1 value
70 values
4 values
Aleksandr Chumakov, club, FC Torpedo Moscow; FC Torpedo Moscow, manager, Valery Petrakov; FC Torpedo Moscow, chairman, Aleksandr Tukmanov What is sentence that verbalizes this data?
Aleksandr Chumakov has played for FC Torpedo Moscow, where the manager is Valery Petrakov and the chairman is Aleksandr Tukmanov.
I kill Kurtz, they kill me, the brass running this show from under Cheyenne Mountain send out a new cleaner, some Kurtz clone that'll pick up where Kurtz left off. Translate to Czech
Já zabiju Kurtze, oni zabijou mě, hlavouni, kteří to všechno řídí zpod Cheyenne Mountain, pošlou někoho nového, nějaký Kurtzův klon, který naváže přesně tam, kde Kurtz skončil.
i'm 10x cooler than all of you! What is the sentiment of this tweet?
test: Tämä tarkoittaa, että avustuksia on jaettu virheellisesti yli 4 miljardin euron arvosta. English? translation: This means that more than EUR 4 billion in grants has been handed out erroneously. test: Haluaisin kuitenkin suositella myös tsekkiosapuolelle niiden epäilysten ottamista vakavasti, joita erityisesti saksalaiset ovat reaktorin turvallisuudesta esittäneet. English? translation: But I would also like to suggest to the Czech Republic that they should pay serious attention to the concerns expressed by the German Association for Nuclear Safety. test: Jos pidämme mielessä, että useat jäsenvaltiot hylkäsivät välittömästi ehdotuksen niin sanotusta eurooppalaisesta arvonlisäverosta, jota komissio esitti Euroopan unionin tulonlähteeksi, meidän on myönnettävä se tosiasia, että uuden arvonlisäverostrategian pyytäminen komissiolta ei ole kovin järkevää. English? translation: If we recall that the suggestion of a 'European VAT', put forward by the Commission as a source of income for the Union, was immediately rejected by several Member States, we will have to acknowledge that asking the Commission for 'a new VAT strategy' seems to make little sense. test: Palaan Palestiinan vaaleihin toteamalla, etten halua karttaa kaikkein vaikeinta asiaa eli Hamas-puoluetta. English? translation:
Returning to the Palestinian elections, I do not wish to sidestep that most thorny of issues – that is to say, the issue of Hamas.
How do you say "In this regard, we would like to offer our personal thanks to Johanne Fischer who is leaving FAO for new pastures." in Spanish?
En este sentido, quisiéramos brindar un agradecimiento personal a Johanne Fischer, que deja la FAO para iniciar una nueva singladura.
test: BM yetkilisi, "Hareket özgürlüğü, dil ve alfabe kullanma özgürlüğü ve belediyelerden gelen fonların adil şekilde paylaşımı gibi azınlıkları ilgilendiren önemli konular, çok az somut ilerleme kaydedilerek hala sorunlu olmaya devam etmektedir," dedi. English? translation: "Important minority issues such as freedom of movement, use of language and alphabet, and receipt of fair share financing from the municipalities remained problematic with little tangible progress," the UN official said. test: Bu bölgede 1.000 hektardan fazla alan yandı ve ordu yangını kontrol altına almak amacıyla bölgeye yaklaşık 200 asker gönderdi. English? translation: Over 1,000ha have burned in this region, and the army has activated around 200 soldiers in a bid to bring it under control. test: NATO Genel Sekreteri Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, "Bugün NATO'nun Kosova'daki yeni görevlerini hayata geçirmeye karar verdik. English? translation: "We have agreed today to implement NATO's new tasks in Kosovo. test: Resmi verilere göre, Arnavutluk'un un değirmeni sanayii 2004 yılında ülkenin en başarılı işletmelerinden biri oldu. English? translation:
Albania's flour mill industry was one of the most successful businesses in the country during 2004, according to official data.
What is a word or name for pet lovers, especially dogs? Why is there so much anger about the Yulin Festival (a festival in which dogs are eaten)? Would you say that these questions are the same?
question: Triple: The Phoenix food Italian; The Phoenix priceRange cheap; The Phoenix area riverside answer: an average, cheap Italian in the riverside area would be The Phoenix question: Triple: Acharya Institute of Technology CITY Bangalore; Acharya Institute of Technology DIRECTED_BY "Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar"; Acharya Institute of Technology STATE Karnataka; Acharya Institute of Technology COUNTRY "India"; Acharya Institute of Technology NUMBER_OF_POSTGRADUATE_STUDENTS 700; Acharya Institute of Technology CAMPUS "In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090."; Acharya Institute of Technology AFFILIATION Visvesvaraya Technological University answer: Acharya Institute of Technology in Bangalore, India is affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University. The school is in the state of Karnataka and has 700 post graduate students. Its director is Dr. G. P. Prabhukumar and its full address is In Soldevanahalli, Acharya Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Road, Hessarghatta Main Road, Bangalore – 560090. question: Triple: Appleton International Airport LOCATION Greenville, Wisconsin; Appleton, Wisconsin IS_PART_OF Kimberly, Wisconsin; Greenville, Wisconsin IS_PART_OF Dale, Wisconsin; Greenville, Wisconsin COUNTRY United States; Appleton International Airport CITY_SERVED Appleton, Wisconsin answer: Appleton International Airport serves the city of Appleton (part of Kimberly, Wisconsin) and is located in Greenville, part of Dale, Wisconsin, United States. question: Triple: Sportpark De Toekomst OPERATOR AFC Ajax answer:
AFC Ajax operate Sportpark De Toekomst.
Write highlights for this article: By. Associated Press. PUBLISHED:. 14:11 EST, 25 October 2013. |. UPDATED:. 15:36 EST, 25 October 2013. The bishop of the Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota has exposed potentially hundreds of church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown to the hepatitis A virus in late September and early October. The state Health Department has issued an advisory of exposure for anyone who attended five churches and took communion. Bishop John Folda (pictured) of the Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota has exposed potentially hundreds of church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown to the hepatitis A. State Immunization Program Manager Molly Howell says the risk is low, but officials feel it's important to alert people to the possible exposure. The diocese announced on Monday that Bishop John Folda is taking time off after being diagnosed with hepatitis A. The diocese says he contracted the infection through contaminated food while attending a conference for newly ordained bishops in Italy last month. Symptoms of hepatitis A include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea and abdominal discomfort. Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota (pictured) is where the bishop is located.
Bishop John Folda, of North Dakota, is taking time off after being diagnosed. He contracted the infection through contaminated food in Italy. Church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown could have been exposed.
O.kk? Thats weird I cant stop following people on twitter... I have tons of people to unfollow How would the sentiment of this tweet be described?
Does the sentence "In the Iron Age" answer the question "The period of time from 1200 to 1000 BCE is known as what?" Available choices: 1. yes 2. no
Q: We really enjoy Krua Thai. Its a small place and never super crowded. The food has been reliably delicious. My husband prefers Krua Thai to Sala Thai, but I'd maybe say it's a tie with overall experience being better at Krua and food maybe slightly better at Sala. OPTIONS: - negative - positive A: positive Q: It makes me feel bad when I criticize small, family-owned establishments. On the other hand, fellow Yelpers also deserve to know about my experience as it might help someone avoid frustration and disappointment. 1) Do not go there expecting it to be quick. It took 22 minutes for my order to arrive and it was a very basic order -- a BBQ chicken bowl and a musubi -- which are staples at a place like this. It was painfully slow and for no apparent reason. There were 2 people ahead of me in line when I got there. There was nobody else waiting around for food. They had been open about 15 minutes. 2) Re customer service. I stood there waiting and was obviously getting antsy, but received no acknowledgement. Instead, the lady at the counter avoided eye contact with me. Finally, after more than 15 minutes, I asked about my order, thinking maybe they'd forgotten it. She curtly told me that mine takes awhile to cook (really, a chicken bowl?) and it would be coming soon. After 5 more minutes, she finally handed me my bag, without saying a word. 3) The meat on the musubi was the thinnest I've ever seen (of hundreds, if not thousands, that I've eaten in my life) and it was overcooked. Fail. 4) The chicken bowl was okay. Tasted like your basic chicken bowl. Not a lot of chicken, though. I wasn't expecting much since it was a bowl and not one of the plate lunches, but still, it was pretty skimpy. Enough for me, but if you're hungry, be forewarned. Overall, despite my love of Hawaiian BBQ, this was a bad experience. But I suppose if you're in the neighborhood and craving it, and you have a lot of time and low expectations, it would be okay. OPTIONS: - negative - positive A: negative Q: So-so. Came in for some dessert with some friends. Ordered the strawberry cheese cake and the tiramisu. I was really excited by the description of the cheesecake with "strawberries"... (Plural) But when the cheesecake came out, there was only one strawberry! I attached a pic of the dessert menu and cheesecake. And, I think it's strawberry season right now! I felt like both desserts were alright but not amazing enough to make me want more :/ The service was okay. The server kept serving us from the side of the kitchen over the wall of the booth which felt a little awkward. OPTIONS: - negative - positive A: negative Q: The Groovy P. and I ventured to his old stomping grounds for lunch today. The '5 and Diner' on 16th St and Colter left me with little to ask for. Before coming here I had a preconceived notion that 5 & Diners were dirty and nasty. Not the case at all. We walk in and let the waitress know we want to sit outside (since it's so nice and they had misters). We get two different servers bringing us stuff (talk about service) and I ask the one waitress for recommendations. I didn't listen to her, of course, and ordered the Southwestern Burger w/ coleslaw and started with a nice stack of rings. The Onion Rings were perfectly cooked. They looked like they were prepackaged, but they were very crispy and I could actually bite through the onion without pulling the entire thing out (don't you hate that?!!!) The Southwestern Burger was order Medium Rare and was cooked accordingly. Soft, juicy, and pink with a nice crispy browned outer layer that can only be achieved on a well used grill. The creaminess of the chipotle mayo paired beautifully with the green chiles. Unfortunately, because I ate too many onion rings, I couldn't finish my burger. What a shame! The Coleslaw was just how I like it. It's hard to find a really good coleslaw. I prefer mine to be slightly sweet, not sour. Too much vinegar in slaw ruins it in my opinion. This slaw had the perfect marriage of mayo, vinegar, and sugar. Not to mention carrots... My experience here was great! The servers were top notch and kept my water full the entire time and actually chatted with us for a few minutes. There is an artist guy named Ross who has been there every day for 5393 days straight. No, not an employee. He goes there and does his art! He hasn't missed a SINGLE day!!! That's like... 15 years! So if you wanna seem to be 'in the know' ask where Ross is... They'll be able to tell you. Time for a nap! OPTIONS: - negative - positive A:
Question: who is the girl in more than you know?? Answer:
Romi Van Renterghem.
There are four ways an individual can acquire Canadian citizenship: by birth on Canadian soil; by descent (being born to a Canadian parent); by grant (naturalization); and by adoption. Among them, only citizenship by birth is granted automatically with limited exceptions, while citizenship by descent or adoption is acquired automatically if the specified conditions have been met. Citizenship by grant, on the other hand, must be approved by the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. See options at the end. Can we conclude that can i get canadian citizenship if my grandfather was canadian? pick from the following. A). no. B). yes.
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to become an olympic figure skater Start early. If you are serious about olympic-level figure skating, you should start training as a child. Some olympic-level skaters (such as johnny weir) started as late as their early teenage years, but this is rare. A: Many figure skaters start around 5 years old. However, there are successful figure skaters who began in the 7-12 age range. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to make iced green tea Boil 4 cups (950 milliliters) of water in a large pot. If you would like to make a single serving, boil 1 cup (240 milliliters) of water in a kettle instead and pour it into a mug. Take the pot off the stove, and add 4 to 6 tea bags into the water. A: The more tea bags you use, the stronger your tea will become. If you would like to make a single serving, dip 1 tea bag into your mug. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to make traditional albanian leek soup Wash, then slice a medium sized leek. Each slice should be about 2 centimeter (0.8 in) thick. Add the leek to a saucepan of simmering water. A: Keep water simmering and reduce the temperature if the water starts to boil. Halve an onion, remove the skin then chop half of the onion into small cubes. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? On the upper right hand of the screen a small video plays and shows a veet product while the girl takes two veet wax strips and puts them on her leg, then removes them in the order they were put on. the girl A:
then takes another veet product which turns out to be wiping strips and wipes her legs down, then takes a towel to her legs.
Problem: Onceyouseehowtoplaythisgameyouhavetorememberitforalongtime. What's a sentence that uses these characters? - Once you see how to play this game you have to remember it for a long time. Problem: Unlikeherusualselfsheonlynibblesatbreakfast,whichtodayisreducedtoyoghurtandhalfabanana. What's a sentence that uses these characters? - Unlike her usual self she only nibbles at breakfast, which today is reduced to yoghurt and half a banana. Problem: Theterminalbuildingisactuallyalargeflexiblevolumethatispre-plannedforextensioninthedirectionofitslength. What's a sentence that uses these characters? - The terminal building is actually a large flexible volume that is pre-planned for extension in the direction of its length. Problem: e)contributetoaggregatingballots,ascertainingtheresultofthereferendum; What's a sentence that uses these characters? -
e) contribute to aggregating ballots, ascertaining the result of the referendum;
Joe paid the detective after *he* received the final report on the case. Which option(s) below is/are correct for question: are "the detective" and "he" the same entity? A). no B). yes
test: Мы видим такие примеры на Украине, в Прибалтике...". English? translation: We see such examples in Ukraine and the Baltic States." После семи многих лет лекарственной терапии, бесчисленные визиты для dematologist, и повторяющиеся приступы, я думал, что мой герпес никогда не уйдет. In English? xxxxx After seven many years of drug therapies, innumerable visits for the dematologist, and inveterate bouts, I opinion my cold sores would never go away. How is "I have been asked this question many times and I answered that it would be a slight increase of the goal." said in Russian? Мне уже много раз задавали такой вопрос, и я отвечал, что немного бы увеличил ворота. Q: Translate "Plan 9 from Outer Space" to Russian? A: План 9 из открытого космоса input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: The price is a bit expensive, but this is the average in Austria. The hotel has a lot of services: swimming pool, sauna, fitness, billiard, solarium, kid room, etc. test: Вино светло-золотистого цвета, с лёгким ароматом банана, ананаса и полевых цветов, во вкусе чувствуются нотки яблока и груши. English? translation:
The wine has straw yellow colour with elegant scent, hints of banana, pineapple, wild flowers and bread. The taste reminds fruits with apple and pear notes.
If "A man washes or dies clothes in a primitive setting.", does this mean that "Washing clothes on a camping trip."?
it is not possible to tell
soil is a renewable resource for growing plants A plant that needs to expand will be able to have an endless resource in
Problem: Which horse won the 2013 Epsom Derby at 7 to 1? ====== A: ruler of world Problem: How many stars are on the national flag of China? ====== A: five Problem: When was the company, the Tabulating Machine Company which later joined with three others to form the Computing Tabulating Recording Company, first launched? ====== A: 1896 Problem: Modelled on the Spanish bullfight, in which country did the Paso Doble dance originate? ====== A:
Complete the passage. (CNN) -- At first glance, "The Flat" might seem like an episode of "Hoarders," Israeli-style. The documentary film opens after an elderly woman dies in Tel Aviv. Her grandchildren assemble to clean out her apartment, packed with dusty books, vintage clothing (dozens of pairs of fancy gloves, for instance), enough purses to stock a department store, jewelry, mementoes and closets full of knickknacks. But buried among the detritus they chance upon something remarkable -- mysterious papers linking the grandparents to an important Nazi figure. How could such ardent Zionists, who left their native Germany in the early 1930s, have been involved with an SS official like Leopold von Mildenstein? What I found out was this journey, the Nazi (
Leopold von Mildenstein) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN.
test: Transmiterea textelor adoptate în cursul prezentei şedinţe: consultaţi procesul-verbal English? translation: Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting: see Minutes test: Haideţi să arătăm ce putem face şi să creăm o legislaţie potrivită şi modernă şi haideţi să arătăm scopurile pentru care vor fi alocate fonduri din bugetul Uniunii Europene. English? translation: Let us show what we can do, by creating appropriate and modern legislation, and let us show the purposes to which funds will be assigned from the European Union budget. test: Grecia ratifică tratatul de aderare la UE a Bulgariei şi României English? translation: Greece ratifies Bulgaria, Romania's accession treaty with EU test: Aceasta declară că Mobtel s-a conectat direct la centrale telefonice internaţionale, încălcând legea. English? translation:
It says Mobtel has been connecting directly with international exchanges, in violation of the law.
I went to my favorite Dollar Tree ( 50th and Federal ) in between classes yesterday . Look what I found in the check out aisle this time ! Not a pregnancy test for a buck but still ... They did have six packs of Crystal Geyser H2O for a buck . Question with options to choose from: What will she likely do after finding that deal Choose from: A). Shop more at the store; B). Shop at a different store; C). None of the above choices .; D). Purchase no items;
Question: Positive or negative opinion of the movie? begins to resemble the shapeless , --Answer: negative Question: Positive or negative opinion of the movie? life-embracing --Answer: positive Question: Positive or negative opinion of the movie? astonishingly condescending --Answer: negative Question: Positive or negative opinion of the movie? for the uninitiated plays better on video with the sound --
Answer: negative
Complete the passage: pick from possible candidates. (CNN) -- At first glance, "The Flat" might seem like an episode of "Hoarders," Israeli-style. The documentary film opens after an elderly woman dies in Tel Aviv. Her grandchildren assemble to clean out her apartment, packed with dusty books, vintage clothing (dozens of pairs of fancy gloves, for instance), enough purses to stock a department store, jewelry, mementoes and closets full of knickknacks. But buried among the detritus they chance upon something remarkable -- mysterious papers linking the grandparents to an important Nazi figure. How could such ardent Zionists, who left their native Germany in the early 1930s, have been involved with an SS official like Leopold von Mildenstein? What I found out was this journey, the Nazi ( OPTIONS: - Arnon Goldfinger) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - CNN) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - Germany) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - Israeli) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - Leopold von Mildenstein) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - Nazi) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - SS) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - Tel Aviv) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - The Flat) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN. - Zionists) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN.
Leopold von Mildenstein) and his wife were accompanied by my grandparents," Goldfinger told CNN.
Problem: Which horse won the 2013 Epsom Derby at 7 to 1? ====== A: ruler of world Q: 'Boston Crab' is a term used in which sport? A: wrestling Problem: Which US state has borders with Kansas, Illinois, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Iowa, Nebraska and Oklahoma? Answer: missouri Q: ‘This is a local shop, for local people’ – which TV programme? ----- A: league of gentlemen Q: What was the nationality of Pedro Proenca who refereed the final? What is the answer? A: portuguese Problem: Modelled on the Spanish bullfight, in which country did the Paso Doble dance originate? ====== A:
The wine has straw yellow colour with elegant scent, hints of banana, pineapple, wild flowers and bread. The taste reminds fruits with apple and pear notes. Translate to Russian Russian:
Вино светло-золотистого цвета, с лёгким ароматом банана, ананаса и полевых цветов, во вкусе чувствуются нотки яблока и груши.
Q: Write a positive movie review. A: though overall an overwhelmingly positive portrayal Q: Write a negative movie review. A: nothing good can happen Q: Write a negative movie review. A:
like a giant commercial for universal studios , where much of the action takes place
Zinc: Zinc is included in most single tablet over-the-counter daily vitamin and mineral supplements. Preparations include zinc oxide, zinc acetate, and zinc gluconate. It is believed to possess antioxidant properties, which may protect against accelerated aging of the skin and muscles of the body; studies differ as to its effectiveness. Zinc also helps speed up the healing process after an injury. It is also suspected of being beneficial to the body's immune system. Indeed, zinc deficiency may have effects on virtually all parts of the human immune system. Please answer a question about this article. If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". What is the danger of zinc after injury?
Write a short summary for this text: officials of the cabinet-level fair trade commission -lrb- ftc -rrb- said friday that they have formed an ad hoc group to investigate whether there is any manipulation of commodity prices by traders in local market . Summary:
fair trade commission investigating consumer price hike
Víte, rozhodl jsem se, že si pořídím psa. Translate to English
You know, I decided to get a dog.
Please answer this question: Modelled on the Spanish bullfight, in which country did the Paso Doble dance originate?
test: Мы видим такие примеры на Украине, в Прибалтике...". English? translation: We see such examples in Ukraine and the Baltic States." test: Песня Waterdown 13 представлена вам Lyrics-Keeper. Flash-фичу можно использовать в качестве караоке к песне 13, если есть возможность скачать минусовку. English? translation: The Waterdown 13 lyrics are brought to you by Lyrics-Keeper. test: Эгг English? translation: Egg, Austria test: Вино светло-золотистого цвета, с лёгким ароматом банана, ананаса и полевых цветов, во вкусе чувствуются нотки яблока и груши. English? translation:
The wine has straw yellow colour with elegant scent, hints of banana, pineapple, wild flowers and bread. The taste reminds fruits with apple and pear notes.
Q: We really enjoy Krua Thai. Its a small place and never super crowded. The food has been reliably delicious. My husband prefers Krua Thai to Sala Thai, but I'd maybe say it's a tie with overall experience being better at Krua and food maybe slightly better at Sala. A: positive Q: It makes me feel bad when I criticize small, family-owned establishments. On the other hand, fellow Yelpers also deserve to know about my experience as it might help someone avoid frustration and disappointment. 1) Do not go there expecting it to be quick. It took 22 minutes for my order to arrive and it was a very basic order -- a BBQ chicken bowl and a musubi -- which are staples at a place like this. It was painfully slow and for no apparent reason. There were 2 people ahead of me in line when I got there. There was nobody else waiting around for food. They had been open about 15 minutes. 2) Re customer service. I stood there waiting and was obviously getting antsy, but received no acknowledgement. Instead, the lady at the counter avoided eye contact with me. Finally, after more than 15 minutes, I asked about my order, thinking maybe they'd forgotten it. She curtly told me that mine takes awhile to cook (really, a chicken bowl?) and it would be coming soon. After 5 more minutes, she finally handed me my bag, without saying a word. 3) The meat on the musubi was the thinnest I've ever seen (of hundreds, if not thousands, that I've eaten in my life) and it was overcooked. Fail. 4) The chicken bowl was okay. Tasted like your basic chicken bowl. Not a lot of chicken, though. I wasn't expecting much since it was a bowl and not one of the plate lunches, but still, it was pretty skimpy. Enough for me, but if you're hungry, be forewarned. Overall, despite my love of Hawaiian BBQ, this was a bad experience. But I suppose if you're in the neighborhood and craving it, and you have a lot of time and low expectations, it would be okay. A: negative Q: So-so. Came in for some dessert with some friends. Ordered the strawberry cheese cake and the tiramisu. I was really excited by the description of the cheesecake with "strawberries"... (Plural) But when the cheesecake came out, there was only one strawberry! I attached a pic of the dessert menu and cheesecake. And, I think it's strawberry season right now! I felt like both desserts were alright but not amazing enough to make me want more :/ The service was okay. The server kept serving us from the side of the kitchen over the wall of the booth which felt a little awkward. A: negative Q: The Groovy P. and I ventured to his old stomping grounds for lunch today. The '5 and Diner' on 16th St and Colter left me with little to ask for. Before coming here I had a preconceived notion that 5 & Diners were dirty and nasty. Not the case at all. We walk in and let the waitress know we want to sit outside (since it's so nice and they had misters). We get two different servers bringing us stuff (talk about service) and I ask the one waitress for recommendations. I didn't listen to her, of course, and ordered the Southwestern Burger w/ coleslaw and started with a nice stack of rings. The Onion Rings were perfectly cooked. They looked like they were prepackaged, but they were very crispy and I could actually bite through the onion without pulling the entire thing out (don't you hate that?!!!) The Southwestern Burger was order Medium Rare and was cooked accordingly. Soft, juicy, and pink with a nice crispy browned outer layer that can only be achieved on a well used grill. The creaminess of the chipotle mayo paired beautifully with the green chiles. Unfortunately, because I ate too many onion rings, I couldn't finish my burger. What a shame! The Coleslaw was just how I like it. It's hard to find a really good coleslaw. I prefer mine to be slightly sweet, not sour. Too much vinegar in slaw ruins it in my opinion. This slaw had the perfect marriage of mayo, vinegar, and sugar. Not to mention carrots... My experience here was great! The servers were top notch and kept my water full the entire time and actually chatted with us for a few minutes. There is an artist guy named Ross who has been there every day for 5393 days straight. No, not an employee. He goes there and does his art! He hasn't missed a SINGLE day!!! That's like... 15 years! So if you wanna seem to be 'in the know' ask where Ross is... They'll be able to tell you. Time for a nap! A:
What type of thing is the question "Who was Camp David named for ?" asking about?
test: Die Mitgliedstaaten sollten jedoch vorsichtshalber die Kommission darüber in Kenntnis setzen und von ihr grünes Licht bekommen, bevor sie solche Maßnahmen einleiten, was mehrere Gründe hat, nicht zuletzt die Finanzierung von Erstattungszahlungen und die Gewährleistung, dass bei grenzüberschreitendem Handel ein Übereinkommen mit anderen Mitgliedstaaten besteht. English? translation: However, as a matter of prudence, the Member States are advised to inform and get clearance from the Commission before embarking on this for a number of reasons, not least funding for compensation and also to ensure that there is an agreement with other Member States in the event of cross-border trade. Stürzen Sie sich hier in das bunte Nachtleben, und vergnügen Sie sich in diesem Viertel rund um den Alexanderplatz und den Hackeschen Markt. In English? xxxxx Make sure to explore the countless nightlife and entertainment venues surrounding the Alexanderplatz square and Hackescher Markt district. How is "The acidity of an extra-virgin oil should never exceed 0.8% (0.5% for Garda D.O.P." said in German? Der Säuregehalt eines nativen Olivenöls Extra darf nie 0,8% überschreiten ( 0,5% für natives Olivenöl Extra D.O.P. Q: Translate "What kind of interest in hosting the visitors, may subject is striking." to German? A: Welche Art von Interesse daran, die Besucher können unter fällt. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Debians innovatives SGML-Subsystem positioniert Debian als erstklassige Plattform für SGML- und XML-Entwickler, es bietet ein kompletten Werkzeugsatz für Dokumentierer und Auszeichnungs-Programmierer ohne dafür eine manuelle Einrichtung zu benötigen. test: An der B 211 befindet sich in Loyermoor der so genannte „Geest-Abbruch“, der eine Höhendifferenz von gut 30 Meter überbrückt. English? translation:
Here the largest town of the district is located: Nordenham , lying opposite to Bremerhaven at the Weser mouth.
Q: Alexis Tsipras made clear he was against the "unbearable" bailout plan. Parliament is debating whether to ratify the vote, and some queues have been seen outside banks in Athens. Eurozone finance ministers are meeting to discuss the crisis, and to decide whether to give Greece an extension of the bailout until after the vote. The current bailout expires on Tuesday, the same day Greece's IMF debt is due. It is unclear what would happen if Greece does not get a temporary extension. Without a deal on the bailout, there are fears Greece's economy could collapse. The head of Mr Tsipras's coalition partners, Panos Kammenos, called for calm amid reports that worried Greeks had begun queuing outside banks to take out their money. Many fear that Greece's central bank might start restricting withdrawals. In a televised address, Mr Tsipras described the bailout plan as "humiliation" and condemned "unbearable" austerity measures demanded by creditors. The government portrays the referendum as yes or no to austerity. The opposition says it is, in effect, yes or no to Europe. Some of them say the referendum itself is unconstitutional, and are urging the Greek president to reject it. But Mr Tsipras will argue that he had no other option. He was elected to get a better deal rather than no deal at all. But no better deal was on offer. As for Greece's creditors I think they will be one part flabbergasted, one part anxious, and one part wondering what on earth they do next. But several eurozone finance ministers, arriving in Brussels for their fifth meeting on Greece in little more than a week, said there was no question of accepting Mr Tsipras's request to extend his country's current international bailout by a few days, to prevent the Greek economy collapsing before a referendum can be held. Some of the ministers will now want to focus on Plan B instead - how to ring-fence Greece and protect the rest of the eurozone from any potential economic shocks ahead. "I call on you to decide - with sovereignty and dignity as Greek history demands - whether we should accept the extortionate ultimatum that calls for strict and humiliating austerity without end, and without the prospect of ever standing on our own two feet, socially and financially," he said. "The people must decide free of any blackmail," he added. Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis tweeted in support of the referendum. Some opposition figures on the other hand accused Mr Tsipras of using the vote to push Greece out of the EU. A senior centre-left politician in Germany's coalition government, Carsten Schneider, called for the European Central Bank (ECB) to stop propping up Greece's economy with emergency injections amounting to $89bn. BBC economics editor Robert Peston said that if the ECB continued its emergency support, some members of its governing council feared it would be breaking all central banking rules. Mr Tsipras was speaking hours after talks in Brussels, where the IMF and EU offered a five-month extension to Greece's bailout programme. The proposal would have released €15.5bn of funding, €1.8bn of which would have been available immediately. However, that was conditional on Greece carrying out reforms. German Chancellor Angela Merkel had urged Athens to accept what she called an "extraordinarily generous" offer. What if the Greek talks fail Can Greece stay in the euro? Chris Morris: Tsipras may face impossible choice How did Greece get in this mess? The protracted negotiations are stalled over what reforms Athens is prepared to take, with disputes emerging on pensions and increasing Value Added Tax. If Greece does default, it could exit the eurozone, with possible repercussions for the rest of Europe and the world economy. Only once agreement is reached will the European Commission, European Central Bank (ECB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) unlock the final €7.2bn tranche of bailout funds for cash-strapped Greece. Greece has been in recession for much of the past six years. After winning elections in January, Mr Tsipras' left-wing Syriza party promised to end tough austerity measures. Syriza says tough bailout conditions have impoverished Greece, fuelling unemployment - currently at more than 20% - and failing to reduce the massive debt pile. A: Greece's prime minister has called a referendum on 5 July for voters to decide whether to accept a bailout deal offered by international creditors. Q: French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde and Governor of the Bank of Mexico Agustin Carstens will fight it out for the top job. The post became available after the former head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned. Mr Strauss-Kahn was arrested in the US last month on charges of an alleged sexual assault. He has denied the charges. The IMF said it expects to complete the selection process by 30 June. "The Executive Board will meet with the candidates in Washington DC and, thereafter, meet to discuss the strengths of the candidates and make a selection," the fund said. Ms Lagarde is considered by many as the front runner for the post. She is backed by the European Union and in recent days she has also won the support of Egypt, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mr Carstens has the support of Latin American countries. However, he acknowledged that his rival had the edge in the race. "I'm not fooling myself. It's like starting a soccer game with a 5-0 score," Mr Carstens said during an appearance at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on Monday. However, Mr Carstens said that if a European candidate is appointed to the post, it may result in a conflict of interest, given the ongoing debt-crisis in some of the European countries. "We could have a situation where borrowers dominate the institution," he said. Mr Carstens said that the European debt-crisis had snowballed into a big problem over the years and the region needed a fresh perspective in order to solve the problem. "What will help me is precisely to have a fresh pair of eyes," he said. "Also someone coming from the outside can in a way speak of their mind more frankly and I think that will be an advantage," he added. Ricardo Ochoa, head of international affairs at Mexico's finance ministry, said that Mr Carstens' experience as the head of the country's central bank, would allow him to be more sensitive to the problems of countries which needed IMF aid. "He has been on the other side of the table," Mr Ochoa told the BBC. "Mexico already has been in the situation where important reforms have to be implemented, and I think that puts him in a situation - to have a more understanding and more sensitive IMF," Mr Ochoa added. A:
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has shortlisted two candidates to take over as its managing director.
Solve 0 = 56*x + 16*x - 720 for x.
Hugo Käch died on December 31 , 2003 in Schaffhausen near Flurlingen , Germany . Hugo Käch died on 31 December 2003 in Flurlingen near Schaffhausen . Select your answer from the options. Do these sentences mean the same thing? Possible answers: - no; - yes;
Автор каталога обращает внимание читателя на разницу в полноте предоставления данных, которая определяется тем, откуда эти данные поступили - из археологического музея или из учреждения, случайно оказавшегося владельцем такого типа коллекции. Translate to English English:
The author of the catalogue also draws the attention of the readers to differences in the presentation of the material received, depending on whether they came from an archaeological museum or from an institution incidentally in the possession of such a type of collection.
Please check if these have the same meaning. The Pike County School System consists of 25 high schools , middle and elementary schools . The Pike County School System consists of 25 elementary , middle , and high schools . Answer: yes Please check if these have the same meaning. The total number of electrons , and electron density is much greater than in the corresponding positive corona . The total number of electrons and electron density is much greater than in the positive corona in question . Answer: yes Please check if these have the same meaning. The river Valea Lungă is a tributary of the Casimcea River in Romania . The Casimcea River is a tributary of the Valea Lungă River in Romania . Answer: no Please check if these have the same meaning. Hugo Käch died on December 31 , 2003 in Schaffhausen near Flurlingen , Germany . Hugo Käch died on 31 December 2003 in Flurlingen near Schaffhausen . Answer:
Summarize this article: Flag Flap Underscores Trump's Strained Relationship With McCain Enlarge this image toggle caption Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images Updated at 9:37 p.m. ET The beginning of the national memorial for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has been marred by a fight over a sign of public respect, as President Trump initially avoided issuing a proclamation to lower flags to half-staff at all federal properties in McCain's honor. Flags were lowered at government buildings across Washington and across the country Saturday evening after McCain died, as is standard practice for a sitting member of Congress. But on Monday morning the flag atop the White House was back at full-staff, causing some to ask whether Trump's strained relationship with McCain had played into the decision to not keep it lowered. The lack of a proclamation was viewed by some as a disrespectful act reflecting the president's dislike for McCain, which Trump continued to express publicly, even as recently as last week. Hours after reporters questioned the White House about the move and the president ignored multiple press attempts to ask his reaction to McCain's death, the White House flag was eventually lowered to half-staff Monday afternoon. Trump said in a statement released shortly afterward: "Despite our differences on policy and politics, I respect Senator John McCain's service to our country and, in his honor, have signed a proclamation to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff until the day of his interment." Until that point, Trump had not issued a formal statement on McCain or commented on his service to the country, instead tweeting brief condolences Saturday to the senator's family. Later Monday evening at a dinner with evangelical leaders, Trump made his first public comments since the senator's death Saturday. "We very much appreciate everything that Senator McCain has done for our country," the president said. "Our hearts and prayers are going to the family," Trump also said, echoing his tweet. "There's going to be a lot of activity over the next number of days." The dust-up over the flag was viewed as particularly insulting by veterans. McCain was a retired captain in the Navy and the son and grandson of two four-star Navy admirals. He was held for 5 1/2 years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam after the attack aircraft he was piloting was shot down during a bombing raid over Hanoi. He was tortured but refused early release because it would have meant leaving ahead of other soldiers who had been captured before him. American Legion National Commander Denise Rohan issued a letter before Trump's late afternoon written statement, appealing to the president to follow the custom he had used in recent deaths of national figures. "The American Legion urges the White House to follow long-established protocol following the death of prominent government officials," she wrote. "Mr. President, just this year, you released presidential proclamations noting the deaths of Barbara Bush and Billy Graham. Senator John McCain was an American hero and cherished member of The American Legion." The veterans group AMVETS also issued a statement calling the president's actions since McCain's death deeply disappointing. "It's outrageous that the White House would mark American hero John McCain's death with a two-sentence tweet, making no mention of his heroic and inspiring life," said AMVETS National Executive Director Joe Chenelly. "And by lowering flags for not one second more than the bare minimum required by law, despite a long-standing tradition of lowering flags until the funeral, the White House is openly showcasing its blatant disrespect for Senator McCain's many decades of service and sacrifice to our country as well as the service of all his fellow veterans." And in what could be viewed as a subtle slap at Trump, the Canadian Embassy in Washington also posted a picture showing that it had lowered its flag to honor McCain. " Senator John McCain was a long-serving U.S. Senator, naval officer, strong advocate for NATO, and a good friend to Canada. The flag at the Embassy has been lowered to half-mast in his honour," the embassy tweeted. This week McCain will lie in state in both the U.S. and Arizona capitols and will be memorialized at a funeral at his family's church in Phoenix and at a service at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. He will be buried at the cemetery at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., on Sunday. According to the U.S. Code, the rules for a member of Congress state that flags are to be lowered on the day of the death plus one additional day. In other instances the White House has issued a proclamation extending the period to keep the flags at half-staff. It was no secret that the president and McCain frequently clashed. The Washington Post reported that when White House press secretary Sarah Sanders and other officials initially prepared a statement in Trump's name praising McCain, the president rejected that plan, opting instead for his Saturday tweet. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., sent a joint letter to the Department of Defense on Sunday requesting that flags "at all government buildings and installations" remain at half-staff through McCain's burial on Sunday. "We've received the letter and we'll be working with Senator Schumer and Senator McConnell," said Tom Crosson, a Pentagon spokesman. But with the White House proclamation issued late on Monday, the Pentagon can point to that as the directive responsive to the congressional request. NPR's Tom Bowman contributed to this report. ||||| Tension between President Donald Trump and Sen. John McCain made an already sorrowful moment even more strained for Republican senators, like Bob Corker (pictured), returning to the Capitol on Monday. | Toya Sarno Jordan/Getty Images GOP senators ding White House over McCain flag dust-up 'I think all of us are focused on the good of John McCain, and not the pettiness of others. I’ll just leave it at that,' says Sen. Bob Corker. President Donald Trump's delay in honoring the late Sen. John McCain left some Republican senators questioning on Monday why the president failed to lower the White House flag to half-staff sooner. Trump’s proclamation Monday to order the White House flag to half-staff in McCain’s honor — after a raising of the flag on Monday morning drew criticism from veterans groups — left even some of the president’s congressional GOP allies scratching their heads. As Americans on both sides of the aisle came together to mourn McCain, the move seemed to strike the late Arizona senator’s bereaved Republican colleagues as a needless unforced error. Story Continued Below Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said the Monday flap over White House flags rising while Capitol flags remained at half-staff for McCain “should not have happened.” “That should have been automatic,” Hatch told reporters. “You do things that are sensible. And sensitive.” Although official code governing the display of the flag calls for a lowering to half-staff for one full day after a member of Congress dies, which the White House had done following McCain’s death on Saturday, usual protocol for particularly high-ranking public officials has involved keeping the flag lowered until the day of interment. Trump signed a proclamation making that happen on Monday afternoon, only after veterans groups had begun speaking out — and began his statement with an acknowledgment of his and McCain’s “differences on policy and politics.” After tangling with Trump during the 2016 campaign, McCain was unafraid to openly challenge Trump’s agenda and view of the world, including an implicit jab at the president in a farewell statement released publicly on Monday. Sign up here for POLITICO Huddle A daily play-by-play of congressional news in your inbox. Email Sign Up By signing up you agree to receive email newsletters or alerts from POLITICO. You can unsubscribe at any time. Trump declined to answer repeated questions from White House reporters about McCain earlier on Monday, but later appeared to warm to honoring the late senator yet again during a dinner with evangelical leaders. “We very much appreciate everything that Sen. McCain has done for our country," Trump said, according to a pool report. That tension between Trump and McCain made an already sorrowful moment even tenser for Republican senators returning to the Capitol on Monday. “I could not understand why the administration had the flag lowered for such a brief period of time,” Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said. Asked whether Trump was letting his strained relationship with the late six-term Arizonan get in the way of honoring McCain, Collins added: “It certainly looks that way, but I can’t speak for his motive. I’m just glad that the decision’s been reversed.” Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), chief of the GOP Conference’s campaign arm, declined to address the White House’s decision-making on the flag and tried to pull the conversation back to McCain. “I’m not going to get into that,” Gardner said. “What I am going to say is, this week is about John McCain, his legacy, his lifetime of service to this country.” Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) readily volunteered that she was glad to see the White House return the flags to half-staff. “I mean, come on, he’s a national hero, much-beloved, and I’m pleased that we’re doing the right thing,” Capito said, circling back to clarify that “I shouldn’t say ‘we’ — the right thing is being done.” Trump’s proclamation on raising the White House flag came soon after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who each delivered heartfelt speeches in McCain’s honor Monday, asked the Pentagon for assistance in flying flags at half-staff on all government buildings. The Senate also unanimously passed a resolution in McCain’s honor late Monday. Both McConnell and Schumer are scheduled to deliver remarks Friday at a ceremony in honor of McCain, who will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda. Vice President Mike Pence is slated to speak on behalf of the administration, while Trump will stay away from both that event and McCain’s Saturday memorial service in Washington. Schumer has proposed renaming the Russell Senate Office Building, where McCain’s office was located, in honor of the late GOP presidential nominee and decorated veteran. McConnell has yet to fully endorse that idea, saying Monday that he would consult with fellow senators on it. But Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) signed on as a cosponsor of Schumer’s plan, and other Republicans signaled potential support. “I think I’d be in favor of naming almost any building for McCain,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told reporters, “but I’m not sure that I want to make a decision on a specific building at this point.” Although the late former Sen. Richard Russell (D-Ga.) “is somebody that was obviously a huge figure,” Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said, “it is an era that’s gone by.” Speculating about potential opposition to the renaming, Corker quipped that “I don’t know who would want to vote against naming a building after somebody who just passed.” The Foreign Relations chairman also offered a subtle jab at Trump when asked about the White House’s stumble on honoring McCain with the flag at half-staff. “I think all of us are focused on the good of John McCain, and not the pettiness of others,” Corker said. “I’ll just leave it at that.” John Bresnahan contributed to this report. CORRECTION: An initial version of this story incorrectly identified the party of former Sen. Richard Russell. ||||| After ignoring repeated questions all day about whether he would say anything about his political nemesis, John McCain, President Donald Trump finally spoke about him Monday evening, saying "our hearts and prayers are going to the family of Senator John McCain ... and we very much appreciate everything Sen. McCain has done for our country." Interested in John McCain? Add John McCain as an interest to stay up to date on the latest John McCain news, video, and analysis from ABC News. Add Interest The president was speaking to a dinner with evangelical leaders. He extended prayers and condolences to the victims of the Jacksonville, Florida shooting as well. The president's comments came a few hours after the White House abruptly returned its flag to half-staff Monday afternoon in honor of the late senator. Trump had ignored questions about McCain in the Oval Office Monday morning and at other events as well. The president issued a statement Monday afternoon explaining why the flag was again lowered -- after facing widespread criticism for not keeping it at half-staff. Leah Millis/Reuters "Despite our differences on policy and politics, I respect Senator John McCain’s service to our country and, in his honor, have signed a proclamation to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff until the day of his interment," the president said. "I have asked Vice President Mike Pence to offer an address at the ceremony honoring Senator McCain at the United States Capitol this Friday," the statement continued. "At the request of the McCain family, I have also authorized military transportation of Senator McCain’s remains from Arizona to Washington, D.C., military pallbearers and band support, and a horse and caisson transport during the service at the United States Naval Academy. Finally, I have asked General John Kelly, Secretary James Mattis, and Ambassador John Bolton to represent my Administration at his services," the president said. But throughout much of the day, Trump had ignored almost a dozen questions from ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl and reporters on McCain. In contrast, the president's daughter Ivanka Trump praised McCain as a "hero" at a women's empowerment event in Washington, D.C. “As we gather here today I want to extend my deepest sympathies to the family of Sen John McCain –an American patriot who served our country with distinction for more than six decades," said Trump. "The nation is united in its grief and the world mourns the loss of a true hero and a great statesman." "Why won't you say anything about John McCain?"@jonkarl asked Pres. Trump ten times today to comment on Senator John McCain, who passed away this weekend at age 81. The president did not respond. — ABC News (@ABC) August 27, 2018 White House officials had returned the U.S. flag to full-staff around midnight, ABC News senior White House correspondent Cecilia Vega told “Good Morning America” host George Stephanopoulos Monday. The White House flag could then be seen for some time flying at full-staff while the banners surrounding the Washington Monument were at half-staff. karentravers/Twitter The initial White House flag-lowering that lasted less than 48 hours broke with precedent that it remain lowered until burial. The federal code states that the flag shall be lowered on the day of death and the following day for a sitting member of Congress. Flying it at half-staff for an extended period of time is at the discretion of the president. Susan Walsh/AP, FILE Meanwhile, Trump inititialy rejected his aides’ recommendation to issue a statement praising the late Arizona senator, The Washington Post reported Sunday. But Trump did release a tweet of condolences. My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 26, 2018 The McCain family had reportedly asked the president not to attend McCain’s funeral even before he died this weekend at age 81. Two former presidents -- Barack Obama and George W. Bush -- will deliver eulogies Saturday. Vice President Mike Pence has also been invited to the funeral. ||||| WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House lowered its U.S. flag to half-staff, raised it back up and on Monday lowered it again after the death of Senator John McCain, in an unusual and confusing break with protocol on the passing of a national leader. McCain, a prisoner of war in Vietnam, longtime U.S. senator from Arizona and 2008 Republican presidential nominee, died of brain cancer on Saturday at age 81. That prompted many Americans to lower flags to half-staff, a traditional gesture of honor. But President Donald Trump, who had clashed with fellow Republican McCain over various issues and said during his campaign that the senator was “not a war hero,” wavered in his approach to what presidents normally treat as a gesture of courtesy and respect. Trump’s White House lowered its flag on Saturday, then raised it back following the minimum period under law. Trump also delayed issuing the customary proclamation for flags to remain at half-staff for longer than the two-day minimum. Finally, under pressure from veterans and members of Congress, Trump said in a statement later on Monday that he respected McCain’s service to the nation and had ordered flags to half-staff. In a letter to Trump on its Facebook page, the American Legion veterans group had urged the White House “to follow long-established protocol following the death of prominent government officials.” The Legion described McCain as a “cherished member.” After a day of ignoring shouted questions about McCain, Trump broke his silence during a gathering of evangelical leaders at the White House on Monday evening. A combination of three photographs shows the U.S. flag atop the White House flying at half staff Sunday morning August 26 in honor of the death of Senator John McCain (L), back at full staff less than 24 hours later on Monday morning August 27 (C) and then back down to half-staff Monday afternoon (R) in Washington, U.S., August 27, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts, Kevin Lamarque and Leah Millis “Our hearts and prayers are going to the family of Senator John McCain ... and we very much appreciate everything Senator McCain has done for our country,” he told the religious leaders. Through most of Monday, confusion reigned across the federal government, with flags flying at half-staff over the U.S. Capitol and at hundreds of national parks, but at full-staff over the Pentagon and the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security had issued a government-wide notification after McCain’s death to lower flags at U.S. facilities but rescinded it on Monday, leaving the decision to staff at individual sites, according to an official. Slideshow (2 Images) ‘SOMEWHAT SHOCKING’ Presidents normally follow Congress’ lead on the death of a prominent lawmaker and order flags lowered until sunset on the day of burial. Critics of the president saw his reticence as a final slight against McCain. “I doubt you could find a comparable situation where the president doesn’t order the flag flown at half-mast until the funeral,” said John Lawrence, history professor at the University of California’s Washington Center. “The disparity between the Congress and White House policy is obviously noticeable and somewhat shocking.” McCain was a frequent Trump critic and his family has said he did not want the president to attend his funeral. A family spokesman issued a farewell statement from McCain in which he said of the United States: “We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries ... We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals, rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been.” |||||
– The White House flag had a more tumultuous start to the week than typical, having been lowered to half-staff on Saturday in the wake of Sen. John McCain's death, then raised back up on Monday in keeping with the US flag code but to an outcry from the media and others who felt a flag proclamation from President Trump was in order. After lowering the flag once more, that proclamation came Monday afternoon; Reuters describes it as being issued in a "delayed" manner, noting that presidents typically take their cue from Congress when a high-profile lawmaker dies. NPR has President Trump's statement: "Despite our differences on policy and politics, I respect Senator John McCain's service to our country and, in his honor, have signed a proclamation to fly the flag of the United States at half-staff until the day of his interment," which is Saturday. NPR details the groups who implored the president to make the move, including the American Legion and the veterans group AMVETS; Politico has comments from Republican senators on the issue. ABC News reports its chief White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, was a man on a mission of sorts on Monday, asking the president nearly a dozen questions about McCain and receiving no reply. Trump eventually spoke about the senator while meeting with evangelical leaders at the White House on Monday night. "Our hearts and prayers are going to the family of Senator John McCain ... and we very much appreciate everything Senator McCain has done for our country."
e)contributetoaggregatingballots,ascertainingtheresultofthereferendum; Generate a sentence using the above characters:
e) contribute to aggregating ballots, ascertaining the result of the referendum;
Question: you know he gets three meals a day and and he probably He gets three meals a day. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: yes Problem: Here is a premise: yeah and and it's so it's business so and you notice that they're they're only going to do it to like cars that are one or two years old Here is a hypothesis: They're dealing with very old cars. Here are the options: OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Sentence 1: Some participants believed that separation of the CEO and chairman of the board positions recognizes the differences in their roles and eliminates conflicts in functions. Sentence 2: The CEO and chairman of the board positions can be separated to eliminate conflicts in function. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Is this second sentence entailed by the first? Answer: yes Question: Thus, her apartment was filled with Neuro-interface clamps, Virtual Reality Headsets, Holographic Immersion pads; some of it quite high-end stuff, some of it quite nasty looking. Does it follow that "Her apartment was empty, it had no devices nor furniture whatsoever."? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer: no Q: If At that moment a well remembered voice floated through the open French window near at hand: "Then you'll write to the Princess after tea, Alfred? , can we say that "It was the right thing to do for Alfred to write to the princess. "? OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no A: it is not possible to tell Question: In recognition of these tensions, LSC has worked diligently since 1995 to convey the expectations of the State Planning Initiative and to establish meaningful partnerships with stakeholders aimed at fostering a new symbiosis between the federal provider and recipients of legal services funding. Meaningful partnerships with stakeholders is crucial. OPTIONS: - yes - it is not possible to tell - no Answer:
it is not possible to tell
In his briefing on economic development, Al Horner will give you details of programs we fund to foster partnerships between the private sector and First Nations and Inuit communities, in areas like resource development projects, for example. Translate to French
Dans sa présentation sur le développement économique, M. Al Horner vous donnera des détails sur les programmes que nous finançons pour favoriser l'établissement de partenariats entre le secteur privé et les collectivités des Premières nations et inuites dans des domaines comme celui de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles.
i'm 10x cooler than all of you! Select your answer from the options. What is the sentiment of this tweet? Available options: [i] negative [ii] positive...I think the answer is
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Enron Business Article
Review: for the uninitiated plays better on video with the sound Is this movie review sentence negative or positive?
Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Aircraft carrier: The 1903 advent of heavier-than-air fixed-wing aircraft was closely followed in 1910 by the first experimental take-off of an airplane, made from the deck of a United States Navy vessel (cruiser USS Birmingham), and the first experimental landings were conducted in 1911. On 9 May 1912 the first airplane take-off from a ship underway was made from the deck of the British Royal Navy's HMS Hibernia. Seaplane tender support ships came next, with the French Foudre of 1911. In September 1914 the Imperial Japanese Navy Wakamiya conducted the world's first successful ship-launched air raid: on 6 September 1914 a Farman aircraft launched by Wakamiya attacked the Austro-Hungarian cruiser SMS Kaiserin Elisabeth and the German gunboat Jaguar in Kiaochow Bay off Tsingtao; neither was hit. The first carrier-launched airstrike was the Tondern Raid in July 1918. Seven Sopwith Camels launched from the converted battlecruiser HMS Furious damaged the German airbase at Tønder and destroyed two zeppelins. What was the first carrier-launched airstrike? A: the Tondern Raid in July 1918 Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Solar energy: Solar distillation can be used to make saline or brackish water potable. The first recorded instance of this was by 16th-century Arab alchemists. A large-scale solar distillation project was first constructed in 1872 in the Chilean mining town of Las Salinas. The plant, which had solar collection area of 4,700 m2 (51,000 sq ft), could produce up to 22,700 L (5,000 imp gal; 6,000 US gal) per day and operate for 40 years. Individual still designs include single-slope, double-slope (or greenhouse type), vertical, conical, inverted absorber, multi-wick, and multiple effect. These stills can operate in passive, active, or hybrid modes. Double-slope stills are the most economical for decentralized domestic purposes, while active multiple effect units are more suitable for large-scale applications. What is an example of a solar distillation design? A: single-slope Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Josip Broz Tito: In the immediate aftermath of World War II, there occurred several armed incidents between Yugoslavia and the Western Allies. Following the war, Yugoslavia acquired the Italian territory of Istria as well as the cities of Zadar and Rijeka. Yugoslav leadership was looking to incorporate Trieste into the country as well, which was opposed by the Western Allies. This led to several armed incidents, notably attacks by Yugoslav fighter planes on US transport aircraft, causing bitter criticism from the west. From 1945 to 1948, at least four US aircraft were shot down.[better source needed] Stalin was opposed to these provocations, as he felt the USSR unready to face the West in open war so soon after the losses of World War II and at the time when US had operational nuclear weapons whereas USSR had yet to conduct its first test. In addition, Tito was openly supportive of the Communist side in the Greek Civil War, while Stalin kept his distance, having agreed with Churchill not to pursue Soviet interests there, although he did support the Greek communist struggle politically, as demonstrated in several assemblies of the UN Security Council. In 1948, motivated by the desire to create a strong independent economy, Tito modeled his economic development plan independently from Moscow, which resulted in a diplomatic escalation followed by a bitter exchange of letters in which Tito affirmed that In what year did Tito model his economic development plan independently from Moscow? A: 1948 Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Antenna (radio): The difference in the above factors for the case of θ=0 is the reason that most broadcasting (transmissions intended for the public) uses vertical polarization. For receivers near the ground, horizontally polarized transmissions suffer cancellation. For best reception the receiving antennas for these signals are likewise vertically polarized. In some applications where the receiving antenna must work in any position, as in mobile phones, the base station antennas use mixed polarization, such as linear polarization at an angle (with both vertical and horizontal components) or circular polarization. What is one use that would require an antenna to receive signals in various ways at once? A:
mobile phones
question: A U.S. Navy drone crashed Monday in a marsh near Salisbury, Maryland. The RQ-4A Global Hawk drone crashed during a routine training flight from Naval Air Station Patuxent River, according to Jamie Cosgrove, a spokeswoman for the Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons Program at the base. There were no injuries to civilians and no property damage, said the Navy, which said it is investigating the cause. Video from CNN affiliate WBOC showed smoke rising from brush fires in the unpopulated area. The drone crashed into a tributary of the Nanticoke River, a U.S. Coast Guard official said. The crash site has been blocked to recreational boat traffic while the agency investigates, the Coast Guard official said. As soon as Navy personnel lost contact with the unmanned vehicle, a piloted aircraft was dispatched to Maryland's Eastern Shore, where it came upon the wreckage and determined that it was unlikely anyone on the ground had been hurt, Navy officials told CNN. The crash occurred at about 12:11 p.m., near Bloodworth Island in Dorchester County, the Navy said. The aircraft is one of five aircraft acquired from the Air Force Global Hawk program. The BAMS-D program has been developing tactics and doctrine for the employment of high-altitude unmanned patrol aircraft since November 2006. The drone can fly for 30 hours without refueling at altitudes as high as 11 miles. It is typically used for reconnaissance. Of the five drones based at southern Maryland's Naval Air Station Patuxent River, four are in routine training and one is deployed with the U.S. Navy Fifth Fleet, the officials said. The basic RQ-4A Global Hawk UAV, manufactured for the U.S. Air Force by Northrop-Grumman, is the largest and most advanced drone in the U.S. military, according to the Navy. It is 44 feet long, has a 116-foot wingspan and weighs 25,600 lbs. The vehicles cost $176 million apiece, the Government Accountability Office reported in 2010. Crashes are highly unusual, Navy officials said. answer: NEW: No one was hurt and no property was damaged, the Navy says. NEW: The drones cost $176 million apiece. Navy drone crashes near Salisbury, Maryland. The RQ-4A Global Hawk was on a training mission, the Navy says. question: By. Associated Press. PUBLISHED:. 14:11 EST, 25 October 2013. |. UPDATED:. 15:36 EST, 25 October 2013. The bishop of the Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota has exposed potentially hundreds of church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown to the hepatitis A virus in late September and early October. The state Health Department has issued an advisory of exposure for anyone who attended five churches and took communion. Bishop John Folda (pictured) of the Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota has exposed potentially hundreds of church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown to the hepatitis A. State Immunization Program Manager Molly Howell says the risk is low, but officials feel it's important to alert people to the possible exposure. The diocese announced on Monday that Bishop John Folda is taking time off after being diagnosed with hepatitis A. The diocese says he contracted the infection through contaminated food while attending a conference for newly ordained bishops in Italy last month. Symptoms of hepatitis A include fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea and abdominal discomfort. Fargo Catholic Diocese in North Dakota (pictured) is where the bishop is located. answer:
Bishop John Folda, of North Dakota, is taking time off after being diagnosed. He contracted the infection through contaminated food in Italy. Church members in Fargo, Grand Forks and Jamestown could have been exposed.
what a beautiful day not to got to my first class Describe the sentiment embodied by this tweet.
Zinc: Zinc is included in most single tablet over-the-counter daily vitamin and mineral supplements. Preparations include zinc oxide, zinc acetate, and zinc gluconate. It is believed to possess antioxidant properties, which may protect against accelerated aging of the skin and muscles of the body; studies differ as to its effectiveness. Zinc also helps speed up the healing process after an injury. It is also suspected of being beneficial to the body's immune system. Indeed, zinc deficiency may have effects on virtually all parts of the human immune system. Please answer a question about this article. If the question is unanswerable, say "unanswerable". What is the danger of zinc after injury?
Q: Attributes: name = The Phoenix, food = Italian, customer rating = low, area = city centre. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant. A: [The Phoenix has low customer ratings. It is Italian and located in the city centre.] Q: Attributes: name = Zizzi, eatType = pub, food = Italian, customer rating = 1 out of 5, familyFriendly = yes. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant. A: [Zizzi is a children friendly pub serving Italian food with 1 out of 5 customer rating.] Q: Attributes: name = Zizzi, eatType = coffee shop, priceRange = high, customer rating = 5 out of 5, customer rating = average, area = riverside, familyFriendly = yes. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant. A: [The coffee shop Zizzi is a children-friendly place in riverside with a average customer rating and high price range.] Q: Attributes: name = The Golden Curry, food = Fast food, customer rating = low, area = riverside, familyFriendly = yes, near = Café Rouge. Produce a detailed sentence about this restaurant. A:
[The Golden Curry is a family-friendly fast food place with low customer ratings. It is near Café Rouge in the Riverside area.]
Q: What relation was British monarch Queen Victoria to Prince Albert before their marriage? A: first cousin Q: Originating in Eastern Europe, which pressed meat is seasoned with herbs and spices, smoked, and steamed after smoking? A: pastrami Q: What is the westernmost region of France? (not counting overseas territories) A:
By The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Soggy throngs, fireworks greet 2019 in rain-drenched Times Square as new year dawns in eastern US. NEW YORK (AP) — Soggy throngs, fireworks greet 2019 in rain-drenched Times Square as new year dawns in eastern US. Copyright © 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "New Year's Day celebrations took place at dawn in Times Square."?
The wine has straw yellow colour with elegant scent, hints of banana, pineapple, wild flowers and bread. The taste reminds fruits with apple and pear notes. Translate to Russian
Вино светло-золотистого цвета, с лёгким ароматом банана, ананаса и полевых цветов, во вкусе чувствуются нотки яблока и груши.
Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: The American television network "CNN" reported that officials at the American Defense Department (The Pentagon) will recommend halting the bombing on Iraq to President Bill Clinton this evening, Saturday. Hypothesis: cnn reported that non officials at the american defense department will recommend halting the bombing of iraq Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: Road Trip<br>Jordyn always wanted to go to California. She convinced her mother to take a trip. The two of them decided to make it a road trip. They packed their car with clothes and food. They hit the road and had a blast. Hypothesis: Jordyn and her mother took a road trip to California. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: Christ Episcopal Church is a historic Episcopal church in Belvidere, Allegany County, New York. The Gothic Revival style frame church was built in 1860 and features Carpenter Gothic elements. It is a one story board and batten clad rectangular structure with a slate gable roof. Hypothesis: The state of New York of United States is inhabited by a structure that its sole purpose is to praise the idol of a specific religion. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer:
Context: By The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Soggy throngs, fireworks greet 2019 in rain-drenched Times Square as new year dawns in eastern US. NEW YORK (AP) — Soggy throngs, fireworks greet 2019 in rain-drenched Times Square as new year dawns in eastern US. Copyright © 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed. Hypothesis: New Year's Day celebrations took place at dawn in Times Square.
Mark: Hey, sup? Thomas: Sorry, still doin maths hw but I'll brb, almost done Mark: What?? Dude, we had homework???? Thomas: Yea, been doing that all day today bc I forgot too, it's anightmare Mark: Shit... I haven't even started,there's no way I can make it now. Help a bro out?? Thomas: Wanna copy mine? Mark: PLEASe Thomas: Mark: You da real MVP, man. I owe you my life!!! Briefly summarize: Mark forgot doing his homework, so he is going to copy it from Thomas. Louise: I don't feel like running today Brett: oh that's sth new. anything wrng? Louise: it's the weather i guess Brett: i know, pretty gloomy ain't it Louise: if i don;t go, are you going alone? Brett: i guess i'm fine with that. don't worry about it Louise: I'm sorry it's just not my day sorry Brett: it's ok Louie. i get it Louise: so let me know how it goes Brett: you can follow me online you know Louise: i won;t be at home i guess Brett: w8 a mo, so your're going out? Louise: yeah kind of Brett: i guess i dunno what's your up to. bye 4 now Briefly summarize: Louise isn't going running with Brett today due to bad weather and because she's going out. Owen: do you know how to get to Erica's place? I've been driving around in circles and can't find it Margaret: those streets are very confusing, that's why i always take a cab when i go to erica's Owen: i should have done that Briefly summarize: Owen struggles to find Erica's place. Carter: Hey Alexis, I just wanted to let you know that I had a really nice time with you tonight. Alexis: Thanks Carter. Yeah, I really enjoyed myself as well. Carter: If you are up for it, I would really like to see you again soon. Alexis: Thanks Carter, I'm flattered. But I have a really busy week coming up. Carter: Yeah, no worries. I totally understand. But if you ever want to go grab dinner again, just let me know. Alexis: Yeah of course. Thanks again for tonight. Carter: Sure. Have a great night. Briefly summarize:
Alexis and Carter met tonight. Carter would like to meet again, but Alexis is busy.
who discovered the source of the nile river??? Answer: Jesuit Pedro Páez when was the movie stand by me made??? Answer: 1986 which state of india has high literacy rate??? Answer: Kerala who is the girl in more than you know??? Answer:
Romi Van Renterghem.
Timothy James Pawlenty (; born November 27, 1960) is an American businessman and politician who is president and CEO of Financial Services Roundtable, a Washington, D.C.-based industry advocacy group. He was a Republican politician who served as the 39th Governor of Minnesota (2003-2011). He previously served in the Minnesota House of Representatives (1993-2003), where he was majority leader for two terms. Pawlenty was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, to Eugene Joseph Pawlenty, and his wife, Virginia Frances (nee Oldenburg). His father, who drove a milk delivery truck, was of Polish descent, while his mother was of German ancestry. His mother died of cancer when he was 16. Pawlenty grew up in South St. Paul, where he played ice hockey on his high school's junior varsity squad. Intending to become a dentist, Pawlenty enrolled in the University of Minnesota, the only one in his family to go beyond high school. However, he changed his plans and spent the summers of 1980 and 1982 working as an intern at the office of U.S. Senator David Durenberger. In 1983, he graduated with a B.A. in political science. He received a Juris Doctor from the University of Minnesota Law School in 1986. While in law school, he met wife, Mary Anderson, whom he married in 1987. Pawlenty first worked as a labor law attorney at the firm Rider Bennett (later Rider, Bennett, Egan & Arundel), where he had interned while a law student. He later became vice president of a software as a service company, Wizmo Inc. Having moved to Eagan, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis - Saint Paul, Pawlenty was appointed to the city's Planning Commission by Mayor Vic Ellison. One year later, at age 28, he was elected to the City Council. Pawlenty entered state politics in 1990 as a campaign advisor for Jon Grunseth's losing bid for Minnesota governor. After Pawlenty himself became governor, he appointed Grunseth's ex-wife, Vicky Tigwell, to the board of the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport, an action which became an ethics and accountability issue in 2003. Pawlenty was elected in 2002 on a platform of balancing the state's budget without raising taxes. He emphasized his campaign and first term with the Taxpayers League of Minnesota slogan "no new taxes." His governorship was characterized by a historically low rate of spending growth. According to the Minnesota Management and Budget Department, general-fund expenditures from 2004 to 2011 increased an average of 3.5 percent per two-year term, compared to an average of 21.1 percent from 1960 to 2003 (these numbers, however, are not inflation-adjusted). University of Minnesota political science professor Larry Jacobs said that slowing down state spending and opposing tax increases were the "signature issue" of Pawlenty's governorship. In his first year as governor, Pawlenty inherited a projected two-year budget deficit of $4.3 billion, the largest in Minnesota's history. After a contentious budget session with a Democrat-controlled Senate, he signed a package of fee increases, spending reductions, and government reorganization which eliminated the deficit. The budget reduced the rate of funding increases for state services, including transportation, social services, and welfare. It also enacted a perennial proposal to restructure city aid based on immediate need, rather than historical factors. In negotiations the governor agreed to several compromises, abandoning a desired public employee wage freeze and property tax restrictions. During his second term, Pawlenty erased a $2.7-billion deficit by cutting spending, shifting payments, and using one-time federal stimulus money. His final budget (2010-2011) was the state's first two-year period since 1960 in which net government expenditures decreased. Pawlenty has claimed this as "the first time in 150 years" that spending has been cut, but fact-checkers have disputed this claim as no public budget records prior to 1960 are known to exist. Pawlenty has been criticized by some for providing a short-term budget solution but coming up short in his long-term strategy as governor. The state department of Management and Budget reports that the two-year budget starting in July 2011 is projected to come up $4.4 billion short. Former Minnesota Governor Arne Carlson, a Republican, criticized Pawlenty's budget strategy: he borrowed more than $1 billion from the tobacco settlement (money set aside for health care), borrowed more than $1.4 billion from K-12 education funding, borrowed more than $400 [million] from the Health Care Access Fund for low-income families, among other short-term shifts in accounting. The result was a $5-billion deficit, the seventh largest in the United States. Minnesota property taxes rose $2.5 billion, more than the previous 16 years combined, and Moody's lowered the state's bond rating. Carlson told Time, "I don't think any governor has left behind a worse financial mess than he [Pawlenty] has." Pawlenty responded, "My friend governor Arne Carlson is, of course, now an Obama and John Kerry supporter." While Pawlenty said he was "confident" in his right to use unallotment, the Minnesota Supreme Court ultimately decided against him, voting 4 to 3 in a decision in May 2010. His budget had been the subject of a lawsuit in Ramsey County District Court, which was decided against him. Judge Kathleen Gearin decided Pawlenty exceeded his constitutional authority in making unilateral spending cuts to a $5.3-million special dietary program that he had unalloted. Attorney David Lillehaug said initially, "This is, I don't think it's understating this to say, this is one of the most important court cases in Minnesota legal history." Pawlenty announced the following day that he would appeal; he filed his defense in February, and arguments were heard on March 15. In May, the Supreme Court affirmed Judge Gearin, deciding that "Because the legislative and executive branches never enacted a balanced budget for the 2010-2011 biennium, use of the unallotment power to address the unresolved deficit exceeded the authority granted to the executive branch by the statute". Pawlenty responded: I will fight to reduce spending and taxes in Minnesota and that battle continues. My commitment to the people of Minnesota remains the same: we will balance the budget without raising taxes. After the court ruling, as the 2010 legislative session drew to a close, Pawlenty vetoed a budget which would fix a $2.9-billion deficit by adding a new tax bracket for six-figure incomes. In response to the proposal, he criticized Democrats for attempting to raise taxes in the midst of an extremely difficult economic situation. Eventually, due in part to the efforts of House Speaker Margaret Kelliher, who was running for the 2010 Democratic nomination for governor of Minnesota, the General Assembly passed legislation approving nearly all the original unallotments. Answer the following question by taking a quote from the article: where did he grow up?
Saint Paul, Minnesota,
Briefly summarize this sentence: five people were killed , and a woman gravely wounded , following a lethal shootout at a nightclub in cali , colombia 's third largest city , local authorities said monday . Summary:
colombian nightclub shootout leaves five dead
Write some highlights for the following article: Ralph Mata was an internal affairs lieutenant for the Miami-Dade Police Department, working in the division that investigates allegations of wrongdoing by cops. Outside the office, authorities allege that the 45-year-old longtime officer worked with a drug trafficking organization to help plan a murder plot and get guns. A criminal complaint unsealed in U.S. District Court in New Jersey Tuesday accuses Mata, also known as "The Milk Man," of using his role as a police officer to help the drug trafficking organization in exchange for money and gifts, including a Rolex watch. In one instance, the complaint alleges, Mata arranged to pay two assassins to kill rival drug dealers. The killers would pose as cops, pulling over their targets before shooting them, according to the complaint. "Ultimately, the (organization) decided not to move forward with the murder plot, but Mata still received a payment for setting up the meetings," federal prosecutors said in a statement. The complaint also alleges that Mata used his police badge to purchase weapons for drug traffickers. Mata, according to the complaint, then used contacts at the airport to transport the weapons in his carry-on luggage on trips from Miami to the Dominican Republic. Court documents released by investigators do not specify the name of the drug trafficking organization with which Mata allegedly conspired but says the organization has been importing narcotics from places such as Ecuador and the Dominican Republic by hiding them "inside shipping containers containing pallets of produce, including bananas." The organization "has been distributing narcotics in New Jersey and elsewhere," the complaint says. Authorities arrested Mata on Tuesday in Miami Gardens, Florida. It was not immediately clear whether Mata has an attorney, and police officials could not be immediately reached for comment. Mata has worked for the Miami-Dade Police Department since 1992, including directing investigations in Miami Gardens and working as a lieutenant in the K-9 unit at Miami International Airport, according to the complaint. Since March 2010, he had been working in the internal affairs division. Mata faces charges of aiding and abetting a conspiracy to distribute cocaine, conspiring to distribute cocaine and engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity. He is scheduled to appear in federal court in Florida on Wednesday. If convicted, Mata could face life in prison. CNN's Suzanne Presto contributed to this report.
Criminal complaint: Cop used his role to help cocaine traffickers. Ralph Mata, an internal affairs lieutenant, allegedly helped group get guns. He also arranged to pay two assassins in a murder plot, a complaint alleges.
It says Mobtel has been connecting directly with international exchanges, in violation of the law. Translate to Romanian Romanian:
Aceasta declară că Mobtel s-a conectat direct la centrale telefonice internaţionale, încălcând legea.
What happens next in this paragraph? On the upper right hand of the screen a small video plays and shows a veet product while the girl takes two veet wax strips and puts them on her leg, then removes them in the order they were put on. the girl
then takes another veet product which turns out to be wiping strips and wipes her legs down, then takes a towel to her legs.
O.kk? Thats weird I cant stop following people on twitter... I have tons of people to unfollow How would the sentiment of this tweet be described? 1). negative 2). positive
Triple: Sportpark De Toekomst OPERATOR AFC Ajax What is a sentence that describes this triple?
AFC Ajax operate Sportpark De Toekomst.
The Groovy P. and I ventured to his old stomping grounds for lunch today. The '5 and Diner' on 16th St and Colter left me with little to ask for. Before coming here I had a preconceived notion that 5 & Diners were dirty and nasty. Not the case at all. We walk in and let the waitress know we want to sit outside (since it's so nice and they had misters). We get two different servers bringing us stuff (talk about service) and I ask the one waitress for recommendations. I didn't listen to her, of course, and ordered the Southwestern Burger w/ coleslaw and started with a nice stack of rings. The Onion Rings were perfectly cooked. They looked like they were prepackaged, but they were very crispy and I could actually bite through the onion without pulling the entire thing out (don't you hate that?!!!) The Southwestern Burger was order Medium Rare and was cooked accordingly. Soft, juicy, and pink with a nice crispy browned outer layer that can only be achieved on a well used grill. The creaminess of the chipotle mayo paired beautifully with the green chiles. Unfortunately, because I ate too many onion rings, I couldn't finish my burger. What a shame! The Coleslaw was just how I like it. It's hard to find a really good coleslaw. I prefer mine to be slightly sweet, not sour. Too much vinegar in slaw ruins it in my opinion. This slaw had the perfect marriage of mayo, vinegar, and sugar. Not to mention carrots... My experience here was great! The servers were top notch and kept my water full the entire time and actually chatted with us for a few minutes. There is an artist guy named Ross who has been there every day for 5393 days straight. No, not an employee. He goes there and does his art! He hasn't missed a SINGLE day!!! That's like... 15 years! So if you wanna seem to be 'in the know' ask where Ross is... They'll be able to tell you. Time for a nap! Is this review positive or negative? Choose your answer from: [1]. negative; [2]. positive; Answer:
The Groovy P. and I ventured to his old stomping grounds for lunch today. The '5 and Diner' on 16th St and Colter left me with little to ask for. Before coming here I had a preconceived notion that 5 & Diners were dirty and nasty. Not the case at all. We walk in and let the waitress know we want to sit outside (since it's so nice and they had misters). We get two different servers bringing us stuff (talk about service) and I ask the one waitress for recommendations. I didn't listen to her, of course, and ordered the Southwestern Burger w/ coleslaw and started with a nice stack of rings. The Onion Rings were perfectly cooked. They looked like they were prepackaged, but they were very crispy and I could actually bite through the onion without pulling the entire thing out (don't you hate that?!!!) The Southwestern Burger was order Medium Rare and was cooked accordingly. Soft, juicy, and pink with a nice crispy browned outer layer that can only be achieved on a well used grill. The creaminess of the chipotle mayo paired beautifully with the green chiles. Unfortunately, because I ate too many onion rings, I couldn't finish my burger. What a shame! The Coleslaw was just how I like it. It's hard to find a really good coleslaw. I prefer mine to be slightly sweet, not sour. Too much vinegar in slaw ruins it in my opinion. This slaw had the perfect marriage of mayo, vinegar, and sugar. Not to mention carrots... My experience here was great! The servers were top notch and kept my water full the entire time and actually chatted with us for a few minutes. There is an artist guy named Ross who has been there every day for 5393 days straight. No, not an employee. He goes there and does his art! He hasn't missed a SINGLE day!!! That's like... 15 years! So if you wanna seem to be 'in the know' ask where Ross is... They'll be able to tell you. Time for a nap! Is this review positive or negative?
Q: As of the census of 2000, there were 218,590 people, 79,667 households, and 60,387 families residing in the county. The population density was 496 people per square mile (192/km²). There were 83,146 housing units at an average density of 189 per square mile (73/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 86.77% Race (United States Census), 9.27% Race (United States Census), 0.23% Race (United States Census), 1.52% Race (United States Census), 0.06% Race (United States Census), 0.69% from Race (United States Census), and 1.47% from two or more races. 1.91% of the population were Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census) of any race. 22.5% were of German people, 13.1% Irish people, 9.8% Italian people, 9.2% English, 8.1% "American" and 6.0% Polish ancestry. How many percent were not Polish? A: 94 Q: As of the census of 2000, there were 48,599 people, 18,210 households, and 11,617 families residing in the county. The population density was 97 people per square mile (38/km²). There were 20,116 housing units at an average density of 40 per square mile (16/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 96.95% Race (United States Census), 0.86% Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census), 0.27% Race (United States Census), 0.41% Race (United States Census), 0.01% Race (United States Census), 0.32% from Race (United States Census), and 1.18% from two or more races. 1.16% of the population were Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census) of any race. 17.3% were of English, 16.9% Irish, 14.2% German, 13.0% Italian and 9.9% American ancestry according to Census 2000. 96.0% spoke English and 1.4% Spanish as their first language. How many more people are there than families? A: 36982 Q: Having jointly seized Beijing in 1920, the Fengtian and Zhili cliques controlled the nominal government of China. Tensions soon began building between the two cliques in their uneasy coalition government. In 1922 the Fengtian clique replaced Premier Jin Yunpeng with Liang Shiyi without getting prior consent of their partner, the Zhili clique. While the Zhili had the backing of the British and Americans, the Fengtian leader was backed by Japan. The Japanese government had once supported their enemy, the Anhui clique, but had switched sides soon after the change of power. On 25 December 1921, a cabinet under Liang Shiyi's leadership was formed with strong support from Zhang Zuolin, whereupon the new cabinet immediately granted amnesty to six former cabinet members of the Anhui clique. The Zhili clique strongly opposed the plan but were overruled. The conflict further intensified as the new cabinet refused to give some $3 million in military budgets previously promised to the Zhili clique. As a result, Wu Peifu and other Zhili clique members forced Liang Shiyi to resign on 25 January 1922. With the pro-Fengtian clique cabinet having collapsed only a month after its formation, Zhang Zuolin threatened to resolve the conflict by force. Troops were deployed on 10 April 1922, though Wu Peifu and his Zhili clique did not formally denounce their opponent until 25 April 1922. Which happened first, the granting of amnesty to former cabinet members or the resignation of Liang Shiyi? A: amnesty to six Q: As of the census of 2000, there were 120,546 people, 41,668 households, and 32,292 families residing in the county. The population density was 262 people per square mile (101/km²). There were 43,903 housing units at an average density of 95 per square mile (37/km²). The racial makeup of the county was 68.51% Race (United States Census), 26.06% Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census), 0.75% Race (United States Census), 1.82% Race (United States Census), 0.06% Race (United States Census), 0.72% from Race (United States Census), and 2.08% from two or more races. 2.26% of the population were Race (United States Census) or Race (United States Census) of any race. 11.6% were of german people, 10.8% irish people, 10.2% english people, 9.3% American and 5.3% italian people ancestry. How many more people are there than families? A:
Q: Breaking down the mystery of recruitment: Part 1 For some job candidates, working with a recruiter will be part of their job search plan. Yet the possibility of working with a recruiter can be somewhat of a secret due to the confidential nature involved in filling positions. To help unravel the mystery of recruiting, I had a good discussion with Tony Beshara, who has personally placed more than 6,500 people and interviewed more than 22,000 in his career. Beshara is the author of two books, “The Job Search Solution” and “Acing the Interview,” and is recognized as an expert in the recruiting field. Beshara’s insider information is helpful in that it brings answers to some of those recruiter questions that keep job candidates puzzled. Below are some of the issues job candidates face and Beshara’s views on understanding recruiters and their roles. Recruiters often are easy targets for job candidates to blame when their search becomes stalled. The tendency for candidates to lean on a recruiter to find a good opportunity for them is wishful thinking that’s often based on misunderstanding the recruiting process. Who gets the 100 percent devotion of a recruiter? The client who pays the recruiting fee will always be the priority and the recruiter’s loyalty is to the client in wanting to meet their deadlines, not your career goals. What is the No. 1 misconception job candidates have about recruiters? The recruiter has the power to get you a job. Recruiters can give you an opportunity to interview, but it is up to you to get the job. You are the one selling your skills during the interview, not the recruiter. As impersonal as this may seem, start right now by counting to 5 or maybe 10. This is the amount time your resume will be reviewed by a recruiter unless it is right on target for a specific position. Recruiters will not analyze every single resume sent to them, they receive hundreds of resumes and you are lucky if your resume gets selected for a 5-10 second review. Recruiters are “information brokers” and “hiring process managers,” not career counselors or advisors. They don’t have the time to give you career advice; rather, they are more focused on the needs of finding the best candidate for their client’s needs. Why aren’t recruiters calling you back? From a practical standpoint, they don’t have the time to follow up with every single candidate. It’s not that a recruiter doesn’t care; it’s likely a time management issue. You are likely to receive some advice from a recruiter about a career or job change if you already have a long-standing relationship with them. Cold-calling a recruiter for advice is a long shot and can lead to frustration. What has been your experience in working with recruiters? What was this article about? A: For some job candidates, working with a recruiter will be part of their job search plan. Yet the possibility of working with a recruiter can be somewhat of a secret due to the confidential nature involved in filling positions. To help unravel the mystery of recruiting, I had a good discussion with T Q: Gingrich Gains Ground After Rocky Campaign Start After his presidential campaign got off to a bumpy start, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich says the campaign's on solid footing, and it appears to be showing in the polls. Just days after his May entry into the race, Gingrich took heat for referring to Rep. Paul Ryan's Medicare overhaul plan as "right-wing social engineering." Then there were the questions about at least one six-figure credit line at Tiffany's. In early June, most of Gingrich's staff resigned. At the time, sources said staffers disagreed with Gingrich's strategy of maximizing social media and debate performances instead of traditional campaigning. Of those who departed, Gingrich now says, "They were wrong, making assumptions that just were not right." Fox News polling may vindicate the plan. In July, when potential GOP primary voters were asked who they'd like to see as the nominee, 9 percent picked Gingrich. He has steadily crept to 12 percent in polling released just days ago. "Every week we do a little better," Gingrich says. During the same time period, AP-GfK polling measuring the candidates' favorability has been shifting to Gingrich's advantage as well. Since July, the number of people who view him favorably has moved from 26 percent to 35 percent, while his unfavorable rating has dropped from 59 to 51 percent. Despite progress for the campaign, the candidate still faces significant hurdles. GOP strategist Karen Hanretty says the first is financial. "It takes a lot of money to get your message on the air, to reach as many voters as possible," she said. It's a challenge Gingrich acknowledged while campaigning in South Carolina over the weekend. "I need your help," Gingrich said, adding, "I don't have the kind of money my major competitors have." Hanretty also warns that Gingrich must beef up his presence in Iowa ahead of the crucial Jan. 3 caucuses. "He needs a very well-organized ground game, boots on the ground, and he doesn't have it right now." What Gingrich has is plenty of confidence. He points to his third place showing in last week's CBS News/New York Times poll and notes that's just where John McCain sat back in 2007, before going on to win the GOP nomination. What was this article about? A: Gingrich points to his third place showing in a recent poll and notes that's just where John McCain sat back in 2007, before going on to win the GOP nomination. Q: Former Oakland police chief is in the middle of Baltimore’s troubles Former Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts dodged big trouble when he quit his job here in October 2011, just weeks before Occupy Oakland demonstrators pitched tents on Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall and camped out for nearly two months, besieging the city, and twice halting operations at the Port of Oakland. But Batts wasn’t so lucky in his current job as Commissioner of the Baltimore Police Department. The city erupted in violent riots, looting and arson on Monday after the funeral of Freddie Gray, an African American man who suffered a serious spinal injury and died in while in police custody last week. Former Oakland police chief Anthony Batts/SFC Activists who held peaceful demonstrations last week have called for Batts’ ouster — and Baltimore police were unable to quell Monday’s violence. Late Monday, Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency and activated the National Guard. Meanwhile, Batts is under fire from both sides of the situation. Activists have criticized his failure to control police officers and discipline rogue cops. On Friday, Baltimore’s Fraternal Order of Police, the union representing police officers, criticized Batts for acknowledging errors in the Gray case and calling for an investigation into his death and the apparent ”rough ride” he endured to a police station. Batts is on his own rough ride now, and there’s a chance he won’t survive the ongoing crisis, which is still unfolding. What was this article about? A:
Former Oakland Police Chief Anthony Batts dodged big trouble when he quit his job here in October 2011, just weeks before Occupy Oakland demonstrators pitched tents on Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of Oakland City Hall and camped out for nearly two months, besieging the city, and twice halting o
who discovered the source of the nile river??? Answer: Jesuit Pedro Páez Question: when was the panchayat raj system introduced in india? Answer: 1992 Answer this question: who has won the most money playing jeopardy?? Brad Rutter Q: who plays the pirate in game of thrones?A: Lucian Gabriel Wiina Msamati Input: who is the actress that plays sue heck on the middle? Output: Eden Rebecca Sher who is the girl in more than you know??? Answer:
Romi Van Renterghem.
Premise: In recognition of these tensions, LSC has worked diligently since 1995 to convey the expectations of the State Planning Initiative and to establish meaningful partnerships with stakeholders aimed at fostering a new symbiosis between the federal provider and recipients of legal services funding. Hypothesis: Meaningful partnerships with stakeholders is crucial. Does the premise entail the hypothesis?
it is not possible to tell
I kill Kurtz, they kill me, the brass running this show from under Cheyenne Mountain send out a new cleaner, some Kurtz clone that'll pick up where Kurtz left off. Translate to Czech Czech:
Já zabiju Kurtze, oni zabijou mě, hlavouni, kteří to všechno řídí zpod Cheyenne Mountain, pošlou někoho nového, nějaký Kurtzův klon, který naváže přesně tam, kde Kurtz skončil.
This was an absolutely terrible movie. Don't be lured in by Christopher Walken or Michael Ironside. Both are great actors, but this must simply be their worst role in history. Even their great acting could not redeem this movie's ridiculous storyline. This movie is an early nineties US propaganda piece. The most pathetic scenes were those when the Columbian rebels were making their cases for revolutions. Maria Conchita Alonso appeared phony, and her pseudo-love affair with Walken was nothing but a pathetic emotional plug in a movie that was devoid of any real meaning. I am disappointed that there are movies like this, ruining actor's like Christopher Walken's good name. I could barely sit through it. Choose your answer. What is the sentiment of this review? Select from: a). negative; b). positive;
Summarize: French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde and Governor of the Bank of Mexico Agustin Carstens will fight it out for the top job. The post became available after the former head of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned. Mr Strauss-Kahn was arrested in the US last month on charges of an alleged sexual assault. He has denied the charges. The IMF said it expects to complete the selection process by 30 June. "The Executive Board will meet with the candidates in Washington DC and, thereafter, meet to discuss the strengths of the candidates and make a selection," the fund said. Ms Lagarde is considered by many as the front runner for the post. She is backed by the European Union and in recent days she has also won the support of Egypt, Indonesia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mr Carstens has the support of Latin American countries. However, he acknowledged that his rival had the edge in the race. "I'm not fooling myself. It's like starting a soccer game with a 5-0 score," Mr Carstens said during an appearance at the Peterson Institute for International Economics on Monday. However, Mr Carstens said that if a European candidate is appointed to the post, it may result in a conflict of interest, given the ongoing debt-crisis in some of the European countries. "We could have a situation where borrowers dominate the institution," he said. Mr Carstens said that the European debt-crisis had snowballed into a big problem over the years and the region needed a fresh perspective in order to solve the problem. "What will help me is precisely to have a fresh pair of eyes," he said. "Also someone coming from the outside can in a way speak of their mind more frankly and I think that will be an advantage," he added. Ricardo Ochoa, head of international affairs at Mexico's finance ministry, said that Mr Carstens' experience as the head of the country's central bank, would allow him to be more sensitive to the problems of countries which needed IMF aid. "He has been on the other side of the table," Mr Ochoa told the BBC. "Mexico already has been in the situation where important reforms have to be implemented, and I think that puts him in a situation - to have a more understanding and more sensitive IMF," Mr Ochoa added. Summary:
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has shortlisted two candidates to take over as its managing director.
Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: A guy is half kneeing on a light blue platform and pulling a handle to an exercise machine. The guy looks towards the exercise machine. the guy
stands up and allows the handle to get closer to the exercise machine.
Problem: Queen Victoria: In 1870, republican sentiment in Britain, fed by the Queen's seclusion, was boosted after the establishment of the Third French Republic. A republican rally in Trafalgar Square demanded Victoria's removal, and Radical MPs spoke against her. In August and September 1871, she was seriously ill with an abscess in her arm, which Joseph Lister successfully lanced and treated with his new antiseptic carbolic acid spray. In late November 1871, at the height of the republican movement, the Prince of Wales contracted typhoid fever, the disease that was believed to have killed his father, and Victoria was fearful her son would die. As the tenth anniversary of her husband's death approached, her son's condition grew no better, and Victoria's distress continued. To general rejoicing, he pulled through. Mother and son attended a public parade through London and a grand service of thanksgiving in St Paul's Cathedral on 27 February 1872, and republican feeling subsided. Where was the republica rally held that called for Vuictorias removal? --- A: Trafalgar Square Problem: Kievan Rus%27: In 941, Igor led another major Rus' attack on Constantinople, probably over trading rights again. A navy of 10,000 vessels, including Pecheneg allies, landed on the Bithynian coast and devastated the Asiatic shore of the Bosphorus. The attack was well-timed, perhaps due to intelligence, as the Byzantine fleet was occupied with the Arabs in the Mediterranean, and the bulk of its army was stationed in the east. The Rus’ burned towns, churches, and monasteries, butchering the people and amassing booty. The emperor arranged for a small group of retired ships to be outfitted with Greek fire throwers and sent them out to meet the Rus’, luring them into surrounding the contingent before unleashing the Greek fire. Liutprand of Cremona wrote that "the Rus', seeing the flames, jumped overboard, preferring water to fire. Some sank, weighed down by the weight of their breastplates and helmets; others caught fire." Those captured were beheaded. The ploy dispelled the Rus’ fleet, but their attacks continued into the hinterland as far as Nicomedia, with many atrocities reported as victims were crucified and set up for use as targets. At last a Byzantine army arrived from the Balkans to drive the Rus' back, and a naval contingent reportedly destroyed much of the Rus' fleet on its return voyage (possibly an exaggeration since the Rus' soon mounted another attack). The outcome indicates increased military might by Byzantium since 911, suggesting a shift in the balance of power. What year was the Rus fleet defeated? --- A: unanswerable Problem: Mosaic: The single most important piece of Byzantine Christian mosaic art in the East is the Madaba Map, made between 542 and 570 as the floor of the church of Saint George at Madaba, Jordan. It was rediscovered in 1894. The Madaba Map is the oldest surviving cartographic depiction of the Holy Land. It depicts an area from Lebanon in the north to the Nile Delta in the south, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Eastern Desert. The largest and most detailed element of the topographic depiction is Jerusalem, at the center of the map. The map is enriched with many naturalistic features, like animals, fishing boats, bridges and palm trees Where is the church of Saint George? --- A: Madaba, Jordan Problem: Zinc: Zinc is included in most single tablet over-the-counter daily vitamin and mineral supplements. Preparations include zinc oxide, zinc acetate, and zinc gluconate. It is believed to possess antioxidant properties, which may protect against accelerated aging of the skin and muscles of the body; studies differ as to its effectiveness. Zinc also helps speed up the healing process after an injury. It is also suspected of being beneficial to the body's immune system. Indeed, zinc deficiency may have effects on virtually all parts of the human immune system. What is the danger of zinc after injury? --- A:
How do you say "In this regard, we would like to offer our personal thanks to Johanne Fischer who is leaving FAO for new pastures." in Spanish?
En este sentido, quisiéramos brindar un agradecimiento personal a Johanne Fischer, que deja la FAO para iniciar una nueva singladura.
What is the westernmost region of France? (not counting overseas territories)
Tweet: .@HildyGottlieb &amp; I was just saying to Maha'al yesterday, everything we ever needed to know was in Beatles' lyrics - you prove my point! Predict the sentiment of this tweet.
Aleksandr Chumakov, club, FC Torpedo Moscow; FC Torpedo Moscow, manager, Valery Petrakov; FC Torpedo Moscow, chairman, Aleksandr Tukmanov What is sentence that verbalizes this data?
Aleksandr Chumakov has played for FC Torpedo Moscow, where the manager is Valery Petrakov and the chairman is Aleksandr Tukmanov.
Short movie review: like a giant commercial for universal studios , where much of the action takes place Did the critic thinking positively or negatively of the movie?
Concepts: city, country, live Write a sentence that includes all these words.
country living just minutes from city and minutes .
I have been known to fall asleep during films, but this is usually due to a combination of things including, really tired, being warm and comfortable on the sette and having just eaten a lot. However on this occasion I fell asleep because the film was rubbish. The plot development was constant. Constantly slow and boring. Things seemed to happen, but with no explanation of what was causing them or why. I admit, I may have missed part of the film, but i watched the majority of it and everything just seemed to happen of its own accord without any real concern for anything else. I cant recommend this film at all. Would you say this review is positive or negative? pick from the following. * negative. * positive.
Although Bin Laden, Atef, and KSM initially contemplated using established al Qaeda members to execute the planes operation, the late 1999 arrival in Kandahar of four aspiring jihadists from Germany suddenly presented a more attractive alternative. The Hamburg group shared the anti-U.S. fervor of the other candidates for the operation, but added the enormous advantages of fluency in English and familiarity with life in the West, based on years that each member of the group had spent living in Germany. Not surprisingly, Mohamed Atta, Ramzi Binalshibh, Marwan al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah would all become key players in the 9/11 conspiracy. Mohamed Atta was born on September 1, 1968, in Kafr el Sheikh, Egypt, to a middle-class family headed by his father, an attorney. After graduating from Cairo University with a degree in architectural engineering in 1990, Atta worked as an urban planner in Cairo for a couple of years. In the fall of 1991, he asked a German family he had met in Cairo to help him continue his education in Germany. They suggested he come to Hamburg and invited him to live with them there, at least initially. After completing a course in German, Atta traveled to Germany for the first time in July 1992. He resided briefly in Stuttgart and then, in the fall of 1992, moved to Hamburg to live with his host family. After enrolling at the University of Hamburg, he promptly transferred into the city engineering and planning course at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, where he would remain registered as a student until the fall of 1999. He appears to have applied himself fairly seriously to his studies (at least in comparison to his jihadist friends) and actually received his degree shortly before traveling to Afghanistan. In school, Atta came across as very intelligent and reasonably pleasant, with an excellent command of the German language. When Atta arrived in Germany, he appeared religious, but not fanatically so. This would change, especially as his tendency to assert leadership became increasingly pronounced. According to Binalshibh, as early as 1995 Atta sought to organize a Muslim student association in Hamburg. In the fall of 1997, he joined a working group at the Quds mosque in Hamburg, a group designed to bridge the gap between Muslims and Christians. Atta proved a poor bridge, however, because of his abrasive and increasingly dogmatic personality. But among those who shared his beliefs, Atta stood out as a decisionmaker. Question: "Where did Mohamed Atta reside while in Germany?" Answer: "Stuttgart" Response: yes Porky is looking all over the big city for a hotel room , but due to a convention there are no vacancies . Porky takes the only available vacancy at one hotel , but will have to share with Daffy Duck , who is a very loud , obnoxious and annoying sort . Daffy introduces his invisible kangaroo friend `` Hymie '' , but Porky wo n't believe that . Daffy spends the rest of the night annoying Porky : pestering him with questions , shaking the bed , spilling water from a glass , hogging the blanket and finally literally sending the both of them flying off the bed when Daffy kicks , and startles , Porky with his literally frozen feet . Fed up with his antics , Porky stuffs Daffy in a pillow case and drops him out of the window . As Porky goes back to bed , Daffy returns bandaged , but shakes them off and prepares to get revenge . Daffy tricks the half-asleep pig into stepping out of a window thinking he 's boarding a train . Daffy hides the window saying it 's `` too gruesome '' to watch . Suddenly he hears train noises , and behind the shade , sees the still-drowsy Porky pulling away on an actual train and waving at Daffy . Daffy finds this silly . Then he bounces all around the room , `` Hoo-Hoo ! '' - ing wildly . Question: "Who hoo-hoos around the room" Answer: "Porky, because Daffy decided to get his own room" Response: no A stranger in town meets pretty young Susan Martinez De La Cruz and accompanies her to a barbecue , where wealthy Jason Carberry is saying a few words for the recently departed Robin Randall , a citizen who got shot . Jason objects to the stranger's presence , being Susan's guardian and protective of her . He challenges him to a shootout , but the stranger pulls his pistol before Jason's can even clear the holster . Calaveras Kate , a saloon singer who's in love with Jason , is relieved when the stranger declines to pull the trigger . Rafael Moreno suddenly rides into town and picks a fight with the stranger . Their brawl continues until the arrival of Judge Wallace Wintrop and his niece , Sheila , who have come to town from back East and deplore all this random violence out West . The stranger is recognized as Reb Randall , the dead man's brother . He is looking for the killer , who could be Rafael , or could be Jason , or could even be Billy Buckett , the coward of the county . The women hold their breath to see if the men they love will survive . Question: "What is the root cause of all the violence?" Answer: "A saloon singer" Response: no Imagine you are standing in a farm field in central Illinois. The land is so flat you can see for miles and miles. On a clear day, you might see a grain silo 20 miles away. You might think to yourself, it sure is flat around here. If you drive one hundred miles to the south, the landscape changes. In southern Illinois, there are rolling hills. Why do you think this is? What could have caused these features? There are no big rivers that may have eroded and deposited this material. The ground is capable of supporting grass and trees, so wind erosion would not explain it. To answer the question, you need to go back 12,000 years. Around 12,000 years ago, a giant ice sheet covered much of the Midwest United States. Springfield, Illinois, was covered by over a mile of ice. Its hard to imagine a mile thick sheet of ice. The massive ice sheet, called a glacier, caused the features on the land you see today. Where did glaciers go? Where can you see them today? Glaciers are masses of flowing ice. Question: "How big were the glaciers?" Answer: "One mile" Response:
Железнодорожный транспорт/День/26 июля In English? xxxxx Trains/Anniversaries/July 26 В выпуске собраны фотографии церемонии прощания с бывшим Президентом Аргентины. In English? xxxxx Collected here are recent images from Argentina as it bids farewell. Автор каталога обращает внимание читателя на разницу в полноте предоставления данных, которая определяется тем, откуда эти данные поступили - из археологического музея или из учреждения, случайно оказавшегося владельцем такого типа коллекции. In English? xxxxx
The author of the catalogue also draws the attention of the readers to differences in the presentation of the material received, depending on whether they came from an archaeological museum or from an institution incidentally in the possession of such a type of collection.
Here the largest town of the district is located: Nordenham , lying opposite to Bremerhaven at the Weser mouth. Translate to German German:
An der B 211 befindet sich in Loyermoor der so genannte „Geest-Abbruch“, der eine Höhendifferenz von gut 30 Meter überbrückt.
Please answer this question: Modelled on the Spanish bullfight, in which country did the Paso Doble dance originate?
Problem: Queen Victoria: In 1870, republican sentiment in Britain, fed by the Queen's seclusion, was boosted after the establishment of the Third French Republic. A republican rally in Trafalgar Square demanded Victoria's removal, and Radical MPs spoke against her. In August and September 1871, she was seriously ill with an abscess in her arm, which Joseph Lister successfully lanced and treated with his new antiseptic carbolic acid spray. In late November 1871, at the height of the republican movement, the Prince of Wales contracted typhoid fever, the disease that was believed to have killed his father, and Victoria was fearful her son would die. As the tenth anniversary of her husband's death approached, her son's condition grew no better, and Victoria's distress continued. To general rejoicing, he pulled through. Mother and son attended a public parade through London and a grand service of thanksgiving in St Paul's Cathedral on 27 February 1872, and republican feeling subsided. Where was the republica rally held that called for Vuictorias removal? --- A: Trafalgar Square Problem: Kievan Rus%27: In 941, Igor led another major Rus' attack on Constantinople, probably over trading rights again. A navy of 10,000 vessels, including Pecheneg allies, landed on the Bithynian coast and devastated the Asiatic shore of the Bosphorus. The attack was well-timed, perhaps due to intelligence, as the Byzantine fleet was occupied with the Arabs in the Mediterranean, and the bulk of its army was stationed in the east. The Rus’ burned towns, churches, and monasteries, butchering the people and amassing booty. The emperor arranged for a small group of retired ships to be outfitted with Greek fire throwers and sent them out to meet the Rus’, luring them into surrounding the contingent before unleashing the Greek fire. Liutprand of Cremona wrote that "the Rus', seeing the flames, jumped overboard, preferring water to fire. Some sank, weighed down by the weight of their breastplates and helmets; others caught fire." Those captured were beheaded. The ploy dispelled the Rus’ fleet, but their attacks continued into the hinterland as far as Nicomedia, with many atrocities reported as victims were crucified and set up for use as targets. At last a Byzantine army arrived from the Balkans to drive the Rus' back, and a naval contingent reportedly destroyed much of the Rus' fleet on its return voyage (possibly an exaggeration since the Rus' soon mounted another attack). The outcome indicates increased military might by Byzantium since 911, suggesting a shift in the balance of power. What year was the Rus fleet defeated? --- A: unanswerable Problem: Mosaic: The single most important piece of Byzantine Christian mosaic art in the East is the Madaba Map, made between 542 and 570 as the floor of the church of Saint George at Madaba, Jordan. It was rediscovered in 1894. The Madaba Map is the oldest surviving cartographic depiction of the Holy Land. It depicts an area from Lebanon in the north to the Nile Delta in the south, and from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Eastern Desert. The largest and most detailed element of the topographic depiction is Jerusalem, at the center of the map. The map is enriched with many naturalistic features, like animals, fishing boats, bridges and palm trees Where is the church of Saint George? --- A: Madaba, Jordan Problem: Zinc: Zinc is included in most single tablet over-the-counter daily vitamin and mineral supplements. Preparations include zinc oxide, zinc acetate, and zinc gluconate. It is believed to possess antioxidant properties, which may protect against accelerated aging of the skin and muscles of the body; studies differ as to its effectiveness. Zinc also helps speed up the healing process after an injury. It is also suspected of being beneficial to the body's immune system. Indeed, zinc deficiency may have effects on virtually all parts of the human immune system. What is the danger of zinc after injury? --- A:
Premise: In recognition of these tensions, LSC has worked diligently since 1995 to convey the expectations of the State Planning Initiative and to establish meaningful partnerships with stakeholders aimed at fostering a new symbiosis between the federal provider and recipients of legal services funding. Hypothesis: Meaningful partnerships with stakeholders is crucial. Does the premise entail the hypothesis?
it is not possible to tell
Write a summary based on this article: Over 60 years after the first excavations at Qumran, researchers from Hebrew University said Wednesday that they identified a twelfth cave near Qumran they believe contained Dead Sea Scrolls until it was plundered in the middle of the 20th century. The latest excavation was conducted by Hebrew University and the Israel Antiquities Authority under the auspices of the IDF’s Civil Administration. Get The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up It yielded no new scrolls, but archaeologists found a small scrap of parchment in a jar and a collection of at least seven storage jugs identical to those found in the other Qumran caves. Altogether there was “no doubt we have a new scroll cave,” Oren Gutfeld, head archaeologist from the dig, told The Times of Israel. “Only the scrolls themselves are not there.” The bit of parchment and other organic remains have been dated to the first century CE, when the community at Qumran was active during the twilight of the Second Temple period. Pickaxes from the 1940s, a smoking gun from the Bedouin plunderers who dug in the cave, were found along with the ancient remains. The dig in the cliffs west of Qumran, situated over the Green Line in the West Bank, was headed by Hebrew University’s Oren Gutfeld and Ahiad Ovadia with the collaboration of Randall Price and students from Virginia’s Liberty University. “This exciting excavation is the closest we’ve come to discovering new Dead Sea Scrolls in 60 years,” Gutfeld said. “Until now, it was accepted that Dead Sea Scrolls were found only in 11 caves at Qumran, but now there is no doubt that this is the twelfth cave.” At the same time, Gutfeld said, the cave’s association with the Dead Sea Scrolls means “we can no longer be certain that the original locations (Caves 1 through 11) attributed to the Dead Sea Scrolls that reached the market via the Bedouins are accurate.” The first batch of ancient scrolls plundered from caves near the shores of the Dead Sea were purchased by Israeli scholars from the black market in 1947, and additional texts surfaced in the years following in excavations in the Jordanian-held West Bank and for sale on the black market. After Israel captured the West Bank in 1967, many of the scrolls stored in the Rockefeller Museum in East Jerusalem were transferred to the Israel Museum. Altogether, the nearly 1,000 ancient Jewish texts dated to the Second Temple period comprise a vast corpus of historical and religious documents that include the earliest known copies of biblical texts. Roughly a quarter of the manuscripts are made up of material belonging to the Hebrew Bible, while another quarter detail the Qumran community’s unique philosophy. The various scrolls and scroll fragments are identified by the cave they were believed to be stored in over the centuries. The new cave’s discovery shakes things up. “How can we know for sure that they only came from 11 caves? For sure there were 12 caves, and maybe more,” Gutfeld said. Among the other finds discovered in the cavern, now designated Q12 to denote its inclusion in the Qumran cave complex, were a leather strap for binding scrolls and a cloth for wrapping them, the university said in a statement announcing the find. Other discoveries included flint blades, arrowheads, and a carnelian stamp seal, all of which point to the cave’s inhabitation as far back as the Chalcolithic and the Neolithic periods. Experts at the Dead Sea Scroll Laboratories in Jerusalem found no writing on the scrap of parchment found in the jar, but they plan to carry out multispectral imaging of the artifact to reveal any ink invisible to the naked eye. The Q12 study was carried out as part of the IAA’s efforts to systematically excavate Judean Desert caves that may hold ancient scroll caches in a bid to foil antiquities theft. The expedition to Qumran was the first of its kind in the northern Judean Desert. The IAA announced in November that it was launching a massive project to find as yet undiscovered Dead Sea Scrolls in the desert. Last summer an IAA team excavated the Cave of the Skulls in Zeelim Valley after the antiquities watchdog caught thieves in the act. Gutfeld said he and his team “absolutely” plan to survey more caves in the region of Qumran in the coming months to determine where else to dig. ———————— Follow Ilan Ben Zion on Twitter and Facebook. ||||| Story highlights First discovery of a Dead Sea cave in over 60 years; "Operation Scroll" is a yearslong effort to survey Qumran cliffs Archaeologists think the new cave was looted around the 1950s (CNN) Excavations on the storied Judean cliffside revealed a new Dead Sea Scrolls cave, full of scroll storage jars and other antiquities, the first such discovery in over 60 years. The discovery upends a decades-old theory in the archaeological community that Dead Sea Scrolls were only found in certain caves at the Qumran cliffs, which are managed by Israel in the West Bank. Entrance of newly discovered Dead Sea Scrolls cave. "Until now, it was accepted that Dead Sea Scrolls were found only in 11 caves at Qumran, but now there is no doubt that this is the 12th cave," said Dr. Oren Gutfeld, one of the project's lead archaeologists. Pottery shards, broken scroll storage jars and their lids -- even neolithic flint tools and arrowheads -- littered the cave's entrance. Farther in, there appeared to be a cave-in. Neolithic flint tools found inside the newly discovered cave. After a bit of work with a small pickax, the team made a monumental find: an unbroken storage jar with a scroll. It was rushed to Hebrew University's conservation lab, where it was unfurled in a protected environment. Read More |||||
– Israeli researchers have discovered what they believe is the first new Dead Sea Scrolls cave uncovered in more than 60 years—but looters got there long before them. The site at the Qumran cliffs, an Israeli-controlled site in the West Bank, has yielded artifacts including pieces of pottery, broken scroll storage jars, and even an unbroken jar containing a scroll, though researchers later found it was blank, CNN reports. Clues including old pickaxes have led the Hebrew University team to believe that the site was ransacked in the 1940s or 1950s by looters who made off with ancient scrolls. There is "no doubt we have a new scroll cave," Oren Gutfeld, chief archaeologist on the dig, tells the Times of Israel. "Only the scrolls themselves are not there." Researchers believe the scrolls looted from the cave were sold on the black market many years ago, possibly as long ago as 1947. Gutfeld says the discovery of the cave upends the theory that the scrolls were held in only 11 caves, because this was definitely a 12th. His team plans to survey more of the hundreds of caves in the area in the hope of finding more of the scrolls, which held ancient religious and historical writings. (Israeli authorities busted a gang that was trying to steal an ancient comb from a cave in the area.)
Joey Heindle (born 14 May 1993 in Munich) is a German singer. He is best known for winning the seventh season of the game show Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus! and finishing in 5th place in season 9 of Deutschland sucht den Superstar, despite universally negative reviews from the jury each week. Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Joey Heindle was highly disliked by people on television."? Pick from: - Yes. - It's impossible to say. - No. I think the answer is
(CNN) -- A spokesman for Illinois Sen. Roland Burris resigned Thursday in the wake of new disclosures about requests that Burris raise money for disgraced former Gov. Rod Blagojevich while seeking a U.S. Senate appointment. Sen. Roland Burris, who is under fire to resign, arrives at a Chicago City Club luncheon to speak Wednesday. "I initially began helping the senator on a temporary basis because he is a long-term friend who I served several years when he was [Illinois] attorney general," Jason Erkes said in a written statement to CNN. "It is now time for me to get back to focusing on ... my newly formed strategic communications business." "You know the real OPTIONS: - Allegations Burris ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Blagojevich ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Burris ... Stop the rush to judgment." - CNN ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Chicago City Club ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Erkes ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Illinois ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Jason Erkes ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Rod Blagojevich ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Roland Burris ... Stop the rush to judgment." - Senate ... Stop the rush to judgment." - U.S. Senate ... Stop the rush to judgment."
Burris ... Stop the rush to judgment."
gulfstream , one of the u.s.-based long-range aircraft manufacturers , opened an office in hong kong to enhance customer and product sales in asia . A summary about the text above: u.s. aircraft manufacturer opens office in hk Question: Summarize this: canada 's prime minister stephen harper dissolved parliament on sunday and called an early election for next month in hopes of strengthening his conservative minority government 's hold on power . Answer: canada s prime minister calls early election Text: nine years after the united states vowed to shut down the money pipeline that finances terrorism , senior obama administration officials say they believe many millions of dollars are flowing largely unimpeded to extremist groups worldwide , and they have grown frustrated by frequent resistance from allies in the middle east , according to secret diplomatic dispatches . Summary: mideast allies resist efforts to block terrorist money Generate a short summary: al gore defended his unprecented reach to the courts monday , declaring `` let the people have their say '' by re-opening florida recounts that could reverse the state 's make-or-break election results . Answer: gore speaks to nation on election decrying what they perceive as a western campaign to unfairly link their religion to terrorism , islamic nations are calling for stronger international efforts to resolve new and old frustrations _ such as the u.s. occupation of iraq and the palestinian struggle _ which have fueled extremism and violence . Short summary: moderation not militancy _ muslim nations try to rid their religion of terrorist tag officials of the cabinet-level fair trade commission -lrb- ftc -rrb- said friday that they have formed an ad hoc group to investigate whether there is any manipulation of commodity prices by traders in local market . A summary about the text above:
fair trade commission investigating consumer price hike
I went to my favorite Dollar Tree ( 50th and Federal ) in between classes yesterday . Look what I found in the check out aisle this time ! Not a pregnancy test for a buck but still ... They did have six packs of Crystal Geyser H2O for a buck . Question: What will she likely do after finding that deal
Shop more at the store
Problem: Wwo sentences: Grass ' plea will leave Rite Aid 's former vice chairman and chief counsel , Franklin C. Brown , to stand trial alone in federal court starting Monday . If accepted by the judge , Grass ' plea will leave Rite Aid 's former vice chairman and chief counsel , Franklin C. Brown , to stand trial alone next month . Do they have the same meaning? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Here are two sentences: Two Atlanta companies that have not been accused of wrongdoing -- Delta Air Lines Inc. and the Home Depot -- were mentioned as having excessive pay packages for its CEOs . Two Atlanta-based companies that have not been accused of wrongdoing -- Delta Air Lines and Home Depot -- were also mentioned by witnesses as having excessive pay packages for CEOs . OPTIONS: - no - yes yes Q: The Java Enterprise System bundles a slew of Sun software for a yearly subscription of $ 100 per employee . For instance , the core Java Enterprise System will cost $ 100 per employee in the US . Please tell me if the sentences above mean the same. OPTIONS: - no - yes A: no Q: Do these sentences have the same meaning? Meteorologists predicted the storm would become a Category 1 hurricane before landfall . It was predicted to become a Category I hurricane overnight . OPTIONS: - no - yes A: yes input question: Selenski had previously spent seven years in prison on a bank robbery conviction . Selenski had served about seven years in prison for bank robbery . OPTIONS: - no - yes output answer: yes Problem: Wwo sentences: The identical rovers will act as robotic geologists , searching for evidence of past water . The rovers act as robotic geologists , moving on six wheels . Do they have the same meaning? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
e)contributetoaggregatingballots,ascertainingtheresultofthereferendum; Generate a sentence using the above characters:
e) contribute to aggregating ballots, ascertaining the result of the referendum;
Please check if these have the same meaning. The Pike County School System consists of 25 high schools , middle and elementary schools . The Pike County School System consists of 25 elementary , middle , and high schools . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Please check if these have the same meaning. The total number of electrons , and electron density is much greater than in the corresponding positive corona . The total number of electrons and electron density is much greater than in the positive corona in question . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: yes Please check if these have the same meaning. The river Valea Lungă is a tributary of the Casimcea River in Romania . The Casimcea River is a tributary of the Valea Lungă River in Romania . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Please check if these have the same meaning. Hugo Käch died on December 31 , 2003 in Schaffhausen near Flurlingen , Germany . Hugo Käch died on 31 December 2003 in Flurlingen near Schaffhausen . OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer:
gulfstream , one of the u.s.-based long-range aircraft manufacturers , opened an office in hong kong to enhance customer and product sales in asia . A summary about the text above: u.s. aircraft manufacturer opens office in hk a palestinian militiaman was wounded monday by a burst of bullets fired at his car in the west bank town of hebron . A summary about the text above: militiaman wounded in shooting president vladimir putin gave the russian orthodox church credit sunday for helping revive `` family values '' and maintain social order in russia following the collapse of soviet communism . A summary about the text above: putin praises church on orthodox easter officials of the cabinet-level fair trade commission -lrb- ftc -rrb- said friday that they have formed an ad hoc group to investigate whether there is any manipulation of commodity prices by traders in local market . A summary about the text above:
fair trade commission investigating consumer price hike

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