7 values
Gravity causes erosion by all of the following except
(A) glaciers (B) moving air (C) flowing water (D) mass movement
Abrasion is another type of mechanical weathering. With abrasion, one rock bumps against another rock. Gravity causes abrasion as a rock tumbles down a slope. Moving water causes abrasion it moves rocks so that they bump against one another (Figure 9.3). Strong winds cause abrasion by blasting sand against rock surfaces. Finally, the ice in glaciers cause abrasion. Pieces of rock embedded in ice at the bottom of a glacier scrape against the rock below. If you have ever collected beach glass or pebbles from a stream, you have witnessed the work of abrasion. Erosion by gravity is called mass wasting. Mass wasting can be slow and virtually imperceptible, or rapid, massive, and deadly. Weathered material may fall away from a cliff because there is nothing to keep it in place. Rocks that fall to the base of a cliff make a talus slope. Sometimes as one rock falls, it hits another rock, which hits another rock, and begins a landslide. Abrasion is another form of mechanical weathering. In abrasion, one rock bumps against another rock. Gravity causes abrasion as a rock tumbles down a mountainside or cliff. Moving water causes abrasion as particles in the water collide and bump against one another. Strong winds carrying pieces of sand can sandblast surfaces. Ice in glaciers carries many bits and pieces of rock. Rocks embedded at the bottom of the glacier scrape against the rocks below. Abrasion makes rocks with sharp or jagged edges smooth and round. If you have ever collected beach glass or cobbles from a stream, you have witnessed the work of abrasion (Figure 1.2).
The rate of erosion by gravity
(A) is sudden and dramatic (B) is very slow over long periods of time (C) neither of these (D) both of these
Erosion by gravity is called mass wasting. Mass wasting can be slow and virtually imperceptible, or rapid, massive, and deadly. Weathered material may fall away from a cliff because there is nothing to keep it in place. Rocks that fall to the base of a cliff make a talus slope. Sometimes as one rock falls, it hits another rock, which hits another rock, and begins a landslide. Flowing water is a very important agent of erosion. Flowing water can erode rocks and soil. Water dissolves minerals from rocks and carries the ions. This process happens really slowly. But over millions of years, flowing water dissolves massive amounts of rock. Moving water also picks up and carries particles of soil and rock. The ability to erode is affected by the velocity, or speed, of the water. The size of the eroded particles depends on the velocity of the water. Eventually, the water deposits the materials. As water slows, larger particles are deposited. As the water slows even more, smaller particles are deposited. The graph in Figure 10.1 shows how water velocity and particle size influence erosion and deposition. Gravity shapes the Earths surface by moving weathered material from a higher place to a lower one. This occurs in a variety of ways and at a variety of rates, including sudden, dramatic events as well as slow, steady movements that happen over long periods of time. The force of gravity is constant and it is changing the Earths surface right now.
Factors that increase the risk of landslides include
(A) dry soils (B) lack of rain (C) earthquakes (D) two of the above
There are several factors that increase the chance that a landslide will occur. Some of these we can prevent and some we cannot. Layers of weak rock, such as clay, also allow more landslides. Wet clay is very slippery, which provides an easy surface for materials to slide over. Landslides cause $1 billion to $2 billion damage in the United States each year and are responsible for traumatic and sudden loss of life and homes in many areas of the world. Some at-risk communities have developed landslide warning systems. Around San Francisco Bay, the National Weather Service and the U.S. Geological Survey use rain gauges to monitor soil moisture. If soil becomes saturated, the weather service issues a warning. Earthquakes, which may occur on Californias abundant faults, can also trigger landslides. To be safe from landslides: Be aware of your surroundings and notice changes in the natural world. Look for cracks or bulges in hillsides, tilting of decks or patios, or leaning poles or fences when rainfall is heavy. Sticking windows and doors can indicate ground movement as soil pushes slowly against a house and knocks windows and doors out of alignment. Look for landslide scars because landslides are most likely to happen where they have occurred before. Plant vegetation and trees on the hillside around your home to help hold soil in place. Help to keep a slope stable by building retaining walls. Installing good drainage in a hillside may keep the soil from getting saturated. Hillside properties in the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere may be prone to damage from landslides. Geologists are studying the warning signs and progress of local landslides to help reduce risks and give people adequate warnings of these looming threats.
When a rock falls from a cliff face, the agent of erosion is usually
(A) wind (B) water (C) gravity (D) glaciers
Erosion by gravity is called mass wasting. Mass wasting can be slow and virtually imperceptible, or rapid, massive, and deadly. Weathered material may fall away from a cliff because there is nothing to keep it in place. Rocks that fall to the base of a cliff make a talus slope. Sometimes as one rock falls, it hits another rock, which hits another rock, and begins a landslide. Abrasion is another form of mechanical weathering. In abrasion, one rock bumps against another rock. Gravity causes abrasion as a rock tumbles down a mountainside or cliff. Moving water causes abrasion as particles in the water collide and bump against one another. Strong winds carrying pieces of sand can sandblast surfaces. Ice in glaciers carries many bits and pieces of rock. Rocks embedded at the bottom of the glacier scrape against the rocks below. Abrasion makes rocks with sharp or jagged edges smooth and round. If you have ever collected beach glass or cobbles from a stream, you have witnessed the work of abrasion (Figure 1.2). Abrasion is another type of mechanical weathering. With abrasion, one rock bumps against another rock. Gravity causes abrasion as a rock tumbles down a slope. Moving water causes abrasion it moves rocks so that they bump against one another (Figure 9.3). Strong winds cause abrasion by blasting sand against rock surfaces. Finally, the ice in glaciers cause abrasion. Pieces of rock embedded in ice at the bottom of a glacier scrape against the rock below. If you have ever collected beach glass or pebbles from a stream, you have witnessed the work of abrasion.
Downhill creep
(A) results in curved tree trunks (B) falls as a whole unit (C) leaves large scars in the hillside (D) cannot be noticed because it is so slow
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: An earthquake, volcanic eruption, or even just a truck going by can shake unstable ground loose and cause a slide. Skiers and hikers may disturb the snow they travel over and set off an avalanche.
Mass movement can occur
(A) suddenly (B) very slowly (C) only on sloping land (D) all of the above
Two other types of mass movement are slump and creep. Both may move a lot of soil and rock. However, they usually arent as destructive as landslides and mudslides. The most destructive types of mass movement are landslides and mudslides. Both occur suddenly. Erosion by gravity is called mass wasting. Mass wasting can be slow and virtually imperceptible, or rapid, massive, and deadly. Weathered material may fall away from a cliff because there is nothing to keep it in place. Rocks that fall to the base of a cliff make a talus slope. Sometimes as one rock falls, it hits another rock, which hits another rock, and begins a landslide.
Slump may be caused by
(A) wet clay (B) water erosion (C) scars on a hillside (D) two of the above
Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: An earthquake, volcanic eruption, or even just a truck going by can shake unstable ground loose and cause a slide. Skiers and hikers may disturb the snow they travel over and set off an avalanche.
A slump is the sudden
(A) fall of rock and soil down slope (B) flow of mud down slope (C) movement of a large block of rock and soil down slope (D) flow of volcanic ash and water down slope
Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: The most destructive types of mass movement are landslides and mudslides. Both occur suddenly.
Creep usually takes place where the ground
(A) is level (B) is prevented from moving (C) freezes and thaws frequently (D) is always saturated with water
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. Some water soaks into the ground. It travels down through tiny holes in soil. It seeps through cracks in rock. The water moves slowly, pulled deeper and deeper by gravity. Underground water can also erode and deposit material. Working slowly over many years, groundwater travels along small cracks. The water dissolves and carries away the solid rock, gradually enlarging the cracks. Eventually, a cave may form (Figure 1.2).
Mass movement may be caused when
(A) droughts dry out the ground (B) a river undercuts a slope (C) the gravitational polarity reverses (D) none of these
The most destructive types of mass movement are landslides and mudslides. Both occur suddenly. Two other types of mass movement are slump and creep. Both may move a lot of soil and rock. However, they usually arent as destructive as landslides and mudslides. Erosion by gravity is called mass wasting. Mass wasting can be slow and virtually imperceptible, or rapid, massive, and deadly. Weathered material may fall away from a cliff because there is nothing to keep it in place. Rocks that fall to the base of a cliff make a talus slope. Sometimes as one rock falls, it hits another rock, which hits another rock, and begins a landslide.
Evidence that creep has occurred include
(A) cracked pavement (B) crescent-shaped holes (C) huge piles of mud (D) large chunks of rock
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. Many pieces of evidence can mean that a volcano is about to erupt, but the time and magnitude of the eruption are difficult to pin down. This evidence includes the history of previous volcanic activity, earthquakes, slope deformation, and gas emissions. Some rock beds contain exceptional fossils or fossil assemblages. Two of the most famous examples of soft organism preservation are from the 505 million-year-old Burgess Shale in Canada (Figure ??). The 145 million-year-old Solnhofen Limestone in Germany has fossils of soft body parts that are not normally preserved (Figure ??).
Gravity pulls soil and rocks downhill.
(A) true (B) false
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. Some water soaks into the ground. It travels down through tiny holes in soil. It seeps through cracks in rock. The water moves slowly, pulled deeper and deeper by gravity. Underground water can also erode and deposit material. Erosion by gravity is called mass wasting. Mass wasting can be slow and virtually imperceptible, or rapid, massive, and deadly. Weathered material may fall away from a cliff because there is nothing to keep it in place. Rocks that fall to the base of a cliff make a talus slope. Sometimes as one rock falls, it hits another rock, which hits another rock, and begins a landslide.
Mass movement is always a very slow process.
(A) true (B) false
Two other types of mass movement are slump and creep. Both may move a lot of soil and rock. However, they usually arent as destructive as landslides and mudslides. The most destructive types of mass movement are landslides and mudslides. Both occur suddenly. Erosion by gravity is called mass wasting. Mass wasting can be slow and virtually imperceptible, or rapid, massive, and deadly. Weathered material may fall away from a cliff because there is nothing to keep it in place. Rocks that fall to the base of a cliff make a talus slope. Sometimes as one rock falls, it hits another rock, which hits another rock, and begins a landslide.
A landslide may carry away an entire village.
(A) true (B) false
A landslide happens when a large amount of soil and rock suddenly falls down a slope because of gravity. You can see an example in Figure 10.30. A landslide can be very destructive. It may bury or carry away entire villages. A landslide is more likely if the soil has become wet from heavy rains. The wet soil becomes slippery and heavy. Earthquakes often trigger landslides. The shaking ground causes soil and rocks to break loose and start sliding. If a landslide flows into a body of water, it may cause a huge wave called a tsunami. Landslides are the most dramatic, sudden, and dangerous examples of Earth materials moved by gravity. Landslides are sudden falls of rock; by contrast, avalanches are sudden falls of snow. When large amounts of rock suddenly break loose from a cliff or mountainside, they move quickly and with tremendous force (Figure 1.1). Air trapped under the falling rocks acts as a cushion that keeps the rock from slowing down. Landslides can move as fast as 200 to 300 km/hour. This landslide in California in 2008 blocked Highway 140. Landslides are exceptionally destructive. Homes may be destroyed as hillsides collapse. Landslides can even bury entire villages. Landslides may create lakes when the rocky material dams a stream. If a landslide flows into a lake or bay, they can trigger a tsunami. Landslides often occur on steep slopes in dry or semi-arid climates. The California coastline, with its steep cliffs and years of drought punctuated by seasons of abundant rainfall, is prone to landslides. An earthquake, volcanic eruption, or even just a truck going by can shake unstable ground loose and cause a slide. Skiers and hikers may disturb the snow they travel over and set off an avalanche.
Mudslides occur where soil consists mostly of sand.
(A) true (B) false
A mudslide is the sudden flow of mud down a slope because of gravity. Mudslides occur where the soil is mostly clay. Like landslides, mudslides usually occur when the soil is wet. Wet clay forms very slippery mud that slides easily. You can see an example of a mudslide in Figure 10.31. The most destructive types of mass movement are landslides and mudslides. Both occur suddenly. Layers of weak rock, such as clay, also allow more landslides. Wet clay is very slippery, which provides an easy surface for materials to slide over.
Slump occurs more slowly that creep.
(A) true (B) false
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL:
Curved tree trunks are a sign of land creep.
(A) true (B) false
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. On land, seed plants and trees diversified and spread widely. Ferns were common at the time of the dinosaurs (Figure Secondary succession occurs in a formerly inhabited area that was disturbed.
Slump is more destructive than a landslide.
(A) true (B) false
The most destructive types of mass movement are landslides and mudslides. Both occur suddenly. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside.
Undercutting can cause the ground to become unstable.
(A) true (B) false
Lowering the water table may cause the ground surface to sink. Subsidence may occur beneath houses and other structures (Figure 1.4). If people dig into the base of a slope to create a road or a homesite, the slope may become unstable and move downhill. This is particularly dangerous when the underlying rock layers slope towards the area. When construction workers cut into slopes for homes or roads, they must stabilize the slope to help prevent a landslide (Figure 1.6). Tree roots or even grasses can bind soil together. It is also a good idea to provide drainage so that the slope does not become saturated with water. An earthquake, volcanic eruption, or even just a truck going by can shake unstable ground loose and cause a slide. Skiers and hikers may disturb the snow they travel over and set off an avalanche.
Soil is lifted up when the ground freezes.
(A) true (B) false
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. A residual soil forms over many years, as mechanical and chemical weathering slowly change solid rock into soil. The development of a residual soil may go something like this. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The bedrock fractures because of weathering from ice wedging or another physical process. Water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide seep into the cracks to cause chemical weathering. Plants, such as lichens or grasses, become established and produce biological weathering. Weathered material collects until there is soil. The soil develops soil horizons, as each layer becomes progressively altered. The greatest degree of weather- ing is in the top layer. Each successive, lower layer is altered just a little bit less. This is because the first place where water and air come in contact with the soil is at the top. A cut in the side of a hillside shows each of the different layers of soil. All together, these are called a soil profile (Figure 1.1). The simplest soils have three horizons. Soil is an important resource. Each soil horizon is distinctly visible in this photo- graph. A little bit of water helps to hold grains of sand or soil together. For example, you can build a larger sand castle with slightly wet sand than with dry sand. However, too much water causes the sand to flow quickly away. Rapid snow melt or rainfall adds extra water to the soil, which increases the weight of the slope and makes sediment grains lose contact with each other, allowing flow.
Heavy rainfall makes ground more susceptible to landslides.
(A) true (B) false
Layers of weak rock, such as clay, also allow more landslides. Wet clay is very slippery, which provides an easy surface for materials to slide over. Landslides cause $1 billion to $2 billion damage in the United States each year and are responsible for traumatic and sudden loss of life and homes in many areas of the world. Some at-risk communities have developed landslide warning systems. Around San Francisco Bay, the National Weather Service and the U.S. Geological Survey use rain gauges to monitor soil moisture. If soil becomes saturated, the weather service issues a warning. Earthquakes, which may occur on Californias abundant faults, can also trigger landslides. To be safe from landslides: Be aware of your surroundings and notice changes in the natural world. Look for cracks or bulges in hillsides, tilting of decks or patios, or leaning poles or fences when rainfall is heavy. Sticking windows and doors can indicate ground movement as soil pushes slowly against a house and knocks windows and doors out of alignment. Look for landslide scars because landslides are most likely to happen where they have occurred before. Plant vegetation and trees on the hillside around your home to help hold soil in place. Help to keep a slope stable by building retaining walls. Installing good drainage in a hillside may keep the soil from getting saturated. Hillside properties in the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere may be prone to damage from landslides. Geologists are studying the warning signs and progress of local landslides to help reduce risks and give people adequate warnings of these looming threats. There are several factors that increase the chance that a landslide will occur. Some of these we can prevent and some we cannot.
Landslides can cause earthquakes.
(A) true (B) false
A landslide happens when a large amount of soil and rock suddenly falls down a slope because of gravity. You can see an example in Figure 10.30. A landslide can be very destructive. It may bury or carry away entire villages. A landslide is more likely if the soil has become wet from heavy rains. The wet soil becomes slippery and heavy. Earthquakes often trigger landslides. The shaking ground causes soil and rocks to break loose and start sliding. If a landslide flows into a body of water, it may cause a huge wave called a tsunami. Landslides cause $1 billion to $2 billion damage in the United States each year and are responsible for traumatic and sudden loss of life and homes in many areas of the world. Some at-risk communities have developed landslide warning systems. Around San Francisco Bay, the National Weather Service and the U.S. Geological Survey use rain gauges to monitor soil moisture. If soil becomes saturated, the weather service issues a warning. Earthquakes, which may occur on Californias abundant faults, can also trigger landslides. To be safe from landslides: Be aware of your surroundings and notice changes in the natural world. Look for cracks or bulges in hillsides, tilting of decks or patios, or leaning poles or fences when rainfall is heavy. Sticking windows and doors can indicate ground movement as soil pushes slowly against a house and knocks windows and doors out of alignment. Look for landslide scars because landslides are most likely to happen where they have occurred before. Plant vegetation and trees on the hillside around your home to help hold soil in place. Help to keep a slope stable by building retaining walls. Installing good drainage in a hillside may keep the soil from getting saturated. Hillside properties in the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere may be prone to damage from landslides. Geologists are studying the warning signs and progress of local landslides to help reduce risks and give people adequate warnings of these looming threats. An earthquake, volcanic eruption, or even just a truck going by can shake unstable ground loose and cause a slide. Skiers and hikers may disturb the snow they travel over and set off an avalanche.
An earthquake is a type of mass movement.
(A) true (B) false
An earthquake is sudden ground movement caused by the sudden release of energy stored in rocks. Earthquakes happen when so much stress builds up in the rocks that the rocks rupture. The energy is transmitted by seismic waves. Earthquakes can be so small they go completely unnoticed, or so large that it can take years for a region to recover. The most destructive types of mass movement are landslides and mudslides. Both occur suddenly. Two other types of mass movement are slump and creep. Both may move a lot of soil and rock. However, they usually arent as destructive as landslides and mudslides.
Landslides rarely cause much damage.
(A) true (B) false
Landslides cause $1 billion to $2 billion damage in the United States each year and are responsible for traumatic and sudden loss of life and homes in many areas of the world. Some at-risk communities have developed landslide warning systems. Around San Francisco Bay, the National Weather Service and the U.S. Geological Survey use rain gauges to monitor soil moisture. If soil becomes saturated, the weather service issues a warning. Earthquakes, which may occur on Californias abundant faults, can also trigger landslides. To be safe from landslides: Be aware of your surroundings and notice changes in the natural world. Look for cracks or bulges in hillsides, tilting of decks or patios, or leaning poles or fences when rainfall is heavy. Sticking windows and doors can indicate ground movement as soil pushes slowly against a house and knocks windows and doors out of alignment. Look for landslide scars because landslides are most likely to happen where they have occurred before. Plant vegetation and trees on the hillside around your home to help hold soil in place. Help to keep a slope stable by building retaining walls. Installing good drainage in a hillside may keep the soil from getting saturated. Hillside properties in the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere may be prone to damage from landslides. Geologists are studying the warning signs and progress of local landslides to help reduce risks and give people adequate warnings of these looming threats. Landslides are the most dramatic, sudden, and dangerous examples of Earth materials moved by gravity. Landslides are sudden falls of rock; by contrast, avalanches are sudden falls of snow. When large amounts of rock suddenly break loose from a cliff or mountainside, they move quickly and with tremendous force (Figure 1.1). Air trapped under the falling rocks acts as a cushion that keeps the rock from slowing down. Landslides can move as fast as 200 to 300 km/hour. This landslide in California in 2008 blocked Highway 140. Landslides are exceptionally destructive. Homes may be destroyed as hillsides collapse. Landslides can even bury entire villages. Landslides may create lakes when the rocky material dams a stream. If a landslide flows into a lake or bay, they can trigger a tsunami. Landslides often occur on steep slopes in dry or semi-arid climates. The California coastline, with its steep cliffs and years of drought punctuated by seasons of abundant rainfall, is prone to landslides. There are several factors that increase the chance that a landslide will occur. Some of these we can prevent and some we cannot.
Trees tilting downhill are evidence for slump.
(A) true (B) false
Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity.
During creep, soil moves downhill when it thaws.
(A) true (B) false
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. Some water soaks into the ground. It travels down through tiny holes in soil. It seeps through cracks in rock. The water moves slowly, pulled deeper and deeper by gravity. Underground water can also erode and deposit material. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL:
sudden movement of a large block of rock and soil down a slope
(A) creep (B) landslide (C) mass movement (D) mudslide (E) slump (F) gravity
Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Landslides are the most dramatic, sudden, and dangerous examples of Earth materials moved by gravity. Landslides are sudden falls of rock; by contrast, avalanches are sudden falls of snow. When large amounts of rock suddenly break loose from a cliff or mountainside, they move quickly and with tremendous force (Figure 1.1). Air trapped under the falling rocks acts as a cushion that keeps the rock from slowing down. Landslides can move as fast as 200 to 300 km/hour. This landslide in California in 2008 blocked Highway 140. Landslides are exceptionally destructive. Homes may be destroyed as hillsides collapse. Landslides can even bury entire villages. Landslides may create lakes when the rocky material dams a stream. If a landslide flows into a lake or bay, they can trigger a tsunami. Landslides often occur on steep slopes in dry or semi-arid climates. The California coastline, with its steep cliffs and years of drought punctuated by seasons of abundant rainfall, is prone to landslides.
force that indirectly causes erosion by moving water or ice
(A) creep (B) landslide (C) mass movement (D) mudslide (E) slump (F) gravity
Abrasion is another type of mechanical weathering. With abrasion, one rock bumps against another rock. Gravity causes abrasion as a rock tumbles down a slope. Moving water causes abrasion it moves rocks so that they bump against one another (Figure 9.3). Strong winds cause abrasion by blasting sand against rock surfaces. Finally, the ice in glaciers cause abrasion. Pieces of rock embedded in ice at the bottom of a glacier scrape against the rock below. If you have ever collected beach glass or pebbles from a stream, you have witnessed the work of abrasion. Abrasion is another form of mechanical weathering. In abrasion, one rock bumps against another rock. Gravity causes abrasion as a rock tumbles down a mountainside or cliff. Moving water causes abrasion as particles in the water collide and bump against one another. Strong winds carrying pieces of sand can sandblast surfaces. Ice in glaciers carries many bits and pieces of rock. Rocks embedded at the bottom of the glacier scrape against the rocks below. Abrasion makes rocks with sharp or jagged edges smooth and round. If you have ever collected beach glass or cobbles from a stream, you have witnessed the work of abrasion (Figure 1.2). Flowing water is a very important agent of erosion. Flowing water can erode rocks and soil. Water dissolves minerals from rocks and carries the ions. This process happens really slowly. But over millions of years, flowing water dissolves massive amounts of rock. Moving water also picks up and carries particles of soil and rock. The ability to erode is affected by the velocity, or speed, of the water. The size of the eroded particles depends on the velocity of the water. Eventually, the water deposits the materials. As water slows, larger particles are deposited. As the water slows even more, smaller particles are deposited. The graph in Figure 10.1 shows how water velocity and particle size influence erosion and deposition.
sudden movement of a large amount of soil and loose rocks down a slope
(A) creep (B) landslide (C) mass movement (D) mudslide (E) slump (F) gravity
Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside. A landslide happens when a large amount of soil and rock suddenly falls down a slope because of gravity. You can see an example in Figure 10.30. A landslide can be very destructive. It may bury or carry away entire villages. A landslide is more likely if the soil has become wet from heavy rains. The wet soil becomes slippery and heavy. Earthquakes often trigger landslides. The shaking ground causes soil and rocks to break loose and start sliding. If a landslide flows into a body of water, it may cause a huge wave called a tsunami. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL:
gradual movement of rock and soil down a hillside
(A) creep (B) landslide (C) mass movement (D) mudslide (E) slump (F) gravity
Creep is the very slow movement of rock and soil down a hillside. Creep occurs so slowly you cant see it happening. You can only see the effects of creep after years of movement. This is illustrated in Figure 10.33. The slowly moving ground causes trees, fence posts, and other structures on the surface to tilt downhill. Creep usually takes place where the ground freezes and thaws frequently. Soil and rock particles are lifted up when the ground freezes. When the ground thaws, the particles settle down again. Each time they settle down, they move a tiny bit farther down the slope because of gravity. Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside. Less dramatic types of downslope movement move Earth materials slowly down a hillside. Slump moves materials as a large block along a curved surface (Figure 1.4). Slumps often happen when a slope is undercut, with no support for the overlying materials, or when too much weight is added to an unstable slope. Mudflows are common in southern California. A lahar is a mudflow that forms from vol- canic ash and debris. Slump material moves as a whole unit, leaving behind a crescent shaped scar. The trunks of these trees near Mineral King, California, were bent by snow creeping downhill when the trees were saplings. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL:
any type of erosion and deposition caused directly by gravity
(A) creep (B) landslide (C) mass movement (D) mudslide (E) slump (F) gravity
Erosion by gravity is called mass wasting. Mass wasting can be slow and virtually imperceptible, or rapid, massive, and deadly. Weathered material may fall away from a cliff because there is nothing to keep it in place. Rocks that fall to the base of a cliff make a talus slope. Sometimes as one rock falls, it hits another rock, which hits another rock, and begins a landslide. Water that flows over Earths surface includes runoff, streams, and rivers. All these types of flowing water can cause erosion and deposition. Flowing water is a very important agent of erosion. Flowing water can erode rocks and soil. Water dissolves minerals from rocks and carries the ions. This process happens really slowly. But over millions of years, flowing water dissolves massive amounts of rock. Moving water also picks up and carries particles of soil and rock. The ability to erode is affected by the velocity, or speed, of the water. The size of the eroded particles depends on the velocity of the water. Eventually, the water deposits the materials. As water slows, larger particles are deposited. As the water slows even more, smaller particles are deposited. The graph in Figure 10.1 shows how water velocity and particle size influence erosion and deposition.
sudden flow of a large amount of wet, slippery clay down a slope
(A) creep (B) landslide (C) mass movement (D) mudslide (E) slump (F) gravity
A mudslide is the sudden flow of mud down a slope because of gravity. Mudslides occur where the soil is mostly clay. Like landslides, mudslides usually occur when the soil is wet. Wet clay forms very slippery mud that slides easily. You can see an example of a mudslide in Figure 10.31. Slump is the sudden movement of large blocks of rock and soil down a slope. You can see how it happens in Figure 10.32. All the material moves together in big chunks. Slump may be caused by a layer of slippery, wet clay underneath the rock and soil on a hillside. Or it may occur when a river undercuts a slope. Slump leaves behind crescent-shaped scars on the hillside. Added water creates natural hazards produced by gravity (Figure 1.2). On hillsides with soils rich in clay, little rain, and not much vegetation to hold the soil in place, a time of high precipitation will create a mudflow. Mudflows follow river channels, washing out bridges, trees, and homes that are in their path. A lahar is mudflow that flows down a composite volcano (Figure 1.3). Ash mixes with snow and ice melted by the eruption to produce hot, fast-moving flows. The lahar caused by the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in Columbia in 1985 killed more than 23,000 people.
The top four gases in Earths atmosphere include
(A) helium (B) hydrogen (C) water vapor (D) carbon dioxide
Figure 15.3 shows the main gases in air. Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99 percent of air. Argon and carbon dioxide make up much of the rest. These percentages are the same just about everywhere in the atmosphere. Air also includes water vapor. The amount of water vapor varies from place to place. Thats why water vapor isnt included in Figure 15.3. It can make up as much as 4 percent of the air. Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. Ozone collects in a layer in the stratosphere. Remember that greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. Important natural greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and ozone. CFCs and some other man-made compounds are also greenhouse gases. Along with the oceans, the atmosphere keeps Earths temperatures within an acceptable range. Without an atmo- sphere, Earths temperatures would be frigid at night and scorching during the day. If the 12-year-old in the scenario above asked why, she would find out. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. Important greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and ozone.
What are the two most common gases in the atmosphere?
(A) hydrogen and oxygen (B) nitrogen and water vapor (C) hydrogen and nitrogen (D) oxygen and nitrogen
Figure 15.3 shows the main gases in air. Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99 percent of air. Argon and carbon dioxide make up much of the rest. These percentages are the same just about everywhere in the atmosphere. Air also includes water vapor. The amount of water vapor varies from place to place. Thats why water vapor isnt included in Figure 15.3. It can make up as much as 4 percent of the air. Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. Ozone collects in a layer in the stratosphere. Nitrogen and oxygen together make up 99% of the planets atmosphere. Nitrogen makes up the bulk of the atmosphere, but is not involved in geological or biological processes in its gaseous form. Nitrogen fixing is described in the chapter Life on Earth. Oxygen is extremely important because it is needed by animals for respiration. The rest of the gases are minor components but sometimes are very important (Figure 1.1). Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the atmosphere; carbon dioxide is a very important minor component. Earths first atmosphere was different from the current one. The gases came from two sources. Volcanoes spewed gases into the air. Comets carried in ices from outer space. These ices warmed and became gases. Nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and water vapor, or water in gas form, were in the first atmosphere (Figure 12.5). Take a look at the list of gases. Whats missing? The early atmosphere had almost no oxygen.
The atmosphere is needed for all of the following except
(A) weathering (B) life on Earth (C) plate tectonics (D) the water cycle
Without the atmosphere, there would be no clouds or rain. In fact, there would be no weather at all. Most weather occurs because the atmosphere heats up more in some places than others. Along with the oceans, the atmosphere keeps Earths temperatures within an acceptable range. Without an atmo- sphere, Earths temperatures would be frigid at night and scorching during the day. If the 12-year-old in the scenario above asked why, she would find out. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. Important greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and ozone. We are lucky to have an atmosphere on Earth. The atmosphere supports life, and is also needed for the water cycle and weather. The gases of the atmosphere even allow us to hear.
The most important gas(es)for life are
(A) nitrogen and oxygen (B) oxygen and carbon dioxide (C) oxygen (D) nitrogen (E) oxygen and carbon dioxide
Nitrogen (N2 ) is vital for life on Earth as an essential component of organic materials, such as amino acids, chloro- phyll, and nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA (Figure 1.1). Chlorophyll molecules, essential for photosynthesis, contain nitrogen. Nitrogen and oxygen together make up 99% of the planets atmosphere. Nitrogen makes up the bulk of the atmosphere, but is not involved in geological or biological processes in its gaseous form. Nitrogen fixing is described in the chapter Life on Earth. Oxygen is extremely important because it is needed by animals for respiration. The rest of the gases are minor components but sometimes are very important (Figure 1.1). Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the atmosphere; carbon dioxide is a very important minor component. Without the atmosphere, Earth would look a lot more like the Moon. Atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and oxygen (O2 ), are extremely important for living organisms. How does the atmosphere make life possible? How does life alter the atmosphere? The composition of Earths atmosphere.
Plants need oxygen in order to
(A) undertake photosynthesis (B) obtain energy from food (C) make their own food (D) breathe
Plants are somewhat limited by temperature in terms of where they can grow. They need temperatures above freezing while they are actively growing. They also need light, carbon dioxide, and water. These substances are required for photosynthesis. Like most other living things, plants need oxygen. Oxygen is required for cellular respiration. In addition, plants need minerals. The minerals are required to make proteins and other organic molecules. Most of the atmosphere is nitrogen, but it doesnt do much. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are the gases in the atmosphere that are needed for life. Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. They use sunlight to change carbon dioxide and water into food. The process releases oxygen. Without photosynthesis, there would be very little oxygen in the air. Other living things depend on plants for food. These organisms need the oxygen plants release to get energy out of the food. Even plants need oxygen for this purpose. By creating oxygen and food, plants have made an environment that is favorable for animals. In respiration, animals use oxygen to convert sugar into food energy they can use. Plants also go through respiration and consume some of the sugars they produce. The chemical reaction for respiration is: C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2 O + useable energy How is respiration similar to and different from photosynthesis? They are approximately the reverse of each other. In photosynthesis, CO2 is converted to O2 and in respiration, O2 is converted to CO2 (Figure 1.2).
(A) uses carbon dioxide and creates oxygen (B) uses oxygen and creates carbon dioxide (C) uses carbon dioxide and oxygen and creates food energy (D) uses food energy and creates carbon dioxide and oxygen
Through photosynthesis, the inorganic carbon in carbon dioxide plus water and energy from sunlight is transformed into organic carbon (food) with oxygen given off as a waste product. The chemical equation for photosynthesis is: One of the most important series of endothermic reactions is photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, plants make the simple sugar glucose (C6 H12 O6 ) from carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and water (H2 O). They also release oxygen (O2 ) in the process. The reactions of photosynthesis are summed up by this chemical equation: 6 CO2 + 6 H2 O C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 The energy for photosynthesis comes from light. Without light energy, photosynthesis cannot occur. As you can see in the Figure 1.2, plants can get the energy they need for photosynthesis from either sunlight or artificial light. Photosynthesis occurs in two stages, called the light reactions and the Calvin cycle. Figure 4.10 sums up what happens in these two stages. Both stages are described below.
On the Moon
(A) birds couldnt breathe (B) birds couldnt fly (C) if birds said "cheap" they wouldnt be heard (D) all of these
On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy challenged the U.S. Congress: I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him back safely to the Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish. The Soviets were also trying to reach the Moon. Who would win? The answer came eight years after Kennedys challenge, on July 20, 1969. NASAs Apollo 11 mission put astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon, as shown in Figure 23.21. A total of five American missions put astronauts on the Moon. The last was Apollo 17. This mission landed on December 11, 1972. No other country has yet put a person on the Moon. Today, most space missions are done by We all know what the Moon looks like. Its always looked the same during our lifetime. In fact, the Moon has looked the same to every person who has looked up at it for all time. Even the dinosaurs and trilobites, should they have looked up at it, would have seen the same thing. This is not true of Earth. Natural processes continually alter the Earths surface. Without these processes, would Earths surface resemble the Moons? Even though we cant see it from Earth, the Moon has changed recently too. Astronauts footprints are now on the Moon. They will remain unchanged for thousands of years, because there is no wind, rain, or living thing to disturb them. Only a falling meteorite could destroy them. Astronomers have carried out computer simulations that are consistent with these facts and have detailed a birth story for the Moon. A little more than 4.5 billion years ago, roughly 70 million years after Earth formed, planetary bodies were being pummeled by asteroids and planetoids of all kinds. Earth was struck by a Mars-sized asteroid (Figure 1.1). An artists depiction of the impact that produced the Moon. The tremendous energy from the impact melted both bodies. The molten material mixed up. The dense metals remained on Earth but some of the molten, rocky material was flung into an orbit around Earth. It eventually accreted into a single body, the Moon. Since both planetary bodies were molten, material could differentiate out of the magma ocean into core, mantle, and crust as they cooled. Earths fast spin is from energy imparted to it by the impact.
Solid particles in the atmosphere
(A) may include salt and ash (B) may harm human health (C) allow clouds to form (D) all of the above
Some of what is in the atmosphere is not gas. Particles of dust, soil, fecal matter, metals, salt, smoke, ash, and other solids make up a small percentage of the atmosphere and are called particulates. Particles provide starting points (or nuclei) for water vapor to condense on and form raindrops. Some particles are pollutants. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Air includes many tiny particles. The particles may consist of dust, soil, salt, smoke, or ash. Some particles pollute the air and may make it unhealthy to breathe. But having particles in the air is very important. Tiny particles are needed for water vapor to condense on. Without particles, water vapor could not condense. Then clouds could not form and Earth would have no rain. Clouds form when water vapor condenses around particles in the air. The particles are specks of matter, such as dust or smoke. Billions of these tiny water droplets come together to make up a cloud. If the air is very cold, ice crystals form instead of liquid water.
Which property of air varies from sea level to the top of a high mountain?
(A) state (B) pressure (C) composition (D) all of the above
The atmosphere has different properties at different elevations above sea level, or altitudes. The property that changes most strikingly with altitude is air temperature. Unlike the change in pressure and density, which decrease with altitude, changes in air temperature are not regular. A change in temperature with distance is called a temperature gradient. Air temperature falls at higher altitudes. You can see this in Figure 17.6. Why does this happen? Since air is less dense at higher altitudes, its molecules are spread farther apart than they are at sea level. These molecules have fewer collisions, so they produce less heat. Look at the mountain in Figure 17.7. The peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (Africa, 3 south latitude) is 6 kilometers (4 miles) above sea level. At 3 S its very close to the equator. At the bottom of the mountain, the temperature is high year round. How can you tell that its much cooler at the top?
An increase in air pollutant particles
(A) would have no effect on the number of raindrops (B) would have an unknown effect on the number of raindrops (C) could produce more raindrops (D) might produce fewer raindrops
Particulates reduce visibility. In the western United States, people can now ordinarily see only about 100 to 150 kilometers (60 to 90 miles), which is one-half to two-thirds the natural (pre-pollution) range on a clear day. In the East, people can only see about 40 to 60 kilometers (25-35 miles), about one-fifth the distance they could see without any air pollution (Figure 1.1). Particulates reduce the amount of sunshine that reaches the ground, which may reduce photosynthesis. Since particulates form the nucleus for raindrops, snowflakes, or other forms of precipitation, precipitation may increase Smog in New York City. when particulates are high. An increase in particles in the air seems to increase the number of raindrops, but often decreases their size. By reducing sunshine, particulates can also alter air temperature as mentioned above. Imagine how much all of the sources of particulates combine to reduce temperatures. What affect might this have on global warming? Air quality is a measure of the pollutants in the air. More pollutants mean poorer air quality. Air quality, in turn, depends on many factors. Some natural processes add pollutants to the air. For example, forest fires and volcanoes add carbon dioxide and soot. In dry areas, the air often contains dust. However, human actions cause the most air pollution. The single biggest cause is fossil fuel burning. Particulates cause lung diseases. They can also increase the risk of heart disease and the number of asthma attacks. Particulates block sunlight from reaching Earths surface. This means there is less energy for photosynthesis. Less photosynthesis means that plants and phytoplankton produce less food. This affects whole ecosystems.
Without the atmosphere, Earth would have
(A) a greater range of temperatures (B) more severe weather (C) more glaciers (D) two of the above
Without the atmosphere, there would be no clouds or rain. In fact, there would be no weather at all. Most weather occurs because the atmosphere heats up more in some places than others. An atmosphere is the gases that surround a planet. The early Earth had no atmosphere. Conditions were so hot that gases were not stable. The atmosphere is made of gases that take up space and transmit energy. Sound waves are among the types of energy that travel though the atmosphere. Without an atmosphere, we could not hear a single sound. Earth would be as silent as outer space (explosions in movies about space should be silent). Of course, no insect, bird, or airplane would be able to fly, because there would be no atmosphere to hold it up. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL:
At sea level, the atmosphere presses down with a force of about
(A) 1 kg/cm2 (B) 1 g/cm2 (C) 1 lb/in2 (D) 1 ton/in2
Because air is a gas, its molecules have a lot of energy. Air molecules move a lot and bump into things. For this reason, they exert pressure. Air pressure is defined as the weight of the air pressing against a given area. At sea level, the atmosphere presses down with a force of about 1 kilogram per square centimeter (14.76 pounds per square inch). If you are standing at sea level, you have more than a ton of air pressing against you. Why doesnt the pressure crush you? Air presses in all directions at once. Other molecules of air are pushing back. We live in a sea of air called the atmosphere. Can you feel the air in the atmosphere pressing against you? Not usually, but air actually exerts a lot of pressure because theres so much of it. The atmosphere rises high above Earths surface, so it contains a huge number of gas particles. Most of them are concentrated close to Earths surface because of gravity and the weight of all the air in the atmosphere above them. As a result, air pressure is greatest at sea level and drops rapidly as you go higher in altitude. The Figure 1.3 shows how air pressure falls from sea level to the top of the atmosphere. In the graph, air pressure is measured in a unit called the millibar (mb). The SI unit of pressure is newton per square centimeter (N/cm2 ). Q: The top of Mount Everest is almost 9 km above sea level. What is the pressure of the atmosphere at this altitude? A: Air pressure at the top of Mount Everest is about 260 mb. This is only about 25 percent of air pressure at sea level, which is 1013.2 mb. No wonder its hard for climbers to breathe when they get close to Mount Everests summit! There are two reasons why air pressure decreases as altitude increases: density and depth of the atmosphere. Most gas molecules in the atmosphere are pulled close to Earths surface by gravity, so gas particles are denser near the surface. With more gas particles in a given volume, there are more collisions of particles and therefore greater pressure. The depth (distance from top to bottom) of the atmosphere is greatest at sea level and decreases at higher altitudes. With greater depth of the atmosphere, more air is pressing down from above. Therefore, air pressure is greatest at sea level and falls with increasing altitude. On top of Mount Everest, which is the tallest mountain on Earth, air pressure is only about one-third of the pressure at sea level.
The atmosphere protects Earth from harmful solar rays.
(A) true (B) false
The atmosphere protects living things from the Suns most harmful rays. Gases reflect or absorb the strongest rays of sunlight. Figure 15.1 models this role of the atmosphere. Gases in the atmosphere surround Earth like a blanket. They keep the temperature in a range that can support life. The gases keep out some of the Suns scorching heat during the day. At night, they hold the heat close to the surface, so it doesnt radiate out into space. Along with the oceans, the atmosphere keeps Earths temperatures within an acceptable range. Without an atmo- sphere, Earths temperatures would be frigid at night and scorching during the day. If the 12-year-old in the scenario above asked why, she would find out. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere. Important greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and ozone.
Sound waves travel rapidly through empty space.
(A) true (B) false
Sound is a form of energy that travels in waves. Sound waves cant travel through empty space, but they can travel through gases. Gases in the air allow us to hear most of the sounds in our world. Because of air, you can hear birds singing, horns tooting, and friends laughing. Without the atmosphere, the world would be a silent, eerie place. Sound waves are mechanical waves, so they can travel only though matter and not through empty space. This was demonstrated in the 1600s by a scientist named Robert Boyle. Boyle placed a ticking clock in a sealed glass jar. The clock could be heard ticking through the air and glass of the jar. Then Boyle pumped the air out of the jar. The clock was still running, but the ticking could no longer be heard. Thats because the sound couldnt travel away from the clock without air particles to pass the sound energy along. You can see an online demonstration of the same experimentwith a modern twistat this URL: (4:06). MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Sound waves can travel through many different kinds of matter. Most of the sounds we hear travel through air, but sounds can also travel through liquids such as water and solids such as glass and metal. If you swim underwater or even submerge your ears in bathwater any sounds you hear have traveled to your ears through water. You can tell that sounds travel through glass and other solids because you can hear loud outdoor sounds such as sirens through closed windows and doors. Sound waves are mechanical waves, and mechanical waves can only travel through matter. The matter through which the waves travel is called the medium (plural, media). The Table 1.1 gives the speed of sound in several different media. Generally, sound waves travel most quickly through solids, followed by liquids, and then by gases. Particles of matter are closest together in solids and farthest apart in gases. When particles are closer together, they can more quickly pass the energy of vibrations to nearby particles. Medium (20 C) Dry Air Speed of Sound Waves (m/s) 343 Medium (20 C) Water Wood Glass Aluminum Speed of Sound Waves (m/s) 1437 3850 4540 6320 Q: The table gives the speed of sound in dry air. Do you think that sound travels more or less quickly through air that contains water vapor? (Hint: Compare the speed of sound in water and air in the table.) A: Sound travels at a higher speed through water than air, so it travels more quickly through air that contains water vapor than it does through dry air.
Carbon dioxide is abundant in the atmosphere.
(A) true (B) false
The short term cycling of carbon begins with carbon dioxide (CO2 ) in the atmosphere. Why is such a small amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere even important? Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases trap heat energy that would otherwise radiate out into space, which warms Earth. These gases were discussed in the chapter Atmospheric Processes. Atmospheric CO2 has increased over the past five decades, because the amount of CO2 gas released by volcanoes has increased.
Ozone is a type of oxygen.
(A) true (B) false
Ozone is a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms, (O3 ). Ozone in the upper atmosphere absorbs high-energy ultraviolet (UV) radiation coming from the Sun. This protects living things on Earths surface from the Suns most harmful rays. Without ozone for protection, only the simplest life forms would be able to live on Earth. The highest concentration of ozone is in the ozone layer in the lower stratosphere. At this point you might be asking yourself, Is ozone bad or is ozone good? There is no simple answer to that question: It depends on where the ozone is located (Figure 1.1). In the troposphere, ozone is a pollutant. In the ozone layer in the stratosphere, ozone screens out high energy ultraviolet radiation and makes Earth habitable. The stratosphere contains a layer of ozone gas. Ozone consists of three oxygen atoms (O3 ). The ozone layer absorbs high-energy UV radiation. As you can see in Figure 15.14, UV radiation splits the ozone molecule. The split creates an oxygen molecule (O2 ) and an oxygen atom (O). This split releases heat that warms the stratosphere. By absorbing UV radiation, ozone also protects Earths surface. UV radiation would harm living things without the ozone layer.
Weather on the Moon is always stormy.
(A) true (B) false
The landscape of the Moon - its surface features - is very different from Earth. The lunar landscape is covered by craters caused by asteroid impacts (Figure 24.14). The craters are bowl-shaped basins on the Moons surface. Because the Moon has no water, wind, or weather, the craters remain unchanged. The Moons coldest temperatures are found deep in the craters. The coldest craters are at the south pole on the Moons far side, where the Sun never shines. These temperatures are amongst the coldest in our entire solar system. We all know what the Moon looks like. Its always looked the same during our lifetime. In fact, the Moon has looked the same to every person who has looked up at it for all time. Even the dinosaurs and trilobites, should they have looked up at it, would have seen the same thing. This is not true of Earth. Natural processes continually alter the Earths surface. Without these processes, would Earths surface resemble the Moons? Even though we cant see it from Earth, the Moon has changed recently too. Astronauts footprints are now on the Moon. They will remain unchanged for thousands of years, because there is no wind, rain, or living thing to disturb them. Only a falling meteorite could destroy them. There are no lakes, rivers, or even small puddles anywhere to be found on the Moons surface. So there is no running water and no atmosphere. This means that there is no erosion. Natural processes continually alter the Earths surface. Without these processes, our planets surface would be covered with meteorite craters just like the Moon. Many moons in our solar system have cratered surfaces. NASA scientists have discovered a large number of water molecules mixed in with lunar dirt. There is also surface water ice. Even though there is a very small amount of water, there is no atmosphere. Temperatures are extreme. So it comes as no surprise that there has not been evidence of life on the Moon.
Without the atmosphere, we could not hear most sounds.
(A) true (B) false
The atmosphere is made of gases that take up space and transmit energy. Sound waves are among the types of energy that travel though the atmosphere. Without an atmosphere, we could not hear a single sound. Earth would be as silent as outer space (explosions in movies about space should be silent). Of course, no insect, bird, or airplane would be able to fly, because there would be no atmosphere to hold it up. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Sound is a form of energy that travels in waves. Sound waves cant travel through empty space, but they can travel through gases. Gases in the air allow us to hear most of the sounds in our world. Because of air, you can hear birds singing, horns tooting, and friends laughing. Without the atmosphere, the world would be a silent, eerie place. Without the atmosphere, there would be no clouds or rain. In fact, there would be no weather at all. Most weather occurs because the atmosphere heats up more in some places than others.
The main reason Earth can support life is its atmosphere.
(A) true (B) false
We are lucky to have an atmosphere on Earth. The atmosphere supports life, and is also needed for the water cycle and weather. The gases of the atmosphere even allow us to hear. Earths atmosphere is a thin blanket of gases and tiny particles together called air. We are most aware of air when it moves and creates wind. Earths atmosphere, along with the abundant liquid water at Earths surface, are the keys to our planets unique place in the solar system. Much of what makes Earth exceptional depends on the atmosphere. For example, all living things need some of the gases in air for life support. Without an atmosphere, Earth would likely be just another lifeless rock. Lets consider some of the reasons we are lucky to have an atmosphere. Without the atmosphere, Earth would look a lot more like the Moon. Atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and oxygen (O2 ), are extremely important for living organisms. How does the atmosphere make life possible? How does life alter the atmosphere? The composition of Earths atmosphere.
Earths atmosphere consists mainly of oxygen.
(A) true (B) false
Earths atmosphere is a thin blanket of gases and tiny particles together called air. We are most aware of air when it moves and creates wind. Earths atmosphere, along with the abundant liquid water at Earths surface, are the keys to our planets unique place in the solar system. Much of what makes Earth exceptional depends on the atmosphere. For example, all living things need some of the gases in air for life support. Without an atmosphere, Earth would likely be just another lifeless rock. Lets consider some of the reasons we are lucky to have an atmosphere. Nitrogen and oxygen together make up 99% of the planets atmosphere. Nitrogen makes up the bulk of the atmosphere, but is not involved in geological or biological processes in its gaseous form. Nitrogen fixing is described in the chapter Life on Earth. Oxygen is extremely important because it is needed by animals for respiration. The rest of the gases are minor components but sometimes are very important (Figure 1.1). Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of the atmosphere; carbon dioxide is a very important minor component. The second atmosphere, which was the first to stay with the planet, formed from volcanic outgassing and comet ices. This atmosphere had lots of water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and methane but almost no oxygen. Why was there so little oxygen? Plants produce oxygen when they photosynthesize but life had not yet begun or had not yet developed photosynthesis. In the early atmosphere, oxygen only appeared when sunlight split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen and the oxygen accumulated in the atmosphere. Without oxygen, life was restricted to tiny simple organisms. Why is oxygen essential for most life on Earth? 1. Oxygen is needed to make ozone, a molecule made of three oxygen ions, O3 . Ozone collects in the atmospheric ozone layer and blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Without an ozone layer, life in the early Earth was almost impossible. 2. Animals need oxygen to breathe. No animals would have been able to breathe in Earths early atmosphere.
Gases in the atmosphere are too thin to block any solar rays.
(A) true (B) false
Gases in the atmosphere surround Earth like a blanket. They keep the temperature in a range that can support life. The gases keep out some of the Suns scorching heat during the day. At night, they hold the heat close to the surface, so it doesnt radiate out into space. The atmosphere protects living things from the Suns most harmful rays. Gases reflect or absorb the strongest rays of sunlight. Figure 15.1 models this role of the atmosphere. There are very few gas molecules in the mesosphere. This means that there is little matter to absorb the Suns rays and heat the air. Most of the heat that enters the mesosphere comes from the stratosphere below. Thats why the mesosphere is warmest at the bottom.
The atmosphere is about 10 percent water vapor.
(A) true (B) false
The atmosphere has different properties at different elevations above sea level, or altitudes. Figure 15.3 shows the main gases in air. Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99 percent of air. Argon and carbon dioxide make up much of the rest. These percentages are the same just about everywhere in the atmosphere. Air also includes water vapor. The amount of water vapor varies from place to place. Thats why water vapor isnt included in Figure 15.3. It can make up as much as 4 percent of the air. Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. Ozone collects in a layer in the stratosphere. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Humidity varies from place to place and season to season. This fact is obvious if you compare a summer day in Atlanta, Georgia, where humidity is high, with a winter day in Phoenix, Arizona, where humidity is low. When the air is very humid, it feels heavy or sticky. Dry air usually feels more comfortable. When humidity is high, water vapor makes up only about 4% of the atmosphere. Where around the globe is mean atmospheric water vapor higher and where is it lower (Figure 1.2)? Why? Higher humidity is found around the equatorial regions because air temperatures are higher and warm air can hold more moisture than cooler air. Of course, humidity is lower near the polar regions because air temperature is lower.
Sound waves travel through empty spaces between air molecules.
(A) true (B) false
Sound is a form of energy that travels in waves. Sound waves cant travel through empty space, but they can travel through gases. Gases in the air allow us to hear most of the sounds in our world. Because of air, you can hear birds singing, horns tooting, and friends laughing. Without the atmosphere, the world would be a silent, eerie place. Sound waves are mechanical waves, so they can travel only though matter and not through empty space. This was demonstrated in the 1600s by a scientist named Robert Boyle. Boyle placed a ticking clock in a sealed glass jar. The clock could be heard ticking through the air and glass of the jar. Then Boyle pumped the air out of the jar. The clock was still running, but the ticking could no longer be heard. Thats because the sound couldnt travel away from the clock without air particles to pass the sound energy along. You can see an online demonstration of the same experimentwith a modern twistat this URL: (4:06). MEDIA Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Sound waves can travel through many different kinds of matter. Most of the sounds we hear travel through air, but sounds can also travel through liquids such as water and solids such as glass and metal. If you swim underwater or even submerge your ears in bathwater any sounds you hear have traveled to your ears through water. You can tell that sounds travel through glass and other solids because you can hear loud outdoor sounds such as sirens through closed windows and doors. The drummer in Figure 17.15 is hitting the drumheads with drumsticks. This causes the drumheads to vibrate. The vibrations pass to surrounding air particles and then from one air particle to another in a wave of energy called sound energy. We hear sound when the sound waves reach our ears. Sound energy can travel through air, water, and other substances, but not through empty space. Thats because the energy needs particles of matter to pass it on.
Solid particles in the atmosphere may include dust and soil.
(A) true (B) false
Some of what is in the atmosphere is not gas. Particles of dust, soil, fecal matter, metals, salt, smoke, ash, and other solids make up a small percentage of the atmosphere and are called particulates. Particles provide starting points (or nuclei) for water vapor to condense on and form raindrops. Some particles are pollutants. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Air includes many tiny particles. The particles may consist of dust, soil, salt, smoke, or ash. Some particles pollute the air and may make it unhealthy to breathe. But having particles in the air is very important. Tiny particles are needed for water vapor to condense on. Without particles, water vapor could not condense. Then clouds could not form and Earth would have no rain. Before these small pieces of matter enter Earths atmosphere, they are called meteoroids. Meteoroids are as large as boulders or as small as tiny sand grains. Larger objects are called asteroids; smaller objects are interplanetary dust. Meteoroids sometimes cluster together in long trails. They are the debris left behind by comets. When Earth passes through a comet trail, there is a meteor shower. During a meteor shower, there are many more meteors than normal for a night or two.
Clouds could not form if the air contained no solid particles.
(A) true (B) false
Clouds form when water vapor condenses around particles in the air. The particles are specks of matter, such as dust or smoke. Billions of these tiny water droplets come together to make up a cloud. If the air is very cold, ice crystals form instead of liquid water. Clouds are needed for precipitation. This may fall as liquid water, or it may fall as frozen water, such as snow. Air includes many tiny particles. The particles may consist of dust, soil, salt, smoke, or ash. Some particles pollute the air and may make it unhealthy to breathe. But having particles in the air is very important. Tiny particles are needed for water vapor to condense on. Without particles, water vapor could not condense. Then clouds could not form and Earth would have no rain.
The density of air depends on how closely gas molecules are packed together.
(A) true (B) false
Density is mass per unit volume. Density is a measure of how closely molecules are packed together. The closer together they are, the greater the density. Since air is a gas, the molecules can pack tightly or spread out. The density of air varies from place to place. Air density depends on several factors. One is temperature. Like other materials, warm air is less dense than cool air. Since warmer molecules have more energy, they are more active. The molecules bounce off each other and spread apart. Another factor that affects the density of air is altitude. The density of molecules is so low in the thermosphere that one gas molecule can go about 1 km before it collides with another molecule. Since so little energy is transferred, the air feels very cold (See opening image). Why does warm air rise (Figure 1.1)? Gas molecules are able to move freely, and if they are uncontained, as they are in the atmosphere, they can take up more or less space. When gas molecules are cool, they are sluggish and do not take up as much space. With the same number of molecules in less space, both air density and air pressure are higher. When gas molecules are warm, they move vigorously and take up more space. Air density and air pressure are lower. Warmer, lighter air is more buoyant than the cooler air above it, so it rises. The cooler air then sinks down, because it is denser than the air beneath it. This is convection, which was described in the chapter Plate Tectonics.
The density of air is greatest at high altitudes.
(A) true (B) false
Altitude is height above sea level. The density of air decreases with height. There are two reasons. At higher altitudes, there is less air pushing down from above. Also, gravity is weaker farther from Earths center. So at higher altitudes, air molecules can spread out more. Air density decreases. You can see this in Figure 15.4. The air density (the number of molecules in a given volume) decreases with increasing altitude. This is why people who climb tall mountains, such as Mt. Everest, have to set up camp at different elevations to let their bodies get used to the decreased air density (Figure 1.1). Why does air density decrease with altitude? Gravity pulls the gas molecules towards Earths center. The pull of gravity is stronger closer to the center, at sea level. Air is denser at sea level, where the gravitational pull is greater. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: There are two reasons why air pressure decreases as altitude increases: density and depth of the atmosphere. Most gas molecules in the atmosphere are pulled close to Earths surface by gravity, so gas particles are denser near the surface. With more gas particles in a given volume, there are more collisions of particles and therefore greater pressure. The depth (distance from top to bottom) of the atmosphere is greatest at sea level and decreases at higher altitudes. With greater depth of the atmosphere, more air is pressing down from above. Therefore, air pressure is greatest at sea level and falls with increasing altitude. On top of Mount Everest, which is the tallest mountain on Earth, air pressure is only about one-third of the pressure at sea level.
third most common gas in Earths atmosphere
(A) air pressure (B) altitude (C) sound (D) nitrogen (E) argon (F) carbon dioxide (G) water vapor
Natural gas is mostly methane. Figure 15.3 shows the main gases in air. Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99 percent of air. Argon and carbon dioxide make up much of the rest. These percentages are the same just about everywhere in the atmosphere. Air also includes water vapor. The amount of water vapor varies from place to place. Thats why water vapor isnt included in Figure 15.3. It can make up as much as 4 percent of the air. Ozone is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms. Ozone collects in a layer in the stratosphere. Earths atmosphere is a thin blanket of gases and tiny particles together called air. We are most aware of air when it moves and creates wind. Earths atmosphere, along with the abundant liquid water at Earths surface, are the keys to our planets unique place in the solar system. Much of what makes Earth exceptional depends on the atmosphere. For example, all living things need some of the gases in air for life support. Without an atmosphere, Earth would likely be just another lifeless rock. Lets consider some of the reasons we are lucky to have an atmosphere.
gas in Earths atmosphere that varies in amount from place to place
(A) air pressure (B) altitude (C) sound (D) nitrogen (E) argon (F) carbon dioxide (G) water vapor
Gases in the atmosphere surround Earth like a blanket. They keep the temperature in a range that can support life. The gases keep out some of the Suns scorching heat during the day. At night, they hold the heat close to the surface, so it doesnt radiate out into space. Earths atmosphere is a thin blanket of gases and tiny particles together called air. We are most aware of air when it moves and creates wind. Earths atmosphere, along with the abundant liquid water at Earths surface, are the keys to our planets unique place in the solar system. Much of what makes Earth exceptional depends on the atmosphere. For example, all living things need some of the gases in air for life support. Without an atmosphere, Earth would likely be just another lifeless rock. Lets consider some of the reasons we are lucky to have an atmosphere. The atmosphere has different properties at different elevations above sea level, or altitudes.
gas in Earths atmosphere that is needed for life
(A) air pressure (B) altitude (C) sound (D) nitrogen (E) argon (F) carbon dioxide (G) water vapor
We are lucky to have an atmosphere on Earth. The atmosphere supports life, and is also needed for the water cycle and weather. The gases of the atmosphere even allow us to hear. Gases in the atmosphere surround Earth like a blanket. They keep the temperature in a range that can support life. The gases keep out some of the Suns scorching heat during the day. At night, they hold the heat close to the surface, so it doesnt radiate out into space. Earths atmosphere is a thin blanket of gases and tiny particles together called air. We are most aware of air when it moves and creates wind. Earths atmosphere, along with the abundant liquid water at Earths surface, are the keys to our planets unique place in the solar system. Much of what makes Earth exceptional depends on the atmosphere. For example, all living things need some of the gases in air for life support. Without an atmosphere, Earth would likely be just another lifeless rock. Lets consider some of the reasons we are lucky to have an atmosphere.
weight of air pushing against a given area
(A) air pressure (B) altitude (C) sound (D) nitrogen (E) argon (F) carbon dioxide (G) water vapor
Because air is a gas, its molecules have a lot of energy. Air molecules move a lot and bump into things. For this reason, they exert pressure. Air pressure is defined as the weight of the air pressing against a given area. At sea level, the atmosphere presses down with a force of about 1 kilogram per square centimeter (14.76 pounds per square inch). If you are standing at sea level, you have more than a ton of air pressing against you. Why doesnt the pressure crush you? Air presses in all directions at once. Other molecules of air are pushing back. Pressure is defined as the amount of force pushing against a given area. How much pressure a gas exerts depends on the amount of gas. The more gas particles there are, the greater the pressure. You usually cannot feel it, but air has pressure. The gases in Earths atmosphere exert pressure against everything they contact. The atmosphere rises high above Earths surface. It contains a huge number of individual gas particles. As a result, the pressure of the tower of air above a given spot on Earths surface is substantial. If you were standing at sea level, the amount of force would be equal to 10.14 newtons per square centimeter (14.7 pounds per square inch). This is illustrated in Figure 4.11. When you know how much force is acting on a given area, you can calculate the pressure that is being applied to the area using the equation for pressure given above. For example, assume that a big rock weighs 500 newtons and is resting on the ground on an area of 0.5 m2 . The pressure exerted on the ground by the rock is: Pressure = 500 N = 1000 N/m2 = 1000 Pa, or 1 kPa 0.5 m2 Sometimes pressure but not force is known. To calculate force, the equation for pressure can be rewritten as: Force = Pressure Area For example, suppose another rock exerts 2 kPa of pressure over an area of 0.3 m2 . How much does the rock weigh? Change 2 kPa to 2000 N/m2 and substitute it for pressure in the force equation: Force (Weight) = 2000 N/m2 0.3 m2 = 600 N Problem Solving Problem: A break dancer has a weight of 450 N. She is balancing on the ground on one hand. The palm of her hand has an area of 0.02 m2 . How much pressure does her hand exert on the ground? Solution: Use the equation Pressure = Force Area . Pressure = 450 N = 22500 Pa, or 22.5 kPa 0.02 m2 You Try It! Problem: If the break dancer lies down on the ground on her back, her weight is spread over an area of 0.75 m2 . How much pressure does she exert on the ground in this position?
height above sea level
(A) air pressure (B) altitude (C) sound (D) nitrogen (E) argon (F) carbon dioxide (G) water vapor
An accurate location must take into account the third dimension. Elevation is the height above or below sea level. Sea level is the average height of the oceans surface or the midpoint between high and low tide. Sea level is the same all around Earth. Old Faithful is higher above sea level than most locations at 7,349 ft (2240 m). Of course, the highest point on Earth, Mount Everest, is much higher at 29,029 ft (8848 m). The atmosphere has different properties at different elevations above sea level, or altitudes. Air temperature falls at higher altitudes. You can see this in Figure 17.6. Why does this happen? Since air is less dense at higher altitudes, its molecules are spread farther apart than they are at sea level. These molecules have fewer collisions, so they produce less heat. Look at the mountain in Figure 17.7. The peak of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania (Africa, 3 south latitude) is 6 kilometers (4 miles) above sea level. At 3 S its very close to the equator. At the bottom of the mountain, the temperature is high year round. How can you tell that its much cooler at the top?
main gas in Earths atmosphere
(A) air pressure (B) altitude (C) sound (D) nitrogen (E) argon (F) carbon dioxide (G) water vapor
Earths first atmosphere was made of hydrogen and helium, the gases that were common in this region of the solar system as it was forming. Most of these gases were drawn into the center of the solar nebula to form the Sun. When Earth was new and very small, the solar wind blew off atmospheric gases that collected. If gases did collect, they were vaporized by impacts, especially from the impact that brought about the formation of the Moon. Eventually things started to settle down and gases began to collect. High heat in Earths early days meant that there were constant volcanic eruptions, which released gases from the mantle into the atmosphere (see opening image). Just as today, volcanic outgassing was a source of water vapor, carbon dioxide, small amounts of nitrogen, and other gases. Scientists have calculated that the amount of gas that collected to form the early atmosphere could not have come entirely from volcanic eruptions. Frequent impacts by asteroids and comets brought in gases and ices, including water, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, nitrogen, and other volatiles from elsewhere in the solar system (Figure Calculations also show that asteroids and comets cannot be responsible for all of the gases of the early atmosphere, so both impacts and outgassing were needed. Gases in the atmosphere surround Earth like a blanket. They keep the temperature in a range that can support life. The gases keep out some of the Suns scorching heat during the day. At night, they hold the heat close to the surface, so it doesnt radiate out into space. Earths atmosphere is a thin blanket of gases and tiny particles together called air. We are most aware of air when it moves and creates wind. Earths atmosphere, along with the abundant liquid water at Earths surface, are the keys to our planets unique place in the solar system. Much of what makes Earth exceptional depends on the atmosphere. For example, all living things need some of the gases in air for life support. Without an atmosphere, Earth would likely be just another lifeless rock. Lets consider some of the reasons we are lucky to have an atmosphere.
form of energy that travels through matter in waves
(A) air pressure (B) altitude (C) sound (D) nitrogen (E) argon (F) carbon dioxide (G) water vapor
The energy of a mechanical wave can travel only through matter. This matter is called the medium (plural, media). The medium in Figure 19.1 is a liquid the water in the pond. But the medium of a mechanical wave can be any state of matter, including a solid or a gas. Its important to note that particles of matter in the medium dont actually travel along with the wave. Only the energy travels. The particles of the medium just vibrate, or move back-and- forth or up-and-down in one spot, always returning to their original positions. As the particles vibrate, they pass the energy of the disturbance to the particles next to them, which pass the energy to the particles next to them, and so on. The energy of a mechanical wave can travel only through matter. The matter through which the wave travels is called the medium (plural, media). The medium in the water wave pictured above is water, a liquid. But the medium of a mechanical wave can be any state of matter, even a solid. Q: How do the particles of the medium move when a wave passes through them? A: The particles of the medium just vibrate in place. As they vibrate, they pass the energy of the disturbance to the particles next to them, which pass the energy to the particles next to them, and so on. Particles of the medium dont actually travel along with the wave. Only the energy of the wave travels through the medium. Waves that travel through mattersuch as the fabric of a flagare called mechanical waves. The matter they travel through is called the medium. When the energy of a wave passes through the medium, particles of the medium move. The more energy the wave has, the farther the particles of the medium move. The distance the particles move is measured by the waves amplitude.
type of cloud that forms in low, horizontal layers
(A) cirrus (B) cumulus (C) dew point (D) heat index (E) stratus (F) freezing rain (G) sleet
Clouds are classified on the basis of where and how they form. Three main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. Figure 16.3 shows these and other types of clouds. Cirrus clouds form high in the troposphere. Because it is so cold they are made of ice crystals. They are thin and wispy. Cirrus clouds dont usually produce precipitation, but they may be a sign that wet weather is coming. Stratus clouds occur low in the troposphere. They form in layers that spread horizontally and may cover the entire sky like a thick blanket. Stratus clouds that produce precipitation are called nimbostratus. The prefix nimbo- means rain. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy. Convection currents make them grow upward and they may grow very tall. When they produce rain, they are called cumulonimbus. Clouds are classified in several ways. The most common classification used today divides clouds into four separate cloud groups, which are determined by their altitude (Figure 1.2). The four cloud types and where they are found in the atmosphere. High clouds form from ice crystals where the air is extremely cold and can hold little water vapor. Cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus are all names of high clouds. Middle clouds, including altocumulus and altostratus clouds, may be made of water droplets, ice crystals or both, depending on the air temperatures. Thick and broad altostratus clouds are gray or blue-gray. They often cover the entire sky and usually mean a large storm, bearing a lot of precipitation, is coming. Low clouds are nearly all water droplets. Stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds are common low clouds. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and dark. They bring steady rain or snow. Vertical clouds, clouds with the prefix "cumulo-," grow vertically instead of horizontally and have their bases at low altitude and their tops at high or middle altitude. Clouds grow vertically when strong air currents are rising upward. Precipitating clouds are nimbus clouds. Clouds form when air in the atmosphere reaches the dew point. Clouds may form anywhere in the troposphere. Clouds that form on the ground are called fog.
measure of what the temperature feels like because of humidity
(A) cirrus (B) cumulus (C) dew point (D) heat index (E) stratus (F) freezing rain (G) sleet
People often say, its not the heat but the humidity. Humidity can make a hot day feel even hotter. When sweat evaporates, it cools your body. But sweat cant evaporate when the air already contains as much water vapor as it can hold. The heat index is a measure of what the temperature feels like because of the humidity. You can see the heat index in Figure 16.2. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Humidity varies from place to place and season to season. This fact is obvious if you compare a summer day in Atlanta, Georgia, where humidity is high, with a winter day in Phoenix, Arizona, where humidity is low. When the air is very humid, it feels heavy or sticky. Dry air usually feels more comfortable. When humidity is high, water vapor makes up only about 4% of the atmosphere. Where around the globe is mean atmospheric water vapor higher and where is it lower (Figure 1.2)? Why? Higher humidity is found around the equatorial regions because air temperatures are higher and warm air can hold more moisture than cooler air. Of course, humidity is lower near the polar regions because air temperature is lower. Humidity usually refers to relative humidity. This is the percent of water vapor in the air relative to the total amount the air can hold. How much water vapor can the air hold? That depends on temperature. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cool air. You can see this in Figure 16.1.
type of cloud that is white and puffy
(A) cirrus (B) cumulus (C) dew point (D) heat index (E) stratus (F) freezing rain (G) sleet
Clouds are classified on the basis of where and how they form. Three main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. Figure 16.3 shows these and other types of clouds. Cirrus clouds form high in the troposphere. Because it is so cold they are made of ice crystals. They are thin and wispy. Cirrus clouds dont usually produce precipitation, but they may be a sign that wet weather is coming. Stratus clouds occur low in the troposphere. They form in layers that spread horizontally and may cover the entire sky like a thick blanket. Stratus clouds that produce precipitation are called nimbostratus. The prefix nimbo- means rain. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy. Convection currents make them grow upward and they may grow very tall. When they produce rain, they are called cumulonimbus. Clouds are classified in several ways. The most common classification used today divides clouds into four separate cloud groups, which are determined by their altitude (Figure 1.2). The four cloud types and where they are found in the atmosphere. High clouds form from ice crystals where the air is extremely cold and can hold little water vapor. Cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus are all names of high clouds. Middle clouds, including altocumulus and altostratus clouds, may be made of water droplets, ice crystals or both, depending on the air temperatures. Thick and broad altostratus clouds are gray or blue-gray. They often cover the entire sky and usually mean a large storm, bearing a lot of precipitation, is coming. Low clouds are nearly all water droplets. Stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds are common low clouds. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and dark. They bring steady rain or snow. Vertical clouds, clouds with the prefix "cumulo-," grow vertically instead of horizontally and have their bases at low altitude and their tops at high or middle altitude. Clouds grow vertically when strong air currents are rising upward. Precipitating clouds are nimbus clouds. Clouds are needed for precipitation. This may fall as liquid water, or it may fall as frozen water, such as snow.
temperature at which water vapor condenses out of the air
(A) cirrus (B) cumulus (C) dew point (D) heat index (E) stratus (F) freezing rain (G) sleet
When air is very humid, it doesnt have to cool very much for water vapor in the air to start condensing. The temperature at which condensation occurs is called the dew point. The dew point varies depending on air temperature and moisture content. It is always less than or equal to the actual air temperature, but warmer air and moister air have dew points closer to the actual air temperature. Thats why glasses of cold drinks sweat more on a hot, humid day than they do on a cool, dry day. Q: What happens when air temperature reaches the dew point? A: When air temperature reaches the dew point, water vapor starts condensing. It may form dew (as on the spider web in the opening image), clouds, or fog. Dew forms on solid objects on the ground. Clouds form on tiny particles in the air high above the ground. Fog is a cloud that forms on tiny particles in the air close to the ground. Youve probably noticed dew on the grass on a summer morning. Why does dew form? Remember that the land heats up and cools down fairly readily. So when night comes, the land cools. Air that was warm and humid in the daytime also cools over night. As the air cools, it can hold less water vapor. Some of the water vapor condenses on the cool surfaces, such as blades of grass. The temperature at which water vapor condenses is called the dew point. If this temperature is below freezing, ice crystals of frost form instead of dew. As you can see in Figure 16.1, the dew point occurs at 100 percent relative humidity. Can you explain why? Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air in a particular spot. We usually use the term to mean relative humidity, the percentage of water vapor a certain volume of air is holding relative to the maximum amount it can contain. If the humidity today is 80%, it means that the air contains 80% of the total amount of water it can hold at that temperature. What will happen if the humidity increases to more than 100%? The excess water condenses and forms precipitation. Since warm air can hold more water vapor than cool air, raising or lowering temperature can change airs relative humidity (Figure 1.1). The temperature at which air becomes saturated with water is called the airs dew point. This term makes sense, because water condenses from the air as dew if the air cools down overnight and reaches 100% humidity. This diagram shows the amount of water air can hold at different temperatures. The temperatures are given in degrees Cel- sius.
type of precipitation that consists of small, clear ice pellets
(A) cirrus (B) cumulus (C) dew point (D) heat index (E) stratus (F) freezing rain (G) sleet
The most common precipitation comes from clouds. Rain or snow droplets grow as they ride air currents in a cloud and collect other droplets (Figure 1.2). They fall when they become heavy enough to escape from the rising air currents that hold them up in the cloud. One million cloud droplets will combine to make only one rain drop! If temperatures are cold, the droplet will hit the ground as snow. (a) Dew on a flower. (b) Hoar frost. (a) Rain falls from clouds when the temperature is fairly warm. (b) Snow storm in Helsinki, Finland. Other less common types of precipitation are sleet (Figure 1.3). Sleet is rain that becomes ice as it hits a layer of freezing air near the ground. If a frigid raindrop freezes on the frigid ground, it forms glaze. Hail forms in cumulonimbus clouds with strong updrafts. An ice particle travels until it finally becomes too heavy and it drops. (a) Sleet. (b) Glaze. (c) Hail. This large hail stone is about 6 cm (2.5 inches) in diameter. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Clouds are needed for precipitation. This may fall as liquid water, or it may fall as frozen water, such as snow. Why does it snow instead of rain? Air temperature determines which type of precipitation falls. Rain falls if the air temperature is above freezing (0 C or 32 F). Frozen precipitation falls if the air or ground is below freezing. Frozen precipitation may fall as snow, sleet, or freezing rain. You can see how the different types form in Figure Snow falls when water vapor condenses as ice crystals. The air temperature is below freezing all the way to the ground, so the ice crystals remain frozen. They fall as flakes. Sleet forms when snow melts as it falls through a layer of warm air and then refreezes. It turns into small, clear ice pellets as it passes through a cold layer near the ground. Freezing rain falls as liquid water. It freezes on contact with cold surfaces near the ground. It may cover everything with a glaze of ice. If the ice is thick, its weight may break tree branches and pull down power lines. Hail is another
type of cloud that is thin and wispy
(A) cirrus (B) cumulus (C) dew point (D) heat index (E) stratus (F) freezing rain (G) sleet
Clouds are classified on the basis of where and how they form. Three main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. Figure 16.3 shows these and other types of clouds. Cirrus clouds form high in the troposphere. Because it is so cold they are made of ice crystals. They are thin and wispy. Cirrus clouds dont usually produce precipitation, but they may be a sign that wet weather is coming. Stratus clouds occur low in the troposphere. They form in layers that spread horizontally and may cover the entire sky like a thick blanket. Stratus clouds that produce precipitation are called nimbostratus. The prefix nimbo- means rain. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy. Convection currents make them grow upward and they may grow very tall. When they produce rain, they are called cumulonimbus. Clouds are classified in several ways. The most common classification used today divides clouds into four separate cloud groups, which are determined by their altitude (Figure 1.2). The four cloud types and where they are found in the atmosphere. High clouds form from ice crystals where the air is extremely cold and can hold little water vapor. Cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus are all names of high clouds. Middle clouds, including altocumulus and altostratus clouds, may be made of water droplets, ice crystals or both, depending on the air temperatures. Thick and broad altostratus clouds are gray or blue-gray. They often cover the entire sky and usually mean a large storm, bearing a lot of precipitation, is coming. Low clouds are nearly all water droplets. Stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds are common low clouds. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and dark. They bring steady rain or snow. Vertical clouds, clouds with the prefix "cumulo-," grow vertically instead of horizontally and have their bases at low altitude and their tops at high or middle altitude. Clouds grow vertically when strong air currents are rising upward. Precipitating clouds are nimbus clouds. Clouds form when water vapor condenses around particles in the air. The particles are specks of matter, such as dust or smoke. Billions of these tiny water droplets come together to make up a cloud. If the air is very cold, ice crystals form instead of liquid water.
type of precipitation that falls as liquid water but freezes on surfaces
(A) cirrus (B) cumulus (C) dew point (D) heat index (E) stratus (F) freezing rain (G) sleet
Clouds are needed for precipitation. This may fall as liquid water, or it may fall as frozen water, such as snow. Why does it snow instead of rain? Air temperature determines which type of precipitation falls. Rain falls if the air temperature is above freezing (0 C or 32 F). Frozen precipitation falls if the air or ground is below freezing. Frozen precipitation may fall as snow, sleet, or freezing rain. You can see how the different types form in Figure Snow falls when water vapor condenses as ice crystals. The air temperature is below freezing all the way to the ground, so the ice crystals remain frozen. They fall as flakes. Sleet forms when snow melts as it falls through a layer of warm air and then refreezes. It turns into small, clear ice pellets as it passes through a cold layer near the ground. Freezing rain falls as liquid water. It freezes on contact with cold surfaces near the ground. It may cover everything with a glaze of ice. If the ice is thick, its weight may break tree branches and pull down power lines. Hail is another The most common precipitation comes from clouds. Rain or snow droplets grow as they ride air currents in a cloud and collect other droplets (Figure 1.2). They fall when they become heavy enough to escape from the rising air currents that hold them up in the cloud. One million cloud droplets will combine to make only one rain drop! If temperatures are cold, the droplet will hit the ground as snow. (a) Dew on a flower. (b) Hoar frost. (a) Rain falls from clouds when the temperature is fairly warm. (b) Snow storm in Helsinki, Finland. Other less common types of precipitation are sleet (Figure 1.3). Sleet is rain that becomes ice as it hits a layer of freezing air near the ground. If a frigid raindrop freezes on the frigid ground, it forms glaze. Hail forms in cumulonimbus clouds with strong updrafts. An ice particle travels until it finally becomes too heavy and it drops. (a) Sleet. (b) Glaze. (c) Hail. This large hail stone is about 6 cm (2.5 inches) in diameter. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL:
Weather occurs because of unequal heating of the atmosphere.
(A) true (B) false
Weather occurs because of unequal heating of the atmosphere. The source of heat is the Sun. The general principles behind weather can be stated simply: The Sun heats Earths surface more in some places than others. Where it is warm, heat from the Sun warms the air close to the surface. If there is water at the surface, it may cause some of the water to evaporate. Warm air is less dense, so it rises. When this happens, more dense air flows in to take its place. The flowing surface air is wind. The rising air cools as it goes higher in the atmosphere. If it is moist, the water vapor may condense. Clouds may form, and precipitation may fall. Without the atmosphere, there would be no clouds or rain. In fact, there would be no weather at all. Most weather occurs because the atmosphere heats up more in some places than others. What do temperature, clouds, winds, and rain have in common? They are all part of weather. Weather refers to the conditions of the atmosphere at a given time and place.
The water cycle plays an important role in weather.
(A) true (B) false
The water cycle plays an important role in weather. When liquid water evaporates, it causes humidity. When water vapor condenses, it forms clouds and precipitation. Humidity, clouds, and precipitation are all important weather factors. Precipitation (Figure 1.1) is an extremely important part of weather. Water vapor condenses and usually falls to create precipitation. The oceans are an essential part of Earths water cycle. Since they cover so much of the planet, most evaporation comes from oceans and most precipitation falls on oceans.
Warm air always sinks toward Earths surface.
(A) true (B) false
Air movement takes place in the troposphere. This is the lowest layer of the atmosphere. Air moves because of differences in heating. These differences create convection currents and winds. Figure 15.19 shows how this happens. Air in the troposphere is warmer near the ground. The warm air rises because it is light. The light, rising air creates an area of low air pressure at the surface. The rising air cools as it reaches the top of the troposphere. The air gets denser, so it sinks to the surface. The sinking, heavy air creates an area of high air pressure near the ground. Air always flows from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure. Air flowing over Earths surface is called wind. The greater the difference in pressure, the stronger the wind blows. In general, cold air masses tend to flow toward the Equator and warm air masses tend to flow toward the poles. This brings heat to cold areas and cools down areas that are warm. It is one of the many processes that act to balance out the planets temperatures. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Cold air is dense, so it sinks. This creates a center of high pressure. Warm air is less dense so it rises. This creates a center of low pressure. Air always flows from higher to lower pressure. As the air flows, Earths surface rotates below it causing Coriolis effect. So while the wind blows into the low pressure, it revolves in a circular pattern. This wind pattern forms a cyclone. The same happens while the wind blows out of a high pressure. This forms an anticyclone. Both are shown in Figure 16.10. A cyclone is a system of winds that rotates around a center of low pressure. Cyclones bring cloudy, wet weather. An anticyclone is a system of winds that rotates around a center of high pressure. Anticyclones bring fair, dry weather.
If the relative humidity is 100 percent, it must be raining.
(A) true (B) false
Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. High humidity increases the chances of clouds and precipitation. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air in a particular spot. We usually use the term to mean relative humidity, the percentage of water vapor a certain volume of air is holding relative to the maximum amount it can contain. If the humidity today is 80%, it means that the air contains 80% of the total amount of water it can hold at that temperature. What will happen if the humidity increases to more than 100%? The excess water condenses and forms precipitation. Since warm air can hold more water vapor than cool air, raising or lowering temperature can change airs relative humidity (Figure 1.1). The temperature at which air becomes saturated with water is called the airs dew point. This term makes sense, because water condenses from the air as dew if the air cools down overnight and reaches 100% humidity. This diagram shows the amount of water air can hold at different temperatures. The temperatures are given in degrees Cel- sius. Humidity usually refers to relative humidity. This is the percent of water vapor in the air relative to the total amount the air can hold. How much water vapor can the air hold? That depends on temperature. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cool air. You can see this in Figure 16.1.
Cumulus clouds may grow very tall because of high air pressure.
(A) true (B) false
As temperatures increase, warm, moist air rises. These updrafts first form cumulus and then cumulonimbus clouds. Winds at the top of the troposphere blow the cloud top sideways to make the anvil shape that characterizes a cloud as a thunderhead. As water vapor condenses to form a cloud, the latent heat makes the air in the cloud warmer than the air outside the cloud. Water droplets and ice fly up through the cloud in updrafts. When these droplets get heavy enough, they fall. A mature thunderstorm with updrafts and downdrafts that reach the ground. This starts a downdraft, and soon there is a convection cell within the cloud. The cloud grows into a cumulonimbus Clouds are classified on the basis of where and how they form. Three main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. Figure 16.3 shows these and other types of clouds. Cirrus clouds form high in the troposphere. Because it is so cold they are made of ice crystals. They are thin and wispy. Cirrus clouds dont usually produce precipitation, but they may be a sign that wet weather is coming. Stratus clouds occur low in the troposphere. They form in layers that spread horizontally and may cover the entire sky like a thick blanket. Stratus clouds that produce precipitation are called nimbostratus. The prefix nimbo- means rain. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy. Convection currents make them grow upward and they may grow very tall. When they produce rain, they are called cumulonimbus. Clouds are classified in several ways. The most common classification used today divides clouds into four separate cloud groups, which are determined by their altitude (Figure 1.2). The four cloud types and where they are found in the atmosphere. High clouds form from ice crystals where the air is extremely cold and can hold little water vapor. Cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus are all names of high clouds. Middle clouds, including altocumulus and altostratus clouds, may be made of water droplets, ice crystals or both, depending on the air temperatures. Thick and broad altostratus clouds are gray or blue-gray. They often cover the entire sky and usually mean a large storm, bearing a lot of precipitation, is coming. Low clouds are nearly all water droplets. Stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds are common low clouds. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and dark. They bring steady rain or snow. Vertical clouds, clouds with the prefix "cumulo-," grow vertically instead of horizontally and have their bases at low altitude and their tops at high or middle altitude. Clouds grow vertically when strong air currents are rising upward. Precipitating clouds are nimbus clouds.
Stratus clouds are clouds that form in the stratosphere.
(A) true (B) false
Clouds are classified on the basis of where and how they form. Three main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. Figure 16.3 shows these and other types of clouds. Cirrus clouds form high in the troposphere. Because it is so cold they are made of ice crystals. They are thin and wispy. Cirrus clouds dont usually produce precipitation, but they may be a sign that wet weather is coming. Stratus clouds occur low in the troposphere. They form in layers that spread horizontally and may cover the entire sky like a thick blanket. Stratus clouds that produce precipitation are called nimbostratus. The prefix nimbo- means rain. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy. Convection currents make them grow upward and they may grow very tall. When they produce rain, they are called cumulonimbus. The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere. The layer rises to about 50 kilometers (31 miles) above the surface. Clouds are classified in several ways. The most common classification used today divides clouds into four separate cloud groups, which are determined by their altitude (Figure 1.2). The four cloud types and where they are found in the atmosphere. High clouds form from ice crystals where the air is extremely cold and can hold little water vapor. Cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus are all names of high clouds. Middle clouds, including altocumulus and altostratus clouds, may be made of water droplets, ice crystals or both, depending on the air temperatures. Thick and broad altostratus clouds are gray or blue-gray. They often cover the entire sky and usually mean a large storm, bearing a lot of precipitation, is coming. Low clouds are nearly all water droplets. Stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds are common low clouds. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and dark. They bring steady rain or snow. Vertical clouds, clouds with the prefix "cumulo-," grow vertically instead of horizontally and have their bases at low altitude and their tops at high or middle altitude. Clouds grow vertically when strong air currents are rising upward. Precipitating clouds are nimbus clouds.
Altostratus clouds form higher in the atmosphere than stratus clouds.
(A) true (B) false
Clouds are classified in several ways. The most common classification used today divides clouds into four separate cloud groups, which are determined by their altitude (Figure 1.2). The four cloud types and where they are found in the atmosphere. High clouds form from ice crystals where the air is extremely cold and can hold little water vapor. Cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus are all names of high clouds. Middle clouds, including altocumulus and altostratus clouds, may be made of water droplets, ice crystals or both, depending on the air temperatures. Thick and broad altostratus clouds are gray or blue-gray. They often cover the entire sky and usually mean a large storm, bearing a lot of precipitation, is coming. Low clouds are nearly all water droplets. Stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds are common low clouds. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and dark. They bring steady rain or snow. Vertical clouds, clouds with the prefix "cumulo-," grow vertically instead of horizontally and have their bases at low altitude and their tops at high or middle altitude. Clouds grow vertically when strong air currents are rising upward. Precipitating clouds are nimbus clouds. The atmosphere has different properties at different elevations above sea level, or altitudes. Clouds are classified on the basis of where and how they form. Three main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. Figure 16.3 shows these and other types of clouds. Cirrus clouds form high in the troposphere. Because it is so cold they are made of ice crystals. They are thin and wispy. Cirrus clouds dont usually produce precipitation, but they may be a sign that wet weather is coming. Stratus clouds occur low in the troposphere. They form in layers that spread horizontally and may cover the entire sky like a thick blanket. Stratus clouds that produce precipitation are called nimbostratus. The prefix nimbo- means rain. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy. Convection currents make them grow upward and they may grow very tall. When they produce rain, they are called cumulonimbus.
A single raindrop consists of millions of water molecules.
(A) true (B) false
Millions of water molecules in a cloud must condense to make a single raindrop or snowflake. The drop or flake falls when it becomes too heavy for updrafts to keep it aloft. As a drop or flake falls, it may collect more water and get larger. Water vapor is not visible unless it condenses to become a cloud. Water vapor condenses around a nucleus, such as dust, smoke, or a salt crystal. This forms a tiny liquid droplet. Billions of these water droplets together make a cloud. Water changes from a liquid to a gas by evaporation to become water vapor. The Suns energy can evaporate water from the ocean surface or from lakes, streams, or puddles on land. Only the water molecules evaporate; the salts remain in the ocean or a fresh water reservoir. The water vapor remains in the atmosphere until it undergoes condensation to become tiny droplets of liquid. The droplets gather in clouds, which are blown about the globe by wind. As the water droplets in the clouds collide and grow, they fall from the sky as precipitation. Precipitation can be rain, sleet, hail, or snow. Sometimes precipitation falls back into the ocean and sometimes it falls onto the land surface.
Freezing rain falls through the air as tiny pellets of frozen water.
(A) true (B) false
Why does it snow instead of rain? Air temperature determines which type of precipitation falls. Rain falls if the air temperature is above freezing (0 C or 32 F). Frozen precipitation falls if the air or ground is below freezing. Frozen precipitation may fall as snow, sleet, or freezing rain. You can see how the different types form in Figure Snow falls when water vapor condenses as ice crystals. The air temperature is below freezing all the way to the ground, so the ice crystals remain frozen. They fall as flakes. Sleet forms when snow melts as it falls through a layer of warm air and then refreezes. It turns into small, clear ice pellets as it passes through a cold layer near the ground. Freezing rain falls as liquid water. It freezes on contact with cold surfaces near the ground. It may cover everything with a glaze of ice. If the ice is thick, its weight may break tree branches and pull down power lines. Hail is another Clouds are needed for precipitation. This may fall as liquid water, or it may fall as frozen water, such as snow. The most common precipitation comes from clouds. Rain or snow droplets grow as they ride air currents in a cloud and collect other droplets (Figure 1.2). They fall when they become heavy enough to escape from the rising air currents that hold them up in the cloud. One million cloud droplets will combine to make only one rain drop! If temperatures are cold, the droplet will hit the ground as snow. (a) Dew on a flower. (b) Hoar frost. (a) Rain falls from clouds when the temperature is fairly warm. (b) Snow storm in Helsinki, Finland. Other less common types of precipitation are sleet (Figure 1.3). Sleet is rain that becomes ice as it hits a layer of freezing air near the ground. If a frigid raindrop freezes on the frigid ground, it forms glaze. Hail forms in cumulonimbus clouds with strong updrafts. An ice particle travels until it finally becomes too heavy and it drops. (a) Sleet. (b) Glaze. (c) Hail. This large hail stone is about 6 cm (2.5 inches) in diameter. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL:
Snow forms when rain falls through a layer of freezing air before it reaches the ground.
(A) true (B) false
Why does it snow instead of rain? Air temperature determines which type of precipitation falls. Rain falls if the air temperature is above freezing (0 C or 32 F). Frozen precipitation falls if the air or ground is below freezing. Frozen precipitation may fall as snow, sleet, or freezing rain. You can see how the different types form in Figure Snow falls when water vapor condenses as ice crystals. The air temperature is below freezing all the way to the ground, so the ice crystals remain frozen. They fall as flakes. Sleet forms when snow melts as it falls through a layer of warm air and then refreezes. It turns into small, clear ice pellets as it passes through a cold layer near the ground. Freezing rain falls as liquid water. It freezes on contact with cold surfaces near the ground. It may cover everything with a glaze of ice. If the ice is thick, its weight may break tree branches and pull down power lines. Hail is another Clouds are needed for precipitation. This may fall as liquid water, or it may fall as frozen water, such as snow. The most common precipitation comes from clouds. Rain or snow droplets grow as they ride air currents in a cloud and collect other droplets (Figure 1.2). They fall when they become heavy enough to escape from the rising air currents that hold them up in the cloud. One million cloud droplets will combine to make only one rain drop! If temperatures are cold, the droplet will hit the ground as snow. (a) Dew on a flower. (b) Hoar frost. (a) Rain falls from clouds when the temperature is fairly warm. (b) Snow storm in Helsinki, Finland. Other less common types of precipitation are sleet (Figure 1.3). Sleet is rain that becomes ice as it hits a layer of freezing air near the ground. If a frigid raindrop freezes on the frigid ground, it forms glaze. Hail forms in cumulonimbus clouds with strong updrafts. An ice particle travels until it finally becomes too heavy and it drops. (a) Sleet. (b) Glaze. (c) Hail. This large hail stone is about 6 cm (2.5 inches) in diameter. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL:
The amount of water vapor that the air can hold depends mainly on air
(A) density (B) pressure (C) movement (D) temperature
Humidity usually refers to relative humidity. This is the percent of water vapor in the air relative to the total amount the air can hold. How much water vapor can the air hold? That depends on temperature. Warm air can hold more water vapor than cool air. You can see this in Figure 16.1. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air in a particular spot. We usually use the term to mean relative humidity, the percentage of water vapor a certain volume of air is holding relative to the maximum amount it can contain. If the humidity today is 80%, it means that the air contains 80% of the total amount of water it can hold at that temperature. What will happen if the humidity increases to more than 100%? The excess water condenses and forms precipitation. Since warm air can hold more water vapor than cool air, raising or lowering temperature can change airs relative humidity (Figure 1.1). The temperature at which air becomes saturated with water is called the airs dew point. This term makes sense, because water condenses from the air as dew if the air cools down overnight and reaches 100% humidity. This diagram shows the amount of water air can hold at different temperatures. The temperatures are given in degrees Cel- sius. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Humidity varies from place to place and season to season. This fact is obvious if you compare a summer day in Atlanta, Georgia, where humidity is high, with a winter day in Phoenix, Arizona, where humidity is low. When the air is very humid, it feels heavy or sticky. Dry air usually feels more comfortable. When humidity is high, water vapor makes up only about 4% of the atmosphere. Where around the globe is mean atmospheric water vapor higher and where is it lower (Figure 1.2)? Why? Higher humidity is found around the equatorial regions because air temperatures are higher and warm air can hold more moisture than cooler air. Of course, humidity is lower near the polar regions because air temperature is lower.
Clouds form when air in the atmosphere reaches the
(A) dew point (B) tropopause (C) freezing point (D) convection point
Clouds form when air in the atmosphere reaches the dew point. Clouds may form anywhere in the troposphere. Clouds that form on the ground are called fog. Clouds form when air reaches its dew point. This can happen in two ways: (1) Air temperature stays the same but humidity increases. This is common in locations that are warm and humid. (2) Humidity remains the same, but temperature decreases. When the air cools enough to reach 100% humidity, water droplets form. Air cools when it comes into contact with a cold surface or when it rises. Rising air creates clouds when it has been warmed at or near the ground level and then is pushed up over a mountain or mountain range or is thrust over a mass of cold, dense air. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Clouds form when water vapor condenses around particles in the air. The particles are specks of matter, such as dust or smoke. Billions of these tiny water droplets come together to make up a cloud. If the air is very cold, ice crystals form instead of liquid water.
Cirrus clouds
(A) form high in the troposphere (B) always produce precipitation (C) are made of ice crystals (D) two of the above
Clouds are classified on the basis of where and how they form. Three main types of clouds are cirrus, stratus, and cumulus. Figure 16.3 shows these and other types of clouds. Cirrus clouds form high in the troposphere. Because it is so cold they are made of ice crystals. They are thin and wispy. Cirrus clouds dont usually produce precipitation, but they may be a sign that wet weather is coming. Stratus clouds occur low in the troposphere. They form in layers that spread horizontally and may cover the entire sky like a thick blanket. Stratus clouds that produce precipitation are called nimbostratus. The prefix nimbo- means rain. Cumulus clouds are white and puffy. Convection currents make them grow upward and they may grow very tall. When they produce rain, they are called cumulonimbus. Clouds are classified in several ways. The most common classification used today divides clouds into four separate cloud groups, which are determined by their altitude (Figure 1.2). The four cloud types and where they are found in the atmosphere. High clouds form from ice crystals where the air is extremely cold and can hold little water vapor. Cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus are all names of high clouds. Middle clouds, including altocumulus and altostratus clouds, may be made of water droplets, ice crystals or both, depending on the air temperatures. Thick and broad altostratus clouds are gray or blue-gray. They often cover the entire sky and usually mean a large storm, bearing a lot of precipitation, is coming. Low clouds are nearly all water droplets. Stratus, stratocumulus, and nimbostratus clouds are common low clouds. Nimbostratus clouds are thick and dark. They bring steady rain or snow. Vertical clouds, clouds with the prefix "cumulo-," grow vertically instead of horizontally and have their bases at low altitude and their tops at high or middle altitude. Clouds grow vertically when strong air currents are rising upward. Precipitating clouds are nimbus clouds. Clouds are needed for precipitation. This may fall as liquid water, or it may fall as frozen water, such as snow.
The prefix nimbo- means
(A) tall (B) rain (C) cold (D) snow
To name simple covalent compounds, follow these rules: Start with the name of the element closer to the left side of the periodic table. Follow this with the name of element closer to the right of the periodic table. Give this second name the suffix -ide. Use prefixes to represent the numbers of the different atoms in each molecule of the compound. The most commonly used prefixes are shown in the Table 1.1. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prefix mono- (or none) di- tri- tetra- penta- hexa- Q: What is the name of the compound that contains three oxygen atoms and two nitrogen atoms? A: The compound is named dinitrogen trioxide. Nitrogen is named first because it is farther to the left in the periodic table than oxygen. Oxygen is given the -ide suffix because it is the second element named in the compound. The prefix di- is added to nitrogen to show that there are two atoms of nitrogen in each molecule of the compound. The prefix tri- is added to oxygen to show that there are three atoms of oxygen in each molecule. In the chemical formula for a covalent compound, the numbers of the different atoms in a molecule are represented by subscripts. For example, the formula for the compound named carbon dioxide is CO2 . Q: What is the chemical formula for dinitrogen trioxide? A: The chemical formula is N2 O3 . The word "worm" is not very scientific. This informal term describes animals (usually invertebrates) that have long bodies with no arms or legs. Worms with round, non-segmented bodies are known as nematodes or roundworms ( Figure 1.1). They are classified in the phylum Nematoda, which has over 28,000 known species. Some scientists believe there could be over a million species of Nematodes. Nematodes are slender bilaterally symmetrical worms, typically less than 2.5 mm long. The smallest nematodes are microscopic, while free-living species can reach as much as 5 cm, and some parasitic species are larger still, reaching over a meter in length. The worm body is often covered with ridges, rings, bristles, or other distinctive structures. The radially symmetrical head of a nematode also has distinct features. The head is covered with sensory bristles and, in many cases, solid "head-shields" around the mouth region. The mouth has either three or six lips arranged around the mouth opening, which often have a series of teeth on their inner edges. Nematodes can be parasites of plants and animals. Group 15 of the periodic table is also called the nitrogen group. The first element in the group is the nonmetal nitrogen (N), followed by phosphorus (P), another nonmetal. Arsenic (As) (Figure 1.4) and antimony (Sb) are the metalloids in this group, and bismuth (Bi) is a metal. All group 15 elements have five valence electrons, but they Germanium is a brittle, shiny, silvery- white metalloid. Along with silicon, it is used to make the tiny electric cir- cuits on computer chips. It is also used to make fiber optic cableslike the one pictured herethat carry telephone and other communication signals. vary in their reactivity. Nitrogen, for example, is not very reactive at all, whereas phosphorus is very reactive and found naturally only in combination with other substances. All group 15 elements are solids, except for nitrogen, which is a gas.
Hail forms only in
(A) cumulonimbus clouds (B) nimbostratus clouds (C) cirrocumulus clouds (D) cirrostratus clouds
Thunderstorms can form individually or in squall lines along a cold front. In the United States, squall lines form in spring and early summer in the Midwest, where the maritime tropical (mT) air mass from the Gulf of Mexico meets the continental polar (cP) air mass from Canada (Figure 1.3). Cold air from the Rockies collided with warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico to form this squall line. The most common precipitation comes from clouds. Rain or snow droplets grow as they ride air currents in a cloud and collect other droplets (Figure 1.2). They fall when they become heavy enough to escape from the rising air currents that hold them up in the cloud. One million cloud droplets will combine to make only one rain drop! If temperatures are cold, the droplet will hit the ground as snow. (a) Dew on a flower. (b) Hoar frost. (a) Rain falls from clouds when the temperature is fairly warm. (b) Snow storm in Helsinki, Finland. Other less common types of precipitation are sleet (Figure 1.3). Sleet is rain that becomes ice as it hits a layer of freezing air near the ground. If a frigid raindrop freezes on the frigid ground, it forms glaze. Hail forms in cumulonimbus clouds with strong updrafts. An ice particle travels until it finally becomes too heavy and it drops. (a) Sleet. (b) Glaze. (c) Hail. This large hail stone is about 6 cm (2.5 inches) in diameter. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Tornadoes form at the front of severe thunderstorms. Lines of these thunderstorms form in the spring where where maritime tropical (mT) and continental polar (cP) air masses meet. Although there is an average of 770 tornadoes annually, the number of tornadoes each year varies greatly (Figure 1.4).
Types of precipitation that form when water vapor condenses as ice crystals include
(A) freezing rain (B) sleet (C) hail (D) two of the above
Rising air currents carry water vapor into the atmosphere. As the water vapor rises in the atmosphere, it cools and condenses. Condensation is the process in which water vapor changes to tiny droplets of liquid water. The water droplets may form clouds. If the droplets get big enough, they fall as precipitation. Precipitation is any form of water that falls from the atmosphere. It includes rain, snow, sleet, hail, and freezing rain. Most precipitation falls into the ocean. Eventually, this water evaporates again and repeats the water cycle. Some frozen precipitation becomes part of ice caps and glaciers. These masses of ice can store frozen water for hundreds of years or even longer. Condensation may also form fog or dew. Some living things, like the lizard in Figure 24.8, depend directly on these sources of liquid water. The most common precipitation comes from clouds. Rain or snow droplets grow as they ride air currents in a cloud and collect other droplets (Figure 1.2). They fall when they become heavy enough to escape from the rising air currents that hold them up in the cloud. One million cloud droplets will combine to make only one rain drop! If temperatures are cold, the droplet will hit the ground as snow. (a) Dew on a flower. (b) Hoar frost. (a) Rain falls from clouds when the temperature is fairly warm. (b) Snow storm in Helsinki, Finland. Other less common types of precipitation are sleet (Figure 1.3). Sleet is rain that becomes ice as it hits a layer of freezing air near the ground. If a frigid raindrop freezes on the frigid ground, it forms glaze. Hail forms in cumulonimbus clouds with strong updrafts. An ice particle travels until it finally becomes too heavy and it drops. (a) Sleet. (b) Glaze. (c) Hail. This large hail stone is about 6 cm (2.5 inches) in diameter. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Why does it snow instead of rain? Air temperature determines which type of precipitation falls. Rain falls if the air temperature is above freezing (0 C or 32 F). Frozen precipitation falls if the air or ground is below freezing. Frozen precipitation may fall as snow, sleet, or freezing rain. You can see how the different types form in Figure Snow falls when water vapor condenses as ice crystals. The air temperature is below freezing all the way to the ground, so the ice crystals remain frozen. They fall as flakes. Sleet forms when snow melts as it falls through a layer of warm air and then refreezes. It turns into small, clear ice pellets as it passes through a cold layer near the ground. Freezing rain falls as liquid water. It freezes on contact with cold surfaces near the ground. It may cover everything with a glaze of ice. If the ice is thick, its weight may break tree branches and pull down power lines. Hail is another
Weather factors that are part of the water cycle include
(A) humidity (B) precipitation (C) cloud formation (D) all of the above
The water cycle plays an important role in weather. When liquid water evaporates, it causes humidity. When water vapor condenses, it forms clouds and precipitation. Humidity, clouds, and precipitation are all important weather factors. Rising air currents carry water vapor into the atmosphere. As the water vapor rises in the atmosphere, it cools and condenses. Condensation is the process in which water vapor changes to tiny droplets of liquid water. The water droplets may form clouds. If the droplets get big enough, they fall as precipitation. Precipitation is any form of water that falls from the atmosphere. It includes rain, snow, sleet, hail, and freezing rain. Most precipitation falls into the ocean. Eventually, this water evaporates again and repeats the water cycle. Some frozen precipitation becomes part of ice caps and glaciers. These masses of ice can store frozen water for hundreds of years or even longer. Condensation may also form fog or dew. Some living things, like the lizard in Figure 24.8, depend directly on these sources of liquid water. Figure 15.2 shows the role of the atmosphere in the water cycle. Water vapor rises from Earths surface into the atmosphere. As it rises, it cools. The water vapor may then condense into water droplets and form clouds. If enough water droplets collect in clouds they may fall as rain. This how freshwater gets from the atmosphere back to Earths surface.
Some of the soil from the Dust Bowl ended up in the Atlantic Ocean.
(A) true (B) false
The Dust Bowl taught people that soil could be lost by plowing and growing crops. This led to the development of new ways of farming that help protect the soil. Some of the methods are described in Figure 19.6. Bad farming practices and a return to normal rainfall levels after an unusually wet period led to the Dust Bowl. In some regions more than 75% of the topsoil blew away. This is the most extreme example of soil erosion the United States has ever seen. Still, in many areas of the world, the rate of soil erosion is many times greater than the rate at which it is forming. Drought, insect plagues, or outbreaks of disease are natural cycles of events that can negatively impact ecosystems and the soil, but there are also many ways in which humans neglect or abuse this important resource. Soils can also be contaminated if too much salt accumulates in the soil or where pollutants sink into the ground. One harmful practice is removing the vegetation that helps to hold soil in place. Sometimes just walking or riding your bike over the same place will kill the grass that normally grows there. Land is also deliberately cleared or deforested for wood. The loose soils then may be carried away by wind or running water. A farmer and his sons walk through a dust storm in Cimarron County, Oklahoma in 1936. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: When a place is near an ocean, the water can have a big effect on the climate.
Most land organisms could not survive without soil.
(A) true (B) false
Soil is an ecosystem unto itself. In the spaces of soil, there are thousands or even millions of living organisms. Those organisms could include earthworms, ants, bacteria, or fungi (Figure 1.4). All that changed when plants moved from water to land. This may have happened by 500 million years ago or even earlier. On land, everything was wide open. There were no other living things. Without plants, there was nothing for other organisms to eat. Land could not be colonized by other organisms until land plants became established. The earliest land plants may have resembled the modern liverworts in Figure 10.12. We can think about soil as a living resource. Soil is an ecosystem all by itself! Soil is a complex mixture of different materials. Some of them are inorganic. Inorganic materials are made from non-living substances like pebbles and sand. Soil also contains bits of organic materials from plants and animals. In general, about half of the soil is made of pieces of rock and minerals. The other half is organic materials. In the spaces of soil are millions of living organisms. These include earthworms, ants, bacteria, and fungi. In some soils, the organic portion is entirely missing. This is true of desert sand. At the other extreme, a soil may be completely organic. Peat, found in a bog or swamp, is totally organic soil. Organic materials are necessary for a soil to be fertile. The organic portion provides the nutrients needed for strong plant growth.
Plants cause soil loss by using up soil nutrients.
(A) true (B) false
People remove a lot of vegetation. They log forests or prepare the land for farming or construction. Even just walking or riding your bike over the same place can kill the grass. But plants help to hold the soil in place (Figure faster than it is forming. In these locations, soil is a non-renewable resource. Soils may also remain in place but become degraded. Soil is contaminated if too much salt accumulates. Soil can also be contaminated by pollutants. Other human actions that put soil at risk include logging, mining, and construction. You can see examples of each in Figure 19.4. When forests are cut down, the soil is suddenly exposed to wind and rain. Without trees, there is no leaf litter to cover the ground and protect the soil. When leaf litter decays, it adds humus and nutrients to the soil. Mining and construction strip soil off the ground and leave the land bare. Paved roads and parking lots prevent rainwater from soaking into the ground. This increases runoff and the potential for soil erosion. Soil is a renewable resource. But it is only renewable if we take care of it. Natural events can degrade soil. These events include droughts, floods, insect plagues, or diseases that damage soil ecosystems. Human activities can also degrade soil. There are many ways in which people neglect or abuse this important resource.
Soil that is lost can never be replaced.
(A) true (B) false
Soil is a renewable resource, but it can take thousands of years to form. Thats why people need to do what they can to prevent soil erosion. Soil is only a renewable resource if it is carefully managed. There are many practices that can protect and preserve soil resources. People remove a lot of vegetation. They log forests or prepare the land for farming or construction. Even just walking or riding your bike over the same place can kill the grass. But plants help to hold the soil in place (Figure faster than it is forming. In these locations, soil is a non-renewable resource. Soils may also remain in place but become degraded. Soil is contaminated if too much salt accumulates. Soil can also be contaminated by pollutants.
Large areas of pavement help prevent soil erosion.
(A) true (B) false
There are several other ways to help prevent soil loss. Some of them are shown in Figure 19.7. Prevent overgrazing. Frequently move animals from field to field. This gives the grass a chance to recover. Avoid logging steep hillsides. Cut only a few trees in any given place. Plant new trees to replace those that are cut down. Reclaim mine lands. Save the stripped topsoil and return it to the land. Once the soil is in place, plant trees and other plants to protect the bare soil. Use barriers to prevent runoff and soil erosion at construction sites. Plant grass to hold the soil in place. Develop paving materials that absorb water and reduce runoff. Restrict the use of off-road vehicles, especially in hilly areas. Its very important to control wind erosion of soil. Good soil is a precious resource that takes a long time to form. Covering soil with plants is one way to reduce wind erosion. Plants and their roots help hold the soil in place. They also help the soil retain water so it is less likely to blow away. Planting rows of trees around fields is another way to reduce wind erosion. The trees slow down the wind, so it doesnt cause as much erosion. Fences like the one in Figure 10.26 serve the same purpose. The fence in the figure is preventing erosion and migration of sand dunes on a beach. Soil is a renewable resource, but it can take thousands of years to form. Thats why people need to do what they can to prevent soil erosion.
Hiking is a form of recreation that does not increase soil erosion.
(A) true (B) false
Even things that people do for fun can expose soil to erosion. For example, overuse of hiking trails can leave bare patches of soil. Off-road vehicles cause even more damage. You can see examples of this in Figure 19.5. Recreational activities may accelerate soil erosion. Off-road vehicles disturb the landscape and the area eventually develops bare spots where no plants can grow. In some delicate habitats, even hikers boots can disturb the ground, so its important to stay on the trail (Figure 1.7). Soil erosion is as natural as any other type of erosion, but human activities have greatly accelerated soil erosion. In some locations soil erosion may occur about 10 times faster than its natural rate. Since Europeans settled in North America, about one-third of the topsoil in the area that is now the United States has eroded away. Deforested swatches in Brazil show up as gray amid the bright red tropical rainfor- est. (a) Disturbed land at a coal mine pit in Germany. (b) This coal mine in West Virginia covers more than 10,000 acres (15.6 square miles). Some of the exposed ground is being reclaimed by planting trees. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: (a) ATVS churn up the soil, accelerating erosion. (b) Hiking trails may become eroded. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Soil is a renewable resource, but it can take thousands of years to form. Thats why people need to do what they can to prevent soil erosion.
Frequently moving grazing animals from field to field increases soil loss.
(A) true (B) false
Grazing animals (Figure 1.2) wander over large areas of pasture or natural grasslands eating grasses and shrubs. Grazers expose soil by removing the plant cover for an area. They also churn up the ground with their hooves. If too many animals graze the same land area, the animals hooves pull plants out by their roots. A land is overgrazed if too many animals are living there. Grazing animals can cause erosion if they are allowed to overgraze and remove too much or all of the vegetation in a pasture. As you can see in Figure 19.3, some grazing animals, especially sheep and goats, eat grass right down to the roots. They may even pull the grass entirely out of the ground. Grazing animals can kill the grass or thin it out so much that it offers little protection to the soil. If animals are kept in the same place too long, the soil may become completely bare. The bare soil is easily eroded by wind and water. There are several other ways to help prevent soil loss. Some of them are shown in Figure 19.7. Prevent overgrazing. Frequently move animals from field to field. This gives the grass a chance to recover. Avoid logging steep hillsides. Cut only a few trees in any given place. Plant new trees to replace those that are cut down. Reclaim mine lands. Save the stripped topsoil and return it to the land. Once the soil is in place, plant trees and other plants to protect the bare soil. Use barriers to prevent runoff and soil erosion at construction sites. Plant grass to hold the soil in place. Develop paving materials that absorb water and reduce runoff. Restrict the use of off-road vehicles, especially in hilly areas.
Grasses are good groundcover plants for holding soil in place.
(A) true (B) false
Its very important to control wind erosion of soil. Good soil is a precious resource that takes a long time to form. Covering soil with plants is one way to reduce wind erosion. Plants and their roots help hold the soil in place. They also help the soil retain water so it is less likely to blow away. Planting rows of trees around fields is another way to reduce wind erosion. The trees slow down the wind, so it doesnt cause as much erosion. Fences like the one in Figure 10.26 serve the same purpose. The fence in the figure is preventing erosion and migration of sand dunes on a beach. People remove a lot of vegetation. They log forests or prepare the land for farming or construction. Even just walking or riding your bike over the same place can kill the grass. But plants help to hold the soil in place (Figure faster than it is forming. In these locations, soil is a non-renewable resource. Soils may also remain in place but become degraded. Soil is contaminated if too much salt accumulates. Soil can also be contaminated by pollutants. There are several other ways to help prevent soil loss. Some of them are shown in Figure 19.7. Prevent overgrazing. Frequently move animals from field to field. This gives the grass a chance to recover. Avoid logging steep hillsides. Cut only a few trees in any given place. Plant new trees to replace those that are cut down. Reclaim mine lands. Save the stripped topsoil and return it to the land. Once the soil is in place, plant trees and other plants to protect the bare soil. Use barriers to prevent runoff and soil erosion at construction sites. Plant grass to hold the soil in place. Develop paving materials that absorb water and reduce runoff. Restrict the use of off-road vehicles, especially in hilly areas.
Topsoil stripped from a mining site can be saved and reused.
(A) true (B) false
Soil is only a renewable resource if it is carefully managed. There are many practices that can protect and preserve soil resources. Although mining provides people with many needed resources, the environmental costs can be high. Surface mining clears the landscape of trees and soil, and nearby streams and lakes are inundated with sediment. Pollutants from the mined rock, such as heavy metals, enter the sediment and water system. Acids flow from some mine sites, changing the composition of nearby waterways (Figure 1.1). U.S. law has changed in recent decades so that a mine region must be restored to its natural state, a process called reclamation. This is not true of older mines. Pits may be refilled or reshaped and vegetation planted. Pits may be allowed to fill with water and become lakes or may be turned into landfills. Underground mines may be sealed off or left open as homes for bats. Click image to the left or use the URL below. URL: Acid drainage from a surface coal mine in Missouri. After the mining is finished, the land is greatly disturbed. The area around the mine needs to be restored to its natural state. This process of restoring the area is called reclamation. Native plants are planted. Pit mines may be refilled or reshaped so that they can become natural areas again. The mining company may be allowed to fill the pit with water to create a lake. The pits may be turned into landfills. Underground mines may be sealed off or left open as homes for bats.
Barriers that reduce runoff can help prevent soil erosion at construction sites.
(A) true (B) false
There are several other ways to help prevent soil loss. Some of them are shown in Figure 19.7. Prevent overgrazing. Frequently move animals from field to field. This gives the grass a chance to recover. Avoid logging steep hillsides. Cut only a few trees in any given place. Plant new trees to replace those that are cut down. Reclaim mine lands. Save the stripped topsoil and return it to the land. Once the soil is in place, plant trees and other plants to protect the bare soil. Use barriers to prevent runoff and soil erosion at construction sites. Plant grass to hold the soil in place. Develop paving materials that absorb water and reduce runoff. Restrict the use of off-road vehicles, especially in hilly areas. Its very important to control wind erosion of soil. Good soil is a precious resource that takes a long time to form. Covering soil with plants is one way to reduce wind erosion. Plants and their roots help hold the soil in place. They also help the soil retain water so it is less likely to blow away. Planting rows of trees around fields is another way to reduce wind erosion. The trees slow down the wind, so it doesnt cause as much erosion. Fences like the one in Figure 10.26 serve the same purpose. The fence in the figure is preventing erosion and migration of sand dunes on a beach. Soil is a renewable resource, but it can take thousands of years to form. Thats why people need to do what they can to prevent soil erosion.

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