missing training data?

by typeof - opened

when decompressed, the following files are empty πŸ˜” ... wondering if the contents are missing?

size file
13 algebraic-stack/train/github-coq-train-0001.jsonl.zst
13 algebraic-stack/train/github-coq-train-0002.jsonl.zst
13 algebraic-stack/train/github-MATLAB-train-0001.jsonl.zst
13 algebraic-stack/train/github-MATLAB-train-0002.jsonl.zst
13 algebraic-stack/train/github-MATLAB-train-0003.jsonl.zst


Same issue

EleutherAI org

Thanks for bringing this up. As far as I can tell, those empty files were created by mistake, and there is no missing data.

When I have time, I'll verify this by rerunning the data generation script.

typeof changed discussion status to closed

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