The biochemistry and physiology of mygolobin are studied through the use of immunological technique. Synthesis of this oxygen binding, heme protein of muscle tissue is detected in muscle tissue culture using specific
SUMMARY In support of the Autophagy, Inflammation and Metabolism (AIM) Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (CoBRE), the Autophagy Science Core (ASC) will centralize expertise, training, and instrumentation for high quality autophagy assays.
Recent years have seen great progress in the identification of millions of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The abundance of SNPs coupled with the developments of various platforms for high-throughput, high-quality genotyping have
The purpose of this research is to find out whether MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) can be used to determine whether a combination of medicaitons can change the brain chemicals in patient with
During the current funding period, we have continued our studies of EBP67, a 67 kDa elastin-binding protein found on elastin-producing cells. Unlike signaling or adhesion receptors, EBP67 participates in the assembly of
The objective of this application is to test the efficacy of a 2-session cognitive-behavioral self-management program for chronic fatigue. The application presents plans to test whether the proposed intervention yields significant improvement
The Summer Program of Research Opportunities for Undergraduate Training (SPROUT) is designed as a gateway to scientific research in biomedical and behavioral sciences for undergraduate students at Cal State LA university. The
"Cherubism" is a human autosomal dominant disorder characterized by excessive bone resorption and the accumulation of inflammatory fibrous tissue in the jaws. We identified the gene responsible for this human disease, a
Hematopoietic stem cells reside within the bone marrow post-natally, providing all hematopoietic lineages for the life of the host, and their extensive characterization over the last several decades has led to clinical
This project combines the expertise of three different investigators in an orchestrated effort to address the NCI Provocative Question #18: Are there new technologies to inhibit traditionally 'undruggable' target molecules, such as
Several independent problems will be pursued under this grant. (l) Homogeneous histidine decarboxylase from Lactobacillus 30a contains covalently bound pyruvate and a functionally essential -SH group near the active center. Sequence studies
The Administrative Core's goals are to set the overall direction for the Center, ensure optimal utilization of Center resources, and provide a sense of Centerness. The Massachusetts ADRC's goals are to provide
Project Summary/Abstract In the last decade, Acinetobacter baumannii has emerged as one of the most highly antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens in the United States (US) and throughout the world. Indeed, >70% of A.
Analyses will be carried out, with the use of a data bank of published data sets (more than 250 such sets to date), of changes in DNA base sequence induced by a
The LC-MS-MS Core will provide analytical support using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectroscopy (LC-MS-MS) for all projects within this chemoprevention program. LC-MS-MS will be used to characterize active natural products contained in biologically
Experiments outlined in this proposal are designed to determine macrophage cytotoxicity and to elucidate some of the mechanisms of macrophage-mediated destruction of melanoma cells. Initially, the specificity of cytotoxicity of macrophages for
The burden of disease related to influenza virus infection in India is not well defined but likely to be substantial given that India accounts for 20% of global childhood deaths due to
The overall objective of this proposal is to examine the physiological role of lactoferrin in mammalian systems. Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein found mainly in human colostrum and other exocrine secretions.
Recent observations indicate that focal hyperplasia of renal tubular epithelium characterizes a variety of renal cystic disorders in man and in rat. These disorders encompass both heritable an acquired diseases. Morphological studies
MRI is increasingly used to assess cartilage, with the overall goal of relating noninvasive measurements to the actual biophysical status of the tissue. There are a variety of available MR techniques and
Membrane lipoprotein with covalently linked lipids and fatty acids are ubiquitous components of biological membranes. In bacteria, lipid-modified proteins, which contain N-acyl glyceride-cysteine as the amino terminus, are synthesized as precursor proteins
Congestive heart failure is a complex clinical syndrome often manifested by shortness of breath and fatigue. Because overt heart failure is characterized by activation of the renin-angiotensin system, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
Human very low density lipoproteins fractionated by gel filtration will be characterized by quasi-elastic light scattering to yield diffusion coefficients and in the ultracentrifuge at various densities to yield sedimentation coefficient distributions
PROJECT SUMMARY Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death from a single infectious disease agent worldwide. Vaccination is the most cost-effective control intervention for any infectious disease. Bacille Calmette?Gurin (BCG) remains
The genomics revolution has uncovered tens of thousands of proteins, nonetheless full exploitation of organismal genome projects will not occur without innovations in proteomics and structural biology. The agencies meeting this challenge,
Millions of people are exposed to arsenic-contaminated water in the U.S. and worldwide, and arsenic is ranked first on the most recent priority list of Superfund site hazardous substances. Current evidence suggests
Certain traits that are not necessarily psychotic in appearance are more prevalent in the families of schizophrenic patients than they are in the general population. We have identified and studied several of
The prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of arterial hypertension are disproportionately high in the African-American population. Essential hypertension is a polygenic and heterogeneous disorder. In particular, African-Americans display an amplified blood pressure response
Arecoline, a cholinergic agonist, improves memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease when given by continuous intravenous infusion. Improvement follows an inverted U-shaped relation to dose, and is maximal at a dose at
Our ability to see spatial patterns depends, to a great extent, on the prevailing illumination. The long term goals of this study are twofold: to account for the changes in spatial thresholds
Eosinophilia is a characteristic feature of allergic airway inflammation (AAI) including asthma. Eosinophils (Eos) are one of the most pro-inflammatory granulocytes that contribute to pathogenesis and exacerbation of AAI. There is also
Project Summary/ Abstract Tuberculosis (TB) is a common and potentially severe illness in HIV-infected children. Diagnosis of pediatric TB in the context of HIV is challenging due to non specific clinical and
Analytical methods in use in clinical laboratories have been evaluated. New methods and instrumentaton have been studied and effects of drugs on test values determined. Continued work with automatic interpretation of effects
Although mortality remains high in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), an inflammatory lung condition, mystery remains about who develops ARDS. Pro-inflammatory (Interleukin-1beta) (IL-1beta) and anti-inflammatory (Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist) (IL-1ra) cytokine
Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) in the CNS maintain extracellular glutamate concentrations below excitotoxic levels and contribute to the clearance of glutamate released during neurotransmission. Over the previous grant period our laboratory
This research study is designed to determine if administration of the orally active iron chelator deferiprone can ameliorate the chronic hemolytic anemia of sickle cell disease by inhibiting iron-induced oxidative damage to
High cell counts in granulocyte concentrates especially granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) mobilized granulocytes are detrimental to concentrate storage. An eight-fold dilution with autologous plasma improves storage, but this method is impractical. Granulocytes
In recent years, the vascular research programs within the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at the Baylor College of Medicine have been transformed to a high standard, producing great achievements and
The overall aim of this project is to specify the mechanisms that are responsible for age-related changes in visual-cognitive performance. Age-related change in several types of visualcognitive performance will be described and
I plan to study the structure of ribosomal RNA, and the role of certain of its structural features in ribosome function, and in interaction with other RNA such as transfer and messenger
Discovery and development of efficient methods for the enantioselective synthesis (preparation of a handed molecule in a single hand form) of organic molecules is critical to the successful development of efficacious new
Projects Cowley, Jr., Allen Wilson PROJECT 3 REGULATION OF ANGIOGENESIS AND RENIN EXPRESSION IN RATS Project Leader: Andrew S. Greene, Ph.D., Professor of Physiology Co-lnvestigators: Carol Moreno Quinn, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
This project will use novel quantitative imaging methods to guide biopsies to biologically distinct regions of primary and post-treatment recurrent GBM for targeted exome, epigenome and transcriptome analysis. Our goal is to
The proposed project adapts the prototype approach (developed by Rosch for the study of object categorization and subsequently applied by Cantor, Mischel, Horowitz and others to social categorization) to the domain of
The rationale for this renewal application is to continue our highly collaborative and multidisciplinary, inter- institutional program of mentored training for future scientists in pediatric transfusion medicine and hematology. Our objective is
Tobacco use is associated with approximately 30 percent of all cancer deaths, and cigarette smoking remains the single most preventable cause of cancer and premature death in our society. Recent epidemiological studies
PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT This resubmission seeks to develop and establish our optical imaging agent, PARPi-FL, as a new drug for margin assessment of high grade dysplasia and cancer of the cervix and vulvar.
The long range objective of this research project is to determine the electrophysiological mechanisms, functional properties and morphological characteristics of atrial subsidiary pacemakers, and to compare these findings to those found in
This is a renewal of a project that has enrolled 707 subjects, including 527 depressed elderly patients and 180 non-depressed elderly controls over the past ten years. Over the next five years
This is a community-based study to evaluate heterosexual sexual activity as a major risk factor for acquisition of HIV infection among sexually active women in the San Francisco Bay Area. Research goals
The GABA neuronal system, the major inhibitory system in the brain, has been implicated in animal and human models of stress. Compounds that enhance GABA function, e.g. benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor agonists, are
Available adult and limited pediatric data suggest that aminoglycoside agents may be safer and more effective when administered just once daily. This study will be a prospective, controlled, randomized trial comparing once-daily
We have further developed our project to assess HER2 overexpression in breast carcinoma xenografts (mouse model), using near infrared fluorescence imaging. Novel specific probes, based on small Affibody molecules, in combination with
The Contractor will prepare purified Ig from acid eluates of coated tumor cells; examine ascites, T lymphoma, mammary carcinoma, and carcinogen-induced sarcoma cells for complement-dependent cytotoxicity, lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity, and antibody-mediated cytotoxicity, using
The overall objective of the present study was to investigate the mechanism(s) by which gonadotropins regulate the ovarian function. Investigations were made into the receptor mediated activation of adenylate cyclase to increase
The overall goal of this proposal is to identify the Ras isoforms important for the pathogenesis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs) and to determine whether these isoforms are activated in
In this project we address key issues in the processing of olfactory information in the olfactory bulb. Specifically, we are investigating the mechanisms that could allow for specific and useful inhibitory interactions
Dr. Sox-Harris has three major health services research areas, all with high relevance to VA healthcare. 1) Developing, validating, and implementing predictive models for surgical treatments and their alternatives. Dr. Sox-Harris is
This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH
We are requesting funds for a 3-year supplement to the existing University of California, Berkeley (UCB)/University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) Fogarty International AIDS Training program to support a geographic expansion to
Acinetobacter baumannii causes hospital infections and negatively impacting patient outcome. A. baumannii is characterized by its exceptional ability to acquire multidrug resistance and spread among hospitalized patients. The rate of resistance to
There is a need to quantify cellular turnover in the context of aging. We will establish the foundations of a new method to contribute crucial information to fulfill this need. This method
Lrp5 is a positive regulator of bone formation in vertebrates. It is generally assumed that it fulfills this function as a coreceptor for Wnt proteins. However, disrupting canonical Wnt signaling in osteoblasts
Previous studies from our laboratory characterized a fearful/anxious endophenotype in rhesus monkeys that is. relevant to understanding normal human anxiety, as well as anxiety disorders. During the last funding period, we established
This proposal describes studies of enzymatic catalysis using the methodology of Raman difference spectroscopy. Specific interactions between an enzyme and its substrate are responsible for both the enormous catalytic power of enzymes
The main aims of this project involve describing discrepancies in functional health and mortality across samples of older adults living in rural and urban areas of China and examining the extent to
Endothelins (ET's) are endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptides produced and released by vascular endothelial cells upon various physical and chemical stimuli. We investigated 1) the urinary excretion and plasma levels of ET in control
In this application, we outline a set of experiments focusing on the effects of stress-induced release of endogenous opioids on the behavioral responses to cocaine. The application is based on the hypothesis
The mission of the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) is to promote and protect the health of lowans. By establishing a surveillance system to monitor occupational illnesses and injuries in Iowa
PROJECT SUMMARY The male-specific Y chromosome is critical for sex determination and fertility. Yet, because of its highly repetitive structure and haploidy, its sequence has only been deciphered for a handful of
This is a pilot study to investigate differences in skin blood flow in persons with and without depression. Measurement of skin blood flow, which is under sympathetic control, is postulated to be
This randomized intervention trial will test the hypothesis that a daily diet of 5 servings of green and yellow vegetables and 4 servings of fruits (particularly citrus fruits) will reduce the incidence
This research project involves the investigation of anatomical connections of higher visual centers and their role in prey-catching and innate avoidance behaviors in the longnose gar, Lepisosteus osseus. The gar was chosen
Detailed studies of differentiated central neurons of the mammalian visual system would be aided by examining the membrane properties of an identified cell in a controlled in vitro environment. This approach requires
The long term goals of this proposal are: 1) to elucidate the mechanisms and the regulation of the fusion on mononuclear phagocytes (MNP) leading to the formation of both osteoclasts (OC) and
The ability of Histoplasma capsulatum (Hc), to persist within mammalian tissue after initial infection is fundamental to the pathogenesis of disease. Most individuals recover from primary infection, however, with impairment of cellular
To test the hypothesis that activation of bladder carcinogens occurs intracellularly by enzymes associated with the transitional epithelial cells of the bladder, the metabolic capabilities of these cells will be investigated. The
Dosage compensation occurs to equalize X-linked gene expression in males (XY) and females (XX), and is essential in many organisms that utilize a chromosomal basis for sex determination. In Drosophila, dosage compensation
Most experimental and theoretical work on synaptic plasticity in the brain has focused on long-term changes in synaptic strength. However, synaptic function is also influenced by activity over time scales of milliseconds
Information stored in genes is realized through the process of transcription. While transcription of individual genes is understood as a biochemical reaction in a great deal of molecular detail, the transcription of
The first clinically approved anti-viral drug against HIV-1 infection is zidovudine (3'azido thymidine nucleoside, AZT). AZT completely blocks viral replication in normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and in vitro AZT-triphosphate (AZT-TP)
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is now recognized as a major public health problem. The National Kidney Foundation has recently classified stages of declining kidney function. However, the health risks that accompany each
More than two-thirds of patients with advanced cancer suffer from pain. Persistent pain in cancer is a combination of nociceptive pain from tissue infiltration and inflammation, and neuropathic pain from patients seek
The overall goal of this proposal is to develop a more detailed understanding of the molecular basis of biological electron transfer. Electron transfer is of central importance in all biological redox reactions
Human Embryonic Stem (HES) cells have great potential for the study of basic human development, as tools for the testing and discovery of human pharmaceuticals, and as replacement cells for transplantation therapies.
With age we lose muscle mass at approximately 1-2% per year past the age of 50. This age-related muscle atrophy, termed sarcopenia, is relatively poorly understood, impacts the severity of frailty, and
Four questions are addressed in this proposal: (1) What percent of extra-lung lymph contaminates the chronic lung lymph fistula model? (2) Does the bronchial circulation contribute to lung lymph? (3) In models
The ?2A-adrenergic receptor (?2AAR) is a prototypical Gi/o-coupled receptor, and mediates a variety of physiological/pharmacological responses ranging from control of central blood pressure to mediating analgesia to regulating cognitive function. However, our
This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH
This medical rehabilitation research resource (R24) infrastructure core, Translation of Rehabilitation Engineering Advancement and Technology (TREAT), will provide a national resource for medical rehabilitation researchers, clinicians, bioengineers and medical rehabilitation technology inventors,
To be more competitive, research in surgical oncology must begin to deal with basic issues that are more fundamental to the biology of cancer. The broad objective of this proposal is to
This grant was originally developed to assess the metabolic state of chondrocytes at different stages of differentiation and the possibility that ATP dynamics could be a major regulator of mineralization. Along the
Nitric oxide (NO) and peroxynitrite are reactive, short-lived species that are important mediators of cellular injury in reperfusion injury associated with ischemic stroke. The applicants are developing novel classes of peroxynitrite neutrahzer
This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH
PROJECT SUMMARY. Metazoan mitochondria contain tRNAs which are highly diverged in both sequence and structure from those found elsewhere in evolution. These tRNAs are recognized and specifically charged with their cognate amino
The application period covering the next five year period will focus on the development of the White Cloud Center which will direct its activities to meeting the following stated goals: (1) To
This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH
The objective of this proposal is to develop and validate synthetic calibration standards for clinical immunohistochemical (IHC) assays. IHC assays are the standard of care in cancer diagnosis and surgical pathology, but
The long-range goal of this research is to control or regulate the loss of nitrogen and wasting complications associated with diabetes and several other diseases. One aspect of this research involves establishing
DESCRIPTION: (Verbatim from applicant?s abstract): Impairment of learning and memory is a common phenomenon associated with advancing age, although the underlying mechanisms are not clearly understood. Based on previous reports of age-correlated
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