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640 | Research in 2013 showed that only 5% of the UK population can see more than 31 stars on a clear night.
| The 2013 Star Count revealed that only 5% of the UK population can see more than 31 stars on a clear night.
841 | In 2012, scientists chose the formal name flerovium for element 114, after the Flerov Lab at Dubnas Joint Institute of Research.
| When elements 114 and 116 were given formal names in 2012, scientists chose flerovium and livermorium respectively, after the Flerov Lab at Dubnas Joint Institute of Research and the Lawrence Livermore Lab in the US, where the elements were discovered.
345 | Some rich Nepali have tiger heads on the walls of their living rooms.
| Some wealthy Nepali have tiger heads on the walls of their living rooms.
359 | Like many others, he felt they needed the money for other things for extra carers to look after Rjukans old people, perhaps, or better schools, cycle paths and roads.
| Like many others, he felt that the money should have been spent on other things on extra carers to look after Rjukans old people, perhaps, or improved school facilities, cycle paths and roads.
381 | The same is true for Armenia, which, like other countries of the ex-Soviet Union, had a strong education system.
| The same is true for Armenia, which, like other countries of the former Soviet Union, benefited from a strong education system.
655 | Most important, said Chapron, is the EU Habitats Directive, which has forced member states to protect and revive rare species.
| Most crucial, said Chapron, has been the EU Habitats Directive, which has forced member states to protect and revive rare species.
1,547 | Now, its lowest point, Piazza San Marco (only three feet above sea level) oods approximately 100 times a year.
| Nowadays, its lowest point, Piazza San Marco (only three feet above sea level) is inundated with water approximately 100 times a year.
193 | In 2012, the FAO published a list of 1,909 edible species of insect and plans a major international conference on this valuable food source in 2013.
| In 2012, the FAO published a list of 1,909 edible species of insect and plans a major international conference on this valuable food source in 2013. there are 40 tonnes of insects so there is not too much chance that they will become endangered.
29 | Poundland said it had no idea who removed the 4ft x 5ft mural from the side of its shop.
| A spokesperson for Poundland said it had no idea who removed the 4ft x 5ft mural from the side of one of its shops in London.
183 | Since the economic crisis began in 2009, Kethea has lost 70 of its 500 staff.
| Since the financial crisis began in 2009, Kethea has lost 70 of its 500 staff.
1,340 | Just 2% of childrens time using devices is spent emailing.
| Just 2% of childrens time using devices is spent emailing, compared to 33% for adults.
944 | Flappy Bird Dong Nguyen, the inventor of the mobile game Flappy Bird, removed it from app stores.
| Recently, Dong Nguyen, the designer of the mobile game Flappy Bird, removed it from app stores.
93 | With her Wall Street background and the experience of helping 100,000 businesses and services find money, Ringelmann has good advice for entrepreneurs.
| With her Wall Street background and the experience of helping 100,000 businesses and services raise money, Ringelmann has useful advice for budding entrepreneurs.
612 | Their Grecian columns are cracking into pieces and mosaic-tiled swimming pools are filled with broken stones.
| Their Grecian columns are cracking into pieces and mosaic-tiled swimming pools are filled with rubble.
895 | Even worse, there were too many victims in my stories 83 dead in a fi re at 6pm become 38 dead by 7pm; 12 people injured in a coach crash soon became two and so it went on.
| Even worse, there were too many victims in my stories almost 83 dead in a fi re at 6pm turned out to be as few as 38 by 7pm; 12 people injured in a coach crash soon became two and so it went on.
1,153 | The ban on wolf hunting in the western Carpathian mountains became law in 1995 and in the whole of Poland in 1998.
| The ban on wolf hunting in the western Carpathians became law in 1995 and in the whole of Poland in 1998.
1,236 | McKinlay believes humans must still able to take control of their navigation.
| Ultimately, McKinlay believes, its essential that humans remain able to take control of their navigation.
194 | The increase will put more pressure on agricultural land, water, forests, fisheries and resources, and also food and energy supplies.
| The increase will put more pressure on agricultural land, water, forests, fisheries and resources, as well as nutrients and energy supplies.
1,503 | A more open and connected world is a better world, wrote Zuckerberg.
| A more open and connected world is a better world.
1,636 | Prices have gone up but they havent gone up as quickly as the rest of the fast-food chains in the US.
| Prices have indeed gone up but they havent gone up as quickly as the rest of the fast-service chains in the US.
1,226 | We feel the lm is about hope, bravery and the ability to change your life, says Lisa Fruchtman.
| We feel the lm is about resilience, hope, bravery, resourcefulness and the ability to change the course of your own life, says Lisa Fruchtman.
959 | Turner was born in 1775 in London, the son of a barber, and he went to the Royal Academy Schools at the age of 14.
| Turner was born in 1775 in London, the son of a barber, and he entered the Royal Academy Schools at the age of 14.
263 | There has been a reduction in deaths of under-fives of nearly 60%, from 16.4 million in 1970 to 6.8 million in 2010.
| There has been a drop in deaths in under-fives of nearly 60%, from 16.4 million in 1970 to 6.8 million in 2010.
1,237 | La premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt is the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books main male character thinks she is Johansson.
| La premiere chose quon regarde (The First Thing We Look At) by Gregoire Delacourt tells the story of a French model who looks so similar to the American actor that the books lead male character thinks it is Johansson herself.
1,009 | The number one question is: can Spectre be as successful as Skyfall?
| The number one question is: can Spectre repeat Skyfalls success?
507 | Farmers in Europe, Israel and Australia have also experimented with growing it.
| Farmers in Europe, Israel and Australia have also experimented with it.
722 | Its only possible if you are determined and if you pay for it, Kcho told the Associated Press.
| Its only possible if you are determined and if you absorb the costs, Kcho told the Associated Press.
565 | In Inuvik, where most of the population is Inuit, the Muslim community has tried to find a balance between Ramadan and the local culture and traditions.
| In Inuvik, where most of the population is Inuit, the Muslim community has tried to strike a balance between Ramadan and the local culture and traditions.
583 | The building repairs are happening after the Rana Plaza building in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, collapsed in 2013 and 1,138 people died.
| The building repairs are happening in the wake of the collapse of the Rana Plaza complex in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, in 2013, in which 1,138 people were killed.
1,180 | And climate change is already having a serious effect on Paci c Islanders.
| And climate change is already beginning to have a serious effect on Paci c Islanders.
1,117 | I couldnt ban smoking in my bar without a ban in the whole city, says Douville.
| Theres no way I could have banned smoking in my bar without a ban throughout the whole city, says Douville.
1,624 | Traf c was already bad but this week it is chaotic, said Jecilda Mello, a local person.
| Traf c was already bad but this week it is chaotic, said Jecilda Mello, a local resident.
1,005 | It is also not known yet if oxytocin only has benefits for people with autism or has any bad side effects.
| And, it is also not yet clear if oxytocin only has benefits for people with autism or has any unwanted side effects.
1,137 | Other scientists reported health bene ts from listening to natural sounds.
| The warning came as other scientists reported health bene ts from listening to natural sounds.
755 | Lima has nearly ten million inhabitants but just four landfills so there are many illegal dumps.
| With just four landfills in a city of nearly ten million inhabitants, there are many illegal dumps.
686 | When two people on a remote Pacific island saw a small boat washed up on the beach, they decided to take a closer look.
| When two people from the Marshall Islands saw a small fibreglass boat washed up on the beach of a remote Pacific island, they decided to take a closer look.
808 | It did not matter if it was, as some people suggested, just a publicity stunt for a minor team, Clermont Foot 63.
| It did not matter if it was, as some people suggested, just a publicity stunt for a minor team, Clermont Foot 63, which is currently 14th out of the 20 teams in its league.
536 | We want to find a few photos to put with the bottle and give it a face, so visitors can see the young man who threw the bottle into the water, she said.
| We want to make a few photos available to put with the bottle and give it a face, so visitors can see the young man who threw the bottle into the water, she said.
43 | The low cost of buying and using a BlackBerry is still an advantage.
| The low cost of buying and communicating on a BlackBerry is still an advantage.
760 | One key reason why air pollution kills 400,000 European citizens each year is that car makers cheat the tests for diesel cars this causes much more pollution on the road, said Greg Archer, the clean vehicles manager for Transport and Environment.
| One key reason why air pollution kills 400,000 citizens each year is that car makers cheat the tests for diesel cars, causing much more pollution on the road, said Greg Archer, the clean vehicles manager for Transport and Environment.
146 | Not many exercise classes have a tea break in the middle.
| Not many exercise classes have a tea break halfway through.
1,143 | The idea of helping people to leave is sensitive at a time when many Italians many of them clever young graduates are leaving their country every year.
| The idea of encouraging people to leave is sensitive at a time when huge numbers of Italians many of them bright young graduates are leaving their country every year.
704 | The books have celebrity fans like Zooey Deschanel, who shared a link about the book with her Facebook followers, and the South Korean pop star Kim Ki-Bum, who posted an image on Instagram for his 1.6 million followers.
| They have fans like Zooey Deschanel, who shared a link about the book with her Facebook followers, and the South Korean pop star Kim Ki- Bum, who posted an image on Instagram for his 1.6 million followers.
1,436 | But, when he looked at the photos later, they were brown and murky.
| But, when he looked at the results later, the photos were brown and murky.
115 | After six weeks of testing, the group who did Tabatas plan exercising for just 88 minutes a week increased their anaerobic capacity by 28% and their VO2 max by 15%.
| After six weeks of testing, the group following Tabatas plan exercising for just 88 minutes a week had increased their anaerobic capacity by 28% and their VO2 max, something that shows your cardiovascular health and maximal aerobic power, by 15%.
1,187 | The scientist who led the research said that, if emissions of greenhouse gases are not reduced, the planet will be at least 4C warmer by 2100.
| The scientist who led the research said that, unless emissions of greenhouse gases are reduced, the planet will heat up by a minimum of 4C by 2100.
1,514 | 4 Facebook has been the tool to organize revolutions Organizing demonstrations has been revolutionized by Facebook.
| 4 Facebook has been the tool to organize revolutions Organizing demonstrations and direct action has been revolutionized by Facebook.
1,136 | If nding peace and quiet becomes too dif cult, many children will grow up without the experience and I think its a very big problem, he said.
| If nding peace and quiet becomes too dif cult, many, many children will grow up without the experience and I think its a very real problem, he said.
1,477 | Vienna is the worlds best city to live in, Baghdad is the worst and London, Paris and New York are not in the top 35, says an international study on quality of life.
| Vienna is the worlds best city to live in, Baghdad is the worst and London, Paris and New York do not even enter the top 35, according to international research into quality of life.
517 | Earlier, the Republican senator Mike Lee said there would be more trouble: The media keeps asking: Was it worth it?
| Earlier, the Republican senator Mike Lee said there may be more trouble ahead: The media keeps asking: Was it worth it?
516 | A journalist asked the president if the crisis would happen again in a few months.
| The president was asked by a journalist whether the crisis would happen again in a few months.
918 | Blue light scatters more than other colours, so the blue looks like it comes from the sky.
| Blue light scatters more than the lowerenergy colours, so the blue looks like it comes from the sky.
530 | Then, he told me that someone had found a message in a bottle and that on the card was my grandfathers name.
| He then told me that a message in a bottle had been found and that the name that was on the card was that of my grandfather.
1,334 | These children, who were born in the new millennium, are learning how to use smartphones and tablets before they can talk.
| Born in the new millennium, these children are learning how to operate smartphones or tablets before they are able to talk.
937 | The staff and I have been sad.
| The staff and I have been pretty sad.
647 | The multimillion-pound project would also have a hotel and attract 100,000 visitors a year that is four times the number that are currently able to use the observatory.
| The multimillion-pound project would also have a hotel and draw in 100,000 people a year, four times the number currently able to use the observatory.
716 | Hundreds of young Cubans are using a free, unrestricted internet service in the communist island nation.
| Hundreds of young Cubans are using the first known free, open-access internet service in the communist island nation.
232 | Under French law, if you do not respect someones privacy, you may have to spend a maximum of one year in prison and pay a fine of 45,000.
| Under French law, if you invade someones privacy, you may have to spend a maximum of one year in prison and pay a fine of 45,000.
858 | Tea is still the most popular hot drink in the UK but people now spend more money on coffee.
| And, while tea remains the most popular hot drink in the UK, people now spend more money on coffee.
78 | It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work without punishment.
| It is outrageous that anyone can steal an artists work and get away with it.
637 | Instead, they decide to use their powerful telescopes to look at Jupiter and Venus and, later, to find stars such as Capella and Betelgeuse.
| Instead, they decide to use their powerful telescopes to observe Jupiter and Venus and, later, to pick out stars such as Capella and Betelgeuse.
403 | He said he was very annoyed by articles that compare his role as an Apache co-pilot gunner to Spitfire crews during the second world war.
| He said he was particularly annoyed by articles comparing his role as an Apache co-pilot gunner to Spitfire crews during the second world war.
1,379 | The Mesolithic man, who lived in Spain about 7,000 years ago, had an unusual mix of blue eyes, black or brown hair and dark skin.
| The Mesolithic man, who lived in Spain around 7,000 years ago, had an unusual mix of blue eyes, black or brown hair and dark skin, according to analyses of his genetic make-up.
897 | Some experts believe there is a link between dyscalculia the diffi culty in understanding arithmetic and problems learning foreign languages, particularly if you learn languages by rote.
| Some experts believe there is a link between dyscalculia the diffi culty in understanding arithmetic and problems learning foreign languages, particularly if languages are learnt by rote.
879 | So far, there are detailed maps of about 2,000 miles of Californias roads, but California has more than 170,000 miles of roads.
| So far, there are high-detail maps of about 2,000 miles of Californias roads, but the state has more than 170,000 miles of public roads.
1,155 | The Polish government pays compensation to farmers when a wolf kills their farm animals.
| The Polish government pays compensation for farm animals killed by wolves.
642 | In Northumberland Dark Sky Park, it is so dark that Venus casts a shadow on the Earth.
| In Northumberland Dark Sky Park, as the area was renamed, it is so dark that Venus casts a shadow on the Earth.
679 | It wasnt easy and it wasnt immediate.
| It wasnt easy and it certainly wasnt immediate.
152 | She reads me a few lines from a poem she has written called That Beast Called Age.
| Ageing is no fun, she admits, reading me a few lines from a poem she has written called That Beast Called Age.
103 | Early on Saturday morning, he reached the summit of Nuptse, the first of the three main summits in the Everest horseshoe.
| Early on Saturday morning, he reached the summit of Nuptse, the first and lowest of the three main summits in the Everest horseshoe that surrounds the glaciated valley called the Western Cwm.
1,282 | We realize we have much work to do, Manby said.
| We realize we have much work ahead of us, Manby said.
189 | The original inquiry did not believe this propaganda.
| This propaganda did not convince the original inquiry.
56 | 120 companies have joined our Think, Act, Report scheme, which encourages companies to improve the way they recruit, promote and pay women.
| We have signed up 120 companies to our Think, Act, Report scheme, which encourages companies to improve the way they recruit, promote and pay women.
323 | They said they would never be involved in a program like that.
| They said they would never have been involved in such a program.
803 | She is trying to save for a deposit.
| Gavin is trying to save for a deposit.
982 | They are already building a new town square, 3km to the east, with a circular town hall planned by Danish architect Henning Larsen.
| A new town square is already being built, 3km to the east, with a circular town hall planned by Danish architect Henning Larsen.
926 | A recent report says that the wealthiest people in India will become four times richer by 2018 hundreds of thousands of new entrepreneurs and inheritors will become multimillionaires.
| According to a recent report, the wealthiest people in India will become four times richer by 2018, with hundreds of thousands of new entrepreneurs and inheritors becoming multimillionaires.
122 | Facebook has lost millions of users every month in its biggest markets.
| Facebook has lost millions of users per month in its biggest markets.
206 | Glass has many uses you can surf the internet, read emails, take photographs but Telepathy will be more of a communication machine.
| Glass has a range of uses you can surf the internet, read emails, take photographs but Telepathy will be more of a communication device.
1,366 | This new lm goes back to Han Solo and Luke Skywalker so it will reconnect with the rst Star Wars lm.
| This new lm goes back to Han Solo and Luke Skywalker so we hope it will reconnect with the original Star Wars lms.
1,373 | At the moment, a traf c light knows when a car is getting close but thats all.
| Currently, a traf c light knows when a car is getting close but thats all.
1,654 | Ethical hacker Typical salary: A newly quali ed hacker will usually have a minimum salary of 35,000 to 50,000.
| Ethical hacker Typical salary: A newly quali ed hacker can expect a minimum salary of 35,000 to 50,000.
1,147 | But Piscedda says, The work I can create, as mayor, is temporary.
| The work I can create, as mayor, is temporary.
1,286 | People often think Shakespeare left Stratford and his family, went to London to earn his fortune and only came back to die, he said.
| People often see Shakespeare as someone who turned his back on Stratford and his family, went to London to earn his fortune and only came back to die, he said.
1,392 | In 2013, one of the mothers, who is 33 and unemployed, wanted her ex-partner to pay maintenance for her daughter.
| But, in 2013, one of the mothers, who is 33 and unemployed, sued her ex-partner for maintenance for her daughter.
736 | It went to the top of the UK album chart and gave him a top 10 single, Jump They Say.
| It topped the UK album chart and gave him a top 10 single, Jump They Say.
904 | Actor Verne Troyer used milk, also for environmental reasons.
| Actor Verne Troyer used milk, again saying it was for environmental reasons.
1,202 | Lovemore, from Zimbabwe, is now one of the poorest people in his village.
| Lovemore, from Zimbabwe, has become one of the poorest people in his village.
1,396 | The High Court in Pretoria has asked the University of Pretorias Centre for Child Law to find out what will be best for the children.
| The High Court in Pretoria has asked the University of Pretorias Centre for Child Law to investigate what will now be in the best interests of the children.
38 | In 2005, BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone and the company was just entering its period of success.
| Back in 2005, when BlackBerry brought instant messaging to the mobile phone, the company was just entering its boom times.
683 | It was an adventure.
| It was a real adventure.
1,611 | But, the rest of us live here all year.
| But, the rest of us live here year round.
750 | They will seal his manuscript and put it next to Atwoods manuscript in a room in Oslos new public library, which will open in 2019.
| His manuscript, now delivered, will be sealed and placed alongside Atwoods in a wood-lined room in Oslos new public library, which will open in 2019.
207 | Im a visionary, he says.
| Im a visionary.
1,295 | The actor Mark Rylance has called the First Folio his favourite book in the world and most of the surviving First Folios will be on display including those that belong to the British and Bodleian libraries, and a copy recently discovered in France.
| The actor Mark Rylance has called it his favourite book in the world and most of the surviving First Folios will be on display including those belonging to the British and Bodleian libraries, and a tattered copy recently discovered in France.
400 | Prince Harry has left Afghanistan at the end of a four-month tour.
| Prince Harry has flown out of Afghanistan at the end of a four-month tour.
1,095 | The ISS, he said, is a place that uses the power of the sun and an international team helped to build it.
| The ISS, he said, is a place that uses the power of the sun and was built with the help of an international team.
1,048 | He gets what all referees want every time they referee a match.
| He gets what all referees hope for every time they referee a match.
1,119 | Back home in England, every pub I knew closed because of the smoking ban, remembers Timms of Englands ban, which began in 2007.
| Back home in England, every pub I knew closed within a year of the smoking ban, remembers Timms of the UKs ban, begun in 2007.
1,643 | Faehrmann said the protests showed that Australians wanted sharks to be protected: Whats amazing is that so many people in Australia love sharks.
| Faehrmann said the protests had shown that Australians wanted sharks protected: Whats amazing is so many people in Australia love sharks.
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