[ "A young woman washes an older woman's hair at a sink.", "A person is sitting and another person is washing her hair", "Inside a bathroom, a woman shampoos another womans hair.", "The lady is giving the old guy a shampoo in the bathroom sink.", "A young woman is washing an older woman's hair in the bathroom.", "An older woman is seated and getting her hair washed by a younger woman standing in front of the sink.", "A young girl rinses and rubs the scalp of an older woman.", "A woman is sitting down in front of a sink as a young girl is washing her hair for her.", "A girl washing an older woman's hair in front of a sink.", "A young woman lathers the hair of a woman sitting in a chair while shampooing her hair" ]
[ "一个长头发女人正在给一个女人洗头发。", "一个女人在帮一个老奶奶洗头。", "一个女孩站着在给一名中老年男子洗头。", "一个长发的女人正在给一个短发的女人洗头发。", "一个长发女子正在镜子跟前给一个老人洗头发。", "一个女人坐在水池前,另一个人在给她洗着头发。", "一个女人站着在给另一个坐着的人洗着头发。", "一个女人坐在水池边的椅子上,一个年轻的女孩在为她洗头发。", "一个年轻的女孩在水池前洗一个老人的头发。", "一名年轻女子在给坐在椅子上的一个女人洗头。" ]
[ "A girl washes her hair quietly over a bathroom sink and then tapping is heard.", "Someone is getting their hair washed by another person in a bathroom sink.", "A person washes someone else's hair in a sink.", "A person is shampooing and rubbing a child's hair in a sink.", "A woman holds her head in a sink as another person washes her hair with shampoo.", "A person was doing some head bath to a small girl by keeping her head inside the wash basin", "The woman is washing her daughters hair in the sink with shampoo and water.", "A woman is having her hair lathered and washed by another person in a sink.", "A woman is bent over a sink rubbing shampoo through her hair.", "A man is giving someone a shampoo on the bathroom sink." ]
[ "一个黑色衣服的人在帮另外一个人洗头。", "一个男人在卫生间内帮助一位女孩洗头发。", "一个人在给另一个穿红衣服的人在水龙头前洗头。", "一个穿深色衣服的人在用洗发露洗头。", "洗手盆旁,一个人再给另一个低头的人洗头发。", "一个人的手正在给一个在洗脸池前的女孩洗头。", "这个女人洗水池边用洗发水和水洗她女儿的头发。", "一个人帮助一个女子在洗涤槽里洗头发。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的女人正在洗头发。", "一个男人正在洗手池旁给一个女人洗头发。" ]
[ "A lady washing a boy's head after being shaved by a man then wipes the water off using a towel", "A man is getting his hair shampooed and edged up.", "People get their hair shampooed at a salon and their hairlines razor cut straight.", "A salon shows how their rinsing of hair is done on their customers.", "a person gets their hair washed in a black sink", "A woman washes a little boys hair as he sits in a chair.", "A woman shampoos a child at a salon and then towel dries his head.", "Music played as a woman shampoos a man's hair and a man's hairline is cutting with a razor before she dries his hair and he sits up.", "An African American male having his hair washed then lined up.", "A woman washes a boy's head at a beauty salon." ]
[ "一个女人在给坐在椅子上的男孩洗头发。", "一位男士躺在理发店的躺椅上,女工作人员为他洗头,理发师给他修剪头发。", "一个带手链的人正在给另一个男子洗头发。", "在明亮的房间里,一个男人坐在洗头那里洗头。", "一个穿着白色衣服的女人在室内给别人洗头擦头。", "一个男人躺在椅子上,一个女人正在给他洗头。", "一个妇女正在给一个理头发的男子洗头,然后用毛巾擦干。", "一个人为男子洗头发,然后为他剃掉头发,然后又清洗头发。", "一个穿着白色上衣的女子在给一个男子洗头。", "一个女人在帮一个小男孩洗头,并用白色的毛巾擦拭着这个小男孩的头发。" ]
[ "A woman washes the hair of a little child in a basin.", "A woman washes a young child's hair over a sink and then the child vocalizes.", "a woman washing a little girl's hair inside a hair salon", "a little kid gets their hair washed by an adult next to them", "A little girl is laying down getting her hair done.", "a small child is getting their hair washed in salon by a woman", "A little girl is leaning back while her hair is being washed in the sink.", "A young girl gets her hair washed at a salon.", "A young girl gets her hair washed in a black sink in a salon.", "A young girl has her hair washed by a woman close up." ]
[ "一个女人正在给一个小孩子洗头发。", "理发店里,一名女人女人正在为一名小朋友洗头发。", "一个穿着裙子的技师在给一个小男孩洗头。", "有一个大人在水池边给一个孩子洗头。", "一个人在用洗发水给一个小孩子洗头发。", "在沙龙里,一个女人正在给一个小孩洗头发。", "一个小女孩靠在后面, 旁边的人在给她洗头发。", "一个人在美发店给一个年轻女孩洗头。", "一个年轻女孩在理发店的黑色的水槽里洗头。", "一个女人正在给一个年轻女孩洗头发。" ]
[ "One child washes another child's hair, then rinses their hair with water.", "A little girl leans her head back into a wash basin while a little boy rinses her hair.", "A boy attempts to wash his sisters hair while given instruction on what to do.", "A boy is helping wash a little girl's hair while she sits down.", "A little girl has her hair washed at a hair dresser's sink, while seated in a chair, and a litle boy is the one doing the washing.", "A little boy washes a little girl's hair in a salon sink, they are both laughing.", "A young shirtless boy is standing over a young girl who is in a salon chair, and he is washing her hair.", "A young boy washes a young girls hair in a stylist sink.", "A small boy is attempting to wash a little girl's hair.", "A boy is washing the hair of a girl that is in a salon hair washing chair." ]
[ "一个女孩坐在椅子上,身后的男孩帮她洗头发。", "一个小男孩在给躺在那里的小姐姐洗头。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个男孩在给一个女孩洗头。", "在一间明亮的室内,一个小孩在给另一个小孩洗头发。", "一个光着上身的小孩正在给别人洗头。", "一个小男孩在一个水池里给一个小女孩洗头发,两个人都在笑。", "一个光着膀子的小男孩在给一个小女孩洗头。", "一个小男孩在水池里洗了一个年轻女孩的头发。", "一个没穿上衣的男孩正在给另一个小女孩洗头。", "一个小男孩正在用水管给一个小女孩冲洗头发。" ]
[ "A man recording himself washing the hair of another person on a sink", "A black man shampooing a womans hair in the kitchen sink.", "Man cusses as he washes the hair of another person", "Man washing someones hair that is wearing a red shirt.", "A man washes someone hair in the kitchen sink while talking.", "A man is talking and washing someone's hair in a sink.", "A man washing a woman's hair in the kitchen sink.", "A woman is bent over a kitchen sink while a man is washing her hair and talking about what is happening.", "A man is washing his sons hands in the water with the sink on.", "Someone is getting their hair washed in the sink, their head turned upside down." ]
[ "一个男人在水池里给一个女人洗头发。", "一个黑人在厨房里个另一个人洗头发。", "一个男人正在帮助一个穿着红色衣服的人洗头。", "一个穿着白衣服的男人正在给一个穿着红衣服的女人洗头。", "在一个房间内,有一个身穿白色衣服的男人在给身穿红色衣服的人洗头。", "一个男人在水槽里洗一个人的头发,同时在说话。", "一个男人在厨房的水槽里给一个女人洗头发。", "在厨房中一个男人正在帮助一个女人洗头。", "一个穿白色上衣的男人在帮别人洗头发。", "有人把一个人的头放到水槽里,并冲洗着头发。" ]
[ "A woman is talking to her baby while she is giving him a bath in a baby tub.", "A toddler in the bath shows how they shampoo their hair by themselves.", "A young mother is helping her son take a bath in their bathtub and the son is busy rubbing shampoo in his hair on his head.", "A small toddler shows how he can wash his hair by rubbing the shampoo on his head with his hands.", "A toddler mixes shampoo on his head while taking a bath.", "The baby sits in a yellow bath washing his hair with shampoo.", "A baby is playing in water in the tub and rubbing his hair", "A baby is sitting in a small tub, washing it's hair.", "A cute baby is in her bathtub and talking to her mother as she washes her hair.", "a little kid sitting down in a bath trying to wash and clean their hair by themselves" ]
[ "在一个小浴盆里面,有个外国小孩子,双手在洗自己的头发。", "一个小男孩在洗澡盆里快乐的洗着头发。", "一个婴儿正做在浴缸内不停摸着涂满泡沫的头发。", "一个小孩在浴缸里自己挥动双手洗头。", "一个小婴儿坐在黄色的小水盆里面清洗自己的头。", "一个婴儿正坐在一个黄色的鱼缸里用洗发水洗着头发。", "一个婴儿在浴缸里的水里玩耍, 揉着头发。", "一个婴儿正坐在一个小浴缸里洗头发。", "个可爱的婴儿在她的浴缸里和她的母亲在她洗头的时候说话。", "一个小孩子坐在浴室里自己洗头发。" ]
[ "A woman washes another girls hair who has her hair flipped over the side of a tub.", "A man making the hair drying using dryer to a girl.", "A young lady washing another young ladies hair as she leans her head over a tub.", "A young woman washes the hair of another woman whose head is bent over a sink.", "a woman rinses water through another persons hair as they are tipped forward over a bathtub.", "A woman rinsing the hair of another woman over the bathtub.", "A woman is washing a different woman's hair that has her head faced downwards over a sink.", "A woman is washing her daughters hair in the bath tub with the nozzle from the tub.", "A girl is leaning over a tub having her hair washed by another woman.", "A couple of women are shown with one helping the other to wash or rinse her hair." ]
[ "一个女人正在帮另一个女人洗头发。", "浴室里,一个人在为另一个人冲洗头发。", "戴头巾的人正在为顾客认真的洗着头。", "一个女人正在用喷水头给另一个女人洗头发。", "一个女人手拿喷头帮另一个人冲洗头发。", "一个女人正在给一个趴在浴缸上的另一个女人洗头发。", "一个女人拿着喷头正在清洗另一个女人头发,她的头朝下在水槽上。", "一个女人正在为另一个女人在浴盆边上洗发。", "一个穿着紫色衣服的女人在给一个女孩洗头。", "一个女人在帮着一个小孩子在冲洗她的头发。" ]
[ "A crying baby is having it's hair washed in a hospital by a nurse wearing gloves.", "A person in nursing scrubs and gloves shampoos the head of a newborn.", "A baby is crying in the hospital as the nurse washes it's hair.", "A baby has their head cleaned by a doctor after being born.", "A nurse is holding a newborn baby and washing it's hair with one hand.", "A nurse washes the hair of a crying new born baby.", "A person wearing gloves washes the hair of a very small baby.", "A young baby cries while a person holds it and washes their hair.", "A baby crying as some in latex gloves washes there hair.", "A newborn baby cries as its head is washed by a nurse." ]
[ "一位带着蓝色手套的医护人员在给哭着的新生儿洗头。", "带着蓝色手套的医生在给刚出生的婴儿洗头。", "一个人抱着一个小孩子在给那个小孩洗头。", "一个戴着蓝色手套的人右手不停的给一个刚出生的婴儿洗头。", "带着蓝色手套的人在室内为刚出生的宝宝洗头。", "一个女人正在给一个哭着的婴儿洗头。", "一个戴手套的人在洗一个小婴儿的头发。", "一个大人在给一个抱在怀里的小婴儿洗头发,婴儿在哭泣。", "一个穿着褐色上衣的人正在给婴儿洗头。", "一个人在帮一个刚出生的婴儿洗头。" ]
[ "A person wearing a blue shirt is washing their hair under the faucet.", "A woman is washing her hair over the sink in the kitchen.", "A young woman getting her hair wet in the kitchen sink.", "A person is bent over a sink where they are washing their hair", "A girl is washing her hair in a sink and giving directions.", "A young child washing their hair in a sink talking to some one .", "A person washes their hair in the sink under a running faucet.", "A person is washing their hair with their head held over the sink.", "A person has their head under a sink faucet with the water running over it.", "A girl leans over into the sink and washes her curly hair under the tap." ]
[ "一名穿着蓝色上衣的小女孩,正在使用水龙头冲洗头发。", "一个身穿蓝色上衣的人在水龙头下洗头。", "一个黑色卷发男生对着水龙头洗头。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着蓝色衣服的人正在洗头。", "一个人弯着腰在水龙头下面冲洗着头发。", "一个小女孩正在水槽里用水冲洗着头发。", "一个穿蓝色衣服的女人在水龙头下的水槽里洗头发。", "一个男人把头放在水槽上,正在洗头。", "一个人正把头埋在洗脸池里用水龙头洗着头。", "一个女孩子斜着身子靠在水池旁,在水龙头下洗她的卷发。" ]
[ "A woman fixes her hair as music plays in the background.", "Woman pulls hair to the side, applies hair ointment, pulls hair up, fluffs back hairs and teases hair ends.", "A woman runs her fingers through her hair in front of a flag.", "A lady demonstrates how to attain a high bun hairstyle.", "A women stands while preparing her hair in front of a camera.", "A black woman with a bathrobe on looking at the camera doing her hair with Caribbean music in the background", "A woman is coloring her hair and putting color on different parts of her hair.", "A young women is brushing her hair and then curling it up with long or stick rolling", "A women is showing how to do her hair in the bathroom.", "A woman is moisturizing her hair by making sections and working the cream into the hair." ]
[ "一个女人在屋子里反复用手抓弄着投自己的头发。", "一个黑皮肤的女人正在打理着她的头发。", "一个正在用手梳理头发并将其固定在头上。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个身穿白衣服的女人弄头发。", "室内一个女人双手在快速做着发型。", "在音乐播放时, 一个身穿浴衣的黑人女子看着镜头,并摆弄着她的头发。", "一个穿着粉色衣服的女人正在打理她的头发。", "一个年轻的女孩正在对着镜子梳着头发。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的女人正在展示如何做头发。", "一个女人对着镜头正在盘弄着自己的头发。" ]
[ "In a bathroom, a man is leaning down over a sink as he pours water on his head.", "A man is leaning over the bathroom sink wetting his head with with water.", "A man is demonstrating how he takes care of his hair.", "A man is demonstrating how to do some sort of hairstyle using just water from the sink.", "A young man is directing people to put water on our hair to tame it .", "A man is putting water on his head and talking.", "A man is washing his hair in a bathroom sink while he explains how he does it.", "A man is rubbing water from the sinking on his head.", "A young man in a bathroom showing how to wet down your hair.", "A man demonstrates how he wets his hair in the sink carefully/" ]
[ "在洗手间里,一个穿着黑色上衣的男人在洗头。", "一个大男人在洗漱间正在洗头发。", "一个穿着黑色短袖的男人趴在水龙头下边洗头。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的男人正在洗手池上洗头。", "一个人弯腰低头在洗手池旁,他从水龙头下接水洗头。", "一个男人正在把水放在他的头上,并在说话。", "一个男人在浴室水槽里洗头发,一边在说着话。", "一个人正在把下沉的水擦在头上洗头。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人用凉水洗头。", "一个男人演示他如何小心地将头发浸在水池中。" ]
[ "Two little kids are washing their hair in the bathtub.", "Two small children are sitting in the bathtub with soap in their hair.", "Two children bathe in a bathtub while a person sits outside the bathtub and talks.", "Two kids are in the tub taking a shower while their dad speaks to them", "Two kids are in the tub and the dad tells them how to wash their hair.", "A man questions two bathing children if they got all of their hair as they have soapy heads and hands.", "Dad is teaching the kids on the proper way to shampoo their hair.", "Two toddler in the bathtub playing with the water and washing their hair.", "Two children are in a bathtub together and washing their hair.", "Two kids in a bath tub wash their hair with shampoo." ]
[ "两个宝宝,坐在浴缸里,洗头发,头发上都是泡泡。", "浴缸里两名赤裸的小朋友正在洗澡。", "两个小孩坐在浴缸里给自己洗着头发。", "在一个明亮的房间,两个小孩在浴缸里洗澡。", "两个孩子坐在浴缸里头自己洗着头。", "两个小孩在洗澡,头发和手上涂满了肥皂,一个男人在和他们说话。", "一个人正在浴室里教两个小孩子如何正确的洗头发。", "两个小孩子在浴缸里一边玩水一边洗头发。", "两个孩子一起在浴室的浴缸里洗着头发。", "浴缸里的两个孩子用洗发水洗头发。" ]
[ "A young girl getting her hair washed at a salon.", "A small child has their hair washed at the salon by a hairdresser.", "A little girl has her head in a sink at a salon having her hair washed.", "A child at a salon getting their hair washed in a salon chair by an adult.", "A young girl is s shown getting her hair shampooed at a hair salon.", "A person scrubbing a child's hair, washing it with shampoo.", "A young man is having his hair washed at the beauty salon.", "A man washing a kids hair in a salon while she talks.", "A child is getting their hair washed in a salon sink while talking about it.", "A child that is talking loudly while having their hair washed in a large sink." ]
[ "一个男子在帮一个躺着的小女孩在洗头。", "一个穿着蓝色裤子的女人躺在椅子上洗头。", "一个人给一个身穿黑色上衣躺着的小孩子洗头。", "一个人正在给一个小女孩洗她的头发。", "一个人躺着,头发搭在洗头池里,一双手正在洗着头发。", "洗发人员正在用洗发水帮小男孩清洗他的头发。", "一个小孩子正躺在美容院里让别人给他洗头发。", "一个男人在她说话的时候在沙龙里洗孩子的头发。", "一个孩子在谈论这件事的时候,正在一个沙龙水槽里洗头。", "大声说话的孩子,当他们的头发在大水盆里洗的时候大声说话。" ]
[ "A man is having his hair washed by a man at a beauty salon", "a man is showing himself getting some type of head shampoo massage", "A person is washing a gentleman's hair in a hair salon.", "A man has his head in a sink and is having his hair washed by a woman.", "At a barbershop, a man lays back as he has his hair washed and he socializes.", "A man lies down while a person lathers his head.", "A man is getting his hair washed at a salon", "A man gets his head shampooed in a salon sink while saying he should instagram it.", "A man is getting his hair washed at a salon by a woman.", "A man gets his hair washed and massaged at a salon." ]
[ "一个身穿黑色衣服的人在给一个大胡子的男人洗头。", "一个黑人男子在洗头,帮他洗头的和他在聊天,洗头男很享受地躺着。", "在理发店里,一个人在为一个男人洗头发。", "一个房间里,一个人正在给另一个黑人洗头。", "在一个房间里,有一个人正在帮另外一个男人洗头发。", "一个人正在给一个躺着的男人洗头。", "一个人正在给另一个黑色皮肤的男人洗头。", "一个男人在沙龙水槽里洗头,同时说他应该用它来修理它。", "一个男人正在一家沙龙里被一个女人洗头。", "一个男人正在享受美发沙龙的洗头和按摩。" ]
[ "A woman rinses her hair in the sink while another talks in the background.", "A woman is washing her hair in a sink while another woman talks about it.", "A woman is washing her hair in a sink, as another woman narrates.", "A female is washing her hair in a kitchen sink while an unseen female talks in the background.", "An older lady washing her hair because there was paint.", "A woman lathers and washes her hair in a metal sink.", "A woman with blonde hair is shown lathering up her hair and rinsing it over a sink", "a older woman is standing over the kitchen sink washing her hair", "A woman with curly blond hair is washing her hair in the sink.", "A person is bent over a sink washing their hair" ]
[ "一个人正在水池用洗发水清洗着自己的头发。", "一个女人挤着洗发露,并在洗手台前洗头发。", "洗手池里,有一金发美女正在洗头发。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在水槽边洗头发。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在洗着头发。", "一位妇女在卫生间的金属水槽里洗头发。", "一个金发女人低着头在一个水槽上冲洗着她的头发。", "一个女人正站在厨房的水槽边上洗头发。", "一个有卷曲金发的女人正在水槽里洗她的头发。", "一个女人弯着腰在水槽上洗她黄色的头发。" ]
[ "A mom is laughing as she is giving her newborn a hair washing.", "A girl is holding a baby doll near a sink and washing its hair.", "A parent gives a sleeping baby a bath over a sink.", "A girl is holding a baby over the sink and pouring water over their hair.", "A woman is bathing a sleeping baby over the bathroom sink", "A redheaded woman washing a baby's hair over a bathroom sink with another woman watching.", "A person was holding a baby and washing its head in a basin", "A girl is washing the hair of a doll in the sink.", "A woman holds a baby at a sink as she rinses its hair with water.", "A women practices washing a baby's hair using a doll over a sink." ]
[ "一个女人正托着一个小孩子的头部,给他洗着头发。", "房间里一个肩披长发的女人在给一个婴儿洗头。", "一个穿格子衣服的女子,抱着一个婴儿用杯子帮她洗头。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的女人正在给婴儿洗头。", "明亮的房间内,一个女人,在给小孩洗头。", "一个红发女人在浴室水池前给婴儿洗头时,旁边观看的女人发出了笑声。", "一个女子抱着一个婴儿在洗脸盆里洗头。", "一个穿格子上衣的女人在面盆边上给一个小娃娃洗头,同时还在说话。", "一个长发女人在给一个穿着白色衣服的婴儿洗头。", "一位女士左手托着婴儿,右手拿着杯子在给婴儿洗头。" ]
[ "A man washes a baby's hair in the sink and then dries his hair.", "At a sink, a man washes a baby's hair as the baby lays on the counter.", "A man is washing a baby's hair in the sink in fastforward motion.", "A man washes a baby's hair in a sink in fast motion.", "A man is giving the baby a wash in the sink of the bathroom", "A man is washing the hair of a baby that is lying down next to the sink.", "A young man is washing a baby's hair and drying them off by a sink.", "A man washes a baby's hair in the bathroom sink then dries the baby's hair with a towel.", "A man washes an infant's hair while holding the baby at the bathroom sink", "A man is shown giving a shampoo and rinse treatment to a baby." ]
[ "一个男人小心翼翼地给小婴儿洗头,洗完后用纸巾擦干头发。", "一位奶爸正在给他的孩子洗头发擦头发。", "一个男的水龙头旁边给自己的孩子洗头发。", "一个穿红色上衣的男子正在给一个躺在台子上的小孩儿洗头发。", "一个男人在给洗手池上躺着的孩子洗头发。", "一个男人正在清洗躺在水槽旁边婴儿的头发。", "一个年轻的男人正在帮一位婴儿洗头发。", "一个男人在浴室的洗手盘里洗婴儿的头发,然后用毛巾把婴儿的头发擦干。", "一个穿着红色衣服的男人正在水槽旁给一个小婴儿洗头。", "在室内,一个穿短袖衣服的男人给婴儿正在洗澡。" ]
[ "In a salon,a person is is washing another persons head in a sink with shampoo.", "A young girl's hair is being washed at the salon by the professional hairdresser.", "A little boy has his hair washed before it gets cut by a stylist.", "A child is getting their hair washed at a hair salon sink by a woman.", "A young boy is at a hair salon getting his hair washed in the sink.", "A young boy is getting his hair washed by a lady, the lady is rinsing the soap remains that are in the boy's hair.", "A woman washes a child's hair in a black basin.", "A child is lying down while getting their hair washed at a salon.", "A young child lays back into a sink while a women uses a shower head to rinse out the suds from their hair.", "A small child is getting shampoo rinsed out of his hair." ]
[ "一个女人在给另一个可爱的躺着的小孩洗头。", "一个女人在给一个小孩子洗头发,小孩子安静的享受着。", "一个人躺在水池前,另一个人手里拿着喷头正在给躺着的人洗头。", "一个长头发的女子正在给一个小孩洗头发。", "一个穿着白色上衣的人正在给别人洗头。", "一名女子正在为一个小男孩冲洗头发上的肥皂。", "一个白色衣服的女人正在给一个小孩子冲洗头发。", "一个孩子躺在沙发上让别人给他洗头。", "一个小孩躺在水槽里,而女人则用淋浴头冲洗头发上的肥皂泡。", "在室内,一个人正在给一个小孩洗头发。" ]
[ "A mother is scrubbing her young sons head with shampoo.", "A person is seated and his head is being washed by the one standing", "A child is bent over having shampoo rubbed in his hair by an adult who stands above him.", "An adult is washing a small child's hair with soap outside.", "A boy bends over while another person lathers his head with shampoo.", "A woman lathers shampoo into a young boys hair as he stands bent over", "An adult is seen outdoors washing a young boys hair.", "A young child stands bent at the waist while another person lathers up there head with soap.", "A little boy is having his hair washed outdoors by an adult.", "A person is using her hands to massage the hair of a man that has shampoo on it." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色裤子的小男孩弯着腰在洗头。", "一个女人在帮另一个赤裸着上身的小男孩洗头。", "一名男士在帮助一个小孩子涂抹洗头膏清洗头发。", "一个人正在给另一个光着脚的人洗头。", "一双手正在给一个弯着腰的人洗头。", "一个女人弯着腰给一个年轻的男孩洗头发。", "一个成年人在户外给一个小男孩洗头。", "一个小孩腰弯腰,另一个人用洗头膏洗头。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的男孩再被另个一个人洗头。", "一个人用她的双手按摩男人的头发。" ]
[ "A lady massages shampoo into her hair and describes the benefits of it.", "A woman demonstrates how to wash her hair with a special soap.", "A woman is applying soap to her hair and discussing the proper technique.", "A lady is massaging her hair with shampoo while talking.", "A girl is showing how she suds up and washes her hair.", "A woman talks to the camera as she lathers her hair with shampoo.", "A woman has her hair piled up on her head and she is lathering a white foam into her hair.", "The woman is making a video about washing her hair.", "A woman looks into the camera and demonstrates shampoo lathering to get out product.", "Woman with soaped hair is massaging it in with both hands" ]
[ "一个女子在用洗发水搓着头发,肩膀上搭着一块毛巾。", "一个肩上挂了一条白色毛巾的女人在弄着头上的泡沫。", "一个穿短袖的女人正在镜子前洗头发。", "在一个房间里,一个戴着耳环的女子在洗头。", "一个女人正在用双手洗头,并且洗头的时候边说着话。", "一名女子对着镜头展示她如何用洗发水洗头。", "一个女人用手抓着她满是泡沫的头发。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的女子在边洗头边对着镜头讲话。", "一位女士看着镜头,展示洗发水的皂沫塑料以便拿出产品。", "一个女人在房间里把洗发水放在头发上用双手按摩它。" ]
[ "someone is in the kitchen listening to music and washing their hair", "A person is washing there hair in the sink with water.", "A woman leans over a kitchen sink and washes her hair.", "A black person applies a hair product to his/her hair in a kitchen sink.", "A man is holding his head over a sink and putting some kind of cream in it.", "A person is standing over their kitchen sink washing their hair.", "A person washing their long dark hair in a kitchen sink.", "A young man washes his hair over a kitchen sink", "A young woman washes her hair in the sink while music plays in the background.", "A person stands over a sink, puts shampoo into their hand, spreads it in their hair and scrubs." ]
[ "房间内的水池上,一个女人,在往头上涂抹洗发液。", "一个黑人在水池前低着头,用手搓着头发。", "一个穿着绿色迷彩上衣的人在水管前面洗头。", "一名身穿绿色迷彩上衣的男子,正在房间内洗头。", "一个黑人挤出了洗发水,开始洗头发。", "一个人站在厨房的水槽边正在洗头。", "一个女子在厨房的水龙头下面洗着她的头发。", "一个年轻人在厨房的水槽里洗头。", "一个穿着迷彩衣服的男人正在洗着自己的头发。", "一个人站在一个水槽旁,把洗发水放进他们的手里,把它涂在头发上和擦洗。" ]
[ "A black man is showing off his shampoo head when in the shower.", "A man shampooing his hair with one hand and looking in the mirror.", "A man works shampoo into his hair and scalp in the shower.", "A man is putting shampoo in his hair and scrubbing his scalp.", "A man is standing in the shower and shampooing his hair.", "A man is using his hands to lather up his hair while in the shower.", "A young man uses shampoo to scrub his hair in the shower.", "A man uses his fingers to rub a substance into his hair.", "In a shower, a man washes his hair with shampoo.", "A young man washes his hair while looking into the camera." ]
[ "一个人正在一边洗着头一边说着话。", "一个外国男人在用洗发水洗自己的头发。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个男人在洗头。", "一个下巴有胡子的男子正在用手揉搓自己的头发。", "一个卷头发的男人在洗头,他的头上有很多泡沫。", "一个男人在洗澡的时候用肥皂洗他的头发。", "一个男人正在把洗发水涂抹到头发上。", "一个男人正在一个浴室里对着镜头洗着自己的头发。", "在洗澡的时候, 一个男人用洗发水洗头发。", "一个短头发的男子一边说话一边洗头发。" ]
[ "Shows a older person washing the long hair of a girl who is standing in the shower with her clothes on.", "A man is rubbing conditioner into a woman's hair in the shower.", "a woman is having her hair washed and conditioned by a man.", "A man in a bathroom is applying shampoo and washing the hair of a woman", "The lady is getting her very long nice hair a good shampoo.", "A man is rubbing hair conditioner in a woman's hair.", "Woman with long hair sits in shower while another person tends to her hair.", "A young girl has her hair shampooed inside to music.", "A man is pouring soap on a person's hair and starts to wash it.", "A woman is getting her hair washed at salon with a man doing it." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的人在帮别人洗头发。", "一个男人在给一个肩披长发女子洗头。", "在房间里,一个男人在为一个女人洗头发。", "一个穿着短袖的人对着一个坐在凳子上的女子在洗头发。", "一个穿白色衣服的男人给一个长发女人头上倒洗发乳,正在给她洗头。", "一个人正在给一个女人的头发擦护发素。", "有长发的女人会在洗澡时,另一个人则会帮她梳理头发。", "随着音乐一个年轻的女孩将她的头发上的洗头膏洗掉了。", "一个男人正在把肥皂倒在一个女人的头发上。", "一间浴室里,一个男人将一些白色的额粘稠物挤在一个长发女人头上。" ]
[ "A couple of children giving their baby brother a bath.", "A baby is sitting in a tub while two girls stand by him.", "Two small childern are bathing another small child in a bath tub.", "An infant boy is sitting in a baby bath within a fitted bath while two toddler females help to bath him.", "A bunch of toddlers playing in the tub with each other.", "Two girls play with a younger boy who is taking a bath.", "Two young girls help to bathe their younger brother by pouring water on him.", "A little girl is pouring water over a little boy in a bath tub and another little girl is helping.", "Two small children help bathe a toddler in a tub who is playing with toys.", "Two small children attempt to bath a baby as he sets in the bathtub." ]
[ "有三个小朋友在浴室玩耍,一个小男孩坐在浴缸里,另一个小女孩用手摸男孩的头发。", "两个小女孩帮助坐在浴盆中的小宝宝洗澡,小宝宝玩着水中的玩具。", "两个小女孩在浴缸旁正在给浴缸里的婴儿洗澡。", "一个小宝宝坐在洗澡池里面。外面还站着两个小宝宝在和他一起玩耍。", "一个小孩子坐在儿童浴盆里,两个小女孩站在旁边。", "两个小女孩正在给一个在浴缸里的婴儿洗澡。", "两个小女孩在给一个坐在澡盆里的小孩洗澡。", "一个小女孩正在给一个在浴缸里的小男孩洗澡, 另一个小女孩在帮忙。", "两个小孩子帮一个躺在浴缸里玩玩具的小孩洗澡。", "两个小女孩试图给一个在浴缸里的婴儿洗澡。" ]
[ "A woman was applying relaxing cream on her hair and massaging it", "An attractive young woman demonstrates the application of conditioner in her hair.", "A woman scrubs her hair and then a caption is shown.", "A person demonstrates how to thoroughly wash hair and then condition it.", "A woman is loosening his very curly hair with her hands", "A young lady putting conditioner in her hair and mixing it in..", "A woman shows her hair by running her fingers through it as music plays.", "A person is applying conditioner to their hair and rubbing it into their scalp.", "A person uses their fingers to rub conditioner through their hair.", "A woman looks into a mirror as she washes her hair with conditioner." ]
[ "一个人用手在不停地拨弄自己的头发。", "一卷发女子搓洗自己的头发,头上还有洗发露。", "一个女人在不停地用手揉搓着自己的头发。", "一女士正在用手拨弄着自己的黑色卷发。", "一个女士在不停的摆弄她的发型。", "一位年轻女士在用护发素清洗她的头发。", "一位年轻的女子随着音乐声抓着她的头发。", "一个女人在头发上涂护发素,并将其均匀的涂抺到头发上。", "一个人用手指抚摩护发素.并用手梳理着头发。", "一个女人正在用两手不停抓挠她的头发。" ]
[ "A woman is washing her hair in a kitchen sink while piano music is playing.", "A man rinses his hair under a tap in a kitchen sink.", "A girl rinses her long hair under a sink faucet.", "A woman is washing her hair in the sink.", "A person is washing his or her hair in a kitchen sink.", "A person has head under kitchen faucet, turns head, and uses hands to squeeze water around scalp.", "A man is washing his hair out in a kitchen sink while soft piano jazz music plays.", "The lady is carefully washing her hair on the kitchen sink.", "A person bent over a sink washing there hair while music plays .", "A woman is washing and rinsing her hair in the kitchen sink." ]
[ "一个穿着黑色衣服的女人在水池里洗头发。", "理发店里,一个穿着黑色衣服的男人正在水龙头下洗头发。", "女子正在对着水龙头冲洗着自己的头发。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人在水池边洗头。", "有一个人站在洗手洗旁边正在给自己洗头。", "一个人在厨房的水龙头下面,转头,然后用手挤压头皮周围的水。", "一个男人在厨房的水槽里洗头发,并响起着爵士音乐。", "这名女士正在厨房里的水槽中仔细地洗着头发。", "一个人俯身在水池边洗头发,一边放着音乐。", "一个女人趴在水槽上用水龙头上流出的水冲洗自己的头发。" ]
[ "A little girl gets her hair washed in a salon and she scratches her face.", "A child gets her hair washed in a beauty saloon.", "A child closing there eyes and wiping their face as they get their hair washed.", "A little girl is getting her hair washed while at a salon.", "A young child is sitting in a chair getting their hair washed.", "A young girl is getting her hair shampooed by another woman.", "A young girl with her eyes closed is talking to an adult as her hair is being washed at what appears to be a beauty salon.", "The little kids seems to be irritated as the lady shampoos his hair on the sink.", "A little girl is getting her hair shampooed at a hair salon.", "A child is getting their hair washed by a women" ]
[ "在一个房间里,一个女人在给一个小女孩洗头。", "一个人正在为一个小朋友洗着头发。", "一个女人在为一个可爱的小男孩洗头发。", "一个披白色毛巾的小孩躺着被人洗着头发。", "一个人正在给躺在洗头床上的小孩洗头,小孩满头泡沫,一会儿揉鼻子一会儿搓脸。", "一个年轻的女孩正在为另一个女人洗头发。", "一个女人正在帮一个小孩子洗着头发。", "当这位女士在水池上洗头发时,孩子们似乎很恼火。", "一个小女孩正在一家美发沙龙洗头发,擦拭了脸周围的泡沫并说着话。", "一个孩子正在被一个女人洗头,眯着眼睛嘴里说着话。" ]
[ "On girl is leaning over the edge of a tub as another girl washes her hair.", "A girl is attempting to wash another girls hair in a bathtub while another girl records.", "A person hold the hair of a woman in front of her while washing her hair", "Two women are leaning over a bath tub, one woman is washing the hair of the second woman.", "A woman is washing another woman's hair over a bathtub.", "A woman washes another woman's hair in a bathtub under a running faucet.", "A woman is running her hair under a tub drain as another woman washes her hair.", "a person bending down helping another girl wash and clean their hair", "A girl is helping another girl rinse her hair in a bathtub after dying it.", "One woman is helping rinse the hair of another woman while talking about dying hair." ]
[ "一个短裤女子在给一个穿紫色衣服的女子洗头发,旁边她们的朋友正在笑。", "一个身穿白色上衣的女子在浴缸旁边为一个身穿紫色上衣的女子洗头。", "一个穿着无袖背心的人在水池里给另一个人洗头。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个穿着浅色衣服的女人在给一个穿着花裙子的女人洗头。", "澡盆前,一个人站着弯腰在给一个跪地上头、伸到澡盆里的人洗头。", "一个人在浴缸里用水龙头给另一个女人洗头发。", "一个女人洗头发时,另一个女人在浴盆旁边梳理她的头发。", "一个人弯腰帮助另一个女孩洗脸和清洁头发。", "一个女孩正在帮助另一个女孩在浴缸里冲洗她的头发。", "一个女子正在给一个人洗头发,并且一直在说笑。" ]
[ "A newborn baby has its hair washed in a sink while it cries.", "A new born baby is being held near the sink and is having their hair washed.", "A newborn baby is being washed in a sink while two people talk.", "a newborn baby is crying because it's getting it's hair shampooed", "A person holds a baby near a sink as they wash its hair.", "A woman carefully shampoos the hair of a newborn child.", "An adult is washing the hair of a baby, who is sleeping, under a sink as she rubs soap suds into the head.", "a mom his holding her newborn and giving her head a wash in the sink.", "Someone is washing a baby's hair with water in a sink.", "Someone giving the little baby a shop in the bathroom sink." ]
[ "一个人正在给才出生没多久的小宝宝洗头。", "一个人正在给刚出生的婴儿洗头发。", "在水池旁,一个女人在为小婴儿洗头发。", "一个戴手套的手正在水池边给一个小婴儿洗头。", "室内有一个戴着塑料手套的人,一只手抱着一个小婴儿,另一只手在给小婴儿洗头。", "一个女人正在小心翼翼的给一个新生儿洗头发。", "一个成年人正在给一个睡觉的婴儿用肥皂水清洗头发。", "一个妈妈抱着她的新生儿,在水槽里洗头。", "有人正在水槽里用水洗婴儿的头发。", "有人在浴室的水槽里给了这个小宝宝洗头。" ]
[ "A cheerful young girl gets her hair washed at the barber shop.", "A little girl is sitting and showing her hair and someone is washing it", "A child is having her hair washed in a glossy black sink at a salon.", "A little girl getting her hair wash while the stylist asked her what shampoo she wants.", "The woman was talking to the little girl while she washed her hair.", "A small girl is having her hair washed in a basin at a hair salon.", "A little girl with her head backwards in a sink and an adult is talking to her.", "A white young girl getting her hair wash in a salon sink.", "A child looks up while sitting at the shampoo bowl at the hairdresser and talks to the hair sylist.", "A little girl drips her hair in water while she talks to her mother." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个人,在给一个躺在水池边的小女孩洗头。", "一个人正在给一个穿着粉色衣服,金色头发的小女孩洗头。", "在一个房子里。一个穿着粉色衣服的小女孩正在洗头。", "一个小孩身穿着彩色的衣服在洗头发。", "一个小女孩正在洗头,同时小女孩在与理发员聊天。", "一个小女孩正在美发沙龙的洗发池里洗头发。", "一个小女孩正在躺着洗头,旁边的人一直在不停的和她说话。", "一个白人小女孩在躺着用喷头洗她的金色长发。", "一个孩子坐在理发室里一边洗头一边说话。", "一个小女孩在和她妈妈说话的时候把头发放在水里。" ]
[ "A woman is putting water on a babies hair while another woman watches.", "The lady is learning how to give her new born baby a bath.", "A woman is washing a little baby's hair as another woman watches nearby.", "A woman is washing a babies hair while another woman watches.", "A woman is pouring water over a baby's head with her hands.", "A baby sleeping while getting his hair washed by a woman.", "Two women talk as one washes the hair on a baby's head.", "Two women are talking while one woman is washing a baby's hair.", "In a kitchen, a woman holds a baby and washes his hair while speaking to another woman.", "a woman is giving a baby a bath while the baby is sleeping" ]
[ "一个穿着紫色衣服的女人正在帮一个婴儿洗头。", "一个女人看着另一个女人正在给婴儿洗头发。", "一个穿着紫色衣服的女子,左手抱着一个裹着白色衣服的小宝宝,右手沾着水给小宝宝洗头,旁边的另一女子,双手插兜面带微笑的看着。", "一个女子在抱着一个小宝宝给她洗头发。", "一个穿着紫色背心的女人正在给一个睡着的小孩洗头,旁边一个穿橘色衣服的女人正看着她们。", "一个女人正在观看另一个女人给一个小婴儿在洗头发。", "在室内,一个女人抱着一个婴儿在洗头,一个女人在旁边看着。", "两个女人站在一起和另一个人在说话, 而其中一个穿紫色背心的女人在洗婴儿的头发。", "一个穿着紫色上衣的女人在给一个婴儿洗头。", "一位妇女在婴儿入睡时给婴儿洗头发。" ]
[ "A young girl is shampooing the hair of her Barbie doll.", "A girl is talking while washing a Barbie doll's hair.", "A little girl washers her barbie's hair in a sink with soap.", "Two children demonstrate washing barbie doll hair in the sink.", "A person is washing the hair of a barbie doll using hair products.", "A girl washes her Barbie doll's hair with her friends help as they talk.", "Two girls are washing their Barbie dolls' hair over a sink.", "Two children are washing a Barbie's hair with soap in a sink.", "A girl gives her Barbie doll a bath and shampoos its hair.", "In a bathroom of a house, a young lady is explaing how to wash your barbie doll´s hair." ]
[ "两个小朋友在洗手盆里清洗芭比娃娃。", "两个人在洗漱台上帮洋娃娃洗头发。", "两个小女孩拿着一个芭比娃娃放在水盆里冲洗。", "一双手正在不停的触摸一个芭比娃娃的头发。", "在房间内,一双手,正跟一个芭比娃娃玩耍。", "一个女孩正在朋友们的帮助下一起洗她芭比娃娃的头发。", "两个女孩正在水池边洗他们的芭比娃娃的头发。", "两个孩子正在水槽边用肥皂洗一个芭比娃娃的头发。", "一个女孩给她的芭比娃娃正在洗澡和洗头发。", "一个人正在房间给一个洋娃娃洗头发。" ]
[ "A woman is washing a mans hair over a bath tub and talking to a young boy.", "a little kid next to someone that is washing their hair with the help of another", "A little boy is smiling while, a woman washes another person's hair.", "A boy is smiling at the camera, then a lady washes another boys hair in the tub.", "A woman washes another person's hair in the bathtub with a spray attachment.", "Several children are in a bathroom washing their hair bent over in a tub.", "The child is getting a shampoo on the tub, as mom does it and the brother watches.", "A brother and sister are washing their hair with a hose in the bathtub.", "A mother has brought her two sons into the bedroom so she can use the bathtub to collect the water as she washes her sons hair using a plastic tube with a nozzle to pour the water over their heads.", "A woman is washing a boy's hair over a stationary tub." ]
[ "一个女人愉快地在帮另一个人清洗头发。", "一名女子在帮一个男子用花洒洗头发。", "一个穿着红色背心的人正在帮另一个人洗头。", "一个穿着粉色上衣的女人正在给一个穿着灰色上衣的女人洗头发。", "一个光着上身的还在微笑,一个穿粉色衣服的人在给另一个人洗头。", "有几个孩子在浴室里,一个人在拿着水龙头给另一个人洗头。", "一个女子正在帮一个男孩洗头发,另一个男孩在旁边看着。", "一个女人正在浴缸里为一个男人洗头旁边还有人在看着。", "一个穿粉色上衣的女子在给一个男孩洗头发。", "一个女人正在浴缸里给一个男人洗头,一个小男孩儿站在旁边观看。" ]
[ "A person holdsva small baby with one hand while combing shampoo through their hair before they put the baby's head under the faucet of the sink to rinse the shampoo out.", "A tiny baby wrapped in a towel has his head and hair cleaned.", "A newborn baby has their hair gently washed under the sink tap.", "A woman is using a yellow brush and a sink to wash a baby.", "A woman is giving a newborn baby a bath in a sink.", "A mom washes the hair of her baby; gently combing it.", "A nurse washes a newborn babies hair while wearing gloves.", "a new baby being held and getting its hair washed and combed.", "A baby's shampooed hair is combed with a comb and then rinsed out underneath a sink.", "A little bundeled up baby getting his hair washed and combed over a sink." ]
[ "一个穿白色上衣的的人手里拿着梳子再给一个婴儿梳头。", "一位女士在给一个小婴儿梳头洗头。", "一个人正在用梳子给婴儿梳头发,后又用水冲洗。", "一个女人正在给一个婴儿洗头,婴儿在哭。", "在一个房间里,有一个女人抱着宝宝正在洗头。", "一位母亲给婴儿洗头发并轻轻地梳理它。", "一位护士戴着手套在给新生婴儿洗头。", "一个新的婴儿被抱着, 并进行它的头发洗和梳理。", "婴儿头上的洗发水用梳子梳理, 然后在水槽下面冲洗出来。", "一个人手里抱着一个小婴儿用另一只手上的梳子梳理婴儿的头发然后用水槽的水管给婴儿冲洗。" ]
[ "A girl has her head in a salon shampoo bowl as someone else washes it.", "A woman with her eyes shut is getting her hair washed by someone.", "A woman has her hair shampooed by a stylist in a salon.", "A woman with red hair is laying back and getting her hair shampooed.", "A girl has her head in a sink as a woman washes her hair with shampoo.", "Someone is getting their hair washed in a professional salon environment with a hairdresser, a sink and towels.", "A woman gets her hair washed in a black sink by another person.", "A woman is getting her hair washed at a beauty parlor.", "Woman with her head over a stylist sink having her hair shampoo'd by another person.", "A girl is getting her hair washed by someone's hands over a sink." ]
[ "一名身穿绿色衣服的女子正躺着洗发台上洗着头。", "一名理发师在给一位女顾客洗头发。", "一个穿绿色上衣的女子正躺着被另一个人洗着头。", "一个房间里,一个人正在给一个女人洗头发。", "有一个女人躺在那里,旁边有一个人正在帮女人洗头。", "一个人正在给一个躺着的小男孩在洗头发。", "一个女人正在被另外一个人服务着洗头发。", "一位女士正在室内美容院里洗头发。", "一个穿绿色衣服的女人在理发间洗头发。", "一个女孩闭着眼睛躺在水池旁,一双手在帮她洗头发。" ]
[ "A woman is washing a childs hair in a small bath tub.", "A woman is washing a young boy's hair over a tub.", "The two woman are giving the baby boy a bath while he plays with his truck.", "Someone holding a baby while a woman rinses its hair with water", "A woman washes a babies hair while he holds a green toy car.", "A woman bathing her young baby using a wet rag.", "A person held a baby while his head was washed by another person into the basin", "The little boy is getting a shampoo with his head on the basin of water.", "A woman is giving a baby a bath in the sink.", "A person holding a child while a woman is washing his hair." ]
[ "一个人抱着手里拿玩具的孩子,另一个人在帮这个小孩洗头。", "一个女人用毛巾蘸水帮一个小宝宝洗头。", "在房间内一个短发的女人正在给一个小孩儿洗头发。", "一个女人抱着一个小孩另一个女人正在为这个孩子洗头发。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人正在给小孩洗头。", "一个女人正在给一个躺着的小孩洗头发。", "一个人抱着一个婴儿,而他的头正在被另一个人放在盆前洗头。", "一个小男孩手里难着一个玩具,一个中年妇女在给他洗头。", "一位妇女正在水池里用毛巾给婴儿洗澡。", "一个人抱着孩子, 而一个女人正在给孩子洗头。" ]
[ "A young girl turns on the water at a sink.", "A little girl is standing at a sink cleaning a toy's hair.", "A young girl washes at item at a bathroom sink which is set into a marble counter.", "a little girl at a sink washing a doll's hair", "A girl is in a bathroom and she is cleaning her dolls pink hair.", "A young girl shows how she fixes the hair of her doll.", "A girl washes her doll's hair in the sink as she speaks in a foreign language.", "A little girl is cleaning an object using soap at the sink.", "A girl is in a bathroom washing the hair of a doll in a sink.", "A young girl holds a toy in a sink and explains something while rinsing it." ]
[ "一个穿着白色衣服的小女孩,正在洗一个红色头发的娃娃。", "一个穿白色短袖的小女孩在洗脸盆前给她的娃娃洗澡。", "一个小女孩拿着芭比娃娃,打开水龙头冲洗它。", "一个穿着白色背心的小姑娘在水池里玩芭比娃娃。", "在一个明亮的房间内,一个小女孩,在用水管,洗芭比娃娃。", "一个女孩演示了如何整理洋娃娃的头发。", "一个小女孩在水槽里面整理洋娃娃的头发。", "一个小女孩正在水槽里用肥皂清洗一个玩具。", "一个穿白色背心的女孩儿正在清洗娃娃的头发。", "一个年轻女孩拿着一个玩具在水槽里, 一边洗东西一边解释。" ]
[ "A child turns on sink faucet, washes hands while singing.", "A young girl washing her hands and sings a song while doing it.", "A little girl sings as she wets her hands, get some soap and washes them.", "A young girl is washing her hands in the bathroom sink and singing about it and dancing all the while.", "A young girl is washing her hands in a sink and uses liquid hand soap.", "A small child is washing her hands and singing while the water is running.", "A girl turns on the water in the bathroom and washes her hands.", "A young girl is singing and dancing while washing her hands in a bathroom.", "A child, in front of the mirror, is explaining how to turn on the water and pump soap to wash her hands.", "a little girl in the kitchen talking to herself and dancing as she is washing her hands" ]
[ "在洗手间,一个小女孩围着洗手台悠闲的洗手。", "一个小女孩儿在洗手台欢快的洗手。", "一个小女孩打开水洗手,一边唱着什么一边挤洗手液。", "一个穿花衣服的小女孩站在水池边洗手。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个穿着紫色的衣服的小孩,正在洗手。", "一个小孩子在水池边照着镜子边洗手边唱歌。", "一个女孩打开洗手间的水龙头洗手。", "一个年轻的女孩正在浴室里边唱边跳的洗着小手。", "一个孩子,在镜子前,正在解释如何用肥皂洗手。", "一个小女孩在洗手间洗手,并且跳舞。" ]
[ "Someone is washing their hands and gets soap out of a dispenser.", "A person showing how to wash your hands and arms the right way .", "A person is washing his hands in a sink and demonstrating proper use of soap to clean his hands.", "A person is washing their hands in a restroom while a video explains good cleaning habits.", "A person washed the hand under the tap water and get some soap from the dispenser to lather the hand", "A man is washing his hands thoroughly with soap and water.", "A person is wetting their hands and washing them with soap.", "A person is demonstrating how to wash your hands with hot water and soap.", "A lesson on the correct way to wash your hands after using the restroom.", "A person is washing their hands using foam soap and using the water from the sink" ]
[ "一个穿绿色衣服的人用洗手液在洗手。", "一个人在带有纸巾和洗手液的水池洗手。", "一个人正在用水龙头旁的自动洗手液机洗手。", "一个穿绿色短袖的人在水龙头面前洗手。", "有一个穿着绿色上衣的人站在洗手池旁边正在洗手。", "一个身穿荧光色衣服的男人正用肥皂和水彻底将手清洗干净。", "一个人正在示范正确的使用洗手液和水清洁自己的双手。", "一个人正在示范如何用热水和肥皂洗手。", "关于使用洗手间后洗手的正确方法的一课。", "一个人正在用泡沫肥皂洗手, 然后用水槽里的水洗手。" ]
[ "A young girl washes her hands with soap and water while at a sink and speaks about it.", "A little girl explains how to properly wash your hands with soap.", "A young girl is standing in front of a sink washing her hands with a bar of soap.", "A girl uses a bar of soap to get her hands soapy.", "A little girl uses soap to thoroughly wash her hands.", "A young girl demonstrates her hand washing technique at a bathroom sink", "A girl stands at a bathroom sink washing her hands with a bar of soap.", "a girl at the sink washing her hand rubbing soap over her hand.", "A little girl is washing her hands at a sink with soap.", "A young girl is washing her hand at the sink with a bar of soap." ]
[ "一个长发小女孩在洗手池前用香皂搓手。", "一个小女孩在展示她是如何用肥皂洗手的。", "一个小女孩在水池旁拿着肥皂洗手。", "一个小女孩正在用一块香皂涂抹着自己的双手。", "一个小女孩用水沾湿香皂,然后拿着香皂搓洗着双手。", "一个年轻的女孩在浴室的水槽里演示她的洗手方法。", "一个女孩站在浴室的水池边,用一块肥皂洗手。", "一个女孩在水槽边用肥皂洗她的手。", "一个小女孩在一个水槽用肥皂洗她的手很高兴。", "一个女子手上拿着肥皂正在洗着她的手。" ]
[ "a lady wearing purple stands next to a sink to wash her hands", "A WOMAN IN SCRUBS SHOWS HOW TO USE A PAPER TOWEL TO TURN OFF A FAUCET.", "A woman in scrubs is cleaning a sink with a paper towel and water.", "A woman uses a paper towel to turn off a sink, while explaining what she is doing.", "A woman uses a paper towel to turn off the faucet and talks about it.", "A women is demonstrating the proper way to wash your hands.", "A woman uses a napkin to demonstrate how one can use it to turn a water faucet on and off.", "A girl takes a wipe cloth and cleans the sink in a bathroom", "A woman is turning off a sink faucet with a towel talking about using it to not contaminate your hands.", "A woman is demonstrating how to clean a faucet and a sink." ]
[ "在洗手间里面,一个女子正在一边擦洗手台,一边讲解清洁的小知识。", "在一个房间里,一个穿着红色上衣的女人在拿着纸巾拧水管。", "一个女人拿着纸巾擦手,然后又关掉水龙头。", "有个穿着短袖戴着眼镜的女人用纸巾拧水龙头。", "洗手间里,一个女人用纸巾擦了下手,然后关上了水龙头。", "一位女士正在展示洗手的正确方法。", "一位女士用餐巾纸来演示如何使用它来打开和关闭水龙头。", "一个女孩正在拿着抹布擦洗浴室里的洗涤槽。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女士示范用纸巾打开水龙头。", "一位女士正在展示如何清洁水龙头和水槽。" ]
[ "A woman is instructing a man how to properly wash and dry his hands.", "A man is washing his hands in a sink while a lady instructs him.", "A WOMAN IS DESCRIBING HOW TO WASH HANDS USING A MALE MODEL.", "A person showing how to wash your hands the correct way .", "A woman is talking while a person washes hands in a bathroom sink and grabs a paper towel.", "A man washes his hands before going to grab a paper towel.", "A man with tattoos washes and dries his hands while a woman describes what he is doing.", "A training video on how one should properly wash and dry their hands", "The girl is showing a man how to properly wash and dry his hands.", "A man washes his hands in a sink while a woman narrates the process." ]
[ "在一间明亮的房间内,一个人,在洗手池边洗手。", "一个人在洗手盆上洗手,随后在一旁扯下纸巾擦干双手。", "一个女人在水龙头下面冲洗双手,然后用手纸擦干双手。", "一个手上有纹身的人,在水池里洗手。", "一个人在洗手盆前洗手,然后从旁边扯下纸张。", "一个人在冲洗过手之后抽了一张纸巾。", "当一名女子描述他正在做什么时,一名身上有纹身的男子会洗手并擦干手。", "关于如何正确洗手和擦干双手的培训视频,然后又擦手。", "一个男人在洗手池里洗手然后擦干他的手。", "一个人在水管下面正在在洗着她的手,并且撕了一张纸。" ]
[ "A person showing that they are washing there hands and playing in the water.", "A kid turns on the water and is washing his hands.", "A child turns on a bathroom sink, and places his hand under it and rinses his hand.", "A child runs water in a sink and rinse his hands under the tap.", "A person runs first one hand, then the other, under running water from a bathroom sink.", "A boy washing his hands in the water one by one.", "A guy is washing his hands in the bathroom sink", "A person is demonstration how to wash hands in a sink.", "A young child runs both hands under water at a sink", "A boy using the tap to wash his hands in the sink of the bathroom." ]
[ "洗手间里有一个人正打开水龙头在洗手。", "一个人在一个浴盆前面冲手,浴盆有三个喷水。", "一个人打开水龙头洗完左手后又洗右手。", "一个人打开水龙头都开关,正在洗手。", "一个人用水龙头的水先后洗了左右手。", "一个小男孩正在用水槽里的水龙头冲洗着手。", "一个人正在浴室的水槽里清洗双手。", "一个人正在洗水池里面演示如何正确的洗手。", "一个小男孩正在用水龙头洗自己的手。", "一个男孩在水龙头前的洗手池里洗手。" ]
[ "A man is bending over a sink washing his hands under water", "A person is in a bathroom washing their hands thoroughly.", "An individual is washing their hands by using soap and water.", "A person is washing their hands in the bathroom sink and turns the water off after.", "A person in the bathroom is washing their hands with soap.", "A man is washing his hands in a bathroom sink.", "A man is washing his hands with soap in a bathroom sink.", "Someone thoroughly washing their hands with soap in a bathroom sink", "A person is practicing their hands under running water in a bathroom sink", "A person is demonstrating washing their hands in a bathroom." ]
[ "一个人站在洗手台前用洗手液搓洗着手并用水冲干净。", "一个人开着水龙头在洗手,洗完后关了水龙头。", "一个人正在用水清洗着双手,然后关上了水龙头。", "一双手在流着水的水龙头下,来回的清洗着。", "一个人站在镜子跟前的洗脸池旁边洗手。", "一个男人正在浴室的水槽里洗手,洗完手后关掉了水笼头。", "在室内一个人站在洗手池边在洗手。", "有一个人,在浴室的水池里用肥皂洗手。", "一个人在浴室水池里的自来水下用肥皂洗手。", "一个人正在打开的水龙头前洗自己的手。" ]
[ "A little girl washes her hands in a sink in her bathroom.", "A little girl with an accent demonstrates how to properly wash your hands.", "A toddler stands at a bathroom sink washing their hands.", "A little girl is washing her hands as she tells how to do it.", "A girl washes her hands while explaining proper hand washing technique.", "A boy is washing his hands thoroughly with soap and water.", "A young girl learning how to wash her hands properly.", "I little girl is doing a demonstration on how well she knows how to wash her hands.", "A small child is showing how to properly do hand washing.", "A girl stood beside a wash basin and washed her hand into the basin" ]
[ "一个外国小朋友正在洗手池边洗手并不停说着话。", "一个小女孩在洗手池边仔细的洗着自己的双手。", "一个穿着条纹服装的小孩站在水池边洗手。", "一个穿着红色衣服的小女孩正在一个洗漱台前洗手。", "一个小孩搓搓沾满洗手液的双手,然后用水冲干净。", "在洗手间里,一个小男孩打着肥皂正在洗手。", "一个卷发女孩搓着手在手龙头面前洗手。", "一个女孩正在演示如何规范的洗手才能洗干净。", "一个穿着彩色条纹衣服的孩子在洗手池边洗手。", "一个女孩站在洗手池旁边,将手放在水龙头下冲洗。" ]
[ "A person gets soap from a dispenser, then rubs their hands next to a running faucet.", "A tutorial on how to properly wash your hands with soap and water", "A person sticks their hand under a soap dispenser and someone else pushed the button and then they wash their hands.", "A person is demonstrating how to wash her hands by putting soap on them and then rinsing under water at a sink.", "A woman puts soap in her hand from a dispenser, applies water from the sink, and then rubs the hands together.", "A woman puts soap on her hands, turns on the water and then scrubs her hands together.", "Someone gets soap from a dispenser on the wall and then turns on the water in a sink to wash their hands.", "A woman is putting soap onto her hands and then start to wash them under running water.", "A woman describes the amount of soap she is using to wash her hands.", "A woman puts soap on her hands, turns on a faucet, then rubs her hands together." ]
[ "一个女人在讲解并演示用洗手液洗手的正确方法。", "一个人把洗手液涂抹在手上,然后打开水龙头把手冲洗了一下。", "一个人用洗手液在水池里演示洗手。", "一个人用手挤了一点东西在手上,然后洗手。", "一个人在机器上按了一点洗手液,然后打开水龙头清洗自己的手。", "一名女子在手上放洗手液,然后打开水龙头,清洗双手。", "有人在墙上挤下了洗手液,然后打开水池里的水龙头洗手。", "一名女子正在将肥皂放在手上, 然后开始在自来水下清洗。", "一位女士描述了她用来洗手的肥皂量。", "一只手挤压墙上的洗手液,另一只手接住,然后打开水龙头,两只手搓了起来。" ]
[ "Hands are being washed in a bathroom sink, after water faucet is turned on.", "A person turns on a faucet on a sink then rubs their hands together under the running water", "A person is shown washing there hands in the bathroom in front of a mirror.", "A person turns on the cold water and rinses their hands beneath the faucet.", "A man turns on the faucet and washes both his hands.", "A person turning on water spigot and starting to wash hands.", "A woman turns on a bathroom faucet and rubs her hands in the water.", "The man turns on the faucet, and then rinses his hands together with the water.", "Someone is turning on the water and washing their hands in a bathroom sink.", "A person turns on water slow and washed there hands really gentle." ]
[ "一个人打开了水龙头,水龙头流出了水,那个人洗了手。", "一个人打开了房间里的水龙头洗手。", "一个人在洗手台边打开水龙头洗手。", "一个人打开了一个水龙头然后洗手。", "在一间明亮的洗手间,一双手正在水池里冲洗着。", "一个人拧开了水池的水龙头,然后开始洗手。", "一位女士打开浴室的水龙头,在水中搓手。", "一个男人打开水龙头,然后用水清洗着双手。", "一个人打开水龙头正在一个洗手槽里洗手。", "一个男人打开水龙头,在慢慢的洗手。" ]
[ "Woman pumps soap from bottle while narrating steps and tips for hand washing", "A woman is washing her hands with soap and water.", "A woman is explaining how to properly wash her hands.", "A women giving instructions on how to wash your hands.", "A woman is demonstrating how to properly wash your hands.", "A woman demonstrates washing her hands in a sink while explaining it.", "woman pumps soap from a dispenser and washes her hands in kitchen sink.", "A woman is showing how she washes her hands with hand soap.", "A person is standing at a sink and pumps a lot of soap in her hand and washes them.", "A person is demonstrating how to wash hands with soap." ]
[ "一个人在一个洗手池前挤压洗手液洗手。", "一个女子在厨房的洗菜盆里用洗手液洗手。", "女子挤洗手液洗手时,洗手池中的水龙头一直在出水。", "在洗手池边,一个人按着瓶子里液体,挤在手上,并用水清洗掉。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个人,站在水池边,在洗手。", "一个女人正在按压洗手液,然后两只手在相互的揉搓。", "一个人正在使用洗手液在水槽里洗手。", "一个人打开水龙头挤了一些边上瓶子里的液体搓在手上开始洗手。", "一个人站在水池边上用很多清洗液洗手。", "一个人正在演示如何用洗手液洗手。" ]
[ "a woman making a tutorial for how she applies soap to wash her hands correctly", "A woman gives instructions on how to wash hands in the sink.", "A girl washes her hands thoroughly with soap and water.", "A woman washes her hands thoroughly with a lot of soap.", "Femals pumping soap from a bottle then washing hands while water runs from the pipe.", "In a kitchen someone is washing their hands with soap and water in the sink.", "Someone pours an excessive amount of hand soap into their palm before lathering them up and washing it off.", "A woman demonstrates how to wash her hands with soap at a sink.", "A woman is adding some soap onto her hand and washing it off.", "A woman squirts soap into her hands and washes them in the sink." ]
[ "在一间明亮的室内,一个人正在洗手。", "一个女人在洗菜盆里用洗手液洗手。", "一个人挤出瓶子里的东西,在手上揉搓成泡沫,再用水冲掉。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的人在洗手池里洗手。", "在一个房间里,有一个人在水池旁边洗手。", "在厨房里,有人在水槽里用洗手液和水洗手。", "一个女人将洗手液倒在手上,然后搓出泡泡,并把泡泡洗掉。", "一位女士演示如何在水槽用肥皂洗手。", "一位女士正在她的手上加一些肥皂并将其洗掉。", "一个女人把肥皂喷到她的手里,然后在水槽里清洗手。" ]
[ "A person in front of a bathroom sink washing his / her hands.", "Someone washing their hands and then drying them with a towel.", "A person washes their hands under a faucet then picks up a towel.", "A person is running water from the faucet and is doing some work", "Someone standing at the bathroom sink washing and drying their hands.", "A person is shown washing there hands in the bathroom with water and soap.", "A man washes his hands and wipes his hands with a towel while water is running from the faucet.", "A person is washing their hands in a sink and then dries them.", "A person is washing there hands and drys them with a towel.", "A person shows how to correctly wash and dry hands in a sink." ]
[ "一个穿黑色上衣的人在洗手盆前洗了洗手。", "一个人在洗漱台洗完手后用毛巾擦手。", "一个穿灰色衣服的男的对着水龙头洗洗手用毛巾擦了手。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一双手在洗手台洗手擦手。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个人,站在水池边洗手。", "在浴室里,一个人用水和肥皂洗着手,然后拿毛巾擦拭着。", "当水从水龙头流出时,一名男子洗手并用毛巾擦手。", "一个人正在水池里洗手, 然后用手巾擦干。", "一个人正在那里洗手, 然后用毛巾擦干。", "一个人在水槽中冲洗手并用毛巾擦了擦。" ]
[ "A person gets soap off of a soap holder and washes their hands under running water.", "A person rubs their hands on a bar of wall mounted soap, then rinses them in the sink.", "A person is washing their hands in an odd looking sink.", "A person washing their hands in a sink with an odd soap dispenser.", "A person is rubbing their hands on a soap stone before rinsing them in a copper sink.", "A person is at the sink cleaning a long yellow handle piece.", "A person rubs their hands on soap that has been suspended on a hook, then proceeds to wash their hands in a copper tub", "A person rubs a yellow cylinder before washing their hands with water.", "A man is working on a pipe then continues to wash his hands when finished.", "A person is rubbing a bar of soap and then rinses their hands." ]
[ "一个穿黑色衣服、蓝色裤子的人在洗手。", "一个男人在水龙头上的香皂上反复抹,然后打开水龙头洗手。", "一个身穿黑色衣服的人,正在用一个铜色的盆洗手。", "一个人在开着的水龙头面前不断地搓擦自己的手。", "一个人用手在一根黄色的东西上抹了抹,然后把手放在水龙头上开始洗。", "一个人正在水池边清洗一个长的黄色把手。", "一个人在被挂在钩子上的肥皂上摩擦他们的手, 然后开始在铜盆里洗手。", "一个人在用水洗手之前反复摩擦一个黄色的圆柱体。", "一个人双手抚摸一个黄色的管道部件,然后冲洗双手。", "一个人正在擦一块肥皂然后冲洗他们的手。" ]
[ "A girl is washing and drying her hands at a sink.", "a little girl washing her hands at a sink and drying them with paper towels", "A young girl is washing her hands at a large sink.", "a small girl washing her hands in a sink and then drying her hands with a paper towel", "A young girl with red hair washes her hands in a sink and then pulls napkins from a dispenser to dry her hands.", "A girl washes her hands in a sink and then dries them using a paper towel dispenser.", "A little girl is washing her hands, then walks over grabs some paper towel and uses it to dry her hands.", "A little girl is washing her hands and then she dries her hands.", "A little girl is washing her hands in the sink and then drying her hands with paper towels through a dispenser.", "A girls washed her hand and removed some paper towel from the dispenser" ]
[ "一个穿黄衣服的小女孩洗完手去拿纸巾擦手。", "穿黄色衣服的小女孩在洗手,之后抽纸巾擦手。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的女孩儿洗完手之后去旁边的盒子里拿纸巾。", "一个小女孩儿在洗手然后他用纸巾擦手。", "一个穿黄衣服的小孩在洗手池旁边洗手,她关上了水龙头,从旁边抽了几张纸。", "一个女孩正站在水槽边上洗手,然后用纸巾机擦干。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的女孩在洗手池洗完手,拿纸擦手。", "一个小女孩正在洗手,然后她用纸把手擦干。", "一个小女孩在洗涤槽里洗手,然后用纸巾擦干手。", "一个女孩洗了手,从抽纸机上取下一些纸巾。" ]
[ "A teacher in a school is teaching a little girl about proper hand washing.", "A woman is applying soap to a little girls hands as they both wash their hands in two sinks that are parallel to one another, while a second little girl watches.", "A woman shows two kids how she washes her hands.", "Two young girls are in a bathroom with a teacher showing them how to wash their hands properly.", "A woman applies soap to a girls hands and then shows her how to properly wash them in a sink.", "A girl is washing her hands at a sink while a woman does the same at a sink next to her.", "A woman pumps hand soap onto a girl's hands and then her own and begins rubbing her hands together telling the girl that this is what must be done first.", "Adult shows child how to properly wash her hands at the sink.", "A mother shows two children how to wash their hands at the sink with soap.", "A person is showing a kid how to wash her hands with soap" ]
[ "一个女人把洗手液挤在一个小女孩手上,教小女孩洗手。", "一个女人将洗手液倒在旁边的小女孩手上,教她如何洗手。", "老师正在认真的教孩子们如何正确的洗手。", "一个女人正在教旁边的两个小孩子洗手。", "一个穿着白色短袖的女孩子正在洗脸盆跟前洗手。", "一个女孩在水池边洗手,另一个女人在旁边的水池洗手。", "一个女人正在教一个小女孩如何清洗干净自己的手。。", "成人向孩子展示如何在水池处正确洗手。", "一位母亲向两个孩子展示如何用肥皂在水槽里洗手。", "一个人正在向孩子展示如何用肥皂洗手。" ]
[ "A woman is washing and drying her hands and explaining the process.", "A woman washes her hands in the sink as she describes the steps involved.", "A women narrating that she is washing her hands and drying them.", "The girl is demonstrating how she rinses and then wipes her hands, as she narrates the scene.", "A woman is washing her hands as she describes what she is doing.", "A man is washing his hands repeatedly over a large sink and then drying them", "A woman is washing her hands in warm water while describing her actions.", "A person rinsed their hand under the tapped and dried it with a towel", "A person explaining and showing how to wash your hands", "A woman showing how to properly wash and rinse your hands at a kitchen sink." ]
[ "一个人在吸收池洗手,然后那一块白布擦水。", "一个女孩子在厨房在洗手然后用抹布将手擦干。", "一个女人将手上的乳白色液体冲洗干净并用纸擦了手。", "一个房间里,一个穿着紫色衣服的女人正在洗手。", "一个人用水龙头上的水洗去了手上的泡沫,并且拿毛巾擦干了手。", "一名男子在水池旁边洗手后,然后用纸巾擦干。", "一个人正在水池里洗着手,然后用毛巾擦拭。", "一个人正在水池旁洗着自己的手然后拿过毛巾擦手。", "一个人在解释如何如何用洗手液洗手。", "一个女人在厨房的水槽清洁和冲洗她的双手。" ]
[ "A couple of girls standing by sink demostrate the proper way to wash hands.", "A little girl is showing how she washes her hands properly.", "Two girls in a bathroom as on girl demonstrates how she washes her hands.", "Two kids are standing in front of a sink washing their hands with kid soap,", "Two girls are washing their hands and demonstrating how to do so with soap and water.", "A couple of girls show how to wash your hands the proper way.", "A little girl shows how she washes her hands while another little girl watches.", "A young girl is jumping around before washing her hands in the sink.", "A young girl shows another girl how she washes her hands.", "A young girl narrates as another girl pumps soap at a sink and shows how she washes her hands." ]
[ "一个小女孩在洗手池前面蹦蹦跳跳,然后使用洗手液洗手,另一个小女孩在洗手池旁。", "一个可爱的小女孩正在洗手池用肥皂洗手。", "一个穿着花色上衣的小孩子正在学者自己洗手。", "一个小女孩打开水龙头洗手,并从长颈鹿形状的瓶子里挤了东西涂抹在手上。", "在一个昏暗的房间,一个小女孩在洗手。", "两个小女孩儿在洗手台按压的洗手液在洗手。", "一个小女孩展示她是如何洗手的,而另一个小女孩则在旁边看着。", "一个小女孩正在洗手池前跳来跳去。", "一个年轻女孩向另一个女孩展示了她是如何洗手的。", "一个年轻女孩讲述了另一个女孩在水槽里抽肥皂,并展示了她如何洗手。" ]
[ "Someone washes their hands in the sink while speaking about hand washing.", "A person is washing their hands and talking about how a million deaths per year can be prevented by washing.", "A young man washes his hands and talks about how it prevents disease.", "A person in a sink washes his hands very carefully.", "A person shows how to correctly wash their hands in a metal sink.", "An person washes their hands under a faucet while an adult female speaks instructively.", "A woman at the sink is washing her hands and is telling how important it is.", "An adult thoroughly washes their hands in a sink with running water", "A person washes his hand in a metal sink, the last remnants of soap washing away.", "A women demonstrating the proper way to wash your hands." ]
[ "一个人,站在房间内的洗手池边洗手。", "一双手在水龙头下不停冲洗,摩擦,揉搓。", "一个人在水池洗手,搓搓手冲冲手指,流下了白色泡沫。", "一名身穿黑色外套的男子,正在洗手池旁边洗手。", "在一个室内,一双手正在银色的水池里面冲洗着。", "一个女性在和这个用水龙头洗手的人说话。", "水池边的一个女人正在洗手,并讲述这是多么的重要。", "一个成年人用自来水把手彻底洗干净。", "一个人在金属水槽里洗手,最后残留的肥皂洗掉了。", "在水槽上方,两只手在水龙头流出的水中不停的揉搓。" ]
[ "A woman is washing hands in a sanitizing solution a basin.", "A woman demonstrates how sanitizing solution is to be used.", "Someone is dipping their hand in a bowl full of sanitizing solution.", "A person rinsed her hand in a bowl and brought her palm together", "A person immerses both hands into a bowl of sanitizing solution while music plays.", "A man dips his hands in sanitizing solution and bows.", "A person puts their hands into a pink bowl filled with sanitizing liquid.", "A person is putting their hands in a sanitizing solution and bowing after.", "African american person sanitizing hands in a bowl of sanitizing solution.", "A person places their hands palms up in a pink bowl labeled sanitizing solution, turns them palms down, removes their hands from the solution, places them palms together and gives a bow." ]
[ "一个穿白色衣服的黑人将手放进粉色的盆里洗手。", "一个穿着白大褂的人将手从一个粉红色的装了水的盆里面拿出来然后双手合十。", "在房间内,一个人将手放进盆里洗手。", "一个穿白色大褂的人把自己的手放进了一个粉色的盆子里。", "一个身穿白大褂的人将双手伸进一盆液体中。", "一个男人把手浸入消毒溶液后进行鞠躬。", "一个人将手放入装满消毒液的粉红色碗中。", "一个人正在用双手放在消毒溶液中, 然后鞠躬。", "非洲裔美国人在一碗消毒溶液中消毒双手。", "一双手正在一个盆子里洗手,然后拿出来。" ]
[ "A man rinses his hands with water in a bathroom sink while another man talks in the background, and then, a man starts talking while the man who washed his hands places his hands under a dryer.", "A man is washing his hands and uses a dryer to dry his hands.", "A man is washing his hands and then drying them with an air dryer.", "A man showing how he washes his hands then dries it with an electric blow dryer", "A man rinses his hands off under water from the sink without using soap then shakes them off before using the air dryer to dry them off.", "A young man is showing how to wash his hands and then he moves to a hand dryer and begins to dry them.", "A person is washing their hands in the sink, and then put their hands under a dryer.", "A man is shown washing his hands in the bathroom and then drying them under a dryer.", "Someone is washing their hands and then drying them off under a machine that blows air.", "A man is shown washing his hands and describing the process he uses." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色衣服的男人在厕所里面洗手后用吹风机吹干了手。", "一个人正在洗手,随后使用了烘干机。", "一个人正在洗手,然后用干手机吹手。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的人在水池里面洗手。", "一个穿着绿色衣服的人正在从水管上洗手。", "一个年轻人正在示范如何洗手,然后移到烘干机上,开始烘干。", "一个人正在洗手盆里洗手,然后把手放在烘干机下烘干。", "一名男子在洗手间洗手, 然后在烘干机下烘干。", "有人正在洗手然后在一台吹气机下把它们烘干。", "一双手在洗手槽里洗过后,然后在一边机器下烘干。" ]
[ "A woman is helping her child to wash his hands in a sink.", "A woman helps a young child to wash his hands in the sink.", "A woman is standing with a kid in front of the sink while washing his hands.", "A woman is demonstrating to a young boy how to wash his hands.", "A woman turns the water on at a sink so a kid can wash his hands.", "A young mother shows her child how to wash their hands in the sink.", "A mother is adjusting the water so that a boy can wash his hands.", "A woman turns on water helps a child with soapy hands prepare to wash.", "A woman teaches her child how to properly wash their hands.", "A baby washes it's hands in the sink, with a woman's help to turn on the water." ]
[ "一个女人在水池前教小朋友如何正确洗手。", "一个小孩子站在洗手台前,另一个女人帮助他撸起袖子。", "一个穿白色上衣的男孩被妈妈拉着到浴盆旁边洗手。", "一个女人打开水龙头,帮一个小孩子在洗手。", "一个穿黑色衣服的女人在给一个孩子洗手。", "一个女人在教一个孩子如何在水池里洗手。", "一个女人在洗手池前帮助一个小孩子洗手。", "一个女人打开水龙头帮助一个孩子用肥皂的洗手。", "一位女士教她的孩子如何正确地洗手。", "一个女人站在洗手槽前给一个小孩洗手。" ]
[ "A baby runs her hands over water in a sink with a running faucet.", "A little girl plays with the water in a sink while her mother watches.", "A little girll runs her fingers under the cold water in the bathroom sink.", "A young kid is playing with water that is sitting in a sink.", "A girl puts her hands in a sink of cold water, and her mom talks to her about it.", "A handicapped toddler playing with water in a sink while mommy is talking to her.", "A young girl is attempting to wash her hands in a large sink.", "A young person waits for the water in front of a sink.", "A person is showing a little kid in a bathroom sink washing hands.", "A little girl looking at the water as it runs through the faucet." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个小孩,趴在水池边玩水。", "一个小孩把手放在水龙头开着的水槽上。", "一个穿白色上衣的小女孩在房间玩水。", "一个孩子在浴缸边上开着水龙头玩着水。", "一个小男孩双手趴在一个洗手池上边,水龙头在流水,男孩抬头看了一下。", "一名残疾女孩坐着轮椅在水槽边玩水,一边听妈妈说话。", "一个小女孩正试图在一个大水槽里洗手。", "一个戴着帽子的小女孩正在洗手池旁玩水。", "一个人在浴室的水池里展示一个小孩洗手。", "一个小女孩趴在洗手池上,看着水龙头流下的水。" ]
[ "A group of girls sing happy birthday while washing their hands.", "The three girls stand at the bathroom sink scrubbing their hands with soap as their mothers sing to them.", "A group of kids are standing around a counter washing their hands while singing happy birthday.", "two woman teaching small children how to wash their hands in a bathroom", "Two children wash their hands in the sink while singing happy birthday.", "A family sings \"Happy Birthday\" while everyone is in the bathroom.", "A young girl has a song sung to her by her family since it's her birthday.", "A small group of children are washing their hands with soap in the bathroom while singing happy birthday.", "a group of women are in a bathroom doing multiple things", "A mother and her kids sing while they all wash their hands together in the bathroom." ]
[ "一群小女孩围着洗手间的洗手台边洗手,边唱生日快乐歌。", "几个小女孩在洗手台边一边唱歌一边洗手。", "几个小孩围在水池旁边在不停地搓手。", "有一群人在水池边一边洗手一边唱着生日歌。", "昏黄的房间内,几个人,站在水池边,打着洗手液。", "一群孩子在水池旁用洗手液洗手,同时唱着生日快乐歌曲。", "一群小孩正在洗手池旁边洗澡,有人在唱生日歌。", "一小群孩子一边在浴室里用肥皂洗手, 一边唱着生日快乐的歌。", "一群女孩在洗手池里用力揉搓自己的手。", "一位母亲和她的孩子们在洗手间一起洗手时唱歌。" ]
[ "A boy stands in a public restroom and rubs soap between his hands.", "A boy is in the bathroom washing his hands with hand sanitizer.", "One Boiling Washing To The Sausage To His Washing The Water.", "A teen boy puts soap on his hand and talks about it, then rubs his hands together.", "A young boy is shown using a soap dispenser in a bathroom and lathering his hands.", "A young man in a restroom puts soap in his palms and rubs them together.", "A boy presses foaming hand soap into his hand and then rubs his hands together.", "A young man is in the bathroom getting ready to wash his hands.", "A boy is putting soap on his hands in a bathroom and rubbing the soap on his hands.", "The boy is demonstrating how to put soap on your hands in the bathroom." ]
[ "一个穿白色外套、黑色裤子的男生在洗手。", "一个年轻男孩在卫生间用洗手液搓泡。", "一个穿着白色上衣黑色裤子的人用手抹了点洗手液。", "外国孩子在用洗手液对双手进行消毒。", "洗手间内,一个男人在用洗手液洗手。", "洗手间里一个年轻人用手接到了一些肥皂液,然后在手上相互的揉搓。", "一个男孩子把东西挤在手上然后搓了搓他的手。", "一个人从洗手池的一个盒子里挤出一点白色物品,并在反复搓着手。", "一个小男孩在洗手间里用肥皂泡沫洗手。", "这男孩正在示范如何在洗澡间把肥皂放在你的手上。" ]
[ "A woman shows another woman how to wash her hands properly", "A woman explains to a child how to properly wash her hands using soap.", "A mother is showing her daughter how to properly wash her hands.", "A child is washing her hands and a woman next to her instructs her on how to do it properly.", "A girl gets her hands wet under a faucet as a woman stands nearby and talks to her about it.", "In a kitchen a woman shows a young girl how to wash her hands in the sink.", "a couple of women inside of a kitchen and both of them washing their hands together", "A woman and a child are washing the child's hands in the kitchen sink.", "A woman is teaching a a young girl how to wash her hands", "woman and a girl near a sink and the girl washes her hands" ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衣服的女人在给另一个小女孩说话。", "一个女人在洗手池边教一个小女孩怎样洗手。", "在一个厨房里。一个穿黑白相间的衣服的女孩正在洗手。", "一个穿着黑白上衣的女子和一个穿着蓝色上衣的女子在厨房。", "一个穿黑白横条衣服的人在水池边洗手,旁边一个女人在拍手。", "在厨房里,一位女士正在向一个年轻的女孩展示在水槽里如何洗手。", "两个女人正在厨房的水池边洗着手。", "一个孩子正在水池边洗手,一个女人站在他旁边。", "一个女人正在教一个年轻女孩如何洗手。", "一个女人在洗手池旁边教一个女孩洗手。" ]
[ "A person is standing at a sink, dispenses soap into their hands, and proceeds to wash their hands.", "Someone is applying soap to their hands and latherng them up and rubbing together while someone else provides commentary.", "A person soaps their hands while water is running from a faucet.", "A woman is instructing how to properly wash your hands.", "At a sink a tap is running and a person puts soap on their hands and rubs their hands together.", "A person is washing their hands rather nicely while water is running.", "A person stands at a large sink, dispenses soap onto their hands and rubs the soap into their hands thoroughly.", "A woman talks about washing hands while someone is actually washing their hands.", "Someone pumps soap into their hand and starts to rub the soap in their hands, has someone or they are explaining how to wash your hands.", "A person is rubbing soap on there hands and a women is telling them what to do" ]
[ "一个女人在盥洗池边用洗手液进行洗手。", "一个男孩用洗洁精在手上放似的抹来抹去。", "在水龙头旁边,一个小男孩自己用肥皂洗手。", "一个人正在开着的水龙头面前擦搓自己的手。", "一双粘着白色泡沫的手在互相搓动,旁边的水管流着水。", "一个人正在水流动的时候用肥皂揉搓着手。", "一个人站在一个大水池边,把肥皂放在手上来回搓动。", "一个外国女人在说话而另一个人在用肥皂洗手。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的男人正将肥皂打在他的手上准备洗掉。", "一个人在手上擦肥皂,一个女人告诉她们该做什么。" ]
[ "an adult helps their child by putting them next to the sink", "Young boy at a bathroom sink washing his hands as a woman helps him.", "A young child is washing his hands in a sink using a bar of soap.", "A baby is having their mouth rinsed out because they tried to eat soap.", "A woman washes off a baby's hands and face in a sink.", "A mother helps her young child wash his hands thoroughly.", "A mother gives her toddler instructions on handwashing as he practices in the sink.", "A young boy washes his hands at a sink when a woman talks to him and assists him.", "the mom is washing the baby mouth cause he ate some soap", "A mom stops a baby from eating soap while she is washing it's face and hands" ]
[ "一个肤色较深的小婴儿一只手身在洗手池里,身后有一个大人抓住小婴儿的另一只手放进洗手池里,在给小婴儿洗手,然后大人用手接了点水洗了小婴儿的嘴和脸。", "一个大人在帮助一个小孩洗手和洗嘴吧。", "一名妈妈在抱着孩子在洗漱台给孩子洗脸。", "一个小孩在一个大人帮助下淋水洗脸。", "一个人在手盆旁给孩子洗手洗脸,旁边有一个绿色的肥皂。", "一个女人在帮助一个小孩仔细地洗手。", "一个女人抱着一个小孩在水龙头前给小孩洗脸。", "一个女人正在帮一个小男孩在水槽里洗手并跟他说话。", "妈妈正在给穿着绿色上衣的洗婴儿的洗嘴。", "一个人在洗手池给一个小孩洗脸和手。" ]
[ "a young man is using soap and washing his hands at a faucet", "A person is putting soap on their hand and starting water at a sink to wash their hands.", "Woman presses soap dispenser, rubs hands with soap, pushes lever on faucet and rinses hands.", "A person puts soap in their hands, scrubs them together and then rinses them with water.", "A person uses soap and turns on a faucet to wash their hands.", "someone is demonstrating how to wash your hands.", "A woman puts soap on her hands and then washes them in water.", "A person is washing and rinsing their hands in the sink.", "A person pours soap onto his hands from a soap dispenser and then he washes his hands under the sink.", "A person lathers their hands with soap and then runs them under a running faucet." ]
[ "一个男子手摸洗手液,打开水龙头仔细的清洗双手。", "一个人站在洗手池边用洗手液洗手。", "在一个房间里,有一个人在水池子里洗手。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的人在厨房的池子前洗手。", "一个戴着手表的人正在用洗手液清洗双手。", "一个人正在展示如何正确的用洗手液洗手。", "一个女人把肥皂放在她的手上然后在水中冲洗。", "一个人正在水槽里洗手和冲洗他们的手。", "一个人按了肥皂水瓶把肥皂水倒在手上,然后在水槽下洗手。", "在一个水池边,一个男人在水龙头下用水冲洗手。" ]
[ "A person washing hands after adjusting the zinc controllers for both cold and warm water.", "A person is instructing a woman or nurse how to properly wash your hands.", "a woman demonstrating the proper method to wash your hands.", "A woman is standing in front of a deep sink demonstrating the proper way to wash hands.", "A women is washing her hands with soap and warm water.", "A person is standing at a sink and demonstrating how to wash hands properly.", "A woman is giving a lesson on proper hand washing techniques", "A video is being played of a person washing their hands.", "A woman begins to demonstrate the correct hand washing procedures.", "A woman is washing her hands at a sink." ]
[ "明亮的室内,一个身穿黑色衣服的人在打开水管洗手。", "一个人在洗手间挤出洗手液后用清水洗去手上的泡沫。", "一个穿着黑色上衣的人正在洗手盆旁边洗手。", "一个穿黑色衣服的人打开水龙头洗手。", "有一个人站着水池旁边,那个人在放水洗手。", "一个人站在水池边,示范如何正确的洗手。", "一位女士正在上一堂正确的洗手技巧。", "一个人站在水池旁边调节了开关,并开始反复的洗手。", "一名妇女开始展示正确的洗手程序。", "一个人站在水槽旁打开水龙头调好水后洗手。" ]
[ "Some boys were washing their hands with soap in the rest room", "A young man is washing his hands in the sink using a bar of soap.", "A couple,of boys wash their hands in the bathroom as one of them begins to dance.", "a group of people talking to each other while one is washing their hands", "A boy washing his hands with soap inside of a bathroom.", "A man washes his hands in a public bathroom as another man behind him does the same.", "In a bathroom a boy is talking and washing his hands.", "Tow boys inside a bathroom wash their hands in the sink with soap.", "A boy washes his hands and his friend makes a face behind him.", "A boy stands in front of a sink washing his hands while speaking a foreign language." ]
[ "两个男孩在洗手间里洗手,其中一个男孩嘴里嘟囔着。", "两个男生在卫生间里一边洗手一边嬉笑着。", "有两个穿着白衬衫的人在洗手间里,一个人在洗手,另一个人在跳舞。", "两个穿着白色衣服的男子在水池旁边洗手,还有一个人站在他们后边。", "两个穿着一样制服的男子在卫生间洗手。", "一个男人在公共厕所洗手,另一个男人也在做同样的事情。", "在一个浴室里,一个男孩正在一边说话,一边洗着手。", "浴室里的两个男孩用肥皂在水槽里洗手。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人正在用肥皂洗手。", "一个男孩站在一个水池边,一边说话一边打开水龙头洗手。" ]
[ "A man is talking about hand washing, which is necessary in preventing diseases, such as ebola.", "A man shows an audience how to properly wash their hands.", "People put soap on their hands and wash with water at sinks.", "People are washing their hands while a man speaks over telling how to protect yourself from Ebola.", "The woman washes her hands and then applies more soap to them.", "A hand washing tutorial to help prevent Ebola, and other infectious agents.", "A person washes their hands under water at a sink.", "Several people are shown washing their hands in a variety of basins and sinks", "a person washes their hands with some soap that is on the sink", "A male newscaster talks about washing hands to protect against diseases, as various people are shown washing their hands." ]
[ "一个男子一边讲话一边挤洗手液在洗手。", "有人在洗脸盆前面洗手,用着一种洗手液不错。", "洗手池边,一些人在用洗手液洗手。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个人在水龙头前洗手。", "有一个人站在洗手池旁边正在洗手。", "一个帮助预防埃博拉和其他传染因子的洗手教程。", "一个人在水池边洗手,然后挤了一点洗手液在手上。", "几个人在各种各样的洗手盆和水池中洗手。", "一个人正在浴池用各种肥皂打湿手准备冲掉。", "各种各样的人都在洗手,一则新闻正在谈论洗手能够预防疾病。" ]
[ "a person washing their hands vigorously in a sink with soap", "A person is demonstrating the parts of your hands that you should make sure you scrub when washing.", "A person is washing their hands underneath a sink, they lather their hands before rinsing.", "A person is instructing how a person should wash their hands.", "A person is washing their hands and telling what parts to wash.", "A women washing her hands with soap trying to remove dirt", "A woman is teaching the viewers how to wash hands properly.", "A person washes their soapy hands focusing on the tops their hands in between their fingers, their knuckles, and the tips of their fingers.", "Hands being scrubbed clean with soap over top of a sink", "A person scrubs their hands with soap and then rinses them off." ]
[ "一个人用洗手液在手上揉搓出泡泡然后用水冲洗掉。", "一位女子正在为大家讲解着如何正确的清洁手部。", "一个手上戴着白色装饰品的人在洗手。", "一个戴着手环的人在洗手池旁边正在洗手。", "一个人在卫生间用洗手液反复的洗着手,然后用清水将手冲洗干净。", "一位女士正在水池前打着肥皂洗着手并讲解着。", "一位女士正在教导观众如何正确地洗手。", "一个人把肥皂涂在手上,并认真的洗了自己的手。", "一个人正在洗手间的水池里用肥皂泡沫洗手。", "一个人用肥皂擦洗手,然后在水龙头下冲洗掉。" ]
[ "Somebody is fumbling with some hand soap while the water is running.", "A bottle of hand soap is being rinsed off in a bathroom sink.", "A young man jokingly shakes around a bottle of soap in his bathroom.", "A person frantically waves a bottle of soap around and under a faucet.", "A person is washing their hands with liquid hand soap that they drop.", "a person grabbing hand wash and washing the container with water at a sink", "A person is trying to handle a soap bottle as the water runs full blast.", "Someone talks as they struggle with a container of handsoap near a running water tap.", "A person dropping a bottle of hand soap into a sink multiple times", "A person rinses a bottle of handsoap in the sink and then drops it in." ]
[ "一个人在挤洗手液手一滑洗手液掉进水池里。", "一个人打开水龙水,然后用水洗瓶子。", "一个在洗手池的人正在用水清洗着东西。", "一个人把橙色瓶子拿到水龙头下面进行冲洗。", "昏黄的房间内,一只手,在水池上冲洗。", "一个人抓住一瓶洗手液,并在水槽里用水冲洗。", "一个人正在尝试抓住一个很滑的瓶子。", "有人说话的时候,他们正在一个水龙头旁边挣扎着一个容器。", "一个人多次把一瓶洗手液往水池里扔。", "一个人在水槽里冲洗一瓶洗手液,然后把它放进水池。" ]
[ "Someone rubbing up a soapy lather while their hands are over the sink.", "Someone washes their hands in a sink making them really sudsy while the water runs.", "A person is washing their hands with soap above a sink.", "A person is washing their hands with soap while the water is running.", "Someone lathered up their hands with soap and is blowing bubbles through them.", "A person demonstrates washing their hands in the sink with soap and water.", "An individual is using soap to wash their hands at a sink.", "Someone rubs their hands together with soap and make bubbles.", "A pair of hands wearing a wedding ring is washed in front of a simple white basin with running water", "A man is showing how to properly wash hands with soap." ]
[ "一双手在洗漱池里,沾满了泡泡在做动作。", "一个人在卫生间用洗手液洗手,把手的中间留一个洞吹泡泡。", "一个人正在洗手,然后用手里的泡沫吹出泡泡。", "一个人正在洗手,一只手上戴有戒指,手上还有泡沫。", "一个人手上戴着戒指,正在洗手池洗手。", "一个人正在水槽前里面用肥皂揉搓手。", "一个人在洗手池前用手搓泡泡,然后用口吹。", "一个人在洗手台上正在用肥皂洗手,然后他双掌并在一起并弓着制造了一个泡泡。", "一个戴着戒指的人正在洗手池里洗手。", "一个男人正在展示如何正确地用肥皂洗手。" ]
[ "A man is washing his hands with a bar of soap while giving instructions.", "A man demonstrates how to wash your hands at an outside faucet.", "A man is demonstrating how to use a faucet and wash your hands.", "A man turns on a faucet, wets his hands in the water, soaps his hands and rubs them together.", "Someone is demonstrating hand washing with a soap in what looks like park.", "A man gives instructions in how to properly wash your hands.", "A man demonstrates and explains how he uses soap and water to wash his hands.", "A person is washing their hands with soap and water at an outdoor wash station.", "A man demonstrates how to wash one's hands.", "A man demonstrates how to wash your hands with a bar of soap and water." ]
[ "一个穿着蓝色衬衣的人正在打开水龙头用香皂洗手。", "一个男人打开水龙头打湿手并抹上肥皂洗手。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人在水管前打开水龙头冲冲收然后打了肥皂。", "一个男人打开了一个水龙头,然后他涂了香皂开始洗手。", "一个人拧开水龙头拿起香皂搓洗双手。", "一个男人打开水龙头,示范如何正确洗手。", "一个人演示和解释他是如何使用肥皂和水洗手的。", "一个人正在一个室外洗脸站用肥皂和水洗手。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的男人正在用肥皂洗手。", "一个男人演示如何用肥皂和水在洗手。" ]
[ "Several people are talking while someone washes their hands under running water.", "A woman is shown washing her hands with soap in a sink.", "A woman is using soap and cleaning her hands over a large sink", "Someone at the sink is showing how to wash hands thoroughly.", "A person washes their hands with soap in a lab sink that also has a sponge in it.", "A girls is standing at a sink and scrubbing her hands.", "A woman washes her hands with hand soap in a sink.", "A person is washing her hands using a lotion in a sink thoroughly", "Woman applies soap, washes hands and scratches palms, and rinses under constantly running water.", "Students are washing their hands in a sink while several can be heard giggling in the background." ]
[ "一个穿灰衣服的人在水池里用洗手液洗手。", "有一个女子双手涂抹着液体,水槽开着水,她把手放在了水龙头下冲洗。", "一个穿着灰色上衣的人,站在水池边洗手。", "一个人站在水池边洗手,水池里还有一个方块物体。", "一个人在水池旁边去洗手,挤了一些旁边瓶子里的东西。", "一个女孩站在水池旁边洗手,旁边有一些笑声。", "一个女人用洗手液在洗手池里洗手。", "一个人在用洗手液在洗手池里面洗手。", "妇女用肥皂、洗手、抓手掌,并在持续流动的水中冲洗。", "学生们正在水池里洗手, 而背景中却能听到几个人在笑。" ]
[ "A man is demonstrating how to properly wash hands to ensure cleanliness.", "A man uses soap and water to wash his hands thoroughly at a sink.", "A man stands over a sink with water running as he rubs soap between his hands washing them.", "A man is describing how to wash your hands correctly while demonstrating the action.", "A man is seen washing his hands systematically while he talks along.", "A man washes his hands at a sink and talks.", "A man is standing in front of a sink, and he is describing the proper way to wash one's hands.", "A person is shown washing there hands in the bathroom.", "A man is demonstrating how to properly wash his hands.", "a man showing and explaining how to wash their hands" ]
[ "一个穿衬衫的男子一边在搓手一边在说话。", "在一个房间里,一个人正在水池洗手。", "一个穿着蓝色衬衫的男人正在水池边洗手。", "在一个明亮的室内,一个男人正在洗手。", "一个穿着白色衣服的人正在水管上洗手。", "一个男人在水池边洗手,同时在说着话。", "一个男人站在洗脸盆前一边洗手一边讲解正确的洗手方式。", "一个男人边洗手边对着镜头说着话。", "一个穿着蓝色上衣的人正在展示如何洗手。", "一个男人正在展示和解释该如何洗手。" ]
[ "At a sink a person is washing their hands, they add soap then rinse then dry them.", "A woman is using soap to wash her hands in the water and dry them after.", "A girl is standing at a sink washing her hands with soap and the drying them with a towel.", "A girl is standing over a sink washing her hands with liquid soap and water.", "A woman washers her hands with liquid soap then dries them on a hand towel", "A young person is using soap and water showing how he washes his hands.", "A girl soaps up and washes her hands then rinses and dries them.", "A young girl washes her hands in front of a sink.", "A person is at a sink, washing their hands, with soap.", "A person is turning on water and washing their hands." ]
[ "一女子开着水龙头挤上洗手液搓洗着双手。", "一人打开水管搓上洗手液在水龙头下冲水洗手。", "一个女人站在水池旁边用洗手液洗手,并且用毛巾擦干了自己的手。", "一位蓝衣服的人在洗手台上认真的洗手。", "一个人在水龙头前洗手,将手沾湿后用洗手液仔细搓洗,最后冲洗掉,用毛巾擦干。", "一个年轻人正在使用洗手液和水来展示如何洗手。", "一个女孩子在水龙头处洗手然后用毛巾擦了干净。", "一个年轻的女孩在水槽前洗手。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小男孩正在用水洗自己的手。", "一个人正在打开水龙头后,开始搓试自己的手。" ]
[ "A man demonstrating and instructing how to wash hands.", "A man is giving directions on how to wash your hands.", "There is a man standing in front of a sink washing his hands.", "A man demonstrates and explains how to wash hands at a restroom sink.", "A person is looking at the camera and is cleaning the faucet", "A man in a restroom demonstrating the proper way to wash your hands.", "A man is standing in the bathroom demonstrating how to wash your hands", "A man demonstrates how to properly wash your hands at a sink on a video.", "In a bathroom a man is washing his hands and talking.", "A male in a bathroom demonstrates how to properly wash your hands." ]
[ "一个穿着黑白条纹衣服的男人在洗手间洗手。", "一个戴眼镜的男子在一个脸盆前面说话,二只手在相互揉搓。", "一个男人把充满着泡沫的手放在水下冲洗。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个男人,在洗手池上洗手。", "一个男人在卫生间里面,边洗手边说话。", "一个男人正在洗手间示范正确的洗手方法。", "一个男人站在洗手池里示范如何洗手。", "一名男子站在洗脸盆前演示如何正确洗手。", "在洗手间里一个戴眼镜的男人一边认真的洗手一边用嘴谈论着。", "浴室里的一个男性演示如何正确洗手。" ]
[ "A person is washing their hands under water in a sink.", "A person is washing their hands and arms in the bathroom.", "Someone is washing their hands then turns the water off with the back of their arm.", "An individual is shown washing their hands using a sink.", "A man is washing his hands in the sink while using his arms to shut off the water.", "A man rubs his hands together under the water while he washes his hands", "A person thoroughly washes their hands in a porcelain sink, then uses their elbows to turn off the tap", "A person stands at a sink washing their wrists and hands.", "A person dressed in scrubs is washing their hands in a sink and uses their elbow to turn off the water when done.", "A person standing at a sink is hand washing using a sterile technique." ]
[ "一个人在洗手池洗手,并使用手臂将水龙头关闭。", "穿着蓝色上衣的人在认真洗手洗手腕。", "洗手池旁一个穿长袖的人正认真的洗着手。", "一个穿着蓝衣服的人正在洗脸盆中洗手和胳膊。", "一名身穿蓝色外套的男子,正在房间内洗手。", "一个男人在洗手时, 双手在水下来回的揉搓。", "一个人正在洗手,洗完之后用手肘关上了水龙头。", "一个人站在洗涤槽旁洗手腕和手。", "一个穿着制服的人正在洗手盆里洗手并用肘关节关掉水。", "一个人站在水槽前,正在全方位洗手。" ]
[ "A person scrubs her arms and hands before starting her job.", "A food worker is seen washing her hands while another lady is speaking foreign language in the background.", "a woman is scrubbing her hands and arms over a big sink.", "A woman talks and scrubs her arms with a brush at a sink.", "A woman is shown washing her hands in the sink thoroughly.", "A woman in a bathroom washing and cleaning her hands off", "A woman at a sink washing her hands and arms with soap, while another woman off camera speaks spanish", "A young child is cleaning his hands with a scrub brush.", "A woman is scrubbing her arms with a scrubbing brush.", "a person inside of a bathroom rubbing soap and washing their hands" ]
[ "一个身穿红色衣服的长头发女人正在洗手。", "一个女人拿着一个仪器摩擦着手臂。", "一个女人在水池边,拿着一个电动机刷,来回擦手臂。", "一个女人,在洗手池前,用工具擦着自己的手和胳膊。", "一个穿红衣的女人正在用刷子洗手。", "一个女人在浴室里洗手, 把她的手擦干净。", "一位女士在水池边用肥皂洗手和手臂。", "在一个房间里面,一个男子正在洗着手。", "一位妇女正在用一把刷子擦洗她的胳膊。", "一个穿红色衣服的女人在浴室里用肥皂涂抹手臂。" ]
[ "A group of people standing on stage then a group of people standing washing their hands.", "A woman stands on a stage, and then women scrub their hands with a white substance.", "Some women were washing their hands with soap outdoor", "People speaking another language than English wash their hands together.", "A group of people are on stage then others are washing their hands vigorously with soap.", "In a stage a woman is talking to other and then women are washing their hands", "A picture of people on stage shows, then a clip of children washing their hands with soap, a man talks during.", "A group of elderly ladies in sarees appear in the still shots at the beginning before Indians are seen buttering their hands with an unknown ointment.", "A group of people are rubbing their hands together with a substance.", "The people are rubbing some type of white substance all over their hands." ]
[ "一群人正在仔仔细细的用肥皂洗着手。", "很多人用双手搓着手中白色的胶状物体。", "三个人正在用医学的洗手方法进行清洗自己的手。", "一群人的画面之后,就出现一群人在洗手。", "几个人在手上擦拭着一些白色物体。", "在舞台上站着一群人,然后双手在相互的揉搓。", "一张人在舞台上的照片显示, 随后是一段孩子用肥皂洗手的片段, 一名男子在节目中交谈。", "一群穿着纱丽服的老太太出现在开头的静止镜头中,然后看到印第安人用一种不知名的药膏涂抹他们的手。", "一群人双手正在用一种白色液体搓手。", "人们正在用某种白色的物质在他们的手上摩擦。" ]
[ "A woman demonstrates an describes her hand washing technique in a sink", "A nurse is demonstrating how to wash your hands with water.", "A person rinsed her hand under the water running from the tap", "A woman in lathering her hands with soap in front of a sink then she rinses her hands with water.", "A female nurse dressed in scrubs is standing over a sink and washing her hands.", "A young blonde woman wearing a red shirt is seen doing something over the sink.", "A young woman is washing her hands in a sink at work.", "A woman is shown washing her hands with soap in the sink.", "Teenager rubs soapy hands and then rinses hands and wrists under curved faucet.", "A woman washes her hands in a sink while talking." ]
[ "一个穿红色衣服的女人打开水管,用水把手上的白色泡沫冲掉。", "一个穿着红色衣服的女人,在用水龙头清理自己的手。", "一个女人用水冲洗掉双手的泡沫,还说着话。", "一个穿酒红色短袖衫的金发女子正在水池边洗手。", "一个穿着红衣服的女人在洗手池洗手。", "一个穿红色衬衫的年轻女人在水池里洗手。", "一位年轻女子在工作的时候正在洗手盆里洗手。", "一名穿红色短袖的女人在水槽里用肥皂洗手。", "一个女孩在弯曲的水龙头下擦肥皂洗手。", "一个女子一边说话一边在洗手池里面洗着自己的手。" ]
[ "A baby is laying on the bed while watching television.", "A baby is lying down on a bed, where a woman is seated.", "A small child lays on a bed under a blanket while watching television.", "A young baby watching tv were others are in the room with him.", "Child lies propped up on pillow in a bed watching TV while other persons are in the room.", "A little kid is lying on a bed and watching TV.", "A little kid is watching tv while laying on the bed.", "A baby lying down on a bed the camera pans to show another woman and that the baby is watching TV", "A baby is laying down on the bed and watching tv.", "A baby half covered with a blanket, then a TV playing, and back to the baby in the blanket again." ]
[ "一位宝宝盖着被子坐在床上认真地看电视。", "一小男孩安静的坐在床上,眼睛盯着前方电视上放着的动画片。", "一个穿着黄色上衣的小孩子躺在沙发上看电视。", "一个穿着黄色衣服的小男孩躺在沙发上看电视。", "在一间明亮的房间内,一个小孩躺在床上看电视。", "一个小孩躺在床上盖着毯子看电视。", "一个小孩躺在床上用双手把被子掀起又放下。", "一个婴儿躺在床上,镜头拍摄到另一个女人,婴儿和女人正在看电视。", "一个穿黄色衣服的婴儿正躺在床上看电视。", "在室内,一个小孩躺在床上正在看着电视。" ]
[ "A little kid sitting in its stroller is intently watching a kids' show on tv in front.", "In a room a baby is in a stroller watching tv.", "a little baby on a stroller watching a show on tv", "A baby is sitting in a stroller and watches a T.V.", "A baby gets a head start on a sedentary lifestyle by watching mindless drivel on television, just like his parents.", "A baby sits in a stroller intently watching a television.", "a baby is sitting in his car seat watching a cartoon on tv.", "A baby in a stroller is watching a children's show on television.", "A baby is sitting watching something on a flat TV on the wall.", "A toddler sits in his stroller looking up as he watches the tv program." ]
[ "在一个黑白的地板上有一个婴儿车,里面有一个婴儿在看电视。", "一个穿着T恤和短裤的小孩子坐在婴儿椅上看电视。", "婴儿推车里坐着个小男孩,他正扭头看着对面电视机上的动画。", "一个男孩躺在儿童椅子上看着电视。", "一个婴儿躺在婴儿车斜着头看电视。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车里聚精会神地看电视。", "一个婴儿正坐在婴儿车上看着动画片。", "一个小婴儿正坐在一个婴儿车里观看电视里的儿童节目。", "一个婴儿正坐在墙上的平板电视上看着什么东西。", "一个幼儿坐在他的婴儿车里抬头看着看电视节目。" ]
[ "A man demonstrates how to use a Harmony remote control to control a t.v. mounted to a wall.", "A man is illustrating how to use a shiny black remote control with a television.", "A man is showing how t use TV remote.", "A person is looking at a tv screen and holding a remote.", "A man is talking about how to use a remote as he shows the remote and the TV.", "A man explains how to use a remote to a certain type of TV.", "A person is using a remote control while watching TV in a room.", "Someone is watching TV and channel surfing as they do it.", "A man is holding a tv remote and explains about changing the channel.", "A man holds a TV remote in his hand and demonstrates how to use in on a TV." ]
[ "一个人正在展示用遥控器如何操作电视。", "一位男士看着前方的电视机,手里拿着遥控器。", "一个人正在客厅里展示着自己的遥控器。", "一个人手上拿着遥控器对着电视机按按钮。", "明亮的房间内,一只手拿着一个黑色的遥控器。", "一个男人解释了如何在某种类型的电视上使用遥控器。", "一个人正在房间里看电视时,正在使用电视遥控器。", "有人在拿着遥控器一边看电视,一边看冲浪频道。", "一个男人拿着一个电视遥控器,并且解释了换频道的事。", "一个男人手里拿着一个电视遥控器,演示该怎样的操作遥控器。" ]
[ "A kid is talking about somebody from the Internet while watching news on the television.", "A large child appears to be doing a video podcast from their room.", "A young woman is facing a camera and explaining how she would like to give a shout out to a soccer star.", "A girl says that she'd like to give a shout out.", "A young person is making a blog and taking a picture of themself.", "Screen shows contact information and child speaks while nodding and looking up.", "A young man is filming himself and giving a shout out.", "A look at what is on TV before cutting to a girl's face.", "A young kid talking about a shout out and watching television.", "A child is showing a computer monitor with the a website describing medicare benefits and giving a \"shout out\" to soccer star 17." ]
[ "在房间里面,一个男子正在给我们介绍房间里面相关东西。", "一个长发小女孩在房间里面看电视。", "一个在房间里的女生正在认真地说着什么。", "在一个房间里, 一个人正在坐着看电视。", "屏幕显示文字。一个黑发女人的嘴在动着。", "屏幕上显示着联系方式,一个女孩在说话时点头和抬头。", "一个穿着橘黄色衣服的女子在讲话。", "镜头先看了看电视上的东西,然后切入女孩的脸,女孩对着镜头在说话。", "一个黑色头发的女孩正在房间里看电视。", "一个孩子正在一个网站上描述医疗保险福利,并向足球明星17号“大声疾呼”。" ]
[ "A small child is standing in a crib and watching television.", "A baby in a crib watches tv and stands holding the rail.", "A baby is standing in a crib and watching a show on TV.", "a baby is very quietly watching some cartoons while standing in her crib", "a little baby sits in a crib as some characters perform on the television", "A baby in a crib is watching Sesame street on a television.", "A small baby was standing in the cradle by watching the television and enjoying", "A baby is standing up in their crib watching TV.", "A baby is watching Sesame Street on a television while in a crib", "A baby is standing in a crib and watching the Show Sesame Street on the television." ]
[ "一个黑色皮肤的小孩穿着白色短袖在婴儿床上看电视。", "一位婴儿在房间里观看伴随着音乐声的动画片。", "小男孩站在儿童床内扶着床边,目不转睛的盯着正在播放着动画片的电视机。", "一个婴儿在婴儿车里站着,旁边有电视开着。", "一个婴儿站在婴儿床上看着电视机里的节目。", "一个婴儿躺在婴儿床上看电视里的动画片芝麻街。", "一个小婴儿站在摇篮里,看着电视,享受着。", "一个婴儿正站在他的婴儿床上看电视。", "一个婴儿正在婴儿床上看电视里的卡通片。", "一个婴儿站在婴儿床上,看着电视上的动画片节目。" ]
[ "A cat is sitting on a couch watching a tv that has cats on screen.", "A family together in the living room watching a cat on tv", "A cat sits on a couch watching a TV with a bunch of other cats on it.", "A cat is siting on a sofa and a woman is siting on a chair and she is watching television.", "A cat is sitting on a couch watching the tv which has cats on it.", "A cat sits on a couch and stares at a TV where a cat commercial is playing.", "A cat watches an advertisement on TV that is about cats.", "A cat is sittting on a couch while watching a show on TV about cats.", "A cat is watching a commercial about cats in the living room.", "A cat watches other cats intently on the television as it lays on the couch." ]
[ "一个女人坐在沙发上观看电视节目,一只猫咪趴在一旁。", "一个女人坐在沙发上在看电视上的猫。", "在一个房子里。一个穿蓝色裤子的女人正在看电视。", "一个人身穿着深色的衣服在沙发上面看电视。", "一个人和一只猫坐在沙发上看电视里放的对猫的介绍。", "在房间里一只猫坐在沙发上盯着电视在看。", "一只猫和一个女人在房间里看着播放着猫的广告。", "一只猫坐在沙发上看电视上关于猫的节目。", "一个穿着黑色裤子的女人在一个房间看着电视。", "一个女人坐在沙发看着电视,电视里有一只猫。" ]
[ "A baby lies on the floor and watches cartoons in front of a Christmas tree.", "A little kid is laying on the floor and watching tv and playing", "A toddler laying down on carpet looks up and watches a television screen.", "A baby is laying face down looking up and watching television.", "A young baby watches TV as a mother askes if it's funny.", "A small child is lying on the floor watching a TV program and someone off camera speaks.", "A little boy is laying on the floor by a Christmas tree watching cartoons on t.v.", "A young baby watches TV while laying on the floor.", "A young child lies on their stomach and looks up at a cartoon playing on a tv set, then looks away,kicks their feet and looks back.", "A baby if watching Fairly Oddparents with a Christmas tree in the background." ]
[ "一个小朋友正趴在地上认真的看着动画片。", "在地毯上,一个穿红色连体服的小孩正在看电视并蹬腿,与此同时一个女人正在说话。", "一个可爱的小男孩趴在地上看电视旁边有一颗闪亮的圣诞树。", "一个穿红色衣服的婴儿躺在地上,他的旁边有一棵圣诞树。", "在一个有着一颗大圣诞树的房间里,一个穿着红色连体衣的小男孩趴在地板上抬头看电视上播放的动画片,旁边地上有很多玩具。", "一个小孩趴在地板上看电视节目,另一个女人在一旁说着话。", "一个小男孩趴在圣诞树旁边的地板上观看电视里的动画片。", "一个小婴儿躺在屋子里的地板上看电视。", "一个小孩躺在他们的肚子上, 抬头看着在电视机上播放的卡通片, 然后向外看, 踢脚, 回头看。", "一个趴在地上的小孩正在看着一台在圣诞树旁边的电视机。" ]
[ "A man and woman are video taping their baby lying in the crib.", "a baby is sitting in a chair watching tv in her onesie", "A small baby is laying on a pillow and watching television.", "A baby lies down while watching a TV and reacts.", "A tv has a guy in the swimming pool and then a baby is sitting on the couch watching the tv.", "a baby sits on the couch and looks over at the television", "A baby is laying on its back watching the tv.", "A recording of people watching tv then it pans to a baby watching tv", "A little baby is laying on a couch watching television.", "A baby is kicking its legs and watching a television screen while a man talks." ]
[ "一个穿蓝色衣服的婴儿躺在床上看电视。", "一个穿着蓝色套装的金发婴儿正在看着电视。", "一个穿着蓝色衣服的小婴儿在看电视。", "一个穿着深色衣服的人和一个小孩在看电视。", "一个婴儿躺在沙发上看电视,旁边有一个大人也在看。", "一个婴儿躺坐在沙发上,认真地看着电视。", "一个婴儿正躺在沙发上侧头看着电视。", "一个婴儿正躺在床上看电视。", "一个小婴儿正躺在沙发上看着电视。", "一个婴儿躺在沙发上,不时的踢着左腿。" ]
[ "A woman watches her child as he is watching the television.", "A little baby is in his chair sitting down watching television.", "A todler boy wearing an orange shirt is sitting in a play stand watching TV.", "a baby in a baby walker is watching tv in a living room", "A little baby in a walker is sitting in front of the tv .", "A baby is watching the television in their stroller and an adult tries to interact with them.", "A young boy is sitting in a walker and watching television.", "A baby watches television while sitting in his baby chair.", "A baby sitting in a walking chair watching television and looking around.", "A baby is in a seat and watching the television attentively." ]
[ "明亮的房间内,一个小孩,坐在婴儿车内,看着电视。", "家长在用机器拍一位小婴儿,小婴儿好奇地看着电视节目。", "在一个房间里,有一个坐在儿童车里的小男孩在看电视。", "在室内一个坐在婴儿车里的小孩看着电视。", "房间内,一个坐在代步车的婴儿,在看电视。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车上在看电视,身旁的一个大人试图与这个小孩互动。", "一个小男孩坐在助行器上抬着头看电视。", "一个婴儿坐在他的婴儿椅上看电视。", "一个婴儿坐在步行的椅子上看电视并环顾四周。", "一个婴儿坐在滑滑车里,专注地看电视。" ]
[ "A small child watching a television program emulates a character onscreen", "A young boy stands in front of a television watching eductaional children's programming,", "A small child is in a room watching tv and imitating what the character is doing on the show.", "A boy is standing in front of the tv and excited about a show.", "Asian child in a playroom dances side to side while watching similar action on a TV program.", "A small boy sings along to a children's show on television.", "A kid is watching TV while talking and making some movements.", "A person is showing how a baby dances in front of a television.", "A young boy dances while watching a cartoon about a train.", "A child is watching television and reacting to the cartoons on the screen." ]
[ "一个小男孩盯着电视机左右晃动,并跟电视机摆手再见。", "一个小女孩在客厅里伴随着音乐和电视舞蹈身体。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的小孩在打游戏。", "一个小宝宝在对着电视机里的动画片做动作。", "敞亮的室内,一名身穿黑色上衣的女孩,正站在地板上玩耍。", "一个小男孩跟着电视上的儿童节目唱歌。", "一个小孩站在房间里一边看着电视一边做着一些动作。", "一个人高兴的在电视机前展示婴儿是如何跳舞的。", "一个小男孩边跳边看一部关于火车的动画片。", "在室内,一个小孩正在对着电视一边唱歌,一边跳舞。" ]
[ "a group of people watching tv as they watch the news and move their feet on the carpet", "In a room, a television that is on a table is showing the Ellen show.", "A recording of a TV playing a talk show then the camera zooms out to show someone's feet.", "A television is showing an interview on a talk show, while a person watches it while lying on a floor.", "A person is watching the tv show Ellen from the couch with subtitles on.", "a television playing a show on tv that is on a tv stand", "A tv is showing a program that has subtitles on the bottom.", "a person is watching a TV show where a bunch of people are talking about something", "A man zooms the camera out include the whole television, and his feet while he watches a talk show on a TV.", "A person is sitting on the floor watching a news program on the television." ]
[ "正在看着电视里面接受采访的节目。", "一个人躺着看电视,电视中有两个男人和一个女人在谈论事情。", "在一个房间里。一个身穿红色衣服的女人正在和其他人进行交谈。", "在一个明亮的房间,一个人正在看着电视机。", "木桌上的电视机正在播放访谈节目,一个人光着脚躺在房里。", "一台电视屏幕上正在播放一个电视节目。", "电视正在播放一个底部有字幕的节目。", "一个人正在看一个电视节目,里面有一群人正在谈论一些事情。", "一个男人在房间里躺着看电视上的脱口秀。", "一个人正坐在地板上看电视上的一个新闻节目。" ]
[ "Three young boys sit on a couch and watch television while a man talks to them.", "Three children are sitting on a couch watching cartoons on a tv.", "Three little kids sit on a leather couch annd watch cartoons on the TV.", "Three boys are sitting on the couch watch a cartoon on TV.", "Three young boys sit on a sofa in a house and watch television as a man talks.", "Three children are sitting on a couch and watching TV while a man is talking to them.", "three young kids are sitting on a couch and watching the TV", "Three young children are sitting on a couch together while watching tv while one boy points to the tv and a man responds to him.", "Sitting on a couch, three little boys are watching a TV, while an adults talks about it.", "Three children are sitting on a couch and watching television" ]
[ "三个小朋友正坐在沙发上看电视机里面放的动画片。", "三个小宝宝端坐在红色沙发上认真地观看电视节目。", "三个小孩坐在红色沙发上正在看电视。", "三个小孩子坐在沙发上看着旁边的电视上放着的动画片。", "三个小孩正在坐在沙发上一起看动画片。", "三个小男孩坐在一个大沙发上看电视。", "三个小孩子坐在客厅的沙发上看电视。", "三个小孩子一起坐在沙发上看电视,中间坐着的小男孩指了下电视,一个男人跟着他做出了回应。", "三个小男孩坐在沙发上看电视, 而一个成年人在谈论这件事。", "三个漂亮的小孩子坐在沙发上观看电视。" ]
[ "A man sits on a couch holding his daughter while a little boy plays at a table in the room.", "A man is sitting on the couch holding his baby girl while his son is playing at the table in front of them.", "A man holds a baby, and a small girl is playing with toys on a table.", "A man is sitting in the dewan coat with a little baby , and other baby standing in the floor .", "A man is holding a baby in his arm while a child is looking at the table.", "a man is holding a baby and a person is talking to her and then to another child.", "A man sits on the couch with a baby and looks at another child standing on the floor.", "A man on a couch is holding an infant while a small child plays with toys.", "A man is sitting in his living room holding a small child while another child walks around and a woman speaks.", "A baby is on a mans lap and a girl is playing with toys." ]
[ "一个男人,正抱着一个小孩坐在沙发上,旁边还有一个小孩在玩耍。", "一个穿着黑色衣服的男人坐在沙发上并且抱着一个婴儿。", "一个男人抱着一个婴儿坐在沙发上,旁边还站着一个小孩。", "在昏暗的场景一个外国男人坐在沙发上抱着一个小孩,还有一个小孩在电视旁边。", "一个男人手里抱着一个小孩儿坐在沙发上,另一个小男孩儿在地上走动。", "一个男人抱着一个婴儿坐在沙发上面,另一个小男孩正在玩耍。", "一个男人坐在沙发上抱着一个婴儿,看着另一个孩子站在地板上。", "躺在沙发上的男人抱着一个婴儿,而小孩子则在玩玩具。", "一个男人坐在客厅里抱着一个小孩,而另一个孩子走来走去,一个女人说话。", "一个婴儿在一个人的腿上,一个女孩正在玩玩具。" ]
[ "A young child sits in a chair and watches tv while some one watches.", "A little child is sitting in an electric indoor hammock and being swung around.", "A kid is shown enjoying tv while sitting on a shaking chair.", "A child being recorded as they sit in a child's chair swiveling as they watch cartoons.", "A toddler in a horizontal rocker is rocking side to side.", "A little boy is lying and smiling in a swinging cradle", "Child wearing green shirt, jeans and orange socks rocks himself side to side in a black chair.", "An infant is in a swinging baby chair while watching television.", "a toddler boy is enjoying being in his movable seat, swinging side to side in it.", "Young boy in a green shirt enjoying himself while watching television in a living room." ]
[ "一个穿着绿色上衣,穿着牛仔裤和黄色袜子的小孩子躺在一个转椅上看电视。", "一个小孩子自己坐在摇椅上看电视。", "一个穿绿色衣服的小孩躺在宝宝椅上晃动。", "一名身穿绿色上衣的男孩,正躺在椅子上玩耍。", "在一个明亮的房间里,一个小孩坐在摇椅上面看电视。", "在房间里,一个小孩子躺在婴儿摇篮在上转动着。", "穿着绿色上衣,牛仔裤和橙色袜子的孩子在转动的黑色椅子上躺着。", "房间里面一个小男孩坐着摇椅上面看着电视。", "一个穿着绿色上衣的小女孩坐在小沙发里来回的旋转。", "穿着绿色衬衫的年轻男孩在起居室里看电视时玩得很开心。" ]
[ "A young kids sits in a furniture chair and watches television quietly.", "A toddler sitting in a mini recliner, sucking on their thumbs and kicking their legs.", "A toddler in their own sized chair watches television and smiles", "a little toddler is on his own little sofa watching children's tv.", "A little kid is sitting on a chair and watching a television show.", "A tolder is sitting in a small chair with his hands folded and his feet in the air.", "A child sitting on a tiny couch watching a kids television show", "A smiling child watching T.V. while seating in a small chair.", "A toddler sits in a toddler chair in a family room, watching something closely and making movements with his hands and feet, to music, as what appears to be a TV plays in the background.", "A toddler sits in a small chair in a playroom and watches a childrens' program." ]
[ "一个小男孩坐在椅子听到别人说话后笑了。", "地上都是拼图泡沫,一个小沙发上面坐着一个小孩,小孩二只小脚并在一起。", "一个坐在沙发上的小孩子不时地踢动双腿,忽然笑了。", "一个穿着浅色衣服的小孩坐在沙发上笑。", "一个孩子坐在蓝色的小沙发上,双手放在嘴边。", "一个小孩子正坐在小沙发上双手交叉着,双脚悬空,开心的笑着。", "一个小孩子正坐在一个蓝色的沙发上看着前面。", "一个微笑的孩子坐在小椅子上看电视。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小婴儿正坐在椅子上吃手。", "一个小女孩坐在游戏室里的一张小椅子上,看着一个儿童节目。" ]
[ "A foreign man is watching another foreign man talking about something on the television.", "A man is sitting back and watching something and talking.", "A man wearing shorts is sitting on the sofa watching Television.", "A man is sitting on a couch watching German television intently and without any sign of motion.", "A guy in black is sitting on a couch and watching a television.", "A man sitting down on a couch watches television while another man talks.", "A man is relaxing and watching TV while sitting on a couch.", "Slacker guy with phone between legs sits on coach and watches TV", "A MAN LOUNGES ON A CHAIR AND LISTENS TO ANOTHER MAN SPEAK TO HIM IN A LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH.", "A man is sitting on a couch with his hands folded watching television." ]
[ "鱼竿穿着黑色衣服的男人正目不转睛的看着电视。", "一个长着胡子的男人半躺在沙发上一直盯着电视机看。", "在房间中,一个男人坐在沙发上看电视。", "一个穿黑色短袖的男子坐在沙发上看电视。", "一个穿着短袖、短裤的男人正坐在沙发上。", "一个男人坐在沙发上看电视,旁边的另一个男人正在说话。", "在一个房间里面,一个男人正坐在沙发上看电视。", "一个懒散的家伙,一边是手机,一边坐在长途汽车上看电视。", "一个男人躺在椅子上听着另一个男人用英语以外的其他语言同他说话。", "一个男人坐在沙发上,双手折叠着看电视。" ]
[ "A baby sitting in a walker in front of a t.v. watches it as plays.", "A baby is sitting in a walker while looking up at a television displaying a children's program.", "A infant is watching a television show in the living room.", "An infant in a walker device, in a living room area watching a television show.", "A baby is looking at a TV monitor, while sitting in a baby stroller.", "A baby is seen watching tv while sitting in a stroller.", "A kid in a chair is watching a television show very intensely.", "A little baby is in bouncer and starts to watch what is on the TV.", "A baby is sitting in a chair and watching a TV show.", "A young boy stares at the tv from his baby walker" ]
[ "一个穿着白色上衣的小孩正站在学步车里看电视。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车里目不转睛的看着电视。", "一个小孩坐在一个椅子里抬着头看着电视。", "婴儿在婴儿学步车内专注的看电视。", "室内一个小孩子坐在学步车里抬头看着高处的电视节目。", "一名婴儿坐在婴儿车里看电视被人看见了。", "站在婴儿车里的孩子正认真的看着电视节目。", "一个小婴儿在婴儿车里看电视上的节目。", "一个穿着白色衣服的小婴儿正坐在学步车上看电视。", "一个小男孩在他的婴儿步行车里盯着电视看。" ]
[ "A young child watching TV while a woman tries to get his attention.", "A kid seated is watching TV and a woman is speaking in the background.", "A baby is in his seat watching the tv and then turns his head.", "A child in a chair turns his head to watch whats on the television.", "A little boy, sitting in a baby seat, is watching a TV screen and then an adult starts talking to him.", "A toddler is sitting in a high chair and has their head turned around to watch television.", "A very young boy caught in his seat turns around to watch the television show.", "A baby is sitting a baby seat with his head turned around looking at a television.", "A young child is sitting in a high chair and turns around to watch something on the television.", "A small person sits in a small chair and looks behind them." ]
[ "一个孩子坐在婴儿车上侧过身子看电视。", "一个婴儿坐在婴儿车上扭头看电视。", "房间里,一个做着的小朋友正偏头看着其它地方。", "一个人身穿着浅色的衣服在婴儿车里坐在。", "一个婴儿坐在宝宝椅上,向左扭头看后面的电视。", "一名幼儿坐在高脚椅子上,脑袋转过去看电视。", "一个非常小的男孩坐在他的座位上转身看电视节目。", "一个婴儿正坐在一个婴儿座椅上, 他的头转过去在看电视。", "一个小孩正坐在儿童椅上转身看电视上的东西。", "一个小孩子坐在一个室内的凳子上面看向身后。" ]