Please help me!!!!

by Mzh666 - opened

Hello, how can I convert my own dataset with text to parquet format?

When you push your dataset to the Hugging Face, the dataset will change the format to parquet automatically.
You can read the Docs of datasets, to know how to build your dataset.
If you have more questions, please let me know.

Thank you very much for your reply! I see that everyone uploads the parquet file directly, but I still don't understand what format my images and corresponding text descriptions should be uploaded in order for them to display smoothly on the Dataset card.Could you give me your contact information? I would appreciate it very much.

To build the dataset, you should build a metadata.csv in your dataset, just like:

apple/0001.png,"apple,camera with flash"
apple/0003.png,"apple,chart increasing"

and load the folder containing this by the datasets lib, following this guide
If you still have problems, feel free to contact me at my mailbox:

Thank you so much! Let's try to build the dataset according to your method first, and if you still have questions, we will contact you by email, thank you again!!

Sorry to keep bothering you.Do I build a. csv file myself and upload it to huggong face? Or directly create this. csv file from huggingface?

I build the .csv file by myself and upload all data by the datasets.

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