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Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of The Dead by Olga Tokarczuk. I am an incredibly slow reader, but the tone and specificity of the world she creates in this book was something I couldnt leave behind until it was done. Also: All We Sawby Anne Michaels, Fight Nightby Miriam Toews, and The Summer Before the Darkby Doris Lessing. Id like turned into a Netflix show: by Amia Srinivasan. One of the most brain-shattering books Ive ever read. Her thinking is so electrically rigorous and fearless. (I double DARE them to make this into a Netflix show!) ...I last bought: . I rediscovered her poetry lately, and I feel like I dont want to read anything else for a while. She owns desire and submerged things. ...has the greatest ending: by J.D. Salinger. The last page always leaves me breathless. The intimacy and truth of that final page is so arresting and almost painful to read. should be on every college syllabus: by Anton Piatigorsky. A fascinating fictional account of the adolescence of dictators. It is painstakingly researched and so imaginative. He takes on whole histories through a small, specific, human lens. ...Ive re-read the most: Gilead by Marilynne Robinson. It reminds me of the wild depths of kindness humans are capable of. It helps me get to sleep when Im agitated. It is so incredibly gentle, complex, wise and hopeful. It gives me a glimpse into what faith can feel like. ...that holds the recipe to a favorite dish: Marcella Hazans tomato butter onion sauce from Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking I discovered it when I was 17. No matter how much I cook, Ive never found anything that matches the pure magic of what these three simple ingredients do together. Bonus question: If I could live in any library or bookstore in the world, it would be:
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In the recently tabled National Budget, Denel has been allocated R3 billion to settle interest payments. Reuters Fourteen current and former employees of Denel were paid almost R4.7 million on Friday from an attached RMB bank account of thestate-owned arms manufacturer. The group of employees had the bank account attached and frozen after Denel failed to comply with a court order to pay their unpaid or partially paid salaries dating back to May 2020. Court documents told of the hardships of not being paid or only partially paid. A group of 14 current and former employees of Denel were paid almost R4.7 million on Friday from an attached RMB bank account of thestate-owned arms manufacturer. The group of employees had the bank account attached and frozen after Denel failed to comply with a court order to pay their unpaid or partially paid salaries dating back to May 2020. The North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria granted the order in January this year. Denel did not oppose the application and was ordered to pay within 10 days, by 3 February because of the breach of its contractual obligations to pay its employees. Ipeleng Motshegoa of Ipeleng Motshegoa Attorneys in Pretoria, who represented the group, says amounts paid out to members of the group ranged from R200 000 to R600 000 and included accumulated interest. The R4.7 million was not divided equally, because various members of the group were owed different amounts by Denel. Hardships Court documents told of the hardships of not being paid or only partially paid. Some of the Denel employees were unable to pay their children's school fees, as well as their bond and car payments. One former Denel employee, who was among the group of 14 who received payment from the attached Denel bank account, told Fin24 that she resigned in June last year to access part of her pension money to survive. "Later, I had to live on hand-outs from friends after depleting my savings," the person said. Another told Fin24 that the payment was a huge relief, and meant he could support his family again. Abdul Aziz Toffie, also one of the 14 recipients, told Fin24 on Tuesday that the money he received was for work he had done over a period of 25 months. He is still employed by Denel. "It is such a relief. I can now hold on to my house and to my insurance and my dignity. I was going to lose everything at the end of March. Although I am ecstatic about getting paid, I am still sad for those colleagues who still have not been paid," said Toffie. According to Motshegoa, his office has been approached by more former and current Denel employees who are still trying to get paid. While courts orders have been granted against Denel for breach of employment contracts with their employees, the company is still continuing not to pay its employees their salaries in full or at all, said Motshegoa."Our offices are now instructed by 34 Numsa member at Denel's Land Systems Division to enforce an order granted on 9 November 2021 by the Pretoria High Court against Denel for their breach of employment contracts with their employees. We are also taking instructions from 13 former and current Denel employees to take Denel to court for breach of contract." In the recently tabled National Budget, Denel was allocated R3 billion to settle interest payments. The JSE recently suspended Denels bonds after the group failed to make interest payments. READ | Our next job is to rebuild Denel, says Gordhan Last year Denel's interim group CEO William Hlakoane told MPs the company's balance sheet showed it was technically insolvent, with a negative cash flow of around R600 million, and that it owed a total of over R600 million in unpaid salaries, as well as some R900 million to suppliers. The arms manufacturer had been hit hard by state capture, with Denel awarding the Gupta-linked company VR Laser two contracts that ran into hundreds of millions of rands. * Denel was asked for comment and if any is received this article will be updated. We live in a world where facts and fiction get blurred In times of uncertainty you need journalism you cantrust. For only R75 per month, you have access toa world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism,top opinions and a range of features. Journalismstrengthens democracy. Invest in the future today.
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Shares Take a break its good for you (Picture: Getty/ Its tempting to think that the best way to get work done is to go at a breakneck speed; multi-taskingand cramming as much as possible into your day without a pause for breath. If you and rapidly tick off tasks until the end of the day, youre being super productive right? Well, perhaps not. Taking a break is actually an important part of getting stuff done. Its a way to fully focus, by taking a moment of rest between one to-do list item and another so you can move on feeling refreshed and ready. Not all breaks are created equal, however. Rather than coming to a grinding halt and getting distracted by TikTok for 20 minutes in the middle of your working day, what you need to do is a productive pause. What is a productive pause, you may ask? Well, its exactly what it sounds like a pause thats designed to be super effective; one thats consciously made and spent fully detached from work. Heres how embrace the art of productive pausing and make it a standard part of your day. Take a moment to do nothing Dont answer the phone, emails or texts immediately, happiness expert Julia Paulette Hollenbery tells Allow yourself a moment to do nothing. In the pause, scattered thoughts and attention gather. You are interrupting your automatic habits and bringing more self-awareness. This new habit will help you be calm and focused. Dont ignore your bodys needs Ever told yourself youll go and get some water or nip to the toilet only once youve sent an email or finished a report? Quit that its not doing you any good. Julia says: Eat, drink, rest and go to the toilet when you need to. Give-in to the wise prompts of your body. With the fuel of nourishment, you will think and function better. Without the distraction of ignoring the urge to go to the toilet, youll be more focused. Multitasking doesnt work neither does trying to rush through life without pausing for breath (Picture: Getty/ When youre stuck, step away When stuck on an impossible task, instead of hunching over a laptop until it is done, forcing yourself to continue, take a break, recommends Julia. The break will help you access the innovative instinctual intelligence of your whole body. Make a cuppa, take a shower, chat with colleagues. Go outside A brief change in scenery makes all the difference. Try stepping outside on your lunch break, or just popping outside for five minutes between Zoom meetings. Changing environment from a manmade world of hard materials and straight lines, out into nature, can free up your thinking, helping you to find fresh answers to puzzling problems, says Julia. Find pleasure Work shouldnt be a horrific slog. Find moments for pleasure. Work can be empowering and fun, notes Julia. Find something delightful, like cream in your coffee or a piece of cake, especially when a task is difficult, a colleague criticises you or a deadline tightens find pleasure. Move your body Julia suggests: Stretch, dance, walk or go to the gym. Wriggle your face, hands or feet. This is particularly important if your work involves sitting in a fixed position for hours. The body is evolved for movement our ancestors walked for many hours a day and we arent designed to sit still. Movement frees your fixed pattern of posture, enabling you to access not just your head, but the physical intelligence of your whole body. Grab a tea, have a chat, or pop outside (Picture: Getty/ Release physical tension Take a moment to check in with your body. Are your shoulders up by your ears? Are you clenching your jaw? Shake it out. Slowly raise your shoulders up (do not hold your breath) as high as you can, squeezing tight, Julia recommends. Then, in one go release the tension and take some big breaths. Move, wriggle or stretch Remove your eyes from the screen and stare into space for a few minutes every hour. Try stretching legs and arms out as if you are pushing something away. This will help you feel energized. Remember that pausing is good for you and your work Let go of that guilt that pops up when you feel like youre not working. Remind yourself that breaks are essential, and make you better at whatever youre doing. Pausing often helps you reclaim the essence of yourself, amongst all the tasks to be done, says Julia. After pausing, you return to your work refreshed, with renewed concentration. You will produce better work, creating better dialogue and relationships with colleagues and customers. You are not a machine but a sensitive feeling human. The way you work best is irregularly. Allowing pauses is the most productive way you can work.
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RESO is currently hiring for two positions: Product Managerand Membership Manager The Product Managerensures the progression of product planning and execution throughout the product life cycle, including: gathering and prioritizing customer requirements, aligning with the strategic plan and product vision of engineering and executive staff, setting and meeting product development timelines, and customer support to ensure satisfaction goals are met. The Product Manager will report to RESOs CEO and ensure that products support the companys overall strategy and goals. The Membership Manageris responsible for coordinating logistics and details in membership and events as needed to support the organizations strategic plan. The Membership Manager will report directly to the Chief Operating Officer. Join us in leading real estate technology forward. | RESO CAREERS The RESO staff team exemplifies excellence in teamwork. We share successes and challenges, working together in a fast-paced and ever-changing environment. RESO is a fully remote, nonprofit trade organization that provides the foundation for streamlined real estate technology through the creation and certification of standards. Cross-Platform Interoperability Workgroup | May 11, 2021 The group took a deep dive into Transaction Management, taking a step back from what was submitted to the Data Dictionary Workgroup to determine what more the group could do to forward sound proposals based on workflows and data flow diagrams. The group is starting to believe that an independent Transaction Management resource may be needed rather than a payload of Property and Member data. | UPI Registry Subgroup | May 12, 2021 The group received a presentation from Mark Lesswing, the Distributed Ledger Workgroup Chair, on a UPI Resolver Proof of Concept. From the presentation, a discussion on approaches to scoring ensued, followed by a review of the feedback received on the existing API working spec. Date and Category are UPI components that will be worked on and discussed at the next meeting. | ULI Subgroup | May 12, 2021 The group continued its work on the ULI pilot, scoring and defining the proof of concept after confirming support for the methodology and direction outlined in previous meetings. ULI Subgroup members will create a lightweight user interface (UI) so that pilot participants can check their member data against the pilots matching accuracy. There is additional work to do in refining the elevator pitch, pilot data agreements and integration with existing membership processes. |
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| Updated: 18-03-2021 16:32 IST | Created: 18-03-2021 16:32 IST Late last year, a semi-retired Britishscientist co-authored a petition to Europe's medicines regulator. The petitioners made a bold demand: Halt COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials. Even bolder was their argument for doing so: They speculated, without providing evidence, that the vaccines could cause infertility in women. The document appeared on a Germanwebsite on Dec.1. Scientists denounced the theory. Regulators weren't swayed, either: Weeks later, the EuropeanMedicines Agency approved the EuropeanUnion's first COVID-19 shot, co-developed by PfizerInc. But damage was already done. Advertisement Social media quickly spread exaggerated claims that COVID-19 jabs cause female infertility. Within weeks, doctors and nurses in Britainbegan reporting that concerned women were asking them whether it was true, according to the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. In January, a survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), a non-profit organization, found that 13% of unvaccinated people in the UnitedStates had heard that "COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to cause infertility." What gave the debunked claim credibility was that one of the petition's co-authors, Michael Yeadon, wasn't just any scientist. The 60-year-old is a former vice president of Pfizer where he spent 16 years as an allergy and respiratory researcher. He later co-founded a biotech firm that the Swissdrugmaker Novartispurchased for at least $325 million. In recent months, Yeadon (pronounced Yee-don) has emerged as an unlikely hero of the so-called anti-vaxxers, whose adherents question the safety of many vaccines, including for the coronavirus. The anti-vaxxer movement has amplified Yeadon's skeptical views about COVID-19 vaccines and tests, government-mandated lockdowns and the arc of the pandemic. Yeadon has said he personally doesn't oppose the use of all vaccines. But many health experts and government officials worry that opinions like his fuel vaccine hesitancy a reluctance or refusal to be vaccinated that could prolong the pandemic. COVID-19 has already killed more than 2.6 million people worldwide. "These claims are false, dangerous and deeply irresponsible," said a spokesman for Britain's Department of Health & Social Care, when asked about Yeadon's views. "COVID-19 vaccines are the best way to protect people from coronavirus and will save thousands of lives." Recent reports of blood clots and abnormal bleeding in a small number of recipients of AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine have cast doubt on that shot's safety, leading several Europeancountries to suspend its use. The developments are likely to fuel vaccine hesitancy further, although there is no evidence of a causative link between the AstraZenecaproduct and the affected patients' conditions. Yeadon didn't respond to requests for comment for this article. In reporting this story, Reuters reviewed thousands of his tweets over the past two years, along with other writings and statements. It also interviewed five people who know him, including four of his former colleagues at Pfizer. A Pfizerspokesman declined to comment on Yeadon and his stint with the company, beyond emphasizing that there is no evidence that its vaccine, which it developed with its Germanpartner BioNTech causes infertility in women. References to Yeadon's petition appear on the website of a group founded by influential vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr., scion of the Americanpolitical dynasty, who recently was banned on Instagrambecause of his COVID-19 vaccine posts. Syndicated writer and vaccine skeptic Michelle Malkin reported Yeadon's concern about fertility in a column last month under the headline, "Pregnant Women: Beware of COVID Shots." And a blog with an alarmist headline "Head of PfizerResearch: Covid vaccine is female sterilization" was shared thousands of times on Facebook. The visage and views of Yeadon, widely identified as an "Ex-VP of Pfizer," can be seen on social media in languages including German Portuguese Danishand Czech. A Facebookpost carries a video from November in which Yeadon claimed that the pandemic "fundamentally is over." The post has been viewed more than a million times. In October, Yeadon wrote a column for the UnitedKingdom's Daily Mailnewspaper that also appeared on MailOnline one of the world's most-visited news websites. It declared that deaths caused by COVID-19, which then totaled about 45,000 in Britain will soon "fizzle out" and Britons"should immediately be allowed to resume normal life." Since then, the disease has killed about another 80,000 people in the UK. Yeadon isn't the only respected scientist to have challenged the scientific consensus on COVID-19 and expressed controversial views. Michael Levitt, a winner of the Nobel Prizefor chemistry, told the Stanford Daily last summer that he expected the pandemic would end in the UnitedStates in 2020 and kill no more than 175,000 Americans a third of the current total and "when we come to look back, we're going to say that wasn't such a terrible disease." And Luc Montagnier, another Nobel Prizewinner, said last year that he believed the coronavirus was created in a Chineselab. Many experts doubt that, but so far there is no way to prove or disprove it. Levitt told Reuters that his projections about the pandemic in the UnitedStates were wrong, but he still believes COVID-19 eventually won't be seen as "a terrible disease" and that lockdowns "caused a great deal of collateral damage and may not have been needed." Montagnier didn't respond to a request for comment. What gives Yeadon particular credibility is the fact that he worked at Pfizer says Imran Ahmed chief executive of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, an organization that combats online misinformation. "Yeadon's background gives his dangerous and harmful messages false credibility." In a debate last fall in Britain's House of Commonsabout the government's response to the pandemic, parliamentarian Richard Drax called Yeadon an "eminent" scientist, and cited his view "that the virus is both manageable and nearing its end." Drax didn't respond to a request for comment. More recently, David Kurten, a member of the London Assembly an elected body tweeted there is a "real danger" that COVID-19 vaccines could leave women infertile. "The 'cure' must not be worse than the 'disease'," Kurten wrote. He, too, didn't respond to a request for comment. Why Yeadon transformed from mainstream scientist to COVID-19 vaccine skeptic remains a mystery. Thousands of his tweets stretching back to the start of the pandemic document a dramatic shift in his views early on, he supported a vaccine strategy. But they offer few clues to explain his radical turnabout. Some former colleagues at Pfizersay they no longer recognize the MikeYeadon they once knew. They described him as a knowledgeable and intelligent man who always insisted on seeing evidence and generally avoided publicity. One of those ex-colleague
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3 Feb 2022, 08:52 UTC by Through its new Fuoriserie customization program, Maserati is inviting its customers to tailor their vehicles so that they match their unique personality. The program is available in North America for model year 2022 cars. 7 photos As part of the Fuoriserie program, which by the way means custom-built in Italian, the carmaker will work alongside the customer to determine the latters core values and what drives them, whether its innovation, performance or a particular type of aesthetic. In order to showcase what they can do, Maseraticreated three Fuoriserie vehicles for the flagship 580 hp Trofeo Collection in the U.S. and Canada. First, we have the Levante Trofeo, which is showcased here in Orange Zest Metallic with 22-inch staggered Orione wheels and gloss black calipers. Inside, it comes with pieno fiore black leather, living coral contrast stitching and gloss carbon fiber trim. For the Quattroporte Trofeo, the Fuoriserie program produced a Verde Royale Metallic paint to go with 21-inch dark orione wheels and gloss black calipers. The interior boasts sports seats in exclusive Zegna Pelletessuta (thin strips of leather woven like fabric) with gloss carbon macro twill trim. As for the Ghibli Trofeo this particular one is painted in Blu Maserati with a historic Birdcage livery, plus 21-inch dark orione wheels and anodized red calipers. Inside, the sports seats are upholstered in exclusive black and grey Zegna Pelletessuta leather with gloss carbon macro twill trim. Maseratis Fuoriserie customization program features three bespoke collections meant to inspire and guide customers Corse, Unica and Futura. The first is dedicated to those who want to pay tribute to the brands history and its racing heritage, focusing on performance. Unica meanwhile is targeting buyers who prefer to live in the present and appreciate contemporary styling and fashion. As for the Futura collection, as the name suggests, its for so-called futurists, who embrace and encourage change, while projecting an appreciation for technology and new materials. You can take thissurvey to find out which Fuoriserie collection matches your personality.
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in the race for state superintendent of education. Also, 2022 is shaping upas a GOP wave election meaning Democrats will face longer odds than usual. Does the party have a path to victory in such a climate? In a word, no . Still, Votours candidacy is interesting (and worth covering) for several reasons most notably his potential to drive the Democratic debate further to the left on several hot-button issues. At the top of Votours campaign agenda? Covid-19 vaccinations for all South Carolina adults and children along with a massive expansion of government-subsidized health care in the Palmetto State. Votour bills himselfas a candidate who embraces science and speaks out on the importance of vaccinations, staking himself out squarely on an issue which has been dominating headlinesfor weeks. (Click to view) (Via: Facebook) Votour (above) is Wilford Brimley look-alike who originally hails from Norfolk, Virginia. In addition to his pro-vaccine stance, he has been exceedingly vocal in his support of a living wage for citizens of the Palmetto State. With no living wage the poorest of us work several jobs just to make ends meet, Votour recently. For ALL to prosper, we need a living wage. Votour has also staked himself out on the issue of global warming As governor, Ill do everything I can to offset global warming, he tweetedearlier this week. Tax incentives for solar and wind generators, commuter options like light rail between cities, reducing subsidies for fossil fuels all on the table. Votour has also promisedto get the state invested in minority owned solar and wind energy startups. Again, I do not expect Votours progressive candidacy to evolve into anything resembling a credible bid for South Carolinas top executive post. The 2022 election is Republican governor Henry McMaster s to lose something progressives should probably be okay with, if Im being completely honest Also, as regular readers are aware, the real power in the Palmetto State has always resided with the legislature. Governors have the power of the bully pulpit and authority over a handful of executive branch appointments but beyond that they are constitutionally neutered. Still, Votours campaign is worth watching in the event he is able to continue articulating and delivering his progressive agenda to liberal audiences in the Palmetto State which would force the two Democratic frontrunners to run further to the left than they planned (well one of them anyway). *****
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about 200 ) that cause scarring, or fibrosis, of the lungs. The scarring can make it hard to breathe, and the damage usually isnt reversible, causing it to get worse over time. In the U.S., idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis has been found to be the most prevalent ILD. I had a talk show at the time. And from the moment we talked about this, all of these people who were in my audience every day, or every few days, started to come up to me after the show and say, Hey, my mom has this. Or show me their hands. Or to tell me that they were experiencing things. And it was just like, wow, she recalls. Thats why it was important for the Emmy winner to use her platform to provide support to those dealing with ILD and family members attempting to support those with it. Mother and daughter spoke up together, doing so until Owens passed from scleroderma in 2018. In the years since, the actress has worked on a documentary for A&E, Beyond Breathless , in partnership with pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim, to provide awareness. People of all ages open up about being diagnosed with diseases that led to ILD, or losing loved ones to it and how theyve coped. Its an eye-opener for those who may have never even heard of ILD, which does impact more African Americansthan we know. [The documentary] is not a long one, but its an important one. And its ahead of Rare Disease Day and a lot of things dont get attention and they deserve this attention, because a lot of people, a lot more people suffer with these diseases than people are aware of, she says. So if [people] get a peek at it, then they can go to lungsandyou.organd get more information or reach out to their doctors. But at least therell be some more awareness about it. Of the many voices in the film, including former MLB star Bernie Williams who narrarates, Latifah, her family and those who cared for her mom get to speak about Owens and their experience being of support to her mom as caregivers as well as support to one another. My cousin, Tina was part of it. My sister, Raven was part of it. My best friend, Tammy, and her nurse. And sometimes it would be good because I could just come over and be her daughter, not her caregiver. And then sometimes her niece, Tina could come over and just be her niece and I could be the caregiver. So there were ways that we learned over the years how we could just be family members and just make life as normal as possible, she says. And while Latifah is a part of the project, she gladly takes a backseat to allow other families to share their story, to ensure that shes doing the work that her mother wanted. This is not about me. This has nothing to do with Queen Latifah. This is about Rita L. Owens, she says. This is about Ritas story. And Ritas story is many peoples story. So for her to want to share that, it meant a lot to me, it means a lot to me to continue to do the best that I can to make people aware of it and to let them know theyre not alone. You can view Beyond Breathless below on YouTube and visit lungsandyou.comfor more information on interstitial lung disease. TOPICS:
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FIT Welcomes New Service from CMA CGM to Port Everglades Cagema 2 Service The Maritime Executive Florida International Terminal (FIT), a terminal operated by SAAM at Port Everglades, welcomed CMA CGMs new service: CAGEMA Main Loop 2. The new service will be the only port of entry into the United States for the Marseille-based shipping lines direct route to Jamaica and service to Trinidad, Granada and Haiti. CAGEMA Main Loop 2 will involve up to 300-350 container movements each week. FIT General Manager Justin Weir commented, We welcome this new route that will operate at our terminal. We are committed to providing the best service and have a highly-trained team to operate efficiently. Port Everglades Chief Executive and Port Director Jonathan Daniel remarked, We have had the pleasure of working with CMA CGM over the past year and are pleased that they have decided to consolidate their ports of call in South Florida at Port Everglades. CMA CGMs commitment to our port demonstrates Florida International Terminals solid performance." CAGEMAs ports of call towards the south of Port Everglades include Kingston, Jamaica; Point Lisas, Trinidad and Tobago; and Puerto de Espaa. Towards the north, the route includes Saint George's, Granada; Kingston, Jamaica; and Lafito and Cap Haitien, Haiti, before returning to Port Everglades. The vessels are fully operated by CMA CGM and also transport bulk and out-of-gauge (OOG) cargo. The products and services herein described in this press release are not endorsed by The Maritime Executive. MORE TOP STORIES
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Drought Tolerant Plants: TheJunipers When I first developed a real interest in plants, I was in the heyday of my zine writing career. As my interest in gardening grew, writing a zine about it became inevitable. Initially I envisioned the zine as a journal of sorts the journal of a budding horticulturist (pun intentional). Since I was new to gardening and plants in general the zine was meant to follow my journey as I explored this new world. A zine needs a name though, so what would I call it? It didnt take long for me to land on, The Juniper. I was familiar with a common disdain for the unsightly, overgrown, neglected, evergreen shrub full of spiders and cobwebs that for whatever reason was at one point planted right outside just about every house in America (a fire hazard, by the way). I was aware that many people were resorting to tearing them out, cursing as they battled the pokey, dirty, half dead things. That was basically all I knew about junipers they were common landscape plants that were just as commonly despised. My affection for freaks, geeks, outsiders, and rejects led me to name my zine after a shrub that everyone hated. I guess I just felt like we had something in common, and that despite being the bane of peoples existence, it deserved some recognition. And it does. Junipers are an important species in their natural habitats. In some areas they are dominant features to the point where entire plant communities are named after them. Consider the pinon-juniper woodlandsof western North America prominent steppe habitats that occur throughout high desert regions and support diverse forms of wildlife unique to this part of the world. Dan Johnson writes in the book, Steppes the pinon-juniper zone dominates huge expanses of the West in varying stages of health, providing a wealth of habitats and resources to the wildlife and the people who call it home. Johnson goes on to describe some of these habitats: In the Colorado Plateau this zone is dominated by Pinus edulis and Juniperus osteosperma, with J. scopulorum occupying drainages with more moisture. In the Great Basin, P. edulis is replaced by P. monophylla as the dominant pinon pine, still mixing with J. osteosperma, yet as one moves west, this juniper is increasingly replaced by J. occidentalis. Move farther north, and J. occidentalis dominates completely, with neither pinon pine making an appearance. The genus Juniperus is in the cypress family (Cupressaceae) and includes up to 67 species, at least 13 of which are native to North America. They are long-lived plants that range from prostrate, sprawling groundcovers to expansive, bushy shrubs to tall, narrow trees. Their foliage is evergreen and can be either needle-like or scale-like. Most juniper species have needle-like foliage in their seedling and juvenile stages and then scale-like foliage at maturity. Some species, like J. communis, never develop scale-like foliage. Junipers are gymnosperms, so their reproductive structures are housed in cones. However, their cones are fleshy and so are commonly (and mistakenly) referred to as berries or fruits. Juniper cones are most often blue or gray-blue, but in some species they have a red, brown, or orange hue. Juniperus communis (Common Juniper) Juniperus scopulorum (Rocky Mountain Juniper) Juniperus horizontalis (Horizontal Juniper) In general, junipers are quite drought tolerant, particularly those species that are adapted to hot, dry climates. Again referring to pinon-juniper steppes, Johnson writes, in prolonged periods of drought, the pinon pines seem to suffer long before the junipers; whole hillsides of pine may go brown, leaving islands of olive-green juniper relatively unscathed. In the book, Shrubs of the Great Basin Hugh Mozingo attributes this drought toughness to the scale-like leaves: Because they are smaller and so closely appressed to the twigs, these scale-like leaves are a superior adaptation to the frequently very dry conditions in pinon-juniper communities. This herculean ability to survive on little water makes them a great addition to a dry garden. But we may first have to get over our disdain for them. As this poston Chicago Botanic Gardens website puts it: Junipers have suffered from overuse and underimagination. ( This article also examines our hatred of juniper bushes). Probably a bigger problem is that, like so many other plants used in a landscape, mature height and width often isnt taken into consideration, and rather than removing a plant when it gets too big for the site, sheers or a hedge trimmer are regularly deployed. Im not a huge fan of the sheered look. I much prefer a more natural form to the boxes and globes that are so common in commercial and residential plantings. Im even less of a fan of the misguided inclination to force a plant to fit in a space that it isnt meant to be (unless youre a bonsai artist, I guess). This treatment is what leads to exposing the ugly, brown insides of a juniper shrub an unsightly look that only makes people hate them more. Brown insides of juniper shrub exposed after years of forcing the plant to fit in an improper site. There are numerous commercially available cultivars of juniper species, offering a plethora of sizes, shapes, and forms as well as various colors of foliage. For small or narrow areas, select dwarf varieties or columnar forms that wont need to be kept in check, and in all cases let the plant express its authentic self, controlling the urge to sheer and shape it against its will. As if their natural beauty and low water requirement wasnt enough, junipers are also great for supporting wildlife. Birds and other animals use them for cover and for nesting sites. The fleshy cones are edible, the shredding bark is used for nesting material, and the evergreen foliage provides much needed protection during winter months. Oh and, among many other benefitsthat junipers offer humans, their aromatic, fleshy cones have culinary value and are used to flavor gin. I dont want to leave the impression that I am opposed to pruning and shaping shrubs. For aesthetic reasons, I think it should be done. However, my opinion is that unnatural shapes should be avoided. Sure, boxed hedge rows have their place in certain types of gardens, but my preference is towards more natural shapes. The following video by University of Illinois Extension provides a brief tutorial on how to achieve that. Share this:
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Print What comes after the Coronavirus outbreak? Politicians are discussing a huge economic stimulus package in many capitals, and the central banks worldwide want to support this with cheap money. The predicted decline of the global economy seems unprecedented in this form. Reconstruction of certain economic processes will be indispensable, however, it would be a historical mistake should it follow the classical pattern of building on fossil growth. The industry is worried about the cuts that will be made in the protection measures against the coronavirus worldwide. Entire value chains have been disrupted and, depending on how long the protective measures last, there could be significant losses with serious consequences for a serious recession. What does this mean for the European Green Deal? Europe set out to become the first continent to reduce CO2 emissions to zero by 2050. Commission Vice-President Frans Timmermans set out to examine all proposed legislation for compatibility with the European Green Deal. At the same time, an industrial strategy was launched that explicitly focused on supporting the deal. The question now is if the coronavirus is putting a damper on these plans. One thing is certain, the temptation to restore essential elements of the classic fossil industry with reference to urgently needed economic growth will be hard to resist. The Czech Republics prime minister has already called on the EU Commission to concentrate on only fighting the virus and to put the European Green Deal on hold. Anticipated resistance could delay important decisions that are long overdue to achieve climate protection goals. We must, therefore, start thinking now about how we can maintain a sustainable course and at the same time stimulate the economy. Many are already comparing the impact of the corona crisis with that of World War II. Nothing will ever be the same again. At that time there was a European recovery and reconstruction plan that came from the Americans the famed Marshall Plan. In fact, it seems advisable to follow exactly this same template at the present time. It was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who coined the sentence: Everything flows, Panta Rhei. We should be guided by this idea in a sustainable recovery programme. However, if it is to flow in the right, sustainable direction, then the right incentives must be put in place. The speed with which the EU finance ministers have set about providing national support programmes is remarkable. The task now is to coordinate these huge financial packages and, coupled with EU programmes, to steer them in the direction of the European Green Deal. It was very encouraging to see the reactions to the Commissions direction towards sustainability. There appears to be a fundamental willingness by Europes industries to support Brussels ambitious plan. We should therefore not give any misleading signals that would make a return to the fossil economy even conceivable. At the same time, this means that the incentives to invest in sustainable projects must be very ambitious. Take hydrogen, for example. The EUs hydrogen industry has proposed to scale up its capacity to produce up to 80 GW of green hydrogen by 2030. A roadmap for 40 GW electrolyser capacity in the EU by 2030 shows a 6 GW captive market (hydrogen production at the demand location) and 34 GW hydrogen market (hydrogen production near the resource). A roadmap for 40 GW electrolyser capacity in North Africa and Ukraine by 2030 includes 7.5 GW hydrogen production for the domestic market and a 32.5 GW hydrogen production capacity for export. If a 240 GW electrolyser market in 2030 is realised alongside the required additional renewable energy capacity, renewable hydrogen will become cost competitive with fossil (grey) hydrogen. By realising a 240 GW electrolyser capacity, producing green hydrogen, about 82 million ton CO2 emissions per year could be avoided in the EU. The total investments in electrolyser capacity will be 25-30 billion Euro, creating 140,000- 170,000 jobs in manufacturing and maintenance of 240 GW electrolysis. And yet, the industry needs the European Union to design, create, and facilitate a hydrogen market that includes infrastructure and economy. This could be achieved by a dedicated investment programme as part of the post corona recovery plan. Hydrogen technologies could help to boost the post-corona economy, not exclusively but definitely at the core of any recovery plan. We should not be cynical, yet the example shows that the coronavirus could also lead to an opportunity to align the interrupted value chains in a sustainable manner and to clearly orientate the development programmes towards decarbonisation. Climate protection should be the leitmotif of a massive development programme that could be called Panta Rhei. The EU had set out to consistently tackle the Paris climate protection goals also by means of the so-called European Green Deal. It does not to be sacrificed to corona reconstruction. Instead, it is the other way around, it becomes a rational pan. The huge reduction in emissions caused by coronavirus should be the yardstick by which reconstruction must be measured. The measures to combat COVID-19 have already been anticipated, at breathtaking speed, many of the changes demanded by climate protectionists in recent months and years. This includes less CO2 emissions through the immediate reduction of flights, through less traffic and through the interruption of value chains. We currently assume that the reduction in emissions could be 40 to 45%, Dr Patrick Graichen, Director of Agora Energiewende, said in reference to the situation in Germany. Graichen recommends that the growth and economic stimulus packages being put together now should not only combat the consequences of the corona recession but must also help to make Germany more climate-proof in the long term. Indeed, a growth package that would blindly promote fossil technologies would even be harmful because it would cement higher emissions in the long term. The European Green Deal is Europes new Marshall Plan. The course must be set quickly and at the same time be ambitious now. Panta Rhei everything flows. Let it flow in the right direction.
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NOTEBOOK: Lions wide receivers need to step up with Williams ruled out Running back duo: Staley would like to keep the tandem of Jamaal Williamsand D'Andre Swiftrolling and not have to back off the running game like they did when they got behind the 49ers last week. Williams and Swift both had more than 100 yards from scrimmage -- 110 from Williams on 54 rushing, 56 receiving, and 104 from Swift on 39 rushing, 65 receiving. "Hopefully, the rest of these games we can keep that package together and go with the thunder and lightning combo," Staley said. The running game is particularly important for the Lions while they develop a passing game that has Hockenson as the only proven receiver. Random Thoughts: Carryover: There isn't any from one game to the next, said Lions linebacker Alex Anzalone Anzalone is expecting improvement from the defense over last week's performance against the 49ers. "It's an all new deck of cards," Anzalone said. "Everyone in this league is talented. That saying, 'any given Sunday' is true. "We definitely have the guys to do what we want to do. It's encouraging to know that it's self-inflicted (the misplays). "It's definitely fixable." Rookie rush: No surprise here if rookie defensive end Levi Onwuzurike makes some kind of splash play in his first game for the Lions. He missed the opener with a hip injury. He's quick off the ball, with power. Message from Packers QB Aaron Rodgers: "I think we're a good team. We've been a good team the last few years. Good teams don't usually have poor performances back to back." The "other" Aaron: Packers RB Aaron Jones on the poor performance in the opener: "A little bit of complacency, I guess. We're kind of riding high. We have to go to work, remain humble and continue to do what got us here." Lions-Packers breakdown: It's not a tough call to flat out say the Packers will win. They're at home. They're the better team. And they want to make amends on Monday Night TV for last week's performance in a 38-3 loss to the Saints. Here's the rub that keeps me from going all in on the Packers: While they were giving up 21 points after trailing 17-3 at halftime, the Lions were rallying from a 38-10 deficit to make it a close game in a 41-33 loss to the 49ers. Whatever the reasons and circumstances, the Packers got 21 points deeper in the hole while the Lions got 20 points closer. My point: The Packers are favored by 10.5 points tonight, take the points. Pick: Packers 29, Lions 23. Related Content
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CDC endorses schools' coronavirus 'test-to-stay' policies By MIKE STOBBE Associated Press Dec 17, 2021 Dec 17, 2021 Katie Lucey administers a COVID-19 test on her son Maguire at a PCR and Rapid Antigen COVID-19 coronavirus test pop-up on Wall Street in New York on Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021. U.S. health officials are endorsing "test-to-stay" policies that will allow close contacts of infected students to remain in classrooms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday, Dec. 17, decided to more firmly embrace the approach after research of such policies in the Chicago and Los Angeles areas found COVID-19 infections did not increase when schools switched to test-to-stay. Ted Shaffrey/AP Ted Shaffrey Subscribe today for $4 for 4 months NEW YORK U.S. health officials are endorsing "test-to-stay" policies that allow close contacts of students infected with the coronavirus to remain in classrooms if they test negative. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention decided to more firmly embrace the approach, already used by many school districts, after research of such policies in the Chicago and Los Angeles areas found COVID-19 infections did not increase when using the approach. Omicron variant of coronavirus officially detected in SC as MUSC logs 3 cases By Zharia "Test-to-stay is an encouraging public health practice to help keep our children in school," CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on Friday. CDC's official guidance for schools has been that when someone in a school tests positive for COVID-19 infection, those who were deemed to be in close contact should stay out of school, in home quarantine, for 10 days. DHEC and CDC: Choose the Moderna or Pfizer COVID vaccine over Johnson & Johnson By Lauren With the announcement Friday, the CDC is saying both test-to-stay programs and quarantining approaches are both equally good options for schools. Hundreds of schools have adopted test-to-stay policies, and several states have funded statewide test-to-stay policies to prevent students from spending long stretches away from school. Previously, the CDC said there is promise in the approach, as long as other measures such as masking for both teachers and students were followed. CDC has been working with some school districts to evaluate the programs, and the agency released two studies that indicated they worked well. CDC panel recommends Pfizer, Moderna COVID shots over J&J's By LAURAN NEERGAARD and MIKE STOBBE Associated Press One was in suburban Lake County, Illinois, just north of Chicago, which adopted a program in August. Close contacts were allowed to stay in school provided both the infected person and close contact were masked when an exposure might have happened, the close contact had no symptoms, and the close contact was tested one, three, five and seven days after exposure to the infected person. Infections developed in only 16 of the more than 1,000 close contacts who were tracked, a transmission rate of about 1.5 percent. Health officials deemed it a successful approach that allowed many students to stay in school. Similar results were reported in a similar study that looked at what happened this fall in schools in Los Angeles County, California. Researchers counted 7,511 student close contacts in schools that tried the strategy, and the secondary infection rate was 0.7 percent.
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Joe Bernick From Florida to North Carolina to Texas to Arizona and beyond, nurses were rising up on Jan. 13. | NNU TUCSONSome 100 Registered Nurses and community supporters showed up for a press conference here Thursday morning, Jan. 13, to demand a safe environment for themselves and their patients. The action was sponsored by National Nurses United (NNU), the largest RN union in the country, with over 175,000 members. RNs held simultaneous press conferences, pickets, and other actions at their hospitals across the country to bring attention to the nationwide hospital staffing crisis. As part of the days action, NNU held a memorial vigil in Washington, D.C. for the 480 RNs who have died over the last two years of the pandemic. NNU represents Tucson RNs at St. Marys Hospital, and at St. Josephs Hospital where this action took place. Both hospitals are owned by Tenet, a for-profit corporate health care behemoth. In a press release announcing the event, the union explained that 82.5% of Tenet nurses in Tucson work half of their shifts or more in unsafe conditions. Up to 50% are considering leaving the profession. The nurses here say thats unacceptable and that patient safety and nurse retention should be Tenets priority, rather than their shareholders profits. Liz Hurt, an RN at St. Marys for over ten years, pointed to the millions in profits Tenet pulls inenough to take care of staffing shortages and patient safety. They should be committed to the highest standard of health care instead of corporate profits, she said. Hurt also explained that Tenet already had a staffing shortage before the COVID-19 pandemic. Melissa Petula, also a St. Marys RN, explained that there isnt really a shortage of nurses, but rather a shortage of nurses willing to risk their licenses and the safety of their patients by working in unsafe conditions imposed on them by profit-driven employers. Trish Muir, leader of the Pima Area Labor Federation, expressed the solidarity of working people in the community for the nurses who have been working day in and day out to care for people in Tucson at this risky time. She condemned Tenet for putting profits before people and called on the company to provide for appropriate staffing with safe working conditions. The union stressed that the bosses are seeking to make the crisis standard of care and crisis staffing levels into the new normal after COVID, a major threat to people needing hospitalization. It also emphasized that these corporate policies are driving nurses out of the profession.
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21 November 2020 Hi, Our Company wants to reimburse legal fees(Advocate bills) to one of the directors incurred by him on personal capacity under a dispute, can someone suggest whether this will attract RCM under GST for the following two Case - 1 . Bill is in the name of the Director and submitted to the Company for reimbursement. 2. No Bill is submitted and claimed as settlement amount from the company. Also, whether point no 2 will attract any TDS provision on Director since he is not submitting any bill. Thanks
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Sheryl Crow and Olivia Rodrigo at Billboard Women In Music held at YouTube Theater on March 2, 2022 in Inglewood, California. Michael Buckner for Billboard Billboards 2022 Women In Musicevent took over the YouTube Theater in Inglewood, Calif., on Wednesday (March 2) evening, honoring female power playersin the music industry as well as chart-topping newcomer Olivia Rodrigo, who is Billboards 2022 Woman of the Year After opening the show with a searing performanceof Deja Vu, Rodrigo closed it with her acceptance speech for the Woman of the Year honor after an all-smiles introduction from Sheryl Crow. Read Olivias full speech below. Related 03/02/2022 This is so cool. First of all, I want to thank Sheryl for being here today. Sheryl, I am such a massive fan of you and your songwriting and Im so grateful that youre here, it really means the world. I want to congratulate all of the other amazing nominees tonight: your artistry and work is so amazing and Im in complete awe of all of you and so, so inspired. Thank you Billboard, its such a huge honor to be named the Woman of the Year. So many surreal moments have happened over the course of this incredible past year and this is most definitely one of them, so thank you. Not a day goes by where I dont think about how lucky I am to get to call this my job. Ive been writing songs since I was so young, and its absolutely my favorite thing to do and such an emotional outlet for me. What I love most about songwriting is its ability to perfectly capture how I feel better than anything I could have said in a conversation. Songwriting has always been everything to me, so for people to connect with my music is beyond a dream come true and thank you so much. Its not always easy being a young woman in the music industry but I found so much strength from the female songwriters and artists who have come before me and paved the way and opened doors for so many young women like me. And thats whats so amazing about this event: every woman here today is working to break down those barriers and change the narrative and support each other and Im so inspired by all the incredible women in this room. And I want to thank you all for your support. I am supporting all of you. And I want to say to all the young girls out there who are writing songs every day in their journals on their bedroom floors, Im constantly moved by your vulnerability and your creativity and bravery and I promise everyone here today is working to make this world and this industry a better place for you. Lastly, I want to thank my team, my amazing team and my label Interscope and Geffen, and my amazing collaborator Dan Nigro. I could not have done it without you guys. And of course, thank you to all of the strong, smart, kind women Im lucky to work with and call my friends. I look up to all of you so much. Thank you guys, I love you so much, have a great night. Get weekly rundowns straight to your inbox
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Keepin It Strong Style NJPW star Rocky Romero spoke about his desire to have another run as IWGP Junior heavyweight champion (he previously held the title as Tiger Mask) before retiring, as well as his thoughts on IMPACTs Josh Alexander, who Romero compares to the legendary Kurt Angle. Highlights from the interview are below. Says he still desires a run as IWGP Junior heavyweight champion before he considers retirement: I would like to be that [similar to Hiroshi Tanahashi always proving people wrong as he ages]. Or not at least like find my little story within that and kind of use that as some kind of inspiration. So Ive kind of put the pressure on myself like, Do it before 40 [win the IWGP Junior Title]. I dont know what the stakes are because I dont wanna say, Oh, Im gonna retire at 40 but maybe its something I should think about to really put the pressure on or at least its something I should have a real serious conversation about because [its] fun to do it but if you still cant do it in certain ways, like its hard for me to find the motivation after wrestling for so long, you know? It really is so if Im not gonna do it at a top level then maybe I shouldnt be doing it. Praises Impact X-Division champion Josh Alexander and compares him to Kurt Angle: Opponents? Josh Alexander is definitely somebody who stands out. I think hes kind of on the cusp of doing something really big I feel like. Yeah, he does [have an IMPACT World Title match coming up]. Thats gonna be huge! Huge, huge. So, I dont know. I think hes kind of like our generations Kurt Angle if you well think about it and not just because he broke his neck and hes like an amateur wrestler, but hes just so solid and I think his story is really good that hes not an overnight sensation. It took him 12 years, 13 years to get to where hes at just right now and hes still not even there, right? We still havent seen his full potential but hes obviously a super hard worker, hes really gifted and I think that there could be big things coming for him and I would like to see him make that trip over to Japan and wrestle all the guys. Imagine him and [Tomohiro] Ishii. I mean theres so many guys he could wrestle and have really dope matches. Him and [Hirooki] Goto would probably be really sick too, and thats just a guy that I think that would make that crossover really easily. (H/T and transcribed by
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A Belgian biotech firm claims it has developed a foolproof coronavirus antibody test that is 100 per cent accurate. Liege-based ZenTech said it had started making tens of thousands of its government-certified tests a week. Zentech plans to roll them out in Belgium first before scaling up manufacturing to three million per month so the tests can be used in other European countries. -- Advertisement -- The devices detect if someone has previously had coronavirus and has since recovered, even if they are unaware they were infected. Results take 15 minutes. Scientists say they are crucial for countries coming out of lockdown because they can tell who is likely to have immunity to the virus. The announcement will raise hopes for antibody testing in the UK and Spain, where the Government has struggles to one reliable enough for mass-use. Britain says it will not consider rolling out any antibody test that is less than 98 per cent accurate. There are two different types of antibody tests one which is done at home and takes a few minutes, and another which is posted to a lab to be analysed. Both versions of the test are carried out using a finger pricker to extract a blood sample. Zentechs test is not suitable for home-use.
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certain populations ) and strong bones Unfortunately, vitamin D is one of the more elusive vitamins. It's not found in high concentrations in many foods, and many people miss out on the one big opportunity to get vitamin D -- sun exposure -- because they're stuck inside their workplaces all day. Thus, vitamin D deficiency is a worldwide problem If you think you might have vitamin D deficiency, you should ask your doctor for a test to confirm. You could also try an for vitamin D deficiency, but it's up to you to do your research on the testing company and make sure it meets lab safety, accuracy and efficacy standards. CNET Wellness Our Health & Wellness newsletter puts the best products, updates and advice in your inbox. Whether or not you get tested, if you decide to take a vitamin D supplement, be careful not to exceed the "tolerable upper intake level" (UL), which is the maximum intake known to be safe. The UL for vitamin Dis 100 micrograms (mcg) or 4,000 international units (IU) per day for adults. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) is far below that at 15 mcg or 600 IU per dayfor adults ages 18-70. Too much vitamin D from supplements can lead to vitamin D toxicity-- something clinicians are beginning to see more often because of vitamin D's skyrocketing popularity as a supplement. Either way, before you start spending money on a , you can try these six tactics for getting more vitamin D. 1. Open your office, home or car window Let some sunlight into your home, office or car. Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images Whether or not your windows block UV depends on what kind of windows you have Standard windows, according to the International Ultraviolet Association, do allow UV-A rays, but not UV-B rays, to pass through Most windows in homes and buildings are treated in some way, such as with a window film or tint, that blocks both types of UV light from passing through. Since that's likely the case in your home or office (and possibly your car), opening the window can help you get more sunlight. Just be sure to wear sunscreen of at least 15 SPF if you'll have the window open for a long time, as well as UV-blocking glasses or sunglasses if you're directly facing the open window. If it's super sunny outside, you may not need to open the window for more than 10 to 15 minutes to increase your vitamin D production. Read more: Vitamin C: Why you need it and how to get enough 2. Drink your first cup of coffee outside We don't all have views this great, but drinking your morning beverage outside can still be peaceful (and aid in vitamin D production!). Elena Pueyo/Getty Images coffee outside. Morning light isn't as harsh as sunlight later in the day, but you can still meet at least some of your vitamin D needs this way. If you work from home, try doing this before you sit down at your desk (you can totally still take a second cup for your initial stretch of computer work though). If you work at an office or another workplace, you might have to set your alarm a few minutes earlier to enjoy the morning light. Before you cringe at the thought of an
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0 Medical leadership is becoming more important, perhaps because its becoming more common. The American College of Physician Executives reports that more than five percent of hospital CEOs are now physicians, with that number growing rapidly under the value-based system. Medical schools at Duke University, the University of Wisconsin and the University of Kentucky are now including medical leadership training, offering courses such as accounting, marketing and management training to go along with clinical coursework. Medical leadership is important because physicians relate best to other physicians, and those who can learn the administrative side can help the healthcare system overcome one of its more persistent challenges bridging the gap that can often exist between administration and clinicians. Many physicians are also natural problem solvers, so moving into executive roles and attempting to improve the delivery of healthcare is something many find appealing. But moving from caregiver to leader isnt always easy. And please note I use the term leader and not manager. Those are two very different terms. A leader has the ability to affect change in a positive manner. A leader inspires those around him or her to impart a willingness to improve. A leader has goals, drive and commitment and the skill set to achieve them. A manager oversees the day-to-day operations of an organization. Yes, good managers are important, but we desperately need good leaders. As the chief medical officer of a company with more than 9,000 affiliated physicians, I find leadership development to be one of my most important responsibilities. Each year, I strive to turn hundreds of physicians into leaders through education, training and mentoring. Ive learned a lot about what works and what doesnt with regard to leadership development. There is certainly no one-size-fits-all when youre dealing with people, but Ive learned there are certain traits to look for when it comes to leadership. Read more:
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Richard and Joyce Browning to Corey Miller and Stephanie and Jeffrey Barefoot, Lot 30, Hillview addition, $265,000. Linda McCaig to Bryan Johnson, Lots 1-3, Holly Hills subdivision $165,000. Burrell Properties LLC to Abdelaati and Bridget Kaiaa, Lot 25, Westmeade subdivision, $75,000. T. Scott Lyons to Dominic and Tonya Lanphier, land near State Street, $285,000. Joshua Biggs and Kaitlin Hart to Little Lloy LLC, land near Bethel Lane, $395,000. Rebecca and Jerry Bridgeman Jr. to Robert and Monica Burr, Lot 5, Orchard Hill, $30,000. Real Asset Investors of Bowling Green LLC to Carl and Michele Jablonski, Lot 616, Greystone subdivision, $256,775. Alvaton Properties LLC to Steven and Lindsey Maurer, Lot 88, Drakes Ridge subdivision, $79,900. Big Dog Investments LLC to Christian Escobar, Lot 30, Glen Acres subdivision, $146,000. Jonathan and Summer Keen to Ryan Chamberlain, Lot 26, Charleston Place subdivision, $284,900. Daniel and Linda Jenkins to Deborah Eades, Lot 41, M.C. Hinton subdivision, $150,000. Larry and Barbara Carlisle to Sura Alaa; Shaimaa Salman and Muhanad Raheem; and Rafah Alaa, Lot 170, Hunters Crossing subdivision, $405,000. John Horton to Nora Bryant and Tevin Bryant-Barksdale, Lot 152, McKinney Farms subdivision, $210,000. Virendra Darbar and Ushabahen Dabhi to Nashville Road Real Estate LLC, tract 2, minor subdivision plat book 12, page 73, $875,000. Rodgie and Allison Millet to Clint and Kimberly Cobb, Lot 120, Briarwood Manor subdivision, $389,900. Dakota Hall to Shane and Stephanie Weckerly, land near Hammett Hill, $25,000. The Jones Company of Kentucky II LLC to Pamela Barry, Lot 27, South Oaks subdivision, $250,000. Handy Homes LLC to GM Industries LLP, land near Norris Road, $170,000. Burch Investments LLC to James Beck and Lisa Gregory-Beck, Lot 20, Poplar Grove subdivision, $65,000. Bull Properties LLC to C&J Ventures LLC, Lot 30, Robert Loving subdivision, $230,000. Julio Rangel and Beatriz Hernandez-Cerrito, Lot 4, Autumn View subdivision, $225,000. Dominic and Tonya Lanphier to C&L Investments LLC, land near 13th Street, $230,000. Jeffrey and Deborah Peeples to David and Sarah Miller, Lot 21, Sherwood Manor subdivision, $520,000. Billy Joe Pawley to Jeffrey and Deborah Peeples, Lot 22, Sherwood Manor subdivision, $415,000. Charles and Rita Windham to Romchang Ros and Panha Meas; and Loeung T. Chau, Lot 91, Deer Meadows subdivision, $330,000. M.A. Williams Properties Inc. to Logan and Kerri Secrest, Lot 3, Rivers Landing Edge subdivision, $194,900. Robin Nickolakakos to Van Uk and Nunu Om Thang, Lot 77, McCoy Place subdivision, $270,000. James and Judy Bishop to AC/DC Farm subdivision, Lot 5, John Wheeler Estate subdivision, $125,000. Michael and Lynn Minton to Sabahudin and Mirsada Muratovic, Lots 8-1 and 7-1, plat book 23, page 119, $40,000. Jones Bros. Properties LLC to Old Kentucky Home Properties LLC, 900 W. Main Ave. and 985 Victoria St., $45,000. David and Cindy Runner; Marie and Steven Glasscock; Cindy Runner; and Julie and Allen Barry to David and Sara Hunt, land near Bettersworth Road, $1,883,500. Marie and Steven Glasscock to David and Sara Hunt, land near Bettersworth Road, $838,250. Stonewood Construction Inc. to James and Stephanie Wimsatt, Lot 29, Drakesborough subdivision, $97,500. Brad Carr to Donald and Andrea Hardin, Lot 6, plat book 38, page 243, $239,900. Pat OConnor to Ben and Lauren Duncan, Lot 126, Crossings at Cave Mill subdivision, $250,000. Vanessa McDaniel to Monica Alejandra Gmurk, land near Rockfield Church Road, $195,000. Terrill and Vicki Garmon to The Loft MD Salon and Color Studio LLC, Unit 100, Tower Place Professional Condominiums, $175,000. Elizabeth and Floyd Jones Jr. to Floyd Ray Jones Jr. and Elizabeth N. Jones Revocable Trust, Lot 20, Springhill subdivision, no tax. Jessica and Ryan Bates and James Durrant to Deanna Durrant, Lot 99, Blue Grass Meadows subdivision, no tax. VAP Properties LLC to SS and MM Properties LLC, Lot 22, Countryside Manor subdivision, $9,900,000. 979 LLC to Nelda and Edwin Wilbanks Jr., Lots 117 and 118, Cumberland Ridge subdivision, $85,000. Gator Development LLC to AJW Holdings LLC, Lot 2, Upton Farms subdivision, $48,500. Sevenplus LLC to EOB Properties LLC, Lots 2 and 3, River Bend commercial subdivision, $2,200,000. Jeffrey Pierce to JJP Investments LLC, Lot 14, Saddlebrook subdivision, $225,000. Portia Lew to Kyle Barrick, Lot 6, The Village at Jennings Creek subdivision, $160,000. Mark and Tina Updegraff and Gregory and Monica Updegraff to Lucas Page and Taylor Rogers, land in minor plat book 4, page 124, $225,500. The Rogers Living Trust dated Sept. 11, 2002, by and through Kathryn Rogers to Kathryn Rogers, Lot 43, McCubbin subdivision, $210,000. David and Lisa Richards to Jeremy and Brooke Vincent, Lot 151, Cumberland Ridge subdivision and Lot 177, plat book 40, pages 71-73, $140,000. Carter Crossings LLC to Clayton Properties Group Inc., Lots 74, 75, 83, 84, 87-89, 95 and 99, Carter Crossings subdivision, $434,411. Jonathan and Jerri Miller to Kelly Miller, land near Slim Island Road, $111,500. William Abney to Blake Settle, Lot 358, Briarwood Manor subdivision, $300,000. Ernest Cowles to Dannie and Shania Yoder, land near Threlkel Ferry Road, $63,430. Christine and Frederick Siegle III to Stephen and Kimberly Lile, Lot 149, Cumberland Ridge subdivision, $924,900. Brian and Melanie Ewert to Scott and Hollie Sanford, Lot 33, Cobblestone subdivision, $435,000. Steven and J. Yvette Pierantoni to Thang L. Mung and Dim Pum Hung, Lot 5, Estates at Lost River subdivision, $224,000. Marilynn Lashbrook to Reathel and Kimberly Moore, Lot 111, North Ridge subdivision, $176,000. Southside Development LLC to Hammer Homes LLC, to 139, McLellan Crossings subdivision, $42,900.
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Share this page on Print Primary Content Caption A US Postal service employee unloads mail at a facility on February 10, 2022 in Houston, Texas. On February 8, the House of Representatives passed the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 (H.R. 3076). The legislation will address operational and financial issues that the agency has been grappling with for years. A long-awaited bill to fix the nation's deteriorating mail service is on the verge of passage in the Senate, but it could come at the expense of an even bigger and more complicated problem: Medicare solvency. The Postal Service Reform Act of 2022would help shore up post office finances by ending the unusual and onerous legal requirement to fund 75 years of retirement health benefits in advance. In return, it would require future Postal Service retirees to enroll in Medicare. According to the Congressional Budget Office the move could save the postal retirement and health programs about $5.6 billion through 2031 while adding $5.5 billion in costs to Medicare during that span, and probably much more in later years. Considering the massive size of Medicare it spent $926 billion in 2020 the costs don't amount to much. That small financial impact, and the ongoing immediate crises with mail delivery, probably account for the strong bipartisan support the postal bill has received in Congress, with 120 Republicans joining Democrats to pass the bill in the Houseon Feb. 8. But late in the process, some lawmakers are raising alarms over the move, arguing that maybe Congress should look more carefully at the financial impact to Medicare's trust fund, which is expected to run dry in 2026. "This bill simply shifts risk to Medicare recipients by adding billions of new costs to Medicare," Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., said Feb. 14 in blocking requests on the Senate floor to expedite passage of the bill. Scott's objection delayed consideration of the bill until early March, after the Senate returns from its Presidents Day break. Currently, Postal Service employees are covered by plans offered in the Federal Employees Health Benefits program. When they retire they have several choices for health care, including staying in their original plan or switching to Medicare as their primary coverage and having an FEHB plan serve as supplementary coverage. About 20% of postal retirees do not sign up for Medicare, preferring their current federal plan. Under this legislation, they would have to switch to Medicare, but they would keep a new Postal Service version of the FEHB plan as secondary coverage. Since the change wouldn't fully take effect until 2025, and the Congressional Budget Office's cost estimate doesn't capture a full decade, Scott wants to know the price tag for the next 10-and 20-year periods, as well as the specific impacts on the various components of Medicare, such as premiums for Medicare's Part D drug plan and the Part B program which covers a variety of outpatient services. The overall cost is likely to be much more significant than the shorter-term analysis found, said Robert Moffit,a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, who has also raised concerns. "There is a total cost that's being ignored," Moffit said. "You basically have a situation where you have unfunded liabilities in the Postal Service Health Benefits Program, retiree benefits, that amount to about $75 billion" That projected cost doesn't vanish. It falls on Medicare, though the exact impact is unclear. Moffit agreed with Scott that Congress should be looking at longer-term implications, including effects on premiums and the costs borne by taxpayers and beneficiaries. "We ought to step back, take a deep breath, and look at what we're doing here," Moffit said. Postal Service unions are not worried about the change, however, with all of them supporting the switch, noted Democrats who responded to Scott earlier this month. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer argued that the bill would save the government money overall, and that moving postal retirees into Medicare would ensure that they receive benefits they've paid for but were not using. For Schumer and most other lawmakers, the comparatively small impact on Medicare is simply not as pressing as getting the mail delivered on time. "We will pass this bill because America needs it. Rural people need it. Senior citizens need it. Veterans need it 80% of the veterans' prescriptions are sent through the mail," Schumer said. "Nobody should be standing in the way of this bill." Scott is now among a minority objecting to the latest effort and pointing to Medicare. Others who remain concerned about Medicare's poor finances also thought fixing the problems with postal delivery was worth the cost to Medicare. "I would let Congress have a small win here and, really, this is not just a small win," said Mary Johnson, a Social Security and Medicare policy analyst at the Senior Citizens League advocacy group. She said the failures of the mail system also have health consequences, with payments for insurance and shipments of prescriptions going missing, which has happened to her. The shift to Medicare envisioned in the legislation could add to the sense of urgency all those retired postal workers would be joining Medicare just in time for a solvency crisis if Congress drags its feet. "It's inaction in Congress that would cause that," Johnson said. Johnson noted it will be difficult to reach a bipartisan consensus on something as momentous as Medicare reform. "You're going to have to pass something, and it depends on who's the majority. It may not be very pretty when it happens."
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Future Adelaide Don't miss out on the headlines from Future Adelaide. Followed categories will be added to My News. Since Year 8, Kuvam Lockyer-Sharrock has had his mind set on a career in nursing so, when a family friend suggested working in aged care would give him a stepping stone to fulfilling his dream, he jumped at the chance. During his final year at high school, Mr Lockyer-Sharrock completed a Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing) through vocational education training (VET), with holiday placements at a local residential aged care home. Upon gaining his qualification and having finished high school, he opted to take time out from studying and continued working at the facility. I wanted to take a gap year to build as much savings as I could so being able to work from the get-go was a great way to be able to do that, the 19-year-old said. It has been great because I have gained hands-on experience and learned a different aspect of nursing. During his studies, Mr Lockyer-Sharrock was a finalist at the SA Training Awards. It was a very good feeling for me; its something Im very proud of, he said. With his gap year coming to an end, his sights are now set on gaining a Bachelor of Nursing and taking the next step in his career. With my placements, I know a bit about working in a medical field so I feel I have gained a leg up, he said. More related stories
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and the perception of dementia within the community may be a helpful starting point to make the experience of seeking and receiving dementia more inclusive to the South Asian community. Access to services After diagnosis, access to appropriate services is crucial to maintain the quality of life for people living with dementia and their care partner. Across Canada, multiple organizations provide such services. Advertisement This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Article content Social and recreational services often include bingo, line dancing and discussing western art and literature, which may not be inviting or appropriate to a person living with dementia from the South Asian community. Support groups for care partners may be a challenge due to the cultural differences in providing care for the elderly. In western culture, a move to is often the final stage for care partners to ensure their loved ones are safe and cared for. This is a difficult conversation in South Asian communities where filial piety plays a significant role, and . The financial responsibility associated with long-term care may also be a factor for some families. In this way, home care becomes an integral part of dementia care in the South Asian community. Advertisement This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Article content To ensure a comfortable stay within the community, services need to be more culturally inclusive in terms of content and structure of the services, the language of delivery and culturally appropriate advertisement of the available services. To help improve the lives of South Asian Canadians living with dementia and their care partners, it is time we take steps to ensure Canadas mandate for diversity and inclusivity are reflected within our health-care system. Navjot Gill is a Doctoral Student at University of Waterloo. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the
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Bank of America, National Association Date Approved May 3, 2020 Companies and nonprofit organizations that receive PPP loans may have the loans forgiven if they meet certain criteria including not laying off employees during an 8-week period covered by the loan. Applicants must attest in their application that the loans are necessary for their continuing operation Note: This data includes loan applications approved by banks and submitted to the SBA. It may not reflect money distributed to, or credit used by, a given company. If you are a representative of this company and believe this record is in error, Has Your Company Received PPP Money? We want to know what this means for your workplace. How has your company treated its workers during the crisis? Have you or your colleagues been laid off, furloughed or otherwise affected? Have you seen money used in surprising ways? What do you think we should be reporting on? This form requires JavaScript to complete. Powered by CityBase About this data This data comes from the Small Business Administration and includes lender-approved loans under the Paycheck Protection Program of at least $150,000. The federal government data on loan approvals of less than $150,000, and that data was used to calculate summary figures for states. Organizations with lender-approved loans of less than $150,000 do not appear in this data. Other loan programs, such as Economic Injury Disaster Loans, are not included in this database. Journalists: Thank you for using this database. Please cite ProPublica by linking to this page. Questions? Contact us
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The Marilyn Manson impersonator gave up I am, great battles, great celebrities, which left his followers very sorry. Faced with this surprising event, Mauri Stern , a member of the jury table, decided to pronounce himself through his social networks. In its , the former Magneto member regretted that Mike bravo You have decided to step aside for family reasons and took the opportunity to express your good wishes. Mike dear, you know we always wish you the best. We will miss you. Take care of yourself and your precious family , wrote the Mexican producer as well. Mauri Stern accompanied his message with a video of the presentation of Sweet dreams that Marilyn Manson and Gaona performed on the program. Let us remember that, in the last edition of I am , great battles, great celebrities, it was indicated that Marilyn Manson resigned because two more people in his family became ill and he wants to be with them to help them. Mike will always have the doors of I am so that he can come back when he sees fit. We are here for you and we will always support you, said Adolfo Aguilar. Mauri Stern asked Marilyn Manson for more humility In the penultimate edition of I am, great battles, great celebrities, Mauri Stern caught the attention of the Marilyn Manson impersonator for his attitude towards Gaona and the other participants on the show. You have to put your feet on the ground a little more, observe your co-workers a little more, connect, feel, we are talking about communication, Mauri Stern, latest news: Subscribe here to the Espectculos La Repblica newsletter and receive from Monday to Saturday in your email the most outstanding news of national and international entertainment, as well as the topics that are trending on social networks. . #Mauri #Stern #Marilyn #Manson #care #family Tags:
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Pin Theres a special sort of fanfare in the whiskey community that is reserved for when a new distiller of Kentucky straight bourbon officially comes of age. This milestone is of course achieved when they release their first brand of straight bourbon, which can technically be done after the whiskey has spent two years resting in newly charred oak barrels. More commonly, though, distilleries opt to wait until the whiskey reaches four years old, at which point it can legally be labeled as simply Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey without any additional need for an exact age statement. That is the moment when its generally reckoned that a distillery has officially graduated to becoming a full member of the Kentucky bourbon community, and for Castle & Key that time has finally come. Castle & Key is a distillery that has had oceans and reams of copy written about it since co-founders Will Arvin and Wes Murry purchased the defunct, derelict site of the Old Taylor Distillery, which had been out of commission since 1972. After buying the site in 2014 and beginning its restoration into a modern distillery, Castle & Key has subsequently produced an array of new products, including some really excellent, punchy gin,and the brands first whiskey, Restoration Rye. But a veritable army of Kentucky bourbon obsessives have been patiently waiting on this release, Castle & Keys first branded Kentucky straight bourbon. There was so much anticipation, in fact, that bottles sold out in minutes. Lost in the shuffle, meanwhile, is the rather odd route that the brand has taken to get to this point. After beginning its distilling operations in the mid-2010s the distillery garnered tons of headlines for its hiring of former Brown-Forman distiller Marianne Eaves as its Master Distiller, making her the first female Master Distiller working for a Kentucky distillery since before Prohibition. Eaves quickly became the focus of almost all of the companys PR over the next few years, but she then seemingly unexpectedly left Castle & Key in mid-2019,before any of the whiskey shed distilled for the company had ever been released. Subsequently, Eaves has referred to the experience positively as a fairy tale job, but never quite explained why she decided to transition instead into a career of industry consultingand freelance blending/distilling. Shes since given birth to her first child and launched a variety of initiatives, including a blind tasting box service called Eaves Blind. Castle & Key, meanwhile, seemed to react to Eaves departure by scrubbing whatever traces of the former Master Distiller still remained from the companys branding. You wont find any reference to her in any of the company press releases announcing this bourbon, for instance, despite the fact that she presumably oversaw its initial distillation and aging. Nor has Castle & Key ever seemingly hired or promoted another individual to the job title of Master Distiller, having seemingly done away with the job title entirely since Eaves left in 2019. Curious if the company wanted to clarify this situation, I reached out with some questions, which received no reply. It remains a confusing footnote in the Castle & Key story. Edit: After publication, I heard back from a Castle & Key representative who said the following: After joining the Castle & Key team, Marianne helped to develop Castle & Keys recipes, processes, and oversaw distillation until 2019; she departed Castle & Key before our whiskey was at a point of maturity. Castle & Keys new bourbon reflects the blending skills of Jon Brown, Castle & Keys Quality Manager, who runs the Research & Development Department, and Brett Connors, who handles blending at the distillery on a day-to-day basis. Regardless, we have a new bourbon to taste today. Castle & Keys bourbon mash bill is stated to be 73% white corn, 10% rye and an unusually high 17% malted barley, making this effectively something like a high-malt bourbon. This first release was created as two separate small batches of 80 barrels each, both of which are blends of barrels aged 4 years. Theyre bottled at almost identical strengths of 49% (98 proof) for batch #1, and 49.5% (99 proof) for batch #2. My review sample is from batch #1, and both batches carry a roughly $50 MSRP. So with all that said, lets get to tasting. On the nose, there are some classic elements here, and also some notes that would seemingly imply this is still a fairly young spirit. Im getting both brown sugar and honey, along with some more floral impressions, fresh apples, cola-like spice, dry roasted peanut shells, and oak that has more than a little sawdust impression. The latter note in particular feels like a more youthful one. On the palate, things turn sweeter, with prominent notes of vanilla cream and simultaneous impressions of both honey and toffee. Its a little bit bready/doughy, likely from that higher share of malted barley in the grist, along with impressions of cinnamon sugar and peanut brittle, and more of that apple flesh. The ethanol doesnt express itself in a particularly hot way on the palate, but there is a certain raw booziness in terms of flavor that detracts a bit from the overall profile. The finish, meanwhile, seems quite short to me, seemingly disappearing moments after the initial sip and taste has abided. All in all, the profile simply isnt quite as bold as I hoped it might be at this proof point. At the end of the day, this is a fine Kentucky straight bourbon, and Im glad that it carries a reasonable MSRP of $50 (in a beautiful bottle), which is in line at least with what consumers now expect to pay for the first release from a smaller, craft distillery. But at the same time, I feel this release may feel like something of a disappointment to some whiskey geeks who have been reading so much about Castle & Key for so long, and an indication that perhaps their spirit still needs more time to truly come into its own. Heres hoping that subsequent batches continue to mature or perhaps incorporate older spirit, and that Castle & Key continues to make strides forward in the meantime. Distillery:
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Swarm launched satellites on Astra mission by Jeff Foust March 22, 2022 The March 15 launch of Astra's Rocket 3.3 carried 16 SpaceBEE satellites for Swarm Technologies, a customer who was undisclosed at the time of the launch. Credit: Brady Kenniston/Astra WASHINGTON Swarm Technologies was the unidentified customer of an Astra Space launch this month that placed 16 of its tiny satellites into orbit. The March 15 launch of Astras Rocket 3.3 from Kodiak Island, Alaska carried the OreSat0 cubesat from the Portland State Aerospace Society as well as a payload by NearSpace Launch that remained attached to the rockets upper stage as planned. The launch also included payloads from a third, unnamed customer. Neither Astra nor Spaceflight, which arranged for the launch, disclosed the identity of that customer or how many payloads it had on board. U.S. Space Force tracking data on the online database listed 20 objects associated with the launch. The large number prompted industry speculation that Swarm was the customer, since it has built and launched dozens of its SpaceBEE satellites that are one-quarter the size of a single-unit cubesat and thus could be easily accommodated on the rocket. Space-Track did not list the names of any of the objects linked to the launch, giving them only letter designations. In a March 21 email newsletter, Swarm mentioned a recent launch. We recently launched 16 new VHF satellites into a 5:30 a.m. LTDN orbit, which splits our largest gap between orbital planes in half, the company stated. LTDN, or local time of descending node, refers to the time when the satellites cross the equator from north to south. The newsletter did not mention when the satellites were launched or by whom. Sara Spangelo, chief executive of Swarm, confirmed in an interview after a panel session at the Satellite 2022 conference March 22 that her company acquired by SpaceX in 2021 was the unidentified customer for the launch. She said she expected the formal identification of the Swarm satellites to show up in Space-Track within days. Swarm plans additional launches to fill in gaps in the constellation and provide more frequent passes. The newsletter referred to four committed upcoming launches this year. That will reduce latencies for Swarms internet-of-things tracking services to less than one hour, at the 90th percentile, by June. Those latencies will drop to less than 30 minutes for locations poleward of 30 degrees latitude by August. Were excited to keep filling out the constellation, just like we were planning prior to the merger, Spangelo said. She added that the Astra launch was a one-off event. Future launches would likely be on SpaceXs Transporter series of Falcon 9 rideshare missions. Swarm is a rare case of a company acquired by SpaceX. During a separate panel discussion at Satellite 2022 March 22, Gwynne Shotwell, president and chief operating officer of SpaceX, said the only other company SpaceX has acquired in its 20-year history was a machine shop several years earlier. It was a very interesting company, she said of Swarm, citing its ability to build out a satellite network despite limited resources. We were quite interested in how they did they do it, how did they pull it together on that kind of budget with that number of people. And the people are great, so that was really what that was about, she added. A very like-minded company, albeit much tinier.
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1637084142 Tech team breaks world record for biggest domino chain of laptops A tech team has smashed the world record for the biggest domino chain of laptops with 752 toppling one after the other. Staff at recycling company Out of Use lined up the broken second hand computers and beat the previous world record by more than 200 laptops. The huge chain of laptops snaked all the way around their factory in Beringen, Belgium, before they were toppled on November 7th. Robbe Papen, marketing manager, said: We were all very nervous leading up to it - you only get one chance at such a record attempt. Sign up to our free newsletters by
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Mersey Care has only had five Covid-19 deaths because it is a mental health and disability services trust 2 December 2020 What was claimed Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust have had five deaths related to Covid-19 and all patients that passed away had pre-existing conditions. Our verdict This is true, but Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust provides mental health, addiction, learning disability and community health services, so is not expected to treat those seriously ill with Covid-19. A poston Facebook with over 1,000 shares shows a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, which says that there were only five deaths related to Covid-19 in that trust, and that those patients all had pre-existing conditions. The post goes on to say that Mersey Care provides services across 80 sites in the North West and has over 7000 staff [serving] a population of almost 11 million people! Mersey Care told us that it was a genuine FOI response, saying: The figures in the FOI response relate to patients in Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, they do not represent figures for the whole of the Liverpool or Merseyside area. This is no secretwe can see from publicly accessible data that the trust had had five Covid-19 deathsas of 30 November. But the key issue here is that Mersey Careis a trust that offers adult specialist mental health, addiction, learning disability and community health services. It does have over 7,000 staff and serves almost 11 millionpeople, as the post claims, but offers mental health and learning disabilities care. This trust doesnt provideservices like its own Accident & Emergency units, respiratory wards, or intensive care units, or other services that we would expect to treat seriously ill Covid-19 patients. Other NHS trusts in the Merseyside area that do provide these types of service have seen many more Covid-19 deaths. For example, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (which runs hospitalsincluding Royal Liverpool, Aintree and Broadgreen) has recorded 928 deathsfrom Covid-19 as of 2 December. Weve written about similar claims like this before where people have sent Freedom of Information requests to trusts that dont provide relevant services, asking how many Covid-19 deaths they have recorded. This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. You can read more about thisand find out how to report Facebook content
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Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premiumsection, under my profile Don't show me this message again Wayne Rooney is currently in charge of Derby County (Getty Images) Wayne Rooney has revealed his main motivation behind going into management was to one day take charge of Manchester United Rooney has remained committed to Derby Countyduring their financial turmoil and Championship relegation battle, and admitted he turned down an interview at Evertonas it might impact his chances of one day returning to Old Trafford. The whole reason in me going into management is Manchester United. I got offered the job interview for the Everton job, Rooney told The Sun . I want to be Manchester United manager. I know I am not ready now but I have to plan everything I do to make sure one day it will happen. Rooney, who is Manchester Uniteds all-time leading goalscorer, also urged Marcus Rashford to remain at the club and attempt to break that record, amid reports the forward is prepared to move on this summer. Recommended Every morning hed check the grass was the right length: What its like to play for Erik ten Hag To get the record and be Uniteds highest goal scorer is f***** massive, he said. What I hope is that Marcus Rashford f****** gets his head out of his a*** and goes and breaks that record. He is a Manchester lad. Rooney also pulled no punches when referring to Cristiano Ronaldo as f***** annoying and called Rio Ferdinand arrogant. Rooney also revealed how, when he was 14, he had once told Sir Alex Ferguson to f*** off. Sir Alex Ferguson tried to sign me when I was 14. He was on the phone to my mum and dad, Rooney said. They said, Alex is on the phone, Manchester United want to sign you. I said, Tell him to f*** off. I want to play for Everton. Then as time went on, I knew I had to play for Alex Ferguson. The reason I signed for United was Alex Ferguson. Register for free to continue reading Registration is a free and easy way to support our truly independent journalism By registering, you will also enjoy limited access to Premium articles, exclusive newsletters, commenting, and virtual events with our leading journalists register Please enter a valid email Please enter a valid email Password Must be at least 6 characters, include an upper and lower case character and a number Must be at least 6 characters, include an upper and lower case character and a number Must be at least 6 characters, include an upper and lower case character and a number First name Please enter your first name Special characters arent allowed Please enter a name between 1 and 40 characters Last name Please enter your last name Special characters arent allowed Please enter a name between 1 and 40 characters You must be over 18 years old to register You must be over 18 years old to register Year of birth I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our Privacy notice Opt-out-policy You can opt-out at any time by signing in to your account to manage your preferences. Each email has a link to unsubscribe. {{#verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} {{^verifyErrors}} {{message}} {{/verifyErrors}} Create my account By clicking Create my account you confirm that your data has been entered correctly and you have read and agree to our
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Save You and I have been around for a lot of Christmases. We have given, and received, many gifts. Most of those, of course, have been forgotten over time. Most of us cant even remember what we got for our birthday this year, much less Christmas 2010. Yet of all the Christmases, and all the gifts, one still stands out most in my mind: The 12 envelopes gift from my wife. Granted, some of you might already know of this gift, as Ive written about it before, yet good things bear repeating. In 2012, my wife presented me with 12 sealed envelopes. Each one, marked with a different month, contained a pre-planned date fitting for that time of year: winter included a date at the YMCA, summer had a date to the lake. Perhaps one of the most memorable dates took place in July when we pitched a tent in the backyard, where we watched a movie and spent the night. While we certainly could have watched a movie inside and slept in our bed, the change of scenery and a bit of variety helped keep love alive. And were not even campers! As a therapist I could certainly explain, in very technical terms, why these date certificates are such a powerful way to keep love alive. But just like most people dont care how the mechanic fixes their car or why the aspirin takes the pain away, I wont bore you with the details. Personally, I liked knowing that no matter how busy the month got, a date was already planned. It became a beacon to look forward to during choppy times; like watching the clock slowly tick down until halftime when you can get a little rest and recoup. And we never had the Well, what should we do? question that so often puts a damper on date night. Plus, since each month had a different activity, we never got bored with repetition (which really can become a problem). I also felt like she really knew me. She was clever enough to pick activities that I would have planned for myself, but likely not taken the time or effort to do so. Finally, Im a big fan of things that dont cost a lot of money. Not that I mind spending money, but Im surprised how often the extra financial investment doesnt pay back with a huge increase in enjoyment compared to the more basic and less costly option. So rather than handing over a bunch of cash, a simple date of stargazing in the park was all that was necessary to keep love alive. This Christmas a lot of jewelry will be sold, a lot of chocolates will be purchased and a lot of gym memberships renewed. While each of these can be excellent in helping keep a relationship strong, most of them will be forgotten over time. Perhaps, instead, the greatest gift would be 12 small dates, personally crafted, simply wrapped in plain white envelopes. As has been said, there is beauty in simplicity. Wishing you, and yours, a beautiful, and simple, Christmas season full of lifes richest blessings.. For more tips on keeping your love alive, visit Remember, couple relationships are easier than you think, but harder than you act. Mark Anderson is a mental health therapist specializing in couples therapy. He is in private practice in Scottsbluff at Oregon Trail Mental Health. He can be reached at 635-2800 or online at Mark Anderson is a mental health therapist specializing in couples therapy at Oregon Trail Mental Health in Scottsbluff. To contact him call 308-635-2800 or visit online at
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Register Now Event Description: Join us Friday, March 23, 2018 to celebrate the grand opening of The Beaufort Sound: Hearing and Balance Center, an independently owned and operated audiology clinic located in Beaufort, SC. Catered by Moe's of Beaufort.
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Mar 28, 2022 6:48AM New processes and systems likely to be required. The launch of a five-year virtual care strategy by NSW Health is likely to lead to wide-ranging changes to the organisations IT, iTnews has learned. A NSW Health spokesperson said the strategy is likely to need new processes and technology to underpin an expanded suite of virtual care offerings. Health authorities around the country have been paying more attention to virtual care needs since the emergence of Covid-19. NSW Health said the pandemic has led to a significant increase in technologies such as remote monitoring and virtual clinical consultations, and that it now "wants to build on this strong momentum. As well as remote monitoring and virtual consultations, NSW Health wants the virtual care strategy to cover care planning and coordination across different providers; clinical collaboration, innovation and research; patient self-management; and a digitally-capable workforce. While it hasnt yet determined the likely impacts on its existing IT systems, NSW Health is aware that expanding virtual care will have knock-on impacts. To manage those impacts, a virtual care taskforce has been established. The taskforce will coordinate the delivery of the activities required to implement this strategy, including investing in people, designing new processes, and building technology that will underpin virtual care. Existing IT systems, software and processes will be evaluated, NSW Health said, and new technologies will be introduced through joined-up procurement and implementation approaches. The virtual care strategy would build on other local innovations, including geriatric outreach, telestroke, and eICU, a program first funded in 2021 to provide enhanced support for regional ICU beds). The strategy was first announced by NSW Health at the beginning of February. Got a news tip for our journalists? Share it with us anonymously here Copyright All rights reserved. Tags:
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Mag Holdings Bhd , according to JF Apex Research. Serba Dinamik has formally appointed Ernst & Young Consulting Sdn Bhd as the special independent reviewer to assist the board in undertaking the special independent review on the issues raised by its former external auditor KPMG PLT. Media Prima is paying RM156.4mil to buy back Balai Berita Bangsar, one of two properties it sold to Permodalan Nasional Bhd (PNB) for RM280mil in 2018. UEM Sunrise has sold three parcels of freehold agriculture land in Mersing, Johor to Lagenda Properties for RM45.1mil, translating to RM2.40 per sq ft for the plots measuring 431.1 acres. GUH Holdings and fellow shareholders of Straits International Education Group Sdn Bhd are disposing of their stakes in the education group to Tenby Educare Sdn Bhd for RM52.5mil. Shareholders of MAG Holdings have approved the acquisition of a 100% equity interest in North Cube Sdn Bhd for RM200mil at the extraordinary general meeting. China Automobile Parts is making another attempt at regularising its Practice Note 17 condition by inking a Memorandum of Understanding with several vendors for the acquisition of Singapore-based Tenda Construction Equipment Pte Ltd and Tenda Equipment & Services Pte Ltd. Following the recent lacklustre performance, JF Apex said the FBM KLCI is expected to remain sluggish with support at 1,530 points. After the selldown in March 2020, the FBM KLCI hit the lowest since May 2010 but staged a sharp rebound to almost 1,700 points in December. Since January, the index has been trending sideways but last months decline broke the support of 1,550 points, it said. Article type: metered KPMG to pay RM333mil to Msian govt as 1MDB settlement, says Finance Ministry China stocks down over 1% on Evergrande fallout fears Tobacco firm Philip Morris seals deal for UK's Vectura with 75% support Asian shares fall on Chinese developers' woes Japan cuts economic view on weaker production, spending due to Covid revival HK stocks drop 2% to 2021 low on Evergrande contagion fears Indonesia's Telkom to pursue IPO of unit in Q4, plans spinoffs Malaysia's Kimanis oil exports to fall on issue at Shell field Oil prices extend gains after draw in U.S. stocks Asian shares fall again, dollar drifts Trending in Business
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PGPM ) Class of 2021. This year, the average CTC of the top 25% and top 50% of the batch are Rs 31 lakh and Rs 28.7 lakh respectively. PGPM is a one-year full-time AICTE-approved executive programme (preceded by three months of online learning) for professionals with five years of work experience and strong domain expertise who wish to accelerate their careers into leadership roles in general management. The placement process involved 75 companies and 130 participants. This season saw active participation across diverse companies, with consulting accounting for 51% of the hiring, and technology for 39%. Several new companies joined the process this year. Recruiters included Accenture, Bain, Bristlecone, Cognizant, Flipkart, IBM, Indegene, Infosys Consulting, KPMG, LTI, O9Solutions, Redington, Robosoft Technologies, Sapient, Stovecraft, Thoucentric, Tiger Analytics and Xpressbees amongst others. SPJIMR's Dean, Dr Varun Nagaraj said, "It is heartening to see these results in a difficult Covid-hit year. We are confident that India Inc. will benefit from the drive and innovation that our participants will bring to their organisations. Read More News on
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Experienced medical writer (Oxford) Job description Seques ( is the first global healthcare communications agency to specialize in the field of genomics. It combines expertise in genetics and healthcare communications to create scientifically accurate and impactful programmes in partnership with pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic clients. Seques is the newest AMICULUM ( agency. AMICULUM is a leading independent global healthcare communications and consulting business, with teams based in New Zealand, China, Singapore, UAE, Switzerland, UK and USA. It comprises an integrated cluster of branded agencies and specialisms, encompassing medical communications, healthcare learning, clinical and commercial consultancy, market access, rare diseases, genomic medicine, digital engagement and advocacy. As a result of exciting business growth, we have a new vacancy for an experienced medical writer to join our UK-based team. The role can be based from any of our six UK office locations (Dundee, Manchester, Bollington, Oxford, Richmond or Brighton). Responsibilities will include: Generating captivating content that is scientifically accurate and aligned with client objectives Building positive relationships with leading clinicians from around the world Providing scientific input and insight to clients and internal account teams Ensuring consistency and quality of output through effective briefing and reviewing Working effectively with colleagues to ensure projects are delivered to the highest standards, within agreed timelines and budgets Mentoring trainee writers and supporting editorial coordination Sharing knowledge, ideas and best practice with colleagues Requirements Candidates for this role should have: Significant experience in a similar role at a medical communications agency An academic background in biomedical science (PhD desirable) A passion for all healthcare-related topics; experience in genomic medicine and/or oncology is preferable Excellent written and verbal communica
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Download 1.40 MB Diabetes health care has become a "postcode lottery", with data revealing access to new medications can depend on where you live and how much you earn. People who live in remote and lower socioeconomic areas were far more likely to be using older and less effective medications than those in wealthier cities, according to the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute data, released today. Duration:
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View Comments I want all children to be successful in life. Thats a belief I shared with my late husband Tom. Both of us had backgrounds in physical education. Like me, Tom was an advocate for living an active lifestyle and promoting fitness, particularly in children. Being active is crucial for children as they grow into healthy adults. Quality physical education can help them get there. And thats more important than ever at a time when our country faces a startling obesity epidemic. How bad is this problem? In less than two generations, physical activity has dropped by 40 percent among adults. Even more alarming is the fact that nearly three-quarters of youth in the United States dont get the 60 minutes of physical activity per day recommended by health experts. This inactivity epidemic is extremely serious. And the consequences are deadly. Research shows that one in 10 premature deaths in the U.S. are already the result of inactivity. Inactivity increases the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. Theres a major financial impact as well: Inactivity costs the American economy about $117 billion each year. Inactivity also contributes to obesity, one of the big reasons why over 70 percent of young adults nationwide cant qualify for military service. That figure is 74 percent here in Tennessee. Despite these negative impacts, roughly half of American high-school students dont currently have any physical education in an average week. And 96 percent of elementary schools offer less than 2.5 hours of PE per week. Here in Tennessee, 59 percent of high-school students dont get any PE during the school week. Tennessee does not require a minimum number of minutes per week that schools have to provide PE to students. The Tom Cronan Physical Education Act would change that. I want us to do whatever we can to help all children have the best shot at success in their lives. The Tom Cronan Physical Education Act, named for my late husband, will help achieve that goal by placing a greater emphasis on physical education in schools, helping our kids to be more active. The bill makes sure that every Tennessee student in elementary school will have at least two PE classes per week. The total physical education class time each full calendar week shall be no less than sixty (60) minutes; just as important, a licensed teacher with specific PE credentials must teach the class. Moreover, the Act requires LEAs to assess and report annually that their PE programs have met these criteria. Helping children reach their full potential was a dream I shared with my late husband. If we want to fight inactivity and obesity head-on, we need to emphasize quality physical education in our schools. Passing the Tom Cronan Physical Education Act would be an important step in that direction. The stakes are nothing short of the future well-being of our state. Joan Cronan is womens athletic director emeritus at the University of Tennessee.
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Deep Down , the PlayStation 4 exclusive action game showcased by CAPCOM at the very beginning of this console generation? It stunned everyone with the amazing graphics powered by the so-called Panta Rhei game engine. The game itself was meant to be a single player and cooperative dungeon crawler where the player character, a member of an organization called 'Ravens', would be able to time travel from the present day (2094, in-game) to the past, where they'd fight foes (including the fire breathing dragon showcased in the featured image above) in procedurally generated dungeons. Monster Hunter World Iceborne Update 11.50 Now Live; New Special Events Dated Sadly, neither Deep Down nor the Panta Rhei engine really went anywhere and CAPCOM moved to other game projects and other engines as well (the latest titles use the MT Framework or the RE Engine). However, that does not mean there is no hope left for Deep Down. In an interview published today on Eurogamer , CAPCOM's Yoshinori Ono (who was going to produce the title alongside Kazunori Sugiura) said: I haven't been called Mr. Deep Down quite yet. The original team is clearly no longer together at this point, but people might have noticed that we've kept the trademark registered, and it's not been completely given up on. Every year we examine titles we're doing in the future, and we bring up projects to approve and move forward. There's not much I can say about it, but if you've noticed we've kept the trademark it means we haven't given up on the title completely. We did have the concept developed a bit further than that [the TGS demo], but yeah... It's not happening any time soon, then, but it is also not out of the question. Perhaps its concept was simply too ambitious for the current generation of hardware and could be revisited when the PlayStation 5 and the next Xbox come out. On the other hand, the game appeared to be fairly similar to Dragon's Dogma and creator Hideaki Itsuno . Would you like to see Deep Down release at some point? Let us know in the comments
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the very worst place in the Great Lakes for an oil spill to happen. The pipeline should not be there at all, but now Enbridge wants to go even further, blasting a new underground tunnel beneath the straits to replace the existing underwater pipeline. A broad coalition of Michiganders have come together to oppose Line 5, including Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel. The MSCA was created by the states former Republican Governor Rick Snyder during his last days in office as a rubber-stamp organization to legitimize Enbridges interests. So we were not surprised when the authority granted Enbridge permission to move forward on the project. But a storm is coming. An elder woman from my tribe once recounted an Anishinaabek prophecy to me: A black snake would come to our land and try to poison our watersbut would end up uniting our people as never before. This has come to pass. In an unprecedented action, all 12 federally recognized tribes in Michigan came together to write a joint letter to President Joe Biden, arguing that Enbridges black snake under the straits violates treaties that the United States made with us, as sovereign nations, when it forced us to cede our land. Thinking about this on the drive back to Detroit, along I-96, through Potawatomi land, the words of the Native poet, musician, and activist John Trudell came to me: Every human being is a raindrop. And when enough of the raindrops become clear and coherent they then become the power of the storm. Related Articles Wen Stephenson Waking Up My own path to this clarity and coherence came into focus for me with a dream I had when I was 14. At the time, I was being raised by my parents in the Detroit area, but I would go back every summer to my ancestral homelands, just below the Mackinac Straits. My family told me my dream was a healing-dream, and they helped me through the year-long process of making a jingle dress and preparing to become a jingle dress dancer. I have been dancing since that dream, but in recent years, as I have come to understand my heritage and witnessed the struggles in this country over land and water, my own responsibility has come into sharper focus. In 2016, I was a student at The New School in New York, studying jazz, when the battle erupted over the Dakota Access Pipeline, which was planned to run through sacred Lakota land, threatening the tribes water supply. Watching the protests at Standing Rock, I realized how skewed the US legal system was against Native people and against any efforts to protect the water. Current Issue View our current issue The Standing Rock movement woke me upas it did so many Native people of my generation. The following year, I returned to Michigan, and worked as a visual artist and musician in Detroit. I soon became increasingly interested in the water that surrounds us in the Great Lakes region. After all, the Anishinaabek first migrated here from the east hundreds of years ago because of a prophecy that requires us to protect the water. As I began to research the water beneath Detroit, I learned how dozens of rivers and streams were turned into drains and covered with concreteand then saw how inadequate this arrangement was during the terrible flooding last summer after monsoon-strength rains hit Detroit. This led me to a conclusion: Every catastrophe that has befallen my state in recent memory has been a direct outcome of humans lack of respect for the water, from the tragedy in Flint to the 2010 Kalamazoo River oil spill (caused by another of Enbridges pipelines), to the flooding in Detroit. A Disaster Waiting to Happen All of this led me to the disaster waiting to happen: Line 5s potential to defile the Mackinac Straits. I am registered to the Little Traverse Bay Band Odawa, and it is our specific duty to protect the straits. Mackinac means Place of the Turtle, and I am Mud Turtle clan. I didnt set out to be an activist or to be involved in politics, but when I heard that people were gathering last May to protest the pipeline, I put on my jingle dress and showed up. In November of 2020, Governor Whitmer revoked Enbridges easement for the pipeline, citing the unreasonable risk that continued operation posed to the surrounding waters, and gave the company six months to shut down the line. In May, when that deadline expired, the states lawsuits continued to progress but the oil continued to flow through Line 5. Currently, Line 5 carries light crude and natural gas liquids through Michigan to Ontario, providing little or no benefit to Michiganders. Enbridge argued that it was protected against Michigan States actions by an overly broad reading of a 1977 treaty between the United States and Canada guaranteeing the free flow of energy products between the two nations. The Canadian government invoked the Transit Pipeline Treaty of 1977 in a bid to make this a federal issue. Those of us fighting the pipeline in Michigan disagreeafter all, it was the state that issued Enbridges land use easement, and the state is responsible for ensuring protection of the publicly owned waters of the Great Lakes. But to the extent that Line 5 is a federal matter, we, as Native people, hold a trump card: We are a federal matter too! The federal government has treaties with us guaranteeing our sovereignty, and our rights to the land and the water. These long predate whatever deal the United States made with Canada in 1977, and certainly supersede it. There is a precedent for this, from within Michigan itself. When the five tribes, including my own, signed the 1836 Treaty of Washington that ceded the land that became Michigan state, we exchanged our land for perpetual fishing and gathering rights. The apex of tribal fishing happens to be in the Mackinac Straits, the breeding grounds for Whitefish. When the state told Anishinaabek in the 1970s they could no longer use traditional gill nets and had to adhere to sports-fishing rules, the Bay Mills Tribe took the matter all the way to the Michigan Supreme Courtand won. The tribes sovereign status was upheld. According to the law, we are no different than any other sovereign nation, and only Congress can change this. We have rights to land and water that are guaranteed through a sovereign treaty. Enbridges failure to consult us, let alone negotiate with us, is a violation of this sovereignty. Ignoring the councils, Enbridge has made a mockery of our sovereignty by finding individual Native supporters of the pipeline and using their views to cast doubt upon our unanimous and consistent opposition. And so what Enbridge imagines to be a winthat it can proceed with the tunnel because the Canadian government is seeking to make this a federal issueactually shifts the struggle onto terrain where we have even more power to push back, thanks to our federal recognition. And all of this is happening at a pivotal moment for Native peoplea time when others are truly listening to our voices. In the movement for environmental ju
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Published 6 January 2022 The National Association of Nigerian Students has threatened to mobilise its members to the streets of Lagos to demand justice for late Dowen College student, Sylvester Oromoni. The Association alleged foul play in the report of the Lagos State government exonerating five students and five employees of the college linked to the death of Sylvester. The NANS stated this in a statement issued in Abeokuta, Ogun State, signed by the Chairman of NANS, Southwest Zone D, Oladimeji Uthman. Uthman alleged that some powers that be have been frantically making moves to open the school at all cost, damning the magnitude of the horrible incident. Uthman challenged the school management to publish the medical records of Oromoni before his untimely death. He insisted that the results of the autopsy conducted on Oromonis corpse contradicted allegations that he took a harmful substance and was equally battered before his death. Uthman urged the Lagos State government to ensure that Dowen College remains closed as we might not only tag the Lagos State Governor an enemy of humanity, but we shall mobilise all our armless battalion to the streets of Lagos and march in our thousands to seek for adequate justice for slain Sylvester if the school is re-opened anytime soon. He said, The autopsy and toxicology report conducted by the Nigeria Police Force disclosed the cause of his death to be Septicaemia, Lobar Pneumonia with Acute Pyelonephritis, Pyomyositis of the right ankle and Acute Bacterial Pneumonia due to severe Sepsis. We, as a committee, following up developments surrounding this case and equally making findings also contacted a medical expert to make clarifications on how possible knee injury (as claimed by the Dowen College management initially) could develop to those infections mentioned by the police to be the cause of Late Sylvester Oromoni Jnr death. We are equally perplexed as to why the Nigeria Police Force is not making mention of bullying in their reports. We know that Sylvester was bullied but why are state actors trying not to comment on it? We are dumbfounded hearing that Sylvester Oromoni Jr. died of those infections. This is the reason we are requesting the management of Dowen College and Sylvesters family to release and make public his medical records/history in order to shed more light on this case and also to know if there are any ailments he was treating before his death. The NANS Investigative Committee is paying attention to developments and want to reiterate that we will not condone any form of injustice promoted by any institution or personality. Nigerian students are seeking answers and we will not allow injustice to thrive as Sylvester Oromoni Jr was a student before his demise and as such an automatic member of NANS. We have had privileged information on how powers that be have been frantically making moves to open the school at all cost damming the magnitude of the horrible incident. On our part, we will continue to interface with the family, submit the autopsy report for scrutiny (to our medical experts) and make our position known.
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STACEY Solomon has given fans an update on her kitchen at Pickle Cottage. The who has lived at the home for a year now, has finally got herself a brand new Aga oven, costing around 15,000. 5 Stacey Solomon has revealed her 15k oven for the first time 5 Stacey has finally had the floor fitted Sharing a glimpse of the impressive feature, Stacey told her followers she had named it Audrey. The Loose Women presenter wrote: I love her so much. We fell in love with the AGA that was here when we moved in but was gas and used a huge amount from a tank in the garden so we sent her back to AGA for them to repurpose and switched it for an electric one to save energy. I called her Audrey and Im going to jazz the wall up behind her with something special so she stands out even more. Stacey also revealed her new tiles telling her fans: Im so happy with them. I wanted a tile with texture and grooves but I also wanted to be realistic with four kids and two dogs. Read More on Stacey Solomon
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Russia-Ukraine crisis may impact the real estate sector The bench was also informed that Bank of Baroda would be the consortium's lead bank. The court had directed the consortium to release the funds within a week after final approval. Seven banks, which include Bank of Baroda, Punjab National Bank, UCO Bank, Bank of India, State Bank of India, Indian Bank and Punjab and Sindh Bank, have formed a consortium to fund the stalled projects of Amrapali Group. Amrapali Group's ex-directors Anil Kumar Sharma, Shiv Priya, and Ajay Kumar are behind bars on the top court's order since 2019, and multiple cases have been lodged against them for allegedly diverting homebuyers money. The court had in 2019 asked the governments construction arm to finish and deliver 38,159 flats by the erstwhile Amrapali Group by 2023 after several homebuyers sought its intervention, complaining about years of delay in handing over their homes. The apex court on October 13, 2020, had permitted the court receiver to incorporate a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to enable flow of funds from SBICap for the completion of unfinished projects. SBICap has agreed to fund Rs 650 crore for around 7,000 stuck units. For this, the company Amrapali Stalled Projects Investments Reconstruction Establishment (ASPIRE) has been floated. It consists of a court receiver, a forensic auditor and a chartered accountant. It is a not-for-profit company under Section 8 of Companies Act, 2013. ASPIRE announced the sale of the units through an open draw in March 2021. As many as 20 of the 49 residential units spread across Amrapali projects in Noida and Greater Noida worth Rs 20 crore have been sold so far. In November 2021, state-run NBCC had appointed Anarock Property Consultants as the channel partner to sell embattled real estate developer Amrapalis Groups 5,000 housing units in Noida and Greater Noida. Sources also told Moneycontrol that 80 units worth around Rs 40 crore have so far been sold. Almost 10 percent of the amount has been received. The units were put up for sale on February 7, they said. On July 23, 2019, the top court cancelled the registration of the Amrapali Group under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, and ousted it from its prime properties in NCR by nixing land leases for breaching buyers trust. Vandana Ramnani #Amrapali case #funding #projects #Real Estate first published: Feb 28, 2022 05:44 pm MORE FROM LIC Cabinet approves up to 20% FDI in LIC under automatic route Russia-Ukraine crisis has no impact on LIC IPO plans: Govt sources Proceeds from LIC IPO can come in handy for government to rein in inflation LIC IPO | PM life cover policyholders not eligible for shares at discounted prices Buzz in market for LIC IPO, going ahead with it, says FM Nirmala Sitharaman
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Sorry, there seem to be some issues. Please try again later. Submitting... This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policyand Terms of Serviceapply. Danny after his amazing nine stone weight loss. At my first meeting I felt really nervous as my weight had been a issue I didnt feel comfortable in dealing with it, so I avoided it. But after being made extremely welcome and then completely changing my diet, in the first week I lost a stone. This just made me more focused and determined to push myself. Just before the first lockdown in March 2020, Danny had already lost four stone and continued to lose weight during the pandemic with the help of his group online. Im now nine stone lighter and at my target weight, he said. This has made a massive difference to my life. I have more energy to play with my two children and I have also started to play football again before I struggled to run for any longer than five minutes. My sleeping is a hundred times better, Im not waking up five times a night. I also enjoy going out more, as before I felt uncomfortable about the way I looked. Jeanette Chawner, who runs Nuthall Slimming World group, said she has been inspired by Dannys determination. She added: Such an awesome, inspiring young man. Im so proud to play a part in his journey. Go to find your nearest group.
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Image used for representational purpose only By Express News Service BENGALURU: A 22-year-old student drowned in Chunchi Falls in Kanakapura of Ramanagara district on Sunday morning. The deceased Ambar Gangola was a BA student in a private university near Sarjapur. He was a resident of Dommasandra and his father worked in the same university. The family hails from Uttarkhand. Police said Gangola had gone to Chunchi Falls along with four of his friends early on Sunday morning. Around 7 am, the friends jumped into the water and were swimming. After 2-3 rounds of swimming, Gangola was exhausted and started drowning. His friends made a futile attempt to rescue him but he disappeared. The friends rushed and informed the villagers who immediately went near the falls to save Gangola but it was late. The matter was reported to the police immediately. We rushed with the rescue team to the spot. With the local divers, the body was fished out within a few hours, jurisdictional Sathanur police said.A probe revealed that the friends had gone to Nandi Hills on Saturday night, where they had consumed alcohol. Now we are on Telegram too. Follow us for updates TAGS
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EVERETT Rose Travis works seven days a week at two jobs. She doesnt spend her hard-earned money on lottery tickets. Work was her ticket to winning a $50,000 jackpot. Travis, 46, a med tech at Aegis Living Lynnwood, won the companys Dream Big $50,000 prize in a random drawing for employees. Every year, an Aegis worker gets 50 grand in cash, no strings attached. The company pays the taxes. This is the first time someone at the Lynnwood center struck it big. Im just happy, thats all, Travis said. The Everett mom plans to pay off her car, take a family vacation and bank the rest. Thats her big dream realized. In case of emergency, we have extra money. Paycheck to paycheck, its hard, she said. The Dream Big lottery was created by the founder of Bellevue-based Aegis, who would often see employees use their paychecks to buy a lottery ticket and wanted to give them a much better chance to win life-changing money. To be eligible for the $50K grand prize, workers have to be with company at least three years. Lesser prizes of $1,000 and $1,500 are awarded at each of the 32 Aegis Living centers in Washington, California and Nevada. Having $50,000 suddenly drop into their bank account might make some people go wild. Travis jumped up and down and screamed when she found out she won, but shes been punching a time clock since. Im too busy working, she said. She works day and night. And she doesnt plan to slow down. She is also a production worker five days a week for a Woodinville aerospace manufacturer. She starts at 5 a.m. and often does overtime. At Aegis, she pulls the overnight shift on weekends. She started as a full-time caregiver in 2012, and went to weekends after taking the Woodinville job a year ago. Her husband, Jeff, has worked at the Lynnwood Costco Business Center for 17 years as a forklift driver. Last year they bought a home near Challenger Elementary so their son, Luke, 11, can walk to school. We are very lucky to win, Luke said. Its a once-in-a-lifetime chance. His wish list for presents might be a bit longer this year. A few Pokmon cards in his pocket is enough to keep him happy for now. Travis is saving a chunk of the money for his education. A vacation to Disneyland is in the planning stage, also thanks to the windfall. Its hard to get the same time off, her husband said. Over the summer, she took Luke to the Philippines to visit family members. She hadnt been back in 13 years, since moving to the United States. They asked when am I going to come back again, she said. She figured it would be years before she could save up enough money to return, but with the winnings she can make a trip sooner, when time allows. Life in America is not so easy. You have to work hard, she said Friday during a break between her two jobs. It was a typical Friday. She worked all day at the Woodinville plant then that evening would do the overnight shift in Lynnwood. Then its back to work Saturday night to Sunday morning. Rose is always willing to do whatever it takes to make sure residents are taken care of, said Maria Domann, general manager for Aegis Living Lynnwood. She is very deserving. Andrea Brown:
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By allowing ads to appear on this site, you support the local businesses who, in turn, support great journalism. COVID-19 testing site at Effingham Hospital opens The Effingham Hospital site will be open for specimen collection every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. - photo by File photo SPRINGFIELD The lingering concern about COVID-19 was evident in the Effingham Hospital parking lot Thursday morning. The flow of vehicles at a drive-through testing site at 459 Ga. Hwy 119 South was steady. The effort is a joint venture involving the Georgia Coastal Health District and Effingham Health System was steady. I got here just before 8 oclock and there were already cars in line, said Todd Wyckoff, the Coastal Health Districts emergency preparedness director. The site will be open for specimen collection every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. Health insurance will be billed for those with insurance, but insurance is not required and no one will be charged a fee. The whole process should take no more than 10 minutes assuming there is no line, Wyckoff said. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests conducted at the site are sent to a lab to be analyzed. It takes about 48 hours to get results. It is confirmatory, Wyckoff said. If you did a rapid test, you would still have to confirm that with this test. Wyckoff is hopeful that the testing site will help curb the spread of COVID-19 and aid hospitals in the health district. This is a fantastic partnership, he said. What we are seeing is that all the health systems (in the Coastal Health District) are being inundated. Whether it is their emergency rooms or (urgent care facilities), people are flooding them because they want a test. We talked with our partners and they agreed to provide this facility and some of the resources. (Effingham Health System) provided the tent and we provided the testing team in order to facilitate lessening the burden on the health system. Weve seen that be a huge help in the other sites Savannah and Brunswick where people can come get tested pretty much everyday to keep them out of that ER. Wyckoff is slightly encouraged by COVID-19 statistics from the last few days. Its a battle of patience, he said. I think we are doing better that we were doing yesterday and better than we were doing the day before but not necessarily better than we were three months ago. We are seeing some trends that are starting to look better. We are seeing some lowers trends in the hospitalizations some lower trends in the testing numbers and some lower trends in other areas. Unfortunately, that can be a false facade because it is right before a holiday. The testing will continue Monday despite it being Labor Day. Always right before a holiday, we see (case) numbers fall off. Then afterward, it picks right back up two-fold, Wyckoff said. Within 10 days of every holiday since (the COVID-19 pandemic) started, weve seen an uptick in everything but, unfortunately, vaccinations. Wyckoff said the testing sites in Savannah and Brunswick showed lower case numbers in the last week. But, like I said, a lot of people start to take their holiday early, he said. Wyckoff expects that the start of college football season to adversely impact COVID-19 statistics. It is a recipe for problems, he said. The one saving grace is that it is outdoors and, hopefully, people will continue to practice the masking. Some of these schools are already taking the steps to limit the crowd size to 25 or 50 percent of capacity or whatever they choose to do to help with the social distancing so that people wont be packed shoulder to shoulder and that sort of thing. Its about the protocols. If people follow the protocols and get vaccinated, thats really he only way we are going to beat this thing completely. Otherwise, we are going to just see this up and down motion every so often because people get a little lackadaisical and we end up with the same old same old and we end up with a new variant that is easier to get, and we end up right back where we are now. Wyckoff said the vaccination rate has risen recently throughout the Coastal Health District and Georgia. In addition to Effingham, the health district includes Bryan, Camden, Chatham, Glynn, Liberty, Long and McIntosh counties. Its a slight uptick, he said. Its not what we want to see but its better than nothing. According to DPH statistics, 44 percent of Georgians are fully vaccinated. The rate is 33 percent in Effingham County. In some of our counties, weve seen a 30 to 40 percent uptick in vaccinations but we need more than that, Wyckoff said. Pre-registration for the Effingham Hospital testing site is strongly recommended and will help the line move more quickly. You can begin the online pre-registration process at For scheduling assistance, call the COVID-19 Testing Call Center at 1-912-230-9744 Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m-2 p.m. For information about other COVID-19 testing opportunities in Georgia, visit the Georgia Department of Public Health website at Latest 10 county wrestlers to compete in Macon COVID-19 still vexing to world's health officials Governor addresses Effingham County contingent Troop earns Equestrian Badge
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Senior Reporter, South Florida Business Journal Mar 28, 2022 Boca Raton Regional Hospital broke ground on a seven-story patient building on its main campus. The Gloria DrummondPatient Tower, named after the late founder of the hospital, will total 437,000 square feet. It will include surgical suites and private patient rooms. The project was named by Elaine J. Woldand the Bay Branch Foundation after they made a $25 million gift to the hospitals capital campaign, which aims to raise $250 million. I believe we all have a responsibility to improve the level of health care in our area, to forge new directions, and bring new medicine to our families here, Wold said. It is also important to remember and honor our origins, which is really the foundation of everything this hospital has become. Gloria Drummond s name is synonymous with Boca Raton Regional Hospital. The patient building is expected to be completed in 2025. It will increase the total beds in the hospital to 417 from 402. Dallas-based HKS Architecture designed the project. There has been more demand for hospital services in Boca Raton as more people move to the area and the population of seniors grows. Upon completion of these renovations, we will be able to better meet the needs of the community and continue our mission of delivering the highest quality of patient care, all while keeping pace with the rapid evolution of the industry, said Lincoln Mendez CEO of Boca Raton Regional Hospital, which is part of Miami-based Baptist Health South Florida.
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Immunotherapy combo achieves reservoir shrinkage in HIV model Stimulating immune cells with two cancer immunotherapies together can shrink the size of the viral reservoir in SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus)-infected nonhuman primates treated with antiviral drugs, Emory researchers and their colleagues have concluded. The reservoir includes immune cells that harbor virus despite potent antiviral drug treatment. The findings, reported in Nature Medicine have important implications for the quest to cure HIV because reservoir shrinkage has not been achieved consistently before. However, the combination treatment does not prevent or delay viral rebound once antiviral drugs are stopped. Finding an HIV cure is important because, although antiretroviral therapy can reduce the amount of circulating virus to undetectable levels, problematic issues remain such as social stigma in addition to the long-term toxicity and cost of antiretroviral drugs. Its a glass-half-full situation, says senior author Mirko Paiardini, PhD. We concluded immune checkpoint blockade, even a very effective combination, is unlikely to achieve viral remission as a standalone treatment during antiretroviral therapy. He adds the approach may have greater potential if combined with other immune-stimulating agents. Or it could be deployed at a different point when the immune system is engaged in fighting the virus, creating a target-rich environment. Other HIV/AIDS researchers have started to test those tactics, he says. Paiardini is an associate professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at Emory University School of Medicine and a researcher at Yerkes National Primate Research Center. The study performed in nonhuman primates, considered the best animal model for HIV studies, was carried out in collaboration with co-authors Shari Gordon and David Favre at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and GlaxoSmithKline; Katharine Bar at the University of Pennsylvania; and Jake Estes at Oregon Health & Science University.
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Dominion to replace 6,000 feet of gas lines in Highland Square starting next week Akron Beacon Journal View Comments View Comments Dominion Energy Ohio will replace roughly 6,000 feet of underground gas lines in Akron's Highland Square neighborhood beginning next week. The project is expected to be completed by June. The affected areas will be: Twin Oaks Road between West Market Street and Mayfield Avenue. Maplewood Avenue between West Market and Mayfield. Mayfield Avenue between West Market and Twin Oaks. North Rose Boulevard, between West Market and North Portage Path. Bailey Avenue between North Rose and North Portage Path. The company will replace the lines from the curb to the meter for approximately 100 customers. They will notify residents 24 to 48 hours before the replacement work is scheduled to arrange access. The project is part of a $4 billion program that began in 2008 to replace 5,500 miles of Dominion Energy Ohio's 22,000-mile pipeline system to modernize and reduce methane emissions. By the end of 2021, the company had replaced 2,200 miles.
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Sanders 2020 News Podcasts & Media Vermont officials said Monday they were hopeful that the two sides were close to an agreement. Im very optimistic that this is going to be settled within 48 hours, Kevin Mullin, chair of the regulatory Green Mountain Care Board, told VTDigger. Mullin said he wrote to both sides earlier this month urging them to reach an agreement. The Green Mountain Care Board has jurisdiction over the health care plans offered on the state exchange, Vermont Health Connect, and has oversight of hospital budgets and the fees they charge, but it does not have any jurisdiction over UnitedHealthcare employer-provided plans, which are federally regulated. Pieciak said Monday he was optimistic that this will get resolved. UnitedHealthcare wrote to at least some patientslast month that it would stop considering UVM Health Network as an in-network provider as of April 1 because the two organizations could not agree on the fees the insurer would reimburse the health network. Leah Lotto, a Burlington resident, said she did not get that letter before finding out about the changes when a representative of UVM Health Network told her on the phone recently that her care would no longer be covered after Thursday. Lotto had just finished a session of radiation treatment for cancer when she spoke to VTDigger on Monday. The treatments were supposed to last four more weeks. I have a whole bunch of other cancer-related treatments scheduled and planned, Lotto said. And I dont know if those are going to be covered. Lottos 5-year-old child is also covered under her insurance plan. My understanding is we cant even try to get continuing care for him, Lotto said. So we need to figure out something else for him. Under the federal No Surprises Act, health insurers must provide certain types of coverage that a patient has already started receiving known as continuing care for 90 days after a contract with a health care provider ends. Pieciak said he has been in touch with UnitedHealthcare to find out what the insurer would be willing to do for patients beyond its 90-day obligation. He said the company is open to making coverage plans with patients who reach out to it. Pieciak said his office has heard from patients who are afraid of losing doctors and other providers theyve seen for years and sometimes decades. Hes also heard from employers who say it is hard to recruit employees if health insurance does not include the largest health care provider in the state. Vermonts chief health care advocate, Mike Fisher, told VTDigger his office has received calls from many Vermonters who are really harmed by this and who fear losing relationships with their providers. Mullin said UnitedHealthcare should have notified employers much earlier that it would no longer cover UVM Health Network within its network. Vermonters are being caught as pawns between two giant health care providers, Mullin said. UnitedHealthcare did not respond to a request for comment on Monday about its negotiations with UVM Health Network. A spokesperson for the health network declined to comment on the talks. Lotto said her understanding is that the 90-day provision under federal law would cover only her radiation treatments. She said she was frustrated not only by her possible loss of coverage, but by the way she learned about it in mid-March. She was trying to schedule a physical therapy appointment for the following month, she said, but was told that she couldnt because her insurance would no longer cover it. When she asked if this was only for physical therapy, she was told: No. All of UVM isnt going to take UnitedHealthcare anymore. Lotto said she had that conversation with UVM Health Network on the afternoon of March 18 just days before her radiation treatments were set to begin. Very weird and terrible news to get and it seemed like it couldnt possibly be true, Lotto said. She said she has not heard from UnitedHealthcare whether they would cover her treatments beyond Thursday. Could you tell me right now that Im not going to have to pay for this treatment that I need to start? she said she asked a UnitedHealthcare representative. And they wouldnt tell me. Report an Error
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UPDATED: November 1, 2021 03:35 IST File photo | EOW questions Niira Radia for 4 hours in Rs 300 cr fraud case. The Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of the Delhi Police questioned Nayati Healthcare chairperson Niira Radia for nearly four hours in connection with an alleged Rs 300-crore loan embezzlement case involving Yes Bank. Radia joined the investigation on Wednesday at the office of the EOW. Nearly 45 questions were asked to Radia. However, officials said that although she answered all the questions, her response was not found to be satisfactory. So, she will be asked to join the probe in the near future as the investigation proceeds further again. Radia's name came to the fore with the recent arrest of Yateesh Wahaal, Satish Kumar Narula and Rahul Singh Yadav for misappropriation of crores of rupees in connection with the case. ALSO READ: Delhi Police summons Niira Radia in connection with Rs 300 crore loan from Yes Bank According to officials of the EOW, orthopaedic surgeon Rajeev Kumar Sharma filed a complaint against Narayani Investment Pvt Ltd and its associate company Nayati Health Care and Research NCR Pvt Ltd and their directors including Niira Radia, her sister Karuna Menon, Yateesh Waahal and Satish Kumar Narula. All bank accounts and related documents used for transactions by all the parties involved will be examined, police said. The EOW had earlier this month served notice to Radia and other promoters and directors of Nayati Healthcare and Research NCR Private Ltd to join the investigation in connection with the case. Sharma accused Narayani Investment Pvt Ltd, Niira Radia, Karuna Menon, Satish Narula and Yateesh Wahaal of "cheating, criminal breach of trust, falsification of accounts, fraud, forgery, embezzlement of funds and other charges. In his complaint, Sharma alleged that Naarayani had borrowed more than Rs 600 crore from various sources, including DHFL, and invested Rs 311 crore for acquiring a majority stake in Nayati Healthcare NCR. ALSO READ: Delhi Polices EOW registers embezzlement case against Niira Radia After taking over the management of the new entity, Narayani and the four individuals got a loan of Rs 300 crore from Yes Bank for the development of a Gurgaon hospital, but instead, they siphoned off and embezzled the loan amount using fictitious transactions, Sharma alleged. He further alleged that the accused also borrowed Rs 60 crore from Yes Bank for another hospital project, but embezzled that fund as well. Sharma also claimed that the five accused wrongfully brought down his stake in Nayati Healthcare NCR from 49 per cent to 6.3 per cent in less than a year and increased their own stake to 93.7 per cent. Earlier, Nayati Healthcare had rejected the allegations terming it as baseless and had said that it had duly reported to the police certain issues of "misappropriation and maliciousness" detected in a forensic audit of activities of the previous management under Sharma. (with inputs from PTI)
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Where is my cut? Tennessee CEO indicted for $2.5 million Medicare fraud case Until last summer, the company was run by CEO John Davis, who had led Comprehensive Pain Management since 2011. In April, Davis was indicted for Medicare fraud, accused of receiving $770,000 in bribes from the head of another company. Davis allegedly took the money from Brenda Montgomery, the CEO of CCC Medical, Inc. He then allegedly referred her patients, which she could use to file tainted claims for Medicare reimbursement, according to federal court records. Prosecutors allege in court records that Davis disguised some of the bribes by selling Montgomery a sham company, ProMed Solutions, which had "no business operations, facilities, property, employees or assets." Davis paid $150,000. Davis, 40, of Brentwood, and Montgomery, 70, of Camden, have both pleaded not guilty in federal court. Montgomery also was charged last month in a separate but similar case where she was accused of paying more than $1.2 million in bribes. Our Medicare program is designed to help those who are most vulnerable and in need of medical services and equipment, said John Cronan, acting assistant attorney general, in a news release announcing the charges. Stealing funds from our health care system places the vulnerable at greater risk and diverts public funds into the pockets of the greedy individuals who exploit those with the greatest need. Davis' attorney, Kim Hodde, did not respond to a request for comment. Comprehensive Pain Specialists drew further criticism last year after Kaiser Health News, a nonprofit health-oriented newsroom, identified the company as one of the nation's top Medicare billers for urine drug testing, making millions in tax dollars off tests that were only questionably necessary and could have been done by cheaper methods. Comprehensive Pain Specialists was founded in 2005 by four doctors, including current CEO Dr. Peter Kroll and state Sen. Steve Dickerson, R-Nashville, an anesthesiologist. Dickerson is still listed as an employee on the company website. He has not responded to requests for comment at his office, on his cell phone or by email. By calling clinics directly, The Tennessean has confirmed the following Comprehensive Pain Management clinics are closing by the end of this month: Athens, Tennessee
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Hand Therapy Hand Therapy Empower Physical Therapy offers hand therapy services to treat injuries or help you recover from any number of upper extremity complications and return you to the highest level of function possible. Therapy may include treating these areas: Shoulder Forearm, wrist, hand and fingers Custom splinting / bracing
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Having a mobile vet visit your home creates a better experience for you, your pet and the vet. This is branded content from Pawssum. As increasing numbers of Australians embrace the benefits of having products and services delivered direct to their door, the popularity of mobile veterinarians is on the rise. Having a Pawssum vet visit your home isn't just a matter of convenience - it's also about comfort and an overall better experience for you, your fur baby and even the veterinarian. For many pets, getting to and being treated in a clinic is stressful. Cats in particular are well known for not liking car trips, and having your pet around other animals when they're unwell isn't always a great idea, especially if they're anxious. With all of this to deal with, a trip to the clinic means pet parents regularly end up stressed too, so being able to receive treatment at home is a relief for everyone. During the pandemic and lockdown periods, vets categorised as essential service can visit you at home by practicing social distancing and wearing PPE. This service provides a relief to worried pet owners who can't, or prefer not to, travel to the clinic. Another major benefit of this growing veterinary trend is that the attending vet has a less chaotic environment to work in. They can focus on your pet without being distracted by other distressed animals in the clinic. And they're typically able to choose a more flexible on-call schedule to achieve a better work-life balance, meaning your pet is getting the best possible care. While some pet owners might worry that a mobile vet won't be able to take care of all of their pet's needs, home-visiting vets usually partner with local clinics for those occasional times when animals can't avoid having to go in for surgery or go through tests like x-ray for example. And some mobile vets are also using apps that give you access to your pet's medical records any time of the day or night, as well as offering telepet video chat - handy! End-of-life care kindness One of the most difficult things all pet owners will ultimately face is saying goodbye - and it makes sense that, when the time comes, many people would rather be at home. Dealing with your pet's passing can be a significant stressor and the benefits of being in familiar, warm surroundings with much-needed love and privacy can't be underestimated for you or your fur baby. A calm space with a compassionate, respectful, and experienced Pawssum vet makes euthanasia as dignified and peaceful as possible. These days, home visiting vets are able to offer post-euthanasia aftercare too. Sometimes people are unsure if it's time for their pet to be put to rest or if their condition is still manageable. Mobile vet video conferencing is helpful in these scenarios and involves a veterinarian who specialises in end-of-life care offering guidance to help you decide if your pet can still be treated to stay comfortable or if they're too unwell for quality-of-life care to continue. Less stress: Cats particularly are known for not liking car trips so having a vet come to your home can help avoid unnecessary anxiety - for you and your pet. Easier after-hours care When pets hurt themselves or fall ill at times when regular vet clinics are not open, mobile vets are clearly the best option. It's estimated about 65 per cent of visits after 6pm to 24-hour animal hospitals could have been treated at home by a mobile vet, negating the need to bundle up your out-of-sorts pet to drive to a strange place at a time when your pet and yourself are in the most anxious state, It also works better financially, as well as being covered by insurance. Sometimes, going to an emergency hospital is necessary but your Pawssum mobile vet should be able to help you gauge what you're dealing with via video or phone chat and advise if staying home is an option. Given they carry with them all the required medications to treat your pet, there's no reason to head out of the house if you don't have to. For a great national mobile vet service, check out This is branded content from Pawssum. This story Special vet care for your pet delivered to your doorfirst appeared on The Northern Daily Leader Recommended
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Changing diet trends, a fast-growing population, and international trade opportunities could help Australia become "a global delicatessen" for protein, according to national science agency CSIRO. Key points: New report finds $13 billion opportunity for Australia's protein market Globally, the population is expected to grow by more than 2 billion people by 2050 Consumers are reducing the amount of meat in their diets The report titled Protein: A roadmap for unlocking technology-led growth opportunities for Australia found a $13 billion market opportunity for a variety of proteins on the global market, and outlined how investing in this sector could create up to 10,000 jobs. Future Protein Mission lead Professor Michelle Colgrave said Australia's strong history and global reputation in agriculture and food presented a big opportunity for future growth. "We are seeing a growing global population and an emerging middle class in regions like Asia, but in Australia we are also seeing changing consumer preferences," she said. "Up to a third of Australians are now either seeking flexitarian or reducetarian diets. "This means they still consume products like red meat or seafood, but they're doing so less frequently or having a reduced portion size and in doing so they're seeking alternatives." Developing new plant-based protein products is a $6 billion opportunity between now and 2030. ( ) Economy and environment win Investment in new technology to create plant-based proteins, better-tasting legume crops, cultivated meat and edible insects are just some of the market growth opportunities available, Professor Colgrave said. "We already export about 70 per cent of the food we produce, and now we're looking at new industries for Australia. "We're also looking at the environmental benefits that can come from diversifying our protein offerings - we can reduce our footprint for some of our systems." Professor Colgrave said scaling up industries already present in Australia would also aid the nation's food security, as it was expected there would be an extra 2 billion people on the planet to feed by 2050. Creating a new sustainable industry in white-flesh fish will reduce Australia's reliance on imports. ( Supplied: CSIRO ) "In the case of our aquaculture, we have a white-flesh fish industry that is relatively small but we've got the opportunity to grow it in three to five years," she said. "We'll be able to reduce the reliance on imported white-flesh fish products, which we currently import around 90 per cent (of), so we've got an opportunity to change that right now." But developments in the plant protein space could take more time and investment, Professor Colgrave said. "We need to scale up the infrastructure to really be able to on-shore some of our manufacturing," she said. "We grow all the crops here, but now we need to be able to turn those crops into ingredients that can go into food manufacturing - that's a critical part. "It will take a little bit of time to establish that." Science can help Australia grow higher protein crops, like soybean. ( ) Traditional agriculture benefits Professor Colgrave said the road map highlighted how protein demand could only be met by bringing together animal, plant and non-traditional protein production systems. "There is a seat at the table for everyone, no one is going to miss out." she said. "Protein demand is going to exceed what we can currently possibly produce, it's just a question of how do we access those additional export markets. "There are opportunities to value-add red meat - for example, using the lesser cuts to produce protein powders and nutraceuticals." Get the latest rural news
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Mon, 21 Mar, 2022 - 15:58 Alan Magee Henry de Bromhead and Rachael Blackmore were coming back down to earth on Monday as they reflected on last week's Champion Hurdle and Gold Cup victories at Cheltenham. For De Bromhead it was the second year in succession he had won both feature races, as well as providing the Gold Cup runner-up in Minella Indo. Crucially for Blackmore, however, she got the choice right in the big one as having finished second on A Plus Tard last year, she stayed loyal and reversed placings with Minella Indo this time around. With Honeysuckle it was a case of business as usual in the Champion Hurdle as she maintained her unbeaten record with the minimum of fuss, while Bob Olinger added a third win for the team in the Turners Novices' Chase. "It's been brilliant, it was a fantastic week for us and I'm delighted for everybody involved," said De Bromhead. "Most of the horses ran well. It's always quite a turbulent week, quite up and down, but to come back with three winners is brilliant. "For two of those to be the Champion Hurdle and Gold Cup again is unreal. "It always takes a few days to settle back into normality and get over Cheltenham, but we've settled back into routine again and most of them all seem good." Bob Olinger was a fortunate winner of the Turners as he was going to be well beaten by Galopin De Champ before he came down at the last. "We just weren't sure about Bob, whether he put in his usual performance. Rachael wasn't happy with him so we're going to get him checked out. He's booked in for a few different tests," said De Bromhead. Honeysuckle may have a new rival at Punchestown if impressive Supreme winner Constitution Hill takes her on, but De Bromhead will not be losing any sleep. He said: "It would be great for racing if the two meet. Obviously Constitution Hill looks a smart novice and he's only just arrived on the scene, so we'll see. "We'll be going for the Champion Hurdle but obviously he has the novice option, so it will be up to his connections as to whether they want to take her on." Just 11 months on from becoming the first female rider to win the Grand National, Blackmore added a second Champion Hurdle and the Gold Cup to her incredible list of achievements. "Winning the National and the Gold Cup, they are both extremely special so I'm very lucky to be able to say I've won both," she said. "It was incredibly special to have people back at Cheltenham, the crowds make places like that what they are. Even Thurles on Saturday, having people there made it special - people bring the atmosphere so it's fantastic to have them back, along with the owners. "It's an incredible feeling walking back into the enclosure and there's a sea of people in front of you." Having missed out on what could have been her best opportunity of winning the Gold Cup last year, Blackmore is well aware of how fortunate she is. "I suppose there's one Gold Cup every year, in your career you'll only get so many chances at riding in it. I was riding the favourite and not everyone gets that opportunity. The year before I was in a similar position but picked the wrong one, so to achieve it was very special," she said. "Henry is an incredible trainer and both horses were in great shape both years. This time around I was lucky enough to be in front. "Racing is such a revolving wheel, people always ask what's next so you're always looking forward but these are massive moments in my life. It will probably only sink in when I've finished but I can still feel the impact, it's not passing me by. "I'm in a privileged position at Henry's yard. He has a lot of good horses and good owners which means I was riding a few favourites at Cheltenham, not every jockey gets that. I'm delighted to come home having had success. It's great when you can deliver. "A lot of it is about being in the right place at the right time in racing. When I started riding for Henry a few summers ago, his horses were on fire and I just happened to be the one riding them, then it snowballed from there." Blackmore's association with De Bromhead came about when Gigginstown's Eddie O'Leary suggested to the trainer he should consider using the jockey on the way to Aintree in a taxi. The rest is history. "If he didn't share that taxi with Eddie it could have been someone else that summer, that's what racing is. You have to prove yourself but you have to have the breaks and opportunities in the first place," said Blackmore. More in this section
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update Article was updated 1 hr ago A man attending a rally for Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre in Brampton was taken to hospital after suffering a medical episode Saturday. Peel paramedic crews attended the scene at Bramptons Pearson Convention Centre around 10:15 a.m. At the venue, paramedics found a man in his 50s in critical, life-threatening condition. He was taken to a local hospital via emergency run, paramedics said. Poilievre briefly appeared at the gathering, telling supporters the rally will be reconvened later as they pray for the mans well-being, according to an individual tweeting from the venue This was to be a big event on the home turf of his rival, Patrick Brown, the Stars Ottawa bureau reporter Stephanie Levitz tweeted
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WhatsApp The Delhi University has said, every student getting admission to the University will have to plant a sapling and take care of it. The students have to also submit the progress report of the plant after six months. This programme has been launched under the social responsibility of the university towards the environment. According to notification, Delhi University said, each students should plant at least one native tree species in his or her native place or place of stay. The students have to submit the GPS site location along with the picture of the plant to the respective college from the upcoming academic session. - Advertisement -
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The Second Husband's latest episode revealed two things. Firstly, it showed the extent to which Jae-kyung would go to just to hurt Sun-hwa. Secondly, it also revealed that Sun-hwa was not biologically related to her grandmother.Sun-hwa, in the meantime, continued to be misunderstood by Jae-min. Turns out he believed his step-sister, who planned to backstab him for the right to rule over the Daekook Group. He even insulted Sun-hwa in The Second Husband, and called her hurtful names. Despite everything that the bakery owner's family had told Jae-min, he saw Sun-hwa as nothing but a con-artist.This was true for Sun-hwa as well. She continued to believe that Jae-min was a rude pervert in The Second Husband.Jae-kyung tried to hide her flaw, and hurt Sun-hwa in all possible ways in The Second HusbandJae-kyung tried her best to intimidate Sun-hwa. So far, every time she has met Sun-hwa in The Second Husband, she has always been humiliated. She had tried to blame Sun-hwa and treat her as if she was the one who had tried to steal Jae-kyung's fianc. In reality, it was Jae-kyung who had had an affair with Sang-hyeok. View this post on Instagram A post shared by LirPaYui (@lirpayui)She found it insulting to accept the truth, and continually treated Sun-hwa as if she was the mistress and for every mistake committed by Sang-hyeok, Jae-kyung took her anger out on Sun-hwa.First, she had manipulated Sun-hwa into planning her proposal event for Sang-hyeok. She did so with the intention of hurting Sun-hwa in The Second Husband. When Sun-hwa had not attended the event, Jae-kyung was extremely angry. She wanted to hurt Sun-hwa for daring to turn down her offer of money.Jae-kyung then saw Sang-hyeok hanging onto Sun-hwa. Since she needed him for her plan to take over Daekook Group, Jae-kyung could not do anything about him. Instead, she kept forcing Sun-hwa to stay away. This is when it was Sang-hyeok who had approached her.He had begun to regret his decision, yet he is unable to change anything. Instead, he hung around Sun-hwa in The Second Husband. When Sun-hwa was drunk, the bartender called the first number on speedial and it turned out to belong to Sang-hyeok.He turned up for her then as well. He lied to his family that he was going to visit Jae-kyung. When his current fianc learned the truth in The Second Husband, she was not very happy. View this post on Instagram A post shared by LirPaYui (@lirpayui)Once again, she targeted Sun-hwa and humiliated her. She used her influence to have Sun-hwa fired from her company and even tried to stop the people in the bakery from helping her.Sun-hwa was related to Hanok Bakery's Jung Bok-Soon in The Second HusbandSun-hwa was the daughter that Bok-soon had been in search of all this while in The Second Husband. Bok-soon excelled at baking and had been supportive of Sun-hwa from the beginning. She also adored Sae-byuk, Sun-hwa's son.Bok-soon let it slip one day that she had lost her daughter as a baby and this shocked Sun-hwa's grandmother.In The Second Husband, there has been no news about Sun-hwa's parents. All that was known was that they had abandoned her and she grew up with her grandmother. Now, it has been revealed that this grandmother had in fact brought a lost baby home. She had felt guilty for taking a baby home without trying to find its parents.Now that she has met the mother, will she reveal the truth?
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Pinterest Determination and Patience There is always a balance of art and science that goes into innovation to ensure a product comes to like as you envisioned but even more so with food and beverage products. To create a successful food or beverage brand, you must be determined and patient. For instance, Silk spent several years perfecting our Greek Style yogurt offering to ensure amazingly this texture featuring a coconutmilk base and pea protein. We werent willing to put out a product that didnt nail it and were so proud of what ultimately made it to stores! As a part of our series called 5 Things You Need To Create a Successful Food or Beverage Brand , I had the pleasure of interviewing John Starkey, President of Plant-Based Food & Beverages for Danone North America. John Starkey joined Danone North America in June 2021 overseeing the plant-based food & beverage portfolio, including Danone North Americas leadership brands Silk and So Delicious Dairy Free. John is an accomplished management and marketing professional with a consistent track record of brand-building, innovation and business results. A 25-year veteran of the food and beverage industry, he spent the last 10 years at Mars, Inc., where he led a variety of treats and snacking brands, such as Extra, Orbit and 5 Gum, along with Fruity Confectionery brands such as Skittles and Starburst. He also oversaw the Bars portfolio, which included some of the worlds favorite chocolate bar brands, like Snickers and Twix. In this role, his responsibilities included the development of the 35-year global growth strategy, identifying and delivering transformational innovation, and stewardship of the value creation plan for the global Bars portfolio. Before Mars, John was an executive at General Mills for 15 years, where he grew several businesses across snacks, yogurt, cereal, and foodservice. He also led a soymilk business through a joint venture with DuPont, and an initiative in the health and wellness Center of Excellence focused on developing and driving growth opportunities with aging consumers. John started his career at General Electric as a financial analyst and auditor, before leaving to complete his MBA at the University of Michigan (Ross) Business School. He completed his undergraduate studies at Oberlin College, where he earned a BA in Economics. John and his wife Melissa have two sons, John Kalen and Noah, and a golden doodle named Desi. They currently reside in Wheaton, IL and are planning a move to Colorado in 2022. A native of Cleveland, OH, John is an avid fan of all Cleveland sports teams and The Ohio State University. In his free time, John is into running and has completed 7 marathons and enjoys sporting events like the US Open and outdoor concerts. Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory? Thanks for the opportunity! Growing up, throughout high school and college, I was always heavily involved in sports. I participated in several throughout the years, including high school track and college basketball. Whats always resonated with me about the challenge of competition is the idea of winning together, as part of a team and that serves as the basis of how I work. Im a team player, that loves the thrill of solving hard challenges with an excellent group of people, to make a difference together. I think thats what is so exciting about the plant-based category, and the work were working at Danone North America. Plant-based continues to rapidly expand, with new innovations and segments coming to-market. Its a constant influx of opportunities and challenges! that were continually addressing, and Im motivated to solve them for consumers. Can you share with us the story of the ah ha moment that led to the creation of the food brand you are leading? Im proud to be a part of Danone North America, an organization that brings innovative, delicious plant-based offerings to consumers in an unmatched variety of formats for every moment, lifestyle and need. Let me take you through our largest legacy brand, Silk and our path to where we are now. Silk got its start in Boulder, Colorado, with a focus on soy. The brand really pioneered the plant-based revolution by bringing refrigerated soymilk to the masses more than 25 years ago (1996), leading the way for the fast-growing plant-based beverage category people know today. Since its introduction with soymilk, Silk has expanded to offer Almondmilk (launched over a decade ago, 2010), Oatmilk (launched originally in 2019, with new and improved recipes in 2021) and other SKUs along the way such as Coconutmilk, Cashewmilk, Protein Nutmilks, and its latest high-protein launch, Silk ULTRA (2021). Weve come a long way since Silks humble soy-inspired beginnings, and now Silk is Americas #1 plant-based beverage brand. But Silk is more than just soymilks, almondmilks and oatmilks. We have a great portfolio of coffee creamers, yogurt alternatives and even culinary favorites like our Heavy Whipping Cream alternative to enjoy throughout your day. Our sister plant-based brand, So Delicious Dairy Free, has also been bringing dairy-free deliciousness to people for over 30 years. So Delicious offers plant-based options in beverages, creamers and yogurt alternatives, in addition to cheese alternatives and frozen desserts. A more recent ah ha moment we had on product innovation was around the development of Silks high-protein product line Silk ULTRA. Taste will always be important in driving plant-based dairy alternatives, but more and more we see consumers are also looking for function. Protein content is an important factor for nearly half of consumers when choosing healthy foods and beverages, setting the stage for Silk ULTRAs launch earlier this year. Not only does it offer a smooth and creamy taste, but also 20g of complete plant-based protein per serving to help support muscle maintenance and repair. Its a great option for athletes looking to incorporate more plant-based options into their diets and training regime, as flexitarian lifestyles continue to grow. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that? Early in my career, I received some poignant feedback from peers that continues to stick with me. Before we got to know each other, some of my colleagues felt I didnt like them based on my facial expressions and body language sending the wrong signal. That couldnt be further from the truth, and I will always be grateful to an executive coach who one day asked me if I was feeling alright. When I told her I feel great she simply stated, Make sure you tell your face that, too. A true lesson in self-awareness, and how my presence and physical cues can really foster the environment and for me, I want to make sure Im fostering approachability and trust. In today
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11:44 AM, Feb 24, 2022 and last updated 2022-02-24 13:44:04-05 NEW ORLEANS Outdoor decorations are part of a new big easy tradition. "I feel like this is a great tradition that came out of a crazy time," resident Maurice Sholas said. When COVID forced New Orleans to cancel Mardi Gras with its elaborate floats and must have thrown in 2021, New Orleans resident Megan Boudreaux took to Twitter to vent. "Parades have been canceled, you know, OK, no big deal. I'll just decorate my flat my house to look like a float, and I'll throw beads at my neighbors when they walk by my house," Boudreaux said. She found herself at the helm of a new Mardi Gras tradition the house float. Quick history lesson: New Orleans residents always decorated for carnival season. They use items like Mardi Gras beads, banners, even Christmas tree lights to decorate their homes. Sometimes, they even use Christmas trees. But never like this. A year later, eager homeowners still participate. "I do a tribute to my favorite parts of Mardi Gras and the Mardi Gras Indians," Sholas said. "Last year, the subject, Chief Montana, came and stood outside of my home and sang." "It was really fun to be able to be a part of like something, sort of on the ground floor of something that we felt like was going to become a tradition," resident Andrew Greaves said. Artists and float builders who lost their income from creating floats also benefit from this new celebration. "The greatest free show on Earth is not actually free," Joy Bruce said. The show is rolling on New Orleans streets again. But this year and for years to come there will be a new way to help celebrate. Newsy is the nations only free 24/7 national news network. Youcan find Newsy using your TVs digital antenna or stream for free.See all the ways you can watch Newsy here:
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About Joseph Lee At the Dermatology Center, we believe in the complete and comprehensive care of the patient, which is why we come together to offer you an integrated practice that treats every aspect of your skin. Our team of board-certified dermatologists and clinical estheticians are here to help you achieve the best skin health and beauty possible. We have two convenient locations in the metro area. Whether you are searching for a dermatologist to treat a skin condition, or are interested in improving your appearance with non-invasive cosmetic services, we offer you the expertise and breadth of services to help you meet your medical and cosmetic dermatology needs Website
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End of preview. Expand in Data Studio


This is a text classification dataset. It is intended for machine learning research and experimentation.

This dataset is obtained via formatting another publicly available data to be compatible with our AutoIntent Library.


It is intended to be used with our AutoIntent Library:

from autointent import Dataset
banking77 = Dataset.from_hub("AutoIntent/events")


This dataset is taken from knowledgator/events_classification_biotech and formatted with our AutoIntent Library:

"""Convert events dataset to autointent internal format and scheme."""

from datasets import Dataset as HFDataset
from datasets import load_dataset

from autointent import Dataset
from autointent.schemas import Intent, Sample

# these classes contain too few sampls
names_to_remove = [
    "partnerships & alliances",
    "patent publication",
    "subsidiary establishment",
    "department establishment",

def extract_intents_data(events_dataset: HFDataset) -> list[Intent]:
    """Extract intent names and assign ids to them."""
    intent_names = sorted({name for intents in events_dataset["train"]["all_labels"] for name in intents})
    for n in names_to_remove:
    return [Intent(id=i,name=name) for i, name in enumerate(intent_names)]

def converting_mapping(example: dict, intents_data: list[Intent]) -> dict[str, str | list[int] | None]:
    """Extract utterance and OHE label and drop the rest."""
    res = {
        "utterance": example["content"],
        "label": [
            int( in example["all_labels"]) for intent in intents_data
    if sum(res["label"]) == 0:
        res["label"] = None
    return res

def convert_events(events_split: HFDataset, intents_data: dict[str, int]) -> list[Sample]:
    """Convert one split into desired format."""
    events_split =
        converting_mapping, remove_columns=events_split.features.keys(),
        fn_kwargs={"intents_data": intents_data}

    samples = []
    for sample in events_split.to_list():
        if sample["utterance"] is None:

    mask = [sample["label"] is None for sample in samples]
    n_oos_samples = sum(mask)
    n_in_domain_samples = len(samples) - n_oos_samples

    # actually there are too few oos samples to include them, so filter out
    samples = list(filter(lambda sample: sample["label"] is not None, samples))

    return [Sample(**sample) for sample in samples]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # `load_dataset` might not work
    # fix is here:
    events_dataset = load_dataset("knowledgator/events_classification_biotech", trust_remote_code=True)

    intents_data = extract_intents_data(events_dataset)

    train_samples = convert_events(events_dataset["train"], intents_data)
    test_samples = convert_events(events_dataset["test"], intents_data)

    events_converted = Dataset.from_dict(
        {"train": train_samples, "test": test_samples, "intents": intents_data}
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