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Bayesian Estimation of Differential Privacy
Adaptive Estimation of Graphical Models under Total Positivity
GEAR: A GPU-Centric Experience Replay System for Large Reinforcement Learning Models
This paper introduces a distributed, GPU-centric experience replay system, GEAR, designed to perform scalable reinforcement learning (RL) with large sequence models (such as transformers). With such models, existing systems such as Reverb face considerable bottlenecks in memory, computation, and communication. GEAR, however, optimizes memory efficiency by enabling the memory resources on GPU servers (including host memory and device memory) to manage trajectory data. Furthermore, it facilitates decentralized GPU devices to expedite various trajectory selection strategies, circumventing computational bottlenecks. GEAR is equipped with GPU kernels capable of collecting trajectories using zero-copy access to host memory, along with remote-directed-memory access over InfiniBand, improving communication efficiency. Cluster experiments have shown that GEAR can achieve performance levels up to 6× greater than Reverb when training state-of-the-art large RL models. GEAR is open-sourced at https://
Disentangled Multi-Fidelity Deep Bayesian Active Learning
To balance quality and cost, various domain areas of science and engineering run simulations at multiple levels of sophistication. Multi-fidelity active learning aims to learn a direct mapping from input parameters to simulation outputs at the highest fidelity by actively acquiring data from multiple fidelity levels. However, existing approaches based on Gaussian processes are hardly scalable to high-dimensional data. Deep learning-based methods often impose a hierarchical structure in hidden representations, which only supports passing information from low-fidelity to high-fidelity. These approaches can lead to the undesirable propagation of errors from low-fidelity representations to high-fidelity ones. We propose a novel framework called Disentangled Multi-fidelity Deep Bayesian Active Learning (D-MFDAL), which learns the surrogate models conditioned on the distribution of functions at multiple fidelities. On benchmark tasks of learning deep surrogates of partial differential equations including heat equation, Poisson's equation and fluid simulations, our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art in prediction accuracy and sample efficiency.
Understand and Modularize Generator Optimization in ELECTRA-style Pretraining
Despite the effectiveness of ELECTRA-style pre-training, their performance is dependent on the careful selection of the model size for the auxiliary generator, leading to high trial-and-error costs. In this paper, we present the first systematic study of this problem. Our theoretical investigation highlights the importance of controlling the generator capacity in ELECTRA-style training. Meanwhile, we found it is <em>not</em> handled properly in the original ELECTRA design, leading to the sensitivity issue. Specifically, since adaptive optimizers like Adam will cripple the weighing of individual losses in the joint optimization, the original design fails to control the generator training effectively. To regain control over the generator, we modularize the generator optimization by decoupling the generator optimizer and discriminator optimizer completely, instead of simply relying on the weighted objective combination. Our simple technique reduced the sensitivity of ELECTRA training significantly and obtains considerable performance gain compared to the original design.
Provably Efficient Representation Learning with Tractable Planning in Low-Rank POMDP
Taming graph kernels with random features
We introduce in this paper the mechanism of graph random features (GRFs). GRFs can be used to construct unbiased randomized estimators of several important kernels defined on graphs' nodes, in particular the regularized Laplacian kernel. As regular RFs for non-graph kernels, they provide means to scale up kernel methods defined on graphs to larger networks. Importantly, they give substantial computational gains also for smaller graphs, while applied in downstream applications. Consequently, GRFs address the notoriously difficult problem of cubic (in the number of the nodes of the graph) time complexity of graph kernels algorithms. We provide a detailed theoretical analysis of GRFs and an extensive empirical evaluation: from speed tests, through Frobenius relative error analysis to kmeans graph-clustering with graph kernels. We show that the computation of GRFs admits an embarrassingly simple distributed algorithm that can be applied if the graph under consideration needs to be split across several machines. We also introduce a (still unbiased) quasi Monte Carlo variant of GRFs, q-GRFs, relying on the so-called reinforced random walks that might be used to optimize the variance of GRFs. As a byproduct, we obtain a novel approach to solve certain classes of linear equations with positive and symmetric matrices.
Autoregressive Diffusion Model for Graph Generation
Diffusion-based graph generative models have recently obtained promising results for graph generation. However, existing diffusion-based graph generative models are mostly one-shot generative models that apply Gaussian diffusion in the dequantized adjacency matrix space. Such a strategy can suffer from difficulty in model training, slow sampling speed, and incapability of incorporating constraints. We propose an <em>autoregressive diffusion</em> model for graph generation. Unlike existing methods, we define a node-absorbing diffusion process that operates directly in the discrete graph space. For forward diffusion, we design a <em>diffusion ordering network</em>, which learns a data-dependent node absorbing ordering from graph topology. For reverse generation, we design a <em>denoising network</em> that uses the reverse node ordering to efficiently reconstruct the graph by predicting the node type of the new node and its edges with previously denoised nodes at a time. Based on the permutation invariance of graph, we show that the two networks can be jointly trained by optimizing a simple lower bound of data likelihood. Our experiments on six diverse generic graph datasets and two molecule datasets show that our model achieves better or comparable generation performance with previous state-of-the-art, and meanwhile enjoys fast generation speed.
Differentiable Tree Operations Promote Compositional Generalization
In the context of structure-to-structure transformation tasks, learning sequences of discrete symbolic operations poses significant challenges due to their non-differentiability. To facilitate the learning of these symbolic sequences, we introduce a differentiable tree interpreter that compiles high-level symbolic tree operations into subsymbolic matrix operations on tensors. We present a novel Differentiable Tree Machine (DTM) architecture that integrates our interpreter with an external memory and an agent that learns to sequentially select tree operations to execute the target transformation in an end-to-end manner. With respect to out-of-distribution compositional generalization on synthetic semantic parsing and language generation tasks, DTM achieves 100% while existing baselines such as Transformer, Tree Transformer, LSTM, and Tree2Tree LSTM achieve less than 30%. DTM remains highly interpretable in addition to its perfect performance.
Can Neural Network Memorization Be Localized?
Recent efforts at explaining the interplay of memorization and generalization in deep overparametrized networks have posited that neural networks <em>memorize</em> ``hard'' examples in the final few layers of the model. Memorization refers to the ability to correctly predict on <em>atypical</em> examples of the training set. In this work, we show that rather than being confined to individual layers, memorization is a phenomenon confined to a small set of neurons in various layers of the model. First, via three experimental sources of converging evidence, we find that most layers are redundant for the memorization of examples and the layers that contribute to example memorization are, in general, not the final layers. The three sources are <em>gradient accounting</em> (measuring the contribution to the gradient norms from memorized and clean examples), <em>layer rewinding</em> (replacing specific model weights of a converged model with previous training checkpoints), and <em>retraining</em> (training rewound layers only on clean examples). Second, we ask a more generic question: can memorization be localized <em>anywhere</em> in a model? We discover that memorization is often confined to a small number of neurons or channels (around 5) of the model. Based on these insights we propose a new form of dropout---<em>example-tied dropout</em> that enables us to direct the memorization of examples to an aprior determined set of neurons. By dropping out these neurons, we are able to reduce the accuracy on memorized examples from 100% to 3%, while also reducing the generalization gap.
Bayesian Design Principles for Frequentist Sequential Learning
We develop a general theory to optimize the frequentist regret for sequential learning problems, where efficient bandit and reinforcement learning algorithms can be derived from unified Bayesian principles. We propose a novel optimization approach to create "algorithmic beliefs" at each round, and use Bayesian posteriors to make decisions. This is the first approach to make Bayesian-type algorithms prior-free and applicable to adversarial settings, in a generic and optimal manner. Moreover, the algorithms are simple and often efficient to implement. As a major application, we present a novel algorithm for multi-armed bandits that achieves the "best-of-all-worlds" empirical performance in the stochastic, adversarial, and non-stationary environments. And we illustrate how these principles can be used in linear bandits, convex bandits, and reinforcement learning.
Domain Adaptation for Time Series Under Feature and Label Shifts
Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) enables the transfer of models trained on source domains to unlabeled target domains. However, transferring complex time series models presents challenges due to the dynamic temporal structure variations across domains. This leads to feature shifts in the time and frequency representations. Additionally, the label distributions of tasks in the source and target domains can differ significantly, posing difficulties in addressing label shifts and recognizing labels unique to the target domain. Effectively transferring complex time series models remains a formidable problem. We present RAINCOAT, the first model for both closed-set and universal domain adaptation on complex time series. RAINCOAT addresses feature and label shifts by considering both temporal and frequency features, aligning them across domains, and correcting for misalignments to facilitate the detection of private labels. Additionally, RAINCOAT improves transferability by identifying label shifts in target domains. Our experiments with 5 datasets and 13 state-of-the-art UDA methods demonstrate that RAINCOAT can improve transfer learning performance by up to 16.33% and can handle both closed-set and universal domain adaptation.
On Enhancing Expressive Power via Compositions of Single Fixed-Size ReLU Network
Pix2Struct: Screenshot Parsing as Pretraining for Visual Language Understanding
Visually-situated language is ubiquitous---sources range from textbooks with diagrams to web pages with images and tables, to mobile apps with buttons and forms. Perhaps due to this diversity, previous work has typically relied on domain-specific recipes with limited sharing of the underlying data, model architectures, and objectives. We present Pix2Struct, a pretrained image-to-text model for purely visual language understanding, which can be finetuned on tasks containing visually-situated language. Pix2Struct is pretrained by learning to parse masked screenshots of web pages into simplified HTML. The web, with its richness of visual elements cleanly reflected in the HTML structure, provides a large source of pretraining data well suited to the diversity of downstream tasks. Intuitively, this objective subsumes common pretraining signals such as OCR, language modeling, and image captioning. In addition to the novel pretraining strategy, we introduce a variable-resolution input representation and a more flexible integration of language and vision inputs, where language prompts such as questions are rendered directly on top of the input image. For the first time, we show that a single pretrained model can achieve state-of-the-art results in six out of nine tasks across four domains: documents, illustrations, user interfaces, and natural images.
JAWS-X: Addressing Efficiency Bottlenecks of Conformal Prediction Under Standard and Feedback Covariate Shift
Contextual Reliability: When Different Features Matter in Different Contexts
Deep neural networks often fail catastrophically by relying on spurious correlations. Most prior work assumes a clear dichotomy into spurious and reliable features; however, this is often unrealistic. For example, most of the time we do not want an autonomous car to simply copy the speed of surrounding cars---we don't want our car to run a red light if a neighboring car does so. However, we cannot simply enforce invariance to next-lane speed, since it could provide valuable information about an unobservable pedestrian at a crosswalk. Thus, universally ignoring features that are sometimes (but not always) reliable can lead to non-robust performance. We formalize a new setting called contextual reliability which accounts for the fact that the "right" features to use may vary depending on the context. We propose and analyze a two-stage framework called Explicit Non-spurious feature Prediction (ENP) which first identifies the relevant features to use for a given context, then trains a model to rely exclusively on these features. Our work theoretically and empirically demonstrates the advantages of ENP over existing methods and provides new benchmarks for contextual reliability.
Provably Learning Object-Centric Representations
Learning structured representations of the visual world in terms of objects promises to significantly improve the generalization abilities of current machine learning models. While recent efforts to this end have shown promising empirical progress, a theoretical account of when unsupervised object-centric representation learning is possible is still lacking. Consequently, understanding the reasons for the success of existing object-centric methods as well as designing new theoretically grounded methods remains challenging. In the present work, we analyze when object-centric representations can provably be learned without supervision. To this end, we first introduce two assumptions on the generative process for scenes comprised of several objects, which we call compositionality and irreducibility. Under this generative process, we prove that the ground-truth object representations can be identified by an invertible and compositional inference model, even in the presence of dependencies between objects. We empirically validate our results through experiments on synthetic data. Finally, we provide evidence that our theory holds predictive power for existing object-centric models by showing a close correspondence between models' compositionality and invertibility and their empirical identifiability.
Fast Sampling of Diffusion Models via Operator Learning
Diffusion models have found widespread adoption in various areas. However, their sampling process is slow because it requires hundreds to thousands of network evaluations to emulate a continuous process defined by differential equations. In this work, we use neural operators, an efficient method to solve the probability flow differential equations, to accelerate the sampling process of diffusion models. Compared to other fast sampling methods that have a sequential nature, we are the first to propose a parallel decoding method that generates images with only one model forward pass. We propose <em>diffusion model sampling with neural operator</em> (DSNO) that maps the initial condition, i.e., Gaussian distribution, to the continuous-time solution trajectory of the reverse diffusion process. To model the temporal correlations along the trajectory, we introduce temporal convolution layers that are parameterized in the Fourier space into the given diffusion model backbone. We show our method achieves state-of-the-art FID of 3.78 for CIFAR-10 and 7.83 for ImageNet-64 in the one-model-evaluation setting.
Unsupervised Out-of-Distribution Detection with Diffusion Inpainting
Unsupervised out-of-distribution detection (OOD) seeks to identify out-of-domain data by learning only from unlabeled in-domain data. We present a novel approach for this task -- Lift, Map, Detect (LMD) -- that leverages recent advancement in diffusion models. Diffusion models are one type of generative models. At their core, they learn an iterative denoising process that gradually maps a noisy image closer to their training manifolds. LMD leverages this intuition for OOD detection. Specifically, LMD lifts an image off its original manifold by corrupting it, and maps it towards the in-domain manifold with a diffusion model. For an OOD image, the mapped image would have a large distance away from its original manifold, and LMD would identify it as OOD accordingly. We show through extensive experiments that LMD achieves competitive performance across a broad variety of datasets. Code can be found at<em>map</em>detect.
Sequence Modeling with Multiresolution Convolutional Memory
The Hessian perspective into the Nature of Convolutional Neural Networks
While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have long been investigated and applied, as well as theorized, we aim to provide a slightly different perspective into their nature --- through the perspective of their Hessian maps. The reason is that the loss Hessian captures the pairwise interaction of parameters and therefore forms a natural ground to probe how the architectural aspects of CNNs get manifested in their structure and properties. We develop a framework relying on Toeplitz representation of CNNs, and then utilize it to reveal the Hessian structure and, in particular, its rank. We prove tight upper bounds (with linear activations), which closely follow the empirical trend of the Hessian rank and in practice also hold for more general settings. Overall, our work generalizes and further establishes the key insight that the Hessian rank grows as the square root of the number of parameters, even in CNNs.
Towards Learning Geometric Eigen-Lengths Crucial for Fitting Tasks
Some extremely low-dimensional yet crucial geometric eigen-lengths often determine the success of some geometric tasks. For example, the <em>height</em> of an object is important to measure to check if it can fit between the shelves of a cabinet, while the <em>width</em> of a couch is crucial when trying to move it through a doorway. Humans have materialized such crucial geometric eigen-lengths in common sense since they are very useful in serving as succinct yet effective, highly interpretable, and universal object representations. However, it remains obscure and underexplored if learning systems can be equipped with similar capabilities of automatically discovering such key geometric quantities from doing tasks. In this work, we therefore for the first time formulate and propose a novel learning problem on this question and set up a benchmark suite including tasks, data, and evaluation metrics for studying the problem. We focus on a family of common fitting tasks as the testbed for the proposed learning problem. We explore potential solutions and demonstrate the feasibility of learning eigen-lengths from simply observing successful and failed fitting trials. We also attempt geometric grounding for more accurate eigen-length measurement and study the reusability of the learned geometric eigen-lengths across multiple tasks. Our work marks the first exploratory step toward learning crucial geometric eigen-lengths and we hope it can inspire future research in tackling this important yet underexplored problem.
Improved Learning-Augmented Algorithms for the Multi-Option Ski Rental Problem via Best-Possible Competitive Analysis
In this paper, we present improved learning-augmented algorithms for the multi-option ski rental problem. Learning-augmented algorithms take ML predictions as an added part of the input and incorporates these predictions in solving the given problem. Due to their unique strength that combines the power of ML predictions with rigorous performance guarantees, they have been extensively studied in the context of online optimization problems. Even though ski rental problems are one of the canonical problems in the field of online optimization, only deterministic algorithms were previously known for multi-option ski rental, with or without learning augmentation. We present the first randomized learning-augmented algorithm for this problem, surpassing previous performance guarantees given by deterministic algorithms. Our learning-augmented algorithm is based on a new, provably best-possible randomized competitive algorithm for the problem. Our results are further complemented by lower bounds for deterministic and randomized algorithms, and computational experiments evaluating our algorithms' performance improvements.
On Regularization and Inference with Label Constraints
Prior knowledge and symbolic rules in machine learning are often expressed in the form of label constraints, especially in structured prediction problems. In this work, we compare two common strategies for encoding label constraints in a machine learning pipeline, <em>regularization with constraints</em> and <em>constrained inference</em>, by quantifying their impact on model performance. For regularization, we show that it narrows the generalization gap by precluding models that are inconsistent with the constraints. However, its preference for small violations introduces a bias toward a suboptimal model. For constrained inference, we show that it reduces the population risk by correcting a model's violation, and hence turns the violation into an advantage. Given these differences, we further explore the use of two approaches together and propose conditions for constrained inference to compensate for the bias introduced by regularization, aiming to improve both the model complexity and optimal risk.
Simple Disentanglement of Style and Content in Visual Representations
Learning visual representations with interpretable features, i.e., disentangled representations, remains a challenging problem. Existing methods demonstrate some success but are hard to apply to large-scale vision datasets like ImageNet. In this work, we propose a simple post-processing framework to disentangle content and style in learned representations from pre-trained vision models. We model the pre-trained features probabilistically as linearly entangled combinations of the latent content and style factors and develop a simple disentanglement algorithm based on the probabilistic model. We show that the method provably disentangles content and style features and verify its efficacy empirically. Our post-processed features yield significant domain generalization performance improvements when the distribution shift occurs due to style changes or style-related spurious correlations.
Beyond the Edge of Stability via Two-step Gradient Updates
Gradient Descent (GD) is a powerful workhorse of modern machine learning thanks to its scalability and efficiency in high-dimensional spaces. Its ability to find local minimisers is only guaranteed for losses with Lipschitz gradients, where it can be seen as a 'bona-fide' discretisation of an underlying gradient flow. Yet, many ML setups involving overparametrised models do not fall into this problem class, which has motivated research beyond the so-called ''Edge of Stability'' (EoS), where the step-size crosses the admissibility threshold inversely proportional to the Lipschitz constant above. Perhaps surprisingly, GD has been empirically observed to still converge regardless of local instability and oscillatory behavior. The incipient theoretical analysis of this phenomena has mainly focused in the overparametrised regime, where the effect of choosing a large learning rate may be associated to a `Sharpness-Minimisation' implicit regularisation within the manifold of minimisers, under appropriate asymptotic limits. In contrast, in this work we directly examine the conditions for such unstable convergence, focusing on simple, yet representative, learning problems, via analysis of two-step gradient updates. Specifically, we characterize a local condition involving third-order derivatives that guarantees existence and convergence to fixed points of the two-step updates, and leverage such property in a teacher-student setting, under population loss. Finally, starting from Matrix Factorization, we provide observations of period-2 orbit of GD in high-dimensional settings with intuition of its dynamics, along with exploration into more general settings.
On the Role of Attention in Prompt-tuning
Prompt-tuning is an emerging strategy to adapt large language models (LLM) to downstream tasks by learning a (soft-)prompt parameter from data. Despite its success in LLMs, there is limited theoretical understanding of the power of prompt-tuning and the role of the attention mechanism in prompting. In this work, we explore prompt-tuning for one-layer attention architectures and study contextual mixture-models where each input token belongs to a context-relevant or -irrelevant set. We isolate the role of prompt-tuning through a self-contained prompt-attention model. Our contributions are as follows: (1) We show that softmax-prompt-attention is provably more expressive than softmax-self-attention and linear-prompt-attention under our contextual data model. (2) We analyze the initial trajectory of gradient descent and show that it learns the prompt and prediction head with near-optimal sample complexity and demonstrate how the prompt can provably attend to sparse context-relevant tokens. (3) Assuming a known prompt but an unknown prediction head, we characterize the exact finite sample performance of prompt-attention which reveals the fundamental performance limits and the precise benefit of the context information. We also provide experiments that verify our theoretical insights on real datasets and demonstrate how prompt-tuning enables the model to attend to context-relevant information.
Hyperbolic Representation Learning: Revisiting and Advancing
The non-Euclidean geometry of hyperbolic spaces has recently garnered considerable attention in the realm of representation learning. Current endeavors in hyperbolic representation largely presuppose that the underlying hierarchies can be automatically inferred and preserved through the adaptive optimization process. This assumption, however, is questionable and requires further validation. In this work, we first introduce a position-tracking mechanism to scrutinize existing prevalent hyperbolic models, revealing that the learned representations are sub-optimal and unsatisfactory. To address this, we propose a simple yet effective method, hyperbolic informed embedding (HIE), by incorporating cost-free hierarchical information deduced from the hyperbolic distance of the node to the origin (i.e., induced hyperbolic norm) to advance existing hyperbolic models. The proposed method HIE is both task-agnostic and model-agnostic, enabling its seamless integration with a broad spectrum of models and tasks. Extensive experiments across various models and different tasks demonstrate the versatility and adaptability of the proposed method. Remarkably, our method achieves a remarkable improvement of up to 21.4% compared to the competing baselines.
MABe22: A Multi-Species Multi-Task Benchmark for Learned Representations of Behavior
We introduce MABe22, a large-scale, multi-agent video and trajectory benchmark to assess the quality of learned behavior representations. This dataset is collected from a variety of biology experiments, and includes triplets of interacting mice (4.7 million frames video+pose tracking data, 10 million frames pose only), symbiotic beetle-ant interactions (10 million frames video data), and groups of interacting flies (4.4 million frames of pose tracking data). Accompanying these data, we introduce a panel of real-life downstream analysis tasks to assess the quality of learned representations by evaluating how well they preserve information about the experimental conditions (e.g. strain, time of day, optogenetic stimulation) and animal behavior. We test multiple state-of-the-art self-supervised video and trajectory representation learning methods to demonstrate the use of our benchmark, revealing that methods developed using human action datasets do not fully translate to animal datasets. We hope that our benchmark and dataset encourage a broader exploration of behavior representation learning methods across species and settings.
Scaling Up Dataset Distillation to ImageNet-1K with Constant Memory
MultiAdam: Parameter-wise Scale-invariant Optimizer for Multiscale Training of Physics-informed Neural Networks
Physics-informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have recently achieved remarkable progress in solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in various fields by minimizing a weighted sum of PDE loss and boundary loss. However, there are several critical challenges in the training of PINNs, including the lack of theoretical frameworks and the imbalance between PDE loss and boundary loss. In this paper, we present an analysis of second-order non-homogeneous PDEs, which are classified into three categories and applicable to various common problems. We also characterize the connections between the training loss and actual error, guaranteeing convergence under mild conditions. The theoretical analysis inspires us to further propose MultiAdam, a scale-invariant optimizer that leverages gradient momentum to parameter-wisely balance the loss terms. Extensive experiment results on multiple problems from different physical domains demonstrate that our MultiAdam solver can improve the predictive accuracy by 1-2 orders of magnitude compared with strong baselines.
Internally Rewarded Reinforcement Learning
Slot-VAE: Object-Centric Scene Generation with Slot Attention
Slot attention has shown remarkable object-centric representation learning performance in computer vision tasks without requiring any supervision. Despite its object-centric binding ability brought by compositional modelling, as a deterministic module, slot attention lacks the ability to generate novel scenes. In this paper, we propose the Slot-VAE, a generative model that integrates slot attention with the hierarchical VAE framework for object-centric structured scene generation. For each image, the model simultaneously infers a global scene representation to capture high-level scene structure and object-centric slot representations to embed individual object components. During generation, slot representations are generated from the global scene representation to ensure coherent scene structures. Our extensive evaluation of the scene generation ability indicates that Slot-VAE outperforms slot representation-based generative baselines in terms of sample quality and scene structure accuracy.
Model-based Reinforcement Learning with Scalable Composite Policy Gradient Estimators
In model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL), policy gradients can be estimated either by derivative-free RL methods, such as likelihood ratio gradients (LR), or by backpropagating through a differentiable model via reparameterization gradients (RP). Instead of using one or the other, the Total Propagation (TP) algorithm in prior work showed that a combination of LR and RP estimators averaged using inverse variance weighting (IVW) can achieve orders of magnitude improvement over either method. However, IVW-based composite estimators have not yet been applied in modern RL tasks, as it is unclear if they can be implemented scalably. We propose a scalable method, Total Propagation X (TPX) that improves over TP by changing the node used for IVW, and employing coordinate wise weighting. We demonstrate the scalability of TPX by applying it to the state of the art visual MBRL algorithm Dreamer. The experiments showed that Dreamer fails with long simulation horizons, while our TPX works reliably for only a fraction of additional computation. One key advantage of TPX is its ease of implementation, which will enable experimenting with IVW on many tasks beyond MBRL.
H-Likelihood Approach to Deep Neural Networks with Temporal-Spatial Random Effects for High-Cardinality Categorical Features
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are one of the most powerful tools for prediction, but many of them implicitly assume that the data are statistically independent. However, in the real world, it is common for large-scale data to be clustered with temporal-spatial correlation structures. Variational approaches and integrated likelihood approaches have been proposed to obtain approximate maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) for correlated data. However, due to the large size of data, they cannot provide exact MLEs. In this study, we propose a new hierarchical likelihood approach to DNNs with correlated random effects for clustered data. By jointly optimizing the the negative h-likelihood loss, we can provide exact MLEs for both mean and dispersion parameters, as well as the best linear unbiased predictors for the random effects. Moreover, the hierarchical likelihood allows a computable procedure for restricted maximum likelihood estimators of dispersion parameters. The proposed two-step algorithm enables online learning for the neural networks, whereas the integrated likelihood cannot decompose like a widely-used loss function in DNNs. The proposed h-likelihood approach offers several advantages, which we demonstrate through numerical studies and real data analyses.
Predicting Rare Events by Shrinking Towards Proportional Odds
Training classifiers is difficult with severe class imbalance, but many rare events are the culmination of a sequence with much more common intermediate outcomes. For example, in online marketing a user first sees an ad, then may click on it, and finally may make a purchase; estimating the probability of purchases is difficult because of their rarity. We show both theoretically and through data experiments that the more abundant data in earlier steps may be leveraged to improve estimation of probabilities of rare events. We present PRESTO, a relaxation of the proportional odds model for ordinal regression. Instead of estimating weights for one separating hyperplane that is shifted by separate intercepts for each of the estimated Bayes decision boundaries between adjacent pairs of categorical responses, we estimate separate weights for each of these transitions. We impose an L1 penalty on the differences between weights for the same feature in adjacent weight vectors in order to shrink towards the proportional odds model. We prove that PRESTO consistently estimates the decision boundary weights under a sparsity assumption. Synthetic and real data experiments show that our method can estimate rare probabilities in this setting better than both logistic regression on the rare category, which fails to borrow strength from more abundant categories, and the proportional odds model, which is too inflexible.
Internet Explorer: Targeted Representation Learning on the Open Web
Vision models typically rely on fine-tuning general-purpose models pre-trained on large, static datasets. These general-purpose models only capture the knowledge within their pre-training datasets, which are tiny, out-of-date snapshots of the Internet---where billions of images are uploaded each day. We suggest an alternate approach: rather than hoping our static datasets transfer to our desired tasks after large-scale pre-training, we propose dynamically utilizing the Internet to quickly train a small-scale model that does extremely well on a target dataset. Our approach, called Internet Explorer, explores the web in a self-supervised manner to progressively find relevant examples that improve performance on a desired target dataset. It cycles between searching for images on the Internet with text queries, self-supervised training on downloaded images, determining which images were useful, and prioritizing what to search for next. We evaluate Internet Explorer across several datasets and show that it outperforms or matches CLIP oracle performance using just a single GPU desktop to actively query the Internet for 30-40 hours.
Using Large Language Models to Simulate Multiple Humans and Replicate Human Subject Studies
We introduce a new type of test, called a Turing Experiment (TE), for evaluating to what extent a given language model, such as GPT models, can simulate different aspects of human behavior. A TE can also reveal consistent distortions in a language model’s simulation of a specific human behavior. Unlike the Turing Test, which involves simulating a single arbitrary individual, a TE requires simulating a representative sample of participants in human subject research. We carry out TEs that attempt to replicate well-established findings from prior studies. We design a methodology for simulating TEs and illustrate its use to compare how well different language models are able to reproduce classic economic, psycholinguistic, and social psychology experiments: Ultimatum Game, Garden Path Sentences, Milgram Shock Experiment, and Wisdom of Crowds. In the first three TEs, the existing findings were replicated using recent models, while the last TE reveals a “hyper-accuracy distortion” present in some language models (including ChatGPT and GPT-4), which could affect downstream applications in education and the arts.
Robust and private stochastic linear bandits
In this paper, we study the stochastic linear bandit problem under the additional requirements of <em>differential privacy</em>, <em>robustness</em> and <em>batched observations</em>. In particular, we assume an adversary randomly chooses a constant fraction of the observed rewards in each batch, replacing them with arbitrary numbers. We present differentially private and robust variants of the arm elimination algorithm using logarithmic batch queries under two privacy models and provide regret bounds in both settings. In the first model, every reward in each round is reported by a potentially different client, which reduces to standard local differential privacy (LDP). In the second model, every action is "owned" by a different client, who may aggregate the rewards over multiple queries and privatize the aggregate response instead. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithms are the first simultaneously providing differential privacy and adversarial robustness in the stochastic linear bandits problem.
High-dimensional Location Estimation via Norm Concentration for Subgamma Vectors
Learning Temporally AbstractWorld Models without Online Experimentation
Agents that can build temporally abstract representations of their environment are better able to understand their world and make plans on extended time scales, with limited computational power and modeling capacity. However, existing methods for automatically learning temporally abstract world models usually require millions of online environmental interactions and incentivize agents to reach every accessible environmental state, which is infeasible for most real-world robots both in terms of data efficiency and hardware safety. In this paper, we present an approach for simultaneously learning sets of skills and temporally abstract, skill-conditioned world models purely from offline data, enabling agents to perform zero-shot online planning of skill sequences for new tasks. We show that our approach performs comparably to or better than a wide array of state-of-the-art offline RL algorithms on a number of simulated robotics locomotion and manipulation benchmarks, while offering a higher degree of adaptability to new goals. Finally, we show that our approach offers a much higher degree of robustness to perturbations in environmental dynamics, compared to policy-based methods.
IRNeXt: Rethinking Convolutional Network Design for Image Restoration
We present IRNeXt, a simple yet effective convolutional network architecture for image restoration. Recently, Transformer models have dominated the field of image restoration due to the powerful ability of modeling long-range pixels interactions. In this paper, we excavate the potential of the convolutional neural network (CNN) and show that our CNN-based model can receive comparable or better performance than Transformer models with low computation overhead on several image restoration tasks. By re-examining the characteristics possessed by advanced image restoration algorithms, we discover several key factors leading to the performance improvement of restoration models. This motivates us to develop a novel network for image restoration based on cheap convolution operators. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that IRNeXt delivers state-of-the-art performance among numerous datasets on a range of image restoration tasks with low computational complexity, including image dehazing, single-image defocus/motion deblurring, image deraining, and image desnowing.
TabLeak: Tabular Data Leakage in Federated Learning
While federated learning (FL) promises to preserve privacy, recent works in the image and text domains have shown that training updates leak private client data. However, most high-stakes applications of FL (e.g., in healthcare and finance) use tabular data, where the risk of data leakage has not yet been explored. A successful attack for tabular data must address two key challenges unique to the domain: (i) obtaining a solution to a high-variance mixed discrete-continuous optimization problem, and (ii) enabling human assessment of the reconstruction as unlike for image and text data, direct human inspection is not possible. In this work we address these challenges and propose TabLeak, the first comprehensive reconstruction attack on tabular data. TabLeak is based on two key contributions: (i) a method which leverages a softmax relaxation and pooled ensembling to solve the optimization problem, and (ii) an entropy-based uncertainty quantification scheme to enable human assessment. We evaluate TabLeak on four tabular datasets for both FedSGD and FedAvg training protocols, and show that it successfully breaks several settings previously deemed safe. For instance, we extract large subsets of private data at &gt;90% accuracy even at the large batch size of 128. Our findings demonstrate that current high-stakes tabular FL is excessively vulnerable to leakage attacks.
Stable and Consistent Prediction of 3D Characteristic Orientation via Invariant Residual Learning
Learning to predict reliable characteristic orientations of 3D point clouds is an important yet challenging problem, as different point clouds of the same class may have largely varying appearances. In this work, we introduce a novel method to decouple the shape geometry and semantics of the input point cloud to achieve both stability and consistency. The proposed method integrates shape-geometry-based SO(3)-equivariant learning and shape-semantics-based SO(3)-invariant residual learning, where a final characteristic orientation is obtained by calibrating an SO(3)-equivariant orientation hypothesis using an SO(3)-invariant residual rotation. In experiments, the proposed method not only demonstrates superior stability and consistency but also exhibits state-of-the-art performances when applied to point cloud part segmentation, given randomly rotated inputs.
Deep Generative Symbolic Regression with Monte-Carlo-Tree-Search
Symbolic regression (SR) is the problem of learning a symbolic expression from numerical data. Recently, deep neural models trained on procedurally-generated synthetic datasets showed competitive performance compared to more classical Genetic Programming (GP) ones. Unlike their GP counterparts, these neural approaches are trained to generate expressions from datasets given as context. This allows them to produce accurate expressions in a single forward pass at test time. However, they usually do not benefit from search abilities, which result in low performance compared to GP on out-of-distribution datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel method which provides the best of both worlds, based on a Monte-Carlo Tree Search procedure using a context-aware neural mutation model, which is initially pre-trained to learn promising mutations, and further refined from successful experiences in an online fashion. The approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on the well-known SRBench benchmark.
Mixing Predictions for Online Metric Algorithms
Approximate Causal Effect Identification under Weak Confounding
Causal effect estimation has been studied by many researchers when only observational data is available. Sound and complete algorithms have been developed for pointwise estimation of identifiable causal queries. For non-identifiable causal queries, researchers developed polynomial programs to estimate tight bounds on causal effect. However, these are computationally difficult to optimize for variables with large support sizes. In this paper, we analyze the effect of "weak confounding'" on causal estimands. More specifically, under the assumption that the unobserved confounders that render a query non-identifiable have small entropy, we propose an efficient linear program to derive the upper and lower bounds of the causal effect. We show that our bounds are consistent in the sense that as the entropy of unobserved confounders goes to zero, the gap between the upper and lower bound vanishes. Finally, we conduct synthetic and real data simulations to compare our bounds with the bounds obtained by the existing work that cannot incorporate such entropy constraints and show that our bounds are tighter for the setting with weak confounders.
Bootstrap in High Dimension with Low Computation
The bootstrap is a popular data-driven method to quantify statistical uncertainty, but for modern high-dimensional problems, it could suffer from huge computational costs due to the need to repeatedly generate resamples and refit models. We study the use of bootstraps in high-dimensional environments with a small number of resamples. In particular, we show that with a recent "cheap" bootstrap perspective, using a number of resamples as small as one could attain valid coverage even when the dimension grows closely with the sample size, thus strongly supporting the implementability of the bootstrap for large-scale problems. We validate our theoretical results and compare the performance of our approach with other benchmarks via a range of experiments.
Image Shortcut Squeezing: Countering Perturbative Availability Poisons with Compression
Perturbative availability poisoning (PAP) adds small changes to images to prevent their use for model training. Current research adopts the belief that practical and effective approaches to countering such poisons do not exist. In this paper, we argue that it is time to abandon this belief. We present extensive experiments showing that 12 state-of-the-art PAP methods are vulnerable to Image Shortcut Squeezing (ISS), which is based on simple compression. For example, on average, ISS restores the CIFAR-10 model accuracy to 81.73%, surpassing the previous best preprocessing-based countermeasures by 37.97% absolute. ISS also (slightly) outperforms adversarial training and has higher generalizability to unseen perturbation norms and also higher efficiency. Our investigation reveals that the property of PAP perturbations depends on the type of surrogate model used for poison generation, and it explains why a specific ISS compression yields the best performance for a specific type of PAP perturbation. We further test stronger, adaptive poisoning, and show it falls short of being an ideal defense against ISS. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of considering various (simple) countermeasures to ensure the meaningfulness of analysis carried out during the development of availability poisons.
Proper Losses for Discrete Generative Models
We initiate the study of proper losses for evaluating generative models in the discrete setting. Unlike traditional proper losses, we treat both the generative model and the target distribution as black-boxes, only assuming ability to draw i.i.d. samples. We define a loss to be black-box proper if the generative distribution that minimizes expected loss is equal to the target distribution. Using techniques from statistical estimation theory, we give a general construction and characterization of black-box proper losses: they must take a polynomial form, and the number of draws from the model and target distribution must exceed the degree of the polynomial. The characterization rules out a loss whose expectation is the cross-entropy between the target distribution and the model. By extending the construction to arbitrary sampling schemes such as Poisson sampling, however, we show that one can construct such a loss.
SpotEM: Efficient Video Search for Episodic Memory
The goal in episodic memory (EM) is to search a long egocentric video to answer a natural language query (e.g., “where did I leave my purse?”). Existing EM methods exhaustively extract expensive fixed-length clip features to look everywhere in the video for the answer, which is infeasible for long wearable-camera videos that span hours or even days. We propose SpotEM, an approach to achieve efficiency for a given EM method while maintaining good accuracy. SpotEM consists of three key ideas: 1) a novel clip selector that learns to identify promising video regions to search conditioned on the language query; 2) a set of low-cost semantic indexing features that capture the context of rooms, objects, and interactions that suggest where to look; and 3) distillation losses that address the optimization issues arising from end-to-end joint training of the clip selector and EM model. Our experiments on 200+ hours of video from the Ego4D EM Natural Language Queries benchmark and three different EM models demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach: computing only 10% – 25% of the clip features, we preserve 84% – 97% of the original EM model’s accuracy. Project page:
DRCFS: Doubly Robust Causal Feature Selection
Knowing the features of a complex system that are highly relevant to a particular target variable is of fundamental interest in many areas of science. Existing approaches are often limited to linear settings, sometimes lack guarantees, and in most cases, do not scale to the problem at hand, in particular to images. We propose DRCFS, a doubly robust feature selection method for identifying the causal features even in nonlinear and high dimensional settings. We provide theoretical guarantees, illustrate necessary conditions for our assumptions, and perform extensive experiments across a wide range of simulated and semi-synthetic datasets. DRCFS significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods, selecting robust features even in challenging highly non-linear and high-dimensional problems.
Tractable Control for Autoregressive Language Generation
Open-Vocabulary Universal Image Segmentation with MaskCLIP
In this paper, we tackle an emerging computer vision task, open-vocabulary universal image segmentation, that aims to perform semantic/instance/panoptic segmentation (background semantic labeling + foreground instance segmentation) for arbitrary categories of text-based descriptions in inference time. We first build a baseline method by directly adopting pre-trained CLIP models without finetuning or distillation. We then develop MaskCLIP, a Transformer-based approach with a MaskCLIP Visual Encoder, which is an encoder-only module that seamlessly integrates mask tokens with a pre-trained ViT CLIP model for semantic/instance segmentation and class prediction. MaskCLIP learns to efficiently and effectively utilize pre-trained partial/dense CLIP features within the MaskCLIP Visual Encoder that avoids the time-consuming student-teacher training process. MaskCLIP outperforms previous methods for semantic/instance/panoptic segmentation on ADE20K and PASCAL datasets. We show qualitative illustrations for MaskCLIP with online custom categories. Project website:
Universal Physics-Informed Neural Networks: Symbolic Differential Operator Discovery with Sparse Data
In this work we perform symbolic discovery of differential operators in a situation where there is sparse experimental data. This small data regime in machine learning can be made tractable by providing our algorithms with prior information about the underlying dynamics. Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have been very successful in this regime (reconstructing entire ODE solutions using only a single point or entire PDE solutions with very few measurements of the initial condition). The Universal PINN approach (UPINN) adds a neural network that learns a representation of unknown hidden terms in the differential equation. The algorithm yields both a surrogate solution to the differential equation and a black-box representation of the hidden terms. These hidden term neural networks can then be converted into symbolic equations using symbolic regression techniques like AI Feynman. In order to achieve convergence of the neural networks, we provide our algorithms with (noisy) measurements of both the initial condition as well as (synthetic) experimental data obtained at later times. We demonstrate strong performance of UPINNs even when provided with very few measurements of noisy data in both the ODE and PDE regime.
Partial Optimality in Cubic Correlation Clustering
The higher-order correlation clustering problem is an expressive model, and recently, local search heuristics have been proposed for several applications. Certifying optimality, however, is NP-hard and practically hampered already by the complexity of the problem statement. Here, we focus on establishing partial optimality conditions for the special case of complete graphs and cubic objective functions. In addition, we define and implement algorithms for testing these conditions and examine their effect numerically, on two datasets.
InfoDiffusion: Representation Learning Using Information Maximizing Diffusion Models
While diffusion models excel at generating high-quality samples, their latent variables typically lack semantic meaning and are not suitable for representation learning. Here, we propose InfoDiffusion, an algorithm that augments diffusion models with low-dimensional latent variables that capture high-level factors of variation in the data. InfoDiffusion relies on a learning objective regularized with the mutual information between observed and hidden variables, which improves latent space quality and prevents the latents from being ignored by expressive diffusion-based decoders. Empirically, we find that InfoDiffusion learns disentangled and human-interpretable latent representations that are competitive with state-of-the-art generative and contrastive methods, while retaining the high sample quality of diffusion models. Our method enables manipulating the attributes of generated images and has the potential to assist tasks that require exploring a learned latent space to generate quality samples, e.g., generative design.
A Large-Scale Study of Probabilistic Calibration in Neural Network Regression
Accurate probabilistic predictions are essential for optimal decision making. While neural network miscalibration has been studied primarily in classification, we investigate this in the less-explored domain of regression. We conduct the largest empirical study to date to assess the probabilistic calibration of neural networks. We also analyze the performance of recalibration, conformal, and regularization methods to enhance probabilistic calibration. Additionally, we introduce novel differentiable recalibration and regularization methods, uncovering new insights into their effectiveness. Our findings reveal that regularization methods offer a favorable tradeoff between calibration and sharpness. Post-hoc methods exhibit superior probabilistic calibration, which we attribute to the finite-sample coverage guarantee of conformal prediction. Furthermore, we demonstrate that quantile recalibration can be considered as a specific case of conformal prediction. Our study is fully reproducible and implemented in a common code base for fair comparisons.
Semi-Autoregressive Energy Flows: Exploring Likelihood-Free Training of Normalizing Flows
Training normalizing flow generative models can be challenging due to the need to calculate computationally expensive determinants of Jacobians. This paper studies the likelihood-free training of flows and proposes the energy objective, an alternative sample-based loss based on proper scoring rules. The energy objective is determinant-free and supports flexible model architectures that are not easily compatible with maximum likelihood training, including semi-autoregressive energy flows, a novel model family that interpolates between fully autoregressive and non-autoregressive models. Energy flows feature competitive sample quality, posterior inference, and generation speed relative to likelihood-based flows; this performance is decorrelated from the quality of log-likelihood estimates, which are generally very poor. Our findings question the use of maximum likelihood as an objective or a metric, and contribute to a scientific study of its role in generative modeling. Code is available at
When do Minimax-fair Learning and Empirical Risk Minimization Coincide?
Minimax-fair machine learning minimizes the error for the worst-off group. However, empirical evidence suggests that when sophisticated models are trained with standard empirical risk minimization (ERM), they often have the same performance on the worst-off group as a minimax-trained model. Our work makes this counter-intuitive observation concrete. We prove that if the hypothesis class is sufficiently expressive and the group information is recoverable from the features, ERM and minimax-fairness learning formulations indeed have the same performance on the worst-off group. We provide additional empirical evidence of how this observation holds on a wide range of datasets and hypothesis classes. Since ERM is fundamentally easier than minimax optimization, our findings have implications on the practice of fair machine learning.
Theoretical Behavior of XAI Methods in the Presence of Suppressor Variables
In recent years, the community of 'explainable artificial intelligence' (XAI) has created a vast body of methods to bridge a perceived gap between model 'complexity' and 'interpretability'. However, a concrete problem to be solved by XAI methods has not yet been formally stated. As a result, XAI methods are lacking theoretical and empirical evidence for the 'correctness' of their explanations, limiting their potential use for quality-control and transparency purposes. At the same time, Haufe et al. (2014) showed, using simple toy examples, that even standard interpretations of linear models can be highly misleading. Specifically, high importance may be attributed to so-called suppressor variables lacking any statistical relation to the prediction target. This behavior has been confirmed empirically for a large array of XAI methods in Wilming et al. (2022). Here, we go one step further by deriving analytical expressions for the behavior of a variety of popular XAI methods on a simple two-dimensional binary classification problem involving Gaussian class-conditional distributions. We show that the majority of the studied approaches will attribute non-zero importance to a non-class-related suppressor feature in the presence of correlated noise. This poses important limitations on the interpretations and conclusions that the outputs of these XAI methods can afford.
Probabilistic Imputation for Time-series Classification with Missing Data
Multivariate time series data for real-world applications typically contain a significant amount of missing values. The dominant approach for classification with such missing values is to impute them heuristically with specific values (zero, mean, values of adjacent time-steps) or learnable parameters. However, these simple strategies do not take the data generative process into account, and more importantly, do not effectively capture the uncertainty in prediction due to the multiple possibilities for the missing values. In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic framework for classification with multivariate time series data with missing values. Our model consists of two parts; a deep generative model for missing value imputation and a classifier. Extending the existing deep generative models to better capture structures of time-series data, our deep generative model part is trained to impute the missing values in multiple plausible ways, effectively modeling the uncertainty of the imputation. The classifier part takes the time series data along with the imputed missing values and classifies signals, and is trained to capture the predictive uncertainty due to the multiple possibilities of imputations. Importantly, we show that naïvely combining the generative model and the classifier could result in trivial solutions where the generative model does not produce meaningful imputations. To resolve this, we present a novel regularization technique that can promote the model to produce useful imputation values that help classification. Through extensive experiments on real-world time series data with missing values, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
MAHALO: Unifying Offline Reinforcement Learning and Imitation Learning from Observations
We study a new paradigm for sequential decision making, called offline policy learning from observations (PLfO). Offline PLfO aims to learn policies using datasets with substandard qualities: 1) only a subset of trajectories is labeled with rewards, 2) labeled trajectories may not contain actions, 3) labeled trajectories may not be of high quality, and 4) the data may not have full coverage. Such imperfection is common in real-world learning scenarios, and offline PLfO encompasses many existing offline learning setups, including offline imitation learning (IL), offline IL from observations (ILfO), and offline reinforcement learning (RL). In this work, we present a generic approach to offline PLfO, called Modality-agnostic Adversarial Hypothesis Adaptation for Learning from Observations (MAHALO). Built upon the pessimism concept in offline RL, MAHALO optimizes the policy using a performance lower bound that accounts for uncertainty due to the dataset's insufficient coverage. We implement this idea by adversarially training data-consistent critic and reward functions, which forces the learned policy to be robust to data deficiency. We show that MAHALO consistently outperforms or matches specialized algorithms across a variety of offline PLfO tasks in theory and experiments. Our code is available at
Robust Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Networks With Probabilistic Guarantees
Multi-Agent Learning from Learners
A large body of the "Inverse Reinforcement Learning" (IRL) literature focuses on recovering the reward function from a set of demonstrations of an expert agent who acts optimally or noisily optimally. Nevertheless, some recent works move away from the optimality assumption to study the "Learning from a Learner (LfL)" problem, where the challenge is inferring the reward function of a learning agent from a sequence of demonstrations produced by progressively improving policies. In this work, we take one of the initial steps in addressing the multi-agent version of this problem and propose a new algorithm, MA-LfL (Multiagent Learning from a Learner). Unlike the state-of-the-art literature, which recovers the reward functions from trajectories produced by agents in some equilibrium, we study the problem of inferring the reward functions of interacting agents in a general sum stochastic game without assuming any equilibrium state. The MA-LfL algorithm is rigorously built on a theoretical result that ensures its validity in the case of agents learning according to a multi-agent soft policy iteration scheme. We empirically test MA-LfL and we observe high positive correlation between the recovered reward functions and the ground truth.
Cut your Losses with Squentropy
Nearly all practical neural models for classification are trained using the cross-entropy loss. Yet this ubiquitous choice is supported by little theoretical or empirical evidence. Recent work (Hui &amp; Belkin, 2020) suggests that training using the (rescaled) square loss is often superior in terms of the classification accuracy. In this paper we propose the "squentropy" loss, which is the sum of two terms: the cross-entropy loss and the average square loss over the incorrect classes. We provide an extensive set of experiment on multi-class classification problems showing that the squentropy loss outperforms both the pure cross-entropy and rescaled square losses in terms of the classification accuracy. We also demonstrate that it provides significantly better model calibration than either of these alternative losses and, furthermore, has less variance with respect to the random initialization. Additionally, in contrast to the square loss, squentropy loss can frequently be trained using exactly the same optimization parameters, including the learning rate, as the standard cross-entropy loss, making it a true ''plug-and-play'' replacement. Finally, unlike the rescaled square loss, multiclass squentropy contains no parameters that need to be adjusted.
Sparse Learning of Dynamical Systems in RKHS: An Operator-Theoretic Approach
Conformal Prediction with Missing Values
Conformal prediction is a theoretically grounded framework for constructing predictive intervals. We study conformal prediction with missing values in the covariates -- a setting that brings new challenges to uncertainty quantification. We first show that the marginal coverage guarantee of conformal prediction holds on imputed data for any missingness distribution and almost all imputation functions. However, we emphasize that the average coverage varies depending on the pattern of missing values: conformal methods tend to construct prediction intervals that under-cover the response conditionally to some missing patterns. This motivates our novel generalized conformalized quantile regression framework, missing data augmentation, which yields prediction intervals that are valid conditionally to the patterns of missing values, despite their exponential number. We then show that a universally consistent quantile regression algorithm trained on the imputed data is Bayes optimal for the pinball risk, thus achieving valid coverage conditionally to any given data point. Moreover, we examine the case of a linear model, which demonstrates the importance of our proposal in overcoming the heteroskedasticity induced by missing values. Using synthetic and data from critical care, we corroborate our theory and report improved performance of our methods.
Weakly Supervised Regression with Interval Targets
This paper investigates an interesting weakly supervised regression setting called regression with interval targets (RIT). Although some of the previous methods on relevant regression settings can be adapted to RIT, they are not statistically consistent, and thus their empirical performance is not guaranteed. In this paper, we provide a thorough study on RIT. First, we proposed a novel statistical model to describe the data generation process for RIT and demonstrate its validity. Second, we analyze a simple selecting method for RIT, which selects a particular value in the interval as the target value to train the model. Third, we propose a statistically consistent limiting method for RIT to train the model by limiting the predictions to the interval. We further derive an estimation error bound for our limiting method. Finally, extensive experiments on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
DSGD-CECA: Decentralized SGD with Communication-Optimal Exact Consensus Algorithm
Self-Repellent Random Walks on General Graphs - Achieving Minimal Sampling Variance via Nonlinear Markov Chains
A Statistical Perspective on Retrieval-Based Models
Many modern high-performing machine learning models increasingly rely on scaling up models, e.g., transformer networks. Simultaneously, a parallel line of work aims to improve the model performance by augmenting an input instance with other (labeled) instances during inference. Examples of such augmentations include task-specific prompts and similar examples retrieved from the training data by a nonparametric component. Despite a growing literature showcasing the promise of these retrieval-based models, their theoretical underpinnings %for such models remain under-explored. In this paper, we present a formal treatment of retrieval-based models to characterize their performance via a novel statistical perspective. In particular, we study two broad classes of retrieval-based classification approaches: First, we analyze a local learning framework that employs an explicit local empirical risk minimization based on retrieved examples for each input instance. Interestingly, we show that breaking down the underlying learning task into local sub-tasks enables the model to employ a low complexity parametric component to ensure good overall performance. The second class of retrieval-based approaches we explore learns a global model using kernel methods to directly map an input instance and retrieved examples to a prediction, without explicitly solving a local learning task.
Adaptive IMLE for Few-shot Pretraining-free Generative Modelling
Despite their success on large datasets, GANs have been difficult to apply in the few-shot setting, where only a limited number of training examples are provided. Due to mode collapse, GANs tend to ignore some training examples, causing overfitting to a subset of the training dataset, which is small in the first place. A recent method called Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation (IMLE) is an alternative to GAN that tries to address this issue. It uses the same kind of generators as GANs but trains it with a different objective that encourages mode coverage. However, the theoretical guarantees of IMLE hold under a restrictive condition that the optimal likelihood at all data points is the same. In this paper, we present a more generalized formulation of IMLE which includes the original formulation as a special case, and we prove that the theoretical guarantees hold under weaker conditions. Using this generalized formulation, we further derive a new algorithm, which we dub Adaptive IMLE, which can adapt to the varying difficulty of different training examples. We demonstrate on multiple few-shot image synthesis datasets that our method significantly outperforms existing methods. Our code is available at
Polyhedral Complex Extraction from ReLU Networks using Edge Subdivision
A neural network consisting of piecewise affine building blocks, such as fully-connected layers and ReLU activations, is itself a piecewise affine function supported on a polyhedral complex. This complex has been previously studied to characterize theoretical properties of neural networks, but, in practice, extracting it remains a challenge due to its high combinatorial complexity. A natural idea described in previous works is to subdivide the regions via intersections with hyperplanes induced by each neuron. However, we argue that this view leads to computational redundancy. Instead of regions, we propose to subdivide edges, leading to a novel method for polyhedral complex extraction. A key to this are sign-vectors, which encode the combinatorial structure of the complex. Our approach allows to use standard tensor operations on a GPU, taking seconds for millions of cells on a consumer grade machine. Motivated by the growing interest in neural shape representation, we use the speed and differentiablility of our method to optimize geometric properties of the complex. The code is available at<em>edge</em>subdivision.
Task-Specific Skill Localization in Fine-tuned Language Models
Learning Unforeseen Robustness from Out-of-distribution Data Using Equivariant Domain Translator
Current approaches for training robust models are typically tailored to scenarios where data variations are accessible in the training set. While shown effective in achieving robustness to these foreseen variations, these approaches are ineffective in learning <em>unforeseen</em> robustness, i.e., robustness to data variations without known characterization or training examples reflecting them. In this work, we learn unforeseen robustness by harnessing the variations in the abundant out-of-distribution data. To overcome the main challenge of using such data, the domain gap, we use a domain translator to bridge it and bound the unforeseen robustness on the target distribution. As implied by our analysis, we propose a two-step algorithm that first trains an equivariant domain translator to map out-of-distribution data to the target distribution while preserving the considered variation, and then regularizes a model's output consistency on the domain-translated data to improve its robustness. We empirically show the effectiveness of our approach in improving unforeseen and foreseen robustness compared to existing approaches. Additionally, we show that training the equivariant domain translator serves as an effective criterion for source data selection.
Fast Federated Machine Unlearning with Nonlinear Functional Theory
Federated machine unlearning (FMU) aims to remove the influence of a specified subset of training data upon request from a trained federated learning model. Despite achieving remarkable performance, existing FMU techniques suffer from inefficiency due to two sequential operations of training and retraining/unlearning on large-scale datasets. Our prior study, PCMU, was proposed to improve the efficiency of centralized machine unlearning (CMU) with certified guarantees, by simultaneously executing the training and unlearning operations. This paper proposes a fast FMU algorithm, FFMU, for improving the FMU efficiency while maintaining the unlearning quality. The PCMU method is leveraged to train a local machine learning (MU) model on each edge device. We propose to employ nonlinear functional analysis techniques to refine the local MU models as output functions of a Nemytskii operator. We conduct theoretical analysis to derive that the Nemytskii operator has a global Lipschitz constant, which allows us to bound the difference between two MU models regarding the distance between their gradients. Based on the Nemytskii operator and average smooth local gradients, the global MU model on the server is guaranteed to achieve close performance to each local MU model with the certified guarantees.
Effective Minkowski Dimension of Deep Nonparametric Regression: Function Approximation and Statistical Theories
BiRT: Bio-inspired Replay in Vision Transformers for Continual Learning
The ability of deep neural networks to continually learn and adapt to a sequence of tasks has remained challenging due to catastrophic forgetting of previously learned tasks. Humans, on the other hand, have a remarkable ability to acquire, assimilate, and transfer knowledge across tasks throughout their lifetime without catastrophic forgetting. The versatility of the brain can be attributed to the rehearsal of abstract experiences through a complementary learning system. However, representation rehearsal in vision transformers lacks diversity, resulting in overfitting and consequently, performance drops significantly compared to raw image rehearsal. Therefore, we propose BiRT, a novel representation rehearsal-based continual learning approach using vision transformers. Specifically, we introduce controllable noises at various stages of the vision transformer and enforce consistency in predictions with respect to an exponential moving average of the working model. Our method provides consistent performance gain over raw image and vanilla representation rehearsal on several challenging CL benchmarks while being memory efficient and robust to natural and adversarial corruptions.
On the Importance of Feature Decorrelation for Unsupervised Representation Learning in Reinforcement Learning
Recently, unsupervised representation learning (URL) has improved the sample efficiency of Reinforcement Learning (RL) by pretraining a model from a large unlabeled dataset. The underlying principle of these methods is to learn temporally predictive representations by predicting future states in the latent space. However, an important challenge of this approach is the representational collapse, where the subspace of the latent representations collapses into a low-dimensional manifold. To address this issue, we propose a novel URL framework that causally predicts future states while increasing the dimension of the latent manifold by decorrelating the features in the latent space. Through extensive empirical studies, we demonstrate that our framework effectively learns predictive representations without collapse, which significantly improves the sample efficiency of state-of-the-art URL methods on the Atari 100k benchmark. The code is available at
Feature learning in deep classifiers through Intermediate Neural Collapse
In this paper, we conduct an empirical study of the feature learning process in deep classifiers. Recent research has identified a training phenomenon called Neural Collapse (NC), in which the top-layer feature embeddings of samples from the same class tend to concentrate around their means, and the top layer's weights align with those features. Our study aims to investigate if these properties extend to intermediate layers. We empirically study the evolution of the covariance and mean of representations across different layers and show that as we move deeper into a trained neural network, the within-class covariance decreases relative to the between-class covariance. Additionally, we find that in the top layers, where the between-class covariance is dominant, the subspace spanned by the class means aligns with the subspace spanned by the most significant singular vector components of the weight matrix in the corresponding layer. Finally, we discuss the relationship between NC and Associative Memories (Willshaw et. al. 1969).
Q-Flow: Generative Modeling for Differential Equations of Open Quantum Dynamics with Normalizing Flows
Unearthing InSights into Mars: Unsupervised Source Separation with Limited Data
Source separation involves the ill-posed problem of retrieving a set of source signals that have been observed through a mixing operator. Solving this problem requires prior knowledge, which is commonly incorporated by imposing regularity conditions on the source signals, or implicitly learned through supervised or unsupervised methods from existing data. While data-driven methods have shown great promise in source separation, they often require large amounts of data, which rarely exists in planetary space missions. To address this challenge, we propose an unsupervised source separation scheme for domains with limited data access that involves solving an optimization problem in the wavelet scattering covariance representation space---an interpretable, low-dimensional representation of stationary processes. We present a real-data example in which we remove transient, thermally-induced microtilts---known as glitches---from data recorded by a seismometer during NASA's InSight mission on Mars. Thanks to the wavelet scattering covariances' ability to capture non-Gaussian properties of stochastic processes, we are able to separate glitches using only a few glitch-free data snippets.
Doubly Optimal No-Regret Learning in Monotone Games
The Test of Tests: A Framework for Differentially Private Hypothesis Testing
We present a generic framework for creating differentially private versions of any hypothesis test in a black-box way. We analyze the resulting tests analytically and experimentally. Most crucially, we show good practical performance for small data sets, showing that at ε = 1 we only need 5-6 times as much data as in the fully public setting. We compare our work to the one existing framework of this type, as well as to several individually-designed private hypothesis tests. Our framework is higher power than other generic solutions and at least competitive with (and often better than) individually-designed tests.
Multi-Symmetry Ensembles: Improving Diversity and Generalization via Opposing Symmetries
Deep ensembles (DE) have been successful in improving model performance by learning diverse members via the stochasticity of random initialization. While recent works have attempted to promote further diversity in DE via hyperparameters or regularizing loss functions, these methods primarily still rely on a stochastic approach to explore the hypothesis space. In this work, we present Multi-Symmetry Ensembles (MSE), a framework for constructing diverse ensembles by capturing the multiplicity of hypotheses along symmetry axes, which explore the hypothesis space beyond stochastic perturbations of model weights and hyperparameters. We leverage recent advances in contrastive representation learning to create models that separately capture opposing hypotheses of invariant and equivariant functional classes and present a simple ensembling approach to efficiently combine appropriate hypotheses for a given task. We show that MSE effectively captures the multiplicity of conflicting hypotheses that is often required in large, diverse datasets like ImageNet. As a result of their inherent diversity, MSE improves classification performance, uncertainty quantification, and generalization across a series of transfer tasks. Our code is available at
Hidden Symmetries of ReLU Networks
Bootstrapped Representations in Reinforcement Learning
In reinforcement learning (RL), state representations are key to dealing with large or continuous state spaces. While one of the promises of deep learning algorithms is to automatically construct features well-tuned for the task they try to solve, such a representation might not emerge from end-to-end training of deep RL agents. To mitigate this issue, auxiliary objectives are often incorporated into the learning process and help shape the learnt state representation. Bootstrapping methods are today's method of choice to make these additional predictions. Yet, it is unclear which features these algorithms capture and how they relate to those from other auxiliary-task-based approaches. In this paper, we address this gap and provide a theoretical characterization of the state representation learnt by temporal difference learning (Sutton, 1988). Surprisingly, we find that this representation differs from the features learned by Monte Carlo and residual gradient algorithms for most transition structures of the environment in the policy evaluation setting. We describe the efficacy of these representations for policy evaluation, and use our theoretical analysis to design new auxiliary learning rules. We complement our theoretical results with an empirical comparison of these learning rules for different cumulant functions on classic domains such as the four-room domain (Sutton et al, 1999) and Mountain Car (Moore, 1990).
New metrics and search algorithms for weighted causal DAGs
Recovering causal relationships from data is an important problem. Using observational data, one can typically only recover causal graphs up to a Markov equivalence class and additional assumptions or interventional data are needed for complete recovery. In this work, under some standard assumptions, we study causal graph discovery via <em>adaptive interventions with node-dependent interventional costs</em>. For this setting, we show that no algorithm can achieve an approximation guarantee that is asymptotically better than linear in the number of vertices with respect to the verification number; a well-established benchmark for adaptive search algorithms. Motivated by this negative result, we define a <em>new benchmark</em> that captures the worst-case interventional cost for any search algorithm. Furthermore, with respect to this new benchmark, we provide adaptive search algorithms that achieve logarithmic approximations under various settings: atomic, bounded size interventions and generalized cost objectives.
Exact Inference in High-order Structured Prediction
In this paper, we study the problem of inference in high-order structured prediction tasks. In the context of Markov random fields, the goal of a high-order inference task is to maximize a score function on the space of labels, and the score function can be decomposed into sum of unary and high-order potentials. We apply a generative model approach to study the problem of high-order inference, and provide a two-stage convex optimization algorithm for exact label recovery. We also provide a new class of hypergraph structural properties related to hyperedge expansion that drives the success in general high-order inference problems. Finally, we connect the performance of our algorithm and the hyperedge expansion property using a novel hypergraph Cheeger-type inequality.
Path Neural Networks: Expressive and Accurate Graph Neural Networks
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have recently become the standard approach for learning with graph-structured data. Prior work has shed light into their potential, but also their limitations. Unfortunately, it was shown that standard GNNs are limited in their expressive power. These models are no more powerful than the 1-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman (1-WL) algorithm in terms of distinguishing non-isomorphic graphs. In this paper, we propose Path Neural Networks (PathNNs), a model that updates node representations by aggregating paths emanating from nodes. We derive three different variants of the PathNN model that aggregate single shortest paths, all shortest paths and all simple paths of length up to K. We prove that two of these variants are strictly more powerful than the 1-WL algorithm, and we experimentally validate our theoretical results. We find that PathNNs can distinguish pairs of non-isomorphic graphs that are indistinguishable by 1-WL, while our most expressive PathNN variant can even distinguish between 3-WL indistinguishable graphs. The different PathNN variants are also evaluated on graph classification and graph regression datasets, where in most cases, they outperform the baseline methods.
On Bridging the Gap between Mean Field and Finite Width Deep Random Multilayer Perceptron with Batch Normalization
Mean-field theory is widely used in theoretical studies of neural networks. In this paper, we analyze the role of depth in the concentration of mean-field predictions for Gram matrices of hidden representations in deep multilayer perceptron (MLP) with batch normalization (BN) at initialization. It is postulated that the mean-field predictions suffer from layer-wise errors that amplify with depth. We demonstrate that BN avoids this error amplification with depth. When the chain of hidden representations is rapidly mixing, we establish a concentration bound for a mean-field model of Gram matrices. To our knowledge, this is the first concentration bound that does not become vacuous with depth for standard MLPs with a finite width.
Which Features are Learnt by Contrastive Learning? On the Role of Simplicity Bias in Class Collapse and Feature Suppression
Contrastive learning (CL) has emerged as a powerful technique for representation learning, with or without label supervision. However, supervised CL is prone to collapsing representations of subclasses within a class by not capturing all their features, and unsupervised CL may suppress harder class-relevant features by focusing on learning easy class-irrelevant features; both significantly compromise representation quality. Yet, there is no theoretical understanding of <em>class collapse</em> or <em>feature suppression</em> at <em>test</em> time. We provide the first unified theoretically rigorous framework to determine <em>which</em> features are learnt by CL. Our analysis indicate that, perhaps surprisingly, bias of (stochastic) gradient descent towards finding simpler solutions is a key factor in collapsing subclass representations and suppressing harder class-relevant features. Moreover, we present increasing embedding dimensionality and improving the quality of data augmentations as two theoretically motivated solutions to feature suppression. We also provide the first theoretical explanation for why employing supervised and unsupervised CL together yields higher-quality representations, even when using commonly-used stochastic gradient methods.
Hyperparameters in Reinforcement Learning and How To Tune Them
In order to improve reproducibility, deep reinforcement learning (RL) has been adopting better scientific practices such as standardized evaluation metrics and reporting. However, the process of hyperparameter optimization still varies widely across papers, which makes it challenging to compare RL algorithms fairly. In this paper, we show that hyperparameter choices in RL can significantly affect the agent's final performance and sample efficiency, and that the hyperparameter landscape can strongly depend on the tuning seed which may lead to overfitting. We therefore propose adopting established best practices from AutoML, such as the separation of tuning and testing seeds, as well as principled hyperparameter optimization (HPO) across a broad search space. We support this by comparing multiple state-of-the-art HPO tools on a range of RL algorithms and environments to their hand-tuned counterparts, demonstrating that HPO approaches often have higher performance and lower compute overhead. As a result of our findings, we recommend a set of best practices for the RL community, which should result in stronger empirical results with fewer computational costs, better reproducibility, and thus faster progress. In order to encourage the adoption of these practices, we provide plug-and-play implementations of the tuning algorithms used in this paper at
Towards Constituting Mathematical Structures for Learning to Optimize
Learning to Optimize (L2O), a technique that utilizes machine learning to learn an optimization algorithm automatically from data, has gained arising attention in recent years. A generic L2O approach parameterizes the iterative update rule and learns the update direction as a black-box network. While the generic approach is widely applicable, the learned model can overfit and may not generalize well to out-of-distribution test sets. In this paper, we derive the basic mathematical conditions that successful update rules commonly satisfy. Consequently, we propose a novel L2O model with a mathematics-inspired structure that is broadly applicable and generalized well to out-of-distribution problems. Numerical simulations validate our theoretical findings and demonstrate the superior empirical performance of the proposed L2O model.
Identifiability and Generalizability in Constrained Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Two main challenges in Reinforcement Learning (RL) are designing appropriate reward functions and ensuring the safety of the learned policy. To address these challenges, we present a theoretical framework for Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) in constrained Markov decision processes. From a convex-analytic perspective, we extend prior results on reward identifiability and generalizability to both the constrained setting and a more general class of regularizations. In particular, we show that identifiability up to potential shaping (Cao et al., 2021) is a consequence of entropy regularization and may generally no longer hold for other regularizations or in the presence of safety constraints. We also show that to ensure generalizability to new transition laws and constraints, the true reward must be identified up to a constant. Additionally, we derive a finite sample guarantee for the suboptimality of the learned rewards, and validate our results in a gridworld environment.
Adaptive Whitening in Neural Populations with Gain-modulating Interneurons
Statistical whitening transformations play a fundamental role in many computational systems, and may also play an important role in biological sensory systems. Existing neural circuit models of adaptive whitening operate by modifying synaptic interactions; however, such modifications would seem both too slow and insufficiently reversible. Motivated by the extensive neuroscience literature on gain modulation, we propose an alternative model that adaptively whitens its responses by modulating the gains of individual neurons. Starting from a novel whitening objective, we derive an online algorithm that whitens its outputs by adjusting the marginal variances of an overcomplete set of projections. We map the algorithm onto a recurrent neural network with fixed synaptic weights and gain-modulating interneurons. We demonstrate numerically that sign-constraining the gains improves robustness of the network to ill-conditioned inputs, and a generalization of the circuit achieves a form of local whitening in convolutional populations, such as those found throughout the visual or auditory systems.
Optimizing the Collaboration Structure in Cross-Silo Federated Learning
In federated learning (FL), multiple clients collaborate to train machine learning models together while keeping their data decentralized. Through utilizing more training data, FL suffers from the potential negative transfer problem: the global FL model may even perform worse than the models trained with local data only. In this paper, we propose FedCollab, a novel FL framework that alleviates negative transfer by clustering clients into non-overlapping coalitions based on their distribution distances and data quantities. As a result, each client only collaborates with the clients having similar data distributions, and tends to collaborate with more clients when it has less data. We evaluate our framework with a variety of datasets, models, and types of non-IIDness. Our results demonstrate that FedCollab effectively mitigates negative transfer across a wide range of FL algorithms and consistently outperforms other clustered FL algorithms.
Smart Initial Basis Selection for Linear Programs
The simplex method, introduced by Dantzig more than half a century ago, is still to date one of the most efficient methods for solving large-scale linear programming (LP) problems. While the simplex method is known to have the finite termination property under mild assumptions, the number of iterations until optimality largely depends on the choice of initial basis. Existing strategies for selecting an advanced initial basis are mostly rule-based. These rules usually require extensive expert knowledge and empirical study to develop. Yet, many of them fail to exhibit consistent improvement, even for LP problems that arise in a single application scenario. In this paper, we propose a learning-based approach for initial basis selection. We employ graph neural networks as a building block and develop a model that attempts to capture the relationship between LP problems and their optimal bases. In addition, during the inference phase, we supplement the learning-based prediction with linear algebra tricks to ensure the validity of the generated initial basis. We validate the effectiveness of our proposed strategy by extensively testing it with state-of-the-art simplex solvers, including the open-source solver HiGHS and the commercial solver OptVerse. Through these rigorous experiments, we demonstrate that our strategy achieves substantial speedup and consistently outperforms existing rule-based methods. Furthermore, we extend the proposed approach to generating restricted master problems for column generation methods and present encouraging numerical results.
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