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Welcome to a Grassroots Nuclear Holocaust, powered exclusively by a storyteller from an alternate reality that sometimes leaks into our own. |
Youtube channel for my vids and the Scorchcast: best threads down below: |
Did you know that there is a Chinese person for every single American? Out of the 1.4 billion Chinese people in China, 335 million of them purely exist to be crude doppelgangers of American citizens. Every single American has a Chinese copy. |
These 335 million Chinese copies live in a massive territory that takes up 1/8th of China, nestled into the vast Gobi desert as a vanity project megacity. It's shaped like the continental United States and they all live in a roughly distributed series of simulacra cities, carrying out the performative fake lives of their assigned copies. |
The Chinese tiny fake USA is a tourist attraction that Chinese people all visit during Golden Weeks where they can experience touring through America but safely in a more familiar environment. When the real American counterpart dies or gets deported, the Chinese copy retires from Chinese USA and gets to go back to living in China normally as a regular Chinese person. Some of them are relieved about it, some of them are forlorn about giving up their Chinese doppelganger life. If the Chinese copy dies or something happens to them, another doppelganger is ready to immediately take their place and continue the role uninterrupted. |
Chinese people live in a mixture of constant anxiety and anticipation wondering if one day CCP officials will knock on their apartment door and tell them they need to move to Tiny USA because they were next on a list of candidates resembling an American counterpart. They pack their bags, say goodbye to their families and get shipped off to the Gobi desert to live in one of the most technologically advanced amusement parks in the world. |
In Chinese Tiny America, the elite impersonators get to live in tour houses at the very forefront of Vegas-like downtown setpieces. They have to work the hardest at acting like their counterparts, usually celebrities or politicians, and have the most interactions with tourists on a daily basis. Most of Chinese Tiny USA is made up of everyday people who merely have to dress like their counterparts and pretend to work fake jobs for a few hours a day. Chinese copies of Americans walk around in setpieces of Shreveport, Louisiana or Cody, Wyoming. Chinese versions of Americans hustle and bustle pretending to work at gas stations or simulating DMV work at miniature downtown Denver, Colorado. None of them speak English, they all babble what their counterparts sound like in a Chinese flavored English sounding gibberish which they learn and develop by studying our conversations through monitoring our lives on spyware hidden inside mobile apps on our phones. |
Chinese versions of Americans get nestled into giant cube megabuildings like cleaner versions of Kowloon City. They only get to relax for a few hours in the evening, throwing off their Patagonia vests or wigger hoodies or spandex sports bras or blue jeans or graphic t-shirts so they can settle comfortably into flip flops and sandals onto plastic lawn chairs and eat chicken feet while chain smoking and drinking Tsingtao, just so they can finally feel Chinese at the end of the day for but a brief moment. |
This is the abundance of China. They have the manpower, the resources, and the space to replicate all of America and every American within their vast mysterious landmass which is walled off to the rest of the world. It is a place where Chinese people can go pretend to be in inner cities or eat at Dave and Busters without any of the health hazards which present themselves to Chinese people in real America and with none of the pressures Chinese citizens feel when visiting America, such as having to purchase large swathes of empty condominiums, interacting with fried rice takeout restaurant employee reconnaissance agents, or having to download terabytes of files from college university computers. |
In Chinese Tiny America anything and everything is possible. Every single American that will ever exist, every single architectural accomplishment, every cuisine, every historical monument, every curated natural attraction, every song, movie, game, book, and staple of experience the United States has to offer, all of it has a little Chinese version to go along with it. |
If one day AI and androids become advanced enough to take up this role, the Chinese government will not replace your Chinese bizarro counterpart. Instead, they will create an even smaller miniature America where tiny hamster sized robots wearing doll clothes and fake hair will walk around speaking LLM generated speech based off your personality with perfect voice matching. And then the Chinese government will construct an even smaller Chinese America made up of slightly smaller Chinese robots that are trained on the Chinese doppelgangers to imitate the American robots that live in Tinier America, which is located inside of Tiny Chinese America. And those Chinese impersonator robots will live in an even smaller simulated America, it will be called Tiniest America and it will exist next to Tinier America. |
They will do this because it's cheaper than having to dismantle Chinese Tiny America. They will do this because the displacement of 350 million Chinese people will cause massive disruptions to the Chinese economy and job market. But most importantly, they will do this because they can afford to do it. They have the resources, the space, and the budget to have both real fake America and automated fake America that exists purely to be imitated by the automated Chinese Tiniest America. They can do all of it at the same time and furthermore they'll even create tiny robot versions of every normal Chinese person to visit the Tiniest America every year just like the real Chinese people do to Chinese Tiny America. They will do all of this because they can, and because they think it's really funny. |
You will never get to visit Synecdoche USA, China. It's only for Chinese people. However, take solace that somewhere inside of it, there's a Chinese version of you doing their best to live the Chinese version of your life. They learn, love, and live alongside Chinese versions of your partners, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, and your acquaintances. They imitate your job, they simulate your hobbies, they pretend to eat what you eat, they make themselves cry when you're sad and they force laughter when you're happy. And no matter what happens to you, no matter how low you fall and how high you rise, a Chinese person will always be there with you in spirit. |
You still have time to watch Chinese national treasure on this patriotic Milady Film Club movie night. We just streamed a special message from our President. |
This is awesome. I don’t know how legitimate it is since he has to eat sleep and take shits at some point, but I’m truly hoping he’s actually suffering full blown babbling delusions and not just screaming for the cameras. There should be more of this, it should be more extreme. |
It isn’t enough, it barely touches the ambrosia of torture that streamers should put themselves through for my amusement. I would watch broccoli haired vape sneaker zoomers be trapped inside walk in freezers for five dollars a minute. Not my dollars though, no, someone else’s dollars. I’d watch it for free. I wouldn’t even watch all of it, just a thirty second highlight clip of the best moments, MAYBE one minute if it’s good stuff. |
I would watch streamers be tossed inside giant industrial dryers with third degree burns or do challenges where they’re just beaten with logs until they’re unconscious. I would watch them buried alive inside coffins with scorpions while they scream and howl on infrared go pros. I would watch obnoxious little Twitch zoomers be thrown out of helicopters fifty feet above the Pacific Ocean and left there to tread water. I would watch zoomers curled up inside of 3x3x3 boxes with strobe lights and speakers blasting screaming recordings overlaid with Tiny Tim songs at 80 decibels, left there and forgotten about with nothing but a hole for air for 5 days. |
I would watch content creators be locked inside of a concrete room with a Bengal Tiger or North American grizzly bear that’s been sufficiently starved, armed with nothing more than a four foot rope and a bicycle horn. I would watch streamers cover themselves in gasoline and thermite paste and run around an arena playing one man dodgeball against five crackheads armed with road flares. I would watch galaxy gas trap beats zoomers on Kick being pushed off three story buildings onto piles of rebar and broken cinder blocks. I would watch influencers get duct taped to the inside of a Monte Carlo and sent into concrete pylons at 80 miles an hour. I would watch streamers get shot out of cannons or welded onto the outside of a MiG-29 and exposed to the atmosphere as it passes Mach 1. |
I wouldn’t even watch all of it tbh, barely any of it if I’m being frank. I’d just want to click into a multi hour stream of one of many of these streamers having this kind of shit done to them, like a throwaway excerpt newsreel in Robocop. I just want to have incoherent screaming cut into my life as a comical interjection with a brief glimpse of diabolical torment and a little timer in the corner that tells me it’s been going on for hours, days, weeks. I want it done on scrupulous Chinese platforms that somehow cheat them out of all of their sufferbucks and blood donations, leaving them in some strange convoluted legal debt that engenders them to do further self exploitive harm for no benefit except a mild chuckle from me. It would be like a prison cube where all of hell is condensed onto the brunt of an immortal soul, screaming louder than the universe itself and yet welded so shut that I neither hear nor see nor know of what goes on inside of it. A pocket dimension of pain reduced to the size of a paper weight, barely vibrating and warm to the touch. One of thousands, stacked into piles and buried in a cube of concrete to sink to the bottom of the ocean while they whir and hum against unflinching total absolute constraint. If I knew shit like this was happening to every streamer all the time forever, I would sleep 30% better. |
Mentally damaged (involved in politics) women love freaking out about their bodily autonomy because it represents the perfect intersection between subconscious fetishism and the addiction to neuroticism that defines their identity. They lash out against their own biological purpose as a hellish prison in which they must suffer. The prospect of reproduction isn’t a natural part of life’s process to them, it is a hellish imposition. |
To the worldly hag, a womb and fetus is a xenomorph, a parasite growing inside of them rather than a beautiful continuation of self and predecessor. It is the gruesome promise of labor, sacrifice, and time which inconveniences otherwise unmitigated indulgence. It stands to reason that someone so filled with petulance for their ancestors, contempt for their parents, and hate for themselves would be horrified to create a copy, especially at the expense of their own body, time, and effort. When even the act of smiling at a coffee shop job is reduced to an economic unit of emotional labor to be stingily withheld by the leftist materialist, a child must seem like a nuclear bomb of unpayable debt. |
Yet all this pales in comparison to the psychosexual element of this nightmare fantasy, one which was usefully summarized by the Handmaiden Netflix slop. Essentially, America’s army of mids came forth to proclaim loudly, “Please please please don’t hold us down and rapebreed us!” Over and over again with obnoxious transparency, met with the mildly disgusted indifference of the demographic they demonize. |
This country’s most unremarkable women obsess over this idea that we’re tracking their periods, we’re trying to figure out their cycles, that we’re hunting them down and forcing them to reproduce because they can’t conflate the reality of their biological programming demanding fulfillment through genetic self perpetuation with the myriad of social signifiers they’ve been taught to uphold. It creates psychological complexes which become transmogrified into political policy. |
The truth is, what actually horrifies these women far more than some elaborate government mandated impregnation fantasy is something far more sinister. It is an apocalyptic torturous fate which has no recourse through delusion or fantasy. There is no romanticizing it or exaggerating it for entertainment, nor is there some True Crime podcast esque morbid indulgence which can be applied to it. The greatest fear made manifest for women of this caliber is to be ignored. It is their nightmare to be totally ignored, dismissed, overlooked, left behind. To be left alone without even any deliberate focus or afterthought, truly just passed by and left to their own babbling. To have everything they care about, everything they present as their identity, belief, concerns, goals, preferences, personality, and purpose all evaporated into dust through the sheer overwhelming void of indifference. It is a horror which is happening to them every day. |
The other day I saw this person- not even a person some people aren’t really people, can you believe it? I said I couldn’t believe it but it’s completely true. They’re called HYLLLICS folks, they have no souls. They have no souls AND they’re walking around, talking to you like they’re people. You can tell what they are because of the products they purchase and what their IQ levels are. It’s really terrible, but we’re gonna get em out folks. We’re gonna get em all out and Make America Sentient Again. I know I have a soul, I have a very big soul folks. I talked to God the other day and he said, “Donald, you have one of the biggest souls I’ve ever seen.” I mean it’s unbelievable, really incredible stuff. Other people have small souls- it’s true! I couldn’t believe it but it’s true! You know KAMALLLA, she has a small soul folks. It’s completely true, she’s got a small soul, small brain. Not even a person. Can’t even talk without the earpiece, she’s not the vice president. We got a lot of people here in the audience much smarter than her folks, much bigger souls. Much bigger souls, actually people. You’re all actually people, unlike KAMALLLA and Sleepy Joe Biden- they’re not people! They don’t matter! But you matter. They don’t matter though, and they- and you know- they get put in long lines in the afterlife! I’m not kidding, when they die, they wait in line for a million years *swallows saliva through his gums* before they’re even allowed to see limbo. Before they’re even allowed to see it. And if they wanna come back- and you know they really hate being they’re and they want to go back because they know what’s waiting for them- they have to come back as RRROCKS! Rocks, pebbles, raindrops, pieces of dirt. They gotta spend a LLLONG time coming back as people because of what they did, they know what they did. But they’re gonna be gone now and we’re gonna have a really beautiful epoch folks. |
I'd like to point out, Remilia Corporation's entire existence has transpired under a Biden Administration. |
You have YET to witness what Remilia can do under a Donald Trump presidency. |
God Bless the United States of America. |
One of the most concealed, reviled, and avoided truths of human existence in a materialist society built on egalitarian principles is that the value of human life is neither objective or abstractly priceless. |
Human life has specific subjective value. Not only are some human lives worth more than others, but some people are more concretely classifiable as human beings than others. There are people that walk the earth which cannot and should not be considered human beings. |
These are innately instinctive truths which have been understood about human nature ever since the dawn of civilization. These truths represent horrific disruption to every system of government touted as correct by the amorphous blob which defines western hegemony. |
Everything you were taught in school, every movie you were fed, every song you listened to, and every chiding lecture from anyone even slightly important on television has existed to reinforce the message that the value of human life cannot be counted or compared. |
And yet, it not only can be, but is calculated to mathematical precision every day by corporations, government agencies, militaries, think tanks, hedge funds, and banking institutions. |
Value is a relative concept. Your value to the world around you is exclusively determined by your effect on the world and those in it. Even the most minor ineffectualities by peripheral presence contribute to the great piggie bank of how others see you. |
If you are ugly, you have less value than the beautiful because you inflict a sensory burden on those around you. |
If you are stupid, you have less value than the intelligent because you are unable to contribute as much and often create problems which smarter people must develop solutions to mitigate. |
If you are poor, you have less value than the rich because you simultaneously are far less capable of actionable consequence and autonomy, but you likely inhabit a number of other negativities which compound upon your squalid existence. |
Refugees represent an almost exclusive drain upon the society in which they inflict their presence. They are not simply within the category of “immigrant” which is a mixed bag of utility depending on context. They are purely a vague category of disenfranchised and prospectless mouths to feed whose use to society is mainly through the steering of their destination for the purpose of political pandering or to be used as pawns in societal destabilization. |
A refugees life is almost certainly worth far less than a ridiculous little waffle eating squirrel, simply through the mathematics of emotional impact that squirrel had compounded through the amplifier of social media. A squirrel that entertained thousands, millions of people will always be worth more than even most human individuals of well repute. |
Even a wild squirrel eating an acorn on a tree branch in a park will be worth more for the sole act of making a little girl smile than a smelly pissed stained homeless person on a subway, who has accrued enough collective ire, imposition, and sensory assault on his surroundings that any society would be justified in feeding him into a sluice that processes his mass into fertilizer. |
Progressive identity politics ridden grandstanders will cry and shit their pants over the most obvious truths about existence, which they cannot even parse in their schizophrenic slogan built delusion reality where no individual person has value but the category of being “a person” is everything. |
“Did he deserve to go to jail just for being loud on the train???” |
Yes |
“Is your personal stuff worth someone else’s life?” |
Much more |
“(Random crime) doesn’t mean he deserved to get shot.” |
No, his existence already justified it. |
This is the world you and everyone actually lives in, one where the localization of your reality dictates value. |
I would wipe out the population of three different continents just to save the life of someone I loved and if you disagree I’m a better person than you are. |
You have zero recourse against this truth, as you participate in a constant biological dynamic which depends on it. Your existence is founded upon compliance with daily constant horrors inflicted on unseen, unknown, and unthought of people far away. |
Your leaders, icons, and the fulcrums of everything which defines the staples of your culture and personality are largely either sadistic pedophiles or beholden to them. |
Your food is the product of mass slaughter and geographic desolation, and even if you take great pains to assuage your own conscience at great inconvenience or expense (you should actually just be doing this for your health and quality of life (veganism isn’t healthy or proper, slaughterhouse animals fulfill great destiny by being eaten)), you still depend on an interconnected system which sustains itself through daily holocaust. |
This is not a blackpill, it is a great alleviation to those willing to accept minor responsibility through their own existence and acknowledge that both fairness is a delusion and the way things are in life are affected by ecosystems beyond physical reality. |
It isn’t wrong to be selfish. Trying to fix things outside of your life and family is the root of the world’s great turmoils. Excessive consideration for the world around you while your own life is in shambles is not selfless charity, it is a great sin which has been responsible for a number of turmoils inflicted upon the world over centuries. God does not appreciate when you try to do His job. |
This is how human beings have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Revulsion at truth is just the withdrawal symptoms of a society awakening to intuition. Kevin Spacey gets assigned three sacrificial catamites at a year in exchange for continuing to acting in at least one good movie every two years. |
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