Subtechnique ID
Phishing for Information
Spearphishing Attachment
Astaroth has been delivered via malicious e-mail attachments.
Phishing for Information
Spearphishing Attachment
Sidewinder has sent e-mails with malicious attachments that lead victims to credential harvesting websites.
Phishing for Information
Spearphishing Attachment
A phishing campaign has been observed by researchers from Trend Micro that contain a macro-enabled document that exploits the legitimate script engine,AutoHotKey.
Phishing for Information
Spearphishing Attachment
Researchers have discovered a wave of emails with malicious attachments orchestrated by Russian Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group APT29.
Phishing for Information
Spearphishing Attachment
Using attached HTML files containing JavaScript, the email will write an ISO file to disk; this contains a Cobalt Strike beacon that will activate on completion.
Phishing for Information
Spearphishing Attachment
Strrat, a Java-based malware, is currently being delivered as an attached PDF document via a phishing campaign using compromised email accounts.
Phishing for Information
Spearphishing Attachment
Although the email may look official and legitimate, if you have no reason to receive such an email or if the content is questionable, you should not open any attached files.
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Roles
RestorePrivacy, an information site about privacy, examined the proof the seller put out and found the following information, scraped from LinkedIn user profiles: Email addresses, Full names, Phone numbers, Physical addresses, LinkedIn username and profile URL, Personal and professional experience/background.
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Roles
Targets are identified, groomed, and then deceived by quite sophisticated email techniques into wiring funds to 'burner' bank accounts, and thinking that the email request comes from the CEO, the victim willingly sends the money.
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Roles
This threat group instructs its affiliates to parse companies websites and social media to identify leadership, HR, and accounting staff for following targeted spear phishing attacks.
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Roles
Some spam lists are selected to target a specific business role, for example identified sales representatives.
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Roles
Through reading the extracted emails, threat actors identified that fund transfers were originating in the accounting department by person A and approved by manager B.
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Business Tempo
Threat actors identified that long holiday weekend in the US will be the best time to lunch a cyber attack against this company.
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Business Tempo
The federal advisory makes note of "recent holiday targeting," stating that "cyber actors have conducted increasingly impactful attacks against U.S. entities on or around holiday weekends." Neither FBI nor CISA has information about a cyberattack "coinciding with upcoming holidays and weekends," per the advisory, but the document says cybercriminals may see holidays and weekends as "as attractive timeframes" to "target potential victims."
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Business Tempo
Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Thanksgiving, your chances of being the victim of a cyber attack increase. The vacation season is yet another perfect period for cyber attacks. If a hacker had a choice between attacking your organization when your IT security team is fully staffed or when it isnt- what do you think they will choose?
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Business Tempo
Many times, organizations are overburdened, and cyberattacks during the holidays are the last thing on their minds. The current pandemic heightened the threat, which has resulted in many firms operating with significant cybersecurity flaws resulting from the rapid shift to working from home. Cybercriminals exploit these flaws to get access to systems“ and vulnerabilities increase with less network supervision during the holidays.
Gather Victim Org Information
Identify Business Tempo
Once they had infected the computers of the personnel in charge of cash transfer systems or ATMs, the attackers collected snapshots of victims screens and studied their daily activities in the bank.
Gather Victim Org Information
Determine Physical Locations
The majority of the actors behind the ransomware are likely based outside of the CIS, for example, ransomware Fonix wont run if IP geolocation is Iranian.
Gather Victim Org Information
Determine Physical Locations
DarkSide, like a great many other malware strains, has a hard-coded do-not-install list of countries which are the principal members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)” former Soviet satellites that mostly have favorable relations with the Kremlin.
Gather Victim Org Information
Determine Physical Locations
REvil was previously known as GandCrab, and one of the many things GandCrab had in common with REvil was that both programs barred affiliates from infecting victims in Syria.
Gather Victim Org Information
Determine Physical Locations
As we can see from the chart above, Syria is also exempted from infections by DarkSide ransomware.
Gather Victim Org Information
Determine Physical Locations
However, upon closer inspection, it turns out this is actually a clever language check to ensure that the payload will not be downloaded outside of France.
Gather Victim Org Information
Business Relationships
In preparation for its attack against the 2018 Winter Olympics Sandworm Team conducted online research of partner organizations listed on an official PyeongChang Olympics partnership site.
Gather Victim Org Information
Business Relationships
Generally, supply chain attacks on information systems begin with an advanced persistent threat (APT) that determines a member of the supply network with the weakest cyber security in order to affect the target organization.
Gather Victim Org Information
Business Relationships
It also found that hackers can steal sensitive data, including information about partners.
Gather Victim Org Information
Business Relationships
The attackers were after Facebookinformation about partners.
Gather Victim Org Information
Business Relationships
Clues about business partners can provide a hacker with other potential avenues of attack.
Gather Victim Org Information
Business Relationships
Attackers identified and impersonated the companyforeign supplier in a Bogus Invoice Scheme attack.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Trust Dependencies
Attackers are looking for IT service providers that have privileged access to their clients networks.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Trust Dependencies
Nation-state sponsored hackers are targeting IT service providers and discovering network trust relationships with their client organizations from government and military sectors.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Trust Dependencies
The threat actors were looking for MSPs and MSSPs managing IT and security within the target organization.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Trust Dependencies
In all of the cases, attackers enumerated network trust relationships, hijacked the managed service providers internal management tools to distribute Sodinokibi ransomware to their customers.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Trust Dependencies
A hacker can make one strategic breach into an MSP, discover network access to their clients, and gain access to multiple customers information across multiple industries.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Topology
The group utilizes active scanning to collect information on the victim network.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Topology
After the initial foothold the actors were scanning to map the local network devices and plan the lateral movement.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Topology
During the exfiltration stage, attackers were identifying documents related to local accounts, network security and topology.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Topology
Requirement to publish procurement documents made it possible for the attackers to access specifics regarding network devices used by the organization (gateways, routers, etc.)
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Topology
All the graphs, mind maps, presentations including the physical and/or logical arrangement of both external-facing and internal network environments should be treated as sensitive information.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Security Appliances
This firewall company had a few large customers listed on their website thus providing the attackers with convenient targets.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Security Appliances
Requirement to publish procurement documents made it possible for the attackers to access specifics regarding network security appliances used by the organization (firewalls, content filters, NIDS, etc.)
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Security Appliances
Following the intrusion, actors were scanning to identify firewalls and other deployed security appliances.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Security Appliances
This group phishes for information trying to identify deployed security appliances and leverage it for initial access.
Gather Victim Network Information
Network Security Appliances
This APT group was identifying the use of proxies and company VPN and then utilizing these security appliances for stealthy lateral movement.
Gather Victim Network Information
Ip Addresses
HAFNIUM has obtained IP addresses for publicly-accessible Exchange servers.
Gather Victim Network Information
Ip Addresses
Andariel has limited its watering hole attacks to specific IP address ranges.
Gather Victim Network Information
Ip Addresses
Initially the attackers research the victimIP ranges and scan them for open ports and opportunities for the initial access.
Gather Victim Network Information
Ip Addresses
Anonymous OpIsrael campaign published a Pastebin post listing IP addresses of organizations that hacktivists plan to target.
Gather Victim Network Information
Ip Addresses
Actor obtains list of the victim IP blocks and proceeds to run a Shodan or Zoomeye scan of the ranges.
Gather Victim Network Information
Ip Addresses
Keyword search on Hurricane Electric allows attackers to find IP addresses of a certain company they want to target.
Gather Victim Network Information
Domain Properties
Sandworm Team conducted technical reconnaissance of the Parliament of Georgia's official internet domain prior to its 2019 attack.
Gather Victim Network Information
Domain Properties
There is an active campaign targeting domain owners via email addresses that were derived by actors in the domain registration data.
Gather Victim Network Information
Domain Properties
Attackers were able to leverage domain registration data to find additional domains belonging to the same victim organization.
Gather Victim Network Information
Domain Properties
Domain administrator was targeted with a tailored spear phishing after the attackers determined the domain registrar and impersonated it.
Gather Victim Network Information
Domain Properties
Many victims avoided using domain registration anonymization services and their domain properties were leveraged by the hackers.
Gather Victim Network Information
Domain Properties
This DDoS service offered TDoS and email bombing to target domain administrator contacts if those were available from the gathered domain properties.
Gather Victim Network Information
During the reconnaissance phase, this group paid special attention to collect and analyze DNS information.
Gather Victim Network Information
Gathering DNS information allowed the attackers to identify victimsubdomains that were supposed to remain private.
Gather Victim Network Information
Targeting of mail servers were starting by gathering mail server records from the victimDNS.
Gather Victim Network Information
Some of the information on targets were gathered free of charge such as from DNS records.
Gather Victim Network Information
Passive DNS information helped the attackers to map the victimhosts and plan the intrusion.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Employee Names
Sandworm Team's research of potential victim organizations included the identification and collection of employee information.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Employee Names
Silent Librarian has collected lists of names for individuals from targeted organizations.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Employee Names
Collecting victim organizationemployee list allowed the attacker to generate actual email addresses due to conservative alias naming convention.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Employee Names
Social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook allow threat actors to identify employee names for the organizations they plan to target.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Employee Names
This threat group collects employee names from the organizationwebsite and use them for impersonation in spear phishing attacks.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Email Addresses
APT32 has collected e-mail addresses for activists and bloggers in order to target them with spyware.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Email Addresses
HAFNIUM has collected e-mail addresses for users they intended to target.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Email Addresses
MuddyWater has specifically targeted government agency employees with spearphishing e-mails.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Email Addresses
Sandworm Team has obtained valid emails addresses while conducting research against target organizations that were subsequently used in spearphishing campaigns.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Email Addresses
Silent Librarian has collected e-mail addresses from targeted organizations from open Internet searches.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Email Addresses
TA551 has used spoofed company emails that were acquired from email clients on previously infected hosts to target other individuals.
Gather Victim Identity Information
APT28 has harvested user's login credentials.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Chimera has collected credentials for the target organization from previous breaches for use in brute force attacks.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Magic Hound gathered credentials from two victims that they then attempted to validate across 75 different websites.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Strontium is launching campaigns to harvest peoplelog-in credentials or compromise their accounts, presumably to aid in intelligence gathering or disruption operations.
Gather Victim Identity Information
Attackers appear to have purchased credential information from an underground forum for use in this attack.
Gather Victim Host Information
Sandworm Team has researched software code to enable supply-chain operations most notably for the 2017 NotPetya attack. Sandworm Team also collected a list of computers using specific software as part of its targeting efforts.
Gather Victim Host Information
Public procurement data such as purchase invoices for software allowed attackers to plan their exploitation for the initial access.
Gather Victim Host Information
Andariel has inserted a malicious script within compromised websites to collect potential victim information such as browser type, system language, Flash Player version, and other data.
Gather Victim Host Information
Some threat groups use supply chain compromise as an opportunistic attack on whomever is a client, others“ specifically research software suppliers for a given target.
Gather Victim Host Information
Gathering information from server banners allows attackers to use known vulnerabilities for certain kinds of server software.
Gather Victim Host Information
Actors targeting poor countries pay attention to learn victimhardware, as it is often so old that doesnt support newer more secure operation systems.
Gather Victim Host Information
Another door in for initial access are IoT devices, and hackers are trying to learn the used hardware versions, as it is often produced to never be fully updated or secured.
Gather Victim Host Information
This group was using job postings, resumes, and public purchase invoices to determine the hardware used by the victim organization.
Gather Victim Host Information
After the attacker gathered information about the hardware used in the organization, they proceeded to register typosquatted domains mimicking these hardware manufactures.
Gather Victim Host Information
This Russian APT gathered information on the specific type of industrial controllers used by some Ukrainian power transmission stations.
Gather Victim Host Information
Intruders impersonated the CEO and demanded information on the age and patch level of the network appliances.
Gather Victim Host Information
While the problem with the firmware update level was outlined in the previous assessment report, the company failed to act on it, moreover the very assessment ended up in the hands of the threat actors.
Gather Victim Host Information
Slow implementation of the firmware patch for this vulnerability became apparent to the attackers who started directing their botnets to target it.
Gather Victim Host Information
Attackers did research on the backdoor in the standard router firmware in that country.
Gather Victim Host Information
This botnet handers gather information on the dominating types of IoT firmware with known vulnerabilities.
Gather Victim Host Information
Client Configurations
HAFNIUM has interacted with Office 365 tenants to gather details regarding target's environments.
Gather Victim Host Information
Client Configurations
Attackers website was checking visitors host information and serving the malicious content only to those with certain language settings.
Gather Victim Host Information
Client Configurations
This group was studying organizationpurchase invoices to learn what operating systems are in use, their versions and architecture.
Gather Victim Host Information
Client Configurations
The Scanbox framework first configures the remote C&C server that it will use and collects a small amount of information about the victim that is visiting the compromised website including: Referer User-Agent Location Cookie Title (To identify specific content that the victim is visiting) Domain Charset Screen width and height Operating System Language
Gather Victim Host Information
Client Configurations
The attackers were able to compromise the website and include code that loaded a malicious Javascript file from a remote server that records visitors User-Agent, Location, Charset, Operating System, and Language.
Gather Victim Host Information
Client Configurations
Hackers were checking client configuration virtualization status and generally were trying to avoid targeting virtual machines.
Active Scanning
Vulnerability Scanning
APT28 has performed large-scale scans in an attempt to find vulnerable servers.
Active Scanning
Vulnerability Scanning
Sandworm Team has scanned network infrastructure for vulnerabilities as part of its operational planning.
Active Scanning
Vulnerability Scanning
Volatile Cedar has performed vulnerability scans of the target server.

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