audioduration (s)
fel oedden ni odd yym <anadlu> odd pob pennod yn troi mewn i Ben-Hur rywfaint ag yn yy, odd hi'n eitha anodd
as we were um <breath> every episode turned into Ben-Hur, somewhat, and was er, it was quite difficult
pan ddechreuon ni'r podlediad yma y bwriad odd i ga'l un pennod bob bythefnos <anadlu> ond yy, wrth i ni fynd ymlaen
when we started this podcast the intention was to have one episode every two weeks <breath> but er, as we go on
Fel canlyniad o'ch adborth chi a'r *Twitter*. So ma'n bwysig iawn 'ych bo' chi'n ein dilyn ni. Yy, 'dyn ni nawr
As a result of your feedback on *Twitter*. So it's very important that you follow us. Er, we are now
A... <twtian> <anadlu>... dwi wedi dyfeisio deiet arbenig iawn yy maen mae t'mo' mae <chwerthin> mae'n
And... <tutt> <breathe>... I've invented a very special diet er it's it, you know, it <laughter> it's
golygu'r holl beth heb torri gormod allan so 'dyn ni'n yy, yn hytrach na torri llwyth o bethau allan <anadlu> 'dyn ni jyst yn torri'r holl
edit the whole thing without cutting too much out so we're er, rather than cutting out loads of stuff <breathe> we just cut every
ma' 'na gyfrifoldeb arnyn ni i ddweud dydi hwn ddim yn gweithio i bawb <chwerthin> a ma'n raid i chi fod yn gyfrifol
it's our responsibility to say this doesn't work for everyone <laughter> and you have to be responsible
Ie, so, do's dim gwestai efo ni yr wythnos yma <anadlu> ond yy fe fydd gennyn ni westai mewn wythnos so
Yes, so, there's no guest with us this week <breathe> but er we will have a guest in a week so
beth mewn hanner ac yn roi'r, <clirio gwddf> m-, ac rhoi mwy o benodau i chi mewn fformat mwy treuliadwy?
thing in half and gives the, <clears throat> m-, and gives you more chapters in a more digestible format?
yy, es i ar y *scales* <chwerthin> a ca'l sioc. <chwerthin> *Actually* do'dd o ddim yn sioc achos
er, I went on the scales <laughter> and had a shock. <laughter> Actually it wasn't a shock because
A chofiwch i ddilyn ne' tanysgrifio ar ba bynnag gwasanaeth 'dych chi'n ein dilyn ni arni.
And remember to follow or subscribe on whichever service you follow us on.
So dyma ni, diolch yn fawr i chi am wrando yy chwech pennod a 'dyn ni dal yma.
So here we are, thank you very much for listening er six episodes and we're still here.
a o'n i am *lockdown lockdown* yfe? O'n i'n bwyta *fried egg sarnies sausage sarnies* bo- bron bob bore.
and I was for lockdown lockdown isn't it? I was eating fried egg sarnies sausage sarnies al- almost every morning.
So. S- so y deiet fi wedi creu fy hunan y y yr enw arno fe yw'r
So. S- so that I have created myself the the the name of it is the
*obviously*, ond, i wneud hynny, mae isie i ti wybod faint o *calories* ti'n bwyta yn y lle cynta reit?
obviously, but, to do that, you need to know how many calories you eat in the first place right?
achos <chwerthin> dwi hefyd yn stopio yfed cwrw a gwin. A
because <laughter> I'm also stopping drinking beer and wine. And
Ie. Gan bo' ni'n, t'mod, gan bo' ni'n lle dda am iechyd meddwl a siarad am iechyd meddwl dwi me'wl... Ie. ...mae'n bwysig i fi t'mod... *Yeah man*.
Yes. Because we are, you know, because we are in a good place for mental health and talking about mental health I think... Yes.'s important to me you know... Yeah man.
yy mewnbwn i... Wel. ...i'r deiet yma. Wel na- nath hi yy... Heblaw am heblaw am dweud wrthyt ti i beidio wneud e. <chwerthin>
Er, input to... Well. this diet. Well no- she er... Except for except for telling you not to do it. <laughter>
so so ie fi fi isie colli st么n ma' deudde- deuddeg st么n, jyst falle o dan deuddeg st么n.
so so yes I I want to lose a stone there's twe- twelve stone, maybe just under twelve stone.
a ma hwn yn swnio my- mor mor *like basic* on' ma' ma' mor wir.
and this sounds ve- very very like basic but it's it鈥檚 so true.
Achos o'n i eisie colli pwys... Ie. ...a t'mod ffordd dda o o codi arian.
Because I wanted to lose weight... Yes. ...and you know a good way to raise money.
mae'n yy edrych yn *fine* i fi so sai'n gwbod beth sy'n mlan 'na... <chwerthin> ...ond mae'n ond mae'n mae'n prynu bwyd arbenig a mae'n
it er looks fine to me so I don't know what's going on there... <laughter>...but it's but it's it's buying special food and it's
Dechre *lockdown* nethon ni ga'l dyn gwin so odden ni'n ca'l *delivery* unwaith y mis, o gwin,
When lockdown started we got a wine man so we got a delivery once a month, of wine,
achos o'n i odd ni 'di ca'l llond bol gwario wyth punt y dydd yn *Tescos* ar botel o win so man a man i fi
because we were we were getting fed up spending eight pounds a day in Tesco's on a bottle of wine so I might as well
...a a mae mae mae ma' ma' ma' *speedo season* bron wedi cyrraedd reit, so
...and and speedo season has has has has has has almost arrived right, so
Yym... Ie ti ddim ti ddim isie embarasio dy ferched gormod jys- jyst y maint...
Um... Yes you don't you don't want to embarrass your girls too much jus- just the amount...
Dyn ni newid y pethe y ffordd 'dyn ni'n neud pethe gwmpas fama. *Ringing in the changes*. Yym.
We are changing the things the way we do things around here. Ringing in the changes. Um.
jys yfed fodca a *slim line tonics* o nawr mlaen. Oce. A dim bara.
just drink vodka and slim line tonics from now on. Okay. And no bread.
talu wyth punt y dydd yn ca'l gwin da. Ie. Yym, a, odden ni'n ca'l *take aways*
pay eight pounds a day and get good wine. Yes. Um, and, we got take aways
dros y mis oherwydd o'n i 'di stopio yfed nes i colli *stone*. Mewn mis. Ie.
over the month because I stopped drinking I lost a stone. In a month. Yes.
tywydd gwlyb. Felly, ma' nw'n yy ar ben 'u digon yng Nghymru, fel allwch chi ddychmygu, <anadlu> yym a ma' nw'n dueddol o ddatblygu yn ystod y Gwanwyn a'r Haf. Nawr ma' nw'n effeithio ar bob math
wet weather. So, they are er incredibly happy in Wales, as you can imagine, <breath> um and they tend to develop during the Spring and Summer. Now they affect all sorts
mae e wedi bod yn gwthio yn barod i ddod mas. Felly mae hen bryd i hwn fyn' mewn i'r tir erbyn hyn, a, jyst gwthiwch y gwreiddie gymyn' a gallwch chi i'w ryddhau n'w o wilod y potyn.
it has already been pushing to come out. So it's high time for this to go into the ground by now, and, just push the roots as much as you can to free it from the bottom of the pot.
Ac yn amal mae'n arwydd fod y planhigyn dan *stress*, bo' falle diffyg maith yn y pridd bo' dim digon o fwyd, <anadlu> dim digon o ddyfrio hefyd yn gallu bod yn broblem. <anadlu>
And it is often a sign that the plant is under stress, that there may be a lack of nutrients in the soil that there is not enough food, <breathe> not enough watering can also be a problem. <breathe>
wastad gwrthbwynt, ma' wastad rwbeth arall sy'n mynd i neud yn wech, achos ma' shwd gymyn' o blanigion 'yn ni'n tyfu yn yr ardd yn dibynnu ar amode tyfu <anadlu> hollol wahanol.
always a counterpoint, there's always something else that's going to do better, because there's so many plants that we grow in the garden that depend on completely different growing <breathe> conditions.
fela, ond 'dych chi ddim wedi cleisio hwn o gwbwl, a neith hwnna olygu wedyn bod 'i'n storio'n arbennig o dda am fisoedd lawer, yn y sied yn barod i fwydo ni trwy gydol y gaea.
like that, but you haven't bruised this at all, and that will then mean that it will store very well for many months, in the shed ready to feed us throughout the winter.
Ond mae'n bleser, chi'n do' lan yr ardd a mae'n croesawu chi wrth bo' chi'n do' mewn a, <anadlu> ie, un o'r pethe nethon ni arbrofi 'da a wi wir, wir yn falch gyda'r canlyniad.
But it's a pleasure, you come up the garden and it welcomes you as you come in and, <breathe> yes, one of the things we experimented with and I鈥檓 truly, truly pleased with the result.
Dylwn i bwysleisio, <anadlu> bod y ran fwya o heintie ffwngaidd yn yf- yn aros o fewn 'u teuluoedd n'w, ma' nw'n ffeithio <anadlu> ar yr un teulu. Felly, ma' llwydni gwlanog ne'
I should emphasize, <breathe> that most fungal infections aff- stay within their families, they affect <breathe> the same family. So, there's downy mildew or
gadel digon o amser i rain flodeuo, <anadlu> er bo' n'w ychydig yn hwyrach leni, yn amlwg, ond <anadlu> mae e jys llawn gwenyn a fi wrth 'ym modd yn gweld n'w a <anadlu> ch'mod?
leave enough time for these to bloom, <breath> although they are a little later this year, obviously, but <breath> it's just full of bees and I love seeing them and <breath> you know?
datblygu yn ystod yr wythnose dwetha, a hefyd, wrth gwrs, a gwenyn a fi'n credu, <anadlu> allai ala pynawn cyfan nawr jys yn gwylio nw'n glanio llawn sachau o baich, <anadlu>
development during the last few weeks, and also, of course, and bees and I believe, <breath> I could spend an entire afternoon now just watching them land, sacks full of pollen, <breath>
o'r ardd. <anadlu> Hefyd, chi 'mod, gofalwch am eich planhigion, sicirhewch bo' chi 'di dyfio nw'n gywir, yn 'u bwydo nw'n gywir. Achos planhigion gwan <anadlu> dan *stress*,
from the garden. <breathe> Also, you know, take care of your plants, make sure you鈥檝e watered them correctly, fed them correctly. Because weak plants <breathe> under stress,
ma'r nosweithie o'r 'na a'r rhew yn gallu dala ni mas, ch'mo', 'llu chi gafel ar 'yn egin blanhigion ni, <anadlu> a chreu yym pob math o brobleme'n gynnar yn y tymor. Felly,
those cold evenings and the frost can catch us out, you know, so can grasp our budding plants, <breathe> and create um all kinds of problems early in the season. Therefore,
Os nag o's *Comefry* gyda chi yn yr ardd pach a becso, achos gellech chi ddefnyddio Dant y Llew, mae'n gwneud gywir yr un peth. Ac nawr dwi myn' i osod cwpan o'r cwrteth yma
If you don't have Comfrey in the garden don鈥檛 fret, because you could use Dandelion, it does exactly the same thing. And now I'm going to place a cup of this fertilizer
llond potyn o egin blanhigion ifanc yn sydyn iawn. Felly, <anadlu> yr yy peth gore i neud yw sicrhau bod ein glanweithdra ni fel garddwyr yy o safon uchel, bo' ni'n golchi'n
a pot full of young plant shoots very quickly. Therefore, <breathe> the er best thing to do is to ensure that our hygiene as gardeners er is of a high standard, that we wash
ma'r sbotie bach porffor a du ar y dail yn amal... Yym a m- hefyd beth 'yn ni'n gwel' yw bod y dail yn cwmpo. Wi'm yn gwbo chi 'di sylweddoli bydd y dail yn cwympo, <anadlu>
the small purple and black spots are often on the leaves... Um and m- also what we see is that the leaves are falling. I don鈥檛 know you realize the leaves will fall, <breath>
hwna a dod 芒 fe n么l a mlan. Llanw fe reit lan i'r top. Byddai'n dawmsgil ano fe wedyn, <anadlu> i wasgu fe lawr fel bod dim a'r yn genol e, achos bydd hwnna jys yn arafu'r
that and bring it back and forth. Fill it right up to the top. I would tread on it then, <breathe> to press it down so that there is no air in its middle, because that will just slow down the
Os o'ch chi 'di hoffi'r fideo 'ma, pl卯s rowch bawd i fyny iddo fe a thanysgrifiwch hefyd, a gobitho achwn ni rannu mwy o gynnwys gyda chi yn y dyfodol agos. Hwyl am y tro.
If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe too, and hopefully we can share more content with you in the near future. Bye for now.
i sicirhau bo' 'na ddigonedd o awyru o amgylch y planhigion newydd yn datblygu. <anadlu> Bo' ni'n dyfrio oddi tano. Ma' hwn yn bwysig iawn. Yn hytrach na bo' ni'n dyfrio
to ensure there is plenty of ventilation around the new developing plants. <breathe> That we water underneath it. This is very important. Instead of us watering
i neud yn si诺r bod yr a'r yn cylchredeg o gwmpas y planhigion, <anadlu> achos ma' hwnna'n un o'r pethe gwitha allwn ni neud, yw i blannu llwyth o blanhigion yn dyn wrth
to make sure that the air circulates around the plants, <breathe> because that's one of the worst things we can do, is to plant a load of plants close to
yw i hau hanner pacyn o hade bob tro. Cadw hanner am yn 么l, felly, os 'ych chi'n colli yr hanner cynta, <anadlu> ma' cyfle 'to 'dych chi <anadlu> i hau'r un planhigion
is to sow half a pack of seed each time. Keep half back, so if you miss the first half, <breathe> you have another chance again <breathe> to sow the same plants
hyd yn o'd os yw pethe yn yr ardd gyda chi fel y pys, er enghrefft, <anadlu> falle bo' chi 'di plannu nw'n rhy agos at 'i gilydd, felly <anadlu> dyw e ddim yn ddrwg o
even if you have something in the garden like the peas, for example, <breath> maybe you planted them too close to each other, so <breath> it's not bad at
*rose blackspot*. Nawr, <anadlu> fel garddwyr, 'yn ni gyd yn gyfarwydd 芒 gweld hwn a ma' teulu rosod yn deulu anferth iawn. Felly, mae'n gyffredin dros ben. <anadlu>
rose blackspot. Now, <breath> as gardeners, we are all used to seeing this and the rose family is a very large family. So, it is extremely common. <breathe>
Helo, bawb. Shwd y'ch chi? A chroeso n么l i'r ardd. A o'n i meddwl gan bod 'i'n fis Mehefin, ma'r tywydd wedi gwella o'r diwedd, elen i chi ar daith sionc jyst rownd
Hello, everyone. How are you? And welcome back to the garden. And I was thinking since it's June, the weather has finally improved, I would take you on a quick trip just round
A peth gore am gennin, achos bo' nw'n teulu'r aliwm, <anadlu> yw bo' nhw'n atal pryfyn y moron rhag gwbo bod y moron yna, a gai gnwd o moron yn ystod y Hydref hefyd.
And the best thing about leeks, because they are in the allium family, <breathe> is that they prevent the carrot fly from knowing that the carrots are there, and I get a crop of carrots during the Autumn too.
ac wedi llwyddo i greu hade neu ffrwythe i a- i a- i ail-genhedlu fel bod y planhigyn yn gallu creu planhigion newydd i'r dyfodol. Os 'yn ni'n gweld bo' 'na brobleme
and has managed to create seeds or fruit to re- to re- to reproduce so that the plant can create new plants for the future. If we see that there is a problem
di bo' yn tyfu n'w mewn potie, yn y t欧 gwydyr. Ma' n'w wastad wedi eiddfedu'n hwy. <anadlu> Felly fi'n gobeithio, o blannu nw'n syth mewn i'r pridd, bydden nw'n ca'l
has been growing them in pots, in the greenhouse. They have always matured more. <breathe> So I hope, by planting them straight into the soil, they will get
blanhigion a ma'r gwely cennin dan 'i sang 芒 phlanhigion ar hyn o bryd. <anadlu> Felly, ma' 'da fi peth sb芒r ar 么l fan hyn, <anadlu> a ma'r ffordd dwi yn garddio,
plants and the leek bed is packed with plants at the moment. <breathe> So, I've got some spare left here, <breathe> and the way I garden,
Fel rwy'n si诺r bo' chi wedi sylweddoli, ma' nifer o'r heintie sy'n effeithio ar ein planhigion ni yn seiliedig ar bo' 'na awyru da o amgylch y planhigion. <anadlu>
As I'm sure you've realised, many of the infections that affect our plants are based on that there is good ventilation around the plants. <breathe>
o'u amgylch n'w i gwmpo mewn gyda'r glaw, neu pan 'ych chi'n dyfrio, <anadlu> a ma' hwnna'n sicirhau gewch chi sdem gwyn hir, <anadlu> jyst yn gywir ar gyfer cawl.
around them to fall in with the rain, or when you water, <breathe> and that ensures you get a long white stem, <breathe> just right for soup.
Fel garddwr wi wrth fy modd yn tyfu pob math o fwyd 'yn hunen fan hyn, a mae'n dysgu ni shwt i fwyta'n dymhorol, pa fath o gnyde allwn ni ddefnyddio pryd yn ystod
As a gardener I love growing all kinds of food myself here, and it teaches us how to eat seasonally, what kind of crop can we use during
mewn un clwstwr, ond dwi'n awyddus i ehangu faint ohonyn n'w sy gyda fi yn yr ardd, bo' nw'n gellu tyfu yn y border yma i gyd. Felly, un ffordd dda o wneud hynny
in one cluster, but I'm keen to expand how many of them I have in the garden, that they can all grow in this border. So, one good way to do that
Ac am bo' fi'n defnyddio'r system dim palu, y cyfan odd rhaid i fi neud odd gosod haenen bach o gompos ano fe, a chwyni fe chydig. A nes i troi fe droso'n syth,
And because I use the no-dig system, all I had to do was put a small layer of compost on it, and weed it a bit. And I turned it over straight away,
yym bod 'na brinder d诺r neu gormodedd o dd诺r, <anadlu> a hefyd sicirhau falle bod yr amode tyfu ddim mor llaith a chynes ag y gallan n'w fod, felly, <anadlu>
um that there is a drought or an excess of water, <breathe> and also make sure perhaps that the growing conditions are not as moist and warm as they could be, therefore, <breathe>
pan ma' ni'n gweld bo' 'na rwbeth yn anghyffredin, ar ein planhigion ni ne' ma' 'na rwbeth yn effeithio arnyn n'w, dyw hwn ddim yn swydd i'r rhestyr *to do*.
when we see that something is unusual, with our plants or there is something affecting them, this is not a job for the to do list.
ond fel welwch chi yn 'ych hun, ma'r ffaith bod y llwydni wedi effeithio, ne'r pydredd lwyd wedi effeithio ar un yym mefus fan hyn, ddim wedi effeithio ar y
but as you can see for yourself, the fact that the mould has affected, or the grey rot has affected one of the um strawberries here, has not affected the
Ond mae'n dod mewn tywydd gwlyb sydd itha o'r a mae'n achosi cwymp a dadfeiliad yn y dail a'r coese. Felly, ma'r stem yn cwmpo, ma'r dail yn cwmpo, <anadlu>
But it comes in wet weather which is fairly cold the and it causes leaf drop and decay in the leaves and the stem. So, the stem collapses, the leaves fall, <breathe>
Wel, fi wedi cynaeafu'r winwns, a fi wrth 'ym modd gyda'r cnwd fi wedi ca'l a fi wedi paratoi'r gwely 'ma nawr yn barod i blannu bresych fan hyn. <anadlu>
Well, I've harvested the onions, and I'm delighted with the crop I've had and I've prepared the bed now ready to plant cabbage here. <breathe>
Ma rai' fi gyfadde fi'n bles iawn gyda'r cnwd winwns leni. Dyma rhai nes i blannu n么l yn yr Hydref llynedd. A fel allwch chi weld, mae coese n'w gyd wedi
I must confess I am very pleased with the onion crop this year. These are some I planted back in Autumn last year. And as you can see, their stems have all
Wedyn rowch haenen bach o gompos am 'u penne n'w, a'u gosod mewn man bach cysgodol yn yr ardd neu yn y t欧 gwydyr, ac ymhen rhyw bythownos, bydden n'w wedi
Then put a small layer of compost over their heads, and place them in a small shaded area in the garden or in the greenhouse, and in about two weeks, they will have
beth 'ych chi'n gweld ar y sleid, <anadlu> ond yym, mae'n gael ei achosi fanycha gan bridd yy sy wedi heintio, a ma' hynny achos, falle, bo' ni ddim 'di
what you see on the slide, <breathe> but um, it is mostly caused by soil er that is infected, and that's because, maybe, we haven鈥檛
Felly'n gynta fi myn' i hau'r bresyll Sieineaidd fel sy 'da fi fan hyn, a fi myn' i neud yn si诺r bo' fi'n gwasgaru n'w yn hygydradd o amgylch y *tray*,
So first I'm going to sow the Chinese cabbage as we have here, and I'm going to make sure that I spread them evenly around the tray,
mae bresyllt Awstria neu *Austrian tree cabbage*, <anadlu> a be' sy'n dda am hwn 'na gyd ni'n gorffo neud <anadlu> yw cynaeafu'r dail allanol fel hyn,
is Austrian cabbage or Austrian tree cabbage, <breath> and what's good about this all we have to do <breath> is to harvest the outer leaves like this,
Fe sylwch chi bo' fi wedi plannu'r pys o flan fframyn o ffyn bamb诺, a wedi neud 'na'n fwriadol, <anadlu> achos ma' angen cefnogeth ar y blanhigion pys
You'll notice that I've planted the peas in front of a frame of bamboo sticks, and done that deliberately, <breathe> because the pea plants need support
gwasanaethe sy'n darparu compost gwyrdd i chi'n lleol. <anadlu> A be' chi si诺r fo' yn gofyn, beth ma' fe 'di neud yn plannu dou gor-bwmpen wrth ymyl 'i gilydd, 芒 nw'n planhigion mor barus? Wel, <anadlu>
services that provide you with green compost locally. <breathe> And you're sure to be asking, what has he done? Planting two courgettes next to each other, with them being such greedy plants? Well, <breath>
yym, y tomatos, fel o'n i'n dweud, ddim wedi egino, <anadlu> mae'n golygu bo' llai o domatos 'da fi, ond ni wedi ca'l Gwanwyn mor braf, sych, a heulog, <anadlu> ma'r blode fel y tiwlips
um, the tomatoes, as I was saying, haven't sprouted, <breathe> it means I have fewer tomatoes, but we haven't had such a nice, dry, and sunny Spring, <breathe> flowers such as the tulip
chi'n gallu hefyd defnyddio polysteiryn. Yym, yn amlwg, gyda pholysteiryn, ma'r pot yn myn' i fod yn ysgafnach o lawer. Felly, os 'ych chi, <anadlu> yym, ddim yn gallu codi pwyse,
you can also use polystyrene. Um, obviously, with polystyrene, the pot is going to be to be much lighter. So, if you, <breath> um, can't lift a weight,
dwi'n gweld bod y canlyniade yn well. Ma'r dyfrio'n iawn. Do's dim hentie ar y planhigion, a do's dim probleme maith chwaith. Felly <anadlu> ma'r negeseuon yma ni'n clywed yn amal
I see that the results are better. The watering is fine. There's no disease on the plants, and there are no nutritional problems either. So, <breathe> these messages we often hear
pan dwi'n teimlo'n isel, pan ma' gorbryder yn 'ym mhoeni, pan dwi'n teimlo'n itha am, <anadlu> am 'yn ngwaith i neu pethe sydd gyda fi i wneud, <anadlu> neu bywyd yn gyffredinol.
when I feel depressed, when anxiety bothers me, when I feel quite about, <breathe> about my work or things I have to do, <breathe> or life in general.
yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn, yn trawsblannu yn hau hade, ac yn potio pethe mlan, <anadlu> ac os chi'n cofio n么l i'r Hydref llynedd, o'n i'n s么n am gwneud toriade gyda'r *Pelygonium*,
at this time of year, transplanting, sowing seeds, and potting things on, <breathe> and if you cast your mind back to Autumn last year, I was talking about taking cuttings of the Pelygonium,
o ran cadwreth, a diogelu'r planhigion, a garddio mewn modd sy'n amgylcheddol gyfeillgar, wel ma' 'di ysbrydoli fi, yn sicir, <anadlu> a byddwn i'n annog pawb i ymweld 芒'r ardd
in terms of conservation, and protecting the plants, and gardening in an environmentally friendly way, well its certainly inspired me <breathe> and I would encourage everyone to visit the garden
...ydw i, a chroeso i'r ardd. Ac yn ein fideo ni heddi, ni myn' i edrych ar sut i blannu potie planhigion blode haf, a cychwyn mis Mehefin yw'r adeg berffeth i ni wneud hynny,
...I am, and welcome to the garden. And in our video today, we're going to look at how to plant pots of summer flowering plants, and the beginning of June is the perfect time for us to do that,
Fel chi 'lly gweld gyda'r rosyn yma fan hyn, <anadlu> mae e wedi tyfu'n itha tyn at 'i gilydd, ac felly, <anadlu> ma' peryg bydd y brige yma sy'n croesi 'i gilydd <anadlu>
As you can see with this rose here, <breath> it has grown quite close together, and therefore, <breath> there鈥檚 a risk of the branches that cross each other <breathe>
Felly, mae e r- ryw falens ch'mod, ma' ma' natur yn reoli chi efo'r ardd, ond chi'n gachu reoli fel chi'n ymateb i natur, a ma' 'na pethe gadarnhaol i gymryd wrth y ffaith
So, it is so- some balance, you know, nature controls you with the garden, but you can control how you respond to nature, and there's something positive to take from the fact
<cerddoriaeth> Fi 'di ca'l modd i fyw yn Llynllyll Owen, yn gweld y mawnogydd 'ma gyd a'r natur sy'n galw'r lle ma'n gatre, a fi'n credu, fel garddwr, ma'n bwysig iawn bo'
<music> I鈥檝e been able to live in Llynllyll Owen, seeing all these peat bogs and the nature that calls this place home, and I believe, as a gardener, that it's very important that
<anadlu> Un peth arall ellwch chi wneud, a dwi digwydd bod yn arbrofi gyda hwn eleni <anadlu> yw i osod gorchudd o wl芒n o amgylch y planhigyn, achos yn 么l pob tebyg, dyw
<breath> One other thing you can do, and I happen to be experimenting with this this year <breath> is to put a covering of wool around the plant, because apparently, it
Y rai fwya cyfarwydd i ni yw'r siswrn tocio, a ma' rhain yn gwlly tocio y ran fwya o blanhigion. <anadlu> Wedyn, ma' gyda ni'r gwella. Ni'n defnyddio'r gwella i dorri
The ones we are most familiar with are the secateurs, and these can prune most plants. <breathe> Then, we have the shears. We use the shears to cut
Fel welwch hi fan hyn, dwi'n plannu colfen fale yn y berllan, mewn man le dwi'n gwbod na fydd hi'n effeithio ar dyfiant planhigion eraill, <anadlu> a hefyd, mewn man
As you can see here, I'm planting an apple tree in the orchard, in a place where I know it won't affect the growth of other plants, <breathe> and also, in a place
Felly, gadewch i ni chwalu'r chwedle o ran defnyddio mawn yn yr ardd. Un o'r resyme ma' pobol yn defnyddio mawn yw ma' nw'n meddwl bod e'n dala'r lleithder yn well.
So, let's dispel the myths in respect of using peat in the garden. One of the reasons people use peat is that they think it鈥檚 better at holding the moisture.
Helo bawb, a chroeso i'r ardd, a mae'n noson berffeth i fyn' mas i mwynhau'r ardd heno. Yn y fideo hwn, rwy am rannu ychydig wybodeth gyda chi ar sut i blannu hade.
Hello everyone, and welcome to the garden, and it's a perfect night to go out to enjoy the garden tonight. In this video, I want to share some information regarding how to plant seeds with you.
A m- i fi ma' hwnna yn 'i hunan yn neu' fi dimlo'n wel ac yn fwy cadarnhaol. <anadlu> Un beth arall fi wneud yw creu cynllun o'r ardd. Nawr ma'r ardd 'da ni yn yy
And tha- for me that in itself makes me feel better and more positive. <breathe> One more thing I have to do is create a plan of the garden. Now the garden we have in er
wedi rannu mewn i gwelye llysie, <anadlu> a, yn amlwg, nes i fi wbod beth fy' fi'n plannu ym mle a phryd. A ma'n adeg cyffrous o'r flwyddyn, achos fi'n ca'l cyfle
have divided into vegetable beds, <breathe> and, obviously, until I know what I'm planting where and when. And it's an exciting time of the year, because I get the chance
un bant ar 么l chi neud e. A chi'n timlo fel waw! Gyda'r amser 'na odd 'da fi bore 'ma fi 'di llwyddo i neu deg peth wi 'di bod yn dodi *off* ers wythnose. <anadlu>
one off after you do it. And you feel like wow! With the time that I had this morning I managed to do about ten things that I've been putting off for a week. <breathe>
Un o'r pethe dwi'n hoffi gwneud ydi cyfaill blannu neu *companion planting*, <anadlu> sydd fan hyn dwi'n plannu Melyn Mair Ffrenig yn erbyn y ffa dringo, <anadlu>
One of the things I like to do is companion planting, <breathe> that is here I plant French Marigolds near the climbing beans, <breathe>
A dwi meddwl, un o'r pethae pwysica licen i bwysleisio yw mae'n gerddi ni yna ym mha bynnag ffordd 'yn ni'n dymuno defnyddio n'w. Dwi'n cael blas ar dyfu llysie
And I think one of the most important things to emphasize is that our gardens are there in whatever way we wish to use them. I enjoy growing vegetables
ond gan bwyll bach. Ma' rai' fi gyfadde, do's dim cweit digon o wmff ynddi i hwfftu'r dail ar hyd yr ardd. Felly, wi'n ame mai cyfuniad o'r ddou bydd gyda fi.
but slow down. I must admit, it doesn鈥檛 quite have enough oomph to huff the leaves all over the garden. So, I think I'll have a combination of both.
nesa, <anadlu> ond beth wi'n gallu reoli yw'n ymateb i natur, <anadlu> a a fel 'yf fi'n teimlo achos y sefyllfa 'na. <anadlu> Felly, er enghrefft, nawr bod y
next, <breathe> but what I can control is my response to nature, <breathe> and and how I feel because of that situation. <breathe> So, for example, now that the
y *Geranium* mewn yng nghanol y pot yn barod. Peidwch 芒 么l mwy o gompost ar y pwynt yma, achos ma' angen i ni blannu planhigion eryll. <anadlu> Nawr yn syth
the Geranium in the middle of the pot already. Don't grab any more compost at this point, because we need to plant other plants. <breathe> Now straight
er bo' fi ddim yn defnyddio mawn yn y compos, ma' popeth yn hollol ddi fawn, <anadlu> dyw e ddim 'di effeithio dim ar y tyfiant. <anadlu> A gweud y gwir,
although I don't use peat in the compost, everything is completely peat-free, <breathe> it has not affected the growth. <breathe> To tell the truth,
A fel chi 'llu gweld, ma' fe gywir yr un peth a defnyddio compost amal-bwrpas. On' yn wahanol i compos amal-bwrpas, ni'n gwbod bod hwn ddim yn effeithio
And as you can see, it's exactly the same as using multi-purpose compost. But unlike multi- purpose compost, we know that this does not affect
i docio tyfiant llynedd i gyd, yr hen ddeiliach 'ma i gyd fan hyn, <anadlu> i lawr i goron y planhigyn. <cerddoriaeth> Ewch gyda'r siswrn, a thorrwch yr
to trim all last year's growth, all the old foliage here, <breathe> down to the crown of the plant. <music> Take the scissors, and cut the
un peth arall fi wrth y modd yy pan fi meddwl am arddio yw, <anadlu> do's dim angen i chi fod yn feister ar eich crefft chi. Fel gerddwyr, ni wastad yn
one other thing I love er when I think about gardening is, <breathe> you don't need to be a master of your craft. As gardeners, we always
potie, planhigion sydd angen bwyd, llawer o nitrogen, dwi'n hoffi defnyddio'r compos gwyrdd yma, <anadlu> achos ma' hwn llawn nitrogen ac yn gryfach.
pots, plants that need food, lots of nitrogen, I like to use this green compost, <breathe> because this is full of nitrogen and stronger. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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