aircraft description max gross weight total disk area max disk loading 0 robinson r - 22 light utility helicopter 1370 lb (635 kg) 497 ft square (46.2 m square) 2.6 lb / ft square (14 kg / m square) 1 bell 206b3 jetranger turboshaft utility helicopter 3200 lb (1451 kg) 872 ft square (81.1 m square) 3.7 lb / ft square (18 kg / m square) 2 ch - 47d chinook tandem rotor helicopter 50000 lb (22680 kg) 5655 ft square (526 m square) 8.8 lb / ft square (43 kg / m square) 3 mil mi - 26 heavy - lift helicopter 123500 lb (56000 kg) 8495 ft square (789 m square) 14.5 lb / ft square (71 kg / m square) 4 ch - 53e super stallion heavy - lift helicopter 73500 lb (33300 kg) 4900 ft square (460 m square) 15 lb / ft square (72 kg / m square)
{"aircraft":{"0":"robinson r - 22","1":"bell 206b3 jetranger","2":"ch - 47d chinook","3":"mil mi - 26","4":"ch - 53e super stallion"},"description":{"0":"light utility helicopter","1":"turboshaft utility helicopter","2":"tandem rotor helicopter","3":"heavy - lift helicopter","4":"heavy - lift helicopter"},"max gross weight":{"0":"1370 lb (635 kg)","1":"3200 lb (1451 kg)","2":"50000 lb (22680 kg)","3":"123500 lb (56000 kg)","4":"73500 lb (33300 kg)"},"total disk area":{"0":"497 ft square (46.2 m square)","1":"872 ft square (81.1 m square)","2":"5655 ft square (526 m square)","3":"8495 ft square (789 m square)","4":"4900 ft square (460 m square)"},"max disk loading":{"0":"2.6 lb \/ ft square (14 kg \/ m square)","1":"3.7 lb \/ ft square (18 kg \/ m square)","2":"8.8 lb \/ ft square (43 kg \/ m square)","3":"14.5 lb \/ ft square (71 kg \/ m square)","4":"15 lb \/ ft square (72 kg \/ m square)"}}
order year manufacturer model fleet series (quantity) powertrain (engine / transmission) fuel propulsion 0 1992 - 93 gillig phantom (high floor) 444 - 464 (21) dd s50egr allison wb - 400r diesel 1 1996 gillig phantom (high floor) 465 - 467 (3) dd s50 allison wb - 400r diesel 2 1998 gillig phantom (high floor) 468 - 473 (6) dd s50 allison wb - 400r diesel 3 2000 gillig advantage (low floor) 474 - 481 (8) cummins isc allison wb - 400r diesel 4 2002 gillig advantage (low floor) 482 - 492 (11) cummins isl allison wb - 400r diesel 5 2010 nfi ge40lfr 300 - 309 (10) ford triton v10 ise - thundervolt tb40 - hg hybrid 6 2011 nfi c40lfr 310 - 329 (20) cummins westport isl - g allison wb - 400r cng
{"order year":{"0":"1992 - 93","1":"1996","2":"1998","3":"2000","4":"2002","5":"2010","6":"2011"},"manufacturer":{"0":"gillig","1":"gillig","2":"gillig","3":"gillig","4":"gillig","5":"nfi","6":"nfi"},"model":{"0":"phantom (high floor)","1":"phantom (high floor)","2":"phantom (high floor)","3":"advantage (low floor)","4":"advantage (low floor)","5":"ge40lfr","6":"c40lfr"},"fleet series (quantity)":{"0":"444 - 464 (21)","1":"465 - 467 (3)","2":"468 - 473 (6)","3":"474 - 481 (8)","4":"482 - 492 (11)","5":"300 - 309 (10)","6":"310 - 329 (20)"},"powertrain (engine \/ transmission)":{"0":"dd s50egr allison wb - 400r","1":"dd s50 allison wb - 400r","2":"dd s50 allison wb - 400r","3":"cummins isc allison wb - 400r","4":"cummins isl allison wb - 400r","5":"ford triton v10 ise - thundervolt tb40 - hg","6":"cummins westport isl - g allison wb - 400r"},"fuel propulsion":{"0":"diesel","1":"diesel","2":"diesel","3":"diesel","4":"diesel","5":"hybrid","6":"cng"}}
player no nationality position years in toronto school / club team 0 quincy acy 4 united states forward 2012 - present baylor 1 hassan adams 3 united states guard - forward 2008 - 09 arizona 2 alexis ajinça 42 france center 2011 hyères - toulon ( france ) 3 solomon alabi 50 nigeria center 2010 - 2012 florida state 4 rafer alston 11 , 12 united states guard 2002 - 03 , 2004 - 05 fresno state 5 david andersen 13 australia center 2010 virtus bologna ( italy ) 6 alan anderson 6 united states guard - forward 2012 - 2013 michigan state 7 willie anderson 40 united states guard - forward 1995 - 96 georgia 8 rafael araújo 55 brazil center 2004 - 06 byu 9 robert archibald 34 scotland center 2004 illinois 10 carlos arroyo 21 puerto rico guard 2001 florida international
{"player":{"0":"quincy acy","1":"hassan adams","2":"alexis ajinça","3":"solomon alabi","4":"rafer alston","5":"david andersen","6":"alan anderson","7":"willie anderson","8":"rafael araújo","9":"robert archibald","10":"carlos arroyo"},"no":{"0":"4","1":"3","2":"42","3":"50","4":"11 , 12","5":"13","6":"6","7":"40","8":"55","9":"34","10":"21"},"nationality":{"0":"united states","1":"united states","2":"france","3":"nigeria","4":"united states","5":"australia","6":"united states","7":"united states","8":"brazil","9":"scotland","10":"puerto rico"},"position":{"0":"forward","1":"guard - forward","2":"center","3":"center","4":"guard","5":"center","6":"guard - forward","7":"guard - forward","8":"center","9":"center","10":"guard"},"years in toronto":{"0":"2012 - present","1":"2008 - 09","2":"2011","3":"2010 - 2012","4":"2002 - 03 , 2004 - 05","5":"2010","6":"2012 - 2013","7":"1995 - 96","8":"2004 - 06","9":"2004","10":"2001"},"school \/ club team":{"0":"baylor","1":"arizona","2":"hyères - toulon ( france )","3":"florida state","4":"fresno state","5":"virtus bologna ( italy )","6":"michigan state","7":"georgia","8":"byu","9":"illinois","10":"florida international"}}
player no nationality position years in toronto school / club team 0 patrick o'bryant 13 united states center 2009 - 10 bradley 1 jermaine o'neal 6 united states forward - center 2008 - 09 eau claire high school 2 dan o 'sullivan 45 united states center 1995 - 96 fordham 3 charles oakley 34 united states forward 1998 - 2001 virginia union 4 hakeem olajuwon 34 nigeria / united states center 2001 - 02 houston
{"player":{"0":"patrick o'bryant","1":"jermaine o'neal","2":"dan o 'sullivan","3":"charles oakley","4":"hakeem olajuwon"},"no":{"0":13,"1":6,"2":45,"3":34,"4":34},"nationality":{"0":"united states","1":"united states","2":"united states","3":"united states","4":"nigeria \/ united states"},"position":{"0":"center","1":"forward - center","2":"center","3":"forward","4":"center"},"years in toronto":{"0":"2009 - 10","1":"2008 - 09","2":"1995 - 96","3":"1998 - 2001","4":"2001 - 02"},"school \/ club team":{"0":"bradley","1":"eau claire high school","2":"fordham","3":"virginia union","4":"houston"}}
player no nationality position years in toronto school / club team 0 mark baker 3 united states guard 1998 - 99 ohio state 1 marcus banks 3 united states guard 2009 - 10 unlv 2 leandro barbosa 20 brazil guard 2010 - 2012 tilibra / copimax ( brazil ) 3 andrea bargnani 7 italy forward - center 2006 - 2013 benetton treviso ( italy ) 4 andre barrett 12 united states point guard 2006 seton hall 5 maceo baston 9 , 14 united states forward 2003 , 2007 - 08 michigan 6 mengke bateer 14 , 42 china center 2003 - 04 beijing ducks ( china ) 7 lonny baxter 35 united states forward 2003 - 04 maryland 8 jerryd bayless 5 united states guard 2010 - 2012 arizona 9 marco belinelli 0 italy guard 2009 - 2010 fortitudo bologna ( italy ) 10 benoit benjamin 7 united states center 1996 creighton 11 chauncey billups 3 united states guard 1998 colorado 12 corie blount 44 united states forward - center 2004 cincinnati 13 muggsy bogues 14 united states guard 1999 - 2001 wake forest 14 matt bonner 16 united states forward 2004 - 06 florida 15 chris bosh 4 united states forward - center 2003 - 10 georgia tech 16 michael bradley 5 , 33 united states forward - center 2001 - 04 villanova 17 primoå¾ brezec 1 slovenia center 2008 kk union olimpija ( slovenia ) 18 damone brown 54 united states forward 2002 - 03 syracuse 19 dee brown 7 united states guard 1998 - 2000 jacksonville 20 rick brunson 9 united states guard 2003 temple 21 rasual butler 9 united states guard - forward 2011 - 12 la salle
{"player":{"0":"mark baker","1":"marcus banks","2":"leandro barbosa","3":"andrea bargnani","4":"andre barrett","5":"maceo baston","6":"mengke bateer","7":"lonny baxter","8":"jerryd bayless","9":"marco belinelli","10":"benoit benjamin","11":"chauncey billups","12":"corie blount","13":"muggsy bogues","14":"matt bonner","15":"chris bosh","16":"michael bradley","17":"primoå¾ brezec","18":"damone brown","19":"dee brown","20":"rick brunson","21":"rasual butler"},"no":{"0":"3","1":"3","2":"20","3":"7","4":"12","5":"9 , 14","6":"14 , 42","7":"35","8":"5","9":"0","10":"7","11":"3","12":"44","13":"14","14":"16","15":"4","16":"5 , 33","17":"1","18":"54","19":"7","20":"9","21":"9"},"nationality":{"0":"united states","1":"united states","2":"brazil","3":"italy","4":"united states","5":"united states","6":"china","7":"united states","8":"united states","9":"italy","10":"united states","11":"united states","12":"united states","13":"united states","14":"united states","15":"united states","16":"united states","17":"slovenia","18":"united states","19":"united states","20":"united states","21":"united states"},"position":{"0":"guard","1":"guard","2":"guard","3":"forward - center","4":"point guard","5":"forward","6":"center","7":"forward","8":"guard","9":"guard","10":"center","11":"guard","12":"forward - center","13":"guard","14":"forward","15":"forward - center","16":"forward - center","17":"center","18":"forward","19":"guard","20":"guard","21":"guard - forward"},"years in toronto":{"0":"1998 - 99","1":"2009 - 10","2":"2010 - 2012","3":"2006 - 2013","4":"2006","5":"2003 , 2007 - 08","6":"2003 - 04","7":"2003 - 04","8":"2010 - 2012","9":"2009 - 2010","10":"1996","11":"1998","12":"2004","13":"1999 - 2001","14":"2004 - 06","15":"2003 - 10","16":"2001 - 04","17":"2008","18":"2002 - 03","19":"1998 - 2000","20":"2003","21":"2011 - 12"},"school \/ club team":{"0":"ohio state","1":"unlv","2":"tilibra \/ copimax ( brazil )","3":"benetton treviso ( italy )","4":"seton hall","5":"michigan","6":"beijing ducks ( china )","7":"maryland","8":"arizona","9":"fortitudo bologna ( italy )","10":"creighton","11":"colorado","12":"cincinnati","13":"wake forest","14":"florida","15":"georgia tech","16":"villanova","17":"kk union olimpija ( slovenia )","18":"syracuse","19":"jacksonville","20":"temple","21":"la salle"}}
player no nationality position years in toronto school / club team 0 john wallace 44 united states forward 1997 - 99 syracuse 1 sonny weems 24 united states guard 2009 - 2011 arkansas 2 donald whiteside 12 united states guard 1996 - 97 northern illinois 3 dwayne whitfield 23 united states forward 1995 - 96 jackson state 4 aaron williams 34 united states forward - center 2004 - 05 xavier (ohio) 5 alvin williams 20 united states guard 1998 - 2006 villanova 6 eric williams 17 united states forward 2004 - 06 providence 7 herb williams 32 united states forward - center 1996 ohio state 8 jerome williams 13 united states forward 2001 - 03 georgetown 9 micheal williams 14 united states guard 1998 - 99 baylor 10 walt williams 42 united states guard - forward 1996 - 98 maryland 11 corliss williamson 35 united states forward 2000 - 01 arkansas 12 kevin willis 42 united states center 1998 - 2001 michigan state 13 loren woods 3 united states center 2004 - 06 arizona 14 haywoode workman 3 united states guard 2000 oral roberts 15 antoine wright 21 united states guard - forward 2009 - 10 texas a&m 16 julian wright 14 united states small forward 2010 - 2011 kansas
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player no nationality position years in toronto school / club team 0 josé calderón 8 spain guard 2005 - 2013 tau cerámica (spain) 1 marcus camby 21 united states center 1996 - 98 massachusetts 2 anthony carter 25 united states guard 2011 - 12 hawaii 3 vince carter 15 united states guard - forward 1998 - 2004 north carolina 4 chris childs 1 united states guard 2001 - 02 boise state 5 doug christie 13 united states forward 1996 - 2000 pepperdine 6 keon clark 7 united states forward - center 2001 - 02 unlv 7 omar cook 1 united states guard 2005 - 06 st john 's 8 tyrone corbin 23 united states guard - forward 2000 - 01 depaul 9 william cunningham 54 united states center 1999 temple 10 earl cureton 35 united states forward 1996 - 97 detroit 11 dell curry 30 united states guard 1999 - 2002 virginia tech
{"player":{"0":"josé calderón","1":"marcus camby","2":"anthony carter","3":"vince carter","4":"chris childs","5":"doug christie","6":"keon clark","7":"omar cook","8":"tyrone corbin","9":"william cunningham","10":"earl cureton","11":"dell curry"},"no":{"0":8,"1":21,"2":25,"3":15,"4":1,"5":13,"6":7,"7":1,"8":23,"9":54,"10":35,"11":30},"nationality":{"0":"spain","1":"united states","2":"united states","3":"united states","4":"united states","5":"united states","6":"united states","7":"united states","8":"united states","9":"united states","10":"united states","11":"united states"},"position":{"0":"guard","1":"center","2":"guard","3":"guard - forward","4":"guard","5":"forward","6":"forward - center","7":"guard","8":"guard - forward","9":"center","10":"forward","11":"guard"},"years in toronto":{"0":"2005 - 2013","1":"1996 - 98","2":"2011 - 12","3":"1998 - 2004","4":"2001 - 02","5":"1996 - 2000","6":"2001 - 02","7":"2005 - 06","8":"2000 - 01","9":"1999","10":"1996 - 97","11":"1999 - 2002"},"school \/ club team":{"0":"tau cerámica (spain)","1":"massachusetts","2":"hawaii","3":"north carolina","4":"boise state","5":"pepperdine","6":"unlv","7":"st john 's","8":"depaul","9":"temple","10":"detroit","11":"virginia tech"}}
player no nationality position years in toronto school / club team 0 sundiata gaines 2 united states guard 2011 georgia 1 jorge garbajosa 15 spain forward 2006 - 08 cb mã¡laga (spain) 2 chris garner 0 united states guard 1997 - 98 memphis 3 rudy gay 22 united states forward 2013 - present connecticut 4 dion glover 22 united states guard 2004 georgia tech 5 joey graham 14 united states guard - forward 2005 - 09 oklahoma state
{"player":{"0":"sundiata gaines","1":"jorge garbajosa","2":"chris garner","3":"rudy gay","4":"dion glover","5":"joey graham"},"no":{"0":2,"1":15,"2":0,"3":22,"4":22,"5":14},"nationality":{"0":"united states","1":"spain","2":"united states","3":"united states","4":"united states","5":"united states"},"position":{"0":"guard","1":"forward","2":"guard","3":"forward","4":"guard","5":"guard - forward"},"years in toronto":{"0":"2011","1":"2006 - 08","2":"1997 - 98","3":"2013 - present","4":"2004","5":"2005 - 09"},"school \/ club team":{"0":"georgia","1":"cb mã¡laga (spain)","2":"memphis","3":"connecticut","4":"georgia tech","5":"oklahoma state"}}
name canton height (meters) crest length (meters) type year of construction name of the lake 0 grande dixence valais 285 695 gravity 1961 lac des dix 1 mauvoisin valais 250 520 arch 1957 lac de mauvoisin 2 luzzone ticino 225 600 arch 1963 lago di luzzone 3 contra (verzasca dam) ticino 220 380 arch 1965 lago di vogorno 4 emosson valais 180 555 arch 1974 lac d'emosson 5 zeuzier valais 156 256 arch 1957 lac de tseuzier 6 göscheneralp uri 155 540 embankment 1960 göscheneralpsee 7 curnera graubünden 153 350 arch 1966 lai de curnera 8 zervreila graubünden 151 504 arch 1957 zervreilasee 9 moiry valais 148 610 arch 1958 lac de moiry 10 gigerwald st - gallen 147 430 arch 1976 gigerwaldsee 11 limmern glarus 146 375 arch 1963 limmerensee 12 valle di lei graubünden 141 690 arch 1961 lago di lei 13 punt dal gall graubünden 130 540 arch 1968 lago di livigno 14 sambuco ticino 130 363 arch 1956 lago del sambuco 15 nalps graubünden 127 480 arch 1962 lai da nalps 16 hongrin nord vaud 125 325 arch 1969 lac de l'hongrin 17 gebidem valais 122 327 arch 1967 gebidemsee 18 mattmark valais 120 780 embankment 1967 mattmarksee 19 santa maria graubünden 117 560 arch 1968 lai da sontga maria 20 albigna graubünden 115 759 gravity 1959 albignasee 21 spitallamm berne 114 258 arch 1932 grimselsee 22 cavagnoli ticino 111 320 arch 1968 lago dei cavagnöö 23 schräh schwyz 111 150 gravity 1924 wägitalersee
{"name":{"0":"grande dixence","1":"mauvoisin","2":"luzzone","3":"contra (verzasca dam)","4":"emosson","5":"zeuzier","6":"göscheneralp","7":"curnera","8":"zervreila","9":"moiry","10":"gigerwald","11":"limmern","12":"valle di lei","13":"punt dal gall","14":"sambuco","15":"nalps","16":"hongrin nord","17":"gebidem","18":"mattmark","19":"santa maria","20":"albigna","21":"spitallamm","22":"cavagnoli","23":"schräh"},"canton":{"0":"valais","1":"valais","2":"ticino","3":"ticino","4":"valais","5":"valais","6":"uri","7":"graubünden","8":"graubünden","9":"valais","10":"st - gallen","11":"glarus","12":"graubünden","13":"graubünden","14":"ticino","15":"graubünden","16":"vaud","17":"valais","18":"valais","19":"graubünden","20":"graubünden","21":"berne","22":"ticino","23":"schwyz"},"height (meters)":{"0":285,"1":250,"2":225,"3":220,"4":180,"5":156,"6":155,"7":153,"8":151,"9":148,"10":147,"11":146,"12":141,"13":130,"14":130,"15":127,"16":125,"17":122,"18":120,"19":117,"20":115,"21":114,"22":111,"23":111},"crest length (meters)":{"0":695,"1":520,"2":600,"3":380,"4":555,"5":256,"6":540,"7":350,"8":504,"9":610,"10":430,"11":375,"12":690,"13":540,"14":363,"15":480,"16":325,"17":327,"18":780,"19":560,"20":759,"21":258,"22":320,"23":150},"type":{"0":"gravity","1":"arch","2":"arch","3":"arch","4":"arch","5":"arch","6":"embankment","7":"arch","8":"arch","9":"arch","10":"arch","11":"arch","12":"arch","13":"arch","14":"arch","15":"arch","16":"arch","17":"arch","18":"embankment","19":"arch","20":"gravity","21":"arch","22":"arch","23":"gravity"},"year of construction":{"0":1961,"1":1957,"2":1963,"3":1965,"4":1974,"5":1957,"6":1960,"7":1966,"8":1957,"9":1958,"10":1976,"11":1963,"12":1961,"13":1968,"14":1956,"15":1962,"16":1969,"17":1967,"18":1967,"19":1968,"20":1959,"21":1932,"22":1968,"23":1924},"name of the lake":{"0":"lac des dix","1":"lac de mauvoisin","2":"lago di luzzone","3":"lago di vogorno","4":"lac d'emosson","5":"lac de tseuzier","6":"göscheneralpsee","7":"lai de curnera","8":"zervreilasee","9":"lac de moiry","10":"gigerwaldsee","11":"limmerensee","12":"lago di lei","13":"lago di livigno","14":"lago del sambuco","15":"lai da nalps","16":"lac de l'hongrin","17":"gebidemsee","18":"mattmarksee","19":"lai da sontga maria","20":"albignasee","21":"grimselsee","22":"lago dei cavagnöö","23":"wägitalersee"}}
year tournaments played cuts made wins 2nd top 10s best finish earnings money list rank scoring average scoring rank 0 2005 1 1 0 0 0 t69 2525 n / a 75.00 n / a 1 2006 3 1 0 0 0 t39 55554 183 73.75 n / a 2 2007 25 18 1 0 4 1 507292 29 73.09 66 3 2008 24 11 0 0 0 t13 117682 88 73.75 131 4 2009 22 16 0 0 2 t5 292266 48 72.51 63 5 2010 21 17 0 0 1 t7 168016 57 73.04 77 6 2011 15 8 0 0 0 t22 66813 84 74.23 117 7 2012 15 4 0 0 0 t24 28935 116 74.37 121
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season player position nationality team draft pick draft class college 0 1996 steve ralston midfielder united states tampa bay mutiny 18 1996 mls college draft florida international 1 1997 mike duhaney defender united states tampa bay mutiny 87 1996 mls inaugural player draft unlv 2 1998 ben olsen midfielder united states dc united n / a project - 40 virginia 3 1999 jay heaps defender united states miami fusion 2 1999 mls college draft duke 4 2000 carlos bocanegra defender united states chicago fire 4 2000 mls superdraft ucla 5 2001 rodrigo faria forward brazil metrostars 13 2001 mls superdraft concordia college 6 2002 kyle martino midfielder united states columbus crew 8 2002 mls superdraft virginia 7 2003 damani ralph forward jamaica chicago fire 18 2003 mls superdraft connecticut 8 2004 clint dempsey midfielder united states new england revolution 8 2004 mls superdraft furman 9 2005 michael parkhurst defender united states new england revolution 9 2005 mls superdraft wake forest 10 2006 jonathan bornstein defender united states chivas usa 37 2006 mls superdraft ucla 11 2007 maurice edu midfielder united states toronto fc 1 2007 mls superdraft maryland 12 2008 sean franklin defender united states los angeles galaxy 4 2008 mls superdraft cal state northridge 13 2009 omar gonzalez defender united states los angeles galaxy 3 2009 mls superdraft maryland 14 2010 andy najar midfielder honduras dc united n / a dc united academy none 15 2011 c j sapong forward united states sporting kansas city 10 2011 mls superdraft james madison
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name direction mantra weapon consort graha (planet) guardian mātṛkā 0 kubera north oṃ śaṃ kuberāya namaḥ gadā (mace) kuberajāyā budha ( mercury ) kumārī 1 yama south oṃ maṃ yamāya namaḥ daṇḍa (staff) yami maṅgala (mars) varahi 2 indra east oṃ laṃ indrāya namaḥ vajra (thunderbolt) śacī sūrya (sun) aindri 3 varuṇa west oṃ vaṃ varuṇāya namaḥ pāśa (noose) nalani śani (saturn) varuṇī 4 īśāna northeast oṃ haṃ īśānāya namaḥ triśūla (trident) pārvatī bṛhaspati (jupiter) māheśvarī 5 agni southeast oṃ raṃ agnaye namaḥ śakti (spear) svāhā śukra (venus) meṣavāhinī 6 vāyu northwest oṃ yaṃ vāyuve namaḥ aṅkuśa (goad) bhāratī candra (moon) mṛgavāhinī 7 nirṛti (sometimes rakṣasa ) southwest oṃ kṣaṃ rakṣasāya namaḥ khaḍga (sword) khaḍgī rāhu (north lunar node ) khaḍgadhāriṇī 8 brahmā zenith oṃ hriṃ brahmaṇe namaḥ padma (lotus) sarasvatī ketu (south lunar node ) brahmāni
{"name":{"0":"kubera","1":"yama","2":"indra","3":"varuṇa","4":"īśāna","5":"agni","6":"vāyu","7":"nirṛti (sometimes rakṣasa )","8":"brahmā"},"direction":{"0":"north","1":"south","2":"east","3":"west","4":"northeast","5":"southeast","6":"northwest","7":"southwest","8":"zenith"},"mantra":{"0":"oṃ śaṃ kuberāya namaḥ","1":"oṃ maṃ yamāya namaḥ","2":"oṃ laṃ indrāya namaḥ","3":"oṃ vaṃ varuṇāya namaḥ","4":"oṃ haṃ īśānāya namaḥ","5":"oṃ raṃ agnaye namaḥ","6":"oṃ yaṃ vāyuve namaḥ","7":"oṃ kṣaṃ rakṣasāya namaḥ","8":"oṃ hriṃ brahmaṇe namaḥ"},"weapon":{"0":"gadā (mace)","1":"daṇḍa (staff)","2":"vajra (thunderbolt)","3":"pāśa (noose)","4":"triśūla (trident)","5":"śakti (spear)","6":"aṅkuśa (goad)","7":"khaḍga (sword)","8":"padma (lotus)"},"consort":{"0":"kuberajāyā","1":"yami","2":"śacī","3":"nalani","4":"pārvatī","5":"svāhā","6":"bhāratī","7":"khaḍgī","8":"sarasvatī"},"graha (planet)":{"0":"budha ( mercury )","1":"maṅgala (mars)","2":"sūrya (sun)","3":"śani (saturn)","4":"bṛhaspati (jupiter)","5":"śukra (venus)","6":"candra (moon)","7":"rāhu (north lunar node )","8":"ketu (south lunar node )"},"guardian mātṛkā":{"0":"kumārī","1":"varahi","2":"aindri","3":"varuṇī","4":"māheśvarī","5":"meṣavāhinī","6":"mṛgavāhinī","7":"khaḍgadhāriṇī","8":"brahmāni"}}
member headquarters classification chapters founded uccfs 0 alpha nu omega baltimore , maryland fraternity & sorority 26 1988 at morgan state university 2006 1 men of god san antonio , texas fraternity 5 1999 at texas tech university 2006 2 delta psi epsilon washington , dc sorority 12 1999 in huntsville , alabama 2006 3 zeta phi zeta chicago , illinois fraternity & sorority 7 2001 at x - stream teens ministries 2007 4 gamma phi delta austin , texas fraternity 16 1988 at the university of texas at austin 2011
{"member":{"0":"alpha nu omega","1":"men of god","2":"delta psi epsilon","3":"zeta phi zeta","4":"gamma phi delta"},"headquarters":{"0":"baltimore , maryland","1":"san antonio , texas","2":"washington , dc","3":"chicago , illinois","4":"austin , texas"},"classification":{"0":"fraternity & sorority","1":"fraternity","2":"sorority","3":"fraternity & sorority","4":"fraternity"},"chapters":{"0":26,"1":5,"2":12,"3":7,"4":16},"founded":{"0":"1988 at morgan state university","1":"1999 at texas tech university","2":"1999 in huntsville , alabama","3":"2001 at x - stream teens ministries","4":"1988 at the university of texas at austin"},"uccfs":{"0":2006,"1":2006,"2":2006,"3":2007,"4":2011}}
year typhus typhoid fever relapsing fever smallpox malaria 0 1913 120 424 30 67 3600 1 191822 1300 293 639 106 2940 (avg) 2 1929 40 170 6 8 3000 3 1930 60 190 5 10 2700 4 1931 80 260 4 30 3200 5 1932 220 300 12 80 4500 6 1933 800 210 12 38 6500 7 1934 410 200 10 16 9477 8 1935 120 140 6 4 9924
{"year":{"0":1913,"1":191822,"2":1929,"3":1930,"4":1931,"5":1932,"6":1933,"7":1934,"8":1935},"typhus":{"0":120,"1":1300,"2":40,"3":60,"4":80,"5":220,"6":800,"7":410,"8":120},"typhoid fever":{"0":424,"1":293,"2":170,"3":190,"4":260,"5":300,"6":210,"7":200,"8":140},"relapsing fever":{"0":30,"1":639,"2":6,"3":5,"4":4,"5":12,"6":12,"7":10,"8":6},"smallpox":{"0":67,"1":106,"2":8,"3":10,"4":30,"5":80,"6":38,"7":16,"8":4},"malaria":{"0":"3600","1":"2940 (avg)","2":"3000","3":"2700","4":"3200","5":"4500","6":"6500","7":"9477","8":"9924"}}
school location founded affiliation enrollment team nickname primary conference 0 indiana university bloomington , in 1820 public 40354 hoosiers big ten conference ( d - i ) 1 iowa state university ames , ia 1858 public 27945 cyclones big 12 conference ( d - i ) 2 lindenwood university st charles , mo 1827 private / presbyterian 11421 lions miaa ( d - ii ) 3 ohio university athens , oh 1804 public 20437 bobcats mid - american ( d - i ) 4 robert morris university chicago , il 1913 private / non - sectarian 7277 eagles chicagoland ( naia )
{"school":{"0":"indiana university","1":"iowa state university","2":"lindenwood university","3":"ohio university","4":"robert morris university"},"location":{"0":"bloomington , in","1":"ames , ia","2":"st charles , mo","3":"athens , oh","4":"chicago , il"},"founded":{"0":1820,"1":1858,"2":1827,"3":1804,"4":1913},"affiliation":{"0":"public","1":"public","2":"private \/ presbyterian","3":"public","4":"private \/ non - sectarian"},"enrollment":{"0":40354,"1":27945,"2":11421,"3":20437,"4":7277},"team nickname":{"0":"hoosiers","1":"cyclones","2":"lions","3":"bobcats","4":"eagles"},"primary conference":{"0":"big ten conference ( d - i )","1":"big 12 conference ( d - i )","2":"miaa ( d - ii )","3":"mid - american ( d - i )","4":"chicagoland ( naia )"}}
country ( exonym ) capital ( exonym ) country ( endonym ) capital ( endonym ) official or native language (s) (alphabet / script) 0 iceland reykjavík ísland reykjavík icelandic 1 indonesia jakarta indonesia jakarta bahasa indonesia 2 iran tehran īrān ایران tehrān تهران persian ( arabic script ) 3 iraq baghdad al - 'iraq العراق îraq baghdad بغداد bexda arabic ( arabic script ) kurdish 4 ireland dublin éire ireland baile átha cliath dublin irish english 5 isle of man douglas isle of man ellan vannin douglas doolish english manx
{"country ( exonym )":{"0":"iceland","1":"indonesia","2":"iran","3":"iraq","4":"ireland","5":"isle of man"},"capital ( exonym )":{"0":"reykjavík","1":"jakarta","2":"tehran","3":"baghdad","4":"dublin","5":"douglas"},"country ( endonym )":{"0":"ísland","1":"indonesia","2":"īrān ایران","3":"al - 'iraq العراق îraq","4":"éire ireland","5":"isle of man ellan vannin"},"capital ( endonym )":{"0":"reykjavík","1":"jakarta","2":"tehrān تهران","3":"baghdad بغداد bexda","4":"baile átha cliath dublin","5":"douglas doolish"},"official or native language (s) (alphabet \/ script)":{"0":"icelandic","1":"bahasa indonesia","2":"persian ( arabic script )","3":"arabic ( arabic script ) kurdish","4":"irish english","5":"english manx"}}
season network season premiere season finale tv season ranking viewers (in millions) 0 1st upn september 11 , 2000 may 14 , 2001 2000 - 2001 136 4.0 1 2nd upn september 10 , 2001 may 20 , 2002 2001 - 2002 129 4.2 2 3rd upn september 23 , 2002 may 19 , 2003 2002 - 2003 133 4.0 3 4th upn september 15 , 2003 may 24 , 2004 2003 - 2004 128 3.6 4 5th upn september 20 , 2004 may 23 , 2005 2004 - 2005 129 3.4 5 6th upn september 19 , 2005 may 8 , 2006 2005 - 2006 135 3.4 6 7th cw october 1 , 2006 may 7 , 2007 2006 - 2007 138 2.5
{"season":{"0":"1st","1":"2nd","2":"3rd","3":"4th","4":"5th","5":"6th","6":"7th"},"network":{"0":"upn","1":"upn","2":"upn","3":"upn","4":"upn","5":"upn","6":"cw"},"season premiere":{"0":"september 11 , 2000","1":"september 10 , 2001","2":"september 23 , 2002","3":"september 15 , 2003","4":"september 20 , 2004","5":"september 19 , 2005","6":"october 1 , 2006"},"season finale":{"0":"may 14 , 2001","1":"may 20 , 2002","2":"may 19 , 2003","3":"may 24 , 2004","4":"may 23 , 2005","5":"may 8 , 2006","6":"may 7 , 2007"},"tv season":{"0":"2000 - 2001","1":"2001 - 2002","2":"2002 - 2003","3":"2003 - 2004","4":"2004 - 2005","5":"2005 - 2006","6":"2006 - 2007"},"ranking":{"0":136,"1":129,"2":133,"3":128,"4":129,"5":135,"6":138},"viewers (in millions)":{"0":4.0,"1":4.2,"2":4.0,"3":3.6,"4":3.4,"5":3.4,"6":2.5}}
regional county municipality (rcm) population canada 2011 census land area density (pop per km2) seat of rcm 0 acton 15381 km2 (sqmi) 26.5 acton vale 1 brome - missisquoi 55621 km2 (sqmi) 33.7 cowansville 2 la haute - yamaska 85042 km2 (sqmi) 133.6 granby 3 la vallãe - du - richelieu 116773 km2 (sqmi) 198.3 mcmasterville 4 le haut - richelieu 114344 km2 (sqmi) 122.1 saint - jean - sur - richelieu 5 les maskoutains 84248 km2 (sqmi) 64.7 saint - hyacinthe
{"regional county municipality (rcm)":{"0":"acton","1":"brome - missisquoi","2":"la haute - yamaska","3":"la vallãe - du - richelieu","4":"le haut - richelieu","5":"les maskoutains"},"population canada 2011 census":{"0":15381,"1":55621,"2":85042,"3":116773,"4":114344,"5":84248},"land area":{"0":"km2 (sqmi)","1":"km2 (sqmi)","2":"km2 (sqmi)","3":"km2 (sqmi)","4":"km2 (sqmi)","5":"km2 (sqmi)"},"density (pop per km2)":{"0":26.5,"1":33.7,"2":133.6,"3":198.3,"4":122.1,"5":64.7},"seat of rcm":{"0":"acton vale","1":"cowansville","2":"granby","3":"mcmasterville","4":"saint - jean - sur - richelieu","5":"saint - hyacinthe"}}
county english name irish name population irish speakers 0 county donegal altnapeaste alt na péiste 188 55% 1 county donegal annagry anagaire 2235 55% 2 county donegal arranmore árainn mhór 529 62% 3 county donegal crovehy cró beithe 161 53% 4 county donegal cloghan an clochán 514 41% 5 county donegal bloody foreland cnoc fola 1326 83% 6 county donegal dunlewey dún lúiche 695 76% 7 county donegal falcarragh an fál carrach 2168 44% 8 county donegal fintown baile na finne 316 57% 9 county donegal gortahork gort a' choirce 1599 81% 10 county donegal graffy an grafadh 209 52% 11 county donegal gweedore gaoth dobhair 2651 77% 12 county donegal teelin teileann 726 41% 13 county mayo aughleam eachléim 921 46% 14 county mayo carrowteige ceathrú thaidhg 356 64% 15 county mayo finny fionnaithe 248 44% 16 county galway aran islands oileáin árann 1225 79% 17 county galway bothúna bothúna 963 74% 18 county galway camus camus 367 90% 19 county galway carna carna 798 81% 20 county galway carraroe an cheathrú rua 2294 83% 21 county galway cornamona corr na móna 573 45% 22 county galway furbo na forbacha 1239 43% 23 county galway derryrush doire iorrais 313 76% 24 county galway glantrasna gleann trasna 122 61% 25 county galway inverin indreabhán 1362 83% 26 county galway kilkieran cill chiaráin 619 87% 27 county galway lettermore leitir móir 875 84% 28 county galway lettermullen leitir mealláin 1288 89% 29 county galway rossaveal ros an mhíl 1304 84% 30 county galway rosmuc ros muc 557 87% 31 county galway spiddal an spidéal 1357 66% 32 county kerry ballyferriter baile an fheirtéaraigh 455 77% 33 county kerry ballynagall / ballydavid baile na ngall 508 75% 34 county kerry brandon cé bhréannain 168 48% 35 county kerry cinnáird cinnáird 318 45% 36 county kerry cloghane an clochán 273 46% 37 county kerry dunquin dún chaoin 159 72% 38 county kerry feohanagh an fheothanach 462 78% 39 county kerry glin na gleannta 1496 44% 40 county kerry marhin márthain 276 56% 41 county kerry mináird mináird 387 53% 42 county kerry ventry ceann trá 413 59% 43 county cork ballingeary béal átha an ghaorthaidh 542 46% 44 county cork ballyvourney baile bhuirne 816 42% 45 county cork cape clear island oileán chléire 125 41% 46 county cork coolea cúil aodha 420 53% 47 county waterford ring an rinn 1176 51%
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season timeslot ( et ) season premiere season finale tv season rank viewers (millions) 0 1 wednesday 9:00 pm september 5 , 2001 december 13 , 2001 2001 - 2002 73 8.80 1 2 wednesday 9:00 pm march 11 , 2002 may 15 , 2002 2001 - 2002 49 10.30 2 3 wednesday 9:00 pm october 2 , 2002 december 18 , 2002 2002 71 8.98 3 4 thursday 8:00 pm may 29 , 2003 august 21 , 2003 2003 n / a 8.32 4 5 tuesday 10:00 pm july 6 , 2004 september 21 , 2004 2004 n / a 10.73 5 6 tuesday 9:00 pm november 16 , 2004 february 8 , 2005 2004 - 2005 31 11.54 6 7 tuesday 9:00 pm march 1 , 2005 may 10 , 2005 2004 - 2005 25 13.05 7 8 tuesday 9:00 pm september 27 , 2005 december 13 , 2005 2005 - 2006 42 10.80 8 9 tuesday 9:00 pm tuesday 10:00 pm wednesday 8:00 pm february 28 , 2006 may 17 , 2006 2005 - 2006 56 9.10 9 10 sunday 8:00 pm september 17 , 2006 december 10 , 2006 2006 - 2007 31 11.50 10 11 sunday 8:00 pm february 18 , 2007 may 6 , 2007 2006 - 2007 44 10.10 11 12 sunday 8:00 pm november 4 , 2007 january 20 , 2008 2007 - 2008 25 11.84 12 13 sunday 8:00 pm september 28 , 2008 december 7 , 2008 2008 - 2009 27 11.14 13 14 sunday 8:00 pm february 15 , 2009 may 10 , 2009 2008 - 2009 29 10.91 14 15 sunday 8:00 pm september 27 , 2009 december 6 , 2009 2009 - 2010 28 11.14 15 16 sunday 8:00 pm february 14 , 2010 may 9 , 2010 2009 - 2010 29 10.40 16 17 sunday 8:00 pm september 26 , 2010 december 12 , 2010 2010 - 2011 22 11.93 17 18 sunday 8:00 pm february 20 , 2011 may 8 , 2011 2010 - 2011 39 10.35 18 19 sunday 8:00 pm september 25 , 2011 december 11 , 2011 2011 - 2012 34 11.13 19 20 sunday 8:00 pm february 19 , 2012 may 6 , 2012 2011 - 2012 37 10.30 20 21 sunday 8:00 pm september 30 , 2012 december 9 , 2012 2012 - 2013 29 10.68 21 22 sunday 8:00 pm february 17 , 2013 may 5 , 2013 2012 - 2013 36 10.17
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{"pick":{"0":261,"1":262,"2":263,"3":264,"4":265,"5":266,"6":267,"7":268,"8":269,"9":270,"10":271,"11":272,"12":273,"13":274,"14":275,"15":276,"16":277,"17":278,"18":279,"19":280,"20":281,"21":282,"22":283,"23":284,"24":285,"25":286},"player":{"0":"per gustafsson","1":"jeremy stevenson","2":"rob mara","3":"jason issel","4":"steve nimigon","5":"ladislav benysek","6":"jamie butt","7":"brian white","8":"mike hanson","9":"jan lipiansky","10":"david beauregard","11":"dick tarnstrom","12":"robert longpre","13":"antti tormanen","14":"sergei tertyshny","15":"scott fankhouser","16":"shayne wright","17":"ross parsons","18":"pavel torgayev","19":"chris szysky","20":"andrei yakhanov","21":"doug nolan","22":"toivo suursoo","23":"brian leitza","24":"steven low","25":"kim johnsson"},"position":{"0":"defence","1":"left wing","2":"left wing","3":"left wing","4":"left wing","5":"defence","6":"left wing","7":"defence","8":"centre","9":"forward","10":"left wing","11":"defence","12":"centre","13":"left wing","14":"defence","15":"goaltender","16":"defence","17":"defence","18":"centre","19":"right wing","20":"defence","21":"defence","22":"left wing","23":"goaltender","24":"defence","25":"defence"},"nationality":{"0":"sweden","1":"united states","2":"united states","3":"canada","4":"canada","5":"czech republic","6":"canada","7":"united states","8":"united states","9":"slovakia","10":"canada","11":"sweden","12":"canada","13":"finland","14":"russia","15":"united states","16":"canada","17":"canada","18":"russia","19":"canada","20":"russia","21":"united states","22":"estonia","23":"united states","24":"canada","25":"sweden"},"nhl team":{"0":"florida panthers","1":"mighty ducks of anaheim","2":"chicago blackhawks","3":"winnipeg jets","4":"hartford whalers","5":"edmonton oilers","6":"ny rangers","7":"tampa bay lightning","8":"new jersey devils","9":"philadelphia flyers","10":"san jose sharks","11":"new york islanders","12":"vancouver canucks","13":"ottawa senators","14":"washington capitals","15":"st louis blues","16":"buffalo sabres","17":"montreal canadiens","18":"calgary flames","19":"dallas stars","20":"boston bruins","21":"toronto maple leafs","22":"detroit red wings","23":"pittsburgh penguins","24":"quebec nordiques","25":"new york rangers"},"college \/ junior \/ club team":{"0":"hv71 (sweden)","1":"sault ste marie greyhounds (ohl)","2":"belmont hill high school (hs - massachusetts)","3":"prince albert raiders (whl)","4":"niagara falls thunder (ohl)","5":"olomouc hc (czech republic)","6":"tacoma rockets (whl)","7":"arlington catholic high school (hs - massachusetts)","8":"minot high school (hs - north dakota)","9":"slovan bratislava (slovakia)","10":"st hyacinthe lasers (qmjhl)","11":"aik (sweden)","12":"medicine hat tigers (whl)","13":"jokerit (finland)","14":"chelyabinsk traktor (russia)","15":"university of massachusetts lowell (ncaa)","16":"owen sound platers (ohl)","17":"regina pats (whl)","18":"tps (finland)","19":"swift current broncos (whl)","20":"ufa salavat yulayev (russia)","21":"catholic memorial high school (hs - massachusetts)","22":"krylya sovetov moscow (russia)","23":"sioux city musketeers (ushl)","24":"sherbrooke faucons (qmjhl)","25":"malmã if (sweden)"}}
pick player position nationality nhl team college / junior / club team 0 183 jason boudrias forward canada florida panthers laval titan (qmjhl) 1 184 brad englehart centre canada anaheim ducks kimball union academy (hs - new hampshire) 2 185 rob guinn defence canada edmonton oilers newmarket royals (ohl) 3 186 ramil saifullin centre russia winnipeg jets omsk avangard (russia) 4 187 tom buckley centre united states hartford whalers st joseph 's high school (hs - new york) 5 188 jason reid defence canada edmonton oilers st andrew 's college (hs - ontario) 6 189 andrew dale centre canada los angeles kings sudbury wolves (ohl) 7 190 alexei baranov defence russia tampa bay lightning moscow dynamo (russia) 8 191 jay bertsch right wing canada quebec nordiques spokane chiefs (whl) 9 192 derek diener defence canada philadelphia flyers lethbridge hurricanes (whl) 10 193 eric landry right wing canada san jose sharks guelph storm (ohl) 11 194 mike loach right wing canada ny islanders windsor spitfires (ohl) 12 195 rob trumbley right wing canada vancouver canucks moose jaw warriors (whl) 13 196 mike josephson left wing canada chicago blackhawks kamloops blazers (whl) 14 197 chris patrick centre united states washington capitals kent high school (hs - connecticut) 15 198 steve noble centre canada st louis blues stratford cullitons (mojhl) 16 199 bob westerby left wing canada buffalo sabres kamloops blazers (whl) 17 200 peter strom right wing sweden montreal canadiens västra frölunda hc (sweden) 18 201 keith mccambridge defence canada calgary flames swift current broncos (whl) 19 202 ray giroux defence canada philadelphia flyers powassan hawks (mwjhl) 20 203 peter hogardh right wing sweden ny islanders västra frölunda hc (sweden) 21 204 rob butler left wing canada toronto maple leafs niagara falls canucks (ghjhl) 22 205 jason elliott goaltender canada detroit red wings cornell university (ncaa) 23 206 boris zelenko centre russia pittsburgh penguins cska moscow (russia) 24 207 eric bertrand left wing canada new jersey devils granby bisons (qmjhl) 25 208 craig anderson defence united states ny rangers park center high school (hs - minnesota)
{"pick":{"0":183,"1":184,"2":185,"3":186,"4":187,"5":188,"6":189,"7":190,"8":191,"9":192,"10":193,"11":194,"12":195,"13":196,"14":197,"15":198,"16":199,"17":200,"18":201,"19":202,"20":203,"21":204,"22":205,"23":206,"24":207,"25":208},"player":{"0":"jason boudrias","1":"brad englehart","2":"rob guinn","3":"ramil saifullin","4":"tom buckley","5":"jason reid","6":"andrew dale","7":"alexei baranov","8":"jay bertsch","9":"derek diener","10":"eric landry","11":"mike loach","12":"rob trumbley","13":"mike josephson","14":"chris patrick","15":"steve noble","16":"bob westerby","17":"peter strom","18":"keith mccambridge","19":"ray giroux","20":"peter hogardh","21":"rob butler","22":"jason elliott","23":"boris zelenko","24":"eric bertrand","25":"craig anderson"},"position":{"0":"forward","1":"centre","2":"defence","3":"centre","4":"centre","5":"defence","6":"centre","7":"defence","8":"right wing","9":"defence","10":"right wing","11":"right wing","12":"right wing","13":"left wing","14":"centre","15":"centre","16":"left wing","17":"right wing","18":"defence","19":"defence","20":"right wing","21":"left wing","22":"goaltender","23":"centre","24":"left wing","25":"defence"},"nationality":{"0":"canada","1":"canada","2":"canada","3":"russia","4":"united states","5":"canada","6":"canada","7":"russia","8":"canada","9":"canada","10":"canada","11":"canada","12":"canada","13":"canada","14":"united states","15":"canada","16":"canada","17":"sweden","18":"canada","19":"canada","20":"sweden","21":"canada","22":"canada","23":"russia","24":"canada","25":"united states"},"nhl team":{"0":"florida panthers","1":"anaheim ducks","2":"edmonton oilers","3":"winnipeg jets","4":"hartford whalers","5":"edmonton oilers","6":"los angeles kings","7":"tampa bay lightning","8":"quebec nordiques","9":"philadelphia flyers","10":"san jose sharks","11":"ny islanders","12":"vancouver canucks","13":"chicago blackhawks","14":"washington capitals","15":"st louis blues","16":"buffalo sabres","17":"montreal canadiens","18":"calgary flames","19":"philadelphia flyers","20":"ny islanders","21":"toronto maple leafs","22":"detroit red wings","23":"pittsburgh penguins","24":"new jersey devils","25":"ny rangers"},"college \/ junior \/ club team":{"0":"laval titan (qmjhl)","1":"kimball union academy (hs - new hampshire)","2":"newmarket royals (ohl)","3":"omsk avangard (russia)","4":"st joseph 's high school (hs - new york)","5":"st andrew 's college (hs - ontario)","6":"sudbury wolves (ohl)","7":"moscow dynamo (russia)","8":"spokane chiefs (whl)","9":"lethbridge hurricanes (whl)","10":"guelph storm (ohl)","11":"windsor spitfires (ohl)","12":"moose jaw warriors (whl)","13":"kamloops blazers (whl)","14":"kent high school (hs - connecticut)","15":"stratford cullitons (mojhl)","16":"kamloops blazers (whl)","17":"västra frölunda hc (sweden)","18":"swift current broncos (whl)","19":"powassan hawks (mwjhl)","20":"västra frölunda hc (sweden)","21":"niagara falls canucks (ghjhl)","22":"cornell university (ncaa)","23":"cska moscow (russia)","24":"granby bisons (qmjhl)","25":"park center high school (hs - minnesota)"}}
state (class) vacator reason for change successor date of successors formal installation 0 arkansas (2) john l mcclellan (d) died november 28 , 1977 kaneaster hodges , jr (d) december 10 , 1977 1 montana (2) lee metcalf (d) died january 12 , 1978 paul g hatfield (d) january 22 , 1978 2 minnesota (1) hubert humphrey (dfl) died january 13 , 1978 muriel humphrey (d) january 25 , 1978 3 alabama (3) james allen (d) died june 1 , 1978 maryon pittman allen (d) june 8 , 1978 4 alabama (3) maryon pittman allen (d) successor elected november 7 , 1978 donald stewart (d) november 7 , 1978 5 minnesota (1) muriel humphrey (dfl) successor elected november 7 , 1978 david durenberger (r) november 8 , 1978 6 kansas (2) james b pearson (r) resigned december 23 , 1978 nancy kassebaum (r) december 23 , 1978 7 mississippi (2) james eastland (d) resigned december 27 , 1978 thad cochran (r) december 27 , 1978 8 minnesota (2) wendell anderson (dfl) resigned december 29 , 1978 rudy boschwitz (r) december 30 , 1978 9 wyoming (2) clifford hansen (r) resigned december 31 , 1978 alan k simpson (r) january 1 , 1979
{"state (class)":{"0":"arkansas (2)","1":"montana (2)","2":"minnesota (1)","3":"alabama (3)","4":"alabama (3)","5":"minnesota (1)","6":"kansas (2)","7":"mississippi (2)","8":"minnesota (2)","9":"wyoming (2)"},"vacator":{"0":"john l mcclellan (d)","1":"lee metcalf (d)","2":"hubert humphrey (dfl)","3":"james allen (d)","4":"maryon pittman allen (d)","5":"muriel humphrey (dfl)","6":"james b pearson (r)","7":"james eastland (d)","8":"wendell anderson (dfl)","9":"clifford hansen (r)"},"reason for change":{"0":"died november 28 , 1977","1":"died january 12 , 1978","2":"died january 13 , 1978","3":"died june 1 , 1978","4":"successor elected november 7 , 1978","5":"successor elected november 7 , 1978","6":"resigned december 23 , 1978","7":"resigned december 27 , 1978","8":"resigned december 29 , 1978","9":"resigned december 31 , 1978"},"successor":{"0":"kaneaster hodges , jr (d)","1":"paul g hatfield (d)","2":"muriel humphrey (d)","3":"maryon pittman allen (d)","4":"donald stewart (d)","5":"david durenberger (r)","6":"nancy kassebaum (r)","7":"thad cochran (r)","8":"rudy boschwitz (r)","9":"alan k simpson (r)"},"date of successors formal installation":{"0":"december 10 , 1977","1":"january 22 , 1978","2":"january 25 , 1978","3":"june 8 , 1978","4":"november 7 , 1978","5":"november 8 , 1978","6":"december 23 , 1978","7":"december 27 , 1978","8":"december 30 , 1978","9":"january 1 , 1979"}}
district vacator reason for change successor date successor seated 0 louisiana 1st richard a tonry (d) forced to resign may 4 , 1977 bob livingston (r) august 27 , 1977 1 new york 21st robert garcía (r - l) changed parties february 21 , 1978 robert garcía (d) february 21 , 1978 2 tennessee 5th clifford allen (d) died june 18 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 3 california 18th william m ketchum (r) died june 24 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 4 illinois 1st ralph metcalfe (d) died october 10 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 5 maryland 6th goodloe byron (d) died october 11 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 6 wisconsin 6th william a steiger (r) died december 4 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 7 wyoming at - large teno roncalio (d) resigned december 30 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 8 california 3rd john e moss (d) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 9 california 14th john j mcfall (d) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 10 california 33rd del m clawson (r) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 11 kansas 5th joe skubitz (r) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 12 michigan 10th elford a cederberg (r) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 13 new jersey 14th joseph a lefante (d) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 14 new york 9th james delaney (d) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 15 texas 6th olin e teague (d) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term 16 texas 11th william r poage (d) resigned december 31 , 1978 vacant not filled this term
{"district":{"0":"louisiana 1st","1":"new york 21st","2":"tennessee 5th","3":"california 18th","4":"illinois 1st","5":"maryland 6th","6":"wisconsin 6th","7":"wyoming at - large","8":"california 3rd","9":"california 14th","10":"california 33rd","11":"kansas 5th","12":"michigan 10th","13":"new jersey 14th","14":"new york 9th","15":"texas 6th","16":"texas 11th"},"vacator":{"0":"richard a tonry (d)","1":"robert garcía (r - l)","2":"clifford allen (d)","3":"william m ketchum (r)","4":"ralph metcalfe (d)","5":"goodloe byron (d)","6":"william a steiger (r)","7":"teno roncalio (d)","8":"john e moss (d)","9":"john j mcfall (d)","10":"del m clawson (r)","11":"joe skubitz (r)","12":"elford a cederberg (r)","13":"joseph a lefante (d)","14":"james delaney (d)","15":"olin e teague (d)","16":"william r poage (d)"},"reason for change":{"0":"forced to resign may 4 , 1977","1":"changed parties february 21 , 1978","2":"died june 18 , 1978","3":"died june 24 , 1978","4":"died october 10 , 1978","5":"died october 11 , 1978","6":"died december 4 , 1978","7":"resigned december 30 , 1978","8":"resigned december 31 , 1978","9":"resigned december 31 , 1978","10":"resigned december 31 , 1978","11":"resigned december 31 , 1978","12":"resigned december 31 , 1978","13":"resigned december 31 , 1978","14":"resigned december 31 , 1978","15":"resigned december 31 , 1978","16":"resigned december 31 , 1978"},"successor":{"0":"bob livingston (r)","1":"robert garcía (d)","2":"vacant","3":"vacant","4":"vacant","5":"vacant","6":"vacant","7":"vacant","8":"vacant","9":"vacant","10":"vacant","11":"vacant","12":"vacant","13":"vacant","14":"vacant","15":"vacant","16":"vacant"},"date successor seated":{"0":"august 27 , 1977","1":"february 21 , 1978","2":"not filled this term","3":"not filled this term","4":"not filled this term","5":"not filled this term","6":"not filled this term","7":"not filled this term","8":"not filled this term","9":"not filled this term","10":"not filled this term","11":"not filled this term","12":"not filled this term","13":"not filled this term","14":"not filled this term","15":"not filled this term","16":"not filled this term"}}
formula notation t c (k) no of cu - o planes in unit cell crystal structure 0 yba 2 cu 3 o 7 123 92 2 orthorhombic 1 bi 2 sr 2 cuo 6 bi - 2201 20 1 tetragonal 2 bi 2 sr 2 cacu 2 o 8 bi - 2212 85 2 tetragonal 3 bi 2 sr 2 ca 2 cu 3 o 6 bi - 2223 110 3 tetragonal 4 tl 2 ba 2 cuo 6 tl - 2201 80 1 tetragonal 5 tl 2 ba 2 cacu 2 o 8 tl - 2212 108 2 tetragonal 6 tl 2 ba 2 ca 2 cu 3 o 10 tl - 2223 125 3 tetragonal 7 tlba 2 ca 3 cu 4 o 11 tl - 1234 122 4 tetragonal 8 hgba 2 cuo 4 hg - 1201 94 1 tetragonal 9 hgba 2 cacu 2 o 6 hg - 1212 128 2 tetragonal
{"formula":{"0":"yba 2 cu 3 o 7","1":"bi 2 sr 2 cuo 6","2":"bi 2 sr 2 cacu 2 o 8","3":"bi 2 sr 2 ca 2 cu 3 o 6","4":"tl 2 ba 2 cuo 6","5":"tl 2 ba 2 cacu 2 o 8","6":"tl 2 ba 2 ca 2 cu 3 o 10","7":"tlba 2 ca 3 cu 4 o 11","8":"hgba 2 cuo 4","9":"hgba 2 cacu 2 o 6"},"notation":{"0":"123","1":"bi - 2201","2":"bi - 2212","3":"bi - 2223","4":"tl - 2201","5":"tl - 2212","6":"tl - 2223","7":"tl - 1234","8":"hg - 1201","9":"hg - 1212"},"t c (k)":{"0":92,"1":20,"2":85,"3":110,"4":80,"5":108,"6":125,"7":122,"8":94,"9":128},"no of cu - o planes in unit cell":{"0":2,"1":1,"2":2,"3":3,"4":1,"5":2,"6":3,"7":4,"8":1,"9":2},"crystal structure":{"0":"orthorhombic","1":"tetragonal","2":"tetragonal","3":"tetragonal","4":"tetragonal","5":"tetragonal","6":"tetragonal","7":"tetragonal","8":"tetragonal","9":"tetragonal"}}
week dance / song horwood goodman dixon tonioli total result 0 1 cha - cha - cha / ain't no mountain high enough 7 8 8 8 31 n / a 1 2 foxtrot / she said 7 8 8 8 31 safe 2 3 quickstep / dreaming of you 8 7 8 8 31 safe 3 4 charleston / forty - second street 9 9 9 8 35 safe 4 5 argentine tango / bat out of hell 8 8 9 9 34 safe 5 6 viennese waltz / where the wild roses grow 8 9 9 9 35 safe 6 7 rumba / too lost in you 8 9 9 9 35 safe 7 8 samba / young hearts run free 9 9 10 10 38 safe 8 10 jive / soul bossa nova 8 9 9 9 35 safe 9 11 salsa / spinning around 7 7 7 7 28 safe 10 11 swing / in the mood n / a n / a n / a n / a 2nd / 4 points safe 11 11 tango / hung up 9 10 10 9 38 safe 12 12 samba / young hearts run free 9 9 10 10 38 second place 13 12 showdance / i like the way (you move) 7 9 9 9 34 second place 14 12 paso doble / don't let me be misunderstood 9 8 9 9 35 second place
{"week":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":10,"9":11,"10":11,"11":11,"12":12,"13":12,"14":12},"dance \/ song":{"0":"cha - cha - cha \/ ain't no mountain high enough","1":"foxtrot \/ she said","2":"quickstep \/ dreaming of you","3":"charleston \/ forty - second street","4":"argentine tango \/ bat out of hell","5":"viennese waltz \/ where the wild roses grow","6":"rumba \/ too lost in you","7":"samba \/ young hearts run free","8":"jive \/ soul bossa nova","9":"salsa \/ spinning around","10":"swing \/ in the mood","11":"tango \/ hung up","12":"samba \/ young hearts run free","13":"showdance \/ i like the way (you move)","14":"paso doble \/ don't let me be misunderstood"},"horwood":{"0":"7","1":"7","2":"8","3":"9","4":"8","5":"8","6":"8","7":"9","8":"8","9":"7","10":"n \/ a","11":"9","12":"9","13":"7","14":"9"},"goodman":{"0":"8","1":"8","2":"7","3":"9","4":"8","5":"9","6":"9","7":"9","8":"9","9":"7","10":"n \/ a","11":"10","12":"9","13":"9","14":"8"},"dixon":{"0":"8","1":"8","2":"8","3":"9","4":"9","5":"9","6":"9","7":"10","8":"9","9":"7","10":"n \/ a","11":"10","12":"10","13":"9","14":"9"},"tonioli":{"0":"8","1":"8","2":"8","3":"8","4":"9","5":"9","6":"9","7":"10","8":"9","9":"7","10":"n \/ a","11":"9","12":"10","13":"9","14":"9"},"total":{"0":"31","1":"31","2":"31","3":"35","4":"34","5":"35","6":"35","7":"38","8":"35","9":"28","10":"2nd \/ 4 points","11":"38","12":"38","13":"34","14":"35"},"result":{"0":"n \/ a","1":"safe","2":"safe","3":"safe","4":"safe","5":"safe","6":"safe","7":"safe","8":"safe","9":"safe","10":"safe","11":"safe","12":"second place","13":"second place","14":"second place"}}
class operator no built year built cars per set unit nos 0 class 170 / 1 crosscountry 17 1998 - 1999 3 170 101 - 170 110 1 class 170 / 1 crosscountry 17 1998 - 1999 2 170 111 - 170 117 2 class 170 / 2 greater anglia 12 1999 3 170 201 - 170 208 3 class 170 / 2 greater anglia 12 2002 2 170 270 - 170 273 4 class 170 / 3 first transpennine express 9 2000 2 170 301 - 170 309 5 class 170 / 3 first scotrail 4 2004 3 170 393 - 170 396 6 class 170 / 3 crosscountry 2 2002 3 170 397 - 170 398 7 class 170 / 4 first scotrail 24 1999 - 2001 3 170 401 - 170 424 8 class 170 / 4 first scotrail 10 2003 - 2004 3 170 425 - 170 434 9 class 170 / 4 first scotrail 12 2004 - 2005 3 170 450 - 170 461 10 class 170 / 4 first scotrail 2 2001 3 170 470 - 170 471 11 class 170 / 4 first scotrail 7 2004 3 170 472 - 170 478 12 class 170 / 5 london midland 17 1999 - 2000 2 170 501 - 170 517 13 class 170 / 5 crosscountry 6 1999 - 2000 2 170 518 - 170 523 14 class 170 / 6 london midland 6 2000 3 170 630 - 170 635
{"class":{"0":"class 170 \/ 1","1":"class 170 \/ 1","2":"class 170 \/ 2","3":"class 170 \/ 2","4":"class 170 \/ 3","5":"class 170 \/ 3","6":"class 170 \/ 3","7":"class 170 \/ 4","8":"class 170 \/ 4","9":"class 170 \/ 4","10":"class 170 \/ 4","11":"class 170 \/ 4","12":"class 170 \/ 5","13":"class 170 \/ 5","14":"class 170 \/ 6"},"operator":{"0":"crosscountry","1":"crosscountry","2":"greater anglia","3":"greater anglia","4":"first transpennine express","5":"first scotrail","6":"crosscountry","7":"first scotrail","8":"first scotrail","9":"first scotrail","10":"first scotrail","11":"first scotrail","12":"london midland","13":"crosscountry","14":"london midland"},"no built":{"0":17,"1":17,"2":12,"3":12,"4":9,"5":4,"6":2,"7":24,"8":10,"9":12,"10":2,"11":7,"12":17,"13":6,"14":6},"year built":{"0":"1998 - 1999","1":"1998 - 1999","2":"1999","3":"2002","4":"2000","5":"2004","6":"2002","7":"1999 - 2001","8":"2003 - 2004","9":"2004 - 2005","10":"2001","11":"2004","12":"1999 - 2000","13":"1999 - 2000","14":"2000"},"cars per set":{"0":3,"1":2,"2":3,"3":2,"4":2,"5":3,"6":3,"7":3,"8":3,"9":3,"10":3,"11":3,"12":2,"13":2,"14":3},"unit nos":{"0":"170 101 - 170 110","1":"170 111 - 170 117","2":"170 201 - 170 208","3":"170 270 - 170 273","4":"170 301 - 170 309","5":"170 393 - 170 396","6":"170 397 - 170 398","7":"170 401 - 170 424","8":"170 425 - 170 434","9":"170 450 - 170 461","10":"170 470 - 170 471","11":"170 472 - 170 478","12":"170 501 - 170 517","13":"170 518 - 170 523","14":"170 630 - 170 635"}}
case / suffix we two you and i you two them two (the two) who - two 0 nom - acc - inst ngalbe ngba ngipel palai (boigu pale) ngawal 1 gen ngalben ngban ngipen palamun (boigu palemun) (as for singular) 2 dat ngalbelpa ngbalpa ngipelpa palamulpa (boigu palemulpa) (as for singular) 3 abl ngalbelngu ngbalngu ngipelngu palamulngu (boigu palemulngu) (as for singular) 4 loc ngalbeniya ngbaniya ngipeniya palamuniya (boigu palemuniya) (as for singular)
{"case \/ suffix":{"0":"nom - acc - inst","1":"gen","2":"dat","3":"abl","4":"loc"},"we two":{"0":"ngalbe","1":"ngalben","2":"ngalbelpa","3":"ngalbelngu","4":"ngalbeniya"},"you and i":{"0":"ngba","1":"ngban","2":"ngbalpa","3":"ngbalngu","4":"ngbaniya"},"you two":{"0":"ngipel","1":"ngipen","2":"ngipelpa","3":"ngipelngu","4":"ngipeniya"},"them two (the two)":{"0":"palai (boigu pale)","1":"palamun (boigu palemun)","2":"palamulpa (boigu palemulpa)","3":"palamulngu (boigu palemulngu)","4":"palamuniya (boigu palemuniya)"},"who - two":{"0":"ngawal","1":"(as for singular)","2":"(as for singular)","3":"(as for singular)","4":"(as for singular)"}}
position driver points winnings series 0 1 mark martin 61 225000 nascar winston cup 1 2 robby gordon 54 100000 indy car 2 3 johnny benson 50 60000 nascar busch series 3 4 terry labonte 48 50000 nascar winston cup 4 5 al unser , jr 48 45000 indy car 5 6 sterling marlin 40 40000 nascar winston cup 6 7 scott pruett 40 40000 indy car 7 8 dale earnhardt 39 40000 nascar winston cup 8 9 tommy kendall 36 40000 scca trans - am series 9 10 jeff gordon 30 40000 nascar winston cup 10 11 rusty wallace 26 40000 nascar winston cup
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nomination actors name film name director country 0 best actor in a leading role yuriy dubrovin okraina pyotr lutsik ukraine 1 best actor in a leading role zurab begalishvili zdes rassvet zaza urushadze georgia 2 best actress in a leading role galina bokashevskaya totalitarian romance vyacheslav sorokin russia 3 best actor in a supporting role vsevolod shilovskiy barhanov and his bodyguard valeriy lanskoy russia 4 best actor in a supporting role dragan nikolić barrel of gunpowder goran paskaljevic serbia 5 best actress in a supporting role zora manojlovic rane srdjan dragojevic serbia 6 best debut agnieszka włodarczyk sara maciej ślesicki poland
{"nomination":{"0":"best actor in a leading role","1":"best actor in a leading role","2":"best actress in a leading role","3":"best actor in a supporting role","4":"best actor in a supporting role","5":"best actress in a supporting role","6":"best debut"},"actors name":{"0":"yuriy dubrovin","1":"zurab begalishvili","2":"galina bokashevskaya","3":"vsevolod shilovskiy","4":"dragan nikolić","5":"zora manojlovic","6":"agnieszka włodarczyk"},"film name":{"0":"okraina","1":"zdes rassvet","2":"totalitarian romance","3":"barhanov and his bodyguard","4":"barrel of gunpowder","5":"rane","6":"sara"},"director":{"0":"pyotr lutsik","1":"zaza urushadze","2":"vyacheslav sorokin","3":"valeriy lanskoy","4":"goran paskaljevic","5":"srdjan dragojevic","6":"maciej ślesicki"},"country":{"0":"ukraine","1":"georgia","2":"russia","3":"russia","4":"serbia","5":"serbia","6":"poland"}}
nomination actors name film name director country 0 best actor in a leading role piotr adamczyk chopin : desire for love jerzy antczak poland 1 best actress in a leading role danuta stenka chopin : desire for love jerzy antczak poland 2 best actress in a leading role alla sergiyko shum vetra sergey masloboyshchikov ukraine 3 best actor in a supporting role levan uchaneishvili 27 stolen kisses nana djordjadze usa - georgia 4 best actress in a supporting role marina yakovleva falling up alexander strizhenov russia 5 best debut svetlana zelenkovskaya anastasiya slutskaya yuriy elhov belarus 6 best debut niko tavadze po vintovoy lestnitse merab tavadze georgia
{"nomination":{"0":"best actor in a leading role","1":"best actress in a leading role","2":"best actress in a leading role","3":"best actor in a supporting role","4":"best actress in a supporting role","5":"best debut","6":"best debut"},"actors name":{"0":"piotr adamczyk","1":"danuta stenka","2":"alla sergiyko","3":"levan uchaneishvili","4":"marina yakovleva","5":"svetlana zelenkovskaya","6":"niko tavadze"},"film name":{"0":"chopin : desire for love","1":"chopin : desire for love","2":"shum vetra","3":"27 stolen kisses","4":"falling up","5":"anastasiya slutskaya","6":"po vintovoy lestnitse"},"director":{"0":"jerzy antczak","1":"jerzy antczak","2":"sergey masloboyshchikov","3":"nana djordjadze","4":"alexander strizhenov","5":"yuriy elhov","6":"merab tavadze"},"country":{"0":"poland","1":"poland","2":"ukraine","3":"usa - georgia","4":"russia","5":"belarus","6":"georgia"}}
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{"season":{"0":"1913 - 14","1":"1914 - 15","2":"1919 - 20","3":"1920 - 21","4":"1921 - 22"},"division":{"0":"division one","1":"division one","2":"division one","3":"division one","4":"division one"},"league apps":{"0":23,"1":30,"2":16,"3":23,"4":15},"league goals":{"0":1,"1":1,"2":0,"3":2,"4":0},"fa cup apps":{"0":7,"1":7,"2":0,"3":0,"4":1},"fa cup goals":{"0":4,"1":1,"2":0,"3":0,"4":0},"total apps":{"0":30,"1":37,"2":16,"3":23,"4":16},"total goals":{"0":5,"1":2,"2":0,"3":2,"4":0}}
round circuit date pole position fastest lap winning driver winning team 0 1 fuji speedway 2 april benoît tréluyer masataka yanagida benoît tréluyer mobilecast impul 1 2 suzuka circuit 16 april benoît tréluyer benoît tréluyer loïc duval piaa nakajima 2 3 twin ring motegi 28 may takashi kogure tsugio matsuda andré lotterer dhg tom 's 3 4 suzuka circuit 9 july benoît tréluyer benoît tréluyer benoît tréluyer mobilecast impul 4 5 autopolis 6 august takashi kogure loïc duval tsugio matsuda mobilecast impul 5 6 fuji speedway 27 august takashi kogure satoshi motoyama benoît tréluyer mobilecast impul 6 7 sportsland sugo 17 september takashi kogure hideki mutoh loïc duval piaa nakajima 7 8 twin ring motegi 22 october takashi kogure satoshi motoyama benoît tréluyer mobilecast impul
{"round":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8},"circuit":{"0":"fuji speedway","1":"suzuka circuit","2":"twin ring motegi","3":"suzuka circuit","4":"autopolis","5":"fuji speedway","6":"sportsland sugo","7":"twin ring motegi"},"date":{"0":"2 april","1":"16 april","2":"28 may","3":"9 july","4":"6 august","5":"27 august","6":"17 september","7":"22 october"},"pole position":{"0":"benoît tréluyer","1":"benoît tréluyer","2":"takashi kogure","3":"benoît tréluyer","4":"takashi kogure","5":"takashi kogure","6":"takashi kogure","7":"takashi kogure"},"fastest lap":{"0":"masataka yanagida","1":"benoît tréluyer","2":"tsugio matsuda","3":"benoît tréluyer","4":"loïc duval","5":"satoshi motoyama","6":"hideki mutoh","7":"satoshi motoyama"},"winning driver":{"0":"benoît tréluyer","1":"loïc duval","2":"andré lotterer","3":"benoît tréluyer","4":"tsugio matsuda","5":"benoît tréluyer","6":"loïc duval","7":"benoît tréluyer"},"winning team":{"0":"mobilecast impul","1":"piaa nakajima","2":"dhg tom 's","3":"mobilecast impul","4":"mobilecast impul","5":"mobilecast impul","6":"piaa nakajima","7":"mobilecast impul"}}
episode production code title directed by written by airdate 0 27 201 deja foo mark ackland sib ventress march 17 , 2008 1 28 202 the pecking order / party favors mark ackland , ted collyer sib ventress , eric trueheart , steve marmel january 2 , 2008 2 29 203 smoke and mirrors / yin - credible! mark ackland , ted collyer eric trueheart , steve marmel , aydrea ten bosch january 21 , 2008 3 30 204 brain drain / the big payback ted collyer , mark ackland eric trueheart , sib ventress march 31 , 2008 4 32 206 a bad case of the buglies / control issues mark ackland , ted collyer larry todd johnson , bart jennett february 11 , 2008 5 33 207 foreign exchange problem / turn about mark ackland , ted collyer aydrea ten bosch , steve marmel , bart jennett february 18 , 2008 6 35 209 this yang isn't brought to you by / stuck mark ackland , ted collyer aydrea ten bosch , larry todd johnson march 3 , 2008 7 36 210 gone - a - fowl ted collyer eric trueheart april 7 , 2008 8 37 211 basic yin - stinct / fighting fooberty mark ackland / ted collyer sib ventress / aydrea ten bosch april 14 , 2008 9 38 212 yin yang carl / smorks ted collyer / mark ackland danielle koenig , bart jennett / chad hicks may 4 , 2008 10 39 213 wonder tweens go! / touchy feelings ted collyer aydrea ten bosch , steve marmel april 28 , 2008 11 40 214 o'brother there art thou / roger over and out mark ackland / ted collyer dave lewman , joe liss , bart jennet / sib ventress may 5 , 2008 12 41 215 inconvenient tooth / situation tragedy mark ackland / ted collyer sib ventress / steve marmel , eric trueheart june 16 , 2008 13 42 216 skirting the issue / moon over my yinnie mark ackland / ted collyer rich fogel / aydrea ten bosch june 23 , 2008 14 43 217 clown - fu fighting / cat smash fever mark ackland / ted collyer eric trueheart / sib ventress june 30 , 2008 15 44 218 camp magic pants / worked stiff mark ackland / ted collyer mark ackland , riccardo durante / eric trueheart july 7 , 2008 16 47 221 old softie / dance , dance , devastation mark ackland / ted collyer eric trueheart / larry todd johnson , steve marmel july 28 , 2008 17 48 222 upstanding yuck / walk in the woods ted collyer / mark ackland spencer walker , sib ventress / rich fogel august 4 , 2008 18 49 223 welcome to the dark tomorrow mark ackland sib ventress , steve marmel august 11 , 2008 19 50 224 today you are a bear / pets peeved mark ackland / ted collyer sib ventress / rob hummel august 18 , 2008 20 51 225 for the love of clamboy / zarnot 's girlfriend mark ackland / ted collyer eric trueheart / scott sonneborn september 28 , 2008 21 52 226 the secret life of possum panda / dummy up ted collyer / ted collyer eric trueheart , scott sonneborn / sib ventress september 29 , 2008 22 53 227 the howl of the weenie ted collyer eric trueheart october 13 , 2008 23 54 228 game over / creeping with the enemy chad hicks sib ventress / rich fogel , bart jennett october 27 , 2008 24 55 229 the yindianapolis 500 / personality problem ted collyer / chad hicks rob hummel , bart jennett / van partible november 10 , 2008 25 58 232 roboticus maximus / size matters chad hicks / ted collyer eric trueheart / aydrea ten bosch , bart jennett february 21 , 2009 26 61 235 clothes encounters / commander - in - cheat ted collyer / chad hicks rich fogel / eric trueheart march 14 , 2009 27 62 236 party troopers / shadowcluck ted collyer / chad hicks eric trueheart , sib ventress march 21 , 2009
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outcome year championship surface partner opponents score 0 winner 1987 australian open grass sherwood stewart anne hobbs andrew castle 3 - 6 , 7 - 6 (5) , 6 - 3 1 winner 1988 wimbledon grass sherwood stewart gretchen magers kelly jones 6 - 1 , 7 - 6 (3) 2 runner - up 1989 australian open hard sherwood stewart jana novotná jim pugh 6 - 3 , 6 - 4 3 runner - up 1990 australian open hard jim pugh natasha zvereva andrew castle 4 - 6 , 6 - 2 , 6 - 3 4 winner 1990 wimbledon (2) grass rick leach elizabeth smylie john fitzgerald 7 - 5 , 6 - 2
{"outcome":{"0":"winner","1":"winner","2":"runner - up","3":"runner - up","4":"winner"},"year":{"0":1987,"1":1988,"2":1989,"3":1990,"4":1990},"championship":{"0":"australian open","1":"wimbledon","2":"australian open","3":"australian open","4":"wimbledon (2)"},"surface":{"0":"grass","1":"grass","2":"hard","3":"hard","4":"grass"},"partner":{"0":"sherwood stewart","1":"sherwood stewart","2":"sherwood stewart","3":"jim pugh","4":"rick leach"},"opponents":{"0":"anne hobbs andrew castle","1":"gretchen magers kelly jones","2":"jana novotná jim pugh","3":"natasha zvereva andrew castle","4":"elizabeth smylie john fitzgerald"},"score":{"0":"3 - 6 , 7 - 6 (5) , 6 - 3","1":"6 - 1 , 7 - 6 (3)","2":"6 - 3 , 6 - 4","3":"4 - 6 , 6 - 2 , 6 - 3","4":"7 - 5 , 6 - 2"}}
player current singles ranking current doubles ranking first year played ties played total w - l singles w - l doubles w - l 0 ričardas berankis 68 515 2007 13 17 - 9 14 - 5 3 - 4 1 mantas bugailiškis n / a n / a 2013 1 0 - 1 0 - 0 0 - 1 2 laurynas grigelis 439 414 2008 9 7 - 9 4 - 7 3 - 2 3 lukas mugevičius n / a 1513 2010 6 3 - 7 2 - 4 1 - 3 4 dovydas šakinis 1581 n / a 2009 10 4 - 8 3 - 5 1 - 3
{"player":{"0":"ričardas berankis","1":"mantas bugailiškis","2":"laurynas grigelis","3":"lukas mugevičius","4":"dovydas šakinis"},"current singles ranking":{"0":"68","1":"n \/ a","2":"439","3":"n \/ a","4":"1581"},"current doubles ranking":{"0":"515","1":"n \/ a","2":"414","3":"1513","4":"n \/ a"},"first year played":{"0":2007,"1":2013,"2":2008,"3":2010,"4":2009},"ties played":{"0":13,"1":1,"2":9,"3":6,"4":10},"total w - l":{"0":"17 - 9","1":"0 - 1","2":"7 - 9","3":"3 - 7","4":"4 - 8"},"singles w - l":{"0":"14 - 5","1":"0 - 0","2":"4 - 7","3":"2 - 4","4":"3 - 5"},"doubles w - l":{"0":"3 - 4","1":"0 - 1","2":"3 - 2","3":"1 - 3","4":"1 - 3"}}
year broadcast date bbc one total viewing bbc one rank bbc two total viewing bbc two rank 0 1999 12 march 6830000 20th 3130000 13th 1 2001 16 march 8510000 8th n / a n / a 2 2003 14 march 11740000 4th 6010000 1st 3 2005 11 march 10940000 4th 4720000 1st 4 2007 16 march 9730000 2nd 6400000 1st 5 2009 13 march 9840000 1st 7090000 1st 6 2011 18 march 10260000 1st 7530000 1st 7 2013 15 march 10280000 1st 4790000 1st
{"year":{"0":1999,"1":2001,"2":2003,"3":2005,"4":2007,"5":2009,"6":2011,"7":2013},"broadcast date":{"0":"12 march","1":"16 march","2":"14 march","3":"11 march","4":"16 march","5":"13 march","6":"18 march","7":"15 march"},"bbc one total viewing":{"0":6830000,"1":8510000,"2":11740000,"3":10940000,"4":9730000,"5":9840000,"6":10260000,"7":10280000},"bbc one rank":{"0":"20th","1":"8th","2":"4th","3":"4th","4":"2nd","5":"1st","6":"1st","7":"1st"},"bbc two total viewing":{"0":"3130000","1":"n \/ a","2":"6010000","3":"4720000","4":"6400000","5":"7090000","6":"7530000","7":"4790000"},"bbc two rank":{"0":"13th","1":"n \/ a","2":"1st","3":"1st","4":"1st","5":"1st","6":"1st","7":"1st"}}
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{"character":{"0":"peter pan","1":"captain hook \/ mr darling","2":"mrs darling","3":"tiger lily","4":"wendy darling","5":"michael darling","6":"john darling"},"1954 broadway":{"0":"mary martin","1":"cyril ritchard","2":"margalo gillmore","3":"sondra lee","4":"kathleen nolan","5":"joseph stafford","6":"robert harrington"},"1955 broadcast":{"0":"mary martin","1":"cyril ritchard","2":"margalo gillmore","3":"sondra lee","4":"kathleen nolan","5":"tom halloran","6":"robert harrington"},"1960 broadcast":{"0":"mary martin","1":"cyril ritchard","2":"margalo gillmore","3":"sondra lee","4":"maureen bailey","5":"kent fletcher","6":"joey trent"},"1979 broadway":{"0":"sandy duncan","1":"george rose","2":"beth fowler","3":"maria pogee","4":"marsha kramer","5":"jonathan ward","6":"alexander winter"},"1990 broadway":{"0":"cathy rigby","1":"stephen hanan","2":"lauren thompson","3":"holly irwin","4":"cindy robinson","5":"chad hutchison","6":"britt west"},"1991 broadway":{"0":"cathy rigby","1":"jk simmons","2":"lauren thompson","3":"michelle schumacher","4":"cindy robinson","5":"joey cee","6":"david burdick"},"1998 broadway":{"0":"cathy rigby","1":"paul schoeffler","2":"barbara mcculloh","3":"dana solimando","4":"elisa sagardia","5":"drake english","6":"chase kniffen"},"1999 broadway":{"0":"cathy rigby","1":"paul schoeffler","2":"barbara mcculloh","3":"dana solimando","4":"elisa sagardia","5":"drake english","6":"barry cavanagh"}}
camp estimated deaths operational occupied territory current country of location primary means for mass killings 0 auschwitz - birkenau 1100000 may 1940 - january 1945 poland poland zyklon b gas chambers 1 bełżec 600000 17 march 1942 - end of june 1943 general government district poland carbon monoxide gas chambers 2 majdanek 360000 october 1 , 1941 - july 22 , 1944 general government district poland zyklon b gas chambers 3 maly trostinets 200000 summer of 1941 to 28 june 1944 district of reichskommissariat ostland belarus mass shootings , carbon monoxide van 4 sajmište 23000 - 47000 28 october 1941 - july 1944 independent state of croatia serbia carbon monoxide van 5 sobibor 250000 16 may 1942 - 17 october 1943 general government district poland carbon monoxide gas chambers 6 treblinka 800000 22 july 1942 - 19 october 1943 general government district poland carbon monoxide gas chambers
{"camp":{"0":"auschwitz - birkenau","1":"bełżec","2":"majdanek","3":"maly trostinets","4":"sajmište","5":"sobibor","6":"treblinka"},"estimated deaths":{"0":"1100000","1":"600000","2":"360000","3":"200000","4":"23000 - 47000","5":"250000","6":"800000"},"operational":{"0":"may 1940 - january 1945","1":"17 march 1942 - end of june 1943","2":"october 1 , 1941 - july 22 , 1944","3":"summer of 1941 to 28 june 1944","4":"28 october 1941 - july 1944","5":"16 may 1942 - 17 october 1943","6":"22 july 1942 - 19 october 1943"},"occupied territory":{"0":"poland","1":"general government district","2":"general government district","3":"district of reichskommissariat ostland","4":"independent state of croatia","5":"general government district","6":"general government district"},"current country of location":{"0":"poland","1":"poland","2":"poland","3":"belarus","4":"serbia","5":"poland","6":"poland"},"primary means for mass killings":{"0":"zyklon b gas chambers","1":"carbon monoxide gas chambers","2":"zyklon b gas chambers","3":"mass shootings , carbon monoxide van","4":"carbon monoxide van","5":"carbon monoxide gas chambers","6":"carbon monoxide gas chambers"}}
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week date kickoff opponent final score team record game site attendance 0 1 saturday , april 14 7:00 pm frankfurt galaxy l 14 - 30 0 - 1 commerzbank - arena 38125 1 2 friday , april 20 8:00 pm rhein fire l 10 - 16 0 - 2 amsterdam arena 14611 2 3 saturday , april 28 6:00 pm berlin thunder w 14 - 10 1 - 2 olympic stadium 11942 3 4 sunday , may 6 3:00 pm frankfurt galaxy w 19 - 17 2 - 2 amsterdam arena 10788 4 5 saturday , may 12 6:00 pm hamburg sea devils l 17 - 24 2 - 3 aol arena 15271 5 6 friday , may 18 8:00 pm hamburg sea devils w 41 - 31 3 - 3 amsterdam arena 9384 6 7 friday , may 25 8:00 pm cologne centurions l 7 - 30 3 - 4 amsterdam arena 11714 7 8 sunday , june 3 4:00 pm rhein fire l 38 - 41 3 - 5 ltu arena 20355 8 9 saturday , june 9 6:00 pm cologne centurions l 13 - 31 3 - 6 rheinenergiestadion 12878
{"week":{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3,"3":4,"4":5,"5":6,"6":7,"7":8,"8":9},"date":{"0":"saturday , april 14","1":"friday , april 20","2":"saturday , april 28","3":"sunday , may 6","4":"saturday , may 12","5":"friday , may 18","6":"friday , may 25","7":"sunday , june 3","8":"saturday , june 9"},"kickoff":{"0":"7:00 pm","1":"8:00 pm","2":"6:00 pm","3":"3:00 pm","4":"6:00 pm","5":"8:00 pm","6":"8:00 pm","7":"4:00 pm","8":"6:00 pm"},"opponent":{"0":"frankfurt galaxy","1":"rhein fire","2":"berlin thunder","3":"frankfurt galaxy","4":"hamburg sea devils","5":"hamburg sea devils","6":"cologne centurions","7":"rhein fire","8":"cologne centurions"},"final score":{"0":"l 14 - 30","1":"l 10 - 16","2":"w 14 - 10","3":"w 19 - 17","4":"l 17 - 24","5":"w 41 - 31","6":"l 7 - 30","7":"l 38 - 41","8":"l 13 - 31"},"team record":{"0":"0 - 1","1":"0 - 2","2":"1 - 2","3":"2 - 2","4":"2 - 3","5":"3 - 3","6":"3 - 4","7":"3 - 5","8":"3 - 6"},"game site":{"0":"commerzbank - arena","1":"amsterdam arena","2":"olympic stadium","3":"amsterdam arena","4":"aol arena","5":"amsterdam arena","6":"amsterdam arena","7":"ltu arena","8":"rheinenergiestadion"},"attendance":{"0":38125,"1":14611,"2":11942,"3":10788,"4":15271,"5":9384,"6":11714,"7":20355,"8":12878}}

Table Extract Dataset

This dataset is designed to evaluate the ability of large language models (LLMs) to extract tables from text. It provides a collection of text snippets containing tables and their corresponding structured representations in JSON format.


The dataset is based on the Table Fact Dataset, also known as TabFact, which contains 16,573 tables extracted from Wikipedia.


Each data point in the dataset consists of two elements:

  • context: A string containing the text snippet with the embedded table.
  • answer: A JSON object representing the extracted table structure. The JSON object follows this format: { "column_1": { "row_id": "val1", "row_id": "val2", ... }, "column_2": { "row_id": "val1", "row_id": "val2", ... }, ... } Each key in the JSON object represents a column header, and the corresponding value is another object containing key-value pairs for each row in that column.


Example 1:




  "date": {
    "0": "1st",
    "1": "3rd",
    "2": "4th",
    "3": "11th",
    "4": "17th",
    "5": "24th",
    "6": "25th"
  "opponent": {
    "0": "bracknell bees",
    "1": "slough jets",
    "2": "slough jets",
    "3": "wightlink raiders",
    "4": "romford raiders",
    "5": "swindon wildcats",
    "6": "swindon wildcats"
  "venue": {
    "0": "home",
    "1": "away",
    "2": "home",
    "3": "home",
    "4": "home",
    "5": "away",
    "6": "home"
  "result": {
    "0": "won 4 - 1",
    "1": "won 7 - 3",
    "2": "lost 5 - 3",
    "3": "won 7 - 2",
    "4": "lost 3 - 4",
    "5": "lost 2 - 4",
    "6": "won 8 - 2"
  "attendance": {
    "0": 1753,
    "1": 751,
    "2": 1421,
    "3": 1552,
    "4": 1535,
    "5": 902,
    "6": 2124
  "competition": {
    "0": "league",
    "1": "league",
    "2": "league",
    "3": "league",
    "4": "league",
    "5": "league",
    "6": "league"
  "man of the match": {
    "0": "martin bouz",
    "1": "joe watkins",
    "2": "nick cross",
    "3": "neil liddiard",
    "4": "stuart potts",
    "5": "lukas smital",
    "6": "vaclav zavoral"

Example 2:




  "country": {
    "exonym": {
      "0": "iceland",
      "1": "indonesia",
      "2": "iran",
      "3": "iraq",
      "4": "ireland",
      "5": "isle of man"
    "endonym": {
      "0": "ísland",
      "1": "indonesia",
      "2": "īrān ایران",
      "3": "al - 'iraq العراق îraq",
      "4": "éire ireland",
      "5": "isle of man ellan vannin"
  "capital": {
    "exonym": {
      "0": "reykjavík",
      "1": "jakarta",
      "2": "tehran",
      "3": "baghdad",
      "4": "dublin",
      "5": "douglas"
    "endonym": {
      "0": "reykjavík",
      "1": "jakarta",
      "2": "tehrān تهران",
      "3": "baghdad بغداد bexda",
      "4": "baile átha cliath dublin",
      "5": "douglas doolish"
  "official or native language(s) (alphabet/script)": {
    "0": "icelandic",
    "1": "bahasa indonesia",
    "2": "persian ( arabic script )",
    "3": "arabic ( arabic script ) kurdish",
    "4": "irish english",
    "5": "english manx"
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