audioduration (s)
audioduration (s)
20 values
Ennis, who had gone to the yard, came back, saying:
All the catechisms were opened and all heads bent upon them silently.
Generate speech from this text, ensuring it matches the pitch, tone, and cadence of the reference voice.
If the wine change into vinegar and the host crumble into corruption after they have been consecrated, is Jesus Christ still present under their species as God and as man?
He ceased to shake his clasped hands and, resting them against his forehead, looked right and left of them keenly at his listeners out of his dark stern eyes.
Transform this text into speech that sounds like the speaker in the reference voice recording.
Ten thousand souls won for God in a single month!
A boy from his post at the window had seen the rector come from the house.
Generate speech from this text, ensuring it matches the pitch, tone, and cadence of the reference voice.
The sentence of saint james which says that he who offends against one commandment becomes guilty of all, had seemed to him first a swollen phrase until he had begun to grope in the darkness of his own state.
A cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul.
Imitate the reference voice's attributes in the speech synthesized from this text.
--He had the faith in him that moves mountains.
Stephen, leaning back and drawing idly on his scribbler, listened to the talk about him which Heron checked from time to time by saying:
Replicate the speaking style and voice characteristics of the reference audio in this text-to-speech synthesis.
--That's game ball.
--Number ten.
Synthesize this text into speech, matching the tone and style of the provided reference voice.
--Number ten.
--He had the faith in him that moves mountains.
Generate speech from this text, ensuring it matches the pitch, tone, and cadence of the reference voice.
At most, by an alms given to a beggar whose blessing he fled from, he might hope wearily to win for himself some measure of actual grace.
A cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul.
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
A great fisher of souls!
He is said to have baptized as many as ten thousand idolaters in one month.
Mimic the reference voice's speaking style in the speech output of this text.
The music came nearer and he recalled the words, the words of Shelley's fragment upon the moon wandering companionless, pale for weariness.
If ever he was impelled to cast sin from him and to repent the impulse that moved him was the wish to be her knight.
Create a speech segment from the provided text, mirroring the speaking style and nuances of the reference voice.
What did it avail to pray when he knew that his soul lusted after its own destruction?
He is said to have baptized as many as ten thousand idolaters in one month.
Render this text into spoken words, making the speech consistent with the reference voice's style and speaker.
Towards others he felt neither shame nor fear.
It would be a gloomy secret night.
Craft a speech from this text that not only conveys the content but also adopts the unique speaking style of the reference voice.
He stooped to the evil of hypocrisy with others, sceptical of their innocence which he could cajole so easily.
On Sunday mornings as he passed the church door he glanced coldly at the worshippers who stood bareheaded, four deep, outside the church, morally present at the mass which they could neither see nor hear. Their dull piety and the sickly smell of the cheap hair oil with which they had anointed their heads repelled him from the altar they prayed at.
Use the reference voice as a guide to generate speech from this text, maintaining the same vocal characteristics.
He ceased to shake his clasped hands and, resting them against his forehead, looked right and left of them keenly at his listeners out of his dark stern eyes.
The rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from.
Use the reference voice as a guide to generate speech from this text, maintaining the same vocal characteristics.
Coming in to have a short time?
--That's game ball.
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
If ever he was impelled to cast sin from him and to repent the impulse that moved him was the wish to be her knight.
A great soldier of God!
Translate this text into speech, ensuring it captures the unique timbre and rhythm of the reference voice.
What music?
Devotion had gone by the board.
Voice this text in a manner that closely aligns with the reference voice, in terms of both style and speaker identity.
At his first violent sin he had felt a wave of vitality pass out of him and had feared to find his body or his soul maimed by the excess.
He came of an old and illustrious Spanish family and you remember that he was one of the first followers of saint Ignatius.
Use the reference voice as a guide to generate speech from this text, maintaining the same vocal characteristics.
A boy from his post at the window had seen the rector come from the house.
The stars began to crumble and a cloud of fine stardust fell through space.
Translate this text into speech, ensuring it captures the unique timbre and rhythm of the reference voice.
Do you mean to say that you are not able to tell me what a surd is?
I think you, Lawless, are likely to make that mistake.
Synthesize this text into speech, matching the tone and style of the provided reference voice.
Don't make such a bally racket!
Coming in to have a short time?
Ensure the synthesized speech from this text aligns with the voice quality and style of the reference audio.
The dull light fell more faintly upon the page whereon another equation began to unfold itself slowly and to spread abroad its widening tail. It was his own soul going forth to experience, unfolding itself sin by sin, spreading abroad the bale fire of its burning stars and folding back upon itself, fading slowly, quenching its own lights and fires. They were quenched: and the cold darkness filled chaos.
On Friday confession will be heard all the afternoon after beads.
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
The imagery of the psalms of prophecy soothed his barren pride.
It would be a gloomy secret night.
Render this text into spoken words, making the speech consistent with the reference voice's style and speaker.
How comes it that while the first beatitude promises the kingdom of heaven to the poor of heart the second beatitude promises also to the meek that they shall possess the land?
Do you mean to say that you are not able to tell me what a surd is?
Mimic the reference voice's speaking style in the speech output of this text.
A cold lucid indifference reigned in his soul.
A boy from his post at the window had seen the rector come from the house.
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
The stars began to crumble and a cloud of fine stardust fell through space.
If a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back, the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune?
Produce a speech audio from the given text, closely following the vocal profile of the reference speaker.
It was strange too that he found an arid pleasure in following up to the end the rigid lines of the doctrines of the church and penetrating into obscure silences only to hear and feel the more deeply his own condemnation.
If ever he was impelled to cast sin from him and to repent the impulse that moved him was the wish to be her knight.
Produce a speech audio from the given text, closely following the vocal profile of the reference speaker.
The whores would be just coming out of their houses making ready for the night, yawning lazily after their sleep and settling the hairpins in their clusters of hair. He would pass by them calmly waiting for a sudden movement of his own will or a sudden call to his sin loving soul from their soft perfumed flesh.
What did it avail to pray when he knew that his soul lusted after its own destruction?
Create a speech segment from the provided text, mirroring the speaking style and nuances of the reference voice.
--Well now, Ennis, I declare you have a head and so has my stick!
We can scut the whole hour.
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
If a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back, the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune?
Do you mean to say that you are not able to tell me what a surd is?
Ensure the synthesized speech from this text aligns with the voice quality and style of the reference audio.
He would follow a devious course up and down the streets, circling always nearer and nearer in a tremor of fear and joy, until his feet led him suddenly round a dark corner.
It would be a gloomy secret night.
Synthesize the provided text into a speech that reflects the tonal qualities of the reference voice.
He had sinned mortally not once but many times and he knew that, while he stood in danger of eternal damnation for the first sin alone, by every succeeding sin he multiplied his guilt and his punishment.
The dull light fell more faintly upon the page whereon another equation began to unfold itself slowly and to spread abroad its widening tail. It was his own soul going forth to experience, unfolding itself sin by sin, spreading abroad the bale fire of its burning stars and folding back upon itself, fading slowly, quenching its own lights and fires. They were quenched: and the cold darkness filled chaos.
Transform this text into speech that sounds like the speaker in the reference voice recording.
--Is that you, pigeon?
He ceased to shake his clasped hands and, resting them against his forehead, looked right and left of them keenly at his listeners out of his dark stern eyes.
Produce a speech audio from the given text, closely following the vocal profile of the reference speaker.
Beware of making that mistake.
--You are all familiar with the story of the life of saint Francis Xavier, I suppose, the patron of your college.
Synthesize this text into speech, matching the tone and style of the provided reference voice.
Does a tiny particle of the consecrated bread contain all the body and blood of Jesus Christ or a part only of the body and blood?
He is called, as you know, the apostle of the Indies.
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
The equation on the page of his scribbler began to spread out a widening tail, eyed and starred like a peacock's; and, when the eyes and stars of its indices had been eliminated, began slowly to fold itself together again.
If at moments he felt an impulse to rise from his post of honour and, confessing before them all his unworthiness, to leave the chapel, a glance at their faces restrained him.
Transform this text into speech that sounds like the speaker in the reference voice recording.
If any boys have special confessors perhaps it will be better for them not to change.
We can scut the whole hour.
Use the reference voice as a guide to generate speech from this text, maintaining the same vocal characteristics.
If a layman in giving baptism pour the water before saying the words is the child baptized?
Ennis, who had gone to the yard, came back, saying:
Translate this text into speech, ensuring it captures the unique timbre and rhythm of the reference voice.
A certain pride, a certain awe, withheld him from offering to God even one prayer at night, though he knew it was in God's power to take away his life while he slept and hurl his soul hellward ere he could beg for mercy.
A boy from his post at the window had seen the rector come from the house.
Generate speech from this text, ensuring it matches the pitch, tone, and cadence of the reference voice.
A great saint, saint Francis Xavier!
The vast cycle of starry life bore his weary mind outward to its verge and inward to its centre, a distant music accompanying him outward and inward.
Produce a speech audio from the given text, closely following the vocal profile of the reference speaker.
The vast cycle of starry life bore his weary mind outward to its verge and inward to its centre, a distant music accompanying him outward and inward.
--That's game ball.
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
If ever his soul, re entering her dwelling shyly after the frenzy of his body's lust had spent itself, was turned towards her whose emblem is the morning star, BRIGHT AND MUSICAL, TELLING OF HEAVEN AND INFUSING PEACE, it was when her names were murmured softly by lips whereon there still lingered foul and shameful words, the savour itself of a lewd kiss.
The rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from.
Model the speech synthesis on this text after the reference voice, capturing its essence and speaker's identity.
--You are all familiar with the story of the life of saint Francis Xavier, I suppose, the patron of your college.
--I sir?
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
On Friday confession will be heard all the afternoon after beads.
Coming in to have a short time?
Ensure the synthesized speech from this text aligns with the voice quality and style of the reference audio.
He is called, as you know, the apostle of the Indies.
--Good night, husband!
Synthesize the provided text into a speech that reflects the tonal qualities of the reference voice.
Why was the sacrament of the eucharist instituted under the two species of bread and wine if Jesus Christ be present body and blood, soul and divinity, in the bread alone and in the wine alone?
A saint who has great power in heaven, remember: power to intercede for us in our grief; power to obtain whatever we pray for if it be for the good of our souls; power above all to obtain for us the grace to repent if we be in sin.
Craft a speech from this text that not only conveys the content but also adopts the unique speaking style of the reference voice.
He tried to think how it could be.
The chaos in which his ardour extinguished itself was a cold indifferent knowledge of himself.
Ensure the synthesized speech from this text aligns with the voice quality and style of the reference audio.
He clasped his hands on the desk and said:
Beware of making that mistake.
Ensure the synthesized speech from this text aligns with the voice quality and style of the reference audio.
He went from country to country in the east, from Africa to India, from India to Japan, baptizing the people.
He stooped to the evil of hypocrisy with others, sceptical of their innocence which he could cajole so easily.
Replicate the speaking style and voice characteristics of the reference audio in this text-to-speech synthesis.
--Good night, husband!
But Saturday and Sunday being free days some boys might be inclined to think that Monday is a free day also.
Synthesize the provided text into a speech that reflects the tonal qualities of the reference voice.
--Hello, Bertie, any good in your mind?
--That's game ball.
Produce a speech audio from the given text, closely following the vocal profile of the reference speaker.
A great soldier of God!
It was strange too that he found an arid pleasure in following up to the end the rigid lines of the doctrines of the church and penetrating into obscure silences only to hear and feel the more deeply his own condemnation.
Voice this text in a manner that closely aligns with the reference voice, in terms of both style and speaker identity.
His days and works and thoughts could make no atonement for him, the fountains of sanctifying grace having ceased to refresh his soul.
A great saint, saint Francis Xavier!
Render this text into spoken words, making the speech consistent with the reference voice's style and speaker.
The chaos in which his ardour extinguished itself was a cold indifferent knowledge of himself.
A tall boy behind Stephen rubbed his hands and said:
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
The rector went on gravely:
A gentle kick from the tall boy in the bench behind urged Stephen to ask a difficult question.
Use the reference voice as a guide to generate speech from this text, maintaining the same vocal characteristics.
All the catechisms were opened and all heads bent upon them silently.
He ceased to shake his clasped hands and, resting them against his forehead, looked right and left of them keenly at his listeners out of his dark stern eyes.
Voice this text in a manner that closely aligns with the reference voice, in terms of both style and speaker identity.
Why, sir?
On Sunday mornings as he passed the church door he glanced coldly at the worshippers who stood bareheaded, four deep, outside the church, morally present at the mass which they could neither see nor hear. Their dull piety and the sickly smell of the cheap hair oil with which they had anointed their heads repelled him from the altar they prayed at.
Create a speech segment from the provided text, mirroring the speaking style and nuances of the reference voice.
His pride in his own sin, his loveless awe of God, told him that his offence was too grievous to be atoned for in whole or in part by a false homage to the All seeing and All knowing.
We can scut the whole hour.
Render this text into spoken words, making the speech consistent with the reference voice's style and speaker.
But the dusk, deepening in the schoolroom, covered over his thoughts.
Stephen's heart began slowly to fold and fade with fear like a withering flower.
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
As he sat in his bench gazing calmly at the rector's shrewd harsh face, his mind wound itself in and out of the curious questions proposed to it.
What did it avail to pray when he knew that his soul lusted after its own destruction?
Ensure the synthesized speech from this text aligns with the voice quality and style of the reference audio.
He came of an old and illustrious Spanish family and you remember that he was one of the first followers of saint Ignatius.
If ever his soul, re entering her dwelling shyly after the frenzy of his body's lust had spent itself, was turned towards her whose emblem is the morning star, BRIGHT AND MUSICAL, TELLING OF HEAVEN AND INFUSING PEACE, it was when her names were murmured softly by lips whereon there still lingered foul and shameful words, the savour itself of a lewd kiss.
Generate speech from this text that echoes the vocal signature and speaking style of the provided reference voice.
--The boy from the house is coming up for the rector.
He is called, as you know, the apostle of the Indies.
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
Devotion had gone by the board.
Stephen's heart began slowly to fold and fade with fear like a withering flower.
Ensure the synthesized speech from this text aligns with the voice quality and style of the reference audio.
We can scut the whole hour.
He went from country to country in the east, from Africa to India, from India to Japan, baptizing the people.
Model the speech synthesis on this text after the reference voice, capturing its essence and speaker's identity.
On the wall of his bedroom hung an illuminated scroll, the certificate of his prefecture in the college of the sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
If ever his soul, re entering her dwelling shyly after the frenzy of his body's lust had spent itself, was turned towards her whose emblem is the morning star, BRIGHT AND MUSICAL, TELLING OF HEAVEN AND INFUSING PEACE, it was when her names were murmured softly by lips whereon there still lingered foul and shameful words, the savour itself of a lewd kiss.
Ensure the synthesized speech from this text aligns with the voice quality and style of the reference audio.
Heron, beside Stephen, began to hum tunelessly.
--Shut up, will you.
Mimic the reference voice's speaking style in the speech output of this text.
If at moments he felt an impulse to rise from his post of honour and, confessing before them all his unworthiness, to leave the chapel, a glance at their faces restrained him.
A little wave of quiet mirth broke forth over the class of boys from the rector's grim smile.
Render this text into spoken words, making the speech consistent with the reference voice's style and speaker.
A saint who has great power in heaven, remember: power to intercede for us in our grief; power to obtain whatever we pray for if it be for the good of our souls; power above all to obtain for us the grace to repent if we be in sin.
Stephen, leaning back and drawing idly on his scribbler, listened to the talk about him which Heron checked from time to time by saying:
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
A little wave of quiet mirth broke forth over the class of boys from the rector's grim smile.
His days and works and thoughts could make no atonement for him, the fountains of sanctifying grace having ceased to refresh his soul.
Create a speech segment from the provided text, mirroring the speaking style and nuances of the reference voice.
--Shut up, will you.
He clasped his hands on the desk and said:
Produce a speech audio from the given text, closely following the vocal profile of the reference speaker.
A gentle kick from the tall boy in the bench behind urged Stephen to ask a difficult question.
If a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back, the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune?
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
But Saturday and Sunday being free days some boys might be inclined to think that Monday is a free day also.
It is said that his right arm had grown powerless from having been raised so often over the heads of those whom he baptized. He wished then to go to China to win still more souls for God but he died of fever on the island of Sancian.
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
He hoped there would be stew for dinner, turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick peppered flour fattened sauce. Stuff it into you, his belly counselled him.
What did it avail to pray when he knew that his soul lusted after its own destruction?
Model the speech synthesis on this text after the reference voice, capturing its essence and speaker's identity.
Instead the vital wave had carried him on its bosom out of himself and back again when it receded: and no part of body or soul had been maimed but a dark peace had been established between them.
On Friday confession will be heard all the afternoon after beads.
Mimic the reference voice's speaking style in the speech output of this text.
The retreat will go on from Wednesday to Friday.
--I sir?
Replicate the speaking style and voice characteristics of the reference audio in this text-to-speech synthesis.
Fresh Nelly is waiting on you.
A little wave of quiet mirth broke forth over the class of boys from the rector's grim smile.
Craft a speech from this text that not only conveys the content but also adopts the unique speaking style of the reference voice.
--I sir?
He clasped his hands on the desk and said:
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
The falsehood of his position did not pain him.
The chaos in which his ardour extinguished itself was a cold indifferent knowledge of himself.
Convert the given text into spoken words, ensuring the speech resembles the reference voice in style and speaker identity.
Her eyes seemed to regard him with mild pity; her holiness, a strange light glowing faintly upon her frail flesh, did not humiliate the sinner who approached her.
After early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up, here and there, the squalid quarter of the brothels.
Transform this text into speech that sounds like the speaker in the reference voice recording.
It is said that his right arm had grown powerless from having been raised so often over the heads of those whom he baptized. He wished then to go to China to win still more souls for God but he died of fever on the island of Sancian.
A tall boy behind Stephen rubbed his hands and said:
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
After early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up, here and there, the squalid quarter of the brothels.
--Good night, husband!
Synthesize the provided text into a speech that reflects the tonal qualities of the reference voice.
Stephen's heart began slowly to fold and fade with fear like a withering flower.
Instead the vital wave had carried him on its bosom out of himself and back again when it receded: and no part of body or soul had been maimed but a dark peace had been established between them.
Create a speech segment from the provided text, mirroring the speaking style and nuances of the reference voice.
That was strange.
Devotion had gone by the board.
Generate speech from this text that echoes the vocal signature and speaking style of the provided reference voice.
On Sunday mornings as he passed the church door he glanced coldly at the worshippers who stood bareheaded, four deep, outside the church, morally present at the mass which they could neither see nor hear. Their dull piety and the sickly smell of the cheap hair oil with which they had anointed their heads repelled him from the altar they prayed at.
He ceased to shake his clasped hands and, resting them against his forehead, looked right and left of them keenly at his listeners out of his dark stern eyes.
Voice this text in a manner that closely aligns with the reference voice, in terms of both style and speaker identity.
Here he is!
--Good night, husband!
Mimic the reference voice's speaking style in the speech output of this text.
Yet as he prowled in quest of that call, his senses, stultified only by his desire, would note keenly all that wounded or shamed them; his eyes, a ring of porter froth on a clothless table or a photograph of two soldiers standing to attention or a gaudy playbill; his ears, the drawling jargon of greeting:
Ten thousand souls won for God in a single month!
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
Stephen, leaning back and drawing idly on his scribbler, listened to the talk about him which Heron checked from time to time by saying:
The rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from.
Generate speech from this text, ensuring it matches the pitch, tone, and cadence of the reference voice.
I think you, Lawless, are likely to make that mistake.
--He had the faith in him that moves mountains.
Ensure the speech generated from this text embodies the characteristics of the reference voice.
He is said to have baptized as many as ten thousand idolaters in one month.
After early nightfall the yellow lamps would light up, here and there, the squalid quarter of the brothels.
Generate speech from this text that echoes the vocal signature and speaking style of the provided reference voice.
The bell rang. The master marked the sums and cuts to be done for the next lesson and went out.
A boy from his post at the window had seen the rector come from the house.
Produce a speech audio from the given text, closely following the vocal profile of the reference speaker.
A great saint, saint Francis Xavier!
All the catechisms were opened and all heads bent upon them silently.
Create a speech segment from the provided text, mirroring the speaking style and nuances of the reference voice.
A tall boy behind Stephen rubbed his hands and said:
If a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back, the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune?
Imitate the reference voice's attributes in the speech synthesized from this text.
Mass will be on Saturday morning at nine o'clock and general communion for the whole college.
A great saint, saint Francis Xavier!
Generate speech from this text, ensuring it matches the pitch, tone, and cadence of the reference voice.
It would be a gloomy secret night.
The sentence of saint james which says that he who offends against one commandment becomes guilty of all, had seemed to him first a swollen phrase until he had begun to grope in the darkness of his own state.
Create a speech segment from the provided text, mirroring the speaking style and nuances of the reference voice.
The rector did not ask for a catechism to hear the lesson from.
If a layman in giving baptism pour the water before saying the words is the child baptized?
Model the speech synthesis on this text after the reference voice, capturing its essence and speaker's identity.
Ennis, who had gone to the yard, came back, saying:
The rector went on gravely:
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.
If the wine change into vinegar and the host crumble into corruption after they have been consecrated, is Jesus Christ still present under their species as God and as man?
He stooped to the evil of hypocrisy with others, sceptical of their innocence which he could cajole so easily.
Mimic the reference voice's speaking style in the speech output of this text.
Ten thousand souls won for God in a single month!
A boy from his post at the window had seen the rector come from the house.
Synthesize this text into speech, matching the tone and style of the provided reference voice.
The sentence of saint james which says that he who offends against one commandment becomes guilty of all, had seemed to him first a swollen phrase until he had begun to grope in the darkness of his own state.
How comes it that while the first beatitude promises the kingdom of heaven to the poor of heart the second beatitude promises also to the meek that they shall possess the land?
Mimic the reference voice's speaking style in the speech output of this text.
--He had the faith in him that moves mountains.
Stephen, leaning back and drawing idly on his scribbler, listened to the talk about him which Heron checked from time to time by saying:
Adapt the text into speech, closely resembling the reference voice in terms of speaker identity and style.

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