1?????????????D6D??,A,????333???AQA????,",???????ara?bxb????,0,?,0????????33???00???ESESTST T?cec????? e ?vev??? I ???ana????????ene?????????ar???andand d???????heh? b ????t ct ?????al al? I' I?ve???????????! M! ?????sbs?banbandn????and and?????tet?eraer???y ????????ougou??? at a??lelea?????????? a ??eee??????????????ar???d d od ?rdr?????????y ty ?theth????sese ??becbe??????itit'it??????????o fo fif????inin in??ourou?????????r ????<br<b??r />r /???es,es???it'it'sit'?????????bubutu????m m???dyd?????? t? the th?????????????? F ?????? f ???, , s, ????? w ???n'???????????????? m ???????yoy??? lo l????? at at??????'h'??al??thyth?? c??????s,s???????????ve s????????too too??? a ???p p???f Ff ???D D???????ly ly 4 40?? ca???orior??es ?mom??e ??????SpS?ece??
11506,B001EQ5D6U,AY8T33ZSAQZM5,"BB ""barbx""",0,0,5,1237334400,BEST cereal ever! I can't get enough.,"Far and away the best cereal I've ever had! My husband and I literally go through at least a box a week. We have started ordering by the case because it's hard to find in our area.<br /><br />Yes, it's sweet, but I'm a dyed in the wool Frosted Flakes fan, so it wasn't too sweet for me. If you look at many 'healthy' cereals, they have sugar too - a cup of FOCD is only 40 calories more than Specia
???????????????????y y?????????????? c cec??????).)????????<br<b?r /r ??? t ?thith??????he he??asa?tet??isi???????? l ?iki??e Ge ?????n n?GrG??hahama???? n ??t t a ?? lo l?ot ot? of of f????????????at?????????????tecte??t tt ??????ke ke??t ??????????e ???inn?am?amonamo??ToT?as???????????a ??????????ubu???????????????beb????? n?ewew w??TotTo?????????mom?? C?ru?nc?h)h?).<).???? /> /?><b><???? />5 />? s ??????????????????????????6U??080???FIF??????ooo?dbd??????????,4,?,1,?222??????????ror????? G Gr G??eateat ????????in???BiB????ngng g E ?????????he ??????????? g ??????????????????or?? sn s???k.k. .??????s as ?a va ???????????an????conco???nin?????????y toy t??gegete????trtra????be????? y ???????ietie????ProProbo????????
l K Red Berries (my old 'healthy' cereal.).<br /><br />I think the taste is rather like Golden Grahams - not a lot of cinnamon that I could detect to make it taste like Cinnamon Toast Crunch (a healthy substitute would be the new Total Cinnamon Crunch).<br /><br />5 stars!" 11507,B001EQ5D6U,A6UG08V7FI8BI,Foodbanker,0,0,4,1229817600,Product Great - Shipping/Billing Error,"The product is great as a cereal or snack. It's a very tasty and convenient way to get extra fiber in your diet. Problem occu
????????????nln??? on o????5.5?6 6?????????? w??? s ??????????utu???? wa???????ed???????he? 4 ????ckc??????sts???ere?r Sr ?????????????ly?????re???ed??th????ss???, ???t ?I ??????onton????????the????aua?utout????????.".????????B0B000????5D5?6U6???????F3F?????????????????????""???McGMc?""?????????121??????????????????an?????odo?d fd ??r ????????????????ala? p?????s as ?? pu p??chc???????????? t?????ndndod???s a???ounou?????? fi fibi???????t tt ??????????e e ae ??ded??liclicic???? "????????r"r?????????????y ????nd?????????????bo????s los l????e ite it!t????????,B???1E?Q5?????A3A?????????????,M,??????r,r??,0,0,0,???,1????????????urure?????????????????????? f????
rred when only one 15.6 ounce box was shipped, but I was billed for the 4 pack. Customer Service quickly addressed the issue, but I discontinued the ""auto ship""." 11508,B001EQ5D6U,A11DMF3B8389XC,"T. McGowan ""TMcG""",0,0,5,1218240000,Yummy...and good for you!,"This cereal packs a punch. It has a tremendous amount of fiber yet tastes like a delicious ""regular"" cereal. My 3 and 5 year old boys love it!" 11509,B001EQ5D6U,A3N94EX7EQNWWN,M. Carr,0,0,3,1207958400,Pure health!,"The best in fiber
???asa????unu?chc?? f ????eses.s? ??????????isi???r r?tot??????????????????lul??s as ??????????????k k??or or?yoy??uru????????youyou u???????????eshes????ara???????????dadaya???1????0,0?B0B000???Q5Q???U,U?????ZTZTPT??ATA?????R.R?????????r,r??,5,??????????????????k!k!,!,I,???????????????ncenc????d ?juj????to?sss?????? wh whoh?????oxo???? t??e ?gag??????????????????? l ???ksk????????ininnin?ama?ono??????t ????ncnchnc?????????ta?st?????keke ???mem???????????????????????susubu????????? ???????s a???????ryry ???oatoa???g g????? i???wow?orsor????????th??e b???????nd nd?????????gulgu????????ofof of? ce?????????? a al a??l tl ??????ok?en?????mbm??? in i?????he bhe ??????. ????????armar???l fl ????
, as crunchy flakes. Great as is or topped with fruit plus added skim milk or yogurt and you have a fresh start to your day!" 11510,B001EQ5D6U,AXQWZTPGATGJN,R. Whitaker,3,5,1,1219449600,Yuck!,I tried this once and just tossed a whole box in the garbage. The cereal looks like Cinnamon Toast Crunch but it taste like some sort of fake caramel substitute. It has a powdery coating that is worse than the butt end of a regular box of cereal with all the broken crumbs in the bottom. The carmel flavo
???tat?sts?????aka????????????? m ???e ????gag?????????????????151??11,11?B0B000??????????1F1????????1FM1F???,S,SaS????,2,??5,5????313???808???????????????igi?h h??? f????r,r????s as ??????g ??uyu?y iy ?? c ???cec???ede????tht?????stest?????????o o f? fib fi??????????nt.nt??????s is ???hi???????sus????/c/????????t ??it'it's'???nt????lyl?y jy ???????eded ed? fo f??r tr th??????????tas?te?? an a???????????h fh ??????. N. ??????therthe???????al al????tete te tte ?thith?????odo???nd???is ????derde??ateatel??y gy ??od???????youyo?. ???the?? f fi??er??on?????re??????ayayby?? h????th???????ut??? the theye?????tastetast?????ke ke??in??????? a an???????????1?1515115?2,2,B2,????EQ???????252?????????8E8EIEI,I????,2???????????????????????it???
r tastes fake and almost made me gag a few times. 11511,B001EQ5D6U,A1FXAD4OP1FMRR,Sam,1,2,5,1233100800,Sugary but high in fiber,"As a young guy im concerned with taste and also fiber content. This is high in sugar/carbs but it's entirely justified for the great taste and the high fiber. No other cereal taste this good and is moderately good for you. Other fiber one cereals maybe healthier, but they taste like pinecones and sticks." 11512,B001EQ5D6U,A25PM9JGHPU8EI,Wes,2,4,5,1210636800,"Wow, it's
??iki?? e ????????"C"??????ono??ToT???? C ????????????utu???ooo?? f ??r r???u!u??,","G"??nen???????????ke????????eppep?????upu??????? ea e???????????????inin in t ????????? O OnO?????ereerea????linli??????????? a ???????HoH??eye? C??usustste??????d ??aia????in Bin ???????????tietiese?s as ars a?e,e?????????? m ??y ??? t? the th????????un???? e?????andan?????ll ll h ?????yo?????????? y?ou?????f f? a a b?????faf?astas??er ??????????cacanan ?????????????????et et????? is is ??????r Or On?e,?? af aftf?terter ??allal??????? g ???at? t???????is is tis ?the??????e,?????????????eryer?????in???ce?????????nnn?namna?????ToaTo???? Cr C??runcrun??????he ?sqs?uau??????n ????s ????rearealrea??ar?are are???ustus?tedte??????mi?ng???????ithit???in??am??on on????
like eating ""Cinnamon Toast Crunch"" - but good for you!","General Mills keeps stepping up with each new flavor in the Fiber One cereal line. As good as the Honey Clusters and Raisin Bran varieties are, this one may be the most fun to eat and will have you pouring yourself a bowl faster than you can run to the toilet (it is Fiber One, after all). The great thing is the taste, which is very reminiscent of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The squares in this cereal are dusted (seemingly) with cinnamon (or
??ara??mem?? a ?????e e??lal???????lailaimi??????????????ata????re?alal.l?""?111?????B0B??1E1?Q5Q?D6D???ARA??????????EYE?????????????dId????????yseys?????????",",0,??????,12,1?????????0,"0,"Y"?umu??my,my??yuy?ummummy?????ummummyumm???????n n?my???hih?ldldrdrerenre??????? th t????cec?ereerea???...?????y y???imiimil??? t?o o??? ci c????amoam????oao?????cerce?rea?l ????? i ???????th????..???????????1EQ1EQ5??????2424Q4QX4QX2X292??????????. ?????????2,??5,15,?1,11,??????64???,F,FiF?????NoN????????berber ?on????ror???????aca??uau??lyl???on?'t'?t ht ????????? f??????????heyhe??????aia?? i in i????????????????corco??????t)t?) w) whw???h h?????ece???ic????????ibe?r ??becbeca???se se????e be ?ododyody ?????'t 't??igi???t t it ??????nfnfof??tut????telte?????be?ber ber i??
caramel as the flavor claims) sugar. Great cereal." 11513,B001EQ5D6U,ARC8RK4QN2KEY,"MemyselfandI ""MemyselfandI""",0,1,5,1207699200,"Yummy, yummy, yummy!",Even my children love this cereal... very similar to a cinnamon toast cereal that is out there. 11514,B001EQ5D6U,A24QX29Q5BTU52,A. Ritland,2,5,1,1222646400,Fiber None,"Fiber one products actually don't have real fiber. They contain inulin (from chicory root) which is technically fiber because the body can't digest it. Unfortunately fiber is
?ded???nenede? b ????nynyty????? t ????????????? b???????dod????eae?????. .???????e pe ???duducu?tst????????t ct ??ntn??in?????L L f ??be??????TheTh?e re rer?ealeal l??ibi?ber??usu??????????ndn?????whwhoh???e ge ??aiainai???re????s as ???????? c?ere??????????????????ysys ??????co?ryr?????ot"ot?"" ""?oro??""????lilin??????????????re????enten??????ou ou???an ?be??su????????ara?????????in??????????ber???youyo???bob??????n ??????????????. . ? So So ?o ifo i???????????lol??s ??f f sf ?sugsu??????nd nd? fa f????it????t ???fibefib?er,er?????s ???????????????r yr ?????????15???000010??????U,U?????5050S0?3C3?????????nan????,4,????????202???646?808????heaheava??enlen? if? yo????likli???? car ca??mem??????? y yo?????lsols?o wo ???? a????????
defined by anything that can't be broken down easily. These products do not contain REAL fiber. (The real fiber usually found in whole grain breads and bran cereals) So if it says ""chicory root"" or ""inulin"" in the ingredients, you can be sure you aren't eating the fiber your body can actually use. So if you want lots of sugar and fat without fiber, this product is for you." 11515,B001EQ5D6U,A1HG50S3CREQXO,Anna K.,4,10,5,1201564800,heavenly.,"if you like caramel. and you also want a low-fat
,???ililll????, ???????ibi????? t ???????nan???, ???????s s ps pep?erferfef???? fo f??????????????????ses????rsr?????????????????1A1AAA?????????????I7I????????????ia????6,?5,5,1,????868?????????ololulutu???y ?????????!,!?????? t????????nyny ?did??fe???????ra??dsd???f f?ror??? j ??msm?s as ????????ala??waywa????isais????in?tetedted ??becbe?auausu????????wew????tot??????ete?????????ryr?y ly li?ttt?lel?e fe ????werwer ?fl??vov???ingin?????m m?????lal???????????????KaKafa??a a??brabr??????????e ???resre??rvr?????bec???se???????????????????????????? sh shoh???????ithit?h sh sus?????e ae ????????????se ??yo?????owo????you'you??? g ???????????? re r??al al?? thi th?????????????fk?????????nd bnd bebec???useus????you you?cacanca???
, filling, high fiber & tasty snack, this is perfect for you. i love these bars!" 11516,B0002UM1AA,A33SJGAWD32I7T,MariaGrazia,6,6,5,1094860800,absolutely the best!,"I've tried many different brands of rose jams and was alway disappointed because they were too sweet with very little flower flavoring. I'm so glad I found the Kafka brand of Rose Preserves because this tastes exactly as it should with subtle aroma of rose (you know you're getting the real thing in the Kafkas brand because you can se
???????????? o ???????????lsls ??????? j ?ama??).)????????????????al???????????????????????d d????h h?crc??????????e ???????t ???????. ?EvE????????p p??????e one o?n an ?????????????????an?ili?lala ????e ce ???????????rerea????ve!ve??????s is is??ded??ic????s!s!"!""?111???7,7,B,????????AAA???????FZFZCZ??SPS???????inain?????2,42,??????????????????at???? s?wew??????? r ???seyse??????ee?m m t? to to?hah??????lol?????????????th????? ?????ve ve a??????????ir??d d td ????ir ir??ea?????an????????????. ??and???????????????????????I dI ????covco????????????rere re?ed??????. ??TheTh??fifir?????imi?me me? I I??asastas?eded ed r???????am,am, ??????????VaV????ouvou???????. ??ItI?????????ve?
e some bits of the petals in the jam!). This is great alone on toast, or paired with cream cheese or goat cheese. Even scoop some on a good brand of vanilla ice cream. Be creative! This is delicious!" 11517,B0002UM1AA,A2B65FZCTSPWC2,Gina,2,2,4,1312416000,Delicately sweet and rosey,"I seem to have a love affair with roses. I've always admired their beauty and fragrance. and then few years ago, I discovered they are edible. The first time I tasted rose jam, I was in Vancouver, BC. It was served
?????????????????????scs???eses.s???? k knk??????????tot????kek?? so somo????????????????. . ?????e e te ?????????e ????ede????????r r???an??s.?? T ThT?e ????kak??isi???????e ge gog???d ad ??? a ??tut??ll???ha?s ????al al??????ofo??ror??e ???????????????????????allal???bob??????th???? sw s?????flf??????? fl f????r ???in yin ???????outou? ?ha???juj??????he he? ri r???????????t ot ?of of??????ne??????oo.oo??. M. ????onlon??????????, ???fof??ndn??????????????????al ial ????ortor?????torto?? f?????nlnly??????????. I . I??pe??????????????????er???g g t??????ro???AmA??zoz?????????8,8????????????A1A101??????????????????????u,u???????????989??00?0,0,d,?delde??iciic??????!!!!!???ThThiTh???????he??
on buttery vanilla scones. I knew I had to take some home with me. Since then, I've tried 2 other brands. The Kafka is quite good and actually has real bits of rose petals in it which really boosts that sweet flowery flavor in your mouth. It has just the right amount of sweetness too. My only beef is, I found them at my local imports store for only $3.89. I spent nearly $15 ordering them from Amazon." 11518,B0002UM1AA,A10RRMMJTBSR9V,Jiaqi Zhou,2,2,5,1311984000,delicious!!!!,"This is the b
???????????????????r r????. .??ouo?????t rt ?oso??????alal l???????????y sy ??al?l l bl ?????????heh??????y,y???ndn????'s'???oto????ver?????????????wew????. T. ?asa??e e se ?o o?rorosro??????151515191???000?????1A1???????????????????????????3,3???????262?????????????odo?????? fi f??st?? tr t??????????????erervr??????????????ri???an ran ?resre???uru??????????????????keked??????y ?ara?re re??bsb???????????mazma????????nd snd ?? d ???ici??????????nen??????????o ?????????? o of??????wnwn.n??brb?????<br<br ???ThT?isi?s is ???????????stapsta??le le i in in n????????ehe?holho?d.????????Ro?se?se Pse ??????rverv???????????????s os ?????????s bs ????????????????rorobro?aba????my?????????e.e???Ros??????reseres???ves?
est jelly I've ever had. You get rose petal from every small bite of the jelly, and it's not overwhelmingly sweet. Taste so rosy!" 11519,B0002UM1AA,A29G1QXA8NU22J,L. Niles,3,4,5,1326672000,So good!,"I first tried Rose Preserves at an Algerian restaurant and I was hooked. They are absolutely amazing and so delicious. I knew I had to get a jar of my own.<br /><br />This is now a staple in my household. I use Rose Preserves on all sorts of things but crepes are probably my favorite. Rose Preserves
?????ono?ded???ululll??? wi w?thth h??oto?th th?sws????????????oro????ooo????????????????th gth ???????eeeesee????or or???iei????ouo????????ot??????isisas?ppp?oio?????. ??t't????lsl??o do ????inein??ovo????????crc???m.m????nd ???????t gt ??et et???????rtr??d d?????????re??????t it ?????? b??????...?????????????????????????????????e qe ququiuit???e swe sweweewe??, ???????????e ????????do?eses ??goegoes? a?????????y ?(w(??ici??????nin?????ththeth?e je ???? la l???s ?????????wh??????vevenve?????????usu????????????. ?????'r'?? h??????quaqu????y ????????????????????????? b??at?????? hig hi???? r ?????????nd tnd th?thesthese?????????????00200?UMU?1A1??,A,????????JZJ?181?????ege???t,t,1,????????373?????????????
go wonderfully with both sweet and savory foods. Try it with goat cheese or Brie, you will not be disappointed. It's also divine over ice cream. And do not get me started on how great it is for baking...<br /><br />These preserves are quite sweet, so a little really does goes a long way (which is nice, the jar lasts quite a while even when I use it often). They're high quality and the flavor cannot be beat. I highly recommend these!" 11520,B0002UM1AA,A3072VKAJZ18X0,Meglet,1,2,4,1337817600,Exquis
??tete!e??AnAn n?elelel????t t????it??????? t ?hehe e?brb?eae?????????blb????r r???ea ea???aya?,",????????n ln ?ovovev????ithit? e?????????g g r ror?ses????I wI ??????rosro??????????? < ?????refre?="=?????????????ama?aza???????/g/gpg????????????????7L7???""?>R>???????lkl?????in in??ara?? L ?????????? f flf???????????? b???n ?ro???e ce ???dld??s s????????ref=ref="??"ht"h??p:?????????????????/g/gp/g????odo??????????9Z9ZDZ??????YaY???eee????ndn???e Le ??????222????????JaJ??????????????????utut ????????a>?? an and???a a ha ?hrehr????????????/ww/w?ww.???az??on.??comco???????rod??uctuc????????WDW???????ot??vov????????ticti?? Ca????????sh????????e<e??</a></a?>),>), ??I uI ususeuse ????????p p?????m (m ??a ??????""???ttpttp:ttp?????www.www??
ite! An elegant addition to the breakfast table or tea tray,"I am in love with everything rose. I wear rose lotion ( <a href="""">Rose Milk Skin Care Lotion - 8 fl oz</a>), I burn rose candles (<a href="""">Yankee Candle Large 22-Ounce Jar Candle, Fresh Cut Roses</a> and <a href="""">Votivo Aromatic Candle Rush Of Rose</a>), I use rose lip balm (<a href=""
??zoz??????/g/gpg??prpror???ctct/t?????9X9???????>R>????????e ??????(L(?????????did?itiit??on)on???????????5o5??</<????) a) anandn??? d ??????ro??????? (?????????""""h""??????/w/www???ama?az????"">""??eae??????a ??????GrG??ene?????????????? Te Tea????????OuO????e B??tt???? (?PaP?????f f????</?a>?????I sI ??ririoriouousu???????ro?un??????selselfl????ithit? a an?yty?????????????r r?????r ??????whw??? I ???????????, *, *r*??????prepr???????????it?er???ly???????servser??? m ?????wi???????? r? ros ro?se ?pepet??alsal?? I I I???????'t'? w???it it? to to ?????? . O ?????theth????aitai??waw?????crc??di?blb?le!le????????it ???????????????d ?d I d I??????'t 't?????????????r ?????? toa to??????, I,"">Rose Love Balm (Limited Edition) - 15ml/0.5oz</a>) and I drink rose tea (<a href="""">Teas' Tea Rose Green Unsweetened Tea, 16.9-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 12)</a>.) I seriously surround myself with anything rosy!<br /><br />So when I saw this, *rose preserves*, literally preserves made with real rose petals, I couldn't wait to try it. Oh, the wait was incredible! When it finally arrived I didn't even wait for the toaster, I
????????????sps???? a??d ???? r ???htht t?ini??????????r r /r ???t't????ele?icicic????? D DiDiviviv??????????????????. ??? f fef????s as ?????utu???y y????????ntnt,t? e eae????g ?a a ja jaj??????????? ro r????????????????????ic????????sis??tivti??ely? V ??????????. T. ????e e???oulou??n'n?????????????tieti?????????? fo f????ou????co???es es???????a ta ti??e.?<b?<br <br? /> /?><b><??????o ??????????hah???? ros ro???prp?resre???????????afa??????????????????????????re????????it it?? y????????????co???????aka??e. e. I??? dar da???????it ?wow???????????makma?????????????wew?????????????oto??t tet t????<br????????<br /><br /???????????f ????????????t it isi??????oneon??is?????. I?? fi f????????????es?????ves ves?
grabbed a spoon and dug right in!<br /><br />It's delicious. Divine. Extraordinary. It feels absolutely indulgent, eating a jam made of roses. It's so romantic and positively Victorian. There couldn't be a daintier dollop for your scones at tea time.<br /><br />So far I've had rose preserves on waffles, toast, ice cream, fresh fruit & yogurt, and coffee cake. I daresay it would even make a unique sweetener for hot tea.<br /><br />Speaking of sweet, that is my one issue. I find these preserves t
?????????????????????????????n n?? g ??nen??al???????e;e; ;???prp??fef???????? m????? ta t??tnt???s,s, , e ?vev???ini????msm???????????????e we ??????? it i?'s'????t t ot ?veverve????????????swswesw???????er??????? a??????iniinit?e ???ses?????vov?? i in i?n tn th??is,is?????????in??????????? p???????????ing???nin??????????????and and??????????I ???????????????????????quiqu?ite?? so so ?sw?sweeswe???????t at ????arear?enten??????ccc??????g g???????othot?erer ???????????????hasha?s ts trt???????otheoth???brb???????????asa????????re??serse?????????th??????easeast???????aryar?????????????????r ????????wowouo?ldld ?????ni?te??y ???er???we???th?the ????????te te?????????avoavor???brbr br??????r /r ???????hih
o be really much sweeter than I generally like; I prefer a bit more tartness, even in jams. Don't get me wrong: it's not overpoweringly sweet, there *is* a definite rose flavor in this, and definitely real petals adding unique flavor and texture. I just wish it weren't quite so sweet. But apparently, according to another reviewer who has tried other brands, Kafkas Rose Preserves are the *least* sugary! Any bit sweeter and it would definitely overpower the delicate rose flavor.<br /><br />So, whi
l?e e I ? c ?anan'n????ivi????t ?a a????????????s s?bebece??usu??e Ie ????????it?'s'?s ts ??o o s??????- -????????????e we waw?????????e w?isi??? I I??ouoululduld ???lyl?y dy ?ede??????????? s???r r??- - ?? I a I ?ckc??????dgdgeg?????????fkf??????????????????s ms ??????bebe be????e be ??st????aia??aba?le?????cec??ta??inlin?? w ??on'on?????opo?????????????onon on?????????????????ese?, ,??cccca??ioion????ly ly ely ????????????????????????!<!?????????r /???'m'?????ing?ing ting to???os?????????le??????papar????????mym????????tt?le???????????d ????????????n n??????s ds ??????(M(???????????????tptp:p??????.a.?mam??onon.on??????????????ct/ct????101???????"">""????eri?ca?????irlir?l Sl ?????th????ol?l ?????????acackac???
le I can't give it a full 5 stars because I think it's too sweet - and by the way I sure wish I could only deduct a half star - I acknowledge that Kafkas Rose Preserves might be the best available. I certainly won't stop putting it on everything and yes, occasionally enjoying a tiny spoonful!<br /><br />I'm going to host a little tea party for my two little nieces and our American Girls dolls (My <a href="""">American Girl Samantha Doll & Paperback Bo
??????????oeoele???????a a h ??efe???????????www????????????m/m?gpg?????????????00Z00????????????????? G GiG???? Ju J?lil????olo????andan???????bab???????????a>,a>??anand????ses??'s???a ???efef=ef?????ttptt?????????ma??? De ????ll &ll ???ap???????????ok<ok</ok</a???? an a???? k ?????tht??e ge ??????wiw????ge?t ????????ouo?t ??? e ???????????mamadma??e oe ????lol??er? p ????????I'I?m m???lsolso o?lo??okiok????????????????????tet??????faf??????????xtxt xt??????h,h??beb?????se se? I I????????????udu?lyl????rvr?in?ing ing?upu??sos???e re ro??????ese??????. .???????ct,ct????mamayma??bebe ?????ngng ng o ?outou??????????????????ser?serveserv??? as a????
ok</a>, Joelle's <a href="""">American Girl Julie Doll and Paperback Book</a>, and Lisey's <a href="""">American Girl Kit Kittredge Doll & Paperback Book</a>) and I know the girls will get a kick out of eating jam made of flower petals! I'm also looking forward to my extended family's next brunch, because I will be proudly serving up some rose preserves. In fact, I may be giving out Kafkas Rose Preserves as hos
?tet??????????????ieieue??ofof f???e e b ????ingin????????es es????mom?????? o???prp?os?ececcc??o Io ??? f ???????r dr ??aga???????? p??rtr?ie?s.s??ThT?isi?s ws ????d d?????????tl????pep?????????en?jojoyoyeyed???I'??m sm ???e ??????!<!??????????r />r /????yoy?ou'ou????????????ovo???????? lo looo??????????????????????????perpe????????cucutu????????????? n ??w w?sps???????"""????boubo??quequ???? of of r?os??s ?s ans and???????? of???canca?ndynd???????hi??hlh?y ??????mem?endend ??????????????resre???????""1??525??,B,????3M3?343?2K2???191????NQN???242???????a ???????5,5??13213??????00??,Be,B????in??shs??w!w?????ndind???ntnts? a ad a??d sd ???h h??ibi??????y ay ?????epe???h th ??to dto ???he?s ??s ands an?????s ???????????? s st s??nd?nd a???nene!ne????
tess gifts in lieu of the boring bottles of moscato or prosecco I'm forever dragging to parties. This would be promptly opened and enjoyed, I'm sure of it!<br /><br />If you're a rose lover, or looking for a unique gift, perhaps a cute and clever new spin on ""a bouquet of roses and a box of candy"", I highly recommend these rose preserves!" 11521,B0013M342K,A1950JNQDD24IG,Lisa C,2,2,5,1329955200,Best in show!,Condiments add such vibrancy and depth to dishes and this mustard can stand alone!. I
????? r rer????aba?ouo???tht??? m ????ara?????? a a??????blblol?????????n ???????forfo?????ChC?eze???ananinis???????f.f? ??????w w??? ha h??ad tad ?o o?????? I I' I?????ookookek?????????is is???sus???????????????????viv????grg????e ???????henhe?????????on???????re?????????? a f?????????s ??f f????m .m ???..???????ata?????????it?e!e???????,B,??0101313M3M3M?424??,A,?????????DOD?????MoM???????2,??????????????,Be,B???????????????????hishi??????tarta????????????n tn ?????????? c????enten?????is?is iis ?is ???ulu?ly ly???????????iji?????mus????ard ard??????ve ve?ev??? h??d!???? h???????????????????????????it?????????rar?ll??????ryrytry????????he?he ohe ????????????????us??an??????
had read about this mustard on a food blog written by a former Chez Panisse chef. I knew I had to try it. I'm hooked! It is a sublime addition to vinaigrette but when spread on rye bread with a few slices of ham at first bite! 11522,B0013M342K,A26QTYMS8DOY0N,Molly,2,2,5,1295740800,Best mustard ever,This mustard was given to me by a client. This is truly the best Dijon mustard I have ever had! I highly recommend it. I put it on literally everything. The other night my husband and
?????ata?hehere?ede? i ???ono??? s??????. .????????usu?????????B0B?050???4H4????????????????FNF??????,2,?????????333?????808???????????????tomto???? se s??viv?iceic????he?? I ???rdr?erereer??????????odo????, ,??????????o lo la??y y??????onvon?er??t "t ??????mmm?"""" ""?? to to???????????????seseqequq?ene???y ?????covco??????th?????????se??????de??????t"t?"" "" w"" ?????????????????(1(??????to????????????????y ty ??????????e fe foforor or????sas??????rinri?ndend???. . ????ortor??ly ly??????????eie??????? my my???rderd????ro?m m A ????????I ??????????? c??????sys???ma?ili???????ththe? S????ice ice?LaL?? t??????e ?sus?ureur???????????????it??????orordordeder????????????????at? a??ctuct?al?ly??????? n ???????
I slathered it onto steaks. Delicious! 11523,B005HB4HGU,A1U8FSIM58TXFN,John,25,25,5,1335052800,Amazing customer service,"When I ordered this product, I was too lazy to convert ""3-4 mm"" to inches and consequently discovered the ""Coarse Grinder Salt"" was almost 1/4"" (1/6"" to be exact), way too coarse for my salt grinder. Shortly after receiving my order from Amazon, I received a courtesy email from the Spice Lab to make sure I was happy with my order. I replied that actually I was not happ
??, ,?????????faf??ltl??waw?? m mim???????????????idi???????nvn???????e ?????????imi???????s s ts ???EnE????????nin?tsts ???????ns??????tlt??????dn'dn?? r ??????????? c??????? th t??????t ?????d ??be,be?, w, ??????wa???s tos tooo?o co ?coaco??se???????y y sy sa?lt? m mi m??l.l????wow??dad???s ls lalatatet?er er??I rI ?????????????????e ??f f?????????????????????????argar? ams a???????????????r sr ???viv???!"!?1??525242?,B,?000?????????A1A????????VLV??5Y5??????n,n???????????090949?787??????ror?du?ctct ??????????????ThT?????????ductduc???seeseeme?s s t???hahavha?ve ve? re repeplp????d ??? si s????????re????ousou?s p?????ct?????atuat?rar?????imaim?alaal???? C ???st??????altalt)alt??????e pe ????vio?us?????odcod?ut???????a da ded?
y, but the fault was mine because I didn't convert the metric dimensions to English units and consequently didn't realize how coarse the salt would be, which was too coarse for my salt mill. Two days later I received a package of smaller crystals, no charge. That's amazing customer service!" 11524,B005HB4HGU,A12JZ2L90VL35Y,Kdunn,31,35,3,1309478400,Product changed....,"This product seems to have replaced a similar previous product (Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt). The previous prodcut was a dee
??????????coc???r ??????heh????xtx??rer??????????????????whw??t t?I I?????????in????lsl???????. .??????nen?????????????imi?????????????????ata??????UnU?prp????sssse????????????????????mum????????????e ????????e ?co????????????re? s se????????I'I'v'?e ??????ede????l l m???? pro pr??ucuctuc?s ?frf??m m???he he???picpi?ce ce??????????????????ppp?oioinintin???????h ?th?e ????lalacla?cence????or? t th??is ?????????""1???????????????U,U??11??H8H????????????tat???,1,161??,17,1????131???????????????????????????is piis p????sa????????s a s a??verve??y ny ?????sus????e ????????. I???diddi?n'n't'??knk?owo?????lt lt???????vav????in?????lavolavor??????l ?I ???ieieded ed???????????????????t ?th?
per pink color and the texture was better than what I was finding elsewhere. This new product (Himalayan Organic Natural Unprocessed Cooking Salt) is much more like what the competitors are selling. I've enjoyed all my products from The Spice Lab, but was disappointed with the replacent for this product." 11525,B005HB4HGU,A11VH8PJ2MEHFV,Potato,16,17,5,1314662400,Great salt,"This pink salt has a very nice subtle flavor. I didn't know salt could vary in flavor until I tried this one. We bought the
???alaltl??????iai?allallyl???ece???ses? ( ???? it i??? o ?rgr????? a ?????????y ????ghghth??r r??????????????al??! !????t tt ????????or????????????alall?y ??????ththeth???????ereer????????dod??'t'??knknon?????chc???bobouout? s?????? bu b?????????t t??????????at at?th?isi???hashas ?a a?"""?????????"" ""?fl?????or mor mem?eaneani??g g? it? i???????harha??????or dor ????tinti?????????????d,d???at??herhe???????eme?s ???o bo ????meme me???????????????????gogoio????????nd????????????aca??k tk ththe???????r ??????????????in ?anan an e ?????ncenc?????y.y?. S. ??????s ss sis???????ut??? a?m m???earearnr???g ????? q ????itityit?????????en???????all?????????????????nc??.".????525???B0B?050???4H4HGH?????DJD??FOFOEO???????,c,cic?????en en??
salt initially because (a) it's organic and (b) my daughter wanted pink salt! But the flavor is what really made the difference. I don't know much about salt, but I want to say that this has a ""rounded"" flavor meaning it isn't harsh or distinctive on food, rather it seems to become part of the food, going in and bringing back the flavor of the food in an enhanced way. Sounds silly, but I am learning good quality ingredients really make a difference." 11526,B005HB4HGU,A1DJ9FOEOA0WF1,citizen fa
?ctc??chc?????????,1????????16616646????????? m ?ororeor??tht????sas?ltl???g g?fof????.,.??YeYeses,s? I ???? u ?sese ???????????ct? f??????altal??ng??????e oe ?????? fo????? b ???t it ??????o ?????an?????? h ???????????????us??? th t????????s s os ?? s??lt????e ??????lal???????????non?ormor??al,al, , I, ?I uI ?use?????s ????????????an??mym??????t it irt i???n gn ?grigr??l l a an a??????????. ????ouo??r or ?????????o ??aba????????????f sf ???t ?on??? the th?e se slsliligi???????ar???????ill ill o ?or ????????????????? t??? s?? salt sal???????????bob????????? s????? o?f ???????ansans ?wiw????????????d ud ?????peper???owo?ele??. T. ????sa???????????????????????s shs s????t wt ????? of???????in????thethe ?????EDED D???????????
ct checker,16,18,5,1316649600,For more than salting foods.,"Yes, I do use this product for salting some of my foods, but it also has another handy use. Because the grains of salt are much larger than normal, I use this salt to clean my cast iron grill and skillet. I pour one or two tablespoons of salt on the slightly warm grill or skillet, and rub the salt into the bottom and sides of the pans with a wadded up paper towel. The salt even quickly makes short work of cleaning the RIDGED bottom of m
???cac??? i irirorono????ililll???anan.n?????ksk??????ece????. ????????????eee?????? o ?or or? th t??????aca?kak????s os ???????s ps ?ro????? o???????????es es????????ec????e e????????t t ft ????????tlytly ??oto?????or ??al????????????????lel???in???th??e ce ????? ir i???????????????5H5??4H4HGHGUG????????????????,C,????tnt??y ??iciceic?????????????????04004???"I"?nt????elelyel?y s?????? h ????????y sa???","?,"W,"????????????aseas???wiw??? t???????lt??????s ??actac???????momor????sal????th?an??????lal????al????eve??en en???????? sa?lt?????????? sal???. . ????????????it it g?oeo?es ?????ongon???aya???????on??????????ly ly? co c??????th????????t ?ada????????????????s afs aftf?er??warwa??????'v'???????
y cast iron grill pan. Works perfectly. I usually keep two or three packages of this product on my spices shelf because I use it frequently both for salting food and cleaning the cast iron." 11527,B005HB4HGU,A39NRLN369P8NP,Courtney Rice,12,14,5,1290470400,"Intensely salty, healthy salt","We were pleased with this salt. It's actually more salty than regular salt, even kosher salt or sea salt. A little bit goes a long way! I don't usually cook with it, but add it to things afterwards. I've been
????d d g ????ndind?????????????8,8?B0B????B4B??????8585V5???????????RiR???????iei???????????4,14,????686??20200???????????CoC????????? I ???ueu??????????????????????????????????? a aba??????imi??lal???an an?????????d ad apa?????????????????? a a a??????flf???orior??? i in i??th?isi???al????ccccoc???dindi???????????al???????????????? rea readad,ad?????? th t??t't???????????ooo??. .??????eve???????lol???s ???????ici?e ??????????????????????asa??teste?s ms mum????????????????MoM?????????t t at ant and????dod?on'on't'???????t ?????????????lsl??????t'st'????inein?????????is?tat?an an ian ????????????????matma???????????????0000500??B4?HG??U,AU,???????85785?????,c,ch?in??ch???g,g,1,13???????
hand grinding it." 11528,B005HB4HGU,A85V7EAHDOMA4,RightReviewNow,6,6,4,1331683200,Fluoride Content An Issue?,"Not sure, but have been reading about Himalayan salt and apparently there is a high fluoride in this salt according to several reviews I've read, and that's not so good. However, it looks very nice in my salt mill and tastes much better than Morton salt and I don't use it everyday. Also, it's mined in Pakistan if that really matters." 11529,B005HB4HGU,AC9JAT85740ME,chingchong,13,16,5,1
???????808000???????????????hih??pip??????rereee?????plp??????pl???????hehe e oe ?rdr??????????????????????ed? i ???????????rdard?ay ay?wiwit????he??chche????stst st?????????????upeup?????st?? . t??e ?????lal??????al?t ??omo??????n an ??????ed??????oco????g g?? tha th?t ???as as a ?????totom?? th??????????? it i???????it it u up??ve????????? w?????? is i???????nin??ntn??????????????????cic?al??? i????ouo????veve ve????????????y ?????cesce?s as ?????sacsa??s ?????eaeaneansn????????????????d wd whw?????ot???iki?????????? ad a????ioi??????it cit ???????????? sa sam sa???lesles ??hi?????????n san s????, l, ???on???????????lakla????????, a, ?????ypy??????????????????salsa?????eie??hihinhi????uiu?????? fe f?? g
297036800,"super fast shipping, free samples","placed the order on tuesday, received it on saturday with the cheapest shipping; super faster. the himalayan salt comes in a sealed ziploc bag that has a bottom that allows it to sit up vertically which is convenient for storage especially if you have way too many spices and sacks of beans and sugars and what not like me. in addition, it came with 3 samples (himalayan salt, lemon citron flake salt, and cyprus white flake salt) weighing quite a few g
???????aca?????oro???????????t t?sas????????eie?????????? d?onon'n'tn'???????????????wiw?????e ?????theth???omo????????? / />/??????????fafara?r ar ???????????????itityit????????i i ti ?ypy??????y ?bub??y my ???hih?mam??ay??? s?al???frf?romro? w????le le?fofooood???an??????th?thetthetit?icaic??lyly ly??hi??s ss sa?ltlt ??oo?? e?xax??????lil??e ?th?? s? sal sa?????geg????ro??????????foofood?ods.ods. .???ha??venve?n't? t??astas????it?????????t t it ?i bi ????????????? l ?likli???? sal????????ououru???e pe ??????????? th?is????? salt salt???????????e le ???? i???WAWAYA???he?????r tr ????????????hihimhi?????an??sasal??????????le ???????????ven ven????lul????g ?????????).??1??????B0B??5H5?B4B?HGH?U,U?A2A2N2??MAM???GQG???????lbl?berbe??????,5???,5,1,5,?
rams each (sorry, doesn't say the weight and i don't have a scale with me at the moment).<br /><br />as far as product quality goes, i typically buy my himalayan salt from whole foods and aesthetically this salt look exactly like the salt i get from whole foods. i haven't tasted it yet, but i bet it tastes like salt. of course price wise this salt (the spice lab) is WAY cheaper than buying himalayan salt at whole foods (even including shipping)." 11530,B005HB4HGU,A2NAMA6YGQGPSM,Alber N.,5,5,5,13
3?141??404?00?????ele?lel???!,!,","T"??????is is???grg????????t;t?????????a a wa ?hoh??lesle?????flf????????d,d??? n non????cedce?? it it it??????'t'??mam?keke ??ouou u?????sts?????????????e ?blb?ooo????re???uru????????gugululalarla???salsa?lt lt?????. .?????'s's ???the the???eneenefefif????f f??????????al???????ce???f ???nen???????? i????I ?????d ???coc??????? th????toto o??????????????????th th?co???cic?????????le???1?????,B,?????????????????????KTK???????????4,4?,4,,4????31??????00??WoW???????????????????"T"Th"T????sa?????is ???????k k????????????????? the th????ceace?an,an??????veve e ie it???????????re ?????uyu?????????????????omeom???or??t i?f ????u pu ???????o uo ??e ??t ???????aladala????r ????
31424000,Excellent!,"This is a great salt; it has a wholesome flavor and, I noticed it doesn't make you thirsty or rise the blood pressure as regular salt does. That's the benefit of the natural balance of minerals in it. I would recommend this to friends and health conscious people." 11531,B005HB4HGU,A174G68Y1JKTQ7,Sylvia,4,4,5,1314489600,Wonderful product!!,"This salt is so pink and taste like the ocean, I love it. Make sure to buy a grinder of some sort if you plan to use it on salads or spri
n???????????? d ?isishs???.".?1?151???????5H5?????U,U?A2A?????????UYU?QOQ??L.L? S S.S?????le???,3?,5,5,5,1,???????60600?????ele???ntnt t?????oro??ThT?????????he he f ?????????????????????d ?????????ed?????t.t???I ????al????ususeus??sa??? f?ror???????ouo?us us????????rcr?cesce??? A ??tet???????dindi?? s se??????? re r?????s s?????????????on?on Ion ?????idide?d ??o o??ryr??????is sis ?sal????????????verve?????????????? su s??prpri????????he fhe ???rstrs????????? ta t?astas?tedte??d thd thed th??????t. ???e ?flf????????s ?????? a ??d d sd ????????. N. NoN???????????????????? u??suasual????bub?y ?in????he ?????cerce????stost??????PlP???????hahasha????lol?ot ot???????ce???minmi??ra??s ?yoyouyo?????dyd?y ny ne??????? I I????????re?????
nkle on cold dishes." 11532,B005HB4HGU,A2DDP3ETGEUYQO,L. S. Cagle,3,3,5,1337385600,Excellent Flavor,This is the first time I have used land mined salt. I usually use salt from various sea sources. After reading several reviews here on Amazon I decided to try this salt. I was very pleasantly surprised the first time I tasted the salt. The flavor was fresh and subtle. Not like the salt you usually buy in the grocery stores. Plus it has a lot of trace minerals your body needs. I highly recomme
???????????ltl?..????333???????B4B???????BJB??8P8??????0P0??????ininin???????3,53,??????????????????????????????,I ,I? lo l??????????himhi?????anan n?????? I ?? i ?? l??ada??????????????al?s ?an?d ?tat?ststet?e ge ????t.??? I I???on'on't'?t ht ?ava?ve ve????????as???ucuchc?????th???coc??vevenventn??ionionan?? t?aba???????t ????? I I d I ??n'n??????????????????us?in????????cac?us???I ??non?? t??at??? it' it????lsl????????y y????d ??oro????????y.y?.1.??53???,B0,B?00500?5HB5H???HGUHG??????????JQJQ5Q?OIOIFI?????SmS??????????5,15,???????????WhW??????ha?veve ve bve ??ene?n ln lo?oko?in?ing ing? fo f????.....????heh???????????????ara?????????pin?????ysy?????????n ??hoh??n n in ?? t??e ??????????whwhi?ch????s ps pep??????lyly ly??in??????
nd this salt. 11533,B005HB4HGU,A1BJE8PP5HVP0P,myopinion,3,3,5,1333065600,I love this salt,I love pink himalayan salt! It is loaded with minerals and taste great. I don't have to use as much as the conventional table salt and I don't feel bad about using it because I know that it's also really good for my body. 11534,B005HB4HGU,A3EL8P50JQ5OIF,A. Smith,3,3,5,1324598400,What I have been looking for....,"The product has far fewer pink crystals than shown in the picture, which is perfectly fine with
???????ThT?e e????t t??s s c ??ara?ses?? e ???ele????????????????ilill?s.s. . . I ?t ??asa?tet?????????????tht????????is????????????te?d ????????????????? a ??lele le???????? e???sewse?????????????rir??ce ce?????????????????excex??????t,t????? we w????????535?5,5,B,??050?HBH?4H4???,A,???????????KSK??,t,???????????y,y??????,1,??????????,t??????lyl??? sal sa?????usu???-e-???epeptp??????amamam??e ????? tr t?oco?comco?????"I"?????e ???????rcrchc???sedse??th?is??frfro???AmA????????????????illil??????????I I pI ?purpu??????????se???her??e Be BUB?T T????????????manma?y ????plp?le le ble bub????g g t?hehe ?????e poe p????????. ??????t tot t???letle????????????????????????al?????2 2??bsb??????y wy ?ou??????u u????
me. The salt is coarse, excellent for salt mills. It tastes great and the size is what I wanted and haven't been able to find elsewhere. The price and service is excellent, as well." 11535,B005HB4HGU,A2AOD7254MCKSH,travel-weary,5,6,5,1318204800,the only salt I use--except herbamare and trocomare,"I have not purchased this from Amazon yet as still on what I purchased elsewhere BUT I noticed many people buying the one pound bag. Just to let you know: one kilo equals 2.2 lbs. Why would you buy
??????????????????????????th?????th?ata??????????ese???????????yoy?????????et et????????????ou?blb??????????t ??????????????s ms ????????r /r ?????????r.r??MeM??????????????ntntst?????????????????????sas???t bt ????fif?ts? a ar???????????????d md me?????inging ing??thi????????????? a a f fe f?????ar?s s as ?agoag????an???????on?????en?ts?? g gr g?reare?????????????ne ne??ererser????????tit?????????????????? no n????????????????????????????di??e e ue ?????????????s io???zez???????con??taita???????e e se sosorso????f f??ea???ed???YoY?ou ??????easea???????????????????????at ?????????????.<b.<???????? /??????????????alt ?????s a s a v ve???y 'y ??le???????astas???-a-???
the one pound bag on something that never goes bad when you can get more than double for just a few dollars more.<br /><br />Dr. Mercola's comments regarding Himalaya salt benefits are what started me using this initially a few years ago. Many micronutrients, great purity. One person questioned the iodine: no salt naturally contains iodine unless it is iodized or contains some sort of seaweed. You can easily see his comments at<br /><br />Himalaya salt has a very 'clean' taste--add
??t t???e e e ene?d d???????kik?ngng.g????151???????5H5???????A2A??4Y4?0T0?????????KaK????L,???2,?5,5????????32032????????????iti?????????????viv?cece,e?"I"?????ghghth??????alaal??????rgrgag??????al?t ????iceic???EaE?????imimeim???quq?????? w waw????????y ???????????????ce??????????????????????????ThT??????ice??LaLabab'b??).)???I wI ??????????? a??gaiga?"."1111??373???00????B4HB4?HGUHG??AFAFSF???Z0Z?GTG?????,J,?ama?ese???,2??????393???36?0000,?WoW?????????????ucu?t,t,"????asas ????y y py ????se????witwi??????????????????al??. . I????????y ??oeoes???as???????????????????an ?oro????ara??y sy ?????t ant a????????????????????????te te????????????????therthe???????????????
at the end of cooking." 11536,B005HB4HGU,A2V4Y0T3CRKNLL,KateKL,2,2,5,1340323200,Good Quality & Good Service,"I bought Himalayan Organic Salt twice. Each time, quality was really good and service was fast and courteous (The Spice Lab's). I will buy it again." 11537,B005HB4HGU,AFSMZZ0GTEVKL,James,2,2,5,1339113600,Wonderful product,"I was very pleased with the Himalayan salt. It really does taste much better than ordinary salt and you can actually taste some of the other minerals in it. I would des
???ibi?????????????ckc?ini?? a ???????????????utu?????? g ?????????????y ??leleae????d ad ana??????l l b be b???buybu?????mom????????535??????5H5???????????313??????????????e ?WeW??tmt?mormo?????????,2,,2?5,5?13133133535353153???00000???????ayayaayanan an??ouo?rsr????????"I"???ava??????verver r???????? s se s??????????????? i??????????th??? w wa w??? gr g?reare?????????????aia???????ou??????ve? s???????did??????al al???lavlavov?????????I w?ououl????t lt ??????????eaeadead d id itd i?????????????as????ing ing & ??na?tut??????? l??????????in?k k???lolor??????t gt ??????? d dod????nt nt????????ut ut???????1???393?,B????5HB5HB4???????????VWV????????????????,2???2,42,????????????,V,?????????d sd ??lt??foforfo??????
cribe it like licking a salty rock, but in a good way. Very pleased and will be buying more." 11538,B005HB4HGU,A3P1315GACYPZW,Janie Westmoreland,2,2,5,1335312000,Himalayan course salt,"I have never ordered sea salt before. i thought this was great. I was afraid it would have some additional flavor that I wouldnt like. Instead it was fresh tasting & natural. I like the pink color, but glad it doesnt come out pink." 11539,B005HB4HGU,A1Z9HKVWJTFF69,nicework,2,2,4,1332374400,Very good salt for a ver
??????d d?????e,e???'l'?? c ??????????bebe e???rer??eae?????sts???ere????????d ad ??to?ugu??????? f ?in????? l ?arargr????????crc????al?s s??????fi?ll???????????????t t tt ?hih????????????ili?ll ??????<.?brb??/>/????r /r ??FlF???oro???is is c????n n?????????????mim???eraeral??????ThThe????????is??non?t ???????????sos?omeom?????herher ?????????????????????e see s?ene?????t ??????a a va ???? g???d ?fi??????????????????d a????od?????????satsatitioti???????ce ce???????????on on??????tabtablblele le i???a ???????????indeind??.<?br?? /> /?????/>?AlA???????e ???ll??????cl?udu?dedde????????on?????or aor ?a fa ?ut???????urcur????????? th??????kakagagege,ge???hi???? wa w???????ce???on?us?.".???????????????HGH???
y good price,"I'll certainly be a repeat customer. I had a tough time finding large salt crystals to refill a grinder, but this fit the bill nicely.<br /><br />Flavor is clean with slight minerality. The color is not a deep as some other himalayan pink I've seen, but it's a very good finishing salt, and a good conversation piece when put on the table in a clear grinder.<br /><br />Also, the seller included a coupon for a future purchase in the package, which was a nice bonus." 11540,B005HB4HGU,A
?????????????V,V????shs?ele???????,2,,2?5,5,1,????????000???????mmmmym?!,!,T,??isi???????????? s???????? e ??rtr????tatas??e.e????t it ?is is m ?????????? c cocoao??????? b ????ghtgh???????amamim??????????????????? I??wow?????lilikli??????????????t a t a?????tletl????ineiner???? l?ovo?????????salsa?lt!lt??111??????????B4B????,A,???JXJXKX?????D5D?T,T????. F. ????????"C???s ?nonoto???idi?????????2,52,?????????00000000,????????????????ingin?????? ba b??????????????????????gh gh???? t???? I?????? h ho h????????????is??I ??ili?????ve??????uyu??a a ba ?ig?geg???????nenexe???tit????????ed?? wi w??? s so s?????psp???????lt lt? an????????????????????is?is mis ????????gr?greagre??at bat ????????????????nd ?upu?? a a??
2PBAASBUM3WAV,seashell27,2,2,5,1331769600,so yummy!,This salt has a slightly earthy taste. It is moderately coarse. I bought a ceramic grinder for when I would like to have it a little finer. I love this salt! 11541,B005HB4HGU,AREJXK815FD5T,"C. Fedruk ""Cats not Kids""",2,2,5,1330992000,Great for cooking and baths,Great salt! Though now that I know how great it is I will have to buy a bigger bag next time. Mixed with some epsom salt and essential oils this makes a great bath salt. Ground up a bi
?????????????? w wow??ded????? f???????????. . W ???l ???erter????lyl?????y ay ?gag????????424???0000505H5????GUG??A2A2B2??A5A???HPH???????????????2,52,?,1,?333?080??929?00?????e e?tht?is????????"I"???????????????????????????????sasalsa?lt lt??asa??????? be???erer er?? for fo??yoy?u.u?. . ?AfA???????opoppp???? a ??ouounou???????ou????d thd t????ese????deadeal?? wa was wa?????????h Ah ?ma??on??. ???????e ????? h???vyv???????????????????????orkorksk?s gs ?re??? i?????y sy ???????illil????. I . I? wo??????????thith???ag???????d ????????????? t to???????iei?endendsd???1????3,3,B???????????A3A????????????H,H???ffff,f????,2,5,2,?????????????????ece????I I uI ???????s ??sal???????????berbe???????owo???espespep?eciec????ly ly???fteft
t finer it is wonderful for cooking. Will certainly buy again. 11542,B005HB4HGU,A2BWA57GHPISQK,Laura,2,2,5,1330819200,Love this salt!,"I had been told that Himalayan salt was much better for you. After shopping around, I found the best deal was through Amazon. It came in a heavy resealable bag and works great in my salt mill. I would buy this again and recommend it to my friends." 11543,B005HB4HGU,A33X9WBR7YD39H,Jeff,2,2,5,1330473600,Perfect!,I use this salt very liberally now especially afte
?????????????????????????aba????sas????yoy?????al?lyl??????????????d.d??????r br ?????s ??neeneed??????t tt ?????????????hih?s ??is is?????pupur?es????????ou????heh????????plp??? t to???????????is sis sasalsa???????????????????ulu??r r dr ???t.t??111?545??????5H5HBH?????????ZGZ???WPW?S3S?JUJ?7,7????????????g ????????ooo??""?????,2,,2?5,5???????????,H,???malmalalayla???an San SaS?????I I lI ????????is ??al????????he he????????y y wy ???s qs ququiuicickc?? t???????????????????????????????e ??????t imt i??ar??? a????????fuful? f????????? e ???veryver?th???g ????eatea??????nd,nd, ????????n'n?????????????ng??????????????????????????????? f?????eveev??????????111?15415????????????GU,GU?,A2,A252
r finding out that its table salt you really need to avoid. Our bodies need salt to live and this is the purest kind out there. I plan to make this salt a part of my regular diet. 11544,B005HB4HGU,A39ZG9XWPS3JU7,"S. Goldberg ""GoldMoon""",2,2,5,1326585600,Himalayan Salt,"I love this salt!! The delivery was quick, the price was reasonable and the salt imparts a wonderful flavor to everything I eat! And, it doesn't burn my tongue! I will be using this salt for ever more!" 11545,B005HB4HGU,A25
?YFY?????????Q,Q,S,ShS???????ene???arar,ar,2,??????????434???????rer??t t????????????aba??????ele?y y????e e????????ltl?????????????? i ?????ese??meme ???? a at a??? g ??reare?at at p?????? ?NoN????oreor?e be ?????al??????????????464???00??????GUG?,A,A2A??727??????????,L,??????nene,ne??,2,2,2,???????070?????0,???ea???PrP??roduroduc?t,t,I,I ,I????coc??ere???????is ??salsa??????utut ut 2 ??yeyea?rsrs ???o ??andan??ha?ve? n ?oto???loolo????d bd ????????????ve ive ????????????????????????yoy????????? q ???????????du????fo?r r ar a a ga ??ea?? p?????????????????d t???dedesesces???????imi?al?aya??? s?????- -? yo y???????????????tyt?y gy go???????s ws ?itithithoh???t ut ???ngng g??o o mo mum??????. It . It???s ds ???ic??ou?s!s??????????????????
YFCUONWD8UQ,Sharon Henegar,2,2,5,1322438400,Great product.,I absolutely love this salt. The flavor is awesome and at a great price. No more box salt for me. 11546,B005HB4HGU,A2L72GWHIYQ34R,Lehnanne,2,2,5,1320710400,Great Product,I discovered this salt about 2 years ago and have not looked back. I love it. The Spice Lab gives you a high quality product for a great price. It is hard to describe Himalayan salt - you get more salty goodness without using so much. It is delicious! 11547,B005HB4HGU,
??313????????????????huh?????????????,5,??131??????808????rer????coc????e e????????GreGr??t t bt ?uyu?! ! ??????????????????andan? p ?????????????????????m m? th thehe ??ro?????ntntent???. .??? p pr p???????a ga ??????????????? an a???tht????on???????npn?ro?cecese????d fd ??????????etettt???er fer ?forfo??yoy??????????,B,????HBH??HGH???AQA???????????V,V?,"S,"SpS?ar???????hilhi?????s "s ???re?at???lal??ioi?????ipBip???????comcom"m???,4,??,5,,5????26268?????00??,"S?liliglighghthtlt?? p? pin pinknk ????????or,or??bubutbu?t st ????????-t-???-l-??ss?."????anan'an?t ?te?ll???t ???? an any an??????????????????????al al??al??t, t, e ?xcx????t ft fofor??? s????ht? p pi??k ????????BuB??????????as?? al all???the??gr???eat eat????er???????? s st stut?????? a al
A31DCD0A4IPPV0,Joshua Wagner,2,2,5,1318636800,Great coarse salt,"Great buy! Fantastic taste and pleasing pink hue from the iron content. I prefer a grinding salt, and this one is unprocessed for it's better for you." 11548,B005HB4HGU,AQG3YML56OSUV,"Sparkle Phillips ""GreatRelationshipBooks com""",4,5,5,1268438400,"Slightly pink in color, but salt non-the-less.","Can't tell it is any different than normal salt, except for a slight pink tinge. But if it has all the great minerals and stuff... al
l??tht?? b ??????!"!""????494???????B4B4H4?????V8V?????????????????nen???????,1???696????00000?????????asa????,","T"?????sas?ltl???????? ta????! !??ItI??tatasastas??s ?non???????????e te ??e ????izi????????e e se ?? T ?ThiTh???????a a??????, ,??ili???????e e te the thahatha?????atatlat???ene?ha?ncncec??s ms ???tst?, ??????aba??es??????????t't???pip?inkin??pep????????oror or??lsl??????ksks ???????????y ??in in???????arar r??????????n n?????????. ?????????????????in??ly?????? n ????issis??e.e??????????t, t,? th t??????saltsal????????s s?o ???????ly tly ??at???t ?????vesve?????fin?e e ce ????in????al?????????????pop??de????, ar, a???nd? t? the th??????de? o ???? the????????????????? I ?f ????'r'?????ne????frf??
l the better!" 11549,B005HB4HGU,AV8RBIWNJ3271,Loraine,1,1,5,1346976000,Great taste!,"This salt is so tasty! It tastes nothing like the iodized table salt. This has a light, mild taste that greatly enhances meats, vegetables, etc. It's pink/peach color also looks very pretty in my clear Cole/Mason grinder. It grinds very finely with no issue. In fact, this salt grinds so finely that it leaves a fine coating, almost like a powder, around the inside of the clear grinder. If you're a neat frea
??, ,??????????????????? a ? l ?????????? y?ou???ig??? f fifini?nd nd y yo????ele?????????g og ??????????p p??f ???the the????indin?erer.r? ?????????ltlt ??????the??????lalasa??????lol?????imi???????555????000050?HBH??HGH???????????HAH????0,?EmE??????K,K????,5,?????414??????,A,Aw,A??sos???!,!,J,?usu????iki??e ie in??????st???re re???or or?? f fr frar??ti??? o?????????ici?????? pu p???hah??ede???????????refrefi?????? e ???enensnsis????????????lt lt? gr g???ndend????????????on ???????????er?? th?????aba???????t.t?. I. ?I dI ??on'on???knk?????f ??? t?????? a?????????????t ft ?ror?om om???gug???r r????blebl?????? b bu b?????th????????????s ????metme???thingthin?????out? t??? s???pe??? of of?? the?????????????at?????angan???????
k, this might bug you a little and you might find yourself wiping out the top of the grinder. Great salt and the bag lasts a long time." 11550,B005HB4HGU,A2YV6E02HAZE70,EmpressK,1,1,5,1344124800,Awesome!,Just like in the store for a fraction of the price. I purchased this to refill my expensive pink salt grinder. A million times better than table salt. I don't know if it tastes any different from regular table salt but I think there is something about the shape of the crystals that changes the
???y y?tht???sas??t t???????????????ueu???????????????? g ???????ini?????? h??ghg??y ????omo???ndnd nd????ckc????? th t???s ss ?????f of ?????????????????????,A,???9C9?PBP?????8X8??????dmd?ana????????1,51,?,1??????848404?00,00???reareata???????? d didifi????ulu??? to? g??????????????altalt alt?isi??????t ?an??????????????? th?????????????e ??????? sp s????e se ????s.s????t dt ????s s???? m ?????????????????????????thath????th???????ili??ayaay??an san ????????????e te trt?rieri??d, d,???t ?t dot d?????? l ??ittit?lele ?e ate at ?? t?imi?? m??kekes????????????????????????d ??? bu b???itit it a??????? ? Y ??S"S????15515???,B0,B00??????HGUHG???2V2?F3F????????????. . M. ???lsls,s??,1???5,15,13??21521?????????? n ????ch,ch??hi?his ???
way the salt hits your tongue. If you have a good grinder I highly recommend checking this stuff out. 11551,B005HB4HGU,A1R9CPBBJNM8XN,birdman213,1,1,5,1335398400,Great Salt - difficult to grind,"This salt is great and way cheaper than any of the local spice shops. It does seem more difficult to grind than other himilayan salts I have tried, but doing a little at a time makes it well worth it. Would i buy it again?? YES" 11552,B005HB4HGU,A2VF3XTT7245RE,H. Mills,1,1,5,1321574400,top notch,this is
???fif?nen??????????ofo????inein???l-l???chch h??????????????t.t??ThT???pap???????? a ???????epepsp??iti?????shs?. ?ItI??????es es i in i??????????al???ouo????1?151??3,3,B,?000??????GUG????????5X5???I6I686???"L"LuLuvuvyvy y??????????thth"h???,1,????5,5??31315?????00????imaim??????n Sn ????????????rvr?????an????tet???waw??????ctc???y ay ?as as das ????????????ououlou?d ???rcr???aseas???????th????seselse???????aia????Th???????n ??sensentn?t at ???ngn?????re re i??fof??mamatma??????on ???thisthi???alalt?????d od ??theth?erser?????wew?ll???s ???????? s??????????lesle???11???????005005H???????????NYNY1Y?SKS????191?,R,????yty????dad?ay,ay??????,5,1,5,??040????00000000,0???????t stt s?????????? i?s s ms ?????????avavov??it?e ??????the the?????????t tt th?the ?
a fine example of mineral-rich himalayan salt. The packaging also keeps it fresh. It comes in a zip-seal pouch. 11553,B005HB4HGU,A1I9Z65XVXI68B,"Luvy Bear ""Ruth""",1,1,5,1315785600,Himalayan Salt,Fast service and item was exactly as described. Would purchase from this seller again. They even sent along more information on this salt and others as well as sent me some samples. 11554,B005HB4HGU,A25JNY1SKJ4T19,RJ_Hythloday,5,7,5,1304208000,Great stuff,"This is my kids favorite of the salts at the m
oomomem??????????????t t?totooo?? a ??d d??????????? it i???? m ?????llllell??tit????????ata?t dt ??ealeal ???sos?????nd nd????????om?????y ty ?????????in???s s??it?????111????????5H5HBH?????,A,??????MYM??????F,F,S,??????????,2,?,3,?,4,4,4??????24024????,G,?oooodood ???????ThT?????????????alallal?????hah??? I I???????ede????butbu???ha??'s'??prp?????????????me?????????badbad ???at eat ?????????????????????TheTh???salsa?t ???eme?s ???????hoh????????I ??as? a a a??it???????isais??pop?????d ??thathat???????????????we?????????saltsal?t t??????mumucu?h h????re re??ibi?rar?????y cy ??????????an???the?y ?aca??????????????I ?me??????the????re?????k,k???????????????????t t pt ?????????? s?ho????????The The s??
oment. I like it too, and will keep it in my collection. Great deal also, and great company to do business with." 11555,B005HB4HGU,A24PGDMY8R6MTF,Seabiscuit,2,3,4,1326240000,Good salt,"The bag was smaller than I expected, but that's probably just me being bad at estimating things. The salt seems good, however, I was a little disappointed that the photo showed the salt to be much more vibrantly colored than they actually are. I mean, they are pink, just not so bright pink as it shows. The sal
?????? a ????????????? t tht???????????d sd ??y y????waw??????th???????????.".??111??????????????????JUJUOU???????????????orior?,0,0,????????101?????????????????????aga????,",?SaS??lt lt?????ese??????, ,??????sa????????t tt ??????????????????. 3. ????????isis s bs ??????e e oe ???? the th????ck???iningin??. T. ?????????ere?r tr ??p p? is i??totootoo o?la????????? a a???mfm??rtr?tabta?lel??grg???d.d?. I. I I?????????rlrlyl?????ge????????? ha??ndsnd???andan???havha?e ?a a ha ????????????????ing ing t??????????r.r???????e,????henhe??????gr?????? i???????lyly ly???rt????????o 4o ??????? it i???????iffif????ultul???impim?os???bl???e toe t?o go gr????? di dirireirecectec?ly????to?? fo foo?????????s fs fis f???e ie ?? c???p ip ????lefleftf?t ot ???? h?
t has a good flavor though. I'd say it was worth the price." 11556,B005HB4HGU,ADJUOG2Z64N20,A. lori,0,0,3,1351036800,Difficult packaging,"Salt tastes fine, cant say about the health claims. 3 stars is because of the packaging. The grinder top is too large for a comfortable grind. I have fairly large/strong hands and have a hard time turning the grinder. For me, when the grinder is mostly vertical to 45deg, it is difficult/impossible to grind directly onto food. Works fine if cap is left on & he
?ldl???n n????oro??zoz????l l????????????tht?????em?ovo?? c cacapa? &? u ??e.e????? g grg???d ??ivi??? a a a????e ???????grigr??????????????ana?????OXO???????sos????t t??????aza????????151???????5H5??????,A,???????????S9S??????k k S ??whw?ililll???????,1,????404??00????????????? Sa S??t,t,","I"???ot?? th?isi???????or???????I I aI ama??????oko??????????????otiot?????ththath???????????????a c?ha????????? the th??e fle flal????s ?ofo??????foofo?d.d???TheTh?y y sy ??????????s s as ??????????hanghan?????????????y ???I haI h??e e ee ?????ed???se????? th??????????????fefer???????????. I. ??dod?o lo ??????t ???veryver?????h.h??1111????,B???5H?????U,???ONO????3Y3???ZQZQRQ??????ng??lol?????????????484????????k ??
ld in a horizontal position & them remove cap & use. The grind gives a nice fine grind (better than my OXO I also got at Amazon)." 11557,B005HB4HGU,A2KXKJJBXBUS91,Dick Sawhill,0,0,5,1347408000,Fantastic Salt,"I got this for work, as I am a cook. Everyone noticed that I have had a change in the flavors of my food. They said it was a good change. Personally I have enjoyed useing the salt in different foods. I do like it very much." 11558,B005HB4HGU,A3ONZP93YK5ZQR,S. Angelo,0,0,5,1347148800,Pink Hi
????aya?????????? G GrG????????t,t?"I"???????????PiP?????????laylaya??n cn ??ourou?????ra??? s ?????????????gr?????rsrs rs??ece??????????????s gs ???????????al????????????y y????????????????erber????Sa?????sis????RoRoso?semse??????????????ymy?me me???????????????ay?anan an?????sese ?????n ?sasal????????tet????rer????????lo???? gr g????????th?e ???in????s ????? sh s???????????????????????????????????????????makimak?????p p?????????re re? He????l l? Sa S?????fof?or or??hrh???stmst??s ???ftf??s us ????????????????Hi??malmalamal????n s?????. ????y ????isisf????!"!?????595????????4H4?GUG????T1T1K1?WRW?VTV?????????thisthi??????????????????464????60????xcx??????t ?????????e g??
malayan Course Grain Salt,"I use this Pink Himalayan course grain salt in salt grinders because it looks great, but also I make my own homemade Herbal Salt using Rosemary, Lemon Thyme and Pink Himalayan course grain salt...tastes great and look great in the grinders and shakers. I've very satisfied. I plan on making up some more Herbal Salts for Christmas gifts using this Pink Himalayan salt. Very satisfied!" 11559,B005HB4HGU,A1T1KWRVT5X70A,thisismyname,0,0,5,1346025600,Excellent salt,"We gri
??d d?????sas?ltl??????perpe???????? f ???eshes????nd nd t tht?isi?s is ?is is???????altal???????????????t't?s ??ili?ded?????????regre????r ?r tar t????????lt,lt??whwhihichi?ch ch a??lol???????????e ????????????trtrorolo???????w w??????????? wa w????????????dsd????111151????B0B000????4H4HGH?U,U??????2L2?????????aua?uraur? d ???reyrey,y??????,1,???????????HIH??????ANA???????AL??????????????LaL?????is ais ????mpm??letletet???????de????ul ul????mpampan???!!?<b<??r /r ??I I??ece??????????orordorde????propr????????Th????????????????????h qh ??????ty ty??nd????beb???tit?fu?????nkn????lo????<br<b????DuD??e te ?????? mi misiscis????????tioti???, I, ?I oI ??????????????alsals ??thathattha???er?? t to too????? f???????grg???ndender??????/>/>I/>???????????
nd our salt/pepper/spices fresh and this is out salt of choice. It's milder than regular table salt, which allows for more precise control of how salty you want your foods." 11560,B005HB4HGU,ASB872LI0LBKT,maura derey,0,0,5,1345680000,HIMALAYAN SEA SALT,"The Spice Lab is a completely wonderful company!!!<br />I received my order promptly. The salt is very high quality and a beautiful pink color.<br />Due to my miscalculation, I ordered crystals that were too big for my grinder.<br />I sent a not
?? a ana??? as asks????ifi????coc???d ???????????????r r???ala???????????????brb?r /r />/???st????? s????ici???an????ereer?ed ed?quq???klk?y y??ndnd nd???idi??????????????????????????????g og ????smasm????r ?????????""????ompom???????? fr f??????? / ????w w????ndend????ul ul?of??ththe?m!m????<br<b????????????????????????????????n n??????? da d?ys?. .? I I c co?mmm?menmendnd ?????????b b?????????ngng ng???ch???on????erfuerf??????us??????er ser ?serse??vicvi??????I ?ama??????????????ateat???cu??sto??merme???! !????ankan?????ou Sou ????ice ice??LabLa????????????alial?ityit????altal??!! !!?????????ingin???to to? ma m?ke??""????le"le""?????d cd ???????????? e ??????????????????1,1??000????4H4??????KPK???G8G?AIA??CECEGE?,T,?ararorotot ?????chech????
e and asked if I could exchange it for smaller crystals.<br />Customer service answered quickly and said ""They were sending me a bag of smaller crystals"" completely free.<br />How wonderful of them!!!<br />You don't see that very often these days. I commend Spice Lab for having such wonderful ""customer service!"" I am now a dedicated customer!!! Thank you Spice Lab for my quality salt!! I am going to make ""Sole"" and cook with it every day!!!" 11561,B005HB4HGU,A3KPGWG8AIQCEG,Tarot Teacher,2,
?4,4?????????404000?00,00?SAS?????? T THT???EAEARARTR??????????aya????StStyt????"S"SiSili??????????did??n'n????vev??????w w t ?hehere???waw?????????? th thih?????s ??????????????an an??al??????????en????ctc??al?ly? m??ententit??nenede?????tot?? me me me????????????????????inging ????????????????????????an an lan ????????????????no?w,w????'s'????kek??bub???????a ra ?????????????ta??????ItI????al???yoy?? s??e ??on on?? the th?e re ???????, , i, ?? t????????????on ????e se she s??lvl?vesve?????? the the the????re????brb?????<br<b?r /r ?/>I/>????? act actu???allyall??glg????I ????ch????????????????ava???????pep?? u ?????ing ring ??gugulu?larla?????????tet?????????momosmo?????ta?????. ???????ltl????????????????????a ?????er??????
4,4,1320624000,SALT OF THE EARTH - Himalayan Style,"Silly me, I didn't even know there was such a thing as pink Himalayan salt. A friend actually mentioned it to me as we were discussing moving into a vegetarian life style. So now, it's like buying a red, Ford Mustang. It's all you see on the road or, in this case, on the shelves of the stores.<br /><br />I'm actually glad I purchased this and have stopped using regular old white salt almost totally. The salt does seem to have a milder taste
??????I I????????ini?? m ?ysy??????????????????? o ????t ??hah?an an? I I????d wd ???? t ththethe ??ooo?????????whw????it?????insin? i??????????????iei????????/>/?????/>????cec???????????????????m m A ????onon,on???????ma?nan?gegede??????finfi???sos??e ?????????my? l ?it?????????????t it ??it iit is????y ????enensen?????????henhe????ou ou????????se se??hih??????? wi w??l l????????ed?? a a s????t gt ?ri?rindrin????unu????s ?????????e t??ro??winwi?????g ??chuch???????? sa??lt lt? at a??????r fr fof???. . . ? Wo W???????????ing ing???????o ??????he??????????r,r?, e, ????cic??????????you??pu???chach?????? gr g??rind?????????a ????????????ainai????????? the the s sa sal???????allyally ??ooookooks???????????????????????y,y??tr??
but I don't find myself using any more of it than I did with the good old ""when it rains it pours"" variety.<br /><br />Since ordering this from Amazon, I've managed to find some here in my little town but it is way expensive. When you purchase this you will also need a salt grinder unless you like throwing big chunks of salt at your food. Worth getting the two together, however, especially if you purchase a grinder with a glass container as the salt really looks attractive in a pretty, tran
s?????ntn??grg???????????????????????, ??????????????d,d?, t, ?oo???? Ab A???????'s'?????ri??ioi???????alual?????????it it????knk?????? z ????. ???es? s ????t Ht HAHAVA???nu??????ionio??????lul??????? t??????????me??????????tht??s ?fofou?????tarta? I. ??????in????utut ut???re????boubo?ut ????????uaual? f fo???????????'l'?l ??????? t?????re?viv????""1111??626???000?5H5??4H4?????????7T7?????????????CEC????comcom,m,1,?,5,??????33????80800????inkin????it wit ????????? at a????????sis?????????estes???PinPi??k Sk SaS???????ThThe????an???? I??t wt ??????aka???e ale a???yoy??????ishis??????st????????????pip???????'s?????? t tr trur??????????????brb??????r ?r />r /????????????????ew ew??????si???<b
sparent grinder. And, of course, it tastes good, too. About it's nutritional value I admit to knowing zip. Does salt HAVE nutritional value? In the meantime, I give this four stars. If I find out more about the actual food value I'll update this review." 11562,B005HB4HGU,A2CFN7TZYRLEI6,HOLDCELLcom,1,5,5,1333324800,Pink it was love at first sight!,"Best Pink Salt On The Planet! It will make all your dishes taste better. Spice Lab's is a trusted seller!<br /><br />Pink it's my new obsession<b
????>P>PiP??k k????????? e ???? a ???ueuese?????????????PinPi?????????????s s os ?f f????r r lr ????????????e<e????r />r /????k ???s ts ??e ????ve ve?????did???ovoveov?r<r??? / /> /><>????/>????? a???s ths the???iningin?????yo??? c chc?herhe??y<y<b???????nk???'ca'c???? y???????????????????? />P />PiPin?k ?k itk i?t'st'????????lo??r or ?of of p ????ioionio???????????auseaus???????????????????? w ????????he fhe ??????????????????????????? wa was????oveove ove a at a?t ft fif???????ghg??????<br />????ink ????n ?? t?????ou?t ???????gh?t,t, ?????????<br />P???nk ?????????????? as???????e<???????nd???I tI ????ink ????????????is??go???ing ing? to t??beb????l l?rir??ht?<b???????o mo ?ata?tet?????????e ????to?nin??????br ??????br /????????????
r />Pink it's not even a question,<br />Pink on the lips of your lover, 'cause<br />Pink is the love you discover<br /><br />Pink as the bing on your cherry<br />Pink 'cause you are so very<br />Pink it's the color of passion<br />'Cause today it just goes with the fashion<br /><br />Pink it was love at first sight<br />Pink when I turn out the light, and<br />Pink gets me high as a kite<br />And I think everything is going to be all right<br />No matter what we do tonight<br /><br />You could b
?? m mym????ama??????????????z z??in??????tht?e ???? k kik???a a???ingin??<b<br<b?????in?????kek????ded????????????<b?<br <br? /> /?????s ks ?????? b bubutu???ouo???ono?????vev?r ???ellel???herhe???<br <br /<br ???????????nk nk????waw?????????t t ft fif?????sisigighg??? a an a????<br ???????k wk ??henhe??I I???rnr??????????li????<b??????????geg??s ???e he hih??? a as a????ki???????<br />?AnA?????????????ereryer????????s ???????????????????igh?????? />???????????wh?at? w wew??????????ight???<br ?????????I ???ntn?????????youyour?? lo l??????<br <br /?????????????p p? yo y????n ??ubu????????????s ps ????????? the th???????????????????y ?????????<br />Pi?????t'??s m??y fy faf????????crc????n,n??yeyeae???<br??<br />???????>Pi>Pininkink ???
e my flamingo<br />'Coz pink is the new kinda lingo<br />Pink like a deco umbrella<br />It's kink - but you don't ever tell her<br /><br />Pink it was love at first sight, and<br />Pink when I turn out the light<br />Pink gets me high as a kite<br />And I think everything is going to be all right<br />No matter what we do tonight<br /><br />I want to be your lover<br />I wanna wrap you in rubber<br />As pink as the sheets that we lay on<br />Pink it's my favorite crayon, yeah<br /><br />Pink it
???????vev??ata???iri?stst t st ??????????>P>??nkn???heh???I I t ??????????????????<b<br<br ???Pi?????????lil???e re ?????ut??????quq??????? /???ndn???I tI ?thith???????ryryty?????????gog????g tg ??????alalll??????t<??? /???????attat????????? we w?e de ????tontoninig????1??565?????050??????U,U?AXA?3M3?070767?5K5??????????s,s????15,15????313??76876868??????I lI ??keke ke???,i,????????? in in ??????????arar ????????w w??atatmat?????????????????bobou??????????????????????ese?sifsi????????fesfe??1???????0000100???????????DYD??NQNQBQ?????,R,???erer er???llllyll????????131????????????prp??kaka ??????lielierer,er?????????? t??is?? pr p?????t ??????? pr????????????????a sua s???plypl??wa????eae?????????auausu?????. .???
was love at first sight<br />Pink when I turn out the light<br />Pink it's like red but not quite<br />And I think everything is going to be all right<br />No matter what we do tonight" 11563,B005HB4HGU,AX3M0765KGH6P,Doris,0,15,4,1317686400,I like it,i put it in a glass jar for chow watmore ken i talk about it is pink salt i resifet it fest 11564,B001EQ59GE,ADKDYRNQBRTJ9,Roger Lilly,0,0,4,1308096000,Paprika supplier,I ordered this product as my previous paprika supply was nearing exhaustion. My
??prprer???ouo?s s?sus??????waw????heh? s????e be ?rar????an??d ad ?lsl???????????? o ????e ???????e.e. .???????????????????????e le lal?rgr???coc????????s ????????????gerge??????lalablablblel??in? m mym??lo???al al?grg??????y sy ??or??s s ss ??????uru?nen????????? i??teter?ne????oror or?he????? T ??o do ??????????????t ?us???? an a?????????s s ps ???pripr?ka????t ?wewele??????n n mn mymy my??????ntnt nt? su s???????f f hf ????mam???????????????s ??????ustus??d.d??????????r /r ?/>I/>???hadha??no????prepr?????uslus???????hahasha??d ??????? thi?s ????????????we??erer er ter th?? s????????nt dnt ?deldelilivli??ry????? p???romprom??t at ?????t ????as was ?welwe?ll ll??????ge?????????????????atiatis??????wiw??th th??????????????????wow?oulou?????ot ot h?????at
previous supply was the same brand and also in the 18 ounce package. For some reason these large containers are no longer available in my local grocery stores so I turned to the internet for help. To date I have not used any of this paprika but well when my current supply of homemade BBQ sauce is exhausted.<br /><br />I had not previously purchased from this supplier however the shipment delivery was prompt and it was well packaged. I am very satisfied with the supplier and would not hesitat
?????????chc???e ?frf??? t th t?????????????????B0B?0101E1????GEG???????????SNS?HFHFXF???????1,1???????????????????????????????????,",????uauala??????????in? " ??????????????????????????????ed ??? s so so ??????????????ana?d ??it it i??s ds ????????ly ly?NON?????????? ?AlA??o,o??????????????es es???????or??4.4???????SaS?m'm??????o, o,??notno??ono??ly ly wly ?asas as??????he he? wr w?ronro?g g i it??em em b????, I, ??I ovI o??er er???idid id? al a????????????,B0,B00???Q5???E,E,AE,??H6H?????????I8I?????ReReae???r,r???????????????00???on??t lt ??t ????????????olol l y ??????????is is? is????gug???r r P ???ri??? y yo y?ou ou????y iy ?in ?th?????rocro?er?y ???????. I. ???s gs ??oodoo?d ad ??????gr??????????????56???????1D1??CJC???
e to purchase from them again. 11565,B001EQ59GE,A22O6MWQRSNHFX,didi,1,3,1,1281139200,not what I expected,"Actually typed in ""smoked paprika"". This showed up so I ordered it and it is definatly NOT smoked! Also, these bottles sell for 4.95 at Sam's. So, not only was it the wrong item but, I over paid also!" 11566,B001EQ59GE,A1H6SBO7R007I8,A. Reader,1,3,5,1242172800,Dont let the name fool you...,This is regular Paprika you buy in the grocery store. Its good and a great price. 11567,B0031DJCJS,A
?161?RYR???7D7????????????????,2,?????????696??121????tut?????????ere??????? f ?rir??????????ovovevese??jej?ellel??????????turtu????????????aia???????????????????ndnd ???hewhe??????????e ?????s hs he??????es es???hemhe?? an?????venven n t? tho th?ugu???????????re re???????????????????ala????e ce coc????n'n??t st ???????????? em e??..?111???8,8??????BIB???????????5T5??M7M??????????ete?th th??in?????????,1,??3,13,????????????eee?????mormo???le???n ???avavo?r,?????????ch ch???? a a? le l???????????????????????cooco?????, ,??????onon on?????????? s si s????????co??????? l??ststest?ed ed i ???? the the the i the ining????ie?ntn?s,s?, b, ????????????ai?nln??y wy ??????????????????y ??on???????d t???hem,hem??so??? the??y w
16RYER7DPZOWZ,ravamorel,2,2,3,1326931200,turtle power,For a friend who loves jellies and turtles . He said they were soft and chewy just the ways he likes them and even though they were his favourite animal he couldn't stop eating em . 11568,B001HBI28S,AS0SPE5TEM74Z,Elizabeth Kingsley,1,1,3,1286928000,Needs more lemon flavor,"Not much of a lemon flavor for lemon cookies, more on the sweet side. Coconut is listed in the ingredients, but you certainly won't taste it. My son liked them, so they w
????? g gog??????asasts????????????????t bt bubuyu?????m m???aia??????151???????????????A2A262?????TET?WEW????,",?KaK?rer????. ?CaCar???enten????????? L ???y ??????0,0?????131??555???00?????? p ??rfr???????mmm???ter????? t???????ot?????????????/>/?No????tooto?????<b??????otot ot tot ????hah?????<br <br / ?/>N/>???? to???sos??????????<br??/>???rf????t ft ?????hehenhe?????????t ?????ivi??????r ????????????????????e he he???????????t tht t??????or.or. ??ByB??th?e ?titimi?????? o ?pe??????? do doo???????tut?urnur???aroar???? t?? c ????? o????im????????rea???ha????eee?????om??pedpe??????????and?????llllol????? n?otot ????? o of o? a?? ch cho ch??in?ing ing??hi???e y???????????????????????????Q2Q?26,26?????YDY??
on't go to waste. I would not buy them again." 11569,B003HUFLYA,A267V5VTEWEQ1T,"Karen A. Carpenter ""Dog Lady 6""",0,0,5,1305504000,the perfect commuter dog treat,Not too dry<br />Not too wet<br />Not too hard<br />Not too soft<br /><br />Perfect for when you want to give your dog a treat and are heading out the door. By the time you open the door and turn around to check on him the treat has been chomped to bit and swallowed not fear of a choking while you walk out. 11570,B0051IWQ26,A2AKYDIG
K???????S.S. .???cec???????????13413??282?????????????????????oteot??? d ????? f frfroromro??????!,!??? a ama???in in l lol??? w ??th? t ????Mi?x x?????inein???????rotro?????dr???????????sosomo?eoe???e we ???th ??? se s??????????tot?omaom???? i ?????s ???waw????beb??en en?? c ??al?lel?engen?e e fe ????me???? f??indin????????in ???????????? d???'t'???????atateat?????? sto stomomaomacomach????d d ad al?so???as??te te?????at ????? ha h?????a ga ?oooodo??????rit???????? pro???le?. ?. M. Mi?Mix Mix?????s t??????????rar??d ??????fo????nd tnd ?????????????????f tf ??thesthe??e re rereqre?uiu??eme??ntn?????br br??><>?<br<b??/>?I ???ded?????th?????????a ????????? s????n an as????sas?????????????s s a?vav?il???le??????mam????. . ????rearealrea???y ey ??joj?y ?it?!<!??<br <br??
K7PZZ5,S. Rice,4,4,5,1313452800,Another great protein drink from Mix1!,"I am in love with the Mix 1 line of protein drinks. As someone with a sensitive stomach, it has always been a challenge for me to find protein drinks that don't irritate my stomach and also taste great and have a good nutritional profile. Mix 1 is the only brand I've found that meets all of these requirements.<br /><br />I ordered the Vanilla shake as soon as I saw that it was available on Amazon. I really enjoy it!<br />
<?brb???????hah???a a????????????? v??nin???????lavla??ur??????dod????????tat??tet?? ar artr??????????????mom??t ?????????fl??????ede?d pd prpror????? d dr d?in?ksk?????????ststest???????e ae ???ele?liclici???????????a ?????kshks?hakha???bubutu??wiw??hoh?outou????????????????ofo??????????milmi?ks???? ???????ono???stste?ncn???of????is?????????is is ais ?a la ???tlt?e ?bib??? th????er????an? t???????????r Mr ????? p ???ote?in? d dr???????thath??? I I???????????, ,??ut??itit ??is is dis ????ni????y ???????ateat???. ??I I??ea???????????it it fit ?oror ?????????ast,ast??beb?????e ?e ine i???theth????ornor???????????????????ly ly f ??el? l?????????nin?g g ag ????holho?? o ??e ???of tof ????????????Mi???1 ?pr??????????????wi????
<br />It has a very natural vanilla flavour and does not taste artificial like most vanilla-flavoured protein drinks. It tastes like a delicious vanilla milkshake but without the heaviness of a real milkshake. The consistency of this shake is a little bit thinner than the regular Mix 1 protein drinks that I am used to, but it is definitely not watery. I really like it for breakfast, because in the morning I don't usually feel like downing a whole one of the regular Mix 1 protein drinks with t
?heh????igi??tlt?? t ?????????ono??????????..????rer????????????n n t???????terte???????????7171,1????515?IWI???????????????????????????did????????"""??lolovo?ehe??????????????,2,??????????????00000?????????????????,"I,"?????inkin????thisthi???is is???????f tf ???????? p pr p?oto???????????????????ma???????AlAllll l?nan???????wiwitith??????ra?msm??s ofs o????????in ??ndn?????ra?????? f ?????, , M MiM?x x?? i?????????????iningin??????????ostos????????????g'g??. G. GrG?reare????oro????????r pr por p????????k ok ?utu???s ors o????????????weweeeenen en?????????? a????ot??????????????????fo??r vr ????tatarta??anansan?s as ???? th????e we ???? ar a?????y/y??aca??????????????????????????????????illil?
he slightly thicker consistency...I prefer those in the afternoon." 11571,B0051IWQ26,A1DAFWS98LQD2R,"marriediimuzik ""ilovehousemuzik.""",2,2,5,1344384000,1 Of The Best.,"I think this is one of the best protein shakes on the market. All natural with 15 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber, Mix 1 is light tasting and almost 'refreshing'. Great for pre or post work outs or just inbetween meals for a protein boost. Great for vegetarians and those who are soy/lacrtose intolerant. I love the vanilla
????e e?????I I??m m a??chc????lalatatet????rsr????""??151???,B,B0B000???IWI?????A1A?DMD???HEH?3S3?YEY??R,R?stste?????iei????llllel?er,er??,1?????????232?3203200???OVO????I lI ????e te ?? h ?havha?????????????? m ????????r r??rer???fafasast????r ar afa?????? r ???...???? t???k k?????or?eve?????? f????? a a d a ????????at??waw?? b?otothth th?la?ctc?tosto??????d sd ??y y? fr f?reere??.....?????????? L ?????S.S???ix??????15???,B?000050051??IWQIW?Q26Q2?????????K5K????????????????????????131??????40040??????e e Me ???1 ??????oso?st-st????covco?????????? a a ?????? ru r?un un o?? b??????ridri???,",????????s ms my?????????????ostos?-r-re-r????er?y ?????? a?ft???????onongon????run run????bibik??e r?idi???? I???sps?pecpe??ala??y ??ik??? th t?? V VaV?????????ix1ix???. I. ??t gt
one and I am a chocolate person." 11572,B0051IWQ26,A1DM3UHE3SYE3R,stephanie fuller,1,1,5,1340323200,LOVE,I love to have the vanilla mix 1 for breakfast or after s took me forever to find a drink that was both lactose and soy tummy LOVE'S. Mix 1! 11573,B0051IWQ26,A2ZRDFXK52QATT,runnerinSD,1,1,5,1340064000,Love Mix1 for post-recovery after a long run or bike ride!,"Mix1 is my favorite post-recovery drink after a long run or bike ride. I especially like the Vanilla mix1. It g
???? d ???? e eae?????ndn???????h h???nd nd?isis ??ereryr???efe??resre????????????s ????rereareata?????ovo????/p/??ot??in???rir????wiwiti????ot????f f????rar?????ama????????nener?????? n ?????ene?????????????. ??omo????propr????in ??ririnri?????????oo?????????r r?chc????y ??? j ????????'t'??tat?astas??????y y gy ?oo?d.d. ?????????? my m?y fy ?ava?????????????ow??????is is?re?plp????ishis??ngng ng???????????????????????or??ouo??.".???151???????????Q2Q??????????????WTW?2,2,E,ErE??rin,rin,1,?,1?????343??????00?????? T ???mi????????????????re?realrea???????reatreat ????d vd ???sas????????ufu????. F. ??or ??????terterster???? l????????? t???e pe ???te????sos??rcr?e ?????????y any a??????????. ??ThT?????ls????????
oes down easy and smooth and is very refreshing. It is a great recovery/protein drink with lots of extra vitamins, minerals & nutrients thrown in. Some protein drinks are too thick or chalky or just don't taste very good. Mix1 is my favorite. I know it is replenishing my body after a hard workout." 11574,B0051IWQ26,A2VFQO4G3DKWT2,Erin,1,1,5,1340064000,Erin T,"mix 1 vanilla is really great and versatile stuff. For starters, I love that the protein source is whey and not soy. They also use re
????ini?grg???????????????re re?lol?????????ded???? B BoB?????r,r, , C COC?? ???? 1 1 1 i is i??????? a??s as ???ea??l rl re????cec?????, , m, ?meameal????????????, ?sns???k,k?, r, ???ovo??????rir???. ?????ce? t ???y ????'t'???reqre?????????????????ioi????? k ?????onon on???????sks?????? a???? a????s-s?????????ink ink????ge?t ???ng?ryry ry o???????dr????????? i???o o?????n an ??d ????????????s g???at?????I ??????????????hlh???????????????thath???? mix mi?x 1x ?????s gr?eaeatea???????pr?????aceac???????????do?ese?sn'sn???up??????????tomto????? la l??erer er????????e ???? r ra?????. ????inain???y,y, ?????1 ????s a ?pep??????????ov????????nknk k a af a??er?????lon???wo???ou????????757?,B,B0B????IWI??????????
al ingredients and are locally made in Boulder, CO. mix 1 is great as a meal replacement, meal supplement, snack, recovery drink. Since they don't require refridgeration, I keep on in my ski bag as a apres-ski drink (I get hungry on the drive back into town and mix 1 works great). I also do triathlons and find that mix 1 is great as a pre-race meal and doesn't upset my stomach later on while I'm racing. Finally, mix 1 is a perfect recovery drink after a long workout." 11575,B0051IWQ26,A2TFIN
Y????????,",?kak???????l l??????rar?rir????inin ????rgr??a"a"""""""???,1??4,4???????????????trt??tit???????ueu?, , t ??????wow??tht?????????or????????????e ???????ththeth????aua???????????????drd???k,k???ixi????s ????????????????rieri? * *E*????????ig??estes??blb??????th ???gogooo??? mo m?????????l (l ???ot ot???ourou????? sl s?limlimym???<br<br r /r ?? ????????tr??itiit??nan?al al??valva?????????mi??????d ?mi??er??alsal?) )????????? w??ort??h th ?????????orieori??exe????????????<br <br????????li??ke ke? so?????rivri??? p ???dud??????ta??????li?????????lal???nonotno??????lyly ??wewee???????fakfa?????br ??/> /> /> ????ve???????trietriede????it bit ????? wou wo??????obo?aba???y my ???e ???????? sm s?????ie????frf????
YCKKZN6H,"kahvigirl ""Librarian in Georgia""",1,1,4,1340064000,"nutrition value, taste worth the calories","Unlike some other faux milk sports drink, Mix1 is worth the calories.<br />Pros: *Easily digestible with a good mouth feel (not sour or slimy)<br /> *The nutritional value (vitamins and minerals) makes it worth the calorie expenditure<br /> *Unlike some rival products, tastes like vanilla, not overly sweet or fake.<br /> *Haven't tried it but would probably make a good smoothie w/fresh
??????ozozez??? fr f????<b<?????????????anan ??e e??????y y???d d????d ????????<b?????????oto???????????????ctct ???????e ??? c ?on??aia?????????????????ca?n'n't'???ece??mmm???d ???o vo ?????????enend?s<s??? / ???????????e te ?????recre?ycy??????????sts????bobotottottlt??????e ?????????x1x?????vovor?????comecome ???, ,??????????pap?ksks ????d ???or or? th t?he he???oco???latlatet?????? va v?????? f????vorvo?s ???????????????rinrinkn??????????a a??tr????<b??????<br<br ?????ut ut?ovo????????????recorecomo?mmemm??end end??an????a ????????????iai?ll???????????????????????????????????????or???????beberbe??y ????????????????????ar????d frd f?romro???????he????s.s????????,B,?????????6,??????
or frozen fruit<br />Cons: *Can be pricey and hard to find<br /> *Not a vegan product because it contains milk solids--can't recommend to vegan friends<br /> *Unlike the recyclable plastic bottles the fruit Mix1 flavors come in, the tetrapaks used for the chocolate and vanilla flavors are hard to drink without a straw.<br /><br />But overall, I recommend Vanilla Mix1, especially since recently my favorite Mix1 flavor, blueberry vanilla has disappeared from the shelves." 11576,B0051IWQ26,AEKMDP
?9P9???0O0?G,G?drd???? u upu???,0,0,,0?????????????????????????????tst?????????????????????,S,SoS?????????????????an an?????????????? p? pro pr?????????????????re????????????????TaTasa?????????????d dd ??????t t ft fifili????? l ?????????er ???????s ds do???????????????orkor?? ou o??t a?ftf??????????y.y???ele??????????he???p fp ?????????????ooo????????gs gs y yo??u gu ??????????,7??????????????H1H???E2E????????????????r r "r ???????????0,10,??????222??????????????y y Iy ??!!!!!???I I? wa was?? in int in????????? to t??th?isi????????? in in???ubu??. . T. ThT?hishi???ofo??????????ldld ???in Ain Ar?????s ???upeup???ara????????????? l?????????????????????br? / ?>W>WhWhe??????
9PYY0OG,dried up,0,0,5,1338854400,Great ingredients and quality product,So much better than other protein products in drugstores or even GNC. Taste great and doesn't fill up like other shakes do so you can work out after quickly. Relatively cheap for all the good things you get with it. 11577,B0050ILFCO,A3H1V2E2O81536,"observer ""Al""",0,0,1,1349222400,Don't Buy It!!!,"I was introduced to this brand in Aruba. This coffee is sold in Aruba's supermarkets and jar label is in spanish.<br />When I fo
???????????AmA????n n????asa? v ??????xcx?it?eded.d??????as as??mmm???iai?????y dy did????pop?????? a????? f ????t ??upup.p.<.??r ?/>/??????e e? in i?????????s s rs rir???, ,??as??????? v???y ???ooo?tht?????y wy ??fefe fe? an a?????hahada??????n en ???oyoyiy??g g???????????d fd ???r mr mo?????????????eaeara???.<b.<?br br / ?/>T/>???????????????d id ?? U USU?????co???lel??????????????? s ??me???raranand?????????????ba??. I. I ????'t'?t kt ??owo???????theth???ama????????nd wnd ?ououluld?????????????di?ff?er????t ut ????sss??it?? is? is a is a a ga ???y ????kek?????????t t wt ?witwi?? a? l ???k k?????? l?aba??l.l????????""?111????????????????AHAHDH???????8181Q1???,Ar,A??yWy?????ArmArmy???????????eMe?MomMom,m??????????????60600?????????????????
und it at Amazon I was very excited. I was immediately disappointed after first cup.<br />Coffee in Aruba is rich, tasty and very smooth. My wife and I had been enjoying this brand for more than 10 years.<br />The coffee sold in US is complete opposite to same brand sold in Aruba. I don't know why the same brand would be so<br />different unless it is a grey market product with a look alike label.<br />." 11578,B0013TMSRK,AHDYH0AXV81QJ,ArmyWifeArmyMomAirForceMom,0,0,5,1349481600,"Rich, Dark and
????ici?ioiouo??!!!!"!???LoL?veve e?tht?isi??CoC??fef??????? y ??????kek????sts??onongn???????, , r, ???????????????p p o ?? c?of??????????? cof co??????is is fis fof?r r y?ou??? A ???ththeth???????? is i???thath?? t??hishi???????ee ee iee is?????? o????????stost??????????t tt ??????idi?ic???. . ? I I?wiwili???????????? b?ac?? t????????on on???r ?????.".????????B0B??????????????????????????inindin??aya?y Ny ?????????????????????????",4",???????????????????????????ICI????????????????????????????? au a?th??????? be b??berbe?????ay???????pip?????????w w???????t at ??nd nd????????y oy ??n.n?."."????8080,?B0??00700?????????????????????,L,???i i?????stest??,0,?0,00,?0,50,?????44644?434323??????????????????ri?tet??
Delicious!!","Love this Coffee! If you like a strong, dark, rich tasting cup of coffee this coffee is for you. Another plus is that this coffee is easy on the stomach (not too acidic). I will be coming back to Amazon for more." 11579,B002DD3NM4,ASVK8EB8CML4X,"Lindsay Nixon ""happyherbivore""",4,8,1,1274054400,WAY TOO SPICY,"It's all cayenne and not authentic bebere. way too spicy, threw it out and made my own." 11580,B0007MXSRS,A2RWX7FV8IGSFO,Loni Kersten,0,0,5,1344643200,One of my Favorites,
?"I"????????????????????? s ?auaucu???????e ????????????ror?????in???ele??zez?, ,???'s's s?onon n???????aba?le?s s is ????????? of o???????????tst??? I ?????s ???????????ana?????romro?????e ge ???pep???????, a, ???d i??????ot tot tot?????????nin??g ?????????????????????in?? g geg????le le? he h????? I?????????????????????111????????1V1????I4I?,A,??5H5???????7Z7?V1V1,?ghg??a4a??2,2??1,11,?1,1?????383?202???00,00??y ?cac??s ?wowou???????ea????????,m??y fy fif??????y c???ats ats w wo wou????????eat??????is fis ???d d sd ??????av??e ie ???????? n ???????r ????o ro ???cuc???s cs ?catca?????o to ?theth??????? wo?????n'tn'???????????tet?..?????15815?82,82,B?????J3J3JJ3????A1A?15D15??????YEY?FGF?8,8?"L"??????CuC??????perper ???????ar???
"I discovered this hot sauce while traveling around in Belize, it's on most tables in a lot of restaurants. It has a lovely tang from the grapefruit, and is not tongue burning off hot, but a pleasing gentle heat. I am never without!" 11581,B001VJ3JI4,A25H70DCDW7ZV1,ghia422,1,1,1,1323820800,my cats wouldn't eat it...,my finicky cats wouldn't eat this food so I gave it to my neighbor who rescues cats so the food wouldn't go to waste... 11582,B001VJ3JI4,A15D796TIYEFG8,"Leona Culpepper ""A. Marie"
?"""","??????,1,????717??808?0,??ere?y y?pap?lal???????ana?? h ???????y fy fof?????????hth??non?????ow?n n 3 3 3?cac??????at?? I I????nd?????sis??e,e?????????????ht ht???earea??????, ???d ???????nd ???oto????? ca c?????????????opoptp????????. .?? I I h I ???e ?????ysy????? t th thehemhe????????????????t Lt ??????RicRi?????? c ca???fofoofo?od,od???nd??th?????rur????????????? W ?he?????????????????n tn th????bagba?? yo y?????n ??mem??????????avoav??ry ???omo?a!a??????? the????????????????I foI f???nd ????????? an a??nd and adnd a?dopdoptptepteded,ed?, o, ???e te ?????d ??????? b???? T ?ur?????h Ah ?ngngo????????????????r r???s ?????????s ss ?????????o ?????????a ??????leleole??ar????, an?????????ir??????????????d od oud o?? i ???
"",0,0,5,1346716800,Very palatable and healthy food!,"Right now I own 3 cats that I found outside, a good eight years ago, and I found another cat which I adopted also. I have always fed them Eukanuba Adult Lamb&Rice dry cat food, and they truly LOVE IT! When you first open the bag you can smell the savory aroma! Of the 3 cats that I found outdoor and adopted, one turned out to be a Turkish Angora and the other has markings similar to that of a snow leopard, and the third cat I found out is p
a??? E ????????????? ????lsl?????ede???? fe f??????atat ?whw?????s s b ?ee??????????in? m?y y???ckc????????????? y??????. . ??heh???al?l l???????hih???????? a????eve?????whewh????theth????ha???ed?? th the? f?????lal??ofo?? th???????????fe???? yea ye??ars ars???????????????????t t it ?t ?an?????????t!t???????ouo? r ??eadead ??thethe the???ngrng???????????????s es exe??ele??????y ?????????????rereare??al pal plplul?????? t??????????t! t!??????'v'????beebe?? e ???in?????????????????owo??, a???????????ye??t tt ?o ?ses?ee ee?????of?? my? c??????uru??n un ???? the????no??se se??????????????<b<?r ?/>/??<br<b?r /?>T>???????therther ????????????????????catca??????????is Fis ??ancan????eaeasea???GoG????etet et?FiF????????no???
art Egyptian mau. I also feed a feral cat who has been living in my back yard for 10 years. They all love this food, and even when they changed the formula of this food a few years ago, they still eat it and love it! If you read the ingredients, it is excellently made, and a real plus for their diet! They've been eating it for years now, and I have yet to see any of my cats turn up their nose to this food.<br /><br />The other dry foods that my cats love is Fancy Feast Gourmet Filet Mignon F
????oro????tht? R ?????????oooodo?????????p p???? C ??????????ndnd ???????????sts???????ede???eatea?ini?? E EaE???e e Pe ??ckc??NaN?????al al P ????????????????????mum?la?????????s s?an?d ?d a d a c ??? f???? b ????????????????rtert????????? h ?av??n'n????anyany ????blb?lemle??????th th??the??????in??g ag ????????heh???e de ???????odsod?, , a, an??? I' I??????????esesces???ing? c?????? for for ??ve????????????nonowo??????????????nened???????any???s s 7s 7 7??? cats cat?s as ???onone??????. . . ?OnO??????t ot of? k ?it??????s wes w??? b???n n????dod?ooroor oor a????I I??????hth???the??????????s w??ithit??????r ??oto???r r ar ?????epeptp???????????????????????y ????????assas??d d od ???ththe?they they????l ll ??ve?d ?d tod t??????lol??? t???202??????
lavor with Real Seafood & Shrimp Dry Cat Food and they've just started eating Eagle Pack Natural Pet Food, Indoor Formula for Cats and a cat food brand called 'Artemis'. I haven't any problems with them eating any of these dry foods, and I've been rescuing cats for over 30 years now, and have owned as many as 7 cats at one time. One set of kittens were born outdoor and I brought them indoors with their mother and kept them all until the day they passed on(they all lived to be close to 20 years
??ofo?????????????eye???????????????ubu?????mbmb&b?????????????????????? / ??????/>?? h ???????????oodoo?? t?hahatha?????ey ey??????????????irir ???ses?????h h????e ????ic?ke???SoS?up?? a? and an??????tete te???????e We ?ili???????????????e wae waya??wewe ????an?s ??havha??ve ove ou?????????????did????ke????????????ameame ame????????t ???thesthe?? c ????s h?????????? l??????????????liklikelikes?????ha???????????????ne???at? m ??ghg??????t bt ????????d fod f?r r ar an????????????????? h? hav haveve ?tot?????rnrn rn?yoy???? ca cat ca??? an???se??e we whe w??? t th??y ???????? and ?ju??st ???????????? th??????Wh????????????????????????ve wve ???th th?????anuan?ubauba ?la??mb&mb??ic?????????? yo y??our ?????????? al a????
of age) and they too ate Eukanuba lamb&rice and loved it!<br /><br />I have had foods that they turned up their nose with like 'Chicken Soup' and 'Taste of the Wild'. The same way we humans have our likes and dislikes is the same way that these cats have their likes and dislikes. What's good for one cat might not be good for another. You just have to learn your cat, and see what they like and just give it to them. While my cats are in love with Eukanuba lamb&rice, maybe your cat will also o
?r r????????????bub??????isi????t ft ??iri??tot????ot ot?trtryry y? th t?is?????????cacaua?????f f?????????????re? t?????wnw?????ay???????????????catca??dod?????????kek?e ie ??. .??????????????y sy ??????, ??????????r ?????????????t lt ??ke?????oro????maybmay????youyo????atat at???ll?????????? ????ve ve????iedie???cat???????s bs bab??????n n?gog??d ????ie????????????????????????????? will wil???autauto??matma??cacalca???????????????d ???memete??me????it it???? a?ndnd nd????et?imi??mes mes?????????t!???ItIt't???????????????e ?cacat??""1????????00??????????????????ZPZ???,F,?eae?????????????303030343?????00,00?????cic??ousous!s??????????ea????????? for fo????????cec??????????vav?anian??lal?, ???????
r maybe not, but it isn't fair to not try this food because of a review where the owner says that their cat doesn't like it. As previously stated, maybe your cat will not like it or maybe your cat will love it! I've tried cat foods based on good reviews figuring that the food will automatically be a hit and sometimes it was and sometimes it wasn't! It's all up to the cat!" 11583,B000LGE158,A3IU2PQXCUZPTA,FearFox,2,2,5,1303430400,Delicious!,"I was searching for a source of pure vanilla, without
????????????s,s????? w wiwitiththoh??? t th???hahasa?sls????? t th t???vav????????? r???ThT???????????va????????????aza????. .??????ill?er?s,?????????o uo ?????ama?????ng ng???astastet??an?d ???romro??.<?br? /??? w??ill????????chc?????? t th?is??aga??????1111?585848????????4J4JSJS8S8,8????AGA?????????1,1??ChC??????chchech?lil?ineine e "e """??he??????he???ine??"""""??????????????????,D,DeD????????????eakea??as??? te t???,"T,"???????is a? w????er???l l El ??nglng?lislishs???rereaeak??fasfa????????????elyel????????????????ou??t bt ?eiein????it????r tr ?????ololdld ???? to t?o ???lanla????????????????????? m ????????????????thoutho??ut aut ??y ???????????ittit???nen????????????y ?????e ?????????t't???? n??iceice e ce coc?mfm??
any fillers, but without the hassle of the vanilla bean.<br />This ground vanilla is amazing. No fillers, easy to use, amazing taste and aroma.<br />I will be purchasing this again!" 11584,B001EQ4JS8,A1PAGHECG401K1,"Chel Micheline ""Chel Micheline""",1,1,5,1284681600,Delicious breakfast tea,"This is a wonderful English Breakfast tea- nicely flavorful without being either too bold or too bland. Makes a wonderful morning tea without any sort of bitterness or tang-y taste to it. It's a nice comfor
???tet?? a ??d d????????sts????t tt ???????????????oro??????????????asa?????n n??sis????bab????anandan???oeo??n'n??????? w ????? f?lal?vovor????????teteate?????????artar?????????r ????????????ece?????????????ngng ng? as a???folfo?lo?????2 2???as??oo??????????1616 6 o ouounu??????? b?oioili?????????????????????inuin???s.s???????u u????rbr??brewbre??(p(???????la?????AdA?ag?ioi????s tes t????, ,???????? a a ??chach?ancan?ce ce??or????ittit?ter?ne???????????????????t rt ????????????eavea?in?ing ing?itit it???n tn ?theth????ateat?er er???r r ar ????ng??????.<.<b.<????/></>??????AnA????herhe?????om?memenme???????n in ???Ad?????????rir???????aka?faf??t ?(w(????ch ch?????ligli????????????????ut ut????th th??? teas tea????re re????????????1???
t tea and a good start to loose teas for anyone who has been using bags and doesn't know which flavor loose teas to start with.<br /><br />I recommend brewing as follows: 2 teaspoons to 12-16 ounces of boiling water for 3.5 minutes. If you overbrew (particularly Adagio's teas), there's a chance for bitterness, so I would not recommend leaving it in the water for a long time.<br /><br />Another recommendation is Adagio's Irish Breakfast (which I slightly prefer) but both teas are standouts!" 1158
????????????8,8?????????7O7?????????????P,P???,0,,0?????13????606???????ene??InIn ??????,",?????????? d ???nknkik??g g???heh????????? o?????aca?????????????'m'?????ing???? s ???????? to to???????nen?. .??th????????is???????kfk???st st????????as?te??li??e e s????ng??? bla blac???te?a.a?. G. ?ooo??, ???????????rtr??????????ing aing ????ut.ut. ???????????????es es??ikike?????????an????pup????????es tes ????llll l??????????????ppp?????ing ??in in m????ou???? b???t It ???no????? the the?????d d????wo?rtrthrt???????y py ??????????585???????4N4????6,???????????S6S?????????????????herhe?wi?????????????757??????????ri?ghg????y y my ???!!!????GaG????ada?????as as??n n an ??ququiu???d ?ta????te fte ???
5,B001EQ4JS8,A34UUVK87O7M0D,ChristoP,0,0,5,1313625600,Heaven In A Tin,"I've been drinking other brands of black tea, but I'm going to switch to this one. Other English Breakfast mixes taste like strong black tea. Good, but not worth writing about. This one tastes like ... I can't put names to all the things happening in my mouth; but I know the blend is worth every penny." 11586,B0024NOZ16,A2R6RA8FRBS608,Matthew G. Sherwin,3,3,5,1279756800,all right by me !!!,"Gatorade was an acquired taste for
??e;e????t t???ese?e e??????? c ?ana?'t'????????rir????ingin???t.t?? It I???????l l o ??????ctctrt??????????d d???t dt ?oeo????????d ?????????y y???? c?????rieri??es ees ???ec?iai????????n n???? c?ononsn????r r?hoh??????????????????hyh?drd??????????????????imi????YoY?????????????????s es ?it?????????????m m????????frifr????ratra???r or ????????????m tm ?????????; ?I ????????it eit ????therthe????ay ay?????aca????all????whewh?????????????????? t????????????asa??????ve???????terter.r?????/>/?????r />r /??hi???????k ck ??me??s is ?in in? th????e fe ?????orsor???????it it pit ?unu?chc????lemle??????me?????????????br???/></>?????>T>Th>T?? o???????gag?atiativi????????????????f ??? t th???? th??????????havha??ve sve ??
me; but these days I can't stop drinking it. It's full of electrolytes and it does indeed have very few calories especially when you consider how it helps you rehydrate at the same time. You can drink this either cold from the refrigerator or warm from the shelf; I like it either way and actually when I drink it warm the flavor tastes even better.<br /><br />This pack comes in three flavors: fruit punch, lemon-lime and grape.<br /><br />The only negative I can think of is that this does have sug
??????????????) )???????? if if f????????????????????bob??t t?????? i in i????????iei????????hoh??????ala?????????????ysy????????????e e de ?rir?????g g? th t????????????r ????igi??lyly y??recre????????d.d.".????585878????????FIF????????2W2W1W??CVC??????CrCri??????,0,0,0??,5,????505????404?00,00????e be be?????ho??????????????e ?chc???olo??teteste???????adaded?????????l l???????es es i in???????er er?????conco? .????usu??????????????o Ko ?KohKo???????????????????????gog?odod ???????? t? tha th????????canca???ordorde?r ????? o ??????zoz?????????pip????? ha h???????ma????ing ing? co???in??ti??????f ff ??lavla??orsor??????d ted t?????????? p pa par??ticticuc?????ly ly?????????? o??????itith??mom???assas?sesse?? t
ar (and carbs) in it; if you have concerns about sugar in your diet you should talk to your physician before drinking this.<br /><br />Highly recommended." 11587,B006BAFIZK,A1LR2W10CVS6YT,Cristina,0,0,5,1350950400,The best chocolates,"These chocolates are made in small batches in Kohler Wisconsin. We use to drive to Kohler to buy them. It's good to know that you can order them on Amazon. Each piece has an amazing combination of flavors and textures. I particularly enjoy the ones with molasses, t
h??y y???????llllel???BlB????sts?????tetere?ra?????? L ??????e ke ???? i ??????????????????????????????3T3????????????MAM?BPB?HWH???????,1,??,1,,1?3,3,13,????090???00????ow ow?geg??mim?inainata???????te????????????seese?????????? t??he he????ge ge o of of ??thetheieiri??se????byb????????(1(???11????????vev??????odo???oro??ththethe the??mam???? sc s?????????ene??er er??hoh???ana?tsts ?????????????????????????? ron ???ese????e ?at? a?????t 1t ???. ??ToT?? e??arlar?????????ll ??????? abo ab???? th?????????, ,? bu b????????????da??????aia?in in??????heyhe?????????."??111?15815????00?1E?3T3TU3T???????????????D7D??????? C ??artar?terter,r??,0??5,5,1,13,1??484818????0,?SeS????? of of of???????ge Sge S1S101??????er?ti???
hey are called Blackstrap terrapins. Let me know if you like them." 11588,B001E3TUGC,A1EN8AYMABPHW3,Alex,1,1,3,1322092800,Low germination rates.,"These seeds are on the edge of their sell by date. (11/11) Not very good for the small scale gardener who wants to save some for next year. Germination rates are at about 1/4. Too early to tell much about the plants, but I will update again if they do well." 11589,B001E3TUGC,A18A1MUFQPDD7G,Jack Carter,0,0,5,1344816000,Seeds of Change S10810 Certifie
?d d?????ninici? I ???????????tet? E ???plp?????I I??????????????????? o ofo????rofrofefese??????al al g ????enenen??s s??ndn??I ??????? g???w w???lanla????tot????vev????????fe.fe????????ses????s hs ??????r r?did?????t t st sts?tartartr????an??????????? g gr???w aw ?????????????..???? h ho??????????????bib?????? o???r gr ????????ho?????t tt ?theth?e pe pl?an???????y ???????soso ?clcleleae???ly ?th???????s ns no???????????g ????h h????e p????ucu?ct ct?..?...i...?it'it????he?he ghe ?????eneen?????????,B,?????????6,6???HZH?ZYKZY?????848?HUH?,S,?. . B. ?????6,???????????????????????uyu?????om om tom th??????mpm??anyan????I gI ?????????? a a a???????nt?? a ????????l l??ea????????d fd ???????????? a? and and ??? ca can???not????me?????
d Organic Italian White Eggplant,I come from a family of professional gardeners and I cannot grow plants to save my life. These seeds however did get started and actually grew a few inches...... however the rabbits in our garden thought the plants very tasty so clearly there is nothing wrong with the product's the gardener! 11590,B002Q7ZYA6,A1HZYK8QIB84HU,S. Boyd,6,6,1,1260144000,Don't buy from this company,"I get around a shipment a week all year round from Amazon, and I can not remember
????r r???ititit?????????????????????????kik??g g ag a a pa ???intin???????????????????????????verve??tht???????duducu??. ???bub???lol??s ????tet???????m mm ???y ??????eses s as ???? wh whi???????????????????????faf???????????????aca???????aya??s is ?????????an??c c a??d ????th??e fe ??inein???t qt ???????. ?. It. I???asa??????????y ty ?the?????????teate???????e ??eveev?er ?????tedte??????????????????????????e oe ???po??????I aI acactac???lll?? t?hrhre?? n ne??rlr??ly tly ??the ??hoh????ha???f pf ???ndnd nd??n ?????????h.h????nd ???the ??????????????eveve?n ?n thn t??t ?????. ???sus???eqe?quequ???????ou?ghg??t at ??????????????celce??????t ort org??ani??????????????????? W ???le???oo?????or??????????ata?tevteve?
ever writing a review. But I am making a point of expressing my anger over this product. I buy lots of tea from many sources and white peony is one of my favorites. The package says it is organic and of the finest quality. It was possibly the worst tea I have ever tasted. In fact, after a couple of pots, I actually threw nearly the whole half pound in the trash. And the price wasn't even that good. I subsequently bought a pound of excellent organic white peony from Whole Foods for less. Whatever
?????????????hih????is is???? a???eaea a?coc??????????151?????000?2Q2??ZYZ???????????????2I2????ono?norno?????rairaini? " ???????in?????????1,????????????HuHugu???????ppp???????????I I w waw??????icicic??????? a??frf????ranra?? u ??prpror?cec?????, ?mim?iniin???????oxo?????eded ed???a ??????????uniun?????toto o???ll ll??hihithitet??e tee t???? T ????s ts ??????ulu?d d????????????theth????frofr?? t??at?????crc?ip???????HeHea????????id?izizeiz?ed ?????? a ??er??????????????????ava???. ??ot???ve?????????????on?????????????????????as?e ???aveav????uru???????????? co c?????????????g ????????mormo?????ll???s ?????????????iei???sus???????????? o??r Sr SpS????al?te??s"s?"1"??59?????????X2X2Q?
they are, this is not a tea company." 11591,B002Q7ZYA6,AM1XRK0IRNA2I,"sonoran_rain ""Joaquin""",6,6,1,1258243200,Huge Disappointment,"I was anticipating a fragrant unprocessed, minimally oxidized tea that is unique to all white teas. This tea could not be farther from that description. Heavily oxidized with a very strong smoky flavor. Not even palatable on a second flush. Please save your money and consider paying a few more dollars from a supplier such as Rishi or Specialteas" 11592,B0005YX2QA
??A2A???ZBZB6B???CTC?OIO???????????? H ??????????,5,???11?????404???"1"????YeY???? O ???, , A AnA?d d?????? T ??e e???estes??","?????????sts???????ltl?hoh???h h??????????eatea????????l tl ?thath??????tente????????e.e??????????? h ??ve? a??st????, ????ougou??, ???????lulutu???????oveov????????st????of of? A1 A??, w, ??ici??h bh ???????ououtou????????????????????ut ut????memea??. ?AlA??????????I amI a??non?????????????iaias???? a?bob??out out???????? i???????????????wh?ic?h ????the lthe ????l ?sus??ge??stsst?s as ?as as?? a g a ???? i id i???),), , I????in??? it it it???????????????????y ky ??indin????of bof ???f,f?, a??????orkor???????????????kek???????????keyke???as ?????????t i?s ??????????????????????????n ????? m ma m?
,A2NOZB6VZCTOI4,Robert I. Hedges,2,2,5,1117238400,"181 Years Old, And Still The Best!","I love steak, although I don't eat it all that often anymore. When I do have a steak, though, I absolutely love the taste of A1, which brings out the best in any cut of meat. Although I am not too enthusiastic about putting it on seafood (which the label suggests as a good idea), I think it goes well with any kind of beef, and works well on chicken and turkey as well. It is an essential ingredient in many mar
??????????ndn?????????rar???? o ?????????? m mom?stst t?????d id iti??msms ??oro?? me m??????epe??????????n n? my m?????ririgi???rat?or???brb?r /r ??????????????????????lel????on'on?????????????? th t??????????nd nd???????????????ofo?f Af ??, ???hichi???????es es??????242?? I ???1818218??, ?, wh, w?henhe?????in??????????????ig???????prpreprem???, H, ?en???rsr????????iai???BrB?ranra?????chech?????????lalanla????????????eoreo?gege ge???, ?????te??d ad ???????????r Kr Ki??ng ng? Ge Geo???????????? o???mem??????Ki?????????ge ??????? i?mpmpr?prespresss????wiw?????it it???at?????pr?????imime?????????A1,A1????????????'s???owow w?? the th?????uceuc?????t it ?????namna?<????????<br <br /???eyeyoyon???????????or????es?????, t, ?thothouo?ghg?
inades, and is generally one of the most used items for meat preparation in my refrigerator.<br /><br />What many people don't realize is the long and noble history of A1, which dates to 1824. In 1824, when a king's palate reigned supreme, Henderson William Brand, chef to England's King George IV, created a sauce for King George for use on meats. King George was so impressed with it that he proclaimed it ""A1,"" and that's how the sauce got its name.<br /><br />Beyond the history lesson, though,
????tht????????g g G ???????????cocororror??????in in??????ususts??tot??y y???oco????at???????hi???????e ???????y iy ????"A"???""!""???????????00?5Y5??2Q2QAQ??????6W6??NKN??????,",???????ere??????ak?erer"er???????????11011?05505?747???????????????e ?StS???????aucauce??????ana???ara??ly???????????buburu?rgerg????????k,k??ro???t,t??or???nyn????????? b ??efef ????hohouo???????????. ??????t ??????????non?????????n In ???unu????t t ot ?????????uceuc????????s ?????be??? s??ea?????uc?? o???? th?er???? I?t ???? a?????????????, ???icicyc?y fy ????????thath?at ?????ncn???s es ?enjen??oymoy???????????ny ny??????????uc??????????????????????????d ?itit it????????ou?ghg????r pr ??????beebeefbee??or???
I think King George was correct in his gustatory proclamation: this sauce really is ""A1""!" 11593,B0005YX2QA,A1IL6W1NK05UW9,"C. Baker ""cbaker""",2,2,5,1105574400,My Favorite Steak Sauce,"I can hardly eat a hamburger, steak, roast, or any kind of beef without A1 Sauce. I get really annoyed when I run out of A1 Sauce. A1 is the best steak sauce out there. It has a great tangy, spicy flavor that enhances enjoyment of many meat products - especially beef. And it makes tough or poor beef or st
e??ksks s??????easea???tot???rar???le.le.<.??r r????<br<b?????? i isi??tht???????????????auaucu?e e ie ??????????.".???????????????2Q2????2U2?7C7????IEIEUE??0Y0????ana????????bab???????????????????er,er???adadgd??????y"y???????,5,???11611??????0000,00?,Be,B?estes?t ft ????ZeZes??,"?????an'an???bebelbe?ie??e ?I'I????????wiw?????????? sa??????? .??????????gog???????? b???? s? ste st?eakeakseak?????'t?????? a an anyn???????. ???t ????n ???????re re????????????omo????????????w w?????????oio?in in c?utut,ut??A1? i is i?????ea???????. ????thith???????tst?s is ????ItI??????lsols? g ??odo????????de??????, ???be??e,e, ?????ilile?t ?mim??nononon,on, ?? bu b?????? th the?????????? to t?????alalilitli?????youyo?u wu ?anantan?????tat???????e ?memea?
eaks at least tolerable.<br /><br />A1 is the best steak sauce in my book." 11594,B0005YX2QA,A2U7CZX5IEUI0Y,"Daniel Limbach ""Reader, writer, gadget guy""",0,0,5,1168214400,Best for Zest,"I can't believe I'm reviewing steak sauce here. But here goes. The best steaks don't need any sauce. But when you are dining on something below the sirloin cut, A1 is a mealsaver. Nothing beats it. It's also good on tenderloin, ribeye, or filet mignon, but if the meat is top quality, you want to taste the meat
???non???tht?????ucu?e.e.<.????/>/?<b<br<b???/>A/>A1A????????y y g ?????????????????s ????n n yn ?????????????????e ze ?ipip.p. .?I I??sps?????lll?????????? o on o????% %????????????????lol???????rgerg????. T. ThT?he he???????? th t???mem?????th????oro????youyo??nen??d ?a ?????le?? so s???????????ses???????ve?????sos??????ip.ip????tct??upu???etetset????? j ?????on?e,e, ?bubutbu??A1????s as a ????????etoet????frf????? the the ??ordor??inain??ry.ry???????95,95???????????????OPO????JOJ??WHW??,L,L.L????????,2,???????????????????????andandi?ngn?????viv??????and and???al????!,!?"I"???livli????ve????asa?s as ans a????????t ??thi????oror or???fr????nd nd lnd ???????????????SASA A w??????st?????d ad a d a? ba b????re?????ly??. I. ??wa?ntntent??????mam??
, not the sauce.<br /><br />A1 is very good on hamburgers when you want a little zip. I especially like it on 95% lean ground sirloin burgers. The leaner the meat, the more you need a little something else to give it some zip. Ketchup gets the job done, but A1 is a nice detour from the ordinary." 11595,B0037B0A7M,A2ZOPSZMJO8WH8,L. Arango,2,2,5,1311379200,Outstanding Service and Quality!,"I live overseas and bought this for a friend living in the USA who just had a baby recently. I wanted to make
??ana???mpm???sss??????y y s ??????????r r??nd????????sbs????????????pr?es????????????t tt ????us?uau???(c(????hih????????s,s??ete??).)? I ??????de???????? w ???? f flf????erser???utut ut w wa w????d d t?????????uru?????heyhe??????re tre ??e ??????beb???????????ewe????ot?otheoth???????s ??supsu?plplil???????? f???ndnd nd ond ???t t???????pripr????????hehe ??iri?????????????????the?????????????tlt?????????????????in???olo????????????hi?psp???hehemhe??????t t at awawaw??????a Fa ??edEed??, ???????????????????usustus????ititiit?????oro?????derde???????????????andand ?th????????????????s ??????????????? war wa??hoh????? so som?????????in ???the ???A.A.<.<b<brb?r /r ??<b????>W>WiW?ithit?????????????? wa????
an impression by sending her and her husband a nice present but not the usual (clothing, toys, etc). I decided to go with flowers but wanted to make sure they were the very best. I reviewed other roses suppliers and found out that Spring In The Air actually cuts the roses directly from the farm in Colombia and ships them right away via FedEx, while others are just waiting for orders to come in and their inventory is sitting in a warehouse somewhere in the USA.<br /><br />With that said I was su
??????ata? m mym?????????ere?????ini?g g? to t???????eve????????? P PrP????blb??y ay ?? we w??k k??????o ??ororeor?, ,???????????? o???????os??? b ????????? A AmA???on?????n an ?ddd?iti??on??????? th t?????ici???my? b???????s ts ????at tat th??y ??werwere?????ingin?????????topto??????????. S. ??o Io ? g ga g?ve??? the th?m m?a ???y.y.<y.???r /r ???<br<b??????????esues????: :? th???????????? m?????????atatiat????s as ?ndn????isi?????the???ar??. F. ????????? the??????ommom????icaic????????es?es fes ??ar ar b be?yoyon??d ud ???????ma????????????, ???theythey they??ee???????????ed?ed oed ???????????r or ??de????????oinoi??????ce???ed???????? p??rocro?cesce?????????????? p??us??? the????????????????rur????ionionsion???????????? to ??uauarua???ntentee??
re that my roses were going to live even longer. Probably a week or two more, compared to other roses bought at Amazon. In addition, for the price my bet was that they were going to be top quality. So I gave them a try.<br /><br />The results: they exceeded my expectations and raised the bar. Firstly their communication goes far beyond usual Amazon sellers, they keep you posted on how your order is doing (received, being processed and sent) plus they give you instructions in order to guarantee l
?????lilifi?????????e fe ?????????nin??????????????????ses???????ow ow t??o po prp??????d id ????????????? av a????aba?lel?????rerecece?ivi??e t?he???rosro????????????????iri?????????ptp????? d ?o o so ?????r r?????r ??????????????????se????????????e ie ?if ?I I cI ?????d hd hahava?? a??????ngeng???n ?ththeth?????m-m???to cto cacarardrd d Id I ???nitni?????????ntn??in??????rd?????nd?? th???????we?????????mptmp??y y a???????celce???upu????my?????????? e ?????????? we w????????????><????????se????rrr?iv??????????pro??????ed aed ???????????r lr la????????asa????????vinvi?????????????????rorom?? my m????rieri?????????herher ??????? f???????sas????g g hg ???????utu????ul ul????re?re rre ?ros????????, ?????
ong life of the flowers (nice) and also advise on how to proceed if nobody is available to receive the roses when FedEx first attempts to do so.<br /><br />I wrote to the seller to see if I could have a change in the from-to card I initially sent in my order and they answered promptly and nicely upon my request, even on a weekend.<br /><br />Roses arrived when promised and an hour later I was receiving a phone call from my friend and her entire family saying how beautiful there roses were, how f
???shs? t tht??y y?lol?????????????????????????????????ror????????th th?? tha th???ouo?????????g g?????itityit???I I?????????????????he he?plplal?? w?????ed ed????fef???lyly!y????r /r ???????????????ouou ou??????g ??????? A ????. I. ???????????????????ro?m m??????gag??????lel????e ke ??epe? u ?p ??theth?????d ?joj????grg???at ????viv?cec??anandand and????st???andiand???????es?? yo y?ou ?????????????,B,???????PUP??,A,????HXH?????QGQG2G2,2??mym?????en?????,5,??????383?????????URURAR??????????????fof?????????????????? fo f???????!,!?"H"?????llllell???????ic fic ??????? w? was wa????????ara?????or ?????????hth?er??s s as ????????????<b?? / ??????????????nd?????t ft fr??m ?a a f??????d td ?thath????os????
resh they look and that they had never seen roses with that outstanding quality. I was relieved. The plan worked perfectly!<br /><br />Thank you Spring In The Air. I will surely buy from you again. Please keep up the good job, great service and outstanding roses you have." 11596,B0007XXPUM,AH93HX89KVQG2,Amy Green,1,1,5,1243382400,INSURANCE WILL PAY for hypoallergenic formula!!,"Hypoallergenic formula was necessary for our daughter's acid reflux.<br /><br />We found out from a friend that most in
s??rar???????????????wiw??? c?omompom??????y y???vev?? t ???e ce ??stst t o ?f f??ypypop?????erger???????????lal????????????y ry ??????????????????????youyo?'v'???????t ??? i ???, o, ??????yo?????t ??? a ???????resre?crc?????????????ghg?????r ????iai????????? O ??urs??????<b<????????????????????ororsor???????????????isis,s?, s, ????????????????owow ow????gig????????????????on???forfo???the???orormor??la??????????youryou???insin??????e ?e coe c?????? t??????""1??595????????????????X8X????V2V????????????????????,13,1??????404??????????? g??es??????ongon?????,",?I I l????????????rur????????????t ????ve ???? t th?????adadddded??????????en??s,? i it i??????????e ?????? am a
surance companies will completely cover the cost of hypoallergenic formula, either by reimbursing you what you've spent on it, or if you get it as a prescription through your pediatrician. Ours did!<br /><br />Many doctors don't know this, so they don't know to give a prescription for the formula. Call your insurance company today!" 11597,B004V0SPUM,A5X8Z0SV21H7O,Jelatin,1,1,5,1319414400,A little goes a long way,"I love this syrup, it doesnt have all those added ingredients, its not like dark am
?beb?? s ????? t ?hah??????trt????????. .????iti?????bib?? g gog???s as ???????waw????WhW??n n?????urur ?????on on???????????????onlon?y y ny ??eedee? t??????????????th?e ???ddd??le le a ana?????????en???ghg??????? w wh w???le ????????. S. ???????????????????????tt????boboto????e we ?????woworwo??k fk ???r br ??????mi????es es????????????????istis??kek??? i?????e he ???????s ms ???????????????????h ?th????ru??tot?se???dd?ede???syrsy???????111??989??????F1F?KLK?5K5?,A,?3U3???UI?????????SUS?????A A RA ?????????????????323?00?????????????????the?????I I b???y ty ????????????y yy yo???????????be??utu????? h ????????????ltl?thyth???hea??tsts.ts. ?????y ly ??lovelov?????? sa s?almal?on??pap??s ??itith??????coc???,
ber syrup thats extra sweet. A little bit goes a long way. When i pour it on my waffles i only need to pour it in the middle and thats enough for 1 whole waffle. So if you think this little bottle wont work for big families you would be mistaken, i use half as much as i would with the fructose added syrups." 11598,B003F1KL5K,A3UI5UISGNN7MW,SUZANNA RIEDL,0,0,5,1350432000,Yorkies love these,"I buy these for my yorkies for beautiful hair and healthy hearts. They love the salmon paws with broccoli,

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