[ "A young girl is squatting in the water and then stands up with something in her hand.", "A young girl in the water finds a shell to show to her dad.", "Young girl in a body of water showing an adult something she pulled out of the water.", "A girl catches a small fish in the ocean and turns to tell an adult.", "A little girl stands up from the water with something it her hand that she wants to show to her father.", "A young girl is in the water grabbing a handful off the bottom of the body of water.", "A little girl in the water of a lake or ocean and she brings her hand out with something in it and trying to get the attention of another person to show them.", "Several children play at the beach and a girl finds something in the sand.", "A group of people are in the water socializing while a little girl discovers something underwater", "little girl in blue and pink swim suit finds something at bottom of lake and shows an adult." ]
[ "一个小女孩在水中用手摸到了什么东西。", "一个女孩在水中游泳,然后将水中的东西捡起来。", "一个女孩在水里捡到了一个东西,她告诉了旁边的大人。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,几个人站在水里游玩。", "穿着泳衣的小女孩从水里抓起一样东西,向站在旁边的大人展示。", "一个年轻的女孩在水中捞起一个物品,并向另一个人阐述着。", "一个女孩从水里拿出一个东西拍打着她旁边的人想引起他的注意。", "几个孩子在海滩上玩耍,一个女孩在海滩上发现了一些东西。", "一群人正在水里交谈,一个小女孩在水下发现了一些东西。", "小女孩在湖底发现一些东西,并告诉了旁边的一个大人。" ]
[ "A man is walking under a bridge in a shallow lake.", "A man is chest deep in a lake under a bridge", "A man wades through stomach high water underneath a bridge.", "A person in waders in in waist deep water looking around.", "A young man in waders in standing a river with a measuring stick.", "A man stands in the water under a bridge and then walks to the shore.", "A man is in a lake underneath a large dock with moutains in the background.", "A man is standing in shallow water and holding a pole underneath a bridge.", "A guy stands in water taking a measurment and then walks out.", "A man in a jacket wades around in water up to his waist, dragging a white pole." ]
[ "一个穿着白色卫衣的男孩正走在水里。", "在室外,一个男人拿着棍子在水里走动。", "一个人站在水里面,用手里工具在水中打捞什么。", "一个穿着连帽衫的人站在齐腰深的水里,正在朝岸边走来。", "在一条河里,有一个穿着白色衣服的男人,从河里面向岸边走来。", "一个男人站在桥下的水中,然后向岸边走去。", "一个站在水中的男人向岸边慢慢走来。", "一名男子站在浅水中, 在桥下拿着一根电线杆。", "一个年轻家伙站在水里拿一个测量结果然后走出来。", "一名身穿夹克的男子在水中涉水至腰部, 拖着一根白杆。" ]
[ "A child is barefoot in the river, walking down and looking around.", "A boy is walking in a stream when he comes across a ford crossing the stream and a woman in the distance.", "A man slowly walks through a shallow stream of water.", "A man in shorts walking barefoot in a rocky creek.", "A young man walking into the stream , the lady is standing a rock in the stream.", "A man in bare feet and a blue shirt wades through a creek", "A person walks through a body of water with their head down.", "A person is barefoot and walking through a shallow lake", "A person walking in a stream of water while another stands on the works.", "a man is walking in the water near a boat ramp" ]
[ "一个穿蓝色短袖休闲五分裤的人在小河里走着。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人,赤着脚在水里来回走动。", "一个穿短袖衫和短裤的人正在水里行走。", "在室外,一个男人在一个小河里行走。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人正在一条河里走过。", "一个赤脚并且穿着一件蓝色衬衫的人在小溪中涉水而过。", "一个男人低着走在水里走看见岸边有一个女人。", "一个人光着脚走在一个清澈的浅水湖里。", "一个人在溪水中行走, 而另一个人站河边石头上。", "一个男人正在一个船舷附近的水里行走着。" ]
[ "A man and a little kid are walking in a shallow body of water.", "A man walks through a shallow river with a small little girl behind him.", "A man is walking through a shallow stream with a little girl.", "A man walks through ankle high water and talks to a small child near him.", "A man is walking around in the water with a little boy.", "A man and a little girl are walking in a creek with their pants rolled up.", "A man and a little girl wading through a running stream.", "an adult male and a small child playing in a shallow creek", "A man and a little girl play on a shallow river.", "A child, together with dad is playing around in the water." ]
[ "一个男人带着一个小女孩站在小溪边。", "一男子与一小孩子在浅水的河流里玩耍。", "小溪边,有一个人在行走,还有一个人在往水里扔石头。", "一个大人和一个小孩儿在一条河的河流上。", "一个男人和一个小孩,在小溪边行走散步。", "一个男人和一个小女孩把裤子卷起来在小溪里漫步。", "一个男人和一个小女孩正在一条小溪里玩耍,小女孩捡起一块石头并扔进水中。", "一个成年男子和一个小孩在浅溪里玩耍。", "一个男人和一个小女孩在一条浅河上玩耍。", "一个小女孩和一个男子一起在水边玩耍。" ]
[ "In the distance, a man walks down a flooded dirt road, then enters a car with its headlights on.", "Something is moving farther down the lake in front of headlights.", "Headlights are shining in the distance of a muddy and rain filled road.", "A MAN IS TRYING TO SEE IF HES CAR CAN GO INTO THE FLOODED AREA.", "a person is in the middle of some water with many trees surrounding them", "A person walks towards a vehicle at the end of a stretch of road that is partially flooded.", "A person is wading out into some water that is covering a country road.", "A person walks from left to right on a flooded dirt road in front of a vehicle with their lights on.", "A man is walking around by a car in front of a big puddle.", "A man is walking back to a car in the distance." ]
[ "一个男子下车快速的查看被水淹没的一节道路。", "一个人在都是水的马路上行走,最后进了小汽车里。", "一条积水的道路两边有一些树木,远处还有一个白色的正在晃动的影子。", "路面上有很多积水,路边是绿色的草地和一些树木。", "一条泥路上有很多积水,远处的白色身影越走越远。", "一个人走到一段部分被淹的道路尽头的车辆里。", "一个人正在一条积水的乡村道路上行走。", "一个人在一辆灯亮着的车辆前被淹的土路上从左往右走。", "一名男子在一个大水坑前的汽车旁四处走动。", "在室外,一个人朝着一辆汽车走了过去。" ]
[ "A woman trudges trough a knee length body of water to cross it.", "A young woman is wading in shallow water, stating \"one more cannon ball and that is it,\"in the background you can see another person,", "A young girl wades through a river with her jeans on while kids talk all around.", "A woman stands in a creek and then walks across to the other side.", "A girl walks through a small body of water while in the mountains.", "A man and woman are walking through a creek located in a wooded area.", "A woman steps into a stream and wades across while wearing jeans", "A woman is walking through some water to get to her friend that is already across.", "A girl talks and walks through a shallow stream, and then a person behind her begins to walk through the stream.", "A woman is wading through waist deep water and she is wearing jeans." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色短袖的女人走向深水潭,旁边有人在鼓掌。", "一个女人在水里面找刚刚丢失的东西。", "一个穿绿色衣服的女的在水里走着,一个男的在后面跟着。", "一个穿着短袖上衣的女人走在水里,后面还跟着一个穿黑色衣服的人。", "在野外池塘边,一个女人一边说话一边从水里趟过来。", "一个男人和一个女人正穿过一个位于树木里的小溪。", "一个女人穿着牛仔裤走进小溪, 涉水过河。", "一个女人正在水中走着,想找到已经对面的朋友。", "一个女孩说话并走过浅水溪,然后她身后的一个人开始走过小溪。", "一个女人在腰间深水中涉水, 她穿着牛仔裤。" ]
[ "Two people walking in a stream to the other side, hiking on a trek.", "A man and a woman walk upstream in the cold", "A man and women walking in a large river while carrying gear", "A man is walking in the water and he is carrying his boots.", "A woman walking through a river in the snow and then talks to the camera", "A man is walking through ankle deep water holding boots in his hand", "Two people are walking through a river with snow coverd banks one is in front of the camera and one is behind, you see a girl at the end.", "a man waders across a stream by a snowy bank holding his boots, while a girl from behind the camera says she'll see him upstream.", "A person is walking through a shallow stream while holding thier boots in their hand.", "A lady is walking barefoot in the water, and holding her shoes in hand." ]
[ "一个外国女人提着鞋赤脚在冰冷的河水里走着。", "一个穿着棕色衣服的人手提着鞋在冰冷的河水中行走。", "一个背着包手里拿着鞋子的人在河里行走。", "一个背包的人掂着鞋子在水里行走。", "河水正在流淌,一个人手里拎着鞋赤着脚在水里面走,两旁的地上满是积雪。", "一个男人穿着靴子在深水里行走,手里还提着一双靴子。", "两个人在雪天里光着脚在一条河里行走。", "一个女孩站在镜头后面说她会看着一个男子穿过一条白雪皑皑的小溪。", "一个男人正在穿过一个潜水小溪,同时手里拿着靴子。", "一位女士赤脚的在水中行走,她的手里还拿着鞋子。" ]
[ "A group of people ranges in ages are standing in a very low river, and a toddler jumps around in the water.", "A child with ayoungf girl is in a small flowing water channel.", "A girl named Emma plays in a babbling stream with her mother and sisters.", "A child stands in a shallow stream and hops and splashes water.", "A little girls stands in a very shallow river next to some of her friends.", "A couple of people are walking in a flooded creek looking area.", "A little girl stands in a river and plays with some other kids.", "A woman and three children walk and play in a shallow stream.", "A couple children play in a small stream splashing and getting their feet wet.", "A woman and three little girls wading in a creek." ]
[ "两个大人和两个小孩在河水里开心的玩耍。", "一个孩子光脚在泥水里站着她妈妈问她在干嘛。", "在一个宽阔的室外,一群人在河里玩耍。", "周围的人正在问在水里玩耍的小女孩在做什么。", "一个小孩站在水中,另一个小孩在水中走着。", "有几个人正在一条小溪里行走并玩耍着。", "一个小女孩站在河里和其他一些孩子一起玩。", "一个小孩子站在浅水里面游戏,大人们在旁边看着她。", "一对夫妇的孩子正在一条小溪水里玩。", "一个女人和三个小女孩在小溪里走着。" ]
[ "A group of kids play together in a small pool.", "Three small children play in the kiddie pool together; one o the screaming at her siblings.", "Three children are playing in an outdoor bathing pool and a boy is lying inside of it.", "A toddler boy lays in a kiddie pool then a little girl jumps on him as another little girl jumps into the pool.", "A boy is laying down in a kiddie pool and a girl pretends to jump on him and while another girl is playing beside them.", "Two small girls and a small boy are playing in a small plastic pool outside.", "Three kids playing in a little pool in the yard.", "Three children play in a child's pool full of water while a mom calls to them.", "a couple of kids playing outside inside a small pool together", "Three children are having fun playing in a small children's swimming pool." ]
[ "院子里有三个小孩子在一个大水盆中玩水。", "三个小孩子在一个装满水的大水盆里玩耍。", "两个女孩和一个男孩在一个大的盛满水的盆里玩耍。", "三个小孩儿跳进室外的游泳盆儿里。", "三个穿泳衣的小孩在一个大盆里玩水。", "两个小女孩和一个小男孩在外面的一个小塑料游泳池里玩耍。", "院子里三个小孩正在水池里玩水,有个女子在旁边说话。", "院子里面三个小孩子在一个装水的盆里面游戏着。", "几个孩子一起在外面的小游泳池里玩耍。", "三个孩子在在儿童游泳池里玩得很开心。" ]
[ "A young boy stands on a beach as small waves crash over his feet.", "A small child playing in shallow water at dusk", "A boy stands barefooted in the beach and enjoys waves.", "A little boy is standing on a beach shore, as the waves run over his feet, then turns and runs back to the beach.", "A young boy stands in the ocean at the beach while small waves gently undulate against him", "A young boy is standing in ankle deep water with very small waves, and then runs back to shore.", "The little boy stands on the shoreline as the low tide comes in, covering his feet, and he runs back to the beach", "A boy stands in a lake as waves hit his ankles.", "A boy stands on a beach in shallow water and then turns and runs out of the water.", "On the beach, a little boy lets the waves wash over his feet before running back to shore." ]
[ "夕阳下一个小孩正开心的在海边玩耍着。", "在海滩上,一个小男孩站在浅水中,然后向沙滩奔跑。", "一个小男孩站在海边,海浪朝他扑来。", "一个小孩身上被太阳照的发光站在海岸边。", "一个穿着短袖的小男孩站在海边看波浪。", "一个小男孩站在脚踝跟差不多的深水里,小浪花冲过来,他就向岸上跑去。", "小男孩站在海岸线上,低潮盖住了他的双脚,然后他跑回了海滩。", "一个男孩站在湖面上,波浪打在他的脚踝上。", "一个穿条纹衣服的男孩站在浅水中的海滩上玩。", "在海滩上,一个小男孩让海浪冲上他的脚,然后跑回岸边。" ]
[ "Two kids play in the swimming pool , they jump in and jump out.", "A child jumps into a pool with another young child.", "a young girl and boy are playing in the pool and the girl jumps in", "A young boy jumps into a pool when a women tells him to do it and then he get out of the pool.", "A girl with goggles jumps into a pool with a boy with goggles.", "A little boy in a pool watches as a little girl jumps in.", "One child splashes around in a pool, then another child jumps in.", "A girl and boy take turns jumping in to the water.", "A young girl wearing goggles jumps into a pool with a young boy who is also wearing goggles.", "A boy is crouching in a pool then a girl jumps into the pool." ]
[ "一个穿蓝色衬衫的小女孩跳进游泳池里,里面还有一个小男孩。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小男孩和一个穿着蓝色衣服的小女孩在游泳池游玩。", "一个戴眼镜的小女孩儿跳进了一个游泳池里,旁边有另一个小男孩在说话。", "一个戴着眼镜小女孩跳进了水池,一个戴着眼镜的小男孩站了起来。", "一个小女孩跳进了泳池里,另一个小男孩从泳池里爬了出来。", "一个小男孩在游泳池里看着一个小女孩跳进来。", "一个孩子在游泳池里游泳,然后另一个孩子跳进水里。", "一个小男孩在水游泳池中,另一个小女孩子也跳了进去。", "两名带着游泳镜的孩子正在游泳池内游着泳。", "一个小男孩正蹲在水池里,旁边一个小女孩也跳进泳池。" ]
[ "A group of children are wading in a stream while an adult man looks on. As the camera pans around to a bridge, another man is seen walking away.", "A group of children accompanied by a man play in the river", "In a river, people are washing and playing and than a bridge appears.", "Many kids and a number of adults are standing in a river near a bridge overpass.", "Small children play in a shallow creek while an adult watches over them.", "A group of young children in a lake are standing and playing in front of an adult.", "A group of boys and their father are playing in a stream.", "Children play in a creek as an adult watches from the side.", "A group of kids are playing in a river near a bridge.", "A man and a group of children playing in a river." ]
[ "有一群小孩在河里玩水,有一个男人站在旁边看着。", "一群小孩正在河里玩耍,河边有一群小孩。", "几个没有穿上衣的孩子在水里玩耍,旁边有人在观看。", "一群穿着深色衣服的人正在水中玩耍。", "水里有一群小孩在玩耍,旁边站着一个男人。", "一群年幼的孩子站在水里玩耍,他们旁边还有一个男人。", "一群男孩和他们的父亲在一条小溪里玩耍。", "当一个成年人从侧面观看时,孩子们在小溪里玩耍。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人在河边看孩子玩耍。", "一个男人和一群孩子正在河里玩耍。" ]
[ "A baby boy sitting in a body of water then stands up and splashes the water.", "A baby is sitting at a pool and playing in the water.", "An infant sts, splashes and then stands in a very large and shallow outdoor pool.", "A toddler sitting in a swimming stands up and slaps the water.", "A little kid is playing in the pool and clapping", "Child sits in pool in chest-high water, stands up and splashes hands in water.", "A young girl sitting in a shallow pool stand up and splashes the water with both hands.", "A baby is setting in a swimming pool as it stands up and splashes the water.", "A toddler is sitting in the shallow end of a pool when he stands and starts splashing the water.", "A small baby was sitting on the pool where there was water up to the knee of the baby" ]
[ "一个身穿白色衣服的短头发小孩正在玩水。", "一个小孩从游泳池中站起来开心的用手玩水。", "一个穿着一身泳衣的小孩儿正在户外的水里玩水。", "一个穿着长袖上衣的小孩在水里玩耍。", "一个小宝宝在浅浅的游泳池里玩水。", "一个小孩子坐在水池中,然后站起来,用手溅着水。", "坐在浅水池里的一个小女孩站了起来, 用双手泼水。", "一个婴儿在一个游泳池里,它站立起来,然后玩起了水花。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小婴儿正从水里站起来。", "在室外,一个小婴儿坐在游泳池里玩着水。" ]
[ "A gray-haired man stands waist-deep in a lake before turning and running as someone points at something in the water.", "Two people are in a lake where one of them runs away after seeing something", "A couple of men are wading in a large body of water.", "A man is wading waist deep in water until someone points to something and he turns and starts to try to get out.", "An older man wades in waist deep water while another person stands by next to him.", "A clothed man stands in water nearly up to his waist, then smiles and rushes to shore.", "A man standing in the middle of the water and then hurrying to leave.", "Two people are waist deep in water when they seem to notice something and begin to retreat.", "Two people are in waist high water watching something in the water one man turns around quickly to go in opposite direction.", "An old man waits in the slow moving water with his arms at his side." ]
[ "两个人站在水里,水已经淹到了半身上,水浪过来,两个人向岸边跑过来。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的老人正在水中艰难的游泳。", "一个人双手叉腰站在河里,忽然转过身走过来。", "一个穿长袖的男子站在河水中,然后在水中奔跑。", "水面泛起层层波浪,一个男人站在水里,然后转身开始走。", "一名男子站在到他腰间的水中,然后微笑的向岸边走去。", "一个男人站在水中,然后旁边有人提醒前边有什么东西后他急忙离开。", "两个人在深水中, 当他们似乎注意到一些东西, 开始慢慢向岸边移动。", "一个男子站在水里双手叉着腰看着水里的东西。", "一个人双手叉着腰站在水里,然后转过来笑着往回走。" ]
[ "A man wearing only his shorts is waiting in a river as music plays in the background.", "A man in black shorts walks slowly in the river.", "A shirtless young man walks to the deeper end of the water.", "A young shirtless man in a river accompanied with sad music.", "A man wearing shorts and no t-shirt walks in a stream while music plays.", "A boy in a lake begins to walk away into the distance.", "A guy is walking through stream water up to his thighs.", "A young man walking in a stream of water while music plays in the back ground .", "A shirtless male with black trunks on is walking down the middle of a stream.", "A man in swim trunks walks through the water of a rushing river while orchestra music plays." ]
[ "一个穿着泳裤的男子在河水里走动着。", "一个没穿衣服的男人正在水里往前走。", "一个男人在流动的河水里向前行走。", "一个没有穿上衣,穿着黑色裤子的人在水里前奏。", "一个赤裸着上身的人正在小河里漫步。", "湖里的一个男孩开始慢慢的往远处走去。", "一个男人正穿过到达他大腿的溪水。", "在音乐声中,一个年轻的男人在小河中行走。", "一个穿着黑色树干的光着膀子的男性走在溪流的中间。", "当乐团音乐播放时,一个穿着泳裤的男人走在一条湍急的河中。" ]
[ "A little boy is holding onto someone's hand and falls into the water.", "A young boy is walking in a shallow body of water.", "A little boy is holding a mans hand and is walking in the water.", "A little boy is holding the hand of a man as he wades in shallow water.", "A small child and an adult holding hands are playing in shallow rocky water.", "Adult hold hand of a young boy as he walks in water.", "A toddler holds a persons hand as they walk in the water.", "A young boy is walking in crystal clear water in a stream while someone holds his hand and talks to him.", "Someone holding a little child's hand as the child is walking in water.", "A person is holding a child by the hand as he is walking on a rocky surface in a beach." ]
[ "一只手拉着一个穿短袖的孩子在水里边行走。", "一只手牵着一个穿蓝色短袖的小男孩儿在水里走。", "一个小男孩儿牵着大人的手在水中游玩。", "一个小男孩挽起裤脚,在大人陪同下在水里走着。", "一个孩子在水上走路,虽然有大人牵着他,但也险些摔倒。", "一个小男孩在水中行走时,有一个人牵着他的手。", "一个人拉着一个小孩在清澈的小河里走着。", "一个小男孩正在水晶般清澈的溪水中行走,而有人握住他的手与他交谈。", "在一条小河里,一个人拉着一个小孩走在河里。", "一只手握着一个孩子在海滩的岩石表面上行走。" ]
[ "a girl jumps into some water and reacts to it and interacts with another girl", "A girl is swimming in the pool while another jumps in.", "A girl in jeans and a t-shirt climbs into a pool with another girl and spots a beetle.", "Two girls are jumping and screaming in a swimming pool filled with water.", "Two girls are jumping and playing in a swimming while fully clothed.", "A young girl is climbing down a pool ladder while another girls screams from inside the pool.", "Two girls jump into a swimming pool with their clothes on.", "A lady was in the water while a little girl walked into the pool to join her", "A young tween girl is in an outdoor pool, and encourages another tween girl, who is fully clothed, to get into the pool.", "Two girls jumping into a pool in their clothes, while its very windy outside." ]
[ "一个女子在泳池中用水泼刚入水的另一个女子。", "两个女人在室外游泳池开心尖叫玩耍。", "一个女孩在游泳池中看着另一个女孩下来,两个女孩在游泳池中嬉戏打闹。", "一个女人在玩水,另一个穿着白色上衣的长发女生也下去一起玩水。", "两个年轻的女子在游泳池里面玩耍。", "一个年轻女孩穿着衣服从水池梯上跳入泳池,而另一个在泳池里的女孩发出尖叫。", "一个身穿白色背心的人和一个身穿灰色背心的人在水里。", "一个女子进入泳池和泳池中的另一个女子玩闹。", "一个年轻的女孩在一个露天游泳池里,鼓励另一个穿着衣服的女孩进入游泳池。", "两个女孩子穿着衣服跳进了游泳池,外面风很大.。" ]
[ "A person is watching water on a flooded street and then runs across the street without shoes.", "A young man carrying bags is running across some flowing water.", "People are talking while a another person crosses a flooded street.", "A person is crossing a wide street overflowing with water.", "A woman dressed in office attire and carrying lots of bags but wearing no shoes runs across a flooded street.", "A person crossing a flooded street where water is rushing downhill.", "A woman wearing no shoes walks across a flood of water to get to the other side of the flood.", "A young person stops in front of a rushing river of water then carfully runs across it.", "A person is trying to cross an extremely flooded street.", "a person runs through some water that is on the ground" ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人光着脚踩进水里。", "一个人提着鞋子光着脚走过流水的马路。", "一个背着包的人赤脚走过躺着水的路。", "一个打着赤脚的人背着几个包经过有水的地方。", "一个背着包的女人光脚踩进了水中。", "一个人光脚穿过被大水淹没的街道。", "一个穿着不穿鞋的女人走过一大片水流,到达水流的另一边。", "一个年轻人提着裤子穿过了水流湍急的街道。", "一个人正试图穿过一条被水淹没的街道。", "一个人光着脚丫穿过地面的水,在上面奔跑着。" ]
[ "Random children are running through a fountain in the middle of a square.", "In an urban setting, many children play in a water fountain.", "A group of children run and play through a large water fountain.", "A huge fountain is shown as children play in the water it is shooting.", "Multiple children are playing in the water park area of a park system in the middle of the city.", "Young people scream for joy as they run through a fountain of water.", "Children play in a fountain area and look like they are having fun.", "Water fountains stream together as children frolic in the water.", "Several children are playing in a large outdoor water fountain", "A group of many young children are playing in the water at a water fountain." ]
[ "一群小孩子在公园的喷泉下面玩耍淋水。", "马路中的喷池在喷着水,调皮的孩子在水中玩耍。", "在一个喷泉广场上面,有一群小朋友正在开心的玩耍。", "一群个穿着深色衣服的人在喷泉里玩耍。", "喷泉上站着几个人,几个孩子跑向喷泉,一个女孩趴在石头上。", "一群年轻的孩子们正在一个喷泉里欢呼雀跃。", "孩子们在喷泉区玩耍,看起来他们玩得很开心。", "一群孩子在一个一直喷水的喷泉中玩耍。", "几个孩子正在一个大型室外喷泉中玩耍。", "在室外,一群年幼的孩子在喷泉边的水中玩耍。" ]
[ "A woman talks about being near a creek they have to cross while a boy walks across the creek on a branch.", "A young boy walks in the water of a creek while a girl talks to the camera about the area.", "A young boy is narrating while wading through a shallow stream.", "A boy and a girl walk through a creek while asking if someone can hear her", "a woman is crossing a small river in the middle of a forest talking on phone", "A young boy can be seen walking through a creek while a young girls voice can be heard.", "A young boy carefully walks through a rushing stream of water in a forest", "A young boy is walking in water in a creek while a woman is talking.", "A kid walking across a creek while another one, who is off camera, narrates what they are doing.", "A child is walking across a creek in a wooded area." ]
[ "一个穿红色上衣的男孩在流动的水里行走。", "一个小男孩正在走过一条小河非常开心。", "一个男孩站在浅浅河里行走,后面跟了个人。", "一个男人赤着脚走在山间的小溪里。", "一个女人在趟过树林里的一条小溪。", "一个小男孩赤脚穿过一条小溪,里面还有一个年轻女孩的声音。", "一个小男孩正在森林里走过湍急的水流。", "一个小男孩在一条小溪的水里漫步,而一个女人正在说话。", "一个穿红色衣服的孩子正站在河里。", "一个穿红色衣服孩子在树木繁茂的地区穿过一条小溪。" ]
[ "one person is walking side of lake and counting something in the lake", "A person walks carefully through the water checking their step as they go.", "A woman walks out of crystal clear water while two men talk.", "A man is wading barefoot in the water while talking to someone about the distance to somewhere else.", "A man with his pant legs rolled up, walking in shallow water.", "A person is standing in knee deep water and is making their way slowly towards the shore.", "A guy with black jacket and grey trousers is walking out of the lake towards the camera", "Two men are talking about where a place is and they are in a lake at the bottom of a canyon.", "A man is wading across the waters of a river while asking another person some questions.", "A beautiful young women walking in the water with beautiful background" ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在湖泊中光着脚行走。", "一个女人走在一片清澈见底的湖水上。", "一个人在海边的石头上走着,慢慢的走上岸。", "一个女人在满是石头的浅水里行走。", "在一个明亮的湖边,一个女人正在缓缓地走路。", "一个人站在跟膝盖差不多深的水中,正慢慢地向岸边走去。", "一个女人在手里走了过来,一个人在说话。", "两个人在谈论一个地方,他们在峡谷底部的湖里。", "一名男子在过河的同时, 向另一个人提出一些问题。", "在室外,一个戴着眼镜的年轻女子走在水中。" ]
[ "A little girl is walking in a wading pool and backtracks then lies down in the pool.", "A young girls walks in a wading pool and then sits down.", "a child walking around at a water playground then sitting down and shuffling back", "A young girl walks in the pool and then sits on the water.", "A young girl walking in a shallow pool.", "a little girl in the water and then going in laying down and playing with the water", "A young girl is walking in a wading pool and then sits down in the water.", "A young girl wading at a swim park with other children around.", "A child in a swimsuit walks in shallow water, sits down and scoots backwards as a small group of other children play in the water.", "A little girl is at a water park, then she lays down in the water and moves backwards." ]
[ "一个穿绿色比基尼的小孩在水里玩耍,旁边还有别的小孩在玩。", "在阳光下的游乐场水池里,有几个小孩子在玩耍。", "一个小女孩穿着泳衣在水中行走。", "在天气晴朗的日子里,小朋友们在水里玩水。", "小女孩走向远处坐在水里,让水把她冲过来。", "一个身穿比基尼的小女孩正在水里,然后她躺下来玩水。", "一个小女孩正在一个儿童泳池里走着,然后在水里坐下来。", "一个年轻女孩和其他孩子在游泳公园里涉水。", "一个穿着游泳衣的孩子在浅水中走来走去并坐下来向后滑行。", "一个小女孩站在水上,然后她躺在水中并向后移动。" ]
[ "Two small children are in a pool, one cries out while the other floats, a parent instructs them on safety.", "A child dying in a pool while getting yelled at.", "Two children are in a pool and one of them is wearing a ring around their waist.", "A young boy cries in a swimming pool as a woman shouts instructions.", "In a pool one boy is standing and the other is using a float to swim.", "two young boys play in the shallow end of a swimming pool.", "There are two young children swimming in a pool, one is wearing a float while the other is treading water.", "A boy cries while playing in the pool with his brother, who is scholded for being too close.", "Kids are swimming in a pool and one child is crying while one kid floats on a tube.", "The little baby is crying as she moves her way in the pool." ]
[ "两个小宝宝在清澈的游泳池里游泳。", "一个小男孩哭闹着,在水池里练习游泳。", "在一个房间里,两个人在水池里游泳。", "在游泳池内一个小孩站在水池里,小孩站在游泳圈里。", "在一个泳池里,有两个小孩子在里面,其中一个套着泳圈.。", "两个小男孩在游泳池的浅水区里玩耍。", "两个小孩子在水里一边游泳,其中的一个小孩子正在哭喊。", "一个男孩和他的哥哥在游泳池里玩耍时哭了, 哥哥因为太近的关系而被责骂。", "孩子们在游泳池里游泳,一个孩子哭,另一个孩子则漂浮在水面上。", "这个小婴儿在游泳池里走动时哭了。" ]
[ "A baby plays with a woman in a blown up pool.", "This is a infant girl sitting in a inflatable pool with toys floating around.", "While sitting in a pool surrounded by floating toys, a little girl splashes in the water and then stands up to hold someone else who is standing there.", "A baby is in a inflatible pool and splashing the water,", "A young girl plays in a small pool, then decides to get up.", "A little girl is splashing water in a kiddie pool, she stands up and walks towards an adult", "A young child plays with some toys in an outdoor blue swimming pool.", "The girl is sitting in the pool and then stands up to reach for the woman.", "A little girl is splashing in a baby swimming pool.", "A little girl is sitting in a wading pool then stands up and walks to a woman" ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人正在看护着自己的宝宝。", "在充气水池里,一个小女孩在拍打水面,同时一个女人在观注。", "在一片草地上。一个穿红衣服的小孩正趴在水池里玩耍。", "白天的户外,一个女人,抱着一个小孩,在水池里玩耍。", "一个大人和一个小孩在游泳池里玩,后来小孩站起来了。", "一个小女孩正在一个小孩的泳池里泼水,然后她站起来向一个成年人走去。", "一个小孩在一个室外蓝色游泳池里玩一些玩具。", "一个小女孩正坐在气垫游泳池里,然后站了起来走向了另一个女人。", "一个身穿红花裙子的小孩子在水里坐着,旁边还有人。", "一个小女孩坐在一个充气水池里,然后站起来走向一个女人。" ]
[ "A person is walking across a stream by stepping on a series of submerged logs.", "A person is walking on wood planks in the water to get to the other side", "A backpacker is walking across a sunken path to reach the bank on the other side of a creek", "A person is walking steps on the pond outside.", "The hiker took their shoes off and is crossing a river with sunken steps.", "An individual has taken off their shoes and is walking across a river.", "Several people laugh and watch a woman walking across the stream with no shoes on.", "The guy laughs as he watches the man cross the waters with his bare foot.", "In a body of water someone is walking across on wood boards holding their shoes.", "A guy is walking on boards to get across a river while another guy laughs loudly." ]
[ "一个人正在湖里光着脚拿着鞋往前走着。", "一个人手里提着鞋子在过河,另外一个人蹲在河的岸边。", "一个人背着包拿着鞋在过河,岸对面有一个人在等他。", "一个穿白色水桶鞋的人正在河里走路。", "一个背着绿色背包的拿着鞋子从水中走到陆地上。", "一个已经脱掉鞋子的人在过一条河。", "一个人笑着看着一个女人在没有穿鞋的情况下穿过小溪。", "一个男人在看着一个小男孩赤着脚走过小溪,然后有个男人发出了笑声。", "一个穿着红色上衣的人正在拿着她的鞋从一条河上走过。", "一个人在木板上过河,一些木板被淹没在水中。" ]
[ "Two men are wading through the water while trying to catch fish.", "two men are standing in hip deep water fishing with fishing poles", "Two men wearing waders are standing in a body of water fishing.", "People are standing in water up to their waists fishing.", "Men are fishing while standing in a water up to their hips.", "Two males are standing waist deep in water in the sea fishing with rods.", "Two men are standing in water and fishing using fishing rods.", "Two men are shown fishing in a body of water while music plays.", "Two men are standing in waist deep water and fishing with fishing poles.", "A group of men are in the water fishing for fish." ]
[ "两个人正站在水里面用力向上的拉着鱼竿。", "两个外国人在岸边浅水区域正在钓鱼、收杆。", "两个人站在海里,手中拿着鱼竿在海里钓鱼。", "两个带着帽子的男人站在海里拿着鱼竿在钓鱼。", "两个男子站在齐腰深的水里手持钓竿钓鱼。", "两个人站在水深到腰间的水中,拿着鱼竿正在捕鱼。", "两名男子站在水,分别用钓鱼竿钓鱼。", "当音乐响起时,两个人被发现在一个河水中正在钓鱼。", "两个男人站在腰深的水中用钓鱼竿钓鱼。", "一群男子站在水中进行着钓鱼比赛。" ]
[ "A man in a blue jacket is wading through water and making sounds with the water.", "A person wearing hip-length waders makes their way through a stream in winter.", "A man walks through a stream and there is snow on the banks.", "A person provides a first person view of themselves wading through a small stream in the winter.", "A man wearing rubber pants and high boots wading in a creek in winter.", "A person in jeans and boots wades through thigh deep water and show the water oozing out of a boot as they approach a snow covered bank.", "A man in waterproof pants and tall boots wades through knee deep water in the woods, and there is snow on the ground near him.", "A man wades through thigh deep water near some snow", "A man is walking through cold icy water up this his hip outside.", "A man is treading water as he crosses a ditch." ]
[ "一个男子穿着防水服防水鞋,在未结冰的水面里行走。", "一个人穿着胶鞋走在能没过膝盖的水中。", "一个穿蓝色长袖的人正在河里不停地走着。", "一个穿蓝色上衣和黑色裤子的人在水里行走。", "一个人在一个水塘里一脚深一脚浅地缓慢走动。", "一个穿着牛仔裤和靴子的人在水坑中前进,随后他抬起腿,水从靴子里渗了出来。", "一个穿着防水裤子和靴子的男人走在一个漫过膝盖的水池里。", "一名男子在满是积雪附近的水塘中向前行走。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的男人正在穿过冰冷冰冷的水。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的人正在水里面走着。" ]
[ "People are walking down a creek with foliage on both sides.", "A group of people walk down a shallow river as some try and swim.", "A group of people are walking across a shallow body of water.", "A group of people walking down a river while one person swims down the shallow river.", "A group of people walk down a shallow river together.", "A group of young people in light summer clothes are walking in a river that is deep in the woods.", "A group of people walking down a stream of water with swim suits on.", "A large spreadout group of men and women travel along a creek.", "A group of people wade and swim in a muddy river.", "A person is swimming in a river with several other people." ]
[ "一条两边都是树的小河里好多人在水里走动。", "一群大人在一条河里跟着水流方向走,同时一个小孩在河里跟着水流方向游泳。", "一些穿着不一样的人在流淌的水流中前进。", "几个女人正带着一个小孩子在一条河里穿行。", "明亮的室外,许多人在一条小河里缓缓地走着。", "一群穿着轻便夏装的年轻人走在树林深处的一条河里。", "一群人正穿着泳衣在一个树林中间的河流里行走,有一个人还在慢慢的游。", "一大群男男女女沿着一条小溪旅行。", "一群年轻的人在泥泞的河流中跋涉和游泳。", "一个人在河里游泳,还有其他几个人在河里。" ]
[ "a person with mud boots on walking through a large amount of water.", "Someone walks in to a body of water wearing boots, and the water goes above the boot line.", "A person stepped into a pond and walked into the middle of it", "A person wades into water that goes over their rubber boots.", "A person with boots walks into a stream and then stops.", "A person is wading into knew deep water with rubber boots on.", "A person wearing knee high boots gets into a puddle of water that gets the person wet", "A person walking thru water all alone in a green jacket and some jeans", "Person enters pond wearing knee-high boots and continues walking until water is above boot tops.", "A person, who is wearing tall black boots, walked into a stream." ]
[ "有一个穿着牛仔裤的人一步一步的走进水坑。", "一个穿着雨衣的男孩穿着套鞋走到了水里面去。", "一个人穿着防水鞋防水衣下到了河里。", "一个人脚上穿着胶鞋走进了水池里。", "一个人穿着水鞋走入了一个小河中。", "一个穿着橡胶靴的人缓慢的走进了水中。", "一个穿着高筒靴的人走进一个水坑中,并打湿了自己的裤子。", "一个穿着绿色夹和牛仔裤的人独自穿过河流。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的的人走进一条河里。", "一个穿着黑色靴子的人走进了一条小溪。" ]
[ "Man standing in front of a table holding a hiking shoe and talking about why the shoe is good.", "a man talking about how effective his water resistant boots are for the military as he walks into a small lake", "A man shows off a pair of fishing boots that will keep your feet dry.", "A man describes and shows aspects of some water boots that are for sale.", "A man showing and explaining the toe cap on a pair of boots, then showing the boots being worn underwater.", "A man is discussing the different characteristics of a shoe made for the outdoors.", "A man explains new features applied to an underwater fishing boot.", "A man is describing a pair of shoes with a molded toe cap.", "A man shows his pair of shoes and how they perform submerged in water.", "A man is describing a boot that has protection on the toe area and are water proof." ]
[ "一个男子在介绍一双鞋子然后从浅水里走过。", "一个男人拿着鞋子,并穿上鞋子在水里行走。", "一个男人一边讲解,一边用手抚摸鞋子。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人正在穿皮鞋去水里走。", "一个穿黑色衣服的男人在介绍一双鞋。", "一名男子正在说为户外鞋的不同特点。", "一名男子解释了应用于水下钓鱼靴的新功能。", "一名男子正在描述一双带有模压鞋头的鞋子。", "一个人展示了一双鞋子, 以及它们在水中的表现。", "一个男人在比划着面前的鞋子说话,一双穿着鞋子的腿在水里走路。" ]
[ "A person is in a body of water with two dogs on leashes.", "Some is walking through a body of water, pulling something along.", "A man walks through the water pulling a net and floating balls behind him.", "A person in the open water walks towards the shore dragging a fishing net behind them.", "Woman walking in the ocean with two dogs on leashes.", "An individual in waist deep water dragging a net through the water.", "A person walks through a shallow lake while two dogs on leashes swim behind her", "a man is in the water and is pulling out a very large fishing net", "A person in the water stands and holds a leash that is attached to two dogs.", "A woman wades into the water while handling a net." ]
[ "一个人从海里拉着东西慢慢往岸边走了过来。", "平静的海面上,不远处缓缓走来一个用绳子牵引物体的人。", "一个人在浅水区域里拉着东西行走。", "一个女人将海里的渔网慢慢拉向岸边。", "一个人在水里拖着一个浮网往岸上走着。", "一个人站在水中间拖着一条渔网在走着。", "一个人走过一个浅湖,而两只狗在她身后游来游去。", "一个人正在水中正在取出一张很大的渔网。", "远处的水中一个人牵着一个狗在水里。", "一个人正在大海里行走,手里拖动着什么。" ]
[ "A child is sitting down and kicking his feet in the water as others are running around.", "A kid sits in water while another kid falls in the water and drops a ball.", "A group of people are in a lake playing, a little boy is sitting down and kicking his feet.", "Children are in some water, and one child is kicking is legs and playing with a yellow ball.", "A toddler sits in the water at a beach while others play around him.", "a little boy sitting on the shallow area of a water area", "A young boy is sitting in water at the shore and another boy throws him a ball.", "A young girl is sitting down in the water kicking her feet in front of her", "A clothed boy sits in the water and tries to kick his feet.", "A little boy is sitting in water when someone throws a ball and tells him to kick his feet." ]
[ "在一个池塘里,有很多小朋友在水里玩耍。", "一个小男孩坐在水里玩水,然后另一个小男孩将一个球丢到他身上。", "一个小男孩在水里玩耍,突然有一个球漂了过来。", "一个小孩在水里玩耍,旁边有别的小孩也在水里玩耍。", "一个小孩坐在水里面,身后走过一个小孩,另一个小孩扔过来一个黄色的球。", "一个小男孩坐在一个水域的浅层,同时附近有很多人。", "一个小男孩坐在岸边的水里, 另一个男孩扔给他一个球。", "一个小女孩坐在水里,另一个小男孩向她扔了一个球。", "一个穿着衣服的男孩坐在水里,试图踢他的脚。", "有个小男孩正坐在水里,他的旁边有人在给他扔球。" ]
[ "A man is trying to walk through the swamp in the forest", "A man is seen wearing protective wet suit walked across a river.", "A man is hip boots is wading in a stream in the forest.", "A man, wearing a waterproof suit is walking down through a small pond and then picks up something.", "Someone wading through water in a swamp with waders and boots", "A man is walking around in a muddy lake, wearing a suit to keep himself from getting dirty.", "A man is walking in a creek with protective rubber gear.", "A person is wading through some muddy water in some water boots.", "A person wearing waders walks up he middle of a water inlet, and crosses to the bank.", "A man is walking through dark murky water with a rubber suit on." ]
[ "一个人穿着防水服在树林里的小溪里走。", "一个人穿着防水服从森林的小河中走过来。", "男子穿着防水服在浅水里行走,缓缓走向镜头。", "一个穿渔服的人在室外从一条小河里蹚水。", "一个人穿着防水衣在河里走着,还往后看了几眼。", "一个男人在泥泞的湖中走过来,穿着防水服以防止弄脏。", "一个男人穿着橡胶防护装置走在小溪里。", "一个人穿着水靴在在泥泞的水中涉水。", "一个穿着防水衣的人走过一条小水池。", "一个男人正穿着橡胶套装,穿过黑色的浑水。" ]
[ "A man films many people standing in line at some indoor event.", "There is a large crowd in a building as a man talks as he pans around to show the crowd.", "A crowd of people are standing up waiting in a line to go through a door", "A large crowd of people are standing in an area while a man with a video camera is talking and recording the event.", "In this video, the camera is panned around looking at a large crowd of people waiting to enter someplace.", "Hundreds of people are waiting outside a venue for the doors to open.", "A crowded place where people are waiting in line and talking.", "A group of people are gathered together waiting in line to go inside a building.", "a group of people are waiting in a line in an airport.", "A man is recording people who are standing in a large crowd." ]
[ "现场非常的热闹,门口站满了人在翘首等待。", "一群人等在门口排队,有男有女,有老有少。", "一处建筑的空间里,挤满了各式各样的人,他们在排队等待。", "一群人有小孩有男人聚集在一起说话。", "房间里面有很多人大家在排着队等待着。", "一群人正在一片空地上等待一个会场开门。", "一个拥挤的地方,人们排队等候和交谈。", "一群人聚集在一起准备排队进入一栋楼。", "一大群人正在拥挤的机场排队等候。", "一名男子正在录制站在一大群人中的人。" ]
[ "A line of kids is shown waiting at a gate, a woman touches one girl's pony tail.", "A group of kids and a woman are in line for a carnival ride.", "A girl touches another girls hair while they wait in line.", "While waiting in line at a carnival, a black woman asks a small girl, \"Are you ready for the ride?\"", "A group of people stand in line at what appears to be a carnival or amusement park.", "As people wait in line for an event, one woman touches a girl's hair.", "A woman and a group of children wait on line to go on a ride at a fair.", "A queue of young and old, boys and girls at a venue with barricades around.", "Several people are waiting to get on a ride at a fair or amusement park during the day.", "A group of kids waits in a noisy line with adults nearby." ]
[ "一群人正在排队,一个女人摸了一下一个小女孩的头发。", "在大街边上,一群人正在排队投放东西。", "一个穿着豹纹黑色皮肤的人抓前面小女孩的头发。", "一个穿着斑马纹衣服的女性拉了一下前面小女孩的辫子。", "很多大人孩子正在排着队缓缓的往前走。", "当一群人在排队等待时,一个女人摸了摸一个女孩的头发。", "一个妇女和一群孩子在一个集市上排队去骑马。", "在一个设有障碍物的场馆里,一名妇女和一群小孩子在排队。", "白天有几个人在等着在集市或游乐园搭车。", "一群孩子在成年人周围在嘈杂的队列中等待着。" ]
[ "A number of people are gathered in a room and a man is talking.", "A young black man rocking back and forth talking indistinguishably with some more men.", "One man is talking unclearly in the video while waiting with a lot of other people for some type of show to open.", "A man gives his opinion in a lobby while other men stand, wait, and approach before an event.", "A man was talking to camera admits the gathering of people in a room", "A man speaking to the camera introduces all of his friends.", "A lot of men are on the hallway as they patiently for the game to start.", "A man with glasses on speaks on camera as he and others appear to be waiting in line for some big event.", "A man in sunglasses is talking, a number of other people are in the same room talking to each other.", "A man talks to the camera wearing sunglasses in a group of other people gathered." ]
[ "一个带着眼镜的男子在边走边说话然后另外一个男子回头了。", "一个戴着墨镜的男人在走廊里和其他人交谈。", "一个男人带着墨镜说话,有一些人来了,周围有很多人注视着。", "一个戴着墨镜的男人在讲话,旁边还站着一群人。", "在一个房子里面,一个戴着眼镜的男人一直在说话,他的旁边站着一些人。", "一个戴着眼镜的男人对着镜头在介绍他的朋友们。", "很多男人都在走廊里耐心地等着比赛开始。", "在一个房间里面,一群男子正在拍着队。", "一个戴墨镜的男人在说话,其他一些人在同一个房间里互相交谈。", "聚在一起的一群人中,一个戴着太阳镜的男人正在说话。" ]
[ "Several people are waiting in line outdoors and talking to each other.", "A group of people wait behind a chain and converse with each other.", "A group of people are outside at an event and person is holding a camera.", "A group of young adults gathers to wait for something and they chat.", "people standing in a line waiting for a park to open", "A group of people stand outside and talk and take pictures.", "A group of people are waiting in line to meet someone popular.", "A group of people are standing and waiting in a line.", "A group of young men walk together towards a barrier, and one holds up a camera.", "A large group of males with cameras are waiting by a chain barrier at a busy event as others mill around." ]
[ "在人来人往的大街上,一个男人正在说话。", "一群男子在街头站着,互相诉说着什么。", "阳光很好的一天,很多人在规定的地方排着队。", "一个戴墨镜的人手里拿着一个相机,旁边有很多人在排队。", "阳光明媚的街道上几个人在走动,旁边有很多护栏。", "一群人站在外面愉快地聊天,并拿着拍照。", "一群人排队等着见一个受欢迎的人。", "一群人站在那里排队,后面的人在讲话。", "一个穿着格子上衣的男人在室外拿着一台照相机。", "在繁忙的活动中, 大批携带摄像头的男性在链墙前等待着。" ]
[ "Three men walked behind each other on the crowded street", "A man is filming a video of himself walking a crowded street.", "A man walks down a busy street crowded with other individuals.", "A group of college kids are having a conversation as they walk through the street.", "A young man is seen in a large crowd of people in an outdoor area.", "A guy walks outside with a group as he walks through a busy high street.", "A group of young men stand on the street while two more men walk toward them.", "An individual tells the camera that he is hungry before showing people standing around in the area.", "A closeup of half of a mans face while standing in line.", "Many people are walking around a busy street, and one man says he is hungry." ]
[ "一个穿白色衣服、格子短裤的男生走过来。", "一个男人在街道上向前看,街道两旁有非常多的人。", "一个男人在人群中走着,旁边有人喊叫。", "一群人正在马路上走来走去,后来出现了一个穿着白色上衣的男人。", "阳光明媚的街道上许多人,有人站着有人在走动。", "在一条繁忙的大街上,有一群人在外面四处走动。", "一群年轻人站在街上,又有两个人向他们走来。", "一个人告诉镜头, 他饿了, 然后展示了站在该地区的人。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人朝着镜头走过来。", "许多人在一条繁忙的街道上走着,一个人说他饿了。" ]
[ "A large group of people are gathered indoors and a man wearing a hood and a white mask turns to the camera then turns away.", "A group of people gathered in one area, talking and having a good time.", "A bunch of kids are in a school setting and in a room where there are tables talking.", "A crowded area where many people are talking at once.", "A large number of people at a location are gathered together and talking to each other.", "there is a big group of people gathered together inside having a small chat.", "A group of people are conversing in a crowded restaurant.", "A number of people standing and waiting with various noises in the background,", "A large crowd of students are bunched together and recorded.", "A large group of people chatter most of which seems to be in a language other than english." ]
[ "一群人正在嘈杂的商城里面焦急的等候着。", "房间里聚集着很多人,大家在相互交谈着。", "有些人在房间里开心地交谈,有些人在房间里来回走动。", "在一个都是人的地方,人们都在站着交谈着。", "在一个室内,一群人正在谈笑风生。", "有一大群人聚在一个大房间里聊天。", "一群人正在一个拥挤的餐馆里交谈。", "一群人站在哪里在人群中还发出各种各样的噪音。", "一个穿着黑色外套的人在室内和很多人一起站着等待。", "一大群人喋喋不休,其中大多数似乎都是英语以外的语言。" ]
[ "In public, kids look at a gingerbread stuffed animal that a girl has bought.", "A young girl gets the tag removed from a gingerbread man hand puppet while a younger girl makes noises.", "A girl hands a gingerbread cookie stuffed toy to an adult while another girl watches", "Two girls in an amusement park one girl has a stuff ginger man.", "A child walks around with a hand puppet shaped like a ginger man cookie.", "Two little girls are standing on the street with adults, while one of them carries around a gingerbread man doll.", "A little girl is walking around with a gingerbread man puppet.", "A young girl showing her gingerbread man toy plush while walking", "A young girl is pointing to a toy that a second girl is holding.", "Two little girls are walking around and looking at a gingerbread stuffed animal." ]
[ "一个瀑布边站着很多人,其中一个小孩手里拿着一个娃娃。", "人很多的公园,一个小女孩买了她喜欢的毛绒玩具。", "一个戴着黑色帽子的小女孩儿正在公路上和一个婴儿玩可以戴在手上的玩偶。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气一个女孩手上拿着玩具。", "路上有很多行人在走,其中一个孩子手里拿了一个熊。", "两个女孩和成年人在街上,其中一个女孩手里拿着姜饼人娃娃。", "一个女孩手里拿着玩偶,一个女孩在笑着。", "一个年轻的女孩边走边看着她的长毛绒玩具。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的小女孩儿正在拿着姜饼人饼干玩具玩。", "在室外,有两个小女孩在大街上走着,并且看着一个姜饼填充玩具。" ]
[ "Multiple people turning there faces away as a camera pans to them.", "A bunch of teens try to avoid being filmed on camera.", "People are standing in line and either hide or embrace the camera.", "a bunch of young teenagers video tapping themselves outside on a sunny day", "A camera is panned over the faces of teenagers, many of whom are camera-shy.", "Many different people react and make faces when the camera faces them.", "Several people standing around outside trying to avoid the camera", "Multiple people are making foul expressions as the camera goes around.", "A small group of young adults at an amusement park.", "A photographer points the camera at several people in a group, of which some are willing and some are unwilling to be filmed." ]
[ "这些人看到了摄像头在拍他们进行了拒绝。", "一群男人和女人在野外郊游,他们不让拍摄自己。", "在一片草地上,一群男女正在聚会玩耍。", "一个画面过后在拍摄不同的人,几个人都做出了不同的表情。", "有一群穿着深色衣服的人正在玩耍。", "当相转向他们的同时,许多不同的人会做出不同的表情。", "当镜头扫到几个人时,他们都在避开相机。", "在镜头转动的时候,很多人都在做出粗俗的表情。", "一群在游乐场上的人当他们被拍到时都躲开了。", "在一片草地上有好多人在说话有些人用手挡住了脸。" ]
[ "A group of people are standing in line at a water park.", "People dressed in swimwear are waiting in line to take their turn.", "People in swimming suits are lined up in an area to enter a pool.", "A group of swimmers at a pool are waiting to go down a water chute on inner- tubes.", "A group of people are hanging out at a water park while wearing bathing suits.", "A group of people are at a water park standing in line to get on some sort of ride.", "Adults and kids in swim suits stand in the hot sun waiting in line behind metal railings at a waterpark", "in a public swimming pool a bunch of people are hanging around", "Several people are waiting in line to go down a water slide.", "A kids with a tube walks by as others wait in line at a swim park." ]
[ "一群穿着泳衣的人站在栏杆里晒太阳。", "在沙滩上,有很多人靠着栏杆休息,也有人拿着游泳圈离开。", "一群人穿着泳装在管子旁边走来走去。", "一群穿着泳衣的男女在陆地上四处观望。", "在一个水上乐园,好多人正在一起,站在一边休息。", "一群人在一个水上乐园排队等着游泳。", "在水上公园里,穿着泳衣的成人和孩子们站在烈日下在金属栏杆后面排队等待。", "在一个公共游泳池旁边,一群人都在徘徊着。", "几个穿着短裤的人在一个海滩边晒太阳。", "当别人在游泳公园排队等候时, 一个拿着管子的孩子走了过来。" ]
[ "People are walking together down a road that has a long line of people.", "Many people are standing in a line and many other people are walking down the sidewalk.", "Music is playing as hundred of people are lined up as some wear masks.", "Large groups of people stand along a wall while others walk.", "A crown of oriental people are walking through a crowd back and forward.", "People walking beside several people in a line with music playing in the background", "A person is walking down a busy sidewalk with a large group of people in line on the right and some are wearing breathing masks.", "A large crowd of persons are gathered next to a wall and many persons are walking past them.", "A person is walking along a sidewalk and recording a group of Asian people in front of him.", "An individual is walking down an crowded side walk with many people walking both ways." ]
[ "在街上,有很多穿着便衣的男男女女缓缓地行走。", "一群人在墙边排着队,旁边还有来往的行人路过。", "一群男女老少正在一面墙的旁边排着一支很长的队伍。", "一群人在拥挤的人行道上排着队向前走去。", "一条道路上有许多人在走路,有的往前走,有的往回走。", "在音乐播放时,街上的许多人都站在墙边排队。", "一个人走在繁忙的人行道上,右边有大批人排队,有的人戴着口罩。", "一大群人聚集在隔离墙旁,许多人正在走过他们。", "一个人沿着人行道走,在他面前录下一群亚洲人。", "一个人正走在拥挤的人行道上,旁边是往对向走着的人。" ]
[ "Star Wars characters stand behind rope with hosts as visitors face them.", "Characters from the Star Wars movies make a public appearance.", "People who are recording that they are at a star wars convention with others.", "A group of people in costume and another group of people waiting in line.", "People wearing film costumes stand in line at an entrance", "A bunch of people are waiting in line and a storm trooper is standing by.", "Several people are talking while watching people dressed like characters.", "A group of people dressed as Star Wars characters are gathered together.", "a few people are attending a star wars gathering in a mall", "Several people are dressed up as Star Wars characters in anticipation of a movie." ]
[ "一群人在观看一群穿着不同服装的人站在上面。", "一个展会上有很多人穿着星球大战的衣服在展示。", "一个红衣女子在和两个白色的机器人合照。", "在一个房间里,一群人穿着不一样的服装在展示。", "有几个穿着奇特服装的人和两个穿着红色衣服的人站在那里,旁边许多人在围观。", "一群人在排队等候,一群穿着奇怪衣服的人站在一旁。", "一些观众在围观路边的电影角色并且讨论。", "一群身着星球大战角色服装的人聚集在一起。", "一些人穿着星球大战服装的人站在台上被人拍照。", "有几个人打扮成星球大战的角色来供人们观看。" ]
[ "A crowd of people gathered at an outdoor event having various conversations.", "Many people collect outside of a building and converse with one another.", "A large group is standing around talking to each other outdoors.", "A larger group of men, women, and children are standing in a parking lot talking to each other.", "A crowd of people are standing around outside and talking.", "A large group of people, consisting of men, women, and children wait outside a building.", "A lot of people are standing around outside together and talking.", "A group of people are congregating outside during a very nice weather day.", "A group of people are standing and waiting while chit chatting with one another.", "A large crowd of people of different ages stands around talking outside." ]
[ "室外有很多人聚集在一起相互聊着天。", "在一块空地上聚集着许多家长和小孩子们。", "一群人站在街道上三三两两的说着话。", "一群人,站在广场上,围在一起说着话。", "在户外的一个场地上面,站了很多的人,其中有一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人,用手不断的在摸着肚子。", "一大群人,包括男人、女人和孩子在一座建筑物外等候。", "在一个有很多人的地方一个男人在向一个女人介绍东西。", "在不个非常好的天气里,一群人聚集在户外说笑谈论着。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的男人正在广场上和一个孩子说话。", "一群不同年龄的人站在外面空地上聊天。" ]
[ "People wait in a line for an amusement park ride, as a young woman says they're going on the ride.", "People are standing in line waiting to go onto a ride.", "A woman is at a carnival, and shows the ride that her and her group of people she is with is about to go on.", "People talk while an amusement ride swings in the background.", "A crowd of people stand as they watch and wait for a ride.", "A person waits in line for a ride at an amusement park", "An amusement ride is shown going back and forth then a group of people waiting to go on it.", "A group of kids are in some type of amusement park laughing and talking", "a woman watching people on a ride and two men talking.", "People make comments, and wait in line, as clawed pendulum ride slows, swings and rotates." ]
[ "几个黑皮肤的外国人正在大摆锤的等候场地等候。", "一群人在游乐场里聊天,一个戴帽子的男人做了个举手眺望动作。", "阳光下,一群人正在等待着玩娱乐设施。", "几个人正在说话,同时后面有人正在玩海盗船。", "在一个游乐场地里面,有一个穿着白色半袖的男人和一个穿着紫色的女人,旁边站着一个穿着黑色衣服的女人。", "一群人在游乐场排队时发出了嘈杂的声音。", "一些人在一项游乐设施前排队等候。", "一群孩子在某种类型的游乐园里笑着说着话。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男子用手遮着太阳看向远方。", "一个群人正在游乐场里排队,因为他们要玩的东西还没结束。" ]
[ "a real long line of people line up waiting to cast there votes.", "A long line of people is in line to vote in the 2012 general election.", "Hundreds of people are lined up around the block to cast their vote in the 2012 general election.", "Many men and woman line the streets as they wait for their chance to vote.", "A very long line is growing outside of a voting pole.", "A car drives down a road in front of an audience while everyone watches.", "On a sidewalk, a narrator show how long a line is for an event.", "A view of people waiting in a long line in order to vote for something.", "A man recording people waiting outside a building to cast their vote.", "The line to vote stretches down the street and around the block" ]
[ "公路左侧人行道上排起了长队,队伍正越来越长。", "一群人都在看着一个开过来的白色轿车。", "公路两旁的街道上聚集了很多男人和女人。", "一辆白色车子在道路上行驶,路边有很多人在排队。", "宽阔的道路上,一辆白色的汽车正在道路上行驶。", "在街道上一群人正在观看时,一辆白色的汽车从路上驶过。", "在人行道上, 解说员叙说了一条线路和一个队伍的长度。", "人们为了投票而排起长队等待的景象。", "一名男子记录着人们在大楼外等待投票的过程。", "一辆白色的汽车从路上行驶过,路的一边站着很多人。" ]
[ "a couple of people in a line standing out in the open together", "Many people are lined up and walking on a sidewalk.", "A very large group of young people are waiting in a very long line outside somewhere.", "A group of people are lined up and moving slowly forward, while music is playing in the background.", "A large group of people are moving forward as they wait in a long line.", "A large group of people are walking around what looks like a college campus.", "A bunch of college kids are in a long, moving line", "A large group of people queue outside and slowly move to their destination.", "A lot of people are strolling slowly in what appears to be a theme park.", "many young people walk around with each other outside in the daytime" ]
[ "有很多男人和女人走在路上,有的在聊天,有的结伴而行。", "门前站着很多人排着队,这些人都背着书包,向前不停的行走。", "马路上有很多人,除了一个女人之外,都朝着同一个方向走。", "一群背着包的人在街上排着长长的队伍。", "在白天的户外,广场上有很多来来往往的行人。", "一群人在大学校园的附近走来走去。", "一群大学生走在一条长长的道路上。", "一大群人在外面排队,慢慢地移动到他们的目的地。", "很多人慢慢地走进一个貌似是主题公园的地方。", "在白天,有着许多年轻人在路上走来走去。" ]
[ "A group of people outdoors riding cars and motorcycles as they wait for traffic", "Cars are passing by and moving slowly because of a traffic jam.", "People are standing in a line that is a block long as many vehicles are driving by.", "People lined up along a high, concrete wall as cars drive by to break at wall.", "A large group of people stand on a sidewalk, while a smaller group stands on a corner as vehicles drive by in the street.", "Traffic is passing by while a group of people are in line on the side of the road outside a building.", "A busy city street with several cars, trucks, and motorcycles.", "A man rides by on a motorcycle on a busy road with a line of people on one side of it", "a large amount of people out in the open in lines with vehicles passing by", "People are standing in a line on the side of the highway with ongoing traffic." ]
[ "在马路边上的人行道上有很多人在排队。", "人行道上站满了人,马路上有很多车在动。", "公路上来来往往有很多车,路边也停着一些车辆还有一些人站在路边。", "在一个人潮涌动的街上,有很多车辆在马路上行驶着。", "一条路上车来车往旁边还有好多的人。", "一群人在一座建筑物外的路上排队,旁边是有车辆经过的马路。", "一条繁忙的城市街道,有几辆汽车,卡车和摩托车。", "一个男人骑着摩托车在一条繁忙的马路上,一边有一排人。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在骑一辆两轮车。", "在室外,人们站在高速公路边的一条线上。" ]
[ "A group of 3 girls singing on the sidewalk while they wait for the bus", "Three women in a group of women outdoors sing a song together.", "Girls are standing together in a line and some of them are singing and moving.", "Girls rock back and forth next to each other while singing a song.", "A group of teenage girls stand together on a sidewalk while singing a song and swaying side to side.", "A group of girls in jackets sing and sway to the music.", "Girls are standing outside singing while waiting for the bus.", "Three girls stand together as they sing as others stand around them.", "Three young women sing and dance back and forth outside wearing coats.", "Three teenage girls sing and sway on sidewalk surrounded by other young people." ]
[ "三个女人正在马路边上一起唱着歌。", "三个女人站在路边一边唱歌一边摇晃身体,其他人跟着一起唱歌。", "在一个宽阔的道路上,有几个女的在笑,嘴里还在说。", "一群女孩围着一起扭动跳舞唱歌,身后一辆黄色的车驶来。", "几个学生模样的人在路边欢快的唱起了歌。", "一群穿着外套的女孩在唱歌并随着歌声摇摆。", "一群女孩在马路上开心的一起唱着歌。", "马路三个女孩站在一起唱歌, 左右摇摆很潇洒。", "三名年轻女子穿着外套在外面唱歌和跳舞。", "三个十几岁的女孩在其他年轻人包围的人行道上唱歌。" ]
[ "A large line of oriental women in saris are standing outside.", "A long line of women in Indian clothing are walking and talking.", "a group of people stand in a large line with each other outdoors", "A camera pans along a long line of people outside.", "A line of woman dressed in traditional garb is forming outside.", "A group of female Indians are waiting in line while there is noise in the background.", "a large crowd of people together waiting in line as the camera person shows how they are all lined up waiting", "A camera is panning along a long line of women wearing colorful saris.", "Group of people dressed up in traditional clothing standing in a line to go somewhere together.", "A group of women dressed in colorful dresses are standing in a line." ]
[ "一群女人在房子门口排起了一跳很长的队伍。", "一群穿着印度服饰的人在排队,周围有一些游客在参观。", "一群穿着鲜艳衣服的人正在排一条很长的队。", "一群人排着队在拥挤的广场上向前走动。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有很多人在排队,还有一些人在路上行走。", "一群印第安女性在声音吵杂的环境中有序的排队。", "一群人在室外有秩序的排着很长的队伍。", "一台相机正沿着一长排身穿五颜六色纱丽的女性平移。", "一群穿着传统服装的人排成一行,一起去某个地方。", "一群穿着五颜六色衣服的人有序的站成一排。" ]
[ "A group of people are standing in a queue and it seems to a bus stop.", "People are waiting in line outside, along the side of a building.", "A crowd of people wait in a line and converse outside of a building.", "a couple of people in the street in a line waiting for something together", "Man with moustache speaks on sidewalk, steps into line of people and disappears.", "A man being recorded standing in line then showing the rest of the line in front of them.", "A man with white top is avoiding the camera and a bit queue there for something", "A man is standing in a line and talking to other people.", "A man getting back on his spot in a long line of people standing on the sidewalk", "A man steps into a line that's formed outside of a building." ]
[ "一个男人穿着白色上衣,背后是很长的队伍,他站到队伍里面。", "一个穿着白色上衣胸前挂着墨镜的男子钻进了人群中。", "在街道边,很多人都拍成一队,一名男子从中间穿过去了。", "在一个宽敞的室外,一群人正在排着队。", "敞亮的室外一群男人和一群女,排着队。", "一个男人在排队时被记录了下来,然后显示在他们前面有其余的队伍。", "一个穿白色上衣的男人经过,然后人群中排队。", "一个穿白色短袖的男人站在队伍里和别人交谈。", "一名男子回到了自己在人行道上的位置上。", "一个人走进一条在建筑物外面排着队的人群。" ]
[ "A group of young men and women are walking in a line outside and talking to one another.", "A large group of people are standing in line in an outside area.", "A group of students standing in line outside with the camera person going to the back of it.", "In a park, people are lined up and walking in the shade.", "A group of people is walking in a line towards a building on a campus.", "Students line up outdoors to get in to the building.", "A large group of people standing outdoors are walking around and enjoying the day.", "People in crowd are moving slowly to different places by walking", "An individual walks through a crowded area in an urban setting where people are formed in large lines.", "A bunch of people are walking around outside on the streets." ]
[ "校园里面,一大群人正在慢慢的走着。", "在一个空旷的广场上,一群人一个个排着队。", "在广场上一大群的人正在排队等待着。", "一个广场上有很多人排成几队在慢慢向前走。", "在一个宽阔的外面,有很多人在行走。", "在一片空地上,一群学生正在排队进入大楼。", "一大群人悠闲的在路上走着。", "在一个广场上面,很多人正在排成一条长长的队伍,队伍正在缓慢向前移动。", "在空旷的广场里,人们两两一群走在一起。", "一群人在街上排着队慢慢的往前走着。" ]
[ "Two little girls are holding hands and spinning in a circle while a baby cries in the background.", "Two girls with braids spin around while a baby cries.", "Two little girls in summer dresses and sunglasses play walking around in a circle in a yard where other children can be seen and heard.", "Two kids are holding each other hands and going round while people are waiting in line.", "A couple of girls are playing ring around the oosie out to the patio by the babies crying in the background.", "Two toddler girls hold hands as they twirl in a circle.", "Two little girls in sunglasses are holding hands going around in a circle as a baby cries in the background.", "A couple of young girls go in a circle holding hands and making sounds.", "Two little girls are holding each others hands and spinning around in a circle.", "Two little girls are holding hands and spinning around while wearing sunglasses." ]
[ "两个小女孩带着漂亮的眼镜,穿着漂亮的裙子,手牵手在原地转圈。", "两个小女孩站在铁门的前面手拉手转圈。", "一个身穿白色上衣的小女孩和另一个孩子在转圈圈。", "在宽阔的户外,两个小女孩在黑色栏杆旁边玩耍。", "两个小女孩手握手在铁门外转圈圈。", "两个戴着眼镜的小女孩手拉着手转圈圈。", "两个戴着太阳镜的小女孩牵着手在一起转圈。", "两个年轻的女孩手牵着手围成一个圈,发出声音。", "两个小女孩互相牵着对方的手, 绕着圈旋转。", "戴太阳镜的两个小女孩握手并且原地转动。" ]
[ "A large crowd stands outside an arena waiting for entry.", "A crowd consisting of a clusters of men and women stand outside a building while some can be heard faintly heckling.", "People are gathered and dressed in orange shirts to do stuff.", "A very large crowd of people has gathered outside of a sports or concert venue.", "A large group of people stands outside an event venue waiting to get in", "A large group of people are standing outside a building.", "A fairly loud group of dozens of people stand outside a building.", "A crowd of different people stand outside of a building.", "A large crowd of people are standing around the front of a circular building.", "A group of people are standing outside a building in group shirts." ]
[ "在室外,很多穿着不同衣服的人站在一起。", "一栋建筑物前聚集着非常多的人,有一些队伍穿着自己的服装。", "热闹非凡的大街上,熙熙攘攘的人群。", "在一栋楼门口,一群人正在热情的相互交谈着。", "室外站满了人,有些人穿着统一的衣服,人们在互相交谈着。", "一大群人正站在一座建筑物外面排队。", "一群人站在一座建筑物外面大声喧哗。", "一群不同的人站在一座建筑物的外面。", "一大群人正站在一座圆形建筑的前面谈论着什么。", "一群穿着体恤衫的人站在一栋大楼外面。" ]
[ "Some people are handing out toothpaste to a bunch of black kids that are sitting in a line on the ground.", "A person is showing a group of kids sitting all together.", "A group of young boys are squatted down, one behind each other, in a row.", "A woman explains how she is handing out toothpaste to a large amount of people.", "On flat land with trees, children kneel patiently in a long row near adults who are standing.", "A group of black kids are sitting in the park in a line while white workers stand next to them", "a group of people watch as a large crowd of children line up together as they all stare at an object", "A group of charity workers are handing out toothpaste to a group of black kids.", "a large group of boys and girls sitting on the ground outdoors", "Several children sit on the ground and wait in line while adults stand next to them." ]
[ "一群小孩排条线蹲在地上,旁边一群人观看。", "一群小朋友排着长长的队伍,旁边站着几个女人。", "一群孩子有秩序地排成一列蹲在或坐在地上。", "一群孩子整整齐齐的蹲坐在地上,旁边还有一些大人。", "一片树林里,一群小孩蹲成一排等待着。", "一群黑人孩子排成一行坐在公园里,旁边有一群人站着。", "一群人或蹲或坐在一起排着队,脑袋在看着东西。", "一群慈善工作者正在向一群排着队的孩子分发牙膏。", "一大群非洲的男孩和女孩坐在户外的地上。", "几个孩子坐在地上排队等候, 而成年人则站在他们旁边。" ]
[ "A man is standing with a bag in a queue and there are many people standing in many rows", "People take videos of other people waiting in a long line.", "An airport is shown, people are waiting in massive lines and a woman is zoomed in on .", "In a busy room with a large crowd the person filming zooms in across the room.", "A person is filming the audience and is trying to zoom in to get a better image.", "people are staring at a woman on que who is skimply dressed", "People all stand around on two sides the room separated by some sort of track.", "There is a large group of people inside of a building and the camera zooms in on a females back.", "a group of people stand around in a very long line", "A man looks into a display area where there are sheep." ]
[ "一名身穿白色外套的男子,正站在敞亮的室内。", "护栏两边围了很多人,有些人站着,有些人坐着。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人对面聚集着一群人。", "有一个身穿浅色衣服的人和一群人在一起。", "一个穿着白色短袖的男子正在灯光下站着。", "刚开始一个男子侧面站着,然后一个衣着整洁的女人在人群中间站着。", "很多人们站在一个房间里面,中间有东西把人隔开。", "大楼里有一大群人,摄影机拍摄到了一个女性的背部。", "一群人站在一排排很长的队伍里。", "一个穿着白色上衣的男人,看着有绵羊的展示区。" ]
[ "People stand and mill around in large corridor, while a young couple hold hands and lean against partition.", "People wait in a long line, some wearing costumes or wigs.", "A group of people are waiting in line to see the judges", "A group of people are waiting in a long line to get a badge into an event.", "A bunch of people are dressed up in costumes waiting in a group together.", "Several people stand in line in a hallway, some dressed in costumes, some holding hands.", "A group of people are waiting to get into a movie.", "The couple was waiting in line and a girl was waiting with them as she took a video.", "People are waiting in line for something and a girl is observing and talking about it.", "A large group of people are waiting in line while a woman narrates what is happening." ]
[ "几个打扮各异的人自发地聚在一起聊天。", "一对男女站立在道路旁,两人手牵着手没有讲话。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在室内站着。", "一个梳着长发的女人正在等待参加一个有意义的活动。", "一个穿着一件黑色上衣的人正在排着队。", "一群人排队站在走廊里,有的穿着表演的服装,有的手牵着手。", "在一个过道上站满了排队等候的人。", "这对夫妇排队等候,一个女孩在拍摄视频时等他们。", "人们在排队等着什么东西, 一个女孩在观察和谈论它。", "有一大群人在排队等待着,有一位女士正在说话。" ]
[ "A group of children are waiting in a line at a ballet studio for their turn to run down the mats.", "A crowd of young girls are waiting in line in a dance studio.", "In a dance studio girls are wearing dresses wan walking around.", "A group of children line up behind a blue mat.", "A young girl get in trouble and gets mad and walks away.", "A group of small children walk around and fidget inside a dance studio.", "A group of girls are all lined up getting ready to perform a trick.", "Several girls are in a ballet room barefoot standing in line in front of a mat on the floor.", "Young girls line up in a mirror room in varies sorts of clothing", "A group of young girls are waiting in line at one end of a tumbling mat." ]
[ "一间屋子里一位男老师正在给一群孩子们上课。", "一个红色格子长裙的女孩带着一个红色上衣的小女孩往孩子们后面排队,一个灰白格子长裙的小女孩突然走出队伍,往门外走去。", "一群小女孩正在一张蓝色垫子前排队。", "在宽敞的房间里,有一群小孩和一个大人聊天。", "在室内,一些小女孩排着队站在蓝色的垫子边,旁边一个男人在观看。", "在舞蹈室里有一群小朋友站着的小朋友走来走去。", "一小孩子正在排队,准备一起表演一个节目。", "有几个女孩在芭蕾舞厅里赤着脚站在一个席子前面的地板上。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的男人在指导孩子们。", "一群年轻女孩在翻滚垫的一端排队等候着。" ]
[ "A group of females are playing games with their hands.", "Two pairs of pale skinned women playing a game in a crowded place.", "A group of women play a hand clapping game while waiting in line.", "A line of women play patty cake with one another in a big crowd.", "Four girls are partnered up to play a clapping game together.", "A group of middle aged women are playing with their hands outdoors.", "A group of women are gathered outside while two of them play patticakes.", "Two pairs of grown women play patty cake while at a social function.", "Four women in their late twenties or early thirties are playing patty cake.", "Four older girls stand in 2 groups facing exac other and play claphandies, and the nearest pair finish very quickly and all walk away" ]
[ "四个年轻的女子在道路上相互的拍巴掌。", "四个女人两个人为一组,用自己的双手和对方拍手。", "四个女的在做拍手游戏,然后开心的走开了。", "几个穿着不同衣服的女子,站成一排在玩游戏。", "两个女人在开心地玩着拍手掌游戏,她们的旁边还有两个女人在玩。", "在户外,一群女人在玩着手拍手的游戏。", "一群女人聚集在外面,其中两人在玩拍手。", "两对成年女性在社交活动中玩拍手游戏。", "二十多岁或三十出头的四个女人正在玩一只小蜜蜂的游戏。", "四个年轻女人分成两组互相拍手掌,然后欢快地走掉。" ]
[ "A group of people of standing and talking while others walk by on the sidewalk.", "Two men rate women who pass by a box office by dress and appearance.", "a group of people standing and walking around a sidewalk by a street", "Many people are standing in line on a sidewalk while others walk past.", "Two men are talking to each other about a third man whom they call a scalper because he has tickets in his pocket.", "A man talking about a person who is scalping tickets on the sidewalk.", "Some men talk while waiting by a city street as pedestrians walk by.", "Various people stand around outside and chat about tickets.", "A group of people are watching a man with tickets in his pocket.", "A group of people are standing around a building as other people walk by" ]
[ "一群人在街头边观望,一个穿黑衣服的人在笑。", "街道上有许多人,一个男人做着微笑的表情。", "很多人在街上走来走去,氛围特别热闹。", "一群人站在马路旁,其中有许多人从马路中间走过。", "街上有很多人在来来回回的行走着,有一些人在排队。", "一个人正在跟一个男人说话,然后这个男人回复了他。", "在马路上有行人经过,有人站在路边讲话。", "各种各样的人站在外面聊聊门票。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人正在从街上走过。", "一群人站在一栋楼周围,看着当别人走过。" ]
[ "A young girl outside with a woman that looks like her at an event where they turn the camera", "A young girl is waiting in a line with her friend and saying things into the camera.", "Two young women talk to each other while standing in line with others.", "A person talks in front a group of people standing while cars drive by on the street in the background.", "Two girls are talking to each other with a crowd of people standing behind them.", "Two chubby girls talk while standing in a line next to a city street.", "Two women are talking to each other as they stand in a line waiting.", "Two girls have a conversation while out on a street in the city.", "A girl is talking while standing outside with several other people.", "Two girls talk outside with a group of other who seem to be waiting for something." ]
[ "一个嘴唇上打着唇环的外国女人站在人群后和同伴聊天。", "一个带着唇环的女人在和旁边的人说话,附近有很多人站着。", "两个穿着白色衣服的女人站在大街上面对话。", "一名身穿黑色上衣的女子,正在室外玩耍,旁边有很多人们。", "一个女人,嘴巴动着,旁边站着一群人。", "两个胖胖的女孩站在人群里说着话。", "两个女人站在队伍中等待时,正在互相交谈。", "两个女孩在城市里的一条街上聊天。", "一个女孩站在外面和其他几个人说话。", "一群人站在路边,其中一个女孩嘴里在说着什么。" ]
[ "People of all ages are being shown at an amusement park.", "A large group of people are walking through an amusement park.", "A large amount of people are walking through a busy walkway area.", "A young woman is talking to a young man, outdoors, admidst a large crowd of people.", "A shot of the outside as many people gather on the street ends in slow motion.", "Several people walk through a large crowd while speaking to each other.", "A girl and boy talk in a crowd of people while at a popular park.", "A crowd of people walk down the road toward a building", "A crowd of people were walking on the street and a man and a woman in the crowd were smiling with each other", "Crowds mingle along tourist areas near long ramp, landscaped gardens and period buildings." ]
[ "街上到处都是人,部分人在街上走来走去,到处观望。", "阳光明媚的街道上人非常多,一幅热闹的景象。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的女人正在室外游玩。", "在明媚的阳光下,一群人正在轻松的闲逛。", "在一个阳光明媚的天气,有一些人在路上行走。", "一大群人在街上走其中有几个人在互相交谈。", "一个女孩和男孩在一个很受欢迎的公园里交谈。", "一群人沿着大路向一幢建筑物走去。", "一群人在街上散步,人群中一男一女正在微笑。", "人群沿着长长的斜坡、景观花园和时期建筑物附近的旅游区走路。" ]
[ "a person talks next to the camera and looks at things off the screen", "The camera pans around a parking garage area, then stops on a man talking.", "People are waiting in a very long line that winds through a parking garage.", "A guy is commenting on the extremely long line that is snaking around the parking lot.", "A very large group of people are standing in a very long line.", "There is a large group of people in a parking garage and a man says it goes on and on.", "A group of people wait for cars outside the airport.", "A lot of people are standing in a long line and then a man starts to speak.", "A large crowd of people are standing and talking in a parking garage, and a man explains its size at the end.", "A group of people are outside in a large car park queing together." ]
[ "一群人站在一个停车场里,一个戴着眼镜的男人在说话。", "一群人在一个地下车库排着队,等着上车,一个男子在交流。", "多个民众在有秩序的进行排队,一个黑衣男子在和身边的人进行交流。", "一群人正在排队,一个穿黑色衣服戴眼镜的男人在说话。", "在一间宽敞的停着场里,一个男人正在说话旁边站着许多人。", "停车场里有一大帮人在排队,一名男子说,这种情况还在继续。", "一群人正在排着队在机场外面等着汽车。", "很多人在排着长队,然后其中的一个人在说话。", "一大群人站在一个停车场里聊天,一个男人最后解释了停车场的大小。", "一群人在外面的一个大停车场里互相挤在一起。" ]
[ "People walk by storefronts on a crowded street, looking in windows.", "There is a line of people waiting to enter a store.", "A crowd of people stroll past shops on a busy sidewalk.", "Group of people walking in an old European city.", "In a crowded street scene, many people move slowly along.", "A large crowd is walking through a narrow alleyway between shops and buildings.", "People are walking around a busy street near many stores.", "A gourd of tourists are walking in a narrow crowded street with people chatting in the background", "A large crowd is walking and talking outside stores next to them.", "A crowd of people walk around in a downtown commercial area." ]
[ "这条街上有许多的人,其中一个人打着伞。", "在一个国外风格建筑的街上,很多人在逛街。", "在一条街道上人群摩肩接踵,两边高楼有一个黑色上衣的男子慢慢走过。", "一群人在街道旁边走着看着两边的东西。", "在两个房子的中间有许多男人和女人在街上行走、玩耍。", "一大群人在一条商店和建筑物之间的狭窄小巷行走着。", "人们在许多商店附近的一条繁忙的街道上走动。", "一大群游客在狭窄拥挤的街道上排队,并且在背后聊天。", "一群人在他们旁边的商店外散步和交谈。", "一群人在市中心的商业区走来走去。" ]
[ "A person films a very long line of people waiting outside.", "Someone is driving past a group of people standing in a line.", "Someone is moving along a sidewalk past people standing around while on a motorized transport.", "A crowd of people line the sidewalk and one man stands on a ladder to get a better view of the ongoing event.", "Many people are standing in a line along a sidewalk as others walk by.", "A motorcycle takes off and shows how long the line down a sidewalk is.", "A large group of people waiting in line is being spectated.", "A large line is shown outside as the opporator goes by quickly on the street.", "Many people stnd on a crowded side road as some take to their bikes , nd othr stand on ladders to watch the sporting event s a roaring motor looms in the air.", "A long line of people are gathered as sounds of a plane can be heard and a man maneuvers along the path with his bike." ]
[ "在路边一群人排着长队,还有人站在梯子上向前看。", "在一个道路边上,站满了人群,有骑自行车的,有步行的,还有人在摄影观看。", "街道上不知道在做什么排起了长长的队伍。", "在宽阔的大街上,一群人在路边上行走观望,。", "在一条人行路的上面,有一条排完了人的一条长长的队伍。", "一辆摩托车飞驰着,显示人行道上的线路有多长。", "排队等候的大批人正在被观看。", "执行人员沿着白色实线在马路上行驶着。", "许多人站在拥挤的侧道上,有些人骑上自行车,有些人站在梯子上观看体育赛事,在空气中传来轰鸣的汽车声。", "一长串的人们聚集在一起,他们听着飞机的声音,同时看向一个地方。" ]
[ "A group of people are gathered around talking and socializing under a tent.", "A large crowd of people are talking among each other under a large tent.", "Several people gather under a large tent for a party.", "A party weights for a certain person to show up and the group questions where the person is.", "A group of people are partying at an outdoor event under a tent.", "A large group of people all gathered around at some type of event", "A crowd of people are waiting around for something to happen.", "In a room a group of people are standing around and talking to one another.", "A crowd pf people drink and talk under a white tent.", "A group of people are waiting under a tent to enter a building." ]
[ "有很多人在一个帐篷下面举行一个聚会活动。", "一群人在一个大的场地里一边说话一边到处看。", "一群人在聚集在一个白色房顶的下面聊天。", "一群人在室外撑着大伞的娱乐场所里面玩耍。", "很多人在一个有灯光的大棚下面站着。", "聚集在一起的一大群人正在参加某种类型的活动。", "一群人站在一个帐篷下面交谈着什么。", "一个房间里一群人正站在一旁互相交谈。", "群人在一个白色的帐篷下边喝酒边聊天。", "在黑暗中的一群人正在帐篷下聚集在一起。" ]
[ "A group of people are waiting in line inside of a Starbucks.", "A lady in glasses looks as a bunch of people are standing around.", "In a coffee shop a woman is waiting in line to order her coffee", "A woman looks into the camera as it slowly looks around a Starbucks.", "People stand in line and wait to order food in a small restaurant.", "Woman is in the coffee shop, showing christmas decoration and people walkin around", "A couple talking at a cafe while the indoor of the cafe is displayed from the entrance to the counter.", "A man and woman talk while customers are shown walking around a coffee shop.", "A woman is standing beside a shelf having a conservation with a man.", "a couple of people inside of a building waiting for an order talking to each other" ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,许多人正在买东西。", "一个戴眼镜的女人正将胳膊架在架子上站着。", "一个女子看向了一边,商店的客人在拥挤的买东西。", "一女子正在做奶茶,其他人在旁零零散散各自忙着自己的事情。", "房间里来来回回有很多人,一个穿黑色衣服的女人在看着大家。", "在一个展示有圣诞装饰的咖啡店里女人们在四处走来走去。", "一对夫妇正在咖啡馆聊天,而咖啡馆的室内到柜台入口都是人。", "一个戴着眼镜的女人正在和一个男人说话,而顾客在咖啡厅里走动。", "一个女人站在一个架子旁边和一个男人一起进行保护。", "一群人在店里等待订单,互相交谈。" ]
[ "Large group of young men, women and adults outside of a building standing and talking.", "A group of people are all lined up outside a building and are waiting to meet someone.", "A large group of people are standing in line outside of a building", "A lady pressing a phone looked up smiled and waved", "The crowd of people are gathered in a line waiting for a store to open.", "A mass of people are standing in line and a girl named Liz is mentioned by a male voice, as she waves and smiles at the camera before looking away.", "A woman smiles and waves after a man starts talking to her while she is on her phone.", "There are lots of people standing in line while waiting to go in.", "A crowd is gathered outside and a woman waves at the camera.", "A group of people stand outdoors beside a building in a line." ]
[ "一群人拥挤的在原地等待着。一个人看着手机并抬起头微笑。", "走廊里站满了人,一名黑人女孩儿戴着眼镜对着镜头打招呼。", "很多人在排队,其中有个小姑娘笑得特别开心。", "很多人聚集在一条长廊上排队,一个戴眼镜的女子正在对镜头打招呼。", "一栋房子的走廊上挤满了人,一个戴着眼镜的女人微笑着挥了挥手。", "在人群中,一个名叫莉斯的女孩被一个男性的声音叫着,她看相机前对着镜头挥手微笑着。", "一群人正在原地排队等待着,一个女人看着手机并朝身边的男人开心的打招呼。", "在等待进入时,有很多人排队等着候。", "一群人聚集在外面, 一名女子笑着挥手致意。", "一个建筑物旁站着一群男男女女的人。" ]
[ "A guy films an area in Shanghai with people walking around.", "A man narrating that he is on a trip to Shanghai and showing off the surroundings.", "People out walking on a sunny, spring day in Shanhai.", "A man is watching on a parade and it is blocked off.", "A man is narrating this film of a sunny day in Shanghai.", "an outdoor arena with a huge group of people lining up", "A group of people are waiting to get into an amusement park.", "A group of people are waiting in line to be assisted.", "It is a sunny spring day in a Shanghai fair ground, people are walking up and down going about their business.", "A man talks about a day in Shanghai and shows an open air venue." ]
[ "一群人正在排着长长的队伍不知道在干嘛。", "一栋建筑物旁两边都是红色的栏杆,栏杆后面有许多的人。", "一个人在街边一边说话,一边拍建筑物。", "在室外一个画面在拍摄建筑物,室外有很多人。", "两个人走在路上两侧是红色的栅栏,远处有很多人。", "一个户外竞技场,一大群人正在排着队。", "一群人正在排队,等待着进入游乐园。", "一群人在排队等候的时候得到帮助。", "在室外,有很多人在路上走着,并且有一个男子一直在说话。", "一个男人谈论了在上海的一天,并展示了一个露天场地。" ]
[ "A women attempting to zoom in using the camera outside.", "A group of people wait in a large line as the camera woman tries to figure out how to zoom in.", "A woman standing in the middle of a large crowd asking a man a question.", "A couple are at a theme park and the woman keeps asking how do you zoom in.", "A crowd of people is shown, then a man is shown, from the shoulders up, talking.", "A woman asks a man how to zoom in using the camera.", "A person holding a camera asks how to zoom in and then moves the camera to focus on a man.", "A large group of people are gathered outside, while a person is filming and attempting to zoom in with the camera.", "Women at park is asking for assistance to use the zoom feature on the camera.", "A woman is filming a crowd of people at an event while talking." ]
[ "一群人在外面讨论事情一个男孩站了出来。", "一群人聚在一起,最后一个戴墨镜的男人向镜头发表言论。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的男人正在室外说话。", "在明亮的室外,一个穿黑色衣服的人在说话。", "在有很多人的街道上,一个戴着墨镜穿着黑色衣服的男人在说话。", "好多人在户外,突然一个戴墨镜的男子对着镜头说话。", "手持相机的人问如何放大镜头,然后移动相机将焦点放在男人身上。", "街上有很多人,一个人在拍摄,拍摄了一个男人。", "一个男人正在人群中向着另一个人说着一些话。", "一个女人一边在谈话一边在拍摄一群人。" ]
[ "People speak as they pass by a long line of men and cars.", "Men are talking with one another as they notice a very long line of individuals standing next to each other.", "A group of people standing by a roadside as cars pass-by", "A man inside a vehicle is recording the people out on the sidewalks as he is driving by.", "A large crowd of people is standing by the side of the road.", "A big crowd of people gather by the side of the street and seem to be waiting for something.", "a group of people stand outside as a car drives by them", "People wait in a very long line as others walk by and cars drive past.", "Someone is driving by other traffic and a really long line of people.", "a large group of people on the road just standing around as card start passing by" ]
[ "一群人正在排着又长又整齐的队伍不知道在干什么。", "街边站着长长的人行队伍,不时有三两人驻足。", "街上站着很多人在围观,有两辆车经过。", "一辆汽车行驶在马路上马路旁边有一群人。", "许多人在街上排着长长的队伍旁边有一些人在交谈或行走还有汽车经过。", "很多人聚集在马路的一边,似乎在等待着什么。", "在一个广场上面,聚集了许多人,一个人正在走着。", "一个男人开着车经过,在车里和朋友谈论着,看到人们在外面排起了很长很长的队伍。", "一个人正在驾驶着车记录路上一大群的行人。", "一大群人站在路边,有人在路边行走,路上有车经过。" ]
[ "A large group of people standing around and talking, one man raises his camera in the air and takes a picture.", "A large crown of people, and several police officers are in a gated off area.", "A large group of people are tanding outside, at night, with flashing lights, and there are men wearing yellow work vests.", "A crowd of people are milling about looking at something, some taking pictures.", "a group of people are hanging out in an area that is divided by some wires", "A large group of people outside where they are at a music event", "A large group of people are gathered while some are take pictures with their phones.", "A large group of people are being filmed outdoors in public", "A large crowd of people stand in a line waiting to go through an entrance gate", "The people are taking pictures of the police that are blocking them from going through a gate." ]
[ "一群人正在聚会,一群人正聚在一起。", "一群人站在一起,其中一个人举着手机在拍照。", "在室外有一群人在站着和拍照,场面十分的混乱。", "在广场上,挤满了人,有的人拿着摄像机在拍摄。", "站台上人挤人,一个人在用手机拍照,同时有很多穿鹅黄色马甲的人在人群中间。", "一大群人拥挤在一个地方,有些人拿着手机在照相。", "在一个广场上面,一群人聚集在一起,旁边还有警察。", "一大批民众在公共场合举着相机进行拍摄。", "一大群人排成一排等候通过一个入口大门。", "人们正在拍摄阻止他们通过大门的警察的照片。" ]
[ "A group of people are dancing around the fairgrounds.", "A lot of people are standing around waiting for something as a large crowd.", "A camera pans around people dancing and waiting in an audience at an outdoor music event.", "A crowd of people wait at an outside event as music plays in the background.", "A man dances in front of a crowd while the crowd stands in line waiting.", "A man is dancing in between two large groups of people standing behind gates.", "A large group oe people outside listening to music as they start to cheer and look around", "several people are standing in line and one ma is dancing in the line.", "Many young adults are together at a musical event on a sunny day.", "A crowd of people are gathered behind security fences as they watch a man dance." ]
[ "在一个风和日丽的中午在大街上很多人在观看节目。", "一个人在跟着音乐摇摆一旁的人在观看。", "一大群人在阳光明媚的街头围起来观看表演节目。", "台下一群形形色色的人围着观看表演节目。", "一群人在广场上集会伴着音乐跳着舞蹈。", "一个男子站在一个门口前跳舞,在很大两群人中间。", "一大群人在外面听着音乐的时候,然后他们开始欢呼和环顾四周。", "几个人排成一排,一个人在排队的时候跳舞。", "在阳光明媚的日子里, 许多年轻人一起参加音乐活动。", "一群人聚集在安全围栏后面,看着一个人跳舞。" ]
[ "A group of people watching a Christmas carol outside at night.", "A group of people gathered around singing a Christmas carol, while a lady speaks in the background.", "a group of people spend some time in a group setting together", "Christmas carolers sing in front of a business to people enjoying Christmas lights.", "An outside setting with a group of Christmas carolers singing Christmas songs.", "A group of people singing outside in front of a storefront.", "Someone is using their camera and scanning a group of people to make a video.", "A large group of people are outside singing Christmas carols.", "A group of people are loudly singing Christmas songs together.", "A group of carolers sing while bystanders watch and listen." ]
[ "一群人在房间里整齐的唱着动听的歌。", "一群人拿着歌谱在合唱,周围还有观众边听边讨论着。", "一群人正在街头上唱歌,他们都感到很开心。", "在漆黑的环境里,一群人站着在一起唱歌。", "一群人在唱歌,旁边还站着不少围观群众。", "一群人在外面的一家店面唱歌,周围的人在观看。", "一群人在外面或坐着或站着聊天交谈。", "一大群人正在外面唱圣诞颂歌和舞动。", "一群人在一个昏暗的东西一起大声唱圣诞歌曲。", "一群颂歌者在唱歌, 旁边有一些观众在聆听。" ]
[ "A man is video taping as he walks through the crowd.", "The man is walking in and out of a line of people in the sidewalk.", "A lot of people are waiting in line either sitting or standing.", "Walking past a line of people waiting on the sidewalk.", "A person is walking down a crowded sidewalk as young people wait to enter a concert or club.", "A group of people are on a street camera as a camera films them and a white car.", "A person walking through a long line of people and commenting about it.", "A man filming a large group of people standing in a line.", "People are in a crowd waiting in line for something.", "A group of people are making a queue on a sidewalk." ]
[ "在一个晚上,很多人在马路边排队等待。", "一群人站在马路边上,或玩手机,或交谈着。", "在一个明亮的室外,一群人在路边站着。", "一个人在路上行走边上有很多人在站着。", "夜幕下道边竖排停着汽车,便道边上站着很多人。", "一个人在人群里走着,他在拍摄在马路边站着的人和停在路边的车子。", "一条公路上停了很多车,旁边的人行道上站着很多人。", "一名男子拍摄了队伍中一大群人站在一条路上。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人在排队等候。", "在夜晚的大街上,一群人在人行道上排队。" ]
[ "A wriggly sleeping newborn is followed by yawning and shrugging sleeping newborn.", "A sleeping baby is shown stretching and then it shows another baby yawning.", "A baby is napping in their crib and then their carseat.", "A compilation of different babies sleeping, yawning and moving in their sleep.", "A newborn baby is rolling around with it's eyes closed, then yawns while in someone's lap.", "A baby is laying on someones lap while they sleep and move around and yawn.", "a cute baby is sleeping so good and wakes up yawning and stretching", "The video shows one baby moving around or stretching in their sleep and another baby yawning in their sleep.", "A baby with it's eyes closed is yawning but doesn't wake up.", "Montage footage of a newborn baby with upbeat music in the background." ]
[ "一个婴儿睡梦中翻滚打哈欠,配有音乐背景。", "小婴儿侧躺在床上自己玩耍,又躺在大人腿上打着哈欠。", "一个穿着白色上衣和另一个穿条纹衣服的小婴儿在打哈欠。", "一个小婴儿正在睡觉,闭着眼睛打了一个哈欠。", "一个穿条纹衣服的孩子躺在床上手舞足蹈,一个穿白色衣服的孩子闭着眼睛打着哈欠。", "一个婴儿躺在一个人的腿上,熟睡中打了一个哈欠。", "一个可爱的婴儿用手托着脸打哈欠。", "这段视频显示了一个婴儿在睡梦中活动或伸展身体,另一个婴儿在睡觉时打哈欠。", "一个闭着眼睛的婴儿正在打哈欠, 但没有醒来。", "一个婴儿躺在床上,另一个婴儿正在打哈欠。" ]
[ "A baby is sleeping restlessly on a beige sofa, kicking away a blanket.", "A baby is moving about while sleeping on the couch.", "There is a baby taking a nap, they look like they are about to wake up.", "An infant asian child is seen slowly waking from sleep.", "A very young baby is shown sleeping on a couch.", "While they are lying down sleeping, a baby stirs and slowly attempts to open their eyes for a brief moment.", "A baby is sleeping restlessly on a sofa or chair.", "A baby laying on a couch just waking up from a nap.", "A baby squirms its legs before gently opening its eyes.", "A small baby wriggle about with music in the background" ]
[ "一个穿着白色斑点的蓝色裤子的小婴儿躺在软垫上睡觉。", "一名可爱的小婴儿在沙发上舒服的睡觉。", "一个短头发的小孩儿正躺在沙发上伸动自己的腿。", "一个婴儿躺在沙发上翻来覆去然后睡着了。", "在一个房子里面,有一个小宝宝躺在沙发上。", "一个婴儿躺在沙发上盖着毛毯,随后试图睁开了一下眼睛。", "一个婴儿在沙发上躺着不停的扭动身体。", "一个躺在沙发上的婴儿刚从午睡中醒来。", "婴儿在扭动它的腿时轻轻地张开眼睛。", "一个小婴儿躺着,半睁着眼睛扭来扭去。" ]
[ "A baby girl is laying on her side in a crib and sucking on her thumb.", "A baby in his crib has his finger in his mouth.", "A baby lays in a crib sucking her thumb and then blinks and looks up and lays her head back down.", "A baby girls sucks her thumbs while laying in her crib and looking at the camera.", "A little infant girl is laying on the bed sucking her thumb while napping.", "The blanket-covered baby sleeps peacefully in a crib while sucking its thumb.", "The baby girl is lying peacefully in her crib, sucking her thumb", "A baby is sucking her thumb while falling asleep in a crib.", "A baby girl lies in her crib and sucks on her thumb, looking at the camera.", "A little baby is on a crib sleeping and wrapped up." ]
[ "一个婴儿正躺在浅绿色的婴儿床上吸吮手指。", "一个宝宝躺在床上不停的吸允自己的手指。", "一个可爱的小女孩盖着被子躺在床上吃着自己的手指头。", "有个躺着的小女孩在吸允自己的拇指。", "棉被上一个盖着白色被子,正在吃手的小孩子。", "一个盖着毯子的婴儿安静的趴在婴儿床上吮吸拇指。", "一个婴儿安静地躺在床上,吮吸着她的拇指。", "一个婴儿在婴儿床里睡着的时候正在吸她的拇指。", "个小女孩躺在她的婴儿床,吮吸她的拇指。", "一个小婴儿躺在婴儿床上睡觉,并不断吃手指。" ]
[ "A baby, lying on his back on a bed ,is being told how much he is loved by a female in the background.", "A man is talking to a little baby that is lying on a bed.", "a little baby sits on a bed and smiles at something next to the bed", "A baby wearing pajamas is laying on top of a bed.", "A baby in a bed looking up with someone talking to them in the background", "A small baby is lying flat on bed sheets as adults talk to him.", "Someone is talking to a baby that is lying on the ground.", "A little baby lays on a bed and stares at someone that tells them \"I love you\".", "A baby lays on its back on a bed looking up.", "A baby is laying in the bed while another person ffilms the bay." ]
[ "有一个穿着白色衣服的婴儿躺在床上。", "一个婴儿躺在床上一动不动,在一个女人的呼唤下,眨了眨眼睛。", "在房间里,一个婴儿在床上躺着眨眼睛。", "一个穿着白衣服的婴儿躺在床上,旁边有张被子。", "在床上,躺着一个穿着白色衣服的小宝宝。", "一个婴儿躺在床上,有个成年人在和他说话。", "有一个人在跟一个躺在床上的婴儿说话。", "一个小宝宝躺在床上,盯着一个告诉他 \\\"我爱你\\\" 的人。", "一个穿着白色衣服的婴儿正仰面躺在床上。", "一个穿着白色衣服的婴儿,微笑着躺在床上。" ]
[ "A woman holds a sleeping baby in pink pajamas while music is playing.", "A woman holds a sleeping child. She rocks her back and forth waking the child up.", "A baby is sitting in a woman's lap and is falling asleep and starts to fall over.", "A woman wearing a tank top holds a sleeping baby against her chest.", "A woman holds her baby in her lap while the baby falls asleep.", "A woman scrolls on her cellphone while a young girl falls asleep on her lap", "A young girl going to sleep n her mothers arms listen to music.", "A woman holds a child in her arms while texting on a phone", "a lady sits down and her baby starts dozing off in her arms", "A boy is sleeping on his mother who is eagerly watching her mobile." ]
[ "一个戴着珠宝项链,身穿蓝色背心的女人,左手拿着手机放歌,右手抱着一个小女孩。", "一个小女孩在睡觉,一边的妈妈在看手机。", "一个穿着紫色衣服的人正在抱着一个小孩。", "一个戴着项链,穿着吊带背心的女子,手上抱着一个小孩。", "一个带着项链的女人,抱着一个穿白色背心的小孩。", "一个小女孩在一个女人的腿上睡着了,而这个女人正在玩手机。", "一个年轻的女孩睡在她妈妈的怀里,听音乐。", "一个女人抱着孩子的时候在用手机发短信。", "一位女士坐了下来,她的宝宝开始在她的怀里打盹。", "一个小孩正躺在一个女人的身上打瞌睡。" ]
[ "A mother picking something off her young baby's face.", "A person is showing how a baby is playing with his tooth at night.", "A parent trying to dig a booger out of a baby girl's nose.", "a dark video with a baby coming out in the end", "A person plays with a baby in blue clothing lying on their back.", "A fairly newborn baby dressed in blue is laying on a bed.", "A small child is lying on its back on a bed as an adult pulls some bogies out of its nose.", "A baby laying on it's back has it's mouth wiped by a woman", "A baby is lying down on a bed and another person messes with something on the baby's face.", "A man picks boogers and snot out of his baby's nose." ]
[ "一个小孩躺在床上,另一个人正在抚摸他的脸。", "一只手在抚摸一个躺在床上的小宝宝。", "在一张床上,一个人正在抚摸一个穿着蓝色上衣的小孩。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的婴儿正躺在白色的床上。", "一个宝宝躺在床上一个大人用手帮他掏了一下鼻子。", "一个身穿蓝色衣服的刚出生的小婴儿躺正在床上。", "一个小孩躺在床上,一个成年人正在清理他的鼻子。", "一个婴儿躺在床上它的嘴被一个女人给擦干净了。", "一个婴儿躺在床上,另一个人在婴儿脸上捏了捏。", "一个男人从婴儿的鼻子里挑出鼻塞和鼻涕。" ]
[ "A black puppy is meeting a young boy who is laying on the floor.", "A person is trying to introduce a baby to a puppy.", "A baby is laying on it's back as someone shows him a small puppy.", "An adult holds a puppy up to a baby’s face and the baby looks confused.", "A baby is laying on a couch and tries to hold a little puppy.", "A young baby lays on a couch and a puppy is placed on the couch with them.", "A baby is laying on it's back with a black puppy on it's stomach.", "A baby lays content with a pacifier on a couch while being changed.", "A baby lying down with pacifier on his mouth trying to pet a dog.", "A young baby lays on a couch while a person places a puppy with them." ]
[ "一个人把一只黑色的小狗放在了一个穿着黑色衣服,含着绿色奶嘴的小男孩的身上。", "一只小狗狗在和一个刚刚睡醒的叼着奶嘴的孩子玩。", "一个小孩嘴里叼着奶嘴在和一只黑色的小狗玩耍。", "一个婴儿喊着奶嘴躺着,大人在旁边看着他。", "一个穿黑色衣服的孩子躺在床上嘴里叼着奶嘴。", "一个小婴儿和一只小狗一起被放在沙发上玩耍。", "一只黑色的狗正趴在一个婴儿的肚子上。", "婴儿在被换衣服的时候, 满意地躺在沙发上的奶嘴上。", "一个婴儿在试图逗弄一条狗时嘴上放着奶嘴躺着。", "一个穿黑色衣服的小男孩正在躺着吃安抚奶嘴。" ]
[ "A man is playing with his baby on the bed and making it smile.", "A man laying on top his baby and kissing it making the baby life", "A large adult is snuggling up with a baby who is trying to sleep while laughing inside.", "A little baby on a bed with dad playing with him and making him laugh.", "Guy laying on a bed making sounds with his mouth on a babies stomach.", "A man is pretending to bite the clothes of a small child.", "A father is playing with and making funny noises for his baby laying on a bed.", "A man tickles his daughter's belly with his face to make her laugh.", "A man is laying next to a baby and plays on the baby's chest with his mouth.", "A man kisses his little baby on the belly and the baby smiles." ]
[ "在一个明亮的室内,一个大人和一个小孩在玩耍。", "一个男人在用自己的表达方式向一位婴儿表达喜爱之情。", "一名男子用嘴拱一个小男孩的肚子逗他笑。", "一个小婴儿躺在床上,婴儿身上趴着一个男子,婴儿的拳头抵住了男人的脸。", "一个宝宝躺着,一个男人在逗着他笑。", "一个男人假装在咬一个小孩的衣服。", "一个男人正在和一个婴儿在床上玩耍,男人亲吻婴儿的肚子,婴儿用手推开男人。", "一个男人的用他的脸给女儿的肚子发痒,让她开怀大笑。", "一个男人躺在一个婴儿旁边,用他的嘴在婴儿的胸前玩耍。", "一个男人吻着他的小宝宝的肚子, 并且婴儿在微笑着。" ]
[ "A toddler sleeping in a cot is being woken up.", "A newborn girl begins to move around in her sleep and then opens her eyes.", "In a very dark clip an infant is shown moving around while laying down.", "A baby in pink pajamas and blanket is laying in bed.", "A newborn baby slowly opens its eyes and begins to make faces", "In a darkened room the camera is showing nothing but blackness as time passes.", "A baby is laying in her crib falling asleep but trying to stay awake.", "A baby is laying on a bed in a dark room.", "a little baby sits on a soft surface and rests their eyes", "A small baby is laying down, yawning, and opening and closing their eyes." ]
[ "一个孩子正躺在漆黑的房间里的床上静悄悄的睡觉。", "光线暗淡的房间里一个很小的男孩躺在床上玩耍。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的婴儿在昏暗的房间里躺着。", "一个小婴儿在一个婴儿床上安静的睡觉。", "一个穿着红色衣服的人躺在那里动了动手。", "在一个漆黑的房间里,只看到了一个小孩。", "一个穿粉红色衣服的婴儿躺在床上打着瞌睡,眼睛一会儿闭上一会儿睁开。", "一个穿着粉色的婴儿躺在黑暗房间的床上。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的婴儿躺在床上。", "个小婴儿正躺在那里,打着哈欠,睁开眼睛然后闭上眼睛。" ]
[ "A baby is sleeping and waking up as a woman rubs its head", "A baby boy is sleeping inside of a wrap while being touched and talked to.", "A little boy is sleeping while others pinch it's cheek and touch it's face", "A woman tries to use loud noises and her hand to wake up a baby.", "A baby is in a swaddle blank while someone tries to wake him up by touching an pinching his face.", "Sleeping baby wrapped in blanket has cheek pinched by fingers and face rubbed by a hand.", "An infant with tonsured head wrapped in a cloth, is being cuddled by a person while sleeping.", "A young woman is happily pinching the cheeks of a very young, sleeping baby.", "A person is playing with the face of a sleeping baby in an attempt to wake the baby.", "A baby, wrapped in a piece of cloth is getting his face rubbed by a woman who is talking about it." ]
[ "一个宝宝用布裹着睡着了,怎么弄都不醒。", "一个人用手捏玩着正在熟睡的婴儿的脸部。", "一个小孩闭着眼有一只手正在捏他的脸。", "一个光头小婴儿正在睡觉,一个人用手摸婴儿的脸。", "在被阳光照耀的房间内,一只手,在抚摸一个睡着的小孩。", "一个用毯子包裹着熟睡的婴儿,被另一个人的手在脸颊上捏了捏,还抚摸着他的脸。", "一个婴儿被布包裹着,他睡着了被人抱在怀里。", "一位年轻女子正兴高采烈地捏着一个非常年轻,熟睡的婴儿的脸颊。", "一个人正在玩一个熟睡的婴儿的脸,试图唤醒婴儿。", "一个婴儿,包裹在一块布,被一个正在谈论的女人摩擦脸。" ]
[ "A baby is sitting in their car seat asleep and is moving around until they wake up.", "A baby is trying to go to sleep wjile the mother watches.", "A baby is sleeping in a stroller and is moving around with a blanket.", "A baby is sleeping in a car seat and slowly waking up.", "A baby in a bassinet wiggles around before opening it's eyes and smiling.", "A baby in a blanket is moving around and smiling in its car seat.", "A baby under a yellow blanket in a car seat makes cooing noises and someone begins to speak.", "A sleeping baby in a car seat squirms, before waking up and smiling at an unseen woman.", "A sleeping baby tosses and turns, then wakes and smiles.", "A baby sleeping in a baby carrier wakes up and smiles." ]
[ "一个盖着被子的婴儿躺在婴儿车里。", "一个人在逗一个坐在婴儿车里的婴儿笑。", "一个小孩子躺在儿童座椅上盖着一个米黄色的毯子。", "一小孩在婴儿车内睁开眼睛,露出笑容。", "一个小婴儿躺在小摇篮里睁开眼睛咧嘴笑了。", "一个裹在毯子里的小婴儿正躺在一个婴儿车里开心地笑。", "黄毯子下的婴儿发出尖叫声,有人开始说话。", "汽车坐骑上熟睡的婴儿蠕动了一会醒了,然后对着一个看不见的女人傲笑。", "一个在婴儿车熟睡的婴儿正在辗转反侧。", "一个睡在婴儿托架里的婴儿醒了过来,并微笑着。" ]
[ "A baby is sleeping and adult is trying to interact with the baby.", "A man talks to a sleeping baby and then touch him with his hand.", "A young baby is sleeping on their stomach on the bed.", "a little baby lays fast asleep on a red blanket", "A person is recording an infant who is face down asleep.", "A baby is sleeping on a red blanket on the bed while others are watching.", "Some people talk in the background as a small baby sleeps peacefully on a bed.", "A small baby rests on his large, red family bed.", "A small baby sleeps on a bed and kick his feet when touched", "A baby is lying face down on a red blanket and a hand reaches over but does not touch him." ]
[ "有一个穿白色衣服的小孩在一张床上趴着睡觉。", "一个男人,在床边看着小宝宝安静入睡。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个孩子趴在床上睡觉。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小孩子正趴在床上睡觉。", "在一个房子里面,有一个小宝宝趴在床上。旁边有一个大人。", "一个婴儿睡在床上的红毯子上,而其他人正在观看。", "一个小婴儿在床上安安静静地睡觉,有个男子在说话,还摸了他一下。", "一个小婴儿在他的大红色家庭床上休息。", "一个小婴儿睡在床上, 被碰的时候踢他的脚。", "一个婴儿脸朝下躺在一条红色的毯子上。" ]
[ "A baby is laying on it's back making cooing sounds and moving it's face around.", "A baby is laying down and starts making different noises with his mouth and tongue", "A baby makes strange noises while sticking it's tongue out.", "A baby was feeling sleepy and trying to open and close his eyes slowly", "An infant child makes noises and sticks it's tongue out.", "A baby makes a face and half closes their eyes.", "A baby rolls their head around and makes tongue noises with their mouth.", "A very young infant squirms and makes soft noises and closes its eyes.", "A drowsy baby moves his head around trying to fight sleep while blinking very slowly.", "A newborn baby makes noises and tries to stay awake." ]
[ "一个妈妈正在逗躺在床上的小宝贝,小宝贝也特别开心。", "一个婴儿躺着,身体扭动着,做着伸舌头的动作。", "一个婴儿吐了吐舌头,缩了缩身子,发出了一点声音。", "一个婴儿躺着吐舌头,随后闭上了眼睛。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个小宝宝在床上躺着,嘴巴在动着。", "一个婴儿躺在床上并不停地半闭眼睛做鬼脸。", "婴儿的头晃来晃去, 用嘴发出舌头的声音。", "一个非常年幼的婴儿蠕动的时候发出柔和的声音,并慢慢闭上眼睛。", "一个昏昏欲睡的婴儿摇晃着他的头,试图打瞌睡的同时慢慢地眨着眼睛。", "一个刚出生的婴儿发出声音并试图保持清醒。" ]
[ "a baby lays with the his eyes closed and an adult holds them", "A very young baby is sleeping in a parents lap and is wiggling around.", "A baby sleeping in someones hand has saliva foam in its mouth", "A person holds a clothed baby with its eyes closed in their hands while the baby squirms then becomes still.", "A sleepy baby blows bubbles and moves around while being supported by a hand behind its head.", "A little baby is laying down and moving around while sleeping.", "A baby is sleeping and moving his head", "A baby is asleep in someones hands and he wiggles and bubbles come out of his mouth.", "A baby is sleeping and someone holding it is trying to wake it up but it just keeps sleeping.", "A person is picking up an infant as it sleeps." ]
[ "一个人拖着小孩子的脖子,小孩子在他的手上睡觉。", "小宝宝枕着大手掌睡觉不时的还扭扭身子。", "一个小男孩正在睡觉,同时不停地做着各种动作。", "一个穿白色衣服的婴儿,闭着眼镜身体在扭动。", "一个穿着白色衣服的婴儿正在睡觉。", "一个小婴儿在睡觉的时候躺在那里晃动。", "一个婴儿在睡觉,他嘴里吐着泡泡还摇动他的头。", "一个婴儿在别人手里睡着了, 他扭动着嘴里冒出唾液。", "有人试图唤醒一个正在睡觉的婴儿。", "一个人正在托着一个很小的婴儿睡觉。" ]
[ "A baby lays sleeping and then begins to frown as they open their eyes.", "A baby with black hair makes sad faces in his sleep and briefly opens his eyes.", "A little baby is taking a nap on his bed.", "A baby is sleeping, then wakes and opens its eyes when it hears female laughter.", "A mother laughing while watching her newborn sleep and make faces.", "An infant is sleeping and puckering its lips as it sleeps.", "A baby boy is laying down and sleeping then begins to frown.", "a small baby boy sleeping wrapped in blankets and a bib", "Sleeping baby frowns by extending lower lip, opens eyes and closes eyes.", "A woman watches and giggles as a baby sleeps and makes funny faces." ]
[ "一个婴儿闭着眼睡觉,旁边有人笑了,然后婴儿就张开了眼。", "一个小男孩躺着闭着眼睛眉毛微皱,后来面部开始有点扭曲并睁开了眼睛。", "一个小男孩在睡觉时做着奇怪的表情,醒来后又继续睡。", "一名身穿白色外套的男孩,正躺在床上睡觉。", "在一个房间里面,有一个躺着的短发小朋友。", "一个在睡觉的婴儿,嘴唇起皱睁开了眼睛又闭上。", "一个小男孩正躺在床上睡觉,然后开始皱起眉头。", "一个小男婴裹着毯子和围裙在睡觉。", "睡觉的婴儿伸展下唇,睁开眼睛,又闭上了眼睛。", "一个宝宝睡觉时撇了撇嘴,然后睁开眼睛看了一下又闭上。" ]
[ "The baby awakens momentarily and moves his arms before relaxing again.", "A baby is laying in a crib and they wake up and kick their feet and wave their hands.", "A baby wearing only a diaper gently stirs in his or her sleep while laying in a bassinet.", "A baby in diapers briefly awaking from sleep and changing positions before falling back to sleep.", "A baby in a crib is waking up, but seems to want to go back to sleep.", "A baby sleeping in the cot was throwing his limbs around", "A sleeping baby is startled momentarily before dozing back to sleep.", "A newborn baby in a diaper is lying on a blue blanket in a crib.", "A baby is wearing a diaper while laying on top of a bed.", "A baby in a cot wriggles around on its back, laying on a blue blanket." ]
[ "一个穿着白色纸尿裤的小孩躺在蓝色的被褥上睡着了。", "一个穿尿不湿的孩子躺在床上睡觉。", "在婴儿床里,一个穿着尿不湿的婴儿在粉色蓝色床里扭动着。", "在明亮的房间,一个穿着尿不湿的小孩躺在摇篮里睡觉。", "只穿纸尿裤的宝宝独自一人躺在床上。", "一个穿着纸尿裤的婴儿睡在婴儿床上,偶尔会摆动手臂。", "一个婴儿躺在婴儿床上裹着尿布湿在睡觉。", "一个穿着尿布的新生婴儿躺在婴儿床里的蓝色毯子上。", "一个可爱的婴儿穿着尿布躺在床上睡觉。", "一个婴儿躺在蓝色的毯子上用背上动。" ]
[ "An adult is playing with a little baby that is laying in a bed", "In the dark, a person runs their had around the face of the baby.", "Faint cooing noises are heard in this too dark video.", "A baby is laying in the dark and someone rubs their hand on its head.", "A baby lays on its back while having its head stroked.", "A person touches a babies forehead, and the baby hums in response.", "A baby is making soft cooing sounds in a dark room.", "A baby is looking at a camera where someone is videoing him/her making noises.", "A black rectangle is situated against a fading white backdrop.", "Someone is playing with a little baby who is laying in its crib." ]
[ "有一个人伸出手摸了一个躺着的小孩子的脸。", "一个婴儿躺在床上,另一个人用手抚摸了婴儿一下。", "一个小孩子躺在床上被一个人抚摸。", "有一个穿着深色衣服的小朋友躺在床上。", "在床上躺着一个穿着深色衣服的婴儿。", "一个人摸了一下婴儿的头,婴儿就嗯了一声。", "一个婴儿在黑暗的房间里发出柔和的咕咕声。", "一个婴儿正在看一个镜头, 有人在给他拍电影,并让他发出声音。", "在一个昏暗的房间内一个婴儿躺在白色的床上。", "一个婴儿躺在那里,一只大手抚摸着婴儿的脸。" ]
[ "A person lightly rubs the cheeks of a baby in order to try and wake him up.", "A mom is trying to wake her baby up by gently brushing its face.", "A woman strokes the face of a sleeping baby and talks gently to try to wake him up.", "a little baby in baseball clothes sleeps while a person interacts with them", "A woman is stroking a baby's cheek with her nail while the baby is sleeping.", "A newborn in is sleeping while his mother touches his cheek.", "Two people talk to a sleeping infant in a sports shirt.", "As a baby sleeps a mother talks in a slow voice and nuzzles his neck.", "Someone is rubbing a babies cheek while he is sleeping.", "A woman stops caressing a sleeping infant's face, the child opens its mouth." ]
[ "一个女人在抚摸一个在襁褓里的可爱的小婴儿。", "一个穿灰色衣服的男孩正在睡觉,一只手正在打扰小男孩睡觉。", "一个身穿灰色短袖的小男孩正在睡觉。", "一个大人在慢慢的摸着一个小孩子的脸。", "一个人用手指抚摸着闭着眼睛的婴儿的脸。", "一名新生儿正在睡觉是,他的母亲站在旁边正在抚摸他的脸颊。", "两个人正在对着一个睡着的婴儿说话。", "当一个婴儿睡觉时,一位母亲用缓慢的声音说话,并在他的脖子上抚摸。", "有人在一个婴儿在床上睡觉时擦着他的脸颊。", "一个女人不停地抚摸一个熟睡的婴儿的脸。" ]
[ "A baby blinks and frowns as if the light hurts its eyes, and a woman laughs.", "in a hospital a baby is trying to sleep while people are laughing and talking in a language other than English.", "A baby struggles to open her eyes whole laying on a pink blanket.", "The baby is laying on a bed and slowly opening and closing it's eyes.", "A woman is laughing at a baby just beginning to wake up.", "A little baby stirs awakes and blinks its eyes as somebody laughs.", "A small baby opens and closes its eyes repeatedly.", "A baby is opening there eyes and squinting as a woman is heard laughing.", "Baby, laying with head to one side, slowly blinks which makes eyebrows move also.", "A small baby looks to have just woke up from a nap." ]
[ "一个婴儿躺在床上不停地眨着眼睛。", "刚出生的胎儿小眼睛一睁一闭的试着睁开。", "一个小婴儿躺在床上正努力地睁开眼睛。", "一个穿白色衣服躺着的小孩子在眨眼睛。", "一个躺在白色床单上的婴儿,缓缓的睁开了眼,他把小手举了起来。", "当有人笑的时候,一个小宝宝醒来,然后眨了眨眼睛。", "一个非常小的小婴儿在床上尝试眨眼睛。", "当一个女人听到笑声时,一个婴儿正在那里睁开眼睛并眯着眼睛。", "一个穿着白色上衣的婴儿在床上慢慢眨眼。", "一个看起来刚从午睡中醒来的小婴儿。" ]
[ "A baby is taking a nap in a car before he is woken up by some music.", "A sleeping baby is waking up when music is played.", "A baby sleeping and waking up waving at the camera", "A baby sleeps in a car and then wakes up and waves.", "A sleeping child wakes up and immediately starts waving his hand", "A baby wakes up from a nap to dance to his favorite song in the car seat.", "A baby sleeping in a car seat and waking up and waving.", "A small child is sleeping in a car seat while the car is in motion before he is dramatically disturbed by the MP3 player.", "A baby is sleeping but wakes up and starts moving his arms when the music comes on.", "A baby sleeping in a car seat wakes up when music starts to play." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的儿童在睡觉被吵醒了。", "一个小孩在一个很暗的地方坐在椅子上摇摆着手。", "一个小男孩睡着睡着突然睁开眼,晃动起右手。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的男孩坐在椅子上挥手。", "有一个小宝宝躺在安全座椅里,小宝宝在挥动右手。", "在音乐播放时,一个婴儿从午睡中醒来, 并在汽车座椅上随着自己最喜欢的歌声跳舞。", "一个婴儿睡在汽车座椅上, 醒来挥手致意。", "一个小孩在睡觉然后被音乐吵醒,跟着音乐摆手。", "一个婴儿正躺在一辆婴儿车里睡觉。", "一个闭着眼睛的小男孩突然睁开眼睛,并且挥着手。" ]
[ "A young child is shown playing with an airplane in his crib while adults talk to him.", "A mother and father ask their young son where his toy is.", "A toddler boy is waking up in his crib and showing off a toy airplane.", "Small child laying in crib sits up jibbers and shows his toys.", "A young boy is in his crib and holds up an airplane and says airplane.", "A baby shows his airplane when his mother asks for it.", "A little boy is playing with a toy in a crib as a woman speaks and a man laughs.", "A mother is talking to her young child as he is sitting in his crib and talking to her.", "A boy is sitting in a crib while holding a paper airplane and talking.", "a little kid laying down in their bed and then showing others their toy in their hand" ]
[ "一个小孩子拿着一个玩具飞机在摇床里面玩着。", "一个小男孩,在婴儿床里面,拿着东西,对着大人说话。", "一个小男孩躺在他自己的小床里和父母在说话。", "在一个房间里,一个小孩坐在婴儿床里玩耍。", "一个孩子在婴儿车里坐了起来手里拿着一个飞机。", "一个人问一个男孩飞机时,男孩展示了飞机。", "一个男孩在他的婴儿床里玩着他的玩具飞机。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个婴儿坐在婴儿床里开心的笑。", "一个男孩坐在婴儿床,手里拿着一个飞机模型。", "一个小孩坐在婴儿床里,手中拿着一个玩具飞机。" ]
[ "A baby is lying down swaddled in a pink blanket and someone begins unswaddling them.", "A baby lays in a bed swaddled and someone unties her while she smiles.", "A baby laying on her back and wrapped in a blanket like a cocoon.", "An infant girl is shown as an adult prepares to unswaddle the baby.", "A person begins to remove some velcro clothing from a small smiling baby", "A baby is lying down with his arms wrapped up, a person unhooks the wrap, and the baby's arm comes out.", "A baby expresses delight as his tightly wrapped cloak is loosened.", "a baby being swaddled in a blanket on a bed", "A baby is lying down and a person undoes a swaddling wrap.", "A baby is wrapped in a blanket and some undoes the blanket so the baby's hand comes out." ]
[ "昏暗的房间内,一个小孩,躺在床上玩耍。", "一个小婴儿正躺在沙发上,另一个人正帮他裹紧衣服。", "家长给婴儿解开衣物,婴儿睁大眼睛并开心地笑了起来。", "在一个房间里,一个人在帮一个小男孩弄衣服。", "一个孩子被裹得严严实实的,一个人把孩子身上的衣服打开。", "一个婴儿躺着,双臂被包裹起来,一个人解开包裹,然后婴儿的手臂伸了出来。", "当一个婴儿紧紧地包裹着的斗篷松了, 他表达了喜悦。", "一个婴儿被襁褓裹着放在床上的毯子里。", "一个婴儿躺着,一个人帮他把包在身上的包裹打开。", "婴儿被裹在毯子里, 有人解开毯子, 让婴儿的手出来。" ]
[ "A young baby waking up and a lady in the background talking.", "A toddler smiles and curls up in her blanket as her mom says she loves her.", "A baby moving around as a woman tells the baby that she loves it.", "A little baby smiling and looking at the camera while someone talks.", "Mom speaking to a small child who is laying in a bed waking up.", "A toddler is smiling as he wakes up from his nap.", "A mother coos to her young child softly as he looks up from his bed.", "A mother softly wakes up her sleeping infant who blinks, stretches, and smiles.", "A baby is lying down and listening to a woman talking.", "a baby is smiling while lying down on a bed while the mother is saying i love you darling" ]
[ "一个卷发的小孩子躺在床上偷偷地笑。", "一个很小的婴儿躺在床上笑了笑又躺了下去。", "一个女人对着小孩说话,小孩躺着笑了起来。", "在一个房间里,一个小孩正在床上开心的时候笑着。", "一个侧躺在床上盖着被子的小孩在微笑着做各种各样的表情。", "当一个婴儿在床上醒来水,一个女人正在对着他说话。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小孩盖着印花被子躺在床上笑。", "一个人正在哄睡一个躺在床上的婴儿。", "一个婴儿躺着听一个女人说话,然后大笑起来。", "一个戴着手套的小婴儿侧躺在床上微笑着。" ]
[ "A rooster crows as a baby lays on its back kicking its legs.", "A sleeping baby is awoken by a noisy crowing rooster.", "A baby reacts to a crowing rooster with surprise.", "A baby is laying down while a rooster begins to crow in the background.", "An infant in their pajamas is seemin moving around in their crib.", "A baby is laying on its back and moving its arms and legs.", "A sleeping baby is woken up by a rooster.", "A baby is laying on its back as it moves its arms and legs.", "A baby lays in bed and moves his arms and legs", "A baby is moving slightly on a bed and starting to cry." ]
[ "一个婴儿躺在床上,双脚不停地蹬着,脸上做着挣扎的表情.。", "有一个小婴儿在床上,听到一声鸡叫,小婴儿扭动了起来。", "一个小婴儿躺在床上,不断动着自己的手脚。", "一个穿着长袖的小孩躺在床上挥手蹬腿玩。", "在昏暗的房间里,一个躺着的小宝宝手舞足蹈。", "一个婴儿正躺在床上,挥舞着胳膊和腿。", "一个睡着的婴儿被公鸡叫吵醒了。", "天亮之前一名婴儿正躺着床上,不停地移动手和脚。", "一个婴儿躺在床上并且扭动他的胳膊和他的腿。", "一个婴儿在床上着移动,然后喊了一声。" ]