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once upon a time there was a king who went forth into the world and fetched back a beautiful queen . and after they had been married a while god gave them a little daughter . then there was great rejoicing in the city and throughout the country , for the people wished their king all that was good , since he was kind and just . while the child lay in its cradle , a strange - looking old woman entered the room , and no one knew who she was nor whence she came . the old woman spoke a verse over the child , and said that she must not be allowed out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age , since otherwise the mountain troll would fetch her . when the king heard this he took her words to heart , and posted guards to watch over the little princess so that she would not get out under the open sky .
the people wished their king all that was good .
why was there great rejoicing in the city and throughout the country ?
why was there great rejoicing in the city and throughout the country ?
causal relationship
once upon a time there was a king who went forth into the world and fetched back a beautiful queen . and after they had been married a while god gave them a little daughter . then there was great rejoicing in the city and throughout the country , for the people wished their king all that was good , since he was kind and just . while the child lay in its cradle , a strange - looking old woman entered the room , and no one knew who she was nor whence she came . the old woman spoke a verse over the child , and said that she must not be allowed out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age , since otherwise the mountain troll would fetch her . when the king heard this he took her words to heart , and posted guards to watch over the little princess so that she would not get out under the open sky .
kind and just .
what type of ruler was the king ?
what type of ruler was the king ?
once upon a time there was a king who went forth into the world and fetched back a beautiful queen . and after they had been married a while god gave them a little daughter . then there was great rejoicing in the city and throughout the country , for the people wished their king all that was good , since he was kind and just . while the child lay in its cradle , a strange - looking old woman entered the room , and no one knew who she was nor whence she came . the old woman spoke a verse over the child , and said that she must not be allowed out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age , since otherwise the mountain troll would fetch her . when the king heard this he took her words to heart , and posted guards to watch over the little princess so that she would not get out under the open sky .
a strange - looking old woman .
who entered the room while the child lay in its cradle ?
who entered the room while the child lay in its cradle ?
once upon a time there was a king who went forth into the world and fetched back a beautiful queen . and after they had been married a while god gave them a little daughter . then there was great rejoicing in the city and throughout the country , for the people wished their king all that was good , since he was kind and just . while the child lay in its cradle , a strange - looking old woman entered the room , and no one knew who she was nor whence she came . the old woman spoke a verse over the child , and said that she must not be allowed out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age , since otherwise the mountain troll would fetch her . when the king heard this he took her words to heart , and posted guards to watch over the little princess so that she would not get out under the open sky .
be allowed out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age .
what did the old woman say the child must not be allowed the do ?
what did the old woman say the child must not be allowed the do ?
once upon a time there was a king who went forth into the world and fetched back a beautiful queen . and after they had been married a while god gave them a little daughter . then there was great rejoicing in the city and throughout the country , for the people wished their king all that was good , since he was kind and just . while the child lay in its cradle , a strange - looking old woman entered the room , and no one knew who she was nor whence she came . the old woman spoke a verse over the child , and said that she must not be allowed out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age , since otherwise the mountain troll would fetch her . when the king heard this he took her words to heart , and posted guards to watch over the little princess so that she would not get out under the open sky .
the mountain troll would fetch her .
what would happen if the child went under the open sky before she was full fifteen years of age ?
what would happen if the child went under the open sky before she was full fifteen years of age ?
once upon a time there was a king who went forth into the world and fetched back a beautiful queen . and after they had been married a while god gave them a little daughter . then there was great rejoicing in the city and throughout the country , for the people wished their king all that was good , since he was kind and just . while the child lay in its cradle , a strange - looking old woman entered the room , and no one knew who she was nor whence she came . the old woman spoke a verse over the child , and said that she must not be allowed out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age , since otherwise the mountain troll would fetch her . when the king heard this he took her words to heart , and posted guards to watch over the little princess so that she would not get out under the open sky .
posted guards to watch over the little princess so that she would not get out under the open sky .
what did the king do because of the old woman's words ?
what did the king do because of the old woman's words ?
some time afterward god gave the royal pair another little daughter , and again the whole kingdom rejoiced . but the wise old woman once more put in an appearance , and warned the king not to let the princess out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age . and then , after a time , god gave the royal pair a third daughter . this time , too , the old woman appeared , and repeated what she had already twice said . then the king was much grieved ; for he loved his children above everything in the world . therefore he gave strict orders that the three princesses were always to be kept beneath the roof of the castle , and that none were to dare transgress against this command .
he loved his children above everything else in the world .
why did the king grieve ?
why did the king grieve ?
causal relationship
some time afterward god gave the royal pair another little daughter , and again the whole kingdom rejoiced . but the wise old woman once more put in an appearance , and warned the king not to let the princess out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age . and then , after a time , god gave the royal pair a third daughter . this time , too , the old woman appeared , and repeated what she had already twice said . then the king was much grieved ; for he loved his children above everything in the world . therefore he gave strict orders that the three princesses were always to be kept beneath the roof of the castle , and that none were to dare transgress against this command .
three times .
how many princesses did the king and queen have ?
how many princesses did the king and queen have ?
some time afterward god gave the royal pair another little daughter , and again the whole kingdom rejoiced . but the wise old woman once more put in an appearance , and warned the king not to let the princess out under the open sky until she were full fifteen years of age . and then , after a time , god gave the royal pair a third daughter . this time , too , the old woman appeared , and repeated what she had already twice said . then the king was much grieved ; for he loved his children above everything in the world . therefore he gave strict orders that the three princesses were always to be kept beneath the roof of the castle , and that none were to dare transgress against this command .
beneath the roof of the castle .
where were the princesses to be kept ?
where were the princesses to be kept ?
now a long time passed , and the king 's daughters grew up and became the most beautiful maidens of whom one has ever heard tell . then war broke out and the king , their father , had to leave them . one day , while he was away at war , the three princesses were sitting in the window and looking out , watching the sun shine on the little flowers in the garden . and they felt a great desire to play with the lovely flowers , and begged their guards to let them go into the garden for a little while . but this their guards would not allow , for they feared the king 's anger . yet the king 's daughters pleaded so very sweetly that they could not deny their pleas and they let them have their way . but the princesses did not have long to walk about , for no sooner were they beneath the open sky , than a cloud came suddenly down , and bore them off , and all attempts to regain possession of them were fruitless ; though search was made in every direction .
looked out and watched the sun shine on the little flowers in the garden .
what did the three princesses do while sitting in the window ?
what did the three princesses do while sitting in the window ?
now a long time passed , and the king 's daughters grew up and became the most beautiful maidens of whom one has ever heard tell . then war broke out and the king , their father , had to leave them . one day , while he was away at war , the three princesses were sitting in the window and looking out , watching the sun shine on the little flowers in the garden . and they felt a great desire to play with the lovely flowers , and begged their guards to let them go into the garden for a little while . but this their guards would not allow , for they feared the king 's anger . yet the king 's daughters pleaded so very sweetly that they could not deny their pleas and they let them have their way . but the princesses did not have long to walk about , for no sooner were they beneath the open sky , than a cloud came suddenly down , and bore them off , and all attempts to regain possession of them were fruitless ; though search was made in every direction .
they feared the king 's anger .
why did the guards not allow the princesses to go outside ?
why did the guards not allow the princesses to go outside ?
causal relationship
now a long time passed , and the king 's daughters grew up and became the most beautiful maidens of whom one has ever heard tell . then war broke out and the king , their father , had to leave them . one day , while he was away at war , the three princesses were sitting in the window and looking out , watching the sun shine on the little flowers in the garden . and they felt a great desire to play with the lovely flowers , and begged their guards to let them go into the garden for a little while . but this their guards would not allow , for they feared the king 's anger . yet the king 's daughters pleaded so very sweetly that they could not deny their pleas and they let them have their way . but the princesses did not have long to walk about , for no sooner were they beneath the open sky , than a cloud came suddenly down , and bore them off , and all attempts to regain possession of them were fruitless ; though search was made in every direction .
the king 's daughters pleaded so very sweetly .
why could the guards not deny the king's daughters pleas ?
why could the guards not deny the king's daughters pleas ?
causal relationship
now a long time passed , and the king 's daughters grew up and became the most beautiful maidens of whom one has ever heard tell . then war broke out and the king , their father , had to leave them . one day , while he was away at war , the three princesses were sitting in the window and looking out , watching the sun shine on the little flowers in the garden . and they felt a great desire to play with the lovely flowers , and begged their guards to let them go into the garden for a little while . but this their guards would not allow , for they feared the king 's anger . yet the king 's daughters pleaded so very sweetly that they could not deny their pleas and they let them have their way . but the princesses did not have long to walk about , for no sooner were they beneath the open sky , than a cloud came suddenly down , and bore them off , and all attempts to regain possession of them were fruitless ; though search was made in every direction .
a cloud came suddenly down , and bore them off , and all attempts to regain possession of them were fruitless .
what happened because the three daughters went outside ?
what happened because the three daughters went outside ?
outcome resolution
now a long time passed , and the king 's daughters grew up and became the most beautiful maidens of whom one has ever heard tell . then war broke out and the king , their father , had to leave them . one day , while he was away at war , the three princesses were sitting in the window and looking out , watching the sun shine on the little flowers in the garden . and they felt a great desire to play with the lovely flowers , and begged their guards to let them go into the garden for a little while . but this their guards would not allow , for they feared the king 's anger . yet the king 's daughters pleaded so very sweetly that they could not deny their pleas and they let them have their way . but the princesses did not have long to walk about , for no sooner were they beneath the open sky , than a cloud came suddenly down , and bore them off , and all attempts to regain possession of them were fruitless ; though search was made in every direction .
search was made in every direction .
what did the guards do when the princesses disappeared ?
what did the guards do when the princesses disappeared ?
then the whole kingdom mourned and grieved , and one may imagine that the king was anything but happy when he returned home and learned all that had happened . yet what is done can not be undone , and in the end they had to resign themselves to it . and since the king knew of no other way to help himself , he had proclaimed throughout the kingdom that whoever would deliver his three daughters out of the power of the mountain troll should have one of them for his bride , and with her half of the kingdom . when this became known in foreign lands , many youths set forth with horses and followers to seek the princesses . at the king 's court were two princes who also went forth to see whether fortune would be kind to them . they armed themselves in the best possible way with coats of mail and costly weapons , and bragged and boasted that they would not return without having done what they set out to do .
angry .
how will the king feel when he learns what happened ?
how will the king feel when he learns what happened ?
then the whole kingdom mourned and grieved , and one may imagine that the king was anything but happy when he returned home and learned all that had happened . yet what is done can not be undone , and in the end they had to resign themselves to it . and since the king knew of no other way to help himself , he had proclaimed throughout the kingdom that whoever would deliver his three daughters out of the power of the mountain troll should have one of them for his bride , and with her half of the kingdom . when this became known in foreign lands , many youths set forth with horses and followers to seek the princesses . at the king 's court were two princes who also went forth to see whether fortune would be kind to them . they armed themselves in the best possible way with coats of mail and costly weapons , and bragged and boasted that they would not return without having done what they set out to do .
whoever would deliver his three daughters out of the power of the mountain troll should have one of them for his bride , and with her half of the kingdom .
how did the king plan to get his daughters back ?
how did the king plan to get his daughters back ?
and now we will let the king 's sons ride out over the world on their quest , while we turn to other people . far , far out in the wild wood there lived a poor widow , who had an only son who drove his mother 's pigs to pasture every day . and as he crossed the fields , he whittled himself a flute , and amused himself playing it . and he played so sweetly that he warmed the cockles of the hearts of all those who heard him .
far , far out in the wild wood .
where did a poor widow live ?
where did a poor widow live ?
and now we will let the king 's sons ride out over the world on their quest , while we turn to other people . far , far out in the wild wood there lived a poor widow , who had an only son who drove his mother 's pigs to pasture every day . and as he crossed the fields , he whittled himself a flute , and amused himself playing it . and he played so sweetly that he warmed the cockles of the hearts of all those who heard him .
whittled himself a flute , and amused himself playing it .
what did the boy do while he crossed the fields ?
what did the boy do while he crossed the fields ?
now it chanced that the young swine - herd once sat in the wood blowing his flute , while his three pigs were digging under the pine - roots . and an old , old man came along , with a beard so long and so broad that it hung far below his girdle . the old man had a large , powerful dog with him . when the youth saw the great dog , he thought to himself : " if a fellow had a dog like that to keep him company here in the wilderness , he might consider himself lucky . " and when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth was at once willing , and closed the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up the gray pig in place of it . then the old man went his way . but as he left he said : " you have reason to be satisfied with our exchange , for that dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' take hold ! ' and whatever you tell him to take hold of he will seize , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " thereupon they parted , and the youth thought that fortune had indeed favored him .
an old , old man .
who came along while the young-swine herd sat in the woof ?
who came along while the young-swine herd sat in the woof ?
now it chanced that the young swine - herd once sat in the wood blowing his flute , while his three pigs were digging under the pine - roots . and an old , old man came along , with a beard so long and so broad that it hung far below his girdle . the old man had a large , powerful dog with him . when the youth saw the great dog , he thought to himself : " if a fellow had a dog like that to keep him company here in the wilderness , he might consider himself lucky . " and when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth was at once willing , and closed the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up the gray pig in place of it . then the old man went his way . but as he left he said : " you have reason to be satisfied with our exchange , for that dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' take hold ! ' and whatever you tell him to take hold of he will seize , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " thereupon they parted , and the youth thought that fortune had indeed favored him .
happy .
how did the boy feel about the great dog ?
how did the boy feel about the great dog ?
now it chanced that the young swine - herd once sat in the wood blowing his flute , while his three pigs were digging under the pine - roots . and an old , old man came along , with a beard so long and so broad that it hung far below his girdle . the old man had a large , powerful dog with him . when the youth saw the great dog , he thought to himself : " if a fellow had a dog like that to keep him company here in the wilderness , he might consider himself lucky . " and when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth was at once willing , and closed the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up the gray pig in place of it . then the old man went his way . but as he left he said : " you have reason to be satisfied with our exchange , for that dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' take hold ! ' and whatever you tell him to take hold of he will seize , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " thereupon they parted , and the youth thought that fortune had indeed favored him .
whatever you told him to take hold of he would seize , even though it were the grimmest of trolls .
why was the dog not like other dogs ?
why was the dog not like other dogs ?
causal relationship
now it chanced that the young swine - herd once sat in the wood blowing his flute , while his three pigs were digging under the pine - roots . and an old , old man came along , with a beard so long and so broad that it hung far below his girdle . the old man had a large , powerful dog with him . when the youth saw the great dog , he thought to himself : " if a fellow had a dog like that to keep him company here in the wilderness , he might consider himself lucky . " and when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth was at once willing , and closed the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up the gray pig in place of it . then the old man went his way . but as he left he said : " you have reason to be satisfied with our exchange , for that dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' take hold ! ' and whatever you tell him to take hold of he will seize , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " thereupon they parted , and the youth thought that fortune had indeed favored him .
the gray pig .
what did the youth give up in exchange for the dog ?
what did the youth give up in exchange for the dog ?
in the evening he called his dog and drove his pigs home . but when his old mother heard that he had given away the gray pig for a dog , she was angry beyond measure , and gave her son a good drubbing . the youth told her to calm herself ; but all in vain , the longer it lasted the more furious she became . then , since he did not know what else to do , he called out to his dog : " take hold ! " at once the dog ran up , seized the old mother and held her so tightly that she could not move . but otherwise he did her no harm . and now she had to promise her son to make the best of the matter , and then they were friends once more .
angry beyond measure .
how did the youth's old mother feel about the exchange ?
how did the youth's old mother feel about the exchange ?
in the evening he called his dog and drove his pigs home . but when his old mother heard that he had given away the gray pig for a dog , she was angry beyond measure , and gave her son a good drubbing . the youth told her to calm herself ; but all in vain , the longer it lasted the more furious she became . then , since he did not know what else to do , he called out to his dog : " take hold ! " at once the dog ran up , seized the old mother and held her so tightly that she could not move . but otherwise he did her no harm . and now she had to promise her son to make the best of the matter , and then they were friends once more .
he did not know what else to do .
why did the youth command the dog to take hold ?
why did the youth command the dog to take hold ?
causal relationship
in the evening he called his dog and drove his pigs home . but when his old mother heard that he had given away the gray pig for a dog , she was angry beyond measure , and gave her son a good drubbing . the youth told her to calm herself ; but all in vain , the longer it lasted the more furious she became . then , since he did not know what else to do , he called out to his dog : " take hold ! " at once the dog ran up , seized the old mother and held her so tightly that she could not move . but otherwise he did her no harm . and now she had to promise her son to make the best of the matter , and then they were friends once more .
they were friends once more .
what happened because the woman had to promise her to make the best of the matter ?
what happened because the woman had to promise her to make the best of the matter ?
outcome resolution
the following day the youth went to the wood again , with his dog and the two pigs . after a time he sat down and played his flute as usual , and the dog danced to his playing with such skill , that it was nothing short of a miracle . and as he was sitting there , the old man with the gray beard came out of the wood again , and with him another dog , no smaller than the first . when the youth saw the handsome beast he thought to himself : " if a fellow had that dog to keep him company here where it is so lonely , he need have no fear . " when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth did not lose any time , but agreed to close the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up one of his pigs in place of it . then the old man went his way . yet before he left he added : " you have reason to be well satisfied with your purchase , for this dog is not like the other dogs . his name is ' tear ! ' and if you give him something to tear , he will tear it to pieces , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " then they parted .
angry .
how will the youth's mother feel when she sees he has exchanged a pig for another dog ?
how will the youth's mother feel when she sees he has exchanged a pig for another dog ?
but the youth was happy in the idea that he had made a capital exchange ; although he knew that his old mother would not be content with it . and when evening came , and the youth went home , his old mother was no less angry than she had been before . but this time she did not venture to beat her son , because she was afraid of the great dogs . yet , as is usual , when women have scolded long enough , they stop of their own accord - and that is what happened in this case . the youth and his mother made peace with each other ; though the mother thought to herself that the damage done could not well be repaired .
she was afraid of the great dog .
why did the mother not venture to beat her son ?
why did the mother not venture to beat her son ?
causal relationship
now it chanced that the young swine - herd once sat in the wood blowing his flute , while his three pigs were digging under the pine - roots . and an old , old man came along , with a beard so long and so broad that it hung far below his girdle . the old man had a large , powerful dog with him . when the youth saw the great dog , he thought to himself : " if a fellow had a dog like that to keep him company here in the wilderness , he might consider himself lucky . " and when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth was at once willing , and closed the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up the gray pig in place of it . then the old man went his way . but as he left he said : " you have reason to be satisfied with our exchange , for that dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' take hold ! ' and whatever you tell him to take hold of he will seize , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " thereupon they parted , and the youth thought that fortune had indeed favored him . the following day the youth went to the wood again , with his dog and the two pigs . after a time he sat down and played his flute as usual , and the dog danced to his playing with such skill , that it was nothing short of a miracle . and as he was sitting there , the old man with the gray beard came out of the wood again , and with him another dog , no smaller than the first . when the youth saw the handsome beast he thought to himself : " if a fellow had that dog to keep him company here where it is so lonely , he need have no fear . " when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth did not lose any time , but agreed to close the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up one of his pigs in place of it . then the old man went his way . yet before he left he added : " you have reason to be well satisfied with your purchase , for this dog is not like the other dogs . his name is ' tear ! ' and if you give him something to tear , he will tear it to pieces , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " then they parted . on the third day the youth went into the wood again with his pig and two dogs . he felt very happy , seated himself on a tree - stump and played his flute as usual . and the dogs danced to his playing with such skill that it was a pleasure to watch them . as the youth was sitting there in peace and quiet , the old gray - beard once more came out of the wood . this time he had a third dog with him , who was as large as both the others together . when the youth saw the handsome animal he could not help but think : " if a fellow had this dog to keep him company in the wilderness , he would have no cause for complaint . " the old man at once began : " that is why i have come , in order to sell my dog , for i can see you would like to have him . " the youth was at once willing and agreed to close the bargain . so he received the great dog and gave up his last pig in place of it . then the old man went his way .
three times .
how many times did the boy make an exchange with the old gray-beard ?
how many times did the boy make an exchange with the old gray-beard ?
yet before he went he said : " you will be satisfied with your exchange , for this dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' hark ! ' and his hearing is so keen that he hears everything that happens , though it be happening many miles away . he even hears the grass and the trees grow . " then they parted in the friendliest spirit . but the youth was happy in the thought that now he need fear nothing in the world . and then , when evening came on , and the swine - herd went home , his mother was very sad to think that her son had sold all they possessed . but the youth told her to be of good courage , since he would see to it that they did not suffer want . and when he spoke to her in such a cheerful manner , she grew content again , and decided that he had spoken in wise and manly fashion . then when day dawned the youth went hunting with his dogs , and came back at evening with as much game as he could possibly carry . and he continued to go hunting in this way for a time until his old mother 's store - room was well provided with meat and all sorts of good things . then he bade his mother a fond farewell , called his dogs , and said he was going to wander out into the world and try his fortune .
he thought that now he need fear nothing in the world .
why was the youth happy ?
why was the youth happy ?
causal relationship
yet before he went he said : " you will be satisfied with your exchange , for this dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' hark ! ' and his hearing is so keen that he hears everything that happens , though it be happening many miles away . he even hears the grass and the trees grow . " then they parted in the friendliest spirit . but the youth was happy in the thought that now he need fear nothing in the world . and then , when evening came on , and the swine - herd went home , his mother was very sad to think that her son had sold all they possessed . but the youth told her to be of good courage , since he would see to it that they did not suffer want . and when he spoke to her in such a cheerful manner , she grew content again , and decided that he had spoken in wise and manly fashion . then when day dawned the youth went hunting with his dogs , and came back at evening with as much game as he could possibly carry . and he continued to go hunting in this way for a time until his old mother 's store - room was well provided with meat and all sorts of good things . then he bade his mother a fond farewell , called his dogs , and said he was going to wander out into the world and try his fortune .
the dogs were good hunters .
how did the dogs help the boy and his mother not suffer want ?
how did the dogs help the boy and his mother not suffer want ?
and he fared forth over mountains and tangled ways , and came into the heart of a sombre forest . there he met the gray - beard of whom i have already told you . and when he met him the youth was much pleased , and said : " good - day , grandfather , and thanks for the last time ! " and the old man replied : " good - day to you , and whither away ? " the youth answered : " i am wandering out into the world to see what fortune has in store for me . " then the old man said : " keep right on going till you come to the royal castle , and there your fortune will take a turn . " and with that they parted . the youth followed the old man 's advice and for a time wandered on straight ahead . when he came to a tavern he played his flute and let his dogs dance , and was never at a lack for bed and board , and whatever else he might want .
the royal castle .
where did the old man say the youth's fortune will turn ?
where did the old man say the youth's fortune will turn ?
after he had wandered long and far , he at length came to a great city , whose streets were filled with people . the youth wondered what it all meant , and at last reached the spot where , to the sound of bell , the king 's proclamation was being cried - that whoever should deliver the three princesses out of the power of the troll , would receive one of them , and half the kingdom as well . now he understood what the old man had meant . he called his dogs , and went to the king 's castle .
request to search for his daughters .
what will the youth do at the king's castle ?
what will the youth do at the king's castle ?
but there all had been grief and mourning since the day the king 's daughters had disappeared . and of them all the king and queen were the most sorrowful . then the youth went to the keeper of the door , and asked him whether he might play and show his dogs before the king . the courtiers were willing , for they hoped it might make him feel more cheerful . so he was admitted and allowed to show his tricks . and when the king had heard him play , and had seen the skillful dancing of his dogs , he grew quite merry , and none had seen him as happy during all the seven long years that had passed since he had lost his daughters .
merry .
how did the king feel when he heard the youth's playing and saw the skillful dancing of his dogs ?
how did the king feel when he heard the youth's playing and saw the skillful dancing of his dogs ?
when the dance was over , the king asked the youth what he asked as a reward for having given him such a pleasure . the youth answered : " my lord king , i did not come to you to win gold and gear . but i have another request to make : that you allow me to set out and search for your three daughters , carried away by a mountain troll . " when the king heard this his thoughts once more grew gloomy , and he replied : " you need not even think of delivering my daughters . it is no child 's play , and your betters have already attempted it in vain . yet should it really come to pass that you deliver one of the princesses , you may be sure that i will not break my word . " so he took leave of the king and set forth . and he decided to take no rest until he had found what he sought .
the youth had asked about the king 's three daughters .
why did the king's thoughts once more grow gloomy ?
why did the king's thoughts once more grow gloomy ?
causal relationship
now it chanced that the young swine - herd once sat in the wood blowing his flute , while his three pigs were digging under the pine - roots . and an old , old man came along , with a beard so long and so broad that it hung far below his girdle . the old man had a large , powerful dog with him . when the youth saw the great dog , he thought to himself : " if a fellow had a dog like that to keep him company here in the wilderness , he might consider himself lucky . " and when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth was at once willing , and closed the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up the gray pig in place of it . then the old man went his way . but as he left he said : " you have reason to be satisfied with our exchange , for that dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' take hold ! ' and whatever you tell him to take hold of he will seize , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " thereupon they parted , and the youth thought that fortune had indeed favored him . the following day the youth went to the wood again , with his dog and the two pigs . after a time he sat down and played his flute as usual , and the dog danced to his playing with such skill , that it was nothing short of a miracle . and as he was sitting there , the old man with the gray beard came out of the wood again , and with him another dog , no smaller than the first . when the youth saw the handsome beast he thought to himself : " if a fellow had that dog to keep him company here where it is so lonely , he need have no fear . " when the old man noticed this , he began : " that is why i have come , for i want to exchange my dog for one of your pigs . " the youth did not lose any time , but agreed to close the bargain . he received the great dog , and gave up one of his pigs in place of it . then the old man went his way . yet before he left he added : " you have reason to be well satisfied with your purchase , for this dog is not like the other dogs . his name is ' tear ! ' and if you give him something to tear , he will tear it to pieces , even though it were the grimmest of trolls . " then they parted . yet before he went he said : " you will be satisfied with your exchange , for this dog is not like other dogs . his name is ' hark ! ' and his hearing is so keen that he hears everything that happens , though it be happening many miles away . he even hears the grass and the trees grow . " then they parted in the friendliest spirit . but the youth was happy in the thought that now he need fear nothing in the world . and then , when evening came on , and the swine - herd went home , his mother was very sad to think that her son had sold all they possessed . but the youth told her to be of good courage , since he would see to it that they did not suffer want . and when he spoke to her in such a cheerful manner , she grew content again , and decided that he had spoken in wise and manly fashion . then when day dawned the youth went hunting with his dogs , and came back at evening with as much game as he could possibly carry . and he continued to go hunting in this way for a time until his old mother 's store - room was well provided with meat and all sorts of good things . then he bade his mother a fond farewell , called his dogs , and said he was going to wander out into the world and try his fortune . when the dance was over , the king asked the youth what he asked as a reward for having given him such a pleasure . the youth answered : " my lord king , i did not come to you to win gold and gear . but i have another request to make : that you allow me to set out and search for your three daughters , carried away by a mountain troll . " when the king heard this his thoughts once more grew gloomy , and he replied : " you need not even think of delivering my daughters . it is no child 's play , and your betters have already attempted it in vain . yet should it really come to pass that you deliver one of the princesses , you may be sure that i will not break my word . " so he took leave of the king and set forth . and he decided to take no rest until he had found what he sought .
his dogs .
who will help the youth rescue the princesses ?
who will help the youth rescue the princesses ?
now he passed through many broad kingdoms without meeting with any special adventures . and wherever he went his dogs followed him . " hark ! " ran along and listened for anything worth hearing to be heard around them ; " take hold ! " carried his master 's knapsack and " tear ! " who was the strongest , carried his master when the latter was weary . one day " hark ! " came running up hastily , and told his master that he had gone to a high mountain , and had heard the king 's daughter , who sat within it and span , and that the troll was not at home . this greatly pleased the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain together with his three dogs . when they got there " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the troll is only ten miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth now ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , and they did . and as he stepped into the mountain he saw a lovely maiden , sitting in the mountain - hall , winding a golden thread on a golden spindle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake hasten away before the troll returns home , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was unafraid , and said that he would await the giant 's return without fear .
the king 's daughter .
what did "hark!" tell that master he had heard at a high mountain ?
what did "hark!" tell that master he had heard at a high mountain ?
now he passed through many broad kingdoms without meeting with any special adventures . and wherever he went his dogs followed him . " hark ! " ran along and listened for anything worth hearing to be heard around them ; " take hold ! " carried his master 's knapsack and " tear ! " who was the strongest , carried his master when the latter was weary . one day " hark ! " came running up hastily , and told his master that he had gone to a high mountain , and had heard the king 's daughter , who sat within it and span , and that the troll was not at home . this greatly pleased the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain together with his three dogs . when they got there " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the troll is only ten miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth now ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , and they did . and as he stepped into the mountain he saw a lovely maiden , sitting in the mountain - hall , winding a golden thread on a golden spindle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake hasten away before the troll returns home , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was unafraid , and said that he would await the giant 's return without fear .
the youth ordered his dogs .
why did the dogs break down the door into the mountain ?
why did the dogs break down the door into the mountain ?
causal relationship
now he passed through many broad kingdoms without meeting with any special adventures . and wherever he went his dogs followed him . " hark ! " ran along and listened for anything worth hearing to be heard around them ; " take hold ! " carried his master 's knapsack and " tear ! " who was the strongest , carried his master when the latter was weary . one day " hark ! " came running up hastily , and told his master that he had gone to a high mountain , and had heard the king 's daughter , who sat within it and span , and that the troll was not at home . this greatly pleased the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain together with his three dogs . when they got there " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the troll is only ten miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth now ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , and they did . and as he stepped into the mountain he saw a lovely maiden , sitting in the mountain - hall , winding a golden thread on a golden spindle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake hasten away before the troll returns home , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was unafraid , and said that he would await the giant 's return without fear .
a lovely maiden .
who did the youth see when he stepped into the mountain ?
who did the youth see when he stepped into the mountain ?
now he passed through many broad kingdoms without meeting with any special adventures . and wherever he went his dogs followed him . " hark ! " ran along and listened for anything worth hearing to be heard around them ; " take hold ! " carried his master 's knapsack and " tear ! " who was the strongest , carried his master when the latter was weary . one day " hark ! " came running up hastily , and told his master that he had gone to a high mountain , and had heard the king 's daughter , who sat within it and span , and that the troll was not at home . this greatly pleased the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain together with his three dogs . when they got there " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the troll is only ten miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth now ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , and they did . and as he stepped into the mountain he saw a lovely maiden , sitting in the mountain - hall , winding a golden thread on a golden spindle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake hasten away before the troll returns home , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was unafraid , and said that he would await the giant 's return without fear .
he wanted to fight the giant .
why did the youth want to wait for the giant's return ?
why did the youth want to wait for the giant's return ?
causal relationship
now he passed through many broad kingdoms without meeting with any special adventures . and wherever he went his dogs followed him . " hark ! " ran along and listened for anything worth hearing to be heard around them ; " take hold ! " carried his master 's knapsack and " tear ! " who was the strongest , carried his master when the latter was weary . one day " hark ! " came running up hastily , and told his master that he had gone to a high mountain , and had heard the king 's daughter , who sat within it and span , and that the troll was not at home . this greatly pleased the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain together with his three dogs . when they got there " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the troll is only ten miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth now ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , and they did . and as he stepped into the mountain he saw a lovely maiden , sitting in the mountain - hall , winding a golden thread on a golden spindle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake hasten away before the troll returns home , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was unafraid , and said that he would await the giant 's return without fear .
angry .
how will the giant feel when he sees that youth has broken in ?
how will the giant feel when he sees that youth has broken in ?
while they were talking together , the giant came riding along on his colt shod with gold . when he saw the gate standing open he grew furiously angry and shouted till the whole mountain shook : " who has broken my mountain door ? " the youth boldly answered : " i did , and now i shall break you as well ! ' take hold ! ' seize him ! ' tear ! ' and ' hark ! ' tear him into a thousand pieces . " no sooner had he spoken than the dogs rushed up , fell upon the giant and tore him into countless pieces . then the princess was happy beyond measure and said : " god be praised , now i am freed ! " and she fell upon the youth 's neck and gave him a kiss . but he did not wish to stay there any longer , saddled the giant 's colt , loaded it with all the gold and gear he found in the mountain , and hastily went away with the king 's beautiful daughter .
saddled the giant 's colt , loaded it with all the gold and gear he found in the mountain , and hastily went away with the king 's beautiful daughter .
what did the youth do after he slayed the giant ?
what did the youth do after he slayed the giant ?
they passed on together a long distance . then , one day , " hark ! " who always ran ahead scouting , came quickly back to his master , and told him he had been near a high mountain , and had heard the king 's second daughter sitting within it winding golden yarn , and that the troll himself was not at home . this was very welcome news for the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain with his faithful dogs . now when they drew near " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the giant is only eight miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth at once ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , no matter which way . and when he stepped into the interior of the mountain he saw a lovely maiden sitting in the mountain hall , winding golden yarn on a golden windle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake , hasten away , for if the troll comes your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth told her why he had come , and said that he would await the troll 's return quite undisturbed .
hurried toward the mountain with his faithful dogs .
what did the youth do when "hark!" told him of the second daughter ?
what did the youth do when "hark!" told him of the second daughter ?
while they were still talking together , the giant came riding on his steed shod with gold , and drew up outside the mountain . when he noticed that the great door was open , he grew furiously angry , and shouted till the mountain trembled to its very roots . he said : " who has broken my mountain door ? " the youth boldly answered : " i have , and now i shall break you as well ! ' take hold , ' seize him ! ' tear ! ' and ' hark ! ' tear him into a thousand pieces ! " the dogs at once rushed up , threw themselves upon the giant , and tore him into as many pieces as leaves fall in the autumn . then the king 's daughter was happy beyond measure and cried : " god be praised , now i am freed ! " and she fell upon the youth 's neck and gave him a kiss . but he led the princess to her sister , and one can imagine - how glad they were to see each other again . then the youth packed up all the treasures he found in the mountain hall , loaded them on the giant 's steed , and went his way with the king 's two daughters . and they wandered along for a long time .
glad .
how did the two princesses feel when they were reunited ?
how did the two princesses feel when they were reunited ?
now he passed through many broad kingdoms without meeting with any special adventures . and wherever he went his dogs followed him . " hark ! " ran along and listened for anything worth hearing to be heard around them ; " take hold ! " carried his master 's knapsack and " tear ! " who was the strongest , carried his master when the latter was weary . one day " hark ! " came running up hastily , and told his master that he had gone to a high mountain , and had heard the king 's daughter , who sat within it and span , and that the troll was not at home . this greatly pleased the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain together with his three dogs . when they got there " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the troll is only ten miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth now ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , and they did . and as he stepped into the mountain he saw a lovely maiden , sitting in the mountain - hall , winding a golden thread on a golden spindle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake hasten away before the troll returns home , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was unafraid , and said that he would await the giant 's return without fear . they passed on together a long distance . then , one day , " hark ! " who always ran ahead scouting , came quickly back to his master , and told him he had been near a high mountain , and had heard the king 's second daughter sitting within it winding golden yarn , and that the troll himself was not at home . this was very welcome news for the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain with his faithful dogs . now when they drew near " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the giant is only eight miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth at once ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , no matter which way . and when he stepped into the interior of the mountain he saw a lovely maiden sitting in the mountain hall , winding golden yarn on a golden windle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake , hasten away , for if the troll comes your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth told her why he had come , and said that he would await the troll 's return quite undisturbed . then , one day , " hark ! " who always ran ahead scouting , came hastily to his master and told him that he had been near a high mountain , and had heard the king 's third daughter sitting within and weaving a web of gold , and that the troll was not at home . this was very welcome news for the youth , and he hastened toward the mountain , followed by his three dogs . when he drew near " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose , for the giant is only five miles away . i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " then the youth at once ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , by hook or by crook . and when he stepped into the mountain , he saw a girl sitting in the mountain hall , weaving a web of gold . but this maiden was lovely beyond all measure , with a loveliness exceeding all the youth had ever thought to find on earth . he now went up and greeted the lovely maiden . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake , hasten away before the troll comes , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was full of confidence , and said he would gladly venture his life for the king 's lovely daughter .
" hark ! " .
who found all three princesses ?
who found all three princesses ?
now he passed through many broad kingdoms without meeting with any special adventures . and wherever he went his dogs followed him . " hark ! " ran along and listened for anything worth hearing to be heard around them ; " take hold ! " carried his master 's knapsack and " tear ! " who was the strongest , carried his master when the latter was weary . one day " hark ! " came running up hastily , and told his master that he had gone to a high mountain , and had heard the king 's daughter , who sat within it and span , and that the troll was not at home . this greatly pleased the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain together with his three dogs . when they got there " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the troll is only ten miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth now ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , and they did . and as he stepped into the mountain he saw a lovely maiden , sitting in the mountain - hall , winding a golden thread on a golden spindle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake hasten away before the troll returns home , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was unafraid , and said that he would await the giant 's return without fear . they passed on together a long distance . then , one day , " hark ! " who always ran ahead scouting , came quickly back to his master , and told him he had been near a high mountain , and had heard the king 's second daughter sitting within it winding golden yarn , and that the troll himself was not at home . this was very welcome news for the youth , and he hurried toward the mountain with his faithful dogs . now when they drew near " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose . the giant is only eight miles away , and i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " the youth at once ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , no matter which way . and when he stepped into the interior of the mountain he saw a lovely maiden sitting in the mountain hall , winding golden yarn on a golden windle . the youth went up and greeted the lovely girl . the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake , hasten away , for if the troll comes your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth told her why he had come , and said that he would await the troll 's return quite undisturbed . then , one day , " hark ! " who always ran ahead scouting , came hastily to his master and told him that he had been near a high mountain , and had heard the king 's third daughter sitting within and weaving a web of gold , and that the troll was not at home . this was very welcome news for the youth , and he hastened toward the mountain , followed by his three dogs . when he drew near " hark ! " said : " there is no time to lose , for the giant is only five miles away . i can already hear the golden horse - shoes of his steed ringing on the stones . " then the youth at once ordered his dogs to break down the door into the mountain , by hook or by crook . and when he stepped into the mountain , he saw a girl sitting in the mountain hall , weaving a web of gold . but this maiden was lovely beyond all measure , with a loveliness exceeding all the youth had ever thought to find on earth . he now went up and greeted the lovely maiden . then the king 's daughter was much surprised and said : " who are you that dare to venture into the giant 's hall ? during all the seven long years i have been sitting here in the mountain i have never yet seen a human being . " and she added : " for heaven 's sake , hasten away before the troll comes , or else your life will be forfeit ! " but the youth was full of confidence , and said he would gladly venture his life for the king 's lovely daughter .
he heard them .
how did "hark!" know where the three princesses were located ?
how did "hark!" know where the three princesses were located ?
while they were still talking the giant came riding along on his colt shod with gold , and drew up at the foot of the mountain . when he went in he saw that uninvited guests had arrived , and was much frightened ; for well he knew of the fate that had befallen his brothers . he therefore thought it advisable to fall back upon cunning and treachery , for he had not dared to venture on open battle . for that reason he made many fine speeches , and was very friendly and smooth with the youth . then he told the king 's daughter to prepare a meal in order to show his guest all hospitality .
he knew of the fate that had befallen his brothers .
why was the giant frightened ?
why was the giant frightened ?
causal relationship
while they were still talking the giant came riding along on his colt shod with gold , and drew up at the foot of the mountain . when he went in he saw that uninvited guests had arrived , and was much frightened ; for well he knew of the fate that had befallen his brothers . he therefore thought it advisable to fall back upon cunning and treachery , for he had not dared to venture on open battle . for that reason he made many fine speeches , and was very friendly and smooth with the youth . then he told the king 's daughter to prepare a meal in order to show his guest all hospitality .
he thought it advisable to fall back upon cunning and treachery , for he had not dared to venture on open battle .
why did the giant make many fine speeches and was very friendly and smooth with the youth ?
why did the giant make many fine speeches and was very friendly and smooth with the youth ?
causal relationship
and since the troll knew so well how to talk , the youth allowed himself to be beguiled by his smooth words , and forgot to be on his guard . he sat down to the table with the giant ; but the king 's daughter wept secretly , and the dogs were very restless ; though no one paid them any attention . when the giant and his guest had finished their meal , the youth said : " now that i have satisfied my hunger , give me something to quench my thirst ! " the giant replied : " on the mountain - top is a spring in which bubbles the clearest wine ; but i have no one to fetch it . " the youth answered : " if that be all that is lacking , one of my dogs can go up . " then the giant laughed in his false heart , for nothing suited him better than to have the youth send away his dogs . the youth ordered " take hold ! " to go to the spring , and the giant handed him a great tankard . the dog went ; yet it was easy to see that he did not go willingly ; and the time passed and passed and he did not return .
the troll knew so well how to talk .
why did the youth forget to be on his guard ?
why did the youth forget to be on his guard ?
causal relationship
and since the troll knew so well how to talk , the youth allowed himself to be beguiled by his smooth words , and forgot to be on his guard . he sat down to the table with the giant ; but the king 's daughter wept secretly , and the dogs were very restless ; though no one paid them any attention . when the giant and his guest had finished their meal , the youth said : " now that i have satisfied my hunger , give me something to quench my thirst ! " the giant replied : " on the mountain - top is a spring in which bubbles the clearest wine ; but i have no one to fetch it . " the youth answered : " if that be all that is lacking , one of my dogs can go up . " then the giant laughed in his false heart , for nothing suited him better than to have the youth send away his dogs . the youth ordered " take hold ! " to go to the spring , and the giant handed him a great tankard . the dog went ; yet it was easy to see that he did not go willingly ; and the time passed and passed and he did not return .
the troll will attack him .
what will happen because the youth sent his dogs away ?
what will happen because the youth sent his dogs away ?
thus a long time passed ; but nothing was heard of the wine nor of the dogs . then the giant said : " i can see that your dogs do not do as you bid them , otherwise we should not have to sit here and thirst . i think it would be well if you let ' hark ! ' go up and see why they do not come back . " the youth agreed , and told his third dog to hurry to the spring . but " hark ! " did not want to , and instead crept whining to his master 's feet . then the youth grew angry and drove him off by force . and when he reached the top of the mountain he shared the fate of the others , a high wall rose round about him , and he was made a prisoner by the giant 's magic power .
a high wall rose around them , and they were made a prisoner by the giant 's magic power .
what happened when the dogs reached the top of the mountain ?
what happened when the dogs reached the top of the mountain ?
outcome resolution
now that all three dogs were gone , the giant rose , and suddenly looked altogether different . he took down a long sword from the wall , and said : " now i will do what my brothers did not do , and you must die at once , for you are in my power ! " then the youth was frightened , and he regretted he had allowed his dogs to leave him . he said : " i do not ask for my life , since in any event the time will come when i must die . but i would like to repeat the lord 's prayer , and play a psalm on my flute , for such is the custom in my country . " the giant granted his prayer , but said that he would not wait long . so the youth kneeled and began to blow his flute till it sounded over hill and dale . and that very moment the magic wall was broken and the dogs were freed .
frightened .
how did the youth feel when all three dogs were gone, and the giant rose ?
how did the youth feel when all three dogs were gone, and the giant rose ?
now that all three dogs were gone , the giant rose , and suddenly looked altogether different . he took down a long sword from the wall , and said : " now i will do what my brothers did not do , and you must die at once , for you are in my power ! " then the youth was frightened , and he regretted he had allowed his dogs to leave him . he said : " i do not ask for my life , since in any event the time will come when i must die . but i would like to repeat the lord 's prayer , and play a psalm on my flute , for such is the custom in my country . " the giant granted his prayer , but said that he would not wait long . so the youth kneeled and began to blow his flute till it sounded over hill and dale . and that very moment the magic wall was broken and the dogs were freed .
play a psalm on his flute .
what did the youth ask to do ?
what did the youth ask to do ?
now when the king 's daughters met again there was great joy , as may well be imagined , and all thanked the youth for delivering them out of the power of the mountain trolls . but the youth fell deeply in love with the youngest princess , and they promised to be true to each other . so the king 's daughters passed on their way with music and merriment of every kind , and the youth served them with all the honor and courtesy due maidens of gentle birth . and while they were underway the princesses toyed with the youth 's hair , and each tied her golden ring in his locks for remembrance .
the youngest princess .
who did the youth fall deeply in love with ?
who did the youth fall deeply in love with ?
one day while they were still underway , they met two wanderers , who were traveling the same road . the clothes of the two strangers were torn and their feet were sore , and their whole appearance showed that they had a long journey behind them . the youth stopped his wagon , and asked them who they were and whence they came . the strangers answered that they were two princes , and had gone forth to search for the three maidens in the mountain . but fortune had not favored them ; and now they had to return home more like journeymen than kings ' sons . when the youth heard this he felt sorry for the two wanderers , and asked whether they would like to ride with him in his handsome wagon . the princes thanked him profusely for his offer . they drove on together , and came to the kingdom over which the father of the princesses reigned .
two princes .
who were the two wanderers ?
who were the two wanderers ?
now when the princes learned that the youth had delivered the king 's three daughters , a great jealousy took possession of them , and they thought of how badly they had fared in their own venture . and they took counsel together as to how they might get the better of the youth , and win power and glory for themselves . but they hid their evil plot till a favorable opportunity offered for carrying it out . then they suddenly threw themselves on their comrade , seized him by the throat and strangled him . and then they threatened to kill the princesses if they did not swear to keep silence . and since the king 's daughters were in the power of the princes , they did not dare say no . but they felt very sorry for the youth who had given up his life for them , and the youngest princess mourned with all her heart , and all her happiness was at an end .
they were jealous of the youth .
why did the two princes seize the youth by the throat and strangle him ?
why did the two princes seize the youth by the throat and strangle him ?
causal relationship
after this great wrong the princes drove to the royal castle , and one may well imagine how happy the king was to get back his three daughters . in the meantime the poor youth lay like dead off in a gorge in the forest . yet he was not quite dead , and his faithful dogs lay about him , kept him warm , and licked his wounds . and they did not stop until their master came back to life again . when he was once more well and strong he set out , and after many difficulties came to the royal castle in which the princesses dwelt . when he came in the whole court was full of joy and merriment , and from the king 's hall came the sound of dancing and string music . that surprised him greatly , and he asked what it all meant . the serving - man answered : " you must come from far away , since you do not know that the king has regained his daughters who were in the power of the mountain troll . this is the oldest princess 's wedding - day . "
the three princesses had returned .
why was the whole court full of joy and merriment ?
why was the whole court full of joy and merriment ?
causal relationship
once upon a time there was a king who was the wisest in all of the world . so wise was he that no one had ever befooled him , which is a rare thing , i can tell you . now , this king had a daughter who was as pretty as a ripe apple , so that there was no end to the number of the lads who came asking to marry her . every day there were two or three of them dawdling around the house , so that at last the old king grew tired of having them always about . so he sent word far and near that whoever should befool him might have the princess and half of the kingdom to boot , for he thought that it would be a wise man indeed who could trick him . but the king also said , that whoever should try to befool him and should fail , should have a good whipping . this was to keep all foolish fellows away . the princess was so pretty that there was no lack of lads who came to have a try for her and half of the kingdom , but every one of these went away with a sore back and no luck .
the king 's daughter .
who was as pretty as a ripe apple ?
who was as pretty as a ripe apple ?
once upon a time there was a king who was the wisest in all of the world . so wise was he that no one had ever befooled him , which is a rare thing , i can tell you . now , this king had a daughter who was as pretty as a ripe apple , so that there was no end to the number of the lads who came asking to marry her . every day there were two or three of them dawdling around the house , so that at last the old king grew tired of having them always about . so he sent word far and near that whoever should befool him might have the princess and half of the kingdom to boot , for he thought that it would be a wise man indeed who could trick him . but the king also said , that whoever should try to befool him and should fail , should have a good whipping . this was to keep all foolish fellows away . the princess was so pretty that there was no lack of lads who came to have a try for her and half of the kingdom , but every one of these went away with a sore back and no luck .
they wanted to marry the king 's daughter .
why were two or three men dawdling around the house every day ?
why were two or three men dawdling around the house every day ?
causal relationship
now , there was a man who was well off in the world , and who had three sons ; the first was named peter , and the second was named paul . peter and paul thought themselves as wise as anybody in all of the world , and their father thought as they did . as for the youngest son , he was named boots . nobody thought anything of him except that he was silly , for he did nothing but sit poking in the warm ashes all of the day . one morning peter spoke up and said that he was going to the town to have a try at befooling the king , for it would be a fine thing to have a princess in the family . his father did not say no , for if anybody was wise enough to befool the king , peter was the lad . so , after peter had eaten a good breakfast , off he set for the town , right foot foremost . after a while he came to the king 's house and - rap ! tap ! tap!-he knocked at the door . well ; what did he want ?
three .
how many sons did the well off man have ?
how many sons did the well off man have ?
now , there was a man who was well off in the world , and who had three sons ; the first was named peter , and the second was named paul . peter and paul thought themselves as wise as anybody in all of the world , and their father thought as they did . as for the youngest son , he was named boots . nobody thought anything of him except that he was silly , for he did nothing but sit poking in the warm ashes all of the day . one morning peter spoke up and said that he was going to the town to have a try at befooling the king , for it would be a fine thing to have a princess in the family . his father did not say no , for if anybody was wise enough to befool the king , peter was the lad . so , after peter had eaten a good breakfast , off he set for the town , right foot foremost . after a while he came to the king 's house and - rap ! tap ! tap!-he knocked at the door . well ; what did he want ?
nothing but sit poking in the warm ashes .
what did boots do all day ?
what did boots do all day ?
now , there was a man who was well off in the world , and who had three sons ; the first was named peter , and the second was named paul . peter and paul thought themselves as wise as anybody in all of the world , and their father thought as they did . as for the youngest son , he was named boots . nobody thought anything of him except that he was silly , for he did nothing but sit poking in the warm ashes all of the day . one morning peter spoke up and said that he was going to the town to have a try at befooling the king , for it would be a fine thing to have a princess in the family . his father did not say no , for if anybody was wise enough to befool the king , peter was the lad . so , after peter had eaten a good breakfast , off he set for the town , right foot foremost . after a while he came to the king 's house and - rap ! tap ! tap!-he knocked at the door . well ; what did he want ?
it would be a fine thing to have a princess in the family .
why did peter want a try at befooling the king ?
why did peter want a try at befooling the king ?
causal relationship
oh ! he would only like to have a try at befooling the king . very good ; he should have his try . he was not the first one who had been there that morning , early as it was . so peter was shown in to the king . " oh , look ! " said he , " yonder are three black geese out in the court - yard " but no , the king was not to be fooled so easily as all that . " one goose is enough to look at at a time , " said he ; " take him away and give him a whipping ! " and so they did , and peter went home bleating like a sheep . one day paul spoke up . " i should like to go and have a try for the princess , too , " said he . well , his father did not say no , for , after all , paul was the more clever of the two . so off paul went as merrily as a duck in the rain . by and by he came to the castle , and then he too was brought before the king just as peter had been . " oh , look ! " said he , " yonder is a crow sitting in the tree with three white stripes on his back ! "
because he did not fool the king .
why was peter given a whipping ?
why was peter given a whipping ?
causal relationship
oh ! he would only like to have a try at befooling the king . very good ; he should have his try . he was not the first one who had been there that morning , early as it was . so peter was shown in to the king . " oh , look ! " said he , " yonder are three black geese out in the court - yard " but no , the king was not to be fooled so easily as all that . " one goose is enough to look at at a time , " said he ; " take him away and give him a whipping ! " and so they did , and peter went home bleating like a sheep . one day paul spoke up . " i should like to go and have a try for the princess , too , " said he . well , his father did not say no , for , after all , paul was the more clever of the two . so off paul went as merrily as a duck in the rain . by and by he came to the castle , and then he too was brought before the king just as peter had been . " oh , look ! " said he , " yonder is a crow sitting in the tree with three white stripes on his back ! "
paul .
who decided to try to befool the king after peter ?
who decided to try to befool the king after peter ?
oh ! he would only like to have a try at befooling the king . very good ; he should have his try . he was not the first one who had been there that morning , early as it was . so peter was shown in to the king . " oh , look ! " said he , " yonder are three black geese out in the court - yard " but no , the king was not to be fooled so easily as all that . " one goose is enough to look at at a time , " said he ; " take him away and give him a whipping ! " and so they did , and peter went home bleating like a sheep . one day paul spoke up . " i should like to go and have a try for the princess , too , " said he . well , his father did not say no , for , after all , paul was the more clever of the two . so off paul went as merrily as a duck in the rain . by and by he came to the castle , and then he too was brought before the king just as peter had been . " oh , look ! " said he , " yonder is a crow sitting in the tree with three white stripes on his back ! " but the king was not so silly as to be fooled in that way . " here is a jack , " said he , " who will soon have more stripes on his back than he will like . take him away and give him his whipping ! " then it was done as the king had said , and paul went away home bawling like a calf . one day up spoke boots . " i should like to go and have a try for the pretty princess , too , " said he . at this they all stared and sniggered . what ! he go where his clever brothers had failed , and had nothing to show for the trying but a good beating ? what had come over the lout ! here was a pretty business , to be sure ! that was what they all said . but all of this rolled away from boots like water from a duck 's back . no matter , he would like to go and have a try like the others . so he begged and begged until his father was glad to let him go to be rid of his teasing , if nothing else . then boots asked if he might have the old tattered hat that hung back of the chimney .
a crow .
what did paul say was sitting in the tree ?
what did paul say was sitting in the tree ?
but the king was not so silly as to be fooled in that way . " here is a jack , " said he , " who will soon have more stripes on his back than he will like . take him away and give him his whipping ! " then it was done as the king had said , and paul went away home bawling like a calf . one day up spoke boots . " i should like to go and have a try for the pretty princess , too , " said he . at this they all stared and sniggered . what ! he go where his clever brothers had failed , and had nothing to show for the trying but a good beating ? what had come over the lout ! here was a pretty business , to be sure ! that was what they all said . but all of this rolled away from boots like water from a duck 's back . no matter , he would like to go and have a try like the others . so he begged and begged until his father was glad to let him go to be rid of his teasing , if nothing else . then boots asked if he might have the old tattered hat that hung back of the chimney .
he was annoyed by boots ' begging .
why did his father let boots go to the king ?
why did his father let boots go to the king ?
causal relationship
but the king was not so silly as to be fooled in that way . " here is a jack , " said he , " who will soon have more stripes on his back than he will like . take him away and give him his whipping ! " then it was done as the king had said , and paul went away home bawling like a calf . one day up spoke boots . " i should like to go and have a try for the pretty princess , too , " said he . at this they all stared and sniggered . what ! he go where his clever brothers had failed , and had nothing to show for the trying but a good beating ? what had come over the lout ! here was a pretty business , to be sure ! that was what they all said . but all of this rolled away from boots like water from a duck 's back . no matter , he would like to go and have a try like the others . so he begged and begged until his father was glad to let him go to be rid of his teasing , if nothing else . then boots asked if he might have the old tattered hat that hung back of the chimney .
the old tattered hat that hung back of the chimney .
what did boots ask to have ?
what did boots ask to have ?
oh , yes , he might have that if he wanted it , for nobody with good wits was likely to wear such a thing . so boots took the hat , and after he had brushed the ashes from his shoes set off for the town , whistling as he went . the first body whom he met was an old woman with a great load of earthenware pots and crocks on her shoulders . " good - day , mother , " said boots . " good - day , son , " said she . " what will you take for all of your pots and crocks ? " said boots . " three shillings , " said she . " i will give you five shillings if you will come and stand in front of the king 's house , and do thus and so when i say this and that , " said boots . oh , yes ! she would do that willingly enough . so boots and the old woman went on together , and presently came to the king 's house . when they had come there , boots sat down in front of the door and began bawling as loud as he could-"no , i will not ! i will not do it , i say ! no , i will not do it ! "
an old woman .
who was the first person boots met on his way to the king ?
who was the first person boots met on his way to the king ?
oh , yes , he might have that if he wanted it , for nobody with good wits was likely to wear such a thing . so boots took the hat , and after he had brushed the ashes from his shoes set off for the town , whistling as he went . the first body whom he met was an old woman with a great load of earthenware pots and crocks on her shoulders . " good - day , mother , " said boots . " good - day , son , " said she . " what will you take for all of your pots and crocks ? " said boots . " three shillings , " said she . " i will give you five shillings if you will come and stand in front of the king 's house , and do thus and so when i say this and that , " said boots . oh , yes ! she would do that willingly enough . so boots and the old woman went on together , and presently came to the king 's house . when they had come there , boots sat down in front of the door and began bawling as loud as he could-"no , i will not ! i will not do it , i say ! no , i will not do it ! "
the king 's house .
where did boots and the old woman go togethe ?
where did boots and the old woman go togethe ?
so he kept on , bawling louder and louder until he made such a noise that , at last , the king himself came out to see what all of the hubbub was about . but when boots saw him he only bawled out louder than ever , " no , i will not ! i will not do it , i say ! " " stop ! stop ! " cried the king , " what is all this about ? " " why , " said boots , " everybody wants to buy my cap , but i will not sell it ! i will not do it , i say ! " " but , why should anybody want to buy such a cap as that ? " said the king . " because , " said boots , " it is a fooling cap and the only one in all of the world . " " a fooling cap ! " said the king . for he did not like to hear of such a cap as that coming into the town . " hum - m - m - m ! i should like to see you fool somebody with it . could you fool that old body yonder with the pots and the crocks ? "
a fooling cap .
what did boots call his cap ?
what did boots call his cap ?
so he kept on , bawling louder and louder until he made such a noise that , at last , the king himself came out to see what all of the hubbub was about . but when boots saw him he only bawled out louder than ever , " no , i will not ! i will not do it , i say ! " " stop ! stop ! " cried the king , " what is all this about ? " " why , " said boots , " everybody wants to buy my cap , but i will not sell it ! i will not do it , i say ! " " but , why should anybody want to buy such a cap as that ? " said the king . " because , " said boots , " it is a fooling cap and the only one in all of the world . " " a fooling cap ! " said the king . for he did not like to hear of such a cap as that coming into the town . " hum - m - m - m ! i should like to see you fool somebody with it . could you fool that old body yonder with the pots and the crocks ? "
that old body yonder with the pots and the crocks .
who did the king ask boots to fool ?
who did the king ask boots to fool ?
" oh , yes ! that is easily enough done , " said boots , and without more ado he took off his tattered cap and blew into it . then he put it on his head again and bawled out , " break pots ! break pots ! " no sooner had he spoken these words than the old woman jumped up and began breaking and smashing her pots and crocks as though she had gone crazy . that was what boots had paid her five shillings for doing , but of it the king knew nothing . " hui ! " said he to himself , " i must buy that hat from the fellow or he will fool the princess away from me for sure and certain . " then he began talking to boots as sweetly as though he had honey in his mouth . perhaps boots would sell the hat to him ? oh , no ! boots could not think of such a thing as selling his fooling cap . come , come ; the king wanted that hat , and sooner than miss buying it he would give a whole bag of gold money for it .
the old woman started breaking her pots .
what happened when boots yelled out "break pots, break pots" ?
what happened when boots yelled out "break pots, break pots" ?
outcome resolution
" oh , yes ! that is easily enough done , " said boots , and without more ado he took off his tattered cap and blew into it . then he put it on his head again and bawled out , " break pots ! break pots ! " no sooner had he spoken these words than the old woman jumped up and began breaking and smashing her pots and crocks as though she had gone crazy . that was what boots had paid her five shillings for doing , but of it the king knew nothing . " hui ! " said he to himself , " i must buy that hat from the fellow or he will fool the princess away from me for sure and certain . " then he began talking to boots as sweetly as though he had honey in his mouth . perhaps boots would sell the hat to him ? oh , no ! boots could not think of such a thing as selling his fooling cap . come , come ; the king wanted that hat , and sooner than miss buying it he would give a whole bag of gold money for it .
a whole bag of gold money .
what did the king offer in exchange for the hat ?
what did the king offer in exchange for the hat ?
at this boots looked up and looked down , scratching his head . well , he supposed he would have to sell the hat some time , and the king might as well have it as anybody else . but for all that he did not like parting with it . so the king gave boots the bag of gold , and boots gave the king the old tattered hat , and then he went his way . after boots had gone the king blew into the hat and blew into the hat , but though he blew enough breath into it to sail a big ship , he did not befool so much as a single titmouse . then , at last , he began to see that the fooling cap was good on nobody else 's head but boots 's ; and he was none too pleased at that , you may be sure . as for boots , with his bag of gold he bought the finest clothes that were to be had in the town , and when the next morning had come he started away bright and early for the king 's house . " i have come , " said he , " to marry the princess , if you please . "
he did not befool so much as a single titmouse .
what happened when the king blew into the hat ?
what happened when the king blew into the hat ?
outcome resolution
at this boots looked up and looked down , scratching his head . well , he supposed he would have to sell the hat some time , and the king might as well have it as anybody else . but for all that he did not like parting with it . so the king gave boots the bag of gold , and boots gave the king the old tattered hat , and then he went his way . after boots had gone the king blew into the hat and blew into the hat , but though he blew enough breath into it to sail a big ship , he did not befool so much as a single titmouse . then , at last , he began to see that the fooling cap was good on nobody else 's head but boots 's ; and he was none too pleased at that , you may be sure . as for boots , with his bag of gold he bought the finest clothes that were to be had in the town , and when the next morning had come he started away bright and early for the king 's house . " i have come , " said he , " to marry the princess , if you please . "
the finest clothes that were to be had in the town .
what did boots buy with the bag of gold ?
what did boots buy with the bag of gold ?
at this the king hemmed and hawed and scratched his head . yes ; boots had befooled him sure enough , but , after all , he could not give up the princess for such a thing as that . still , he would give boots another chance . now , there was the high - councillor , who was the wisest man in all of the world . did boots think that he could fool him also ? oh , yes ! boots thought that it might be done . very well ; if he could befool the high - councillor so as to bring him to the castle the next morning against his will , boots should have the princess and the half of the kingdom ; if he did not do so he should have his beating . then boots went away , and the king thought that he was rid of him now for good and all . as for the high - councillor , he was not pleased with the matter at all , for he did not like the thought of being fooled by a clever rogue , and taken here and there against his will . so when he had come home , he armed all of his servants with blunderbusses , and then waited to give boots a welcome when he should come .
the high - councillor .
who did the king ask boots to fool ?
who did the king ask boots to fool ?
but boots was not going to fall into any such trap as that ! no indeed ! not he ! the next morning he went quietly and bought a fine large meal - sack . then he put a black wig over his beautiful red hair , so that no one might know him . after that he went to the place where the high - councillor lived , and when he had come there he crawled inside of the sack , and lay just beside the door of the house . by and by came one of the maid servants to the door , and there lay the great meal - sack with somebody in it . " ach ! " cried she , " who is there ? " but boots only said , " sh - h - h - h - h ! " then the serving maid went back into the house , and told the high - councillor that one lay outside in a great meal - sack , and that all that he said was , " sh - h - h - h - h ! " so the councillor went himself to see what it was all about . " what do you want here ? " said he . " sh - h - h - h - h ! " said boots , " i am not to be talked to now . this is a wisdom - sack , and i am learning wisdom as fast as a drake can eat peas . "
a black wig .
what did boots put over his read hair ?
what did boots put over his read hair ?
" and what wisdom have you learned ? " said the councillor . oh ! boots had learned wisdom about everything in the world . he had learned that the clever scamp who had fooled the king yesterday was coming with seventeen tall men to take the high - councillor , willy - nilly , to the castle that morning . when the high - councillor heard this he fell to trembling till his teeth rattled in his head . " and have you learned how i can get the better of this clever scamp ? " said he . oh , yes ! boots had learned that easily enough . so , good ! then if the wise man in the sack would tell the high - councillor how to escape the clever rogue , the high - councillor would give the wise man twenty dollars . but no , that was not to be done ; wisdom was not bought so cheaply as the high - councillor seemed to think . well , the councillor would give him a hundred dollars then . that was good ! a hundred dollars were a hundred dollars . if the councillor would give him that much he might get into the sack himself , and then he could learn all the wisdom that he wanted , and more besides .
a hundred dollars .
how much money does the councillor offer the wise man in the end ?
how much money does the councillor offer the wise man in the end ?
so boots crawled out of the sack , and the councillor paid his hundred dollars and crawled in . as soon as he was in all snug and safe , boots drew the mouth of the sack together and tied it tightly . then he flung sack , councillor , and all over his shoulder , and started away to the king 's house , and anybody who met them could see with half an eye that the councillor was going against his will . when boots came to the king 's castle he laid the councillor down in the goose - house , and then he went to the king . when the king saw boots again , he bit his lips with vexation . " well , " said he , " have you fooled the councillor ? " " oh , yes ! " says boots , " i have done that . " and where was the councillor now ? oh , boots had just left him down in the goose - house . he was tied up safe and sound in a sack , waiting till the king should send for him . so the councillor was sent for , and when he came the king saw at once that he had been brought against his will . " and now may i marry the princess ? " said boots .
boots closed the sack and started walking toward the king 's house .
what happened when the councillor crawled into the sack ?
what happened when the councillor crawled into the sack ?
outcome resolution
but the king was not willing for him to marry the princess yet ; no ! no ! boots must not go so fast . there was more to be done yet . if he would come to - morrow morning he might have the princess and welcome , but he would have to pick her out from among fourscore other maids just like her ; did he think that he could do that ? oh , yes ! boots thought that that might be easy enough to do . so , good ! then come to - morrow ; but he must understand that if he failed he should have a good whipping , and be sent packing from the town . so off went boots , and the king thought that he was rid of him now , for he had never seen the princess , and how could he pick her out from among eighty others ? but boots was not going to give up so easily as all that ! no , not he ! he made a little box , and then he hunted up and down until he had caught a live mouse to put into it . when the next morning came he started away to the king 's house , taking his mouse along with him in the box .
his mouse in his box .
what did boots bring with him to the king's house the next morning ?
what did boots bring with him to the king's house the next morning ?
there was the king , standing in the doorway , looking out into the street . when he saw boots coming towards him he made a wry face . " what ! " said he , " are you back again ? " oh , yes ! boots was back again . and now if the princess was ready he would like to go and find her , for lost time was not to be gathered again like fallen apples . so off they marched to a great room , and there stood eighty - and - one maidens , all as much alike as peas in the same dish . boots looked here and there , but , even if he had known the princess , he could not have told her from the others . but he was ready for all that . before any one knew what he was about , he opened the box , and out ran the little mouse among them all . then what a screaming , and a hubbub there was ! many looked as though they would have liked to swoon , but only one of them did so . as soon as the others saw what had happened , they forgot all about the mouse , and ran to her and fell to fanning her and slapping her hands and chafing her temples .
eighty - one .
how many maidens stoof in the great room ?
how many maidens stoof in the great room ?
there was the king , standing in the doorway , looking out into the street . when he saw boots coming towards him he made a wry face . " what ! " said he , " are you back again ? " oh , yes ! boots was back again . and now if the princess was ready he would like to go and find her , for lost time was not to be gathered again like fallen apples . so off they marched to a great room , and there stood eighty - and - one maidens , all as much alike as peas in the same dish . boots looked here and there , but , even if he had known the princess , he could not have told her from the others . but he was ready for all that . before any one knew what he was about , he opened the box , and out ran the little mouse among them all . then what a screaming , and a hubbub there was ! many looked as though they would have liked to swoon , but only one of them did so . as soon as the others saw what had happened , they forgot all about the mouse , and ran to her and fell to fanning her and slapping her hands and chafing her temples .
because boots released a mouse into the room .
why was there screaming and hubbub ?
why was there screaming and hubbub ?
causal relationship
" this is the princess , " said boots . and so it was . after that the king could think of nothing more to set boots to do , so he let him marry the princess as he had promised , and have half of the kingdom to boot . that is all of this story . only this : it is not always the silliest one that sits kicking his feet in the ashes at home .
the king could think of nothing more to set boots to do .
why did the king let boots marry the princess ?
why did the king let boots marry the princess ?
causal relationship
once upon a time there was a woman who had a son . he was so lazy and slow that there was not a single blessed useful thing he would do . but he liked to sing and to dance , and that is what he did all day long , and far into the night as well . the longer this went on , the worse off his mother was . the youth was growing , and he wanted so much to eat that it was barely possible to find it . more and more went for his clothes the older he grew , since his clothes did not last long , as you may imagine , because the youth skipped and dance about without stopping , through forest and field . at length it was too much for his mother . one day she told the young fellow that he ought at last to get to work , and really do something , or both of them would have to starve to death . but the youth had no mind to do so , he said , and would rather try to win the daughter of the mother in the corner . if he got her , then he would live happily ever after , and could sing and dance , and would not have to plague himself with work .
lazy and slow .
what type of person was the woman's son ?
what type of person was the woman's son ?
once upon a time there was a woman who had a son . he was so lazy and slow that there was not a single blessed useful thing he would do . but he liked to sing and to dance , and that is what he did all day long , and far into the night as well . the longer this went on , the worse off his mother was . the youth was growing , and he wanted so much to eat that it was barely possible to find it . more and more went for his clothes the older he grew , since his clothes did not last long , as you may imagine , because the youth skipped and dance about without stopping , through forest and field . at length it was too much for his mother . one day she told the young fellow that he ought at last to get to work , and really do something , or both of them would have to starve to death . but the youth had no mind to do so , he said , and would rather try to win the daughter of the mother in the corner . if he got her , then he would live happily ever after , and could sing and dance , and would not have to plague himself with work .
there was not a single blessed useful thing he would do .
what happened because the son was so lazy and slow ?
what happened because the son was so lazy and slow ?
outcome resolution
once upon a time there was a woman who had a son . he was so lazy and slow that there was not a single blessed useful thing he would do . but he liked to sing and to dance , and that is what he did all day long , and far into the night as well . the longer this went on , the worse off his mother was . the youth was growing , and he wanted so much to eat that it was barely possible to find it . more and more went for his clothes the older he grew , since his clothes did not last long , as you may imagine , because the youth skipped and dance about without stopping , through forest and field . at length it was too much for his mother . one day she told the young fellow that he ought at last to get to work , and really do something , or both of them would have to starve to death . but the youth had no mind to do so , he said , and would rather try to win the daughter of the mother in the corner . if he got her , then he would live happily ever after , and could sing and dance , and would not have to plague himself with work .
unhappy .
how did the woman feel about her son singing and dancing ?
how did the woman feel about her son singing and dancing ?
once upon a time there was a woman who had a son . he was so lazy and slow that there was not a single blessed useful thing he would do . but he liked to sing and to dance , and that is what he did all day long , and far into the night as well . the longer this went on , the worse off his mother was . the youth was growing , and he wanted so much to eat that it was barely possible to find it . more and more went for his clothes the older he grew , since his clothes did not last long , as you may imagine , because the youth skipped and dance about without stopping , through forest and field . at length it was too much for his mother . one day she told the young fellow that he ought at last to get to work , and really do something , or both of them would have to starve to death . but the youth had no mind to do so , he said , and would rather try to win the daughter of the mother in the corner . if he got her , then he would live happily ever after , and could sing and dance , and would not have to plague himself with work .
ripped .
what happened to the son's clothes when he skipped and danced ?
what happened to the son's clothes when he skipped and danced ?
outcome resolution
once upon a time there was a woman who had a son . he was so lazy and slow that there was not a single blessed useful thing he would do . but he liked to sing and to dance , and that is what he did all day long , and far into the night as well . the longer this went on , the worse off his mother was . the youth was growing , and he wanted so much to eat that it was barely possible to find it . more and more went for his clothes the older he grew , since his clothes did not last long , as you may imagine , because the youth skipped and dance about without stopping , through forest and field . at length it was too much for his mother . one day she told the young fellow that he ought at last to get to work , and really do something , or both of them would have to starve to death . but the youth had no mind to do so , he said , and would rather try to win the daughter of the mother in the corner . if he got her , then he would live happily ever after , and could sing and dance , and would not have to plague himself with work .
he would live happily ever after , and could sing and dance , and would not have to plague himself with work .
why did the son want to marry the daughter of the mother in the corner ?
why did the son want to marry the daughter of the mother in the corner ?
causal relationship
when the mother heard that she thought it might not be such a bad idea after all . she dressed up the youth as well as she could , so that he would make a good showing when he came to the mother in the corner , and then he set forth . when he stepped out the sun was shining bright and warm . it had rained during the night , and the ground was soft and full of water puddles . the youth took the shortest path to the mother in the corner , and sang and danced , as he always did . but suddenly , as he was hopping and skipping along , he came to a swamp , and there were only some logs laid down to cross it . from the one log he had to jump over a puddle to a clump of grass , unless he wanted to dirty his shoes . and then he went kerflop ! the very moment he set foot on the clump of grass , he went down and down until he was standing in a dark , ugly hole . at first he could see nothing at all , but when he had been there a little while , he saw that there was a rat , who was wiggling and waggling around , and had a bunch of keys hanging from her tail .
he would make a good showing when he came to the mother in the corner .
why did the mother dress the youth as well as she could ?
why did the mother dress the youth as well as she could ?
causal relationship
once upon a time there was a woman who had a son . he was so lazy and slow that there was not a single blessed useful thing he would do . but he liked to sing and to dance , and that is what he did all day long , and far into the night as well . the longer this went on , the worse off his mother was . the youth was growing , and he wanted so much to eat that it was barely possible to find it . more and more went for his clothes the older he grew , since his clothes did not last long , as you may imagine , because the youth skipped and dance about without stopping , through forest and field . at length it was too much for his mother . one day she told the young fellow that he ought at last to get to work , and really do something , or both of them would have to starve to death . but the youth had no mind to do so , he said , and would rather try to win the daughter of the mother in the corner . if he got her , then he would live happily ever after , and could sing and dance , and would not have to plague himself with work . when the mother heard that she thought it might not be such a bad idea after all . she dressed up the youth as well as she could , so that he would make a good showing when he came to the mother in the corner , and then he set forth . when he stepped out the sun was shining bright and warm . it had rained during the night , and the ground was soft and full of water puddles . the youth took the shortest path to the mother in the corner , and sang and danced , as he always did . but suddenly , as he was hopping and skipping along , he came to a swamp , and there were only some logs laid down to cross it . from the one log he had to jump over a puddle to a clump of grass , unless he wanted to dirty his shoes . and then he went kerflop ! the very moment he set foot on the clump of grass , he went down and down until he was standing in a dark , ugly hole . at first he could see nothing at all , but when he had been there a little while , he saw that there was a rat , who was wiggling and waggling around , and had a bunch of keys hanging from her tail .
she could not afford to care for him anymore .
why did the mother think the youth's idea was not a bad idea ?
why did the mother think the youth's idea was not a bad idea ?
causal relationship
when the mother heard that she thought it might not be such a bad idea after all . she dressed up the youth as well as she could , so that he would make a good showing when he came to the mother in the corner , and then he set forth . when he stepped out the sun was shining bright and warm . it had rained during the night , and the ground was soft and full of water puddles . the youth took the shortest path to the mother in the corner , and sang and danced , as he always did . but suddenly , as he was hopping and skipping along , he came to a swamp , and there were only some logs laid down to cross it . from the one log he had to jump over a puddle to a clump of grass , unless he wanted to dirty his shoes . and then he went kerflop ! the very moment he set foot on the clump of grass , he went down and down until he was standing in a dark , ugly hole . at first he could see nothing at all , but when he had been there a little while , he saw that there was a rat , who was wiggling and waggling around , and had a bunch of keys hanging from her tail .
sang and danced .
what did the youth do as he made his way to the mother in the corner ?
what did the youth do as he made his way to the mother in the corner ?
when the mother heard that she thought it might not be such a bad idea after all . she dressed up the youth as well as she could , so that he would make a good showing when he came to the mother in the corner , and then he set forth . when he stepped out the sun was shining bright and warm . it had rained during the night , and the ground was soft and full of water puddles . the youth took the shortest path to the mother in the corner , and sang and danced , as he always did . but suddenly , as he was hopping and skipping along , he came to a swamp , and there were only some logs laid down to cross it . from the one log he had to jump over a puddle to a clump of grass , unless he wanted to dirty his shoes . and then he went kerflop ! the very moment he set foot on the clump of grass , he went down and down until he was standing in a dark , ugly hole . at first he could see nothing at all , but when he had been there a little while , he saw that there was a rat , who was wiggling and waggling around , and had a bunch of keys hanging from her tail .
he went down and down until he was standing in a dark , ugly hole .
what happened when the youth set foot on the clump of grass ?
what happened when the youth set foot on the clump of grass ?
outcome resolution
when the mother heard that she thought it might not be such a bad idea after all . she dressed up the youth as well as she could , so that he would make a good showing when he came to the mother in the corner , and then he set forth . when he stepped out the sun was shining bright and warm . it had rained during the night , and the ground was soft and full of water puddles . the youth took the shortest path to the mother in the corner , and sang and danced , as he always did . but suddenly , as he was hopping and skipping along , he came to a swamp , and there were only some logs laid down to cross it . from the one log he had to jump over a puddle to a clump of grass , unless he wanted to dirty his shoes . and then he went kerflop ! the very moment he set foot on the clump of grass , he went down and down until he was standing in a dark , ugly hole . at first he could see nothing at all , but when he had been there a little while , he saw that there was a rat , who was wiggling and waggling around , and had a bunch of keys hanging from her tail .
wiggling and waggling around and had a bunch of keys hanging from her tail .
what was the rat doing when the youth saw her ?
what was the rat doing when the youth saw her ?
" have you come , my boy ? " said the rat . " i must thank you for coming to visit me : i have been expecting you for a long time . i am sure you have come to win me , and i can well imagine that you are in a great hurry . but you must have a little patience . i am to receive a large dower , and am not yet ready for the wedding . i will do my best to see that we are married soon . " when she had said this , she produced a couple of egg - shells , with all sorts of eatables such as rats eat . she set them down before the youth , and said : " now you must sit down and help yourself , for i am sure you are tired and hungry . "
to win her .
what did the rat think the youth was doing there ?
what did the rat think the youth was doing there ?
" have you come , my boy ? " said the rat . " i must thank you for coming to visit me : i have been expecting you for a long time . i am sure you have come to win me , and i can well imagine that you are in a great hurry . but you must have a little patience . i am to receive a large dower , and am not yet ready for the wedding . i will do my best to see that we are married soon . " when she had said this , she produced a couple of egg - shells , with all sorts of eatables such as rats eat . she set them down before the youth , and said : " now you must sit down and help yourself , for i am sure you are tired and hungry . "
she was to receive a larger dower and was not yet ready for the wedding .
why did the rat ask the youth to be patient ?
why did the rat ask the youth to be patient ?
causal relationship
" have you come , my boy ? " said the rat . " i must thank you for coming to visit me : i have been expecting you for a long time . i am sure you have come to win me , and i can well imagine that you are in a great hurry . but you must have a little patience . i am to receive a large dower , and am not yet ready for the wedding . i will do my best to see that we are married soon . " when she had said this , she produced a couple of egg - shells , with all sorts of eatables such as rats eat . she set them down before the youth , and said : " now you must sit down and help yourself , for i am sure you are tired and hungry . "
sit down and help himself .
what did the rat tell the youth to do while he waited ?
what did the rat tell the youth to do while he waited ?
" have you come , my boy ? " said the rat . " i must thank you for coming to visit me : i have been expecting you for a long time . i am sure you have come to win me , and i can well imagine that you are in a great hurry . but you must have a little patience . i am to receive a large dower , and am not yet ready for the wedding . i will do my best to see that we are married soon . " when she had said this , she produced a couple of egg - shells , with all sorts of eatables such as rats eat . she set them down before the youth , and said : " now you must sit down and help yourself , for i am sure you are tired and hungry . "
unsure .
how will the youth feel about the food provided by the rat ?
how will the youth feel about the food provided by the rat ?
" have you come , my boy ? " said the rat . " i must thank you for coming to visit me : i have been expecting you for a long time . i am sure you have come to win me , and i can well imagine that you are in a great hurry . but you must have a little patience . i am to receive a large dower , and am not yet ready for the wedding . i will do my best to see that we are married soon . " when she had said this , she produced a couple of egg - shells , with all sorts of eatables such as rats eat . she set them down before the youth , and said : " now you must sit down and help yourself , for i am sure you are tired and hungry . " the youth had no great appetite for this food . " if i were only away and up above again , " thought he , but he said nothing . " now i think you must surely want to get home again , " said the rat . " i am well aware that you are waiting impatiently for the wedding , and i will hurry all i can . take this linen thread along , and when you get up above , you must not turn around , but must go straight home , and as you go you must keep repeating : ' short before and long behind ! ' " and with that she laid a linen thread in his hand . " heaven be praised ! " said the youth when he was up above once more . " i 'll not go down there again in a hurry . " but he held the thread in his hand , and danced and sang as usual . and although he no longer had the rat - hole in mind , he began to hum : " short before and long behind ! short before and long behind ! "
it was rat food .
why did the youth have no great appetite for the food ?
why did the youth have no great appetite for the food ?
causal relationship
the youth had no great appetite for this food . " if i were only away and up above again , " thought he , but he said nothing . " now i think you must surely want to get home again , " said the rat . " i am well aware that you are waiting impatiently for the wedding , and i will hurry all i can . take this linen thread along , and when you get up above , you must not turn around , but must go straight home , and as you go you must keep repeating : ' short before and long behind ! ' " and with that she laid a linen thread in his hand . " heaven be praised ! " said the youth when he was up above once more . " i 'll not go down there again in a hurry . " but he held the thread in his hand , and danced and sang as usual . and although he no longer had the rat - hole in mind , he began to hum : " short before and long behind ! short before and long behind ! "
so he could go home .
why did the rat give the youth the linen thread ?
why did the rat give the youth the linen thread ?
causal relationship
the youth had no great appetite for this food . " if i were only away and up above again , " thought he , but he said nothing . " now i think you must surely want to get home again , " said the rat . " i am well aware that you are waiting impatiently for the wedding , and i will hurry all i can . take this linen thread along , and when you get up above , you must not turn around , but must go straight home , and as you go you must keep repeating : ' short before and long behind ! ' " and with that she laid a linen thread in his hand . " heaven be praised ! " said the youth when he was up above once more . " i 'll not go down there again in a hurry . " but he held the thread in his hand , and danced and sang as usual . and although he no longer had the rat - hole in mind , he began to hum : " short before and long behind ! short before and long behind ! "
excited .
how did the youth feel when the rat allowed him to go above ?
how did the youth feel when the rat allowed him to go above ?
the youth had no great appetite for this food . " if i were only away and up above again , " thought he , but he said nothing . " now i think you must surely want to get home again , " said the rat . " i am well aware that you are waiting impatiently for the wedding , and i will hurry all i can . take this linen thread along , and when you get up above , you must not turn around , but must go straight home , and as you go you must keep repeating : ' short before and long behind ! ' " and with that she laid a linen thread in his hand . " heaven be praised ! " said the youth when he was up above once more . " i 'll not go down there again in a hurry . " but he held the thread in his hand , and danced and sang as usual . and although he no longer had the rat - hole in mind , he began to hum : " short before and long behind ! short before and long behind ! "
short before and long behind ' .
what did the rat tell the youth to repeat ?
what did the rat tell the youth to repeat ?

Dataset Card for GEM/FairytaleQA

Link to Main Data Card

You can find the main data card on the GEM Website.

Dataset Summary

The FairytaleQA Dataset is an English-language dataset focusing on narrative comprehension of kindergarten to eighth-grade students. Generated by educational experts based on an evidence-based theoretical framework, FairytaleQA consists of 10,580 explicit and implicit questions derived from 278 children-friendly stories, covering seven types of narrative elements or relations. The Dataset was corrected to support both the tasks of Question Generation and Question Answering.

You can load the dataset via:

import datasets
data = datasets.load_dataset('GEM/FairytaleQA')

The data loader can be found here.




Ying Xu (University of California Irvine); Dakuo Wang (IBM Research); Mo Yu (IBM Research); Daniel Ritchie (University of California Irvine); Bingsheng Yao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); Tongshuang Wu (University of Washington); Zheng Zhang (University of Notre Dame); Toby Jia-Jun Li (University of Notre Dame); Nora Bradford (University of California Irvine); Branda Sun (University of California Irvine); Tran Bao Hoang (University of California Irvine); Yisi Sang (Syracuse University); Yufang Hou (IBM Research Ireland); Xiaojuan Ma (Hong Kong Univ. of Sci and Tech); Diyi Yang (Georgia Institute of Technology); Nanyun Peng (University of California Los Angeles); Zhou Yu (Columbia University); Mark Warschauer (University of California Irvine)

Dataset Overview

Where to find the Data and its Documentation






@inproceedings{xu2022fairytaleqa, author={Xu, Ying and Wang, Dakuo and Yu, Mo and Ritchie, Daniel and Yao, Bingsheng and Wu, Tongshuang and Zhang, Zheng and Li, Toby Jia-Jun and Bradford, Nora and Sun, Branda and Hoang, Tran Bao and Sang, Yisi and Hou, Yufang and Ma, Xiaojuan and Yang, Diyi and Peng, Nanyun and Yu, Zhou and Warschauer, Mark}, title = {Fantastic Questions and Where to Find Them: Fairytale{QA} -- An Authentic Dataset for Narrative Comprehension}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2022} }

Contact Name

Ying Xu, Dakuo Wang

Contact Email,

Has a Leaderboard?


Leaderboard Link


Leaderboard Details

The task was to generate questions corresponding to the given answers and the story context. Success on the Question Generation task is typically measured by achieving a high ROUGE-L score to the reference ground-truth question.

Languages and Intended Use



Covered Dialects


Covered Languages


Whose Language?



unknown: License information unavailable

Intended Use

The purpose of this dataset is to help develop systems to facilitate assessment and training of narrative comprehension skills for children in education domain. The dataset distinguishes fine-grained reading skills, such as the understanding of varying narrative elements, and contains high-quality QA-pairs generated by education experts with sufficient training and education domain knowledge to create valid QA-pairs in a consistent way.

This dataset is suitable for developing models to automatically generate questions and QA-Pairs that satisfy the need for a continuous supply of new questions, which can potentially enable large-scale development of AI-supported interactive platforms for the learning and assessment of reading comprehension skills.

Primary Task

Question Generation

Communicative Goal

The task was to generate questions corresponding to the given answers and the story context. Models trained for this task can potentially enable large-scale development of AI-supported interactive platforms for the learning and assessment of reading comprehension skills.


Curation Organization Type(s)


Curation Organization(s)

University of California Irvine

Dataset Creators

Ying Xu (University of California Irvine); Dakuo Wang (IBM Research); Mo Yu (IBM Research); Daniel Ritchie (University of California Irvine); Bingsheng Yao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); Tongshuang Wu (University of Washington); Zheng Zhang (University of Notre Dame); Toby Jia-Jun Li (University of Notre Dame); Nora Bradford (University of California Irvine); Branda Sun (University of California Irvine); Tran Bao Hoang (University of California Irvine); Yisi Sang (Syracuse University); Yufang Hou (IBM Research Ireland); Xiaojuan Ma (Hong Kong Univ. of Sci and Tech); Diyi Yang (Georgia Institute of Technology); Nanyun Peng (University of California Los Angeles); Zhou Yu (Columbia University); Mark Warschauer (University of California Irvine)


Schmidt Futures

Who added the Dataset to GEM?

Dakuo Wang (IBM Research); Bingsheng Yao (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute); Ying Xu (University of California Irvine)

Dataset Structure

Data Fields

  • story_name: a string of the story name to which the story section content belongs. Full story data can be found here.

  • content: a string of the story section(s) content related to the experts' labeled QA-pair. Used as the input for both Question Generation and Question Answering tasks.

  • question: a string of the question content. Used as the input for Question Answering task and as the output for Question Generation task.

  • answer: a string of the answer content for all splits. Used as the input for Question Generation task and as the output for Question Answering task.

  • gem_id: a string of id follows GEM naming convention GEM-${DATASET_NAME}-${SPLIT-NAME}-${id} where id is an incrementing number starting at 1

  • target: a string of the question content being used for training

  • references: a list of string containing the question content being used for automatic eval

  • local_or_sum: a string of either local or summary, indicating whether the QA is related to one story section or multiple sections

  • attribute: a string of one of character, causal relationship, action, setting, feeling, prediction, or outcome resolution. Classification of the QA by education experts annotators via 7 narrative elements on an established framework

  • ex_or_im: a string of either explicit or implicit, indicating whether the answers can be directly found in the story content or cannot be directly from the story content.

Reason for Structure


How were labels chosen?

A typical data point comprises a question, the corresponding story content, and one answer. Education expert annotators labeled whether the answer is locally relevant to one story section or requires summarization capabilities from multiple story sections, and whether the answers are explicit (can be directly found in the stories) or implicit (cannot be directly found in the story text). Additionally, education expert annotators categorize the QA-pairs via 7 narrative elements from an establish framework.

Example Instance

{'story_name': 'self-did-it', 'content': '" what is your name ? " asked the girl from underground . " self is my name , " said the woman . that seemed a curious name to the girl , and she once more began to pull the fire apart . then the woman grew angry and began to scold , and built it all up again . thus they went on for a good while ; but at last , while they were in the midst of their pulling apart and building up of the fire , the woman upset the tar - barrel on the girl from underground . then the latter screamed and ran away , crying : " father , father ! self burned me ! " " nonsense , if self did it , then self must suffer for it ! " came the answer from below the hill .', 'answer': 'the woman told the girl her name was self .', 'question': "why did the girl's father think the girl burned herself ?", 'gem_id': 'GEM-FairytaleQA-test-1006', 'target': "why did the girl's father think the girl burned herself ?", 'references': ["why did the girl's father think the girl burned herself ?"], 'local_or_sum': 'local', 'attribute': 'causal relationship', 'ex_or_im': 'implicit'}

Data Splits

The data is split into a train, validation, and test split randomly. The final split sizes are as follows:

Train Validation Test
# Books 232 23 23
# QA-Pairs 8548 1025 1007

Splitting Criteria

The books are randomly split into train/validation/test splits. We control the ratio of QA-pair numbers in train:validation:test splits close to 8:1:1


Dataset in GEM

Rationale for Inclusion in GEM

Why is the Dataset in GEM?

The dataset distinguishes fine-grained reading skills, such as the understanding of varying narrative elements, and contains high-quality QA-pairs generated by education experts with sufficient training and education domain knowledge to create valid QA-pairs in a consistent way.

Similar Datasets


Ability that the Dataset measures

This dataset is suitable for developing models to automatically generate questions or QA-pairs that satisfy the need for a continuous supply of new questions, which can potentially enable large-scale development of AI-supported interactive platforms for the learning and assessment of reading comprehension skills.

GEM-Specific Curation

Modificatied for GEM?


GEM Modifications

data points removed

Modification Details

The original data contains two answers by different annotators in validation/test splits, we removed the 2nd answer for GEM version because it is not being used for the Question Generation task.

Additional Splits?


Getting Started with the Task

Pointers to Resources


Previous Results

Previous Results

Measured Model Abilities

We are able to measure model's capabilities of generating various types of questions that corresponds to different narrative elements with the FairytaleQA dataset on the Question Generation Task



Proposed Evaluation

The task was to generate questions corresponding to the given answers and the story context. Success on this task is typically measured by achieving a high ROUGE score to the reference ground-truth questions.

Previous results available?


Relevant Previous Results

A BART-based model currently achieves a ROUGE-L of 0.527/0.527 on valid/test splits, which is reported as the baseline experiment for the dataset paper.

Dataset Curation

Original Curation

Original Curation Rationale

FairytaleQA was built to focus on comprehension of narratives in the education domain, targeting students from kindergarten to eighth grade. We focus on narrative comprehension for 1. it is a high-level comprehension skill strongly predictive of reading achievement and plays a central role in daily life as people frequently encounter narratives in different forms, 2. narrative stories have a clear structure of specific elements and relations among these elements, and there are existing validated narrative comprehension frameworks around this structure, which provides a basis for developing the annotation schema for our dataset.

Communicative Goal

The purpose of this dataset is to help develop systems to facilitate assessment and training of narrative comprehension skills for children in education domain.

Sourced from Different Sources


Language Data

How was Language Data Obtained?


Where was it found?

Single website

Language Producers

The fairytale story texts are from the Project Gutenberg website

Topics Covered

We gathered the text from the Project Gutenberg website, using “fairytale” as the search term.

Data Validation

validated by data curator

Data Preprocessing

Due to a large number of fairytales found, we used the most popular stories based on the number of downloads since these stories are presumably of higher quality. To ensure the readability of the text, we made a small number of minor revisions to some obviously outdated vocabulary (e.g., changing “ere” to “before”) and the unconventional use of punctuation (e.g., changing consecutive semi-colons to periods).

These texts were broken down into small sections based on their semantic content by our annotators. The annotators were instructed to split the story into sections of 100-300 words that also contain meaningful content and are separated at natural story breaks. An initial annotator would split the story, and this would be reviewed by a cross-checking annotator. Most of the resulting sections were one natural paragraph of the original text.

Was Data Filtered?


Filter Criteria

For each story, we evaluated the reading difficulty level using the textstat Python package, primarily based on sentence length, word length, and commonness of words. We excluded stories that are at 10th grade level or above.

Structured Annotations

Additional Annotations?

expert created

Number of Raters


Rater Qualifications

All of these annotators have a B.A. degree in education, psychology, or cognitive science and have substantial experience in teaching and reading assessment. These annotators were supervised by three experts in literacy education.

Raters per Training Example


Raters per Test Example


Annotation Service?


Annotation Values

The dataset annotation distinguishes fine-grained reading skills, such as the understanding of varying narrative elements, and contains high-quality QA-pairs generated by education experts with sufficient training and education domain knowledge to create valid QA-pairs in a consistent way.

Any Quality Control?

validated by data curators

Quality Control Details

The annotators were instructed to imagine that they were creating questions to test elementary or middle school students in the process of reading a complete story. We required the annotators to generate only natural, open-ended questions, avoiding “yes-” or “no-” questions. We also instructed them to provide a diverse set of questions about 7 different narrative elements, and with both implicit and explicit questions.

We asked the annotators to also generate answers for each of their questions. We asked them to provide the shortest possible answers but did not restrict them to complete sentences or short phrases. We also asked the annotators to label which section(s) the question and answer was from.

All annotators received a two-week training in which each of them was familiarized with the coding template and conducted practice coding on the same five stories. The practice QA pairs were then reviewed by the other annotators and the three experts, and discrepancies among annotators were discussed. During the annotation process, the team met once every week to review and discuss each member’s work. All QA pairs were cross-checked by two annotators, and 10% of the QA pairs were additionally checked by the expert supervisor.

For the 46 stories used as the evaluation set, we annotate a second reference answer by asking an annotator to independently read the story and answer the questions generated by others.


Any Consent Policy?


Consent Policy Details

During the annotation process, the team met once every week to review and discuss each member’s work. All QA pairs were cross-checked by two annotators, and 10% of the QA pairs were additionally checked by the expert supervisor.

Other Consented Downstream Use

Aside from Question Generation task, the data creators and curators used this data for Question Answering, and QA-Pair Generation tasks, and to identify social stereotypes represented in story narratives.

Private Identifying Information (PII)

Contains PII?

no PII

Justification for no PII

The story content is from publically available knowledge website and the annotated QA-pairs are about general knowledge to the story content without references to the author or to any persons


Any Maintenance Plan?


Maintenance Plan Details

We plan to host various splits for the FairytaleQA dataset to better serve various types of research interests. We have the original data for 2 different split approaches including train/validation/test splits and split by fairytale origins. We are also plan to host the dataset on multiple platforms for various tasks.

Maintainer Contact Information

Daniel Ritchie

Any Contestation Mechanism?

no mechanism

Broader Social Context

Previous Work on the Social Impact of the Dataset

Usage of Models based on the Data

yes - models trained on this dataset

Social Impact Observations


Changes as Consequence of Social Impact


Impact on Under-Served Communities

Addresses needs of underserved Communities?


Details on how Dataset Addresses the Needs

From the educational perspective, given that reading comprehension is a multicomponent skill, it is ideal for comprehension questions to be able to identify students’ performance in specific sub-skills, thus allowing teachers to provide tailored guidance.

Discussion of Biases

Any Documented Social Biases?


Are the Language Producers Representative of the Language?


Considerations for Using the Data

PII Risks and Liability

Potential PII Risk



Copyright Restrictions on the Dataset

research use only

Copyright Restrictions on the Language Data

public domain

Known Technical Limitations

Technical Limitations

We noticed that human results are obtained via cross-estimation between the two annotated answers, thus are underestimated. One possibility for future work is to conduct a large-scale human annotation to collect more answers per question and then leverage the massively annotated answers to better establish a human performance evaluation.

Unsuited Applications

The QA-pairs annotated by education experts are targeting the audience of children from kindergarten to eighth grade, so the difficulty of QA-pairs are not suitable to compare with other existing dataset that are sourced from knowledge graphs or knowledge bases like Wikipedia.

Discouraged Use Cases


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Models trained or fine-tuned on GEM/FairytaleQA