Hot Wheels
[ "amputee" ]
The store wasn't opened yet as I walked through my department, women's clothes, to put my purse away in the back. Mary hollered out "Hey Jenny! How's it hanging?" When I said 'hollered', I was being literal. There was nothing subtle about her. Mary is one of those chubby, and I'm trying to be kind, women who can no longer see between their legs because their gut hangs over everything down there. Never have been to her house, or double wide trailer, whatever it is, but I envision it is full of stray cats and dogs, and surely no man or husband or partner of any kind to be found or even a trace of a past one. I'm older, not 'old', let's just say I'm over 40, well not more than 10 years older than that. Age has been good to me. I'm still slim and shapely, tall and pretty, long gray hair, usually in a pony tail. Heads till turn, I guess hearts still pound once in a while. I like to think so. But quite a few miles on my chassis, some worn parts here and there. I use Jenny, rather than Jen or Jennifer. That is my one hold out to my youth. This is a good department to work in. I love to look at some of the women that shop here. Oh my, there are some beauties too. Lots of regulars, know most of them by name. A little chit chat with them. Never have been so bold to try and meet any of them socially. Would like to of course. A few I use for mental imagery when I masturbate, something still I love to do. My fingers and I are real good friends, lovers you might say, even if the relationship is a bit one sided. Sometimes a customer will need some help in the dressing room, usually picked up the wrong size. One morning a pretty woman, yes, yes, late 20's, early 30's maybe, asked me to get her a different size dress. When I returned, she opened the door and was naked from top to bottom. Her body was better than anything I'd seen in a porn movie; perky breasts, nice waist, fine hips. My pussy was shaking and dripping, almost puddling on the floor, guess that's one problem with not wearing panties, as I looked at her. She looked straight at my face. "Thought you would like this." I just stood there like a fool. My hand trembled over my crotch, I wanted so badly to touch myself. I really wanted to touch her too, but I was also afraid I'd get fired. There was not a speck of hair between her legs and that was exactly where she was touching herself now. I knew there were some cameras in this area, but none that could see into a dressing enclosure. I closed the door and stood in front of her. "I can't quite reach this part." Of course she could, she already was. Her hand clearly between her legs and she was begging for me to touch her or she was just messing with my head. I went for the gold. "Let me help." I placed my hand over her mound, a finger tip slid between the soft folds of skin. I don't know who was wetter, but she was definitely very damp. She threw her head back as my finger ran across her clit, a soft gasp escaped her slightly open mouth, her hands rested on my shoulders for support, as I continued to flick her clit. Her fingers squeezed my shoulders very tight for a moment. "Oh thank you ..." she glanced at my name tag, "... Jenny. I think I'm ready to try that other size now." That kind of break in the day is rare, but not as rare as you might think. I live for those days. I always love to look, to get more memories. My life is made of memories like that. Back from lunch that day, I strolled through the department to see if anyone needed help. Over by the dresses, I saw Kim. She was one of my more favorite customers and had been coming in maybe once, sometimes twice, a week for the last few months. Like all the others, I didn't really know her, but we always had a nice conversation when she was here. Nothing substantial, didn't know what she did, if she was married, where she lived, nothing much. I walked towards her, waiting until I was almost by her before saying anything. "Good afternoon Kim. How's my number one customer?" "So nice to see you Jenny. I'm doing just great. Looking for a lightweight travel dress." "Most are gone now. I think you've found just about all that are left. Going on a trip?" Not such a stupid question, she might have just wanted that style for around town. "Yeah. Something's come up. Nothing big." "Hope it will be a fun time." "Think it will be. Don't know how long I'll be away. But I will return. I promise. Love our talks." She was sweet to say that. Gave me hope. We were about the same age and she definitely made my heart race. "Let me know if I can help. Seems this afternoon we are shorthanded and swamped with customers. This morning was dead around here." I glanced over my shoulder as I walked away. I could feel an extra thump in my chest. Later I looked for Kim and she was gone. I didn't see her leave and I was saddened that she didn't say goodbye, maybe I was with a customer. I convinced myself that was what happened. At least it made me feel better. That night I had vivid dreams of Kim kissing all over my body, sucking my pussy, me sucking hers. They were all wonderful. I would wake up and replay them in my mind, making each one even better in the replay, masturbating as I watched. I must have had 3 or 4 orgasms during the night. Not a record, but a bit unusual for me. Even if I didn't have an orgasm, I thoroughly enjoyed myself each time. Over the months, the twenty-something woman returned a few times and entertained me in the dressing room. I don't know why, don't know who she was, never knew when she would be here, but she seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. It was almost like the anonymity was a major factor for her, maybe for me too. I hadn't seen Kim since that day she was looking for a travel dress. It had been over 6 months and I'd almost given up seeing her again. That, for some strange reason, left a small hole in my being, my soul. I had grown fond of our short visits, don't know exactly why. I've never been able to put my finger on 'why' one person excited me and another didn't. She definitely excited me. I wished that we had tried to have lunch or meet away from the store. Sometimes the loss of a person makes them seem ever more special. Suddenly one day, I saw her head moving past the tables of clothes. She seemed shorter. I hustled towards where I thought she was. Oh goodie, goodie, she was here. My heart raced at the thought. I had built up what probably was an unreal fantasy of the two of us sailing off into the sunset together, the perfect love. You know, the perfect end to a chick flick. I knew she probably didn't feel the same way for me, in fact I didn't even know if she liked women in 'that way'. Maybe she was married. As I got closer, all those negative thoughts I'd never allowed myself to have, filled my mind. Was I about to get my heart broken? I looked up and down the aisles of clothes. I turned a corner and saw her. My mouth must have bounced off the floor, I could have sworn I felt the carpet against my chin. "Hi Jenny. It's wonderful to see you again." "What ..." Further words failed to leave my mouth as I looked at her, sitting in a bright yellow wheelchair, her short skirt laying flat on the seat in front of her hips. I walked closer and kneeled down in front of her, my hands resting on the edge of the seat. I looked at her hips, then up to her face. "Love ..." She had never said anything like that to me before. "... I'm just fine. I'm happy. Please don't be sad." "I was so worried about you. I thought I'd never see you again." "I know. It was mean of me. I wasn't going to come back. I didn't want to feel like I had to explain this ... to anyone. That's why I didn't say goodbye the last time I saw you. Eventually, I just had to try seeing you one more time. You were the only one I just had to see." "Oh Kim. I'm so happy you did. Let's have dinner tonight and talk. I so much want to just talk to you. I missed you." Work dragged the rest of the day. I was useless. I managed to talk someone into covering for me so I could leave early. I rushed home, cleaned myself up, put on a skimpy dress, something that revealed a little too much of my charms. I felt sexy going out with Kim and I wanted her to see me in that way. I wanted her to not be able to resist me. I wanted to end up in bed with her tonight and I took no chances. My long slim legs extended way, way, down from my almost too short dress with the opening at the top unbuttoned enough to show a little cleavage between my smallish breasts. Hope she wasn't a 'boob' kind of woman. I laughed at myself a little for even having such a thought. I adjusted one breast, not that they were big enough to adjust much, letting my fingers linger for a moment, loving how it felt to touch myself. My God, I was way ahead of myself. I was making up all kinds of feelings for a woman I still didn't even know if she would be interested in me in that kind of way. Oh I hoped she would. Been a long time since I'd had feeling like this. We went nice restaurant I had picked, one of those dimly lit, deeply romantic kind with the dark red velvet wallpaper, where the waiters speak that funny fake French and wear tuxedoes. She had suggested we just meet there, that sometimes she had trouble getting into other peoples houses with her chair. I got there a little early thinking I'd just wait in the lounge, have a drink, and relax my nerves a little. When I got there, her glass was almost empty. She was radiant and dressed very nicely. She held up her drink towards me. "You have a little catching up to do." The bar tender looked at me, I looked at him. "Whatever it is, give me one." I could barely stand, my knees shook like a teenager's on his first date. Nothing mattered anymore other than just being with Kim. Her lack of legs didn't even matter to me. She was still Kim. I sat next to her at the table. "Do you ever look marvelous." "Thanks for suggesting we meet. Guess I've fantasized about this for a while." "You're so sweet to say that. Me too." "Ladies, your table is ready. I will have someone bring your drinks." We were shown to a semicircular, thickly padded, booth near the fireplace. Making reservations, I'd asked for this booth, knowing it was the most romantic one. I was glad it was chilly outside so the fire would be burning. I expected Kim to just stay in her chair, but she moved to the booth and slid next to me, closer than actually necessary. Nice. As much as I wanted to just sit and stare across the table into her face, oh what a face it was, the face that launched a thousand ships, I was excited by the fact that she had actually made the effort to sit real close to me. As the waiter placed the opened menus in front of us, a young lady sat our drinks on the table. Kim looked at me. "Remember when you were that young? Those were the days my friend." "Bet you broke all the boys hearts?" "Actually all the girls hearts." Her hand was wrapped around her drink glass, just stroking the sides with her fingers up and down like a hard cock, the moisture dripping down her hand like my pussy juices down my thigh. I rubbed the back of her hand lightly with the back of mine. "Me too." "Lets not do that to each other." "I hope not ... Kim." She took my hand and rolled it over, placing her palm on mine, her fingers intertwined with mine. Lifting our hands, she lightly kissed the back of mine once. "Are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?" Kim looked up at the waiter and smiled. "Sorry. A special night. A few more minutes." My heart melted as I heard her say that. The glow of the firelight reflected off her face. Maybe others would not think of us raving beauties, but I could not get over just how lovely, just how gorgeous Kim was to me. "Very well Madam." Fake French is better than no French I guess. He turned and walked away. We looked through the menus, discussing what we liked and didn't, what sounded good and didn't. So much to choose from. I loved to eat here. The waiter was back, looking at us like this would be our last chance to order for the night. "Filet Mignon is my favorite here. That and a nice Merlot." "You hit the nail on the head Jenny. Two of those please, medium, with bearnaise sauce, and blue cheese for the salad. And a nice Merlot. You can choose sir." "Very well." He left. Kim sat looking at me, her blue eyes had me locked in her spell. It was all I could do to keep from embarrassing myself by just jumping on top of her right now and yelling 'suck my cunt, all night long'. I controlled myself and just leaned over to give her a small peck on the lips. "I'm so glad you came back Kim." The waiter held the bottle in front of Kim before she could reply to me. "That'll be fine." He opened it and let her taste it. "Very nice." He poured some for both of us and left again. Kim raised her glass. "To the start of something nice." I clinked my glass against hers. "Yes it is." I felt her hand rest on my thigh, higher than just above the knee, as her lips briefly touched my cheek. Almost by instinct, I put my hand on her thigh, but it landed on her flattened skirt. A smile filled her face. "I forget too." She moved my hand, pressing it over the front of her hip. "There." Her hand remained on top of mine for a second before moving back to my thigh, this time a little higher. "I like the way you feel there." I had never known or thought about what it would be like to be with someone with a body like Kim now had. She could have an eye in the middle of her forehead. I just wanted to be with her. We just looked at each other's face as we sipped the wine, filled our glasses, sipped more, ate our salads. We were both on another planet. The bottle was nearly empty when the main course arrived. Kim held the bottle up. "Another." "Why yes, just a moment." I found that such a quaint way to answer with a question, it made me smile. After the waiter was far enough away, I mentioned it to Kim. We both giggled together about that and the funny accent. The first glass of the 2nd bottle went down far too fast and far too smoothly. Usually it only takes me one glass to get a little silly, tonight I'd had 3 so far plus my drink from the lounge. Of course Kim was just as plastered. Good thing it was just a mile down quiet streets to my place. Only one small step into it. I felt sure we could get her chair inside. What did I know? I just hoped. The waiter took my credit card. I looked at Kim, leaned towards her and gave her a kiss that lasted just long enough to say 'I want more'. "Oh Jenny, I've had a wonderful time tonight. This has been so good." She squeezed my hand and held it, not letting it go. "Do me the favor of coming back to my place." "Steps?" "Just a small one. We can find a way." "Or you could come to mine. I'm just a mile away." "In the Valley View Apartments?" "Yes?" "Me too. #2125." "#9125." "Oh my God, we're neighbors! Just a few buildings apart." I parked in my usual place and walked, staggered, over to Kim's, one building from mine. She was just getting into her wheelchair as I got there. "Do they allow drunken wheelchair pushing?" "Would that be a DWP?" We had similar floor plans, even the same spartan decorating ideas. She had been in her place less than a month and still had boxes piled here and there. I know we had the same ideas about what to do now, only she beat me to the bedroom and was just moving onto the bed when I got there. "Damn Hot Wheels, that chair is fast." "Shut up and kiss me. I've got a major fire down below that needs to be dealt with real fast." I laid next to her, arms around each other, mouths locked together, tongues not to be untangled for some time, fanning those flames even more. Her hands roamed over my body, mine over hers. I released her mouth, her tongue, turned, and began kissing my way down her front, over her clothes, my hand leading the way. I skipped past her breasts, time for that later. I knew where I wanted my mouth and quickly too. Skirt up over her hips, my fingers were rubbing her pussy lips just moments before my tongue parted them. I could feel her mouth feasting on me at the other end of the bed. I stopped just long enough to say "I love you down here." before resuming my desert. My hands pulled her skirt over her hips. Without legs, it was instantly off, and fell to the floor. "Opps." I mumbled. My lips kissed across her hips, across the faint white scars where her legs used to be. I wanted her to know I didn't mind, that it didn't bother me. Patiently, I continued my kisses until I was again were covering her luscious lips, parting them, licking the delicious wetness, uncovering her overly large clit from its hiding place, sucking it between my lips, nibbling on it with my teeth. She was urging me on. "Suck me, harder, yeah like that, more. She was out of control! I too was commanding "bite my clit, lick it, you're good baby." Then we both were racked with a marvelous simultaneous orgasm and a few aftershocks, maybe another orgasm or two before we slowed, then stopped. We turned so we were face to face again, laying sideways across the bed, her body not reaching fully across, my feet dangling over the edge. We kissed for a while, nuzzled, cuddled, and just held each other close. "Damn Kim! I was so horny. That was great." "Nice we both were. Hoping you would want me. Now we have that out of the way, maybe the rest of tonight we can just make sweet love and explore how wonderful it is to lay next to each other." "You said that so nicely." "Kim ... you do feel nice against me." My hand draped over her hip, touching all over where that leg had been. "I'm glad. It feels good when you touch me like that." Between the wine and the love making, it was 10:30 when we woke up. I looked at the clock. "Hope no one had to go to work." "It's Saturday silly." "Oh yeah. So kiss me fool." "Gotta pee really bad." "Only if you let me watch." "Jenny is a dirty girl!" Kim moved into her chair and I followed as she rolled into the bathroom. My finger dragged through her pussy as the urine splashed in the water. Done, I licked my fingers. "This was just to show you how special you are to me. I don't want there to be anything we can't share. Know that Kim. Don't feel like you have to hide anything." I folded up some toilet paper and wiped her. "Thanks for letting me be here with you." I kissed her while she sat on the toilet. For the rest of the weekend, we talked, made love, had sex, ate each other, also some food, and just started learning more about each other. Hours seemed compressed into seconds. Sunday evening, I sat next to her on the couch. Both undressed, watching nothing on TV, holding hands. Acting like new lovers should. "Will you watch me?" "Watch?" "Yeah Kim. Watch me masturbate." "I'd love too. That is such a turn on. Should we take turns or do it at the same time?" There seemed to be nothing one of us wanted to do or talk about that the other didn't also. Real soul mates. "Take turns." I moved closer to the arm of the couch and leaned my back against it so I was facing her with my legs spread apart. She did the same. "You cheated. You didn't spread your legs." "Good one Jenny. I may keep you now." As I dipped my fingers inside me, stroked my thighs, licked my fingers, flicked my clit a bunch, breathing hard, I could tell Kim was having trouble just watching. She had a finger tip rubbing up and down across her clit, slowly at first, but soon matching pace with me. "That is fucking beautiful Kim. I'm so glad you can't wait for me to finish." "You are such a tease, such a turn on. I've never been with someone that lit me up like you do. Have I told you that you have fantastic looking pussy. Your pussy lips are just gorgeous baby. So even, so neat. Oh, you taste so damn good too. You're going to have a fucking hard time getting rid of me lover." "Oh darling ... I ... ah ... here it is ... ah, ah ... oh fuck." I panted and relaxed. "I didn't know someone could just talk and make me orgasm. You are good baby." "Do you really have to go to work tomorrow?" "Afraid so. What did you have in mind?" "Well my bed isn't messed up enough. Could work on that." "Temp me tiger, temp me. Heaven help me. I feel like a kid again. All I want to do is be with you Kim." "I'm glad. I'm pretty hooked on you already myself." The next month became a transition period as we consolidated our lives, our belongings, and I started living in her, well now, our apartment. It was a good time for both of us. Our personalities were so similar, our likes, interests, just everything. Almost like we were identical twins. I even let go of my apartment. The days were torture. Time passed like all the clocks had been unplugged and the watches stopped. Fucking customers, forever asking for help. Get a life. Don't bother me. Go away. But when I walked through that front door and saw Kim each evening, I was a reborn teenaged girl. My motor was roaring and my pussy needed taking care of. And Kim had the medicine for me. Her pussy wrapped around my tongue, and mine around hers. That was the ticket for both of us. I was sure the neighbors thought wildcats had moved in next door with the way we'd scream and moan through the evening and night. Summer was at last here and we'd been together 9 months. We had celebrated being together every day and today was no different. "Hey Jenny! Guess what I won?" She was waving an envelope and rolling towards me. I picked her up and held her in my arms. God was she light and nice to hold. "First, how's my little sex pot? Who loves ya baby?" "You do." Kim wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply. "No one loves me as good as my beautiful Jenny." "Where we going?" "To bed?" "No silly. You won something." "Oh. ... Yup. I'm holding a letter that says we have won ... ta da ... 14 nights in Jamaica plus air fair for 2. How's that sound my favorite pussy cakes?" "Do we leave tonight?" "I wish. It's at one of those adult only places. Just think of all the hot bodied tanned chickies we'll get to ogle. Woo Hoo!" "We need to get you one of those tiny thong bathing suits. You'll make peoples eyes fall out." "Yeah, or just puke." "Good. All the more attention I can lavish on you stud muffin." "Oh yeah? Pussy licker." "Muff diver." Still cradled in my arms, I walked straight in to the bedroom and tossed her short body onto the bed, ripped her clothes off, and began licking her pussy. "Oh you suck me so good, oh yeah pull my clit way out like that, yeah baby, yeah baby. The 60 second cum! All most there, yeah, yeah ... Oh you're good, real good. ... Fucking good baby." I cupped my hands over her hips, where her legs used to be. "Damn nice not to have these in the way. Damn nice." I kissed her all over her hips, ran my fingers though her ass crack, over her asshole, licked her pussy lips, teasing them as I nibbled and pulled on them with my lips, my teeth. "There'll be hell to pay if you stop now Jenny Lou!" Not my name, but she'd toss it in when she wanted to make sure to get my attention. "You better fucking finish this next orgasm for me!" I kept sucking her clit like a small cock, a finger explored her pussy, pressed against that wonderful patch of skin, that spot in her pussy, stroked it more and more. Her hands, her fingers grabbed the sheets, pulling it from the corners of the mattress, holding it tight across her face, then in her mouth to muffle her screams, her hips were bouncing left and right. I held on with my hands now as I sucked her clit. Her fingers scraped across her chest leaving marks. "Oh my God Jenny. That's ... that's ... oh yeah Jenny ... oh yeah." "Was it gooood for youuu?" I teased knowing full well it was one of her best orgasms. "Oh you are a gooood fucker. I write it on all the bathroom walls." "Wondered what all those strange phone calls were about?" Kim forced me onto my back and held me down with her hand pressing against my shoulders. Her lips teased mine, first just pressing against them, then licking them lightly spreading moisture around, my tongue touching her lips here and there. She took her time. I couldn't move. I didn't want to. I wanted to be her prisoner. I was hers now. She dragged her tongue everywhere, across my eyes, my ear lobes, she nibbled some, licked some. I already burned like a person in the desert and she had just started. I tried to touch myself, couldn't. Tried to touch her, she wouldn't let me. Minutes, felt like hours, as she worked over my face, my neck, with her mouth, still holding me down. With almost imperceptible movements, she worked her way down my throat, across my chest, stomach. I was trying to beg her to kiss my pussy, but she would cover my mouth with her hand, her mouth, then start again each time I asked or begged. I ached, the passion overwhelming. I was desperate for release, to be touched all over my pussy. Everything else was very nice, I just wanted to be touched, kissed, sucked, there, my pussy, my cunt, there! Nowhere but there! On the 3rd pass, now below my stomach, she kissed my navel and then skipped over my pussy and kissed my thighs, first the left, then the right. She teased me, letting her mouth hover over my pussy, my cunt. I could feel her warm, her hot breath blow on it. She was so close. Oh my God, please! Her legless hips were in my face, her body on my chest, her mouth between my hips and knees. I leaned down and tried to kiss her pussy, to urge her to kiss mine, but she pulled it away, threatening to start over with my face, taking even longer to get where I desperately wanted her to be. Her face comes close to the goal again. I can almost feel her tongue lick to one side of my labia, then the other. Oh fuck you Kim! I'm going to cum all over your face as soon as your tongue touches my cunt, my clit. She does. Oh my God, she does. The electricity races though my whole body. I pull her hips against my face, almost biting into them as I convulse, spasm, shake uncontrollably. This is it. Thank you, thank you. Hell yes. This is it. I fall back, chest pounding, heart racing, feeling darkness coming over me. I try to stay in this world. I try hard. Oh my goodness that was good. My hand holds my chest to keep my heart inside. I can feel my heart start to slow a little. I'm going to live. Yes, I'm still alive. Life returns to me. "I love you Kim. I do. Always be here with me." The plane landed in Jamaica. It was so bloody hot as we got off the plane. My clothes were instantly soaking wet. Got Kim's chair, went through customs, got one small suitcase, filled with bathing suits and a few skirts and blouses, from the carousel, down the elevator, and waited and waited. Melting even more. Eventually we saw a man holding up a sign with our names. "We're Kim and Jenny." He was from the resort and drove us there. Glad he was driving. I didn't know all the correct beeps of the horn for sure. We checked in. Our room looked like a hut with what appeared to be a grass roof. All the rooms were like ours, little huts under palm trees all over the place. A living room, bedroom, and bath. The air conditioner worked hard, almost begging to be put out of it's misery. 'hum, hum, shoot me, hum, hum, shoot me'. I was sure that's what it sounded like. It was cool inside though. Nothing like outside. Plenty of space, more than I thought from the first glance outside. Wide doorways. Very accessible as promised. I watched as Kim swung from her chair and launched herself in an arc, as if shot from a cannon, hips first onto the middle of the bed. She's cute when she does that, but I do worry about her overshooting. I fell backwards onto the bed and landed next to her. "Well pussy licker, what do you think?" "Hey muff diver. I think you're pretty fine. Nice ass for a lady without legs." "Good enough for you to eat?" "Yeah, I guess? Want to check out the natives?" "Only 'yeah, I guess'? If that's all, let's get those band aid sized thongs on and go terrorize everyone." It was clear from the women around the pool, that we might have been silly to be concerned about the way we looked in thongs. Oh my God. I hope this is not everyone that is here. A few looked like chubby Mary's from work, but in a thong. If anyone gets upset at Kim for showing her stumps, I'll get my gun out. Oh my. Where's the barf bag. Some of the guys weren't much better. I spread out our towels, helped Kim down from her chair. Sure, she can manage, but I love to do things for her even if it is faster when I don't help. The sun in the tropics felt nice on our aging skin. Already in Heaven. Right now I didn't care if I died from skin cancer. Just loved laying next to Kim. We held hands, talked, looked around, acted like young lovers. Some man with the hotel knew exactly what I wanted and handed us each a very tall rum punch. Guess you can't be in Jamaica without one in your hand, everyone seems to have one. Doesn't take long before there are no cares in the world with one of these. Just one happy buzz. Eventually, a few hot body women sit by the pool. I'm happy now. Good eye candy, real good. Tasty I'm sure. What a dirty old lady I am. Hours pass, sun starts to go down, nice red glow in the sky, sailor's delight they say. Dinner is set in an open air eating area. Wheelchair by a table for 2, saving our place, I cradle Kim in my arms to go thought the line. People stare, we ignore them. As far as we're concerned, we're the only people in this world. A server insists I let him get our food for us. The food is great, but not what we normally eat, but still great. Not sure what it was, but remembered that most everything tastes like chicken. Didn't look like chicken. Hoped it wasn't fried shark penis. After dinner, we tried a place in the resort by the beach that makes burgers. Better. Now we're full. Sun is down now. Chair in the room. I carry Kim, love to have her cradled in my arms, one of her arms is around my neck, not very far from the room, to the 'Swing Bar' on a pier over the ocean. One with swings for seats, all hanging from long ropes around a circular bar. We take the last 2. Bar tender hands us two rum punches. Kim swings back and forth. People watch with amazement and fascination as her short black skirt flips up as she swings forward. Flips sometimes more than other times, revealing too much. No one minds that. Two more drinks. By now, they go down like ice tea. Two more. We're pretty looped. I wonder if I can carry Kim all the way back to the room. Not that far, but even a few steps now would seem like a hundred miles. Maybe should have brought the chair. Too drunk to think of just going back by myself and getting it. My arms are noodles, my legs weak. I laugh hard at myself as I stumble a little when I take my first step. Kim is flexible like Mr. Gumby as I try to pick her up. We are 2 silly drunks. Not that everyone else isn't also. "Would you like some help?" Some tall handsome American guy grabs my arm to keep me from falling. I looked into his baby blue eyes. I slur my speech. "Sure. Might have to make a second trip for me though." He cradles Kim in one arm against his chest like a big sack of flour. She looks at him and mumbles "Not even a leg to stand on." He holds my hand with this free hand as he leads me back to our room. By our door, the smell of a joint wafts overhead. "Haven't smelled that for a long time. Can't do ...." Kim mumbles and her voice trails off, her head resting on his shoulder. I opened the door and he lays Kim on the bed, her short black skirt flips back revealing her naked hips and pussy. I sat down, more like I plopped down. "Thanks for the help." "See both of you tomorrow." "If I can get my sea legs." Kim babbles. The door shuts. "Gotta be more careful about those drinks." We passed out on the bed. A few knocks on the door. "Room service!" A few more knocks, louder this time. "Room service!" The woman shaking my shoulder is a lovely very dark skinned person. "Ma'am? ... If you want any breakfast or coffee, you need to wake up." She shakes my shoulder again. "What?" I stir a little. "What time is it?" "9:30. Breakfast is almost over. We're here to clean your room." I shake Kim. She moves a little. "Baby, we need to try and wake up. Days wasting." I help her into her chair, run a brush through both our hair, and wheel her out the door, still wearing last night clothes. The head, humidity, and bright sunlight blast into our eyes. Startled, she sits upright. "What happened?" "Ten gallons of rum punch dear. Time for breakfast. Try not to look too brain damaged." She slapped her face a little. "I'm a live, I think. I kind of remember a guy carrying me back to the room last night." "He was very nice and helped both of us back. We might have become shark bait otherwise." "Shit! They got my legs!" She yelled a bit louder than necessary as I pushed her down the path. A few people looked at her with shock. No place for me to hide either, so I just laughed. So did Kim. Not sure everyone is up for her dry sense of humor. Food on the tray, tray on the table, coffee cups in our shaking hands for a few minutes as we tried to sip the black liquid. I spread some butter on our toast, shake salt and pepper on the scrambled eggs. "So you made it through the night?" A head blocked the sun. Couldn't quite see what it looked like. Then I realized where I'd heard the voice. "Oh. Hi! Thanks for saving our sorry asses last night. A real knight in shining armor." "You may not be ready for much conversation right now, but we'd like to join you if it is okay?" We? I tried to focus a little. He was with 2 females, couldn't see their faces yet, but I could see their crotches. definitely female. Real hard to focus, bright light, fuzzy head. You know the drill. "Sure pull up some chairs." "Brought mine this time so you won't have to carry me again." "Not a problem Kim. ... This is Patty, my wife and Connie her girlfriend. ... Oh, I'm Robert." At last I was able to focus enough to see the 3 people. They all looked like there were maybe in their early 30's. All pretty good looking. Not even a little orange hair, no Mohawk hair cuts, no whale bones through the cheeks. Nothing at all strange. The more I looked at Robert, the more I realized how handsome he was. A real Marlboro Man kind of guy. Kim squinted, and moved her head slowly around. "Wow! The voices in my head have faces." "Yesterday must have been your first day. Takes a while to get used to those rum punches. Lots of rum followed by lots of punch." Patty laughed. "I got pretty shit faced my first day too. Some of it is the heat." "Oh, only the first day? I remember you knocking on more than one wrong door the 2nd night." "Thanks for reminding me Connie. I'd forgotten I was the ONLY one that got drunk." "Girls, girls. Be nice. We're supposed to be having fun." Kim leaned towards Connie. "Was that a joint I smelled last night? Fuck, that stuff used to make me so horny. Been a long time though." As I listened, I thought I heard a bit of a Australian accent. Both the women sounded the same. "You from Australia?" Patty looked towards me. "Right mate. And you?" "The States. We're here for 14 days." "Guess I can rescue you for 2 more days. You're pretty light Kim. Won't mind that. Not at all." Patty slapped him on the arm. "Be nice." "Oh he was a perfect gentleman. Don't remember TOO many inappropriate touches." Kim laughed. "Wasn't quite sure how to hold you. Not as many handles on your body." "Just glad you didn't mistake me for a 2 hole bowling ball." We all laughed at that one. Connie looked up and down at Kim. "You have a nice wit about you. Some like you don't." Kim and I ignored the 'like you' part. "Thanks. Jenny and I are real lucky to have each other." "Speaking of fingers in 2 holes, Connie and I need to run back to the room for a while. Stop by for a smoke later if you want." "Bye girls." Robert waved as they walked away. "Unusual that a guy is that comfortable letting his wife have a girlfriend." "Oh they're lots of benefits. Like both of you, they are real easy on the eyes. Know what I mean? An I get to watch a lot of times. Something they both enjoy." "You're sweet." "They like to be watched?" He looked around to see who was close by. "Hell yes. Both real show offs and Patty loves to go both ways, but I think she is very partial to Connie. Get my stones off." The next 2 days were fun, watching Patty and Connie, and Robert and Patty, all messing around. We smoked some good weed, traded stories, made lewd suggestive comments, just being wild and crazy for a while. Never traded touches, well nothing too sexual; well maybe a finger on a clit, a tit, or a cock, nothing much else. Just had a refreshing time. Robert was kind and carried Kim out into the ocean a few times and let her swim while he stayed close by. The resort had a half day scuba experience where they showed people how to use the equipment in the pool, then went out for a few hours in the ocean. We enquired and a lovely woman, in a revealing bathing suit, smiled and explained she would LOVE to help Kim. We both looked at Rose, then each other, and smiled as we squeezed each others hand harder. Half an hour later we were in the pool. Kim had a few extra small weights added to her belt help keep her hips down. Rose worked just with Kim and me while 2 guys worked with the rest of the class. I watched underwater as her hands held Kim by the hips, letting them slide around more than necessary just to support her. I think Kim was enjoying herself as well. We both quickly caught on to breathing, clearing our masks, going up and down. One of the men with the dive shop carried Kim to the boat and helped her in after the others were seated. I think she enjoyed the extra attention. I could have sworn I noticed a few stolen looks, growing bulges in a few bathing suits, and a few tongues rubbing across the lips. The ride out into the ocean was fun, wind in the hair, blue water, boat bouncing over small waves. We anchored in water that was turquoise, a little murky, with brightly colored fish swimming about. I was glad Kim refrained from any jokes about how she didn't have to worry about sharks nibbling on her legs. Pretty sure some of the people didn't do well in the pool, and now we were in 40 feet of open ocean. Kim was placed on the edge of the boat, tank on her back, Rose in the water, and then Kim leaned backwards. She landed near Rose, sank for a moment, and returned to the surface with Rose pushing her up with a hand under her crotch. "You okay?" "Oh baby. After that, you bet! I'm ready when you are." Rose held Kim's hand, pulling and kicking her legs. Sometimes Rose would give her a shove with a hand under Kim's crotch, usually to help her go up, but I knew there were times she did it to cop a feel. I swam nearby, watching them together, both seeming very happy. I could not believe the amount of freedom I felt while underwater. The fish were so colorful, like a very large fish tank full of sport fish of many colors. We fed them pieces of banana and the fish would eat out of our finger tips. Back at the bar, devoid of our scuba gear, rum punches in one hand, the fingers of the other intertwined together, we just looked at each other for a while. Kim broke the silence. "God was that great." "It was better than I could have imagined. Looked like Rose had a nice time. Glad she was able to help." "Her hand was so gentle, the soft touches sent goose bumps all over me. I loved the feeling of being pulled along. She fingered me a few times, specially coming up. Very nice. I was amazed at the sensations in my hips as she pulled me though. The way the water pressed against my hips as it flowed over them, really heightened the notion that my legs weren't there." "I loved watching you. You were so lovely down there. I mean down there below the surface. Hell yeah, you are so lovely 'down there' too." We laughed. "Ready for a nap?" We had a wonderful rest of the 2 weeks. Everyone was kind and helpful no matter what we needed, both the local people who worked there, and the other guests. It was a time that I would never forget. How I hated to arrive back at the airport. Back to 'real life'. At least I would be with Kim and she would be with me.
Four Wild and Crazy Girls
[ "naked under her dress", "going braless in public", "going pantyless more often", "a few sexy tops", "tiniest and sexiest bikinis", "shorter skirts", "leave all bras at home", "baring my tits", "seen our panties", "tiny g-string panty" ]
Hi! My name is Summer and I turned 18 in April of 2010. My parents have taken me on a couple cruises with them and I really enjoyed them. I am an only child and slightly spoiled. Since I was underage and with my parents I couldn't do all that I wanted to do, but I made a decision during our last cruise. I would be 18 yrs. old when I graduate high school and for my graduation present, I want to go on a cruise with my three best friends. During our last cruise I noticed some changes in my mother that I had never noticed before. My mother was dressing a lot less conservatively on board the ship than she ever did around our hometown. She seemed to always wear a bra at home and around town but she never seemed to wear a bra during the cruise and she was wearing some short dresses I didn't even know she had. And she seemed happier all the time, maybe it was the extra alcohol she was consuming or the extra attention Dad and some of the other men on board were giving her. I didn't even know she knew how to flirt, but she was sure doing her fair share of it during our last cruise and Dad didn't even seem to mind. Also I had never seen her dance with anyone other than my Dad before but she did during this cruise and she sure seemed to be enjoying herself a lot! I also noticed she had bought herself a couple tiny new bikinis and she still looked halfway decent in them. But what surprised me the most was the way the guys looked at her when she walked by them. Dad never got mad about it, he just smiled! But what really made me take notice was, one morning I had just stepped out of the bathroom and I saw Dad hugging mom and squeezing her butt as he kissed her and I overheard him say to her, "It seems like my naughty girl forgot to put anything on under this dress again." And she told him, "Nope I didn't forget. I'm on vacation too you know, and I feel like having a little naughty fun, and I know you like it when I go commando, right? So, I'm not planning on wearing any bars or panties for the rest of the cruise. You OK with that?" Dad just gave her another kiss as he pulled her to him and gave her ass another squeeze. I had stepped back quickly and I don't think they saw me but this really gave me a mild shock. Is my Mom really naked under her dress and had she been going out in public dressed like that and was really going to keep going braless and pantyless the rest of the cruise? I had never though of my mom as being naughty. This was going to take a while to sink in. I go braless around the house quite often and have even gone braless in public a number of times along with my friends (we all dare each other to go braless often) but my mom doesn't know that. It is really no big deal going braless in public anymore, I found out I enjoy it. So I decided to go braless the rest of the cruise also. If she could do it, so could I. I know that she and Dad noticed that morning at breakfast because my little nipples were hard under my tight t-shirt because of a cool morning air. Mom looked at me and opened her mouth as to say something but stopped and just smiled at me. I also went pantyless a few times under my shorts without Mom's knowledge and found it felt weird but an enjoyable weird feeling and decide I would explore going pantyless more often. This got me wondering what it would feel like to let loose and enjoy other new things. I wanted to find out, so that is why I asked my three best girl friends to join me on a cruise after we graduated. We all had part time jobs and started to immediately save money for our cruise. We had almost a year and a half to do it. We all told our parents of our plans and only Ashleigh's parents didn't like it but finally gave in after months of begging and the rest of us promising to keep and eye on her. Ashleigh, Coco, Becky, and I finally saved enough money and with the help of my parents, made our reservations 6 mouths ahead of time and we had enough money between us to get a room with a balcony. Since I was the only on to have even been on a cruise they asked me thousands of questions. About two weeks before we left, we were deciding what to take along in the way of clothing. I stressed that they needed to pack a light as possible. I said that I was going to take along no long pants, short-shorts only, and a few sexy tops to go with them. Only one long dress and that it was going to be a sexy one for Captains' night where everybody got dressed in their finest clothes. About four or five sexy sundresses and a super short club dress I wanted to dance in one night. Also, four of the tiniest and sexiest bikinis they had ever seen and a about a half-dozen tiny thong panties and no bras. I said that if I did need to wear a bra with something, I could wear one of my bikini tops. I was now enjoying going braless in public when I had the chance to. My nipples would get so hard when I noticed a guy checking out my braless tits and when they got hard it made it even more noticeable. I have gotten to the point of wearing thin tops just so my nipples could be seen though the material. I just love the stares I get. I didn't tell the girls but I was also thinking about going pantyless most of the trip. I now normally go without panties under my shorts because I liked it. Right after my last cruise, I would occasionally go without underwear under my longer skirts and dresses and then eventually under my shorter skirts and dresses. I found enjoyed feeling naughty, so every once in a while, I would get an urge to go out in public with as little on as possible. The day before we girls got together to discuss what to take on our cruise. I had gone to the mall alone to buy a couple more little sheer tops to take along. All I wore was a flowery chiffon halter dress that was just above mid thigh length and strappy sandals. The feel of being nearly naked in public is a thrill that I am really beginning to enjoy. As far as I know, no one has seen my bare ass or pussy yet, but the thought of that happing one day gets me excited. I haven't gotten the courage to do it on purpose yet but I know I want to do it one day. None of us four girls are very large on top. We were all 34 to 36 B's. We all weigh about the same and are about the same height. We have all worn one of the others clothes at sometime before, so I dared them not to pack any bras. They all agreed that nobody would pack any bras and we would all be braless the entire cruise and swap clothes if needed. Becky was the one that surprised me, she is easily the most conservative and religious one of the bunch, she goes to church every Sunday with her parents. But when she said that it sound like fun and supported me in the idea of leaving our bras at home, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I then told the girls to bring along plenty of sunscreen because we would spend a lot of our time in our bikinis. Then I said, "Please don't bring along any granny bikinis, I don't want any of you bitches to scare the boys away!" They all laughed and agreed tiny bikinis only. (Wait until they see the tiny 'Wicked Weasel" G-sting I got. I'm not going to let them know about it until they see me in it.) I also want to go up onto the topless deck and use it. Although I am nervous and excited at the same time, I am looking forward to baring my tits to the sun and many men's eyes for the first time. The girls just don't know how naughty I want to try to be on this trip. The day to leave finally arrived. We drove down to Tampa in one of my parents' car and boarded the 'Carnival Legend' and headed to the western Caribbean for a 5 day cruise. We all wore little sundress when we boarded and started daring each other not to hold the dresses down as we walked around the decks. This was really no problem as there was only a light breeze in port. I dared Ashleigh to climb to the top of the main stairway and to drop her purse and bend over showing all below her pantied ass. She did and as she bent over I got a picture. We came back every few minutes and each one of us did the same and a picture was taken of each of us show our pantied covered ass. I found I was the only one to have a thong on. We found our room; we liked our balcony, and then we did the mandatory lifeboat drill, and then went on deck for the departure. When the ship started moving, the breeze really picked up blowing our dresses all over the place. There was really no way to not flash our panties and after a while I just gave up and let the wind have its way with my skirt. The girls teased me about my lack of concern, if they only knew how turned on I was getting, so I finally dared them to do the same. I told them that nobody on this ship knew us or our parents and we would never see any of them again, they accepted my dare. Many pictures where taken of the wind blowing up our dresses that afternoon, not all by us! Hundreds of people had to have seen our panties that afternoon, I know I was horny by the exposure; I think the others were too. I showed to girls the topless deck and I told them I wanted to try it at least once and then Ashleigh said she did too. I smiled at Ashleigh and then we looked at the other two and they both said, "Why not?" We headed back to our room to freshen up for dinner. My panties were soaked from all my excitement. I removed them and decide not to put any more on. Just before we left I got a wild idea. I told them all I had another dare for them all. I dared them to go dressed as I was. I lifted my dress and showed my lack of underwear. Conservative Becky, at least I thought, said too late, lifted her dress and showed she was also bare. Ashleigh and Coco giggled and quickly remove theirs and tossing them on the bed. I got a chuckle knowing the room stewards would be in soon to turn down the beds and were going to find damp panties on them. During dinner somehow we got talking about our lack of panties and I found we all occasionally went commando and then Becky surprised me again, by daring all of us not to wear any underwear for the rest of the cruise. I was happy to hear this; it just gave me an excuse to pantyless all week. I acted like I was a bit concerned because of the extreme shortness of my club dress. I had been actually debating if I was going to wear my thong or my tiny g-string panty under it but now the decision had been made. Oh God! Could I really do it? I was going to be pantyless under an extremely short dress. The thought was exciting me. After dinner we checked out the ship at night. The ship seems to come alive at night, all the flashing lights and ringing bells of the casino, to the music from the dance clubs spilling into the hallways, and the way the lights changed color as you walked along the decks was amazing. We when out on deck none of us seemed to remember we were naked under our dresses until the wind hit us. Feeling the wind blowing against my bare, wet pussy made it tingle. Again we dared each other not to hold the dresses down. There is a spot near the bow of the ship where the deck narrows down from about 15 ft. to about 6 ft. This acts like a funnel and the wind blows really hard there. I made the mistake of turning my back to the wind and bending over a bit. The next thing I knew was the dress was around my neck. I was naked from my neck down. I quickly turned around and leaned into the wind and it blew back down. The other girls were laughing at me so I dared them to try it. Ashleigh was the first to try, same thing happen. The other two had the same results. I was tired after playing in the wind and letting the wind blow up my dress a couple more times, I told them that I was tired and going back to the room. Ashleigh said she would join me but Becky and Coco wanted to wander around the ship a while longer. I had to use the bathroom as soon as I got back and noticed how wet my pussy was when I wiped myself clean. I went out on the balcony as Ashleigh use the restroom. She joined me on the balcony when she finished. We just stared at the moon over the ocean saying how pretty it was. I then looked at Ashleigh and told her how horny I was from what had gone on all day. She smiled at me and said, "God! I thought I was the only one. My pussy is sloppy wet. I need to cum bad. Would you mind if I bring myself off?" I just smiled and giggled and said, "No I don't mind, as long as you don't mind if I join you?" We smiled and lowered our hand to our pussies at the same time. I had never even thought of masturbating in front of someone before and now here I was watching her as she watched me. After a few seconds of fingering myself, I lifted my dress off so I could be naked and play with my nipples as I fingered myself. Before my dress landed on the deck of the balcony, Ashleigh was lifting her dress off too. It only seemed like seconds before what had to be the strongest orgasm I had ever had hit me. Ashleigh soon followed. We were still sitting naked on the balcony when Becky and Coco returned. Ashleigh grabbed her dress, I didn't. I was enjoying being nude and thought I would try and remain that way as long as possible. I told the girls to get those dresses off and join us on the balcony, they did. All of us eventually put on long t-shirts only and went to bed. Ashleigh and I shared one bed, Becky and Coco the other. This was not the first time I had slept with Ashleigh, all four of us girl have slept over at one of the other's girls houses for years now since we became friends back in elementary school. But this is the first time I had slept with one of them without panties. Ashleigh and I eventually got on our side facing away from the other and I bumped my ass into hers. It felt weird having our bare asses touching, but I didn't move away and neither did she. I then whispered to Ashleigh, "It feels weird doesn't it?" She said, "Yea, but not bad though. I kind of like it." "Me too' I said. Since it was after midnight and I was so tired, I quickly fell asleep. Next morning I awoke to a slight shaking of the bed. It took a second to realize Ashleigh was frigging herself again. I lay still, listing to her heaving breathing until she stiffed and stopped. Then I whispered to her in the dark, smiling as I said, "Feel better now?" I could tell she was embarrassed at getting caught and she said she was sorry but got thinking about all the naughty things she did yesterday and how much she enjoyed them and it made her so horny she couldn't stop herself. I told her not to worry about it because I didn't think it would be the last time she frigged herself on this cruise and I was sure I would be doing it a few times too before I got back home. She said she understood that but this wasn't her, she hardly ever masturbated at home and here she had done it twice in the last ten hours and once with me watching her. I told her not to worry about it and to just enjoy herself on this cruise. I told her to excuse me while I when to pee and to probably frig myself in the shower now that she had gotten me horny. And that was exactly what I did! I came out of the bathroom feeling much better and wearing just a towel and went out on the balcony. By this time everyone was up and moving around. The sun was shining on the balcony and it felt so warm and nice, I just had to drop the towel across the lounge chair and enjoy the morning sun all over my body. It was a few minutes before Coco came out and noticed my nudity. She said I was crazy that someone might see. I said, "Who? There's no one out there but an ocean and sea gulls." I told her to just try it and see how nice it was. She removed her t-shirt and sat in the other chair and said I was right. She just might start every morning like this. We all finally got dressed, if that is what you would call it, for breakfast. We all wore bikini tops, short-shorts and sandals only. Since the first day was all at sea, we went back to our rooms after breakfast and put on our bikini bottoms and then headed towards to the sun deck. Becky said she thought I wanted to go to try out the topless deck. I said, "I did but I didn't want to try it along, I wanted ya'll to come with me. Safety in numbers you know". They agreed to join me, so off we went. We got our lounge chairs, set them up, and took off our t-shirts. None of us wanted to be first one to remove our tops, so we all agreed to do it at the same time. At the count of three, all of us took out tops off. There were only half a dozen people on the deck at the time so it really wasn't a big thing. They were all couples and really didn't even look our way. Two of the women had no tan lines on their breast so you could tell this wasn't their first time. The other girl's tits were as white as ours were. We all got on our backs and spread suntan lotion all over ourselves, putting extra on our virgin white tits. Over the next couple hours, many people, who seemed to be mostly men, came upon the topless deck to look around. I was really enjoying those men checking out my titties. One of us, I think it was Ashleigh noticed how pink our tits were becoming and suggested we get out of the sun before we burnt our tits. We all agreed and put only out t-shirts back on and went to our room to shower and change. We all dressed in sexy tops and shorts. I wore a thin gauze top and some tight satin low-rise booty short-shorts only. I had to remind Becky, no panties! Guys kept checking me out as they walked by. I got curious and checked myself out in one of the many mirrored walls on the ship. I could plainly see my dark nipples through the top and the cheeks of my ass showing beneath the bottom of my tiny shorts. I had by far the most daring outfit of the four of us. I smiled to myself; this is exactly what I wanted to look like today, a cheap little slut. We had lunch on the back deck and wandered all around the ship checking it out, this thing is huge! We smiled and flirted with as many men as we could and notice how they were checking us out. We finally made our way back to the room just before dinner. We all showered and dressed for dinner. We all wore cute little dresses that evening; we were looking forward to a nice dinner, a Broadway style show afterwards and then an adult comedy show after that. The head waiter at our table was Carlos; he was from Argentina and kind of cute. He paid the four of us a lot of attention. I'm sure he noticed we were all braless and we all flirted with him. We were going to have a lot of fun with him this cruise and I think he will remember us for awhile when this cruise is over. The other people at our table were two young couples. One was enjoying their 5th anniversary and the other couple were newlyweds on their honeymoon. Married the morning of the ships sailing, I don't think we will be seeing much of them at breakfast. During the comedy show I noticed a rather cute man probably in his 40's glancing at us. I know we were all showing a lot of leg in our short dresses, but maybe it was or wasn't the Pina Coladas I had been sipping on all day, but I got a naughty idea. I wanted to flash my pussy to him. After he looked away from about the fourth time I seen him check us out, I repositioned myself so he could get a better look up my dress, then spread my legs just a little bit to really get his attention. A couple minutes later he glanced over then did a quick double take. I had him! I let him see me like that a few minutes then when he looked again, I twisted in my seat to whisper to Ashleigh and tell her about the man trying to look up ours dresses. As I twisted, I made sure he had a look straight up my dress as I spread my legs wide enough for him to see my pussy. Ashleigh noticed what I had just done and broke up laughing saying I was such a naughty girl. She said, "If you can do it, so can I." She twisted in her seat towards the guy and whispered to Coco as to what I was doing as she spread her legs a bit wider. Coco told Becky and before you know it, all four of us naughty girls were letting that dirty old man look up out little dresses and see our naked pussies. The show ended a few minutes later and all four of us giggled and laughed at what we had just done. I think we were all a little tipsy. We all agreed that we had never thought of doing these naughty things on our little vacation but that we were having so much fun that we would continue to have naughty fun during our trip. I admitted to that being the first time I purposely let a man see my pussy but that it had been so much fun that I knew it would not be the last time I flashed a stranger my pussy. We got to our room and I immediately kicked of my shoes and pulled off my dress and flopped across the bed naked. Ashleigh laughed at me and said, "So that's how we are sleeping tonight, are we?" I drunkenly said, "Why not! This is how I normally sleep in my on bed. I find it a lot more relaxing and more comfortable. I hate having a shirt twist around my body during the night causing me to wake up." This is true because I have been sleeping nude more and more since I discovered my love of being nude and my streak of exhibitionism. Ashleigh said, "Don't preach to me girl, I have also tried sleeping nude a few times and I found I also like doing it whenever I'm in a naughty mood. So I'll sleep nude with you as long as you keep your hands to yourself!" Laughing as she made that last remark. I then looked at the other two and asked what they were wearing to bed. Becky pulled off her dress and said, "I've never slept nude before but I think I want to give it a try. I just hope Miss America here can behave herself tonight." "ME!" Coco said, "Who woke me up this morning with her hand on my tit!" "I was asleep when I did it. I didn't mean to." Becky responded. Then Coco said, "Truth is I didn't mind, it felt nice, almost as good as when a boy feels me up." That got all of us going, talking about boys and getting felt up and the like. We've all hear and told these stories to each other before. We've be telling each other our dirty little secrets for years not. We all knew when each other lost their virginity and to whom. But it was so much more fun slightly drunk and naked. It was almost 2am before we all got into our beds, naked! I awoke just after sunrise, we failed to close the curtains to the balcony and the sun was shining on my face. I could look out over the rail and see rooftops. We were in port. Then I noticed a warm arm around my waist, and a pair of tits on my back, it felt nice. So I slowly reached back and placed my hand on her hip. I moved it around a bit and I heard her moan and then she started to pull her arm away. I pressed my arm down on top of hers and told her it was alright and to leave it there if she wanted. She then reach further around and took hold of me and gave me a hug from behind. I just naturally gave a soft moan. I then calmly reached down for her hand and placed it on my tit. It felt good I knew I just had to return the favor. I rolled to my right until I was face to face with Ashleigh. I brought my hands up to her breast the same time she brought hers up to mine. I had never ever even thought about fooling around with another girl before and now I was doing it and it felt nice. We both looked at each other and kissed. Ashleigh's lips were so soft. We kissed awhile and squeezed and fondled each others tits. I then had a strong urge to pee, so I told her so and went to the bathroom. Ashleigh was naked out on the balcony when I return so I joined her nude also. She said she was sorry for touching me. I told her I was alright with it as long as she wasn't upset with me touching her. She said she wasn't and gave me naked hug. About that time we heard a 'whoo-hoo' from down below. I hadn't even thought about us being naked outside in port until then I looked down at a couple guys looking up at us. I waved to them and after they waved back, we went back inside and closed the curtains and crawled back into bed. I kissed her and then when down and sucked on her tits a while then she sucked on mine a bit. I started to play with my pussy as she sucked on my tits. Before long I had one hand on her tits as I fingered myself, she was doing the same. When we finish we heard moaning from the other bed. This was going to be a very interesting cruise indeed! We decided to go into port after we ate breakfast. We all agreed to wear short sundresses into town and have fun flashing unsuspecting locals. But I didn't make it that far before I flashed someone; I was the last to get dressed because I was the last one to shower and get to use the mirror to fix my hair. I told the rest to go on and get a good table and that I would be along in a few minutes. I decided to take the stairs to the main dinning room to meet the girls. It was only three decks up and it was quicker than waiting for the elevator. I had only made it up one deck and starting up the next flight of steps when door to that deck opened. It was two college age guys heading up to breakfast also. I had just turn to start the next flight up when I heard one guy tell the other that he had seen my bare ass when I turn the corner. I quickly knew I wanted to flash my bare ass at them some more. At the top of the third landing I kinda 'accidentally' dropped my purse as I opened the door. I slowly bent from the waist to pick it up and looked back to see them stopped at the landing just below me staring at my bare ass and pussy. I calmly picked up my purse and went hunting for my friends and left the guys standing on that landing with a look of disbelief in their eyes. I told them all what had just happen and we all had a good laugh when the same two guys slowly walked by our table looking at me. We all thought they were cute and I hoped I could run into them later on somewhere. We had a lot of fun in town and all got to flash a little bare ass a couple times. We didn't buy anything because we didn't have that much extra money with us. But being girls we had a lot of fun window shopping. We made our way back to the ship around noon. Had something to eat and put on our bikinis and went back to the topless deck to sun. I wore just my new 'Wicked Weasel' g-string bottom with just a t-shirt over it. No one had seen me put it on so when I whipped off my t-shirt, they were all surprised how small it was. I have always been well trimmed down below so I could wear my little bikinis but I shaved myself bald before leaving for this cruise so I could wear this one. Just like before, we soon drew a small crowd of guys around us. I know I was enjoying showing my bare tits to all the guys and I suspect the other girls were enjoying displaying their tits as well. But I was now getting a lot of the attention because I was as close to naked you could probably get and not get into trouble. One of the guys asked me if the suit was see-thru when it got wet. I told him I didn't know, and then Becky said we needed to find out. She pulled a bottle of water from her bag and poured it directly on my light blue bottoms right in front of everybody. And YES! they were transparent when wet. Ashleigh said loud enough so all close by could hear that my slit could easily be seen now that they were wet. I was trembling inside; I was about to cum right there in front of everybody. I almost came when Becky poured that cold water again directly onto my already excited pussy, and now knowing I was all but naked almost sent me over the edge. I wanted to touch myself so bad, I needed to cum. So I said out loud, "Oh fuck it!" I reached down and rubbed myself in front of about a dozen people and after a few strokes and I came, Hard! When I came down, I was so embarrassed at what I had just done, I grabbed my t-shirt and pulled it on and left for my room without saying anything. I heard Ashleigh say that she had better go after me to see if I was alright and that she might be back later. By the time Ashleigh got to the room, I was naked, lying on the bed frigging myself vigorously. Ashleigh came over and sat next to me, leaned over and started to suck and rub my titties. I came big time a couple minutes later and then gave Ashleigh a big kiss. She asked if I was alright. I said I was now. I told her what happened up top surprised me. I never knew being that much exposed in public would affect me so strongly and that I needed to get myself off again as soon as possible. I put my tiny g-string back on as I told Ashleigh I needed to go back up top to work on my tan again. Ashleigh asked if I had another suit like that as she wondered if what it would be like to wear something so small in public. I told her I didn't have another suit like this one but that I did have a pair of black g-string panties she could probably get away with if she was willing to try. She told me to get them and let her look at them. I did and she said that they were thicker than my swimsuit bottom I was now wearing. She took her string tie bikini bottom off and slid on my panties. She looked good in them and I told her so. She looked in the mirror and said she like them and told me to put on my top and to go back up top with her. There were only a couple guys left when we got back. I told everyone I was a lot better now and to let's get more sun. Ashleigh told me to get on my stomach and she would lotion up my back then I could do hers. She did my entire back even doing my ass twice because it was so white she said. I saw her take a deep breath as she removed her shirt. Becky and Coco asked where she got the g-string bottom and she told them from me. They asked if I had anymore and I said 'No' which was true. I proceeded to lotion up Ashleigh's back and bare ass. About this time I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I had my back turned to the steps, bent over putting lotion on Ashleigh. This meant my basically bare ass was facing the stairs. I heard the steps stop and an "Oh my God!" I looked back and there were my two admirers form the stairs this morning. I finished with Ashleigh and turn to face them and said hello to them. One of them said, "Didn't we see you this morning?" I smiled and said, "Yes you did, a lot of me as I remember. But now you're getting to see even more of me." "By the way, these are my friends, Ashleigh, Coco, and Becky. My name is Summer." They said their names were Mike and Jeff. We found out they lived in a town near ours, only about 30 miles from where we lived. We ended spending a lot of time with Mike and Jeff the rest of the cruise. After we started turning pink again, we again make our way back to the cabin to shower and get ready for dinner. We still had a couple hours till dinner so we all hung around the room naked and even going out onto the balcony naked a few times to see if anyone could see us naked. We all dress in short dresses again for dinner and then went to the main theater for a very funny version of the 'newlywed not so newlywed game'. I laughed so hard I could have peed in my pants if I had been wearing some. After the show I told my friends I was going back to my room to put on my new club dress and I would meet them at the dance club. The dress was a tight, white spandex number and practically backless. It was also very short. I knew if I wasn't careful I would be showing my ass all night. I wasn't sure if I would wear this dress or not when I bought it. Then after running around the mall in just that halter dress, I knew I could. I was then planning on wearing thong panties or a g-string under it, not really caring if people seen the bare cheeks of my ass. And now I am going pantyless and hoping people will see my bare ass. I promised Mike and Jeff to dance with them tonight if they showed up. Won't they be surprised when they find out I am naked under this little dress? My dress had to be shortest dress in there that night. It was almost dark in there, except for all the flashing lights. The music was good and loud. I found my friends and with them were Mike and Jeff. Mike quickly asked me to dance. He said he liked my little dress was. Then I told him that didn't have a thing on under it either. His eyes got wide. And then I told him that if he didn't believe me, he could always check to see if I was lying. I saw his smile get bigger as he pulled me closer. I felt his hand slide down my ass as I ground my pussy against his leg. I then felt his warm fingers against the bare skin of my ass cheeks. Then one of his hands wandered around to the front, I pull away from him a bit to give him more access. When I felt his fingers against my wet, hot sex spot, I said, "I told you so, but I'm glad you didn't believe me. I like the way you found out better." I then told him that none of my friends were wearing panties or bras tonight. I danced with Jeff the next dance. He must have been watching his buddy dance with me. His hand went straight to my ass. I felt him bare most of my ass as he ran his hand all the way to my waist. Then his hands came around front to my pussy and he quickly shoved a finger in my pussy. He said my pussy was sopping wet. I told him I was as horny as hell too and needed a good fucking. He said he would be willing to give his best. I asked if he had any condoms with him. He said he did not. I told him I was sorry but no condoms, no pussy. We all teased those guys all night. It was fun being felt up in public. I think part of my ass was exposed most of the night, but I didn't care. I was having fun. We decide we had done enough teasing for one night to Mike and Jeff and we girls decide to let them take us back to their room for some more fun. I wasn't going to let them fuck me without any protection but I was not going to let them suffer either. I wanted to suck on a cock tonight and let them cum in my mouth. I had one more surprise for Mike and Jeff. Just before we got to their room, I removed my dress and walked the last hundred feet or so to their room naked. All the girls were half naked or better before they got their room door open. I was on my knees and unzipping Mikes' pants before the door was closed. Mike and Jeff were troopers; they gave all of us a load to swallow that night. While I was sucking off Mike, Coco was sitting on his face having her pussy eaten and Becky was sitting on Jeff's face as Ashleigh sucked him off, then after they came, we switched places. What surprised them the most was after Ashleigh sucked Jeff off and I sucked Mike off, we kissed and combined their cum in our mouths before we split it up and swallowed it. The next morning I was awaken by moaning from the next bed. Coco and Becky were going at it. Ashleigh was not in bed with me, I seen her out on the balcony, naked, masturbating. I went to the bathroom to pee then stopped at the other girls' bed and gave them both a kiss before joining Ashleigh on the balcony. We were in another port this morning. I leaned over and gave her a kiss as I squeezed her tits, then sat across from her and started to play with my pussy as I watched her and the people walking around down below on the pier. After Ashleigh came, she got up and took my hand and led me to our bed. She kissed me and started using her fingers on me. Next thing I knew all three girls were kissing me, sucking my tits, and finger fucking me. I came like never before. We all took turns being the recipient of the kisses and hands of three at a time. We all showered and cleaned up for breakfast and got dressed for another day in town. I told the other girls there was one thing I wanted to buy in town today. They asked what, I smiled and said, "Condoms!" They all agreed that it would be a good buy. I said, "From now on I will never leave home without some in my purse." They all agreed that that would be a smart move for all of us to do, because you never know when you may get lucky and find a nice hard cock to ride. After a successful shopping trip which we found our condoms and a couple more pair of tiny g-string panties for the other girls to wear on the topless deck, we all got ourselves ready to return to the topless deck. This time we all wore t-shirts that did not cover up our asses as we made our way to the topless deck. We got a few strange looks and mean remarks from the older women, but were expecting those. Fuck them if they don't like it, I'm enjoying showing my bare ass. There weren't that many people up there this morning, a lot were still on port. But tomorrow was another day at sea and it would be packed, so we decided to just get a few hours of sun on our bodies and returned to our room. We started fooling around as soon as we got up there. I started it by getting all the girls to put lotion all over my body as I stood before them. Before I knew it, one of them had pulled my bottoms down to my knees as another lotioned up my pussy inserting a finger while they did it. I just stepped out of by bottoms and spread my legs to give better access. We all took turns getting lotioned up and fingered in the open air and sun. We were all completely naked and a bit horny by the time we were done lotioning up. No one was in a hurry to put our tiny bottoms back on, so we remained nude for almost three hours up there. Only a half dozen people or so noticed we were nude. Coco was the first to shower off the sweat and lotion once we returned to the room and then me. We just naturally gravitated to each other and started making out. Since we were all now wearing g-string on deck we all had shaved our pussies bald. I loved how nice and smooth they looked and just had to see if it was smooth to my tongue. I have been curious to what a pussy would taste and feel like for the last couple days now and I wanted to find out now. We ended up in a 69 position. I found I liked pussy almost as much as a nice hard cock and I have always enjoyed having my pussy eaten ever since I let my first boyfriend do it. It was late afternoon before we exited out room dressed in halter tops and short-shorts this time. I was wearing an almost sheer halter top and tight jean short-shorts. You couldn't see through their tops as much as you could with mine but you could tell they were braless by the pointy nipples. We decided to skip dinner in the main dining room tonight and have a burger and fries and pizza at the snack bar. Mike and Jeff showed up just as we were getting ready to leave. They said they had a lot of fun last night and wondered if we could do it again. I quickly said "No" before any of the others had a chance to answer. "Because", I said pausing a couple seconds for effect. "We bought condoms this morning and I don't know about the rest of the girls but I need a good fucking. It's just a shame you don't have a couple more friends to join in." Jeff smiled and said, "Who said we didn't come along with a couple more friends. In fact there are six of us in our group. We just don't hang around together all the time. If you like we could arrange for you to meet them tonight at the dance club." We all smiled and said almost in unison, "Bring them on!" While getting ready for dinner that night we were all excited at the prospect of getting royally fucked that night. I wore a short bright red, very deep plunge front, backless to waist halter dress. From the waist line at the back of the dress to the hem of the dress was only about 12 inches, like it just barely covered my bare bottom. The skirt part also was snug around the hips, while the top just loosely hung there. If I bent over, the top would fall away from my body, easily exposing both of my tits from the sides. Also my tits were very easy to grab hold of if someone was willing to take the chance and I was hoping some would. All the girls wore halter dresses that night hoping for a little hands roaming action. We all talked about all the sexual possibilities that night and we all agreed that almost anything we could think about was a definite possibility that we all would be willing to try everything at least once. We all strutted into the dance club with big smiles on our faces and wet pussies between our legs. We were quickly met by Mike, Jeff, and their four friends. I never did learn all their names that night but I wasn't looking for friends that night I was looking for a sexual good time. Mike quickly took me to the dance floor and his hands went straight for my ass. I shoved my tongue in his mouth he played with my ass hole. My ass was still virgin territory but I was willing to loose it if he was willing to go there. I could tell by the feel of his hands on my ass that about have my ass was uncovered and exposed to the crowd. I just left it there, enjoying the feeling of many pairs of eyes on my exposed ass. I danced with all six guys at least twice and every one of them played with my ass, pussy, and tits while we danced. I was also getting my hands full of hard cock as I danced. I unzipped all of them and had my hands inside their pants as we danced, and none of them had on any underwear either. Jeff said they all decide not to wear any just for us. As I watched my friends, they all seemed to be getting and doing the same routine as I was and none of them seemed willing to put a stop to the manhandling any time soon. We were finally sexually excited enough to go back to the guys' rooms. The girls and I had made plans before we left our room, and as soon as we exited the elevator we removed our dresses and walked naked down the hall to the guys' room. Two of the guys had already opened the door by the time we walked to the door and were already undressing. I opened my purse and dumped a couple dozen condoms on the table saying that I hope we had brought enough. We all ended up having enough hard cock in out wet little pussies that night. I for one had cum dumped in all three of my holes that night. We got back to our room about 4am and fell on the beds and slept in what clothes we had on. I was so thoroughly satisfied, I slept until noon. We finally got showered and put on just our t-shirts and g-string bottoms and went to the snack bar to eat and then headed for the topless deck for a final day of sunning our bodies on board this wonderful ship. We stayed up there showing off our practically nude bodies till almost 5pm. Tonight was the captain's dinner and we all had to get back and get our hair done and make-up applied and put on our fancy, sexy long dress. Everybody there was dressed to the "T". We had pictures taken together and separately to remember this night and this cruise. My dress was a long black sexy number, slightly sheer and fit me like a glove. It was a halter dress with a very deep plunge in the front to the waist, backless to the crack of my ass, and had a slit over my right leg all the way to my upper thigh. Ashleigh's dress was a light pink halter dress, slightly low cut with a center slit to mid-thigh. Coco's dress was a yellow silk halter dress, high necked but with a narrow slit from the neck to belly-button and no back to the waist, it had a slit outside both legs to her upper thighs. I could see Coco's darken nipples though her top. Our once conservative Becky had a white crochet ankle length strapless tube dress that came with a mid-thigh length strapless satin slip that was to be worn under the dress. She was not wearing the satin slip! I could see right though that dress! I could make out her nipples from the front and the crack of her ass from behind. It was easy to see between her legs all the way to her crotch. She said she had originally planned to wear the slip under the dress but decided to be more daring at the last second. I told her I envied her; I wish I had a dress like that to wear. She said I could wear it later on tonight if I wanted to and she would wear just the little slip that went with it. I told her, "It's a deal." Becky told me later that I might not be able to wear the dress later. She said everybody was looking at her and she was getting so excited that she was afraid her pussy was getting it all wet. I told her I didn't care if it was wet or not, I still wanted to strut around the ship in her see-thru dress and enjoy the looks she was now getting. Well, we did change dresses and it was as much fun as I thought it was going to be. My pussy was so wet; the juices were running down my legs minutes after I walked down the crowded walkways around the ship. Becky's little strapless satin slip dress kept working it's way down, threatening to expose her boobies. That gave me a naughty idea. We were walking down the promenade deck to get to the elevators to go back to our room and I got behind her and jerked her dress to the floor. She was walking at a pretty good rate when I did this. The dress hit the floor and she lost her balance and stumbled forward, stepping out of the dress. I picked it up and started running down the deck holding her dress above my head laughing. Becky was naked running right behind me telling me to stop and to give her dress back to her. I could tell she was enjoying this little game because she was giggling as she ran after me. I know she can run faster than me and could have caught me if she really wanted to. We made it to the elevators just as they opened up and a couple got out. I ran in with Becky right behind me. Becky grabbed me and gave me a big kiss as the doors shut and the shocked couple looked on. Becky said that that was so much fun that she wanted to do it again. She said that she had been having dreams of running naked in public and had waken with a wet pussy but the though of doing it had scared her. But now that she had done it, it had been very exciting. In fact, she had a small orgasm as she was kissing me. I gave her dress back to her and asked where she wanted to go. She smiled and said let's go run through the casino! So off to the casino deck we headed. This was also the deck with all the dance clubs. Becky said she wanted me to pull it off in the casino, I had other ideas. As soon as we exited the elevators near the dance club, down went her dress. This time when she stumbled she went all the way down to the tiled floors. I picked up the dress, snatched it from her feet and headed towards the casinos. I was about 20 ft in front of Becky as we pasted our favorite dance club and out came Ashleigh and Coco. They seen us run by and gave chase. I ran a couple laps around the casino and then headed to the stairs down to our room. People were cheering and laughing as we ran by. This 'was' a lot of fun. I now wanted to be the one running naked in public one day. I made the stairs and waited for everybody to catch up. Becky slipped her slip back on and I explained what had happen to Coco and Ashleigh as we made or way quickly to our room. Becky told them she had been surprised and caught off guard the first time I did it, and then she told them how exciting it had been and about her dreams of running naked in public and that she then suggested a second run and that was when we ran past them. I told her I now had fantasies of running naked in public one day but that we had better not try it again tonight as security would surely be waiting for us if we tried it again. Everyone agreed that tonight would not be a good idea, but that someday all of us would give running around naked in public a try. We swore a promise to do it. Becky admitted she was horny after her run and needed some relief. When we got back to the room, all three of us were more than happy to gang up on her give her some relief, and then we all took turns at doing three on one. That night we packed all our clothes except what little we would wear off the ship tomorrow and placed our suitcases out in the hall next to our door for pickup during the night. We left the curtains open on purpose that night so we would be awaked by the morning sunlight. We were just pulling back into the Tampa port when we awoke. We all did our morning duties still nude and sat on the balcony nude until we had to get dressed for disembarking. We all wore or last clean sundresses, still pantyless of course. We all said we will never wear bra or panties again unless we have to. We had to wait in our designated waiting area about two hours before they release our group to go. I still got a chance to flash my pussy to one more person before we left. He was sitting straight across from me with his wife and kid. He must have been in his mid-twenties and not bad looking. I finally caught his eye and gave him a smile and a flash. His eyes got big and smiled back. I let him get a look at my pussy a half dozen times or so before we left. We still get together almost every weekend and go out and have fun. Becky found a nudist resort nearby on the internet and we went there one Saturday. It was cool being able to walk around naked all day long, swim naked in a big open pool, and not having to worry about the law. But it is not near as thrilling as getting nude or partially nude in public. But we still go there a couple times a month to work on our all over tans. And there are a lot of naked men there too. We love looking at all the cock! I never knew a cock came in so many different sizes. I wish I could touch and play with all of them but I know they don't allow that even there. I finally got my chance to run around naked in public, and it was a blast! We went to a mall in Tampa all of us wearing little strapless sundress in different colors. The others had set me up without my knowledge. Ashleigh said she needed to go to the bathroom, so the rest of us waited for her. She actually went and got the car and moved it closer to an exit. She called Becky when she was in place. Coco grabbed my arms and held me as Becky yanked my dress down and off. I of course being surprised by this screamed, calling attention to my unexpected sudden nakedness. Like I said earlier, Becky can really run and there was no chance in the world of me catching her and I knew it. She headed down the center of the mall holding my dress above her head as she ran. I knew I told them that I wanted a chance to run naked in public one day, but I sure wasn't expecting to be this public. I was trying my best to cover my nudity as I ran. My heart was beating hard in my chest. But I loved it! I chased her best I could but fell further behind. She accidentally dropped the dress and stopped and turned to get it but Coco scooped it up before I got to it and ran outside. There was Ashleigh sitting at the curb. Becky and Coco got in the back with my dress and I got in the front, trembling and naked. I looked at Ashleigh as she quickly pulled away from the curb and she was sitting there behind the steering wheel naked. I looked back and the other two were removing their dresses. So off we went, laughing our heads off. My pussy was soaking wet and I showed them all just how wet it was. Soon were pulling onto interstate 75 heading home bare ass naked. We had fun flashing every big truck we pasted, and all too soon we pulled off the interstate onto the two lane heading to out hometown but no one tried to get dressed until we got out of the car at my house. I'm a bit surprised none of us walked to my house naked but it was still mid-afternoon with neighbors walking all about and we still have to live in this town. We pulled the same stunt on the Ashleigh and Coco at two different malls but they knew it was coming. We all agreed that running naked in public is a big turn-on. And each time we rode home naked, showing our tits and bare asses to the truckers. I don't know which one of us is the biggest exhibitionist but we keep trying to outdo the other it seems like. I'm sure one or all of us will be caught by the law one day I just hope it isn't me. We have all enrolled at the 'University of Central Florida' and are planning on sharing a four bedroom apartment. We all want our own rooms so we can bring guys over to spend the night and to have a good time. We have all agreed that it would be fun to walk around our apartment nude whenever some one brings a date over. I can't wait for one or two of the girls to bring their dates over and catch me walking around the apartment naked.
Four Years of Fantasies Ch. 01
[ "bathroom", "office", "supervisor", "student", "chocolate" ]
*The drive up* When I found out my driving buddy was leaving me in the lurch last night, I decided to bite the bullet and offer my supervisor a lift with me, as he had driven me a few weeks ago so I wanted to repay the favour. Not to mention it makes the drive less boring, and we enjoy each other's company. We had known each other for over three years so were well past any awkwardness. He had turned down the offer two days prior, but I wondered if that was in part due to the fact my other friend would be along for the ride, and wasn't today. I hastily wrote the text but delayed sending it, pondering if it was a bad idea, if we shouldn't spend that much time together alone outside work. I hit send and threw the phone down while my heart raced. To my surprise, he replied very quickly with "okay, what time?" And it was set. The next day I got up and dressed in my workout clothes as I planned to head straight to the gym. He calls them 'pyjamas'... I'm still not entirely sure why. I put my hair up in a messy pony tail without brushing it, splashed my face with cold water, brushed my teeth and put on a light dusting of foundation - just enough to cover my blemishes. I picked a figure hugging maxi skirt to wear later with a beige top and heel boots that he always manages to comment on. They make me look taller obviously, but they're also quite comfortable and wearing them makes me feel sexy - not in an obvious way, just that they make me feel more confident somehow. As I drove to his house, my mind meandered to what he was doing during his morning rituals. Was he in the shower? Did his wife have his breakfast waiting for him? Were his kids up and about yet? Do they climb onto him while he lies in bed? And before I knew it, I was turning into his street. I got to his house a little early as traffic was lighter than I expected so after turning around in the cul-de-sac and pulling in tight to the kerb outside his house I got a good look at his place. It was oldish but had been revamped, and was the nicest in the street. I wasn't sure of the etiquette - do I text him to say I'm here even though I'm early? Do I wait another 10 minutes then text? Do I call? Do I go knock on the front door? I opted to stay in my car to check emails and instagram; it's the middle of winter so it was the warmest option, and I wasn't sure what sort of reception I would get from his wife - I don't think it would have been as warm as my car! While I browsed instagram, not really paying attention to the photos and captions, I thought about what we would talk about for an hour alone together. The usual topics - work, tv shows, our partners, the weekend - would obviously be discussed, but with him there was always more, deeper conversations, about goals, personality types, attraction... Am I attracted to him? I think so - he has all the features of my "type". He is tall, and although about 10 years older than me, handsome, with dark hair and a beard. Only a few greys are coming through as to be expected at 35 or so, and they suit him, make him look even more authoritative and dependable. I think part of what makes him attractive is his smile - it's cheeky and devious but always so sincere. And his eyes - they are trustworthy and loyal, and I feel like they see through the bull shit. I think we flirt subconsciously - little comments here and there. He says I remind him of his wife, and has made more than one reference to the similarities shared by our personalities and physicalities. He often comments on my appearance - what I'm wearing, how my hair is done (or not done). Once, recently, he said "your boyfriend better watch out, especially with you in that dress". It was a tight-to-waist grey striped dress with three-quarter length sleeves and a sweetheart neckline that displays my décolletage quite nicely, while leaving enough to the imagination. I actually caught him looking down at my cleavage. It wasn't the first time I had caught him having a peek, and from his height I guessed he'd have a pretty good view! The thing is I sort of like it. I wondered if he ever fantasised over me. I had fantasised over him before. The main fantasy I had was that he would walk in on me in the disabled bathroom at our old office, while I was getting changed or putting makeup on, ready to leave the office for dinner or something. He wouldn't say anything, just look straight at me in the mirror with a lustful and commanding look on his face. He would lock the door, come right up behind me, and press his entire body into mine, wrap his large hands around my hips softly. I would feel his heart beating against my back, making mine race even more. I'd feel his breath sink into my skin. He'd take everything out of my hands, one by one, still not saying anything. He'd grasp my hands in his, interlocking his fingers expertly between mine, then place them on the basin. He would kiss the back of my neck, starting from just behind one ear across to the other, eliciting soft gasps from me. His hands would begin to roam up my sides and around to my breasts, which he would grab hold of and squeeze gently while meeting my gaze in the mirror, his beard still tickling my neck. He would have to bend his legs slightly, but he would align his cock with my arse and just rub up and down, stroking himself against my arse cheeks through his jeans, before pulling my hips back towards him forcing me to bend over the sink slightly, better positioning him to grind his cock on my covered pussy. Suddenly he would hike my skirt up and massage my arse cheeks in his ginormous hands. In what seems like one swift motion, he would undo his jeans and pull my underwear down just far enough to expose my now-soaked pussy. We glance at each other for a fleeting moment in the mirror, then, with one hand on my hip and the other in the middle of my back, he would slide his hard cock inside me, making me sigh in pleasure. He would enter me slowly and teasingly then start to get a good rhythm, grunting quietly with every few thrusts. I imagine his dick to be sizeable - he's tall so I imagine it proportional to his body, with a nice girth that stretches me. He would glide his hand all the way down my back; the contrast of the steady thrusting and the delicate touch bringing me closer to the edge. His hand would come to caress my breast; he would roll the nipple between his thumb and finger. Then, with one hand on my breast and the other on my hip, we'd stare at each other in the mirror as he increases the speed and force until he is furiously fucking me. I'd reach down to play with my pussy and his eyes follow my hand, although he can't see me playing with myself. I'd begin to make tiny moans as I get close to my orgasm. The sounds would make him start pounding me even faster, increasing the rate at which I'm moaning until I let out one big moan as I come hard, bracing myself against the basin and tilting my head back in pleasure. My pussy tightens around his cock and with one last thrust I'd feel him pulse and shoot off inside me. While he is still coming I'd pull away, spin around, kneel down and take his twitching cock in my mouth, swallowing the last spurts of cum and cleaning my own juices of his cock and balls. This would all take him by surprise and elicit another moan before he moves my head as his cock has become too sensitive. We'd clean up discreetly and he'd leave the bathroom while I finish getting ready. My daze was broken when I saw him approaching the car, wearing the usual chino jeans, dark sweater and huge grin. He opened the boot and said hello while he put his stuff in then hopped in the passenger seat. I have a hatchback so he was folded up a bit, but it was cute. He said hello again, with the grin as I started up the car. "You weren't looking, I was at the window doing a striptease for you," he said, grinning. "Oh fantastic, sorry I missed it," I replied in my trademark sarcasm. Great, the flirting has started already. "The house was tidy, the kids were well-behaved, Anna was going to pretend to be nice to you, you could've come up." "Oh well had I known that I definitely would have, especially that last one, how inviting!" "Yes... well when I told her I was getting a lift with you today, she asked which one you were, and I replied with 'the one that's going to replace you'". I laughed and rolled my eyes, my usual response to his flirtatious remarks. Leading a research group of 6 or so females, Anna was not a huge fan of any of ours. "I thought by now you should know what to make jokes to her about, and what to keep in your mouth!" "I do but it's too fun to try and get a reaction. We've talked about this!" "I know I know. You can't help but try to get a rise out of me and I can't help but resist; it makes you try harder." "Exactly, and I will keep trying, because I'm not good at failing." With that, we started onto a conversation about failing, which led to a conversation about succeeding, and goals, and moving, and so on and so forth until we were almost there. Just as we turned off the highway, we started to discuss our extended families, and he divulged that his dad, brother and uncle had all had infidelities, and that he was the black sheep in that respect. I didn't want to pry too much, and it was good timing to finish the conversation and part ways for the day. But not before he could make another comment about my body. "Woah, you've got calves," he complimented. "Aahh... yeah," I replied, self-conscious of how dry my legs were from the cold weather. He could only see the bottom part of my legs though, as I was wearing three-quarter length tights. I suspected he was looking at my arse first. "Please don't look at my legs, they're so dry." "I wasn't, I just noticed them. I don't have calves," he said disappointedly. "Well, go to the gym!" I paid for the parking and he walked me to my office building before heading to his own. \*\*\* On the way to the gym, I thought about the way he looked at me and complimented me. Did he like me? Or just think I was hot? He seemed to always have a twinkle in his eye when he saw me. But was it just attraction? Or something more? He seemed to really like my little afternoon drop ins; some afternoons when I needed a computer break, or on my way back from the lab, I would drop by his office. Sometimes I made up an excuse to see him, other times it was just to say hello. Occasionally I took him chocolate. He always had a way of getting me to stay longer than I intended. Not that I didn't want to, I just didn't want to take up too much of his time. But he seemed to like opening up to me about things going on his life, inside and outside of work. Occasionally, I dropped by because I felt as though I looked good that day, and wanted him to see me. I imagined wearing a particular dress I owned; a black and white polka dot t-shirt dress that buttoned up. It was fitted in the bodice, and flared slightly at the waist. And it had pockets! I liked wearing it because it was flattering on my figure, with just enough cleavage for the imagination to run wild. Plus, the pockets made it practical. My nails were painted dark red; I knew he liked them freshly done. My hair was clean, blow dried and let down. His door is open but I knock anyway, as I walk in. "Caramello, mint or strawberry?" I ask, referring to the Cadbury koala chocolates in my hand. "Caramello please," he says, welcoming the sugar hit. "Lucky I got two of those, they're my favourite!" "Mine too. Thank you," he says in his deep, smooth voice. "You're welcome," I say as I spin around to leave. "Hey, where are you going? Aren't you going to sit and eat it with me?" he asks, seeming to want the company. "Sure, I just didn't want to take up too much of your time," I reply. He shakes his head. I sit down on one of the chairs on the other side of his desk, crossing my legs. "Well don't you look lovely today?" he exclaims, looking me up and down. "You've even done your nails!" I knew he would notice. "Yep, did them last night. Blow dried my hair too, would you believe it?" "I would, it looks very nice." "What've you been up to?" I ask, biting into my chocolate. "Just working on this grant. It's good to have a break though. What about you?" "Working on the review paper figures." "Oh good." "Have you got a bin over there?" I stand up closer to the desk to have a look as I can't see one from where I was sitting. "Sure do," he says, pointing to little bin under his desk. "Reckon I can get it in?" I ask, referring to the chocolate wrapper. "If you don't, I get to eat the strawberry koala." I laugh, "Ok, and if I do?" "You get to keep it." "Lucky me!" With that, I lean over his desk and aim my shot. "Mmm, that's not a bad view," he says cheekily, not bothering to hide the fact he is only about 30cm away from my breasts. I look down and realise one of the buttons has come undone. There's still plenty hidden, but he was getting a good preview. "I'll do it up for you, so we can both concentrate." "Fine," I agree, pretending I objected a little. I didn't. He does the button up very carefully, but I can feel him shaking ever so slightly. He was making sure not to touch me too much, but his hands are so big they brush against my nipples, making them strain against my bra. "There," he says proudly, after what seems like an eternity. He pauses for a moment with his hands on the button then skims his fingertips across my chest where the buttons were already open. I breathe in, surprised and aroused by his boldness. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. You have beautiful skin." "Thankyou. Its ok. Now let me take the shot!" I line up the bin again, throw, and miss. "Haha, pay up! And you can pick the wrapper up, please." "OK, OK." I walk around to his side of the desk and quickly put the wrapper in the bin, then half sit-half lean on his desk. His head is roughly level with my breasts again. "Where's the other chocolate?" "In my pocket. Do you want it?" "Yes please." "You can get it then." He looks up at me in disbelief and I give him a mischievous smile. He still looks unsure, so I pick up his hand and put it in my pocket. His hand is slightly sweaty; I must be making him nervous. I glance down at his crotch and sure enough, there's a distinct bulge. As if it knows what's happening, my button pops open again, inviting his eyes to be drawn back down. This seems to snap him into action and his hand starts exploring my inner thigh through my pocket while he pries the top of my dress open a little more, undoing another button. He plants a soft kiss on my chest, his beard tickling the top of my breasts. His lips are so broad and much softer than I imagined. I had thought for so long about how they would feel on my skin. He trails kisses down my cleavage, switching from breast to breast, until his face is buried. His other hand has moved out of my pocket and slips under my dress, gently stroking the inside of my thigh from just behind my knee up to my pussy, getting closer with every stroke. He finally feels my wetness and murmurs something into my breasts, the combination of the vibrations and his beard arousing me further. He undoes one more button so he has better access to what's beneath my bra. Just as he flicks his tongue out to glide across my nipple he slips a finger inside me and teases me by not sliding it all the way in. He groans at how wet I am and slides his thumb towards my engorged clitoris, rubbing it softly before applying more pressure and letting his finger continue exploring me. My head tilts back in pleasure and he takes this opportunity to plant kisses up my chest and neck, all the while slowly plunging his finger in and out of my wet snatch. He continues to rub his thumb across my clit and I am getting so close. He skilfully inserts a second finger to better fill me. He engulfs a breast into his mouth and bites down on my nipple before flicking his tongue over it. He begins to tap one finger against the roof of my vagina to meet his thumb and it doesn't take much of this to make me come. I let out a couple of high pitched, shallow moans as my body tenses, before a deep, long moan of relief as I relax. He lets out a moan of his own as he can feel my pussy tighten around his fingers. He slowly withdraws his fingers and I pass him a tissue, then plant a kiss on his cheek. I walk back around the desk, buttoning my dress. He looks a combination of stunned and pleased. "You didn't get your strawberry koala." "Oh, I got something better." On my way out I turn around and say with a wink, "You can bring the chocolates next time."
Hot Wife
[ "cheating wife" ]
I must have started to tell this tale no less than a dozen times, but after a few chapters I keep ending up deleting it. The simple truth it that it was an embarrassing time in my life, even now remembering makes my cheeks flame up. Part of my problem in that respect is with the exception of just a few stories and some embellishment in my poor attempt to make my often boring life more interesting, mine are mostly true. I worry that someone I know and work with might know some of that about me. Yes, I really am a Physician, I really have been married three times, four if we count my twice marriage to my late husband Tom. I really did inherit a very large estate, and one that I had absolutely no right to other than the fact that a woman I loved was my friend. Being naive, I even used my real name when I signed up here, but of course I figured out quickly the problems with that (so help me, some of you men..lol) and changed the last name and some other things. I really am... just Sally. I am also better now, I am more in tune with me, with who I am and what I like. Still, my cheeks can flame up at the idea of someone knowing, finding out the things inside the deep recesses of my mind. I could not, I would never dream of letting most around me know the thoughts that pop up inside of me. In that respect I am just..normal? Here, I can be whatever I wish, I can let it ALL hang out. I think I finally understand what my friend Lee explained to me, the magic in writing it down, letting it all out. Then rereading it, feeling once again the sensations, the memories that slide into my mind with the sensuality of my own words. Wow did I take off here? But it is just to help any readers understand who I am, where I came from and how I came to be who I am now. I think I became a naughty girl, far more so than when I was younger. That's what I think, anyway. I like sex, I like being with a man, I like being naughty sometimes. And I am getting older, the day will come soon when I just cannot be. That period that comes to all women came to me also. The craving for sex, love, touch, peaked in me later in life and now into my mid forties that has still not left me. Our biological clock seems to speed up, mine was and is running wide open. I grew up with conservative parents, good solid God fearing people. My early life was one of being the girl on the outside looking in. I was not blessed with beauty, or even a hot body. We all know the girl that is "just there" in our classes at school. That girl was me. Lord was I bashful. I would see boys, then men as I went on to medical school look down at my well covered breasts. I did notice that, it would make my cheeks flush even though I was completely covered, I would look down and hurry past, not daring to meet their eyes. My breasts, those damn breasts! They weren't huge but they were out there, I had no way to hide them at all. Only in the privacy of my room, with the door securely shut and locked could I take them out and inspect them. While I was maturing, it seemed like every single day they became bigger and more obvious, the thick bras I wore began to cut into me and I had to get larger ones. I finally ended up wearing a "C" cup, not huge but full, the sides and top portions of the bra still cut into me and made them ache, but going larger was too much and that size slid around on me and gapped open. Of course having one slightly larger than the other is no help at all in that respect. I was terrified someone would see me, see my nipples, my breasts. In medical school, I had to undergo the horror of being inspected by other students, in many of the classes with hands on type training we used each other as subjects. It was trauma at the time yet exciting when alone in my room, my busy hand would reach for myself with almost a mind of it's own at the memories. The first time I lay there with my legs open and a student put their finger inside it was a female, but later it was also the male students. I bit my lip, but I managed. The sheet over me was very little comfort. Then our instructor actually discussed with the class about my being a virgin, the differences there, as I had to sit there and hear it. She was talking about ME, about MY vagina, my personal and secret spot that I was so shy about. One of the men in our class made a crack about me being the only virgin my age left in the entire country and everyone snickered. For some reason that helped with my shyness, I became stubborn and held my head up after that. I am not sure but I think it made me feel special? All of those emotions tearing around inside of me, conflicting with each other were constant in those early years. I did get better about my shyness, but not much. I also had to undergo the students poking at my bare breasts and looking at them but they mostly had developed their bedside manners by this time and I finally got over being totally reluctant. Yes, I finally learned about boys, and men, and that some were much better than others. My first time with a young man was one of those situations where he almost didn't slow down as he went by. I married a man, he drank, spent money, wouldn't work. I divorced him after he struck me once while drunk, then my second husband was arrested and when I went to bail him out I found that he was caught at a local parking spot with a much younger man. The charge was public indecency. I left him there in jail. He was released actually very quickly, and he came home. I wasn't there, and I didn't go back. Then I met Tom, I fell so completely in love with him that I have no way to even describe that. He was also flawed, somewhere inside of him my loving him and being totally willing was not quite enough. Tom had fantasies, they were there inside of him all the time, under the surface. I call it a flaw, the odd desire to display, show off someone you love. An illicit desire, but if it actually is a flaw, then I carry my own inside me. Tom wasn't difficult, not even in the slightest. He never really made me do anything at all, but he let me know he would like it if I dressed in a sexy manner, showed off my breasts, went without under panties, things like that. He would act so happy and loving when I wore a top that let part of my bra show, or made sure he knew there was no chance of pantie lines showing through my dress. That was naughty, delicious to me and I began to like the feeling. He would practically pounce on me when we got home from an evening out like that. I felt so safe and warm in his arms, and Tom always took the time to make sure I got my own pleasure out of it. Tom was not a large man in the male department and I didn't care. He way more than made up for it in stamina and the efforts he took to make sure he pleased me. I had a fascination with his male organ, for some reason he was far firmer than any other man I ever knew, including those I sometimes saw in my practice. I knew that happened because of me! It was a delight to get him into that state, the best times were when he was out of control in his eagerness. I began to tease a bit more when we went out, Tom became even more attentive, even more of a wonderful lover if that was possible. Then one day I discovered by accident that there had been a situation with Tom's partner's wife. I knew right then my man had cheated on me. It sounded like the other man wanted me in exchange, to get even I guess. There were some bad times, I forgave Tom finally but I did a couple of other things during that period. For revenge I suppose, my rationalization. Out on the dance floor with Tom sitting there watching, I let a man, a total stranger, take liberties. I did stop him when his fingers reached my nipples, but he most certainly got that far. That was the first time I ever did anything like that, at least in public. Oh, I knew about men, I had done my share, by the time I married Tom I had been with a total of five. Those were all private situations. For quite some time after Tom and I got back together he made no mention of me doing anything sexy, and I didn't. Then I noticed he reached for me less and less. We still made love once a week, or a bit less, but normal for us was almost every other day without fail. I found myself wanting more, and after Tom begged off tired a few times I made up my mind to do something about it. I could understand his being tired, but he had always worked long hours. Of course times had gotten harder for his construction business, and he was under pressures there too. I left my office early one afternoon, stopped by a tiny little shop I knew about and bought a new outfit. It was bright and multicolored, the blouse lay perfectly on me. The matching skirt was shorter than I normally wore, usually I wore styles that hid my legs and hips. At that time I carried an impossible to rid myself of extra 15 pounds, of course on my waist, hips, and thighs. I tucked my bra into my purse, I left off the panties, too. I wore the outfit home, God I felt naughty just walking out to the street and getting into my car. I was completely aware of being totally naked underneath the thin cloth, with others around, so close and not knowing. I made sure enough buttons were undone that a good expanse up my upper breasts would peek a boo as the cloth moved. Tom's truck was pulled up beside the house, two other vehicles were parked behind it. I didn't think too much of that since he often had planning sessions at home, but I was disappointed. Tom apparently had one of his meetings going on, and here I was dressed to excite my man, naked underneath the flimsy clothing, not dressed to meet with or be around strange men I didn't know. I couldn't change back in the car, so I decided to just go in and dart up to our bedroom and switch into some slacks and a different blouse. Tom came out of the kitchen carrying a coffee pot and two cups just as I opened the door. His eyes instantly took in my manner of dress, they widened in surprise. "Hi, honey! Home early today?" "Yes, I went shopping." I managed. "I see that, wow, you look great!" "I better go upstairs and change. Hey, you are spilling coffee on the floor." I pointed at the pot he was holding. "Oh, shit!" He tipped the pot back, grinned. I grabbed a towel and wiped up the spill. Tom's eyes kept looking me up and down, I felt that familiar tingle that always swept through me when he looked at me that way. "Come on in and meet the guys first, we got the contract for the storage buildings." I knew he had done some bidding on some buildings for a government construction project, some kind of a tram the city was doing. "I...I better change first." I said, suddenly bashful. "No, you look fine, come on." He turned and went into the study. I followed along. Two men sat leaning over the coffee table, they had plans laid out in front of them. I saw them look up and smile as Tom introduced me. "This is Gerald and Ted, they are doing the foundations for us." Both men stood up, Gerald was in his early fifties and slightly balding, Ted was tall and lanky wearing western style dress. I saw Ted's eyes drop to my bust, I knew that even with the colored pattern of the cloth that I was showing through it. A slow smile crossed his lips as he reached out to shake my hand. I shook Gerald's hand too, he looked but glanced quickly away. Tom was grinning ear to ear. Mildly flustered, I excused myself, telling them I would let them get back to their work. Upstairs, I changed into slacks and a plain T-shirt, I started to put on my bra again but changed my mind. I had seen the look on Tom's face and I still had teasing him in mind. By the time I came back downstairs the guys had all settled into the living room, and Tom had brought out a bottle of peach brandy. He looked up at me as I headed for the kitchen to fix some snacks. This was a bit different, normally after one of his meetings everyone just left but I figured they were having a small celebration at scoring a nice big bid. I was fixing a plate of crackers and chips when Tom came up behind me and gave me a hug. His hands went straight up to my breasts, I leaned back against him with a sigh. "You looked so hot!" He said, as he flicked my nipples, knowing that drives me nuts. "Hot? Me? What do you mean?" I asked, pretending innocence. "We could see right through your dress!" He said, a catch in his voice. "Oh, you could not." I protested, turning in his arms to get a kiss. "Oh yes we could, with that light behind you we could see almost everything, you didn't have any panties on, did you?" That hadn't really registered one me, I suddenly realized I had been standing there with the sunlight at my back through the window. "No, I didn't and I still don't." I giggled. "That was so hot!" He repeated. "Oh, so you liked the idea of those guys seeing your wife's big titties?" I teased him. Tom didn't answer, but his body shuddered. "You liked them looking at my hairy pussy through my dress, didn't you?" I pressed. "Yes.....I did. God you are beautiful!" He shuddered again. I giggled again and disengaged, taking the platter in to the other room with Tom right behind me. "Is there enough of that for me too?" I asked Ted, he was pouring himself another shot of the peach brandy. "Oh, I am sure there is, plus I have another bottle in the truck." He smiled and picked up a small glass and poured me a shot. I seldom drink but this was sweet with a nice flavor, I sat down to visit. Tom sat across from me on our huge couch with Ted and Gerald, I curled up in the recliner. I noticed all three of them kept glancing down at my boobs, my nipples were still poking out from Tom tweaking them in the kitchen. They were talking back and forth about the job, but they kept looking my way. Ted got up and poured me another big shot when I finished the first one. "So where did you buy the new outfit?" Tom asked out of the clear blue sky. "Down at Marti's Hideaway, she got in several in the same style, they had one in a soft yellow that I really liked but it was too see through so I bought the patterned one instead." "We like see through!" Both Ted and Tom said at almost the same instant. I looked back and forth at them and giggled. "You guys!" I said, shaking my head. "Well, that made my whole day." Ted said boldly, giving me a big grin. "I sure liked it better than what you have on now." Tom added. "What's wrong with what I have on now?" I asked, looking down at myself. "Not a thing, the other outfit was lots more fun." Tom said. "It's sure more comfortable than this." I lied, tugging at the side of my slacks. "I bought it to wear around here for the Summer, it's already getting warm outside." "Why don't you go change back then, hon? We might as well all relax, it's been a real good day." Tom encouraged. "Well. I could, I guess. If you don't mind? Or maybe that is what you would like me to do, Tom?" I looked at Ted and then at Gerald. Tom just gulped. "How about you two, would you prefer I was wearing the other outfit for you?" Gerald blushed slightly but Ted just grinned. "We don't mind one bit." Ted said. "OK then, anything to please our guests." I hopped up and tossed back my drink, held out the glass for more. Ted dutifully filled it to the brim. I left and went upstairs. I quickly brushed out my hair and slipped on the thin skirt and blouse. If Tom wanted me to put on a little show then I was going to put one on. I could feel the drinks starting to have their effect, I knew that two was about my limit and I was halfway through the third one. All eyes were on me as I came back downstairs, I went back over to the recliner and curled up again. "Is this better?" I asked, taking another sip. All three of them nodded their heads, their eyes on my bust. I knew that my nipples would make shadows through the translucent material but barely, it was unbuttoned enough that the top and insides of both of my breasts were exposed. They couldn't really see anything though, just a hint. Still, it was enough for me to get their constant glances and attention, and I was beginning to bask in that. "I think I am starting to get a little bit drunk." I said, finishing the last sip of my drink. I reached up and fiddled with the next button on my blouse. I felt it give, just let it go. Ted hopped up and poured me another. "Might as well relax, hon. The day is done." Tom said. "You guys don't want me drunk, who knows what might happen?" I teased, reaching down idly to scratch my bare leg, managing to hike the hem halfway up my thigh as I did. I was sitting with my legs curled under me, now half of my leg was exposed. Three sets of eyes dropped right to my leg. I rubbed my bare leg with the palm of my hand, now I knew that it was almost all the way up to my bare behind. All three of them sat there quietly and watched. "This stuff is so good!" I said, taking another sip. I turned to a slight angle, adjusting my legs under me. I knew that would let my blouse gap open even more. Then I straightened out my legs and reached down and flipped the foot portion up to elevate them. Tom's eyes were slightly glazed, so were Ted's. Gerald kept glancing at me, he had a flushed look on his face too. "I need to be getting on home." Gerald said suddenly, standing up. "Any more of this stuff and I won't be able to drive, besides, Mary will be fixing dinner." Tom got up, they shook hands, Gerald nodded to me and left. Then Tom sat back down, grinned at me. I grinned right back. I could see that Ted kept sneaking glances at me, he leaned back on the couch and scooted down, his feet stretched out across the floor. I realized it was to improve his angle, he was sitting almost directly across from me and my skirt was half way up my thighs. I took another sip of my drink, leaned forward and set it down. Then I leaned back in the recliner and stretched my arms over my head. My blouse opened even further when I dropped my arms back down. I really didn't have any intention of doing anything more than tease a little bit, I could tell that Tom was getting excited, exactly what I wanted from him. "It sure feels good to just kick back and relax now, I had a busy day." "Tom tells me you work in a health clinic?" Ted asked. "Yes. All day, every day I poke and probe people, stick my fingers up their behinds." I said. They both laughed at that. "That sounds like it could get interesting." Ted smiled at me. I noticed he slid down ever so slightly more. I pulled my right leg back and set it on the foot portion of the recliner. I felt the hem of my dress slip higher up my thigh. I knew that both Ted and Tom could now see at least the bottom of my bare behind but the overhead lights were casting shadows across my body. Ted was now struggling to see, I could tell by the way he was sitting, and his eyes kept darting downwards. "I see our guest really does like this outfit better, honey." I smiled at Tom wickedly. Ted got a flushed look on his face, Tom just grinned happily. That was when the feelings began to overwhelm me, the combination of drinks and being warm, my teasing state of dress made me begin to tingle with pleasure. I felt my nipples snug up, and I knew a droplet of moisture had slipped from me. I squirmed a little bit in my chair. Then I got an idea. On the back wall behind our couch, opposite where I was sitting was our big china hutch. It was one of those with the glass windows, and it had lights inside. They were off at the moment, the only lights on in the room were from our overhead track lights and those were over my head and behind me. Our TV tray rack sat right alongside the china hutch. "Tom, would you like to bring me one of the TV trays please?" I asked him, giving him a wink when he looked at me. "Set it right here so I can reach it easily, I like staying leaned back like this." I patted the armrest of my chair. There was a question in his eyes, so I reached down and idly scratched the inside of my thigh, opening my legs slightly. He got a look of surprise on his face, he had encouraged me for a long time with no real success other than showing some cleavage. Now I was sitting there, my dress pulled up almost to my lap, my blouse gapped open right to the edge of my nipples, actually doing something he had hinted around that he wanted me to do for him. I knew if he turned the china hutch lights on, it would be like a spotlight right on my bare legs. Tom walked over and reached for a tray, then he looked back at me with the question still in his eyes. I grinned at him, opened my legs a bit more and nodded. Tom reached out and switched on the lights! I almost started at the sudden bright light shining on me, I knew that they would not shine in my eyes but would flood my lower body because of all the times I used them to read by. Tom walked back over to me and opened the TV tray, then set it beside me. I picked up my drink and sat it there, now I didn't have to lean forward to pick it up off the coffee table. "There! That's better!" I said, pulling my legs up and sitting them on the footrest. I tucked the hem of the skirt between my legs, let my knees fall open a bit. Both men's eyes dropped to my bare legs. "Do my legs look too fat?" I asked them. "No, they are really nice!" Ted answered, as Tom took a big swig of his drink. "I hope you guys don't mind my sitting like this, it's been a long day. I have been on my feet all day, it feels good to stretch out." I gave them both a wicked smile. "No, it's OK, as long as you are comfortable." Tom managed. His eyes never left my bare legs. Holding the hem of my skirt between my legs, I lifted my right leg up over the armrest of the chair, stretched it straight out, then settled back with a sigh. I reached up and rubbed the palm of my hand up and down my thigh, massaging the flesh. Each time I let my hand tug the hem until it was as high as it would go. I felt the air on my swollen lips, I knew that I was at least partially exposed. "Honey, your...." Tom started to say. "What, dear?" I asked innocently, wiggling my toes. "Your..you are letting a lot show." Tom gulped again. Ted just sat there grinning. "Well, I thought you said you liked this outfit?" "Yes, I do, but do you know that your....?" He let his voice trail off, his face was now bright red. "You did want me to show your friend my hairy pussy didn't you honey? Well, here it is for you both to look at." I opened my legs even more. Ted sat up and leaned forward to pick up his drink, his eyes were right on me. I knew my bare pussy was completely on display, the position I was sitting in was now obscene. Tom was leaning forward too, both of them were quiet, just staring. "Do you guys really like this outfit better than the other one?" I teased. I let the fingers of my right hand trace upwards alongside my vagina, feeling the hairs there. "Yes! God you are beautiful!" Tom managed to mumble. All of the pretense was gone, I was showing my bare pussy blatantly to Tom's friend. I scooted even lower in the recliner, lifted my left leg and put it over the other armrest. I reached down and pulled the hem of the skirt all the way to my waist, and just sat there letting them look. I felt a trickle of moisture slide down my lips, so I reached down and wiped it up with one finger. Looking right at them, I used my fingers to pull my lips open, seperate them. Both my Tom and Ted were completely silent. I sat just like that, letting them stare. It must have been a solid five minutes, no one said a word. I even slowly stroked myself as they stared, feeling my lips flood and expand, my tiny clit grew and popped out of it's hood. I very nearly orgasmed. I reached back and tripped the lever, putting the footrest back down. Then I stood up. I reached up and tripped the last two buttons on my blouse, slid it off my shoulders. I slid the skirt down off my hips, then just stood there. Ted looked me up and down, a mixture of lust and surprise on his face. "Well, Tom? Is this what you wanted to see me do?" I asked him. "I never expected...this is a surprise." "Anything to get you going, honey!" I giggled and turned my back. Then I bent over, reached back and spread my cheeks as wide as they would go, making sure I was pointed right at the bright lights. I knew they both could see the most intimate parts of me, I had my pussy and my butt hole spread wide open, not three feet from them. I looked at them upside down between my open legs, both of their mouths were hanging open. Standing up, I turned back to Tom. Reaching down to lift my breasts and display them, I gave them both a big smile. "Now, Tom. Are you going to fuck me or not?" I asked. He got up, reached for me, then he hesitated. "Ted can watch if he wants. Do you want to watch Tom fuck me, Ted?" I asked him. Ted just nodded, he still had that surprised expression on his face. So we did just that, Tom slid into me and pounded me with no mercy right there on the floor as Ted sat there and watched. I saw Ted lean down to look as Tom thrust at me, so I rolled over and got on top. I heard Ted's sharp intake of breath, one thing was sure, he had a good view now. Tom is extremely virile, he lasted a very long time and I orgasmed over and over, to the point of forgetting there was a even another man in the room. Later, I went up to our bedroom, took a quick shower. When I came back down all I had on was a robe, both Ted and Tom were sitting on the couch talking. "Well, how was that, guys?" I asked, injecting myself into their conversation. I let the robe gap open, baring one breast blatantly. "I have never seen anything like that in my life, that was so hot...and beautiful." Ted said. I grinned at Tom. He grinned back. "Well, was that naughty enough for you, Tom?" "That was sure naughty all right." He said. "I was wondering, do you guys...you know...swing?" Ted asked. He had a catch in his voice. I knew what he wanted. "No. It's going to be look but don't touch." I told him. He nodded. I looked at Tom, he was looking back at me. I was not sure if look but don't touch was going to be enough. I realized that I felt mildly ashamed, I had no idea where this was going to lead. I knew that displaying myself blatantly like that was a turnon, the aftermath was something else. I snugged my robe around myself, now feeling bashful. Could I do something like that again? I now knew I probably could. Would I? Only time would answer that question.
Bed & Bath... and Babes Ch. 02
[ "oral", "blowjob", "cunnilingus", "threesome", "sex", "cock", "pussy", "cunt", "lesbian", "friends" ]
Jane shook her head and reflected on her luck as she was giving a wax job to Pam. There were now two people who shared with her their need for sexual play and tension relief. First was Alice and now here was Pam laying on the table, naked, legs spread, ready for another wax job and more. It all progressed so simply beginning with hand jobs with Alice that led to a threesome with Larry. It was Pam that was a nice addition with a new twist. Pam introduced her to the pleasure of cunnilingus. Jane loved having a man's cock in her mouth but eating pussy was entirely new and something she enjoyed just as much. Pam and her husband, Paul, had moved to Talkeetna several months ago. He was a big wig at the local cannery. His job often had him traveling, leaving a Pam alone in the "wilderness". Pam came to Jane for a massage shortly after they moved to the city. After a couple of sessions, she began to relax and shared information about her life and the difficult adjustments from living in Seattle to now living in Talkeetna. "It's good for Paul's career but tough on me." Pam found the massages to be therapeutic and said as much to Jane. Her weekly visits were opportunities to voice her feelings and as she became more comfortable, even provided intimate details of her private life, including her sex life. Once she opened up, it was like a flood gate and the dialog made Jane horny. Often when Pam left, Jane would grab the vibrator or dildo and masturbate. One thing Pam made clear; she and Paul loved to fuck but what they enjoyed the most was oral sex. "I love giving him a blowjob as much as he loves receiving it. Ditto when it comes to him eating to my pussy." The conversation was often descriptive and graphic as both women shared their thoughts and experiences. Words like cunt, pussy, tits, and cock were the norm. "My husband loves to hear me talk like that and I find it a turn-on, too," Pam explained. "When he travels our phone sex is pretty hot and with the new phones, he can also watch me masturbate. I especially enjoy it when he jacks off with me at the same time. His cock is beautiful but then he says that about my pussy." "How do you keep sex exciting?" Jane asked. "I use lingerie, coded sexy notes in his briefcase and on his phone, plus we both are fortunate in that we love to touch and be touched. We agreed to the fact that there is nothing we won't do with or for each other." "But I detect a problem." "You are so correct," Jane replied. "It's hard to be touched when your man is out of town. I especially miss his mouth on my pussy and the way his tongue plays with my clit. Not to mention, I love starting our day by giving him a blowjob." This sounded a bit familiar Jane thought. My technique worked on Alice so why not try it on Pam? "Maybe I can help." Jane began to rub Pam's breasts and lightly pinch her nipples. Soon those nipples were hard and her hips began to move up and down. Pam instinctively moved her hand and slipped it under the waistband of her panties. Jane took a vibrator and lightly placed it on Pam's pussy. Her response was immediate. "Oh yes. Fuck that feels wonderful." Taking control, she took Jane's hand, placed it inside her panties and pressed the vibrator harder and moved it up and down faster. Pam let out a loud gasp as her orgasm shook her body. She didn't let go of Jane's hand for several moments. Once she recovered, she reached down and felt her underwear. She laughed and said, "Damn, these panties are soaked." She quickly removed them, revealing a trimmed bush. "Do all your clients get this kind of service?" "No, they don't. Only one other shares this." "Do they do something in return?" 'Yes, they return the favor in kind." "Sounds delightful. I'd love to try it but I must warn you, I'll probably get horny all over again." "We'll just have to take care of that the best we can." Jane removed her clothes and Pam couldn't help but notice her bare pussy. "I've tried shaving but I can never get it smooth enough, especially around the lips." "Waxing works better. I can do you sometime if you decide to try it." "Paul would love the look and feel of that. I definitely want to do it so put me on the schedule." Pam went to work on Jane starting with her breasts. She was used to fondling her own but doing it on another woman was different. She tried to duplicate what Jane had done with her tits and she found it was very pleasurable. She kept eying Jane's bare pussy and how sexy it looked. Finally she took the vibrator and gently placed it on Jane's pussy. Many times she had watched herself in the mirror or in a movie she and Paul had made. Touching someone else's pussy and clit was very erotic. The ache between her legs reminded her just how exciting it was. Suddenly on impulse, Pam stopped everything and moved between Jane's legs and began to eat her pussy. She licked, sucked, and nibbled that glorious clit and had Jane squirming and sighing in ecstasy. Soon, for the first time, she tasted juice that was not hers. She enjoyed licking her cum from Paul's cock or tasting it on his mouth after he had eaten her but now her tongue was in Jane's cunt taking in every drop of nectar. Pam gazed at Jane's wet pussy with delight and satisfaction. "Wow, that was a first," Jane remarked. "For me too," Pam replied. "I liked it." "Me too. I liked it a lot." "Did it make you horny?" "More than I imagined." "Well Pam, I think I know what to do." This time Jane didn't spend any time with foreplay. She immediately placed her mouth on Pam's pussy and pushed her tongue deep inside. She rimmed her cunt and then moved up the slit and started sucking on her clit. Pam was thrusting her hips as Jane licked and kissed. She screamed as her orgasm hit her like a shock wave. "That was intense," Pam said, still gasping. Then she smiled, "Paul's going to love hearing about this." "Do me a bit favor and please keep this discreet." "Absolutely. I understand completely. This will be just between us. We'll make the wax job a surprise for Paul." After Pam left, Jane headed for the hot tub. As she sat there, enjoying the bubbles and a jet directed on her pussy, she couldn't help but smile at the day's turn of events. She thought about Alice and wondered about oral sex with her. She felt pretty confident that Alice would enjoy receiving it and fairly sure she would return the favor. She reached down, placed her fingers around her pussy lips and began a gentle massage. She laughed out loud at the thought of having Pam and Alice join her, all naked and sharing vibrators, dildos, fingers, and all things oral. Then she said out loud, "Why not? I think I should see if we can have a threesome." Pam arrived a few days later for her waxing appointment. She was eager and excited about the finished product. Jane wasn't surprised that Pam was already naked when she walked into the room. She smiled and said, "Something tells me, Pam that you were looking forward to this." "Oh, I was hoping there'd be some fun after the waxing." "I was hoping so, too." As Jane was applying the wax she asked, "When will Paul get to see this?" "Tomorrow night." "I'll bet you have a plan in mind." Pam laughed and replied, "You are so correct. Actually it'll be very simple. I'm gonna be in a chair right in the foyer so when he walks in the door he will see me sitting there with my legs spread wide. I can hardly wait to see the look on his face." "What will he do first?" "If I know my Paul, he'll be on his knees and licking my pussy like a lollypop." "I can imagine how the rest of the night will go. I just hope for your sake that he comes home alone." "I never thought of that," she said, laughing hard. Jane used that opportunity to give the wax a yank. That interrupted Pam's laughter. Then she rubbed her bare pussy and smiled. "Wow, kinda gets your attention." "It gets easier every time." Pam gazed down at the area that, until now, had pubic hair. As she lightly rubbed the skin she asked, "Do you provide this service to many other clients?" "Only one; you are the second. You and she are the only ones who know I do this." "I'm surprised." "That's because only you two have seen me naked." "Do you do the same thing with the other person as you do with me?" "Not quite, we've never done oral, just used our hands with the vibrator. Now that I have experienced it with you I'm planning to try it with her next time." "Think she'll like it?" "I'm pretty sure she will. She's willing to try new things. I find it an interesting coincidence that you both wanted a wax job; you for your husband, and she for her boyfriend." "I like her thinking." "I was wondering if maybe I could have you both here one evening for some shared fun." "It sounds totally decadent and definitely fun." "If she is agreeable, and I feel confident she will be, then we'll do it. When is a good time for you?" "Paul will be gone the last week of this month so anytime during that week." "Perfect, I'll see if I can make this happen. In the meantime, why don't I checkout my handiwork." She gently squeezed Pam's vulva causing the lips to push up and separate. Covering it with her mouth, she lightly moved her tongue up and down each lip. Pam was soon sighing and moving her hips with Jane's sensual touch. After a few moments and satisfied with her work, Jane looked up at Pam and said, "Paul is going to love this." "I already am." Jane slid her tongue between two very wet lips and inserted it into an eager cunt. Pam spread her legs wider as she pulled Jane hard against her pussy. Pam was panting and her hips moving up and down as Jane fucked her cunt with her tongue. Jane then moved Pam's hand so her fingers were touching her clit. Pam quickly took the hint and started masturbating. Within moments her fingers were rapidly rubbing her swollen clit until she suddenly tensed and then screamed from her orgasm. "I think this is a prelude for what's to cum tomorrow night, pun intended," Jane said with a chuckle. "Don't I know and love it. I'll be lucky if I can walk when Paul finally stops. He can go a very long time." Pam sat up on the table. "Before we change places, I'd like to try what we just did with one change. Straddle my face while your rub your clit. This way you can move your cunt around my tongue." "I like it." Just as requested, Jane placed her cunt on Pam's mouth and began to rock forth and back against her tongue. Soon her hips were moving in every direction and she could control how hard or soft the touch. She soon found a rhythm and began to match it with her fingers on her clit. The sensation was exquisite. Her tempo increased and she pushed harder against Pam's mouth until her orgasm rocked her body. Pam held her in place as she lapped up her cum. After a few moments, Jane sat back on her heels and sighed a feeling of contentment. Pam gazed at Jane's pussy just inches from her face. "There's something sexy about a bare pussy. Speaking of which I need to take this pussy home and get ready for Paul's homecoming." Jane relaxed that evening in the hot tub, sipped her wine and felt the bubbles massage her body. Her mind was replaying the session she had with Pam a few hours before and wondered what was the best way to approach Alice. She let her mind drift to recall the sensation of having her mouth on Pam's clit. She really enjoyed the way it felt and tasted. She could see Pam's pussy in her mind's eye and was starting to get turned on again when the phone rang. She picked up the phone and smiled. The caller ID said, "Alice." "Hi, Alice. What's up?" "Hi, Jane. I need a wax job and your special service. Can you work me in your schedule anytime soon?" Jane couldn't help but smile. "How about right now? You can join me in the hot tub, get relaxed, and then we can take care of business." "I'll change clothes and be right over. A hot tub is a good idea, too." Jane got out of the tub long enough to get another wine glass and bottle. The last time Alice was in the hot tub, Larry was with her. What fun the three of them had. "What a stud," Jane recalled. Alice parked her car around back and walked to the deck. One pull on her zipper and the dress dropped to the floor. There was nothing more to remove so she quickly got into the hot tub. Jane noticed that Alice seemed to have a bounce to her step, and displayed an air of confidence. "Is life treating you OK, Allice?" "Life is wonderful. Things are really heating up with Larry." "How so?" "Well you remember the last time he was here?" "How could I forget? I have wet dreams thinking about that cock of his." "I know what you mean. Remind me and I'll show you some pictures of my favorite new friend." "If I weren't already in the hot tub, I'd be wet right now." "Anyway, before he left, we had a serious talk about our future. The plan is for him to finish the project he's on, take his retirement and move up here with me. Hopefully by this time next year I'll have a new last name." "Am I invited to the wedding?" "Only if you'll be my matron of honor." "Gosh, a year from now. That's pretty short notice. I'll have to check my calendar." They both looked at each other and started to laugh. Jane gave Alice a big hug and exclaimed, "Of course I want to be standing up there with you! I am so happy for you. How are you dealing with a long distance courtship?" "Actually we are in quite a process. Leave it to an engineer to solve a problem. Larry went to a marriage counselor and hired her to design a plan. She generated a series of questions we answer and share with each other and with her. So far we have touched on every subject important to a relationship and I'm happy to say there are no deal breakers. We both want this to work but I certainly don't want a repeat of my last marriage. A lot of in depth questions that require some real soul searching. We spend a certain amount of time with that and then we have some play time." "Play time?" "You know cybersex, phone sex, emails, erotic photos, fantasies; you name it and we probably do it. Which reminds me, Larry says 'Hi'. The first thing he wants to buy for the house is a hot tub and you'll be our first guest." "I'm honored. Now I'll have even more wet dreams." "When Larry has a good internet connection, we turn on our cameras and treat each other to a porn show. I love to look at his cock and he likes to 'jack off' for me. I, in turn, do a striptease then 'jill off' for him. Last night I noticed I could use another wax job." "No time like the present. Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly." Alice grabbed her purse and they headed for the massage room. After Jane applied the wax to her pussy, Alice shared her photos of Larry's cock. There were several, showing it from limp to a hard erection. Alice watched Jane's reactions as she looked at the pictures. She couldn't help but smile when she heard Jane gasp and saw nipples get hard. "It affects me the same way, too. I know we girls aren't supposed to be all that turned on by pictures but damn, looking at his cock makes me horny. Just seeing it again brings that familiar ache you know where." Jane handed the phone back to Alice and said, "I know exactly what you mean. I'm feeling that same ache at this moment, too. Shall we do something about it?" Alice didn't hesitate to move into position. She welcomed Jane's hands applying warm oil all over her breasts. She closed her eyes and just sighed; how very sensuous it felt. When Jane started playing with her hard nipples between her fingers, the ache between her legs was increasing. She squeezed her legs hard together hoping for some relief but it didn't help. She was just about ready to move her hand down when she felt Jane move in that direction. Jane continued her foreplay until she saw Alice's begin to squirm. She slid her hand down and held the vulva between her fingers. She squeezed it tight and then inserted two fingers deep inside. Alice let out a sigh, "Oh, yes. Fuck, I miss being touched." Jane put the vibrator on her other hand and placed it just about the clit. She rocked her fingers in and out of Alice's cunt and moved the vibrator back and forth at the same time. Alice began to move her hips up and down to match Jane's stroking. She was close to cumming but suddenly Jane removed her fingers and she moved the vibrator to rest on top of her pubic bone. Alice was just about to protest when she felt Jane's mouth on her pussy and her tongue pushed deep inside. She loved the way Larry ate her pussy and this was just as wonderful. "Oh, my. That feels incredible!" she exclaimed. Jane moved her tongue in, out, and around Alice's love hole while keeping the vibrator on her public bone. She moved her tongue up between the labia and placed her mouth on a swollen and eager clit. Alice was panting and she held her hard nipples between her fingers. Jane slipped two fingers deep inside and within a few moments Alice arched her back and screamed from her climax. "Damn that felt great!" she said after catching her breath. "What did you think when I went oral?" "It was a first and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I only hope I can do as well on you." Changing places, Jane smiled to herself thinking that Alice would be very receptive to include Pam in their special sessions. Right now she knew one thing, damn Alice made her very horny and her pussy ached for relief. Alice was intent on duplicating the sexual pleasure Jane had given her. She loved touching as much as being touched and Jane provided a nice outlet when Larry was not available. She put some warm oil on her hands and began to fondle Jane's breasts, brushing her thumbs over two already hard nipples. Jane's eyes were closed and there was a big smile on her face. Her sighs were soft and purring. Soon she began to squirm and cross then uncross her legs. Time to move to the fire, Alice thought, and she moved her hand down to insert two fingers deep inside. Jane's response was immediate. She arched her hips up and pulled Alice's hand in even harder. The deep penetration of Alice's fingers was intense and both of them were surprised by the sudden and powerful orgasm. Not letting her recover, Alice placed the vibrator on Jane's pubic bone then withdrew her fingers and placed her mouth over a cum drenched cunt. She probed, sucked, and licked up Jane's sweet juices, driving her to another climax. Remembering what Jane had done, Alice moved her mouth to suck an eager clit and reinserted her fingers. Jane was bucking wildly with each thrust until finally she grabbed Alice's hand and shoved her fingers in deep as her orgasm rolled over her. "Giving is just as good as getting," said Alice, her face wet with cum. "You like this, I take it." "Without a doubt." "Good. Let's get in the hot tub; there is something I'd like to discuss with you. Something I think you will like." Once in the tub, Jane poured the wine and the girls settled into a comfortable position. "I have a friend, who like you, needs some sexual relief. She comes in for our 'special sessions' when her husband is out of town for several days. And, as with you, I also wax her pussy. You two are similar sexually and you both are comfortable with oral sex. The bottom line is that I think it would be fun to experience another first for all of us and do a girl threesome. She is agreeable and we picked sometime during the last week of this month. I'll let you think about it and give me your decision in the next day or two." "I can tell you right now, hell yes! Let's pick the day." "I was hoping you would say that. What I would like is for the three of us to meet over lunch and get acquainted before we do our little adventure. I know you and Pam will hit it off because you're so much alike sexually." "I'm good anytime and I can hardly wait to meet Pam. However, there is just one thing." "What's that?" "I may need one or two more sessions before our threesome." "Music to my ears." At the appointed time and place the three met for lunch. "Is this the 'special session' club?" Pam asked with a grin. "I like that name," Alice responded and nodded with approval. "And Jane is our President and COO as in Chief Orgasm Officer." "I knew you would be two peas in a pod. This is going to be fun." Pam and Alice talked about their backgrounds and events that led them to having special sessions with Jane. When they started talking about their men in a sexual manner things got a bit heated. Not from anger or jealousy but erotic heat. Before lunch was finished all three felt the need to seek some relief from the ache between their legs. There was one moment of envy however, and that came when Pam sent a text to her husband making sure he didn't have a meeting tonight. "I have certain code words when I tell him I want some action. That usually gets him home a little earlier, too." Before they separated, the date and time was set and with eager anticipation. Alice hung back with Jane as Pam departed. "Remember how I said I may need a session or two before our threesome? Well I could use it now." "You and me both. You two got me so horny I can hardly stand it. What are we waiting for? Let's hurry to my house and get naked." The drive over to Jane's house, while short in distance and time, seemed like eternity for two women needing relief from their pent-up sexual tension. They ran into the bedroom but before she could do anything, Alice was surprised when suddenly she found herself held and kissed by Jane. Once she recovered from the shock, she smiled and kissed Jane back and this time with passion and heat. Lips parted, tongues met, and hands were busy removing clothes. Once naked, the girls engaged in fondling tits and exploring wet and eager crotches. Jane pushed Alice to the bed and grabbed the vibrator. She moved into position and started licking, sucking, and squeezing each nipple with her lips. Alice was sighing from the pleasure and let out a gasp when Jane placed the vibrator on her pussy. Alice's hips were gyrating as Jane moved the vibrator all around. Alice was breathing hard and she was very close to the edge. Jane moved her mouth from nipple to clit and a few moments later, Alice felt the climax she so urgently needed. Jane was so horny, she was in heat. Her pussy was throbbing and needed a cock buried deep inside. She pulled a dildo from a drawer in the night stand and handed it to Alice then quickly was on the bed with her legs spread wide. Alice rubbed the toy up and down between wet lips and then gently inserted it several inches. Jane murmured her approval and Alice placed her lips on a clit that was eager to be kissed and sucked and licked. As Alice moved the dildo out and in, Jane flexed her vaginal muscles around it and bucked her hips with each thrust. All that pent-up sexual tension found a release as Jane suddenly tensed and then cried out as her orgasm rolled through like a shock wave. They lay side by side for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of erotic sex, before Alice had to dress and meet her new guest for the weekend. "It's going to be a long several days before we get together," she said. Then she kissed Jane, smiled and gave her a wink. "See you and Pam later." Phone calls were exchanged but time moved slowly. Each person took care of their sexual tension in their own way but Paul was probably the biggest winner. He didn't understand why Pam wanted to have sex every night. He hated to admit it, but fucking and a blowjob every night was making his dick sore. He thought maybe it had something to do with his next trip and being out of town for so long. The evening finally arrived and Pam and Alice got to Jane's place practically at the same time. They laughed and remarked how excited they were. They undressed and stepped into the hot tub, joining Alice. They all helped themselves to the wine and cheese that Jane had set out and talked about what they had done since their luncheon date. Jane and Alice spoke of their solo sessions but it was Pam who helped with the mood when she spoke about her nightly activities with Paul. "I think I just about wore out his cock. I rode him hard and finished him off with a blowjob. I reminded him a few times about how much I miss him when he's gone. That part is true. I just failed to mention how excited I was about a new adventure." "Speaking of adventure, madam President and Chief Orgasm Officer, what do you have in mind? Alice asked. "First let me say there are no rules other than this is all about enjoying sex and having lots of orgasms. We all like oral and touching and cumming so with that in mind, I've thought of two things to start us off. I thought we would begin with me finger-fucking you both at the same time while you masturbate. Then I want to watch you take turns eating each other's pussy. After that we can do whatever 'cums' to mind. So ladies, I have dildos and vibrators and a big bed just waiting." They climbed out and towel-dried each other with playful kisses and giggles. Once in the bedroom, Jane lit several scented candles while Alice and Pam got comfortable on the bed, legs spread and eager for some play. Jane moved between the girls and began to rub their pussies simultaneously. She watched them close their eyes and just sigh with approval. Jane moved her fingers down and not surprisingly found two very wet cunts and gently inserted two fingers in each. That action was met with an immediate gasp in unison. She began to slowly finger fuck and almost as on cue, Pam and Alice moved their fingers to start rubbing their clits. All of this was making Jane very horny and the ache between her legs was growing in intensity. Despite the growing need for relief, she was taking satisfaction from pleasuring them both. They were gyrating and rocking their hips to match Jane's thrusting. Their breathing was quick and shallow as their orgasms were building. Jane moved from deep penetration to rubbing their G spot and within moments both girls came within seconds of each other. "Fuck I liked that!" Pam exclaimed while catching her breath. "If I recall, Jane, you wanted to watch us eat each other so Alice, unless you object; I'll like to do you first." "I'm all yours, Pam." Alice said with a big grin. Pam wasted no time getting into position and pushed her tongue into Alice's cunt; wet with cum. Jane moved out of the way to watch the lovely sight before her and began her own masturbation to seek some relief from her aching cunt. Touching herself felt so good and the added stimulus of watching Pam's mouth all over Alice's clit quickly brought her to orgasm. She took her wet fingers and began to rub and fondle Alice's breasts. Alice tensed, and then screamed out, "FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKK, I'm cumming!" After a brief recovery, Pam and Alice swapped positions and Jane took that opportunity to retrieve a dildo. The scene was replayed in front of Jane as she drove her toy in deep, seeking another orgasm. She could watch the action of what Pam and Alice had done on her pussy and knowing that soon they would be doing her again. Even though she longed for the feel of a cock deep inside, the dildo felt wonderful and brought her to a satisfying climax. She removed the instrument of pleasure and placed it in her mouth and used the other hand to rub and fondle Pam's breasts. Pam's orgasm was strong and powerful and it took her several minutes to recover. From then on it was one oral session after another. Pam had Jane sit on her face and Alice found a position that allowed her to rub Jane's clit and suck her breast. All three enjoyed that so much that they repeated it with Alice sitting on Jane's face and Pam took on the clit and tits. The girls sucked, kissed, and licked each other's tits and pussy until they were exhausted. They adjourned to the hot tub to relax and recover in sheer sexual contentment. "This was wonderful! Thank you, Alice and Pam, for making it a mind blowing experience." "Thank you, Jane, for being a good friend and making it happen," Alice replied. "Same for me," added Pam. "By the way, I know you have another threesome with Alice and Larry planned. I think my Paul would be interested in doing that too." "That's an invitation I love to hear. I wonder what Paul and Larry would think about a five some?"
05 - Angel of Mercy
[ "first time", "lesbian", "lesbian sex", "short story" ]
"**First times: 05 -- Angel of mercy** \n\n*As so often happens, this story was planned to go in a (...TRUNCATED)
Matszuka's Special Massage Ch. 08
[ "hypnosis", "lesbian sex", "strap on", "sex toys", "bdsm", "fetish" ]
"Her name was Anessa and she had known she loved women since she was 6 years old. Anessa had tried b(...TRUNCATED)
Don's Wet Dream Ch. 01
[ "boss", "simple", "camping", "cheating wife", "engineer" ]
"*This is chapter 1 of a 3 chapter story.* \n\n*Sincere thanks to CWatson, for his editing efforts (...TRUNCATED)
[ "orgy", "wife", "foursome", "share" ]
"My story started several years ago when my best mate Phil and I were out having a quiet drink while(...TRUNCATED)
Hot Wife, Hot Friend
[ "exhibitionism", "voyeurism", "mff", "wife", "bisexual", "lesbian" ]
"It was a hot summer's evening and the last of the guests had left. My wife and her best friend, who(...TRUNCATED)
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