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Their house was the last of a row of villas almost in the country, and before and behind them stretched green fields. Let me describe Lena Graham to you, as she stands, sniffing up the
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And I hope Lena will remember that though you have allowed her to see yours, letters are sacred, and she must never look at any without leave that are not addressed to her." "No, Papa, indeed
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It was a habit that she had got into during the years when she was quite alone and before she had taken charge of Lena: gradually she had not only read out the letters before
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Graham, when she heard of this resolution "I am very sorry for it, my child, but I cannot help myself It would not be fair to deny any of the others their pleasure because you
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Then kneeling beside her child’s little bed she thanked Him, in a few heartfelt words, for having watched over and guarded her little one, during those six long years of separation. *CHAPTER III.* *THE PETITION.* The
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She watched the cab come "creeping along," as she called it. Then as it drew very near, a new fit came over her—a fit of shyness. Clasping Auntie’s hand very tight, she crept very close
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Clifford were waiting for them—Milly all smiles and beaming with pleasure at sight of the dear home faces Though so glad to see them, she had evidently been very happy with Mrs Clifford, to judge
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Not so a little dog she had with her At sight of the Graham girls, he stood still and set up a series of shrill barks Lena and Milly hesitated whether to attempt to
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I love you ever so much more now since you have been to Sidcombe;" and the child looked round at them all, as much as to say, "There now, I have spoken out what I
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"I did not mean to put you out by asking you to hurry, Lena." Lena vouchsafed no answer to this; so Milly went on, "I know I can’t manage half so well as you do—come
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Graham had arrived in England. The child was naturally all eagerness to see them; not even the knowledge that in a few days she would be separated from her Aunt could cast a shadow over
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Of course Millicent and Lucy would love her as much as she was prepared to love them, and they would all be so happy together, she knew The only shadow was the thought that
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I always coax and coax Aunt Mary till she says ’Yes.’" "Does she always say yes when you coax?" was the surprised remark elicited from Milly. "Not always," Lena had to confess, "but sometimes." There was
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Like many other things in this world that we dread and think of as misfortunes, it turned out, as is so often the case, to be a real blessing when it came Bessie was
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Although her eyes were shut, her thoughts were very busy. Gertrude’s words came back to her over and over again, "To die doing wrong." Her head ached dreadfully, which was not to be wondered
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They so seldom met any one in these quiet lanes, that both the girls stopped their work to see who was coming In a few moments their curiosity was gratified by seeing their old friend
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Clifford in particular. "No, Milly, I don’t want the hat: they were both sent to you; of course she likes you best—every one does." And with these words, and without a kind look or word
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I thought you both had decided on making your room pretty and keeping it so." "So we did Let us go and do it now, Lena, while Lucy has her sleep." For little Lucy always
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You will be like Papa and Mama, who only seem to love me more, if that is possible; only," she added with a smile, "Mama says the love was always there, but I wouldn’t see
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He thought, however, that whispered prayers had succeeded the former ones Still, as this silence was prolonged, he went a little higher, and was staggered at only seeing Tcharanguii and his four warriors, lying on
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Inez did not understand what relations could exist between this captain and the future, and cross-questioned Maria; but the latter either did not answer the question or evaded it. "In truth, sister," Inez said to her,
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Go, and may Heaven aid you to find Inez." Leon bent his knee before the old man. "Sir," he said to him, with profound emotion, "my life and heart belong to you; take one and
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"I fancied that I must return to Valparaíso; but what my friend has just said is perfectly correct, so you can dispose of us as you please." "In that case, gentlemen," said the general, who
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Inez and Maria were two maidens whose beauty promised to equal that of their mother, Doña Isabel de Costafuentes Maria, the younger, according to the custom prevalent in Chilian families, was forced into a convent
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Ere long an impenetrable mist spread between the eyes of the young man and his friend, who entirely disappeared. Then Leon began cursing the fatal love which had come to torture his heart, and the hours
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It was at this moment that the President of the Republic, followed by a few devoted soldiers, formed a hollow square on the Plaza de la Merced, in the centre of which he placed
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Others merely impelled by the irresistible attractions which extraordinary enterprises offer to, vagabond imaginations, have also started, during the last fifty years, in search of the Indian cities, but, up to the present day, success
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On seeing this, soldiers and generals knelt down. "Christians!" said the bishop, a venerable, white-haired old man, whom two vicars held under the arms, "go whither duty summons you Save your country, or die for it
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The shock was terrible Don Pedro and Don Juan recognised their common enemy, and cutting their way through the dead and wounded, both attacked him at once. "Ah!" Diego shouted, "we meet at last, then." "Yes,"
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The image of Doña Maria floated before his eyes; he saw her pale and trembling after he had saved her from his horse's rush, and then, carrying himself mentally within the walls of the
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At one moment he crawls like a reptile on the detritus of leaves, dead wood, and birds' deposits, piled up for centuries; at another, he leaps from branch to branch at the top of the
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All this formed a din rendered more horrible still by the sight of the fire which was beginning to tinge the sky with a red and ill-omened glare. Tahi-Mari, naked to the waist, his hair
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Have my horse saddled for I shall accompany you." "We will start within a quarter of an hour; but in order that I may take my precautions, tell me what I have to do when
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Nothing could be conceived so filthy, repulsive, and frightful as the appearance of this camp, forming a girdle round the city It was hopeless to look for parallels or covered ways; not even a sentry
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The last one took the additional precaution of effacing as well as he could the traces left by his predecessors Harrison, after looking after them for some time, sat down again by the fireside. "No matter,"
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Hence it follows very naturally, that it is impossible for him to obtain the fine clothes which he covets, and whose price is so heavy, that he despairs of ever possessing them. In order to
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The Northern tribes never really existed as a political power; each of them exercise a separate government; the Indians composing them rarely intermarry with their neighbours, and constantly lead a nomadic life Hence they have never
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I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your devotion to our family Alas!" she said, as if speaking to herself, "perhaps it would have been better for you and for us had
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Crevel had told the truth, the key was in it, and a light could be seen gleaming through the cracks. The greatest silence, however, prevailed inside After a moment's hesitation, the young man turned the
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Look! Look!" "No! No!" she cried. "The shrine is there Seek it! Seek it!" He forced the words through his teeth in his concentrated effort to drive them into the girl's brain in the form of
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He would have undergone double what he had been through for the reward of this note--for this assurance of her faith in him It cemented their friendship as nothing else could For him it went
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Well in the front squatted "Bum" Jocelin, known to the water-front police for fifteen years,--six feet of threatening insolence; "Black" Morrison with two penitentiary sentences back of him; and "Splinter" Mallory, thin, leering, shifty And yet
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He closed his eyes and concentrated his thought upon her He had heard that so people had communicated with one another and he himself had had proof enough, if it were true that she was
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Pound after pound seemed to be lifting from his weary legs and cloud after cloud from his dulled brain He would soon be able to go back now He felt a new need for the
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When he saw that it was piled high with wood and coal ready to be lighted, he would have braved an army to reach it Crossing the room, he thrust his candle into the kindling
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His arms, too, began to pain him as he had been unable to relieve them at all from their awkward position The last fifty feet were accomplished in an agony that left him almost
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They moved down ever towards the blue lake which blinked back at the sun like a blue-eyed babe Their rifles pressed upon their shoulders like bars of lead; their heavy feet were numb; their eyes
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It looked like a toy As Stubbs stooped to adjust it, Wilson saw one of the men dart from the line and disappear into the open doorway of a house to the right Stubbs
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He had told a deliberate lie and was perpetrating a downright fraud, but he felt no conscientious scruples over it It was only after he had exhausted every legitimate method that he had resorted to
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I am sure this time." "Only a shadow There is a light breeze." "I couldn't see anything but--it didn't _feel_ like a shadow, David." "You felt it? Has the image----" he asked a bit anxiously. "No--oh,
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To others the sky was blue, the sun warm, and the salt-laden winds came in from over the sea with pungent keenness To others the waters were sprinkled with joyous colors--the white sails of yachts,
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The Priest spoke good English. "Leave the image," he said quietly. Sorez, his hand upon a thirty-two caliber revolver, laughed (even as Quesada had laughed) and disappeared in the dark The next time he met the
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He shook off Sorez and, picking up the girl, started into the small anteroom; but before he was out of sight the first of the soldiers had sprung up the steps With an oath
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It had lost something of its harshness--something, too, of its decisiveness The girl interrupted, "This is no time for explanations Come into the hut We must rest first." She led the way, keeping a tight grip
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He had always spoken of a man worth a million with a certain amount of awe and doubt; and here lay ten, perhaps fifty, times that amount At the end of forty years of sailing
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Two of them supported Sorez The house opposite was empty, the occupants having deserted it at the approach of the enemy It was a rambling, story-and-a-half structure, somewhat elaborately furnished. Wilson placed a guard at
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After their imprisonment in Bogova and while in hiding from Wilson he had supplied the girl with the best of nurses and physicians Furthermore, in order to make what recompense he could to her in
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Wilson and Stubbs followed after Otaballo, who appeared somewhat worried They entered the palace, and at her request a guard led them into the privacy of a small room--as it happened, the room which Wilson
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It couldn't be that he had suspected Wilson and Jo of theft, because, in the first place, he must have seen at a glance that the safe was undisturbed; and in the second, that
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Darner’s prohibition might be founded upon wise precautions and a knowledge of the perils of the place; for, as a matter of fact, though this fact was unknown to Pat, the Falls are sufficiently dangerous
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When he gets any, it makes him simply insane He stays about here most of the time, and in this place he can’t get a single drop Consequently he is a very sensible, dignified, and
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The shadow of the forest beneath caught a peculiar leaden tinge from the smoke that now surrounded everything, and in some places was so dark that it seemed as though the fire might be smouldering
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“Black Betsy” was the name by which she was known A silvery voice, a truly humble and grateful mind, a meek and quiet spirit, a winning demeanor, a smile that always charmed every one
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This plan was nothing else than to follow the course of the brook It would of course enlarge as it ran on It might lead into a larger stream, and that stream would be sure
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There rose the hill-slope where his father’s house and out-houses had once stood; but now the house and out-houses had all vanished, and over the surface of the hill were spread the black traces of
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That path seemed to promise escape, and seemed to lead him forth from the wilderness track to life and liberty. He stood and looked at it long and carefully It ran across the brook, and on
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“Specs I mus hab gone clean mad an rabin stracted Didn’t tink dar was so much clar fight in me Ain’t such a rheumatic old nig, arter all Fight any drunken Ingin on de
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But Bruce and the others, who had never seen the Indian before, stood simply amazed, not knowing what to make of such a singular scene. They had heard of the adventure in the woods
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The channel grew broader, and the waters grew more abundant, sometimes spreading themselves out wide over a pebbly bottom, at other times collecting into deep pools, which Phil preferred avoiding In spite of the irregularities and
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Had Solomon not been speaking to the boys he could have resisted even this last throe of despair; but as it was, his attention was for the moment distracted, and he was taken by surprise
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You can find him yerself bether’n me, so ye can, if ye want to How can I find him! Sorra one of me knows the way anywheres out of this; and I’m fairly broken-hearted, so
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Arrival of Pat with startling Tidings.--A useless Search._ FOR a few moments the whole party stood, confounded by this new and sudden turn which events had taken. “He’s gone, anyhow,” said Pat, who was the first
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But that was not to be thought of except as a last resort At all hazards they wished to keep the boat If they fled to the woods their boat would be captured, and their
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But this was impossible The land before his eyes was a land of fire; its trees blackened by the fire, or still glowing red as they quivered under its attack; and there was no
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He was apprehensive that he might come to a cataract, or to rapids This danger certainly did not seem very imminent, or very probable, for the country was generally of too level a character to
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An now I undherstan it all Out there is the say,” said Pat, turning and facing where he supposed the sea to be “Up there on the lift is Partridge Island, where ye hear the
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How should he go back? Not through the woods, for he could make but small advance through the dense forest that now surrounded him; not up the stream, for how could his strength bear him
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Den I heerd she gone off Boston way, an I come back yer, an den went to de Cadmy Well, I got a mar’d darter out Loch Lomon way, an I come yer dis
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O, you get out! Go way, now! Sakes alive! Ye-e-e-e-p! Hi--ya-a-a-a-h! Hi-i-i-i-i-i--ya-a-a-a-a-a-a-a a-a-a-a-a-a-a-h!” And Solomon here burst forth in a breakdown so tremendous and so absurd, that the boys first started back, and then all burst
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"You're giving him credit for more cunning than he deserves Take it from me, he just saw how careful I was of those papers and made up his mind, on the spur of the
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The "mister" which Glennie had imposed upon them still rankled in their bosoms. Up to that moment off Port-of-Spain there had been no "misters" on the _Grampus_ The formality demanded by Glennie had been a
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If Matt could drag him down and secure him he felt that, at a later moment, the treacherous Celestial might be dealt with as his evil deeds justified. But the work the king of the
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The next best thing is to shift all the weight forward and throw the propeller out of water We can do that if our forward anchor can find holding ground on the bottom of the
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Put 'er there!" Matt, flushing under the compliment given him by the consul, allowed his hand to be wrung cordially. "Now," said Brigham, "look out of the windows at the beautiful palms while I go through
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The Gulf of Paria was a great watery plain, over which the waters of the Orinoco spread themselves before mingling with the sea. The ensign, feeling that he was disliked, drew back into his shell
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Dick, however, did no more than grumble If Motor Matt thought it necessary to pull out for the Amazon in such short order, then there was nothing more to be said Matt knew what he
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This six-shooter carried the day." "And saved my life," added Matt "I'll not forget that, Mr Glennie." A flush of pleasure ran through Glennie's face. "Bosh!" he exclaimed "You'd have done the same for me,
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King," said Glennie "What happened after that?" Matt, attending to his steering and keeping an eye on the periscope, told how he had lost consciousness for a few moments, had revived, lashed the wheel, and
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Move everything possible from aft If the anchor has taken hold, a little pulling on the chain may help If this don't fill the bill, then we'll pile rocks on the bow and force
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With his life he might get the game into his own hands--with death was the end of the game. "All right," he said "You've got the bulge on me this time Just free my hands,
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By Harrie Irving Hancock. 333--A Bid for Fortune; or, True as Steel By Fred Thorpe. 334--A Battle with Fate; or, The Baseball Mascot By Weldon J Cobb. 335--Three Brave Boys; or, Adventures
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The Jap's eyes continued to rest on the hat until he saw that Matt was watching him, then the eyes turned away absently and lost their telltale gleam. "Vat's der madder mit der feller?" muttered
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Swerving aside he rushed at the ladder, mounted swiftly, and disappeared through the hatch. With a fierce effort Matt concentrated his wandering wits upon the bomb Someway, somehow, he must reach the infernal machine and extinguish
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I don't suppose that the Sons of the Rising Sun were at all pleased with this information They are enthusiasts, and probably don't care a rap for their own lives, or for the lives of
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Read that." The consul tucked a cablegram into Glennie's fingers It had come from Belize, and was signed by the captain of the _Seminole_ Glennie read it aloud: "Motor Matt and Ensign John Henry Glennie,
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Tolo didn't have time to see the others of the Young Samurai between the time he left La Guayra and the time he presented himself to me, in the rôle of Ah Sin, on board
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Half a dozen big canoes filled with men shot out from the banks There were one or two firearms among them, but these were discharged at too great a range for savage marksmen, and they
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"Ah'm thinking he's no' a'together a nigger The scoondrel's a bit tae yellow." They found the dago, lying on the main deck, panting and furious, clothed only in a loin cloth, with half a dozen
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Dey hat bombs, und safages don't haf dose." "The bombs weren't in sight." A few minutes later Speake came up with the supper After the meal was out of the way, Speake took Dick's place at
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