", "一个戴着帽子的人在室外马路上溜着狗。", "一个穿着短裤的男人在一个小道上散着步。", "一个戴眼镜的男子手里牵着一条黑色大狗在路边站着。" ]
[ "A person in an exectuive office chair is being pulled down a street by a dog", "Outside a young man uses a desk chair while he has his dog on a leash", "A dog pulling a boy in a chair up the side walk.", "The man is having fun on his chair as his dog pulls him on the side walk.", "A person holding onto a leash sits on a rolling chair and is pulled down a street by a dog while another person runs.", "A boy in an office chair with wheels, hold onto his dog's leash and has the dog drag him down the street.", "A black dog takes momentum on pulling a boy sitting on a skateboard.", "A young boy in an office chair gets pulled down the road by a dog.", "A boy is sitting in a rolling chair while a dog pulls him down the road with a rope.", "A young man is sitting in a rolling office chair while holding a dog on a leash and being pulled down the street." ]
[ "一个小女孩坐着一个有轮子的凳子牵着一条狗。", "一个外国男孩坐着遥控椅子追着一只狗。", "在室外一条狗,拉着坐在一把椅子里面的一个人。", "一只狗拉着坐在有轮子的椅子上的人奔跑。", "一个人坐在一个带轮子的椅子上,一条黑色的狗在前面拉着他跑。", "一个坐在办公椅上的男孩抓着他的狗的皮带,让狗把他拖到了街上。", "一个男孩坐在办公椅上让一只狗拉着他在路上滑动。", "一个小男孩坐在凳子上被一只狗拉着前行。", "一个男孩坐在滚动的椅子上,而一只狗用绳子将他拉到路上。", "一个年轻人正坐在一张旋转的办公椅上,一边牵着一条拴着皮带的狗,一边在街上拉着。" ]
[ "A dog walks around the neighborhood and plays with his master.", "Two dogs are being walked along on a sidewalk together.", "a couple of dogs get walked by their owners while they are outside.", "Large dog jumps around on narrow path and gets walked with a smaller dog on sidewalk.", "A dog turns around and walks down a street with another dog on leashes.", "A man walks along with two dogs on the road", "a young man is walking down the sidewalk accompanied by some dogs.", "Two dogs on leashes walk along neighborhood sidewalks and in a sunny park.", "Different shots are shown of different dogs running and walking.", "Two dogs are being walked by someone as they go down the sidewalk." ]
[ "狗狗喜欢到处待着,主人拉着狗狗往前不断的走。", "一个外国男人牵着两只狗穿街走巷。", "一个被绳子拴着的狗正在室外的马路上行走。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在大街上遛许多狗。", "一只戴着项圈黑色的狗正在马路上奔跑着。", "一个男人正在街道上拉着一只小狗和大狗遛弯。", "一个年轻人在一些狗的陪同下走在人行道上。", "皮带上的两只狗沿着邻里人行道和阳光明媚的公园散步。", "几只不同品种的狗狗在街上跑步和行走着。", "一个戴帽子的人牵着两条狗在街道上行走。" ]
[ "A small child walks around holding the leash of a dog as the dog sits in place", "A young little girl walks around with a leash and a little dog in her kitchen.", "A baby is near a dog on the floor holding a cup.", "A toddler is holding the lead of a dog and is walking about while the dog sits on the floor looking at him.", "A little baby walks around the floor, trying to walk a dog.", "A toddler is attempting to take a small dog for a walk.", "A toddler boy attempts to walk a dog around the dining room using a lease, but the dog does not move.", "A small toddler is shown holding a leash and walking around a dog while the person holding the camera talks to the child about the dog not moving.", "A baby walks with a retractable dog leash as the dog sits and waits.", "A child is attempting to walk a black dog who is not complying." ]
[ "一个可爱的外国小男孩在牵着一只黑色狗转圈。", "一个可爱的小孩在和一个小黑狗玩耍。", "小男孩在地板上牵着狗的绳子来回走动。", "一个短头发的小孩儿正在地毯上牵着一条狗。", "室内有一个小孩子和一条狗,这个小孩子手里握着绳子来回行走。", "一个光着脚的小孩子正试图牵一只小狗散步。", "一个小朋友正在用绳子牵着一条狗。", "一个小女孩正在拿着牵引绳和一条狗走路,拿着相机的人正在跟孩子讨论狗不动。", "一个婴儿拿着一条可伸缩的绳子牵着狗走。", "一个孩子正在牵着一条不服从的黑狗,围着它走。" ]
[ "A baby is bundled up in the snow and has a pacifier in his mouth.", "A toddler stands in the snow sucking on his pacifier before moving around.", "a little baby in a coat walks around the snow during the day", "A baby wearing a jacket stands on snowy ground and then begins to walk.", "A young kid is walking around in the snow when it is dark.", "A small child walks and plays in the snow as his mother asks him a question.", "A little baby has on a snowsuit and jacket and walks carefully through the snow.", "A toddler in a snowsuit stands and then walks in the snow.", "A small child in a snow suit standing in a yard with snow on the ground.", "A child, together with mom is playing around in the snow outside." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的小孩在雪地里行走。", "一个小孩转了个身,在雪地里走了起来。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在雪地里行走。", "一个含着奶嘴的小孩双手平举站在雪地里然后又走了几步。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小孩,在雪中玩耍。", "一个小孩在雪地里走,旁边的母亲在问他问题。", "一个小宝宝穿着防雪装,小心翼翼地穿过雪地。", "一个穿着雪地衣的孩子站着,然后在雪地里行走。", "一个穿棉袄的小孩站在一个积雪的院子里。", "一个孩子和妈妈一起在外面的雪地里玩耍。" ]
[ "A young child has fallen down in the snow and a woman picks the child up and carries it.", "a mother and baby are in the snow the the mother picks up the baby from the snow.", "a group of people together walking in the snow as a mom picks up her daughter and shows the camera", "a young lady picks up a child wearing red in the snow", "A lady is picking up a small child from the snow.", "A woman picks a baby up out of the snow and carries her.", "A young woman picks up a little boy, stuck in the snow, who is dressed in a red coat while a man is speaking to them.", "A girl picking up a little boy from the snow and walking him towards the camera.", "A woman is playing in the snow with a small child.", "A woman is picking up a little girl out of the snow." ]
[ "在雪地上,一位母亲正在抱着小孩在雪地上玩耍。", "一个外国妈妈抱起了摔到在雪地里小孩。", "一个女人带着一个小孩子在积雪的院子里走路。", "一个女孩坐在雪地里,一个女人将女孩抱起来了。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人,抱起一个在雪地中穿着红色衣服的小孩。", "一个女人从雪地里捡起一个婴儿并抱着她。", "一个年轻女子从雪地中抱起一个小男孩。", "一个女孩从雪地中抱起一个小孩,向镜头走了过来。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女人正和一个小孩在雪地里玩耍。", "一位女士正把一个小女孩从雪地里抱起来。" ]
[ "A man is shoveling snow out of a huge pile of snow.", "A person works to shovel snow from a large mound.", "A man shovels snow from a huge bank in his yard.", "A man on a snowy day digging out a mountain of snow", "A man uses a shovel to dig an object out of the snow.", "A man wearing winter clothes and a shovel in his hands carries the snow from one side of the hill to the other.", "An middle aged man attempts to dig out his snowed in car.", "A man shovels a large amount of snow off his walkway.", "A man out side shoveling snow off driveway with a red shovel.", "A guys is throwing snow with a shovel to dig a path." ]
[ "一个戴着黑帽子的男人,拿着一个红色的铁铲在铲雪。", "一位外国壮汉在厚厚的雪地里铲雪。", "一个男子用铲子把前面的雪铲到自己的身体后方。", "一个戴帽子的男子拿着工具在雪地里铲雪。", "一名男子拿着锹在打扫外面厚厚的积雪,。", "一个男人穿着冬天的衣服,拿着一把铲子在一片雪地里铲雪。", "一位中年男子试图把他的车子从雪里挖出来。", "在户外,一个人把大量的积雪从他的走道上铲下来。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人正在室外铲雪。", "在室外,一个人拿着铲子扔覆盖在路上的雪。" ]
[ "A kid wearing a coat is holding a snowball in his hand and then he throws it at someone.", "a child walks towards the camera and throws a snowball at the cameraman.", "A little girl walks over to the person filming and throws a snowball at them.", "A boy is walking on a trail and throws a snow ball at a adult.", "Child holds snowball in lifted hand and throws it while adult follows behind.", "A young boy being followed by an adult in the snow throws a snowball at the camera person.", "A little girl is carrying some snow in her hand and then she throws it.", "A child is walking along a snow covered road, they have a ball of snow in their right hand which they throw.", "A young child is outside in a snow storm throwing snow balls.", "A child walks holding a snow ball and throws it." ]
[ "马路旁边的雪地上有一个大人和一个小孩,小孩用雪球砸人。", "一个小男孩拿着一个雪球走在路上然后将雪球丢了出去。", "一个小孩在雪地里玩耍,并且向对面的人扔了一个雪球。", "一个穿黑色外套的小男孩在雪地里,他的身后跟着一个人。", "一个小孩举着一个小雪球扔了出去,一个男人在他后面走着。", "一个成年人跟在一个小男孩的后面在雪地里散步,然后小男孩向摄像人扔了一个雪球。", "一个小女孩手里拿着一些雪,然后她把它扔了出去。", "一个孩子沿着积雪覆盖的道路行走,他们右手拿着一团雪球。", "一个小男孩在一场暴风雪中正在扔雪球。", "一个小男孩在雪地里将一个雪球扔出去,一个大人在后面跟着。" ]
[ "A man is walking in the snow following animal tracks.", "A person is outside walking across the snow looking at big paw prints in the snow.", "A person is walking through the snow following their dog's footprints.", "A man walks on a snowy area and zooms in on a couple of paw prints.", "A person is walking along the in the snow following a dog and it's set of dog tracks.", "A person slowly walks through the snow and looks down at animal footprints.", "A person is walking through the snow following a set of dog footprints.", "Someone is filming themselves walking through a snow covered ground.", "A person is seen walking on snow in a straight line with boots on.", "A person slowly walks and tracks an animal through the snow." ]
[ "在户外的草地上面,一个人正在看着雪地上的印子。", "一个穿着黑色鞋子的人走在雪地里,雪地里有狗爪子的印记。", "在一个宽阔的雪地里,有人在雪地里走路。", "在一个明亮的室外,一个人在雪地上行走。", "地面上落满了积雪,两条腿正在雪地上行走,地面上还有一些动物的脚印。", "在雪地里,一个人跟着动物的足迹在慢慢走着。", "一个人跟着狗留下了脚印, 在雪地里走着。", "有人在拍摄自己走过被雪覆盖的地面。", "一个人和一只狗狗在雪地上踩脚印。", "一个人慢慢地走着, 在雪中追踪着一只动物。" ]
[ "Looks like someone was walking their dog in the snow.", "Footprints are shown in the the snow with one pair going up a small hill.", "I would like to see where these footsteps in the snow lead.", "A person is walking on ice covered snow and making a crunching sound with every step they take.", "Someone walking through really crunchy snow making footprints.", "Snow crunches as someone walks along fresh snow with an icy top.", "A person walks around and views other footsteps in the snow.", "A person is walking through the snow following a pair of footprints.", "Someone records themselves walking through the snow and shows their footprints.", "A person is walking on icy snow and making loud cracking noises with each step." ]
[ "一个人在雪地上走着看着周围的雪景。", "一个男人缓慢地走在一条布满白雪的道路上。", "雪面上都是脚印,一个人穿着鞋在雪面上行走。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的人在雪地里走。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在雪地里散步。", "当有人在雪上沿着新雪路行走时,雪就会发出吱吱的响声。", "一个人正在雪地里行走着,雪地上还有其他人的脚印。", "一个人在雪地里一步一步慢慢的走着,留下了脚印。", "有人记录下自己在雪地里行走, 并展示了他们的脚印。", "一个人走在结冰的雪上,每走一步都会发出响亮的噼啪声。" ]
[ "outside on neighborhood snow falling heavily and people going around", "a lot of snow falls on the ground during the wintertime", "It is snowing really hard and the wind is blowing as men walk slowly on the street.", "Several people are walking at night with their hands in their pockets on a snowy street.", "Two people walk down the road in a snow storm.", "many people walk around the street as snow pours from the sky", "The person walks down the road inbetween cars while a heavy snowfall comes down.", "Snow is falling on a residential street and someone is walking down the street, while another person is talking.", "Snow is falling at night and people are walking outside.", "someone is recording a snowy night with a lot of snow falling down" ]
[ "下着雪室外有人在走动,车上一层雪。", "一个下着大雪的夜晚,街上行人寥寥。", "在下雪的天气里,远处有几个人在走路。", "飘着雪花的室外,一个人在雪地里行走。", "明亮的马路上覆盖着厚厚的雪,雪花还在飘下,路上的汽车和自行车上都被雪覆盖。", "有许多人走动在雪花飘飘的大街上。", "当大雪降下时,这个人在汽车之间的路上行走。", "大雪镇飘落在居民区的街道上,有人正在街上走路,有人在说话。", "外面下着大雪,一个人记录了马路上的一些东西。", "有人正在记录下一个下着大雪的夜晚。" ]
[ "A man is carrying his skies while trying to walk through a lot of snow", "A man is walking uphill carrying skis in a snowstorm with ski lift chairs passing by behind him", "A man is carrying his skiing equipment across a snowfield towards his friend.", "A person is carrying a snowboard and ski poles through deep snow", "A man is running with skiing equipment through the snow while another man watches and comments.", "The man is carrying his skis as he goes up the slopes.", "A group of people are in some deep snow picking of their sleds and carrying them", "A man walks in knee-deep snow up a hill while carrying his skiis.", "A man walks through the snow carrying his snow skis.", "a person tries their best to walk through some heavy snow" ]
[ "一名男子正在高一米的雪地里艰难的行走。", "一个人坠落在雪地里,手里拿着冲锋枪。", "在雪地里,一个穿红色衣服的人抱着一个器具慢慢地走过来。", "一个身穿深色上衣头戴帽子的人拿着工具在雪地里行走。", "一个穿着红色冲锋衣黑色裤子的男人走在雪地里。", "一个男人拿着滑雪板在雪地上艰难的行走。", "一个人正在深雪中拿着雪橇往前走。", "一名男子穿着滑雪板,在雪堆上走来走去。", "一个人拿着他的滑雪板在雪地里走着。", "一个穿着红色衣服的男子手里抱着东西在雪地里行走。" ]
[ "A child seated in a sled is being pulled through snow by an adult.", "A child is riding a sled that is being pulled by another person.", "The day is cold and snowy outside so a mother takes her young childs, and puts him in a small sled and pulls him down the sidewalk but the child is also holding a thin red stick to help the child with his/her balance.", "An adult pulling a small child on the snow in a snow sled.", "A child holding a long stick playing in the snow while following an adult in front of him.", "A young boy is being pulled through the snow in a small container", "A young child is sitting inside of a container sledding along a snowy path holding a long stick for balance.", "A toddler aged child holding a large pole is being pulled in a sled down a snowy path by a woman.", "a young child being dragged by his dad on the snow as he rides on a sled and holds a stick", "A kid wearing a coat is holding a stick while sliding on a sled on a snowy surface that a person is moving the sled with a rope in his hands while walking." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色花纹衣服的孩子坐在蓝色塑料筐里,正在雪地里前行。", "在雪地上一个小孩子坐在雪橇上,一个穿着黑色衣服的人在前面拉着。", "在室外的雪地上一个小孩,坐在盒子里被前面一个人拉着前行。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人拉着一个手里拿着棍子的人在雪地上行走。", "地面上落满了积雪,一个小孩坐在地上,手上拿着一根棍子,前面有一个人拉着滑行。", "一个人正在拉着坐在蓝色容器的小孩子。", "一个小孩坐在一个容器里,沿着一条积雪的小路滑行,并且拿着一根长棍来平衡。", "一个孩子坐在雪橇里被一个大人拉着化滑雪。", "一个小孩在雪地上被爸爸拖着玩耍。", "一个穿着外套的孩子在雪地上拿着一根棍子滑雪橇,前面一个人在拉着他。" ]
[ "Two young boys enjoy a snowy day on their street.", "A woman walks around outside on a snow covered road as she speaks on her smartphone.", "A boy with a green hat on is recorded talking as he and his friend walks down the snowy street.", "A couple of kids out side playing the snow and talking about it.", "A young boy video tapes the aftermath of a snow storm on a neighborhood street.", "A boy with a neon green cap plays in the snow.", "young boy playing out on the snow throwing snow ball.", "A little boy holds a camera while walking down a snow covered road.", "Boys walk down a snow covered street area as snow continues to fall.", "A young boy is standing in the street and begins to walk while it is snowing." ]
[ "一个小男孩戴着一顶帽子在布满脚印的雪地里转圈。", "一个外国小男孩在布满白雪的雪地上行走。", "一个带绿色帽子的小男孩儿正在室外的雪地上玩耍。", "一个戴着绿色帽子的小孩,走在雪地里面。", "一个戴帽子的小男孩在室外下着雪在路面上行走。", "一个戴着绿色帽子的男孩在雪地里玩耍。", "一个带绿色帽子的小男孩在下雪天的马路上玩雪,有个小孩在和他讲话。", "一个小男孩正在拿着相机走在被雪覆盖的道路上。", "一个戴着绿色帽子的男孩走在积雪的路上。", "一个小男孩在下着雪的街道上面行走。" ]
[ "A boy narrates while filming his brother playing in the snow in the front yard.", "A man shows how much it is snowing in his front yard in Indiana.", "A man is talking while looking outside a window where it's snowing outdoors prior to a young boy who appears outside.", "A person narrating and filming from inside a house as it snows outside.", "A boy in Indiana is dressed for winter and is outside when there is snow on the ground.", "They guy is showing the weather conditions at his place, then a boy shows up.", "A boy walks outside into a snowy yard and puts his arms up.", "A man is talking about the weather outside and talking about his brother.", "A child walks around outside in the snow while another young person narrates", "A boy in Indiana taking a video clip on the weather there that is snowing" ]
[ "下着雪,雪地里有个玩具车还有个小孩子。", "一个外国男子拍着视频在介绍当地的降雪情况,画面中出现一个小男孩高兴地挥舞着双手。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男孩在雪地上跳舞。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男的正在雪地里并张开双手。", "天空中飘着雪花,地面上落满了积雪,一个戴着帽子的小男孩走了过来。", "说话的人在说本地的天气状况,然后一个男孩出现了。", "一个男孩走到外面的雪地,举起双手。", "一个人正在谈论外面的天气, 谈论他的兄弟。", "一个戴着绿色手套的男孩在雪地上玩耍着。", "室外有一个穿蓝色衣服的小孩在雪地上面行走。" ]
[ "a person is tracking through a very deep snow in a forest with another man", "A man outdoors in the snow with two sticks walking through snow and catches up with other people", "A man is using sticks to climb a hill with a lot of snow.", "Someone is hiking through deep snow with poles and later runs through another area.", "A person bundled up wearing snowshoes uses poles to help her walk through the snow.", "A bundled-up person climbs a snow-covered hill while using poles for balance.", "A peron wearing a heavy Winter coat, and a fur hat, climbs a hill slowly in the snow, using ski poles, and then runs to meet another person.", "A man climbs up a snowy hill with the aid of hiking poles; then, he runs through the snow without them.", "A person uses poles to walk up a hill of knee deep snow.", "a man is doing some hiking is an area packed with snow." ]
[ "一个男人拄着两根登山棍爬雪山。一个男人在平坦的雪地上跑步。", "一名男子在雪很厚的森林中前进最后向他的同伴奔跑了过去。", "一个背着包的男子双手拄着手杖在雪地里走。", "一个穿着黑色的人用手杖正走过一片雪地。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在雪地里行走。", "一个穿着棉服的人在爬上被白雪覆盖的山,同时使用一种工具来保持平衡。", "一群人正在雪地里不停的向前跑动着。", "一个人借助徒步杆爬上雪山然后他跑过雪跑向他们。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在雪地上走过。", "一个男人在一个满是了积雪的地方徒步旅行。" ]
[ "a group of people together where they start to get on a sled and ride together in the snow", "A group of kids running around and playing in the snow, they also prepare themselves to slide down a hill", "Kids play out in the snow by jumpinng on each other.", "a couple of people outside on the snow playing around together", "A group of people are outside on a snowy day and sledding down a hill.", "A group of kids are playing in the snow when three of them sit down on a sled.", "A group of people were playing on the snow by falling on each other", "A bunch of kids are playing out in the snow and jumping on each other.", "A group of people are outside and playing in the snow, they are jumping on each other.", "Children dressed warmly play on a snow covered hill with each other." ]
[ "一个雪白色的地面上,几个穿着严实的人在玩耍。", "一群人穿着厚厚的羽绒服在雪地上快乐的奔跑尖叫。", "穿灰色衣服的人跟着穿其他衣服的人一起在雪地里玩。", "在雪地里有一群人奔跑着然后又坐在地上。", "一群人在雪地里摔跤,随后从坡上往下滑。", "一群人在雪地上玩耍,另外三个人坐在雪橇上。", "一群人在雪地上玩耍, 互相摔倒坐在地上。", "一群孩子在雪地里玩耍,互相跳跃,他们坐上了同一块滑板。", "一群人在外面玩雪,他们玩的很开心。", "两个孩子躺在雪地上,然后起来跑到别的地方。" ]
[ "A warmly dressed man and a somewhat warmly dressed child walk separately through the cold snow.", "An older man walks and you also see a child walking in the snow.", "An adult and a child are walking across a snowy area.", "A man was walking in the snow and a little boy approached behind him", "A guy is filming himself outside while walking in the snow.", "A person wearing a beanie and a scarf around their face walk through snow followed by a boy", "A man and a boy are walking outside in the snow.", "A man and a child with a backpack walk around a yard filled with snow.", "A man is wearing a scarf and walking in the snow with a little boy.", "a man and a boy carrying a backpack are walking through the snow" ]
[ "一个人和一个穿着红色衣服的小孩在雪地上行走。", "一个戴眼镜的男子和一个小孩在雪地里走。", "一个戴帽子的男人和一个小孩子走在雪地上。", "一个男人和一个小孩在雪地里行走着。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在雪地里。", "在雪地里,一个戴着帽子和围巾的男人在走着,身后跟着一个孩子。", "一个男人和一个男孩在外面的雪地里走着。", "一个男人和一个孩子背着背包在一个满是积雪的院子里走着。", "一个男人戴着一条围巾,和一个小男孩在雪地里漫步。", "一个戴着眼镜和帽子的人走在雪地上,他身后有一个小孩。" ]
[ "Person walks under umbrella along edge of street, in snow and slush, as car and pedestrian pass.", "the road is with heavy snow fall a vehicle is passing through it.", "someone is walking down the road carrying an umbrella after it has snowed", "A man walks down the street in the snow as a car passes.", "a few cars drive in the snow while a person walks", "A person walks along a pavement in the snow and talks.", "A person is holding an umbrella while walking in the street in a lot of snow with a car coming.", "A person walking down a snowy road under an umbrella as a car passes.", "Various people are shown walking down a road and a man talks about something while walking as well.", "People are walking down the sides of a snowy street as a car passes by." ]
[ "一个男人正撑着伞在铺满了雪的街道上行走。", "一个人在寒冷的雪地中打着伞行走,一辆车从他身边经过。", "一个打着伞的人在一个有雪的道路上行走。", "有一个人在雪地里面打着伞在走着。", "一个人打着伞走在雪地上,一辆黑色的车行驶而过。", "一个人在雪中沿着人行道一边走着,一边说话。", "雪地上一个男人撑着伞在雪道上一边走着一边说话。", "当一辆汽车经过时,一个人在伞下的雪路上行走。", "一个人拿着雨伞在满是雪的马路上走着。", "人们正沿着雪地的两侧走着,一辆汽车经过。" ]
[ "Two men are out hiking on a very snowy mountain path.", "a couple of people walk around in the snow that is very heavy in the air", "Two men hiking a snowy mountain in very thick fog.", "Two people wearing packs are hiking on a trail through the snow.", "The two boys are down the mountains as they hike in the snow.", "Men are walking through a snowy and foggy mountain area.", "Two people dressed in heavy coats hike along a snowy mountain trail.", "Two people are wearing backpacks on walking on a snow hillside.", "People are backpacking in the fog and snow on the side of a mountain.", "A few people walking outside on a snow covered road." ]
[ "一群人正在雪地里艰难的向前行走。", "三个登山者在满是雪地的山间行走。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在雪地里行走。", "有两个人在深山雪地里面艰难的行走。", "两人正在被白雪覆盖的大山脚下的雪地上行走。", "男人们正在穿过白雪皑皑的大雾山区。", "穿着厚重外套的两个人沿着白雪皑皑的山路徒步旅行。", "两个人背着背包在雪山坡上行走着。", "人们正在山坡上背着大背包徒步旅行。", "在一座被积雪覆盖的山路旁,两个人徒步前行。" ]
[ "A person walks on a snow covered landscape during winter.", "A person is recording themselves walking through the snow slowly.", "A person is stepping very slowly in the snow surface and a sound is heard when he steps forward", "Someone wearing boots and overalls is walking through the snow.", "a person black shoes walking in snow someone is screaming in the background", "A person carefully walks in the snow as someone behind them screams.", "Someone is walking across a snowy area and the snow is crunching beneath its feet.", "A person in snow boots walking through a snowy yard.", "A man walks through the snow and makes foot prints in the snow.", "A person gingerly walks through a snow covered grassy area in winter boots." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色裤子和黑色鞋子的人正在雪地里行走。", "一个人在满是雪的地方缓缓的行走着。", "一个人拿着工具行走在室外的雪地上。", "有一个身穿深色衣服的人在雪地里行走。", "地面上满是积雪,一个人正在迈着双腿在雪地里行走。", "当一个人在他身后尖叫时,一个人正在小心翼翼地走在雪地里。", "有人走过一个有积雪的地方,雪在它的脚下吱吱作响。", "一个人穿着雪地靴走在一个多雪的院子里。", "一个男人在雪地里走来走去,在雪地里做脚印。", "一个人穿着靴子在雪地上走的非常慢。" ]
[ "A young toddler is outside walking in the snow while wearing a thick pink snow outfit.", "A baby walks down the road and then picks up a snowball", "A young girl toddles with an adult down a snowy street", "A little boy was walking with a man on the snow and the boy picked the snow at a point", "A couple of people are outside watching a toddler walking around in the snow.", "A child in a red snow suit walks in the snow with an adult.", "A baby wearing a snow suit is walking down a snow lined sidewalk with a female adult.", "A man and very small boy are playing outside in the snow.", "A small child in red clothing is walking along snow plough tracks while an adult watches and supervises.", "A baby is walking in snow, then a adult walks holding babies hand." ]
[ "一个穿着红色衣服的小孩子在雪地上跟着他的家人散步。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的小孩在大人的陪同下在雪地里行走。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人正在和一个穿红色衣服的小孩儿在室内玩耍。", "在室外一个穿红色的小孩儿正在雪地里走路。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女人和一个穿着桃红色外套的小孩一起在雪上行走着。", "一个穿着红色雪衣的孩子和一个成年人一起在雪地里散步并玩耍。", "一位女性成年人带着一个穿着雪服的婴儿正沿着积雪的人行道走着。", "一个男人和一个非常小的男孩正在外面雪地里玩雪。", "一个穿红衣服的小孩走在雪犁的路上,一个成年人正在观察和监督。", "一个婴儿正在雪地里走着,然后一个成年人牵着婴儿的手走路。" ]
[ "A young man hikes through a wintry mountain, stepping into fresh crisp snow.", "A man hikes up a steep snowy mountain while carrying a backpack on his back.", "A man wearing a backpack is trekking through the snow in the mountains.", "A man in a backpack is walking on the snowy ground in the mountains.", "A man is hiking in the snow with a large mountain beside him.", "A person is outside walking through some snow covered mountains.", "A person wearing a backpack is trying to walk up a snowy terrain.", "A man hikes up a snow-covered mountain with a bag on his back.", "A man carrying a backpack walks up a snowy hill.", "A man is walking across a snowy ledge while carrying a back pack." ]
[ "在一片雪地上面,一个背着包戴着眼镜的人正在走路。", "一个背着背包的男人正在雪山上爬山。", "一个穿着黑色外套的男人背着包在雪地里走。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在雪地里爬山。", "一个戴着眼镜,背着背包的男人在雪地上慢悠悠的走着。", "在野外一个人穿过一些积雪覆盖的山脉。", "一个背着背包的男人在雪地里行走。", "一个男人背着一个袋子爬上了一座积雪覆盖的山峰。", "一个背着背包的男人独自走在又积雪的小山上。", "一个男人背着背包走过一个白雪皑皑的岩壁。" ]
[ "A person is out in the snow playing with a toddler.", "A young child walks in the snow followed by an adult.", "A snow covered drive way is covered in ice when a baby dressed in pink walks with her parent not far behind.", "A young child walks up a snowy driveway while an adult watches on.", "a little baby in pink walks around the ground covered in ice", "A very little child walks in the snow under the watchful eye of her mother.", "A very small boy who is bundled up walks slowly on a snow covered street.", "A little baby walking on the snow and the lady is standing at the back of baby", "A toddler walks in the snow with her mother standing behind her.", "A man is watching his child walk around in the snow." ]
[ "在雪地里,一个穿着粉色衣服的小孩和一个穿着黑色衣服的大人在行走着。", "一个大人和一个小孩在公路上,大人四处张望,小孩到处走。", "一个穿红色外套带米色帽子的人带着孩子在雪地玩。", "敞亮的室内,地面被大雪覆盖,一名身穿粉色外套的女孩,正站在地面上行走。", "宽敞白色的雪地里,一个大人和一个小孩正在玩耍。", "一个非常小的小孩子在母亲的陪伴下在雪地上行走。", "一个很小的男孩在一个被积雪覆盖的街道上慢慢地走,后面站着一个人。", "一个小婴儿走在雪地上, 那位女士站在婴儿的后面。", "一个蹒跚学步的孩子在雪地里走着,她的妈妈站在她身后。", "一个穿红色衣服的小孩走在雪地上,一个人在看着这个小孩。" ]
[ "A woman walking in the snow holding hands with a toddler.", "A young child is being led through the snow while another adult is talking to him in the background.", "A woman helps a toddler walk through snow by holding the toddler's hand.", "A woman and her young child out side in the snow walking.", "A small girl is being helped through the snow by her mom and her father joins in.", "A small child and an adult walk through the snow as the person filming greets the child.", "The little child, together with mom is playing around outside in the snow.", "A person held the hand of a little kid while they walk in the snow", "A woman walks with a toddler in the snow and the cameraman greets the toddler by name.", "A baby is walking on snow with an adult while it is snowing." ]
[ "一个女人带着一个孩子在雪地中慢慢前行。", "在雪地上,大人领着孩子在慢慢的走路。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的小孩正在雪地里行走。", "在下雪的天气里一个穿牛仔裤的人带着一个小孩在雪地里行走。", "天空中飘着雪花,地面上落满了积雪,一个大人牵着一个戴着帽子的小孩向前走。", "一个成年人牵着一个小孩走在雪地里。", "一个小孩子和一个女人一起在外面的雪地里玩耍。", "一个人在雪地行领着一个小孩子,握着一个小孩的手。", "一名女子带着一名幼儿在雪中散步。", "一个人正拉着一个婴儿在雪地里走。" ]
[ "A little boy is shown walking in the snow in the park.", "A kid is walking on the snow and making foot prints.", "A little boy making shoe prints in the snow with a man talking to him in the background.", "A young boy is at a snow-covered playground and is making footprints in the snow.", "A man is in the background talking to a little boy who is trying to make footprints in the snow.", "a boy in a blue sweater walks around in the snow", "The guy is having fun while taking a video of the little boy in the snow.", "Little boy all bundled up in park in the snow with his dad.", "A boy walking in the snow within a playground while the cameraman talks to the boy.", "A man talks to a little boy in a blue coat while the boy walks through the snow." ]
[ "一个小孩子走在雪地上,走着走着扭头笑了笑。", "穿着厚厚衣服的小朋友在雪地上走,然后停下抬头笑。", "一个小孩儿在雪中走着非常直得步伐。", "一个穿蓝色上衣的小孩儿在雪地中走来走去。", "在一个户外,地面都是雪,有一个戴着帽子的小宝宝在走路。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男孩在雪地里走来走去。", "这家伙正在拍摄雪地里玩得很开心的小男孩的视频。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小男孩在公园玩耍。", "一个男孩在操场内的雪地里散步, 而摄影师则和那个男孩说话。", "一个小孩子在雪地上行走,一个男人在和他说话。" ]
[ "A father is helping his kid walk in the snow.", "A man helps his son to carefully walk on the sidewalk covered in snow.", "A man is straightening the hood of a coat that a child is wearing while they are walking in the snow.", "A man and a child are walking on a snowy sidewalk outside", "A guy and a little boy both in coats are walking down a snow covered sidewalk.", "A man walks next to a child as they walk on the sidewalk filled with snow.", "A young boy with a man running down the sidewalk in the snow.", "An adult helping and watching a child walk in the snow along a city street.", "A guy carefully walks with their toddler along a snowy sidewalk.", "A man guides a toddler walking on a snowy sidewalk." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服戴着眼镜的男人和一个小孩在雪地里行走。", "一个大人带着一个小朋友走在结冰的道路上,踉踉跄跄。", "在室外的雪地上,一个男子牵着一个小孩儿在雪地里走。", "白天的户外,一个大人,领着一个小孩,白色的雪地上行走。", "一个人牵着一个小孩子在雪地上行走。", "当一个男人走在充满雪的人行道上时,他旁边的孩子也在行走着。", "一个人正在帮助身边的小宝宝在雪地上行走。", "在城市的街道上,一个成年人帮助一个孩子在雪地上行走。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在雪地里看着孩子缓慢的学习走路。", "一名男子引导一名幼儿走在雪人行道上。" ]
[ "Outside a person is walking along in the snow and there are trees and a river in the distance.", "A person walks on snow while wearing black pants and shoes.", "A person is walking along the snow and enjoying the scenery.", "Walking along a snow covered terrain a person displays their feet crunching in the snow with each step on the path before showing the upcoming treeline and water.", "A man walks in the snow in a field, crunching as he goes.", "A person films their footsteps walking in the snow before showing the view.", "A person walks alone in the snow and videotapes all of the different tracks.", "A person is walking on snow and slowly the camera lifts and shows the path he is walking.", "A person videoing their footsteps as they are walking through the snow.", "The person was following a trail in the snowy area." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色裤子和黑色鞋子的人在雪地上行走。", "苍茫的雪地上,独自一人走在雪地上。", "一片空旷的雪地上,一个人正在散步。", "一个身穿深色裤子和深色鞋子的人在雪地中行走。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的人在雪地上向前行走。", "一个人在雪地里行走,然后拍摄到了风景。", "一个人独自走在雪地里,看着从脚下到路上的风景。", "一个人在雪地上行走并发出咯吱咯吱的声音,不时抬起头看前方的路。", "一个人在雪地里慢慢的行走,前边有一个树林。", "一个人在一片大雪地里走路,旁边还有人跟他一样在走路。" ]
[ "man in green hooded jacket walking a down town area in the snow", "A man in a thick coat is shown walking outside down the road in the falling snow.", "A person is walking ahead of the person filming down a street with a coat on.", "On a darkened street sidewalk, someone wearing a hooded coat is walking in falling snow and someone is talking.", "People walk outside at night while it snows in city streets.", "A person in a winter coat walks down the street of a city while it snows.", "A person is walking in the snow on the sidewalk while cars drive by on the street.", "People walk down the sidewalk on a snowy night in the city.", "People walking down a sidewalk while it snows and cars drive by", "A person is walking down the sidewalk in a coat while it snows." ]
[ "在一个下雪的夜晚一个穿着黑色上衣的人独自走在路上。", "下雪的晚上,一个穿着绿色衣服的男子带着帽子走在街上。", "天空飘着雪花,一个男人穿着绿色棉袄,在夜路行走。", "几个人走在下雪的马路边并一边交谈着。", "天空下着雪,一个人走在马路边的人行道上。", "在下雪的天气里,一个穿着冬衣的人在街道上走着。", "一个人走在人行道上,天上下着雪,而汽车在街上行驶。", "人们在一个飘着雪花的城市街道上行走着。", "一个穿着灰色衣服的男人戴着帽子走在下雪的街道上。", "在下雪的时候,一个人穿着外套走在人行道上。" ]
[ "A person has some boots on and is walking through the snow.", "A person walks slowly on some snow and ice while talking.", "A person walking in the snow real easy and making really light tracks in the snow.", "a man is trying to walk in the soft snow without getting buried under the snow", "A person is walking very cautiously on the snow and other footprints are visible.", "A person is waling slowly on the snow leaving snow prints with his boots.", "Person wearing snow-covered boots takes slow and careful steps over icy snow.", "A man is walking carefully and slowly in the snow.", "A person walking in the snow that has frozen solid, and could be slippery.", "A man wearing snow boots walks across the surface of the snow." ]
[ "一个穿黑色鞋子的人在雪地里行走。", "一个男人穿着一双占满雪的鞋悠哉走在白色的雪地上。", "一个人在雪地上穿着一双黑色的鞋子,很慢的走路。", "厚厚的雪地里,一个男人正在艰难的行走着。", "一个人正在满是白雪的雪地上一步一步地走着。", "一个人在雪地上慢慢地行走,他的靴子在雪地上留下了他的脚印。", "一个穿着黑色靴子的人在雪地里艰难的行走。", "一个男人在满是积雪的雪地里小心翼翼地慢慢走着。", "一个人在冻得结结实实的雪地里行走。", "在雪地里,一个鞋子上沾满雪的人一步一步慢慢地往前走。" ]
[ "A man walking along a snow-covered road in the mountains.", "A person walking very carefully along the side of a road that is ice and snow covered.", "Person walks along the shoulder of a road on top of snowy border.", "A person walks in the snow on the side of a road.", "Someone with black coat and blue jeans is waking on the side of the snowy road", "A person walking along the side of the road in the snow and ice.", "A person walks in the snow all the side of the road near the edge of a steep decline.", "A man is walking on the side of the road while carrying a backpack.", "A blurry video of someone walking along a snowy road.", "A person is walking on the side of a road on top of icy, crunchy snow." ]
[ "一个背着包的人走在路边的雪地上。", "一个人在下了雪的道路边缘踩雪行走。", "一个身穿黑色衣服的人沿着路边的雪地往前走。", "一个人在路边沿着直线行走,背后是一片树林。", "在一条马路上,路的一侧都是雪,路上有一个人正在走路。", "一个人在冰雪中沿着雪和冰的路边行走。", "一个人慢慢地走在路边没有融化的雪上。", "一个男子在昏暗的学路上慢悠悠的走着。", "在一条满是积雪的路上一个人在走着。", "一个人正在路上的雪上行走,他的身后有很多的树。" ]
[ "A boy and a girl are having a snowball fight while a dog barks in the background.", "Siblings are having a snowball fight outside with the dog barking.", "A lady with black coat is paying snow ball fight with a boy who has blue coat on", "Two people participate in a snowball fight as snow falls.", "A boy and girl play fight with snow balls on the patio.", "Two kids are throwing snowballs at each other out in the snow.", "Two kids throw snowballs at each other as a dog barks.", "A young boy and a teen girl are throwing snow ball at each other.", "Two children have a snowball fight on a wide stone porch while a dog barks and a woman comforts it.", "two kids having a snowball fight and a dog barking" ]
[ "一个男孩和一个女孩正在雪地里打雪仗。", "一个女人把手里的雪扔到男孩的身上,然后跑到男孩的后面抓了一把雪继续扔。", "一个女人和一个小孩在雪地里正在打雪仗。", "在一个院子里,一个男孩和一个女孩在玩着打雪仗。", "在一个下着雪的室外,两个人正在白色的雪地上打雪仗。", "在白皑皑的雪地上有两个孩子在打雪仗。", "两个在房子外面打雪仗,旁边有狗在叫。", "一个小男孩和一个十几岁的女孩在互相抛雪球。", "两个孩子正在宽阔的院子里打雪仗。", "在室外,有两个孩子在打雪仗,旁边有一只狗在叫。" ]
[ "A person is moving on a circle on the ground covered in snow", "A lady in red is walking in a circle outside in the snow.", "A woman walking barefooted in a circle on a snow", "A girl walks around in a circle in the snow with no shoes on.", "A girl is walking in a circle in the snow with no shoes on.", "A girl in a pink sweatshirt walks in circles through the snow with no shoes on.", "A women walking bare foot outside in the snow making foot prints.", "A girl in glasses muttering with no shoes on walks in a large circle several times in the snow while a man introduces her.", "A lady walking on her empty foot on the snow in certain pattern", "A girl uses her feet to draw a circle in the snow barefoot." ]
[ "在雪地里一个穿着红色上衣、戴着黑色眼镜的女人正在光着脚走路。", "一个穿着红色衣服光着脚的女人在雪地里转圈圈。", "雪地里一个女人在围着一片脚印转圈圈。", "一个穿红色上衣的女人赤脚在雪地里绕圈行走。", "一个穿着红色卫衣戴着眼镜的女子正光着脚走在雪地上。", "一个穿着粉色运动衫的女孩子在雪地里不穿鞋子转来转去。", "一个女人赤脚走在外面在雪地里制作脚印。", "一个戴眼镜的女孩在雪地里没有穿鞋的走着。", "一个穿着红色上衣的女士在雪地里光着脚走。", "一个女孩用双脚在雪地上光着身子画一个圈。" ]
[ "On a snowy day, a young girl approaches a gate and then turns around and runs away.", "Someone in a pink coat running around in the snow with two cars in the background", "A kid is seen at the fence and then runs over on the snow towards the other end.", "A young girl standing in the snow looks at her feet, kicks them, then runs through the snow.", "Running and playing in the snow as they are closing the gates and laughing.", "A young girl walking through the snow looks over a gate and then runs back.", "A little girl is excited and is running back from the fence in the snow.", "A girl in a pink jacket is running outside in the snow.", "A girl touches a gate on the fence to a back yard and then they turn and run away.", "A girl kicks her feet in the snow and then runs joyfully through the snow." ]
[ "一个穿着粉色棉服的女孩正在雪地里奔跑。", "一个穿着红色羽绒服的人搭了一下栏杆然后开始在雪地里奔跑。", "一个穿着粉色外套,戴眼镜的人在雪地里奔跑。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的女孩在雪地里奔跑着。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的人正在雪地上跑。", "一个年轻的女孩在雪地里站着,看见一个大门,然后跑了回去。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的女孩儿在雪地里来回踱步。", "一个穿粉红色外套的女孩在外面的雪地里跑。", "个女孩在篱笆上碰到一个大门,到了一个后院,然后他们转身就跑掉了。", "一个女孩在雪地里踢她的脚,然后在雪地里快乐地奔跑。" ]
[ "People walk dogs that are wearing backpacks through the snow.", "A dog on a leash walking through a snowy trail and following a man and another dog.", "Dogs on a leashes carrying bags walk on a snowy path.", "people walking on a snowy path with dogs on a leash", "Dogs on leashes walk over a snowy trail in the forest.", "Hikers walk through a snowy trail with dogs that have saddle packs attached to them.", "A man carrying a backpack is walking a dog that is also carrying a bag.", "Dogs carry large packs as they walk in front of humans in the snow.", "Two people march two dogs up a snowy trail.", "Large dogs are hooked on leashes as people lead them through snowy terrain." ]
[ "一个男人牵着一条狗,在雪地当中慢慢地行走。", "户外的雪地里,两个人牵着狗在走路,狗身上还背着东西。", "在雪后的山林里,有两个人正牵着两条狗行走着。", "一个男人正牵着一只狗往前走,他的身后还有一只被牵着的狗。", "一只狗身上背着包在雪地上行走,前面有一个人拉着一个背着包的狗在行走。", "徒步旅行者牵着装有鞍具的狗在一条积雪的小路上行走着。", "两个人正在牵着两只背着东西的狗行走在雪地上。", "狗在雪地里走在人的前面,身上背着个大包。", "两个人把两只狗带到一条雪堆的小道上。", "在室外的雪地上,y偶一个男子手上牵着一只狗,他的后面还有一只狗。" ]
[ "Someone waves to a group of people standing on a frozen lake, it appears they are ice fishing.", "A group of guys wave while standing in a snowy field.", "A group of people are standing together while ice fishing, as two others walk towards them.", "people walking to a group of people standing around in snow", "A group of people in the ice are fishing and waving their hands to the person who recorded the video.", "There are a group of guys standing and ice fishing.", "A group of people are standing on snow and having a conversation.", "Five teenagers are waving to the camera as the person filming says hi to them.", "Five guys are fishing on ice and two people walk over to see them.", "Two people go out onto a frozen to see a group of people ice fishing." ]
[ "地面被大雪覆盖,有几名男子和女子,正站在地面上玩耍。", "一名女人在讲话,而远处的两个男子挥了挥手。", "两个男子在雪地上站着用手打招呼。", "一群人中有两个男人在雪地上挥手,另外两个人向他们走去。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在对别人招手。", "一群人正在冰上和另外的两个人打招呼,和在冰上钓鱼。", "一群人站在白雪皑皑的地面上,然后其中有两个人挥了挥手。", "在户外活动时,看到5名青少年正在挥手向对面走来的两个人打招呼。", "五个人正在冰上钓鱼, 两个人走过去看他们。", "两个人走到一个冰冻的湖面, 看到一群人在冰上钓鱼。" ]
[ "A girl walks across the snow without any shoes on.", "A pair of bare feet with painted toenails crunches through a patchy section of melting ice and snow.", "a person is walking barefoot in the cold white snow", "Outside on a sidewalk. someone walks carefully forward with no shoes on.", "A person is seen walking on the snow without shoes on.", "Somebody is walking over the snow on a porch with bare feet.", "A person walking in the snow with out no shoes on.", "A barefoot girl with green toes walks into the fresh snow outside.", "Someone with blue nail vanish on the big toe nail is walking on the snow bear feet", "a person is taking slow step in barefoot onto the snowy path" ]
[ "一个光着脚涂着指甲油的人在雪地上行走。", "染着蓝色指甲油的大拇指的脚走在雪上。", "一个染着脚趾的人正光着脚走在雪地上。", "一双没有穿鞋的脚正在落在木板上的雪上走。", "一个穿着白色、黑色相间裤子的人,光着脚丫走在雪地上。", "一个人赤着脚在走廊上的雪地上面行走。", "一个没有穿鞋子的女人走在雪地上。", "一个赤脚 的女孩在外面白雪的地方行走。", "有一个大脚趾上涂了蓝色指甲的人正在雪地上走。", "一个人赤脚在有雪的地上慢慢往前走。" ]
[ "A person walks carefully outside in the snow so they do not slip.", "A women is outside and slowly walking across the snow in a forest.", "A girl walking down a path in the snow and talking to the man filming.", "A woman is walking on snow and slips on the snow and almost falls.", "A women walking on slippery snow and ice, trying not to fall.", "A woman is walking slowly in a snowy area with uneven terrain.", "a girl is slowly walking down some snow with caution", "A woman steadies herself as he cautiously walks down a snowy hill and giggles.", "A woman is shown in a snowy wooded area laughing and then walks over and growls at the camera laughing.", "A woman is walking across a field of snow and makes a scary noise." ]
[ "一个外国女人在厚厚的雪地上缓慢行走。", "一个女人在雪地上行走,然后扮了个鬼脸吓旁边的人。", "一个穿着蓝色牛仔裤的女人正在雪地上走路。", "在一阳光明媚的天气,一个戴着帽子的人正在雪上行走。", "在一个户外,有一个戴着帽子的女人,她伸开了自己的双手在说话。", "一位妇女在地形不平的雪地中行走。", "树林里下雪了,一个女人正小心翼翼的走下一个小山坡。", "一个女人小心翼翼的走下雪山,慢慢的稳住了身形,然后咯咯地笑了起来。", "一名女子在一个多雪的树木繁茂的地方笑着, 然后走过去, 对着镜头大笑。", "一名女子正穿过一片雪地, 发出可怕的声音。" ]
[ "Some people remove the snow from the sidewalks, while another person shows how the snow covered the streets.", "A person walks across the snowy street on a cold day.", "A person is walking on a street covered in snow.", "A person walking along the sidewalk and video capturing the snow and his shadow with the sound of someone shoveling the snow in the background.", "A person holding a cell phone walks across ice and snow.", "A person is walking in the snow scraping along with way down a sideway and into the road.", "The camera operator is walking down a street covered with snow and ice.", "A person is walking in the snow and looking down.", "A white car is parked at the curb while someone is shoveling snow.", "We are shown a snowy sidewalk and a car parked on the side of a street and then shadows of people walking." ]
[ "路面上有很厚的积雪,有很车都停在那。", "一个人走在雪地上,旁边有铲雪的声音。", "一个人在雪地上走着,并在拍自己的影子。", "在明媚的阳光下,一个人在一片雪地上行走。", "雪地上有一辆白色的车正停放在路边。", "一个人在雪地沿着一条小路向前行走,走到路上。", "一个人在一条被冰雪覆盖的街道上行走。", "一个人在刚下完雪的雪地里行走,并用手机记录了下来。", "一辆白色的汽车停在路边, 而有人在铲雪。", "一个人正在室外的雪地上行走,旁边有铲子铲雪的声音。" ]
[ "A man's snowshoes sinks in deep snow before he falls back into the snow and laughs at falling.", "A man is struggling in the snow as he tries to learn how to ski.", "Someone walks in the snow on a hill with snowshoes and then falls over.", "A man is wearing a blue backpack and walking down a hill covered in snow using a ski pole.", "A man in skis tries to walk down a snowy hill before falling sideways into the snow.", "A person attempts to hike through the snow but falls as they are walking.", "A man in snowshoes and using sticks walks in snow then falls over.", "A young man is shown trying to walk through deep snow on snow shoes, he falls down.", "A man outside in the snow walking slowly, then falling down.", "A man attempts to walk in some deep snow, but falls down." ]
[ "一个男人背着背包,踩着滑雪板,手上撑着撑杆在雪地里走,最后倒在了雪中.。", "一个男人在雪地里艰难地行走,最后倒在了雪地里。", "一个穿蓝黑色上衣的人正在雪地里行走。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣,身上背着包的人在冰天雪地里行走。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人,在山上滑雪。", "一个人试图在雪地上徒步旅行,但在行走时摔倒了。", "一个穿着雪鞋,用树枝走在雪地里的男人,然后倒下了。", "一个年轻的男子试图穿过厚厚的积雪,但他摔倒了。", "一个男人在雪地里慢慢地走着,然后摔倒了。", "一个男人试图在雪中行走,但却倒下了。" ]
[ "A person looking at his feet while walking in the snow and making crunching noises.", "Someone is walking on snow and making the ice crunch.", "A pair of black boots walk fifthteen steps in the snow.", "A person is walking through the snow and only their feet can be seen.", "A man is walking in his snow boat shoes in the snow.", "A person is recording their boots walking in the snow.", "A person is taking a video of only his boots as he walks in the snow.", "Someone is walking through snow showing only their boots when all of a sudden they stop walking.", "Someone wearing black boots is walking quickly through the snow.", "A person is walking in the snow with boots on." ]
[ "一个人穿着黑色的鞋子走在雪地上。", "一个人在洁白的雪地上步履稳健的走着。", "一个人穿着黑色的鞋子走在雪地上鞋子上沾满了雪。", "一个穿着黑色短靴的人走在雪地上。", "一个人走在雪地里,鞋上有一些积雪。", "一个人穿着黑色的靴子在雪地里行走。", "一个穿着黑色靴子的人在雪地上行走。", "有人走在雪地里,只露出他们的靴子,突然间他们停止了行走。", "有人穿着黑色的靴子在雪地里快速地走着。", "在室外的雪地上,一个人正在雪地上走着。" ]