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An Abandoned House is a ruined structure made of wood. Depending on the type of structure, it may contain furniture, such as a Wooden standing torch, a Chair, a Table and even a Chestuwith random lootu. In the Meadows, Beehives often spawn, making looting these structures trickier. Some of the more intact ones can be easily repaired, potentially serving as an expedient field base. Oftentimes, if they are next to a swamp, they may contain DraugrDraugrs along with Body piles in some houses. See Draugr Village Can be found in Meadows and Mountains. WorldNav CategoryPoints of interest
Stub FileValheim Abandonedoutpost1 ver07910.jpgthumb220x220pxAbandoned Outpost at the coast of Black Forest Biomesbiome as seen in Valheimsupver a0.79.10sup A Ruined Tower made of stone, can be found in the Black Forest Biomesbiome, mostly near the coast. Near the entrance may be a Barrel and a Chair. Inside, there is usually decrepit stairs and a Chest with mostly urandom lootu. Abandoned Outposts are generally surrounded by Greydwarfs. WorldNav CategoryPoints of interest
Abandoned Villages are a bunch of decrepit buildings that can be found in open areas at Meadows. They commonly spawn with 25 buildings and a couple of broken garden plots with RaspberriesRaspberry bushes in them. They also have decorative signposts. Buildings Buildings in Abandoned Villages are all the same style they are short and their roofs goes all the way down to ground. They are good for starter bases, but they spawn broken or in bad condition, repairing with a hammer does not require any additional supplies. They usually spawn with nothing inside, but the houses can contain Beds or Chests. The chest usually contains Amber, Flinthead arrow, Flint, or Torch. Gallery gallery positioncenter widths320px captionalign FileAbandoned village with many animal pens.pngA typical Abandoned Village FileA house.pngIt is common that a Beehive spawns inside abandoned building FileRaspberry farm plot.pngRaspberries inside a farming plot. If you find these it is probably a good idea to keep it, because it is not possible to farm raspberries. gallery WorldNav CategoryPoints of interest
infobox creature title Abomination image 0star Abomination.png trophy Abomination trophy id Abomination faction Undead location Swamp drops Abomination trophybrGuckbrRoot itemRoot health 0star 800 damage 0star 60 Blunt, 100 Chop, 60 Pickaxe 80 Blunt, 100 Chop, 60 Pickaxe 80 Blunt, 100 Chop, 60 Pickaxe abilities Leg Sweep Leg Stomp Head Crush veryweak weak Fire resistant Blunt veryresistant Pierce immune Frost, Poison, Spirit neutral Lightning, Slash stagger 33 image 1starAbomination 1star.pngimage 2starAbomination 2star.png Abominations are aggressive creatures found in the Swamps. They are large treelike entities comprised of multiple branches and four sturdy roots which it uses as legs to move around. Due to its weakness to fire damage, killing it with Fire arrows is a valid option. DamageSlashSlashing damage Axes, Swords, Knifes takes it down quite rapidly. With a Banded shield or better, its attacks can be parried and the creature defeated surprisingly easily. Drops drop table drop rowitemAbomination trophy0star50 drop rowitemGuck0star34 drop rowitemRootlinkRoot item0star5 stars0 Spawning spawn table spawn rowtypeSpawn zonesMiddle of the Swampslimit1frequency2starsNo Attacks and abilities Forstrategies for defeating AbominationsAggressive creature strategiesAbomination Gallery gallery FileAbomination 0star.PNG FileFirearrowabomination.jpgAbomination destroyed by fire arrows. FileIddle Abomination .pngIdle abomination before aggro gallery Notes The idle form of the abomination looks a lot like a tree stump. They tend to spawn in open water areas, sometimes among reeds. They also give off the Swamps typical green gas effect, which is a big giveaway. Due to the limited number of locations that match the spawn criteria, they can often appear to spawn in similar locations each time. They will not respawn in a zone during the cooldown period of 4000 seconds or around 66 minutes. Abominations are quite perceptive but their activation range is greater than their detection range. If they are killed in deep water, the guck will sink and possibly be lost, but the root, and the trophy if one is dropped, floats. The Root itemRoot item drop opens access to the Root Set, which requires 66 Root in total to craft and fully upgrade. Thus requiring 14 abomination kills in all, from the fixed 5 Root per drop. Despite appearances, abominations are not considered trees by the Elder power. As abominations are weak to fire, players can lure them over Fire geysers for a speedy kill. Fire stacks up to a point, so keeping them over the flame by kiting them will keep adding fire stacks. Creatures ruМерзость csOhavnost ukГидь deMonstrosität frAbomination
infobox item title Abomination trophy image Abomination trophy.png description Its been dead so long that it started living again. id TrophyAbomination type Trophy source Abomination usage Decoration buy sell weight 4.0 stack 20 teleport Yes Abomination trophies are sometimes dropped by AbominationAbominations in SwampSwamps. Crafting Sticky fishing bait Gallery gallery Fileabominationtrophy.jpgFloating Abomination trophy. gallery Notes Can be displayed in an Item Standitem stand. Can be used to program BallistaBalistas. ruТрофей Мерзость ukКубло Гиді csTrofej z Ohavnosti deMonstrositätTrophäe frTrophée dabomination
Infobox_structure title Abyssal barnacle appearance Abyssal barnacle.png type Resource Node source Leviathan durability 40 tool tier 0 resistances neutral pickaxe, lightning immune blunt, slash, pierce, chop, fire, frost, poison, spirit Abyssal barnacles are a Materials Listresource node and can be mined with a Pickaxes Skillpickaxe from the backs of Leviathans found in the Ocean biome. Availability Each mined barnacle has a 10 chance to trigger the Leviathans retreat, signaled by a howl sound. Make sure to have a nearby Boatsboat or land to fall back to when it begins to sink. Drops Drops ChitinChitin.png34 Notes Any type of pickaxe can be used to mine the barnacles, but higher grade ones are recommended as they will allow for more material to be mined. As Chitin is primarily obtained from barnacles, the only way to obtain additional Chitin after all of a worlds Leviathans have been mined for it is by Fishingfishing using Heavy fishing bait. Chitin can be endlessly obtained this way, although the required bait can be difficult to obtain. Gallery gallery widths205 20210218235229 1.jpgJust before the Leviathan sinks, the sea boils and the creature shakes as a warning Isleland.PNG gallery WorldNav csHlubinný korýš ruГлубинная ракушка
infobox weapon image Abyssal harpoon.png description The oceans wrath. id SpearChitin type Spear source Workbench hitbox speed durability 50 crafting level 2 repair level 2 pierce 10 backstab 1x materials 1 Fine wood x8 Chitin x30 Leather scraps x3damage secondary0stamina15block armor21 The abyssal harpoon is a utility Spearsspear. Its primary attack throws the spear and latches onto nonBossesboss creatures. When a leashed enemy moves too far away, they are dragged towards the player, draining the players stamina constantly. Attacking again or with any other weapon, moving too far away from the leashed target, running out of stamina, or attempting to drag the target through impassable terrain or structures will break the leash. Upgrade information classarticletable Quality 1 Pierce 10 Durability 50 Crafting 8 Fine woodbr 30 Chitinbr 3 Leather scraps Upgrade station rowWorkbench1start2 Notes Does not work on fish. The abyssal harpoon is mostly a utility weapon which can be used for relocating creatures, such as boars into pens, or for dragging SerpentSea Serpents to land, making their Serpent scales and trophy recoverable these items normally sink to the bottom of water out of sight. Interacting with a ships rudder will not break the leash. A Medium stamina mead may be helpful to maintain contact with a leashed target, because the stamina regeneration will occur even while the leashed target struggles to escape. If in multiplayer, with PvP turned on, players can harpoon each other. And with careful coordination and preparation, can even launch each other across vast distances. ToolsNav WeaponsNav FrHarpon_abyssal csHarpuna z hlubin ruГлубинный гарпун
infobox weapon title Abyssal razor image Abyssal razor.png description A knife from the deep. id KnifeChitin type Knife source Workbench crafting level 2 repair level 2 pierce 20 slash 20 materials 1 Fine wood x4 Chitin x20 Leather scraps x2 materials 2 Chitin x10 materials 3 Chitin x20 materials 4 Chitin x30 stamina8 The abyssal razor is the third Knivesknife. Its primary attack is a 3hit attack combo with double damage on the last hit. Its secondary attack is a leap with 3x damage. It deals 6x damage against enemies that have not been alerted. Upgrade information div styleoverflowx auto overflowy auto classarticletable Quality 1 2 3 4 Total Pierce 20 21 22 23 Slash 20 21 22 23 Durability 200 250 300 350 Crafting 4 Fine woodbr 20 Chitinbr 2 Leather scraps 10 Chitin 20 Chitin 30 Chitin 4 Fine woodbr 80 Chitinbr 2 Leather scraps Upgrade station rowWorkbench4start2 div Notes Damage is equivalent to an Ironiron tier weapon, without requiring any ore to craft. Weapons FrRasoir_abyssal csBřitva z hlubin ruГлубинное лезвие
infobox item title Acorns image Acorns.png description Plant them to grow an oak tree. id Acorn type Seed source Oak usage Farming buy sell weight 0.1 stack 100 teleport Yes crop 1 Oak grow time 60008000 cultivated No radius 3 biomes Meadows, Black Forest, and Plains Acorns are an item that can be planted using the cultivator to produce new oak trees. Once planted, seeds take a few ingame days to grow to full size. Seedlings require a small amount of space directly around where they are planted if they do not have enough space, they will not grow into full trees. ruЖелуди ukЖолуді csŽaludy deEicheln frGlands
Adornments are structures that can be used to decorate roofs. They require Fine wood and the proximity of a Workbench to be built and repaired. Common properties Adornments share the following properties classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible Common properties PropertyValue Durability400 Building StabilitySupportSupportWood Building StabilityLossLossWood DamageResistances Weak Chop Neutral Blunt, Slash, Pickaxe, Fire, Frost, Lightning Resistant Pierce Immune Poison, Spirit Damaged by EnvironmentRainrain No Structures classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible StructureMaterialsSize Structures Item linkWood dragon adornmentsize64pxnolink1 Fine wood x10 4x1.85x0.7 Item linkRaven adornmentsize64pxnolink1 Fine wood x10 Tar x1 3x1.4x0.5 Item linkWolf adornmentsize64pxnolink1 Fine wood x10 Tar x1 2.2x2x1 Gallery gallery Wood Dragon Adornment.jpgWood dragon adornment appearance Raven adornment appearance1.jpgRaven adornment appearance Wolf adornment appearance1.jpgWolf adornment appearance gallery BuildingNav CategoryBuilding structures ruУкрашения
infobox structure title Adze image Adze.png appearance Adze appearance.png description Workbench improvement id piece_workbench_ext3 type Crafting source Forge usage Upgrades Workbench durability 100 size 2x1 rain damage no materials Fine wood x10 Bronze x3 effects resistancesextension The adze serves as an upgrade for the workbench when placed within two meters of it. It must be placed near a forge, but does not require one in order to function afterward. However, it does still require a forge to remove it with the hammer. Trivia An wikipediaAdzeadze is a cutting tool used for smoothing or carving wood in hand woodworking. frHerminette csSkoble ruТесло
div styletextalignjustify CreaturesAggressive CreaturesAggressive creatures can have stars representing their Creature Levellevel. Onestar creatures have double the health and deal 150 damage, while twostars have triple the health and deal double damage, and can therefore be difficult to fight. Using the right strategy will make killing them much easier. div CategoryGuides references
Ashlands Fallen Valkyrie MainFallen Valkyrie FileFallen Valkyrie.pngthumb100x100px Silver arrow does really good damage against Fallen Valkyrie because of its spirit damage. If they pause on fly, be prepared to dodge these missiles as they does huge Poison and DamageFire damage if hit more than twice. You can outrun long cast time Whirlwind, but Claw attack has to be either blocked or parried because of its range. In case of dealing with multiple targets alongside Valkyrie, try to bait Whirlwind and Fire Spit for friendlyfire damage although its riskier. Charred Warrior MainCharred Warrior FileCharred_Warrior.pngthumb100x100px Charred Warriors have a somewhat slow walking animation, meaning they can be outran easily. Warriors have different attack animations, such as a forward thrust or a delayed swing. These make parrying less predictable before their animations are learned. Charred Marksman MainCharred Marksman FileCharred Marksman.pngthumb100x100px Charred Marksmen have two attacks, a burst shot when the player is farther away, and a single direct shot when the player is closer. The direct shot can be parried, akin to a Draugr with a bow. They are best dealt with by attacking them in melee range, rather than with a ranged weapon, due to their resistance to Pierce. Charred Warlock MainCharred Warlock FileCharred Warlock.pngthumb100x100px Warlock only appears on Fortress or Point of Interest Dyrnwyn quest and they are extremely dangerous. Silver arrow are the best here before engaging them closer. Fire resistance barley wine is the best to counter their Fireball attack. Their summon, while fragile, also does the same damage as Charred Twitcher, therefore they must be dealt with first before the warlock themselves. Charred Twitcher MainCharred Twitcher FileCharred Twitcher.pngthumb100x100px Strategy placeholder Morgen MainMorgen FileMorgen.pngthumb100x100px For melee users Mistwalker causes frost almost immediately on it, making it slower and leaving it open to be hit again with the Mistwalker from the side. When it is about to roll remember that it will not roll towards you, it will only roll to one of its sides, so just roll back to avoid that. The swipe attack can be a little tricky to avoid, but timing your roll can make it way easier. Bring a bottle of stamina to use for safety. Combining Bonemass forsaken power, a high Health food 80 or so and a heavy armor will make the fight way wasier, as you will get the chance to be hit multiple times without worrying too much about dying. Try to separate the Morgen from any other mobs, take advantage of the fast movement of the Morgen and kite it out of any groups. Fighting the ones found inside caves can be easier than fighting outside because you dont have to worry about any other mobs, but the fog inside the cave might also be very annoying for some. For magic users Good stamina and Feather Cape help a lot here Get to high ground, the tornado rocky towers usually have narrow paths making it more difficult for the Morgen to follow you up while the Morgen also blocks the path to any other mobs thus making group management easier. Just unload everything you have on the Morgen until it is about to reach you up using the Staff of Frost will buy you more time, then just fall down wait for the Morgen to follow you down while you regain Eitr, circle the Morgen and climb back up. Rinse and repeat. Bonemaw Serpent MainBonemaw Serpent FileBonemaw.pngthumb100x100px Frost arrow is really good against Bonemaw Serpent. Unlike Serpent, they also spawn during the day and also has a Fire spit attack, so deal with this quick before landing. Asksvin MainAsksvin FileAsksvin.pngthumb100x100px Asksvins have two attacks, a bite when the player is in melee range, and a leap. They can also run quickly, and can thus be considered more dangerous than Charred. Their leap deals significant knockback, which may push the player into lava. For this reason, they should be dealt with before traversing lava, as they can run directly on the lava and knock players off Basalt bomb platforms. Volture MainVolture FileVolture.pngthumb100x100px Voltures will attempt to get behind the player and attack with their talons. If the player turns toward the Volture to attack it, it will attempt to fly up in the air can get behind the player again. Additionally, Voltures are among the fastest enemies in the game and can outrun a player in light armor with the full effect of Wind Run, making them especially dangerous to players with very low health. Voltures deal little damage and do not have very much health, but their speed and tendency to get behind the player can make them a nuisance and a threat in larger numbers. Care should be taken when fighting other enemies when nearby Voltures, since the latter can potentially get behind the player and block them in. Voltures can only be encountered in two locations in the Ashlands Biomesbiome around Volture nests where several may spawn, but only one time they will not respawn there periodically, or randomly in areas at or below sea level. Besides onetime encounters around nests, this does mean that Voltures are encountered chiefly at the coastline of the Ashlands, where they can spawn slightly offshore they are much more rarely encountered inland as random spawns, since low altitudes are rare there sometimes, lava sections can have low enough altitudes that Voltures can spawn there, although they are not immune to lava and will quickly die if they touch it. Voltures often spawn just far enough out to sea that they are not highly likely to spot players who remain on dry land however, wading out into the waters towards them but remaining in water shallow enough to stand in is usually sufficient to attract their attention. Area of effect attacks are effective when dealing with Voltures, for similar reasons to how they work well against BatsBats their rapid movement and tendency to approach from awkward angles makes AoE damage an easier way of dealing with them, especially in numbers their low health means they die quickly even to relativelyinferior weaponry e.g. even a Black metal atgeirs secondary attack is still capable of twoshotting Voltures. Good weapon options for dealing with Voltures which are Ashlandsappropriate include the Himminafl secondary attack, the Demolisher, and the Staff of Embers for mages especially the latter two, due to their spherical hit areas polearms secondary attacks hit in a flat circle, which can more easily miss Voltures if they are not very near your own altitude. With appropriate weapons, players should have little to fear from Voltures on their own, even with only Mistlandstier armor, since they can be dealt with quickly before they can start piling up damage. Voltures are more dangerous when they join battle with other creatures as is often the case in the Ashlands, due to its high spawn rates. Voltures are highpriority targets in these situations they must be dealt with rapidly or they will begin stacking damage on players, as well as interfering with their ability to combat the other creatures and placing them at risk on those fronts. Skugg MainSkugg FileSkugg.pngthumb100x100px The best way to deal with Skugg is either with a bow or catapult. Bow is more efficient because they take down Skuggs without risk of being inside their range. Catapult with Explosive payload requires a little bit of aiming but it can also take down wall. After player breaks through the wall and destroys all the Effigy of Malicenowikis, go straight to take Skuggs down. They cannot shoot player right next to it. Lava Blob MainLava Blob FileLava Blob.pngthumb100x100px Lava Blobs explode upon entering the melee range of a player. Their explosion animation is noticeable and the explosion can be easily dodged by rolling, dealing friendly fire to surrounding creatures. It can be leveraged by luring the blob towards other creatures, although this is a risky maneuver.
Black Forest Greydwarf MainGreydwarf FileGreydwarf 0S.pngthumb100x100px Greydwarfs actively avoid fires and will throw small rock projectiles if they are out of melee range. They are easily killed with Torchtorches and other firerelated weapons, however, any weapon typically suffices. Their stonethrowing can obstruct attempts to raise crops such as carrots and turnips, or replant trees, since they will target the individual plantings for destruction. Fields should either be fenced or placed out of greydwarf range. Greydwarf brute MainGreydwarf brute FileGreydwarf_Brute_0star.pngthumb100x100px Brutes are not afraid of fire and their large stone clubs can cause a great deal of damage to structures. They are more easily killed with torches and other firebased weapons. An archer with fire arrows who kites a Brute from a distance will see it burn to death fairly quickly. It is recommended with lowertier weapons and armor to actively parry or dodge a Brutes swings. Unlike Greydwarfs, they lack a ranged attack which makes them helpless if they cannot physically reach their targets. Greydwarf shaman MainGreydwarf shaman FileGreydwarf_Shaman_0star.pngthumb100x100px Unlike GreydwarfGreydwarfs and GreylingGreylings, they are not afraid of fire, and can cause lingering damage with their poison attack. When attacking a Shaman, they are more easily defeated using torches and other firebased weapons. In addition, Shamans will also use a healing pollen to regain theirs and other factionrelated creatures health over time. Shamans should be prioritized first to maximize efficiency when dealing with patrol squads and raiding groups. Due to the faction mechanic, shamans can heal trolls as well. Note that when injured, the shamans will spray their healing pollen directly upward about a meter and a half, and it will not take effect until it drifts back down. Two quick arrows or a strong melee attack will often kill a shaman despite its attempts to heal itself. Troll MainTroll FileTroll 0S.pngthumb100x100px Troll attacks are relatively slow and easy to dodge by utilizing sidestrafing and rolling. They have an exceptional amount of health, able to cause a lot of damage, especially against ore deposits, rocks, structures and trees. Their mobility is limited due to their large size, and they cannot pass through narrow gaps. Some trolls wield tree trunk clubs, while some seem unarmed, but toss boulders at the player from a distance. Unarmed Trolls will smash the ground with their fists if you get close to them. Outrunning a troll is problematic, as trolls move faster than a running but not sprinting player. However, they are slow to turn, so one can avoid their attacks by running around obstacles like trees, fallen trunks or stones. As with the other enemies, trolls are hostile to creatures from other factions, so an occasional skeleton can be used as a distraction to break distance and escape. Angry trolls kited into the Swamp biome usually break off pursuit quickly, being distracted by attacks on swamp creatures such as leeches. Trolls are not hostile to greydwarfs and can even be healed by greydwarf shamans. It is helpful to dispose of those quickly while evading the troll to make maneuvering and fight easier. Trolls are weak to pierce damage, so Bowbows and spears are a particularly effective way to deal damage. Using Fire arrowfire arrows is perfect, but note that water or rain can extinguish the fire, negating any lasting damage. Using a shield with high parry power bronze or better might also consider parrying the troll, although this takes some practice. Players with endgame armor take minimal damage from troll attacks. If a Troll is pulled to the entrance of a dungeon like Burial Chambers, it can be attacked while it runs around the entrance. When the Troll is about to attack, move backwards to enter the dungeon. The same back and forth tactic can also be used to kill a troll in its home cave a troll in a cave will not pursue the player to outside the cave. Trolls are all but helpless when confronted with deep ditches, and sometimes fall into ditches or pits, effectively neutralizing themselves. Since a troll can quickly damage structures, digging ditches or making ramparts around vital settlements is very useful to keep them at bay. The unarmed Trolls ground slam attack is bugged and does two instances of damage when hitting diggable terrain. The first is the main attack, doing up to 70 damage unmitigated, the second deals 50 damage. Ghost MainGhost FileGhost 0star.pngthumb100x100px They are slightly tougher than Skeletons but do not pose a major threat on their own. Their melee attack can be parried with help of the sound they emit. Skeleton MainSkeleton FileSkeleton 0S.pngthumb100x100px Skeletons have a chance of spawning with a BowsBow 20, only a SwordsSword 40, a Sword and Wood shield 20, or a sword and Bronze buckler 20. Fighting a Skeleton effectively is relatively simple, requiring a standard dodge or parry tactic, then delivering a strike with a Clubsblunt or firerelated weapon. Rancid remains MainRancid remains FileRancid_Remains_0star.pngthumb100x100px Fighting Rancid remains effectively is relatively simple, requiring a standard dodge or parry tactic, then delivering a strike with a Clubsblunt or firerelated weapon. Their melee attack inflicts Poison damage. Root MainRoot creature FileRoots summoned by The Elder.pngthumb100x100px Roots deal high damage with their melee strike, unless the player has upgraded to Bronze armor. Their attacks are relatively easy to avoid by moving out of range since they cannot move beyond their fixed position. Trying to kill all of them is not effective considering how often they are summoned.
Meadows Boar MainBoar FileBoar.pngthumb100x100px Boars fear fire and avoid contact when in the presence of such. However, if provoked, they will alternate between charging in and retreating. Melee or range attacks work best when engaging with them. Neck MainNeck FileNeck 0star.pngthumb100x100px Necks fear fire and avoid contact, but will attack if provoked. They will charge and take a bite before retreating then countering with another bite. Using a torch may prove effective, but typically any Weaponsweapon should suffice. Greyling MainGreyling FileGreyling 0S.pngthumb100x100px Greylings actively avoid fires. They will path toward the player and attempt to attack three times before running away in a circle, and then repeating. They are easily killed with Torchtorches and other firerelated weapons, however, any weapon such typically suffice.
Mistlands Seeker MainSeeker FileSeeker.pngthumb100x100px Seekers are the most common enemy found in the Mistlands. They are resistant to all physical types of damage slash, pierce, blunt but have no resistance to elemental attacks, so elemental magic attacks or weapons with elemental damage such as the Mistwalker are the most effective. With Carapace Armor, common Seeker attacks can be parried with nearly any weapon, which will allow the player to counterattack for heavy damage. Onestar and twostar Seekers deal heavy damage and may instantly stagger even a fullyarmored player using a Carapace shield. A Seekers flying attack has high speed and will allow it to quickly close the gap even for a sprinting player. On the other hand, a Seeker crawls on the ground slower than a player. When attempting to flee from a Seeker, wait until it lands on the ground before sprinting away. Seeker brood MainSeeker brood FileSeeker_Brood.pngthumb100x100px Seeker broods will die to most weapon attacks in one hit. Areaofeffect attacks are extremely effective against Seeker Broods. Seeker soldier MainSeeker soldier FileSeeker_soldier.pngthumb100x100px Seeker Soldiers are unusually durable and are resistant to all physical damage. Attempting to kill a Seeker Soldier using bow or crossbow without elemental damage is resourceinefficient and will take a long time. The most reliable way to kill a Seeker Soldier is to parry its attacks and attack after parrying even when using a magic weapon, because parrying multiplies the damage dealt. However, Seeker Soldiers deal heavy damage if the parry timing is missed, and will also quickly destroy the surrounding environment and buildings with its large areaofeffect attacks. Seeker Soldiers have a weakpoint on their underside. In an Infested Mine, a Seeker Soldier is sometimes too wide to pass through certain narrow passageways, and can be attacked from distance. Seeker Soldiers can frequently be found at the top of a spiral staircase setpiece, and be difficult to bypass. In this circumstance, use of the Bonemass Forsaken power is extremely helpful. If the player is inadequately prepared to face a Seeker Soldier, it cannot fly and therefore can be easily outrun. Dvergr MainDvergr rogueDvergr mage FileDvergr_rogue.pngthumb100x100px Directly attacking a dvergr settlement will result in the dvergr in that immediate area becoming permanently hostile to the player. Over time, however, most dvergr settlements will be overrun by attacking Seekers, especially where the settlement does not have any dvergr mages. Because dvergr are naturally neutral to the player, the player can choose when and how to attack them. If your Viking is trying to get resources from a dvergr structure such as Dvergr extractordvergr extractors or Soft tissuesoft tissue from crates, without aggroing the dwarves, Refined eitrrefined eitr or even Pufferfishpufferfish may be tossed to land next to a dwarf and will gradually kill it without aggroing the dvergar. You can also avoid killing the dvergar at all by tossing refined eitr, one by one, right next to a Wardward, extractor box, or crate. The radiation from the refined eitr will eventually break the ward or box. Gjall MainGjall FileGjall.pngthumb100x100px Gjall attacks deal blunt and fire damage in a fairly large area of effect. The lingering fire effect may result in the player taking more damage than expected Fire resistance barley wine is a big help when fighting Gjall. They additionally summon Ticks to attack the player. Gjalls are most efficiently killed by attacking their weak orange underbelly, perhaps with an Arbalest. It is practically impossible to kill a Gjall using melee weapons. Even if the player manages to jump on top of a Gjall, it will shake off the player. Gjall attacks will not damage or destroy Ancient armor or Giant Remains. The player can temporarily take refuge inside these formations. However, the areaofeffect for the Gjall attacks will still damage the player through terrain. In a pinch, even a Yggdrasil shoot can provide cover from Gjall projectiles. Tick MainTick FileTick.pngthumb100x100px Individual Ticks are easily dealt with. They are vulnerable to pierce damage and thus weapons dealing particular damage type such as the Porcupine will reliably kill multiple Ticks in a single hit. If a Tick attaches itself to the player, it will begin to deal heavy pierce damage over time. Attached ticks can be reliably removed by using a combat roll. The default keybind block RMB jump spacebar keys. Alternatively, the player can attempt to use areaofeffect damage to kill the attached Tick any sledge hammer type weapon works well, or with the right angle and timing parrying the Ticks attack. The Root SetRoot armors pierce resistance provides great protection against Tick attacks.
Mountain Wolf MainWolf FileWolf 0star.pngthumb100x100px Wolves can be dangerous, as they move and attack very quickly. They have low health and exceptionally long stagger duration which makes them weak to attacks. However, their fast attacks and speed makes them dangerous, especially when in groups and a higher Creature Level. They attack very aggressively and leave no room for breaks between each attacks. Wolves also run as fast, if not faster, than a typical player, and will pursue relentlessly until the player runs out of stamina. The only way to effectively escape a pursuing wolf is to quickly gain or lose elevation to break the wolfs pathing. Otherwise the player will run out of stamina and be unable to fight and unable to run. Blocking their attacks will give players enough time for one fast attack only. Players should block again afterwards, or the wolf will bite them. To effectively fight wolves, players either should use a bow or try to parry wolf attacks which gives players more time to attack. If forced to face up against multiple wolves, try to pick off one at a time if they are separated from each other. A swing from a fully upgraded Iron sword is enough to stagger a wolf in one hit. If surrounded in proximity, the best strategy is to use attacks that have a wide range, such as a twohanded club, an atgeir, or a battleaxe. If a starred wolf is among the group, it is imperative to focus on taking out the starred wolf first its buffed damage can immediately stagger the player and is nearfatal in 23 hits. Parrying first is recommended as they would not stagger upon an initial hit. In the face against other lesser wolves, it might be better to receive a few hits while fighting the starred one. With fully upgraded Swamptier or other light armor, and a cape, the normal wolves inflict around 2030 damage. Wolves with star ratings appear at night and will despawn during the Day and Night Cycleday if not in range of a player. Drake MainDrake FileDrake Definitive.pngthumb100x100px Drakes attack by shooting 3 frost balls that inflict the Frost Effect, which slows the player for 2 seconds. After each burst the Drake will patrol a small circle and repeat its attack. They are fairly easy to dispatch with a bow, strafing to avoid frost breath. They can be underestimated due to usually encountering them with a frost resistance. During the raid event, they can be encountered outside of the Mountain biome. This is particularly dangerous during rainstorms or in the Swamp biome, where the Wet Effect is active which multiplies their frost damage. Fenring MainFenring FileFenring 0S.pngthumb100x100px Fenrings have three regular attacks and movements a regular swing, preparing for attack with a crouch move followed by a pounce with a swingslam and a howl that is primarily for intimidation and to call nearby wolves. Fenrings take damageovertime from silver weapons. When parrying a Fenring, it is important to remember that they will almost instantly recover, thus striking quickly once they are staggered is advised. Stone golem MainStone golem FileStone Golem Definitive.pngthumb100x100px Stone Golems have a high amount of health and resistance against most damage types. They can have either boulder or spike arms that determine their available melee attacks. All of their attacks deal lots of damage and knockback. Boulderarmed Golems do 2 types of attack Onehand front slam light, fast 110 Damage typesBluntBlunt, 200 Damage typesTerrain damageTerrain and Twohand front slam strong, slow 110 Damage typesBluntBlunt, 200 Damage typesTerrain damageTerrain. Spikearmed Golems do 2 types of attack Frontal spike attack light, fast 110 Damage typesPiercePierce, 200 Damage typesTerrain damageTerrain and 180 degree spike swiping attack strong, slow 110 Damage typesBluntBlunt, 200 Damage typesTerrain damageTerrain. Stone Golem will perform up to 3 attacks between each instances. After that, they will walk away or around the player briefly before reengaging. This offers up a few free attacks before returning to the defensive. The best way to kill them is to parry their light attacks with a shield and then use the 3 hit combo with Iron mace or Porcupine to deplete half of their health during the stagger. This does not work against the slower attack because it has a very low stagger duration. PickaxePickaxes are another good way to kill Golems because, being made of rock, picks deal 2.5x damage against them 0.5x comes from the Damage typesPiercePierce damage. However, slower attack speed, lower base damage and lack of hit combo means that Iron pickaxe will deal less damage than the maces. Pickaxes are also harder to use because the shield cannot be equipped at the same time and requires manually switching the weapons. On top of that, pickaxes very easily get a 33 damage penalty when the attack hitbox intersects with the ground. This can be mitigated by doing jump attacks, having higher ground or standing very close to the target but its not reliable. If you have a good bow, a high archery rating, and obsidian arrows, it is quite possible to chip away at the health of a Stone Golem until it collapses in a heap. Digging a trench between your position and that of the Golem will ensure that the Golem can do nothing about this, though it can be very timeconsuming. Another tactic is dig a hole and then use Abyssal harpoon to drag them in. This allows jumping on top of them and using a pickaxe to attack them. This is very effective against the spiked variants because they cannot hit above their head. However, the double damage from stagger is missed with this tactic. Higher terrain can also be used to jump on top of them but it is very easy to fall off when the Golem is moving. They can also be left in the hole which prevents other Stone Golems spawning in the nearby area. If the player is exploring, building a base, or otherwise occupying the area, leaving the Golem nearby can act as a fallback tactic. If the player is attacked, running to higher ground near the Golems space will cause Wolfwolves and DrakeDrakes to turn their attention to the Golem, giving the player time to recuperate and strategize. Or, in the case of wolves especially, the Golem will often simply dispatch them itself. Players without Wolf Armor or better and good buffs should be cautious due to the Golems high damage output. The Forsaken power of Bonemass can be used to make the fight much easier. Since attacks from Stone Golems are slow, it is relatively easy to maneuver behind them while they attack and strike them from the rear. Bat MainBat FileBat.pngthumb100x100px Bats are weak and unless an explorer is unprepared, mainly an annoyance. Their flight patterns are quick and erratic and they quickly attack once before fluttering away, giving only a brief window to strike before they are out of range. Their small size and erratic movements makes shooting them with arrows very challenging and after attacking they often fly behind icicles or indestructible rock features hanging from the ceiling before coming back for another attack run. While they do not do much damage, they do attack in groups of 410 which typically spawn in vertical shafts. An explorer might be attacked while attempting to descend or while they are precariously perched on an edge. Due to some weapons pulling the character forward when attacking, a careless player may find themselves taking a quick trip to the bottom of the cave, dying at the hands of the bats greatest ally gravity. Alert explorers will recognize the sounds of the bats and be able to kill them as they approach with a single hit, though often the hitboxes of weapons are in the wrong vertical plane to attack the bats if they attack at a steep angle from above or below. If the players first attack misses, blocking and waiting for the bats to draw near again may be the best option due to their tendency to fly up and away and hide behind an obstacle on the ceiling, making ranged attacks difficult. It is easiest to fight them with a quick striking weapon such as a sword or knife while you are on flat ground and your back in a corner to minimize their angles of attack. Weapons with a large area of effect attack such as Stagbreaker, Iron sledge, or the secondary attack of an atgeir are very effective at clearing out a swarm. Weapons with narrow arcs such as spears or the atgeirs primary attack can make it difficult to connect a strike. If at all possible, do not try to fight a bat swarm inside or near one of your own structures. Their erratic flight patterns and the somewhat inexact damage dealt by most weapons will have you smashing more of your own stuff than bats. They are best fought in a wideopen area. One method of controlling the You Stirred the Cauldron raid is to build Bonfirebonfires or Windmillwindmills within your base. Then, stand near the bonfire or windmill. When the bats attack you, they will either dive into the fire or the rotating blades of the windmill and die. Youll have to repair the bonfire or windmill during and after the raid if you use this strategy. If you have a covered pen for tamed animals, make sure that all openings are either very narrow or are covered with iron gratings. Ulv MainUlv FileUlv.pngthumb100x100pxThe shaggy forms of sleeping Ulv may be hard to distinguish in poor light. If a Viking stumbles into them or makes enough noise nearby, they will wake and pounce. If they wake up but lose track of their prey, they will pace back and forth until someone draws near. They are often found in groups of 2 or 3. If you spot them from a distance, a well placed arrow may do the trick before they are aware of your presence. Otherwise, silver weapons are excellent up close. Just beware their powerful pounce that delivers significant knockback and could send an unprepared warrior tumbling down into a crevasse. Cultist MainCultist FileCultist.pngthumb100x100px Cultists are very alert to their surroundings and will move to sources of noise making sneaking up on them difficult if the player is breaking objects or fighting creatures nearby. Despite this, they will not open the doors that separate their worked stone lairs from the natural caves. Their opening attack is a burst of flame that explodes before them. This attack will do initial fire damage and leave players burning for 5 seconds. This attack cannot be blocked or parried and encompasses a wide arc. After using this attack they will attack twice with a flaming claw slash that will also leave the player burning for 5 seconds in addition to the physical damage. They will cycle through between the attacks with the same flameclawclaw cycle as long as they are alive or lose track of the player which resets their cycle. Dodging, rolling to the side, or backpedaling can get the player out of the way of the flame burst since it is a relatively shortrange attack. It is also blocked by solid objects such as a wall or door. Their claw attacks can be blocked or parried but like FenringFenrings, they are only staggered for a very brief period of time. If a player has access to Fire resistance barley wine then the Cultists flame attacks and burning affect from their claws are very minor, though the claws still do physical damage. They are very susceptible to Damage typesSpiritspirit damage and Damage typesPoisonpoison damage. So silver weapons, including Frostner, are very effective. Poison arrowpoison, Silver arrowsilver, or Needle arrowneedle arrows are also effective. Silver arrows are the most effective, but the resources may be probably better spent crafting or upgrading a Draugr fangDraugr Fang to use with a different arrow type, preferably poison, since poison arrows stack with the poison effect of the Draugr Fang.
Ocean Serpent MainSerpent FileSerpent Definitive.pngthumb100x100px Locatingbr Hunting Serpents can be desirable for their drops, but finding one quickly is not intuitive. Serpents only spawn at Day and Night Cyclenight or during heavy rain with or without thunderstorm. Light rain is not sufficient. Serpents that spawned from the night will despawn on morning. However, if the area is only visited during the night then they will remain there. Serpents that spawned from the rain will not despawn during the day and can be later found even during calm weather. When it is both night and heavy rain, there is no way to tell if the Serpent despawns on morning. Each Zoneszone has a chance to spawn a Serpent when a player sails through it. The chance is 5 when it is night time or raining, or 10 chance if it is both. A zone only attempts spawning every 1000 seconds so backtracking will not trigger more spawn attempts. Sailing to noncardinal directions northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast can trigger more spawn attempts due to how zones are in a grid. Not all Serpents will spawn close enough to spot the player. Up to halfrefMonte Carlo simulation resulting in 47 of spawned Serpents being within 50 meters of the boat path httpsjsfiddle.net6xpnhdgL. A delay between the Serpent spawning and being able to aggro will lower this value a little.ref of the Serpents will spawn close enough to see the player and will attack on their own. SomerefSerpents can spawn up to 80 meters away while their render distance is from 64 to 128 meters depends on the location of the underlying zone system.ref of the Serpents will spawn outside of player vision render distance and will always be missed. The rest can be spotted by a player scanning the boats rear 180 degrees. Sailing at fullmast as opposed to halfmast may cause the player to miss spotting some spawns, but ultimately encounter more Serpents due to triggering more spawn attempts. With optimal searching, players should be able to find at least one Serpent per full night of sailing more often than 0. Killingbr Serpents can be killed at sea for their meat Frost arrowFrost Arrows are most effective. For other drops, they must be killed on land or in shallow waters that allows picking up the drops under the water. It is also possible to jump in the water right after killing them to pick up the drops before they sink to the bottom of the ocean. Serpents can be lured towards the land by sailing slow enough with a Karve or a Longship. However, they will retreat towards their spawn position if they are not able to attack for 60 seconds. For long distances, it is recommended to let them attack the ship once in a while. They do not despawn from retreating except if it is a night time Serpent during the day time and can be chased down again. They can be further dragged onto the land by using an Abyssal harpoon. However, this is not required and can be difficult to do when playing alone due to the high stamina drain. While beached, serpents do not attack and instead try to flee towards the ocean. The Abyssal harpoon continually drains stamina from the user while it is pulling an entity i.e. when there is no slack. The leash breaks if the leashing player attacks with a different weapon or rightclicks. Ideally, the leashing player should get assistance from other players or creatures.
Plains Deathsquito MainDeathsquito FileDeathsquito Definitive.pngthumb100x100px Entering the Plains early to hunt Lox for their Cooked lox meatmeat may be desirable, but an encounter with a Deathsquito is inevitable and a poorly equipped player will have trouble surviving without a good strategy. After flying next to their target, Deathsquitos will attack with very little delay, after which they will fly away and circle their target for several seconds before attacking again. They only have 10 HP and die relatively easy from a single strike. The main problem to overcome is their almost unavoidable attack that deals up to 90 damage, which will stagger players with too little health or players that attempted to block without having enough block power. If the player has over 90 block power then dealing with Deathsquitos becomes trivial, as blocking and counter attacking will kill them easily without the player taking damage. Damage and Blocking MechanicsParryingParrying with a Bronze buckler or better will have enough block power, but they are immune to stagger and parrying knocks them back a little which can make it more difficult to land a counter attack before they fly away. Using a bow can be very effective. Players can kill Deathsquitos in one shot from an early level. They can be sniped from a distance, or if they are already attacking the player, a fully drawn bow can kill a Deathsquito accurately just before they get close enough. With good timing with a melee weapon, they can be killed without taking any damage if the player strikes them during their swoop. 2handed maces such as Stagbreaker are the most forgiving on timing due to their effective range, but some practice may be needed due to the swing delay. Simply having enough health and armor means that a player will not stagger from a Deathsquito attack, allowing a counterattack at the cost of lost health. They will always miss when they try to attack a player running away from them that has no movement speed penalties from weapons and armor. The Root SetRoot armors pierce resistance can also protect the player from the Deathsquitos attack. They can fly over walls, which can be problematic for players setting up bases in the Plains biome. However, there are certain build pieces e.g. wooden beams which the deathquito will not recognize as obstacles and will not try to fly around, bumping into them instead. If the top of the wall has complicated geometry e.g. an overhang created using these pieces, the deathquito might not be able to navigate the top of the wall, protecting the player inside the base. Note that floor and roof pieces cannot be used for this purpose as deathquitos can recognize them and attempt to fly around them. Lox MainLox FileLox OS.pngthumb100x100px Lox have extremely high health and damage output and are resistant to blunt and slash damage. Swords and most Clubsmaces deal minor damage to lox as a result, whereas CategoryArrowsarrows, polearms and spears are more effective. A Porcupine does excellent damage and stagger to lox because of the pierce damage component. Due to their large size, lox have trouble navigating narrow terrain and can easily be outmaneuvered by the player. Lox are capable of attacking while swimming, making them a hazard to swimming players and boats. Lox have two attacks a short range bite attack and an areaofeffect stomp attack which it will always use as its first attack. Unless the player has strong armor, the lox will still do heavy damage through a shield. They have terrible vision and hearing to a degree where it is possible to perform a Sneak Skillsneak attack on them without crouching. If hit from extreme range by archery, they will sometimes give up chasing their attacker after a few moments and go back to their original position, which can be frustrating if you are trying to pull them into an area where a kill would be safer. It is sometimes possible to evade an attacking lox by running onto a shadow some distance from the lox and crouching in it. Fuling MainFuling FileFuling 0star.pngthumb100x100px Equipmentbr Fulings wield different weapons which determine their damage types and whether they attack in melee or from a range. They also have 33 chance to a have a shield but this is purely cosmetic. 33 Sword has a melee attack with slash damage. 33 Club has a melee attack with blunt damage. 17 Spear has a ranged attack with pierce damage. 17 Torch has a melee attack with blunt and fire damage. Generalbr Fulings engage by circling around their target player. After a short while, they will move in for three melee attacks or use a ranged weapon, then repeat the process. Zerostar fulings can be staggered with a single swing of a fully upgraded Silver sword or a Crystal battleaxePending for unupgraded ones. A hit from the Draugr Fang bow can stagger lock them even with lowquality arrows. In general, try to pick them off one by one as they approach isolated. Take care when facing against starred Fulings it is recommended to parry them first before attacking. Secondary attacks with swords or maces may potentially stagger them, but it is more riskier. Due to the Fulings height, they are susceptible to being submerged in water than an average height player. Try luring them over to a body of water like natural rivers or over the ocean shore to force them to wade, slowing them down and making them easier to isolate or shoot with ranged weaponry. Meleebr Fulings have very high attack damage and are extremely dangerous for unprepared players. A player may quickly die even with fully upgraded armor and the best food in the game. However, most Fuling attacks have a relatively short range and can be avoided or parried with some practice. Because Fulings may counterattack during the players own attack animations, the player must choose carefully when to attack. Due to the short height of the Fulings, a players melee attack may miss when standing on uneven terrain. Rangedbr A fully upgraded Huntsman bow along with Frost arrows or Needle arrows can oneshot a standard Fuling while undetected. Frost arrows have the further advantage of slowing them or even bringing them to a momentary halt. Silver and obsidian arrows are still effective, but have a lower chance of killing them instantly. Due to the danger posed by large groups of attacking Fulings which can kill a player in a matter of seconds, whittling down the enemies in a Fuling Village using ranged attacks is a sensible strategy. Individual Fulings or small groups can be easily baited into charging directly at the player if engaged with archery at extreme range a direct hit is not necessary to get their attention. They can also be lured in by briefly digging or chopping at trees, both activities that attract their attention. This gives plenty of opportunity to kill them as they try to close, especially if they have been slowed down by frost arrows. A building in the Plains that provides some cover and an elevated position to snipe from can be used to farm Fulings if it is surrounded by a deep ditch. Ordinary Fulings on patrol that detect the player in such a position, or are led back there by the player attracting their attention and then retreating quickly, will try to attack but find it difficult, since only the relatively rare spear throwers have ranged weapons. Fulings tend to fall into playerdug ditches due to difficulty in detecting their exact position, and once they have toppled into a deep ditch, they are completely helpless and can be shot to death at the players leisure. Remember that digging is an activity that attracts the attention of Fulings be sure to clear the area before beginning to make a ditch. Groupsbr When fighting multiple Fulings, using melee weapons with high knockback such as Clubs Skillclubs can make their attacks miss when standing on even terrain. If choosing to fight with melee weapons, using either Porcupine or Frostner is recommended of the two Porcupine deals more raw damage but the slowing effect on Frostner can be useful for breaking up crowds and slowing down incoming attacks. The atgeir secondary attack and twohaneded club primary attack are also very effective against groups of Fulings. If there are any Fuling shamans, spear throwers or Fuling Berserkers, the player should kill them first, or focus on parrying their attacks. A thrown spear can be dodged by quickly changing direction with the correct timing watch Fuling spear throwers carefully, since they clearly telegraph their attacks. Because the player can be hit by multiple attacks simultaneously, a single misstep when fighting a group of Fulings can lead to a quick death. Running away is always an option, although care must be taken for the ranged capabilities of the spear throwers. Fuling berserker MainFuling berserker FileFuling Berserker 0star.pngthumb100x100px Fuling berserkers have three attacks, all of which are able to be parried An attack that swings from right to left, a delayed attack that swings from left to right, a roar, followed by three consecutive overhead head slams. Missing the parry timing on the triple overhead slam attack is frequently fatal. Starred berserkers deal heavy damage and can easily stagger and even kill the most wellarmored players with good buffs. Fuling shaman MainFuling shaman FileFuling Shaman Definitive.pngthumb133x133px Fuling shamans have three abilities including a melee attack with their staff, a projectile fireball attack and a protective spell that shields them and nearby allies from a set amount of damage. Their magical shields can be damaged by weapons which will render them vulnerable to melee and projectile attacks once again. Growth MainGrowth FileGrowth 0star.pngthumb100x100px Growths has a ranged attack which instantly inflicts Poison and Tarred status effects. They also have high distance leap which they will use to come to melee range of their target. They have low health which makes them easy to kill with ranged attacks. Their ranged attack shoots six projectiles which can deal very high damage on a close range. Growths have low health which makes them easy to kill with ranged attacks. Silver arrowSilver arrows are the best ammunition, and are superior to Fire arrowFire arrows dealing 46 damage 26 pierce plus 20 spirit, over three seconds. Growths are undead, and thus susceptible to spirit damage silver arrows inflict more total damage, which helps to kill growths before they can trap and kill their targets. Lastly, Needle arrowNeedle arrows inflict a total of 31 damage, as growths receive half damage from piercing. If there are any lox in the vicinity, attracting the attention of growths with long range arrow fire and then kiting them into the lox is an excellent method of dealing with them. The two creatures will fight to the death and the survivor will usually be heavily damaged. Growths attack covers their victims in tar, slowing them significantly. However, rolling still moves at the same speed while tarred, so with good timing and enough stamina, a player can dodge attacks until the tar effect wears off. Their ranged attack consists of six high damage projectiles which cover a moderate range and have significant arc. The projectiles poison on anything they hit, including trees though they do not take damage. Under the influence of Poison resistance mead, being hit by a single projectile in Troll SetTroll armor is survivable. Being too close or not moving during the attack can easily result in being hit by four projectiles, which is not generally survivable. When not under the influence of Poison resistance mead, a single projectile can quickly reduce ones health. The projectiles target the players location after a delay and are very slow, making strafing a viable strategy for avoiding the projectiles. The projectiles only travel farther than the targets position if traveling down a slope. In other situations, the player may be able to avoid damage by sprinting backwards, if strafing is not an option. The projectiles can be blocked or parried with a shield, although this will quickly drain stamina.
Swamp Abomination MainAbomination FileAbomination.pngthumb100x100pxThe abomination is resistant to blunt and pierce so weapons with slash like a sword is a good option. It has 3 different attacks, a fast lighter attack with its right limb that can be parried, a hard stomp using its left large limb and if you are close to its center, it will do a stomp using the middle of its body. If you want to tank an abomination, get an iron tower shield and an axe, and try and stay closer to the abominations right leg, since that is the lighter of its three attacks. Block each attack as they come in with the shield, and then counter by hitting the abomination with your axe. It is a slow process, but the creatures attacks are easy to block, and as long as you are not being attacked by other mobs at the time, you should not have a problem. If you are able to successfully parry an Abomination attack when using the above strategy can be done with Banded shieldBanded Shield, and the Abomination is standing over the fire at the time, the fire damage it takes will be critical hits and finish it off in only a couple ticks. You can lure Abominations over the flame geysers to deal large amounts of fire damage without using any weapons. The easiest cheesiest strategy is to climb build to the top of a sunken crypt which the Abomination can neither climb nor destroy. At some point after some walking around it will come near the crypt. From there one can hit it with a sword etc. without being hit by it at all. Abominations are incapable of crossing deep ditches they are blocked or get stuck. An archer can then slowly burn them to death with fire arrows in perfect safety. As with Trolls, a certain amount of time invested in preparing the likely battlefield will pay off handsomely. Blob MainBlob FileBlob.pngthumb100x100px Blobs attack by leaping large distances towards the player before releasing a Poisonpoisonous, areaofeffect gas cloud once in close proximity. The poison cloud cannot be Blockingblocked. Once poisoned, the player will take heavy damage over time unless using a poison resistance mead. The Blobs make an inhaling sound just before thew spew their poison attack. Although Blobs are resistant to pierce damage, it is safer to take them out from a distance with a ranged weapon such as a Bowsbow. Alternatively, with good timing, a Clubsclub will kill a blob in one hit. Oozer MainOozer FileOozer 0star.pngthumb100x100px Oozers attack by leaping large distances towards the player before releasing a Poisonpoisonous, areaofeffect gas cloud once in close proximity. The poison cloud cannot be Blockingblocked. Once poisoned, the player will take heavy damage over time unless using a poison resistance mead. Although Oozers are resistant to pierce damage, it is safer to take them out from a distance with a bow. Most blunt weapons will not kill an Oozer in one regular hit however, an Oozer may be killed in one hit with the alternative attack default keybind mousewheel click. When the Oozer dies, it spawns two Blobs. Spawned Blobs are momentarily vulnerable to attack due to the way that the backstab mechanic works, because they will not immediately perceive the player upon spawning. Draugr MainDraugr FileDraugr 0S.pngthumb100x100px Draugr have a chance of spawning with an AxesAxe 75, a BowsBow 25, no Shield 33, a Wood shield 33, a Banded shield 33, no Helmet 25, a Leather HelmetLeather helmet 25, a Bronze helmet 25 and an Iron helmet 25. If they detect an enemy nearby, they emit a quick roar before charging in that direction. They attack either with melee swing if they have an axe or an accurate arrow volley if they have a bow. Blocking and parrying a Draugr attack is important as it will stun them long enough to land multiple strikes. Draugr elite MainDraugr elite FileDraugr Elite 0S.pngthumb100x100px If they detect an enemy nearby, they emit a quick roar before charging in that direction. Blocking and parrying a Draugr attack is important as it will stun them long enough to land multiple strikes. Leech MainLeech FileLeech 0star.pngthumb100x100px They are only aggressive while in the water and will try to flee if forced to land. Their melee attack inflicts mostly Poison which makes Poison resistance mead effective against them. Leeches are quite difficult to spot in the gloom of the swamp, but will disturb the water as they swim through it. Look for moving water splashes to spot a leech. Because the player cannot attack with anything other than fists while swimming, falling into deep water in the swamp is frequently fatal. The player can use a hoe to create dirt paths above water level to avoid leech attacks. If the player lures leeches to the shoreline then the player can attack the leeches from safety with things like spear throws, bows, or sometimes the secondary attack of a mace. Leeches are immune to spirit damage despite belonging to the undead FactionsFaction. Surtling MainSurtling FileSurtling.pngthumb100x100px Surtlings take constant damage while in contact with water which allows creating coal and surtling core farms at Fire geysers by lowering the terrain. Use Damage typesFrost weapons to deal more effective damage against them. Wraith MainWraith FileWraith 0star.pngthumb100x100px Wraiths only spawn at night. To avoid a wraith attack, avoid the swamp during the night. Wraiths take damageovertime from silver weapons. While Wraiths may seem terrifying to get close to, parrying them with a Shieldsshield is an option and is actually relatively easy, as their only type of attack is a claw swipe. Just be wary of other enemies while fighting these. They often float fairly high up before they spot a player. Be careful not to be too fixated on groundbased dangers such as Leeches at night. Wraiths are fast and are not slowed down by water, so it is possible to separate them from groups and possibly just outside the swamp where they become much less of a threat. When hunting for wraith a small 3x3 platform on top of two wooden poles can be built to provide protection. Surround the platform with Stakewall attached on all sides save for a stepladder to climb up on the platform.
infobox item title Amber image Amber.png description Valuable id Amber type Valuable source Burial Chambers, chests, etc. usage Selling to Haldor, Hildir, or The Bog Witch buy sell 5 weight 0.1 stack 20 teleport Yes PAGENAME is a CategoryValuablesValuable item. Availability Stone Grave and Viking Graveyard in the Meadows Burial Chambers in the Black Forest Sunken Crypts in the Swamp Usage Has no crafting use, but as a valuable, it can be sold to any of the traders for Item LinkCoins5. csJantar ruЯнтарь
infobox item title Amber pearl image Amber pearl.png description Valuable id AmberPearl type Valuable source Found in Burial Chambers, Troll Cave, Sunken Crypts, Stone Grave, Viking Graveyard usage Selling to Haldor, Hildir, or The Bog Witch buy sell 10 weight 0.1 stack 50 teleport Yes PAGENAME is a CategoryValuablesValuable item. Availability Stone Grave and Viking Graveyard in the Meadows Burial Chambers and Troll Caves in the Black Forest Sunken Crypts in the Swamp Usage Has no crafting use, but as a valuable, it can be sold to any of the traders for Item LinkCoins10. csJantarová Perla ruЯнтарная жемчужина
Infobox_structure title Ancient armor appearance Ancient armor.png type Ore Deposit id giant_helmet1 smallwholesmallbrgiant_helmet1_destructionbrgiant_helmet2 smallwholesmallbrgiant_helmet2_destruction source Mistlands durability 4951 tool tier 3 resistances pickaxe only Ancient armor are resource nodes found throughout the Mistlands which require a Black metal pickaxe or better to harvest. Along with Ancient swords, they can provide players with easy access to Scrap iron and Copper scrap from within the Mistlands biome. Availability Randomly located throughout the Mistlands Ancient armor often spawns alongside one or more Ancient swords Drops There are two variants of ancient armor A helmet with most of its righthand side missing, which has 33 nodes A helmet missing both its back half and a chunk from its forehead, which has 20 nodes Each node may drop the following when mined using a Black metal pickaxe or better Drops Scrap ironScrap iron.png50 Copper scrapCopper scrap.png50 On average, variant 1 will drop 16.5 each of scrap iron and copper scrap, whereas variant 2 will drop 10 of each on average. WorldNav csPrastará zbroj ruДревняя броня
infobox item title Ancient bark image Ancient bark.png description An ancient and sturdy material. id ElderBark type Wood source Ancient Tree in Swamp biomes usage Crafting, Building buy sell weight 2.0 stack 50 teleport Yes Ancient bark is a different type of wood used in midgame building and crafting recipes. Availability Acquired by chopping Ancient Trees in the Swamp. Requires Bronze axe to acquire. Can be found in Sunken Crypts chests. Usage Craftingcols2 Swamp Ancient bark spear Battleaxe Iron buckler Iron sledge Root harnesk Root leggings Root mask Mountain Crystal battleaxe Draugr fang Fang spear Frostner Building Bonfire Butchers table Longship Notes Ancient bark cannot be fed into a Charcoal kiln. Wood ukПрадавня кора ruДревняя кора csStarověká kůra frÉcorce ancienne deAlte Rinde
infobox weapon title Ancient bark spear image Ancient bark spear.png description Despite its gnarled look, this spear is strong and perfectly balanced. id SpearElderbark type Spear source Forge crafting level 3 repair level 3 pierce 55 materials 1 Troll hide x4 Iron x10 Ancient bark x10materials 2 Troll hide x1 Iron x5 Ancient bark x5materials 3 Troll hide x2 Iron x10 Ancient bark x10materials 4 Troll hide x3 Iron x15 Ancient bark x15 stamina10block armor21stamina secondary12 The ancient bark spear is the third Spearsspear. Its primary attack is a melee attack. Its secondary attack throws the spear for 1.5x damage. Upgrade information classarticletable Quality 1 2 3 4 Pierce 55 61 67 73 Durability 100 150 200 250 Crafting 4 Troll hidebr 10 Ironbr 10 Ancient bark 1 Troll hidebr 5 Ironbr 5 Ancient bark 2 Troll hidebr 10 Ironbr 10 Ancient bark 3 Troll hidebr 15 Ironbr 15 Ancient bark Upgrade station rowForge4start3 Notes Like all spears, the ancient bark spear floats if dropped or thrown into water. Weapons FrLance_en_écorce_ancienne csKopí ze starověkého dřeva ruКопье из древней коры
infobox structure title PAGENAME appearance Ashlands pot 01 cropped.png description type Object source Ashlands structures drops Pot shard Bronze Iron Silver Minor healing mead Minor stamina mead Tasty mead id ashland_pot01_greenbrashland_pot01_redbrashland_pot02_greenbrashland_pot02_redbrashland_pot03_greenbrashland_pot03_red durability 40 size 0.5x1x0.5 smallvariant 1smallbr0.5x1.6x0.5 smallvariant 2smallbr0.7x0.7x0.7 smallvariant 3small rain damage no build height materials effects comfort support resistances weak blunt, pickaxe resistant pierce, fire, frost, lightning immune poison, spirit PAGENAMEs are a nonBuildingbuildable structure that can be found in ruins and Putrid Holes throughout the Ashlands Biomesbiome. They have no function, but drop several useful resources when destroyed. Ancient pots come in three different shapes and sizes, all of which are functionally identical. Location In various ruined structures found throughout the Ashlands. Inside Putrid Holes. Drops Each ancient pot will drop 12 of the following when destroyed Drops Pot shardPot shard.png76.92 BronzeBronze.png3.85 IronIron.png3.85 SilverSilver.png3.85 Minor healing meadMinor healing mead.png3.85 Minor stamina meadMinor stamina mead.png3.85 Tasty meadTasty mead.png3.85 Notes There are actually six variants of ancient pot three shapessizes numbered 1 through 3, and two colors red or green. Despite their names, each red variant is completely identical to its matching green variant and viceversa. Gallery gallery Ashlands pot 01 cropped.pngVariant 1 Ashlands pot 02 cropped.pngVariant 2 Ashlands pot 03 cropped.pngVariant 3 gallery
Infobox location imageAncient Roots.png id YggdrasilRoot type Resource node location Mistlands Ancient Roots are a resource found in the Mistlands biome. Sap Extractors can be placed on them to harvest Sap. Availability Ancient Roots can be commonly found in Mistlands, at ground level. They emit a green light glow which can be seen through the mist. Sap harvesting Each root dries up as Sap is extracted from it using a Sap Extractor. Each Sap Extractor collects and stores one sap every 60 seconds. Multiple sap extractors can be placed on one Ancient Root. The reservoir of sap in an ancient root regenerates at a rate of 1 sap per 400 seconds, up to a maximum storage of 50 sap. Thus, sap is a renewable resource. Ancient Roots have three visual states Full, half dried, and dried up. classarticletable sortable State Ingame description Harvestable Sap Image FullThe ancient root is pulsating with energy 40FileAncient Roots.png150px Half driedThe ancient roots glow is fading 5 40 FileAncient Roots Half dried.png150px Dried upThe ancient root seems all dried up 5FileAncient Roots Dried up.png150px Gallery gallery positioncenter captionaligncenter FileAncient Roots visible through mist.pngAncient Roots visible through mist FileAncient root lore.pngMunin lore gallery WorldNav CategoryResource nodes ruДревний корень csPrastarý kořen
infobox item title Ancient seed image Ancient seed.png description Held against your ear, you hear tiny whisperings within... id AncientSeed type Misc source Greydwarf brute Greydwarf nest usage Summon The Elder buy sell weight 1.0 stack 50 teleport Yes Ancient seeds are items found on Greydwarf brute and Greydwarf nestnests. Usage blockquoteMain article Forsaken AltarsblockquoteA total of three Ancient Seeds are required to summon The Elder. Notes They resemble a seed, with green growths stemming into a macelike formation. CategoryForsaken_offerings ruДревнее семя ukПрадавнє сімя csStarověké semínko deUralter Samen frGraine ancienne
Stub The Ancient Stone Circle can be found within the Meadows Biome and consists of 5 large stone pillars protruding from the ground arranged in a circle. As of yet, there is no purpose to this formation. FileStonehenge.png500pxAncient Stone Circle formation in the Meadows. So long as this is a stub, perhaps the image could be made larger so theres more to look at. WorldNav CategoryPoints of interest
Infobox_structure title Ancient sword appearance Ancient sword.png type Ore Deposit id giant_sword1 smallwholesmallbrgiant_sword1_destructionbrgiant_sword2 smallwholesmallbrgiant_sword2_destruction source MistlandsbrGiant Remains durability 2251 tool tier 3 resistances pickaxe only Ancient swords are resource nodes found throughout the Mistlands which require a Black metal pickaxe or better to harvest. Along with Ancient armor, they can provide players with easy access to Scrap iron and Copper scrap from within the Mistlands biome. Availability Randomly located throughout the Mistlands Ancient swords may spawn in groups, sometimes alongside Ancient armor As part of Giant Remains 50 chance to spawn at the stomach area of Giant Remains which have skulls Drops Every ancient sword has 15 nodes, each of which may drop the following when mined using a Black metal pickaxe or better Drops Scrap ironScrap iron.png50 Copper scrapCopper scrap.png50 On average, an ancient sword will drop 7.5 each of scrap iron and copper scrap. WorldNav csPrastarý meč ruДревний меч
Tree_Templatetitle1Ancient Treeimage1Ancienttrees.PNGbiomeSwampwood_typeAncient bark and Woodyield10tool_neededBronze axe Ancient trees are a type of Treestree that can be found in the Swamp biome. They are characterized by their lack of leaves, and gnarled shape. A Bronze axe or better is required to damage it. Ancient trees produce Wood and Ancient bark when destroyed. The yield of each type of wood appears to be random, however an ancient tree will always drop 10 pieces of wood in total. classarticletable No additional drops Item Amount Chance Average Wood 010 From logs 5 Ancient bark 010 From logs 5 Wood 2 From stump 2 Notes While farming this tree, a player can avoid Leeches by using a Hoe and raising the ground level to pass through the water safely. Do not confuse this tree with fallen trees on the ground Swamp Only. Fallen trees are just a mesh and cannot be farmed in any way In other words, there are both fallen trees and standing trees that are larger than ancient trees and cannot be damaged. They will have no tooltip showing a name, while ancient trees have the nametooltip show up if you place the cursorcrosshair over a part of the tree. Trees CategoryTrees frArbre ancien ruСтарое дерево csStarověký strom
infobox item title Anglerfish image Anglerfish.png description The dangling light makes it easier to see that pretty little face id fish9 type Fish source Fishing usage Crafting, Decoration weight per level 2.0 stack 10 teleport Yes Anglerfish are coastal fish found offshore the Mistlands. They can be caught with a Fishing rod using Misty fishing bait. Usage Crafting Anglerfish are needed to make the Uncooked fish n bread recipe. Fish n bread is the thirdbest stamina food in the game after the Ashlands release. Level 2 or higher Anglerfish do not increase the number of Uncooked fish n bread created by the recipe. Like all other fish, higher levels are only good for trophies or for increasing the amount of Raw fish harvested per fish. Since Fish n bread is a much highertier food, making Raw fish for Fish wraps from Anglerfish would be a bit wasteful. classwikitable Item Materials Station Item linkRaw fish Item linkAnglerfish1 Item linkCauldron Item linkUncooked fish n bread Item linkAnglerfish1 Item linkBread dough2 Item linkFood preparation table Item linkFishing hat Item linkPerch1 Item linkPike1 Item linkTuna1 Item linkTetra1 Item linkTrollfish1 Item linkGiant herring1 Item linkGrouper1 Item linkCoral cod1 Item linkAnglerfish1 Item linkNorthern salmon1 Item linkMagmafish1 Item linkPufferfish1 Item linkWorkbench Notes Has a unique line Do you see the light It beckons you... Gallery gallery FileAnglerfish trophy.PNG gallery Creatures ruУдильщик ukВудильник csĎas frPoissonpêcheur deSeeteufel
infobox item description The perfect drink for a day in the Plains. id MeadBugRepellent type Mead source Fermenter usage Drinking weight 1.0 stack 10 teleport Yes materials Mead base Antisting x1 quantity 6 duration 600 effect Prevent Deathsquito attacks cooldown 0 Antisting concoction is a consumable item crafted from Fermenterfermenting a Mead base Antisting. Consuming it grants protection against Deathsquitos. They will still approach the player, but will flee three to eight meters away instead of making the final attack. FoodsNav ruСредство от смертожалов
infobox weapon title Antler pickaxe image Antler pickaxe.png description This tool is hard enough to crack even the most stubborn rocks. id PickaxeAntler type Pickaxe source Workbench durability 100 crafting level 1 repair level 1 pierce 18 materials 1 Wood x10 Hard antler x1 pickaxe18stamina6 The Antler pickaxe is the first Pickaxespickaxe. It can be used to mine Stone, Copper depositCopper, Tin depositTin, Muddy scrap piles, and Abyssal barnacles. Its primary attack is a melee attack that destroys ground. It does not have a secondary attack. Crafting classarticletable Quality 1 Pierce 18 Mining 18 Durability 100 Crafting 10 Woodbr 1 Hard antler Upgrade station rowWorkbench1start1 Notes Despite its description, the Antler pickaxe is the weakest pickaxe in the game. However, it is sufficient for mining iron. When the Antler pickaxe is acquired, Hugin will say, Now go forth and strike the earth This is a reference to the new game message in the game, wikipediaDwarf FortressDwarf Fortress. Due to being repairable at a Workbench, the Antler pickaxe might be preferable to the Bronze pickaxe in some situations. The attack hitbox reaches below the players feet, which provides the ability to dig down. When mining, this can easily activate the 33 damage penalty that is incurred when hitting the ground. ToolsNav WeaponsNav ruКирка из оленьего рога csKrumpáč z parohu ukРогове кайло
infobox structure title Anvils image Anvils.png appearance Anvils appearance.png description Forge improvement id forge_ext2 type Crafting source Workbench usage Upgrades Forge durability 100 size 1x1 rain damage no materials Wood x5 Bronze x2 effects resistancesextension The anvils is used as an upgrade for the forge. frEnclumes csKovadlinky ruНаковальни
infobox weapon title Arbalest image Arbalest.png description A slow but powerful weapon. id CrossbowArbalest type Crossbow source Black forge weight 1.5 durability 50 crafting level 1 repair level 1 pierce 200 knockback 210 recoil 40 materials 1 Wood x10 Iron x8 Root itemRoot x4 materials 2 Wood x5 Iron x4 Root itemRoot x1 materials 3 Wood x10 Iron x8 Root itemRoot x2 materials 4 Wood x15 Iron x12 Root itemRoot x3 stamina1s x 3.5s 3 pierce per level3 durability per level50 movement speed5 block force0 parry bonus1.5 wieldingTwohanded block armor3 backstab3x The Arbalest is the first Crossbows Skillcrossbow and first Mistlandstier crossbow crafted at a black forge. Its primary attack fires bolts. To attack, a bolt is first loaded into the crossbow. Loading itself takes 3.5 seconds and uses 3 stamina, however, with the firing, loading, and readying animations, it can only be fired every 6 seconds. Jumping and sprinting resets the loading progress and bolts cannot be loaded while sprinting. After the crossbow is loaded, it can be fired at any time at no stamina cost. After firing, another bolt will need to be loaded. The bolts do not stay loaded when switching to other weapons, so a bolt is loaded whenever the item is equipped. The bolts travel significantly faster than arrows and follow a straight line instead of a parabolic curve no gravityinduced drop, similar to a laser beam pulse in function. Upgrade Information classarticletable Quality 1 2 3 4 Pierce 200 203 206 209 Durability 50 100 150 200 Crafting 10 Woodbr8 Ironbr4 Root itemRoot 5 Woodbr4 Ironbr1 Root itemRoot 10 Woodbr8 Ironbr2 Root itemRoot 15 Woodbr12 Ironbr3 Root itemRoot Upgrade station rowBlack forge4 Notes This weapons recoil deals knockback to the player when shot, which can result in falling off any steep objects. While much slower, they have drastically higher damage than bows, the other main physical ranged weapon. This makes them a very ideal choice for sneak attacks to deal massive onetime damage, providing an important advantage against certain enemies such as lox or Seeker soldiersoldiers. This weapon can be fired while blocking. However, you cannot block while loading a bolt. The speed of the bolts can make it significantly easier to hit enemy weak points, or hunt fastmoving enemies such as hares. This weapon has 50 lower durability than most bows of the same quality, at quality 2 it only has 100 durability, exactly enough to shoot one entire stack of bolts. Players should take note of this and prepare adequately before trying to use it on extended trips or in boss fights. Weapons ruАрбалет CategoryCrossbows
FileArmorLeather.pngthumbA complete Leather armor set. Armor refers to items of clothing players can wear which reduces damage taken from physical, fire, frost and lightning damage types. See Damage_and_Blocking_MechanicsArmorDamage mechanics for damage mitigation formula. See Accessories for nondamagereducing clothing. Capes All capes provide minimal armor, so the players choice may come down to additional effects, crafting cost, or vanity reasons. classarticletable sortable stylewidth100 Armor Piece Armor quality 1234 Weight Additional Effects Materials Needed Location Obtained Cape of OdinCape of Odin DLCbrFileCape of Odin.png 1234 4 Leather scrapsbr1051015brCoalbr4246 Workbenchbr1234 Deer hide capebrFileDeer hide cape.png 1234 4 Deer hidebr44812brBone fragmentsbr551015 Workbenchbr2345 Troll hide capebrFileTroll hide cape.png 1234 4 Troll Set bonusbr15 Sneak Skill Troll hidebr1051015brBone fragmentsbr1051015 Workbenchbr2345 Wolf fur capebrFileWolf fur cape.png 1234 4 Resistant0.5x VS Damage typesFrostFrost Silverbr4246brWolf peltbr64812brWolf trophybr1 Workbenchbr2345 Lox capebrFileLox cape.png 1234 4 Resistant0.5x VS Damage typesFrostFrost Lox peltbr6246brSilverbr2 Workbenchbr2345 Linen capebrFileLinen cape.png 1234 4 Linen threadbr204812brSilverbr1 Workbenchbr2345 Feather capebrFileFeather cape.png 1234 4 Resistant0.5x VS Damage typesFrostFrost Very Weak 2x vs. FirebrFall damage 100brLimit fall speed 5msbr20 jump stamina Feathersbr10246brScale hidebr551015brRefined eitrbr20369 Galdr tablebr1234 Asksvin cloakbrFileAsksvincape.png71x71px 1234 4 Resistant0.5x VS Damage typesFrostFrost Wind Runbr Dodge stamina usage 15 Asksvin hidebr 6246br Morgen sinewbr 2 Galdr tablebr 234span stylecolor red5span span stylecolor greycurrently unobtainablespan Ashen capebrFileAshen Cape.png 12141618 4 Resistant0.5x VS Damage typesFrostFrostbr Attack Stamina Usage 10br Block Stamina Usage 20 Asksvin hidebr 10246br Morgen sinewbr 5br Flametalbr 5 Black forgebr 345span stylecolor red6span span stylecolor greycurrently unobtainablespan Helmets classarticletable sortable stylewidth100 Armor Piece Armor quality 1234 Weight Additional Effects Materials Needed Location Obtained Midsummer CrownbrFileHelmetMidsummerCrown.png 1 1 Dandelion x10 Workbenchbr1 Yule hatbrFileYule hat.png 1 1 Coinsbr100 Haldor Dverger circletbrFileDverger circlet.png 2 1 Cone shaped light source Coinsbr620 Haldor Hood of OdinHood of Odin DLCbrFileHood of Odin.png 1234 1 Leather scrapsbr1051015brCoalbr4246 Workbenchbr1234 Leather helmetbrFileLeather helmet.png 2468 1 Deer hidebr661218brBone fragmentsbr51015 Workbenchbr2345 Troll leather helmetbrFileTroll leather helmet.png 681012 1 Troll Set bonusbr15 Sneak Skill Troll hidebr5246brBone fragmentsbr3123 Workbenchbr2345 Bronze helmetbrFileBronze helmet.png 8101214 3 Bronzebr5369brDeer hidebr2 Forgebr1234 Root maskbrFileRoot mask.png 8101214 3 Resistant0.5x VS Damage typesPoisonPoisonbrWeak1.5x VS Damage typesFireFirebrRoot Set bonusbr15 BowsBows Skill Root itemRootbr10246brAncient barkbr1051015brLeather scrapsbr4 Workbenchbr2345 Iron helmetbrFileIron Helmet.png 14161820 3 Ironbr2051015brDeer hidebr2 Forgebr1234 Fenris hood FileFenris hood.png 10121416 1 3 Movement speedbrFenris Set bonusbr 15 Fists SkillbrResistant0.5x VS Damage typesFireFire Fenris hairbr2051015brWolf peltbr24812brCultist trophybr1 Workbenchbr2345 Drake helmetbrFileDrake helmet.png 20222426 3 Silverbr2051015brWolf peltbr2brDrake trophybr2 Forgebr1234 Padded helmetbrFilePadded helmet.png 26283032 3 Ironbr1051015brLinen threadbr15102030 Forgebr1234 Eitrweave hoodbrFileEitrweave hood.png 16182022 1 20 Eitr regen Ironbr2brLinen threadbr1681624brRefined eitrbr1551015 Galdr tablebr1234 Carapace helmetbrFileCarapace helmet.png 32343638 3 Carapacebr1681624brScale hidebr3123brMandiblebr2brRefined eitrbr4246 Black forgebr1234 Hood of EmblabrFileHood of Embla.png 19212325 1 30 Eitr regen Linen threadbr1681624brRefined eitrbr1551015brAsksvin hidebr2 Galdr tablebr234span stylecolor red5span Hood of AskbrFileHood of Ask.png 28303234 1 Asks Endurance full set Linen threadbr15102030brLox peltbr4246brAsksvin hidebr1051015 Black forgebr 345span stylecolor red6span Flametal helmetbrFileFlametal Helmet.png 38404244 3 Flametalbr1681624brAsksvin hidebr3123brCharred bonebr2brRefined eitrbr4246 Black forgebr 345span stylecolor red6span Chest Armor classarticletable sortable stylewidth100 Armor Piece Armor quality 1234 Weight Additional Effects Materials Needed Location Obtained Rag tunicbrFileRag tunic.png 12 2 Leather scrapsbr55 Workbenchbr12 Leather tunicbrFileLeather tunic.png 2468 5 Deer hidebr661218brBone fragmentsbr51015 Workbenchbr2345 Troll leather tunicbrFileTroll leather tunic.png 681012 5 Troll Set bonusbr15 Sneak Skill Troll hidebr5246 Workbenchbr2345 Bronze plate cuirassbrFileBronze plate cuirass.png 8101214 10 5 Movement speed Bronzebr5369brDeer hidebr2 Forgebr1234 Root harneskbrFileRoot harnesk.png 8101214 10 2 Movement speedbrResistant0.5x VS Damage typesPiercePiercebrWeak1.5x VS Damage typesFireFirebrRoot Set bonusbr15 BowsBows Skill Root itemRootbr10246brAncient barkbr1051015brDeer hidebr2 Workbenchbr2345 Iron scale mailbrFileIron scale mail.png 14161820 15 5 Movement speed Ironbr2051015brDeer hidebr2 Forgebr2345 Fenris coat FileFenris coat.png 10121416 1 3 Movement speedbrFenris Set bonusbr 15 Fists SkillbrResistant0.5x VS Damage typesFireFire Fenris hairbr2051015brWolf peltbr5369brLeather scrapsbr104812 Workbenchbr2345 Wolf armor chestbrFileWolf armor chest.png 20222426 15 5 Movement speedbrResistant0.5x VS Damage typesFrostFrost Silverbr2051015brWolf peltbr5246brChainbr1 Forgebr2345 Padded cuirassbrFilePadded cuirass.png 26283032 10 5 Movement speed Ironbr10369brLinen threadbr20102030 Forgebr2345 Eitrweave robebrFileEitrweave robe.png 16182022 5 40 Eitr regenbr2 Movement speed Feathersbr10brLinen threadbr20102030brRefined eitrbr2051015brScale hidebr5 Galdr tablebr1234 Carapace breastplatebrFileCarapace breastplate.png 32343638 10 5 Movement speed Carapacebr20102030brScale hidebr3123brIronbr5brRefined eitrbr4246 Black forgebr1234 Robes of EmblabrFileRobes of Embla.png 19212325 5 50 Eitr regenbr2 Movement speed Linen threadbr20102030brRefined eitrbr2051015brAsksvin hidebr10brFlametalbr5246 Galdr table 234span stylecolor red5span Breastplate of AskbrFileBreastplate of Ask.png 28303234 5 Asks Endurance full set Linen threadbr15102030brLox peltbr4246brAsksvin hidebr1051015 Black forgebr 345span stylecolor red6span Flametal breastplatebrFileFlametal Breastplate.png 38404244 10 20 Heat Resistance 5 Movement speed Flametalbr20102030brAsksvin hidebr3123brCharred bonebr5brMorgen heartbr1 Black forgebr 345span stylecolor red6span Leg Armor classarticletable sortable stylewidth100 Armor Piece Armor quality 1234 Weight Additional Effects Materials Needed Location Obtained Rag pantsbrFileRag pants.png 12 2 Leather scrapsbr55 Workbenchbr12 Leather pantsbrFileLeather pants.png 2468 5 Deer hidebr661218brBone fragmentsBone fragmentsbr51015 Workbenchbr2345 Troll leather pantsbrFileTroll leather pants.png 681012 5 Troll Set bonusbr15 Sneak Skill Troll hidebr5246 Workbenchbr2345 Bronze plate leggingsbrFileBronze plate leggings.png 8101214 10 5 Movement speed Bronzebr5369brDeer hidebr2 Forgebr1234 Root leggingsbrFileRoot leggings.png 8101214 10 2 Movement speedbrWeak1.5x VS Damage typesFireFirebrRoot Set bonusbr15 BowsBows Skill Root itemRootbr10246brAncient barkbr1051015brDeer hidebr2 Workbenchbr2345 Iron greavesbrFileIron greaves.png 14161820 15 5 Movement speed Ironbr2051015brDeer hidebr2 Forgebr2345 Fenris leggings FileFenris leggings.png 10121416 1 3 Movement speedbrFenris Set bonusbr 15 Fists SkillbrResistant0.5x VS Damage typesFireFire Fenris hairbr2051015brWolf peltbr5369brLeather scrapsbr104812 Workbenchbr2345 Wolf armor legsbrFileWolf armor legs.png 20222426 15 5 Movement speed Silverbr2051015brWolf peltbr5246brWolf fangbr4123 Forgebr2345 Padded greavesbrFilePadded greaves.png 26283032 10 5 Movement speed Ironbr10369brLinen threadbr20102030 Forgebr2345 Eitrweave trousersbrFileEitrweave trousers.png 16182022 5 40 Eitr regenbr2 Movement speed Linen threadbr20102030brRefined eitrbr2051015brScale hidebr10 Galdr tablebr1234 Carapace greavesbrFileCarapace greaves.png 32343638 10 5 Movement speed Carapacebr20102030brScale hidebr3123brIronbr5brRefined eitrbr4246 Black forgebr1234 Trousers of EmblabrFileTrousers of Embla.png 19212325 5 50 Eitr regenbr2 Movement speed Linen threadbr20102030brRefined eitrbr2051015brAsksvin hidebr10 Galdr tablebr234span stylecolor red5span Trousers of AskbrFileTrousers of Ask.png 28303234 5 Asks Endurance full set Linen threadbr15102030brLox peltbr4246brAsksvin hidebr1051015 Black forgebr 345span stylecolor red6span Flametal GreavesbrFileFlametal Greaves.png 38404244 10 20 Heat Resistancebr5 Movement speed Flametalbr20102030brAsksvin hidebr3123brCharred bonebr5 Black forgebr 345span stylecolor red6span Notes Except for Rag Armor, every craftable piece of armor when upgraded increases armor value by 2 per level. Every Cape is 1 per level, except for the Ashen cape which is 2 per level. When an equipped armor piece is upgraded, it becomes unequipped. Ensure that the armor piece is reequipped prior to venturing outside to avoid sudden death. Armor ruБроня csZbroje frArmure CategoryArmor CategoryItems
Infobox structure title Armor Stand image Armor_Stand.png appearance Armor_Stand_Display.png type Furniture usage Comfort, Display Armor source Workbench build height 1 id ArmorStand durability 600 size 1x1x1 rain damage no materials8 Fine Wood 4 Iron Nails 2 Leather Scraps comfort 1 resistances chest The Armor stand is a furniture item that can be built using the Hammer within the range of a Workbench. It also increases the Comfort level by 1 when placed. Its purpose is to display a set of Armor, a WeaponsWeapon and a ShieldsShield. You can mix and match any armor piece and most weapon shield combos. The Armor Stand is an alternative to storing armor in a Chest. See also Armor Comfort Furniture BuildingNav csStojan na brnění ruСтойка для брони CategoryStorage
redirect Armorhttpsvalheim.fandom.comwikiArmor
Arrows is a type of ammunition for Bows. Arrow damage is added to base bow damage before any other damage calculation. See Damage mechanics for details. If you have more than one kind of arrow, you can right click the kind you want in your inventory. List of Arrows classfandomtable sortable onlyincludeName Icon Total DamageDamage Type Knockback Wood arrow FileWood arrow.png 22 Pierce 22 10 Flinthead arrow FileFlinthead arrow.png 27 Pierce 27 10 Bronzehead arrow FileBronzehead arrow.png 32 Pierce 32 10 Fire arrow FileFire arrow.png 33 Pierce 11brFire 22 10 Ironhead arrow FileIronhead arrow.png 42 Pierce 42 10 Poison arrow FilePoison arrow.png 78 Pierce 26brPoison 52 10 Obsidian arrow FileObsidian arrow.png 52 Pierce 52 10 Frost arrow FileFrost arrow.png 78 Pierce 26brFrost 52 10 Silver arrow FileSilver arrow.png 72 Pierce 52brSpirit 20 10 Needle arrow FileNeedle arrow.png 62 Pierce 62 15 Carapace arrow FileCarapace arrow.png 72 Pierce 72 15 Charred arrow FileCharred arrow.png 82 Pierce 82 15onlyinclude WeaponsNav CategoryWeapons CategoryArrows ruСтрелы
infobox structure title Artisan table image Artisan table.png appearance Artisan table appearance.png description Crafting station id piece_artisanstation type Crafting skillCrafting source usage durability 200 size 2.8 x 2.6 x 1.9 build height materials Dragon tear x2 Wood x10 effects comfort resistanceswood Artisan tables are Player basebase structures used for building Blast furnaces, Spinning wheels, Windmills, and Stone oven within 40 meters. They require Dragon tears, so they can only be built after killing Moder. Its upgrade is required to build the Drakkar to reach Ashlands and is obtained by killing The Queen. Interacting requires a roof and 70 cover. Building structures does not require roof or any cover. Upgrades Upgrading an artisan table enables additional crafting recipes. An artisan table can be upgraded by building the following structures near it classarticletable sortable Icon Name Materials FileArtisan press.png Artisan press 5 Black marblebr 5 Bronzebr 1 Majestic carapace Recipes Level 1 base Black metal missile Wooden missile Mechanical spring Level 2 1 Artisan table upgrade Ceramic plate Shield core BuildingNav CategoryCrafting csŘemeslnický stůl frTable dartisan ruСтол ремесленника
Infobox armor title Ashen cape image Ashen Cape.png appearance Ashen Cape appearance.png id CapeAsh type Cape description Thin metal threads are woven into this cape to create an intricate pattern, like a destiny woven by the Norns themselves. source Black forge weight 4 durability 1200 crafting level 3 repair level 3 materials 1 Asksvin hide x6 Morgen sinew x2 Flametal x5 materials 2 Asksvin hide x2 materials 3 Asksvin hide x4 materials 4 Asksvin hide x6 armor 12 armor per level 2 other effect Resistant 0.5x vs Frostbr Attack Stamina Usage 10br Block Stamina Usage 20 The Ashen cape is the combat focused Ashlandstier Cape. A more mobile Ashlandstier cape is the Asksvin cloak focusing on dodging and running. Perks The Ashen cape gives resistant against frost, 10 to attack stamina usage and 20 to block stamina usage. Upgrade information classfandomtable articletable Quality 1 2 3 4 Durability 1200 1250 1300 1350 Armor 12 14 16 18 Cost Asksvin hide x6br Morgen sinew x2br Flametal x5 Asksvin hide x2 Asksvin hide x4 Asksvin hide x6 Black forge level 3 4 5 span stylecolor red6span span stylecolor greycurrently unobtainablespan Armor ruПепельный плащ
infobox biome title Ashlands image Biome_ashlands.png caption passive Ash crow Ashlands Dvergr hostile Asksvin Bonemaw Serpent Charred Marksman Charred Twitcher Charred Warlock Charred Warrior Fallen Valkyrie Lava Blob Morgen Volture Skugg boss FaderbrLord Reto miniboss unique Asksvin bladder Asksvin hide Asksvin neck Asksvin pelvis Asksvin ribcage Asksvin skull Ashwood Bell fragment Celestial feather Charcoal resin Charred bone Charred skull Flametal ore Grausten Molten core Morgen sinew Pot shard Proustite powder Sulfur regular Coal Feathers Iron Wood Silver Bronze Tasty mead food Asksvin tail Bonemaw meat Fiddlehead Smoke puff Volture egg Volture meat Vineberry cluster structures Charred Fortress Ashlands ruins Charred ruins Dvergr Charred tower ruins Volture nest Monument of Torment Sulfur arch Lavaiathan dungeons Putrid Hole Tomb of Lord Reto The Ashlands is a molten hellscape biomesbiome that takes the form of a crescent shaped island in the southernmost part of the world. A fiery realm, the terrain changes the more inland one travels, with central parts taken up by lava. The undead army of Charred make up the population, among other creatures. The water surrounding the Ashlands mainland is boiling, which will destroy all wooden ships attempting to sail to the biome. Only the Drakkar, obtainable after defeating The Queen, can survive the perilous voyage to the biome. Cinder rain occurs in the biome, which destroys structures. A Shield generator has to be constructed to protect player bases. Additionally, fire spreads between Wood structureswooden structures here. This biome was the primary focus of the eponymous Version HistoryAshlands update. It follows the Mistlands progressionwise. Creatures Hostile Item LinkFallen Valkyrie Item LinkCharred Warrior Item LinkCharred Marksman Item LinkCharred Warlock Item LinkCharred Twitcher Item LinkMorgen Item LinkBonemaw Item LinkAsksvin Item LinkVolture Item LinkSkugg Item LinkLava Blob Item LinkLord Reto Item LinkFader Passive Item LinkMagmafish Item LinkAshlands Dvergr Resources From terrain Item LinkAsksvin neck Item LinkAsksvin pelvis Item LinkAsksvin ribcage Item LinkAsksvin skull Item LinkAshwood Item LinkCharcoal resin Item LinkFlametal ore Item LinkGrausten Item LinkProustite powder Item LinkSulfur Item LinkStone From structures Item LinkBlack marble Item LinkSoft tissue From Charred Fortress Item LinkIolite Item LinkJade Item LinkBloodstone Item LinkFlametal ore Item LinkCharred cogwheel Item LinkCoins Item LinkBone fragments Item LinkCharred bone Item LinkCharred skull Item LinkCelestial feather Item LinkMolten core Item LinkBell fragment Item LinkGrausten Item LinkScrap bronze From Putrid Hole Item LinkBone fragments Item LinkAsksvin skull Item LinkAsksvin ribcage Item LinkAsksvin pelvis Item LinkAsksvin neck Item LinkCoins Item LinkSilver necklace Item LinkEntrails Item LinkMolten core Item LinkCharred bone Item LinkCarapace arrow Item LinkAshwood Item LinkRotten meat Item LinkSoft tissue From creatures Item LinkSoft tissue Item LinkBonemaw tooth Item LinkFeathers Item LinkAsksvin bladder Item LinkAsksvin hide Item LinkCharred bone Item LinkMorgen sinew Item LinkMorgen heart Item LinkCelestial feather Item LinkFader relic Item LinkDyrnwyn tip fragment Item LinkDyrnwyn blade fragment Item LinkDyrnwyn hilt fragment Item LinkCharred skull Item LinkWood Item LinkFine wood Item LinkCopper scrap Item LinkTasty mead Item LinkAshwood Item LinkFlametal ore Boiling water Boats take between 1 to 30 blunt damage per second depending on how far they are in the Ashlands ocean, the maximum is reached from 300m within. The Drakkar is the only boat immune to boiling water damage. Players in contact with boiling water accumulate heat, when a threshold is reached, they take 50 pure damage per second. When swimming, the damage limit is reached in 28 seconds. The heat buildup is reduced proportionally in the first 300m of Ashlands ocean. When the player is not swimming, but is in contact with boiling water, heat buildup depends on how far inside the Ashlands biomes the player is. At the lowest point on the map, the limit is reached in 42 seconds, and in 84 seconds toward the middle of Ashlands. The heat dissipates in less than 0.7 seconds when the player does not touch the water. The Heat resistance from Flametal Armor reduces the heat accumulation and the damage taken. For example, a 40 Heat resistance gives 66 additional delay 40 buildup and 30 damage per second 40 damage. Notes Friendly fire between creatures is an intentional part of Ashlands and one of its most noteworthy features as it is a good way for players to manage combat against groups of enemies. As of patch 218.15, it is the only biome where some of the enemies can damage creatures other than the player characters and tames All Charred No friendly fire Volture No friendly fire Asksvin Pounce has friendly fire Morgen All attacks have friendly fire Fallen Valkyrie All attacks have friendly fire Bonemaw Spit has friendly fire Lava Blob Explosion has friendly fire Skugg Bolt has friendly fire Fader Fissure and Wall of Fire have friendly fire The Ashlands, while still softlocked, are currently the hardest biome to reach without defeating the The Queenprevious boss. However, it is still possible to get there earlier but needs very careful planning and preparation, with sailing speed and ship durability being key factors. The Ashlands only have four enemies Bonemaw, Lava Blob, Fallen Valkyrie and Charred Warlock whom do fire damage out of the 11 non bossminiboss enemies, with three of those four being less common or more restricted in spawning. Tips Strategies should be employed with the biomes philosophy of pick your fights. Many encounters can be outran, rather than dealt with. For example, the Asksvin cloak provides a movement bonus. Spawnproofing can be leveraged to greatly lower the amount of enemies and to potentially block events. Any player base structure blocks spawns within a 20m radius. Workbenches show the range, but Campfires are cheaper to build. Traveling along a coast lowers the amount of enemy encounters, as they can only spawn on the ground. Putrid Holes can be used as a safe location to recover health and stamina once cleared. It is useful to mark them on the map for this reason. Portal stoneStone portals become available early, and can teleport metal notably Flametal ore, meaning sailing out of the biome is not necessary. Are you tired of dying all the time in the Charred FortressCharred Fortresses Then heres the perfect way to conquer them without a single death. Master one Charred FortressCharred Fortresses, obtain the Bloodstoneblood stone, and then craft the Trollstav. Now, you can easily approach a Charred FortressCharred Fortresses and summon Summoned trolltrolls from the outside, which will handle the fortress without any issues. Finally, kill the Summoned trolltroll and enjoy the loot Trivia The Ashlands are possibly a reference to wikipediaMuspelheimMuspelheim, the realm in the south made of fire and guarded by the fire giant wikipediaSurtrSurtr in Norse mythology. gallery positioncenter captionaligncenter FileAshlands.pngInprogress Ashlands FileAshlands2.pngInprogress Ashlands Topography FileCharred concept art.pngCharred enemy concept art FileMorgen concept art.pngMorgen enemy concept art FileTwitcher development.pngTwitcher Development FileCharred development.pngCharred Development FileMorgen development.pngMorgen Development FileValkyrie development.pngValkyrie Development FileBonemaw development.pngBonemaw Serpent Development FileAshlands1.jpgAerial picture of Ashlands before the Ashlands update FileAshlands2.jpgSurtlings around Glowing Rock before the Ashlands update FileAshlands3.jpgGlowing rock before the Ashlands update gallery Biomes csPrašné končiny ruПепельные земли ukПопелисті землі
Infobox creaturetitleAshlands Dvergr image 0starAshlands Dvergr 0star.png image 1starAshlands Dvergr 1star.png image 2starAshlands Dvergr 2star.png trophyDvergr trophy idDvergerAshlands factionDvergrlocationAshlandsdropsBlack marblebrCoinsbrDvergr trophybrSoft tissuehealth 0star1000damage 0star 210 Pierce 70 BluntabilitiesArbalest MeleeimmuneSpirit, chop, pickaxe Ashlands Dvergr are much stronger than their cousins Dvergr rogueDvergr rogues, their status can be compared to twostar Dvergr rogues. Ashlands Dvergr rogues are neutral creatures found in the Ashlands, especially around Dvergr raceDvergr settlements. They resemble short, blue humanoids with light blue eyes and redbeard hair carrying an Arbalest. Rogues that spawn at Dvergr structures will often be accompanied by a mix of other rogues Rogues may spawn and respawn anywhere in the Ashlands. Once provoked by a player by damaging them, other nearby Dvergr, or any part of a nearby structure that is protected by a Dvergr Ward, they will become hostile and attack. Ashlands Dvergr are naturally hostile to other aggressive creatures in the Ashlands and will attack them on sight. Drop tabledrop rowitemCoins0star2141star2142star214 drop rowitemBlack marble0star501star502star50 drop rowitemSoft tissue0star251star252star25 drop rowitemDvergr trophy0star51star52star5 Quotes CollapsibleShow quotesExpandRetract Talk I think Im going to sweat my beard off. I was made for dwelling below ground, among the cool rocks. Not this blistering heat. Careful, even the water here is boiling hot. My cousin is stationed in the lands of fog. Lucky Whitebeard... I wonder if theres any shade around here. Not that itd help... Hm. Smells like rotten eggs. Mind your step. My brother lost a toe to the lava a while back. My sister tried to tame an asksvin, you know. It bit off her hand, even though they dont even eat meat Vineberries, vineberries... I know I saw some around here... I could really use a mug of cold ale right now... When you think about it, this heat isnt worse than the heat from a good forge. Dont forget to wipe off that sweat Or else a morgen might smell you and decide youre its dinner. Bloodstone, bloodstone, bloodstone, bloodstone... Be careful if you see a big pile of bones. It usually means one of those morgen creatures is nearby. Those undead bastards sure hoard some pretty gemstones... This place is astonishing So much land still to explore It may be warm, but the discoveries we make are their own reward. Ha A Whitebeard would never dare to venture here. The Whitebeards could never withstand this heat. They just dont have the stones for it I came upon a ruin with a whole flock of asksvin yesterday They were there to search for food, methinks. Talk in faction base I should never have bet on that dice game... Then again, the heat isnt too bad I saw someone run around in just their underpants and some belts, seemed nice and cool... Those siblings had the right idea. Imagine being off on your very own business venture in a cool forest I wonder what well find out here. Surely it must be worth it. I wish I could have a nice, cool bath. What do you suppose well find out here We sure hit those charred hard yesterday, didnt we They used to worship the Emerald Flame in these parts. Makes you wonder what kind of patron that is... Ive been thinking of getting a pet. It would be nice, dont you think A bit of sweat is good for you, my mother always said Ladi dadi dadi dada. I hope the children are doing alright back home. Its been so long now since I last saw them... When we get back home I think Im going to pick up a new hobby. I think my boot needs mending. Ah, to feel the cool relief of mist on my face... I was a fool to leave that post behind. I wonder what discoveries tomorrow will bring. Those Whitebeards dont know what theyre missing I could never remain stationed at just one excavation for months. Us Redbeards are meant to explore The Whitebeards will be jealous when they hear of our success, Im sure I dont care much for those smokepuff mushrooms myself. Only fit for asksvin food, really Greet Who goes there A living person, huh Thats a nice change of pace. Hello there. Greetings. Are you friend or foe Goodbye Take care now. Careful out there. Until next time. See you around. Or not. Tettå. Private area alarm Hey Stop that. Keep your hands to yourself. Thats a good way to get yourself thrown into the lava. I really wouldnt do that if I were you. Aggravated You really shouldnt have done that Ill get you for that Youre going down Ill feed you to a bloody asksvin Oh you little Gallery gallery FileDvergrscout.png FileDvergrbase.png gallery
infobox item title Ashlands gourmet bowl image Ashlands gourmet bowl.png description Its hard to tell whether the steam coming off of this dish is because its freshly cooked or because of the asksvin meat in it. Either way, the spiced meat together with the vineberries and fiddlehead sprouts is so delicious that it doesnt matter id FeastAshlands_Material type Feast source Food preparation table usage Eating weight 10.0 stack 5 teleport Yes materials Cooked asksvin tail x3 Vineberry cluster x5 Scorching medley x2 Fiery spice powder x1 uses 10 health 75 stamina 75 eitr 38 duration 3000 healing 6 hptick Ashlands gourmet bowl is the Ashlandstier Feast. Recipe Ashlands gourmet bowl can be produced at a Food preparation table with item linkCooked asksvin tail x3 item linkVineberry cluster x5 item linkScorching medley x2 item linkFiery spice powder x1 FoodsNav ruПир из Пепельных земель
Infobox_location titleAshlands ruins imageAshlandsruins1.jpg typeStructure locationAshlands inhabitantsCharred Twitcher, Morgen id AshlandRuinsbr FortressRuinsbr CharredTowerRuins Ashlands ruins are broken structures built from Grausten scattered throughout the Ashlands. The largest variants of ruins are Charred Ruins. Resources FiddleheadFiddleheads and Smoke puffSmokepuffs can be found in the ruins. Ruins can also be destroyed to get Grausten. Not just buildings on surface, the foundations of these ruins also can be destroyed, but they can only take DamagePickaxe damage. The most efficient way to destroy these is either baiting Morgen or Lava Blob to damage these ruins. Creatures In addition to the regular Spawn zones mecanics, Ashlands ruins have a chance to appear with Charred Twitchers or Morgen, they only spawn once. WorldNav
FileAshvine Player.jpgthumbA player standing in front of an ashvine with berry clusters. This was grown from one seed. Ashvine can be found in the Ashlands, growing on the side of Charred ruins. They spawn Vineberry clusterVineberry clusters, which are an important ingredient for Ashlands tier food, and can be planted using a Cultivator and Vineberry seeds. Farming Picking a ripe vineberry cluster produces 3 vineberries, with a 20 chance to also produce 14 Vineberry seeds. 3 is the most common. Ashvine can spawn berries every 3 hours and 20 minutes. Vineberry seeds can be acquired when harvesting ashvine in any biome. Vineberry seeds can be planted as an ashvine cluster using a Cultivator. Ashvine requires a nearby wall to grow up to be able to be harvested. Make sure the seedling does not clip into the wall when placing do not place it too close to the wall. Ashvine does not need to be replanted, it is selfreplenishing. The Ashlands biome is not required for growing ashvine. Once on the wall, the soil no longer needs to be cultivated. Growth Behavior Ashvine cannot grow if there is a roof or other type of overhang directly above it. Ashvine may be placed up to 2 meters from a wall, and must be slightly further than the distance where the last leaves clip into the wall. That creates the distance range as approximately 0.75 2 meters from a wall. Clusters cannot spawn closer than about 2 meters from existing clusters. This means that regardless of age, the whole vine cannot have vineberry clusters at the same time. It will grow upward and outward to a limited extent, around 10x10 meters. Planted ashvine clusters must have adequate distance between themselves and existing ashvine on a wall. This means that when one of two healthy ashvine clusters on opposite sides of a wooden wall grows, the other may become crowded if not nearly 2 meters from the wall. When planted carefully, two sides of a wooden wall may be planted on, and thicker stone walls will easily support both sides being grown on. It cannot turn corners. It can occasionally jump small gaps of up to 2 meters, like a doorway. It can grow on wood, stone, flametal, and any other buildable materials. It can be grown on poles, crafting benches, wood piles, torches, and other buildable objects not generally considered walls. Ashvine can grow on doors. However, they will quickly break when the door is opened as it removes the support. The expansion of wall vines will not be limited by ashvine on the opposite side of the same wall. It needs a wall, but it does NOT need air. Ashvine are to some extent able to grow on walls that are buried. This can be useful to start ashvine on walls that use terrain for the first few meters, as the walls can be extended down into the terrain. Planting Ashvine classfandomtable Allowed Biomes Meadows Yes Black Forest Yes Ocean Yes Swamp Yes Mountain No Plains Yes Mistlands Yes Ashlands Yes Notes Ashvine cannot grow in the MountainMountains and Deep North, regardless of fires or shield generators. Each wall vine has 30 health. Destroying one does not impact the rest of the vine, though it may limit the vines expansion Gallery gallery FileAshvine Wall with Barries.jpgAshvine growing on a wooden wall, with a Vineberry cluster FileAshvine Wall.jpgAshvine growing on a wooden wall, without berries FileAshvine Growth.jpgPlanted Ashvine in different stages of life. The leftmost one is unable to grow. Second is one freshly planted, in its first stage of life. Next is one in its second stage of growth, and finally, the third stage, which is to cling to the wall. gallery ruПепельная лоза CategoryFarming
Infobox item image Ashwood.png description Wood hardened by fire and ash. id Blackwood type Material source Scorched Tree usage Building, Crafting weight 2.0 stack 50 teleportYes Ashwood is a crafting resource obtained by chopping down Scorched Trees in the Ashlands biome. While they can be chopped with a stone axe, Ashlands are only accessible after defeating The Queen, so it can only be collected in the late game. Usage cols2 Crafting Ash Fang Ripper Splitnir Staff of the Wild Dundr Charred bolt Charred arrow Flametal missile Upgrading Staff of the Wild Building Battering ram Catapult Rolling pins and cutting boards Metal cutter Gem cutter Feathery wreath Ashwood stack Ashwood stakewall Ashwood door Ashwood bed Ashwood bench Ashwood wall Ashwood half wall Ashwood quarter wall Ashwood top arch Ashwood decorative wall Ashwood decorative window Ashwood divider Ashwood floor 2x2 Ashwood floor 1x1 Ashwood decorative floor Ashwood arch Ashwood beam 1 m Ashwood beam 2 m Ashwood pole 1 m Ashwood pole 2 m Ashwood beam 26 Ashwood beam 45 Ashwood roof cross 26 Ashwood roof cross 45 Ashwood wall roof 26 Ashwood wall roof 26 inverted Ashwood wall Roof 45 Ashwood wall Roof 45 inverted Ashwood stairs Wood CategoryWood ruПепельная древесина
infobox structure description id ashwood_bed type Furniture source Workbench usage Sets a spawn point. durability 100 size 3.1x0.7x1.7 materials Ashwood x8 Lox pelt x2 Asksvin hide x2 effects comfort Bed 1 support wood resistances wood Ashwood beds are Player basebase structures used for sleeping and setting the players respawn point. Despite being obtainable later than dragon beds, they only give 1 Comfort, as much as a regular bed. Sleeping MainSleeping It is possible to sleep in a bed after a player has claimed one. Sleeping skips the game clock to the next morning. The game will progress in fastforward while the player sleeps, meaning that crafting stations that process materials will continue working. This can make sleeping advantageous if the player is attempting to refine a large volume of materials quickly. It is only possible to sleep if It is Day and Night Cycleafternoon or night. There are no enemies nearby. The bed has a roof and 80 cover. There is a fire nearby. The player is not wet. There is a 10 chance for the player to SleepingDreamsdream while sleeping on a bed. Notes A bed can be claimed when it has a roof and 80 cover. Press E while looking directly at a bed to claim it. The most recent bed claimed by a player will serve as their respawn point. This can be used strategically by building small outposts outside of dungeons or other dangerous areas and placing a bed inside, allowing the player to quickly return and reattempt the area. Once a bed has been claimed by a player, other players cannot override their claim unless the bed is destroyed and replaced. If your bed spawn point is destroyed and you die, you will respawn at the starting location. An ashwood bed will increase the Comfort level by 1. If a player sleeps in a bed that is very close to a roof, it is possible to wake up on the other side of the roof. BuildingNav ruКровать из пепельного дерева
infobox structure description type Misc usage Storage of extra Ashwood durability 10 size 2x0.9x1 rain damage yes materials Ashwood x50 resistanceswood idblackwood_stack Ashwood stack is a buildable structure that is used to store Ashwood, or simply decorate around a homestead. BuildingNav CategoryStacks Piles ruСтопка пепельной древесины
infobox structure title Ashwood stakewall image Ashwood stakewall.png id piece_stakewall_blackwood type Building source Workbench durability 450 size 1x2 rain damage No materials Ashwood x6 neutral blunt, slash, pickaxe, fire, frost, lightning immune poison, spirit weak chop resistant pierce Ashwood stakewall is a stakes built with Ashwood acquired from the Ashlands. It deals 120 pierce damage and 40 knockback to creatures including players that touch the sharp end of the stakes. The stakes lose 34 durability when they deal damage and can be repaired with a Hammer when within range of a Workbench. BuildingNav ruОстрые колья из пепельной древесины
Ashwood structures require Ashwood and the proximity of a workbench to be built and repaired. Common properties Ashwood structures share the following properties classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible Common properties PropertyValue Durability400 Building StabilitySupportSupportWood Building StabilityLossLossWood DamageResistances Weak Chop Neutral Blunt, Slash, Pickaxe, Frost, Lightning Resistant Pierce, Fire Immune Poison, Spirit Damaged by EnvironmentRainrain Yes Unlike regular wood structures, ashwood structures are not flammable. br Flooring is an exception, it does burn. Structures Floors and stairs classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible StructureMaterialsSize Structures Item linkAshwood floor 1x1size64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 1x0.13x1 Item linkAshwood floor 2x2size64pxnolink1 Ashwood x4 2x0.13x2 Item linkAshwood decorative floorsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x4 2x0.13x2 Item linkAshwood stairsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 2x2x1 Note Ashwood flooring does burn. Walls classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible StructureMaterials Size Structures Item linkAshwood quarter wallsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 1x0.4x1 Item linkAshwood half wallsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 1x0.4x2 Item linkAshwood wallsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 2x0.4x2 Item linkAshwood wall 26size64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 2x0.4x1 Item linkAshwood wall 26 invertedsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 2x0.4x1 Item linkAshwood roof cross 26size64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 2x0.4x1 Item linkAshwood wall 45size64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 2x0.4x2 Item linkAshwood wall 45 invertedsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 2x0.4x2 Item linkAshwood roof cross 45size64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 2x0.4x2 Dividers classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible StructureMaterials Size Structures Item linkAshwood dividersize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 1x0.15x2 Item linkAshwood decorative wallsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 2x0.4x2 Item linkAshwood decorative windowsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 2x0.2x1 Item linkAshwood archsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 2x2 Item linkAshwood top archsize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 1x0.4x1 Poles and beams classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible StructureMaterialsSize Structures Item linkAshwood pole 1 msize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 0.4x0.4x1 Item linkAshwood pole 2 msize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x4 0.4x0.4x2 Item linkAshwood beam 1 msize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x2 1x0.4x0.4 Item linkAshwood beam 2 msize64pxnolink1 Ashwood x4 2x0.4x0.4 Item linkAshwood beam 26size64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 1x0.4x1 Item linkAshwood beam 45size64pxnolink1 Ashwood x1 1x0.4x2 Doors classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible StructureMaterialsSize Structures Item linkAshwood doorsize64pxnolink1 Flametal x1 Ashwood x3 2x2 Note The Ashwood door has 800 durability. See also Grausten roofs Grausten structures BuildingNav CategoryBuilding structures RUКонструкции из пепельного дерева
infobox creature title Ash Crow image 0star Ashcrow.png id AshCrow type Passive tameable No location Ashlands drops 3 Feathers health 0star 1 damage 0star 0 abilities neutral All aggressive No Ash crows are passive creatures found in Ashlands around Charred ruins. They are small birds with long legs and heavy, straight bills. These birds are entirely white, including their legs and feet. Strategy Forstrategies for hunting CrowsPassive creature strategiesCrow Drops drop tabledrop rowitemFeathers0star3 stars0
Infobox weapon title Ash Fang image Ash fang.png description Risen again from the ashes, this bow holds unyielding strength. id BowAshlands type Bow source Black forge crafting level 3 repair level 3 materials 1 Ashwood x10 Charred Bone x16 Flametal x5 Bonemaw Tooth x5 materials 2 Ashwood x5 Charred Bone x10 Flametal x5 Bonemaw Tooth x5 materials 3 Ashwood x10 Charred Bone x20 Flametal x10 Bonemaw Tooth x10 materials 4 Ashwood x15 Charred Bone x30 Flametal x15 Bonemaw Tooth x15 pierce 82 durability 100 stamina 14 s spirit 0 pierce per level 4 spirit per level 5 Ash Fang is the sixth Bowsbow. Its primary attack fires arrows and charging the attack increases accuracy, damage and velocity of the arrow. It does not have a secondary attack. While upgraded it also adds spirit damage to the arrows. Similar to other Ashlands weapons, the bow can be upgraded to one of three variants using gemstones Item linkBlood Fang Bloodstone Item linkStorm Fang Iolite Item linkRoot Fang Jade Warning An upgraded Ash Fang will NOT keep its upgrade level when it is modified using gemstones. Upgrade Information classarticletable Quality 1 2 3 4 Damage 82 pierce 86 piercebr 5 spirit 90 piercebr 10 spirit 94 piercebr 15 spirit Durability 100 150 200 250 Crafting 10 Ashwoodbr 16 Charred bonebr 5 Flametalbr 5 Bonemaw tooth 5 Ashwoodbr 10Charred bonebr 5 Flametalbr 5 Bonemaw tooth 10 Ashwoodbr 20 Charred bonebr 10 Flametalbr 10 Bonemaw tooth 15 Ashwoodbr 30 Charred bonebr 15 Flametalbr 15 Bonemaw tooth Upgrade station rowBlack forge4start3 Total cost for the fully upgraded Bows Skillbow is 40 Ashwood, 76 Charred bone, 35 Flametal and 35 Bonemaw tooth. However, it is only 25 Ashwood, 46 Charred bone, 20 Flametal and 20 Bonemaw tooth for level 3, which is the highest upgrade currently obtainable.Weapons ruПепельный клык
Effects effects Run stamina usage 10brJump stamina usage 10brAttack stamina usage 20brPierce 10 title1Asks Endurance caption1A lighter armour lets you move more freely, every move requiring less energy. Asks Endurance is a Status effectstatus effect granted by wearing the Ask Set. It reduces stamina from running and jumping by 10, from attacking by 20 and increases Piercepierce damage by 10. CategoryEffects ruВыносливость Аска
Infobox creature title Asksvin image 0star Asksvin.png image 1star Asksvin 1 star.png image 2star Asksvin 2 star.png trophy Asksvin trophy id Asksvin faction Demon location Ashlands tameable Yes drops Asksvin tailbrAsksvin hidebrAsksvin bladderbrAsksvin trophy health 0star 800 damage 0star 75 Blunt, 75 Slash, 50 Chop, 50 Pickaxe 120 Blunt, 100 Chop, 100 Pickaxe 150 Blunt, 50 Chop, 100 Pickaxe health 1star 1600 damage 1star 112.5 Blunt, 112.5 Slash, 75 Chop, 75 Pickaxe 180 Blunt, 150 Chop, 150 Pickaxe 225 Blunt, 75 Chop, 150 Pickaxe health 2star 2400 damage 2star 150 Blunt, 150 Slash, 100 Chop, 100 Pickaxe 240 Blunt, 200 Chop, 200 Pickaxe 300 Blunt, 100 Chop, 200 Pickaxe abilities Bite Headbutt Pounce resistant Fire, Poison immune Spirit Asksvins are hostile, tameable, and fast rideable creatures found in the Ashlands. They look like huge, mutated NeckNecks. Spawning Spawn tablespawn rowtypeSpawn zonesMiddle of the Ashlands during the day timelimit2frequency4starsYes max 1 star spawn rowtypeSpawn zonesMiddle of the Ashlands during the night time, despawn at dawnlimit2frequency4starsYes Attacks and abilities Forstrategies for defeating AsksvinsAggressive creature strategiesAsksvin Asksvin have a bite attack very similar to Lox. They can also pounce, leaping several meters and damaging at the end of the lunge. The leap attack does high damage to Grausten structuresgrausten and weaker structures, similar to a Lox, and it can even damage Factionsallied creatures. Both before and after taming, Asksvin take no damage from lava, despite not being immune to fire damage. Aftermath Defeating Asksvins allows the player to loot the following items. Drops Drop tabledrop rowitemAsksvin trophy0star101star10 2star10 drop rowitemAsksvin bladder 0star11star2 2star4 drop rowitemAsksvin hide 0star21star4 2star8 drop rowitemAsksvin tail 0star21star4 2star8 Parts for a buildable Asksvin skeleton can also be found separately in the Ashlands, but they drop from destroying Asksvin skeletons already there, not from killing Asksvin. Taming For general taming information and strategies, see Taming. Similar to the Wolf, Level 3 twostar Asksvins only spawn at night. Like any creatures spawned at night, Level 3 Asksvins will attempt to flee the active area and despawn during daytime hours if the taming process has not begun. This can be prevented by either A trapping them in a pit or pen that they cannot escape and staying within 64 meters of them or B by starting the taming process, after which they will never despawn. Asksvins can be tamed by feeding them Smoke puffsmoke puffs, Vineberry clustervineberry clusters or fiddleheadfiddleheads. They are rideable by equipping the Asksvin saddle. When riding an Asksvin, players cannot attack. Players riding an Asksvin can traverse lava and neither the player nor Asksvin will take damage from the lava. Tamed Asksvins dont do friendly fire damage to players, any other tamed creatures or neutral Dvergr raceDvergrs. Breeding Asksvin can breed, provided the asksvin is happy and wellfed with Fiddlehead or Vineberry cluster or Smoke puff, along with there being another asksvin at least within three meters, and no more than 10 asksvins within at least 10 meters. Once the conditions are met, they will accumulate love points with one another until the pregnancy starts. Pregnancy will last a minimum of 90 seconds, then they lay an Asksvin egg. The quality of the Asksvin egg is determined by the Asksvin that laid it note that quality 1 egg in player inventory indicates 0 stars, 2 indicates 1 star and 3 indicates 2 stars. Once laid, it would take 30 minutes to hatch into Asksvin Hatchling if there is a heat source nearby Example Campfire. If the heat source is gone or player puts the egg into their inventory, the timer is reset. Then Asksvin Hatchling takes 50 minutes to grow into adult without the need of heat source. They will not breed if the cap is reached, which is 10 Asksvins in 10 meters. However, there is currently no known limit to the eggs themselves. Trivia The word Asksvin is Swedish for ash swine.Creatures ukПопелозавр ruПеплозавр
Infobox item title Asksvin bladder image Asksvin Bladder.png description An acidic smell still lingers. Prominently. id AskBladder type Material source Asksvin usage Crafting weight 0.5 stack 50 teleport Yes Asksvin bladder is a material dropped by Asksvin. Usage Crafting item linkBasalt bomb item linkSmoke bomb ruМочевой пузырь пеплозавра
infobox structure title PAGENAME appearance Asksvin carrion 1.png description type Object source Volture nestsbrPutrid Holes drops Bone fragments Asksvin skull Asksvin ribcage Asksvin pelvis Asksvin neck id asksvin_carrionbrasksvin_carrion2 durability 150 size rain damage no build height materials effects comfort support resistances weak chop resistant pierce, fire, lightning immune poison, spirit PAGENAME are a nonBuildingbuildable structure that can be found throughout the Ashlands Biomesbiome, in Volture nests and in or around Putrid Holes. They have no function, but drop several useful resources when destroyed. Asksvin carrion comes in two different varieties, both of which are functionally identical. Location 16 Asksvin carrion can spawn in each Volture nest, with a 50 chance per additional carrion. Many Asksvin carrion can spawn inside and around the outside of Putrid Holes. Drops Each Asksvin carrion will drop 12 of the following when destroyed Drops Bone fragmentsBone fragments.png92.59 Asksvin skullAsksvin skull.png1.85 Asksvin ribcageAsksvin ribcage.png1.85 Asksvin pelvisAsksvin pelvis.png1.85 Asksvin neckAsksvin neck.png1.85 Gallery gallery Asksvin carrion 1.pngVariant 1 Asksvin carrion 2.pngVariant 2 gallery
infobox armor title Asksvin cloak image Asksvin cloak.png id asksvincape description This thick cape catches the wind, not unlike the sail of a ship. type Cape source Galdr table durability 1500 other effect Wind Run effectbr Run stamina usage 15BR Resistant 0.5x vs. Frost weight4 apperanceAsksvin cloak appearance.png Asksvin cloak is a craftable Cape piece that offers a proportional increased movement speed from the Wind Run effect and 15 sprint stamina usage. A more offensive option for an Ashlandstier cape is the Ashen cape which offers more combat bonuses. See alsoWind Run Upgrade information classfandomtable articletable Quality 1 2 3 4 Durability 1500 1550 1600 1650 Armor 1 2 3 4 Cost 6 Asksvin hidebr2 Morgen sinew 2 Asksvin hide 4 Asksvin hide 6 Asksvin hide Galdr table level 2 3 4 span stylecolor red5span Costs 18 Asksvin hide and 2 Morgen Sinew to get to max quality. Notes The Wind run affect works similar to sailing ships Wind strength affects the speed boost Armor ruПлащ из шкуры пеплозавра
Work in progress Infobox item image Asksvin egg.png description Hard as rock, yet you can sense the presence of something inside. This should be kept warm. id AsksvinEgg type Material source Asksvin usage Taming weight 1.0 stack 20 teleport Yes Asksvin eggs are laid by Asksvin in the Ashlands Biomesbiome. Hatching When placed near a fire or heat source and under a roof needs shelter for 30 minutes, the egg will hatch and an AsksvinAsksvin hatchling will spawn, which will then grow into an adult Asksvin. The egg must be individual not in a stack in order to hatch. Unlike Eggchicken eggs, Asksvin eggs come in different qualities. The number quality at the top right of the icon notes the level stars of the hatchling br Quality 1 hatches into regular Askvin hatchlings br Quality 2 hatches into 1star Askvin hatchlingsbr Quality 3 hatches into 2star Askvin hatchlings. Copied from chicken ruЯйцо пеплозавра
Infobox item image Asksvin Hide.png description This sturdy leather is thick, and still warm to the touch. id AskHide type Material source Asksvin usage Crafting, Building weight 1.0 stack 50 teleport Yes Asksvin hide is dropped by Asksvin in the AshlandsAshlands biome. Usage Craftingcols1 item linkAshen cape item linkAsksvin cloak item linkBasalt bomb item linkBerserkir Axes item linkBreastplate of Ask item linkFlametal Breastplate item linkFlametal Greaves item linkFlametal Helmet item linkFlametal mace item linkFlametal shield item linkFlametal tower shield item linkHood of Ask item linkHood of Embla item linkNidhögg item linkRobes of Embla item linkSlayer item linkSplitnir item linkTrousers of Ask item linkTrousers of Embla ruШкура пеплозавра Building Asksvin rug
infobox item title Asksvin neck image Asksvin neck.png description A neck in its final stage of life. id AsksvinCarrionNeck type Material source Found in the Ashlands usage Crafting weight 2.0 stack 50 teleport Yes Asksvin neck is a resource gathered by breaking naturally spawned Asksvin carrion, found mainly near Putrid Hole entrances or Volture nests. Destroying the skeletons can drop the Asksvin neck or any of the other three Asksvin skeleton pieces. Usage Craftingcols1 Asksvin skeleton CategoryMaterials ruШея пеплозавра
infobox item title Asksvin pelvis image Asksvin pelvis.png description The pelvic bone of a four legged creature. id AsksvinCarrionPelvic type Material source Found in the Ashlands usage Crafting weight 2.0 stack 50 teleport Yes Asksvin pelvis is a resource gathered by breaking naturally spawned Asksvin carrion, found mainly near Putrid Hole entrances or Volture nests. Destroying the skeletons can drop the Asksvin pelvis or any of the other three Asksvin skeleton pieces. Usage Craftingcols1 Asksvin skeleton CategoryMaterials ruТаз пеплозавра
infobox item title Asksvin ribcage image Asksvin ribcage.png description These ribs have already been stripped clean of any meat. id AsksvinCarrionRibcage type Material source Found in the Ashlands usage Crafting weight 5.0 stack 50 teleport Yes Asksvin ribcage is a resource gathered by breaking naturally spawned Asksvin carrion, found mainly near Putrid Hole entrances or Volture nests. Destroying the skeletons can drop the Asksvin ribcage or any of the other three Asksvin skeleton pieces. Usage Craftingcols1 Asksvin skeleton CategoryMaterials ruРебра пеплозавра
Infobox item image Asksvin Saddle.png type Item description The back of an asksvin is rather lumpy, so youll need a saddle if you want to ride one. id SaddleAsksvin weight 10.0 stack 1 source Black forge usage Transport teleport Yes materials Flametal x6 Linen thread x20 Morgen sinew x4 Asksvin saddles grant the ability to ride tamed Asksvins. Usage To attach, put the saddle on the hotbar then activate while aimed at a tamed Asksvin. The saddle can then be teleported to by pressing the Usekey E by default. The saddle can be removed from the Asksvin by pressing LeftShift E. CategoryItems ruСедло для пеплозавра
infobox structure id piece_asksvinskeleton type Furniture source Workbench usage Decoration durability 150 size rain damage yes materials Bone fragments x50 Asksvin neck x1 Asksvin pelvis x1 Asksvin ribcage x1 Asksvin skull x1 neutral blunt, slash, pickaxe, fire, frost, lightning resistant pierce weak chop immune poison, spirit Asksvin skeleton is decorative furniture made from Asksvin bones found in the Ashlands. It can be mounted like a Asksvin saddlesaddle or a Chairchair but it does not provide any additional Comfort bonus. BuildingNav ruСкелет пеплозавра
infobox item title Asksvin skull image Asksvin skull.png description A thick skull, with room for a surprisingly large brain. id AsksvinCarrionSkull type Material source Found in the Ashlands usage Crafting weight 2.0 stack 50 teleport Yes Asksvin skull is a resource gathered by breaking naturally spawned Asksvin carrion, found mainly near Putrid Hole entrances or Volture nests. Destroying the skeletons can drop the Asksvin skull or any of the other three Asksvin skeleton pieces. Usage Craftingcols1 Asksvin skeleton CategoryMaterials ruЧереп пеплозавра
infobox item title Asksvin tail image Asksvin Tail.png description Smells a bit smokey, even when raw. id AsksvinMeat type Material source Asksvin usage Cauldron, Iron cooking station weight 1.0 stack 20 teleport Yes Asksvin tail is a food component dropped by Asksvin. Usage Crafting item linkCooked asksvin tail item linkFiery svinstew item linkMashed meat item linkUncooked piquant pie Making coal Leave on Iron cooking station too long and the Cooked asksvin tail will burn into Coal. See also Food ruХвост пеплозавра
Infobox item image Asksvin trophy.png description Dont let yourself be fooled by the friendly smile, for it could easily bite your arm off. id TrophyAsksvin type Trophy source Asksvin usage Decoration weight 2.0 stack 20 teleport Yes Asksvin trophy is a drop from Asksvin in the Ashlands biome. Usage Can be displayed in an Item stand. Can be used to program Ballistas. Crafting item linkFeathery wreath ruТрофей Пеплозавр
FileAsk Set.pngthumbA complete Ask armor set. The Ask Set is an Ashlandstier armor. This set is one tier above Carapace Armor and the Eitrweave Set, and should be considered a medium armor, as it has a lower armor value than Flametal Armor, but a higher armor value than the Embla Set. Wearing all three pieces provides the Asks Endurance set bonus, reducing stamina usage from running, jumping, and attacking, and providing 10 Piercepierce damage. Armor pieces This set of armor has three pieces which are crafted and upgraded at the Black forge. The Ask Set can currently only be upgraded to quality level 3. tabber 1 Quality 1 Black forge level 3br Durability per piece 1000 classwikitable colspan2 Armor piece Armor Crafting cost Weight Effects rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkHood of Asksize64nolink1 center28center 15 Linen threadbr4 Lox peltbr10 Asksvin hide center1center rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkTrousers of Asksize64nolink1 center28center 15 Linen threadbr4 Lox peltbr10 Asksvin hide center5center rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkBreastplate of Asksize64nolink1 center28center 15 Linen threadbr4 Lox peltbr10 Asksvin hide center5center rowspan1 colspan2 centerFull setcenter center84center 45 Linen threadbr12 Lox peltbr30 Asksvin hide center11center centerAsks EndurancebrRun stamina usage 10brJump stamina usage 10brAttack stamina usage 20brPierce 10 2 Quality 2 Black forge level 4br Durability per piece 1200 classwikitable colspan2 Armor piece Armor Upgrade CostbrTotal Cost Weight Effects rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkHood of Asksize64nolink1 center30center 10 25 Linen threadbr2 6 Lox peltbr5 15 Asksvin hide center1center rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkTrousers of Asksize64nolink1 center30center 10 25 Linen threadbr2 6 Lox peltbr5 15 Asksvin hide center5center rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkBreastplate of Asksize64nolink1 center30center 10 25 Linen threadbr2 6 Lox peltbr5 15 Asksvin hide center5center rowspan1 colspan2 centerFull setcenter center90center 30 75 Linen threadbr6 18 Lox peltbr15 45 Asksvin hide center11center centerAsks EndurancebrRun stamina usage 10brJump stamina usage 10brAttack stamina usage 20brPierce 10 3 Quality 3 Black forge level 5br Durability per piece 1400 classwikitable colspan2 Armor piece Armor Upgrade CostbrTotal Cost Weight Effects rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkHood of Asksize64nolink1 center32center 20 45 Linen threadbr4 10 Lox peltbr10 25 Asksvin hide center1center rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkTrousers of Asksize64nolink1 center32center 20 45 Linen threadbr4 10 Lox peltbr10 25 Asksvin hide center5center rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkBreastplate of Asksize64nolink1 center32center 20 45 Linen threadbr4 10 Lox peltbr10 25 Asksvin hide center5center rowspan1 colspan2 centerFull setcenter center96center 60 135 Linen threadbr12 30 Lox peltbr30 75 Asksvin hide center11center centerAsks EndurancebrRun stamina usage 10brJump stamina usage 10brAttack stamina usage 20brPierce 10 4 Quality 4 Black forge level span stylecolor red6span span stylecolor greycurrently unobtainablespanbr Durability per piece 1600 classwikitable colspan2 Armor piece Armor Upgrade CostbrTotal Cost Weight Effects rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkHood of Asksize64nolink1 center34center 30 75 Linen threadbr6 16 Lox peltbr15 40 Asksvin hide center1center rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkTrousers of Asksize64nolink1 center34center 30 75 Linen threadbr6 16 Lox peltbr15 40 Asksvin hide center5center rowspan1 colspan2 Item LinkBreastplate of Asksize64nolink1 center34center 30 75 Linen threadbr6 16 Lox peltbr15 40 Asksvin hide center5center rowspan1 colspan2 centerFull setcenter center102center 90 225 Linen threadbr18 48 Lox peltbr45 120 Asksvin hide center11center centerAsks EndurancebrRun stamina usage 10brJump stamina usage 10brAttack stamina usage 20brPierce 10 tabber nowikinowiki set exclusive bonus Trivia In httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiAsk_and_Embla Norse mythology, Ask and Embla Old Norse Askr ok Embla man and woman respectively were the first two humans, created by the gods one of whom is Odin. httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiAsk_and_EmblaEtymology Etymology Old Norse Askr literally means ash tree. br Armor CategoryArmor ruНабор Аска
Infobox_characternameAstridaffiliationShieldmaidendeathDateUnknowngenderFemale Astrid is a mentioned Creaturescharacter in Valheim worldValheim. Biography According to multiple runestonerunestones located in Valheim, Astrid was a shieldmaiden who died, thus being sent to the purgatory lands. She has spent at least seven years in Valheim and has seemingly traveled the world from end to end, leaving behind her various runestones detailing her life among the various biomes. Runestone Meadows I was Astrid, a shieldmaiden of the forest. I know nothing of my life before I came here but my arm remembers the sword and my eyes see the course of the arrows. Now the Huginraven guides me and I fight the great beasts in Odins name. Mountain This stone was placed by me, Astrid, in my seventh year in Valheim. At this spot, the Allfather spoke to me. I awoke from a deep sleep to find his words scattered around me on the ground, frozen to pebbles by the deep cold. When I warmed them in my hands they thawed and spoke his message to me, one word after another. Slay the CreaturesForsaken. Chain their heads. I will come. Trivia Historically, runestones were raised by people in Scandinavia and other places visited by the Norsemen. They were often memorials to dead men, written testaments to important events or even used as territorial markers. CategoryCreatures
Axes are a Weaponsweapon class. They are the only type of player weapon that can be used to cut trees. They can also be used against creatures, which makes for a slightly worse Swordssword. See also Axes SkillWood cutting Skill List of axes classfandomtable sortable onlyincludeName IconType datasorttypenumber Damage Stamina primaryStamina secondary Able to chop Stone axe FileStone axe.png Onehanded Slash 1530brChop 2029 5 10 Up to Pine Flint axe FileFlint axe.png Onehanded Slash 2035br Chop 3039 6 12 Up to Pine Bronze axeFileBronzeAxeIcon.pngOnehandedSlash 4055br Chop 4049 8 16 Up to Birch and Oak Iron axeFileIron axe.pngOnehandedSlash 6075br Chop 5059 10 20 Up to Birch and Oak BattleaxeFileBattleAxe.pngTwohandedSlash 7088br Chop 4047.5 16 8 Up to Birch and Oak Crystal battleaxeFileCrystal battleaxe.pngTwohandedSlash 90108br Spirit 3030br Chop 5057.5 18 9 Up to Birch and Oak Black metal axeFileBlack metal axe.pngOnehandedSlash 100115br Chop 6069 14 28 Up to Yggdrasil shootYggdrasil shoots Jotun BaneFileJotun bane.pngOnehandedSlash 8095br Poison 4040br Chop 7079 16 32 Up to Yggdrasil shootYggdrasil shoots Berserkir axesFileBerserkir Axes.pngDualwieldedSlash 140155br Chop 8089 16 32 Up to Yggdrasil shootYggdrasil shootsonlyinclude All axes are also able to chop Scorched TreeScorched trees found in Ashlands. Properties classfandomtable Attack type StaminaRangeAttack speed Attack speed trees Damage StaggerStaggering KnockbackNotes Axes primary 1x2.2 m2.58 s 1.11 0.65 0.82 1.3 s 1x 1x 2x 1x 5060 Player moves forward 0.25 m on the 2nd and 3rd combo swing. 90 degree arc. Axes secondary 2x 2.2 m 2 s 2 s 1.5x 1x 1.5x Vertical downwards swing. Twohanded axes primary 1x2.5 m3.21 s 1.58 0.92 0.71 1.58 s 1x 1x 2x 1.5x 70 Player moves forward 0.5 m with each swing. 90 degree arc. No multitarget damage penalty. Twohanded axes secondary 0.5x2.5 m0.84s 0.84 s 0.5x 4x 2xPlayer does not move forward during strike. 30 degree arc. CategoryWeapons CategoryAxes CategoryTools ToolsNav WeaponsNav ruТопоры
infobox skill title PAGENAME image Iron axe.png caption description Determines Damage and Blocking MechanicsSkill20factordamage and StaminaAttackingstamina cost with PAGENAME. id PAGENAME is a Skillsskill related to the Axes weapons. Effects Higher skill level in axes reduces the StaminaAttackingstamina cost to swing axes down to 33 and increases Damage and Blocking MechanicsSkill factordamage done against nontrees up to 141. The Wood Cutting Skillwoodcutting skill affects damage to trees. For the details of damage scaling, see Damage mechanicsSkill factor. Leveling up The player gains 1.5SkillsProgressionxp per attack when hitting a creature. Notes The fastest way to level up this skill is by using the Berserkir axes, since their attack speed is much higher than any other axe. SkillsNav csSekery ruТопоры zhtw斧頭
Bait is a type of item used for fishing. A bait can be attached to a Item linkFishing rod by equipping the fishing rod and then rightclicking the bait in the inventory. Depending on the bait attached to a fishing rod, different types of fish can be caught. Obtaining The basic fishing bait can be purchased from Haldor. More advanced baits can be crafted at a Food preparation table by combining 20 of the basic bait with a trophy to produce 20 advanced baits. Two and four regular fishing bait may also be obtained from the pickable fishing rod which can be found in the rare room with a large frozen lake inside Frost Caves. Types classwikitable Bait Requires per 20 Attracts Item linkFishing baitnolink1 Item linkCoins10 Perch, Pike Item linkMossy fishing baitnolink1 Troll trophy Trollfish Item linkSticky fishing baitnolink1 Abomination trophy Giant herring Item linkStingy fishing baitnolink1 Fuling trophy Grouper Item linkHeavy fishing baitnolink1 Serpent trophy Tuna, Coral cod Item linkMisty fishing baitnolink1 Lox trophy Pufferfish, Anglerfish Item linkHot fishing baitnolink1 Warrior trophy Magmafish Item linkFrosty fishing baitnolink1 Drake trophy Northern salmon Item linkCold fishing baitnolink1 Fenring trophy Pike, Tetra All baits weigh 0.1 and stack to 100. ToolsNav CategoryBait ruНаживки
Infobox_structure title Ballista image Ballista.png appearance Ballista appearance1.png description Defensive structure that shoots missiles at anything that gets in its way. id piece_turret type Misc source Hammer usage Automated base defense durability 250 size 4x4 materials Black metal x10 Yggdrasil wood x10 Mechanical spring x3 supportwood resistancesiron Ballistae are CategoryMisc structuresmisc structures that act as an automated defense. A ballista can hold 40 missiles of the same type, which will be depleted one at a time as it fires. By default, a ballista will shoot at any Creaturescreature in an arc 45 degrees within a 28 meters range in front of it, including Player Characterplayer characters and Tamingtamed animals. Care should be taken when loading the ballista, as it will begin shooting after the first missile is loaded if you are standing within the firing arc. Targeting can be overridden by using trophies. The ballista will target and shoot only enemies corresponding to the trophy which is used. Only one trophy can be active at once, and it is not consumed, allowing for a single trophy to be used on any number of ballistae. Default targeting can be applied by using the same trophy again, or by dismantling and rebuilding the ballista. Damage is solely based upon the Missilesmissile loaded wooden missile or black metal missile. Notes Considering their hostility to friendlies, such as other players and tames, in default targeting mode, caution and placement location is highly advised. Building structures which can be opened and closed, such as Wood structureswooden doors or wooden gates, in front of the ballista to block their field of vision ensures safe passing when needed. Ballistae have a slow and inaccurate aim, but quick shooting speed. Building Traptraps to immobilize fastmoving enemies in the ballistas range increase their effectiveness greatly. For bigger andor slower enemies, the ballista might need higher elevation to be effective, especially against flying creatures. Due to its universal target range, ballistae can be used to train blocking skills. However, ballistae cannot be parried, so using Shieldstower shields in combination with wooden missiles due to lower damage is recommended. They can also serve as protection against other players in multiplayer servers, while still being mindful of the ballista targeting its owner. Gallery gallery FileBallista armed.PNGarmed FileBallista appearance.PNG FileBallistas range.png gallery BuildingNav WeaponsNav ruБаллиста
infobox weapon title Banded shield image Banded shield.png description Banded with hoops of iron, a true warriors companion. id ShieldBanded type Shield Round source Forge crafting level 2 repair level 2 materials materials 1 Fine wood x 10 Iron x 8materials 2 Fine wood x 10 Iron x 4materials 3 Fine wood x 20 Iron x 8 block force40 block armor42 block armor per level6parry bonus1.5movement speed5 The Banded shield is the second round httpsvalheim.fandom.comwikiWeaponsShields shield. It has less block power compared to iron tower shield but can more when used to parry enemy attacks. Upgrade information classarticletable Quality 1 2 3 Block armor 42 48 54 Durability 200 250 300 Crafting 10 Fine woodbr 8 Iron 10 Fine woodbr 4 Iron 20 Fine woodbr 8 Iron Forge level 2 3 4 Total to max the Banded Shield is 40 fine wood and 20 iron. Notes When crafting, players can customize the shield with a few different preset designs and colors by clicking the style button beneath the item name in the crafting window. The design cannot be changed afterward. Gallery gallery widths300 FileBandedShieldStyles.jpgthumb261x261pxThe four styles of the banded shield gallery Trivia The banded shield is sometimes known as Viking Shield in the game files. br Weapons CategoryShields FrBouclier_bandé csVyztužený štít ruУкрепленный щит
All banners are made from Fine wood, Leather scraps, and one or more other materials for the color. Common properties Banners share the following properties classwikitable sortable mwcollapsible Common properties PropertyValue Durability 50 Building StabilitySupportSupportWood Building StabilityLossLossWood DamageResistances Weak Chop Neutral Blunt, Slash, Pickaxe, Fire, Frost, Lightning Resistant Pierce Immune Poison, Spirit Damaged by RainNo Comfort1 if no other banners in range Size3x2 Banners classwikitable sortable BannerMaterialsInternal id Banners Item linkBlack bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Coal x4 piece_banner01 Item linkBlue bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Blueberries x4 piece_banner02 Item linkWhite and red striped bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Raspberries x4 piece_banner03 Item linkRed bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Bloodbag x1 piece_banner04 Item linkGreen bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Guck x1 piece_banner05 Item linkBlue, red and white bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Blueberries x2 Raspberries x2 Cloudberries x1 piece_banner06 Item linkWhite and blue striped bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Blueberries x2 Cloudberries x3 piece_banner07 Item linkYellow bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Coal x2 Dandelion x4 piece_banner08 Item linkPurple bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Blueberries x2 Raspberries x3 piece_banner09 Item linkOrange bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Carrot x2 Cloudberries x3 piece_banner10 Item linkWhite bannersize48pxnolink1 Fine wood x2 Leather scraps x6 Coal x2 Cloudberries x4 piece_banner11 CategoryFurniture BuildingNav ruФлаги
infobox item title Barber kit image Barber kit.png description A kit fit for the finest of barbers. id Barberkit type Material source Hildir usage Crafting buy 600 sell weight 2.0 stack 1 teleport Yes Barber kit is an item which got introduced in the Hildirs Request update and is used to construct the Barber station. Availability Purchased from the trader Hildir for Item LinkCoins600 each. Usage Building Item linkBarber station ruНабор цирюльника
infobox structure title Barber station image Barber station.png appearance Barber station appearance.png description Helps you stay up to date with the latest viking fashion. id piece_barber type Crafting source Workbench durability 250 size 2x1 materials Fine wood x10 Barber kit x1 Bronze nails x5 Troll hide x5 The Barber station can be created once youve found the second trader, Hildir. This does not require the completion of her quest to build. The Barber kit can be purchased from Hildir for 600 gold. Barber station provides eight new hairstyles Braids of Strength Gathered Locs Loose 2 Loose 3 Merchants Braid Shaved and Braided Short Locs Single Bun 2 Barber station provides four new beard styles Bushy Neat Royal 3 Spiky Trivia The Braids of Strength are a reference to the popular Swedish character Pippi Longstocking Pippi Långstrump in Swedish, a character with incredible strength who originates from the same country as Iron Gate Studios. Could use a Wikipedia link to Pippi Gallery gallery Barber Station.png Barber Station Occupied.png Barber station 5.png gallery BuildingNav ruЦирюльня
Infobox weapontitleBare fistsimageFists.pngtypeFistsblunt5stamina4parry bonus1.5sourceAlways availableidPlayerUnarmedknockback40backstab3xblock armor2block force0wieldingOnehanded Bare fists are the players first weapons. They deal low damage, offering good knockback and stagger on the slower secondary attack kick. They get quickly replaced by crafted weapons and tools. The primary attack is a punch, and the secondary attack is a kick that does additional knockback. Both attacks have a base value of 5 blunt damage. The punch has a 2hit combo where the second punch left hand does double damage. Weapons CategoryUnarmed
infobox item title Barley image Barley.png description A bundle of barley. id Barley type Seed source Fuling Village in the Plains biome usage Farming, Cooking buy sell weight 0.2 stack 100 teleport Yes crop 2 Barley grow time duration4000duration5000 cultivated Yes radius 0.5 biomes Plains Barley is a lootable item. Availability Upon entering a Fuling Village, check the area surrounding the dwellings for a small patch of cultivated land. This is where you can usually find 1520 planted barley ready to harvest for two barley each. Occasionally, flax can be found here too. Barley can only be planted and harvested in the Plains biome, using a Cultivator. It takes between 4000s and 5000s between 66m40s and 83m20s, or about 2.222.78 ingame days for it to fully grow. Barley can also be found inside of random chests while in a Plains biome. Usage Used to make Barley flour in a Windmill Used to plant more barley using a Cultivator Can be fed to Lox and Hen Crafting Barley wine base Fire resistance Yggdrasil porridge Notes Fully grown barley will be harvested when damaged by weapons. AoE attacks, such as those of the Stagbreaker, Iron sledge or Polearms special attack, are very effective for fast harvesting. No barley is lost with this method when compared to harvesting it by hand. CategoryMaterials frOrge csJečmen ruЯчмень deGerste ukЯчмінь
infobox item title Barley flour image Barley flour.png description Great for baking bread. id BarleyFlour type Material source Windmill usage Crafting buy sell weight 0.2 stack 50 teleport Yes materials Barley x1 health stamina duration healing effect Barley flour is an item and can be crafted using Barley in the Windmill. Usage Crafting item linkBlood pudding item linkBread dough item linkFish wraps item linkUnbaked lox pie item linkPiquant pie item linkRoasted crust pie csMouka z ječmene ruЯчменная мука
infobox structure image Barrel.png appearance description None currently type Furniture source Workbench usage Stores items 12 slots durability 200 size 0.7 x 0.9 x 0.7 Numbers taken from decompiled code, tho likely not exact. rain damage no storage 6x2 materials Wood x10 Barrel hoops x1 effects comfort resistanceschest Barrels are storage structures with 126x2 item slots. They do not degrade from rain. It requires materials sold by Haldor. Recipe item linkWood x10 item linkBarrel hoops x1 BuildingNav CategoryStorage ruБочка
infobox item image Barrel hoops.png description These metal rings are perfectly round, suitable for holding a barrel together. Just add wood id BarrelRings type Material source Haldor usage Building buy 100 sell weight 2.0 stack 20 teleport Yes Barrel hoops are used to build Barrels. They can be brought from Haldor at Item linkCoins100 for 3 items. ruОбручи для бочек
infobox weapon title Basalt bomb image Basalt bomb.png description With enough heat, it solidifies upon explosion. id BombLava type Bomb source Workbench wielding Onehanded weight 0.3 crafting level 1 blunt backstab 3x knockback 40 parry bonus 1.5 quantity 5 materials 1 Asksvin hide x1 Asksvin bladder x1 Proustite powder x3 stamina8 block armor2 Basalt bombs can be used to create small platforms when thrown into lava, its main purpose is to reach Flametal ore veins. The basalt platform created will float in or above the lava for 30 seconds before beginning to sink into the lava at a slow rate. Recipe item linkAsksvin hide x1 item linkAsksvin bladder x1 item linkProustite powder x3 Availability Crafted with the workbench Asksvin hides and Asksvin bladders are dropped from Asksvin in the Ashlands. Proustite powder is dropped from Lava BlobLava Blobs and Unstable lava rockUnstable lava rocks in the Ashlands. Tips Once the deposit usually a Lavaiathan is reached, the Flametal ore can then be mined until it is all collected or the deposit sinks down into the lava, similar to a leviathan in the Ocean. ToolsNav CategoryBombs ruБазальтовая бомба
Infobox item image Basic fireworks.png description This rockets blasting off again id FireworksRocket_White type Material source Hildir usage Crafting, Fun buy 50 weight 0.5 stack 10 teleport Yes Basic fireworks are items which can be purchased from Hildir for Item LinkCoins50 each. This item will be in the merchants assortment only after returning Hildirs bronze chest. Usage All fireworks can be used on an open fire to launch high into the air and explode. While the Basic fireworks can be used for a white explosion, it is also used to craft the other Fireworks. Crafting Item linkBlue firework Item linkCyan firework Item linkGreen firework Item linkPurple firework Item linkRed firework Item linkYellow firework Weapons CategoryFireworks ruОбычный фейерверк
Infobox_creature title Bat image 0star bat.png image 1star Bat 1star.png image 2star Bat 2star.png trophy Bat trophy currently no trophy id Bat location Mountain drops Leather scraps health 0star 10 damage 0star 20 Slash abilities veryweak weak Fire, Spirit resistant Blunt, Slash, Pierce veryresistant immune Frost, Poison neutral staggerX faction Mountain Bats are aggressive creatures found in MountainMountains inside Frost CaveFrost Caves. They have a small body size and glossy black coat and wings, capable of flight. Drops Drop tabledrop rowitemLeather scraps0star50stars0 Spawning Spawn tablespawn rowtypeCommon spawn pointsspawn point in Frost CaveFrost Caves.frequency0starsNo spawn rowtypeCommon spawn pointsspawn point in Howling Caverns.frequency0starsYes Only 1Star spawn rowtypeDuring You stirred the cauldron, Eventsevent after killing Bonemass.limit10frequency6starsNo Attacks and abilities Forstrategies for defeating BatsAggressive creature strategiesBat Gallery gallery A bat against the player Valheim.jpg gallery Notes When the You stirred the cauldron, Eventsevent concludes, any remaining bats do not despawn. Therefore, wandering bats might still attack after the end of the event, posing danger especially for CategoryTameable creaturestamed animals. Creatures ruЛетучая мышь csNetopýr
Infobox structure description id BatteringRam type Misc source Workbench usage Hitting structures durability 3000 size 4 x 3.5 x 5.5 materials Flametal x10 Surtling core x2 Ashwood x20 resistant pierce, frost immune poison, spirit Battering rams are siege engines with a slight resemblance to CartCarts but are significantly larger and have two long punching mechanisms at the front, which are intended to be used to destroy structures at close range. They need Wood or Ashwood in order to function. They can destroy any structure that is able to receive damage, including Charred FortressCharred Fortresses doors and walls. But it can also be used to mine any resource nodes located in the open world that is able to receive Damagepickaxe damage, such as rocks, copper and tin veins, etc. Usage The player must load the Battering ram with Wood or Ashwood in the fuel slot located at the back, which has a maximum capacity of 25. After doing so, the player must operate the ram by standing in front of it where the dualhammers are and use it while standing between the pair of smaller arms, very similarly to the cart. This allows the player to steer and move it while the hammers will automatically attack every few seconds. If a player is not actively using the ram while being loaded with fuel, it will not attack, but the fuel will continue to be consumed. Recipe item linkFlametal x10 item linkSurtling core x2 item linkAshwood x20 Notes Using the ram to destroy fortress doors or walls while there are enemies inside can easily trap the player between the ram and the army of enemies, where they may be quickly overwhelmed. In order to let go of the ram, the player must use it again just like they would do with the cart By looking down at the ram and use to drop it, or dodgeroll to break out. A Catapult might be required to destroy the Effigy of Malicespawners inside the fortress before attempting to breach the doorswalls in order to significantly reduce the amount of defending enemies. Each punch from the Battering ram deals exactly 600 Damagepickaxe damage and 0 chop damage. A unit of fuel is consumed every 20 seconds. A completely fueled ram would last a total of 500 seconds 8.33 minutes. While it is intended to be used against structures during sieges, Battering rams are extremely efficient mining engines. With each punch dealing massive pickaxe damage on a significant area around the punches, it can very easily break down any stone or metal resource node to which the ram has access to in a very short time. This includes Copper depositCopper deposits, Silver veinSilver veins, Giant remains, and any giant rock found throughout the world. Due to Stone golemStone Golems being very weak to pickaxe damage, the battering ram can very easily obliterate them in one single hit dealing 1200 damage Gallery gallery FileUnfueledBatteringRam.jpgAn unfueled Battering Ram FileFueledBatteringRam.jpgA Battering Ram fueled with Wood gallery WeaponsNav BuildingNav ruТаран
infobox weapon title Battleaxe image Battleaxe.png description Skullsplitter, a warriors joy. id Battleaxe type Axe 2h source Forge durability 200 crafting level 2 repair level 2 slash 70 knockback 70 materials 1 Ancient bark x30 Iron x35 Leather scraps x4materials 2 Ancient bark x5 Iron x15materials 3 Ancient bark x10 Iron x30materials 4 Ancient bark x15 Iron x45chop40block armor28stamina16 The battleaxe is the first twohanded Axesaxe. Its primary attack is a 3hit combo with double damage on the last hit, 1.5x staggering and no multitarget penalty. Its faster secondary attack deals 0.5x damage and 4x staggering. Upgrade information classarticletable Quality 1 2 3 4 Slash 70 76 82 88 Chop trees 40 42.5 45 47.5 Durability 200 250 300 350 Crafting 30 Ancient barkbr35 Ironbr4 Leather scraps 5 Ancient barkbr15 Iron 10 Ancient barkbr30 Iron 15 Ancient barkbr45 Iron Upgrade station rowForge4start2 Notes The first hit is very slow. The last two hits take about the same time, while in total dealing triple damage. ToolsNav WeaponsNav csBojová sekera ruБоевой топор frHache de combat
infobox armor title Beaded dress blue image Beaded dress blue.png appearance description A blue dress accompanied by beads and bronze. id ArmorDress6 type Body source Hildir buy 550 sell weight 10 durability 1000 crafting level repair level 1 repair station Workbench materials 1 armor 1 movement speed base item stamina 20 set pieces other effect Beaded dress blue is an armor piece which can be purchased from Hildir for Item LinkCoins550. This item will be in the merchants assortment only after returning Hildirs bronze chest. Notes Wearing this armor decreases stamina usage while using the Hammer, the Hoe, the Cultivator, and the Serving tray by 20. Armor ruСинее платье в бусинах
infobox armor title Beaded dress brown image Beaded dress brown.png appearance description A brown dress accompanied by beads and silver. id ArmorDress3 type Body source Hildir buy 550 sell weight 10 durability 1000 crafting level repair level 1 repair station Workbench materials 1 armor 1 movement speed base item stamina 20 set pieces other effect Beaded dress brown is an armor piece which can be purchased from Hildir for Item LinkCoins550. This item will be in the merchants assortment only after returning Hildirs bronze chest. Notes Wearing this armor decreases stamina usage while using the Hammer, the Hoe, the Cultivator, and the Serving tray by 20. Armor ruКоричневое платье в бусинах
infobox armor title Beaded dress yellow image Beaded dress yellow.png appearance description A yellow dress accompanied by beads and silver. id ArmorDress9 type Body source Hildir buy 550 sell weight 10 durability 1000 crafting level repair level 1 repair station Workbench materials 1 armor 1 movement speed base item stamina 20 set pieces other effect Beaded dress yellow is an armor piece which can be purchased from Hildir for Item LinkCoins550. This item will be in the merchants assortment only after returning Hildirs bronze chest. Notes Wearing this armor decreases stamina usage while using the Hammer, the Hoe, the Cultivator, and the Serving tray by 20. Armor ruЖелтое платье в бусинах
infobox armor title Beaded tunic blue image Beaded tunic blue.png appearance description A blue tunic accompanied by beads and silver. id ArmorTunic3 type Body source Hildir buy 550 sell weight 10 durability 1000 crafting level repair level 1 repair station Workbench materials 1 armor 1 movement speed base item stamina 20 set pieces other effect Beaded tunic blue is an armor piece which can be purchased from Hildir for Item LinkCoins550. This item will be in the merchants assortment only after returning Hildirs bronze chest. Notes Wearing this armor decreases stamina usage while using the Hammer, the Hoe, the Cultivator, and the Serving tray by 20. Armor ruСиняя туника в бусинах
infobox armor title Beaded tunic red image Beaded tunic red.png appearance description A red tunic accompanied by beads and bronze. id ArmorTunic6 type Body source Hildir buy 550 sell weight 10 durability 1000 crafting level repair level 1 repair station Workbench materials 1 armor 1 movement speed base item stamina 20 set pieces other effect Beaded tunic red is an armor piece which can be purchased from Hildir for Item LinkCoins550. This item will be in the merchants assortment only after returning Hildirs bronze chest. Notes Wearing this armor decreases stamina usage while using the Hammer, the Hoe, the Cultivator, and the Serving tray by 20. Armor ruКрасная туника в бусинах
infobox armor title Beaded tunic yellow image Beaded tunic yellow.png appearance description A yellow tunic accompanied by beads and silver. id ArmorTunic9 type Body source Hildir buy 550 sell weight 10 durability 1000 crafting level repair level 1 repair station Workbench materials 1 armor 1 movement speed base item stamina 20 set pieces other effect Beaded tunic yellow is an armor piece which can be purchased from Hildir for Item LinkCoins550. This item will be in the merchants assortment only after returning Hildirs bronze chest. Notes Wearing this armor decreases stamina usage while using the Hammer, the Hoe, the Cultivator, and the Serving tray by 20. Armor ruЖелтая туника в бусинах
infobox structure title Bed image Bed.png appearance Bed appearance.png description id bed type Furniture source Workbench usage Sets a spawn point. durability 100 size 2x4 materials Wood x8 effects comfort Bed 1 support wood resistances wood Beds are Player basebase structures used for sleeping and setting the players respawn point. Sleeping MainSleeping It is possible to sleep in a bed after a player has claimed one. Sleeping skips the game clock to the next morning. The game will progress in fastforward while the player sleeps, meaning that crafting stations that process materials will continue working. This can make sleeping advantageous if the player is attempting to refine a large volume of materials quickly. It is only possible to sleep if It is Day and Night Cycleafternoon or night. There are no enemies nearby. The bed has a roof and 80 cover. There is a fire nearby. The player is not wet. There is a 10 chance for the player to SleepingDreamsdream while sleeping on a bed. Notes A bed can be claimed when it has a roof and 80 cover. Press E while looking directly at a bed to claim it. The most recent bed claimed by a player will serve as their respawn point. This can be used strategically by building small outposts outside of dungeons or other dangerous areas and placing a bed inside, allowing the player to quickly return and reattempt the area. Once a bed has been claimed by a player, other players cannot override their claim unless the bed is destroyed and replaced. If your bed spawn point is destroyed and you die, you will respawn at the starting location. A Bed will increase the Comfort level by 1. If a player sleeps in a bed that is very close to a roof, it is possible to wake up on the other side of the roof. BuildingNav ruКровать csPostel frLit
Tree Templatetitle1Beechimage1Beech Trees.jpgbiomeMeadowswood_typeWoodyield20tool_neededStone axeadditional_lootResinbr Feathersbr Beech seeds Beech is a type of tree that can be found in the Meadows biome. It is characterized by its light grey bark and wide crown. Beech can be found in small and large variants. The small variant can be damaged with unarmed attacks while the large variant can only be damaged with a Stone axe or better. The small variant produces 2 Wood when destroyed. The large variant always produces 20 Wood when destroyed. Beech has a chance to sometimes produce Beech seeds, a FeathersFeather and Resin when destroyed. classarticletable Tree 50 chance for 2 drops Item Amount Chance Average Wood 20 From logs 20 Wood 2 From stump 2 Beech seedsBeech seed 23 67 1.67 Feathers 12 17 0.25 Resin 12 17 0.25 classarticletable Small tree 23 drops Item Amount Chance Average Wood 1 83 2.08 Resin 12 17 0.62 Planting Beeches Beech can be replanted using the Cultivator and a Beech seedsBeech seed. classfandomtable Allowed Biomes Meadows Yes Black Forest Yes Swamp No Mountain No Plains Yes Mistlands No Ashlands No Trees CategoryTrees frHêtre ruБук csBuk
infobox item title Beech seeds image Beech seeds.png description Plant them to grow a beech tree. id BeechSeeds type Seed source Beech usage Farming buy sell weight 0.1 stack 100 teleport Yes crop 1 Beech grow time 30005000 cultivated No radius 2 biomes Meadows, Black Forest, and Plains Beech seeds can be planted using the Cultivator to produce new Beech trees. Once planted, the seeds take a few ingame days to grow to full size. Seedlings require a small amount of space directly around where they are planted if they do not have enough space they will not grow into full trees. Prohibited areas These seeds cannot grow in these BiomeAreas Swamp ruСемена бука ukНасіння бука csSemínka z buku deBuchensamen frGraine de hêtre
infobox structure title Beehive image Beehive.png appearance Beehive appearance.png description id piece_beehive type Crafting source Workbench usage durability 100 size 1.8 x 1.7 x 1.8 rain damage no materials Wood x10 Queen bee x1 effects supportwoodresistanceswood Beehives are Player basebase structures used for producing Honey. Notes The bees have a variety of flavor text. During night and in rainy weather, the flavor text always says, The bees are sleeping. During the day, the flavor text says, The bees are happy. or The bees are angry. Did my best to get this to show up ingame as of this edit, but couldnt. Possibly no longer true depending on the conditions. The factor on happiness is that the beehive has less than 60 cover and is placed in a compatible biome Meadows, Black Forest, and Plains. A beehive takes approximately 20 minutes in real time to produce one Honey. A beehive can fill up to four Honey at a time. Gallery gallery Beehive Not Enough materials.jpg Beehive Crafting Icon.jpg gallery ruУлей csVčelí úl
infobox item title Bell image Bell.png description For whom does the bell toll id Bell type Misc source Black forge usage Summon Fader weight 0.5 stack 9 teleport Yes materials Bell fragment x3 A Bell is an item used to summon the Ashlands boss Fader. Bells are crafted at the Black forge using 3 Bell fragments obtained from Charred Fortresses. Three bells are used to summon Fader, requiring a total of 9 bell fragments. ruКолокол CategoryForsaken offerings
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