1?6060101,1?B0B????WZW?XIX??,A,???5151T1T1T???????????. . K K.K??????????amam m " ?"B"?ooo?k k?NeN?rdr????????1,51,??,13,1??????808????ololvlvevede??2 2 d ?ififff????ntn???igi??sts?ivi?? i ??susueu????oro?? 2 2? di???????nt nt???gsg???,"I,"I I??????2 ?huh?skskyk??shs?epe??herhe?????xexes?????he he f?iri??? i?s s 1 ?????nt???s as ????????? f???icickc?? s ????????? i if i?? he h? e ??tst??tot?? f fa fasa??, ,????????s tos t????????, o, ??? ea e???s a?nynyty??????ouo??????????rorou?ti?nen?????he whe ?ou????????? i??????k k uk ???. H. ?e e ae ?????wowouwo?????t ????t mt ??oreor?????an an??????????blb?es???at at????timtimem??. T???he 2he ??nd nd i? is is??? mo?????s os ????????????e t?o ???? wi w??? s se seve???e ????rrrrhr?heahe???ve?t't??s fs ??odo????dnd??t t ft fifix??? it it???????????e ????ld?????t at ??yt?hi???ng ang ?and
1601,B001CWZXIY,A2U51T1TK6CYX9,"J. K. Gillingham ""Book Nerd""",0,1,5,1323820800,Solved 2 different digestive issues for 2 different dogs!,"I have 2 husky/shepherd mixes. The first is 13 months and has a finicky stomach - if he eats too fast, drinks too fast, or eats anything out of his routine, he would bring it back up. He also wouldn't eat more than a few nibbles at a time. The 2nd is 7 months old and came to us with severe diarrhea (vet's food didn't fix it either). He would eat anything and
???vev??yty????g g i ????????t t h ???. .?WiW????? a a a???? o ofo???oto?th th? do dogo?????????ono? H ???????????msms ?(N(????asa????ing,ing, ,??usu?st st?? q ??????sws?????),)????????og??s ds ?igi??ststist?ve???sss?ueueses es a?rer?e ge ??oneone.e????y oy ololdl?????(t(??e ?fifininiin??????ata???????? he h???th???y y e?????ing ing h??????ealealseals ?wi???ouo????aua??e ??? h??sis??atatiatioati??. ??y ???????estest est h???? so sol???, ???gugulu??? b?????oooomo?????aka?????d d? ha???????n an aba?le??tot??re????? hi??s w?at??? i????akeak?e ae ?as ???????lt???ThT??y'y??re re? bo b??? m ???re ?rerel?axa??d.d????r /r />/??e ?pupururcr???aseas???????r ??oco??l l??ro????y ?????????????fof?ordor?d hd ?????in??????fo??????outout ???.3.????????oror or? th t?? p ?rir?iceice,e?, i, in????didiedien?tst?, , a, ????re?resures?????- - y ?youyo
everything if we let him. Within a day of both dogs being on Harmony Farms (No fasting, just a quick switch), both dogs digestive issues are gone. My oldest (the finicky eater) is healthily eating his meals without pause or hesitation. My youngest has solid, regular bathroom breaks and has been able to relax his water intake as a result. They're both more relaxed.<br />We purchase at our local grocery store (Hannaford here in NY) for about $1.31/lb. For the price, ingredients, and results - you
??????? b ??atat t it ??.".??161???????????XIX??,A,A1A????KVK?EXEXOX????H,H???bfb?????181?,1????848?858545??00??NoN??gog?odo? . . .??????????d d td tht??? re r?viviei?????n n t th????????d thd t?ouo?????????ete??sos????fo?r r??y y??ogo????and and p ??p.p??????>T>????y wy wiw??l l??oto?t tt ??oucou?????????ene?????I ?mim????t t wt ???th th??homho????oo?kek????foofo????br??/>???r ?r />r />T??heyhey hey????????????llllallara??sts????????????????ttt?ere?????? t? thi this?.<???????<br?? /> />A>?mam??on?? le l?et et? me me e de ??????on ?eveveev??????????????thisthis ???g ?????d t??o bo ?? s ?????unundn?er?????iri??nan??????60????00????????,A,A1,A1U1??8U8UCUCBC?????KQK?,d,de????????5,5????909??121?0000,????????Th???????ipipsp??s ars a??????de??????????y ky ??dsd??s ans and??? a??????ve??d t??e ???
can't beat it." 1602,B001CWZXIY,A1QHEKVEXOR0AH,robfo,0,18,1,1284854400,No good . . .,I read the reviews on this and thought id get some for my dog and pup.<br />They will not touch it. Even if I mix it with home cooked food.<br /><br />They like the dollar store dog food better than this.<br /><br />Amazon let me down on even allowing this dog food to be sold under their name. 1603,B001RVFDOO,A1UV8UCBOYABKQ,deek,0,0,5,1329091200,yummy,"These chips are wonderful. My kids and I all loved the sal
?? a ?ndn? p ??ppp???.<.<b<????>E>??????8 8??z z???g g???s s 1 101???cac?lol?????, , l ??????? c???????????heh?????ororiorieie ie? co couo?ntn?????????B0B??1R1???????A1A1M1?????1S1?XOX?8181A1???ooo??,0,?,0?,5,5,5?131?292???121???????ata????????GrGreGrea????acackac?????g,g?, a, ?andand ???temtem m????juj??t ?asas as d ??esces?ri?bebede?. .??ililll?? pu p???chach??????is?? it i?tem? a??aiain?????heyhey y??erere???hihiphipp????vev?????as?????nd???ffffif?cic????."??161???5,B5,??0101R???DODOODOO,?A1A1EA1?MVM???E1E16??IKIKYKY,Y??. ?????er?,0???????????????00,00,E00,????????????????????????????ve ve a????????????????ounou???- - I I I??????redre?????????ececa??useus?e t?he?hey hey?? wer were???? gr gre??? d???????r r ar a ??oxo????f sf sisiningin?lele le????viv??ing ing c????? a an a????I tI ?thoth????t ??? wo w?oulou??d gd ??ve?ve tve ththe
t and pepper.<br />Each .8 oz bag was 100 calories, lots of chips for the calorie count." 1604,B001RVFDOO,A1MFIN31SXO81A,Foof,0,0,5,1329091200,Great Item,"Great packaging, and item is just as described. Will purchase this item again. They were shipped very fast, and efficient." 1605,B001RVFDOO,A1EMVE0E166IKY,G. Pliler,0,0,5,1329004800,Excellent chips,"Just to give a little background - I ordered these because they were a great deal for a box of single serving chips and I thought I would give the
???a a???y.y???ThT????ara?ieiete?? o ?????ava??rsr??ini?????s s ps ?aca?????e we ????grg???? a an a?d d?? e ???oyo???oso??t ot ?????????? Th The?sese ??hi?psp???eaeaveavev?????oto?t lt le??s ?memese?ss ss? th tha th?n ??ououru?? av ave?rar???e be bab???s os ??????at?o o????ps????????herhe?? a?????ver????????rurumumbm?????? th???babagba??. . I. ?????? ap a???rerenrentn??ththethes??e a?rere ?non?ot ot p prp????????lil??????rmr??l l c ch c???s ???d d t??? r ?resresus??t t i?s ??????fe??ren??lyl??tet?????eded ed?????. ????????l ?beb?e ae a e a????rsors???? t???????s ?tot???he??the?r r or or? n ?notno????? w wi?ll???likli??? th???tat??asteast?e ae ane and?????tu??re,re? b?????????????hihighi?hlhly?? re r?coc?????????yiyin???? the thes the?? o ou o???????060??B0B???RVR???OOO?????????FNF???MQM???????? " ??"Lo"L?ori?"""""""????,0,,0????????
m a try. The variety of flavors in this package was great and I enjoy most of them. These chips leave a lot less mess than your average bags of potato chips and there are very few crumbs in the bag. It is apparent these are not prepared like normal chips and the result is a differently textured chip. It will be a personal taste as to whether or not you will like the taste and texture, but, I would highly recommend trying these out." 1606,B001RVFDOO,A2ZNXVTFNE6MQO,"Lori ""Lori""",0,0,5,132891
?????,P,????ece?????r r???????lolowo??erser????t ???isi??????????a a???e-e-d-dad???on?lyl??sas??e e?????mam???on.on????ovovev??hah?viv??? t ???e se ??ingin???-s-seser??????????ioi????s ?? a??m fm ??????in??????plplal???. . ??????? p?oio???????usus ??????er??? ????sts?y ?anandan? o?? on t on ??the the??amamem?e le lilininein????? th t??e Se ????????K K??????er???. ??he??????ete?ty ty i????icicece e te ??????ve ve???????the ???? w wiw?????laslastst st? fo for fo????????. ????????r ??ndnd nd??????????????avoavor???ese??. ???y ?????.....???606?7,7????????DODOOO????0Q0?????????KIKI,I,",?L.L. ???????on?on "on ??WiW??ineCine?ChiCh???"""""""??0,????,1,131323?858??28?00??,"V,"??????ty ?????, ,??????d d ld ?????heshes"s",??I ?????ov???ed? P PoP???????s ?aw?hi?hilehil????ack?? an and an??fe?llll ll ill ?in in?
8400,Perfect for WW followers,Got this item on a one-day-only sale on Amazon. Love having the single-serving portion as I am following WW plan. Only 3 points plus per serving. Tasty and on the same line as the Special K crackers. The variety is nice to have and the box will last for awhile. Cheddar and BBQ are my favorites. Try them... 1607,B001RVFDOO,A30QMNHLS0YTKI,"L. Ferguson ""WineChick""",0,0,5,1328572800,"Variety pack, packed lunches","I discovered Pop Chips awhile back and fell in l
?ovo?e e?wiw??h h??theth???BQBQ Q f ??avavovoro????hoh???e le ???tat????lavlavo?r r?ana???????sfs????? s????? o ?? c ?hihipip p????erernr???tivti? H HuH??byby y i ?is is a a a??eaeac?heh???????he??geg????lul???chech???mam???e me ??sts? d ???????thth th??ea??????????nd nd??asa?stist??er er oer ?ptp???nsn????an? w? wha wh?at at??s ?ofo???ereer????????choch??ol.ol?<b<??r /r ????r r /r />r /????cece ?I I?mim???upu??hi?s ?sasansandndwnd???che?????ffeff????????roromo????ekek ????wew?????I ?????????th?the the???ririe????pap?ackac???ou??d d bd ???did?ffffe?????t ft fof?or ???m.m. . H. ?????tsts ts h hi his?is cis crcrur??chchych??????????dodoeo?esnes???t rt re????zez??ththe????op op???????ararear???'t 't??s ???????or ???? t?hahan??ththe?the rthe ???ucu????fafatat ?kek?ettet??? c??hip?s s hs ?he he whe ?as? g??ett?ining????????! !??lalaila?in in a????????, ?viv?????? p pa??ck ck a?
ove with the BBQ flavor- whole lotta flavor and satisfying snack or chip alternative. Hubby is a teacher, so he gets lunches made most days with healthier and tastier options than what is offered at school.<br /><br />Since I mix up his sandwiches offerings from week to week, I thought the variety pack would be different for him. He gets his crunchy fun and doesn't realize the Pop Chips aren't as bad for you than the reduced fat kettle chips he was getting. Score! Plain are fine, vinegar pack a
???rtrt t p ???chc??ana?????????lll???lil???s s?????????t at an??d pd ??ppp??r r f flflalava??r.r???iningnglglele ?ses??vev????zeze ???es?? le l???ve ve y ??u u w ?????????ororeor??????ononsn??mimin?ing ing s so s?????????gig?vevesve??? g gog??d ??????t ???henhe??ene?jojoyoyiyin????itithth th??? sa san????,O?????????01??ODO????. ?????ENENTN?ERE????pap?artart-t???????reare????""??,0,0,0?,0,,0?????282???????,L,LoL?????d ald a?ll ll??????flafl?avoav??? ex excxcecep?t ?sasalsa???t ant a??? pe p?????!,!???????llyll?y ly ???kedked ?th???e ????psp?s a?s ????????en?ti???? fa fam????????wiwiswi??h yh ????co?ulu?d d pd pid p?ckc??????ch??oosoo?? t??e ?flflaflavfla??rsrs ??? t??? v ????ete?y ?pa???. ?? w wo w???? l???e e te tot? t??y ?ththe?????et?? po poto????? an????chi?lili li l???? a?????????????????????
tart punch and he really likes the salt and pepper flavor. Single serve size does leave you wanting more if consuming solo, but gives a good amount when enjoying with a sandwich." 1608,B001RVFDOO,AU0PC4RM01IOD,"C. CARPENTER ""part-time reader""",0,0,4,1328572800,Loved all the flavor except salt and pepper!,I really liked these chips as did my entire family. I wish you could pick and choose the flavors in the variety pack. I would love to try the sweet potato and chili lime and leave the salt and
?????pe?? b ?????????606?9,9??000?1R1??FDF?OOO?,A,????????RCR????????y'y?? d ?????ondon?,0,?????,1,???858?727?28028?????????????e e p?????ipi?ps ps w ??rer????????hinhingng g?I I w wa wanantn?eded d???????????aua??? t?he??????????keked?? T ?he??? bar ba??beqbeququeu???oneon?es es?????????????? t th the th???resrestst ?ofo??????? we?re???terte?rir?blb?e.e?.1.?16116??0,B0,?B00B0??RV?FDFDOFDOO????PDP????9L9????IIII,I?"B"?ror???"""?"Br"B?ronron"n?"""""?????????????13????0,G0,??????s s as ??sas??plp?lerle???aca???????????????usus us??lal?vov????????????? the thes the??se Pse ????????????loloto?? b?????ot???llll l??????flafl??????. . ? Th T????????et?y ?pa?ck???????es aes ?a ga ?????sa????erer er???f tf ???e ve va????ousou?s fs flfla?vovorvors???ndnd nd t? the then then n y yoy??????????????e ?th??? fl f??vo???????? li lik????? Th?
pepper behind. 1609,B001RVFDOO,A2JKRWF7RCCI1,Tony's diamond,0,0,3,1328572800,chips,These popchips were something I wanted to try because they were baked. The barbeque ones were okay but the rest of them were terrible. 1610,B001RVFDOO,A3PD8JD9L4WEII,"Bron ""Bron""",0,0,4,1328313600,Good as a sampler pack of the various flavors,"I like these Pop Chips a lot, but not all the flavors. This variety pack makes a good sampler of the various flavors and then you can purchase the flavors you like. The
????????? h hah?vev?e se sts???ngn??flflal??oro????????e e ne nonoto??grgrereare??????ThTheh?y y a??e ???iri?lyl?y fy ??llllil?????ndnd nd m ???e e ae a a??re??t ???acackc?????heheyhe?'r'?? p ?re???y y ny ?noino????(l(???? m??stst st c?hihiphipsps)ps) )?sos??dodonon'on't't ???akeak???eme??tot????he he?lol????? th t?heaheata???????r /r ?><><b????????sese se c?ama??e we ?elellll ll???ackac??????d ???eyey ey?? are??????ta??y f???????????giginingin?. ???? ca???????????ha??t t??ey??????keeke?? w ?????fof?? a?????rettret?? l lo l??????????s ???fo??nd?nd and a ?bab??? th?at?????d gd ??ottot???n pn ??sh?ede????hi???nd snd ??me?me ome ??he??r tr ??????, ,???d ??ftf???r sr ?sevse?ververaral???????s ??t ????????tastaststested????????. ;. ??<b<br??????<br ?/>??The?se????re ?a ?????ttytt???????sisizizez??e foe f?or ?a a qa ???ck?? sn sna?ck??. ????????????s bs be
se chips have strong flavor and are not greasy. They are fairly filling and make a great snack. They're pretty noisy (like most chips) so don't take 'em to the local theater!<br /><br />These came well packed and they are in stay fresh packaging. I can attest that they do keep well for a pretty long time as I found a bag that had gotten pushed behind some other things, and after several months it still tasted fine. ;)<br /><br />These are a pretty good size for a quick snack. Quality has be
e??????sis?sts?en?t t o ??????????ala? d did?fff???enentent ent??????ese??? I ??rereae???? l ???e e t ??????xtx?urure???ndn????unu??ch,ch? a??????????theth??lal??? o of o??grgre??????????1?616111?,B,??010??VFVFDF????????????BDB???????. ??anangan???,0,0,,0?5,5?????050???0000,00,T,ThThe?se? t?as?????????tyty y gy ??????ThTheTh???e te tae t??asteastes? g????????f if iti?'s'??nonotot ?????d,d, d,?no?t ?ba?d d fd ??r r yr ??????andan???asastasteastesaste????od??, t, th????????????????????? O OfOf ???ur??se,se, ??not??? l? lot lo???????ncenc??, b, ????????e e ae arare???gregrea???he????thith?ierie??sns?ac?????1?61?2,2??00??1RV1RVF?????????KNKN5N5A5?1P1PGPG9G?E,E??CiC?????on??????"b"???????????,0,,0,0,0,0,???13??????????DiDidi???t ?cacararear?e fe ????th??????ie?ty???ele?????ononson??,"I,"?I bI ??????t t??o o? ba b??s ????
en consistent over several different batches. I really like the texture and crunch, and love the lack of greasiness." 1611,B001RVFDOO,A2HKGQ3OBD6Q23,D. Yang,0,0,5,1328054400,These tastes pretty good,"These tastes good. If it's not fried, not bad for you, and tastes good, then why not eat them? Of course, not a lot at once, but these are great healthier snacks." 1612,B001RVFDOO,AX8KKN5A1PG9E,"CintiBonnie ""bonnie8""",0,0,2,1327622400,Didn't care for the variety selections,"I bought two bags of P
??pCp?hih??? a ?t t?WhW???????odo???(O(OrO??gig?nan???????BaB???eqe?????nd??lolovo??????eme?????he??????enentn??toto o???aza??n n tn ?to to?????r r l?????mom??e,e? I? l???eded ed t ??e e ie ??????f f s sis??glg?le le??er?????????s ?????herhe???thathan????he he??ar???? o?????, w, whw???h h???d ???onson???????o ?ququiqu?ckc???????????w w I????????kik?????a ra ???????t ?whwhewh?????e ??ordor??????????I I rI ???allal??????????ed ????????al?f ???f tf ?????lal????????? th?? a as asss???????????InI?n an ??di?titioi??????ly??th??the Othe ???????????d ??BarBarb?eqequeq???nun??ri?????al?al val ????uesue??ca?lclcuculu?????ed a???2 2 p ???? t?????othot?herhersher??we??????l l 3l ??. ??????ll????ke????????ipsips s bs ????wiwilillll ?ononlonlyonly y?? buy buy ?babagba?gs gs o of of of???????avavoav????????????I wI
opChips at Whole Foods (Original and Barbeque)and loved them. When I went to Amazon to order lots more, I liked the idea of single serving bags rather than the larger ones, which I'd consume too quickly. I knew I was taking a risk but when the order came, I really disliked about half of the flavors in the assortment. In addition, only the Original and Barbeque nutritional values calculated at 2 pts; the others were all 3. I still like PopChips but will only buy bags of the flavors I know I w
???? e ??joj??????iningn????d d???t t h ???e e????chc?okokek?e de dodowo??. .????rer?coc?mmm?en??????????u u?????a a?babagag ???????ch ch???av???? be befe??????????prp?in????????a va ?ololulumume????dedere?.".""1??131??B0B000???VFV??OOO?,A,??O1O?QXQXKX????373?GWG?,F,FeF????iaia a La ? B ???????0,0???5,5,1,??26269693?121??00,00????ARA??? T ???????AREARE ?ADA?DID??????!,!??????????????ririeriede???hehe ?ba?????????????eae?a sa ??ltl???and??viv??????r fr ???avo???????? w ????? av a?aiail?????????????oco??al al T??argargegete??in? 3 3o3???????s.s. ?? I I??m m?soso o go glgla???????? I ???ougou?????????vavarvari?rietrie??????k!k???????nl?y y dy ??????di?scscocovco?verver ?????r ??la???rs? t????at Iat ??enenjen??y,y???utu??t itt i?'s's ????ingling?????ervervi??ng ng s??????? i ?t't'st'?s bs ?????????????????? c??
ill enjoy eating and not have to choke down. I recommend that you try a bag of each flavor before you spring for a volume order." 1613,B001RVFDOO,A2O1QXKIS937GW,Felicia L Brewer,0,0,5,1326931200,BEWARE! THESE ARE ADDICTING!,"I had only tried the barbeque and sea salt and vinegar flavors that were available at my local Target in 3oz. bags. I am so glad that I bought this variety pack! Not only did I discover other flavors that I enjoy, but it's single serving size so it's better for portion con
t?ror??. .? I ? l lolovo?? p ?opo?????s,s????d d???fif??????????aya? m mom?rere ?????sfsfyf???g g t th t??????did?inain????????atoat? c ?chich??s!s!"!""?161616???B0B?????FDFDOD?O,O,A,???929?C2C?T5T5O5?DYD??2,2?PoP??ere?GaG???er2er?2,??,0,?????323262686??484808?00,00??????????????me? P ?OPO?????ps???I lI ??kek????ese????chi?????????????ow ow?i i?hahavha?? a? a w a ??????242? p?acackck k??! t! th??is is?????????i gi ?????y ?????s s os ono?? wh w?hilhi?e ??????h!h??????5,B5,??????FD????,A3,A???????A1A?MDM?WIW??"E"?.S.S S??"p"??hanha??omom_m???????"""""?,0,0,,0?,0,??5,15,?13213??1616616646??????an'an?t ??????????e tae tasa?tete.e?,A?? wh??le? a ag a?o ?I ????t at ? b bab??????? the the the???Q Q???????stost???e te toe t??go?? wi w???? my my my???ncn??? an a????I l?ov??d d td ????? s??????n ???wa??s ss ??????chinchingn???amaam???????d ??ouo????????se
trol. I love popchips, and I find them way more satisfying than ordinary potato chips!" 1614,B001RVFDOO,A2Q92C2T5ODYM2,PowerGamer22,0,0,5,1326844800,Yum yum love me POP Chips,I like these chips a lot! Now i have a whole 24 pack ! this is how i get my chips on while i Fish! 1615,B001RVFDOO,A375NF45A1MDWI,"E.S ""phantom_horse""",0,0,5,1324166400,Can't beat the taste.,A while ago I got a bag of the BBQ at a store to go with my lunch and I loved these so when I was searching amazon and found these
oonon n?sus????rir?beb? a ???????e ?I I?knk?ewew w t tht?ata? t th t?isi???asa??sos?memete??ini?g g t???????ha??????ha????fof?r r m mym? l lulunu???ese?. . I?? lo lovo???ththeth??????t yt ?????et????l l t th the the ?????????t t ft ???avoavor?s ???d ?as? o ?f f?yey?et et Iet I ?I haI h????????t fot f?ounou?nd nd? a a? fl f??vov??? I ?dididdid ?????lil????????????rorom? E ?ngnglng??ndnd ??I aI amam m???ryr?y py ?ici???????????my my??????????of of?????s s o??r cr ??is??????s Is ?I wI ??oulouldld d cd ???? t? the???asas ??the?re???eee??s s ts toto to?be?? su s??ch ch??????????flafl??????????????????? gi givi??????????????????????t ct ??ompomplp??? ?I I a???so so? lo?ve?ve t?hehe he???actac??t tht t?????% %? fa?t ?is????? f?? fat fat? co c??te??nt nt? wh w??ch??????t m???keskes s t????????eve?????betbettt????snsnan?ackac?????????y y iy is?susuesue ??owo?w iw ???ththathatat ??
on subscribe and save I knew that this was something that I had to have for my lunches. I love the fact you get all the different flavors and as of yet I have not found a flavor I did not like. Being from England I am very picky about my flavors of chips or crisps as I would call them as there seems to be such limited flavors but this box gives me flavors I can't complain. I also love the fact that 5% fat is the fat content which just makes them an even better snack. My only issue now is that I
?hah?vev? t ????igi??t t?mym????sbs?anandnd d a ?????ono???veverve????eme????cac???e ???heyhey ???oveov???????juj??????? mu m??????????o.o? I ?????? n ??w w h?adad d td ??????to???? bo b??? a a m?on???????t et eveve???ththethenen ????m ??notno?????e e Ie ????n n hn ??????????????????? m mo?????wiw??????the the tthe th?re????????????iningn????em? e???veryver??ch????????????..1???16,16?????RVR?FDFDOD???????N9N969?????EME??,",?J.J. ???. B. BAB??BOB????"""??urursurses?enuen??""???0,0,0??4,4??????020???????reare???ch????????nd?????tyt??totooto??,"G,"??????lal?????ulu????ip???? t to t?oo oo b???? th the?????ec?titioti?on on d?oeo?s ?no?not not???clc???e e je ?ala??pepe&e??ntintilildlde??o ??or or p ?????sasan? g??arlar?????????aga???????s ds did?ffffi??ul?t ?to??opope?n,n????t t t?he????re?shs???1????,B?
have to fight my husband and son over them because they love them just as much as I do. I have now had to go to a box a month but even then I am not sure I can have enough for the month with the three of us eating them every chance we can. 1616,B001RVFDOO,A22DN96N5BEEMR,"J. L. BARBOSA ""nursenut""",0,0,4,1323302400,Great chips - and tasty too,"Good flavorful chips - too bad the selection does not include jalape&ntilde;o or paramsan garlic. Packaging is difficult to open, but they fresh." 1617,B0
0????FDF??O,O?A2A?CJC???1H1???FWF?4P4??"S"S.S?????????????mpmpup???rfr???????0,0???5,5,1,????303??404000?0,D0,?elelil?cic???s s?ala?te?????ivi????o o?grg?eae??? t tr t?????tiotiono???????psp??????ese?e e ae ?re?? a a g gr gre?at? a?lt?er??natnati??ve ve???o to trt?radra?ditdi??????????easeasy? p ?????o o co ?chich????. . G ????? f ??????opo?lel?????????e e de ?diedi?ti??g g b ??ut ut?????? c ??????? a?????tyty,y????unu?ch?y y sy ?nanacnackc??. . T. ?TheTh?y ???? l liliglighg?t ?ana?d d?? cru cr?uncun??????nd nd????y ?ta???e ???realrea????????. . I. ??waw?as as a?frfrarairaidi?????ey ey w?er??????????to to b????likli???e the t?? r rir??e ?cacaka????an?d ???y ????ps????ut ?th??????real?ly?? ta tas?te? g???d.?????? o ?orior?gig???al al???????? re r?????s ????? l???????????MuM?????s ???chip??s. s.? T ???The oThe or???????nal fnal ?flafl?avoav????
01RVFDOO,A2CJE81H4BFW4P,"S. McGill ""computerfly""",0,0,5,1323302400,Delicious alternative to greasy traditional chips!,"These are a great alternative to traditional greasy potato chips. Great for people that are dieting but still craving a salty, crunchy snack. They are light and crunchy and they taste really good. I was afraid they were going to be like the rice cakes and soy chips but they really taste good. The original flavor reminds me a lot of the Munchos chips. The original flavor an
?? s sas?????????ara? a ar????y y f faf????iti???????ththeh?y ???????l l g gog??d.d?? M ?y ?????t ??favfa????te?????????chche???arar ar????st st??????useuse ??it it? is is ??n n??vev?????????g g c??????r ??lal??or? ( (I(??dod?n'n??t lt ??kek?e ce ??ededdddaddar?????ut ut????st ????plp?????????y l????e i?????I hI ?avaveav???ururcr????ed? t???sese ?sesevse?ververaralal al??imimem?es es??owow w a an a?????????? co c?????????? d?o ????? I ???????lyl???recre??mmm???nd nd? th??is is???????t ?????????????1???8,8??000?1R1??????,A,??G5G5V5??1I1??I0I??NQN???al??????0,0?,0,,0???131??242434??404??,G,????????aca????? a al??terternr?natna?tivti????"F"FoF?or or a?ll???f f??youyo?????atatoat?o co ?chich??????oveover?s ?whwhowh?????????in???to??????he????thyth??? th the????? chi ch???s as ars a?re re a???rereareatreat t at ???ererner?nat??ve??
d salt/vinegar are my favorite but they are all good. My least favorite is the cheddar just because it is an overwhelming cheddar flavor (I don't like cheddar) but most people really like it. I have purchased these several times now and I will continue to do so. I highly recommend this product for anyone!" 1618,B001RVFDOO,A1G5VT1IQI0WNQ,Valerie,0,0,4,1322438400,Great snacking alternative!,"For all of you potato chips lovers who are trying to eat healthy, these chips are a great alternative!
?????heh???ara????oto??????e fe frf?iei?d,d? b ?utu???theth???lal??oror r a??ono?????th????? c ?alalo???e/e/f/?ata?t bt bebenenen?fif??? m mam???????????grg???at at? ch c????e!e! !?I I???ikeik?ed ed?hah??ini?ng ng?????vav?ariar??tyt?y py ??ckc???or? t? the? o ??????unu?it??y ty ?o ?????whw???? f fl f????rsr?s Is I ?????? l? lik li?????s s is ?? t??rnr?????t,t?, I, ??????????? a al??????ut ut????o ?ha?????????????????(l(????e Be ?BQB??, s, ??altalt ?????????ar,ar??ana???????????o ??beibe?ingin???blblele ?????uyu??y thy t???????ingling??????y ?is?? an an n????eded ????s.s??????hav??e ae ??re?????y ply p??ce?d d td ???? or ordrde??rs rs? si sinincin?ce ce?????ni???al? p pup??chc??se???1161?191?,B,B0B???????OOO?????????????QWQ??MiMic??aea?l,l,0,0,0?,0,,0,5,????222??????????reareatrea??GlG?????-f-?frefr?ee ee???ac?k k ak ?andan?d hd ?heaheal?althalthyh?
No they are not like fried, but the flavor along with the calorie/fat benefits make this a great choice! I liked having the variety pack for the opportunity to see which flavors I would like. As it turns out, I like them all! But I do have my favorites (like BBQ, salt & vinegar, and plain) so being able to buy them singlularly is an added plus. I have already placed two orders since my initial purchase!" 1619,B001RVFDOO,AFK4SSP559JQW,Michael,0,0,5,1322006400,Great Gluten-free snack and healthy,
?"I"??gog?t t t ???????oror r m ??????????he? i ????????ppp?????? to t? e ?ata??ananyn?y gy glg???ene?? ?AlA???ofof ??????lalavavov??s s ts tat??????rer??????d ??????se?????? b ?e ???chc??????th????r tr ?thath?an an??regregug?lalarlar ???ta?toto ??chich???. . . I ???yoy?u u??rere re?????iningn? f??or or a???lu???n-n????e ??snasnaca??? I? h????lyl?y ry ?????????d Pd ?opo???chipchips????????,B,B0B??1R1?VFV????????KNK?????BEB???????olo???????n,n?0,0,00,??????222???64640400??I ???????????????????"I "I??ik?e ?e ale a?????he ???????????exexcx???t ?ththethe the????t ??t andt an?d pd pep??pe?r.r?. ??he??y ty ?tasta?????????mucmu???????? bl bla?ck???peppe??????ndnd nd????hih???g eg ele?? ?. T. Th. T?he ????ererser??ar??e ve ??eryery y g????l<l?a a?????????ttt?p:p?///???ww.ww.a.?????????????????dud?uctuc??B0??01R01?RVFRV?
"I got these for my gf as she isn't supposed to eat any gluten. All of the flavors taste great and they seem to be much healthier than regular potato chips. If you are looking for a gluten-free snack, I highly recommend Popchips!" 1620,B001RVFDOO,ATGKNPXJIBE42,Carol Sausen,0,0,4,1322006400,I like all but one,"I like all the varieties except the salt and pepper. They taste too much like black pepper and nothing else. The others are very goodl<a href=""
O??"""????pcp???psp??6-6?????oro????ririei?tyt??PaP??k,k? 0 ?.8.?-O-OuO???e e S SiSiningn??e e Se ??rvr???BaB?????PaPacPa?ck ck o ???????/a/???1??212???000?1R1????????????QQQQCQCGC?TOT????????????0,0????,1,?313191???363606?????p p C ChC?????"T"ThThehe e pe prp?????tsts ?????wow?ndn?er??ulu????? f ?????!!!?? E ????yty?hihinhing? r ?????tetede? a ab a??utu????e ??chich???s is ?????????geget???????I I???????????mmm???????????? o????rsr??? A ?????on'on??s ss ses??vivici????s ars are????antan??ststit??????16?2222,2??0000100?????DOODOO,O??????????OPO?????umu?mmymm?????????????00?8080000,????mym??????ie???I ???ala????en??????the??????w w c ??aloalororior?????hiphipship?s. s.? T ??eyey ??????????od?? fl f???????iti?th th a????oodood d cd crcrurun??? a an and???are??????p.p?<b<??????<br<br ??>I>????? w wo w??
OO"">Popchips 6-Flavor Variety Pack, 0.8-Ounce Single Serve Bags (Pack of 24)</a>" 1621,B001RVFDOO,A168EQQCGTOQJI,MiPegg,0,0,5,1319673600,Pop Chips,"The products are wonderful and fresh!! Everything reported about the chips is on target, and I would recommend them to others. Amazon's services are fantastic!!" 1622,B001RVFDOO,A9V61HJA4OPRA,Rummy,0,0,5,1319500800,Yummy Yummies,I really enjoy these low calorie chips. They have a good flavor with a good crunch and are crisp.<br /><br />I was wond
??????????whw?????rdr??erier?ingin???????e e??f ?tht?heshe??????psp???nene e ce ????? o??rderd???????r r??????ititetese??ana????otot t t th t???????e e 6e 6 6 f fl f?????????SaS?? j ???t t 2t 2 2???av??????????sisir?ede?????r ?/>/????r /r />r /??tst????????t t pt ?ror??ucuctc?? d do d??????????????????uru?rinri???????..???????000????????????FLF??RSR???????,K,?ara???0,0?,0,,0?5,5???191?3232828028?000000,????????asastas?ining????ip????ltl???nan??ivi?e,e????hes?e ?ararear?????llllyl?y gy ??odod od t????in???chchi???, ,? th??????arenaren'n'tn't ?tot?oo oo?unu??heahe???hyh???? y ??? c ca c?? e ea??????faifa???ama?ou???t. t. L ?????? the? f fl???vorvo???g.g????62?4,4,B,B0,B??1R1RV1R????O,?A1A??BGB?8T8??I8?JAJ?S8S8,??CoC?ookoo???????"C?JL???",",0??0,???13??????808???MmM???Mm?????Mmm!Mmm???,"?? h hahav??????????
ering if when ordering a case of these chips one could order their favorites and not the whole 6 flavors? Say just 2 flavors if desired??<br /><br />Its a great product. don't stop manufacturing them. 1623,B001RVFDOO,A28FL0RSO744I8,Karl,0,0,5,1319328000,Great tasting chips alternative,"These are really good tasting chips, they aren't too unhealthy so you can eat a fair amount. Love the flavoring." 1624,B001RVFDOO,A1SBG8TCI8JAS8,"CookieJL ""CJL""",0,0,5,1319068800,Mmm-Mmm-Mmm!!!,"I have been try
i????????in?????ala??hyhy y????ckc?? t th t??? t ta t???e e???????ndn?d bd ??????veve ?I I f????nd nd????rer?eatea?t ct ??oio???e ie ?in in P PoPopo?????s!s? ?????e ???? a?????????????hihiehi????lt????????? f??r ??regre?ulu??ar ar???tatat????????? ????ovove????????al al?K K?crc????er?? ch c??ps????utu?????y y oy ???y ?cocomo?e ??????g g bg ?????? I?? sa s???? the th??????nd nd tnd ???y y ay ??e ??????ageageded ?ththe??waw??y Iy ??I liI l?????inindindiind?iviivididud???al sal ????ininging g b?ag?s)s??????I ????ve ????m m a????????NoN??, ?I ???lll??neneve???r br ??e we ?witwi???outou?t t????! ???heheyhey ??re?re sre so???oo? g??oodoo????nd ?nd thnd the????ar?are are?? a l a lolotlo?t ot ofo??? chi ch?ips? i ?????????ag????FiF????ly?????googo?????????ing,ing???heahe?????????potpota??? c? chi?p p???at? I ?I cI ????ene?joj?????161626????????
ing to find healthy snacks that taste good and boy have I found a great choice in PopChips! These are a great healthier alternative for regular potato chips. I love Special K cracker chips, but they only come in big bags. I saw these and they are packaged the way I like (individual serving bags), so I gave them a try. Now, I will never be without them! They are sooooo good and there are a lot of chips in each bag. Finally a good-tasting, healthier potato chip that I can enjoy!" 1625,B001RV
?????????JEJ?????T4T???,D,???SlS??cec??0,0???5,5??313??060?888?000?0,B0,?etettttet??????n n?exe?????????I I???????????? a ababob??t t tt th??ses????ipi??, ,?bubut? t???ougou???t It ?I wI ??oulou?? g gigivi?e ??????? t???. ????esees??????????y,y???rir?sps???ch??ipsip??? a an a?d ?ono?????????alalol???es?????????I ????e ??lll? t? the th??flflalava??orsor??ini???ududed????? t th?? v ?ar???etyety ?pap???. . I. ?I dI ??fifin?????ly ly w?ili?? b???y ay ????""1?626????00?1R1RVRVFVFD?OO???121??TWTWDWD0D???FWFWLWLML?????nyny ?? D ?aya?????????13113?????00???????t ????ackac??,"???????????????re ??ververy????????? I It Itst?s as ? n ?iciceic??sis?zez????erver????? an and an?d o???y ?????cac????ie??. . . ????d ??????? and?? go g????nacna?ck ck f ???? bu bus bu????omo?s"s?"1"?16216????00??????FDOOFDO????URU??J7J?010?????
FDOO,AWYJER2ZQT42W,D. Slice,0,0,5,1319068800,Better than expected,"I wasn't sure about these chips, but thought I would give them a try. These are tasty, crispy chips - and only 100 calories a bag! I like all the flavors included in the variety pack. I definitely will buy again." 1626,B001RVFDOO,A12PTWD0SXFWLM,Sunny E Day,0,0,5,1318896000,Great Snack!,"These chips are very tasty, Its a nice size serving and only 100 calories. Good grab and go snack for busy Moms" 1627,B001RVFDOO,A1URVJ70108OZG
???ere???,0,???????313????040??0,????ttttyt??gog???. . n ??? h ????tht?????????n n??pppplp??????????"I"? a?grgre?e ??iti?th th m mam??y ??????ese??????????. ??ThT?he he?pr???ucu???tatasa???es es???oodood d?- -? no n?? f ?anantan???stist?? b ??????od??. ???????t ????ke ke?re??al,al, ,????reasreasys????otaot????chchihipi?s s a?ndn???????er er???????????s. s.?????evevev?er ?ifif ???u u d ?? e ???????rea??, ???ea???????otatota?? c?hihiphips?????ea???e se se??e te ??? r?ev?ie???????????ini????rir?inginglg?lesles s as ?andan?????????Ba???wi?n.n?. . v. ve??? f?unu?nyn?.<.??????DoD??????????se se??? y ??u ??lik?e e ae an? o ?????ioi??alal al?sas???ty ty? sn s???k k???????????wawan?ant ant t to to ?ded??ouourou?????arargrgeg??e bae bagag g og ????????????d ??chich?ipsip?s. ???????t bt ??buy buy????????????you you a??? l lo l?????? f
,Kerry,0,0,3,1318550400,pretty good. not healthy like an apple but...,"I agree with many of these reviews. The product tastes good - not fantastic but good. I don't like real, greasy potato chips and prefer Baked Lays. However if you do enjoy real, greasy potato chips, please see the review referencing Pringles and Steven Baldwin. very funny.<br />Do buy these if you like an ocassional salty snack but don't want to devour a large bag of fat-filled chips. Don't buy these if you are looking f
?oro????????tht?y y?????????ivi?? t tot???hih?psp????ea??? a a b bab???????? a?????e ie ???tetea??????d ?????th?????apa??le? c??hiphi???????banba????a ca chchich??????cacaua?se? t?he????????highi?? i ?? s ?????).)????????? y ??u u?????ete?t t?hehe he? bi b??? bo b?? -???us?t t pt pup?t t it iti??sos??e e pe ????e e i??coc???venveniniei????lil?kek???thethe ????semse??nt? w whw???? y??ou ou w wi w?????ava?ve ve?????????????e e ee ??erergergygy ??in in oin or???? t? to to?????t tht thet th?m m????and?????yo?u ???? B BOB?NUN?S!S?? yo?u ????st st?????tetedte?d ed en?????????????????ar?nenede???a c??hiphip hip?? or or??wowo.o?""?161???,B,????RVR???????232???????????Y,Y,e,e4e??oyo?s,s???????????????0000,00?????ch???ps,ps???hehe he Phe ???ChChi???????e ?grgre???? an and an?d td ???y ???re?re fre ?reresreshs?h wh ?whewh?en en????y y ay ary a?rir?iveived?
or a healthy alternative to chips - eat a banana or apple instead (and not those apple chips or banana chips because they are high in sugar).<br />If you do get the big box - just put it some place inconvenient like the basement where you will have to exert some energy in order to get them - and if you do, BONUS! you just exerted energy and maybe earned a chip or two." 1628,B001RVFDOO,A23CTC7FCPE0BY,e4boys,0,0,4,1318118400,Pop0chips,"The PopChips were great and they were fresh when they arrived.
F ?????hehe e????cec??????isi?? t??????????????e ?bab??s s o ?f f c ?hihipipsp????or or??? b ??ckc???""??626292?,B,?000?1R1???DOD?O,O?????FIF??EDEDO?????fef??????0,0,0?,5,?????727?545?4040000,00,L,???e ??theth????,Ab,A??ululul?????y ly lol?oveov?e Pe ?opopcp???ipsip??I I fI ?iri?stst t t??rieri?? t? the th?ses????????y y cy ?chi?ps? a ata?t at ? m??????onon n i ? d ?????n ?CaCal???forfo???a.a??????????hihishis s vs ??????y ?pap??????cac????? i i g ???????? try tr????????????????????s ?ivi?ve ve??eve????hah?????636303?0,B0,B0???RV??FDOFDOO????BQB?????????WMW?,l,?dhd???01101?,0????????17?080818?????GrG???at at p??odo????t a?ndn?????????reareatreat ??????????his his?? pro pr????uct uct? wa w??s es eveveev?eryeryty???ingin?????? mo m?ore? a?ccccocor?didindingn??toto to????? ad a??ver?tit?iseis???????? I ??as? t?ototaot?allal????at?is???ed???iti????
For the price, I wish there were more bags of chips for my bucks." 1629,B001RVFDOO,AQE0FIFEDOTK7,fellmy,0,0,5,1317254400,Love them!,Aboulutely love Popchips!I first tried these healthy chips at a marathon i did in California. I like this variety pack because i got to try alot of the flavors ive never had. 1630,B001RVFDOO,A1BQK9Q5K8MHWM,ldh2011,0,0,5,1317081600,Great product and at a great price,This product was everything and more according to the advertisement. I was totally satisfied with my
???ururcrchc?asasese.e. .? I ??rer??omommm???? t ?? e eve???yoyono?? t?o ????rchrc?hasha?????esese?se cse ??ipipsp??frf??om om t? thi th??????????????B0B000???VFVFDF???,A,??????8B8?XNXNJN??N,N????renre??????anan,n?0,0???5,5??31????121???,P,?opopcpch???? R ???iei???????chi??s ?isis is?? n ??w w p pr p??dud?ctc???oro???????????????ftf???????ini?????n an ????? W ?ei?ghg??t Wt ???ch??ersers ?ma???????e. e.???ovo?vedve????? p pr?????ct.ct????acackc?in?g ?waw?? p?er????????????pip?ing???enenten?t ft ??ineine.ine?????o co ??????in????wiwit????? this this s os ?ordordeorderer er????alalll??. . P. ???bab?blblyly y????ll ll?or??orderorder ???gaiga????oooon?!!????2,2??00001001R1RV1R???DOODO?O,AO,??IAI?M1M????1C1??L7L???????DiD????????????787858?60600?00,D00,DoDonon'on??????feafe????????ururpur????????EaE????ing ???????????at at Oat OnO??????I ?ha???? to to to w?at
purchase. I recommend to everyone to purchase these chips from this site. 1631,B001RVFDOO,AQJBTS8BXNJ9N,Karen Newman,0,0,5,1316131200,Popchips Review,Popchips is a new product for me--ordered after seeing an ad in Weight Watchers magazine. Loved the product. Packing was perfect. Shipping went fine. No complaints with this order at all. Probably will order again soon! 1632,B001RVFDOO,A1IAM1NQF1CXL7,Lady Di,0,0,5,1315785600,Don't Defeat the Purpose by Eating Two Bags at Once!,"I have to wat
????mymy y??ala???ieieses,s, , b ??t t?I I?????? to to o??otot ??? v ?ere??????cec??sfsfuf?????? th theh???ooo?d ??I eI ?atat t it ???????????ess.ess?? I I I?hah?veve ve e enenjenjoj??????allall l sl sis?x x?flf?av??????f ??heheshesese ????ch????s as ana?nd nd? fe f??l l gl ??eaeatea?t et eaeat??ngn????eme? a ???101?? c ca calaloal???????er?????. . . M ???faf????ritri???s a?rere re?????????ama?m &m ? O OnO??ono???????????????al?t ???d ???????r ??????avorsavor??????n fn ??ctc???ththe???rere re sre ????oo???? j ?usu???wawanantan??????eeeepee????????g tg th???; ;?? and and ?????ve tve ?? r ????st????enenien??????se????????ag,ag??be?cacauca????????at rat rerea??????????eatseat???????????se?! !? I ????????? the the???ariarieietie??y py ?aca?k k???? i???????????? bad ba?d vd ???ueue.e?""?161636?3,3,B,??00100?RVR?FDF????????O0O0R0?UTU?9D9???R,R?"B"BeB???????te? G G.G
ch my calories, but I tend to not be very successful if the food I eat is tasteless. I have enjoyed all six flavors of these Popchips and feel great eating them at 100 calories per bag. My favorites are Sour Cream & Onion and the Sea Salt and Vinegar flavors. In fact, they're so good I just want to keep eating them; and have to resist opening a second bag, because that really defeats the purpose! I like the variety pack and it's not a bad value." 1633,B001RVFDOO,A2QVO0RUT9D8JR,"Bernadette G.
? S ?tetepephp?????"""?hoh??????n_n???usuststot?????,0,????????151???727202?0,????ata? f ?oro? d ??ete?,T,ThT???prp?????t ???s es ?xaxaca????????at at?iti?t i?????ortor????ede? t ?? b beb?. . T ?asa?styst??(n(????yuyumu???? b bu b????ooo??. ?????????ed? t th t?he ??propr??uc?t ??????tlt???. I? o or?ded?re??d 2d 2 2 c ??aseasese????d ?wiwili???ea?t t et ?ve????pap???agagege.????343??B0B00??????????2O2???424??UQU?8X8??5,5,D,???aneane e??????s,s???0,0,50,5,???141??898?????BeBes??t Ct ??ipi???EvE?ver???I I lI ?ovove?? th the th??e ???hiphips?, ,??? they the?y ty ????? s ???go??od od I ????? on on n a a a???w w???l l dl ????????????? a ar a?re re???erfer??ctct.ct???TheTh?e ie ??di?viv?????? ba b?agsag???eee???yoy?u u h ?honho???t.t?. T?ha??k k y??ou ou????Ch?ipipsip?????63563?????????DODOODOO,???????SPSPJP????O,?"R"?ututhut???owo????s "s """"r""?retretit???red red???eaceachchech
Stephens ""honey_in_houston""",0,0,4,1315267200,Great for diet,The product is exactly what it is portrayed to be. Tasty (not yummy) but good. I received the product promptly. I ordered 2 cases and will eat every package. 1634,B001RVFDOO,A2OG042EUQ8XG5,Diane Haynes,0,0,5,1314489600,Best Chips Ever,"I love these chips, they taste so good I am on a low cal diet and they are perfect. The individual bags keep you honest. Thank you PopChips" 1635,B001RVFDOO,AHWHI3SPJ2PHO,"Ruth Powers ""retired teache
r?"""??????,5,??131?????20200000??PoP????hih????ThThehese?????e ?ded????ioiouo??????????usbus?anandn? a??nd nd?????ustust t??ovo??e te tht??????EsEsps???ciaci???????e ?BBBBQB?? an??d Sd ????t at an???ViVininen?????flf?ava????s. s.?????????e the t?he he????????uau?? p ??ckc??????. . I. ??'s'?? a a?????ererfrfufulu???barbargrgagaiga?????henhen n???????t ??rereere?e se ?hi?ppp?iningin???161???????????DODOOO????HCH???????DMD??D,D??ststit????eye??,0,????????373??????00,A00,? y?umu??y y ay alalt?ererner??titivtiveve ve t ??????h-h?faf????hi?????????? a ?crc?ununcn?chachaha?ololi?c!c???????e ??o o ho ??ave????mem?th??ing??du???ing??ththe??????y toy t?o co ????chch!ch?! A! AlA???oto??therthe?? ch c??????rere re? so so ?????????????oror or????diudi?um um???hatha?t it ??t mt ?aka?????it it??ververyry y dy di?fff??icuicul???toto to? be b??eae????????al?althalt?y ?????st?ili?
r""",0,0,5,1313712000,Pop Chips,These are delicious. My husband and I just love them. Especially the BBQ and Salt and Vinegar flavors. I like the individual packages. It's a wonderful bargain when you get free shipping! 1636,B001RVFDOO,A1HCR858WADMHD,kstickley,0,0,4,1313712000,A yummy alternative to high-fat chips!,"I'm a crunchaholic! I have to have something during the day to crunch! All other chips are so high in fat or sodium that it makes it very difficult to be eating healthy and still
???ete? m ?? c crc???chc????. .????????s s i isi?s ts ??????sws?????ndnd d???e ?????????alal l?????s as ???e ae ? g gr grereare?????y ??o o c co c????????ouo???cacalaloal?rir???s t??o!o? I ??????lyl??re??omo?memenend?? th thehemhe? a al alll??? bu b??t tt ????????????d pd ????perpe????e ??my my?leleae??????vov?orior????""??636???B0B???RVR???OOO???6Y6Y6Y6Y???????RSR???en?p,p?0,0?,0,,0,5,???31313???727???,y,?umu?mmymm??pop??ch?ip????he????e are a???? the th?e be ??estes??snsnan???????? m me m??e ase as ?I I aI ???????p p b ba banand???at?????????TheTh?y y fy ??ll??u u??p p jp ?usu???en??ougough????d d td ?thethe ??????l bl ??gsgs gs a ar a????per?fef?ctct t s?????????,B,B0,B???????DOODO?O,AO,??????M8M?V6V??NPNPGPG,G????LyL????????0,30,????31131???????00,T00,????te te??yumyumm?????t t w????????????r r yr ??????exe???????inintin?tolto?lerleraranancancec????YuY??
get my crunch on. PopChips is the answer and the individual bags are a great way to control your calories too! I highly recommend them all, but the salt and pepper are my least favorite!" 1637,B001RVFDOO,A6Y6Y1F2APJRS,jenp,0,0,5,1313107200,yummy popchips,These are the best snacks for me as I am a lap band patient. They fill u up just enough and the small bags are perfect size 1638,B001RVFDOO,A36EA1M8V6GNPG,K. Lynch,0,0,3,1311724800,Taste yummy but watch out for yeast extract intolerance!,"Yum!
? I ???adad d?????d d td ?heh? o ?ri??ini??? a ??d ?d thd t?he he???r-r??-q-? a??nd nd r ????lyl????kekeded ed????? s ?? d ?ece?idi?dedde??????ete? t th?e ?vavar??ietie????acackc??????????tet???r r????so???? the???4 4 p ?pacpack? i isi??????pep????? then the????e e 1e 121??. T. ?he?he fhe ???????ed ed oed ononen?????o co ?ononton?aia?? a a a y ???easteas?????tratr?actac???????? is is ??imimimilila?????o Mo ??????d d gd gag?????y ??raran???otoththe???? b bab???????ac?he??. S. SoS??????ouou u?knknon???? any anyoyon???????????s as ?????????????? to to o M???? d????notno?t gt ?givgi??????????thesthese???????esees?e ae ????????ty ty aty ????? a n a ??iceic??sus???stist???????or???????????y poy pot????????????ut ut t?? they they ???are are?no?? f???????. ?YoYou?? ar are?? be b??te????ffff f ef ?eatea????? a a g a ??an??????ar??""1161636?????010??VFV?????AFAFZF????CWCW8W?
I had tried the original and the Bar-b-q and really liked them so decided to get the variety pack. For whatever reason the 24 pack is cheaper then the 12. The flavored ones do contain a yeast extract which is similar to MSG and gave my grandmother a bad headache. So if you know anyone that has a sensitivity to MSG, do not give them these. These are tasty and a nice substitute for a greasy potato chip but they are not filling. You are better off eating a granola bar." 1639,B001RVFDOO,AFZLBRCW8V
P???,A,?? C ????eeeepe??e,e?0,0,0,0,,0??,1,??111????404??0,L0,??vev??PoP????hih??s!s!,!,A???rer?amam m?fof?r r t ????????????ghg?t t?????????????????e e pe ?oto??atoat? c ?chichip??. ??he??ini???????ala????????? b babaga??s os ofof f P??? C Ch Chi Chip?????re re???lyl??????????????????tete ?ded???????s.s.s.?16?????00?1R1RVR??????,A3,A??IAI????C8C?CBC?XVX???ararrar?????????t,t?,0,??0,50,???13113??292?????,P,??p ????spsps??ThT???? a ar are??a a???????????e ae an?? h he?al?????. . ?ThTheTh???sas???sfsfyf?y ty th??????vivin????forfo??sos???????ng ng? cr cri??????and and??????rea?sosonso??blb?le le? ca calaloalor?ieie ie??isiseise.e??161646??,B?00001??RVFRV?FDOFD?OO,OO,A,A3,A3T,A3??FVF??D8D???YOY??,B?????y Py ?aya?????????????121?29229??0000,??RER?ATAT T?????UCUCTCT!T????????ch?chipchi?ps ps?? are are are????????ubu????tututute????? t th t?he ??????
PPU,A. C. Teeple,0,0,5,1311638400,Love Pop Chips!,A dream for those on Weight Watchers who love potato chips. The individual serving bags of Pop Chips are only 3 points and taste delicious. 1640,B001RVFDOO,A3VIACKGC8CBXV,Carrie Fugett,0,0,5,1311292800,Pop Crisps,These are a Great size and healthy. They satisfy the craving for something crisp and are reasonable calorie wise. 1641,B001RVFDOO,A3T1FVDD87NYO4,Becky Payne,0,0,5,1311292800,GREAT PRODUCT!,These chips are GREAT substitute for the usual
?????????oro??? o ?nen?????????d!d? ???kek???????? o???hah??d d??o o?aia?d ??n ??????ig????lo?sss??vev?ntn??re??1????,B,B0B000??RVRVFVFDFDOD?O,O??1P1PHP????J9J???EHE???GoG??sas???asassssass???or,or??,0??2,?????868????00,00???id id n ?oto????re???oror or??????? O OnO????liliki??d d bd bbb?q.q???onondonded?????? wh w?y y ty ?????e ae ara??re bre beb?estes????????????bobouo????t tt ?the???? an andnd nd?????????chc??flf??????. I. ?I cI coc??????notno?t et ???????????h ah ??y ???g ???????he he b ???bebecbe??e.? I? r ????????????ed ted ???? ba b????????????????????????? f fl f????rsr?s ws wewerwe?re ?grgror?ss??????nd tnd ?????exextx??????????ealeall?y ?????? fi fining?????ailailsl??on? a a a? ch c??lkl?? bo boao??d ??????e. ???? i ??is tis th?is???he??#1#1 1 b??est??????in??? it ite??? ????????????ywy???????
high calorie ones offered! I keep them on hand to aid in my weight loss venture. 1642,B001RVFDOO,A1PHUCTJ9X9EHJ,Godsambassador,0,0,2,1310860800,Did not care for these. Only liked bbq. Wondering why these are best-sellers,I bought these and tried each flavor. I could not even finish any bag but the barbecue. I really liked the barbecue but all the other flavors were gross. And the texture is really like fingernails on a chalk board to me. HOw is this the #1 best-selling item? Amazed. Anywho to e
a??? h ??s s o ???????dbd???ssss ???? e ????????????f f y ??? a ara?e e???????e ??????enjen????bab??bebececuc?????????ete??????babarba?????e ????nd!nd??????,B,??????FDF?OOO???5R5?U2U262??????ZCZC,C?"S"??zMz???????M"M?"""""??0,0,0???????????0000000?0,O0,OMO?G!G?! ! ?SoS? d ?eleli?cic???s,s?,"I,"I I?cac?????????eve??????esees???re???????lll??????enenten?????????. . . ??he?????ststest???wew??omomeme!me?! ?I I lI ??ve??th??ses??ch????? t??hey? h???ve ve gve ???atat ?crc???ch?????????gregreae???????ntn??ofo???????????I ???????ici????d td tot?o to th???e ??nd????o io ?is is?mym??boboy?frfrir??endend ?(w(?hoh?o ho hah?ateat?? a??ytyth??ingin???????s s hs ?heahe??th?y)y?. ??. I . I??????memenmend?nd tnd ??thes???????allal? m?y ??frifr????s.s??. I?'m'?m om ?? t th???e aue a??o ??????????????am am???ut ut k ???? h????
ach his own! Godbless and enjoy. But if you are like me and enjoy barbecue just get the barbecue kind! 1643,B001RVFDOO,A5RU262HIHBZC,"SuzM ""SuzM""",0,0,5,1310256000,OMG! So delicious,"I can't believe these are actually decent for you. They taste awesome! I love these chips, they have great crunch and a great amount of flavor. I am addicted to these and so is my boyfriend (who hates anything that's healthy). I recommend these to all my friends. I'm on the auto refill program but keep havin
?g g?tot? r ?eoeoro???r r????lyly y s ????e e????bfbf f?kek????? ea eata??ingin?g tg ???m m?ala?l.l.".????444??B0B0000101R1?VFVFDF??O,O??191?0F0????WPWPMP??NZN?,b,????,0,?,0???,1,131???????00000??grg?reareat??chc?????"I"???m m om ??????ghg?t t?????chech????ana?? t th theheshe??????ipsips ???re re??????3 3??oio??????ndnd nd t th the theyey ?tat??tete ????ATA?. .? I ?I lI ????? ev evev?eryery ???indind,d? ?I I uI ususe? t th the???????? ch c?hiphi????o ?did?????th????????? ?? I I? wo w??????recrecoc?memenend?nd tnd ?thethese???ch??psps ????????????e we we??ighight?? wa wat watct??cherche???or? n ??t.t??????5,???0101R01?????????QDQDED???????????????y Dy D.D. ?ChC??rcr???""""p"??wnw?????"""""?,0???0,50,5,?13??434????80080??GrG?rea?????ododud?ctc??ThT?????s ???grgregr??t ?????ducdu?ct.ct. ?I I wI ???????????????li?c c? an a??nd knd ?????? I n I ??????????cucutu???????
g to reorder early since my bf keeps eating them all." 1644,B001RVFDOO,A190F2M4WPMSNZ,boog,0,0,5,1310256000,great chips,"I am on weight watchers and these chips are only 3 points and they taste GREAT. I like every kind, I use the plain chips to dip with my salsa. I would recomend these chips to everyone weight watchers or not." 1645,B001RVFDOO,AVQDEM0DQJC0B,"Gary D. Church ""pawnman""",0,0,5,1304380800,Great product,This is a great product. I was a chip-a-holic and knew I needed to cut back o
?? t ????. .???henhe?????????ntntrt?????ede? t???pop?p-p?chc?ipi???I ???veve e??????d md mymy y?ala?????ata? ??????e ce ?chich????ararer???????????w w i in i???at????utu? h hi?ghg?? in?? fl f????r.r?. I. ???uru???se??d ad a a m ?ixixexed??cacas???wiw?th????ltltilt???????lavla?????s ans and???????oto??didisi??ppp?poipo?????d wd ?witwi????nyn??ofof f t??hemhem.??CoCono????erer er?? thi thisis is? pr p?????????? y ?ou???alaltal??rn???????tot??th????hig??????t ct ????ps ps a?vav?????le? e ?????whw?herhere??. I??????????e the t?heshe?????illil?? ca cat?ch????????????omo????a ba ?igig g??it??1????,B,?000???VFV????????DWDW6W??3K3KPK????S,S,L,?aua?uraur????g,g???????????????0000,00?th?theythe???grogr?ow ow???n yn ?????"S"????ththe?sese se ise ?? W ??olo?????ododsod??????????????th??they they???ookoo?ed??????ereer??ti??????????
n them. Then I was introduced to pop-chips.I have found my alternative. These chips are great! Low in fats but high in flavor. I purchsed a mixed case with multiple flavors and was not disappointed with any of them. Consider this product for your alternative to the high fat chips available everywhere. I am sure these will catch on and become a big hit. 1646,B001RVFDOO,A2NDW673KP3HSS,Laura Ang,0,0,5,1304294400,they grow on you!,"Saw these in Whole Foods and thought they looked interesting. Didn't
???ara?e e??oro???????????????y,y???utut t??y y? th t?he he? ti t??e ?th?e ??iri???? ba b?? a asas s?gogono??e (e (I(I I???vev???? hu h?sbs??andand d??ndnd ??????, ??I wI ?as???ooo????? W ????eded ed t??? tr tryr?y oy ???therthe?r fr flf??avoav???s as ????? thi thisi??????? gr g?reare?t ??????o ?????????ere?????lllly???, I , I?liliki?ke ke? th the th????laila?? a? and and ???soso o to ?thethe the s ????/p/??ppp????. M. ?????ds??????? al a????? t?? them them ???ouo??? a? and and, and, , w, ???????hehesheses????renren'n't't ?????it/it??????eses,s??, I , I f, I fef???? be bete???????????gi?????????se?? to to to?????? as a????ppopp?????to? s???nd?arardar??chc?hiphi??????646?7,7,B,B0B???????OOOO,O??191949????OZO??YTY???,K,??. K. ?umu????????????????94494??00,00???ummummym???),"),"W"?????cec???vedve??????r asr a?so?rtr?????????????erver??????????????????hishi?s is iss i?s t????fi??
care for them instantly, but by the time the first bag as gone (I have a husband and kids), I was hooked. Wanted to try other flavors and this is a great way to do it. Personally, I like the plain and also the salt/pepper. My kids love all of them though and, while these aren't fruit/veggies, I feel better about giving these to them as opposed to standard chips." 1647,B001RVFDOO,A194U71OZ5YTLH,K. Kumar,0,0,5,1304294400,Yummy:),"We received our assorted single serve packs today. This is the firs
?t t t ?????wew????ded?rer?d d??opopcpchchih?????ThT??y y t?asaststete ??? g ?ooo?d.d. ??????? a ala????dyd?????n n b ?y ?5 5????kek??? b?????ene????ulu?ts?? an a??????s.??????>P>PlPleleae?????eaearear ?inin ?mim?indin??tht???t tt ?theth?ses?????ipsip?s ws ?ili????in in?non??waw?????mpmpep?eteet??wi??? " """"r"reregre?ul??ar"ar?? f frf???ed ed???tatatatoat????chipchi? . T. ????????????????s ps ?perpe?r br ?agag g i????????mum??ch ch? a a p??????????y ??????????erverve? 5 ???stast??s.??I'I'm'????rere re wre we????illil?l bl be????de??rinri?????oreor??. Y. YaY??? to t???in??in???? n??w w??heahealaltal??ieierier ?sns?ac?k k?????ernerna?titivtive??????484??B0B?????FDF?OOO?,A,?181?????????X9X9Z9?,R,??eme?m Cm ??havha?vezve?,0,??,0,,0,5,?,1,??????242?00???es?t t ct ch??????"I"?????heheshesis?????t at aba??????????in????????????uc?????mp??????cacauca??se se I?
t time we ordered Popchips. They taste so good. We are already down by 5 packets between adults and kids.<br />Please bear in mind that these chips will in no way compete with ""regular"" fried potato chips. The low calories per bag is very much a part of why they deserve 5 stars. I'm sure we will be ordering more. Yay to finding a new healthier snack alternative." 1648,B001RVFDOO,A18GRF94T65X9Z,Reem Chavez,0,0,5,1303862400,Best chips!,"I wa hesitant about ordering this product simply because I
?neneve??? o ?rdr???ede???????s s? of o? t ??????teter????, ,?? so s? a ?ftfteterter r fr ?in????? d ?decde??de???toto ????derder r ir itit.t???? a?rrrrir?vevedved d wd wiwit?hihinin in?? d?aya??! ! t?????lalavavov?or or? is i??awa?esesos?mem?! ????t t lt ?iki??e we ?hah?t ?? h hoh?peped???????ifi???ouou u???ke? h??al??th th?? foo fo?????or lor ?????pop???atoato ?chc??????????hatha???? thi th??????? ab a????t ht hot h?w w? oi o???? th??????e ?????????tit????? the?? t?? then then n? th???????oduoducuctc???????or ?yoyouyou!u??????ouou ou??????hapha???y wy ??th???theth??re??ulu?larlar ?????to???????? an andn?????esnes?'t'???ararear??????? t????? the????il il?? and and d cd ca??ororiorieies? t th? then???ta???????re re???you you?? are are! are?! t! th???e ???????ha?ve? s?? m mumuc??? fl f??vo??! ! t?heheyhe?y ky ??ndndand???remre???d ?me??????ici???e cre c?????????utut ?wi??????????????
never ordered snacks of the internet, so after finally decided to order it. It arrived within 3 days! the flavor is awesome! just like what I hoped for! if you like health food or like potato chips but hate thinking about how oily they are after eating them then this product is for you! if you are happy with the regular potato chips and doesn't care about the the oil and calories then stay where you are! those chips have so much flavor! they kinda remind me of rice crackers but with flavor! I h
???????ve??????tht?e e Ue U.U?????oror r a ???hih?lele ?ana????nen?e te ???inging g????????e ale a??aya?????sss????isis is???? c ?rir??????thathata??????sedse???????at at i in i?????? t th tho thoso?? p ?opo?chchi??? r ????????? me m??ofo? t??e ??asa????e ofe of f tf ?????cricr??ispsisp?? I I ???????e e o?rdr??r ??thoth??e e a?gag????""?????,B,B0B?????????,A,??O4O???QRQRYRY8Y8G8?I6I??,",???. C. ?opoppop?er??"""???brb?araryr???irirlrl"l""???????5,5,1,?????717???00,00??er?fef??????????hip?s,s??I ????? h??geg????an an???????? Ch C?hip????ThT??y ???d ??he???????y y gy ?ror???eryer???stostor??, ,? bu b?t ????????upu??????waswas s ds ??????????????I ??????frf????d t???y y w????n'n't'????an??in?ing ing? to to ??ordor????mom?????I ??uru?chchachas????twtwow?o co cacas?asesase????8 8?? ind in?iv?id??ala?l bl ????? o????Pop??? Chi
ave lived in the U.K. for a while and one thing I have always missed is the crisps that I used to eat in U.K. those popchips reminded me of the taste of the crisps! I will be order those again!" 1649,B001RVFDOO,A1O4QLQRY8GI6T,"A. Copper ""Library Girl""",0,0,5,1303171200,Perfect Pop Chips,"I am a huge fan of Pop Chips. They had them at my grocery store, but their supply was dwindling, so I was afraid they weren't planning to order more. I purchased two cases (48 individual bags) of Pop Chips. Th
??????e e a?llll l e exexcx??llllell??????ururcr????ini?? t ththeh?m m?????he???ar?ieiete??????k k g gag?veve e me ?e e ae ???cescessss s????flf???ororsr???theth????idi?n'n???ha?ve?? at a????the the??ror?ce???y sy ??or????sas?ltl???????inineinege?gargar,r? c ?????arar,ar???salsalt????nd nd?pep?ppp??r)r??. I. ????ve eve ???oyoyey??? al all al?l tl ??the the fthe ??????rs!rs? ( ???????????s ??stist??????y fy ???????e,e?????ugu???) )???? als al???gog??t a??be?????????? b???in?g ????????lilinine????????,B,B0B000?1R1?VFVFDF?????2N2???????767????,",??ama??s ????a a??"T"??????rchrc????ectec??"""""???????,1,??030??848??0000,00,J,JuJusu?st st????????ententsts.s????????hav?e ?ththith????on on a? m?on?th?lyl???reore?occoc??rrr?in?ing ing p???????e ???????ing ting ?thethe the pthe pe??????it it p?????? ev e?????owo?ere???thath?t ??????. . ???at??????ing ing sing sasaisa??, ??opo?
ey are all excellent. Purchasing them in the Variety Pack gave me access to flavors they didn't have at the grocery store (salt and vinegar, cheddar, salt and pepper). I've enjoyed all the flavors! (Barbecue is still my favorite, though.) I also got a better deal buying them online." 1650,B001RVFDOO,A2N3GSVCG76JTB,"James Luna ""The Architect""",0,0,5,1303084800,Just my 2 cents...,"I have this on a monthly reoccurring purchase making the per unit price even lower that list. That being said, Pop
?ChC??psp????e e v ?????tat????????? th t?e ??ar?iei??ty ty??aca????omomemese??????????ifi??er??ntn? f ????ororsrs.s.<.????/>/??<br<b?r /r />/>M/>MyM???av?ororiorititeit????av???rs rs a???????t ?& &?????gagar????????.<??? /?><??br ?/>/>T/>??? c????ori???co?unu?nt nt?mam????????s s ss ?nan??k k ak ?? ve v???????lt?? fr fre???afa?ffaff???!"!?1?656515??B0B??????DOD???????4E4EZE??UGU?X2X2H2?????,0,???,3,????020????????????????lilici??ouousu???utu???????? g gog????????rearealal al???????DeD????it??lyly y by ???????th?an???????? B ??????????????????? be bet?????? tha th?an ?BaB??eded d cd ??????? Ve V?????asastas???????yoyou??????? as as ??? y ??u'u????al?momoso?st st???at at?sos??etethethi??g g w wi???????e se ??me? t??xtx??rere ???s cs ????????????s as a ??????????yofyo?ff ff?????????y cy ???
Chips are very tasty and the variety pack comes with 6 different flavors.<br /><br />My favorite flavors are Salt & Vinegar by far.<br /><br />The calorie count makes this snack a very guilt free affair!" 1651,B001RVFDOO,A1BX4EZ3UGX2HX,MT,0,0,3,1302652800,Quite delicious but not as good as real chips,Definitely better than Pirate Booty and slightly better than Baked chips. Very tasty but you feel as if you're almost eat something with the same texture as cereal. It's a small payoff to enjoy chip
s??????eie?? f faf??? c ??????? T ThT????ininen?gag?? a ????S/S/P/? o ????s as ar???NANASA??Y!Y??161?525??????RVR????????9I9???????E0E?9L9??,A.,A??ScS???????????,0,,0?4,4,1,???01701707???0000,00?InI???????in?g.g??.. ..??owo???erer er??'v'?ve ve? fo fouo?nd??????ththihinhi???ele?ses???.,.?"I"I I?bob???????thethe ?????ava??r ?vav?ariar???y y?????. ? T Th T???y ay ?areare are???etettet??????d.d?...?????????in???isi??????????? no n????00?% % s???re re i?? I?'m'??????y ???bouboutu??????tetextextx????e se so? b by b????? e?nd??ofo?f af anan an??.8.??????aga?g Ig ?????'t'?t rt rereare??lyly ?????t at ???mom?oreor?? ?HoH??????er ier inin in??y ????????oror or????fef???nt?? sn snan??k k?????s s Is ????un???ththethe ????????????ldl??TaTasa?stest?e Ge ???ood"ood"""" "" l ????e oe ????raracrack??er ??chich??s.s. ??MyM??mo????y w??lll?????e spe spepenent?nt ont ??? th t
s (albeit faux chips). The Vinegar and S/P ones are NASTY! 1652,B001RVFDOO,A39ILC0QR4E09L,A. Schneider,0,0,4,1301702400,Interesting... however I've found something else...,"I bought the 6-flavor variety pack. They are pretty good... nice thing is that I'm not 100% sure if I'm crazy about the texture so by the end of an 0.8 oz bag I don't really want anymore. However in my quest for different snack foods I found the ""Food Should Taste Good"" line of cracker chips. My money will be spent on th
?????rar?ththehere???thathana? p ?opo??chchih?psps.s???HoHowo?eve?er? I ???????????????op???????????????????se? a ? t tr tryr?? as a? w ?welwelll????161?535?????1R1RVR??DOD?O,O???????????9N9??,f,frfrur?gag?lsl???oppop?????????????98988888??00000?0,L0,?ovove?ve Tve ThT?????ChChi??ps,ps,T,??????Q Q????hipships ???e ?grgre??????WeW????kek??d td ???? b beb??????????????ul????? chi ch??s.????????hah????a ?nin??e ?????? . ???ateate e Ke ??????? ch??psps ps??hi?chch ch a????sos? h ????d td thd t?hatha??? the they they y ay ??e e l????e ee ??????????hardhar?????????????????><><b???????? wi w????ded??in??te???y by ?be be? bu b???ingin??mom???????? the???op???????1??65465????001001R????DOODO?O,AO,?????W7W?H1H1D1??OFO???SvS?venve??th??????cac???d,d???0,???????808?01601?00???asastas??????t ???????????,T??hes???re?
ose rather than pop chips. However I think that people should give these a try as well." 1653,B001RVFDOO,AQXYD1H2ZQ9NN,frugalshopper,0,0,5,1299888000,Love These Chips,The BBQ chips are great. We liked them better than regular chips. They have a nice crunch. Hate Kettle chips which are so hard that they are like eating shards of glass.<br /><br />We will definitely be buying more of the Popchips. 1654,B001RVFDOO,A2MW2W7H1DUOF8,Sven the Educated,0,0,5,1299801600,tast great less lard.,These rea
???? a ?????????I I? ga gava??e se ?????tot???ththeh?r r?pepeoeopo?lel?e ae anandn??????y ly ??kek????he?m m?totooto???ThT?? p??aia????la??????d od ???s s???keke ke????ll ll t????????? th t??hem hem???s ss scs????????or or y ???r ???????????????? ing? th????BqB???lalav?or?????nenesne??brb???????aca???????????? of o???????er er????arsar??whwhehen??? w?ou???d ed ea???BBBBqBBq ?pop??k ?skskik?insins s ws whs w?ili???????ngn???????????ackac?????th?the the t?????? on???? the the r the rar?????. I. ?I tI ?thith?????????peppeppppe???r onr o??nes nes????ldld ld u ?useus?e me ???re re??epeppppepp???bub?????theythe?y ay ?arear??e ale a?ll ll sll ??tilti?ll ??googood?? an andnd nd m????????oooodoo??????ack ack????si???e de ????? to???unu??h ?at??????CaC?? p???r pr pap??????656????00??RVR????????CGC????2I2??SCSC9C?????????????pa?na? " ?"G"?elellel?la"la?
lly are good I gave some to other people and they liked them too. The plain flavored ones take well to using them as scoops for your own dip or salsa. When eating the BBq flavored ones brings back memories of yester years when I would eat BBq pork skins while riding in the back of the truck on the range. I think the pepper ones could use more pepper but they are all still good and make a good snack or side dish to lunch at 100 Cal per pack. 1655,B001RVFDOO,A9CGRZG2ISSC9,"Angela Campana ""Gella""
????,0,0,,0,5,??121292?919111????0,??MGM?!!!???????????? S ?nanaca?k k E ?vev??!!?????????????ofo???ouo?????????????s s???loloto?t ot ofof of??????ho???re???????an?tlt????ata???iningn??ouourour r????ghg???????cacala?lorlorir?e e ie ???????ththeth??????????ara??re Are ?-1-? i inin in?mym??bobooo???<b<?????<b??r /???irirsr????f f af ??l,l??th????lal?vov???? ar????ncn??????????veververyr??tatastaststesteye????and and????oyo???blebl?????hehe he??????le le s????? b ?agagsgs s a?re????ustus??th?????????t amt a?ouounou??, ???and and aand ?? ve vereryery ???????????on?? mi mig?????? ad addd?, ???nd nd t??e ????????? in int?ak????s ?ononlonly? 1 ??? c??alo???????or? t?????nt???e ??sinsi?????????????g.g?.<b.<???????????I'I'm'?? so so o ho hah???y y Iy ????rie??????m,m, ?I ???ugugh??? th? the the v the ????ietie?y ????k ???of sof ?sinsingsin??
",0,0,5,1299110400,OMG!!!! The Best Snack Ever!!!,"To those of you, and there's a lot of us, who are constantly watching our weight and calorie intake,these chips are A-1 in my book.<br /><br />First of all, the flavors are incredible, very tastey and enjoyable. The single serve bags are just the right amount, and a very nice portion might I add, and the calorie intake is only 100 calories for the entire single serve bag.<br /><br />I'm so happy I tried them, I bought the variety pack of single
? s ??rvrveveses s??ndn??? c ?an??t t??aya???nonouo?ghg???oooodo?????ngngsg?s as ?bob?????thetheme??<b<???/>/????r /r ?/>T/>??eye??rer? c?rir??pyp?y ay an???????chc??y a??????the the f flf?ava????s a?????'t 't???? sa???y,y, , j ??sts??ririgri??t.t???br br??????br /br ??SoS????o t????se se o ???????whw??? en e???y ???nin??????un??????av?or??y s?nan?ckc??, y, ?youyou u?????t t gt ?go go w wr w?ono?ng ng? wi w??? P ?OPO?????S!S!!!???? I' I'm'??ho????d,d????w w?????????????to????keke ke??uru?re re? I ?lilimimim?? m???selse??f tf ???on??y ?1 1???? b ???gs gs??????!!!!!!!!<!?<br? /??<b<br?????he??y ry ??ala??ly ly? ar a?re ???od???nd???the??nunutu????????????fof????titioti?????n'????badba???????????r r /r />r /??????r />Sr />So????O O H HOH????or?????se??????us us? wh w?ho ????n't?? si s?it ????n n? wi?th??a a? bi b?g g o????ba??????HeHer?rs??????
serves and I can't say enough good things about them.<br /><br />They're crispy and crunchy and the flavors aren't to salty, just right.<br /><br />So to those of you who enjoy a nice crunchy savory snack, you can't go wrong with POPCHIPS!!! I'm hooked, now I just have to make sure I limit myself to only 1 - 2 bags a day!!!<br /><br />They really are good and the nutritional information isn't bad at all.<br /><br />So WOO HOO for those of us who can't sit down with a big old bag of Herrs or Ut
z???ndn???usu?t t????'t't t st ?eee???????????????selse?vev?? f ????m pm ?ututtt?????????????d bd babacackc???intin?to to? th t?e e b ??g g og ovo?????????ve??????d od ovoveov?r ????????dod???? g ??????e we wrwro?ngng ng?????????ba??hihin????????errer?'s's s os ??????, , I, ? l lol???????em em? bo b?othoth,h??hoh?????ver ?????'r'?????chc??????herhe???in in c?ala?lorlo???e te th?anan an? th?????????PSP???brbr r /r />/?<b<br<br ??>D>DoD?????rs?ele??es? a?? fa f?vov?or or a an and?????? t th????? t?ryr?, ??youyou u t tr??el?????n'??t gt ???wrwrowr???, , e, ??enen ?mym??fr????ndsnd?/f/????????whwho?? do don?'t????ve???to ?waw???? t th?????ca???lorilor?????????????joj??y ty ???em ???s ws we?lll??, s, ?????thattha????????ing? s so somomeom?????<b.<???????????HoH?????o ??reare??d o?th?????revre?ie??s ??f f???ppp???ca????????ou????
z and just can't seem to stop ourselves from putting our hand back into the bag over and over and over again, don't get me wrong I'm not bashing on Herr's or Utz, I love them both, however they're much higher in calorie than the POPCHIPS.<br /><br />Do yourselves a favor and give them a try, you truely can't go wrong, even my friends/family, who don't have to watch their calorie intake, enjoy them as well, so that's saying something.<br /><br />Hope to read other reviews of happy calorie countin
?? s ????kek??????!!!!<!!?brbr r????<br<br ????eeeepep p?ono?????????g,g, ,??heh? H ?eae??????wawaya?y wy wiw?????????CHC????""???nanacna?????????6,6,B,????????OOOO,O????7W7???595?PAP???,G,????????seser?,0,????????989?939???00??,Gr,Grereareata? p prp????? G ????t ????tet?e;,e;??FoFouo??? t?heheshe?se se w?hi??e e le lol?oko?in??g fg ??????oodoo?????ea??, ?lolowlo???al???iei?e se ????k k p pa p???s s???????y iy ?in in b???k ???r ?mym??ofo??ic???????????r myr m??fi?rs?t ??hihiphipmpmem??t,t??????cic?de????o ?hahava???twtwow??bob???s ??shish??pep?d d t????theth???????ce ce m ?on?th?lyly ???????bsb????beb?e &e ???av??e. e.???y ??exe?t ?t sht s????menment???rrr?????????????dad????????? so so o eo ???citci??d!d???? /??><b><?br br /? />G />GoG?ttt?ta ta??havha??? my my ??opo???chich???s..s.?????????,B0,B???????DOODO????JVJVPV???LTL??Y6Y?
g snackers!!!!!<br /><br />Keep on Munching, the Healthy way with ""POPCHIPS"" snacks." 1656,B001RVFDOO,A5I7WGK59PA5G,Greg Bowser,0,0,5,1298937600,Great price; Great taste;,"Found these while looking for good, cheap, low-calorie snack packs to buy in bulk for my office. After my first shipment, I decided to have two boxes shipped to the office monthly via subscribe & save. My next shipment arrives in two days. I'm so excited!<br /><br />Gotta have my pop chips..." 1657,B001RVFDOO,A2JVP3CLTUY6D
V??????WeWele??tat?ndnd d??"f"??ananean?ttt?ta"ta""?","??,0??5,5?121????????00,00???m,m,M,???huh??bab????????? b bob?tht? r ?????y ?lil????th??e pe pop?????psp??. . ????????? a a a??re??t t??ubu??????tet????r r r re r?gug??ar??popotpo?????ch???s s???????e be ?botbo????ini?nd nd tnd ???m m?vev??y y sy ????????ingin?..?161656585???0000100?RVRVFV?DOD??,A,A3A?JJJ?9K9????3M3????O,DO,?. ?KEK???,0???????1291298?????00?00,O00,O.O. . M. ????????????ROR?CKCK!K?,"?I ?re?readrea?d a?? re????ene?????to to??heheshe???ono??JiJili????an an??ici?chachaea?elsels's?s ?wewebwebs??iteit?? c ch che??ke???ouo?ut ut t th the the ???opcop??chipchi?ps ps????? pa paga?e,??? and an????ke?? e ????rytryth??inging ing??????d.d?. B. BuBut??th??? pr p??ofo??isis is???n tn ththe?the tthe ?tasta?sti?????????ou?rsr? ?to??????nd??nd thnd t?????nsn?sense??us? h?erere???? t??isis ?hohou???se ise ?is ???at?
V,"F. Welstand ""franetta""",0,0,5,1298592000,yum,My husband and I both really like the popchips. They are a great substitute for regular potato chips and we both find them very satisfying. 1658,B001RVFDOO,A3JJ9KZAW3MTFO,D. KENT,0,0,5,1298332800,O. M. G. These ROCK!,"I read a reference to these on Jillian Michaels's website, checked out the Popchips web page, and liked everything I read. But the proof is in the tasting, of course. They arrived today and the consensus here in this house is that
????chc??psps s?ara?e e??ncncrc???ibi?lel?? T ???y y t tat?sts?????NFN?ULU?LYL?????????crucrunu???????d d j ??st? y yuyumu??y.y?????ovo?????? s sas?ltl????????????ar ar????ps???n n g??nenererar?al,al, , a, anandan?d td ???????OVOVEV?D D? th t?he he?pop?opcop????s ???????n.n??????oneone ??on on????ghghtht ??ata????erser????us? w wiw??? b beb??hah???y ??? k ????? th???? a a??in???le le????????? ba b?g g ig ?s ?????????ea?sls???popoipo???s.s??????LYLY LY R RER????MEM??D D ID ?T!T!!!?""?????,B,B0B?010??VFV?DODOOO??AZA?????9V9VXV????,S,SuSus??????,0,,0???121???333??????Po?pc???hipship????????a ga ????at ??aya??????helhelpl?? wi w??? d ??????? a?????eee?pip????????tratr????????heshe?se se???re re v ve v?????as?tyt?y a??????cruncru????y -y - - g??reareatrea??wiwitwith????????????s o???? sal sa????oro?r er ???n ????y thy the????????s.s.?161?
Popchips are incredible. They taste SINFULLY good, crunchy and just yummy. I love sea salt and vinegar chips in general, and truly LOVED the popchips version. Anyone on Weight Watchers plus will be happy to know that a single serving bag is only 3 measly points. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!" 1659,B001RVFDOO,AZI5EI9VX00Y,Susan,0,0,5,1298332800,Popchips,What a great way to help with dieting and keeping on track. These are very tasty and crunchy - great with sandwiches or salad or even by themselves. 166
?0,0????1R1???DOD?O,O????????YIY???????JeJ???????e,e,0,??????????464????00,00???? S SnS?acackc?erer,r???????olo???faf?mim?lyly ?????? t ththeheshe?e ?""""c"?hih?psp??"".""???I I????fof?ollol??wiw????????WeW??ghg???????checherersers ????? a??d d t??e e we ??ololeol?e be ?ag??isi????ly? 3 ? p ?oio???s,s, ,????rer??????uiu?tet?????????n ???e ????ag tag ??????ly ly wly wow???th th? it i??!!!!"!!""1?????B0B00B00101R01RV???OOOO,OO???W1W?BKB??????TITIQI??,J.,J??????????e,e,0e,0,?0,0,0,0?5,???97??828???????oooooooooo???ov???th???,"?i i???????in????to to???t t ht heheahe??????????coc?????????re?al??????indin??????gog??????ststitin?? l ??????at at??na?????????frf?iei?ndnd nd t????d d ??????ou??????????????thath???shshe?he bhe bo????t t ft frfrofr??m am am???????shshesh??sas??id id? sh s????lovlo???d t?????m anm a???i i si ???
0,B001RVFDOO,A26H90YYINQRR1,Jean Page,0,0,5,1297468800,The Snacker,"My whole family loves these ""chips"". I am following the Weight Watchers plan and the whole bag is only 3 points, there is quite a few in the bag totally worth it!!!" 1661,B001RVFDOO,A1W1BKDL6IDTIQ,J. Siddiquee,0,0,5,1297382400,loooooooove them,"i am trying to eat healthy and could not really find any good tasting low fat snacks. my friend told me about pop chips that she bought from amazon. she said she loved them and i shou
??? g ??vev??tht??? a a a??????i i???idi?d wd whw??t t??hehe he?he?ckc? i if if f??he?he lhe ????s s???em? t? the????usu?t ????????? a??d d w??????o o????????w w? i i???????ththethem??ana?nd nd i? i h i ??ve? a a a?bab?g g???mom??st st?eveveverve????????????sns??ckck"ck????626???000?1R1RVRVFV??????474??????C1C131?A7A7,7???ststyst??,0,0,0????,1,?292?????404??,P,??p p?chc??psps s as ara???th???????????,","T"?he?????y ?cocomo?plp?ai?????????ve ve wve wiwiti?th th?pop????hi??ps ps i????????I ??an???????t at ??????f tf ?????????????t t tt ??????ororeor?? w ???????????e!e??!!! !!! M MyM?y hy ?????nd????d ?????thth ????E E???op ??chich??????hishi????avoav?oriorit?e ?isis is? th the?????t ????????pe?r ????? mi mini?e ?????hehe ?sosou???????m ?an?and ??onionioion??? P ???????ps????????pe??fef????mimixix x b???wew?enen n?
ld give them a try, i said what the heck if she likes them they must be good. and what do you know i loved them and i have a bag almost everyday for a snack" 1662,B001RVFDOO,A47FTAWNC13A7,MistyR,0,0,5,1296518400,Pop chips are the best!!!!,"The only complaint I have with pop chips is that I can't get all of the flavors at the stores where I live!!! My husband and I both LOVE pop chips, his favorite is the salt and pepper and mine is the sour cream and onion. Pop chips are a perfect mix between a
c ?hihipi???????????e e???kek??!!?! ! W ?????annan??? s ?aya? e ???????gogooo?d ??hi???? a??????th???????????B0B?010??VFVFDF?OOO?????S5S???DND??9X9?A,A,J,????ififef????????,0,,0?5,5???????202??0,?GrG???????d d ud ?ni?quq??e ce che chi??????I I??????PoP?pCp?????? ??heh???hah?vev??????reareat? c cr c???ch????th??outou???he? g gr gre greaeasea??y fy ???l l? an and? t tat?ststet??. . T?he??y ay ara???ve?ryry ?sis??ili??????????unchunchoh????veververyvery ??????????nd fnd ?lul???y.y???IfI???ou????????ookoo???? f fof?????mem????ingin?????????sfsfyfy fy y yo y??r ???ltltyt???rarav??ing??? th the?????????????reatrea???????itithitho??? h ?havha?ining???? to f to ?fee?l ?soso so????iltil????????? co c??sus???ngng ?an? e?no??mom?ousous ?ama?moumo?????f ?ca????rieri??s."s.?"1"???64,64?,B0,B?00100?????DOODOO,O,AO,??????QMQ???X1X?EIE??,"M,"??argar???
chip and a rice cake!!!! We cannot say enough good things about them!" 1663,B001RVFDOO,A1AS58NDN09XA,Jennifer K.,0,0,5,1296432000,Great and unique chips!,"I LOVE PopChips. They have a great crunch without the greasy feel and taste. They are very similar to munchos--very light and fluffy. If you are looking for something to satisfy your salty craving, these are a great way without having to feel so guilty about consuming an enormous amount of calories." 1664,B001RVFDOO,A2DG1NQM08X1EI,"Margare
?t t?DuDuru????????????n ????""???0,0??????????323202????"S"???????e ?RER??LLLLYL? t tat??????oto??ere???? l ?itittt?lel?????hehemhe?ici??l"l??????titin??????????igi????? f flf????r r?wowououluldl???or??? fi f?ineine ??it?h h? an anyny y d ??p p????d ad arareare ???????? t th t??iri???????r r /r ?????e se ???????d d pd pep???perpe???flaflav?or????s As ?WEW??OMO??. .? R ???allal??????????and? a??grgre??????????fofor??on??ly ly?101?00 00 c ?????ieieses<s<b???r />r />T>Th>T??he she sos??r ?crc?rea?? a an? and and??ninioi?on ??? a a ??????le le???hem?icicaical?all-all?y ?????dedece???t.t.<.??? / ?/>T/>Th?? b babar??????e ie ???????????t nt ?ot??? tas ta??? e en??ougou??????The??flfla??vorvor r dr ??es????t gt go? a?s ????l l????ith ith???e ???xtxtutur?e.e??br?? /> /??<br??/>????en??'t 't y ??t ?trtri??????e e oe ote oth???r tr ?wo? f fl f?lavla?vor?s.s??????ll ll??
t Durbin ""Amazon fan""",0,0,4,1296432000,"Some are REALLY tasty, others a little ""chemical"" tasting",The original flavor would work fine with any dip and are okay on their own<br />The salt and pepper flavor is AWESOME. Really tasty and a great snack for only 100 calories<br />The sour cream and onion is a little chemicall-y but decent.<br />The barbeque is good but not tasty enough. The flavor doesn't go as well with the texture.<br /><br />Haven't yet tried the other two flavors. Will up
?dad??? a ???????.<.<b<???/>/???????IfI? y ?ouou u?hah?????? t ????? p ???chc????s ts ????????e se ????t ot ?????crc???????twt??en???????????anandn??ri??????kekes??????esses??lil????sts?yry?rofro?oaoama? t th t????ri?riceric?e c?akakeak?????????dede ?wiwitithth th? th the th??e sae samameame e pe ??tatat??????ake???kik??????? te t?xtx?????????ri??glglegleses ????thothououtout t at ???????? fa f??.<.<b.<br?? /> /><????/>??o ?faf????I hI ???????isi??????ububsb??cricr??be be?????sas?????????wilwi?l l k ???p p? th tha that? s??ubsub?scrsc????ioion? a ac a??tivti???. . ???heshe??e de ?defde?in???ele??????at ???151?0 0?? 3 ?000?0 c0 ??????ie ie??????of of pof popotpotapot?atoato ato c???????? a? s?nan??k.k??????,B,??????FDF?OOOO,O,A,??????KDK?????????E.E. ???. H. ????ma????"e"??????""?",",0,??????????434?202??0,0,T0,???ty???"I"???ou?????????
date as I do.<br /><br />If you haven't tried popchips they are sort of a cross between pringles and rice cakes. Less like styrofoam than rice cakes and made with the same potato flakes kind of texture as pringles without as much fat.<br /><br />So far I have this on subscribe and save and will keep that subscription active. These definitely beat a 150 - 300 calorie bag of potato chips as a snack. 1665,B001RVFDOO,A36WJIKDKQDA05,"E. A. Heckman ""eilene""",0,0,5,1296432000,Tasty!,"I bought these
?????n n t ???? w we w?rer???????GoG?ldl??BoB????eae?????????kikin?g g t?hahata? i ???wow??ld????e ae ??nin?cece ?ininein???en?sis?veve ???ssss s? in i???????a ma ?on?????f f?????heheshe??????d ?th??en en I I'I'd'?d nd nen??verver ???y y ty th?themthe???gag????<b<??r /r />/><>?<br<b?r /????????..????? / />/></>????/>/>T/>??hey???re re????uau?allal??y ry ???all????????? ?ExE??cepceptp?ioi??al?allyally ally???un??chychy!? ?AnA?nd nd t th?e ????vov?or or??s ??????larla??to??kek???????ooo???d d cd ???psp?s. s. ?DeDefe?ininiinit???ly ly g gogoio?ing?? on o??sus??scs?cricr????????sas????????a ?????e.e??????><?brbr ???? d??on'on??t tt ththithinthi???????'r?e ????????re re sre ???ty? t???? s st?an???rdrd d pd ?????o o?????s.s..s.....b..??t t t??heyhey'???re bre byb?y ny ?o ???????"""???????altalt.t?"""""""??161?6666,66?????RVR???OOOO,O??1E1?DXD??UZU?646??????DaD?????0,0?,0,,0??
when they were on a Gold Box deal...thinking that it would be a nice inexpensive toss in for a month of lunches...and then I'd never buy them again.<br /><br />Not so...<br /><br />They're actually really tasty! Exceptionally crunchy! And the flavor is similar to kettle cooked chips. Definitely going on subscribe and save for a while.<br /><br />I don't think they're any more salty than standard potato chips...but they're by no means ""low salt.""" 1666,B001RVFDOO,A1EDX1UZ64LA7J,Dawne,0,0,5,
1121292969?252???000??ToT?????psp?!,!???????ipipsips s?????????reareata?? gu g???????reeree e we waw?y y??? a ad a??????????????????????aca?????? to t???ouo???did??t t wt ?iti?????t at ????d d ed exe??esessss s fs ?????ndn?d sd sus?gagar?????????????lel??n,n? l ??ghg????ded?li???????y y s??atiatisati?sfysf???? a???? ar are?? av a??il??blblele le??in in????varva??ietie??????flf??????.T.?TheTh?? w ????d ??aka??????re?reatrea????uncunch???oxo?? ad???ti?onon.on??PoPopPo???hiphi?? w?il?l l???e oe on? h ???????in oin ouourou???homho????ror?? n ??? o ?????????,B,???????????????LGL?9V9??????,T??????K.K?. S. ??????0,????,1,???????40400?,Y,?umu??y!y!,???rerecre?ceiceivi?????my my????? of o??asa??orortortet??ed Ped Po????????????????aysays ???????? su s????ort????y Wy WeW????ht ht????????????l l pl ?la???. . ??I aI ??????????
1296259200,Topchips!,"Popchips are a great guilt-free way to add some crunchy satisfaction to your diet without added excess fat and sugar. They are clean, light, deliciously satisfying and are available in a variety of flavors.They would make a great lunch box addition. Popchips will be on hand in our home from now on!" 1667,B001RVFDOO,AQ8NLG9VNFMUD,Terri K. Smith,0,0,5,1296086400,Yummy!,I received my box of assorted Popchips a few days ago to support my Weight Watcher meal plan. I absolutely
l??vev?????m m a ?????inind? t th t??t t? th????????in???it????y ?????. .????ith?????????????onon n I ??rer?cocomo????????????ririei?tit?????f f t???ses?e ce ??ipi???? W??hathat ?? g ??????????!!!???161???,B,????RVR?FDFDOD?O,O?????4Z4???5858181D1?8A8?,",?????"M?e"e????0,0?????121??606???????ToTooo??sasal?????????y ty ??????ch??ipsips(s( ( O ?????NANALAL L A ?NDND D????ERE??FLF?AVAVOV??S S ) ),)???? o??ese?s ws ???????alt???lalavlavovoror r??aya????? s sa sal saltlty??NoN??????????o o lo ???????o o mo ?ucu?ch ch? sa? salt sal????????ps????1161??9,9?,B0,B?????VFDVF?????A2ZA2Z8Z?66??????????ShS??ror?? R ??ootoo??,0,????????????60060??,I,??????????PCHPC?????!!!!!!,!??WhW??? a?? gr gre???????ckc?! ! ?I I lI lolovlove? t th??????ri???y,???????chych????????s.??????????d ???in ain ???sinsingn?lel?e se ??
love them and find that they fit in with my plan. Without hesitation I recommend all varieties of these chips. What a great idea!!! 1668,B001RVFDOO,A2SM4ZKR581D8A,"Me ""Me""",0,0,2,1296000000,Too salty,"Very tasty chips( ORIGINAL AND OTHER FLAVORS ),but ones with salt flavor way too salty.Not sure who likes so much salt in chips.." 1669,B001RVFDOO,A2Z866DA3K78PC,Sharon Root,0,0,5,1295136000,I LOVE POPCHIPS!!!,"What a great snack! I love these crispy, crunchy, treats. Packaged in a single ser
?vev? b ?????????? t ?hehese??e be ?????e ??????ofof f?242?????orortr??? f ?lalava?????so? I??hahav??e te th?themthem m??? h???d ???henhenen???????fefeee?l l??hehe he??rgrgeg????? sn s?acackack.k?<b<?r ?????fof??tut?nanatna???y ???y fy faf???lyly ly? ha????isi????ver?????owo????odo?d td th??y ?ara??e se ???th?they????? n ?????oio?????????r ?th?an??????d d ad ??????papatpa???? ????e ?e to? o??dedere?????me me?mom???? ???l ???the the??difdi?fe????? f fl f???????ar??e se see s??asoas?????juj?stst t rt ?igi?hth?---?no???tot??? sa sala?tyty y oy ?or or s??ic???. . ???lolov????opo?chc??ipsip???????????????????,A,A3A???GTG?O5O5R5??X8X???,",??ananian???????????????s ??"D???????????",",0,??0,0,50,5,5????494969??2020000,00,A??es??????nanacnackck,ck,"???heshesese se?????ips ips??????wewesweso????. T. ???e le ?ig?htht ht? ai a????y tey t?xtx??re???aka?
ve bag, I buy these by the pack of 24 assorted flavors so I have them on hand whenever I feel the urge to snack.<br />Unfortunately my family has discovered how good they are so they are now going faster than I had anticipated. Time to order some more! All the different flavors are seasoned just right--not too salty or spicy. I love Popchips!" 1670,B001RVFDOO,A3RZGTO5RDX8B2,"Danielle M. Sellars ""DEVIL PUP""",0,0,5,1294963200,Awesome Snack,"These chips are awesome. The light airy texture make
???tht????? p ???asa?????snsnan???. .?I I a??m dm didiei????????????heshessssese e f ???t it ?????ealea?? n ?ici?????ivi???s ms meme ?ththathatat ?sa?ltl??, ,?????chc?y y???mmmmym?y ty ?asastastet???hah?? k ?eeeepe??s m??y py ?oio?intintst????? f fo f??????e de dadaya?. ?I ???veve ve????m.m??. I . I?ha?????recre??mm?enend??????em???? a?????my my?didiediet???udu???????andand d t?heheyhe?y ly ?????e th???. ????hav????????ie?d d ad ala??????? fl f???or?s ??et?, , o, ??lyly ???osose? i ????thethe ?vav??rieri?etyet?y p?ac?k k b????????t ???????ili?ll ll bll bebe ??rar???in?g ??the??m am ????dodow???? and an?d hd ????fuf???????????????avoav?orior???? T ??hathat t m??ay ay? be be ??????cuc????t tht t????????? all all ?soso o go ????????1???1,1,B,???1R1????OOO?,A,???9A9???????YSY???????0,0????????444?44444?808?????M,M?"I"I ?tr?ieied?? th??se???in ?????ra
s them a pleasant snack. I am dieting and thesse fit in reall nice. Gives me that salty, crunchy yummy taste that keeps my points low for the day. I love them. I have recommended them to all my diet buddies and they love them. I haven't tried all the flavors yet, only those in the variety pack but trust me I will be tracking them all down and hopefully find my favorite. That may be difficult they are all so good!!!" 1671,B001RVFDOO,A3O9AD57QU9YSJ,L.S,0,0,4,1294444800,YUM,"I tried these in Colora
??? a ??d d c cacama?e e?hohomome????o fo ???? o ??t t? th t?eyey y o?nln?y ????? t th the th??? on? t??? w ???t ???? d ?ididnd?'t'?t st ???ll ll t?? the ??oneon???????antantetede?. ??I pI puput? i ?t ??on on??? wi w??h h l lilis?t ???? a ?gigifi?t t ft ??????lol???? o??????it?hih?????weweeweekek k??? t? the thei theiri??????hdhdad????????????????lel???me?me tme ??atat ??? w? was was s a??????blb???. G. GrG?eaeatat at???????bub?ut,ut?????k ???????????sh?ipi???????n exn e?????tedted.d. d.?????? in i?n tn ?????icickc??ofo??????me fme ??????? b bi????da???????????? w? wan wa???t sot som??th????????l ??????Am??azoazon???usuusuau?allal?? c??ome??????????.".?????2,2,B,B0B000010?RVRVFV?DOD????26267???ERERDR???PCPCIC????. J. ?????,0,??,0,,0???????585?0808080080????oveov??ed ted ththe??? chi chip????e ?????lulut?el???lo??vedve?d td ?thethe the cthe chc???s ??andan??
do and came home to find out they only sell them on the west coast. Amazon didn't sell the ones I wanted. I put it on a wish list as a gift for a loved one. Within a week of their birthday, Amazon e-mailed me that it was available. Great chips but, took longer to ship then expected. Just in the nick of time for the birthday. When you want something real bad, Amazon usually comes through." 1672,B001RVFDOO,A267PBERDZKPCI,T. Jones,0,0,5,1293580800,Loved the chips,We absolutely loved the chips and a
f?tetere??oro????iningn??tht??m m f ???????azazoz???????er?????lel??????in?? t???m m im in????rgr???????heheyhe? h ?????e a e a?rer?????y gy ?????flf?av????anandn?d wd ??? wo wououluldl????? t? the th?????venven ?ifi??? we we? we??renre??t ???yiy??g ??? l ?oo???e we ?weiwe??????????om??ene?ndend???byb?y wy ?????t ????chc???s.s?1???3,3?B0B000??????OOO??A3A?F6F?EHEHHH?????????LiL?sas????. D. DiD??rir?mama,ma??0,00,?0,50,5,5,1,121292???080??000000,0,G0,??ttt??????ve ve??m,m?"P"PoP???chich??s s a ar are? a???????teltelyly ly?de??????ousous,s? a??nd nd?ge????inging ing? th????ar?????y py pap??k k i is???????????ve???on???????????mimili???hahasha?s as ?????ororior?????lalavlavovorvo?????ig????ly rly ?????me?ndnd nd tnd ??ese?se se a?s ?th?theythey y f??ed? y ??????chi???crc??aviavin??, , b, ??? a ar???nonotot ot n ??earea??ly ??s ?bab????or??yoyouyo? a? as as??hihip???""1?
fter ordering them from Amazon we were able to find them in Target. They have a really good flavor and we would eat them even if we weren't trying to loose weight. Recommended by weight watchers. 1673,B001RVFDOO,A3F6EHHODQHRO0,Lisa M. Diprima,0,0,5,1293408000,Gotta Love Em,"Popchips are absolutely delicious, and getting the variety pack is great. Everyone in my family has a favorite flavor. Highly recommend these as they feed your chip craving, but are not nearly as bad for you as chips." 16
7???B0B???RVR??DOD?O,O?A1A181????PTP??1Q1??SHS?,J,JaJananen???oeo??0,0??,4,4,?????545?404???0,P0,????hih??s,s???rereae?????lil?kek????e ???ava?oro???an?????e ???ctct t????t ??the??ch?ip????????owow w????faf???????????cic???????ik?e ??????bqb?????d sd ?alaltal????and and??ininein? ct cac???????? th?e e se ?salsaltl?t a????pepeppeppppe??. ?????isishs??? I c I ????d ?????t a t a????tit????????d ?chchoch???e ???e ?e fle fla??vorvo???? I w I ?an????161676?5,5,B????1RV1R???DOODOO,??????LRL?????818??,D,??nnn?a a?ThThoh?????????????0,00,0,?5,???????848???????n Gn GaG??e,e,We,???ha?veve ?plpla??????thith?? w ???th th?????e ????????. ?fuf???ga?me??? tha th????oe?s ?non??t t??ke???oo????????? p??????????keske?s ys ?ouou ou????inkink ?an??and pand pl????on??ly ly tly ??????????omeom?on?e ??lsl??
74,B001RVFDOO,A18Y65PT41QUSH,Jane Doe,0,0,4,1292544000,Popchips,I really like the flavors and the fact that the chips are low in fat. I especially like the bbq and salt and vinegar. I don't care for the salt and pepper. I wish I could get a multipack and choose the flavors I want. 1675,B001RVFDOO,A1I3WLRL0AD81Y,Donna Thomas-Krabbe,0,0,5,1292198400,Fun Game,We have played this with three adults. fun game that does not take too long to play. makes you think and plan only to have someone else
???sss???? y ??uru????????1161???,B,??0101R1????OOO????0707M7????ZUZ?Q8Q????tatala?????GiGiri??,0,0,0,0?,5,?????191939393????????,T,??????s as ????I I??????aya?. . Y ?YumYu? a ?????grg??at?at pat prp?ici?????? ca c???????ndnd d?ththeh?esees??????es es??nyn?????re re??in in????loloco?????grogroc?ereryr??????hih???is???ususts????esesoes??,B0,B00???????O,O,AO,A3A?????76D76?6D6?GVGVPV?G,G?????,0,?0,0,50,?????????808?00,??ovo??e te ???ese????GrGre??at ??lowlow w? ca?l ??nanacnackck.k...????at??isfis???es ??the?? cr c??ncn?hyh?, ,???nacnacknac??? s sa?ltl???crc????ingingsgs ??itith????t ht ??ghg????????es?????lll????lavlavov??????re ?????; ; ?????chchech???ara??isis ?????ittit??e e t?????ea?sosonso?ed?? fo f?or or m??????stest?.".""1???8,8,B,B0,B00,B0????FD???????VEV?8U8?????2R2?Y,Y?,"E,"E.E???????DSD??????????????????
mess up your plans. 1676,B001RVFDOO,A107MO1RZUQ8V,Italian Girl,0,0,5,1291939200,Yum,That's all I can say. Yum at a great price! I can't find these sizes anywhere in my local grocery so this is just awesome. 1677,B001RVFDOO,A3GSV76D6DGVPG,Ana,0,0,5,1291852800,Love these!,"Great low cal snack... satisfies the crunchy, snacky, salty cravings without high calories. All flavors are good; The cheddar is a little too seasoned for my taste." 1678,B001RVFDOO,A2OVE8UVCQU2RY,"E. EDWARDS ""writingkisses""
??,0,0,0?,0,,0????292?141???8080000,0,H0,?eae??tht?y y a ?ndnd d??????,",??????e e?? f frfrer???sasama????ngng g????ththeth?ses??chchihipipsp????nd nd I ?I cI ??? s seseese??meme ?e swe s??ppppip???g tg ????? fo f?r r?mym?????ulu??r ????ip ip????aviav?ing??? T?heheye??????????me me? of o???????oso?, ,?bub??? ar are? l ???s ??rereare?asyas????ryr?y ty th?themthem.them???161?????00????FDFDOD?O,O???E0E?5U5URUR7R7N7????TDT??GaG?????ewe????0,??????91191???16016???POP?? C ?????? on o?? th the??gog?????yoy?? h??aveav?n'n't'??did???ovove???d ??????hi??s ?yey??t -t ??yoyouyo??dodonon'?t ?knknon?w w w ????t yt ??? a???e m?is???ing?. . . ?LoL?? c ca c?aloal????????????????? fl f??????????????fof?????e ?kikidi??s ls lul???chech??. ?I ???eedee????the the???ing?lele le???rvr?ining?? o?r ?I ??????eaeatea???????whowh?le?le ble ??????g.g??161686?????????FDFDOFD?OO,OO?????ZXZXXXXRX??
",0,0,5,1291420800,Healthy and Tasty,"I have a free sampling of these chips and I can see me swapping them for my regular chip cravings. They remind me of Munchos, but are less greasy. Try them." 1679,B001RVFDOO,A2E05UR7NI1OTD,Gail New,0,0,5,1291161600,POP Chips on the go,If you haven't discovered Pop Chips yet - you don't know what you are missing. Low calorie and high in flavor. Great for the kids lunches. I need the single servings or I will eat the whole big bag. 1680,B001RVFDOO,AKWTZXXRNF
???G,G?PBP?????????0,0?,0,,0??,1,????????000????pcp?hihipi?s s - ?????? ! !,!???????sos????ppp????o ????y ay ?andan? e ?njn???y py ???-c-chchich?????????????e ??????memenenden?eded d od ???cac??ororir?e ?co????.c.?????prp??????s s ls ???e ???????re? n ?oto?????ililalabablblele ????loloclo?????rorocrocec????????????co?councou????om????ntntint?ononeon????he????????s ws we?????vavaiva?ilail????????m ??mamaza? w ????lll????nowno????s es ?????to????de?? a an a?d ?ac??????dedeldeli??verve?? t to t?o yo yoy??r ?????????e e pe ??? c?hi??ps ps a??re re dre dedel?????usu?, ?ththeth?????????n n mn ma????flf??vov??????I hI hahavhave? o or o???dereder?ed ??the?m ?twt??????nd?????reredred ?th??them them w?iti?? f????end??s. ?WeWe ?lo?veve ve tve ??the the s si sin?????ses???in????????al????? p???ks?. ??he???tretr???? a?
X5G,PB jeanne,0,0,5,1289779200,Popchips - Love !,"I am so happy to try and enjoy pop-chips. They were recommended on calorie, products like this are not available at local grocers. mentioned the snacks were available from which we all know is easy to order and accept delivery to your door. The pop chips are delicious, they come in many flavors. I have ordered them twice and shared them with friends. We love the single serving 100 calorie packs. The treats ar
?e e?tatasasts?????d d d ?????ioi?????I I??? o ono???????aia?? l ???st st??? a????t t???????n ?tht?? j jaj??????o o fo ?lal???rerede????? c chc??psps s?beb?coc???? av a?ai???blble???????ksk???mamazma??on!on??? a???????ninini?g g t?? o??dederde?????m ?????????? s ?nan???ks ks? on on ????ama?il???va??ata?io??. ????he vhe ????ete?? w wiw??l l ml mamakma?e ?ththithisis ???fuf?n ????at? a???d wd wh?en? c co c?ompom??re??d td ???????????? c?al?or???? tr t??reatrea???ththi??????dud??t ?geg???s as a s a 1??????rar??????frf???m om ??r ?????lyl??????8181,1,B,??001001R1RVR????????3Q3????????SFS???????????nknk,k?????5,5,15,??898??????00,00??rerea?????nacnack?!,!?????ses????vev???becbe???????wow?ondon??derfder?????altal???na??tivti??????????? a?????non?on?? cr c???in??s ??forfor ?????, ,? an? and and?????ugugagargar.r?? T ?
e tasty and delicious. I am on an email list to alert me when the jalepemo flavored pop chips become available. Thanks Amazon! I am planning to order them again for snacks on a family vacation. The variety will make this a fun treat and when compared to other 100 calorie treats this product gets a 10/10 rating from our family." 1681,B001RVFDOO,A23QDOVNI7ASF5,what2think,0,0,5,1289174400,Great Snack!,"These have become a wonderful alternative to those afternoon cravings for salt, and or sugar. Th
e?? h ?ava?e e??????????ndnd d??lal??oro?, ,?????? b ?agag g???tst?????e se ??oto?. . ?I I w ?ouo???d hd ??ghg?lyly ??recre??mmm????? th???e ?????????rere re??ooooko?iningn????? a an an n?????rnr?ata???ve ve??o o t th?? j ????? fr f??om om?cac???y y my ????hinhi?????1??828????0101R1RVR?FDF???,A,A3A?9X9????????FWF??,W,?eie???? W WaW???????0,0???5,5,1,121??909?????0,?????????? v vav?rir?ete??y by ?oxo???I ??????????????!!!???ThT?heshe?se se????e te ???????T.T????nd??iviiv?duduau????serse??in????bagba???, f, ????avoravo????areare ?grgre?at?, , t, tat??te?????ex???????t.???MyM???aua?gh???? a an????????sosonon n ln lo?veve ve tve ???????????????I ?????????undun????at?? bu b????? t th????? thr thro?ug???AmA???on????s cs ????pep?er er?? and and and? Am A???on???????????the the?????er???bagbagsbags ???so???. I?? ha h??e ???
ey have texture and flavor, and a bag hits the spot. I would highly recommend these if you are looking for an alternative to the junk from candy machines." 1682,B001RVFDOO,A39XBSFDMWPFW9,Weight Watcher,0,0,5,1289088000,Popchips variety box,"I LOVE Popchips!! These are the BEST. Individual serving bags, flavors are great, taste is excellent. My daughter and grandson love the barbeque. I have found that buying them through Amazon is cheaper and Amazon offers the bigger bags also. I have to
??ata??h h t tht??? b beb?cacaua??e e I ? c ????????at ?th?????????bab?g.g??1?686??????1R1RVR?FDF?OOO????787???QSQ?SASAIAIOI?7X7???????uleul?ydydid?vivininene,e????,5,???282?909080?808?00000?0,P0,PoP????hih???????ule,ule,",???ama? a ?? ch c?hiphip ??ana?atatiat??, , w ?whewh???????earea??d od ofo???he?se?, ?????? t?o o g ?iv?e e te ??themthe??a ??ryry!y! !?ThT??? a ar arer?????????sts???ulul ul e???. .? th????bqb???nene'ne's's.s?. . ??????? y ?ete? t?????????? o ot o???? f ??avavov????bub??????m ?sus???????y ?wiw????????????????intin?????I wI ???tchtc?h mh ?y ??eieigi??t/t?he???????o ?th???se se?????peper??ec????juj?????becbe?????????bec????se ??the??y ay ????ada????tit?ingin?!"!?"1"?????,B0,B??1R??VFDVF????ARAR1R1N1NEN????????M,M,A,Au,A??sis??????,0,,0,0,0,?0,40,????8888988????????PopPo?????ipsip??????lavla??r ???????????ckc??,"G,"?
watch that because I could eat the whole bag." 1683,B001RVFDOO,A178X4QSSAIO7X,Uniquleydivine,0,0,5,1289088000,Pop Chips Rule,"I am a chip fanatic, when I heard of these, I HAD to give them a try! They are very tasteful esp. the bbq one's. I have yet to try the other flavors but I am sure they will not disappoint. I watch my weight/health so these are perfect, just becareful because they are addicting!" 1684,B001RVFDOO,AR1NETYRG6KKM,AussiErin,0,0,4,1288915200,Pop Chips 6 flavor Variety Pack,"Go
??? V VaV?rir??tyty y o ?????e e?flf?ava?oro??, , m ??kek???iti? h ????fuf?? t to t?????plp??e fe ?oror or y ???? c ?hoh??cec???of of t????e ye ?????rer???r.r????soso ???????or???aca??kedke???unu?chchech??? or o???s s as a a??????????d sd ??????""1???5,5??000010??VFV??OOOO,O???545???J9J??????D,D,",?GlG??????TrT???t ?"""??ini?dyd?y Gy GeG?eraerar??d fd ????????,0???5,15,121282?848???2020000,00,P,PoPopop p??hihipi?????lo?vev?e te ??eme??????s ?isi?s a???????????ack? t???????e ie ??????????of pof ?ototat???o co ???ipsip?? L ??wew????? c?????????bub????titilti????ele?????usu??s. Ws. ?????beb?????derde?rinringng g? th t??m m a ??aia???????6,6,B,B0,B00??1RV1RVF?????????TBT?????PPWPP??H,H??RIR?SHSH,H,0H,?0,00,???5,1???717?878727?200200,????UGUGHG????ONO??PRP???UCU?T,T?,"I,"??waw?? v veverve????plepl?easeases?ed ed??it???? the th??po???chi? Y?????t t ot ?
od Variety of the flavors, makes it helpful to sample for your choice of type you prefer. Also good for packed lunches or as a portioned snack." 1685,B001RVFDOO,A254G2J906B7YD,"Gloria Trout ""Cindy Gerard fan""",0,0,5,1288483200,Pop them!,This is a great snack to have instead of potato chips. Lower in calories but still delicious. Will be ordering them again. 1686,B001RVFDOO,A2ZWTBY0PPPWUH,TRISH,0,0,5,1287187200,THOUGHTS ON PRODUCT,"I was very pleased with the popchips. MY first or
???? w ?asa????fof??e e t ????chc???????t t? th t???sts?ororeorese????ThThe?????????s ????igi???fuf??. ??????????? t?as?asteast????? f ?aca??t tt ????vav?rir??tyt??ini????ava????s ws ??lll? k ??epep p?yoy??r ?pap????te te v vev???y ey ?xcx?iti????? A AmAmamaza???? h ????it????s ms ma????. ?????oriorie????ounou?????? gr g?????t tot t?????? we wenentnt nt? fu fururtur??therthe?r tr ??? se sen??????e ce che chi??ps ps? to to ???????ililyily y ty ththe?y y t???? we?????er?? p ???????d wd ???? t???????MyM???hi?rdr??or???r ???????????or? a ?? ga gata?the?therither??ing ing?????2 2? fr f?rieri???????Th?????y tooy too,o, ,? co cou??d ???????? o??verver r t???????rie??ty ty??f f ff ??av??ors? a??????????????? were wer?????????I fI ?ee??????????dud??ct ct i?tstses?lfl?f wf ??n ?ovove?????ore? p??????ct??????usu?stostomomem?erser??s. Ts. ????y ity it ??youyo?ursur??
der was before the chips hit the stores. The taste is delightful. No greasy taste. In fact the variety in flavors will keep your palate very excited! Amazing how it is made. Calorie count is great too! I went further to send the chips to my family they too were very pleased with them. My third order I placed for a gathering of 12 friends. They too, could not get over the variety of flavors and how they were made. I feel the product itself won over more prospective customers. Try it yoursel
f?????knk??w w y ?ouo?????????????????eae???d.d???r r?/>/????r /r ?/>T/>?rir????KoK?????kik?????8787,7??000?1R1?????O,O?AYA?????????3333N3?,J,????oaoa,a????,5,5,5???????????????ve ve????ve ?Lo?LoveLov???I lI ??oveove ?????hih??s.s. ?ThTheh?y y ay ????ded???cic???? a ana?????cac?an'an?t t????ieieve?ve ve ove ?nene ?babaga? i ???????y 1y ???? ca c?????eses.s. s. T ?TheTh????????s ???e e ge grg????t at ?????ougou?h h Ih ?I aI amam m??notnot ?? f ?anan an??? s sas??alt alt? an and???epe?pep??. ???wow???????????rerecre????ene????as as a?? wa w?y ????trt??? th t???????er?????????or?ors.ors. . I?????????? yo y?ou ou? wi w???l ll lo??ve ?th????to????161????,B0,B????????O,O,AO,?HEH??MAM??5S5?????,J??ere???,0,0,???5,??????414?16016??00,D00,DeD?eli???ouousous!ous????????e ?he?alaltalthalt?y ????th????!<!<b?? /???br?????????I a?m ??ove?????
f, I know you will be very pleased.<br /><br />Trish Kowalski" 1687,B001RVFDOO,AYW8LCBDN533N,J. Joa,0,0,5,1287014400,Love Love Love,I love Popchips. They are delicious and I can't believe one bag is only 100 calories. The flavors are great although I am not a fan of salt and pepper. I would highy recommend as a way to try the different flavors. I am sure you will love them too. 1688,B001RVFDOO,AHEBMAD5SIC5B,Jereth,0,0,5,1286841600,Delicious!,"I hate healthy anything!<br /><br />But I am overweig
???, ,?sos? I ??nen????????ltl?erernr?????????o mo ?y y??orormr?alal l r ?????ne? o ofo? D DoD????tostos s?????????hih??????heh??ono?lyl??????sonso?????rir????????e ????ipsip?s is ???????????????hehe he??????????ieiewiewsw??, s, ??????? c ?on??tritr?bubut?iningng g????? s???rsr??to?waw?rdr?d td ??? p??rodro?ucuctc?.<.<b<?r r / ???????/>F/>?ro??m jm juj????????ininging ??at at?it?, ???wa?s ?exe????titin?g ?itit it???o to ?????????e e le ???e e re ?????e cae c????.... ..???t t It ?????????easea?an??????ururprprpri?? ps??as???s ??????, ???????????..????I dI ?????t rt ?rea?lllly????owo? h ??ow ow????exexpexplp?aia?????t.<t.<b?<br <br???????????? t? the th???lalavlavov??s ????e ge ??ea?????y ???vo???????is is???????????he?he Ohe ???gig??al????s a? b bi b???to??o so ??????, b, ?butbut but???????ve??
ht, so I need an alternative to my normal routine of Doritos potato chips. The only reason I tried these chips is because of the other reviews, so I am contributing my 5 stars toward the product.<br /><br />From just looking at it, I was expecting it to taste more like rice cake... but I was pleasantly surprise. The chips tastes great, very crisp... I don't really know how to explain it.<br /><br />All the flavors are great. My favorite is the BBQ. The Original is a bit too salty, but still very
??asa??y.y???? / />/??<br<b?r /r ???igi????????omo???ndnded??? A ????????t gt gig??? i ???a a t tr tryr?????oro???did????gagara????g g??t ?fo?r ????ngng ng????eaealea?????r r sr ?????.".""??686?9,9??000??RVR??DOD?O,O??1K1?DID??4D4D7D7R7RKRK3K3D3??,j,?????o,o???????121??????1601600?,P,????hi?psp? S SaS???????????SalSa?lt lt? an a????rurunu?chch ch??rar????????'m'? t???in????o o e ?eateat ????lt?hi???? an????nene ?ofo?????????????????????? lo lovo?? i is is ?chchich???? an??????ty? s sn s???cksck??ofof of???l l k ????s!s?! ! ?ThT?heshe??e Pe ???????s s rs re???ly?ly dly ?o o to ???e te ?rir?ck?????????sfs?fyify?ing??my????ravra????? T??ouo????I ???n'n????rearealrea?llylly y cy ?ar??e fe ??? t???e pe pep??pe??r fr ???avoav??? I? l???e e ae ???? of??? the?? ot o?thetherthe?s.s?? I??wiw?ll???????thethesthese???ga???."??161?909???B00B0??RV??FDOFD?OO,OO?
tasty.<br /><br />Highly recommended! At least give it a try before disregarding it for being a healthier snack." 1689,B001RVFDOO,A1KDI64D7RK3D1,jackio,0,0,5,1286841600,Popchips Satisfy my Salt and Crunch Craving,"I'm trying to eat healthier and one of the things I really love is chips and salty snacks of all kinds! These Popchips really do the trick of satisfying my craving. Though I don't really care for the pepper flavor, I like all of the others. I will buy these again." 1690,B001RVFDOO,A
2292????CLC??ZGZ??J2J2,2???gag???????4,4?121??666???808000???????? f fofouo?ndn??tht?ese??????????n n v vav????????ini??????on?. .? T ThT?? s ??orore? w ?asa??? k kik???d od ?? n ??????l l???t t u upu????????ypypep?????grg??????? st s???????I ?????????? s?eee????thetheme? b ???forfo??re. re.??Th??????e e de did????ereer??????ana?n rn ?????ar??????ps-ps-n-?o o??ili???????e ????t vt ????? fl f?lavlavov???????. I. ???diddi?????knkno????????coc????d gd geg?et et???hemhem ??? C ?? s????I oI ????????a ??casca????161???????1R1???DOD?O,O,A,?VVV??GLG????UCUCQC???"L"LiL?illil???"""??lilli?""??,0?????,1,12,128????404?000000,?VeV??????ppp?y!y??????????asast???gr?eae??????d ad ard arere re are ????alaltal????????????natna????. ??????vo??iti?te te? wa w?as as?????????sas?alt???nd?? vi v???? . I. ??????aba??ly ly w
297VNCLCZGCJ2,Sugar,0,0,4,1286668800,YUM!,I found these chips on vacation in Oregon. The store was a kind of natural yet upscale type of grocery store. I had never seen them before. They are different than regular chips-no oily taste but very flavorful. I didn't know if I could get them in CA so I ordered a case! 1691,B001RVFDOO,AVVSGLROQUCQK,"Lilli ""lil""",0,0,5,1286064000,Very happy!,"These taste great and are a healthier alternative. My favorite was the sea salt and vinegar. I probably w
o??'t'????ded?r r t tht?e e??th?????lalava??orsor????????sis????????????a a??????ititet?, , a??? d ?on?'t't 't?????popototatatatoat????ipipsps ?ala?????????????? B ???????????ieietetyty y?pap??k k???????eaeateat ?t tot t???????o o to ????????? al allll.ll?""?161??????010?????????????????727??F,F?ShS????????,0????????80804048480???AwA??sosomo??e Pe ????ucu??,",???heshe?e ?e are a?re re g ??????- - m ????ntn????re fre ?ama?ili??y ly ?ovovev??? th?emem.m?. . I ???????? gr g?reare??? ad a??????on on? to to to????????????????????ch? -?????d Id I I hI ha??? t th the? s sa s??is?????io????of of?knk?nowno?????itit it? is is ??s a bs a ???????al???ternter????????the?n n tn th?????rmrmam??????????????? o????????ararkarkek?????????t t ft ?????r ??- B- ??? a? and??SoSouo??crc???m ?& &?OnO???? a?re???????favfa???ritri?teste??
on't order the other flavors again since I have a favorite, and don't eat potato chips all that often. But the variety pack was great to get to try them all." 1692,B001RVFDOO,A6UZIBMKG72JF,Shannon,0,0,5,1285804800,Awesome Product,"These are great - my entire family loves them. It is a great addition to my son's school lunch - and I have the satisfaction of knowing it is a better alternative then the normal ""chip"" out on the market. Great flavor - BBQ and Sourcream & Onion are our favorites!
??ovo????heh?e se ??ngn??e ??ere?ve???????????shsh h??ouou u?????? b?uyu? t??????t t? th????tot????- ??utut ??????owo??I I w??lll???????????to?????chchahasa?????????zozon????? b???aua?????f f? th?????????seserse???cec?e ae anandn?d vd vav???????s!s!"!?1????????1R1RVRVFV?DOD??,A,?FZF???????????mwm??mwmmwm,m???,0,,0???121282?????????GrG??reatrea????????at?ivi????to to Fto ??????ThT??sese ??chich??s ???e ?????or?fuf?l ????thoth?outout ????? th???faf???ofof of?frfri??d.d?? I I?lol???e le ??ve??ve thve t????????????r.r?? I I ??alsal?o o l?iki???hohow??? the????????dod?on'on?????umu?blblele le??? t th? the the b the ?????16169?4,4??????VFVFDVFDO??O,AO,????HJHJ8J????????,J,?oao?????MoM????,0???????12812?85285???00??,D,??lil??????s!,s!??????e a??? g gr gre????? lit li?tlt??????ckck k? pa p??cksck?????flafl??or?
Love the single serve bags - wish you could buy them at the store - but for now I will continue to purchase on Amazon... because of the great service and varieties!" 1693,B001RVFDOO,AFZPOIV5W5JY,mwmwm,0,0,5,1285718400,Great Alternative to Fried,These chips are flavorful without all the fat of fried. I love love the bbq flavor. I also like how the chips don't crumble in the bag. 1694,B001RVFDOO,A3N3HJ86TLPI59,Joanne Moore,0,0,4,1285200000,Delicious!,These are great little snack packs - flavorf
?ulul l?????s s???d d?faf??rlr????owow w f fa f?t t??nd?? lo l??? ca c???1????????1R1?VFVFDF?OOO???YYY??????GNGNAN???????00600????,0?,4,??121??525?00????,",?YuY??mym????eae??????snsnanaca??!"!","?????rir?????thithisi?s cs ??ipipsips ??n n a????tet?l l tl ???? I ???tataya??? a at a?, ????d ld ????ed ????m!m??? o orordr????ed ??he?? f??? t??he he????icicec?? an and an?d ed eve??ryr????????oyo?yedyed ????????????on on m ?my my s ????ondond d od ???derde??!"!"???69669?6,B6,?????RVFRVFD?OO???2Z2??UZU?R6R636???7C7CICI,I?????aba?eteth? G G.G?. H. HeH??scs?chechelellel???,0,0,0,0,0,50,?5,15,??85?111??606?00,00??opopcpch???ps ps? ar are??wow??ondeond?erferfuf??ly?? ta t?ststyst????opcop??chip??s as ?re?re vre ????y gy ?ooo?d.d?. . T ???he vhe ?arariar?tyt???recre?????d ?d led l???s ys yo?????ry ry?????did???ereer?enten??flf??vovor?s.s. ?. I. ?I oI ?onlon??????? I????????fi?nd?????m m lm ????????.1.????,B???1R??
ul chips and fairly low fat and low cal. 1695,B001RVFDOO,AYYXBLWCGNANR,PS0066,0,0,4,1285200000,"Yummy, healthy snack!","I tried this chips in a hotel that I stayed at, and loved them! I ordered them for the office and everyone enjoyed them. I'm on my second order!" 1696,B001RVFDOO,A2ZVUZR63X27CI,Elizabeth G. Herschell,0,0,5,1285113600,Popchips are wonderfully tasty,Popchips are very good. The varity received lets you try the diferent flavors. I only wish I could find them locally. 1697,B001RVF
D??O,O?A2A???N9N??KLKL8L????K,K?"K"K.K. .????????? " ???????izizezede??"""""??0,0?,0,,0???12128???????????pCp??ipipsp????????e ?BeB?sts?!!!!,!,"??TheTh???e ae ??? t ????beb????ch??ipsip??ini?????ed???or? t th t???????? a ??e e te ???iningin???o o??ata??ch ch? th the theieiri?? ca c??or?iei??inintin?aka?e.e. ????? g ?etet ?? l ???t ot ?? c ch c?hiphips? f???or mor mim?iniin?mamalal al???lo??ie??, ,??ndn???? they they y t ta t?st?e ???????!!"!!""1?696989?,B,??00100?????DOODO??ASA??6S6SVS??????M6M6,6,N,?????,0,0,,0,0,0,?????12812848?????0000,00,D,??lil?shsh,h?,"G,"?re??t ??selse??ctc???????? ch chi chip?? & & &??????????????f ??ou? a???re are ar?are are? lo looooko????g fg ????a a ha ???????y ay ???erern?at?ivi?ve ve?? to to? fr????d pd ????????chichipchips???& d& ??on'on??t lt ???? t th??????e e t?as?te???f ???????, t, th???ese ese???????stst st??? the ??osostost ??ma???ing???? chip chi????youyo?
DOO,A28FN9PKL8GJAK,"K. Dornbach ""Organized""",0,0,5,1285027200,PopChips Are The Best!!,"These are the best chips invented for those who are trying to watch their calorie intake. You get a lot of chips for minimal calories, and they taste great!!" 1698,B001RVFDOO,ASK6SVOMRP7M6,Nikki,0,0,5,1284854400,Delish,"Great selection of chips & very fresh. If you are are looking for a healthy alternative to fried potato chips & don't like the fake taste of baked, these are just the most amazing chips you
c?anan n??ata?? I ?????ghg?t t?????sesese? & ? e?vev??y y???meme e? I' I??????????ete???r r??ourou?r Sr ???????oxo???totor??e Ie I ?mamaka???sus???e te ?to to p ???? t??eme???up!up??""1???9,9?B0B?010?RVR??DOD??,A,A3A???????HIHITI????????ttt??anannan?n "n ????"""""""???????????????0000000??????er??ntn?t at an???????y!y!,!?,"I,"??????e ??it?h h????iei??er???whw?o o e???oyo??tht????????erner???ivi??? to to ??????regre?ulu?ar?????????nanacna?????????s.s?. . ? Th Thehe he? te t??tut?????? t th the the e ce ?hi??s ??is is g ?gregrea??t at ant a??d td ??theythe?'r'???ve??????lavla????????? I I? ca c???????aia?????????te te?? the???ododid?um? b?????? t th?isis ?is??'t't ?????oboblb???????? yo y?ou,ou, , I? I w I wowou???d rd ?????mmemmen????ry???? t????. ???t't??????na?nacknac??????oko???ororwor?arardard ??o ????????? c ch c?????e t??o eo ?enjen
can eat. I bought 2 cases & every time I'm at Target or our Super Box Store I make sure to pick them up!!" 1699,B001RVFDOO,A3ABKJ4THITBUG,"kitttann ""am""",0,0,5,1284768000,Different and yummy!,"I agree with reviewers who enjoy this alternative to the regular salty snack options. The texture of the chips is great and they're very flavorful! I can certainly taste the sodium but if this isn't a problem for you, I would recommend trying them. It's a snack I look forward to having a chance to enj
???. .??EvEvevere??ono?????? t ?heheieirir r f ?avavov???tet??????????i'i'm'? n nono o?exexcx?epe?titioi?on on?-B-BBB???FTF???) )??o ???rer????mem??d d??????? t?he??vav??rieri??y y p ?aca??? fi f???t.t????I tI ththothouo??htht t? I' I?d ???????t t lt ???astas?t ot ???e oe ???twt???fl?av???s ?wewe'e'd?????te??, ,???t ???.<.???????<br<b???????in?????? p pu pururcr?hahashases??e ofe of f??n n??ltlteterte??????????nacna?ck ck w ????StS???y'y??????? C ??????in? P PaPar?memesme?anan n Gn ?????? & & & H ??erber?. . ??oto?thith?ingin???gag??insin???? the th???, b, ?butbu??th??y ??lacla??????the?? fl f??vovorvor r pr ??ncn?? I???asas ????kik??????or.or. . . T. ThTheheshe?????????ipsip???areare e ee ?exaex????y ??rigri?ghtgh???<br<br <br???<b??<br /<br />/>I/>??????ded?fif??????ly ly???ecoecom?me??? t th the thes the?se ?ch?chipchi?? f? for fo?????yonyo?????o ????eses ?? s???tyty,ty?, f, ?flaflavflavo??fuf?l ?????k!k??1??
oy. Everyone has their favorite flavor (i'm no exception -BBQ FTW!) so I recommend trying the variety pack first. I thought I'd have at least one or two flavors we'd 'hate', but no.<br /><br />My initial purchase of an alternative snack was Stacy's Pita Chips in Parmesan Garlic & Herb. Nothing against them, but they lacked the flavor punch I was looking for. These Popchips are exactly right.<br /><br />I can definitely recommend these chips for anyone who likes a salty, flavorful snack!" 170
???B0B?010?????OOO??A3A????414?1RO1R???JGJ?Y,Y????rir? S ????uru??hamha????0,?5,5?121?848474?686?0000000?0,L0,???ede????????chchih?psp?!,!??I I?lol???? t????????????. T. ?????????e ee ?xax??tlt??y wy whw??t t???????????? lo l?????g g????. . T. Th. T?hey? a ?????otot ?frfri?ed?/g/?????y y oy or????????drd?y ????y ??er????gregreaeata?-t-?asastastit?ingin???sas??isi?fyfyiy?ing?????d ?he?alaltlththyth?y ay ?????????ve? t?? r ??gugulu????pop???atoat???chich??????ouou u??an? f?ee????oo???aba?ououtou?t et ??titinti?ng ng???????ch??ps?ps. ps. C CaCan?'t't t st ???y ey ??ou?ghg?, ?yoy?????l hl hahavha????o ?trt????? them them m f???????ursur?selselfl???? a??m om ?????ininging ing????e e n?????
0,B001RVFDOO,A3LVF41RO81JGY,Shari S. Durham,0,0,5,1284768000,Loved these chips!,"I loved these chips. They were exactly what I had been looking for. They are not fried/greasy or baked/dry they were great-tasting, satisfying, and healthy alternative to regular potato chips. You can feel good about eating these chips. Can't say enough, you'll have to try them for yourself! I am ordering more now!"

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