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Dataset Card for Food-102 (Food101+Iraqi-rice-male )

Dataset Name: Food-102

Dataset Summary: Food-102 is an updated version of the Food-101 dataset, now expanded to include 102 food categories. It consists of a total of 102,000 images, with 750 training images and 250 manually reviewed test images provided for each category. The dataset aims to enable food classification tasks and provide a diverse range of food images for research and development purposes. The training images in Food-102 have intentionally not been cleaned, allowing for some level of noise, such as intense colors and occasional mislabeled images. All images in the dataset have been rescaled to have a maximum side length of 512 pixels.

Additional Information:

  • Number of Categories: 102
  • Total Images: 101,100
  • Training Images per Category: 75825
  • Test Images per Category: 25275
  • Image Noise: The training images may contain some noise, including intense colors and occasional mislabeled images.
  • Image Rescaling: All images in the dataset have been resized to have a maximum side length of 512 pixels.


The newly added category "Iraqi rice male food" is not specifically mentioned as part of the Food-101 dataset. If you require further details or have any specific questions about the dataset, please let me know.

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Models trained or fine-tuned on Falah/food102-iraqi-rice-meal