2 values
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $aapl will rise or fall on 2024-05-06. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2024-05-03 Price: Open: 186.65, Clsoe: 183.38, High: 187.00, Low: 165.94, Avg: 184.64 Tweets: 1. $SPY EPIC Power Hour coming.. Hold on $AAPL $AMZN $META 2. $SPY $AAPL $QQQ Overall, great week of trading. AAPL calls put us super green on the week. Got a few swings in mind for Monday. We’ll see if we get the setups-will post ideas. Have a great weekend 🏹 3. $AAPL stopped where it should, downtrend line resistance, and 23.6% fib extension support. I'm playing for backfill in a few weeks. ✌️ out! 4. $AAPL Need to clear $191 for climb higher. MACD positive/uptrend. Think it can do this next when buybacks kick in plus Let Loose event! The off to the races > $200 $QQQ $NVDA $MSFT $GOOGL 5. $AAPL stopped where it should, downtrend line resistance, and 23.6% fib extension support. I'm playing for backfill in a few weeks. ✌️ out! 6. $aapl. Big AI announcement in upcoming dev conference 7. $AAPL Sell it. I’ll buy your shares. 😊🤷‍♂️🕺🕺🕺👑👑👑👑👑👑👑 8. $AAPL $205 next week Apple will launch new products on May 7 in an online event, according to invites sent to the media on Tuesday. The event, with the tag line “Let loose,” will be livestreamed on Apple's website at 10 a.m. Eastern time.Apr 23, 2024 9. $AAPL They have to keep posting this shit because the the truth is, they made a dummy move playing this to the downside. When you're wrong, you're wrong... 10. $AAPL WAS 164 less than 2 weeks ago. Raise ur hand if ur a boss and loaded up when it hit that mark. 11. $AAPL Trading below open. This is sell the market pump. $SPY People forgot what Fed said on Wednesday. No rate cuts for you pumpers. $NVDA $SOXL $TQQQ 12. $AAPL This candle will break $185. Now we need a strong move up to $188-$190. 13. $AAPL Bulls will hate me for this but it needs to go back to the 38.2 fib (sub $180) if you wanna see $200 in May or June. 14. $PLTR YOLO’ing everything into 03/10 calls, needing around 25-35% share price increase to hit the various strike prices. 15-20 billion gain in market cap is feasible, especially when looking at recent performance in names such at $META $AAPL $GOOGL No debt. Literal best in class AI product/software. One of 4 companies in the world to have IL6 classification clearance with US military. $SPY inclusion down the road y’all. 15. $CVNA $PLBY $SNDL $PLUG $AAPL KEEP RUNNING MY BABIES 16. $AAPL https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c99zxzjqw2ko 17. $SMFL is making a move too just like $BENF. Movers: $ARDX $SGBX $AAPL Movers" 18. $AAPL I'm having a big boner. I'll be honest. I got Tim Cook confirmation of my short and now I get institutional confirmation. 19. $AAPL sold, but going to reposition for next week 190+ buy the 5/17 calls 20. $CVNA $PLBY $SNDL $PLUG $AAPL KEEP RUNNING MY BABIES 21. $PARA $WBD $NFLX $dis $AAPL Merger Monday with SONY + Paramount 22. $NVDA and $AAPL will come back to down to earth and we can see the true value of this bullshit inflated market. $SPY 23. $AAPL Those buybacks tho. $179 support. Be great to see $200+ over the next 6 months. 24. $AAPL staircase up elevator down, who's ready ? 25. $AAPL I have the sneaking suspicion that you are a: 26. $AAPL LFG! 185-186-187! 110 BILLION IS 600 FREAKING MILLION SHARES! HIT THE RED BUTTON! 195 NEXT WEEK 200 MEMORIAL DAY! 27. $AAPL https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c99zxzjqw2ko 28. $SPY $NVDA $AAPL $MSFT who’s buying at these levels 😭🤣🤷🏼‍♂️ 29. $SPY $AAPL $QQQ Overall, great week of trading. AAPL calls put us super green on the week. Got a few swings in mind for Monday. We’ll see if we get the setups-will post ideas. Have a great weekend 🏹 30. $AAPL It will see 173 again based on this...0 unfilled. 31. $AAPL dumb bears wondering why this didn’t drop today. 32. $SPX $AAPL Cramered is next?? https://www.benzinga.com/analyst-ratings/analyst-color/24/05/38610270/jim-cramer-slams-analysts-over-getting-china-wrong-about-apple-for-two-decades-that 33. $PARA $roku $dis $AAPL $sony Merger MONDAY with Sony? 34. $AAPL https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c99zxzjqw2ko 35. $AAPL manipulated to stay under $185 fucking crooks 😂 36. $AAPL Bears trying to mentally un-fuck themselves. Too late!! your weekend is gonna SUCK!!! 37. $AAPL could curl up to $188 into the bell right????????? 38. $PLTR here comes the pre-ER loading! Right on time, runs every 3 months like clockwork! Love the stock and company. $AAPL you’re a fool to bet against this. $ASC here’s value. Supply of oil goes down and demand goes up with war in OPEC countries and their neighbors. $SLS support moved 30% up in a month, this is an uptrend still. All my bulls, have a great weekend! Much love from California! 39. $SPY profit taking and stop loss raid to 509 please and thank you. $NVDA $AAPL 40. $AAPL 9 billion injected in $BCH.X would've been better than 110B buy back. Still would've had 100B. Heck, the Bitcoin market cap is not even 9 billion. They would've been in complete control and in the driver's seat 41. $AAPL when the blue pop tart says sell everything going to $0 you buy!!! 42. $AAPL People on this board complaining today fall into three categories: 1) Troll 2) Losing money/broke or 3) Losing money/broke and a troll 43. $AAPL my $175c did me well today. Have a great weekend everyone and let’s beat the bears down 1 more time before close 44. $AAPL Stock buy back is the beginning of a major distribution phase for the company. They are essentially saying ( we cannot successfully allocate and invest this money in a way that will be profitable in the future.) this is not good for an " innovative" tech company. 45. $AAPL Jesus 180 shorts … what happened 😝 It’s manipulation at it highest… 46. Weekly sell momentum decreasing and has a bullish hammer with bullish Div. Daily we have a couple of buy signals with daily MACD crossing over. With rates coming down, buy the dip trade is back. Correction is over. $MSFT $AAPL $AMZN $SPY 47. $AAPL Free fall, no more buyer. Too bad I should not have canceller my short order :( https://gyazo.com/6487c56d5cf3d008cb284c725011133d 48. $AAPL manipulated to stay under $185 fucking crooks 😂 49. $AAPL My earnings allow me to accumulate more in $GWAV which the accumulation bubble will soon burst. Don't stay behind, don't be an observer. 50. $AAPL ‘Apples ecosystem’ screwed them with AI. Siri is shut off from non Apple apps, neutering it from its potential. 51. $PARA $WBD $NFLX $dis $AAPL Merger Monday with SONY + Paramount 52. $AAPL Those buybacks tho. $179 support. Be great to see $200+ over the next 6 months. 53. $AAPL pump it to $200 so it can match the whole market YTD performance 54. $SPGP Today sort of exemplifies this ETF being one of the few, Growth at A Reasonable Price, Funds out there. Leaders today. $AAPL $ENPH $ANET 55. $AAPL what if the next 13 F show Berkshire Hathaway sold most of his stake in Apple? The pump for him to get out $spy $qqq $dia 56. $AAPL could curl up to $188 into the bell right????????? 57. $AAPL anyway..Fuck TD Ameritrade, I’m about to smoke these ribs and rip this bong..Congrats to all my bulls! See you Monday bears!! 🤑📈💰 58. $AAPL 9 billion injected in $BCH.X would've been better than 110B buy back. Still would've had 100B. Heck, the Bitcoin market cap is not even 9 billion. They would've been in complete control and in the driver's seat 59. $AAPL BEARS are silly to even say a word right now. ... Stupid Bears 60. $CTM Magnus Financial Group LLC is a New York City-based firm offering personalized investment management and financial planning tailored to individual client needs. Its investments include $AAPL (Apple), $MSTR (MicroStrategy), $NVDA (Nvidia), and $TSLA (Tesla). Today, Magnus "filed a 13F-HR form disclosing ownership of 250,000 shares of Castellum, Inc. (US:CTM)." 61. $SPY EPIC Power Hour coming.. Hold on $AAPL $AMZN $META 62. $AAPL My earnings allow me to accumulate more in $GWAV which the accumulation bubble will soon burst. Don't stay behind, don't be an observer. 63. $PLTR here comes the pre-ER loading! Right on time, runs every 3 months like clockwork! Love the stock and company. $AAPL you’re a fool to bet against this. $ASC here’s value. Supply of oil goes down and demand goes up with war in OPEC countries and their neighbors. $SLS support moved 30% up in a month, this is an uptrend still. All my bulls, have a great weekend! Much love from California! 64. $AAPL fun fact: Hedge Funds spend millions a year on teams of psychologists that study the effects of market manipulation on retail...so they can do it more! 65. $AAPL amazing. I'd be a seller, except for taxes. Stuck long term. HOLD. 66. $AAPL overbought on every time frame, month, 3 month, and year... Ha good luck with this one #bulltrap 67. $AAPL bears in big trouble this is going to 250 after the Apple event 68. $AAPL goddamn stock trading geniuses ...every last one of them 69. $SPY $USO Oil GLUT, prices coming down, Saudis are going to flood the market again, like 2016, to bankrupt US producers, but that's a 2025 event...$QQQ $AAPL $NVDA 70. $AAPL anyway..Fuck TD Ameritrade, I’m about to smoke these ribs and rip this bong..Congrats to all my bulls! See you Monday bears!! 🤑📈💰 71. $AAPL Need to clear $191 for climb higher. MACD positive/uptrend. Think it can do this next when buybacks kick in plus Let Loose event! The off to the races > $200 $QQQ $NVDA $MSFT $GOOGL 72. $AAPL this dumbass lmfao! We go up she claims bullish we go down she claims it’s going right to $0 what a retard 73. $AAPL anyone have access to closing auction numbers 74. $AAPL this is going to go up another 5 dollars give it time 75. I had to deal with one of these folks today, unfortunately we need to live with this pain in the ... $AAPL $TSLA $SPY $AMD $AMZN 76. $AAPL overbought on every time frame, month, 3 month, and year... Ha good luck with this one #bulltrap 77. $NVDA will pull off an $AAPL The more you doubt these powerhouse names, the more you will regret it. Market wants more, it’s nowhere near done hey, it’s not like I know anything and said not to panic 3 weeks ago, rather take advantage of loading up these names along with $spy / $qqq 78. $AAPL Today shorted 200 shares LOL . One 100 is covered, another 100 is naked. 79. $AAPL LFG! 185-186-187! 110 BILLION IS 600 FREAKING MILLION SHARES! HIT THE RED BUTTON! 195 NEXT WEEK 200 MEMORIAL DAY! 80. $AAPL Apple i-phone sales down 10% and barely beat lowered guidance. two years ago, Apple revs equaled almost 400 billion annually , now they are going to be lucky to do 360 Billion this next year. Apple is having a Blackberry moment it hit 187 earlier so we will see if that will be the new high 81. $AAPL amazing. I'd be a seller, except for taxes. Stuck long term. HOLD. 82. $AAPL could curl up to $188 into the bell right????????? 83. $AAPL rejected $185 multiple times today, let’s break $185 and then straight to $187++ 84. $NVDA and $AAPL will come back to down to earth and we can see the true value of this bullshit inflated market. $SPY 85. $AAPL BEARS are silly to even say a word right now. ... Stupid Bears 86. $AAPL I don’t buy this pop … I don’t buy this market … everything going up while small caps still underperforming big time … waiting on sidelines to add on this one and the other magnificent 7 87. $PARA $WBD $NFLX $dis $AAPL Merger Monday with SONY + Paramount 88. $SPGP Today sort of exemplifies this ETF being one of the few, Growth at A Reasonable Price, Funds out there. Leaders today. $AAPL $ENPH $ANET 89. $AAPL My ass exited 50 182.5P for next week at even. It was green and then red and then deep red. Avg was 155 each. fucked it up. Went up to 187 before close. Another week, another day. 90. $AAPL Need to clear $191 for climb higher. MACD positive/uptrend. Think it can do this next when buybacks kick in plus Let Loose event! The off to the races > $200 $QQQ $NVDA $MSFT $GOOGL 91. $AAPL amazing. I'd be a seller, except for taxes. Stuck long term. HOLD. 92. $AAPL AHAHAAHAHAH. Sadly dumb money don't understand this. 93. $AAPL she wants to FLY SO BAD!!! Just LET HER RIP!!!!! 94. $AAPL 9 billion injected in $BCH.X would've been better than 110B buy back. Still would've had 100B. Heck, the Bitcoin market cap is not even 9 billion. They would've been in complete control and in the driver's seat 95. $AAPL buy back does not equal Profitable company going Forward ... what a joke lol $spy 96. 🔥Apple $AAPL shares have been under pressure as reports of poor performances in China and weak demand for its products around the globe drove sentiment lower. The company has a long history of proving the critics wrong and it has done so once again. https://www.ainvest.com/news/24051010243ace08fbca7ed1/ 97. $AAPL I have a sneaking suspicion this would tail off to $180 toward the end of the trade day !!! 98. $PLTR here comes the pre-ER loading! Right on time, runs every 3 months like clockwork! Love the stock and company. $AAPL you’re a fool to bet against this. $ASC here’s value. Supply of oil goes down and demand goes up with war in OPEC countries and their neighbors. $SLS support moved 30% up in a month, this is an uptrend still. All my bulls, have a great weekend! Much love from California! 99. $AAPL pump it to $200 so it can match the whole market YTD performance 100. $PARA $WBD $NFLX $dis $AAPL Merger Monday with SONY + Paramount
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $aapl will rise or fall on 2024-05-08. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2024-05-07 Price: Open: 183.49, Clsoe: 182.40, High: 184.90, Low: 170.94, Avg: 182.83 Tweets: 1. $AAPL $183.75 close This is posed to run to all time high $199 on the next week. Hold on tight boys and girls. 2. $AAPL short every pop, pretty bad earnings and outlook, no longer a growth company 3. $AAPL man, I love Apple, always makes me money. Never be afraid to buy Apple. Always a winner! Now all these losers with their Buffet Selling argument are hiding and trying to find another bad news! Don’t mess with Apple! 4. $HPIL $AAPL QUOTE… Recently, it has been rumored in the supply chain that Apple is negotiating the possibility of cooperation with a new car-making force in the United States. Rivian is total speculation… Shit just got interesting, didn’t it? “New” “Force” Sorry to say Rivian (founded in 2009) is neither especially in comparison to the “FORCE” HPIL’s patents and powertrains harness. #deeptech 5. $NVDA $AAPL $CMG In addition to building chips, Apple is also planning to build burritos and compete with Chipotle!! 🌮 🌯 Buy Nvidia!! 6. $SPY if u messed up on $AAPL and $TSLA chase $SBUX and $BA 7. $AAPL thanks for the hype Apple pos! Ai Ai Ai what a waste of time 8. $AAPL $190+++… Could be wrong but 4 hours chart looks super BULLISH 9. $AAPL sorry no one wants to go with the goggles. The car project failed after 10 years and no one wants the iPhone 35 is the same damn thing. 10. $FSRN Have you seen what's going on at $RIVN? I've been banging that drum as THE EV PLAY for months and now $AAPL might be getting on board with the automaker! Surely not one to miss with X10 possibilities for anyone wanting to invest in the EV recovery story. https://www.benzinga.com/markets/equities/24/05/38660790/is-apple-back-in-the-ev-game-tech-giant-reportedly-eyes-rivian-partnership 11. $TSLA Oh Come On Silly People 🙄🙄🙄. Just Buy and Hold $TSLA $INTU $AAPL 🤑🤑🤑🤑. 💰💰💰 in the Bank 🤑🤑❤️ 12. $AAPL is eyeing for $190+ this week!!! Apple has been developing its own AI chips for data center servers 13. $CRM $TSLA $QQQ $AAPL It's time to buy puts on CRM. Going in! 14. $AAPL Imagine shorting Apple after the Buy back news and announcement of new chips. Lol. Good luck Shorties. 15. So this is the same poor bear from my previous post taken by his family to get some professional help , wish him quick recovery please I had enough from folks with groundless bearish view of things 🙂 $AAPL $TSLA $SPY $AMD $AMZN 16. $AAPL https://stocktwits.com/pocketmoney/message/571985168 17. $AAPL Worry not - investors will buy all the shares with our own $ in $110 billion share buyback program! 😂🤡 18. The Verge - "A new neural engine makes it “an outrageously powerful chip for AI,” the company says, capable of 38 trillion operators per second." "The M4 can deliver the same performance as the latest PC chips with only a quarter of the power." $AAPL https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/7/24148451/apple-m4-chip-ai-ipad-macbook 19. $PARA He said ' WE DO HAVE STRONG INTEREST IN BUYING PARAMOUNT' his previous offer was $28 for A , $21 for B ? $nflx $dis $AAPL $wbd 20. $SPX $AAPL Buffett says Apple will likely still be largest investment at the end of the year... So what from 43% of Berkshire to what 10-15% now @ 39% ?? So now Buffett get's fearful with $188B cash.....next earnings will be @ $200B ?? 21. $DIS Disney's streaming unit has posted its FIRST EVER profit, two quarters ahead of schedule. $AAPL $NFLX $AMZN $PARA 22. $SPY $TSLA $NVDA $AAPL $SMCI A very hard lesson I learned the past 5 years I’ve been trading is to never marry your position. I’m not a bear or a bull, but I am very bullish on making money. This bubble will burst and when it does it will be UGLY. 23. $SPY $AAPL $SOXL OUT ALL CALLS ; waiting for downside bets !!!👏👏👏🤡😂🤩 24. $SPY $AAPL $SOXL OUT ALL CALLS ; waiting for downside bets !!!👏👏👏🤡😂🤩 25. $NVDA $AAPL AI chip Pull back again or major correction $400 long target 🎯 26. $AAPL the news has been priced in already get ready we going to 176 27. $MTC and $GSUN with a little more than 50% up today while $GWAV start in green and good volume, and lets see how $AAPL ves after the event. 28. $NVDA $aapl is like Jerusalem, something great happened there a long time ago but nothing lately. 29. $AAPL Apple is developing an in-house chip intended to run artificial intelligence programs in data centers, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, as the tech giant seeks to gain an edge in the fast-growing industry. The project is internally code-named ACDC- Apple Chips in Data Centers, the WSJ report said. $QQQ $NVDA $MSFT $GOOGL 30. $NKTR why scalpers and short term traders sell is beyond me. Same kind of thinking when folks bought $AAPL at $7 and sold at $14 they will never get rich that way. Extend your time horizon. 31. Wall Street Journal: "Apple is working on its own chip designed to run artificial-intelligence software in data-center servers, a move that has the potential to give the company an advantage in the AI arms race." $AAPL https://www.wsj.com/tech/ai/apple-is-developing-ai-chips-for-data-centers-seeking-edge-in-arms-race-0bedd2b2 32. $AAPL M4 chip in the new iPad. Shorts are cooked. Put the national anthem on. 33. $NVDA $AAPL chip has been worked on for years and is nowhere near market; they’re also for CPU’s not GPU’s Supply for Nvidia sales is improving and well as demand. Earnings will be a beat and forward looking will be better than expected as hyper scalers keep talking about the “billions” they’re planning to invest in AI. Blackwell release lasted this year; stock split; more raised target prices…. Blah, blah, blah!! Where’s any negative news? There is none!! Keep buying!! Keep holding!! 34. $SPY $NVDA Support at 906, still have a little to go, but this makes me a little nervous for the bulls $QQQ $AAPL $TSLA CNBS clown #2 is bullish again...It goes Cathie Wood, Tom Lee then Cramer. The Three Headless Horsemen of the Stockpocalypse lmao 35. $SPY if u messed up on $AAPL and $TSLA chase $SBUX and $BA 36. $RIVN Same playbook from decade ago, 3 weeks prior to purchase at the end of May rumors started. Same month , decade later, Apple desperate for new revenue stream $AAPL read up on, history is repeating https://t.co/nNXV1D9Aue 37. Guess what everyone! Apple is making iPads! innovation at its best. Now you know why they need $110 billion in buybacks... 😜 $AAPL 38. $TSLA expect lawmakers to block Tesla from transferring FSD technology to China lol 😂 $AAPL $NVDA $SPY 39. "If you could name one essential tool to fix this, then you belong to my generation :)" $AAPL $TSLA $SPY $AMD $AMZN 40. $META $AAPL $TSLA $SOFI "Take Candy from Baby" is your investment style... ... not going to believe how irrational retail investors are in this sector.... 41. $AAPL Apple® today introduced Final Cut Pro® for iPad® 2, bringing huge updates that unleash the remarkable capabilities of the new iPad Pro® and take creativity to the next level. Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 transforms iPad into a multicam production studio with Live Multicam, giving users the power to speed up their shoot by allowing them to connect and preview up to four cameras all at once, all in one place.1 To support Live Multicam, Final Cut Camera™ 42. $AAPL AMC & GME & DJT To the MOON 🌙 MOASS !! Be informed Share Be informed Knowledge is power https://x.com/BossBlunts1/status/1787243984827396122?t=PfnG2y_u4v1yrIjAh7Kqhw&s=01 43. $RIVN I’m a buyer of this stock because I want to buy the car. I like them more than $TSLA , even if Tesla will end up owning the largest market share. Rivian can make plenty of money in the high end of the market. If they can do something with $AAPL then even better. My iPhone will be right at home. 44. $AAPL hold till Friday! Calls looks good as partnering with $RIVN $QQQ 45. $FSRN $AAPL is teaming up with a US ev startup. Is it Fisker or $RIVN ?? Let’s make fusker run to 10c 46. $AAPL Noob traders make me laugh they are broke and dont know its so simple just buy and hold . 10 year chart looking good. dividend increased 47. $AAPL could be wrong but I believe it’s going back to $3 trillion dollars plus cap again this week 48. $AAPL I BET 90% of you, are tweeting here from an “Iphone or Apple product” yet you are here panicking like if it wont go back up 🤷🏾‍♂️ smh 49. $AAPL $FSRN Fiskers innovation and apples … would make an unreal car , dreams can also be a reality 🙏 50. $AAPL He sold you guys are buying what he is selling 💩 $SPY 51. $AAPL sell the news will come no matter what!!!! short candidate:) dont cry later 52. Guess what everyone! Apple is making iPads! innovation at its best. Now you know why they need $110 billion in buybacks... 😜 $AAPL 53. $AAPL so do you really want to risk not being long “one more thing “concerning Apple AI development?? 54. $AAPL then partnering with $RIVN is perfect, 2 overvalued companies; should work well together.. 55. how hard is it to understand what happened today they sold $NVDA off the rumor of $AAPL AI etc then when no one realized it’s a threat, they bought NVDA off lows and started selling AAPL 56. $AAPL Someone explain to me why this overvalued stock went from 19$ a share in 2014 to 182$ now while net earning only went from 38.5B in 2014 to 100B TTM. Talk of a fucking bubble. $SPY $QQQ 57. $SPY $TSLA $NVDA $AAPL $SMCI A very hard lesson I learned the past 5 years I’ve been trading is to never marry your position. I’m not a bear or a bull, but I am very bullish on making money. This bubble will burst and when it does it will be UGLY. 58. $AAPL this will keep bleeding like your wife’s vajayjay! 59. $AAPL what a mess, innovation is dead at apple. sad 60. $KULR ---> $RIVN ---> $AAPL of course they choose top notch tech with KULR safety. If AAPL partners with Rivian and KULR is their battery safety partner the KULR ONE subscription revenue could be $$$$$.... 61. $AAPL when the chips come out? When they gonna fix rivn? 62. $RIVN Seems like a rumor designed to lamp the stock ahead of bad earnings. $AAPL 63. $RIVN $AAPL probably realized it's cheaper to just buy Rivian than spend another $10 billion on their own car? Kind of makes sense, you have a car company that already is rolling vehicles into the market, Apple branding and tech in the vehicle, and easily competes with $TSLA... just a speculative thought 64. $AAPL don’t worry many “bitter bears” who can’t afford Apple will finally be able to afford one for a short period of time as their Wendy’s jobs start paying $20 an hour However, eventually, basic economics will catch up, and you won’t be able to afford them once again. 😝🥹 65. $RIVN $AAPL partnership due to RJ' capabilities as i said earlier and in crypto $BlackRock gonna choose $RSR.X register.app to on chain asset back currency a human right reserve.org/ due to Nevin Freeman's capabilities.Future is bright✅ 66. $HPIL $AAPL $ANSS $SNPS I know why you swallowed ANSYS whole, Synopsis… 😎 ZF and Foxconn spilling the beans out of Taiwan? That’s where the article leak came from. DigiTimes Asia. Check it out… ZF and Foxconn (Taiwan, Apple iPhone Manufacturer and New EV Manufacturer) have partnered. ZF is HPIL tech. You haven’t heard the half of it either. Let Tim Cook 🔥 https://www.ansys.com/blog/charging-through-electric-motor-development-with-simulation 67. $AAPL Another over price area soon.. $qqq pump due to this and even i like $googl way more than aapl googl is getting over price area too 68. $NVDA $AMD $MSFT $AAPL HERE COMES THE SQUEEZE!!!🍊🍊🍊🍊🚀🚀🚀🚀 69. $SPX $AAPL Buffett says Apple will likely still be largest investment at the end of the year... So what from 43% of Berkshire to what 10-15% now @ 39% ?? So now Buffett get's fearful with $188B cash.....next earnings will be @ $200B ?? 70. $AAPL Careful bears... They have now a Pencil pro!!! 😱😨 71. $NKTR why scalpers and short term traders sell is beyond me. Same kind of thinking when folks bought $AAPL at $7 and sold at $14 they will never get rich that way. Extend your time horizon. 72. $AAPL just finished watching the IPad presentation. Nothing new. No wonder sales keep going down. This is a dead company for the next 20 years lol 😂 $SPY $TSLA $NVDA 73. $AAPL there’s nothing about ai, this should be red already 74. $AAPL AMC & GME & DJT To the MOON 🌙 MOASS !! Be informed Share Be informed Knowledge is power https://x.com/BossBlunts1/status/1787243984827396122?t=PfnG2y_u4v1yrIjAh7Kqhw&s=01 75. $KULR ---> $RIVN ---> $AAPL of course they choose top notch tech with KULR safety. If AAPL partners with Rivian and KULR is their battery safety partner the KULR ONE subscription revenue could be $$$$$.... 76. $AAPL developing its own A.I. chips and processors. 77. $AAPL Cramer, thanks for the analysis, this guy stays clowning himself🤣🤣🤣😉 78. $MSFT MSFT Lower High may turn lower No-Rate Cuts possibly + More Job Cuts $AAPL $NVDA $QQQ $SPY 79. $AAPL about to start working on their own chips. Project code named "AC/DC" for Apple Chips & Data Center. Will this be enough to push it to $195? That's all I care about... 80. Reuters - Apple unveils new AI-focused chip in upgraded iPad Pro models "Apple on Tuesday introduced a new chip called the M4 that it said would outclass personal computers designed for artificial intelligence" $AAPL https://www.reuters.com/technology/apple-expected-show-new-ipads-possibly-new-chip-2024-05-07/ 81. $RIVN I'm holding the position, $AAPL scrapped it's own plans, there is a good possibility it wants EV presence through Rivian, when Apple failed on its own... both companies could bring something good to the table together 82. $AAPL short and put~ Getting ready to buy a new iPad Pro 83. $PARA He said ' WE DO HAVE STRONG INTEREST IN BUYING PARAMOUNT' his previous offer was $28 for A , $21 for B ? $nflx $dis $AAPL $wbd 84. $CRM $TSLA $QQQ $AAPL It's time to buy puts on CRM. Going in! 85. $AAPL man, I love Apple, always makes me money. Never be afraid to buy Apple. Always a winner! Now all these losers with their Buffet Selling argument are hiding and trying to find another bad news! Don’t mess with Apple! 86. $AAPL But delusional fools who have like 5 calls expiring this week will keep pumping ! 😂🤣 87. $SPY basically 2 stocks move spy lately $AAPL or $NVDA its up to market maker to choose which one to pump and which one to dump a day. As long as the pump continues and fees are paid. 88. $AAPL short and put~ Getting ready to buy a new iPad Pro 89. "If you could name one essential tool to fix this, then you belong to my generation :)" $AAPL $TSLA $SPY $AMD $AMZN 90. $TSLA expect lawmakers to block Tesla from transferring FSD technology to China lol 😂 $AAPL $NVDA $SPY 91. $MSFT MSFT Lower High may turn lower No-Rate Cuts possibly + More Job Cuts $AAPL $NVDA $QQQ $SPY 92. $AAPL He sold you guys are buying what he is selling 💩 $SPY 93. So we have this bear who has been having the illusion that a stock market crash is immanent for a while, he thought that ALL the bulls were wrong, this illusion lasted for a few years then .. what?: see what happened next in my very next post, his family had to intervene and seek medical help, refer to my next post: $AAPL $TSLA $SPY $AMD $AMZN 94. $RIVN what’s the deal with this company? How’s their partition with $AMZN going and what’s the news about $AAPL 95. $AAPL miss Job leading AAPL, use to be so innovative, now it's... like IBM. 96. So this is the same poor bear from my previous post taken by his family to get some professional help , wish him quick recovery please I had enough from folks with groundless bearish view of things 🙂 $AAPL $TSLA $SPY $AMD $AMZN 97. $AAPL what a great sell the news day! another failed attempt at 185. they need to buyback a few more hundred billion lolz......... 98. $AAPL keep posting seems to go down with your investment 🤣🤡 99. So this is the same poor bear from my previous post taken by his family to get some professional help , wish him quick recovery please I had enough from folks with groundless bearish view of things 🙂 $AAPL $TSLA $SPY $AMD $AMZN 100. $AAPL This company has run out of fucking ideas. All that cash in hand and no sense!!!
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $aapl will rise or fall on 2024-05-10. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2024-05-09 Price: Open: 182.50, Clsoe: 184.57, High: 184.67, Low: 165.84, Avg: 183.82 Tweets: 1. $aapl if you hate your children get them a brand new iphone and trap them into being an apple paypig for life. 2. $AAPL $TSLA $spy Revenue in the quarter ending March 30, 2024 was $90.75B, a -4.31% decrease year-over-year. In the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023, Apple had annual revenue of $383.29B, a decrease of -2.80% . 3. $AAPL Double top here on the weekly & strong support is right at that 176 gap. Good entry there if it holds. 4. $AAPL raise the divy, and just admit your only growth is in the financial engineering dept. 5. $PARA $AAPL where you at Tim Cook. Y’all need some damn content for Apple TV. 6. $BURU NUBURU (NYSE American: BURU) Announced a Second Contract With #NASA for Next-Generation Blue Laser Space Technology | NASDAQ https://nasdaq.com/press-release/nuburu-announces-a-second-contract-with-nasa-for-next-generation-blue-laser-space @nuburulasers $NVDA $AAPL $MSFT $META 7. $PTON this is just beginning $AAPL $MSFT $GOOG which company invested more on fitness in last 4 years ? Short didn’t even started covering!!! 8. $AAPL apple announcing that they're getting into chips is like me announcing I'm finally getting a Myspace.... Little late guys, bubble is in the middle of popping.. 9. $AAPL Friday sell off + CPI next week, we shall see 🤷🏻‍♂️ 10. $AAPL $NVDA $PLTR $SPY GOD BLESS ISRAEL!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 11. $AAPL Breaking out of the range its been in all week 12. $AAPL Buffett got 4,300% premium for 13% of his position. 13. Don’t forget…Outside One ER can drop like -20%…….Here at least it is safe….And we still have $AAPL no matter if it is true or not….. 14. $AAPL Breaking out of the range its been in all week 15. $aapl need more lightning cables. These are the best. I don't want to go back to my old life where I had no lightning cables . 16. $AAPL imagine buying a stock where the companies main product is selling way less, and to prop up the stock they just artificially inflate it with cash. Sad 17. $RNDR.X x $AAPL Render Octane app now on all M4 iPads! 18. $HPIL $AAPL The sooner one off these companies slap an unlimited powertrain into fleets of something they could map the **** out of everything and start gaining exponential data at a quicker pace and leap frog competitors in available markets. Unlimited and unbound = more, more and more driving. Let’s go! After substantial data is collected implement a premium subscription for unlimited roads and APPLE FSD. Federal Highway Administration wouldn’t object. 💲💲💲 19. $AAPL Today is the last day to buy  to get the 25 cents dividend week from today! 20. $AAPL People investing into a mega cap of this size with a trending negative daily 200MA really don't understand how stock tick work. 21. $AAPL I mean they pumped going into an announcement and dumped after people saw their new products. They merely met expectations on earnings and sell more phones using discounts. If it didn’t pump on a new product and their largest shareholder is selling. I feel like that is indicative the trend is skewed sideways/down, atleast until WWDC or there’s a clear growth yoy. 22. $AAPL Wall Street wants to pump, buy every dip easy $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 23. $AAPL one of the best bullish stocks to make money off 💰💰💰💰 24. $AAPL Squeeze? You use good drugs. You'll never see a squeeze on Apple 🤡 25. $AAPL Going to fill that 176 gap. A corrective Elliott wave just began. Beware. 26. $AAPL I like when it takes all day to pump and 30 sec to dump lol 27. $AAPL And here is the corrective Elliott wave on the daily. 28. $AAPL lol 4 straight days of good "news" I thought the chips news was already the reason for the first pump.... 29. $AAPL keep an eye on 🍏 for a continuation to the upside to target $188-$190. Bullish as long as price trade above $180 30. $AAPL Friday sell off + CPI next week, we shall see 🤷🏻‍♂️ 31. Odd heat map in pre market a few not sure which way to go!!! $MSFT $AAPL $NVDA $JMP 32. $AAPL should be a 40 pe honestly. At the rate they are growing? 33. name few stocks that can 100x for the next 10 years! what’s the next amazon/google/apple??? 💸 $VOO $SPY $GOOG $AAPL 34. $AAPL Quarterly Dividend / Yield $0.25 / 0.55% yeah id want a buyback too lol 35. $AAPL very basic company, no growth. Definitely deserves at least a super high growth pe of 30. Can never trade lower than 30 pe 36. $AAPL should be a 40 pe honestly. At the rate they are growing? 37. $AAPL 29x earnings is cheap if you think about it. Imagine how dominant apple will be in 2053. You will be about 70 years old and Iphone 45 will likely be in a super cycle due to a new camera lens 38. $AAPL Please shorts don't cover!! I want you to lose even more!! 39. $COIN Bull flagging. Hard stop @ ~ $311. Paytience.⏱️ $QQQ $SPY $TSLA $AAPL 40. $SPY $AAPL called the bottom of apple this I just a healthy pull back 160 41. $AAPL here we go again up in the morning down the rest of the day. 42. $AAPL this is 180!!! No reason to be. It's the 2nd best selling phone and dropping. 43. $aapl if you hate your children get them a brand new iphone and trap them into being an apple paypig for life. 44. $AAPL The mag 7 dog is down again while S&P up 👌 45. $SPY About 1% to go till consolidation and a DUMP!!!!!! I'll be back bears...I promise! $AAPL $TSLA $NVDA $QQQ 46. $PLTR $AAPL $TSLA $AMZN Palantir ended the first quarter with a cash position of $3.87 billion and current assets of $4.44 billion. Current liabilities add up to just $751 million, including $238 million in deferred revenue, which is not truly a financial obligation. Show a balance sheet cleaner than that. 47. $aapl need more lightning cables. These are the best. I don't want to go back to my old life where I had no lightning cables . 48. $aapl they don't need to innovate or make sales or grow earnings. They can just rest on their laurels and shareholders will get rich by buying at 30x earnings. 49. $AAPL not only does a double digits decline in iphone sales not discourage bulls, it makes them feel even more bullish. 50. $AAPL I've never been more bullish on apple. A lot of big changes happened recently that will allow them to finally take off after 4 years of zero 51. $aapl apple investors are excited about the app store revenues. 52. $AAPL $SPY $AMZN $NVDA MASSIVE RALLY 2nd half of session 53. $CRM Sold + 30%. MOVED TO $AAPL $185 and $QQQ $435, August puts 54. $AAPL buyback won't solve this company.back to 100 easily 55. $CVNA more insiders selling!!! Cnva will be Enron 2.0!!! $AAPL $META $MSFT 56. $TSLA $QQQ $CRM $AAPL Dji, possible head and shoulder TOP! 57. $AAPL AAPL is back baby! Get on board for the choo-choo! 58. $AAPL Would love to see a 185 break today. Would be an encouraging sign for things to come 59. $SPY Dead cat bounce on 10 year, rates to move lower, target 4.25 gap $QQQ $NVDA $AAPL $TSLA 60. $AMC $GME $MULN $AMZN $AAPL 🫡🫡🫡🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🫡🫡 61. $AAPL Breaking out of the range its been in all week 62. $AAPL $BABA $NVDA $QQQ $SPY Would you look at where Spy is trading now. 3-phase set up + VuManChu doing exactly what was went over in the free live sessions. It’s free game, put some time into understanding it, and you enjoy massive gains The October lows were caught exactly like this. I kept saying this 63. $AAPL nothing more than a no growth utility with buybacks propping up a bloated valuation 64. $AAPL should never be 2 trillion.so it will never be 3 trillion 65. $SPY $QQQ just heard an add on radio that apple slashing prices on ipads and something else. $AAPL rate cuts coming!! bearish on apple 66. $AAPL buyback won't solve this company.back to 100 easily 67. $PLTR $AAPL $TSLA $AMZN Palantir ended the first quarter with a cash position of $3.87 billion and current assets of $4.44 billion. Current liabilities add up to just $751 million, including $238 million in deferred revenue, which is not truly a financial obligation. Show a balance sheet cleaner than that. 68. $NVDA I been knew nvda was gonna go up buddy and im up I think 16k today 🤣🤣🤣🤣 off $AAPL but hey im still the broke boy 18 btw 😏 69. $AAPL There is no absolute certainty in the stock market. However latest data points and historical patterns point to higher stock price for  in the next 6 months! 👍 70. $PTON strong an $AAPL a day give $PTON Way to go higher high in May ? Who is loading quietly ? 71. $COIN Bull flagging. Hard stop @ ~ $311. Paytience.⏱️ $QQQ $SPY $TSLA $AAPL 72. $AAPL Breaking out of the range its been in all week 73. $AAPL I mean they pumped going into an announcement and dumped after people saw their new products. They merely met expectations on earnings and sell more phones using discounts. If it didn’t pump on a new product and their largest shareholder is selling. I feel like that is indicative the trend is skewed sideways/down, atleast until WWDC or there’s a clear growth yoy. 74. $AAPL what can Apple do with their AI chip other than data server and device enhancement? News reported Apple is having some kind of deal with $RIVN . What if Apple sell chips to Rivian and apply self driving onto their car? That explains why Apple will cancel their ev project. 75. $IOVA One more thing IOV 5001 like $AAPL with their new M4 chip 76. $AAPL People waiting for May 10 ie tomorrow dividend ex date to start dumping next week! 77. $AAPL I mean they pumped going into an announcement and dumped after people saw their new products. They merely met expectations on earnings and sell more phones using discounts. If it didn’t pump on a new product and their largest shareholder is selling. I feel like that is indicative the trend is skewed sideways/down, atleast until WWDC or there’s a clear growth yoy. 78. $AAPL Setup confirmed nicely off the 200 day moving average, and today was the higher close since their recent earnings. I think this likely goes higher. I have calls https://share.trendspider.com/chart/AAPL/6682zq8xvk 79. $TXN Amazing breakout here towards new all time highs. There are a ton of Texas Instrument components inside $AAPL products. 80. $AAPL $BTC.X Review for my subscribers...)) 📈 11 Best Investments in 2024 1. High-yield savings accounts 2. Certificates of deposit (CDs) 3. Bonds 4. Money market funds 5. Mutual funds 6. Index Funds 7. Exchange-traded funds 8. Stocks 9. Alternative investments 10. Cryptocurrencies 11. Real estate 81. $AAPL don't mind if I do. Apple ai sounds like the best trade in the market to me. iPhone shipments picking back up too. $spy $qqq $dia $NVDA 82. $AAPL Please shorts don't cover!! I want you to lose even more!! 83. $VIX with a 12 handle…. Calmness in the markets! 10 yr 4.44! Place your bets! $MSFT $AAPL $AMZN $SPY 84. $AAPL I'm liking the look of this rebound I bought calls today https://share.trendspider.com/chart/AAPL/6682zjaol0 85. $aapl the key to being rich is just accepting that stocks can never be cheaper than a 30 p/e 86. $AAPL if only the elite have money and they already have iphone 15 then there are tons of poor people who still want to upgrade. 87. $AAPL $TSLA $spy Revenue in the quarter ending March 30, 2024 was $90.75B, a -4.31% decrease year-over-year. In the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023, Apple had annual revenue of $383.29B, a decrease of -2.80% . 88. $AAPL back above the daily 200SMA and above a bunch of VIP big levels. Goes ex-div tomorrow. 185 is the level to watch for a breakout / resistance. Expecting chop next week but economic data and news may have an opinion about that. 89. $PARA $AAPL where you at Tim Cook. Y’all need some damn content for Apple TV. 90. $AAPL nothing more than a no growth utility with buybacks propping up a bloated valuation 91. name few stocks that can 100x for the next 10 years! what’s the next amazon/google/apple??? 💸 $VOO $SPY $GOOG $AAPL 92. $AAPL not only does a double digits decline in iphone sales not discourage bulls, it makes them feel even more bullish. 93. $AAPL Please shorts don't cover!! I want you to lose even more!! 94. $AAPL shorts targeted this one during the open when it was the only thing not down. Now they're trapped and it will rocket to ATHs 95. $SPY what’s the headline going to be when they rug in 20 mins? Ukraine, Israel? Oil, yields? DONT MATTER WOKIE7 brain rot BIMBOs $AMD $NVDA $AAPL $QQQ 96. $AAPL they’re buying back $110B worth of stock and you’re shorting lmao 97. $AAPL Please shorts don't cover!! I want you to lose even more!! 98. $AAPL Double top here on the weekly & strong support is right at that 176 gap. Good entry there if it holds. 99. There will never come a point when smartphones have been produced to the point of being worth next to nothing. $aapl $spy $tsla 100. $AAPL Please shorts don't cover!! I want you to lose even more!!
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $aapl will rise or fall on 2024-05-14. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2024-05-13 Price: Open: 185.30, Clsoe: 186.28, High: 187.10, Low: 184.61, Avg: 186.12 Tweets: 1. $AAPL could be wrong, but seems like $188+ today 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 2. $AAPL bears celebrating .80 cent drop after it goes up $4 😂 3. $NVAX $AAPL $MSFT $TSLA $NVAX novavax target price $30 power hour to the moon 4. $AAPL $MSFT $WIMI https://www.newstrail.com/apples-artificial-intelligence-plan-is-about-to-be-unveile-wimi-is-accelerating-the-business-change-in-aigc/ 5. $GME $AAPL We knew when to enter the squeeze ! Up 1500% tomorrow ! 🔥🚀🚀✅✅🔥🔥 6. $AAPL WOWOOWOWOOWOWO just unstoppable really bullish for this to lead markets wowoowowowoww $spY $qqq 7. $AAPL Feels like a massive bull trap! As soon as you want to go long you will get crushed. 8. $AAPL opens at $182 tomorrow and then another leg up!!! 9. $NVAX $AAPL $MSFT $TSLA $NVAX novavax Radiocor NewsSANOFI: AGREEMENT WITH NOVAVAX FOR THE MARKETING OF THE ANTI-COVID VACCINE closes at $156 and $20 tomorrow 10. $BTC.X $QQQ $AAPL Apple strong so Q’s will follow as always…. Hopefully we see $AAPL at $190 sooner than later 11. $GME $AAPL We knew when to enter the squeeze ! Up 1500% tomorrow ! 🔥🚀🚀✅✅🔥🔥 12. $AAPL has made some nice gains and i would imagine we can see some profit taking into close as traders wont want to risk giving it back depending on tomorrows PPI results before market open... 13. $AAPL I COMMAND U TO RISE AND FULFILL YOUR DESTINY AT 187 14. $AAPL look like opportunity for buffet to dump lol. ChatGPT already available on iPhone. You can get it in the app store and it sucks $SPY $TSLA $NVDA 15. $AAPL APPLE IS APPLE, HOW CAN YOU EVEN DOUBT THEM? IT DOESN’T MATTER INFLATION, IT DOESN’T MATTER CUT RATES, NOTHING MATTERS! APPLE IS ONE OF THE ONLY GIANTS IN THIS WORLD WE LIVE IN 🚀🚀🚀 16. $SPY #MEMESTOCKS about to lure big money away from TRASHLA $TSLA - NCHLAMYDIA 🤢- $NVDA - SCRAPPLE - $Aapl - MICROSALTY - MSFT etc.. 🙃😆😂🙋‍♂️📉🩸 PUTS OVER $522 - SWELLING 🫳💦 Let's Go Janet Yellen, Biden, fed governors - SEND IT! THE ASYLUM has been overrun by the APES again (temporarily 🤣🙄) $GME 17. $AAPL 187 will be a big hoop to jump through but if we take that out, 190 195 200 will come quick 18. $AAPL CHATGPT WILL TAKE IT TO 200 HYPE IS JUST STARTING!!! 19. $SAVE $GME $AMC $AAPL $TSLA move over to spirit airlines can easily 4-8x yes that’s right. Short interest is high and valuation is 3x. Squeeze this to $32 20. $AAPL needs to take Rivian seriously, this partnership could be the road to a new income stream 21. $HPIL $AAPL Is everyone getting acquainted with their favorite AI… All fraudulent business practices happened pre - Stephen Brown era… AND so they fight to the end for our company and loyal shareholders. The new HPIL is a New Horizon. HPIL is different. 22. $HPIL $AAPL Is everyone getting acquainted with their favorite AI… All fraudulent business practices happened pre - Stephen Brown era… AND so they fight to the end for our company and loyal shareholders. The new HPIL is a New Horizon. HPIL is different. 23. $HPIL $AAPL Do ya think our friend is on to something!? Imagine ChatGPT at the “CORE” of everything. Damn right I meant the pun, did you David Postula!? Got me thinking back to that one CC. 😎 GPT sounds like LT… I can’t confirm or deny that Apogee Dynamics has developed powertrain technologies…😜 24. $AAPL so let.me get this straight, Apple is up all week on the fact their bringing their own AI to the table, and now it's up on news because they're going to pay for someone else's ai, (which we already know is extremely expensive that's why $META tanked after earnings) and they're spending more money to bring to the iPhone even though they're losing money on iPhone sales yoy.... And this is bullish? More like bullshit.... Adding to short position at the bell 25. $NVAX $AAPL $MSFT $TSLA $NVAX Novavax USA: Avian influenza virus in milk suggests asymptomatic cows infected with H5N1 Novavax is already working on the vaccine. Price target $30 minimum. 26. $AAPL my pp already grew an inch from my calls at 185 give me 187 and I will be done! 27. $AAPL 😂 poor bears still desperate for those puts not to be worthless. Dont worry they will be soon if they arent already 28. $AAPL I COMMAND U TO RISE AND FULFILL YOUR DESTINY AT 187 29. $AAPL $NVDA imagine writing all this while my calls continue to print and your shorts drop in value 😂😂😂😂 30. $AAPL air feels a bit thin at 186. Will probably retrace to VWAP and the n decide its next leg 31. $AAPL two back to back 3% days from here and we’re back to ATHs 32. Apple’s $AAPL Vision Pro: Expanding Beyond Borders to Boost Demand https://stoxpo.com/index.php/2024/05/13/apples-vision-pro-expanding-beyond-borders-to-boost-demand/ $AAPL $QQQ 33. $HPIL $AAPL HPILs foundational patented technology soon to be everywhere. Just look at all those applications and compact like a cigar box. Well defined GPT. 👏 34. $SPX ready to take out new highs. More room to room as weekly sell momentum is dying. $MSFT $AAPL $BA $UNH 35. $AAPL $187 is next resistance before we start looking at 52 week high $197 area. 36. $AAPL Apple Unveiled a Historic $110 Billion Stock Buyback 37. $AAPL AND WHEN THE BUY BACK STARTS, SHORTS WILL QUIT TRADING I SWEAR!! 🤣🤣🤣🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 38. $AAPL has made some nice gains and i would imagine we can see some profit taking into close as traders wont want to risk giving it back depending on tomorrows PPI results before market open... 39. $BTC.X $QQQ $AAPL Apple strong so Q’s will follow as always…. Hopefully we see $AAPL at $190 sooner than later 40. $AAPL That is one hell of a gap at 173. Going to be a great short here with the Elliott wave turning corrective. The TDSequential Demark is on an 8 & it will reverse on a 9 or 13. Beware. 41. $AAPL lol someone tell the apple algo.that is supposed to trade with the S&P someone forgot to turn off the auto buy button..that MM must still be at lunch, they've got another 17 min to clock in 42. $SPY #MEMESTOCKS about to lure big money away from TRASHLA $TSLA - NCHLAMYDIA 🤢- $NVDA - SCRAPPLE - $Aapl - MICROSALTY - MSFT etc.. 🙃😆😂🙋‍♂️📉🩸 PUTS OVER $522 - SWELLING 🫳💦 Let's Go Janet Yellen, Biden, fed governors - SEND IT! THE ASYLUM has been overrun by the APES again (temporarily 🤣🙄) $GME 43. $AAPL WOWOOWOWOOWOWO just unstoppable really bullish for this to lead markets wowoowowowoww $spY $qqq 44. $AAPL could be wrong, but seems like $188+ today 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 45. $aapl siri will be 1000x better… good choice apple super bullish on appl $googl days are numbered! 46. $AAPL levels of interest this week- shorts can begin under 180 and holding with strength, more longs above 186 I’d like to add in and see the 190-200 push 47. $AAPL I see Apple 🍎 190+ this week the shart look good very bullish. 🚀🚀🚀🚀 48. $AMD AI Stock Hyped 👀BEAR Mkts Structure $QQQ $NVDA $AAPL $SPY $AMD Chart Depicts Noticeably Lower Prices 49. $AAPL $188+ in Power hour today, it’s the time for AAPL and $TSLA this week and will continue 50. $AAPL gonna eat through that wall then it’s a straight shot to $187.5 51. $SPY Happy “Every stock is green and bullish” Monday. Thanks legendary President Trump! $AAPL $AVGO $NVDA 52. $AAPL every OpenAI employee is using a new iPhone 15 Pro. 53. $AAPL AND WHEN THE BUY BACK STARTS, SHORTS WILL QUIT TRADING I SWEAR!! 🤣🤣🤣🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 54. $AAPL $SPY $QQQ Apple had a huge move after blowout earnings...had a week or so to settle now it looks to make it's next move higher. Apple is just so darn cheap...what a gift! 55. $AAPL https://x.com/stockmktnewz/status/1789394671690543352?s=46&t=GPf26-sTaY6AxgYYXGke8w 56. $AAPL idk man.. VIX up 6% and stocks are rising? $SPY $PLTR 57. $NVAX $AAPL $MSFT $TSLA $NVAX Novavax USA: Avian influenza virus in milk suggests asymptomatic cows infected with H5N1 Novavax is already working on the vaccine. Price target $30 minimum. 58. $AAPL $188+ in Power hour today, it’s the time for AAPL and $TSLA this week and will continue 59. $AAPL so let.me get this straight, Apple is up all week on the fact their bringing their own AI to the table, and now it's up on news because they're going to pay for someone else's ai, (which we already know is extremely expensive that's why $META tanked after earnings) and they're spending more money to bring to the iPhone even though they're losing money on iPhone sales yoy.... And this is bullish? More like bullshit.... Adding to short position at the bell 60. $AAPL every OpenAI employee is using a new iPhone 15 Pro. 61. $IBRX sold $BABA and $MSFT for now. Holding $AMZN and $AAPL Time to squeeze ladies and gentlemen ! Remember 🚨 with IBRX we have an insurance with our investments which is Pat Soon - 82 % ownership of the company ( BILLIONAIRE ) 62. $NVAX $AAPL $MSFT $TSLA $NVAX novavax target price $30 power hour to the moon 63. $HOLO $2.25 people are moving here from $GME $AAPL $AMC 75% short omg 64. $aapl siri will be 1000x better… good choice apple super bullish on appl $googl days are numbered! 65. $AAPL my biggest horse in the stable. Keep on pushing! 66. $AAPL Ask any apple executive how exactly will they monetize chat gpt on the iPhone when they couldn’t even monetize Siri a decade ago?! Crickets 🦗! 😂 $SPY $QQQ 67. $AAPL Scam started today at 10:15. Likely get dumped after lunch. 68. $AAPL will go all in on calls at 186 which is the floor! 69. $AAPL lol someone tell the apple algo.that is supposed to trade with the S&P someone forgot to turn off the auto buy button..that MM must still be at lunch, they've got another 17 min to clock in 70. $AAPL BOUGHT THE DIP. LAST MICRO DIP BEFORE 187!!!!!~ 71. $HPIL $AAPL Do ya think our friend is on to something!? Imagine ChatGPT at the “CORE” of everything. Damn right I meant the pun, did you David Postula!? Got me thinking back to that one CC. 😎 GPT sounds like LT… I can’t confirm or deny that Apogee Dynamics has developed powertrain technologies…😜 72. $AAPL Apple's Potential Partnership With OpenAI Opens Up Revenue Opportunities 73. $AAPL book value 74B , CAP 2.8B What kind of tulip is that here? XXXXXXXXXL-Tulip or what, that are 37,77 times. shareholder value dropped from 140 to 70. 74. $AAPL lmao the low volume melt up for the big drop, take profits now bulls, 11:30am today is the highest you'll see for at least a month. Mark it. I told you I'd give it til EOD Wednesday. 75. $AMD AI Stock Hyped 👀BEAR Mkts Structure $QQQ $NVDA $AAPL $SPY $AMD Chart Depicts Noticeably Lower Prices 76. $AAPL look like opportunity for buffet to dump lol. ChatGPT already available on iPhone. You can get it in the app store and it sucks $SPY $TSLA $NVDA 77. $AAPL Apple will put out all fluff news to mask double digit product sales decline in the current qtr - what a scam! $QQQ $SPY 78. $HOLO $2.25 people are moving here from $GME $AAPL $AMC 75% short omg 79. $AAPL bears celebrating .80 cent drop after it goes up $4 😂 80. $AAPL $NVDA imagine writing all this while my calls continue to print and your shorts drop in value 😂😂😂😂 81. Slowly climbing back after a rough start to May... $SPY $AAPL $NVDA $TSLA 82. $AAPL This behaves a lot like the meme stocks running up today! 83. $AAPL idk man.. VIX up 6% and stocks are rising? $SPY $PLTR 84. $AAPL $SPY $QQQ Apple had a huge move after blowout earnings...had a week or so to settle now it looks to make it's next move higher. Apple is just so darn cheap...what a gift! 85. $HPIL $AAPL Is everyone getting acquainted with their favorite AI… All fraudulent business practices happened pre - Stephen Brown era… AND so they fight to the end for our company and loyal shareholders. The new HPIL is a New Horizon. HPIL is different. 86. $AAPL AND WHEN THE BUY BACK STARTS, SHORTS WILL QUIT TRADING I SWEAR!! 🤣🤣🤣🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 87. $HPIL $AAPL HPILs foundational patented technology soon to be everywhere. Just look at all those applications and compact like a cigar box. Well defined GPT. 👏 88. $AAPL calls peaked at 47% just now - locked in some gains and will swing some more. She’s going to 195$ soon. 89. $AAPL I COMMAND U TO RISE AND FULFILL YOUR DESTINY AT 187 90. $TSLA buyers found out on weekend that 0.99% interest rate doesn’t apply to them because you need really good credit but the base price is higher and down payment is higher. When they know this is scam they found out initial $250 fee not refundable lol 😂 $SPY $AAPL $NVDA 91. $NVAX $AAPL $MSFT $TSLA $NVAX Novavax USA: Avian influenza virus in milk suggests asymptomatic cows infected with H5N1 Novavax is already working on the vaccine. Price target $30 minimum. 92. $AAPL WOWOOWOWOOWOWO just unstoppable really bullish for this to lead markets wowoowowowoww $spY $qqq 93. $AAPL $MSFT $WIMI https://www.newstrail.com/apples-artificial-intelligence-plan-is-about-to-be-unveile-wimi-is-accelerating-the-business-change-in-aigc/ 94. $AAPL That is one hell of a gap at 173. Going to be a great short here with the Elliott wave turning corrective. The TDSequential Demark is on an 8 & it will reverse on a 9 or 13. Beware. 95. $AAPL That is one hell of a gap at 173. Going to be a great short here with the Elliott wave turning corrective. The TDSequential Demark is on an 8 & it will reverse on a 9 or 13. Beware. 96. $AAPL up 11% in less than a month on no substantial good news that will help with their 5 quarter straight revenue loss. Where do you think people are going to run to sell when the market goes south ? 97. $HPIL $AAPL Is everyone getting acquainted with their favorite AI… All fraudulent business practices happened pre - Stephen Brown era… AND so they fight to the end for our company and loyal shareholders. The new HPIL is a New Horizon. HPIL is different. 98. $GME $AAPL We knew when to enter the squeeze ! Up 1500% tomorrow ! 🔥🚀🚀✅✅🔥🔥 99. $AAPL 😂 poor bears still desperate for those puts not to be worthless. Dont worry they will be soon if they arent already 100. $AAPL Does upcoming Apple Watch support sugar test/ ring ? That will change the game .
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $aapl will rise or fall on 2024-05-16. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2024-05-15 Price: Open: 188.00, Clsoe: 189.72, High: 190.65, Low: 187.24, Avg: 189.72 Tweets: 1. $SPX $UNH $AAPL $BA $MSFT melt up hopefully triggers tomorrow after CPI. I expect shelter to co-operate this time! 2. $AAPL U can't go wrong with Apple, The only company apart from ORCL, CRM who know their Shit 210 : tgt 3. $AAPL been bullish on Apple for years , my go to buy and hold stocks . They got a shit ton of cash and no debt. A beautiful thing 4. $QQQ they are going to pump the market, mark my post . $spy $nvda $aapl $msft 5. $SPY Retail out of puts and buying another top lmao $AAPL $QQQ $NVDA $TSLA Keeping a keen eye on re-shorting. What a run with the longs, while the CNBS pundits were calling for a crash lmao. No positions, sold longs 6. $AAPL Did I hear good ole Aunt Nancy just hopped in. 😎🍾 7. $AAPL have 190c for Friday rolled up strikes 195/200 8. $SPY TLPH ---Break Out Alert--- TLPH up 20%... Goooo $AAPL new products.... 9. $SPX $UNH $AAPL $BA $MSFT melt up hopefully triggers tomorrow after CPI. I expect shelter to co-operate this time! 10. $AAPL been bullish on Apple for years , my go to buy and hold stocks . They got a shit ton of cash and no debt. A beautiful thing 11. $AAPL Incredible how Buffet sells 13% of his holdings in Apple and nobody is freaking out $QQQ $SPY $DIA lol... 12. $AAPL Based on the CPI decrease from 3.5% to 3.4% and the unchanged retail sales of 0.0% compared to the previous 0.6%, the overall sentiment could be slightly bearish. This suggests a potential slowdown in inflation and consumer spending, which might dampen market enthusiasm. 13. $FFIE Just wondering how 1/16/26 calls aren't up 10,000%? If $GOOG $NVDA $AAPL went up 50% on a leap they would be up 1,000,000%.... 14. $GME $AMC $TSLA $DKNG $AAPL Followers! Pile in GWAV 15. $AAPL This is going to crash so hard. Use your stops. 16. $SPY $QQQ $AAPL Actually very sad that most folks think these markets are normal. No reason to drop something just to gap it up for 2 weeks straight? Manipulation at its finest since COVID 17. $AAPL have 190c for Friday rolled up strikes 195/200 18. $AAPL $190. WHAT A TRADE. New all time high in the next few days 😁🍏. 19. $AAPL slow and steady. This ticker is finally breaking out after 1-2 years. See y'all at 230-250 $SPY $QQQ $DIA $GME 20. $AAPL Resistance at $190.95 but long term trend looks good going into WWDC on 6/7. $QQQ $MSFT $GOOGL $SPY 21. $SPY TLPH ---Break Out Alert--- TLPH up 20%... Goooo $AAPL new products.... 22. $AAPL Join our WhatsApp group for day Traders and stay informed about market trends and opportunities! Whats-app group Link Here.🚀 23. $GME $AMC $TSLA $DKNG $AAPL Followers! Pile in GWAV 24. $AAPL I just don't understand why this isn't rising faster, it has everything you want from a company, falling revenue, high PE, failing products, lack of innovation, what more could you want? Oh wait, that's it AI, not sure how or if it will help but just the word alone should get this to $250. 25. $AAPL "VISON PRO: The Cutting-Edge Headset with a Hefty Price for Your Neck" 26. $AAPL classic today = buy and HOLD! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 27. $AAPL Incredible how Buffet sells 13% of his holdings in Apple and nobody is freaking out $QQQ $SPY $DIA lol... 28. $SPY $NVDA $META $QQQ $AAPL Permanent bull market love it 29. $AMZN they said buy de f dip lol $AAPL Look at now 🔥💰💰💪🤑🚀🚀✅💥✅🔥💰💪🤑🚀 30. $SPY $NVDA $META $QQQ $AAPL Permanent bull market love it 31. $AAPL NSAV is a life time oppoutunity which you don't want to miss. 32. $AAPL NSAV is a life time oppoutunity which you don't want to miss. 33. $AAPL have 190c for Friday rolled up strikes 195/200 34. $AAPL $Advanced Micro Devices Inc ​the great tumbles about ready to happen they dropped it up as long as they can today is going to go red big time tomorrow count on it 🤣🩸🩸🩸💩💩💩​ 35. $GME ... !!!!!$AITX!!!!! IS NEXT FEEL THE POWER! $TESLA. $META $GOOG $AAPL 36. $AAPL Based on the CPI decrease from 3.5% to 3.4% and the unchanged retail sales of 0.0% compared to the previous 0.6%, the overall sentiment could be slightly bearish. This suggests a potential slowdown in inflation and consumer spending, which might dampen market enthusiasm. 37. $AAPL go for it broke boy. Get them puts before the biggest AI reveal in history in June. 38. $AAPL Alot of folks saying we are heading above 190 this few days. Bullish great news on with dividents etcetc 39. $QQQ they are going to pump the market, mark my post . $spy $nvda $aapl $msft 40. $AAPL Gamma squeeze to 195 area BRING THE REAL WHALES HERE🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🕷️ 41. $AAPL amazing pump, doesn't get any easier $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 42. $AAPL slow and steady. This ticker is finally breaking out after 1-2 years. See y'all at 230-250 $SPY $QQQ $DIA $GME 43. $SPX 5414 Resistance. BMO Capital Markets is raising its 2024 price target for the S&P 500, as they believe the robust stock market momentum is likely to persist. $SPY $AAPL $NVDA $MSFT 44. $AAPL $DIA $IWM $QQQ $SPY the stock market is not free anymore it’s government owned 45. $AAPL been bullish on Apple for years , my go to buy and hold stocks . They got a shit ton of cash and no debt. A beautiful thing 46. $SPY inflation still higher than 2020 by 100% 😂😂😂 Plus we are 40 trillion of debt! What a great economy! Clap it up! $QQQ $AAPL $TSLA 47. $SPY Retail out of puts and buying another top lmao $AAPL $QQQ $NVDA $TSLA Keeping a keen eye on re-shorting. What a run with the longs, while the CNBS pundits were calling for a crash lmao. No positions, sold longs 48. Remember when everyone hated $aapl at 160s? lol Remember when everyone hated $spy at 490s? lol Remember when everyone hated $googl at 130s? lol They will remember hating $baba at 80s and $amd at 150s too It only takes few set ups out of your active plays to change your port 49. $HPIL $AAPL I ain’t no OPEN AI (Siri) but she seems to think so too. Great minds I guess… 🤣🤣🤣 🦊🍎 50. $SPY inflation still higher than 2020 by 100% 😂😂😂 Plus we are 40 trillion of debt! What a great economy! Clap it up! $QQQ $AAPL $TSLA 51. $AAPL $nvda $amd Foolish Money goes Bankrupt ... and you're a damn fool if you didn't sell today into this ... it was a bs rally for no reason nothing has Changed NOTHING 52. $AAPL Did I hear good ole Aunt Nancy just hopped in. 😎🍾 53. $AAPL 190 being rejected 🙅‍♂️. I thinks that’s all she had 54. $AAPL $DIA $IWM $QQQ $SPY the stock market is not free anymore it’s government owned 55. $AAPL another kick in the balls for the bears😆😆 56. $AAPL $NVDA $SPY $QQQ Must be nice for those not trapped in a 401k. This fake manipulated market is the biggest scam! 100% short from here for July! 57. $AAPL can't even make their own AI. What a shit company 58. $SPY $QQQ $AAPL Actually very sad that most folks think these markets are normal. No reason to drop something just to gap it up for 2 weeks straight? Manipulation at its finest since COVID 59. $AAPL "VISON PRO: The Cutting-Edge Headset with a Hefty Price for Your Neck" 60. Remember when everyone hated $aapl at 160s? lol Remember when everyone hated $spy at 490s? lol Remember when everyone hated $googl at 130s? lol They will remember hating $baba at 80s and $amd at 150s too It only takes few set ups out of your active plays to change your port 61. $AAPL Resistance at $190.95 but long term trend looks good going into WWDC on 6/7. $QQQ $MSFT $GOOGL $SPY 62. $AAPL $DIA $IWM $QQQ $SPY the stock market is not free anymore it’s government owned 63. Remember when everyone hated $aapl at 160s? lol Remember when everyone hated $spy at 490s? lol Remember when everyone hated $googl at 130s? lol They will remember hating $baba at 80s and $amd at 150s too It only takes few set ups out of your active plays to change your port 64. $AAPL Based on the CPI decrease from 3.5% to 3.4% and the unchanged retail sales of 0.0% compared to the previous 0.6%, the overall sentiment could be slightly bearish. This suggests a potential slowdown in inflation and consumer spending, which might dampen market enthusiasm. 65. $HPIL $AAPL I ain’t no OPEN AI (Siri) but she seems to think so too. Great minds I guess… 🤣🤣🤣 🦊🍎 66. $SPY throughout history this will be known as the exit liquidity run of 24. Inflation that is stuck, even as employment is starting to decline rapidly. Declining gdp, coupled with declining consumer spending as reported by the Fed AND retailers such as $AAPL and $HD in their recent earnings report. Bulls are starting to get that euphoria feeling and bears are beginning to get tired. It's about to happen. Looking at you $SPY $AAPL and of course $COST with your absurd p/e 67. $QQQ $SPY Closing out all my positions except $GOOGL $AAPL & $PLTR AI is NOT the bubble, it seems like the US market is the TRUE bubble, Printing so much $$$ with Trillions in debt. Something does not add up 68. $AAPL $NVDA The new AI stuff is pretty cool 🔥🔥💰🚀🤑 Do 69. $AAPL I was 100% honest. Let's start breaking the peaks, my friend, you deserve it 70. $AAPL Did I hear good ole Aunt Nancy just hopped in. 😎🍾 71. $GME $AMC $TSLA $DKNG $AAPL Followers! Pile in GWAV 72. $AAPL slow and steady. This ticker is finally breaking out after 1-2 years. See y'all at 230-250 $SPY $QQQ $DIA $GME 73. $AAPL I was 100% honest. Let's start breaking the peaks, my friend, you deserve it 74. $AAPL looking forward to the integration of Chat GPT 4o with Siri. This should run into the summer. 75. $AAPL I think if it can only close with new HOD, then only it can be BULLISH for the rest of the week 76. Imagine thinking CPI had anything to do with $SPY ATH $BTC.X $AAPL $QQQ $NVDA #SwiftyGang 77. $FSRN $FSRN Short term loan totals $7.5 million while new partnership is hammered out. Upon buyout completion, loan automatically moves to technical default (driven by no allowed buyout clause) and note holder receives, with 25% penalty, $10 million. Money well spent to move the company to the next chapter while avoiding bankruptcy. $AAPL and Magna Steyr whispers continue. 🚀🚀🚀 78. $AAPL I think if it can only close with new HOD, then only it can be BULLISH for the rest of the week 79. $AAPL This is going to crash so hard. Use your stops. 80. $AAPL Resistance at $190.95 but long term trend looks good going into WWDC on 6/7. $QQQ $MSFT $GOOGL $SPY 81. $SPX 5414 Resistance. BMO Capital Markets is raising its 2024 price target for the S&P 500, as they believe the robust stock market momentum is likely to persist. $SPY $AAPL $NVDA $MSFT 82. $QQQ they are going to pump the market, mark my post . $spy $nvda $aapl $msft 83. $AAPL Potential Apple Vision Pro Headset Neck Pain Lawsuit Allegations: Users might claim that the headset's design, weight, or fit caused neck pain or injury, and that Apple failed to provide adequate warnings or design safeguards. Claims for Damages: Plaintiffs could seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and related costs, arguing that the product caused physical harm and discomfort. 84. $AAPL been bullish on Apple for years , my go to buy and hold stocks . They got a shit ton of cash and no debt. A beautiful thing 85. $AAPL been bullish on Apple for years , my go to buy and hold stocks . They got a shit ton of cash and no debt. A beautiful thing 86. $AAPL Based on the CPI decrease from 3.5% to 3.4% and the unchanged retail sales of 0.0% compared to the previous 0.6%, the overall sentiment could be slightly bearish. This suggests a potential slowdown in inflation and consumer spending, which might dampen market enthusiasm. 87. $SPY $QQQ $AAPL Actually very sad that most folks think these markets are normal. No reason to drop something just to gap it up for 2 weeks straight? Manipulation at its finest since COVID 88. $SPY $GME $TSLA $AAPL $MARA Gooooood Morning. Who’s ready?! 89. $AAPL Gamma squeeze to 195 area BRING THE REAL WHALES HERE🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🕷️ 90. $AAPL can't even make their own AI. What a shit company 91. $AAPL This is going to crash so hard. Use your stops. 92. $AAPL I’ve been selling this pop ; still holding 70% of my positions but profit is profit 93. $AAPL this needs a serious haircut. 50%. A recession will take care of it eventually. 94. $NVDA After the CPI print, $930+ is in play today and $950+ this week going into earnings next week $QQQ MSFT $SMCI $AAPL 95. $AAPL selling more ; buy low sell high ; the hype is here right now ; if it goes to 200 I’ll sell more but it can go either way ; still bullish long term but this has run up fast and I need to divest money away from Apple to other small caps ; Apple is like 65% of my entire portfolio 96. cpi 8:30 am et https://global-premium.econoday.com/byweek?cust=global-premium $aapl $msft $amzn $meta $tsla 🐻❤😈🤮 97. $AAPL Many new iPhones bought during Covid. Looks like super cycle coming for new phone purchases. 98. $SPY $GME $TSLA $AAPL $MARA Gooooood Morning. Who’s ready?! 99. $QQQ $SPY Closing out all my positions except $GOOGL $AAPL & $PLTR AI is NOT the bubble, it seems like the US market is the TRUE bubble, Printing so much $$$ with Trillions in debt. Something does not add up 100. $NVDA After the CPI print, $930+ is in play today and $950+ this week going into earnings next week $QQQ MSFT $SMCI $AAPL
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $aapl will rise or fall on 2024-05-20. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2024-05-17 Price: Open: 189.84, Clsoe: 189.87, High: 190.81, Low: 169.89, Avg: 189.94 Tweets: 1. $AAPL Move isn't happening tell eod, they said f your options today. Expect Monday morning to be brutal 2. $HOLO 🙄 $AAPL would totally be interested in purchasing the patents that $HOLO has…!!! 3. $AAPL https://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/nsav-reports-strong-first-quarter-2024-financial-results-2024-05-16 4. Short squeeze happening on $hood. Join the game. Make your easy money. $spy $aapl 5. the sentiment may be neutral for $AAPL but with plenty of important news and products releasing, apple will be bullish here soon! 6. $AAPL $AMZN $MSFT $META $TSLA yummy more inflation in the news ... kids ... inflation never ended or subsided ... don't drink the juice ... liars figure and figures lie ... Gas prices expected to jump this summer on refinery constraints. 🐻❤😈🤮 7. $aapl $spy $QQQ Apple gotta make a AI deal in China just like it did with OpenAI. China will not allow OpenAi in China. And the winner most likely is $BIDU You will hear about the partnership in June developer conference of Apple’s 8. $aapl $spy $qqq $BIDU https://www.dowjones.com/professional/resources/blog/market-moving-news-apple-talks-with-china OpenAI deal is almost closed! Baidu announcement imminent in Apples June dev AI conference 9. $AAPL Overbought with a corrective Elliott wave already beginning at the top of the LRC. All indicators rolling over. this is going to fall. Beware. 10. $AAPL $Apple Inc ​wow look at level 2 tons of people trying to unload this s*** in the 190s but no takers 👺💩🩸🥵😭🤯​ 11. $NVDA Oppenheimer analyst Rick Schafer reiterates NVIDIA with a Outperform and maintains $1100 price target. $QQQ $MSFT $AAPL $AMD 12. $AAPL Big boys started selling indexes suddenly at this level just now it seems ... welcome to the Historic Mag-7 crash of 2024 ahead ... this is entering extremely risky period as well, and the PPS level has gotten tactically super-overbought ... stay safe friends! 13. Short squeeze happening on $hood. Join the game. Make your easy money. $spy $aapl 14. $SPY Dip buying to be met with punishment, they already trapped enough clowns that have capitulated out of puts into calls $TSLA $QQQ $AAPL $XLF 15. $AAPL You can see it's just the buyback team working extra hard for the first 10-20 minutes. Then it'll fade. 16. $AAPL who’s READYYYYYY 333333333333333333444444444444444 17. $20 support is holding well today. Bears are getting squeezed. Easy money on $hood calls. 5 ema support is solid on 5 minute chart. $aapl $spy 18. $PLUG the government also loaned $TSLA and $AAPL and plenty of other big names before they were successful. 1 reason to this. So they can create new markets to keep a growing economy 19. 📣 Nice to see indices-futures red ... let's go 🐻🐻🐻 ... we'll show #fraudstreetboilerroommarketmakers what we are made of and the damage we can do to these bs hopium nonsense imho overpriced markets for a very long time ... $aapl $msft $amzn $meta $TSLA and more 🐻❤😈🤮🤑💰💲🕺 https://tradingeconomics.com/ ... enjoy the Armageddon Recession Depression 😉 20. $SPY $MSFT $NVDA $AAPL Incoming bond market collapse will be a harsh wakeup call to bulls 21. the sentiment may be neutral for $AAPL but with plenty of important news and products releasing, apple will be bullish here soon! 22. Good take on the meme phenomena and AI, and lol: “every week we look more and more like each other” $AMC $GME $AAPL $SHOP $INTU 23. $AAPL $Apple Inc ​wow look at level 2 tons of people trying to unload this s*** in the 190s but no takers 👺💩🩸🥵😭🤯​ 24. $AAPL $AMZN $MSFT $META $TSLA yummy more inflation in the news ... kids ... inflation never ended or subsided ... don't drink the juice ... liars figure and figures lie ... Gas prices expected to jump this summer on refinery constraints. 🐻❤😈🤮 25. $AAPL $With 1M+ users , Q2 revenue may surpass $2B easily. if you are not buying NSAV shares, you missed a life time opportunity to retire early. 26. $AAPL https://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/nsav-surpasses-1-million-users-on-nsavx.com-cex-exchange-2024-05-17 27. $NVDA $AAPL $QCOM $AMD Sleeping at night keep convincing myself to FIRE but can’t pull trigger yet. Maybe in 3-4 years. 28. $AAPL $Apple Inc ​just like the laptop it's going to be too hot to handle literally in your hand👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿🩸🩸🩸🥵​ 29. Short squeeze happening on $hood. Join the game. Make your easy money. $spy $aapl 30. $AAPL Overbought with a corrective Elliott wave already beginning at the top of the LRC. All indicators rolling over. this is going to fall. Beware. 31. $SPY Dip buying to be met with punishment, they already trapped enough clowns that have capitulated out of puts into calls $TSLA $QQQ $AAPL $XLF 32. $AAPL Move isn't happening tell eod, they said f your options today. Expect Monday morning to be brutal 33. $AAPL $Apple Inc ​going to drop hard next week 185​ 34. $POET $NVDA $SMCI $AAPL In addition: - $23.6 million cash on hand - Expanded partnership with Luxshare, (APPLES second largest parts supplier. - AI applications, datacom, wearables, and many more. https://financialpost.com/globe-newswire/poet-announces-design-win-and-collaboration-with-foxconn-interconnect-technology-for-high-speed-ai-systems 35. $AAPL Stocks Fall Back on Concern Interest Rates to Stay Higher for Longer 36. $NVDA $AAPL $QCOM $AMD Sleeping at night keep convincing myself to FIRE but can’t pull trigger yet. Maybe in 3-4 years. 37. $FSRN $AAPL whispers continue. https://amp24.ilsole24ore.com/pagina/AFOSR71D 38. $AAPL https://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/nsav-surpasses-1-million-users-on-nsavx.com-cex-exchange-2024-05-17 39. Short squeeze happening on $hood. Join the game. Make your easy money. $spy $aapl 40. $SPY $JPM Megaphone/rising wedge and double resistance, it doesn't get much better than this shorts $QQQ $TSLA $AAPL 41. $AAPL $AMZN $MSFT $META $TSLA yummy more inflation in the news ... kids ... inflation never ended or subsided ... don't drink the juice ... liars figure and figures lie ... Gas prices expected to jump this summer on refinery constraints. 🐻❤😈🤮 42. $AAPL Overbought with a corrective Elliott wave already beginning at the top of the LRC. All indicators rolling over. this is going to fall. Beware. 43. $SPY $QQQ $TSLA $AAPL Josh brown acting like a genius on cnbc. All those guys are pumping the market. Gov prints 1 trillion to send oversees and acts like this economy is booming. This all done over past 8 months The Dow will go to 100,000 the next virus they create to create MORE inflation. Just wait and see 44. $PLUG the government also loaned $TSLA and $AAPL and plenty of other big names before they were successful. 1 reason to this. So they can create new markets to keep a growing economy 45. $AAPL this is just consolidating before a run to $220 before WWDC 46. $AAPL Big boys started selling indexes suddenly at this level just now it seems ... welcome to the Historic Mag-7 crash of 2024 ahead ... this is entering extremely risky period as well, and the PPS level has gotten tactically super-overbought ... stay safe friends! 47. $SPY $JPM This is going to be fun, not to mention the megaphone lol $QQQ $TSLA $AAPL 48. $SPY $DPST Regional banks are in for a world of pain, expecting a lot more bailouts $QQQ $TSLA $AAPL 49. $AAPL Stocks Fall Back on Concern Interest Rates to Stay Higher for Longer 50. $20 holding strong on $hood. money rain on calls. Move your meme money to $hood. $spy $aapl 51. Good take on the meme phenomena and AI, and lol: “every week we look more and more like each other” $AMC $GME $AAPL $SHOP $INTU 52. $aapl $spy $qqq $BIDU https://www.dowjones.com/professional/resources/blog/market-moving-news-apple-talks-with-china OpenAI deal is almost closed! Baidu announcement imminent in Apples June dev AI conference 53. $AAPL Big boys started selling indexes suddenly at this level just now it seems ... welcome to the Historic Mag-7 crash of 2024 ahead ... this is entering extremely risky period as well, and the PPS level has gotten tactically super-overbought ... stay safe friends! 54. $AAPL Dont those 190 option guys ahve to push this to 190.45++? Seems like they bounce it around now? 55. $AAPL $AMZN $MSFT $META $TSLA yummy more inflation in the news ... kids ... inflation never ended or subsided ... don't drink the juice ... liars figure and figures lie ... Gas prices expected to jump this summer on refinery constraints. 🐻❤😈🤮 56. $AAPL LFG! UNCEMENT this beast! Roll 191.50+ EXPLODE and run! CASH out the wazoo and buyback! HIT THAT BUYBACK BUTTON TIMMY! 57. $ROOT LETS DO THIS Together $AAPL $MSFT $BRK.B 🙏🙏👏👏 58. $SE absolutely bullish for next 3 months . Could go up to $130 $AAPL $QQQ 59. $POET $NVDA $SMCI $AAPL In addition: - $23.6 million cash on hand - Expanded partnership with Luxshare, (APPLES second largest parts supplier. - AI applications, datacom, wearables, and many more. https://financialpost.com/globe-newswire/poet-announces-design-win-and-collaboration-with-foxconn-interconnect-technology-for-high-speed-ai-systems 60. $AAPL One more thing (especially for new comers): Even if big boys are selling now at this level, we'll come to know that fact only after a big lag ... often around 30/45/60 days later ... by that time PPS would have sufficiently decreased already and they have taken your moola home ... rinse_n_repeat ... that's the way they have setup the system, so that the big boys remain in control of your destiny ... be careful! ... https://stocktwits.com/analytics/message/573354573 61. $FSRN $AMC $GME $AAPL you really don’t want to miss out 🚀🚀🚀 62. $SPY Dip buying to be met with punishment, they already trapped enough clowns that have capitulated out of puts into calls $TSLA $QQQ $AAPL $XLF 63. $aapl $spy $QQQ Apple gotta make a AI deal in China just like it did with OpenAI. China will not allow OpenAi in China. And the winner most likely is $BIDU You will hear about the partnership in June developer conference of Apple’s 64. $SPY $BTC.X meme pop that drove this garbage higher, over, just nailed resistance, target 52K $QQQ $AAPL $NVDA 65. $SPY $JPM Megaphone/rising wedge and double resistance, it doesn't get much better than this shorts $QQQ $TSLA $AAPL 66. $AAPL this is just consolidating before a run to $220 before WWDC 67. $AAPL lots of bulls complaining on here, this thing is up 10% in 2 weeks.... Hope you guys took profit. $SPY and $QQQ records 4 straight weeks of gains and $DOW closed ATH.... You guys really think it can continue like this ? 68. $SPY $BTC.X meme pop that drove this garbage higher, over, just nailed resistance, target 52K $QQQ $AAPL $NVDA 69. $aapl $spy $qqq $BIDU https://www.dowjones.com/professional/resources/blog/market-moving-news-apple-talks-with-china OpenAI deal is almost closed! Baidu announcement imminent in Apples June dev AI conference 70. $20 is the support for $hood today. Bears are still struggling to break it. Dip buying calls at $20 - easy money until $20 holds on $HOOD $aapl $spy 71. $AAPL Monday going to be a fat open $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 72. $AAPL $Apple Inc ​propped up nothing more 🤣🩸🩸🩸💩👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿🐖🐽🐷next week​ 73. $AAPL friday morning news, NSAV just publish $200M + q1 revenue based on 23k user signup to platform but as of today, the signup has increased to 1M + users within short span of time. Buy NSAV shares, a life time opportunity to retire early. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/nsav-surpasses-1-million-users-121500420.html 74. $SPY $MSFT $NVDA $AAPL Incoming bond market collapse will be a harsh wakeup call to bulls 75. $NVDA Oppenheimer analyst Rick Schafer reiterates NVIDIA with a Outperform and maintains $1100 price target. $QQQ $MSFT $AAPL $AMD 76. $AAPL Big boys started selling indexes suddenly at this level just now it seems ... welcome to the Historic Mag-7 crash of 2024 ahead ... this is entering extremely risky period as well, and the PPS level has gotten tactically super-overbought ... stay safe friends! 77. $AAPL $Apple Inc ​just like the laptop it's going to be too hot to handle literally in your hand👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿🩸🩸🩸🥵​ 78. 📣 Nice to see indices-futures red ... let's go 🐻🐻🐻 ... we'll show #fraudstreetboilerroommarketmakers what we are made of and the damage we can do to these bs hopium nonsense imho overpriced markets for a very long time ... $aapl $msft $amzn $meta $TSLA and more 🐻❤😈🤮🤑💰💲🕺 https://tradingeconomics.com/ ... enjoy the Armageddon Recession Depression 😉 79. $aapl $spy $qqq $BIDU https://www.dowjones.com/professional/resources/blog/market-moving-news-apple-talks-with-china OpenAI deal is almost closed! Baidu announcement imminent in Apples June dev AI conference 80. $SPY $MSFT $NVDA $AAPL Incoming bond market collapse will be a harsh wakeup call to bulls 81. $20 support is holding well today. Bears are getting squeezed. Easy money on $hood calls. 5 ema support is solid on 5 minute chart. $aapl $spy 82. $HOOD Bulls are ruling $hood today. $20 support to hold to dip buy calls. Easy money on $hood calls. $aapl $spy 83. $AAPL https://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/nsav-reports-strong-first-quarter-2024-financial-results-2024-05-16 84. $20 support is holding well today. Bears are getting squeezed. Easy money on $hood calls. 5 ema support is solid on 5 minute chart. $aapl $spy 85. $FSRN $AAPL whispers continue. https://amp24.ilsole24ore.com/pagina/AFOSR71D 86. Short squeeze happening on $hood. Join the game. Make your easy money. $spy $aapl 87. $PLUG the government also loaned $TSLA and $AAPL and plenty of other big names before they were successful. 1 reason to this. So they can create new markets to keep a growing economy 88. $aapl $spy $qqq $BIDU https://www.dowjones.com/professional/resources/blog/market-moving-news-apple-talks-with-china OpenAI deal is almost closed! Baidu announcement imminent in Apples June dev AI conference 89. $AAPL $Apple Inc ​going to drop hard next week 185​ 90. $POET $NVDA $SMCI $AAPL In addition: - $23.6 million cash on hand - Expanded partnership with Luxshare, (APPLES second largest parts supplier. - AI applications, datacom, wearables, and many more. https://financialpost.com/globe-newswire/poet-announces-design-win-and-collaboration-with-foxconn-interconnect-technology-for-high-speed-ai-systems 91. $AAPL $Apple Inc ​propped up nothing more 🤣🩸🩸🩸💩👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿🐖🐽🐷next week​ 92. $AAPL $AMD $MSFT $NVDA $QQQ 74% success rate, THE top ranked out of all analysts on Wall st, this Rick Schafer rating is a big deal. 93. $SPY $JPM Megaphone/rising wedge and double resistance, it doesn't get much better than this shorts $QQQ $TSLA $AAPL 94. $AAPL who’s READYYYYYY 333333333333333333444444444444444 95. $SPY $QQQ $TSLA $AAPL Josh brown acting like a genius on cnbc. All those guys are pumping the market. Gov prints 1 trillion to send oversees and acts like this economy is booming. This all done over past 8 months The Dow will go to 100,000 the next virus they create to create MORE inflation. Just wait and see 96. Short squeeze happening on $hood. Join the game. Make your easy money. $spy $aapl 97. $AAPL $MSFT $PLBY $CSCO $AMD 30 years later still paying !!! 🐂Thanks🐂 98. $AAPL https://www.nasdaq.com/press-release/nsav-reports-strong-first-quarter-2024-financial-results-2024-05-16 99. $SPY Fake little bounces here aren't fooling anyone with a brain with $AAPL and $NVDA red. Support on daily H&S about to crack. 100. Good take on the meme phenomena and AI, and lol: “every week we look more and more like each other” $AMC $GME $AAPL $SHOP $INTU
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-01-09. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-01-06 Price: Open: 270.04, Clsoe: 275.20, High: 276.82, Low: 265.97, Avg: 274.73 Tweets: 1. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 2. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 3. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 4. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 5. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 6. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 7. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 8. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 9. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 10. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 11. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 12. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 13. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 14. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 15. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 16. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 17. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 18. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 19. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 20. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 21. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 22. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 23. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 24. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 25. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 26. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 27. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 28. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 29. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started 30. $AMGN bullish pattern was vivid as mentioned sevaral days ago. It may have just got started
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-01-13. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-01-10 Price: Open: 271.95, Clsoe: 273.88, High: 274.62, Low: 269.71, Avg: 272.88 Tweets: 1. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 2. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 3. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 4. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 5. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 6. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 7. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 8. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 9. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 10. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 11. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 12. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 13. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 14. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 15. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 16. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 17. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 18. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 19. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 20. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 21. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 22. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 23. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 24. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 25. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 26. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 27. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 28. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 29. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank. 30. $PFE $MRNA $AMGN $MRK Big Pharma created the China virus and deserves to tank.
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-01-23. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-01-19 Price: Open: 262.00, Clsoe: 262.03, High: 270.12, Low: 260.83, Avg: 262.36 Tweets: 1. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 2. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 3. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 4. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 5. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 6. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 7. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 8. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 9. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 10. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 11. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 12. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 13. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 14. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 15. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 16. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 17. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 18. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 19. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 20. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 21. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 22. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 23. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 24. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 25. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 26. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 27. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 28. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 29. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN 30. $FATE Someone was comparing what’s the better buy $NKTX my opinion $fate for sure I feel they have balls turning down a big deal they’ll have something big up there sleeves maybe with $AMGN
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-01-26. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-01-24 Price: Open: 261.85, Clsoe: 259.70, High: 262.00, Low: 257.45, Avg: 259.19 Tweets: 1. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 2. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 3. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 4. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 5. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 6. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 7. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 8. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 9. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 10. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 11. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 12. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 13. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 14. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 15. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 16. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 17. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 18. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 19. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 20. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 21. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 22. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 23. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 24. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 25. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 26. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 27. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 28. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 29. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 30. $AMGN $TGTX 1/24/2023 Evercore adjust price target in TG Therapeutics to $25 from $16, maintain Outperform Rating. Strong Buys / Strong Holds .
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-01-31. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-01-30 Price: Open: 253.30, Clsoe: 251.59, High: 255.00, Low: 250.54, Avg: 251.83 Tweets: 1. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 2. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 3. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 4. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 5. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 6. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 7. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 8. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 9. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 10. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 11. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 12. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 13. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 14. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 15. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 16. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 17. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 18. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 19. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 20. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 21. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 22. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 23. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 24. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 25. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 26. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 27. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/ 28. $AMGN Bearish ahead of earnings: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMGN/f19qUp78-AMGN-Amgen-to-buy-HZNP-for-27-8-Billion/
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-02-02. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-02-01 Price: Open: 249.16, Clsoe: 246.41, High: 260.97, Low: 240.00, Avg: 243.99 Tweets: 1. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 2. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 3. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 4. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 5. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 6. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 7. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 8. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 9. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 10. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 11. $AMGN https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amgen-nasdaq-amgn-increasing-dividend-133109670.html 12. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 13. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 14. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 15. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 16. $AMGN Back up that truck good buddy Added another 50 shares today 17. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 18. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 19. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 20. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 21. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 22. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 23. $AMGN https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amgen-nasdaq-amgn-increasing-dividend-133109670.html 24. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 25. $AMGN Back up that truck good buddy Added another 50 shares today 26. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 27. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 28. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 29. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 30. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 31. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 32. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 33. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 34. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds. 35. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 36. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds. 37. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 38. $AMGN Back up that truck good buddy Added another 50 shares today 39. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 40. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 41. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 42. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds. 43. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 44. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 45. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 46. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 47. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 48. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 49. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 50. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 51. $AMGN would not surprise me to see green. Late today 52. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 53. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 54. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds. 55. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 56. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 57. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 58. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds. 59. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 60. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 61. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 62. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 63. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 64. $AMGN Back up that truck good buddy Added another 50 shares today 65. $AMGN https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amgen-nasdaq-amgn-increasing-dividend-133109670.html 66. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 67. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 68. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds. 69. $AMGN https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amgen-nasdaq-amgn-increasing-dividend-133109670.html 70. $AMGN Back up that truck good buddy Added another 50 shares today 71. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 72. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 73. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 74. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds. 75. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 76. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 77. $AMGN Back up that truck good buddy Added another 50 shares today 78. $AMGN loaded more on ER selloff. $AAPL. $CRM. $MSFT. $QQQ 79. $AMGN https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amgen-nasdaq-amgn-increasing-dividend-133109670.html 80. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 81. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 82. $AMGN Back up that truck good buddy Added another 50 shares today 83. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 84. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 85. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 86. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 87. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 88. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 89. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 90. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 91. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 92. $AMGN https://www.investors.com/news/technology/amgen-stock-amgen-earning-q4-2022/ 93. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 94. $AMGN time to buy this DIP and DRIP 😂😂 $ABBV $PFE $BMY 95. For $ABBV and $AMGN I’m actually bearish on Both… AMGN is too high. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Congrats to them. But ABBV will lose customers to AMGN to save 55%. But GLTA 96. $AMGN https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amgen-nasdaq-amgn-increasing-dividend-133109670.html 97. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds. 98. $CYBN $AMGN $CRSP $GILD $NTLA Cybin Announces Approval of First-in-Human Dosing of its Proprietary DMT Molecule CYB004. This is the first trial ever evaluating deuterated DMT in humans. https://ir.cybin.com/investors/news/news-details/2023/Cybin-Announces-Approval-of-First-in-Human-Dosing-of-its-Proprietary-DMT-Molecule-CYB004/default.aspx 99. $AMGN & $TGTX ..... Locking in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. Strong Buys / Strong Holds . 100. $AMGN & $TGTX Locked in some profits, and accumulating more TGTX. 12/28/22 FDA APPROVED BRIUMVI for MS patients. Strong Buys & Strong Holds.
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-02-06. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-02-03 Price: Open: 249.96, Clsoe: 245.17, High: 249.98, Low: 242.17, Avg: 244.68 Tweets: 1. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 2. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 3. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 4. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 5. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 6. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 7. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 8. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 9. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 10. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 11. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 12. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 13. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 14. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 15. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 16. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 17. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 18. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 19. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 20. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 21. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 22. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 23. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 24. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 25. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 26. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 27. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 28. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 29. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 30. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 31. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 32. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 33. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 34. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 35. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 36. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 37. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 38. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 39. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 40. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 41. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 42. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 43. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 44. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 45. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 46. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 47. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 48. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 49. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 50. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 51. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 52. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 53. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 54. $BCLI This is up over 50% in a couple of days. Someone must know something. $PFE $MRK $LLY $AMGN Other people know anything? 55. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course… 56. $IBRX my best guesses for partners: sanofi, bmy, mrk, $JNJ , or my newest addition $AMGN all just guesses of course…
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-02-08. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-02-07 Price: Open: 243.19, Clsoe: 244.00, High: 244.94, Low: 241.40, Avg: 243.08 Tweets: 1. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 2. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 3. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 4. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 5. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 6. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 7. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 8. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 9. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 10. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 11. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 12. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 13. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 14. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 15. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 16. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 17. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 18. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 19. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 20. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 21. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 22. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 23. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 24. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same 25. $AMGN This stock is garbage, i full ported deep OTM puts dated 2/17, looks like all of Reddit Wall Street Bets is doing the same
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-02-13. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-02-09 Price: Open: 241.12, Clsoe: 240.00, High: 243.50, Low: 238.99, Avg: 240.80 Tweets: 1. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 2. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 3. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 4. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 5. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 6. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 7. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 8. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 9. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 10. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 11. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 12. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 13. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 14. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 15. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 16. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 17. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 18. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 19. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 20. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 21. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 22. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 23. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 24. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 25. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 26. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 27. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 28. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 29. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 30. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 31. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 32. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 33. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 34. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 35. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 36. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 37. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 38. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 39. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 40. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 41. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 42. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 43. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 44. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 45. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 46. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 47. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 48. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 49. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 50. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 51. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 52. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 53. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 54. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 55. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 56. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 57. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 58. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 59. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 60. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 61. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 62. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 63. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 64. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 65. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 66. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 67. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 68. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 69. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 70. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 71. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 72. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 73. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 74. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 75. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 76. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 77. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 78. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 79. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 80. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 81. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 82. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 83. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 84. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 85. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 86. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 87. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 88. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 89. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 90. $ABBV up big now waiting on $AMGN that will take some of humiras revenues 91. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 92. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 93. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 94. $AMGN rsi in low 20s setting up a big reversal $SPY 95. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 96. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 97. $AMGN sleeper wound care worldwide $22+ billion stem cell tech 1 month sale $800- 4th est $4 million, first q 23 $8 million + recent large acquisition HLTT https://www.pdffiller.com/jsfiller-desk18/?isShareViaLink=1&requestHash=18aee8c4b5bdbc542ee954c97cd7932d4172fad7ea7010a96a38d8561432e82b&lang=en&projectId=1206061275&loader=tips&MEDIUM_PDFJS=true&PAGE_REARRANGE_V2_MVP=true&isPageRearrangeV2MVP=true#7cb686526d2d4d138e84b6a57a34c20a 98. $AMGN Woah! Big news for my company. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00233-8#:~:text=The%20drug%20apremilast%20reduces%20alcohol,humans%20with%20alcohol%2Duse%20disorder.&text=A%20repurposed%20drug%20suppressed%20alcohol,treat%20the%20skin%20disease%20psoriasis. 99. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY. 100. $ABBV nice ER just out. $DIS. $AMGN. $AAPL. $SPY.
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-02-17. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-02-16 Price: Open: 238.46, Clsoe: 234.22, High: 239.02, Low: 234.03, Avg: 236.10 Tweets: 1. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 2. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 3. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 4. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 5. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 6. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 7. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 8. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 9. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 10. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 11. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 12. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 13. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 14. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 15. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 16. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 17. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 18. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 19. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 20. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 21. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 22. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 23. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 24. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 25. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 26. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 27. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 28. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 29. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 30. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 31. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 32. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 33. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 34. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 35. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 36. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 37. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 38. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 39. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 40. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 41. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 42. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 43. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 44. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 45. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 46. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 47. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 48. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 49. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 50. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 51. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 52. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 53. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 54. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 55. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 56. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 57. $AMGN bought 1800 shares looking for couple more shares! $SPY 58. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN 59. $LLY I just keep adding every 7 points down from 355 No brainer ; Wake up to some 30% up news at some point soon this be 425 ! $IBB $AMGN
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-02-27. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-02-22 Price: Open: 240.30, Clsoe: 236.16, High: 240.99, Low: 235.75, Avg: 237.26 Tweets: 1. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 2. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 3. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 4. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 5. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 6. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 7. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 8. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 9. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 10. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 11. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 12. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 13. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 14. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 15. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 16. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 17. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 18. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 19. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 20. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 21. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX 22. $OMER common street thug deserves more respect than this ceo. Claiming BS cures to lure investors in should be a criminal offense. $ALXN $AMGN $TVTX
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-03-01. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-02-28 Price: Open: 233.63, Clsoe: 231.66, High: 234.48, Low: 231.60, Avg: 232.66 Tweets: 1. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 2. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 3. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 4. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 5. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 6. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 7. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 8. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 9. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 10. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 11. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 12. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 13. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 14. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 15. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 16. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 17. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 18. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 19. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 20. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 21. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 22. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 23. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 24. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 25. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 26. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX 27. $CYBN we've been waiting for these CYB003 results for so long and the anticipation around it has been incredible, today's market does not reflect the undeniable value here. Long players here are the real winners and I'm sure with Canaccord Genuity's $7PT ahead of R&D day that we're still heading in the right direction $MNMD $AMGN $GILD $BNTX
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-03-03. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-03-02 Price: Open: 236.12, Clsoe: 234.74, High: 236.49, Low: 233.85, Avg: 234.80 Tweets: 1. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 2. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 3. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 4. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 5. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 6. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 7. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 8. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 9. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 10. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 11. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 12. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 13. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 14. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 15. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 16. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 17. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 18. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 19. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 20. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 21. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 22. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 23. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 24. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 25. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 26. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 27. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 28. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 29. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB 30. Good risk/reward here to the long side now on $AMGN. Met its measured move lower to the tee from head and shoulders. Play long against this week's lows as always on a CLOSING basis. #biotech $IBB
Assess the data and tweets to estimate whether the closing price of $amgn will rise or fall on 2023-03-08. Respond with either 0 or 1 (0 indicates rise and 1 indicates fall). Context: Date: 2023-03-07 Price: Open: 235.11, Clsoe: 228.72, High: 235.66, Low: 228.31, Avg: 230.32 Tweets: 1. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 2. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 3. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 4. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 5. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 6. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 7. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 8. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 9. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 10. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 11. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 12. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 13. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 14. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 15. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 16. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 17. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 18. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 19. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 20. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 21. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 22. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 23. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 24. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 25. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 26. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 27. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 28. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 29. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 30. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 31. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 32. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 33. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 34. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 35. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 36. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 37. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 38. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 39. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 40. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 41. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 42. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 43. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 44. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 45. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 46. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 47. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 48. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 49. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 50. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 51. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 52. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 53. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 54. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 55. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 56. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 57. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 58. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 59. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 60. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 61. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 62. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 63. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 64. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 65. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 66. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 67. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 68. $AMGN lol, seriously? Who selling down here? Somebody threw the baby out with the bath water. Thanks 😎👍 69. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 70. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 71. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 72. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 73. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 74. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 75. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 76. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 77. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 78. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 79. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 80. $AMGN $NVDA $AMD $SPY $TSLA Thanks to Mr P. 🩸🩸🏆🏆💰💰💵💵 81. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 82. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 83. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 84. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 85. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 86. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 87. $AMGN results are better then what $MRK has and stock falls 3%? $SPY https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/amgen-to-present-new-repatha-evolocumab-and-olpasiran-data-at-acc-301759141.html 88. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 89. $AMGN $LLY https://www.biospace.com/article/lilly-backed-volastra-enters-clinic-with-amgen-s-kif18a-inhibitor/ 90. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 91. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 92. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 93. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 94. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 95. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 96. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 97. $AMGN bought 1835 shares here ! 233.75-233.40 ! thank u 98. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/ 99. $AMGN getting cash upfront and royalties! $SPY https://firstwordpharma.com/story/5713190 100. $AMGN market discounting amgens version of humira $ABBV $SPY https://www.biopharmadive.com/news/humira-biosimilar-launch-amgen-abbvie-amjevita/641511/
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