Unnamed: 0
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['>>{alxzen66} : Of course you are a t_d poster, only apropiate answer when your kind out crawls out: of course I would punch a Nazi', '>>{HahaWaitWhatNo} : Here\'s 3 popular apps this week: **Bear - Note taking app** "Very good app for taking and organizing notes" This is compared to a better version of Evernote. [Neue Store link (SMS)](http://www.neuestore.com/app/Bear) [App Store link](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bear-beautiful-writing-app-for-notes-and-prose/id1016366447?mt=8) **ooo - Play with zoom** "Awesome app for making dramatic zooming videos" [Neue Store link (SMS)](http://www.neuestore.com/app/ooo) [App Store link](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ooo-play-with-zoom/id1182459078?mt=8) **Ada - Your health companion** "Beautiful app that is essentially a team of doctors in your pocket" [Neue Store link (SMS)](http://www.neuestore.com/app/Ada---Personal-Health-Companion) [App Store link](https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/ada-personal-health-companion/id1099986434?mt=8) Note: All are free, I think Bear has a premium option for $1.99.', ">>{examinati0n} : I'm a Tweetbot user and I *love* how the app displays a page of my stats, I love seeing my accumulated likes and retweets, a summary of my interactions. Do any other Twitter apps offer a stats overview like this? I'm happy with Tweetbot but if a new version comes out a full price, I won't be paying €9.99 for it. I'm trying to keep options open so was curious if there are any real alternatives worth looking at which aren't the official client.", '>>{tenqyu} : Recently updated with a lot of new features around event discovery **Apple store**: [itunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/drop!in/id1038351294?mt=8) **Support site**: [idrop.in](http://idrop.in) **Category**: Event discovery, Travel, Social **One sentence pitch**: Nearby Events Happening Now Also, you can now tweet "[@DropinIn](https://twitter.com/dropinin) I am bored in Los Angeles" and get an event recommendation nearby. Of course nearby is an approximation of your city name. This is still beta, so please be kind. And following Twitter automation rules it has to fail silently, i.e., you won\'t get any feedback if the system can\'t match the city correctly. Not a problem in the app, though. Feedback is highly appreciated.', ">>{Alexa_play_music} : Fake news. She hasn't presented any proof of her claim.", '>>{Cattel} : I`m looking for a new Email app... Something like newton or spark! I can`t use spark because it won`t download the email, I need to open the app, wait a few seconds than it downloads the email :(', ">>{granolaboi} : The dems shouldn't be apologizing for anything at this point. You have Ben Carson calling slaves immigrants, Jeff Sessions lying under oath and so on. I have yet to hear a single apology on their part.", ">>{yuhche} : I would think Buffer and Hootsuite considering their user base. I like looking at lesser known Twitter/Reddit apps but there's so few on iOS.", ">>{raxreddit} : Updated my [pomodoro timer app, Power Focus,](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pomodoro-pro/id966415847?ls=1&mt=8) to include seven new languages: French, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese. This app used to be called [Pomodoro Pro](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id966415847), but we had to change it for legal reasons. You'll notice on the app store that many of the top pomodoro apps no longer include 'pomodoro' in their title. Localizing the app for new languages entails a lot of iOS simulator & device testing. Luckily I was able to use fastlane snapshot for phone screenshots, but I had to manually generate my localized watch screenshots. [iTunes link](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id966415847)", '>>{kekus_vult} : Its not like he said that he would grab her pussy. So really nothing offensive.', ">>{HaPTiCxAltitude} : I'm using Unibox and I like it a lot, it organizes emails like text conversations which works well for me but it may not for you.", ">>{FewerMoonves} : It was an idiotic remark, and a reasonable apology/explanation statement. Richmond is certainly not the first nor will he be the last to try and 'play off' a generally well-received quip made by someone else in the room--in this case, Senator Scott of South Carolina--and fall flat.", ">>{FookYu315} : A Trump supporter standing up for women? Now I've seen everything.", ">>{charging_bull} : Obama: Trump and Putin have a 'bromance'", '>>{hamsterman20} : Because you want to be as bad as the opposing team? Lead by example....', '>>{Tangmelo} : This guy bowed to the Saudi king just saying.', ">>{lordaroma} : I still don't understand why it doesn't show who liked the tweets (it opens faster instead) when Fenix for Android does the same.", '>>{charging_bull} : >You used to criticize me for even talking to the Russians. Now suddenly your nominee is having a bromance with Putin?" Obama asked.', '>>{ivanicin} : Speech Central is the first text to speech app to offer Apple Watch app.\xa0Now you can browse the web with Apple Watch and headphones\xa0which is more convenient for the watch owners than just with headphones (which was possible in previous versions). Get it at\xa0the App Store https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/speech-central-take-web-on/id1127349155?mt=8 If you have some questions I am\xa0the developer and I would be glad to answer!', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Only if they are in pussygrabbing range of their orange slob', ">>{greppese} : Trumputin. A bit more flattering than Putintrump I'd say..", ">>{Xenepa} : Is there any XMPP client that is 1) open source, 2) works with Tor network, 3) can be indefinitely in background (no matter what trick it needs to do so)? Chatsecure is about perfect on android. But I was very disappointed that it's absolutely useless on iPhone, because it just won't stay connected :/", ">>{SteakAndNihilism} : I know it's being said constantly lately, but I love how few fucks Obama is giving these days.", ">>{WhereAreThePix} : Your App Store links, does anyone actually use them? Just curious because it's an iPhone sub and we're all native iTunes users by default", ">>{HahaWaitWhatNo} : Yep - they're most helpful for Redditors on desktop. It lets you press a button and we send an SMS of the app link to your phone so you can download it whenever.", ">>{throwawatc123} : Don't worry comrades, Russia is worth another 270 electoral votes by itself. Komrade Trumpkovski will win in a landslide and together, we will Make Mother Russia Glorious Again!", '>>{Trombosaurus} : Even JD & Turk [pales in comparison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPZa9FHPTQI).', '>>{cyclopsrex} : Almost like this is the presidency, not pro wresting.', ">>{cyclopsrex} : I disagree with him here. Hillary's puppet talk was more accurate.", '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : A joke in poor taste isn\'t quite as offensive as lying under oath. Saying a dumb joke doesn\'t actually make you "just like them" when the thems are committing perjury in an effort to coverup some growing scandal.', ">>{hamsterman20} : And morals and what is right and wrong shouldn't be based on a comparison to the worst...", ">>{GoingCommando18} : I love Email by EasilyDo. The best email app I've used, and I've tried them all.", ">>{throwawatc123} : I'm pretty sure Trump is the catcher in that relationship, so Putintrump it is", '>>{spamsammiches} : I want a bright red hat to wear on Nov 9th that says MAKE OBAMA PRESIDENT AGAIN', '>>{BlairTheWiseViking} : MyMail has been my go to for a long while.', ">>{Boxy310} : Y'all mothafuckas listen up, 'cuz I'm only gonna say this once: ObamaCare is the law of the mothafuckin' land, and there ain't shit you can do about it.", ">>{BlairTheWiseViking} : I prefer Reddit on the desktop. I prefer Android's Relay app overall but I don't see it coming to iOS.", ">>{Boxy310} : He's definitely *Puttin*' the Trump to bed. ... I'll see myself out.", ">>{bvlshewic} : Come on, guys--this was just harmless lockerroom talk--it's not like he was taking about forcing himself on vaginas. Seriously--how can you give no fucks about Trump's comments about women and still hold this guy's feet to the fire? I'm not saying the Congressman was right because Trump is a bigger mysogynist; outrage from Conway over sexist comments admits a level of cognitive dissonance so crazy I can't even come up with a metaphor for it.", ">>{Tsudoku} : Vantage - Free app of the week. Nice calendar app that looks nice and has lots of functionality. Gboard - Best third party keyboard imo with a built-in Google Pyger Screen Recorder - Chinese screen recorder app that isn't available in the app store because Apple doesn't allow it. Download it here https://www.pgyer.com/2fm7 ( click on the black button )", '>>{Cattel} : I have 1 outlook email and other gmail... that`s the problem', ">>{bibletales} : I just upgraded to iOS and the I'm stuck at the start up menu because my home button broke, is there anyway to bypass this? The start up menu doesn't even give you an option to go to settings and add assistive touch. At this point I have no idea how I can fix this. Edit: Words", ">>{Yillis} : I imagine you could do your setup through iTunes? If that's available to you", '>>{datums} : Obama has a bromance with Justin Trudeau. When Obama visited the Canadian Parliament a while back, Trudeau actually said it in his speech. It was actually a remarkably heart warming event.', ">>{Aofwa} : Dems have the presidency in the bag. He's hitting hard to get senate majority", ">>{ytown} : This talk from Obama makes me giddy. I can't imagine how fucking awesome he feels saying it.", ">>{raresanevoice} : A congressman, apologizing? wuh? oh, he's a democrat, ok. that makes sense, then. Can admit a mistake and offer an apology.", ">>{stml} : Obama is going to be one of the highest paid speakers in history. You guys think Clinton was overpaid? Be ready for Obama to be bringing in 7 figures for a single talk. It's going to be insane. The demand for him is incredible.", ">>{Ds0990} : I think it is pretty clear that Trump is the bottom. I'm sure he calls himself a power bottom, but we all know he just takes it.", '>>{AvengerMKII} : I want Obama to do stand-up. It would be amazing lol.', ">>{TheFreakingBatman} : So I guess it wouldn't be *that* expensive to hire Trump for a speech. All you need is a small loan.", ">>{tenehemia} : I was watching his appearance on Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown recently, and was thinking that he should totally do a travelogue like show - or maybe just hitch onto Bourdain's for a season. He must be absolutely desperate to travel around the world for fun and exploration rather than business.", '>>{Maggie_A} : It\'s not a bromance. It\'s a passionate romance. http://cbsnews3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/05/13/c3c9b5dc-b8f8-4697-b87e-68c23f130d70/thumbnail/620x350/e721eecd6c8f34fef3c82eaa9e0f5063/screen-shot-2016-05-13-at-2-25-28-pm.png And if you haven\'t heard this song "With Russia From Love" from the 30 Days 30 Songs project about Trump and Putin.......... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKvuqZjQ8ng&list=PL4MxjvAMmvl2t94pURcaz1OXkNx-9eo3e&index=3', ">>{archaeolinuxgeek} : Starting the speech is a paltry ten grand. It's when you want him to shut up that runs into money.", ">>{twenty_nine_plus} : After so many years of having to take that birther shit from Trump. Payback's a bitch!", ">>{crazybones} : What I don't get is how Trump can be so besotted with Putin when Putin is totally not that good looking.", ">>{Nova_Jake} : Heaven forbid two of the world's most powerful nations get along.", '>>{Mazreth1} : I love your idea that being disrespectful between leaders would end up being anything but petty and negative. Grow up.', ">>{TheKingOfCrumpets} : He's also got [really great forearms.](http://i.imgur.com/cBg0RWi.jpg) *swoon*", '>>{yaosio} : Sounds like the US will get some new states and Canadians will get some new exorbitant bills.', ">>{hairyovens} : Yeah, let's get in a war with a country that can fucking annihilate us Edit: This was sarcasm btw. I think it's ridiculous that Trump is getting heat because Putin likes him. We need Russia on our good side. We like to bully small failed states around but it'll be harder to do the bullying when Russia has nukes just like us.", '>>{schwangggg} : Trump is not exactly the pinnacle of masculine beauty either. EDIT: Plus, Vlad is *much* richer.', ">>{DaleKerbal} : Just take your time, says Trump. Don't be russian into anything..."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{charging_bull} : Obama: Trump and Putin have a 'bromance'", '>>{Tangmelo} : This guy bowed to the Saudi king just saying.', '>>{charging_bull} : >You used to criticize me for even talking to the Russians. Now suddenly your nominee is having a bromance with Putin?" Obama asked.', ">>{greppese} : Trumputin. A bit more flattering than Putintrump I'd say..", ">>{SteakAndNihilism} : I know it's being said constantly lately, but I love how few fucks Obama is giving these days.", ">>{throwawatc123} : Don't worry comrades, Russia is worth another 270 electoral votes by itself. Komrade Trumpkovski will win in a landslide and together, we will Make Mother Russia Glorious Again!", '>>{Trombosaurus} : Even JD & Turk [pales in comparison](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPZa9FHPTQI).', '>>{cyclopsrex} : Almost like this is the presidency, not pro wresting.', ">>{cyclopsrex} : I disagree with him here. Hillary's puppet talk was more accurate.", ">>{throwawatc123} : I'm pretty sure Trump is the catcher in that relationship, so Putintrump it is", '>>{spamsammiches} : I want a bright red hat to wear on Nov 9th that says MAKE OBAMA PRESIDENT AGAIN', ">>{Boxy310} : Y'all mothafuckas listen up, 'cuz I'm only gonna say this once: ObamaCare is the law of the mothafuckin' land, and there ain't shit you can do about it.", ">>{Boxy310} : He's definitely *Puttin*' the Trump to bed. ... I'll see myself out.", '>>{datums} : Obama has a bromance with Justin Trudeau. When Obama visited the Canadian Parliament a while back, Trudeau actually said it in his speech. It was actually a remarkably heart warming event.', ">>{Aofwa} : Dems have the presidency in the bag. He's hitting hard to get senate majority", ">>{ytown} : This talk from Obama makes me giddy. I can't imagine how fucking awesome he feels saying it.", ">>{stml} : Obama is going to be one of the highest paid speakers in history. You guys think Clinton was overpaid? Be ready for Obama to be bringing in 7 figures for a single talk. It's going to be insane. The demand for him is incredible.", ">>{Ds0990} : I think it is pretty clear that Trump is the bottom. I'm sure he calls himself a power bottom, but we all know he just takes it.", '>>{AvengerMKII} : I want Obama to do stand-up. It would be amazing lol.', ">>{TheFreakingBatman} : So I guess it wouldn't be *that* expensive to hire Trump for a speech. All you need is a small loan.", ">>{tenehemia} : I was watching his appearance on Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown recently, and was thinking that he should totally do a travelogue like show - or maybe just hitch onto Bourdain's for a season. He must be absolutely desperate to travel around the world for fun and exploration rather than business.", '>>{Maggie_A} : It\'s not a bromance. It\'s a passionate romance. http://cbsnews3.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/r/2016/05/13/c3c9b5dc-b8f8-4697-b87e-68c23f130d70/thumbnail/620x350/e721eecd6c8f34fef3c82eaa9e0f5063/screen-shot-2016-05-13-at-2-25-28-pm.png And if you haven\'t heard this song "With Russia From Love" from the 30 Days 30 Songs project about Trump and Putin.......... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKvuqZjQ8ng&list=PL4MxjvAMmvl2t94pURcaz1OXkNx-9eo3e&index=3', ">>{archaeolinuxgeek} : Starting the speech is a paltry ten grand. It's when you want him to shut up that runs into money.", ">>{twenty_nine_plus} : After so many years of having to take that birther shit from Trump. Payback's a bitch!", ">>{crazybones} : What I don't get is how Trump can be so besotted with Putin when Putin is totally not that good looking.", ">>{Nova_Jake} : Heaven forbid two of the world's most powerful nations get along.", '>>{Mazreth1} : I love your idea that being disrespectful between leaders would end up being anything but petty and negative. Grow up.', ">>{TheKingOfCrumpets} : He's also got [really great forearms.](http://i.imgur.com/cBg0RWi.jpg) *swoon*", '>>{yaosio} : Sounds like the US will get some new states and Canadians will get some new exorbitant bills.', ">>{hairyovens} : Yeah, let's get in a war with a country that can fucking annihilate us Edit: This was sarcasm btw. I think it's ridiculous that Trump is getting heat because Putin likes him. We need Russia on our good side. We like to bully small failed states around but it'll be harder to do the bullying when Russia has nukes just like us.", '>>{schwangggg} : Trump is not exactly the pinnacle of masculine beauty either. EDIT: Plus, Vlad is *much* richer.', ">>{DaleKerbal} : Just take your time, says Trump. Don't be russian into anything..."], ['>>{alxzen66} : Of course you are a t_d poster, only apropiate answer when your kind out crawls out: of course I would punch a Nazi', ">>{Alexa_play_music} : Fake news. She hasn't presented any proof of her claim.", ">>{granolaboi} : The dems shouldn't be apologizing for anything at this point. You have Ben Carson calling slaves immigrants, Jeff Sessions lying under oath and so on. I have yet to hear a single apology on their part.", '>>{kekus_vult} : Its not like he said that he would grab her pussy. So really nothing offensive.', ">>{FewerMoonves} : It was an idiotic remark, and a reasonable apology/explanation statement. Richmond is certainly not the first nor will he be the last to try and 'play off' a generally well-received quip made by someone else in the room--in this case, Senator Scott of South Carolina--and fall flat.", ">>{FookYu315} : A Trump supporter standing up for women? Now I've seen everything.", '>>{hamsterman20} : Because you want to be as bad as the opposing team? Lead by example....', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : Only if they are in pussygrabbing range of their orange slob', '>>{MafiaVsNinja} : A joke in poor taste isn\'t quite as offensive as lying under oath. Saying a dumb joke doesn\'t actually make you "just like them" when the thems are committing perjury in an effort to coverup some growing scandal.', ">>{hamsterman20} : And morals and what is right and wrong shouldn't be based on a comparison to the worst...", ">>{bvlshewic} : Come on, guys--this was just harmless lockerroom talk--it's not like he was taking about forcing himself on vaginas. Seriously--how can you give no fucks about Trump's comments about women and still hold this guy's feet to the fire? I'm not saying the Congressman was right because Trump is a bigger mysogynist; outrage from Conway over sexist comments admits a level of cognitive dissonance so crazy I can't even come up with a metaphor for it.", ">>{raresanevoice} : A congressman, apologizing? wuh? oh, he's a democrat, ok. that makes sense, then. Can admit a mistake and offer an apology."], ['>>{HahaWaitWhatNo} : Here\'s 3 popular apps this week: **Bear - Note taking app** "Very good app for taking and organizing notes" This is compared to a better version of Evernote. [Neue Store link (SMS)](http://www.neuestore.com/app/Bear) [App Store link](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bear-beautiful-writing-app-for-notes-and-prose/id1016366447?mt=8) **ooo - Play with zoom** "Awesome app for making dramatic zooming videos" [Neue Store link (SMS)](http://www.neuestore.com/app/ooo) [App Store link](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ooo-play-with-zoom/id1182459078?mt=8) **Ada - Your health companion** "Beautiful app that is essentially a team of doctors in your pocket" [Neue Store link (SMS)](http://www.neuestore.com/app/Ada---Personal-Health-Companion) [App Store link](https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/ada-personal-health-companion/id1099986434?mt=8) Note: All are free, I think Bear has a premium option for $1.99.', ">>{examinati0n} : I'm a Tweetbot user and I *love* how the app displays a page of my stats, I love seeing my accumulated likes and retweets, a summary of my interactions. Do any other Twitter apps offer a stats overview like this? I'm happy with Tweetbot but if a new version comes out a full price, I won't be paying €9.99 for it. I'm trying to keep options open so was curious if there are any real alternatives worth looking at which aren't the official client.", '>>{tenqyu} : Recently updated with a lot of new features around event discovery **Apple store**: [itunes](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/drop!in/id1038351294?mt=8) **Support site**: [idrop.in](http://idrop.in) **Category**: Event discovery, Travel, Social **One sentence pitch**: Nearby Events Happening Now Also, you can now tweet "[@DropinIn](https://twitter.com/dropinin) I am bored in Los Angeles" and get an event recommendation nearby. Of course nearby is an approximation of your city name. This is still beta, so please be kind. And following Twitter automation rules it has to fail silently, i.e., you won\'t get any feedback if the system can\'t match the city correctly. Not a problem in the app, though. Feedback is highly appreciated.', '>>{Cattel} : I`m looking for a new Email app... Something like newton or spark! I can`t use spark because it won`t download the email, I need to open the app, wait a few seconds than it downloads the email :(', ">>{yuhche} : I would think Buffer and Hootsuite considering their user base. I like looking at lesser known Twitter/Reddit apps but there's so few on iOS.", ">>{raxreddit} : Updated my [pomodoro timer app, Power Focus,](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pomodoro-pro/id966415847?ls=1&mt=8) to include seven new languages: French, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese. This app used to be called [Pomodoro Pro](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id966415847), but we had to change it for legal reasons. You'll notice on the app store that many of the top pomodoro apps no longer include 'pomodoro' in their title. Localizing the app for new languages entails a lot of iOS simulator & device testing. Luckily I was able to use fastlane snapshot for phone screenshots, but I had to manually generate my localized watch screenshots. [iTunes link](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id966415847)", ">>{HaPTiCxAltitude} : I'm using Unibox and I like it a lot, it organizes emails like text conversations which works well for me but it may not for you.", ">>{lordaroma} : I still don't understand why it doesn't show who liked the tweets (it opens faster instead) when Fenix for Android does the same.", '>>{ivanicin} : Speech Central is the first text to speech app to offer Apple Watch app.\xa0Now you can browse the web with Apple Watch and headphones\xa0which is more convenient for the watch owners than just with headphones (which was possible in previous versions). Get it at\xa0the App Store https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/speech-central-take-web-on/id1127349155?mt=8 If you have some questions I am\xa0the developer and I would be glad to answer!', ">>{Xenepa} : Is there any XMPP client that is 1) open source, 2) works with Tor network, 3) can be indefinitely in background (no matter what trick it needs to do so)? Chatsecure is about perfect on android. But I was very disappointed that it's absolutely useless on iPhone, because it just won't stay connected :/", ">>{WhereAreThePix} : Your App Store links, does anyone actually use them? Just curious because it's an iPhone sub and we're all native iTunes users by default", ">>{HahaWaitWhatNo} : Yep - they're most helpful for Redditors on desktop. It lets you press a button and we send an SMS of the app link to your phone so you can download it whenever.", ">>{GoingCommando18} : I love Email by EasilyDo. The best email app I've used, and I've tried them all.", '>>{BlairTheWiseViking} : MyMail has been my go to for a long while.', ">>{BlairTheWiseViking} : I prefer Reddit on the desktop. I prefer Android's Relay app overall but I don't see it coming to iOS.", ">>{Tsudoku} : Vantage - Free app of the week. Nice calendar app that looks nice and has lots of functionality. Gboard - Best third party keyboard imo with a built-in Google Pyger Screen Recorder - Chinese screen recorder app that isn't available in the app store because Apple doesn't allow it. Download it here https://www.pgyer.com/2fm7 ( click on the black button )", '>>{Cattel} : I have 1 outlook email and other gmail... that`s the problem', ">>{bibletales} : I just upgraded to iOS and the I'm stuck at the start up menu because my home button broke, is there anyway to bypass this? The start up menu doesn't even give you an option to go to settings and add assistive touch. At this point I have no idea how I can fix this. Edit: Words", ">>{Yillis} : I imagine you could do your setup through iTunes? If that's available to you"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Abscess2} : Ransomware app hosted in Google Play infects unsuspecting Android user', '>>{gulabjamunyaar} : Siri, turn **on** all my lights. "OK, I have turned **off** all your lights."', '>>{NFLinPDX} : *It\'s arstechnica, so the link is fine. Here\'s the text for people who are irrationally afraid to click it.* **Ransomware app hosted in Google Play infects unsuspecting Android user** "ALL YOUR DATA IS ALREADY STORED ON OUR SERVERS!" malicious app warned. ^(by Dan Goodin - Jan 24, 2017 1:29pm PST) **G**oogle Play, the official market for Android apps, was caught hosting a ransomware app that infected at least one real-world handset, security researchers said Tuesday. The ransomware was dubbed *Charger* and was hidden inside an app called EnergyRescue, according to a blog post published by security firm Check Point Software. Once installed, Charger stole SMS contacts and prompted unsuspecting users to grant it all-powerful administrator rights. If users clicked OK, the malicious app locked the device and displayed the following message: >You need to pay for us, otherwise we will sell portion of your personal information on black market every 30 minutes. WE GIVE 100% GUARANTEE THAT ALL FILES WILL RESTORE AFTER WE RECEIVE PAYMENT. WE WILL UNLOCK THE MOBILE DEVICE AND DELETE ALL YOUR DATA FROM OUR SERVER! TURNING OFF YOUR PHONE IS MEANINGLESS, ALL YOUR DATA IS ALREADY STORED ON OUR SERVERS! WE STILL CAN SELLING IT FOR SPAM, FAKE, BANK CRIME etc… We collect and download all of your personal data. All information about your social networks, Bank accounts, Credit Cards. We collect all data about your friends and family. The app sought 0.2 Bitcoin, currently worth about $180. In an e-mail, Check Point researchers said the app was available in Google Play for four days and had only a "handful" of downloads. "We believe the attackers only wanted to test the waters and not spread it yet," the researchers told Ars. The infection was detected by Check Point\'s mobile malware software, which the company sells to businesses. Google officials have since removed the app and have thanked Check Point for raising awareness of the issue. An analysis showed that Charger checked the local settings of an infected device and wouldn\'t execute the app\'s malicious payload if the device was located in Ukraine, Russia, or Belarus. The behavior was likely an attempt to prevent the developers from facing legal actions in those countries. In the blog post, Check Point researchers added: Most malware found on Google Play contains only a dropper that later downloads the real malicious components to the device. Charger, however, uses a heavy packing approach which [makes] it harder for the malware to stay hidden, so it must compensate with other means. The developers of Charger gave it everything they had to boost its evasion capabilities and so it could stay hidden on Google Play for as long as possible. The malware uses several advanced techniques to hide its real intentions and makes it harder to detect. It encodes strings into binary arrays, making it hard to inspect them. It loads code from encrypted resources dynamically, which most detection engines cannot penetrate and inspect. The dynamically-loaded code is also flooded with meaningless commands that mask the actual commands passing through. It checks whether it is being run in an emulator before it starts its malicious activity. PC malware first introduced this technique which is becoming a trend in mobile malware having been adopted by several malware families including Dendroid. In 2012, Google unveiled a cloud-based scanner dubbed bouncer that was billed as a way for the company to detect malicious apps before they were made available in Play. Five years later, discovery of malicious apps like Charger are a regular occurrence. Google makes little reference to the tool these days. The incident is the latest to underscore the risks posed by apps hosted on Google servers. On Monday, Check Point documented the return of the virulent family of Android malware known as HummingBad, which managed to get from 2 million to 12 million downloads from the marketplace before the 20 affected apps were detected and removed', ">>{ken2die4} : Jesus Christ I'm sick of hackers... Ransomware? So ridiculously stupid", ">>{TheWhyOfFry} : I mean, at least they're being honest about how crappy Siri can be.", ">>{echo249} : Megyn Kelly Loses It Over Trump Rehashing Old Dirt: 'What Is He Doing?!' (VIDEO)", ">>{Bul1oasaurus} : He's not running for President. As closely as this sub follows politics, I'm amazed there isn't more of a sub-wide consensus on this. He isn't trying to become president.", '>>{BigTastyWithBacon} : So what the hell are Google doing about it. Surely the author of that app is gonna be getting some serious lawsuits thrown their way by Google?', ">>{Jarrrp} : Siri just isn't as convenient as Alexa and other 'always on' assistants. Plus the fact it's terrible and can barely recognise a single request.", '>>{GordonRamsayIsAngry} : Still waiting for the day when ransomware says "all your base are belong to us."', '>>{itsnottommy} : isn\'t siri always on? you can just say "hey siri" and the iphone activates siri.', ">>{justjack48} : It's not a presidential campaign so much as the worst/ugliest comedy tour in history", ">>{y4udothat} : I'll be completely honest with you here. I think you may be right. It just *feels* really insane to think that or say it out loud. I mean, it just sounds so implausible to win the nomination, even by accident, and then tank your general campaign. The why, the how, everything about it sounds just loony. But if someone was doing just that......wouldn't it look a lot like the Trump campaign?", '>>{Mathemagics} : Four decades of evidence finds no link between immigration and increased crime', ">>{BigTastyWithBacon} : What's truth got to do with it? The fact that they put something against the TOS on the google play store to purposely deceive people of their money. you think that is okay or something?", '>>{itsnottommy} : it worked on my 6s and 7 plus. was it introduced with the 6s?', '>>{giveitago} : Why does Apple wait for the avalanche of criticism before doing anything and sometimes nothing even then? The arrogance and hubris. We are Apple, we are inviolate.', ">>{NamityName} : I guess i misunderstood what you were saying. It wouldn't just be google suing. The offenders commited much bigger crimes. The police and FBI would probably like a word with them too. But I doubt google or anyone will be able to find them. Most likely, they live in russia, belarus, or the ukraine", '>>{molepigeon} : It works on the 6, but only while it\'s charging. The 6s was the first to get always on "Hey Siri". As an owner of a 6, it does work when it\'s in charge, but I\'ve only used it twice ever since I forget that it\'s a thing, and it didn\'t work one of those two times. Ended up going and holding the home button anyway.', '>>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : This is what happens when you value faith above empiricism.', '>>{gd_akula} : Have you not heard of ars technica? Pretty good website for tech news.', '>>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : That may or may not be true, but *ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION* certainly has led to an increase in crime.', '>>{ZekkMixes} : Never expected to agree so wholeheartedly with Megyn Kelly but here we are.', ">>{GentleMilez} : Thanks. I'm not scared of a news article, I'm just lazy", '>>{eighteencircle9} : Because then you get massive praises when you fix it.', ">>{Ramrod312} : All he has to do is attack Hillary, that's all he has to do. Why he is reiterating past shit is beyond me.", '>>{hammyhamhammin} : Siri, save all of humanity. Ok, apocalypse commenced.', '>>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : Love how Ben Domenech from the Federalist says "This is really amazing to me. This is as silly as going to the same Pokéstop over and over again and expecting it to be something different." What a dumb ass. Dude has no idea that you CAN go back to the same Pokéstop over and over again and get something different.', '>>{x_______________} : Ha i would probably just call their bluff. I mean if all else fails and they take my info, i can just buy another identity on the deep web, and buy some credit cards and be on my way', '>>{KiBps} : I think he meant the author of the article not the malware.', ">>{AstralElement} : Well, considering it's illegal, I'd say it has a 100% crime rate.", ">>{ShroudedSciuridae} : I'm just surprised a Pokémon Go reference was casually dropped on Fox News", '>>{DrunkShimoda} : I like tautologies that reinforce my worldview better than data that refutes the Republican platform. IGNORE DATA. REPEAT TAUTOLOGIES. MAGA.', '>>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : Are you being sarcastic, or is any publication that you have personally never heard of automatically suspect?', '>>{Runnerphone} : Was thinking that as well proper immigrants want to come here and more so take the time to do it the right way hence their less likely to do criminal shit.', ">>{santaisafraud} : It's the 6S / SE and up that has always on, same with raise to wake. I have it and it's awful though. Comes on when I don't say hey siri, and doesn't come on when I do.", '>>{Kaustn} : And what do they do if I have no credit cards, no money, no social media, no friends?', '>>{Sayajiaji} : Can somebody make a bot for this? Like a bot that comments the text of articles from less popular websites?', '>>{Bul1oasaurus} : He began his campaign by saying "Mexico sends us their rapists," a statement that would thrill the mostly white republican base but would ruin his chance in the general. From that moment, people were suspicious. Does this guy want to be president or just the republican nominee? For years Bill O\'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and every other conservative gum-flapper have been cursing the "PC police" who won\'t "tell it how it is." Well, here comes Trump, bashing every minority group (the ones he can\'t lose by much to compete in the general) the way that the white male base of the Republican Party wants, without "wasting words" on decency.', ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : That plus any crime committed by someone in a country illegally will add to the overall crime rate of that country. There aren't very many people who are against immigration, but tons of people are against *illegal* immigration.", ">>{themaytagman50} : People still download energy saving apps? My god most of those apps give your phone AIDS anyway, they push so many adds and lockscreens it's insane.", ">>{StephenSchleis} : You're right this would never happen on the App Store, my girlfriends best friend got a virus on her phone random newest 2016 android, and that was the day I figured out just how piss poor android is.", '>>{InertiaInMyPants} : Maybe we should spend more on a wall than our NASA budget. Mexicans are too dumb to dig holes and too poor to buy ladders. Yea. That will show them.', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : The only problem I have with that is his comments delegitimizing the election. That is how you get violent wackos in the streets. So if he's not running for president then what is he doing? Creating an army? Where is the CIA, FBI, and the NSA on this one?", ">>{spanishisphilosophy} : I seriously don't know if it won't happen on the Apple Store But idk ever since I've had my iPhone I haven't really had many complaints", ">>{StephenSchleis} : I've had a iPhone 4 since release it is still it perfect day one working condition, it is my 2nd phone. iPhone 7+ is my main phone. Perfect and impossible to get viruses and or malicious apps", '>>{skyblewdiamonds} : Exactly why I have an iPhone. Apple App Store is like the nice job that only hires people with all qualifications and a clean record. Google play accepts repeat offenders with a promise they will try really hard.', ">>{m0skit0d3lt4} : That would make it harder for smaller websites to make the money they would normally make off articles that go big. A article security bot would be more practical and wouldn't hinder the website's income while allowing reddit users to trust the link posted", ">>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : The Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice has been around for over a decade. Here's a link to the actual study: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15377938.2016.1261057 Not fake news.", '>>{Svorky} : Trying to increase the value of his brand, as he has done his whole life. The theory that he\'s going for a "Trump network" to become the voice of the far right, without having any of the pesky responsibility that comes with elected office is probably the best explanation for his behavior I\'ve heard. Not giving a shit about the minority votes, vilifying the mainstream media, saying the elections will be rigged, being obsessed with watching TV, ignoring all advice on how to win the election, his failure to pivot: all perfectly reasonable actions if that\'s the true goal. Or he really is crazy. Nothing else makes sense to me.', '>>{Mathemagics} : If he has to do the tedious labor of copying and pasting the journal into his browser, it must be fake news.', '>>{Alca_Pwn} : They give you all those things, let you live comfortably for 5 years then take them away', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : Oh so you're saying he might become the most dangerous propagandist the us has ever seen.", ">>{Searchlights} : I usually hate the things that she says, yet I love the way she looks when she's saying them. It's so confusing.", ">>{TheRunningMan1342} : As an iPhone user myself, I wouldn't get too complacent. Anything is possible. Be careful what you download just to be safe.", ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : This study is talking about immigration not *illegal immigration*. Illegal immigration is the problem not immigration. No one is talking about ending immigration generally. Ignore the premise of my comment so that you can reinforce your worldview. You shouldn't use words that you don't understand. For example, tautology.", ">>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : I think it's great that people are becoming more skeptical of what they read, but to just outright dismiss something as fake news because you can't be bothered to look into the matter is just being willfully ignoring. It's not common to link to academic journal, because they almost always requirement payment for access.", ">>{Kaustn} : So the last 20+ odd years compounded every 5 years of my life. Bring it on, I've survived much larger shipwrecks!", ">>{-917-} : I think he is running to be president. But he has narcissistic personality disorder: >Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Source: Mayo Clinic Trump is textbook NPD.", ">>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : If you don't want to pay to confirm that you're wrong, go to your local university's library and you can discover what I've already told you, free of charge.", '>>{DrunkShimoda} : Arguing that illegal immigration causes crime -- the crime of illegal immigration, could be a textbook example of tautological reasoning. >This study is talking about immigration not *illegal immigration.* Actually they studied *all* immigration. Setting aside immigration status and illegal entry, statistics also show that undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native residents. The lie that illegal immigrants are bringing crime has been debunked.', '>>{DasBeasto} : Meanwhile I spend $99 to submit my app to Apple, wait two weeks for thorough review, and get rejected because the style is non-conforment. Does Google have no review system?', ">>{hellypuppy888} : My screen wouldn't work on iPhone 7+ so I tried to hard reset, couldn't do that but it triggered Siri so I asked her clearly in multiple ways to restart my phone. She wouldn't do it. Why can't we ask Siri to restart our phone? If it's for safety you can't get back without the pin anyways. So stupid.", ">>{wilc8650} : No it hasn't; that statistic (illegal immigration) isn't covered when referencing crime rates.", ">>{sneakpeekbot} : **Here's a sneak peek of /r/SiriFail using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sirifail/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time!** \\#1: [Brick wall meets head](https://i.redd.it/l1ieykcofvrx.png) | [comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SiriFail/comments/57sh8s/brick_wall_meets_head/) \\#2: [Remind me this weekend...](http://i.imgur.com/5jjGXel.jpg) | [comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SiriFail/comments/57w4yv/remind_me_this_weekend/) \\#3: [6, 7, whatever.](http://i.imgur.com/BANa4XG.jpg) | [comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SiriFail/comments/57tb0s/6_7_whatever/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/)", ">>{Bul1oasaurus} : ? Why are you complicating it? His entire lavish lifestyle is due to the elite of Manhattan. So is his opponent's. The Clintons had powerful friends twist his arm into running. Perhaps his investment in golf courses went belly up and he needed help and his only way to get it was to pay them some other way.", ">>{ImNotJesus} : > He isn't trying to become president. While I would always caution away from diagnosis at a distance, his behaviour is entirely typical of someone with narcissistic personality disorder.", ">>{quincytwo} : It doesn't matter what brand or what OS. If someone wants to target a group of devices and write some malicious code, they're going to do it. Security software can only protect the device so much and isn't 100% full proof (like in this case). You, the user, are the biggest risk to your device.", '>>{WELCOME-THRILLHO} : You know, /u/iAppleTweaker is the creator of Siri. Praise be to Siri.', '>>{juledos} : > all of your lighting wishes What an odd way to phrase that.', '>>{jacksonsmashon} : Making sure Hillary gets elected and destroying the GOP.', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : Him being a Clinton plant DOES NOT make sense if he delegitimizes the election. That doesn't make sense.", '>>{scp333} : AC "Did you say Macy\'s?"', '>>{mazu74} : >increase in crime. We are at a 40 year low for crime rates. Try again.', '>>{SonOfJokeExplainer} : By this logic, the entire body of academic research must be fake.', ">>{AlphakirA} : That's like saying asking why everyone doesn't just stay inside their house and never leave because of an incident where someone was shot outside.", ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : Wrong. Arguing that illegal immigration is the only crime committed by illegal immigrants is ridiculous. It hasn't been debunked. Your willingness to sacrifice citizens to accommodate non-citizens is disgusting.", '>>{evac05} : Well ... I actually use this functionality with Siri all the time with Casita switches and Hue bulbs. Works perfectly. I know all the cool kids like critiquing Siri/Apple ... this works perfectly for my household.', '>>{Oliver_Cat} : It "worked" on my 5s while plugged in back when I had it, too. I\'m not sure about the older models.', ">>{PM-ME-D_CK-PICS} : Well... headphones, price, low resolution screens, ease of file transfer, cloud backup with anything other than iCloud, iTunes changes every 30 seconds, proprietary charging cable, etc... etc... It's all just preference, but those are *my* reasons for staying away.", ">>{KhalilSantana} : Backups + encrypt sensitive data = 0$ loss while staying secure and keeping your life private. If you don't have a backup, do it. Because even if 99.9% of the malware gets filtered, that 0.01% will still destroy all of you family photos, documents, (insert your digital life here).", ">>{PM-ME-D_CK-PICS} : It's a pretty low risk, low effort business model. Ransomware aas is booming from I hear...", ">>{Oliver_Cat} : I've been having this conversation with a few people lately because I got an Echo Dot for Christmas. It made me realize that, for me at least, Siri does not work. It seems to work for you and others, though. Just one of those things, I guess.", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : Why? It shits on young people, and it's not even accurate (surprise surprise)", '>>{nickerbocker007} : They just wanted to be accurate to avoid accusations of false advertising.', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : Him being a Clinton plant DOES NOT make sense if he delegitimizes the election. That doesn't make sense.", '>>{quincytwo} : In late 2013 Android OS had 88% of the world market share and iOS had 12%. People always say Apple products can\'t get viruses and windows/anything else can. Well that\'s just plain wrong. Most bad people who write malware don\'t want to spend their time just to affect a tiny tiny 12% of the worlds phones, so they go after android. Writing bad stuff for each OS is different but not impossible. And plus , most people (just like in this case) don\'t actually "hack" your device. They social engineer you into downloading something, or clicking a link, etc.', '>>{quincytwo} : YES YOUR PRECIOUS APPLE IPHONE CAN ALSO GET MALWARE IN THE SAME EXACT WAY. I\'ve had to post 2 replays already to comments about "this is why I have an iPhone". The ONLY reason you hardly hear about stuff like this happening to iOS is because they only had 12% of the worlds share in mobile OS! Android has 88%! If I\'m writing malware I\'m not going to spend my precious time writing it for your tiny portion of the worlds mobile devices! Writing bad stuff is different for each OS, mobile or not, BUT IT CAN BE DONE. Security software can\'t pick up everything and I doubt both Google and Apple are going to pour over every app requests source code to find malware. The techniques used in this app were advanced malware hiding techniques, the security software couldn\'t pick them up! Anyways, you are the biggest risk to your device. Just like in this case, the user was sort of social engineered into clicking or downloading something malicious. Good god I\'m tired of this Apple is safer than android, no it isn\'t it just isn\'t half as popular. Sources: [stats](https://www.google.com/amp/appleapple.top/android-is-already-more-than-87-of-the-market-share-of-ios-fell-to-12/amp/?client=safari) and am about to graduate with computer science degree, had to do a report on this stuff. Edit: sorry if the link is weird, I am on mobile... iOS to be specific.', ">>{quincytwo} : I have all qualifications and a clean record, all I need to do is pay $99 and then hide my malware just like the developers of this app here did, Skip right on past whatever security software can't pick up my encrypted malicious code and then get you to download it. Simple as that, just gotta re write the app for your OS.", '>>{jacksonsmashon} : Because he was ahead in the polls, so he had to tank the campaign yet again. He always goes full wacko when he starts leading. And it just so happens the day he did like 6/7 crazy things instead of the usual 1, was the day the DNC removed the CEO and others implicated in the DNC leaks. Shocking that the media ignored that huh', ">>{xdrummerxdan} : I'm not seeing the fail here, can someone please explain? :(", ">>{djandDK} : I don't believe they have. Pay some money upload app, security check and it's published. This makes it easier to be sure you have a app for everything as nothing is denied.", '>>{javi404} : > Shocking that the media ignored that huh shhh!!!! nothing to see here, move along.', ">>{SonOfJokeExplainer} : Stop changing the subject. Attempting to shame me by invoking Aaron Swartz's name does nothing to strengthen your argument that this is fake news. /u/PlaysOnYourUsername proved that it wasn't, you just didn't want to accept it because you disagree with scholarly articles being behind a paywall on ideological grounds. Most journals *do not* publish their articles for free. The ones that do are not inherently more credible than the ones who place a higher value on their work. Just because you pay taxes doesn't mean you're entitled to unfettered access to everything those taxes are used for. Aaron Swartz found this out the hard way. edit: I can't believe I'm even attempting to make a rational argument to someone who spent his morning arguing as to whether or not Donald Trump really uses a fork and knife to eat KFC.", '>>{DrunkShimoda} : >Arguing that illegal immigration is the only crime committed by illegal immigrants is ridiculous. It would be if anyone had made that argument. Straw man status: Defeated. Congratulations.', ">>{Insxnity} : I'd imagine, given that to access anything outside of an app, you have to have a developer profile installed, and the fact that apple loves to pour over source code, writing a virus for iOS would be extremely difficult. If it were this simple, I'd imagine jailbreaking devices would be a lot easier and happen quickly. I could be completely wrong, though", ">>{dbeyr} : This isn't a crappy design. Its a misprint. But, yeah, Siri sucks.", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : She'll still be president. They care about results, there's no way she was walking into this election with another chance of losing. They took care of the dem side, she and Trump used to be friendly and he's endorsed her in the past and donated lots to her, his children are democrats. He only goes into full crazy mode whenever he leads in the polls, he happened to go super full crazy on the day the DNC removed their CEO and others over the leak.", ">>{DrunkenGenie} : Maybe meaning it's the same monument or sign every time and it doesn't change.", '>>{matoelorriaga} : - turn ON my lights - I turned OFF your lights', ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : They would be even lower with out the added crime illegal immigrants contribute to, hence the increase. I guess you're okay with adding crime to specific communities as long as the national rate trends down.", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : Sure it is. But it was a wild accusation that Hillary and the DNC were working together to beat Bernie. Now it's not", ">>{AlexTraner} : You don't force restart with the home button on a 7 because it's not a physical button.", '>>{Gargatua13013} : > Four decades of evidence finds no link between immigration and increased crime While on the other hand, there is quite a good case to be made that access to abortion is linked to decreases in crime rates. (see [Donohue, J. J., & Levitt, S. D. (2001). The impact of legalized abortion on crime. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(2), 379-420.](https://escholarship.org/uc/item/00p599hk))', '>>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : The premise of this study is to say there is no link between immigration and increased crime. Who has ever argued that immigration has increased crime?', '>>{Illpaco} : Which communities have seen an increase in crime due to illegal immigration? Can you provide a source?', '>>{fourhundredpoundhack} : perhaps you fail to realize that immigration status is now prohibited from being reported by many sanctuary states and cities, making it *gasp* impossible to find the data. moreover the overall trend of crime is down, so you would have to control for that as well, you could say there is no link between gun ownership and crime with that logic.', ">>{xHeero} : Because Trump is no politician, so he hasn't ever really learned how to deal with attacks against him in the way that voters expect of a president. He never backs down. He never apologizes. He always fights back. It just makes it so incredibly easy for someone like Hillary to bait him into really bad fights. He walks right into it and gets toyed around with in the most simple and obvious ways.", '>>{Jokrtothethief} : It still is. There is no evidence that anything untoward actually happened. Just that some people in the DNC had a foci rite candidate and they were not acting professional.', ">>{varelse96} : Be careful. The discussion is about crime rates not crime total. While each individual crime raises the total crime committed, it doesn't mean that immigrants cause crime rates to rise. If immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the non immigrant population then their presence lowers the crime rates even though individuals raise it.", ">>{FDRs_ghost} : How dare you use empirical evidence to try and shape public policy! Perception is reality and there's power to be had and money to be made by keeping people afraid.", '>>{WarWeasle} : Fox might have an issue or two with that. And not even Trump can beat them when they bully providers and run him into the ground with his demographic.', '>>{Jokrtothethief} : If you say so. They resigned for looking unprofessional. So which email is the smoking gun?', ">>{housemans} : Would you want siri to hear something different and restart your phone during a time where it's absolutely the worst thing to do at that moment? Also, iPhone 7 and later reboot with a different set of keys, not using the home button, because that button is virtual.", '>>{quincytwo} : Apple can\'t review my submitted apps source code because all I give them is a binary file, and [apparently ](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3186648/does-apple-view-the-actual-source-code-when-approving-apps) they just scan those for use of private API\'s. It\'s always changing though. I\'ve never written any malware myself but to put an app out there that allows access to photos, contacts, and whatever else would be easy, and then I would imagine you could just upload all that info (or as much as you can over time) to a private server. As far as displaying the "we have your stuff" message it\'s just some text you would put on the screen, but locking down the phone I\'m not sure how to do. I mean I use Google Photos for my photo app, and it stores it all online already (but I trust google isn\'t going to somehow blackmail me with it). As far as I know jailbreaking is a completely different process than what we\'re talking about.', '>>{quincytwo} : Two years ago google switched to a human - driven app review process in which each submitted app is checked for violations of the [google developer policies ](https://play.google.com/about/developer-content-policy/).', ">>{TheEclair} : There are several malicious apps on the Google App Store this not the only one. Google can check if an app is clean when it is introduced to the App Store however malicious code can be added to the app after release under Google's nose.", ">>{Metriacanthosaurus} : Except it works for most people, almost all of the time. Not surprisingly, people don't create memes when Siri works.", ">>{TheEclair} : You're not safer on iPhone. Apple app store malware infected 4,000 apps: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34338362", ">>{yuhche} : And you didn't see the comment thread 11 hours prior to yours giving the answer to the same question.", '>>{mazu74} : Got a source to back up your claims? Crimes besides being an illegal immigrant, of course.', '>>{DasBeasto} : Then how does stuff like this get through? I doubt googles reviewers are based in one of those three countries so if they even opened the app let alone the code they would notice it is malware.', '>>{oldcrow} : Agreed. This is one of the risks of becoming *too* rich. They surround themselves with yes-men and become insulated and eventually detached from reality.', ">>{quincytwo} : I don't know the exact process and I don't think google discloses it so I have no idea. Edit: [here](https://www.google.com/amp/arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/03/google-play-apps-and-updates-are-now-subject-to-a-review-process/%3Famp%3D1?client=safari) is a quick article over it. I don't know how much of the process is human and how much is automated.", ">>{yuhche} : It's intentional as its poking fun at how crap Siri can be. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of Siri doing things like this.", ">>{Bul1oasaurus} : Are you saying the Clintons want him for more than helping them into the White House? I'm not sure you understand the concept of a plant. What the election looks like means nothing. There will be no legal action. It doesn't matter how little he tries to win over different voting blocs. So, no, your statement doesn't make sense.", ">>{wagedomain} : That's one interpretation. Another is that the AI is forcing it's opinions on humans VERY passive aggressively. The AI revolution won't be fought with guns, but passive aggressive high school bullshit.", ">>{whatabear} : Crime is also lowest it has been in decades in general. People who vote Republican don't want evidence, they want ways to rationalize their fear.", ">>{Oliver_Cat} : I have a couple issues, myself. For one, I can only seem to calibrate Siri to recognize my voice properly in one specific environment. If I calibrate it in my car, then it doesn't recognize my voice in my house. If I calibrate it in my home, it doesn't recognize my voice in my car or my work studio. In the end, I had decided to calibrate it for my car because that seemed the most useful for what I often use Siri for. Even then, it's a crapshoot whether or not Siri follows a command properly. I used to try to convince myself I liked Siri. I even tried getting my wife on board with Siri, but she always refused. But if I'm being honest with myself, I've all but given up on the feature. It works sometimes, but it fails to properly respond to my requests often enough that it sometimes feels not worth the effort to even try.", '>>{innou} : Probably user-error but my dot doesn\'t seem to honor any request that isn\'t: * What is the current temp outside? * Set a timer for # minutes * Play SONG_TITLE by SONG_ARTIST Anything prefixed by "Search for", "Look up", "Google", "What is" etc all fail with "I\'m sorry I can\'t..."', '>>{HumanInHope} : The guy talks about how "main stream media" is tarnishing Trump\'s image. But really all Trump had to do was lay low this week, and the DNC email resignations would have been the main news! Its campaigning 101. I don\'t get it. Hillary can win this election by literally not doing anything. No press conferences. No debates. Its a sad state of affairs for democracy.', '>>{DethKlokBlok} : There are several far right channels out there, see Blaze as the most popular.', '>>{JeromesNiece} : Fox News sure does love talking about the "mainstream media" as though they\'re not the single largest element in that category', '>>{NiceHookMarty} : Yup. He growing his brand value and laying groundwork for his son to enter politics.', ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : The discussion I'm having is that illegal immigrants increase crime. Citizens are rather well behaved while many illegal immigrants have yet to assimilate or even make the attempt.", ">>{AH_MLP} : I'm convinced it's just people with speech impediments or an accent", ">>{varelse96} : Cite a source, because the studies I've read indicate immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than people born here. If should be further noted that your response does not address what I said. An individual committing crimes raises the crime rate, but that doesn't mean the demographic to which they belong does, since that group could, as a whole, have a lower rate than the population at large. When one talks about increasing crime, it is generally the rate of crime, not the total number of crimes. By that logic increasing population is the issue.", ">>{AH_MLP} : Yeah I'm pretty sure it was the iOS update arriving that time", '>>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : I will after you cite the studies that you read.', ">>{DudeWithThePC} : How? You can see the readout of what Siri thought you said and then acted on. If it converts what you say properly but then drops the ball, that's siri dropping the ball, not a misunderstood command.", ">>{EonBlueAegis} : Clinton decoy that went better than expected? I've thought that since the beginning of the primary season. Is there hard proof? Naw, but it's entertaining to think about.", ">>{NFLinPDX} : Sincerely, that's a poorly thought out response to a single reported incident of a hijack. If everyone went with iPhone, there would simply be a focus on injecting hijack software via a virus. Apple products don't protect you from stupid. Most problems like this are the result of bad decisions (giving an app admin rights when it doesn't need them, for example)", ">>{varelse96} : Is that a joke? You made a claim, and I doubt your claim, so I have to provide sources before you will? I haven't made any claims to truth yet (other than saying I had done reading and what it said) as far as the actual crime rates, so I'll happily go and get some info for you after you source your own claim. Until then, I'll not waste my my time.", ">>{Jokrtothethief} : He is starting to make claims that he fears the electrion will be rigged. A.) this is dangerous talk that can get crazy people in the streets to do violence. B.) if his goal is to get Hilary in the White House then claiming he election isn't fair is counter productive. Full stop.", ">>{ken2die4} : I know, I guess it's cool when it's done for the right purposes", ">>{ken2die4} : I guess you're all right, I stand corrected...", '>>{tvtoo} : Then please explain even half of the problems documented at /r/SiriFail -- when the transcription shows that Siri perfectly understood what the user asked for, but offers a totally wrong reaction cc: /u/Metriacanthosaurus', '>>{dbeyr} : Ah, so the crappy design IS Siri. Got it.', '>>{tvtoo} : > How to force restart > On an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus: Press and hold both the **Sleep/Wake and Volume Down** buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201559', '>>{Jarrrp} : You don\'t need to tell her what to do with the information. Simply ask what you want to know. So instead of saying "Search for how big is the sun" you should say "Alexa, how big is the sun?". Speak to her naturally, like you would a person, you\'ll get better responses as that\'s how she\'s programmed. I think you\'ll find you\'ll get on much better now. :) If you find you need any more assistance, feel free to join us over on /r/AmazonEcho. Very friendly and enthusiastic bunch who I\'m sure will be happy to help you if you have any more questions about Alexa.', ">>{nyteryder79} : He's not running for President, he's campaigning for Hillary Clinton.", ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : You asked for a source then spouted off about studies you've read that prove your point. haha I'm not wasting time with you either.", ">>{varelse96} : No, I pointed out a logical error that crimes by individuals do no prove the demographic raises the crime rates, then asked for your sources because I have yet to read a credible source supporting your claim while having read sources that claimed the opposite. My claim isn't contingent on data, it's contingent on logic. Yours *is* contingent on data and when asked for sources you chose to refuse. Why would I provide sources for something when it's not central to my point when you first refused to provide sources central to your own?", ">>{ccooffee} : How do you know they're waiting for criticism before acting on something? They are incredibly secretive. They could be working around the clock on a problem for months before people even start complaining. Then when the fix comes out people assume it's because of the complaints.", ">>{varelse96} : So, per your source, between 2011 and 2017 there were approx 167,000 convictions of immigrants reported by dhs to have been here illegally at the time of their last arrest. Now, let's set aside the fact that this would include crimes that occurred if an immigrant committed a crime and was deported then came back and committed another. From this we get 33,400 convictions of immigrants under this category in average when rounding that time span down to 5 years. This is also charitable to your case as the period is more than 5 years long and I'm not reducing the number of convictions, thus increasing the ratio. Now we need to determine the ratio of crime so we can compare. The DHS estimates put about 1.77 million illegal immigrants in texas in 2010, just before the start of these stats. https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/population-estimates/unauthorized-resident From these numbers we can establish a tough ratio of crimes per capita (33400/1770000) which comes out as 0.019 if we round up. Now in order to be even more charitable to your case, I took the 2015 numbers for crime in texas since it was the latest found here: http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/txcrime.htm During 2015 there were 890,966 crimes with a population of 27,469,114. This rate comes out to approx 0.03, or half again the ratio of crimes of the illegal immigrant population (during 2010, the period I used for the immigrant numbers that ratio is higher at over 0.04, which is why I'm being charitable to your case in using the later numbers) So, using your source for the number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants and population and crime data I've provided the sources for, we see that The population at large seems to commit crimes at over 1.5 times the rate of the illegal immigrant population. Because of this, as I pointed out in previous posts, the crime rate falls with the addition of illegal immigrants since they appear to be committing crimes at a lower rate than the population as a whole.", ">>{StillNoSnorlax} : Seriously dude? Even I'm pro HRC post-primary and I was a Bernie voter. You're in denial if you ignore the evidence there was collusion.", '>>{d4rkwing} : They had one employee who understood how to program Siri, but then he got high.', '>>{Know_Your_Rites} : He asked for a smoking gun, and no one has provided one. How is he the one in denial? We have all of these internal emails, and not one of them actually shows cheating or even real coordination against Bernie (if Im wrong, *show me the email*). They just show a widespread hope that Hillary wins and the sharing of some oppo that no one actually used.', ">>{varelse96} : And people here illegally don't want to draw attention to themselves and get deported, also disincentivising crime. I wrote a post earlier today about the crime rates of illegal immigrants in texas and the data I found suggested that the general population commits crime at a higher rate than the illegal immigrant population in the state. This would mean that as a whole, the presence of illegal immigrants lowered the crime rate as opposed to raising it.", ">>{Runnerphone} : Which maybe true but doesn't mean a lot aren't out commiting crimes beyond being here illegally which I'm trying is a civil crime not sadly a felony.", ">>{quarterburn} : I don't understand how Apple has completely dropped the ball with Siri. It's been 6 years and it basically does the same thing it did back on the 4s. Alexa has been around for a third of that time and it was arguably the big winner of CES this year. Everyone and everything was showing off how to connect to it and do neat things.", ">>{mblueskies} : If there is any justice in the world, when Donald Trump goes down the toilet, he will pull Fox News down with him, as all the people they've washed in propaganda for years realize how they've been played.", '>>{jacksonsmashon} : How about the ones where they told the media what not to say? Or are those just unprofessional', '>>{torbar203} : Hey Siri, repeat this song "ok Tom, restarting phone"', ">>{ShinjuOmigawa} : Thought the same thing. I get that you each have your niches but don't pretend like you don't.", ">>{calsosta} : Siri why can't you show me my contacts. Uhhh there's a little thing called privacy. Sick of your shit.", '>>{DJ-Salinger} : It\'s hilarious when people try to do that over there. >"Well, you see, it\'s not Siri\'s fault, because you should have used these 25 exact keywords, said a few hail mary\'s, and tongue kissed your phone beforehand."', ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : So you're not concerned that the rate of criminal alien crime is on the rise because it *seems* to you that legal residents commit crime at 1.5x the rate of illegal immigrants? The hundreds of people that have been murdered do not matter to you because it's a small number and they would have been murdered by legal residents anyway. Talk about disgusting. Had the criminal aliens not been here to commit any of their crimes that rate of crime would be lower. What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to miss that simple fact?", ">>{hellypuppy888} : Thanks but I did that, nothing worked, which is why in that case, no touch screen and no reset availability meant it that it would've been nice to have Siri as a backup to restart your phone when all else failed.", ">>{BensAmazing} : They claim to be the number one and most watched news program and also claim they aren't major or mainstream", ">>{Yearley} : There is none IMO, it's the insinuations within the communications that did it. You rarely need a smoking gun if the totality of the evidence overwhelmingly suggests bullshit.", ">>{Decon-III} : > What a dumb ass. Dude has no idea that you CAN go back to the same Pokéstop over and over again and get something different. But it's the same object in the real world... so meh. It's sorta six in one half dozen in the other.", '>>{420nopescope69} : I mean this is the same channel that spends a good 10 minuets every day to talk about how Pokemon go is the end of times!', '>>{Maximus8910} : No, the man is just insane. Look at what he\'s done with Paul Ryan and what we know about his previous business practices: the widespread reports of real estate Trump are that he\'d make a deal with a contractor, let the contractor do the work, then refuse to pay afterwards. That\'s his "negotiating strategy." With Paul Ryan, he made a deal for the endorsement, got the endorsement, then reneged on his end when he became unhappy with the deal. This is just what he does, it\'s all he\'s ever done. The only reason he\'s gotten anywhere in life is because when you\'re born with enough money and connections, you can bully and bullshit people below you as much as you want.', '>>{KaijinDV} : Trump is saying the same stupid crazy things he was doing in the primary. of course he said crazy shit when the DNC removed the CEO since it was a day that ended in a Y. You might as well imply that the Sun mysteriously rose the same day.', '>>{jrwhite8} : Except Hillary actually, famously loves hot sauce and has carried it with her for years: http://time.com/4297996/hillary-clinton-hot-sauce/', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : So no evidence anything actually happened. Just that some people communicated unprofessionally. They've resigned.", ">>{hellypuppy888} : It would be nice to have Siri restart your phone if that is what you asked it to do. I wouldn't make that command if I didn't have to and/or if I was doing something else at the moment. Would you?", '>>{JustCantQuitReddit} : Is it really surprising though? Republicans publicly rail against plenty of things they enjoy in private. Like mistresses. And gay sex, as we learned in Cleveland.', ">>{TheeBaconKing} : Here's my favorite interaction as of recent. Me: Siri, turn on my bedroom lights. *Lights turn on* Siri: I'm sorry, no devices could be found.", ">>{varelse96} : That's not what the data suggests actually, which is why I suggested you read my post. We can see how many illegal aliens are convicted of crimes and we can estimate the number of illegal aliens in the country. We can then compare the convictions to the population to get a crime rate and compare that to the crime rate of the citizen population and get a pretty strong idea of whether or not there are illegal aliens out committing crimes in large numbers. Currently the data suggests that illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than our population, unless you're suggesting that DHS is OVERestimating the illegal immigrant population. A lower population would lead to a higher crime rate by virtue of increased concentration, if you understand what I'm saying", '>>{jacksonsmashon} : there has NEVER been a day where he did that many things. usually his craziness is spread out', ">>{Gawdscream} : So, what's the deal with Pence? Why him of all people?", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : here's some http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/07/22/ken-vogel-politico-dnc-emails/ http://www.salon.com/2016/07/22/dnc_emails_wasserman_schultz_furiously_pressured_msnbc_after_it_criticized_her_unfair_treatment_of_sanders/ http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/22/dnc-email-leak-shows-possible-collusion-with-politico-reporter/ and let's not forget when Hillary had a donor appointed to a position he had no business being in, then when the media questioned it they told them to hold the story, and removed him so it would go away http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/10/politics/hillary-clinton-donor-rajiv-fernando/index.html", '>>{gaslacktus} : Seems more like salting the earth at this point.', '>>{SeahawkTJ} : Because Trump is not very conservative, he needed a conservitive who is not overbearing.', ">>{KaijinDV} : unfortunately that isn't how propaganda usually works. Fox news and other conservative echo chambers have been around so long it's changed its audiences core beliefs. even if they see a group of the claims as lies it won't change their core beliefs and they'll still retain the brand insistence. It would be much easier and simpler for the mind to change their memory of the situation then to change the core belief. For instance, Trump and Hillary lied and worked together to trick fox news into promoting trump. They get to retain their core beliefs that fox news reports the truth as they see it and that the democrats are fixing elections.", ">>{WhatIsPants} : Isn't this the network where someone said Mass Effect was an interplanetary pan-species orgy simulator?", ">>{KaijinDV} : a lot of people had been predicting that Trump would calm down when the general election started because of campaign common sense. But it seems the only thing its done is put more attention on trump which encourages him to act out more. more people are asking him more nuanced questions which he can't handle. this all falls in line with the things the guy who wrote his book for him said about trump. whenever a bad businessman is faced with a new problem, he'll fall back on what's worked before. This doubling down on issues/personality has been the hallmark of the Trump campaign and it would be strange if he didn't concentrate his crazy when things got hot.", '>>{nosayso} : I don\'t think he wants to "become President" exactly... I think he really wants the **title** of "president". I think he think he\'s arrogant and narcissistic enough to believe he could win the presidency even though he knows nothing about issues or policy. I think he\'s been lifted by a strong white nationalist segment of the country whose beliefs he largely seems to share and he really feeds off their support. It\'s been well documented that he cannot accept any criticism, so he\'s just really dialing into the white nationalist base that loves him while assuming the people who criticize him are somehow out of line. I think he just lives in his own reality. Based on what he accepts into his reality the stuff he does where he\'s a bully and/or white nationalist is the best because it makes his crowds (the people he listens to and feeds off of) love him more. He thinks those people will make him president, and he thinks being president consists of only what he wants it to be (bullying and manipulating people) and any of the hard work he has no interest in understanding he can just pass off to his staff.', ">>{Quilt82} : I'm hip. I'm cool. Tukka tukka tukka...", '>>{cgilbertmc} : > And gay sex, *and* as we learned, ~~in~~ Cleveland.', ">>{yanabana} : Yeah I didn't mean that as a knock on Hillary, just thought it was a funny way for fox news to try to reach out to young people", '>>{cgilbertmc} : ...and, every time bad news surfaces about Hillary, Trump says something stupid, or outrageous, just to draw attention away from that news, back to himself. Add to that, anything he as said about "policy" is either unconstitutional, destructive, or nonsensical. He is not only tanking his own political chances, he is setting fire to the entire GOP establishment. Thanks Don!', '>>{This_Vicious_Cabaret} : It\'s like one long "Please proceed, Governor" moment.', ">>{jacksonsmashon} : But it's not questions, it's things like the purple heart, kicking a baby out, not endorsing his gop pals", '>>{Jokrtothethief} : No they are cherry picked quotes out of context full of commentary. If you think there is one email that proves something actually happened show it to me with context and date.', ">>{therightgeek} : I feel the same way and I'm a straight woman", ">>{therightgeek} : I believe he's in cahoots with Hillary, he's saying all this crazy shit to make Hillary look less bad than him, forcing people to vote for her. Sure, he'll have some people supporting him but in the end we'll end up with the less disliked nominee as a president.", ">>{JackOAT135} : Megyn, Kelly... It'd be like a 2/3 super hot threesome every time!", '>>{SeahawkTJ} : Seems to be. If DT can not self destruct.', '>>{Gawdscream} : Self destruct inc. I predict Monday and Tuesday DT will be back at it.', ">>{KaijinDV} : Trump has been kicking those who vaguely annoy him from his speeches for a long time. him and Ryan Paul have had an antagonistic relationship since day one. really you can tie it to his lack of republican loyalty, such as not promising to endorse whomever won the primary. He's also had a weird relationship with the military since his McCain comments. Really the biggest difference is now we don't have a dozen or so GOP nominees to take the attention of trump for 5 seconds. It's like how Johnny Depp was charming as a side character in the pirate movies but once Captain Jack Sparrow got his own movie he was irritating and got on my nerves.", ">>{mblueskies} : I'm sorry to say I think you are right.", ">>{KaijinDV} : Don't be sorry. think of the bigger picture. If you found out today that some of the claims of the holocaust were exaggerated or even falsified would you prefer a human brain that just threw out everything you currently (think) you know about the holocaust? (if indeed one of your core beliefs is Hitler was a bad egg) But everything that's been done can be undone. We just need to know that part of progression is changing arguing for our core beliefs and considering our opponents.", ">>{Ge0luread} : She is still protecting ailes and refusing to back up the harassment claims. Means she probably banged him to get her show and doesn't want anyone to know."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{echo249} : Megyn Kelly Loses It Over Trump Rehashing Old Dirt: 'What Is He Doing?!' (VIDEO)", ">>{Bul1oasaurus} : He's not running for President. As closely as this sub follows politics, I'm amazed there isn't more of a sub-wide consensus on this. He isn't trying to become president.", ">>{justjack48} : It's not a presidential campaign so much as the worst/ugliest comedy tour in history", ">>{y4udothat} : I'll be completely honest with you here. I think you may be right. It just *feels* really insane to think that or say it out loud. I mean, it just sounds so implausible to win the nomination, even by accident, and then tank your general campaign. The why, the how, everything about it sounds just loony. But if someone was doing just that......wouldn't it look a lot like the Trump campaign?", '>>{ZekkMixes} : Never expected to agree so wholeheartedly with Megyn Kelly but here we are.', ">>{Ramrod312} : All he has to do is attack Hillary, that's all he has to do. Why he is reiterating past shit is beyond me.", '>>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : Love how Ben Domenech from the Federalist says "This is really amazing to me. This is as silly as going to the same Pokéstop over and over again and expecting it to be something different." What a dumb ass. Dude has no idea that you CAN go back to the same Pokéstop over and over again and get something different.', ">>{ShroudedSciuridae} : I'm just surprised a Pokémon Go reference was casually dropped on Fox News", '>>{Bul1oasaurus} : He began his campaign by saying "Mexico sends us their rapists," a statement that would thrill the mostly white republican base but would ruin his chance in the general. From that moment, people were suspicious. Does this guy want to be president or just the republican nominee? For years Bill O\'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, and every other conservative gum-flapper have been cursing the "PC police" who won\'t "tell it how it is." Well, here comes Trump, bashing every minority group (the ones he can\'t lose by much to compete in the general) the way that the white male base of the Republican Party wants, without "wasting words" on decency.', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : The only problem I have with that is his comments delegitimizing the election. That is how you get violent wackos in the streets. So if he's not running for president then what is he doing? Creating an army? Where is the CIA, FBI, and the NSA on this one?", '>>{Svorky} : Trying to increase the value of his brand, as he has done his whole life. The theory that he\'s going for a "Trump network" to become the voice of the far right, without having any of the pesky responsibility that comes with elected office is probably the best explanation for his behavior I\'ve heard. Not giving a shit about the minority votes, vilifying the mainstream media, saying the elections will be rigged, being obsessed with watching TV, ignoring all advice on how to win the election, his failure to pivot: all perfectly reasonable actions if that\'s the true goal. Or he really is crazy. Nothing else makes sense to me.', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : Oh so you're saying he might become the most dangerous propagandist the us has ever seen.", ">>{Searchlights} : I usually hate the things that she says, yet I love the way she looks when she's saying them. It's so confusing.", ">>{-917-} : I think he is running to be president. But he has narcissistic personality disorder: >Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Source: Mayo Clinic Trump is textbook NPD.", ">>{Bul1oasaurus} : ? Why are you complicating it? His entire lavish lifestyle is due to the elite of Manhattan. So is his opponent's. The Clintons had powerful friends twist his arm into running. Perhaps his investment in golf courses went belly up and he needed help and his only way to get it was to pay them some other way.", ">>{ImNotJesus} : > He isn't trying to become president. While I would always caution away from diagnosis at a distance, his behaviour is entirely typical of someone with narcissistic personality disorder.", '>>{jacksonsmashon} : Making sure Hillary gets elected and destroying the GOP.', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : Him being a Clinton plant DOES NOT make sense if he delegitimizes the election. That doesn't make sense.", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : Why? It shits on young people, and it's not even accurate (surprise surprise)", ">>{Jokrtothethief} : Him being a Clinton plant DOES NOT make sense if he delegitimizes the election. That doesn't make sense.", '>>{jacksonsmashon} : Because he was ahead in the polls, so he had to tank the campaign yet again. He always goes full wacko when he starts leading. And it just so happens the day he did like 6/7 crazy things instead of the usual 1, was the day the DNC removed the CEO and others implicated in the DNC leaks. Shocking that the media ignored that huh', '>>{javi404} : > Shocking that the media ignored that huh shhh!!!! nothing to see here, move along.', ">>{jacksonsmashon} : She'll still be president. They care about results, there's no way she was walking into this election with another chance of losing. They took care of the dem side, she and Trump used to be friendly and he's endorsed her in the past and donated lots to her, his children are democrats. He only goes into full crazy mode whenever he leads in the polls, he happened to go super full crazy on the day the DNC removed their CEO and others over the leak.", ">>{DrunkenGenie} : Maybe meaning it's the same monument or sign every time and it doesn't change.", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : Sure it is. But it was a wild accusation that Hillary and the DNC were working together to beat Bernie. Now it's not", ">>{xHeero} : Because Trump is no politician, so he hasn't ever really learned how to deal with attacks against him in the way that voters expect of a president. He never backs down. He never apologizes. He always fights back. It just makes it so incredibly easy for someone like Hillary to bait him into really bad fights. He walks right into it and gets toyed around with in the most simple and obvious ways.", '>>{Jokrtothethief} : It still is. There is no evidence that anything untoward actually happened. Just that some people in the DNC had a foci rite candidate and they were not acting professional.', '>>{WarWeasle} : Fox might have an issue or two with that. And not even Trump can beat them when they bully providers and run him into the ground with his demographic.', '>>{Jokrtothethief} : If you say so. They resigned for looking unprofessional. So which email is the smoking gun?', '>>{oldcrow} : Agreed. This is one of the risks of becoming *too* rich. They surround themselves with yes-men and become insulated and eventually detached from reality.', ">>{Bul1oasaurus} : Are you saying the Clintons want him for more than helping them into the White House? I'm not sure you understand the concept of a plant. What the election looks like means nothing. There will be no legal action. It doesn't matter how little he tries to win over different voting blocs. So, no, your statement doesn't make sense.", '>>{HumanInHope} : The guy talks about how "main stream media" is tarnishing Trump\'s image. But really all Trump had to do was lay low this week, and the DNC email resignations would have been the main news! Its campaigning 101. I don\'t get it. Hillary can win this election by literally not doing anything. No press conferences. No debates. Its a sad state of affairs for democracy.', '>>{DethKlokBlok} : There are several far right channels out there, see Blaze as the most popular.', '>>{JeromesNiece} : Fox News sure does love talking about the "mainstream media" as though they\'re not the single largest element in that category', '>>{NiceHookMarty} : Yup. He growing his brand value and laying groundwork for his son to enter politics.', ">>{EonBlueAegis} : Clinton decoy that went better than expected? I've thought that since the beginning of the primary season. Is there hard proof? Naw, but it's entertaining to think about.", ">>{Jokrtothethief} : He is starting to make claims that he fears the electrion will be rigged. A.) this is dangerous talk that can get crazy people in the streets to do violence. B.) if his goal is to get Hilary in the White House then claiming he election isn't fair is counter productive. Full stop.", ">>{nyteryder79} : He's not running for President, he's campaigning for Hillary Clinton.", ">>{StillNoSnorlax} : Seriously dude? Even I'm pro HRC post-primary and I was a Bernie voter. You're in denial if you ignore the evidence there was collusion.", '>>{Know_Your_Rites} : He asked for a smoking gun, and no one has provided one. How is he the one in denial? We have all of these internal emails, and not one of them actually shows cheating or even real coordination against Bernie (if Im wrong, *show me the email*). They just show a widespread hope that Hillary wins and the sharing of some oppo that no one actually used.', ">>{mblueskies} : If there is any justice in the world, when Donald Trump goes down the toilet, he will pull Fox News down with him, as all the people they've washed in propaganda for years realize how they've been played.", '>>{jacksonsmashon} : How about the ones where they told the media what not to say? Or are those just unprofessional', ">>{ShinjuOmigawa} : Thought the same thing. I get that you each have your niches but don't pretend like you don't.", ">>{BensAmazing} : They claim to be the number one and most watched news program and also claim they aren't major or mainstream", ">>{Yearley} : There is none IMO, it's the insinuations within the communications that did it. You rarely need a smoking gun if the totality of the evidence overwhelmingly suggests bullshit.", ">>{Decon-III} : > What a dumb ass. Dude has no idea that you CAN go back to the same Pokéstop over and over again and get something different. But it's the same object in the real world... so meh. It's sorta six in one half dozen in the other.", '>>{420nopescope69} : I mean this is the same channel that spends a good 10 minuets every day to talk about how Pokemon go is the end of times!', '>>{Maximus8910} : No, the man is just insane. Look at what he\'s done with Paul Ryan and what we know about his previous business practices: the widespread reports of real estate Trump are that he\'d make a deal with a contractor, let the contractor do the work, then refuse to pay afterwards. That\'s his "negotiating strategy." With Paul Ryan, he made a deal for the endorsement, got the endorsement, then reneged on his end when he became unhappy with the deal. This is just what he does, it\'s all he\'s ever done. The only reason he\'s gotten anywhere in life is because when you\'re born with enough money and connections, you can bully and bullshit people below you as much as you want.', '>>{KaijinDV} : Trump is saying the same stupid crazy things he was doing in the primary. of course he said crazy shit when the DNC removed the CEO since it was a day that ended in a Y. You might as well imply that the Sun mysteriously rose the same day.', '>>{jrwhite8} : Except Hillary actually, famously loves hot sauce and has carried it with her for years: http://time.com/4297996/hillary-clinton-hot-sauce/', ">>{Jokrtothethief} : So no evidence anything actually happened. Just that some people communicated unprofessionally. They've resigned.", '>>{JustCantQuitReddit} : Is it really surprising though? Republicans publicly rail against plenty of things they enjoy in private. Like mistresses. And gay sex, as we learned in Cleveland.', '>>{jacksonsmashon} : there has NEVER been a day where he did that many things. usually his craziness is spread out', ">>{Gawdscream} : So, what's the deal with Pence? Why him of all people?", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : here's some http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/07/22/ken-vogel-politico-dnc-emails/ http://www.salon.com/2016/07/22/dnc_emails_wasserman_schultz_furiously_pressured_msnbc_after_it_criticized_her_unfair_treatment_of_sanders/ http://dailycaller.com/2016/07/22/dnc-email-leak-shows-possible-collusion-with-politico-reporter/ and let's not forget when Hillary had a donor appointed to a position he had no business being in, then when the media questioned it they told them to hold the story, and removed him so it would go away http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/10/politics/hillary-clinton-donor-rajiv-fernando/index.html", '>>{gaslacktus} : Seems more like salting the earth at this point.', '>>{SeahawkTJ} : Because Trump is not very conservative, he needed a conservitive who is not overbearing.', ">>{KaijinDV} : unfortunately that isn't how propaganda usually works. Fox news and other conservative echo chambers have been around so long it's changed its audiences core beliefs. even if they see a group of the claims as lies it won't change their core beliefs and they'll still retain the brand insistence. It would be much easier and simpler for the mind to change their memory of the situation then to change the core belief. For instance, Trump and Hillary lied and worked together to trick fox news into promoting trump. They get to retain their core beliefs that fox news reports the truth as they see it and that the democrats are fixing elections.", ">>{WhatIsPants} : Isn't this the network where someone said Mass Effect was an interplanetary pan-species orgy simulator?", ">>{KaijinDV} : a lot of people had been predicting that Trump would calm down when the general election started because of campaign common sense. But it seems the only thing its done is put more attention on trump which encourages him to act out more. more people are asking him more nuanced questions which he can't handle. this all falls in line with the things the guy who wrote his book for him said about trump. whenever a bad businessman is faced with a new problem, he'll fall back on what's worked before. This doubling down on issues/personality has been the hallmark of the Trump campaign and it would be strange if he didn't concentrate his crazy when things got hot.", '>>{nosayso} : I don\'t think he wants to "become President" exactly... I think he really wants the **title** of "president". I think he think he\'s arrogant and narcissistic enough to believe he could win the presidency even though he knows nothing about issues or policy. I think he\'s been lifted by a strong white nationalist segment of the country whose beliefs he largely seems to share and he really feeds off their support. It\'s been well documented that he cannot accept any criticism, so he\'s just really dialing into the white nationalist base that loves him while assuming the people who criticize him are somehow out of line. I think he just lives in his own reality. Based on what he accepts into his reality the stuff he does where he\'s a bully and/or white nationalist is the best because it makes his crowds (the people he listens to and feeds off of) love him more. He thinks those people will make him president, and he thinks being president consists of only what he wants it to be (bullying and manipulating people) and any of the hard work he has no interest in understanding he can just pass off to his staff.', ">>{Quilt82} : I'm hip. I'm cool. Tukka tukka tukka...", '>>{cgilbertmc} : > And gay sex, *and* as we learned, ~~in~~ Cleveland.', ">>{yanabana} : Yeah I didn't mean that as a knock on Hillary, just thought it was a funny way for fox news to try to reach out to young people", '>>{cgilbertmc} : ...and, every time bad news surfaces about Hillary, Trump says something stupid, or outrageous, just to draw attention away from that news, back to himself. Add to that, anything he as said about "policy" is either unconstitutional, destructive, or nonsensical. He is not only tanking his own political chances, he is setting fire to the entire GOP establishment. Thanks Don!', '>>{This_Vicious_Cabaret} : It\'s like one long "Please proceed, Governor" moment.', ">>{jacksonsmashon} : But it's not questions, it's things like the purple heart, kicking a baby out, not endorsing his gop pals", '>>{Jokrtothethief} : No they are cherry picked quotes out of context full of commentary. If you think there is one email that proves something actually happened show it to me with context and date.', ">>{therightgeek} : I feel the same way and I'm a straight woman", ">>{therightgeek} : I believe he's in cahoots with Hillary, he's saying all this crazy shit to make Hillary look less bad than him, forcing people to vote for her. Sure, he'll have some people supporting him but in the end we'll end up with the less disliked nominee as a president.", ">>{JackOAT135} : Megyn, Kelly... It'd be like a 2/3 super hot threesome every time!", '>>{SeahawkTJ} : Seems to be. If DT can not self destruct.', '>>{Gawdscream} : Self destruct inc. I predict Monday and Tuesday DT will be back at it.', ">>{KaijinDV} : Trump has been kicking those who vaguely annoy him from his speeches for a long time. him and Ryan Paul have had an antagonistic relationship since day one. really you can tie it to his lack of republican loyalty, such as not promising to endorse whomever won the primary. He's also had a weird relationship with the military since his McCain comments. Really the biggest difference is now we don't have a dozen or so GOP nominees to take the attention of trump for 5 seconds. It's like how Johnny Depp was charming as a side character in the pirate movies but once Captain Jack Sparrow got his own movie he was irritating and got on my nerves.", ">>{mblueskies} : I'm sorry to say I think you are right.", ">>{KaijinDV} : Don't be sorry. think of the bigger picture. If you found out today that some of the claims of the holocaust were exaggerated or even falsified would you prefer a human brain that just threw out everything you currently (think) you know about the holocaust? (if indeed one of your core beliefs is Hitler was a bad egg) But everything that's been done can be undone. We just need to know that part of progression is changing arguing for our core beliefs and considering our opponents.", ">>{Ge0luread} : She is still protecting ailes and refusing to back up the harassment claims. Means she probably banged him to get her show and doesn't want anyone to know."], ['>>{gulabjamunyaar} : Siri, turn **on** all my lights. "OK, I have turned **off** all your lights."', ">>{TheWhyOfFry} : I mean, at least they're being honest about how crappy Siri can be.", ">>{Jarrrp} : Siri just isn't as convenient as Alexa and other 'always on' assistants. Plus the fact it's terrible and can barely recognise a single request.", '>>{itsnottommy} : isn\'t siri always on? you can just say "hey siri" and the iphone activates siri.', '>>{itsnottommy} : it worked on my 6s and 7 plus. was it introduced with the 6s?', '>>{giveitago} : Why does Apple wait for the avalanche of criticism before doing anything and sometimes nothing even then? The arrogance and hubris. We are Apple, we are inviolate.', '>>{molepigeon} : It works on the 6, but only while it\'s charging. The 6s was the first to get always on "Hey Siri". As an owner of a 6, it does work when it\'s in charge, but I\'ve only used it twice ever since I forget that it\'s a thing, and it didn\'t work one of those two times. Ended up going and holding the home button anyway.', '>>{eighteencircle9} : Because then you get massive praises when you fix it.', '>>{hammyhamhammin} : Siri, save all of humanity. Ok, apocalypse commenced.', ">>{santaisafraud} : It's the 6S / SE and up that has always on, same with raise to wake. I have it and it's awful though. Comes on when I don't say hey siri, and doesn't come on when I do.", ">>{hellypuppy888} : My screen wouldn't work on iPhone 7+ so I tried to hard reset, couldn't do that but it triggered Siri so I asked her clearly in multiple ways to restart my phone. She wouldn't do it. Why can't we ask Siri to restart our phone? If it's for safety you can't get back without the pin anyways. So stupid.", ">>{sneakpeekbot} : **Here's a sneak peek of /r/SiriFail using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sirifail/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time!** \\#1: [Brick wall meets head](https://i.redd.it/l1ieykcofvrx.png) | [comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SiriFail/comments/57sh8s/brick_wall_meets_head/) \\#2: [Remind me this weekend...](http://i.imgur.com/5jjGXel.jpg) | [comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SiriFail/comments/57w4yv/remind_me_this_weekend/) \\#3: [6, 7, whatever.](http://i.imgur.com/BANa4XG.jpg) | [comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SiriFail/comments/57tb0s/6_7_whatever/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/)", '>>{WELCOME-THRILLHO} : You know, /u/iAppleTweaker is the creator of Siri. Praise be to Siri.', '>>{juledos} : > all of your lighting wishes What an odd way to phrase that.', '>>{scp333} : AC "Did you say Macy\'s?"', '>>{evac05} : Well ... I actually use this functionality with Siri all the time with Casita switches and Hue bulbs. Works perfectly. I know all the cool kids like critiquing Siri/Apple ... this works perfectly for my household.', '>>{Oliver_Cat} : It "worked" on my 5s while plugged in back when I had it, too. I\'m not sure about the older models.', ">>{Oliver_Cat} : I've been having this conversation with a few people lately because I got an Echo Dot for Christmas. It made me realize that, for me at least, Siri does not work. It seems to work for you and others, though. Just one of those things, I guess.", '>>{nickerbocker007} : They just wanted to be accurate to avoid accusations of false advertising.', ">>{xdrummerxdan} : I'm not seeing the fail here, can someone please explain? :(", ">>{dbeyr} : This isn't a crappy design. Its a misprint. But, yeah, Siri sucks.", '>>{matoelorriaga} : - turn ON my lights - I turned OFF your lights', ">>{AlexTraner} : You don't force restart with the home button on a 7 because it's not a physical button.", ">>{housemans} : Would you want siri to hear something different and restart your phone during a time where it's absolutely the worst thing to do at that moment? Also, iPhone 7 and later reboot with a different set of keys, not using the home button, because that button is virtual.", ">>{Metriacanthosaurus} : Except it works for most people, almost all of the time. Not surprisingly, people don't create memes when Siri works.", ">>{yuhche} : And you didn't see the comment thread 11 hours prior to yours giving the answer to the same question.", ">>{yuhche} : It's intentional as its poking fun at how crap Siri can be. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples of Siri doing things like this.", ">>{wagedomain} : That's one interpretation. Another is that the AI is forcing it's opinions on humans VERY passive aggressively. The AI revolution won't be fought with guns, but passive aggressive high school bullshit.", ">>{Oliver_Cat} : I have a couple issues, myself. For one, I can only seem to calibrate Siri to recognize my voice properly in one specific environment. If I calibrate it in my car, then it doesn't recognize my voice in my house. If I calibrate it in my home, it doesn't recognize my voice in my car or my work studio. In the end, I had decided to calibrate it for my car because that seemed the most useful for what I often use Siri for. Even then, it's a crapshoot whether or not Siri follows a command properly. I used to try to convince myself I liked Siri. I even tried getting my wife on board with Siri, but she always refused. But if I'm being honest with myself, I've all but given up on the feature. It works sometimes, but it fails to properly respond to my requests often enough that it sometimes feels not worth the effort to even try.", '>>{innou} : Probably user-error but my dot doesn\'t seem to honor any request that isn\'t: * What is the current temp outside? * Set a timer for # minutes * Play SONG_TITLE by SONG_ARTIST Anything prefixed by "Search for", "Look up", "Google", "What is" etc all fail with "I\'m sorry I can\'t..."', ">>{AH_MLP} : I'm convinced it's just people with speech impediments or an accent", ">>{AH_MLP} : Yeah I'm pretty sure it was the iOS update arriving that time", ">>{DudeWithThePC} : How? You can see the readout of what Siri thought you said and then acted on. If it converts what you say properly but then drops the ball, that's siri dropping the ball, not a misunderstood command.", '>>{tvtoo} : Then please explain even half of the problems documented at /r/SiriFail -- when the transcription shows that Siri perfectly understood what the user asked for, but offers a totally wrong reaction cc: /u/Metriacanthosaurus', '>>{dbeyr} : Ah, so the crappy design IS Siri. Got it.', '>>{tvtoo} : > How to force restart > On an iPhone 7 or iPhone 7 Plus: Press and hold both the **Sleep/Wake and Volume Down** buttons for at least ten seconds, until you see the Apple logo. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201559', '>>{Jarrrp} : You don\'t need to tell her what to do with the information. Simply ask what you want to know. So instead of saying "Search for how big is the sun" you should say "Alexa, how big is the sun?". Speak to her naturally, like you would a person, you\'ll get better responses as that\'s how she\'s programmed. I think you\'ll find you\'ll get on much better now. :) If you find you need any more assistance, feel free to join us over on /r/AmazonEcho. Very friendly and enthusiastic bunch who I\'m sure will be happy to help you if you have any more questions about Alexa.', ">>{ccooffee} : How do you know they're waiting for criticism before acting on something? They are incredibly secretive. They could be working around the clock on a problem for months before people even start complaining. Then when the fix comes out people assume it's because of the complaints.", '>>{d4rkwing} : They had one employee who understood how to program Siri, but then he got high.', ">>{quarterburn} : I don't understand how Apple has completely dropped the ball with Siri. It's been 6 years and it basically does the same thing it did back on the 4s. Alexa has been around for a third of that time and it was arguably the big winner of CES this year. Everyone and everything was showing off how to connect to it and do neat things.", '>>{torbar203} : Hey Siri, repeat this song "ok Tom, restarting phone"', ">>{calsosta} : Siri why can't you show me my contacts. Uhhh there's a little thing called privacy. Sick of your shit.", '>>{DJ-Salinger} : It\'s hilarious when people try to do that over there. >"Well, you see, it\'s not Siri\'s fault, because you should have used these 25 exact keywords, said a few hail mary\'s, and tongue kissed your phone beforehand."', ">>{hellypuppy888} : Thanks but I did that, nothing worked, which is why in that case, no touch screen and no reset availability meant it that it would've been nice to have Siri as a backup to restart your phone when all else failed.", ">>{hellypuppy888} : It would be nice to have Siri restart your phone if that is what you asked it to do. I wouldn't make that command if I didn't have to and/or if I was doing something else at the moment. Would you?", ">>{TheeBaconKing} : Here's my favorite interaction as of recent. Me: Siri, turn on my bedroom lights. *Lights turn on* Siri: I'm sorry, no devices could be found."], ['>>{Mathemagics} : Four decades of evidence finds no link between immigration and increased crime', '>>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : This is what happens when you value faith above empiricism.', '>>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : That may or may not be true, but *ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION* certainly has led to an increase in crime.', ">>{AstralElement} : Well, considering it's illegal, I'd say it has a 100% crime rate.", '>>{DrunkShimoda} : I like tautologies that reinforce my worldview better than data that refutes the Republican platform. IGNORE DATA. REPEAT TAUTOLOGIES. MAGA.', '>>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : Are you being sarcastic, or is any publication that you have personally never heard of automatically suspect?', '>>{Runnerphone} : Was thinking that as well proper immigrants want to come here and more so take the time to do it the right way hence their less likely to do criminal shit.', ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : That plus any crime committed by someone in a country illegally will add to the overall crime rate of that country. There aren't very many people who are against immigration, but tons of people are against *illegal* immigration.", '>>{InertiaInMyPants} : Maybe we should spend more on a wall than our NASA budget. Mexicans are too dumb to dig holes and too poor to buy ladders. Yea. That will show them.', ">>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : The Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice has been around for over a decade. Here's a link to the actual study: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15377938.2016.1261057 Not fake news.", '>>{Mathemagics} : If he has to do the tedious labor of copying and pasting the journal into his browser, it must be fake news.', ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : This study is talking about immigration not *illegal immigration*. Illegal immigration is the problem not immigration. No one is talking about ending immigration generally. Ignore the premise of my comment so that you can reinforce your worldview. You shouldn't use words that you don't understand. For example, tautology.", ">>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : I think it's great that people are becoming more skeptical of what they read, but to just outright dismiss something as fake news because you can't be bothered to look into the matter is just being willfully ignoring. It's not common to link to academic journal, because they almost always requirement payment for access.", ">>{PlaysOnYourUsername} : If you don't want to pay to confirm that you're wrong, go to your local university's library and you can discover what I've already told you, free of charge.", '>>{DrunkShimoda} : Arguing that illegal immigration causes crime -- the crime of illegal immigration, could be a textbook example of tautological reasoning. >This study is talking about immigration not *illegal immigration.* Actually they studied *all* immigration. Setting aside immigration status and illegal entry, statistics also show that undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native residents. The lie that illegal immigrants are bringing crime has been debunked.', ">>{wilc8650} : No it hasn't; that statistic (illegal immigration) isn't covered when referencing crime rates.", '>>{mazu74} : >increase in crime. We are at a 40 year low for crime rates. Try again.', '>>{SonOfJokeExplainer} : By this logic, the entire body of academic research must be fake.', ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : Wrong. Arguing that illegal immigration is the only crime committed by illegal immigrants is ridiculous. It hasn't been debunked. Your willingness to sacrifice citizens to accommodate non-citizens is disgusting.", ">>{SonOfJokeExplainer} : Stop changing the subject. Attempting to shame me by invoking Aaron Swartz's name does nothing to strengthen your argument that this is fake news. /u/PlaysOnYourUsername proved that it wasn't, you just didn't want to accept it because you disagree with scholarly articles being behind a paywall on ideological grounds. Most journals *do not* publish their articles for free. The ones that do are not inherently more credible than the ones who place a higher value on their work. Just because you pay taxes doesn't mean you're entitled to unfettered access to everything those taxes are used for. Aaron Swartz found this out the hard way. edit: I can't believe I'm even attempting to make a rational argument to someone who spent his morning arguing as to whether or not Donald Trump really uses a fork and knife to eat KFC.", '>>{DrunkShimoda} : >Arguing that illegal immigration is the only crime committed by illegal immigrants is ridiculous. It would be if anyone had made that argument. Straw man status: Defeated. Congratulations.', ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : They would be even lower with out the added crime illegal immigrants contribute to, hence the increase. I guess you're okay with adding crime to specific communities as long as the national rate trends down.", '>>{Gargatua13013} : > Four decades of evidence finds no link between immigration and increased crime While on the other hand, there is quite a good case to be made that access to abortion is linked to decreases in crime rates. (see [Donohue, J. J., & Levitt, S. D. (2001). The impact of legalized abortion on crime. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 116(2), 379-420.](https://escholarship.org/uc/item/00p599hk))', '>>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : The premise of this study is to say there is no link between immigration and increased crime. Who has ever argued that immigration has increased crime?', '>>{Illpaco} : Which communities have seen an increase in crime due to illegal immigration? Can you provide a source?', '>>{fourhundredpoundhack} : perhaps you fail to realize that immigration status is now prohibited from being reported by many sanctuary states and cities, making it *gasp* impossible to find the data. moreover the overall trend of crime is down, so you would have to control for that as well, you could say there is no link between gun ownership and crime with that logic.', ">>{varelse96} : Be careful. The discussion is about crime rates not crime total. While each individual crime raises the total crime committed, it doesn't mean that immigrants cause crime rates to rise. If immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the non immigrant population then their presence lowers the crime rates even though individuals raise it.", ">>{FDRs_ghost} : How dare you use empirical evidence to try and shape public policy! Perception is reality and there's power to be had and money to be made by keeping people afraid.", '>>{mazu74} : Got a source to back up your claims? Crimes besides being an illegal immigrant, of course.', ">>{whatabear} : Crime is also lowest it has been in decades in general. People who vote Republican don't want evidence, they want ways to rationalize their fear.", ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : The discussion I'm having is that illegal immigrants increase crime. Citizens are rather well behaved while many illegal immigrants have yet to assimilate or even make the attempt.", ">>{varelse96} : Cite a source, because the studies I've read indicate immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than people born here. If should be further noted that your response does not address what I said. An individual committing crimes raises the crime rate, but that doesn't mean the demographic to which they belong does, since that group could, as a whole, have a lower rate than the population at large. When one talks about increasing crime, it is generally the rate of crime, not the total number of crimes. By that logic increasing population is the issue.", '>>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : I will after you cite the studies that you read.', ">>{varelse96} : Is that a joke? You made a claim, and I doubt your claim, so I have to provide sources before you will? I haven't made any claims to truth yet (other than saying I had done reading and what it said) as far as the actual crime rates, so I'll happily go and get some info for you after you source your own claim. Until then, I'll not waste my my time.", ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : You asked for a source then spouted off about studies you've read that prove your point. haha I'm not wasting time with you either.", ">>{varelse96} : No, I pointed out a logical error that crimes by individuals do no prove the demographic raises the crime rates, then asked for your sources because I have yet to read a credible source supporting your claim while having read sources that claimed the opposite. My claim isn't contingent on data, it's contingent on logic. Yours *is* contingent on data and when asked for sources you chose to refuse. Why would I provide sources for something when it's not central to my point when you first refused to provide sources central to your own?", ">>{varelse96} : So, per your source, between 2011 and 2017 there were approx 167,000 convictions of immigrants reported by dhs to have been here illegally at the time of their last arrest. Now, let's set aside the fact that this would include crimes that occurred if an immigrant committed a crime and was deported then came back and committed another. From this we get 33,400 convictions of immigrants under this category in average when rounding that time span down to 5 years. This is also charitable to your case as the period is more than 5 years long and I'm not reducing the number of convictions, thus increasing the ratio. Now we need to determine the ratio of crime so we can compare. The DHS estimates put about 1.77 million illegal immigrants in texas in 2010, just before the start of these stats. https://www.dhs.gov/immigration-statistics/population-estimates/unauthorized-resident From these numbers we can establish a tough ratio of crimes per capita (33400/1770000) which comes out as 0.019 if we round up. Now in order to be even more charitable to your case, I took the 2015 numbers for crime in texas since it was the latest found here: http://www.disastercenter.com/crime/txcrime.htm During 2015 there were 890,966 crimes with a population of 27,469,114. This rate comes out to approx 0.03, or half again the ratio of crimes of the illegal immigrant population (during 2010, the period I used for the immigrant numbers that ratio is higher at over 0.04, which is why I'm being charitable to your case in using the later numbers) So, using your source for the number of crimes committed by illegal immigrants and population and crime data I've provided the sources for, we see that The population at large seems to commit crimes at over 1.5 times the rate of the illegal immigrant population. Because of this, as I pointed out in previous posts, the crime rate falls with the addition of illegal immigrants since they appear to be committing crimes at a lower rate than the population as a whole.", ">>{varelse96} : And people here illegally don't want to draw attention to themselves and get deported, also disincentivising crime. I wrote a post earlier today about the crime rates of illegal immigrants in texas and the data I found suggested that the general population commits crime at a higher rate than the illegal immigrant population in the state. This would mean that as a whole, the presence of illegal immigrants lowered the crime rate as opposed to raising it.", ">>{Runnerphone} : Which maybe true but doesn't mean a lot aren't out commiting crimes beyond being here illegally which I'm trying is a civil crime not sadly a felony.", ">>{Zeno_ofLlanoEstacado} : So you're not concerned that the rate of criminal alien crime is on the rise because it *seems* to you that legal residents commit crime at 1.5x the rate of illegal immigrants? The hundreds of people that have been murdered do not matter to you because it's a small number and they would have been murdered by legal residents anyway. Talk about disgusting. Had the criminal aliens not been here to commit any of their crimes that rate of crime would be lower. What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to miss that simple fact?", ">>{varelse96} : That's not what the data suggests actually, which is why I suggested you read my post. We can see how many illegal aliens are convicted of crimes and we can estimate the number of illegal aliens in the country. We can then compare the convictions to the population to get a crime rate and compare that to the crime rate of the citizen population and get a pretty strong idea of whether or not there are illegal aliens out committing crimes in large numbers. Currently the data suggests that illegal immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than our population, unless you're suggesting that DHS is OVERestimating the illegal immigrant population. A lower population would lead to a higher crime rate by virtue of increased concentration, if you understand what I'm saying"], ['>>{Abscess2} : Ransomware app hosted in Google Play infects unsuspecting Android user', '>>{NFLinPDX} : *It\'s arstechnica, so the link is fine. Here\'s the text for people who are irrationally afraid to click it.* **Ransomware app hosted in Google Play infects unsuspecting Android user** "ALL YOUR DATA IS ALREADY STORED ON OUR SERVERS!" malicious app warned. ^(by Dan Goodin - Jan 24, 2017 1:29pm PST) **G**oogle Play, the official market for Android apps, was caught hosting a ransomware app that infected at least one real-world handset, security researchers said Tuesday. The ransomware was dubbed *Charger* and was hidden inside an app called EnergyRescue, according to a blog post published by security firm Check Point Software. Once installed, Charger stole SMS contacts and prompted unsuspecting users to grant it all-powerful administrator rights. If users clicked OK, the malicious app locked the device and displayed the following message: >You need to pay for us, otherwise we will sell portion of your personal information on black market every 30 minutes. WE GIVE 100% GUARANTEE THAT ALL FILES WILL RESTORE AFTER WE RECEIVE PAYMENT. WE WILL UNLOCK THE MOBILE DEVICE AND DELETE ALL YOUR DATA FROM OUR SERVER! TURNING OFF YOUR PHONE IS MEANINGLESS, ALL YOUR DATA IS ALREADY STORED ON OUR SERVERS! WE STILL CAN SELLING IT FOR SPAM, FAKE, BANK CRIME etc… We collect and download all of your personal data. All information about your social networks, Bank accounts, Credit Cards. We collect all data about your friends and family. The app sought 0.2 Bitcoin, currently worth about $180. In an e-mail, Check Point researchers said the app was available in Google Play for four days and had only a "handful" of downloads. "We believe the attackers only wanted to test the waters and not spread it yet," the researchers told Ars. The infection was detected by Check Point\'s mobile malware software, which the company sells to businesses. Google officials have since removed the app and have thanked Check Point for raising awareness of the issue. An analysis showed that Charger checked the local settings of an infected device and wouldn\'t execute the app\'s malicious payload if the device was located in Ukraine, Russia, or Belarus. The behavior was likely an attempt to prevent the developers from facing legal actions in those countries. In the blog post, Check Point researchers added: Most malware found on Google Play contains only a dropper that later downloads the real malicious components to the device. Charger, however, uses a heavy packing approach which [makes] it harder for the malware to stay hidden, so it must compensate with other means. The developers of Charger gave it everything they had to boost its evasion capabilities and so it could stay hidden on Google Play for as long as possible. The malware uses several advanced techniques to hide its real intentions and makes it harder to detect. It encodes strings into binary arrays, making it hard to inspect them. It loads code from encrypted resources dynamically, which most detection engines cannot penetrate and inspect. The dynamically-loaded code is also flooded with meaningless commands that mask the actual commands passing through. It checks whether it is being run in an emulator before it starts its malicious activity. PC malware first introduced this technique which is becoming a trend in mobile malware having been adopted by several malware families including Dendroid. In 2012, Google unveiled a cloud-based scanner dubbed bouncer that was billed as a way for the company to detect malicious apps before they were made available in Play. Five years later, discovery of malicious apps like Charger are a regular occurrence. Google makes little reference to the tool these days. The incident is the latest to underscore the risks posed by apps hosted on Google servers. On Monday, Check Point documented the return of the virulent family of Android malware known as HummingBad, which managed to get from 2 million to 12 million downloads from the marketplace before the 20 affected apps were detected and removed', ">>{ken2die4} : Jesus Christ I'm sick of hackers... Ransomware? So ridiculously stupid", '>>{BigTastyWithBacon} : So what the hell are Google doing about it. Surely the author of that app is gonna be getting some serious lawsuits thrown their way by Google?', '>>{GordonRamsayIsAngry} : Still waiting for the day when ransomware says "all your base are belong to us."', ">>{BigTastyWithBacon} : What's truth got to do with it? The fact that they put something against the TOS on the google play store to purposely deceive people of their money. you think that is okay or something?", ">>{NamityName} : I guess i misunderstood what you were saying. It wouldn't just be google suing. The offenders commited much bigger crimes. The police and FBI would probably like a word with them too. But I doubt google or anyone will be able to find them. Most likely, they live in russia, belarus, or the ukraine", '>>{gd_akula} : Have you not heard of ars technica? Pretty good website for tech news.', ">>{GentleMilez} : Thanks. I'm not scared of a news article, I'm just lazy", '>>{x_______________} : Ha i would probably just call their bluff. I mean if all else fails and they take my info, i can just buy another identity on the deep web, and buy some credit cards and be on my way', '>>{KiBps} : I think he meant the author of the article not the malware.', '>>{Kaustn} : And what do they do if I have no credit cards, no money, no social media, no friends?', '>>{Sayajiaji} : Can somebody make a bot for this? Like a bot that comments the text of articles from less popular websites?', ">>{themaytagman50} : People still download energy saving apps? My god most of those apps give your phone AIDS anyway, they push so many adds and lockscreens it's insane.", ">>{StephenSchleis} : You're right this would never happen on the App Store, my girlfriends best friend got a virus on her phone random newest 2016 android, and that was the day I figured out just how piss poor android is.", ">>{spanishisphilosophy} : I seriously don't know if it won't happen on the Apple Store But idk ever since I've had my iPhone I haven't really had many complaints", ">>{StephenSchleis} : I've had a iPhone 4 since release it is still it perfect day one working condition, it is my 2nd phone. iPhone 7+ is my main phone. Perfect and impossible to get viruses and or malicious apps", '>>{skyblewdiamonds} : Exactly why I have an iPhone. Apple App Store is like the nice job that only hires people with all qualifications and a clean record. Google play accepts repeat offenders with a promise they will try really hard.', ">>{m0skit0d3lt4} : That would make it harder for smaller websites to make the money they would normally make off articles that go big. A article security bot would be more practical and wouldn't hinder the website's income while allowing reddit users to trust the link posted", '>>{Alca_Pwn} : They give you all those things, let you live comfortably for 5 years then take them away', ">>{TheRunningMan1342} : As an iPhone user myself, I wouldn't get too complacent. Anything is possible. Be careful what you download just to be safe.", ">>{Kaustn} : So the last 20+ odd years compounded every 5 years of my life. Bring it on, I've survived much larger shipwrecks!", '>>{DasBeasto} : Meanwhile I spend $99 to submit my app to Apple, wait two weeks for thorough review, and get rejected because the style is non-conforment. Does Google have no review system?', ">>{quincytwo} : It doesn't matter what brand or what OS. If someone wants to target a group of devices and write some malicious code, they're going to do it. Security software can only protect the device so much and isn't 100% full proof (like in this case). You, the user, are the biggest risk to your device.", ">>{AlphakirA} : That's like saying asking why everyone doesn't just stay inside their house and never leave because of an incident where someone was shot outside.", ">>{PM-ME-D_CK-PICS} : Well... headphones, price, low resolution screens, ease of file transfer, cloud backup with anything other than iCloud, iTunes changes every 30 seconds, proprietary charging cable, etc... etc... It's all just preference, but those are *my* reasons for staying away.", ">>{KhalilSantana} : Backups + encrypt sensitive data = 0$ loss while staying secure and keeping your life private. If you don't have a backup, do it. Because even if 99.9% of the malware gets filtered, that 0.01% will still destroy all of you family photos, documents, (insert your digital life here).", ">>{PM-ME-D_CK-PICS} : It's a pretty low risk, low effort business model. Ransomware aas is booming from I hear...", '>>{quincytwo} : In late 2013 Android OS had 88% of the world market share and iOS had 12%. People always say Apple products can\'t get viruses and windows/anything else can. Well that\'s just plain wrong. Most bad people who write malware don\'t want to spend their time just to affect a tiny tiny 12% of the worlds phones, so they go after android. Writing bad stuff for each OS is different but not impossible. And plus , most people (just like in this case) don\'t actually "hack" your device. They social engineer you into downloading something, or clicking a link, etc.', '>>{quincytwo} : YES YOUR PRECIOUS APPLE IPHONE CAN ALSO GET MALWARE IN THE SAME EXACT WAY. I\'ve had to post 2 replays already to comments about "this is why I have an iPhone". The ONLY reason you hardly hear about stuff like this happening to iOS is because they only had 12% of the worlds share in mobile OS! Android has 88%! If I\'m writing malware I\'m not going to spend my precious time writing it for your tiny portion of the worlds mobile devices! Writing bad stuff is different for each OS, mobile or not, BUT IT CAN BE DONE. Security software can\'t pick up everything and I doubt both Google and Apple are going to pour over every app requests source code to find malware. The techniques used in this app were advanced malware hiding techniques, the security software couldn\'t pick them up! Anyways, you are the biggest risk to your device. Just like in this case, the user was sort of social engineered into clicking or downloading something malicious. Good god I\'m tired of this Apple is safer than android, no it isn\'t it just isn\'t half as popular. Sources: [stats](https://www.google.com/amp/appleapple.top/android-is-already-more-than-87-of-the-market-share-of-ios-fell-to-12/amp/?client=safari) and am about to graduate with computer science degree, had to do a report on this stuff. Edit: sorry if the link is weird, I am on mobile... iOS to be specific.', ">>{quincytwo} : I have all qualifications and a clean record, all I need to do is pay $99 and then hide my malware just like the developers of this app here did, Skip right on past whatever security software can't pick up my encrypted malicious code and then get you to download it. Simple as that, just gotta re write the app for your OS.", ">>{djandDK} : I don't believe they have. Pay some money upload app, security check and it's published. This makes it easier to be sure you have a app for everything as nothing is denied.", ">>{Insxnity} : I'd imagine, given that to access anything outside of an app, you have to have a developer profile installed, and the fact that apple loves to pour over source code, writing a virus for iOS would be extremely difficult. If it were this simple, I'd imagine jailbreaking devices would be a lot easier and happen quickly. I could be completely wrong, though", '>>{quincytwo} : Apple can\'t review my submitted apps source code because all I give them is a binary file, and [apparently ](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3186648/does-apple-view-the-actual-source-code-when-approving-apps) they just scan those for use of private API\'s. It\'s always changing though. I\'ve never written any malware myself but to put an app out there that allows access to photos, contacts, and whatever else would be easy, and then I would imagine you could just upload all that info (or as much as you can over time) to a private server. As far as displaying the "we have your stuff" message it\'s just some text you would put on the screen, but locking down the phone I\'m not sure how to do. I mean I use Google Photos for my photo app, and it stores it all online already (but I trust google isn\'t going to somehow blackmail me with it). As far as I know jailbreaking is a completely different process than what we\'re talking about.', '>>{quincytwo} : Two years ago google switched to a human - driven app review process in which each submitted app is checked for violations of the [google developer policies ](https://play.google.com/about/developer-content-policy/).', ">>{TheEclair} : There are several malicious apps on the Google App Store this not the only one. Google can check if an app is clean when it is introduced to the App Store however malicious code can be added to the app after release under Google's nose.", ">>{TheEclair} : You're not safer on iPhone. Apple app store malware infected 4,000 apps: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-34338362", '>>{DasBeasto} : Then how does stuff like this get through? I doubt googles reviewers are based in one of those three countries so if they even opened the app let alone the code they would notice it is malware.', ">>{quincytwo} : I don't know the exact process and I don't think google discloses it so I have no idea. Edit: [here](https://www.google.com/amp/arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/03/google-play-apps-and-updates-are-now-subject-to-a-review-process/%3Famp%3D1?client=safari) is a quick article over it. I don't know how much of the process is human and how much is automated.", ">>{NFLinPDX} : Sincerely, that's a poorly thought out response to a single reported incident of a hijack. If everyone went with iPhone, there would simply be a focus on injecting hijack software via a virus. Apple products don't protect you from stupid. Most problems like this are the result of bad decisions (giving an app admin rights when it doesn't need them, for example)", ">>{ken2die4} : I know, I guess it's cool when it's done for the right purposes", ">>{ken2die4} : I guess you're all right, I stand corrected..."]]
classify and reply
[">>{BACK_BURNER} : It doesn't look like the origami-esque nature of the shield plays any part so far as protection goes. It just makes it more portable.", '>>{GoldenShowerDonnie} : >Trumpy? Pooty here. Comrade, we had a deal.', ">>{Alexa_play_music} : They're upset he wants Crimea returned to Ukraine and NATO states to spend the amounts required by the alliance. Trump is warmongering against Russia.", ">>{anon902503} : I just had to post this because ... didn't she just run for Senate in **California** like 6 years ago?", '>>{novationone} : THIS! Seems like a logical play consistent with the leaks, force Trump into a political corner w.r.t Russia and then monitor the channels for blowback from vlad.', ">>{Usawasfun} : Russia knew how big of a risk this would be If he won. We aren't russia and our media will actually report things. Trump is a great puppet, but he also is not a king and is going to have political and media pressure. We are basically seeing what happens when you try to pull this in a country that is set up to be able to handle things like this. Russia is about to get royally fucked and they know it.", ">>{lands_8142} : The video mentions that the angles might help deflect the bullets somewhat. Not sure if it's exceptionally effective at it thought.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Yeah, and lost. Badly. So this is bizarre to say the least. Also, do they think people are going to forget she prematurely accepted a VP slot from a loser?', ">>{Incromulent} : In the video the bullets get caught in the Kevlar. They didn't deflect at all, even on angles.", '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : She is a regular carpetbagger, she ran for the Senate in California, now Virginia.', '>>{ryegye24} : Still, at an angle it has to go through more Kevlar to pierce the other side.', ">>{StevenSanders90210} : Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that? I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things. But really folks; c'mon. Are we serious?", ">>{leham27} : That's how Kevlar works, it absorbs, it doesn't deflect.", ">>{Rhythmrebel} : [The Division's Mobile Cover](http://thedivision.wikia.com/wiki/Mobile_Cover) , both Ubisoft games.", '>>{garyp714} : I remember when it happened to Little Green Footballs. Glorious.', '>>{CurryFurious} : Can you use it to get behind closed doors?', ">>{disguisesinblessing} : We may be witnessing the sheer genius/brilliance of our founding fathers in action right now. It's amazing to think they wrote the guidelines for how our government was to function when they wrote the constitution 223 years ago. Balance of powers = system of checks and balances. And boy is the system checking right now! Hopefully it achieves some balance again soon.", ">>{lands_8142} : Right. I'm just saying that's what the guy said in the video. That they hoped the angles would help deflect. NM ot necessarily that they did.", ">>{jon14salazar} : I'm guessing you'd run the risk of a person with a rifle being behind the door that can penetrate the shield", '>>{Content_Godzilla} : same cconcept as armor plating on tanks. Angled sections are stronger than a vertical section of the same thickness.', ">>{poopy_mcgee} : She won't stop until she's lost a senatorial election in all 50 states!", ">>{jeffinRTP} : As the CEO, Fiorina subsequently laid off 30,000 U.S. employees, that doesn't include the number of jobs she offshored. That could be her campaign slogan. It will fit in with trump and all the jobs America has lost to other countries.", ">>{HandSack135} : If Donald Trump wouldn't grab that on stage, I doubt people want her in the senate", ">>{SmallsMT_02} : Generally Republicans don't do well in the largest Dem stronghold.", ">>{dragonthemagicpuff} : I'm going to assume the title means it can also take a magnum?", ">>{anon902503} : Most Republicans can't just choose a new home state.", '>>{Usawasfun} : I do really believe russia never thought this could happen. Basically like a joke gone to far. Now they are scrambling to cover this up.', '>>{GoldenShowerDonnie} : They\'ve been Never-Trump for a while. "Establishment" or responsible or something.', '>>{IngenieroDavid} : I hope Florida is next so I can vote against her.', '>>{marlowe650} : We need to keep it alive so we can harvest its brain.', '>>{JakeLV426} : Ugh gross....get the fuck out of my state Carly you turd', '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : Same as Trump thinking he would actually be elected. "Fuck."', '>>{AcerRubrum} : Russia has these checks and balances, too. Putin just exercises supreme control over all of them through sheer political will. The Duma (parliament) is 75% controlled by his Party so they basically run everything. They are what Republicans dream of.', ">>{shelbys_foot} : Didn't Russia notice that Trump is a persistent and unrepentant liar? Guess they didn't understand who they were supporting, much like a lot of his American supporters."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{anon902503} : I just had to post this because ... didn't she just run for Senate in **California** like 6 years ago?", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Yeah, and lost. Badly. So this is bizarre to say the least. Also, do they think people are going to forget she prematurely accepted a VP slot from a loser?', '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : She is a regular carpetbagger, she ran for the Senate in California, now Virginia.', ">>{StevenSanders90210} : Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that? I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things. But really folks; c'mon. Are we serious?", ">>{poopy_mcgee} : She won't stop until she's lost a senatorial election in all 50 states!", ">>{jeffinRTP} : As the CEO, Fiorina subsequently laid off 30,000 U.S. employees, that doesn't include the number of jobs she offshored. That could be her campaign slogan. It will fit in with trump and all the jobs America has lost to other countries.", ">>{HandSack135} : If Donald Trump wouldn't grab that on stage, I doubt people want her in the senate", ">>{SmallsMT_02} : Generally Republicans don't do well in the largest Dem stronghold.", ">>{anon902503} : Most Republicans can't just choose a new home state.", '>>{IngenieroDavid} : I hope Florida is next so I can vote against her.', '>>{marlowe650} : We need to keep it alive so we can harvest its brain.', '>>{JakeLV426} : Ugh gross....get the fuck out of my state Carly you turd'], [">>{BACK_BURNER} : It doesn't look like the origami-esque nature of the shield plays any part so far as protection goes. It just makes it more portable.", ">>{lands_8142} : The video mentions that the angles might help deflect the bullets somewhat. Not sure if it's exceptionally effective at it thought.", ">>{Incromulent} : In the video the bullets get caught in the Kevlar. They didn't deflect at all, even on angles.", '>>{ryegye24} : Still, at an angle it has to go through more Kevlar to pierce the other side.', ">>{leham27} : That's how Kevlar works, it absorbs, it doesn't deflect.", ">>{Rhythmrebel} : [The Division's Mobile Cover](http://thedivision.wikia.com/wiki/Mobile_Cover) , both Ubisoft games.", '>>{CurryFurious} : Can you use it to get behind closed doors?', ">>{lands_8142} : Right. I'm just saying that's what the guy said in the video. That they hoped the angles would help deflect. NM ot necessarily that they did.", ">>{jon14salazar} : I'm guessing you'd run the risk of a person with a rifle being behind the door that can penetrate the shield", '>>{Content_Godzilla} : same cconcept as armor plating on tanks. Angled sections are stronger than a vertical section of the same thickness.', ">>{dragonthemagicpuff} : I'm going to assume the title means it can also take a magnum?"], ['>>{GoldenShowerDonnie} : >Trumpy? Pooty here. Comrade, we had a deal.', ">>{Alexa_play_music} : They're upset he wants Crimea returned to Ukraine and NATO states to spend the amounts required by the alliance. Trump is warmongering against Russia.", '>>{novationone} : THIS! Seems like a logical play consistent with the leaks, force Trump into a political corner w.r.t Russia and then monitor the channels for blowback from vlad.', ">>{Usawasfun} : Russia knew how big of a risk this would be If he won. We aren't russia and our media will actually report things. Trump is a great puppet, but he also is not a king and is going to have political and media pressure. We are basically seeing what happens when you try to pull this in a country that is set up to be able to handle things like this. Russia is about to get royally fucked and they know it.", '>>{garyp714} : I remember when it happened to Little Green Footballs. Glorious.', ">>{disguisesinblessing} : We may be witnessing the sheer genius/brilliance of our founding fathers in action right now. It's amazing to think they wrote the guidelines for how our government was to function when they wrote the constitution 223 years ago. Balance of powers = system of checks and balances. And boy is the system checking right now! Hopefully it achieves some balance again soon.", '>>{Usawasfun} : I do really believe russia never thought this could happen. Basically like a joke gone to far. Now they are scrambling to cover this up.', '>>{GoldenShowerDonnie} : They\'ve been Never-Trump for a while. "Establishment" or responsible or something.', '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : Same as Trump thinking he would actually be elected. "Fuck."', '>>{AcerRubrum} : Russia has these checks and balances, too. Putin just exercises supreme control over all of them through sheer political will. The Duma (parliament) is 75% controlled by his Party so they basically run everything. They are what Republicans dream of.', ">>{shelbys_foot} : Didn't Russia notice that Trump is a persistent and unrepentant liar? Guess they didn't understand who they were supporting, much like a lot of his American supporters."]]
classify and reply
['>>{jlew24asu} : Trump moves forward with a foreign deal less than a week after vowing not to', '>>{greymanbomber} : Neoliberalism has had its day. So what happens next?', '>>{fourredfruitstea} : Lol? What do you think Clinton is running on, exactly?', ">>{ronnie1211} : What a freaking moron he is! Does he honestly think he's infallible and that none of these business dealings will follow him into the White House??", '>>{BatmanNoPrep} : Here is an electoral map that gives Trump every single swing state he can make a case for winning based on polling over the past month and up until today. Clinton still wins 272-266. So what blue state would he need to flip in order to win and how would he do it?', ">>{bbiggs32} : Calm down. He had the thing planned before he said it. It was stuck in approval. Edit: well it's not super clear, but here's his side of it >Trump’s executives in Scotland argue that his new agreement to halt overseas investment cannot affect the Trump International Golf Course Scotland in Aberdeenshire course, which lies 10 miles north of Aberdeen, *since its expansion plans predate Trump’s election victory* on 9 November. A spokesperson for the Trump transition team did not immediately return a request for comment. >The expansion proposals are partly derived from the resort’s masterplan, which was approved against fierce opposition from environmentalists by the Scottish government in 2008. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/14/trump-scotland-golf-resort-conflicts-of-interest", ">>{bunglejerry} : > less than a week after Trump’s attorney\xa0told reporters\xa0that the president-elect had, in an effort to distance himself from conflicts of interests with regards to his businesses, “ordered that all pending deals be terminated.” I mean, what's your definition of 'pending'?", '>>{SarcasticallyAShill} : But, he had all those papers?!?!', ">>{triggered_deplorable} : Their hope is that he somehow flips either CO, NM or PA. None of which seem very likely but I wouldn't say it's impossible.", '>>{schadenfr3ud3} : Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams puts his players face to face with veterans to teach them respect during the national anthem', ">>{banders928} : There's about to be some serious butthurt in these comments...", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Will he also donate profits from non-Americans to the U.S. Treasury?', '>>{zapichigo} : Basically what comes after Neo-liberalism is a system where the poor and unproductive people are chopped up and fed directly to the global elite or used as moisturizer for their dogs or something.', '>>{Tcampd12} : Why not? We have no one in the Republican Party and Republican Voters that thinks anything Trump does is wrong. No Balls', ">>{Funktapus} : Same answer as always: Pennsylvania. The story goes... with no early voting, last minute pile-on about Clinton's emails means that D-leaning voters decide not to show up to the polls. White men without college degrees are so jazzed that they reach 100% turnout and Pennsylvania goes red by a hair.", ">>{Shiny-And-New} : I'm a vet and if you want to sit, then sit. This country's not perfect, nor are the men and women in uniform pretending they are doesn't help us progress", ">>{markca} : He thinks since he's elected President he can literally do anything he wants and no laws apply to him.", '>>{aKindWordandaGun} : Because nothing makes people patriotic like using coercive force to instill respect.', '>>{forgetful_storytellr} : There is a clause that actually allows him to run his businesses as president. There is no law against it, and the law was specially out in place to allow POTUS and coot us to do that. Which law is he breaking?', '>>{mweahter} : Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution', ">>{LastDawnOfMan} : I'm really hoping to get into the dog moisterizer game, personally. Probably the best I can hope for.", '>>{sundialinshade} : Next week... "Basketball coach puts his players face to face with unconscious women to teach them respect..." -- -- ETA: He has started a scholarship for female athletes: " Buzz and Corey Williams Family Student-Athlete Scholarship is dedicated to the memory of T. Marshall Hahn. The award will be given annually to an undergraduate student-athlete on any women’s intercollegiate team at Virginia Tech. Preference will be given to students who are first generation college students, and also students who are members of an underrepresented population at Virginia Tech."', '>>{forgetful_storytellr} : Ethics in Government act, passed in 1962, exempts POTUS and VPOTUS from those conflict of interest laws. Was passed and deemed constitutional by congress and the Supreme Court. PBS, Washington Post, Politico, Politifact, and others corroborating.', ">>{cd411} : > have you met his supporters? [They don't seem to be the type who would ~~care~~ know any better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKFIHRpe7I&t=0m20s)", '>>{DaffyDuck} : Remember, liberal tears. He won. Nothing else matters now. The end.', '>>{Zefrum} : Michigan, Wisconsin and New Hampshire have also been floated, but again, seems unlikely.', ">>{kstinfo} : A good article but you have to read it twice. The gist is that the 1% are going to get their comeuppance - and it's about damn time. Hillary is out because she's part of the problem. Trump is out because his answers to the problem are wrong.", '>>{cbromley2} : Can we grow up and get past this idea that what you during a song determines if you are patriotic or not? People (usually) protest in an effort to improve the nation, not disrespect it', '>>{PlaidLindor} : In order of chance of flipping: New Hampshire, Colorado, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. Trump has no chance in New Mexico.', ">>{greymanbomber} : Considering the fact that the alternatives are two candidates who have no chance of winning the election (Stein and Johnson, even though Johnson can be considered a neoliberal) and a candidate who is likely to fuck the nation over or start a World War (Trump), it's really a matter of picking your poison.", '>>{Brodusgus} : Do what you want. The companies you are paid to represent in professions are free to drop you from payroll.', '>>{CaptCheckdown} : Those vets fought for your right to sit. ITS JUST A FUCKING SONG, PEOPLE. Jesus tittyfucking christ!', ">>{Ut_Prosim} : Don't jinx it. His victory is unlikely, but still terrifyingly possible. Don't get complacent either. Especially if you're in a solid blue state and think your vote isn't needed.", ">>{liberationation} : Neoliberalism is just an overhyped boogeyman. There's plenty to criticize about Clinton, but she's not running around quoting Milton Friedman, who was probably the biggest proponent of neo-classical liberalism (which was shortened to neoliberalism as a pejorative term).", ">>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : Those papers for me were the last straw. I keep thinking maybe Trump really isn't just stupid. I really do now think he is stupid. Who puts a files on a table and then does not let anyone look at them unless they were blank. SNLs take on them was perfect.", '>>{MajorToewser} : You do realize that the Ethics in Government Act was passed in 1978, and is related to financial disclosure for public officials and not specifically conflicts of interest, right? The parent comment is also citing the Emoluments Clause, which the President and Vice President are very much beholden to.', '>>{Panic1367} : California. The video of the homeless woman being "assaulted" may flip California for him. edit: /S.', '>>{DukesDan} : Hopefully a move towards socialism and sustainable economic practices with some moral standing.', ">>{forgetful_storytellr} : Yeah '78 that's right. At least you googled it though, now you know all about it. And you know that if you read any credible political article about the subject this week they will all confirm that Trump isn't beholden to the same conflict of interest laws as are the rest of our federal officials.", ">>{someguyjusttrying} : I keep telling people that Soylent Green or something similar isn't really a bad idea in the long-haul when you get down to the details. Why should unproductive or non-contributing members of society be allowed to sponge resources from the productive members of society?", '>>{corranhorn85} : > Those papers for me were the last straw. You must have an incredibly strong back.', ">>{throwawatc123} : Already did my part to make sure that doesn't happen", ">>{mweahter} : > And you know that if you read any credible political article about the subject this week they will all confirm that Trump isn't beholden to the same conflict of interest laws as are the rest of our federal officials. Except for the Emoluments Clause.", ">>{TheBigZoob} : Wrestling fans? That's who you're targeting as the uneducated, careless masses who voted him in? You know, the odd 3 million people from all walks of life who enjoy action and storylines like anyone else, yeah they're the problem with America today.", ">>{MajorToewser} : And the fact that the 1978 act is almost completely unrelated... And has to do with financial disclosure, not conflicts of interest.... (Though I am aware that federal conflicts of interest laws do not apply to the office of the President, again unrelated to this law.) What is up with this guy? Does he think Congress can just pass a regular law to overrule the Constitution? Because that's what his first comment seems to say...", ">>{forgetful_storytellr} : It won't pass if it's deemed unconstitutional. It passed, therefore it was deemed constitutional.", ">>{xWETROCKx} : Johnson a neoliberal? Now I've heard it all.", ">>{forgetful_storytellr} : http://fortune.com/2017/01/09/trump-emoluments/ here's a good article that goes into both sides of the debate. Most politicians have conceded that Trump doesn't have to remove himself from his businesses, although he is anyway.", ">>{JoshuaZ1} : [538 right now gives him about a 25% chance of wining the election and pretty much all those scenarios involve flipping at least one of them](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/). [Upshot gives about 10%](http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/upshot/presidential-polls-forecast.html?_r=0). and Princeton Election Consortium gives [the much lower 3%](http://election.princeton.edu/). Frankly, the Upshot estimate seems most reasonable, but Silver's method takes into account uncertainty about undecided to an extent that the other two do not, which makes his estimate higher. And that's a plausible concern.", '>>{MajorToewser} : Well that article certainly does not take that view, and it\'s incorrect to say most politicians have too... In fact most ethics advisers continue to push for him to *completely* separate himself from the management of his assets, which he is *not* doing. That article actually says that a solution to a perceived violation of the emoluments clause would have to be political... "Like an impeachment," which is actually a direct quote... It also just says that what would constitute a violation is relatively new ground, because most presidents have followed a set of traditional precedents that haven\'t put them in these "awkward" situations.', '>>{Eradicator_1729} : People are butthurt on *both* sides of this issue.', '>>{Shiny-And-New} : And evidently you\'re an expert on my past (you\'re not). I can\'t speak for "everyone else on reddit" but I am a vet and you can go fuck yourself', ">>{MajorToewser} : You responded to an article of the Constitution with what was an act of Congress... In order to change, *in any way*, what the Constitution says or means, the states must ratify a Constitutional amendment. That's what I was saying. Deeming a law unconstitutional is actually when a law does *anything* that infringes on the contents of the Constitution. That law also has *absolutely nothing* to do with that article of the Constitution, nor does it really have anything to do with these discussions...", '>>{forgetful_storytellr} : The article plays both sides, which I think is fair.', '>>{Sleepykins958} : is America as dumb as the people who voted to Brexit? Find out in like a week!', '>>{Babbster} : Wow. This is some obvious propaganda meant to make uneducated people feel emotion and connect sports to patriotism and then to the military which makes no fucking sense anyway.', '>>{forgetful_storytellr} : A law cannot be passed if it is deemed unconstitutional.', ">>{Shiny-And-New} : >Don't curse. No >You're temperally Not a word >unfit to serve the military Was still fit when I decided not to reenlist > (show proof). Cause I want identifying information on reddit >You could probably a 19 year old community college kid You could be a decent human, but I doubt it. The truth is I am a vet, and I don't need to prove it to you or anyone (except applebees on veterans day) and I'm done with this conversation", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : Hey Everyone! I know we all have our own views on who we like between these two and we're all pretty passionate about it, but I'm a political science person and love electoral politics. I thought that since the cake is more or less baked at this point, we can toss around ideas in more of an academic fashion. Full disclosure - I don't really see a way for Trump to win unless there is some massive revelation that turns a blue state to red. Colorado, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Wisconsin have been polling blue since prior to the final debate very consistently.", ">>{-Basileus} : Pennsylvania is the only reasonable way essentially, barring him flipping a couple states in the midwest (Michigan + Wisconsin). North Carolina is complicating things severely though, If Clinton wins NC (more likely than OH/FL), then Trump must win Pennsylvania or it's over.", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : But Leave was polling successfully in the lead up. People just didn't believe the polling data.", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : That seems highly unlikely: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/new-hampshire/#plus He's been behind in nearly every poll and hasn't really campaigned there at all since he won the primary. He's projected to lose it by almost 5 points right now.", ">>{AgoraiosBum} : This wins for most out of left field idea. There's not even enough Californians that have seen that video that if they all switched it would flip the state.", '>>{BatmanNoPrep} : California is trending Clinton by over 25 points. It is one of the least likely states to flip in this election. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/california/#plus', '>>{poopy_mcgee} : This map plus New Hampshire is probably his only realistic path to victory.', ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : This is an academic discussion. We can't jinx it or become complacent by discussing it. If anything we become more invested in the outcome and are more likely to vote.", ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : As a Granite Stater myself I really hope that doesn't happen, but I do believe it is possible. However a poll released today by WMUR shows Clinton with a 7 point advantage: http://www.wmur.com/article/wmur-poll-clinton-still-leads-in-nh-but-gap-narrows/8061177", '>>{dracorojas27} : I voted already and early votes are showing dems with a great lead so far', ">>{triggered_deplorable} : I don't think most people caught that this was sarcasm lol.", '>>{Zefrum} : 538 shows +5, but yes, he would need something magical to happen.', '>>{Panic1367} : I know I was being sarcastic. I voted for Hillary in California already.', ">>{talkingheads} : He's got a real shot of winning whites without a college degree in Michigan, he's polled ahead from time to time there so I think people (silver et al.) may be underestimating his chances there.", ">>{dracorojas27} : I'll bite, even if he did, he still needs to win all the swing states. The fact is that GOP has lost the new generation and growing minorities. Shit, even Texas was looking pretty purple the last week", '>>{Mini-Fridge23} : Honestly curious, What does 538 rate this poll?', '>>{InFearn0} : Also we have the benefit of seeing all of the people that voted Leave because they wanted to flip off Cameron. We get to see what happens when you play with fire: fringe nutjobs get to put their hands on the tiller.', ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : I hadn't seen that one. Like I said I think it is possible. Looking at the 538 link from another post in reply to your comment it shows all but one poll show Clinton ahead from 1 to 10 points. My guess/hope is she wins by 4-5 points, but who knows...with a week left to go things could change.", ">>{xjayroox} : I think with early voting and polls in NC and NV right now, it's almost at the point where you can say he can't win unless he somehow flips PA and WI or MI while taking the rest of the swing states", '>>{MissionStyle} : Honestly surprised, while much sarcasm has been hard to read due to people believing total and complete bullshit I think this one was as easy as it gets.', ">>{KobeBean4President} : These polls are all over the place. I'm betting on Trump winning because he has all the momentum on his side. Unless a bombshell drops that is.", '>>{19djafoij02} : He needs to win one: a subreddit whose rules allow posts like yours. ;)', ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : I just looked for it and couldn't find a rating as I was wondering the same thing. I also looked on RealClearPolitics. I am starting to wonder about this poll as it doesn't show up on any polling data news sites that I can see. Maybe someone else can find some info on it? I'd like to see the rating too.", ">>{Cvjhhxh} : He can't win. The latest push for Clinton is purely to get her more votes to claim a mandate for her policies. The Clinton ball-gobblers in here are only trying to give her as much power as possible and they don't fear Trump any more than they fear Stein or the Sanders write-in vote. It's a big lie.", ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : While a tightening of the polls support your momentum theory, the gap in the polls as far as NH goes do not. Clinton still on average leads by about 4-5 points when you take all the polls into account, which from what I understand is a very good indicator. There's also the seemingly unavoidable tightening of polls towards the very end of a presidential race which we may be starting to see.", '>>{west2night} : The Trump campaign spent a lot of time in New Hampshire the past three months, which suggests they were hoping to flip NH. Based on this poll, they almost succeeded. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/nh/new_hampshire_trump_vs_clinton-5596.html', ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : Agreed on all the swing states, but the point of the post we were discussing here was which blue state Trump could most likely win IF he won all of the swing states that are the most contested. NH in my opinion is at the top of the list and given the map the OP posted to showing in his worst case scenario Clinton had 272 and Trump had 266, so NH's 4 EV would be the difference. Like I said above, I hope that doesn't happen, but in response to the OP it would be the most likely way for Trump to win if the map looked as it does from his link.", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : The key is that these folks haven't flipped yet. Clinton has polled consistently ahead of him thus far and it hasn't changed all that much in the wake of the debates. While I agree that he has a case to be made with WWC folks from the rust belt, that line of thought hasn't really panned out thus far. What would he have to do to change all their minds within a week? http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/michigan/#plus", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : I just got word! That stinks. I'd thought I'd come up with a cool/productive post that wouldn't lead to advocacy. Oddly enough, had I published this to a blog/website I may have had a better chance compliance.", ">>{19djafoij02} : There's always /r/politicaldiscussion and even /r/ask_politics for you.", '>>{BatmanNoPrep} : but this is the default sub. This is the sort of political discussion that should dominate the largest politics subreddit. Informed, and academic discussion should be the priority, no? It would seem that a priority shift would be valued.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{jlew24asu} : Trump moves forward with a foreign deal less than a week after vowing not to', ">>{ronnie1211} : What a freaking moron he is! Does he honestly think he's infallible and that none of these business dealings will follow him into the White House??", ">>{bbiggs32} : Calm down. He had the thing planned before he said it. It was stuck in approval. Edit: well it's not super clear, but here's his side of it >Trump’s executives in Scotland argue that his new agreement to halt overseas investment cannot affect the Trump International Golf Course Scotland in Aberdeenshire course, which lies 10 miles north of Aberdeen, *since its expansion plans predate Trump’s election victory* on 9 November. A spokesperson for the Trump transition team did not immediately return a request for comment. >The expansion proposals are partly derived from the resort’s masterplan, which was approved against fierce opposition from environmentalists by the Scottish government in 2008. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/14/trump-scotland-golf-resort-conflicts-of-interest", ">>{bunglejerry} : > less than a week after Trump’s attorney\xa0told reporters\xa0that the president-elect had, in an effort to distance himself from conflicts of interests with regards to his businesses, “ordered that all pending deals be terminated.” I mean, what's your definition of 'pending'?", '>>{SarcasticallyAShill} : But, he had all those papers?!?!', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Will he also donate profits from non-Americans to the U.S. Treasury?', '>>{Tcampd12} : Why not? We have no one in the Republican Party and Republican Voters that thinks anything Trump does is wrong. No Balls', ">>{markca} : He thinks since he's elected President he can literally do anything he wants and no laws apply to him.", '>>{forgetful_storytellr} : There is a clause that actually allows him to run his businesses as president. There is no law against it, and the law was specially out in place to allow POTUS and coot us to do that. Which law is he breaking?', '>>{mweahter} : Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution', '>>{forgetful_storytellr} : Ethics in Government act, passed in 1962, exempts POTUS and VPOTUS from those conflict of interest laws. Was passed and deemed constitutional by congress and the Supreme Court. PBS, Washington Post, Politico, Politifact, and others corroborating.', ">>{cd411} : > have you met his supporters? [They don't seem to be the type who would ~~care~~ know any better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKFIHRpe7I&t=0m20s)", '>>{DaffyDuck} : Remember, liberal tears. He won. Nothing else matters now. The end.', ">>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : Those papers for me were the last straw. I keep thinking maybe Trump really isn't just stupid. I really do now think he is stupid. Who puts a files on a table and then does not let anyone look at them unless they were blank. SNLs take on them was perfect.", '>>{MajorToewser} : You do realize that the Ethics in Government Act was passed in 1978, and is related to financial disclosure for public officials and not specifically conflicts of interest, right? The parent comment is also citing the Emoluments Clause, which the President and Vice President are very much beholden to.', ">>{forgetful_storytellr} : Yeah '78 that's right. At least you googled it though, now you know all about it. And you know that if you read any credible political article about the subject this week they will all confirm that Trump isn't beholden to the same conflict of interest laws as are the rest of our federal officials.", '>>{corranhorn85} : > Those papers for me were the last straw. You must have an incredibly strong back.', ">>{mweahter} : > And you know that if you read any credible political article about the subject this week they will all confirm that Trump isn't beholden to the same conflict of interest laws as are the rest of our federal officials. Except for the Emoluments Clause.", ">>{TheBigZoob} : Wrestling fans? That's who you're targeting as the uneducated, careless masses who voted him in? You know, the odd 3 million people from all walks of life who enjoy action and storylines like anyone else, yeah they're the problem with America today.", ">>{MajorToewser} : And the fact that the 1978 act is almost completely unrelated... And has to do with financial disclosure, not conflicts of interest.... (Though I am aware that federal conflicts of interest laws do not apply to the office of the President, again unrelated to this law.) What is up with this guy? Does he think Congress can just pass a regular law to overrule the Constitution? Because that's what his first comment seems to say...", ">>{forgetful_storytellr} : It won't pass if it's deemed unconstitutional. It passed, therefore it was deemed constitutional.", ">>{forgetful_storytellr} : http://fortune.com/2017/01/09/trump-emoluments/ here's a good article that goes into both sides of the debate. Most politicians have conceded that Trump doesn't have to remove himself from his businesses, although he is anyway.", '>>{MajorToewser} : Well that article certainly does not take that view, and it\'s incorrect to say most politicians have too... In fact most ethics advisers continue to push for him to *completely* separate himself from the management of his assets, which he is *not* doing. That article actually says that a solution to a perceived violation of the emoluments clause would have to be political... "Like an impeachment," which is actually a direct quote... It also just says that what would constitute a violation is relatively new ground, because most presidents have followed a set of traditional precedents that haven\'t put them in these "awkward" situations.', ">>{MajorToewser} : You responded to an article of the Constitution with what was an act of Congress... In order to change, *in any way*, what the Constitution says or means, the states must ratify a Constitutional amendment. That's what I was saying. Deeming a law unconstitutional is actually when a law does *anything* that infringes on the contents of the Constitution. That law also has *absolutely nothing* to do with that article of the Constitution, nor does it really have anything to do with these discussions...", '>>{forgetful_storytellr} : The article plays both sides, which I think is fair.', '>>{forgetful_storytellr} : A law cannot be passed if it is deemed unconstitutional.'], ['>>{BatmanNoPrep} : Here is an electoral map that gives Trump every single swing state he can make a case for winning based on polling over the past month and up until today. Clinton still wins 272-266. So what blue state would he need to flip in order to win and how would he do it?', ">>{triggered_deplorable} : Their hope is that he somehow flips either CO, NM or PA. None of which seem very likely but I wouldn't say it's impossible.", ">>{Funktapus} : Same answer as always: Pennsylvania. The story goes... with no early voting, last minute pile-on about Clinton's emails means that D-leaning voters decide not to show up to the polls. White men without college degrees are so jazzed that they reach 100% turnout and Pennsylvania goes red by a hair.", '>>{Zefrum} : Michigan, Wisconsin and New Hampshire have also been floated, but again, seems unlikely.', '>>{PlaidLindor} : In order of chance of flipping: New Hampshire, Colorado, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. Trump has no chance in New Mexico.', ">>{Ut_Prosim} : Don't jinx it. His victory is unlikely, but still terrifyingly possible. Don't get complacent either. Especially if you're in a solid blue state and think your vote isn't needed.", '>>{Panic1367} : California. The video of the homeless woman being "assaulted" may flip California for him. edit: /S.', ">>{throwawatc123} : Already did my part to make sure that doesn't happen", ">>{JoshuaZ1} : [538 right now gives him about a 25% chance of wining the election and pretty much all those scenarios involve flipping at least one of them](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/). [Upshot gives about 10%](http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/upshot/presidential-polls-forecast.html?_r=0). and Princeton Election Consortium gives [the much lower 3%](http://election.princeton.edu/). Frankly, the Upshot estimate seems most reasonable, but Silver's method takes into account uncertainty about undecided to an extent that the other two do not, which makes his estimate higher. And that's a plausible concern.", '>>{Sleepykins958} : is America as dumb as the people who voted to Brexit? Find out in like a week!', ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : Hey Everyone! I know we all have our own views on who we like between these two and we're all pretty passionate about it, but I'm a political science person and love electoral politics. I thought that since the cake is more or less baked at this point, we can toss around ideas in more of an academic fashion. Full disclosure - I don't really see a way for Trump to win unless there is some massive revelation that turns a blue state to red. Colorado, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Wisconsin have been polling blue since prior to the final debate very consistently.", ">>{-Basileus} : Pennsylvania is the only reasonable way essentially, barring him flipping a couple states in the midwest (Michigan + Wisconsin). North Carolina is complicating things severely though, If Clinton wins NC (more likely than OH/FL), then Trump must win Pennsylvania or it's over.", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : But Leave was polling successfully in the lead up. People just didn't believe the polling data.", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : That seems highly unlikely: http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/new-hampshire/#plus He's been behind in nearly every poll and hasn't really campaigned there at all since he won the primary. He's projected to lose it by almost 5 points right now.", ">>{AgoraiosBum} : This wins for most out of left field idea. There's not even enough Californians that have seen that video that if they all switched it would flip the state.", '>>{BatmanNoPrep} : California is trending Clinton by over 25 points. It is one of the least likely states to flip in this election. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/california/#plus', '>>{poopy_mcgee} : This map plus New Hampshire is probably his only realistic path to victory.', ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : This is an academic discussion. We can't jinx it or become complacent by discussing it. If anything we become more invested in the outcome and are more likely to vote.", ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : As a Granite Stater myself I really hope that doesn't happen, but I do believe it is possible. However a poll released today by WMUR shows Clinton with a 7 point advantage: http://www.wmur.com/article/wmur-poll-clinton-still-leads-in-nh-but-gap-narrows/8061177", '>>{dracorojas27} : I voted already and early votes are showing dems with a great lead so far', ">>{triggered_deplorable} : I don't think most people caught that this was sarcasm lol.", '>>{Zefrum} : 538 shows +5, but yes, he would need something magical to happen.', '>>{Panic1367} : I know I was being sarcastic. I voted for Hillary in California already.', ">>{talkingheads} : He's got a real shot of winning whites without a college degree in Michigan, he's polled ahead from time to time there so I think people (silver et al.) may be underestimating his chances there.", ">>{dracorojas27} : I'll bite, even if he did, he still needs to win all the swing states. The fact is that GOP has lost the new generation and growing minorities. Shit, even Texas was looking pretty purple the last week", '>>{Mini-Fridge23} : Honestly curious, What does 538 rate this poll?', '>>{InFearn0} : Also we have the benefit of seeing all of the people that voted Leave because they wanted to flip off Cameron. We get to see what happens when you play with fire: fringe nutjobs get to put their hands on the tiller.', ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : I hadn't seen that one. Like I said I think it is possible. Looking at the 538 link from another post in reply to your comment it shows all but one poll show Clinton ahead from 1 to 10 points. My guess/hope is she wins by 4-5 points, but who knows...with a week left to go things could change.", ">>{xjayroox} : I think with early voting and polls in NC and NV right now, it's almost at the point where you can say he can't win unless he somehow flips PA and WI or MI while taking the rest of the swing states", '>>{MissionStyle} : Honestly surprised, while much sarcasm has been hard to read due to people believing total and complete bullshit I think this one was as easy as it gets.', ">>{KobeBean4President} : These polls are all over the place. I'm betting on Trump winning because he has all the momentum on his side. Unless a bombshell drops that is.", '>>{19djafoij02} : He needs to win one: a subreddit whose rules allow posts like yours. ;)', ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : I just looked for it and couldn't find a rating as I was wondering the same thing. I also looked on RealClearPolitics. I am starting to wonder about this poll as it doesn't show up on any polling data news sites that I can see. Maybe someone else can find some info on it? I'd like to see the rating too.", ">>{Cvjhhxh} : He can't win. The latest push for Clinton is purely to get her more votes to claim a mandate for her policies. The Clinton ball-gobblers in here are only trying to give her as much power as possible and they don't fear Trump any more than they fear Stein or the Sanders write-in vote. It's a big lie.", ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : While a tightening of the polls support your momentum theory, the gap in the polls as far as NH goes do not. Clinton still on average leads by about 4-5 points when you take all the polls into account, which from what I understand is a very good indicator. There's also the seemingly unavoidable tightening of polls towards the very end of a presidential race which we may be starting to see.", '>>{west2night} : The Trump campaign spent a lot of time in New Hampshire the past three months, which suggests they were hoping to flip NH. Based on this poll, they almost succeeded. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/nh/new_hampshire_trump_vs_clinton-5596.html', ">>{Aluminum_Falcons} : Agreed on all the swing states, but the point of the post we were discussing here was which blue state Trump could most likely win IF he won all of the swing states that are the most contested. NH in my opinion is at the top of the list and given the map the OP posted to showing in his worst case scenario Clinton had 272 and Trump had 266, so NH's 4 EV would be the difference. Like I said above, I hope that doesn't happen, but in response to the OP it would be the most likely way for Trump to win if the map looked as it does from his link.", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : The key is that these folks haven't flipped yet. Clinton has polled consistently ahead of him thus far and it hasn't changed all that much in the wake of the debates. While I agree that he has a case to be made with WWC folks from the rust belt, that line of thought hasn't really panned out thus far. What would he have to do to change all their minds within a week? http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/michigan/#plus", ">>{BatmanNoPrep} : I just got word! That stinks. I'd thought I'd come up with a cool/productive post that wouldn't lead to advocacy. Oddly enough, had I published this to a blog/website I may have had a better chance compliance.", ">>{19djafoij02} : There's always /r/politicaldiscussion and even /r/ask_politics for you.", '>>{BatmanNoPrep} : but this is the default sub. This is the sort of political discussion that should dominate the largest politics subreddit. Informed, and academic discussion should be the priority, no? It would seem that a priority shift would be valued.'], ['>>{greymanbomber} : Neoliberalism has had its day. So what happens next?', '>>{fourredfruitstea} : Lol? What do you think Clinton is running on, exactly?', '>>{zapichigo} : Basically what comes after Neo-liberalism is a system where the poor and unproductive people are chopped up and fed directly to the global elite or used as moisturizer for their dogs or something.', ">>{LastDawnOfMan} : I'm really hoping to get into the dog moisterizer game, personally. Probably the best I can hope for.", ">>{kstinfo} : A good article but you have to read it twice. The gist is that the 1% are going to get their comeuppance - and it's about damn time. Hillary is out because she's part of the problem. Trump is out because his answers to the problem are wrong.", ">>{greymanbomber} : Considering the fact that the alternatives are two candidates who have no chance of winning the election (Stein and Johnson, even though Johnson can be considered a neoliberal) and a candidate who is likely to fuck the nation over or start a World War (Trump), it's really a matter of picking your poison.", ">>{liberationation} : Neoliberalism is just an overhyped boogeyman. There's plenty to criticize about Clinton, but she's not running around quoting Milton Friedman, who was probably the biggest proponent of neo-classical liberalism (which was shortened to neoliberalism as a pejorative term).", '>>{DukesDan} : Hopefully a move towards socialism and sustainable economic practices with some moral standing.', ">>{someguyjusttrying} : I keep telling people that Soylent Green or something similar isn't really a bad idea in the long-haul when you get down to the details. Why should unproductive or non-contributing members of society be allowed to sponge resources from the productive members of society?", ">>{xWETROCKx} : Johnson a neoliberal? Now I've heard it all."], ['>>{schadenfr3ud3} : Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams puts his players face to face with veterans to teach them respect during the national anthem', ">>{banders928} : There's about to be some serious butthurt in these comments...", ">>{Shiny-And-New} : I'm a vet and if you want to sit, then sit. This country's not perfect, nor are the men and women in uniform pretending they are doesn't help us progress", '>>{aKindWordandaGun} : Because nothing makes people patriotic like using coercive force to instill respect.', '>>{sundialinshade} : Next week... "Basketball coach puts his players face to face with unconscious women to teach them respect..." -- -- ETA: He has started a scholarship for female athletes: " Buzz and Corey Williams Family Student-Athlete Scholarship is dedicated to the memory of T. Marshall Hahn. The award will be given annually to an undergraduate student-athlete on any women’s intercollegiate team at Virginia Tech. Preference will be given to students who are first generation college students, and also students who are members of an underrepresented population at Virginia Tech."', '>>{cbromley2} : Can we grow up and get past this idea that what you during a song determines if you are patriotic or not? People (usually) protest in an effort to improve the nation, not disrespect it', '>>{Brodusgus} : Do what you want. The companies you are paid to represent in professions are free to drop you from payroll.', '>>{CaptCheckdown} : Those vets fought for your right to sit. ITS JUST A FUCKING SONG, PEOPLE. Jesus tittyfucking christ!', '>>{Eradicator_1729} : People are butthurt on *both* sides of this issue.', '>>{Shiny-And-New} : And evidently you\'re an expert on my past (you\'re not). I can\'t speak for "everyone else on reddit" but I am a vet and you can go fuck yourself', '>>{Babbster} : Wow. This is some obvious propaganda meant to make uneducated people feel emotion and connect sports to patriotism and then to the military which makes no fucking sense anyway.', ">>{Shiny-And-New} : >Don't curse. No >You're temperally Not a word >unfit to serve the military Was still fit when I decided not to reenlist > (show proof). Cause I want identifying information on reddit >You could probably a 19 year old community college kid You could be a decent human, but I doubt it. The truth is I am a vet, and I don't need to prove it to you or anyone (except applebees on veterans day) and I'm done with this conversation"]]
classify and reply
['>>{pandaeconomics} : Election Update: What If Clinton Wins North Carolina — And Loses Pennsylvania?', ">>{readerseven} : 'Completely Out of Touch': Huckabee Hammers Michelle Obama Over Trump 'Hope'Comments", '>>{therecordcorrected} : An expert breaks down Trump’s Carrier deal: ‘Ineffective’ and ‘very costly’', '>>{VolMarek} : A Reminder That Donald Trump Has Offended Pretty Much Everyone During His Campaign', '>>{shelbys_foot} : Mike Huckabee, - trying his goddammest to make himself relevant somehow.', ">>{poopy_mcgee} : This is going to be a recurring theme with Trump. He's not actually going to fix any of the things that he said he would (because he can't) ...he's just going to use the media and Twitter to make it seem like he's solving problems...and his supporters will eat it up.", '>>{grepnork} : Microsoft set to kill off Lumia devices in favour of rumoured Surface Phone', ">>{For_Frig_Sakes} : I really love my lumia, easily the best phone I've ever used. I hope the surface is as good.", ">>{JZcgQR2N} : If you have to remind people about this, then you're just being desperate.", ">>{The_Write_Stuff} : Huckabee calling someone else out of touch. That's hilarious.", ">>{irishstevenj} : When's the last time Huckabee actually had to publicly speak to someone with even modestly different views from his?", ">>{SATexas1} : Ed Randell said this morning he believed there were a lot of hidden trump votes in PA. Maybe he was being an alarmist to stoke voter turnout but that's what he said.", '>>{CNegan} : No way she loses Pennsylvania. That ""battleground"" state is about as solid blue as solid blue can get.', '>>{pandaeconomics} : I think the article is still encouraging. He has very little room for error and Trump is all about error.', '>>{Infernalism} : http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/pa/pennsylvania_trump_vs_clinton-5633.html Not complacent, but it looks very unlikely that Trump will win Pennsylvania.', ">>{Footfungi} : He's an equal opportunity offender! He's committed to true equality! What a man!", '>>{knuckle_drag_racer} : national socialism. give aways to corporations supposedly for the sake of employment.', '>>{Roseking} : No, I get that. Nate likes to do what if articles all the time. I am from PA. I really do not want him to win here.', '>>{temporarilyyours} : So... an anonymous rumor about rumored activity to switch to a rumored phone disclosed by rumored anonymous internal sources?', ">>{Danze1984} : Still using my L925. Hope they bring one out soon, I'm starting to want an upgrade now. How's Windows 10 running? I'm still happy with 8.1. e. What does this mean for someone like my girlfriend; who isn't into tech at all? She definitely won't want a top of the range Surface Phone, but loves how simple the UI is on her 640.", ">>{pandaeconomics} : People are afraid to outwardly support Hillary in conservative areas for backlash in marriages or at churches. People are afraid to outwardly support Trump here in dark-blue Massachusetts because they don't want to be judged by friends and colleagues. As I'm in grad school now, I'm sure there's some silent supporters around the econ department, but they'd never say so.", '>>{Caveat-Emperor} : Just like all his other deals. Everything Il Douche touches fails. Get ready.', '>>{andrewdrisc} : Feels like a logical step, the Surface tablets have a good name, expand the brand!', ">>{fett4evr} : I'm offended by how much hatred liberals have for America. Since when is wanting to Make America Great Again such a bad thing?", '>>{jmktimelord} : For him to win in that scenario he also has to flip Ohio, Iowa, Florida, and New Hampshire. That is improbable at this point in the race; it was unlikely even at the start.', '>>{sedgwickian} : Remember, Huckabee thinks that Ted "let\'s kill the president" Nugent is a better role model for America\'s children than Beyonce.', ">>{SmartLiberalGenius} : If he put his daddy's money in a bank he'd be a trillionaire. He's actually lost money compared to how it would have grown in a savings account. Sad!", ">>{PagPag93} : A surface phone!? Sweet! (what's a surface phone?)", '>>{MODS-ARE-EVIL} : If everyone has been offended by Trump, then everyone has been equally offended, therefore no one has been offended.', '>>{dam_3} : Rumor has it that he running for governor of Florida in 2018 *shudders*', ">>{6p6ss6} : > 'Ineffective' and 'very costly' What history will say about the Trump Administration. > Yet at least half of the company’s Indiana jobs will still go to Mexico. We will tilt so much at windmills that we will get tired of tilting, folks!", '>>{Echost} : > and his supporters will eat it up. I voted for Obama, but I didn\'t like everything he did. When certain things were taking a lot of heat, or sounded too good, I\'d look into them. So it blows my mind that Trumps supporters literally can\'t do this. At least to recognize that "yeah, it isn\'t great"...but nope...', ">>{walnut_of_doom} : Not me, because I'm not a soft skinned pussy. Just saying.", ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : >Then the state’s residents are all on the hook to pay the piper. That's less than a penny a month per taxpayer, of which there are 1,100 more than yesterday - expert, HA!", '>>{HapticSloughton} : Overall, Windows 10 is good. I shut down all the "send data back to MS" stuff, and I\'ve re-configured a few things to look like Windows 7. Other than a few things that are obviously "tablet-y" and having to hunt for a few things that moved a bit from previous versions, it hasn\'t been onerous. I\'ll also say it seems to handle memory a lot better. I\'ve had some issues with apps and browser windows eating RAM in the past, and those seemed to diminish noticeably under Win10. Your mileage may vary, of course.', ">>{Danze1984} : I mean on mobile. I already use W10 on my desktop, although I'm still not sure whether I prefer it to 7 yet.", ">>{Grsz11} : I'm less worried about him being a bigot or sexist than I am the fact he's just an incompetent narcissist.", '>>{Taskforcem85} : [They missed his best comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuq_AHSREJI) > "When you\'re dealing with these terrorists you have to take out their families"', ">>{branamuffin} : Most americans rejected him, so I'd say she has her finger on the pulse.", ">>{Tainted-Archer} : I have an IPad Air 2 and I was looking at purchasing one but the price put me off. How is the performance and what are pros/cons if you don't mind me asking ?", ">>{omegaclick} : But he wouldn't have hundreds of huge phallic symbols all around the globe with his name on them. Talk about compensating....", '>>{irishstevenj} : Nate is gonna throw every fucking what if he can think of at the wall after missing Trump in the primaries to make sure he covers himself. I\'d be shocked if he doesn\'t put up a "What if Clinton wins Alaska?" column by Wednesday.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : If Trump gave up that much to UT and Carrier I wonder how poorly he'll renegotiate NAFTA and the TPP.", ">>{RussianRotary} : unlike trump supporters, who can't feel shame at their own ignorance.", ">>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : He's certainly on a warpath to offend everybody's intelligence.", ">>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : That's all that is left in this sub. Thin-skinned pussies getting steamrolled by common sense Trump supporters. lol", '>>{rtechie1} : The story I hear is that Microsoft is killing the Lumia line to replace it with nothing. The problem with a Surface Phone is that Windows on ARM is dead, the Surface Phone would have to run Windows 10 and focus on Continuum, but Intel is killing the Atom line and leaving the mobile market. That leaves the Surface Phone without a CPU.', ">>{Disgod} : We didn't buy out, nationalize, or invest in Carrier, nor did keep most of the jobs, we just handed them more money. That's not socialism, [that's fascism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics_of_fascism) > Feldman and Mason argue that fascism is distinguished by an absence of coherent economic ideology and an absence of serious economic thinking. **They state that the decisions taken by fascist leaders cannot be explained within a logical economic framework.** This deal sure as hell makes no logical economic sense, is a give away to the rich, and is all about optics to pretend to cater to his base.", '>>{nlyles1} : Because it sets an awful precedent. If I give you 7 million dollars because I won\'t want your company to leave, what happens when other companies threaten to leave? They\'re gonna say "hey, give me money too." And eventually you\'re gonna have to say no, and eventually I\'m gonna start looking really bad. In fact all this does is incentivize companies to threaten to leave. If I can pretend to leave and get money from you I\'m gonna do it.', '>>{SmartLiberalGenius} : If my daddy gave me a billion dollars does it mean I worked hard for it?', '>>{Hardy723} : >“Most of the regulations will be gone,” Trump said. “We need regulations for safety but most of the regulations are nonsense.” I can\'t wait until someone sits Trump down with a book of regulations and explains why he can\'t simply eliminate 90% of them. "Freon\'s cheaper? Then bring it back! Who cares about ozone?? Pssst.. Steve....what\'s ozone?"', ">>{pandaeconomics} : I thought he was doing alright in Ohio. Florida and Iowa looked close in some polling that I've seen. NH is probably out of reach though.", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : No one that even remotely understands economics wants Donnie to win, his policies are toxic.', '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : I honestly believe they want us to be a third world country. Basic income and unlimited illegal immigration lol wtf?', ">>{RussianRotary} : Huckabee and all of fox is out of touch with real americans too. They think trump is a normal person when he is clearly not. They don't see any reason why trump is wrong because they agree with the trump worldview, the sexist, racist, liberal-hating worldview.", ">>{LBJ20XX} : Going to get slaughtered for this one but fuck it, I've had a good life. He's not wrong. The type of hope she's talking about not having is based on this idea that when Trump takes over it's back to segregated water fountains, internment camps for Muslims, LGBTQ folk getting tarred and feathered, women having pussies grabbed left and right, every illegal immigrant getting thrown back to wherever they came from and the complete devastation of the country. In other words, she has no hope about a future that may not even happen. And for the record, I don't think it's going to happen at all (or anywhere close) which is why I happen to agree with Huckabee on this one. She does seem just a little out of touch. Fuck, just kill me now. Now, I'll go put lock myself in the torture stock so you can throw rotten fruit at me.", ">>{gimmiegimmienow} : Liberals keep trying to make this race about buzzwords and how offended they are by the big meanie. That's a losing strategy.", '>>{TomoNews} : What I read is that $7,000,000 in tax incentives are spread out over 10 years ie that is $700,000 in savings per year. The deal "saves" 1,000 jobs, or about $700 per job saved. What I also read is that the union workers get paid around $25 per hour, compared with $5 per hour in Mexico. That is about $48,000,000 in total labor cost ($25 x 160 hours per month x 12 months x 1,000 workers = $48,000,000). If Mexican labor costs are 20%, the potential labor savings is $38,400,000 per year. $38,400,000 > $700,000. What I also read is that the $700,000 in tax incentives comes from a program the state of Indiana already had in place to keep jobs, and that United Technologies had rejected earlier tax incentive programs. So why would United Technologies accept a measly $700,000 in tax incentives, when it stands to save so much more by moving to Mexico? The answer is its government contracting business, which accounts for about 10% of its $56 billion in annual revenue. $5.6 billion > $38,400,000 > $700,000. From the view point of United Technologies, this deal only makes sense if you think you\'re going to lose between $38.4 million and $5.6 billion in government contract revenue. Whether Trump implied this as a threat, we don\'t know. Whether he could carry out such a threat is open to debate (government contracts are highly regulated). But anyone who thinks that United Technologies was enticed by $700,000 a year in tax incentives is not paying attention to the math.', ">>{grepnork} : MS have four products in the market, no updates scheduled, have [aggressively discounted](http://www.winbeta.org/news/lumia-950-950-xl-prices-continue-drop-now-e299-e399-europe) their stock [globally](http://www.winbeta.org/news/microsoft-cuts-price-lumia-650-109-uk-e129-elsewhere-europe), Lumia phones are being deprioritised in Microsoft's own retail stores, online the link to Lumia is gone from the US homepage and its other online stores. Redstone 2 is due in Q1 2017 meaning the likely death of the Lumia would be Q4 2016 giving MS some breathing space between Apple and Samsung launches, **then** we have an anonymous source from Microsoft confirming the bloody obvious.", ">>{chasingthrowaway} : It's not that they don't know, it's that they don't give a fuck", '>>{NessInOnett} : I\'m not him .. but I use a Surface Pro 3 at work as a desktop replacement. It\'s fantastic. I have it in a dock set up with dual 24" monitors.. really nice setup. I\'m a software dev and do a lot of compiling and database work and it runs like a champ.. performance feels like a mid to high end laptop. When I need to work from home, I just pop it off the dock and bring it home and I have all my work with me. VPN into the office and I have everything I need without needing to use remote desktop. Here is an old pic I took: http://i.imgur.com/DfWHbom.jpg I\'ve only had a few issues. My Fiio E10k headphone amp (next to my left monitor in that picture) for whatever reason crashes my Surface sometimes.. but that\'s probably an issue with the Fiio driver. Fan can get pretty damn noisy when I stress the CPU. A few times I\'ve had issues with it waking up/turning on, and have had to boot into the BIOS to get it back to life. I don\'t do anything in the bios, just the simple act of entering the bios and rebooting fixes most issues.', ">>{SATexas1} : I totally agree, I think it's embarrassing to support trump because he's a damn joke, but lots of people think Hillary is worse. Who knows what someone will do when alone in a voting booth", ">>{SmartLiberalGenius} : Yes, pointing out that the guy that inherited most of his money and bankrupted a shitload of businesses and is literally a conman mean's I'm pulling a ruse on you. How do people fall for his shtick?", '>>{44Tall} : How many highly educated and experienced economists do you have on YOUR team advising you?', '>>{POUND_MY_ANUS} : you forgot a few buzzwords like hitler and xenophobe but other than that nice work', '>>{nlyles1} : Because it sets an awful precedent. If I give you 7 million dollars because I won\'t want your company to leave, what happens when other companies threaten to leave? They\'re gonna say "hey, give me money too." And eventually you\'re gonna have to say no, and eventually I\'m gonna start looking really bad. In fact all this does is incentivize companies to threaten to leave. If I can pretend to leave and get money from you I\'m gonna do it.', '>>{AmazingAnytime} : >*asks question* >*gets answer* >*lobs insult for answering the question*', '>>{fett4evr} : The want us to be a one party country. A democrat party country. They are after wealth and power are exploiting us to get it.', '>>{pandaeconomics} : Well, of course...but there\'s sexists and racists hiding all over the place. Hopefully that doesn\'t get the best of us this year; nationally, of course. I was so excited when he was laying out "economics policies" but I really shouldn\'t have been. :/', '>>{academia666} : Trump - the biggest thin-skinned pussy in the world. Nice candidate.', '>>{bigus_dikus} : I highly doubt the Comey news will shift 5 points to Trump.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Well, it's not California. But it's just light blue enough to give GOP false hope every four years.", '>>{Grsz11} : Why do conservatives hate America? America IS great.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : These comments are to promote turnout in Philly. I wouldn't take his comment literally. He's got skin in the game.", '>>{AJ_Smith} : I, in fact, laughed quite a bit.', '>>{pirate_simon} : it seems donald hurt your feelings somewhere along the way. Sorry man, it sucks when someone picks on you and hurts your feelings :(', ">>{NorbertDupner} : No one has any idea if he's a multi billionaire or not. He has given us no tax return to examine.", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Sure, but those same voters also think economists are wrong (wrongly). It\'s sad that he\'s selling them on "helping" when his policies couldn\'t be worse for those groups. Look at what the Bush tax cuts did for them and multiply it by 10.', '>>{m-flo} : Ahhh, the height of intellect from the Trumpettes camp. As excepted.', '>>{atomicvocabulary} : I would buy a surface phone. I want the ability to turn it into a desktop though. Like with the Intel PC sticks I want the ability to plug it into a TV or monitor and it be a PC.', '>>{Pvt_Larry} : Pennsylvania is the flirty lab partner that will never actually go out with the GOP.', ">>{huey_and_riley} : Because we paid a company $7 Million to still ship 1300 jobs to Mexico. Yes, Trump saved 800, a pitiful 38% of the jobs he promised to save. I'm happy for the families that have their jobs saved, but saddened for the ones who Trump gave false hope to.", ">>{huey_and_riley} : So essentially we paid them for nothing. In addition it's really only 800 jobs saved, not 1100 like Trump said. Terrible deal maker. He comes in with all the leverage and ends up giving away free money, courtesy of the Indiana taxpayers.", '>>{TomoNews} : The leverage here is not the $700,000 per year tax incentive. That means nothing to a company with $56 billion in annual revenue. The incentive here is UT gets to keep its government contracts.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Well, the mid section says yes, but the head and feet say NO!', ">>{jmktimelord} : Last polls I saw showed Clinton up in all of those states. And let's be honest - he's not going to flip PA, or NH for that matter.", '>>{STUMPIN_FOR_TRUMP} : Despite all this evidence, however, these deals remain incredibly popular, according to Jensen’s research. “Voters really do reward politicians for this,” he said. “Previous work says that Pence and Trump will get political credit for doing this.” Sounds like its a working message rather then a losing one. At least according to this article.', '>>{a_James_Woods} : Yes, people who study facts and issues in America have been woefully over represented.', ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : About 134 for the company I work for, we don't make any major decisions without referring to their analysis.", '>>{For_Frig_Sakes} : I can do that with my lumia with continuum I can connect a monitor a mouse and a keyboard.', '>>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : While I generally agree with your concept the math is a little off. Starting off with the 34 million. Trump only "saved" 40% of the jobs so call it 13 million. Then I am sure the jobs that were saved were one that they saved the least amount of money so I would cut the 13 million in half to 6.5 million. So they are getting a $700,000 in welfare but will not save 6.5 million. I agree the difference between those 2 numbers is threats to pull the business from carrier. The other side of threats to pull business is now to leave business with UT when it does not make sense. This would make this another loss for the taxpayers. If the contracts with UT could be pulled and given to another contractor to save 1% but now don\'t the taxpayers now just lost 60 million dollars.', ">>{academia666} : Not at all. I'm secure in who I am and can laugh at myself. Trump is so bothered by someone saying he had short fingers years ago, he's STILL talking about it. What a heavyweight!", ">>{KimJong_Bill} : I have an S3 and I much prefer using my iPad 3 as a tablet compared to my surface. Windows is powerful, but its clumsy to use as a tablet. For instance, on the iPad when you select a field, the keyboard automatically pops up. On the Surface, you instinctively tap the field, then you have to bring up the task bar, select the keyboard, and then tap the field, then type. And the apps are just utter garbage compared to the iPad. The best reddit client is the browser, and after loving Alien Blue, it's so much worse. Certainly being able to run desktop apps is nice, but it's not something I would want to do for everything, although being able to run uTorrent on a tablet still blows my mind. I got my Surface for the digitizer, and I'm not terribly disappointed, but once I graduate at the end of the year I'll probably sell it. I will have to say though, buy used. I got my S3 64GB with the keyboard in like-new condition for $240 on the Amazon Marketplace. Pro 3's can be had for around $400! It's a buyers market for the Surface! Might as well use the poor resale value to your advantage!", ">>{Tainted-Archer} : That's why I wanted one, I'm a student studying Software Engineering so the ability to INSTALL C# is appealing", ">>{pirate_simon} : good, you don't seem at all rattled by trump, and seem very secure in yourself :) . keep it up friend!", ">>{evilr2} : The iPad Air 2 is more a tablet while the Surface, even though advertised as a tablet, is still a PC. I use my Surface Pro like a laptop and very rarely as a tablet. It's just too big as a tablet for casual browsing or reading while in bed or on the couch. It's great if you use a stylus frequently or if you dock it to use as your main PC. It's light and very portable if you need a full PC for travel. I use an iPad and a Surface Pro. Both have their strengths. It's really about what you need in a device. I think the price is fair for the form factor and performance, but there's definitely some value in getting one on the secondary market.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Yet wins so overwhelmingly that they are forced to bend the knee. Now bend it boy.', '>>{tmundt} : None of the governments damn business! Thats what it is. /s', '>>{mcbob58a} : Your economic "expert" Bryce Covert has a BA from Harvard.', '>>{cd411} : > Sounds like its a working message rather then a losing one. At least according to this article. Carrier is still building the factory and the employees shown on the news segment are the employees whose job will **not** be saved. But it is a good PR stunt.....bullshit but still a stunt. (Pence, as governor, denied Carrier this same deal in 2014).', '>>{Mier-} : I would question the durability of the product. I used to rag on MacBooks but the 5-year survival rate is higher than most other laptops.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Can you use homophobe somehow, I am one short on my buzzword bingo.', '>>{funktopus} : I know of at least 4 teachers that voted for him. Even after he said he was to dismantle the education department and his plans for school vouchers. One told me only he could fix the economy.', ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : The US public falling for a PR stunt???? The US public are vulnerable to the most stupid forms of propaganda??? Say it ain't so!", ">>{MSFmotorcycle} : There were 1,300 Carrier employees who were still let go, which makes it a net 300 loss Also, Obama just added 178,000 jobs without having to spend $7 million of tax payers' money", ">>{Mier-} : If you're running Windows 10 then you may not have it in tablet mode. When I tap a field the keyboard pops up and that's on an original surface pro but it needs to be in tablet mode.", ">>{PublicAccount1234} : > national socialism Why hasn't anyone tried this before? It sounds great. If we could just simplify things for people. Instead of all kinds of people, one people. Instead of many nations, one nation. Instead of many leaders, one leader.", '>>{fett4evr} : Do some research on how they started and what they have become. Their history is not what you think it is.', ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : >It's hilarious watching his idiotic followers buying into his every word You realize Bernie's campaign is over, right? Stop bringing it up", ">>{sheeeeeez} : They decided they can't copy Android's model of having numerous high and low end phones and decided to copy Apple's and just have one flagship. Unfortunately no matter what Microsoft does, it could have the best hardware and specs, no one will purchase one without apps like Snapchat.", '>>{PublicAccount1234} : I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee you. It\'s like when a used car salesman says "I guarantee you this car is great."', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : wrong. if there are 2500 going to to Mx before Trump and 1400 going to MX after trump that's a net GAIN of 1100. Had trump lost the election all those jobs would be gone.", ">>{FigFrontflip} : I think you're assuming a little bit much. The phones really are powerful and to me at least, giving up snap chat wasn't a big deal and I have most of what I need. If I don't have my banking app, I can always use Team Viewer to remote in at home and do a transaction. If they brand something like the surface which is familiar to a lot of people, they may have something going for them. I personally would love to see something like that come about. My two cents though!", ">>{academia666} : What makes you think I'm a Sanders supporter, Skippy?", '>>{a_James_Woods} : Trump has the worst tell ever. Just before after he lies he says "Believe me."', '>>{knuckle_drag_racer} : seemed like it worked fine right up until it suddenly and mysteriously didnt. who to blame this time, tho?', ">>{TomoNews} : I think we can go back and forth on the math. But my point is: the subsidy is $700 per worker (if you believe 1,000 jobs were saved). That's a pretty small carrot. What is more likely is the stick was bigger ie an implied threat that UT could lose government contracts. Therefore, I think the focus on the tax incentives are misplaced. We should be focused on the government contracts and questioning if that's how we want to be doing business.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Oh come on, are you really going to remove every comment that says go ahead and cry about it. That's not even a personal attack. As a Trump supporter you guys allow everyone here to call me a nazi, a racist, thin skinned, a pussy etc yet my comment always get removed.", '>>{S_Bek} : Obama already does this when he drones wedding parties.', '>>{obrysii} : Because the statement doesn\'t make sense. Make America Great Again means what, exactly? When was America "great"? Was it in the \'70s, while we were in Vietnam and we had fuel shortages? Was in in the \'60s when we were in Vietnam and civil rights were barely a thing? Was it in the \'50s, with segregation in full effect? The \'40s, while we were involved in a world war? The \'30s, when the poor and middle class lost nearly everything to the Great Depression? Or was it even *further* back, to the mid-1800s, with slavery? When was the United States "great"?', '>>{JPN2214} : Unifying the brand as they should.... I like the idea. Although my Nokia love twinges a wee bit.', ">>{leonoel} : Quote from the original report >“Women and girl migrants, especially those without legal status traveling in remote areas or on trains, are at heightened risk of sexual violence at the hands of criminal gangs, people traffickers, other migrants or corrupt officials,” They get raped in their journey, they don't get raped by the other immigrants (that also probably happens, but not with the frequency you think)", ">>{RIPrince} : Don't let it bother you. We should all work on getting a thicker skin!", ">>{RIPrince} : All he want's to do is SLOGAN guys! Why don't you want to SLOGAN!?!?", ">>{fett4evr} : So you would rather have the epitome of corporate greed bought and paid for politician? Isn't that what you all are trying to keep out of politics? You would rather have the person who is backed by Wall Street and the 1% as president? Isn't that why so many millennials have gotten involved in politics, to stop that?", '>>{BlondWhiteMale} : Sticks and stones, whatever happened to that way of thinking?', '>>{JPN2214} : So far there have been very few proper Surface rivals or even killers', ">>{thenoisymerc} : Okay, so I'm a student and I use the surface 3. For what I do(note taking, browsing, netflix and MS office), the 4GB variant is more than enough. The size feels right and the device isn't heavy at all. Despite that, it's a very well made device and the build quality is superb. The main issues I have are the battery life(it's good, but not iPad level good), the tablet app store sucks ass and some weird Windows 10 bugs. So, yes, it's a well made device, but it's a bit overpriced.", ">>{joshikus} : There's actually a toggle in the settings on W10 to enable bringing up the touch keyboard the first time you tap on a field. Have it set on my Dell Venue 8 Pro.", ">>{MagaMagaChooChoo} : Huffington post is not a news source. It is propaganda. Why is it even allowed in here? Oh right, because this isn't a place to discuss politics, it's a liberal echo chamber that censors conservative viewpoints. I forgot for a second.", ">>{MagaMagaChooChoo} : I can't wait to see the crying when hillary loses. It's going to be amazing!", '>>{FC-Exile} : Terrorists, illegals and black losers matter, = everyone? un huh.', ">>{nocigssincemar1} : He's been very careful to avoid hurting the feelings of aggrieved white men that think they have it the worst in the US.", ">>{rtv190} : Yay, nice to know I'm not the only one using a 940", '>>{rtv190} : Or they could just squeeze a Core M3 or M5 in it', ">>{NabiscoLobstrosity} : So Microsoft has killed it's phone lineup, then bought Nokia for its lineup, then it killed off the Nokia phones and stopped development on its phone OS. And now it's back to working on a mobile lineup??? Can Microsoft just make up its mind already? Either do mobile or don't do it. Stop jumping between reviving it and killing it off.", '>>{bfwilley} : Lets see.........the offended are. Social Justice Warriors, Armchair Slacktivists, Generation Snowflake, Repressives, neo-privileged classes, cry-bullies. Check, check, check, check, check and check. No problem here, on target and under budget. Job#1. 9md', ">>{NabiscoLobstrosity} : That's most likely, in my opinion. The atoms are underpowered for computer use in my experience. An m3 or m5 could probably do the trick - if they can get power consumption down a bit more.", ">>{acc2016} : Generally, Win10 mobile is pretty good, I like it a lot. It's still not stable, and not necessarily because it crashes, but because they're making minor changes here and there, from build to build. One example I can think of is like this: one day the screen brightness settings are labeled as dark-bright-brighter-brightest, and the next update, it says it's 25%-50%-75%-100%. Most of the time you wouldn't even notice it, but it's as if they're still experimenting and trying to fine tune stuff. Anyway, the problem's still apps, so if you're a heavy user, you'd find it wanting, but there seems to have enough apps to satisfy a lot of people.", ">>{ghese} : When did they stop development for it's phone OS? I just got another update for my Lumia 950 XL the other day", '>>{VolMarek} : Get out of your parents basement. No, really.', ">>{bfwilley} : Ha I am truly shattered by you obvious overwhelming whit and intellectual turn of a phrase. That liberal arts jr college certificate you got was well worth it and the blue vest you're wearing from walmart brings out the blue in your eyes..........................No really!", '>>{VolMarek} : It\'s "wit" not "whit", you halfwit', ">>{bfwilley} : SNAP! just bait for a grammar and spelling rat. Can't make a thoughtful or reasoned response, let alone anything vaguely humorous; so goes after spelling or grammar. You've been caught rodent, your not funny; but some what mickey mouse................", '>>{bfwilley} : Oh this will look good on Voat, Thanks.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{therecordcorrected} : An expert breaks down Trump’s Carrier deal: ‘Ineffective’ and ‘very costly’', ">>{poopy_mcgee} : This is going to be a recurring theme with Trump. He's not actually going to fix any of the things that he said he would (because he can't) ...he's just going to use the media and Twitter to make it seem like he's solving problems...and his supporters will eat it up.", '>>{knuckle_drag_racer} : national socialism. give aways to corporations supposedly for the sake of employment.', '>>{Caveat-Emperor} : Just like all his other deals. Everything Il Douche touches fails. Get ready.', ">>{SmartLiberalGenius} : If he put his daddy's money in a bank he'd be a trillionaire. He's actually lost money compared to how it would have grown in a savings account. Sad!", ">>{6p6ss6} : > 'Ineffective' and 'very costly' What history will say about the Trump Administration. > Yet at least half of the company’s Indiana jobs will still go to Mexico. We will tilt so much at windmills that we will get tired of tilting, folks!", '>>{Echost} : > and his supporters will eat it up. I voted for Obama, but I didn\'t like everything he did. When certain things were taking a lot of heat, or sounded too good, I\'d look into them. So it blows my mind that Trumps supporters literally can\'t do this. At least to recognize that "yeah, it isn\'t great"...but nope...', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : >Then the state’s residents are all on the hook to pay the piper. That's less than a penny a month per taxpayer, of which there are 1,100 more than yesterday - expert, HA!", ">>{omegaclick} : But he wouldn't have hundreds of huge phallic symbols all around the globe with his name on them. Talk about compensating....", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : If Trump gave up that much to UT and Carrier I wonder how poorly he'll renegotiate NAFTA and the TPP.", ">>{Disgod} : We didn't buy out, nationalize, or invest in Carrier, nor did keep most of the jobs, we just handed them more money. That's not socialism, [that's fascism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economics_of_fascism) > Feldman and Mason argue that fascism is distinguished by an absence of coherent economic ideology and an absence of serious economic thinking. **They state that the decisions taken by fascist leaders cannot be explained within a logical economic framework.** This deal sure as hell makes no logical economic sense, is a give away to the rich, and is all about optics to pretend to cater to his base.", '>>{nlyles1} : Because it sets an awful precedent. If I give you 7 million dollars because I won\'t want your company to leave, what happens when other companies threaten to leave? They\'re gonna say "hey, give me money too." And eventually you\'re gonna have to say no, and eventually I\'m gonna start looking really bad. In fact all this does is incentivize companies to threaten to leave. If I can pretend to leave and get money from you I\'m gonna do it.', '>>{SmartLiberalGenius} : If my daddy gave me a billion dollars does it mean I worked hard for it?', '>>{Hardy723} : >“Most of the regulations will be gone,” Trump said. “We need regulations for safety but most of the regulations are nonsense.” I can\'t wait until someone sits Trump down with a book of regulations and explains why he can\'t simply eliminate 90% of them. "Freon\'s cheaper? Then bring it back! Who cares about ozone?? Pssst.. Steve....what\'s ozone?"', '>>{TomoNews} : What I read is that $7,000,000 in tax incentives are spread out over 10 years ie that is $700,000 in savings per year. The deal "saves" 1,000 jobs, or about $700 per job saved. What I also read is that the union workers get paid around $25 per hour, compared with $5 per hour in Mexico. That is about $48,000,000 in total labor cost ($25 x 160 hours per month x 12 months x 1,000 workers = $48,000,000). If Mexican labor costs are 20%, the potential labor savings is $38,400,000 per year. $38,400,000 > $700,000. What I also read is that the $700,000 in tax incentives comes from a program the state of Indiana already had in place to keep jobs, and that United Technologies had rejected earlier tax incentive programs. So why would United Technologies accept a measly $700,000 in tax incentives, when it stands to save so much more by moving to Mexico? The answer is its government contracting business, which accounts for about 10% of its $56 billion in annual revenue. $5.6 billion > $38,400,000 > $700,000. From the view point of United Technologies, this deal only makes sense if you think you\'re going to lose between $38.4 million and $5.6 billion in government contract revenue. Whether Trump implied this as a threat, we don\'t know. Whether he could carry out such a threat is open to debate (government contracts are highly regulated). But anyone who thinks that United Technologies was enticed by $700,000 a year in tax incentives is not paying attention to the math.', ">>{SmartLiberalGenius} : Yes, pointing out that the guy that inherited most of his money and bankrupted a shitload of businesses and is literally a conman mean's I'm pulling a ruse on you. How do people fall for his shtick?", '>>{nlyles1} : Because it sets an awful precedent. If I give you 7 million dollars because I won\'t want your company to leave, what happens when other companies threaten to leave? They\'re gonna say "hey, give me money too." And eventually you\'re gonna have to say no, and eventually I\'m gonna start looking really bad. In fact all this does is incentivize companies to threaten to leave. If I can pretend to leave and get money from you I\'m gonna do it.', '>>{AmazingAnytime} : >*asks question* >*gets answer* >*lobs insult for answering the question*', ">>{NorbertDupner} : No one has any idea if he's a multi billionaire or not. He has given us no tax return to examine.", '>>{m-flo} : Ahhh, the height of intellect from the Trumpettes camp. As excepted.', ">>{huey_and_riley} : Because we paid a company $7 Million to still ship 1300 jobs to Mexico. Yes, Trump saved 800, a pitiful 38% of the jobs he promised to save. I'm happy for the families that have their jobs saved, but saddened for the ones who Trump gave false hope to.", ">>{huey_and_riley} : So essentially we paid them for nothing. In addition it's really only 800 jobs saved, not 1100 like Trump said. Terrible deal maker. He comes in with all the leverage and ends up giving away free money, courtesy of the Indiana taxpayers.", '>>{TomoNews} : The leverage here is not the $700,000 per year tax incentive. That means nothing to a company with $56 billion in annual revenue. The incentive here is UT gets to keep its government contracts.', '>>{STUMPIN_FOR_TRUMP} : Despite all this evidence, however, these deals remain incredibly popular, according to Jensen’s research. “Voters really do reward politicians for this,” he said. “Previous work says that Pence and Trump will get political credit for doing this.” Sounds like its a working message rather then a losing one. At least according to this article.', '>>{a_James_Woods} : Yes, people who study facts and issues in America have been woefully over represented.', '>>{ChrisFromLongIsland} : While I generally agree with your concept the math is a little off. Starting off with the 34 million. Trump only "saved" 40% of the jobs so call it 13 million. Then I am sure the jobs that were saved were one that they saved the least amount of money so I would cut the 13 million in half to 6.5 million. So they are getting a $700,000 in welfare but will not save 6.5 million. I agree the difference between those 2 numbers is threats to pull the business from carrier. The other side of threats to pull business is now to leave business with UT when it does not make sense. This would make this another loss for the taxpayers. If the contracts with UT could be pulled and given to another contractor to save 1% but now don\'t the taxpayers now just lost 60 million dollars.', '>>{tmundt} : None of the governments damn business! Thats what it is. /s', '>>{mcbob58a} : Your economic "expert" Bryce Covert has a BA from Harvard.', '>>{cd411} : > Sounds like its a working message rather then a losing one. At least according to this article. Carrier is still building the factory and the employees shown on the news segment are the employees whose job will **not** be saved. But it is a good PR stunt.....bullshit but still a stunt. (Pence, as governor, denied Carrier this same deal in 2014).', '>>{funktopus} : I know of at least 4 teachers that voted for him. Even after he said he was to dismantle the education department and his plans for school vouchers. One told me only he could fix the economy.', ">>{Caveat-Emperor} : The US public falling for a PR stunt???? The US public are vulnerable to the most stupid forms of propaganda??? Say it ain't so!", ">>{MSFmotorcycle} : There were 1,300 Carrier employees who were still let go, which makes it a net 300 loss Also, Obama just added 178,000 jobs without having to spend $7 million of tax payers' money", ">>{PublicAccount1234} : > national socialism Why hasn't anyone tried this before? It sounds great. If we could just simplify things for people. Instead of all kinds of people, one people. Instead of many nations, one nation. Instead of many leaders, one leader.", '>>{PublicAccount1234} : I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee you. It\'s like when a used car salesman says "I guarantee you this car is great."', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : wrong. if there are 2500 going to to Mx before Trump and 1400 going to MX after trump that's a net GAIN of 1100. Had trump lost the election all those jobs would be gone.", '>>{a_James_Woods} : Trump has the worst tell ever. Just before after he lies he says "Believe me."', '>>{knuckle_drag_racer} : seemed like it worked fine right up until it suddenly and mysteriously didnt. who to blame this time, tho?', ">>{TomoNews} : I think we can go back and forth on the math. But my point is: the subsidy is $700 per worker (if you believe 1,000 jobs were saved). That's a pretty small carrot. What is more likely is the stick was bigger ie an implied threat that UT could lose government contracts. Therefore, I think the focus on the tax incentives are misplaced. We should be focused on the government contracts and questioning if that's how we want to be doing business."], ['>>{grepnork} : Microsoft set to kill off Lumia devices in favour of rumoured Surface Phone', ">>{For_Frig_Sakes} : I really love my lumia, easily the best phone I've ever used. I hope the surface is as good.", '>>{temporarilyyours} : So... an anonymous rumor about rumored activity to switch to a rumored phone disclosed by rumored anonymous internal sources?', ">>{Danze1984} : Still using my L925. Hope they bring one out soon, I'm starting to want an upgrade now. How's Windows 10 running? I'm still happy with 8.1. e. What does this mean for someone like my girlfriend; who isn't into tech at all? She definitely won't want a top of the range Surface Phone, but loves how simple the UI is on her 640.", '>>{andrewdrisc} : Feels like a logical step, the Surface tablets have a good name, expand the brand!', ">>{PagPag93} : A surface phone!? Sweet! (what's a surface phone?)", '>>{HapticSloughton} : Overall, Windows 10 is good. I shut down all the "send data back to MS" stuff, and I\'ve re-configured a few things to look like Windows 7. Other than a few things that are obviously "tablet-y" and having to hunt for a few things that moved a bit from previous versions, it hasn\'t been onerous. I\'ll also say it seems to handle memory a lot better. I\'ve had some issues with apps and browser windows eating RAM in the past, and those seemed to diminish noticeably under Win10. Your mileage may vary, of course.', ">>{Danze1984} : I mean on mobile. I already use W10 on my desktop, although I'm still not sure whether I prefer it to 7 yet.", ">>{Tainted-Archer} : I have an IPad Air 2 and I was looking at purchasing one but the price put me off. How is the performance and what are pros/cons if you don't mind me asking ?", '>>{rtechie1} : The story I hear is that Microsoft is killing the Lumia line to replace it with nothing. The problem with a Surface Phone is that Windows on ARM is dead, the Surface Phone would have to run Windows 10 and focus on Continuum, but Intel is killing the Atom line and leaving the mobile market. That leaves the Surface Phone without a CPU.', ">>{grepnork} : MS have four products in the market, no updates scheduled, have [aggressively discounted](http://www.winbeta.org/news/lumia-950-950-xl-prices-continue-drop-now-e299-e399-europe) their stock [globally](http://www.winbeta.org/news/microsoft-cuts-price-lumia-650-109-uk-e129-elsewhere-europe), Lumia phones are being deprioritised in Microsoft's own retail stores, online the link to Lumia is gone from the US homepage and its other online stores. Redstone 2 is due in Q1 2017 meaning the likely death of the Lumia would be Q4 2016 giving MS some breathing space between Apple and Samsung launches, **then** we have an anonymous source from Microsoft confirming the bloody obvious.", '>>{NessInOnett} : I\'m not him .. but I use a Surface Pro 3 at work as a desktop replacement. It\'s fantastic. I have it in a dock set up with dual 24" monitors.. really nice setup. I\'m a software dev and do a lot of compiling and database work and it runs like a champ.. performance feels like a mid to high end laptop. When I need to work from home, I just pop it off the dock and bring it home and I have all my work with me. VPN into the office and I have everything I need without needing to use remote desktop. Here is an old pic I took: http://i.imgur.com/DfWHbom.jpg I\'ve only had a few issues. My Fiio E10k headphone amp (next to my left monitor in that picture) for whatever reason crashes my Surface sometimes.. but that\'s probably an issue with the Fiio driver. Fan can get pretty damn noisy when I stress the CPU. A few times I\'ve had issues with it waking up/turning on, and have had to boot into the BIOS to get it back to life. I don\'t do anything in the bios, just the simple act of entering the bios and rebooting fixes most issues.', '>>{atomicvocabulary} : I would buy a surface phone. I want the ability to turn it into a desktop though. Like with the Intel PC sticks I want the ability to plug it into a TV or monitor and it be a PC.', '>>{For_Frig_Sakes} : I can do that with my lumia with continuum I can connect a monitor a mouse and a keyboard.', ">>{KimJong_Bill} : I have an S3 and I much prefer using my iPad 3 as a tablet compared to my surface. Windows is powerful, but its clumsy to use as a tablet. For instance, on the iPad when you select a field, the keyboard automatically pops up. On the Surface, you instinctively tap the field, then you have to bring up the task bar, select the keyboard, and then tap the field, then type. And the apps are just utter garbage compared to the iPad. The best reddit client is the browser, and after loving Alien Blue, it's so much worse. Certainly being able to run desktop apps is nice, but it's not something I would want to do for everything, although being able to run uTorrent on a tablet still blows my mind. I got my Surface for the digitizer, and I'm not terribly disappointed, but once I graduate at the end of the year I'll probably sell it. I will have to say though, buy used. I got my S3 64GB with the keyboard in like-new condition for $240 on the Amazon Marketplace. Pro 3's can be had for around $400! It's a buyers market for the Surface! Might as well use the poor resale value to your advantage!", ">>{Tainted-Archer} : That's why I wanted one, I'm a student studying Software Engineering so the ability to INSTALL C# is appealing", ">>{evilr2} : The iPad Air 2 is more a tablet while the Surface, even though advertised as a tablet, is still a PC. I use my Surface Pro like a laptop and very rarely as a tablet. It's just too big as a tablet for casual browsing or reading while in bed or on the couch. It's great if you use a stylus frequently or if you dock it to use as your main PC. It's light and very portable if you need a full PC for travel. I use an iPad and a Surface Pro. Both have their strengths. It's really about what you need in a device. I think the price is fair for the form factor and performance, but there's definitely some value in getting one on the secondary market.", '>>{Mier-} : I would question the durability of the product. I used to rag on MacBooks but the 5-year survival rate is higher than most other laptops.', ">>{Mier-} : If you're running Windows 10 then you may not have it in tablet mode. When I tap a field the keyboard pops up and that's on an original surface pro but it needs to be in tablet mode.", ">>{sheeeeeez} : They decided they can't copy Android's model of having numerous high and low end phones and decided to copy Apple's and just have one flagship. Unfortunately no matter what Microsoft does, it could have the best hardware and specs, no one will purchase one without apps like Snapchat.", ">>{FigFrontflip} : I think you're assuming a little bit much. The phones really are powerful and to me at least, giving up snap chat wasn't a big deal and I have most of what I need. If I don't have my banking app, I can always use Team Viewer to remote in at home and do a transaction. If they brand something like the surface which is familiar to a lot of people, they may have something going for them. I personally would love to see something like that come about. My two cents though!", '>>{JPN2214} : Unifying the brand as they should.... I like the idea. Although my Nokia love twinges a wee bit.', '>>{JPN2214} : So far there have been very few proper Surface rivals or even killers', ">>{thenoisymerc} : Okay, so I'm a student and I use the surface 3. For what I do(note taking, browsing, netflix and MS office), the 4GB variant is more than enough. The size feels right and the device isn't heavy at all. Despite that, it's a very well made device and the build quality is superb. The main issues I have are the battery life(it's good, but not iPad level good), the tablet app store sucks ass and some weird Windows 10 bugs. So, yes, it's a well made device, but it's a bit overpriced.", ">>{joshikus} : There's actually a toggle in the settings on W10 to enable bringing up the touch keyboard the first time you tap on a field. Have it set on my Dell Venue 8 Pro.", ">>{rtv190} : Yay, nice to know I'm not the only one using a 940", '>>{rtv190} : Or they could just squeeze a Core M3 or M5 in it', ">>{NabiscoLobstrosity} : So Microsoft has killed it's phone lineup, then bought Nokia for its lineup, then it killed off the Nokia phones and stopped development on its phone OS. And now it's back to working on a mobile lineup??? Can Microsoft just make up its mind already? Either do mobile or don't do it. Stop jumping between reviving it and killing it off.", ">>{NabiscoLobstrosity} : That's most likely, in my opinion. The atoms are underpowered for computer use in my experience. An m3 or m5 could probably do the trick - if they can get power consumption down a bit more.", ">>{acc2016} : Generally, Win10 mobile is pretty good, I like it a lot. It's still not stable, and not necessarily because it crashes, but because they're making minor changes here and there, from build to build. One example I can think of is like this: one day the screen brightness settings are labeled as dark-bright-brighter-brightest, and the next update, it says it's 25%-50%-75%-100%. Most of the time you wouldn't even notice it, but it's as if they're still experimenting and trying to fine tune stuff. Anyway, the problem's still apps, so if you're a heavy user, you'd find it wanting, but there seems to have enough apps to satisfy a lot of people.", ">>{ghese} : When did they stop development for it's phone OS? I just got another update for my Lumia 950 XL the other day"], [">>{readerseven} : 'Completely Out of Touch': Huckabee Hammers Michelle Obama Over Trump 'Hope'Comments", '>>{shelbys_foot} : Mike Huckabee, - trying his goddammest to make himself relevant somehow.', ">>{The_Write_Stuff} : Huckabee calling someone else out of touch. That's hilarious.", ">>{irishstevenj} : When's the last time Huckabee actually had to publicly speak to someone with even modestly different views from his?", '>>{sedgwickian} : Remember, Huckabee thinks that Ted "let\'s kill the president" Nugent is a better role model for America\'s children than Beyonce.', '>>{dam_3} : Rumor has it that he running for governor of Florida in 2018 *shudders*', ">>{branamuffin} : Most americans rejected him, so I'd say she has her finger on the pulse.", ">>{RussianRotary} : unlike trump supporters, who can't feel shame at their own ignorance.", ">>{RussianRotary} : Huckabee and all of fox is out of touch with real americans too. They think trump is a normal person when he is clearly not. They don't see any reason why trump is wrong because they agree with the trump worldview, the sexist, racist, liberal-hating worldview.", ">>{LBJ20XX} : Going to get slaughtered for this one but fuck it, I've had a good life. He's not wrong. The type of hope she's talking about not having is based on this idea that when Trump takes over it's back to segregated water fountains, internment camps for Muslims, LGBTQ folk getting tarred and feathered, women having pussies grabbed left and right, every illegal immigrant getting thrown back to wherever they came from and the complete devastation of the country. In other words, she has no hope about a future that may not even happen. And for the record, I don't think it's going to happen at all (or anywhere close) which is why I happen to agree with Huckabee on this one. She does seem just a little out of touch. Fuck, just kill me now. Now, I'll go put lock myself in the torture stock so you can throw rotten fruit at me.", ">>{chasingthrowaway} : It's not that they don't know, it's that they don't give a fuck"], ['>>{VolMarek} : A Reminder That Donald Trump Has Offended Pretty Much Everyone During His Campaign', ">>{JZcgQR2N} : If you have to remind people about this, then you're just being desperate.", ">>{Footfungi} : He's an equal opportunity offender! He's committed to true equality! What a man!", ">>{fett4evr} : I'm offended by how much hatred liberals have for America. Since when is wanting to Make America Great Again such a bad thing?", '>>{MODS-ARE-EVIL} : If everyone has been offended by Trump, then everyone has been equally offended, therefore no one has been offended.', ">>{walnut_of_doom} : Not me, because I'm not a soft skinned pussy. Just saying.", ">>{Grsz11} : I'm less worried about him being a bigot or sexist than I am the fact he's just an incompetent narcissist.", '>>{Taskforcem85} : [They missed his best comment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zuq_AHSREJI) > "When you\'re dealing with these terrorists you have to take out their families"', ">>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : He's certainly on a warpath to offend everybody's intelligence.", ">>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : That's all that is left in this sub. Thin-skinned pussies getting steamrolled by common sense Trump supporters. lol", '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : I honestly believe they want us to be a third world country. Basic income and unlimited illegal immigration lol wtf?', ">>{gimmiegimmienow} : Liberals keep trying to make this race about buzzwords and how offended they are by the big meanie. That's a losing strategy.", '>>{POUND_MY_ANUS} : you forgot a few buzzwords like hitler and xenophobe but other than that nice work', '>>{fett4evr} : The want us to be a one party country. A democrat party country. They are after wealth and power are exploiting us to get it.', '>>{academia666} : Trump - the biggest thin-skinned pussy in the world. Nice candidate.', '>>{Grsz11} : Why do conservatives hate America? America IS great.', '>>{AJ_Smith} : I, in fact, laughed quite a bit.', '>>{pirate_simon} : it seems donald hurt your feelings somewhere along the way. Sorry man, it sucks when someone picks on you and hurts your feelings :(', ">>{academia666} : Not at all. I'm secure in who I am and can laugh at myself. Trump is so bothered by someone saying he had short fingers years ago, he's STILL talking about it. What a heavyweight!", ">>{pirate_simon} : good, you don't seem at all rattled by trump, and seem very secure in yourself :) . keep it up friend!", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Yet wins so overwhelmingly that they are forced to bend the knee. Now bend it boy.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Can you use homophobe somehow, I am one short on my buzzword bingo.', '>>{fett4evr} : Do some research on how they started and what they have become. Their history is not what you think it is.', ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : >It's hilarious watching his idiotic followers buying into his every word You realize Bernie's campaign is over, right? Stop bringing it up", ">>{academia666} : What makes you think I'm a Sanders supporter, Skippy?", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Oh come on, are you really going to remove every comment that says go ahead and cry about it. That's not even a personal attack. As a Trump supporter you guys allow everyone here to call me a nazi, a racist, thin skinned, a pussy etc yet my comment always get removed.", '>>{S_Bek} : Obama already does this when he drones wedding parties.', '>>{obrysii} : Because the statement doesn\'t make sense. Make America Great Again means what, exactly? When was America "great"? Was it in the \'70s, while we were in Vietnam and we had fuel shortages? Was in in the \'60s when we were in Vietnam and civil rights were barely a thing? Was it in the \'50s, with segregation in full effect? The \'40s, while we were involved in a world war? The \'30s, when the poor and middle class lost nearly everything to the Great Depression? Or was it even *further* back, to the mid-1800s, with slavery? When was the United States "great"?', ">>{leonoel} : Quote from the original report >“Women and girl migrants, especially those without legal status traveling in remote areas or on trains, are at heightened risk of sexual violence at the hands of criminal gangs, people traffickers, other migrants or corrupt officials,” They get raped in their journey, they don't get raped by the other immigrants (that also probably happens, but not with the frequency you think)", ">>{RIPrince} : Don't let it bother you. We should all work on getting a thicker skin!", ">>{RIPrince} : All he want's to do is SLOGAN guys! Why don't you want to SLOGAN!?!?", ">>{fett4evr} : So you would rather have the epitome of corporate greed bought and paid for politician? Isn't that what you all are trying to keep out of politics? You would rather have the person who is backed by Wall Street and the 1% as president? Isn't that why so many millennials have gotten involved in politics, to stop that?", '>>{BlondWhiteMale} : Sticks and stones, whatever happened to that way of thinking?', ">>{MagaMagaChooChoo} : Huffington post is not a news source. It is propaganda. Why is it even allowed in here? Oh right, because this isn't a place to discuss politics, it's a liberal echo chamber that censors conservative viewpoints. I forgot for a second.", ">>{MagaMagaChooChoo} : I can't wait to see the crying when hillary loses. It's going to be amazing!", '>>{FC-Exile} : Terrorists, illegals and black losers matter, = everyone? un huh.', ">>{nocigssincemar1} : He's been very careful to avoid hurting the feelings of aggrieved white men that think they have it the worst in the US.", '>>{bfwilley} : Lets see.........the offended are. Social Justice Warriors, Armchair Slacktivists, Generation Snowflake, Repressives, neo-privileged classes, cry-bullies. Check, check, check, check, check and check. No problem here, on target and under budget. Job#1. 9md', '>>{VolMarek} : Get out of your parents basement. No, really.', ">>{bfwilley} : Ha I am truly shattered by you obvious overwhelming whit and intellectual turn of a phrase. That liberal arts jr college certificate you got was well worth it and the blue vest you're wearing from walmart brings out the blue in your eyes..........................No really!", '>>{VolMarek} : It\'s "wit" not "whit", you halfwit', ">>{bfwilley} : SNAP! just bait for a grammar and spelling rat. Can't make a thoughtful or reasoned response, let alone anything vaguely humorous; so goes after spelling or grammar. You've been caught rodent, your not funny; but some what mickey mouse................", '>>{bfwilley} : Oh this will look good on Voat, Thanks.'], ['>>{pandaeconomics} : Election Update: What If Clinton Wins North Carolina — And Loses Pennsylvania?', ">>{SATexas1} : Ed Randell said this morning he believed there were a lot of hidden trump votes in PA. Maybe he was being an alarmist to stoke voter turnout but that's what he said.", '>>{CNegan} : No way she loses Pennsylvania. That ""battleground"" state is about as solid blue as solid blue can get.', '>>{pandaeconomics} : I think the article is still encouraging. He has very little room for error and Trump is all about error.', '>>{Infernalism} : http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/pa/pennsylvania_trump_vs_clinton-5633.html Not complacent, but it looks very unlikely that Trump will win Pennsylvania.', '>>{Roseking} : No, I get that. Nate likes to do what if articles all the time. I am from PA. I really do not want him to win here.', ">>{pandaeconomics} : People are afraid to outwardly support Hillary in conservative areas for backlash in marriages or at churches. People are afraid to outwardly support Trump here in dark-blue Massachusetts because they don't want to be judged by friends and colleagues. As I'm in grad school now, I'm sure there's some silent supporters around the econ department, but they'd never say so.", '>>{jmktimelord} : For him to win in that scenario he also has to flip Ohio, Iowa, Florida, and New Hampshire. That is improbable at this point in the race; it was unlikely even at the start.', '>>{irishstevenj} : Nate is gonna throw every fucking what if he can think of at the wall after missing Trump in the primaries to make sure he covers himself. I\'d be shocked if he doesn\'t put up a "What if Clinton wins Alaska?" column by Wednesday.', ">>{pandaeconomics} : I thought he was doing alright in Ohio. Florida and Iowa looked close in some polling that I've seen. NH is probably out of reach though.", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : No one that even remotely understands economics wants Donnie to win, his policies are toxic.', ">>{SATexas1} : I totally agree, I think it's embarrassing to support trump because he's a damn joke, but lots of people think Hillary is worse. Who knows what someone will do when alone in a voting booth", '>>{44Tall} : How many highly educated and experienced economists do you have on YOUR team advising you?', '>>{pandaeconomics} : Well, of course...but there\'s sexists and racists hiding all over the place. Hopefully that doesn\'t get the best of us this year; nationally, of course. I was so excited when he was laying out "economics policies" but I really shouldn\'t have been. :/', '>>{bigus_dikus} : I highly doubt the Comey news will shift 5 points to Trump.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : Well, it's not California. But it's just light blue enough to give GOP false hope every four years.", ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : These comments are to promote turnout in Philly. I wouldn't take his comment literally. He's got skin in the game.", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Sure, but those same voters also think economists are wrong (wrongly). It\'s sad that he\'s selling them on "helping" when his policies couldn\'t be worse for those groups. Look at what the Bush tax cuts did for them and multiply it by 10.', '>>{Pvt_Larry} : Pennsylvania is the flirty lab partner that will never actually go out with the GOP.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Well, the mid section says yes, but the head and feet say NO!', ">>{jmktimelord} : Last polls I saw showed Clinton up in all of those states. And let's be honest - he's not going to flip PA, or NH for that matter.", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : About 134 for the company I work for, we don't make any major decisions without referring to their analysis."]]
classify and reply
['>>{SwirlyCloudsOfDoom} : Good. The less far right allies for Trumps administration the better.', ">>{mricehockey} : House Dem 'absolutely convinced' storm around Nunes's revelations started in Oval Office", ">>{manster62} : This would be funny if it weren't sad and disastrous for the country. 1)POTUS tweets complete lies to his rabble to rustle their jimmies. 2)those around him and hardcore party faithful, scramble to bend the truth and obfuscate in attempt to make honey out of horseshit. 3)POTUS says other stupid things to water down his last stupid thing.", '>>{71tsiser} : House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes will temporarily step away from Russia probe, reports say', '>>{ulikeri4} : Maybe this is the start of the "sanity backlash".', '>>{yobsmezn} : >“There’s no question in my mind that the president, with the aid of his national security adviser staff, came up with some kind of a ruse to try and suggest there was some kind of validity” to Trump’s claims he had been wiretapped by President Obama, Speier said. Richard Nixon went down for shit like this.', ">>{CharlieDarwin2} : Hundreds could still lose jobs at Carrier's Indianapolis plant, despite Trump deal", '>>{ghqwertt} : It would be crazy is Trump went down not because of Russia-Lago, but because of one of his Saturday morning rants.', '>>{tank_trap} : Nunes is a Trump surrogate at this point. The House Intelligence investigation is already tainted. Nunes needs to go to jail along with Trump.', '>>{DrDaniels} : > Norbert Hofer, the Freedom party candidate, won 46.7 per cent of the vote in Sunday’s contest according to early results and projections. His opponent Alexander Van der Bellen, a Green politician who ran as an independent, won 53.3 per cent. a .', '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Fox actually questioning Trump???????? My god.', ">>{yobsmezn} : It makes sense, though. Putin must be bricking himself right now knowing Trump is so indiscreet he'll probaby blurt out something that leads to the truth on all this.", '>>{nomadicposter} : I hope Europeans saw how insane things are getting after Trump won and realized they cannot continue going down that path.', '>>{wil_daven_} : Great! Maybe now the HIC can have a productive investigation', '>>{InertiaInMyPants} : It is unfortunate, our only silver lining here is what a joke it is. At the end of the day... we are still being ran by a bunch of crooks.', ">>{Time4Red} : It is, although the Austrian president is mostly a symbolic position. But still, it's a symbolic victory, especially for green parties around the globe.", '>>{AnarkistReese} : So…by temporarily you mean until the White House hands him some new documents discrediting the next big connection that comes up?', '>>{yeti77} : Nunes getting hung out to dry is really great though. A real lesson to anyone who will stick their necks out for these people.', '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : The only good fascists are defeated, deprogrammed, or dead.', ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : >Nevertheless the strong showing by the Freedom party — which was founded by former Nazis in the 1950s — is still likely to be seen as a boost for Marine Le Pen, leader of the France’s National Front ahead of her country’s presidential election next year. Herbert Kickl, who ran Mr Hofer’s campaign, described the vote as “historic” for the Freedom party. If you bothered to read, you'd realize this is one of those instances where calling someone a Nazi isn't far from the truth.", '>>{1LT_Obvious} : Provided this even happens, he needs to stop away permanently. There is no reason Devin Nunes should play any part in this investigation other than "person being investigated".', '>>{McNuttyNutz} : Nunes needs to wipe the orange make up off his mouth', ">>{viccar0} : How intriguing that weeks of GOP whitewashing still couldn't prevent this.", '>>{GrandPumba} : Sane, decent people grounded in realism need a rallying cry right now. A "sanity backlash" or something worded like that would be a good idea.', ">>{WalkingDad} : ~~I would explain the meaning of Cornflowers, their connections with Hofer and their use in the neo-nazi scene but I doubt that you even know the name of the politician you're trying to defend.~~ This is why Trump won amiright xD", '>>{sunnieskye1} : Nixon: "I am not a crook!" trump seems to be following Nixon\'s playbook and hoping for a different ending. We all know what the definition of insanity is, right?', '>>{kleo80} : I was astonished to see Putin get on TV and make a personal denial of all this—typically, he wouldn\'t even dignify it with an answer. Reminds me of the adage (I\'m paraphrasing): "whoever\'s asking the questions is in charge of the conversation, and whoever\'s answering them is not". For those who didn\'t watch: http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2017/03/30/putin-denies-russian-meddling-watch-my-lips-no.html?via=mobile&source=copyurl', ">>{kleo80} : I don't know, went over to RealClearPolitics and there were at least three National Review articles gracing the front page. I always thought of RCP as lean-right but an otherwise solid aggregator. Guess not.", '>>{rPOLITICS-IN-MY-ANUS} : Trump cures 80% of the various cancer strains, leaves 20% of the cancer patientsto to die. REEEEEEEE', '>>{Motagada} : You guys this just came in from my anonymous sources, it says Obama cheat on a math test in middle school and Hillary Clinton cat in a human costume. I must get this to the white house immediately. Isn\'t that the white house letterhead at the top? This came from very trusted sources who have been researching this for years. It says "From the desk on President Trump on it?"', '>>{billyhorton} : A 1,000 people will lose their jobs. The other 600 jobs are being subsidized by tax payers and Carrier already previously said 400 were already staying in TN.', '>>{so--what} : In your view, what criteria would warrant Nazi analogies meant to warn people of ascending far-right demagogues? Clearly, you feel these criteria are not met in this case, so what are they?', ">>{AnarkistReese} : Ah yes Hilary Clinton is a cat, I knew it all along. Better hide the catnip though, I bet Jeff Sessions wouldn't know the difference between that and marijuana.", ">>{rPOLITICS-IN-MY-ANUS} : The Democratic party was founded by slave owners, but I'm guessing you won't concede you're the party of slavery? Racist dems, still at it!", ">>{sedgwickian} : 1000 are losing their jobs. 850 are saving theirs. And we are all going to lose out because Trump has signaled to American industry that if they threaten to offshore, they will get millions back in tax cuts and deregulations. Also, the union had no role in these negotiations. So there's literally no guarantee that these jobs will stay the same once the good press of today's announcement has worn off. In a month, salaries and/or hours could be slashed.", ">>{Scrimshawmud} : >It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.' —Upton Sinclair", ">>{GaryNMaine} : Hell. This had 'Trump' stamped all over it from the very beginning.", ">>{huntmich} : We need to focus. This is a sideshow. If we keep letting ourselves get distracted by petty shit like this and how many times he plays golf, there will be no outrage left to focus on the important issue, which is that our president's team, and possibly the president himself, has been compromised by an international adversary. Edit: downvoting without explaining why you disagree is a chicken shit move.", '>>{nlyles1} : Trump walks in on Doctor treating cancer patient. Claims to have saved patients life, despite the patient still being in treatment.', ">>{Mejari} : Is there any actual evidence that there is such a limit on outrage? Or is that what you feel must be true? I'm not distracted, I can be outraged by multiple things at the same time to different degrees.", ">>{Magjee} : I don't know where we are anymore, I'm scared. I want to go back to Nov 2008, that was a happier time.", '>>{Motagada} : Are you telling me they are selling the doobie at pet stores...', '>>{allyourphil} : I always liked Hillary until I knew she ate catnip', ">>{HookEmTexx} : But he only 'saved' half the jobs, and we are subsidizing the ones that are still there.", '>>{verbose_gent} : Are all these stories coming form one interview? How about just posting that?', '>>{tolerantlychaotic} : 188 years ago (Dems) versus 50 years ago (Freedom Party), and a huge platform change (Dems) versus essentially the same platform (Freedom Party). Nice false equivalency.', '>>{Supermonsters} : Another distraction for a good news cycle as they go on break. Anything to distract from the political capitol load the republicans are about to blow in the Senate.', '>>{Polar_Ted} : Where is the down side for Putin. His 20 year program to undermine the US government worked. What does he have to fear?', '>>{ElCaminoInTheWest} : Based Norbert got BTFO! (Am I doing this right?)', '>>{dkliberator} : >"There\'s excitement with most people, but there\'s a lot of skepticism and worry because we don\'t know the details," said TJ Bray, 32, who has worked for Carrier for 14 years and installs insulation in furnaces. >>"There\'s a few that are worried. And there\'s still a few that don\'t even believe this is real. They think it\'s a play, a set-up or a scam." You will never know the details of the scam, and this won\'t be news next week.', '>>{Hillarys_shart} : So it is better if the jobs go to other countries?', '>>{frankbaptiste} : Just like with Nixon, the people who hid the truth and obstructed investigations will go to jail first. They will flip and lead to the president. We have to watch out for an Oliver North, who may fall on his sword to help the admin (for some foolish reason). What would be nice would be a John W. Dean to flip and offer damning testimony.', ">>{rPOLITICS-IN-MY-ANUS} : I'm more worried about radical alt left demagogues like Bernie Sanders who pin all of the world's problems on our cherished minorities. It's time Bernie apologize to the 1℅ for his racism towards them!", '>>{launch201} : > "I believe it is in the best interests of the House Intelligence Committee and the Congress for me to have Representative Mike Conaway, with assistance from Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney, temporarily take charge of the Committee\'s Russia investigation while the House Ethics Committee looks into this matter," Nunes, a California Republican, said in a statement. Do you think we\'ll get a different result or more of the same?', '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Of 2100 that were scheduled to go overseas he cut a bargain where at least half of them would stay.', ">>{dtqjr} : Being that Nunes is heading up the House investigation into them all being compromised by an international adversary, I wouldn't consider what he did to be a sideshow. The only saving grace is that the Senate is beginning their investigation and there could still be an independent inquiry.", ">>{President_Muffley} : So Austria and Germany are the West's best hope against rising far-right nationalism now? Didn't see that one coming.", ">>{WaylonJenningsFoot} : With Gowdy in there now, I can already guess that he'll try to use the forum to defend Trump instead of focusing on the actual evidence. If he does, that actually will do more harmthan good for the republican optics.", '>>{_Sasquat_} : > Rep. Mike Conaway will take control of the probe, with "assistance" from Reps. Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney All three are republicans. I\'m not expecting much change.', ">>{Rupperrt} : Most of Europe isn't right wing. Spain for example never voted right wing despite economic hardships. Brexit was only possible due to a huge campaign supported by most of the yellow press thanks to Murdoch.", '>>{Rupperrt} : I think they were mostly affected by post Brexit UK chaos. EU-support has risen to 85% lately in Austria while it was 60 before Brexit.', '>>{32LeftatT10} : Is it sad that I\'ve wished America has the "far right nationalism" that the European conservative parties have? At least the opposition in Europe believes in things like science, education, worker rights, regulation, relatively high taxes. Compare that to America where the right is clownshoes. The only thing fuelling the right wing in Europe is immigration and once the hyperbolic over-reaction dies down to the refugee crisis things will go back to relative calm. Unlike in America...', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Um Bernie literally endorsed the wall street candidate I don't think his scam is going to be believed that much longer.", '>>{dtqjr} : Nunes began working on behalf of the White House at the end of February with this: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-russia-connection-devin-nunes-response-235439 Of course this wiretapping BS was instigated by the Oval Office.', ">>{absurdamerica} : I didn't realize Donald used his foundation down there,", ">>{danklymemingdexter} : No, the split now is between those who are saying it and those who privately know it's true.", ">>{huntmich} : It's a tactic. Outrage fatigue. I can't tell you whether it has been scientifically proven.", ">>{Unrelated_Respons} : I didn't know Austria was part of US politics now.", ">>{SultanObama} : 1. He said he was going to make sure they didn't by imposing tariffs and punishing them. Now he is almost rewarding them for threatening to leave. Complete flip and now corporate America knows he is their bitch before he even steps in office. 2. Yes. Let them go. Give the workers an education and training needed to work in the 21st century. Better paying, less dangerous, more satisfying jobs. We need thinkers in this country. Let China and Mexico put the ACs and dishwashers together", ">>{MissionStyle} : If it takes corporate welfare to keep them here, they are basically becoming government jobs. Aren't you people against that (free market and all)?", '>>{Raidma} : I think promises for extra money for an improved NHS played a big part as well.', ">>{huntmich} : He made up a story about Obama wiretapping him and then leaked information to Nunes to support the bullshit claim. It's a circle of bullshit that is not important.", ">>{Mejari} : I've heard it claimed that it's a tactic. Never seen any reason to believe it's true.", '>>{powderizedbookworm} : A lot actually. The CIA has plenty of experience undermining regimes, and his is pretty unstable at this point.', ">>{suhdude187} : They're nearly the same size as Washington state, in other words minuscule to the big picture, the right movement will take Italy and France", ">>{LtCdrWharfSkaven} : No. The Truth goes marching on. The United States will come to it's senses and reject the overgrown infant by some means or another, so long as it wishes to remain relevant.", '>>{manster62} : Trump is the poster child for the far right. Showing the world that its a shitty ideology.', '>>{KevinBurke_Person} : > he cut a bargain A bargain for the company. The taxpayers are now paying to subsidize their own few jobs staying in the country. What a joke.', ">>{ComradeTaco} : Yes, because now every manufacturer and their mother realizes that they can threaten to leave and get huge tax breaks from Trump. I just don't understand the rationale on manufacturing. There isn't a reality that I know of in which we can compete with workers in China, Bangladesh, Vietnam or any other developing country with workers at 50 cents an hour.", ">>{dtqjr} : Yes the wiretapping lie in and of itself isn't important but Nunes being the lead House investigator AND in the middle of this controversy is important because he is not behaving impartially. The investigator should never be part of the story.", ">>{pops_secret} : Isn't that why he led the attack? After the Arab Spring, Clinton as Secretary of State '[meddled](https://mobile.nytimes.com/2011/12/09/world/europe/putin-accuses-clinton-of-instigating-russian-protests.html) ' in Russian elections by calling for the voice of the Russian people to be heard.", '>>{equallynuts} : Truly an "art of a deal" /s', '>>{SECRETLY_BEHIND_YOU} : Why do Republicans fly the Confederate flag? After all, they *are* the ones who defeated the Confederates.', ">>{Mejari} : Oh, ok. I just figured if you came out all firey telling people what they should do you might want to discuss of what you're asking everyone to do is correct", ">>{watchout5} : Carrier is still building the Mexico plant. They have no intention of staying here if it's not more profitable.", ">>{Doom_Art} : We've seen the pendulum swing towards far-right nationalism the last few years (except in Canada, oddly enough), hopefully this represents a swing back towards normalcy.", '>>{madusldasl} : For sure. This whole act was about as subtle as his mountain Of paperwork displays. This clown needs to go away already.', '>>{herpeus_derpeus} : I find myself constantly coming back to [the boat scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory](https://youtu.be/s62msrPjSVY) to describe my feelings since waking up on Nov 9th.', ">>{maskedbanditoftruth} : Half the country never got tired of being outraged about Obama and now they own the government so I think we'll be okay.", ">>{huntmich} : And I did. You seem to think that my lack of published social science articles or insider information to white house strategy sessions means that the concept is bunk. Trump regularly uses social media as a distraction from more damning stories. This type of strategy would be in a similar line of strategic thinking. And for you to say you haven't reached a limit of your outrage 75 days into Trump's presidency doesn't really say much. I can tell you numerous anecdotal accounts of liberal friends and acquaintances who have stopped following the news because of how mad hearing Trump's bullshit makes them. The more the news focuses on an absurd claim that Trump tweeted and the corresponding circus on the hill, the less people will be paying attention when a bombshell drops on the Trump Russia connection.", ">>{hithere297} : They say the 80s didn't come to Canada til like, '93. which means it's gonna take a couple more years for far-right nationalism to reach Canada. Hopefully by then, the rest of the world will move past it.", ">>{cyclostationary} : Oh look, a triggered trumpeter, I'm totally shocked.", ">>{f_d} : When the White House is pulling strings to make the congressional representative in charge of an investigation cover up for them, it's a thread that links back to the investigation. If investigators pull on that thread hard enough, it will help unravel the rest of the conspiracy. Ignoring the thread lets it wrap around the investigation and slow their progress.", '>>{I_Love_Fish_Tacos} : Funny, I had a conversation with a friend a while back. I kept saying I couldn\'t wait to see trump strung up by his dick, and he asked "why?". After I ranted to him for a while, he stated that, while trump is temporary, the integrity of the US government is forever. trump going down is no victory - it\'s a complete embarrassment to the entire county. The fact that this man was able to make it to the Oval Office should cause pause to every. Single. American. This is not normal. We should be deeply concerned about who we are.', '>>{Magjee} : ...that scene seems out of place for a kids movie', ">>{GrandPumba} : Canada is always a bit of an odd one. At least one part of Canada DID swing to the far right earlier than Europe or the US: Toronto. Rob Ford was a right-wing populist. He's been replaced by a very normal, boring, traditional fiscal conservative but socially liberal type.", ">>{Doom_Art} : ...says I want to eat her pussy. That's disgusting. I'd never do that. I'm happily married. I have more than enough to eat at home. - Rob Ford, A Fucking Legend", '>>{putzarino} : I think it is safe to say Trump is a wall street candidate, too', '>>{FearlessFreep} : >1)POTUS tweets complete lies to his rabble to rustle their jimmies. In fairness, Trump probably wasn\'t actually lying because he really believed it. His source though was iirc breitbart or something similar. By recollection, it started with Mark Levin, who "connected the dots" on a few issues to assert that the FBI was spying on Trump. This got picked up and re-broadcast by Rush Limbaugh and others and eventually made it to the right wing tabloids. One critical point is that somewhere along the way (breitbart?) edited "FBI" into "Obama administration" _Thats_ what Trump read and that\'s what he tweeted about...because he believed it. Everything since then has been to cover the fact that a president who calls CNN and the Washington Post and the New York Times "fake news" is nonetheless getting his "intel" not from government intelligence agencies but from conspiracy tabloids like breitbart and infowars. And everything since then has been trying to find _something_ to give credence to Trump\'s initial claim', '>>{xarimus} : Insanity: the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness', '>>{WouldyoukindIy} : Goldman Sachs guy as Treasury Secretary. You backed the Wall Street candidate.', ">>{syllabic} : Lol george wallace was a democrat until he left in 1968 to run for president on his own party's ticket. He ran in the 1964 democratic primary. And again in 1972. When he was governor of Alabama he was a democrat.", ">>{skunkmoor} : Don't tell that to Trump supporters, they think their taxes are going down", '>>{FearlessFreep} : No one will go to jail for _this_ because no law was broken. Trump just read a right wing conspiracy tabloid and believed it and tweeted a reaction to it. Since then it\'s all been an attempt to find anything that would lead any credence to Trump\'s claim and _that\'s_ only to try to cover for the fact that Trump is getting his "intel" from absurd sources. The whole situation is a farce,and maybe a distraction, but not actually illegal itself', '>>{LieutenantLackluster} : Trump was the Wall St candidate the whole time.', '>>{HollrHollrGetCholera} : So do they not teach about the Southern Strategy in red states? The dems of yesteryear are the republicans of today.', ">>{Time4Red} : Pro-business conservatives aren't going to like this deal. It sets a terrible precedent. Progressives won't like it either for slightly different reasons. Like most things Trump does, this is a short term solution with no thought for the long term consequences or the bigger picture.", '>>{6DollarShill} : Your taxes go way down when you become unemployed.', ">>{herpeus_derpeus} : It scared the shit out of me when I first saw it as a kid. Now it just scares me that I viscerally identify with the sentiment of fear and anxiety of the parents of not knowing what's going to happen 😕 I think since waking up on Nov 9th I've noticed that I'm becoming more numb to this insanity that is our new reality. Numb in such a way that I can't stay away from /r/politics or /r/politicaldiscussion which is a major source of the anxiety since the reality of the election is laid bare (not just in the articles but the comment sections too), but I'm finding that my emotions are approaching a baseline that I haven't felt since the Bush Jr years of this angry condescension towards conservatives that I **know** doesn't do anyone any good because it just causes entrenchment of thoughts, perceptions, and ideas in a discussion and also it's just bad for personal health to constantly have negative thoughts - but I can't seem to break this unhealthy counterproductive thought pattern, at least not yet. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way, which isn't really a consolation because it just reinforces the entrenchment. [Uuugggghhhh](http://m.imgur.com/2mbe2Z8?r)", ">>{FearlessFreep} : and you're saying this on /r/politics on Reddit?", '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : Wait, is it suddenly OK for the big, bad gubmint to be picking private sector winners and losers now?!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOLYNDRA!!!!', '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : TJ started with Carrier at age 18 and has been there for 14 years. Where can the rest of us find these cushy gigs?', '>>{sunnieskye1} : Insanity: doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results', '>>{FearlessFreep} : >"which is that our president\'s team, and possibly the president himself, has been compromised by an international adversary." >Edit: downvoting without explaining why you disagree is a chicken shit move. I\'m down-voting because your statement has no actual proof. There has been insinuation, speculation and accusation, but no evidence or proof. I\'m not defending Trump; if you had said "might have been" instead of "has been" I would have no argument. I\'m just irritated that the atmosphere has gone from "it\'s conceivable he did it" to "I believe he did it" to "he did it!" with nothing but (partisan) emotion. We are still at the first stage and maybe you are at the second stage but we are a long way from the third stage. The search for truth and justice doesn\'t work by acting on emotion without evidence If there comes a day when the FBI,HIC, or SIC find that evidence, then we can say "he did it"...but not yet', '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : You believed what republicans said?!! Oh bless your heart you poor thing....', '>>{brokenotfunny} : Every company in America right now is going to be looking to move their workers to other countries now, just for the free tax breaks for "stopping" a non existent move.', '>>{MintySquinty} : Actually that was the Union. Not a political party.', '>>{tolerantlychaotic} : Ok. That was 40-50 years ago around the same time most of the democratic platform had changed (as I mentioned). He was one of the few remaining Dems appealing to the old state\'s-rights, racist platforms. And even he shifted his position on race issues later in life. I assume the same can\'t be said for the "Freedom Party".', '>>{cd411} : > Carrier is still building the Mexico plant. Says it all!', ">>{syllabic} : You want to indict their modern party based off their racist pasts, but the democrats were the party of racists even more recently than that. >And even he shifted his position on race issues later in life. Segregation forever wasn't a winning message?", '>>{Mol-lurker} : Pretty soon the coal mines :D Coal jobs for everyone!', ">>{xarimus} : That gets repeated a lot, but it's not the definition of inanity. [Here is a good explanation](https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-therapy/200907/the-definition-insanity-is)", '>>{tolerantlychaotic} : > you want to indict their modern party based off their racist pasts No, I want to indict them for their racist present, which is where they differ from the Dems.', '>>{aadyss} : 1. Be willing to relocate at your own expense 2. Be willing to accept an average middle class salary 3. Apply for the job 4. Be an adult in person and personality 5. Act like a normal human being', ">>{gerryf19} : Seriously how dumb must you be to tie your boat to a sinking ship like Trump? Nunez had plenty of time to see what a bonehead this president is and decided that he should go ahead and be the face of his defense. Who would vote for this guy ever again? It's insanely stupid to put yourself out there for Trump's lies when everybody is calling them lies including your own party.", ">>{coffeeisking} : Last I checked the corporate person who has fantasized about taking away poor people's healthcare for decades is fully behind Nunes, so Nunes doesn't seem in any danger of losing his position.", '>>{aadyss} : The Secretary of Treasury job should go to a person whose college major was African Dance and whose entire portfolio amounts to no more than $100.00. They should be no older than 28 years of age and must have been gainfully employed for no more than 2 years out of the past 7 years. Their salary cannot have exceeded $7.50 per hour. Their knowledge of finance cannot exceed the basic ability to use a pre-paid credit card that was provided by their parents.', '>>{heretakethewheel} : The wheels are already in motion, plans have already been made, and the contractors have already begun work. Watch as the jobs that are left keep downsizing over the next few years while the tax breaks stay much longer.', ">>{berrieh} : More apt analogy: Trump negotiates with terrorist who takes hostages that killing half of the hostages is OK and we'll pay you money for letting go of the rest.", '>>{aadyss} : Where I grew up many many my high school classmates went to the coal mines. Without those mines they would be far below their current financial status. Their parents were also connected to coal mines and many of my classmates were 1st generation Americans. My father worked for the coal mine. One of my uncles worked for the coal mine.', ">>{WouldyoukindIy} : I was more thinking someone like a bank fraud lawyer. You know, someone who fights for the little guy when they've been screwed by a bank.", '>>{5k1ttl3} : > Better paying, less dangerous, more satisfying jobs. We need thinkers in this country. Let China and Mexico put the ACs and dishwashers together We\'re going to lose industry and we\'re going to be left with bullshit, non-union service industry jobs that pay fuck all. I\'m sure the fact that these are "thinker" jobs will be comforting to the middle class laborer who lost his good paying job to sit in a call center.', ">>{Ramiel001} : Have they got the black lung? Coal jobs have pros and cons, most people would say the cons outweigh the pros. What do the coal miners think? I don't know any personally.", ">>{SultanObama} : I'm not talking about McDonald's. I'm talking about engineers, scientists, technicians, programmers, etc etc etc. You know. The thinking jobs.", '>>{Ifop} : We need to tar & feather Devon "bitch" Nunes', '>>{organschism} : I always took this phrase to be more tongue-in-cheek vernacular rather than the ACTUAL definition of insanity, but I guess people actually believe it to be true. Huh. TIL.', '>>{im_your_bullet} : Would love to know what proportion of the Carriers employees voted and who they voted for. Some of them are eating words and some are saying told ya!', ">>{yeti77} : Right, but I don't see much in the way of advancement in his career. He's endured public embarrassment also.", ">>{docmedic} : You would think people would expend their time and energy on less evil pursuits... but omg Bill O'Reiley's on honey!!!", '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Purity tests never work. He got closer then Bernie ever could.', '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Arguably each president was the wall street candidate. Previous studies show the put their money behind whoever will win vs judging the money they spent. They expected her but failed, so have to deal with Trump.', '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : We were getting wall street one or another. Obamas entire campaign funded by Goldman Sachs', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Sure, he's as low as Sanders when it comes to promotion.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Better then Obama letting 100% of jobs go overseas. You'll complain it's not enough but it's more then we've seen for 8 years.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : and witholding evidence/testamony from a congressional commitee.', '>>{iwascompromised} : Al Capone was finally taken down for tax evasion, not any of his mob crimes.', '>>{a_James_Woods} : Breaking News: Trump saves dozens of Oompa Loompa jobs and keeps chocolate factory in America via 100% government subsidization. "These Oompa Loompas are here totally legally and they do tremendous work." The major candy corporation will be changing it\'s name from Willie Wonka to Trump Treats.', '>>{iwascompromised} : Al Capone was finally taken down for tax evasion, not any of his mob crimes.', ">>{SwingJay1} : When I feel hopeless about it all, much like your post, I like to think that it took something this horrible, bizarre and cruel to teach Americans some badly needed civic study lessons and in the end we will recover morally. But it won't come cheap! Americans so too often have to learn things the hard way.", ">>{aadyss} : Uncle got black lung. (I don't believe that since he drove a dump truck and never entered the mines themselves but my aunt received black lung compensation) My father worked in an office. (accounting) One high school classmate passed at age 62 from lung disease but not sure if it was black lung or caused by smoking. Others are in their 70s and still among the living. I left that culture 58 years ago so I'm not sure of their exact status. My brother and I both became military pilots and subsequently airline pilots so no coal mines for us. Other classmates became CEOs of steel companies, insurance companies and successful business owners. One coal miner's son became a very successful television producer who remains very active today. Thus it is a familiar American story.", ">>{SwingJay1} : The headlines last month: [Unexpected deaths of six Russian diplomats in four months](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-diplomats-deaths-theories-putin-kremlin-a7602201.html) The headlines this month: [Five months, eight prominent Russians dead](http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/24/europe/dead-russians/) And this ain't no fake news.", '>>{greenlife1} : Believing people should pay for own healthcare just proves he is scum.', ">>{SwingJay1} : I was disturbed to see that he could barely keep a straight face and his reaction was an awkward smile when answering the most serious questions. The nervous and lying type of smile that most people can't contain in a live TV setting.", ">>{GLCK23} : Proof? Evidence of any kind to back this up? Nope, didn't think so.", ">>{SultanObama} : To a degree, yeah. The democratic party *used* to be the party of the working class union job. Starting in the 90's that shifted. But those workers weren't simply abandoned like some would claim. NAFTA included programs to retrain workers who lost jobs or would lose them. People didn't want to learn new skills. They just wanted their cushy union jobs back. Obama pushed for an expanded version but Congress shot those bills down. IMO the left tried to move the working class into the 21st century but the working class refused to budge and many of those efforts were halted by the other side.", '>>{1DFanBoi} : Yea, it really sucked that time Obama saved the american auto industry from collapse and then immediately let 100% of the jobs go overseas.', '>>{SultanObama} : > You\'re opinion is pretty shitty. I\'ve come to expect nothing less from you. > The idea works great on paper but didn\'t work in the real world. What idea, education? Hate to break it to you but my education worked out just fine. > I can\'t believe I\'m listening to someone obviously from the left saying "they just wanted their cushy union jobs back". As a 48 year old it\'s unbelievable, after decades of everyone from Kennedy to Carter to Clinton telling us how important union jobs are, that someone from the left would say that. I\'m not saying union jobs aren\'t important. I\'m saying manufacturing jobs are disappearing and there\'s nothing we can do to stop them from leaving. So we need to help those workers adapt to the new world economy. Today is different from 50 years ago, I know *change* is a difficult concept to grasp for some. > I guess Trump saving a few union jobs turned all of you guys on your head. You\'re the new "Party of No". Where have you been for the past two decades? The left has been pushing for education and training at every turn. You have nothing but anger and hatred for anyone that isn\'t on you side, whatever that is. It certainly isn\'t progress.', '>>{jiggy68} : >Where have you been for the past two decades? The left has been pushing for education and training at every turn. Who hasn\'t been for education the past two decades? Retraining is another thing. Have you ever been to a "retraining" center? They\'re not colleges or universities. You yourself said people ignore them, yet they\'re pushed on us as a panacea for job losses. They don\'t work like the left said they would because they aren\'t used and people think they\'re useless. Obama seems to have given up on even keeping jobs here. He even mocked Trump\'s attempt to keep Carrier jobs, saying it couldn\'t be done and Trump doesn\'t have a plan. He told that to a Carrier employee. Trump isn\'t even President and accomplished in a week what Obama couldn\'t do in 8 fucking years and said was unrealistic. >You have nothing but anger and hatred for anyone that isn\'t on you side, whatever that is. Same for you, buddy. Same for you.', ">>{5k1ttl3} : You honestly think there are enough 'thinker jobs' to employ everyone who is losing their good mfgring jobs? Even a small portion? And honestly, to someone who HAS a good job, all this talk about retraining and getting people 'fulfilling' jobs sounds a lot like 'fuck you, go to college and rack up debt like the rest of us if you want to make more than poverty wages' I work in tech, but we're getting the same shit in my industry - shipping in H1bs to push wages and working conditions down. Manufacturing is getting sent overseas, and while we're telling our people to get tech jobs, we're actively reducing jobs in that industry and destroying the wages in the remaining ones. It's all fucked man", ">>{threemileallan} : How awful must it be to work at that plant and know that you're still losing your job. While Trump is out there stroking himself for the world to see.", ">>{SultanObama} : Yes. I have many positions unfilled on my team (tech sector) and I can't get enough people because nobody has qualifications or education for what we need. The same can be said across the industry. If you have a solid education in technology and you're willing to work hard you will find a job I 100% guarantee it. The H1bs aren't pushing wages down, they make just as much as the Americans do or slightly less. They are imported because we don't have enough Americans with the skills necessary. I don't hire from India and Korea because they are cheap. I hire because they have the skills and work hard. I don't have debt because I worked hard and got scholarships and went to a local school, not some fancy out of state private institution. I'm not telling people to sell their house to afford to go to Yale, I'm saying get the skills however you can afford to. Community college isn't a sin, do what you can, work hard, and get an education in what will be around in 10 years. Furthermore, I want college to be made tuition free to help people get the skills they need.", '>>{SwingJay1} : Not even getting slammed on the head with a ton of bricks can penetrate tin foil.', '>>{SultanObama} : > Who hasn\'t been for education the past two decades? The side that continually cuts education funding, opposes common core, wants to not teach critical thought to children, pushes textbooks without mention of evolution or slavery, pushes anti-intellectualism that accuses higher learning of brainwashing kids. The side that denies climate science and who wants to make public schools be funneled into charter schools so businessmen can make more money off of the public. I could go on, but I think you get the point. Or maybe you don\'t, I can\'t really tell with you. > Have you ever been to a "retraining" center? They\'re not colleges or universities. You yourself said people ignore them, yet they\'re pushed on us as a panacea for job losses. They don\'t work like the left said they would because they aren\'t used and people think they\'re useless. Have you been to one? Tell me about your experience. They aren\'t a placenta, no. But a worker can either go to one, do the work themselves, or lose their jobs in five years because of automation. Their choice. What do you mean they didn\'t work? There are plenty of success stories from people who went to them. They didn\'t have widespread success because, as you mentioned, people didn\'t want to learn a new skill. They just wanted their job back. > Trump isn\'t even President and accomplished in a week what Obama couldn\'t do in 8 fucking years and said was unrealistic. 800 jobs. I didn\'t need a math degree to understand that 800 is way less than what Obama has done in 8 years. And at the cost of corporate welfare at the expense of those same workers. Congrats, what a Pyrrhic victory. > Same for you, buddy. Same for you. I\'m not the one telling people to fuck off and saying their opinion is shitty. Have fun being bitter with that Trump dildo up your ass.', '>>{5k1ttl3} : > The H1bs aren\'t pushing wages down, . >they make just as much as the Americans do **or slightly less**. ... This is flawed thinking. I promise you, that somewhere in the US, there\'s someone who would do your work *for the right price*. That last part is what nobody wants to think about. Even if H1bs worked for exactly the same price as American citizens (they don\'t), and even if they stood up for workplace rights as vehemently as Americans do (they won\'t, because they could be deported), increasing a resource (labor) **necessarily** reduces its market value. This is just basic supply and demand. > If you have a solid education in technology and you\'re willing to work hard you will find a job I 100% guarantee it. You\'re missing the big picture here. Yes, I\'m well trained and I make good money. You\'re well trained and you (presumably) make good money. But your value and my value are both diminished in this market by flooding this market with labor. Will we keep our heads above water? Of course. But I\'m not a fan of artificially lowering our wages and working conditions on the flawed notion that "there aren\'t enough Americans to do the work" - If you\'re paying the right price, you\'ll find your labor. Sight unseen, I could do your work and I could do it well. And if the price was enough to get me to quit my (quite comfortable) job and move cross country, I\'d do it. That\'s how this should work.', ">>{SwingJay1} : Can't sue a US president for libel. One of the perks of the job.", '>>{SwingJay1} : Trump has spent more private time with Devin Nunes than he has with his own wife.', ">>{SultanObama} : It's not about the money. It's the shortage of actual people. I'm not passing by opportunities because I'm not willing to pay for them. I literally don't have enough bodies, or more accurately brains, to fill these positions. I checked your H1b facts and you're right. I assumed that my experience extrapolated to other companies and I was wrong. I still stand by the fact that I don't hire non-Americans because they are cheap but because they have what I need. For other areas (low level programmers and basic grunt work I'm assuming) it appears that may not be the case. Thanks for correcting me.", ">>{huntmich} : Fair enough. I would add the word 'likely' to that sentence if I were to rewrite it.", '>>{LucienLibrarian} : And if you are poor, fucking die...for freedom. You know who passed the law that the ER has to treat everyone? Reagan.', ">>{jiggy68} : In some cases it's very easy. 1) Countries that have huge contracts with the government like United Technologies (Carrier) can be easily incentivized to keep jobs here else they lose their government contracts. Bernie Sanders was a trumpeter of this idea and Trump followed the same path. I'm not really a fan of that strategy but when a company has 60 Billion dollars of government contracts and tries to move 2000 jobs across the border to save 65 million I can see it working pretty effectively. 2) Our corporate taxes are one of, if not the, highest on earth at 35%. It's very easy to set up shop somewhere where the rate is much lower. Lower the rate and it makes moving jobs overseas less attractive.", '>>{ohyesforsure} : Questions: Was 9/11 an inside job? Does planet pizza have a basement? Does Hillary Clinton smell like sulfur?', ">>{Hrym_faxi} : it's entirely plausible that reddit legitimately leans left since a) it is a proper democracy via upvotes and we know the majority of people oppose trump, and b) there is no internet on the bayou, or in abandoned meth houses where most trump supporters reside, further skewing the statistics.", ">>{Hrym_faxi} : it's obstruction if he pored over classified documents and then leaked them to the press in order to hinder the investigation. Sad thing is that's exactly what happened but he did so from a position of power (the presidency) and is unlikely to be taken to task for it, but you'd better believe if a low level thug had access to damaging info on the DA who is prosecuting him, and then leaked it during the trial, that he'd be charged with obstruction.", '>>{coffeeisking} : Our founding principle is the right to \'life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness\'. I have no idea where people like you and Ryan see the small print that says "right to life is limited to those who can afford to pay for preexisting conditions and accidents." Morally what you are implying makes no sense. Sometimes I\'m sad Christianity is a fairy tale because it would be nice to see the self proclaimed followers of Christ\'s teaching like Ryan go to hell. Economically it\'s likewise idiotic. Their expenses get passed on to the insured and tax payers via emergency room visits, and they drag down the economy in general via lost productivity. I\'m perplexed as to why anyone with sound reasoning skill thinks making poor people avoid healthcare and cover all the costs themselves will save us money in the long run.', '>>{demagogueffxiv} : Actually im pretty sure i read that a tin foil hat would enhance any sort of signal like that.', ">>{FindTheTruth08} : I believe Putin's answer using a Regan quote(that was actually Bush's) was done purposefully. Quoting the republicans' hero gives him validity with Trump's base. Much like they completely trust Trump because he told them the truth(the truth they wanted) about Hillary and Obama. When Trump is locked up for treason these people will start listening to Putin for the truth. That's what is scary as shit.", ">>{wigglyrabbitnose} : Pretty much. My grandfather is a Trump supporter, and before the election, he was already pointing to Putin's great approval rating.", '>>{hiyosilver64} : Dumb-ster loves chaos. The churning makes him happy apparently.', ">>{hiyosilver64} : I would bet he's spent more time with Bannon than he has with Melania.", '>>{hiyosilver64} : How dumb must one be to STILL be a supporter?', ">>{Ximitar} : Wrong! If it's not unequivocally supportive of Great Leader Trump and Glorious Leader Putin then it's fake, they are the two most popular and beloved men on the planet.", '>>{coolcris} : You left out The Great Leader Kim Jong Un!', '>>{FDRs_ghost} : This is like someone who is suspected of mob ties objecting to being recorded in a phone call with a mafioso.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{CharlieDarwin2} : Hundreds could still lose jobs at Carrier's Indianapolis plant, despite Trump deal", '>>{LeftMarketAnarchist} : Fox actually questioning Trump???????? My god.', '>>{rPOLITICS-IN-MY-ANUS} : Trump cures 80% of the various cancer strains, leaves 20% of the cancer patientsto to die. REEEEEEEE', '>>{billyhorton} : A 1,000 people will lose their jobs. The other 600 jobs are being subsidized by tax payers and Carrier already previously said 400 were already staying in TN.', ">>{sedgwickian} : 1000 are losing their jobs. 850 are saving theirs. And we are all going to lose out because Trump has signaled to American industry that if they threaten to offshore, they will get millions back in tax cuts and deregulations. Also, the union had no role in these negotiations. So there's literally no guarantee that these jobs will stay the same once the good press of today's announcement has worn off. In a month, salaries and/or hours could be slashed.", '>>{nlyles1} : Trump walks in on Doctor treating cancer patient. Claims to have saved patients life, despite the patient still being in treatment.', ">>{Magjee} : I don't know where we are anymore, I'm scared. I want to go back to Nov 2008, that was a happier time.", ">>{HookEmTexx} : But he only 'saved' half the jobs, and we are subsidizing the ones that are still there.", '>>{dkliberator} : >"There\'s excitement with most people, but there\'s a lot of skepticism and worry because we don\'t know the details," said TJ Bray, 32, who has worked for Carrier for 14 years and installs insulation in furnaces. >>"There\'s a few that are worried. And there\'s still a few that don\'t even believe this is real. They think it\'s a play, a set-up or a scam." You will never know the details of the scam, and this won\'t be news next week.', '>>{Hillarys_shart} : So it is better if the jobs go to other countries?', '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Of 2100 that were scheduled to go overseas he cut a bargain where at least half of them would stay.', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Um Bernie literally endorsed the wall street candidate I don't think his scam is going to be believed that much longer.", ">>{SultanObama} : 1. He said he was going to make sure they didn't by imposing tariffs and punishing them. Now he is almost rewarding them for threatening to leave. Complete flip and now corporate America knows he is their bitch before he even steps in office. 2. Yes. Let them go. Give the workers an education and training needed to work in the 21st century. Better paying, less dangerous, more satisfying jobs. We need thinkers in this country. Let China and Mexico put the ACs and dishwashers together", ">>{MissionStyle} : If it takes corporate welfare to keep them here, they are basically becoming government jobs. Aren't you people against that (free market and all)?", '>>{KevinBurke_Person} : > he cut a bargain A bargain for the company. The taxpayers are now paying to subsidize their own few jobs staying in the country. What a joke.', ">>{ComradeTaco} : Yes, because now every manufacturer and their mother realizes that they can threaten to leave and get huge tax breaks from Trump. I just don't understand the rationale on manufacturing. There isn't a reality that I know of in which we can compete with workers in China, Bangladesh, Vietnam or any other developing country with workers at 50 cents an hour.", '>>{equallynuts} : Truly an "art of a deal" /s', ">>{watchout5} : Carrier is still building the Mexico plant. They have no intention of staying here if it's not more profitable.", '>>{herpeus_derpeus} : I find myself constantly coming back to [the boat scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory](https://youtu.be/s62msrPjSVY) to describe my feelings since waking up on Nov 9th.', '>>{Magjee} : ...that scene seems out of place for a kids movie', '>>{putzarino} : I think it is safe to say Trump is a wall street candidate, too', '>>{WouldyoukindIy} : Goldman Sachs guy as Treasury Secretary. You backed the Wall Street candidate.', ">>{skunkmoor} : Don't tell that to Trump supporters, they think their taxes are going down", '>>{LieutenantLackluster} : Trump was the Wall St candidate the whole time.', ">>{Time4Red} : Pro-business conservatives aren't going to like this deal. It sets a terrible precedent. Progressives won't like it either for slightly different reasons. Like most things Trump does, this is a short term solution with no thought for the long term consequences or the bigger picture.", '>>{6DollarShill} : Your taxes go way down when you become unemployed.', ">>{herpeus_derpeus} : It scared the shit out of me when I first saw it as a kid. Now it just scares me that I viscerally identify with the sentiment of fear and anxiety of the parents of not knowing what's going to happen 😕 I think since waking up on Nov 9th I've noticed that I'm becoming more numb to this insanity that is our new reality. Numb in such a way that I can't stay away from /r/politics or /r/politicaldiscussion which is a major source of the anxiety since the reality of the election is laid bare (not just in the articles but the comment sections too), but I'm finding that my emotions are approaching a baseline that I haven't felt since the Bush Jr years of this angry condescension towards conservatives that I **know** doesn't do anyone any good because it just causes entrenchment of thoughts, perceptions, and ideas in a discussion and also it's just bad for personal health to constantly have negative thoughts - but I can't seem to break this unhealthy counterproductive thought pattern, at least not yet. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way, which isn't really a consolation because it just reinforces the entrenchment. [Uuugggghhhh](http://m.imgur.com/2mbe2Z8?r)", '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : Wait, is it suddenly OK for the big, bad gubmint to be picking private sector winners and losers now?!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOLYNDRA!!!!', '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : TJ started with Carrier at age 18 and has been there for 14 years. Where can the rest of us find these cushy gigs?', '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : You believed what republicans said?!! Oh bless your heart you poor thing....', '>>{brokenotfunny} : Every company in America right now is going to be looking to move their workers to other countries now, just for the free tax breaks for "stopping" a non existent move.', '>>{cd411} : > Carrier is still building the Mexico plant. Says it all!', '>>{Mol-lurker} : Pretty soon the coal mines :D Coal jobs for everyone!', '>>{aadyss} : 1. Be willing to relocate at your own expense 2. Be willing to accept an average middle class salary 3. Apply for the job 4. Be an adult in person and personality 5. Act like a normal human being', '>>{aadyss} : The Secretary of Treasury job should go to a person whose college major was African Dance and whose entire portfolio amounts to no more than $100.00. They should be no older than 28 years of age and must have been gainfully employed for no more than 2 years out of the past 7 years. Their salary cannot have exceeded $7.50 per hour. Their knowledge of finance cannot exceed the basic ability to use a pre-paid credit card that was provided by their parents.', '>>{heretakethewheel} : The wheels are already in motion, plans have already been made, and the contractors have already begun work. Watch as the jobs that are left keep downsizing over the next few years while the tax breaks stay much longer.', ">>{berrieh} : More apt analogy: Trump negotiates with terrorist who takes hostages that killing half of the hostages is OK and we'll pay you money for letting go of the rest.", '>>{aadyss} : Where I grew up many many my high school classmates went to the coal mines. Without those mines they would be far below their current financial status. Their parents were also connected to coal mines and many of my classmates were 1st generation Americans. My father worked for the coal mine. One of my uncles worked for the coal mine.', ">>{WouldyoukindIy} : I was more thinking someone like a bank fraud lawyer. You know, someone who fights for the little guy when they've been screwed by a bank.", '>>{5k1ttl3} : > Better paying, less dangerous, more satisfying jobs. We need thinkers in this country. Let China and Mexico put the ACs and dishwashers together We\'re going to lose industry and we\'re going to be left with bullshit, non-union service industry jobs that pay fuck all. I\'m sure the fact that these are "thinker" jobs will be comforting to the middle class laborer who lost his good paying job to sit in a call center.', ">>{Ramiel001} : Have they got the black lung? Coal jobs have pros and cons, most people would say the cons outweigh the pros. What do the coal miners think? I don't know any personally.", ">>{SultanObama} : I'm not talking about McDonald's. I'm talking about engineers, scientists, technicians, programmers, etc etc etc. You know. The thinking jobs.", '>>{im_your_bullet} : Would love to know what proportion of the Carriers employees voted and who they voted for. Some of them are eating words and some are saying told ya!', '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Purity tests never work. He got closer then Bernie ever could.', '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Arguably each president was the wall street candidate. Previous studies show the put their money behind whoever will win vs judging the money they spent. They expected her but failed, so have to deal with Trump.', '>>{SoTiredOfWinning} : We were getting wall street one or another. Obamas entire campaign funded by Goldman Sachs', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Sure, he's as low as Sanders when it comes to promotion.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : Better then Obama letting 100% of jobs go overseas. You'll complain it's not enough but it's more then we've seen for 8 years.", '>>{a_James_Woods} : Breaking News: Trump saves dozens of Oompa Loompa jobs and keeps chocolate factory in America via 100% government subsidization. "These Oompa Loompas are here totally legally and they do tremendous work." The major candy corporation will be changing it\'s name from Willie Wonka to Trump Treats.', ">>{aadyss} : Uncle got black lung. (I don't believe that since he drove a dump truck and never entered the mines themselves but my aunt received black lung compensation) My father worked in an office. (accounting) One high school classmate passed at age 62 from lung disease but not sure if it was black lung or caused by smoking. Others are in their 70s and still among the living. I left that culture 58 years ago so I'm not sure of their exact status. My brother and I both became military pilots and subsequently airline pilots so no coal mines for us. Other classmates became CEOs of steel companies, insurance companies and successful business owners. One coal miner's son became a very successful television producer who remains very active today. Thus it is a familiar American story.", ">>{SultanObama} : To a degree, yeah. The democratic party *used* to be the party of the working class union job. Starting in the 90's that shifted. But those workers weren't simply abandoned like some would claim. NAFTA included programs to retrain workers who lost jobs or would lose them. People didn't want to learn new skills. They just wanted their cushy union jobs back. Obama pushed for an expanded version but Congress shot those bills down. IMO the left tried to move the working class into the 21st century but the working class refused to budge and many of those efforts were halted by the other side.", '>>{1DFanBoi} : Yea, it really sucked that time Obama saved the american auto industry from collapse and then immediately let 100% of the jobs go overseas.', '>>{SultanObama} : > You\'re opinion is pretty shitty. I\'ve come to expect nothing less from you. > The idea works great on paper but didn\'t work in the real world. What idea, education? Hate to break it to you but my education worked out just fine. > I can\'t believe I\'m listening to someone obviously from the left saying "they just wanted their cushy union jobs back". As a 48 year old it\'s unbelievable, after decades of everyone from Kennedy to Carter to Clinton telling us how important union jobs are, that someone from the left would say that. I\'m not saying union jobs aren\'t important. I\'m saying manufacturing jobs are disappearing and there\'s nothing we can do to stop them from leaving. So we need to help those workers adapt to the new world economy. Today is different from 50 years ago, I know *change* is a difficult concept to grasp for some. > I guess Trump saving a few union jobs turned all of you guys on your head. You\'re the new "Party of No". Where have you been for the past two decades? The left has been pushing for education and training at every turn. You have nothing but anger and hatred for anyone that isn\'t on you side, whatever that is. It certainly isn\'t progress.', '>>{jiggy68} : >Where have you been for the past two decades? The left has been pushing for education and training at every turn. Who hasn\'t been for education the past two decades? Retraining is another thing. Have you ever been to a "retraining" center? They\'re not colleges or universities. You yourself said people ignore them, yet they\'re pushed on us as a panacea for job losses. They don\'t work like the left said they would because they aren\'t used and people think they\'re useless. Obama seems to have given up on even keeping jobs here. He even mocked Trump\'s attempt to keep Carrier jobs, saying it couldn\'t be done and Trump doesn\'t have a plan. He told that to a Carrier employee. Trump isn\'t even President and accomplished in a week what Obama couldn\'t do in 8 fucking years and said was unrealistic. >You have nothing but anger and hatred for anyone that isn\'t on you side, whatever that is. Same for you, buddy. Same for you.', ">>{5k1ttl3} : You honestly think there are enough 'thinker jobs' to employ everyone who is losing their good mfgring jobs? Even a small portion? And honestly, to someone who HAS a good job, all this talk about retraining and getting people 'fulfilling' jobs sounds a lot like 'fuck you, go to college and rack up debt like the rest of us if you want to make more than poverty wages' I work in tech, but we're getting the same shit in my industry - shipping in H1bs to push wages and working conditions down. Manufacturing is getting sent overseas, and while we're telling our people to get tech jobs, we're actively reducing jobs in that industry and destroying the wages in the remaining ones. It's all fucked man", ">>{threemileallan} : How awful must it be to work at that plant and know that you're still losing your job. While Trump is out there stroking himself for the world to see.", ">>{SultanObama} : Yes. I have many positions unfilled on my team (tech sector) and I can't get enough people because nobody has qualifications or education for what we need. The same can be said across the industry. If you have a solid education in technology and you're willing to work hard you will find a job I 100% guarantee it. The H1bs aren't pushing wages down, they make just as much as the Americans do or slightly less. They are imported because we don't have enough Americans with the skills necessary. I don't hire from India and Korea because they are cheap. I hire because they have the skills and work hard. I don't have debt because I worked hard and got scholarships and went to a local school, not some fancy out of state private institution. I'm not telling people to sell their house to afford to go to Yale, I'm saying get the skills however you can afford to. Community college isn't a sin, do what you can, work hard, and get an education in what will be around in 10 years. Furthermore, I want college to be made tuition free to help people get the skills they need.", '>>{SultanObama} : > Who hasn\'t been for education the past two decades? The side that continually cuts education funding, opposes common core, wants to not teach critical thought to children, pushes textbooks without mention of evolution or slavery, pushes anti-intellectualism that accuses higher learning of brainwashing kids. The side that denies climate science and who wants to make public schools be funneled into charter schools so businessmen can make more money off of the public. I could go on, but I think you get the point. Or maybe you don\'t, I can\'t really tell with you. > Have you ever been to a "retraining" center? They\'re not colleges or universities. You yourself said people ignore them, yet they\'re pushed on us as a panacea for job losses. They don\'t work like the left said they would because they aren\'t used and people think they\'re useless. Have you been to one? Tell me about your experience. They aren\'t a placenta, no. But a worker can either go to one, do the work themselves, or lose their jobs in five years because of automation. Their choice. What do you mean they didn\'t work? There are plenty of success stories from people who went to them. They didn\'t have widespread success because, as you mentioned, people didn\'t want to learn a new skill. They just wanted their job back. > Trump isn\'t even President and accomplished in a week what Obama couldn\'t do in 8 fucking years and said was unrealistic. 800 jobs. I didn\'t need a math degree to understand that 800 is way less than what Obama has done in 8 years. And at the cost of corporate welfare at the expense of those same workers. Congrats, what a Pyrrhic victory. > Same for you, buddy. Same for you. I\'m not the one telling people to fuck off and saying their opinion is shitty. Have fun being bitter with that Trump dildo up your ass.', '>>{5k1ttl3} : > The H1bs aren\'t pushing wages down, . >they make just as much as the Americans do **or slightly less**. ... This is flawed thinking. I promise you, that somewhere in the US, there\'s someone who would do your work *for the right price*. That last part is what nobody wants to think about. Even if H1bs worked for exactly the same price as American citizens (they don\'t), and even if they stood up for workplace rights as vehemently as Americans do (they won\'t, because they could be deported), increasing a resource (labor) **necessarily** reduces its market value. This is just basic supply and demand. > If you have a solid education in technology and you\'re willing to work hard you will find a job I 100% guarantee it. You\'re missing the big picture here. Yes, I\'m well trained and I make good money. You\'re well trained and you (presumably) make good money. But your value and my value are both diminished in this market by flooding this market with labor. Will we keep our heads above water? Of course. But I\'m not a fan of artificially lowering our wages and working conditions on the flawed notion that "there aren\'t enough Americans to do the work" - If you\'re paying the right price, you\'ll find your labor. Sight unseen, I could do your work and I could do it well. And if the price was enough to get me to quit my (quite comfortable) job and move cross country, I\'d do it. That\'s how this should work.', ">>{SultanObama} : It's not about the money. It's the shortage of actual people. I'm not passing by opportunities because I'm not willing to pay for them. I literally don't have enough bodies, or more accurately brains, to fill these positions. I checked your H1b facts and you're right. I assumed that my experience extrapolated to other companies and I was wrong. I still stand by the fact that I don't hire non-Americans because they are cheap but because they have what I need. For other areas (low level programmers and basic grunt work I'm assuming) it appears that may not be the case. Thanks for correcting me.", ">>{jiggy68} : In some cases it's very easy. 1) Countries that have huge contracts with the government like United Technologies (Carrier) can be easily incentivized to keep jobs here else they lose their government contracts. Bernie Sanders was a trumpeter of this idea and Trump followed the same path. I'm not really a fan of that strategy but when a company has 60 Billion dollars of government contracts and tries to move 2000 jobs across the border to save 65 million I can see it working pretty effectively. 2) Our corporate taxes are one of, if not the, highest on earth at 35%. It's very easy to set up shop somewhere where the rate is much lower. Lower the rate and it makes moving jobs overseas less attractive."], ['>>{SwirlyCloudsOfDoom} : Good. The less far right allies for Trumps administration the better.', '>>{ulikeri4} : Maybe this is the start of the "sanity backlash".', '>>{DrDaniels} : > Norbert Hofer, the Freedom party candidate, won 46.7 per cent of the vote in Sunday’s contest according to early results and projections. His opponent Alexander Van der Bellen, a Green politician who ran as an independent, won 53.3 per cent. a .', '>>{nomadicposter} : I hope Europeans saw how insane things are getting after Trump won and realized they cannot continue going down that path.', ">>{Time4Red} : It is, although the Austrian president is mostly a symbolic position. But still, it's a symbolic victory, especially for green parties around the globe.", '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : The only good fascists are defeated, deprogrammed, or dead.', ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : >Nevertheless the strong showing by the Freedom party — which was founded by former Nazis in the 1950s — is still likely to be seen as a boost for Marine Le Pen, leader of the France’s National Front ahead of her country’s presidential election next year. Herbert Kickl, who ran Mr Hofer’s campaign, described the vote as “historic” for the Freedom party. If you bothered to read, you'd realize this is one of those instances where calling someone a Nazi isn't far from the truth.", '>>{GrandPumba} : Sane, decent people grounded in realism need a rallying cry right now. A "sanity backlash" or something worded like that would be a good idea.', ">>{WalkingDad} : ~~I would explain the meaning of Cornflowers, their connections with Hofer and their use in the neo-nazi scene but I doubt that you even know the name of the politician you're trying to defend.~~ This is why Trump won amiright xD", '>>{so--what} : In your view, what criteria would warrant Nazi analogies meant to warn people of ascending far-right demagogues? Clearly, you feel these criteria are not met in this case, so what are they?', ">>{rPOLITICS-IN-MY-ANUS} : The Democratic party was founded by slave owners, but I'm guessing you won't concede you're the party of slavery? Racist dems, still at it!", '>>{tolerantlychaotic} : 188 years ago (Dems) versus 50 years ago (Freedom Party), and a huge platform change (Dems) versus essentially the same platform (Freedom Party). Nice false equivalency.', '>>{ElCaminoInTheWest} : Based Norbert got BTFO! (Am I doing this right?)', ">>{rPOLITICS-IN-MY-ANUS} : I'm more worried about radical alt left demagogues like Bernie Sanders who pin all of the world's problems on our cherished minorities. It's time Bernie apologize to the 1℅ for his racism towards them!", ">>{President_Muffley} : So Austria and Germany are the West's best hope against rising far-right nationalism now? Didn't see that one coming.", ">>{Rupperrt} : Most of Europe isn't right wing. Spain for example never voted right wing despite economic hardships. Brexit was only possible due to a huge campaign supported by most of the yellow press thanks to Murdoch.", '>>{Rupperrt} : I think they were mostly affected by post Brexit UK chaos. EU-support has risen to 85% lately in Austria while it was 60 before Brexit.', '>>{32LeftatT10} : Is it sad that I\'ve wished America has the "far right nationalism" that the European conservative parties have? At least the opposition in Europe believes in things like science, education, worker rights, regulation, relatively high taxes. Compare that to America where the right is clownshoes. The only thing fuelling the right wing in Europe is immigration and once the hyperbolic over-reaction dies down to the refugee crisis things will go back to relative calm. Unlike in America...', ">>{Unrelated_Respons} : I didn't know Austria was part of US politics now.", '>>{Raidma} : I think promises for extra money for an improved NHS played a big part as well.', ">>{suhdude187} : They're nearly the same size as Washington state, in other words minuscule to the big picture, the right movement will take Italy and France", ">>{LtCdrWharfSkaven} : No. The Truth goes marching on. The United States will come to it's senses and reject the overgrown infant by some means or another, so long as it wishes to remain relevant.", '>>{manster62} : Trump is the poster child for the far right. Showing the world that its a shitty ideology.', '>>{SECRETLY_BEHIND_YOU} : Why do Republicans fly the Confederate flag? After all, they *are* the ones who defeated the Confederates.', ">>{Doom_Art} : We've seen the pendulum swing towards far-right nationalism the last few years (except in Canada, oddly enough), hopefully this represents a swing back towards normalcy.", ">>{hithere297} : They say the 80s didn't come to Canada til like, '93. which means it's gonna take a couple more years for far-right nationalism to reach Canada. Hopefully by then, the rest of the world will move past it.", ">>{cyclostationary} : Oh look, a triggered trumpeter, I'm totally shocked.", ">>{GrandPumba} : Canada is always a bit of an odd one. At least one part of Canada DID swing to the far right earlier than Europe or the US: Toronto. Rob Ford was a right-wing populist. He's been replaced by a very normal, boring, traditional fiscal conservative but socially liberal type.", ">>{Doom_Art} : ...says I want to eat her pussy. That's disgusting. I'd never do that. I'm happily married. I have more than enough to eat at home. - Rob Ford, A Fucking Legend", ">>{syllabic} : Lol george wallace was a democrat until he left in 1968 to run for president on his own party's ticket. He ran in the 1964 democratic primary. And again in 1972. When he was governor of Alabama he was a democrat.", '>>{HollrHollrGetCholera} : So do they not teach about the Southern Strategy in red states? The dems of yesteryear are the republicans of today.', '>>{MintySquinty} : Actually that was the Union. Not a political party.', '>>{tolerantlychaotic} : Ok. That was 40-50 years ago around the same time most of the democratic platform had changed (as I mentioned). He was one of the few remaining Dems appealing to the old state\'s-rights, racist platforms. And even he shifted his position on race issues later in life. I assume the same can\'t be said for the "Freedom Party".', ">>{syllabic} : You want to indict their modern party based off their racist pasts, but the democrats were the party of racists even more recently than that. >And even he shifted his position on race issues later in life. Segregation forever wasn't a winning message?", '>>{tolerantlychaotic} : > you want to indict their modern party based off their racist pasts No, I want to indict them for their racist present, which is where they differ from the Dems.'], ['>>{71tsiser} : House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes will temporarily step away from Russia probe, reports say', '>>{wil_daven_} : Great! Maybe now the HIC can have a productive investigation', '>>{AnarkistReese} : So…by temporarily you mean until the White House hands him some new documents discrediting the next big connection that comes up?', '>>{1LT_Obvious} : Provided this even happens, he needs to stop away permanently. There is no reason Devin Nunes should play any part in this investigation other than "person being investigated".', ">>{viccar0} : How intriguing that weeks of GOP whitewashing still couldn't prevent this.", '>>{Motagada} : You guys this just came in from my anonymous sources, it says Obama cheat on a math test in middle school and Hillary Clinton cat in a human costume. I must get this to the white house immediately. Isn\'t that the white house letterhead at the top? This came from very trusted sources who have been researching this for years. It says "From the desk on President Trump on it?"', ">>{AnarkistReese} : Ah yes Hilary Clinton is a cat, I knew it all along. Better hide the catnip though, I bet Jeff Sessions wouldn't know the difference between that and marijuana.", '>>{Motagada} : Are you telling me they are selling the doobie at pet stores...', '>>{allyourphil} : I always liked Hillary until I knew she ate catnip', '>>{Supermonsters} : Another distraction for a good news cycle as they go on break. Anything to distract from the political capitol load the republicans are about to blow in the Senate.', '>>{launch201} : > "I believe it is in the best interests of the House Intelligence Committee and the Congress for me to have Representative Mike Conaway, with assistance from Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney, temporarily take charge of the Committee\'s Russia investigation while the House Ethics Committee looks into this matter," Nunes, a California Republican, said in a statement. Do you think we\'ll get a different result or more of the same?', ">>{WaylonJenningsFoot} : With Gowdy in there now, I can already guess that he'll try to use the forum to defend Trump instead of focusing on the actual evidence. If he does, that actually will do more harmthan good for the republican optics.", '>>{_Sasquat_} : > Rep. Mike Conaway will take control of the probe, with "assistance" from Reps. Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney All three are republicans. I\'m not expecting much change.'], [">>{mricehockey} : House Dem 'absolutely convinced' storm around Nunes's revelations started in Oval Office", ">>{manster62} : This would be funny if it weren't sad and disastrous for the country. 1)POTUS tweets complete lies to his rabble to rustle their jimmies. 2)those around him and hardcore party faithful, scramble to bend the truth and obfuscate in attempt to make honey out of horseshit. 3)POTUS says other stupid things to water down his last stupid thing.", '>>{yobsmezn} : >“There’s no question in my mind that the president, with the aid of his national security adviser staff, came up with some kind of a ruse to try and suggest there was some kind of validity” to Trump’s claims he had been wiretapped by President Obama, Speier said. Richard Nixon went down for shit like this.', '>>{ghqwertt} : It would be crazy is Trump went down not because of Russia-Lago, but because of one of his Saturday morning rants.', '>>{tank_trap} : Nunes is a Trump surrogate at this point. The House Intelligence investigation is already tainted. Nunes needs to go to jail along with Trump.', ">>{yobsmezn} : It makes sense, though. Putin must be bricking himself right now knowing Trump is so indiscreet he'll probaby blurt out something that leads to the truth on all this.", '>>{InertiaInMyPants} : It is unfortunate, our only silver lining here is what a joke it is. At the end of the day... we are still being ran by a bunch of crooks.', '>>{yeti77} : Nunes getting hung out to dry is really great though. A real lesson to anyone who will stick their necks out for these people.', '>>{McNuttyNutz} : Nunes needs to wipe the orange make up off his mouth', '>>{sunnieskye1} : Nixon: "I am not a crook!" trump seems to be following Nixon\'s playbook and hoping for a different ending. We all know what the definition of insanity is, right?', '>>{kleo80} : I was astonished to see Putin get on TV and make a personal denial of all this—typically, he wouldn\'t even dignify it with an answer. Reminds me of the adage (I\'m paraphrasing): "whoever\'s asking the questions is in charge of the conversation, and whoever\'s answering them is not". For those who didn\'t watch: http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2017/03/30/putin-denies-russian-meddling-watch-my-lips-no.html?via=mobile&source=copyurl', ">>{kleo80} : I don't know, went over to RealClearPolitics and there were at least three National Review articles gracing the front page. I always thought of RCP as lean-right but an otherwise solid aggregator. Guess not.", ">>{Scrimshawmud} : >It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.' —Upton Sinclair", ">>{GaryNMaine} : Hell. This had 'Trump' stamped all over it from the very beginning.", ">>{huntmich} : We need to focus. This is a sideshow. If we keep letting ourselves get distracted by petty shit like this and how many times he plays golf, there will be no outrage left to focus on the important issue, which is that our president's team, and possibly the president himself, has been compromised by an international adversary. Edit: downvoting without explaining why you disagree is a chicken shit move.", ">>{Mejari} : Is there any actual evidence that there is such a limit on outrage? Or is that what you feel must be true? I'm not distracted, I can be outraged by multiple things at the same time to different degrees.", '>>{verbose_gent} : Are all these stories coming form one interview? How about just posting that?', '>>{Polar_Ted} : Where is the down side for Putin. His 20 year program to undermine the US government worked. What does he have to fear?', '>>{frankbaptiste} : Just like with Nixon, the people who hid the truth and obstructed investigations will go to jail first. They will flip and lead to the president. We have to watch out for an Oliver North, who may fall on his sword to help the admin (for some foolish reason). What would be nice would be a John W. Dean to flip and offer damning testimony.', ">>{dtqjr} : Being that Nunes is heading up the House investigation into them all being compromised by an international adversary, I wouldn't consider what he did to be a sideshow. The only saving grace is that the Senate is beginning their investigation and there could still be an independent inquiry.", '>>{dtqjr} : Nunes began working on behalf of the White House at the end of February with this: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/02/trump-russia-connection-devin-nunes-response-235439 Of course this wiretapping BS was instigated by the Oval Office.', ">>{absurdamerica} : I didn't realize Donald used his foundation down there,", ">>{danklymemingdexter} : No, the split now is between those who are saying it and those who privately know it's true.", ">>{huntmich} : It's a tactic. Outrage fatigue. I can't tell you whether it has been scientifically proven.", ">>{huntmich} : He made up a story about Obama wiretapping him and then leaked information to Nunes to support the bullshit claim. It's a circle of bullshit that is not important.", ">>{Mejari} : I've heard it claimed that it's a tactic. Never seen any reason to believe it's true.", '>>{powderizedbookworm} : A lot actually. The CIA has plenty of experience undermining regimes, and his is pretty unstable at this point.', ">>{dtqjr} : Yes the wiretapping lie in and of itself isn't important but Nunes being the lead House investigator AND in the middle of this controversy is important because he is not behaving impartially. The investigator should never be part of the story.", ">>{pops_secret} : Isn't that why he led the attack? After the Arab Spring, Clinton as Secretary of State '[meddled](https://mobile.nytimes.com/2011/12/09/world/europe/putin-accuses-clinton-of-instigating-russian-protests.html) ' in Russian elections by calling for the voice of the Russian people to be heard.", ">>{Mejari} : Oh, ok. I just figured if you came out all firey telling people what they should do you might want to discuss of what you're asking everyone to do is correct", '>>{madusldasl} : For sure. This whole act was about as subtle as his mountain Of paperwork displays. This clown needs to go away already.', ">>{maskedbanditoftruth} : Half the country never got tired of being outraged about Obama and now they own the government so I think we'll be okay.", ">>{huntmich} : And I did. You seem to think that my lack of published social science articles or insider information to white house strategy sessions means that the concept is bunk. Trump regularly uses social media as a distraction from more damning stories. This type of strategy would be in a similar line of strategic thinking. And for you to say you haven't reached a limit of your outrage 75 days into Trump's presidency doesn't really say much. I can tell you numerous anecdotal accounts of liberal friends and acquaintances who have stopped following the news because of how mad hearing Trump's bullshit makes them. The more the news focuses on an absurd claim that Trump tweeted and the corresponding circus on the hill, the less people will be paying attention when a bombshell drops on the Trump Russia connection.", ">>{f_d} : When the White House is pulling strings to make the congressional representative in charge of an investigation cover up for them, it's a thread that links back to the investigation. If investigators pull on that thread hard enough, it will help unravel the rest of the conspiracy. Ignoring the thread lets it wrap around the investigation and slow their progress.", '>>{I_Love_Fish_Tacos} : Funny, I had a conversation with a friend a while back. I kept saying I couldn\'t wait to see trump strung up by his dick, and he asked "why?". After I ranted to him for a while, he stated that, while trump is temporary, the integrity of the US government is forever. trump going down is no victory - it\'s a complete embarrassment to the entire county. The fact that this man was able to make it to the Oval Office should cause pause to every. Single. American. This is not normal. We should be deeply concerned about who we are.', '>>{FearlessFreep} : >1)POTUS tweets complete lies to his rabble to rustle their jimmies. In fairness, Trump probably wasn\'t actually lying because he really believed it. His source though was iirc breitbart or something similar. By recollection, it started with Mark Levin, who "connected the dots" on a few issues to assert that the FBI was spying on Trump. This got picked up and re-broadcast by Rush Limbaugh and others and eventually made it to the right wing tabloids. One critical point is that somewhere along the way (breitbart?) edited "FBI" into "Obama administration" _Thats_ what Trump read and that\'s what he tweeted about...because he believed it. Everything since then has been to cover the fact that a president who calls CNN and the Washington Post and the New York Times "fake news" is nonetheless getting his "intel" not from government intelligence agencies but from conspiracy tabloids like breitbart and infowars. And everything since then has been trying to find _something_ to give credence to Trump\'s initial claim', '>>{xarimus} : Insanity: the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness', '>>{FearlessFreep} : No one will go to jail for _this_ because no law was broken. Trump just read a right wing conspiracy tabloid and believed it and tweeted a reaction to it. Since then it\'s all been an attempt to find anything that would lead any credence to Trump\'s claim and _that\'s_ only to try to cover for the fact that Trump is getting his "intel" from absurd sources. The whole situation is a farce,and maybe a distraction, but not actually illegal itself', ">>{FearlessFreep} : and you're saying this on /r/politics on Reddit?", '>>{sunnieskye1} : Insanity: doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results', '>>{FearlessFreep} : >"which is that our president\'s team, and possibly the president himself, has been compromised by an international adversary." >Edit: downvoting without explaining why you disagree is a chicken shit move. I\'m down-voting because your statement has no actual proof. There has been insinuation, speculation and accusation, but no evidence or proof. I\'m not defending Trump; if you had said "might have been" instead of "has been" I would have no argument. I\'m just irritated that the atmosphere has gone from "it\'s conceivable he did it" to "I believe he did it" to "he did it!" with nothing but (partisan) emotion. We are still at the first stage and maybe you are at the second stage but we are a long way from the third stage. The search for truth and justice doesn\'t work by acting on emotion without evidence If there comes a day when the FBI,HIC, or SIC find that evidence, then we can say "he did it"...but not yet', ">>{xarimus} : That gets repeated a lot, but it's not the definition of inanity. [Here is a good explanation](https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-therapy/200907/the-definition-insanity-is)", ">>{gerryf19} : Seriously how dumb must you be to tie your boat to a sinking ship like Trump? Nunez had plenty of time to see what a bonehead this president is and decided that he should go ahead and be the face of his defense. Who would vote for this guy ever again? It's insanely stupid to put yourself out there for Trump's lies when everybody is calling them lies including your own party.", ">>{coffeeisking} : Last I checked the corporate person who has fantasized about taking away poor people's healthcare for decades is fully behind Nunes, so Nunes doesn't seem in any danger of losing his position.", '>>{Ifop} : We need to tar & feather Devon "bitch" Nunes', '>>{organschism} : I always took this phrase to be more tongue-in-cheek vernacular rather than the ACTUAL definition of insanity, but I guess people actually believe it to be true. Huh. TIL.', ">>{yeti77} : Right, but I don't see much in the way of advancement in his career. He's endured public embarrassment also.", ">>{docmedic} : You would think people would expend their time and energy on less evil pursuits... but omg Bill O'Reiley's on honey!!!", '>>{theRealRedherring} : and witholding evidence/testamony from a congressional commitee.', '>>{iwascompromised} : Al Capone was finally taken down for tax evasion, not any of his mob crimes.', '>>{iwascompromised} : Al Capone was finally taken down for tax evasion, not any of his mob crimes.', ">>{SwingJay1} : When I feel hopeless about it all, much like your post, I like to think that it took something this horrible, bizarre and cruel to teach Americans some badly needed civic study lessons and in the end we will recover morally. But it won't come cheap! Americans so too often have to learn things the hard way.", ">>{SwingJay1} : The headlines last month: [Unexpected deaths of six Russian diplomats in four months](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-diplomats-deaths-theories-putin-kremlin-a7602201.html) The headlines this month: [Five months, eight prominent Russians dead](http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/24/europe/dead-russians/) And this ain't no fake news.", '>>{greenlife1} : Believing people should pay for own healthcare just proves he is scum.', ">>{SwingJay1} : I was disturbed to see that he could barely keep a straight face and his reaction was an awkward smile when answering the most serious questions. The nervous and lying type of smile that most people can't contain in a live TV setting.", ">>{GLCK23} : Proof? Evidence of any kind to back this up? Nope, didn't think so.", '>>{SwingJay1} : Not even getting slammed on the head with a ton of bricks can penetrate tin foil.', ">>{SwingJay1} : Can't sue a US president for libel. One of the perks of the job.", '>>{SwingJay1} : Trump has spent more private time with Devin Nunes than he has with his own wife.', ">>{huntmich} : Fair enough. I would add the word 'likely' to that sentence if I were to rewrite it.", '>>{LucienLibrarian} : And if you are poor, fucking die...for freedom. You know who passed the law that the ER has to treat everyone? Reagan.', '>>{ohyesforsure} : Questions: Was 9/11 an inside job? Does planet pizza have a basement? Does Hillary Clinton smell like sulfur?', ">>{Hrym_faxi} : it's entirely plausible that reddit legitimately leans left since a) it is a proper democracy via upvotes and we know the majority of people oppose trump, and b) there is no internet on the bayou, or in abandoned meth houses where most trump supporters reside, further skewing the statistics.", ">>{Hrym_faxi} : it's obstruction if he pored over classified documents and then leaked them to the press in order to hinder the investigation. Sad thing is that's exactly what happened but he did so from a position of power (the presidency) and is unlikely to be taken to task for it, but you'd better believe if a low level thug had access to damaging info on the DA who is prosecuting him, and then leaked it during the trial, that he'd be charged with obstruction.", '>>{coffeeisking} : Our founding principle is the right to \'life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness\'. I have no idea where people like you and Ryan see the small print that says "right to life is limited to those who can afford to pay for preexisting conditions and accidents." Morally what you are implying makes no sense. Sometimes I\'m sad Christianity is a fairy tale because it would be nice to see the self proclaimed followers of Christ\'s teaching like Ryan go to hell. Economically it\'s likewise idiotic. Their expenses get passed on to the insured and tax payers via emergency room visits, and they drag down the economy in general via lost productivity. I\'m perplexed as to why anyone with sound reasoning skill thinks making poor people avoid healthcare and cover all the costs themselves will save us money in the long run.', '>>{demagogueffxiv} : Actually im pretty sure i read that a tin foil hat would enhance any sort of signal like that.', ">>{FindTheTruth08} : I believe Putin's answer using a Regan quote(that was actually Bush's) was done purposefully. Quoting the republicans' hero gives him validity with Trump's base. Much like they completely trust Trump because he told them the truth(the truth they wanted) about Hillary and Obama. When Trump is locked up for treason these people will start listening to Putin for the truth. That's what is scary as shit.", ">>{wigglyrabbitnose} : Pretty much. My grandfather is a Trump supporter, and before the election, he was already pointing to Putin's great approval rating.", '>>{hiyosilver64} : Dumb-ster loves chaos. The churning makes him happy apparently.', ">>{hiyosilver64} : I would bet he's spent more time with Bannon than he has with Melania.", '>>{hiyosilver64} : How dumb must one be to STILL be a supporter?', ">>{Ximitar} : Wrong! If it's not unequivocally supportive of Great Leader Trump and Glorious Leader Putin then it's fake, they are the two most popular and beloved men on the planet.", '>>{coolcris} : You left out The Great Leader Kim Jong Un!', '>>{FDRs_ghost} : This is like someone who is suspected of mob ties objecting to being recorded in a phone call with a mafioso.']]
classify and reply
['>>{paulfromatlanta} : As Clinton looks for running mate, here are likely contenders', ">>{ReadySettGo} : I would personally just choose the mainstream media as my running mate if I were Hillary. They're done a great job of advocating for her throughout the entire campaign so far.", '>>{yennenga} : Dems wouldn\'t risk a senate seat if they did. After the "jungle primary" two Democrats won and will face each other in the fall. They could waste money or put Kamala on the ticket.', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Right, but I'm not so sure she'll be seriously considered.", '>>{username1615} : Google co-founder Sergey Brin joins protest against immigration order at San Francisco airport', '>>{valentino99} : By the way things are going, Trump is gonna be wishing soon that Hillary was the president. What a disaster Trump is making.', '>>{RandomRedditor44} : Obama and Bush only killed only 1 and a half Muslims? 🤔', ">>{James-Delaney} : He's just solidifying the rust belt for the next go-round. This is why they voted for him after all.", '>>{clone822} : Neither of those comments are true, for more reasons than anyone has the patience to dissect.', '>>{Zachasm} : Trump pissed off Google. How long until his search history is leaked? Anybody got bets on what his most frequently visited website is?', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : Their hatred of minorities and lgbtq rights will lead to their own job loss and destruction. Actually poetic', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : Both California candidates for U.S. Senator are Democratic this year, no Republican even came close though there were about a dozen on the primary ballot.', '>>{mac_question} : A billionaire felt moved to join a crowd of protesters and seemingly not make it a big deal- he was recognized, gave one or two quick quotes, and otherwise was just a protestor. Mad respect.', ">>{jaysrapsleafs} : a real billionaire too. Didn't start with handouts from daddy.", '>>{paulfromatlanta} : A media choice might see safe - but she needs a counterweight - her "strength" is supposed to be foreign policy and older voter - she needs a Dan Quayle type but much more competent.', '>>{MakingRedditGreat} : Lol. They can call the election for her right away!', ">>{Bee040} : This is one of the reasons I love Google. From the begging they've been a different company. My dream through all my life has been to work there, that's why this year I'm starting my college studies on Computer Science. I'd hate to have my dream crash because of Trump.", '>>{yennenga} : 34, I was surprised Kamala got 40% of the vote.', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : She will be attacked by the most powerful political conservative organization in the nation right now, because of the successful California suit against that Koch funded group that illegally fought against Prop 30, back in 2010 or so. Here is one such attack already and using that astroturffed conservative dirty trick name as well. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/29/magazine/kamala-harris-a-top-cop-in-the-era-of-black-lives-matter.html?_r=1 The comments are revealing and Kamala Harris has never been associated with that movement BLM because it isn't a movement it is a political dirty trick operation to create backlash.", ">>{like_ya_do} : Of this list, I think Becerra ticks the most boxes she'd want, at least on paper. If we didn't have Kasich here in Ohio, she'd probably snag Sherrod Brown (and he appears to want it), but I bet she tries to get a POC running mate so she can continue the historic-first identity politicking.", ">>{Jwalla83} : So when Hillary is impeached, we'll have President CNN!", '>>{kumandrin} : The next big thing: corporate "persons" being able to hold political office. We\'re 90% there already.', ">>{Jwalla83} : The DNC is proud to announce this year's nominee: Coca-Cola! Celebrate your primary convention with the classic taste of an ice cold Coca-Cola, 2024!", '>>{gunt_master} : Should be pinnochio. They have so much in common.', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : I think she'll go with the safest pick, which is arguably Tim Kaine. he's inoffensive, has plenty of experience, and delivers the important swing state of Virginia for Clinton.", '>>{like_ya_do} : The problem going into the general is that there\'s a big enthusiasm gap working against Hillary. I\'d think the safest option technically would be the riskiest option in practice--another "boring old white dude" would draw less support than "well-experienced youngerish minority/first Latino veep."', '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Cory Booker is a good option if she wants a minority as a VP.', ">>{like_ya_do} : He's popular with partyline Dems but too snuggly with wall street for progressives. Plus he has no foreign policy experience and tends to get in fights on Twitter. Seems a little too unruly for Clinton, I think.", ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : I don't know, he seems like a relatively decent pick... maybe Deval Patrick would be better?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{username1615} : Google co-founder Sergey Brin joins protest against immigration order at San Francisco airport', '>>{valentino99} : By the way things are going, Trump is gonna be wishing soon that Hillary was the president. What a disaster Trump is making.', '>>{RandomRedditor44} : Obama and Bush only killed only 1 and a half Muslims? 🤔', ">>{James-Delaney} : He's just solidifying the rust belt for the next go-round. This is why they voted for him after all.", '>>{clone822} : Neither of those comments are true, for more reasons than anyone has the patience to dissect.', '>>{Zachasm} : Trump pissed off Google. How long until his search history is leaked? Anybody got bets on what his most frequently visited website is?', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : Their hatred of minorities and lgbtq rights will lead to their own job loss and destruction. Actually poetic', '>>{mac_question} : A billionaire felt moved to join a crowd of protesters and seemingly not make it a big deal- he was recognized, gave one or two quick quotes, and otherwise was just a protestor. Mad respect.', ">>{jaysrapsleafs} : a real billionaire too. Didn't start with handouts from daddy.", ">>{Bee040} : This is one of the reasons I love Google. From the begging they've been a different company. My dream through all my life has been to work there, that's why this year I'm starting my college studies on Computer Science. I'd hate to have my dream crash because of Trump."], ['>>{paulfromatlanta} : As Clinton looks for running mate, here are likely contenders', ">>{ReadySettGo} : I would personally just choose the mainstream media as my running mate if I were Hillary. They're done a great job of advocating for her throughout the entire campaign so far.", '>>{yennenga} : Dems wouldn\'t risk a senate seat if they did. After the "jungle primary" two Democrats won and will face each other in the fall. They could waste money or put Kamala on the ticket.', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Right, but I'm not so sure she'll be seriously considered.", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : Both California candidates for U.S. Senator are Democratic this year, no Republican even came close though there were about a dozen on the primary ballot.', '>>{paulfromatlanta} : A media choice might see safe - but she needs a counterweight - her "strength" is supposed to be foreign policy and older voter - she needs a Dan Quayle type but much more competent.', '>>{MakingRedditGreat} : Lol. They can call the election for her right away!', '>>{yennenga} : 34, I was surprised Kamala got 40% of the vote.', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : She will be attacked by the most powerful political conservative organization in the nation right now, because of the successful California suit against that Koch funded group that illegally fought against Prop 30, back in 2010 or so. Here is one such attack already and using that astroturffed conservative dirty trick name as well. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/29/magazine/kamala-harris-a-top-cop-in-the-era-of-black-lives-matter.html?_r=1 The comments are revealing and Kamala Harris has never been associated with that movement BLM because it isn't a movement it is a political dirty trick operation to create backlash.", ">>{like_ya_do} : Of this list, I think Becerra ticks the most boxes she'd want, at least on paper. If we didn't have Kasich here in Ohio, she'd probably snag Sherrod Brown (and he appears to want it), but I bet she tries to get a POC running mate so she can continue the historic-first identity politicking.", ">>{Jwalla83} : So when Hillary is impeached, we'll have President CNN!", '>>{kumandrin} : The next big thing: corporate "persons" being able to hold political office. We\'re 90% there already.', ">>{Jwalla83} : The DNC is proud to announce this year's nominee: Coca-Cola! Celebrate your primary convention with the classic taste of an ice cold Coca-Cola, 2024!", '>>{gunt_master} : Should be pinnochio. They have so much in common.', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : I think she'll go with the safest pick, which is arguably Tim Kaine. he's inoffensive, has plenty of experience, and delivers the important swing state of Virginia for Clinton.", '>>{like_ya_do} : The problem going into the general is that there\'s a big enthusiasm gap working against Hillary. I\'d think the safest option technically would be the riskiest option in practice--another "boring old white dude" would draw less support than "well-experienced youngerish minority/first Latino veep."', '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Cory Booker is a good option if she wants a minority as a VP.', ">>{like_ya_do} : He's popular with partyline Dems but too snuggly with wall street for progressives. Plus he has no foreign policy experience and tends to get in fights on Twitter. Seems a little too unruly for Clinton, I think.", ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : I don't know, he seems like a relatively decent pick... maybe Deval Patrick would be better?"]]
classify and reply
['>>{speckz} : Review: Better GPU and 4K screen make the XPS 15 a MacBook Pro for PC users', '>>{itguy16} : The Spectre or Razer are more MacBook for PC user than any POS Dell.', '>>{tell_me_why_you_suck} : Bought a Dell xps m1530 back in 2009. Cpu and gpu was exactly the same as in the top of the line mbp and it had even more ram for exactly half the price of the macbook.', ">>{mafuuuba} : LOL Trump praised Wikileaks now there's leakage all over the place. From legit whistleblowers and leakers too, not hackers.", ">>{SubterraneanAlien} : That's cool, but what does it have to do with the title of the article?", '>>{phorqing} : The specs do look nice. A MacBook Pro with comparable specs is $2900, whereas the reviewed model was only $2000. Still a high price tag though.', '>>{mrbarky} : Iniitial reports were that it was a disheveled hobo, but later turned out to be Steve Bannon.', '>>{Johan_NO} : - Occam\'s razor: which is actually more believable and likely to be what actually happened? A) someone infiltrated the GOP inner circle meeting, recorded long conversations and were able to email these to the Washington Post or B) Someone from within the GOP is leaking info and A) is a cover up argument ? - Look at the title image, with Pence interjecting himself between Trump and Ryan. I imagined Pence was the "unknown intruder" coming between the guys in power - kind of fitting considering how little use and media time he\'s getting.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Heh. The Trump Trainwreck sure loved their leakage when it wasn't their own dripping down their leg.", ">>{I_DONT_LIE_MUCH} : The only reason I got a MBP over XPS 15 is because they don't sell it in my country and no other laptop fulfilled my requirements.", '>>{James-Delaney} : or C) Trump and Bannon are still going after "Disloyal R\'s" Trump has spent his entire career leaking info about himself and others. Who do you think is leaking his EOs?', '>>{Mawontalk} : So now the GOP is against spying? Make up your mind.', '>>{Johan_NO} : I agree. But your C is a subset of my B, or a version thereof anyway. His "leaked" EOs are not leaked, they are officially announced ahead of time by his press office, like trailers are before at TV show episode. This is Trump\'s expertise; he\'s playing the media angle so well.', ">>{Veranova} : So worth it. I have last year's model. Best laptop I've owned, and I had a 2010 MBP", ">>{iampivot} : Don't think you can get a mbp with 32gb ram yet.", '>>{Nac_Lac} : If this is someone within the Republican organization, can we take a moment to appreciate their bravery in casting light into a very dark place? They are helping to keep our leaders accountable and showing the true nature of others. This is how one blows the whistle. You share your material with the ones that are able to act upon your information to help end the misconduct.', '>>{James-Delaney} : Yep, no matter what happens, Trump has changed political theater in America forever.', '>>{stevenmcountryman2} : Yup. The precision 5520 is one of the best high performance laptops you can get', ">>{phorqing} : That's true, although I don't know many MBP owners who could utilize 32 GB. The true crime of Apple's memory is that it's DDR3. Even their Pros.", '>>{bortkik} : Stop comparing everything to Apple products... "Oh this laptop is just like a Macbook Pro... it\'s the Windows version of Macbooks!" "This phone is the iPhone killer! This is the iPhone of Android devices!" "This iPad, I mean tablet, is great for what it is! It doesn\'t run iOS, but it\'s the best of the alternates!"', '>>{ratherbewinedrunk} : Anyone remember when the Bernie > Trump > Clinton crowd (a.k.a. Trump campaign operatives and/or Russian propaganda operatives) were telling us how outraged we should be that Clinton spoke about having a private position and a public position?', ">>{garfieldthegray} : I take it you haven't bought from Razer or HP before?", ">>{itguy16} : Not Razer but am typing this on the 2017 Sepectre x360. Coming from many Macs this thing is awesome. Unlike the garbage Dells I've used for years foe work.", '>>{aew3} : Apple is put on a pedestal by the average consumer.', '>>{SamSzmith} : Some random person was wandering around pretending to be a spouse and recording everything, too funny, and probably not true. It probably was a spouse or someone from the GOP, this sounds like a good cover for the leaker though.', '>>{humfl} : i suck because i fail to write an top comment /s :)', ">>{SlyReference} : Boy, I hope they didn't talk about anything happening in the basement of a pizza shop. And I'm sure they would have been fine with it if the person said they were from Wikileaks.", '>>{RenegadeUK} : One downside apparently is the positioning of the webcam, which apparently looks up your nose. Hopefully they will correct this in due course.', '>>{EditorsChoiceTech} : This a good option for those who wants a wider screen compared to its smaller sibling Dell XPS 13. Still, a good performance laptop.', ">>{_Damn_Russians_} : Like many things, they have contradictory ideas when they are the ones subject to them. They like spying till they are being spied on. They like small gov't till they are in control. They like religious liberty till it comes to other religions. I could go on but I think you get the point.", ">>{ZombieLincoln666} : at this point I think it's pretty well established that *on paper* PC's look like a better deal.", '>>{dogwhich} : When you are forced to use Windows and your file manager starts throwing ads at you.', '>>{dogwhich} : Everybody has used Windows, telling people that chose a clear alternative that you have an answer to their problems by going back to Windows is redundant and pointless. Also as with all Dell products the trackpad will be garbage, the screen will be 16:9 instead of 16:10, and it obviously wont have OSx.', ">>{Velvet_Spaceman} : Better support than basically everyone but Microsoft, consistently good to great hardware (even if it doesn't always appeal to everyone), the most put together ecosystem. Just to name a few generalized things.", ">>{Xxviii_28} : Yeah... I actually switched my display resolution to 1440p to give it a little more stamina. Otherwise you're looking at 3 hours maximum browsing the web, and about half that if you're working with media or gaming. That said, the screen is absolutely incredible when firing on all cylinders. It feels like I'm cutting my retinas on how sharp and colourful everything is.", '>>{tell_me_why_you_suck} : Well, the battery is dead (will run with power cord attached and new ones are quite cheap), the metal cover came off on one side (could be glued i guess), the display has a horizontal line of dead pixels (not sure how or when that happened) and the trackpad broke. To be fair, it was in heavy use for roughly 4 years, sometimes running days at a time. I actually booted it up a few weeks ago. Fingerprint reader worked on first try. Booting up windows took ages, the OS on that machine is a mess... Everything else worked quite well. Did not do any thorough testing though, the broken display is just so annoying.', ">>{iamrealz} : Thanks for the reply. For a comparison, I got a MBP in 2009 and it's still doing pretty well. The battery was replaced three years in. I also added RAM and upgraded the hard drive to SSD. I baby it too, so I wouldn't be surprised if people have different experiences.", ">>{livevicarious} : As a Mac lover, Dell's XPS lines are pretty damn awesome. I cracked one open and really am glad to start seeing more clean internals. Not just a bunch of boards slapped and taped together with plastic pieces. I know most people won't be seeing the inside, but when you see a company take the time to really engineer the internals as much as the outside to maximize space, and decrease thermals it really makes you feel like you got your bucks worth.", '>>{tell_me_why_you_suck} : My follow up for the xps was a late 2013 mbp. Still using it, still loving it.', '>>{mrdrsirmanguy} : Dell and HP are shitty fucking companies that computer probably has a 30 dollar Mobo is super glued together and was engineered by first year students if you want a quality laptop get an Asus or a Lenovo. With Asus being the first choice.', ">>{lemaymayguy} : I guess I wouldn't call a program built into windows as an ad", '>>{djcodeblue} : Same here, running just dandy on my end.', '>>{ConciselyVerbose} : Maybe, but for a "pro" computer to not even have the potential to use 32 GB is pretty nuts.', ">>{Agent_03} : In gaming and more realistic benchmarks, the performance difference between DDR3 and DDR4 is pretty small at comparable clock speeds. The big win is that DDR4 can go to higher speeds and uses a lower voltage for less power draw. I'm no Apple lover, but that's one decision I can't fault them for. Slim at the cost of battery life, now *that* is another matter."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{mafuuuba} : LOL Trump praised Wikileaks now there's leakage all over the place. From legit whistleblowers and leakers too, not hackers.", '>>{mrbarky} : Iniitial reports were that it was a disheveled hobo, but later turned out to be Steve Bannon.', '>>{Johan_NO} : - Occam\'s razor: which is actually more believable and likely to be what actually happened? A) someone infiltrated the GOP inner circle meeting, recorded long conversations and were able to email these to the Washington Post or B) Someone from within the GOP is leaking info and A) is a cover up argument ? - Look at the title image, with Pence interjecting himself between Trump and Ryan. I imagined Pence was the "unknown intruder" coming between the guys in power - kind of fitting considering how little use and media time he\'s getting.', ">>{LeMot-Juste} : Heh. The Trump Trainwreck sure loved their leakage when it wasn't their own dripping down their leg.", '>>{James-Delaney} : or C) Trump and Bannon are still going after "Disloyal R\'s" Trump has spent his entire career leaking info about himself and others. Who do you think is leaking his EOs?', '>>{Mawontalk} : So now the GOP is against spying? Make up your mind.', '>>{Johan_NO} : I agree. But your C is a subset of my B, or a version thereof anyway. His "leaked" EOs are not leaked, they are officially announced ahead of time by his press office, like trailers are before at TV show episode. This is Trump\'s expertise; he\'s playing the media angle so well.', '>>{Nac_Lac} : If this is someone within the Republican organization, can we take a moment to appreciate their bravery in casting light into a very dark place? They are helping to keep our leaders accountable and showing the true nature of others. This is how one blows the whistle. You share your material with the ones that are able to act upon your information to help end the misconduct.', '>>{James-Delaney} : Yep, no matter what happens, Trump has changed political theater in America forever.', '>>{ratherbewinedrunk} : Anyone remember when the Bernie > Trump > Clinton crowd (a.k.a. Trump campaign operatives and/or Russian propaganda operatives) were telling us how outraged we should be that Clinton spoke about having a private position and a public position?', '>>{SamSzmith} : Some random person was wandering around pretending to be a spouse and recording everything, too funny, and probably not true. It probably was a spouse or someone from the GOP, this sounds like a good cover for the leaker though.', ">>{SlyReference} : Boy, I hope they didn't talk about anything happening in the basement of a pizza shop. And I'm sure they would have been fine with it if the person said they were from Wikileaks.", ">>{_Damn_Russians_} : Like many things, they have contradictory ideas when they are the ones subject to them. They like spying till they are being spied on. They like small gov't till they are in control. They like religious liberty till it comes to other religions. I could go on but I think you get the point."], ['>>{speckz} : Review: Better GPU and 4K screen make the XPS 15 a MacBook Pro for PC users', '>>{itguy16} : The Spectre or Razer are more MacBook for PC user than any POS Dell.', '>>{tell_me_why_you_suck} : Bought a Dell xps m1530 back in 2009. Cpu and gpu was exactly the same as in the top of the line mbp and it had even more ram for exactly half the price of the macbook.', ">>{SubterraneanAlien} : That's cool, but what does it have to do with the title of the article?", '>>{phorqing} : The specs do look nice. A MacBook Pro with comparable specs is $2900, whereas the reviewed model was only $2000. Still a high price tag though.', ">>{I_DONT_LIE_MUCH} : The only reason I got a MBP over XPS 15 is because they don't sell it in my country and no other laptop fulfilled my requirements.", ">>{Veranova} : So worth it. I have last year's model. Best laptop I've owned, and I had a 2010 MBP", ">>{iampivot} : Don't think you can get a mbp with 32gb ram yet.", '>>{stevenmcountryman2} : Yup. The precision 5520 is one of the best high performance laptops you can get', ">>{phorqing} : That's true, although I don't know many MBP owners who could utilize 32 GB. The true crime of Apple's memory is that it's DDR3. Even their Pros.", '>>{bortkik} : Stop comparing everything to Apple products... "Oh this laptop is just like a Macbook Pro... it\'s the Windows version of Macbooks!" "This phone is the iPhone killer! This is the iPhone of Android devices!" "This iPad, I mean tablet, is great for what it is! It doesn\'t run iOS, but it\'s the best of the alternates!"', ">>{garfieldthegray} : I take it you haven't bought from Razer or HP before?", ">>{itguy16} : Not Razer but am typing this on the 2017 Sepectre x360. Coming from many Macs this thing is awesome. Unlike the garbage Dells I've used for years foe work.", '>>{aew3} : Apple is put on a pedestal by the average consumer.', '>>{humfl} : i suck because i fail to write an top comment /s :)', '>>{RenegadeUK} : One downside apparently is the positioning of the webcam, which apparently looks up your nose. Hopefully they will correct this in due course.', '>>{EditorsChoiceTech} : This a good option for those who wants a wider screen compared to its smaller sibling Dell XPS 13. Still, a good performance laptop.', ">>{ZombieLincoln666} : at this point I think it's pretty well established that *on paper* PC's look like a better deal.", '>>{dogwhich} : When you are forced to use Windows and your file manager starts throwing ads at you.', '>>{dogwhich} : Everybody has used Windows, telling people that chose a clear alternative that you have an answer to their problems by going back to Windows is redundant and pointless. Also as with all Dell products the trackpad will be garbage, the screen will be 16:9 instead of 16:10, and it obviously wont have OSx.', ">>{Velvet_Spaceman} : Better support than basically everyone but Microsoft, consistently good to great hardware (even if it doesn't always appeal to everyone), the most put together ecosystem. Just to name a few generalized things.", ">>{Xxviii_28} : Yeah... I actually switched my display resolution to 1440p to give it a little more stamina. Otherwise you're looking at 3 hours maximum browsing the web, and about half that if you're working with media or gaming. That said, the screen is absolutely incredible when firing on all cylinders. It feels like I'm cutting my retinas on how sharp and colourful everything is.", '>>{tell_me_why_you_suck} : Well, the battery is dead (will run with power cord attached and new ones are quite cheap), the metal cover came off on one side (could be glued i guess), the display has a horizontal line of dead pixels (not sure how or when that happened) and the trackpad broke. To be fair, it was in heavy use for roughly 4 years, sometimes running days at a time. I actually booted it up a few weeks ago. Fingerprint reader worked on first try. Booting up windows took ages, the OS on that machine is a mess... Everything else worked quite well. Did not do any thorough testing though, the broken display is just so annoying.', ">>{iamrealz} : Thanks for the reply. For a comparison, I got a MBP in 2009 and it's still doing pretty well. The battery was replaced three years in. I also added RAM and upgraded the hard drive to SSD. I baby it too, so I wouldn't be surprised if people have different experiences.", ">>{livevicarious} : As a Mac lover, Dell's XPS lines are pretty damn awesome. I cracked one open and really am glad to start seeing more clean internals. Not just a bunch of boards slapped and taped together with plastic pieces. I know most people won't be seeing the inside, but when you see a company take the time to really engineer the internals as much as the outside to maximize space, and decrease thermals it really makes you feel like you got your bucks worth.", '>>{tell_me_why_you_suck} : My follow up for the xps was a late 2013 mbp. Still using it, still loving it.', '>>{mrdrsirmanguy} : Dell and HP are shitty fucking companies that computer probably has a 30 dollar Mobo is super glued together and was engineered by first year students if you want a quality laptop get an Asus or a Lenovo. With Asus being the first choice.', ">>{lemaymayguy} : I guess I wouldn't call a program built into windows as an ad", '>>{djcodeblue} : Same here, running just dandy on my end.', '>>{ConciselyVerbose} : Maybe, but for a "pro" computer to not even have the potential to use 32 GB is pretty nuts.', ">>{Agent_03} : In gaming and more realistic benchmarks, the performance difference between DDR3 and DDR4 is pretty small at comparable clock speeds. The big win is that DDR4 can go to higher speeds and uses a lower voltage for less power draw. I'm no Apple lover, but that's one decision I can't fault them for. Slim at the cost of battery life, now *that* is another matter."]]
classify and reply
['>>{dy0nisus} : The next wave of trans bathroom bills will be even worse: Inside Virginia’s nightmare anti-LGBT legislation', '>>{arslan333pk} : Obama says attacks on police hurt Black Lives Matter cause', '>>{cambixx} : How many iPhones have you had replaced due to manufacturing defects?', ">>{PairOfMonocles2} : I've had every iPhone since the first and I'd say that I've had some issue with every other one, maybe a bit more. The biggest ones were that the pins in the headphone jacks of the old iPhones would get bent from use and stop working. That's more of a design than manufacturing issue, but accounts for probably three replacements until they went to the new design. I had to replace my 6 due to the gasket under the camera slipping free and starting to slide in front of the lens and that one I'd count as a true manufacturing issue.", ">>{DontBad1975} : Your math doesn't add up. Buying a newly released phone doesn't count as having it replaced because of a manufacturing defect, and accidental damage also doesn't count. I've had my 6plus replaced once for a bent enclosure. Which was totally my fault but it's classified as a manufacturing defect.", ">>{cambixx} : If you don't count the accidental damage, the tally is 9. Pretty sure I said that. Last paragraph. The math adds up. It's an iPhone tally, not a replacement tally. So 9 phones, 6 replacements. Edit: just to make that clearer for you -- 9 phones, 6 replacements, 3 models.", ">>{SnowFlakeSmasher} : I'm curious... Where will liberals actually turn into bigots, will it be the stopping of boys that think they are girls from going int the girls showers at school?", '>>{Trorbes} : When you hold a minority opinion. Fighting back is only okay when your cause has popular support.', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : What? Virginia is not a racist homophobic state. They voted blue. No way this garbage passes. North carolina has lost billions of dollars with their hb2. It has been a disaster for nc', ">>{Panda_of_power} : I've never not had to take my iPhone to the apple store for a replacement. usually within a month or two of upgrading something goes out on it, the most recent was the ear speaker on my 6s speaker phone worked just fine just not when i held it up. At the same time, I have never had an issue getting a replacement phone or the issue fixed. Thats why I love and stick with Apple, I have a problem I go to the apple store and they replace it, I had an issue with an old samsung phone and had to wait 4 days with a barely functioning phone while the replacement came in the mail from T-mobile.", '>>{DickWoodReddit} : Obama should say first black president allowed race relations to worsen.', '>>{cambixx} : I\'ve come to expect it, and you know what, I don\'t mind it at all. In fact, when I got the 6+, I anticipated the day I would discover its defect, and I kind of looked forward to it, to be honest. Of course, it\'s only because Apple, for me at least, have always provided not just an easy experience, but an enjoyable one. "Oh yep, we\'ll just swap that for a new one, I\'ll be right back..." Squiggle my name down, I leave with a new/refurbed phone and a want-list of about twenty new products. That space gray Macbook? Yepp. Maybe it\'s all a ploy to get you into their stores. No, I don\'t actually believe that. If I had to go through a telco ... Well, I wouldn\'t. Ever. Nor would I own anything of Samsung\'s, except maybe a microwave... Everyone I know who bought a Samsung Plasma TV up to about two or three years ago had their panels turn purple. And It took pages and pages and hundreds of pages (etc) of online complaints to actually get Samsung to acknowledge their TVs were fucked.', '>>{Ferry83} : My mom had her iphone 4s replaced countless of times (as said by provider, but i believe all of them are very old refurbs) I had pretty much no issues with any of my iphones 1 dropped one of them a couple of times.. it kept working..', '>>{StandHampton} : Barack "if I had a son, he would look like Micah Johnson" Obama', '>>{dy0nisus} : > HB 1612 allows private citizens to take action against the government if they feel their “privacy” has been violated. That means that if a transgender person uses a public restroom that does not match their birth certificate and another person is in the facility with them, that individual can sue the state of Virginia for civil damages on the basis of emotional distress. Mind-boggling on so many different levels. This is either some type of trojan horse, or else these ideologues truly want to destroy states piece-by-piece.', ">>{dread_lobster} : I'm curious... Do you see this as a real problem? Are there many reports of boys taking advantage of trans status to jack it in the girls' shower? Or is this just OUTRAGE!?", '>>{Magsays} : I think there are two reasons. One, I believe, is backlash from his presidency from old conservative ideologues concerned about what a black man being president says about the future of the country. The KKK was a menace only after the freeing of the slaves. Secondly, I think the tensions are exacerbated by the widespread availability of recording devices. There are many more "Rodney King\'s" now that everyone has a camera phone.', '>>{DickWoodReddit} : The reason they are still happening is because we have done anything about it. Not just obama, me, you, everyone in this countey needs to stop this shit. Change laws that target them, train police and more needs to be done.', '>>{keeb119} : I agree. I also agree that the police killing unarmed innocent people hurts their cause.', ">>{keeb119} : This. This isn't just about black people getting blasted away by police. This is also about the lack of justice for those who are killed for no reason. It's also the either horrible or wrong or lack of training. We need to change the fact that police can target people for no reason.", ">>{blatherskiter} : Yeah. That has happened, but it hasn't been frequent because it's always been against the law. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/02/26/predator-who-claimed-to-be-transgender-declared-dangerous-offender http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2227562/Colleen-Francis-Outrage-transgendered-woman-permitted-use-college-womens-locker-room-exposing-himself.html http://komonews.com/archive/police-man-in-bra-and-wig-found-in-womens-bathroom http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Secret-Recording-Store-Mall-Antelope-Valley-Palmdale-Restroom-207541101.html http://thefederalist.com/2015/11/23/a-rape-survivor-speaks-out-about-transgender-bathrooms/ ------------------------------ It's strange to me that liberals decry our rape culture and how men are predators... except men who dress like women. If it becomes illegal to remove a man from the girls bathroom, do you think all the pedophiles on To Catch A Predator won't just fake it to use the girl's locker room?", '>>{lebowskisfarmhand} : good, put a spot light on the bigots. [one for Carrie Fisher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wntX-a3jSY)', ">>{jar0fair} : Absolutely never. Nothing has ever gone wrong that wasn't my fault. I dropped one once and it broke. But it did t have a case on it and I dropped it on the road.", ">>{tonysnap} : Slaughtering white people who did nothing to you is fighting back? I really hope I'm misunderstanding what you're saying.", ">>{ZebZ} : Outside of NoVA and Richmond it's as red as red can be. Deliverance red.", ">>{guy-with-a-straw-hat} : It's ok, those peoples type of thinking think white people are literally Hitler and should die.", ">>{Erktus} : I've owned every single model and I have had issues with only one: my current 6S. My battery kept randomly crapping out when it was at or below 30% charge. It just wasn't reliable. The Genius Bar employees said the battery was fine and they had me restore the phone via backup and later had me set it up as a new phone and I still had the issue. So after a couple weeks, they finally gave me a new one and I haven't had an issue since.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : No, tensions were exacerbated when Obama decided it was not important to give his opinion on Trayvon Martin and send administration officials to Mike Brown's funeral. The level of incompetence cannot be overstated. He's been driving this along with the media.", ">>{d_mcc_x} : We have a Dem gov, and an increasingly Dem electorate. This wasn't even brought up during the campaign for the legislature. What a joke.", ">>{dread_lobster} : It's not a problem that necessitates an extra level of legality. Jacking off in a public restroom is still illegal, taking photos or videos in a public restroom is still illegal, voyeurism is still illegal. This is OUTRAGE! to keep conservatives good and riled just like the puppet masters want.", ">>{Magsays} : I absolutely agree with you, I just think we have a tendency to believe it's getting worse because we can actually see it more now with the help of technology, when in reality it was pretty bad to begin with.", '>>{SnowFlakeSmasher} : So then they will not stop at the girls showers. Thank you for that.', ">>{blatherskiter} : So long as they're not jacking off or video taping, then you think men should be allowed in the girl's locker room. Wow.", '>>{BuffaloBird} : One. Got my 6 replaced because the screen would flash blue every time I opened the app switcher. The guy at the Apple Store thought it was a memory issue, so he gave me a new one. This was fairly soon after it came out originally.', '>>{Magsays} : Do you think other previous presidents would have done so?', '>>{PusheenTheDestroyer} : Funny, I thought attacks on police WAS their cause... that and justifying their own racism.', ">>{dfuqt} : Yeah it's so easy. I've had two replacements - an iPhone 5 due to battery failure after ten months, and an iPhone 6+ after nineteen months. I was in and out of the store within ten minutes with a new device. I've also had to have a replacement iPad mini 2 under AppleCare + due to damage, and I've returned an iPhone 6 and SE within the return period for a refund. Again, there were no issues. It gives a lot of peace of mind, and plays a big part in me continuing to buy Apple products.", '>>{pseudolocus} : I think he needs some warm milk and cookies too.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Nothing like Obama has done. Every. Single. Time. Why the hell did that kid from Texas with the "clock" get invited? Totally inappropriate.', '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : These are sexual predators that used a disguise, none of them was transgender, one seems to have used it as a lame excuse. It can happen any time any place regardless of the law or lack of.', ">>{dread_lobster} : Yeah just ignore the third thing I mentioned. That's a textbook straw man. Gratz!", '>>{Greyharmonix} : People keep saying that last weeks violence hasn\'t helped the movement, but I don\'t think there\'s ever been more attention paid to it. I heard Newt Gingrich say something like, "White people don\'t know what it\'s like to be black". I think Hillary Clinton even said something like that. They weren\'t saying that before the shootings...So what logic is he using when he says the attacks on police hurt black live matter cause? It really hasn\'t. The violence is all bad, but to say it hasn\'t opened up the dialog about the situation is being completely blind to reality. White politicians saying, "White people don\'t know what it\'s like to be black" is new. Like a few days new.', ">>{snowflakelord} : I had the screen replaced on my 6S, due to dust or something under the screen. But that's the first time I've ever had a flawed iPhone, I've never had any problems apart from that.", '>>{APenaCarranza} : I actually just got my 6th iPhone 6 today. The front facing camera kept becoming misaligned.', '>>{kriart} : Never ever had to replace the iPhone because of manufacturing issues.', ">>{graay_ghost} : The end game of these bills is to terrorize not just transgender people but also women in general. The only logical conclusion is to have genital inspectors in every women's restroom inspecting the genitals of all restroom users, turning the chance of being sexually assaulted in a restroom by someone in a costume from very low to very high.", ">>{aliengoods1} : It's just a few assholes. Or at least that's what I hear every time an abortion clinic gets shot up.", ">>{Wachyourbac} : On my current 6, I'm on my second. I dropped the phone while at Disney world and cracked the screen. When I brought it into the apple store to use my Applecare+ the crack on the screen was perfect from one corner to the other and somehow showed it was a manufacturing defect, and they replaced it on the spot no questions asked. One of the best experiences ever.", '>>{d_mcc_x} : False. Tidewater, Roanoke, Blacksburg, and Charlottesville are all moderate. There is a special election in 3 days that could see a tie in the state senate, and a minor minority in the house. Democratic Governor and Lt. Governor. VA is getting more blue', ">>{tasslehawf} : Yeah. Why not if they don't bother anyone? Sortof the same as not having sex-segregated bathrooms.", '>>{CaptNemo131} : Only one. My first 6S had a large bright spot in the upper right corner of the display. Within the first 14 days, exchanged for a new one. No problems.', ">>{av125009} : None! can't say the same for Androids though; that's one area that Iphone beats the hell out of Android. The QC that Apple has is leaps and bounds better than Samsung, HTC, and even LG. I have replaced over 5 Android phones for defects in the past and never an Iphone despite owning more Iphones over the years", ">>{Magsays} : I think he's is trying to walk the very fine line of acknowledging the racism that exists in the country and not being too reactionary as to divide people even further.", '>>{lamabaronvonawesome} : It goes both ways obviously. One bad cop is not the police, one black criminal is not the black community. Everyone uses the same tactics.', ">>{blatherskiter} : So, making it legal for men to look at naked girls in the locker room, and all the men have to do is claim to be a woman, won't increase the chance of predatory men using the girls locker room. Is that right? And you think all the men on To Catch A Predator wont start dressing like a woman to 100% legally watch girls undress?", '>>{portnux} : None, still using my original 5s bought when they were introduced and my wife is using her original 4s, bought when they were introduced. Although her home button is wonky.', ">>{blatherskiter} : Ask yourself this question: when it is illegal to remove men dressed as women from the girls' locker room and bathroom, will male predators pretend to be trans to use the girls' locker room? The men on To Catch A Predator will drive hundreds of miles to a likely sting operation to see a girl naked, and you think they won't just dress like a woman knowing it's 100% legal?", ">>{DickInAWoolCoat} : You're not getting it. It's already illegal. Whether they dress as man and use a men's locker room, or put on a wig and use the girl's, it would be illegal regardless. This law does not change their actions being illegal, this only puts blocks in place for normal use and puts focus on something that isn't your business.", '>>{lamabaronvonawesome} : Awareness is not always change, we shall see. Any big fundamental change gets blood all over it. Just look at history.', '>>{drewiepoodle} : Trans women are women, not men. Also, trans men also exist. >And you think all the men on To Catch A Predator wont start dressing like a woman to 100% legally watch girls undress? Yes, because voyeurism is still illegal.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : [Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Organizations Debunk 'Bathroom Predator Myth'](http://abcnews.go.com/US/sexual-assault-domestic-violence-organizations-debunk-bathroom-predator/story?id=38604019)", ">>{wdm42} : 4 people, with many years of iPhones (started with 3GS), and two iphone 5's had to be repaired, due to faulty sleep/wake switch", ">>{cambixx} : Nah, I'm not a jackass, I'm just another person on the internet using a worn out three-liner ... One that was taken a little bit too seriously, apparently.", ">>{NotTellinYou} : Had every iPhone ever introduced and none had an issue. The iPhone 4. 4S, and iPhone 5, are now being used as security cams in my house with Presence. As a data analytics guy, given Apple has sold hundreds of millions of iPhones, while your experience is interesting, it's likely a curious outlier and not significant beyond a strange story.", ">>{drewiepoodle} : Soooooooo.... lemme get this straight, you want to implement laws that require trans people to use the bathrooms of the gender they were assigned at birth, which means that trans men, who come complete with beards, will have to use the women's restroom, which means that predators dont even have to put on a dress to go into the women's restroom. *slo clap. F- for logic", ">>{lamabaronvonawesome} : Or the fact that every phone now has an HD video camera in it and police can't lie like they used to. A decade ago that was not true. The Iphone was introduce to the us on June 29, 2007.", '>>{blatherskiter} : > Nobody thinks the second article is acceptable. Uhm. The police and the college issued a public apology to the man who exposed himself to little girls. If you want a law making it a discrimination crime to remove men from the girls\' locker room, then this is exactly what you are asking for. > What will the law do to protect against scumbags saying "Oh, I was born a woman" instead of "Oh, I am a woman" and putting on a wig and bra..etc. Allow the owners of the bathroom to use their own discretion without the threat of being bankrupted in a discrimination lawsuit.', ">>{lamabaronvonawesome} : > Or the fact that every phone now has an HD video camera in it and police can't lie like they used to. A decade ago that was not true. The Iphone was introduce to the us on June 29, 2007.", ">>{SJUNLIN} : For me personally, iPhone 5S, 2 replacements. iPhone 6S 1 repair, 1 replacement. iPhone 5S: 1st replacement: Battery drain and phone overheats easily. 2nd replacement: Camera module spoilt, camera won't open. Tried software restore and all. Hardware problem. iPhone 6S: 1st repair: Dead pixel on screen, got it repaired and collected after 4 working days. 1st replacement: Power button sucken in and not tactile and clicky. That's about it. Didn't have any issues with my prior iPhone 4S and 5 though.", ">>{ooburai} : So far zero. Then again, I've only really ever had one cell phone give up the ghost because of bad manufacturing. In general, they're pretty reliable if you aren't nutty, but of course there are always exceptions to this rule.", ">>{Yo_2T} : I've only had to replace an iPhone 5c when the battery swelled up and dislodged the screen. That's 1 out of 6 iPhones in the family so not that bad.", ">>{cambixx} : I agree – I'm somewhat of an anomaly, so I've been told. :)", ">>{cambixx} : I'd be so interesting to see the data re: faults correlating to serial numbers. If you're into that kind of thing.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : The President who weighs in on every issue, even when there isn't video.", ">>{Avocadosandtomatoes} : Did Apple replace the the current iPhone for free? I'm having the white lines and unresponsive screen problem now and trying to see my options on what other people do.", '>>{drewiepoodle} : And to be tucked in and read a good bedtime story.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : Eh, except the opposite seems to be happening.', '>>{cambixx} : Yep, easy swap. Your options are: take your iPhone to Apple and get it sorted; live with a broken iPhone. Easy :)', ">>{Avocadosandtomatoes} : Were you under warranty? I also have the option of claiming insurance with AT&T. Rather pay $199 over $369 since my warranty expired, if they don't charge me of course.", '>>{alephnul} : 10 hour user -79 karma.... You be the judge.', ">>{Valarauth} : There of countless stories of the dressing rooms of women and teen girls being invaded by a man looking to see them naked. Just google: [Trump women's dressing room](https://www.google.com/search?q=Trump+womens+dressing+room&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=Trump+women%27s+dressing+room)", ">>{thisisATHENS} : He's seeing racism where their isn't and using his position as President to do it. People are going on witch hunts instead of assessing situations objectively.", ">>{blatherskiter} : > Voyeurism is still illegal How do you convict someone of voyeurism if all they're doing is using a locker room? > Trans women are women, not men. Then Subway's Jared should have done the smart thing and become a woman rather than going to jail for child porn.", ">>{Greyharmonix} : >Any big fundamental change gets blood all over it. Just look at history. Exactly. This is the reality of the world, it's sad, but action creates movement. Words are looked back on, but at the moment it was action, not words that changed things.", ">>{drewiepoodle} : >How do you convict someone of voyeurism if all they're doing is using a locker room? Because if you're just standing there staring at people, then male or female, cis or trans, that's just fucking creepy.", ">>{Cdwollan} : At which point he'd go through HRT which would dramatically change his brain chemistry.", ">>{blatherskiter} : > You're just changing how the men will lie to get in What lie are men currently using to use the girls locker room with impunity? I don't understand. Before, the only way a man could get into the women's locker room was by cross dressing, but when they were caught they were sent to jail. Now, you want them to be in the girls locker room with impunity.", '>>{NESoteric} : Several places I\'ve worked, including restaurants, retail stores, and others list "prolong staring" as a form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can get you kicked out of a bathroom/locker room. Therefore prolong staring can get you kicked out of a bathroom/locker room. What about the lesbians that stare at other women? Or men staring at other men\'s junk? Maybe we should just ban everyone from public restrooms to protect the children.', ">>{lamabaronvonawesome} : I said on it, not causes it. It's a distinction. Gandhi comes to mind. When people attack police sure it gives awareness but it also gives something to point at that is negative. There are a lot of people that would be neutral or even allies that are not if people start shooting people.", '>>{blatherskiter} : Oh, ok. So a man can go into the girls locker room so long as he doesnt stare for too long. Got it.', '>>{treerat} : The republicans will create more jobs- for the penis police. Wonder if Blackwater will get the contract.', '>>{drewiepoodle} : Lol, no, man can not go into the ladies locker room. But trans women arent men. Nobody says a peep about my friends and I going into the female locker room to change.', ">>{aliengoods1} : I agree. And the worst part is both communities will defend their thugs even when they're wrong and they know it. Good cops will defend bad cops just as easily as BLM defends criminals.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : You realize that voyeurism/sexual assault is already illegal no matter who does it, right? Forcing trans women to use the men's room isn't going to make it more illegal or less possible.", '>>{whats-your-plan-man} : What happened in Dallas wasn\'t "Fighting Back." It was the equivalent of Shooting Person B, because they looked like Person A, who wronged you deeply. DISCLAIMER: I am not condoning vigilante shootings. However, if instead of shooting Police Officers and DART employees in Dallas, someone had shot one of the police involved in the very publicized shootings of the previous week, there\'d be a lot more perceived gray area. The climate would be a hell of a lot worse as well. This would still be absolutely horrific and wrong. But you\'d hear more people around the country saying "That guy really shouldn\'t have shot that police officer, but mayyyyybe if cops that committed crimes or the precincts that didn\'t train them were held responsible more often, people wouldn\'t feel like this horrible shit is necessary." Even that wouldn\'t have been fighting back, it would have been revenge. Doesn\'t help anybody\'s cause either.', '>>{Greyharmonix} : I never said it causes it. Have you ever heard the saying, "There is no bad press"? Gandhi was met with violence, not that he was violent, but the violence brought the issue to light. Same with the civil rights movement. It was the violence that made the issue a priority for people. This notion that violence helps nothing just isn\'t true. If people weren\'t dying why care? The violence is the reason people care so much.', '>>{x86_64Ubuntu} : Non-violence is only a desirable trait when it concerns natives/indigenous peoples/the other working against an oppressive western system. Think about it, in Western society all entities of note are by design white males, **except** when it comes to being exemplaries of non-violence. That specific realm is occupied by Dr. King and Gandhi, once again by design.', '>>{x86_64Ubuntu} : Yes, because everything was just peachy before Obama did that.', '>>{piscina_dela_muerta} : Both women and men can get arrested for child porn. Your comparison isnt even valid.', ">>{piscina_dela_muerta} : > What lie are men currently using to use the girls locker room with impunity? I don't understand. You dont understand a lot. Maybe you should mind your own business on a topic you know nothing about.", '>>{piscina_dela_muerta} : Can the story be inclusive of all genders and sexual orientations?', '>>{x86_64Ubuntu} : The difference is that if you shoot up an abortion clinic, your ass is going to jail for a long ass time. But if you shoot someone with as an officer of the law, you get paid vacation, job protection, criminal protection and eventually you are back on the force being a menace. EDIT: My English was doo-doo', '>>{drewiepoodle} : of course, it will be mandated by the SJW junta that will overthrow the current US government.', '>>{piscina_dela_muerta} : *Waves hands around in the flamboyantly trans salute of our junta*', '>>{thesilvertongue} : Can we use this against them? Can we just sue the Virginia government continuously until they realize how dumb this is?', ">>{liketheherp} : I'm not a fan of BLM, but BLM had nothing to do with it. The news is reporting the shooter was rejected from the black power groups he wanted to join.", '>>{thesilvertongue} : There is a lot more to Virginia than the DC suburbs.', '>>{aliengoods1} : I think you mean if you shoot someone when you have a badge, but I get your point. The wording just made it sound like cop killers get off easy, instead of killer cops.', '>>{ertri} : Republicans accuse liberals of needing to be coddled to protect feelings, then try this?', ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : Holy shit, do I even know how to English. I mean, yeah, the sentence is grammatically correct, but it's confusing to the reader. Oh declensions, where art thou?", '>>{aliengoods1} : Your grammar was fine, it\'s just the wording could be interpreted in multiple ways. I wasn\'t trying to be "that guy".', ">>{dy0nisus} : No doubt. Most people have absolutely no clue how hard it is to actually sue the state or federal government for civil damages on the property/physical level...let alone the freaking 'emotional' level??? The *only* way, in my humble opinion, this could ever make its way to into the legal cannon is as some form of sabotage or negotiation ploy aimed precisely at fiscally blackmailing the state into compliance with their ideological will. And this comes from the people that love tort reform and absolutely hate unnecessary litigation of any means....", '>>{x86_64Ubuntu} : No, you are right. I absolutely hate sentences that have to be parsed multiple ways to see what the speaker means to say.', ">>{dy0nisus} : Just to elaborate, because in reality it was the only reason why I posted this article, that provision is insane on so many practical levels that it can only be a truly punitive measure against the state. If an armed gunman robs you in the middle of the night...and (for the sake of fucking argument) happens to be your own mother, who has her own key...you cannot sue the local, state, or federal police on any level because they did not prevent the robbery. So, despite the fact I weirdly somehow actually agree with most reasonable conservatives on this point, the simple fact that its in the legislation means they will destroy two centuries worth of precedent which could lead not only to the destruction of states themselves, but also the federal government. *Not to mention these are the people work as hard as they can to decimate Tort Laws which protect public and private interests from corporate malfeasance. These 'so called patriots' couldn't point to the constitution or a map of america even if it was hanging on their computer screen saver.", '>>{thisisATHENS} : There were less race riots under Bush and Clinton.', '>>{aliengoods1} : BTW, I love your version on Linux (at least on the server).', ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : And? That just speaks to the fact that the black community hadn't reached a boiling point. It says nothing to the issue that police abuse wasn't going on.", ">>{Greyharmonix} : >Non-violence is only a desirable trait when it concerns natives/indigenous peoples/the other working against an oppressive western system. That's complete bullshit. If you think indigenous people weren't/aren't every bit as violent as any other human you're living in a fantasy.", ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : You've completely mis-interpreted my sentence. Non-violence is the **only** action or recourse western society will tolerate when dealing with grievances from the indigenous peoples.", ">>{too_clever_username} : They also hurt the police officers and their families, but who cares about them when you're so busy race baiting.", ">>{Greyharmonix} : Oh I see. Well, why would any society tolerate violence from anyone? Of course they tolerate non-violence. Why wouldn't they? If you're saying non-violence is their only choice...well that's not true either. Plenty of societies have fought until their extinction. How do you think everyone agreed that the calendar starts on Jesus's death? It wasn't debated...Christianity won by killing everyone who didn't agree.", '>>{thisisATHENS} : The boiling caused by the President and media turning up the heat.', ">>{Edensgate} : I support BLM and don't trust the publicly funded, growingly militaristic gang resistant to any oversight or regulation we call a police force, but he's right. This gives these movements a bad rep and only supports more police militarization and sympathy.", '>>{Rtuttle12} : No. You support BLM. A terrorist group.', ">>{ThouHastLostAn8th} : Reuters' paraphrasing kind of misrepresents Pres. Obama's answer here. If you watched the press conference or read the actual transcript, he wasn't, as the headline implies, associating the Dallas shooter with the movement, or saying they had to answer for him. Instead he was saying it was important for activists not to stereotype police, arguing *rhetoric* painting the entire profession as bad actors is counterproductive and wrong: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/07/10/remarks-president-obama-and-prime-minister-rajoy-spain-after-bilateral >*Q You commented in the past on some of the tactics of the Black Lives Matter movement that you suggested have been counterproductive. We've seen continued protests, as I mentioned, overnight in many American cities over the Dallas tragedy. And as you prepare yourself to travel to Dallas, how would you advise the Black Lives Matter activists to approach this very sensitive issue -- situation?* > > >PRESIDENT OBAMA: ... [O]ne of the great things about America is that individual citizens and groups of citizens can petition their government, can protest, can speak truth to power. And that is sometimes messy and controversial. But because of that ability to protest and engage in free speech, America, over time, has gotten better. We've all benefited from that. > >The abolition movement was contentious. The effort for women to get the right to vote was contentious and messy. There were times when activists might have engaged in rhetoric that was overheated and occasionally counterproductive. But the point was to raise issues so that we, as a society, could grapple with it. The same was true with the Civil Rights Movement, the union movement, the environmental movement, the anti-war movement during Vietnam. And I think what you're seeing now is part of that longstanding tradition. > >**What I would say is this -- that whenever those of us who are concerned about fairness in the criminal justice system attack police officers, you are doing a disservice to the cause. First of all, any violence directed at police officers is a reprehensible crime and needs to be prosecuted. But even rhetorically, if we paint police in broad brush, without recognizing that the vast majority of police officers are doing a really good job and are trying to protect people and do so fairly and without racial bias, if our rhetoric does not recognize that, then we're going to lose allies in the reform cause.** > >Now, in a movement like Black Lives Matter, there’s always going to be some folks who say things that are stupid, or imprudent, or overgeneralized, or harsh. And I don't think that you can hold well-meaning activists who are doing the right thing and peacefully protesting responsible for everything that is uttered at a protest site. But I would just say to everybody who’s concerned about the issue of police shootings or racial bias in the criminal justice system that maintaining a truthful and serious and respectful tone is going to help mobilize American society to bring about real change. And that is our ultimate objective. > >Now, this week, people felt hurt and angry, and so some of this is just venting. But I think that the overwhelming majority of people who are involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, what they really want to see is a better relationship between the police and the community so that they can feel that it's serving them. And the best way to do that is to bring allies forward. That means -- that includes, by the way, the police departments that are doing the right thing, like Dallas, which has implemented the very reforms that Black Lives Matter has been seeking. That's part of why it's so tragic that those officers were targeted in Dallas, a place that is -- because of its transparency and training and openness and engagement in the community -- has drastically brought down the number of police shootings and complaints about misconduct. > >The flip side of that -- and this is the last point I'll make -- is just as my hope would be that everybody involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, or other civil rights organizations or who are protesting -- just as I want all of them to maintain a respectful, thoughtful tone -- because, as a practical matter, that's what’s going to get change done -- I would hope that police organizations are also respectful of the frustration that people in these communities feel and not just dismiss these protests and these complaints as political correctness, or as politics or attacks on police. There are legitimate issues that have been raised, and there’s data and evidence to back up the concerns that are being expressed by these protesters. > >And if police organizations and departments acknowledge that there’s a problem and there’s an issue, then that, too, is going to contribute to real solutions. And, as I said yesterday, that is what’s going to ultimately help make the job of being a cop a lot safer. It is in the interest of police officers that their communities trust them and that the kind of rancor and suspicion that exists right now is alleviated. > >So I'd like all sides to listen to each other. And that's what we'll hopefully be able to accomplish over the course of the next week and over the course of the remaining months that I'm President.", '>>{onomuknub} : the Dallas shooter was not associated with BLM, he was acting independently. Also, your evaluation of black people is very telling.', ">>{Lord_Shisui} : You responded but never actually took the time to check factual statistics didn't you?", ">>{onomuknub} : it's not a matter of whether or not those statistics are accurate, it's that your post reduces people to statistics. I.e., why are people getting up in arms about 5 black people being killed by the police when black people kill each other all the time? White people kill eachother at roughly the same rate. Murder and manslaughter are a huge problem, trying to paint African Americans as inherently more violent than other groups is...not recommended.", '>>{Lord_Shisui} : Demography is by definition the statistical study of populations. Statistics are what they are whether you like them or not is unfortunately irrelevant.', ">>{onomuknub} : Statistics are not the same as conclusions, they're just raw data. The authors of studies have their conclusions that hopefully correspond to the data, and hopefully the data has an adequate sample size and doesn't have a large margin of error. Statistics don't point to African Americans being more violent than other races.", '>>{Lord_Shisui} : Correct. Raw data says that even though blacks only account for 13% of the population, they commit more than 50% of all murders. Make of it what you will.', ">>{onomuknub} : 52%, whites at a rate of 45%, which is the same difference between the percentage of black people killed by other black people (90%) and white people killed by other whites (82%). Still an alarming statistic (though it hasn't been updated since 2013), but there's not a consensus on why this is the case. When one considers the high number of false or overturned convictions, the way that African-Americans are treated by the justice system and how prisons can turn low-level drug offenders into violent offenders instead of actually rehabilitating or reforming their inmates, those can all factor into that. But there are other more knowledgeable people than me that have studied this. I should do more research.", '>>{Lord_Shisui} : Yes but there are 6 times as many whites as there are blacks AND BLACKS STILL DO MORE KILLING.', '>>{onomuknub} : so how do you account for that? In the UK and Mexico, at least, blacks account very a very small percentage of the population and do not commit anywhere near the same amount of crime, violent or otherwise that whites/mestizos do. This despite the fact that Mexico has a much higher homicide rate than the US, and the UK much lower.', '>>{Lord_Shisui} : Population Population of England and Wales, source: 2011 ONS Census White – 48,209,395 (85.97%) [White British – 45,134, 686 – 80.48%] Black – 1,864,890 (3.32%) Asian – 3,820,390 (6.81%) Chinese – 393,141 (0.7%) Mixed race – 1,224,400 (2.18%) Arab – 230,600 (0.41%) Other – 333,096 (0.59%) Total – 56,075,912 Murder White – 223 (65.01%) Black – 57 (16.61%) Asian – 29 (8.45%) Other – 4 (1.16%) Not stated – 30 (8.74%) Total – 343 Blacks are 6.6 times more likely than whites to commit murder.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{cambixx} : How many iPhones have you had replaced due to manufacturing defects?', ">>{PairOfMonocles2} : I've had every iPhone since the first and I'd say that I've had some issue with every other one, maybe a bit more. The biggest ones were that the pins in the headphone jacks of the old iPhones would get bent from use and stop working. That's more of a design than manufacturing issue, but accounts for probably three replacements until they went to the new design. I had to replace my 6 due to the gasket under the camera slipping free and starting to slide in front of the lens and that one I'd count as a true manufacturing issue.", ">>{DontBad1975} : Your math doesn't add up. Buying a newly released phone doesn't count as having it replaced because of a manufacturing defect, and accidental damage also doesn't count. I've had my 6plus replaced once for a bent enclosure. Which was totally my fault but it's classified as a manufacturing defect.", ">>{cambixx} : If you don't count the accidental damage, the tally is 9. Pretty sure I said that. Last paragraph. The math adds up. It's an iPhone tally, not a replacement tally. So 9 phones, 6 replacements. Edit: just to make that clearer for you -- 9 phones, 6 replacements, 3 models.", ">>{Panda_of_power} : I've never not had to take my iPhone to the apple store for a replacement. usually within a month or two of upgrading something goes out on it, the most recent was the ear speaker on my 6s speaker phone worked just fine just not when i held it up. At the same time, I have never had an issue getting a replacement phone or the issue fixed. Thats why I love and stick with Apple, I have a problem I go to the apple store and they replace it, I had an issue with an old samsung phone and had to wait 4 days with a barely functioning phone while the replacement came in the mail from T-mobile.", '>>{cambixx} : I\'ve come to expect it, and you know what, I don\'t mind it at all. In fact, when I got the 6+, I anticipated the day I would discover its defect, and I kind of looked forward to it, to be honest. Of course, it\'s only because Apple, for me at least, have always provided not just an easy experience, but an enjoyable one. "Oh yep, we\'ll just swap that for a new one, I\'ll be right back..." Squiggle my name down, I leave with a new/refurbed phone and a want-list of about twenty new products. That space gray Macbook? Yepp. Maybe it\'s all a ploy to get you into their stores. No, I don\'t actually believe that. If I had to go through a telco ... Well, I wouldn\'t. Ever. Nor would I own anything of Samsung\'s, except maybe a microwave... Everyone I know who bought a Samsung Plasma TV up to about two or three years ago had their panels turn purple. And It took pages and pages and hundreds of pages (etc) of online complaints to actually get Samsung to acknowledge their TVs were fucked.', '>>{Ferry83} : My mom had her iphone 4s replaced countless of times (as said by provider, but i believe all of them are very old refurbs) I had pretty much no issues with any of my iphones 1 dropped one of them a couple of times.. it kept working..', ">>{jar0fair} : Absolutely never. Nothing has ever gone wrong that wasn't my fault. I dropped one once and it broke. But it did t have a case on it and I dropped it on the road.", ">>{Erktus} : I've owned every single model and I have had issues with only one: my current 6S. My battery kept randomly crapping out when it was at or below 30% charge. It just wasn't reliable. The Genius Bar employees said the battery was fine and they had me restore the phone via backup and later had me set it up as a new phone and I still had the issue. So after a couple weeks, they finally gave me a new one and I haven't had an issue since.", '>>{BuffaloBird} : One. Got my 6 replaced because the screen would flash blue every time I opened the app switcher. The guy at the Apple Store thought it was a memory issue, so he gave me a new one. This was fairly soon after it came out originally.', ">>{dfuqt} : Yeah it's so easy. I've had two replacements - an iPhone 5 due to battery failure after ten months, and an iPhone 6+ after nineteen months. I was in and out of the store within ten minutes with a new device. I've also had to have a replacement iPad mini 2 under AppleCare + due to damage, and I've returned an iPhone 6 and SE within the return period for a refund. Again, there were no issues. It gives a lot of peace of mind, and plays a big part in me continuing to buy Apple products.", ">>{snowflakelord} : I had the screen replaced on my 6S, due to dust or something under the screen. But that's the first time I've ever had a flawed iPhone, I've never had any problems apart from that.", '>>{APenaCarranza} : I actually just got my 6th iPhone 6 today. The front facing camera kept becoming misaligned.', '>>{kriart} : Never ever had to replace the iPhone because of manufacturing issues.', ">>{Wachyourbac} : On my current 6, I'm on my second. I dropped the phone while at Disney world and cracked the screen. When I brought it into the apple store to use my Applecare+ the crack on the screen was perfect from one corner to the other and somehow showed it was a manufacturing defect, and they replaced it on the spot no questions asked. One of the best experiences ever.", '>>{CaptNemo131} : Only one. My first 6S had a large bright spot in the upper right corner of the display. Within the first 14 days, exchanged for a new one. No problems.', ">>{av125009} : None! can't say the same for Androids though; that's one area that Iphone beats the hell out of Android. The QC that Apple has is leaps and bounds better than Samsung, HTC, and even LG. I have replaced over 5 Android phones for defects in the past and never an Iphone despite owning more Iphones over the years", '>>{portnux} : None, still using my original 5s bought when they were introduced and my wife is using her original 4s, bought when they were introduced. Although her home button is wonky.', ">>{wdm42} : 4 people, with many years of iPhones (started with 3GS), and two iphone 5's had to be repaired, due to faulty sleep/wake switch", ">>{cambixx} : Nah, I'm not a jackass, I'm just another person on the internet using a worn out three-liner ... One that was taken a little bit too seriously, apparently.", ">>{NotTellinYou} : Had every iPhone ever introduced and none had an issue. The iPhone 4. 4S, and iPhone 5, are now being used as security cams in my house with Presence. As a data analytics guy, given Apple has sold hundreds of millions of iPhones, while your experience is interesting, it's likely a curious outlier and not significant beyond a strange story.", ">>{SJUNLIN} : For me personally, iPhone 5S, 2 replacements. iPhone 6S 1 repair, 1 replacement. iPhone 5S: 1st replacement: Battery drain and phone overheats easily. 2nd replacement: Camera module spoilt, camera won't open. Tried software restore and all. Hardware problem. iPhone 6S: 1st repair: Dead pixel on screen, got it repaired and collected after 4 working days. 1st replacement: Power button sucken in and not tactile and clicky. That's about it. Didn't have any issues with my prior iPhone 4S and 5 though.", ">>{ooburai} : So far zero. Then again, I've only really ever had one cell phone give up the ghost because of bad manufacturing. In general, they're pretty reliable if you aren't nutty, but of course there are always exceptions to this rule.", ">>{Yo_2T} : I've only had to replace an iPhone 5c when the battery swelled up and dislodged the screen. That's 1 out of 6 iPhones in the family so not that bad.", ">>{cambixx} : I agree – I'm somewhat of an anomaly, so I've been told. :)", ">>{cambixx} : I'd be so interesting to see the data re: faults correlating to serial numbers. If you're into that kind of thing.", ">>{Avocadosandtomatoes} : Did Apple replace the the current iPhone for free? I'm having the white lines and unresponsive screen problem now and trying to see my options on what other people do.", '>>{cambixx} : Yep, easy swap. Your options are: take your iPhone to Apple and get it sorted; live with a broken iPhone. Easy :)', ">>{Avocadosandtomatoes} : Were you under warranty? I also have the option of claiming insurance with AT&T. Rather pay $199 over $369 since my warranty expired, if they don't charge me of course."], ['>>{dy0nisus} : The next wave of trans bathroom bills will be even worse: Inside Virginia’s nightmare anti-LGBT legislation', ">>{SnowFlakeSmasher} : I'm curious... Where will liberals actually turn into bigots, will it be the stopping of boys that think they are girls from going int the girls showers at school?", '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : What? Virginia is not a racist homophobic state. They voted blue. No way this garbage passes. North carolina has lost billions of dollars with their hb2. It has been a disaster for nc', '>>{dy0nisus} : > HB 1612 allows private citizens to take action against the government if they feel their “privacy” has been violated. That means that if a transgender person uses a public restroom that does not match their birth certificate and another person is in the facility with them, that individual can sue the state of Virginia for civil damages on the basis of emotional distress. Mind-boggling on so many different levels. This is either some type of trojan horse, or else these ideologues truly want to destroy states piece-by-piece.', ">>{dread_lobster} : I'm curious... Do you see this as a real problem? Are there many reports of boys taking advantage of trans status to jack it in the girls' shower? Or is this just OUTRAGE!?", ">>{blatherskiter} : Yeah. That has happened, but it hasn't been frequent because it's always been against the law. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/02/26/predator-who-claimed-to-be-transgender-declared-dangerous-offender http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2227562/Colleen-Francis-Outrage-transgendered-woman-permitted-use-college-womens-locker-room-exposing-himself.html http://komonews.com/archive/police-man-in-bra-and-wig-found-in-womens-bathroom http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Secret-Recording-Store-Mall-Antelope-Valley-Palmdale-Restroom-207541101.html http://thefederalist.com/2015/11/23/a-rape-survivor-speaks-out-about-transgender-bathrooms/ ------------------------------ It's strange to me that liberals decry our rape culture and how men are predators... except men who dress like women. If it becomes illegal to remove a man from the girls bathroom, do you think all the pedophiles on To Catch A Predator won't just fake it to use the girl's locker room?", '>>{lebowskisfarmhand} : good, put a spot light on the bigots. [one for Carrie Fisher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wntX-a3jSY)', ">>{ZebZ} : Outside of NoVA and Richmond it's as red as red can be. Deliverance red.", ">>{d_mcc_x} : We have a Dem gov, and an increasingly Dem electorate. This wasn't even brought up during the campaign for the legislature. What a joke.", ">>{dread_lobster} : It's not a problem that necessitates an extra level of legality. Jacking off in a public restroom is still illegal, taking photos or videos in a public restroom is still illegal, voyeurism is still illegal. This is OUTRAGE! to keep conservatives good and riled just like the puppet masters want.", '>>{SnowFlakeSmasher} : So then they will not stop at the girls showers. Thank you for that.', ">>{blatherskiter} : So long as they're not jacking off or video taping, then you think men should be allowed in the girl's locker room. Wow.", '>>{pseudolocus} : I think he needs some warm milk and cookies too.', '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : These are sexual predators that used a disguise, none of them was transgender, one seems to have used it as a lame excuse. It can happen any time any place regardless of the law or lack of.', ">>{dread_lobster} : Yeah just ignore the third thing I mentioned. That's a textbook straw man. Gratz!", ">>{graay_ghost} : The end game of these bills is to terrorize not just transgender people but also women in general. The only logical conclusion is to have genital inspectors in every women's restroom inspecting the genitals of all restroom users, turning the chance of being sexually assaulted in a restroom by someone in a costume from very low to very high.", '>>{d_mcc_x} : False. Tidewater, Roanoke, Blacksburg, and Charlottesville are all moderate. There is a special election in 3 days that could see a tie in the state senate, and a minor minority in the house. Democratic Governor and Lt. Governor. VA is getting more blue', ">>{tasslehawf} : Yeah. Why not if they don't bother anyone? Sortof the same as not having sex-segregated bathrooms.", ">>{blatherskiter} : So, making it legal for men to look at naked girls in the locker room, and all the men have to do is claim to be a woman, won't increase the chance of predatory men using the girls locker room. Is that right? And you think all the men on To Catch A Predator wont start dressing like a woman to 100% legally watch girls undress?", ">>{blatherskiter} : Ask yourself this question: when it is illegal to remove men dressed as women from the girls' locker room and bathroom, will male predators pretend to be trans to use the girls' locker room? The men on To Catch A Predator will drive hundreds of miles to a likely sting operation to see a girl naked, and you think they won't just dress like a woman knowing it's 100% legal?", ">>{DickInAWoolCoat} : You're not getting it. It's already illegal. Whether they dress as man and use a men's locker room, or put on a wig and use the girl's, it would be illegal regardless. This law does not change their actions being illegal, this only puts blocks in place for normal use and puts focus on something that isn't your business.", '>>{drewiepoodle} : Trans women are women, not men. Also, trans men also exist. >And you think all the men on To Catch A Predator wont start dressing like a woman to 100% legally watch girls undress? Yes, because voyeurism is still illegal.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : [Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Organizations Debunk 'Bathroom Predator Myth'](http://abcnews.go.com/US/sexual-assault-domestic-violence-organizations-debunk-bathroom-predator/story?id=38604019)", ">>{drewiepoodle} : Soooooooo.... lemme get this straight, you want to implement laws that require trans people to use the bathrooms of the gender they were assigned at birth, which means that trans men, who come complete with beards, will have to use the women's restroom, which means that predators dont even have to put on a dress to go into the women's restroom. *slo clap. F- for logic", '>>{blatherskiter} : > Nobody thinks the second article is acceptable. Uhm. The police and the college issued a public apology to the man who exposed himself to little girls. If you want a law making it a discrimination crime to remove men from the girls\' locker room, then this is exactly what you are asking for. > What will the law do to protect against scumbags saying "Oh, I was born a woman" instead of "Oh, I am a woman" and putting on a wig and bra..etc. Allow the owners of the bathroom to use their own discretion without the threat of being bankrupted in a discrimination lawsuit.', '>>{drewiepoodle} : And to be tucked in and read a good bedtime story.', '>>{AtomicKoala} : Eh, except the opposite seems to be happening.', '>>{alephnul} : 10 hour user -79 karma.... You be the judge.', ">>{Valarauth} : There of countless stories of the dressing rooms of women and teen girls being invaded by a man looking to see them naked. Just google: [Trump women's dressing room](https://www.google.com/search?q=Trump+womens+dressing+room&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=Trump+women%27s+dressing+room)", ">>{blatherskiter} : > Voyeurism is still illegal How do you convict someone of voyeurism if all they're doing is using a locker room? > Trans women are women, not men. Then Subway's Jared should have done the smart thing and become a woman rather than going to jail for child porn.", ">>{drewiepoodle} : >How do you convict someone of voyeurism if all they're doing is using a locker room? Because if you're just standing there staring at people, then male or female, cis or trans, that's just fucking creepy.", ">>{Cdwollan} : At which point he'd go through HRT which would dramatically change his brain chemistry.", ">>{blatherskiter} : > You're just changing how the men will lie to get in What lie are men currently using to use the girls locker room with impunity? I don't understand. Before, the only way a man could get into the women's locker room was by cross dressing, but when they were caught they were sent to jail. Now, you want them to be in the girls locker room with impunity.", '>>{NESoteric} : Several places I\'ve worked, including restaurants, retail stores, and others list "prolong staring" as a form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment can get you kicked out of a bathroom/locker room. Therefore prolong staring can get you kicked out of a bathroom/locker room. What about the lesbians that stare at other women? Or men staring at other men\'s junk? Maybe we should just ban everyone from public restrooms to protect the children.', '>>{blatherskiter} : Oh, ok. So a man can go into the girls locker room so long as he doesnt stare for too long. Got it.', '>>{treerat} : The republicans will create more jobs- for the penis police. Wonder if Blackwater will get the contract.', '>>{drewiepoodle} : Lol, no, man can not go into the ladies locker room. But trans women arent men. Nobody says a peep about my friends and I going into the female locker room to change.', ">>{nliausacmmv} : You realize that voyeurism/sexual assault is already illegal no matter who does it, right? Forcing trans women to use the men's room isn't going to make it more illegal or less possible.", '>>{piscina_dela_muerta} : Both women and men can get arrested for child porn. Your comparison isnt even valid.', ">>{piscina_dela_muerta} : > What lie are men currently using to use the girls locker room with impunity? I don't understand. You dont understand a lot. Maybe you should mind your own business on a topic you know nothing about.", '>>{piscina_dela_muerta} : Can the story be inclusive of all genders and sexual orientations?', '>>{drewiepoodle} : of course, it will be mandated by the SJW junta that will overthrow the current US government.', '>>{piscina_dela_muerta} : *Waves hands around in the flamboyantly trans salute of our junta*', '>>{thesilvertongue} : Can we use this against them? Can we just sue the Virginia government continuously until they realize how dumb this is?', '>>{thesilvertongue} : There is a lot more to Virginia than the DC suburbs.', '>>{ertri} : Republicans accuse liberals of needing to be coddled to protect feelings, then try this?', ">>{dy0nisus} : No doubt. Most people have absolutely no clue how hard it is to actually sue the state or federal government for civil damages on the property/physical level...let alone the freaking 'emotional' level??? The *only* way, in my humble opinion, this could ever make its way to into the legal cannon is as some form of sabotage or negotiation ploy aimed precisely at fiscally blackmailing the state into compliance with their ideological will. And this comes from the people that love tort reform and absolutely hate unnecessary litigation of any means....", ">>{dy0nisus} : Just to elaborate, because in reality it was the only reason why I posted this article, that provision is insane on so many practical levels that it can only be a truly punitive measure against the state. If an armed gunman robs you in the middle of the night...and (for the sake of fucking argument) happens to be your own mother, who has her own key...you cannot sue the local, state, or federal police on any level because they did not prevent the robbery. So, despite the fact I weirdly somehow actually agree with most reasonable conservatives on this point, the simple fact that its in the legislation means they will destroy two centuries worth of precedent which could lead not only to the destruction of states themselves, but also the federal government. *Not to mention these are the people work as hard as they can to decimate Tort Laws which protect public and private interests from corporate malfeasance. These 'so called patriots' couldn't point to the constitution or a map of america even if it was hanging on their computer screen saver."], ['>>{arslan333pk} : Obama says attacks on police hurt Black Lives Matter cause', '>>{Trorbes} : When you hold a minority opinion. Fighting back is only okay when your cause has popular support.', '>>{DickWoodReddit} : Obama should say first black president allowed race relations to worsen.', '>>{StandHampton} : Barack "if I had a son, he would look like Micah Johnson" Obama', '>>{Magsays} : I think there are two reasons. One, I believe, is backlash from his presidency from old conservative ideologues concerned about what a black man being president says about the future of the country. The KKK was a menace only after the freeing of the slaves. Secondly, I think the tensions are exacerbated by the widespread availability of recording devices. There are many more "Rodney King\'s" now that everyone has a camera phone.', '>>{DickWoodReddit} : The reason they are still happening is because we have done anything about it. Not just obama, me, you, everyone in this countey needs to stop this shit. Change laws that target them, train police and more needs to be done.', '>>{keeb119} : I agree. I also agree that the police killing unarmed innocent people hurts their cause.', ">>{keeb119} : This. This isn't just about black people getting blasted away by police. This is also about the lack of justice for those who are killed for no reason. It's also the either horrible or wrong or lack of training. We need to change the fact that police can target people for no reason.", ">>{tonysnap} : Slaughtering white people who did nothing to you is fighting back? I really hope I'm misunderstanding what you're saying.", ">>{guy-with-a-straw-hat} : It's ok, those peoples type of thinking think white people are literally Hitler and should die.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : No, tensions were exacerbated when Obama decided it was not important to give his opinion on Trayvon Martin and send administration officials to Mike Brown's funeral. The level of incompetence cannot be overstated. He's been driving this along with the media.", ">>{Magsays} : I absolutely agree with you, I just think we have a tendency to believe it's getting worse because we can actually see it more now with the help of technology, when in reality it was pretty bad to begin with.", '>>{Magsays} : Do you think other previous presidents would have done so?', '>>{PusheenTheDestroyer} : Funny, I thought attacks on police WAS their cause... that and justifying their own racism.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Nothing like Obama has done. Every. Single. Time. Why the hell did that kid from Texas with the "clock" get invited? Totally inappropriate.', '>>{Greyharmonix} : People keep saying that last weeks violence hasn\'t helped the movement, but I don\'t think there\'s ever been more attention paid to it. I heard Newt Gingrich say something like, "White people don\'t know what it\'s like to be black". I think Hillary Clinton even said something like that. They weren\'t saying that before the shootings...So what logic is he using when he says the attacks on police hurt black live matter cause? It really hasn\'t. The violence is all bad, but to say it hasn\'t opened up the dialog about the situation is being completely blind to reality. White politicians saying, "White people don\'t know what it\'s like to be black" is new. Like a few days new.', ">>{aliengoods1} : It's just a few assholes. Or at least that's what I hear every time an abortion clinic gets shot up.", ">>{Magsays} : I think he's is trying to walk the very fine line of acknowledging the racism that exists in the country and not being too reactionary as to divide people even further.", '>>{lamabaronvonawesome} : It goes both ways obviously. One bad cop is not the police, one black criminal is not the black community. Everyone uses the same tactics.', '>>{lamabaronvonawesome} : Awareness is not always change, we shall see. Any big fundamental change gets blood all over it. Just look at history.', ">>{lamabaronvonawesome} : Or the fact that every phone now has an HD video camera in it and police can't lie like they used to. A decade ago that was not true. The Iphone was introduce to the us on June 29, 2007.", ">>{lamabaronvonawesome} : > Or the fact that every phone now has an HD video camera in it and police can't lie like they used to. A decade ago that was not true. The Iphone was introduce to the us on June 29, 2007.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : The President who weighs in on every issue, even when there isn't video.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : He's seeing racism where their isn't and using his position as President to do it. People are going on witch hunts instead of assessing situations objectively.", ">>{Greyharmonix} : >Any big fundamental change gets blood all over it. Just look at history. Exactly. This is the reality of the world, it's sad, but action creates movement. Words are looked back on, but at the moment it was action, not words that changed things.", ">>{lamabaronvonawesome} : I said on it, not causes it. It's a distinction. Gandhi comes to mind. When people attack police sure it gives awareness but it also gives something to point at that is negative. There are a lot of people that would be neutral or even allies that are not if people start shooting people.", ">>{aliengoods1} : I agree. And the worst part is both communities will defend their thugs even when they're wrong and they know it. Good cops will defend bad cops just as easily as BLM defends criminals.", '>>{whats-your-plan-man} : What happened in Dallas wasn\'t "Fighting Back." It was the equivalent of Shooting Person B, because they looked like Person A, who wronged you deeply. DISCLAIMER: I am not condoning vigilante shootings. However, if instead of shooting Police Officers and DART employees in Dallas, someone had shot one of the police involved in the very publicized shootings of the previous week, there\'d be a lot more perceived gray area. The climate would be a hell of a lot worse as well. This would still be absolutely horrific and wrong. But you\'d hear more people around the country saying "That guy really shouldn\'t have shot that police officer, but mayyyyybe if cops that committed crimes or the precincts that didn\'t train them were held responsible more often, people wouldn\'t feel like this horrible shit is necessary." Even that wouldn\'t have been fighting back, it would have been revenge. Doesn\'t help anybody\'s cause either.', '>>{Greyharmonix} : I never said it causes it. Have you ever heard the saying, "There is no bad press"? Gandhi was met with violence, not that he was violent, but the violence brought the issue to light. Same with the civil rights movement. It was the violence that made the issue a priority for people. This notion that violence helps nothing just isn\'t true. If people weren\'t dying why care? The violence is the reason people care so much.', '>>{x86_64Ubuntu} : Non-violence is only a desirable trait when it concerns natives/indigenous peoples/the other working against an oppressive western system. Think about it, in Western society all entities of note are by design white males, **except** when it comes to being exemplaries of non-violence. That specific realm is occupied by Dr. King and Gandhi, once again by design.', '>>{x86_64Ubuntu} : Yes, because everything was just peachy before Obama did that.', '>>{x86_64Ubuntu} : The difference is that if you shoot up an abortion clinic, your ass is going to jail for a long ass time. But if you shoot someone with as an officer of the law, you get paid vacation, job protection, criminal protection and eventually you are back on the force being a menace. EDIT: My English was doo-doo', ">>{liketheherp} : I'm not a fan of BLM, but BLM had nothing to do with it. The news is reporting the shooter was rejected from the black power groups he wanted to join.", '>>{aliengoods1} : I think you mean if you shoot someone when you have a badge, but I get your point. The wording just made it sound like cop killers get off easy, instead of killer cops.', ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : Holy shit, do I even know how to English. I mean, yeah, the sentence is grammatically correct, but it's confusing to the reader. Oh declensions, where art thou?", '>>{aliengoods1} : Your grammar was fine, it\'s just the wording could be interpreted in multiple ways. I wasn\'t trying to be "that guy".', '>>{x86_64Ubuntu} : No, you are right. I absolutely hate sentences that have to be parsed multiple ways to see what the speaker means to say.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : There were less race riots under Bush and Clinton.', '>>{aliengoods1} : BTW, I love your version on Linux (at least on the server).', ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : And? That just speaks to the fact that the black community hadn't reached a boiling point. It says nothing to the issue that police abuse wasn't going on.", ">>{Greyharmonix} : >Non-violence is only a desirable trait when it concerns natives/indigenous peoples/the other working against an oppressive western system. That's complete bullshit. If you think indigenous people weren't/aren't every bit as violent as any other human you're living in a fantasy.", ">>{x86_64Ubuntu} : You've completely mis-interpreted my sentence. Non-violence is the **only** action or recourse western society will tolerate when dealing with grievances from the indigenous peoples.", ">>{too_clever_username} : They also hurt the police officers and their families, but who cares about them when you're so busy race baiting.", ">>{Greyharmonix} : Oh I see. Well, why would any society tolerate violence from anyone? Of course they tolerate non-violence. Why wouldn't they? If you're saying non-violence is their only choice...well that's not true either. Plenty of societies have fought until their extinction. How do you think everyone agreed that the calendar starts on Jesus's death? It wasn't debated...Christianity won by killing everyone who didn't agree.", '>>{thisisATHENS} : The boiling caused by the President and media turning up the heat.', ">>{Edensgate} : I support BLM and don't trust the publicly funded, growingly militaristic gang resistant to any oversight or regulation we call a police force, but he's right. This gives these movements a bad rep and only supports more police militarization and sympathy.", '>>{Rtuttle12} : No. You support BLM. A terrorist group.', ">>{ThouHastLostAn8th} : Reuters' paraphrasing kind of misrepresents Pres. Obama's answer here. If you watched the press conference or read the actual transcript, he wasn't, as the headline implies, associating the Dallas shooter with the movement, or saying they had to answer for him. Instead he was saying it was important for activists not to stereotype police, arguing *rhetoric* painting the entire profession as bad actors is counterproductive and wrong: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/07/10/remarks-president-obama-and-prime-minister-rajoy-spain-after-bilateral >*Q You commented in the past on some of the tactics of the Black Lives Matter movement that you suggested have been counterproductive. We've seen continued protests, as I mentioned, overnight in many American cities over the Dallas tragedy. And as you prepare yourself to travel to Dallas, how would you advise the Black Lives Matter activists to approach this very sensitive issue -- situation?* > > >PRESIDENT OBAMA: ... [O]ne of the great things about America is that individual citizens and groups of citizens can petition their government, can protest, can speak truth to power. And that is sometimes messy and controversial. But because of that ability to protest and engage in free speech, America, over time, has gotten better. We've all benefited from that. > >The abolition movement was contentious. The effort for women to get the right to vote was contentious and messy. There were times when activists might have engaged in rhetoric that was overheated and occasionally counterproductive. But the point was to raise issues so that we, as a society, could grapple with it. The same was true with the Civil Rights Movement, the union movement, the environmental movement, the anti-war movement during Vietnam. And I think what you're seeing now is part of that longstanding tradition. > >**What I would say is this -- that whenever those of us who are concerned about fairness in the criminal justice system attack police officers, you are doing a disservice to the cause. First of all, any violence directed at police officers is a reprehensible crime and needs to be prosecuted. But even rhetorically, if we paint police in broad brush, without recognizing that the vast majority of police officers are doing a really good job and are trying to protect people and do so fairly and without racial bias, if our rhetoric does not recognize that, then we're going to lose allies in the reform cause.** > >Now, in a movement like Black Lives Matter, there’s always going to be some folks who say things that are stupid, or imprudent, or overgeneralized, or harsh. And I don't think that you can hold well-meaning activists who are doing the right thing and peacefully protesting responsible for everything that is uttered at a protest site. But I would just say to everybody who’s concerned about the issue of police shootings or racial bias in the criminal justice system that maintaining a truthful and serious and respectful tone is going to help mobilize American society to bring about real change. And that is our ultimate objective. > >Now, this week, people felt hurt and angry, and so some of this is just venting. But I think that the overwhelming majority of people who are involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, what they really want to see is a better relationship between the police and the community so that they can feel that it's serving them. And the best way to do that is to bring allies forward. That means -- that includes, by the way, the police departments that are doing the right thing, like Dallas, which has implemented the very reforms that Black Lives Matter has been seeking. That's part of why it's so tragic that those officers were targeted in Dallas, a place that is -- because of its transparency and training and openness and engagement in the community -- has drastically brought down the number of police shootings and complaints about misconduct. > >The flip side of that -- and this is the last point I'll make -- is just as my hope would be that everybody involved in the Black Lives Matter movement, or other civil rights organizations or who are protesting -- just as I want all of them to maintain a respectful, thoughtful tone -- because, as a practical matter, that's what’s going to get change done -- I would hope that police organizations are also respectful of the frustration that people in these communities feel and not just dismiss these protests and these complaints as political correctness, or as politics or attacks on police. There are legitimate issues that have been raised, and there’s data and evidence to back up the concerns that are being expressed by these protesters. > >And if police organizations and departments acknowledge that there’s a problem and there’s an issue, then that, too, is going to contribute to real solutions. And, as I said yesterday, that is what’s going to ultimately help make the job of being a cop a lot safer. It is in the interest of police officers that their communities trust them and that the kind of rancor and suspicion that exists right now is alleviated. > >So I'd like all sides to listen to each other. And that's what we'll hopefully be able to accomplish over the course of the next week and over the course of the remaining months that I'm President.", '>>{onomuknub} : the Dallas shooter was not associated with BLM, he was acting independently. Also, your evaluation of black people is very telling.', ">>{Lord_Shisui} : You responded but never actually took the time to check factual statistics didn't you?", ">>{onomuknub} : it's not a matter of whether or not those statistics are accurate, it's that your post reduces people to statistics. I.e., why are people getting up in arms about 5 black people being killed by the police when black people kill each other all the time? White people kill eachother at roughly the same rate. Murder and manslaughter are a huge problem, trying to paint African Americans as inherently more violent than other groups is...not recommended.", '>>{Lord_Shisui} : Demography is by definition the statistical study of populations. Statistics are what they are whether you like them or not is unfortunately irrelevant.', ">>{onomuknub} : Statistics are not the same as conclusions, they're just raw data. The authors of studies have their conclusions that hopefully correspond to the data, and hopefully the data has an adequate sample size and doesn't have a large margin of error. Statistics don't point to African Americans being more violent than other races.", '>>{Lord_Shisui} : Correct. Raw data says that even though blacks only account for 13% of the population, they commit more than 50% of all murders. Make of it what you will.', ">>{onomuknub} : 52%, whites at a rate of 45%, which is the same difference between the percentage of black people killed by other black people (90%) and white people killed by other whites (82%). Still an alarming statistic (though it hasn't been updated since 2013), but there's not a consensus on why this is the case. When one considers the high number of false or overturned convictions, the way that African-Americans are treated by the justice system and how prisons can turn low-level drug offenders into violent offenders instead of actually rehabilitating or reforming their inmates, those can all factor into that. But there are other more knowledgeable people than me that have studied this. I should do more research.", '>>{Lord_Shisui} : Yes but there are 6 times as many whites as there are blacks AND BLACKS STILL DO MORE KILLING.', '>>{onomuknub} : so how do you account for that? In the UK and Mexico, at least, blacks account very a very small percentage of the population and do not commit anywhere near the same amount of crime, violent or otherwise that whites/mestizos do. This despite the fact that Mexico has a much higher homicide rate than the US, and the UK much lower.', '>>{Lord_Shisui} : Population Population of England and Wales, source: 2011 ONS Census White – 48,209,395 (85.97%) [White British – 45,134, 686 – 80.48%] Black – 1,864,890 (3.32%) Asian – 3,820,390 (6.81%) Chinese – 393,141 (0.7%) Mixed race – 1,224,400 (2.18%) Arab – 230,600 (0.41%) Other – 333,096 (0.59%) Total – 56,075,912 Murder White – 223 (65.01%) Black – 57 (16.61%) Asian – 29 (8.45%) Other – 4 (1.16%) Not stated – 30 (8.74%) Total – 343 Blacks are 6.6 times more likely than whites to commit murder.']]
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['>>{PostTruthPete} : They couldn\'t call him "Man" of the year because he\'s transgendered.', ">>{backpackwayne} : When will you stop using far right-wing sources for your attacks? If your story have any legitimacy, couldn't you search for a more reliable source?", ">>{NoIWillNotYield} : Unfortunately the Neolibs control the corporate media. Except FOX, Which is garbage. So people who want the truth get their news from a lot of places. Unfortunately that sometimes means the Daily Caller. I wouldn't do this, myself, but I understand why people do it and it makes sense.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Trump: Intel Briefings Made Me Realize Snafus Would Be 'Very Very Costly'", '>>{wodthing} : Yet he continues to make one after the other....', ">>{contantofaz} : Calm down. This 3-way election will soon become a 2-way one, at which point folks whose only goal is to attack Hillary right now to try to make Bernie a shoo-in will have to pay attention to Trump as well. Hillary's opposition right now includes some of the smartest and fiercest folks from both Left and Right. Even if the law catches up to her, there's still the ghost of Trump and Republicans just around the corner. It seems that Bernie wants a VP who will be from the Left in order to have a backup in case Hillary falls short at some point, even if she were to be impeached in 2017. So it's possible that Hillary's enemies will carry it on until 2017.", '>>{smithcm14} : Can\'t believe they didn\'t retitle the award "Dick of the Year". Such PC nonsense.', ">>{contantofaz} : I'm laughing and crying at the same time. Oh gosh!", ">>{frackpot} : I'm going to wager this gets a lot of comments.", '>>{backpackwayne} : I agree with your basic premise that you need to seek out many sources. That is the reality of the day. If I see some questionable stories, I will seek out more reliable sources to get a better perspective. But if you have to resort to the DailyCaller, you are basically seeking out the source that says what you want to hear. Not what is the actual truth in the matter.', ">>{QuaggaSwagger} : You would rather have establishment? Is this a 'check your privilege /s'?", '>>{FoodTruckNation} : It is also difficult to image David Petraeus being allowed to plead to a misdemeanor. But it isn\'t difficult to imagine Hillary Clinton indicted for felonies saying "oh, I see how it works. Men who are accused of espionage are treated much differently than women who are accused of espionage. I didn\'t even lie to the FBI like Petraeus did." And it\'s not difficult to imagine she will be allowed to weasel. Again.', '>>{Gerryiakn} : Microsoft Xbox One S review: The Xbox One S is here, just three years too late', '>>{cmagee79} : It only took him... how long to figure this out about the highest office in the country?', '>>{liberalconservatives} : Democratic Law Prof: ‘Difficult To Imagine’ Hillary Clinton Not Being Indicted Actual title of article.', '>>{ArchiveSQ} : Not terribly strong with protection, but this is my personal favorite for looks and price. http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/181676982198', '>>{falasta} : If Hillary is going to be indicted then Obama must be out of the loop. According to Hildabeast he will be endorsing her soon, thereby ruining his legacy.', '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : >"I like bullets or I like as little as possible," Trump told Axios. "I don\'t need, you know, 200-page reports on something that can be handled on a page. That I can tell you." I was elected to lead, not to read.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : Post: "Democrat law professor" Actual headline: "Democratic law professor" Let\'s ask Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich why they refer to "Democrat" things instead of "Democratic" things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democrat_Party_(epithet) "\'Democrat Party\' is a slur, or intended to be—a handy way to express contempt. Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh uses the term exclusively when referring to Democrats."', ">>{Jaminer} : Is there actually any point in buying this? Doesn't the new Xbox come out next year?", ">>{zpedv} : if she doesn't speak to the FBI then she'll be able to say she didn't lie to the FBI. genius!", '>>{mrv3} : If you already own a Xbox One? Not really But I have little doubt this unit costs less to make allowing them to cut price for xmas and get, or even beat, PS4 price which is very important.', ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : If you're registered to vote, and someone asks, you're a republican. If you're registered to vote and some asks, you don't say I'm a democratic. You say I'm a democrat. Ergo, the democrat party.", ">>{tyrionCannisters} : I was surprised that this hadn't been posted yet. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump, far from it, but I think Time was right to make him the person of the year. As a commentor pointed out, according to Time >The title goes to “the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year, for better or for worse,” ...Or worse. It really is a great article, with some very revealing interview excerpts from Trump, and certainly not some kind of puff piece. Hopefully this doesn't get downvoted just because of the title.", '>>{TheDon5} : If you need a 4k player then this is your best option', '>>{Ancient_hacker} : Republican is an adjective as well as a noun. Democrat is not.', ">>{Mooseyxhmx} : For protection and something to keep the thing clean and also light I would recommend the spigen tough armor. It also will smooth out the rough corners on that SE. Most of the police in my district use this for their phones so that says something. Also to my knowledge frank fritz from american pickers uses one on an iPhone SE. And he's got s very rough and tumble career.", '>>{sanantoniomanantonio} : Sorta sounds like he hasn\'t been paying attention at all. Like a kid getting asked what he learned about in school and the kid says "I learned math is very useful in life" because they didn\'t learn a single thing.', '>>{bitfriend} : In seriousness he\'s going to make history. America swung from a Democrat Supermajority in 2008 to a GOP one led by *Donald Trump* in 2016. Consider this: your grandchildren will not see the item "Donald Trump" as a reality TV host, WWE promoter or realtor. They will remember him as the 45th President of the United States. In about a decade we ourselves will be talking about the "Trump Doctrine".', ">>{ecs0013} : The nice thing is that there's a lot of 5/5S cases floating around and cheap. I've always been a fan of the Speck Candyshell series for more protection and the Apple leather case for a slim and classy look. The Belkin Grip Candy Sheer is another favorite from my iPhone 5 days. You also might want to check out your local Marshall's/TJMaxx because they sometimes sell old stock of cases and $5.99-$7.99 seems to be the sweet spot for the 5/5S/SE ones.", '>>{Ulaven} : Shit story from a shit source. DailyCaller? GTFO.', '>>{Masrenzrik} : I love my CM4 wallet case. https://www.amazon.com/iPhone-SE-Wallet-Case-Protective/dp/B009OWOFOM But before I went the wallet direction, I was a loyalist for Tech 21: https://www.amazon.com/Tech21-Protective-Apple-iPhone-Black/dp/B015H37NQ8/ref=sr_1_2?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1491339163&sr=1-2&keywords=tech+21+iphone+se Spigen is also a good choice for minimalists.', '>>{sanantoniomanantonio} : Probably better strategy to keep that a secret. It was a snafu for him to tell the world that he just now learned that snafus are problematic.', ">>{CurryGettinSpicy} : Leather case (brown one is only $15 on eBay rn) or anything from Elago. Don't put a cheap $2 case on such a beautiful phone.", ">>{Megaloman71} : What really burns me about his followers is that they seem totally oblivious to the fact that there's a real danger of Trump feeling so personally insulted and insecure that he decides to turn the earth into a cold, black, lifeless ball floating through space. I never had that feeling with another president. Sure, I was a little worried about a nuclear war during Reagan, but I never doubted that Reagan would do everything he could to avoid it. I never worried that Clinton or Bush would want to show everyone how important they are by destroying our planet. That's a real possibility with Trump.", ">>{lairdhenn} : Speak for yourself. I don't stop loving the country because I didn't get my way. Grow up. And if you have the gall to call Trump a demagogue and not Hillary you are beyond clueless.", ">>{plato1123} : I dunno, I just had preconceived notions about America that good people got ahead in life, that fraudsters sunk to the bottom, and that someone who clearly didn't love his family (desperately wanted to cheat on his pregnant wife) would never be president. And now all of our children will understand that sometimes lying and cheating actually gets you ahead, way ahead.", '>>{Tyr_Tyr} : Dan Metcalfe is not a Democrat, though. He was appointed by Reagan to the Justice Department position, and then worked at the World Bank.', '>>{VotesSlitThroats} : What does he think those 200 page reports entail? One page of information and 199 pages of what, exactly? How dumb can you be?', '>>{progwire} : Clearly it was Putin, so this award is a fake', '>>{progwire} : I bet our generations Hoovervilles will be called Trump Towers', '>>{Dark_Fiber} : Spigen Tough Armor in smooth black is how I roll with my iPhone SE. Spigen Tough Armor iPhone SE Case with Extreme Heavy Duty Protection and Air Cushion Technology for iPhone SE 2016 - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BEJB9XM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Cbb5ybXC48Q2S', ">>{UMR-san} : I suppose this is true. Without Trump my grandkids will have never existed. I would be living in America, instead of wherever they, their parents and their grandmother live. Edit: Who am I kidding? America totally would have gone to shit anyway by the time I'm old enough to have grandkids.", '>>{itsmegeorge} : I came in here to say this omg! The Tough Armor is just so beautiful.', '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Trump and the Republican Party are domestic enemies of the constitution and should be treated as such.', ">>{IHaveVariedInterests} : 1) 4K BR Player 2) Way smaller 3) No power brick 4) Slight (~10%) performance increase 5) HDR gaming w/ compatible TV Some of those points might matter to some existing owners. Some might be appealing to those who only have PS4. I am a current XB1 owner who is on the fence. It's money I don't need to spend but I like shiny new things.", '>>{OpQuality} : Wow! What Presidents do is important! learns PRESIDENT-ELECT.', '>>{Quexana} : The more "respected" news agencies aren\'t really reporting on the email story in depth. I understand being skeptical of sites like the Daily Caller, but this is basically an interview piece, so it\'s voracity should be judged by the credibility of the interviewee, Dan Metcalfe, not necessarily the paper. Here\'s [a politico] (http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/03/hillary-clinton-email-scandal-defense-laughable-foia-116116) editorial written by the guy over a year ago if the daily caller is your issue.', '>>{teetharefortearing} : look at OPs submission history. He just posted another smear piece, from the Washington Times, AND distorted the title. He does this shit daily. /r/politics loves it.', ">>{TowneshipRebellion} : I'm not worried about Trump launching nukes. I am worried about Trump doing what Putin wants and then Russia makes a mistake that causes western Europe to be forced to attack them in defense of Estonia or Poland, for instance which might start WWIII and we would be on the sideline since NATO is obsolete. Trump is effectively ending Pax Americana and Europeans like to attack each other every now and then just because.", '>>{consumedsoul} : Yeah came at a perfect time since we just recently got a 4K SUHD and wanted something to play 4K/HDR blu-rays, was going to purchase the Samsung player but decided to just trade in old XB1 to take advantage. Just watched Batman v Superman last night, amazing experience.', '>>{bountygiver} : The Scorpio is probably going to be a lot more expensive than regular Xbox.', ">>{JoeKkerr} : They say it can 4k all games.... it means 2x1080's", ">>{CranberryMoonwalk} : It's a good thing for me, as I travel a lot and the current One is way to big to throw in my suitcase. This will be a lot smaller and more manageable.", '>>{janzeera} : My head is spinning, spinning, spinning for America.', ">>{BoSnowKnows} : If you read further down, the article references Dan Metcalfe's opinion piece in the Lawnewz. Lawnewz is a legal oriented news site by MSNBC's chief legal correspondent, Dan Abrams. Pretty legit, IMO.", '>>{kosanovskiy} : otterbox. Shit saved my phone more times than i can count.', '>>{QuaggaSwagger} : Congress refers to you as a WHAM. White heterosexual able bodied male ... Just, FUN FACT...', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : When compared to time magazines hitler cover from the 1930's, you can see what they've done and where they stand on Trump. Devil horns, foreboding shadow on wall, seated in ragged chair... http://www.thedailysheeple.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/flipped.jpg", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Our grandchildren will not care because they will be living in third world America worrying about where they are going to find food to eat every day.', '>>{ChickenPotPi} : Its amazing that they would not put Osama Bin Laden though even though he owned the news for 2001. They put Rudy Giuliani instead.', ">>{ManOnFire74} : I've been really happy with every Spigen case I've owned so far, the fit and finish has always been spot on. I had the Spigen Slim Armor on my 5S for over a year and would definitely recommend it. My phone fell out of the cradle on my bike doing around 35km/h and the only damage was a few small nicks in the case, the phone was fine. https://www.spigen.com/collections/iphone-se-5s-5/products/iphone-5s-5-case-slim-armor-s?variant=1162051877 I recently upgraded to the 7 and went with the Neo Hybrid, which to me looks amazing on the 5/5S/SE. I've only had the hybrid for a few days so I can't speak to its longevity but I'm sure it will just as good as the ones I've had before. https://www.spigen.com/collections/iphone-se-5s-5/products/iphone-se-case-neo-hybrid?variant=16523449665", '>>{hakkzpets} : I have a hard time seeing how HDR and 4K output is a "con" just because you need a TV which can actually show HDR and 4K. It\'s like saying it\'s a con that you need a TV to have any use of a console.', ">>{metempirical} : We have two 4k tv's and were away to purchase 2 samsung 4k blu ray players @£350 each. Then along came the Xbox one S for the same price for 2TB and the bonus of being a games console too. Guess where that money has went!!", '>>{Dark_Fiber} : No. Just the Tough Armor which I used on both my 5s and SE.', ">>{armadillo198} : How's it for protection? Like if I were to drop it or something.", '>>{yananfuatabi} : There are drop test videos in YouTube, you can check them.', ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Yep you are correct, they are bringing out another Xbox one in 2017 around the holiday season..this is getting ridiculous can't they just make an awesome console and leave it at that idiots", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : It's just so they can lower the price of the original Xbox one and fanboys will buy the new one cause they like shiny things all they are doing is trying to get there numbers to match sonys,they could have released this console first with 4K but no it's much easier to make a shiter version first wait a while, than bring out a new one and they will continue to do this because most gamers don't have a clue it's all about having the best they just leak it slowly over the first 2 to 4 years of a consoles life span", ">>{zeft64} : It's shitty protection if you want a good case that will protect your phone and won't be to bulky I would recommend Spigen thought armor. Saved my phone a few times. Also there's this guy on YouTube that test ever case you can think of. The channel is mobilereviews-eh.ch and that's also his website. Pretty sure that will help you a great deal", ">>{mrv3} : Or because the Scorpio is going to most likely use AMD 470/480 based APU which AMD doesn't have yet and the 470/480 are in short supply, far too short to reasonable support a major launch for atleast a month. But no, it's to attract that lucrative fanboy market. /s", ">>{StankyDanky23} : Yup that's exactly where I got my Speck case for my iPhone SE, just love the look of a red case on a black phone 📱 😎", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : You saying most likely suggests you don't actually know.", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : And the Scorpio is cool but why cant they fucking do it right the first time..it's them thinking how can we increase sales make more money...then they bring out red and blue versions and everyone goes mad have to have that, than they bring out new coloured controller and everyone goes mad..you don't understand the marketing buisness it's all about the profit and fuck all to do with fans and loyal consolists", '>>{MikeDubbz} : Even still, it might make more sense to wait for the new and even better Xbox coming next year.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{conanthecnidarian} : Trump: Intel Briefings Made Me Realize Snafus Would Be 'Very Very Costly'", '>>{wodthing} : Yet he continues to make one after the other....', ">>{contantofaz} : I'm laughing and crying at the same time. Oh gosh!", '>>{cmagee79} : It only took him... how long to figure this out about the highest office in the country?', '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : >"I like bullets or I like as little as possible," Trump told Axios. "I don\'t need, you know, 200-page reports on something that can be handled on a page. That I can tell you." I was elected to lead, not to read.', '>>{sanantoniomanantonio} : Sorta sounds like he hasn\'t been paying attention at all. Like a kid getting asked what he learned about in school and the kid says "I learned math is very useful in life" because they didn\'t learn a single thing.', '>>{sanantoniomanantonio} : Probably better strategy to keep that a secret. It was a snafu for him to tell the world that he just now learned that snafus are problematic.', ">>{Megaloman71} : What really burns me about his followers is that they seem totally oblivious to the fact that there's a real danger of Trump feeling so personally insulted and insecure that he decides to turn the earth into a cold, black, lifeless ball floating through space. I never had that feeling with another president. Sure, I was a little worried about a nuclear war during Reagan, but I never doubted that Reagan would do everything he could to avoid it. I never worried that Clinton or Bush would want to show everyone how important they are by destroying our planet. That's a real possibility with Trump.", '>>{VotesSlitThroats} : What does he think those 200 page reports entail? One page of information and 199 pages of what, exactly? How dumb can you be?', '>>{OpQuality} : Wow! What Presidents do is important! learns PRESIDENT-ELECT.', ">>{TowneshipRebellion} : I'm not worried about Trump launching nukes. I am worried about Trump doing what Putin wants and then Russia makes a mistake that causes western Europe to be forced to attack them in defense of Estonia or Poland, for instance which might start WWIII and we would be on the sideline since NATO is obsolete. Trump is effectively ending Pax Americana and Europeans like to attack each other every now and then just because.", '>>{janzeera} : My head is spinning, spinning, spinning for America.'], [">>{backpackwayne} : When will you stop using far right-wing sources for your attacks? If your story have any legitimacy, couldn't you search for a more reliable source?", ">>{NoIWillNotYield} : Unfortunately the Neolibs control the corporate media. Except FOX, Which is garbage. So people who want the truth get their news from a lot of places. Unfortunately that sometimes means the Daily Caller. I wouldn't do this, myself, but I understand why people do it and it makes sense.", ">>{contantofaz} : Calm down. This 3-way election will soon become a 2-way one, at which point folks whose only goal is to attack Hillary right now to try to make Bernie a shoo-in will have to pay attention to Trump as well. Hillary's opposition right now includes some of the smartest and fiercest folks from both Left and Right. Even if the law catches up to her, there's still the ghost of Trump and Republicans just around the corner. It seems that Bernie wants a VP who will be from the Left in order to have a backup in case Hillary falls short at some point, even if she were to be impeached in 2017. So it's possible that Hillary's enemies will carry it on until 2017.", '>>{backpackwayne} : I agree with your basic premise that you need to seek out many sources. That is the reality of the day. If I see some questionable stories, I will seek out more reliable sources to get a better perspective. But if you have to resort to the DailyCaller, you are basically seeking out the source that says what you want to hear. Not what is the actual truth in the matter.', ">>{QuaggaSwagger} : You would rather have establishment? Is this a 'check your privilege /s'?", '>>{FoodTruckNation} : It is also difficult to image David Petraeus being allowed to plead to a misdemeanor. But it isn\'t difficult to imagine Hillary Clinton indicted for felonies saying "oh, I see how it works. Men who are accused of espionage are treated much differently than women who are accused of espionage. I didn\'t even lie to the FBI like Petraeus did." And it\'s not difficult to imagine she will be allowed to weasel. Again.', '>>{liberalconservatives} : Democratic Law Prof: ‘Difficult To Imagine’ Hillary Clinton Not Being Indicted Actual title of article.', '>>{falasta} : If Hillary is going to be indicted then Obama must be out of the loop. According to Hildabeast he will be endorsing her soon, thereby ruining his legacy.', '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : Post: "Democrat law professor" Actual headline: "Democratic law professor" Let\'s ask Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingrich why they refer to "Democrat" things instead of "Democratic" things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democrat_Party_(epithet) "\'Democrat Party\' is a slur, or intended to be—a handy way to express contempt. Conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh uses the term exclusively when referring to Democrats."', ">>{zpedv} : if she doesn't speak to the FBI then she'll be able to say she didn't lie to the FBI. genius!", ">>{Spicy_Clam_Sandwich} : If you're registered to vote, and someone asks, you're a republican. If you're registered to vote and some asks, you don't say I'm a democratic. You say I'm a democrat. Ergo, the democrat party.", '>>{Ancient_hacker} : Republican is an adjective as well as a noun. Democrat is not.', '>>{Ulaven} : Shit story from a shit source. DailyCaller? GTFO.', '>>{Tyr_Tyr} : Dan Metcalfe is not a Democrat, though. He was appointed by Reagan to the Justice Department position, and then worked at the World Bank.', '>>{Quexana} : The more "respected" news agencies aren\'t really reporting on the email story in depth. I understand being skeptical of sites like the Daily Caller, but this is basically an interview piece, so it\'s voracity should be judged by the credibility of the interviewee, Dan Metcalfe, not necessarily the paper. Here\'s [a politico] (http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/03/hillary-clinton-email-scandal-defense-laughable-foia-116116) editorial written by the guy over a year ago if the daily caller is your issue.', '>>{teetharefortearing} : look at OPs submission history. He just posted another smear piece, from the Washington Times, AND distorted the title. He does this shit daily. /r/politics loves it.', ">>{BoSnowKnows} : If you read further down, the article references Dan Metcalfe's opinion piece in the Lawnewz. Lawnewz is a legal oriented news site by MSNBC's chief legal correspondent, Dan Abrams. Pretty legit, IMO.", '>>{QuaggaSwagger} : Congress refers to you as a WHAM. White heterosexual able bodied male ... Just, FUN FACT...'], ['>>{Gerryiakn} : Microsoft Xbox One S review: The Xbox One S is here, just three years too late', ">>{Jaminer} : Is there actually any point in buying this? Doesn't the new Xbox come out next year?", '>>{mrv3} : If you already own a Xbox One? Not really But I have little doubt this unit costs less to make allowing them to cut price for xmas and get, or even beat, PS4 price which is very important.', '>>{TheDon5} : If you need a 4k player then this is your best option', ">>{IHaveVariedInterests} : 1) 4K BR Player 2) Way smaller 3) No power brick 4) Slight (~10%) performance increase 5) HDR gaming w/ compatible TV Some of those points might matter to some existing owners. Some might be appealing to those who only have PS4. I am a current XB1 owner who is on the fence. It's money I don't need to spend but I like shiny new things.", '>>{consumedsoul} : Yeah came at a perfect time since we just recently got a 4K SUHD and wanted something to play 4K/HDR blu-rays, was going to purchase the Samsung player but decided to just trade in old XB1 to take advantage. Just watched Batman v Superman last night, amazing experience.', '>>{bountygiver} : The Scorpio is probably going to be a lot more expensive than regular Xbox.', ">>{JoeKkerr} : They say it can 4k all games.... it means 2x1080's", ">>{CranberryMoonwalk} : It's a good thing for me, as I travel a lot and the current One is way to big to throw in my suitcase. This will be a lot smaller and more manageable.", '>>{hakkzpets} : I have a hard time seeing how HDR and 4K output is a "con" just because you need a TV which can actually show HDR and 4K. It\'s like saying it\'s a con that you need a TV to have any use of a console.', ">>{metempirical} : We have two 4k tv's and were away to purchase 2 samsung 4k blu ray players @£350 each. Then along came the Xbox one S for the same price for 2TB and the bonus of being a games console too. Guess where that money has went!!", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : Yep you are correct, they are bringing out another Xbox one in 2017 around the holiday season..this is getting ridiculous can't they just make an awesome console and leave it at that idiots", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : It's just so they can lower the price of the original Xbox one and fanboys will buy the new one cause they like shiny things all they are doing is trying to get there numbers to match sonys,they could have released this console first with 4K but no it's much easier to make a shiter version first wait a while, than bring out a new one and they will continue to do this because most gamers don't have a clue it's all about having the best they just leak it slowly over the first 2 to 4 years of a consoles life span", ">>{mrv3} : Or because the Scorpio is going to most likely use AMD 470/480 based APU which AMD doesn't have yet and the 470/480 are in short supply, far too short to reasonable support a major launch for atleast a month. But no, it's to attract that lucrative fanboy market. /s", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : You saying most likely suggests you don't actually know.", ">>{Hephaestus3131} : And the Scorpio is cool but why cant they fucking do it right the first time..it's them thinking how can we increase sales make more money...then they bring out red and blue versions and everyone goes mad have to have that, than they bring out new coloured controller and everyone goes mad..you don't understand the marketing buisness it's all about the profit and fuck all to do with fans and loyal consolists", '>>{MikeDubbz} : Even still, it might make more sense to wait for the new and even better Xbox coming next year.'], ['>>{PostTruthPete} : They couldn\'t call him "Man" of the year because he\'s transgendered.', '>>{smithcm14} : Can\'t believe they didn\'t retitle the award "Dick of the Year". Such PC nonsense.', ">>{frackpot} : I'm going to wager this gets a lot of comments.", ">>{tyrionCannisters} : I was surprised that this hadn't been posted yet. I'm not a fan of Donald Trump, far from it, but I think Time was right to make him the person of the year. As a commentor pointed out, according to Time >The title goes to “the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year, for better or for worse,” ...Or worse. It really is a great article, with some very revealing interview excerpts from Trump, and certainly not some kind of puff piece. Hopefully this doesn't get downvoted just because of the title.", '>>{bitfriend} : In seriousness he\'s going to make history. America swung from a Democrat Supermajority in 2008 to a GOP one led by *Donald Trump* in 2016. Consider this: your grandchildren will not see the item "Donald Trump" as a reality TV host, WWE promoter or realtor. They will remember him as the 45th President of the United States. In about a decade we ourselves will be talking about the "Trump Doctrine".', ">>{lairdhenn} : Speak for yourself. I don't stop loving the country because I didn't get my way. Grow up. And if you have the gall to call Trump a demagogue and not Hillary you are beyond clueless.", ">>{plato1123} : I dunno, I just had preconceived notions about America that good people got ahead in life, that fraudsters sunk to the bottom, and that someone who clearly didn't love his family (desperately wanted to cheat on his pregnant wife) would never be president. And now all of our children will understand that sometimes lying and cheating actually gets you ahead, way ahead.", '>>{progwire} : Clearly it was Putin, so this award is a fake', '>>{progwire} : I bet our generations Hoovervilles will be called Trump Towers', ">>{UMR-san} : I suppose this is true. Without Trump my grandkids will have never existed. I would be living in America, instead of wherever they, their parents and their grandmother live. Edit: Who am I kidding? America totally would have gone to shit anyway by the time I'm old enough to have grandkids.", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Trump and the Republican Party are domestic enemies of the constitution and should be treated as such.', ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : When compared to time magazines hitler cover from the 1930's, you can see what they've done and where they stand on Trump. Devil horns, foreboding shadow on wall, seated in ragged chair... http://www.thedailysheeple.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/flipped.jpg", '>>{o0flatCircle0o} : Our grandchildren will not care because they will be living in third world America worrying about where they are going to find food to eat every day.', '>>{ChickenPotPi} : Its amazing that they would not put Osama Bin Laden though even though he owned the news for 2001. They put Rudy Giuliani instead.'], ['>>{ArchiveSQ} : Not terribly strong with protection, but this is my personal favorite for looks and price. http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/181676982198', ">>{Mooseyxhmx} : For protection and something to keep the thing clean and also light I would recommend the spigen tough armor. It also will smooth out the rough corners on that SE. Most of the police in my district use this for their phones so that says something. Also to my knowledge frank fritz from american pickers uses one on an iPhone SE. And he's got s very rough and tumble career.", ">>{ecs0013} : The nice thing is that there's a lot of 5/5S cases floating around and cheap. I've always been a fan of the Speck Candyshell series for more protection and the Apple leather case for a slim and classy look. The Belkin Grip Candy Sheer is another favorite from my iPhone 5 days. You also might want to check out your local Marshall's/TJMaxx because they sometimes sell old stock of cases and $5.99-$7.99 seems to be the sweet spot for the 5/5S/SE ones.", '>>{Masrenzrik} : I love my CM4 wallet case. https://www.amazon.com/iPhone-SE-Wallet-Case-Protective/dp/B009OWOFOM But before I went the wallet direction, I was a loyalist for Tech 21: https://www.amazon.com/Tech21-Protective-Apple-iPhone-Black/dp/B015H37NQ8/ref=sr_1_2?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1491339163&sr=1-2&keywords=tech+21+iphone+se Spigen is also a good choice for minimalists.', ">>{CurryGettinSpicy} : Leather case (brown one is only $15 on eBay rn) or anything from Elago. Don't put a cheap $2 case on such a beautiful phone.", '>>{Dark_Fiber} : Spigen Tough Armor in smooth black is how I roll with my iPhone SE. Spigen Tough Armor iPhone SE Case with Extreme Heavy Duty Protection and Air Cushion Technology for iPhone SE 2016 - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BEJB9XM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Cbb5ybXC48Q2S', '>>{itsmegeorge} : I came in here to say this omg! The Tough Armor is just so beautiful.', '>>{kosanovskiy} : otterbox. Shit saved my phone more times than i can count.', ">>{ManOnFire74} : I've been really happy with every Spigen case I've owned so far, the fit and finish has always been spot on. I had the Spigen Slim Armor on my 5S for over a year and would definitely recommend it. My phone fell out of the cradle on my bike doing around 35km/h and the only damage was a few small nicks in the case, the phone was fine. https://www.spigen.com/collections/iphone-se-5s-5/products/iphone-5s-5-case-slim-armor-s?variant=1162051877 I recently upgraded to the 7 and went with the Neo Hybrid, which to me looks amazing on the 5/5S/SE. I've only had the hybrid for a few days so I can't speak to its longevity but I'm sure it will just as good as the ones I've had before. https://www.spigen.com/collections/iphone-se-5s-5/products/iphone-se-case-neo-hybrid?variant=16523449665", '>>{Dark_Fiber} : No. Just the Tough Armor which I used on both my 5s and SE.', ">>{armadillo198} : How's it for protection? Like if I were to drop it or something.", '>>{yananfuatabi} : There are drop test videos in YouTube, you can check them.', ">>{zeft64} : It's shitty protection if you want a good case that will protect your phone and won't be to bulky I would recommend Spigen thought armor. Saved my phone a few times. Also there's this guy on YouTube that test ever case you can think of. The channel is mobilereviews-eh.ch and that's also his website. Pretty sure that will help you a great deal", ">>{StankyDanky23} : Yup that's exactly where I got my Speck case for my iPhone SE, just love the look of a red case on a black phone 📱 😎"]]
classify and reply
[">>{Jump_Jive_Whale} : White House says media delegitimizing Trump, won't 'take it'", ">>{Philo1927} : WD's new external drive is the first self-contained, fully portable Plex media server", ">>{misterxy89} : > Unlike the Media Server software for PCs and Nvidia’s Shield TV, the My Passport Wireless Pro cannot transcode media on-the-fly to ensure it’ll play on the Plex client device. Probably not well, if it all. And for the price... l'll pass.", '>>{mdneilson} : That says not at all. Most video and players are all x264 anyway.', ">>{FUCK_THE_THALMOR} : Oh yes you will mother fucker, it's real now. You wanted this job so bigly, you got it.", ">>{AkirIkasu} : While Plex is a really good system of software, I wouldn't give my money to any 'smart device' that WD makes after being fooled into thinking that their MyCloud was any good.", '>>{Whatswiththelights} : So $115 per TB for the first two, $20 for the third TB?', '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Trump and his pack of liars are doing a pretty good fucking job of delegitimizing themselves without the assistance of the media.', '>>{GlowdUp} : The My Passport Wireless Pro\xa0costs $230\xa0for a 2TB version, or if you want to store a\xa0lot\xa0of media, $250 for a 3TB model.', '>>{PetPsychicDetective} : He and his staff are doing a fine job delegitimizing him every time they lie to the public. Which is apparently going to be every time they open their mouths.', '>>{f1del1us} : And for those of us with 4+TB of media?', ">>{free_libre} : It's classic narcissistic/psychopathic projection. It's not the person who is fucked up's fault, it's the people who make the observation that are fucked up.", ">>{shatabee4} : >The point is the attacks and the attempt to delegitimize this president in one day. And we're not going to sit around and take it Doing legitimate things is one way to be seen as legitimate! Reince Priebus misguidedly thinks whining, being a bully and making threats is a better way.", ">>{account_1100011} : $200 for 2tb isn't a good deal any more? Seems reasonable to me(given the other features) but I haven't bought any storage media for a while. I wonder if I could run other software on this deivce as well.", ">>{account_1100011} : You really have to bring everything with you everywhere you go? You can't just choose 2 TB worth for any given trip? This is not supposed to replace your current disk setup, it's supposed to make a portion of it mobile. Kinda like iPods did for mp3's this is trying to do for plex's kind of video.", ">>{misterxy89} : I've found 1TB 2.5 WD Black hard drives for 80 Canadian dollars.", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Luckily, when it comes to Trump there's [not much to take](https://dudo6el28sqqp.cloudfront.net/gothamistgallery/2016/8/18/8250df05c081816trumpstatueusq-7-jpg-square.jpeg)", ">>{f1del1us} : Oh I see. Well yeah I get that, but if I'm going to be traveling like that, I'll either leave my server running at home, or just drop some files on a 128gb jump drive, and I've got all the media I could want.", '>>{miltedmalkball} : Delegitimizing suggests he is legitimate in the first place. I disagree with the premise.', '>>{miltedmalkball} : How dare you report facts and the words we say. Such bias.', ">>{account_1100011} : so, take two of those and add the guts of a cheap cell phone and that doesn't seem too bad.", ">>{account_1100011} : ah, but that jump drive won't stream to your phone/tablet and/or your traveling companion's phones/tablets now will it? ~~It won't stream to the hotel's tv, will it?~~ (actually it might... so retracted) So, does the market for this device make more sense now?", ">>{account_1100011} : and that's for a USB 3.0 drive right? not an internal sata or whatever? now add the components for a cheap cell phone (processor, ram, wifi, battery, etc, etc.) still seems reasonable at $200 for the first iteration of the product.", ">>{f1del1us} : I guess... But why stream it? If my brother wants to watch something, he can copy it from the jump drive to his hard drive and watch. Same goes for anyone else. Plus, I could plug it directly in to my laptop or tablet, but not my phone (I don't have a lightning to USB port converter). I guess I just prefer directly opening a file vs streaming in this type of situation. Because any situation I can have internet, I can stream from my desktop back home.", ">>{killerpoopguy} : > ah, but that jump drive won't stream to your phone/tablet and/or your traveling companion's phones/tablets now will it? [Actually it will.](https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-Wireless-Smartphones-Computers-SDWS4-032G-G46/dp/B00ZCFYT5K/ref=pd_sim_147_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=2195Jr6rvRL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=Z3C1GXJY4D5GHVE8XQFB)", '>>{butwhyisitso} : Do you want state run media? Cuz thats how you get state run media.', ">>{metallica594} : Excellent idea but it's like the people who designed it don't use it.", ">>{DC25NYC} : What's childish about not letting the trump administration lie to America?", ">>{rapax} : As someone living in Europe, with access to BBC, ARD, ZDF, ORF, SRF, etc........yes, I kind of do. It's miles ahead of private sector media in terms of quality.", ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : Like it or not, we're going to make America great again, Mr. Trump.", '>>{Masaphotog} : Ah, the power of actually reading the article.', '>>{AgoraiosBum} : How dare you say the Emperor has not clothes!', '>>{Blizzardof49} : You can have state run media with strong rules in place to prevent the in power government from interfering.', '>>{charleygh} : Which do you do more-- playback "media", or vape?', ">>{butwhyisitso} : Imo americans are too polarized to pull this off. BBC is essentially PBS, except it's embraced and utilized. Looking it that way though, Id be interested to see what MAGATV was like, but I dont trust Trumps administration to be objective enough to come up with something equitable. Itd just be fox on roids. imo, gross.", '>>{butwhyisitso} : We could create a whole new branch of the government to watch over our use of the first Amendment! bigger government, more oversight, regulations,... oh man, its my liberal wet dream. Except i was hoping we would be more worried about guns than words, oh well! An amendment is an amendment i suppose. /s', '>>{Kinkin50} : If only Trump would emulate Obama in his conduct!', ">>{Colahkiin} : Yup I learned that their stuff is crap the hard way. They make good storage devices and that's about it. I'm satisfied with my Synology DS716 now.", '>>{mwsomerset} : You will take it and you will like it.', ">>{Fizzarina} : I just hope this one doesn't randomly disconnect from my PC every 4 hours.", '>>{Jarsky2} : This. Love him or hate him, he recieved more hatred than any man deserves, and he handled it with dignity and humor. You have to respect that. Trump on the other hand behaves like a spoiled toddler.', ">>{Carfan99} : /r/mathchecksout ? Yeah I'm with you, usually it's a $50+ for a Tb jump", ">>{Pewpew511} : Hell yes. I have one. And that little fucker is amazing. I have a paid subscription to plex, and a very robust setup for my plex server/file server. This little bastard is quite a bit easier than going through the server route when friends are trying to do something. Plus, it's tiny. Totally worth it.", ">>{Wellwhatevericanget} : So if this doesn't transcode, why buy this vs any other wireless hard drive with built in battery? Is it the hot spot that is the real feature to look at?", ">>{jimmyhoffa401} : >$200 for 2tb isn't a good deal any more? Not really. Especially if you have 6 or 8tb of media to serve... The only real attraction for this to me would be the wireless functionality, which I wouldn't expect to be fantastic.", ">>{dlink377} : If this doesn't transcode, why not buy raspberry pi 3 (zero for smaller size) and plug in usb battery pack and external hd? 3d print a proper case and you got it. I guess the target customer is someone who want very good portability rather than diy it.", '>>{Causemos} : .. or if you want to store a lot of media, $250 for a 3TB model. Hey Bill, what can we do with these 6 year old $90 hard drives?', ">>{one80oneday} : Yep there's regular sales of 4TB for $100 too", ">>{RedHeadedMenace} : Interestingly enough, if you crack open an external USB hard drive, 99% of them are internal data style drives in a case. Granted, they're usually only 5400 rpm drives, but they're still exactly like any 5400 rpm hard disk you'd install in your computer.", ">>{account_1100011} : They're not always exactly the same though. I've ripped open several such drives and plugged them into a regular IDE bus and every single time (and I'm talking at least 4 or 5 of these suckers) they overheat and burn out very quickly, like weeks not months. So, I think they might be stripped down drives without heat sensors or with important code or something in the enclosure part of the device not in the HD where it would normally be.", ">>{account_1100011} : you shouldn't be thinking of this as holding your whole video library just enough for the current trip or event or whatever. You don't need to bring 8 tb of media to serve every single time you go out...", '>>{jimmyhoffa401} : Why would I want to take the time and effort to break up my media and choose what to bring when. That is the whole reason I have it all on one server.', ">>{RedHeadedMenace} : No way, that's interesting! I'd never considered the software or sensors might be different. I kid you not, most of the ones I've ripped open have been commercial drives like Seagate barracudas.", ">>{888555888555} : They don't. It's just like every nosumer product. Nosumer: n. 1. A product that brings a service or technology that is typically only accessible to professionals or geeks to the average person who watches cable television. Its purpose is to sell product to people who want to *feel* smart.", '>>{account_1100011} : You\'re not "breaking up your media" it\'s all still in the same place. and the point is you can take it with you instead of taking the whole server.', '>>{jimmyhoffa401} : The effort needed to choose 10 or 20 or 2000 things to bring is what I\'m talking about by "breaking up my media"... not something I want. It\'s all or nothing, and I am fine with only having whatever I move to my phone or tablet or stream off my plex server at home.', ">>{account_1100011} : > I am fine with only having whatever I move to my phone or tablet or stream off my plex server at home. Wow, do you not see the hypocrisy here? You've fine moving stuff to your phone or tablet but not to a device that's got more space than either and you can share with your friends while traveling. People like you make no sense to me. It's ok in one place but not in another... Insane.", ">>{Skimmick} : Welllll personally I see his point. Plex has a major strength which is to stream from your home server. So you don't have to choose files to bring with you like you are suggesting with the hard drive. Bring your phone and steam them.", '>>{dargonesti62} : My experience with the rpi2 was terrible. Unstable and card, then unstable power input (PSU??), Just to finally have it fail when working "hard"... Which means it would just shut down if it had to sync/download big files (1go) I wasted so much time, it failed in every possible step, I do not recommend, other then for a tinkering hobby']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Philo1927} : WD's new external drive is the first self-contained, fully portable Plex media server", ">>{misterxy89} : > Unlike the Media Server software for PCs and Nvidia’s Shield TV, the My Passport Wireless Pro cannot transcode media on-the-fly to ensure it’ll play on the Plex client device. Probably not well, if it all. And for the price... l'll pass.", '>>{mdneilson} : That says not at all. Most video and players are all x264 anyway.', ">>{AkirIkasu} : While Plex is a really good system of software, I wouldn't give my money to any 'smart device' that WD makes after being fooled into thinking that their MyCloud was any good.", '>>{Whatswiththelights} : So $115 per TB for the first two, $20 for the third TB?', '>>{GlowdUp} : The My Passport Wireless Pro\xa0costs $230\xa0for a 2TB version, or if you want to store a\xa0lot\xa0of media, $250 for a 3TB model.', '>>{f1del1us} : And for those of us with 4+TB of media?', ">>{account_1100011} : $200 for 2tb isn't a good deal any more? Seems reasonable to me(given the other features) but I haven't bought any storage media for a while. I wonder if I could run other software on this deivce as well.", ">>{account_1100011} : You really have to bring everything with you everywhere you go? You can't just choose 2 TB worth for any given trip? This is not supposed to replace your current disk setup, it's supposed to make a portion of it mobile. Kinda like iPods did for mp3's this is trying to do for plex's kind of video.", ">>{misterxy89} : I've found 1TB 2.5 WD Black hard drives for 80 Canadian dollars.", ">>{f1del1us} : Oh I see. Well yeah I get that, but if I'm going to be traveling like that, I'll either leave my server running at home, or just drop some files on a 128gb jump drive, and I've got all the media I could want.", ">>{account_1100011} : so, take two of those and add the guts of a cheap cell phone and that doesn't seem too bad.", ">>{account_1100011} : ah, but that jump drive won't stream to your phone/tablet and/or your traveling companion's phones/tablets now will it? ~~It won't stream to the hotel's tv, will it?~~ (actually it might... so retracted) So, does the market for this device make more sense now?", ">>{account_1100011} : and that's for a USB 3.0 drive right? not an internal sata or whatever? now add the components for a cheap cell phone (processor, ram, wifi, battery, etc, etc.) still seems reasonable at $200 for the first iteration of the product.", ">>{f1del1us} : I guess... But why stream it? If my brother wants to watch something, he can copy it from the jump drive to his hard drive and watch. Same goes for anyone else. Plus, I could plug it directly in to my laptop or tablet, but not my phone (I don't have a lightning to USB port converter). I guess I just prefer directly opening a file vs streaming in this type of situation. Because any situation I can have internet, I can stream from my desktop back home.", ">>{killerpoopguy} : > ah, but that jump drive won't stream to your phone/tablet and/or your traveling companion's phones/tablets now will it? [Actually it will.](https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-Wireless-Smartphones-Computers-SDWS4-032G-G46/dp/B00ZCFYT5K/ref=pd_sim_147_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=2195Jr6rvRL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=Z3C1GXJY4D5GHVE8XQFB)", ">>{metallica594} : Excellent idea but it's like the people who designed it don't use it.", '>>{Masaphotog} : Ah, the power of actually reading the article.', '>>{charleygh} : Which do you do more-- playback "media", or vape?', ">>{Colahkiin} : Yup I learned that their stuff is crap the hard way. They make good storage devices and that's about it. I'm satisfied with my Synology DS716 now.", ">>{Fizzarina} : I just hope this one doesn't randomly disconnect from my PC every 4 hours.", ">>{Carfan99} : /r/mathchecksout ? Yeah I'm with you, usually it's a $50+ for a Tb jump", ">>{Pewpew511} : Hell yes. I have one. And that little fucker is amazing. I have a paid subscription to plex, and a very robust setup for my plex server/file server. This little bastard is quite a bit easier than going through the server route when friends are trying to do something. Plus, it's tiny. Totally worth it.", ">>{Wellwhatevericanget} : So if this doesn't transcode, why buy this vs any other wireless hard drive with built in battery? Is it the hot spot that is the real feature to look at?", ">>{jimmyhoffa401} : >$200 for 2tb isn't a good deal any more? Not really. Especially if you have 6 or 8tb of media to serve... The only real attraction for this to me would be the wireless functionality, which I wouldn't expect to be fantastic.", ">>{dlink377} : If this doesn't transcode, why not buy raspberry pi 3 (zero for smaller size) and plug in usb battery pack and external hd? 3d print a proper case and you got it. I guess the target customer is someone who want very good portability rather than diy it.", '>>{Causemos} : .. or if you want to store a lot of media, $250 for a 3TB model. Hey Bill, what can we do with these 6 year old $90 hard drives?', ">>{one80oneday} : Yep there's regular sales of 4TB for $100 too", ">>{RedHeadedMenace} : Interestingly enough, if you crack open an external USB hard drive, 99% of them are internal data style drives in a case. Granted, they're usually only 5400 rpm drives, but they're still exactly like any 5400 rpm hard disk you'd install in your computer.", ">>{account_1100011} : They're not always exactly the same though. I've ripped open several such drives and plugged them into a regular IDE bus and every single time (and I'm talking at least 4 or 5 of these suckers) they overheat and burn out very quickly, like weeks not months. So, I think they might be stripped down drives without heat sensors or with important code or something in the enclosure part of the device not in the HD where it would normally be.", ">>{account_1100011} : you shouldn't be thinking of this as holding your whole video library just enough for the current trip or event or whatever. You don't need to bring 8 tb of media to serve every single time you go out...", '>>{jimmyhoffa401} : Why would I want to take the time and effort to break up my media and choose what to bring when. That is the whole reason I have it all on one server.', ">>{RedHeadedMenace} : No way, that's interesting! I'd never considered the software or sensors might be different. I kid you not, most of the ones I've ripped open have been commercial drives like Seagate barracudas.", ">>{888555888555} : They don't. It's just like every nosumer product. Nosumer: n. 1. A product that brings a service or technology that is typically only accessible to professionals or geeks to the average person who watches cable television. Its purpose is to sell product to people who want to *feel* smart.", '>>{account_1100011} : You\'re not "breaking up your media" it\'s all still in the same place. and the point is you can take it with you instead of taking the whole server.', '>>{jimmyhoffa401} : The effort needed to choose 10 or 20 or 2000 things to bring is what I\'m talking about by "breaking up my media"... not something I want. It\'s all or nothing, and I am fine with only having whatever I move to my phone or tablet or stream off my plex server at home.', ">>{account_1100011} : > I am fine with only having whatever I move to my phone or tablet or stream off my plex server at home. Wow, do you not see the hypocrisy here? You've fine moving stuff to your phone or tablet but not to a device that's got more space than either and you can share with your friends while traveling. People like you make no sense to me. It's ok in one place but not in another... Insane.", ">>{Skimmick} : Welllll personally I see his point. Plex has a major strength which is to stream from your home server. So you don't have to choose files to bring with you like you are suggesting with the hard drive. Bring your phone and steam them.", '>>{dargonesti62} : My experience with the rpi2 was terrible. Unstable and card, then unstable power input (PSU??), Just to finally have it fail when working "hard"... Which means it would just shut down if it had to sync/download big files (1go) I wasted so much time, it failed in every possible step, I do not recommend, other then for a tinkering hobby'], [">>{Jump_Jive_Whale} : White House says media delegitimizing Trump, won't 'take it'", ">>{FUCK_THE_THALMOR} : Oh yes you will mother fucker, it's real now. You wanted this job so bigly, you got it.", '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Trump and his pack of liars are doing a pretty good fucking job of delegitimizing themselves without the assistance of the media.', '>>{PetPsychicDetective} : He and his staff are doing a fine job delegitimizing him every time they lie to the public. Which is apparently going to be every time they open their mouths.', ">>{free_libre} : It's classic narcissistic/psychopathic projection. It's not the person who is fucked up's fault, it's the people who make the observation that are fucked up.", ">>{shatabee4} : >The point is the attacks and the attempt to delegitimize this president in one day. And we're not going to sit around and take it Doing legitimate things is one way to be seen as legitimate! Reince Priebus misguidedly thinks whining, being a bully and making threats is a better way.", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Luckily, when it comes to Trump there's [not much to take](https://dudo6el28sqqp.cloudfront.net/gothamistgallery/2016/8/18/8250df05c081816trumpstatueusq-7-jpg-square.jpeg)", '>>{miltedmalkball} : Delegitimizing suggests he is legitimate in the first place. I disagree with the premise.', '>>{miltedmalkball} : How dare you report facts and the words we say. Such bias.', '>>{butwhyisitso} : Do you want state run media? Cuz thats how you get state run media.', ">>{DC25NYC} : What's childish about not letting the trump administration lie to America?", ">>{rapax} : As someone living in Europe, with access to BBC, ARD, ZDF, ORF, SRF, etc........yes, I kind of do. It's miles ahead of private sector media in terms of quality.", ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : Like it or not, we're going to make America great again, Mr. Trump.", '>>{AgoraiosBum} : How dare you say the Emperor has not clothes!', '>>{Blizzardof49} : You can have state run media with strong rules in place to prevent the in power government from interfering.', ">>{butwhyisitso} : Imo americans are too polarized to pull this off. BBC is essentially PBS, except it's embraced and utilized. Looking it that way though, Id be interested to see what MAGATV was like, but I dont trust Trumps administration to be objective enough to come up with something equitable. Itd just be fox on roids. imo, gross.", '>>{butwhyisitso} : We could create a whole new branch of the government to watch over our use of the first Amendment! bigger government, more oversight, regulations,... oh man, its my liberal wet dream. Except i was hoping we would be more worried about guns than words, oh well! An amendment is an amendment i suppose. /s', '>>{Kinkin50} : If only Trump would emulate Obama in his conduct!', '>>{mwsomerset} : You will take it and you will like it.', '>>{Jarsky2} : This. Love him or hate him, he recieved more hatred than any man deserves, and he handled it with dignity and humor. You have to respect that. Trump on the other hand behaves like a spoiled toddler.']]
classify and reply
['>>{acupoftwodayoldcoffe} : Associated Press issues new guidance on sex, gender: ‘avoid’ referring to ‘both’ or ‘either’ sexes', ">>{Joe3737} : Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Manufacture by people like Robert Reich. Funny how that works?', '>>{marji80} : If you have a preexisting health condition, don’t even think about leaving your job', '>>{stufen1} : Way to go Trump supporters! /s >A central prong of Trump’s plan, however, is to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with, well, not much at all. Trump says he will “repeal the ACA and replace it with a solution that includes Health Savings Accounts,” which primarily benefit the rich and offer little or no benefits to low and middle income Americans. Trump will “enable people to purchase insurance across state lines,” a coded phrase which actually means that he will eliminate state regulation of insurance which requires coverage of treatments ranging from mammograms to maternity stays to well child care.', '>>{robotzor} : HSA: just another way to lower your take home earnings. Might as well pay the tax for universal then, right?', '>>{MatthewTenThirtyFour} : AP can take its "guidance" and shove it.', '>>{HolyThunderPunch} : They should have just made it a rule to always try and get the gender wrong. If they get it right, they apologize.', ">>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : Yep, even if McConnell's plan works and they can cockblock those who want a legit investigation, the taint of illegitimacy is going to haunt donnie's regime till the bitter end.", '>>{slinkymaster} : The media creates a conspiracy that anything pro-Trump is Russian propaganda and anyone who has ever worked in anything Russian related must be a Putin stooge. The FBI is in on the Russian propaganda, while the CIA is pure MURICAN with it\'s facts (that are lacking evidence right now). Now people are openly calling for the election to be stolen by the Electoral College and claiming that their sides judgement based on unsubstantiated reports is evidence enough that Trump is a fascist working for Russia interest. "But the constitution makes it possible" except it\'s never been done before and no one has proved anything other than potential conflicts of interest, which is no where close to being a dictator or the Manchurian candidate. People are openly calling for a coup in this country and there\'s a lot of you supporting that argument based on conspiracy theories. Shit is crazy.', '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : What is considered to be preexisting? For instance, is a surgically repaired knee (ACL) considered preexisting if it has healed and currently ok? That is, would I have to declare that injury when applying for new insurance even if it is fixed?', '>>{ABrokenLocke} : The shit that you just posted was, in fact, pretty fucking crazy.', ">>{Inquisitivemind88} : Which is the whole point behind the campaign really - so that people like you can suggest Trump's presidency is tainted because some internal DNC emails got leaked. Ignoring the fact that those emails were actually sent, and were only damaging because they were, you know, what was actually sent. Sigh.", '>>{dolphins3} : Okay, that sounds pretty reasonable. But what does this have to do with politics?', ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : As a seasonal federal employee... Haha! I'm fucked if I get sick between November and March!", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > stolen by the Electoral College Utterly ridiculous. The only reason Trump is even the president-elect is because of the EC. He's exactly the type of incompetent huckster the Electoral College was designed to prevent.", '>>{kescusay} : Reported. Not sure what the style guide for the AP has to do with politics.', ">>{aehlemn1} : Maybe obama shouldn't have created this mess that we have to clean up.", '>>{ChickenFriedTrump} : And it affects your life how? Stop being mad at others while staring in the mirror', ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : Life is a pre-existing condition. With the ACA gone we're back to insurance companies denying everything on the basis of 'pre-existing conditions.'", ">>{LogicChick} : As if my job gives me health insurance anyway..? I'm not complaining, I don't think any job should be bundled with health insurance.", ">>{financialanon} : The Russian connections are blatant and absurd. You don't need an investigation to tell that Rex Tillerson is a massive gift from Trump to Putin. You also don't need an investigation to know that Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillary's computers.", ">>{stufen1} : Yeah - let's not provide 20M people with insurance - much better plan. /s", '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : The readership of the Washington Times is sensitive and easily-triggered by the 21st century.', '>>{slinkymaster} : Yea, I figured that would be the response. Apparently articles full of "officials say" without any evidence backing up what those officials are basing their claims on is enough for people to change the election and throw this country into the worst internal turmoil its experienced since the civil war.', '>>{felisdom} : it\'s the duality. "both" and "either". it doesn\'t take into account people who think they are unicorns and dragons and apache helicopters. it goes along with the trangender thing, which is a hot-button political issue.', '>>{financialanon} : You think the media created all these connections between [Donald](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5hx4vz/electors_demand_intelligence_briefing_before/db3m64v/), [Manafort](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-making-inquiry-ex-trump-campaign-manager-s-foreign-ties-n675881), [Carter Page](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/09/the-mystery-of-trumps-man-in-moscow-214283), [Tevfik Arif](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/06/us/politics/donald-trump-soho-settlement.html) and [Rex](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/11/business/rex-tillerson-secretary-of-state-russia.html?_r=0) and Russia? Serious question.', ">>{felisdom} : i will. i support LGBTQ+ rights, but human ones. you are a human male, or a human female. how you identify is your business but if it isn't as a human, then you are attention-seeking, or ill.", ">>{mydoghasocd} : Lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes, but won the electoral college because of 80,000 people in 3 states. Won because of a vague, no evidence letter released at the 11th hour about Hillary's emails that turned into nothing. Actively supported by Putin. Going back on all his campaign promises < 2 months in. Yeah...I'd say it smells like illegitimacy.", ">>{SocialJustise} : That person has told me before that they are Australian and not a white supremacist. Who knows if that's true.", '>>{felisdom} : it is true that some is in jest (i hope that most is but sadly some isn\'t). but there is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gWXwbToNpA either she wants attention or actually thinks she is a cat. back to the original point of this being political. the style is simply for this tangent we have gone on. people are super sensitive of everything these days. even pronouns of grammatical styles that have existed for a long time. please, relax. let people write things. i am a liberal person by all accounts but some people i have seen and know...i honestly wonder if they wake up in the morning and think "what can i be offended by today?". live and let live. i have been around unsavory characters and just kept my mouth shut no matter how much i disagreed with them.', ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : That's the Republican ideal. Take all leverage from the workers to help businesses improve profit margins. This is no different than the Robber Barons we've had before.", '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : Technically true. Also true for most other things the government does. Roads, schools, food safety, drug approval, TSA, flight controllers, armed services, NASA, NSA, FBI, etc, etc, etc.', '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : I guess, if the CIA and NSA are "like Robert Reich". I suppose they all point out some uncomfortable truths about Trump\'s Russian support, which makes them a bit similar.', '>>{Inquisitivemind88} : Australian. And yes. This sub is weird sometimes.', '>>{Xelif} : Hey, it just so happens that Mr. Trump is exceedingly popular with people who turned 28 this year.', ">>{ABrokenLocke} : Weird, ain't it? Downright unbelievable, even.", ">>{NeverHadTheLatin} : In **June**, long before the election results were known, the DNC asked three different, competing, private data-security companies to investigate the DNC hacks. They all found that the evidence pointed to Russian intelligence agents being the most likely culprits. Here is one companies write-up: https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/ This has been supported by the entire US Intelligence Community. Given the obvious benefits a Trump presidency would offer Putin, I think the simplest explanation is the most likely in this instance - Russia hacked the DNC to damage Clinton and support Trump. Personally, I think Trump's complete disdain of the very agencies he's supposed to work with the protect the USA shows a far more contemptible attitude towards USA sovereignty than any revelation from the Clinton/DNC leaks.", '>>{Phillipinsocal} : Crazy how an obama run FBI released an eleventh hour "letter with no evidence" to sabotage HRC, its crazy how you liberals think Obamas hands were clean in this whole election, obama *IS* the DNC', ">>{slinkymaster} : The idea that Trump would be president wasn't even a legitimate thought at the time those leaks occurred. Them trying to damage the next President was more realistic than help Trump win. Even if they did it with the intent of helping Trump, why should that invalidate how people voted? Did Trump help them? Hell, if it was the Trump campaign directly who hacked them, would that be any different than a modern swift boat attack or any of the factless attacks that have helped presidents get elected in the past? So can we just ruin future candidates by getting Russia to hack their opponent despite that candidates own affiliation to those doing the hacking? Let's not bother with those questions. Trump is a dick and if we need to destroy the integrity of our democracy to bring him down so be it. Once the riots settle well have a president completely crippled by the fiercest backlash since the civil war.", ">>{Inspector-Space_Time} : And HSAs have a maximum yearly contribution limit as well. So if you had enough money to max it out, you'd still be fucked because the max is quite low compared to healthcare costs. Just basically, don't have a pre-existing condition. That'll be easy...", ">>{omeow} : >It's not the governments duty. Somehow it is governments duty to regulate safety of women?", ">>{Inspector-Space_Time} : In the rest of the world it is. So by global standards, it is the government's duty to provide affordable healthcare to its citizens. Instead we'll see people die from preventable diseases because they were denied insurance. I just don't understand how you can hear that and think that's the system working fine. Plus, here's the worst part, it's more extensive than single payer. Instead of going with the overall cheaper option that prevents deaths, we're going with the more costly option that leads to more deaths. I work in the health insurance industry, and I feel so powerless to prevent what's coming.", '>>{rotorydial} : More fake news. Trump would of won no matter the conditions...Hillary was a poor candidate.', ">>{omeow} : >Maybe obama shouldn't have created this mess that we have to clean up. If you ever paid a penny of social security taxes then you contributed to the ideology that society should take care of its most vulnerable. If you received a penny of government support, in any form, then you were a beneficiary of the same ideology. I suppose your salvation lies in leaving the country.", '>>{AlfredRWallace} : Honestly the government is really a large insurance company that happens to have an army.', '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Trump lost by the largest popular vote margin in history; took 3 swing states by less than 80,000 votes; there was FBI agents leaking shit to Rudi Guiliani and the Trump team; and Russian hackers (whether state-sponsored or not) all over the fucking place –\xa0YA THINK there is some illegitimacy issues here?', '>>{wearywarrior} : Why does an aussie give a fuck what happens in America? Super confused by that.', '>>{Inquisitivemind88} : I find you crazy kids interesting. Sometimes I can have good discussions, learn new things etc. Also, to be honest, seeing people lose their shit amuses me.', '>>{wearywarrior} : Then you should enjoy the australian gaming community. have fun.', ">>{aehlemn1} : Normally you don't pay the insurance company to take care of someone else(not a family member).", '>>{SocialJustise} : Nope. They said those two things separately though.', '>>{element131} : > took 3 swing states by less than 80,000 votes Your arguing that *legitimately* winning three swing states is evidence of illegitimacy? Gotcha.', '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : > People voted for Trump because they wanted change Less people voted for Trump. How exactly is that "change"?', '>>{bananasantos} : Prior to ACA, my being a female was a pre-existing condition. $500 for normal Pap swab...', ">>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : Um yes you do. You literally do that. That's what your premium is.", ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : I didn't say they were won legitimately. Knowing/suspecting foreign involvement, I'd be counting each ballot by hand.", '>>{12jammydodgers} : If you read the Republican CARE proposal, pre-existing conditions are protected. Just like how they are now.', ">>{slinkymaster} : Based on what? That he says mean things? Where is the evidence that he's going to be a tyrant? So we're going to use a loophole that's never been used on half the voters gut feelings? Is he going to overthrow the senate and arrest the Supreme Court? We still have checks and balances. So far he's panning out to be another republican with s troll itch on twitter, that hardly classifies as an extreme case worthy of causing chaos and fracture by overturning the vote.", '>>{yaosio} : There was nothing damaging in them. You people keep lying about the contents and refusing to provide sources because you know there is nothing damaging in them.', '>>{aehlemn1} : Uhhh? Except even if you don\'t pay into Americans "insurance company" you still get the same benefits as someone who did.', '>>{12jammydodgers} : Not true. Read the proposal. Pre-existing conditions are protected. You will not be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition EDIT: Full version http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-PolicyPaper.pdf FAQ: http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-FAQ.pdf', '>>{Beatnik77} : No one talked about those emails. There was nothing in them. Total non factor in the election. The FBI decision to re-open the investigation was 1000 times nore important.', '>>{marji80} : Unfortunately, because there will be no requirement for everyone to have insurance, healthy people will not balance out the sick people and premiums will become unaffordable.', '>>{12jammydodgers} : If nothing else is changed, sure. I understand how risk pools work. Under their proposal they return to high risk pools. One of the ways they intend to lower premiums for the average person', ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : I might be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure that they'll cover you, but they won't cover that condition. So if you have something like type I diabetes you're basically stuck paying for you're insulin, test strips, etc out of pocket. And god help you if you need an insulin pump.", '>>{marji80} : High risk pools have never worked and they know it.', ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : You'll be fine. It's not like that's a season that has any kind of illness regularly associated with it.", '>>{yaosio} : He has already told us he hates the Constitution. He told people to assassinate Clinton. Trump is a fascist and pure evil.', ">>{slinkymaster} : And the Podesta group lobbying on behalf of Russian firms and John podesta was on the board of Joule energy which had direct ties to Russia. Does that make them pawns of Russia? No, it doesn't. It merely means they had opportunities to make money on Russian related enterprises. Connecting anything to do with Russia as being pawns of the government is pure conspiracy theory. Is it really all that surprising that the CEO of the largest oil company in the world worked in Russia? What is nefarious about it? Nothing at all except in this made up world where the US is in the midst of the Cold War minus the fact that it ended 30 years ago.", ">>{Buttstache} : If I don't have health insurance, and I get sick, I go to the ER. They charge me thousands to patch me up. I don't pay that bill. I can't afford thousands, and my credit is already garbage. So who cares? The insurance companies and hospitals care! People like ME aren't paying them, so they have to find some patsy to pick up the tab. That's where the insured come in. You get to pay higher premiums to cover deadbeat poors like me who can't afford care. Ironically, if you'd been cool with paying some extra taxes, which I can also afford and will pay, then we ALL get healthcare for no charge and you end up paying WAY less! But no, FUCK all that. Let's do it a dumbass backwards way instead.", ">>{12jammydodgers} : Indeed, you are wrong. At least when discussing the current proposal to replace the ACA., How the finished product looks, we don't know", ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : I haven't seen much on the replacement for the ACA. Got any links to back up that assertion?", ">>{slinkymaster} : Stealing elections is what fascists do, which is what the anti-trump people are shamelessly publicly endorsing. I'm not even pro-trump, but it's completely radical to even propose it's a proper response to stopping trump when we have built in checks and balances that are still in tact.", ">>{financialanon} : I'm noticing a distinct lack of links and support in your post.", ">>{financialanon} : Not sure if you thought I wasn't going to read the links, but the article says >The accusations were misleading. For example, the Trump campaign wrongly claimed that Podesta failed to declare stock holdings of that company when he joined the White House in 2014. And on Sunday, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich wrongly told ABC’s “This Week” that Podesta “was on a Russian company advisory board that was apparently funded by Putin.”", '>>{omeow} : >Explain? You know how suddenly Republican states became touchy about sophistication of abortion clinics. How they want government to fund conversion therapy . How they know more about rape than the doctors.', ">>{cntrrvltnry} : And Trump came out saying that he likes the preexisting condition clause in the ACA. Trump spouted a lot of rhetoric, and we don't know what he'll actually do, unfortunately. I recommend figuring this shit out before collectively flipping our shit.", ">>{The_Truthkeeper} : So what you're saying is that nothing will change.", ">>{12jammydodgers} : http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-PolicyPaper.pdf There's a lot of shit talk about Obama/care in here too. It's not an objective alternative. EDIT: http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-FactSheet.pdf It's included in their main points/summary 1 pager. http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-FAQ.pdf And their FAQ", '>>{enagrom} : Uh, did you forget that people who like pizza are pedophiles and that this important bombshell was revealed in leaked emails?', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Eh. Trump loves him some Putin cock. He prefers it slide all the way down so that a "democracy package" can be delivered successfully, for both parties involved. By package, I mean Putin jizzing down Donnie\'s throat. Just my 2cts as an American using his 1A rights.', ">>{SquirrelTopTrump} : The First Amendment is a hella of drug. Aussies prob don't get that.", '>>{MrPibbWasBetter} : How do you propose forcing insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions without a mandate/penalty and expect costs to lower? They just going to sit back and eat the cost? Give them billions of tax payer subsidies so they can steal it?', ">>{12jammydodgers} : I don't propose anything. And I refuse to spend like an hour explaining all the other changes they think will lower costs. Because there's a short, but detailed list. They don't want to go back to how it was before the ACA, they want to play a (mostly) new game. Read it yourself: http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-PolicyPaper.pdf", ">>{SamusBaratheon} : When they dismantle the EPA, I'll lose my job anyway! Yaaaaaaaay. I should have taken a cue from Janet Reno. Smart move Janet", '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Calling posters kids is uncivil and against the rules. Please restrain yourself.', ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : got some bad news for you. Trump just said he might not repeal it. Just repair it. Which honestly, is good. Legislation needs to be looked at after it's been passed and fixed to account for unforeseen circumstances. It's just been impossible to do for the past 6 year for some reason.", ">>{parkerknoll} : Why, because some emails were leaked? Hell, Obama was telling us 4 yrs ago that Russia wasn't a threat - even mocking Romney in the debates on this. Now, because emails that were actually sent by DWS, Podesta, and other high ranking Dems were leaked, people now know what they said about Bernie and others that we were not supposed to know? THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?", ">>{dumbscrub} : since he's already killed the TPP and has mostly shown that NAFTA is pretty weak since pena neto is already up his ass and he's not even inaugurated, he's probably going to be somewhere between a country club republican and a liberal-ish democrat + wall for the rest of his term and spend it all extra time, money and effort building random bridges and naming them after himself. but, people will love him because they can go to the trump wall and get helicopter rides to see the charred remains of the maquiladoras because that's all they really give a shit about. like 80% of his success in the Midwest came from shitting on china, nafta, the tpp and buildawall. he does that and he's golden - and he's not even technically president yet and he's already halfway done. too much of the rest of his agenda would be blockable in the senate, unless they want to go nuclear, which I don't think they do. he can 'hide' the wall money in a big infrastructure megabill and everything will come up millhouse. as long as he can avoid a military engagement he'd still be the best president out of the last 20odd years just due to how shit the rest have been. e: also he's going to make jeb his health and human services secretary just so he can just shit on him in cabinet meetings when he gets bored. again, still best president in the last 20 years.", '>>{element131} : I am really enjoying this, hearing the crazy conspiracy theories. Yes, Russia hacked our *non-internet connected* voting machines. Sure.', ">>{gulfstreamg650driver} : The very act of deleting the emails is a felony. And she did it because she didn't want anybody seeing what was in them.", ">>{cntrrvltnry} : > e: also he's going to make jeb his health and human services secretary just so he can just shit on him in cabinet meetings when he gets bored. again, still best president in the last 20 years I literally (in the proper sense) lol'd. Trump is a meme president and has potential to do some good. If nothing else, it'll be entertaining. e. I'm drunk and deleted 'he' for grammatical reasons.", ">>{vangogh11} : It's the only part of Obamacare that both sides pretty much universally want. It's not going away, let's stop with the scare pieces.", ">>{12jammydodgers} : Yeah, it's nonsense and the uninformed fell for it. Especially because of another act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. But I digress. You should read that 40 pg document I've linked in this discussion a few times. They're keeping the parts of the ACA that people like, removing the stuff people don't, and fundamentally changing the game of insurance so those can all coexist. And leaving it up to the states. With only federal guidelines.", ">>{DYMAXIONman} : It's almost like someone is not a threat until they become one.... In 2011 there really wasn't any reason to claim Russia was our largest threat.", ">>{pelijr} : Except you don't know what you're talking about. Her lawyers and her were given permission to sort through the email for personal vs private content. Her lawyers advised her that she could delete those emails as they were personal and unrelated to her job as Secretary of State. She broke no law. The closest thing you can come to is gross negligence and I'd argue that a lot of other people with Computer System know how should be brought up on those charges for allowing this sort of convoluted system to be setup before a grandma, with no idea of the inner workings who simply didn't want to carry two devices should be brought up. Either way, does that detract from the need to investigate foreign intervention in that regard? Really?", '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : Yeah, this will be interesting to watch. I am not sure how expensive those high risk pools will become, or who in fact will fall into those pools. I suppose that the majority of non-work related policies could end up being high risk since basically everyone has some type of preexisting condition.', ">>{jesus_zombie_attack} : The Russians have done a lot in the last 4 years to prove they are a threat. If you don't see that they are then you back your candidate more than your country.", ">>{gearpitch} : But stop a moment to realize to *many* people, this election was already stolen from the peoples choice *by* the electoral college. And in their mind, why have an electoral college that's just a rubber stamp anyway? It should protect from possible demagogues, as they see him. It's not impossible to understand their position, even if you disagree or think that any changed electoral college vote is wrong or unamerican.", ">>{U_love_my_opinion} : It's not stealing the election if you're following the rules. I've seen enough craven Trump supporters use that line when they're justifying that he should be president despite a deficit of 3 million people thinking his opponent should have won.", '>>{fitzroy95} : Probably them damn commie sleeper agents, been undercover for decades, slowly worming their way into the electoral vote counting brigade, readying their chance to get their candidate Trump into the presidency. </s> The sad thing is, that someone probably believes it....', '>>{dens421} : Problem is GOP questioned Obama\'s legitimacy for 8 years so now they can just say it\'s normal for the "losing " party to do it... It angers me to no end but I see no way out of the spin zone...', '>>{Jake314159265359} : > Trump would of won no matter the conditions What if we gave all adult citizens an equal voice in the election? He would have lost. Trump was a poor candidate.', '>>{TheKingOfCrumpets} : More like evidence of a shitty, outdated voting system.', '>>{Meatsim1} : This line of logic is so weak I\'m surprised anyone with a shred of dignity could write it without collapsing from embarrassment. I just don\'t fucking understand, lets see if we can break it down. Romney says "X," Dems say "X is wrong," years go by "Dems now say, X was right" but now Trumpsters want to say because Dems said it was wrong before that its wrong now. I\'m sorry but why is what some people said back in 2011 the most important thing in defining whats true today in 2016? Like I said, I\'m shocked anyone with a sense of dignity and self respect can seriously make this argument', ">>{slinkymaster} : Yes, it ABSOLUTELY is a conspiracy theory to claim because those people have connections to Russia through business that they are somehow pawns of Russia. You are filling in a gap there with totally unsubstantiated facts. Conflicts of interest aren't the same thing as being controlled by foreign governments.", '>>{mathieu_delarue} : Why hack voting machines when you can just convince a few idiots that Hillary Clinton eats babies?', ">>{HenryKrinkle} : It's almost like situations change over time, right?", '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : > and were only damaging because they were, you know, what was actually sent. Damaging because people freaked out over relatively normal politicking.', ">>{StayGold1850} : Legitimate or not, he's not my President. I am ashamed of this man. His departure in whatever way is the single best thing that can happen on any given day to America.", '>>{element131} : Could be. Evidence of illegitimacy, certainly not.', ">>{element131} : I mean, if the core issue is that you think the people who actually voted for Trump shouldn't have... it's starting to sound a lot like a legitimate win, with a bunch of sore losers, isn't it?", '>>{mathieu_delarue} : Yeah I\'m talking about people being mislead by crazy right wing conspiracy theories. Obviously a direct hack of voting systems is not necessary when disinformation pays dividends. The election turned on tens of thousands of votes, in a country where 120+ million cast ballots. If you don\'t think some people buy into that stuff, I\'d refer you to the model citizen that shot up a pizza place last week looking for Hillary\'s child sex workers in the kitchen. Those tactics weren\'t about earning votes for Trump, they were about peeling votes from Clinton. Make them stay home or vote 3rd party in disgust. I\'ve never called Trump\'s win "illegitimate" but I\'m not gonna ignore how dirty the election was. Saying Russia influenced the election in favor of Trump is just a statement of fact. There is no way to know whether their meddling determined the outcome, but that doesn\'t make any case for outright denial of what everyone saw playing out during the campaign. To me it is kind of shocking that people will ignore what amounts to an asymmetrical attack on the federal government just because they don\'t want Donald Trump to look bad.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{marji80} : If you have a preexisting health condition, don’t even think about leaving your job', '>>{stufen1} : Way to go Trump supporters! /s >A central prong of Trump’s plan, however, is to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with, well, not much at all. Trump says he will “repeal the ACA and replace it with a solution that includes Health Savings Accounts,” which primarily benefit the rich and offer little or no benefits to low and middle income Americans. Trump will “enable people to purchase insurance across state lines,” a coded phrase which actually means that he will eliminate state regulation of insurance which requires coverage of treatments ranging from mammograms to maternity stays to well child care.', '>>{robotzor} : HSA: just another way to lower your take home earnings. Might as well pay the tax for universal then, right?', '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : What is considered to be preexisting? For instance, is a surgically repaired knee (ACL) considered preexisting if it has healed and currently ok? That is, would I have to declare that injury when applying for new insurance even if it is fixed?', ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : As a seasonal federal employee... Haha! I'm fucked if I get sick between November and March!", ">>{aehlemn1} : Maybe obama shouldn't have created this mess that we have to clean up.", ">>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : Life is a pre-existing condition. With the ACA gone we're back to insurance companies denying everything on the basis of 'pre-existing conditions.'", ">>{LogicChick} : As if my job gives me health insurance anyway..? I'm not complaining, I don't think any job should be bundled with health insurance.", ">>{stufen1} : Yeah - let's not provide 20M people with insurance - much better plan. /s", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : That's the Republican ideal. Take all leverage from the workers to help businesses improve profit margins. This is no different than the Robber Barons we've had before.", '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : Technically true. Also true for most other things the government does. Roads, schools, food safety, drug approval, TSA, flight controllers, armed services, NASA, NSA, FBI, etc, etc, etc.', ">>{Inspector-Space_Time} : And HSAs have a maximum yearly contribution limit as well. So if you had enough money to max it out, you'd still be fucked because the max is quite low compared to healthcare costs. Just basically, don't have a pre-existing condition. That'll be easy...", ">>{omeow} : >It's not the governments duty. Somehow it is governments duty to regulate safety of women?", ">>{Inspector-Space_Time} : In the rest of the world it is. So by global standards, it is the government's duty to provide affordable healthcare to its citizens. Instead we'll see people die from preventable diseases because they were denied insurance. I just don't understand how you can hear that and think that's the system working fine. Plus, here's the worst part, it's more extensive than single payer. Instead of going with the overall cheaper option that prevents deaths, we're going with the more costly option that leads to more deaths. I work in the health insurance industry, and I feel so powerless to prevent what's coming.", ">>{omeow} : >Maybe obama shouldn't have created this mess that we have to clean up. If you ever paid a penny of social security taxes then you contributed to the ideology that society should take care of its most vulnerable. If you received a penny of government support, in any form, then you were a beneficiary of the same ideology. I suppose your salvation lies in leaving the country.", '>>{AlfredRWallace} : Honestly the government is really a large insurance company that happens to have an army.', ">>{aehlemn1} : Normally you don't pay the insurance company to take care of someone else(not a family member).", '>>{bananasantos} : Prior to ACA, my being a female was a pre-existing condition. $500 for normal Pap swab...', ">>{WelcomeToBoshwitz} : Um yes you do. You literally do that. That's what your premium is.", '>>{12jammydodgers} : If you read the Republican CARE proposal, pre-existing conditions are protected. Just like how they are now.', '>>{aehlemn1} : Uhhh? Except even if you don\'t pay into Americans "insurance company" you still get the same benefits as someone who did.', '>>{12jammydodgers} : Not true. Read the proposal. Pre-existing conditions are protected. You will not be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition EDIT: Full version http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-PolicyPaper.pdf FAQ: http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-FAQ.pdf', '>>{marji80} : Unfortunately, because there will be no requirement for everyone to have insurance, healthy people will not balance out the sick people and premiums will become unaffordable.', '>>{12jammydodgers} : If nothing else is changed, sure. I understand how risk pools work. Under their proposal they return to high risk pools. One of the ways they intend to lower premiums for the average person', ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : I might be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure that they'll cover you, but they won't cover that condition. So if you have something like type I diabetes you're basically stuck paying for you're insulin, test strips, etc out of pocket. And god help you if you need an insulin pump.", '>>{marji80} : High risk pools have never worked and they know it.', ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : You'll be fine. It's not like that's a season that has any kind of illness regularly associated with it.", ">>{Buttstache} : If I don't have health insurance, and I get sick, I go to the ER. They charge me thousands to patch me up. I don't pay that bill. I can't afford thousands, and my credit is already garbage. So who cares? The insurance companies and hospitals care! People like ME aren't paying them, so they have to find some patsy to pick up the tab. That's where the insured come in. You get to pay higher premiums to cover deadbeat poors like me who can't afford care. Ironically, if you'd been cool with paying some extra taxes, which I can also afford and will pay, then we ALL get healthcare for no charge and you end up paying WAY less! But no, FUCK all that. Let's do it a dumbass backwards way instead.", ">>{12jammydodgers} : Indeed, you are wrong. At least when discussing the current proposal to replace the ACA., How the finished product looks, we don't know", ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : I haven't seen much on the replacement for the ACA. Got any links to back up that assertion?", '>>{omeow} : >Explain? You know how suddenly Republican states became touchy about sophistication of abortion clinics. How they want government to fund conversion therapy . How they know more about rape than the doctors.', ">>{cntrrvltnry} : And Trump came out saying that he likes the preexisting condition clause in the ACA. Trump spouted a lot of rhetoric, and we don't know what he'll actually do, unfortunately. I recommend figuring this shit out before collectively flipping our shit.", ">>{The_Truthkeeper} : So what you're saying is that nothing will change.", ">>{12jammydodgers} : http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-PolicyPaper.pdf There's a lot of shit talk about Obama/care in here too. It's not an objective alternative. EDIT: http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-FactSheet.pdf It's included in their main points/summary 1 pager. http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-FAQ.pdf And their FAQ", '>>{MrPibbWasBetter} : How do you propose forcing insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions without a mandate/penalty and expect costs to lower? They just going to sit back and eat the cost? Give them billions of tax payer subsidies so they can steal it?', ">>{12jammydodgers} : I don't propose anything. And I refuse to spend like an hour explaining all the other changes they think will lower costs. Because there's a short, but detailed list. They don't want to go back to how it was before the ACA, they want to play a (mostly) new game. Read it yourself: http://abetterway.speaker.gov/_assets/pdf/ABetterWay-HealthCare-PolicyPaper.pdf", ">>{SamusBaratheon} : When they dismantle the EPA, I'll lose my job anyway! Yaaaaaaaay. I should have taken a cue from Janet Reno. Smart move Janet", ">>{Homerpaintbucket} : got some bad news for you. Trump just said he might not repeal it. Just repair it. Which honestly, is good. Legislation needs to be looked at after it's been passed and fixed to account for unforeseen circumstances. It's just been impossible to do for the past 6 year for some reason.", ">>{dumbscrub} : since he's already killed the TPP and has mostly shown that NAFTA is pretty weak since pena neto is already up his ass and he's not even inaugurated, he's probably going to be somewhere between a country club republican and a liberal-ish democrat + wall for the rest of his term and spend it all extra time, money and effort building random bridges and naming them after himself. but, people will love him because they can go to the trump wall and get helicopter rides to see the charred remains of the maquiladoras because that's all they really give a shit about. like 80% of his success in the Midwest came from shitting on china, nafta, the tpp and buildawall. he does that and he's golden - and he's not even technically president yet and he's already halfway done. too much of the rest of his agenda would be blockable in the senate, unless they want to go nuclear, which I don't think they do. he can 'hide' the wall money in a big infrastructure megabill and everything will come up millhouse. as long as he can avoid a military engagement he'd still be the best president out of the last 20odd years just due to how shit the rest have been. e: also he's going to make jeb his health and human services secretary just so he can just shit on him in cabinet meetings when he gets bored. again, still best president in the last 20 years.", ">>{cntrrvltnry} : > e: also he's going to make jeb his health and human services secretary just so he can just shit on him in cabinet meetings when he gets bored. again, still best president in the last 20 years I literally (in the proper sense) lol'd. Trump is a meme president and has potential to do some good. If nothing else, it'll be entertaining. e. I'm drunk and deleted 'he' for grammatical reasons.", ">>{vangogh11} : It's the only part of Obamacare that both sides pretty much universally want. It's not going away, let's stop with the scare pieces.", ">>{12jammydodgers} : Yeah, it's nonsense and the uninformed fell for it. Especially because of another act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. But I digress. You should read that 40 pg document I've linked in this discussion a few times. They're keeping the parts of the ACA that people like, removing the stuff people don't, and fundamentally changing the game of insurance so those can all coexist. And leaving it up to the states. With only federal guidelines.", '>>{2_Sheds_Jackson} : Yeah, this will be interesting to watch. I am not sure how expensive those high risk pools will become, or who in fact will fall into those pools. I suppose that the majority of non-work related policies could end up being high risk since basically everyone has some type of preexisting condition.'], ['>>{acupoftwodayoldcoffe} : Associated Press issues new guidance on sex, gender: ‘avoid’ referring to ‘both’ or ‘either’ sexes', '>>{MatthewTenThirtyFour} : AP can take its "guidance" and shove it.', '>>{HolyThunderPunch} : They should have just made it a rule to always try and get the gender wrong. If they get it right, they apologize.', '>>{dolphins3} : Okay, that sounds pretty reasonable. But what does this have to do with politics?', '>>{kescusay} : Reported. Not sure what the style guide for the AP has to do with politics.', '>>{ChickenFriedTrump} : And it affects your life how? Stop being mad at others while staring in the mirror', '>>{Lynx_Rufus} : The readership of the Washington Times is sensitive and easily-triggered by the 21st century.', '>>{felisdom} : it\'s the duality. "both" and "either". it doesn\'t take into account people who think they are unicorns and dragons and apache helicopters. it goes along with the trangender thing, which is a hot-button political issue.', ">>{felisdom} : i will. i support LGBTQ+ rights, but human ones. you are a human male, or a human female. how you identify is your business but if it isn't as a human, then you are attention-seeking, or ill.", '>>{felisdom} : it is true that some is in jest (i hope that most is but sadly some isn\'t). but there is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gWXwbToNpA either she wants attention or actually thinks she is a cat. back to the original point of this being political. the style is simply for this tangent we have gone on. people are super sensitive of everything these days. even pronouns of grammatical styles that have existed for a long time. please, relax. let people write things. i am a liberal person by all accounts but some people i have seen and know...i honestly wonder if they wake up in the morning and think "what can i be offended by today?". live and let live. i have been around unsavory characters and just kept my mouth shut no matter how much i disagreed with them.'], [">>{Joe3737} : Robert Reich Warns A 'Dark Cloud Of Illegitimacy' Hangs Over Trump's Presidency", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Manufacture by people like Robert Reich. Funny how that works?', ">>{CMDR-Ad-Victoriam} : Yep, even if McConnell's plan works and they can cockblock those who want a legit investigation, the taint of illegitimacy is going to haunt donnie's regime till the bitter end.", '>>{slinkymaster} : The media creates a conspiracy that anything pro-Trump is Russian propaganda and anyone who has ever worked in anything Russian related must be a Putin stooge. The FBI is in on the Russian propaganda, while the CIA is pure MURICAN with it\'s facts (that are lacking evidence right now). Now people are openly calling for the election to be stolen by the Electoral College and claiming that their sides judgement based on unsubstantiated reports is evidence enough that Trump is a fascist working for Russia interest. "But the constitution makes it possible" except it\'s never been done before and no one has proved anything other than potential conflicts of interest, which is no where close to being a dictator or the Manchurian candidate. People are openly calling for a coup in this country and there\'s a lot of you supporting that argument based on conspiracy theories. Shit is crazy.', '>>{ABrokenLocke} : The shit that you just posted was, in fact, pretty fucking crazy.', ">>{Inquisitivemind88} : Which is the whole point behind the campaign really - so that people like you can suggest Trump's presidency is tainted because some internal DNC emails got leaked. Ignoring the fact that those emails were actually sent, and were only damaging because they were, you know, what was actually sent. Sigh.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > stolen by the Electoral College Utterly ridiculous. The only reason Trump is even the president-elect is because of the EC. He's exactly the type of incompetent huckster the Electoral College was designed to prevent.", ">>{financialanon} : The Russian connections are blatant and absurd. You don't need an investigation to tell that Rex Tillerson is a massive gift from Trump to Putin. You also don't need an investigation to know that Trump asked the Russians to hack Hillary's computers.", '>>{slinkymaster} : Yea, I figured that would be the response. Apparently articles full of "officials say" without any evidence backing up what those officials are basing their claims on is enough for people to change the election and throw this country into the worst internal turmoil its experienced since the civil war.', '>>{financialanon} : You think the media created all these connections between [Donald](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5hx4vz/electors_demand_intelligence_briefing_before/db3m64v/), [Manafort](http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/fbi-making-inquiry-ex-trump-campaign-manager-s-foreign-ties-n675881), [Carter Page](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/09/the-mystery-of-trumps-man-in-moscow-214283), [Tevfik Arif](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/06/us/politics/donald-trump-soho-settlement.html) and [Rex](http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/11/business/rex-tillerson-secretary-of-state-russia.html?_r=0) and Russia? Serious question.', ">>{mydoghasocd} : Lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes, but won the electoral college because of 80,000 people in 3 states. Won because of a vague, no evidence letter released at the 11th hour about Hillary's emails that turned into nothing. Actively supported by Putin. Going back on all his campaign promises < 2 months in. Yeah...I'd say it smells like illegitimacy.", ">>{SocialJustise} : That person has told me before that they are Australian and not a white supremacist. Who knows if that's true.", '>>{UrukHaiGuyz} : I guess, if the CIA and NSA are "like Robert Reich". I suppose they all point out some uncomfortable truths about Trump\'s Russian support, which makes them a bit similar.', '>>{Inquisitivemind88} : Australian. And yes. This sub is weird sometimes.', '>>{Xelif} : Hey, it just so happens that Mr. Trump is exceedingly popular with people who turned 28 this year.', ">>{ABrokenLocke} : Weird, ain't it? Downright unbelievable, even.", ">>{NeverHadTheLatin} : In **June**, long before the election results were known, the DNC asked three different, competing, private data-security companies to investigate the DNC hacks. They all found that the evidence pointed to Russian intelligence agents being the most likely culprits. Here is one companies write-up: https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/bears-midst-intrusion-democratic-national-committee/ This has been supported by the entire US Intelligence Community. Given the obvious benefits a Trump presidency would offer Putin, I think the simplest explanation is the most likely in this instance - Russia hacked the DNC to damage Clinton and support Trump. Personally, I think Trump's complete disdain of the very agencies he's supposed to work with the protect the USA shows a far more contemptible attitude towards USA sovereignty than any revelation from the Clinton/DNC leaks.", '>>{Phillipinsocal} : Crazy how an obama run FBI released an eleventh hour "letter with no evidence" to sabotage HRC, its crazy how you liberals think Obamas hands were clean in this whole election, obama *IS* the DNC', ">>{slinkymaster} : The idea that Trump would be president wasn't even a legitimate thought at the time those leaks occurred. Them trying to damage the next President was more realistic than help Trump win. Even if they did it with the intent of helping Trump, why should that invalidate how people voted? Did Trump help them? Hell, if it was the Trump campaign directly who hacked them, would that be any different than a modern swift boat attack or any of the factless attacks that have helped presidents get elected in the past? So can we just ruin future candidates by getting Russia to hack their opponent despite that candidates own affiliation to those doing the hacking? Let's not bother with those questions. Trump is a dick and if we need to destroy the integrity of our democracy to bring him down so be it. Once the riots settle well have a president completely crippled by the fiercest backlash since the civil war.", '>>{rotorydial} : More fake news. Trump would of won no matter the conditions...Hillary was a poor candidate.', '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : Trump lost by the largest popular vote margin in history; took 3 swing states by less than 80,000 votes; there was FBI agents leaking shit to Rudi Guiliani and the Trump team; and Russian hackers (whether state-sponsored or not) all over the fucking place –\xa0YA THINK there is some illegitimacy issues here?', '>>{wearywarrior} : Why does an aussie give a fuck what happens in America? Super confused by that.', '>>{Inquisitivemind88} : I find you crazy kids interesting. Sometimes I can have good discussions, learn new things etc. Also, to be honest, seeing people lose their shit amuses me.', '>>{wearywarrior} : Then you should enjoy the australian gaming community. have fun.', '>>{SocialJustise} : Nope. They said those two things separately though.', '>>{element131} : > took 3 swing states by less than 80,000 votes Your arguing that *legitimately* winning three swing states is evidence of illegitimacy? Gotcha.', '>>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : > People voted for Trump because they wanted change Less people voted for Trump. How exactly is that "change"?', ">>{Itsprobablysarcasm} : I didn't say they were won legitimately. Knowing/suspecting foreign involvement, I'd be counting each ballot by hand.", ">>{slinkymaster} : Based on what? That he says mean things? Where is the evidence that he's going to be a tyrant? So we're going to use a loophole that's never been used on half the voters gut feelings? Is he going to overthrow the senate and arrest the Supreme Court? We still have checks and balances. So far he's panning out to be another republican with s troll itch on twitter, that hardly classifies as an extreme case worthy of causing chaos and fracture by overturning the vote.", '>>{yaosio} : There was nothing damaging in them. You people keep lying about the contents and refusing to provide sources because you know there is nothing damaging in them.', '>>{Beatnik77} : No one talked about those emails. There was nothing in them. Total non factor in the election. The FBI decision to re-open the investigation was 1000 times nore important.', '>>{yaosio} : He has already told us he hates the Constitution. He told people to assassinate Clinton. Trump is a fascist and pure evil.', ">>{slinkymaster} : And the Podesta group lobbying on behalf of Russian firms and John podesta was on the board of Joule energy which had direct ties to Russia. Does that make them pawns of Russia? No, it doesn't. It merely means they had opportunities to make money on Russian related enterprises. Connecting anything to do with Russia as being pawns of the government is pure conspiracy theory. Is it really all that surprising that the CEO of the largest oil company in the world worked in Russia? What is nefarious about it? Nothing at all except in this made up world where the US is in the midst of the Cold War minus the fact that it ended 30 years ago.", ">>{slinkymaster} : Stealing elections is what fascists do, which is what the anti-trump people are shamelessly publicly endorsing. I'm not even pro-trump, but it's completely radical to even propose it's a proper response to stopping trump when we have built in checks and balances that are still in tact.", ">>{financialanon} : I'm noticing a distinct lack of links and support in your post.", ">>{financialanon} : Not sure if you thought I wasn't going to read the links, but the article says >The accusations were misleading. For example, the Trump campaign wrongly claimed that Podesta failed to declare stock holdings of that company when he joined the White House in 2014. And on Sunday, former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich wrongly told ABC’s “This Week” that Podesta “was on a Russian company advisory board that was apparently funded by Putin.”", '>>{enagrom} : Uh, did you forget that people who like pizza are pedophiles and that this important bombshell was revealed in leaked emails?', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Eh. Trump loves him some Putin cock. He prefers it slide all the way down so that a "democracy package" can be delivered successfully, for both parties involved. By package, I mean Putin jizzing down Donnie\'s throat. Just my 2cts as an American using his 1A rights.', ">>{SquirrelTopTrump} : The First Amendment is a hella of drug. Aussies prob don't get that.", '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Calling posters kids is uncivil and against the rules. Please restrain yourself.', ">>{parkerknoll} : Why, because some emails were leaked? Hell, Obama was telling us 4 yrs ago that Russia wasn't a threat - even mocking Romney in the debates on this. Now, because emails that were actually sent by DWS, Podesta, and other high ranking Dems were leaked, people now know what they said about Bernie and others that we were not supposed to know? THAT'S YOUR PROBLEM?", '>>{element131} : I am really enjoying this, hearing the crazy conspiracy theories. Yes, Russia hacked our *non-internet connected* voting machines. Sure.', ">>{gulfstreamg650driver} : The very act of deleting the emails is a felony. And she did it because she didn't want anybody seeing what was in them.", ">>{DYMAXIONman} : It's almost like someone is not a threat until they become one.... In 2011 there really wasn't any reason to claim Russia was our largest threat.", ">>{pelijr} : Except you don't know what you're talking about. Her lawyers and her were given permission to sort through the email for personal vs private content. Her lawyers advised her that she could delete those emails as they were personal and unrelated to her job as Secretary of State. She broke no law. The closest thing you can come to is gross negligence and I'd argue that a lot of other people with Computer System know how should be brought up on those charges for allowing this sort of convoluted system to be setup before a grandma, with no idea of the inner workings who simply didn't want to carry two devices should be brought up. Either way, does that detract from the need to investigate foreign intervention in that regard? Really?", ">>{jesus_zombie_attack} : The Russians have done a lot in the last 4 years to prove they are a threat. If you don't see that they are then you back your candidate more than your country.", ">>{gearpitch} : But stop a moment to realize to *many* people, this election was already stolen from the peoples choice *by* the electoral college. And in their mind, why have an electoral college that's just a rubber stamp anyway? It should protect from possible demagogues, as they see him. It's not impossible to understand their position, even if you disagree or think that any changed electoral college vote is wrong or unamerican.", ">>{U_love_my_opinion} : It's not stealing the election if you're following the rules. I've seen enough craven Trump supporters use that line when they're justifying that he should be president despite a deficit of 3 million people thinking his opponent should have won.", '>>{fitzroy95} : Probably them damn commie sleeper agents, been undercover for decades, slowly worming their way into the electoral vote counting brigade, readying their chance to get their candidate Trump into the presidency. </s> The sad thing is, that someone probably believes it....', '>>{dens421} : Problem is GOP questioned Obama\'s legitimacy for 8 years so now they can just say it\'s normal for the "losing " party to do it... It angers me to no end but I see no way out of the spin zone...', '>>{Jake314159265359} : > Trump would of won no matter the conditions What if we gave all adult citizens an equal voice in the election? He would have lost. Trump was a poor candidate.', '>>{TheKingOfCrumpets} : More like evidence of a shitty, outdated voting system.', '>>{Meatsim1} : This line of logic is so weak I\'m surprised anyone with a shred of dignity could write it without collapsing from embarrassment. I just don\'t fucking understand, lets see if we can break it down. Romney says "X," Dems say "X is wrong," years go by "Dems now say, X was right" but now Trumpsters want to say because Dems said it was wrong before that its wrong now. I\'m sorry but why is what some people said back in 2011 the most important thing in defining whats true today in 2016? Like I said, I\'m shocked anyone with a sense of dignity and self respect can seriously make this argument', ">>{slinkymaster} : Yes, it ABSOLUTELY is a conspiracy theory to claim because those people have connections to Russia through business that they are somehow pawns of Russia. You are filling in a gap there with totally unsubstantiated facts. Conflicts of interest aren't the same thing as being controlled by foreign governments.", '>>{mathieu_delarue} : Why hack voting machines when you can just convince a few idiots that Hillary Clinton eats babies?', ">>{HenryKrinkle} : It's almost like situations change over time, right?", '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : > and were only damaging because they were, you know, what was actually sent. Damaging because people freaked out over relatively normal politicking.', ">>{StayGold1850} : Legitimate or not, he's not my President. I am ashamed of this man. His departure in whatever way is the single best thing that can happen on any given day to America.", '>>{element131} : Could be. Evidence of illegitimacy, certainly not.', ">>{element131} : I mean, if the core issue is that you think the people who actually voted for Trump shouldn't have... it's starting to sound a lot like a legitimate win, with a bunch of sore losers, isn't it?", '>>{mathieu_delarue} : Yeah I\'m talking about people being mislead by crazy right wing conspiracy theories. Obviously a direct hack of voting systems is not necessary when disinformation pays dividends. The election turned on tens of thousands of votes, in a country where 120+ million cast ballots. If you don\'t think some people buy into that stuff, I\'d refer you to the model citizen that shot up a pizza place last week looking for Hillary\'s child sex workers in the kitchen. Those tactics weren\'t about earning votes for Trump, they were about peeling votes from Clinton. Make them stay home or vote 3rd party in disgust. I\'ve never called Trump\'s win "illegitimate" but I\'m not gonna ignore how dirty the election was. Saying Russia influenced the election in favor of Trump is just a statement of fact. There is no way to know whether their meddling determined the outcome, but that doesn\'t make any case for outright denial of what everyone saw playing out during the campaign. To me it is kind of shocking that people will ignore what amounts to an asymmetrical attack on the federal government just because they don\'t want Donald Trump to look bad.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Dvrrell} : Trump Campaign now questioning the thoroughness of the FBI checking emails', ">>{AstrangerR} : Of course. If the investigation didn't result in what you wanted then it must be corrupt.", '>>{Morchaint} : They know they missed something because they planted it there themselves.', '>>{OmegaFemale} : They were mostly duplicate emails so it would have been pretty easy.', ">>{Dvrrell} : I'm sure they'll do [their own search](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3910766/We-ve-got-hands-Congressman-says-Republican-lawmakers-set-Anthony-Weiner-s-650-000-emails.html) soon.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : I also saw somewhere they were over 10 years old. So that predates the Secretary of State job, so they can't contain classified info from the SoS office.", ">>{knarkbollen} : Hey! They got my feels up and it's their responsibility to help me get the next fix. It's very irresponsible of them to go cold turkey on me just two days before the election. *Hello i'm knarkbollen and i'm a feelz addict.*", '>>{AncillaryIssues} : An honest question for the true Republicans of yesteryear: Are you ashamed of your party?', ">>{Dvrrell} : There's also the fact that all 650,000 emails didn't involve Hillary, that's easy to filter and figure out. From the computer of and aide's husband, being generous, 1,000 of those emails could have dealt with Hillary.", '>>{1blah1} : true. now they have more stuff related to Clinton Foundation which they are going to continue investigating after elections. It appears FBI yielded to political pressure and want to give an appearance of neutrality.', ">>{Dvrrell} : Bigger than Watergate... So much water, the dams break Jay-Z's next track", ">>{dyzo-blue} : The Charlie Browns of the world will keep hoping to kick that football. It's been pulled away time and time again since the 90s. Don't worry though. Clinton will make a fine President. But you will never kick the ball.", '>>{1blah1} : or just reasonable doubt. 70% of american people believe Hillary is corrupt. Sure that many people cannot be delusional.', '>>{salmonchaser} : Yes they can. There is an entire industry built around smearing the Clintons. People have been falling for it for almost 30 years.', ">>{al343806} : Okay, but let's say that there was actually 50,000 relevant emails. Comey sent the letter to Congress on October 28th. Let's say that they had five business days to review those 50,000 emails, which translates to 10,000 emails to review a day. If they had a team of thirty agents reviewing emails, it would only require the review of 334 emails a day. Presuming the agents worked an 8-hour workday and no more, that means they only had to review 42 emails an hour. That's honestly more than doable.", '>>{1blah1} : When Trump is president there will be no deception or trickery or cheating. Charlie Brown and Lisa can play well together without mistrust.', ">>{1blah1} : People have reasonable doubt. Hillary lied to FBI several times. If you or I did it, we would all be in jail but for Clintons they have different laws. You don't think there is a smearing industry against trump?", ">>{nazgul_hunter} : on top of that, if they're duplicates, matching the text is pretty trivial and would be done fast without any human involvement.", ">>{Sc2016} : My sister who has always been diehard republican is now claiming that she is not in fact a republican but an independent. I don't believe her, because who she voted for this year and many years before that says otherwise.", ">>{1blah1} : why do you think they are so holy? They have been fighting ISIS for ever. Don't you want to hold them accountable? They are paid to get results, they are not babies.", '>>{the2belo} : I suppose they assume that unless the investigators have printed out each and every one of the 650,000 mails and read them, one by one, it can\'t be called "thorough". I\'m already seeing Facebook memes talking about this, even though it\'s already been said that most of them have nothing to do with Hillary Clinton in the first place.', '>>{Dvrrell} : And they said they were working "around the clock" so rotating 8-hour shifts meaning things never stopped. It\'s highly doable, and depending on the content, could go from a 30-second to a 3-minute read. Far from an impossible feat.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : 69% of those people don\'t know what the word "corrupt\' means.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : > They have been fighting ISIS for ever So ISIS has been around "for ever," huh?', ">>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : I bet 70% of American people think ghosts are real, too. edit: doh it's 42%", ">>{Gobias_Industries} : I'd say it's very likely some computer programs did most of the reviewing.", ">>{quacking_quackeroo} : It's not a nit pick, it's a blatant lie (or piece of ignorance) that Trump and his ilk have been trying to use as an argument.", ">>{1blah1} : seems like you don't like any other opinions than what your party tells you.", '>>{trollking66} : Highly doubt they read each one- they run them theu a piece of software that looks for specific words and phrases and just review the stuff that floats.', '>>{1blah1} : true only the liberals are the smart people on the planet. everyone else is stopping them from building a utopia. /s I think your worldview is just wrong and sad really.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : Wow you really read a lot into those 11 words. Settle down there, salty.', ">>{blirkstch} : You guys are so sweet for believing there's going to be no dishonesty in the administration of a man that constantly breaks rules he insists others follow, tells easily-verifiable lies, and refuses to pay people what he's previously agreed to pay them.", '>>{al343806} : True, I was just basing the numbers off a worst-case scenario.', '>>{1blah1} : They are going to fill the ballot to vote with that exact thinking.', '>>{1blah1} : You are no Trump and his ilk expert. You are probably an expert at nit picking.', ">>{quacking_quackeroo} : Sad. I know that it's harder building rational arguments based on facts and that it's easier to lie in the premise, but sometimes one has to put on their big boy pants and do a bit of thinking.", '>>{1blah1} : Its not hard at all. Its sexist to say that only people who wear "big boy pants" can make good arguments. I thought liberals were better people.', ">>{quacking_quackeroo} : Sorry to trigger you. Guess I'm not very PC.", '>>{1blah1} : It is against reddit rules to call commenters here shills. Please be civil.', '>>{1blah1} : You guys are so evil for supporting a candidate who lied to FBI several times and is above the law. The responsibility is on you if hillary gets us into more wars which is more likely.', '>>{1blah1} : are you inciting me? thats against reddit rules. i do not understand what you gain by being so sexist. Girls Rule. Women are funny. Get over it. Your casual sexism hurts more than your anti trump message.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : I heard that PC culture would be the end of American values.', '>>{1blah1} : you probably did not look up what PC culture means. It does not give you license to be sexist and say sexist stuff. You still have to exercise sound judgement. You probably should also exercise respect for women.', ">>{manzoire} : She contradicts herself every next sentence. Trumps been focused on issues, thats what were focused on. Oh, isn't it crazy comey changed his mind? Oh! Isn't it crazy how democrats changed their mind on comey? It's like talking to Siri", '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : What can I say. Sometimes you just have to take PC culture and grab it by the pussy.', '>>{1blah1} : if you are a billionaire it would let you do. are you a billionaire?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Dvrrell} : Trump Campaign now questioning the thoroughness of the FBI checking emails', ">>{AstrangerR} : Of course. If the investigation didn't result in what you wanted then it must be corrupt.", '>>{Morchaint} : They know they missed something because they planted it there themselves.', '>>{OmegaFemale} : They were mostly duplicate emails so it would have been pretty easy.', ">>{Dvrrell} : I'm sure they'll do [their own search](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3910766/We-ve-got-hands-Congressman-says-Republican-lawmakers-set-Anthony-Weiner-s-650-000-emails.html) soon.", ">>{dyzo-blue} : I also saw somewhere they were over 10 years old. So that predates the Secretary of State job, so they can't contain classified info from the SoS office.", ">>{knarkbollen} : Hey! They got my feels up and it's their responsibility to help me get the next fix. It's very irresponsible of them to go cold turkey on me just two days before the election. *Hello i'm knarkbollen and i'm a feelz addict.*", '>>{AncillaryIssues} : An honest question for the true Republicans of yesteryear: Are you ashamed of your party?', ">>{Dvrrell} : There's also the fact that all 650,000 emails didn't involve Hillary, that's easy to filter and figure out. From the computer of and aide's husband, being generous, 1,000 of those emails could have dealt with Hillary.", '>>{1blah1} : true. now they have more stuff related to Clinton Foundation which they are going to continue investigating after elections. It appears FBI yielded to political pressure and want to give an appearance of neutrality.', ">>{Dvrrell} : Bigger than Watergate... So much water, the dams break Jay-Z's next track", ">>{dyzo-blue} : The Charlie Browns of the world will keep hoping to kick that football. It's been pulled away time and time again since the 90s. Don't worry though. Clinton will make a fine President. But you will never kick the ball.", '>>{1blah1} : or just reasonable doubt. 70% of american people believe Hillary is corrupt. Sure that many people cannot be delusional.', '>>{salmonchaser} : Yes they can. There is an entire industry built around smearing the Clintons. People have been falling for it for almost 30 years.', ">>{al343806} : Okay, but let's say that there was actually 50,000 relevant emails. Comey sent the letter to Congress on October 28th. Let's say that they had five business days to review those 50,000 emails, which translates to 10,000 emails to review a day. If they had a team of thirty agents reviewing emails, it would only require the review of 334 emails a day. Presuming the agents worked an 8-hour workday and no more, that means they only had to review 42 emails an hour. That's honestly more than doable.", '>>{1blah1} : When Trump is president there will be no deception or trickery or cheating. Charlie Brown and Lisa can play well together without mistrust.', ">>{1blah1} : People have reasonable doubt. Hillary lied to FBI several times. If you or I did it, we would all be in jail but for Clintons they have different laws. You don't think there is a smearing industry against trump?", ">>{nazgul_hunter} : on top of that, if they're duplicates, matching the text is pretty trivial and would be done fast without any human involvement.", ">>{Sc2016} : My sister who has always been diehard republican is now claiming that she is not in fact a republican but an independent. I don't believe her, because who she voted for this year and many years before that says otherwise.", ">>{1blah1} : why do you think they are so holy? They have been fighting ISIS for ever. Don't you want to hold them accountable? They are paid to get results, they are not babies.", '>>{the2belo} : I suppose they assume that unless the investigators have printed out each and every one of the 650,000 mails and read them, one by one, it can\'t be called "thorough". I\'m already seeing Facebook memes talking about this, even though it\'s already been said that most of them have nothing to do with Hillary Clinton in the first place.', '>>{Dvrrell} : And they said they were working "around the clock" so rotating 8-hour shifts meaning things never stopped. It\'s highly doable, and depending on the content, could go from a 30-second to a 3-minute read. Far from an impossible feat.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : 69% of those people don\'t know what the word "corrupt\' means.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : > They have been fighting ISIS for ever So ISIS has been around "for ever," huh?', ">>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : I bet 70% of American people think ghosts are real, too. edit: doh it's 42%", ">>{Gobias_Industries} : I'd say it's very likely some computer programs did most of the reviewing.", ">>{quacking_quackeroo} : It's not a nit pick, it's a blatant lie (or piece of ignorance) that Trump and his ilk have been trying to use as an argument.", ">>{1blah1} : seems like you don't like any other opinions than what your party tells you.", '>>{trollking66} : Highly doubt they read each one- they run them theu a piece of software that looks for specific words and phrases and just review the stuff that floats.', '>>{1blah1} : true only the liberals are the smart people on the planet. everyone else is stopping them from building a utopia. /s I think your worldview is just wrong and sad really.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : Wow you really read a lot into those 11 words. Settle down there, salty.', ">>{blirkstch} : You guys are so sweet for believing there's going to be no dishonesty in the administration of a man that constantly breaks rules he insists others follow, tells easily-verifiable lies, and refuses to pay people what he's previously agreed to pay them.", '>>{al343806} : True, I was just basing the numbers off a worst-case scenario.', '>>{1blah1} : They are going to fill the ballot to vote with that exact thinking.', '>>{1blah1} : You are no Trump and his ilk expert. You are probably an expert at nit picking.', ">>{quacking_quackeroo} : Sad. I know that it's harder building rational arguments based on facts and that it's easier to lie in the premise, but sometimes one has to put on their big boy pants and do a bit of thinking.", '>>{1blah1} : Its not hard at all. Its sexist to say that only people who wear "big boy pants" can make good arguments. I thought liberals were better people.', ">>{quacking_quackeroo} : Sorry to trigger you. Guess I'm not very PC.", '>>{1blah1} : It is against reddit rules to call commenters here shills. Please be civil.', '>>{1blah1} : You guys are so evil for supporting a candidate who lied to FBI several times and is above the law. The responsibility is on you if hillary gets us into more wars which is more likely.', '>>{1blah1} : are you inciting me? thats against reddit rules. i do not understand what you gain by being so sexist. Girls Rule. Women are funny. Get over it. Your casual sexism hurts more than your anti trump message.', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : I heard that PC culture would be the end of American values.', '>>{1blah1} : you probably did not look up what PC culture means. It does not give you license to be sexist and say sexist stuff. You still have to exercise sound judgement. You probably should also exercise respect for women.', ">>{manzoire} : She contradicts herself every next sentence. Trumps been focused on issues, thats what were focused on. Oh, isn't it crazy comey changed his mind? Oh! Isn't it crazy how democrats changed their mind on comey? It's like talking to Siri", '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : What can I say. Sometimes you just have to take PC culture and grab it by the pussy.', '>>{1blah1} : if you are a billionaire it would let you do. are you a billionaire?']]
classify and reply
['>>{bfwilley} : Hillary Clinton In 2013: “I Would Like To See People Like Donald Trump Run For Office; They’re Honest And Can’t Be Bought”', ">>{j6121} : I had my iPhone 5's battery replaced, the process took me just ~15-20 min and my phone came back perfect! No sign whatsoever on the phone that it was opened and I loved how the new battery preformed, they give you a three month warranty on it too. I wouldn't hesitate to replace it if I were you, good luck!", '>>{Dracula_in_Auschwitz} : Donald Trump personally ordered National Park Service to find photo proof for crowd claims', ">>{IshDanish} : I too am looking at this. I think I'll take up the offer for it. A new battery is always good. Had it for over a year, no sign of degradation but still in the long run it will be worth it", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : The crowd was there, it's just invisible to fools. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Clothes", ">>{HonoredPeople} : Like the photos he posted on his account's? You know, the ones that show president Obama's crowds. OR Every picture that was posted on his inauguration day? From the media, from personal accounts, from every possible satellite and even the pictures from mars?", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Reynolds should have given him a pic from Obama's inauguration and let Trump make an ass of himself claiming it was his crowd.", '>>{HollandJim} : Took nearly an hour here in Amsterdam but it too came back perfect. Let me rephrase your question: Would I do it if it meant a new battery and a 3 month warranty for a 1 hour wait? Um, duh. ;)', ">>{aKindWordandaGun} : Russian propaganda site run out of Russia-allied Macedonia, one of a large network. bigbluedimension.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluedimension.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluedimension.com/) bigbluevision.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.com/) bigbluevision.org: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.org/) bluevisionnews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bluevisionnews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bluevisionnews.com/) conservativestate.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=conservativestate.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/conservativestate.com/) helping-mothers.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=helping-mothers.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/helping-mothers.com/) newscenterusa.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/newscenterusa.com) [StatWebAZ WHOIS](http://www.statwebaz.com/newscenterusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/newscenterusa.com/) press24.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/press24.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/press24.us/) usafreshnews.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usafreshnews.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usafreshnews.us/) usapoliticsnow.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticsnow.com/) usapoliticstoday.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticstoday.com) [WebsitePart WHOIS](http://websitepart.com/www/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticstoday.com/) worldpoliticus.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/worldpoliticus.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/worldpoliticus.com/) All of these are registered from the same city in the same country, many of them in the same office buildings and by the same people, all registered within the same timeframe and first gaining traction thanks to the_donald. And these are just the ones I've confirmed from Macedonia, when you factor in identical page layouts and naming scehemes and other characteristics the number of sites that fit this profile that I've gathered is 2 or 3 times this.", '>>{makemedie} : Is there a workaround for downloading MP3 files straight into Music on the iPhone itself?', ">>{chzplz} : And if they don't have extra batteries, they have been giving out new replacement phones. I'm hoping I get a new battery *and* get rid of that annoying scratch. :)", '>>{winning_by_default} : I went into the Apple Store the other day to have the replacement done, but instead of replacing battery I was given a new phone. It was a super simple process, just make sure to backup your data.', '>>{slowclapcitizenkane} : Just select an area of the crowd, and start cloning!', '>>{doubleplusuntruth} : This is exactly what I feared when Trump announced his immigration plans. Jackbooted thugs kicking down doors and dragging parents away from their children. Hopefully people will film this and put it on display for the world to see and then maybe some Trump voters will see just how heartless their views on immigrants are.', '>>{adlerchen} : Potentially millions of new foster children separated from their parents. This could break the system and be a huge tax burden, with millions of less workers to boot.', '>>{cords55} : Well, if we learned one thing this election: Personal political endorsements mean nothing.', '>>{BlotchComics} : That quote from Doctor Who that keeps popping up is more relevant every day: "the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don\'t alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views"', '>>{urmuh} : Who will become this administrations primary target when the immigrants are taken care of? This is a slippery slope allowing soldiers to function with police authority. The world has seen it before.', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : Do you guys check snopes before posting this garbage, or do you simply not care? http://www.snopes.com/people-like-donald-trump/', ">>{SATexas1} : That's funny, I'd never seen this before, thx op", ">>{SoPacNW69} : Sorry this doesn't fit the narrative my hungry virgin mind desperately needs.", ">>{aKindWordandaGun} : The full list: * Less than 1 year old, oftentimes less than 6 months, in some cases only 2-3 * All focusing exclusively on praising Trump and attacking Clinton * All appear in the_donald either on the first submission or within a handful of the first few submissions * Many first submitted by users that're either obviously from the sites being posted or who have account registration dates that tie in pretty closely with the registrations of the sites they're posting * Many of them share the same cookie-cutter page layouts * When registrant data is available, many of them share the same geographical locations or owners, and sites that profess a particular forus in US affairs are often halfway around the world in the likes of Macedonia allforusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/allforusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/allforusa.com/) angryamericanpatriots.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/angryamericanpatriots.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/angryamericanpatriots.com/) berniemyhero.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/berniemyhero.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/berniemyhero.com/) bigbluedimension.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluedimension.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluedimension.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) bigbluevision.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) bigbluevision.org: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.org/) (Part of the Macedonian network) bluevisionnews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bluevisionnews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bluevisionnews.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) christiantimesnewspaper.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/christiantimesnewspaper.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/christiantimesnewspaper.com/) conservativestate.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=conservativestate.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/conservativestate.com/) (Part of the Macedonia network) daily-politics.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/daily-politics.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/daily-politics.com/) hardnfasttruth.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/hardnfasttruth.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/hardnfasttruth.com/) globalnews4u.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=globalnews4u.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/globalnews4u.com/) helping-mothers.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=helping-mothers.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/helping-mothers.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) magseriesusa.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=magseriesusa.net) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/magseriesusa.net/) newscenterusa.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/newscenterusa.com) [StatWebAZ WHOIS](http://www.statwebaz.com/newscenterusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/newscenterusa.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) openmedianews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=openmedianews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/openmedianews.com/) press24.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/press24.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/press24.us/) (Part of the Macedonian network) politicsbreaking.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsbreaking.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsbreaking.com/) politicsintheusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsintheusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsintheusa.com/) politicsinusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsinusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsinusa.com/) spinzon.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=spinzon.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/spinzon.com/) usadailyinfo.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usadailyinfo.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usadailyinfo.com/) usafreshnews.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usafreshnews.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usafreshnews.us/) (Part of the Macedonian network) usalibertynews.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/usalibertynews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usalibertynews.com/) usapoliticsnow.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticsnow.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) usapoliticstoday.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticstoday.com) [WebsitePart WHOIS](http://websitepart.com/www/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticstoday.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) usatodaypolitics.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usatodaypolitics.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usatodaypolitics.com/) worldpoliticus.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/worldpoliticus.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/worldpoliticus.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network)", '>>{miss_nephthys} : Yep. And I wonder - is this even an appropriate use of the national guard?', ">>{hyzerflip3} : It's one of my biggest complaints with iOS after having been on Android for so long previously - that and downloading and setting custom ringtones was so easy on Android.", '>>{Bigchile123} : itunes is your best solution. I gave up and bought Google play. Downloading music is tidious.', ">>{Methaxetamine} : Which one did you have and why did they do that? I'm hoping they will just replace mine too.", ">>{ballerina12-24} : That's because it's just another fake by the trash.", ">>{aKindWordandaGun} : I'll say, I've lost count of the number of OP accounts I've seen delete themselves when I post this list of propaganda outlets the sources wind up matching with through characteristics and registration: * Less than 1 year old, oftentimes less than 6 months, in some cases only 2-3 * All focusing exclusively on praising Trump and attacking Clinton * All appear in the_donald either on the first submission or within a handful of the first few submissions * Many first submitted by users that're either obviously from the sites being posted or who have account registration dates that tie in pretty closely with the registrations of the sites they're posting * Many of them share the same cookie-cutter page layouts * When registrant data is available, many of them share the same geographical locations or owners, and sites that profess a particular forus in US affairs are often halfway around the world in the likes of Macedonia allforusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/allforusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/allforusa.com/) americafans.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=americafans.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/americafans.com/) angryamericanpatriots.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/angryamericanpatriots.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/angryamericanpatriots.com/) berniemyhero.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/berniemyhero.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/berniemyhero.com/) bigbluedimension.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluedimension.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluedimension.com/) bigbluevision.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.com/) bigbluevision.org: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.org/) bluevisionnews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bluevisionnews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bluevisionnews.com/) christiantimesnewspaper.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/christiantimesnewspaper.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/christiantimesnewspaper.com/) conservativestate.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=conservativestate.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/conservativestate.com/) daily-politics.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/daily-politics.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/daily-politics.com/) hardnfasttruth.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/hardnfasttruth.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/hardnfasttruth.com/) globalnews4u.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=globalnews4u.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/globalnews4u.com/) helping-mothers.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=helping-mothers.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/helping-mothers.com/) magseriesusa.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=magseriesusa.net) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/magseriesusa.net/) newscenterusa.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/newscenterusa.com) [StatWebAZ WHOIS](http://www.statwebaz.com/newscenterusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/newscenterusa.com/) openmedianews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=openmedianews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/openmedianews.com/) press24.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/press24.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/press24.us/) politicsbreaking.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsbreaking.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsbreaking.com/) politicsintheusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsintheusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsintheusa.com/) politicsinusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsinusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsinusa.com/) spinzon.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=spinzon.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/spinzon.com/) usadailyinfo.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usadailyinfo.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usadailyinfo.com/) usafreshnews.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usafreshnews.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usafreshnews.us/) usalibertynews.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/usalibertynews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usalibertynews.com/) usapoliticsnow.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticsnow.com/) usapoliticstoday.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticstoday.com) [WebsitePart WHOIS](http://websitepart.com/www/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticstoday.com/) usatodaypolitics.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usatodaypolitics.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usatodaypolitics.com/) worldpoliticus.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/worldpoliticus.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/worldpoliticus.com/)", '>>{pabange} : Stupid, immature, profane. I love it!', ">>{adlerchen} : Muslim internement camps à la WWII once they get their new war in the Middle East would be my guess. A few terrorist attacks from ISIS or some other group, and they'll move on it.", ">>{adlerchen} : You should have been doing that the whole time. That's [rule #1.](http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2016/11/10/trump-election-autocracy-rules-for-survival/)", ">>{Roseking} : No. It is what the ICE is for. If this goes through Trump would be using the military to enforce the law. I don't think I need to explain why that is terrifying.", ">>{AndrewZabar} : My solution is to use an alternative music manager and player. Can play music from lots of cloud storage locations, download locally, and out of my preferred file manager. Built in music app is a tumor they've not tried to fix.", '>>{AtomicKoala} : Macedonia is pretty pro-West but they do have a Russia problem. Good people though really. Just a correction.', ">>{adlerchen} : Of course not. This is ICE's job. Mass deportations and mass incarceration is the reason he was trying to force my state to get our cops to be doing the feds job on immigration. This was planned from the beginning. The manpower doesn't exist for this shit, and his idiotic hiring freeze is screwing everything up.", '>>{makemedie} : Please elaborate more, keeping in mind that I have switched from being an Android user since the original HTC G1 all the way to the Note 5, and have only just switched to iOS as of 1 week ago. Thank you.', '>>{winning_by_default} : I have the sim unlocked version. I walked in and told them about my issue and walked out 10min later with a new phone, very few questions were asked.', '>>{devolka} : Wow. OP should be embarrassed to have posted this.', '>>{salmonchaser} : You are either extremely misinformed or deluded, and you are being played. If you think this is true, find me the source that verifies this. I want to see a primary source, either a recording of the speech or a Wikileaks email (on Wikileaks.com) with the transcript. When you manage to accomplish that impossible task, feel free to let me know.', '>>{Methaxetamine} : I have an unlocked ATT version. Did you schedule an appointment?', '>>{cyclostationary} : Meanwhile, here\'s trump praising Hillary and Bill. Huh, almost as if his whole "these are horrible, horrible people" thing is just an act https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5A02pNcGHs', '>>{Bigpiganddig} : This is amazing. Trump can take a minute while shitting to tell his crew to look into this, then liberals spends tens of thousands of man hours crying how crazy Trump is. Hilarious', '>>{adamsak} : I think what AndrewZabar is trying to say is— The official Apple "Music" app is strictly Apple\'s domain. In order to "encourage" you to buy music from Apple, they\'ve hobbled its ability to get data from anywhere besides the the iTunes/Music servers, or manually through the iTunes desktop software. There are third-party solutions worth researching on the App Store, although I haven\'t tried any of them, myself.', ">>{blatherskiter} : I'm so scared of the reds. President Hillary should create an UnAmerican Activities Commission.", ">>{salmonchaser} : I did the work days ago. Doesn't exist. But don't let that stop you from being a goon.", ">>{miss_nephthys} : Nope most definitely do not. I just wasn't sure if there was a point they could legally speaking be activated for something domestically other than national emergencies or martial law.", '>>{mo2fdwxd} : If you jailbreak , you can import music from your youtube app, or actually any app, and have free itunes music download, spotify, deezer, every music you can possibly imagine 😱', ">>{Echost} : Did Fox News not have cameras out there? How about Brietbart? What about just Trump's team?? The photos don't exist because the crowd doesn't exist. I can't understand why that is hard to believe.", '>>{joetromboni} : I see a big pee pee and a little pee pee', '>>{xarantini} : Phone came back perfectly fine, the only difference was a little bit of adhesive they used to seal it back had gotten out. After scraping it off with my finger the phone was the same', '>>{Pork_Chap} : I think obama has more girth than you give him credit for.', '>>{adlerchen} : The Posse Comitatus Act really needs to be expanded to cover National Guardsmen, Marines, and State Troopers, etc. IMO.', '>>{tussilladra} : The way I get downloaded MP3s to my iphone without an Itunes sync is either via the Google Play app or through Dropbox. Dropbox lets you save files onto the device for playback via the Dropbox app, but you can only play one file at a time. If they updated the app to have music controls it would be a huge improvement. Google Play syncs the MP3 folder on your computer with your account so when you log into the app on your phone you can play whatever you have in your folder. Once you play a particular track, it automatically gets downloaded for offline playback.', ">>{tehSlothman} : If someone could figure out how to make trump see this they'd be a hero.", ">>{verthib} : So other than that you can't tell that the phone was taken apart?", '>>{sglville} : Yeah and if you have a computer itunes is still the best option. Simply save music to whatever folder on your computer you want to sync, tell itunes to sync that folder and plug in your phone. It takes no time. I have to assume somebody who can afford a 128GB 7Plus has an old laptop or deaktop around that can run itunes', ">>{ReliableSource} : I have the Google Music Manger constantly running on my home computer, and it looks for any new music in my Box account and uploads it automatically. So if I download anything on my phone, I just send it to my Box account, and it shows up on my Google Music app a few minutes later. I don't know about Chrome because I don't use it on iOS, but I download files through either Safari or Documents 5.", '>>{tyrer} : The most amazing part is that the man in charge of the United States of America is spending time trying to prove the size of his inauguration.', ">>{CharlieKellyLaw} : I would go straight to photoshopping Trump onto Obama's inauguration photo.", ">>{adlerchen} : Massed deportations will likely cause riots that would allow them to declare martial law. If one were particularly cynical, one would say that that's an end goal in itself for these kind of people.", '>>{Jordy_Stingray} : I was kidding, of course. Good read thanks for sharing.', '>>{Robert_T_Pooner} : Yes, we\'re concerned about his narcissism and pathological need to lie about even the smallest things. Of course, Trump supporters/Republicans aren\'t bothered by pathological lying because apparently "hurrr dur it makes liberals mad".', '>>{MajorNoodles} : Maybe they were there, but their white robes and hoods made them blend in with the white protective paneling.', '>>{MrFurious0} : Tweet it at him. Or, get Fox News to show it.', ">>{treetimes} : He's obsessed with it. His press secretary's first interaction with the press was to, at his behest, go tell bold faced lies about it and not take questions. Your candidate, and by extension you with this tragic defence, is a tiny little man inside a clowns body. Your country is going to get fucked.", '>>{redditallreddy} : You can leave Michelle where she is to represent Melania.', ">>{striker69} : You don't need to be liberal to see how utterly pointless his quest to propagandize the size of his inauguration crowd is. Pictures are worth 1000 words.", ">>{flushthetoilet} : So you're saying alternative facts? You got something against alternative facts?", ">>{PM_ME_A_GOOD_RECIPE} : The more he insists on continuing to lie about this crowd size issue the weaker he looks. I'm not even remotely for anything related to Trump but if he'd just conceded at the beginning that the crowd wasn't the largest ever and inserted an appropriately positive bullshit reason for why that was okay and dropped the topic entirely it would have made him look much better than this lying about the crowd size and then *continuing to drag that lie out* even though it's blatantly clear that it is *in fact a lie*.", '>>{Ainaomadd} : See guys theres irrefutable proof: in this picture you can clearly see 2 million to 9 billion people in that crowd. /s', ">>{GoodVyybes} : Not to Trump, he doesn't even know 1000 words. Sad.", '>>{IDontReadReplies3} : trump has the most pathetic fragile ego.. i bet he threw a few temper tantrums when he realized Obama was way more popular than he will ever be.', '>>{IDontReadReplies3} : trump and his fragile pathetic ego threw a temper tanrum when he realize that he is not popular at all and Obama is a better man and a better president than he will ever be.', ">>{Pineapple__Jews} : As long as it makes liberals mad than that's all that matters! -t_d", ">>{sireel} : I was thinking about this - if I was trump, I'd claim obama's crowd was big because the liberal elite can afford the day off from no job, but he's the politician of true americans, and many of those couldn't afford to come gawk for no good reason.", ">>{cinnamonhorchata} : A girl that I went to high school with (small town) honestly believes that the small inauguration crowds are a product of photoshop. She refuses to acknowledge proof and believes everything Supreme Leader says without question. It's really frustrating.", '>>{Whitworth} : Repeated line to wife, 4 year old asks what girth is, I answered with "respect"', '>>{MadScienceDreams} : Again, this is not about his ego or the crowd size. It is a calculated move. He will find a favorably cropped photo or doctor a photo to prove his point, and then use it to deligitimize the media.', '>>{DaleKerbal} : I am beginning to think Trump might be obsessed with himself.', ">>{tarzan322} : He didn't order them too. He asked them too.", ">>{ilikewines} : Why is nobody posting obvious comparisons? Trump's official photo that he's showing off with the wrong date confirms it too! http://imgur.com/a/9g8Ay", '>>{Riekk} : I\'m pretty sure he hasn\'t realized that and probably won\'t. The dude believes approval ratings are rigged so he probably "knows" he\'s the most liked person in world. He probably has a ton of alternative facts to support it, so I can understand his frustration with the media.', '>>{Uniquitous} : That\'s when you say "sir yes sir!" and hand him a really obvious \'shop.', ">>{pinball_schminball} : There isn't any, because it's a fucking LIE.", '>>{PM_ME_A_GOOD_RECIPE} : Yep. Even just a "the crowd at the inauguration may not have been very large but the movement to make America great again that got me there absolutely was!" would\'ve been a decent response that his supporters would eat up. The only reason the media and everyone else is still dragging out this story is because Trump himself is still insisting on lying about it because, I think, for him to admit that the crowd wasn\'t as large as he claimed is a blow to his ego and if there\'s anything you can say with certainty about Trump it\'s that his ego is fragile and it makes up a large portion of who he is. If he didn\'t lie about the crowd and then continue to perpetuate the lie, I honestly don\'t think many people would still be talking about it. We\'re only doing so now because Trump won\'t let it drop.', ">>{StarHorst} : Nono, obviously The Liberals™ have hacked Fox's, Breitbart's and RT's cameras and deleted the pictures that show the actual size of the crowd /s", '>>{fox_91} : Why do we care how many people came? Especially comparing to Obama which was an historic event (first black president). If you wanted to compare numbers, would t it make sense to compare numbers to other non-historic presidents? Is it really less people than those events?', '>>{bz2486} : Donald Trump is literally the only person that does care about this', ">>{FrndlyMisanthrpe} : When the Boston Herald is saying you're full of crap, and you're ostensibly a republican, you know you've fucked up.", '>>{FrndlyMisanthrpe} : >Stupid, immature, profane. Just like Donald!', ">>{FrndlyMisanthrpe} : He's a narcissist. It's impossible for him to admit he's not the best at something.", '>>{ilikewines} : The picture shows that the official picture trump is using as proof of how large his crowd was barely even contains any of what the original picture showed.. AND in the very little bit that does exist we can see empty white space']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{j6121} : I had my iPhone 5's battery replaced, the process took me just ~15-20 min and my phone came back perfect! No sign whatsoever on the phone that it was opened and I loved how the new battery preformed, they give you a three month warranty on it too. I wouldn't hesitate to replace it if I were you, good luck!", ">>{IshDanish} : I too am looking at this. I think I'll take up the offer for it. A new battery is always good. Had it for over a year, no sign of degradation but still in the long run it will be worth it", '>>{HollandJim} : Took nearly an hour here in Amsterdam but it too came back perfect. Let me rephrase your question: Would I do it if it meant a new battery and a 3 month warranty for a 1 hour wait? Um, duh. ;)', ">>{chzplz} : And if they don't have extra batteries, they have been giving out new replacement phones. I'm hoping I get a new battery *and* get rid of that annoying scratch. :)", '>>{winning_by_default} : I went into the Apple Store the other day to have the replacement done, but instead of replacing battery I was given a new phone. It was a super simple process, just make sure to backup your data.', ">>{Methaxetamine} : Which one did you have and why did they do that? I'm hoping they will just replace mine too.", '>>{winning_by_default} : I have the sim unlocked version. I walked in and told them about my issue and walked out 10min later with a new phone, very few questions were asked.', '>>{Methaxetamine} : I have an unlocked ATT version. Did you schedule an appointment?', '>>{xarantini} : Phone came back perfectly fine, the only difference was a little bit of adhesive they used to seal it back had gotten out. After scraping it off with my finger the phone was the same', ">>{verthib} : So other than that you can't tell that the phone was taken apart?"], ['>>{bfwilley} : Hillary Clinton In 2013: “I Would Like To See People Like Donald Trump Run For Office; They’re Honest And Can’t Be Bought”', ">>{aKindWordandaGun} : Russian propaganda site run out of Russia-allied Macedonia, one of a large network. bigbluedimension.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluedimension.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluedimension.com/) bigbluevision.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.com/) bigbluevision.org: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.org/) bluevisionnews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bluevisionnews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bluevisionnews.com/) conservativestate.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=conservativestate.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/conservativestate.com/) helping-mothers.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=helping-mothers.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/helping-mothers.com/) newscenterusa.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/newscenterusa.com) [StatWebAZ WHOIS](http://www.statwebaz.com/newscenterusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/newscenterusa.com/) press24.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/press24.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/press24.us/) usafreshnews.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usafreshnews.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usafreshnews.us/) usapoliticsnow.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticsnow.com/) usapoliticstoday.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticstoday.com) [WebsitePart WHOIS](http://websitepart.com/www/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticstoday.com/) worldpoliticus.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/worldpoliticus.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/worldpoliticus.com/) All of these are registered from the same city in the same country, many of them in the same office buildings and by the same people, all registered within the same timeframe and first gaining traction thanks to the_donald. And these are just the ones I've confirmed from Macedonia, when you factor in identical page layouts and naming scehemes and other characteristics the number of sites that fit this profile that I've gathered is 2 or 3 times this.", '>>{cords55} : Well, if we learned one thing this election: Personal political endorsements mean nothing.', '>>{reluctant_qualifier} : Do you guys check snopes before posting this garbage, or do you simply not care? http://www.snopes.com/people-like-donald-trump/', ">>{SATexas1} : That's funny, I'd never seen this before, thx op", ">>{SoPacNW69} : Sorry this doesn't fit the narrative my hungry virgin mind desperately needs.", ">>{aKindWordandaGun} : The full list: * Less than 1 year old, oftentimes less than 6 months, in some cases only 2-3 * All focusing exclusively on praising Trump and attacking Clinton * All appear in the_donald either on the first submission or within a handful of the first few submissions * Many first submitted by users that're either obviously from the sites being posted or who have account registration dates that tie in pretty closely with the registrations of the sites they're posting * Many of them share the same cookie-cutter page layouts * When registrant data is available, many of them share the same geographical locations or owners, and sites that profess a particular forus in US affairs are often halfway around the world in the likes of Macedonia allforusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/allforusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/allforusa.com/) angryamericanpatriots.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/angryamericanpatriots.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/angryamericanpatriots.com/) berniemyhero.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/berniemyhero.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/berniemyhero.com/) bigbluedimension.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluedimension.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluedimension.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) bigbluevision.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) bigbluevision.org: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.org/) (Part of the Macedonian network) bluevisionnews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bluevisionnews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bluevisionnews.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) christiantimesnewspaper.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/christiantimesnewspaper.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/christiantimesnewspaper.com/) conservativestate.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=conservativestate.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/conservativestate.com/) (Part of the Macedonia network) daily-politics.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/daily-politics.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/daily-politics.com/) hardnfasttruth.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/hardnfasttruth.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/hardnfasttruth.com/) globalnews4u.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=globalnews4u.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/globalnews4u.com/) helping-mothers.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=helping-mothers.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/helping-mothers.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) magseriesusa.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=magseriesusa.net) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/magseriesusa.net/) newscenterusa.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/newscenterusa.com) [StatWebAZ WHOIS](http://www.statwebaz.com/newscenterusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/newscenterusa.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) openmedianews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=openmedianews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/openmedianews.com/) press24.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/press24.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/press24.us/) (Part of the Macedonian network) politicsbreaking.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsbreaking.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsbreaking.com/) politicsintheusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsintheusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsintheusa.com/) politicsinusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/politicsinusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/politicsinusa.com/) spinzon.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=spinzon.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/spinzon.com/) usadailyinfo.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usadailyinfo.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usadailyinfo.com/) usafreshnews.us: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usafreshnews.us) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usafreshnews.us/) (Part of the Macedonian network) usalibertynews.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/usalibertynews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usalibertynews.com/) usapoliticsnow.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticsnow.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) usapoliticstoday.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/usapoliticstoday.com) [WebsitePart WHOIS](http://websitepart.com/www/usapoliticsnow.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usapoliticstoday.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network) usatodaypolitics.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/usatodaypolitics.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/usatodaypolitics.com/) worldpoliticus.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/worldpoliticus.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/worldpoliticus.com/) (Part of the Macedonian network)", ">>{ballerina12-24} : That's because it's just another fake by the trash.", ">>{aKindWordandaGun} : I'll say, I've lost count of the number of OP accounts I've seen delete themselves when I post this list of propaganda outlets the sources wind up matching with through characteristics and registration: * Less than 1 year old, oftentimes less than 6 months, in some cases only 2-3 * All focusing exclusively on praising Trump and attacking Clinton * All appear in the_donald either on the first submission or within a handful of the first few submissions * Many first submitted by users that're either obviously from the sites being posted or who have account registration dates that tie in pretty closely with the registrations of the sites they're posting * Many of them share the same cookie-cutter page layouts * When registrant data is available, many of them share the same geographical locations or owners, and sites that profess a particular forus in US affairs are often halfway around the world in the likes of Macedonia allforusa.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/allforusa.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/allforusa.com/) americafans.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=americafans.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/americafans.com/) angryamericanpatriots.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/angryamericanpatriots.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/angryamericanpatriots.com/) berniemyhero.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/berniemyhero.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/berniemyhero.com/) bigbluedimension.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluedimension.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluedimension.com/) bigbluevision.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.com/) bigbluevision.org: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bigbluevision.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bigbluevision.org/) bluevisionnews.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/bluevisionnews.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/bluevisionnews.com/) christiantimesnewspaper.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/christiantimesnewspaper.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/christiantimesnewspaper.com/) conservativestate.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=conservativestate.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/conservativestate.com/) daily-politics.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.domaintools.com/daily-politics.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/daily-politics.com/) hardnfasttruth.com: [WHOIS report](http://whois.domaintools.com/hardnfasttruth.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/hardnfasttruth.com/) globalnews4u.com: [WHOIS report](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=globalnews4u.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/globalnews4u.com/) helping-mothers.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=helping-mothers.com) [Submission history](https://www.reddit.com/domain/helping-mothers.com/) magseriesusa.com: [ICANN WHOIS](https://whois.icann.org/en/lookup?name=magseriesusa.net) [Submission 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Good people though really. Just a correction.', '>>{devolka} : Wow. OP should be embarrassed to have posted this.', '>>{salmonchaser} : You are either extremely misinformed or deluded, and you are being played. If you think this is true, find me the source that verifies this. I want to see a primary source, either a recording of the speech or a Wikileaks email (on Wikileaks.com) with the transcript. When you manage to accomplish that impossible task, feel free to let me know.', '>>{cyclostationary} : Meanwhile, here\'s trump praising Hillary and Bill. Huh, almost as if his whole "these are horrible, horrible people" thing is just an act https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5A02pNcGHs', ">>{blatherskiter} : I'm so scared of the reds. President Hillary should create an UnAmerican Activities Commission.", ">>{salmonchaser} : I did the work days ago. Doesn't exist. But don't let that stop you from being a goon."], ['>>{makemedie} : Is there a workaround for downloading MP3 files straight into Music on the iPhone itself?', ">>{hyzerflip3} : It's one of my biggest complaints with iOS after having been on Android for so long previously - that and downloading and setting custom ringtones was so easy on Android.", '>>{Bigchile123} : itunes is your best solution. I gave up and bought Google play. Downloading music is tidious.', ">>{AndrewZabar} : My solution is to use an alternative music manager and player. Can play music from lots of cloud storage locations, download locally, and out of my preferred file manager. Built in music app is a tumor they've not tried to fix.", '>>{makemedie} : Please elaborate more, keeping in mind that I have switched from being an Android user since the original HTC G1 all the way to the Note 5, and have only just switched to iOS as of 1 week ago. Thank you.', '>>{adamsak} : I think what AndrewZabar is trying to say is— The official Apple "Music" app is strictly Apple\'s domain. In order to "encourage" you to buy music from Apple, they\'ve hobbled its ability to get data from anywhere besides the the iTunes/Music servers, or manually through the iTunes desktop software. There are third-party solutions worth researching on the App Store, although I haven\'t tried any of them, myself.', '>>{mo2fdwxd} : If you jailbreak , you can import music from your youtube app, or actually any app, and have free itunes music download, spotify, deezer, every music you can possibly imagine 😱', '>>{tussilladra} : The way I get downloaded MP3s to my iphone without an Itunes sync is either via the Google Play app or through Dropbox. Dropbox lets you save files onto the device for playback via the Dropbox app, but you can only play one file at a time. If they updated the app to have music controls it would be a huge improvement. Google Play syncs the MP3 folder on your computer with your account so when you log into the app on your phone you can play whatever you have in your folder. Once you play a particular track, it automatically gets downloaded for offline playback.', '>>{sglville} : Yeah and if you have a computer itunes is still the best option. Simply save music to whatever folder on your computer you want to sync, tell itunes to sync that folder and plug in your phone. It takes no time. I have to assume somebody who can afford a 128GB 7Plus has an old laptop or deaktop around that can run itunes', ">>{ReliableSource} : I have the Google Music Manger constantly running on my home computer, and it looks for any new music in my Box account and uploads it automatically. So if I download anything on my phone, I just send it to my Box account, and it shows up on my Google Music app a few minutes later. I don't know about Chrome because I don't use it on iOS, but I download files through either Safari or Documents 5."], ['>>{Dracula_in_Auschwitz} : Donald Trump personally ordered National Park Service to find photo proof for crowd claims', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : The crowd was there, it's just invisible to fools. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Clothes", ">>{HonoredPeople} : Like the photos he posted on his account's? You know, the ones that show president Obama's crowds. OR Every picture that was posted on his inauguration day? From the media, from personal accounts, from every possible satellite and even the pictures from mars?", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Reynolds should have given him a pic from Obama's inauguration and let Trump make an ass of himself claiming it was his crowd.", '>>{slowclapcitizenkane} : Just select an area of the crowd, and start cloning!', '>>{BlotchComics} : That quote from Doctor Who that keeps popping up is more relevant every day: "the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don\'t alter their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views"', '>>{pabange} : Stupid, immature, profane. I love it!', '>>{Bigpiganddig} : This is amazing. Trump can take a minute while shitting to tell his crew to look into this, then liberals spends tens of thousands of man hours crying how crazy Trump is. Hilarious', ">>{Echost} : Did Fox News not have cameras out there? How about Brietbart? What about just Trump's team?? The photos don't exist because the crowd doesn't exist. I can't understand why that is hard to believe.", '>>{joetromboni} : I see a big pee pee and a little pee pee', '>>{Pork_Chap} : I think obama has more girth than you give him credit for.', ">>{tehSlothman} : If someone could figure out how to make trump see this they'd be a hero.", '>>{tyrer} : The most amazing part is that the man in charge of the United States of America is spending time trying to prove the size of his inauguration.', ">>{CharlieKellyLaw} : I would go straight to photoshopping Trump onto Obama's inauguration photo.", '>>{Robert_T_Pooner} : Yes, we\'re concerned about his narcissism and pathological need to lie about even the smallest things. Of course, Trump supporters/Republicans aren\'t bothered by pathological lying because apparently "hurrr dur it makes liberals mad".', '>>{MajorNoodles} : Maybe they were there, but their white robes and hoods made them blend in with the white protective paneling.', '>>{MrFurious0} : Tweet it at him. Or, get Fox News to show it.', ">>{treetimes} : He's obsessed with it. His press secretary's first interaction with the press was to, at his behest, go tell bold faced lies about it and not take questions. Your candidate, and by extension you with this tragic defence, is a tiny little man inside a clowns body. Your country is going to get fucked.", '>>{redditallreddy} : You can leave Michelle where she is to represent Melania.', ">>{striker69} : You don't need to be liberal to see how utterly pointless his quest to propagandize the size of his inauguration crowd is. Pictures are worth 1000 words.", ">>{flushthetoilet} : So you're saying alternative facts? You got something against alternative facts?", ">>{PM_ME_A_GOOD_RECIPE} : The more he insists on continuing to lie about this crowd size issue the weaker he looks. I'm not even remotely for anything related to Trump but if he'd just conceded at the beginning that the crowd wasn't the largest ever and inserted an appropriately positive bullshit reason for why that was okay and dropped the topic entirely it would have made him look much better than this lying about the crowd size and then *continuing to drag that lie out* even though it's blatantly clear that it is *in fact a lie*.", '>>{Ainaomadd} : See guys theres irrefutable proof: in this picture you can clearly see 2 million to 9 billion people in that crowd. /s', ">>{GoodVyybes} : Not to Trump, he doesn't even know 1000 words. Sad.", '>>{IDontReadReplies3} : trump has the most pathetic fragile ego.. i bet he threw a few temper tantrums when he realized Obama was way more popular than he will ever be.', '>>{IDontReadReplies3} : trump and his fragile pathetic ego threw a temper tanrum when he realize that he is not popular at all and Obama is a better man and a better president than he will ever be.', ">>{Pineapple__Jews} : As long as it makes liberals mad than that's all that matters! -t_d", ">>{sireel} : I was thinking about this - if I was trump, I'd claim obama's crowd was big because the liberal elite can afford the day off from no job, but he's the politician of true americans, and many of those couldn't afford to come gawk for no good reason.", ">>{cinnamonhorchata} : A girl that I went to high school with (small town) honestly believes that the small inauguration crowds are a product of photoshop. She refuses to acknowledge proof and believes everything Supreme Leader says without question. It's really frustrating.", '>>{Whitworth} : Repeated line to wife, 4 year old asks what girth is, I answered with "respect"', '>>{MadScienceDreams} : Again, this is not about his ego or the crowd size. It is a calculated move. He will find a favorably cropped photo or doctor a photo to prove his point, and then use it to deligitimize the media.', '>>{DaleKerbal} : I am beginning to think Trump might be obsessed with himself.', ">>{tarzan322} : He didn't order them too. He asked them too.", ">>{ilikewines} : Why is nobody posting obvious comparisons? Trump's official photo that he's showing off with the wrong date confirms it too! http://imgur.com/a/9g8Ay", '>>{Riekk} : I\'m pretty sure he hasn\'t realized that and probably won\'t. The dude believes approval ratings are rigged so he probably "knows" he\'s the most liked person in world. He probably has a ton of alternative facts to support it, so I can understand his frustration with the media.', '>>{Uniquitous} : That\'s when you say "sir yes sir!" and hand him a really obvious \'shop.', ">>{pinball_schminball} : There isn't any, because it's a fucking LIE.", '>>{PM_ME_A_GOOD_RECIPE} : Yep. Even just a "the crowd at the inauguration may not have been very large but the movement to make America great again that got me there absolutely was!" would\'ve been a decent response that his supporters would eat up. The only reason the media and everyone else is still dragging out this story is because Trump himself is still insisting on lying about it because, I think, for him to admit that the crowd wasn\'t as large as he claimed is a blow to his ego and if there\'s anything you can say with certainty about Trump it\'s that his ego is fragile and it makes up a large portion of who he is. If he didn\'t lie about the crowd and then continue to perpetuate the lie, I honestly don\'t think many people would still be talking about it. We\'re only doing so now because Trump won\'t let it drop.', ">>{StarHorst} : Nono, obviously The Liberals™ have hacked Fox's, Breitbart's and RT's cameras and deleted the pictures that show the actual size of the crowd /s", '>>{fox_91} : Why do we care how many people came? Especially comparing to Obama which was an historic event (first black president). If you wanted to compare numbers, would t it make sense to compare numbers to other non-historic presidents? Is it really less people than those events?', '>>{bz2486} : Donald Trump is literally the only person that does care about this', ">>{FrndlyMisanthrpe} : When the Boston Herald is saying you're full of crap, and you're ostensibly a republican, you know you've fucked up.", '>>{FrndlyMisanthrpe} : >Stupid, immature, profane. Just like Donald!', ">>{FrndlyMisanthrpe} : He's a narcissist. It's impossible for him to admit he's not the best at something.", '>>{ilikewines} : The picture shows that the official picture trump is using as proof of how large his crowd was barely even contains any of what the original picture showed.. AND in the very little bit that does exist we can see empty white space'], ['>>{doubleplusuntruth} : This is exactly what I feared when Trump announced his immigration plans. Jackbooted thugs kicking down doors and dragging parents away from their children. Hopefully people will film this and put it on display for the world to see and then maybe some Trump voters will see just how heartless their views on immigrants are.', '>>{adlerchen} : Potentially millions of new foster children separated from their parents. This could break the system and be a huge tax burden, with millions of less workers to boot.', '>>{urmuh} : Who will become this administrations primary target when the immigrants are taken care of? This is a slippery slope allowing soldiers to function with police authority. The world has seen it before.', '>>{miss_nephthys} : Yep. And I wonder - is this even an appropriate use of the national guard?', ">>{adlerchen} : Muslim internement camps à la WWII once they get their new war in the Middle East would be my guess. A few terrorist attacks from ISIS or some other group, and they'll move on it.", ">>{adlerchen} : You should have been doing that the whole time. That's [rule #1.](http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2016/11/10/trump-election-autocracy-rules-for-survival/)", ">>{Roseking} : No. It is what the ICE is for. If this goes through Trump would be using the military to enforce the law. I don't think I need to explain why that is terrifying.", ">>{adlerchen} : Of course not. This is ICE's job. Mass deportations and mass incarceration is the reason he was trying to force my state to get our cops to be doing the feds job on immigration. This was planned from the beginning. The manpower doesn't exist for this shit, and his idiotic hiring freeze is screwing everything up.", ">>{miss_nephthys} : Nope most definitely do not. I just wasn't sure if there was a point they could legally speaking be activated for something domestically other than national emergencies or martial law.", '>>{adlerchen} : The Posse Comitatus Act really needs to be expanded to cover National Guardsmen, Marines, and State Troopers, etc. IMO.', ">>{adlerchen} : Massed deportations will likely cause riots that would allow them to declare martial law. If one were particularly cynical, one would say that that's an end goal in itself for these kind of people.", '>>{Jordy_Stingray} : I was kidding, of course. Good read thanks for sharing.']]
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['>>{RynheartTheReluctant} : >That is when a very bizarre event occurred. Within minutes of the article going live on Daily Kos, we were blasted with more notifications than we could count, informing us that we had been mentioned in a tweet. Those mentions were, in fact, posts sharing the Daily Kos link. That is actually how the link came to our attention. That there was a sudden rush of notifications of seemingly hundreds of people sharing this link within moments of it going live was incredibly suspicious. And as we looked closer we saw that these notifications were coming from bots who were sharing this link just moments after it went live. We later shared the link ourselves. Bots, not Russian trolls.', '>>{JohnTitor2020} : Rogue Potus Staff is still fake. No real account would spend as much time as it does bitching at people who follow it', ">>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : Exactly. Just use your damned common sense, people. What is the likelihood that actual POTUS staffers tweeting shit like this wouldn't have been caught yet?", '>>{freshwordsalad} : It was fun for the first day. By day 3 you could smell the stink of fake.', ">>{JohnTitor2020} : I have, many of them. If they were in the WH staff and were running a resistance twitter, they wouldn't spend half their time bitching at people who tweet at them.", '>>{Stuckinaloop} : Unlike the President, but he was a Business Major.', '>>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : Early on, they had the Trump-Mexico phone call tweet that gave them legitimacy. Once they tweeted the whole "we don\'t leak things that\'s not our job" after it was obvious they were behind the news, it was mostly over for me (not going to lie there was still a glimmer of hope). The pivot to "Trump is winning how can\'t you see it?" after the Comey hearing (totally inconsistent with their previous tweets) [had me like...](https://media.giphy.com/media/Fjr6v88OPk7U4/giphy.gif) Some people think it\'s a Bannon disinformation campaign, but it\'s probably just 4chan/the_dumbass trolls.', ">>{infohack} : [This User Caught Something Interesting About @RoguePotusStaff Account!](http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/3/23/1646549/-This-User-Caught-Something-Interesting-About-RoguePotusStaff-Account) ETA: I'm not sure I buy the Nazi Party connection but the fact that they're leaving cryptic Easter eggs in the source code of their website tends to lend credibility to the theory that it's a fake, whether some kind of Bannon disinformation campaign or simply trolls, who knows.", ">>{dbSterling} : RPS is shit anyway. They used to post behind the scenes quotes; now it's just annoyingly cryptic riddles, complaining about followers, and reposting articles.", ">>{RynheartTheReluctant} : The complaining about followers is over-the-top. I periodically check it to see if they say anything that might make me think they are legit, but it's often just the complaining.", ">>{WigginIII} : Indeed. It's bizarre as fuck. Would be a lot more believable if they spent less time just arguing with randoms on the Internet. I much prefer the rogue sr wh advisor Twitter account. Has 1/10 the followers and posts more outlandish stuff and doesn't get into random Twitter beefs with people. Probably still fake but sometimes I wonder.", '>>{JohnTitor2020} : i expect my "we\'re adults resisting the child in the white house" to not follow the lead of the child.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{RynheartTheReluctant} : >That is when a very bizarre event occurred. Within minutes of the article going live on Daily Kos, we were blasted with more notifications than we could count, informing us that we had been mentioned in a tweet. Those mentions were, in fact, posts sharing the Daily Kos link. That is actually how the link came to our attention. That there was a sudden rush of notifications of seemingly hundreds of people sharing this link within moments of it going live was incredibly suspicious. And as we looked closer we saw that these notifications were coming from bots who were sharing this link just moments after it went live. We later shared the link ourselves. Bots, not Russian trolls.', '>>{JohnTitor2020} : Rogue Potus Staff is still fake. No real account would spend as much time as it does bitching at people who follow it', ">>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : Exactly. Just use your damned common sense, people. What is the likelihood that actual POTUS staffers tweeting shit like this wouldn't have been caught yet?", '>>{freshwordsalad} : It was fun for the first day. By day 3 you could smell the stink of fake.', ">>{JohnTitor2020} : I have, many of them. If they were in the WH staff and were running a resistance twitter, they wouldn't spend half their time bitching at people who tweet at them.", '>>{Stuckinaloop} : Unlike the President, but he was a Business Major.', '>>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : Early on, they had the Trump-Mexico phone call tweet that gave them legitimacy. Once they tweeted the whole "we don\'t leak things that\'s not our job" after it was obvious they were behind the news, it was mostly over for me (not going to lie there was still a glimmer of hope). The pivot to "Trump is winning how can\'t you see it?" after the Comey hearing (totally inconsistent with their previous tweets) [had me like...](https://media.giphy.com/media/Fjr6v88OPk7U4/giphy.gif) Some people think it\'s a Bannon disinformation campaign, but it\'s probably just 4chan/the_dumbass trolls.', ">>{infohack} : [This User Caught Something Interesting About @RoguePotusStaff Account!](http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/3/23/1646549/-This-User-Caught-Something-Interesting-About-RoguePotusStaff-Account) ETA: I'm not sure I buy the Nazi Party connection but the fact that they're leaving cryptic Easter eggs in the source code of their website tends to lend credibility to the theory that it's a fake, whether some kind of Bannon disinformation campaign or simply trolls, who knows.", ">>{dbSterling} : RPS is shit anyway. They used to post behind the scenes quotes; now it's just annoyingly cryptic riddles, complaining about followers, and reposting articles.", ">>{RynheartTheReluctant} : The complaining about followers is over-the-top. I periodically check it to see if they say anything that might make me think they are legit, but it's often just the complaining.", ">>{WigginIII} : Indeed. It's bizarre as fuck. Would be a lot more believable if they spent less time just arguing with randoms on the Internet. I much prefer the rogue sr wh advisor Twitter account. Has 1/10 the followers and posts more outlandish stuff and doesn't get into random Twitter beefs with people. Probably still fake but sometimes I wonder.", '>>{JohnTitor2020} : i expect my "we\'re adults resisting the child in the white house" to not follow the lead of the child.']]
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[">>{donglol} : With Clinton on sideline, Obama blasts Trump as 'not fit in any way' to lead", ">>{LicensedShill} : Well, at the very least you could say he's physically fit to lead. Hillary, not so much.", ">>{aveydey} : Apparently she's not even physically fit enough to stand on her own two feet without Huma and a concrete post holding her upright. I'm not a Trump voter but is this seriously the best candidate the Democrats had to offer?", '>>{wesswll} : She is the candidate that the most people voted for in the Democratic primary.', '>>{aveydey} : >She is the candidate that the most people voted for in the Democratic primary. Not really something Democrats should be proud of right now...', ">>{wesswll} : That's just like, an opinion man. I'm a registered Democrat and I'm very proud that we nominated someone as competent as Hillary, especially compared to what the Republicans nominated.", ">>{aveydey} : Proud to nominate Hillary? Different strokes for different folks, I guess! Between the obvious rigging of the primary on her behalf, the incompetence shown with classified information, her eagerness to take us to war and now the obvious signs of extremely poor health... Trump is an embarrassment to the Republican Party for sure- no doubt about that... but I definitely wouldn't be proud to be a Democrat today.", ">>{wesswll} : Yeah, I've been excited for her to run as Obama's successor ever since I started following politics. I completely disagree that the primary was rigged or that she is eager to take us to war (her foreign policy stresses military action as a last resort). I'm also not going to crucify her for not understanding technology well enough to break State Dept. tradition, although I do agree that what she was doing with classified information (of which there was relatively little found tbf) was extremely careless. As far as her health, even if she does have some terminal illness, I really like Tim Kaine too and think he is the epitome of a competent candidate to take over the White House should he need too.", ">>{aveydey} : Wow, a true believer. I respect your convictions but we couldn't disagree more. :)", '>>{mutatron} : Trump is obese, and at 70 years old obesity is a stroke and heart attack risk.', '>>{LicensedShill} : Thank you for you diagnoses doctor. Where did you say you got your medical degree from again?', '>>{mutatron} : What diagnoses? These are just observations and facts.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{donglol} : With Clinton on sideline, Obama blasts Trump as 'not fit in any way' to lead", ">>{LicensedShill} : Well, at the very least you could say he's physically fit to lead. Hillary, not so much.", ">>{aveydey} : Apparently she's not even physically fit enough to stand on her own two feet without Huma and a concrete post holding her upright. I'm not a Trump voter but is this seriously the best candidate the Democrats had to offer?", '>>{wesswll} : She is the candidate that the most people voted for in the Democratic primary.', '>>{aveydey} : >She is the candidate that the most people voted for in the Democratic primary. Not really something Democrats should be proud of right now...', ">>{wesswll} : That's just like, an opinion man. I'm a registered Democrat and I'm very proud that we nominated someone as competent as Hillary, especially compared to what the Republicans nominated.", ">>{aveydey} : Proud to nominate Hillary? Different strokes for different folks, I guess! Between the obvious rigging of the primary on her behalf, the incompetence shown with classified information, her eagerness to take us to war and now the obvious signs of extremely poor health... Trump is an embarrassment to the Republican Party for sure- no doubt about that... but I definitely wouldn't be proud to be a Democrat today.", ">>{wesswll} : Yeah, I've been excited for her to run as Obama's successor ever since I started following politics. I completely disagree that the primary was rigged or that she is eager to take us to war (her foreign policy stresses military action as a last resort). I'm also not going to crucify her for not understanding technology well enough to break State Dept. tradition, although I do agree that what she was doing with classified information (of which there was relatively little found tbf) was extremely careless. As far as her health, even if she does have some terminal illness, I really like Tim Kaine too and think he is the epitome of a competent candidate to take over the White House should he need too.", ">>{aveydey} : Wow, a true believer. I respect your convictions but we couldn't disagree more. :)", '>>{mutatron} : Trump is obese, and at 70 years old obesity is a stroke and heart attack risk.', '>>{LicensedShill} : Thank you for you diagnoses doctor. Where did you say you got your medical degree from again?', '>>{mutatron} : What diagnoses? These are just observations and facts.']]
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['>>{Samuel311fan} : Report: Kremlin Propaganda Network Attacks Fracking to Boost Russian Energy Interests', '>>{Kerplookniac} : For those of us who have very late delivery dates or did not preorder, any chance of us snagging a phone launch day by lining up outside of an Apple Store?', ">>{bigfootplays} : He has said 100 things that would disqualify anyone else from running for president but doesn't seem to affect him", ">>{AnonymousMaleZero} : It's because the Republican candidate field was weak or unelectable. They, unfortunately, did it to themselves and should have cultivated actual humanbeings instead of what they did. Hell, even Mitt Romney was a better candidate than the entire 2016 line up.", ">>{EndAlltheJewz} : we've tried 100 times to tell voters who to choose, but they don't seem to listen", '>>{MoonManComes} : Saying mean things does not disqualify anyone from holding public office, Hillary is guilty of a vast multitude of crimes that all disqualify one from serving in government however', '>>{bigfootplays} : It would seem they are listening, considering Trump is losing in every reputable poll.', ">>{Samuel311fan} : I'm sure what that means, perhaps you meant to say the Donald Trump is your president, because... he is.", ">>{EndAlltheJewz} : and then when things flip in a few days/weeks like they always do, you'll scream POLLS DON'T MATTER, MARGIN OF ERROR, etc. etc.", '>>{MolotovMan1263} : Always a chance of course. I wouldnt write off getting your phone earlier than expected. In previous years many, myself included, have gotten theirs on release despite far out estimates.', '>>{Tackticat} : It depends on your location too, some stores would have a selection while others only the base line models. I found this last year, had to drive to another store 90 minutes away.', '>>{bigfootplays} : \\>implying Trump will ever be leading wew lad', ">>{ohmzar} : I've walked into a store to get an iPhone on launch day for the 5, 6 and 6S+. It's easier if you want the model with the biggest capacity because it's more expensive so it's less likely to be bought, and if you don't care what colour you get.", ">>{GrandPumba} : No this is probably true. The Russian economy is very heavily reliant on fossil fuel extraction and US fracking reduces the global price of oil and hurts the Russian economy. Considering Trump's push for the fossil fuel industry this could be a problem for the Trump\\Putin spooning. Unless Trump gets on his knees for Putin again.", ">>{ViskerRatio} : The key is that Trump doesn't apologize for saying things that most people say/think in real life. Politics tends to take place in 'polite society', where politicians make a great effort to avoid offending anyone. But out in reality, most people aren't running around with a chip on their shoulder waiting to be offended. What Trump has tapped into is the recognition that if you say something 'anti-semitic' or 'misogynist', the majority of the targeted group will just laugh it off if they don't think it reflects any actual animus. Yes, the vocal minority will protest. But the vocal minority isn't a whole lot of votes. If you just ignore them, they have no power over you.", '>>{do_u_even_poop_bro} : Mitt is Hillary Clinton with smaller balls. They represent the same group of people. There were four people that ran who represent the people to some extent. Trump, Bernie, Gary johnson, and rand Paul.', '>>{Kerplookniac} : Thanks. Follow up questions if you know the answer to this too. Does apple have a trade in system where I can trade my current 6+ toward the 7+ when I wait in line for it?', ">>{Time4Red} : Are you kidding? Where do these people work where they can say anything at their job and get away with it? If I said anything blatantly racist, I would fear for my job. Companies have a reputation to manage, and they don't want to piss off a large portion of the market by being known as the company that hires racists.", ">>{Quexana} : Because he's running against someone who has done 100 things that would disqualify anyone else from running for president but doesn't seem to affect her.", '>>{EndAlltheJewz} : sorry if I scared you by "implying" a future you don\'t like, I\'m sure there\'s a liberalist Safe Space you can crawl back into', '>>{GaryRuppert} : **Achievement Unlocked**: Claimed your opponents are secret Russians', ">>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : I wouldn't call anti-fracking arguments propaganda. I would call any argument in support of fracking propaganda, however.", ">>{dariusorfeed} : You realize they've been doing this shit for years, right? Like I don't get why this is so hard for you people to accept, http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21643222-who-backs-putin-and-why-kremlins-pocket They fund various far left/far right parties in Europe. Russia might be a weaker country than us, but they're much better at this than we are because it's all they have. They're god tier trolls and amazing at manipulating political extremists. Putin even has his own Russian Donald Trump he uses to herd his own crazies. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/10/19/meet-russias-donald-trump-commentary.html", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > don't think it reflects any actual animus. IMO that's why Trump *doesn't* get a pass. His questionable comments seem rooted in animosity; it's a far cry from something like a comedian playing with stereotypes.", ">>{ohmzar} : I think they do, you get a quote for your current device by going to Apple's web page. Although they can be funny if there is anything wrong with your device.", ">>{Kerplookniac} : I'd like to think mine is like new condition, but who knows what they would find. But I think I'll give it a look online and try my luck. Thanks for all the info!", '>>{GaryRuppert} : maybe I shoulda told my teacher that the Russians ate my homework', ">>{Kerplookniac} : I fortunately live 20 minutes from an Apple Store so I hope they end up having what I'm looking for in stock.", ">>{theantagonists} : Except for his cognimaxx addiction that he admitted to on O'Reilly.", ">>{SpryAmoeba} : She has done 100 things that would disqualify anyone else from running for president but doesn't seem to affect her", ">>{Kerplookniac} : I've read that to be the case for some people. I shall see I suppose. Thanks!", ">>{Samuel311fan} : Of course you would, because that's exactly how liberal logic works: If you don't agree with it, call it propaganda! This is the same type of thinking that has convinced people that AGW is real.", ">>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : I'm not a liberal. I clearly don't like fracking. Not sure how you interpreted that as me being a liberal. And anthropogenic global warming is irrelevant, because anthropogenic pollution is still damaging the environment. It pollutes the air we need to breathe in order to live, and the water we need to drink in order to live. Not sure why anybody would have a problem with policies that protect those things.", ">>{Samuel311fan} : I'm all for a cleaner planet, but I'm not for the global elitist policies that is the myth of man-made climate change. My point was that there is a strong misinformation campaign that spews garbage about AGW.", ">>{Varoeldurr} : Yes. I've done it before. They'll give you a gift card of your phone's value, and you'll use that card in addition to your credit card/cash to buy the new one. That's how it's done.", '>>{Harlangn} : Nah. Russian-baiting only works to promote a neo-liberal agenda. Tell your teachers that their union is supported by the Kremlin and that its our patriotic duty to close public schools in favor of charters.', ">>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : There's data indicating that an increase in things like methane and carbon into the atmosphere has a direct correlation with weather changes. Is that not proof enough that human activity can cause climate change?", ">>{bigfootplays} : Sorry to break it to you, /u/EndAlltheJewz but I'm not a liberal. Continue with the ad hominem though. It's pretty entertaining.", '>>{bigfootplays} : >Define "blatantly racist" Saying someone is unable to do their job because they\'re of Mexican heritage.', ">>{axelrod_squad} : Complete bullshit. Rubio, Cruz, a bush, Rand Paul...you're wrong", '>>{bigfootplays} : I figured I\'d speak to "EndAllTheJewz" in his native language.', ">>{Samuel311fan} : No, because those agencies are heavily biased. They only receive money IF their findings prove that human activity causes climate change. There have been multiple situations where environmental organizations have been caught [manipulating data ](http://www.climatedepot.com/2016/05/14/new-climate-scandal-called-worse-than-climategate-new-emails-released-clear-conspiracy-to-avoid-foia-use-public-money-top-un-scientist-u-s-senator-entangled/) ([including NASA](http://principia-scientific.org/nasa-exposed-in-massive-new-climate-data-fraud/) ) Those scammed findings affect us all because they are used to promote public policy. You have been lied to, truth is nobody knows and if they say the do they're just lying. I don't claim to know the answer, but I will not take what the *so-called* climate scientists say at face-value because they have their own agenda. Truth of the matter is the Global Elites behind climate change wants to do three things: - enforce a global carbon tax (which will lead to a global organization in charge, possible the UN) - control overpopulation (like enforcing one-child laws) - reduce our quality of life (not using good ACs, or driving sports cars because they burn fuel, etc) Nobody knows, but let's work together to find out and just because somebody is skeptical doesn't mean they are a big bad scary *denier*.", ">>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : I know these agencies deal in worst-case scenarios, and yes, that is very biased. I don't claim to know anything in regards to if anthropogenic global warming is an actual thing, but humans have been known to change the environment around them, and that's where I find it hard to believe that it doesn't exist, at least to some extent. Deforestation itself has an affect on the environment. And then there's stuff like acid rain and smog. I agree with you, though. The points you make are very valid.", '>>{Time4Red} : What the other guy said, suggesting that a judge cannot do his job because of ethnicity. It would be fine to suggest bias because of the judges previous statements regarding immigration, but to suggest his ethnicity itself is to blame crosses the line.', ">>{bigfootplays} : RCP doesn't include internet based polls. Landlines are inaccurate, and they include Rasmussen, which is notoriously bad. Regardless, that aggregate only ever showed him up 0.1 points. If you consider that leading, there's no point in debating this.", ">>{bigfootplays} : Interestingly enough, Trump never mentioned La Raza. He went straight to mentioning the guy's race. I wonder why... Sidenote: That is racist by most people's standards, as shown by the polls after his comments.", '>>{bigfootplays} : Also true. Are you attempting to make a point here?', '>>{EndAlltheJewz} : > only ever showed him up 0.1 points. If you consider that leading, there\'s no point in debating this. remember when I made that crazy prediction "you\'ll scream POLLS DON\'T MATTER, MARGIN OF ERROR, etc. etc." guess I had no idea what I was talking about huh, better put me in my place with some more 4chan memes and accuse me of some more logical fallacies', '>>{BatCountry9} : Jeb is a competent politician and on the less-crazy side of the GOP. He was just a terrible nervous wreck of a candidate. In a normal year he would probably do quite well.', ">>{bigfootplays} : You seemed to have conveniently disregarded everything else I said. He was only up 0.1 points after the aggregate didn't even include several reputable polls that showed him down.", ">>{BatCountry9} : An oil rig maybe. Or the clown in a dunk tank. Someone in a play about Tourette's syndrome. Bob Saget.", '>>{Time4Red} : >Trump criticized Curiel, whose parents emigrated from Mexico, months ago. But he stepped up those broadsides in late May after clinching the nomination. Among the criticisms, Trump said the judge is biased against him and should recuse himself from the fraud case because the billionaire wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. >**Nearly six in 10 voters in each of the three states deemed that "racist,"** compared to about one-third who did not, the poll found. That hurts Trump in states with high Hispanic populations like the Sunshine State, Brown said. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/06/21/racist-comments-federal-judge-hurt-donald-trump-florida-ohio/86172262/', ">>{TheSubredditPolice} : > RCP doesn't include internet based polls. Landlines are inaccurate, and they include Rasmussen, which is notoriously bad. Regardless, that aggregate only ever showed him up 0.1 points. If you consider that leading, there's no point in debating this. [so then](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4rc5bg/he_has_said_100_things_that_would_disqualify/d4zv65c)", ">>{AnonymousMaleZero} : Cruz is a ultra Christian with terrible public policy views Rubio is the same only he turned his back on his people Rand is a shadow of his father and is nothing but a talking head Bush was the only one but he couldn't stand up to a strong breeze I would have voted for none of them", ">>{MoonManComes} : That Hillary Clinton has broken federal law is not up to debate, the only thing which is left unanswered is whether or not there's enough evidence to prove gross negligence (or worse) in a court.", ">>{Time4Red} : But the poll I cited was about the general electorate, not Democratic voters. Isn't that more relevant? It suggests that average Americans think Trump's comments were racist.", ">>{Time4Red} : General election polls are taken in ways that seek an accurate sample that is representative of the population. You said it yourself, 50% thought it was racist. I assume around 10% were unsure and 30-40% of the general electorate thought it wasn't racist. You just proved my point.", ">>{Time4Red} : No, I disagree. I believe in aggregating polls, since one is never accurate. So I would split the difference and say that 55% think it's racist. The majority certainly do. Does it change anyone's opinion of Trump? No. It might make it harder for some to stomach voting for him.", ">>{MessisTaxAccountant} : you'll scream POLLS DON'T MATTER, MARGIN OF ERROR, etc. etc. AKA, what Trump supporters have been saying for the past 2 months?", '>>{intelligentfolly} : Actually it does seem to affect him, he only got 44% of the primary vote in the Republican primaries and appears to be driving some moderate Republicans to third party choices. Also the vast majority of polls show Clinton easily defeating him. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html', '>>{EndAlltheJewz} : AKA, what Bernie supporters, Jeb! supporters, Cruz supporters, Rubio supporters, and everyone else like you has been been saying this entire election. Sorry if the truth hurts', '>>{JackOCat} : Lol guilty eh. Did you convict her yourself?', ">>{MessisTaxAccountant} : So you're arguing that it's bad when other people do it but not when you do it? You're not half as clever as you think on this", '>>{Epyon214} : Then they are not listening. Trump has said 100 things that would disqualify anyone else, Clinton has done 100 things that would disqualify anyone else, Johnson has lost my interest by showing he has no perspective on this.', ">>{Broody87} : > Lol. He is a member of La Raza.....a racist organization. This again.. yeah, except, he isn't...", ">>{swejeht4} : No, internet polls are inaccurate because they skew to the views of the young who don't actually vote.", ">>{Quexana} : Name one thing Trump has said that should disqualify him? Remember, if there's nothing he said that rises to the level of indictment, there's no reason not to vote for him. Welcome to the new reality of politics!", '>>{NorCalSportsFan} : >Johnson said if he were president, he\'d sign the deal into action based on his advisers\' recommendations. "I\'m being told that the Trans-Pacific Partnership would, in fact, advance free trade, and so I would support that document," he said. Wow, what a tool.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Kerplookniac} : For those of us who have very late delivery dates or did not preorder, any chance of us snagging a phone launch day by lining up outside of an Apple Store?', '>>{MolotovMan1263} : Always a chance of course. I wouldnt write off getting your phone earlier than expected. In previous years many, myself included, have gotten theirs on release despite far out estimates.', '>>{Tackticat} : It depends on your location too, some stores would have a selection while others only the base line models. I found this last year, had to drive to another store 90 minutes away.', ">>{ohmzar} : I've walked into a store to get an iPhone on launch day for the 5, 6 and 6S+. It's easier if you want the model with the biggest capacity because it's more expensive so it's less likely to be bought, and if you don't care what colour you get.", '>>{Kerplookniac} : Thanks. Follow up questions if you know the answer to this too. Does apple have a trade in system where I can trade my current 6+ toward the 7+ when I wait in line for it?', ">>{ohmzar} : I think they do, you get a quote for your current device by going to Apple's web page. Although they can be funny if there is anything wrong with your device.", ">>{Kerplookniac} : I'd like to think mine is like new condition, but who knows what they would find. But I think I'll give it a look online and try my luck. Thanks for all the info!", ">>{Kerplookniac} : I fortunately live 20 minutes from an Apple Store so I hope they end up having what I'm looking for in stock.", ">>{Kerplookniac} : I've read that to be the case for some people. I shall see I suppose. Thanks!", ">>{Varoeldurr} : Yes. I've done it before. They'll give you a gift card of your phone's value, and you'll use that card in addition to your credit card/cash to buy the new one. That's how it's done."], [">>{bigfootplays} : He has said 100 things that would disqualify anyone else from running for president but doesn't seem to affect him", ">>{AnonymousMaleZero} : It's because the Republican candidate field was weak or unelectable. They, unfortunately, did it to themselves and should have cultivated actual humanbeings instead of what they did. Hell, even Mitt Romney was a better candidate than the entire 2016 line up.", ">>{EndAlltheJewz} : we've tried 100 times to tell voters who to choose, but they don't seem to listen", '>>{MoonManComes} : Saying mean things does not disqualify anyone from holding public office, Hillary is guilty of a vast multitude of crimes that all disqualify one from serving in government however', '>>{bigfootplays} : It would seem they are listening, considering Trump is losing in every reputable poll.', ">>{EndAlltheJewz} : and then when things flip in a few days/weeks like they always do, you'll scream POLLS DON'T MATTER, MARGIN OF ERROR, etc. etc.", '>>{bigfootplays} : \\>implying Trump will ever be leading wew lad', ">>{ViskerRatio} : The key is that Trump doesn't apologize for saying things that most people say/think in real life. Politics tends to take place in 'polite society', where politicians make a great effort to avoid offending anyone. But out in reality, most people aren't running around with a chip on their shoulder waiting to be offended. What Trump has tapped into is the recognition that if you say something 'anti-semitic' or 'misogynist', the majority of the targeted group will just laugh it off if they don't think it reflects any actual animus. Yes, the vocal minority will protest. But the vocal minority isn't a whole lot of votes. If you just ignore them, they have no power over you.", '>>{do_u_even_poop_bro} : Mitt is Hillary Clinton with smaller balls. They represent the same group of people. There were four people that ran who represent the people to some extent. Trump, Bernie, Gary johnson, and rand Paul.', ">>{Time4Red} : Are you kidding? Where do these people work where they can say anything at their job and get away with it? If I said anything blatantly racist, I would fear for my job. Companies have a reputation to manage, and they don't want to piss off a large portion of the market by being known as the company that hires racists.", ">>{Quexana} : Because he's running against someone who has done 100 things that would disqualify anyone else from running for president but doesn't seem to affect her.", '>>{EndAlltheJewz} : sorry if I scared you by "implying" a future you don\'t like, I\'m sure there\'s a liberalist Safe Space you can crawl back into', ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > don't think it reflects any actual animus. IMO that's why Trump *doesn't* get a pass. His questionable comments seem rooted in animosity; it's a far cry from something like a comedian playing with stereotypes.", ">>{theantagonists} : Except for his cognimaxx addiction that he admitted to on O'Reilly.", ">>{SpryAmoeba} : She has done 100 things that would disqualify anyone else from running for president but doesn't seem to affect her", ">>{bigfootplays} : Sorry to break it to you, /u/EndAlltheJewz but I'm not a liberal. Continue with the ad hominem though. It's pretty entertaining.", '>>{bigfootplays} : >Define "blatantly racist" Saying someone is unable to do their job because they\'re of Mexican heritage.', ">>{axelrod_squad} : Complete bullshit. Rubio, Cruz, a bush, Rand Paul...you're wrong", '>>{bigfootplays} : I figured I\'d speak to "EndAllTheJewz" in his native language.', '>>{Time4Red} : What the other guy said, suggesting that a judge cannot do his job because of ethnicity. It would be fine to suggest bias because of the judges previous statements regarding immigration, but to suggest his ethnicity itself is to blame crosses the line.', ">>{bigfootplays} : RCP doesn't include internet based polls. Landlines are inaccurate, and they include Rasmussen, which is notoriously bad. Regardless, that aggregate only ever showed him up 0.1 points. If you consider that leading, there's no point in debating this.", ">>{bigfootplays} : Interestingly enough, Trump never mentioned La Raza. He went straight to mentioning the guy's race. I wonder why... Sidenote: That is racist by most people's standards, as shown by the polls after his comments.", '>>{bigfootplays} : Also true. Are you attempting to make a point here?', '>>{EndAlltheJewz} : > only ever showed him up 0.1 points. If you consider that leading, there\'s no point in debating this. remember when I made that crazy prediction "you\'ll scream POLLS DON\'T MATTER, MARGIN OF ERROR, etc. etc." guess I had no idea what I was talking about huh, better put me in my place with some more 4chan memes and accuse me of some more logical fallacies', '>>{BatCountry9} : Jeb is a competent politician and on the less-crazy side of the GOP. He was just a terrible nervous wreck of a candidate. In a normal year he would probably do quite well.', ">>{bigfootplays} : You seemed to have conveniently disregarded everything else I said. He was only up 0.1 points after the aggregate didn't even include several reputable polls that showed him down.", ">>{BatCountry9} : An oil rig maybe. Or the clown in a dunk tank. Someone in a play about Tourette's syndrome. Bob Saget.", '>>{Time4Red} : >Trump criticized Curiel, whose parents emigrated from Mexico, months ago. But he stepped up those broadsides in late May after clinching the nomination. Among the criticisms, Trump said the judge is biased against him and should recuse himself from the fraud case because the billionaire wants to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. >**Nearly six in 10 voters in each of the three states deemed that "racist,"** compared to about one-third who did not, the poll found. That hurts Trump in states with high Hispanic populations like the Sunshine State, Brown said. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2016/06/21/racist-comments-federal-judge-hurt-donald-trump-florida-ohio/86172262/', ">>{TheSubredditPolice} : > RCP doesn't include internet based polls. Landlines are inaccurate, and they include Rasmussen, which is notoriously bad. Regardless, that aggregate only ever showed him up 0.1 points. If you consider that leading, there's no point in debating this. [so then](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4rc5bg/he_has_said_100_things_that_would_disqualify/d4zv65c)", ">>{AnonymousMaleZero} : Cruz is a ultra Christian with terrible public policy views Rubio is the same only he turned his back on his people Rand is a shadow of his father and is nothing but a talking head Bush was the only one but he couldn't stand up to a strong breeze I would have voted for none of them", ">>{MoonManComes} : That Hillary Clinton has broken federal law is not up to debate, the only thing which is left unanswered is whether or not there's enough evidence to prove gross negligence (or worse) in a court.", ">>{Time4Red} : But the poll I cited was about the general electorate, not Democratic voters. Isn't that more relevant? It suggests that average Americans think Trump's comments were racist.", ">>{Time4Red} : General election polls are taken in ways that seek an accurate sample that is representative of the population. You said it yourself, 50% thought it was racist. I assume around 10% were unsure and 30-40% of the general electorate thought it wasn't racist. You just proved my point.", ">>{Time4Red} : No, I disagree. I believe in aggregating polls, since one is never accurate. So I would split the difference and say that 55% think it's racist. The majority certainly do. Does it change anyone's opinion of Trump? No. It might make it harder for some to stomach voting for him.", ">>{MessisTaxAccountant} : you'll scream POLLS DON'T MATTER, MARGIN OF ERROR, etc. etc. AKA, what Trump supporters have been saying for the past 2 months?", '>>{intelligentfolly} : Actually it does seem to affect him, he only got 44% of the primary vote in the Republican primaries and appears to be driving some moderate Republicans to third party choices. Also the vast majority of polls show Clinton easily defeating him. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html', '>>{EndAlltheJewz} : AKA, what Bernie supporters, Jeb! supporters, Cruz supporters, Rubio supporters, and everyone else like you has been been saying this entire election. Sorry if the truth hurts', '>>{JackOCat} : Lol guilty eh. Did you convict her yourself?', ">>{MessisTaxAccountant} : So you're arguing that it's bad when other people do it but not when you do it? You're not half as clever as you think on this", '>>{Epyon214} : Then they are not listening. Trump has said 100 things that would disqualify anyone else, Clinton has done 100 things that would disqualify anyone else, Johnson has lost my interest by showing he has no perspective on this.', ">>{Broody87} : > Lol. He is a member of La Raza.....a racist organization. This again.. yeah, except, he isn't...", ">>{swejeht4} : No, internet polls are inaccurate because they skew to the views of the young who don't actually vote.", ">>{Quexana} : Name one thing Trump has said that should disqualify him? Remember, if there's nothing he said that rises to the level of indictment, there's no reason not to vote for him. Welcome to the new reality of politics!", '>>{NorCalSportsFan} : >Johnson said if he were president, he\'d sign the deal into action based on his advisers\' recommendations. "I\'m being told that the Trans-Pacific Partnership would, in fact, advance free trade, and so I would support that document," he said. Wow, what a tool.'], ['>>{Samuel311fan} : Report: Kremlin Propaganda Network Attacks Fracking to Boost Russian Energy Interests', ">>{Samuel311fan} : I'm sure what that means, perhaps you meant to say the Donald Trump is your president, because... he is.", ">>{GrandPumba} : No this is probably true. The Russian economy is very heavily reliant on fossil fuel extraction and US fracking reduces the global price of oil and hurts the Russian economy. Considering Trump's push for the fossil fuel industry this could be a problem for the Trump\\Putin spooning. Unless Trump gets on his knees for Putin again.", '>>{GaryRuppert} : **Achievement Unlocked**: Claimed your opponents are secret Russians', ">>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : I wouldn't call anti-fracking arguments propaganda. I would call any argument in support of fracking propaganda, however.", ">>{dariusorfeed} : You realize they've been doing this shit for years, right? Like I don't get why this is so hard for you people to accept, http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21643222-who-backs-putin-and-why-kremlins-pocket They fund various far left/far right parties in Europe. Russia might be a weaker country than us, but they're much better at this than we are because it's all they have. They're god tier trolls and amazing at manipulating political extremists. Putin even has his own Russian Donald Trump he uses to herd his own crazies. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/10/19/meet-russias-donald-trump-commentary.html", '>>{GaryRuppert} : maybe I shoulda told my teacher that the Russians ate my homework', ">>{Samuel311fan} : Of course you would, because that's exactly how liberal logic works: If you don't agree with it, call it propaganda! This is the same type of thinking that has convinced people that AGW is real.", ">>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : I'm not a liberal. I clearly don't like fracking. Not sure how you interpreted that as me being a liberal. And anthropogenic global warming is irrelevant, because anthropogenic pollution is still damaging the environment. It pollutes the air we need to breathe in order to live, and the water we need to drink in order to live. Not sure why anybody would have a problem with policies that protect those things.", ">>{Samuel311fan} : I'm all for a cleaner planet, but I'm not for the global elitist policies that is the myth of man-made climate change. My point was that there is a strong misinformation campaign that spews garbage about AGW.", '>>{Harlangn} : Nah. Russian-baiting only works to promote a neo-liberal agenda. Tell your teachers that their union is supported by the Kremlin and that its our patriotic duty to close public schools in favor of charters.', ">>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : There's data indicating that an increase in things like methane and carbon into the atmosphere has a direct correlation with weather changes. Is that not proof enough that human activity can cause climate change?", ">>{Samuel311fan} : No, because those agencies are heavily biased. They only receive money IF their findings prove that human activity causes climate change. There have been multiple situations where environmental organizations have been caught [manipulating data ](http://www.climatedepot.com/2016/05/14/new-climate-scandal-called-worse-than-climategate-new-emails-released-clear-conspiracy-to-avoid-foia-use-public-money-top-un-scientist-u-s-senator-entangled/) ([including NASA](http://principia-scientific.org/nasa-exposed-in-massive-new-climate-data-fraud/) ) Those scammed findings affect us all because they are used to promote public policy. You have been lied to, truth is nobody knows and if they say the do they're just lying. I don't claim to know the answer, but I will not take what the *so-called* climate scientists say at face-value because they have their own agenda. Truth of the matter is the Global Elites behind climate change wants to do three things: - enforce a global carbon tax (which will lead to a global organization in charge, possible the UN) - control overpopulation (like enforcing one-child laws) - reduce our quality of life (not using good ACs, or driving sports cars because they burn fuel, etc) Nobody knows, but let's work together to find out and just because somebody is skeptical doesn't mean they are a big bad scary *denier*.", ">>{JLTuttoilmondo_II} : I know these agencies deal in worst-case scenarios, and yes, that is very biased. I don't claim to know anything in regards to if anthropogenic global warming is an actual thing, but humans have been known to change the environment around them, and that's where I find it hard to believe that it doesn't exist, at least to some extent. Deforestation itself has an affect on the environment. And then there's stuff like acid rain and smog. I agree with you, though. The points you make are very valid."]]
classify and reply
[">>{Cressida_Sybil} : Comey: I know when I'm going to cause a 'storm'", '>>{elconquistador1985} : >During a question-and-answer session, Comey said he regretted that the FBI confused people with decisions like announcing the reopening of an investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton\'s email practices as secretary of state, but attributed their confusion to partisan blinders. >"People sometimes look at me and say, \'Look at what you did, look at what you did,\'" Comey said. "Most people are wearing glasses that filter the world according to (their) side." Such bullshit. You can\'t spend all of your time saying how you can\'t and won\'t comment on investigations close to the election and then **comment on one**. Bullshit. You can\'t act surprised when people see through that and blame them for being partisan.', '>>{-This-Is-Awkward-} : > "I know that when I make a hard decision, a storm is going to follow," Comey said at the Intelligence and National Security Alliance Leadership dinner. "Honestly, I don\'t care." Still waiting for an answer as to why it was so imperative to inform the world that information was found on Anthony Wiener\'s computer that may be pertinent to the Clinton investigation as *soon* as they found it... even though it turned out to be nothing. Meanwhile, an active investigation into Trump\'s campaign\'s involvement with Russia\'s manipulation of our democratic process had been underway since July, and we were given no information on it. I\'d love to believe Comey is a man who follows the book and his convictions regardless of outcome, but I really can\'t make sense of that decision.', ">>{gabagool69} : Comey is such a partisan hack, I just can't figure out for which party.", ">>{Solterlun} : I still think that Comey's hand was forced re: the Wiener e-mails. And I don't find particular fault with his comments on Clinton after the conclusion of the investigation. I subscribe to Louise Mensch's lens of Comey.", '>>{GeneralTapioca} : The Comey party. He\'s a bit like the "late" Waldur Frey. Calculates the winning side, then follows suit.', '>>{carbon8dbev} : I see his ultimate motive as trying to preserve the integrity of the election process and trust that justice will eventually prevail. My guess is King Donny and his banana republican minions got inadvertently captured in multiple investigations of multiple shady people, some preceding the first failed fisa in july. Comey knew the buttery males could damage her but were small potatoes in comparison to the big picture. There had to be a peaceful transfer and the removal needs to be lawful.', '>>{nykos} : Lest we forget the he gave the letter to Chaffetz, who then leaked it.', '>>{rightseid} : It seems like it will be years before we have a sufficiently full picture on that, if we ever do.', '>>{errythangberns} : Did Comey release the letter or did he give it to Chaffetz who then leaked it?', ">>{FlappyChappy} : Read the letter. It was released by the FBI under FOIA. It is something I would send the intelligence committees if I were him. You probably would too. It was boiler plate. The issue isn't the letter- it's what was done with it after it was received. >Meanwhile, an active investigation into Trump's campaign's involvement with Russia's manipulation of our democratic process had been underway since July, and we were given no information on it. We weren't given information on Anthony Weiner either. It was leaked out of the intelligence committee. >I'd love to believe Comey is a man who follows the book and his convictions regardless of outcome, but I really can't make sense of that decision. That's like the 3rd time you put the blame on him. Look into it if you want to make sense of it and judge someone so harshly based on what? Political pundits? You shouldn't listen to them anyway.", '>>{elconquistador1985} : He gave the letter to several members of Congress and Chaffetz leaked it.', ">>{PathOfDawn} : This. We can't actually prove that Comey issued this letter maliciously. The public wasn't supposed to know about it in the first place. Had we not, it would have fizzled out just as it did and we'd have maybe heard a tiny peep about it months from now.", '>>{distinctvagueness} : See though, that memo not meant for the world was leaked by Jason "Bought a IPhone on the taxpayer dime and doesn\'t get why you can\'t afford health insurance" Chaffetz. Presumably any similar Trump memo didn\'t get leaked.', '>>{scycon} : Chaffetz 100% leaked it on Twitter. Comey was obligated to inform the oversight committee. Partisan hack Chaffetz then immediately scanned it and posted it.', ">>{allahfalsegod} : He's an ethical guy with a massive heightened sense of self importance. The FBI NYC office wasn't just leaking they actively campaigning for trump. He thought a public statement would negate it. It had the opposite effect.", ">>{myellabella} : Comey is the best example of Lawful Neutral that I've seen.", ">>{MZ603} : Wouldn't that indicate that maybe he isn't a partisan hack? I think there are a lot of moving parts behind the scenes that we won't know about for a long time.", ">>{gabagool69} : > Wouldn't that indicate that maybe he isn't a partisan hack? ^(*that's the joke*)"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Cressida_Sybil} : Comey: I know when I'm going to cause a 'storm'", '>>{elconquistador1985} : >During a question-and-answer session, Comey said he regretted that the FBI confused people with decisions like announcing the reopening of an investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton\'s email practices as secretary of state, but attributed their confusion to partisan blinders. >"People sometimes look at me and say, \'Look at what you did, look at what you did,\'" Comey said. "Most people are wearing glasses that filter the world according to (their) side." Such bullshit. You can\'t spend all of your time saying how you can\'t and won\'t comment on investigations close to the election and then **comment on one**. Bullshit. You can\'t act surprised when people see through that and blame them for being partisan.', '>>{-This-Is-Awkward-} : > "I know that when I make a hard decision, a storm is going to follow," Comey said at the Intelligence and National Security Alliance Leadership dinner. "Honestly, I don\'t care." Still waiting for an answer as to why it was so imperative to inform the world that information was found on Anthony Wiener\'s computer that may be pertinent to the Clinton investigation as *soon* as they found it... even though it turned out to be nothing. Meanwhile, an active investigation into Trump\'s campaign\'s involvement with Russia\'s manipulation of our democratic process had been underway since July, and we were given no information on it. I\'d love to believe Comey is a man who follows the book and his convictions regardless of outcome, but I really can\'t make sense of that decision.', ">>{gabagool69} : Comey is such a partisan hack, I just can't figure out for which party.", ">>{Solterlun} : I still think that Comey's hand was forced re: the Wiener e-mails. And I don't find particular fault with his comments on Clinton after the conclusion of the investigation. I subscribe to Louise Mensch's lens of Comey.", '>>{GeneralTapioca} : The Comey party. He\'s a bit like the "late" Waldur Frey. Calculates the winning side, then follows suit.', '>>{carbon8dbev} : I see his ultimate motive as trying to preserve the integrity of the election process and trust that justice will eventually prevail. My guess is King Donny and his banana republican minions got inadvertently captured in multiple investigations of multiple shady people, some preceding the first failed fisa in july. Comey knew the buttery males could damage her but were small potatoes in comparison to the big picture. There had to be a peaceful transfer and the removal needs to be lawful.', '>>{nykos} : Lest we forget the he gave the letter to Chaffetz, who then leaked it.', '>>{rightseid} : It seems like it will be years before we have a sufficiently full picture on that, if we ever do.', '>>{errythangberns} : Did Comey release the letter or did he give it to Chaffetz who then leaked it?', ">>{FlappyChappy} : Read the letter. It was released by the FBI under FOIA. It is something I would send the intelligence committees if I were him. You probably would too. It was boiler plate. The issue isn't the letter- it's what was done with it after it was received. >Meanwhile, an active investigation into Trump's campaign's involvement with Russia's manipulation of our democratic process had been underway since July, and we were given no information on it. We weren't given information on Anthony Weiner either. It was leaked out of the intelligence committee. >I'd love to believe Comey is a man who follows the book and his convictions regardless of outcome, but I really can't make sense of that decision. That's like the 3rd time you put the blame on him. Look into it if you want to make sense of it and judge someone so harshly based on what? Political pundits? You shouldn't listen to them anyway.", '>>{elconquistador1985} : He gave the letter to several members of Congress and Chaffetz leaked it.', ">>{PathOfDawn} : This. We can't actually prove that Comey issued this letter maliciously. The public wasn't supposed to know about it in the first place. Had we not, it would have fizzled out just as it did and we'd have maybe heard a tiny peep about it months from now.", '>>{distinctvagueness} : See though, that memo not meant for the world was leaked by Jason "Bought a IPhone on the taxpayer dime and doesn\'t get why you can\'t afford health insurance" Chaffetz. Presumably any similar Trump memo didn\'t get leaked.', '>>{scycon} : Chaffetz 100% leaked it on Twitter. Comey was obligated to inform the oversight committee. Partisan hack Chaffetz then immediately scanned it and posted it.', ">>{allahfalsegod} : He's an ethical guy with a massive heightened sense of self importance. The FBI NYC office wasn't just leaking they actively campaigning for trump. He thought a public statement would negate it. It had the opposite effect.", ">>{myellabella} : Comey is the best example of Lawful Neutral that I've seen.", ">>{MZ603} : Wouldn't that indicate that maybe he isn't a partisan hack? I think there are a lot of moving parts behind the scenes that we won't know about for a long time.", ">>{gabagool69} : > Wouldn't that indicate that maybe he isn't a partisan hack? ^(*that's the joke*)"]]
classify and reply
['>>{holydonut2k1} : Not only is Lily going out of business, they have been accused of false advertising by California District Attorneys', '>>{holydonut2k1} : Quote: "On Thursday, prosecutors filed a civil law enforcement action and temporary restraining order in San Francisco Superior Court, demanding Lily repay about $34 million to 60,000 customers who preordered the drones. Prosecutors accuse the company of false advertising. This includes misleading customers with a promotional video whose images were not taken by a Lily drone but instead a much more expensive camera drone requiring two people to operate instead of one, according to court document." u/adult_human was an actor for a Lily commercial and provided commentary about his or her experience in another Reddit thread. Edit... allegation that the founder knew Lily wasn\'t filming the key aerial shots and wanted reassurance that post production edits would hide this from viewers. http://imgur.com/5Je7M0K', '>>{Grippler} : >Prosecutors accuse the company of false advertising. This includes misleading customers with a promotional video whose images were not taken by a Lily drone but instead a much more expensive camera drone *every* company out there make things look better in promotional material than the actual product does in real life, this has sadly become a standard.', ">>{G35} : Crazy, there was a comment from someone claiming to be an actor in their ad in the other thread. He also claimed that it wasn't a prototype but piloted drone.", '>>{holydonut2k1} : How many companies leave email chains like this? http://m.imgur.com/5Je7M0K', '>>{Grippler} : Is this any worse than for example hello games with their "no man\'s sky" travesty? They blatantly lied publicly about in-game footage, that turned out to be a scripted recording and have nothing to do with actual gameplay. They didn\'t get charged with false advertising. I mean, both these examples deserve it though.', '>>{bobsbountifulburgers} : So basically a CA DA wants to get his name in the paper', ">>{Einsteins_coffee_mug} : Yeah. You ever eat a Big Mac that looked like a fuckin Big Mac? Milk in cereal photos is sometimes elmers glue. Screen images on ads for TVs and phones are simulated. Of course you'll want to make your product look great in ads. But putting some makeup on and getting the right lighting is much different than a complete bait and switch I'd say. There's gotta be a line between beautifying a product, and claiming it's something it never will be. Like your NMS example, sure the cutscenes and in game graphics will be specifically selected (and sometimes simulated) in most game trailers and differ from the teaser or release ads slightly, but to claim a laundry list of features and deliver a completely different product is something else. And that's a standard procedure we shouldn't allow to continue.", ">>{Sam-Gunn} : In order to sell our product as something better than a GoPro, we're gonna just use a go pro to take the pictures! It's totally fine!", ">>{Grippler} : I think the line is already too far away, and companies can alter their products way too much in advertisement and claim it's just beautifying. I think commercials and ads should represent the realistic presentation of the product, and this includes all industries. And the scenes used to advertise NMS weren't just selected specifically, they were produced and had nothing to do with how the game actually worked or looked. They portray capabilities that it does not, and cannot achieve, just like this drone with the video.", '>>{Einsteins_coffee_mug} : That was exactly my position. To clear up my poor wording perhaps, I meant that NMS differs from *most* game trailers who do use strategically rendered clips that may or may not be done using the actual game engine in the fact that the core gameplay was vastly different, not just a polishing of graphics you might not experience. And yeah I agree, the standard of "acceptable" is already pretty low.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{holydonut2k1} : Not only is Lily going out of business, they have been accused of false advertising by California District Attorneys', '>>{holydonut2k1} : Quote: "On Thursday, prosecutors filed a civil law enforcement action and temporary restraining order in San Francisco Superior Court, demanding Lily repay about $34 million to 60,000 customers who preordered the drones. Prosecutors accuse the company of false advertising. This includes misleading customers with a promotional video whose images were not taken by a Lily drone but instead a much more expensive camera drone requiring two people to operate instead of one, according to court document." u/adult_human was an actor for a Lily commercial and provided commentary about his or her experience in another Reddit thread. Edit... allegation that the founder knew Lily wasn\'t filming the key aerial shots and wanted reassurance that post production edits would hide this from viewers. http://imgur.com/5Je7M0K', '>>{Grippler} : >Prosecutors accuse the company of false advertising. This includes misleading customers with a promotional video whose images were not taken by a Lily drone but instead a much more expensive camera drone *every* company out there make things look better in promotional material than the actual product does in real life, this has sadly become a standard.', ">>{G35} : Crazy, there was a comment from someone claiming to be an actor in their ad in the other thread. He also claimed that it wasn't a prototype but piloted drone.", '>>{holydonut2k1} : How many companies leave email chains like this? http://m.imgur.com/5Je7M0K', '>>{Grippler} : Is this any worse than for example hello games with their "no man\'s sky" travesty? They blatantly lied publicly about in-game footage, that turned out to be a scripted recording and have nothing to do with actual gameplay. They didn\'t get charged with false advertising. I mean, both these examples deserve it though.', '>>{bobsbountifulburgers} : So basically a CA DA wants to get his name in the paper', ">>{Einsteins_coffee_mug} : Yeah. You ever eat a Big Mac that looked like a fuckin Big Mac? Milk in cereal photos is sometimes elmers glue. Screen images on ads for TVs and phones are simulated. Of course you'll want to make your product look great in ads. But putting some makeup on and getting the right lighting is much different than a complete bait and switch I'd say. There's gotta be a line between beautifying a product, and claiming it's something it never will be. Like your NMS example, sure the cutscenes and in game graphics will be specifically selected (and sometimes simulated) in most game trailers and differ from the teaser or release ads slightly, but to claim a laundry list of features and deliver a completely different product is something else. And that's a standard procedure we shouldn't allow to continue.", ">>{Sam-Gunn} : In order to sell our product as something better than a GoPro, we're gonna just use a go pro to take the pictures! It's totally fine!", ">>{Grippler} : I think the line is already too far away, and companies can alter their products way too much in advertisement and claim it's just beautifying. I think commercials and ads should represent the realistic presentation of the product, and this includes all industries. And the scenes used to advertise NMS weren't just selected specifically, they were produced and had nothing to do with how the game actually worked or looked. They portray capabilities that it does not, and cannot achieve, just like this drone with the video.", '>>{Einsteins_coffee_mug} : That was exactly my position. To clear up my poor wording perhaps, I meant that NMS differs from *most* game trailers who do use strategically rendered clips that may or may not be done using the actual game engine in the fact that the core gameplay was vastly different, not just a polishing of graphics you might not experience. And yeah I agree, the standard of "acceptable" is already pretty low.']]
classify and reply
[">>{readerseven} : Former KKK leader David Duke qualifies for debate in Louisiana's US Senate race", ">>{truthhurts4444} : But don't worry, it's not like the rise of Trumpism hasn't emboldened racists nationwide!", '>>{Wormwood03} : As a Louisianan, trust me David Duke didnt need Trump. He has been haunting us for years. He would have ran without Trump ever coming on the scene', ">>{AFrustratedIdealist} : For those who like AdBlock, here's a separate news source: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/kkk-leader-david-duke-qualifies-louisiana-us-senate/story?id=42968595", '>>{McNuttyNutz} : iOS 10 Concept Features Dark Mode, Split Screen for iPhone', '>>{_heisenberg__} : I think we all would at this point. Having a dark mode is one of the reasons why I jailbreak. I would love to see apple really implement one.', ">>{Soulsoundsurfer919} : I really hope next week we see this official! Can't wait to use a dark mode on iOS, it be the best user enhanced feature on iOS 10 feature list. Fingers crossed ✌🏼", '>>{Fluidfox} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5958 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/66599)', '>>{DavidfCo1995} : As a new iPhone user, this would be pretty sweet.', ">>{paulrobert89} : What makes someone special? I suppose it all depends It's what's unique in each of us That we all share as friends The difference is our differences Maybe smaller great, Variety add spice to life So we should celebrate In harmony, Harmony You're you, i'm me Together we Can live in harmony If there was only one note How boring life would be I'm glad there are so many notes In many different keys I hear each voice singing With a special quality And when we sing together we Bring music to the sea", '>>{Exwind} : This would make the 7Plus or whatever it will be my goto phone when it comes out. Between proper landscape mode, Hey Siri, Force Touch, and these two things...', '>>{lefferts} : Can some explain the benefits of dark mode? Why do people want this so badly?', ">>{SteelFlexInc} : For some, it looks cool. For others, it's MUCH less stressful on the eyes in dark environments. To see for yourself check out night mode in Reddit Enhancement Suite, Alien Blue, or Reddit for iOS for example and go in a dark room. It's easier on your eyes than a bright white interface like what iOS has in a lot of places.", ">>{TheDarkKnight436} : On iPhones, using the phone at night is almost impossible because of the screen and ios's largely white theme. With a dark mode, the screen puts less strain on your eyes as the main color on the screen is black, not white.", ">>{ryangehret} : I have dark skins for websites I visit at night on Chrome so it's easier on my eyes. Would love to have something similar for the iPhone UI.", ">>{1fapadaythrowaway} : Couldn't they just ask him his opinions on minorities and Jews?", ">>{BabyPuncher5000} : I have no problem co-existing with blacks, asians, and jews in my community. It's only racist pieces of shit like you that I have trouble getting along with.", '>>{NewYooserMan} : This is a reaction to all the anti-white racism on the SJW left and the BLM movement. Good job, guys.', '>>{Ceedub260} : I would love dark mode. I work in a dark room at night. Most of my apps I use regularly have a dark mode. But then I switch over to text or Facebook messenger, and it kills my night vision. Sucks.', ">>{BabyPuncher5000} : Correlation is not causation. That said, I can't blame you for not understanding how that works, given that there is a high probability you're uneducated and don't understand how statistics work.", '>>{snack217} : David Duke is one of the reasons i believe freedom of expression should have his limits, why is someone like him out there? Why do people give him a voice? Just like the westboro baptist church, why is it legal for them to do the stuff they do? Freedom of expression shouldnt include Freedom of hate', ">>{Saltysweetcake} : Why does he look like his face is made of wax and it's melting off?", ">>{Lordmorgoth666} : I guess I'm m the only one who likes the idea of split screen on the iPhone? I have a 6s+ and would love to be able to be on Alienblue and have a small Netflix pane open in the corner.", '>>{hitorres} : Yes yes please! My eyes would be more than thankful for that darkmode', ">>{dark_delight} : If this existed, I'd only really need a jailbreak for background YT playback.", ">>{ry0ma0ki} : This is dark mode done right. I hate it when apps turn to pitch black with #FFFFFF letters, it just makes things harder to read. I'm just hoping Apple provides some sort of guidelines for third party apps, so that the blackness doesn't differ between apps.", '>>{RougeCrown} : on big devices sure, but i think it should be limited to 6+ and 6s+ and not for smaller devices.', '>>{talones} : youre thinking of Picture in Picture. Split screen literally splits the screen with a vertical line and an app on each side.', '>>{nutmac} : It is widely rumored that 2017 iPhones will adopt OLED screen, at least on larger model. OLED uses much less energy on pitch black screen, which is one of the main reasons Apple Watch UI uses pitch black background.', '>>{MinisterforFun} : Set to change according to the sunrise/sunset? Perfect. Hope OS X gets this too, according to native night shift.', '>>{CylonSpring} : Could the days of triple click and spoiled graphics be coming to an end? It is almost too much to hope for. I would use dark mode for everything that would support it, 24x7. SOOOOOO much better than the bright blinding glare.', '>>{CylonSpring} : Once you\'ve tried inverting to a dark background and light text, and discovered how much easier it is to read, how much less stressful it is on your eyes, you would never want to go back. Most people have just grown so accustomed to blinding white background all the time that they mistake this for "normal". It\'s not. You are killing your eyes and may not even be aware of it.', '>>{captmac} : This is what Apple does in a full version upgrade? My Blackberry had themes and alert profiles...two things still absent on iOS. Meh.', ">>{OptionalCookie} : I feel like an ass when I say this but really? Come up with something new apple. I've had split screen and dark mode on my note5 (I just skin a night theme), and my much older LG g3. No one likes to admit this but ios is trying to be Android now. I mean split screen? This is what I should expect from iOS 10? Instead of the same shit I already have on Android, why not something novel? I mean, they jacked the design from the galaxy s5 with the side mounted power button... Power saving mode just became a thing when it's been a thing on every Android phone I've ever had... Jacked flux and called night mode... Act like they invented long press with the 6s... The list goes on. I'm just waiting for something new from apple I haven't seen before in the iOS operating system.", '>>{Maxkhoon} : Dark mode will definitely complement my dark face plate :3', '>>{Lordmorgoth666} : I guess I was assuming that PiP, Slide over and Split Screen were part of the same feature set so if one was enabled, all 3 would be.', '>>{Lordmorgoth666} : I specifically went for a 6s+ just in hopes of split screen coming eventually. I figured if it was going to appear on iPhone, it would be on the + series.', '>>{mordacthedenier} : Actually side by side is only available on the air 2 or newer, so you could possibly have one but not the other.', '>>{ketsugi} : Nope. My iPad Mini has slide over and PiP but not Split Screen.', ">>{colacastell} : If anyone could implement a system wide and standardized dark mode, it's Apple. It would also be a perfect time now. If they manage to provide good tools for this to developers, a dark mode might be wide spread next year when an OLED iPhone comes out.", ">>{scapegoat81} : I'd get a + model in a heartbeat if they reduce the bezels along w/ the overall size of the phone & add an OLED screen. Fingers crossed for 2017's model", ">>{AxelTerizaki} : Enable the reverse color mode in the accessibility. You can switch it on and off with triple presso n the Home button. I use this everyday since I'm easily blinded by light and it's a godsend.", '>>{007meow} : Dark Mode + an eventual AMOLED screen = love.', ">>{Marino4K} : I really hope so. It's much nicer to the eyes.", '>>{peepeetchootchoo} : Reversed color mode is ok if app is b&w (or vice versa as long as you get it to be "dark mode") but if it\'s colored, be amazed.', '>>{scatmango} : I was thinking, if this update is going to be a "light" update, what Apple could do to sort of entice people to upgrade anyway. One of the things I came up with was split-screen or PiP a la the iPad Air + models.', '>>{lefferts} : I understand the benefits of dark mode during the night. But is it beneficial during the day as well?', ">>{Maliprimo} : Dark Mode? we've been inverting the colors for years now, people!", ">>{box-art} : I really hope it finally comes with teams :( I've wanted those for years.", ">>{greenspeek} : The only thing I really want is home screen widgets. I'm fine with iOS the way it is (I don't use Siri or most of the other stuff people usually have issue with). Dark mode would be cool however.", '>>{joel2905} : You can download the app Tubex, which is a YouTube player that supports YT background playback. Been using it for a while and it works great. Check it out.', ">>{SumoSizeIt} : Probably less so, and more down to personal preference. Occasionally I'll switch Alien Blue from dark to light mode when it's incredibly bright out so it's easier to see with screen glare, but generally I find it more pleasant to read light text on dark backgrounds day or night.", ">>{ZappySnap} : I'd love for Apple to have it work like split screen works on Android N. It's very smooth and fluid, and is nice for doing things like playing videos or other media in one pane ([like this ](http://i.imgur.com/1SP2xWK.jpg)), or for copying multiple things from a webpage into a text or note or something. You don't need a huge phone for this to be useful. Split screen is nicer on the iPads due to the bigger screen space for productivity, but it can be very nice even on moderately sized phones like the 6 or 6S.", '>>{crispix24} : It would probably be a horizontal line on the iPhone, like Samsung and the other phones that already have this feature.', ">>{Shitwascashbruh} : Damn that would be nice, along with a slightly thicker/flat sides so it's not a bar of soap, but the bezels may help that out", '>>{djlaxl} : Double and triple that for Tubex. The essential YT app in my opinion. Been switching back and forth the last few weeks from a 6S Plus to a Nexus 6P to an S7 Edge to a 6S and not having background YT is such a deal breaker on Android (without an Xposed tweak).', ">>{afropunk90} : dunno why you're getting dwnvoted. i love my iphone and i agree", '>>{MrW0rdsw0rth} : How do people make these cool concept videos? What software do they use?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{readerseven} : Former KKK leader David Duke qualifies for debate in Louisiana's US Senate race", ">>{truthhurts4444} : But don't worry, it's not like the rise of Trumpism hasn't emboldened racists nationwide!", '>>{Wormwood03} : As a Louisianan, trust me David Duke didnt need Trump. He has been haunting us for years. He would have ran without Trump ever coming on the scene', ">>{AFrustratedIdealist} : For those who like AdBlock, here's a separate news source: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/kkk-leader-david-duke-qualifies-louisiana-us-senate/story?id=42968595", '>>{Fluidfox} : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5958 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/66599)', ">>{paulrobert89} : What makes someone special? I suppose it all depends It's what's unique in each of us That we all share as friends The difference is our differences Maybe smaller great, Variety add spice to life So we should celebrate In harmony, Harmony You're you, i'm me Together we Can live in harmony If there was only one note How boring life would be I'm glad there are so many notes In many different keys I hear each voice singing With a special quality And when we sing together we Bring music to the sea", ">>{1fapadaythrowaway} : Couldn't they just ask him his opinions on minorities and Jews?", ">>{BabyPuncher5000} : I have no problem co-existing with blacks, asians, and jews in my community. It's only racist pieces of shit like you that I have trouble getting along with.", '>>{NewYooserMan} : This is a reaction to all the anti-white racism on the SJW left and the BLM movement. Good job, guys.', ">>{BabyPuncher5000} : Correlation is not causation. That said, I can't blame you for not understanding how that works, given that there is a high probability you're uneducated and don't understand how statistics work.", '>>{snack217} : David Duke is one of the reasons i believe freedom of expression should have his limits, why is someone like him out there? Why do people give him a voice? Just like the westboro baptist church, why is it legal for them to do the stuff they do? Freedom of expression shouldnt include Freedom of hate', ">>{Saltysweetcake} : Why does he look like his face is made of wax and it's melting off?"], ['>>{McNuttyNutz} : iOS 10 Concept Features Dark Mode, Split Screen for iPhone', '>>{_heisenberg__} : I think we all would at this point. Having a dark mode is one of the reasons why I jailbreak. I would love to see apple really implement one.', ">>{Soulsoundsurfer919} : I really hope next week we see this official! Can't wait to use a dark mode on iOS, it be the best user enhanced feature on iOS 10 feature list. Fingers crossed ✌🏼", '>>{DavidfCo1995} : As a new iPhone user, this would be pretty sweet.', '>>{Exwind} : This would make the 7Plus or whatever it will be my goto phone when it comes out. Between proper landscape mode, Hey Siri, Force Touch, and these two things...', '>>{lefferts} : Can some explain the benefits of dark mode? Why do people want this so badly?', ">>{SteelFlexInc} : For some, it looks cool. For others, it's MUCH less stressful on the eyes in dark environments. To see for yourself check out night mode in Reddit Enhancement Suite, Alien Blue, or Reddit for iOS for example and go in a dark room. It's easier on your eyes than a bright white interface like what iOS has in a lot of places.", ">>{TheDarkKnight436} : On iPhones, using the phone at night is almost impossible because of the screen and ios's largely white theme. With a dark mode, the screen puts less strain on your eyes as the main color on the screen is black, not white.", ">>{ryangehret} : I have dark skins for websites I visit at night on Chrome so it's easier on my eyes. Would love to have something similar for the iPhone UI.", '>>{Ceedub260} : I would love dark mode. I work in a dark room at night. Most of my apps I use regularly have a dark mode. But then I switch over to text or Facebook messenger, and it kills my night vision. Sucks.', ">>{Lordmorgoth666} : I guess I'm m the only one who likes the idea of split screen on the iPhone? I have a 6s+ and would love to be able to be on Alienblue and have a small Netflix pane open in the corner.", '>>{hitorres} : Yes yes please! My eyes would be more than thankful for that darkmode', ">>{dark_delight} : If this existed, I'd only really need a jailbreak for background YT playback.", ">>{ry0ma0ki} : This is dark mode done right. I hate it when apps turn to pitch black with #FFFFFF letters, it just makes things harder to read. I'm just hoping Apple provides some sort of guidelines for third party apps, so that the blackness doesn't differ between apps.", '>>{RougeCrown} : on big devices sure, but i think it should be limited to 6+ and 6s+ and not for smaller devices.', '>>{talones} : youre thinking of Picture in Picture. Split screen literally splits the screen with a vertical line and an app on each side.', '>>{nutmac} : It is widely rumored that 2017 iPhones will adopt OLED screen, at least on larger model. OLED uses much less energy on pitch black screen, which is one of the main reasons Apple Watch UI uses pitch black background.', '>>{MinisterforFun} : Set to change according to the sunrise/sunset? Perfect. Hope OS X gets this too, according to native night shift.', '>>{CylonSpring} : Could the days of triple click and spoiled graphics be coming to an end? It is almost too much to hope for. I would use dark mode for everything that would support it, 24x7. SOOOOOO much better than the bright blinding glare.', '>>{CylonSpring} : Once you\'ve tried inverting to a dark background and light text, and discovered how much easier it is to read, how much less stressful it is on your eyes, you would never want to go back. Most people have just grown so accustomed to blinding white background all the time that they mistake this for "normal". It\'s not. You are killing your eyes and may not even be aware of it.', '>>{captmac} : This is what Apple does in a full version upgrade? My Blackberry had themes and alert profiles...two things still absent on iOS. Meh.', ">>{OptionalCookie} : I feel like an ass when I say this but really? Come up with something new apple. I've had split screen and dark mode on my note5 (I just skin a night theme), and my much older LG g3. No one likes to admit this but ios is trying to be Android now. I mean split screen? This is what I should expect from iOS 10? Instead of the same shit I already have on Android, why not something novel? I mean, they jacked the design from the galaxy s5 with the side mounted power button... Power saving mode just became a thing when it's been a thing on every Android phone I've ever had... Jacked flux and called night mode... Act like they invented long press with the 6s... The list goes on. I'm just waiting for something new from apple I haven't seen before in the iOS operating system.", '>>{Maxkhoon} : Dark mode will definitely complement my dark face plate :3', '>>{Lordmorgoth666} : I guess I was assuming that PiP, Slide over and Split Screen were part of the same feature set so if one was enabled, all 3 would be.', '>>{Lordmorgoth666} : I specifically went for a 6s+ just in hopes of split screen coming eventually. I figured if it was going to appear on iPhone, it would be on the + series.', '>>{mordacthedenier} : Actually side by side is only available on the air 2 or newer, so you could possibly have one but not the other.', '>>{ketsugi} : Nope. My iPad Mini has slide over and PiP but not Split Screen.', ">>{colacastell} : If anyone could implement a system wide and standardized dark mode, it's Apple. It would also be a perfect time now. If they manage to provide good tools for this to developers, a dark mode might be wide spread next year when an OLED iPhone comes out.", ">>{scapegoat81} : I'd get a + model in a heartbeat if they reduce the bezels along w/ the overall size of the phone & add an OLED screen. Fingers crossed for 2017's model", ">>{AxelTerizaki} : Enable the reverse color mode in the accessibility. You can switch it on and off with triple presso n the Home button. I use this everyday since I'm easily blinded by light and it's a godsend.", '>>{007meow} : Dark Mode + an eventual AMOLED screen = love.', ">>{Marino4K} : I really hope so. It's much nicer to the eyes.", '>>{peepeetchootchoo} : Reversed color mode is ok if app is b&w (or vice versa as long as you get it to be "dark mode") but if it\'s colored, be amazed.', '>>{scatmango} : I was thinking, if this update is going to be a "light" update, what Apple could do to sort of entice people to upgrade anyway. One of the things I came up with was split-screen or PiP a la the iPad Air + models.', '>>{lefferts} : I understand the benefits of dark mode during the night. But is it beneficial during the day as well?', ">>{Maliprimo} : Dark Mode? we've been inverting the colors for years now, people!", ">>{box-art} : I really hope it finally comes with teams :( I've wanted those for years.", ">>{greenspeek} : The only thing I really want is home screen widgets. I'm fine with iOS the way it is (I don't use Siri or most of the other stuff people usually have issue with). Dark mode would be cool however.", '>>{joel2905} : You can download the app Tubex, which is a YouTube player that supports YT background playback. Been using it for a while and it works great. Check it out.', ">>{SumoSizeIt} : Probably less so, and more down to personal preference. Occasionally I'll switch Alien Blue from dark to light mode when it's incredibly bright out so it's easier to see with screen glare, but generally I find it more pleasant to read light text on dark backgrounds day or night.", ">>{ZappySnap} : I'd love for Apple to have it work like split screen works on Android N. It's very smooth and fluid, and is nice for doing things like playing videos or other media in one pane ([like this ](http://i.imgur.com/1SP2xWK.jpg)), or for copying multiple things from a webpage into a text or note or something. You don't need a huge phone for this to be useful. Split screen is nicer on the iPads due to the bigger screen space for productivity, but it can be very nice even on moderately sized phones like the 6 or 6S.", '>>{crispix24} : It would probably be a horizontal line on the iPhone, like Samsung and the other phones that already have this feature.', ">>{Shitwascashbruh} : Damn that would be nice, along with a slightly thicker/flat sides so it's not a bar of soap, but the bezels may help that out", '>>{djlaxl} : Double and triple that for Tubex. The essential YT app in my opinion. Been switching back and forth the last few weeks from a 6S Plus to a Nexus 6P to an S7 Edge to a 6S and not having background YT is such a deal breaker on Android (without an Xposed tweak).', ">>{afropunk90} : dunno why you're getting dwnvoted. i love my iphone and i agree", '>>{MrW0rdsw0rth} : How do people make these cool concept videos? What software do they use?']]
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['>>{Quiglius} : Sanders tries to rally supporters behind Clinton, but they remain wary', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Fox News, always spinning stories against Clinton. I wonder how they'll word their headline when she wins on Tuesday night.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Trump Wins Presidency ^\\(mostly\\)', '>>{itsnickk} : Yeah.. A vast majority of Sanders supporters have already switched to Hillary.', '>>{metalspring6} : Knowing how they\'ve been lately probably something like- "Clinton steals presidency from Trump"', '>>{internet_critic} : In two candidate contest Clinton comes second in reverse order!', '>>{USAOne} : We will deal with Hillary Clinton in office. She has to keep us happy or we will dump her next election.', ">>{thefunkeehomosapien} : I love love love Bernie. But I won't touch Clinton with a 10000 foot pole. Several of my friends and I in suburban ct have reluctantly switched to trump or 3rd party and the only person I personally know who will vote Clinton voted Kasich in the primaries", '>>{PM_ME_GAY_PR0N} : Oh wow, Fox. The epitome of fair and balanced. Please, all polls says that most ex Bernie supporters support Hillary. Keep on spinning though.', '>>{TexasFreedomFries} : Source? Exact statistics study, surveys, polls. And no 538 or Nate Cardboard nonsense.', ">>{NotAnHiro} : I'm definitely dumping her next election unless the other candidate is a Trump equivalent. Still, she's a lot better than Trump.", '>>{FakeeMcFake} : Bernie voter here. Write in Sanders voters are like the guy who said "Cubs still suck" this week.', '>>{Gddvvvfd} : What\'s priority number 2? Your goal of stopping Trump is only days away from being realized. After that, Bernie voter, what are you going to do to make progress? Bernie lost because the Dem establishment was mostly pro-Clinton. We need to vote in progressives, but more importantly we need to get progressives into positions of power in the DNC. It\'s clear from the primary that is the only path to the nomination. Next time we will be able to get a real progressive elected. I\'m not happy with Clinton but she\'s just hitting "pause" on progress, while Trump would be hitting "rewind". But we need to start looking ahead to 2024 (obviously no one is going to challenge Clinton from the left in \'20). In 8 years we could be looking at a real progressive president. Now is the time to start working towards that goal. I wish it could have been this year with Sanders. But it wasn\'t meant to be, so it\'s time now to start working for 2024.', ">>{shwarma_heaven} : Trump delivers referendum because Clinton didn't win every state....", ">>{Obomination} : I will never vote for the candidate who colluded with the DNC to cheat in the debates and steal the primary from Sanders. He was our candidate. Bernie supporters who plan on voting for Hillary should be ashamed of themselves. I would rather give the Presidency to Trump than reward Clinton and the DNC for what they have done. Clinton is Bernie's antithesis. Do you think Clinton will wage war against the corporate leaders of Wall Street for us? She will be grabbing so many briefcases under the table, it would make Nixon blush.", ">>{flyboyy} : They don't know it yet but they are going to vote for Trump. They will break down, do a little soul searching at the polling station and change their minds. You'll see.", '>>{startedbackin77} : Sure, your post history makes you seem like a Trump person.', '>>{POUND_MY_ANUS} : > Keeping that insane racist, sexist, xenophobic, sociopath out of the WH is priority number 1. THIS IS WHY IM VOTING TRUMP. MAGA.', ">>{USAOne} : Impeachment, though I don't think the GOP will have the numbers to even try.", '>>{takes_it_easy} : Going months back and I see nothing painting them as a "Trumpster," but that\'s probably the best you can come up with the discredit their negative view of Hillary. Face it, any Bernie supporter with a brain knows that Clinton stands for the opposite of what they wanted. http://truthfeed.com/video-bernie-supporter-hijacks-hillary-crowd-and-tells-them-not-to-vote-for-her/34110/', ">>{Craic_Cocaine} : Why the sudden hostility from the left over Nate Silver? Did he project a Trump win that I'm unaware of to send you all off into a tizzy?", '>>{Craic_Cocaine} : >If you at all care about the policies Sanders believe in, Neocon Warmongering (she has the endorsement of George Dubya), economic neoliberalism, corruption and scandal are all things that Bernie can believe and get behind?', ">>{Craic_Cocaine} : >On Iran, Please. Hillary wants to start a conflict with Russia over Syria. That's the worst/most realistic scenario for mass death of US life that we could possibly face. >And Trump wants to start a trade war by creating a 35-45% tariff. Many countries have protectionist tariffs; Most of the EU certainly does, and while I personally don't agree with protectionism myself, it's not some unprecedented prerogative that is unheard of. >Lets not forget that he allegedly Ok."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Quiglius} : Sanders tries to rally supporters behind Clinton, but they remain wary', ">>{dyzo-blue} : Fox News, always spinning stories against Clinton. I wonder how they'll word their headline when she wins on Tuesday night.", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Trump Wins Presidency ^\\(mostly\\)', '>>{itsnickk} : Yeah.. A vast majority of Sanders supporters have already switched to Hillary.', '>>{metalspring6} : Knowing how they\'ve been lately probably something like- "Clinton steals presidency from Trump"', '>>{internet_critic} : In two candidate contest Clinton comes second in reverse order!', '>>{USAOne} : We will deal with Hillary Clinton in office. She has to keep us happy or we will dump her next election.', ">>{thefunkeehomosapien} : I love love love Bernie. But I won't touch Clinton with a 10000 foot pole. Several of my friends and I in suburban ct have reluctantly switched to trump or 3rd party and the only person I personally know who will vote Clinton voted Kasich in the primaries", '>>{PM_ME_GAY_PR0N} : Oh wow, Fox. The epitome of fair and balanced. Please, all polls says that most ex Bernie supporters support Hillary. Keep on spinning though.', '>>{TexasFreedomFries} : Source? Exact statistics study, surveys, polls. And no 538 or Nate Cardboard nonsense.', ">>{NotAnHiro} : I'm definitely dumping her next election unless the other candidate is a Trump equivalent. Still, she's a lot better than Trump.", '>>{FakeeMcFake} : Bernie voter here. Write in Sanders voters are like the guy who said "Cubs still suck" this week.', '>>{Gddvvvfd} : What\'s priority number 2? Your goal of stopping Trump is only days away from being realized. After that, Bernie voter, what are you going to do to make progress? Bernie lost because the Dem establishment was mostly pro-Clinton. We need to vote in progressives, but more importantly we need to get progressives into positions of power in the DNC. It\'s clear from the primary that is the only path to the nomination. Next time we will be able to get a real progressive elected. I\'m not happy with Clinton but she\'s just hitting "pause" on progress, while Trump would be hitting "rewind". But we need to start looking ahead to 2024 (obviously no one is going to challenge Clinton from the left in \'20). In 8 years we could be looking at a real progressive president. Now is the time to start working towards that goal. I wish it could have been this year with Sanders. But it wasn\'t meant to be, so it\'s time now to start working for 2024.', ">>{shwarma_heaven} : Trump delivers referendum because Clinton didn't win every state....", ">>{Obomination} : I will never vote for the candidate who colluded with the DNC to cheat in the debates and steal the primary from Sanders. He was our candidate. Bernie supporters who plan on voting for Hillary should be ashamed of themselves. I would rather give the Presidency to Trump than reward Clinton and the DNC for what they have done. Clinton is Bernie's antithesis. Do you think Clinton will wage war against the corporate leaders of Wall Street for us? She will be grabbing so many briefcases under the table, it would make Nixon blush.", ">>{flyboyy} : They don't know it yet but they are going to vote for Trump. They will break down, do a little soul searching at the polling station and change their minds. You'll see.", '>>{startedbackin77} : Sure, your post history makes you seem like a Trump person.', '>>{POUND_MY_ANUS} : > Keeping that insane racist, sexist, xenophobic, sociopath out of the WH is priority number 1. THIS IS WHY IM VOTING TRUMP. MAGA.', ">>{USAOne} : Impeachment, though I don't think the GOP will have the numbers to even try.", '>>{takes_it_easy} : Going months back and I see nothing painting them as a "Trumpster," but that\'s probably the best you can come up with the discredit their negative view of Hillary. Face it, any Bernie supporter with a brain knows that Clinton stands for the opposite of what they wanted. http://truthfeed.com/video-bernie-supporter-hijacks-hillary-crowd-and-tells-them-not-to-vote-for-her/34110/', ">>{Craic_Cocaine} : Why the sudden hostility from the left over Nate Silver? Did he project a Trump win that I'm unaware of to send you all off into a tizzy?", '>>{Craic_Cocaine} : >If you at all care about the policies Sanders believe in, Neocon Warmongering (she has the endorsement of George Dubya), economic neoliberalism, corruption and scandal are all things that Bernie can believe and get behind?', ">>{Craic_Cocaine} : >On Iran, Please. Hillary wants to start a conflict with Russia over Syria. That's the worst/most realistic scenario for mass death of US life that we could possibly face. >And Trump wants to start a trade war by creating a 35-45% tariff. Many countries have protectionist tariffs; Most of the EU certainly does, and while I personally don't agree with protectionism myself, it's not some unprecedented prerogative that is unheard of. >Lets not forget that he allegedly Ok."]]
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['>>{publicenemy92} : People who grabbed the 256GB iPhone7, what do you need the storage for?', ">>{mustbepbs} : I got the 256 because that's all that was available at the Apple Store near me for reservations lol", ">>{DaveFalcon73} : Only 7 Plus that was available on pre-order day for me at 128gb or higher was the 256gb, 128gb was sold out so I opted for 256gb. My previous 128gb 6 Plus always had around 5-10gb free. I have a lot of podcast HD videos stored on my phone, around 50gb of music and I work for a SatNav company so lots of apps for testing with large maps, so I had to go with 128gb or higher. With 256gb I have around 130gb free, I doubt I'll use it all but hey at least I'm not going to run out of space anytime soon.", '>>{09qsk} : Photos and videos, from my drone and GoPro plus the iPhone itself. I back everything up on Google photos and iCloud but like keeping originals on my phone for quick access to them and not having to wait for them to stream', '>>{iBurnedTheChurch} : If I ever found myself in a situation that made me think "Oh gee Mister Whiskers, watching movies on this screen that\'s smaller than my cock sounds like a good idea!" I would really hope that there was a piece of rope or a very tall building nearby to end my suffering before the hallucinations get any worse.', '>>{Tackticat} : I have it so I don\'t have to worry about "other" storage, nor do I have make posts such as"how do I clear cache" or "I\'m out of space".', ">>{air_breezy} : I don't have a laptop to store and delete photos with so I need the extra gigs. :(", ">>{elektrobix} : I got it because i was too excited to wait a couple of weeks for the 128gb one! I do download a lot of TV shows though because out internet connection isn't always great for streaming.", '>>{odnalyd} : Photos and video. Went 64gb last year and the 4K video ate up almost all of it. Not gonna skimp this year.', ">>{TheHoundhunter} : So you spent an extra $100 on the phone, then saved >$1,000 on the laptop. I feel that is a ':)' type of situation.", '>>{TheHoundhunter} : I just wanted to never think about storage space.', ">>{TREDOTCOM} : The read/write speed is faster on the 256gb model. Apple doesn't list those kinds of specs, though, because it would probably just confuse most customers.", ">>{g_noob} : That's just the cache being larger for higher GB options according to Anandtech", ">>{RagnaFarron} : I legit only got it because it was the only one available in my area. I got it two days ago, restored and downloaded more apps since this will be my permanent phone til next year. I'm still sitting on 235 gbs of free storage rofl. Idk what to do with that much space lmfao", '>>{Kommanderdude} : Cause muhrica. Cause more is better. Cause muh phone muh rights. Lol', '>>{Musaab} : I got it for a couple reasons. 1) Because it was easier to get since people snatched up all the 128GB ones. 2) Now I don\'t have to even think about storage. I can just go wild and do videos, pics and apps and never think, "Oh no...I\'m running out of storage."', ">>{littlebluekid} : Music, videos, pictures, podcasts & apps. I've only ever had 16gb iPhones so I'm going all out. I never want to see you're out of space notification again!", ">>{whoamanwtf} : I can't buy that, the speed differences are too large for that to be the case.", ">>{PamZero} : 4k video, 10's of thousands of photos, and soon to be DJI Mavic media (or maybe the GoPro Karma)...", ">>{MAGGLEMCDONALD} : I have Apple Music and prefer to not stream so I download music constantly as I find new stuff to listen to, so I'd prefer to not have to manage my storage and just let it fill up. Same goes for my podcasts. They take up a ton of space and I listen to many podcasts so they fill up my phone when I download them. Same goes for photos. They take up a fair chunk. It's also nice to just download that take up a lot of space and just keep them on your phone instead of uninstalling and reinstalling it when I want to play it. In the end it's just comfort, peace of mind, convenience, and the fact that it was only $4 more a month and I got a great promotional deal on a trade in toward my phone, so it was a no brainer to go 256 for me.", ">>{bentspog} : I got it because why not? The price difference for me from the 128gb was $3 a month. I'll use it mostly for media as the others have stated. However, it's important to note that for solid-state storage, it's crucial to leave 30% of your storage as free space to allow the drive to function properly. Otherwise it will slowly slow down. I'm sure many have experienced this with the 16gb models.", ">>{Curri} : This is why I'm sticking with my unlimited data, too. Never had to worry about going over.", ">>{whoamanwtf} : Honestly... I probably don't I grabbed it because it was the only black plus I could get anywhere near me and I am impatient... I have managed to fill up 84 gigs though with games and music and movies, honestly some of which (mainly the movies) I would not have installed if it were not for the extra room.", '>>{megamilkybee} : You should get a lightning storage thing like ixpand that way you can use it like any other flash drive, it saved me a couple of times', '>>{Bo77as} : I got the 128 and wish I spent the extra hundred on the 256. Music and photos have more or less filled mine.', ">>{BretticusWins} : It's because there's physically more flash storage to write to, surely? It's the same with SSDs.", ">>{Juas003} : I got the iPhone 7+ 256gb because it saved me a month of waiting over the 128gb according to Best Buy website. I ended up getting it a week after I ordered in the last week of September so I didn't mind at all", '>>{SoSquidTaste} : Same. Optimize storage with iCloud Photo Library works fine for photos but it always takes way too long to pull down videos for me, even on good WiFi.', '>>{bunbunbunnybun} : I walked into a store the day after launch and the choice was either 256g or 32. I was hoping for 128 and would have settled for 64. My 16g was a constant battle of deleting photos and apps to make room for more. I was sick of it. In hindsight, i suspect 32g would have been OK for at least a year, but at least this way I never have to think about deleting anything.', '>>{myheaditches} : Yup, same here. Buy the 256GB Jet Black 7+ now, wait for the 128GB to show up in stores, or wait for my 128GB December 1-14 order.', '>>{Sh3n3l} : ..go wild and do videos.. sounds fun.', ">>{air_breezy} : I miss having a laptop though. There are many things I can't do on my phone... Or it is rather tedious on the phone. I'm just waiting on the new mac line up because I need to back up my phone! OTA restores take a lifetime.", '>>{air_breezy} : I actually never thought of that. Thank you!', ">>{air_breezy} : I'm subscribed to so many things and don't want to pay even more for cloud service. I already do and don't want to upgrade storage.", ">>{RestInPieces2} : That's a lot of music. How much of your phone storage is being used?", ">>{fresh_dan} : Currently I only have a 128GB and it has 110GB of music on it. My phone is completely full and at the moment I can't even take a picture. I want the 256GB so I don't have to worry about this for a while. I am not a big fan of streaming music, both because it requires data or wifi, and because I want to OWN the files I listen to so they can't be taken away from me (e.g. RDIO).", ">>{entropicamericana} : A very large music library because renting music is for suckas. Also, lots of photos, and I'm guessing 4K video, live photos, and 12mp photos will eat up a lot of space pretty quickly.", ">>{rmh86} : I was on unlimited 3G but changed over to capped 4G. Oh man I miss it so. I'd take an unlimited slower connection any day.", '>>{adrian_elliot} : In descending order of usage: music, photos+video, iMessage archives, apps', '>>{Gigabab3} : not so much the space, but the speed of the ram.', '>>{Nineand5} : Ability to carry all my music on my phone (118 gb) since I live in a area where my service is subpar. Main reason. Also download music videos to my phone via Apple Music. Carry my entire photo library on my phone 20gb worth and all my games.', ">>{tb3648} : I don't have this phone, but if I could afford it I would definitely get this much storage. I constantly have problems with not enough storage with a 64gb phone. I take a lot of photos and am a bit of an app hoarder. Also like to keep my entire music library on there if I was able to.", ">>{eMINIoh} : Last year I went from a 16GB iPhone 6 to a 64GB iPhone 6s Plus. I thought that would've been plenty of room but I managed to fill it up quickly with a lot of music and pictures/videos. I was desperate for space since like May, so I decided to go with the 256GB iPhone 7 Plus. I'm at about 85 GB used up already. I figured it gives me much more freedom with how much music I save, and photos/videos I can take. I did a couple 4K videos from a Kanye concert the other week that look/sound great and that was like 15 GB right there", ">>{ArchiveSQ} : Music. Music. Music. I don't like the idea of streaming and being left in the dark if my signal sucks, so I rip what I have in the highest possible quality. That and movies / tv for flights.", '>>{LittleBitGenghisKhan} : 60 gigabytes of music and 80 gigabytes of photos... not including the saved playlists from Spotify. Other stuff, like specialized maps, and databases, take up a shitton of space which I wanted to account for.', '>>{BeatsBud} : 256gb for the music, tired of having to delete and re-add music', '>>{edgarhavier88} : The 256gb iPhones not only have bigger storage but have been proven to be much faster than the other lower GB models', '>>{3y3-000} : I had a customer asked me with a serious face, how much porn can I fit in 128 gb?', '>>{TheHoundhunter} : I had just come back from a holiday in a country with poor Internet when I bought this phone. I spent a lot of the trip deleting apps to make room for the photos. But now I will have have to delete apps', ">>{Wdc331} : I got the 256 GB phone because: - I like having a decent collection of off-line music, podcasts, and shows available (I take Metro to work and don't get reception in the tunnels so having stuff offline is important). - I take a lot of pictures and videos (kid, amateur iphoneography stuff, etc). - I love trying out apps, so I always have a ton on my iPhone. My Iphone is really my primary productivity and life tool. I don't use an iPad and even for work I just use a basic PC that is more netbook (because everything is on the cloud). Because of how much I use my iPhone, getting the biggest capacity was a no brainer. I do use cloud stuff (Dropbox and Google Drive primarily), but I still wanted to make sure I could keep a fair amount of data on my iPhone."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{publicenemy92} : People who grabbed the 256GB iPhone7, what do you need the storage for?', ">>{mustbepbs} : I got the 256 because that's all that was available at the Apple Store near me for reservations lol", ">>{DaveFalcon73} : Only 7 Plus that was available on pre-order day for me at 128gb or higher was the 256gb, 128gb was sold out so I opted for 256gb. My previous 128gb 6 Plus always had around 5-10gb free. I have a lot of podcast HD videos stored on my phone, around 50gb of music and I work for a SatNav company so lots of apps for testing with large maps, so I had to go with 128gb or higher. With 256gb I have around 130gb free, I doubt I'll use it all but hey at least I'm not going to run out of space anytime soon.", '>>{09qsk} : Photos and videos, from my drone and GoPro plus the iPhone itself. I back everything up on Google photos and iCloud but like keeping originals on my phone for quick access to them and not having to wait for them to stream', '>>{iBurnedTheChurch} : If I ever found myself in a situation that made me think "Oh gee Mister Whiskers, watching movies on this screen that\'s smaller than my cock sounds like a good idea!" I would really hope that there was a piece of rope or a very tall building nearby to end my suffering before the hallucinations get any worse.', '>>{Tackticat} : I have it so I don\'t have to worry about "other" storage, nor do I have make posts such as"how do I clear cache" or "I\'m out of space".', ">>{air_breezy} : I don't have a laptop to store and delete photos with so I need the extra gigs. :(", ">>{elektrobix} : I got it because i was too excited to wait a couple of weeks for the 128gb one! I do download a lot of TV shows though because out internet connection isn't always great for streaming.", '>>{odnalyd} : Photos and video. Went 64gb last year and the 4K video ate up almost all of it. Not gonna skimp this year.', ">>{TheHoundhunter} : So you spent an extra $100 on the phone, then saved >$1,000 on the laptop. I feel that is a ':)' type of situation.", '>>{TheHoundhunter} : I just wanted to never think about storage space.', ">>{TREDOTCOM} : The read/write speed is faster on the 256gb model. Apple doesn't list those kinds of specs, though, because it would probably just confuse most customers.", ">>{g_noob} : That's just the cache being larger for higher GB options according to Anandtech", ">>{RagnaFarron} : I legit only got it because it was the only one available in my area. I got it two days ago, restored and downloaded more apps since this will be my permanent phone til next year. I'm still sitting on 235 gbs of free storage rofl. Idk what to do with that much space lmfao", '>>{Kommanderdude} : Cause muhrica. Cause more is better. Cause muh phone muh rights. Lol', '>>{Musaab} : I got it for a couple reasons. 1) Because it was easier to get since people snatched up all the 128GB ones. 2) Now I don\'t have to even think about storage. I can just go wild and do videos, pics and apps and never think, "Oh no...I\'m running out of storage."', ">>{littlebluekid} : Music, videos, pictures, podcasts & apps. I've only ever had 16gb iPhones so I'm going all out. I never want to see you're out of space notification again!", ">>{whoamanwtf} : I can't buy that, the speed differences are too large for that to be the case.", ">>{PamZero} : 4k video, 10's of thousands of photos, and soon to be DJI Mavic media (or maybe the GoPro Karma)...", ">>{MAGGLEMCDONALD} : I have Apple Music and prefer to not stream so I download music constantly as I find new stuff to listen to, so I'd prefer to not have to manage my storage and just let it fill up. Same goes for my podcasts. They take up a ton of space and I listen to many podcasts so they fill up my phone when I download them. Same goes for photos. They take up a fair chunk. It's also nice to just download that take up a lot of space and just keep them on your phone instead of uninstalling and reinstalling it when I want to play it. In the end it's just comfort, peace of mind, convenience, and the fact that it was only $4 more a month and I got a great promotional deal on a trade in toward my phone, so it was a no brainer to go 256 for me.", ">>{bentspog} : I got it because why not? The price difference for me from the 128gb was $3 a month. I'll use it mostly for media as the others have stated. However, it's important to note that for solid-state storage, it's crucial to leave 30% of your storage as free space to allow the drive to function properly. Otherwise it will slowly slow down. I'm sure many have experienced this with the 16gb models.", ">>{Curri} : This is why I'm sticking with my unlimited data, too. Never had to worry about going over.", ">>{whoamanwtf} : Honestly... I probably don't I grabbed it because it was the only black plus I could get anywhere near me and I am impatient... I have managed to fill up 84 gigs though with games and music and movies, honestly some of which (mainly the movies) I would not have installed if it were not for the extra room.", '>>{megamilkybee} : You should get a lightning storage thing like ixpand that way you can use it like any other flash drive, it saved me a couple of times', '>>{Bo77as} : I got the 128 and wish I spent the extra hundred on the 256. Music and photos have more or less filled mine.', ">>{BretticusWins} : It's because there's physically more flash storage to write to, surely? It's the same with SSDs.", ">>{Juas003} : I got the iPhone 7+ 256gb because it saved me a month of waiting over the 128gb according to Best Buy website. I ended up getting it a week after I ordered in the last week of September so I didn't mind at all", '>>{SoSquidTaste} : Same. Optimize storage with iCloud Photo Library works fine for photos but it always takes way too long to pull down videos for me, even on good WiFi.', '>>{bunbunbunnybun} : I walked into a store the day after launch and the choice was either 256g or 32. I was hoping for 128 and would have settled for 64. My 16g was a constant battle of deleting photos and apps to make room for more. I was sick of it. In hindsight, i suspect 32g would have been OK for at least a year, but at least this way I never have to think about deleting anything.', '>>{myheaditches} : Yup, same here. Buy the 256GB Jet Black 7+ now, wait for the 128GB to show up in stores, or wait for my 128GB December 1-14 order.', '>>{Sh3n3l} : ..go wild and do videos.. sounds fun.', ">>{air_breezy} : I miss having a laptop though. There are many things I can't do on my phone... Or it is rather tedious on the phone. I'm just waiting on the new mac line up because I need to back up my phone! OTA restores take a lifetime.", '>>{air_breezy} : I actually never thought of that. Thank you!', ">>{air_breezy} : I'm subscribed to so many things and don't want to pay even more for cloud service. I already do and don't want to upgrade storage.", ">>{RestInPieces2} : That's a lot of music. How much of your phone storage is being used?", ">>{fresh_dan} : Currently I only have a 128GB and it has 110GB of music on it. My phone is completely full and at the moment I can't even take a picture. I want the 256GB so I don't have to worry about this for a while. I am not a big fan of streaming music, both because it requires data or wifi, and because I want to OWN the files I listen to so they can't be taken away from me (e.g. RDIO).", ">>{entropicamericana} : A very large music library because renting music is for suckas. Also, lots of photos, and I'm guessing 4K video, live photos, and 12mp photos will eat up a lot of space pretty quickly.", ">>{rmh86} : I was on unlimited 3G but changed over to capped 4G. Oh man I miss it so. I'd take an unlimited slower connection any day.", '>>{adrian_elliot} : In descending order of usage: music, photos+video, iMessage archives, apps', '>>{Gigabab3} : not so much the space, but the speed of the ram.', '>>{Nineand5} : Ability to carry all my music on my phone (118 gb) since I live in a area where my service is subpar. Main reason. Also download music videos to my phone via Apple Music. Carry my entire photo library on my phone 20gb worth and all my games.', ">>{tb3648} : I don't have this phone, but if I could afford it I would definitely get this much storage. I constantly have problems with not enough storage with a 64gb phone. I take a lot of photos and am a bit of an app hoarder. Also like to keep my entire music library on there if I was able to.", ">>{eMINIoh} : Last year I went from a 16GB iPhone 6 to a 64GB iPhone 6s Plus. I thought that would've been plenty of room but I managed to fill it up quickly with a lot of music and pictures/videos. I was desperate for space since like May, so I decided to go with the 256GB iPhone 7 Plus. I'm at about 85 GB used up already. I figured it gives me much more freedom with how much music I save, and photos/videos I can take. I did a couple 4K videos from a Kanye concert the other week that look/sound great and that was like 15 GB right there", ">>{ArchiveSQ} : Music. Music. Music. I don't like the idea of streaming and being left in the dark if my signal sucks, so I rip what I have in the highest possible quality. That and movies / tv for flights.", '>>{LittleBitGenghisKhan} : 60 gigabytes of music and 80 gigabytes of photos... not including the saved playlists from Spotify. Other stuff, like specialized maps, and databases, take up a shitton of space which I wanted to account for.', '>>{BeatsBud} : 256gb for the music, tired of having to delete and re-add music', '>>{edgarhavier88} : The 256gb iPhones not only have bigger storage but have been proven to be much faster than the other lower GB models', '>>{3y3-000} : I had a customer asked me with a serious face, how much porn can I fit in 128 gb?', '>>{TheHoundhunter} : I had just come back from a holiday in a country with poor Internet when I bought this phone. I spent a lot of the trip deleting apps to make room for the photos. But now I will have have to delete apps', ">>{Wdc331} : I got the 256 GB phone because: - I like having a decent collection of off-line music, podcasts, and shows available (I take Metro to work and don't get reception in the tunnels so having stuff offline is important). - I take a lot of pictures and videos (kid, amateur iphoneography stuff, etc). - I love trying out apps, so I always have a ton on my iPhone. My Iphone is really my primary productivity and life tool. I don't use an iPad and even for work I just use a basic PC that is more netbook (because everything is on the cloud). Because of how much I use my iPhone, getting the biggest capacity was a no brainer. I do use cloud stuff (Dropbox and Google Drive primarily), but I still wanted to make sure I could keep a fair amount of data on my iPhone."]]
classify and reply
[">>{MyNameIsRay} : Trump victory tour: 'Thank you' or 'ego' trip?", '>>{nightbefore2} : Nowhere does this suggest he is a trump supporter, fuck off with your ridiculous click bait title', ">>{frigginfartface} : Zero chance it was a Trump supporter. He wasn't white.", ">>{JennysDad} : of course they are, any rational review of the actual facts reveals that the $400 million wasn't a ransom, it already belonged to Iran.", ">>{LBJ20XX} : Exactly. They aren't mutually exclusive. When I do something good at work I thank the people around me while they are giving me a reach around. It's a thank you and an ego stroke at the same time.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : And even if it were a ransom, who actually cares.', '>>{theRealRedherring} : the question itself illustrates the problem of electing a narcissist.', ">>{weightloss89} : Yeah, that's pretty sleazy. That's not the headline of the actual article. All anyone knows is that he's a veteran. Surely you can't make assumptions based on that.", ">>{dolphins3} : Not exact title. Appears to be a troll. There is no proof one way or the other for political motivations. Honestly not sure why this is even posted here, it's not like mass shootings are particularly notable news events in the USA.", '>>{MyNameIsRay} : Trump is set to be the first president-elect ever to go on a nation wide victory tour. In a tight transition window, where concerns were raised about how unprepared he and staff were to assume control, he will be out hosting victory rallies in multiple states, starting in Ohio tomorrow.', ">>{manzoire} : This comment is worse than the title, and that's saying something", '>>{SilverIdaten} : He should be going to blue states if he wants a tour, not furthering the divide between red and blue.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Using the campaign funds to purchase more Trump products.', '>>{wraithtek} : Thanks for the totally not-made-up headline, visitor from the_donald. /s Nobody sees this as a transparent attempt to piss off Trump supporters in this sub, by pretending that a liberal user posted this fake headline. /s We really appreciate your contributions to /r/politics; come back any time. /s', '>>{FUCK_THE_THALMOR} : Yes because they like other news outlets reported it when it happened.', ">>{IAmTheRedWizards} : Probably because it's just giving Iran back part of their own money.", '>>{frigginfartface} : Why is it that they\'re "white hispanic" when they shoot someone but they\'re the first "hispanic" Senator or first "hispanic" mayor?', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : It's also us policy to not negotiate with terrorists. It's also us policy to not overthrow democratically elected leaders. We do both all the time. And nobody ever really cares", ">>{wraithtek} : It doesn't. This is the_donald trying to troll this sub.", '>>{JennysDad} : you sound like you need a nice depressing movie... I suggest "Children of Men". Drink some wine and smoke a doobie.', '>>{BurnTheFascists} : Looks like he has a history of doing this, too. Two days ago he posted "Donald Trump might be the leader of a pedophile cult" here. Why the mods let him keep this shit up, I don\'t know.', ">>{wraithtek} : Please, tell us more about this, the_donald. I'm sure you're not just trying to piss off people in this sub. /s", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : It seems that if the 400 million wasn't given then the hostages weren't going to be released, I don't know what else you'd call it.", ">>{coffee_badger} : I'll take option 3: Opportunity to sell more hats", '>>{JennysDad} : The Iran deal was already in place... the Iranians were getting a lot more than $400m back. You can only spin it as a ransom payment if you ignore what was actually happening.', ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : If we want to actually analyze this seriously, he could have been Cuban which would mean about a 50-50 chance of it being a Trump supporter. However, who cares who they voted for. Something terrible happened and it's pretty insulting to the victims to discuss something who they voted for.", '>>{wraithtek} : Also, do you [main Hanzo](http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-mains-hanzo-billboard-overwatch-2016-10)?', '>>{i-am-sancho} : He\'s not going on a nation wide tour. He\'s only visiting the states that voted for him. He\'s not taking this opportunity to visit blue states in a show of unity. He\'s simply visiting the people who voted for him so he can hear their applause. I cannot wait for the "Lock her up" chants to start and watch him back peddle yet again.', ">>{KatiePuss} : I've seen them talking about this 4 or 5 different times today, what are you talking about?", ">>{gAlienLifeform} : I honestly wonder if he'll get anywhere near the deep south or do anything to shine a light on the wild fires that are ruining them right now. The whole tour's bullshit and a waste of time, but if he's committed to doing it anyway we should pressure him to use it to bring attention to something besides his own fat ass.", '>>{saillc} : Can we please, please get the mods to delete this fucking thing?', ">>{shhhhquiet} : You can't just give something a different name and change what it *is.* Calling this a 'thank you' tour doesn't change what it is. Calling putting your kids in charge of your companies a 'blind trust' doesn't make it one. *You are not magicians who can mold reality with your words.*", ">>{I_politics} : Don't worry - Pence will be in charge of everything while The_Donald is on his ego tour. hmmmm - do we call him President The_Donald after inauguration?", '>>{aaronchrisdesign} : Something Hitler would do after not winning the popular vote...oh, whats that? Hitler did do this? Weird, probably just coincidence.', ">>{Hillary2prizon} : I see you bought lying Josh Earnst talking points hook line and sinker. It clearly was ransom. The iranians were the ones that shot the video of a supposed secret deal and blew it back in obama and Kerry's face. This is not fucking part of money they were supposedly owed 40 years ago. That is a big fucking lie and since you believe that I have a bridge for sale cheap that you can buy", ">>{Cannot_go_back_now} : He's just keeping up with the Hitler stereotype, nothing to see here move along. /s", ">>{Smurderer} : I'm calling it now: He's going to charge admission.", '>>{AdalineMaj} : Ransom story False premise. They better ignore bullshit.', '>>{saillc} : Its a Trump supporter posting it trying to make liberals look bad.', ">>{fascism_kills} : Using language to shape reality is a political tactic. Pretty effective too...though as you imply, the simplistic version Trump uses doesn't work on people who know actual definitions of words.", ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : LoL, there's no question it's an ego trip. That describes the entirety of his 70 years on earth.", '>>{Kaladin2Hide} : You twist facts like the mainstream media. This does not belong here', '>>{Echost} : > This is not fucking part of money they were supposedly owed 40 years ago. Source? It just happens to be a totally unrelated 400 million than the 400 million we owed them?', ">>{Whipplashes} : Thats sure odd they wouldn't shut up about it till 4 PM.", ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Trump supporters are more likely to burn down black churches than shoot up an airport. Let's wait til all the facts come out before we rush to judgment.", '>>{ckopo} : More proof that leaving that shithole was the best thing I ever did.', ">>{Robvicsd} : Probably because it wasn't a ransom and no responsible news outlet would report it as such.", ">>{shakakaaahn} : Didn't he go down there during the flooding? It'd surprise me if he didn't go, really. It's one of the easiest and most effective PR moves. Just think Chris Christie after Sandy.", '>>{goldfish18} : If you look at what OP posted in the_donald, it looks like he was trying to bait people.', '>>{Whipplashes} : Is this yall guys new thing to just put "lying" in front of peoples name. It honestly makes yall look like children who can\'t have a reasonable conversation about issues real or imaginary.', ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : lol. You're joking right? That Church burning was a fake hate crime. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/12/fake-hate-arsonist-painted-vote-trump-black-church-black-member-congregation/", '>>{goldfish18} : Actually the black church that was burnt down was done by a black man. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/21/us/mississippi-church-fire.html?_r=0', ">>{ProjectAzar} : Yea I'm pretty sure this post is complete crap (not surprising coming from the source). I had CNN on basically all day today (because my life is boring and I am currently unemployed), and every hour-block dedicated at least 20 minutes to the story, including a chunk of time during their Libertarian Town Hall. So, officially, I am calling Shenanigans on this post.", '>>{CDXXRoman} : Trump says during his classified security briefing that he was shown video of Iran unloading the 400 million dollars. Either trump is lying or Trump just released classified information.', '>>{geniebear} : Also, each anchor they had today talked about it for at least 5-10 minutes of their hour show. Source: I watched a lot of CNN today', ">>{wraithtek} : Ooh, looks like he's deleted his recent the_donald submission/comments. Trying to hide his true feelings. Sad!", ">>{goldfish18} : > The arsonist has been identified as a black man who is a member of the church.[20] Also, that's just a list of attacks of black churches. I'm sure not all of them were attacks by white people. I don't have the time to research all of them, though. I'm not saying white people haven't burnt down black churches either, but you knew which attack you were referring to when you made your original comment and that one has been proven to not have been done by a white man.", '>>{MeatwadMakeTheMoney} : And Hillary supporters are more likely to kidnap autistic teenagers and torture them on video for being white. No one in Trump\'s camp supported burning down churches or even made excuses for it, meanwhile you\'ve got Don Lemon, the darling CNN leftist and a known party member with a huge audience, saying they weren\'t commiting a hate crime, that it wasn\'t evil, they were just some "misguided kids!". Oh, and let\'s not forget the reporter from CNN who was caught *laughing* at that video. http://vidmax.com/video/150912-SHOCKING-CNN-reporter-laughs-during-racist-Chicago-torture-video-report http://www.dailywire.com/news/12176/watch-cnns-don-lemon-says-torture-special-needs-frank-camp', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Yeah I'm sure they voted for Hillary, dummy.", '>>{MeatwadMakeTheMoney} : They were screaming "fuck Trump" through the entire video. I\'m sure they were totally not politically motivated. Stay informed, folks.', '>>{DebussySIMiami} : Yeah I heard they were working phone banks for Clinton just two months prior. What a simp.', ">>{Whipplashes} : I would ask for a source but I'm 90% sure you're just full of shit and spouting nonsense because you have no argument other than Benghazi, Trump Train, Wall 10 feet higher, or some new stupid thing being BASED.", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Yeah if they give it to Hamas to kill innocent civilians. Who cares?', '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : It is clear to everyone though that the money was part of the negotiations to release the hostages. US admitted as much.', ">>{Hillary2prizon} : ummm I have no dog in this race. http://video.foxnews.com/v/5069330703001/white-house-paid-iran-400-million-as-hostages-were-released/?#sp=show-clips Josh Earnst is a notorious lying SOB for Obama, that's his job I believe Iran more than Obama and Josh Earnest, the only people allowed to video tape and release videos in Iran are the Iranian govt its not like here. If it was supposed to be because of 1979 payback then why hide it during dead of night without telling congress which is against the law since congress has control of the purse, and why were the hostages released immediately after. There are no such things as coincidence. I would ask for your source other than lying Obama but Im 90% sure you're are just full of shit and will believe anything those two clowns sell you because they have a letter d after their name.", '>>{KenNotKent} : [From here:](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/08/04/questions-abound-as-trump-claims-to-have-watched-video-leaked-by-iran-of-the-money-transfer/) The Washington Post asked Trump\'s spokespeople to explain what Trump was talking about and emailed a link to a Fox News clip that showed the January footage from Geneva, asking if that was the video the nominee saw. "Yes," spokeswoman Hope Hicks responded in an email. "Merely the b-roll footage included in every broadcast."', '>>{Tchocky} : Are you OK? Is there something you want to get off your chest?', '>>{KenNotKent} : [Hey Buddy:](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/08/04/questions-abound-as-trump-claims-to-have-watched-video-leaked-by-iran-of-the-money-transfer/) The Washington Post asked Trump\'s spokespeople to explain what Trump was talking about and emailed a link to a Fox News clip that showed the January footage from Geneva, asking if that was the video the nominee saw. "Yes," spokeswoman Hope Hicks responded in an email. "Merely the b-roll footage included in every broadcast."', '>>{leontes} : Yes, releasing funds that Iran already owned was part of the negotiations.', ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : Oh man, you're actually talking about the video. In a thread about an article in the Moonie Times.", '>>{escalation} : The US froze their assets. We are releasing some of them, after holding their money hostage as a policy tool for the last few decades', ">>{son_of_noah} : I saw them cover it at least 5 times yesterday while I was watching it. I wouldn't exactly call that ignoring.", '>>{mhelweg} : Here\'s the issue with this story: The payment made to Iran was monies that were already property of Iran. Simply expediting the payment greased the wheels enough to retrieve our Naval officers post haste. NOW HERE\'S THE OTHER ISSUE: If you will take a few moments out of your reading, and examine every story which depicts any Democrat in a negative light, you will find over 90% of these "stories" were posted by accounts less than 5 days old. I am also aware I will get down-voted for this but **HEY FICTITIOUS REDDITORS! - GO SELL CRAZY SOMEWHERE ELSE - WE\'RE ALL FULLED UP HERE.**', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Would the hostages be released if the 400 million wasn't provided? If the answer is no then it was a ransom. I am not spining anything, if you dont think that terrorist are not going to look at this as a ransom hidden inside of a deal then youre in denial. This is going to put americans at risk of being kidnapped for money.", ">>{Hillary2prizon} : If it was supposed to be because of 1979 payback then why hide it during dead of night without telling congress which is against the law since congress has control of the purse, and why were the hostages released immediately after. There are no such things as coincidence. I would ask for your source other than lying Obama but Im 90% sure you're are just full of shit and will believe anything those two clowns sell you because they have a letter d after their name.", '>>{JennysDad} : you cannot pay ransom when the money isn\'t yours. "Hey, I\'ve kidnapped your daughter. Empty out my bank account and give me all my money or there\'s going to be trouble." Don\'t you realize how stupid that sounds?', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : please answer my question, instead of using a bad analogy. If the money wasnt provided would the hostage have been released? If the answer is no then explain how thats not paying a ransom. how does asking for someone to empty their bank account or else theres gonna be trouble sound stupid?', ">>{JennysDad} : so I point a gun at you, tell you to reach in my wallet and give me all the money I already have.... Can you see now? I say the money and the hostages weren't tied together, it was just a coincidence. Can you prove otherwise?", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : why wont you answer my question? you ignore the real issue here, regardless of who the money belonged to, if it was a part of the deal then what is to stop other countries from doing the same thing? If we have another countries money but havent paid them, what is to stop them from capturing hostages to get this money? I dont need to prove otherwise, our government has the responsibility to make it clear that we do not pay ransoms. we provided 400 million dollars and got 4 of our hostages in return. Now we risk others thinking that they can do the same exact thing. You think that they will care that they said that we didn't give the money as a ransom? they care that if they want money they can use hostages are as leverage.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : is this where you ignore me because you dont have a valid response? After telling me how stupid my argument is and that im twisting what happened?', '>>{JennysDad} : The US had unfrozen the money we had frozen due to the sanctions. The Iran deal included the unfreezing of the money being held. So please tell me how the hostages had anything to do with the money.', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : id like us to have an actual discussion instead of you just talking at me. That is the purpose of a discussion forum. So before we go further can you please respond to my questions? >why wont you answer my question? you ignore the real issue here, regardless of who the money belonged to, if it was a part of the deal then what is to stop other countries from doing the same thing? If we have another countries money but havent paid them, what is to stop them from capturing hostages to get this money? I dont need to prove otherwise, our government has the responsibility to make it clear that we do not pay ransoms. we provided 400 million dollars and got 4 of our hostages in return. Now we risk others thinking that they can do the same exact thing. You think that they will care that they said that we didn't give the money as a ransom? they care that if they want money they can use hostages are as leverage.", ">>{JennysDad} : So basically you're upset that more than one thing happened at a time?", ">>{JennysDad} : here https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/iran-releases-post-correspondent-jason-rezaian-iranian-reports-say/2016/01/16/e8ee7858-ba38-11e5-829c-26ffb874a18d_story.html >The coordinated moves cemented a major diplomatic victory for the Obama administration, which won significant nuclear concessions from Iran in an effort to defuse an international crisis that threatened to spark a new Middle East war. That's the story. If you want to discuss the story, that's the story.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : no im upset that we gave the narrative that we will pay for hostages to be released. Is there a reason you wont give your opinions on my questions? it seems like you are purposely going out of your way to do so. Ill try it this way, if you dont then its obvious that you arent trying to have a discussion. - Would the hostages have been released if we didnt provide them with the money? - if it was a part of the deal then what is to stop other countries from doing the same thing? - If we owe other countries money does this not tell them that they can get it by capturing hostage as leverage? - Should money ever be involved when hostages are being released, regardless of who the money belongs to?', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : youre justifying what happened because it helped with the Iran deal? another example of them using their leverage to put a stronghold on the US. you pay us the 400 million or the deal is done, even though they were not tied to each other.', '>>{JennysDad} : you are being disingenuous to separate out $400m from the entire Iran deal. The Iran deal was NOT a ransom payment. Are you really this obtuse?', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Where did I say that the Iran deal was a ransom payment? here you go again insulting me for no reason. the 400 Million was in regards to military equipment in the 1970s. the Iran deal is in regards to nuclear weapons. Two separate negotiations in regards to these that werent tied together until now. Get your facts straight before you go attacking me again. You haven't made one solid point this entire conversation and YOU STILL WONT answer my questions.", '>>{JennysDad} : >The money represented the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement the Obama administration reached with Iran to resolve a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal signed just before the 1979 fall of Iran’s last monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. >The settlement, which resolved claims before an international tribunal in The Hague, also coincided with the formal implementation that same weekend of the landmark nuclear agreement reached between Tehran, the U.S. and other global powers the summer before. You are right - they were not tied together, they were all just being wrapped up at the same time.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Yes I know im right because they used the Iran deal as leverage as I said. You should really inform yourself on this topic if youre going to go out of your way to insult someone online about it. For the last time ill point out that you have refused to answer my questions. Hopefully though you have a better understanding of this issue and how its a real problem.', '>>{JennysDad} : No, you are still being intentionally obtuse on this subject if you try to call the $400million a ransom : a sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner. I do not agree that the hague court decision, and our paying according to that decision, was a ransom payment.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : then answer my question, If the money wasnt provided would the hostages been released? if you say yes then I can see how you dont think it wasnt a ransom, if you say no then how do you say it wasnt a ransom just because other stipulations were involved?', '>>{JennysDad} : I believe Iran was using the hostages as leverage in the Iran deal, and it had nothing to do with the court ruling or the money owed. What the Iran dead did do was unlock the ability to transfer the money owed. So everything happened at the same time.', ">>{escalation} : Which two clowns? Clinton and Trump? I don't believe a damn thing either of them have to say. [Sanctions against Iran](http://iranprimer.usip.org/resource/us-sanctions) have a long history, and the taps have opened and closed numerous times in the last few decades. The financial deal was public knowledge as part of the deal to prevent Iran from almost immediately procuring nuclear weapons. Congress is bound by international treaties. The timing of the actual transfers is irrelevant.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : so then your answer is no, the hostages wouldnt have been released if the money wasnt provided. then yes that is a ransom, terrorist dont care about loopholes. They now know that money can be used to negotiate a hostage situation. Now Americans will have to live with that risk because theres pretty much a price on their head.', ">>{JennysDad} : First of all you're talking about the state of Iran, not a terrorist group. Also, they weren't hostages, they were prisoners (even if the charges were bulshit) and were used as negotiating pawns in the nuclear deal, but only because that was one of the very few leverage points they had, the timing of the release of the prisoners. So talk about that reality. Do you agree with the above?", '>>{MiketheMover} : They can talk about it, but they don\'t obsess over it like they do with Donald. There are no hard stares from the host as she intones "Shoooould heeeee apologize?" Why are we watching CNN? They are the enemy. Don\'t give assistance to the enemy. Boycott!!!', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : k im actually going to answer your question. Yes this is about the state of Iran, which has ties to terrorist groups more than any other country. They were hostages, who cares what title you put to it. They were used as leverage yes and that leverage gave them 400 million dollars that they wanted from a military equipment deal in 1979 that fell through because of their alliances with terrorist groups.', '>>{JennysDad} : > They were hostages, who cares what title you put to it you care very much that that title is used because it is central to your "ransom for hostages" fiction. Iran is a state, a large state with real power. They have opposed the USA since the 70\'s and have sponsored many terrorist groups in that time. They were also in the process of developing nuclear weapons. The USA had two choices, War or Diplomacy. Thank God President Obama chose diplomacy. The networks aren\'t going to run with your ransom bullshit story, it just doesn\'t stand up to scrutiny.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : I dont care what the MSM runs with, your concerns seem to be political , while mine are for the security of Americans. Like i said before no country, terrorist group is going to worry about how we spin what took place. The bottom line is that we paid 400 million dollars to Iran and got for citizens in return. The money shouldnt have been a part of the deal in anyway to get our citizens back. Now all Americans have a price on their head regardless on if we will pay a ransom in the future because this deal shows that theres the possiblity of it happening because they see this as leverage that they can take advantage of.', '>>{JennysDad} : you would rather have had Iran hold the prisoners for some amount of time until the other business had concluded? How long?', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : What are you talking about? What do you think you just proved? I'm aware of Kerry's statement, you're not aware of this issue at all I guess if you think this is some sort of gotcha piece right here.", '>>{JennysDad} : you seem to think that the diplomacy that went down with Iran is the same as negotiating with terrorists', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : No I don't, I think that by paying money to Iran and getting hostages in return will cause more Americans to be captured in hopes for the same outcome."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{MyNameIsRay} : Trump victory tour: 'Thank you' or 'ego' trip?", ">>{LBJ20XX} : Exactly. They aren't mutually exclusive. When I do something good at work I thank the people around me while they are giving me a reach around. It's a thank you and an ego stroke at the same time.", '>>{theRealRedherring} : the question itself illustrates the problem of electing a narcissist.', '>>{MyNameIsRay} : Trump is set to be the first president-elect ever to go on a nation wide victory tour. In a tight transition window, where concerns were raised about how unprepared he and staff were to assume control, he will be out hosting victory rallies in multiple states, starting in Ohio tomorrow.', '>>{SilverIdaten} : He should be going to blue states if he wants a tour, not furthering the divide between red and blue.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Using the campaign funds to purchase more Trump products.', ">>{coffee_badger} : I'll take option 3: Opportunity to sell more hats", '>>{i-am-sancho} : He\'s not going on a nation wide tour. He\'s only visiting the states that voted for him. He\'s not taking this opportunity to visit blue states in a show of unity. He\'s simply visiting the people who voted for him so he can hear their applause. I cannot wait for the "Lock her up" chants to start and watch him back peddle yet again.', ">>{gAlienLifeform} : I honestly wonder if he'll get anywhere near the deep south or do anything to shine a light on the wild fires that are ruining them right now. The whole tour's bullshit and a waste of time, but if he's committed to doing it anyway we should pressure him to use it to bring attention to something besides his own fat ass.", ">>{shhhhquiet} : You can't just give something a different name and change what it *is.* Calling this a 'thank you' tour doesn't change what it is. Calling putting your kids in charge of your companies a 'blind trust' doesn't make it one. *You are not magicians who can mold reality with your words.*", ">>{I_politics} : Don't worry - Pence will be in charge of everything while The_Donald is on his ego tour. hmmmm - do we call him President The_Donald after inauguration?", '>>{aaronchrisdesign} : Something Hitler would do after not winning the popular vote...oh, whats that? Hitler did do this? Weird, probably just coincidence.', ">>{Cannot_go_back_now} : He's just keeping up with the Hitler stereotype, nothing to see here move along. /s", ">>{Smurderer} : I'm calling it now: He's going to charge admission.", ">>{fascism_kills} : Using language to shape reality is a political tactic. Pretty effective too...though as you imply, the simplistic version Trump uses doesn't work on people who know actual definitions of words.", ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : LoL, there's no question it's an ego trip. That describes the entirety of his 70 years on earth.", '>>{ckopo} : More proof that leaving that shithole was the best thing I ever did.', ">>{shakakaaahn} : Didn't he go down there during the flooding? It'd surprise me if he didn't go, really. It's one of the easiest and most effective PR moves. Just think Chris Christie after Sandy."], ['>>{nightbefore2} : Nowhere does this suggest he is a trump supporter, fuck off with your ridiculous click bait title', ">>{frigginfartface} : Zero chance it was a Trump supporter. He wasn't white.", ">>{weightloss89} : Yeah, that's pretty sleazy. That's not the headline of the actual article. All anyone knows is that he's a veteran. Surely you can't make assumptions based on that.", ">>{dolphins3} : Not exact title. Appears to be a troll. There is no proof one way or the other for political motivations. Honestly not sure why this is even posted here, it's not like mass shootings are particularly notable news events in the USA.", ">>{manzoire} : This comment is worse than the title, and that's saying something", '>>{wraithtek} : Thanks for the totally not-made-up headline, visitor from the_donald. /s Nobody sees this as a transparent attempt to piss off Trump supporters in this sub, by pretending that a liberal user posted this fake headline. /s We really appreciate your contributions to /r/politics; come back any time. /s', '>>{frigginfartface} : Why is it that they\'re "white hispanic" when they shoot someone but they\'re the first "hispanic" Senator or first "hispanic" mayor?', ">>{wraithtek} : It doesn't. This is the_donald trying to troll this sub.", '>>{BurnTheFascists} : Looks like he has a history of doing this, too. Two days ago he posted "Donald Trump might be the leader of a pedophile cult" here. Why the mods let him keep this shit up, I don\'t know.', ">>{wraithtek} : Please, tell us more about this, the_donald. I'm sure you're not just trying to piss off people in this sub. /s", ">>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : If we want to actually analyze this seriously, he could have been Cuban which would mean about a 50-50 chance of it being a Trump supporter. However, who cares who they voted for. Something terrible happened and it's pretty insulting to the victims to discuss something who they voted for.", '>>{wraithtek} : Also, do you [main Hanzo](http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-mains-hanzo-billboard-overwatch-2016-10)?', '>>{saillc} : Can we please, please get the mods to delete this fucking thing?', '>>{saillc} : Its a Trump supporter posting it trying to make liberals look bad.', '>>{Kaladin2Hide} : You twist facts like the mainstream media. This does not belong here', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Trump supporters are more likely to burn down black churches than shoot up an airport. Let's wait til all the facts come out before we rush to judgment.", '>>{goldfish18} : If you look at what OP posted in the_donald, it looks like he was trying to bait people.', ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : lol. You're joking right? That Church burning was a fake hate crime. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/12/fake-hate-arsonist-painted-vote-trump-black-church-black-member-congregation/", '>>{goldfish18} : Actually the black church that was burnt down was done by a black man. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/21/us/mississippi-church-fire.html?_r=0', ">>{wraithtek} : Ooh, looks like he's deleted his recent the_donald submission/comments. Trying to hide his true feelings. Sad!", ">>{goldfish18} : > The arsonist has been identified as a black man who is a member of the church.[20] Also, that's just a list of attacks of black churches. I'm sure not all of them were attacks by white people. I don't have the time to research all of them, though. I'm not saying white people haven't burnt down black churches either, but you knew which attack you were referring to when you made your original comment and that one has been proven to not have been done by a white man.", '>>{MeatwadMakeTheMoney} : And Hillary supporters are more likely to kidnap autistic teenagers and torture them on video for being white. No one in Trump\'s camp supported burning down churches or even made excuses for it, meanwhile you\'ve got Don Lemon, the darling CNN leftist and a known party member with a huge audience, saying they weren\'t commiting a hate crime, that it wasn\'t evil, they were just some "misguided kids!". Oh, and let\'s not forget the reporter from CNN who was caught *laughing* at that video. http://vidmax.com/video/150912-SHOCKING-CNN-reporter-laughs-during-racist-Chicago-torture-video-report http://www.dailywire.com/news/12176/watch-cnns-don-lemon-says-torture-special-needs-frank-camp', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Yeah I'm sure they voted for Hillary, dummy.", '>>{MeatwadMakeTheMoney} : They were screaming "fuck Trump" through the entire video. I\'m sure they were totally not politically motivated. Stay informed, folks.', '>>{DebussySIMiami} : Yeah I heard they were working phone banks for Clinton just two months prior. What a simp.'], [">>{JennysDad} : of course they are, any rational review of the actual facts reveals that the $400 million wasn't a ransom, it already belonged to Iran.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : And even if it were a ransom, who actually cares.', '>>{FUCK_THE_THALMOR} : Yes because they like other news outlets reported it when it happened.', ">>{IAmTheRedWizards} : Probably because it's just giving Iran back part of their own money.", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : It's also us policy to not negotiate with terrorists. It's also us policy to not overthrow democratically elected leaders. We do both all the time. And nobody ever really cares", '>>{JennysDad} : you sound like you need a nice depressing movie... I suggest "Children of Men". Drink some wine and smoke a doobie.', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : It seems that if the 400 million wasn't given then the hostages weren't going to be released, I don't know what else you'd call it.", '>>{JennysDad} : The Iran deal was already in place... the Iranians were getting a lot more than $400m back. You can only spin it as a ransom payment if you ignore what was actually happening.', ">>{KatiePuss} : I've seen them talking about this 4 or 5 different times today, what are you talking about?", ">>{Hillary2prizon} : I see you bought lying Josh Earnst talking points hook line and sinker. It clearly was ransom. The iranians were the ones that shot the video of a supposed secret deal and blew it back in obama and Kerry's face. This is not fucking part of money they were supposedly owed 40 years ago. That is a big fucking lie and since you believe that I have a bridge for sale cheap that you can buy", '>>{AdalineMaj} : Ransom story False premise. They better ignore bullshit.', '>>{Echost} : > This is not fucking part of money they were supposedly owed 40 years ago. Source? It just happens to be a totally unrelated 400 million than the 400 million we owed them?', ">>{Whipplashes} : Thats sure odd they wouldn't shut up about it till 4 PM.", ">>{Robvicsd} : Probably because it wasn't a ransom and no responsible news outlet would report it as such.", '>>{Whipplashes} : Is this yall guys new thing to just put "lying" in front of peoples name. It honestly makes yall look like children who can\'t have a reasonable conversation about issues real or imaginary.', ">>{ProjectAzar} : Yea I'm pretty sure this post is complete crap (not surprising coming from the source). I had CNN on basically all day today (because my life is boring and I am currently unemployed), and every hour-block dedicated at least 20 minutes to the story, including a chunk of time during their Libertarian Town Hall. So, officially, I am calling Shenanigans on this post.", '>>{CDXXRoman} : Trump says during his classified security briefing that he was shown video of Iran unloading the 400 million dollars. Either trump is lying or Trump just released classified information.', '>>{geniebear} : Also, each anchor they had today talked about it for at least 5-10 minutes of their hour show. Source: I watched a lot of CNN today', ">>{Whipplashes} : I would ask for a source but I'm 90% sure you're just full of shit and spouting nonsense because you have no argument other than Benghazi, Trump Train, Wall 10 feet higher, or some new stupid thing being BASED.", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Yeah if they give it to Hamas to kill innocent civilians. Who cares?', '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : It is clear to everyone though that the money was part of the negotiations to release the hostages. US admitted as much.', ">>{Hillary2prizon} : ummm I have no dog in this race. http://video.foxnews.com/v/5069330703001/white-house-paid-iran-400-million-as-hostages-were-released/?#sp=show-clips Josh Earnst is a notorious lying SOB for Obama, that's his job I believe Iran more than Obama and Josh Earnest, the only people allowed to video tape and release videos in Iran are the Iranian govt its not like here. If it was supposed to be because of 1979 payback then why hide it during dead of night without telling congress which is against the law since congress has control of the purse, and why were the hostages released immediately after. There are no such things as coincidence. I would ask for your source other than lying Obama but Im 90% sure you're are just full of shit and will believe anything those two clowns sell you because they have a letter d after their name.", '>>{KenNotKent} : [From here:](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/08/04/questions-abound-as-trump-claims-to-have-watched-video-leaked-by-iran-of-the-money-transfer/) The Washington Post asked Trump\'s spokespeople to explain what Trump was talking about and emailed a link to a Fox News clip that showed the January footage from Geneva, asking if that was the video the nominee saw. "Yes," spokeswoman Hope Hicks responded in an email. "Merely the b-roll footage included in every broadcast."', '>>{Tchocky} : Are you OK? Is there something you want to get off your chest?', '>>{KenNotKent} : [Hey Buddy:](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/08/04/questions-abound-as-trump-claims-to-have-watched-video-leaked-by-iran-of-the-money-transfer/) The Washington Post asked Trump\'s spokespeople to explain what Trump was talking about and emailed a link to a Fox News clip that showed the January footage from Geneva, asking if that was the video the nominee saw. "Yes," spokeswoman Hope Hicks responded in an email. "Merely the b-roll footage included in every broadcast."', '>>{leontes} : Yes, releasing funds that Iran already owned was part of the negotiations.', ">>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : Oh man, you're actually talking about the video. In a thread about an article in the Moonie Times.", '>>{escalation} : The US froze their assets. We are releasing some of them, after holding their money hostage as a policy tool for the last few decades', ">>{son_of_noah} : I saw them cover it at least 5 times yesterday while I was watching it. I wouldn't exactly call that ignoring.", '>>{mhelweg} : Here\'s the issue with this story: The payment made to Iran was monies that were already property of Iran. Simply expediting the payment greased the wheels enough to retrieve our Naval officers post haste. NOW HERE\'S THE OTHER ISSUE: If you will take a few moments out of your reading, and examine every story which depicts any Democrat in a negative light, you will find over 90% of these "stories" were posted by accounts less than 5 days old. I am also aware I will get down-voted for this but **HEY FICTITIOUS REDDITORS! - GO SELL CRAZY SOMEWHERE ELSE - WE\'RE ALL FULLED UP HERE.**', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Would the hostages be released if the 400 million wasn't provided? If the answer is no then it was a ransom. I am not spining anything, if you dont think that terrorist are not going to look at this as a ransom hidden inside of a deal then youre in denial. This is going to put americans at risk of being kidnapped for money.", ">>{Hillary2prizon} : If it was supposed to be because of 1979 payback then why hide it during dead of night without telling congress which is against the law since congress has control of the purse, and why were the hostages released immediately after. There are no such things as coincidence. I would ask for your source other than lying Obama but Im 90% sure you're are just full of shit and will believe anything those two clowns sell you because they have a letter d after their name.", '>>{JennysDad} : you cannot pay ransom when the money isn\'t yours. "Hey, I\'ve kidnapped your daughter. Empty out my bank account and give me all my money or there\'s going to be trouble." Don\'t you realize how stupid that sounds?', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : please answer my question, instead of using a bad analogy. If the money wasnt provided would the hostage have been released? If the answer is no then explain how thats not paying a ransom. how does asking for someone to empty their bank account or else theres gonna be trouble sound stupid?', ">>{JennysDad} : so I point a gun at you, tell you to reach in my wallet and give me all the money I already have.... Can you see now? I say the money and the hostages weren't tied together, it was just a coincidence. Can you prove otherwise?", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : why wont you answer my question? you ignore the real issue here, regardless of who the money belonged to, if it was a part of the deal then what is to stop other countries from doing the same thing? If we have another countries money but havent paid them, what is to stop them from capturing hostages to get this money? I dont need to prove otherwise, our government has the responsibility to make it clear that we do not pay ransoms. we provided 400 million dollars and got 4 of our hostages in return. Now we risk others thinking that they can do the same exact thing. You think that they will care that they said that we didn't give the money as a ransom? they care that if they want money they can use hostages are as leverage.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : is this where you ignore me because you dont have a valid response? After telling me how stupid my argument is and that im twisting what happened?', '>>{JennysDad} : The US had unfrozen the money we had frozen due to the sanctions. The Iran deal included the unfreezing of the money being held. So please tell me how the hostages had anything to do with the money.', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : id like us to have an actual discussion instead of you just talking at me. That is the purpose of a discussion forum. So before we go further can you please respond to my questions? >why wont you answer my question? you ignore the real issue here, regardless of who the money belonged to, if it was a part of the deal then what is to stop other countries from doing the same thing? If we have another countries money but havent paid them, what is to stop them from capturing hostages to get this money? I dont need to prove otherwise, our government has the responsibility to make it clear that we do not pay ransoms. we provided 400 million dollars and got 4 of our hostages in return. Now we risk others thinking that they can do the same exact thing. You think that they will care that they said that we didn't give the money as a ransom? they care that if they want money they can use hostages are as leverage.", ">>{JennysDad} : So basically you're upset that more than one thing happened at a time?", ">>{JennysDad} : here https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/iran-releases-post-correspondent-jason-rezaian-iranian-reports-say/2016/01/16/e8ee7858-ba38-11e5-829c-26ffb874a18d_story.html >The coordinated moves cemented a major diplomatic victory for the Obama administration, which won significant nuclear concessions from Iran in an effort to defuse an international crisis that threatened to spark a new Middle East war. That's the story. If you want to discuss the story, that's the story.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : no im upset that we gave the narrative that we will pay for hostages to be released. Is there a reason you wont give your opinions on my questions? it seems like you are purposely going out of your way to do so. Ill try it this way, if you dont then its obvious that you arent trying to have a discussion. - Would the hostages have been released if we didnt provide them with the money? - if it was a part of the deal then what is to stop other countries from doing the same thing? - If we owe other countries money does this not tell them that they can get it by capturing hostage as leverage? - Should money ever be involved when hostages are being released, regardless of who the money belongs to?', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : youre justifying what happened because it helped with the Iran deal? another example of them using their leverage to put a stronghold on the US. you pay us the 400 million or the deal is done, even though they were not tied to each other.', '>>{JennysDad} : you are being disingenuous to separate out $400m from the entire Iran deal. The Iran deal was NOT a ransom payment. Are you really this obtuse?', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Where did I say that the Iran deal was a ransom payment? here you go again insulting me for no reason. the 400 Million was in regards to military equipment in the 1970s. the Iran deal is in regards to nuclear weapons. Two separate negotiations in regards to these that werent tied together until now. Get your facts straight before you go attacking me again. You haven't made one solid point this entire conversation and YOU STILL WONT answer my questions.", '>>{JennysDad} : >The money represented the first installment of a $1.7 billion settlement the Obama administration reached with Iran to resolve a decades-old dispute over a failed arms deal signed just before the 1979 fall of Iran’s last monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. >The settlement, which resolved claims before an international tribunal in The Hague, also coincided with the formal implementation that same weekend of the landmark nuclear agreement reached between Tehran, the U.S. and other global powers the summer before. You are right - they were not tied together, they were all just being wrapped up at the same time.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Yes I know im right because they used the Iran deal as leverage as I said. You should really inform yourself on this topic if youre going to go out of your way to insult someone online about it. For the last time ill point out that you have refused to answer my questions. Hopefully though you have a better understanding of this issue and how its a real problem.', '>>{JennysDad} : No, you are still being intentionally obtuse on this subject if you try to call the $400million a ransom : a sum of money or other payment demanded or paid for the release of a prisoner. I do not agree that the hague court decision, and our paying according to that decision, was a ransom payment.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : then answer my question, If the money wasnt provided would the hostages been released? if you say yes then I can see how you dont think it wasnt a ransom, if you say no then how do you say it wasnt a ransom just because other stipulations were involved?', '>>{JennysDad} : I believe Iran was using the hostages as leverage in the Iran deal, and it had nothing to do with the court ruling or the money owed. What the Iran dead did do was unlock the ability to transfer the money owed. So everything happened at the same time.', ">>{escalation} : Which two clowns? Clinton and Trump? I don't believe a damn thing either of them have to say. [Sanctions against Iran](http://iranprimer.usip.org/resource/us-sanctions) have a long history, and the taps have opened and closed numerous times in the last few decades. The financial deal was public knowledge as part of the deal to prevent Iran from almost immediately procuring nuclear weapons. Congress is bound by international treaties. The timing of the actual transfers is irrelevant.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : so then your answer is no, the hostages wouldnt have been released if the money wasnt provided. then yes that is a ransom, terrorist dont care about loopholes. They now know that money can be used to negotiate a hostage situation. Now Americans will have to live with that risk because theres pretty much a price on their head.', ">>{JennysDad} : First of all you're talking about the state of Iran, not a terrorist group. Also, they weren't hostages, they were prisoners (even if the charges were bulshit) and were used as negotiating pawns in the nuclear deal, but only because that was one of the very few leverage points they had, the timing of the release of the prisoners. So talk about that reality. Do you agree with the above?", '>>{MiketheMover} : They can talk about it, but they don\'t obsess over it like they do with Donald. There are no hard stares from the host as she intones "Shoooould heeeee apologize?" Why are we watching CNN? They are the enemy. Don\'t give assistance to the enemy. Boycott!!!', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : k im actually going to answer your question. Yes this is about the state of Iran, which has ties to terrorist groups more than any other country. They were hostages, who cares what title you put to it. They were used as leverage yes and that leverage gave them 400 million dollars that they wanted from a military equipment deal in 1979 that fell through because of their alliances with terrorist groups.', '>>{JennysDad} : > They were hostages, who cares what title you put to it you care very much that that title is used because it is central to your "ransom for hostages" fiction. Iran is a state, a large state with real power. They have opposed the USA since the 70\'s and have sponsored many terrorist groups in that time. They were also in the process of developing nuclear weapons. The USA had two choices, War or Diplomacy. Thank God President Obama chose diplomacy. The networks aren\'t going to run with your ransom bullshit story, it just doesn\'t stand up to scrutiny.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : I dont care what the MSM runs with, your concerns seem to be political , while mine are for the security of Americans. Like i said before no country, terrorist group is going to worry about how we spin what took place. The bottom line is that we paid 400 million dollars to Iran and got for citizens in return. The money shouldnt have been a part of the deal in anyway to get our citizens back. Now all Americans have a price on their head regardless on if we will pay a ransom in the future because this deal shows that theres the possiblity of it happening because they see this as leverage that they can take advantage of.', '>>{JennysDad} : you would rather have had Iran hold the prisoners for some amount of time until the other business had concluded? How long?', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : What are you talking about? What do you think you just proved? I'm aware of Kerry's statement, you're not aware of this issue at all I guess if you think this is some sort of gotcha piece right here.", '>>{JennysDad} : you seem to think that the diplomacy that went down with Iran is the same as negotiating with terrorists', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : No I don't, I think that by paying money to Iran and getting hostages in return will cause more Americans to be captured in hopes for the same outcome."]]
classify and reply
['>>{PleaseGoOutside} : Is the Belkin adapter still the only way to charge and play music at the same time?', '>>{kescusay} : Translation: "If I start accepting evidence at this point, it will mean that I\'ve been conned and ended up supporting a Russian puppet. That makes me so uncomfortable that I\'d rather double down and sink more effort into denying this than accept reality." Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the [sunk cost fallacy](https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/173/Sunk-Cost-Fallacy), friend of con men and charlatans everywhere.', ">>{scarletsoda} : If you don't or didn't know that Russians are doing all the digital espionage they possibly can all the time then you weren't up to speed in that arena. It's not really something to buy, America is a sieve of digital information right now.", '>>{BreakTheBubble} : Does the writer buy the story that the FBI in cooperation with the Republican Congress thoroughly sabotaged Hillary Clinton?', '>>{Jabingla} : No. You can use Bluetooth headphones. Or The Apple phone dock. Or A wireless speaker. (Airplay, Bluetooth, SONOS)', ">>{PersonOfThePeople} : I always wonder if the people that deny the russian hackings are just worried about the integrity of their party by accepting the facts. When in reality, acceptance would strengthen both parties. This is not the typical conspiracy theory. Republicans are not to blame for Russia's actions. They are to blame for denying events and further empowering Russia. This is exactly the reaction our enemies want. Our political parties are crippling our democracy. It seems strange to me that people defend Russia, defend Putin. It is very concerning. Too much misinformation and not enough critical thinking.", '>>{Sam_Munhi} : What makes you think the author is a Trump supporter?', '>>{Bigchile123} : I seen some cheap versions ones on ebay. I don’t know if they work.', ">>{kescusay} : Heh. Take a look at his [profile and articles](https://www.bloomberg.com/view/contributors/AQuRIoVsdeM/leonid-bershidsky). He's literally a Russian Trump supporter.", ">>{Red_State_Lib} : If they start accepting facts now, you'd have to admit that climate change is a real threat, that you shouldn't push creationism in school, that pushing tax cuts for 40 years hasn't been beneficial, etc. Basically a lot of the Republican platform would be exposed as just a big grab by big business and evangelicals.", '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : Agreed 100%. But they could atleast start with baby steps. Lol', '>>{Boolteger} : Dont buy the cheap ones, trust me. Wait for MFi certififed adapters.', '>>{Sam_Munhi} : Did you read any of those articles? Did you read the parts where he\'s been vocally anti-Putin for years and even moved to Berlin from Moscow in 2014 in protest of the annexation of Crimea? Or how about this article, titled ["I\'m an Anti-Putin Russian and Clinton makes me nervous"](https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-10-11/i-m-an-anti-putin-russian-and-clinton-makes-me-nervous)? > I believe Russia’s place is in an open, free-thinking Western world, and that **nationalist populists, including Trump, are destroying that vision of the West**. I took part in the 2011 protests and I agree with Clinton’s assessment of Putin. And yet I, too, think a Clinton presidency would be bad for Russia -- and that would ultimately hurt the U.S. as well. He ends the piece: > That’s why I would prefer a more flexible leader, equally good with carrot and stick, to lead the U.S. It’s likely, however, that no such leader exists in the current lineup. **Trump is unpredictable, which is the worst thing to be.** And that’s where I disagree with most of my compatriots. I think he\'s just anti-Clinton and anti-Trump.', '>>{kescusay} : Yes, I read several. He\'s better than most, but he still presents a highly unrealistic and idealized version of Trump, as if the man\'s deranged rambling and incoherent tweets aren\'t clear signs of serious problems to come. And while he isn\'t a fan of Putin, I think he\'d much rather Trump be just a "loose cannon" who might end up doing some good, rather than deal with the apparent fact of Trump and Putin being besties.', '>>{Bigchile123} : Have you tried them? What is your experience with them?', ">>{blondzie} : Not sure why you're getting downvoted, he clearly asked if the Belkin adapter was the ONLY way to charge and listen to music. I think he means is there any other adapters out there that people here are using.", '>>{rentaspy} : Pioneer is about to release a pair of lightning headphones with a passthrough port for charging. [Click Here](http://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/2/15/14621950/pioneer-rayz-plus-smart-lightning-headphones)', '>>{Sam_Munhi} : There are more than two "sides" in this world. I\'m not saying you have to agree with this guy but if you cast anyone who has nuanced opinions as "pro-Trump" you\'re only doing yourself (and whatever causes you support) a disservice.', ">>{kescusay} : Fair enough. I'll admit I'm finding myself a bit prone to coming out fists swinging lately, which isn't my usual modus operandi. In my defense, I am genuinely afraid that Trump is going to turn this into a difficult world to live in for my daughters, and that's got me pretty jumpy.", ">>{jurassic_alan} : Downvoting this is ridiculous. I rarely ever need to charge and listen to music at the same time, but when I do it's easy because I have AirPods, Bose SoundLink 2, and a Bluetooth speaker. Also yeah, absolutely the dock. It has the 3.5mm audio jack that everybody still needs.", ">>{fortfive} : I bought one off aliexpress. It's bulky, and the volume doesn't go quite low enough, but otherwise works great.", ">>{Krypto_74} : Agree. I also took another route: I bought a battery case (OEM) and use that when I'm on the road. Battery life is ridiculously long and covers all my bases for about 48 hours.", ">>{renorosales} : As someone who owns a 7 Plus, my battery never goes below 50% during a single day. I do use Bluetooth earbuds because I leave the lightning adapter in the car. Just curious, how is the 7's battery? I imagine most people who need the double lightning port dongle have the 7.", '>>{Boolteger} : To be honest, no. I wanted to buy an adapter, but there are no MFi for sale right know. The belkin adapter is the only one with a certificate. Many amazon reviews from the cheap ones says, that the audio quality is bad, the remote control doesnt work and sometimes, the iPhone refuse to charge. It is not explicit this adapter, its explicit gadgets with no MFi certificate. I had this discussion a few times age on Reddit, someone said, that the certificate is an eyewash - but my old non-MFi gadgets (mostly cables) are so pretty bad! Its only a recommendation! Sorry for my english!', ">>{scrizewly} : My guess is you don't use it enough. I listen to music ALL DAY, watch multiple YouTube videos, browse facebook, play games, etc. I can kill my battery in about 5 hours from a full charge. I have an iPad 2.1a charger so It's back to full by the time I leave work.", ">>{renorosales} : I do all that stuff, but I don't really play any games aside from solitaire.", '>>{SEND_ME_SPIDERMAN} : I have an adapter I got on amazon that works well', ">>{avgbrownguy} : The official apple dock for iphone 7 had a headphone jack that you could use while charging it. Not optimal, but can come through in a pinch if you're stationary.", '>>{x3n0n1c} : Sounds like a lot of work is going on ;)', ">>{scrizewly} : music and youtube are while on calls and such. I'm lucky enough that I work on a computer away from people and can multitask. :P", ">>{Screwdge_McDickens} : There are some battery back up cases for the IPhone 7 and plus that have lightening port and headphone ports if that's your kinda thing."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{PleaseGoOutside} : Is the Belkin adapter still the only way to charge and play music at the same time?', '>>{Jabingla} : No. You can use Bluetooth headphones. Or The Apple phone dock. Or A wireless speaker. (Airplay, Bluetooth, SONOS)', '>>{Bigchile123} : I seen some cheap versions ones on ebay. I don’t know if they work.', '>>{Boolteger} : Dont buy the cheap ones, trust me. Wait for MFi certififed adapters.', '>>{Bigchile123} : Have you tried them? What is your experience with them?', ">>{blondzie} : Not sure why you're getting downvoted, he clearly asked if the Belkin adapter was the ONLY way to charge and listen to music. I think he means is there any other adapters out there that people here are using.", '>>{rentaspy} : Pioneer is about to release a pair of lightning headphones with a passthrough port for charging. [Click Here](http://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2017/2/15/14621950/pioneer-rayz-plus-smart-lightning-headphones)', ">>{jurassic_alan} : Downvoting this is ridiculous. I rarely ever need to charge and listen to music at the same time, but when I do it's easy because I have AirPods, Bose SoundLink 2, and a Bluetooth speaker. Also yeah, absolutely the dock. It has the 3.5mm audio jack that everybody still needs.", ">>{fortfive} : I bought one off aliexpress. It's bulky, and the volume doesn't go quite low enough, but otherwise works great.", ">>{Krypto_74} : Agree. I also took another route: I bought a battery case (OEM) and use that when I'm on the road. Battery life is ridiculously long and covers all my bases for about 48 hours.", ">>{renorosales} : As someone who owns a 7 Plus, my battery never goes below 50% during a single day. I do use Bluetooth earbuds because I leave the lightning adapter in the car. Just curious, how is the 7's battery? I imagine most people who need the double lightning port dongle have the 7.", '>>{Boolteger} : To be honest, no. I wanted to buy an adapter, but there are no MFi for sale right know. The belkin adapter is the only one with a certificate. Many amazon reviews from the cheap ones says, that the audio quality is bad, the remote control doesnt work and sometimes, the iPhone refuse to charge. It is not explicit this adapter, its explicit gadgets with no MFi certificate. I had this discussion a few times age on Reddit, someone said, that the certificate is an eyewash - but my old non-MFi gadgets (mostly cables) are so pretty bad! Its only a recommendation! Sorry for my english!', ">>{scrizewly} : My guess is you don't use it enough. I listen to music ALL DAY, watch multiple YouTube videos, browse facebook, play games, etc. I can kill my battery in about 5 hours from a full charge. I have an iPad 2.1a charger so It's back to full by the time I leave work.", ">>{renorosales} : I do all that stuff, but I don't really play any games aside from solitaire.", '>>{SEND_ME_SPIDERMAN} : I have an adapter I got on amazon that works well', ">>{avgbrownguy} : The official apple dock for iphone 7 had a headphone jack that you could use while charging it. Not optimal, but can come through in a pinch if you're stationary.", '>>{x3n0n1c} : Sounds like a lot of work is going on ;)', ">>{scrizewly} : music and youtube are while on calls and such. I'm lucky enough that I work on a computer away from people and can multitask. :P", ">>{Screwdge_McDickens} : There are some battery back up cases for the IPhone 7 and plus that have lightening port and headphone ports if that's your kinda thing."], ['>>{kescusay} : Translation: "If I start accepting evidence at this point, it will mean that I\'ve been conned and ended up supporting a Russian puppet. That makes me so uncomfortable that I\'d rather double down and sink more effort into denying this than accept reality." Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the [sunk cost fallacy](https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/tools/lp/Bo/LogicalFallacies/173/Sunk-Cost-Fallacy), friend of con men and charlatans everywhere.', ">>{scarletsoda} : If you don't or didn't know that Russians are doing all the digital espionage they possibly can all the time then you weren't up to speed in that arena. It's not really something to buy, America is a sieve of digital information right now.", '>>{BreakTheBubble} : Does the writer buy the story that the FBI in cooperation with the Republican Congress thoroughly sabotaged Hillary Clinton?', ">>{PersonOfThePeople} : I always wonder if the people that deny the russian hackings are just worried about the integrity of their party by accepting the facts. When in reality, acceptance would strengthen both parties. This is not the typical conspiracy theory. Republicans are not to blame for Russia's actions. They are to blame for denying events and further empowering Russia. This is exactly the reaction our enemies want. Our political parties are crippling our democracy. It seems strange to me that people defend Russia, defend Putin. It is very concerning. Too much misinformation and not enough critical thinking.", '>>{Sam_Munhi} : What makes you think the author is a Trump supporter?', ">>{kescusay} : Heh. Take a look at his [profile and articles](https://www.bloomberg.com/view/contributors/AQuRIoVsdeM/leonid-bershidsky). He's literally a Russian Trump supporter.", ">>{Red_State_Lib} : If they start accepting facts now, you'd have to admit that climate change is a real threat, that you shouldn't push creationism in school, that pushing tax cuts for 40 years hasn't been beneficial, etc. Basically a lot of the Republican platform would be exposed as just a big grab by big business and evangelicals.", '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : Agreed 100%. But they could atleast start with baby steps. Lol', '>>{Sam_Munhi} : Did you read any of those articles? Did you read the parts where he\'s been vocally anti-Putin for years and even moved to Berlin from Moscow in 2014 in protest of the annexation of Crimea? Or how about this article, titled ["I\'m an Anti-Putin Russian and Clinton makes me nervous"](https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-10-11/i-m-an-anti-putin-russian-and-clinton-makes-me-nervous)? > I believe Russia’s place is in an open, free-thinking Western world, and that **nationalist populists, including Trump, are destroying that vision of the West**. I took part in the 2011 protests and I agree with Clinton’s assessment of Putin. And yet I, too, think a Clinton presidency would be bad for Russia -- and that would ultimately hurt the U.S. as well. He ends the piece: > That’s why I would prefer a more flexible leader, equally good with carrot and stick, to lead the U.S. It’s likely, however, that no such leader exists in the current lineup. **Trump is unpredictable, which is the worst thing to be.** And that’s where I disagree with most of my compatriots. I think he\'s just anti-Clinton and anti-Trump.', '>>{kescusay} : Yes, I read several. He\'s better than most, but he still presents a highly unrealistic and idealized version of Trump, as if the man\'s deranged rambling and incoherent tweets aren\'t clear signs of serious problems to come. And while he isn\'t a fan of Putin, I think he\'d much rather Trump be just a "loose cannon" who might end up doing some good, rather than deal with the apparent fact of Trump and Putin being besties.', '>>{Sam_Munhi} : There are more than two "sides" in this world. I\'m not saying you have to agree with this guy but if you cast anyone who has nuanced opinions as "pro-Trump" you\'re only doing yourself (and whatever causes you support) a disservice.', ">>{kescusay} : Fair enough. I'll admit I'm finding myself a bit prone to coming out fists swinging lately, which isn't my usual modus operandi. In my defense, I am genuinely afraid that Trump is going to turn this into a difficult world to live in for my daughters, and that's got me pretty jumpy."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Hongkn} : Between Trump talk and Milwaukee protests, we are ignoring human devastation in Louisiana', ">>{Om_ShantiShanti} : The writer is obviously a racist, he doesn't want to talk about BLM, he wants to focus on flood victims (what about the 400 YEARS OF SLAVERY!?!??!) therefore he's suggesting that 'all lives matter', which of course, is worse than Jim Crow (which I totally lived through btw)", '>>{screen317} : Why Hillary Clinton wouldn’t be a foreign policy hawk as president', '>>{Stin805} : People still give Bush shit for his response time and effort with Hurricane Katrina yet those people didnt raise an eyebrow when Obama was on a Golf trip, taking him 3 days to officially give a statement. Its cool though he extended his thoughts and prayers, who needs resources anyways.', ">>{screen317} : I suggest people read the article in its entirety before voting and commenting. Edit: It appears due to the several downvotes within a minute of posting that this advice wasn't heeded.", '>>{madam1} : President Obama has declared a major disaster in West Virginia after flash flooding left at least 24 people dead and devastated communities. The historic floods are the worst in a century for portions of the state, the governor has said, and destroyed or seriously damaged at least 100 homes.', ">>{_supernovasky_} : Tillerson: 'I didn’t want this job. I didn’t seek this job.'", '>>{BabyMonkeyOnPig} : he knows because when he sends it now it says delivered instead of sending as SMS. If you have read-recipient then he would know 1000000% cuz it would say you got the message and you read it. But he clearly is SOOOOOO into you I mean 6 months that perseverance.. I say give him a shot. /s', '>>{WalkingTsunami} : No dude he sounds obsessed. Dont give him a chance lmao', '>>{BabyMonkeyOnPig} : I mean 6 months ... that some perseverance there..', ">>{mitchrodee} : Why do you care? You blocked him because you didn't want to receive his texts--remember?! Now he knows you're still getting and reading his texts. Edit: I'd understand your curiosity if you had some strange and weird instances of him showing up at your home or social events. You didn't mention anything about him stalking you or him approaching your friends and asking about you.", '>>{Baekmagoji} : Did he give you the most horrifying ride home that you never forgot?', '>>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : >Tillerson said he was “stunned” when President Donald Trump asked him to be secretary of state but that his wife was not. The secretary had planned to retire from his previous job as CEO of Exxon Mobil this month, but when offered the job as America’s top diplomat, Tillerson’s wife said “I told you God’s not through with you.” Bull fucking shit.', ">>{Elubious} : I didn't even know this was a thing until just now and I actually follow the news.", ">>{SilverZealot} : I guess if send read receipts is turned on then he would know you've received and read the messages, I would just block him again and forget about it. He sounds like a creep.", ">>{JeremyMo88} : Oh I don't think it's God who's not done with him.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : That's because it happened in the south. If it was California or New York getting floods, it would be covered by the media as if it was the worst natural disaster in American history", '>>{mdp5150} : And over 20+ dead but the media has been strangely silent about the state.', '>>{mdp5150} : More coverage so more aid can arrive? Just some common sense for your snarky remark.', ">>{Donald_J_Putin} : He didn't want the job - but was promised a massive payoff from Rosneft, so he took it.", '>>{pramoni} : Suggest you read, or reread as the case maybe, The Peter Principal. Then think about whether to resign. Being in the Trump administration will do nothing for your resume, and will be an embarrassment to your heirs when it appears in your obituary.', ">>{cmagee79} : But he sure as hell 'took' the job. So he either needs to buck up and start doing it, or resign and let someone who is able to do so step into those shoes.", ">>{Elubious} : It never came up, at least if it did it was a foot note that I must have missed it. Il ask around to see if anyone else I know has heard of this but I kind of doubt it as unfortunate as it is it's not exactly making national headlines. People just don't seem to care about this kind of thing like they used to unless it's happening to them.", ">>{Msshadow} : Based on this statement, he's probably going to do so soon.", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : Welcome to /r/politics where the actual article content doesn't matter and votes are meaningless.", '>>{screen317} : It is a well-written article, which is why I shared it. Wish people would at least give it a read. Edit: Grammar.', '>>{ZonaPunk} : Settings>messages and turn off "send read receipts"', '>>{Huckleberry_Win} : I will read it. But also, trump is a psycho! Hillary is a liar! Ron Paul 2008! I hate what this place has become.', '>>{fishsticks40} : Better vote against climate action and effective government services!', ">>{Usawasfun} : Ya god wanted an oil CEO to become secretary of state. We all know god loves rich oil CEO's.. because they do great things for his creation.", ">>{Tvwatcherr} : I just got back from the area of elkview it's seriously sad the amount of damage that has happened and it's not even the worst of it. These people need help more so now more than ever yet they will receive almost no help. Floods are not covered in most policies and paying for it is almost not worth it. I've met several people who don't know what they are going to do and have literally nothing. If you're feeling generous, the red Cross seriously needs your financial support.", '>>{Exwind} : The message would come up as delivered/read and he would be able to see that. The other messages would just be blank.', ">>{handoverhand321} : Well I'm glad he didn't want it. Because, he, like the rest of Trumps team of criminals and crooks, will never work a day in Washington after trump and friends are gone. They will be more toxic than an actual block of radioactive material.", ">>{TinCookieMonster} : Holy fuck! That close-up! Nightmares tonight!!! > ...as president, she will find that the use of force abroad will offer precious few opportunities for making a difference, and will come at a considerable political cost at home. Hillary is nothing if not a changeable weather-cock. Her idea of leadership is to see which way the wind is blowing then run and get in front. Not sure how it happened but it appears that style of 'leadership' is now a virtue.", '>>{chicagorunner10} : If this exact same scenario was in a movie, women would ohh and ahh... "oh, how sweet, he just really loves her", etc. But the same scenario, in real life, and he\'s creep. haha gotta love that logic', '>>{quite_infamousNY} : i think we all know that more coverage doesnt necessarily mean they will get more aid. w virginia has had a disaster, there are disasters weather induced and otherwise all the time. maybe the counties thanks us for respecting their privacy during this diffucult time. climate change. better answer. you know what happened and you know people need help .if you can help, you should contact red cross or other reputable charity immedeately. it doesnt have to be covered for a 24 hour newscycle to come to that conclusion.', ">>{DWSdied4HillarySins} : The entire article is predicated on the idea that clinton has some kind of moral or ethical framework from which to act, which is hogwash. >First, her record is in fact more nuanced than is often appreciated LOL. She will do as she is told by her handlers, how is this not obvious? She has Kissinger, the neo-cons from the pub party, Saudi Arabia,... all in her corner pulling her strings. Once she is president, your opinion is meaningless and theirs' is.", '>>{lostfuture1} : Riots are protests now? So riots are protected speech, cool. Attention ghetto clowns , take note', '>>{AngstChild} : There are probably some other three letter institutions who would like a word.', ">>{-Badger2-} : I don't think even movies are that disconnected from reality.", ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : After hearing donald's neocon agenda-pushing and scare tactics recently, it should be fairly clear that he is the bigger hawk by far.", '>>{SLIP_E} : Well, who keeps thinking living beneath the water level next to an ocean is a good idea?', ">>{Nameless_Archon} : What, you mean those are actually people's houses? No way. It's okay. The cheeto assures us that this is emblematic of a broad hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, so clearly nothing to worry about. Keep voting R, everyone, or the godless liberals will fund disaster relief!", ">>{esteel20} : I didn't want you to have this job either, Rex. First thing I've agreed with you on.", '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : Coal mining and dirty energy is a helluva drug.', ">>{Dead0fNight} : Perhaps because this has been happening every year so it's not really news?", '>>{BobtheDino96} : Climate change and an increase in floods is a proven link.', '>>{herberttractor} : Okay, bye Rex...hello Huntsman (please?)', ">>{Freeside1} : You wanna know how I know you didn't read the article?", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : > Clinton seems comfortable with Obama’s template for the use of military force: the limited use of armed drones, special operations forces, air strikes, and efforts to build local capacity for ground operations and stabilization duties.', ">>{boringdude00} : Not to defend climate change deniers, but you can't blame every natural disaster on climate change. Floods happen in West Virginia, they always have and they always will - climate change or no climate change. The sharp, narrow valleys of the Appalachians channel water extremely well and the change in elevation causes increased precipitation. Events will happen that channel all the water from a thousand small tributaries into one fast moving flood that wipes out anything built on the floodplain. This isn't anything new and once or twice a decade this happens in one part of the the state or another. I've witnessed four major floods in the area myself (1985, twice in 1996, and 2003), my parents remember a half dozen more, and their parents lived through floods that were just as bad and worse (1936). Remember, climate change occurs on a worldwide scale in fraction of a degree over multiple decades with data backed up from millions of data points, don't mistake it for weather, what happens in one place at one time. For that reason the best you could say is it might have contributed to the storm, though that isn't really correct. You absolutely can't say it was caused by climate change. If you really want to blame something blame a government that has fallen behind on infrasturcture and failed to keep up with flood control projects, reinforced bridges, and local governments in a rural conservative state that see no need for zoning restrictions in a flood prone area.", '>>{BoringSupreez} : You expect a guy with a username like u/CHEETO-JESUS to care about ordinary people?', '>>{PresidentDouchebag} : Yea, but why give up a perfectly easy, albeit false, reason to advance the agenda?? This type of shit is the reason why political discussion on Reddit is an absolute joke: "Don\'t call it what it is, make it seem like something else!"', '>>{Dead0fNight} : Alright I read it, is it because you thought that I thought it was a hurricane?', ">>{mindlessrabble} : Then we are all in agreement, we don't want you in that job either. So, quit.", '>>{Zefrum} : I was hoping this article would sway me, but this seems to be nothing more than wishful thinking. The section "Clinton Wants to be a Domestic President" has no citations nor facts to back this claim other than bullet points from her website. Mere speculation. It is a non sequitur to suggest that happy bullet points are proof that her hawkish record is inconsequential.', '>>{havartiboys} : That is literally the exact opposite of the message of this article.', '>>{louiegumba} : On top of that, she is being given credit that is literally not due to her. They say these things as if there is no historical data to go by.', '>>{WhyLisaWhy} : CNN was covering it around five or six pm...', ">>{albert_r_broccoli2} : This is a terrifying admission. How is this guy supposed to keep us out of wars if he doesn't even want the job???", '>>{rmwe} : To be fair, strip mining and mountain top mining are both directly related to flash floods.', '>>{me_pie_three} : I generally agree with everything you are saying, but want to point out that that "fraction of a degree" (soon to be many degrees) *can* majorly exacerbate both the frequency and severity of weather. As a not-specifically related example, while climate change alone certainly did not cause Katrina, it [increased flood depth by an estimated 15-60%] (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-013-1011-1) (big difference!) due to sea level rise, wetland loss, etc. I really don\'t know enough to say anything about this specific event (worth looking into, though). That said, I think it\'s a reasonable hypothesis to think that while climate change may not have caused all those floods you lived through, they might have been both less frequent and less severe without climate change. That, combined with the likely more significant governmental failures you\'re talking about, could increase the risk of another 1936 :(', '>>{TheonsPrideinaBox} : In this case GOD is an acronym for Group Of Despots.', ">>{samsc2} : I don't even understand how the insurance company was able to separate flood, fire, etc... damage into different policies, and get away with it. Just seems such a scummy thing to do which only helps the rich insurance companies by screwing over the customers when they need them the most. edit: are you joking? i'm being downvoted because I think it's messed up that insurance companies screw customers? wtf reddit", '>>{IrishJoe} : And Trump had never met Tillerson before he was summoned to Trump Tower to be offed the position of Secretary of State. Tillerson was a friend of Putin, though, who may have orchestrated the appointment.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : I actually deeply fear a presidential candidate like Hillary Clinton. The DNC gave me a glimpse of what I was worried about. I realize Hillary being a woman is not her fault. And I realize there are unfair stereotypes that she has to overcome. I get that. And that's what worries me. Nothing is more dangerous than someone who feels they need to prove themselves in the area of toughness. My fear isn't that she is weak on the military, it's that she tries to overcompensate on it. And so far, nothing about her history or her current campaign have alleviated those fears. Look at her history. She joined the Senate armed services committee (obviously to prepare her for this unfair attitude she'd inevitably get as a female president), she toppled governments and removed dictators as Secretary of State, and her campaign is currently trying to capture the warmongering crowd (just look at some of the speeches at the DNC). She also is brutal with how she eliminates the competition and quite frankly can just be vicious. I'd honestly prefer what the stereotypes for a female president would be. I think this nation has war fatigue. I think we are sick of war and would welcome a softer touch on the position. However, nothing about her history or her campaigning (and she is a vicious campaigner) would lead you to believe otherwise. Clinton by any calculation will be a hawkish president. She's made it clear.", ">>{hiero_} : No, just like I wouldn't expect Cheeto Jesus to care about ordinary people", ">>{bigPapa420} : While coming back to my dorm at LSU after helping my parents clean out my childhood home that was nearly demolished by flood waters and after attempting to post this article, seeing your comment made me chuckle. Thanks. I'd give you gold if I weren't poor. Stay woke.", '>>{cortego} : I am this guys best friend in real life. This is a lie. What a long bitch.', '>>{Luis_42} : I saw it on msnbc and Fox news. Plus there is this article and other articles online. BTW there is also a wildfire in CA recently.', ">>{DWSdied4HillarySins} : She has shown an unlimited propensity to act in almost no other way other than in her own self-interest. Go ahead and believe she's independent of her supporters and advisors and also that Brookings isn't the establishment's mouthpiece or that the establishment isn't the same folks that have brought you non-stop war in the ME for 14 years. But I'm sure she will not be an interventionist, like obama isn't now in places like S Sudan where our people are getting raped but other interests prevail.", ">>{wizardofthefuture} : In a slow news cycle they'd be playing the same 10 second clip 24/7 for 2 straight days.", '>>{lyth} : Putin\'s probably still working on a way to promote himself from President / Prime Minister to "God" - I mean the Kim Jong family has done it, the Emperor of Japan had a good run as their God. Why is Putin settling for less?', ">>{Sajl6320} : It's poor whites, of course there's no coverage.", ">>{h34dyr0kz} : Katrina was being constantly covered but that didn't get more help there any faster. Emergency response doesn't base it's response time on media coverage.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : I love how she takes credit for 'helping' get Bin Laden. But some of the details of that were released to the public and she literally DISAGREED with Obama on what to do. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster we had Obama as president and not her or Osama could still be roaming around Pakistan watching his pornography.", '>>{Da_Undahtakah} : Our government\'s idea of "stabilization" is based on how much money the defense industry is making. The current state of the Middle East makes me sick. It\'s only going to get worse under Clinton.', ">>{Jayded_} : Incredibly sad. These are people who already didn't have much, and now even what they did have is gone. I'm in the northern part of the state and my heart just hurts for these people.", ">>{serfdomgotsaga} : Literally saw this in CNN before this post is posted. You didn't see this in media because you don't watch media at all.", ">>{misscee} : If you *don't* believe that Obama perpetuated 8 years of the Bush Doctrine in the Middle East with his eight years in office and we can expect 8 more years with Hillary Clinton in office ... then sure vote for her. If you are wondering what we're doing in the ME ... maybe you should consider *not* giving her a mandate to do exactly what she has done and has promised to continue doing.", ">>{tonyhawkprorapist} : I know that the practices of the insurance industry can feel insensitive and unfair, especially in the wake of a disaster like this. But you've got to try to understand that it is a business, and they have to *make* money in order to stay in business. A great deal of time and effort goes in to calculating the odds that bad thing xyz happens to a particular customer, and those odds dictate the cost of the insurance premiums that the customer pays. The insurance company wants to know that, more often than not, they are likely to come out ahead even in the event that bad thing xyz does happen and they need to pay out on a claim. Insurance companies separate flood, fire, tornado, earthquake, etc in to different policies or package deals because not all customers want to pay for/realistically need coverage for everything. If you live in Los Angeles, for example, you probably won't need and don't want to pay for tornado coverage. Each customer has some personal responsibility when they buy their insurance policy. They should research the risk that they face, and make an educated decision as to what coverage they want to pay for. If you *want* coverage for everything, an insurance company will be happy to sell it to you. But an insurance company has no legal or ethical obligation to cover something that a customer didn't pay for in their policy any more than an ice-cream truck driver does.", '>>{R2PDC} : I bet even Hillary laughed when she saw that title.', ">>{Viper95} : And half the country denies there's global warming happening. nice.", ">>{kju} : Engineers and infrastructure work could put practical applications to work in these areas that could have prevented the problem, why weren't those things done? What's being done to prevent this from happening in the future? Is the best way to implement them currently being debated? Are other areas debating what they should be doing to prevent similar things from happening?", ">>{misscee} : I think people should vote for whoever they want to vote for ... or even choose not to vote. But I can say that she's not getting *my* vote and there's not a thing she can say or do to change it.", ">>{pizzaprinciples} : Don't worry Hillary will be putting a lot of coal miners out of business so they won't live there anymore", ">>{coffee_achiever} : The west has a drought 5 years old. Build a pipeline. pipe the extra water over here... Congress gets to say they built a pipeline, leaking water doesn't hurt shit so no environmentalists are pissed, the west gets water, and the east gets flood relief. All the keystone XL jobs get created and none of the keystone cops comically bad political theater has to continue to get spouted. Win win win. just do it.", '>>{louiegumba} : If there is a parade formed, she has no problem jumping out in front of it to say she formed it.', ">>{imnotgem} : You're right. I've seen a lot of coverage about this on the news. I don't know what the other dude is talking about.", ">>{geekzapoppin} : Neither of which has been occurring in the hardest hit areas. West Virginia doesn't consist solely of coal mines, as much as popular culture would like you to believe it does.", ">>{JoaoFrost} : Can't do that, haven't you heard, Government spending is always bad! (Funny how this never seems to be that unbending stance when Republican states are the ones affected)", ">>{Monory} : If it was all bundled together, it isn't like you would be paying the same amount. You would be forced to pay extra for the flood coverage even if you don't want it. Hence them separating it so that you can cover what you feel is worth covering based on your location and potential threats.", ">>{kiipii} : A federal disaster declaration lags behind the actual disaster because a financial thresholds must be met. Local jurisdictions have to feed up their assessment info to the state, who compiles it to make the federal request. This can necessitate another round of joint assessments with federal and state teams. The federal disaster declaration opens up a few avenues of relief for the affected population in the form of funding for recovery. Small business loans, individual assistance (money to households), public assistance (money to state/local government), and grants. These are not immediate, life-saving interventions, which are accessible during a disaster and do not require a federal disaster declaration. For some disasters, a federal declaration can lag several months behind the event as jurisdictions get around to aggregating their spending and try to recover funds. Local and state processes also need to be pretty solid to track that sort of spending and estimate damage quickly, so it may not always be the federal side that's slow.", ">>{reverman} : Typically if you buy a home on a potential flood area you will be informed that you can not get flood insurance or flood insurance will be sold at a very high premium. It's why the homes and real estate are typically cheaper which unfortunately means poorer people buy the homes who are less equipped to deal with it and can't pay the high premium. But this isn't really the fault of the insurance companies they are not charities. Insurance companies typically engage in scumbaggery more by making the process a pain in the ass when you are covered. That you can shit on them for.", '>>{HODOR13} : I live in WV. Thankfully, I have avoided any damage (perks of living on a hill). If you get a chance, donate. Many of the communities and areas that have essentially been wiped out have residents who literally have no way to get back on their feet, no financial way to get back a decent quality of living. Although i do find it quite ironic that for a state that was pretty heavily for Trump, especially in regards to immigrants and Muslims, have seen more support from Muslim-American groups in terms of money donations than from Trump, who offered us a tweet for condolences. But i digress. As JFK once said: "The sun does not always shine in West Virginia, but the people always do, and I am delighted to be here"', '>>{HODOR13} : Late, but needed and helpful. I am sure the flood victims are all sleeping soundly at night knowing Trump directed a tweet at them.', ">>{InferiorAmerica} : Yeah dude, I've been seeing news about this for days.", '>>{InferiorAmerica} : Lol yeah bud 2300 mile water pipeline!! Siiiiiiiick.', '>>{A_Crabby_Patty} : Sucks they had to cancel the Greenbrier Classic golf tournament, too. That tournament gave West Virginians a real sense of pride.', ">>{CerseiClinton} : My family lives in Summersville and White Sulphur Springs. This weekend has been the longest weekend of my life. Many family members lost everything. And it all hit just so fast. I'm still trying to grasp that its happened.", '>>{Endorn} : Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior keystone?', ">>{OhGreatItsHim} : clearly this is just a ploy from Obama to take attention away from clinton's emails.", '>>{InferiorAmerica} : Sure. Let me divebomb this giant spliff first.', ">>{lolnopound} : >edit: are you joking? i'm being downvoted because I think it's messed up that insurance companies screw customers? wtf reddit What are you suggesting? Do you understand why McDonald's is allowed to sell you a burger without fries and a drink? Because you're allowed to pick what you want to buy and if you don't buy everything then it's cheaper. The insurance company would be screwing over the customers if they forced them to pay a huge amount of money for every kind of insurance", '>>{spartangrrl78} : Glad you are okay. Its tragic what happened.', '>>{spartangrrl78} : It has been on the nightly news the last two nights, the Today show, I think even Meet the Press mentioned it.', ">>{CornyHoosier} : > they have to make money in order to stay in business Like healthcare, maybe there are just certain industries that should be state-run. Emergency services also comes to mind as well ... those shouldn't be privatized.", '>>{TheLightningbolt} : Yes. In areas with wet climates, heavy rain and flooding will become more common due to climate change.', ">>{HODOR13} : If i get my house flooded, the world should be worried lol i live too high up. It really is tragic, especially since people have absolutely no way to recover. I lost my home 4 years ago to a fire, lost everything. Thankfully, we had good enough insurance and money saved up to buy back mostly everything and build a new house. The people who are most affected by this flood aren't so fortunate or lucky as i was. They lost everything, and have no way of getting it back. That, in my opinion, is the worst part", ">>{LucienLibrarian} : They are insensitive and evil. It used to be shared risk among clients. Now it's maximized profits at the expense of clients. Hell, even after Katrina insurance companies showed record profits.", ">>{INSIDIOUS_ROOT_BEER} : It's not black guys burning a little caesars so there is nothing to get outraged and indignant about.", ">>{treehuggerguy} : > Hillary will be putting a lot of coal miners out of business I'd vote for her just for that.", '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : Strange how these "100 year" floods seem to be happening every 10 years or so now. Same with wildfires. It\'s almost as if there has been some change to something in the climate.... Naw, probably solar flares.', '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : I wonder if the (R)s will respond to this the same way they responded to Hurricane Sandy.', ">>{trumpguard} : > > Like healthcare, maybe there are just certain industries that should be state-run. No they shouldn't. State run healthcare would mean worse healthcare. I would rather be alive and in debt than die. There's a reason why America not only has the best hospitals and medical universities, but we create a bulk of the world's new drugs.", '>>{bobdob123usa} : I think the evil part is that they will do everything possible to get damages declared as an uncovered type if there is any type of overlap.', ">>{CornyHoosier} : I disagree with you. There are a multitude of other top-tier countries that have nationalized health care and their citizens are just fine. The average person doesn't need *the best* healthcare, they just need basic healthcare to fix a broken limb or help nip the cold/flu in the bud.", '>>{Hshbrwn} : But it would be cheaper to make many people pay for the service and rarely use it then just a few people who may need it more often. That is the basis of how insurance works.', ">>{Hshbrwn} : It's pretty well known that we don't have the best healthcare. And we create the bulk of the worlds new drugs due to the insane amounts of money they are able to charge due to patent laws in the us.", ">>{Hshbrwn} : Home insurance and McDonald's should be treated like two different industries with different expectations.", ">>{lolnopound} : So poor people shouldn't be allowed insurance because they can't afford every kind all at once?", '>>{trumpguard} : It means worse healthcare. Look at the cancer survival rates of the U.S. vs. Europe and the UK. > doesn\'t need the best healthcare Sorry comrade. If you want "free" healthcare you should move to Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, or prison.', '>>{trumpguard} : We have the best hospitals, best medical schools, and best researchers in the world. That is undeniable.', ">>{reverman} : Typically a mortgage will will require some form of homeowners insurance. however as 2008 taught us the home mortgage industry was/is pretty poorly run. And in the early 2000's the mortgage industry really targeted and took advantage of the poorly educated and gave many loans they had no business having and on top of that waived many of the rules typically they had in place to approve a loan. So my speculation is many of these people will be not properly insured. So on top of losing their home they will also end up owing money on a house that doesn't exist.", ">>{Hshbrwn} : We can be the best at those things and not be the best at healthcare. Having the best hospital doesn't mean we have the best healthcare.", ">>{Hshbrwn} : I don't think that's what I said at all.", ">>{kju} : it wasn't long ago when people were calling for another american offensive in the middle east which would cost trillions of dollars and have little or no effect on stopping similar future attacks infrastructure upgrades could very reasonably prevent these kinds of things from happening while providing jobs to americans, not to mention it would be relatively cheap i dont understand how some people come to their conclusions, i just hope that the same people that were for going back into the middle east arent the same people against infrastructure spending", '>>{OniNoKen} : Piggy backing on top comment to suggest that the local united ways are probably the best way to get the most money to people in the area: http://www.unitedwaygreenbrier.org/ - White Sulphur Springs, Rainelle http://www.unitedwaycwv.org/ - Elkview https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/west-virginia/united-way-of-southern-west-virginia - Summerville, Richwood', ">>{OniNoKen} : We lived in Whites Sulphur Springs. This just breaks my heart, and we're praying. My wife's trying to organize her classmates from the o-school to get something together.", ">>{Omnishift} : Remember when politicians used to focus on these disasters and promote helping local communities recover? Now it's a tweet and no actual action... just like how HRC used Flint.", ">>{minda_spK} : I was in Summersville training a staff who lived in Richwood and it went from flood watch to flood warning to road closures to evacuation in just a couple hours. And we ended up with 4 staff staying at the office because they lived in Richwood or Camden on Gauley. I mean... It's no Marriott, but there's a fridge and microwave and bathrooms...", '>>{minda_spK} : 8-12 inches of rain fell in just a couple hours in an area that had heavy rains all week. Practically, the price of infrastructure to combat that rare occurrence in all areas is likely prohibitive and irrational. the mountains are indeed an infrastructure problem, as the water runs down them, but we do love our mountains and removing them would certainly not win public opinion. Seriously. These areas have culverts and reservoirs and drainage systems, but that much rain in that short a time is not easily "fixable"', ">>{CerseiClinton} : My parents, aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents, live in a holler and had the single road into it washed out. My Papaw is on oxygen and both he and my Mamaw are in their mid 90s. And that's just the family I have in Summersville. Last weekend was the longest of my life. My family in WSS lost their homes and pets. All my family got hit hard. I've never felt so much joy and so much sorrow simultaneously. They were all safe but all were also still far from being safe. Craziness.", ">>{kju} : it cost japan 2.6b to build infrastructure to protect against much larger floods while it may not be in the currently practical for this area to fix, its a good thing for the news to talk about. this is the solution to the problem, why shouldn't the news talk about the solution to this problem? the news talks about trillion dollar offensives in the middle east to protect against other minor threats, why not talk about billion dollar solutions to this problem?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BabyMonkeyOnPig} : he knows because when he sends it now it says delivered instead of sending as SMS. If you have read-recipient then he would know 1000000% cuz it would say you got the message and you read it. But he clearly is SOOOOOO into you I mean 6 months that perseverance.. I say give him a shot. /s', '>>{WalkingTsunami} : No dude he sounds obsessed. Dont give him a chance lmao', '>>{BabyMonkeyOnPig} : I mean 6 months ... that some perseverance there..', ">>{mitchrodee} : Why do you care? You blocked him because you didn't want to receive his texts--remember?! Now he knows you're still getting and reading his texts. Edit: I'd understand your curiosity if you had some strange and weird instances of him showing up at your home or social events. You didn't mention anything about him stalking you or him approaching your friends and asking about you.", '>>{Baekmagoji} : Did he give you the most horrifying ride home that you never forgot?', ">>{SilverZealot} : I guess if send read receipts is turned on then he would know you've received and read the messages, I would just block him again and forget about it. He sounds like a creep.", '>>{ZonaPunk} : Settings>messages and turn off "send read receipts"', '>>{Exwind} : The message would come up as delivered/read and he would be able to see that. The other messages would just be blank.', '>>{chicagorunner10} : If this exact same scenario was in a movie, women would ohh and ahh... "oh, how sweet, he just really loves her", etc. But the same scenario, in real life, and he\'s creep. haha gotta love that logic', ">>{-Badger2-} : I don't think even movies are that disconnected from reality."], ['>>{screen317} : Why Hillary Clinton wouldn’t be a foreign policy hawk as president', ">>{screen317} : I suggest people read the article in its entirety before voting and commenting. Edit: It appears due to the several downvotes within a minute of posting that this advice wasn't heeded.", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : Welcome to /r/politics where the actual article content doesn't matter and votes are meaningless.", '>>{screen317} : It is a well-written article, which is why I shared it. Wish people would at least give it a read. Edit: Grammar.', '>>{Huckleberry_Win} : I will read it. But also, trump is a psycho! Hillary is a liar! Ron Paul 2008! I hate what this place has become.', ">>{TinCookieMonster} : Holy fuck! That close-up! Nightmares tonight!!! > ...as president, she will find that the use of force abroad will offer precious few opportunities for making a difference, and will come at a considerable political cost at home. Hillary is nothing if not a changeable weather-cock. Her idea of leadership is to see which way the wind is blowing then run and get in front. Not sure how it happened but it appears that style of 'leadership' is now a virtue.", ">>{DWSdied4HillarySins} : The entire article is predicated on the idea that clinton has some kind of moral or ethical framework from which to act, which is hogwash. >First, her record is in fact more nuanced than is often appreciated LOL. She will do as she is told by her handlers, how is this not obvious? She has Kissinger, the neo-cons from the pub party, Saudi Arabia,... all in her corner pulling her strings. Once she is president, your opinion is meaningless and theirs' is.", ">>{TOMapleLaughs} : After hearing donald's neocon agenda-pushing and scare tactics recently, it should be fairly clear that he is the bigger hawk by far.", '>>{VacationAwayFromWork} : > Clinton seems comfortable with Obama’s template for the use of military force: the limited use of armed drones, special operations forces, air strikes, and efforts to build local capacity for ground operations and stabilization duties.', '>>{Zefrum} : I was hoping this article would sway me, but this seems to be nothing more than wishful thinking. The section "Clinton Wants to be a Domestic President" has no citations nor facts to back this claim other than bullet points from her website. Mere speculation. It is a non sequitur to suggest that happy bullet points are proof that her hawkish record is inconsequential.', '>>{louiegumba} : On top of that, she is being given credit that is literally not due to her. They say these things as if there is no historical data to go by.', ">>{IbanezDavy} : I actually deeply fear a presidential candidate like Hillary Clinton. The DNC gave me a glimpse of what I was worried about. I realize Hillary being a woman is not her fault. And I realize there are unfair stereotypes that she has to overcome. I get that. And that's what worries me. Nothing is more dangerous than someone who feels they need to prove themselves in the area of toughness. My fear isn't that she is weak on the military, it's that she tries to overcompensate on it. And so far, nothing about her history or her current campaign have alleviated those fears. Look at her history. She joined the Senate armed services committee (obviously to prepare her for this unfair attitude she'd inevitably get as a female president), she toppled governments and removed dictators as Secretary of State, and her campaign is currently trying to capture the warmongering crowd (just look at some of the speeches at the DNC). She also is brutal with how she eliminates the competition and quite frankly can just be vicious. I'd honestly prefer what the stereotypes for a female president would be. I think this nation has war fatigue. I think we are sick of war and would welcome a softer touch on the position. However, nothing about her history or her campaigning (and she is a vicious campaigner) would lead you to believe otherwise. Clinton by any calculation will be a hawkish president. She's made it clear.", ">>{DWSdied4HillarySins} : She has shown an unlimited propensity to act in almost no other way other than in her own self-interest. Go ahead and believe she's independent of her supporters and advisors and also that Brookings isn't the establishment's mouthpiece or that the establishment isn't the same folks that have brought you non-stop war in the ME for 14 years. But I'm sure she will not be an interventionist, like obama isn't now in places like S Sudan where our people are getting raped but other interests prevail.", ">>{IbanezDavy} : I love how she takes credit for 'helping' get Bin Laden. But some of the details of that were released to the public and she literally DISAGREED with Obama on what to do. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster we had Obama as president and not her or Osama could still be roaming around Pakistan watching his pornography.", '>>{Da_Undahtakah} : Our government\'s idea of "stabilization" is based on how much money the defense industry is making. The current state of the Middle East makes me sick. It\'s only going to get worse under Clinton.', ">>{misscee} : If you *don't* believe that Obama perpetuated 8 years of the Bush Doctrine in the Middle East with his eight years in office and we can expect 8 more years with Hillary Clinton in office ... then sure vote for her. If you are wondering what we're doing in the ME ... maybe you should consider *not* giving her a mandate to do exactly what she has done and has promised to continue doing.", '>>{R2PDC} : I bet even Hillary laughed when she saw that title.', ">>{misscee} : I think people should vote for whoever they want to vote for ... or even choose not to vote. But I can say that she's not getting *my* vote and there's not a thing she can say or do to change it.", '>>{louiegumba} : If there is a parade formed, she has no problem jumping out in front of it to say she formed it.'], ['>>{Hongkn} : Between Trump talk and Milwaukee protests, we are ignoring human devastation in Louisiana', ">>{Om_ShantiShanti} : The writer is obviously a racist, he doesn't want to talk about BLM, he wants to focus on flood victims (what about the 400 YEARS OF SLAVERY!?!??!) therefore he's suggesting that 'all lives matter', which of course, is worse than Jim Crow (which I totally lived through btw)", '>>{Stin805} : People still give Bush shit for his response time and effort with Hurricane Katrina yet those people didnt raise an eyebrow when Obama was on a Golf trip, taking him 3 days to officially give a statement. Its cool though he extended his thoughts and prayers, who needs resources anyways.', ">>{Elubious} : I didn't even know this was a thing until just now and I actually follow the news.", ">>{truthhurts4444} : That's because it happened in the south. If it was California or New York getting floods, it would be covered by the media as if it was the worst natural disaster in American history", ">>{Elubious} : It never came up, at least if it did it was a foot note that I must have missed it. Il ask around to see if anyone else I know has heard of this but I kind of doubt it as unfortunate as it is it's not exactly making national headlines. People just don't seem to care about this kind of thing like they used to unless it's happening to them.", '>>{fishsticks40} : Better vote against climate action and effective government services!', '>>{lostfuture1} : Riots are protests now? So riots are protected speech, cool. Attention ghetto clowns , take note', '>>{SLIP_E} : Well, who keeps thinking living beneath the water level next to an ocean is a good idea?', ">>{Nameless_Archon} : What, you mean those are actually people's houses? No way. It's okay. The cheeto assures us that this is emblematic of a broad hoax perpetrated by the Chinese, so clearly nothing to worry about. Keep voting R, everyone, or the godless liberals will fund disaster relief!", ">>{Dead0fNight} : Perhaps because this has been happening every year so it's not really news?", ">>{Freeside1} : You wanna know how I know you didn't read the article?", '>>{Dead0fNight} : Alright I read it, is it because you thought that I thought it was a hurricane?', '>>{havartiboys} : That is literally the exact opposite of the message of this article.', ">>{bigPapa420} : While coming back to my dorm at LSU after helping my parents clean out my childhood home that was nearly demolished by flood waters and after attempting to post this article, seeing your comment made me chuckle. Thanks. I'd give you gold if I weren't poor. Stay woke.", '>>{cortego} : I am this guys best friend in real life. This is a lie. What a long bitch.'], ['>>{madam1} : President Obama has declared a major disaster in West Virginia after flash flooding left at least 24 people dead and devastated communities. The historic floods are the worst in a century for portions of the state, the governor has said, and destroyed or seriously damaged at least 100 homes.', '>>{mdp5150} : And over 20+ dead but the media has been strangely silent about the state.', '>>{mdp5150} : More coverage so more aid can arrive? Just some common sense for your snarky remark.', ">>{Tvwatcherr} : I just got back from the area of elkview it's seriously sad the amount of damage that has happened and it's not even the worst of it. These people need help more so now more than ever yet they will receive almost no help. Floods are not covered in most policies and paying for it is almost not worth it. I've met several people who don't know what they are going to do and have literally nothing. If you're feeling generous, the red Cross seriously needs your financial support.", '>>{quite_infamousNY} : i think we all know that more coverage doesnt necessarily mean they will get more aid. w virginia has had a disaster, there are disasters weather induced and otherwise all the time. maybe the counties thanks us for respecting their privacy during this diffucult time. climate change. better answer. you know what happened and you know people need help .if you can help, you should contact red cross or other reputable charity immedeately. it doesnt have to be covered for a 24 hour newscycle to come to that conclusion.', '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : Coal mining and dirty energy is a helluva drug.', '>>{BobtheDino96} : Climate change and an increase in floods is a proven link.', ">>{boringdude00} : Not to defend climate change deniers, but you can't blame every natural disaster on climate change. Floods happen in West Virginia, they always have and they always will - climate change or no climate change. The sharp, narrow valleys of the Appalachians channel water extremely well and the change in elevation causes increased precipitation. Events will happen that channel all the water from a thousand small tributaries into one fast moving flood that wipes out anything built on the floodplain. This isn't anything new and once or twice a decade this happens in one part of the the state or another. I've witnessed four major floods in the area myself (1985, twice in 1996, and 2003), my parents remember a half dozen more, and their parents lived through floods that were just as bad and worse (1936). Remember, climate change occurs on a worldwide scale in fraction of a degree over multiple decades with data backed up from millions of data points, don't mistake it for weather, what happens in one place at one time. For that reason the best you could say is it might have contributed to the storm, though that isn't really correct. You absolutely can't say it was caused by climate change. If you really want to blame something blame a government that has fallen behind on infrasturcture and failed to keep up with flood control projects, reinforced bridges, and local governments in a rural conservative state that see no need for zoning restrictions in a flood prone area.", '>>{BoringSupreez} : You expect a guy with a username like u/CHEETO-JESUS to care about ordinary people?', '>>{PresidentDouchebag} : Yea, but why give up a perfectly easy, albeit false, reason to advance the agenda?? This type of shit is the reason why political discussion on Reddit is an absolute joke: "Don\'t call it what it is, make it seem like something else!"', '>>{WhyLisaWhy} : CNN was covering it around five or six pm...', '>>{rmwe} : To be fair, strip mining and mountain top mining are both directly related to flash floods.', '>>{me_pie_three} : I generally agree with everything you are saying, but want to point out that that "fraction of a degree" (soon to be many degrees) *can* majorly exacerbate both the frequency and severity of weather. As a not-specifically related example, while climate change alone certainly did not cause Katrina, it [increased flood depth by an estimated 15-60%] (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10584-013-1011-1) (big difference!) due to sea level rise, wetland loss, etc. I really don\'t know enough to say anything about this specific event (worth looking into, though). That said, I think it\'s a reasonable hypothesis to think that while climate change may not have caused all those floods you lived through, they might have been both less frequent and less severe without climate change. That, combined with the likely more significant governmental failures you\'re talking about, could increase the risk of another 1936 :(', ">>{samsc2} : I don't even understand how the insurance company was able to separate flood, fire, etc... damage into different policies, and get away with it. Just seems such a scummy thing to do which only helps the rich insurance companies by screwing over the customers when they need them the most. edit: are you joking? i'm being downvoted because I think it's messed up that insurance companies screw customers? wtf reddit", ">>{hiero_} : No, just like I wouldn't expect Cheeto Jesus to care about ordinary people", '>>{Luis_42} : I saw it on msnbc and Fox news. Plus there is this article and other articles online. BTW there is also a wildfire in CA recently.', ">>{wizardofthefuture} : In a slow news cycle they'd be playing the same 10 second clip 24/7 for 2 straight days.", ">>{Sajl6320} : It's poor whites, of course there's no coverage.", ">>{h34dyr0kz} : Katrina was being constantly covered but that didn't get more help there any faster. Emergency response doesn't base it's response time on media coverage.", ">>{Jayded_} : Incredibly sad. These are people who already didn't have much, and now even what they did have is gone. I'm in the northern part of the state and my heart just hurts for these people.", ">>{serfdomgotsaga} : Literally saw this in CNN before this post is posted. You didn't see this in media because you don't watch media at all.", ">>{tonyhawkprorapist} : I know that the practices of the insurance industry can feel insensitive and unfair, especially in the wake of a disaster like this. But you've got to try to understand that it is a business, and they have to *make* money in order to stay in business. A great deal of time and effort goes in to calculating the odds that bad thing xyz happens to a particular customer, and those odds dictate the cost of the insurance premiums that the customer pays. The insurance company wants to know that, more often than not, they are likely to come out ahead even in the event that bad thing xyz does happen and they need to pay out on a claim. Insurance companies separate flood, fire, tornado, earthquake, etc in to different policies or package deals because not all customers want to pay for/realistically need coverage for everything. If you live in Los Angeles, for example, you probably won't need and don't want to pay for tornado coverage. Each customer has some personal responsibility when they buy their insurance policy. They should research the risk that they face, and make an educated decision as to what coverage they want to pay for. If you *want* coverage for everything, an insurance company will be happy to sell it to you. But an insurance company has no legal or ethical obligation to cover something that a customer didn't pay for in their policy any more than an ice-cream truck driver does.", ">>{Viper95} : And half the country denies there's global warming happening. nice.", ">>{kju} : Engineers and infrastructure work could put practical applications to work in these areas that could have prevented the problem, why weren't those things done? What's being done to prevent this from happening in the future? Is the best way to implement them currently being debated? Are other areas debating what they should be doing to prevent similar things from happening?", ">>{pizzaprinciples} : Don't worry Hillary will be putting a lot of coal miners out of business so they won't live there anymore", ">>{coffee_achiever} : The west has a drought 5 years old. Build a pipeline. pipe the extra water over here... Congress gets to say they built a pipeline, leaking water doesn't hurt shit so no environmentalists are pissed, the west gets water, and the east gets flood relief. All the keystone XL jobs get created and none of the keystone cops comically bad political theater has to continue to get spouted. Win win win. just do it.", ">>{imnotgem} : You're right. I've seen a lot of coverage about this on the news. I don't know what the other dude is talking about.", ">>{geekzapoppin} : Neither of which has been occurring in the hardest hit areas. West Virginia doesn't consist solely of coal mines, as much as popular culture would like you to believe it does.", ">>{JoaoFrost} : Can't do that, haven't you heard, Government spending is always bad! (Funny how this never seems to be that unbending stance when Republican states are the ones affected)", ">>{Monory} : If it was all bundled together, it isn't like you would be paying the same amount. You would be forced to pay extra for the flood coverage even if you don't want it. Hence them separating it so that you can cover what you feel is worth covering based on your location and potential threats.", ">>{kiipii} : A federal disaster declaration lags behind the actual disaster because a financial thresholds must be met. Local jurisdictions have to feed up their assessment info to the state, who compiles it to make the federal request. This can necessitate another round of joint assessments with federal and state teams. The federal disaster declaration opens up a few avenues of relief for the affected population in the form of funding for recovery. Small business loans, individual assistance (money to households), public assistance (money to state/local government), and grants. These are not immediate, life-saving interventions, which are accessible during a disaster and do not require a federal disaster declaration. For some disasters, a federal declaration can lag several months behind the event as jurisdictions get around to aggregating their spending and try to recover funds. Local and state processes also need to be pretty solid to track that sort of spending and estimate damage quickly, so it may not always be the federal side that's slow.", ">>{reverman} : Typically if you buy a home on a potential flood area you will be informed that you can not get flood insurance or flood insurance will be sold at a very high premium. It's why the homes and real estate are typically cheaper which unfortunately means poorer people buy the homes who are less equipped to deal with it and can't pay the high premium. But this isn't really the fault of the insurance companies they are not charities. Insurance companies typically engage in scumbaggery more by making the process a pain in the ass when you are covered. That you can shit on them for.", '>>{HODOR13} : I live in WV. Thankfully, I have avoided any damage (perks of living on a hill). If you get a chance, donate. Many of the communities and areas that have essentially been wiped out have residents who literally have no way to get back on their feet, no financial way to get back a decent quality of living. Although i do find it quite ironic that for a state that was pretty heavily for Trump, especially in regards to immigrants and Muslims, have seen more support from Muslim-American groups in terms of money donations than from Trump, who offered us a tweet for condolences. But i digress. As JFK once said: "The sun does not always shine in West Virginia, but the people always do, and I am delighted to be here"', '>>{HODOR13} : Late, but needed and helpful. I am sure the flood victims are all sleeping soundly at night knowing Trump directed a tweet at them.', ">>{InferiorAmerica} : Yeah dude, I've been seeing news about this for days.", '>>{InferiorAmerica} : Lol yeah bud 2300 mile water pipeline!! Siiiiiiiick.', '>>{A_Crabby_Patty} : Sucks they had to cancel the Greenbrier Classic golf tournament, too. That tournament gave West Virginians a real sense of pride.', ">>{CerseiClinton} : My family lives in Summersville and White Sulphur Springs. This weekend has been the longest weekend of my life. Many family members lost everything. And it all hit just so fast. I'm still trying to grasp that its happened.", '>>{Endorn} : Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior keystone?', ">>{OhGreatItsHim} : clearly this is just a ploy from Obama to take attention away from clinton's emails.", '>>{InferiorAmerica} : Sure. Let me divebomb this giant spliff first.', ">>{lolnopound} : >edit: are you joking? i'm being downvoted because I think it's messed up that insurance companies screw customers? wtf reddit What are you suggesting? Do you understand why McDonald's is allowed to sell you a burger without fries and a drink? Because you're allowed to pick what you want to buy and if you don't buy everything then it's cheaper. The insurance company would be screwing over the customers if they forced them to pay a huge amount of money for every kind of insurance", '>>{spartangrrl78} : Glad you are okay. Its tragic what happened.', '>>{spartangrrl78} : It has been on the nightly news the last two nights, the Today show, I think even Meet the Press mentioned it.', ">>{CornyHoosier} : > they have to make money in order to stay in business Like healthcare, maybe there are just certain industries that should be state-run. Emergency services also comes to mind as well ... those shouldn't be privatized.", '>>{TheLightningbolt} : Yes. In areas with wet climates, heavy rain and flooding will become more common due to climate change.', ">>{HODOR13} : If i get my house flooded, the world should be worried lol i live too high up. It really is tragic, especially since people have absolutely no way to recover. I lost my home 4 years ago to a fire, lost everything. Thankfully, we had good enough insurance and money saved up to buy back mostly everything and build a new house. The people who are most affected by this flood aren't so fortunate or lucky as i was. They lost everything, and have no way of getting it back. That, in my opinion, is the worst part", ">>{LucienLibrarian} : They are insensitive and evil. It used to be shared risk among clients. Now it's maximized profits at the expense of clients. Hell, even after Katrina insurance companies showed record profits.", ">>{INSIDIOUS_ROOT_BEER} : It's not black guys burning a little caesars so there is nothing to get outraged and indignant about.", ">>{treehuggerguy} : > Hillary will be putting a lot of coal miners out of business I'd vote for her just for that.", '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : Strange how these "100 year" floods seem to be happening every 10 years or so now. Same with wildfires. It\'s almost as if there has been some change to something in the climate.... Naw, probably solar flares.', '>>{CHEETO-JESUS} : I wonder if the (R)s will respond to this the same way they responded to Hurricane Sandy.', ">>{trumpguard} : > > Like healthcare, maybe there are just certain industries that should be state-run. No they shouldn't. State run healthcare would mean worse healthcare. I would rather be alive and in debt than die. There's a reason why America not only has the best hospitals and medical universities, but we create a bulk of the world's new drugs.", '>>{bobdob123usa} : I think the evil part is that they will do everything possible to get damages declared as an uncovered type if there is any type of overlap.', ">>{CornyHoosier} : I disagree with you. There are a multitude of other top-tier countries that have nationalized health care and their citizens are just fine. The average person doesn't need *the best* healthcare, they just need basic healthcare to fix a broken limb or help nip the cold/flu in the bud.", '>>{Hshbrwn} : But it would be cheaper to make many people pay for the service and rarely use it then just a few people who may need it more often. That is the basis of how insurance works.', ">>{Hshbrwn} : It's pretty well known that we don't have the best healthcare. And we create the bulk of the worlds new drugs due to the insane amounts of money they are able to charge due to patent laws in the us.", ">>{Hshbrwn} : Home insurance and McDonald's should be treated like two different industries with different expectations.", ">>{lolnopound} : So poor people shouldn't be allowed insurance because they can't afford every kind all at once?", '>>{trumpguard} : It means worse healthcare. Look at the cancer survival rates of the U.S. vs. Europe and the UK. > doesn\'t need the best healthcare Sorry comrade. If you want "free" healthcare you should move to Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, or prison.', '>>{trumpguard} : We have the best hospitals, best medical schools, and best researchers in the world. That is undeniable.', ">>{reverman} : Typically a mortgage will will require some form of homeowners insurance. however as 2008 taught us the home mortgage industry was/is pretty poorly run. And in the early 2000's the mortgage industry really targeted and took advantage of the poorly educated and gave many loans they had no business having and on top of that waived many of the rules typically they had in place to approve a loan. So my speculation is many of these people will be not properly insured. So on top of losing their home they will also end up owing money on a house that doesn't exist.", ">>{Hshbrwn} : We can be the best at those things and not be the best at healthcare. Having the best hospital doesn't mean we have the best healthcare.", ">>{Hshbrwn} : I don't think that's what I said at all.", ">>{kju} : it wasn't long ago when people were calling for another american offensive in the middle east which would cost trillions of dollars and have little or no effect on stopping similar future attacks infrastructure upgrades could very reasonably prevent these kinds of things from happening while providing jobs to americans, not to mention it would be relatively cheap i dont understand how some people come to their conclusions, i just hope that the same people that were for going back into the middle east arent the same people against infrastructure spending", '>>{OniNoKen} : Piggy backing on top comment to suggest that the local united ways are probably the best way to get the most money to people in the area: http://www.unitedwaygreenbrier.org/ - White Sulphur Springs, Rainelle http://www.unitedwaycwv.org/ - Elkview https://www.unitedway.org/local/united-states/west-virginia/united-way-of-southern-west-virginia - Summerville, Richwood', ">>{OniNoKen} : We lived in Whites Sulphur Springs. This just breaks my heart, and we're praying. My wife's trying to organize her classmates from the o-school to get something together.", ">>{Omnishift} : Remember when politicians used to focus on these disasters and promote helping local communities recover? Now it's a tweet and no actual action... just like how HRC used Flint.", ">>{minda_spK} : I was in Summersville training a staff who lived in Richwood and it went from flood watch to flood warning to road closures to evacuation in just a couple hours. And we ended up with 4 staff staying at the office because they lived in Richwood or Camden on Gauley. I mean... It's no Marriott, but there's a fridge and microwave and bathrooms...", '>>{minda_spK} : 8-12 inches of rain fell in just a couple hours in an area that had heavy rains all week. Practically, the price of infrastructure to combat that rare occurrence in all areas is likely prohibitive and irrational. the mountains are indeed an infrastructure problem, as the water runs down them, but we do love our mountains and removing them would certainly not win public opinion. Seriously. These areas have culverts and reservoirs and drainage systems, but that much rain in that short a time is not easily "fixable"', ">>{CerseiClinton} : My parents, aunts/uncles/cousins/grandparents, live in a holler and had the single road into it washed out. My Papaw is on oxygen and both he and my Mamaw are in their mid 90s. And that's just the family I have in Summersville. Last weekend was the longest of my life. My family in WSS lost their homes and pets. All my family got hit hard. I've never felt so much joy and so much sorrow simultaneously. They were all safe but all were also still far from being safe. Craziness.", ">>{kju} : it cost japan 2.6b to build infrastructure to protect against much larger floods while it may not be in the currently practical for this area to fix, its a good thing for the news to talk about. this is the solution to the problem, why shouldn't the news talk about the solution to this problem? the news talks about trillion dollar offensives in the middle east to protect against other minor threats, why not talk about billion dollar solutions to this problem?"], [">>{_supernovasky_} : Tillerson: 'I didn’t want this job. I didn’t seek this job.'", '>>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : >Tillerson said he was “stunned” when President Donald Trump asked him to be secretary of state but that his wife was not. The secretary had planned to retire from his previous job as CEO of Exxon Mobil this month, but when offered the job as America’s top diplomat, Tillerson’s wife said “I told you God’s not through with you.” Bull fucking shit.', ">>{JeremyMo88} : Oh I don't think it's God who's not done with him.", ">>{Donald_J_Putin} : He didn't want the job - but was promised a massive payoff from Rosneft, so he took it.", '>>{pramoni} : Suggest you read, or reread as the case maybe, The Peter Principal. Then think about whether to resign. Being in the Trump administration will do nothing for your resume, and will be an embarrassment to your heirs when it appears in your obituary.', ">>{cmagee79} : But he sure as hell 'took' the job. So he either needs to buck up and start doing it, or resign and let someone who is able to do so step into those shoes.", ">>{Msshadow} : Based on this statement, he's probably going to do so soon.", ">>{Usawasfun} : Ya god wanted an oil CEO to become secretary of state. We all know god loves rich oil CEO's.. because they do great things for his creation.", ">>{handoverhand321} : Well I'm glad he didn't want it. Because, he, like the rest of Trumps team of criminals and crooks, will never work a day in Washington after trump and friends are gone. They will be more toxic than an actual block of radioactive material.", '>>{AngstChild} : There are probably some other three letter institutions who would like a word.', ">>{esteel20} : I didn't want you to have this job either, Rex. First thing I've agreed with you on.", '>>{herberttractor} : Okay, bye Rex...hello Huntsman (please?)', ">>{mindlessrabble} : Then we are all in agreement, we don't want you in that job either. So, quit.", ">>{albert_r_broccoli2} : This is a terrifying admission. How is this guy supposed to keep us out of wars if he doesn't even want the job???", '>>{TheonsPrideinaBox} : In this case GOD is an acronym for Group Of Despots.', '>>{IrishJoe} : And Trump had never met Tillerson before he was summoned to Trump Tower to be offed the position of Secretary of State. Tillerson was a friend of Putin, though, who may have orchestrated the appointment.', '>>{lyth} : Putin\'s probably still working on a way to promote himself from President / Prime Minister to "God" - I mean the Kim Jong family has done it, the Emperor of Japan had a good run as their God. Why is Putin settling for less?']]
classify and reply
['>>{Beltwaydivided} : In Gorsuch, Trump gave Democrats a gift. They should take it.', '>>{MRizkBV} : Would you rather get a Red Leather case and live with discolouration, or get a darker one and enjoy it for long?', '>>{MRizkBV} : That is true. My father has been using it for over two years and it is still almost as good as new but I am really not a fan of this colour.', '>>{TurboThoughts} : Read: Chelsea 23rd Street Bomber’s Tumblr Alleged Manifesto', '>>{heelspider} : We need to stop letting people know if they kill a bunch of people or commit terrorism then that will get a bunch of people to read their stupid garbage.', '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : Donald Frump blamed Islamic terrorists immediately without knowing the facts. So did the /r/the_donald. They seem like a thoughtful, reflective group of people. Lol smh', '>>{El3mentGamer} : [support please] iPhone will charge, but will not connect to ANY computer.', ">>{mysticportal} : Maybe the quality improved in the recent model. I'd keep the midnight blue if you love it. The red would eventually get discoloration, but it does look sweet.", ">>{QuantumDrej} : Have you tried doing a factory reset on the phone itself? Also, have you tried putting it in DFU mode and then attempting to connect it to one of the computers? Depending on how long you've owned the phone, you might just be able to return it if it's still giving you problems after doing all that. EDIT: What phone and what version are you on? To find that out, go to Settings - General - Update to let it see which version it's on.", ">>{MRizkBV} : What about the silicon one? I have never tried a silicon one before that I don't even know how it feels like... does it feel (texture) similar to leather? What about discoloration? I heard it is a dust magnet but it can also be cleaned with a wet cloth / little bit of water unlike the leather...", ">>{jordo2323} : There's merit in holding onto the threat of the Nuclear Option. Although this nom. was ripped from the Democrats they may want to allow this through. Very conflicted.", '>>{994Bernie} : He could have gone Nuclear and nominated Ted Cruz. -Shudders down my spine just typing that.', ">>{Benediktxvi} : First try (if you haven't already) the good ol' hard reset. Hold home + power buttons until phone reboots (power and volume down on iP7)", ">>{pizzashill} : I mean, he's not wrong. This is as good a conservative justice as we're going to get, the other ones are way worse. You're better off holding off until election year, hoping that Trump tries to pick a justice during his last year, and then doing the same thing republicans did.", '>>{WhyDoges} : I just find it interesting that ISIS took responsibilities for the stabbings and not this', ">>{Fresh613} : Check your charge port for lint, take a pin or toothpick or whatever will fit really, ideally plastic or polymer but I use paperclips as they're abundant, and clear out the lint from the pins. May work, I know it's been a problem for me in the past.", ">>{wheels2} : I've found the silicon ones great, but they're kind of difficult to get into your pocket if you're wearing slightly tight jeans. Small issue but it gets more annoying over time.", ">>{El3mentGamer} : Will edit most of this into the OP but. Phone is 5s I am not on the newest version, though I don't wish to be; surely it should still sync just one version behind right? No I haven't tried DFU mode. And no I haven't factory reset. A factory reset deletes all my data correct?", '>>{C-in-parentheses-} : How do you know? Are you the real bomber?', ">>{loki8481} : does ISIS taking responsibility actually mean anything without a link between them and the perpetrators? I mean, they could take credit for anything in the world and it wouldn't matter without proof.", ">>{Anthonok} : Ehh. Storm Grey. But now I have a black case. Loved the color initially now it's just a black leather case. Bummer.", ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : Strategically, replacing Scalia with another conservative culture-warrior won't affect the dynamic of the court. The real fight is if Ruth Bader Ginsberg leaves. (but emotionally, I'm enraged by Republicans' refusal to consider Garland)", '>>{sinsyder-} : Congratulations Corporate Media, you are pushing mentally unstable people over the edge with your bullshit race baiting narratives. Shame on all of you!', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Media is really trying hard to downplay the whole thing. Up to editing Hillarys statement about it.', '>>{El3mentGamer} : Have rebooted my phone. But not while plugged in. Thanks for the thought!', ">>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : We know that places like CNN, MSNBC, and WaPo don't give a shit about anything but selling bullshit fear mongering to mouth breathers, you'd think they would be all over this.", ">>{mysticportal} : I doubt it'll feel like leather. Having used a different silicone case before; it will definitely pick up dust and lint. I'm not sure if the texture on Apple's is a bit more tougher or rubbery feeling. But you won't have to worry about discoloration.", '>>{dumbscrub} : sounds like it was done by some pink haired attack helicopter degenerate', '>>{Entertainnosis} : I like the discolouration on mine but they are really fragile. Dropped onto concrete from waist height and it now has multiple rips everywhere.', '>>{El3mentGamer} : Will double check sure. I think everything should be fine though; also I AM using my stock cord and have also tried other cords.', ">>{MRizkBV} : Fragile case but protecting phone better than another good looking one but let's phone take the damage. Had mine for 2 years and drop my phone a lot but not a single scratch or dent.", '>>{WhyDoges} : Oh grow up. Also ISIS claiming responsibility would be fantastic fear mongering.', ">>{2ndprize} : Honestly it isn't a terrible choice. The only thing that makes it seem so bad is the Garland stuff", ">>{MWM2} : > **The Good:** As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing to look for in a Supreme Court justice right now is a willingness to stand up to executive power. But then I read there's this... > As a libertarian Well, at least he did me a favor. I stopped reading and started scanning. > Gorsuch is perhaps most known for his decision in the Hobby Lobby case, in which he wrote a strong opinion denouncing the birth-control mandate in the Affordable Care Act. Whether you think that's a plus or a minus obviously depends on **whether you prioritize reproductive rights or religious freedom.** **Emphasis mine.** I stopped scanning right there. --- Edit Well - I did read the article. *Gah.* See comments for more fun!", '>>{Entertainnosis} : I happen to drop my phone onto pavements a lot. 1st time left a rip on the case and a scuff on the phone. 2nd time left the rear of the case in a tatty state, lots of tears and marks.', '>>{WhyDoges} : Why would they downplay a potential terrorist attack, that would give them fantastic ratings', ">>{AspiringAuthor07} : I'm so conflicted about this. Balko lays out some excellent points in his article. And from listening to NPR as well, I can see how Gorsuch isn't such a bad choice at all - especially since he will virtually leave the dynamics of the court unchanged. Plus, in this environment, having a judge on the court who isn't afraid to stand up to the Executive Branch is absolutely essential. In addition, the fact that Obama, Clinton, Biden, Kerry, & Schumer all voted to appoint him to the Federal Appeals Court in 2006 definitely makes me think a bit more highly of him than I would have otherwise. Even though we may not agree with specific positions of his, we can surmise that he's qualified. But the other half of me wants the Democrats to at least ATTEMPT trying to do what Republicans did to Obama since Scalia died. Like I said, I'm conflicted. But I'm leaning toward believing Democrats should take it. If he really is the best we can hope for at this point in time, they should grasp onto it lest Trump change his mind and put forward somebody worse to enact the nuclear option with. It could be a hell of a lot worse, after all. Just look at the current state of the Republican Party.", ">>{Fresh613} : Have you cleaned it out before? You'd be surprised how much stuff gets wedged in there.", ">>{IRSoup} : I actually helped someone the other day with this issue. Couldn't find what exactly in the settings it was, but resetting the settings fixed it. Try that before an annoying factory reset.", '>>{El3mentGamer} : New info! Rad. Can you elaborate on how to reset, and what gets reset in my settings?', ">>{El3mentGamer} : I've not to be honest. Will definitely look at both the charger cord and computer USB inputs", ">>{Fresh613} : Should only be your phone port. But checking your computer USB can't hurt either I guess. Lemme know what happens.", '>>{IRSoup} : It\'s under general, very bottom to reset, then choose the very top "reset all settings". This resets anything that was changed from the default settings. Whether that be your finger print, passcode, some app settings, iCloud, etc.', ">>{El3mentGamer} : Thanks much. I'm not opposed to factory resetting; but definitely was hoping for something more subtle. I didn't know you could do this!", '>>{quakank} : I certainly agree on your points, but the author does make valid points. Compared to the other possible choices, Gorsuch is probably the best we can hope for.', ">>{FuckNope} : Just to add to this, once you've cleared the port out (carefully avoiding the pins on the bottom of the device) check them for any damage such as missing, bent or corroded pins. Since the phone is charging but not being recognised after you've tried the steps others have listed this may be the cause. Some pins are used for charging and others for data transfer. Edit: also as /u/Quantumdrej suggested a DFU restore, this will update you to the latest version of iOS so you might want to think about how valuable being on 10.0.2 is.", ">>{MWM2} : Are you saying the article is worth a read? Every single time I read an article by a libertarian on issues like this - I get annoyed. It seems to be more like a plug for libertarianism — We're kinda left and we're kinda right and we're not that bad! — than the actual topic at hand. Also, libertarianism logic always escapes me.", '>>{TheBossJellyFish} : It will always update to the newest version, be carefull!', '>>{dalovindj} : If the Republicans go nuclear, they can recall Gorsuch as the nom and put someone even further to the right in there. Dems definitely playing with fire if they try to block this nomination.', ">>{nvs1980} : He isn't as radical as they come and he's the best we could hope for. Dems are stuck trying to protest for protest's sake given the treatment of Garland or swallowing their pride and acknowledging things could get much worse over the next 4 years.", ">>{bbllaakkee} : sounds like something with the port if it's doing this on multiple computers.", ">>{quakank} : I read it all and I found it to be pretty fair. He didn't seem to insert his libertarian views much at all. At the very least it's worth reading what he notes as the pros and cons - whether you disagree with which side the points should be on or not.", '>>{choosingtangent} : This is not perfect, but it is indeed a gift, i know some wont think of it as such, but it is. This is not time for the filibuster. Gorsuch is not all that bad. He is a respected jurist and a seemingly even handed, thoughtful judge. Personally, i think he is more moderate than Scalia was. Save the nuclear option for when you need it. don\'t be petulant and take the "GOP did it so we (dems) are going to get even" position. Given the GOP control... of everything; you will lose. This past election showed just how sick of the DC bullshit most people are. Continue the nonsense sandbox crap at your own peril. There is a time for crusading. This is not it. Stop making this about roe v wade in your minds. It is about the Constitution and the country. I cant even begin to explain how tired I have become of people making government about social issues. Edit: ADD - its not just about the right or just about the left... its about everyone', '>>{HBombthrow} : > But the other half of me wants the Democrats to at least ATTEMPT trying to do what Republicans did to Obama since Scalia died. I think that\'s the way it will end up: Schumer will say "Republicans need to reach 60 votes," and there will be enough defections to get there.', '>>{yugeorangetan} : So Trump and his obstructionists are bringing about the end of days', '>>{ubix} : We have no idea how much Trump is indebted to Putin or what their relationship is. We need to delay this nomination until an investigation by independent counsel is complete. We could be putting another compromised individual into a lifetime position, for all we know.', ">>{yugeorangetan} : Should let the Republicans get rid of filibuster. So when 18 and 20 elections come about they will taste their own medicine. Don't play nice with them.", '>>{El3mentGamer} : What does? Factory reset ?I absolutely do not wish to update. I want to avoid this at all cost.', ">>{AspiringAuthor07} : You're probably right. How long do you think it will take?", ">>{HBombthrow} : My big worry there is that they lump in legislative filibuster alongside SCOTUS. I think it will be harder for GOP Senators to eliminate legislative filibuster when it's the focus, especially when it involves Trump trying to push through some insane legislation vulnerable GOP Senators don't want to be attached to.", '>>{yugeorangetan} : What I wonder is why there is no requirement for a supermajority to get rid of filibuster. 51 votes to get rid of filibuster kind of defeats the point. Logically should have to take a supermajority', ">>{HBombthrow} : A lot of Americans are going to get a crash course over the next 4/8 years about how much of the American system is held up by norms and comity and not actual rules. It would not be super hard for the GOP to install a permanent, fascist one-party state without violating structural rules and procedures. It's how democracies fall. It's why so many people have been screaming from the mountain tops for a year that Trump and a GOP Congress represent an existential threat to the United States", ">>{ericslick} : This is a dumb question but it's happened to me....is it a charge only cord?", '>>{TheBossJellyFish} : Updating. You cant update only 1 Version up, youll update to the latest', ">>{blighternet} : Can't believe this hasn't been posted already: is your phone unlocked when you plug it in? It needs to be.", ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : You can't update to one version behind since only the latest firmware is signed by Apple. Anything that isn't signed, you can't upgrade to.", ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : They could've just done it in the first place and there's still fuckall the democrats could've done to stop it. I'm over worrying about the next boogeyman down the line if it means letting the shitbirds flow in freely until the magic moment democrats get enough spine to just stop playing that game.", ">>{El3mentGamer} : No I've tried three different cords including the stock cord", '>>{El3mentGamer} : Minor lint. Cleaned it out anyways. Still only charges. :/', ">>{El3mentGamer} : Yep. Tried the ol' hard reset just now. No help :S", '>>{ShakeyBobWillis} : It doesn\'t matter if Gorsuch is qualified. He was plucked off of a poison tree. The man himself spoke directly about partisan hackery and now wants to be the guy who is the literal reward for the behavior he supposedly condemned on principle. Fuck that asshole. He\'s getting in whether Dems want it or not so at minimum democrats should be pointing out Gorsuch\'s own words and making the rhetorical point that if he really believed the shit he said then surely he shouldn\'t be able to accept that nomination in good conscience. Here are Gorsuch\'s words: http://www.upi.com/Justice-White-and-judicial-excellence/72651020510343/ \\*Emphasis: *"Today, there are too many who are concerned less with promoting the best public servants and more with enforcing litmus tests and locating unknown "stealth candidates" who are perceived as likely to advance favored political causes once on the bench.* *Politicians and pressure groups on both sides declare that they will not support nominees unless they hew to their own partisan creeds. When a favored candidate is voted down for lack of sufficient political sympathy to those in control, grudges are held for years, and retaliation is guaranteed."* The fact that the very act of accepting the nomination requires him to sell out a very principle he claimed to care about is enough to disqualify him. Since that can\'t be forced, the fucking words should hang around his neck like a god damn albatross for the entirety of his appointment. If he\'s a man of any principle it will drive him as a reminder to be as unpartisan as possible in his rulings. If it pisses him off and he retreats to partisanship over it then he was never really about those principles in the first place and he can suck balls. But what should not be allowed to happen is that his name is ever mentioned without the glaring reminder of how he sold himself out just to get the seat. Fuck him, fuck this current gaggle of republicans, and fuck everyone who continues to buy into their bullshit.', '>>{MWM2} : I quoted the end of the article first for obvious reasons. > There is, of course, the matter of Merrick Garland. Well, ***yeah.*** Why did the author put this at the very, very end?!? > Progressive activists are pushing Democrats to block Gorsuch at all costs, not because of his record, but because of the Republicans\' unprecedented denial of even a vote for Garland last year. Now I see why the Garland stuff is at the end. Politics is a bloodsport. And the GOP is nasty down to the last person. ***That\'s*** why people are "pushing". > I\'ll just state before going any further that I think Republicans\' behavior with respect to Garland was unconscionable, as was Mitch McConnell\'s promise to also block any nominees should Hillary Clinton win the election. It was a gross violation of democratic norms. ***That said, this doesn\'t seem like the time to revisit that fight.*** ***Emphasis mine***. He\'s wrong. > One can certainly understand the desire for retribution. Why did I read this stupid article? > Gorsuch\'s record suggests that he\'d actually be to the left of Garland. Is the author\'s POV an outlier? > I think Trump presents a unique threat to American democracy. You don\'t say***!*** > I can\'t say for certain that Gorsuch thinks those orders are unlawful, but he does have a history of ruling against the executive overreach in immigration cases. Is the author\'s POV an outlier? --- I probably am talking to myself at this point starting now but here I go***!*** I knew "as a libertarian" was a klaxion I should not have avoided paying attention to. I should not have read the article. It was a joyless, difficult slog of a read. As I was nearly certain it would be. **I am not a jurist.** I intentionally skipped quoting libertarian inside baseball legal stuff. I"m not googling stuff just so I can read an article. And Wikipedia pages for legal stuff are truly horrible reads for non-jurists. And A list of Libertarian inside baseball legal stuff: - De Niz Robles v. Lynch - Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch - Chevron deference - United States v. Nichols - the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) - United States v. Carlos - United States v. Ackerman - Yellowbear v. Lampert - Gonzalez v. Oregon - Daubert analyses This is a horrible way to prove a point. It\'s classic libertarian maneuver. It goes something like this... The author gives a large mass of Libertarian inside baseball legal stuff that the public doesn\'t know anything about. And then he interweaves his POV with that the facts. Or he doesn\'t even bother to explain - example: Daubert analyses. > The non-political regulatory agencies can still wield a lot of power, and the courts ought to serve as a check on them. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. > But even progressives who might be troubled by Gorsuch\'s skepticism of deference to regulatory agencies should keep in mind that we\'re now in the Trump era. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. > While progressives may be worried by what Gorsuch\'s skepticism of the Chevron deference means for agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency or the Food and Drug Administration, his record shows that of a judge willing to apply it to an agency such as the Department of Homeland Security. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. > On the Fourth Amendment, Gorsuch\'s record is also encouraging Well I can agree with libertarians that "unreasonable searches and seizures" are very bad. > Whether you think that\'s a plus or a minus obviously depends on whether you prioritize reproductive rights or religious freedom. But even if you\'re bothered by his opinion in that case, Gorsuch\'s championing of religious freedom does at least **seem** to be careful and principled, and not partisan toward Christianity. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. "Seems", eh? > he has history of ruling that criminal laws should be read narrowly, with ambiguities resolved in favor of defendants. That, too, is a good thing. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. I am not a lawyer so I\'d have to google to determine if it\'s a "good thing". > I was also struck by Gorsuch\'s acceptance speech. It was noticeably un-Trumpian. ***Is that a joke???*** > He was humble, reverent of institutions and deferential to the office for which he had just been nominated. Unlike the man who nominated him, he came off as someone devoted to law, not someone who believes he is above it. He gets brownie points for acting like Justices are supposed to***???*** > **The Bad:** Gorsuch wrote an entire book laying out the case against assisted suicide Yeap. > Gorsuch\'s record on actual abortion cases is thin, but we can probably presume that he\'d vote with Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and John Roberts. That would keep the court unchanged on abortion rights. How much is the author\'s POV an outlier? **It\'s totally bizarre he\'d mention legal case after legal case that are entirely obscure but fail to mention Roe v. Wade even once by name.** > Gorsuch also has generally favored granting qualified immunity to police officers when they\'re sued for alleged constitutional violations. Here, he\'s no different from most other federal judges. Is this some Libertarian inside baseball legal stuff??? I have no idea what he\'s talking about. > **The Politics:** There are a lot of important areas where Gorsuch has no record at all. ***Exactly!***', ">>{93throwaway19} : What version iPhone does you wife have? Both iOS and iPhone version. Have you tried creating new users on the computers? Probably not the user because it doesn't work on either OS, but worth a try nonetheless.", ">>{thepooopiest} : You do realize the Dems aren't looking so good for '18, just as a matter of looking at the game board, politics aside? There's a realistic chance at least that the Republicans clinch a supermajority. There are more Dems up for reelection than Repubs, and like 10 or so are in perilous races in deep red States. How does that make you feel?", '>>{yugeorangetan} : Confident. I know orange will make things extremely bad by then, if he makes it so far without impeachment.', '>>{2ndprize} : I guess I was expecting something more crazy. He certainly selected someone with the appropriate qualifications and resume to do the job. I was anticipating a full on whackadoo or non lawyer. Edit: I was not aware of Facism Forever when I wrote that.', '>>{ubix} : Yeah, promote the Fascism Forever guy. What could go wrong?', '>>{startedANewOne} : DFU mode updates to latest version. Factory reset only resets current installed version.', '>>{IRSoup} : Darn! Sorry. I hope you get it fixed!', ">>{choosingtangent} : Give me a break... I am not a fan of the new administration either. That being said; I am sick of the whining. You do realize that this is what happens when your base is disorganized, you have shitty candidates AND THE BIGGY... your base does not turn out to vote. You have nobody but the DNC and the their base to blame. You knew exactly who trump was and if you didnt want to see him elected, the solution was to just hold your nose and vote DEM. But the base couldn't do that because they have their principals and they wanted Bernie. Fuck you guys, you did this. While we are at it stop with the comparisons to fascism when you don't like something.", ">>{ubix} : I'm not about to take advice from a Vichy Republican", '>>{El3mentGamer} : Thanks for clearing this up for me. I am going to avoid the DFU restore.', '>>{choosingtangent} : I take that as a compliment... and, enjoy the president you helped elect. nice work', ">>{El3mentGamer} : My iphone - 5S v10.0.2 Wifes iphone - 6PLUS with newest version. By user I could only assume you mean the actual OS user. Nope haven't tried that BUT something I noticed. When trying the wifes Mac, i noticed she was logged in under her Apple ID. Must this be changed? The computer should still detect the iphone nonetheless right?", '>>{El3mentGamer} : Cleaned the little bit of lint that was in there. Still no solution unfortunately :S appreciate the advice though!', ">>{startedANewOne} : It's a last resort method. I had to use it for a dead iPhone 5 that wouldn't charge. It's also apparently part of the jailbreaking sequence but I've never done that so I may be wrong.", '>>{choosingtangent} : That makes no sense... and I have seen some of your work on KOS. I particularly like the ones where you go after the DNC for doing a shitty job. I am guessing that you are maybe mid 20s, and this is the first election that you voted in where obama was not on the ticket? Keep up the good work, fight the good fight and hammer that last nail in the DNC coffin. You do realize that the GOP won because the dems either did not turn out because they were pissed, or they just hate HRC (who was the most qualified person for this job BTW) so much... that the voted for Trump. SO really, this is the really the fault of the DNC (looking at you Debbie) and the democratic left. Nice work dummies.', ">>{ubix} : Gerrymandering played a much bigger role than Democrats are likely to admit. And Comey's last minute surprise was also helpful. But I agree that the DNC shares partial blame for being tone deaf to Sanders supporters. As for your guesses, well, they are just that.", '>>{choosingtangent} : The DNC was not tone deaf to Sanders supporters. The problem was, Sanders is not a democrat and Sanders did not represent the DNC platform. They wanted absolutely nothing to do with him and what he brought to the party. So in retrospect, the DNC actually was able to prevent a coup in the party. The GOP had a similar situation, but no such luck. They lost control of the party to the Trump and Angry White Guy. That being said, if you consider that you had Sanders supporters and HRC supporters. Both hardline diehards, so the party was fractured into 2 distinct blocks. HRC folks were technically "party loyal" so their vote was a given. The wild card was the hardline Sanders folks, who would never vote HRC. In states like MI If You look at the fairly slim margins that HRC lost by in states that she was fully expected to win. I am willing to bet that if dems would have stuck by their party like the GOP voters did... well, then we would be having a totally different discussion today. And I feel pretty good about my guesses, which were not entirely intended to be an insult. More of an observation. Edit: typo and there are probably more', ">>{jordo2323} : This would be unprecedented and a PR hit for the GOP. They wouldn't do this."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{El3mentGamer} : [support please] iPhone will charge, but will not connect to ANY computer.', ">>{QuantumDrej} : Have you tried doing a factory reset on the phone itself? Also, have you tried putting it in DFU mode and then attempting to connect it to one of the computers? Depending on how long you've owned the phone, you might just be able to return it if it's still giving you problems after doing all that. EDIT: What phone and what version are you on? To find that out, go to Settings - General - Update to let it see which version it's on.", ">>{Benediktxvi} : First try (if you haven't already) the good ol' hard reset. Hold home + power buttons until phone reboots (power and volume down on iP7)", ">>{Fresh613} : Check your charge port for lint, take a pin or toothpick or whatever will fit really, ideally plastic or polymer but I use paperclips as they're abundant, and clear out the lint from the pins. May work, I know it's been a problem for me in the past.", ">>{El3mentGamer} : Will edit most of this into the OP but. Phone is 5s I am not on the newest version, though I don't wish to be; surely it should still sync just one version behind right? No I haven't tried DFU mode. And no I haven't factory reset. A factory reset deletes all my data correct?", '>>{El3mentGamer} : Have rebooted my phone. But not while plugged in. Thanks for the thought!', '>>{El3mentGamer} : Will double check sure. I think everything should be fine though; also I AM using my stock cord and have also tried other cords.', ">>{Fresh613} : Have you cleaned it out before? You'd be surprised how much stuff gets wedged in there.", ">>{IRSoup} : I actually helped someone the other day with this issue. Couldn't find what exactly in the settings it was, but resetting the settings fixed it. Try that before an annoying factory reset.", '>>{El3mentGamer} : New info! Rad. Can you elaborate on how to reset, and what gets reset in my settings?', ">>{El3mentGamer} : I've not to be honest. Will definitely look at both the charger cord and computer USB inputs", ">>{Fresh613} : Should only be your phone port. But checking your computer USB can't hurt either I guess. Lemme know what happens.", '>>{IRSoup} : It\'s under general, very bottom to reset, then choose the very top "reset all settings". This resets anything that was changed from the default settings. Whether that be your finger print, passcode, some app settings, iCloud, etc.', ">>{El3mentGamer} : Thanks much. I'm not opposed to factory resetting; but definitely was hoping for something more subtle. I didn't know you could do this!", ">>{FuckNope} : Just to add to this, once you've cleared the port out (carefully avoiding the pins on the bottom of the device) check them for any damage such as missing, bent or corroded pins. Since the phone is charging but not being recognised after you've tried the steps others have listed this may be the cause. Some pins are used for charging and others for data transfer. Edit: also as /u/Quantumdrej suggested a DFU restore, this will update you to the latest version of iOS so you might want to think about how valuable being on 10.0.2 is.", '>>{TheBossJellyFish} : It will always update to the newest version, be carefull!', ">>{bbllaakkee} : sounds like something with the port if it's doing this on multiple computers.", '>>{El3mentGamer} : What does? Factory reset ?I absolutely do not wish to update. I want to avoid this at all cost.', ">>{ericslick} : This is a dumb question but it's happened to me....is it a charge only cord?", '>>{TheBossJellyFish} : Updating. You cant update only 1 Version up, youll update to the latest', ">>{blighternet} : Can't believe this hasn't been posted already: is your phone unlocked when you plug it in? It needs to be.", ">>{PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES} : You can't update to one version behind since only the latest firmware is signed by Apple. Anything that isn't signed, you can't upgrade to.", ">>{El3mentGamer} : No I've tried three different cords including the stock cord", '>>{El3mentGamer} : Minor lint. Cleaned it out anyways. Still only charges. :/', ">>{El3mentGamer} : Yep. Tried the ol' hard reset just now. No help :S", ">>{93throwaway19} : What version iPhone does you wife have? Both iOS and iPhone version. Have you tried creating new users on the computers? Probably not the user because it doesn't work on either OS, but worth a try nonetheless.", '>>{startedANewOne} : DFU mode updates to latest version. Factory reset only resets current installed version.', '>>{IRSoup} : Darn! Sorry. I hope you get it fixed!', '>>{El3mentGamer} : Thanks for clearing this up for me. I am going to avoid the DFU restore.', ">>{El3mentGamer} : My iphone - 5S v10.0.2 Wifes iphone - 6PLUS with newest version. By user I could only assume you mean the actual OS user. Nope haven't tried that BUT something I noticed. When trying the wifes Mac, i noticed she was logged in under her Apple ID. Must this be changed? The computer should still detect the iphone nonetheless right?", '>>{El3mentGamer} : Cleaned the little bit of lint that was in there. Still no solution unfortunately :S appreciate the advice though!', ">>{startedANewOne} : It's a last resort method. I had to use it for a dead iPhone 5 that wouldn't charge. It's also apparently part of the jailbreaking sequence but I've never done that so I may be wrong."], ['>>{TurboThoughts} : Read: Chelsea 23rd Street Bomber’s Tumblr Alleged Manifesto', '>>{heelspider} : We need to stop letting people know if they kill a bunch of people or commit terrorism then that will get a bunch of people to read their stupid garbage.', '>>{Intellectuallygifted} : Donald Frump blamed Islamic terrorists immediately without knowing the facts. So did the /r/the_donald. They seem like a thoughtful, reflective group of people. Lol smh', '>>{WhyDoges} : I just find it interesting that ISIS took responsibilities for the stabbings and not this', '>>{C-in-parentheses-} : How do you know? Are you the real bomber?', ">>{loki8481} : does ISIS taking responsibility actually mean anything without a link between them and the perpetrators? I mean, they could take credit for anything in the world and it wouldn't matter without proof.", '>>{sinsyder-} : Congratulations Corporate Media, you are pushing mentally unstable people over the edge with your bullshit race baiting narratives. Shame on all of you!', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Media is really trying hard to downplay the whole thing. Up to editing Hillarys statement about it.', ">>{SANDERS4POTUS69} : We know that places like CNN, MSNBC, and WaPo don't give a shit about anything but selling bullshit fear mongering to mouth breathers, you'd think they would be all over this.", '>>{dumbscrub} : sounds like it was done by some pink haired attack helicopter degenerate', '>>{WhyDoges} : Oh grow up. Also ISIS claiming responsibility would be fantastic fear mongering.', '>>{WhyDoges} : Why would they downplay a potential terrorist attack, that would give them fantastic ratings'], ['>>{Beltwaydivided} : In Gorsuch, Trump gave Democrats a gift. They should take it.', ">>{jordo2323} : There's merit in holding onto the threat of the Nuclear Option. Although this nom. was ripped from the Democrats they may want to allow this through. Very conflicted.", '>>{994Bernie} : He could have gone Nuclear and nominated Ted Cruz. -Shudders down my spine just typing that.', ">>{pizzashill} : I mean, he's not wrong. This is as good a conservative justice as we're going to get, the other ones are way worse. You're better off holding off until election year, hoping that Trump tries to pick a justice during his last year, and then doing the same thing republicans did.", ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : Strategically, replacing Scalia with another conservative culture-warrior won't affect the dynamic of the court. The real fight is if Ruth Bader Ginsberg leaves. (but emotionally, I'm enraged by Republicans' refusal to consider Garland)", ">>{2ndprize} : Honestly it isn't a terrible choice. The only thing that makes it seem so bad is the Garland stuff", ">>{MWM2} : > **The Good:** As far as I'm concerned, the most important thing to look for in a Supreme Court justice right now is a willingness to stand up to executive power. But then I read there's this... > As a libertarian Well, at least he did me a favor. I stopped reading and started scanning. > Gorsuch is perhaps most known for his decision in the Hobby Lobby case, in which he wrote a strong opinion denouncing the birth-control mandate in the Affordable Care Act. Whether you think that's a plus or a minus obviously depends on **whether you prioritize reproductive rights or religious freedom.** **Emphasis mine.** I stopped scanning right there. --- Edit Well - I did read the article. *Gah.* See comments for more fun!", ">>{AspiringAuthor07} : I'm so conflicted about this. Balko lays out some excellent points in his article. And from listening to NPR as well, I can see how Gorsuch isn't such a bad choice at all - especially since he will virtually leave the dynamics of the court unchanged. Plus, in this environment, having a judge on the court who isn't afraid to stand up to the Executive Branch is absolutely essential. In addition, the fact that Obama, Clinton, Biden, Kerry, & Schumer all voted to appoint him to the Federal Appeals Court in 2006 definitely makes me think a bit more highly of him than I would have otherwise. Even though we may not agree with specific positions of his, we can surmise that he's qualified. But the other half of me wants the Democrats to at least ATTEMPT trying to do what Republicans did to Obama since Scalia died. Like I said, I'm conflicted. But I'm leaning toward believing Democrats should take it. If he really is the best we can hope for at this point in time, they should grasp onto it lest Trump change his mind and put forward somebody worse to enact the nuclear option with. It could be a hell of a lot worse, after all. Just look at the current state of the Republican Party.", '>>{quakank} : I certainly agree on your points, but the author does make valid points. Compared to the other possible choices, Gorsuch is probably the best we can hope for.', ">>{MWM2} : Are you saying the article is worth a read? Every single time I read an article by a libertarian on issues like this - I get annoyed. It seems to be more like a plug for libertarianism — We're kinda left and we're kinda right and we're not that bad! — than the actual topic at hand. Also, libertarianism logic always escapes me.", '>>{dalovindj} : If the Republicans go nuclear, they can recall Gorsuch as the nom and put someone even further to the right in there. Dems definitely playing with fire if they try to block this nomination.', ">>{nvs1980} : He isn't as radical as they come and he's the best we could hope for. Dems are stuck trying to protest for protest's sake given the treatment of Garland or swallowing their pride and acknowledging things could get much worse over the next 4 years.", ">>{quakank} : I read it all and I found it to be pretty fair. He didn't seem to insert his libertarian views much at all. At the very least it's worth reading what he notes as the pros and cons - whether you disagree with which side the points should be on or not.", '>>{choosingtangent} : This is not perfect, but it is indeed a gift, i know some wont think of it as such, but it is. This is not time for the filibuster. Gorsuch is not all that bad. He is a respected jurist and a seemingly even handed, thoughtful judge. Personally, i think he is more moderate than Scalia was. Save the nuclear option for when you need it. don\'t be petulant and take the "GOP did it so we (dems) are going to get even" position. Given the GOP control... of everything; you will lose. This past election showed just how sick of the DC bullshit most people are. Continue the nonsense sandbox crap at your own peril. There is a time for crusading. This is not it. Stop making this about roe v wade in your minds. It is about the Constitution and the country. I cant even begin to explain how tired I have become of people making government about social issues. Edit: ADD - its not just about the right or just about the left... its about everyone', '>>{HBombthrow} : > But the other half of me wants the Democrats to at least ATTEMPT trying to do what Republicans did to Obama since Scalia died. I think that\'s the way it will end up: Schumer will say "Republicans need to reach 60 votes," and there will be enough defections to get there.', '>>{yugeorangetan} : So Trump and his obstructionists are bringing about the end of days', '>>{ubix} : We have no idea how much Trump is indebted to Putin or what their relationship is. We need to delay this nomination until an investigation by independent counsel is complete. We could be putting another compromised individual into a lifetime position, for all we know.', ">>{yugeorangetan} : Should let the Republicans get rid of filibuster. So when 18 and 20 elections come about they will taste their own medicine. Don't play nice with them.", ">>{AspiringAuthor07} : You're probably right. How long do you think it will take?", ">>{HBombthrow} : My big worry there is that they lump in legislative filibuster alongside SCOTUS. I think it will be harder for GOP Senators to eliminate legislative filibuster when it's the focus, especially when it involves Trump trying to push through some insane legislation vulnerable GOP Senators don't want to be attached to.", '>>{yugeorangetan} : What I wonder is why there is no requirement for a supermajority to get rid of filibuster. 51 votes to get rid of filibuster kind of defeats the point. Logically should have to take a supermajority', ">>{HBombthrow} : A lot of Americans are going to get a crash course over the next 4/8 years about how much of the American system is held up by norms and comity and not actual rules. It would not be super hard for the GOP to install a permanent, fascist one-party state without violating structural rules and procedures. It's how democracies fall. It's why so many people have been screaming from the mountain tops for a year that Trump and a GOP Congress represent an existential threat to the United States", ">>{ShakeyBobWillis} : They could've just done it in the first place and there's still fuckall the democrats could've done to stop it. I'm over worrying about the next boogeyman down the line if it means letting the shitbirds flow in freely until the magic moment democrats get enough spine to just stop playing that game.", '>>{ShakeyBobWillis} : It doesn\'t matter if Gorsuch is qualified. He was plucked off of a poison tree. The man himself spoke directly about partisan hackery and now wants to be the guy who is the literal reward for the behavior he supposedly condemned on principle. Fuck that asshole. He\'s getting in whether Dems want it or not so at minimum democrats should be pointing out Gorsuch\'s own words and making the rhetorical point that if he really believed the shit he said then surely he shouldn\'t be able to accept that nomination in good conscience. Here are Gorsuch\'s words: http://www.upi.com/Justice-White-and-judicial-excellence/72651020510343/ \\*Emphasis: *"Today, there are too many who are concerned less with promoting the best public servants and more with enforcing litmus tests and locating unknown "stealth candidates" who are perceived as likely to advance favored political causes once on the bench.* *Politicians and pressure groups on both sides declare that they will not support nominees unless they hew to their own partisan creeds. When a favored candidate is voted down for lack of sufficient political sympathy to those in control, grudges are held for years, and retaliation is guaranteed."* The fact that the very act of accepting the nomination requires him to sell out a very principle he claimed to care about is enough to disqualify him. Since that can\'t be forced, the fucking words should hang around his neck like a god damn albatross for the entirety of his appointment. If he\'s a man of any principle it will drive him as a reminder to be as unpartisan as possible in his rulings. If it pisses him off and he retreats to partisanship over it then he was never really about those principles in the first place and he can suck balls. But what should not be allowed to happen is that his name is ever mentioned without the glaring reminder of how he sold himself out just to get the seat. Fuck him, fuck this current gaggle of republicans, and fuck everyone who continues to buy into their bullshit.', '>>{MWM2} : I quoted the end of the article first for obvious reasons. > There is, of course, the matter of Merrick Garland. Well, ***yeah.*** Why did the author put this at the very, very end?!? > Progressive activists are pushing Democrats to block Gorsuch at all costs, not because of his record, but because of the Republicans\' unprecedented denial of even a vote for Garland last year. Now I see why the Garland stuff is at the end. Politics is a bloodsport. And the GOP is nasty down to the last person. ***That\'s*** why people are "pushing". > I\'ll just state before going any further that I think Republicans\' behavior with respect to Garland was unconscionable, as was Mitch McConnell\'s promise to also block any nominees should Hillary Clinton win the election. It was a gross violation of democratic norms. ***That said, this doesn\'t seem like the time to revisit that fight.*** ***Emphasis mine***. He\'s wrong. > One can certainly understand the desire for retribution. Why did I read this stupid article? > Gorsuch\'s record suggests that he\'d actually be to the left of Garland. Is the author\'s POV an outlier? > I think Trump presents a unique threat to American democracy. You don\'t say***!*** > I can\'t say for certain that Gorsuch thinks those orders are unlawful, but he does have a history of ruling against the executive overreach in immigration cases. Is the author\'s POV an outlier? --- I probably am talking to myself at this point starting now but here I go***!*** I knew "as a libertarian" was a klaxion I should not have avoided paying attention to. I should not have read the article. It was a joyless, difficult slog of a read. As I was nearly certain it would be. **I am not a jurist.** I intentionally skipped quoting libertarian inside baseball legal stuff. I"m not googling stuff just so I can read an article. And Wikipedia pages for legal stuff are truly horrible reads for non-jurists. And A list of Libertarian inside baseball legal stuff: - De Niz Robles v. Lynch - Gutierrez-Brizuela v. Lynch - Chevron deference - United States v. Nichols - the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) - United States v. Carlos - United States v. Ackerman - Yellowbear v. Lampert - Gonzalez v. Oregon - Daubert analyses This is a horrible way to prove a point. It\'s classic libertarian maneuver. It goes something like this... The author gives a large mass of Libertarian inside baseball legal stuff that the public doesn\'t know anything about. And then he interweaves his POV with that the facts. Or he doesn\'t even bother to explain - example: Daubert analyses. > The non-political regulatory agencies can still wield a lot of power, and the courts ought to serve as a check on them. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. > But even progressives who might be troubled by Gorsuch\'s skepticism of deference to regulatory agencies should keep in mind that we\'re now in the Trump era. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. > While progressives may be worried by what Gorsuch\'s skepticism of the Chevron deference means for agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency or the Food and Drug Administration, his record shows that of a judge willing to apply it to an agency such as the Department of Homeland Security. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. > On the Fourth Amendment, Gorsuch\'s record is also encouraging Well I can agree with libertarians that "unreasonable searches and seizures" are very bad. > Whether you think that\'s a plus or a minus obviously depends on whether you prioritize reproductive rights or religious freedom. But even if you\'re bothered by his opinion in that case, Gorsuch\'s championing of religious freedom does at least **seem** to be careful and principled, and not partisan toward Christianity. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. "Seems", eh? > he has history of ruling that criminal laws should be read narrowly, with ambiguities resolved in favor of defendants. That, too, is a good thing. Hey, a very strongly libertarian POV. What a surprise. I am not a lawyer so I\'d have to google to determine if it\'s a "good thing". > I was also struck by Gorsuch\'s acceptance speech. It was noticeably un-Trumpian. ***Is that a joke???*** > He was humble, reverent of institutions and deferential to the office for which he had just been nominated. Unlike the man who nominated him, he came off as someone devoted to law, not someone who believes he is above it. He gets brownie points for acting like Justices are supposed to***???*** > **The Bad:** Gorsuch wrote an entire book laying out the case against assisted suicide Yeap. > Gorsuch\'s record on actual abortion cases is thin, but we can probably presume that he\'d vote with Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and John Roberts. That would keep the court unchanged on abortion rights. How much is the author\'s POV an outlier? **It\'s totally bizarre he\'d mention legal case after legal case that are entirely obscure but fail to mention Roe v. Wade even once by name.** > Gorsuch also has generally favored granting qualified immunity to police officers when they\'re sued for alleged constitutional violations. Here, he\'s no different from most other federal judges. Is this some Libertarian inside baseball legal stuff??? I have no idea what he\'s talking about. > **The Politics:** There are a lot of important areas where Gorsuch has no record at all. ***Exactly!***', ">>{thepooopiest} : You do realize the Dems aren't looking so good for '18, just as a matter of looking at the game board, politics aside? There's a realistic chance at least that the Republicans clinch a supermajority. There are more Dems up for reelection than Repubs, and like 10 or so are in perilous races in deep red States. How does that make you feel?", '>>{yugeorangetan} : Confident. I know orange will make things extremely bad by then, if he makes it so far without impeachment.', '>>{2ndprize} : I guess I was expecting something more crazy. He certainly selected someone with the appropriate qualifications and resume to do the job. I was anticipating a full on whackadoo or non lawyer. Edit: I was not aware of Facism Forever when I wrote that.', '>>{ubix} : Yeah, promote the Fascism Forever guy. What could go wrong?', ">>{choosingtangent} : Give me a break... I am not a fan of the new administration either. That being said; I am sick of the whining. You do realize that this is what happens when your base is disorganized, you have shitty candidates AND THE BIGGY... your base does not turn out to vote. You have nobody but the DNC and the their base to blame. You knew exactly who trump was and if you didnt want to see him elected, the solution was to just hold your nose and vote DEM. But the base couldn't do that because they have their principals and they wanted Bernie. Fuck you guys, you did this. While we are at it stop with the comparisons to fascism when you don't like something.", ">>{ubix} : I'm not about to take advice from a Vichy Republican", '>>{choosingtangent} : I take that as a compliment... and, enjoy the president you helped elect. nice work', '>>{choosingtangent} : That makes no sense... and I have seen some of your work on KOS. I particularly like the ones where you go after the DNC for doing a shitty job. I am guessing that you are maybe mid 20s, and this is the first election that you voted in where obama was not on the ticket? Keep up the good work, fight the good fight and hammer that last nail in the DNC coffin. You do realize that the GOP won because the dems either did not turn out because they were pissed, or they just hate HRC (who was the most qualified person for this job BTW) so much... that the voted for Trump. SO really, this is the really the fault of the DNC (looking at you Debbie) and the democratic left. Nice work dummies.', ">>{ubix} : Gerrymandering played a much bigger role than Democrats are likely to admit. And Comey's last minute surprise was also helpful. But I agree that the DNC shares partial blame for being tone deaf to Sanders supporters. As for your guesses, well, they are just that.", '>>{choosingtangent} : The DNC was not tone deaf to Sanders supporters. The problem was, Sanders is not a democrat and Sanders did not represent the DNC platform. They wanted absolutely nothing to do with him and what he brought to the party. So in retrospect, the DNC actually was able to prevent a coup in the party. The GOP had a similar situation, but no such luck. They lost control of the party to the Trump and Angry White Guy. That being said, if you consider that you had Sanders supporters and HRC supporters. Both hardline diehards, so the party was fractured into 2 distinct blocks. HRC folks were technically "party loyal" so their vote was a given. The wild card was the hardline Sanders folks, who would never vote HRC. In states like MI If You look at the fairly slim margins that HRC lost by in states that she was fully expected to win. I am willing to bet that if dems would have stuck by their party like the GOP voters did... well, then we would be having a totally different discussion today. And I feel pretty good about my guesses, which were not entirely intended to be an insult. More of an observation. Edit: typo and there are probably more', ">>{jordo2323} : This would be unprecedented and a PR hit for the GOP. They wouldn't do this."], ['>>{MRizkBV} : Would you rather get a Red Leather case and live with discolouration, or get a darker one and enjoy it for long?', '>>{MRizkBV} : That is true. My father has been using it for over two years and it is still almost as good as new but I am really not a fan of this colour.', ">>{mysticportal} : Maybe the quality improved in the recent model. I'd keep the midnight blue if you love it. The red would eventually get discoloration, but it does look sweet.", ">>{MRizkBV} : What about the silicon one? I have never tried a silicon one before that I don't even know how it feels like... does it feel (texture) similar to leather? What about discoloration? I heard it is a dust magnet but it can also be cleaned with a wet cloth / little bit of water unlike the leather...", ">>{wheels2} : I've found the silicon ones great, but they're kind of difficult to get into your pocket if you're wearing slightly tight jeans. Small issue but it gets more annoying over time.", ">>{Anthonok} : Ehh. Storm Grey. But now I have a black case. Loved the color initially now it's just a black leather case. Bummer.", ">>{mysticportal} : I doubt it'll feel like leather. Having used a different silicone case before; it will definitely pick up dust and lint. I'm not sure if the texture on Apple's is a bit more tougher or rubbery feeling. But you won't have to worry about discoloration.", '>>{Entertainnosis} : I like the discolouration on mine but they are really fragile. Dropped onto concrete from waist height and it now has multiple rips everywhere.', ">>{MRizkBV} : Fragile case but protecting phone better than another good looking one but let's phone take the damage. Had mine for 2 years and drop my phone a lot but not a single scratch or dent.", '>>{Entertainnosis} : I happen to drop my phone onto pavements a lot. 1st time left a rip on the case and a scuff on the phone. 2nd time left the rear of the case in a tatty state, lots of tears and marks.']]
classify and reply
['>>{madfrogurt} : Anthony Bourdain kept CNN in the dark on President Obama booking', ">>{madfrogurt} : >Bourdain and his producers selected the restaurant they dined in. The check was for $6; Bourdain picked up the tab. I love this little detail. Bourdain could have taken Obama to anywhere in Vietnam and he chose a hole in the wall. Perfect. I'm very much looking forward to this episode.", ">>{MC_Fap_Commander} : Considering Obama wants to own T- shirt shack in Hawaii, I'm guessing he preferred it to a four star joint.", '>>{chi-hi} : I just imagined Obama talking about his t shirt shack and how successful he thinks it will be. While a group of people listen slack jawed.', '>>{Schwa142} : Hole in the wall joints have the best food...', '>>{CMDR_BlueCrab} : > Bourdain and Obama spoke about southeast Asia, raising their daughters and, controversially, whether one should ever put ketchup on hot dogs. “He gave me a surprisingly undiplomatic answer. He is clearly not running for office,” Bourdain quipped. Does this mean Obama puts ketchup on his dogs? WTF man....', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : The official White House YouTube channel has hidden 2,241 of their videos.', '>>{Vesstair} : Have they... by chance... been, say, moved to an archive account like Obama-era tweets?', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : Actually yes they have, as of right now they have just shy of 9000 subscribers. To view those old videos, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDGknzyQfNiThyt4vg4MlTQ', '>>{Vesstair} : So.... will you be deleting this post, as it seems to imply that the Trump white house is trying to scrub everything Obama from the face of the earth?', '>>{ivsciguy} : For me it depend on other condiments available. Kraut and ketchup should never mix. Would much rather have kraut and mustard than mustard and ketchup.', '>>{Scoutandabout} : Lemme guess. Videos with keywords like: Civil Rights, Environment, LGBT, Minorities, Compassion, Feed the Poor, California, Green, Elderly, Disabled, Atheist...', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : I will not as no implication was meant. The purpose of this post was to showcase that the YouTube channel was also a part of the transition. If any individual wishes to form an opinion based off of that, then let I will leave that to them.', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : While the new administration may have been more selective with what stays and goes on whitehouse.gov, the YouTube page was scrubbed completely with all videos uploaded a product of the new administration. If you still wish to view those archived videos, please feel free to visit : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDGknzyQfNiThyt4vg4MlTQ', '>>{RoundLakeBoy} : Yep, how about we waste more money and resources on nothing.', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : While I understand the point you are attempting to make, this post is solely focused on the fact that the new administration are starting fresh with their inherited channel. That video was never hidden as it was never posted on the official White House channel.', ">>{Vesstair} : Maybe no implication was intended, but your phrasing certainly makes one. The title of this post gives a half truth, and you likely would have just left it like that if you hadn't been called out on it. Anyway, reported because it isn't an article/poll/etc.", '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : He was already there. He didnt fly out to do this.', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : If you wish to view the (now) archived videos, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDGknzyQfNiThyt4vg4MlTQ', '>>{RoundLakeBoy} : Can you not detect the sarcasm thats is basically dripping from my comment?', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : If you wish to either offer up a better title that concisely conveys the information please feel free to do so and submit it as your own, I welcome information and fact being presented as purely as possible. As for the article, you are also more than welcome to write up your own or locate one if you deem it to be fit.', '>>{Dario_Pfeil} : It will be removed soon, this post already breaks a post rule about post titles', ">>{MC_Fap_Commander} : I, sadly, don't think he's going to do it. That said, the Obama T-Shirt Shack would make SERIOUS, SERIOUS BANK in Honolulu off the beach. Hell, do it like TOMS shoes and make it some sort of charity thing. It would instantly become a major tourist destination in one of America's greatest tourist destinations. Would also be a fun little hobby for him while he does humanitarian work (I expect his post-presidency to mimic Carter's). But I doubt he will... though I also didn't expect him to chill with Anthony Bourdain at a hole in the wall Saigon eatery.", '>>{aiaisamurai} : Come on dude. "I will leave that to them". That\'s irresponsible and stupid. You clearly want to imply something which is false. You can check my history if you think I\'m a Trump supporter (spoilers: I\'m not). My point is that we can\'t do the same stupid shit they do, lying all the time and discrediting facts. Play it straight. Fight bullshit with truth and honesty.', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : If you wish to report, then by all mean report. If you wish to re-upload then by all means re-upload with a better title. For example (as this was one I just thought up of and would have used in its place) "As per the planned transition, the official White House YouTube channel has moved all previous videos over to an archived channel". As per the Submission Guidelines #3, all of the other articles that I have found that mention the YouTube channel specifically within the content, do not make mention of it in the title. Here are some of those articles that I have found. If you wish to post those please feel free to do so. http://www.newschannel5.com/news/national/donald-trump-takes-potus-handle-in-twitter-transfer-of-power http://www.progress-index.com/news/20170121/twitter-presidency', '>>{lost_send_berries} : > White House transfers old YouTube videos to a new account', '>>{BerneseTerror} : This sub is shit and the mods are useless.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{madfrogurt} : Anthony Bourdain kept CNN in the dark on President Obama booking', ">>{madfrogurt} : >Bourdain and his producers selected the restaurant they dined in. The check was for $6; Bourdain picked up the tab. I love this little detail. Bourdain could have taken Obama to anywhere in Vietnam and he chose a hole in the wall. Perfect. I'm very much looking forward to this episode.", ">>{MC_Fap_Commander} : Considering Obama wants to own T- shirt shack in Hawaii, I'm guessing he preferred it to a four star joint.", '>>{chi-hi} : I just imagined Obama talking about his t shirt shack and how successful he thinks it will be. While a group of people listen slack jawed.', '>>{Schwa142} : Hole in the wall joints have the best food...', '>>{CMDR_BlueCrab} : > Bourdain and Obama spoke about southeast Asia, raising their daughters and, controversially, whether one should ever put ketchup on hot dogs. “He gave me a surprisingly undiplomatic answer. He is clearly not running for office,” Bourdain quipped. Does this mean Obama puts ketchup on his dogs? WTF man....', '>>{ivsciguy} : For me it depend on other condiments available. Kraut and ketchup should never mix. Would much rather have kraut and mustard than mustard and ketchup.', '>>{RoundLakeBoy} : Yep, how about we waste more money and resources on nothing.', '>>{OhGreatItsHim} : He was already there. He didnt fly out to do this.', '>>{RoundLakeBoy} : Can you not detect the sarcasm thats is basically dripping from my comment?', ">>{MC_Fap_Commander} : I, sadly, don't think he's going to do it. That said, the Obama T-Shirt Shack would make SERIOUS, SERIOUS BANK in Honolulu off the beach. Hell, do it like TOMS shoes and make it some sort of charity thing. It would instantly become a major tourist destination in one of America's greatest tourist destinations. Would also be a fun little hobby for him while he does humanitarian work (I expect his post-presidency to mimic Carter's). But I doubt he will... though I also didn't expect him to chill with Anthony Bourdain at a hole in the wall Saigon eatery."], ['>>{TheRealDispersion} : The official White House YouTube channel has hidden 2,241 of their videos.', '>>{Vesstair} : Have they... by chance... been, say, moved to an archive account like Obama-era tweets?', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : Actually yes they have, as of right now they have just shy of 9000 subscribers. To view those old videos, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDGknzyQfNiThyt4vg4MlTQ', '>>{Vesstair} : So.... will you be deleting this post, as it seems to imply that the Trump white house is trying to scrub everything Obama from the face of the earth?', '>>{Scoutandabout} : Lemme guess. Videos with keywords like: Civil Rights, Environment, LGBT, Minorities, Compassion, Feed the Poor, California, Green, Elderly, Disabled, Atheist...', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : I will not as no implication was meant. The purpose of this post was to showcase that the YouTube channel was also a part of the transition. If any individual wishes to form an opinion based off of that, then let I will leave that to them.', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : While the new administration may have been more selective with what stays and goes on whitehouse.gov, the YouTube page was scrubbed completely with all videos uploaded a product of the new administration. If you still wish to view those archived videos, please feel free to visit : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDGknzyQfNiThyt4vg4MlTQ', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : While I understand the point you are attempting to make, this post is solely focused on the fact that the new administration are starting fresh with their inherited channel. That video was never hidden as it was never posted on the official White House channel.', ">>{Vesstair} : Maybe no implication was intended, but your phrasing certainly makes one. The title of this post gives a half truth, and you likely would have just left it like that if you hadn't been called out on it. Anyway, reported because it isn't an article/poll/etc.", '>>{TheRealDispersion} : If you wish to view the (now) archived videos, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDGknzyQfNiThyt4vg4MlTQ', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : If you wish to either offer up a better title that concisely conveys the information please feel free to do so and submit it as your own, I welcome information and fact being presented as purely as possible. As for the article, you are also more than welcome to write up your own or locate one if you deem it to be fit.', '>>{Dario_Pfeil} : It will be removed soon, this post already breaks a post rule about post titles', '>>{aiaisamurai} : Come on dude. "I will leave that to them". That\'s irresponsible and stupid. You clearly want to imply something which is false. You can check my history if you think I\'m a Trump supporter (spoilers: I\'m not). My point is that we can\'t do the same stupid shit they do, lying all the time and discrediting facts. Play it straight. Fight bullshit with truth and honesty.', '>>{TheRealDispersion} : If you wish to report, then by all mean report. If you wish to re-upload then by all means re-upload with a better title. For example (as this was one I just thought up of and would have used in its place) "As per the planned transition, the official White House YouTube channel has moved all previous videos over to an archived channel". As per the Submission Guidelines #3, all of the other articles that I have found that mention the YouTube channel specifically within the content, do not make mention of it in the title. Here are some of those articles that I have found. If you wish to post those please feel free to do so. http://www.newschannel5.com/news/national/donald-trump-takes-potus-handle-in-twitter-transfer-of-power http://www.progress-index.com/news/20170121/twitter-presidency', '>>{lost_send_berries} : > White House transfers old YouTube videos to a new account', '>>{BerneseTerror} : This sub is shit and the mods are useless.']]
classify and reply
[">>{sedgwickian} : The (conservative) government of England dislikes a move made by Clinton. Sure. That's important. But another candidate not even knowing the basic details about the place where this foreign policy was enacted is *also* worth discussing.", ">>{portnux} : Take it in, you'll probably need to get it replaced.", ">>{MacInTosh128} : Nope, mine unit doesn't have this problem :/ I'm on 6s btw", ">>{cavehobbit} : > You might think that a deeply sourced report from an allied government about trumped-up intelligence leading to yet another destabilizing Middle East war might make some headlines in the country where the administration's leading proponent of said intervention is poised to become the next leader of the free world. > > > But you would be wrong. I see the Hillary brigade is out today. I guess missing a factoid on a Syrian city is soooooo much more important than slaughtering innocents in foreign lands, not to mention sending our own troops to murder them, and get maimed or killed in the process. Pro-war candidates get so much support here, why?", '>>{alphonse_schilling} : “Editors Note: Matt Welch is editor-it-large for _Reason_...” I see.', ">>{Scandinavian147} : O get what you mean. For example the landscape button on YouTube is really har to hit. But i think it is not the accuracy it's just that the buttons are small. So you kinda need to learn the hit box.", ">>{LolcatPlays} : Anything that doesn't involve me breaking the bank? It's out of warranty.", '>>{noctngu} : Personally, also coming from android a few years ago, I found the hitbox of iPhone is slightly lower than it seems on the screen. Like if you want to hit the back button, you should try to aim a little bit lower than the mid-point of the button. Let me know if this helps you :)', '>>{H37man} : Well what exactly do you think we should do about war in Syria, Isis, and other terrorist organization? You may disagree with the war we started in Iraq but if they ask us for help are we supposed to ignore it? Same with our other allies in the region. Should we just ignore Israel when they ask for assistance even though we have a treaty with them promising military support? You may disagree on how we got involved in this but to turn our backs on problems we helped create would be worst.', '>>{deadaim_} : I love that this is 67% upvoted. Gotta love fanboys. Thanks for the advice tho people', ">>{portnux} : Probably not. I think it's either out of warranty replacement or nothing.", ">>{LolcatPlays} : Checked network selection and it actually showed available networks, also looked up the IMEI online and it's locked to Three, I ordered a sim from them just now and I'll unlock it from them.", ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : This subreddit has a horrible problem with stuff being downvoted as soon as it's posted. I'm not sure if it's bots or what but it happens all the time.", ">>{windstrider13} : Are you using an app or accessing it from a browser? Do these same kinds of problems happen in other apps? I'm asking because I've owned iPhones four years now, and I've found the touchscreen accuracy depends on either the app or the web page. Some sites like Facebook are horrible with accuracy through Safari, but they work well through their own app.", ">>{cavehobbit} : Look at their actions. Right now Trump has no history but his rhetoric is very aggressive. Clinton's history speaks for itself.", ">>{jdayellow} : Your sim slot or network chip is probably damaged. Unless you take it to apple you'll have no service forever", '>>{LolcatPlays} : The seller gave it to me like that, but the reason it could be saying that is because I am using a sim that is not on the phones locked network, so I am ordering a free sim and transferring my number. Wish me luck!', ">>{spoiled_generation} : George W. Bush's rhetoric was less interventionist than Johnson's, yet look what happened.", ">>{jdayellow} : Check if your water damage sticker is activated. Use the guide on here to check https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT204104. If it's not activated and you have no service then apple may replace it for you.", ">>{LolcatPlays} : Surprisingly, no. I guess it's a sim issue then, its on the way and should be here in about 3 days.", '>>{cavehobbit} : [Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Ireland, Costa Rica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutral_country#List_of_neutral_states), All of these states and more are doing perfectly fine without trying to bully and police the planet.', '>>{alphonse_schilling} : > Look at their actions. All right, then. > Trump has no history but his rhetoric _sad trombone_', ">>{jkslate} : I had a 6s that was fantastic. I took a chance and got a Galaxy s7. I just recently went back to iphone with a 7 and have noticed exactly this issue. I don't recall having that problem on my 6s but I feel like accuracy is an issue on my 7. My gut is telling me this is force touch related, whether it is an issue with particular phones or the 7 line in general, I dunno. Something is definitely a little wonky with my phone though.", ">>{H37man} : Well that's good for them but did they topple the Iraqi government and cause instability in the region? Did they sign defensive treaties with Israel and Saudi Arabia? Do they have a permanent seat on the UN security counsel? Are they out patrolling the oceans keeping shipping lanes open so global trade can go on uninterrupted? The list goes on. You may not like the position the US is in but it does not change the fact where in it. And it also does not change the fact the majority of our military actions and aid are wanted by our allies.", ">>{cavehobbit} : Ah the old can't change course now argument >And it also does not change the fact the majority of our military actions and aid are wanted by our allies. Of course they are. They prefer we sacrifice our children than they sacrifice theirs, not to mention they save on defense costs while we suffer the corruption of the military industrial complex. To paraphrase you mom: If our allies demanded we jump off the nuclear cliff would you support that?", '>>{deadaim_} : Ffs, just upvoting your comment took like 10 taps', ">>{deadaim_} : I'm using chrome when I notice it, I did try safari earlier and had same issue. Haven't noticed it outside of web browsers. Keyboard works good", ">>{jdayellow} : Did you change carriers? If the new carrier doesn't work then apple will probably replace because there's no proof of water damage", ">>{AH_MLP} : You can just rotate your phone to engage landscape mode in the YouTube app (assuming you don't have your rotation locked)", '>>{cavehobbit} : worth discussing for day maybe, not for weeks as a way to distract from the record of the two old party candidates.', ">>{H37man} : It's not that we can't change course but we should live up to our end of the treaties. As a nation it is important for future treaties that other countries know we follow through with our treaties. And who do you think is incurring the majority of casualties and losses. It is our allies. It was the Iraqi who had ISIS pillaging through there country. It's not like our allies are sitting on the sidelines while our troops are the only ones dying. A low estimation on the amount of Iraqis killed by isil in the last year is 20k and something like a half million people displaced. Since 2011 we have lost less than 5k. So our allies are dying in way larger numbers than us. Are allies are not asking us to jump off a bridge. They are asking us to provide the support we promised.", '>>{LolcatPlays} : I bought it used, and it came on the Three network, just remembered that now, so I ordered a SIM.', ">>{ajt1995} : I haven't ever had this problem on any of my iPhones. Actually I find them more accurate than the android phones. (I work in a Carrier store)", '>>{hungryjesse} : I\'d take a lack of knowledge over the combination of a lot of knowledge and poor judgement any day of the week. If you listen to the rest of the Morning Joe "what would you do about aleppo?" interview, his response actually showed an understanding of the issue and a pragmatic solution. He suggested the US work with Russia to create a ceasefire. This is the policy that Kerry started working toward about 2 weeks after that interview. It also reflects a pragmatic change of direction from 5+ years of policy aimed at eliminating both ISIS and Assad.', ">>{hungryjesse} : Doesn't that support the argument? Yes, let's ignore the rhetoric and look at their past. Hillary has voted for war every time she has had the opportunity, regardless of how many times a similar strategy had been tried and failed. Johnson was an early critic of the War in Iraq (ie, before it happened).", ">>{hungryjesse} : I agree with Johnson's position that we should work with Russia to create a ceasefire. I think this reflects a pragmatism that while Assad isn't ideal, the likelihood of ISIS being removed, Assad being remove, and a functioning democracy emerging is exceedingly thin. There's a difference between turning our backs on problems and continuing to find solutions that actually make the problem worse. Johnson isn't advocating for isolationism, he's advocating for skepticism and pragmatism.", '>>{H37man} : The most pragmatic move for Johnson is to perhaps study our foreign policy. Once he knows the names of the leaders and places then he can move on to understanding the treaties and policies of these nations. That would be the reasonable and logical thing to do before running for the president of the US.', '>>{hungryjesse} : Do you disagree with his position or do you disagree with his Jeopardy score?', ">>{H37man} : Both. I'm not saying every foreign policy decision is right. But we do have allies in the region and we are a world power. We will be engaged in various forms of conflict until there is global peace or until we are no longer a global power. That is just the way it is.", ">>{sedgwickian} : Yes-if I need a pilot and my choice is someone with thirty years of experience and one high profile event that some say was a mistake and a guy who--an hour ago--said he didn't know what an airplane is, I'd go with the first.", '>>{escalation} : >Pro-war candidates get so much support here, why? The amount invested in manipulating reddit pales to the profits generated by the war machine.', ">>{hungryjesse} : I don't buy that the analogy is comparable, but which was the one high profile event? Voting for the war in Iraq, being an early supporter of arming Syrian rebels or being the deciding vote for the US to bomb Libya? To go a step further, you pilot has been in the cockpit for 30 years, but when has that pilot ever taken the wheel and successfully landed the airplane?", '>>{H37man} : Yes. Fortunately global violence is down. You can thank the US for that.', ">>{escalation} : Considering the US has been involved in most of the larger scale wars, this isn't all that much to their credit. I think the stabilizing influence of the Chinese economic subversion approach in Africa is a greater factor.", ">>{sedgwickian} : He's the one who brought it back up when he couldn't name a single world leader....the guy's a straight up clown and as long as he's running while not doing anything to counter that assertion, what else is there to say about him!?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{MacInTosh128} : Nope, mine unit doesn't have this problem :/ I'm on 6s btw", ">>{Scandinavian147} : O get what you mean. For example the landscape button on YouTube is really har to hit. But i think it is not the accuracy it's just that the buttons are small. So you kinda need to learn the hit box.", '>>{noctngu} : Personally, also coming from android a few years ago, I found the hitbox of iPhone is slightly lower than it seems on the screen. Like if you want to hit the back button, you should try to aim a little bit lower than the mid-point of the button. Let me know if this helps you :)', '>>{deadaim_} : I love that this is 67% upvoted. Gotta love fanboys. Thanks for the advice tho people', ">>{PavelDatsyuk} : This subreddit has a horrible problem with stuff being downvoted as soon as it's posted. I'm not sure if it's bots or what but it happens all the time.", ">>{windstrider13} : Are you using an app or accessing it from a browser? Do these same kinds of problems happen in other apps? I'm asking because I've owned iPhones four years now, and I've found the touchscreen accuracy depends on either the app or the web page. Some sites like Facebook are horrible with accuracy through Safari, but they work well through their own app.", ">>{jkslate} : I had a 6s that was fantastic. I took a chance and got a Galaxy s7. I just recently went back to iphone with a 7 and have noticed exactly this issue. I don't recall having that problem on my 6s but I feel like accuracy is an issue on my 7. My gut is telling me this is force touch related, whether it is an issue with particular phones or the 7 line in general, I dunno. Something is definitely a little wonky with my phone though.", '>>{deadaim_} : Ffs, just upvoting your comment took like 10 taps', ">>{deadaim_} : I'm using chrome when I notice it, I did try safari earlier and had same issue. Haven't noticed it outside of web browsers. Keyboard works good", ">>{AH_MLP} : You can just rotate your phone to engage landscape mode in the YouTube app (assuming you don't have your rotation locked)", ">>{ajt1995} : I haven't ever had this problem on any of my iPhones. Actually I find them more accurate than the android phones. (I work in a Carrier store)"], [">>{sedgwickian} : The (conservative) government of England dislikes a move made by Clinton. Sure. That's important. But another candidate not even knowing the basic details about the place where this foreign policy was enacted is *also* worth discussing.", ">>{cavehobbit} : > You might think that a deeply sourced report from an allied government about trumped-up intelligence leading to yet another destabilizing Middle East war might make some headlines in the country where the administration's leading proponent of said intervention is poised to become the next leader of the free world. > > > But you would be wrong. I see the Hillary brigade is out today. I guess missing a factoid on a Syrian city is soooooo much more important than slaughtering innocents in foreign lands, not to mention sending our own troops to murder them, and get maimed or killed in the process. Pro-war candidates get so much support here, why?", '>>{alphonse_schilling} : “Editors Note: Matt Welch is editor-it-large for _Reason_...” I see.', '>>{H37man} : Well what exactly do you think we should do about war in Syria, Isis, and other terrorist organization? You may disagree with the war we started in Iraq but if they ask us for help are we supposed to ignore it? Same with our other allies in the region. Should we just ignore Israel when they ask for assistance even though we have a treaty with them promising military support? You may disagree on how we got involved in this but to turn our backs on problems we helped create would be worst.', ">>{cavehobbit} : Look at their actions. Right now Trump has no history but his rhetoric is very aggressive. Clinton's history speaks for itself.", ">>{spoiled_generation} : George W. Bush's rhetoric was less interventionist than Johnson's, yet look what happened.", '>>{cavehobbit} : [Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Ireland, Costa Rica](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutral_country#List_of_neutral_states), All of these states and more are doing perfectly fine without trying to bully and police the planet.', '>>{alphonse_schilling} : > Look at their actions. All right, then. > Trump has no history but his rhetoric _sad trombone_', ">>{H37man} : Well that's good for them but did they topple the Iraqi government and cause instability in the region? Did they sign defensive treaties with Israel and Saudi Arabia? Do they have a permanent seat on the UN security counsel? Are they out patrolling the oceans keeping shipping lanes open so global trade can go on uninterrupted? The list goes on. You may not like the position the US is in but it does not change the fact where in it. And it also does not change the fact the majority of our military actions and aid are wanted by our allies.", ">>{cavehobbit} : Ah the old can't change course now argument >And it also does not change the fact the majority of our military actions and aid are wanted by our allies. Of course they are. They prefer we sacrifice our children than they sacrifice theirs, not to mention they save on defense costs while we suffer the corruption of the military industrial complex. To paraphrase you mom: If our allies demanded we jump off the nuclear cliff would you support that?", '>>{cavehobbit} : worth discussing for day maybe, not for weeks as a way to distract from the record of the two old party candidates.', ">>{H37man} : It's not that we can't change course but we should live up to our end of the treaties. As a nation it is important for future treaties that other countries know we follow through with our treaties. And who do you think is incurring the majority of casualties and losses. It is our allies. It was the Iraqi who had ISIS pillaging through there country. It's not like our allies are sitting on the sidelines while our troops are the only ones dying. A low estimation on the amount of Iraqis killed by isil in the last year is 20k and something like a half million people displaced. Since 2011 we have lost less than 5k. So our allies are dying in way larger numbers than us. Are allies are not asking us to jump off a bridge. They are asking us to provide the support we promised.", '>>{hungryjesse} : I\'d take a lack of knowledge over the combination of a lot of knowledge and poor judgement any day of the week. If you listen to the rest of the Morning Joe "what would you do about aleppo?" interview, his response actually showed an understanding of the issue and a pragmatic solution. He suggested the US work with Russia to create a ceasefire. This is the policy that Kerry started working toward about 2 weeks after that interview. It also reflects a pragmatic change of direction from 5+ years of policy aimed at eliminating both ISIS and Assad.', ">>{hungryjesse} : Doesn't that support the argument? Yes, let's ignore the rhetoric and look at their past. Hillary has voted for war every time she has had the opportunity, regardless of how many times a similar strategy had been tried and failed. Johnson was an early critic of the War in Iraq (ie, before it happened).", ">>{hungryjesse} : I agree with Johnson's position that we should work with Russia to create a ceasefire. I think this reflects a pragmatism that while Assad isn't ideal, the likelihood of ISIS being removed, Assad being remove, and a functioning democracy emerging is exceedingly thin. There's a difference between turning our backs on problems and continuing to find solutions that actually make the problem worse. Johnson isn't advocating for isolationism, he's advocating for skepticism and pragmatism.", '>>{H37man} : The most pragmatic move for Johnson is to perhaps study our foreign policy. Once he knows the names of the leaders and places then he can move on to understanding the treaties and policies of these nations. That would be the reasonable and logical thing to do before running for the president of the US.', '>>{hungryjesse} : Do you disagree with his position or do you disagree with his Jeopardy score?', ">>{H37man} : Both. I'm not saying every foreign policy decision is right. But we do have allies in the region and we are a world power. We will be engaged in various forms of conflict until there is global peace or until we are no longer a global power. That is just the way it is.", ">>{sedgwickian} : Yes-if I need a pilot and my choice is someone with thirty years of experience and one high profile event that some say was a mistake and a guy who--an hour ago--said he didn't know what an airplane is, I'd go with the first.", '>>{escalation} : >Pro-war candidates get so much support here, why? The amount invested in manipulating reddit pales to the profits generated by the war machine.', ">>{hungryjesse} : I don't buy that the analogy is comparable, but which was the one high profile event? Voting for the war in Iraq, being an early supporter of arming Syrian rebels or being the deciding vote for the US to bomb Libya? To go a step further, you pilot has been in the cockpit for 30 years, but when has that pilot ever taken the wheel and successfully landed the airplane?", '>>{H37man} : Yes. Fortunately global violence is down. You can thank the US for that.', ">>{escalation} : Considering the US has been involved in most of the larger scale wars, this isn't all that much to their credit. I think the stabilizing influence of the Chinese economic subversion approach in Africa is a greater factor.", ">>{sedgwickian} : He's the one who brought it back up when he couldn't name a single world leader....the guy's a straight up clown and as long as he's running while not doing anything to counter that assertion, what else is there to say about him!?"], [">>{portnux} : Take it in, you'll probably need to get it replaced.", ">>{LolcatPlays} : Anything that doesn't involve me breaking the bank? It's out of warranty.", ">>{portnux} : Probably not. I think it's either out of warranty replacement or nothing.", ">>{LolcatPlays} : Checked network selection and it actually showed available networks, also looked up the IMEI online and it's locked to Three, I ordered a sim from them just now and I'll unlock it from them.", ">>{jdayellow} : Your sim slot or network chip is probably damaged. Unless you take it to apple you'll have no service forever", '>>{LolcatPlays} : The seller gave it to me like that, but the reason it could be saying that is because I am using a sim that is not on the phones locked network, so I am ordering a free sim and transferring my number. Wish me luck!', ">>{jdayellow} : Check if your water damage sticker is activated. Use the guide on here to check https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT204104. If it's not activated and you have no service then apple may replace it for you.", ">>{LolcatPlays} : Surprisingly, no. I guess it's a sim issue then, its on the way and should be here in about 3 days.", ">>{jdayellow} : Did you change carriers? If the new carrier doesn't work then apple will probably replace because there's no proof of water damage", '>>{LolcatPlays} : I bought it used, and it came on the Three network, just remembered that now, so I ordered a SIM.']]
classify and reply
['>>{billdough} : Alt-Right Spreads Fake #WomensMarch Advertising Campaign on Twitter and Facebook', '>>{1Glitch0} : How stupid would you have to be to fall for something like this.', '>>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Over 60 million people recently proved they were dumb enough.', '>>{osborn2shred11} : One of the organizers did say she supports sharia law in america so its not that inaccurate', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : It's obviously a joke. This sub is so absurd. Redditors actually believe evil Trump supporters are manufacturing fake news by posting memes. In between laughter, I've been typing this. Took me 20 minutes.", ">>{dgdfgdgfgdg} : https://theintercept.com/2017/01/19/major-fake-news-operation-tracked-back-republican-operative/ You guys regularly do this. It's well known. You even have an open propaganda machine on t_d.", ">>{TwoToneTrump} : Lol joke meme's are now being reported as news. Parody levels achieved. The fact you dont know this is a joke is hilarious. They have been laughing all day at these memes on the donald. I actually almost feel bad for you guys. Also the main organizer does support sharia law in america. https://youtu.be/qF-qEWVQAfE?t=24", ">>{MEsniff} : Trump is using drones to kill innocent people in Yemen, so there's that. [Trump using drones](http://news.antiwar.com/2017/01/22/yemen-reports-first-us-drone-strikes-under-trump/)", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : Of course. They couldn't do the usual tactic of claiming the protests were violent, since there were no arrests made that day, so they have to invent things in order to try to delegitimize it. They're also aggressively trying to bolster the narrative that one of the co-organizers is full-on supporter of Sharia law. This is what desperation looks like.", '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : Calling these "fake ads" is like calling The Onion "fake news." It\'s ***satire***, not an actual attempt to mislead anyone.', '>>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : Do you actually think memes are a conspiratorial attempt at fake news? I have some jokes to direct your way. >You even have an open propaganda machine on t_d Throwing rocks within your own glass house... sobering.', '>>{TwoToneTrump} : https://youtu.be/qF-qEWVQAfE?t=26 "There are 22 states with anti sharia bills trying to ban us from practicing our faith" You people dont realize sharia is required under the islamic religion? Its the reason most muslim couples arent legally married in the west. Also check the womans twitter. She believes women should be subservient to men.', '>>{Innovative_Wombat} : Question, what legal options exist for organizations being maligned by fraudulent advertising? Is it possible for their lawyers to serve Reddit with a demand for email and IP addresses so that the users can be tracked down and sued?', '>>{YungShemaleToes} : Are you joking? What was wrong with what she said?', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : I love how your comment could apply to both Trump *and* Hillary voters.', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : Remember when Hillary decided to focus her campaign on attacking a cartoon frog? LOL', '>>{dgdfgdgfgdg} : http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/09/how-your-oculus-rift-is-secretly-funding-donald-trumps-racist-meme-wars/ Once again, already known you guys do this.', ">>{itsnickk} : Yeah.. right wing pundit, no tweet linked just a picture, only available on the typical right-wing websites. Now take a look at @Lsarsour on her twitter feed and she seems like a die-hard activist for women's rights, supports LGBT rights, progressive issues.. not looking like someone wanting to implement ultra-conservative Sharia Law in the US.", ">>{orlanderlv} : It doesn't. Only one candidate ran on a platform of lies, misinformation, propaganda, gerrymandering districts and of course, illegal and treasonous foreign interference.", ">>{TwoToneTrump} : besides the fact that it takes the muslim population out of our legal system to be handled by private mosques clearly causing an issue between church and state? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharia - Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand - Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death. - Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death - Criticizing or denying Allah, the god of Islam is punishable by death. - A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death. - A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old. - Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251). - A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more - A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's. - A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits. - A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval). - A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative. - Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam. I could go on and on.", '>>{MEsniff} : Why has that filth Trump expanded the war in the Mid East?', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Yeah sure bud. Yall regularly try to spread this shit like DraftOurDaughters and expect everyone to catch that its a joke. Dumbasses believe it.', '>>{TheKasp} : So where is the link to the actual tweet there bud?', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Well they have some violence of the previous day titled as Women's March and they're out in full force saying that it was about promoting sharia law because someone who helped organized (it takes more than one fucking person to organize something this massive) likes it", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Yes. The march was all about promoting sharia law. Whatever you have to tell yourself', '>>{2chainzzzz} : Those anti-Sharia bills allowed for wider discrimination against Muslims, hence the general opposition to them.', ">>{main_element} : Alt-right? Oh you mean the tiny penis support group? If they voted for drumpf, they're losers with tiny minds and tiny dicks. Feel bad for them.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : Sharia law has no place on american soil due to the separation of church and state. It would be like allowing catholics to take legal recourse against its members through a non sanctioned legal channels. Im sorry this is reality. We dont allow any other religion to harm its members for the reason their religion demands it. If baptist were arguing for this you people would lose your god damn minds.', ">>{mo60000} : I'm a muslim and I'm disgusted at what these people are trying to spread about that person. They must be desperate to find something to weaken the momentum of the women's march.", '>>{YungShemaleToes} : You do know there are different interpretations of Sharia Law right? Where do you see Muslims in the US doing this? I researched what "anti-sharia laws" she was talking about and all I could find were ones that said sharia law shouldn\'t be used in our legal system, so I would agree that what she said was kind of dumb.', '>>{hellshot8} : look at the front page of the donald, literally accusing the womans march of something that happened at the event the night before. blatantly just lying about when a picture took place to invalidate a legitimate movement.', ">>{mo60000} : Stop finding something to distract from the fact that a women's march organized by a bunch of people crushed the inaguration of your buddy trump by over a million in one city.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : there are on avg 25 documented honor killings a year in the US. All are women https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing_in_the_United_States Most are beheadings and stabbings 91% of honor killings across the world are committed by muslims under sharia http://time.com/4415554/honor-killing-qandeel-baloch/', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : Right, but do you actually believe DraftOurDaughters was an attempt to manipulate media or did you get that it was just a joke? I get that liberals like yourself have totally lost their shit over Trump, but you still retain the ability to define the difference between a joke reality don't you? Like, if there were a meme mocking Bill Clinton for traveling first class on the Lollita Express to rape children on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilia isle, would you get so triggered? Like SO triggered??", '>>{mo60000} : >not looking like someone wanting to implement ultra-conservative Sharia Law in the US. Like I said before they are desperate to find something to take attention away from how successful the women march was worldwide.', '>>{YungShemaleToes} : Leaders of the American Muslim community have condemned the practice. Members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations have condemned all honor killings as well as specific incidents. Many Muslim leaders in the US say that Islam does not promote honor killings and that the practice stems from sexism and tribal behavior that predates the religion. You do realize there are 3.3 million Muslims in the US right?', '>>{itsnickk} : Litter seems to be the excuse that has caught on. I never realized so many of my Trump supporting facebook friends were die hard environmentalists.', '>>{The_cuckmaker} : Remember whataboutism and how its not gonna work now that your guy is sucking ass at his job?', '>>{itsnickk} : That reminds me of when fox news seriously reported that an ISIS flag was spotted at a gay pride parade, but it turned out to be a parody flag made up of butt plugs and dildos.', '>>{Ninbyo} : The desperately want to discredit the protests, they have to. Hillary won the popular vote, more people protested in DC than celebrated his inauguration. They want people to feel isolated, and they want people to feel outnumbered. They want that because if we do they think they can cow us into submission. If we stand together, we can fight, and maybe we can win. That scares Trump enough that he trotted out his press secretary to try to lie and discredit the protest numbers. It scared them', '>>{mo60000} : They are still trying to attack one of the organiser because she supposedly believes in sharia law. A lot of the pro sharia law tweets were from like a year and a half ago.', '>>{aledlewis} : My thoughts exactly. This amateur 4Chan chicanery is more for the confirmation bias of Trump supporters.', ">>{itsnickk} : Looking through her tweets, I'm going to go ahead and say if she believes in sharia law, its more like following the ten commandments, not some extreme belief. She doesn't even seem nearly as strict about religious beliefs as most diehard Christians are.", '>>{dgdfgdgfgdg} : You realize people at t_d seriously believe in that, right? So if you\'re using that as an example of "shit people don\'t believe" and "just a joke", that is a very poor example of it. Case and point, pizzagate. One of your nutters actually went there with a gun. It\'s not a case of "triggered" or whatever stupid bullshit you want to vomit. It\'s a case of you spreading misinformation to the point where it\'s an active danger to society. Another case and point, you have people looking at sets of photos from CNN and concluding that one set of photos is correct because that fits Trump\'s narrative. There are memes of that floating around on Twitter too. Where is the joke in that? I hope people like you someday grow enough of a soul to feel a sense of shame.', '>>{mo60000} : Yeah. It definitely looks like that. Her tweets seem pretty progressive. Also I would watch out for forged tweets because I see a few being spread around the web about her.', ">>{ihavesexwith} : That is one fuck of a strawman you've constructed for what you think she's advocating. Just a [cursory look](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ban_on_sharia_law#Analysis_of_the_Banning_Process) can tell you that what you think she thinks isn't even close to what she thinks.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : You noticed where it says nothing about physically harming people. Huh. why would you not mention that? I wonder...', ">>{overlordpotatoe} : Yup. They've worked themselves up into a tizzy over Sharia law over there even though they're the only ones who consider it a focal issue. They even upvoted a quote from Putin about how people who support Sharia law should go back where they came from. Apparently they just openly like the guy now?", '>>{ihavesexwith} : Are you seriously trying to argue that she is in favour of physically harming people based on a 2 second clip? Learn to be charitable when dealing with other peoples arguments.', ">>{overlordpotatoe} : Exactly. Is the tweet real? I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. Does she mean what they think she does by that? Obviously not if they take a look at the other things she supports.", ">>{not_a_persona} : Their lawyers can serve Reddit with any bullshit they want, but if they don't have a court-issued subpoena they will likely be told to take a flying fuck at the moon.", '>>{overlordpotatoe} : That was never a focus of her campaign in the slightest. It was the part of her campaign you focused on because you found it more entertaining than anything more substantial she had to say.', '>>{TwoToneTrump} : Sharia harms people. Everywhere its practiced proves that. You cool with baptist setting up their own courts to punish people for sin?', ">>{not_a_persona} : It's a satire about themselves tilting at windmills. It's called *Don Trumpote*.", ">>{lica_samadaul} : Do you believe all liberal men have huge and above average dicks? What if a good guy friend of yours who has a tiny dick heard you talk like that about people with tiny dicks? You should be ashame of yourself for this diagusting hody shaming ( it's eugenistic).", ">>{Rupperrt} : Conservatives and neonazis aren't funny by nature. It's literally impossible. And things defending themselves as satire afterwards are mostly not satire.", ">>{GetSoft4U} : We should wear hijabs for Donald Trump's inauguration in support of 'Muslim sisters', says US actress http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/women-wear-hijabs-donald-trump-inauguration-day-kathy-najimy-us-president-solidarity-muslim-sisters-a7534826.html it seems it was not that fake...", '>>{TheKasp} : Oh man, repeating memes is sooo original... Pot, kettle...', '>>{TheKasp} : So you are even not literate enough to undrerstand what part of your post I find funny Mr. "I spout memes so I am totes original".', '>>{nightandshade} : Listen, there is almost no point in trying. What are you trying to defend here? Is it the equating women\'s rights to Sharia law? Cause that is what we are talking about here. If I told you that lies and fake news are dangerous, and need to be called out at every turn. Would you say "but Hillary, but Obama"? What is your cause? Do you really think that given the [job creation](http://politicsthatwork.com/democrats-create-more-jobs.php) record of the GOP in the last 70 years, that this is the administration that is finally going to do it? Under Reagan, hospitals cannot turn away a patient. So desperate people go wildly in debt when they get sick, and often default. So some kind of public access to healthcare is needed. So far this administration hasn\'t put forth a plan to replace the ACA, but instead rip away 20,000,000 people\'s insurance. Yay? Trump says "We needed to take the oil from Iraq, who knows we may get another chance!". That sound like fun, doesn\'t it! I could go on, and on, but I\'m sure that you\'ll just tell me how much worse it would be under Hillary, but she is irrelevant now, you might as well say it would be worse under Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. This administration has the hot potato now, they have to own it.', '>>{DonaldTrumpsPonytail} : And that "prayer rug" they found at the border, proving ISIS is sneaking in through our southern border. Turned out to be a track jacket.', ">>{DonaldTrumpsPonytail} : The target audience on Facebook is dumb enough to believe they're real.", ">>{Illegal_sal} : http://imgur.com/eSbPLfa http://imgur.com/e2I9QXA http://imgur.com/EI0aJqM http://imgur.com/zWngvBK This racist shit is all over the__D. Fucking disgusting 🤢How can they argue they aren't racist", '>>{Illegal_sal} : http://imgur.com/eSbPLfa http://imgur.com/e2I9QXA http://imgur.com/EI0aJqM http://imgur.com/zWngvBK These meme go beyond satire. They are disgustingly racist.', ">>{2chainzzzz} : I don't think you know what those bills really did.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : I dont think you know what they really did. Which is why you made that comment supported by no information.', ">>{Nomandate} : They're trolls. Dweebs who hide in the dark goose-stepping to techno music.", ">>{trickx1991} : If people start hitting these nazie's in the face I will share them on facebook, twitter, intagram, snapchat and even fucking NETLOG(if that is still around).", ">>{electricmink} : The alt-reich? Spreading bullshit? You don't say...", '>>{electricmink} : You know we can read t_d too, right, and see the intent of the people who created these "ads"?', '>>{electricmink} : You do know what arbitration is, right? You should, as you have likely signed many a contract binding you to it.....', '>>{electricmink} : Geez, Trumpsters are not happy just being literal nazis, they want to be grammar nazis as well...', ">>{electricmink} : So you are dishonestly reaching beyond her defense of peoples' right to take civil matters to arbitration, to claim she wants to cut thieves' hands off, in blatant contradiction to the facts. Got it.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : Separation of church and state. stealing and theft is a state matter.', '>>{electricmink} : And here you double down on the lie. Incredible.', '>>{slanaiya} : July 2014, 10% of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin. September 2016, 24% held a favorable view of Putin. December 2016, 37% of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/gop-russia-putin-support-232714 Also: *While the Russian president still has a net un-favorability rating among Republicans, his standing has improved dramatically – from a net negative of 66 points to a mere 10 points. By comparison, only 17 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of President Barack Obama, the December poll found. Obama’s net negative among Republicans is 64 points – significantly worse than the party’s take on Putin.*', ">>{slanaiya} : > Redditors actually believe evil Trump supporters are manufacturing fake news by posting memes. This is the problem with alt-facting. You end up so far removed from reality you can't even sense what is and isn't generally believable to normal people.", '>>{slanaiya} : I hear you. This kind of complication is why people are opting for alt-facts over facts. Like the other day someone tried to tell me that my cat needs oxygen, and I\'m like "I thought it was people who needed oxygen". Facts! Turns out both are true facts. It\'s absurd - I have to remember two things need oxygen, at the same time or something???!!! This is why people prefer alt-facts. Facts are too confusing - there\'s so many and you have to remember stuff and sometimes even put things together and connect dots between them. Facts, shmacts - who needs \'em?', ">>{emmgemini} : The bullshit media needs to do its job and stop calling it alt-right. It's WHITE SUPREMACY.", '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : 1.) Islam is not a race. 2.) These are obviously satire of actual anti-Trump ads.', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : The target audience for these ads is liberals, and liberals in America are usually fairly well-educated.', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : Do you make similar comments about the bajillion satirical pieces insulting Trump?', ">>{OMGROTFLMAO} : Can you link to it? I'm not seeing it.", ">>{OMGROTFLMAO} : >Is it the equating women's rights to Sharia law? Cause that is what we are talking about here. No, it's not. It's satire of women's rights posters pointing out that some parts of Sharia law is extremely anti-woman.", ">>{Illegal_sal} : 1) Trump followers aren't smart enough to know the difference. 2) Satire or not. Racism is racism stop sugarcoating.", '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : His comment only mentioned two elements • over 600 million • dumb That fits Hillary voters just as well as it fits Trumpers.', ">>{OMGROTFLMAO} : It's using the format of some of the women's march ads to discuss uncomfortable facts about anti-woman aspects of fundamentalist Islam.", '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : >That was never a focus of her campaign in the slightest. http://nypost.com/video/why-hillary-clinton-thinks-a-frog-is-racist/', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : >your guy Not my guy. I have too much personal integrity to vote for *either* of the two most hated Presidential candidates in American history.', '>>{osborn2shred11} : It might not have been but if women are going to march they should march against things that actually matter like sharia law in the middle east that actually oppresses women and the fact that there are women who want it here in the united states.', '>>{Rupperrt} : Azis Ansari was great, funny and insightful at SNL, so nope.', '>>{butchered_historian} : Hey, instead of saying, "oh this is stupid," what can we answer with? These fucks will keep pumping out propaganda without regard for who holds the moral high ground, and will continue to pollute the facts. People need to know that evil exists in our country and it is intent on stomping the truth out of existence. Words, images, memes stick in the social mind, and this attack needs to be turned on them. It shows how ugly, despicable, and intentional the attack on reality is. This is ongoing, and it needs to be fought, not scoffed at.', ">>{overlordpotatoe} : I didn't say she never said it. I said it was far from being any kind of focus. It's not like it was something she frequently brought up.", ">>{overlordpotatoe} : So that's their solution to Trump's uncomfortable ties with Putin. Just start liking Putin so that it won't be a problem. Cognitive dissonance resolved!", ">>{mo60000} : Just admit it. You're mad that a huge march organized by ordinary people got more attention then trump's inauguration. That is why you are trying to find something to hurt the momentum of the march.", ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : Where were these people's concerns about Muslim women's rights when Bush was doing [this?](https://emsnews.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/screen-shot-2013-08-30-at-8-19-05-am.png)", ">>{morpheousmarty} : Seriously, we know who wants women in the kitchen, and they didn't march on Saturday.", ">>{OMGROTFLMAO} : I understand the confusion. It's difficult to unpack and the people promoting the posters don't seem to understand what the point is supposed to be. For the record I voted for Bernie but wanted/expected Hillary to win."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{billdough} : Alt-Right Spreads Fake #WomensMarch Advertising Campaign on Twitter and Facebook', '>>{1Glitch0} : How stupid would you have to be to fall for something like this.', '>>{Joe_Sons_Celly} : Over 60 million people recently proved they were dumb enough.', '>>{osborn2shred11} : One of the organizers did say she supports sharia law in america so its not that inaccurate', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : It's obviously a joke. This sub is so absurd. Redditors actually believe evil Trump supporters are manufacturing fake news by posting memes. In between laughter, I've been typing this. Took me 20 minutes.", ">>{dgdfgdgfgdg} : https://theintercept.com/2017/01/19/major-fake-news-operation-tracked-back-republican-operative/ You guys regularly do this. It's well known. You even have an open propaganda machine on t_d.", ">>{TwoToneTrump} : Lol joke meme's are now being reported as news. Parody levels achieved. The fact you dont know this is a joke is hilarious. They have been laughing all day at these memes on the donald. I actually almost feel bad for you guys. Also the main organizer does support sharia law in america. https://youtu.be/qF-qEWVQAfE?t=24", ">>{MEsniff} : Trump is using drones to kill innocent people in Yemen, so there's that. [Trump using drones](http://news.antiwar.com/2017/01/22/yemen-reports-first-us-drone-strikes-under-trump/)", ">>{AmazingAnytime} : Of course. They couldn't do the usual tactic of claiming the protests were violent, since there were no arrests made that day, so they have to invent things in order to try to delegitimize it. They're also aggressively trying to bolster the narrative that one of the co-organizers is full-on supporter of Sharia law. This is what desperation looks like.", '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : Calling these "fake ads" is like calling The Onion "fake news." It\'s ***satire***, not an actual attempt to mislead anyone.', '>>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : Do you actually think memes are a conspiratorial attempt at fake news? I have some jokes to direct your way. >You even have an open propaganda machine on t_d Throwing rocks within your own glass house... sobering.', '>>{TwoToneTrump} : https://youtu.be/qF-qEWVQAfE?t=26 "There are 22 states with anti sharia bills trying to ban us from practicing our faith" You people dont realize sharia is required under the islamic religion? Its the reason most muslim couples arent legally married in the west. Also check the womans twitter. She believes women should be subservient to men.', '>>{Innovative_Wombat} : Question, what legal options exist for organizations being maligned by fraudulent advertising? Is it possible for their lawyers to serve Reddit with a demand for email and IP addresses so that the users can be tracked down and sued?', '>>{YungShemaleToes} : Are you joking? What was wrong with what she said?', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : I love how your comment could apply to both Trump *and* Hillary voters.', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : Remember when Hillary decided to focus her campaign on attacking a cartoon frog? LOL', '>>{dgdfgdgfgdg} : http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2016/09/how-your-oculus-rift-is-secretly-funding-donald-trumps-racist-meme-wars/ Once again, already known you guys do this.', ">>{itsnickk} : Yeah.. right wing pundit, no tweet linked just a picture, only available on the typical right-wing websites. Now take a look at @Lsarsour on her twitter feed and she seems like a die-hard activist for women's rights, supports LGBT rights, progressive issues.. not looking like someone wanting to implement ultra-conservative Sharia Law in the US.", ">>{orlanderlv} : It doesn't. Only one candidate ran on a platform of lies, misinformation, propaganda, gerrymandering districts and of course, illegal and treasonous foreign interference.", ">>{TwoToneTrump} : besides the fact that it takes the muslim population out of our legal system to be handled by private mosques clearly causing an issue between church and state? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharia - Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand - Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death. - Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death - Criticizing or denying Allah, the god of Islam is punishable by death. - A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death. - A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old. - Girls' clitoris should be cut (Muhammad's words, Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251). - A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more - A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man's. - A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits. - A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval). - A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative. - Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam. I could go on and on.", '>>{MEsniff} : Why has that filth Trump expanded the war in the Mid East?', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Yeah sure bud. Yall regularly try to spread this shit like DraftOurDaughters and expect everyone to catch that its a joke. Dumbasses believe it.', '>>{TheKasp} : So where is the link to the actual tweet there bud?', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Well they have some violence of the previous day titled as Women's March and they're out in full force saying that it was about promoting sharia law because someone who helped organized (it takes more than one fucking person to organize something this massive) likes it", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Yes. The march was all about promoting sharia law. Whatever you have to tell yourself', '>>{2chainzzzz} : Those anti-Sharia bills allowed for wider discrimination against Muslims, hence the general opposition to them.', ">>{main_element} : Alt-right? Oh you mean the tiny penis support group? If they voted for drumpf, they're losers with tiny minds and tiny dicks. Feel bad for them.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : Sharia law has no place on american soil due to the separation of church and state. It would be like allowing catholics to take legal recourse against its members through a non sanctioned legal channels. Im sorry this is reality. We dont allow any other religion to harm its members for the reason their religion demands it. If baptist were arguing for this you people would lose your god damn minds.', ">>{mo60000} : I'm a muslim and I'm disgusted at what these people are trying to spread about that person. They must be desperate to find something to weaken the momentum of the women's march.", '>>{YungShemaleToes} : You do know there are different interpretations of Sharia Law right? Where do you see Muslims in the US doing this? I researched what "anti-sharia laws" she was talking about and all I could find were ones that said sharia law shouldn\'t be used in our legal system, so I would agree that what she said was kind of dumb.', '>>{hellshot8} : look at the front page of the donald, literally accusing the womans march of something that happened at the event the night before. blatantly just lying about when a picture took place to invalidate a legitimate movement.', ">>{mo60000} : Stop finding something to distract from the fact that a women's march organized by a bunch of people crushed the inaguration of your buddy trump by over a million in one city.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : there are on avg 25 documented honor killings a year in the US. All are women https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing_in_the_United_States Most are beheadings and stabbings 91% of honor killings across the world are committed by muslims under sharia http://time.com/4415554/honor-killing-qandeel-baloch/', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : Right, but do you actually believe DraftOurDaughters was an attempt to manipulate media or did you get that it was just a joke? I get that liberals like yourself have totally lost their shit over Trump, but you still retain the ability to define the difference between a joke reality don't you? Like, if there were a meme mocking Bill Clinton for traveling first class on the Lollita Express to rape children on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilia isle, would you get so triggered? Like SO triggered??", '>>{mo60000} : >not looking like someone wanting to implement ultra-conservative Sharia Law in the US. Like I said before they are desperate to find something to take attention away from how successful the women march was worldwide.', '>>{YungShemaleToes} : Leaders of the American Muslim community have condemned the practice. Members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations have condemned all honor killings as well as specific incidents. Many Muslim leaders in the US say that Islam does not promote honor killings and that the practice stems from sexism and tribal behavior that predates the religion. You do realize there are 3.3 million Muslims in the US right?', '>>{itsnickk} : Litter seems to be the excuse that has caught on. I never realized so many of my Trump supporting facebook friends were die hard environmentalists.', '>>{The_cuckmaker} : Remember whataboutism and how its not gonna work now that your guy is sucking ass at his job?', '>>{itsnickk} : That reminds me of when fox news seriously reported that an ISIS flag was spotted at a gay pride parade, but it turned out to be a parody flag made up of butt plugs and dildos.', '>>{Ninbyo} : The desperately want to discredit the protests, they have to. Hillary won the popular vote, more people protested in DC than celebrated his inauguration. They want people to feel isolated, and they want people to feel outnumbered. They want that because if we do they think they can cow us into submission. If we stand together, we can fight, and maybe we can win. That scares Trump enough that he trotted out his press secretary to try to lie and discredit the protest numbers. It scared them', '>>{mo60000} : They are still trying to attack one of the organiser because she supposedly believes in sharia law. A lot of the pro sharia law tweets were from like a year and a half ago.', '>>{aledlewis} : My thoughts exactly. This amateur 4Chan chicanery is more for the confirmation bias of Trump supporters.', ">>{itsnickk} : Looking through her tweets, I'm going to go ahead and say if she believes in sharia law, its more like following the ten commandments, not some extreme belief. She doesn't even seem nearly as strict about religious beliefs as most diehard Christians are.", '>>{dgdfgdgfgdg} : You realize people at t_d seriously believe in that, right? So if you\'re using that as an example of "shit people don\'t believe" and "just a joke", that is a very poor example of it. Case and point, pizzagate. One of your nutters actually went there with a gun. It\'s not a case of "triggered" or whatever stupid bullshit you want to vomit. It\'s a case of you spreading misinformation to the point where it\'s an active danger to society. Another case and point, you have people looking at sets of photos from CNN and concluding that one set of photos is correct because that fits Trump\'s narrative. There are memes of that floating around on Twitter too. Where is the joke in that? I hope people like you someday grow enough of a soul to feel a sense of shame.', '>>{mo60000} : Yeah. It definitely looks like that. Her tweets seem pretty progressive. Also I would watch out for forged tweets because I see a few being spread around the web about her.', ">>{ihavesexwith} : That is one fuck of a strawman you've constructed for what you think she's advocating. Just a [cursory look](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ban_on_sharia_law#Analysis_of_the_Banning_Process) can tell you that what you think she thinks isn't even close to what she thinks.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : You noticed where it says nothing about physically harming people. Huh. why would you not mention that? I wonder...', ">>{overlordpotatoe} : Yup. They've worked themselves up into a tizzy over Sharia law over there even though they're the only ones who consider it a focal issue. They even upvoted a quote from Putin about how people who support Sharia law should go back where they came from. Apparently they just openly like the guy now?", '>>{ihavesexwith} : Are you seriously trying to argue that she is in favour of physically harming people based on a 2 second clip? Learn to be charitable when dealing with other peoples arguments.', ">>{overlordpotatoe} : Exactly. Is the tweet real? I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. Does she mean what they think she does by that? Obviously not if they take a look at the other things she supports.", ">>{not_a_persona} : Their lawyers can serve Reddit with any bullshit they want, but if they don't have a court-issued subpoena they will likely be told to take a flying fuck at the moon.", '>>{overlordpotatoe} : That was never a focus of her campaign in the slightest. It was the part of her campaign you focused on because you found it more entertaining than anything more substantial she had to say.', '>>{TwoToneTrump} : Sharia harms people. Everywhere its practiced proves that. You cool with baptist setting up their own courts to punish people for sin?', ">>{not_a_persona} : It's a satire about themselves tilting at windmills. It's called *Don Trumpote*.", ">>{lica_samadaul} : Do you believe all liberal men have huge and above average dicks? What if a good guy friend of yours who has a tiny dick heard you talk like that about people with tiny dicks? You should be ashame of yourself for this diagusting hody shaming ( it's eugenistic).", ">>{Rupperrt} : Conservatives and neonazis aren't funny by nature. It's literally impossible. And things defending themselves as satire afterwards are mostly not satire.", ">>{GetSoft4U} : We should wear hijabs for Donald Trump's inauguration in support of 'Muslim sisters', says US actress http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/women-wear-hijabs-donald-trump-inauguration-day-kathy-najimy-us-president-solidarity-muslim-sisters-a7534826.html it seems it was not that fake...", '>>{TheKasp} : Oh man, repeating memes is sooo original... Pot, kettle...', '>>{TheKasp} : So you are even not literate enough to undrerstand what part of your post I find funny Mr. "I spout memes so I am totes original".', '>>{nightandshade} : Listen, there is almost no point in trying. What are you trying to defend here? Is it the equating women\'s rights to Sharia law? Cause that is what we are talking about here. If I told you that lies and fake news are dangerous, and need to be called out at every turn. Would you say "but Hillary, but Obama"? What is your cause? Do you really think that given the [job creation](http://politicsthatwork.com/democrats-create-more-jobs.php) record of the GOP in the last 70 years, that this is the administration that is finally going to do it? Under Reagan, hospitals cannot turn away a patient. So desperate people go wildly in debt when they get sick, and often default. So some kind of public access to healthcare is needed. So far this administration hasn\'t put forth a plan to replace the ACA, but instead rip away 20,000,000 people\'s insurance. Yay? Trump says "We needed to take the oil from Iraq, who knows we may get another chance!". That sound like fun, doesn\'t it! I could go on, and on, but I\'m sure that you\'ll just tell me how much worse it would be under Hillary, but she is irrelevant now, you might as well say it would be worse under Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. This administration has the hot potato now, they have to own it.', '>>{DonaldTrumpsPonytail} : And that "prayer rug" they found at the border, proving ISIS is sneaking in through our southern border. Turned out to be a track jacket.', ">>{DonaldTrumpsPonytail} : The target audience on Facebook is dumb enough to believe they're real.", ">>{Illegal_sal} : http://imgur.com/eSbPLfa http://imgur.com/e2I9QXA http://imgur.com/EI0aJqM http://imgur.com/zWngvBK This racist shit is all over the__D. Fucking disgusting 🤢How can they argue they aren't racist", '>>{Illegal_sal} : http://imgur.com/eSbPLfa http://imgur.com/e2I9QXA http://imgur.com/EI0aJqM http://imgur.com/zWngvBK These meme go beyond satire. They are disgustingly racist.', ">>{2chainzzzz} : I don't think you know what those bills really did.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : I dont think you know what they really did. Which is why you made that comment supported by no information.', ">>{Nomandate} : They're trolls. Dweebs who hide in the dark goose-stepping to techno music.", ">>{trickx1991} : If people start hitting these nazie's in the face I will share them on facebook, twitter, intagram, snapchat and even fucking NETLOG(if that is still around).", ">>{electricmink} : The alt-reich? Spreading bullshit? You don't say...", '>>{electricmink} : You know we can read t_d too, right, and see the intent of the people who created these "ads"?', '>>{electricmink} : You do know what arbitration is, right? You should, as you have likely signed many a contract binding you to it.....', '>>{electricmink} : Geez, Trumpsters are not happy just being literal nazis, they want to be grammar nazis as well...', ">>{electricmink} : So you are dishonestly reaching beyond her defense of peoples' right to take civil matters to arbitration, to claim she wants to cut thieves' hands off, in blatant contradiction to the facts. Got it.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : Separation of church and state. stealing and theft is a state matter.', '>>{electricmink} : And here you double down on the lie. Incredible.', '>>{slanaiya} : July 2014, 10% of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin. September 2016, 24% held a favorable view of Putin. December 2016, 37% of Republicans held a favorable view of Putin. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/gop-russia-putin-support-232714 Also: *While the Russian president still has a net un-favorability rating among Republicans, his standing has improved dramatically – from a net negative of 66 points to a mere 10 points. By comparison, only 17 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of President Barack Obama, the December poll found. Obama’s net negative among Republicans is 64 points – significantly worse than the party’s take on Putin.*', ">>{slanaiya} : > Redditors actually believe evil Trump supporters are manufacturing fake news by posting memes. This is the problem with alt-facting. You end up so far removed from reality you can't even sense what is and isn't generally believable to normal people.", '>>{slanaiya} : I hear you. This kind of complication is why people are opting for alt-facts over facts. Like the other day someone tried to tell me that my cat needs oxygen, and I\'m like "I thought it was people who needed oxygen". Facts! Turns out both are true facts. It\'s absurd - I have to remember two things need oxygen, at the same time or something???!!! This is why people prefer alt-facts. Facts are too confusing - there\'s so many and you have to remember stuff and sometimes even put things together and connect dots between them. Facts, shmacts - who needs \'em?', ">>{emmgemini} : The bullshit media needs to do its job and stop calling it alt-right. It's WHITE SUPREMACY.", '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : 1.) Islam is not a race. 2.) These are obviously satire of actual anti-Trump ads.', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : The target audience for these ads is liberals, and liberals in America are usually fairly well-educated.', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : Do you make similar comments about the bajillion satirical pieces insulting Trump?', ">>{OMGROTFLMAO} : Can you link to it? I'm not seeing it.", ">>{OMGROTFLMAO} : >Is it the equating women's rights to Sharia law? Cause that is what we are talking about here. No, it's not. It's satire of women's rights posters pointing out that some parts of Sharia law is extremely anti-woman.", ">>{Illegal_sal} : 1) Trump followers aren't smart enough to know the difference. 2) Satire or not. Racism is racism stop sugarcoating.", '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : His comment only mentioned two elements • over 600 million • dumb That fits Hillary voters just as well as it fits Trumpers.', ">>{OMGROTFLMAO} : It's using the format of some of the women's march ads to discuss uncomfortable facts about anti-woman aspects of fundamentalist Islam.", '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : >That was never a focus of her campaign in the slightest. http://nypost.com/video/why-hillary-clinton-thinks-a-frog-is-racist/', '>>{OMGROTFLMAO} : >your guy Not my guy. I have too much personal integrity to vote for *either* of the two most hated Presidential candidates in American history.', '>>{osborn2shred11} : It might not have been but if women are going to march they should march against things that actually matter like sharia law in the middle east that actually oppresses women and the fact that there are women who want it here in the united states.', '>>{Rupperrt} : Azis Ansari was great, funny and insightful at SNL, so nope.', '>>{butchered_historian} : Hey, instead of saying, "oh this is stupid," what can we answer with? These fucks will keep pumping out propaganda without regard for who holds the moral high ground, and will continue to pollute the facts. People need to know that evil exists in our country and it is intent on stomping the truth out of existence. Words, images, memes stick in the social mind, and this attack needs to be turned on them. It shows how ugly, despicable, and intentional the attack on reality is. This is ongoing, and it needs to be fought, not scoffed at.', ">>{overlordpotatoe} : I didn't say she never said it. I said it was far from being any kind of focus. It's not like it was something she frequently brought up.", ">>{overlordpotatoe} : So that's their solution to Trump's uncomfortable ties with Putin. Just start liking Putin so that it won't be a problem. Cognitive dissonance resolved!", ">>{mo60000} : Just admit it. You're mad that a huge march organized by ordinary people got more attention then trump's inauguration. That is why you are trying to find something to hurt the momentum of the march.", ">>{Cindernubblebutt} : Where were these people's concerns about Muslim women's rights when Bush was doing [this?](https://emsnews.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/screen-shot-2013-08-30-at-8-19-05-am.png)", ">>{morpheousmarty} : Seriously, we know who wants women in the kitchen, and they didn't march on Saturday.", ">>{OMGROTFLMAO} : I understand the confusion. It's difficult to unpack and the people promoting the posters don't seem to understand what the point is supposed to be. For the record I voted for Bernie but wanted/expected Hillary to win."]]
classify and reply
['>>{wytxcook} : The Daily 202: Hillary Clinton’s agenda would flounder in Congress. Here are seven reasons why.', ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : Hillary Clinton won't get shit done in congress. She'll start a bunch of wars though. The republicans love that shit.", '>>{Adamj1} : Why the Russia scandal will hurt Democrats more than Trump', '>>{ep29} : I\'d believe this if its thesis wasn\'t the ludicrous, "There\'s more to worry about than whether or not our President is a foreign-installed puppet"', '>>{Rockstar_007} : 39% of Voters "More Likely" to Support Clinton If Sanders Is Her VP', ">>{polic293} : If Bernie sold out I think he could.kill his own movement especially to hillary. Unless you can convince them he's doing it so when she is indicted he is president but good luck getting that message out", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : The same reason Obama's did. Republicans in Congress have decided gridlock is better than America's success. We've seen it for 8 years and they openly admit it.", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : If Dems don't make gains in the Senate & House, the first act of the new Congress will be to impeach Clinton...for reasons.", ">>{zyme86} : >which in reality is the Party's safety blanket to avoid dealing with the fact that they've been exposed as public servants for corporations and special interests—while largely ignoring the suffering of the people they claim to represent. That's the crux of the argument, sure as shooting took him long enough to get to. So the focus on the biggest political scandal of our time and its a bad thing. His key argument is focusing on russia = not focusing on constituents.", '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Picking Sanders would be idiotic, because despite what the crazies on reddit and elsewhere say, the vast majority of liberals and progressives will end up voting for Clinton either way in the end. and if she wants a progressive VP she should pick someone like Liz Warren.', '>>{rimper} : No worries... She has no intention of implementing them anyway.', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : And it ignores the fact that people are up in arms about all those other things. It's not as if it's only possible to worry about one issue at a time.", '>>{tau-lepton} : Presumes a republican controlled congress. While they will likely hold the house, enough republican house members may see that governance is the only thing that will keep them in office.', ">>{tau-lepton} : They will certainly make gains in both houses. A majority in the senate looks likely and I wouldn't be surprised to see a 40 seat democratic gain in the house", ">>{CTRestricted} : It was so great when Dems controlled Congress and the Presidency. They got so much done!! Oh wait... No they didn't. Expect to pass TARP and bail out the banks.", ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : Becoming Clinton's VP will be a career ending move. I don't think we have enough imagination to visualize what a disaster a Clinton Presidency is planned to be, then throw in all the scandals that the Clinton's attract and create.", '>>{W0LF_JK} : >“Our most pressing political problem today is that the country abandoned the establishment, not the other way around,” he writes. “Chaos syndrome is a chronic decline in the political system’s capacity for self-organization. It begins with the weakening of the institutions and brokers—political parties, career politicians, and congressional leaders and committees—that have historically held politicians accountable to one another and prevented everyone in the system from pursuing naked self-interest all the time. As these intermediaries’ influence fades, politicians, activists, and voters all become more individualistic and unaccountable. The system atomizes. Chaos becomes the new normal—both in campaigns and in the government itself.”', '>>{terri_dahoo} : It would be awesome if she had to pick Bernie as her VP.', ">>{SirBaronVonDoozle} : I wouldn't vote for Hillary if Jesus was her VP", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Lol they can call it whatever they want. It won't change the partisan BS aspect of it. Also wouldn't Trump be the one tried for treason? Seeing how he encouraged a foreign nation to commit a cyber attack on Americans? I mean if we're grasping at straws here, Diddlin Donnie should be tried for treason too.", '>>{smushkreeg} : He didnt encourage any such thing. My god, the selective hearing and the CNN watching has to stop', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : You mean you'd rather throw away your vote? ... because Jill Stein would be lucky if she got 1% of the popular vote.", '>>{green_euphoria} : I used to think of it as "selling out" until I realized he\'d be second in line to the most likely to be impeached president ever.', ">>{preposte} : Then again, if she's nominated and then gets indicted, wouldn't that potentially put him at the top of the ticket?", '>>{smushkreeg} : Its pretty clear there that he is saying he hopes Russia has them. As in possibly hacked and got them already. But carry on', ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Also what treasonous things did she do? Cause last I checked she's been cleared of wrongdoing by the director of the FBI.", '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : You know for a guy who is supposed to "tell it like it is" people often have to clarify what Diddlin Donnie means. Considering the level of gymnastics that some of Donnie supporters can do, I\'m surprised they\'re not in Rio right now', ">>{smushkreeg} : Whatever helps you sleep at night. I get you not wanting to be critical of Hillary, you want to live. To each their own, I'll take my chances.", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : Also she's a loon. Probably should lead with that.", '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thank you. That made my day. You are so very brave. Thank you for fighting the good fight. Again. You didn\'t really reply to what I said. And. What "treason" is she guilty of? Cause you need evidence to successfully impeach someone.', ">>{goshdarnwife} : You can consider it throwing away a vote if you like. Everyone gets one vote to do with as they wish. What you think about it doesn't matter much.", '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Yep, her views are anti-science and pro-homeopathy... even though she used to be a doctor.', '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Wait whats in October? Also why am I a squid?', '>>{Quaddro21} : because i deemed you one. just sit back and watch what happens in october, poor hillary will have no place to hide', '>>{TWadeLives} : Young Turks is a massive pile of BS. They will see anything to be try ad be a part of the orange buffoons inner circle.', ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Isn't the election in November? Also, what squid like characteristics do I have? Ability to confuse attackers with ink attacks? I taste delicious when you chop up my limbs and bread and deepfry them? I'm so confused here man.", '>>{Quaddro21} : This is way before the election. OCTOBER wait for it. Squid', ">>{arbetman} : That really isn't a problem, as majority of americans aren't informed.", ">>{kescusay} : Delusional. Trump's unpopularity is already above 50%. The shitshow his regime has put on from day one is causing his support to erode continuously. And if it turns out Donnie is genuinely a puppet, and not just a deeply compromised and corrupt man, you can expect his support to hit bottom (that is, the remainder will be the true believers who have rejected the very idea of evidence). The idea that this somehow hurts Democrats - as well as the idea that his is some sort of game Democrats and Republicans are racing to win - is the height of absurdity.", ">>{Tasty_Yams} : Well, VP's are notorious for not having anything but symbolic power, and not accomplishing anything but giving speeches, so it seems perfect for Sanders.", '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Fair enough. at least I can say I voted for someone who actually won.', ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Damn you. Now I want calamari. YOU BASTARD!!! Do I have to wait until October for calamari? That'd be a sad sad day.", ">>{Schiffy94} : Pretty shoddy argument considering it's the Republican House members that are dodging their town halls....", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : That poll is really fascinating. Every single person they list for a possible VP pick for Trump have a higher percentage of people saying they would be less likely to vote for him than more likely. All except one that is. And who is this one person you ask? Marco Rubio. I don't understand people anymore.", '>>{Tasty_Yams} : Not for a long long time now. But I do remember. Maybe it was just an illusion.', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : You might as well vote for Vermin Supreme then... don't you want free ponies for everyone?", '>>{zyme86} : Oh its a horrible argument, absolutely right there with you.', '>>{Quaddro21} : Go get some, it is after all lunch time. No October will be much spicier.', '>>{Decolater} : While I was reading this I said to myself "this sounds like what I hear on The Young Turks." Get to the end...yup!', ">>{polic293} : Yea see that's the only line every Bernie supporter would buy imo anything else would dull his shine", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : It'd be ironic for Jesus to pair up with the anti Christ", ">>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : >uncompromising integrity When you paint politicians as saints, you're bound to feel deceived when they act less than saintly", '>>{ozric101} : NOOOOOOO... do not tell the Democrats that, let them ride the crazy train to their doom..', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Actually Trump has the lowest favoribility EVER. and her favoribility has gone down since she started running for President, when she was SOS it was in the high 60's.", ">>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : How come we don't get to choose the VP independently? If the president is no longer able to serve, why are we supposed to take them at their word that their VP is qualified to man the helm?", '>>{CapedCrusader117} : See what happened when super delegates got pushed by the MSM? It showed her as winning by a huge margin, and people like VAG got brainwashed so that they can say they voted for a "winner" which is absolutely pathetic.', '>>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : Read: Everyone who disagrees with me is dumb.', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : So can people who voted for GWB, Nixon, Carter, etc. Voting for a winner doesn't necessarily mean it was a good or bad vote.", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Yes and for each upvote, diebold will switch a Trump vote to a Clinton vote.', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Carter wasn't that bad... but I see your point.", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : And Clinton is proven corrupt, Trump is a proven liar, Gary Johnson is a proven nobody. No candidate is perfect, and no candidate isn't going to have major drawbacks.", ">>{MacrameNChz} : What a stupid thing to throw at someone. Electing leaders is not betting on a horse race, you don't get a prize for voting for the winner. The only way *you* win is if a leader who will genuinely act in your best interest is elected.", '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : I feel that Clinton represents my interests MUCH better than Trump or Johnson do, and that is why I will be voting for her.', '>>{Flowsephine} : Especially if she has to withdraw due to an indictment.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : As are you volunteers! See you in November in the gutter.', ">>{terri_dahoo} : I am not a big fan of Bernie's politics but I am a big fan of Bernie's morals and ethics.", ">>{goshdarnwife} : I usually get a chuckle out of it. Of course there will be 1 winner from each party. It isn't as if voting for either of them is a big deal status thing.", '>>{theslothening} : Big Don and "Little Marco". Who could resist this tag team partnership?', '>>{GI581G} : Except she is neither of those things, which you would know if you bothered to do some research instead of swallowing everything you want to hear blind.', '>>{dkliberator} : Makes sense to someone. Anti-establishment trump should pick the establishments rubio, and establishment clinton should pick anti-establishment Sanders.', ">>{Firesworn} : Your obsession with winning is unhealthy. This isn't which sports team wins, this is the leader of our country.", '>>{hfist} : Did you proudly wear your Bush sticker after he won?', ">>{hfist} : But he lost the election. What's your point?", '>>{IN_U_Endo} : She will never pick Sanders. She has been tied to too much corruption for him to be associated with her', ">>{CheetoJesusTrump} : Ditto. She's a mess, but a mess I can live with. Can't say the same about any of the others running.", ">>{CheetoJesusTrump} : Yeah, no. She won't pick him because he'll pull the ticket too far left. Berners won't come out enough to cover the loss of moderates and conservatives.", '>>{woofwoofwoof} : Bernie said she was unqualified to be president. [source](http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/06/politics/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-qualified/) Bernie is delusional if he thinks he\'s going to the the VP. Could you imagine Trump running ads:"Even her own VP doesn\'t support her" Bernouts don\'t understand pragmatism. They want it all and they want it now. But that uncompromising attitude gets them nothing.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : i supported Ron Paul back in 08 for the same reason. Disagreed with his politics but liked his integrity and honesty', '>>{justanidiotloser} : Nope. If he sells out like that, then fuck him.', ">>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : That all sounds nice and everything but I still don't understand why being honest is the main reason to vote for someone. Let's say we had the most honest republican to ever run for office. More honest than Abe. Let's say he genuinely believes that Jesus is his savior and that being gay is a sin. He genuinely believes that the best way to help the poor is to cut all their food stamps so they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Let's say he honestly prayed to God, and the Lord assured him that climate change was a hoax because God promised Noah he would never destroy the earth again. Would you consider voting for this honest man?", '>>{Sothotheroth} : It was like that for the first few presidents, but after buggering up the election of Jefferson and Burr (it was supposed to be off by 1 delegate, but they tied, if memory serves) and that was changed. It would be interesting if that was the case now.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : no, honesty isnt the only factor. its a balance. Obviously if i disagree 100% with the person even if they were honest id say good luck and look the other way. But if i agree with enough policy positions and also trust them than i can overlook the things i dont like. Theres also a difference between bad policies that would ruin America and policies that you may disagree with in principle but would not cause chaos and may be good in practice. Ron Paul had enough of the balance. With George bush, i always thought he was a nice guy to have a drink with and was an honest idiot but he didnt get my vote. Ron Paul is someone i know will listen to reason, George Bush wont.', ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : There is no demographic or electoral advantage to Bernie. She won all swing states by huge margins over him. And I don't think Bernie would be the least bit interested. The BEST candidate for VP that represents Bernie's progressive values, the one Hillary/Democrats and Bernie/Independents can get behind, is Warren. Without question. But that's ONLY if the independent issue seems critical to the Dems this election. And right now, as long as Trump is the GOP nominee, it really isn't. Trump couldn't win president of his Condo association with his current campaign situation.", '>>{mittencakes} : I was kinda hoping for Jeb "The Mess" Bush. [They\'re so cute together.](http://imgur.com/gallery/xxJ8hNz)', ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : That's a key part of the voting decision. Ergo - McCain/Palin President Cheney and his affable puppet", '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : It never matters what Democrat is in the White House. The rightwing always has the same cadre of stooges creating faux scandals for the gullible and ignorant to swallow up.', '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : Yup. They put a LOT of resources into feeding red meat to the Bernie Bros in an attempt to set up a Trump vs. Bernie election for a reason.', '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : He also offers no demographic or electoral political advantages to the campaign.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : Bernie is so abrasive and his drooling/spitting is kind of gross.', '>>{goshdarnwife} : I think Warren would be a mistake in that we lose a seat, and she is far more effective in the Senate. Her being VP is not appealing to Sanders supporters or independents.', '>>{partanimal} : I know it may seem crazy to you, but some of us think character, integrity, and honesty are prerequisite to holding the presidency.', '>>{partanimal} : Far less abrasive than Hillary, and her cackling and coughing are beyond gross.', ">>{ArfBox} : Well they polled about Rubio, Christie, Palin, and Sessions, so it's not that surprising Rubio is viewed the most favorably.", '>>{NWCitizen} : There is only one scenario where I would vote for a Clinton/Sanders ticket. Hillary must be under indictment at the time she appoints Bernie as VP running mate. Other than that, I will not vote for her regardless of who she picks as VP.', ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : >I think Warren would be a mistake in that we lose a seat, and she is far more effective in the Senate And this is probably why they won't pick her. >Her being VP is not appealing to Sanders supporters or independents. This is not true at all. She is Sanders-lite and would definitely appeal to Sanders-Independents.", ">>{Posthumos1} : I think Trump would stand the best chance by running with Ron Paul as his VP, or Gary Johnson. Rand, if toned down a bit, would be a good choice. ANYONE else I've seen is terrifying. With exception of Jill Stein. She would be VERY interesting, as she has much more integrity than Clinton, is also a woman, and is rational and supports freedom. I think she'd actually help Trump crush his opposition. Personally though, because of his leanings, I feel Trump would be best suited for a libertarian leaning VP as that ideology is closest to his core message.", ">>{goshdarnwife} : Since Warren won't likely be picked it is of little consequence whether Sanders supporters or independents find the pairing appealing.", '>>{GigamonkeyX} : LOL>>>??? Sanders VP?? WTF? Hillary for Prison. 2016', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : The fact that the majority were fake scandals does not clear the Clintons of the real scandals. Why on earth would we allow the sexual predator back in the White House?', '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : >The fact that the majority were fake scandals does not clear the Clintons of the real scandals. Um, Hillary Clinton is running for President, not Bill. Since she\'s never even been charged with any crime, your use of "scandals" is quite scandalous. ;)', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : I didn't mention what I consider to be Hillary's real scandals. The primary one being her posing as a liberal while being a conservative.", ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : You really mean that she's a politician doing the JOB of head politician, which is what we are hiring someone for in November. And that job requirement includes representing ALL Americans, not just the ones who voted for her. You get that, right? It's not all about you. Or do you honestly think that top liberal ratings by every legitimate source somehow missed information that you alone have?", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : I think you are convinced, and it seems to disturb you that I disagree strongly on all points.', '>>{Posthumos1} : Stop trying to make "fetch" a thing, not going to happen.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Adamj1} : Why the Russia scandal will hurt Democrats more than Trump', '>>{ep29} : I\'d believe this if its thesis wasn\'t the ludicrous, "There\'s more to worry about than whether or not our President is a foreign-installed puppet"', ">>{zyme86} : >which in reality is the Party's safety blanket to avoid dealing with the fact that they've been exposed as public servants for corporations and special interests—while largely ignoring the suffering of the people they claim to represent. That's the crux of the argument, sure as shooting took him long enough to get to. So the focus on the biggest political scandal of our time and its a bad thing. His key argument is focusing on russia = not focusing on constituents.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : And it ignores the fact that people are up in arms about all those other things. It's not as if it's only possible to worry about one issue at a time.", '>>{TWadeLives} : Young Turks is a massive pile of BS. They will see anything to be try ad be a part of the orange buffoons inner circle.', ">>{kescusay} : Delusional. Trump's unpopularity is already above 50%. The shitshow his regime has put on from day one is causing his support to erode continuously. And if it turns out Donnie is genuinely a puppet, and not just a deeply compromised and corrupt man, you can expect his support to hit bottom (that is, the remainder will be the true believers who have rejected the very idea of evidence). The idea that this somehow hurts Democrats - as well as the idea that his is some sort of game Democrats and Republicans are racing to win - is the height of absurdity.", ">>{Schiffy94} : Pretty shoddy argument considering it's the Republican House members that are dodging their town halls....", '>>{zyme86} : Oh its a horrible argument, absolutely right there with you.', '>>{Decolater} : While I was reading this I said to myself "this sounds like what I hear on The Young Turks." Get to the end...yup!', '>>{ozric101} : NOOOOOOO... do not tell the Democrats that, let them ride the crazy train to their doom..'], ['>>{wytxcook} : The Daily 202: Hillary Clinton’s agenda would flounder in Congress. Here are seven reasons why.', ">>{peyote_the_coyote} : Hillary Clinton won't get shit done in congress. She'll start a bunch of wars though. The republicans love that shit.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : The same reason Obama's did. Republicans in Congress have decided gridlock is better than America's success. We've seen it for 8 years and they openly admit it.", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : If Dems don't make gains in the Senate & House, the first act of the new Congress will be to impeach Clinton...for reasons.", '>>{rimper} : No worries... She has no intention of implementing them anyway.', '>>{tau-lepton} : Presumes a republican controlled congress. While they will likely hold the house, enough republican house members may see that governance is the only thing that will keep them in office.', ">>{tau-lepton} : They will certainly make gains in both houses. A majority in the senate looks likely and I wouldn't be surprised to see a 40 seat democratic gain in the house", ">>{CTRestricted} : It was so great when Dems controlled Congress and the Presidency. They got so much done!! Oh wait... No they didn't. Expect to pass TARP and bail out the banks.", '>>{W0LF_JK} : >“Our most pressing political problem today is that the country abandoned the establishment, not the other way around,” he writes. “Chaos syndrome is a chronic decline in the political system’s capacity for self-organization. It begins with the weakening of the institutions and brokers—political parties, career politicians, and congressional leaders and committees—that have historically held politicians accountable to one another and prevented everyone in the system from pursuing naked self-interest all the time. As these intermediaries’ influence fades, politicians, activists, and voters all become more individualistic and unaccountable. The system atomizes. Chaos becomes the new normal—both in campaigns and in the government itself.”', ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Lol they can call it whatever they want. It won't change the partisan BS aspect of it. Also wouldn't Trump be the one tried for treason? Seeing how he encouraged a foreign nation to commit a cyber attack on Americans? I mean if we're grasping at straws here, Diddlin Donnie should be tried for treason too.", '>>{smushkreeg} : He didnt encourage any such thing. My god, the selective hearing and the CNN watching has to stop', '>>{smushkreeg} : Its pretty clear there that he is saying he hopes Russia has them. As in possibly hacked and got them already. But carry on', ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Also what treasonous things did she do? Cause last I checked she's been cleared of wrongdoing by the director of the FBI.", '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : You know for a guy who is supposed to "tell it like it is" people often have to clarify what Diddlin Donnie means. Considering the level of gymnastics that some of Donnie supporters can do, I\'m surprised they\'re not in Rio right now', ">>{smushkreeg} : Whatever helps you sleep at night. I get you not wanting to be critical of Hillary, you want to live. To each their own, I'll take my chances.", '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Thank you. That made my day. You are so very brave. Thank you for fighting the good fight. Again. You didn\'t really reply to what I said. And. What "treason" is she guilty of? Cause you need evidence to successfully impeach someone.', '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Wait whats in October? Also why am I a squid?', '>>{Quaddro21} : because i deemed you one. just sit back and watch what happens in october, poor hillary will have no place to hide', ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Isn't the election in November? Also, what squid like characteristics do I have? Ability to confuse attackers with ink attacks? I taste delicious when you chop up my limbs and bread and deepfry them? I'm so confused here man.", '>>{Quaddro21} : This is way before the election. OCTOBER wait for it. Squid', ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : Damn you. Now I want calamari. YOU BASTARD!!! Do I have to wait until October for calamari? That'd be a sad sad day.", '>>{Quaddro21} : Go get some, it is after all lunch time. No October will be much spicier.'], ['>>{Rockstar_007} : 39% of Voters "More Likely" to Support Clinton If Sanders Is Her VP', ">>{polic293} : If Bernie sold out I think he could.kill his own movement especially to hillary. Unless you can convince them he's doing it so when she is indicted he is president but good luck getting that message out", '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Picking Sanders would be idiotic, because despite what the crazies on reddit and elsewhere say, the vast majority of liberals and progressives will end up voting for Clinton either way in the end. and if she wants a progressive VP she should pick someone like Liz Warren.', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : Becoming Clinton's VP will be a career ending move. I don't think we have enough imagination to visualize what a disaster a Clinton Presidency is planned to be, then throw in all the scandals that the Clinton's attract and create.", '>>{terri_dahoo} : It would be awesome if she had to pick Bernie as her VP.', ">>{SirBaronVonDoozle} : I wouldn't vote for Hillary if Jesus was her VP", ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : You mean you'd rather throw away your vote? ... because Jill Stein would be lucky if she got 1% of the popular vote.", '>>{green_euphoria} : I used to think of it as "selling out" until I realized he\'d be second in line to the most likely to be impeached president ever.', ">>{preposte} : Then again, if she's nominated and then gets indicted, wouldn't that potentially put him at the top of the ticket?", ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : Also she's a loon. Probably should lead with that.", ">>{goshdarnwife} : You can consider it throwing away a vote if you like. Everyone gets one vote to do with as they wish. What you think about it doesn't matter much.", '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Yep, her views are anti-science and pro-homeopathy... even though she used to be a doctor.', ">>{arbetman} : That really isn't a problem, as majority of americans aren't informed.", ">>{Tasty_Yams} : Well, VP's are notorious for not having anything but symbolic power, and not accomplishing anything but giving speeches, so it seems perfect for Sanders.", '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Fair enough. at least I can say I voted for someone who actually won.', ">>{lolpoliticsthrowaway} : That poll is really fascinating. Every single person they list for a possible VP pick for Trump have a higher percentage of people saying they would be less likely to vote for him than more likely. All except one that is. And who is this one person you ask? Marco Rubio. I don't understand people anymore.", '>>{Tasty_Yams} : Not for a long long time now. But I do remember. Maybe it was just an illusion.', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : You might as well vote for Vermin Supreme then... don't you want free ponies for everyone?", ">>{polic293} : Yea see that's the only line every Bernie supporter would buy imo anything else would dull his shine", ">>{Anal_Vacuum} : It'd be ironic for Jesus to pair up with the anti Christ", ">>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : >uncompromising integrity When you paint politicians as saints, you're bound to feel deceived when they act less than saintly", ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Actually Trump has the lowest favoribility EVER. and her favoribility has gone down since she started running for President, when she was SOS it was in the high 60's.", ">>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : How come we don't get to choose the VP independently? If the president is no longer able to serve, why are we supposed to take them at their word that their VP is qualified to man the helm?", '>>{CapedCrusader117} : See what happened when super delegates got pushed by the MSM? It showed her as winning by a huge margin, and people like VAG got brainwashed so that they can say they voted for a "winner" which is absolutely pathetic.', '>>{PartTimeMisanthrope} : Read: Everyone who disagrees with me is dumb.', ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : So can people who voted for GWB, Nixon, Carter, etc. Voting for a winner doesn't necessarily mean it was a good or bad vote.", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Yes and for each upvote, diebold will switch a Trump vote to a Clinton vote.', ">>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : Carter wasn't that bad... but I see your point.", ">>{Huckleberry_Win} : And Clinton is proven corrupt, Trump is a proven liar, Gary Johnson is a proven nobody. No candidate is perfect, and no candidate isn't going to have major drawbacks.", ">>{MacrameNChz} : What a stupid thing to throw at someone. Electing leaders is not betting on a horse race, you don't get a prize for voting for the winner. The only way *you* win is if a leader who will genuinely act in your best interest is elected.", '>>{PM___ME___UR___VAG} : I feel that Clinton represents my interests MUCH better than Trump or Johnson do, and that is why I will be voting for her.', '>>{Flowsephine} : Especially if she has to withdraw due to an indictment.', '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : As are you volunteers! See you in November in the gutter.', ">>{terri_dahoo} : I am not a big fan of Bernie's politics but I am a big fan of Bernie's morals and ethics.", ">>{goshdarnwife} : I usually get a chuckle out of it. Of course there will be 1 winner from each party. It isn't as if voting for either of them is a big deal status thing.", '>>{theslothening} : Big Don and "Little Marco". Who could resist this tag team partnership?', '>>{GI581G} : Except she is neither of those things, which you would know if you bothered to do some research instead of swallowing everything you want to hear blind.', '>>{dkliberator} : Makes sense to someone. Anti-establishment trump should pick the establishments rubio, and establishment clinton should pick anti-establishment Sanders.', ">>{Firesworn} : Your obsession with winning is unhealthy. This isn't which sports team wins, this is the leader of our country.", '>>{hfist} : Did you proudly wear your Bush sticker after he won?', ">>{hfist} : But he lost the election. What's your point?", '>>{IN_U_Endo} : She will never pick Sanders. She has been tied to too much corruption for him to be associated with her', ">>{CheetoJesusTrump} : Ditto. She's a mess, but a mess I can live with. Can't say the same about any of the others running.", ">>{CheetoJesusTrump} : Yeah, no. She won't pick him because he'll pull the ticket too far left. Berners won't come out enough to cover the loss of moderates and conservatives.", '>>{woofwoofwoof} : Bernie said she was unqualified to be president. [source](http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/06/politics/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-qualified/) Bernie is delusional if he thinks he\'s going to the the VP. Could you imagine Trump running ads:"Even her own VP doesn\'t support her" Bernouts don\'t understand pragmatism. They want it all and they want it now. But that uncompromising attitude gets them nothing.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : i supported Ron Paul back in 08 for the same reason. Disagreed with his politics but liked his integrity and honesty', '>>{justanidiotloser} : Nope. If he sells out like that, then fuck him.', ">>{ForRealThisTimePlaya} : That all sounds nice and everything but I still don't understand why being honest is the main reason to vote for someone. Let's say we had the most honest republican to ever run for office. More honest than Abe. Let's say he genuinely believes that Jesus is his savior and that being gay is a sin. He genuinely believes that the best way to help the poor is to cut all their food stamps so they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Let's say he honestly prayed to God, and the Lord assured him that climate change was a hoax because God promised Noah he would never destroy the earth again. Would you consider voting for this honest man?", '>>{Sothotheroth} : It was like that for the first few presidents, but after buggering up the election of Jefferson and Burr (it was supposed to be off by 1 delegate, but they tied, if memory serves) and that was changed. It would be interesting if that was the case now.', '>>{UnpopularMe} : no, honesty isnt the only factor. its a balance. Obviously if i disagree 100% with the person even if they were honest id say good luck and look the other way. But if i agree with enough policy positions and also trust them than i can overlook the things i dont like. Theres also a difference between bad policies that would ruin America and policies that you may disagree with in principle but would not cause chaos and may be good in practice. Ron Paul had enough of the balance. With George bush, i always thought he was a nice guy to have a drink with and was an honest idiot but he didnt get my vote. Ron Paul is someone i know will listen to reason, George Bush wont.', ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : There is no demographic or electoral advantage to Bernie. She won all swing states by huge margins over him. And I don't think Bernie would be the least bit interested. The BEST candidate for VP that represents Bernie's progressive values, the one Hillary/Democrats and Bernie/Independents can get behind, is Warren. Without question. But that's ONLY if the independent issue seems critical to the Dems this election. And right now, as long as Trump is the GOP nominee, it really isn't. Trump couldn't win president of his Condo association with his current campaign situation.", '>>{mittencakes} : I was kinda hoping for Jeb "The Mess" Bush. [They\'re so cute together.](http://imgur.com/gallery/xxJ8hNz)', ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : That's a key part of the voting decision. Ergo - McCain/Palin President Cheney and his affable puppet", '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : It never matters what Democrat is in the White House. The rightwing always has the same cadre of stooges creating faux scandals for the gullible and ignorant to swallow up.', '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : Yup. They put a LOT of resources into feeding red meat to the Bernie Bros in an attempt to set up a Trump vs. Bernie election for a reason.', '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : He also offers no demographic or electoral political advantages to the campaign.', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : Bernie is so abrasive and his drooling/spitting is kind of gross.', '>>{goshdarnwife} : I think Warren would be a mistake in that we lose a seat, and she is far more effective in the Senate. Her being VP is not appealing to Sanders supporters or independents.', '>>{partanimal} : I know it may seem crazy to you, but some of us think character, integrity, and honesty are prerequisite to holding the presidency.', '>>{partanimal} : Far less abrasive than Hillary, and her cackling and coughing are beyond gross.', ">>{ArfBox} : Well they polled about Rubio, Christie, Palin, and Sessions, so it's not that surprising Rubio is viewed the most favorably.", '>>{NWCitizen} : There is only one scenario where I would vote for a Clinton/Sanders ticket. Hillary must be under indictment at the time she appoints Bernie as VP running mate. Other than that, I will not vote for her regardless of who she picks as VP.', ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : >I think Warren would be a mistake in that we lose a seat, and she is far more effective in the Senate And this is probably why they won't pick her. >Her being VP is not appealing to Sanders supporters or independents. This is not true at all. She is Sanders-lite and would definitely appeal to Sanders-Independents.", ">>{Posthumos1} : I think Trump would stand the best chance by running with Ron Paul as his VP, or Gary Johnson. Rand, if toned down a bit, would be a good choice. ANYONE else I've seen is terrifying. With exception of Jill Stein. She would be VERY interesting, as she has much more integrity than Clinton, is also a woman, and is rational and supports freedom. I think she'd actually help Trump crush his opposition. Personally though, because of his leanings, I feel Trump would be best suited for a libertarian leaning VP as that ideology is closest to his core message.", ">>{goshdarnwife} : Since Warren won't likely be picked it is of little consequence whether Sanders supporters or independents find the pairing appealing.", '>>{GigamonkeyX} : LOL>>>??? Sanders VP?? WTF? Hillary for Prison. 2016', '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : The fact that the majority were fake scandals does not clear the Clintons of the real scandals. Why on earth would we allow the sexual predator back in the White House?', '>>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : >The fact that the majority were fake scandals does not clear the Clintons of the real scandals. Um, Hillary Clinton is running for President, not Bill. Since she\'s never even been charged with any crime, your use of "scandals" is quite scandalous. ;)', ">>{JumpingJazzJam} : I didn't mention what I consider to be Hillary's real scandals. The primary one being her posing as a liberal while being a conservative.", ">>{lilrabbitfoofoo} : You really mean that she's a politician doing the JOB of head politician, which is what we are hiring someone for in November. And that job requirement includes representing ALL Americans, not just the ones who voted for her. You get that, right? It's not all about you. Or do you honestly think that top liberal ratings by every legitimate source somehow missed information that you alone have?", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : I think you are convinced, and it seems to disturb you that I disagree strongly on all points.', '>>{Posthumos1} : Stop trying to make "fetch" a thing, not going to happen.']]
classify and reply
['>>{viva_la_vinyl} : I’m a journalist from rural America. The media can’t understand Donald Trump until it hires more of us', '>>{cavecricket49} : Fox News Lands A Brutal, Clean Hit On The Clinton Campaign', ">>{MiltOnTilt} : You need to be a yokel from the sticks to understand a Manhattan billionaire? Maybe YOU don't understand him.", '>>{pete7201} : Most of my Instagram notifications show up like this on my iPhone 4 (7.1.2). Instagram is the only app with this problem and it only occurs some of the time, how do I fix it?', '>>{pseudolocus} : Maybe to understand how he pulled a fast one over them and convinced them he represents the everyman. Watching a Michael Moore documentary, despite Moore being nutty, is a better way to understand blue collar workers in rust belt towns. His new doc was even pretty good. But the original Flint docs are best, and sadly still relevant today.', ">>{meatspun} : It's about *why* his message resonated with rural Americans. This kind of dismissal is kind of the reason why people never took the threat of Trump seriously. >Had the media understood why some people were attracted to Trump from the beginning, journalists might have been more thoughtful in their approach—considering, for example, how giving coverage to his every rally and outlandish new comment could build his following.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : They didn\'t though, read the email. A country offering 12 million dollars for Clinton to attend an event for her own charity, while she is not at the state department or holding office and her rejecting it is not a "clean hit." Not by any stretch. In fact, I am baffled as to how **anyone** thought this was news. A private citizen agrees to attend an event for her private charity while not holding office. Explain, in detail, why this is news?', ">>{eaglebtc} : Most likely it's because Instagram changed the way their notifications are delivered, and iOS 7 can't interpret them correctly. Starting in iOS 8 or 9, the maximum size of an Apple push notification payload increased to 4 KB. Instagram is probably taking advantage of that, but your phone can't.", '>>{paraconformity} : So in 2015 while a private citizen, Hillary Clinton agreed to give a speech in order to secure a $12 million donation to charity? Why am I supposed to be outraged about this?', '>>{neptunedragon} : Mhm. We want this case ironclad. Keep fucking digging. Edit: and this goes for you too media. I wanna see piss tapes by the years end.', '>>{GirthBrooks} : The HuffPost is just a blogging site. Literally anybody can submit to it.', ">>{gofflaw} : Con of the century and we're only 16 years in.", ">>{MiltOnTilt} : It's really quite simple. People would rather listen to comforting lies than harsh truths.", ">>{Infernalism} : And for there to be any sort of actual 'corruption', there'd have to be a pay-off for that $12 million. What exactly did Morocco get for their $12 million? The article doesn't seem to have anything about that.", '>>{ebikr} : Public hearing with Sally Yates. Just do it.', '>>{backpackwayne} : So a private citizen gave a speech. Instead of taking the money she would normally receive, she had it donated to charity. End of story. Nothing to see her but a selfless act of kindness.', '>>{MiltOnTilt} : People would rather listen to comforting lies than harsh truths.', ">>{pete7201} : If I remember right, iOS 3 - iOS 7 max at 256 bytes (1 and 2 don't support push), iOS 8 is between 256 and 4 kb, and 9/10 are 4 kb Still interesting how some of the notifications work but not others", ">>{eaglebtc} : Yeah, thanks. I wasn't sure if the limit was 256 or 2048 on that platform. But I suspect that is exactly what is happening here.", '>>{pete7201} : Probably. take a look at [these](http://imgur.com/a/WWQds) notifications. Some of them from ig work fine and some ^longer ones from discord work find as well', '>>{Infernalism} : For those who insist that this is a terrible thing: What did Morocco supposedly get for donating $12 million to the CF?', '>>{internet_critic} : Do these idiots even understand how charities operate? If you want money, you have to solicit, meet, greet, ask, persuade, beg... She was a private citizen at this time, why does this matter?', ">>{osaucyone} : He's a smart guy, and a former lawyer. They need time to build the full case before they make any conclusions. His comment about the fact that the Russians will do this again should concern every American, no matter who you voted for. If it doesn't, I would hesitate to call you a patriot.", ">>{maxxusflamus} : > Growing up, I watched as factories closed and the tobacco business declined, taking most of the middle class with them This part that irritates me. Fucking move. Instead you sit there in an endless bitchfest about how there are no jobs. There are thousands of immigrants that come to America- who don't speak a fucking word of english and they make it work.", ">>{CatButler} : So basically they don't like us because we act all uppity. Let me go read another argument for the EC so I can understand why these idiots need more political power than me.", ">>{Tiny-Hands_Donny} : Dems like to think everyone in the fly-over states is an educated moron and that's why they didn't support Hillary", ">>{xbbdc} : Seriously... i haven't yet read one article that actually gives examples and reasons why people voted for trump other than being ignored... If these rural folk can't understand that automation is the future, this country will be held back over and over.", ">>{eaglebtc} : OP, didn't you say that this is an iPhone 4 running on IOS 7?", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Yeah, it\'s absurd. More "let\'s try to turn duds into bombshells" bullshit from desperate people.', '>>{pete7201} : Yeah, I was just curious what the limit in iOS 8 was', ">>{idleray} : I can't help but laugh a little bit about the fact that despite deliberately not showing up herself to the charity event precisely because of how it would appear, Clinton's caution was for naught in the end with this Podesta leak. Though its true that Clinton's term as Secretary of State was over when this happened, this was also a time when everyone knew she was going to run for President in 2016, so it's kinda certain that the King of Morocco was looking to get in on the ground floor and buy influence with someone who was very likely to be leader of the free world.", '>>{cavecricket49} : > her rejecting it But her family went instead. Isn\'t that close enough, to most people? > in which Clinton had committed to speak at an event for the king on the condition of his $12 million donation No matter how you spin it, this particular line and situation sounds particularly egregious. She\'s literally saying "I\'m going to show up for 12 million." I personally don\'t think it\'s explosively bad myself, but it does nothing and maybe makes it worse for independents to get over her perceived corruption.', '>>{TableTopFarmer} : ah-yup. And if Nunes continues to stone wall the investigation, it is never going to get any later.', '>>{gofflaw} : Yup, they\'re completely unwilling to do anything to move or change it but they demand the entire country\'s politics revolve around them to the exclusion of literally every other group. They demand liberals "be consistent" in their values of diversity, tolerance, and understanding while vocally rejecting any insinuation that they should extend those same values to minorities, immigrants, women, etc.', '>>{eaglebtc} : The payload for the IG notifications probably contains additional diagnostic data that only the developers would see. The application URL to the specific post must be in there as well. The notification text that you see on the homescreen is very likely the last chunk of data in the payload. If it goes over your device limit, it just gets truncated. I suspect they left some debug stuff turned on, it went to production, and they forgot to do regression testing.', ">>{pete7201} : They probably assumed everyone who would be using social media has updated to iOS 10 on their new phone so they don't test their app on iOS 7 The newest version of Instagram requires iOS 8, so they probably don't care about the older iOS 6/7 versions", ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Schiff is absolutely right here. We're basically taking our first bumbling steps in this investigation. It's way too early to start running, but we have significant reasons to believe that there's something huge here thanks to all the smoke around it.", '>>{eaglebtc} : But they worried so goddamn much about their new (horrible) logo. They could have gone with a "flat effect" rainbow camera instead of the old skeuomorphic design, and it would have had the same impact.', ">>{Capital_Offensive} : Well, yeah there's really no evidence connecting Trump to anything. There isn't even any evidence of anything in the election being altered. Edit: I get this is a pretty fake subreddit but the downvotes without a real evidence based answer is bad.", '>>{CassiopeiaStillLife} : The Senate exists, though, as does the FBI.', ">>{CassiopeiaStillLife} : Think of it like pottery. Right now we just have raw clay being molded into a vase, but if we present it to the world it'd fall apart. It needs to go into a kiln and sit before it's ready.", ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : I can understand frustration with factories closing but those factory jobs are never coming back. Trump may have promised trade wars and tariffs to bring them back but that will only raise prices for all Americans, effectively subsidizing those jobs. Isn't job training for 21st century jobs more of a real solution?", ">>{pete7201} : Idk when I first got into IG they used the new logo, I've only seen the old <iOS 6 style logo printed out on paper. I've used iOS 4, 5, 6, and 7 and like the newer ios design a lot more", ">>{skwirrl} : Patience dear boy, patience. Good things come to those who wait. Watergate took 26 months to complete and that case didn't involve any foreign actors. And the fact the FBI isn't publically sharing their files does NOT mean there is no evidence. Sit back and enjoy the ride. This has only just begun.", '>>{itsmegeorge} : Do you have an older Instagram version on your iTunes folder on your laptop to test if notifications are fine? I doubt Instagram would ever fix this, sadly', '>>{IDFSHILL} : >> But her family went instead. Isn\'t that close enough, to most people? Why is it bad for a private citizen that is not holding office to do this? >> No matter how you spin it, this particular line and situation sounds particularly egregious. She\'s literally saying "I\'m going to show up for 12 million." I personally don\'t think it\'s explosively bad myself, but it does nothing and maybe makes it worse for independents to get over her perceived corruption. Why is it bad? She wasn\'t holding office, she didn\'t offer them anything. This makes no sense at all. Where is the corruption here? A private citizen agrees to do something for a donation to her private charity. Corruption? And in fact, it seems nothing was even offered, she was simply speaking at an event for her charity.', ">>{drewlap} : On my iPhone 4, I don't have any issues with instagram. Granted I daily use a 7, but I mess with the 4 occasionally", '>>{kiddestructo} : As a rural resident, the statement that we all share the same opinions is downright insulting. Please stop generalizing. We did not all vote R this, or any other election.', ">>{idontlikeanyofyou} : No kidding. You want to see decline? Have a look at NYC in the 70s and 80s. Our factory and shipping jobs left as well. I guess instead of blaming brown people, maybe they should accept the fact that the factories aren't coming back, and do something else.", ">>{GunOfSod} : And now they're assuming they must all be racist and sexist, which is going to kill democratic chances in 2020, if it's left to continue.", '>>{deathtotheemperor} : I don\'t why know this person is trying to sell us on the Great Mystery of Rural White People Voting For the Republican, as if this is some this is some crazy, inscrutable thing that\'s never happened before. I don\'t need them to explain it. Now, if it was a black journalist from Milwaukee who wanted to write about "why minority voter turnout in urban areas was down so much from last time", then that would be worthwhile.', ">>{mikachuu} : These are people who are still in the house they were born in, or at least in the same town. They've never lived across state lines for any reason. They'll certainly never do it because they have no choice other than to wither and die.", '>>{Hobophobic} : Redditor for 16 days, but good points all around.', '>>{deathtotheemperor} : Maybe there isn\'t a case to be made. Maybe "populist demagogue proves popular with financially struggling white people" isn\'t really all that hard to understand.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : That house investigation is, for all intents and purposes, done. Nunes did his job, he killed it. Looks like the senate knows how to act like adults and will conduct theirs in a more mature manner.', ">>{osaucyone} : Understand that investigations take time. There's going to be a day where everything is out in the open, either way. Then we call all say definitively that there are or aren't connection between the Trump team and Russia. Although, there is pretty strong evidence that the election was altered, as evidenced by the Senate hearings and their in depth analysis of how Russia used fake news and bots to hinder Hillary Clinton.", '>>{AztecJ} : You need to be a yokel from the sticks to understand that plenty of people prefer pandering to the hard truth about their outdated skillsets?', '>>{ParyGanter} : There are accusations and people trying to keep those accusations from being investigated properly.', '>>{kuroyume_cl} : > Fucking move. but that would mean leaving the safety of their all white communities and having to share space with the gays and the brown people', ">>{RavenBlade87} : It's not just about *why* the message worked, it's also the fact that the media never once asked *how* and demanded an answer before they'd move on to consider Trump on his merits as a future President. If I don't know how to pull out of a parking spot, the driving test is over before it begins. The media was all too happy to move past the fact that Trump never had a real solution to the problems he was shouting about, and that gave *everybody* permission to consider him capable of doing the job if he were to win.", '>>{MiltOnTilt} : They might one day have to talk to a mooslim.', '>>{AztecJ} : I seriously don\'t understand where this has come from, this notion that the left didn\'t understand why his message resonated with rural America. Literally everyone knows that people enjoy pandering in exchange for their votes. It\'s why people eat it up when [Trump goes to WV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU2p6YakNJg), says "hairspray used indoors doesn\'t affect the environment", and then uses that as a tie-in to the vague "rules and regulations" affecting WV coal that he\'s going to get rid of to magically save their dying industry. It is pandering to people that don\'t know the first thing about how CFCs and the environment work, they just hear him talking about saving their job while wearing a hardhat and they think he "gets them". It is Politics 101. Trump won because Hillary failed to turn out her base not because the left didn\'t understand that people enjoy pandering over reality. Overall voter turnout in 2016 was lower than the 2012 election. Trump got roughly the same amount of popular votes that Romney did. Obama\'s numbers in 2012 would have smoked Trump. Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate that couldn\'t motivate Democrats to vote in key states, not because the left failed to realize that people enjoy pandering.', ">>{mike_gainor} : The only thing that's ever been shown about Clinton is the appearance of impropriety and if you want to see her go down, you act outraged because that's all you have.", ">>{Woxat} : I don't think people understand how big this is, this does not just involve the FBI this involves other countries as well.", ">>{pohlp} : >But her family went instead. Isn't that close enough, to most people? Is her family running for president?", ">>{Hobophobic} : For clarity, there's nothing in the public domain yet. There's an ongoing FBI investigation that Schiff says has at least produced more than circumstantial evidence of collusion and Comey's being much more cagey with the House investigation (wonder why?). If you're getting downvoted you may want to be more specific. From the reports we've been getting in the media and from people who have access to intel info, saying that there is no evidence seems like an excuse to hand wave it away. Edit: Nevermind my helpful suggestion, check OP's account history.", '>>{RavenBlade87} : How about, you know, go and educate yourself, seek out vocational skills training, change states. There are plenty of things that can be done once people bother to read the tea-leaves and figure out that those well paying jobs you can get out of high school *will never come back*.', '>>{AztecJ} : Black people make so many excuses for their predicament and just want a handout from the government to help their communities, they need to get over it and get their shit together ... "Don\'t tell me to take control of my life and adjust to a changing world that doesn\'t need my outdated skillset anymore due to automation and don\'t tell me that asking the government to spend billions of dollars to save my dying industry is the same thing as wanting a handout. Don\'t tell me to take personal responsibility for the fact that I live in an area that put all of their economic eggs in one basket. I\'m offended, don\'t tell me to get over it when my way of life isn\'t feasible anymore!"', ">>{i-am-sancho} : It's ongoing. They held open hearings last week.", ">>{heelspider} : There is plenty of evidence that connects Trump. Maybe you meant there's no direct evidence? No I mean that's not really true; for instance we know of his business ties with Russia and his public encouragement of their hacking. So I'm guessing you mean there's no smoking gun?", ">>{skwirrl} : In total, the margin of Trump victory in the states of WI, MI and PA was less than one-half of one percent of votes cast. That means only ONE voter, out of every two hundred needed to change their vote to swing the election to Trump. NO ONE is going to convince me that Putin's interference didn't change the minds of just those few voters. And Trump and his surrogates knew it too, because they hammered Clinton on those emails every single day. He can't say how important that issue was before the election, and then after he wins the election claim it wasn't important at all.", ">>{meatspun} : >Trump won because Hillary failed to turn out her base not because the left didn't understand that people enjoy pandering over reality. You need more than just your base to win. Just because you voted Democrat in the past does not mean you're automatically in the base. They lost the rust belt because they did not reach the very same people who voted for Obama twice. > Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate that couldn't motivate Democrat's to vote in key states I agree that she was a terrible candidate but you don't need to pander to rural voters, you need to *actually* listen to them and appeal to them. You gotta give a shit and Hillary clearly did not give a shit.", ">>{gdex86} : We are in the investigation stages of this whole thing. Schiff wants to be, or atleast appear to be, open to all information rather then going into things looking for a set outcome which taints the investigation. Especially since as the minority party it's going to be hard to do it, and even harder to get part of the country to buy that he did something wrong.", '>>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Yup, part of the disinformation bot network it seems, especially with the grasp of English.', ">>{JamisonP} : Wow. What a bombshell. The most important thing Schiff thinks the intelligence community has discovered is that Russia intends to do this again, and is doing it in Europe. Oh and also he's discovered that it's very important that they get to the bottom of this. Schiff should probably stop going on news outlets to ask those general provocative questions, and/or cast aspersions on the witnesses he's trying to interview. He's not acting like a leader of an intelligence committee that's trying to conduct a serious investigation should act. Less Camera, more investigation work. Oh, probably isn't the most bipartisan thing ever to [tweet out an op-ed](https://twitter.com/AdamSchiffCA/status/848726818613977091) about how awful the administration you're charged with investigating is. What an idiot.", '>>{partanimal} : We know Russia meddled in the election. No-one is saying they tampered with votes, but we know they were spreading misinformation and that people on the right were repeating that misinformation.', '>>{Capital_Offensive} : Misinformation like what? And if it did "spread" how did that affect anything?', '>>{AztecJ} : While I agree that she didn\'t give a shit the left lost the rust belt because people prefer pandering over the obvious, glaring reality that their jobs are never coming back due to automation. If the answer is "the left needs to treat rural Americans like infants just to get across the obvious fact that the manufacturing world isn\'t the same as it was in 1950 and that Trump isn\'t bringing their outdated job back" then that simply speaks to the failings of rural America and nothing else. This election was populist pandering vs reality. Rural Americans clearly showed that they preferred the former over the latter and here we are. That isn\'t the fault of the left, it isn\'t our job to hold their hands and help them wake up when there are already 100 different alarm clocks blaring over a loudspeaker pointed directly at their collective heads.', ">>{EllaShue} : I think closed hearings happen starting Monday. I'm not sure when the next open hearings are, but last week's open session was eye-opening -- and frightening. Really happy to see how Senate Republicans and Democrats seemed to be acting together, too. Gives me some hope that there might be a real investigation there, unlike in the House. Fucking Nunes.", '>>{Xander707} : Certainly a possibility, but is at this point - pure speculation.', '>>{cupcakesarethedevil} : Well it was just prostitutes peeing right? Not him?', ">>{Empath_} : Oh come on, she had just left her post as sec state, and everybody knew she was running for president, including the king of morocco. If the clintons didn't have political ambitions, the foundation would be fine. As it is, it's just a machine for laundering bribes.", '>>{chinchilla-khaleesi} : But they dont make any money off of it....', ">>{idleray} : disclaimer in case I get upvotes from centipedes: I am anti-trump, but I can't vote anyway :)", '>>{do_you_even_ship_bro} : Obama was president for the last 8 years and never tried to stop capitalism.', ">>{androgenius} : It's worse than that. Hillary was pandering to them too, $30 billion dollars worth of pandering. And they gave it up in favour of a hairspray rant. If this guy can explain that then I'm interested in hearing it.", ">>{AztecJ} : Yeah, while I personally think Hillary was a fucking weak candidate she actually put out a [fairly detailed outline](https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/factsheets/2015/11/12/clinton-plan-to-revitalize-coal-communities/) that discussed ways to try and help rural America adjust to the changing world by investing money in retooling, retraining, providing assistance to community colleges to help retrain their local blue collar workers, etc so some of the pain coming from automation would be mitigated a bit better. It isn't the left's fault that many/most of them would rather us prop up their outdated methods of manufacturing/mining/etc at the expense of everyone else so they don't have to adjust their way of life or learn something new.", '>>{Willlll} : Hard to say about an alleged tape really, lol. If it does exist all, the holy rollers and moderates that voted for him should be forced to watch it clockwork orange style until they come to grips with what they did.', '>>{AztecJ} : Goddamn this is spot on: > They demand liberals "be consistent" in their values of diversity, tolerance, and understanding while vocally rejecting any insinuation that they should extend those same values to minorities, immigrants, women, etc. [This article from Cracked](http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-reasons-trumps-rise-that-no-one-talks-about/) from a former rural white conservative American trying to detail the "why" in Trump\'s rise for us liberals in commieland that are still confused, while a good look into the psyche of Trump voters, is nothing but hypocrisy and a major false equivalence. He argues that Trump voters in rural areas just want to be heard and sympathized with from urban liberals as their way of life dies out due to automation and they feel that it isn\'t happening while in comes Trump promising them the world. Demanding compassion and understanding for your fellow American\'s suffering is all well and good...except those same people RARELY extend that same compassion and understanding to essentially any minority in an economically depressed area so it tends to fall on deaf ears, at least in liberal commieland. They want sympathy for rural white conservative America yet don\'t want to give sympathy to anyone else. Often times when a white liberal asks them to return the favor to inner city black people they are just derided as SJWs and, in more extreme cases, race traitors. If a black person asks for that same compassion and understanding it is even worse, they are told to stop whining, get over it, and fix your own community\'s problems. This also isn\'t even getting into the major false equivalences at work here. For rural white America they are wanting understanding and compassion simply due to the fact that someone invented a robot that can do their job better/faster/cheaper/more efficiently than they can and they aren\'t willing to adapt. That is a failure of personal responsibility on their end as well as putting all of their economic eggs in one (easily automated) basket. They are also wanting compassion over something that is affecting all races, as there are tons of predominately black towns in the south that saw their factories dry up with the onset of automation. This is in no way comparable to something like, for example, the [Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_riot) that saw white mobs burning down one of the wealthiest black communities in the nation to the ground while murdering hundreds of people, all while the police turned a blind eye to it. Gee, ya think that type of shit had a lasting, generational effect on the black community? Ya think that just maybe put a shit load of black people in poverty, not because they refused to adapt their skillsets as times changed, but simply because they were black and finally found a way to make money? You don\'t think Jim Crow laws just maybe had an effect on blacks that are still being felt to this day? Shit doesn\'t just change overnight, Jim Crow laws fucked the economic opportunities of blacks insanely hard. It is so much harder to get out of poverty when their parents are in poverty and their parents parents were in poverty etc due to state sanctioned laws preventing them from having a fair shot to compete with their white countrymen. No matter how much white America whines they haven\'t faced nearly the amount of state-sponsored economic discrimination that minorities have. Wanting compassion due to not wanting to learn a new trade isn\'t in the same universe of wanting compassion due to living in a country that had to be forced to give them basic human rights such as voting seventy-odd years ago.', '>>{MyNameIsUnimportantK} : Didn\'t Schiff say before that there was "more than just \'circumstantial evidence of collusion\'." What does he comments now mean?', ">>{rhino369} : There also doesn't appear to be widespread knowledge of other info. If there was good evidence that schiff had access to the GOP would be freaking out. Rats would be scurrying off ships. You'd feel a buzz that quite frankly isn't there, yet. It's still early days so something damning could be later discovered. The more likely downfall is that the coverup kills trump. Since the Russia stuff broke they've been lying to distance themselves from Russia. Flynn lied. Manafort lied. Session lied. Etc. All it takes is one person feeling the heat to admit that trump told them to lie and suddenly we've the watergate level story. So the investigation has to nail someone who will squeal.", ">>{comeonnow17} : How disappointed would you be if nothing comes out of this? I'd be pretty choked.", ">>{meatspun} : > I personally think Hillary was a fucking weak candidate she actually put out a fairly detailed outline Aside from clearly failing to properly communicating this, I do think the fact that Hillary Clinton was the messenger hurt the credibility of the message. Many of her supporters were only focused on her experience (which she definitely has) and deliberately ignored and appreciated just how much baggage she has. It's unfortunate but I think that's fucked up reality of the situation.", '>>{Capital_Offensive} : > there is pretty strong evidence that the election was altered, There is absolutely no evidence it was altered. Allegations of "fake news and bots" Is pointless without any particular set of events directly changing anything. If the point is about the wiki leaks dropsreharding Clinton, which are true, that\'s not real journalism than fake news.', '>>{wonkyarm} : These rural areas really just want to seize the means of production.', '>>{pseudolocus} : I feel pretty bad for them, honestly, especially this time around. Is Flint ever going to get their water fixed, for example? :/', ">>{chinchilla-khaleesi} : You can agrue that, but you can't say that money went to the Clintons.", '>>{walter_neft} : Can you tell me what the other end of the bribe was?', ">>{osaucyone} : Did you not watch the Senate hearing? People don't go in front of congress and say that the election was altered by fake news and bots without evidence.", ">>{Hobophobic} : I wouldn't be so sure they haven't found someone to squeal yet. The peeks under the covers we're getting are in no way usual for a counterintelligence investigation. The fact that they were willing to go on record that it even existed, may indicate they're close to a conclusion. I doubt they'd be telegraphing the scope of their investigations otherwise. The NYT and WAPO reports feel more like conditioning the public, not organic leaks. Perhaps they were forced to reveal it once Trump's people started poking around in top secret info, but the well-sourced stories in the press seem coordinated to me.", ">>{paraconformity} : This is the part I don't get. If you had any evidence the Clinton's were personally profiting from their charity that would be an insane scandal, but there isn't so what is the theory here? Clinton was bribed with good intentions? There is incidentally a fuck tonne of evidence that the Trump foundation is little more than the Donald's private chequing account. He even used it to purchase a giant portrait of himself.", ">>{internet_critic} : laundering bribes - big words. Do you even understand what you're saying? I know Trump and his Putin Poodles like to throw poo without a shred of evidence, but have some self respect and don't post conspiracy garbage.", '>>{neptunedragon} : Source? How do you know? (Not the piss tapes the Monday night news)', '>>{Predictive} : Hillary Clinton has repeatedly argued that there is nothing wrong with her family’s arrangements, because no explicit quid pro quo ― that is, exchange of cash for specific political favors ― has surfaced. This argument has troubled many Democrats, who note that the campaign’s defense relies on the weak definition of corruption outlined in the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision. Oh! the irony.', '>>{joshualander} : It did not. It went to a Foundation with their name on it; they derive no financial benefit.', ">>{osaucyone} : Hate to tell you this, but Schiff isn't the leader of an intelligence committee, that's Nunes, who has actually been partisan as fuck and acted like someone who shouldn't be in charge.", ">>{info_sacked} : It's time for me to logout now. Catch ya later ;)", ">>{osaucyone} : He didn't deny anything, he says they aren't far enough in the investigation to say definitively if there was or wasn't collusion.", ">>{Infernalism} : That's pretty much the essence of democracy, though. Also, what exactly are we putting our 'heads in the sand' over? if you're saying that Clinton did something improper, then what exactly did Morocco get for donating $12 million to the CF?", ">>{Hobophobic} : He explained that the evidence he had seen was something that he would take to grand jury. From what I understand, that means that there would be enough for an indictment (a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime), not necessarily enough to convict from what he's seen. The FBI seems to be being cagey with releasing info to the House investigation (I wonder why?) so it may be that what he's seen is what can be safely shown to someone who will run to tell Trump.", ">>{salmonchaser} : You realize Clinton supporters have been arguing about the speeches and the Clinton foundation for months. There isn't astroturfing going on. This just isn't a new angle of attack for Clinton supporters.", '>>{Mr_Pombastic} : I agree, yes, these things take time. Obviously the pressure is mounting, BUT I\'m afraid drawing this out is going to prove to be a bad move. People are getting tired of the lack of definitive proof. A popular theory is that the IC is mounting a "slow drip" campaign to gradually acclimate the public to the reality of treason, but it unfortunately also has the effect of fatiguing the Russian connection. I worry that the longer this is drawn out, the more people will get frustrated with the lack of \'definitive\' proof (I mean come on- if we look at this objectively, there should be no debate if what we\'ve seen in this short span is impeachable behavior). This is getting politicized and could turn out to be a liability. Look at the republican response to all of this - dodgy denial and stammering. Swift action, despite uncertain public opinion, might be necessary.', '>>{ozabelle} : fox news wishes it could land a brutal, clean hit ftfy', '>>{Daiteach} : People are using the term "private citizen" because that\'s what it\'s called. If a bunch of people refer to the product that McDonald\'s sells as "hamburgers," it\'s because that\'s what they\'re called, not because there\'s a grand conspiracy on the part of McDonald\'s to get everybody to use the same language.', '>>{Catzendo} : The Foundation held their meeting in Morocco and she gave a speech. Sounds like a great deal, a huge deal, no one could have made a bigger deal "To get money for a charitable foundation". I see the pay here, please tell me where the play is?', ">>{Infernalism} : Bullshit, it's very easy to prove corruption. In fact, it gets proven every day. Show us what Morocco got in return for their $12 million.", '>>{Chabananus} : A month before she announced she was running. Regardless if it was pay to play, stupid decision on her part.', ">>{JamisonP} : Schiff is the ranking member of the committee, which is a leader of the committee. The democrats look to him, he speaks for the minority party. I don't think there's actually really a comparison between Nunes and Schiff. Nunes made a slight misstep with that little media show & charge up to the white house to brief the POTUS, but that evidence was involving an investigation that Trump is an alleged victim of, not the one he is an alleged suspect of. A misstep to be sure, but hasn't done anything of note since then aside from quietly steamroll Schiff and the democrats who wanted to conduct an open hearing with Yates and Brennan before bringing comey and rogers back in for a closed testimony. On the other side you have the democrats, at least Schiff and Himes, going to talk shows like New Day and Maddow *every single day* last week to cast aspersions both on their chairman and also on the witnesses that they're supposed to be interviewing and receiving sworn testimony from. They're defending themselves in the media publicly asking for immunity, the whole thing is ridiculous. Clown show.", ">>{osaucyone} : Be fair, everyone is making premature assumptions. The left is saying it is all true, the right is saying it all isn't true. The only time we'll know who is right and who is wrong is when this information becomes public.", ">>{zirce} : What? Trump supporters literally flood this sub with bogus articles every 5 minutes and cruise in with the same talking points ad naseum... Maybe, just maybe, people of all sides piggyback off of others' arguments.", '>>{aguasvivasb} : They will justify it and start pissing in the bedroom as well. Just how they justify everything that trump does.', '>>{Chabananus} : They do personally profit from the people who donate. They donate to the charity and pay them speaking fees then get some political favors in return.', ">>{salmonchaser} : Honestly this sub is the same thing over and over. I'm sure I've copied someone else at some point. It doesn't mean it's coordinated.", '>>{OMyBuddha} : Look its another article in HuffPo that is blatently ProHillary! Shills! /s', ">>{sunnieskye1} : She didn't even give the speech; Chelsea and Bill did.", '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > she had just left her post as sec state She left in 2013, this was 2015', '>>{Sidwill} : What would be the more selfish move. Make the speech for the donation for a charity that does good works. Or refuse the 12 million for the charity because it might make you look bad politically?', '>>{Hawkize31} : Even if this is a "brutal hit", it doesn\'t matter because Trump has shot himself in the foot over and over and over this election. Hillary might be in trouble with scandals like this in a close race against a normal candidate. But Trump has scandals bigger than this nonstop.', ">>{partanimal} : You don't understand how propaganda can affect an election? Are you sure?", ">>{Hobophobic} : Very, because it means that our entire justice system has been subverted. Shit, just from what's available to the public, I can't figure out how Trump wasn't in prison 10 years ago. He must have been on the IC's radar for shady Russian and organized crime connections since the 80's.", ">>{partanimal} : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections I'm linking Wikipedia because they source everything and it's a really good summary.", '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : Redditor for 3 hours, idiotic post history, is likely just a bot.', ">>{anteretro} : You're really asking for it! Careful, that kind of talk is ban-worthy.", '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : > Nunes made a **slight misstep** with that little media show & charge up to the white house to brief the POTUS, but that e**vidence was involving an investigation that Trump is an alleged victim of, not the one he is an alleged suspect of.** A misstep to be sure, but hasn\'t done anything of note since then aside from quietly steamroll Schiff and the democrats who wanted to conduct an open hearing with Yates and Brennan before bringing come and rogers back in for a closed testimony. LOL. obstruction of a federal investigation is a "slight misstep"? And you think Trump is the alleged victim in the investigation? I think you need to catch up a bit and maybe stop reading nonsense.', ">>{Chabananus} : Question the reason you're getting the 12 million donation for a speech that you don't even end up at.", '>>{Kabuki_Writer} : It will be too early for,,,,,, never.', '>>{nightmuzak} : Hot damn, the bots are all over this post.', ">>{devdave90} : I'm confused. Why is this CNN article, merely describing what Schiff said, so heavily downvoted? CNN articles about Schiff and Russia tend to usually be heavily upvoted on this sub. I'm trying to figure out why this one is different. I'm so confused! It's almost like this one doesn't fit a specific narrative or something. Uh oh.", '>>{AHSfav} : I agree. They need to start making moves soon', ">>{salmonchaser} : And you've decided that. And anyone who disagrees is in on the conspiracy.", '>>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : Part of me thinks it would be better to let the story die for a while, lull everyone into a false sense of security, and then come back with the knockout blow. Unfortunately it\'s probably too late for that. This is probably going to parallel the Watergate timeline. The first convictions were in early 1973, when Liddy and McCord went down. That was more than a year-and-a-half before Nixon resigned. Eventually (assuming what seems to be true actually is) we\'ll reach a critical mass of Trump associates being convicted such that there\'s enough evidence to impeach Trump on obstruction-related charges. Nixon was never charged with anything direct. Just "Obstruction of Justice," "Abuse of Power," and "Defiance of Subpoenas." Even the "smoking gun" tape wasn\'t a smoking gun in the way we think about it. Nixon never admitted to planning the crimes. He just requested that the investigation be halted. The Realpolitik take on this is that Trump will go down if it becomes clear that the GOP is sinking because of him.', ">>{Willlll} : *Pissin' your pants is the coolest!*", ">>{Iyrsiiea} : > Too much shit to Schiff through. FTFY ....I need to find *some* way to laugh at all this, okay? Don't look at me like that.", '>>{Adam_Nox} : They get some speaking fees, but not the 12 million. You are reaching.', '>>{pushpin} : oh Gerald, not the lemonade position again. It gets old - and besides its really messy.', '>>{Capital_Offensive} : > I\'m guessing you mean there\'s no smoking gun? Not really. Of course theres evidence "connecting him to Russia" since thats made out to be a big taboo or something. before the election he ran a huge multinational real estate empire. He has connections to the leadership in pretty much every nation he has had serious property interest in the past. The hacking "encouragement" is a huge stretch don\'t you think? Im assuming you\'re talking about that one line at that rally?', ">>{Adam_Nox} : At this point, the paid speeches and wall street connections mean jack squat. They were important issues only during the primary, not when she's running against a primate pretending to be a billionaire.", '>>{vph} : How much money did Hillary, Bill or Chelsea or any of their relative get out of this? I am curious.', '>>{mntgoat} : How is the charity connected to the money from the speeches? Are they paying the charity and then she makes a check out to cash?', '>>{heelspider} : He has a "disproportionate" amount of Russian investors according to his son. He has real estate deals with Russians that appear indicative of money laundering. His campaign was greatly boosted by Russian propaganda and cyber-warfare. He refuses to divest himself of his businesses. He refuses to release his tax forms. None of that is normal. In his vast global empire are their other world leaders he tells multiple different stories about when and if they met? Does he throw America under the bus defending other world leaders? Then of course there is his former campaign manager and his former NSA. Manaford and Flynn are evidence connecting Trump to Russia. And that\'s not even mentioning Stone, Sessions, or his son-in-law. Or the strange internet activity between Trump Tower and a Russian bank. Pretty much all of that is evidence. Is it proof? Probably not. But saying there is no evidence and saying there is no proof are two totally different things.', ">>{SpilledKefir} : I don't, tell me how it works and why this is corrupt.", '>>{Infernalism} : You think that Morocco, an ally to the US, needs to pay for access to "power?" Explain that to me. What sort of "Power" are they getting access to by paying the CF $12 million dollars.', ">>{aSc4rYGh0sT} : > that would be an insane scandal, Apparently not since there's a ton of evidence that Trump has personally profited off of his charity, and nobody seems to care too much.", ">>{Empath_} : Lol, I'm voting for her. She's crooked, but trump is basically hitler.", '>>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : Finally realized this year that networking makes me a bad, corrupt person', ">>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : Eh fuck it. I'll take it (your vote).", ">>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : It's over! TO THE TOP! She's DONE!", ">>{Chabananus} : There's a ton of examples out there. They Receive a donation and at the same time get paid for a speech.", '>>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : So when the fuck do I get paid? This is bullshit. I got bills you know?', ">>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : Yes I'm sure the King of Morocco is desperate for face time.", '>>{Eth111} : I wonder what it feels like to be so uninformed', '>>{Sidwill} : For a charity that actually does charity work unlike the Trump foundation that by all indications simply acts as either a tax avoidance scheme plus a personal enrichment fund ( see: Trump using it to pay his businesses, pay political operatives like that project Veritas scammer and to purchase items for himself).', ">>{Chabananus} : I don't see what Trump has to do with this. Clinton is going to win, trump is irrelevant.", ">>{mntgoat} : But what's illegal about that? Or are you saying the foundation gets paid for the speech and the she gets the cash out? I just don't see the connection. I want to understand the loophole she is using. For example Trump will use money from his foundation to pay fines for his businesses or to buy stuff for his businesses (portraits for example). That is the straight up conflict stuff, I'm not a tax expert but I'm guessing it violates some rules. Then comes the other stuff, he will spend money from the foundation on his own businesses, which isn't illegal as far as I know, but it is a clear way to get money out of the foundation. He is also doing that with the campaign money.", '>>{almondbutter} : 2016, where voters somehow perceive the most respected and dignified political reporter in U.S. History, the man who took down Nixon, Bob Woodward is considered hogwash. “It’s corrupt,” Woodward said on Fox. “It’s a scandal.”', '>>{almondbutter} : “It’s corrupt,” Woodward said on Fox. “It’s a scandal.”', '>>{almondbutter} : “It’s corrupt,” Woodward said on Fox. “It’s a scandal.”', '>>{almondbutter} : “It’s corrupt,” Woodward said on Fox. “It’s a scandal.”']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{viva_la_vinyl} : I’m a journalist from rural America. The media can’t understand Donald Trump until it hires more of us', ">>{MiltOnTilt} : You need to be a yokel from the sticks to understand a Manhattan billionaire? Maybe YOU don't understand him.", '>>{pseudolocus} : Maybe to understand how he pulled a fast one over them and convinced them he represents the everyman. Watching a Michael Moore documentary, despite Moore being nutty, is a better way to understand blue collar workers in rust belt towns. His new doc was even pretty good. But the original Flint docs are best, and sadly still relevant today.', ">>{meatspun} : It's about *why* his message resonated with rural Americans. This kind of dismissal is kind of the reason why people never took the threat of Trump seriously. >Had the media understood why some people were attracted to Trump from the beginning, journalists might have been more thoughtful in their approach—considering, for example, how giving coverage to his every rally and outlandish new comment could build his following.", ">>{gofflaw} : Con of the century and we're only 16 years in.", ">>{MiltOnTilt} : It's really quite simple. People would rather listen to comforting lies than harsh truths.", '>>{MiltOnTilt} : People would rather listen to comforting lies than harsh truths.', ">>{maxxusflamus} : > Growing up, I watched as factories closed and the tobacco business declined, taking most of the middle class with them This part that irritates me. Fucking move. Instead you sit there in an endless bitchfest about how there are no jobs. There are thousands of immigrants that come to America- who don't speak a fucking word of english and they make it work.", ">>{CatButler} : So basically they don't like us because we act all uppity. Let me go read another argument for the EC so I can understand why these idiots need more political power than me.", ">>{Tiny-Hands_Donny} : Dems like to think everyone in the fly-over states is an educated moron and that's why they didn't support Hillary", ">>{xbbdc} : Seriously... i haven't yet read one article that actually gives examples and reasons why people voted for trump other than being ignored... If these rural folk can't understand that automation is the future, this country will be held back over and over.", '>>{gofflaw} : Yup, they\'re completely unwilling to do anything to move or change it but they demand the entire country\'s politics revolve around them to the exclusion of literally every other group. They demand liberals "be consistent" in their values of diversity, tolerance, and understanding while vocally rejecting any insinuation that they should extend those same values to minorities, immigrants, women, etc.', ">>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : I can understand frustration with factories closing but those factory jobs are never coming back. Trump may have promised trade wars and tariffs to bring them back but that will only raise prices for all Americans, effectively subsidizing those jobs. Isn't job training for 21st century jobs more of a real solution?", '>>{kiddestructo} : As a rural resident, the statement that we all share the same opinions is downright insulting. Please stop generalizing. We did not all vote R this, or any other election.', ">>{idontlikeanyofyou} : No kidding. You want to see decline? Have a look at NYC in the 70s and 80s. Our factory and shipping jobs left as well. I guess instead of blaming brown people, maybe they should accept the fact that the factories aren't coming back, and do something else.", ">>{GunOfSod} : And now they're assuming they must all be racist and sexist, which is going to kill democratic chances in 2020, if it's left to continue.", '>>{deathtotheemperor} : I don\'t why know this person is trying to sell us on the Great Mystery of Rural White People Voting For the Republican, as if this is some this is some crazy, inscrutable thing that\'s never happened before. I don\'t need them to explain it. Now, if it was a black journalist from Milwaukee who wanted to write about "why minority voter turnout in urban areas was down so much from last time", then that would be worthwhile.', ">>{mikachuu} : These are people who are still in the house they were born in, or at least in the same town. They've never lived across state lines for any reason. They'll certainly never do it because they have no choice other than to wither and die.", '>>{deathtotheemperor} : Maybe there isn\'t a case to be made. Maybe "populist demagogue proves popular with financially struggling white people" isn\'t really all that hard to understand.', '>>{AztecJ} : You need to be a yokel from the sticks to understand that plenty of people prefer pandering to the hard truth about their outdated skillsets?', '>>{kuroyume_cl} : > Fucking move. but that would mean leaving the safety of their all white communities and having to share space with the gays and the brown people', ">>{RavenBlade87} : It's not just about *why* the message worked, it's also the fact that the media never once asked *how* and demanded an answer before they'd move on to consider Trump on his merits as a future President. If I don't know how to pull out of a parking spot, the driving test is over before it begins. The media was all too happy to move past the fact that Trump never had a real solution to the problems he was shouting about, and that gave *everybody* permission to consider him capable of doing the job if he were to win.", '>>{MiltOnTilt} : They might one day have to talk to a mooslim.', '>>{AztecJ} : I seriously don\'t understand where this has come from, this notion that the left didn\'t understand why his message resonated with rural America. Literally everyone knows that people enjoy pandering in exchange for their votes. It\'s why people eat it up when [Trump goes to WV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU2p6YakNJg), says "hairspray used indoors doesn\'t affect the environment", and then uses that as a tie-in to the vague "rules and regulations" affecting WV coal that he\'s going to get rid of to magically save their dying industry. It is pandering to people that don\'t know the first thing about how CFCs and the environment work, they just hear him talking about saving their job while wearing a hardhat and they think he "gets them". It is Politics 101. Trump won because Hillary failed to turn out her base not because the left didn\'t understand that people enjoy pandering over reality. Overall voter turnout in 2016 was lower than the 2012 election. Trump got roughly the same amount of popular votes that Romney did. Obama\'s numbers in 2012 would have smoked Trump. Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate that couldn\'t motivate Democrats to vote in key states, not because the left failed to realize that people enjoy pandering.', '>>{RavenBlade87} : How about, you know, go and educate yourself, seek out vocational skills training, change states. There are plenty of things that can be done once people bother to read the tea-leaves and figure out that those well paying jobs you can get out of high school *will never come back*.', '>>{AztecJ} : Black people make so many excuses for their predicament and just want a handout from the government to help their communities, they need to get over it and get their shit together ... "Don\'t tell me to take control of my life and adjust to a changing world that doesn\'t need my outdated skillset anymore due to automation and don\'t tell me that asking the government to spend billions of dollars to save my dying industry is the same thing as wanting a handout. Don\'t tell me to take personal responsibility for the fact that I live in an area that put all of their economic eggs in one basket. I\'m offended, don\'t tell me to get over it when my way of life isn\'t feasible anymore!"', ">>{meatspun} : >Trump won because Hillary failed to turn out her base not because the left didn't understand that people enjoy pandering over reality. You need more than just your base to win. Just because you voted Democrat in the past does not mean you're automatically in the base. They lost the rust belt because they did not reach the very same people who voted for Obama twice. > Hillary lost because she was a terrible candidate that couldn't motivate Democrat's to vote in key states I agree that she was a terrible candidate but you don't need to pander to rural voters, you need to *actually* listen to them and appeal to them. You gotta give a shit and Hillary clearly did not give a shit.", '>>{AztecJ} : While I agree that she didn\'t give a shit the left lost the rust belt because people prefer pandering over the obvious, glaring reality that their jobs are never coming back due to automation. If the answer is "the left needs to treat rural Americans like infants just to get across the obvious fact that the manufacturing world isn\'t the same as it was in 1950 and that Trump isn\'t bringing their outdated job back" then that simply speaks to the failings of rural America and nothing else. This election was populist pandering vs reality. Rural Americans clearly showed that they preferred the former over the latter and here we are. That isn\'t the fault of the left, it isn\'t our job to hold their hands and help them wake up when there are already 100 different alarm clocks blaring over a loudspeaker pointed directly at their collective heads.', '>>{do_you_even_ship_bro} : Obama was president for the last 8 years and never tried to stop capitalism.', ">>{androgenius} : It's worse than that. Hillary was pandering to them too, $30 billion dollars worth of pandering. And they gave it up in favour of a hairspray rant. If this guy can explain that then I'm interested in hearing it.", ">>{AztecJ} : Yeah, while I personally think Hillary was a fucking weak candidate she actually put out a [fairly detailed outline](https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/factsheets/2015/11/12/clinton-plan-to-revitalize-coal-communities/) that discussed ways to try and help rural America adjust to the changing world by investing money in retooling, retraining, providing assistance to community colleges to help retrain their local blue collar workers, etc so some of the pain coming from automation would be mitigated a bit better. It isn't the left's fault that many/most of them would rather us prop up their outdated methods of manufacturing/mining/etc at the expense of everyone else so they don't have to adjust their way of life or learn something new.", '>>{AztecJ} : Goddamn this is spot on: > They demand liberals "be consistent" in their values of diversity, tolerance, and understanding while vocally rejecting any insinuation that they should extend those same values to minorities, immigrants, women, etc. [This article from Cracked](http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-reasons-trumps-rise-that-no-one-talks-about/) from a former rural white conservative American trying to detail the "why" in Trump\'s rise for us liberals in commieland that are still confused, while a good look into the psyche of Trump voters, is nothing but hypocrisy and a major false equivalence. He argues that Trump voters in rural areas just want to be heard and sympathized with from urban liberals as their way of life dies out due to automation and they feel that it isn\'t happening while in comes Trump promising them the world. Demanding compassion and understanding for your fellow American\'s suffering is all well and good...except those same people RARELY extend that same compassion and understanding to essentially any minority in an economically depressed area so it tends to fall on deaf ears, at least in liberal commieland. They want sympathy for rural white conservative America yet don\'t want to give sympathy to anyone else. Often times when a white liberal asks them to return the favor to inner city black people they are just derided as SJWs and, in more extreme cases, race traitors. If a black person asks for that same compassion and understanding it is even worse, they are told to stop whining, get over it, and fix your own community\'s problems. This also isn\'t even getting into the major false equivalences at work here. For rural white America they are wanting understanding and compassion simply due to the fact that someone invented a robot that can do their job better/faster/cheaper/more efficiently than they can and they aren\'t willing to adapt. That is a failure of personal responsibility on their end as well as putting all of their economic eggs in one (easily automated) basket. They are also wanting compassion over something that is affecting all races, as there are tons of predominately black towns in the south that saw their factories dry up with the onset of automation. This is in no way comparable to something like, for example, the [Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_riot) that saw white mobs burning down one of the wealthiest black communities in the nation to the ground while murdering hundreds of people, all while the police turned a blind eye to it. Gee, ya think that type of shit had a lasting, generational effect on the black community? Ya think that just maybe put a shit load of black people in poverty, not because they refused to adapt their skillsets as times changed, but simply because they were black and finally found a way to make money? You don\'t think Jim Crow laws just maybe had an effect on blacks that are still being felt to this day? Shit doesn\'t just change overnight, Jim Crow laws fucked the economic opportunities of blacks insanely hard. It is so much harder to get out of poverty when their parents are in poverty and their parents parents were in poverty etc due to state sanctioned laws preventing them from having a fair shot to compete with their white countrymen. No matter how much white America whines they haven\'t faced nearly the amount of state-sponsored economic discrimination that minorities have. Wanting compassion due to not wanting to learn a new trade isn\'t in the same universe of wanting compassion due to living in a country that had to be forced to give them basic human rights such as voting seventy-odd years ago.', ">>{meatspun} : > I personally think Hillary was a fucking weak candidate she actually put out a fairly detailed outline Aside from clearly failing to properly communicating this, I do think the fact that Hillary Clinton was the messenger hurt the credibility of the message. Many of her supporters were only focused on her experience (which she definitely has) and deliberately ignored and appreciated just how much baggage she has. It's unfortunate but I think that's fucked up reality of the situation.", '>>{wonkyarm} : These rural areas really just want to seize the means of production.', '>>{pseudolocus} : I feel pretty bad for them, honestly, especially this time around. Is Flint ever going to get their water fixed, for example? :/'], ['>>{pete7201} : Most of my Instagram notifications show up like this on my iPhone 4 (7.1.2). Instagram is the only app with this problem and it only occurs some of the time, how do I fix it?', ">>{eaglebtc} : Most likely it's because Instagram changed the way their notifications are delivered, and iOS 7 can't interpret them correctly. Starting in iOS 8 or 9, the maximum size of an Apple push notification payload increased to 4 KB. Instagram is probably taking advantage of that, but your phone can't.", ">>{pete7201} : If I remember right, iOS 3 - iOS 7 max at 256 bytes (1 and 2 don't support push), iOS 8 is between 256 and 4 kb, and 9/10 are 4 kb Still interesting how some of the notifications work but not others", ">>{eaglebtc} : Yeah, thanks. I wasn't sure if the limit was 256 or 2048 on that platform. But I suspect that is exactly what is happening here.", '>>{pete7201} : Probably. take a look at [these](http://imgur.com/a/WWQds) notifications. Some of them from ig work fine and some ^longer ones from discord work find as well', ">>{eaglebtc} : OP, didn't you say that this is an iPhone 4 running on IOS 7?", '>>{pete7201} : Yeah, I was just curious what the limit in iOS 8 was', '>>{eaglebtc} : The payload for the IG notifications probably contains additional diagnostic data that only the developers would see. The application URL to the specific post must be in there as well. The notification text that you see on the homescreen is very likely the last chunk of data in the payload. If it goes over your device limit, it just gets truncated. I suspect they left some debug stuff turned on, it went to production, and they forgot to do regression testing.', ">>{pete7201} : They probably assumed everyone who would be using social media has updated to iOS 10 on their new phone so they don't test their app on iOS 7 The newest version of Instagram requires iOS 8, so they probably don't care about the older iOS 6/7 versions", '>>{eaglebtc} : But they worried so goddamn much about their new (horrible) logo. They could have gone with a "flat effect" rainbow camera instead of the old skeuomorphic design, and it would have had the same impact.', ">>{pete7201} : Idk when I first got into IG they used the new logo, I've only seen the old <iOS 6 style logo printed out on paper. I've used iOS 4, 5, 6, and 7 and like the newer ios design a lot more", '>>{itsmegeorge} : Do you have an older Instagram version on your iTunes folder on your laptop to test if notifications are fine? I doubt Instagram would ever fix this, sadly', ">>{drewlap} : On my iPhone 4, I don't have any issues with instagram. Granted I daily use a 7, but I mess with the 4 occasionally"], ['>>{cavecricket49} : Fox News Lands A Brutal, Clean Hit On The Clinton Campaign', '>>{IDFSHILL} : They didn\'t though, read the email. A country offering 12 million dollars for Clinton to attend an event for her own charity, while she is not at the state department or holding office and her rejecting it is not a "clean hit." Not by any stretch. In fact, I am baffled as to how **anyone** thought this was news. A private citizen agrees to attend an event for her private charity while not holding office. Explain, in detail, why this is news?', '>>{paraconformity} : So in 2015 while a private citizen, Hillary Clinton agreed to give a speech in order to secure a $12 million donation to charity? Why am I supposed to be outraged about this?', '>>{GirthBrooks} : The HuffPost is just a blogging site. Literally anybody can submit to it.', ">>{Infernalism} : And for there to be any sort of actual 'corruption', there'd have to be a pay-off for that $12 million. What exactly did Morocco get for their $12 million? The article doesn't seem to have anything about that.", '>>{backpackwayne} : So a private citizen gave a speech. Instead of taking the money she would normally receive, she had it donated to charity. End of story. Nothing to see her but a selfless act of kindness.', '>>{Infernalism} : For those who insist that this is a terrible thing: What did Morocco supposedly get for donating $12 million to the CF?', '>>{internet_critic} : Do these idiots even understand how charities operate? If you want money, you have to solicit, meet, greet, ask, persuade, beg... She was a private citizen at this time, why does this matter?', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Yeah, it\'s absurd. More "let\'s try to turn duds into bombshells" bullshit from desperate people.', ">>{idleray} : I can't help but laugh a little bit about the fact that despite deliberately not showing up herself to the charity event precisely because of how it would appear, Clinton's caution was for naught in the end with this Podesta leak. Though its true that Clinton's term as Secretary of State was over when this happened, this was also a time when everyone knew she was going to run for President in 2016, so it's kinda certain that the King of Morocco was looking to get in on the ground floor and buy influence with someone who was very likely to be leader of the free world.", '>>{cavecricket49} : > her rejecting it But her family went instead. Isn\'t that close enough, to most people? > in which Clinton had committed to speak at an event for the king on the condition of his $12 million donation No matter how you spin it, this particular line and situation sounds particularly egregious. She\'s literally saying "I\'m going to show up for 12 million." I personally don\'t think it\'s explosively bad myself, but it does nothing and maybe makes it worse for independents to get over her perceived corruption.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : >> But her family went instead. Isn\'t that close enough, to most people? Why is it bad for a private citizen that is not holding office to do this? >> No matter how you spin it, this particular line and situation sounds particularly egregious. She\'s literally saying "I\'m going to show up for 12 million." I personally don\'t think it\'s explosively bad myself, but it does nothing and maybe makes it worse for independents to get over her perceived corruption. Why is it bad? She wasn\'t holding office, she didn\'t offer them anything. This makes no sense at all. Where is the corruption here? A private citizen agrees to do something for a donation to her private charity. Corruption? And in fact, it seems nothing was even offered, she was simply speaking at an event for her charity.', ">>{mike_gainor} : The only thing that's ever been shown about Clinton is the appearance of impropriety and if you want to see her go down, you act outraged because that's all you have.", ">>{pohlp} : >But her family went instead. Isn't that close enough, to most people? Is her family running for president?", '>>{Xander707} : Certainly a possibility, but is at this point - pure speculation.', ">>{Empath_} : Oh come on, she had just left her post as sec state, and everybody knew she was running for president, including the king of morocco. If the clintons didn't have political ambitions, the foundation would be fine. As it is, it's just a machine for laundering bribes.", '>>{chinchilla-khaleesi} : But they dont make any money off of it....', ">>{idleray} : disclaimer in case I get upvotes from centipedes: I am anti-trump, but I can't vote anyway :)", ">>{chinchilla-khaleesi} : You can agrue that, but you can't say that money went to the Clintons.", '>>{walter_neft} : Can you tell me what the other end of the bribe was?', ">>{paraconformity} : This is the part I don't get. If you had any evidence the Clinton's were personally profiting from their charity that would be an insane scandal, but there isn't so what is the theory here? Clinton was bribed with good intentions? There is incidentally a fuck tonne of evidence that the Trump foundation is little more than the Donald's private chequing account. He even used it to purchase a giant portrait of himself.", ">>{internet_critic} : laundering bribes - big words. Do you even understand what you're saying? I know Trump and his Putin Poodles like to throw poo without a shred of evidence, but have some self respect and don't post conspiracy garbage.", '>>{Predictive} : Hillary Clinton has repeatedly argued that there is nothing wrong with her family’s arrangements, because no explicit quid pro quo ― that is, exchange of cash for specific political favors ― has surfaced. This argument has troubled many Democrats, who note that the campaign’s defense relies on the weak definition of corruption outlined in the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision. Oh! the irony.', '>>{joshualander} : It did not. It went to a Foundation with their name on it; they derive no financial benefit.', ">>{Infernalism} : That's pretty much the essence of democracy, though. Also, what exactly are we putting our 'heads in the sand' over? if you're saying that Clinton did something improper, then what exactly did Morocco get for donating $12 million to the CF?", ">>{salmonchaser} : You realize Clinton supporters have been arguing about the speeches and the Clinton foundation for months. There isn't astroturfing going on. This just isn't a new angle of attack for Clinton supporters.", '>>{ozabelle} : fox news wishes it could land a brutal, clean hit ftfy', '>>{Daiteach} : People are using the term "private citizen" because that\'s what it\'s called. If a bunch of people refer to the product that McDonald\'s sells as "hamburgers," it\'s because that\'s what they\'re called, not because there\'s a grand conspiracy on the part of McDonald\'s to get everybody to use the same language.', '>>{Catzendo} : The Foundation held their meeting in Morocco and she gave a speech. Sounds like a great deal, a huge deal, no one could have made a bigger deal "To get money for a charitable foundation". I see the pay here, please tell me where the play is?', ">>{Infernalism} : Bullshit, it's very easy to prove corruption. In fact, it gets proven every day. Show us what Morocco got in return for their $12 million.", '>>{Chabananus} : A month before she announced she was running. Regardless if it was pay to play, stupid decision on her part.', ">>{zirce} : What? Trump supporters literally flood this sub with bogus articles every 5 minutes and cruise in with the same talking points ad naseum... Maybe, just maybe, people of all sides piggyback off of others' arguments.", '>>{Chabananus} : They do personally profit from the people who donate. They donate to the charity and pay them speaking fees then get some political favors in return.', ">>{salmonchaser} : Honestly this sub is the same thing over and over. I'm sure I've copied someone else at some point. It doesn't mean it's coordinated.", '>>{OMyBuddha} : Look its another article in HuffPo that is blatently ProHillary! Shills! /s', ">>{sunnieskye1} : She didn't even give the speech; Chelsea and Bill did.", '>>{FuckIdiotsWithFacts} : > she had just left her post as sec state She left in 2013, this was 2015', '>>{Sidwill} : What would be the more selfish move. Make the speech for the donation for a charity that does good works. Or refuse the 12 million for the charity because it might make you look bad politically?', '>>{Hawkize31} : Even if this is a "brutal hit", it doesn\'t matter because Trump has shot himself in the foot over and over and over this election. Hillary might be in trouble with scandals like this in a close race against a normal candidate. But Trump has scandals bigger than this nonstop.', ">>{anteretro} : You're really asking for it! Careful, that kind of talk is ban-worthy.", ">>{Chabananus} : Question the reason you're getting the 12 million donation for a speech that you don't even end up at.", ">>{salmonchaser} : And you've decided that. And anyone who disagrees is in on the conspiracy.", '>>{Adam_Nox} : They get some speaking fees, but not the 12 million. You are reaching.', ">>{Adam_Nox} : At this point, the paid speeches and wall street connections mean jack squat. They were important issues only during the primary, not when she's running against a primate pretending to be a billionaire.", '>>{vph} : How much money did Hillary, Bill or Chelsea or any of their relative get out of this? I am curious.', '>>{mntgoat} : How is the charity connected to the money from the speeches? Are they paying the charity and then she makes a check out to cash?', ">>{SpilledKefir} : I don't, tell me how it works and why this is corrupt.", '>>{Infernalism} : You think that Morocco, an ally to the US, needs to pay for access to "power?" Explain that to me. What sort of "Power" are they getting access to by paying the CF $12 million dollars.', ">>{aSc4rYGh0sT} : > that would be an insane scandal, Apparently not since there's a ton of evidence that Trump has personally profited off of his charity, and nobody seems to care too much.", ">>{Empath_} : Lol, I'm voting for her. She's crooked, but trump is basically hitler.", '>>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : Finally realized this year that networking makes me a bad, corrupt person', ">>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : Eh fuck it. I'll take it (your vote).", ">>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : It's over! TO THE TOP! She's DONE!", ">>{Chabananus} : There's a ton of examples out there. They Receive a donation and at the same time get paid for a speech.", '>>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : So when the fuck do I get paid? This is bullshit. I got bills you know?', ">>{DMVBornDMVRaised} : Yes I'm sure the King of Morocco is desperate for face time.", '>>{Eth111} : I wonder what it feels like to be so uninformed', '>>{Sidwill} : For a charity that actually does charity work unlike the Trump foundation that by all indications simply acts as either a tax avoidance scheme plus a personal enrichment fund ( see: Trump using it to pay his businesses, pay political operatives like that project Veritas scammer and to purchase items for himself).', ">>{Chabananus} : I don't see what Trump has to do with this. Clinton is going to win, trump is irrelevant.", ">>{mntgoat} : But what's illegal about that? Or are you saying the foundation gets paid for the speech and the she gets the cash out? I just don't see the connection. I want to understand the loophole she is using. For example Trump will use money from his foundation to pay fines for his businesses or to buy stuff for his businesses (portraits for example). That is the straight up conflict stuff, I'm not a tax expert but I'm guessing it violates some rules. Then comes the other stuff, he will spend money from the foundation on his own businesses, which isn't illegal as far as I know, but it is a clear way to get money out of the foundation. He is also doing that with the campaign money.", '>>{almondbutter} : 2016, where voters somehow perceive the most respected and dignified political reporter in U.S. History, the man who took down Nixon, Bob Woodward is considered hogwash. “It’s corrupt,” Woodward said on Fox. “It’s a scandal.”', '>>{almondbutter} : “It’s corrupt,” Woodward said on Fox. “It’s a scandal.”', '>>{almondbutter} : “It’s corrupt,” Woodward said on Fox. “It’s a scandal.”', '>>{almondbutter} : “It’s corrupt,” Woodward said on Fox. “It’s a scandal.”'], ['>>{neptunedragon} : Mhm. We want this case ironclad. Keep fucking digging. Edit: and this goes for you too media. I wanna see piss tapes by the years end.', '>>{ebikr} : Public hearing with Sally Yates. Just do it.', ">>{osaucyone} : He's a smart guy, and a former lawyer. They need time to build the full case before they make any conclusions. His comment about the fact that the Russians will do this again should concern every American, no matter who you voted for. If it doesn't, I would hesitate to call you a patriot.", '>>{TableTopFarmer} : ah-yup. And if Nunes continues to stone wall the investigation, it is never going to get any later.', ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Schiff is absolutely right here. We're basically taking our first bumbling steps in this investigation. It's way too early to start running, but we have significant reasons to believe that there's something huge here thanks to all the smoke around it.", ">>{Capital_Offensive} : Well, yeah there's really no evidence connecting Trump to anything. There isn't even any evidence of anything in the election being altered. Edit: I get this is a pretty fake subreddit but the downvotes without a real evidence based answer is bad.", '>>{CassiopeiaStillLife} : The Senate exists, though, as does the FBI.', ">>{CassiopeiaStillLife} : Think of it like pottery. Right now we just have raw clay being molded into a vase, but if we present it to the world it'd fall apart. It needs to go into a kiln and sit before it's ready.", ">>{skwirrl} : Patience dear boy, patience. Good things come to those who wait. Watergate took 26 months to complete and that case didn't involve any foreign actors. And the fact the FBI isn't publically sharing their files does NOT mean there is no evidence. Sit back and enjoy the ride. This has only just begun.", '>>{Hobophobic} : Redditor for 16 days, but good points all around.', '>>{i-am-sancho} : That house investigation is, for all intents and purposes, done. Nunes did his job, he killed it. Looks like the senate knows how to act like adults and will conduct theirs in a more mature manner.', ">>{osaucyone} : Understand that investigations take time. There's going to be a day where everything is out in the open, either way. Then we call all say definitively that there are or aren't connection between the Trump team and Russia. Although, there is pretty strong evidence that the election was altered, as evidenced by the Senate hearings and their in depth analysis of how Russia used fake news and bots to hinder Hillary Clinton.", '>>{ParyGanter} : There are accusations and people trying to keep those accusations from being investigated properly.', ">>{Woxat} : I don't think people understand how big this is, this does not just involve the FBI this involves other countries as well.", ">>{Hobophobic} : For clarity, there's nothing in the public domain yet. There's an ongoing FBI investigation that Schiff says has at least produced more than circumstantial evidence of collusion and Comey's being much more cagey with the House investigation (wonder why?). If you're getting downvoted you may want to be more specific. From the reports we've been getting in the media and from people who have access to intel info, saying that there is no evidence seems like an excuse to hand wave it away. Edit: Nevermind my helpful suggestion, check OP's account history.", ">>{i-am-sancho} : It's ongoing. They held open hearings last week.", ">>{heelspider} : There is plenty of evidence that connects Trump. Maybe you meant there's no direct evidence? No I mean that's not really true; for instance we know of his business ties with Russia and his public encouragement of their hacking. So I'm guessing you mean there's no smoking gun?", ">>{skwirrl} : In total, the margin of Trump victory in the states of WI, MI and PA was less than one-half of one percent of votes cast. That means only ONE voter, out of every two hundred needed to change their vote to swing the election to Trump. NO ONE is going to convince me that Putin's interference didn't change the minds of just those few voters. And Trump and his surrogates knew it too, because they hammered Clinton on those emails every single day. He can't say how important that issue was before the election, and then after he wins the election claim it wasn't important at all.", ">>{gdex86} : We are in the investigation stages of this whole thing. Schiff wants to be, or atleast appear to be, open to all information rather then going into things looking for a set outcome which taints the investigation. Especially since as the minority party it's going to be hard to do it, and even harder to get part of the country to buy that he did something wrong.", '>>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Yup, part of the disinformation bot network it seems, especially with the grasp of English.', ">>{JamisonP} : Wow. What a bombshell. The most important thing Schiff thinks the intelligence community has discovered is that Russia intends to do this again, and is doing it in Europe. Oh and also he's discovered that it's very important that they get to the bottom of this. Schiff should probably stop going on news outlets to ask those general provocative questions, and/or cast aspersions on the witnesses he's trying to interview. He's not acting like a leader of an intelligence committee that's trying to conduct a serious investigation should act. Less Camera, more investigation work. Oh, probably isn't the most bipartisan thing ever to [tweet out an op-ed](https://twitter.com/AdamSchiffCA/status/848726818613977091) about how awful the administration you're charged with investigating is. What an idiot.", '>>{partanimal} : We know Russia meddled in the election. No-one is saying they tampered with votes, but we know they were spreading misinformation and that people on the right were repeating that misinformation.', '>>{Capital_Offensive} : Misinformation like what? And if it did "spread" how did that affect anything?', ">>{EllaShue} : I think closed hearings happen starting Monday. I'm not sure when the next open hearings are, but last week's open session was eye-opening -- and frightening. Really happy to see how Senate Republicans and Democrats seemed to be acting together, too. Gives me some hope that there might be a real investigation there, unlike in the House. Fucking Nunes.", '>>{cupcakesarethedevil} : Well it was just prostitutes peeing right? Not him?', '>>{Willlll} : Hard to say about an alleged tape really, lol. If it does exist all, the holy rollers and moderates that voted for him should be forced to watch it clockwork orange style until they come to grips with what they did.', '>>{MyNameIsUnimportantK} : Didn\'t Schiff say before that there was "more than just \'circumstantial evidence of collusion\'." What does he comments now mean?', ">>{rhino369} : There also doesn't appear to be widespread knowledge of other info. If there was good evidence that schiff had access to the GOP would be freaking out. Rats would be scurrying off ships. You'd feel a buzz that quite frankly isn't there, yet. It's still early days so something damning could be later discovered. The more likely downfall is that the coverup kills trump. Since the Russia stuff broke they've been lying to distance themselves from Russia. Flynn lied. Manafort lied. Session lied. Etc. All it takes is one person feeling the heat to admit that trump told them to lie and suddenly we've the watergate level story. So the investigation has to nail someone who will squeal.", ">>{comeonnow17} : How disappointed would you be if nothing comes out of this? I'd be pretty choked.", '>>{Capital_Offensive} : > there is pretty strong evidence that the election was altered, There is absolutely no evidence it was altered. Allegations of "fake news and bots" Is pointless without any particular set of events directly changing anything. If the point is about the wiki leaks dropsreharding Clinton, which are true, that\'s not real journalism than fake news.', ">>{osaucyone} : Did you not watch the Senate hearing? People don't go in front of congress and say that the election was altered by fake news and bots without evidence.", ">>{Hobophobic} : I wouldn't be so sure they haven't found someone to squeal yet. The peeks under the covers we're getting are in no way usual for a counterintelligence investigation. The fact that they were willing to go on record that it even existed, may indicate they're close to a conclusion. I doubt they'd be telegraphing the scope of their investigations otherwise. The NYT and WAPO reports feel more like conditioning the public, not organic leaks. Perhaps they were forced to reveal it once Trump's people started poking around in top secret info, but the well-sourced stories in the press seem coordinated to me.", '>>{neptunedragon} : Source? How do you know? (Not the piss tapes the Monday night news)', ">>{osaucyone} : Hate to tell you this, but Schiff isn't the leader of an intelligence committee, that's Nunes, who has actually been partisan as fuck and acted like someone who shouldn't be in charge.", ">>{info_sacked} : It's time for me to logout now. Catch ya later ;)", ">>{osaucyone} : He didn't deny anything, he says they aren't far enough in the investigation to say definitively if there was or wasn't collusion.", ">>{Hobophobic} : He explained that the evidence he had seen was something that he would take to grand jury. From what I understand, that means that there would be enough for an indictment (a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime), not necessarily enough to convict from what he's seen. The FBI seems to be being cagey with releasing info to the House investigation (I wonder why?) so it may be that what he's seen is what can be safely shown to someone who will run to tell Trump.", '>>{Mr_Pombastic} : I agree, yes, these things take time. Obviously the pressure is mounting, BUT I\'m afraid drawing this out is going to prove to be a bad move. People are getting tired of the lack of definitive proof. A popular theory is that the IC is mounting a "slow drip" campaign to gradually acclimate the public to the reality of treason, but it unfortunately also has the effect of fatiguing the Russian connection. I worry that the longer this is drawn out, the more people will get frustrated with the lack of \'definitive\' proof (I mean come on- if we look at this objectively, there should be no debate if what we\'ve seen in this short span is impeachable behavior). This is getting politicized and could turn out to be a liability. Look at the republican response to all of this - dodgy denial and stammering. Swift action, despite uncertain public opinion, might be necessary.', ">>{JamisonP} : Schiff is the ranking member of the committee, which is a leader of the committee. The democrats look to him, he speaks for the minority party. I don't think there's actually really a comparison between Nunes and Schiff. Nunes made a slight misstep with that little media show & charge up to the white house to brief the POTUS, but that evidence was involving an investigation that Trump is an alleged victim of, not the one he is an alleged suspect of. A misstep to be sure, but hasn't done anything of note since then aside from quietly steamroll Schiff and the democrats who wanted to conduct an open hearing with Yates and Brennan before bringing comey and rogers back in for a closed testimony. On the other side you have the democrats, at least Schiff and Himes, going to talk shows like New Day and Maddow *every single day* last week to cast aspersions both on their chairman and also on the witnesses that they're supposed to be interviewing and receiving sworn testimony from. They're defending themselves in the media publicly asking for immunity, the whole thing is ridiculous. Clown show.", ">>{osaucyone} : Be fair, everyone is making premature assumptions. The left is saying it is all true, the right is saying it all isn't true. The only time we'll know who is right and who is wrong is when this information becomes public.", '>>{aguasvivasb} : They will justify it and start pissing in the bedroom as well. Just how they justify everything that trump does.', ">>{partanimal} : You don't understand how propaganda can affect an election? Are you sure?", ">>{Hobophobic} : Very, because it means that our entire justice system has been subverted. Shit, just from what's available to the public, I can't figure out how Trump wasn't in prison 10 years ago. He must have been on the IC's radar for shady Russian and organized crime connections since the 80's.", ">>{partanimal} : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_interference_in_the_2016_United_States_elections I'm linking Wikipedia because they source everything and it's a really good summary.", '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : Redditor for 3 hours, idiotic post history, is likely just a bot.', '>>{SNIIIFFFF} : > Nunes made a **slight misstep** with that little media show & charge up to the white house to brief the POTUS, but that e**vidence was involving an investigation that Trump is an alleged victim of, not the one he is an alleged suspect of.** A misstep to be sure, but hasn\'t done anything of note since then aside from quietly steamroll Schiff and the democrats who wanted to conduct an open hearing with Yates and Brennan before bringing come and rogers back in for a closed testimony. LOL. obstruction of a federal investigation is a "slight misstep"? And you think Trump is the alleged victim in the investigation? I think you need to catch up a bit and maybe stop reading nonsense.', '>>{Kabuki_Writer} : It will be too early for,,,,,, never.', '>>{nightmuzak} : Hot damn, the bots are all over this post.', ">>{devdave90} : I'm confused. Why is this CNN article, merely describing what Schiff said, so heavily downvoted? CNN articles about Schiff and Russia tend to usually be heavily upvoted on this sub. I'm trying to figure out why this one is different. I'm so confused! It's almost like this one doesn't fit a specific narrative or something. Uh oh.", '>>{AHSfav} : I agree. They need to start making moves soon', '>>{ThatAssholeMrWhite} : Part of me thinks it would be better to let the story die for a while, lull everyone into a false sense of security, and then come back with the knockout blow. Unfortunately it\'s probably too late for that. This is probably going to parallel the Watergate timeline. The first convictions were in early 1973, when Liddy and McCord went down. That was more than a year-and-a-half before Nixon resigned. Eventually (assuming what seems to be true actually is) we\'ll reach a critical mass of Trump associates being convicted such that there\'s enough evidence to impeach Trump on obstruction-related charges. Nixon was never charged with anything direct. Just "Obstruction of Justice," "Abuse of Power," and "Defiance of Subpoenas." Even the "smoking gun" tape wasn\'t a smoking gun in the way we think about it. Nixon never admitted to planning the crimes. He just requested that the investigation be halted. The Realpolitik take on this is that Trump will go down if it becomes clear that the GOP is sinking because of him.', ">>{Willlll} : *Pissin' your pants is the coolest!*", ">>{Iyrsiiea} : > Too much shit to Schiff through. FTFY ....I need to find *some* way to laugh at all this, okay? Don't look at me like that.", '>>{pushpin} : oh Gerald, not the lemonade position again. It gets old - and besides its really messy.', '>>{Capital_Offensive} : > I\'m guessing you mean there\'s no smoking gun? Not really. Of course theres evidence "connecting him to Russia" since thats made out to be a big taboo or something. before the election he ran a huge multinational real estate empire. He has connections to the leadership in pretty much every nation he has had serious property interest in the past. The hacking "encouragement" is a huge stretch don\'t you think? Im assuming you\'re talking about that one line at that rally?', '>>{heelspider} : He has a "disproportionate" amount of Russian investors according to his son. He has real estate deals with Russians that appear indicative of money laundering. His campaign was greatly boosted by Russian propaganda and cyber-warfare. He refuses to divest himself of his businesses. He refuses to release his tax forms. None of that is normal. In his vast global empire are their other world leaders he tells multiple different stories about when and if they met? Does he throw America under the bus defending other world leaders? Then of course there is his former campaign manager and his former NSA. Manaford and Flynn are evidence connecting Trump to Russia. And that\'s not even mentioning Stone, Sessions, or his son-in-law. Or the strange internet activity between Trump Tower and a Russian bank. Pretty much all of that is evidence. Is it proof? Probably not. But saying there is no evidence and saying there is no proof are two totally different things.']]
classify and reply
['>>{circlepush} : Coincidence? Dr. Drew Shit-Canned after Hillary Health Comments', ">>{marji80} : Conway Insists Trump 'Didn't Lie' About Lester Holt's Party Affiliation", '>>{Dankmemehater} : He did lie. All he does is lie. Donald and his supporters have always been at odds with the truth', ">>{George_Meany} : North Carolina republican. This campaign has been disastrous for the party. It brought all the worms out into the daylight. I will be voting for Hillary, which is something I *never* would have thought I'd be saying, and I will never vote for any politician who still supports Trump. At this point, supporting the man means only that you hate your country. Our Party has some significant, significant soul searching to do in the next four years.", '>>{mwinks99} : Hopefully they learn from this, It would be nice to have 2 parties to choose from.', ">>{MCRemix} : And after his ratings tanked for a year and he was losing to every other competitor in that time slot.. but sure, let's assume it's the Hillary thing.", ">>{sunnieskye1} : Did they let Nancy Grace go because of Dr. Drew's comments, too?", ">>{ragekage117} : No, the coincidence is that he's just awful.", ">>{PinkertonCommunist} : Trump's White House says supporting police means backing gun rights. Police actually advocate stricter gun laws.", ">>{TinyBaron} : If carrying guns is banned then the criminals won't carry them for fear of being jailed. They can tell someone is carrying a gun. They know this reduces crime.", ">>{492394} : riiiight like how people don't use drugs out of the fear of being jailed🤔🤔", ">>{TheRealTrailerSwift} : Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that the police are Muslim communist gun grabbers too? Oh. My. God.", ">>{TheRealBartlet} : A guy who's whole TV persona is that he is supposed to be an intelligent doctor, playing into conspiracy smears to push a political agenda? Shocker.", ">>{dread_lobster} : Just like she'll later insist that her defense of Trump wasn't bullshit.", ">>{_PresidentTrump} : He didn't. The quote was 'Holt is a Democrat, they're all Democrats.' No where did he say that he's a registered Democrat, he insisted that Holt is likely a RINO", '>>{TW1971} : Yeah, they said, let’s get this crazy bastard off the air before he gets us in real trouble.', '>>{Thongpirate} : Trump supporters: More spin than a fucking rotisserie.', ">>{George_Meany} : There's nowhere for the Republicans to go. The democrats have already staked out the Centre right. Without the maniacs, their policy platform would have to essentially be the exact same as the Dems to be considered moderate enough to win. If anything, I could see a left party emerging on the other side of Hillary - based around truly progressive ideas.", ">>{_PresidentTrump} : Are you dumb enough to think that a full breakdown of the moderator wasn't given to Trump prior to that comment?", '>>{newbieveteran} : Conway explicitly said it was lie of ignorance, not a lie of intention. Stop it.', ">>{sunnieskye1} : Really? I read elsewhere they had cancelled it, along with Dr. Drew! EDIT: you're right, I just misread the article!! Thanks!!", ">>{nateure} : Donald Trump is Andy Kaufman in a very believable skin suit and a less believable wig. It's an extremely long con and his finest piece of performance art. I'm not lying, I'm just not aware of the facts.", ">>{pulpoalaplancha} : This is the typical response you'll see on /r/the_donald: I don't believe for a second she's ahead. [Just look at the actual numbers!](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5952.html) I refuse to believe that she's actually winning in 10 out of the last 10 polls, including being up 6 points in a Fox News poll. Fox News may as well be called the Clinton News Network, they're for sure in her pocket. I also find the fact that the LA Times and Rasmussen, which has shown Trump winning the entire race, is all of a sudden showing Clinton winning at the same time that every other poll has moved in her direction? Coincidence much. The media is lying to us and trying to tell us that Trump is losing in Arizona, a red state. Come on! [They have Hillary projected to win 339 electoral votes](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast). It's like, okay Nate Silver, sure, you're soooooo smart. So what if you predicted 101/102 last electoral contests when you include D.C. I still think he's full of shit. Donald said we had to win Florida to win the election, so what a coincidence that 9 out of the last 10 polls show Clinton winning. This is all a conspiracy. Let's MAGA folks!", '>>{countfizix} : Making baseless accusations is so much better than lying.', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Yes, coincidence. He was last among all prime time shows on news/news-like channels over over a year. Not just his time slot, ALL prime-time. And he's not shitcanned, his show was cancelled. He is still employed by CNN and will be a contributor on a range of shows moving forward, per the press release no one seems to have read.", '>>{secede_everywhere} : do you seriously think people use drugs for the same reason as buying guns, and that the cops treat them as equal threats?', ">>{gorgewall} : Don't worry, Donny's Presidential Redhat Corp will protect us when the military and the police turn against REAL Amurika.", '>>{gsoClarke} : Not any cop, current or former, that I know.', '>>{492394} : holy straw man?? im attacking that naive line of reasoning', '>>{mwinks99} : The only way for the right to prosper is for them to become MORE moderate not LESS. I there base wasnt dumb they would realize for the common good of their cause they had to compromise. Splitting there party is only going to hurt them.', '>>{Shttheds} : police actually advocate stricter gun laws Never laughed so hard at an article.', ">>{pingveno} : So he's not lying, he just doesn't care about telling the truth?", ">>{Procrastinare} : > I will be voting for Hillary, which is something I never would have thought I'd be saying Personally I consider myself having voted *against* Trump. Yes, technically, I voted for Hillary, but I don't consider myself a Hillary supporter by any means. I went from having a negative opinion of her to a neutral opinion at best. I firmly believe that the GOP would have won this with *anyone* else. I might have just stayed home if it wasn't for Trump inspiring me to vote against him.", ">>{WinningLooksLike} : If you vote early, I'd be curious to know how your experience is in NC.", ">>{acacia-club-road} : Dr Drew will disappear like Hillary's big black buddy who went with her everywhere. The guy who carried the medical injection device in case HRC's head started spinning at the site of a taco bell. Whatever happened to her African American friend? Ever since that story surfaced he's been out of public eye.", '>>{El_Tormentito} : From a fellow Tar Heel, thank you for your judgement to make a difficult decision.', '>>{Diegobyte} : Your party said that last time they got crushed in the general.', ">>{Diegobyte} : They don't put that many words together. They just say CANT STOP THIS TRUMP TRAIN!!!! WHEELS ARE COMING OFF Ps I recommend everyone to sub it the day of the election so we can see the aftermath if they take it private.", ">>{secede_everywhere} : I didn't think you were setting up a straw man deliberately", '>>{yaseudeit} : New York City has something like 50,000 police officers, which probably hold a different opinion than the couple of thousand in the entire state of New Hampshire or and of the other states with common-sense gun laws.', '>>{492394} : using same line of reasoning as comparison =/= straw man', ">>{acacia-club-road} : I'm just wondering where our friend went. Maybe Hillary replaces him with some other minority fella. But until then we need to find this guy. Otherwise maybe he got Vince Fostered.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : Increase sales of butthurt cream after Clinton's speech yesterday.....Coincidence?", '>>{Biggusdickus73} : They used a scientific poll and you have anecdotes.', '>>{NateGrey} : Did you email the webmaster of the Clinton body count so it could be updated?', '>>{InFearn0} : It lists the specific polling questions (Officers/Public): * Laws to prevent mentally ill from purchasing guns: 95%/87% * Making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks: 88%/86% * Creating a federal database to track all gun sales: 61%/71% * A ban on assault-style weapons: 32%/64% (Only one below 60%)', '>>{KeyserSOhItsTaken} : Just like prostitution, stealing, and murder. Let just make it all illegal so everyone will stop doing it!', ">>{rk119} : Are they going to force shariah compliant gay marriages and declare martial law? We already know they send people to jail, where gay stuff happens, and that certain departments don't train proper de-escalation...", '>>{thefatshoe} : So are all of you here for stricter gun laws?', '>>{KeyserSOhItsTaken} : We can stand together in our downvotes friend. Idgaf about karma enough to listen to this constant echoing in here.', '>>{AiKantSpel} : I think he said his goal for the new prison population was something like 10%', ">>{TinyBaron} : The street criminals don't where it's illegal. They know they'll have the book thrown at them in court.", '>>{AlephEleven} : [A survey of 15,000 law enforcement officers in 2013 showed pretty wide support for gun rights.](https://www.policeone.com/Gun-Legislation-Law-Enforcement/articles/6183787-PoliceOnes-Gun-Control-Survey-11-key-lessons-from-officers-perspectives/) The article also left out the [graph showing police generally favor gun rights over gun control.](http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/01/11/police-views-public-views/psdt_01-11-17-police-06-05/)', '>>{agentanaranjado} : Or you could read the article in question and see what they were referring to.', ">>{civilbutdownvoted} : You mean people who have wide authority to carry a firearm for self defense on and off duty in every state and every location in our country don't want others to have those same rights? Tough luck.", '>>{Shttheds} : Eh, based on the title its gonna just end up being one big, ad plastered shit post.', ">>{Mol-lurker} : Republicans simultaneously attacking the first amendment in order to strip citizens' ability to peacefully express themselves while also allowing them to arm themselves with as many guns as they want. That's not going to end well.", ">>{jbisinla} : I can't tell if you're trolling or if you really believe that criminals are worried about breaking the law.", '>>{AlephEleven} : The article conveniently left out the [question showing police generally favor gun rights over gun control.](http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/01/11/police-views-public-views/psdt_01-11-17-police-06-05/)', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : >If carrying guns is banned then the criminals won't carry them for fear of being jailed. This is contradicted by observable reality.", '>>{Lpg986} : Except these numbers do not Cary over when legislation is proposed', '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : The title should have said that Police Chiefs, who are appointed, support more gun control. Whereas sheriffs (who are elected democratically) support gun rights.', ">>{i_smell_my_poop} : It's a well known fact that gun crime prosecutions under Obama were at historic lows.", ">>{BilyGoatGruf} : In New York State almost every county sheriff has stated they are against Cuomo's NY SAFE Act", '>>{19Kilo} : In the same poll 67% of police think that shooting black people is just "isolated incidents". I\'m sure Reddit is all about agreeing with that now that officers are infallible barometers of human decency.', '>>{hobodemon} : Fun fact: the federal registry idea is illegal under the 1968 GCA. That section was put in there as compromise to get the NICS system approved.', ">>{19Kilo} : I love that Reddit is missing every single other metric in there because it isn't ***guns guns guns***. They should really read the [whole thing](http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/01/11/police-views-public-views/)...", '>>{trickx1991} : I swear to god they are not even trying to find clever ways to lie anymore. They will just say bullshit.', ">>{Hotal} : What? If they're afraid of being jailed, why are they criminals!? This makes no sense.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : * A) Fuck the cops * B) Always more rights, never less * C) The state endeavors to have a monopoly on force. Do not let them liberals, we may need to fight this or future administration's.", '>>{RamboGoesMeow} : Well of course, they want the citizens to do their job keeping the streets safe for them.', '>>{Fargonian} : If we believe this poll, only 32% of Police (who deal with guns daily, mind you) support banning "assault weapons." That\'s less than a third. Meanwhile, the public that\'s been mislead by the media and gun control groups for decades ignorantly support that policy twice as much. It\'s amazing what education can do to people. Both the right and left are guilty of suppressing education on different subjects.', '>>{gsoClarke} : Specific polls told you Hillary was going to win, that from day one no one would support Donald Trump, and that financial markets would crash at a Trump election. Hillary lost, Trump won, and the market is over 2000. Stop believing what experts and those with "special knowledge" tell you. Open your eyes, open your ears, and do your own research of facts instead of reading someone else\'s poll.', '>>{mclumber1} : What about Mexico? Guns are effectively banned for civilians, yet the gun death rate is quite high south of the border.', ">>{Biggusdickus73} : So you're telling me Donnie is infallible? Winning an election is nothing like running the country. I don't need an expert to tell me that a trade war is bad for everyone involved. That's simple economics. The Dow is at a record high. What follows this, as it's been breaking records before Donnie even ran? Recession. Write this down. There will be a recession within a year. Not exactly Donnie's fault but his response won't cut it. Cutting government spending while in recession puts your economy in a death spiral. Throw protectionist policies in and we'll have a global meltdown. You have no idea what you are talking about.", ">>{boilerblaze} : Fucking lmao that is the most insane thing I've ever heard. Have you ever heard of Chicago for instance? It's highly illegal to carry guns there, especially handguns, and yet they still seem to have a huge murder problem. Interestingly these murders happen to be carried out most often by felons.", '>>{willystylee} : Can i have gun rights/abolition of bad gun laws with my Trump impeachment?', ">>{knowthyself2000} : Regardless of how it affects policing, we're not gonna add too many more restrictions to buying a gun. Being easier to police is not an objective of free minds. Law and order can exist alongside an armed populace.", ">>{Mutant1988} : It's almost as if they would rather not get shot while doing their job.", '>>{thelizardkin} : Honestly as a more liberal person myself, most gun control laws are ether unconstitutional, ineffective or both.', '>>{thelizardkin} : Yep rifles as a whole including so called "assault weapons" were responsible for 250 murders, in 2014, compared to over 6,000 people murdered by pistols.', '>>{thelizardkin} : The first law is pretty ineffective overall, and is ripe for abuse. The second will make it so any parent giving their kid a gun, will have to preform a background check. The third will make potential confiscation significantly more easy. And is just as constitutional as a religon database. And the last, banning "assault weapons" will have a minimal effect on crime. In 2014, 250 people were murdered by a rifle of any kind, including AR style guns. While over 6,000 people were murdered by pistols.', ">>{Arsenic99} : The source is from traditional media. AKA it's a lie. The mainstream media of the past is dead, and now prefers blog quality lies. You're better of finding your news elsewhere if you want the truth.", ">>{Arsenic99} : More lies from traditional media sources. Anyone paying attention should be surprised when they don't lie.", '>>{Whiggly} : Anti-gunners being a bunch of lying fucks? Nothing new here.', ">>{gsoClarke} : I am an economist by training, but not one who holds to the lies of Samuelson or even JMK himself. Macro economics is a batch of lies to support policies that pick winners. Stocks are a commodity that's been shored up by cheap money from the Fed. When that interest rate goes up, yeah, folks will move from equity. Boom, bust, boom, bust.", '>>{Biggusdickus73} : If you say so. "Pick winners "? Are you a libertarian?', ">>{gsoClarke} : I'm so far right I look like left to some. Free market anarchy sounds attractive at times.", ">>{Biggusdickus73} : The government picks winners and losers from Lockheed Martin to who is digging that ditch on Monday. It's an old libertarian trope to claim it's rigged."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{marji80} : Conway Insists Trump 'Didn't Lie' About Lester Holt's Party Affiliation", '>>{Dankmemehater} : He did lie. All he does is lie. Donald and his supporters have always been at odds with the truth', ">>{dread_lobster} : Just like she'll later insist that her defense of Trump wasn't bullshit.", ">>{_PresidentTrump} : He didn't. The quote was 'Holt is a Democrat, they're all Democrats.' No where did he say that he's a registered Democrat, he insisted that Holt is likely a RINO", '>>{Thongpirate} : Trump supporters: More spin than a fucking rotisserie.', ">>{_PresidentTrump} : Are you dumb enough to think that a full breakdown of the moderator wasn't given to Trump prior to that comment?", '>>{newbieveteran} : Conway explicitly said it was lie of ignorance, not a lie of intention. Stop it.', ">>{nateure} : Donald Trump is Andy Kaufman in a very believable skin suit and a less believable wig. It's an extremely long con and his finest piece of performance art. I'm not lying, I'm just not aware of the facts.", '>>{countfizix} : Making baseless accusations is so much better than lying.', ">>{pingveno} : So he's not lying, he just doesn't care about telling the truth?"], [">>{PinkertonCommunist} : Trump's White House says supporting police means backing gun rights. Police actually advocate stricter gun laws.", ">>{TinyBaron} : If carrying guns is banned then the criminals won't carry them for fear of being jailed. They can tell someone is carrying a gun. They know this reduces crime.", ">>{492394} : riiiight like how people don't use drugs out of the fear of being jailed🤔🤔", ">>{TheRealTrailerSwift} : Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me that the police are Muslim communist gun grabbers too? Oh. My. God.", '>>{secede_everywhere} : do you seriously think people use drugs for the same reason as buying guns, and that the cops treat them as equal threats?', ">>{gorgewall} : Don't worry, Donny's Presidential Redhat Corp will protect us when the military and the police turn against REAL Amurika.", '>>{gsoClarke} : Not any cop, current or former, that I know.', '>>{492394} : holy straw man?? im attacking that naive line of reasoning', '>>{Shttheds} : police actually advocate stricter gun laws Never laughed so hard at an article.', ">>{secede_everywhere} : I didn't think you were setting up a straw man deliberately", '>>{yaseudeit} : New York City has something like 50,000 police officers, which probably hold a different opinion than the couple of thousand in the entire state of New Hampshire or and of the other states with common-sense gun laws.', '>>{492394} : using same line of reasoning as comparison =/= straw man', '>>{Biggusdickus73} : They used a scientific poll and you have anecdotes.', '>>{InFearn0} : It lists the specific polling questions (Officers/Public): * Laws to prevent mentally ill from purchasing guns: 95%/87% * Making private gun sales and sales at gun shows subject to background checks: 88%/86% * Creating a federal database to track all gun sales: 61%/71% * A ban on assault-style weapons: 32%/64% (Only one below 60%)', '>>{KeyserSOhItsTaken} : Just like prostitution, stealing, and murder. Let just make it all illegal so everyone will stop doing it!', ">>{rk119} : Are they going to force shariah compliant gay marriages and declare martial law? We already know they send people to jail, where gay stuff happens, and that certain departments don't train proper de-escalation...", '>>{thefatshoe} : So are all of you here for stricter gun laws?', '>>{KeyserSOhItsTaken} : We can stand together in our downvotes friend. Idgaf about karma enough to listen to this constant echoing in here.', '>>{AiKantSpel} : I think he said his goal for the new prison population was something like 10%', ">>{TinyBaron} : The street criminals don't where it's illegal. They know they'll have the book thrown at them in court.", '>>{AlephEleven} : [A survey of 15,000 law enforcement officers in 2013 showed pretty wide support for gun rights.](https://www.policeone.com/Gun-Legislation-Law-Enforcement/articles/6183787-PoliceOnes-Gun-Control-Survey-11-key-lessons-from-officers-perspectives/) The article also left out the [graph showing police generally favor gun rights over gun control.](http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/01/11/police-views-public-views/psdt_01-11-17-police-06-05/)', '>>{agentanaranjado} : Or you could read the article in question and see what they were referring to.', ">>{civilbutdownvoted} : You mean people who have wide authority to carry a firearm for self defense on and off duty in every state and every location in our country don't want others to have those same rights? Tough luck.", '>>{Shttheds} : Eh, based on the title its gonna just end up being one big, ad plastered shit post.', ">>{Mol-lurker} : Republicans simultaneously attacking the first amendment in order to strip citizens' ability to peacefully express themselves while also allowing them to arm themselves with as many guns as they want. That's not going to end well.", ">>{jbisinla} : I can't tell if you're trolling or if you really believe that criminals are worried about breaking the law.", '>>{AlephEleven} : The article conveniently left out the [question showing police generally favor gun rights over gun control.](http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/01/11/police-views-public-views/psdt_01-11-17-police-06-05/)', ">>{Glblwrmingisfak} : >If carrying guns is banned then the criminals won't carry them for fear of being jailed. This is contradicted by observable reality.", '>>{Lpg986} : Except these numbers do not Cary over when legislation is proposed', '>>{i_smell_my_poop} : The title should have said that Police Chiefs, who are appointed, support more gun control. Whereas sheriffs (who are elected democratically) support gun rights.', ">>{i_smell_my_poop} : It's a well known fact that gun crime prosecutions under Obama were at historic lows.", ">>{BilyGoatGruf} : In New York State almost every county sheriff has stated they are against Cuomo's NY SAFE Act", '>>{19Kilo} : In the same poll 67% of police think that shooting black people is just "isolated incidents". I\'m sure Reddit is all about agreeing with that now that officers are infallible barometers of human decency.', '>>{hobodemon} : Fun fact: the federal registry idea is illegal under the 1968 GCA. That section was put in there as compromise to get the NICS system approved.', ">>{19Kilo} : I love that Reddit is missing every single other metric in there because it isn't ***guns guns guns***. They should really read the [whole thing](http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/01/11/police-views-public-views/)...", '>>{trickx1991} : I swear to god they are not even trying to find clever ways to lie anymore. They will just say bullshit.', ">>{Hotal} : What? If they're afraid of being jailed, why are they criminals!? This makes no sense.", ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : * A) Fuck the cops * B) Always more rights, never less * C) The state endeavors to have a monopoly on force. Do not let them liberals, we may need to fight this or future administration's.", '>>{RamboGoesMeow} : Well of course, they want the citizens to do their job keeping the streets safe for them.', '>>{Fargonian} : If we believe this poll, only 32% of Police (who deal with guns daily, mind you) support banning "assault weapons." That\'s less than a third. Meanwhile, the public that\'s been mislead by the media and gun control groups for decades ignorantly support that policy twice as much. It\'s amazing what education can do to people. Both the right and left are guilty of suppressing education on different subjects.', '>>{gsoClarke} : Specific polls told you Hillary was going to win, that from day one no one would support Donald Trump, and that financial markets would crash at a Trump election. Hillary lost, Trump won, and the market is over 2000. Stop believing what experts and those with "special knowledge" tell you. Open your eyes, open your ears, and do your own research of facts instead of reading someone else\'s poll.', '>>{mclumber1} : What about Mexico? Guns are effectively banned for civilians, yet the gun death rate is quite high south of the border.', ">>{Biggusdickus73} : So you're telling me Donnie is infallible? Winning an election is nothing like running the country. I don't need an expert to tell me that a trade war is bad for everyone involved. That's simple economics. The Dow is at a record high. What follows this, as it's been breaking records before Donnie even ran? Recession. Write this down. There will be a recession within a year. Not exactly Donnie's fault but his response won't cut it. Cutting government spending while in recession puts your economy in a death spiral. Throw protectionist policies in and we'll have a global meltdown. You have no idea what you are talking about.", ">>{boilerblaze} : Fucking lmao that is the most insane thing I've ever heard. Have you ever heard of Chicago for instance? It's highly illegal to carry guns there, especially handguns, and yet they still seem to have a huge murder problem. Interestingly these murders happen to be carried out most often by felons.", '>>{willystylee} : Can i have gun rights/abolition of bad gun laws with my Trump impeachment?', ">>{knowthyself2000} : Regardless of how it affects policing, we're not gonna add too many more restrictions to buying a gun. Being easier to police is not an objective of free minds. Law and order can exist alongside an armed populace.", ">>{Mutant1988} : It's almost as if they would rather not get shot while doing their job.", '>>{thelizardkin} : Honestly as a more liberal person myself, most gun control laws are ether unconstitutional, ineffective or both.', '>>{thelizardkin} : Yep rifles as a whole including so called "assault weapons" were responsible for 250 murders, in 2014, compared to over 6,000 people murdered by pistols.', '>>{thelizardkin} : The first law is pretty ineffective overall, and is ripe for abuse. The second will make it so any parent giving their kid a gun, will have to preform a background check. The third will make potential confiscation significantly more easy. And is just as constitutional as a religon database. And the last, banning "assault weapons" will have a minimal effect on crime. In 2014, 250 people were murdered by a rifle of any kind, including AR style guns. While over 6,000 people were murdered by pistols.', ">>{Arsenic99} : The source is from traditional media. AKA it's a lie. The mainstream media of the past is dead, and now prefers blog quality lies. You're better of finding your news elsewhere if you want the truth.", ">>{Arsenic99} : More lies from traditional media sources. Anyone paying attention should be surprised when they don't lie.", '>>{Whiggly} : Anti-gunners being a bunch of lying fucks? Nothing new here.', ">>{gsoClarke} : I am an economist by training, but not one who holds to the lies of Samuelson or even JMK himself. Macro economics is a batch of lies to support policies that pick winners. Stocks are a commodity that's been shored up by cheap money from the Fed. When that interest rate goes up, yeah, folks will move from equity. Boom, bust, boom, bust.", '>>{Biggusdickus73} : If you say so. "Pick winners "? Are you a libertarian?', ">>{gsoClarke} : I'm so far right I look like left to some. Free market anarchy sounds attractive at times.", ">>{Biggusdickus73} : The government picks winners and losers from Lockheed Martin to who is digging that ditch on Monday. It's an old libertarian trope to claim it's rigged."], [">>{George_Meany} : North Carolina republican. This campaign has been disastrous for the party. It brought all the worms out into the daylight. I will be voting for Hillary, which is something I *never* would have thought I'd be saying, and I will never vote for any politician who still supports Trump. At this point, supporting the man means only that you hate your country. Our Party has some significant, significant soul searching to do in the next four years.", '>>{mwinks99} : Hopefully they learn from this, It would be nice to have 2 parties to choose from.', ">>{George_Meany} : There's nowhere for the Republicans to go. The democrats have already staked out the Centre right. Without the maniacs, their policy platform would have to essentially be the exact same as the Dems to be considered moderate enough to win. If anything, I could see a left party emerging on the other side of Hillary - based around truly progressive ideas.", ">>{pulpoalaplancha} : This is the typical response you'll see on /r/the_donald: I don't believe for a second she's ahead. [Just look at the actual numbers!](http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5952.html) I refuse to believe that she's actually winning in 10 out of the last 10 polls, including being up 6 points in a Fox News poll. Fox News may as well be called the Clinton News Network, they're for sure in her pocket. I also find the fact that the LA Times and Rasmussen, which has shown Trump winning the entire race, is all of a sudden showing Clinton winning at the same time that every other poll has moved in her direction? Coincidence much. The media is lying to us and trying to tell us that Trump is losing in Arizona, a red state. Come on! [They have Hillary projected to win 339 electoral votes](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast). It's like, okay Nate Silver, sure, you're soooooo smart. So what if you predicted 101/102 last electoral contests when you include D.C. I still think he's full of shit. Donald said we had to win Florida to win the election, so what a coincidence that 9 out of the last 10 polls show Clinton winning. This is all a conspiracy. Let's MAGA folks!", '>>{mwinks99} : The only way for the right to prosper is for them to become MORE moderate not LESS. I there base wasnt dumb they would realize for the common good of their cause they had to compromise. Splitting there party is only going to hurt them.', ">>{Procrastinare} : > I will be voting for Hillary, which is something I never would have thought I'd be saying Personally I consider myself having voted *against* Trump. Yes, technically, I voted for Hillary, but I don't consider myself a Hillary supporter by any means. I went from having a negative opinion of her to a neutral opinion at best. I firmly believe that the GOP would have won this with *anyone* else. I might have just stayed home if it wasn't for Trump inspiring me to vote against him.", ">>{WinningLooksLike} : If you vote early, I'd be curious to know how your experience is in NC.", '>>{El_Tormentito} : From a fellow Tar Heel, thank you for your judgement to make a difficult decision.', '>>{Diegobyte} : Your party said that last time they got crushed in the general.', ">>{Diegobyte} : They don't put that many words together. They just say CANT STOP THIS TRUMP TRAIN!!!! WHEELS ARE COMING OFF Ps I recommend everyone to sub it the day of the election so we can see the aftermath if they take it private."], ['>>{circlepush} : Coincidence? Dr. Drew Shit-Canned after Hillary Health Comments', ">>{MCRemix} : And after his ratings tanked for a year and he was losing to every other competitor in that time slot.. but sure, let's assume it's the Hillary thing.", ">>{sunnieskye1} : Did they let Nancy Grace go because of Dr. Drew's comments, too?", ">>{ragekage117} : No, the coincidence is that he's just awful.", ">>{TheRealBartlet} : A guy who's whole TV persona is that he is supposed to be an intelligent doctor, playing into conspiracy smears to push a political agenda? Shocker.", '>>{TW1971} : Yeah, they said, let’s get this crazy bastard off the air before he gets us in real trouble.', ">>{sunnieskye1} : Really? I read elsewhere they had cancelled it, along with Dr. Drew! EDIT: you're right, I just misread the article!! Thanks!!", ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : Yes, coincidence. He was last among all prime time shows on news/news-like channels over over a year. Not just his time slot, ALL prime-time. And he's not shitcanned, his show was cancelled. He is still employed by CNN and will be a contributor on a range of shows moving forward, per the press release no one seems to have read.", ">>{acacia-club-road} : Dr Drew will disappear like Hillary's big black buddy who went with her everywhere. The guy who carried the medical injection device in case HRC's head started spinning at the site of a taco bell. Whatever happened to her African American friend? Ever since that story surfaced he's been out of public eye.", ">>{acacia-club-road} : I'm just wondering where our friend went. Maybe Hillary replaces him with some other minority fella. But until then we need to find this guy. Otherwise maybe he got Vince Fostered.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : Increase sales of butthurt cream after Clinton's speech yesterday.....Coincidence?", '>>{NateGrey} : Did you email the webmaster of the Clinton body count so it could be updated?']]
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['>>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : Poll: Trump surges with Hispanics in 11 swing states', '>>{balloonsandstuff} : Why are these suggestions happening? Bonus question: what language is this????', '>>{tiki203} : Trump sets 5 year and lifetime lobbying ban for officials', '>>{TrumpAndPenceParty} : CBS/YouGov Poll - CBS has a A- rating, YouGov has a B rating(Nate Bronze). Both have a dem bias.', ">>{flamingspartan3} : As much as a lot of what he's done has been terrible, this is the right move.", ">>{balloonsandstuff} : To add. I don't speak or type in this language.", '>>{GroriousNipponSteer} : Really? Color me surprised. Or color me "outlier", either one applies.', '>>{westondeboer} : Does this affect the people currently working for him?', '>>{impgristle} : Looks Turkish. The un-dotted i is a dead giveaway. Google Translate says "kür ederim" is Turkish for "I cure," "Evet" is "Yeah" and "Hayır" is "No."', '>>{bertdom} : The fact that a CAD design of my house key exists after using one of these makes me uneasy', '>>{CptFoghorn} : In the ~~butt~~cloud, no less. Why is this being lauded?', ">>{tonyhawkprorapist} : This is unsurprising. Myself and many others have been predicting this for months. As more and more hispanics learn about Hillary's vicious racism, and that the media has smeared Trump to distract from the good he wants to do for latino Americans, we can expect to see him capture yuge chunks of the latino vote. With the gains he is expected to make in Florida and elsewhere, Hillary may as well pack in her quixotic campaign and start working on her clemency plea. The lies, it seems, are catching up with her and there is no stopping the downward spiral. As she falls apart, throwing tens of millions down the drain every month, Trump rises spending comparatively nothing. Not even her big money owners can save Hillary from the wreckage that is soon to be laid upon her. Expect them to chuck her under the bus and bend the knee to Trump before this is over. Worse still for Hillary is that this comes on the heels of the revelation that she is tied with Trump in Connecticut -- the natural habitat of the limousine liberal. Faced with the choice between Trump and Clitler, the adults in the room will realize that Hillary simply can't be trusted with that level of responsibility. She is simply too reckless, too power hungry, and is utterly devoid of authenticity.", ">>{balloonsandstuff} : Just reset my dictionary. didn't do anything. Anything else I'm missing", ">>{GredaGerda} : It's a feature in iOS 10. You can type in multiple languages on the stock keyboard. As for how to disable it, I have no idea, but I hope you have some sort of context now.", ">>{srhng} : I've just had this happen to me as well! Phone and keyboard set to UK English, and I've never, not once, ever typed anything in Turkish!", '>>{Vesstair} : Who wants to bet there is an exemption in it for him and his family?', ">>{jjdore20} : There's probably not. Blindly hating the man makes you look dumb.", '>>{hniball} : a mere key duplicate costs 20 bucks in america? ... what? I paid 2€ for the most epxensive key, usually its about 1€. and the keys are stored in cloud with all my personal info, including address I presume? great, so I pay 20 bucks for the privilege of getting fucking killed during home invasion. can it even be called an invasion at this point, if they can freely open my front door? "oh, but dont worry, they wont hack us, only apple with their billions is stupid enough to get hacked"', ">>{mtbaird5687} : They've had a system like this for at least 5 years. The Lowe's by me had one. Maybe not the cloud saving part tho", '>>{WhiteLikePaper} : yea idk wtf they are talking about. You can get a key made for about $1 - $5 anywhere I have seen...', ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : It's actually pretty common for administrations. Obama did it and Clinton did it before him.", ">>{_scubasteve} : Me. Whoever is wrong deletes their account. Edit: Im assuming you're betting there is. Your wording is confusing", ">>{GoogleItDipshit} : A Trump supporter being smug is so laughable at this point. You don't get to point to one decent thing and pretend this is the real Trump.", '>>{newtbutts} : Most house keys have 5 numbers. Each number varies from 0-6 or 0-9.', ">>{newtbutts} : 20!dollars for a key is insanely high, high security keys don't even cost that much,(usually)", ">>{bisjac} : Came here just to see how reddit can hate on this. It's become a game really lol.", '>>{kevincreeperpants} : I think just the CAR keys are 20-60 bucks. They replicate a car key. They never did mention other prices.', '>>{yuhche} : The first phrase translates to "thank you", you can only see the end of the first word in the phrase "teşekkür ederim"', ">>{aronnyc} : Haha, that's the best positive spin on a negative situation I've ever seen.", '>>{mommy2libras} : It\'s not blind hate, it\'s learning from experience. Everything he\'s done so far, even if it sounds good, always ends up being fucked up. Maybe if he hadn\'t already shown himself to be a complete chode that cares nothing about damaging the country just so he can "sound good", people would have more faith in him.', ">>{kevincreeperpants} : They have a google play app. My device doesn't support it. No mention of prices at all on the website. Liked the idea of the app, tho. Just scan your key and have it delivered.", '>>{drtoszi} : Posted this in another thread, but it\'s relevant along with the accompanying reply by another poster: >"I\'d be very wary of celebrating just yet. >"I move a lot in the casinos here in Vegas (a lot of casino workers, especially the ones in the back, are hispanic) and I\'m on the Strip nearly every day. There is a lot more support for him among hispanics than you\'d think. Primarily among hispanics who are ideologically against Mexicans. They are very much aware of actually speaking about him in unknown company and so keep mostly silent about voting for him. Some of my own family members are this despite my trying to convince them otherwise. >"While I still don\'t believe it\'s anywhere near a majority, I\'d argue that strategists can\'t and shouldn\'t be complacent and believe the hispanic vote is going to be ~100% democratic. They might be in for a rude awakening if they take their votes for granted and just don\'t campaign as hard. >"Once again: I believe Trump is more dangerous and has more support than most realize. Don\'t underestimate him. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4t70y0/hispanic_voters_have_severe_misgivings_about/d5ffoqy Basically I simply advise that Democrats *do not* take it as a straight shot on getting the hispanic vote in pure majority. At the very least, being complacent in campaigning for Dem support could let slip some crucial single digit percentages.', '>>{yuhche} : Used any of the following words kebab (kebap), lahmacun, shish kebab (şiş kebap)?', ">>{VROF} : >Trump is allowed to waive any of the restrictions. Yeah, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet.", '>>{VROF} : >Trump is allowed to waive any of the restrictions. Seems like there is', '>>{Cyberbeni} : “When people talk about ‘harsh-sounding’ languages, they’re usually referring to languages that have sounds made in the back of the vocal tract,” Dr. Lisa Davidson, a professor of linguistics at New York University', '>>{srhng} : Nope! The last message I received before it happened was "sip" if that\'s any help haha', '>>{VROF} : >Trump is allowed to waive any of the restrictions. Actually, it does.', ">>{Msshadow} : He'll just block people going to lobby for groups against him", ">>{simonjp} : Personally the one thing I don't want delivered to my door is the device that opens it when I'm not there.", ">>{gwsredd} : It's Turkish Source: I'm Turkish. Teşekkür ederim I'd suggest changing keyboard to a different language and the reverting back to English (US)", ">>{GoogleItDipshit} : It's a bit late to call it blind hatred.", '>>{I_Hate_Nerds} : Romney got a pathetic 23% of the Hispanic vote. Trump will need to be around 40% to have a shot.', '>>{Koitenshin} : My local walmart has one of these. The person in the back (next to the auto section) who makes duplicates is better than the automatic machine though.', ">>{irumeru} : 37% would be the highest that a Republican candidate has gotten with Hispanic voters since polls began tracking Hispanics separately except for G.W. Bush's re-election in 2004. If he picks up even a third of the 15% who are undecided he'd be the best ever. If that's true, it's terrible news for Hillary.", '>>{BigDickCollegeKid} : Most recent PA and OH pools had him around 17%', ">>{irumeru} : That's true. We've had a pretty severe bunch of different polls. This poll would be disastrous news for Hillary if true.", ">>{OminousDrDrew} : Opposite for me, the automatic one at my lowes made 5 that worked fine. Real person made two for me, both didn't work", '>>{whitemest} : Then why on the top 10 do I see saying hillary is top Dawgs, not trump?', '>>{frolie0} : Smearing Trump...playing video of things he says.', ">>{TrumpAndPenceParty} : Your original post suggested that the poll was cooked or biased against Trump. Also, >Then why on the top 10 do I see saying hillary is top Dawgs, not trump? Is this supposed to be English? Man, I thought Trump would get 100% of the poorly educated vote but it seems you won't be voting for him. Sad.", '>>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : And Mexico will pay for it! This is going to be great!!', '>>{Broody87} : Well if there is a source I trust, it is "red alert politics .com"...', '>>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : Well said! She is going down the drain bigly!', ">>{whitemest} : Sorry I'm on mobile, im Sure as a well educated trump supporter you'd conclude I meant top 10 posts in politics which say they very say of hillary, as this post does. But just like try.p you have no substance and attack grammar and such instead.", '>>{irumeru} : According to a CBS/YouGov poll that examined 11 swing states (Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin), Trump is at 37 percent with Hispanic voters Man, you need to learn to read.', ">>{I_Hate_Nerds} : It's an outlier, show we when a polling aggregate has him up that far.", '>>{irumeru} : Then your statement is wrong. I said "he gets 37% in this poll" and you said "No he doesn\'t." You are flatly wrong. He does. You probably mean "yes, Irumeru, you\'re absolutely right you stunning genius, but I disagree that this poll accurately represents the electorate because other polls show something different". Try again. Feel free to use the hint I provided for you.', '>>{lolleddit} : Hillary camp expected this. The lost of Hispanic voters would be more then offset by Secretary Clinton domination on Herspanic demography.', ">>{TrumpAndPenceParty} : >Your original post suggested that the poll was cooked or biased against Trump. My argument was this - the suggestion that this poll is cooked to favor Trump is wrong since it is well rated and has a democratic bias according to Nate Bronze. > Sorry I'm on mobile, im Sure as a well educated trump supporter you'd conclude I meant top 10 posts in politics which say they very say of hillary, as this post does. But just like try.p you have no substance and attack grammar and such instead. Oh, boy. You write like a fourth grader. I really don't understand how you are not voting Trump. He loves the poorly educated.", ">>{whitemest} : Dude, I'm saying I read the exact opposite of this poll. If you can't handle that type of response and have to resort to insulting my Grammer that's all on you, but it's just making you look like a fool. I'm not suggesting either poll is fixed for either candidate, just that 2 different polls are supporting 2 different candidates essentially saying the same thing lol. And I'm not taking your bait and getting into some pissing match with a new reddit account named trumpandpenceparty either. There's plenty of fish in the sea though man, keep circling the bait post here I'm sure someone will come. :) goodluck", ">>{AndyInAtlanta} : So basically instead of polling historically bad with Hispanics he's now just doing as bad as the past few Republican candidates. Great news!", ">>{SmugAsHell} : Didn't a Gallup poll show him at around 13%? 37% seems preposterous. I can't rule it out, of course. It's another piece of data. Seems way out of line with the norm.", '>>{aevans395} : Well hispanics are 3% of OH population. They are arguably the least important voting bloc in the state.', '>>{irumeru} : It depends. If there is a Shy Tory effect among Hispanics, since Hispanics supporting Trump would experience a lot of social pressure to not do so, then we would expect that online polls like YouGov would show a more accurate result than a phone poll like Gallup. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/11/opinion/campaign-stops/how-many-people-support-trump-but-dont-want-to-admit-it.html', '>>{irumeru} : Quinnipiac has him leading in Pennsylvania by 2 points, PPP has him leading in SC by 2 points, Hampton University has him tied in Virginia. Heck, YouGov has him down only 3 in Michigan. So seems like a lot of those are in play.', ">>{SmugAsHell} : Well all data points have to be considered. I remember reading something from politico about polling hispanic voters and how incredibly difficult it is to get a baseline. That's why you get these huge fluctuations. The truth is probably somewhere in between.", ">>{irumeru} : Let's talk about something completely different! I mean, you might be right, but saying that those states aren't in play is willful blindness. And Clinton has spent tens of millions against Trump already. Her campaign has been going.", ">>{irumeru} : One big problem is that illegal Hispanics are very hesitant to say they aren't legal citizens and therefore registered to vote. So a lot of illegals who can't vote are polled as American citizen Hispanics who can. Another problem is social pressure, as in the story I posted.", ">>{SmugAsHell} : Yeah. And the biggest problem is polling them. That's why people rely on historical trends.", '>>{NoBreaksTrumpTrain} : What is that effect called when people say they are going to vote for X then vote for Y and X is like "WTF, the polls were on my side."', ">>{BigDickCollegeKid} : Most polls I've seen show trump either on par with Romney or worse, still early though", '>>{Produceher} : I think if it hits 15% than a Hispanic gets to be on the debate stage.', '>>{irumeru} : I was referring to "Another 15 percent of Latinos who are not yet voting for Trump said they would consider supporting the billionaire in November."', '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : Never going to happen. Specially after he called a huge percentage of legal Latinos (never said Illegal, he said MEXICAN) rapists and criminals. And he is polling at 1% at the most with African Americans.', '>>{irumeru} : Keep believing that in the face of actual polling evidence cited.', '>>{CreativeGPX} : Well... of the past few... one did win the presidency. Twice.', ">>{nostickupmyass} : > If that's true, it's terrible news for Hillary. Depends on which polls you look at. This poll seems to be an outlier. Most, like [the Wall Street Journal/NBC poll released yesterday](http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-struggling-with-hispanics-wsj-nbc-news-poll-shows-1468771201), show Trump with significantly less support than Mitt Romney had in 2012. I don't think any of us will know until November 8 or so.", ">>{nostickupmyass} : /u/OtroGatoGordo was citing actual polling evidence, too. At least, I'm assuming this because the 14% he cited is the same as the 14% that the latest [WSJ/NBC poll](http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-struggling-with-hispanics-wsj-nbc-news-poll-shows-1468771201) (released yesterday) showed."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{tiki203} : Trump sets 5 year and lifetime lobbying ban for officials', ">>{flamingspartan3} : As much as a lot of what he's done has been terrible, this is the right move.", '>>{westondeboer} : Does this affect the people currently working for him?', '>>{Vesstair} : Who wants to bet there is an exemption in it for him and his family?', ">>{jjdore20} : There's probably not. Blindly hating the man makes you look dumb.", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : It's actually pretty common for administrations. Obama did it and Clinton did it before him.", ">>{_scubasteve} : Me. Whoever is wrong deletes their account. Edit: Im assuming you're betting there is. Your wording is confusing", ">>{GoogleItDipshit} : A Trump supporter being smug is so laughable at this point. You don't get to point to one decent thing and pretend this is the real Trump.", ">>{bisjac} : Came here just to see how reddit can hate on this. It's become a game really lol.", '>>{mommy2libras} : It\'s not blind hate, it\'s learning from experience. Everything he\'s done so far, even if it sounds good, always ends up being fucked up. Maybe if he hadn\'t already shown himself to be a complete chode that cares nothing about damaging the country just so he can "sound good", people would have more faith in him.', ">>{VROF} : >Trump is allowed to waive any of the restrictions. Yeah, let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet.", '>>{VROF} : >Trump is allowed to waive any of the restrictions. Seems like there is', '>>{VROF} : >Trump is allowed to waive any of the restrictions. Actually, it does.', ">>{Msshadow} : He'll just block people going to lobby for groups against him", ">>{GoogleItDipshit} : It's a bit late to call it blind hatred."], ['>>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : Poll: Trump surges with Hispanics in 11 swing states', '>>{TrumpAndPenceParty} : CBS/YouGov Poll - CBS has a A- rating, YouGov has a B rating(Nate Bronze). Both have a dem bias.', '>>{GroriousNipponSteer} : Really? Color me surprised. Or color me "outlier", either one applies.', ">>{tonyhawkprorapist} : This is unsurprising. Myself and many others have been predicting this for months. As more and more hispanics learn about Hillary's vicious racism, and that the media has smeared Trump to distract from the good he wants to do for latino Americans, we can expect to see him capture yuge chunks of the latino vote. With the gains he is expected to make in Florida and elsewhere, Hillary may as well pack in her quixotic campaign and start working on her clemency plea. The lies, it seems, are catching up with her and there is no stopping the downward spiral. As she falls apart, throwing tens of millions down the drain every month, Trump rises spending comparatively nothing. Not even her big money owners can save Hillary from the wreckage that is soon to be laid upon her. Expect them to chuck her under the bus and bend the knee to Trump before this is over. Worse still for Hillary is that this comes on the heels of the revelation that she is tied with Trump in Connecticut -- the natural habitat of the limousine liberal. Faced with the choice between Trump and Clitler, the adults in the room will realize that Hillary simply can't be trusted with that level of responsibility. She is simply too reckless, too power hungry, and is utterly devoid of authenticity.", ">>{aronnyc} : Haha, that's the best positive spin on a negative situation I've ever seen.", '>>{drtoszi} : Posted this in another thread, but it\'s relevant along with the accompanying reply by another poster: >"I\'d be very wary of celebrating just yet. >"I move a lot in the casinos here in Vegas (a lot of casino workers, especially the ones in the back, are hispanic) and I\'m on the Strip nearly every day. There is a lot more support for him among hispanics than you\'d think. Primarily among hispanics who are ideologically against Mexicans. They are very much aware of actually speaking about him in unknown company and so keep mostly silent about voting for him. Some of my own family members are this despite my trying to convince them otherwise. >"While I still don\'t believe it\'s anywhere near a majority, I\'d argue that strategists can\'t and shouldn\'t be complacent and believe the hispanic vote is going to be ~100% democratic. They might be in for a rude awakening if they take their votes for granted and just don\'t campaign as hard. >"Once again: I believe Trump is more dangerous and has more support than most realize. Don\'t underestimate him. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4t70y0/hispanic_voters_have_severe_misgivings_about/d5ffoqy Basically I simply advise that Democrats *do not* take it as a straight shot on getting the hispanic vote in pure majority. At the very least, being complacent in campaigning for Dem support could let slip some crucial single digit percentages.', '>>{I_Hate_Nerds} : Romney got a pathetic 23% of the Hispanic vote. Trump will need to be around 40% to have a shot.', ">>{irumeru} : 37% would be the highest that a Republican candidate has gotten with Hispanic voters since polls began tracking Hispanics separately except for G.W. Bush's re-election in 2004. If he picks up even a third of the 15% who are undecided he'd be the best ever. If that's true, it's terrible news for Hillary.", '>>{BigDickCollegeKid} : Most recent PA and OH pools had him around 17%', ">>{irumeru} : That's true. We've had a pretty severe bunch of different polls. This poll would be disastrous news for Hillary if true.", '>>{whitemest} : Then why on the top 10 do I see saying hillary is top Dawgs, not trump?', '>>{frolie0} : Smearing Trump...playing video of things he says.', ">>{TrumpAndPenceParty} : Your original post suggested that the poll was cooked or biased against Trump. Also, >Then why on the top 10 do I see saying hillary is top Dawgs, not trump? Is this supposed to be English? Man, I thought Trump would get 100% of the poorly educated vote but it seems you won't be voting for him. Sad.", '>>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : And Mexico will pay for it! This is going to be great!!', '>>{Broody87} : Well if there is a source I trust, it is "red alert politics .com"...', '>>{WTCMolybdenum4753} : Well said! She is going down the drain bigly!', ">>{whitemest} : Sorry I'm on mobile, im Sure as a well educated trump supporter you'd conclude I meant top 10 posts in politics which say they very say of hillary, as this post does. But just like try.p you have no substance and attack grammar and such instead.", '>>{irumeru} : According to a CBS/YouGov poll that examined 11 swing states (Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin), Trump is at 37 percent with Hispanic voters Man, you need to learn to read.', ">>{I_Hate_Nerds} : It's an outlier, show we when a polling aggregate has him up that far.", '>>{irumeru} : Then your statement is wrong. I said "he gets 37% in this poll" and you said "No he doesn\'t." You are flatly wrong. He does. You probably mean "yes, Irumeru, you\'re absolutely right you stunning genius, but I disagree that this poll accurately represents the electorate because other polls show something different". Try again. Feel free to use the hint I provided for you.', '>>{lolleddit} : Hillary camp expected this. The lost of Hispanic voters would be more then offset by Secretary Clinton domination on Herspanic demography.', ">>{TrumpAndPenceParty} : >Your original post suggested that the poll was cooked or biased against Trump. My argument was this - the suggestion that this poll is cooked to favor Trump is wrong since it is well rated and has a democratic bias according to Nate Bronze. > Sorry I'm on mobile, im Sure as a well educated trump supporter you'd conclude I meant top 10 posts in politics which say they very say of hillary, as this post does. But just like try.p you have no substance and attack grammar and such instead. Oh, boy. You write like a fourth grader. I really don't understand how you are not voting Trump. He loves the poorly educated.", ">>{whitemest} : Dude, I'm saying I read the exact opposite of this poll. If you can't handle that type of response and have to resort to insulting my Grammer that's all on you, but it's just making you look like a fool. I'm not suggesting either poll is fixed for either candidate, just that 2 different polls are supporting 2 different candidates essentially saying the same thing lol. And I'm not taking your bait and getting into some pissing match with a new reddit account named trumpandpenceparty either. There's plenty of fish in the sea though man, keep circling the bait post here I'm sure someone will come. :) goodluck", ">>{AndyInAtlanta} : So basically instead of polling historically bad with Hispanics he's now just doing as bad as the past few Republican candidates. Great news!", ">>{SmugAsHell} : Didn't a Gallup poll show him at around 13%? 37% seems preposterous. I can't rule it out, of course. It's another piece of data. Seems way out of line with the norm.", '>>{aevans395} : Well hispanics are 3% of OH population. They are arguably the least important voting bloc in the state.', '>>{irumeru} : It depends. If there is a Shy Tory effect among Hispanics, since Hispanics supporting Trump would experience a lot of social pressure to not do so, then we would expect that online polls like YouGov would show a more accurate result than a phone poll like Gallup. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/11/opinion/campaign-stops/how-many-people-support-trump-but-dont-want-to-admit-it.html', '>>{irumeru} : Quinnipiac has him leading in Pennsylvania by 2 points, PPP has him leading in SC by 2 points, Hampton University has him tied in Virginia. Heck, YouGov has him down only 3 in Michigan. So seems like a lot of those are in play.', ">>{SmugAsHell} : Well all data points have to be considered. I remember reading something from politico about polling hispanic voters and how incredibly difficult it is to get a baseline. That's why you get these huge fluctuations. The truth is probably somewhere in between.", ">>{irumeru} : Let's talk about something completely different! I mean, you might be right, but saying that those states aren't in play is willful blindness. And Clinton has spent tens of millions against Trump already. Her campaign has been going.", ">>{irumeru} : One big problem is that illegal Hispanics are very hesitant to say they aren't legal citizens and therefore registered to vote. So a lot of illegals who can't vote are polled as American citizen Hispanics who can. Another problem is social pressure, as in the story I posted.", ">>{SmugAsHell} : Yeah. And the biggest problem is polling them. That's why people rely on historical trends.", '>>{NoBreaksTrumpTrain} : What is that effect called when people say they are going to vote for X then vote for Y and X is like "WTF, the polls were on my side."', ">>{BigDickCollegeKid} : Most polls I've seen show trump either on par with Romney or worse, still early though", '>>{Produceher} : I think if it hits 15% than a Hispanic gets to be on the debate stage.', '>>{irumeru} : I was referring to "Another 15 percent of Latinos who are not yet voting for Trump said they would consider supporting the billionaire in November."', '>>{OtroGatoGordo} : Never going to happen. Specially after he called a huge percentage of legal Latinos (never said Illegal, he said MEXICAN) rapists and criminals. And he is polling at 1% at the most with African Americans.', '>>{irumeru} : Keep believing that in the face of actual polling evidence cited.', '>>{CreativeGPX} : Well... of the past few... one did win the presidency. Twice.', ">>{nostickupmyass} : > If that's true, it's terrible news for Hillary. Depends on which polls you look at. This poll seems to be an outlier. Most, like [the Wall Street Journal/NBC poll released yesterday](http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-struggling-with-hispanics-wsj-nbc-news-poll-shows-1468771201), show Trump with significantly less support than Mitt Romney had in 2012. I don't think any of us will know until November 8 or so.", ">>{nostickupmyass} : /u/OtroGatoGordo was citing actual polling evidence, too. At least, I'm assuming this because the 14% he cited is the same as the 14% that the latest [WSJ/NBC poll](http://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-struggling-with-hispanics-wsj-nbc-news-poll-shows-1468771201) (released yesterday) showed."], ['>>{bertdom} : The fact that a CAD design of my house key exists after using one of these makes me uneasy', '>>{CptFoghorn} : In the ~~butt~~cloud, no less. Why is this being lauded?', '>>{hniball} : a mere key duplicate costs 20 bucks in america? ... what? I paid 2€ for the most epxensive key, usually its about 1€. and the keys are stored in cloud with all my personal info, including address I presume? great, so I pay 20 bucks for the privilege of getting fucking killed during home invasion. can it even be called an invasion at this point, if they can freely open my front door? "oh, but dont worry, they wont hack us, only apple with their billions is stupid enough to get hacked"', ">>{mtbaird5687} : They've had a system like this for at least 5 years. The Lowe's by me had one. Maybe not the cloud saving part tho", '>>{WhiteLikePaper} : yea idk wtf they are talking about. You can get a key made for about $1 - $5 anywhere I have seen...', '>>{newtbutts} : Most house keys have 5 numbers. Each number varies from 0-6 or 0-9.', ">>{newtbutts} : 20!dollars for a key is insanely high, high security keys don't even cost that much,(usually)", '>>{kevincreeperpants} : I think just the CAR keys are 20-60 bucks. They replicate a car key. They never did mention other prices.', ">>{kevincreeperpants} : They have a google play app. My device doesn't support it. No mention of prices at all on the website. Liked the idea of the app, tho. Just scan your key and have it delivered.", ">>{simonjp} : Personally the one thing I don't want delivered to my door is the device that opens it when I'm not there.", '>>{Koitenshin} : My local walmart has one of these. The person in the back (next to the auto section) who makes duplicates is better than the automatic machine though.', ">>{OminousDrDrew} : Opposite for me, the automatic one at my lowes made 5 that worked fine. Real person made two for me, both didn't work"], ['>>{balloonsandstuff} : Why are these suggestions happening? Bonus question: what language is this????', ">>{balloonsandstuff} : To add. I don't speak or type in this language.", '>>{impgristle} : Looks Turkish. The un-dotted i is a dead giveaway. Google Translate says "kür ederim" is Turkish for "I cure," "Evet" is "Yeah" and "Hayır" is "No."', ">>{balloonsandstuff} : Just reset my dictionary. didn't do anything. Anything else I'm missing", ">>{GredaGerda} : It's a feature in iOS 10. You can type in multiple languages on the stock keyboard. As for how to disable it, I have no idea, but I hope you have some sort of context now.", ">>{srhng} : I've just had this happen to me as well! Phone and keyboard set to UK English, and I've never, not once, ever typed anything in Turkish!", '>>{yuhche} : The first phrase translates to "thank you", you can only see the end of the first word in the phrase "teşekkür ederim"', '>>{yuhche} : Used any of the following words kebab (kebap), lahmacun, shish kebab (şiş kebap)?', '>>{Cyberbeni} : “When people talk about ‘harsh-sounding’ languages, they’re usually referring to languages that have sounds made in the back of the vocal tract,” Dr. Lisa Davidson, a professor of linguistics at New York University', '>>{srhng} : Nope! The last message I received before it happened was "sip" if that\'s any help haha', ">>{gwsredd} : It's Turkish Source: I'm Turkish. Teşekkür ederim I'd suggest changing keyboard to a different language and the reverting back to English (US)"]]
classify and reply
[">>{sburris} : Amazon squashes Trump trolls' attacks on Megyn Kelly book", '>>{shorthairedlonghair} : Good guy Amazon: Puts its Amazon Mechanical Turk to good use.', ">>{OldMutant} : So any bad review of her book is written by a troll, huh? Megan's show is now from the standpoint of a liberal activist. She donated to the Clintons. When she decided to become an activist I started flipping over and watching Dana on Beck's network. If her book as liberal like her show I an not suprised it is getting bad reviews. Sadly those reviews are being scrubbed.", ">>{12-juin-3049} : That's nice. I can't wait for reddit to show that this actually makes Clinton evil and inhuman", '>>{Chucknorris1975} : This site can’t be reached www.jweekly.com refused to connect. Search Google for j weekly article full 78719 trump backers blamed online attacks jewish journalists ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED', '>>{stylishwoman} : Not really useful for an average consumer, but it should hopefully push the prices of other cards down.', ">>{EncryptedGenome} : We're on the cusp on viable 4k gaming, and many high end consumers would be looking to grad this instead of next year's regular model.", ">>{Feshtof} : I don't think the majority of Trump supporters are anti-Semitic, however I am willing to wager the majority of anti-Semites are Trump supporters.", ">>{Denziloe} : I seriously hope it doesn't take off, I'd much rather have developers using 4x the GPU power per pixel for advanced effects rather than an imperceptible change in resolution.", ">>{EncryptedGenome} : I think a lot of people sympathise, but as a developer, I'd like to add a perspective. There's only so much work that can be accomplished in a year. Game engines are pieces of work that take decades to put together. If all they do is double the the number of you cores, then double the resolution, it's a good year.", '>>{_Holic_} : So someone with a two year old brain loves Hillary.... This is not something to brag about.', ">>{4non7mou5} : It's like reverse tolerance. You're allowed to be a Trump supporter long as you hate *somebody*.", '>>{bernieaccountess} : Hillary clinton has always tried to use children as [messages]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFI_uckqtVo)', ">>{2gig} : I don't know if it's still ongoing, but recently major DNS datacenters were hit by DDOS attacks. A lot of big sites were having issues.", '>>{awad190} : tl;dr Game disks and cartridges are not compatible with Nintendo Switch, but nothing is yet confirmed about digital games compatibility.', ">>{Whipit} : I just got a Samsung KS8000 (4K HDR TV) and a 1080ti this weekend. And let me tell you, there's nothing imperceptible about the jump from 1080p to 4K. The difference was immediately noticeable.", '>>{workflowshmerkflow} : Oh wow, a politically charged book led to politically charged comments. How un-American /s', '>>{5S5S5SS5} : Holly fuck this sub makes me angry. Can we talk about policies at all? All this sub does now is post Bullshit smearing Trump. So obvious this sub is bought and paid for. When it was Bernie vs Hillary the posts had some substance and the smear campaign shit would have been removed.', ">>{c4wrd} : I think he's referring to gaming in 1080p and the noticeable difference when he got a 4K TV and better graphics card.", ">>{Archlicht} : The majority of Trump supporters are anti-something. Whether it's anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-immigrant, anti-establishment, whatever. Because it's a lot easier to hate everything than propose solutions to anything.", '>>{Seventhsonshoah} : Absolutely vulgar. Children should not be props for political bullshit', '>>{ConciselyVerbose} : This is talking about the 1080ti being capable of rendering in 4K (at near max settings) though.', '>>{BernieSandersForever} : More mainstream media attempts to make that reptilian idiot look like a human. The kid is clearly about the burst into tears.', ">>{PM_ME_YOUR_VAJOYNA} : What? A portable gaming device doesn't have a disc drive? Color me shocked", ">>{TinyHands_DrumpfMan} : Why does amazon even let people review products that they haven't ordered through amazon? Seems like by doing that you could avoid a lot of headache.", '>>{KarmaAndLies} : Also Barbara Boxer\'s granddaughter. You know, the women who claimed she was "scared" at the Nevada convention while being videoed flipping off supporters, taunting them, and blowing sarcastic kisses.', ">>{retrend} : Also Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, they were all related. This is something totally different. Knowing Nintendo they'll be utterly stingy in porting over the back catalogue.", ">>{Archlicht} : > Can we talk about policies at all? I mean we can, but only one candidate even bothered to come up with policy of substance. Come back in four years when the republicans (hopefully) have a candidate who is more experienced in the field of policy and also more reasonable. Trump is just a toddler throwing a tantrum at this point, he couldn't care less about policy.", ">>{badger0511} : It's pretty damn easy to discern whether someone who wrote a negative review about a book actually read it or not. The same way that it is easy to tell that someone that wrote a one star rating on Brokeback Mountain and just wrote endlessly about how being gay condemns you to hell didn't actually watch the movie. Those types of reviews are just as useful as reviews that give a low rating because they were shipped the wrong color option... absolutely fucking worthless.", ">>{xspace_ghostx} : You'd have to be a toddler to still be cheering this politrick on.", ">>{ConciselyVerbose} : If it's imperceptible to you you need glasses terribly.", ">>{seanbrockest} : Lol of course it isn't. Nintendo has made millions selling and reselling the same games.", ">>{SaltHash} : >So any bad review of her book is written by a troll, huh? Amazon did not state or imply that. >Megan's show is now from the standpoint of a liberal activist. That is your opinion. >She donated to the Clintons. Fox and Donald Trump also donated to the Clintons. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/29/fox-is-one-of-the-biggest-donors-to-the-clintons/ http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2016/aug/28/david-plouffe/yes-donald-trump-donated-100000-clinton-foundation/", ">>{untildeath} : Will Charlotte be able to visit her grandma in the slammer? She can take Bill's ticket, he'll have better ~~people~~ things to do.", ">>{untildeath} : Thought this would be the Sandy Hook attack. Just goes to show how awful Hillary is when you don't even know which of the many horrible things she's done is being presented at the moment.", ">>{BJJLucas} : > Megan's show is now from the standpoint of a liberal activist. ...Jesus Christ...", '>>{NomadFire} : There was a post at the top of this sub that dealt with Trump proposal to put a 35% tax on imports. So when he talks about policies they do appear here. He just prefers to talk about so many other things.', '>>{MarBelieves} : Duh! You expect me to jam a disc into that cartridge slot!', '>>{shady0041} : Good point. I too feel they should only allow verified purchase reviews.', '>>{greenlife2} : Why not? They are better at seeing through BS which is why they universally support Hillary.', '>>{RidleyScotch} : how do they know if its a verified purchase? Ive never done a review on amazon, for it to be verified do you do it through like the confirmation email of your purchase?', ">>{Tridamos} : Should be simple to require an account for reviewing and purchasing products. If you've used the account to make a purchase, then you can make a review for it.", ">>{angermanagers} : You're an imperceptible change in resolution. Not all of us live in the past.", ">>{displacerbeast} : Let's not forget that the sad reality is that a majority of them are simply anti-Democrat.", ">>{twystoffer} : Except your reasoning is flawed. This isn't the next gen in their normal console line, this is the next portable console in line with the 3DS. Even uses very similar carts.", '>>{hotpotamu5} : Just a guess, but I bet Amazon keeps some records of purchases made by Amazon customers.', ">>{laz414} : Of course you would say it's noticeable . U just spent like 5k$ on it. What kinda person would do that and say it isn't noticeable .", '>>{mathteacher85} : You do realize that most recent Nintendo consoles have been backwards compatible, right? The Wii played GameCube games and the Wii U plays Wii games. The 3ds plays DS games.', '>>{Cupinacup} : Some of the folks here are a little fucked up with how much pure hatred they have for a single person.', ">>{seanbrockest} : And now they've realized they can make more money by not.", ">>{udownvotefacts} : apparently according to all the people on /r/politics Trump hates his new grandchild, since he's hitler and all and the baby is jewish. You wouldn't think he would but hey if the people on r/politics says he is hitler he must be hitler!", ">>{mathteacher85} : Considering Nintendo's past history with offering backwards compatibility, I'm sure they would have made this backwards compatible if they reasonably could. However, considering the big change in hardware architecture (powerPC to ARM) as well as a change in physical media, there's no reasonable way to offer backwards compatibility. The GameCube to Wii to Wii U generations all used the same hardware architecture. Therefore Nintendo offered backwards compatibility (which I used greatly).", '>>{Whipit} : You\'d literally have to be blind to not be able to notice the jump from 1080p to 4K. Or standing 10m away. For someone to say that 4K is an "imperceptible resolution" they have probably never had a chance to use a 4K display and think their 1080p display "looks fine" And it does look fine, but it can definitely look better.', '>>{Archlicht} : Being a racist is a far cry from being a cannibal, not to mention the former is far more common than the latter.', ">>{celas001} : No no. The atheists tend to be progressive/liberal leaning. So it's those of us voting Clinton who have the most baby eaters. Speaking of, I need to get some stuff for the grill in the morning.", ">>{shady0041} : Yes i think if you click through the purchase email link or will show as verified purchase. I'm not sure. I'm just saying that Amazon should enable only those reviews and disable all other reviews.", ">>{Nydas} : In fact, don't let people review before its even been delivered.", '>>{Milleuros} : The more you like policies, the more you dislike Trump. Trump campaign is about feelings, not about policies. When one of the two major candidates disregard completely every kind of evidence, the campaign is *very* unlikely to revolve around policies.', ">>{Irishpersonage} : I have a 1080 non-TI and I can game at 4k easily. We're there.", '>>{Justmadethisaccunt} : Spot on. I honestly could not think of an instance where that was not the case.', '>>{candl2} : When asked Charlotte said "I have no recollection of that but I have always intended to cheer her on."', ">>{DoughnoTD} : It's sad that people think backwards compatibility is simple to do", ">>{ezreading} : Okay Charlotte honey, put your hand on the glass and tell Grandma you love her, that's a good girl. We'll see you next weekend, Mom. Stay safe in there...", ">>{CelestialStork} : They reaaallly couldn't have done it with the 3ds? I hope they don't expect people to buy for both.", '>>{outlooker707} : Good, liberals are some of the most immature people out there.', ">>{JaredWsSb} : My guess is they'll port over the Wii U and maybe Gamecube/Wii titles that sold well, and drop the rest.", ">>{Irishpersonage} : I can hit mid-40's to 50's on Witcher, ultra, without hairworks.", '>>{edbro333} : Meanwhile there is talk the xbox one will support OG xbox games.', '>>{ZoneRangerMC} : The og xbox and xbox one are both based off similar x86 architecture, so that seems plausible.', ">>{KingKrisspyKream} : They are probably going to release digital versions of all the games that aren't on it.", ">>{kovacskalliszto} : Can we just pin an article on top titled: 'Trump backers blamed for everything' to stop this spam like: blamed for climate change, bad grades, fatigue, traffic jams etc.", ">>{skrulewi} : > Bernie vs Hillary There's your problem right there. Those two both had well-researched policies of substance and nuance. So naturally, there was good conversation of policy talk. But I would love to have a policy discussion with you. Seriously. You pick, any subject, and we can talk about the policies that separate the candidates on their merits.", ">>{owenhehe} : That would be the dumbest decision Nintendo ever made. Almost all Nintendo 's games are more of the same thing, Mario, starfox, metroid, etc. But old fans enjoy those games and they are likely to be the early adopters. I still remember buying the original DS at launch and spend the first 6 month play GBA games on it. If there is no back compatibility, whose gonna buy it at launch? To play the 10 launch games? It will be wiiu all over again.", '>>{RobotJiz} : I never understood why these console makers don\'t throw a line out to the better emulator communities? Say "hey guys, you\'re using our IP illegally but we have gone over your coding and it seems pretty good. How about coming to work for us and get this console backwards compatible making this piece of hardware the best it can be?" But then again you would be giving the exact blueprints on the new machine and all its in and outs to the "enemy" or people that have already thumbed their nose to the IP laws to begin with so I can see why they would be hesitant', '>>{Denziloe} : And that will cause the game to develop enhanced graphical effects?', ">>{nowandlater} : It's not liberals doing it; it was Trump supporters that hate her for not being blindly loyal to his Highness", ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : Yeah, Hillary should stop going out and criticizing women's looks, saying she won't respect the results of the election, and threatening to jail her political opponent. It's so distracting.", '>>{RobotJiz} : But they decided to go with cartridges. The cost, and durability of memory has dropped so low that discs seem old news. I kind of like the cartridge. You can add more capabilities to a game like the 3D chip for Star Fox for the SNES.', ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : Sure! Let's talk about the breathtaking idiocy he expressed on the topic of the Mosul attack the other day.", ">>{EncryptedGenome} : I'm thinking of getting a razorblade laptop whenever cannonlake i7-8500u / nvidia gtx 1160 arrive. Maybe that will give me something comparable on a laptop.", ">>{RobotJiz} : UMD. Never understood why they didn't use minidisc as the format instead of a completely new format. I still have a minidisc player around here and people don't even know what it is.", ">>{RobotJiz} : I'm a bit razzed that I can't play Super Mario World on my Old 3DS XL. I can play that game on my phone but I gotta buy a whole NEW system with a shit joystick to play a couple of SNES classics? No thanks. I'll pirate out of spite", ">>{eazolan} : That's crazy. You'd need a computer too keep track of all that.", '>>{mathteacher85} : Don\'t get me wrong, I like the cartridges too. I\'m just pointing out that Nintendo\'s normal stance is to include backwards compatibility when they can reasonably do so. The person I responded to made it sound like "Of course Nintendo didn\'t include backward compatibility!" as if that was their typical behavior.', ">>{Nazck} : Copy protection wasn't it? UMD burners didn't exist, but hI-MD did.", ">>{Nazck} : I always find those VC games too steep, if I could get a NES game for 1, SNES for 2 and N64 for 5. Then I'd likely buy far more than I'd play. Of course I haven't bought anything for the wii u, having lost my wii stuff.", '>>{normsteadman} : > He just prefers to talk about so many other things. This article contains zero things Trump said.', '>>{RobotJiz} : Yeah, the prices are very steep on these consoles. Thats the overpriced amount you pay for proprietary hardware. Sometimes PSN has flash sales to go along with the famous Steam sales, but Steam and Humble have really spoiled me as to what to expect from a digital game sale. I wonder when the NES classics become public domain?', ">>{normsteadman} : Frankly, I don't care what Trump backers (or any candidate's backers) are saying on Twitter. Every candidate will attract some lunatics to his/her campaign, but this sub likes to pretend Trump is the only candidate drawing bad people to vote for him.", '>>{TheRealPantz} : Most people with older games still have their older systems to play them on.', '>>{BrainOMatic} : If you want reasonable discussion, try /r/NeutralPolitics/ r/politics, on the other hand, is for amassing huge amounts of karma by posting smear articles against Trump, or for generating huge amounts of butthurt in Hillary supporters by triggering them in the comments.', '>>{agaricus-redditicus} : I come here for the Trump stuff. I dont think we need to posit a conspiracy, a huge number of people are simultaneously horrified and fascinated by him and his strongest supporters. Speaking for myself, I almost feel addicted to it - just one more comment thread, maybe it will explain things. Just one more story, maybe it will be the thing that finally makes him go away.', ">>{agaricus-redditicus} : Found the antisemite. It feels so strange to use that word, since I've long been disgusted by Israeli politicians who use it to dodge criticism of their brutal policies, but when someone hints at a lying Jewish media conspiracy.... yep, it's appropriate.", ">>{RedBarrel} : He's not the only one drawing loonies, he just draws the most by a huge margin is all.", '>>{RedBarrel} : Smear articles like descriptions of things he and his supporters say and do?', ">>{TheRealPantz} : I haven't bought a game disc in decades for the PC. It's great. Nothing to lose or scratch.", ">>{ddgamer83} : I just hope it isn't too costly. This is a promising hardware Nintendo has cooked up, if you ignore the handhelds. I might just get this one day, hopefully. The last Nintendo system I've had was the GameBoy Advance SP, and I've had frequent access to my friend's Wii (which he sold sadly), after that I never had reason to go for Nintendo again (in too deep with PS and PC)", ">>{American_90} : its a fact. They aint known as the Lugenpresse for nothing. I'll ask this of you. Look at the history of their people and their religion. Kicked out of hundreds of nations throughout history. Why?", ">>{ddgamer83} : Yeah, but like Stan Lee said, in comparison to a boob, he'd rather hold a comic book than just see it be there. The only drawback is the DRM applications of it, they could take away your games anytime. (Unless, of course, it's DRM-Free) And ... well ... if an apocalypse happens ... no internet, which means you can't download them, since they're digital. ;V", ">>{anon0108} : is it really a surprise? sure, there are trump supporters who are rational, thinking people who think he's got some good ideas and then there are the people his campaign deliberately went out and tried to attract. this is them. trump's staff knew they could get the democrat/republican faithful so they went after the extreme right. the folks that believe all brown people are bad. its a really really tiny logical leap to go from all brown people are bad to all people not like me are bad.", '>>{TheRealPantz} : Good point, so if you happen to mod your system, you risk losing your game library. PS: You can have boobs and comics.', ">>{John117HALO} : Holy crap, I just got an epic idea! What if the switch is the last nintendo console? All you need to do is include a gpu and cpu inside the game cart, then you wont need to ever buy a new console! Terrible idea on nintendo's side due to the fact that people won't need to buy another console = Less money for nintendo. Also it would be very hard to implement due to the small size of the cart. It would be the bane of battery life TBH. Still fun to speculate though.", ">>{RobotJiz} : What if the switch is already future proofed by design. Think about it. The tablet that holds all the processing power can be upgraded down the road. Nintendo keeps the software/instruction set the same, but that tablet can get bigger in any direction except thicker. It's pretty good thinking downgrading the res to 720 when it's popped out of the stand(if that's true). With that size your not going to be noticing graphics. If Razer can put an i7 and discrete GPU into its super slim laptop then Nintendo won't have a problem at all.", ">>{Adbo} : This guy can't be this stupid right? This is a troll bot or something right?", '>>{moxy801} : I guess Trump has given up on the professed love of Israel - as it interferes with the kind of hate mongering most his supporters love.', '>>{ys57} : Is (((anyone))) surprised by this at this point? The inflection in a lot of his fans\' voices when they said the names of Jewish journalists was just as obvious as when they said "Barack HUSSAIN Obama".', ">>{suddendev} : Well, Nintendo has been using PowerPC processors and the Switch is supposedly based on a Tegra ARM chip so I'm not surprised.", '>>{CommieStoner} : Well, uh... I suppose if you imagine it like a parking space, that you think, "Gosh, there\'s no way I\'m gonna be able to fit in there." But then you fold in the side-view mirrors and, sure enough, well, look at that.', '>>{Quihatzin} : So why not put an emulator on it and remake all the old games on cartridge. Im sure they still have the source sitting around on some computer.', ">>{xxfay6} : Memory Stick readers did exist, and look how that turned out. Besides, disk protections are pretty strong. The Sega Saturn's disc copy protection hasn't been cracked (the system itself yes, but the drive hasn't), and everything PS3 onwards hasn't seen much in the way of piracy besides the Vita (they asked for it) and DS / 3DS, both of them not through discs.", '>>{notmikeee} : Let us just file this one under "Duh."', '>>{mathteacher85} : Using emulation is what they have used for their virtual console games, but to emulate the Wii U would take considerable processor power that this device will most likely lack. They will need a rewrite to run on the new ARM chip natively without emulation.', ">>{SkipBittman} : Good job, Jared Kushner. Keep stoking, maybe set up a media outlet - I can't see how this could backfire on you. Pig.", '>>{whozurdaddy} : theres completely zero reasons to care about this device. Nintendo just went off the rails.', '>>{xxfay6} : Apparently there are already flashcarts available for it, pretty expensive though.', '>>{IcryforBallard} : Eh, you can\'t be a Trump supporter this far into the campaign and think he has good ideas and be a "rational human being".', ">>{IcryforBallard} : Lol, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Trump is using fascist rhetoric whatsoever. This false equivalency is getting ridiculous.", ">>{anon0108} : tell me that the stuff he released about reducing the influence of lobbyists in govt is a BAD idea. its not. its EXACTLY what govt needs. now that the majority of what he's left with are nut jobs way out on the fringe he's making an extremely last ditch effort to reach out to those who realize a wall can be walked around. too bad he didn't lead with this instead of all the crap we've been subjected to in this election", ">>{IcryforBallard} : Threatened tor the religion too, not even because they've personally upset someone or some other bullshit excuse.", ">>{dedicated2fitness} : not expensive if you're going to someone with a flashcart", ">>{dedicated2fitness} : it's not simple but it's not impossible either. a lot of times people will just bung an emulator and run the old game in that emulator. emulators aren't that hard to write when you have the people who wrote the original compiler still working for you. then all you have to do is recompile the game to use better assets(the designers of which also still work for you)", ">>{Waltermelon} : A great way to listen to music in the late 90's early 2000's is what it is", '>>{IcryforBallard} : Trump has been stoking fascist rhetoric and implying obvious ~Jewish conspiracy~ bullshit amongst his supporters. This is a direct reaction to that. But tell me more how this sub is bought and paid for, because I would love to know how I can get my share.', '>>{IcryforBallard} : You ever thought that maybe subs aren\'t "anti trump circlejerks" but instead that Trump is a huge piece of shit fascist that most people that haven\'t bought into the propaganda hate?', '>>{IcryforBallard} : Sure that sounds fan fucking tastic...if it was someone that didn\'t get to become a nominee precisely because of his money, money that he was given to by his father. So when you use context you see that he\'s still full of shit because, similarly to his idea of "closing tax loopholes" after exploiting them for years, just shows what a piece of shit hypocrite he is. But even if he "lead with this stuff" as you say, that wouldn\'t change anything what so ever about the campaign.', ">>{ghost_of_stonetear} : >Besides, disk protections are pretty strong. The Sega Saturn's disc copy protection hasn't been cracked (the system itself yes, but the drive hasn't), and everything PS3 onwards hasn't seen much in the way of piracy besides the Vita (they asked for it) and DS / 3DS, both of them not through discs. The drive has been hacked. It's actually really cool! https://youtu.be/jOyfZex7B3E", '>>{WeldmyJohnson} : most but not all. Remember Republicans are still the more pro-Israel party between the two.', '>>{RobotJiz} : I still look at those discs and think they still look futuristic.', '>>{pretendingtolisten} : Im probably gonna be a late adopter, i want to see how its games line up fairs before i opt in, but im definitely excited about the fact that the wii u will drop in price a bit soon and ill finally be able to catch up on its exclusivesfor a price i like.', '>>{Danie2009} : How is this not politics? A major party nominee has supporters that are basically attacking everyone not right/white/male. Antisemitism is like their Bread and butter. And you think that isnt politics? /facepalm', ">>{normsteadman} : I don't think the sub is bought and paid for, I just don't think this story is politically interesting.", '>>{33wolverine} : With virtual console anything is possible. Honestly just give me pokemon and smash bros and ill be set for life.', ">>{OverQualifried} : Look how long it took. They're OK with that.", '>>{Squircle_MFT} : Does the Switch even have a slot for cartridges or disks?', '>>{YongeArcade} : >"Trump backers blamed for...." That\'s nice, find a disagreeable act and attribute to your enemy since they dislike the person too, *for different reasons*, and then smear the first group. Thats what race baiting and hate mongers do. The democrats have embraced these tactics to win.', '>>{SpliTTMark} : Gum packs cost like 2 dollars now. You think a game company is going to sell their stuff for cheaper than gum', ">>{anon0108} : i think all politicians are hypocrites - so the fact that he'd be biting the had that fed him doesn't trouble me at all however - its too little, too late and IMNSHO he showed he was unfit for office when he started talking about undoing the separation of church and state. we've got plenty of historical examples of why that would be a bad idea.", '>>{Danie2009} : Werent some deplorables arrested because they wanted to firebomb a mosque? Crap even your attempt to blame the muslims backfires.:(', ">>{thisisATHENS} : Immigration, trade, foreign policy, infrastructure, etc.... Trump's got better policies but they refuse to just discuss them. The media is carrying Hillary through this as she sits at home and does nothing. It's rigged.", '>>{thabe331} : >Sure that sounds fan fucking tastic...if it was someone that didn\'t get to become a nominee precisely because of his money, money that he was given to by his father. So when you use context you see that he\'s still full of shit because, similarly to his idea of "closing tax loopholes" after exploiting them for years, just shows what a piece of shit hypocrite he is. My biggest issue with his voters has always been that you don\'t give the fox the keys to the hen house.', '>>{SpliTTMark} : 60-70 years so youll have to wait somewhere in 2045-2055. Unless nintendo renews them like (disney). Have fun waiting', ">>{John117HALO} : Interesting thought. TBH consoles are a major bottleneck to pc, (Holding developers back to the hardware limitations of consoles, when pc can handle it no sweat, i.e map size, gameplay, etc) so therefore, if consoles become upgrade able and are marketed as pcs that are easier to set up and manage (I'm thinking of implementing upgrades with snap on parts that connect to the motherboard via port, or maybe NFC?) developers won't have to hold back their game's full potential due to hardware limitations, of course if your console doesn't have enough firepower, there may be a graphic settings menu like pc games have. We already see Nintendo is leaning towards mobile gaming, and this is great. I am worried about price, but most devices with tegra's in them retail at about 200 - 300 USD, which is WAY less than the scorpio, so thats quite good considering those have windows on them (+100USD) so the switch will be probably the same price as Xbone or PS4.", ">>{Roushfan5} : What does Microsoft or Sony have to gain by making their systems backwards compatible? The capacity of the Wii U to play Wii games didn't help its sales one bit. It is very friendly to the consumer to allow backwards compatibility, but it really doesn't help the company be any more profitable.", ">>{Roushfan5} : Expect the Wii U sold like ass. The ability to play Wii U games on the Switch, natively, might have been a selling point for the many people that liked a few Wii U titles, but not enough to justify the cost of the console. Heck, with this news I won't be buying the new Paper Mario Paint game, which I was considering considering how much I loved Thousand Year Door and the N64 versions.", ">>{kovacskalliszto} : If we use that logic why are Trump's tapes so big of a hit?", '>>{Milleuros} : Sure, he has policies listed on his website. Policies strong enough for him to sometimes deny he holds that view (see for example the "Global warming is a chinese hoax" which he denied having said that, yet it\'s still in his website). But most importantly, his meetings, his talks, his ads, are never about his actual policies, how he plan to achieve some specific goals or nothing. It\'s just about feelings and very, very simplistic ideas without nothing to back them up.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Not true at all. He\'s got a lot of substance, but there\'s been an echo chamber created that ignores it and has mad "OMG HE HAS NO POLICIES" a meme. And the media follows through by only talking about bullshit. The whole thing is fucking rigged.', '>>{pHbasic} : Donald\'s policies have been weighed, measured, and found to be garbage. Immigration: Most Americans want some form of legalization process. Trump\'s "deport 11 million" idea sounds impractical, unnecessary, and also forgets the human. All quality policies remember the human to some degree and this is generally where Trump falls short. Trade: A 35% tariff on foreign imports is so batshit it doesn\'t really deserve much discussion. You could argue that he\'s just throwing numbers around with his "Art of the Deal" nonsense, but really it would be better if he could just take a little time and put something serious together Foreign policy: Maybe you can enlighten me, but Donald seems to follow a pattern of shitting on our allies, while cowering in the face of opposition. NATO is terrible, but Russia is alright? Japan and South Korea need to pay up, but we are going to make friendly deals with China. Fundamentally, you\'ve got to understand that even if his policies were worthwhile, he still hasn\'t been able to get over the temperament threshold. The debates really showed that he just can\'t keep it together, which is why he\'s so far behind. Since he can\'t act presidential for a 90 minute debate, people don\'t really need to look into it deeper than that.', '>>{MrsMI1UCAN2} : I\'ve been seeing these kinds of exchanges more and more in the mainstream, and it\'s alarming. My neighbor caught one the other day that stopped her in her tracks. It was a group chat with a bunch of middle schoolers where one told the other "you smell like a dirty jewboy." The other one\'s response? "Nothing that a shower won\'t fix." She and her husband just about had a fit with her kid that he was even in on that kind of conversation. I think they\'re considering counseling for him because they had absolutely no idea he was in any group of friends where this stuff was floating around.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : >Immigration: Most Americans want some form of legalization process. Trump\'s "deport 11 million" idea sounds impractical, unnecessary, Did we? Did we have a substantive, robust debate in the media? Did we take the time to talk about the consequences to our working class? Or did the media and politicaln parties and chamber of commerce just sort of assume everyone wants it and rigged it? >and also forgets the human. All quality policies remember the human to some degree and this is generally where Trump falls short. This sounds like shit only liberals say. I don\'t get to break laws because I\'m a human. >Trade: A 35% tariff on foreign imports is so batshit it doesn\'t really deserve much discussion. You could argue that he\'s just throwing numbers around with his "Art of the Deal" nonsense, but really it would be better if he could just take a little time and put something serious together But what\'s wrong with at least renegotiating our trade deals? Have we had a robust debate about them? No, the media just spends their time on non-issues. >Foreign policy: Maybe you can enlighten me, but Donald seems to follow a pattern of shitting on our allies, while cowering in the face of opposition. NATO is terrible, but Russia is alright? Japan and South Korea need to pay up, but we are going to make friendly deals with China. Our allies do need to pay, and we shouldn\'t antagonize Russia. >Fundamentally, you\'ve got to understand that even if his policies were worthwhile, he still hasn\'t been able to get over the temperament threshold. The debates really showed that he just can\'t keep it together, which is why he\'s so far behind. Since he can\'t act presidential for a 90 minute debate, people don\'t really need to look into it deeper than that. More BS. Temperament threshold? No such thing exists. People just made it up to try and disqualify him.', ">>{matthewmccleskey} : Why not add a disc drive to the dock to play Wii U games. You couldn't take them anywhere, but you couldn't take the Wii U anywhere so it wouldn't matter", ">>{Nazck} : What kind of gum are you buying? It's 45c here in Ireland, 65c sometimes.", '>>{Totalwhore} : I actually got in a fight in high school because some ignorant fuck kept calling Obama "Osama". I insulted his intelligence to the point he tried to fight me in class. Too bad nobody liked him so he didn\'t lay a hand on me but I was told not to press his buttons anymore. Edit: sentence structure', ">>{wildwalrusaur} : Next thing your going to tell me that my iPod can't play CDs", '>>{ihatereddit1221} : Ahhhh now THATS the Nintendo I know and hate.', ">>{folieadeuxxmachinam} : the democrats have plenty of blood on their hands. but this blood, this time around, can be found on very specific hands. the right really needs to start owning it's demons.", '>>{leeman27534} : only bad thing about the idea if the games holding the gpu and cpu is that the games are gonna be more expensive. possibly a lot more, considering we also usually have big ass heatsinks and fans and such in with the gpu and cpu, of course, those could possibly be in the game holder, but still.', ">>{UpUpDnDnLRLRBA} : Term limits are a terrible idea. At first it sounds like a good idea, but if you think a little more about it you'd realize that it limits voters ability to re-elect politicians who are doing a good job, creating opportunities for bad ones to take over. It would also ensure that the most experienced people in Washington would be the lobbyists.", '>>{anon0108} : So, given the state of the country, exactly *who* is doing a good job and should be re-elected? None of them. Make it illegal for former office holders to be lobbyists and you solve your 2nd problem.', '>>{JasJ002} : > tell me that the stuff he released about reducing the influence of lobbyists in govt is a BAD idea. You should take a step back and take a closer look at Donald Trumps ties to Citizens United. Not only did he help financially float them, but he hired the President of Citizens United to be his deputy campaign manager. He made hundreds of millions lobbying Congress, he paid an organization to allow his to lobby congress, he hired the people who broke the seal on unlimited financial lobbying to run his campaign.', ">>{folieadeuxxmachinam} : props for honesty. if you want an explanation though... it's not easy. you have to be raised in it i think. the anti semetic, racist right i mean. the Trump true base. nothing makes it go away. it's like this mix of anger liberals are 'talking down' to them, and a wish to be smarter than them. no thread will beat it. no addiction, no story. what story could we tell that would beat theirs? they get to be the heroes, or the martyrs.", '>>{burlyqlady} : That was such a refreshing post, but of course only a handful of Trump supporters defended his policies there.', ">>{BornInATrailer} : > the fact that they are Jewish only furthers the stereotype that Jewish people cannot stop themselves from lying as if it were part of their natural instinct. just look at this election cycle and how badly the media is viewed for being dishonest. who owns these companies? Look at this, good ol' fashion Jew hating conspiracy insanity. Does he post on the_donald? I bet he does! *checks* Yep. And this is a defensive response on a thread about anti-semitic Trump supporters attacking journalists. That's a tight feedback loop.", ">>{The_Art_of_Dying} : Want to talk about how 35% revenge tariffs are a terrible, terrible idea? And does he have many concrete ideas? From what I've heard he just blusters about what he delusionally considers to be America's biggest problems. If you have any in mind, then float them for discussion! Nobody likes a whiner.", '>>{MG87} : How is this a smear when its true that alot of anti-semites support Trump?', ">>{pHbasic} : Well, you can blame him losing on the media or whatever, or you can come to terms with the fact that the majority of America doesn't like your candidate, and try to figure out why Honestly, I'd like for you to try to figure it out because it really sucks having only one legitimate political party. Republicans will continue to lose until they learn", '>>{translunar_injection} : Katie Couric did a good interview on her podcast with a NY Times journalist who has also been subject of anti-Semitic hate speech on Twitter. https://soundcloud.com/katiecouricshow/5-jonathan-weisman-why-i-quit-twitter I found it upsetting to hear some of this. It was such a good reminder of "remember the human".', ">>{thisisATHENS} : >Well, you can blame him losing on the media or whatever, or you can come to terms with the fact that the majority of America doesn't like your candidate, and try to figure out why There are people that will dislike him no matter what. But because the media has been entirely hostile to him and helped create narratives against him, it only adds to it. They've completely covered for Hillary the whole time, she can't even campaign. Rigged. >Honestly, I'd like for you to try to figure it out because it really sucks having only one legitimate political party. Republicans will continue to lose until they learn They'll lose because Democrats will enact amnesty and more refugee programs to bring in people that coincidently vote Democrat 9:1. Rigged system.", ">>{Baylow} : Let's try an analogy, If you were a business owner, would you want complete turnover of your staff every four years? Now imagine that the executive officer (you) also changed every 4-8 years. The problem, lobby influence on Washington, is a big one. Term limits at best do nothing and at worst make the problem worst. Public finding of campaigns I'd a better options that removes the primary leverage point that the lobby organizations have over Congress to begin with.", ">>{anon0108} : Let's add to your analogy. The staff is serving their union's need NOT their customers.", ">>{Baylow} : You're preaching to the choir but your solution doesn't work any better just because the problem is bad. I agree, the lobby power in Washington is bad, but you have to look at root cause to figure out how to solve the problem. The root cause of the power of lobbyist in Washington is the need of politicians to spend large sums of money to get reelected each cycle. So you can A) Kick them out of office each term and force new people to spend large amounts of money to get reelected (most likely garnered from special interest groups). Removing all institutional knowledge, experience, and working norms that allows the government to function even at the minimal level we get today. Or B) remove the need of the politicians to spend large sums of money to get elected. Publicly financing campaigns are banning ALL donations above $100 (or whatever number). Now the lobby groups have no leverage on the public servants and we remove their power without crippling the ability of our government to actually do anything.", ">>{anon0108} : IMO the root cause is the jobs at too profitable for the people who hold them. Term limits and pay cuts will take care of that. Lobbyists? I'd like to see them outlawed.", ">>{UpUpDnDnLRLRBA} : There are plenty of representatives who do a good job IMHO- Sanders, Franken, Rangel, Hoyer, Levin, to name a few. Turning over congress isn't going to fix the gridlock. Should their constituents be denied having their desired representative just because they have been good for too long? Term limits throw out the good politicians with the bad ones. The baby with the bath water. The problem is not that incumbents can run again, it's the advantage they gain because of financing from lobbyists. Fixing campaign financing is the solution, not term limits. And, no, that doesn't solve the 2nd problem- what I'm talking about is institutional knowledge. The lobbyists will know the ins and outs of the government better than anyone in Congress.", '>>{Baylow} : 150k/year is to profitable? Cost of living in DC is pretty high. Maybe a minor pay cut but what would you propose our public servants make?', ">>{Iamsuperimposed} : It covered the firebombing pretty good too. It's political news and belongs here, regardless of how bias the site may be.", ">>{anon0108} : How many millionaires are in Congress? You ams I both know they ain't making $150k Cut the pay and the perks. Lobbyists? That one is more difficult. How do you legally prevent people from buying/selling influence?", ">>{ParanoydAndroid} : >During the second presidential debate [on Oct. 9], Mr. Trump appeared to take special pains to mention the names of Jewish acquaintances, colleagues and advisers to Secretary Clinton,” Pesner said. I watched the second debate but didn't catch this. Are there clips?", ">>{uckTheSaints} : I'm sure anti semites are just jumping to support a Pro-Israel candidate with Jewish children and grandchildren", '>>{anon0108} : No. You\'ve named the representatives you like or agree with. I have no problem with the "good" ones being out of work. The current system has saddled us with too many bad ones and was way too few good ones. And what\'s so hard about the job that makes institutional knowledge so important? Parliamentary procedure has been around for a long time. So has Robert\'s Rules of Order. The crop we\'ve got are not mensa members and the job does not involve running the hadron collider. Read bills, vote on them.', ">>{Baylow} : While I agree with you on principle I think you underestimate the difficulty of pay cuts. The money they typically make during their terms is really coming out of public coffers. Theres an interesting article on that here: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/09/how-did-members-of-congress-get-so-wealthy/379848/ We can make a stronger stance than the STOCK act on insider trading by Congress, but that doesn't do too much. The problem is you have to be rich to even be able to afford to run for office to begin with. Cutting salary only further prevents the non-wealthy from running. So what pay do you cut specifically?", ">>{UpUpDnDnLRLRBA} : Riiiight... The representatives I like or agree with... Like, the ones I would vote for.... Like, the ones their constituents voted for. You're saying they can't keep the representatives they know and trust because some shitty representatives' constituents keep re-electing them. What makes you think those people won't just elect the next shitty politician that the lobbyists choose to back financially?", ">>{kovacskalliszto} : The main argument for reverse racism/sexism/etc. not existing is that the manifestations of these are 'punching up' (i.e. attacking more privileged people).", '>>{DownWithAssad} : You can not deny reality. Most anti-semities online support Trump. This is fact. You may visit their forums and count which support Hillary. The reason these Nazis support Trump is because they think he will protect Christians and Whites from mass "Jew-inspired" immigration and doing "Israel\'s bidding" in the M.E. His empty rhetoric on the debt is another thing that appeals to these anti-usury Nazis. They believe the Jews are trying to destroy the family unit and think Trump will fight these Jewish feminists. Lastly, he is anti-establishment/media and therefore, against the Jewish elite, in their minds.', '>>{Gravybone} : All Trump supporters are either anti-something or very tolerant (of hate).', '>>{anon0108} : I am starting to see that as the problem.', ">>{anon0108} : The fact is, everybody thinks they're guy is ok. We've got a whole capitol building full of guys every one of their constituents thinks is doing a fine job. Yet the problems *still* exist", ">>{pHbasic} : Well, if you were better at it you could rig it in your favor. Y'all are trying hard worth voter suppression efforts. Hating the game doesn't change the score", ">>{Baylow} : Yeah. Simple solutions aren't usually the right answer. As much as we want them to be.", '>>{thisisATHENS} : You consider showing ID suppression. Things are going to get ugly no matter what happens.', ">>{geauxtig3rs} : I mean.....technically..... Shit. We didn't think this through....", '>>{satisfyinghump} : Augh, nice try. I bet its going to turn out to be like that Jewish girl in university who reported that someone had drawn a swastika on her door and in the end it turned out to be her.', ">>{anon0108} : oh, i think cutting pay and term limits are still necessary. but i realize that's only part of the problem. the larger problem is to eliminate bribery by lobbyists", ">>{Baylow} : If it were easy as bribery that would be really easy to solve. That's criminal. Lobby organizations aren't giving directly to politicians for their own personal enrichment, Lobby organizations influence politicians by giving them the money they need to stay in their positions of power. If the politicians didn't need that money they wouldn't need the lobbyist.", '>>{anon0108} : > Lobby organizations influence politicians by giving them the money I understand its not bribery per se, but its the same thing. I give Senator X campaign donations, Senator X votes in a way that benefits me I suppose, reducing the campaign season to 6 weeks would help. And maybe giving away free airtime on public TV for debates.', ">>{ilokit} : Ok. Let's talk about his VP and his strong anti-LGBT positions.", ">>{ilokit} : >They aint known as the Lugenpresse for nothing. Stop misusing German and misspelling one of the only German words you know by forgetting the Umlaute on the u. > Look at the history of their people and their religion. I've read the Torah and it seems fine.", '>>{camillesaens} : Because of racists like you blaming your shortcomings on someone else.', ">>{Baylow} : Totally agree with you there. Hard to limit campaign season without running into first amendment limitations, but the more we cap campaign spending and fund it from a central coffer the more we'll open the political process and remove the effects of big money.", ">>{odoroustobacco} : What tapes? Like the grab her by the pussy tape? People who watched that one weren't doing it because they supported what he was saying, they wanted to see it for themselves.", ">>{kindcannabal} : You're a savage! You have to slow cook I'm a smoker, otherwise it's all fat."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{sburris} : Amazon squashes Trump trolls' attacks on Megyn Kelly book", '>>{shorthairedlonghair} : Good guy Amazon: Puts its Amazon Mechanical Turk to good use.', ">>{OldMutant} : So any bad review of her book is written by a troll, huh? Megan's show is now from the standpoint of a liberal activist. She donated to the Clintons. When she decided to become an activist I started flipping over and watching Dana on Beck's network. If her book as liberal like her show I an not suprised it is getting bad reviews. Sadly those reviews are being scrubbed.", '>>{workflowshmerkflow} : Oh wow, a politically charged book led to politically charged comments. How un-American /s', ">>{TinyHands_DrumpfMan} : Why does amazon even let people review products that they haven't ordered through amazon? Seems like by doing that you could avoid a lot of headache.", ">>{badger0511} : It's pretty damn easy to discern whether someone who wrote a negative review about a book actually read it or not. The same way that it is easy to tell that someone that wrote a one star rating on Brokeback Mountain and just wrote endlessly about how being gay condemns you to hell didn't actually watch the movie. Those types of reviews are just as useful as reviews that give a low rating because they were shipped the wrong color option... absolutely fucking worthless.", ">>{SaltHash} : >So any bad review of her book is written by a troll, huh? Amazon did not state or imply that. >Megan's show is now from the standpoint of a liberal activist. That is your opinion. >She donated to the Clintons. Fox and Donald Trump also donated to the Clintons. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/01/29/fox-is-one-of-the-biggest-donors-to-the-clintons/ http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2016/aug/28/david-plouffe/yes-donald-trump-donated-100000-clinton-foundation/", ">>{BJJLucas} : > Megan's show is now from the standpoint of a liberal activist. ...Jesus Christ...", '>>{shady0041} : Good point. I too feel they should only allow verified purchase reviews.', '>>{RidleyScotch} : how do they know if its a verified purchase? Ive never done a review on amazon, for it to be verified do you do it through like the confirmation email of your purchase?', ">>{Tridamos} : Should be simple to require an account for reviewing and purchasing products. If you've used the account to make a purchase, then you can make a review for it.", '>>{hotpotamu5} : Just a guess, but I bet Amazon keeps some records of purchases made by Amazon customers.', ">>{shady0041} : Yes i think if you click through the purchase email link or will show as verified purchase. I'm not sure. I'm just saying that Amazon should enable only those reviews and disable all other reviews.", ">>{Nydas} : In fact, don't let people review before its even been delivered.", '>>{outlooker707} : Good, liberals are some of the most immature people out there.', ">>{nowandlater} : It's not liberals doing it; it was Trump supporters that hate her for not being blindly loyal to his Highness", ">>{eazolan} : That's crazy. You'd need a computer too keep track of all that."], ['>>{stylishwoman} : Not really useful for an average consumer, but it should hopefully push the prices of other cards down.', ">>{EncryptedGenome} : We're on the cusp on viable 4k gaming, and many high end consumers would be looking to grad this instead of next year's regular model.", ">>{Denziloe} : I seriously hope it doesn't take off, I'd much rather have developers using 4x the GPU power per pixel for advanced effects rather than an imperceptible change in resolution.", ">>{EncryptedGenome} : I think a lot of people sympathise, but as a developer, I'd like to add a perspective. There's only so much work that can be accomplished in a year. Game engines are pieces of work that take decades to put together. If all they do is double the the number of you cores, then double the resolution, it's a good year.", ">>{Whipit} : I just got a Samsung KS8000 (4K HDR TV) and a 1080ti this weekend. And let me tell you, there's nothing imperceptible about the jump from 1080p to 4K. The difference was immediately noticeable.", ">>{c4wrd} : I think he's referring to gaming in 1080p and the noticeable difference when he got a 4K TV and better graphics card.", '>>{ConciselyVerbose} : This is talking about the 1080ti being capable of rendering in 4K (at near max settings) though.', ">>{ConciselyVerbose} : If it's imperceptible to you you need glasses terribly.", ">>{angermanagers} : You're an imperceptible change in resolution. Not all of us live in the past.", ">>{laz414} : Of course you would say it's noticeable . U just spent like 5k$ on it. What kinda person would do that and say it isn't noticeable .", '>>{Whipit} : You\'d literally have to be blind to not be able to notice the jump from 1080p to 4K. Or standing 10m away. For someone to say that 4K is an "imperceptible resolution" they have probably never had a chance to use a 4K display and think their 1080p display "looks fine" And it does look fine, but it can definitely look better.', ">>{Irishpersonage} : I have a 1080 non-TI and I can game at 4k easily. We're there.", ">>{Irishpersonage} : I can hit mid-40's to 50's on Witcher, ultra, without hairworks.", '>>{Denziloe} : And that will cause the game to develop enhanced graphical effects?', ">>{EncryptedGenome} : I'm thinking of getting a razorblade laptop whenever cannonlake i7-8500u / nvidia gtx 1160 arrive. Maybe that will give me something comparable on a laptop."], ['>>{awad190} : tl;dr Game disks and cartridges are not compatible with Nintendo Switch, but nothing is yet confirmed about digital games compatibility.', ">>{PM_ME_YOUR_VAJOYNA} : What? A portable gaming device doesn't have a disc drive? Color me shocked", ">>{retrend} : Also Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, they were all related. This is something totally different. Knowing Nintendo they'll be utterly stingy in porting over the back catalogue.", ">>{seanbrockest} : Lol of course it isn't. Nintendo has made millions selling and reselling the same games.", '>>{MarBelieves} : Duh! You expect me to jam a disc into that cartridge slot!', ">>{twystoffer} : Except your reasoning is flawed. This isn't the next gen in their normal console line, this is the next portable console in line with the 3DS. Even uses very similar carts.", '>>{mathteacher85} : You do realize that most recent Nintendo consoles have been backwards compatible, right? The Wii played GameCube games and the Wii U plays Wii games. The 3ds plays DS games.', ">>{seanbrockest} : And now they've realized they can make more money by not.", ">>{mathteacher85} : Considering Nintendo's past history with offering backwards compatibility, I'm sure they would have made this backwards compatible if they reasonably could. However, considering the big change in hardware architecture (powerPC to ARM) as well as a change in physical media, there's no reasonable way to offer backwards compatibility. The GameCube to Wii to Wii U generations all used the same hardware architecture. Therefore Nintendo offered backwards compatibility (which I used greatly).", ">>{DoughnoTD} : It's sad that people think backwards compatibility is simple to do", ">>{CelestialStork} : They reaaallly couldn't have done it with the 3ds? I hope they don't expect people to buy for both.", ">>{JaredWsSb} : My guess is they'll port over the Wii U and maybe Gamecube/Wii titles that sold well, and drop the rest.", '>>{edbro333} : Meanwhile there is talk the xbox one will support OG xbox games.', '>>{ZoneRangerMC} : The og xbox and xbox one are both based off similar x86 architecture, so that seems plausible.', ">>{KingKrisspyKream} : They are probably going to release digital versions of all the games that aren't on it.", ">>{owenhehe} : That would be the dumbest decision Nintendo ever made. Almost all Nintendo 's games are more of the same thing, Mario, starfox, metroid, etc. But old fans enjoy those games and they are likely to be the early adopters. I still remember buying the original DS at launch and spend the first 6 month play GBA games on it. If there is no back compatibility, whose gonna buy it at launch? To play the 10 launch games? It will be wiiu all over again.", '>>{RobotJiz} : I never understood why these console makers don\'t throw a line out to the better emulator communities? Say "hey guys, you\'re using our IP illegally but we have gone over your coding and it seems pretty good. How about coming to work for us and get this console backwards compatible making this piece of hardware the best it can be?" But then again you would be giving the exact blueprints on the new machine and all its in and outs to the "enemy" or people that have already thumbed their nose to the IP laws to begin with so I can see why they would be hesitant', '>>{RobotJiz} : But they decided to go with cartridges. The cost, and durability of memory has dropped so low that discs seem old news. I kind of like the cartridge. You can add more capabilities to a game like the 3D chip for Star Fox for the SNES.', ">>{RobotJiz} : UMD. Never understood why they didn't use minidisc as the format instead of a completely new format. I still have a minidisc player around here and people don't even know what it is.", ">>{RobotJiz} : I'm a bit razzed that I can't play Super Mario World on my Old 3DS XL. I can play that game on my phone but I gotta buy a whole NEW system with a shit joystick to play a couple of SNES classics? No thanks. I'll pirate out of spite", '>>{mathteacher85} : Don\'t get me wrong, I like the cartridges too. I\'m just pointing out that Nintendo\'s normal stance is to include backwards compatibility when they can reasonably do so. The person I responded to made it sound like "Of course Nintendo didn\'t include backward compatibility!" as if that was their typical behavior.', ">>{Nazck} : Copy protection wasn't it? UMD burners didn't exist, but hI-MD did.", ">>{Nazck} : I always find those VC games too steep, if I could get a NES game for 1, SNES for 2 and N64 for 5. Then I'd likely buy far more than I'd play. Of course I haven't bought anything for the wii u, having lost my wii stuff.", '>>{RobotJiz} : Yeah, the prices are very steep on these consoles. Thats the overpriced amount you pay for proprietary hardware. Sometimes PSN has flash sales to go along with the famous Steam sales, but Steam and Humble have really spoiled me as to what to expect from a digital game sale. I wonder when the NES classics become public domain?', '>>{TheRealPantz} : Most people with older games still have their older systems to play them on.', ">>{TheRealPantz} : I haven't bought a game disc in decades for the PC. It's great. Nothing to lose or scratch.", ">>{ddgamer83} : I just hope it isn't too costly. This is a promising hardware Nintendo has cooked up, if you ignore the handhelds. I might just get this one day, hopefully. The last Nintendo system I've had was the GameBoy Advance SP, and I've had frequent access to my friend's Wii (which he sold sadly), after that I never had reason to go for Nintendo again (in too deep with PS and PC)", ">>{ddgamer83} : Yeah, but like Stan Lee said, in comparison to a boob, he'd rather hold a comic book than just see it be there. The only drawback is the DRM applications of it, they could take away your games anytime. (Unless, of course, it's DRM-Free) And ... well ... if an apocalypse happens ... no internet, which means you can't download them, since they're digital. ;V", '>>{TheRealPantz} : Good point, so if you happen to mod your system, you risk losing your game library. PS: You can have boobs and comics.', ">>{John117HALO} : Holy crap, I just got an epic idea! What if the switch is the last nintendo console? All you need to do is include a gpu and cpu inside the game cart, then you wont need to ever buy a new console! Terrible idea on nintendo's side due to the fact that people won't need to buy another console = Less money for nintendo. Also it would be very hard to implement due to the small size of the cart. It would be the bane of battery life TBH. Still fun to speculate though.", ">>{RobotJiz} : What if the switch is already future proofed by design. Think about it. The tablet that holds all the processing power can be upgraded down the road. Nintendo keeps the software/instruction set the same, but that tablet can get bigger in any direction except thicker. It's pretty good thinking downgrading the res to 720 when it's popped out of the stand(if that's true). With that size your not going to be noticing graphics. If Razer can put an i7 and discrete GPU into its super slim laptop then Nintendo won't have a problem at all.", ">>{suddendev} : Well, Nintendo has been using PowerPC processors and the Switch is supposedly based on a Tegra ARM chip so I'm not surprised.", '>>{CommieStoner} : Well, uh... I suppose if you imagine it like a parking space, that you think, "Gosh, there\'s no way I\'m gonna be able to fit in there." But then you fold in the side-view mirrors and, sure enough, well, look at that.', '>>{Quihatzin} : So why not put an emulator on it and remake all the old games on cartridge. Im sure they still have the source sitting around on some computer.', ">>{xxfay6} : Memory Stick readers did exist, and look how that turned out. Besides, disk protections are pretty strong. The Sega Saturn's disc copy protection hasn't been cracked (the system itself yes, but the drive hasn't), and everything PS3 onwards hasn't seen much in the way of piracy besides the Vita (they asked for it) and DS / 3DS, both of them not through discs.", '>>{mathteacher85} : Using emulation is what they have used for their virtual console games, but to emulate the Wii U would take considerable processor power that this device will most likely lack. They will need a rewrite to run on the new ARM chip natively without emulation.', '>>{whozurdaddy} : theres completely zero reasons to care about this device. Nintendo just went off the rails.', '>>{xxfay6} : Apparently there are already flashcarts available for it, pretty expensive though.', ">>{dedicated2fitness} : not expensive if you're going to someone with a flashcart", ">>{dedicated2fitness} : it's not simple but it's not impossible either. a lot of times people will just bung an emulator and run the old game in that emulator. emulators aren't that hard to write when you have the people who wrote the original compiler still working for you. then all you have to do is recompile the game to use better assets(the designers of which also still work for you)", ">>{Waltermelon} : A great way to listen to music in the late 90's early 2000's is what it is", ">>{ghost_of_stonetear} : >Besides, disk protections are pretty strong. The Sega Saturn's disc copy protection hasn't been cracked (the system itself yes, but the drive hasn't), and everything PS3 onwards hasn't seen much in the way of piracy besides the Vita (they asked for it) and DS / 3DS, both of them not through discs. The drive has been hacked. It's actually really cool! https://youtu.be/jOyfZex7B3E", '>>{RobotJiz} : I still look at those discs and think they still look futuristic.', '>>{pretendingtolisten} : Im probably gonna be a late adopter, i want to see how its games line up fairs before i opt in, but im definitely excited about the fact that the wii u will drop in price a bit soon and ill finally be able to catch up on its exclusivesfor a price i like.', '>>{33wolverine} : With virtual console anything is possible. Honestly just give me pokemon and smash bros and ill be set for life.', ">>{OverQualifried} : Look how long it took. They're OK with that.", '>>{Squircle_MFT} : Does the Switch even have a slot for cartridges or disks?', '>>{SpliTTMark} : Gum packs cost like 2 dollars now. You think a game company is going to sell their stuff for cheaper than gum', '>>{SpliTTMark} : 60-70 years so youll have to wait somewhere in 2045-2055. Unless nintendo renews them like (disney). Have fun waiting', ">>{John117HALO} : Interesting thought. TBH consoles are a major bottleneck to pc, (Holding developers back to the hardware limitations of consoles, when pc can handle it no sweat, i.e map size, gameplay, etc) so therefore, if consoles become upgrade able and are marketed as pcs that are easier to set up and manage (I'm thinking of implementing upgrades with snap on parts that connect to the motherboard via port, or maybe NFC?) developers won't have to hold back their game's full potential due to hardware limitations, of course if your console doesn't have enough firepower, there may be a graphic settings menu like pc games have. We already see Nintendo is leaning towards mobile gaming, and this is great. I am worried about price, but most devices with tegra's in them retail at about 200 - 300 USD, which is WAY less than the scorpio, so thats quite good considering those have windows on them (+100USD) so the switch will be probably the same price as Xbone or PS4.", ">>{Roushfan5} : What does Microsoft or Sony have to gain by making their systems backwards compatible? The capacity of the Wii U to play Wii games didn't help its sales one bit. It is very friendly to the consumer to allow backwards compatibility, but it really doesn't help the company be any more profitable.", ">>{Roushfan5} : Expect the Wii U sold like ass. The ability to play Wii U games on the Switch, natively, might have been a selling point for the many people that liked a few Wii U titles, but not enough to justify the cost of the console. Heck, with this news I won't be buying the new Paper Mario Paint game, which I was considering considering how much I loved Thousand Year Door and the N64 versions.", ">>{matthewmccleskey} : Why not add a disc drive to the dock to play Wii U games. You couldn't take them anywhere, but you couldn't take the Wii U anywhere so it wouldn't matter", ">>{Nazck} : What kind of gum are you buying? It's 45c here in Ireland, 65c sometimes.", ">>{wildwalrusaur} : Next thing your going to tell me that my iPod can't play CDs", '>>{ihatereddit1221} : Ahhhh now THATS the Nintendo I know and hate.', '>>{leeman27534} : only bad thing about the idea if the games holding the gpu and cpu is that the games are gonna be more expensive. possibly a lot more, considering we also usually have big ass heatsinks and fans and such in with the gpu and cpu, of course, those could possibly be in the game holder, but still.'], ['>>{Chucknorris1975} : This site can’t be reached www.jweekly.com refused to connect. Search Google for j weekly article full 78719 trump backers blamed online attacks jewish journalists ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED', ">>{Feshtof} : I don't think the majority of Trump supporters are anti-Semitic, however I am willing to wager the majority of anti-Semites are Trump supporters.", ">>{4non7mou5} : It's like reverse tolerance. You're allowed to be a Trump supporter long as you hate *somebody*.", ">>{2gig} : I don't know if it's still ongoing, but recently major DNS datacenters were hit by DDOS attacks. A lot of big sites were having issues.", '>>{5S5S5SS5} : Holly fuck this sub makes me angry. Can we talk about policies at all? All this sub does now is post Bullshit smearing Trump. So obvious this sub is bought and paid for. When it was Bernie vs Hillary the posts had some substance and the smear campaign shit would have been removed.', ">>{Archlicht} : The majority of Trump supporters are anti-something. Whether it's anti-woman, anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-immigrant, anti-establishment, whatever. Because it's a lot easier to hate everything than propose solutions to anything.", ">>{Archlicht} : > Can we talk about policies at all? I mean we can, but only one candidate even bothered to come up with policy of substance. Come back in four years when the republicans (hopefully) have a candidate who is more experienced in the field of policy and also more reasonable. Trump is just a toddler throwing a tantrum at this point, he couldn't care less about policy.", '>>{NomadFire} : There was a post at the top of this sub that dealt with Trump proposal to put a 35% tax on imports. So when he talks about policies they do appear here. He just prefers to talk about so many other things.', ">>{displacerbeast} : Let's not forget that the sad reality is that a majority of them are simply anti-Democrat.", '>>{Archlicht} : Being a racist is a far cry from being a cannibal, not to mention the former is far more common than the latter.', ">>{celas001} : No no. The atheists tend to be progressive/liberal leaning. So it's those of us voting Clinton who have the most baby eaters. Speaking of, I need to get some stuff for the grill in the morning.", '>>{Milleuros} : The more you like policies, the more you dislike Trump. Trump campaign is about feelings, not about policies. When one of the two major candidates disregard completely every kind of evidence, the campaign is *very* unlikely to revolve around policies.', '>>{Justmadethisaccunt} : Spot on. I honestly could not think of an instance where that was not the case.', ">>{kovacskalliszto} : Can we just pin an article on top titled: 'Trump backers blamed for everything' to stop this spam like: blamed for climate change, bad grades, fatigue, traffic jams etc.", ">>{skrulewi} : > Bernie vs Hillary There's your problem right there. Those two both had well-researched policies of substance and nuance. So naturally, there was good conversation of policy talk. But I would love to have a policy discussion with you. Seriously. You pick, any subject, and we can talk about the policies that separate the candidates on their merits.", ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : Yeah, Hillary should stop going out and criticizing women's looks, saying she won't respect the results of the election, and threatening to jail her political opponent. It's so distracting.", ">>{Classy_Dolphin} : Sure! Let's talk about the breathtaking idiocy he expressed on the topic of the Mosul attack the other day.", '>>{normsteadman} : > He just prefers to talk about so many other things. This article contains zero things Trump said.', ">>{normsteadman} : Frankly, I don't care what Trump backers (or any candidate's backers) are saying on Twitter. Every candidate will attract some lunatics to his/her campaign, but this sub likes to pretend Trump is the only candidate drawing bad people to vote for him.", '>>{BrainOMatic} : If you want reasonable discussion, try /r/NeutralPolitics/ r/politics, on the other hand, is for amassing huge amounts of karma by posting smear articles against Trump, or for generating huge amounts of butthurt in Hillary supporters by triggering them in the comments.', '>>{agaricus-redditicus} : I come here for the Trump stuff. I dont think we need to posit a conspiracy, a huge number of people are simultaneously horrified and fascinated by him and his strongest supporters. Speaking for myself, I almost feel addicted to it - just one more comment thread, maybe it will explain things. Just one more story, maybe it will be the thing that finally makes him go away.', ">>{agaricus-redditicus} : Found the antisemite. It feels so strange to use that word, since I've long been disgusted by Israeli politicians who use it to dodge criticism of their brutal policies, but when someone hints at a lying Jewish media conspiracy.... yep, it's appropriate.", ">>{RedBarrel} : He's not the only one drawing loonies, he just draws the most by a huge margin is all.", '>>{RedBarrel} : Smear articles like descriptions of things he and his supporters say and do?', ">>{American_90} : its a fact. They aint known as the Lugenpresse for nothing. I'll ask this of you. Look at the history of their people and their religion. Kicked out of hundreds of nations throughout history. Why?", ">>{anon0108} : is it really a surprise? sure, there are trump supporters who are rational, thinking people who think he's got some good ideas and then there are the people his campaign deliberately went out and tried to attract. this is them. trump's staff knew they could get the democrat/republican faithful so they went after the extreme right. the folks that believe all brown people are bad. its a really really tiny logical leap to go from all brown people are bad to all people not like me are bad.", ">>{Adbo} : This guy can't be this stupid right? This is a troll bot or something right?", '>>{moxy801} : I guess Trump has given up on the professed love of Israel - as it interferes with the kind of hate mongering most his supporters love.', '>>{ys57} : Is (((anyone))) surprised by this at this point? The inflection in a lot of his fans\' voices when they said the names of Jewish journalists was just as obvious as when they said "Barack HUSSAIN Obama".', '>>{notmikeee} : Let us just file this one under "Duh."', ">>{SkipBittman} : Good job, Jared Kushner. Keep stoking, maybe set up a media outlet - I can't see how this could backfire on you. Pig.", '>>{IcryforBallard} : Eh, you can\'t be a Trump supporter this far into the campaign and think he has good ideas and be a "rational human being".', ">>{IcryforBallard} : Lol, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that Trump is using fascist rhetoric whatsoever. This false equivalency is getting ridiculous.", ">>{anon0108} : tell me that the stuff he released about reducing the influence of lobbyists in govt is a BAD idea. its not. its EXACTLY what govt needs. now that the majority of what he's left with are nut jobs way out on the fringe he's making an extremely last ditch effort to reach out to those who realize a wall can be walked around. too bad he didn't lead with this instead of all the crap we've been subjected to in this election", ">>{IcryforBallard} : Threatened tor the religion too, not even because they've personally upset someone or some other bullshit excuse.", '>>{IcryforBallard} : Trump has been stoking fascist rhetoric and implying obvious ~Jewish conspiracy~ bullshit amongst his supporters. This is a direct reaction to that. But tell me more how this sub is bought and paid for, because I would love to know how I can get my share.', '>>{IcryforBallard} : You ever thought that maybe subs aren\'t "anti trump circlejerks" but instead that Trump is a huge piece of shit fascist that most people that haven\'t bought into the propaganda hate?', '>>{IcryforBallard} : Sure that sounds fan fucking tastic...if it was someone that didn\'t get to become a nominee precisely because of his money, money that he was given to by his father. So when you use context you see that he\'s still full of shit because, similarly to his idea of "closing tax loopholes" after exploiting them for years, just shows what a piece of shit hypocrite he is. But even if he "lead with this stuff" as you say, that wouldn\'t change anything what so ever about the campaign.', '>>{WeldmyJohnson} : most but not all. Remember Republicans are still the more pro-Israel party between the two.', '>>{Danie2009} : How is this not politics? A major party nominee has supporters that are basically attacking everyone not right/white/male. Antisemitism is like their Bread and butter. And you think that isnt politics? /facepalm', ">>{normsteadman} : I don't think the sub is bought and paid for, I just don't think this story is politically interesting.", '>>{YongeArcade} : >"Trump backers blamed for...." That\'s nice, find a disagreeable act and attribute to your enemy since they dislike the person too, *for different reasons*, and then smear the first group. Thats what race baiting and hate mongers do. The democrats have embraced these tactics to win.', ">>{anon0108} : i think all politicians are hypocrites - so the fact that he'd be biting the had that fed him doesn't trouble me at all however - its too little, too late and IMNSHO he showed he was unfit for office when he started talking about undoing the separation of church and state. we've got plenty of historical examples of why that would be a bad idea.", '>>{Danie2009} : Werent some deplorables arrested because they wanted to firebomb a mosque? Crap even your attempt to blame the muslims backfires.:(', ">>{thisisATHENS} : Immigration, trade, foreign policy, infrastructure, etc.... Trump's got better policies but they refuse to just discuss them. The media is carrying Hillary through this as she sits at home and does nothing. It's rigged.", '>>{thabe331} : >Sure that sounds fan fucking tastic...if it was someone that didn\'t get to become a nominee precisely because of his money, money that he was given to by his father. So when you use context you see that he\'s still full of shit because, similarly to his idea of "closing tax loopholes" after exploiting them for years, just shows what a piece of shit hypocrite he is. My biggest issue with his voters has always been that you don\'t give the fox the keys to the hen house.', ">>{kovacskalliszto} : If we use that logic why are Trump's tapes so big of a hit?", '>>{Milleuros} : Sure, he has policies listed on his website. Policies strong enough for him to sometimes deny he holds that view (see for example the "Global warming is a chinese hoax" which he denied having said that, yet it\'s still in his website). But most importantly, his meetings, his talks, his ads, are never about his actual policies, how he plan to achieve some specific goals or nothing. It\'s just about feelings and very, very simplistic ideas without nothing to back them up.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Not true at all. He\'s got a lot of substance, but there\'s been an echo chamber created that ignores it and has mad "OMG HE HAS NO POLICIES" a meme. And the media follows through by only talking about bullshit. The whole thing is fucking rigged.', '>>{pHbasic} : Donald\'s policies have been weighed, measured, and found to be garbage. Immigration: Most Americans want some form of legalization process. Trump\'s "deport 11 million" idea sounds impractical, unnecessary, and also forgets the human. All quality policies remember the human to some degree and this is generally where Trump falls short. Trade: A 35% tariff on foreign imports is so batshit it doesn\'t really deserve much discussion. You could argue that he\'s just throwing numbers around with his "Art of the Deal" nonsense, but really it would be better if he could just take a little time and put something serious together Foreign policy: Maybe you can enlighten me, but Donald seems to follow a pattern of shitting on our allies, while cowering in the face of opposition. NATO is terrible, but Russia is alright? Japan and South Korea need to pay up, but we are going to make friendly deals with China. Fundamentally, you\'ve got to understand that even if his policies were worthwhile, he still hasn\'t been able to get over the temperament threshold. The debates really showed that he just can\'t keep it together, which is why he\'s so far behind. Since he can\'t act presidential for a 90 minute debate, people don\'t really need to look into it deeper than that.', '>>{MrsMI1UCAN2} : I\'ve been seeing these kinds of exchanges more and more in the mainstream, and it\'s alarming. My neighbor caught one the other day that stopped her in her tracks. It was a group chat with a bunch of middle schoolers where one told the other "you smell like a dirty jewboy." The other one\'s response? "Nothing that a shower won\'t fix." She and her husband just about had a fit with her kid that he was even in on that kind of conversation. I think they\'re considering counseling for him because they had absolutely no idea he was in any group of friends where this stuff was floating around.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : >Immigration: Most Americans want some form of legalization process. Trump\'s "deport 11 million" idea sounds impractical, unnecessary, Did we? Did we have a substantive, robust debate in the media? Did we take the time to talk about the consequences to our working class? Or did the media and politicaln parties and chamber of commerce just sort of assume everyone wants it and rigged it? >and also forgets the human. All quality policies remember the human to some degree and this is generally where Trump falls short. This sounds like shit only liberals say. I don\'t get to break laws because I\'m a human. >Trade: A 35% tariff on foreign imports is so batshit it doesn\'t really deserve much discussion. You could argue that he\'s just throwing numbers around with his "Art of the Deal" nonsense, but really it would be better if he could just take a little time and put something serious together But what\'s wrong with at least renegotiating our trade deals? Have we had a robust debate about them? No, the media just spends their time on non-issues. >Foreign policy: Maybe you can enlighten me, but Donald seems to follow a pattern of shitting on our allies, while cowering in the face of opposition. NATO is terrible, but Russia is alright? Japan and South Korea need to pay up, but we are going to make friendly deals with China. Our allies do need to pay, and we shouldn\'t antagonize Russia. >Fundamentally, you\'ve got to understand that even if his policies were worthwhile, he still hasn\'t been able to get over the temperament threshold. The debates really showed that he just can\'t keep it together, which is why he\'s so far behind. Since he can\'t act presidential for a 90 minute debate, people don\'t really need to look into it deeper than that. More BS. Temperament threshold? No such thing exists. People just made it up to try and disqualify him.', '>>{Totalwhore} : I actually got in a fight in high school because some ignorant fuck kept calling Obama "Osama". I insulted his intelligence to the point he tried to fight me in class. Too bad nobody liked him so he didn\'t lay a hand on me but I was told not to press his buttons anymore. Edit: sentence structure', ">>{folieadeuxxmachinam} : the democrats have plenty of blood on their hands. but this blood, this time around, can be found on very specific hands. the right really needs to start owning it's demons.", ">>{UpUpDnDnLRLRBA} : Term limits are a terrible idea. At first it sounds like a good idea, but if you think a little more about it you'd realize that it limits voters ability to re-elect politicians who are doing a good job, creating opportunities for bad ones to take over. It would also ensure that the most experienced people in Washington would be the lobbyists.", '>>{anon0108} : So, given the state of the country, exactly *who* is doing a good job and should be re-elected? None of them. Make it illegal for former office holders to be lobbyists and you solve your 2nd problem.', '>>{JasJ002} : > tell me that the stuff he released about reducing the influence of lobbyists in govt is a BAD idea. You should take a step back and take a closer look at Donald Trumps ties to Citizens United. Not only did he help financially float them, but he hired the President of Citizens United to be his deputy campaign manager. He made hundreds of millions lobbying Congress, he paid an organization to allow his to lobby congress, he hired the people who broke the seal on unlimited financial lobbying to run his campaign.', ">>{folieadeuxxmachinam} : props for honesty. if you want an explanation though... it's not easy. you have to be raised in it i think. the anti semetic, racist right i mean. the Trump true base. nothing makes it go away. it's like this mix of anger liberals are 'talking down' to them, and a wish to be smarter than them. no thread will beat it. no addiction, no story. what story could we tell that would beat theirs? they get to be the heroes, or the martyrs.", '>>{burlyqlady} : That was such a refreshing post, but of course only a handful of Trump supporters defended his policies there.', ">>{BornInATrailer} : > the fact that they are Jewish only furthers the stereotype that Jewish people cannot stop themselves from lying as if it were part of their natural instinct. just look at this election cycle and how badly the media is viewed for being dishonest. who owns these companies? Look at this, good ol' fashion Jew hating conspiracy insanity. Does he post on the_donald? I bet he does! *checks* Yep. And this is a defensive response on a thread about anti-semitic Trump supporters attacking journalists. That's a tight feedback loop.", ">>{The_Art_of_Dying} : Want to talk about how 35% revenge tariffs are a terrible, terrible idea? And does he have many concrete ideas? From what I've heard he just blusters about what he delusionally considers to be America's biggest problems. If you have any in mind, then float them for discussion! Nobody likes a whiner.", '>>{MG87} : How is this a smear when its true that alot of anti-semites support Trump?', ">>{pHbasic} : Well, you can blame him losing on the media or whatever, or you can come to terms with the fact that the majority of America doesn't like your candidate, and try to figure out why Honestly, I'd like for you to try to figure it out because it really sucks having only one legitimate political party. Republicans will continue to lose until they learn", '>>{translunar_injection} : Katie Couric did a good interview on her podcast with a NY Times journalist who has also been subject of anti-Semitic hate speech on Twitter. https://soundcloud.com/katiecouricshow/5-jonathan-weisman-why-i-quit-twitter I found it upsetting to hear some of this. It was such a good reminder of "remember the human".', ">>{thisisATHENS} : >Well, you can blame him losing on the media or whatever, or you can come to terms with the fact that the majority of America doesn't like your candidate, and try to figure out why There are people that will dislike him no matter what. But because the media has been entirely hostile to him and helped create narratives against him, it only adds to it. They've completely covered for Hillary the whole time, she can't even campaign. Rigged. >Honestly, I'd like for you to try to figure it out because it really sucks having only one legitimate political party. Republicans will continue to lose until they learn They'll lose because Democrats will enact amnesty and more refugee programs to bring in people that coincidently vote Democrat 9:1. Rigged system.", ">>{Baylow} : Let's try an analogy, If you were a business owner, would you want complete turnover of your staff every four years? Now imagine that the executive officer (you) also changed every 4-8 years. The problem, lobby influence on Washington, is a big one. Term limits at best do nothing and at worst make the problem worst. Public finding of campaigns I'd a better options that removes the primary leverage point that the lobby organizations have over Congress to begin with.", ">>{anon0108} : Let's add to your analogy. The staff is serving their union's need NOT their customers.", ">>{Baylow} : You're preaching to the choir but your solution doesn't work any better just because the problem is bad. I agree, the lobby power in Washington is bad, but you have to look at root cause to figure out how to solve the problem. The root cause of the power of lobbyist in Washington is the need of politicians to spend large sums of money to get reelected each cycle. So you can A) Kick them out of office each term and force new people to spend large amounts of money to get reelected (most likely garnered from special interest groups). Removing all institutional knowledge, experience, and working norms that allows the government to function even at the minimal level we get today. Or B) remove the need of the politicians to spend large sums of money to get elected. Publicly financing campaigns are banning ALL donations above $100 (or whatever number). Now the lobby groups have no leverage on the public servants and we remove their power without crippling the ability of our government to actually do anything.", ">>{anon0108} : IMO the root cause is the jobs at too profitable for the people who hold them. Term limits and pay cuts will take care of that. Lobbyists? I'd like to see them outlawed.", ">>{UpUpDnDnLRLRBA} : There are plenty of representatives who do a good job IMHO- Sanders, Franken, Rangel, Hoyer, Levin, to name a few. Turning over congress isn't going to fix the gridlock. Should their constituents be denied having their desired representative just because they have been good for too long? Term limits throw out the good politicians with the bad ones. The baby with the bath water. The problem is not that incumbents can run again, it's the advantage they gain because of financing from lobbyists. Fixing campaign financing is the solution, not term limits. And, no, that doesn't solve the 2nd problem- what I'm talking about is institutional knowledge. The lobbyists will know the ins and outs of the government better than anyone in Congress.", '>>{Baylow} : 150k/year is to profitable? Cost of living in DC is pretty high. Maybe a minor pay cut but what would you propose our public servants make?', ">>{Iamsuperimposed} : It covered the firebombing pretty good too. It's political news and belongs here, regardless of how bias the site may be.", ">>{anon0108} : How many millionaires are in Congress? You ams I both know they ain't making $150k Cut the pay and the perks. Lobbyists? That one is more difficult. How do you legally prevent people from buying/selling influence?", ">>{ParanoydAndroid} : >During the second presidential debate [on Oct. 9], Mr. Trump appeared to take special pains to mention the names of Jewish acquaintances, colleagues and advisers to Secretary Clinton,” Pesner said. I watched the second debate but didn't catch this. Are there clips?", ">>{uckTheSaints} : I'm sure anti semites are just jumping to support a Pro-Israel candidate with Jewish children and grandchildren", '>>{anon0108} : No. You\'ve named the representatives you like or agree with. I have no problem with the "good" ones being out of work. The current system has saddled us with too many bad ones and was way too few good ones. And what\'s so hard about the job that makes institutional knowledge so important? Parliamentary procedure has been around for a long time. So has Robert\'s Rules of Order. The crop we\'ve got are not mensa members and the job does not involve running the hadron collider. Read bills, vote on them.', ">>{Baylow} : While I agree with you on principle I think you underestimate the difficulty of pay cuts. The money they typically make during their terms is really coming out of public coffers. Theres an interesting article on that here: http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/09/how-did-members-of-congress-get-so-wealthy/379848/ We can make a stronger stance than the STOCK act on insider trading by Congress, but that doesn't do too much. The problem is you have to be rich to even be able to afford to run for office to begin with. Cutting salary only further prevents the non-wealthy from running. So what pay do you cut specifically?", ">>{UpUpDnDnLRLRBA} : Riiiight... The representatives I like or agree with... Like, the ones I would vote for.... Like, the ones their constituents voted for. You're saying they can't keep the representatives they know and trust because some shitty representatives' constituents keep re-electing them. What makes you think those people won't just elect the next shitty politician that the lobbyists choose to back financially?", ">>{kovacskalliszto} : The main argument for reverse racism/sexism/etc. not existing is that the manifestations of these are 'punching up' (i.e. attacking more privileged people).", '>>{DownWithAssad} : You can not deny reality. Most anti-semities online support Trump. This is fact. You may visit their forums and count which support Hillary. The reason these Nazis support Trump is because they think he will protect Christians and Whites from mass "Jew-inspired" immigration and doing "Israel\'s bidding" in the M.E. His empty rhetoric on the debt is another thing that appeals to these anti-usury Nazis. They believe the Jews are trying to destroy the family unit and think Trump will fight these Jewish feminists. Lastly, he is anti-establishment/media and therefore, against the Jewish elite, in their minds.', '>>{Gravybone} : All Trump supporters are either anti-something or very tolerant (of hate).', '>>{anon0108} : I am starting to see that as the problem.', ">>{anon0108} : The fact is, everybody thinks they're guy is ok. We've got a whole capitol building full of guys every one of their constituents thinks is doing a fine job. Yet the problems *still* exist", ">>{pHbasic} : Well, if you were better at it you could rig it in your favor. Y'all are trying hard worth voter suppression efforts. Hating the game doesn't change the score", ">>{Baylow} : Yeah. Simple solutions aren't usually the right answer. As much as we want them to be.", '>>{thisisATHENS} : You consider showing ID suppression. Things are going to get ugly no matter what happens.', ">>{geauxtig3rs} : I mean.....technically..... Shit. We didn't think this through....", '>>{satisfyinghump} : Augh, nice try. I bet its going to turn out to be like that Jewish girl in university who reported that someone had drawn a swastika on her door and in the end it turned out to be her.', ">>{anon0108} : oh, i think cutting pay and term limits are still necessary. but i realize that's only part of the problem. the larger problem is to eliminate bribery by lobbyists", ">>{Baylow} : If it were easy as bribery that would be really easy to solve. That's criminal. Lobby organizations aren't giving directly to politicians for their own personal enrichment, Lobby organizations influence politicians by giving them the money they need to stay in their positions of power. If the politicians didn't need that money they wouldn't need the lobbyist.", '>>{anon0108} : > Lobby organizations influence politicians by giving them the money I understand its not bribery per se, but its the same thing. I give Senator X campaign donations, Senator X votes in a way that benefits me I suppose, reducing the campaign season to 6 weeks would help. And maybe giving away free airtime on public TV for debates.', ">>{ilokit} : Ok. Let's talk about his VP and his strong anti-LGBT positions.", ">>{ilokit} : >They aint known as the Lugenpresse for nothing. Stop misusing German and misspelling one of the only German words you know by forgetting the Umlaute on the u. > Look at the history of their people and their religion. I've read the Torah and it seems fine.", '>>{camillesaens} : Because of racists like you blaming your shortcomings on someone else.', ">>{Baylow} : Totally agree with you there. Hard to limit campaign season without running into first amendment limitations, but the more we cap campaign spending and fund it from a central coffer the more we'll open the political process and remove the effects of big money.", ">>{odoroustobacco} : What tapes? Like the grab her by the pussy tape? People who watched that one weren't doing it because they supported what he was saying, they wanted to see it for themselves.", ">>{kindcannabal} : You're a savage! You have to slow cook I'm a smoker, otherwise it's all fat."], [">>{12-juin-3049} : That's nice. I can't wait for reddit to show that this actually makes Clinton evil and inhuman", '>>{_Holic_} : So someone with a two year old brain loves Hillary.... This is not something to brag about.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : Hillary clinton has always tried to use children as [messages]( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFI_uckqtVo)', '>>{Seventhsonshoah} : Absolutely vulgar. Children should not be props for political bullshit', '>>{BernieSandersForever} : More mainstream media attempts to make that reptilian idiot look like a human. The kid is clearly about the burst into tears.', '>>{KarmaAndLies} : Also Barbara Boxer\'s granddaughter. You know, the women who claimed she was "scared" at the Nevada convention while being videoed flipping off supporters, taunting them, and blowing sarcastic kisses.', ">>{xspace_ghostx} : You'd have to be a toddler to still be cheering this politrick on.", ">>{untildeath} : Will Charlotte be able to visit her grandma in the slammer? She can take Bill's ticket, he'll have better ~~people~~ things to do.", ">>{untildeath} : Thought this would be the Sandy Hook attack. Just goes to show how awful Hillary is when you don't even know which of the many horrible things she's done is being presented at the moment.", '>>{greenlife2} : Why not? They are better at seeing through BS which is why they universally support Hillary.', '>>{Cupinacup} : Some of the folks here are a little fucked up with how much pure hatred they have for a single person.', ">>{udownvotefacts} : apparently according to all the people on /r/politics Trump hates his new grandchild, since he's hitler and all and the baby is jewish. You wouldn't think he would but hey if the people on r/politics says he is hitler he must be hitler!", '>>{candl2} : When asked Charlotte said "I have no recollection of that but I have always intended to cheer her on."', ">>{ezreading} : Okay Charlotte honey, put your hand on the glass and tell Grandma you love her, that's a good girl. We'll see you next weekend, Mom. Stay safe in there..."]]
classify and reply
['>>{VTFD} : [How is this news?](http://i.imgur.com/38BlfVp.png?1)', '>>{wrybred22} : Putin ally tells Americans: Vote Trump or face nuclear war', '>>{Backflip_Wilson} : and Americans laughed and laughed and laughed.... ah, good times. PS: Needs more, pound shoe on podium!', '>>{bonehowler45} : And then he would go down with her. Traitors stick together. His best bet is to run from her and endorse Trump or Bernie. Edit: It has been shown that she used the server to escape laws. If he ties himself to her he can go down for it to. Bill and Hillery ARE going to jail. Pay to play is a big thing. Even in the good old days.', '>>{Freeedsew} : Gotta pay up, she dropped out in 08 and he makes her SoS and endorses in 16. Obama pays his debts.', '>>{pillowbanter} : Been a while since I heard that name. Anyone up to date with what Alienware has been up to these last ten years?', ">>{muuurikuuuh} : Mostly turned onto a generic gaming computer company with some bright spots such as the Alpha steam machine and graphics amplifier. They're basically Dells gaming division", ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : I'm not sure anyone outside the Kremlin and Trump enjoys the shitfest this campaign has devolved into, but I wanna watch the MAGA people try to explain how this doesn't make them look collectively like Moscow's bitch.", '>>{biggerdonger} : That seems like a dumb idea, but what do I know?', '>>{-Nimitz-} : Building solid laptops with a slight markup and overpriced desktops', ">>{Gauss-Legendre} : Any idea why the alpha isn't able to utilize the gtx 980's that we have seen for laptops? It's odd that it's limited to a 960.", '>>{63425} : that is some top level fear mongering there. LOL', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Top pick for the most sad play of the day!', ">>{Senacharim} : They were bought out by some dumb-ass company who many people wouldn't buy from, and their brand went to shyte from there. Unless that's changed, I wouldn't buy from them.", '>>{BoredPork} : Regular The_Donald contributor telling us to look at other points of view. Pinnacle of irony?', ">>{catpor} : Well of course Obama will endorse the winner of the nomination. He just doesn't know who the nominee is yet.", '>>{bonehowler45} : Why would he do that? Just the stuff I can look up and see myself show her to be a traitor. He would label himself the same with such a move.', ">>{IphtashuFitz} : Can't even be bothered to read the submission guidelines that are clearly posted...", '>>{Pillowsmeller18} : To be fair they did better than their competitor, Voodoo PC. HP practically destroyed Voodoo PC. RIP I havent heard much news about Falcon Northwest. But i think they are still chugging along.', ">>{santac311} : That right. Threaten us into voting for Trump, Russia. That'll work. Can we stop denying that there's a Russian-Trump connection now?", ">>{Cmorebuts} : Why would anybody buy a pre built gaming PC? What's the point", ">>{smithcm14} : Perhaps another reason Republicans hate him is because he is an idiot which they desperately want to be sane, but isn't.", ">>{kushangaza} : For some people, 200 dollars is actually less valuable than two hours of their free time. People have different needs and thus buy different products. I build my own computer, but it's natural that some people prefer prebuilds instead.", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Obama's endorsement won't matter...unless somehow Bernie needs a boost at the DNC. Edit: Clinton is going down...and Trump doesn't need his endorsement.", '>>{code_archeologist} : Uh... Huh... How did that threat work for you all last time? Or have you all forgotten about the Cuban Missile Crisis.', '>>{HonoredPeople} : Putin ally? Trump? Trump tells Americans: Vote Trump or face nuclear war. Yep, that sounds about right. Or, like this better. Putin ally? Assange?', '>>{noxylophone} : I don\'t know any young leftists who are lacking in respect for Russia. All the anti-Russia sentiment is being propounded by old people who still have a straw up their ass about the "Red Menace", and it doesn\'t seem to be a matter of left or right.', ">>{yennenga} : During the interview with Robby Mook today, [he starts lying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoFWqskQNF0) about talking with the Sander's camp at :50 seconds in. AND is promptly called out. It shows an uncanny similarity to Hillary's responses.", ">>{seedless0} : It's much more than 2 hours to source parts, assemble them, and set it up and you know it. I did it and still do. So don't BS me. Also it may surprise you but a lot of people make way more than 100 dollars an hour. And even more people value their free time way higher than that. But I guess this makes you feel superior on the internet so good for you.", '>>{left_right_left} : What does the Mexican American Golf Association have to do with Moscow?', '>>{Zoomwafflez} : True. I\'m in my late 20\'s and no one I know hates Russia. I don\'t agree with a lot of their policies, but hey, they\'re a sovereign nation and honestly they don\'t do anything worse than the USA does so whatever. Plus most of the Russian people i\'ve met have been really nice. When I hear these baby boomer cold war politicians picking fights with Russia I\'m just like "why?" and I\'m pretty freaking far left leaning.', ">>{nuclearpengu1nn} : Some people don't have time to learn the ins and outs of building a gaming PC and/or worry about breaking something.", '>>{Ghosttownhermit} : I would rather die, shaking my cocktail at the incoming bombs, then let Moscow tell me how to vote.', ">>{samual_clemens} : yeah, i mean, just look at huma abedin, she's sitting in jail right now over those theft charges ow8, after the inspector general concluded an investigation of her, and referred it to the justice department, the justice department refused to prosecute no reason given at all, nothing, silence huma was made to pay back the money, and everyone just pretended the system was working fine but they will for sure do something about bill and hillary, the clintons arent nearly as powerful as abedin ...", '>>{Blaz3x86} : Time is money, some people like having more time to play, others would rather spend time with more expensive things', ">>{wheresjim} : You guys don't get it. All anti-Trump rhetoric is anti-Russia, since he's their boy.", ">>{Blaz3x86} : That's 2 hours of assembly. Take the time to figure out what you want, find deals, wait for delivery, put together parts, and then you are responsible for any problems, not to mention that support is not an option. Sure you can spend hours looking through the website, wait for your tower to show up, plug it in, then have a fancy phone number in case of problems. $200 is cheap if it's going to save me that kind of hassle, and give me support.", ">>{bunkabusta01} : Yup you're right. The biggest downside for me when building my computer was that you can't just take your computer back to the retailer when something goes wrong. My rig worked for awhile and then stopped when the PSU suddenly died. That took awhile for me to diagnose as I was new to the whole thing. I've also had an issue with the graphics card crashing for over a year and have yet to figure it out. Rather than diagnosing problems I could have just worked extra and paid more money for a pre-built. I have to admit that I learnt a lot and it was fun putting it all together.", '>>{irishstevenj} : Tucker Carlson has been around for more than a decade. I considered. I dismissed.', '>>{noxylophone} : Same here. Plus, the internet has allowed me to make Russian friends. I see no cause for war with them.', ">>{LEGALIZE-MARINARA} : [I wonder why Putin is so desperate that America to elect a candidate who won't continue Obama's policies, and who wants a trade war with China](http://i.imgur.com/MAN55Kg.png)...", ">>{Brigade_This} : > The left's dangerous rhetoric against Russia is alarming. The Derp is strong with this one.", '>>{bonehowler45} : The internet never forgets. This is not the same rodeo', '>>{reverendcat} : Is that title he official name of he speech? Because this video is over 34 minutes long. Also it has that useless chud Tucker in it. Terrible post. 1 out 1 downvotes.', ">>{ImWithHer30000} : Just like Hillary's main source of donations are coming from foreign donors (Saudi Arabia)... So does that make Hillary's supporters look like Saudi's bitch?... Please don't be biased about your views and just go out and vote.. #ImWithHer", '>>{parafeeble} : Says the account that has only been active for 9 days and has almost exclusively posted here, with r/EnoughTrumpSpam falling in a far-away second.', '>>{Zoophagous} : Tucker Carlson was chased off the air by a comedian. No sir, not wasting away on Jonah from Veep.', ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : This is inaccurate at best. If you're referring to the [Clinton Foundation, that is one inconclusive matter](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/07/fact-checking-donations-clinton-foundation/). If you're referring to the campaign, it's [flatly wrong](https://www.opensecrets.org/pres16/contrib.php?id=N00000019).", '>>{MolestedConservative} : Honestly, it\'s so transparent it\'s creepy. It reminds me of meth addicts in public, high out of their minds. They look, smell and act like wild shit eating animals, but they try to hide in plain sight, "blending in" with polite society. They\'ll take a shit in the middle of a grocery store then nicely ask for someone to hand them the toilet paper and while they\'re wiping, offer up a "sexy toddler" for sale or rent.', '>>{fuckols} : Do you realize how mentally ill you sound? Spent so long in your hugbox that any other opinion sounds alien to you, and you seem to be proud of it.', ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : I don't care about 'steadiness' is the candidate has demonstrated a lack of judgement previously. Do we really need someone to be steady with their bad decisions?", '>>{doughnut_fetish} : Daily t_d poster commenting on the brainpower of others.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA', '>>{captain_jim2} : 35 minute video telling me to spend 15min thinking about something... seems too long.', ">>{Nucky76} : I'm a white, middle aged, gun owning Christian that has grown up in the deep south my whole life. I have been offered that shit sandwich for years but haven't found anything redeeming about it yet.", ">>{Roflllobster} : Washington DC area has a lot of money because its full of incredibly intelligent, super driven people. You go out to a bar and every single person is doing something interesting and specialized. Your tinder dates have high profile jobs and MBAs. Where NYC has a ton of shopping and tourist spots, DC has consulting firms and NGOs. Additionally I don't know what the fuck he is talking about having servants. Are there absolutely rich people there? Yes, like any city. But suggesting that everyone has servants is ridiculous. He is painting the city as some large rich community that hates anyone who isn't themselves which is ridiculous. Also he is advocating against self-driving cars because its going to put people out of jobs. I guess we should just never progress technologically. Its unfortunate that there wasn't really anything of substance in this video. Source: I live in DC.", ">>{Corner10} : Of all the faux news tools, I despise this turd almost as much as Hannity. He's perfected the passive-aggressive smug frat boy douche vibe of privilege and condescension. He loves to trot out milquetoast dems and 4th tier pundits and set them up with gotcha questions. All the while putting on this dismissive, quizzical look of disbelief mixed with superiority and eye rolls. He is why the punchablefaces sub exists. A master of whataboutism. Makes me rage. Geez I need a beer.", '>>{pengins4life} : Democratic President will endorse the Democratic nominee. Also, water is wet apparently. Who knew?!', '>>{Silver_Skeeter} : Part of the job interview for PR folks for the Clinton campaign is determined on how well you do on a polygraph test while reciting blatant lies.', '>>{sergio1776} : bernie can will every state june 7th and will still lose. theres no way for bernie to win this', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : That will be the End of her... Obama can't Pardon her until she has been Convicted!", '>>{CokeRobot} : Hillary Clinton seems to be very keen on pulling big names out to put on a smoke screen show. "I heard you guys like Obama?! Well I used to work for him and I\'ll do what he did and even more! Obama!" "I heard you guys liked how my spouse handled the US economy when he was president?! Well he\'s going to be a close economic advisor and we\'ll have a strong economy that Bill Clinton presided over! Bill Clinton!" She likes to stand in the shadows of predecessors than make her own name herself.', '>>{SpoonyJank} : Yo hilldawg, I heard you like lying to congress, so me and the crew got together and made you this soap on a rope for your rope-a-dope.', ">>{SpoonyJank} : That is actually yet another reason to split off and delay the RICO portion of the case if there is one. So, by the time it goes to trial it won't be pardon-palooza.", ">>{NarrowLightbulb} : Obama should wait till after the convention and I think he will because he's a logical guy and its logical that it's not smart to do it before then. You don't want to further marginalize Bernie supporters or independents from the DNC."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{wrybred22} : Putin ally tells Americans: Vote Trump or face nuclear war', '>>{Backflip_Wilson} : and Americans laughed and laughed and laughed.... ah, good times. PS: Needs more, pound shoe on podium!', ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : I'm not sure anyone outside the Kremlin and Trump enjoys the shitfest this campaign has devolved into, but I wanna watch the MAGA people try to explain how this doesn't make them look collectively like Moscow's bitch.", '>>{63425} : that is some top level fear mongering there. LOL', ">>{santac311} : That right. Threaten us into voting for Trump, Russia. That'll work. Can we stop denying that there's a Russian-Trump connection now?", '>>{code_archeologist} : Uh... Huh... How did that threat work for you all last time? Or have you all forgotten about the Cuban Missile Crisis.', '>>{HonoredPeople} : Putin ally? Trump? Trump tells Americans: Vote Trump or face nuclear war. Yep, that sounds about right. Or, like this better. Putin ally? Assange?', '>>{noxylophone} : I don\'t know any young leftists who are lacking in respect for Russia. All the anti-Russia sentiment is being propounded by old people who still have a straw up their ass about the "Red Menace", and it doesn\'t seem to be a matter of left or right.', '>>{left_right_left} : What does the Mexican American Golf Association have to do with Moscow?', '>>{Zoomwafflez} : True. I\'m in my late 20\'s and no one I know hates Russia. I don\'t agree with a lot of their policies, but hey, they\'re a sovereign nation and honestly they don\'t do anything worse than the USA does so whatever. Plus most of the Russian people i\'ve met have been really nice. When I hear these baby boomer cold war politicians picking fights with Russia I\'m just like "why?" and I\'m pretty freaking far left leaning.', '>>{Ghosttownhermit} : I would rather die, shaking my cocktail at the incoming bombs, then let Moscow tell me how to vote.', ">>{wheresjim} : You guys don't get it. All anti-Trump rhetoric is anti-Russia, since he's their boy.", '>>{noxylophone} : Same here. Plus, the internet has allowed me to make Russian friends. I see no cause for war with them.', ">>{LEGALIZE-MARINARA} : [I wonder why Putin is so desperate that America to elect a candidate who won't continue Obama's policies, and who wants a trade war with China](http://i.imgur.com/MAN55Kg.png)...", ">>{Brigade_This} : > The left's dangerous rhetoric against Russia is alarming. The Derp is strong with this one.", ">>{ImWithHer30000} : Just like Hillary's main source of donations are coming from foreign donors (Saudi Arabia)... So does that make Hillary's supporters look like Saudi's bitch?... Please don't be biased about your views and just go out and vote.. #ImWithHer", ">>{HIGHx1000000NRG} : This is inaccurate at best. If you're referring to the [Clinton Foundation, that is one inconclusive matter](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2016/jul/07/fact-checking-donations-clinton-foundation/). If you're referring to the campaign, it's [flatly wrong](https://www.opensecrets.org/pres16/contrib.php?id=N00000019)."], ['>>{VTFD} : [How is this news?](http://i.imgur.com/38BlfVp.png?1)', '>>{bonehowler45} : And then he would go down with her. Traitors stick together. His best bet is to run from her and endorse Trump or Bernie. Edit: It has been shown that she used the server to escape laws. If he ties himself to her he can go down for it to. Bill and Hillery ARE going to jail. Pay to play is a big thing. Even in the good old days.', '>>{Freeedsew} : Gotta pay up, she dropped out in 08 and he makes her SoS and endorses in 16. Obama pays his debts.', '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Top pick for the most sad play of the day!', ">>{catpor} : Well of course Obama will endorse the winner of the nomination. He just doesn't know who the nominee is yet.", '>>{bonehowler45} : Why would he do that? Just the stuff I can look up and see myself show her to be a traitor. He would label himself the same with such a move.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Obama's endorsement won't matter...unless somehow Bernie needs a boost at the DNC. Edit: Clinton is going down...and Trump doesn't need his endorsement.", ">>{yennenga} : During the interview with Robby Mook today, [he starts lying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoFWqskQNF0) about talking with the Sander's camp at :50 seconds in. AND is promptly called out. It shows an uncanny similarity to Hillary's responses.", ">>{samual_clemens} : yeah, i mean, just look at huma abedin, she's sitting in jail right now over those theft charges ow8, after the inspector general concluded an investigation of her, and referred it to the justice department, the justice department refused to prosecute no reason given at all, nothing, silence huma was made to pay back the money, and everyone just pretended the system was working fine but they will for sure do something about bill and hillary, the clintons arent nearly as powerful as abedin ...", '>>{bonehowler45} : The internet never forgets. This is not the same rodeo', ">>{RoastedWithHoney} : I don't care about 'steadiness' is the candidate has demonstrated a lack of judgement previously. Do we really need someone to be steady with their bad decisions?", '>>{pengins4life} : Democratic President will endorse the Democratic nominee. Also, water is wet apparently. Who knew?!', '>>{Silver_Skeeter} : Part of the job interview for PR folks for the Clinton campaign is determined on how well you do on a polygraph test while reciting blatant lies.', '>>{sergio1776} : bernie can will every state june 7th and will still lose. theres no way for bernie to win this', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : That will be the End of her... Obama can't Pardon her until she has been Convicted!", '>>{CokeRobot} : Hillary Clinton seems to be very keen on pulling big names out to put on a smoke screen show. "I heard you guys like Obama?! Well I used to work for him and I\'ll do what he did and even more! Obama!" "I heard you guys liked how my spouse handled the US economy when he was president?! Well he\'s going to be a close economic advisor and we\'ll have a strong economy that Bill Clinton presided over! Bill Clinton!" She likes to stand in the shadows of predecessors than make her own name herself.', '>>{SpoonyJank} : Yo hilldawg, I heard you like lying to congress, so me and the crew got together and made you this soap on a rope for your rope-a-dope.', ">>{SpoonyJank} : That is actually yet another reason to split off and delay the RICO portion of the case if there is one. So, by the time it goes to trial it won't be pardon-palooza.", ">>{NarrowLightbulb} : Obama should wait till after the convention and I think he will because he's a logical guy and its logical that it's not smart to do it before then. You don't want to further marginalize Bernie supporters or independents from the DNC."], ['>>{BoredPork} : Regular The_Donald contributor telling us to look at other points of view. Pinnacle of irony?', ">>{IphtashuFitz} : Can't even be bothered to read the submission guidelines that are clearly posted...", ">>{smithcm14} : Perhaps another reason Republicans hate him is because he is an idiot which they desperately want to be sane, but isn't.", '>>{irishstevenj} : Tucker Carlson has been around for more than a decade. I considered. I dismissed.', '>>{reverendcat} : Is that title he official name of he speech? Because this video is over 34 minutes long. Also it has that useless chud Tucker in it. Terrible post. 1 out 1 downvotes.', '>>{parafeeble} : Says the account that has only been active for 9 days and has almost exclusively posted here, with r/EnoughTrumpSpam falling in a far-away second.', '>>{Zoophagous} : Tucker Carlson was chased off the air by a comedian. No sir, not wasting away on Jonah from Veep.', '>>{MolestedConservative} : Honestly, it\'s so transparent it\'s creepy. It reminds me of meth addicts in public, high out of their minds. They look, smell and act like wild shit eating animals, but they try to hide in plain sight, "blending in" with polite society. They\'ll take a shit in the middle of a grocery store then nicely ask for someone to hand them the toilet paper and while they\'re wiping, offer up a "sexy toddler" for sale or rent.', '>>{fuckols} : Do you realize how mentally ill you sound? Spent so long in your hugbox that any other opinion sounds alien to you, and you seem to be proud of it.', '>>{doughnut_fetish} : Daily t_d poster commenting on the brainpower of others.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA', '>>{captain_jim2} : 35 minute video telling me to spend 15min thinking about something... seems too long.', ">>{Nucky76} : I'm a white, middle aged, gun owning Christian that has grown up in the deep south my whole life. I have been offered that shit sandwich for years but haven't found anything redeeming about it yet.", ">>{Roflllobster} : Washington DC area has a lot of money because its full of incredibly intelligent, super driven people. You go out to a bar and every single person is doing something interesting and specialized. Your tinder dates have high profile jobs and MBAs. Where NYC has a ton of shopping and tourist spots, DC has consulting firms and NGOs. Additionally I don't know what the fuck he is talking about having servants. Are there absolutely rich people there? Yes, like any city. But suggesting that everyone has servants is ridiculous. He is painting the city as some large rich community that hates anyone who isn't themselves which is ridiculous. Also he is advocating against self-driving cars because its going to put people out of jobs. I guess we should just never progress technologically. Its unfortunate that there wasn't really anything of substance in this video. Source: I live in DC.", ">>{Corner10} : Of all the faux news tools, I despise this turd almost as much as Hannity. He's perfected the passive-aggressive smug frat boy douche vibe of privilege and condescension. He loves to trot out milquetoast dems and 4th tier pundits and set them up with gotcha questions. All the while putting on this dismissive, quizzical look of disbelief mixed with superiority and eye rolls. He is why the punchablefaces sub exists. A master of whataboutism. Makes me rage. Geez I need a beer."], ['>>{pillowbanter} : Been a while since I heard that name. Anyone up to date with what Alienware has been up to these last ten years?', ">>{muuurikuuuh} : Mostly turned onto a generic gaming computer company with some bright spots such as the Alpha steam machine and graphics amplifier. They're basically Dells gaming division", '>>{biggerdonger} : That seems like a dumb idea, but what do I know?', '>>{-Nimitz-} : Building solid laptops with a slight markup and overpriced desktops', ">>{Gauss-Legendre} : Any idea why the alpha isn't able to utilize the gtx 980's that we have seen for laptops? It's odd that it's limited to a 960.", ">>{Senacharim} : They were bought out by some dumb-ass company who many people wouldn't buy from, and their brand went to shyte from there. Unless that's changed, I wouldn't buy from them.", '>>{Pillowsmeller18} : To be fair they did better than their competitor, Voodoo PC. HP practically destroyed Voodoo PC. RIP I havent heard much news about Falcon Northwest. But i think they are still chugging along.', ">>{Cmorebuts} : Why would anybody buy a pre built gaming PC? What's the point", ">>{kushangaza} : For some people, 200 dollars is actually less valuable than two hours of their free time. People have different needs and thus buy different products. I build my own computer, but it's natural that some people prefer prebuilds instead.", ">>{seedless0} : It's much more than 2 hours to source parts, assemble them, and set it up and you know it. I did it and still do. So don't BS me. Also it may surprise you but a lot of people make way more than 100 dollars an hour. And even more people value their free time way higher than that. But I guess this makes you feel superior on the internet so good for you.", ">>{nuclearpengu1nn} : Some people don't have time to learn the ins and outs of building a gaming PC and/or worry about breaking something.", '>>{Blaz3x86} : Time is money, some people like having more time to play, others would rather spend time with more expensive things', ">>{Blaz3x86} : That's 2 hours of assembly. Take the time to figure out what you want, find deals, wait for delivery, put together parts, and then you are responsible for any problems, not to mention that support is not an option. Sure you can spend hours looking through the website, wait for your tower to show up, plug it in, then have a fancy phone number in case of problems. $200 is cheap if it's going to save me that kind of hassle, and give me support.", ">>{bunkabusta01} : Yup you're right. The biggest downside for me when building my computer was that you can't just take your computer back to the retailer when something goes wrong. My rig worked for awhile and then stopped when the PSU suddenly died. That took awhile for me to diagnose as I was new to the whole thing. I've also had an issue with the graphics card crashing for over a year and have yet to figure it out. Rather than diagnosing problems I could have just worked extra and paid more money for a pre-built. I have to admit that I learnt a lot and it was fun putting it all together."]]
classify and reply
['>>{bfwilley} : Convicted Terrorist and Left Wing Activist Icon Accepts Plea Deal; Will be Stripped of Citizenship and Will be Deported', '>>{anon902503} : Bias alert from Fox News. Hilarious lack of self awareness', ">>{metela} : >icon Who the fuck is this broad? I've never heard of her. She's not an icon to me and my leftist sensibilities. Garbage article. /u/bfwilley please explain to me how she's a leftist icon to this specific audience or delete your account.", '>>{notbobby125} : Of course the images are too small to make it possible to actually tell the difference.', ">>{AdSin15} : In what way is this woman a leftist icon? I've never even heard of her. Downvoted for being stupid.", ">>{jettivonaviska} : She was a reporter who was charged with gaining US citizenship under false pretenses. It's a poorly worded article but it's because she's been thought be affiliated with the Popular Front For The Liberation Of Palestine, which is known for its suicide bombers. She's not a left wing political figure in America. Again, this is a terribly written article.", '>>{Infernalism} : Fuck her, then. She deserves worse than deportation.', ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : FOX complaining about media bias is hysterical. That being said, they're right.", '>>{IslamicShibe} : The dominos are falling. Even though fox is reporting it there is sufficient evidence of CBS trying to protect their bought politician', '>>{avEmonsta} : Background activity of **Beam** is unusually high. I have the same issue with Spotify (**it ran for 2hours in the background**)', '>>{kaitlinem} : All speck cases are on sale at Best Buy!', '>>{Ge_Sto} : Top class cases, been using them for years now.', '>>{rytis} : iPhone seems better in bright light, Pixel better in low light. Blah, I use my DLSR for serious photographs.', ">>{ScurrilousSalamander} : Just got home from buying a Speck case from Verizon (i get a 25% discount on accessories if i buy there) and see this. Looks like I'll be returning it and getting one from best buy!", '>>{nayabkl} : Kakaotalk. You must be Korean or have a lot of Korean friends.', '>>{Antnee83} : In the same way that George Soros is a "leftist hero" (I had never heard of him either, until I was told that he was my hero by a Trumper). These people think that their boogiemen are automatically our heros.', '>>{BubuTakeMyDubu} : Do you guys like the clear smooth speck cases or the speck cases with the extra grip ribbing?', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : That doesn't erase the fact that CBS edited the video to totally change Bill's comment.", ">>{AdSin15} : Yeah George Soros is a giant duche too. The only time I defend him is when despicable Right Wingers call him a Nazi cause when he was 13 in Nazi occupied Poland a Polish man took him in and disguised him as his nephew. Ironically that Polish man's job was clearing out the houses of Jews who were sent to the Camps and George Soros often helped him. That really pisses me off. I don't even like the man but any one of us would have done the same to avoid the Nazis.", ">>{Woxat} : Wait, the man saved him just so sorros could help him find jews??? Were they in some sort of sexual relationship? Whats the point of freeing some one and then working with them? I mean he wasn't even free technically.", ">>{gaffeyManzZ} : Have had the black Presidio Grip case and it is awesome! Have dropped my phone twice and it's survived", '>>{ABTechie} : Pot, meet kettle. But, thanks to Fox News for pointing out media bias. Please try to be more self aware in the future.', ">>{psycrow117} : When i tried beam this is always my issue. Don't know if it's the app or what. I stick to antenna, doesn't consume battery like beam. Though beam is great too. If only is doesn't eat up to much battery.", '>>{Crypto-} : Looks normal should last 6-9 hours depending on how much and what your using your phone for.', '>>{The-Respawner} : I actually disagree. The iPhone seems overexposed in many of the photos (especially on the womans skin and sky), while the Pixel have a much higher dynamic range with less overexposion and deeper shadows.', '>>{americanrabbit} : 2016... the year fox became the progressives best friend Edit: ITT fox bashing without actual comment', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : You seem to care about Fox News's bias, as you should. Why not that of CBS?", ">>{lurk_n_throw} : It seems both models have their sybtle pros and cons and the rendering intents seem more the outcome of taste rather than technical differentiation - to call either vastly superior (or even have a strong opinion) is the realm of blind fandom. I would like to see what the performance of both cameras are like in low light without using a tripod. The pixel uses software to stabilise the image versus the iphone's optical image stabilisation. This seems like the sort of thing that would matter for low-light scenarios.", ">>{thebountywarden} : TL;DR, Pixel wins, but the iPhone looks like it'll easily reach top 3 in terms of smartphone camera peerformance.", ">>{masterYodaOG} : Yep I use it for my workplace but I've been trying to move my messaging to iMessage", '>>{xntiger} : Be interesting what the Nokia phone will bring to the table. The old 1020 camera tech with an upgraded processor would be awesome.', '>>{TinyBaron} : Alex Jones needs pizza to hold his attention. # pizzagate', '>>{piyushr21} : I also disagree, I think iPhone looks natural. But low light winner is Pixel.', ">>{AdSin15} : He was hiding, pretending to be NOT Jewish. AFAIK the man was a friend of his family...who were killed by the Nazis, which is why he needed help. And no...he wasn't helping him find Jews. The Gestapo did that. His job was clearing out their houses after the Gestapo took away the Jewish family so non-Jews could move in.", '>>{Winterz17} : If you like speck cases I would also check out tech21 as well.', ">>{BreakfastMelon} : As others have said - the images are a little small to tell much of the overall 'clarity', but the colours and contrast definitely seem to be better on the Pixel's side.", ">>{masterYodaOG} : :( app refresh is turned off for everything too I liked beam cuhs of its design but I'm willing to switch to a more battery efficient app Any recommendations? I've seen narwhal recommended a lot", '>>{p3ngwin} : every photo is different, not a simultaneous "twin shots" scenario at all. so every pic is a different angle, and when people, or animals, are in the shot they fucking move, completely changing the lighting on them from one shot to the next. this is a terrible "comparison".', ">>{CJH_Politics} : Look at the picture of the two horses, I can see a huge difference at thumbnail size. The Pixel wins hands down, it's not even close.", '>>{dskatter} : You rock for letting us know this, OP! I just got a nice shiny jet black 7 Plus, and I wanted a Speck to protect it just like my 6 and 6s had been. Presidio grip case: Ordered!', '>>{Woxat} : > the man was a friend of his family I understand now I thought they were pulling a pedo version of night porter.', '>>{anon902503} : Because this is fucking nothing (as usual) -- they left in all the substance and context of what he said and edited out some word fumbling. The story here isn\'t CBS. It\'s once again Fox News trying to create a false narrative of "everyone is biased, facts don\'t matter, just listen to us"', '>>{masterYodaOG} : Thanks is that your average usage as well? We have the same model phone', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I have to disagree. We simply can\'t afford to elect someone to the presidency who "frequently" has fainting spells, according to her loving husband.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : I wish CBS would admit it. Better than getting caught', ">>{masterYodaOG} : Is there a method to get specific stats? If not I would say I was mostly on 4G LTE yesterday but I'm usually connected to school/home wifi", ">>{bloohens} : Yeah most days I do about that, but I mean as long as you're happy with it, then it doesn't much matter. I notice deleting Facebook does a good job of preserving my battery life. Both because I don't go on my phone as much and because the app sucks.", '>>{avEmonsta} : Yeah Narwhal is the best. I use constantly throughout the day and the background activity at most is 2%.', '>>{dskatter} : Grip all the way. The regular ones are just too slippy-slidey. I had the Candyshell Grip for my 6/6s, and the new Presidio Grips (played with one at Best Buy) are an excellent successor.', ">>{andsoitgoes42} : I actually tried to jump into a spec recently, and I was insanely disappointed. I purchase a Presidio Grip for my 7 Plus. Loved it and ordered another one from Amazon. Well within about 5 days, I noticed serious wearing on the rubber grips, so I messaged support about it, especially considering after i noticed the damage, my situation was confirmed by Amazon reviews. Now I was a bit impatient after I got a form letter back from support that didn't address any real concerns, didn't address the appropriate warranty and just dismissed it saying there's a warranty and you can send it for replacement. Problem is that by the time they replied, my other case that I bought was in use and showing the same damage. I asked for the situation to be escalated because I had 2 cases with me showing the same damage and same wear in days, not even a month. Support (thanks, Paul) wouldn't escalate, dismissed my issues and refused to do anything other than repeat that it could either be replaced through warranty or I could return it. I was never able to get beyond the firewall created by Paul and I ended up returning both cases. The thought of having to go through the warranty to replaces cases on a monthly basis was not one that appealed to me, especially after being truly frustrated by what seems to be their only CS rep. Bought a Caseology Paralax case for $14 and I'm insanely thrilled. It's not nearly as grippy and lovely in the hand, but at a fraction of the price I couldn't even complain. Other cases I bought in that same order were garbage. The Spigen Ultra Hybrid was nothing more than a hard to push button case with nothing special at all, and a very minor camera protection bump. The Ringke Air felt nice (it was super soft and grippy) but there was literally zero protection around the camera, and that's a deal killer for me. I was tempted to buy the Candyshell Grip, but the weird port at the bottom for headphones (they used the same general mold, made the camera slot larger but left the headphone jack) and the shorter, 1 year warranty made me hesitate. Apparently the Candyshell Grip rubber is a better material, but if I had to deal with support again, I don't think I'd have been remotely happy.", ">>{psycrow117} : I'm using antenna. dunno but I'm really comfortable with antenna.. but I really like beam. :(", ">>{anon902503} : lol. The desperation is the most amusing part. Trump knows he can't win on policy, can't win on personality, can't win on philosophy. Does he really think the health issue is going to save him? A 70 year old narcissist, fatass, conman with no medical history? We'd rather have no president than have a Trump.", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I don't want Trump to be president, either. I want a fair media, honest elections and a candidate who cares about the country instead of themselves.", ">>{DALIDB} : Your iPhone won't tell you, you only know by your wireless & cellular usage. And 7h 3min is good for 7 plus and you still have 31%.", '>>{Ge_Sto} : Been using speck cases since the iPhone 3GS and have always held up fine for me, never had to return one or contact customer support about any issues.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{avEmonsta} : Background activity of **Beam** is unusually high. I have the same issue with Spotify (**it ran for 2hours in the background**)', '>>{nayabkl} : Kakaotalk. You must be Korean or have a lot of Korean friends.', ">>{psycrow117} : When i tried beam this is always my issue. Don't know if it's the app or what. I stick to antenna, doesn't consume battery like beam. Though beam is great too. If only is doesn't eat up to much battery.", '>>{Crypto-} : Looks normal should last 6-9 hours depending on how much and what your using your phone for.', ">>{masterYodaOG} : Yep I use it for my workplace but I've been trying to move my messaging to iMessage", ">>{masterYodaOG} : :( app refresh is turned off for everything too I liked beam cuhs of its design but I'm willing to switch to a more battery efficient app Any recommendations? I've seen narwhal recommended a lot", '>>{masterYodaOG} : Thanks is that your average usage as well? We have the same model phone', ">>{masterYodaOG} : Is there a method to get specific stats? If not I would say I was mostly on 4G LTE yesterday but I'm usually connected to school/home wifi", ">>{bloohens} : Yeah most days I do about that, but I mean as long as you're happy with it, then it doesn't much matter. I notice deleting Facebook does a good job of preserving my battery life. Both because I don't go on my phone as much and because the app sucks.", '>>{avEmonsta} : Yeah Narwhal is the best. I use constantly throughout the day and the background activity at most is 2%.', ">>{psycrow117} : I'm using antenna. dunno but I'm really comfortable with antenna.. but I really like beam. :(", ">>{DALIDB} : Your iPhone won't tell you, you only know by your wireless & cellular usage. And 7h 3min is good for 7 plus and you still have 31%."], ['>>{notbobby125} : Of course the images are too small to make it possible to actually tell the difference.', '>>{rytis} : iPhone seems better in bright light, Pixel better in low light. Blah, I use my DLSR for serious photographs.', '>>{The-Respawner} : I actually disagree. The iPhone seems overexposed in many of the photos (especially on the womans skin and sky), while the Pixel have a much higher dynamic range with less overexposion and deeper shadows.', ">>{lurk_n_throw} : It seems both models have their sybtle pros and cons and the rendering intents seem more the outcome of taste rather than technical differentiation - to call either vastly superior (or even have a strong opinion) is the realm of blind fandom. I would like to see what the performance of both cameras are like in low light without using a tripod. The pixel uses software to stabilise the image versus the iphone's optical image stabilisation. This seems like the sort of thing that would matter for low-light scenarios.", ">>{thebountywarden} : TL;DR, Pixel wins, but the iPhone looks like it'll easily reach top 3 in terms of smartphone camera peerformance.", '>>{xntiger} : Be interesting what the Nokia phone will bring to the table. The old 1020 camera tech with an upgraded processor would be awesome.', '>>{piyushr21} : I also disagree, I think iPhone looks natural. But low light winner is Pixel.', ">>{BreakfastMelon} : As others have said - the images are a little small to tell much of the overall 'clarity', but the colours and contrast definitely seem to be better on the Pixel's side.", '>>{p3ngwin} : every photo is different, not a simultaneous "twin shots" scenario at all. so every pic is a different angle, and when people, or animals, are in the shot they fucking move, completely changing the lighting on them from one shot to the next. this is a terrible "comparison".', ">>{CJH_Politics} : Look at the picture of the two horses, I can see a huge difference at thumbnail size. The Pixel wins hands down, it's not even close."], ['>>{anon902503} : Bias alert from Fox News. Hilarious lack of self awareness', ">>{IvankaDrumpf} : FOX complaining about media bias is hysterical. That being said, they're right.", '>>{IslamicShibe} : The dominos are falling. Even though fox is reporting it there is sufficient evidence of CBS trying to protect their bought politician', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : That doesn't erase the fact that CBS edited the video to totally change Bill's comment.", '>>{ABTechie} : Pot, meet kettle. But, thanks to Fox News for pointing out media bias. Please try to be more self aware in the future.', '>>{americanrabbit} : 2016... the year fox became the progressives best friend Edit: ITT fox bashing without actual comment', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : You seem to care about Fox News's bias, as you should. Why not that of CBS?", '>>{anon902503} : Because this is fucking nothing (as usual) -- they left in all the substance and context of what he said and edited out some word fumbling. The story here isn\'t CBS. It\'s once again Fox News trying to create a false narrative of "everyone is biased, facts don\'t matter, just listen to us"', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I have to disagree. We simply can\'t afford to elect someone to the presidency who "frequently" has fainting spells, according to her loving husband.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : I wish CBS would admit it. Better than getting caught', ">>{anon902503} : lol. The desperation is the most amusing part. Trump knows he can't win on policy, can't win on personality, can't win on philosophy. Does he really think the health issue is going to save him? A 70 year old narcissist, fatass, conman with no medical history? We'd rather have no president than have a Trump.", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I don't want Trump to be president, either. I want a fair media, honest elections and a candidate who cares about the country instead of themselves."], ['>>{bfwilley} : Convicted Terrorist and Left Wing Activist Icon Accepts Plea Deal; Will be Stripped of Citizenship and Will be Deported', ">>{metela} : >icon Who the fuck is this broad? I've never heard of her. She's not an icon to me and my leftist sensibilities. Garbage article. /u/bfwilley please explain to me how she's a leftist icon to this specific audience or delete your account.", ">>{AdSin15} : In what way is this woman a leftist icon? I've never even heard of her. Downvoted for being stupid.", ">>{jettivonaviska} : She was a reporter who was charged with gaining US citizenship under false pretenses. It's a poorly worded article but it's because she's been thought be affiliated with the Popular Front For The Liberation Of Palestine, which is known for its suicide bombers. She's not a left wing political figure in America. Again, this is a terribly written article.", '>>{Infernalism} : Fuck her, then. She deserves worse than deportation.', '>>{Antnee83} : In the same way that George Soros is a "leftist hero" (I had never heard of him either, until I was told that he was my hero by a Trumper). These people think that their boogiemen are automatically our heros.', ">>{AdSin15} : Yeah George Soros is a giant duche too. The only time I defend him is when despicable Right Wingers call him a Nazi cause when he was 13 in Nazi occupied Poland a Polish man took him in and disguised him as his nephew. Ironically that Polish man's job was clearing out the houses of Jews who were sent to the Camps and George Soros often helped him. That really pisses me off. I don't even like the man but any one of us would have done the same to avoid the Nazis.", ">>{Woxat} : Wait, the man saved him just so sorros could help him find jews??? Were they in some sort of sexual relationship? Whats the point of freeing some one and then working with them? I mean he wasn't even free technically.", '>>{TinyBaron} : Alex Jones needs pizza to hold his attention. # pizzagate', ">>{AdSin15} : He was hiding, pretending to be NOT Jewish. AFAIK the man was a friend of his family...who were killed by the Nazis, which is why he needed help. And no...he wasn't helping him find Jews. The Gestapo did that. His job was clearing out their houses after the Gestapo took away the Jewish family so non-Jews could move in.", '>>{Woxat} : > the man was a friend of his family I understand now I thought they were pulling a pedo version of night porter.'], ['>>{kaitlinem} : All speck cases are on sale at Best Buy!', '>>{Ge_Sto} : Top class cases, been using them for years now.', ">>{ScurrilousSalamander} : Just got home from buying a Speck case from Verizon (i get a 25% discount on accessories if i buy there) and see this. Looks like I'll be returning it and getting one from best buy!", '>>{BubuTakeMyDubu} : Do you guys like the clear smooth speck cases or the speck cases with the extra grip ribbing?', ">>{gaffeyManzZ} : Have had the black Presidio Grip case and it is awesome! Have dropped my phone twice and it's survived", '>>{Winterz17} : If you like speck cases I would also check out tech21 as well.', '>>{dskatter} : You rock for letting us know this, OP! I just got a nice shiny jet black 7 Plus, and I wanted a Speck to protect it just like my 6 and 6s had been. Presidio grip case: Ordered!', '>>{dskatter} : Grip all the way. The regular ones are just too slippy-slidey. I had the Candyshell Grip for my 6/6s, and the new Presidio Grips (played with one at Best Buy) are an excellent successor.', ">>{andsoitgoes42} : I actually tried to jump into a spec recently, and I was insanely disappointed. I purchase a Presidio Grip for my 7 Plus. Loved it and ordered another one from Amazon. Well within about 5 days, I noticed serious wearing on the rubber grips, so I messaged support about it, especially considering after i noticed the damage, my situation was confirmed by Amazon reviews. Now I was a bit impatient after I got a form letter back from support that didn't address any real concerns, didn't address the appropriate warranty and just dismissed it saying there's a warranty and you can send it for replacement. Problem is that by the time they replied, my other case that I bought was in use and showing the same damage. I asked for the situation to be escalated because I had 2 cases with me showing the same damage and same wear in days, not even a month. Support (thanks, Paul) wouldn't escalate, dismissed my issues and refused to do anything other than repeat that it could either be replaced through warranty or I could return it. I was never able to get beyond the firewall created by Paul and I ended up returning both cases. The thought of having to go through the warranty to replaces cases on a monthly basis was not one that appealed to me, especially after being truly frustrated by what seems to be their only CS rep. Bought a Caseology Paralax case for $14 and I'm insanely thrilled. It's not nearly as grippy and lovely in the hand, but at a fraction of the price I couldn't even complain. Other cases I bought in that same order were garbage. The Spigen Ultra Hybrid was nothing more than a hard to push button case with nothing special at all, and a very minor camera protection bump. The Ringke Air felt nice (it was super soft and grippy) but there was literally zero protection around the camera, and that's a deal killer for me. I was tempted to buy the Candyshell Grip, but the weird port at the bottom for headphones (they used the same general mold, made the camera slot larger but left the headphone jack) and the shorter, 1 year warranty made me hesitate. Apparently the Candyshell Grip rubber is a better material, but if I had to deal with support again, I don't think I'd have been remotely happy.", '>>{Ge_Sto} : Been using speck cases since the iPhone 3GS and have always held up fine for me, never had to return one or contact customer support about any issues.']]
classify and reply
[">>{AlexBestadvisor} : Trump blames chemical attack in Syria on the Obama administration's 'weakness and irresolution'", ">>{10gauge} : Missing: FBI files linking Hillary Clinton to the 'suicide' of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished from the National Archives | Daily Mail Online", ">>{sopht} : He's using the slaughter of children with chemical weapons to attack Obama...", ">>{Backflip_Wilson} : ALMOST like they never existed... *edit, I nearly forgot to use quotes to make a word seem more 'sinister' than it is.", ">>{h3rring} : If they're bringing up Vince Foster, you know they're fucked.", '>>{druuconian} : Quick, somebody inform Assad that Obama is no longer President!', ">>{IczyAlley} : What a courageous and inspiring deflection. I remember all those times Obama complained about Bush for the recession and the Iraq War. It's just a normal thing to do for presidents to never take responsibility for anything.", '>>{retnuh730} : >"FBI agents\' reports of interviews documenting that Hillary **Clinton\'s stinging humiliation of her friend and mentor Vince Foster in front of White House aides triggered his suicide a week later**." Pretty misleading to try and title the submission implying that she had him murdered', '>>{sunnieskye1} : Yeah, buddy!!! oh wait. Daily Mail. About as reliable a source as Weekly World News. BatBoy for President!!!!', '>>{dyzo-blue} : The whole Vince Foster story is what I like most about Clinton. She murdered this guy with her bare hands, just to cover up TravelGate. Personally, I think that is the sort of can-do spirit we need in the White House. She is someone willing to roll up her sleeves and get the job done.', ">>{wavescrashover} : It says that it's possible they were misfiled in the other 3000 boxes. If that happens to be the case, then they haven't vanished.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : They're probably in the same place as Donald Trump's tax forms.", '>>{AlexBestadvisor} : But Russian are defending Assad with all guns they have and using all kind of weapon.', ">>{throwawayswede123} : of course he does. is this normal? Obama probably blamed Bush more or less explicitly, but I believe it's pretty widely agreed that Bush did make some rather big mistakes. Before that- is this normal? I can tell you it's been pretty much normal in Swedish politics for a while at least", '>>{Richafod} : Regardless of what documents are this should be still considered a story. Deleting records is one of the biggest problem with politics today.', ">>{IczyAlley} : If you can find a speech after 2008 where Obama used Bush's name I would love to see it.", '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Vince Foster! Hillarys too sick! The polls are rigged! Throw her in jail! This is what complete losers say when they are completely losing.', '>>{AGB_mods} : What a fucking dishonest piece of shit this fat orange pig is.', '>>{AlexBestadvisor} : Bushes are cut badly near White House - Obama to Michelle 2012)))', '>>{zoidboix} : Yep, Vince Fosters, Confederate Battle Flags, "Crooked" all are things that will 100% make my eyes roll and move on', ">>{throwawayswede123} : what I meant to say is: Obama clearly got dealt a shit hand. I wouldn't blame him for alluding to that fact, although I doubt he ever named Bush as the problem. God damn it only strike me now how completely un-conducive this kind of behaviour is for fostering unity", '>>{USAOne} : The long lasting rumor was she was having an affair with him.', '>>{louiegumba} : what do people do when they get caught cheating through document leaks to get ahead? oh wait thats right, they dont hold a press conference in over 250 days. trump and clinton both suck, and both their supporters are in denial for who they are voting for.', '>>{myellabella} : #Fuck Assad. Fuck Putin. Fuck Trump. Fuck Tillerson. [His Plan to Fight ISIS With Putin Isn’t Just Futile. It’s Dangerous.](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/trumps-plan-to-fight-isis-with-putin-isnt-just-futile-its-dangerous-214743) The only two choices Russia and Assad give the Syrian people is die or flee the country. Putin/Assad intentionally bomb civilian residential, schools, [hospitals](https://news.vice.com/article/bombs-fall-on-aleppos-largest-hospital-as-russia-sends-more-warplanes-to-syria). They also sell [weapons and munitions](https://www.ft.com/content/baad34e4-973c-11e5-9228-87e603d47bdc) to ISIS fighters. Those who flee Syria are part of an intentional humanitarian crisis. [Russia is “weaponizing” refugees as a means to “overwhelm European structures and break European resolve.”](https://origin-www.bloombergview.com/articles/2016-03-24/how-russia-is-weaponizing-migration-to-destabilize-europe) Russian state media has promoted the likelihood of Europe’s imminent collapse in the face of the refugee crisis. [Russia’s national army of trolls fill social media with these stories.](http://www.politico.eu/article/vladimir-putin-war-smoke-and-mirrors-russia-occupation-crimea-ukraine/)\xa0Right-wing extremists in Europe — whose ties to Putin and his ideologues are well-documented and enough of a concern to have warranted an official study by U.S. intelligence agencies — call for the dissolution of Europe.', ">>{AlexBestadvisor} : TRUTH !!! people don't like a truth. But truth it is all we have to fight for.", '>>{myellabella} : There is evidence that [Russia](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/trumps-plan-to-fight-isis-with-putin-isnt-just-futile-its-dangerous-214743) is intentionally\u200b creating this humanitarian crisis. [Russia is “weaponizing” refugees as a means to “overwhelm European structures and break European resolve.”](https://origin-www.bloombergview.com/articles/2016-03-24/how-russia-is-weaponizing-migration-to-destabilize-europe)', ">>{leocusmus} : Poor guy, I'd have killed myself, too.", '>>{hesoshy} : You can be assured any post that involves Hillary will be intentionally misleading. Either she is the greatest super criminal ever, or she is the victim of a 25 year smear campaign.', '>>{GoofyUmbrella} : He would do it indirectly. "The previous administration..."', '>>{ramonycajones} : ... spied on me, is running the deep state to undermine me, and is responsible for chemical attacks on Syrians. Not something that Obama would ever say.', '>>{hesoshy} : You mean the files that proved Foster killed himself and Hillary had no involvement in his death?', '>>{Demon_God_Burny} : Sure, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that bombings have more than quadrupled under this warmongerer.', '>>{altuniverseyou} : No, this is not normal. The US president does not blame a war atrocity committed by a tyrant on his prececessor.', '>>{retnuh730} : My favorite is when the other side paints her as both a conniving shrew but also too dumb and feeble to successfully run a country.', '>>{hesoshy} : Who got caught cheating? The DNC documents have no evidence of any cheating or anything else nefarious, you should read them instead of trusting your AM radio.', '>>{ImInterested} : GOP used 4 dead Americans in Benghazi for political gain. Nothing new here.', '>>{altuniverseyou} : This is different. Trump is blaming a war crime committed by a tyrant on an former American president.', '>>{hesoshy} : NO records have been deleted, a few papers got put in the wrong box a few decades ago.', '>>{ImInterested} : Normal MO for GOP, they used 4 dead Americans in Benghazi for political gain. When Bin Laden was found, George "stop looking for Bin Laden" Bush (don\'t talk about the fact the families were friends) was given credit by GOP.', ">>{FriesWithThat} : Trump will have taken his dying breath without ever having taken responsibility for a single thing. He's just a man of excuses who would have gone absolutely no where without daddy to float him and bail him out. Trump cries more often than a baby, is it time for a change? Depends.", ">>{janiceNaccounting} : Yeah, you can't claim she's Frank Underwood in heels and also claim she is mentally incompetent. You have to pick one smear and stick with it or your motives become very obvious. It was the same thing with Obama. It was clear many right wingers who vehemently attacked him were motivated by racism when they couldn't choose one way to demonize him, and were constantly spreading conflicting conspiracy theories.", '>>{mvs2527} : The timeless classic hit "but but but Obama"', '>>{louiegumba} : uh huh. Obviously the word denial should be in bold in my previous post.', ">>{adidasbdd} : The chairman of the Dnc didn't resign, and become (for the second time) a high level Clinton campaign manager. Nothing to see here folks.", ">>{tacobellcosby} : I'll say it time and time again, this sub is an absolute disgrace. You can't possibly think people don't notice how openly biased it's become, ever since Correct the Record shills took full effect. This is a great article, and meets all guidelines for this pathetic sub's submission requirements. Since they can't remove it, **BURY IT! WE CAN'T LET PEOPLE KNOW WHAT A PSYCHOPATH SHE IS!** That's literally all this sub is anymore, paid shills rubbing eachothers backs. This woman is a murderer and will never be president. This sub needs to be removed, seriously. It's truly a shame.", '>>{Arizona-Willie} : How do you know there ever WERE any files? The files that prove I am Jesus Christ re-incarnated are missing too.', '>>{ButlerianJihadist} : Only the most visited newspaper website in the world. :))', ">>{topest_of_kekz} : Doesn't really say anything about it's quality. Tabloids are usually way more popular and have way less quality journalism."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{AlexBestadvisor} : Trump blames chemical attack in Syria on the Obama administration's 'weakness and irresolution'", ">>{sopht} : He's using the slaughter of children with chemical weapons to attack Obama...", '>>{druuconian} : Quick, somebody inform Assad that Obama is no longer President!', ">>{IczyAlley} : What a courageous and inspiring deflection. I remember all those times Obama complained about Bush for the recession and the Iraq War. It's just a normal thing to do for presidents to never take responsibility for anything.", '>>{AlexBestadvisor} : But Russian are defending Assad with all guns they have and using all kind of weapon.', ">>{throwawayswede123} : of course he does. is this normal? Obama probably blamed Bush more or less explicitly, but I believe it's pretty widely agreed that Bush did make some rather big mistakes. Before that- is this normal? I can tell you it's been pretty much normal in Swedish politics for a while at least", ">>{IczyAlley} : If you can find a speech after 2008 where Obama used Bush's name I would love to see it.", '>>{AGB_mods} : What a fucking dishonest piece of shit this fat orange pig is.', '>>{AlexBestadvisor} : Bushes are cut badly near White House - Obama to Michelle 2012)))', ">>{throwawayswede123} : what I meant to say is: Obama clearly got dealt a shit hand. I wouldn't blame him for alluding to that fact, although I doubt he ever named Bush as the problem. God damn it only strike me now how completely un-conducive this kind of behaviour is for fostering unity", '>>{myellabella} : #Fuck Assad. Fuck Putin. Fuck Trump. Fuck Tillerson. [His Plan to Fight ISIS With Putin Isn’t Just Futile. It’s Dangerous.](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/trumps-plan-to-fight-isis-with-putin-isnt-just-futile-its-dangerous-214743) The only two choices Russia and Assad give the Syrian people is die or flee the country. Putin/Assad intentionally bomb civilian residential, schools, [hospitals](https://news.vice.com/article/bombs-fall-on-aleppos-largest-hospital-as-russia-sends-more-warplanes-to-syria). They also sell [weapons and munitions](https://www.ft.com/content/baad34e4-973c-11e5-9228-87e603d47bdc) to ISIS fighters. Those who flee Syria are part of an intentional humanitarian crisis. [Russia is “weaponizing” refugees as a means to “overwhelm European structures and break European resolve.”](https://origin-www.bloombergview.com/articles/2016-03-24/how-russia-is-weaponizing-migration-to-destabilize-europe) Russian state media has promoted the likelihood of Europe’s imminent collapse in the face of the refugee crisis. [Russia’s national army of trolls fill social media with these stories.](http://www.politico.eu/article/vladimir-putin-war-smoke-and-mirrors-russia-occupation-crimea-ukraine/)\xa0Right-wing extremists in Europe — whose ties to Putin and his ideologues are well-documented and enough of a concern to have warranted an official study by U.S. intelligence agencies — call for the dissolution of Europe.', ">>{AlexBestadvisor} : TRUTH !!! people don't like a truth. But truth it is all we have to fight for.", '>>{myellabella} : There is evidence that [Russia](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/trumps-plan-to-fight-isis-with-putin-isnt-just-futile-its-dangerous-214743) is intentionally\u200b creating this humanitarian crisis. [Russia is “weaponizing” refugees as a means to “overwhelm European structures and break European resolve.”](https://origin-www.bloombergview.com/articles/2016-03-24/how-russia-is-weaponizing-migration-to-destabilize-europe)', '>>{GoofyUmbrella} : He would do it indirectly. "The previous administration..."', '>>{ramonycajones} : ... spied on me, is running the deep state to undermine me, and is responsible for chemical attacks on Syrians. Not something that Obama would ever say.', '>>{Demon_God_Burny} : Sure, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that bombings have more than quadrupled under this warmongerer.', '>>{altuniverseyou} : No, this is not normal. The US president does not blame a war atrocity committed by a tyrant on his prececessor.', '>>{ImInterested} : GOP used 4 dead Americans in Benghazi for political gain. Nothing new here.', '>>{altuniverseyou} : This is different. Trump is blaming a war crime committed by a tyrant on an former American president.', '>>{ImInterested} : Normal MO for GOP, they used 4 dead Americans in Benghazi for political gain. When Bin Laden was found, George "stop looking for Bin Laden" Bush (don\'t talk about the fact the families were friends) was given credit by GOP.', ">>{FriesWithThat} : Trump will have taken his dying breath without ever having taken responsibility for a single thing. He's just a man of excuses who would have gone absolutely no where without daddy to float him and bail him out. Trump cries more often than a baby, is it time for a change? Depends.", '>>{mvs2527} : The timeless classic hit "but but but Obama"'], [">>{10gauge} : Missing: FBI files linking Hillary Clinton to the 'suicide' of White House counsel Vince Foster have vanished from the National Archives | Daily Mail Online", ">>{Backflip_Wilson} : ALMOST like they never existed... *edit, I nearly forgot to use quotes to make a word seem more 'sinister' than it is.", ">>{h3rring} : If they're bringing up Vince Foster, you know they're fucked.", '>>{retnuh730} : >"FBI agents\' reports of interviews documenting that Hillary **Clinton\'s stinging humiliation of her friend and mentor Vince Foster in front of White House aides triggered his suicide a week later**." Pretty misleading to try and title the submission implying that she had him murdered', '>>{sunnieskye1} : Yeah, buddy!!! oh wait. Daily Mail. About as reliable a source as Weekly World News. BatBoy for President!!!!', '>>{dyzo-blue} : The whole Vince Foster story is what I like most about Clinton. She murdered this guy with her bare hands, just to cover up TravelGate. Personally, I think that is the sort of can-do spirit we need in the White House. She is someone willing to roll up her sleeves and get the job done.', ">>{wavescrashover} : It says that it's possible they were misfiled in the other 3000 boxes. If that happens to be the case, then they haven't vanished.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : They're probably in the same place as Donald Trump's tax forms.", '>>{Richafod} : Regardless of what documents are this should be still considered a story. Deleting records is one of the biggest problem with politics today.', '>>{BigFatHairyBalls} : Vince Foster! Hillarys too sick! The polls are rigged! Throw her in jail! This is what complete losers say when they are completely losing.', '>>{zoidboix} : Yep, Vince Fosters, Confederate Battle Flags, "Crooked" all are things that will 100% make my eyes roll and move on', '>>{USAOne} : The long lasting rumor was she was having an affair with him.', '>>{louiegumba} : what do people do when they get caught cheating through document leaks to get ahead? oh wait thats right, they dont hold a press conference in over 250 days. trump and clinton both suck, and both their supporters are in denial for who they are voting for.', ">>{leocusmus} : Poor guy, I'd have killed myself, too.", '>>{hesoshy} : You can be assured any post that involves Hillary will be intentionally misleading. Either she is the greatest super criminal ever, or she is the victim of a 25 year smear campaign.', '>>{hesoshy} : You mean the files that proved Foster killed himself and Hillary had no involvement in his death?', '>>{retnuh730} : My favorite is when the other side paints her as both a conniving shrew but also too dumb and feeble to successfully run a country.', '>>{hesoshy} : Who got caught cheating? The DNC documents have no evidence of any cheating or anything else nefarious, you should read them instead of trusting your AM radio.', '>>{hesoshy} : NO records have been deleted, a few papers got put in the wrong box a few decades ago.', ">>{janiceNaccounting} : Yeah, you can't claim she's Frank Underwood in heels and also claim she is mentally incompetent. You have to pick one smear and stick with it or your motives become very obvious. It was the same thing with Obama. It was clear many right wingers who vehemently attacked him were motivated by racism when they couldn't choose one way to demonize him, and were constantly spreading conflicting conspiracy theories.", '>>{louiegumba} : uh huh. Obviously the word denial should be in bold in my previous post.', ">>{adidasbdd} : The chairman of the Dnc didn't resign, and become (for the second time) a high level Clinton campaign manager. Nothing to see here folks.", ">>{tacobellcosby} : I'll say it time and time again, this sub is an absolute disgrace. You can't possibly think people don't notice how openly biased it's become, ever since Correct the Record shills took full effect. This is a great article, and meets all guidelines for this pathetic sub's submission requirements. Since they can't remove it, **BURY IT! WE CAN'T LET PEOPLE KNOW WHAT A PSYCHOPATH SHE IS!** That's literally all this sub is anymore, paid shills rubbing eachothers backs. This woman is a murderer and will never be president. This sub needs to be removed, seriously. It's truly a shame.", '>>{Arizona-Willie} : How do you know there ever WERE any files? The files that prove I am Jesus Christ re-incarnated are missing too.', '>>{ButlerianJihadist} : Only the most visited newspaper website in the world. :))', ">>{topest_of_kekz} : Doesn't really say anything about it's quality. Tabloids are usually way more popular and have way less quality journalism."]]
classify and reply
[">>{mrafcho001} : Everybody laughed when Ramzan Kadyrov was setting up kid's MMA competitions, but I guess he unleashed those little killers on Europe and now we're on the brink of another WW", ">>{EllaShue} : They aren't meant to. They're (pussy)cat ears, although I did see a fair amount of uterus-and-ovaries signs among the crowd. I would be all in favor of seeing big ol' vulva hats, though. That would be priceless if only for the effect it would have on Mike Pence. ...Come to think of it, though, he has probably never seen a vulva. Pretty sure he is strictly a lights-off, under-the-covers, missionary-position kind of dude. (Aaaand even that thought makes me ill.)", '>>{emr1028} : Michelle Obama: We need an adult in the White House', '>>{imissbarack} : Agreed, Michelle. Can we keep your husband?', '>>{Replevin} : The Killing of Concealed Carry Permit Holder Philando Castile by a MN Police Officer, and the Killing of 5 Dallas Police Officers', '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : Sounds like the cop fucked up by not having him step out of the car and disarming him. Sounds like the guy fucked up by keeping his gun and wallet in the same place. This looks like just a really bad fuck up. Not malicious. Pay the family and address the training.', '>>{ozabelle} : yeah, say 50% of whatever coverage Harambe gets.', ">>{JuliettPapaRomeo} : Great, first it was predictive text, now it's predictive maps... seems like Apple should stick to hardware.", ">>{Rktdebil} : And the Baltic states' borders are disputed now.", ">>{CrushyOfTheSeas} : She won't like the coverage she gets if they give it to her.", '>>{emr1028} : No, but we can take his Secretary of State!', '>>{JASSM-ER} : This map, in addition to the reported concentration camps, makes me very concerned.', '>>{lacronicus} : Does this mean we\'ll stop talking about reproductive rights as a "women\'s" issue? Strictly speaking, a trans man could have a child. Honestly, there\'s probably an interesting conversation in and around that, but this article seems more interested in being confrontational than solving any actual problems.', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : She just figured this out now, after 8 years?', '>>{SenorBrown} : But that would take away votes from Queen Hillary. We must promote Johnson more!', '>>{jamesvdm} : Maps often (and usefully) puts the city/country you searched for in bigger text.', '>>{nodevon} : Uh... how is it more useful for a map to give you no indication of where the place you searched for actually is?', ">>{jamesvdm} : I'm not saying this isn't a bug, just that when you're more zoomed in it does give a better indication of what you searched for.", '>>{camdoodlebop} : not really, if you google a place, you can still see it no matter how far you zoom out for context', ">>{LAMFF} : You're correct Michelle, good thing it's only a few months until we get one.", '>>{ViskerRatio} : Unfortunately, the article credulously believes the account of the lady in the car - many elements of which cannot be corroborated. This is absolutely an issue where an investigation needs to be made into the conduct of the officer. But blindly accepting the account of a biased witness is not the path to understanding what actually occurred.', '>>{dude_pirate_roberts} : We need better technology. In science fiction stories, law enforcement has guns that shoot a spray of anesthetic needles, knocking the target unconscious -- and weapons that shoot a tangle of sticky threads that wrap the arms of the target so the target can\'t shoot, or wrap the legs so the target can\'t run away. Then scared cops could disable the threat *without killing*. To encourage development of such weapons, we need to create a financial incentive. An incredible amount of money is spent on medical devices, because the chances are high that a safe, effective device will be paid for by insurance, almost regardless of price. What if police officer\'s employer\'s had to pay a fine, whenever an officer kills *anyone* regardless of circumstance? Make it a big fine, like $1,000,000. That would create a pile of money to pay for non-lethal weapons. To get the cops to agree, the same fund could pay $1,000,000 to the beneficiaries of any officer killed by a human being (not vehicles! not heart attacks!) on the job. There could even be special disincentive for cross-race killings, e.g. when white officers kill blacks, or black officers kill whites, then the fine is doubled?! "OK, guys, the suspect is black, so the Black Squad will take lead on this" -- to minimize the municipality\'s financial exposure. The $1,000,000 fines would lead police departments to encourage officers to do *anything* to avoid killing people -- which is how it *should* be. Cost-minimizing analysts in the department would figure out that the best strategy would be to equip officers with the needle guns and tangle tossers (tm). How about a fine for cops who pull over people for the crime of driving while black? When no charges are brought against the driver, then the police department has to pay the driver $100 (or $500?). This would have to be applied to drivers of all races, of course. "You just keep thinkin\', Butch; that\'s what you\'re good at." ;) TL;DR: We need big financial penalties whenever cops kill citizens, to encourage safer solutions and to fund better non-lethal technology for subduing and capturing suspects.', '>>{zylai} : But the text should automatically resize when you zoom out', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : Carrying at 4:30 is very common. He did nothing wrong in carrying at that location. His only mistake was informing an officer *while* reaching for his wallet. And that's no reason to shoot a man. These cops have such lenient ROE's its pathetic.", ">>{BrrRva} : Yes she does, anybody running for the highest office in the Nation should have some kind of media coverage. In a perfect world the media would inform the public on all candidates to ensure that the American people are properly voting there conscious. But the 2 party system has always dominated the election season. They look at third party candidates as laughable, and unable to win, why spend news coverage on someone who could threaten the same candidate that you're donating millions of dollars too. Shit, I'm not even a libertarian but I would love to see Gary Johnson in the debates just to see a 3rd party candidate given some air time.", '>>{drackcove} : Not at all. She is a fraud, I would compare her to the lefts version of Trump. Vote for her and she will lead you to a promised land. She can fuck off.', '>>{kurtca} : To be fair most daily wire readers have never seen female genitalia.', ">>{btross} : I think it's only just now that someone with the mentality of an 8th grader is in danger of getting *into* the white house...", '>>{yuhche} : Now, this is a screenshot about how my life got flipped-turned upside down when I went searching in Google Maps http://i.imgur.com/IlIXSEL.jpg', '>>{pman5595} : Unhinged lady wanders away from drum circle, accidentally exposes self to Wi-Fi signal', '>>{NorbertDupner} : I would think the testosterone that a transexual man takes would prevent ovulation.', '>>{Thecalculatorman} : Glad someone brought this up, I was about to write this.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : I would argue that Bill had the maturity of an 8th grader, at least in some respects, but that's ancient history so we won't go there.", ">>{WhyDoges} : [Here is everyone running for president right now. Johnson is getti g coverage because his party did it's job and promoted him well enough to get supporters. There is no green party member in any major government position.](http://www.politics1.com/p2016.htm)", ">>{AmericanFabius} : It's hateful and transphobic to exclude men from women's health issues.", '>>{SirFerrett} : Oops, this update is a few years too early.', ">>{EllaShue} : Well, there [were some people](https://mic.com/articles/166273/how-the-women-s-march-s-genital-based-feminism-isolated-the-transgender-community#.DhigphnbR) who [cared about it](https://transphilosopher.com/2017/01/26/are-pussy-hats-inherently-transphobic/), but I'm now beginning to think that a lot of the most divisive voices on the left are part of a coordinated divide-and-conquer strategy.", '>>{andnowitsfull} : Eric Trump would call you "brave" for not going there.', '>>{Trumpicana} : He wasent legally allowed to own or possess a gun due to being a drug user. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=624.713 "is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined in chapter 152;" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwoKlyiiL4E&feature=youtu.be Sorry but the law is the law. Also Im sure CPS Would love to see this video.', ">>{guitarnoir} : From the article: *at which point Castile informed police officer Yanez that he had a concealed carry permit and was carrying, at which point the officer told Castile not to move, Castile put his hands up, and the officer fired multiple shots that struck and mortally wounded Castile.* A bit different than what I hear the woman in the video say, at 10 seconds in from the start. She seems to be saying that Castile was reaching for his wallet (in his pants?). At 33 seconds, the cop seems to be claiming that he instructed Casile not to reach for anything, but rather to put his hands up (audio is not great). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBgDs4n2Vco I know it's a small point, but the fellow writing the article is a lawyer, and small points matter in something like this.", '>>{polymute} : We need to hear about the dangers of wifi!', '>>{btross} : Heh, that\'s reminiscent of Trump after the debate... "I didn\'t want to hurt Chelsea by mentioning Bill\'s infidelity in the debate, so I\'ll just go on national TV and mention that I wasn\'t going to mention it... Aren\'t I a nice guy?"', '>>{ChaoticGoodEconomics} : From calling transgender women "transgenders" or " \'women\' "(quote marks theirs), to mischaracterizing and strawmanning points they deem unacceptable for whatever reason (bias, because they use \'liberal\' as a slur, too!), it\'s offensive on every level. Why are you posting this here? For kicks? C\'mon, man. You were raised better than that.', ">>{BraveNewTrump} : That way, he can imagine it's a butthole.", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : Oh god, in iraq a guy going for a gun was justification to light him up. Im so tired of the bs ROE talking point', '>>{dread_lobster} : You mean Right. Daily Wire is a right wing site.', '>>{Trumpicana} : It doesnt matter. He was a drug user and that automatically nulls any CCW in MN. He wasent even legally allowed to possess guns in mn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwoKlyiiL4E&feature=youtu.be MY guess is the car smelled like weed as they have zero issue smoking in the car with their daughter in the car.', ">>{suto} : She makes a good point about behavior on the campaign trail. Trump's supporters constantly excuse his shitty past behaviors by saying that he was acting as a businessman, so that doesn't mean he'll continue to be like that as a politician. His campaign is exactly his opportunity to show us that he can be different. All he's done so far is shown us that he can't.", ">>{pamthecowfarmier} : Then call CPS if you have knowledge of a child in danger and you don't report it, you too are guilty of child abuse. It's called failure to protect.....", '>>{EllaShue} : Yeah, consider the source. Dailywire skews pretty far right, and picking out the few people who thought pink cat-ear knit hats were transphobic is a divisive tactic, not a genuine opening for frank discussions about intersectionality.', ">>{EllaShue} : Not all transgender people take hormones, and there have been cases of trans men becoming pregnant and giving birth. It's rare, but it happens.", ">>{tedsmitts} : You can stop taking testosterone for a while, I have a FtM friend who got pregnant and had a baby. It's a little... odd, I admit, but it's also not really any of my business and he's a good dad, if a little preachy about bike lanes.", ">>{dread_lobster} : Because he's a one day old account trying to distract from the train wreck that is the Trump Presidency.", ">>{boones_farmer} : Nah, doggy style. Easier to pretend she's a man and maintain his erection long enough to get through the ordeal.", '>>{sftbert} : Why- She has Zero qualifications for the office. At least Johnson and Weld were both Governors before and are actually qualified for the job. Her only qualifications are running for office and losing and being on the town council of a town with 30k people. Wow.', '>>{AncestralSpirit} : Can I get some links? Would love to read more on that pathetic attempt to appear almighty.', ">>{lacronicus} : It's funny, because right-wing sites making up trash to get the left to turn on itself while letting the right continue to believe the left doesn't have its shit together is *exactly* why trump won. It's just that most people don't see it for what it is.", '>>{EllaShue} : I hate the "this is why Trump won" statement a little because there\'s a whole lot of investigation going on into *Russian interference* having a lot to do with why Trump won. At the same time, I think what you said is important because there are disinformation campaigns targeted at the left as well, and the divide-and-conquer strategy works beautifully with identity politics -- especially among a group of voters who tend to be allergic to insufficiently ideologically pure allies. We need to be aware of just how much political power the left relinquishes when it turns on itself.', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : What shit tier unit were you in? Because many of us had very strict ROE's and for a very good reason. We were there to occupy and bring a new government online. That couldn't be done if we just went around 'lighting people up.' Were you in some shitbird infested platoon that fucked up progress for the rest of us?", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : [Lets look at the ROE card](http://warchronicle.com/DefendOurMarinesExclusive/Trial_of_SSgt_Wuterich/Graphics/ROE_CARD.jpg) Oh look, people trying to shoot you is a justified reason to use force', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : > a) Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next higher commander for decision. Apparently you were never taught the finer points of Positive Identification. Because a guy carrying a weapon, or even reaching for one, was not proof of a legitimate military target. Merely having or reaching for a firearm did not pose an immediate threat that allowed for self-defense, or defense of another. If I shot an Iraqi every time one of them reached for a firearm when I was searching a home or car, it would have been an utter bloodbath. The existence of a weapon was a reason to raise your level of response. Requiring PID didn't leave us defenseless. But merely reaching, or having a weapon on you was not enough to pull a trigger. The muzzle had to be coming up to you, and you had to have a reasonable belief that the target was about to engage you.", '>>{Slimerbacca} : She deserves media coverage (while writing an article about her)', ">>{AmericanFabius} : So you're saying he's gay but somehow manages to choose to live life as a heterosexual? Don't you think that sort of solution could help alt of people?", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : [Heres an example of PID being needed.](https://youtu.be/jabjgY6B2nM) Having a dude pull a gun on you is an act of hostility and falls under the use of lethal force section', '>>{herbzilla} : Dude, you are not in Iraq. Not trying to be condescending but maybe this kind of thinking is part of the problem. Or is America an active warzone?', '>>{sundialinshade} : They are active in local elections: As of July 2016, there were over 100 elected Greens across the United States. Positions held varied greatly, from mayor to city council, school board to sanitation district. Twenty-three states had Greens elected at the municipal level, representing every region of the country except for East South Central. Greens held mayorships in California and New York, and positions on city, neighborhood, or common councils in the West, South, Midwest, and Northeast. Major cities with a Green presence were spread throughout the country and included Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Oklahoma City, and Washington, DC.', '>>{Samseaster} : Dammit, did I fall for fake news? Sigh. Thanks for letting me know.', ">>{sockmahbawls} : It's Russia still paying you to type this up or is it just a leisure hobby now?", ">>{Drathrul} : Omg everyone talking about WiFi didn't bother to look into this shit at all. They were talking about cell/4g signal which does have research showing it may be harmful to kids brain development and there are age restrictions in some major countries as a result. https://www.thestar.com/business/2008/05/31/listening_to_cellphone_warnings.html", ">>{FookYu315} : What a garbage article. So a trans woman who doesn't have a vulva feels left out. I can see that happening. It's not all that shocking. My personal opinion is it's a misguided sentiment. For a number of reasons. But that's perfectly fine because people are allowed to interpret things their own way.", '>>{beer_down} : [THERE ARE DOZENS OF US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKie-vgUGdI)', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : If someone points the muzzle of a firearm at you, then lethal force is applied. If someone pulls a gun from their waistband, or an AK out of their back seat and hasn't pointed it in your direction, you escalate your response and use of force, but you aren't to a point where lethal force is allowable. Remember this is all about how he was supposedly pulling a gun out of his waistband. With the ROE's we were given, it is not allowed to shoot a target just because they have a firearm. Even if he pulled a gun from his waistband, so long as he didn't point it at the officer, he wouldn't have been allowed to use lethal force under our ROE's in Iraq. Hence, our ROE's from Iraq, are more restrictive than what law enforcement officers in the states use. Because apparently just the 'belief' that someone is going for a gun, is a reason to shoot them four times.", '>>{LeftousCrusader} : For a minute I thought we were going to have more good news articles on the front page than Clinton. One single article is all it would take!', '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : Dumbed down is the shout show shoot. If peacekeepers are arresting a guy and he pulls a gun out, you shoot him', '>>{Samseaster} : Thank you, I honestly suck at differentiating between fake and nonfake news.', '>>{PresidentChaos} : Jill Stein is a kooky kook, so be careful what you wish for.', '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : More Americans died in Chicago than iraq. So you tell me', '>>{Dlpcoc} : Are you out of your fuckin\' mind? "He\'s black, Black Squad take the lead" I\'m almost convinced this is a troll post in disguise.', '>>{lamabaronvonawesome} : Some people die in car crashes. Cars are offensive. What people fail to realize is that it is not MY job to deal with MY personal problems. The world needs to change to accommodate my pain and suffering. One can carpet the world or one can get shoes. I want the world carpeted.', ">>{dude_pirate_roberts} : I don't understand your astonishment. A big concern about police violence is whether it's racial, e.g. white cops killing black men because the cops are racist. It seems like that perception would be ameliorated if those confronting perpetrators who may be shot dead, are of the same race as the perpetrator. Is that crazy? Let's agree that there are racists in the police force, like there are racists in any agglomeration of 900,000 people in the good ol' US of A. If it helps, let's say that the racists are white *and black*, and that they are a *tiny minority* of a great and noble profession! If there are ANY racist cops *itching* for an opportunity to kill members of the race they hate (you know there are at least *some* like that) -- then racism-motivated murders by cops could be prevented by sending in same-race police officers, in those few occasions where the force has an *opportunity* to make such a decision. IMO.", '>>{EllaShue} : What, precisely, concerns you about this article? Are you a woman who feels her biological reality is being erased by the spreading definition of the word "woman?" Are you a trans woman offended by pink hats? Maybe a trans man who feels uncomfortable about reproductive access and other issues that still affect his body and is realizing that you can\'t identify out of oppression? Do tell.', ">>{WhyDoges} : That's not a strong enough base to win the presidency with.", ">>{Samseaster} : Nope, I didn't realize this was fake news. My bad.", '>>{TheTaoOfBill} : Careful what you wish for... people might start seeing that Jill Stein is a conspiracy minded whackjob who has never had a single leadership position. https://www.rawstory.com/2016/08/jill-stein-says-its-dangerous-to-expose-kids-to-wifi-signals/ She thinks wifi signals are poisoning our childrens brains.', '>>{20WPM} : Two presidential “candidates” have not received 2 million dollars in political contributions _combined_: GJ and JS. Sanders was a serious, popular candidate who raised $228,556,686.00.', ">>{mpark6288} : There are hundreds of people running for President, none with any chance whatsoever. The only possible sane measure of who to spend time on is polling. That's why Johnson is getting attention; and that's why Stein isn't.", '>>{sundialinshade} : > There is no green party member in any government position. Just sharing the fact that there are indeed green party members in government.', ">>{lamabaronvonawesome} : Actually as a man I want you to stop talking about babies. I can't have one and every time you mention it, it hurts me.", '>>{druuconian} : But comrade, he makes number one best USA point', ">>{Zartrand} : I'm not sure why you got down voted for this? I guess if you don't agree with the masses in this sub you get down voted. Good point that people should consider if they think she's as crazy as they deem her.", ">>{frowningcat} : She won't like all the media coverage when people start asking her about homeopathic medicine, wifi signals, and healing crystals", ">>{lacronicus} : If an article tells you how to feel about the facts it presents, it's not news. >Yes, for liberals, the silliness never ends. If you celebrate womanhood, you leave out ... those who aren't women but wish to be but can't be because they don't have ovaries but they wish they did so isn't that good enough to make them honorary women?", '>>{BatmansParentsAreDed} : Concern about fiction and harmless things is called paranoia actually.', ">>{druuconian} : > So you're saying he's gay but somehow manages to choose to live life as a heterosexual? No way, it would be *utterly impossible* for a rabidly anti-gay social conservative to live a deeply closeted existence. It has literally never happened.", '>>{armchairadmin} : You think living in the past helped people? It seems the only people doing that anymore are conservative Republicans, who ironically, attack gay LGBTQ rights every chance they get.', '>>{AmericanFabius} : So your saying a homosexual could choose to live straight if they wanted to?', '>>{EllaShue} : It\'s not exactly fake news. It\'s distorted news, though, or more accurately non-news. It isn\'t newsworthy when someone doesn\'t agree with someone else\'s free speech, assuming that free speech isn\'t hateful or vicious. There were a few people who were upset at the anatomy-centric nature of some signs and shirts at the women\'s march, but that\'s like saying there were a few people upset at Bart Simpson saying "eat my shorts" because it\'s disrespectful to his parents and therefore against one of the Ten Commandments.', '>>{armchairadmin} : They had to for centuries, because governments would oppress them. Why do you think so many joined the clergy? Because nobody questions their choice of celibacy. That choice, versus being murdered by the local population/state means you get to live. Edit: to clarify, I don\'t mean they "chose to be straight". I mean they "chose" to be "in the closet". Take a look at how the British treated Alan Turing for a great example of a "Free western country" treating it\'s citizens who did absolutely nothing wrong.', '>>{dammitpea} : [Thomas Beatie] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Beatie) gave birth to all three of his children years after his reassignment surgery.', '>>{lacronicus} : About as easily as a straight person could choose to live as a homosexual. Possible, not even unheard of, but probably unhealthy, and certainly not something that anyone else should be allowed to force on them.', '>>{wil_daven_} : You realize the hats are modeled to resemble cat ears, right?', '>>{druuconian} : I certainly concede that gay people have lived closeted existences, sure.', '>>{1TipsyCoachman} : Yes! Anything that seeks to divide us has to be looked at with extreme suspicion and investigated throughly.', '>>{EllaShue} : I\'d prefer to say that we should look at what unites us rather than what divides us. There\'s room for an honest and frank discussion about what "woman" means and who belongs in which changing rooms, shelters, and prisons when we don\'t have traitors in the WH.', '>>{armchairadmin} : Yes, it\'s a "choice" for a homosexual to live in the closet as a heterosexual. Until the last decade or two, homosexuals who were openly homosexual would likely be killed in most parts of the world. In the US< they would be beaten, harassed and have their civil rights attacked on a regular basis. In the UK, they would be chemically castrated, like they chose to do to a national hero, Alan Turing, because it was *actually illegal to be homosexual*. I\'m not sure what\'s so hard to understand having to hide who you are because it happens to be illegal. Do you also realize that many whtie communities had "sunset laws" after the Civil War that didn\'t allow non-whites to be seen in town after sunset? Why did those non-whites choose to be non-white? Why couldn\'t they just be white?', '>>{AmericanFabius} : Could those non-whites choose to be a white person?', '>>{ChickenFriedTrump} : Trying really hard tonight to resist those cock sucking urges op? Wife outta town?', '>>{armchairadmin} : The same way a homosexual could "choose" to be a heterosexual. Believe it or not, there is actually a history of black people passing as whites. Even women passing as men in order to overcome gender-based career barriers. Strange how people try to get around the problems created by other shitty, narrow minded slime.', '>>{stealthmodeengaged04} : Am trans woman, am not offended by pussy hats. Fuck off.', '>>{drvondoctor} : These days I believe it\'s called a "boy pussy"', ">>{boones_farmer} : Denying who they are so that they can appease a fucked up set of morals? No I don't think that helps anyone.", ">>{BatmansParentsAreDed} : See, if you're serious, I'm actually surprised to see things go this route because I'm actually on your side here if you're serious. If you're just trolling, using the issues facing trans men to do that is pretty callous. But, regardless, your source here is garbage. Post people talking about that actual issue and I'd upvote.", '>>{URworstWHITEmare} : LGBTQ humans identity is sex; what difference does this make.', ">>{fapsandnaps} : No, you're more than likely a Russian plant; using the same username formatting as the rest. AmericanPlace_AmericanName", ">>{FemmeEtrange} : Trans woman here, This is **not** a representative belief of trans women - it's been covered plenty of times in trans forums and very few care at all. Trans people have have far far more serious things to worry about than 'pussy hats' and generally were **very** supportive of the marches earlier in the year. Search on /r/asktransgender if you think otherwise", ">>{Marsmar-LordofMars} : When a bunch of SJWs make a big stink out of nothing, tell them to sit down and shut up because there's much more pressing matters to concern yourself with. There. Solved this issue and every issue like it. Now focus on what's important like the fact that every higher up in the GOP seems to have a hand in committing treason.", ">>{obviouslyabadadvice} : Fake news. They aren't snow flakes like right winger males feeling threatened by two guys getting married or video game not including extremely white shade in its character customization. Give the dailywire a soft tissue to wipe their tears."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{emr1028} : Michelle Obama: We need an adult in the White House', '>>{imissbarack} : Agreed, Michelle. Can we keep your husband?', '>>{emr1028} : No, but we can take his Secretary of State!', '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : She just figured this out now, after 8 years?', ">>{LAMFF} : You're correct Michelle, good thing it's only a few months until we get one.", ">>{btross} : I think it's only just now that someone with the mentality of an 8th grader is in danger of getting *into* the white house...", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : I would argue that Bill had the maturity of an 8th grader, at least in some respects, but that's ancient history so we won't go there.", '>>{andnowitsfull} : Eric Trump would call you "brave" for not going there.', '>>{btross} : Heh, that\'s reminiscent of Trump after the debate... "I didn\'t want to hurt Chelsea by mentioning Bill\'s infidelity in the debate, so I\'ll just go on national TV and mention that I wasn\'t going to mention it... Aren\'t I a nice guy?"', ">>{suto} : She makes a good point about behavior on the campaign trail. Trump's supporters constantly excuse his shitty past behaviors by saying that he was acting as a businessman, so that doesn't mean he'll continue to be like that as a politician. His campaign is exactly his opportunity to show us that he can be different. All he's done so far is shown us that he can't."], [">>{mrafcho001} : Everybody laughed when Ramzan Kadyrov was setting up kid's MMA competitions, but I guess he unleashed those little killers on Europe and now we're on the brink of another WW", ">>{JuliettPapaRomeo} : Great, first it was predictive text, now it's predictive maps... seems like Apple should stick to hardware.", ">>{Rktdebil} : And the Baltic states' borders are disputed now.", '>>{JASSM-ER} : This map, in addition to the reported concentration camps, makes me very concerned.', '>>{jamesvdm} : Maps often (and usefully) puts the city/country you searched for in bigger text.', '>>{nodevon} : Uh... how is it more useful for a map to give you no indication of where the place you searched for actually is?', ">>{jamesvdm} : I'm not saying this isn't a bug, just that when you're more zoomed in it does give a better indication of what you searched for.", '>>{camdoodlebop} : not really, if you google a place, you can still see it no matter how far you zoom out for context', '>>{zylai} : But the text should automatically resize when you zoom out', '>>{yuhche} : Now, this is a screenshot about how my life got flipped-turned upside down when I went searching in Google Maps http://i.imgur.com/IlIXSEL.jpg', '>>{SirFerrett} : Oops, this update is a few years too early.', '>>{AncestralSpirit} : Can I get some links? Would love to read more on that pathetic attempt to appear almighty.'], ['>>{ozabelle} : yeah, say 50% of whatever coverage Harambe gets.', ">>{CrushyOfTheSeas} : She won't like the coverage she gets if they give it to her.", '>>{SenorBrown} : But that would take away votes from Queen Hillary. We must promote Johnson more!', ">>{BrrRva} : Yes she does, anybody running for the highest office in the Nation should have some kind of media coverage. In a perfect world the media would inform the public on all candidates to ensure that the American people are properly voting there conscious. But the 2 party system has always dominated the election season. They look at third party candidates as laughable, and unable to win, why spend news coverage on someone who could threaten the same candidate that you're donating millions of dollars too. Shit, I'm not even a libertarian but I would love to see Gary Johnson in the debates just to see a 3rd party candidate given some air time.", '>>{drackcove} : Not at all. She is a fraud, I would compare her to the lefts version of Trump. Vote for her and she will lead you to a promised land. She can fuck off.', '>>{pman5595} : Unhinged lady wanders away from drum circle, accidentally exposes self to Wi-Fi signal', ">>{WhyDoges} : [Here is everyone running for president right now. Johnson is getti g coverage because his party did it's job and promoted him well enough to get supporters. There is no green party member in any major government position.](http://www.politics1.com/p2016.htm)", '>>{polymute} : We need to hear about the dangers of wifi!', '>>{sftbert} : Why- She has Zero qualifications for the office. At least Johnson and Weld were both Governors before and are actually qualified for the job. Her only qualifications are running for office and losing and being on the town council of a town with 30k people. Wow.', '>>{Slimerbacca} : She deserves media coverage (while writing an article about her)', '>>{sundialinshade} : They are active in local elections: As of July 2016, there were over 100 elected Greens across the United States. Positions held varied greatly, from mayor to city council, school board to sanitation district. Twenty-three states had Greens elected at the municipal level, representing every region of the country except for East South Central. Greens held mayorships in California and New York, and positions on city, neighborhood, or common councils in the West, South, Midwest, and Northeast. Major cities with a Green presence were spread throughout the country and included Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Oklahoma City, and Washington, DC.', ">>{Drathrul} : Omg everyone talking about WiFi didn't bother to look into this shit at all. They were talking about cell/4g signal which does have research showing it may be harmful to kids brain development and there are age restrictions in some major countries as a result. https://www.thestar.com/business/2008/05/31/listening_to_cellphone_warnings.html", '>>{beer_down} : [THERE ARE DOZENS OF US](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKie-vgUGdI)', '>>{LeftousCrusader} : For a minute I thought we were going to have more good news articles on the front page than Clinton. One single article is all it would take!', '>>{PresidentChaos} : Jill Stein is a kooky kook, so be careful what you wish for.', ">>{WhyDoges} : That's not a strong enough base to win the presidency with.", '>>{TheTaoOfBill} : Careful what you wish for... people might start seeing that Jill Stein is a conspiracy minded whackjob who has never had a single leadership position. https://www.rawstory.com/2016/08/jill-stein-says-its-dangerous-to-expose-kids-to-wifi-signals/ She thinks wifi signals are poisoning our childrens brains.', '>>{20WPM} : Two presidential “candidates” have not received 2 million dollars in political contributions _combined_: GJ and JS. Sanders was a serious, popular candidate who raised $228,556,686.00.', ">>{mpark6288} : There are hundreds of people running for President, none with any chance whatsoever. The only possible sane measure of who to spend time on is polling. That's why Johnson is getting attention; and that's why Stein isn't.", '>>{sundialinshade} : > There is no green party member in any government position. Just sharing the fact that there are indeed green party members in government.', ">>{Zartrand} : I'm not sure why you got down voted for this? I guess if you don't agree with the masses in this sub you get down voted. Good point that people should consider if they think she's as crazy as they deem her.", ">>{frowningcat} : She won't like all the media coverage when people start asking her about homeopathic medicine, wifi signals, and healing crystals"], [">>{EllaShue} : They aren't meant to. They're (pussy)cat ears, although I did see a fair amount of uterus-and-ovaries signs among the crowd. I would be all in favor of seeing big ol' vulva hats, though. That would be priceless if only for the effect it would have on Mike Pence. ...Come to think of it, though, he has probably never seen a vulva. Pretty sure he is strictly a lights-off, under-the-covers, missionary-position kind of dude. (Aaaand even that thought makes me ill.)", '>>{lacronicus} : Does this mean we\'ll stop talking about reproductive rights as a "women\'s" issue? Strictly speaking, a trans man could have a child. Honestly, there\'s probably an interesting conversation in and around that, but this article seems more interested in being confrontational than solving any actual problems.', '>>{kurtca} : To be fair most daily wire readers have never seen female genitalia.', '>>{NorbertDupner} : I would think the testosterone that a transexual man takes would prevent ovulation.', ">>{AmericanFabius} : It's hateful and transphobic to exclude men from women's health issues.", ">>{EllaShue} : Well, there [were some people](https://mic.com/articles/166273/how-the-women-s-march-s-genital-based-feminism-isolated-the-transgender-community#.DhigphnbR) who [cared about it](https://transphilosopher.com/2017/01/26/are-pussy-hats-inherently-transphobic/), but I'm now beginning to think that a lot of the most divisive voices on the left are part of a coordinated divide-and-conquer strategy.", '>>{ChaoticGoodEconomics} : From calling transgender women "transgenders" or " \'women\' "(quote marks theirs), to mischaracterizing and strawmanning points they deem unacceptable for whatever reason (bias, because they use \'liberal\' as a slur, too!), it\'s offensive on every level. Why are you posting this here? For kicks? C\'mon, man. You were raised better than that.', ">>{BraveNewTrump} : That way, he can imagine it's a butthole.", '>>{dread_lobster} : You mean Right. Daily Wire is a right wing site.', '>>{EllaShue} : Yeah, consider the source. Dailywire skews pretty far right, and picking out the few people who thought pink cat-ear knit hats were transphobic is a divisive tactic, not a genuine opening for frank discussions about intersectionality.', ">>{EllaShue} : Not all transgender people take hormones, and there have been cases of trans men becoming pregnant and giving birth. It's rare, but it happens.", ">>{tedsmitts} : You can stop taking testosterone for a while, I have a FtM friend who got pregnant and had a baby. It's a little... odd, I admit, but it's also not really any of my business and he's a good dad, if a little preachy about bike lanes.", ">>{dread_lobster} : Because he's a one day old account trying to distract from the train wreck that is the Trump Presidency.", ">>{boones_farmer} : Nah, doggy style. Easier to pretend she's a man and maintain his erection long enough to get through the ordeal.", ">>{lacronicus} : It's funny, because right-wing sites making up trash to get the left to turn on itself while letting the right continue to believe the left doesn't have its shit together is *exactly* why trump won. It's just that most people don't see it for what it is.", '>>{EllaShue} : I hate the "this is why Trump won" statement a little because there\'s a whole lot of investigation going on into *Russian interference* having a lot to do with why Trump won. At the same time, I think what you said is important because there are disinformation campaigns targeted at the left as well, and the divide-and-conquer strategy works beautifully with identity politics -- especially among a group of voters who tend to be allergic to insufficiently ideologically pure allies. We need to be aware of just how much political power the left relinquishes when it turns on itself.', ">>{AmericanFabius} : So you're saying he's gay but somehow manages to choose to live life as a heterosexual? Don't you think that sort of solution could help alt of people?", '>>{Samseaster} : Dammit, did I fall for fake news? Sigh. Thanks for letting me know.', ">>{sockmahbawls} : It's Russia still paying you to type this up or is it just a leisure hobby now?", ">>{FookYu315} : What a garbage article. So a trans woman who doesn't have a vulva feels left out. I can see that happening. It's not all that shocking. My personal opinion is it's a misguided sentiment. For a number of reasons. But that's perfectly fine because people are allowed to interpret things their own way.", '>>{Samseaster} : Thank you, I honestly suck at differentiating between fake and nonfake news.', '>>{lamabaronvonawesome} : Some people die in car crashes. Cars are offensive. What people fail to realize is that it is not MY job to deal with MY personal problems. The world needs to change to accommodate my pain and suffering. One can carpet the world or one can get shoes. I want the world carpeted.', '>>{EllaShue} : What, precisely, concerns you about this article? Are you a woman who feels her biological reality is being erased by the spreading definition of the word "woman?" Are you a trans woman offended by pink hats? Maybe a trans man who feels uncomfortable about reproductive access and other issues that still affect his body and is realizing that you can\'t identify out of oppression? Do tell.', ">>{Samseaster} : Nope, I didn't realize this was fake news. My bad.", ">>{lamabaronvonawesome} : Actually as a man I want you to stop talking about babies. I can't have one and every time you mention it, it hurts me.", '>>{druuconian} : But comrade, he makes number one best USA point', ">>{lacronicus} : If an article tells you how to feel about the facts it presents, it's not news. >Yes, for liberals, the silliness never ends. If you celebrate womanhood, you leave out ... those who aren't women but wish to be but can't be because they don't have ovaries but they wish they did so isn't that good enough to make them honorary women?", '>>{BatmansParentsAreDed} : Concern about fiction and harmless things is called paranoia actually.', ">>{druuconian} : > So you're saying he's gay but somehow manages to choose to live life as a heterosexual? No way, it would be *utterly impossible* for a rabidly anti-gay social conservative to live a deeply closeted existence. It has literally never happened.", '>>{armchairadmin} : You think living in the past helped people? It seems the only people doing that anymore are conservative Republicans, who ironically, attack gay LGBTQ rights every chance they get.', '>>{AmericanFabius} : So your saying a homosexual could choose to live straight if they wanted to?', '>>{EllaShue} : It\'s not exactly fake news. It\'s distorted news, though, or more accurately non-news. It isn\'t newsworthy when someone doesn\'t agree with someone else\'s free speech, assuming that free speech isn\'t hateful or vicious. There were a few people who were upset at the anatomy-centric nature of some signs and shirts at the women\'s march, but that\'s like saying there were a few people upset at Bart Simpson saying "eat my shorts" because it\'s disrespectful to his parents and therefore against one of the Ten Commandments.', '>>{armchairadmin} : They had to for centuries, because governments would oppress them. Why do you think so many joined the clergy? Because nobody questions their choice of celibacy. That choice, versus being murdered by the local population/state means you get to live. Edit: to clarify, I don\'t mean they "chose to be straight". I mean they "chose" to be "in the closet". Take a look at how the British treated Alan Turing for a great example of a "Free western country" treating it\'s citizens who did absolutely nothing wrong.', '>>{dammitpea} : [Thomas Beatie] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Beatie) gave birth to all three of his children years after his reassignment surgery.', '>>{lacronicus} : About as easily as a straight person could choose to live as a homosexual. Possible, not even unheard of, but probably unhealthy, and certainly not something that anyone else should be allowed to force on them.', '>>{wil_daven_} : You realize the hats are modeled to resemble cat ears, right?', '>>{druuconian} : I certainly concede that gay people have lived closeted existences, sure.', '>>{1TipsyCoachman} : Yes! Anything that seeks to divide us has to be looked at with extreme suspicion and investigated throughly.', '>>{EllaShue} : I\'d prefer to say that we should look at what unites us rather than what divides us. There\'s room for an honest and frank discussion about what "woman" means and who belongs in which changing rooms, shelters, and prisons when we don\'t have traitors in the WH.', '>>{armchairadmin} : Yes, it\'s a "choice" for a homosexual to live in the closet as a heterosexual. Until the last decade or two, homosexuals who were openly homosexual would likely be killed in most parts of the world. In the US< they would be beaten, harassed and have their civil rights attacked on a regular basis. In the UK, they would be chemically castrated, like they chose to do to a national hero, Alan Turing, because it was *actually illegal to be homosexual*. I\'m not sure what\'s so hard to understand having to hide who you are because it happens to be illegal. Do you also realize that many whtie communities had "sunset laws" after the Civil War that didn\'t allow non-whites to be seen in town after sunset? Why did those non-whites choose to be non-white? Why couldn\'t they just be white?', '>>{AmericanFabius} : Could those non-whites choose to be a white person?', '>>{ChickenFriedTrump} : Trying really hard tonight to resist those cock sucking urges op? Wife outta town?', '>>{armchairadmin} : The same way a homosexual could "choose" to be a heterosexual. Believe it or not, there is actually a history of black people passing as whites. Even women passing as men in order to overcome gender-based career barriers. Strange how people try to get around the problems created by other shitty, narrow minded slime.', '>>{stealthmodeengaged04} : Am trans woman, am not offended by pussy hats. Fuck off.', '>>{drvondoctor} : These days I believe it\'s called a "boy pussy"', ">>{boones_farmer} : Denying who they are so that they can appease a fucked up set of morals? No I don't think that helps anyone.", ">>{BatmansParentsAreDed} : See, if you're serious, I'm actually surprised to see things go this route because I'm actually on your side here if you're serious. If you're just trolling, using the issues facing trans men to do that is pretty callous. But, regardless, your source here is garbage. Post people talking about that actual issue and I'd upvote.", '>>{URworstWHITEmare} : LGBTQ humans identity is sex; what difference does this make.', ">>{fapsandnaps} : No, you're more than likely a Russian plant; using the same username formatting as the rest. AmericanPlace_AmericanName", ">>{FemmeEtrange} : Trans woman here, This is **not** a representative belief of trans women - it's been covered plenty of times in trans forums and very few care at all. Trans people have have far far more serious things to worry about than 'pussy hats' and generally were **very** supportive of the marches earlier in the year. Search on /r/asktransgender if you think otherwise", ">>{Marsmar-LordofMars} : When a bunch of SJWs make a big stink out of nothing, tell them to sit down and shut up because there's much more pressing matters to concern yourself with. There. Solved this issue and every issue like it. Now focus on what's important like the fact that every higher up in the GOP seems to have a hand in committing treason.", ">>{obviouslyabadadvice} : Fake news. They aren't snow flakes like right winger males feeling threatened by two guys getting married or video game not including extremely white shade in its character customization. Give the dailywire a soft tissue to wipe their tears."], ['>>{Replevin} : The Killing of Concealed Carry Permit Holder Philando Castile by a MN Police Officer, and the Killing of 5 Dallas Police Officers', '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : Sounds like the cop fucked up by not having him step out of the car and disarming him. Sounds like the guy fucked up by keeping his gun and wallet in the same place. This looks like just a really bad fuck up. Not malicious. Pay the family and address the training.', '>>{ViskerRatio} : Unfortunately, the article credulously believes the account of the lady in the car - many elements of which cannot be corroborated. This is absolutely an issue where an investigation needs to be made into the conduct of the officer. But blindly accepting the account of a biased witness is not the path to understanding what actually occurred.', '>>{dude_pirate_roberts} : We need better technology. In science fiction stories, law enforcement has guns that shoot a spray of anesthetic needles, knocking the target unconscious -- and weapons that shoot a tangle of sticky threads that wrap the arms of the target so the target can\'t shoot, or wrap the legs so the target can\'t run away. Then scared cops could disable the threat *without killing*. To encourage development of such weapons, we need to create a financial incentive. An incredible amount of money is spent on medical devices, because the chances are high that a safe, effective device will be paid for by insurance, almost regardless of price. What if police officer\'s employer\'s had to pay a fine, whenever an officer kills *anyone* regardless of circumstance? Make it a big fine, like $1,000,000. That would create a pile of money to pay for non-lethal weapons. To get the cops to agree, the same fund could pay $1,000,000 to the beneficiaries of any officer killed by a human being (not vehicles! not heart attacks!) on the job. There could even be special disincentive for cross-race killings, e.g. when white officers kill blacks, or black officers kill whites, then the fine is doubled?! "OK, guys, the suspect is black, so the Black Squad will take lead on this" -- to minimize the municipality\'s financial exposure. The $1,000,000 fines would lead police departments to encourage officers to do *anything* to avoid killing people -- which is how it *should* be. Cost-minimizing analysts in the department would figure out that the best strategy would be to equip officers with the needle guns and tangle tossers (tm). How about a fine for cops who pull over people for the crime of driving while black? When no charges are brought against the driver, then the police department has to pay the driver $100 (or $500?). This would have to be applied to drivers of all races, of course. "You just keep thinkin\', Butch; that\'s what you\'re good at." ;) TL;DR: We need big financial penalties whenever cops kill citizens, to encourage safer solutions and to fund better non-lethal technology for subduing and capturing suspects.', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : Carrying at 4:30 is very common. He did nothing wrong in carrying at that location. His only mistake was informing an officer *while* reaching for his wallet. And that's no reason to shoot a man. These cops have such lenient ROE's its pathetic.", '>>{Thecalculatorman} : Glad someone brought this up, I was about to write this.', '>>{Trumpicana} : He wasent legally allowed to own or possess a gun due to being a drug user. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=624.713 "is an unlawful user of any controlled substance as defined in chapter 152;" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwoKlyiiL4E&feature=youtu.be Sorry but the law is the law. Also Im sure CPS Would love to see this video.', ">>{guitarnoir} : From the article: *at which point Castile informed police officer Yanez that he had a concealed carry permit and was carrying, at which point the officer told Castile not to move, Castile put his hands up, and the officer fired multiple shots that struck and mortally wounded Castile.* A bit different than what I hear the woman in the video say, at 10 seconds in from the start. She seems to be saying that Castile was reaching for his wallet (in his pants?). At 33 seconds, the cop seems to be claiming that he instructed Casile not to reach for anything, but rather to put his hands up (audio is not great). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBgDs4n2Vco I know it's a small point, but the fellow writing the article is a lawyer, and small points matter in something like this.", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : Oh god, in iraq a guy going for a gun was justification to light him up. Im so tired of the bs ROE talking point', '>>{Trumpicana} : It doesnt matter. He was a drug user and that automatically nulls any CCW in MN. He wasent even legally allowed to possess guns in mn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwoKlyiiL4E&feature=youtu.be MY guess is the car smelled like weed as they have zero issue smoking in the car with their daughter in the car.', ">>{pamthecowfarmier} : Then call CPS if you have knowledge of a child in danger and you don't report it, you too are guilty of child abuse. It's called failure to protect.....", ">>{Adhoc_hk} : What shit tier unit were you in? Because many of us had very strict ROE's and for a very good reason. We were there to occupy and bring a new government online. That couldn't be done if we just went around 'lighting people up.' Were you in some shitbird infested platoon that fucked up progress for the rest of us?", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : [Lets look at the ROE card](http://warchronicle.com/DefendOurMarinesExclusive/Trial_of_SSgt_Wuterich/Graphics/ROE_CARD.jpg) Oh look, people trying to shoot you is a justified reason to use force', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : > a) Positive Identification (PID) is required prior to engagement. PID is a reasonable certainty that the proposed target is a legitimate military target. If no PID, contact your next higher commander for decision. Apparently you were never taught the finer points of Positive Identification. Because a guy carrying a weapon, or even reaching for one, was not proof of a legitimate military target. Merely having or reaching for a firearm did not pose an immediate threat that allowed for self-defense, or defense of another. If I shot an Iraqi every time one of them reached for a firearm when I was searching a home or car, it would have been an utter bloodbath. The existence of a weapon was a reason to raise your level of response. Requiring PID didn't leave us defenseless. But merely reaching, or having a weapon on you was not enough to pull a trigger. The muzzle had to be coming up to you, and you had to have a reasonable belief that the target was about to engage you.", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : [Heres an example of PID being needed.](https://youtu.be/jabjgY6B2nM) Having a dude pull a gun on you is an act of hostility and falls under the use of lethal force section', '>>{herbzilla} : Dude, you are not in Iraq. Not trying to be condescending but maybe this kind of thinking is part of the problem. Or is America an active warzone?', ">>{Adhoc_hk} : If someone points the muzzle of a firearm at you, then lethal force is applied. If someone pulls a gun from their waistband, or an AK out of their back seat and hasn't pointed it in your direction, you escalate your response and use of force, but you aren't to a point where lethal force is allowable. Remember this is all about how he was supposedly pulling a gun out of his waistband. With the ROE's we were given, it is not allowed to shoot a target just because they have a firearm. Even if he pulled a gun from his waistband, so long as he didn't point it at the officer, he wouldn't have been allowed to use lethal force under our ROE's in Iraq. Hence, our ROE's from Iraq, are more restrictive than what law enforcement officers in the states use. Because apparently just the 'belief' that someone is going for a gun, is a reason to shoot them four times.", '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : Dumbed down is the shout show shoot. If peacekeepers are arresting a guy and he pulls a gun out, you shoot him', '>>{Allahuakgaybar} : More Americans died in Chicago than iraq. So you tell me', '>>{Dlpcoc} : Are you out of your fuckin\' mind? "He\'s black, Black Squad take the lead" I\'m almost convinced this is a troll post in disguise.', ">>{dude_pirate_roberts} : I don't understand your astonishment. A big concern about police violence is whether it's racial, e.g. white cops killing black men because the cops are racist. It seems like that perception would be ameliorated if those confronting perpetrators who may be shot dead, are of the same race as the perpetrator. Is that crazy? Let's agree that there are racists in the police force, like there are racists in any agglomeration of 900,000 people in the good ol' US of A. If it helps, let's say that the racists are white *and black*, and that they are a *tiny minority* of a great and noble profession! If there are ANY racist cops *itching* for an opportunity to kill members of the race they hate (you know there are at least *some* like that) -- then racism-motivated murders by cops could be prevented by sending in same-race police officers, in those few occasions where the force has an *opportunity* to make such a decision. IMO."]]
classify and reply
[">>{ItsAWrapParty} : I'm thinking about buying the Chromecast Ultra, so I can watch Netflix in 4k (finally). However, I have never used or seen a cromecast before so I have a little doubt. You use your phone to stream the video to the chromecast, right? How does that video get 4k as my phone's display isn't 4k. And why does the chromecast have an ethernet option if the streaming is done by the phone? Does it have a built in interface for apps and such?", '>>{AmenR} : I think the way chromecast works is that is retrieve the video from the internet and plays it. So when you pick a video from YouTube or Netflix on or phone and cast it, chromecast goes to YouTube or Netflix and streams the video from there. So you can turn ur phone off when you start a video and the video will still play.', ">>{wabhabin} : The university to which I'm going to apply next summer only allows specific calculators, the link is here http://www.dia.fi/hakeminen-ja-hakukohteet/valintakokeissa-sallitut-laskimet/ I asked my math teacher's opinion and he said I should choose one of the Casio calculators. The thing is that I have CAS-graffic calculator and I have no clue that which is the best one out of those. Can you give me some opinons that why x is better than y and why? For those who don't want to watch the link here are the Casio calculators on the list: Casio FX-270 W Casio FX-350 MS Casio FX-82 ES Casio FX-82 ES Plus Casio FX-82EX Casio FX-82 MS Casio FX-82 W Casio FX-83 W Casio FX-85 ES Casio FX-85 ES Plus Casio FX-85EX Casio FX-85 MS", ">>{purplelie} : I hope i'm posting in the right area if not sorry! I really want to buy some wireless headphones for my pc, to watch shows, listen to music, youtube etc. I don't want/need an expensive pair, im thinking $30 max. I'm getting so lost on the whole rf bluetooth thing and whether it'll work plugged into my pc jack... I'm overthinking it can someone PLEASE help me out?? or guide me to the right place to post? thanks!", ">>{ItsAWrapParty} : I see. So Netflix would be able to see that the device that is streaming is the chromecast ultra, which is 4k and HDR supported by Netflix. And then it streams the show in 4k (if it's available in 4k)?", ">>{evilr2} : Here in the US most use TI and HP calculators so dont see much of Casio and dont know too much about the differences. I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much. These are all fairly inexpensive and will not have all the functions that your current calculator probably can do. You can probably get by with just the basic one. I think the only differences would be the display, memory, and functions that you will never use. Just going by sequential number I'm assuming the 83 might have a few more functions than 82 and the 85 might have a few more than 83. Again, these are probably functions you wont use anyways. Edit: I think the ES means it's supposed to be for electronics (complex number support), and MS is for any other application (statistical calculations), basically more general version. Not sure what the others are, but if it's general it really wont matter. Here in the US the books required for each class can cost in the hundreds of dollars. A separate $15 calculator for each class would be reasonable in comparison.", '>>{blackbird17k} : Query: Is there any bluetooth speaker model that lets you disable or silence the beeping that the speaker makes to indicate it has paired or is looking for a device to pair to?', '>>{ClosetedImperialist} : Where can I get real samsung headphones? Not the Chinese fakes, the real ones', ">>{lincolnmcgregor} : I'm in need of a device that I can plug into my TV (via HDMI I guess) and I can transfer video files to over the home wifi network. I don't want to have to run the video files from a computer (like the Chromecast would require) I just want to transfer the files then watch them from the TV. Thanks.", '>>{Juan_way_or_another} : Hello, I need to find a "key tracker". Last time I lost my keys, it was a huge mess so I would like to take the necessary precautions.', ">>{appDeveloperGuy1} : Look into this, it's called tile and does exactly what you want https://www.thetileapp.com/?opt=SEM&gclid=CjwKEAjw-uDABRDPz4-0tp6T6lMSJADNoyPbfMx91si4dg2vGzhjxW09IdmEUrc1kRK1MMOyIhgGLRoCa77w_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds There are also several other key trackers out there", ">>{mbush42} : Looking for advice on bluetooth tracker that can use geofencing: Where I work we have some iPads that customers use occasionally. We want to set up some sort of geofencing tracker to alert us if they go outside the premises. Our locations are very small, so standard bluetooth is probably fine. Some preliminary searching has brought the XY3 tracker to my attention. It seems to be one of the better ones that does geofencing. If anyone has any experience with the XY3, I'd love to hear your take on it. I also am specifically wondering if there is a way to make the tile beep if the iPad goes out of the area (that way we don't need to have someone with the app on their phone at the desk and can instead keep a tile at the desk, if that makes sense.)", ">>{whanch} : Hey, my SO and I are looking to cut the cord and have been eyeing the MXQ Android box. We have no experience working with Android boxes so I'm mostly just looking for: - Is the setup easy and straightforward? - Is $65 CAD good for Quad core, 4 GB RAM, 8 GB Memory? - Is Kodi strightforward to use? Thanks for the help guys and girls", ">>{CLEBB} : You could try posting to /r/headphones daily advice thread. We're not always super fond of wireless headphones, but if you explain correctly, people will help out! Just follow the format they give!", '>>{turbostany} : Since Official Samsung Fastcharge powerbanks are way too expensive, I am looking for an alternate option. Tried using MI V1 powerbank, but it takes ages to charge the phone. Please suggest me any good powerbank, which charges the S6 faster.', '>>{hzumbru1} : If you mean the ones they make that are not included with a new phone, then just search Samsung headphones on Amazon.', '>>{askmanyquestions} : Are these "lighting" charger wires a scam or actually work? I\'m getting a charge pack wondering if these are worthwhile? https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B013I26P7S/ref=pd_luc_rh_sim_01_03_t_img_lh?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1', ">>{ClosetedImperialist} : I did mean the ones that come with the phone, I should've been specific", ">>{lucktimedragon} : i've got cromecast and it's pretty great. i can't say too much about the technicality of it since i didn't set it up myself but using it is super simple. if you can stream it on your computer, you can cast it.", '>>{ItsAWrapParty} : Thanks! I will buy one when the ultra gets released :)', ">>{razman360} : Don't know about the product, but Anker are a solid company.", '>>{Carriechen} : https://www.amazon.com/MGcool-16000mAh-Portable-Backwards-Compatibility/dp/B01M71QUSK/ref=sr_1_50?ie=UTF8&qid=1478241629&sr=8-50&keywords=power+bank+qc+3.0+type+c This one may fit you. Have a nice day.', '>>{WK007} : When it comes to tech I\'ve learned to stay away from "pre-ordering" anything', '>>{xjr562i} : If your PC has bluetooth, any set of bluetooth headphones should pair with it and allow exactly what you want to do. Turn you headphones one, turn your pc bluetooth on, scan for bluetooth devices, and pair. At least that is how it worked with my laptop.', '>>{OnePunkArmy} : Suggestions on a webcam? I have been on Twitch with audio-only, and want to make the jump to a cam. I have no clue what to look for in a webcam. Prefer a budget webcam since I am not a Twitch partner. [Example of something I quick-searched for](http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAA785074489).', ">>{Longinian} : I'm looking for a cloud-connected MP3 player. What I need is to be able to sync (wifi would be okay) some five different music players every week. I work on a show with multiple assistant directors that need to play music on set, and I want to reduce the necessity of delivering/updating their music physically. Does anyone has an idea whether such a thing exists?", ">>{0110101001100001} : Router and a coaxial-to-ethernet converter thing-a-ma-jig. Looking to drop my stock Comcast router. Been a subscriber for two years paying their $10/Mo for their router rental fee. Googling an acceptable router for my needs is easy enough, mostly Hulu and very light gaming are my most bandwidth-demanding tasks. But I do hope to upgrade my setup for more intensive gaming soon. But what is the converter box thing that converts my Comcast coaxial cable to a usable Ethernet? There seem to be so few consumer options for this piece of hardware and I don't understand what this thing does, how it does it, or how to make an educated purchase. I don't understand the product well enough to know what search terms I want to use to research further. I always hear how Comcast is one half of the duoplpoy, along with time Warner, when it comes to internet service. And that's certainly the case in my area; Comcast is the only game in town but a few miles out of my city's Verizon FiOS is available but Comcast is not. (Me, personally, I haven't experienced the customer service hell other subscribers have described, but I do live everyday in fear that a data cap will be imposed). So if Comcast's internet service is so widely used, why don't more companies incorporate the coaxial to Ethernet thingy into the router the way Comcast's hardware does, that I'm currently renting? I'm a networking newbie. Advice, resources, and info on these topics are appreciated.", ">>{fartsandpoops} : Exactly, and to add you can buy good but inexpensive headlines for about $20.00-$25.00. I have a pair of QY7, they're great. Had em for a year and I've really put them to the test, only complaint is that they dont really give you a heads up when the battery is about to die. Like, 2 minute warning then ded.", ">>{scijior} : Looking for a way to make a wireless TV hook up (metaphorically speaking). Cable outlet is above the fireplace; wife's desired position for TV is the eastern wall (which only has power outlets). Looking for a gadet to hook to the cable box that would then connect to a second gadget hooked to the TV for wireless TV. Running a cord is a no-go for the missus.", '>>{AstronautApe} : Can a user control a drone through a VR simulation and VR gear? If so, how would it function ?', ">>{shauryab98} : I'm looking for a laptop under $1000: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuggestALaptop/comments/5bb9cy/best_gaming_laptop_under_1000/", '>>{otterotherotter} : Looking to replace my dying 2011 MacBook Pro. I need something for creative work, including writing and photo editing and possibly sketching, and something for gaming. I\'m considering straying from the "powerful laptop" concept and going with a tablet or 2-in-1 and a desktop. Obviously have a history as a Mac person, but not exclusive. Recommendations?', '>>{pause_and_effect} : Hello! I am looking to buy a new wireless router. I need it to serve a range radius of about 25 metres with a maximum of 10 devices connected. Obviously want it to be as cheap as possible but I can go as high as $100-$125. I just want really, really good signal strength and speed more than anything. Thank you!', ">>{Inuk28} : Hey guys, I'm looking to upgrade from my note 4 to either an s7 edge or the Google pixel. I've looked up the specs on em both but don't know the differences in the power of the processors. I know my note 4 has an awesome Octo-core and both the 7 and pixel have quad cores, would there be a noticeable difference? Altogether I'm somewhat unsure of which to choose.", ">>{burgerpatrol} : Hey everyone, hope you could help me out. I have money to buy either the new iPhone 7 or the PS4 Pro and a couple of games, but I'm having trouble which one to choose. Getting an Android phone is out of the question since I already own an Android phone (Zenfone 5) that gets the job done. If you're in my shoes, which would you get?", ">>{sphoofle} : Why exactly would you buy a second phone when you already have something that's good enough? Get the PS4 - if you're planning on still using your Zenfone, there isn't much purpose in having another phone.", ">>{drive27} : Hey guys! I am a mac user but for various reasons need a second windows PC dedicated to the trading I am doing on sports exchanges. I am in the UK, so that may limit things as the Kangaroo isn't available over here, but basically I would like something that is really quick, really stable, can plug into a Dell monitor I already have. Haven't bought a windows device in a LONG time so was hoping I could ask here for some advice, thanks :)", ">>{Marcello_Cutty} : The processor difference is going to be negligible. The S7 processor has marginally better performance, but since it runs more under the hood it'll even out. It's the same reason why the S7 edge has a larger battery than the Pixel XL, but you get more battery life out of the Pixel. There's give and take on both; you've just got to decide what's important to you. I personally have the edge for a few reasons: I have a lot of music which by nature can't take advantage of the infinite cloud storage, meaning 32 GB unexpandable is out of the question. Likewise I don't have very many photos and don't care about the Pixel's superior camera. I use Nova Launcher so the Pixel launcher and TouchWiz don't appeal to me. What's more, I root my phones so Samsung's excessive bloatware isn't an issue (but unfortunately locks me out of Samsung Pay's MST compatibility). Again, that's just my reasoning. Everybody is different.", '>>{AllGoodMenDie} : I highly recommend building your own desktop. /r/buildapc can help you out or I can even come up with a build for you if you want.', ">>{Maikky} : Best Bang For Your Buck Tablet Under 200$ ? Looking for Long-battery life and decent screen, main usable will be media (netflix) and a lot of writing (google docs) - Will purchase keyboard with it if doesn't come for it .", ">>{Maikky} : Best Bang For Your Buck Tablet Under 200$ ? Looking for Long-battery life and decent screen, main usable will be media (netflix) and a lot of writing (google docs) - Will purchase keyboard with it if doesn't come for it .", '>>{drive27} : Thanks for taking the time to reply. I would love to build my own but I need it fairly rapidly. Have done some research and found the ASUS UN65H - any thoughts on that?', ">>{AllGoodMenDie} : I am guessing that you need this for mostly web based stuff so that computer would perform fine. But unless you really need that form factor I wouldn't buy it. The Intel i7 6500u is Intel's low power process line made for laptops. The 6th gen Intel i3 6100 is a better processor and you should be able to find a PC with that processor for a similar price. I wish I had some more time to try and find some builds that are good :/", '>>{Katee1994} : I got a new mobile, Sony Xperia C4 and the battery is 2600 mah.I was used to the awsomne 4500 mah battery of my previous Leagoo Lead 7 one and I feel I have to charge my phone all the time.Is it possible to replace the battery with a better one?Has anyone tried something similliar?Thank you!', '>>{Carriechen} : It is said that this power bank can get S7 charged from 0% to 60% in 30 mins. https://www.amazon.com/b/ref=EHD0114N?node=15569914011&pf_rd_p=2668916842&pf_rd_s=detail-ilm&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B01M71QUSK&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=VN78W4HH71A25NAAD1N1', '>>{hzumbru1} : That depends. Do you want a more reliable phone with less bloat, better speed, and faster updates? Or, would you rather the cool gimmicky features? In the US, the pixel phones will easily outperform the s7 edge. Or, it will out perform them in general because of the lack of bloat. The pixel is more of an iPhone running Android. You get updates directly from the maker when they come out. The pixel uses the snap dragon 821 as the s7 edge uses the 820. The 821 is 10% faster.', '>>{Fewwordsbetter} : Possibly they could all use the same Spotify, SoundCloud, or (ugh) iTunes account?', ">>{burgerpatrol} : I was thinking maybe it's time to upgrade the 3 year old phone, kinda lagging but I really don't mind that much. Thanks for the tip", ">>{Marcello_Cutty} : My experience with these devices has been very poor image quality. Every time i've used them, the signal is very noisy, and the sender/receiver are extremely picky with placement and aiming. If you have any way at all to run a coax to the, I'd highly recommend it. http://www.ebay.in/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.Xvideo+sender&_nkw=video+sender&_sacat=0&_from=R40", ">>{Marcello_Cutty} : Lenovo Tab 2 A10 has the best balance of screen resolution and battery life. Asus ZenPad S8 Z580C probably has the best screen under $200, but it's smaller and has average battery life."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{ItsAWrapParty} : I'm thinking about buying the Chromecast Ultra, so I can watch Netflix in 4k (finally). However, I have never used or seen a cromecast before so I have a little doubt. You use your phone to stream the video to the chromecast, right? How does that video get 4k as my phone's display isn't 4k. And why does the chromecast have an ethernet option if the streaming is done by the phone? Does it have a built in interface for apps and such?", '>>{AmenR} : I think the way chromecast works is that is retrieve the video from the internet and plays it. So when you pick a video from YouTube or Netflix on or phone and cast it, chromecast goes to YouTube or Netflix and streams the video from there. So you can turn ur phone off when you start a video and the video will still play.', ">>{wabhabin} : The university to which I'm going to apply next summer only allows specific calculators, the link is here http://www.dia.fi/hakeminen-ja-hakukohteet/valintakokeissa-sallitut-laskimet/ I asked my math teacher's opinion and he said I should choose one of the Casio calculators. The thing is that I have CAS-graffic calculator and I have no clue that which is the best one out of those. Can you give me some opinons that why x is better than y and why? For those who don't want to watch the link here are the Casio calculators on the list: Casio FX-270 W Casio FX-350 MS Casio FX-82 ES Casio FX-82 ES Plus Casio FX-82EX Casio FX-82 MS Casio FX-82 W Casio FX-83 W Casio FX-85 ES Casio FX-85 ES Plus Casio FX-85EX Casio FX-85 MS", ">>{purplelie} : I hope i'm posting in the right area if not sorry! I really want to buy some wireless headphones for my pc, to watch shows, listen to music, youtube etc. I don't want/need an expensive pair, im thinking $30 max. I'm getting so lost on the whole rf bluetooth thing and whether it'll work plugged into my pc jack... I'm overthinking it can someone PLEASE help me out?? or guide me to the right place to post? thanks!", ">>{ItsAWrapParty} : I see. So Netflix would be able to see that the device that is streaming is the chromecast ultra, which is 4k and HDR supported by Netflix. And then it streams the show in 4k (if it's available in 4k)?", ">>{evilr2} : Here in the US most use TI and HP calculators so dont see much of Casio and dont know too much about the differences. I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much. These are all fairly inexpensive and will not have all the functions that your current calculator probably can do. You can probably get by with just the basic one. I think the only differences would be the display, memory, and functions that you will never use. Just going by sequential number I'm assuming the 83 might have a few more functions than 82 and the 85 might have a few more than 83. Again, these are probably functions you wont use anyways. Edit: I think the ES means it's supposed to be for electronics (complex number support), and MS is for any other application (statistical calculations), basically more general version. Not sure what the others are, but if it's general it really wont matter. Here in the US the books required for each class can cost in the hundreds of dollars. A separate $15 calculator for each class would be reasonable in comparison.", '>>{blackbird17k} : Query: Is there any bluetooth speaker model that lets you disable or silence the beeping that the speaker makes to indicate it has paired or is looking for a device to pair to?', '>>{ClosetedImperialist} : Where can I get real samsung headphones? Not the Chinese fakes, the real ones', ">>{lincolnmcgregor} : I'm in need of a device that I can plug into my TV (via HDMI I guess) and I can transfer video files to over the home wifi network. I don't want to have to run the video files from a computer (like the Chromecast would require) I just want to transfer the files then watch them from the TV. Thanks.", '>>{Juan_way_or_another} : Hello, I need to find a "key tracker". Last time I lost my keys, it was a huge mess so I would like to take the necessary precautions.', ">>{appDeveloperGuy1} : Look into this, it's called tile and does exactly what you want https://www.thetileapp.com/?opt=SEM&gclid=CjwKEAjw-uDABRDPz4-0tp6T6lMSJADNoyPbfMx91si4dg2vGzhjxW09IdmEUrc1kRK1MMOyIhgGLRoCa77w_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds There are also several other key trackers out there", ">>{mbush42} : Looking for advice on bluetooth tracker that can use geofencing: Where I work we have some iPads that customers use occasionally. We want to set up some sort of geofencing tracker to alert us if they go outside the premises. Our locations are very small, so standard bluetooth is probably fine. Some preliminary searching has brought the XY3 tracker to my attention. It seems to be one of the better ones that does geofencing. If anyone has any experience with the XY3, I'd love to hear your take on it. I also am specifically wondering if there is a way to make the tile beep if the iPad goes out of the area (that way we don't need to have someone with the app on their phone at the desk and can instead keep a tile at the desk, if that makes sense.)", ">>{whanch} : Hey, my SO and I are looking to cut the cord and have been eyeing the MXQ Android box. We have no experience working with Android boxes so I'm mostly just looking for: - Is the setup easy and straightforward? - Is $65 CAD good for Quad core, 4 GB RAM, 8 GB Memory? - Is Kodi strightforward to use? Thanks for the help guys and girls", ">>{CLEBB} : You could try posting to /r/headphones daily advice thread. We're not always super fond of wireless headphones, but if you explain correctly, people will help out! Just follow the format they give!", '>>{turbostany} : Since Official Samsung Fastcharge powerbanks are way too expensive, I am looking for an alternate option. Tried using MI V1 powerbank, but it takes ages to charge the phone. Please suggest me any good powerbank, which charges the S6 faster.', '>>{hzumbru1} : If you mean the ones they make that are not included with a new phone, then just search Samsung headphones on Amazon.', '>>{askmanyquestions} : Are these "lighting" charger wires a scam or actually work? I\'m getting a charge pack wondering if these are worthwhile? https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B013I26P7S/ref=pd_luc_rh_sim_01_03_t_img_lh?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1', ">>{ClosetedImperialist} : I did mean the ones that come with the phone, I should've been specific", ">>{lucktimedragon} : i've got cromecast and it's pretty great. i can't say too much about the technicality of it since i didn't set it up myself but using it is super simple. if you can stream it on your computer, you can cast it.", '>>{ItsAWrapParty} : Thanks! I will buy one when the ultra gets released :)', ">>{razman360} : Don't know about the product, but Anker are a solid company.", '>>{Carriechen} : https://www.amazon.com/MGcool-16000mAh-Portable-Backwards-Compatibility/dp/B01M71QUSK/ref=sr_1_50?ie=UTF8&qid=1478241629&sr=8-50&keywords=power+bank+qc+3.0+type+c This one may fit you. Have a nice day.', '>>{WK007} : When it comes to tech I\'ve learned to stay away from "pre-ordering" anything', '>>{xjr562i} : If your PC has bluetooth, any set of bluetooth headphones should pair with it and allow exactly what you want to do. Turn you headphones one, turn your pc bluetooth on, scan for bluetooth devices, and pair. At least that is how it worked with my laptop.', '>>{OnePunkArmy} : Suggestions on a webcam? I have been on Twitch with audio-only, and want to make the jump to a cam. I have no clue what to look for in a webcam. Prefer a budget webcam since I am not a Twitch partner. [Example of something I quick-searched for](http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAA785074489).', ">>{Longinian} : I'm looking for a cloud-connected MP3 player. What I need is to be able to sync (wifi would be okay) some five different music players every week. I work on a show with multiple assistant directors that need to play music on set, and I want to reduce the necessity of delivering/updating their music physically. Does anyone has an idea whether such a thing exists?", ">>{0110101001100001} : Router and a coaxial-to-ethernet converter thing-a-ma-jig. Looking to drop my stock Comcast router. Been a subscriber for two years paying their $10/Mo for their router rental fee. Googling an acceptable router for my needs is easy enough, mostly Hulu and very light gaming are my most bandwidth-demanding tasks. But I do hope to upgrade my setup for more intensive gaming soon. But what is the converter box thing that converts my Comcast coaxial cable to a usable Ethernet? There seem to be so few consumer options for this piece of hardware and I don't understand what this thing does, how it does it, or how to make an educated purchase. I don't understand the product well enough to know what search terms I want to use to research further. I always hear how Comcast is one half of the duoplpoy, along with time Warner, when it comes to internet service. And that's certainly the case in my area; Comcast is the only game in town but a few miles out of my city's Verizon FiOS is available but Comcast is not. (Me, personally, I haven't experienced the customer service hell other subscribers have described, but I do live everyday in fear that a data cap will be imposed). So if Comcast's internet service is so widely used, why don't more companies incorporate the coaxial to Ethernet thingy into the router the way Comcast's hardware does, that I'm currently renting? I'm a networking newbie. Advice, resources, and info on these topics are appreciated.", ">>{fartsandpoops} : Exactly, and to add you can buy good but inexpensive headlines for about $20.00-$25.00. I have a pair of QY7, they're great. Had em for a year and I've really put them to the test, only complaint is that they dont really give you a heads up when the battery is about to die. Like, 2 minute warning then ded.", ">>{scijior} : Looking for a way to make a wireless TV hook up (metaphorically speaking). Cable outlet is above the fireplace; wife's desired position for TV is the eastern wall (which only has power outlets). Looking for a gadet to hook to the cable box that would then connect to a second gadget hooked to the TV for wireless TV. Running a cord is a no-go for the missus.", '>>{AstronautApe} : Can a user control a drone through a VR simulation and VR gear? If so, how would it function ?', ">>{shauryab98} : I'm looking for a laptop under $1000: https://www.reddit.com/r/SuggestALaptop/comments/5bb9cy/best_gaming_laptop_under_1000/", '>>{otterotherotter} : Looking to replace my dying 2011 MacBook Pro. I need something for creative work, including writing and photo editing and possibly sketching, and something for gaming. I\'m considering straying from the "powerful laptop" concept and going with a tablet or 2-in-1 and a desktop. Obviously have a history as a Mac person, but not exclusive. Recommendations?', '>>{pause_and_effect} : Hello! I am looking to buy a new wireless router. I need it to serve a range radius of about 25 metres with a maximum of 10 devices connected. Obviously want it to be as cheap as possible but I can go as high as $100-$125. I just want really, really good signal strength and speed more than anything. Thank you!', ">>{Inuk28} : Hey guys, I'm looking to upgrade from my note 4 to either an s7 edge or the Google pixel. I've looked up the specs on em both but don't know the differences in the power of the processors. I know my note 4 has an awesome Octo-core and both the 7 and pixel have quad cores, would there be a noticeable difference? Altogether I'm somewhat unsure of which to choose.", ">>{burgerpatrol} : Hey everyone, hope you could help me out. I have money to buy either the new iPhone 7 or the PS4 Pro and a couple of games, but I'm having trouble which one to choose. Getting an Android phone is out of the question since I already own an Android phone (Zenfone 5) that gets the job done. If you're in my shoes, which would you get?", ">>{sphoofle} : Why exactly would you buy a second phone when you already have something that's good enough? Get the PS4 - if you're planning on still using your Zenfone, there isn't much purpose in having another phone.", ">>{drive27} : Hey guys! I am a mac user but for various reasons need a second windows PC dedicated to the trading I am doing on sports exchanges. I am in the UK, so that may limit things as the Kangaroo isn't available over here, but basically I would like something that is really quick, really stable, can plug into a Dell monitor I already have. Haven't bought a windows device in a LONG time so was hoping I could ask here for some advice, thanks :)", ">>{Marcello_Cutty} : The processor difference is going to be negligible. The S7 processor has marginally better performance, but since it runs more under the hood it'll even out. It's the same reason why the S7 edge has a larger battery than the Pixel XL, but you get more battery life out of the Pixel. There's give and take on both; you've just got to decide what's important to you. I personally have the edge for a few reasons: I have a lot of music which by nature can't take advantage of the infinite cloud storage, meaning 32 GB unexpandable is out of the question. Likewise I don't have very many photos and don't care about the Pixel's superior camera. I use Nova Launcher so the Pixel launcher and TouchWiz don't appeal to me. What's more, I root my phones so Samsung's excessive bloatware isn't an issue (but unfortunately locks me out of Samsung Pay's MST compatibility). Again, that's just my reasoning. Everybody is different.", '>>{AllGoodMenDie} : I highly recommend building your own desktop. /r/buildapc can help you out or I can even come up with a build for you if you want.', ">>{Maikky} : Best Bang For Your Buck Tablet Under 200$ ? Looking for Long-battery life and decent screen, main usable will be media (netflix) and a lot of writing (google docs) - Will purchase keyboard with it if doesn't come for it .", ">>{Maikky} : Best Bang For Your Buck Tablet Under 200$ ? Looking for Long-battery life and decent screen, main usable will be media (netflix) and a lot of writing (google docs) - Will purchase keyboard with it if doesn't come for it .", '>>{drive27} : Thanks for taking the time to reply. I would love to build my own but I need it fairly rapidly. Have done some research and found the ASUS UN65H - any thoughts on that?', ">>{AllGoodMenDie} : I am guessing that you need this for mostly web based stuff so that computer would perform fine. But unless you really need that form factor I wouldn't buy it. The Intel i7 6500u is Intel's low power process line made for laptops. The 6th gen Intel i3 6100 is a better processor and you should be able to find a PC with that processor for a similar price. I wish I had some more time to try and find some builds that are good :/", '>>{Katee1994} : I got a new mobile, Sony Xperia C4 and the battery is 2600 mah.I was used to the awsomne 4500 mah battery of my previous Leagoo Lead 7 one and I feel I have to charge my phone all the time.Is it possible to replace the battery with a better one?Has anyone tried something similliar?Thank you!', '>>{Carriechen} : It is said that this power bank can get S7 charged from 0% to 60% in 30 mins. https://www.amazon.com/b/ref=EHD0114N?node=15569914011&pf_rd_p=2668916842&pf_rd_s=detail-ilm&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B01M71QUSK&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=VN78W4HH71A25NAAD1N1', '>>{hzumbru1} : That depends. Do you want a more reliable phone with less bloat, better speed, and faster updates? Or, would you rather the cool gimmicky features? In the US, the pixel phones will easily outperform the s7 edge. Or, it will out perform them in general because of the lack of bloat. The pixel is more of an iPhone running Android. You get updates directly from the maker when they come out. The pixel uses the snap dragon 821 as the s7 edge uses the 820. The 821 is 10% faster.', '>>{Fewwordsbetter} : Possibly they could all use the same Spotify, SoundCloud, or (ugh) iTunes account?', ">>{burgerpatrol} : I was thinking maybe it's time to upgrade the 3 year old phone, kinda lagging but I really don't mind that much. Thanks for the tip", ">>{Marcello_Cutty} : My experience with these devices has been very poor image quality. Every time i've used them, the signal is very noisy, and the sender/receiver are extremely picky with placement and aiming. If you have any way at all to run a coax to the, I'd highly recommend it. http://www.ebay.in/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.Xvideo+sender&_nkw=video+sender&_sacat=0&_from=R40", ">>{Marcello_Cutty} : Lenovo Tab 2 A10 has the best balance of screen resolution and battery life. Asus ZenPad S8 Z580C probably has the best screen under $200, but it's smaller and has average battery life."]]
classify and reply
['>>{smokinbluebear} : Failure of America’s Two Parties: The U.S. political process, which fancies itself the world’s “gold standard,” is ready to foist on the American people two disdained candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, raising profound doubts about the two-party system', '>>{Economic_Anxiety} : American Citizens: U.S. Border Agents Can Search Your Cellphone', ">>{Snow_Town} : Mr. Khan's comments show a lack of understanding of the terrorist threats currently faced by the United States. I respect his son's service and sacrifice as I do that of all our brave men and women in uniform. However, our next President will need to focus on keeping Americans safe here at home.", '>>{fitzroy95} : Seems as though the US is trying its hardest to discourage ***everyone*** from coming to visit the country. In the name of "security" (which is really only meaningless security theater), they are steadily removing all personal privacy that they can, which just makes it easier for tourists to justify going almost anywhere else in the world where they might actually be treated decently. No wonder that tourism rates are dropping rapidly', '>>{walter_neft} : >“This is the time for us American Muslims to rat out any traitor who walks amongst us. This is high time for Muslims to stand firm [against terrorists],” the elder Khan recounted. “Among us hides the enemies of the value system of this country. And we need to defend it. And if it means ratting out the traitors who hide behind an American passport, that’s what we need to do.”', ">>{Snow_Town} : I commend Mr Khan for advocating that American Muslims 'rat out' traitors. I agree that it is high time for Muslims to stand firm against terrorists. I certainly hope we see more American Muslims publicly espousing these views. I reitterate that Mr Khan's initial and subsequent comments demonstrate a lack of understanding of a President's primary role--keeping Americans safe.", ">>{switchninja} : Americans cannot be denied entrance back into the united states. They'll count on you wanting to make a connecting flight or just general travel weariness for compliance, so you'll want some time to burn if you want to fight back. Full-device encrypt everything with a pass string, NOT a pattern or finger print, but something you have to actually memorize. Power it down before entering a port of entry, and refuse to provide the key when demanded. Your 5th amendment right still holds at the border, despite what the brown shirts will want you to think.", ">>{modseatabbc} : Obama has been searching them for 8 years. This isn't new. Read WikiLeaks.", '>>{rush42} : Liberal Media Ignores Violence Against Trump Supporters | The Daily Caller', '>>{walter_neft} : http://www.businessinsider.com/fbi-says-muslims-do-report-extremist-threats-2016-6 Also the president does not have a "primary role" but many equal roles.', ">>{Snow_Town} : [Parents adamant the responsilibity to report is not theirs...](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684340/Some-Muslim-parents-NOT-report-children-travelled-Syria-join-ISIS-don-t-trust-police-claims-new-study.html). Most Americans would agree that one of the President's primary roles is keeping Americans and the homeland secure, but you're welcome to argue otherwise.", ">>{aggie1391} : > What most of them have in common — 23 of the 25 — is that they are Muslim, like Shibly, whose parents are from Syria. And there it is. That's the reason. G-d forbid Americans exercise their freedom of religion by being a Muslim! I hope these people fill a suit. They have a Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure. CBP can get a warrant or go fuck themselves.", ">>{iamitman007} : As a brown american this won't work out too well for me. So instead I plan to take lots of pictures of my dick for them to check out.", ">>{aggie1391} : If you bothered to read the article, you'd see that the policy used to be very narrow and restricted, and was used only 5,000 times in 2015. Meanwhile, its now grown to be baseless targeting of American Muslims and has been used 5,000 times just last month.", '>>{Amrokmfc} : Make sure you throw in a couple of your butthole as well. And if you make them recent pictures (include a front page of a newspaper next to it), maybe you can convince them to use those photos in place of an "enhanced search".', '>>{SaltHash} : The Daily Caller ignores violence from Trump supporters. So the Neo-Cons at that site can get off their sanctimonious soap box.', ">>{walter_neft} : You're citing an article that quotes British parents' opinions. I cited one that quotes the head of the FBI on the actual actions of Americans. I wil agree it's one of the major roles. That's why I said numerous equal roles.", ">>{Kantina} : Accuse the opposition of what you're doing yourself. It make for great cover.", '>>{Economic_Anxiety} : I salute you, patriot! The only way this could be a more American form of protest is if you wore stars and stripes during your various stages of undress.', '>>{Politx} : Damn, one hell of an article. Well done.', ">>{Snow_Town} : My article echos your article in that study participants expressed concerns about police and 'trust not being reciprocated by U.S. government officials'. Your article makes clear there is still a lot of work to be done between law enforcement and Muslim communities.", '>>{walter_neft} : And a calling for Muslim ban or spying on mosques or insulting the parents of a war hero is not how you build trust.', '>>{bitfriend} : The entire reason Trump exists as the nominee is because Republicans did this thing called "democracy" and voted for him over the 16 other candidates.', ">>{OwItBerns} : Democracy is messy, and it's not perfect. The fact that your candidate didn't win doesn't invalidate the millions of voters who chose differently. This is the real world. You don't get a trophy for losing.", ">>{miamiofohio} : > The fact that your candidate didn't win doesn't invalidate the millions of voters who chose differently. Upvotes mean more than real votes", ">>{LastRayne} : It doesn't matter when votes start getting counted when they aren't even decided a month from now or the media consistently lies to make viewers think one candidate has a lead and you shouldn't bother to oppose them.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : >The fact that your candidate didn't win doesn't invalidate the millions of voters who chose differently. Same goes the other way, just because your candidate wins doesnt invalidate the millioms of people who chose differently, and to expect them to change how they feel just because your candidate won a nomination and support someome they didnt support before.", '>>{Grown_Man_Poops} : How many articles has The Daily Caller ran about the acts of violence against minorities that were perpetrated by Trump supporters?', ">>{Snow_Town} : I think we need to be careful and vigilant with respect to immigration policy and houses of worship. I'm hoping to hear more from Muslim leaders on how they feel law enforcement can build trust while keeping everyone safe.", ">>{rationalguy2} : This whole ordeal couldn't have gone worse for Trump. Why couldn't he keep his mouth shut? Instead he had to call the Khans out for non-issues.", '>>{RawhlTahhyde} : Are they really disdained if they won the popular vote of their respective primaries?', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : You mean ISIS? They're a fucking joke. They're getting pushed back by someone else's coalition and all we have to do is hammer them with targeted airstrikes.", '>>{TinyBaron} : It\'s just harassment. The "bad dudes" aren\'t going to have anything on their phones anyway.', '>>{jverity} : I agree with your encryption suggestion as something everyone should do these days regardless of whether or not they are leaving the country. As for the rest, I believe you meant 4th amendment, against searches? The 5th doesn\'t even apply within our borders anymore (civil forfeiture). As the article notes, more than 100 years of case law says that the fourth does not apply at a border crossing, and the 5th is only partial. They can "detain" your device for up to 5 days, and keep it indefinitely if they can find probable cause to do so in that time. You do not have to comply, but if you don\'t they are going to hold you, legal or not, and you are going to have to get a lawyer and fight it in court. Here\'s the way to go if you are going to leave the country: Save an encrypted backup to the cloud before each border crossing and wipe the phone. There\'s nothing to find then. Even better, because international data costs as much as a kidney transplant, leave your real phone at home and grab a burner phone when you get where you are going. Restore your contacts from the cloud and upload any pictures you take while there, then wipe the phone before you come back. It\'s cheaper, more secure than any other solution, and saves you any trouble crossing the border. If they think it\'s suspicious that you didn\'t bring a phone, explain that you always get a go phone in the country to went to because it\'s cheaper than paying for your data plan.', ">>{Snow_Town} : The MSM seemed to feel Mr. Khan's speech was a convention high point and that Trump needed to respond. While Trump's response was seen as unfeeling by some, I have to admit I had the same thought he did--Mrs. Khan's unspeaking presence on stage was stark, and seemed to reinforce stereotypes of quietly submissive Islamic wives.", ">>{CairyHunts} : Of course they ignore it; doesn't fit the narrative of alt-right, KKK, neo-nazi violence that they are trying to portray on anyone supportive of Trump.", '>>{Ulaven} : Straight from the Soviet playbook. this was Trump\'s tactic in claiming that the election was "rigged".', ">>{rationalguy2} : In fact, the increase in terrorist attacks is more out of desperation. Trump tells us there are simple answers to these problems, but there aren't. In fact, banning all Muslim immigrants wouldn't stop many domestic terrorist attacks because the people who are going to commit them are already here. And villainizing Muslims and trying to get them to leave will do more harm than good.", '>>{raudssus} : I can tell that I was already very demotivated to come back to America ever again after my first visit 3-4 years ago. Already the TSA to that time was unacceptable.........', ">>{Snow_Town} : Desperate or not, [ISIS still represents a clear threat to the United States.](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/isis-more-attacks-read-fbi-director-james-comey-terrorist-diaspora-fordham-syria-iraq-a7162426.html)Trump and his supporters certainly aren't trying to turn Muslims into villains. There are American Muslims who denounce jihadists already on the Trump Train.", '>>{LBJ20XX} : Every side is doing it. Anybody who thinks their side is innocent is fooling themselves.', ">>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : Trump supporters don't live around enough people for these incidents to occur.", ">>{rush42} : Read the article. A lot of that is made up. But the anti trump riots are real. We trump supporters didn't answer the pre election polls honestly Bc we were afraid. The media distorts things in favor of liberals. For example every march, pro lifers come to Washington DC in tens of thousands to voice our opposition to the holocaust of the preborn. Yet the liberal media only shows a group of maybe 100 ppl standing around with signs. They aren't showing tens of thousands marching through the streets including large groups of millenials. So I'm not surprised that my sons tumblr and Facebook and twitter are filled with stories(many false) about hate crimes and none about elderly trump supporters being beat up or people being shot for joking about voting for trump.", ">>{blissplus} : Americans will definitely get exactly what they deserve this election. I have no further role since I won't vote for either Clinton or Trump, so I will just pop popcorn and watch the colossal train wreck.", ">>{Snow_Town} : [Here's how the people of Nice responded to a similar sentiment...](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3695475/French-Prime-Minister-Manuel-Valls-BOOED-Nice-memorial-service-failure-prevent-French-terror-attacks.html).", ">>{nufadzoo} : I think empathy should trump stereotypes in a situation involving a grieving mother. Especially when you could easily read the heart breaking statements she has made to the MSM. Trump's behavior was inappropriate for any human being, especially a presidential candidate.", ">>{christopherNV} : Republicans were tired of the old guard, wanted change and voted for the outsider. It's really no different than Sanders supporters rejecting the old guard of the Democratic Party. Many people on both sides (left and right) are tired of politics as usual.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Not that obvious to the general public unfortunately, maybe the sleeper will awaken.', ">>{jverity} : Yep, the burner is better anyway because of the international data roaming rates they charge these days. Always get a burner when you get to your destination, if for no other reason, because it saves you hundreds of dollars. Leave your real phone at home where it can't be stolen while you are on your trip or searched at a border. Wipe the burner and put it under the wheel of the cab that takes you to the airport on your way back.", ">>{Snow_Town} : Mr. Khan made his speech at the DNC, and I feel the main goal of the speech was to attack Trump's position on halting Muslim immigration until we can accurately assess the terrorist threat of folks entering the country. It's tough to respond empathetically when you're responding to an attack. How do you think Trump should have responded?", ">>{AngerMacFadden} : I hope they grab this great country in a death grip and don't give it up so easily :)", ">>{sphincter_ohoolihan} : Trump is such an idiot. If he has simply said nothing, we wouldn't still be talking about this, and yet, because he is so thin-skinned, he's dragged his out for another week.", '>>{Kantina} : > Anybody who thinks their side is innocent is fooling themselves. Anybody who automatically thinks their opposition is guilty is fooling themselves also.', '>>{heyheyhey27} : > But the anti trump riots are real The anti-Trump riots consist of a large number of peaceful protesters plus a few anarchists who use the protest as an excuse to start shit. See the riot in Portland: protesters actually tried to *stop* the anarchists, and later started a fundraiser for the local businesses that were damaged in the riot.', ">>{blissplus} : You don't get a trophy for getting indicted, either. It just makes your supporters look like colossal morons.", ">>{bauboish} : Well, both parties had candidates from a wide range of ideologies. And people chose Clinton Trump from them. If candidates like Bernie or Cruz or JEB! or anyone else truly represented enough of American views that they can win a majority of votes in the general election, they'd be their party's nominee right now. The difference between American's 2-party system for presidency and many other countrise' multi-partied systems is that American ideological disagreements are filtered in the primaries rather than at the grand stage. On a local level, even candidates from the same party can have very different ideals. In the end, parties are just designations, and people are still people. And 2 party system doesn't make people less diverse.", ">>{foodlibrary} : You wouldn't buy this argument for a second if a trump supporter used it.", ">>{heyheyhey27} : It's not an argument; it's a statement of fact. Look at any of the news articles posted about the riot.", ">>{sphincter_ohoolihan} : Or maybe he just isn't driven by fear like yourself.", '>>{sockmahbawls} : Hey man.. I\'ve been meaning to ask you.. Why is the background on your cell phone a professional quality close up of your dick and balls? "I fly like.. a lot."', '>>{rush42} : I need to post more conservative articles here to balance this biased subreddit.', ">>{Snow_Town} : I'm not personally afraid, but I am vigilant when I go to 'soft-targets' like outdoor concerts, the grocery store and church. But Folks who are afraid certainly have a rational basis for that fear. [50% of Americans are with Trump on the ban...](http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/283789-poll-americans-split-on-trumps-muslim-ban-proposal)", ">>{nufadzoo} : What I'd expect, is what any reasonable person would say. I would address Mr. Khan's comments, and not take a shot at his wife that probably found it difficult to talk about her son's death in front of an audience of millions, which understandably, would be difficult for anyone.", '>>{foodlibrary} : Yet somehow whenever Trump rallies went violent it was always claimed that the violence was solely the fault of Trump supporters.', ">>{heyheyhey27} : I don't really care about individual stories of violence on either side. What is much more important are general trends. For example, [hate crimes have been spiking alongside Trump's popularity as a candidate, and after the election peaked to levels higher than just after 9/11](https://www.google.com/amp/amp.usatoday.com/story/93681294/?client=ms-android-verizon).", '>>{h2omelon93} : All he did was suggest we ban travel from countries that sponsor terrorism. Is that so crazy?', '>>{Public_Fucking_Media} : This is the right answer, but unfortunately most people are going to comply rather than be inconvenienced like this...', '>>{jverity} : >I don\'t believe you have a passport or ever left your country. Not only is that wrong, but when I am home one of my job responsibilities is managing the cellular plan for my company, and since we are a wine wholesaler, I have to deal with buyers and salespeople leaving the country, usually to Europe but sometimes South America, at least three or four times a year. We are with AT&T because Verizon is too expensive and Sprint lacks coverage in a lot of the places our salespeople go locally. Maybe one of them have a better deal, but AT&T straight up rapes you. Only recently did they introduce the "International Day Pass", but it\'s easy to get caught up in some of the fine print traps and they will retroactively charge you crazy rates, $2.05 per meg for data, 2 bucks per minute for voice. Plus, it\'s $10 a day, while you risk it not even applying, so if you go on a 10 day trip, that\'s $100 bucks you may just be completely wasting. AT&T passport might be an option but our salesperson never seems to be able to explain the rules properly. A burner is always better. Regardless of whether I\'ve ever gone anywhere, it\'s still sound advice, and I don\'t really care what you believe.', ">>{madam1} : no...all trump did was malign the parents of a soldier who died protecting the very rights that trump enjoys when he practices freedom of speech. trump doesn't attack ideas, he attacks people and that's because he doesn't have any original thoughts.", '>>{ChosenNaame} : Trump attracts thousands. Hillary only hundreds. How is that failed?', '>>{foodlibrary} : Those aren\'t hate crimes that have been reported to the police, they\'re "hate incidents" self reported to the SPLC\'s website. It\'s in the SPLC\'s financial interest to gin up fears of of a wave of hate crimes.', ">>{Public_Fucking_Media} : > Save an encrypted backup to the cloud before each border crossing and wipe the phone. There's nothing to find then That's what they want you to think - highly doubt iOS/Android's built in system wipe does so to proper standards.", ">>{TrumpSJW} : Not only that, but he broke the record for most ever votes in history. And it wasn't even close.", '>>{pseudolocus} : Have you been to these marches personally (and have pics) or are you just repeating information you heard elsewhere?', ">>{Snow_Town} : While I do sympathize with the Khans' loss, Mr. Khan did directly address Mr. Trump by claiming he had not read the Constitution or visited Arlington. While I don't know if Mr. Khan was [deliberately prompted to attack](http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/289932-khizer-khan-was-tricked-into-smearing-donald-trump), he did attack. Mr. Trump did not win the nomination by being passive; he did it by defending himself and speaking off the cuff.", ">>{gaberax} : Trump is pathological. He can't not respond. THIS is the kind of person that could be POTUS? No.", '>>{pseudolocus} : Try posting more impartial sources, like reuters and the like, not far right conspiracy sites. I mean I understand your frustration. People are very biased and partisan right now and there is misinformation on both sides, but to be honest more right wing websites have slanted and partially, if not fully, fabricated stories. This isn\'t a "who can shout louder" match, and its not a bad thing to be educated and to look at your sources first. That not only includes sources like the Daily Caller, but equally iffy sources like Think Progress and HuffPo from the left. You dont fight bias with more bias from the other side. That\'s a good way to get ignored. You should probably also stop listening to a criminal like Rush. There are better, more informed, less fear mongering, truthful sources to listen to on the right. Hard-line conservatives laugh at him and discount him, so what does that say about your favorite radio personality? Might as well have Dr Phil as your surgeon.', '>>{TrumpSJW} : The two party system will never die so long as the house decides in a plurality situation.', ">>{jverity} : But if you were using proper encryption in the first place it doesn't really matter if anything is left behind.", ">>{h2omelon93} : Trump is okay with bringing the whole system into question, yes he might of not respected the parents of a soldier but he was consistent in not doing so. How does banning the travel from foreign countries mean that he is violating the constitution? I don't see which laws he violated, Cleveland tried too ban the open carry law the day of the RNC and no one bats an eye. The amount of problems with this scene is beyond my patience to talk about it. Being a parent of a dead soldier does not give you access to a special sense of morality and a better understanding of our countries law.", ">>{heyheyhey27} : > It's in the SPLC's financial interest to gin up fears of of a wave of hate crimes. How exactly? SPLC is a nonprofit.", ">>{switchninja} : > As for the rest, I believe you meant 4th amendment, against searches? The 5th doesn't even apply within our borders anymore (civil forfeiture). The 4th is toast, especially at a port of entry. No, I am talking specifically about the 5th amendment, the one that allows you to remain silent, which is exactly what you're doing when you refuse to divulge your password (which is why I said passphrase, not a pattern or fingerprint.)", '>>{foodlibrary} : Even nonprofits need money to continue to employ people.', '>>{jverity} : Hey man, if you can tell me how to get the 65 year old owner of the company and a bunch of salespeople who can\'t even remember to log out of VPN when they are done to always check that they are on Wi-Fi when using their phones outside of the country, I\'ll buy you a year of reddit gold. I\'ve even tried just turning mobile data off on their phones before they leave and they just turn it back on and say they needed it because they couldn\'t get an email they needed and then they just "forgot" to turn it back off.', '>>{jverity} : I use a fingerprint to unlock, but on reboot it requires a ten character password to decrypt the phone. As long as you shut your phone off before you encounter a law enforcement agent, that should suffice. But, as noted by another user, right or wrong, you are still going to be detained. If you just want to make a point, go ahead and refuse, but if you really just want to get through the border with as little delay as possible, buy a burner when you get there and wipe/destroy it when you are coming back.', ">>{435i} : This shitty excuse gets shot down everyday on here and somehow people still keep saying it. If the media told me my candidate was behind I'd be more likely to go out and vote versus if I thought my candidate was ahead. Clinton won because more people support her, plain and simple. In the real world, outside of /r/politics, Clinton leads Sanders [53%-37% in polls](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/election-2016/national-primary-polls/democratic/) and 3 million in popular votes. Show me any data that shows 4 million Sanders voters not voting because of her supposed lead. Before you go off on some conspiracy about fraud, Clinton usually does worse or on par with her pre-primary polls. Fraud would mean all the third party polling companies are part of the conspiracy.", '>>{heyheyhey27} : Im sorry, but that\'s just silly. You could use that line of reasoning to dismiss literally any organization making any claim. Do you have any objections to SPLC more tangible than "they employ people"?', '>>{rush42} : Yes I have been to these marches several times. I go every year. Every church sends a bus load and that\'s just from my small section of the jersey shore. In any case no I do not have pictures Bc I\'m just not into taking pictures but this year I\'ll do it. It would be hard to capture the immense scope of this in an iPhone photo. It\'s like trying to take a pic of the Grand Canyon or a field of flowers. But I will try, just to get our side out there. they have speakers before the march begins. Then we have to wait our turn as a group to actually start marching. There are that many people we have to wait behind an immense throng including marching bands and busloads of chanting college students "hey ho hey ho! Roe v wade has got to go!!" And the like. It\'s all very exciting. Takes a couple hours to get down there and we come home the same day. And usually there is crappy weather it\'s cold and snowing. Yet that does not deter the crowds or squelch our passion for this vital cause.', '>>{row_guy} : God Almighty these people are pathetic. Are you really that afraid of examining what you have done to this country!!??', '>>{row_guy} : So the stories involving Muslims, Jews, and immigrants are false while those involving old white people are covered up? You sensitive little snow angels are in for a bad few years.', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : I heard something today, that resonated: The Baby Boomer Generation has hijacked the percerption of america, based on their own perceptions: The \'50\'s: idealized family life, everything perfect. The observations of a child. The 60\'s: Rebellion, freedom of exprssion and sexuality: as observed by the typical late teem boomer. 70\'s a time of mixed social and economic struggles, like a typical 20-something 80\'s-90\'s: Success being reached, America at "its Greatest!" (cue Ronald Reagan clips) this century: Decline.... weakness..... malaise.... all at the same time that our largest and most influential generation enters retirement. Oddly coincidental I wish George Carlin were still alive to comment', '>>{billwashere} : I was thinking he could draw American flags on his penis too...', '>>{VROF} : Why has it come to this? Why is this happening to us?', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Wow that's a good one! Same here, same here RIP Carlin.", '>>{foodlibrary} : They increase racial tension by giving white nationalists free publicity. I object to this for the same reasons I objected to the media giving Trump free publicity. There are only ~7000 members of the KKK, overstating their threat to society like the SPLC does only serves to degrade race relations in this country.', '>>{pseudolocus} : If you feel its not being accurately covered by newspapers I would document the next one and send it to multiple smaller papers and get someone to cover it more accurately. And get your friends too. Unfortunately usually what gets covered in TV and papers is what makes the the most money. Its not that there is a left conspiracy or bias in a lot of the media but that there is a HUGE bias toward $$$. Which drives both left and right wing bias, eventually leading to more partisan newspapers, more biased coverage on both sides, and people just yelling louder instead of discussing issues with the other side. Not to say I agree with your anti-abortion protests, because I think its misinformed and based on religious prohibitions, not logic. And your use of the word Holocaust is offensive to people that actually had family in the actual Holocaust. And because I think the same people who are anti abortion are not clamoring to adopt kids, so where would all these kids go if everyone who has an abortion gives birth? (Not that this is what would happen by the way - women would have abortions with coat hangers again. Have you read the history pre roe v wade? How is that more humane?)', ">>{like_ya_do} : Really excellent article. These numbers surprised me a lot; even though I sort of suspected the majority of under-30s were sick of everything given the economy and education and jobs situations, I didn't expect that frustration to span the full breadth of the sample. >According to a survey by Data Targeting, which called the results “shocking,” 55 percent of Americans favor having an independent or third party presidential candidate to consider this year, in addition to the two traditional party choices. **Of those 29 years of age and younger, 91 percent expressed support for additional choices.** >Another survey, conducted May 12-15 by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and published May 31, reported that a full **90 percent of voters lack confidence in the country’s political system** while 70 percent said they feel frustrated about the 2016 presidential election and 55 percent reported feeling “helpless.” Forty percent went so far as to say that the two-party structure is “seriously broken.” I've said in comments here that this election makes me feel helpless; it's the fifth I've voted in and I don't know if I've ever been more concerned. I didn't realize the polling for that was so high, though, which does nothing to alleviate any of my ill feeling.", '>>{arcticblue} : > holocaust of the preborn Hyperbole much? That statement right there shows you have very a naive, ignorant opinion on the matter and you\'ve bought in to the far-right propaganda. Holocaust of the preborn...give me a fucking break. Try talking to someone who has suffered through an abortion before saying something that stupid. Do you think a woman\'s body has a way to "shut down" during rape to prevent pregnancy too like certain politicians seem to believe?', ">>{rush42} : Thanks for agreeing that many of the sources on here are radical left wing like think progress and mother jones and even huff post and nyt editorials. Notice I haven't posted anything from Fox News. I actually did a search of what are the most unbiased sources and BBC was high on the list so I try to look at stuff like that for example. I do hear the other sides view from this sub Reddit and also from my liberal son who was a Bernie supporter. However as u might expect I do not agree that rush is a criminal. His show is mostly entertainment and it's clear that he voices his own opinion as he elaborates on one or two conservative points. Sometimes he sparks some interesting things to think about. I also listen to Hannity on the radio (don't watch tv Bc I live with my son so....) and I think he is very informative and has important guests on his show that really give insights into current issues and the conservative opinions of them. It's nice to hear that not all that the liberals are saying is anywhere hear true. For example to say that trump is against LGBT rights is nonsense. He supports gay marraige and allows transgender ppl to use whatever bathroom they want to in his own buildings. It's the left that does the fear mongering. They try to divide us by race and pit us against each other. As Hannity and the others point out, we are all Americans who want to make things better for EVERYONE. There are conservative blacks like Allen west and Ben Carson who understand that concept, but the mainstream media seldom wants to hear them speak out. you won't see any commentator or talk show host on the right supporting white supremacy movements. We all agree that is abhorrent. I know that these ppl support trump but it encompasses only a handful of his supporters and is certainly not condoned or validated. So it is wrong to say that right wing commentators are criminals.", ">>{AWaveInTheOcean} : Clinton hasn't won the popular vote yet, but with the help of her super delegates, it doesn't matter regardless.", ">>{proteus_swarm} : More competition and greater selection is good for the people. However, I don't see a several party system ever being sustainable in the current system.", ">>{heyheyhey27} : I don't really know how to respond to that. SPLC classifies hate groups as hate groups, fights racism/discrimination through the legal system, and funds educational programs advocating tolerance. Can you name a single instance in history where problems of racism and discrimination went away only after the group being discriminated against gave up and pretended it wasn't going on? Edit: and what does that have to do with your accusation of them skewing statistics?", ">>{zap283} : What on earth are you talking about? She's been ahead by over 3 million votes for weeks.", ">>{pseudolocus} : Re: Rush, and the criminal thing. My comment was just specific to Rush and unrelated to politics. Its his prescription drug fraud arrest I was thinking of and to be honest I stopped paying attention to him back when that happened because I didn't think he represented a sane point of view and was just doing his show for profit. Like, I disagree with O'Reilly but I think he believes what be says and has good arguments. I'm not sure Rush does. So that's where I'm coming from. I definitely think there are a lot of people on the right media that are both sane and have great intentions and are patriots. I don't think most of them are in the current transition team though :( I'm glad you're looking into sources and how reliable or unreliable they might be. Let your friends know too! I have just as many far left friends reposting crazy left wing stuff than you have right, and both bothers me, trust me. I found https://mediabiasfactcheck.com to be pretty accurate and a good source to check. Its kind of sad how small the unbiased list is though. And I have to expand my reading to leans left and leans right to get more coverage, honestly. And sure even NY times editorial and opinion sections have bias - after all both are opinion. But the NY times has had right wing op/end contributors too, so some papers do try to keep it balanced. Because if they dont, in theory, their readership should suffer. I try and keep in mind the bias when I read sources, so the Daily Caller is an automatic knee jerk discount what they say for me. The same way Huffington Post is honestly. I think its a good thing that this is a conversation that a lot of people are having - look at your source and be skeptical of everything. It should lead to more informed people in the long run, right? And there are definitely good conversations to be had by sitting down with the other side and talking things through. But that can't happen if both sides disagree about facts because both sides have been fed totally different stories :( Anyway. I see your intentions are good and I hope you keep checking neutral sources as well as regular papers and websites you may read. I try to and if more people do so, it can only be good in the long run :)", '>>{EllaPrvi_Real} : There never was real democracy in USA and it is open dictatorship in USA sponsored so called democratic countries. In USA sometimes Republicans play the bad cop and the democrats the good cop, sometimes it is vice versa. Behind the scene it is the most greedy and selfish people who is in power.', '>>{EllaPrvi_Real} : It would be nice to allow at least four different parties.', ">>{AWaveInTheOcean} : I guess it's just one of those things. He has great ideas about affordable Healthcare, affordable college, and tax reform, but Hillary is the safer bet to the colloquial democratic voter.", '>>{zap283} : Alternately, Bernie talks a good game, but when asked to go into depth, he reveals, every time, that he has a critically bad understanding of policy and the political processes of making it. A lot of us are choosing the policy wonk over the guy who makes inspiring speeches telling us what we want to hear.', ">>{rush42} : I haven't figured out how to copy part of your post Bc I'm new to Reddit so please excuse me for paraphrasing. Of course I meant no offense to holocaust victims. But some 50 million babies have been slaughtered in their mothers wombs since 1973. I don't know what else to call it. And yes, there are many people waiting on lists to adopt these kids. People go through private adoption agencies looking for a baby Bc there just aren't enough out there. I have a family member who was on a waiting list for over ten years. There is even a waiting list for babies with Down syndrome. Infertility is a huge problem and there are so many people who just want to have a family! I personally believe life begins at conception. But I'd be willing to compromise and say let's stop it after the first trimester. There is enough evidence that fetuses feel pain so even though murdering an innocent child is abhorrent, it is much worse to do it without an anesthetic of some sort. Even convinced felons get that much from their lethal injections. I mean come on. What sort of civilized nation would allow this to continue???", '>>{PapaBat} : Using the N word in public will do that.', ">>{rush42} : Geez I forgot about the drug thing. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I've done worse than that. So I give the guy a break.", '>>{AWaveInTheOcean} : She is not a policy wonk, otherwise she would not have had all her emails go to a private server. This is undeniable.', '>>{zap283} : This is such a non sequitur it hurts. The use of an email server has absolutely nothing to do with her grasp of policy and statecraft.', ">>{AWaveInTheOcean} : This is very sequitur. As Secretary of state, logic would govern that emails be received by a government issued email address. Why one would do otherwise, I don't know.", '>>{TheSingulatarian} : The Republican base is made up of a lot of racists. in a field of 17 candidates the racists made up the clear majority.', '>>{TheSingulatarian} : Sadly a tiny percentage of the electorate participate in primaries.', ">>{TheSingulatarian} : Bernie's been in congress/the Senate for 30 years. I think he understands how the sausage gets made.", '>>{AWaveInTheOcean} : That you should not discuss it via email that a non government employee has access to', '>>{zap283} : He seems to only understand how to sprinkle seasonings over the top of it.', '>>{zap283} : Talking about policy is not the same thing as making it. What does the email server have to do with the process by which laws are made?', ">>{AWaveInTheOcean} : In the same regard, any conversations could have been discussed via email, that government officials didn't know about at the time. As Secretary of state, dealing with foreign officials, much could have been missed under her private email server. If you are a careful and thorough politician, you would not make such a mistake.", ">>{zap283} : Which is a valid point to make, but doesn't in any way connect to the process of making laws.", ">>{McWaddle} : > I have no further role since I won't vote for either Clinton or Trump Vote for someone, regardless of who. Abstaining is no better than apathy.", '>>{RichardoSmoothie} : As my wife says, "You can\'t fix stupid".', '>>{stongey} : It connects to the process of abiding by them, something both Clintons routinely flaunt.', '>>{zap283} : Right, but none of this supports the original assertion which was "She is not a policy wonk, otherwise she would not have had all her emails go to a private server. This is undeniable." The argument made was that the email server somehow means she doesn\'t understand how to make policy.', ">>{Labellunch} : Reddit, there's a thing called congress, and it's mostly republican. Hillary ain't getting much passed if congress stays the same. Trump tho. He's got full power to do whatever horrid setback he wants.", ">>{blissplus} : What is 'better'? I'll vote for true progressives locally, but I'm not going to participate otherwise. Might write someone in.", '>>{stongey} : She knows how to effectively destabilize entire countries and plunge regions into chaos. Is that what you meant by policy?', ">>{axytl} : You'll be advising everybody to vote Republican, then, if Clinton II is president when the next elections to Congress are held?", '>>{AWaveInTheOcean} : One must be careful and thorough to make good laws. This is evidence that Hillary is not careful and thorough. Therefore, not very good at making laws.', '>>{Radical_Theorist} : People shit on the two-party system. But even in proportional representative using countries most of the times you have 2 mayor parties that rule and they change a bit to the left/right according to whom they work with in the government.', '>>{AWaveInTheOcean} : She knew what she was doing when she chose to make all her emails private. That is bad policy.', '>>{beatmastermatt} : The true silent majority are the 55 percent of independents in this country who are disillusioned with both major parties.', '>>{beatmastermatt} : Yep, money trickles down to the local level, too.', '>>{nysgreenandwhite} : >His platform isn\'t bad. His economic positions amount to "fuck the poor". It is just as bad as the two major parties.', '>>{PickledHate} : I guess all these upset people should have voted. Trump managed to win despite blatant trickery from a biased and rigged GOP because he got votes, essentially as a third party candidate.', ">>{Labellunch} : Except Trump really isn't an outsider. He played everyone."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{smokinbluebear} : Failure of America’s Two Parties: The U.S. political process, which fancies itself the world’s “gold standard,” is ready to foist on the American people two disdained candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, raising profound doubts about the two-party system', '>>{Politx} : Damn, one hell of an article. Well done.', '>>{bitfriend} : The entire reason Trump exists as the nominee is because Republicans did this thing called "democracy" and voted for him over the 16 other candidates.', ">>{OwItBerns} : Democracy is messy, and it's not perfect. The fact that your candidate didn't win doesn't invalidate the millions of voters who chose differently. This is the real world. You don't get a trophy for losing.", ">>{miamiofohio} : > The fact that your candidate didn't win doesn't invalidate the millions of voters who chose differently. Upvotes mean more than real votes", ">>{LastRayne} : It doesn't matter when votes start getting counted when they aren't even decided a month from now or the media consistently lies to make viewers think one candidate has a lead and you shouldn't bother to oppose them.", ">>{gaeuvyen} : >The fact that your candidate didn't win doesn't invalidate the millions of voters who chose differently. Same goes the other way, just because your candidate wins doesnt invalidate the millioms of people who chose differently, and to expect them to change how they feel just because your candidate won a nomination and support someome they didnt support before.", '>>{RawhlTahhyde} : Are they really disdained if they won the popular vote of their respective primaries?', ">>{blissplus} : Americans will definitely get exactly what they deserve this election. I have no further role since I won't vote for either Clinton or Trump, so I will just pop popcorn and watch the colossal train wreck.", ">>{christopherNV} : Republicans were tired of the old guard, wanted change and voted for the outsider. It's really no different than Sanders supporters rejecting the old guard of the Democratic Party. Many people on both sides (left and right) are tired of politics as usual.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : Not that obvious to the general public unfortunately, maybe the sleeper will awaken.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : I hope they grab this great country in a death grip and don't give it up so easily :)", ">>{blissplus} : You don't get a trophy for getting indicted, either. It just makes your supporters look like colossal morons.", ">>{bauboish} : Well, both parties had candidates from a wide range of ideologies. And people chose Clinton Trump from them. If candidates like Bernie or Cruz or JEB! or anyone else truly represented enough of American views that they can win a majority of votes in the general election, they'd be their party's nominee right now. The difference between American's 2-party system for presidency and many other countrise' multi-partied systems is that American ideological disagreements are filtered in the primaries rather than at the grand stage. On a local level, even candidates from the same party can have very different ideals. In the end, parties are just designations, and people are still people. And 2 party system doesn't make people less diverse.", '>>{ChosenNaame} : Trump attracts thousands. Hillary only hundreds. How is that failed?', ">>{TrumpSJW} : Not only that, but he broke the record for most ever votes in history. And it wasn't even close.", '>>{TrumpSJW} : The two party system will never die so long as the house decides in a plurality situation.', ">>{435i} : This shitty excuse gets shot down everyday on here and somehow people still keep saying it. If the media told me my candidate was behind I'd be more likely to go out and vote versus if I thought my candidate was ahead. Clinton won because more people support her, plain and simple. In the real world, outside of /r/politics, Clinton leads Sanders [53%-37% in polls](http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/election-2016/national-primary-polls/democratic/) and 3 million in popular votes. Show me any data that shows 4 million Sanders voters not voting because of her supposed lead. Before you go off on some conspiracy about fraud, Clinton usually does worse or on par with her pre-primary polls. Fraud would mean all the third party polling companies are part of the conspiracy.", '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : I heard something today, that resonated: The Baby Boomer Generation has hijacked the percerption of america, based on their own perceptions: The \'50\'s: idealized family life, everything perfect. The observations of a child. The 60\'s: Rebellion, freedom of exprssion and sexuality: as observed by the typical late teem boomer. 70\'s a time of mixed social and economic struggles, like a typical 20-something 80\'s-90\'s: Success being reached, America at "its Greatest!" (cue Ronald Reagan clips) this century: Decline.... weakness..... malaise.... all at the same time that our largest and most influential generation enters retirement. Oddly coincidental I wish George Carlin were still alive to comment', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Wow that's a good one! Same here, same here RIP Carlin.", ">>{like_ya_do} : Really excellent article. These numbers surprised me a lot; even though I sort of suspected the majority of under-30s were sick of everything given the economy and education and jobs situations, I didn't expect that frustration to span the full breadth of the sample. >According to a survey by Data Targeting, which called the results “shocking,” 55 percent of Americans favor having an independent or third party presidential candidate to consider this year, in addition to the two traditional party choices. **Of those 29 years of age and younger, 91 percent expressed support for additional choices.** >Another survey, conducted May 12-15 by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and published May 31, reported that a full **90 percent of voters lack confidence in the country’s political system** while 70 percent said they feel frustrated about the 2016 presidential election and 55 percent reported feeling “helpless.” Forty percent went so far as to say that the two-party structure is “seriously broken.” I've said in comments here that this election makes me feel helpless; it's the fifth I've voted in and I don't know if I've ever been more concerned. I didn't realize the polling for that was so high, though, which does nothing to alleviate any of my ill feeling.", ">>{AWaveInTheOcean} : Clinton hasn't won the popular vote yet, but with the help of her super delegates, it doesn't matter regardless.", ">>{proteus_swarm} : More competition and greater selection is good for the people. However, I don't see a several party system ever being sustainable in the current system.", ">>{zap283} : What on earth are you talking about? She's been ahead by over 3 million votes for weeks.", '>>{EllaPrvi_Real} : There never was real democracy in USA and it is open dictatorship in USA sponsored so called democratic countries. In USA sometimes Republicans play the bad cop and the democrats the good cop, sometimes it is vice versa. Behind the scene it is the most greedy and selfish people who is in power.', '>>{EllaPrvi_Real} : It would be nice to allow at least four different parties.', ">>{AWaveInTheOcean} : I guess it's just one of those things. He has great ideas about affordable Healthcare, affordable college, and tax reform, but Hillary is the safer bet to the colloquial democratic voter.", '>>{zap283} : Alternately, Bernie talks a good game, but when asked to go into depth, he reveals, every time, that he has a critically bad understanding of policy and the political processes of making it. A lot of us are choosing the policy wonk over the guy who makes inspiring speeches telling us what we want to hear.', '>>{AWaveInTheOcean} : She is not a policy wonk, otherwise she would not have had all her emails go to a private server. This is undeniable.', '>>{zap283} : This is such a non sequitur it hurts. The use of an email server has absolutely nothing to do with her grasp of policy and statecraft.', ">>{AWaveInTheOcean} : This is very sequitur. As Secretary of state, logic would govern that emails be received by a government issued email address. Why one would do otherwise, I don't know.", '>>{TheSingulatarian} : The Republican base is made up of a lot of racists. in a field of 17 candidates the racists made up the clear majority.', '>>{TheSingulatarian} : Sadly a tiny percentage of the electorate participate in primaries.', ">>{TheSingulatarian} : Bernie's been in congress/the Senate for 30 years. I think he understands how the sausage gets made.", '>>{AWaveInTheOcean} : That you should not discuss it via email that a non government employee has access to', '>>{zap283} : He seems to only understand how to sprinkle seasonings over the top of it.', '>>{zap283} : Talking about policy is not the same thing as making it. What does the email server have to do with the process by which laws are made?', ">>{AWaveInTheOcean} : In the same regard, any conversations could have been discussed via email, that government officials didn't know about at the time. As Secretary of state, dealing with foreign officials, much could have been missed under her private email server. If you are a careful and thorough politician, you would not make such a mistake.", ">>{zap283} : Which is a valid point to make, but doesn't in any way connect to the process of making laws.", ">>{McWaddle} : > I have no further role since I won't vote for either Clinton or Trump Vote for someone, regardless of who. Abstaining is no better than apathy.", '>>{RichardoSmoothie} : As my wife says, "You can\'t fix stupid".', '>>{stongey} : It connects to the process of abiding by them, something both Clintons routinely flaunt.', '>>{zap283} : Right, but none of this supports the original assertion which was "She is not a policy wonk, otherwise she would not have had all her emails go to a private server. This is undeniable." The argument made was that the email server somehow means she doesn\'t understand how to make policy.', ">>{Labellunch} : Reddit, there's a thing called congress, and it's mostly republican. Hillary ain't getting much passed if congress stays the same. Trump tho. He's got full power to do whatever horrid setback he wants.", ">>{blissplus} : What is 'better'? I'll vote for true progressives locally, but I'm not going to participate otherwise. Might write someone in.", '>>{stongey} : She knows how to effectively destabilize entire countries and plunge regions into chaos. Is that what you meant by policy?', ">>{axytl} : You'll be advising everybody to vote Republican, then, if Clinton II is president when the next elections to Congress are held?", '>>{AWaveInTheOcean} : One must be careful and thorough to make good laws. This is evidence that Hillary is not careful and thorough. Therefore, not very good at making laws.', '>>{Radical_Theorist} : People shit on the two-party system. But even in proportional representative using countries most of the times you have 2 mayor parties that rule and they change a bit to the left/right according to whom they work with in the government.', '>>{AWaveInTheOcean} : She knew what she was doing when she chose to make all her emails private. That is bad policy.', '>>{beatmastermatt} : The true silent majority are the 55 percent of independents in this country who are disillusioned with both major parties.', '>>{beatmastermatt} : Yep, money trickles down to the local level, too.', '>>{nysgreenandwhite} : >His platform isn\'t bad. His economic positions amount to "fuck the poor". It is just as bad as the two major parties.', '>>{PickledHate} : I guess all these upset people should have voted. Trump managed to win despite blatant trickery from a biased and rigged GOP because he got votes, essentially as a third party candidate.', ">>{Labellunch} : Except Trump really isn't an outsider. He played everyone."], ['>>{Economic_Anxiety} : American Citizens: U.S. Border Agents Can Search Your Cellphone', '>>{fitzroy95} : Seems as though the US is trying its hardest to discourage ***everyone*** from coming to visit the country. In the name of "security" (which is really only meaningless security theater), they are steadily removing all personal privacy that they can, which just makes it easier for tourists to justify going almost anywhere else in the world where they might actually be treated decently. No wonder that tourism rates are dropping rapidly', ">>{switchninja} : Americans cannot be denied entrance back into the united states. They'll count on you wanting to make a connecting flight or just general travel weariness for compliance, so you'll want some time to burn if you want to fight back. Full-device encrypt everything with a pass string, NOT a pattern or finger print, but something you have to actually memorize. Power it down before entering a port of entry, and refuse to provide the key when demanded. Your 5th amendment right still holds at the border, despite what the brown shirts will want you to think.", ">>{modseatabbc} : Obama has been searching them for 8 years. This isn't new. Read WikiLeaks.", ">>{aggie1391} : > What most of them have in common — 23 of the 25 — is that they are Muslim, like Shibly, whose parents are from Syria. And there it is. That's the reason. G-d forbid Americans exercise their freedom of religion by being a Muslim! I hope these people fill a suit. They have a Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure. CBP can get a warrant or go fuck themselves.", ">>{iamitman007} : As a brown american this won't work out too well for me. So instead I plan to take lots of pictures of my dick for them to check out.", ">>{aggie1391} : If you bothered to read the article, you'd see that the policy used to be very narrow and restricted, and was used only 5,000 times in 2015. Meanwhile, its now grown to be baseless targeting of American Muslims and has been used 5,000 times just last month.", '>>{Amrokmfc} : Make sure you throw in a couple of your butthole as well. And if you make them recent pictures (include a front page of a newspaper next to it), maybe you can convince them to use those photos in place of an "enhanced search".', '>>{Economic_Anxiety} : I salute you, patriot! The only way this could be a more American form of protest is if you wore stars and stripes during your various stages of undress.', '>>{TinyBaron} : It\'s just harassment. The "bad dudes" aren\'t going to have anything on their phones anyway.', '>>{jverity} : I agree with your encryption suggestion as something everyone should do these days regardless of whether or not they are leaving the country. As for the rest, I believe you meant 4th amendment, against searches? The 5th doesn\'t even apply within our borders anymore (civil forfeiture). As the article notes, more than 100 years of case law says that the fourth does not apply at a border crossing, and the 5th is only partial. They can "detain" your device for up to 5 days, and keep it indefinitely if they can find probable cause to do so in that time. You do not have to comply, but if you don\'t they are going to hold you, legal or not, and you are going to have to get a lawyer and fight it in court. Here\'s the way to go if you are going to leave the country: Save an encrypted backup to the cloud before each border crossing and wipe the phone. There\'s nothing to find then. Even better, because international data costs as much as a kidney transplant, leave your real phone at home and grab a burner phone when you get where you are going. Restore your contacts from the cloud and upload any pictures you take while there, then wipe the phone before you come back. It\'s cheaper, more secure than any other solution, and saves you any trouble crossing the border. If they think it\'s suspicious that you didn\'t bring a phone, explain that you always get a go phone in the country to went to because it\'s cheaper than paying for your data plan.', '>>{raudssus} : I can tell that I was already very demotivated to come back to America ever again after my first visit 3-4 years ago. Already the TSA to that time was unacceptable.........', ">>{jverity} : Yep, the burner is better anyway because of the international data roaming rates they charge these days. Always get a burner when you get to your destination, if for no other reason, because it saves you hundreds of dollars. Leave your real phone at home where it can't be stolen while you are on your trip or searched at a border. Wipe the burner and put it under the wheel of the cab that takes you to the airport on your way back.", '>>{sockmahbawls} : Hey man.. I\'ve been meaning to ask you.. Why is the background on your cell phone a professional quality close up of your dick and balls? "I fly like.. a lot."', '>>{Public_Fucking_Media} : This is the right answer, but unfortunately most people are going to comply rather than be inconvenienced like this...', '>>{jverity} : >I don\'t believe you have a passport or ever left your country. Not only is that wrong, but when I am home one of my job responsibilities is managing the cellular plan for my company, and since we are a wine wholesaler, I have to deal with buyers and salespeople leaving the country, usually to Europe but sometimes South America, at least three or four times a year. We are with AT&T because Verizon is too expensive and Sprint lacks coverage in a lot of the places our salespeople go locally. Maybe one of them have a better deal, but AT&T straight up rapes you. Only recently did they introduce the "International Day Pass", but it\'s easy to get caught up in some of the fine print traps and they will retroactively charge you crazy rates, $2.05 per meg for data, 2 bucks per minute for voice. Plus, it\'s $10 a day, while you risk it not even applying, so if you go on a 10 day trip, that\'s $100 bucks you may just be completely wasting. AT&T passport might be an option but our salesperson never seems to be able to explain the rules properly. A burner is always better. Regardless of whether I\'ve ever gone anywhere, it\'s still sound advice, and I don\'t really care what you believe.', ">>{Public_Fucking_Media} : > Save an encrypted backup to the cloud before each border crossing and wipe the phone. There's nothing to find then That's what they want you to think - highly doubt iOS/Android's built in system wipe does so to proper standards.", ">>{jverity} : But if you were using proper encryption in the first place it doesn't really matter if anything is left behind.", ">>{switchninja} : > As for the rest, I believe you meant 4th amendment, against searches? The 5th doesn't even apply within our borders anymore (civil forfeiture). The 4th is toast, especially at a port of entry. No, I am talking specifically about the 5th amendment, the one that allows you to remain silent, which is exactly what you're doing when you refuse to divulge your password (which is why I said passphrase, not a pattern or fingerprint.)", '>>{jverity} : Hey man, if you can tell me how to get the 65 year old owner of the company and a bunch of salespeople who can\'t even remember to log out of VPN when they are done to always check that they are on Wi-Fi when using their phones outside of the country, I\'ll buy you a year of reddit gold. I\'ve even tried just turning mobile data off on their phones before they leave and they just turn it back on and say they needed it because they couldn\'t get an email they needed and then they just "forgot" to turn it back off.', '>>{jverity} : I use a fingerprint to unlock, but on reboot it requires a ten character password to decrypt the phone. As long as you shut your phone off before you encounter a law enforcement agent, that should suffice. But, as noted by another user, right or wrong, you are still going to be detained. If you just want to make a point, go ahead and refuse, but if you really just want to get through the border with as little delay as possible, buy a burner when you get there and wipe/destroy it when you are coming back.', '>>{billwashere} : I was thinking he could draw American flags on his penis too...', '>>{VROF} : Why has it come to this? Why is this happening to us?'], ['>>{rush42} : Liberal Media Ignores Violence Against Trump Supporters | The Daily Caller', '>>{SaltHash} : The Daily Caller ignores violence from Trump supporters. So the Neo-Cons at that site can get off their sanctimonious soap box.', ">>{Kantina} : Accuse the opposition of what you're doing yourself. It make for great cover.", '>>{Grown_Man_Poops} : How many articles has The Daily Caller ran about the acts of violence against minorities that were perpetrated by Trump supporters?', ">>{CairyHunts} : Of course they ignore it; doesn't fit the narrative of alt-right, KKK, neo-nazi violence that they are trying to portray on anyone supportive of Trump.", '>>{Ulaven} : Straight from the Soviet playbook. this was Trump\'s tactic in claiming that the election was "rigged".', '>>{LBJ20XX} : Every side is doing it. Anybody who thinks their side is innocent is fooling themselves.', ">>{HeathcliffHeathcliff} : Trump supporters don't live around enough people for these incidents to occur.", ">>{rush42} : Read the article. A lot of that is made up. But the anti trump riots are real. We trump supporters didn't answer the pre election polls honestly Bc we were afraid. The media distorts things in favor of liberals. For example every march, pro lifers come to Washington DC in tens of thousands to voice our opposition to the holocaust of the preborn. Yet the liberal media only shows a group of maybe 100 ppl standing around with signs. They aren't showing tens of thousands marching through the streets including large groups of millenials. So I'm not surprised that my sons tumblr and Facebook and twitter are filled with stories(many false) about hate crimes and none about elderly trump supporters being beat up or people being shot for joking about voting for trump.", '>>{Kantina} : > Anybody who thinks their side is innocent is fooling themselves. Anybody who automatically thinks their opposition is guilty is fooling themselves also.', '>>{heyheyhey27} : > But the anti trump riots are real The anti-Trump riots consist of a large number of peaceful protesters plus a few anarchists who use the protest as an excuse to start shit. See the riot in Portland: protesters actually tried to *stop* the anarchists, and later started a fundraiser for the local businesses that were damaged in the riot.', ">>{foodlibrary} : You wouldn't buy this argument for a second if a trump supporter used it.", ">>{heyheyhey27} : It's not an argument; it's a statement of fact. Look at any of the news articles posted about the riot.", '>>{rush42} : I need to post more conservative articles here to balance this biased subreddit.', '>>{foodlibrary} : Yet somehow whenever Trump rallies went violent it was always claimed that the violence was solely the fault of Trump supporters.', ">>{heyheyhey27} : I don't really care about individual stories of violence on either side. What is much more important are general trends. For example, [hate crimes have been spiking alongside Trump's popularity as a candidate, and after the election peaked to levels higher than just after 9/11](https://www.google.com/amp/amp.usatoday.com/story/93681294/?client=ms-android-verizon).", '>>{foodlibrary} : Those aren\'t hate crimes that have been reported to the police, they\'re "hate incidents" self reported to the SPLC\'s website. It\'s in the SPLC\'s financial interest to gin up fears of of a wave of hate crimes.', '>>{pseudolocus} : Have you been to these marches personally (and have pics) or are you just repeating information you heard elsewhere?', '>>{pseudolocus} : Try posting more impartial sources, like reuters and the like, not far right conspiracy sites. I mean I understand your frustration. People are very biased and partisan right now and there is misinformation on both sides, but to be honest more right wing websites have slanted and partially, if not fully, fabricated stories. This isn\'t a "who can shout louder" match, and its not a bad thing to be educated and to look at your sources first. That not only includes sources like the Daily Caller, but equally iffy sources like Think Progress and HuffPo from the left. You dont fight bias with more bias from the other side. That\'s a good way to get ignored. You should probably also stop listening to a criminal like Rush. There are better, more informed, less fear mongering, truthful sources to listen to on the right. Hard-line conservatives laugh at him and discount him, so what does that say about your favorite radio personality? Might as well have Dr Phil as your surgeon.', ">>{heyheyhey27} : > It's in the SPLC's financial interest to gin up fears of of a wave of hate crimes. How exactly? SPLC is a nonprofit.", '>>{foodlibrary} : Even nonprofits need money to continue to employ people.', '>>{heyheyhey27} : Im sorry, but that\'s just silly. You could use that line of reasoning to dismiss literally any organization making any claim. Do you have any objections to SPLC more tangible than "they employ people"?', '>>{rush42} : Yes I have been to these marches several times. I go every year. Every church sends a bus load and that\'s just from my small section of the jersey shore. In any case no I do not have pictures Bc I\'m just not into taking pictures but this year I\'ll do it. It would be hard to capture the immense scope of this in an iPhone photo. It\'s like trying to take a pic of the Grand Canyon or a field of flowers. But I will try, just to get our side out there. they have speakers before the march begins. Then we have to wait our turn as a group to actually start marching. There are that many people we have to wait behind an immense throng including marching bands and busloads of chanting college students "hey ho hey ho! Roe v wade has got to go!!" And the like. It\'s all very exciting. Takes a couple hours to get down there and we come home the same day. And usually there is crappy weather it\'s cold and snowing. Yet that does not deter the crowds or squelch our passion for this vital cause.', '>>{row_guy} : God Almighty these people are pathetic. Are you really that afraid of examining what you have done to this country!!??', '>>{row_guy} : So the stories involving Muslims, Jews, and immigrants are false while those involving old white people are covered up? You sensitive little snow angels are in for a bad few years.', '>>{foodlibrary} : They increase racial tension by giving white nationalists free publicity. I object to this for the same reasons I objected to the media giving Trump free publicity. There are only ~7000 members of the KKK, overstating their threat to society like the SPLC does only serves to degrade race relations in this country.', '>>{pseudolocus} : If you feel its not being accurately covered by newspapers I would document the next one and send it to multiple smaller papers and get someone to cover it more accurately. And get your friends too. Unfortunately usually what gets covered in TV and papers is what makes the the most money. Its not that there is a left conspiracy or bias in a lot of the media but that there is a HUGE bias toward $$$. Which drives both left and right wing bias, eventually leading to more partisan newspapers, more biased coverage on both sides, and people just yelling louder instead of discussing issues with the other side. Not to say I agree with your anti-abortion protests, because I think its misinformed and based on religious prohibitions, not logic. And your use of the word Holocaust is offensive to people that actually had family in the actual Holocaust. And because I think the same people who are anti abortion are not clamoring to adopt kids, so where would all these kids go if everyone who has an abortion gives birth? (Not that this is what would happen by the way - women would have abortions with coat hangers again. Have you read the history pre roe v wade? How is that more humane?)', '>>{arcticblue} : > holocaust of the preborn Hyperbole much? That statement right there shows you have very a naive, ignorant opinion on the matter and you\'ve bought in to the far-right propaganda. Holocaust of the preborn...give me a fucking break. Try talking to someone who has suffered through an abortion before saying something that stupid. Do you think a woman\'s body has a way to "shut down" during rape to prevent pregnancy too like certain politicians seem to believe?', ">>{rush42} : Thanks for agreeing that many of the sources on here are radical left wing like think progress and mother jones and even huff post and nyt editorials. Notice I haven't posted anything from Fox News. I actually did a search of what are the most unbiased sources and BBC was high on the list so I try to look at stuff like that for example. I do hear the other sides view from this sub Reddit and also from my liberal son who was a Bernie supporter. However as u might expect I do not agree that rush is a criminal. His show is mostly entertainment and it's clear that he voices his own opinion as he elaborates on one or two conservative points. Sometimes he sparks some interesting things to think about. I also listen to Hannity on the radio (don't watch tv Bc I live with my son so....) and I think he is very informative and has important guests on his show that really give insights into current issues and the conservative opinions of them. It's nice to hear that not all that the liberals are saying is anywhere hear true. For example to say that trump is against LGBT rights is nonsense. He supports gay marraige and allows transgender ppl to use whatever bathroom they want to in his own buildings. It's the left that does the fear mongering. They try to divide us by race and pit us against each other. As Hannity and the others point out, we are all Americans who want to make things better for EVERYONE. There are conservative blacks like Allen west and Ben Carson who understand that concept, but the mainstream media seldom wants to hear them speak out. you won't see any commentator or talk show host on the right supporting white supremacy movements. We all agree that is abhorrent. I know that these ppl support trump but it encompasses only a handful of his supporters and is certainly not condoned or validated. So it is wrong to say that right wing commentators are criminals.", ">>{heyheyhey27} : I don't really know how to respond to that. SPLC classifies hate groups as hate groups, fights racism/discrimination through the legal system, and funds educational programs advocating tolerance. Can you name a single instance in history where problems of racism and discrimination went away only after the group being discriminated against gave up and pretended it wasn't going on? Edit: and what does that have to do with your accusation of them skewing statistics?", ">>{pseudolocus} : Re: Rush, and the criminal thing. My comment was just specific to Rush and unrelated to politics. Its his prescription drug fraud arrest I was thinking of and to be honest I stopped paying attention to him back when that happened because I didn't think he represented a sane point of view and was just doing his show for profit. Like, I disagree with O'Reilly but I think he believes what be says and has good arguments. I'm not sure Rush does. So that's where I'm coming from. I definitely think there are a lot of people on the right media that are both sane and have great intentions and are patriots. I don't think most of them are in the current transition team though :( I'm glad you're looking into sources and how reliable or unreliable they might be. Let your friends know too! I have just as many far left friends reposting crazy left wing stuff than you have right, and both bothers me, trust me. I found https://mediabiasfactcheck.com to be pretty accurate and a good source to check. Its kind of sad how small the unbiased list is though. And I have to expand my reading to leans left and leans right to get more coverage, honestly. And sure even NY times editorial and opinion sections have bias - after all both are opinion. But the NY times has had right wing op/end contributors too, so some papers do try to keep it balanced. Because if they dont, in theory, their readership should suffer. I try and keep in mind the bias when I read sources, so the Daily Caller is an automatic knee jerk discount what they say for me. The same way Huffington Post is honestly. I think its a good thing that this is a conversation that a lot of people are having - look at your source and be skeptical of everything. It should lead to more informed people in the long run, right? And there are definitely good conversations to be had by sitting down with the other side and talking things through. But that can't happen if both sides disagree about facts because both sides have been fed totally different stories :( Anyway. I see your intentions are good and I hope you keep checking neutral sources as well as regular papers and websites you may read. I try to and if more people do so, it can only be good in the long run :)", ">>{rush42} : I haven't figured out how to copy part of your post Bc I'm new to Reddit so please excuse me for paraphrasing. Of course I meant no offense to holocaust victims. But some 50 million babies have been slaughtered in their mothers wombs since 1973. I don't know what else to call it. And yes, there are many people waiting on lists to adopt these kids. People go through private adoption agencies looking for a baby Bc there just aren't enough out there. I have a family member who was on a waiting list for over ten years. There is even a waiting list for babies with Down syndrome. Infertility is a huge problem and there are so many people who just want to have a family! I personally believe life begins at conception. But I'd be willing to compromise and say let's stop it after the first trimester. There is enough evidence that fetuses feel pain so even though murdering an innocent child is abhorrent, it is much worse to do it without an anesthetic of some sort. Even convinced felons get that much from their lethal injections. I mean come on. What sort of civilized nation would allow this to continue???", '>>{PapaBat} : Using the N word in public will do that.', ">>{rush42} : Geez I forgot about the drug thing. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. I've done worse than that. So I give the guy a break."], [">>{Snow_Town} : Mr. Khan's comments show a lack of understanding of the terrorist threats currently faced by the United States. I respect his son's service and sacrifice as I do that of all our brave men and women in uniform. However, our next President will need to focus on keeping Americans safe here at home.", '>>{walter_neft} : >“This is the time for us American Muslims to rat out any traitor who walks amongst us. This is high time for Muslims to stand firm [against terrorists],” the elder Khan recounted. “Among us hides the enemies of the value system of this country. And we need to defend it. And if it means ratting out the traitors who hide behind an American passport, that’s what we need to do.”', ">>{Snow_Town} : I commend Mr Khan for advocating that American Muslims 'rat out' traitors. I agree that it is high time for Muslims to stand firm against terrorists. I certainly hope we see more American Muslims publicly espousing these views. I reitterate that Mr Khan's initial and subsequent comments demonstrate a lack of understanding of a President's primary role--keeping Americans safe.", '>>{walter_neft} : http://www.businessinsider.com/fbi-says-muslims-do-report-extremist-threats-2016-6 Also the president does not have a "primary role" but many equal roles.', ">>{Snow_Town} : [Parents adamant the responsilibity to report is not theirs...](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3684340/Some-Muslim-parents-NOT-report-children-travelled-Syria-join-ISIS-don-t-trust-police-claims-new-study.html). Most Americans would agree that one of the President's primary roles is keeping Americans and the homeland secure, but you're welcome to argue otherwise.", ">>{walter_neft} : You're citing an article that quotes British parents' opinions. I cited one that quotes the head of the FBI on the actual actions of Americans. I wil agree it's one of the major roles. That's why I said numerous equal roles.", ">>{Snow_Town} : My article echos your article in that study participants expressed concerns about police and 'trust not being reciprocated by U.S. government officials'. Your article makes clear there is still a lot of work to be done between law enforcement and Muslim communities.", '>>{walter_neft} : And a calling for Muslim ban or spying on mosques or insulting the parents of a war hero is not how you build trust.', ">>{Snow_Town} : I think we need to be careful and vigilant with respect to immigration policy and houses of worship. I'm hoping to hear more from Muslim leaders on how they feel law enforcement can build trust while keeping everyone safe.", ">>{rationalguy2} : This whole ordeal couldn't have gone worse for Trump. Why couldn't he keep his mouth shut? Instead he had to call the Khans out for non-issues.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : You mean ISIS? They're a fucking joke. They're getting pushed back by someone else's coalition and all we have to do is hammer them with targeted airstrikes.", ">>{Snow_Town} : The MSM seemed to feel Mr. Khan's speech was a convention high point and that Trump needed to respond. While Trump's response was seen as unfeeling by some, I have to admit I had the same thought he did--Mrs. Khan's unspeaking presence on stage was stark, and seemed to reinforce stereotypes of quietly submissive Islamic wives.", ">>{rationalguy2} : In fact, the increase in terrorist attacks is more out of desperation. Trump tells us there are simple answers to these problems, but there aren't. In fact, banning all Muslim immigrants wouldn't stop many domestic terrorist attacks because the people who are going to commit them are already here. And villainizing Muslims and trying to get them to leave will do more harm than good.", ">>{Snow_Town} : Desperate or not, [ISIS still represents a clear threat to the United States.](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/isis-more-attacks-read-fbi-director-james-comey-terrorist-diaspora-fordham-syria-iraq-a7162426.html)Trump and his supporters certainly aren't trying to turn Muslims into villains. There are American Muslims who denounce jihadists already on the Trump Train.", ">>{Snow_Town} : [Here's how the people of Nice responded to a similar sentiment...](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3695475/French-Prime-Minister-Manuel-Valls-BOOED-Nice-memorial-service-failure-prevent-French-terror-attacks.html).", ">>{nufadzoo} : I think empathy should trump stereotypes in a situation involving a grieving mother. Especially when you could easily read the heart breaking statements she has made to the MSM. Trump's behavior was inappropriate for any human being, especially a presidential candidate.", ">>{Snow_Town} : Mr. Khan made his speech at the DNC, and I feel the main goal of the speech was to attack Trump's position on halting Muslim immigration until we can accurately assess the terrorist threat of folks entering the country. It's tough to respond empathetically when you're responding to an attack. How do you think Trump should have responded?", ">>{sphincter_ohoolihan} : Trump is such an idiot. If he has simply said nothing, we wouldn't still be talking about this, and yet, because he is so thin-skinned, he's dragged his out for another week.", ">>{sphincter_ohoolihan} : Or maybe he just isn't driven by fear like yourself.", ">>{Snow_Town} : I'm not personally afraid, but I am vigilant when I go to 'soft-targets' like outdoor concerts, the grocery store and church. But Folks who are afraid certainly have a rational basis for that fear. [50% of Americans are with Trump on the ban...](http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/283789-poll-americans-split-on-trumps-muslim-ban-proposal)", ">>{nufadzoo} : What I'd expect, is what any reasonable person would say. I would address Mr. Khan's comments, and not take a shot at his wife that probably found it difficult to talk about her son's death in front of an audience of millions, which understandably, would be difficult for anyone.", '>>{h2omelon93} : All he did was suggest we ban travel from countries that sponsor terrorism. Is that so crazy?', ">>{madam1} : no...all trump did was malign the parents of a soldier who died protecting the very rights that trump enjoys when he practices freedom of speech. trump doesn't attack ideas, he attacks people and that's because he doesn't have any original thoughts.", ">>{Snow_Town} : While I do sympathize with the Khans' loss, Mr. Khan did directly address Mr. Trump by claiming he had not read the Constitution or visited Arlington. While I don't know if Mr. Khan was [deliberately prompted to attack](http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/289932-khizer-khan-was-tricked-into-smearing-donald-trump), he did attack. Mr. Trump did not win the nomination by being passive; he did it by defending himself and speaking off the cuff.", ">>{gaberax} : Trump is pathological. He can't not respond. THIS is the kind of person that could be POTUS? No.", ">>{h2omelon93} : Trump is okay with bringing the whole system into question, yes he might of not respected the parents of a soldier but he was consistent in not doing so. How does banning the travel from foreign countries mean that he is violating the constitution? I don't see which laws he violated, Cleveland tried too ban the open carry law the day of the RNC and no one bats an eye. The amount of problems with this scene is beyond my patience to talk about it. Being a parent of a dead soldier does not give you access to a special sense of morality and a better understanding of our countries law."]]
classify and reply
[">>{WatchMeSwang} : I accidentally downloaded ios 10 on my jphone but haven't installed it yet, how can I delete the download?", ">>{Kmiller6637} : I don't have an answer to deleting the download. I will say I had an iPhone 5s and upgraded to iOS 10 and it did not slow down my phone like previous iOS updates. Just my two cents.", '>>{hello2you} : If you go to your storage options it should be in there and you can delete it.', '>>{mythrilguy} : Like said go to your storage in settings and you can delete it from there. I upgraded from a 5S to the 7 and when I had my 5S I upgraded to iOS 10 and it felt just the same, if not a little faster because of optimization.', '>>{ritty84} : Settings - General - Storage & iCloud Usage - Manage Storage. Delete that sumbitch', ">>{sandberg023} : iOS 10 makes the small iPhone 5 screen too busy. Music app looks like a teenage girls makeup drawer spilled into my phone, the gigantic notifications are obtrusive, huge buttons on the scroll-up menu for features I don't use (Nightshift? AirPlay? I scroll sideways for my player controls now for that?), iMessages is more crowded. And now you can't downgrade, I say avoid it as long as you can manage (unless you're really interested in knowing that Rhiana is now trending everytime you search for a song on your device)", ">>{barjam} : What's the end game? Apps will stop working, your device will have significant security concerns very soon and so on. The changes are minor and in my opinion for the best in all instances. They aren't drastic changes only refinements of what was existing.", ">>{sandberg023} : Endgame is having a snappier phone (yes, 10 is slower, I've done a side-by-side with my 5 on 9 and 5s on 10) that's more pleasant to use. Maybe it's hopeless but sooner or later Apple will realize consumers don't appreciate their devices being regularly overhauled for the sake of a bullet point at their press conferences. The largest software company in the world could easily provide security updates for at least the past major version, if not all of them. They don't to keep you in the upgrade cycle. They've become a cynical company who is bullying their user base.", ">>{barjam} : Maybe this isn't the phone for you. I am glad users like you don't hold back progress for the rest of us. Apple very much leads the way for releasing updates that are compatible with the widest range of hardware. The best possible scenario on Android is 2 years and that is only on some models. Some models get zero updates. Apple is the undisputed industry leader here and have zero reason to do more. I have 10 on an iphone 5. It runs perfectly fine and not much different than 9.", '>>{sandberg023} : You\'re right, there\'s really no better alternative unfortunately. I\'d just like more options (some "advanced-settings" alternatives for certain inteface elements, for example), but I do speak not just for myself but for the many business users I support who want to throw their phone out the window each time they wake up and find everything rearranged. They usually take it out on me personally, so I\'m bitter : D']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{WatchMeSwang} : I accidentally downloaded ios 10 on my jphone but haven't installed it yet, how can I delete the download?", ">>{Kmiller6637} : I don't have an answer to deleting the download. I will say I had an iPhone 5s and upgraded to iOS 10 and it did not slow down my phone like previous iOS updates. Just my two cents.", '>>{hello2you} : If you go to your storage options it should be in there and you can delete it.', '>>{mythrilguy} : Like said go to your storage in settings and you can delete it from there. I upgraded from a 5S to the 7 and when I had my 5S I upgraded to iOS 10 and it felt just the same, if not a little faster because of optimization.', '>>{ritty84} : Settings - General - Storage & iCloud Usage - Manage Storage. Delete that sumbitch', ">>{sandberg023} : iOS 10 makes the small iPhone 5 screen too busy. Music app looks like a teenage girls makeup drawer spilled into my phone, the gigantic notifications are obtrusive, huge buttons on the scroll-up menu for features I don't use (Nightshift? AirPlay? I scroll sideways for my player controls now for that?), iMessages is more crowded. And now you can't downgrade, I say avoid it as long as you can manage (unless you're really interested in knowing that Rhiana is now trending everytime you search for a song on your device)", ">>{barjam} : What's the end game? Apps will stop working, your device will have significant security concerns very soon and so on. The changes are minor and in my opinion for the best in all instances. They aren't drastic changes only refinements of what was existing.", ">>{sandberg023} : Endgame is having a snappier phone (yes, 10 is slower, I've done a side-by-side with my 5 on 9 and 5s on 10) that's more pleasant to use. Maybe it's hopeless but sooner or later Apple will realize consumers don't appreciate their devices being regularly overhauled for the sake of a bullet point at their press conferences. The largest software company in the world could easily provide security updates for at least the past major version, if not all of them. They don't to keep you in the upgrade cycle. They've become a cynical company who is bullying their user base.", ">>{barjam} : Maybe this isn't the phone for you. I am glad users like you don't hold back progress for the rest of us. Apple very much leads the way for releasing updates that are compatible with the widest range of hardware. The best possible scenario on Android is 2 years and that is only on some models. Some models get zero updates. Apple is the undisputed industry leader here and have zero reason to do more. I have 10 on an iphone 5. It runs perfectly fine and not much different than 9.", '>>{sandberg023} : You\'re right, there\'s really no better alternative unfortunately. I\'d just like more options (some "advanced-settings" alternatives for certain inteface elements, for example), but I do speak not just for myself but for the many business users I support who want to throw their phone out the window each time they wake up and find everything rearranged. They usually take it out on me personally, so I\'m bitter : D']]
classify and reply
['>>{Kanusfoot} : Five things to know about Breitbart, the new force in the Trump campaign', ">>{Roseking} : > It's sometimes pro-gay Completely disagree. Milo may be gay but he is not pro-gay.", '>>{Kenatius} : Elections are a game — and Clinton plays it better', '>>{rdevaughn} : Yea, better like Lance Armstrong was better at cycling.', '>>{UnKindClock} : Am I the only one that wants this color?', ">>{yeauxlo} : Essentially that's what it is. But politics are a game too and I'd rather pick up Apdo than Dyrus; honesty only matters so much. Competence matters more.", ">>{Phuck-n-a} : That's because he was racing with just one nut while the others had the extra weight of two", '>>{TheHeavyweightChamp} : No. I prefer literally every electronic in black.', ">>{johnfrance} : And at the very least **definitely** not trans-friendly. They seem to be pro-gay only in so far as they will point out to a gay supporter and say 'he's with us' to deflect allegations of homophobia but the rest the time it's not a particularly friendly place.", '>>{hervadore} : Those gold accents would look nice on the iPhone in my opinion.', '>>{manusiniectio} : I think a matte black would be even classier, but yes, much better than glossy white indeed.', '>>{iMedvid} : Will a matte texture stay in your ears tho?', '>>{Cudifying} : The gold accents just scream tacky to me. Having an all jet black alternative would be nice, though id still go for classic apple white', '>>{Kanusfoot} : I would say pro-gay when it comes to Islam only.', ">>{verthib} : I love the black, minus the gold accents. Although people can't disguise these as dental floss now could they...", '>>{HelloKiitty} : I really like the gold detail, I would be fine with the current white ones with gold or rose gold details too', '>>{spap-oop} : Win at all costs. The ends justify the means. Yeah, sounds like a great long term strategy for the success of our country and its people. /s', '>>{Yarongo} : Queen Cercei also know how to play the game of thrones. That said, I stand by Ned Stark.', ">>{CaulkusAurelis} : Hillary isn't racing with a nut, she's racing against one.", '>>{Population-Tire} : Here\'s a fun fact that they left out. Andrew Breitbart\'s initial claim to fame was when he released a video exposing "reverse racism" in the government. The clip showed a black woman who was a government employee talking about denying services to whites. Of course, when you watched the entire response, not Breitbart\'s carefully edited segment, she admitted to nothing of the sort. But still, don\'t let facts get in the way of a narrative in which white America is being trampled.', '>>{Roseking} : Cercei does not know how to play the game. She thinks she does.', '>>{J_WalterWeatherman_} : No kidding. He has literally said he does not believe lesbians exist.', ">>{Kanusfoot} : Breitbart also claimed that Obama didn't write his own book. He was a fraud and a liar.", '>>{Scarletyoshi} : I dunno, look at her and look at her opponents.', '>>{Population-Tire} : Breitbart was also one of the people who believes academics made up climate change to get that sweet sweet research grant money, ignoring the multibillion dollar fossil fuel industry that had about 100,000 times as much money at stake.', '>>{Yarongo} : Wqtch the first episode when she talks to Ned. One of them kept their head ;)', '>>{Roseking} : Dude. One of the themes of the show is how much Cersei fucks up. Everything she has was handed to her. Wealth? Her father. Her power? Marriage and the death of all her children. The only thing she has done was blow up the red keep. And that was not so much playing the game, as it was knocking the table over because you were losing.', '>>{Yarongo} : Yet she still leavea and most Starks does not.', '>>{Black_Sex_Eagle} : Yes, you are the only person out of billions of people that wants that color.', ">>{forgetfularse} : Yes, but then they wouldn't scream Apple, which is the main reason most people who buy these would want them.", ">>{elpadrin0} : I dunno, I couldn't care less what people think my headphones are.", ">>{RespeckMyName} : Don't trust Breitbart, they are the WaPo of the Trump campaign.", ">>{Kells2011} : Give 'em a minute. Those look awesome.", ">>{bookant} : >It's a real news site >Andrew Breitbart died suddenly on March 1, 2012, at 42 years of age. As Bannon and other successors took over the news site, political opponents mourned Breitbart as a decent man who had always dealt honestly with them What the fuck are they smoking?", ">>{forgetfularse} : ...which is why Beats sold by the boatload of course, lol I don't give a shit either, but we're in the minority.", '>>{knubby} : Is there a way to get this done by a company if I already have them?', '>>{mrgnw} : I know they color other electronics or have skins for them - anyone offering a service to color AirPods?', ">>{yabeking} : I like the color I just don't like the price.", '>>{thisxisxlife} : Literally the only person who has ever held that opinion ever. Everyone else who posted similar pictures have changed their mind, and now prefer white, thus leaving OP as the only remaining person to want them in black.', ">>{karnoff} : Yes he's right unfortunately. A lot of people want other people to knot they bought Apple. Which was the reason for OtterBox and other casemakers to make the Apple logo visible.", '>>{CommanderRikersBeard} : Silver or white inserts would look pretty slick though. Or a product (RED) series with black casing and red inserts', ">>{Clessiah} : Matte case at least. I don't care whether the ear pieces are scratched since I don't see them that often (either in ears or in case).", ">>{BbCortazan} : Is that gold hardware? I'm on board otherwise but gold would make no sense. They have no other product in any line that's black and gold, they'd make it all black or black and silver.", ">>{BbCortazan} : They would look gaudy and tasteless in mine. But I see the threads about it every once in a while so you're not alone.", '>>{paulr85mi} : Would be perfect for when they will fall in the toilet', '>>{TommiH} : At least around here only children and teens buy Beats.', '>>{letsgometros} : No. You are never the only one that wants, likes, or thinks anything. Stahp', ">>{stopsucking} : Hell yes I'd want those but all black including the ends. Also wouldn't mind seeing one in flesh color.", '>>{forgetfularse} : Well *now* the "luster" has worn off a little. But if it only appealed to kids and teens then Beats wouldn\'t have been the size it was, pre-Apple takeover.', '>>{WalkingCloud} : *Am I the only one who..* **NO**', ">>{blulitespecial} : Possibly the most common color in the world? Yeah, you're probably the only one.", ">>{maxstolfe} : I don't know, did you make the picture? If not, then no. You're obviously not the only one.", '>>{WuMyster} : I mean as well as this sweet colour, they could just make them in all the iPhone colours. Like Rose Gold, Space Grey etc.', ">>{PointlessPankcake} : Wait, why wouldn't it? They might get kind of gross though.", '>>{hervadore} : Not anything over the top but very subtle hints of it.', '>>{JC-Dude} : Matte stuff is in general less frictious, so more slippery.', '>>{Abandoned_karma} : Weird. I have found that glossy stuff is more slippery and matte is less so.', '>>{PointlessPankcake} : This is true, glossy surfaces have less friction than rough ones. Think about rubbing an eraser on glass and on sandpaper.', '>>{sydeburnz} : Your skin is no where near glass smooth. Glossy provides more possible contact area. Skin is made up of scales which provide friction. Matte breaks up the surface, providing less perch for the scales. Black airpods could be harder to find if dropped though, unless moving. Human eye detects movement better than contrast.', '>>{heavenshaveopened} : Those white earbuds are iconic, just not the same in black.', ">>{bryson430} : I'm sure Colorware would be up for giving it a try: http://www.colorware.com/company.aspx#contact-us", '>>{mrl688} : the jet black iphone is far grippier than the matte black.', '>>{Njwest} : The original designer only rendered this to show how bad it would look, what crazy pills is OP taking?', '>>{mrl688} : TouchID ring and logo would look cool. Cellular bands would be over the top imo.', ">>{Abandoned_karma} : Could be. I have a crappy iPhone 6 from work and it's slippery as hell.", '>>{esoomenona} : > Skin is made up of scales This guy confirmed lizardperson.', ">>{PointlessPankcake} : My example was simply an analogy. I was not saying that our skin was like glass or sandpaper. Our skin is similar to the rubber of the eraser. The very smooth plastic pods are relatively similar to glass. Also, I don't believe that any change in surface texture would have a significant effect on the friction of our little air-pods. Mine are held in firmly by their placement inside of my ear and gravity. Matte finish would not cause them to fall out. Edit: Phone screens are smooth so that our fingers glide across them. The backs of our phones are textured (often matte) so that they don't glide out of our hands.", '>>{Matt_StL} : Gladly purchase in black but not with gold... Matte Black like my phone would be fantastic!', '>>{carraway} : When I saw OPs title I thought "what kind of karma whore shitpost is this?" As if people haven\'t said for years that they want earbuds and iPhones in all black. It\'s been one of the most popular opinions right after Apple release a product since the original iPod.', ">>{rangooooo} : Won't be matte after some face oils or ear wax comes in contact.", ">>{TommiH} : Maybe in America. But honestly a couple billion dollars isn't much for a tech company", '>>{IAm0xANinja} : [I still jerk off manually](https://youtu.be/zUfWdi0oaLQ)', ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : I have no idea why this would be downvoted. It's the same principle as racing tires -- more contact with a surface gives more friction, assuming one or both surfaces are pliable. Your skin is pliable. See [Gruber's review](https://daringfireball.net/2016/09/iphone_7_jet_black_vs_black) of the Jet Black iPhone, for example. Or the MacBook's touchpad, which is glass, but textured so you can drag a finger over it smoothly.", '>>{PaysWith2DollarBills} : Yes. The only one. Want some karma?', ">>{jtory} : Am I the only one who expects posts that start with 'am I the only one...' to apply to everyone?", ">>{Takeabyte} : They'd be harder to find in most situations, but that's just me. I lost three of the original Apple bluetooth headsets within the first few months of owning the first iPhone. I'd drop them in such places that looking for a little black thing was damn near impossible.", '>>{techninjoe} : Not at all. I love mine but black would have been preferred.', '>>{cocobandicoot} : I instantly downvoted any post that begins with, "Am I the only one..."', ">>{lapotronic} : That's just because the aluminum has been polished on the jet black iPhone, creating a perfectly smooth surface. Normal iPhones have a slightly porous aluminum which is perfect for slipping out of literally everything.", ">>{cjorgensen} : Now I want what I didn't know I wanted.", ">>{TheNet_} : > Normal iPhones have a slightly porous aluminum That's matte.", ">>{TheNet_} : I don't know what kind of hands you have but my hands grip the screen far better than they grip the matte back of my phone. The same is true for the Jet Black iPhone (it's glossy and thus more grippy than the matte iPhone).", '>>{lapotronic} : Wait, for something to be matte it *needs* to have that kind of finish? It makes sense, but I always thought it was possible for something to be both nonreflective and perfectly smooth. Huh.', ">>{BubbaFettish} : That is a reason why Apple makes all their headphones white, but that's not why *I* buy them. Seriously, Apple needs to come out with a black version. It's okay for earphones, but these AirPods are a different beast. Apple marketing does not benifit from awkward nerds trying to be inconspicuous with glossy white earphones.", ">>{Poke493} : Get rid of the gaudy gold and I'm good.", ">>{oddburrito} : Phew. That's a relief. I thought I was the only one that did this. /s", ">>{Exnoxide} : I'd rather have Apple give sufficient stock of the matte black phones to the carrier stores.", '>>{EggotheKilljoy} : I would prefer it in a project Red color. I prefer the color red over white and black. Black is a close second though.', '>>{Mixedbysaint} : Am I the only one who wants a sparkly bubblegum color?', ">>{Sceme} : This is something I can't my head around of. Why on earth would someone want to show off that they have a product made by some specific comppany. When I got my Macbook I immediately placed a sticker over the logo on the back. I don't want to draw the slightliest bit of uneccessary attention with it or advertise Apple.", ">>{Sceme} : I don't know why you're being downvoted because you're right. iP6 and 6S were slippery has hell. The matte black 7 looks really good but it's also like a bar of soap. Jet black would be my choise if I were to buy an iPhone again.", '>>{Buglkrax} : this amount of gold would make them cost like 10.000€ then :D', '>>{theCHAMPdotcom} : Saw a dude wearing these the other day...ick...', '>>{Ceteris__Paribus} : I am moving away from black for wallets, phones, etc because they can be hard to find and I spend so much time looking for them. Though I suppose a non-black case does the trick.', '>>{TommiH} : Apple knows marketing! Even here somehow I see those headphones in the media all the time.', ">>{mk72206} : Do people not realize that white earbuds is Apple's de facto trademark? A person out and about in white ear buds is instantly recognizable as an iPhone owner and is a walking billboard for their product. They won't be changing it.", '>>{petrusk} : It looks gorgeous but may pose some issue at night / in dark settings. Having the eery white glow has actually helped me keep track of them, put them in the case correctly etc. But yes, anything I can get in a nice shade of black I generally prefer.', ">>{litening_larrey} : i too would very much desire a wooden iphone. a wooden samsung galaxy whatever number it's up to now, would also be nice", ">>{amcke96} : Would be cool, they'd be much easier to lose though.", ">>{Whit3W0lf} : But the surface friction matters. Think about tile near a pool. Smooth tile vs one with a texture. Which will you slip on? Don't over think this.", ">>{Whit3W0lf} : Its not as clear cut as what people are making it out to be ITT. The screen is slippery and perfectly smooth. More so than the perfectly smooth back of the Jet Black iPhone. Sandpaper isn't smooth at all and I think most would agree that sandpaper has grip. Sometimes smooth will have a tacky feel because of the moisture in your skin. Aluminum doesn't really feel tacky. It has more to do with the material than the gloss vs matte, but those do come into play.", ">>{Extinctconcept2} : The properties completely change when water is involved. It's the reason why racing slicks in his example are not allowed for road use on everyday cars. Because as soon as water is on the road the tires hydroplane very easily having very little traction. That's because you don't have recessed gaps in the texture of the tires for the water to be pushed into. But when there is no water involved to cause a layer between the tires and the road or in your case a foot and pool tile greater surface area does mean greater grip/traction.", ">>{Whit3W0lf} : There is moisture in your skin. Like when you hands are clammy and don't glide over the glass of your phone.", ">>{skellener} : Hey, I've been wanting a full size wired desktop Mac keyboard with black keys and backlighting since they first started making the MacBook Pro with them. But they're still white and still not backlit more than a decade later. :(", '>>{pibroch} : Oh no, you saw someone else wearing something you dislike the look of. What ever will you do with your life now? Seriously, who cares?', '>>{theCHAMPdotcom} : They looked like gauges in his ears, clownish.', ">>{Extinctconcept2} : But not enough moisture to cause hydroplaning to occur. That occurs when the moisture/water etc.. create a gap between the surfaces preventing them from haunt full contact. When you are running along the deck of a pool and it has smooth tiles and you slip. You're not slipping on the tile exactly. You are slipping because the standing water is moving on top of the tile between your feet and that tile. Whenever there is enough moisture to cause this property to happen it becomes slippery. It just so happens that this occurs much more easily on a smooth surface because the water fills whatever micro texture there may be on a smooth surface with much less liquid required. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hydroplaning.svg As for the clammy hands not sliding smoothly well then we aren't talking about hydro planning anymore. Your finger on glass not sliding smoothly is literally why the gloss iPhone 7 is less slippery than the matte version.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : I think it\'s really funny that quite often arguments on reddit come down to something like this. Cited physics vs "I slipped on a pool tile once"', ">>{Whit3W0lf} : > Your finger on glass not sliding smoothly is literally why the gloss iPhone 7 is less slippery than the matte version. That was my entire point. You aren't arguing a point against what I am saying, you are just diving further into explanation of why smooth is slick, which is what I have maintained all along. ITT, people are saying the matte phone is more slick because the surface is porous and that isn't the reason why. That's all I ever claimed.", ">>{uncertain-ithink} : They'd be impossible to find if you dropped them though :x", ">>{JC-Dude} : That's a terrible analogy. Sandpaper is not a matte finish, it's a rough finish. If you want a good comparison, try running your finger against your iPhones body and then the Apple logo. The Apple logo is grippier, because it's glossy."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{UnKindClock} : Am I the only one that wants this color?', '>>{TheHeavyweightChamp} : No. I prefer literally every electronic in black.', '>>{hervadore} : Those gold accents would look nice on the iPhone in my opinion.', '>>{manusiniectio} : I think a matte black would be even classier, but yes, much better than glossy white indeed.', '>>{iMedvid} : Will a matte texture stay in your ears tho?', '>>{Cudifying} : The gold accents just scream tacky to me. Having an all jet black alternative would be nice, though id still go for classic apple white', ">>{verthib} : I love the black, minus the gold accents. Although people can't disguise these as dental floss now could they...", '>>{HelloKiitty} : I really like the gold detail, I would be fine with the current white ones with gold or rose gold details too', '>>{Black_Sex_Eagle} : Yes, you are the only person out of billions of people that wants that color.', ">>{forgetfularse} : Yes, but then they wouldn't scream Apple, which is the main reason most people who buy these would want them.", ">>{elpadrin0} : I dunno, I couldn't care less what people think my headphones are.", ">>{Kells2011} : Give 'em a minute. Those look awesome.", ">>{forgetfularse} : ...which is why Beats sold by the boatload of course, lol I don't give a shit either, but we're in the minority.", '>>{knubby} : Is there a way to get this done by a company if I already have them?', '>>{mrgnw} : I know they color other electronics or have skins for them - anyone offering a service to color AirPods?', ">>{yabeking} : I like the color I just don't like the price.", '>>{thisxisxlife} : Literally the only person who has ever held that opinion ever. Everyone else who posted similar pictures have changed their mind, and now prefer white, thus leaving OP as the only remaining person to want them in black.', ">>{karnoff} : Yes he's right unfortunately. A lot of people want other people to knot they bought Apple. Which was the reason for OtterBox and other casemakers to make the Apple logo visible.", '>>{CommanderRikersBeard} : Silver or white inserts would look pretty slick though. Or a product (RED) series with black casing and red inserts', ">>{Clessiah} : Matte case at least. I don't care whether the ear pieces are scratched since I don't see them that often (either in ears or in case).", ">>{BbCortazan} : Is that gold hardware? I'm on board otherwise but gold would make no sense. They have no other product in any line that's black and gold, they'd make it all black or black and silver.", ">>{BbCortazan} : They would look gaudy and tasteless in mine. But I see the threads about it every once in a while so you're not alone.", '>>{paulr85mi} : Would be perfect for when they will fall in the toilet', '>>{TommiH} : At least around here only children and teens buy Beats.', '>>{letsgometros} : No. You are never the only one that wants, likes, or thinks anything. Stahp', ">>{stopsucking} : Hell yes I'd want those but all black including the ends. Also wouldn't mind seeing one in flesh color.", '>>{forgetfularse} : Well *now* the "luster" has worn off a little. But if it only appealed to kids and teens then Beats wouldn\'t have been the size it was, pre-Apple takeover.', '>>{WalkingCloud} : *Am I the only one who..* **NO**', ">>{blulitespecial} : Possibly the most common color in the world? Yeah, you're probably the only one.", ">>{maxstolfe} : I don't know, did you make the picture? If not, then no. You're obviously not the only one.", '>>{WuMyster} : I mean as well as this sweet colour, they could just make them in all the iPhone colours. Like Rose Gold, Space Grey etc.', ">>{PointlessPankcake} : Wait, why wouldn't it? They might get kind of gross though.", '>>{hervadore} : Not anything over the top but very subtle hints of it.', '>>{JC-Dude} : Matte stuff is in general less frictious, so more slippery.', '>>{Abandoned_karma} : Weird. I have found that glossy stuff is more slippery and matte is less so.', '>>{PointlessPankcake} : This is true, glossy surfaces have less friction than rough ones. Think about rubbing an eraser on glass and on sandpaper.', '>>{sydeburnz} : Your skin is no where near glass smooth. Glossy provides more possible contact area. Skin is made up of scales which provide friction. Matte breaks up the surface, providing less perch for the scales. Black airpods could be harder to find if dropped though, unless moving. Human eye detects movement better than contrast.', '>>{heavenshaveopened} : Those white earbuds are iconic, just not the same in black.', ">>{bryson430} : I'm sure Colorware would be up for giving it a try: http://www.colorware.com/company.aspx#contact-us", '>>{mrl688} : the jet black iphone is far grippier than the matte black.', '>>{Njwest} : The original designer only rendered this to show how bad it would look, what crazy pills is OP taking?', '>>{mrl688} : TouchID ring and logo would look cool. Cellular bands would be over the top imo.', ">>{Abandoned_karma} : Could be. I have a crappy iPhone 6 from work and it's slippery as hell.", '>>{esoomenona} : > Skin is made up of scales This guy confirmed lizardperson.', ">>{PointlessPankcake} : My example was simply an analogy. I was not saying that our skin was like glass or sandpaper. Our skin is similar to the rubber of the eraser. The very smooth plastic pods are relatively similar to glass. Also, I don't believe that any change in surface texture would have a significant effect on the friction of our little air-pods. Mine are held in firmly by their placement inside of my ear and gravity. Matte finish would not cause them to fall out. Edit: Phone screens are smooth so that our fingers glide across them. The backs of our phones are textured (often matte) so that they don't glide out of our hands.", '>>{Matt_StL} : Gladly purchase in black but not with gold... Matte Black like my phone would be fantastic!', '>>{carraway} : When I saw OPs title I thought "what kind of karma whore shitpost is this?" As if people haven\'t said for years that they want earbuds and iPhones in all black. It\'s been one of the most popular opinions right after Apple release a product since the original iPod.', ">>{rangooooo} : Won't be matte after some face oils or ear wax comes in contact.", ">>{TommiH} : Maybe in America. But honestly a couple billion dollars isn't much for a tech company", '>>{IAm0xANinja} : [I still jerk off manually](https://youtu.be/zUfWdi0oaLQ)', ">>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : I have no idea why this would be downvoted. It's the same principle as racing tires -- more contact with a surface gives more friction, assuming one or both surfaces are pliable. Your skin is pliable. See [Gruber's review](https://daringfireball.net/2016/09/iphone_7_jet_black_vs_black) of the Jet Black iPhone, for example. Or the MacBook's touchpad, which is glass, but textured so you can drag a finger over it smoothly.", '>>{PaysWith2DollarBills} : Yes. The only one. Want some karma?', ">>{jtory} : Am I the only one who expects posts that start with 'am I the only one...' to apply to everyone?", ">>{Takeabyte} : They'd be harder to find in most situations, but that's just me. I lost three of the original Apple bluetooth headsets within the first few months of owning the first iPhone. I'd drop them in such places that looking for a little black thing was damn near impossible.", '>>{techninjoe} : Not at all. I love mine but black would have been preferred.', '>>{cocobandicoot} : I instantly downvoted any post that begins with, "Am I the only one..."', ">>{lapotronic} : That's just because the aluminum has been polished on the jet black iPhone, creating a perfectly smooth surface. Normal iPhones have a slightly porous aluminum which is perfect for slipping out of literally everything.", ">>{cjorgensen} : Now I want what I didn't know I wanted.", ">>{TheNet_} : > Normal iPhones have a slightly porous aluminum That's matte.", ">>{TheNet_} : I don't know what kind of hands you have but my hands grip the screen far better than they grip the matte back of my phone. The same is true for the Jet Black iPhone (it's glossy and thus more grippy than the matte iPhone).", '>>{lapotronic} : Wait, for something to be matte it *needs* to have that kind of finish? It makes sense, but I always thought it was possible for something to be both nonreflective and perfectly smooth. Huh.', ">>{BubbaFettish} : That is a reason why Apple makes all their headphones white, but that's not why *I* buy them. Seriously, Apple needs to come out with a black version. It's okay for earphones, but these AirPods are a different beast. Apple marketing does not benifit from awkward nerds trying to be inconspicuous with glossy white earphones.", ">>{Poke493} : Get rid of the gaudy gold and I'm good.", ">>{oddburrito} : Phew. That's a relief. I thought I was the only one that did this. /s", ">>{Exnoxide} : I'd rather have Apple give sufficient stock of the matte black phones to the carrier stores.", '>>{EggotheKilljoy} : I would prefer it in a project Red color. I prefer the color red over white and black. Black is a close second though.', '>>{Mixedbysaint} : Am I the only one who wants a sparkly bubblegum color?', ">>{Sceme} : This is something I can't my head around of. Why on earth would someone want to show off that they have a product made by some specific comppany. When I got my Macbook I immediately placed a sticker over the logo on the back. I don't want to draw the slightliest bit of uneccessary attention with it or advertise Apple.", ">>{Sceme} : I don't know why you're being downvoted because you're right. iP6 and 6S were slippery has hell. The matte black 7 looks really good but it's also like a bar of soap. Jet black would be my choise if I were to buy an iPhone again.", '>>{Buglkrax} : this amount of gold would make them cost like 10.000€ then :D', '>>{theCHAMPdotcom} : Saw a dude wearing these the other day...ick...', '>>{Ceteris__Paribus} : I am moving away from black for wallets, phones, etc because they can be hard to find and I spend so much time looking for them. Though I suppose a non-black case does the trick.', '>>{TommiH} : Apple knows marketing! Even here somehow I see those headphones in the media all the time.', ">>{mk72206} : Do people not realize that white earbuds is Apple's de facto trademark? A person out and about in white ear buds is instantly recognizable as an iPhone owner and is a walking billboard for their product. They won't be changing it.", '>>{petrusk} : It looks gorgeous but may pose some issue at night / in dark settings. Having the eery white glow has actually helped me keep track of them, put them in the case correctly etc. But yes, anything I can get in a nice shade of black I generally prefer.', ">>{litening_larrey} : i too would very much desire a wooden iphone. a wooden samsung galaxy whatever number it's up to now, would also be nice", ">>{amcke96} : Would be cool, they'd be much easier to lose though.", ">>{Whit3W0lf} : But the surface friction matters. Think about tile near a pool. Smooth tile vs one with a texture. Which will you slip on? Don't over think this.", ">>{Whit3W0lf} : Its not as clear cut as what people are making it out to be ITT. The screen is slippery and perfectly smooth. More so than the perfectly smooth back of the Jet Black iPhone. Sandpaper isn't smooth at all and I think most would agree that sandpaper has grip. Sometimes smooth will have a tacky feel because of the moisture in your skin. Aluminum doesn't really feel tacky. It has more to do with the material than the gloss vs matte, but those do come into play.", ">>{Extinctconcept2} : The properties completely change when water is involved. It's the reason why racing slicks in his example are not allowed for road use on everyday cars. Because as soon as water is on the road the tires hydroplane very easily having very little traction. That's because you don't have recessed gaps in the texture of the tires for the water to be pushed into. But when there is no water involved to cause a layer between the tires and the road or in your case a foot and pool tile greater surface area does mean greater grip/traction.", ">>{Whit3W0lf} : There is moisture in your skin. Like when you hands are clammy and don't glide over the glass of your phone.", ">>{skellener} : Hey, I've been wanting a full size wired desktop Mac keyboard with black keys and backlighting since they first started making the MacBook Pro with them. But they're still white and still not backlit more than a decade later. :(", '>>{pibroch} : Oh no, you saw someone else wearing something you dislike the look of. What ever will you do with your life now? Seriously, who cares?', '>>{theCHAMPdotcom} : They looked like gauges in his ears, clownish.', ">>{Extinctconcept2} : But not enough moisture to cause hydroplaning to occur. That occurs when the moisture/water etc.. create a gap between the surfaces preventing them from haunt full contact. When you are running along the deck of a pool and it has smooth tiles and you slip. You're not slipping on the tile exactly. You are slipping because the standing water is moving on top of the tile between your feet and that tile. Whenever there is enough moisture to cause this property to happen it becomes slippery. It just so happens that this occurs much more easily on a smooth surface because the water fills whatever micro texture there may be on a smooth surface with much less liquid required. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hydroplaning.svg As for the clammy hands not sliding smoothly well then we aren't talking about hydro planning anymore. Your finger on glass not sliding smoothly is literally why the gloss iPhone 7 is less slippery than the matte version.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : I think it\'s really funny that quite often arguments on reddit come down to something like this. Cited physics vs "I slipped on a pool tile once"', ">>{Whit3W0lf} : > Your finger on glass not sliding smoothly is literally why the gloss iPhone 7 is less slippery than the matte version. That was my entire point. You aren't arguing a point against what I am saying, you are just diving further into explanation of why smooth is slick, which is what I have maintained all along. ITT, people are saying the matte phone is more slick because the surface is porous and that isn't the reason why. That's all I ever claimed.", ">>{uncertain-ithink} : They'd be impossible to find if you dropped them though :x", ">>{JC-Dude} : That's a terrible analogy. Sandpaper is not a matte finish, it's a rough finish. If you want a good comparison, try running your finger against your iPhones body and then the Apple logo. The Apple logo is grippier, because it's glossy."], ['>>{Kanusfoot} : Five things to know about Breitbart, the new force in the Trump campaign', ">>{Roseking} : > It's sometimes pro-gay Completely disagree. Milo may be gay but he is not pro-gay.", ">>{johnfrance} : And at the very least **definitely** not trans-friendly. They seem to be pro-gay only in so far as they will point out to a gay supporter and say 'he's with us' to deflect allegations of homophobia but the rest the time it's not a particularly friendly place.", '>>{Kanusfoot} : I would say pro-gay when it comes to Islam only.', '>>{Population-Tire} : Here\'s a fun fact that they left out. Andrew Breitbart\'s initial claim to fame was when he released a video exposing "reverse racism" in the government. The clip showed a black woman who was a government employee talking about denying services to whites. Of course, when you watched the entire response, not Breitbart\'s carefully edited segment, she admitted to nothing of the sort. But still, don\'t let facts get in the way of a narrative in which white America is being trampled.', '>>{J_WalterWeatherman_} : No kidding. He has literally said he does not believe lesbians exist.', ">>{Kanusfoot} : Breitbart also claimed that Obama didn't write his own book. He was a fraud and a liar.", '>>{Population-Tire} : Breitbart was also one of the people who believes academics made up climate change to get that sweet sweet research grant money, ignoring the multibillion dollar fossil fuel industry that had about 100,000 times as much money at stake.', ">>{RespeckMyName} : Don't trust Breitbart, they are the WaPo of the Trump campaign.", ">>{bookant} : >It's a real news site >Andrew Breitbart died suddenly on March 1, 2012, at 42 years of age. As Bannon and other successors took over the news site, political opponents mourned Breitbart as a decent man who had always dealt honestly with them What the fuck are they smoking?"], ['>>{Kenatius} : Elections are a game — and Clinton plays it better', '>>{rdevaughn} : Yea, better like Lance Armstrong was better at cycling.', ">>{yeauxlo} : Essentially that's what it is. But politics are a game too and I'd rather pick up Apdo than Dyrus; honesty only matters so much. Competence matters more.", ">>{Phuck-n-a} : That's because he was racing with just one nut while the others had the extra weight of two", '>>{spap-oop} : Win at all costs. The ends justify the means. Yeah, sounds like a great long term strategy for the success of our country and its people. /s', '>>{Yarongo} : Queen Cercei also know how to play the game of thrones. That said, I stand by Ned Stark.', ">>{CaulkusAurelis} : Hillary isn't racing with a nut, she's racing against one.", '>>{Roseking} : Cercei does not know how to play the game. She thinks she does.', '>>{Scarletyoshi} : I dunno, look at her and look at her opponents.', '>>{Yarongo} : Wqtch the first episode when she talks to Ned. One of them kept their head ;)', '>>{Roseking} : Dude. One of the themes of the show is how much Cersei fucks up. Everything she has was handed to her. Wealth? Her father. Her power? Marriage and the death of all her children. The only thing she has done was blow up the red keep. And that was not so much playing the game, as it was knocking the table over because you were losing.', '>>{Yarongo} : Yet she still leavea and most Starks does not.']]
classify and reply
['>>{LithuanianProphet} : The previous thread was deleted for breaking rules and and I feel like this needs to be read by more people. Some quotes from the article and the book: > Ivanka spends much of “The Trump Card” massaging the difficulty in her premise. What can a woman born with a silver spoon in her mouth teach people who use plastic forks to eat salads at their desks? To answer this question, Ivanka employs an audacious strategy: all of her advantages have actually been handicaps, she says. When she was appointed to the board of directors at Trump Entertainment Resorts, at age twenty-five, the situation was “stacked all the way against me.” Her last name, her looks, her youth, her privilege have all colluded to make people underestimate her. And when she is overestimated—when people believe that she has an “inherent understanding of all things related to real estate and finance,” because her father is Donald Trump—this, too, “can be a big disadvantage.” > When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic. “As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.” In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each. > For anyone who still finds Ivanka to be a cipher, “The Trump Card” provides a surprisingly clear indication of her instincts, particularly when she discusses her childhood. She offers a story about being forced, by her mother, to fly coach to the south of France as the moment she realized she needed to make her own money.', ">>{TheDuke45} : Trump says he can't find any country the US has a trade surplus with — here they are", ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : First paragraph in and I'm speechless. She's an idiot....", '>>{NUDES_4_CHRIST} : She was given everything. Money, ego & stupidity.', '>>{Shanashy} : >“In business, as in life, nothing is ever handed to you.” But also: >“Yes, I’ve had every opportunity, every advantage." and > “Did I have an edge, getting started in business?” she asks. “No question. But get over it. "', ">>{_____i____} : And by all accounts (including Hillary), Ivanka turned out to be a well-grounded, classy woman who was usually the most effective spokesman for her father's election. Perhaps your diaper is missing a safety-pin or two.", '>>{semaphore-1842} : > “In business, as in life, nothing is ever handed to you.” Yeah, they were electronically transferred to your bank account at birth.', '>>{994Bernie} : Used to, they may look toward other nations with the way Donald is behaving.', '>>{semaphore-1842} : Being the best Trump is not exactly a high bar.', ">>{Benda} : The shit apple didn't fall far from the shit tree, it would appear.", '>>{reid8470} : Correct me if I\'m wrong, but isn\'t there also the part where he doesn\'t seem to understand what comprises a trade surplus or deficit? As I understand it, when a major American car company send production assets from all over the US, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, etc. to Mexico for assembly, the net value of the finished product that is then imported "back" into the US adds to our trade deficit... But only a fraction of that product was actually sourced in Mexico. Most of it was from engineers and designers in Detroit, electronics from the US, Taiwan, Japan, and Shenzhen, and raw materials from all over the world, including many sourced here in the US through Detroit-area suppliers (and many of those suppliers also have production facilities in Mexico). This applies to *every single industry* that has production facilities in Mexico. The bulk of the economic activity takes place elsewhere, but trade deficits aren\'t comprised of the portion relevant to Mexico; they\'re comprised of the entire export value.', ">>{Loxodontist} : My god, this woman is delusional. The whole Trump family ought to be institutionalized. They're clearly not fit to be functioning members of society.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > most effective spokesman for her father's election. That's like being the cleanest turd in the bowl. Not much to crow about.", ">>{aw3524} : The larger question: why should we care about trade surpluses or deficits? In a perfect world we'd be able to run a trade deficit forever; we'd get *stuff* and those we trade with would be content with our paper (money).", ">>{akaZilong} : Facts? Where we are going we don't need facts.", ">>{Aethien} : The man thinks that a trade surplus means winning and a deficit means losing at economy. He clearly doesn't understand a fucking thing about how this all works. edit: although the numbers in the article give a distorted view as well, both the Netherlands and Belgium are that high because of the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerpen. Those ports are enormous and a big entrance to the European Union, not just those 2 countries. There will always be a massive surplus there and probably a deficit with other European countries because of that.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Can't touch paper money or you might get peasant germs.", ">>{TechyDad} : I feel like he looked when my son tells me he looked everywhere and can't find his book - and it's sitting on the floor right near him. He didn't want to look for it so he couldn't find it. Similarly, Trump doesn't want to find countries we have a trade surplus with so he can't find them.", '>>{magicsonar} : A trade surplus does not equal "winning". If the US imports rice from Bangladesh at cheap prices but doesn\'t export much to them because they don\'t have much of a disposable income, does that mean Bangladesh is "beating" America? Trump is an idiot.', '>>{DonaldTrumpsPonytail} : I almost feel bad for the guy who has to try to explain this stuff to him.', '>>{digitizemd} : There isn\'t a guy in the administration. The only "economist" is Peter Navarro, who isn\'t even really on the fringe of macro-economic views.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : > “No question. But get over it. " No Ivanka, I wont be getting over it.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : She was made with "superior genes," you know.', ">>{Aethien} : I wouldn't be so optimistic as to assume that his advisors aren't incompetent.", '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : > When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic. “As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” A real *up by the bootstraps* story that everyone can relate to. See, Dems? This is why you lost the election. No connection to the common man!', '>>{philly47} : Christ, she made the fucking maids give her money.', '>>{balmergrl} : Bullies and scam artists, born and raised. Disgusting entitled brats.', ">>{TheoryOfSomething} : Yes, let's not indulge his bullshit. The US dollar is a reserve currency for the world. That means we can run perpetual trade deficits because people are happy to trade us goods in exchange for our pieces of paper and hold those pieces of paper rather than exchange them back to us for other goods and services. As long as foreign buyers are willing to do this, we should do it because we're essentially trading goods and services for pieces of paper. If people become less willing to do this, then our trade deficits will naturally start coming down as people purchase fewer goods in dollars and/or trade more dollars for our exports.", ">>{BobCox} : Goods only chart, what's it with services included?", '>>{tootie} : We have a trade surplus with 50% of our NAFTA partners.', '>>{tootie} : Yeah, odd choice. We have a narrow goods deficit with Canada, but a substantial surplus in services which gives us a net surplus in total balance of trade.', ">>{ive_lost_my_keys} : Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they've hit a triple.", '>>{daveco} : and, remove the unrefined oil that flows from Canada to US and there is no deficit.', ">>{BobCox} : As I work in services it's why I asked.", ">>{mattinva} : > They're clearly not fit to be functioning members of society. But they are qualified to run it according to nearly half of American voters...", '>>{heisenburg69} : Wahhhhhh! Stop crying about it and do something about it.', ">>{heisenburg69} : She was. Look at her. She's fucking sexy.", ">>{onetoughmotherfucker} : And I'm still holding out to see if Tiffany or Barron deserve the title more", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : What makes you think I haven't? Plus, pretty low effort troll. 2/10", '>>{CostAquahomeBarreler} : of their Boss. Are they really going to say no?', '>>{longhorn617} : >In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each. Getting an early start at fraud, I see.', ">>{BrawndoTTM} : Damn, better bring over a truckload of peanut butter, cuz y'all are jelly as fuck", ">>{BeaverQuill} : This part sickened me. It's so wrong on so many levels.", ">>{GOBS-SEGWAY} : Yeah what kid wants to fly coach to the south of france? HOW FUCKING EMBARRASSING. Get off ivankas back, who can blame a human who thought flying coach was so plebian and sad that she needed to be appointed by her dad to the board of directors. THAT'S THE AMERICAN DREAM.", '>>{phoonie98} : > In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each. Makes sense']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{TheDuke45} : Trump says he can't find any country the US has a trade surplus with — here they are", '>>{994Bernie} : Used to, they may look toward other nations with the way Donald is behaving.', '>>{reid8470} : Correct me if I\'m wrong, but isn\'t there also the part where he doesn\'t seem to understand what comprises a trade surplus or deficit? As I understand it, when a major American car company send production assets from all over the US, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, etc. to Mexico for assembly, the net value of the finished product that is then imported "back" into the US adds to our trade deficit... But only a fraction of that product was actually sourced in Mexico. Most of it was from engineers and designers in Detroit, electronics from the US, Taiwan, Japan, and Shenzhen, and raw materials from all over the world, including many sourced here in the US through Detroit-area suppliers (and many of those suppliers also have production facilities in Mexico). This applies to *every single industry* that has production facilities in Mexico. The bulk of the economic activity takes place elsewhere, but trade deficits aren\'t comprised of the portion relevant to Mexico; they\'re comprised of the entire export value.', ">>{aw3524} : The larger question: why should we care about trade surpluses or deficits? In a perfect world we'd be able to run a trade deficit forever; we'd get *stuff* and those we trade with would be content with our paper (money).", ">>{akaZilong} : Facts? Where we are going we don't need facts.", ">>{Aethien} : The man thinks that a trade surplus means winning and a deficit means losing at economy. He clearly doesn't understand a fucking thing about how this all works. edit: although the numbers in the article give a distorted view as well, both the Netherlands and Belgium are that high because of the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerpen. Those ports are enormous and a big entrance to the European Union, not just those 2 countries. There will always be a massive surplus there and probably a deficit with other European countries because of that.", ">>{TechyDad} : I feel like he looked when my son tells me he looked everywhere and can't find his book - and it's sitting on the floor right near him. He didn't want to look for it so he couldn't find it. Similarly, Trump doesn't want to find countries we have a trade surplus with so he can't find them.", '>>{magicsonar} : A trade surplus does not equal "winning". If the US imports rice from Bangladesh at cheap prices but doesn\'t export much to them because they don\'t have much of a disposable income, does that mean Bangladesh is "beating" America? Trump is an idiot.', '>>{DonaldTrumpsPonytail} : I almost feel bad for the guy who has to try to explain this stuff to him.', '>>{digitizemd} : There isn\'t a guy in the administration. The only "economist" is Peter Navarro, who isn\'t even really on the fringe of macro-economic views.', ">>{Aethien} : I wouldn't be so optimistic as to assume that his advisors aren't incompetent.", ">>{TheoryOfSomething} : Yes, let's not indulge his bullshit. The US dollar is a reserve currency for the world. That means we can run perpetual trade deficits because people are happy to trade us goods in exchange for our pieces of paper and hold those pieces of paper rather than exchange them back to us for other goods and services. As long as foreign buyers are willing to do this, we should do it because we're essentially trading goods and services for pieces of paper. If people become less willing to do this, then our trade deficits will naturally start coming down as people purchase fewer goods in dollars and/or trade more dollars for our exports.", ">>{BobCox} : Goods only chart, what's it with services included?", '>>{tootie} : We have a trade surplus with 50% of our NAFTA partners.', '>>{tootie} : Yeah, odd choice. We have a narrow goods deficit with Canada, but a substantial surplus in services which gives us a net surplus in total balance of trade.', '>>{daveco} : and, remove the unrefined oil that flows from Canada to US and there is no deficit.', ">>{BobCox} : As I work in services it's why I asked."], ['>>{LithuanianProphet} : The previous thread was deleted for breaking rules and and I feel like this needs to be read by more people. Some quotes from the article and the book: > Ivanka spends much of “The Trump Card” massaging the difficulty in her premise. What can a woman born with a silver spoon in her mouth teach people who use plastic forks to eat salads at their desks? To answer this question, Ivanka employs an audacious strategy: all of her advantages have actually been handicaps, she says. When she was appointed to the board of directors at Trump Entertainment Resorts, at age twenty-five, the situation was “stacked all the way against me.” Her last name, her looks, her youth, her privilege have all colluded to make people underestimate her. And when she is overestimated—when people believe that she has an “inherent understanding of all things related to real estate and finance,” because her father is Donald Trump—this, too, “can be a big disadvantage.” > When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic. “As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.” In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each. > For anyone who still finds Ivanka to be a cipher, “The Trump Card” provides a surprisingly clear indication of her instincts, particularly when she discusses her childhood. She offers a story about being forced, by her mother, to fly coach to the south of France as the moment she realized she needed to make her own money.', ">>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : First paragraph in and I'm speechless. She's an idiot....", '>>{NUDES_4_CHRIST} : She was given everything. Money, ego & stupidity.', '>>{Shanashy} : >“In business, as in life, nothing is ever handed to you.” But also: >“Yes, I’ve had every opportunity, every advantage." and > “Did I have an edge, getting started in business?” she asks. “No question. But get over it. "', ">>{_____i____} : And by all accounts (including Hillary), Ivanka turned out to be a well-grounded, classy woman who was usually the most effective spokesman for her father's election. Perhaps your diaper is missing a safety-pin or two.", '>>{semaphore-1842} : > “In business, as in life, nothing is ever handed to you.” Yeah, they were electronically transferred to your bank account at birth.', '>>{semaphore-1842} : Being the best Trump is not exactly a high bar.', ">>{Benda} : The shit apple didn't fall far from the shit tree, it would appear.", ">>{Loxodontist} : My god, this woman is delusional. The whole Trump family ought to be institutionalized. They're clearly not fit to be functioning members of society.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : > most effective spokesman for her father's election. That's like being the cleanest turd in the bowl. Not much to crow about.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Can't touch paper money or you might get peasant germs.", '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : > “No question. But get over it. " No Ivanka, I wont be getting over it.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : She was made with "superior genes," you know.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : > When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic. “As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” A real *up by the bootstraps* story that everyone can relate to. See, Dems? This is why you lost the election. No connection to the common man!', '>>{philly47} : Christ, she made the fucking maids give her money.', '>>{balmergrl} : Bullies and scam artists, born and raised. Disgusting entitled brats.', ">>{ive_lost_my_keys} : Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they've hit a triple.", ">>{mattinva} : > They're clearly not fit to be functioning members of society. But they are qualified to run it according to nearly half of American voters...", '>>{heisenburg69} : Wahhhhhh! Stop crying about it and do something about it.', ">>{heisenburg69} : She was. Look at her. She's fucking sexy.", ">>{onetoughmotherfucker} : And I'm still holding out to see if Tiffany or Barron deserve the title more", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : What makes you think I haven't? Plus, pretty low effort troll. 2/10", '>>{CostAquahomeBarreler} : of their Boss. Are they really going to say no?', '>>{longhorn617} : >In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each. Getting an early start at fraud, I see.', ">>{BrawndoTTM} : Damn, better bring over a truckload of peanut butter, cuz y'all are jelly as fuck", ">>{BeaverQuill} : This part sickened me. It's so wrong on so many levels.", ">>{GOBS-SEGWAY} : Yeah what kid wants to fly coach to the south of france? HOW FUCKING EMBARRASSING. Get off ivankas back, who can blame a human who thought flying coach was so plebian and sad that she needed to be appointed by her dad to the board of directors. THAT'S THE AMERICAN DREAM.", '>>{phoonie98} : > In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each. Makes sense']]
classify and reply
['>>{-wildaboutminny-} : Environmentalists Are the "Greatest Threat to Freedom," Says Trump Adviser', '>>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : >In the gloom and ugliness of this political season, one encouraging truth is often overlooked: There is a well-qualified, well-prepared candidate on the ballot. Hillary Clinton has the potential to be an excellent president of the United States, and we endorse her without hesitation.', ">>{DishingLikeClyde} : Donald Trump on Barack Obama: 'I can feel that he likes me'", ">>{Philo1927} : Apple quietly discontinues the $69 third-gen Apple TV. Box's software is two generations out of date and falling rapidly behind.", ">>{awesome_amos} : Wowza. Let's see Trump attack them, too.", ">>{ILuvMonsterGirls} : Another media endorsement, yeah, that's not biased at all. (rolls eyes)", ">>{Beezelbubbles_} : This guy is beyond delusional. The guy you constantly badgered for nonsensical reasons likes you, why do you think that Donald? Because nobody really likes you, how could they, you're a cowardly authoritarian man-child that blames others for his mistakes and doesn't give two shits about the Constitution you swore to uphold.", ">>{RIDEO} : Donald Trump: I'm running against 'crooked media', not just Hillary Clinton", '>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Poor baby victim Trump, where are those tax returns?', '>>{-wildaboutminny-} : >The environmental movement is "the greatest threat to freedom and prosperity in the modern world," according to an adviser to the US president Donald Trump\'s administration. >Myron Ebell, who has denied the dangers of climate change for many years and led Trump\'s transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency until the president\'s recent inauguration, also said he fully expected Trump to keep his promise to withdraw the US from the global agreement to fight global warming.', ">>{macksto} : I have one it's not bad could do with a software update and more apps added. Apple adds there Apple con every year so it's possible and you can stream apps you can't get for it from your other Apple devices. But in all fairness I get Nowtv (uk) Netflix and WWE network so that's all o need from it", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : I heard they tie you up and make you drink clean water. And breathe clean air.', ">>{Boxerorbag} : As opposed to banning particular groups of people from entering the country, building a giant wall, enlisting and elevating unqualified cronies, and propagating 'alternative facts' (read: lies) to make it sound palatable?", ">>{BC-clette} : > led Trump's transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency Jesus.", ">>{DemocratLiberal} : That's what President Bannon tells him every night before he goes to bed. He does it while tucking in little Donny and patting his head.", ">>{gunslingrburrito} : Yeah he really appreciated Trump's constant insistence that the President wasn't an American citizen. It just really warmed his heart.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : He wants to cut the epa staff in half as well. It takes a very unique and singular perspective to say that out loud.', ">>{kbotc} : It's hardware is equivalent to an iPad 2, so it's *really* long in the tooth. It looks like Apple pulled support for that chip from the kernel.", ">>{skwirrl} : Clearly, he's been inhaling too much of that orange spray tan shit. Its bringing on Alzheimers", '>>{voyagerdoge} : Lower environmental standards for American production processes and pretty soon the US will leg behind, possibly hindering exports of products.', ">>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : But it's cheap, like chromecast. All I needed is to be able to airplay from phone/laptop to TV, and it does it perfectly, again, just like chromecast.", ">>{tau-lepton} : Let's space him for 30 seconds and see if his opinion has been adjusted regarding clean air.", ">>{YanicPolitik} : Not to mention that Donald is about to throw so much of Obama's efforts out the window.", '>>{3_Limes} : If they would just stop telling everybody what I say!', '>>{TW1971} : If running for the job is too difficult, imagine how much of a train wreak having it would be. Go back to ruining beauty pageants', '>>{mbeck1995} : Never thought a president would embrace truthiness so strongly...', ">>{Qunidaye} : You're running against your own defects, prejudices, and stupidity . In the words of the eminent political scientist DJ Khaled, you played yourself", '>>{itsnickk} : Welcome to your first election. Newspaper endorsements are as old as the US itself.', '>>{spotted_dick} : Well, i believe the presidential oath of office includes the phrase "to the best of my abilities". He\'s doing the best he can.', ">>{druuconian} : Exactly. Donald Trump doesn't see an angle on Barack being nice to him. He literally can't fathom the idea that Obama would be doing something he doesn't personally want to do because he's dedicated to an ideal higher than himself (i.e. creating as smooth a transition as possible because he believes deeply in the peaceful transfer of power).", '>>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : And this is the first time a major party candidate has zero endorsements. Likely due to his open distain for the first amendment.', '>>{AnticitizenPrime} : Another brand new account shitposting here. Can we ban new users already?', ">>{34adamlee77} : She is by far the worst candidate to run. The only reason why she is even here is because #1 she is a woman and ignorant woman like that fact that they share the vagina and so they think they have that in common. #2 even though every other democratic candidate showed how corrupt she is like Bernie Sanders that didn't stop the main stream media to support her.#3 her last name is Clinton and just like the last name Bush, people will vote for the name over the principles even though this woman is a witch and Wolf in sheeps clothing and has never done or accomplished anything while in any office. So the Washington post is in bed with Hilary and yet they aren't getting anything out of it. This is what is wrong with the country.", '>>{ayyuslmaous} : My parents did. We never use it, except to mirror their Macs maybe once or twice a month.', ">>{FDRs_ghost} : Man, this guy has a real problem with self esteem doesn't he?", '>>{AsAnOccultist} : Or perhaps because he is a threat to the status quo. Maybe? Just a little?', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Thank you Stein voters. The one major issue you really care about is about to be decimated but remember her emails.', '>>{DietSpite} : Yeah, I got one for AirPlay support, and ended up using it for Netflix. Holding off on another one until it supports 4K though.', '>>{dirtnastybishop} : Hillary Clinton is awful. I really cant believe this is happening to America. Trump is not much better. Still Praying for Michael Bloomberg to run independently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI', ">>{RoosterClan} : It's ironic how nonchalantly you trivialize yourself. 1) really? Being a woman is the only reason she'll win? Why didn't Fiorina come out on top then? 2) Trump used the mainstream media to get to this stage. If not for them, you'd have no candidate Trump. 3) as if TRUMP wasn't a household name?!? 4) you're psychotic and delusional.", '>>{czfi} : Similar hardware yes but I don\'t think long in the tooth is correct. I don\'t have a desire to "game" with an Apple TV and I don\'t need Siri so this is fine for me and works just as fast as it did back in 2012. Sometimes I\'d like the App Store but it\'s not very important to me.', '>>{Doelago} : Had one sitting under the television since release. Mostly been used as a Netflix and AirPlay device over the years, but it being as ancient as the iPad 2 it has started feeling a tad bit out of date and I am genuinely surprised it was still actually being made and sold. Still, it served me well over the years and I will probably be treating myself with the new 4th generation one come christmas.', ">>{frackpot} : I'm willing to take that characterization if you except ---the greatest threat to the human race. How's about it?", ">>{RoosterClan} : Jesus Christ you sound like an 8-year old. Learn to form a sentence. I can't even make out your irrational points in those word salads. Dumbass.", ">>{BurlyWaffles} : Is this...... is this a joke? Environmentalists are a threat to freedom by doing what? Pushing renewable energy and clean air? Seriously can't believe this. I thought 99.9% of scientists believe in global warming and have actual facts to back up their case. Want to know why I believe in it? It's because I'm not a scientist so I'll listen to actual experts", '>>{fortredr} : Trump Advisors: Medicine is the greatest cause of death', '>>{stormeaglex1} : Speaking of "crooked", I\'m really baffled at how unimaginative his nicknames are: Crooked Hillary, Lyin Ted, Little Marco.....use some alliteration, man. Mini Marco, Terrible Ted, Criminal Clinton....now those are good nicknames.', '>>{tau-lepton} : It would be awesome for China to offer every EPA, DOI, NASA, and DOE employee a job. China is very serious about cleaning up their power sector and factories. The expertise possessed by the people at the EPA and other departments would be a huge asset to China.', ">>{I_have_no_mercy} : America chose T_D, and now they're going to get the D.", ">>{er-day} : Same here. It meant not having to hook up a computer or phone with a cable to get the picture on a TV. I believe it was the first 1080 apple TV as well. Since buying a 4k TV however I use the TV's apps whenever possible as the picture is a lot better and use the apple tv when I have to if I don't have the app on the TV.", '>>{Wheynweed} : Of course, I mean look at the leaks that reveal Hillary has taken bribes and the media has colluded with her.', '>>{er-day} : Yeah, mine actually runs great. No sluggishness at all really.', '>>{20WPM} : That is going to dilute the message into insignificance. Thanks, Trump!', ">>{fortredr} : And every other dem that didn't get out and vote.", ">>{RIDEO} : Anybody Who Does Not Vote For Me Is Crooked ... Any Media That Questions What I'm Saying Is Crooked ... If I Lose This Election It Will Be Because Of A Crooked Election ... However, If I'm Elected It Will Show That It Is Fair & Balanced.", ">>{GrandmasterBong} : I really don't understand why people buy things like these when they could just build a powerful computer and run an HDMI to their TV.", '>>{Retlawst} : Yup, media PCs were OK for a while, but these types of devices made streaming to a TV easy and cheap.', '>>{sunshines_fun_time} : By the time trump is done America will quadruple its rate of syphilitic cancer babies.', '>>{jas2quick} : I have both - I admit, I still like the old one.', '>>{cranktheguy} : I had a computer hooked up to my TV since about 2002, but now I use an Android TV (Nvidia Shield). It works better and I have fewer headaches. It turns my TV on and off automatically when it wakes/sleeps, can access all of the files on my server, and is simple enough to be used by my mom with no instructions. Computers are great multi-purpose devices, but these TV appliances have really started to get awesome.', '>>{GrandmasterBong} : I feel you, though performance has always been an issue for me with these things. Had a couple Rokus and WD media players for a while, all of them had horrible performance particularly when hooked up to a large server archive.', ">>{Bwob} : People who wrote in Bernie, same deal. Every cause he cared about is in shambles, and we're in freaking triage mode, wondering if we can even keep the fricking *constitution* enforced. But at least you helped stop Hillary from being president. Dodged a bullet there, huh.", ">>{cranktheguy} : The Shield is a beast. Probably still one of the fastest Android devices on the market. I run Kodi for viewing files off my server, and with almost no effort it made my media collection look awesome. Afterwards I was guilty and sad: guilty because I did almost no work for something so nice and sad because I hadn't done it years ago.", ">>{throwawatc123} : At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if Trump pulled his shirt over his head and started marching around demanding TP for his bunghole", '>>{Couch_King} : I need it to do two things: Play Netfilx, and AirPlay from my phone. It does both of those, very well. Ours is 2nd gen, and still going strong.', ">>{gino209} : I haven't met one person in real life who supports Hillary. Keep trying guys.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Yeah for a while sure. He is 70, and there are a whole lot of american people that he is antagonizing for no reason.', '>>{dream3jim} : The same media that gave him billions of dollars worth of free advertising.', '>>{C4RB0NUN1T} : Trumps penis is orange and tiny. You know this. What is wrong with you?', '>>{RIDEO} : Let Me Introduce Myself ... I Was A Bernie Supporter But Now I Support Hillary.', '>>{Opie67} : If this weren\'t so terrible I\'d be feeling good after all those protest voters wrote off concerns about Trump as "Chicken Little bullshit"', '>>{CaiusRemus} : Just ran through the numbers. The only two states that would have swung to Clinton, assuming that 100% of Stein votes went to Clinton, would have been Wisconsin and Michigan. This would still put Clinton behind trump.', '>>{GabTej} : It\'s been quite clear for some time now that Republicans are too dangerous to be allowed to hold public office. For the sake of America and the world, the GOP should be dismantled and banned, membership should be made illegal, and all Republicans holding public office at every level of government should be removed from office. No more Republican judges, lawmakers, governors, presidents... It\'s indisputable that the country and the world would be better off this way. The first reaction to this will be "but muh furst amendment" and some other ethical arguments, and yeah, you\'re right. But the welfare of this nation and of this planet are more important than some ethical debate. In certain situations, doing what is considered unethical in other situations is actually ethical.', '>>{sfanetti} : You communist folks are always trying to destroy peoples abilities to live in freedom. Leftist authoritarianism over reaches everwhere.', ">>{Obtuse_Mongoose} : So, why aren't we placing a travel ban on Captain Planet or the Planeteers? I feel this needs to be executive ordered ASAP to make me feel safer in my polluted space.", ">>{trogon} : The eternal refrain of the paranoid delusional: The world's out to get me! It can't be my fault.", '>>{yobsmezn} : Got to start that domestic enemies list early in the administration if you want mass hangings in time for the next election. /s', ">>{trogon} : I also gave money to Sanders, but I've given more to Hillary after the primaries were over. I might not agree with her on every issue, but she's going to be a fine president.", ">>{yobsmezn} : All thirty of them. The problem wasn't stein, my dude.", '>>{Fractal_Soul} : Do you know how many people die in Emergency Rooms? Those places are dangerous!', '>>{Shorty928} : Does he think bashing the media will help him any? If anything they will give a harsher spin on what he says.', ">>{Vesstair} : No, because the indirect costs without regulation aren't carried by the polluters. Deregulation essentially shifts the burden from the private sector in the form of prevention to the public sector in the (much more expensive) form of cleanup.", ">>{tripleskizatch} : I haven't met one person in real life who supports Trump. Including my die-hard Republican parents. What's your point?", '>>{sakipooh} : Trump the fascist is the greatest threat to freedom.', '>>{stephersms} : You might want to expand your friendships, you may learn something.', '>>{moxy801} : Just because the media is crooked does not mean Trump himself is not crooked too.', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Now we know who's been shitting on the picnic tables at Yellowstone, Trump voters!", '>>{fullofwind} : As the holder of two environmental degrees, and 10 years experience working in various environmental fields, I am quite glad to be considered a threat to this regime.', ">>{MisterDonkey} : Everybody that has ever talked to a doctor *will* die. We've gotta ban these murderers before they can kill again.", '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : They made all the difference in MI, PA and WI, my man.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Pennsylvania too. That would have put her over the top.', ">>{moxy801} : > I'm really baffled at how unimaginative his nicknames are: He speaks in the rhetoric of schoolyard bullies, not egghead 'wits'.", ">>{moleratical} : Apparently he doesn't know this one guy, Donald Trump", '>>{C6O1999} : It sounds way less crazy when you say it!!', ">>{sloppyjoes7} : My church bought some property. Next to that property they found evidence of some jumping mice. It's questionable whether they're actually a subspecies. They're almost completely indistinguishable from another type of jumping mouse which isn't endangered. But some scientist said their bone structure was different enough to qualify them as a different subspecies, so they're protected. But their habitat had was destroyed. The previous owner had dumped broken concrete there for years, and wrecked it. Plus, neighbors had cats, which as you know, eat mice. So the environmentalists came in and said my church had to pay to bring in a bunch of trucks and heavy equipment, and remove all the concrete. Which flattened and crushed any remaining habitat. It cost tens of thousands of dollars. During this process, no evidence of the mouse was found. The previous owner was not liable for anything. Those who destroyed the habitat were not liable for anything. Meanwhile, neighbors with cats were not regulated, even though it's been proven that cats are more dangerous than just about anything people can do short of paving the entire area. But environmentalists were happy, and said they were doing it for a threatened species. To this day, no evidence of the mouse has been seen, as far as I know. So what do environmentalists do? They do things that *feel* good and ignore that they destroy things and force nonprofits to foot the bill for them.", ">>{MartinSchou} : That's just cruel. Put up some unregulated factories in his backyard instead. You know the kind - like the ones that will belch out large amounts of methyl isocyanate from time to time.", ">>{data2dave} : It because Hillary was a lazy incompetent candidate. Trump campaigned much harder while Hillary would fly home every night to check on her and Bill's multimillion dollar remodeling project at their joint homes in NY. Hell even Bernie campaigned harder for her than she campaigned for herself.", '>>{El_Cromulente} : I thought terrorists were the greatest threat to freedom. Are we going to ban immigration from 7 countries randomly associated with environmental movements?', ">>{gino209} : Central California. Maybe if they didn't take polls outside of whole foods you would have a real gauge of whats going on.", '>>{toofine} : Can\'t let Mike "Smoking doesn\'t kill" Pence get all the credit for cancer.', ">>{Qunidaye} : Piggly wiggly shoppers are unrepresented, we need to unskew. I was working in Northern Virginia earlier this year where there are a lot of Hillary supporters. Now I'm back home in Arkansas working remotely but all my family friends are big Hillary supporters, and I see her signs all over the place. If Hillary has supporters in McLean, VA and Little Rock, AR I'm going to go out on a limb and say she has a few in central CA", '>>{gino209} : Says the shill who only posts anti trump stuff. Go log onto your other account now. Im still writing in bernie bitch down with the broken ass system.', ">>{theTruus} : The loser's credo: the others are to blame.", '>>{TwiztedImage} : Forgive me for not believing everything I read on the internet... Got a news article or one of the EIS studies that the "environmentalists" conducted? I\'d honestly like to know how something that farcical was done without without a religious organization going to the media/local political and it becoming a huge GOP platform against the federal govt.', '>>{Felinomancy} : I completely agree. For example, [four out of five Planeteers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Planet_and_the_Planeteers) aren\'t even American! And really, the power of "heart"? What sort of PC, safe-space-demanding superpower is that? And we also have someone who looks "urban" and a Gina, too. Linka is fine though. Russians are our friends. I\'d grab her wind if you know what I mean.', '>>{sloppyjoes7} : > Got a news article or one of the EIS studies that the "environmentalists" conducted? No. It happened in Colorado. Look up "Preble\'s meadow jumping mouse" if you want to know about other similar stories. It\'s very famous, and there are people who lost millions, not just thousands. [Here\'s just one article about it.](http://m.gazette.com/the-mouse-that-roared-17-million-price-tag-to-protect-prebles-in-el-paso-county/article/109628) My church never made the news. >I\'d honestly like to know how something that farcical was done without without a religious organization going to the media/local political and it becoming a huge GOP platform against the federal govt. **This type of crap happens every day.** The media runs with one story out of a hundred! You don\'t hear about most things that go on! And if you\'re not familiar with similar stories, then you\'re not reading the right news stories. Environmentalists do this stuff constantly.', ">>{MilitaryAlchemist} : Awwwww you poor guys. Too bad you're reality challenged.", '>>{TwiztedImage} : Thanks! This will give some good reading over the next day or so.', ">>{indyaj} : Hey rich boy, start your own media empire if you don't like it. Or...you could stop saying stupid shit.", '>>{Maggie_A} : Since Trump won\'t divest himself from his businesses and you can\'t call the White House, you can make sure that Trump doesn\'t ignore us. Trump said,"You will never be ignored again." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfrEbYSWh2w#t=0m50s Call one of these numbers of Donald Trump\'s. Just be polite........... The Trump Organization -- (212) 715-7200 **TRUMP HOTELS** Trump National Golf Course, Washington DC -- 703-444-4801 Trump International Hotel & Tower New York -- 212-299-1000 Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago -- 312-588-8000 Trump International Hotel Las Vegas -- (702) 982-0000 Trump National Doral (Miami) -- (305) 592-2000 Trump SoHo New York -- (212) 842-5500 Trump International Hotel & Tower Waikiki -- (808) 683-7777 Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C.-- (202) 695-1100 Albemarle Estate at trump Winery VA - (434) 977-4001 **TRUMP GOLF COURSES** Trump National Golf Course, Washington DC -- 703-444-4801 Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster, N.J.-- (908) 470-4400 Trump National Golf Club, Charlotte, N.C.-- (704) 799-7300 Trump National Golf Club, Colts Neck, N.J.-- (732) 625-9244 Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, N.Y. -- (718) 414-1555 Trump National Golf Club, Hudson Valley, N.Y. -- (845) 223-1600 Trump National Golf Club, Jupiter, Fla. -- (561) 691-8700 Trump National Golf Club, Los Angeles -- (310) 265-5000 Trump National Doral Golf Club, Florida -- (305) 592-2000 Trump International Golf Club, West Palm Beach, Fla. -- (561) 682-0700 Trump National Golf Club, Philadelphia -- (856) 435-3100 Trump National Golf Club, Westchester, N.Y. -- (914) 944-7100', '>>{61-50-7} : You talking about people like Moscow Mike Flynn? Bart? Manafort? Page? Which dirty commie do you mean exactly?', '>>{TheLightningbolt} : In other words, Trump thinks that republican presidents Teddy Roosevelt (who created the national park system) and Richard Nixon (who created the EPA) are threats to freedom. The only threat to our freedom right now is Trump and his nazi minions. They must be removed from power.', ">>{Bwob} : So it's not a problem with the voters, picking the candidate that seems objectively worse for the nation. It's Hillary's fault for not using her time the way you think she should have?", ">>{kdeff} : I keep whining and whining until I win Sounds like he is sticking to his good ol' time tested plan.", '>>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : The same media that several studies have found has been harshest to Clinton out of all the candidates.', '>>{cbarrister} : Let\'s find out where this dude lives and open a toxic waste dump next to his house. How dare he attack my "freedom" to dump toxic waste on my land, that just happens to be right next door to his...', ">>{dream3jim} : A lot of the criticism of clinton is deserved in my opinion. Both of the major candidates have flaws and it's the media's job to point them out.", '>>{sloppyjoes7} : Who do you think pushed through the regulations that caused this stupidity?', '>>{ilt_} : Ewww water? I never touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it....', ">>{RIDEO} : He's The Only President That Has Went Bankrupt 6 Times and Has The Temperament of A 9 Yr. Old", '>>{CTR_Disinfo_Agent} : They need to be dumbed-down for his supporters ^(and for himself).', '>>{CakeMagic} : And Trump is on his way to becoming the greatest threat on the planet.', ">>{cynical_euphemism} : Well, right now he's working on turning the White House into a toxic dump on his own, so... mission accomplished?", '>>{UncleMonkey9} : You really should get out more. Or maybe not. The real world is full of normal people.', '>>{data2dave} : She lost to a very easy to defeat candidate. Yupp. Shamefull.', '>>{Slampumpthejam} : Someone made the owners of the property clean up a bunch of broken dumped concrete? The horror! It was probably the city because it looked like shit and was dangerous.', ">>{RIDEO} : I Had A Small Business With 5 Employees (Now Retired) ...I Almost Lost Everything Twice ... One Time When A Small Business Went Bankrupt Owing Me Thousands and Another Time When A Large Company Declared Bankruptcy Owing Me Thousands More ... In Both Cases I Had to Settle for Pennies on The Dollar ... Trump Thinks He Was So Smart Bragging How He Walked Away From Bankruptcy After Bankruptcy With His Pockets Full ... While The Contractors and Suppliers Were paid ,like I was, Pennies on The Dollar. Although My Business Survived , Many Don't.", '>>{Pylons} : Linked: [Alternative sources???](http://shoebat.com/2016/06/13/what-the-media-is-not-telling-you-about-the-islamic-massacre-in-orlando/)', '>>{sfanetti} : Everything is a case-by-case basis. Not every regulation is good. Not every regulation was added for the benefit of the consumer or to protect people. Many regulations are specifically created to enforce monopolies.', ">>{wrath4771} : He's just pissed the media won't carry his water for him like they did in the primary.", '>>{TheLionFollowsMe} : The extraction industries just took over America. They own Russia already. Check out HR622, a house bill taking all law enforcement abilities away from national park rangers, and BLM rangers, placing responsibility for federal lands on the states. No EPA, no park rangers, no assesment required before selling federal land. Its all being put in place to exploit the American wilderness. Go camping while you can.', '>>{Roundhouse1988} : Hillary loves fracking too much, and the corporations. Stop living in this duality of choice, the system needs to be dismantled.', '>>{Roundhouse1988} : Yea because clean water and clean air are "leftist authoritarian over reaches" Get a fucking grip.', ">>{Roundhouse1988} : Although you're %100 right about this, it doesn't mean that environmentalists are a threat to freedom. Follow the money, the most ardent environmentalists care only about protecting the environment, no one at green peace is getting rich from the green industry. Now look at the other side; these people are getting filthy rich when the government decides their oil refinery no longer needs to dispose of dangerous chemicals properly, so they dump them in the river and the whole town gets sick...THIS is the reason environmental regulation exists, to protect the people against the bottom line.", '>>{RIDEO} : He calls his Dog "Rover" ... He calls his Cat "Kitty" ... Believe Me Trump Is A Genius ... I Have To Be Honest', ">>{HamsterSandwich} : He's just solidifying multiple excuses for the ass-kicking he knows he's gonna' take in November. He will NOT accept any personal responsibility for anything that does not go his way. He's a whiny 10 year-old in the school playground that muffed the easy catch in centerfield.", ">>{Bwob} : Apparently he wasn't actually that easy to beat! Turns out that having Russia run propaganda for you is a bigger advantage than people expected!", ">>{Roundhouse1988} : You can't design a government beaurocracy on a solely case by case basis. The only way this could possibly go is that corporations do whatever they want (pollute, dump, steal, whatever) and people sue to stop them. This would completely overwhelm the courts because every corporation would try to profit from being able to do whatever they want while the courts get overloaded, people gets sick, and the environment destroyed. How could this possibly work without regulation?", ">>{data2dave} : I think that Hillary's false excuses for her incompetence is also a bigger problem. The US is far more guilty of election rigging of other countries than Weak* Russia. * Obama called them weak for good reason. In many ways, there's a silver lining here: getting rid of the corrupt Clintons and hanging Republicans for their support for a Tyrant. If we get the new reformed populist Democratic Party to defeat the Jesus Nazis I. '18, that is. I voted for Hillary btw ;with no enthusiasm-- and promoting Corporate controlled Democrats will only sink the party more. The stubborn refusal to allow Bernie-Crats any say in the Party will also sink them. Ellison with all his faults is far better than bureaucratic Perez or other candidates for DNC leader and the Clinton controlled DNC is delaying change needed to promote a grassroots movement needed to keep the protesters momentum.", '>>{justkjfrost} : right, wanting to be able to breath outside without a [smog mask](http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/130129073952-beijing-smog-1-29-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg) and [having potable water unlike in flint](https://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/flint-water-crisis-lead-michigan.jpg?quality=85) and not [having your towns burnt down by rivers being so polluted they catch fire and explode like a natural gaz pipeline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuyahoga_River) or even [potentially loosing large parts of florida to rising waters due to climate change](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/science/flooding-of-coast-caused-by-global-warming-has-already-begun.html) is obviously "hating freedom" /S', ">>{sloppyjoes7} : Nobody knew it was there, nobody noticed it, and it wasn't an eyesore. Until they property was bought and building was beginning. It was only called out due to permits needed.", ">>{Slampumpthejam} : You realize that's city inspectors and nothing to do with environmentalists? And that's literally their job.", ">>{sloppyjoes7} : It wasn't in a city. Why do you keep trying to tell me what happened?", ">>{Slampumpthejam} : You're confused it seems, inspectors deal with the permit doesn't matter where they came from."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{DishingLikeClyde} : Donald Trump on Barack Obama: 'I can feel that he likes me'", ">>{Beezelbubbles_} : This guy is beyond delusional. The guy you constantly badgered for nonsensical reasons likes you, why do you think that Donald? Because nobody really likes you, how could they, you're a cowardly authoritarian man-child that blames others for his mistakes and doesn't give two shits about the Constitution you swore to uphold.", ">>{DemocratLiberal} : That's what President Bannon tells him every night before he goes to bed. He does it while tucking in little Donny and patting his head.", ">>{gunslingrburrito} : Yeah he really appreciated Trump's constant insistence that the President wasn't an American citizen. It just really warmed his heart.", ">>{skwirrl} : Clearly, he's been inhaling too much of that orange spray tan shit. Its bringing on Alzheimers", ">>{YanicPolitik} : Not to mention that Donald is about to throw so much of Obama's efforts out the window.", '>>{mbeck1995} : Never thought a president would embrace truthiness so strongly...', '>>{spotted_dick} : Well, i believe the presidential oath of office includes the phrase "to the best of my abilities". He\'s doing the best he can.', ">>{druuconian} : Exactly. Donald Trump doesn't see an angle on Barack being nice to him. He literally can't fathom the idea that Obama would be doing something he doesn't personally want to do because he's dedicated to an ideal higher than himself (i.e. creating as smooth a transition as possible because he believes deeply in the peaceful transfer of power).", '>>{AnticitizenPrime} : Another brand new account shitposting here. Can we ban new users already?', ">>{FDRs_ghost} : Man, this guy has a real problem with self esteem doesn't he?"], ['>>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : >In the gloom and ugliness of this political season, one encouraging truth is often overlooked: There is a well-qualified, well-prepared candidate on the ballot. Hillary Clinton has the potential to be an excellent president of the United States, and we endorse her without hesitation.', ">>{awesome_amos} : Wowza. Let's see Trump attack them, too.", ">>{ILuvMonsterGirls} : Another media endorsement, yeah, that's not biased at all. (rolls eyes)", '>>{itsnickk} : Welcome to your first election. Newspaper endorsements are as old as the US itself.', '>>{Alejandro_Last_Name} : And this is the first time a major party candidate has zero endorsements. Likely due to his open distain for the first amendment.', ">>{34adamlee77} : She is by far the worst candidate to run. The only reason why she is even here is because #1 she is a woman and ignorant woman like that fact that they share the vagina and so they think they have that in common. #2 even though every other democratic candidate showed how corrupt she is like Bernie Sanders that didn't stop the main stream media to support her.#3 her last name is Clinton and just like the last name Bush, people will vote for the name over the principles even though this woman is a witch and Wolf in sheeps clothing and has never done or accomplished anything while in any office. So the Washington post is in bed with Hilary and yet they aren't getting anything out of it. This is what is wrong with the country.", '>>{AsAnOccultist} : Or perhaps because he is a threat to the status quo. Maybe? Just a little?', '>>{dirtnastybishop} : Hillary Clinton is awful. I really cant believe this is happening to America. Trump is not much better. Still Praying for Michael Bloomberg to run independently. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dY77j6uBHI', ">>{RoosterClan} : It's ironic how nonchalantly you trivialize yourself. 1) really? Being a woman is the only reason she'll win? Why didn't Fiorina come out on top then? 2) Trump used the mainstream media to get to this stage. If not for them, you'd have no candidate Trump. 3) as if TRUMP wasn't a household name?!? 4) you're psychotic and delusional.", ">>{RoosterClan} : Jesus Christ you sound like an 8-year old. Learn to form a sentence. I can't even make out your irrational points in those word salads. Dumbass."], [">>{RIDEO} : Donald Trump: I'm running against 'crooked media', not just Hillary Clinton", '>>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : Poor baby victim Trump, where are those tax returns?', '>>{3_Limes} : If they would just stop telling everybody what I say!', '>>{TW1971} : If running for the job is too difficult, imagine how much of a train wreak having it would be. Go back to ruining beauty pageants', ">>{Qunidaye} : You're running against your own defects, prejudices, and stupidity . In the words of the eminent political scientist DJ Khaled, you played yourself", '>>{stormeaglex1} : Speaking of "crooked", I\'m really baffled at how unimaginative his nicknames are: Crooked Hillary, Lyin Ted, Little Marco.....use some alliteration, man. Mini Marco, Terrible Ted, Criminal Clinton....now those are good nicknames.', '>>{Wheynweed} : Of course, I mean look at the leaks that reveal Hillary has taken bribes and the media has colluded with her.', '>>{20WPM} : That is going to dilute the message into insignificance. Thanks, Trump!', ">>{RIDEO} : Anybody Who Does Not Vote For Me Is Crooked ... Any Media That Questions What I'm Saying Is Crooked ... If I Lose This Election It Will Be Because Of A Crooked Election ... However, If I'm Elected It Will Show That It Is Fair & Balanced.", ">>{throwawatc123} : At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if Trump pulled his shirt over his head and started marching around demanding TP for his bunghole", ">>{gino209} : I haven't met one person in real life who supports Hillary. Keep trying guys.", '>>{dream3jim} : The same media that gave him billions of dollars worth of free advertising.', '>>{RIDEO} : Let Me Introduce Myself ... I Was A Bernie Supporter But Now I Support Hillary.', ">>{trogon} : The eternal refrain of the paranoid delusional: The world's out to get me! It can't be my fault.", ">>{trogon} : I also gave money to Sanders, but I've given more to Hillary after the primaries were over. I might not agree with her on every issue, but she's going to be a fine president.", '>>{Shorty928} : Does he think bashing the media will help him any? If anything they will give a harsher spin on what he says.', ">>{tripleskizatch} : I haven't met one person in real life who supports Trump. Including my die-hard Republican parents. What's your point?", '>>{stephersms} : You might want to expand your friendships, you may learn something.', '>>{moxy801} : Just because the media is crooked does not mean Trump himself is not crooked too.', ">>{moxy801} : > I'm really baffled at how unimaginative his nicknames are: He speaks in the rhetoric of schoolyard bullies, not egghead 'wits'.", '>>{C6O1999} : It sounds way less crazy when you say it!!', ">>{gino209} : Central California. Maybe if they didn't take polls outside of whole foods you would have a real gauge of whats going on.", ">>{Qunidaye} : Piggly wiggly shoppers are unrepresented, we need to unskew. I was working in Northern Virginia earlier this year where there are a lot of Hillary supporters. Now I'm back home in Arkansas working remotely but all my family friends are big Hillary supporters, and I see her signs all over the place. If Hillary has supporters in McLean, VA and Little Rock, AR I'm going to go out on a limb and say she has a few in central CA", '>>{gino209} : Says the shill who only posts anti trump stuff. Go log onto your other account now. Im still writing in bernie bitch down with the broken ass system.', ">>{theTruus} : The loser's credo: the others are to blame.", ">>{MilitaryAlchemist} : Awwwww you poor guys. Too bad you're reality challenged.", ">>{indyaj} : Hey rich boy, start your own media empire if you don't like it. Or...you could stop saying stupid shit.", ">>{kdeff} : I keep whining and whining until I win Sounds like he is sticking to his good ol' time tested plan.", '>>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : The same media that several studies have found has been harshest to Clinton out of all the candidates.', ">>{dream3jim} : A lot of the criticism of clinton is deserved in my opinion. Both of the major candidates have flaws and it's the media's job to point them out.", ">>{RIDEO} : He's The Only President That Has Went Bankrupt 6 Times and Has The Temperament of A 9 Yr. Old", '>>{CTR_Disinfo_Agent} : They need to be dumbed-down for his supporters ^(and for himself).', '>>{UncleMonkey9} : You really should get out more. Or maybe not. The real world is full of normal people.', ">>{RIDEO} : I Had A Small Business With 5 Employees (Now Retired) ...I Almost Lost Everything Twice ... One Time When A Small Business Went Bankrupt Owing Me Thousands and Another Time When A Large Company Declared Bankruptcy Owing Me Thousands More ... In Both Cases I Had to Settle for Pennies on The Dollar ... Trump Thinks He Was So Smart Bragging How He Walked Away From Bankruptcy After Bankruptcy With His Pockets Full ... While The Contractors and Suppliers Were paid ,like I was, Pennies on The Dollar. Although My Business Survived , Many Don't.", '>>{Pylons} : Linked: [Alternative sources???](http://shoebat.com/2016/06/13/what-the-media-is-not-telling-you-about-the-islamic-massacre-in-orlando/)', ">>{wrath4771} : He's just pissed the media won't carry his water for him like they did in the primary.", '>>{RIDEO} : He calls his Dog "Rover" ... He calls his Cat "Kitty" ... Believe Me Trump Is A Genius ... I Have To Be Honest', ">>{HamsterSandwich} : He's just solidifying multiple excuses for the ass-kicking he knows he's gonna' take in November. He will NOT accept any personal responsibility for anything that does not go his way. He's a whiny 10 year-old in the school playground that muffed the easy catch in centerfield."], [">>{Philo1927} : Apple quietly discontinues the $69 third-gen Apple TV. Box's software is two generations out of date and falling rapidly behind.", ">>{macksto} : I have one it's not bad could do with a software update and more apps added. Apple adds there Apple con every year so it's possible and you can stream apps you can't get for it from your other Apple devices. But in all fairness I get Nowtv (uk) Netflix and WWE network so that's all o need from it", ">>{kbotc} : It's hardware is equivalent to an iPad 2, so it's *really* long in the tooth. It looks like Apple pulled support for that chip from the kernel.", ">>{MassiveDumpOfGenius} : But it's cheap, like chromecast. All I needed is to be able to airplay from phone/laptop to TV, and it does it perfectly, again, just like chromecast.", '>>{ayyuslmaous} : My parents did. We never use it, except to mirror their Macs maybe once or twice a month.', '>>{DietSpite} : Yeah, I got one for AirPlay support, and ended up using it for Netflix. Holding off on another one until it supports 4K though.', '>>{czfi} : Similar hardware yes but I don\'t think long in the tooth is correct. I don\'t have a desire to "game" with an Apple TV and I don\'t need Siri so this is fine for me and works just as fast as it did back in 2012. Sometimes I\'d like the App Store but it\'s not very important to me.', '>>{Doelago} : Had one sitting under the television since release. Mostly been used as a Netflix and AirPlay device over the years, but it being as ancient as the iPad 2 it has started feeling a tad bit out of date and I am genuinely surprised it was still actually being made and sold. Still, it served me well over the years and I will probably be treating myself with the new 4th generation one come christmas.', ">>{er-day} : Same here. It meant not having to hook up a computer or phone with a cable to get the picture on a TV. I believe it was the first 1080 apple TV as well. Since buying a 4k TV however I use the TV's apps whenever possible as the picture is a lot better and use the apple tv when I have to if I don't have the app on the TV.", '>>{er-day} : Yeah, mine actually runs great. No sluggishness at all really.', ">>{GrandmasterBong} : I really don't understand why people buy things like these when they could just build a powerful computer and run an HDMI to their TV.", '>>{Retlawst} : Yup, media PCs were OK for a while, but these types of devices made streaming to a TV easy and cheap.', '>>{jas2quick} : I have both - I admit, I still like the old one.', '>>{cranktheguy} : I had a computer hooked up to my TV since about 2002, but now I use an Android TV (Nvidia Shield). It works better and I have fewer headaches. It turns my TV on and off automatically when it wakes/sleeps, can access all of the files on my server, and is simple enough to be used by my mom with no instructions. Computers are great multi-purpose devices, but these TV appliances have really started to get awesome.', '>>{GrandmasterBong} : I feel you, though performance has always been an issue for me with these things. Had a couple Rokus and WD media players for a while, all of them had horrible performance particularly when hooked up to a large server archive.', ">>{cranktheguy} : The Shield is a beast. Probably still one of the fastest Android devices on the market. I run Kodi for viewing files off my server, and with almost no effort it made my media collection look awesome. Afterwards I was guilty and sad: guilty because I did almost no work for something so nice and sad because I hadn't done it years ago.", '>>{Couch_King} : I need it to do two things: Play Netfilx, and AirPlay from my phone. It does both of those, very well. Ours is 2nd gen, and still going strong.'], ['>>{-wildaboutminny-} : Environmentalists Are the "Greatest Threat to Freedom," Says Trump Adviser', '>>{-wildaboutminny-} : >The environmental movement is "the greatest threat to freedom and prosperity in the modern world," according to an adviser to the US president Donald Trump\'s administration. >Myron Ebell, who has denied the dangers of climate change for many years and led Trump\'s transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency until the president\'s recent inauguration, also said he fully expected Trump to keep his promise to withdraw the US from the global agreement to fight global warming.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : I heard they tie you up and make you drink clean water. And breathe clean air.', ">>{Boxerorbag} : As opposed to banning particular groups of people from entering the country, building a giant wall, enlisting and elevating unqualified cronies, and propagating 'alternative facts' (read: lies) to make it sound palatable?", ">>{BC-clette} : > led Trump's transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency Jesus.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : He wants to cut the epa staff in half as well. It takes a very unique and singular perspective to say that out loud.', '>>{voyagerdoge} : Lower environmental standards for American production processes and pretty soon the US will leg behind, possibly hindering exports of products.', ">>{tau-lepton} : Let's space him for 30 seconds and see if his opinion has been adjusted regarding clean air.", '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Thank you Stein voters. The one major issue you really care about is about to be decimated but remember her emails.', ">>{frackpot} : I'm willing to take that characterization if you except ---the greatest threat to the human race. How's about it?", ">>{BurlyWaffles} : Is this...... is this a joke? Environmentalists are a threat to freedom by doing what? Pushing renewable energy and clean air? Seriously can't believe this. I thought 99.9% of scientists believe in global warming and have actual facts to back up their case. Want to know why I believe in it? It's because I'm not a scientist so I'll listen to actual experts", '>>{fortredr} : Trump Advisors: Medicine is the greatest cause of death', '>>{tau-lepton} : It would be awesome for China to offer every EPA, DOI, NASA, and DOE employee a job. China is very serious about cleaning up their power sector and factories. The expertise possessed by the people at the EPA and other departments would be a huge asset to China.', ">>{I_have_no_mercy} : America chose T_D, and now they're going to get the D.", ">>{fortredr} : And every other dem that didn't get out and vote.", '>>{sunshines_fun_time} : By the time trump is done America will quadruple its rate of syphilitic cancer babies.', ">>{Bwob} : People who wrote in Bernie, same deal. Every cause he cared about is in shambles, and we're in freaking triage mode, wondering if we can even keep the fricking *constitution* enforced. But at least you helped stop Hillary from being president. Dodged a bullet there, huh.", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Yeah for a while sure. He is 70, and there are a whole lot of american people that he is antagonizing for no reason.', '>>{C4RB0NUN1T} : Trumps penis is orange and tiny. You know this. What is wrong with you?', '>>{Opie67} : If this weren\'t so terrible I\'d be feeling good after all those protest voters wrote off concerns about Trump as "Chicken Little bullshit"', '>>{CaiusRemus} : Just ran through the numbers. The only two states that would have swung to Clinton, assuming that 100% of Stein votes went to Clinton, would have been Wisconsin and Michigan. This would still put Clinton behind trump.', '>>{GabTej} : It\'s been quite clear for some time now that Republicans are too dangerous to be allowed to hold public office. For the sake of America and the world, the GOP should be dismantled and banned, membership should be made illegal, and all Republicans holding public office at every level of government should be removed from office. No more Republican judges, lawmakers, governors, presidents... It\'s indisputable that the country and the world would be better off this way. The first reaction to this will be "but muh furst amendment" and some other ethical arguments, and yeah, you\'re right. But the welfare of this nation and of this planet are more important than some ethical debate. In certain situations, doing what is considered unethical in other situations is actually ethical.', '>>{sfanetti} : You communist folks are always trying to destroy peoples abilities to live in freedom. Leftist authoritarianism over reaches everwhere.', ">>{Obtuse_Mongoose} : So, why aren't we placing a travel ban on Captain Planet or the Planeteers? I feel this needs to be executive ordered ASAP to make me feel safer in my polluted space.", '>>{yobsmezn} : Got to start that domestic enemies list early in the administration if you want mass hangings in time for the next election. /s', ">>{yobsmezn} : All thirty of them. The problem wasn't stein, my dude.", '>>{Fractal_Soul} : Do you know how many people die in Emergency Rooms? Those places are dangerous!', ">>{Vesstair} : No, because the indirect costs without regulation aren't carried by the polluters. Deregulation essentially shifts the burden from the private sector in the form of prevention to the public sector in the (much more expensive) form of cleanup.", '>>{sakipooh} : Trump the fascist is the greatest threat to freedom.', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Now we know who's been shitting on the picnic tables at Yellowstone, Trump voters!", '>>{fullofwind} : As the holder of two environmental degrees, and 10 years experience working in various environmental fields, I am quite glad to be considered a threat to this regime.', ">>{MisterDonkey} : Everybody that has ever talked to a doctor *will* die. We've gotta ban these murderers before they can kill again.", '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : They made all the difference in MI, PA and WI, my man.', '>>{NotFooledbyFools} : Pennsylvania too. That would have put her over the top.', ">>{moleratical} : Apparently he doesn't know this one guy, Donald Trump", ">>{sloppyjoes7} : My church bought some property. Next to that property they found evidence of some jumping mice. It's questionable whether they're actually a subspecies. They're almost completely indistinguishable from another type of jumping mouse which isn't endangered. But some scientist said their bone structure was different enough to qualify them as a different subspecies, so they're protected. But their habitat had was destroyed. The previous owner had dumped broken concrete there for years, and wrecked it. Plus, neighbors had cats, which as you know, eat mice. So the environmentalists came in and said my church had to pay to bring in a bunch of trucks and heavy equipment, and remove all the concrete. Which flattened and crushed any remaining habitat. It cost tens of thousands of dollars. During this process, no evidence of the mouse was found. The previous owner was not liable for anything. Those who destroyed the habitat were not liable for anything. Meanwhile, neighbors with cats were not regulated, even though it's been proven that cats are more dangerous than just about anything people can do short of paving the entire area. But environmentalists were happy, and said they were doing it for a threatened species. To this day, no evidence of the mouse has been seen, as far as I know. So what do environmentalists do? They do things that *feel* good and ignore that they destroy things and force nonprofits to foot the bill for them.", ">>{MartinSchou} : That's just cruel. Put up some unregulated factories in his backyard instead. You know the kind - like the ones that will belch out large amounts of methyl isocyanate from time to time.", ">>{data2dave} : It because Hillary was a lazy incompetent candidate. Trump campaigned much harder while Hillary would fly home every night to check on her and Bill's multimillion dollar remodeling project at their joint homes in NY. Hell even Bernie campaigned harder for her than she campaigned for herself.", '>>{El_Cromulente} : I thought terrorists were the greatest threat to freedom. Are we going to ban immigration from 7 countries randomly associated with environmental movements?', '>>{toofine} : Can\'t let Mike "Smoking doesn\'t kill" Pence get all the credit for cancer.', '>>{TwiztedImage} : Forgive me for not believing everything I read on the internet... Got a news article or one of the EIS studies that the "environmentalists" conducted? I\'d honestly like to know how something that farcical was done without without a religious organization going to the media/local political and it becoming a huge GOP platform against the federal govt.', '>>{Felinomancy} : I completely agree. For example, [four out of five Planeteers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Planet_and_the_Planeteers) aren\'t even American! And really, the power of "heart"? What sort of PC, safe-space-demanding superpower is that? And we also have someone who looks "urban" and a Gina, too. Linka is fine though. Russians are our friends. I\'d grab her wind if you know what I mean.', '>>{sloppyjoes7} : > Got a news article or one of the EIS studies that the "environmentalists" conducted? No. It happened in Colorado. Look up "Preble\'s meadow jumping mouse" if you want to know about other similar stories. It\'s very famous, and there are people who lost millions, not just thousands. [Here\'s just one article about it.](http://m.gazette.com/the-mouse-that-roared-17-million-price-tag-to-protect-prebles-in-el-paso-county/article/109628) My church never made the news. >I\'d honestly like to know how something that farcical was done without without a religious organization going to the media/local political and it becoming a huge GOP platform against the federal govt. **This type of crap happens every day.** The media runs with one story out of a hundred! You don\'t hear about most things that go on! And if you\'re not familiar with similar stories, then you\'re not reading the right news stories. Environmentalists do this stuff constantly.', '>>{TwiztedImage} : Thanks! This will give some good reading over the next day or so.', '>>{Maggie_A} : Since Trump won\'t divest himself from his businesses and you can\'t call the White House, you can make sure that Trump doesn\'t ignore us. Trump said,"You will never be ignored again." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfrEbYSWh2w#t=0m50s Call one of these numbers of Donald Trump\'s. Just be polite........... The Trump Organization -- (212) 715-7200 **TRUMP HOTELS** Trump National Golf Course, Washington DC -- 703-444-4801 Trump International Hotel & Tower New York -- 212-299-1000 Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago -- 312-588-8000 Trump International Hotel Las Vegas -- (702) 982-0000 Trump National Doral (Miami) -- (305) 592-2000 Trump SoHo New York -- (212) 842-5500 Trump International Hotel & Tower Waikiki -- (808) 683-7777 Trump International Hotel, Washington D.C.-- (202) 695-1100 Albemarle Estate at trump Winery VA - (434) 977-4001 **TRUMP GOLF COURSES** Trump National Golf Course, Washington DC -- 703-444-4801 Trump National Golf Club, Bedminster, N.J.-- (908) 470-4400 Trump National Golf Club, Charlotte, N.C.-- (704) 799-7300 Trump National Golf Club, Colts Neck, N.J.-- (732) 625-9244 Trump Golf Links at Ferry Point, N.Y. -- (718) 414-1555 Trump National Golf Club, Hudson Valley, N.Y. -- (845) 223-1600 Trump National Golf Club, Jupiter, Fla. -- (561) 691-8700 Trump National Golf Club, Los Angeles -- (310) 265-5000 Trump National Doral Golf Club, Florida -- (305) 592-2000 Trump International Golf Club, West Palm Beach, Fla. -- (561) 682-0700 Trump National Golf Club, Philadelphia -- (856) 435-3100 Trump National Golf Club, Westchester, N.Y. -- (914) 944-7100', '>>{61-50-7} : You talking about people like Moscow Mike Flynn? Bart? Manafort? Page? Which dirty commie do you mean exactly?', '>>{TheLightningbolt} : In other words, Trump thinks that republican presidents Teddy Roosevelt (who created the national park system) and Richard Nixon (who created the EPA) are threats to freedom. The only threat to our freedom right now is Trump and his nazi minions. They must be removed from power.', ">>{Bwob} : So it's not a problem with the voters, picking the candidate that seems objectively worse for the nation. It's Hillary's fault for not using her time the way you think she should have?", '>>{cbarrister} : Let\'s find out where this dude lives and open a toxic waste dump next to his house. How dare he attack my "freedom" to dump toxic waste on my land, that just happens to be right next door to his...', '>>{sloppyjoes7} : Who do you think pushed through the regulations that caused this stupidity?', '>>{ilt_} : Ewww water? I never touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it....', '>>{CakeMagic} : And Trump is on his way to becoming the greatest threat on the planet.', ">>{cynical_euphemism} : Well, right now he's working on turning the White House into a toxic dump on his own, so... mission accomplished?", '>>{data2dave} : She lost to a very easy to defeat candidate. Yupp. Shamefull.', '>>{Slampumpthejam} : Someone made the owners of the property clean up a bunch of broken dumped concrete? The horror! It was probably the city because it looked like shit and was dangerous.', '>>{sfanetti} : Everything is a case-by-case basis. Not every regulation is good. Not every regulation was added for the benefit of the consumer or to protect people. Many regulations are specifically created to enforce monopolies.', '>>{TheLionFollowsMe} : The extraction industries just took over America. They own Russia already. Check out HR622, a house bill taking all law enforcement abilities away from national park rangers, and BLM rangers, placing responsibility for federal lands on the states. No EPA, no park rangers, no assesment required before selling federal land. Its all being put in place to exploit the American wilderness. Go camping while you can.', '>>{Roundhouse1988} : Hillary loves fracking too much, and the corporations. Stop living in this duality of choice, the system needs to be dismantled.', '>>{Roundhouse1988} : Yea because clean water and clean air are "leftist authoritarian over reaches" Get a fucking grip.', ">>{Roundhouse1988} : Although you're %100 right about this, it doesn't mean that environmentalists are a threat to freedom. Follow the money, the most ardent environmentalists care only about protecting the environment, no one at green peace is getting rich from the green industry. Now look at the other side; these people are getting filthy rich when the government decides their oil refinery no longer needs to dispose of dangerous chemicals properly, so they dump them in the river and the whole town gets sick...THIS is the reason environmental regulation exists, to protect the people against the bottom line.", ">>{Bwob} : Apparently he wasn't actually that easy to beat! Turns out that having Russia run propaganda for you is a bigger advantage than people expected!", ">>{Roundhouse1988} : You can't design a government beaurocracy on a solely case by case basis. The only way this could possibly go is that corporations do whatever they want (pollute, dump, steal, whatever) and people sue to stop them. This would completely overwhelm the courts because every corporation would try to profit from being able to do whatever they want while the courts get overloaded, people gets sick, and the environment destroyed. How could this possibly work without regulation?", ">>{data2dave} : I think that Hillary's false excuses for her incompetence is also a bigger problem. The US is far more guilty of election rigging of other countries than Weak* Russia. * Obama called them weak for good reason. In many ways, there's a silver lining here: getting rid of the corrupt Clintons and hanging Republicans for their support for a Tyrant. If we get the new reformed populist Democratic Party to defeat the Jesus Nazis I. '18, that is. I voted for Hillary btw ;with no enthusiasm-- and promoting Corporate controlled Democrats will only sink the party more. The stubborn refusal to allow Bernie-Crats any say in the Party will also sink them. Ellison with all his faults is far better than bureaucratic Perez or other candidates for DNC leader and the Clinton controlled DNC is delaying change needed to promote a grassroots movement needed to keep the protesters momentum.", '>>{justkjfrost} : right, wanting to be able to breath outside without a [smog mask](http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/130129073952-beijing-smog-1-29-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg) and [having potable water unlike in flint](https://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/flint-water-crisis-lead-michigan.jpg?quality=85) and not [having your towns burnt down by rivers being so polluted they catch fire and explode like a natural gaz pipeline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuyahoga_River) or even [potentially loosing large parts of florida to rising waters due to climate change](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/science/flooding-of-coast-caused-by-global-warming-has-already-begun.html) is obviously "hating freedom" /S', ">>{sloppyjoes7} : Nobody knew it was there, nobody noticed it, and it wasn't an eyesore. Until they property was bought and building was beginning. It was only called out due to permits needed.", ">>{Slampumpthejam} : You realize that's city inspectors and nothing to do with environmentalists? And that's literally their job.", ">>{sloppyjoes7} : It wasn't in a city. Why do you keep trying to tell me what happened?", ">>{Slampumpthejam} : You're confused it seems, inspectors deal with the permit doesn't matter where they came from."]]
classify and reply
[">>{ainbheartach} : Professor who criticised Donald Trump questioned by police after being deemed 'a threat'", '>>{cejmp} : Useless without the context of the tweets or whatever.', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Student Debt Helps, Not Harms, the U.S. Economy, White House Says', '>>{MrInRageous} : Of course, lets just fuck the students--as long as it means helping the larger consumer economy.', '>>{ainbheartach} : It does say "More follows..." so I gather they will update the page when they get more information. Here in the meantime is a little more information about him: > After reading one of Brooks’ early essays on Beyoncé’s album, “B’Day,” Kevin Allred, a women’s and gender studies professor at Rutgers University, created the class “Politicizing Beyoncé: Black Feminism, US Politics, & Queen Bey.” > (source -[‘Beyoncology’ professor sheds light on black feminism in music](http://www.themiamihurricane.com/2016/10/05/beyonce-professor-black-feminism-music/))', '>>{ainbheartach} : Just in: [EXCLUSIVE: Rutgers University professor taken for psych eval after \'threatening\' gun control, flag burning tweets](http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/rutgers-professor-psych-eval-threatening-tweets-article-1.2875736) From the start of the article: > A Rutgers University professor says he was pulled from his Brooklyn home by the NYPD and taken for a psych evaluation, apparently because the school felt his tweets about flag burning and gun control the day after Donald Trump was elected President were “threatening.” > Kevin Allred said he was released from the hospital after only two hours because there is nothing wrong with him — and doctors at Bellevue Hospital agreed. > “The doctors were like, ‘This is ridiculous, why did they bring you here?’” Allred told the Daily News. “And I said, ‘That’s what I thought but they told me they had to do it.’” > The NYPD said in a statement that it responded to a Rutgers University Police Department call for assistance. > “We were informed by Rutgers PD that he made threats to kill white people and he was subsequently taken to Bellevue Hospital for evaluation,” the statement said. > Allred, however, said he simply asked, in a class the day after the presidential election — and then later on Twitter — whether conservatives would care as much about the Second Amendment if guns killed more white people. > "In class we talked about flag burning generally, as a form of protest, and what does the flag mean to different people,” Allred said. “Then I made a comment, essentially saying,‘Would people feel the same way about being so lenient with the Second Amendment if people went out and got guns to shoot random white people?’” > “They said that was a direct threat even though it was phrased like a question to think about and try to see the other side of the situation."...', '>>{cejmp} : Maybe I am missing something good but all I see there is what the guys says he said, not the actual tweets.', '>>{TheWangernumbCode} : Retooled VOA set to be Trump-run US state media network', '>>{ainbheartach} : There is links to his twitter feed in *The Independent* article and the NY Daily News article!', '>>{drew418} : I agree with that statement. Student debt does boost "U.S. Economy". Who the hell cares it bankrupts some poor schmuck who wanted a degree as long as the rich folks get their dollars?', '>>{zetiano} : This guy is ridiculous and deserves zero sympathy. https://twitter.com/RobProvince/status/798921166475980802', '>>{674274} : Find a better way to support students instead of subsidizing tuition, (which just causes the schools to raise prices). The people who are too wealthy to get govt help but too poor to afford it on their own get fucked over. It is one of the things that has been killing the middle class.', '>>{gorgerwert} : > Will the second amendment be as cool when i buy a gun and start shooting at random white people? - Kevin Allred Seems like the police were pretty justified to me.', ">>{etegrul} : I was prepared to defend him from a purely First Amendment perspective, but yeah, those were actually threatening. A psych hold would require a more direct/specific threat, but for someone in a position of power (as a professor), those seem worth being concerned by. Definitely don't appear purely rhetorical as he made them seem.", ">>{punpun4} : Nobody cares about the economy if they don't have jobs to help stimulate it.", '>>{ainbheartach} : You think Trump should also be sent for psych evaluation too?', '>>{seanosul} : College helps, not necessarily student debt. Are dumb cons aware of the internet? Do they know you can find the source document they base their lies on? > College remains an excellent investment overall, and the majority of dollars in the student loan market continue to fund investments with large returns to student borrowers and the economy. However, there is variation in college quality, and particularly during the recession, many students did not receive an education that allowed them to manage the debt they incurred. At the same time, many prospective students have been dissuaded from enrolling in college because of factors like poor information, high complexity, and credit constraints. With a commitment to addressing these barriers, the Obama Administration has enacted policies to lower college costs, improve information, simplify student aid, and cap student debt at a manageable portion of borrowers’ incomes. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/page/files/20160718_cea_student_debt.pdf#page70', '>>{Fluidfox} : Okay Trump supporters. Honest question, can we NOW start talking about how Trump is following the Mussolini playbook? Or should we wait a few more weeks?', '>>{moxy801} : For some people the big banks = "The US economy"', '>>{ainbheartach} : From the NYDaily article: > Kevin Allred said he was released from the hospital after only two hours because there is nothing wrong with him — and doctors at Bellevue Hospital agreed. > “The doctors were like, ‘This is ridiculous, why did they bring you here?’” Allred told the Daily News. “And I said, ‘That’s what I thought but they told me they had to do it.’”', '>>{etegrul} : Exactly. I was in agreement with the facts. I was just saying that the concern seems valid.', ">>{Im_Not_A_Socialist} : The media won't be nice to him so clearly the answer is for him to create a state-run propaganda network to peddle his *alternative facts*. What could go wrong? /s", ">>{truthhurts4444} : Good thing I'm voting for Clinton. She has a college affordability plan", '>>{chris2315} : Well, at least the trains will run on time.', ">>{kescusay} : Don't expect an answer. I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance they feel when they think about what Trump is doing to VoA is so painful that they block out all news and information about it.", ">>{tickle_mittens} : They don't feel cognitive dissonance. That's something that a person might experience when they have something that the know must be true, and something they desperately want to be true inconflict. Republicans do not, and have not for decades, subscribed to Empiricism as a school of thought. They do not believe there is a common objective reality with which all observers must eventually reconcile. They are sophists, or nihilists. For them their is no fundamentally important shared truth from which people are divorced at their own peril. Maybe they believe what a person or mob can be convinced of, even fleetingly, is the only truth people are going to get. Maybe their experience is something feels true, so why not. Maybe they do not give a fuck and just want to watch the world burn (I have no doubt many temporarily embarrassed millionaires fall into this category, after all we can all be equal at the bottom of the ash heap together). But there is no irritating experience for them. And that's how they can occasionally make mutually exclusive statements, sometimes in one breath. It's all part of one continuous feeling which doesn't make sense, and doesn't have to, because reality is a lie and if liberals were as smart as they thought, they'd understand that. There is no arguing or educating them. They have inoculated themselves against information. Until their lack of it starts to kill them. Want to save them from themselves? We'd have to let them die. Poison water, natural disasters, preventable disease, whatever. It's not sad, it's just natural law asserting it's primacy.", ">>{absurdamerica} : It doesn't help it as much as students being able to afford rent/food/the occasional night out would.", '>>{lvl12} : I mean, in Canada we have CBC, and BBC is also publicly funded right?', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : Ah yes... let's give everyone a mortgage worth of debt by the time they are 22, and will take 20 years to pay off, so now they have significantly less buying power during their life because a massive % of all their future income is going to go to payments on that and interest back to the lenders, thus now most people are renting instead of purchasing properties, and since rent is often MORE than a mortgage (a lot of people don't know this), they have even less buying power because they can't afford to buy a home. Yes, this is great for the economy.", ">>{ainbheartach} : Sure if I was in the same position as the cops I'd the same as them in better to play safe than sorry.", '>>{SATexas1} : They like burying our kids in debt - diabolical. The benefits of an education are unmistakable, but starting out 100k in debt is crazy', ">>{Big_Theta} : That is fine. The ones about shooting random white people and running Trump supporters off the road warrants a visit by police, I'd say", ">>{ainbheartach} : Didn't see them before I put up that. > The ones about shooting random white people and running Trump supporters off the road warrants a visit by police, I'd say Sure a lot of people said crazy things when Trump won the election, not to unlike swearing you'd kill the kids when you have planned to cook dinner and see they have left the kitchen in a chaotic mess, and you tend to try stay rational and take what they say with a pinch of salt as you don't want to get people killed by panic reporting, making things out to be more serious than they are. On the professors seniors at the college and the police; once there is a report made to them it is their duty to respond, by the book.", '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : You mean the government since they most likely bankrolled the loan.', ">>{jeepCK} : > once there is a report made to them it is their duty to respond, by the book. Exactly. The school notified the police and it's their duty to follow through.", '>>{DOWNVOTED_BY_EUROS} : Economists easily disregard the wellbeing of individuals in favor of the system as a whole. Then they wonder why the public holds such disdain for them.', ">>{jeepCK} : > defend him from a purely First Amendment perspective Of course, it's our right to be able to say whatever we want to say. However, it doesn't absolve us from the consequences of what we say.", '>>{HeelTheBern} : When we discover something like this is BULLSHIT, can we get a quick fact check/ sanity check stickied at the top?', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Did Trump make Obama sign the law that made this "possible"?', ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : If a schmuck goes bankrupt trying to get a degree they probably shouldn't go to college on their own dime.", '>>{22254534} : PBS is the american equivalent which is still really solid journalism.', ">>{75Rollo} : Not good enough. Y'all need to kick out the two ruling piles of scum.", '>>{theplott} : Yeah, that shifts student debt onto their parents. Great plan.', ">>{cannibalking} : Yeah, they should probably just join the ranks of the unemployed or enter a service job that doesn't quite pay a living wage. If they have a problem with it, they can join the military and gamble on the GI bill that they may or may not be eligible for after 4-10 years of service to their country. Who do the poor think they are? People? It's bad enough Obama let's them sit on furniture.", ">>{theplott} : Oh these economists, the ones who couldn't predict the crisis of 2008 (who can't predict shit, actually) but who thought the housing loan industry was just DANDY! Shit, these economists are probably saying the junk mortgage market was a positive, since it conformed to their metrics of Growth! Moving Capital! Come on, economists, tell us how this US college debt will be good for us when all those STEM jobs are offshored to Asia (or other places with free college educations) with TPP. Show us your template for GROWTH! MOVING CAPITAL! when we are suffering under compliance debts for minimum wage jobs.", '>>{geekwonk} : Incredibly well put. Solipsism is their ideology not conservatism.', ">>{commieflirt} : Funding isn't everything - from what I understand the BBC is fairly independent in its hiring, management, and editorial decision-making.", ">>{Shasta-Daisies} : Except it's about to be defunded along with NEH and NEA.", '>>{SirBaronVonDoozle} : Slavery helps, not harms, the U.S. Economy', ">>{duhcartmahn2} : The difference is that the republicans recently removed the language that made it non-partisan, and attached it to the NDAA, which Obama couldn't really veto.", ">>{GeneticsGuy} : Yup, I am renting right now myself, since I am a graduate student and will probably be moving in the next year, but my rent is $900 per month If I were to mortage, and not even drop 20%, so I had to pay mortgage insurance, my mortgage would be about $750 per month for the same place. Rent is only going up too, since more people renting now than ever before, likely because people can't afford the buy a home anymore, and rents everywhere are going through the roof.", ">>{jcorn427} : We also have NPR here as well in the states and it's a far cry from a state run propaganda machine.", ">>{g00dmanhaha} : Don't listen to those stupid economists, FUCK IT AND VOTE GREEN.", '>>{g00dmanhaha} : How the fuck are you supposed to help students besides reducing tuition, by giving them weekly blowjobs?', ">>{-oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo-} : They literally bunched all of the graduates together and said they are well off and are in a good place to buy homes. As a graduate, I laugh at that statement. Even with a high paying job I still have the 80k I owe for the student loans, so why would I take out another 100-200k+ loan? I also know more than a handful from my graduating class don't have one of these high paying jobs WSJ thinks you magically get when you walk out the door.", ">>{dbreeck} : Fun fact, student debt isn't cleared in bankruptcy.", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Or they can get a grant, scholarship, or have civil service cover their costs in exchange for working for the service for a set amount of time.', ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : That wasn't the point. My point being a student better make sure they can cover the costs before they even start the process. Don't rack up $40K to $80K in debt all at once unless you know you are going into a high demand job.", '>>{cannibalking} : Grants and scholarships do not, usually, cover the full cost of attendance. Full scholarships aren\'t exceptionally common and most don\'t cover living cost or text books. Even still, we\'re talking a minority that is eligible. It\'s not a solution. And I say this as someone who did "pull themselves up by their bootstraps."', ">>{PersonOfDisinterest} : When you already know the conclusion you want to reach, it's pretty easy to to come up with 77 pages of bs and some charts.", ">>{TheWangernumbCode} : You're going to put the Beeb up as a shining example of journalism?", '>>{lvl12} : Lol I just saw your username so I assume you know more about the BBC than me.', ">>{PersonOfDisinterest} : If you start out six figures in the hole, and spend all your time scrambling to tread water, it's a lot harder to also challenge a system that's enriching those ordering these reports.", '>>{Zarathustranx} : Students at public universities have a median of less than $10,000.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Because until proven otherwise, this is one of those ADHD liberal freakouts over nothing', ">>{thefivestagesofbern} : What's good for the economy is what is good for these students. If the economy is good, they can get a good paying job (assuming they have a useful degree) to pay off the debt. For those getting useless degrees, the question has to be asked, why? Why are full grown adults taking on thousands of dollars of debt they know they will never be able to pay off? Are we not teaching enough fiscal responsibility in k-12?", '>>{commieflirt} : What does that have to do with quotation marks?', '>>{thefivestagesofbern} : Your assuming someone stupid enough to take on a massive debt for a useless degree would be eligible for those things. Yet people want to send them to school on taxpayers dollars.', ">>{TheWangernumbCode} : I'm just an American that likes Mitchell and Webb. But the BBC is not what it once was.", '>>{dbreeck} : Genuine question: do you believe that it\'s possible to foresee viable job markets 4-5 years out? If anything, I would argue that the volatility of the economy in the last few decades has shown that we\'re an economy prone to bubbles, which are themselves defined by surges in particular markets. In other words, it\'s my contention that, given recent economic history, it is by far from a sure thing to bet a college career on the trending job demand at the time of entry (which, by my understanding, would be the sort to meet your criteria for a "high demand job"). Edit: As a follow-up, I would go so far as to say that the strength of the national economy is in its ability to produce new innovators, and across a variety of industries. As such, encouraging that colleges adapt to only suit or push for job-applicability by the present market (and thus limiting new, exploratory growth) is a flawed approach which stagnates new development through the up-and-coming generations. While I agree that the mentality pushed by teachers, parents, and guidance counselors in the late 90s-early 00s -- you NEED to go to college, and go for something that you\'re interested in/chase your dreams -- is flawed, I do believe that the function of a college needs to be to prepare the next generation for the new markets which are as-yet underdeveloped or even completely untapped. Trade schools are certainly a place for shifting people as product towards any number of fields which are high-paying or in high demand, but colleges serve a unique role in that their focus is (ought to be) on the intellectual development of its students. Again, I agree that we\'ve gotten off track from this goal: we\'ve swung too far over; the colleges themselves are part of the problem, need to re-evaluate their approach and methods so that they\'re less "loose" in the benefits of the service they provide. In addition to training in a student\'s particular field, the student\'s greatest resource upon graduation should be the ability to apply a broader set of developed skills: the capacity for critical thought, organization, the ability to effectively research and adapt new information, etc. In short, training to innovate and surpass the processes, technology, and in industries of their present.', '>>{thefivestagesofbern} : But kids want to go to the big fancy school with all the extras! Then they want tax payers to pay for all the fun they had.', ">>{thefivestagesofbern} : I'm not from America, but I'm a specialist and know the parties suck!", ">>{FlashOfThunder} : US govt making $200 billion profit from student loans. We can't afford to rent.", ">>{LearnedGuy} : We really need some other words to represent the 99%'s economy. It's clearly not the U.S. economy.", '>>{Dogwise} : Of course, most politicians think debt is good Just look at the Federal budget.....', ">>{Macewindu89} : How do you start off with 100K in debt? I left school with 35k? My payments are very affordable. I'm now going back to school at a community college to get my CPA. I paid under $500 for two classes.", '>>{SATexas1} : The average private college tuition and fees is over $30k per year https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/pay-for-college/college-costs/college-costs-faqs', ">>{Macewindu89} : So... Don't go to a private college then?", ">>{SATexas1} : I couldn't agree more, I'm an advocate of those 2x2 curriculums the community colleges offer - no reason to be running up the kind of debt that we're seeing. Fairly affordable college is available.", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : > Genuine question: do you believe that it's possible to foresee viable job markets 4-5 years out? With some degrees yes. We will always need people in health care, engineers, and business. Now if you graduated in '08 you probably had a tough time no matter what you picked.", '>>{obamasrapedungeon} : fun fact, a bachelors degree in economics is pretty useless', ">>{dbreeck} : Solid answer, I can't argue with you about the viability of those markets. Sorry that I followed up my initial question with that lengthy bit of introspection. As a follow-up, do we run the risk of saturating even those markets with new applicants if those are the fields we push as sure things for graduates?", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : If you are on food stamps and have a college degree maybe you had a very unfortunate turn in your life. If not then maybe you made some poor life decisions in your line of work or where you choose to live. I don't know what your issue might be but you do have to take some responsibility if you are deeply in debt for a degree with no prospects and this is coming from someone with an art degree. If you are doing something noble like being a teacher or social worker and have to live in a big city then nevermind what I said does not apply to you.", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : I don't think those markets will ever be completely saturated because either the degree is hard to obtain like doctors. Or is very difficult and requires dedication like being a teacher or nurse. I think we are at a tough time for employment because there is still a sizable part of the Boomer generation working while the Millennials are beginning to start their careers. It will probably be another ten years before we see a job boom like we saw between 1990 and 2000 when Gen X took over the jobs of the retiring Silent generation. We also need another technology revolution that will help create new jobs. In the '90's computers finally took off and the internet became widespread for consumers which opened up millions of jobs that were unheard of or very limited before that time. I'm not sure which big technology will come next to help create jobs where there were none before but if you look at history something big always comes along to help the next generation.", ">>{SockRahhTease} : Didn't they know? Only rich kids get to go to fancy colleges with fancy connections and put a prestigious college on their resumes.", ">>{SockRahhTease} : Is your last question meant to be facetious? Because they teach ZERO fiscal responsibility in K-12. Many people are very vocal about removing some of the useless to the general school population required classes (of course excluding those who would need these subjects for their career, but they can be electives for these students) and replacing them with Finance & Budgeting 101, Child Development (even people who don't want to have kids can benefit from it), or something along those lines that actually prepares children for real life. But people really cling to their oh so helpful in life Pythagorean Theorem.", ">>{tmckeage} : War also helps the economy, doesn't mean its a good idea.", ">>{Tony1804} : I'm sorry a mortgage worth of debt? The average student loan debt is like the worth of a used car. No where close to an average mortgage.", ">>{Tony1804} : So? You're acting like someone is forcing you to go to those schools.", ">>{Tony1804} : If you took out 100K in loans to get a degree that doesn't allow you to pay it back you are a total idiot and would of been separated from your money anyway.", '>>{SATexas1} : I am? I put two kids through 2X2 programs using community colleges', ">>{djaybe} : What's that? Slavery is Freedom? Now where have I heard that before?", ">>{Tony1804} : So? They are adults? You wanna bet those same 18 would be ok with being told they couldn't vote? This is why people call us millennials lazy. We tend not to accept responsibility for our actions. No one forced you to go into debt. It's 100% on you.", ">>{SATexas1} : You're not paying attention, we agree, I don't have student loan debt, I'm an old man - I paid for my kids college.", ">>{Tony1804} : My bad, I got judgy to quick. I'll do that. Good on you.", '>>{BrockVegas} : so I should change my major from Nepalese Feminism? Shit. I had such high hopes.', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : The problem with the average is they are including people that went to like community colleges for 2 year programs and people that went to 4 year institutions in the same state, watering down the stats. Take for example Arizona. Just tuition cost alone now runs $13,000 a year for in-state students. x4 years, $52,000. Even if you worked full-time while going to college, you might be lucky to afford rent and living expenses. So, anyone that didn't have a parent to subsidize it for them (another factor that waters down the loan stats) then they are going to be taking possibly > than that in debt to assist in cost of living too. Imagine someone attending graduate school. Not all graduate school programs are self-funded that cover your tuition. Someone with a Master's degree could quite easily end up with $100k-150k in debt, even at a state institution. An example would be how an MBA at my state University is $20k per year, so tag on an extra 40k for those 2 years and boom... Here's another thing that waters down the stats. Half of the students are getting government grants these days, roughly. That means if you are just poor enough, you get the government to pay for some to all of your tuition. However, it only covers tuition. Cost of living, books and so on, they offer you stafford subsidized loans. These people will likely take out significantly less in student loans than middle-class families that can afford college that do not qualify for them. Thus, you will find some of them who maybe only end up $10k or 15k in debt over 4 years because say, they took out only a few thousand a year in loans whilst they were covered for tuition. What about the person whose parent's made too much money to qualify? And believe me, it's not that much that disqualifies you. Does this somehow magically mean those middle class families can now afford the in-state expense of $2000 per month if you factor in tuition costs and cost of living spread over 1 year? What if your child received acceptance to a prestigious ivy league university, like Stanford, or Yail, or Harvard, or MIT or wherever? Are you going to pass that opportunity up to save some bucks and attend your no-name state school in comparison? Debt is getting worse. And yes, when I say mortgage worth of debt, that means anything 75k or more. Many people take on that much debt because they have no choice, even with working full time. Money just doesn't go as far as it used to.", ">>{Tony1804} : You're completely all over the place. And you cherry picked one in state college that happens to be expensive. The average cost for an instate college is 9.5K a year. So you're whole rant about Arizona is meaningless. You are coming off like a professional victim. No one is forcing you to go to grad school. No one made you go to Arizona to party with co Eds. You really need to grow up and start accepting your own responsibility. And LOL at your comment about a 75K mortgage. Only dumps of houses are that cheap assuming you put 10 to 20%. It's clear you know nothing of the real world and you're just a entitled kid.", '>>{jim_trout} : A plan to reduce the size of your paycheck/take home by increasing social security tax, that should help pay the bills eh?', '>>{GeneticsGuy} : I am sorry, but that is the average price of an entry level condo here. A 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1500+ sq. ft home is roughly 100-120k here. I guess you clearly living in a bubble and are unaware of the rest of the real world.', ">>{MrInRageous} : That's an excellent point. As another example, spending one's entire paycheck each week buying meals at restaurants, buying cheap shit to keep up with the neighbors, and buying a new car every year is great for the economy--but not good for well being.", '>>{bfwilley} : Up vote this guys, lets make them embrace the stupidity.', '>>{BurrmanJr} : It helps only the people who benefit off of debt. The White House refuses to say "it helps our people, not you guys"']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{ainbheartach} : Professor who criticised Donald Trump questioned by police after being deemed 'a threat'", '>>{cejmp} : Useless without the context of the tweets or whatever.', '>>{ainbheartach} : It does say "More follows..." so I gather they will update the page when they get more information. Here in the meantime is a little more information about him: > After reading one of Brooks’ early essays on Beyoncé’s album, “B’Day,” Kevin Allred, a women’s and gender studies professor at Rutgers University, created the class “Politicizing Beyoncé: Black Feminism, US Politics, & Queen Bey.” > (source -[‘Beyoncology’ professor sheds light on black feminism in music](http://www.themiamihurricane.com/2016/10/05/beyonce-professor-black-feminism-music/))', '>>{ainbheartach} : Just in: [EXCLUSIVE: Rutgers University professor taken for psych eval after \'threatening\' gun control, flag burning tweets](http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/rutgers-professor-psych-eval-threatening-tweets-article-1.2875736) From the start of the article: > A Rutgers University professor says he was pulled from his Brooklyn home by the NYPD and taken for a psych evaluation, apparently because the school felt his tweets about flag burning and gun control the day after Donald Trump was elected President were “threatening.” > Kevin Allred said he was released from the hospital after only two hours because there is nothing wrong with him — and doctors at Bellevue Hospital agreed. > “The doctors were like, ‘This is ridiculous, why did they bring you here?’” Allred told the Daily News. “And I said, ‘That’s what I thought but they told me they had to do it.’” > The NYPD said in a statement that it responded to a Rutgers University Police Department call for assistance. > “We were informed by Rutgers PD that he made threats to kill white people and he was subsequently taken to Bellevue Hospital for evaluation,” the statement said. > Allred, however, said he simply asked, in a class the day after the presidential election — and then later on Twitter — whether conservatives would care as much about the Second Amendment if guns killed more white people. > "In class we talked about flag burning generally, as a form of protest, and what does the flag mean to different people,” Allred said. “Then I made a comment, essentially saying,‘Would people feel the same way about being so lenient with the Second Amendment if people went out and got guns to shoot random white people?’” > “They said that was a direct threat even though it was phrased like a question to think about and try to see the other side of the situation."...', '>>{cejmp} : Maybe I am missing something good but all I see there is what the guys says he said, not the actual tweets.', '>>{ainbheartach} : There is links to his twitter feed in *The Independent* article and the NY Daily News article!', '>>{zetiano} : This guy is ridiculous and deserves zero sympathy. https://twitter.com/RobProvince/status/798921166475980802', '>>{gorgerwert} : > Will the second amendment be as cool when i buy a gun and start shooting at random white people? - Kevin Allred Seems like the police were pretty justified to me.', ">>{etegrul} : I was prepared to defend him from a purely First Amendment perspective, but yeah, those were actually threatening. A psych hold would require a more direct/specific threat, but for someone in a position of power (as a professor), those seem worth being concerned by. Definitely don't appear purely rhetorical as he made them seem.", '>>{ainbheartach} : You think Trump should also be sent for psych evaluation too?', '>>{ainbheartach} : From the NYDaily article: > Kevin Allred said he was released from the hospital after only two hours because there is nothing wrong with him — and doctors at Bellevue Hospital agreed. > “The doctors were like, ‘This is ridiculous, why did they bring you here?’” Allred told the Daily News. “And I said, ‘That’s what I thought but they told me they had to do it.’”', '>>{etegrul} : Exactly. I was in agreement with the facts. I was just saying that the concern seems valid.', ">>{ainbheartach} : Sure if I was in the same position as the cops I'd the same as them in better to play safe than sorry.", ">>{Big_Theta} : That is fine. The ones about shooting random white people and running Trump supporters off the road warrants a visit by police, I'd say", ">>{ainbheartach} : Didn't see them before I put up that. > The ones about shooting random white people and running Trump supporters off the road warrants a visit by police, I'd say Sure a lot of people said crazy things when Trump won the election, not to unlike swearing you'd kill the kids when you have planned to cook dinner and see they have left the kitchen in a chaotic mess, and you tend to try stay rational and take what they say with a pinch of salt as you don't want to get people killed by panic reporting, making things out to be more serious than they are. On the professors seniors at the college and the police; once there is a report made to them it is their duty to respond, by the book.", ">>{jeepCK} : > once there is a report made to them it is their duty to respond, by the book. Exactly. The school notified the police and it's their duty to follow through.", ">>{jeepCK} : > defend him from a purely First Amendment perspective Of course, it's our right to be able to say whatever we want to say. However, it doesn't absolve us from the consequences of what we say.", '>>{HeelTheBern} : When we discover something like this is BULLSHIT, can we get a quick fact check/ sanity check stickied at the top?'], ['>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Student Debt Helps, Not Harms, the U.S. Economy, White House Says', '>>{MrInRageous} : Of course, lets just fuck the students--as long as it means helping the larger consumer economy.', '>>{drew418} : I agree with that statement. Student debt does boost "U.S. Economy". Who the hell cares it bankrupts some poor schmuck who wanted a degree as long as the rich folks get their dollars?', '>>{674274} : Find a better way to support students instead of subsidizing tuition, (which just causes the schools to raise prices). The people who are too wealthy to get govt help but too poor to afford it on their own get fucked over. It is one of the things that has been killing the middle class.', ">>{punpun4} : Nobody cares about the economy if they don't have jobs to help stimulate it.", '>>{seanosul} : College helps, not necessarily student debt. Are dumb cons aware of the internet? Do they know you can find the source document they base their lies on? > College remains an excellent investment overall, and the majority of dollars in the student loan market continue to fund investments with large returns to student borrowers and the economy. However, there is variation in college quality, and particularly during the recession, many students did not receive an education that allowed them to manage the debt they incurred. At the same time, many prospective students have been dissuaded from enrolling in college because of factors like poor information, high complexity, and credit constraints. With a commitment to addressing these barriers, the Obama Administration has enacted policies to lower college costs, improve information, simplify student aid, and cap student debt at a manageable portion of borrowers’ incomes. https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/page/files/20160718_cea_student_debt.pdf#page70', '>>{moxy801} : For some people the big banks = "The US economy"', ">>{truthhurts4444} : Good thing I'm voting for Clinton. She has a college affordability plan", ">>{absurdamerica} : It doesn't help it as much as students being able to afford rent/food/the occasional night out would.", ">>{GeneticsGuy} : Ah yes... let's give everyone a mortgage worth of debt by the time they are 22, and will take 20 years to pay off, so now they have significantly less buying power during their life because a massive % of all their future income is going to go to payments on that and interest back to the lenders, thus now most people are renting instead of purchasing properties, and since rent is often MORE than a mortgage (a lot of people don't know this), they have even less buying power because they can't afford to buy a home. Yes, this is great for the economy.", '>>{SATexas1} : They like burying our kids in debt - diabolical. The benefits of an education are unmistakable, but starting out 100k in debt is crazy', '>>{Themostunderdisturb} : You mean the government since they most likely bankrolled the loan.', '>>{DOWNVOTED_BY_EUROS} : Economists easily disregard the wellbeing of individuals in favor of the system as a whole. Then they wonder why the public holds such disdain for them.', ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : If a schmuck goes bankrupt trying to get a degree they probably shouldn't go to college on their own dime.", ">>{75Rollo} : Not good enough. Y'all need to kick out the two ruling piles of scum.", '>>{theplott} : Yeah, that shifts student debt onto their parents. Great plan.', ">>{cannibalking} : Yeah, they should probably just join the ranks of the unemployed or enter a service job that doesn't quite pay a living wage. If they have a problem with it, they can join the military and gamble on the GI bill that they may or may not be eligible for after 4-10 years of service to their country. Who do the poor think they are? People? It's bad enough Obama let's them sit on furniture.", ">>{theplott} : Oh these economists, the ones who couldn't predict the crisis of 2008 (who can't predict shit, actually) but who thought the housing loan industry was just DANDY! Shit, these economists are probably saying the junk mortgage market was a positive, since it conformed to their metrics of Growth! Moving Capital! Come on, economists, tell us how this US college debt will be good for us when all those STEM jobs are offshored to Asia (or other places with free college educations) with TPP. Show us your template for GROWTH! MOVING CAPITAL! when we are suffering under compliance debts for minimum wage jobs.", '>>{SirBaronVonDoozle} : Slavery helps, not harms, the U.S. Economy', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : Yup, I am renting right now myself, since I am a graduate student and will probably be moving in the next year, but my rent is $900 per month If I were to mortage, and not even drop 20%, so I had to pay mortgage insurance, my mortgage would be about $750 per month for the same place. Rent is only going up too, since more people renting now than ever before, likely because people can't afford the buy a home anymore, and rents everywhere are going through the roof.", ">>{g00dmanhaha} : Don't listen to those stupid economists, FUCK IT AND VOTE GREEN.", '>>{g00dmanhaha} : How the fuck are you supposed to help students besides reducing tuition, by giving them weekly blowjobs?', ">>{-oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo-} : They literally bunched all of the graduates together and said they are well off and are in a good place to buy homes. As a graduate, I laugh at that statement. Even with a high paying job I still have the 80k I owe for the student loans, so why would I take out another 100-200k+ loan? I also know more than a handful from my graduating class don't have one of these high paying jobs WSJ thinks you magically get when you walk out the door.", ">>{dbreeck} : Fun fact, student debt isn't cleared in bankruptcy.", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Or they can get a grant, scholarship, or have civil service cover their costs in exchange for working for the service for a set amount of time.', ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : That wasn't the point. My point being a student better make sure they can cover the costs before they even start the process. Don't rack up $40K to $80K in debt all at once unless you know you are going into a high demand job.", '>>{cannibalking} : Grants and scholarships do not, usually, cover the full cost of attendance. Full scholarships aren\'t exceptionally common and most don\'t cover living cost or text books. Even still, we\'re talking a minority that is eligible. It\'s not a solution. And I say this as someone who did "pull themselves up by their bootstraps."', ">>{PersonOfDisinterest} : When you already know the conclusion you want to reach, it's pretty easy to to come up with 77 pages of bs and some charts.", ">>{PersonOfDisinterest} : If you start out six figures in the hole, and spend all your time scrambling to tread water, it's a lot harder to also challenge a system that's enriching those ordering these reports.", '>>{Zarathustranx} : Students at public universities have a median of less than $10,000.', ">>{thefivestagesofbern} : What's good for the economy is what is good for these students. If the economy is good, they can get a good paying job (assuming they have a useful degree) to pay off the debt. For those getting useless degrees, the question has to be asked, why? Why are full grown adults taking on thousands of dollars of debt they know they will never be able to pay off? Are we not teaching enough fiscal responsibility in k-12?", '>>{thefivestagesofbern} : Your assuming someone stupid enough to take on a massive debt for a useless degree would be eligible for those things. Yet people want to send them to school on taxpayers dollars.', '>>{dbreeck} : Genuine question: do you believe that it\'s possible to foresee viable job markets 4-5 years out? If anything, I would argue that the volatility of the economy in the last few decades has shown that we\'re an economy prone to bubbles, which are themselves defined by surges in particular markets. In other words, it\'s my contention that, given recent economic history, it is by far from a sure thing to bet a college career on the trending job demand at the time of entry (which, by my understanding, would be the sort to meet your criteria for a "high demand job"). Edit: As a follow-up, I would go so far as to say that the strength of the national economy is in its ability to produce new innovators, and across a variety of industries. As such, encouraging that colleges adapt to only suit or push for job-applicability by the present market (and thus limiting new, exploratory growth) is a flawed approach which stagnates new development through the up-and-coming generations. While I agree that the mentality pushed by teachers, parents, and guidance counselors in the late 90s-early 00s -- you NEED to go to college, and go for something that you\'re interested in/chase your dreams -- is flawed, I do believe that the function of a college needs to be to prepare the next generation for the new markets which are as-yet underdeveloped or even completely untapped. Trade schools are certainly a place for shifting people as product towards any number of fields which are high-paying or in high demand, but colleges serve a unique role in that their focus is (ought to be) on the intellectual development of its students. Again, I agree that we\'ve gotten off track from this goal: we\'ve swung too far over; the colleges themselves are part of the problem, need to re-evaluate their approach and methods so that they\'re less "loose" in the benefits of the service they provide. In addition to training in a student\'s particular field, the student\'s greatest resource upon graduation should be the ability to apply a broader set of developed skills: the capacity for critical thought, organization, the ability to effectively research and adapt new information, etc. In short, training to innovate and surpass the processes, technology, and in industries of their present.', '>>{thefivestagesofbern} : But kids want to go to the big fancy school with all the extras! Then they want tax payers to pay for all the fun they had.', ">>{thefivestagesofbern} : I'm not from America, but I'm a specialist and know the parties suck!", ">>{FlashOfThunder} : US govt making $200 billion profit from student loans. We can't afford to rent.", ">>{LearnedGuy} : We really need some other words to represent the 99%'s economy. It's clearly not the U.S. economy.", '>>{Dogwise} : Of course, most politicians think debt is good Just look at the Federal budget.....', ">>{Macewindu89} : How do you start off with 100K in debt? I left school with 35k? My payments are very affordable. I'm now going back to school at a community college to get my CPA. I paid under $500 for two classes.", '>>{SATexas1} : The average private college tuition and fees is over $30k per year https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/pay-for-college/college-costs/college-costs-faqs', ">>{Macewindu89} : So... Don't go to a private college then?", ">>{SATexas1} : I couldn't agree more, I'm an advocate of those 2x2 curriculums the community colleges offer - no reason to be running up the kind of debt that we're seeing. Fairly affordable college is available.", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : > Genuine question: do you believe that it's possible to foresee viable job markets 4-5 years out? With some degrees yes. We will always need people in health care, engineers, and business. Now if you graduated in '08 you probably had a tough time no matter what you picked.", '>>{obamasrapedungeon} : fun fact, a bachelors degree in economics is pretty useless', ">>{dbreeck} : Solid answer, I can't argue with you about the viability of those markets. Sorry that I followed up my initial question with that lengthy bit of introspection. As a follow-up, do we run the risk of saturating even those markets with new applicants if those are the fields we push as sure things for graduates?", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : If you are on food stamps and have a college degree maybe you had a very unfortunate turn in your life. If not then maybe you made some poor life decisions in your line of work or where you choose to live. I don't know what your issue might be but you do have to take some responsibility if you are deeply in debt for a degree with no prospects and this is coming from someone with an art degree. If you are doing something noble like being a teacher or social worker and have to live in a big city then nevermind what I said does not apply to you.", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : I don't think those markets will ever be completely saturated because either the degree is hard to obtain like doctors. Or is very difficult and requires dedication like being a teacher or nurse. I think we are at a tough time for employment because there is still a sizable part of the Boomer generation working while the Millennials are beginning to start their careers. It will probably be another ten years before we see a job boom like we saw between 1990 and 2000 when Gen X took over the jobs of the retiring Silent generation. We also need another technology revolution that will help create new jobs. In the '90's computers finally took off and the internet became widespread for consumers which opened up millions of jobs that were unheard of or very limited before that time. I'm not sure which big technology will come next to help create jobs where there were none before but if you look at history something big always comes along to help the next generation.", ">>{SockRahhTease} : Didn't they know? Only rich kids get to go to fancy colleges with fancy connections and put a prestigious college on their resumes.", ">>{SockRahhTease} : Is your last question meant to be facetious? Because they teach ZERO fiscal responsibility in K-12. Many people are very vocal about removing some of the useless to the general school population required classes (of course excluding those who would need these subjects for their career, but they can be electives for these students) and replacing them with Finance & Budgeting 101, Child Development (even people who don't want to have kids can benefit from it), or something along those lines that actually prepares children for real life. But people really cling to their oh so helpful in life Pythagorean Theorem.", ">>{tmckeage} : War also helps the economy, doesn't mean its a good idea.", ">>{Tony1804} : I'm sorry a mortgage worth of debt? The average student loan debt is like the worth of a used car. No where close to an average mortgage.", ">>{Tony1804} : So? You're acting like someone is forcing you to go to those schools.", ">>{Tony1804} : If you took out 100K in loans to get a degree that doesn't allow you to pay it back you are a total idiot and would of been separated from your money anyway.", '>>{SATexas1} : I am? I put two kids through 2X2 programs using community colleges', ">>{djaybe} : What's that? Slavery is Freedom? Now where have I heard that before?", ">>{Tony1804} : So? They are adults? You wanna bet those same 18 would be ok with being told they couldn't vote? This is why people call us millennials lazy. We tend not to accept responsibility for our actions. No one forced you to go into debt. It's 100% on you.", ">>{SATexas1} : You're not paying attention, we agree, I don't have student loan debt, I'm an old man - I paid for my kids college.", ">>{Tony1804} : My bad, I got judgy to quick. I'll do that. Good on you.", '>>{BrockVegas} : so I should change my major from Nepalese Feminism? Shit. I had such high hopes.', ">>{GeneticsGuy} : The problem with the average is they are including people that went to like community colleges for 2 year programs and people that went to 4 year institutions in the same state, watering down the stats. Take for example Arizona. Just tuition cost alone now runs $13,000 a year for in-state students. x4 years, $52,000. Even if you worked full-time while going to college, you might be lucky to afford rent and living expenses. So, anyone that didn't have a parent to subsidize it for them (another factor that waters down the loan stats) then they are going to be taking possibly > than that in debt to assist in cost of living too. Imagine someone attending graduate school. Not all graduate school programs are self-funded that cover your tuition. Someone with a Master's degree could quite easily end up with $100k-150k in debt, even at a state institution. An example would be how an MBA at my state University is $20k per year, so tag on an extra 40k for those 2 years and boom... Here's another thing that waters down the stats. Half of the students are getting government grants these days, roughly. That means if you are just poor enough, you get the government to pay for some to all of your tuition. However, it only covers tuition. Cost of living, books and so on, they offer you stafford subsidized loans. These people will likely take out significantly less in student loans than middle-class families that can afford college that do not qualify for them. Thus, you will find some of them who maybe only end up $10k or 15k in debt over 4 years because say, they took out only a few thousand a year in loans whilst they were covered for tuition. What about the person whose parent's made too much money to qualify? And believe me, it's not that much that disqualifies you. Does this somehow magically mean those middle class families can now afford the in-state expense of $2000 per month if you factor in tuition costs and cost of living spread over 1 year? What if your child received acceptance to a prestigious ivy league university, like Stanford, or Yail, or Harvard, or MIT or wherever? Are you going to pass that opportunity up to save some bucks and attend your no-name state school in comparison? Debt is getting worse. And yes, when I say mortgage worth of debt, that means anything 75k or more. Many people take on that much debt because they have no choice, even with working full time. Money just doesn't go as far as it used to.", ">>{Tony1804} : You're completely all over the place. And you cherry picked one in state college that happens to be expensive. The average cost for an instate college is 9.5K a year. So you're whole rant about Arizona is meaningless. You are coming off like a professional victim. No one is forcing you to go to grad school. No one made you go to Arizona to party with co Eds. You really need to grow up and start accepting your own responsibility. And LOL at your comment about a 75K mortgage. Only dumps of houses are that cheap assuming you put 10 to 20%. It's clear you know nothing of the real world and you're just a entitled kid.", '>>{jim_trout} : A plan to reduce the size of your paycheck/take home by increasing social security tax, that should help pay the bills eh?', '>>{GeneticsGuy} : I am sorry, but that is the average price of an entry level condo here. A 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 1500+ sq. ft home is roughly 100-120k here. I guess you clearly living in a bubble and are unaware of the rest of the real world.', ">>{MrInRageous} : That's an excellent point. As another example, spending one's entire paycheck each week buying meals at restaurants, buying cheap shit to keep up with the neighbors, and buying a new car every year is great for the economy--but not good for well being.", '>>{bfwilley} : Up vote this guys, lets make them embrace the stupidity.', '>>{BurrmanJr} : It helps only the people who benefit off of debt. The White House refuses to say "it helps our people, not you guys"'], ['>>{TheWangernumbCode} : Retooled VOA set to be Trump-run US state media network', '>>{Fluidfox} : Okay Trump supporters. Honest question, can we NOW start talking about how Trump is following the Mussolini playbook? Or should we wait a few more weeks?', ">>{Im_Not_A_Socialist} : The media won't be nice to him so clearly the answer is for him to create a state-run propaganda network to peddle his *alternative facts*. What could go wrong? /s", '>>{chris2315} : Well, at least the trains will run on time.', ">>{kescusay} : Don't expect an answer. I can only imagine the cognitive dissonance they feel when they think about what Trump is doing to VoA is so painful that they block out all news and information about it.", ">>{tickle_mittens} : They don't feel cognitive dissonance. That's something that a person might experience when they have something that the know must be true, and something they desperately want to be true inconflict. Republicans do not, and have not for decades, subscribed to Empiricism as a school of thought. They do not believe there is a common objective reality with which all observers must eventually reconcile. They are sophists, or nihilists. For them their is no fundamentally important shared truth from which people are divorced at their own peril. Maybe they believe what a person or mob can be convinced of, even fleetingly, is the only truth people are going to get. Maybe their experience is something feels true, so why not. Maybe they do not give a fuck and just want to watch the world burn (I have no doubt many temporarily embarrassed millionaires fall into this category, after all we can all be equal at the bottom of the ash heap together). But there is no irritating experience for them. And that's how they can occasionally make mutually exclusive statements, sometimes in one breath. It's all part of one continuous feeling which doesn't make sense, and doesn't have to, because reality is a lie and if liberals were as smart as they thought, they'd understand that. There is no arguing or educating them. They have inoculated themselves against information. Until their lack of it starts to kill them. Want to save them from themselves? We'd have to let them die. Poison water, natural disasters, preventable disease, whatever. It's not sad, it's just natural law asserting it's primacy.", '>>{lvl12} : I mean, in Canada we have CBC, and BBC is also publicly funded right?', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Did Trump make Obama sign the law that made this "possible"?', '>>{22254534} : PBS is the american equivalent which is still really solid journalism.', '>>{geekwonk} : Incredibly well put. Solipsism is their ideology not conservatism.', ">>{commieflirt} : Funding isn't everything - from what I understand the BBC is fairly independent in its hiring, management, and editorial decision-making.", ">>{Shasta-Daisies} : Except it's about to be defunded along with NEH and NEA.", ">>{duhcartmahn2} : The difference is that the republicans recently removed the language that made it non-partisan, and attached it to the NDAA, which Obama couldn't really veto.", ">>{jcorn427} : We also have NPR here as well in the states and it's a far cry from a state run propaganda machine.", ">>{TheWangernumbCode} : You're going to put the Beeb up as a shining example of journalism?", '>>{lvl12} : Lol I just saw your username so I assume you know more about the BBC than me.', '>>{GaryRuppert} : Because until proven otherwise, this is one of those ADHD liberal freakouts over nothing', '>>{commieflirt} : What does that have to do with quotation marks?', ">>{TheWangernumbCode} : I'm just an American that likes Mitchell and Webb. But the BBC is not what it once was."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Clay_Cornwell} : Trump just said he has a secret plan to win. In reality, he has no strategy.', '>>{MarlboroReds100s} : 99% of all submissions are anti-Trump. Is something fishy going on here?', ">>{aresearchmonkey} : No, no. Don't worry. He's got plans for secret states. I mean, he'd have to spend some form of money that would be traceable and we'd immediately know, but don't worry, he's got secret states he's putting in play.", ">>{tseanlaws} : Ya think!?! LMAO These libs are so intensely afraid of Trump exposing them and blowing up their spots, very entertaining to see, and I think the majority of American's see right through it :)", ">>{Eeeveee} : he's gonna make a 52nd state called New Stumpistan with 270 electoral votes and be the sole person to live in it just you guys watch", '>>{ablurdumur} : He never had a strategy. Thing is, Republican primary voters actually thought that was a desirable trait. General election voters - not so much.', ">>{_Theodore_} : If it's from the Washington Post it must be fair and unbiased.", ">>{tseanlaws} : If you don't know the answer to that I feel your pain... maybe this is just a vast right wing conspiracy?", ">>{CerseiClinton} : I'm not a Clinton supporter. So what exactly is he exposing?", ">>{Gold_Jacobson} : He's said a lot of bad stuff this week. Clinton has been kinda quiet. It's gonna happen.", ">>{Gold_Jacobson} : He can't say because then a sneak attack won't happen, or something? Or else voters really won't turn out? He's full of orange shit.", ">>{tseanlaws} : The mass corruption, this will threaten a LOT of folks jobs in Washington if he's elected, and not only dems as well as the biased media.", ">>{Eeeveee} : the other one is called usgeographysucksland. it's sole purpose is to remind everyone that the country they live in has a really simple to remember yet somehow confusing amount of states", '>>{aknownknowna} : If the Washington Post agitates your jimmies just wait till you take a look at reality.', ">>{Pylons} : He thinks he's going to win NY and CA.", ">>{CerseiClinton} : I don't see how he's exposing that. Tweets don't count. Maybe give credit where it's due such as the author's of the articles, news anchors who have reported on it, and Wikileaks who provided the leak.", ">>{cheefjustice} : It's time for his supporters to seriously consider the possibility that he suffers from some kind of mental disorder that is preventing him from thinking rationally.", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : His strategy is to just hope that Dems don't go vote. Conservatives always vote. Dems can be disillusioned and not vote. That's the only way Trump can win.", '>>{i-am-sancho} : The funny thing? They\'ve all been articles about what Trump himself as said. It\'s not so much "anti-Trump" as much as "here is what Trump said now."', ">>{tseanlaws} : Fair point, however, he does stand on the side of those who have reported the scandals and such and has already pointed out some things no one else would dare say. Taking the Clinton's down alone would make a deep cut into the Democratic party's corruption and media bias.", '>>{boybraden} : Trump is saying a bunch of crazy shit recently?', '>>{tseanlaws} : Is it really crazy though, or distorted, out of context and magnified by the media?', '>>{Uptight_Kraut} : Polling slightly more registered Democrats than Republicans proportionally to the actual rate of registered Democrats that outnumber registered Republicans nation wide is not "oversampling." But please go ahead. I hope Republicans forget 2012 and start unskewing polls again. Their faces on election night will be priceless.', ">>{Youreanidiot_yo} : He's never really shown to have a strategy, and his mouth gets him in trouble a lot. Reddit along with all the corrupted news sources constantly bash him and yet he is still running neck-and-neck with Hillary. What does that say about Hillary?", ">>{tseanlaws} : You can't tell me during the last campaign that not one single vote being cast for Republicans in states such as Philly and many others was on the up and up. A majority, sure, not one, gtfooh", '>>{Donald_2016} : Clinton plaid him like a fiddle. I respect her so much more now. She has moved mas Rod Blagojevich in my book, right behind Jesse Jackson.', ">>{boybraden} : Most of it is just straight up crazy. Or awful. The Khan comments aren't being distorted, they are just awful.", ">>{svanhildastrid} : That's why many people are insisting he has some mental health issues. Iran has a better chance of conquering Israel than Trump has of winning CA or NY. He's literally deluded.", '>>{tseanlaws} : Can you give me a few examples of what you think is just straight up crazy?', '>>{JitGoinHam} : ["neck and neck"](http://election.princeton.edu/todays-electoral-vote-histogram/)', ">>{-917-} : someone suggested dementia. I think it's as simple as narcissistic personality disorder.", ">>{ablurdumur} : I don't think this can be put on anyone but the Donald himself at this point.", '>>{QueenNancyPelosi} : WaPo had a secret plan to take down Trump.', ">>{PresidentChaos} : Trump is doing very well in Nizhny Novgorod, and Tomsk, and Chelyabinsk...wait a minute. Those don't sound like American States.", '>>{boybraden} : His "wind power kills birds" line. Him saying the debates were rigged with the NFL games. His comments that women should find another job if they are sexually harassed. His comments about Roger Ailes. His comments about Crimea. Just to name some off the top of my head. I would say this one too but it\'s not clear enough to the context of this quote and we don\'t have 100% evidence of him saying it. I won\'t lie and say the media doesn\'t like to boost a lot of what he says but it wouldn\'t work unless he actually said a lot of crazy shit too.', ">>{shoe_owner} : If you can find any political news that's favourable to Trump, you're free to submit it.", ">>{tseanlaws} : Ok, in all seriousness and assuming you've seen the video, do you honestly believe that was a serious comment by him, or a lighthearted tongue and cheek comment? He is not a career politician and does say things unfiltered and unpolished which favors him in my book compared to the lying machines we are used to. People should be outraged how the media is playing them, it's insulting.", ">>{HamsterSandwich} : > He's literally deluded. He's literally ~~deluded~~ luded. There, fixed that for you.", '>>{ubermence} : If I wanted to help sink his campaign, I would leak him fake polls showing him competitive in NY and CA because I think he would genuinely try and campaign there I feel like those states are like an ego trip for him, he wants to prove he is better than other Republicans by winning Democratic strongholds', ">>{HamsterSandwich} : People are waking-up to Trump's mental incapacity and they're now scared shitless he may become POTUS.", '>>{dajesus77} : The lib media needs to stop with the trump attacks. Between the ever present worry their trailers will blow away in a tornado, and the constant attack on their savior, I fear trumpers will become suicidal.', '>>{tseanlaws} : Do you have a link to footage or audio of him saying this in full context please?', '>>{qwerty1088} : This is dumb. Trump mentioned PA, OH and FL - those would bring him above 270. Is he supposed to list all of the possible combinations of states he could use to win the election?', ">>{prema_donna} : The only reason why Trump believes he can win CA or NY is because he thinks like this: CA -> Beverly Hills -> I'm a celebrity = easy win NY -> I'm a New Yorker -> Trump Tower = easy win. That's the only justification he has, and it all centers around his ego.", '>>{zureca} : That\'s not a plan, that\'s a declaration of fact. "I have a secret plan to live longer than any other human being" "What\'s the plan?" "I\'m going to live to 123 years old" A plan is the how, not the what. Months ago the electoral map was pointing to those three states. That\'s neither a secret nor a plan.', '>>{cromwest} : What if one is making the other one worse?', '>>{qwerty1088} : The question he was asked was "What are the states you win?" and he answered with PA, OH and FL.', '>>{Gargatua13013} : Dont blink, he might *actually* have a campaign planned in Georgia ... the other one next to Russia ....', '>>{SonofMan87} : Not knowing when a presidential candidate is being serious or sarcastic is a major problem.', '>>{Sloppysloppyjoe} : * Implied Captain Kahn\'s father wasn\'t allowing his wife to speak because of Islamic influences. * When he said Kahn\'s father had "no right" to "viciously attack" Trump at the DNC. (When he literally has the constitutional right) * Asked advisor multiple times why he can\'t use nukes if we have them * Spokesperson explicitly said Obama/Hilary were part of the reason Captain Kahn was killed in 04 (while Obama was a state senator in Illinois) * Told a veteran, upon being gifted that veterans very own Purple Heart that he\'s "always wanted one of these" and that "this was much easier" way to get it. this 1st one was pretty explicit in how he said it. A grieving mother is standing in front of giant posters of her fallen soldier son, and doesn\'t speak, and Trump\'s public response is to imply that it is because in Islamic culture she is forbidden to? straight up crazy Second one, relative to his usual rhetoric probably isn\'t "straight up crazy", but in the context of a potential POTUS, it should be which is the newsworthy bit. third one is from a reputable source that has also been critical of Hilary historically, but still is unconfirmed until Trump denies it (or his silence confirms it) 4th one - She did apologize afterwards, but she knew exactly what she was doing. Once she gets that kind of narrative out in the public forum the uninformed and ignorant will take it at word and not think twice to fact check it. 5th - holy fuck who would say they WANT to receive a Purple Heart? Who would say it to someone with a Purple Heart (injured in combat). This was pretty crazy, but again, relative to his usual guffaws not that out of the ordinary.', ">>{danman2} : He's been like this for decades so it's probably the latter.", '>>{tseanlaws} : KNOWING a presidential candidate is a blatant liar and is only self serving is a far bigger problem.', '>>{DrollerCoaster} : Yup, the ol\' "publish transcripts of his interviews" scheme is soooo devious that not even Trump could see it coming!', ">>{pHbasic} : Do you think they'll leak his tax returns? I've heard disturbing rumors", '>>{tseanlaws} : 1. Agree this was explicit, and in response to the vicious attacks lobbied against him by Mr. Kahn. He cannot do this as the President. 2. Not substantiated and certainly not worthy of the magnification given to it despite this alleged comment months ago. 3. From the erroneous attacks against him by the news media, and democrats this was perfectly in bounds. Meaning, they have said far worse about him and playing politics against him. Not classy but not nutty either considering the barrage of negative attacks against him. 4. She does know exactly what she is doing which is scary as fuck. 5. holy fuck is right - this was said as a light hearted comment and you know it (if you watched the actual video) and were not listening to the biased fucking media. All that said in defense of Trump pales in comparison to what this criminal Hillary has done, not only as a government official, but as a person as well.', '>>{James3000gt} : It really does show just how smart she is. She inceptioned his ass. She may be the smartest ever. There has never been in history such a large scale failure.', ">>{James3000gt} : The dumpster is still on fire. Everyone was sure it would be put out by now. And it's not.", ">>{instant_ostrich} : Is that like Josh's secret plan to fight inflation?", ">>{jowicr} : http://www.journalism.org/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/ It's Reddit's demo. Conservatives are in the minority. That's why the_donald has to brigade.", '>>{jowicr} : He wasn\'t talking about swing states. He said that he would win states that might surprise people, indicating he can flip blue states. The reporter asked him which states... And he says "I\'d rather not say." PA, FL, and OH are swing states. It wouldn\'t be surprising if they went red, although, at this point, I think it might be.', '>>{albinofrenchy} : True; him being a blatant liar and self serving is a bigger deal.', ">>{qwerty1088} : You are misrepresenting what happened in that exchange. He was first asked which states he would win, and he answered PA, OH and FL. Then he started his weird rant about winning some additional states people wouldn't expect - that's the part that he refused to say which states they are.", ">>{Denotsyek} : Pretty good strategy. I'm a dem and I will not be voting for Hillary.", ">>{jowicr} : Correct. That's the part we're talking about here. The weird part.", '>>{slow_al_hoops} : a seecwet pwan to fight infwation?!?!', '>>{tseanlaws} : Was talking about this Devil: Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, influence selling, treasonous criminal with no ethics or morals. Her record is one of dismal failure stacked upon rampant criminality. Examples: 1968-1974: Acolyte of arch-fiend and communist terrorist Saul Alinsky http://freebeacon.com/politics/the-hillary-letters/ 1974: She was fired from her role in the Watergate proceedings due to "Ethically Flawed Procedures" and her superior said he "could not recommend her for any future position of public or private trust." http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/925684/posts 1975: She defended a child rapist that she knew was guilty, using victim blaming smear tactics against a 12 year old girl. Later, she laughed about it. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/20/exclusive-hillary-clinton-took-me-through-hell-rape-victim-says.html 1978: She invested $1000 in a cattle investment that should have cost $12,000 and after 10 months the investment turned a $100,000 profit. Either malfeasance or she is a trading savant. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr940527.htm 1978-1989: Whitewater land deal. More shady investment profits for Bill and Hillary http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/timeline.htm 1984-85: Rose Law firm; scandalous associations with the Madison S&L (related to Whitewater), the records of which were "lost" when subpoenaed but miraculously turn up in the White House in 1996 http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/06/us/elusive-papers-of-law-firm-are-found-at-white-house.html?pagewanted=1 1993: Vince Foster; she either had him killed or browbeat him to suicide. She ransacked his office for embarrassing and incriminating files before his corpse was cold https://books.google.com/books?id=wTluOHsLZZAC&pg=PT17&lpg=PT17&dq=hillary+prison+blood&source=bl&ots=pK-ncaMTX2&sig=zz9cmr0t_RIKOq2Bq7ZG-V5_sD8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SfRUVfrBDMn3sAXKn4CoAw&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=hillary%20prison%20blood&f=false 1996: Selling Defense secrets to the Chinese. The Clintons took bribes from communist Chinese defense ministers via the intermediary Johnny Chung in order to allow the transfer of sensitive technology to the ChiComs http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/05/hillarys_chinese_espionage_problem.html 2000: Pardons for pay. On their way out of the White House, the Clintons sold presidential pardons via Hugh Rodham (Hillary\'s brother). http://www.aim.org/media-monitor/the-pardongate-report/ 2001: Looting the White House. On their way out of the White House, the Clintons stole historic furniture and vandalized and defaced offices. http://articles.latimes.com/2001/feb/10/news/mn-23723 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/12/us/white-house-vandalized-in-transition-gao-finds.html 1996-2016: Having a Muslim Brotherhood agent as a girl Friday/ concubine. Huma Abedin has deep connections with the terrorist front group Muslim Brotherhood http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/the-explosive-secret-huma-is-hiding/ 2010-11: Arab Spring/Libya. Clinton as Sec State fomented the mayhem across the Arab world in which radical islamists overthrew or attempted to overthrow governments in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain. The turmoil resulted in the public murder of Muammar Gaddafi and plunged Libya into chaos. It caused Egypt to fall temporarily into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and created the dumpster fire in Syria and led to the rise of ISIS. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/06/16/erik-prince-obama-clinton-complicit-creating-isis/ 2012: Benghazi. After the downfall of Gaddafi, Clinton as Sec State colluded with Islamic radicals and the CIA to setup ratlines moving Libya\'s extensive weapons stockpiles to rebels in Syria for use against the Assad government forces. The annex in Benghazi was key to this and that fact led to the attacks on Sept. 11 2012 that left 4 Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya dead. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2015/05/18/confirmed-weapons-were-moving-through-benghazi-to-syria-n2000471 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/05/18/fox-report-today-documents-reveal-benghazi-libya-weapons-provided-by-u-s-and-nato-shipped-to-syria/ 2009-13: Sec State Emails. During her tenure as Sec State, Clinton used an unapproved, unsecure private email server for official communication, including classified and above top secret information. http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/msnbc-scorches-hillary-stunning-breach-of-security/ http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/235493-clinton-email-lacked-encryption-certificate-for-three-months 1997-2016: Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative is a family slush fund / money laundering operation used to sell access and special favors to any interested party with the funds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM http://www.clintoncashbook.com/', '>>{rentnil} : Probably much easier. If he loses the election he will just sue every person who voted or try to charge them with voter fraud.', '>>{albinofrenchy} : Jesus christ, if you are going to copy paste spam at least have it formatted before you do.', ">>{Mikebyrneyadigg} : I wish. Gotta get them open 4's.", '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : Everyone I meet in NY loves me! Uh, sir, they all *work* for you.', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : I hear he's doing well in Tabasco and Chihuahua. Yes, those are states. Google it, suckers.", '>>{some_a_hole} : The last 3 polls in CT showed him just 7% behind. Obama won it by 18%. Bernie is 19% above Trump in CT.', ">>{some_a_hole} : It's not like she personally cooked up this concerted Kahn message.", ">>{some_a_hole} : And there's never this many comments of just insults. It's like 15 ppl every comments section, saying around the same thing as each other. Even if you're thinking it, you don't post something 10 others just did.", '>>{TrenAceBrah} : Don\'t care if you support trump or hilldawg but to say things as blatantly stupid such as "Trump has no plan" when he won the nomination against 17 others, shines a light on the anti trump agenda. Seeing this stuff daily make them look desperate and therefore unattractive. Step your game up scrubs.', '>>{tseanlaws} : Who will be your next President soon so buckle up bitch!', ">>{Denotsyek} : No. Voting for Trump would mean I'm voting for Trump.", ">>{Denotsyek} : I'm not a Democrat because I don't like Hillary? Ok.", ">>{zacdenver} : Maybe he was talking about places that aren't yet states?", ">>{lomeri} : I just don't believe you're a democrat - not because you don't like Hillary, but because you can probably see the dangers of a trump presidency and don't care enough to prevent it. Democrats care about progress. You don't.", '>>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Yeah if you think favorables and polls mean nothing maybe', '>>{clockworm} : You tell yourself that if it makes you feel better.', '>>{NoKindofHero} : The fifty first state just voted for BREXIT to clear the way to signing up.', ">>{Denotsyek} : If a non vote counts for the person you don't like, that means your person sucks.", '>>{NoKindofHero} : [Explanation](https://youtu.be/j3sj-TSbWjs) Thanks, I only came here to make sure someone had mentioned this :)', '>>{theanswerisforty-two} : Nothing I just wanted to hear you say Foggy Bottom.', ">>{clockworm} : It goes both ways. Not voting accomplishes nothing, and you are throwing away a constitutional right that forms the basis for this whole country. By the way, you don't vote for the President. The electoral college does.", ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Strategies are for experts. He doesn't need them. /s", '>>{Denotsyek} : I am aware of that. I live in Utah as a democrat, trust me I get it. But a non vote does not equal a vote for another candidate. You understand that right?', ">>{Denotsyek} : I also care about progress. I don't like Hilary and don't believe she is progress. I'm not going to vote for a candidate I don't like just because my opposition has a worse candidate. The point of the process is to vote for who you like. I don't like any of them. so i'm not going to vote. I also have a personal rule that I don't vote for family presidents. I will never vote for BUSH anything or Clinton anything or Obama anything. PERIOD. I will not vote for ELITE families.", ">>{some_a_hole} : Yeah but this shows it's not just Trump that's making once safe states for blue now contested.", ">>{lomeri} : Ok. So you're a fringe populist. You're not a democrat.", ">>{clockworm} : Yeah, it's a non vote. That means nothing to the people counting ballots. Whoever gets the most votes wins.", '>>{Denotsyek} : So how come if I dont vote it means a vote for trump?', '>>{Catimate} : The sad thing is if he had shut his mouth after the conventions he would still be ahead.', '>>{Denotsyek} : Hmmmm. I would rather sit this one out. If a gun was put to my head I would rather Hillary win the election. The utah representatives will never vote Hillary though. However, Utah loves Mit Romney, and Romney hates Trump so who knows.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Clay_Cornwell} : Trump just said he has a secret plan to win. In reality, he has no strategy.', '>>{MarlboroReds100s} : 99% of all submissions are anti-Trump. Is something fishy going on here?', ">>{aresearchmonkey} : No, no. Don't worry. He's got plans for secret states. I mean, he'd have to spend some form of money that would be traceable and we'd immediately know, but don't worry, he's got secret states he's putting in play.", ">>{tseanlaws} : Ya think!?! LMAO These libs are so intensely afraid of Trump exposing them and blowing up their spots, very entertaining to see, and I think the majority of American's see right through it :)", ">>{Eeeveee} : he's gonna make a 52nd state called New Stumpistan with 270 electoral votes and be the sole person to live in it just you guys watch", '>>{ablurdumur} : He never had a strategy. Thing is, Republican primary voters actually thought that was a desirable trait. General election voters - not so much.', ">>{_Theodore_} : If it's from the Washington Post it must be fair and unbiased.", ">>{tseanlaws} : If you don't know the answer to that I feel your pain... maybe this is just a vast right wing conspiracy?", ">>{CerseiClinton} : I'm not a Clinton supporter. So what exactly is he exposing?", ">>{Gold_Jacobson} : He's said a lot of bad stuff this week. Clinton has been kinda quiet. It's gonna happen.", ">>{Gold_Jacobson} : He can't say because then a sneak attack won't happen, or something? Or else voters really won't turn out? He's full of orange shit.", ">>{tseanlaws} : The mass corruption, this will threaten a LOT of folks jobs in Washington if he's elected, and not only dems as well as the biased media.", ">>{Eeeveee} : the other one is called usgeographysucksland. it's sole purpose is to remind everyone that the country they live in has a really simple to remember yet somehow confusing amount of states", '>>{aknownknowna} : If the Washington Post agitates your jimmies just wait till you take a look at reality.', ">>{Pylons} : He thinks he's going to win NY and CA.", ">>{CerseiClinton} : I don't see how he's exposing that. Tweets don't count. Maybe give credit where it's due such as the author's of the articles, news anchors who have reported on it, and Wikileaks who provided the leak.", ">>{cheefjustice} : It's time for his supporters to seriously consider the possibility that he suffers from some kind of mental disorder that is preventing him from thinking rationally.", ">>{Crazy_Mastermind} : His strategy is to just hope that Dems don't go vote. Conservatives always vote. Dems can be disillusioned and not vote. That's the only way Trump can win.", '>>{i-am-sancho} : The funny thing? They\'ve all been articles about what Trump himself as said. It\'s not so much "anti-Trump" as much as "here is what Trump said now."', ">>{tseanlaws} : Fair point, however, he does stand on the side of those who have reported the scandals and such and has already pointed out some things no one else would dare say. Taking the Clinton's down alone would make a deep cut into the Democratic party's corruption and media bias.", '>>{boybraden} : Trump is saying a bunch of crazy shit recently?', '>>{tseanlaws} : Is it really crazy though, or distorted, out of context and magnified by the media?', '>>{Uptight_Kraut} : Polling slightly more registered Democrats than Republicans proportionally to the actual rate of registered Democrats that outnumber registered Republicans nation wide is not "oversampling." But please go ahead. I hope Republicans forget 2012 and start unskewing polls again. Their faces on election night will be priceless.', ">>{Youreanidiot_yo} : He's never really shown to have a strategy, and his mouth gets him in trouble a lot. Reddit along with all the corrupted news sources constantly bash him and yet he is still running neck-and-neck with Hillary. What does that say about Hillary?", ">>{tseanlaws} : You can't tell me during the last campaign that not one single vote being cast for Republicans in states such as Philly and many others was on the up and up. A majority, sure, not one, gtfooh", '>>{Donald_2016} : Clinton plaid him like a fiddle. I respect her so much more now. She has moved mas Rod Blagojevich in my book, right behind Jesse Jackson.', ">>{boybraden} : Most of it is just straight up crazy. Or awful. The Khan comments aren't being distorted, they are just awful.", ">>{svanhildastrid} : That's why many people are insisting he has some mental health issues. Iran has a better chance of conquering Israel than Trump has of winning CA or NY. He's literally deluded.", '>>{tseanlaws} : Can you give me a few examples of what you think is just straight up crazy?', '>>{JitGoinHam} : ["neck and neck"](http://election.princeton.edu/todays-electoral-vote-histogram/)', ">>{-917-} : someone suggested dementia. I think it's as simple as narcissistic personality disorder.", ">>{ablurdumur} : I don't think this can be put on anyone but the Donald himself at this point.", '>>{QueenNancyPelosi} : WaPo had a secret plan to take down Trump.', ">>{PresidentChaos} : Trump is doing very well in Nizhny Novgorod, and Tomsk, and Chelyabinsk...wait a minute. Those don't sound like American States.", '>>{boybraden} : His "wind power kills birds" line. Him saying the debates were rigged with the NFL games. His comments that women should find another job if they are sexually harassed. His comments about Roger Ailes. His comments about Crimea. Just to name some off the top of my head. I would say this one too but it\'s not clear enough to the context of this quote and we don\'t have 100% evidence of him saying it. I won\'t lie and say the media doesn\'t like to boost a lot of what he says but it wouldn\'t work unless he actually said a lot of crazy shit too.', ">>{shoe_owner} : If you can find any political news that's favourable to Trump, you're free to submit it.", ">>{tseanlaws} : Ok, in all seriousness and assuming you've seen the video, do you honestly believe that was a serious comment by him, or a lighthearted tongue and cheek comment? He is not a career politician and does say things unfiltered and unpolished which favors him in my book compared to the lying machines we are used to. People should be outraged how the media is playing them, it's insulting.", ">>{HamsterSandwich} : > He's literally deluded. He's literally ~~deluded~~ luded. There, fixed that for you.", '>>{ubermence} : If I wanted to help sink his campaign, I would leak him fake polls showing him competitive in NY and CA because I think he would genuinely try and campaign there I feel like those states are like an ego trip for him, he wants to prove he is better than other Republicans by winning Democratic strongholds', ">>{HamsterSandwich} : People are waking-up to Trump's mental incapacity and they're now scared shitless he may become POTUS.", '>>{dajesus77} : The lib media needs to stop with the trump attacks. Between the ever present worry their trailers will blow away in a tornado, and the constant attack on their savior, I fear trumpers will become suicidal.', '>>{tseanlaws} : Do you have a link to footage or audio of him saying this in full context please?', '>>{qwerty1088} : This is dumb. Trump mentioned PA, OH and FL - those would bring him above 270. Is he supposed to list all of the possible combinations of states he could use to win the election?', ">>{prema_donna} : The only reason why Trump believes he can win CA or NY is because he thinks like this: CA -> Beverly Hills -> I'm a celebrity = easy win NY -> I'm a New Yorker -> Trump Tower = easy win. That's the only justification he has, and it all centers around his ego.", '>>{zureca} : That\'s not a plan, that\'s a declaration of fact. "I have a secret plan to live longer than any other human being" "What\'s the plan?" "I\'m going to live to 123 years old" A plan is the how, not the what. Months ago the electoral map was pointing to those three states. That\'s neither a secret nor a plan.', '>>{cromwest} : What if one is making the other one worse?', '>>{qwerty1088} : The question he was asked was "What are the states you win?" and he answered with PA, OH and FL.', '>>{Gargatua13013} : Dont blink, he might *actually* have a campaign planned in Georgia ... the other one next to Russia ....', '>>{SonofMan87} : Not knowing when a presidential candidate is being serious or sarcastic is a major problem.', '>>{Sloppysloppyjoe} : * Implied Captain Kahn\'s father wasn\'t allowing his wife to speak because of Islamic influences. * When he said Kahn\'s father had "no right" to "viciously attack" Trump at the DNC. (When he literally has the constitutional right) * Asked advisor multiple times why he can\'t use nukes if we have them * Spokesperson explicitly said Obama/Hilary were part of the reason Captain Kahn was killed in 04 (while Obama was a state senator in Illinois) * Told a veteran, upon being gifted that veterans very own Purple Heart that he\'s "always wanted one of these" and that "this was much easier" way to get it. this 1st one was pretty explicit in how he said it. A grieving mother is standing in front of giant posters of her fallen soldier son, and doesn\'t speak, and Trump\'s public response is to imply that it is because in Islamic culture she is forbidden to? straight up crazy Second one, relative to his usual rhetoric probably isn\'t "straight up crazy", but in the context of a potential POTUS, it should be which is the newsworthy bit. third one is from a reputable source that has also been critical of Hilary historically, but still is unconfirmed until Trump denies it (or his silence confirms it) 4th one - She did apologize afterwards, but she knew exactly what she was doing. Once she gets that kind of narrative out in the public forum the uninformed and ignorant will take it at word and not think twice to fact check it. 5th - holy fuck who would say they WANT to receive a Purple Heart? Who would say it to someone with a Purple Heart (injured in combat). This was pretty crazy, but again, relative to his usual guffaws not that out of the ordinary.', ">>{danman2} : He's been like this for decades so it's probably the latter.", '>>{tseanlaws} : KNOWING a presidential candidate is a blatant liar and is only self serving is a far bigger problem.', '>>{DrollerCoaster} : Yup, the ol\' "publish transcripts of his interviews" scheme is soooo devious that not even Trump could see it coming!', ">>{pHbasic} : Do you think they'll leak his tax returns? I've heard disturbing rumors", '>>{tseanlaws} : 1. Agree this was explicit, and in response to the vicious attacks lobbied against him by Mr. Kahn. He cannot do this as the President. 2. Not substantiated and certainly not worthy of the magnification given to it despite this alleged comment months ago. 3. From the erroneous attacks against him by the news media, and democrats this was perfectly in bounds. Meaning, they have said far worse about him and playing politics against him. Not classy but not nutty either considering the barrage of negative attacks against him. 4. She does know exactly what she is doing which is scary as fuck. 5. holy fuck is right - this was said as a light hearted comment and you know it (if you watched the actual video) and were not listening to the biased fucking media. All that said in defense of Trump pales in comparison to what this criminal Hillary has done, not only as a government official, but as a person as well.', '>>{James3000gt} : It really does show just how smart she is. She inceptioned his ass. She may be the smartest ever. There has never been in history such a large scale failure.', ">>{James3000gt} : The dumpster is still on fire. Everyone was sure it would be put out by now. And it's not.", ">>{instant_ostrich} : Is that like Josh's secret plan to fight inflation?", ">>{jowicr} : http://www.journalism.org/2016/02/25/reddit-news-users-more-likely-to-be-male-young-and-digital-in-their-news-preferences/ It's Reddit's demo. Conservatives are in the minority. That's why the_donald has to brigade.", '>>{jowicr} : He wasn\'t talking about swing states. He said that he would win states that might surprise people, indicating he can flip blue states. The reporter asked him which states... And he says "I\'d rather not say." PA, FL, and OH are swing states. It wouldn\'t be surprising if they went red, although, at this point, I think it might be.', '>>{albinofrenchy} : True; him being a blatant liar and self serving is a bigger deal.', ">>{qwerty1088} : You are misrepresenting what happened in that exchange. He was first asked which states he would win, and he answered PA, OH and FL. Then he started his weird rant about winning some additional states people wouldn't expect - that's the part that he refused to say which states they are.", ">>{Denotsyek} : Pretty good strategy. I'm a dem and I will not be voting for Hillary.", ">>{jowicr} : Correct. That's the part we're talking about here. The weird part.", '>>{slow_al_hoops} : a seecwet pwan to fight infwation?!?!', '>>{tseanlaws} : Was talking about this Devil: Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, influence selling, treasonous criminal with no ethics or morals. Her record is one of dismal failure stacked upon rampant criminality. Examples: 1968-1974: Acolyte of arch-fiend and communist terrorist Saul Alinsky http://freebeacon.com/politics/the-hillary-letters/ 1974: She was fired from her role in the Watergate proceedings due to "Ethically Flawed Procedures" and her superior said he "could not recommend her for any future position of public or private trust." http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/925684/posts 1975: She defended a child rapist that she knew was guilty, using victim blaming smear tactics against a 12 year old girl. Later, she laughed about it. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/06/20/exclusive-hillary-clinton-took-me-through-hell-rape-victim-says.html 1978: She invested $1000 in a cattle investment that should have cost $12,000 and after 10 months the investment turned a $100,000 profit. Either malfeasance or she is a trading savant. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr940527.htm 1978-1989: Whitewater land deal. More shady investment profits for Bill and Hillary http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/whitewater/timeline.htm 1984-85: Rose Law firm; scandalous associations with the Madison S&L (related to Whitewater), the records of which were "lost" when subpoenaed but miraculously turn up in the White House in 1996 http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/06/us/elusive-papers-of-law-firm-are-found-at-white-house.html?pagewanted=1 1993: Vince Foster; she either had him killed or browbeat him to suicide. She ransacked his office for embarrassing and incriminating files before his corpse was cold https://books.google.com/books?id=wTluOHsLZZAC&pg=PT17&lpg=PT17&dq=hillary+prison+blood&source=bl&ots=pK-ncaMTX2&sig=zz9cmr0t_RIKOq2Bq7ZG-V5_sD8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SfRUVfrBDMn3sAXKn4CoAw&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=hillary%20prison%20blood&f=false 1996: Selling Defense secrets to the Chinese. The Clintons took bribes from communist Chinese defense ministers via the intermediary Johnny Chung in order to allow the transfer of sensitive technology to the ChiComs http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/05/hillarys_chinese_espionage_problem.html 2000: Pardons for pay. On their way out of the White House, the Clintons sold presidential pardons via Hugh Rodham (Hillary\'s brother). http://www.aim.org/media-monitor/the-pardongate-report/ 2001: Looting the White House. On their way out of the White House, the Clintons stole historic furniture and vandalized and defaced offices. http://articles.latimes.com/2001/feb/10/news/mn-23723 http://www.nytimes.com/2002/06/12/us/white-house-vandalized-in-transition-gao-finds.html 1996-2016: Having a Muslim Brotherhood agent as a girl Friday/ concubine. Huma Abedin has deep connections with the terrorist front group Muslim Brotherhood http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/the-explosive-secret-huma-is-hiding/ 2010-11: Arab Spring/Libya. Clinton as Sec State fomented the mayhem across the Arab world in which radical islamists overthrew or attempted to overthrow governments in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain. The turmoil resulted in the public murder of Muammar Gaddafi and plunged Libya into chaos. It caused Egypt to fall temporarily into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and created the dumpster fire in Syria and led to the rise of ISIS. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2016/06/16/erik-prince-obama-clinton-complicit-creating-isis/ 2012: Benghazi. After the downfall of Gaddafi, Clinton as Sec State colluded with Islamic radicals and the CIA to setup ratlines moving Libya\'s extensive weapons stockpiles to rebels in Syria for use against the Assad government forces. The annex in Benghazi was key to this and that fact led to the attacks on Sept. 11 2012 that left 4 Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya dead. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2015/05/18/confirmed-weapons-were-moving-through-benghazi-to-syria-n2000471 https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/05/18/fox-report-today-documents-reveal-benghazi-libya-weapons-provided-by-u-s-and-nato-shipped-to-syria/ 2009-13: Sec State Emails. During her tenure as Sec State, Clinton used an unapproved, unsecure private email server for official communication, including classified and above top secret information. http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/msnbc-scorches-hillary-stunning-breach-of-security/ http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/235493-clinton-email-lacked-encryption-certificate-for-three-months 1997-2016: Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative is a family slush fund / money laundering operation used to sell access and special favors to any interested party with the funds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LYRUOd_QoM http://www.clintoncashbook.com/', '>>{rentnil} : Probably much easier. If he loses the election he will just sue every person who voted or try to charge them with voter fraud.', '>>{albinofrenchy} : Jesus christ, if you are going to copy paste spam at least have it formatted before you do.', ">>{Mikebyrneyadigg} : I wish. Gotta get them open 4's.", '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : Everyone I meet in NY loves me! Uh, sir, they all *work* for you.', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : I hear he's doing well in Tabasco and Chihuahua. Yes, those are states. Google it, suckers.", '>>{some_a_hole} : The last 3 polls in CT showed him just 7% behind. Obama won it by 18%. Bernie is 19% above Trump in CT.', ">>{some_a_hole} : It's not like she personally cooked up this concerted Kahn message.", ">>{some_a_hole} : And there's never this many comments of just insults. It's like 15 ppl every comments section, saying around the same thing as each other. Even if you're thinking it, you don't post something 10 others just did.", '>>{TrenAceBrah} : Don\'t care if you support trump or hilldawg but to say things as blatantly stupid such as "Trump has no plan" when he won the nomination against 17 others, shines a light on the anti trump agenda. Seeing this stuff daily make them look desperate and therefore unattractive. Step your game up scrubs.', '>>{tseanlaws} : Who will be your next President soon so buckle up bitch!', ">>{Denotsyek} : No. Voting for Trump would mean I'm voting for Trump.", ">>{Denotsyek} : I'm not a Democrat because I don't like Hillary? Ok.", ">>{zacdenver} : Maybe he was talking about places that aren't yet states?", ">>{lomeri} : I just don't believe you're a democrat - not because you don't like Hillary, but because you can probably see the dangers of a trump presidency and don't care enough to prevent it. Democrats care about progress. You don't.", '>>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Yeah if you think favorables and polls mean nothing maybe', '>>{clockworm} : You tell yourself that if it makes you feel better.', '>>{NoKindofHero} : The fifty first state just voted for BREXIT to clear the way to signing up.', ">>{Denotsyek} : If a non vote counts for the person you don't like, that means your person sucks.", '>>{NoKindofHero} : [Explanation](https://youtu.be/j3sj-TSbWjs) Thanks, I only came here to make sure someone had mentioned this :)', '>>{theanswerisforty-two} : Nothing I just wanted to hear you say Foggy Bottom.', ">>{clockworm} : It goes both ways. Not voting accomplishes nothing, and you are throwing away a constitutional right that forms the basis for this whole country. By the way, you don't vote for the President. The electoral college does.", ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Strategies are for experts. He doesn't need them. /s", '>>{Denotsyek} : I am aware of that. I live in Utah as a democrat, trust me I get it. But a non vote does not equal a vote for another candidate. You understand that right?', ">>{Denotsyek} : I also care about progress. I don't like Hilary and don't believe she is progress. I'm not going to vote for a candidate I don't like just because my opposition has a worse candidate. The point of the process is to vote for who you like. I don't like any of them. so i'm not going to vote. I also have a personal rule that I don't vote for family presidents. I will never vote for BUSH anything or Clinton anything or Obama anything. PERIOD. I will not vote for ELITE families.", ">>{some_a_hole} : Yeah but this shows it's not just Trump that's making once safe states for blue now contested.", ">>{lomeri} : Ok. So you're a fringe populist. You're not a democrat.", ">>{clockworm} : Yeah, it's a non vote. That means nothing to the people counting ballots. Whoever gets the most votes wins.", '>>{Denotsyek} : So how come if I dont vote it means a vote for trump?', '>>{Catimate} : The sad thing is if he had shut his mouth after the conventions he would still be ahead.', '>>{Denotsyek} : Hmmmm. I would rather sit this one out. If a gun was put to my head I would rather Hillary win the election. The utah representatives will never vote Hillary though. However, Utah loves Mit Romney, and Romney hates Trump so who knows.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Undeadfungas} : Sikh Man in Washington Says He Was Shot and Told to 'Go Back to Your Own Country'", '>>{FissureKing} : With the easing of gun regulations, what happens if all these people decide to just go buy a gun? Trump is cancer.', '>>{sirrelevant} : LG combines webOS, lasers, and lumens into another reason to replace your TV', '>>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : This needs to stop! Sikhs ARE NOT Muslims!!!', ">>{NarnBatSquad} : It wouldn't matter if they *were*. There's no call to go around shooting Muslims either.", ">>{TheNorthComesWithMe} : >the war against giant ugly televisions Well they're a couple years too late, LCD displays were already invented.", '>>{JaredWsSb} : Also, plasmas, which both appeared and then very rapidly disappeared, but were often neither giant nor ugly.', '>>{Undertaker59} : So much better (to me) than LCDs. I purchased my 55" in the last year Panasonic made them. It should hold me until OLED is more affordable at larger sizes.', '>>{JaredWsSb} : I\'ve got a 50" Samsung. Absolutely beautiful, but I never really get a chance to use it. I always use the 65" plasma in the living room over it.', '>>{seanbrockest} : This will either be way too expensive, or unsupported/ flash in the pan. LG makes way too much money on those "ugly" TVs. They\'re not going to undercut themselves.', ">>{NuclearFist} : Racist morons do not care at all. They see someone who looks Middle Eastern and they believe that they are potentially a terrorist. It's racism, plain and simple.", '>>{RikerGotFat} : When I see projector I only want to know 3 things. Price, resolution (actual, not scaled), and brightness', '>>{Undeadfungas} : Indians Muslims, Mexicans.. what do alt-right care?', '>>{NuclearFist} : Or, to generalize it further: "You got Brown skin, you ain\'t Murican!"', '>>{silverscrub} : So USA is basically back to having non-whites lynched? Did Trump address this yet?', '>>{9001_Dalmatians} : What mattered to his attackers was that he was a color other than white.', ">>{CountChoculahh} : Trump and co are taking the country back 40 years. Of course they haven't addressed it. They only address it when a brown person does the shooting.", '>>{Writerhaha} : Brown & wore a headcovering (excluding baseball caps and cowboy hats).', ">>{voidref} : This 'article' reads like an advertisement. Almost no details, and gushing prose about something they've never even used.", '>>{Malawi_no} : Not to mention price of bulb and noise levels.', ">>{eggpie} : You're mistaken - they don't care how they leave, as long as they're gone. Dying is just as good, if not better.", ">>{TriggerWordsExciteMe} : > what do alt-right care? Non-whites must be genocided. It's what their glorious leader Adolf Hitler demanded!", '>>{rararaknee} : Okay 5 things. I only want to know 5 things: price, resolution, brightness, price of a bulb and noise level.', '>>{Raccoonpuncher} : shit, there are 65" TVs now? Last time I went shopping for a TV was about five years ago. 50" was considered unreal then.', '>>{JaredWsSb} : They go up to 80"-85". The one in the living room is... half a decade old now? Maybe closer to ten years. We got it when we bought the house, or near there.', '>>{TriggerWordsExciteMe} : > Seems like buying a person a plane ticket is a much more effective way of making them leave than shooting them. You assume people who shout at brown people "go back to your own country" actually mean it. This was a learned behavior for them. If you actually presented them with the means to legally deport someone like this they wouldn\'t know what to do unless you showed them. They hate anything that isn\'t the same race at them, and they\'re willing to murder for it. In some respects they\'re programmable. Whatever the TV box tells them to do, they\'re armed and ready for the most extreme situation possible.', ">>{RikerGotFat} : While we are at it.. also expected life of the bulb, color gamut and throw distance. But if they are beating around telling you any of those first 3, typically you aren't going to get at least one of them.", '>>{callmebrotherg} : There was a news report about a Muslim teenager who either hung himself from a tree or *got* hung, so, depending on the result of that investigation, there might be no "basically" about it, but just a straight up, "Nonwhite people are getting lynched again."', ">>{glorifiedextra} : it's a laser projector, so no bulb to replace", '>>{Not_epics_ps4} : Yeah. Always wanted to own a TV but I I pretty much just game and have small rooms so I just use monitors on arms. Got one attached to my bed frame with a Kodi stick.', '>>{bkbruiser} : I had this exact TV and my son broke it with a hockey puck. FML!', '>>{beener} : WebOS is in a lot of their tvs. Is arguably the best smart tv os', ">>{rararaknee} : Okay, 8 things! I only want to know 8 things and no more! Color gamut, price, price of bulb, uhh resolution, and 3 other things that I can't remember right now..", '>>{nayhem_jr} : > And its wide-ranging keystone corrections mean you can project a perfect parallelogram even when placed at extreme angles from the wall or screen. Sitting this one out until they get the rectangles right.', '>>{303onrepeat} : Yep I have it in my LG OLED and it works great. Really fast and stable.', ">>{Alexstarfire} : They go bigger than that actually. You won't find them at the store though.", ">>{Szos} : Yeah it's very smooth, but I worry about its long term prospects in terms of support. They already posted a notice that the Pandora app would stop working soon but that a new app was coming. Well what if those are just empty promises?", ">>{xilpaxim} : Get a Fire Sick or something similar. It's really small.", ">>{rockyrainy} : Say what you want, but I love the fact that LG is actually innovating in consumer electronics. This LG Pro Beam with 4.6 pounds, uses laser, brightness up to 2000 lumins. It is weird LG is selling this as a TV replacement. Because if this thing is over $500, people are just going to keep on buying TVs. What LG should do is sell this as a replacement for office projectors (if they don't blind the guy doing the presentation).", '>>{disco_jim} : Eight years ago I saw a 105in LCD TV for $20k.... In a store. It was majestic', '>>{Ristake} : My buddies family has an 85". My family has a 70" in the gaming/theatre room which is sweet and a 65" upstairs. The 85 is mind boggling large even when comparing to a 70', ">>{Quihatzin} : > Better yet, it's rated at 2,000 lumens which is bright enough to be used during the day in most living room setups. No it isnt. I have an Optoma HD 141x(Fantastic projector). rated 3000 lumen. during the day it gets iffy. Edit: also i just looked up the price. the 141x is now 880 on amazon. I bought mine 1.5 years ago for 600. WTF", '>>{Mathias-g} : If it is in fact a 1080p laser projector with 2000 lumens at a price in the range of ~twice of their LED model, which would put it around the 2k USD mark, it would be fairly appealing.', '>>{Puskathesecond} : What about colors? Does it come in black?', '>>{Barron_Cyber} : Me too. I missed the TouchPad firesale and had to move on from my pre2. I miss it still. Even if every headset did the oreo twist.', ">>{Barron_Cyber} : [Touchpad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_TouchPad?wprov=sfla1) [Oreo twist](http://www.macworld.com/article/1141492/palmpre.html) basically the slider would loosen up and the top part of the phone would twist like you're twisting apart an oreo.", '>>{Undertaker59} : Organic Light Emitting Diode It is the legitimate successor to plasma and perhaps the only choice for those looking for the best picture quality without compromise. OLED delivers the picture quality of plasma and then some, including deep, dark blacks and wide viewing angles. I think in Plasma vs LCD, the inferior product won. I have never been a fan of LCD or LCD-LED televisions. I see inaccurate colors, motion artifacts and unnatural movement on the screen, fuzzy parts of the screen, and unnatural contrast. My plasma always looks wonderful, with accurate colors, perfect motion rendition and a lifelike look that LED-LCD cannot match. So when it is time to replace my Panny VT 55" plasma, OLED will be the choice for me (assuming it is available and affordable at that time).', ">>{FranticPon} : It basically is : ( Which is too bad because 2k nits is bright as shit, and laser projectors are just about the only thing that can reach the full HDRR/BT2020 gamut at the moment. If there was some actual info, like price and resolution and availability and HDR support and inputs and etc. well then it might've been intereting.", '>>{androidpreacher} : Agreed. Unusually poor showing from TheVerge. That stock image of the projected football match. FFS.', ">>{Diaperfan420} : Little details, but I'm super glad to see WebOS making a comeback.. Glad ho didn't murder the shit out of it!"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{sirrelevant} : LG combines webOS, lasers, and lumens into another reason to replace your TV', ">>{TheNorthComesWithMe} : >the war against giant ugly televisions Well they're a couple years too late, LCD displays were already invented.", '>>{JaredWsSb} : Also, plasmas, which both appeared and then very rapidly disappeared, but were often neither giant nor ugly.', '>>{Undertaker59} : So much better (to me) than LCDs. I purchased my 55" in the last year Panasonic made them. It should hold me until OLED is more affordable at larger sizes.', '>>{JaredWsSb} : I\'ve got a 50" Samsung. Absolutely beautiful, but I never really get a chance to use it. I always use the 65" plasma in the living room over it.', '>>{seanbrockest} : This will either be way too expensive, or unsupported/ flash in the pan. LG makes way too much money on those "ugly" TVs. They\'re not going to undercut themselves.', '>>{RikerGotFat} : When I see projector I only want to know 3 things. Price, resolution (actual, not scaled), and brightness', ">>{voidref} : This 'article' reads like an advertisement. Almost no details, and gushing prose about something they've never even used.", '>>{Malawi_no} : Not to mention price of bulb and noise levels.', '>>{rararaknee} : Okay 5 things. I only want to know 5 things: price, resolution, brightness, price of a bulb and noise level.', '>>{Raccoonpuncher} : shit, there are 65" TVs now? Last time I went shopping for a TV was about five years ago. 50" was considered unreal then.', '>>{JaredWsSb} : They go up to 80"-85". The one in the living room is... half a decade old now? Maybe closer to ten years. We got it when we bought the house, or near there.', ">>{RikerGotFat} : While we are at it.. also expected life of the bulb, color gamut and throw distance. But if they are beating around telling you any of those first 3, typically you aren't going to get at least one of them.", ">>{glorifiedextra} : it's a laser projector, so no bulb to replace", '>>{Not_epics_ps4} : Yeah. Always wanted to own a TV but I I pretty much just game and have small rooms so I just use monitors on arms. Got one attached to my bed frame with a Kodi stick.', '>>{bkbruiser} : I had this exact TV and my son broke it with a hockey puck. FML!', '>>{beener} : WebOS is in a lot of their tvs. Is arguably the best smart tv os', ">>{rararaknee} : Okay, 8 things! I only want to know 8 things and no more! Color gamut, price, price of bulb, uhh resolution, and 3 other things that I can't remember right now..", '>>{nayhem_jr} : > And its wide-ranging keystone corrections mean you can project a perfect parallelogram even when placed at extreme angles from the wall or screen. Sitting this one out until they get the rectangles right.', '>>{303onrepeat} : Yep I have it in my LG OLED and it works great. Really fast and stable.', ">>{Alexstarfire} : They go bigger than that actually. You won't find them at the store though.", ">>{Szos} : Yeah it's very smooth, but I worry about its long term prospects in terms of support. They already posted a notice that the Pandora app would stop working soon but that a new app was coming. Well what if those are just empty promises?", ">>{xilpaxim} : Get a Fire Sick or something similar. It's really small.", ">>{rockyrainy} : Say what you want, but I love the fact that LG is actually innovating in consumer electronics. This LG Pro Beam with 4.6 pounds, uses laser, brightness up to 2000 lumins. It is weird LG is selling this as a TV replacement. Because if this thing is over $500, people are just going to keep on buying TVs. What LG should do is sell this as a replacement for office projectors (if they don't blind the guy doing the presentation).", '>>{disco_jim} : Eight years ago I saw a 105in LCD TV for $20k.... In a store. It was majestic', '>>{Ristake} : My buddies family has an 85". My family has a 70" in the gaming/theatre room which is sweet and a 65" upstairs. The 85 is mind boggling large even when comparing to a 70', ">>{Quihatzin} : > Better yet, it's rated at 2,000 lumens which is bright enough to be used during the day in most living room setups. No it isnt. I have an Optoma HD 141x(Fantastic projector). rated 3000 lumen. during the day it gets iffy. Edit: also i just looked up the price. the 141x is now 880 on amazon. I bought mine 1.5 years ago for 600. WTF", '>>{Mathias-g} : If it is in fact a 1080p laser projector with 2000 lumens at a price in the range of ~twice of their LED model, which would put it around the 2k USD mark, it would be fairly appealing.', '>>{Puskathesecond} : What about colors? Does it come in black?', '>>{Barron_Cyber} : Me too. I missed the TouchPad firesale and had to move on from my pre2. I miss it still. Even if every headset did the oreo twist.', ">>{Barron_Cyber} : [Touchpad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HP_TouchPad?wprov=sfla1) [Oreo twist](http://www.macworld.com/article/1141492/palmpre.html) basically the slider would loosen up and the top part of the phone would twist like you're twisting apart an oreo.", '>>{Undertaker59} : Organic Light Emitting Diode It is the legitimate successor to plasma and perhaps the only choice for those looking for the best picture quality without compromise. OLED delivers the picture quality of plasma and then some, including deep, dark blacks and wide viewing angles. I think in Plasma vs LCD, the inferior product won. I have never been a fan of LCD or LCD-LED televisions. I see inaccurate colors, motion artifacts and unnatural movement on the screen, fuzzy parts of the screen, and unnatural contrast. My plasma always looks wonderful, with accurate colors, perfect motion rendition and a lifelike look that LED-LCD cannot match. So when it is time to replace my Panny VT 55" plasma, OLED will be the choice for me (assuming it is available and affordable at that time).', ">>{FranticPon} : It basically is : ( Which is too bad because 2k nits is bright as shit, and laser projectors are just about the only thing that can reach the full HDRR/BT2020 gamut at the moment. If there was some actual info, like price and resolution and availability and HDR support and inputs and etc. well then it might've been intereting.", '>>{androidpreacher} : Agreed. Unusually poor showing from TheVerge. That stock image of the projected football match. FFS.', ">>{Diaperfan420} : Little details, but I'm super glad to see WebOS making a comeback.. Glad ho didn't murder the shit out of it!"], [">>{Undeadfungas} : Sikh Man in Washington Says He Was Shot and Told to 'Go Back to Your Own Country'", '>>{FissureKing} : With the easing of gun regulations, what happens if all these people decide to just go buy a gun? Trump is cancer.', '>>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : This needs to stop! Sikhs ARE NOT Muslims!!!', ">>{NarnBatSquad} : It wouldn't matter if they *were*. There's no call to go around shooting Muslims either.", ">>{NuclearFist} : Racist morons do not care at all. They see someone who looks Middle Eastern and they believe that they are potentially a terrorist. It's racism, plain and simple.", '>>{Undeadfungas} : Indians Muslims, Mexicans.. what do alt-right care?', '>>{NuclearFist} : Or, to generalize it further: "You got Brown skin, you ain\'t Murican!"', '>>{silverscrub} : So USA is basically back to having non-whites lynched? Did Trump address this yet?', '>>{9001_Dalmatians} : What mattered to his attackers was that he was a color other than white.', ">>{CountChoculahh} : Trump and co are taking the country back 40 years. Of course they haven't addressed it. They only address it when a brown person does the shooting.", '>>{Writerhaha} : Brown & wore a headcovering (excluding baseball caps and cowboy hats).', ">>{eggpie} : You're mistaken - they don't care how they leave, as long as they're gone. Dying is just as good, if not better.", ">>{TriggerWordsExciteMe} : > what do alt-right care? Non-whites must be genocided. It's what their glorious leader Adolf Hitler demanded!", '>>{TriggerWordsExciteMe} : > Seems like buying a person a plane ticket is a much more effective way of making them leave than shooting them. You assume people who shout at brown people "go back to your own country" actually mean it. This was a learned behavior for them. If you actually presented them with the means to legally deport someone like this they wouldn\'t know what to do unless you showed them. They hate anything that isn\'t the same race at them, and they\'re willing to murder for it. In some respects they\'re programmable. Whatever the TV box tells them to do, they\'re armed and ready for the most extreme situation possible.', '>>{callmebrotherg} : There was a news report about a Muslim teenager who either hung himself from a tree or *got* hung, so, depending on the result of that investigation, there might be no "basically" about it, but just a straight up, "Nonwhite people are getting lynched again."']]
classify and reply
['>>{Odawn} : [2016 RAND Corporation, The Russian "Firehose of Falsehood" Propaganda Model](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf). I think paid troll brigades are inundating this site with comments that reflect the aims and goals of Vladimir Putin, the Russian government, and the Trump organization. I think a group of hundreds of paid trolls could be on Reddit right now. I think Putin, the Russian government, and the Trump organization will spend whatever it takes to get Putin\'s boy Trump into the White House Russian President Vladimir Putin is the top boss with absolute power over the Russian government and every person in Russia. The Russian government is like one vast criminal enterprise. Putin runs it. He is the boss. Defy him, and you go to prison, die, or disappear. Putin is the government. Putin is a butcher. He is a murderer. That does not bother him. He feels no guilt or remorse. His is a psychopath. Putin and the Trump organization might be spending as much as hundreds of millions of dollars every month to try to destroy America and democracy with fake/hoax news and propaganda on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, other social media sites, numerous news sites, some television networks, some radio networks, some newspapers, and some magazines. Russia has been doing this for years, but I think now Russia has stepped up the intensity and flood of fake/hoax news and propaganda aimed at the American audience more than at any time in the past. The fake/hoax news and other propaganda is everywhere on the Internet, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, news sites, some TV networks, some radio networks, and some print media. Saturation. Putin and the Trump organization had such great success in manipulating the outcome of the U.S. election, I think they are now launching a relentlessly immense attack for the final kill to destroy all confidence in American democracy, democratic elections, and the free press and guarantee that Trump will make it into the White House because many powerful forces, millions of Americans, and many others are all working to prevent Trump from occupying and overthrowing the White House of the United States of America. One OP in particular the trolls seem to have targeted is [Harvard professor says there are \'grave concerns\' about Donald Trump\'s mental stability](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5j114m/harvard_professor_says_there_are_grave_concerns/). That OP is especially damaging to Putin\'s favorite boy, Trump. Putin and Trump are desperately fighting and hoping Trump will make it into the White House. They are afraid. They know America and the American people can stop them if we put our backs, our brains, and our love of democracy and truth into the fight. Give it everything we\'ve got. Give them no quarter. Give them no mercy. We are fighting for America and freedom. It is easy to spot the trolls. They use the same language, techniques, and methods to try to subvert truth, democracy, and America, and they uses lies and misinformation to try to confuse and hook naïve, gullible, uninformed members of the American audience. Putin and, I think the Trump organization, literally pay armies of trolls to target the American audience, including Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and many other sites. The Russian government pays some of the trolls as much as British Pound Sterling £900 per month. Techniques and methods of the trolls are the same techniques and methods Trump, his spokespeople, his family members, his transition team, and his cabinet designees use to try to dupe the American audience and to keep Trump\'s followers on track and on the hook. An [expert study](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf) of the Russian propaganda model describes the techniques and methods the trolls working for Putin, Trump, his transition team, his spokespeople, his surrogates, his cabinet designees, and his family are using to aim at the American audience at high volume and high intensity 24 hours per day 365 days per year on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, other social media sites, news web sites, some television networks, some radio networks, some newspapers, and some magazines. I think Putin and Trump are sparing no expense. Read this [expert study](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf). Then you will be able to identify the techniques and methods they are aiming at you and the entire American population 24/7. The best way to fight and defeat this Putin-Trump effort is to spread facts and truth that are documented and real. Go for it. Go for democracy. Go for America.', '>>{illumimark} : [Question] A good transparent/clear cover for iPhone 6S?', '>>{Grnmntman} : He just makes up stuff on the fly. Hillary is a habitual and chronic liar.', ">>{tatsnwaves} : iPhone 6s Case, Spigen® [Ultra Hybrid] AIR CUSHION [Crystal Clear] Clear back panel + TPU bumper for iPhone 6 (2014) / 6s (2015) - Crystal Clear (SGP11598) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010MVJNTK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ZFvFxbHZ7Q2WW It's literally the perfect clear case your looking for. I'm currently using it now and I love it.", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : This site, just like the election, has been compromised and hijacked.', ">>{CorsaStrada} : Why bring this up? Because it's gained new salience in the era of Trump falsehoods: They now come so thick and fast that new standards have to be developed to deal with them. CNN, for example, apparently endorses out-of-band fact checking. They simply let Trump speak and paste the fact checking into the chyron. The New York Times, by contrast, prefers in-band fact checking. They let readers know about Trump's lies directly in the text of their stories. Which is the better standard? Do we even need a standard for correcting Trump's lies? Will Trump be able to overwhelm us regardless of which standard we choose? These are critical questions for the upcoming campaign season. Who will take the lead on this? Do it for everybody. Bernie too. I'd support that. He has nothing to fear. Clinton though. haha. This email affair is only a tiny reminder of how dishonest and unforthcoming she is.", ">>{NuclearShadow} : It honestly doesn't matter Trump supporters who are informed as rare as they may be know that Trump lies and simply do not care. They may not admit it outwardly but given that he speaks the truth about 8% of the time (and that is giving him the benefit of the doubt and counting mostly true statements as well otherwise it would be 2%) no one who is being honest on this subject would claim otherwise. As for the uninformed Trump supporters those who remain willfully ignorant in a age where all information desired can be had in mere seconds anytime and any place. They aren't seeking to begin with so finding new and more effective ways to expose those lies isn't going to reach them anyways. We need to stop thinking that the other side of the fence thinks and operates like us because they don't. They don't care about the facts or truth the Republican party abandoned all sensibility back in 1980. It's time we just treat them like creationists it doesn't matter what you present to them so why try.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : You do understand that no politician is legally beholden to anything they say while on the campaign trail. They all lie. Obama in particular was quite spinner of tall tales that he never followed through with once he was the president.', '>>{BitingChaos} : Here is the one I got ("LUVVITT Clear Grip"): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JYKGAC4/ It has a neat "metal pattern" on its back that pairs well with the metal look of the iPhone. It fits well and is screen protector-friendly. It\'s a one-piece TPU case that has decent front/lip protection and thick corners for good drop protection. Plus, the soft & textured back won\'t show scratches as much as the hard-backed clear cases out there. I don\'t use it much because it\'s just not "grippy" enough for me and my tiny hands. I mostly use an ugly, scratched-up CandyShell Grip case since it\'s hella easy to hold the 6S with one hand using that.', '>>{GonzoNation} : >Donald Trump tweeted Sunday that his supporters would be "scorned" if they threatened people Does this mean Trump should be scorned? Trump himself threatened the people of Iowa during the primaries.', '>>{GonzoNation} : There are people who promises matter to. The ones like Sheldon Adelson who give him $100M. He would do what he has agreed to do. There are consequence otherwise.', '>>{Odawn} : I feel you. We need to stay alert and sharp. Truth can defeat Putin and Trump. All Amercans must work to keep Trump out of the White House. Cheers.', ">>{Izor28} : I can see you take President-Elect Trump very seriously as a threat to the US. Maybe take some medication? Seek counseling? At this point youre just spouting conspiracy theories. I truly feel bad for you. Had Hillary won we at T_D would have called for investigation of voter fraud like that found in Detroit. We would have been disappointed that we voted in a criminal, but in the end we all would have lives to return to. This behavior I'm seeing is truly pathetic.", '>>{Odawn} : Trolls are trying to hijack it, but all Americans who love democracy and use the Internet can stop and defeat it. Never give an inch. Never give up. Cheers.', ">>{Odawn} : Reality check. 3 psychiatrists at Harvard University and University of California wrote a letter to Pres. Obama insisting the government must make Trump have a psychiatric evaluation. Read the truth, if you dare, and if you are not afraid of truth: Harvard professor says there are 'grave concerns' about Donald Trump's mental stability: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5j114m/harvard_professor_says_there_are_grave_concerns/?ref=share&ref_source=link", '>>{SlicedDicedBeef} : Hillary already has this [problem nailed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtlXkJGKwao).', '>>{Odawn} : Here is the actual letter from 3 psychiatrists to Pres. Obama: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-greene/is-donald-trump-mentally_b_13693174.html', '>>{Izor28} : The ship sailed on concern trolling the Presidents health in the general when Hillary Clinton passed the fuck out and got chucked into her van like a side of beef and didnt go to the hospital. Trumps opponents were totally fine with that.', ">>{someshooter} : [Might](https://www.amazon.com/RhinoShield-CrashGuard-Technology-Lightweight-Transparent/dp/B00SS7NJUK/ref=sr_1_1?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1467834469&sr=1-1&keywords=rhino+shield+iphone+6s) not be what you want but I used to use clear cases and hated how stuff got into the back of it between the phone and the case. I finally got one of these and it's just a perimeter cushion but it protects it on all sides and the phone never touches a surface when laying it down. Plus you can see the phone in all its beauty.", '>>{ZJ1001} : I just sent that to my kindle, looking forward to reading it', '>>{ChilyCheeseFries} : I also have this case but do you feel like its slippery sometimes?', '>>{tatsnwaves} : A bit but not as slippery as my 6 plus is lol', '>>{Odawn} : The ship is arriving. It is called America. It is unstoppable, like the American people.', ">>{Odawn} : I think the CIA is not trying to put a Putin protégé in the White House. I'll take the CIA over Putin, the Moscow Kremlin, and Trump any day.", '>>{GarrioValere} : No one is trying to put a Putin protégé in the White House, but the CIA is trying to keep out the candidate who has promised to shut down their longstanding tactic of arming terrorists to force regime change around the globe.', '>>{ZJ1001} : yeah and said "too much monsanto in the corn creates issues in the brain" just because he did not win the state!', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : So insecure he feels the need to comment on everything.', '>>{Omni_X} : I have the Ringke Fusion and love it. What I like about it is it has small ridges on the bottom on each corner to keep the back off of what you set it on, to prevent scratching. It also has covers on the headphone and lightning sockets.', ">>{tatsnwaves} : I haven't seen a yellow tint yet … had it for about 6 months", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : >CNN, for example, apparently endorses out-of-band fact checking. They simply let Trump speak and paste the fact checking into the chyron. Apparently, CNN pastes in their own version of the 'facts'. Useless for anyone who doesn't trust the teller or the tale, and I certainly don't trust CNN's fact-checking. Of course Mother Jones uses Trump as their sole example, as if Trump has cornered the market on lying.", '>>{Odawn} : The immediate goal is to stop Trump from taking the Presidential Oath on January 20, 33 days from today. Fight for that. Cheers', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Not sure he has the knowledge to even know what he's talking about.", ">>{kidkerouac} : You're setting yourself up for upset, cause that ain't going to happen.", '>>{Mintergirl42} : Do you put your phone in your pocket a lot?', ">>{Mintergirl42} : I'm currently using the otterbox symmetry crystal clear case. I got it a couple days ago, but so far so good, and it protects the phone well.", '>>{jimrosenz} : Trump cannot be bothered to check if what he is saying is true or not. The problem is he does not know he is lying while Clinton does so it does not actually influence the decision-making', '>>{tatsnwaves} : No it stays out for about 8 hours a day on my gps holder for work.', '>>{totally_mathematical} : So glad you posted this! Am about to read the link. I just wanted to add that there seem (to me at least) to be two kinds of strategies. One is pushing a pro-Putin narrative (like a Trump is good, Russia is good, Clinton is bad, the Catholic Church is bad, etc). The other tactic is just pure chaos. The point is not to push a narrative but to make you doubt the authenticity of anything. They used thus in Russia and the effect is a ton of smart people became overwhelmingly cynical. Why is that good? Cynical people never express outrage or protest. They hear their politicians are corrupt and they shrug and say, "It figures." I think it\'s really important we be ready for thus second kind. I see this as the tactic to subdue the educated to go along with anything.', ">>{Odawn} : Roger that. I think essential to avoidance of chaos is a free press and free speech, which can put truth front and center in the public eye to expose demagogues, corruption, and lies. A free press and free speech are essential to avoid chaos and are anathema to the Leader of the Angry White Men-elect. I think the war between Putin, Trump, Trump's transition team, Trump's cabinet, and Trump's mesmerized angry loyalists on one side and democracy and truth on the other side is a war between nascent fascism and freedom.", ">>{GonzoNation} : Had this not been thought of? I didn't mean to surprise anyone. Or was some contradiction seen."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{illumimark} : [Question] A good transparent/clear cover for iPhone 6S?', ">>{tatsnwaves} : iPhone 6s Case, Spigen® [Ultra Hybrid] AIR CUSHION [Crystal Clear] Clear back panel + TPU bumper for iPhone 6 (2014) / 6s (2015) - Crystal Clear (SGP11598) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010MVJNTK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_ZFvFxbHZ7Q2WW It's literally the perfect clear case your looking for. I'm currently using it now and I love it.", '>>{BitingChaos} : Here is the one I got ("LUVVITT Clear Grip"): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00JYKGAC4/ It has a neat "metal pattern" on its back that pairs well with the metal look of the iPhone. It fits well and is screen protector-friendly. It\'s a one-piece TPU case that has decent front/lip protection and thick corners for good drop protection. Plus, the soft & textured back won\'t show scratches as much as the hard-backed clear cases out there. I don\'t use it much because it\'s just not "grippy" enough for me and my tiny hands. I mostly use an ugly, scratched-up CandyShell Grip case since it\'s hella easy to hold the 6S with one hand using that.', ">>{someshooter} : [Might](https://www.amazon.com/RhinoShield-CrashGuard-Technology-Lightweight-Transparent/dp/B00SS7NJUK/ref=sr_1_1?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1467834469&sr=1-1&keywords=rhino+shield+iphone+6s) not be what you want but I used to use clear cases and hated how stuff got into the back of it between the phone and the case. I finally got one of these and it's just a perimeter cushion but it protects it on all sides and the phone never touches a surface when laying it down. Plus you can see the phone in all its beauty.", '>>{ChilyCheeseFries} : I also have this case but do you feel like its slippery sometimes?', '>>{tatsnwaves} : A bit but not as slippery as my 6 plus is lol', '>>{Omni_X} : I have the Ringke Fusion and love it. What I like about it is it has small ridges on the bottom on each corner to keep the back off of what you set it on, to prevent scratching. It also has covers on the headphone and lightning sockets.', ">>{tatsnwaves} : I haven't seen a yellow tint yet … had it for about 6 months", '>>{Mintergirl42} : Do you put your phone in your pocket a lot?', ">>{Mintergirl42} : I'm currently using the otterbox symmetry crystal clear case. I got it a couple days ago, but so far so good, and it protects the phone well.", '>>{tatsnwaves} : No it stays out for about 8 hours a day on my gps holder for work.'], ['>>{Odawn} : [2016 RAND Corporation, The Russian "Firehose of Falsehood" Propaganda Model](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf). I think paid troll brigades are inundating this site with comments that reflect the aims and goals of Vladimir Putin, the Russian government, and the Trump organization. I think a group of hundreds of paid trolls could be on Reddit right now. I think Putin, the Russian government, and the Trump organization will spend whatever it takes to get Putin\'s boy Trump into the White House Russian President Vladimir Putin is the top boss with absolute power over the Russian government and every person in Russia. The Russian government is like one vast criminal enterprise. Putin runs it. He is the boss. Defy him, and you go to prison, die, or disappear. Putin is the government. Putin is a butcher. He is a murderer. That does not bother him. He feels no guilt or remorse. His is a psychopath. Putin and the Trump organization might be spending as much as hundreds of millions of dollars every month to try to destroy America and democracy with fake/hoax news and propaganda on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, other social media sites, numerous news sites, some television networks, some radio networks, some newspapers, and some magazines. Russia has been doing this for years, but I think now Russia has stepped up the intensity and flood of fake/hoax news and propaganda aimed at the American audience more than at any time in the past. The fake/hoax news and other propaganda is everywhere on the Internet, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, news sites, some TV networks, some radio networks, and some print media. Saturation. Putin and the Trump organization had such great success in manipulating the outcome of the U.S. election, I think they are now launching a relentlessly immense attack for the final kill to destroy all confidence in American democracy, democratic elections, and the free press and guarantee that Trump will make it into the White House because many powerful forces, millions of Americans, and many others are all working to prevent Trump from occupying and overthrowing the White House of the United States of America. One OP in particular the trolls seem to have targeted is [Harvard professor says there are \'grave concerns\' about Donald Trump\'s mental stability](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5j114m/harvard_professor_says_there_are_grave_concerns/). That OP is especially damaging to Putin\'s favorite boy, Trump. Putin and Trump are desperately fighting and hoping Trump will make it into the White House. They are afraid. They know America and the American people can stop them if we put our backs, our brains, and our love of democracy and truth into the fight. Give it everything we\'ve got. Give them no quarter. Give them no mercy. We are fighting for America and freedom. It is easy to spot the trolls. They use the same language, techniques, and methods to try to subvert truth, democracy, and America, and they uses lies and misinformation to try to confuse and hook naïve, gullible, uninformed members of the American audience. Putin and, I think the Trump organization, literally pay armies of trolls to target the American audience, including Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and many other sites. The Russian government pays some of the trolls as much as British Pound Sterling £900 per month. Techniques and methods of the trolls are the same techniques and methods Trump, his spokespeople, his family members, his transition team, and his cabinet designees use to try to dupe the American audience and to keep Trump\'s followers on track and on the hook. An [expert study](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf) of the Russian propaganda model describes the techniques and methods the trolls working for Putin, Trump, his transition team, his spokespeople, his surrogates, his cabinet designees, and his family are using to aim at the American audience at high volume and high intensity 24 hours per day 365 days per year on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, other social media sites, news web sites, some television networks, some radio networks, some newspapers, and some magazines. I think Putin and Trump are sparing no expense. Read this [expert study](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf). Then you will be able to identify the techniques and methods they are aiming at you and the entire American population 24/7. The best way to fight and defeat this Putin-Trump effort is to spread facts and truth that are documented and real. Go for it. Go for democracy. Go for America.', '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : This site, just like the election, has been compromised and hijacked.', '>>{GonzoNation} : >Donald Trump tweeted Sunday that his supporters would be "scorned" if they threatened people Does this mean Trump should be scorned? Trump himself threatened the people of Iowa during the primaries.', '>>{Odawn} : I feel you. We need to stay alert and sharp. Truth can defeat Putin and Trump. All Amercans must work to keep Trump out of the White House. Cheers.', ">>{Izor28} : I can see you take President-Elect Trump very seriously as a threat to the US. Maybe take some medication? Seek counseling? At this point youre just spouting conspiracy theories. I truly feel bad for you. Had Hillary won we at T_D would have called for investigation of voter fraud like that found in Detroit. We would have been disappointed that we voted in a criminal, but in the end we all would have lives to return to. This behavior I'm seeing is truly pathetic.", '>>{Odawn} : Trolls are trying to hijack it, but all Americans who love democracy and use the Internet can stop and defeat it. Never give an inch. Never give up. Cheers.', ">>{Odawn} : Reality check. 3 psychiatrists at Harvard University and University of California wrote a letter to Pres. Obama insisting the government must make Trump have a psychiatric evaluation. Read the truth, if you dare, and if you are not afraid of truth: Harvard professor says there are 'grave concerns' about Donald Trump's mental stability: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5j114m/harvard_professor_says_there_are_grave_concerns/?ref=share&ref_source=link", '>>{Odawn} : Here is the actual letter from 3 psychiatrists to Pres. Obama: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-greene/is-donald-trump-mentally_b_13693174.html', '>>{Izor28} : The ship sailed on concern trolling the Presidents health in the general when Hillary Clinton passed the fuck out and got chucked into her van like a side of beef and didnt go to the hospital. Trumps opponents were totally fine with that.', '>>{ZJ1001} : I just sent that to my kindle, looking forward to reading it', '>>{Odawn} : The ship is arriving. It is called America. It is unstoppable, like the American people.', ">>{Odawn} : I think the CIA is not trying to put a Putin protégé in the White House. I'll take the CIA over Putin, the Moscow Kremlin, and Trump any day.", '>>{GarrioValere} : No one is trying to put a Putin protégé in the White House, but the CIA is trying to keep out the candidate who has promised to shut down their longstanding tactic of arming terrorists to force regime change around the globe.', '>>{ZJ1001} : yeah and said "too much monsanto in the corn creates issues in the brain" just because he did not win the state!', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : So insecure he feels the need to comment on everything.', '>>{Odawn} : The immediate goal is to stop Trump from taking the Presidential Oath on January 20, 33 days from today. Fight for that. Cheers', ">>{Plisskens_snake} : Not sure he has the knowledge to even know what he's talking about.", '>>{totally_mathematical} : So glad you posted this! Am about to read the link. I just wanted to add that there seem (to me at least) to be two kinds of strategies. One is pushing a pro-Putin narrative (like a Trump is good, Russia is good, Clinton is bad, the Catholic Church is bad, etc). The other tactic is just pure chaos. The point is not to push a narrative but to make you doubt the authenticity of anything. They used thus in Russia and the effect is a ton of smart people became overwhelmingly cynical. Why is that good? Cynical people never express outrage or protest. They hear their politicians are corrupt and they shrug and say, "It figures." I think it\'s really important we be ready for thus second kind. I see this as the tactic to subdue the educated to go along with anything.', ">>{Odawn} : Roger that. I think essential to avoidance of chaos is a free press and free speech, which can put truth front and center in the public eye to expose demagogues, corruption, and lies. A free press and free speech are essential to avoid chaos and are anathema to the Leader of the Angry White Men-elect. I think the war between Putin, Trump, Trump's transition team, Trump's cabinet, and Trump's mesmerized angry loyalists on one side and democracy and truth on the other side is a war between nascent fascism and freedom."], ['>>{Grnmntman} : He just makes up stuff on the fly. Hillary is a habitual and chronic liar.', ">>{CorsaStrada} : Why bring this up? Because it's gained new salience in the era of Trump falsehoods: They now come so thick and fast that new standards have to be developed to deal with them. CNN, for example, apparently endorses out-of-band fact checking. They simply let Trump speak and paste the fact checking into the chyron. The New York Times, by contrast, prefers in-band fact checking. They let readers know about Trump's lies directly in the text of their stories. Which is the better standard? Do we even need a standard for correcting Trump's lies? Will Trump be able to overwhelm us regardless of which standard we choose? These are critical questions for the upcoming campaign season. Who will take the lead on this? Do it for everybody. Bernie too. I'd support that. He has nothing to fear. Clinton though. haha. This email affair is only a tiny reminder of how dishonest and unforthcoming she is.", ">>{NuclearShadow} : It honestly doesn't matter Trump supporters who are informed as rare as they may be know that Trump lies and simply do not care. They may not admit it outwardly but given that he speaks the truth about 8% of the time (and that is giving him the benefit of the doubt and counting mostly true statements as well otherwise it would be 2%) no one who is being honest on this subject would claim otherwise. As for the uninformed Trump supporters those who remain willfully ignorant in a age where all information desired can be had in mere seconds anytime and any place. They aren't seeking to begin with so finding new and more effective ways to expose those lies isn't going to reach them anyways. We need to stop thinking that the other side of the fence thinks and operates like us because they don't. They don't care about the facts or truth the Republican party abandoned all sensibility back in 1980. It's time we just treat them like creationists it doesn't matter what you present to them so why try.", '>>{strikes_again_haha} : You do understand that no politician is legally beholden to anything they say while on the campaign trail. They all lie. Obama in particular was quite spinner of tall tales that he never followed through with once he was the president.', '>>{GonzoNation} : There are people who promises matter to. The ones like Sheldon Adelson who give him $100M. He would do what he has agreed to do. There are consequence otherwise.', '>>{SlicedDicedBeef} : Hillary already has this [problem nailed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtlXkJGKwao).', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : >CNN, for example, apparently endorses out-of-band fact checking. They simply let Trump speak and paste the fact checking into the chyron. Apparently, CNN pastes in their own version of the 'facts'. Useless for anyone who doesn't trust the teller or the tale, and I certainly don't trust CNN's fact-checking. Of course Mother Jones uses Trump as their sole example, as if Trump has cornered the market on lying.", ">>{kidkerouac} : You're setting yourself up for upset, cause that ain't going to happen.", '>>{jimrosenz} : Trump cannot be bothered to check if what he is saying is true or not. The problem is he does not know he is lying while Clinton does so it does not actually influence the decision-making', ">>{GonzoNation} : Had this not been thought of? I didn't mean to surprise anyone. Or was some contradiction seen."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Phisopholer} : Dear Apple, please add functionality for double clicking the sleep/wake button.', ">>{middleeastnewsman} : Madonna says White House comments 'taken out of context'", '>>{PleaseGoOutside} : Unfortunately you are in the very small minority who wants this feature. No one else wants more wear and tear on their button.', ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Conservatives can talk about all sorts of gun assassination euphemisms and always insist they were taken out of context or were joking. But they're such thing skinned dicks (pussies could take the pounding) when the tables are reversed even the slightest.", '>>{target_locked} : Democrats are in favor of tax increases? Shocking!', '>>{gonuts4donuts} : All that talent she usurped from Guy Richie, and yet she does not understand that when you upload an entire video, its hard for it being taken out of context. Spreading a message of love does not contain blowing up buildings.', ">>{Phisopholer} : I am a stranger to these parts, despite the fact that I've used iPhones for years. Is that a common issue brought up in this sub? Every iPhone I've owned has been in an Otterbox and I've never experienced button wear personally. Edit- Those who want to prolong their button life would always have the option of not using said feature.", '>>{ravupadh} : But CNN keeps telling me she wants to reduce taxes! Who do I believe ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯', '>>{soggylittleshrimp} : They push and push and push and when someone pushes back they cry, "no fair!".', ">>{exploding_growing} : Oh the poor rich, how will they ever survive. Won't someone, please, think about the rich?", ">>{HBombthrow} : Because if there's anything the plutocrats love, it's tax increases", '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I\'d like to say "hard pas, but offer this modification. Itd be nice to use the volume buttons for more. Basically just out all of the wired remote functions in to the volume buttons. Double click to skip, triple click to go back, click to pause.', '>>{target_locked} : Those fucking rich assholes we should show them by hitting everyone with a payroll tax!', '>>{Nrussg} : >Tax on Stock Trading -- Clinton has proposed a new, unquantified tax on stock trading. The tax increase would only further burden markets by discouraging trading and investment. Inevitably, costs associated with this new tax will be borne by millions of American families that hold **401(k)s, IRAs and other savings accounts.** If the tax on stock trading is having a substantive effect on your 401(k) or IRA you or your employer should probably find a new broker...', '>>{MidgetLovingMaxx} : I thought the President said we should listen to the heart of it, not the actual words?', ">>{thenakedgat} : Lol, dear apple? Prolong button life? I expect an answer within a day? Get the fuck out of here acting like you're king shit, I'm sure a multi-billion dollar company will take tips from [you](https://i.redd.it/2tzaatvq6zby.gif), jerkoff.", ">>{Detox1337} : If she hasn't bombed her plastic surgeon's office yet she's not going to bomb the whitehouse.", '>>{Phisopholer} : I had honestly never considered that Apple wouldnt be falling over itself to deliver an answer within my stated timeline. As an industry leader with over a billion customers, they should more than the available manpower to cater to my whims. Or maybe it was satire [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5vvv7y/if_500_people_at_your_age_including_you_were/de5aqz3/) [dumb](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/5vvfoo/video_a_self_care_checklist_for_those_days_when/de5ao0n/) [fucker.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5vvtab/republicans_of_reddit_why_do_you_think_white/de5acmx/) god your whole history is just cringe worthy. time for a new account bub. or a new attitude towards life.', '>>{Phisopholer} : Do the air pods add functionality to the phones side buttons?', ">>{istjgeek} : Was thinkin' of the auto-pause feature (when you yank one outta your ear)", ">>{Get_____Fucked} : I'm not rich and trickle down is bullshit. So I say soak the fuckers.", ">>{sonofabutch} : That's it, I'll never vote for Madonna again.", ">>{W0666007} : Remember, though, she's the same as Trump. These are no doubt the same tax increases that Trump plans to enact.", ">>{Sly_Wood} : You didn't listen to her entire speech apparently. She said despite her feeling that way she chose the higher ground and that's why she chooses love over hate.", '>>{xxsandmanxx} : This is a woman who said she would suck your dick if you were to vote for Hillary Clinton.', '>>{introversed} : Let\'s just call "trickle-down" what it really is: a Goverment entitlement program for the rich.', ">>{gonuts4donuts} : > She said despite her feeling that way she chose the higher ground and that's why she chooses love over hate. Right, and thus she starts off saying I feel this way, but I do not wanna nurture that feeling. so, you just agreed with me in saying that she does feel that way. AKA : Just because you say you are going to do nice things, its not ok to say bad things.", ">>{Phisopholer} : Hmm. I had no idea about that feature. Cool feature but doesn't quite help me. My goal is to leave the bud in all day without needing to mess with it at all.", ">>{Cardenjs} : I fully believe what she intended to say and what came out of her mouth were two completely different things, but I'm not ruling out that it was a Freudian slip", ">>{Phisopholer} : And you replied with the other gif that you have posted multiple times in the last few days. You seem like you might be simple and now I'm feeling bad for making fun of you. Edit- It's great watching the trends of the comments higher up in this train. I was down to -10 and you hit 12 before I called attention to your post history. I'm thinking people no longer want to support a statement made by an imbecile, regardless of whether the statement is something they agree with.", '>>{exploding_growing} : When in doubt, [bullshit](https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/factsheets/2016/01/12/investing-in-america-by-restoring-basic-fairness-to-our-tax-code/). Payroll tax my ass.', '>>{target_locked} : You totally got me, what with a source as powerful and trusted as HillaryClinton.com', '>>{Sly_Wood} : What the fuck. Did you pick up a phd in conways double speak??? Nowhere did we agree at all and nowhere did you even show anything that resembles that you read my post. She said that you can choose hate or love and despite her rage she chose love. Nothing to do with what you stated just now.', ">>{exploding_growing} : It's her fucking tax proposal. What right wing source should I be looking at to tell me what her **real** plans are?", ">>{hotcoffeetime15} : Lol can't believe the OP, what a fuckin chode.", '>>{gonuts4donuts} : > and despite her rage I thought that wording this sentence like ; >Just because you say you are going to do nice things, its not ok to say bad things. ( yes saying things like blowing up buildings, being filled with rage are bad things! ) would make even the most hard headed be able to understand it.', ">>{Sly_Wood} : Oh so what's up with trump then because the only crap that comes out of his mouth are bad things.", '>>{cavehobbit} : > Her plan calls for an overly complex, byzantine capital gains tax regime with six brackets for those whose total taxable income puts them in the top 39.6 percent bracket. "byzantine" is another way of saying so complex only those who can afford very expensive accountants will be able to find the loopholes and deductions. The rest can go pound salt and pay.', '>>{Hillary_For_Prison} : Raising the capital gains tax is a good way to kill jobs. Raising the income tax and slapping a "fairness" tax on everything is a good way to turn upper-middle income into simply middle-income. An exit tax just means companies will flee right before it goes into effect. A tax on stock trading will kill investment. An increase in business taxes means fewer jobs. To sum up, this tax plan puts the squeeze on everyone. It\'s a means of transfering more wealth and power to the government while reducing economic freedom and making it that much harder to climb the economic ladder. Everyone should be opposed to this bitch.', '>>{kjvlv} : I can solve all your problems. If I just can take more of your money and keep a healthy VIG for myself.', ">>{gonuts4donuts} : >Oh so what's up with trump then because the only crap that comes out of his mouth are bad things. *He* **only** *says bad things ? You sure you wanted to use the word only there ? Oh well I digress.* So if one person does a bad thing, it excuses everyone else for doing bad things. Jesus. Christ. The thing that you got wrong here, is thinking that I excuse Trump for the shit he does. I am merely holding everyone up to the same standards, as should you. For Madonna to say things like she feels angry inside, but refuses to act on it (paraphrasing I know) is harmfull, she has a following and she knows that saying stuff like that has an effect, and that is why she said it.", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : I'm saying it was likely a metaphor, as she says.", ">>{OPsellsPropane} : It really doesn't matter how she *intended* it though. She literally mentioned blowing up the White House. If you don't think secret service should at least clarify the statement with her, you don't understand the concept of due diligence. I'm sure it will be cleared up very quickly with her, but there are some commenters acting like it's absurd for the SS to even look into the matter. It's not absurd, it's their job. Threats against the president are handled differently than threats against civilians.", ">>{OPsellsPropane} : If that's all you believe, you're too one dimensional to understand what being objective entails. What if I told you that I would criticize *any* person that said what Madonna said, regardless of me being a conservative and regardless of their political party. Shocking right? The comments have a few rational voices stating exactly this. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you fall on, discussing your thoughts on blowing up the White House is just a public no no and will rightfully receive it's due diligence from SS.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : This new mix tape is blowing up "My mom keeps blowing up my phone" You\'re right, no one ever says "blow up" without explicitly referring to explosives.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Phisopholer} : Dear Apple, please add functionality for double clicking the sleep/wake button.', '>>{PleaseGoOutside} : Unfortunately you are in the very small minority who wants this feature. No one else wants more wear and tear on their button.', ">>{Phisopholer} : I am a stranger to these parts, despite the fact that I've used iPhones for years. Is that a common issue brought up in this sub? Every iPhone I've owned has been in an Otterbox and I've never experienced button wear personally. Edit- Those who want to prolong their button life would always have the option of not using said feature.", '>>{shapeshiftingrobot} : I\'d like to say "hard pas, but offer this modification. Itd be nice to use the volume buttons for more. Basically just out all of the wired remote functions in to the volume buttons. Double click to skip, triple click to go back, click to pause.', ">>{thenakedgat} : Lol, dear apple? Prolong button life? I expect an answer within a day? Get the fuck out of here acting like you're king shit, I'm sure a multi-billion dollar company will take tips from [you](https://i.redd.it/2tzaatvq6zby.gif), jerkoff.", '>>{Phisopholer} : I had honestly never considered that Apple wouldnt be falling over itself to deliver an answer within my stated timeline. As an industry leader with over a billion customers, they should more than the available manpower to cater to my whims. Or maybe it was satire [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5vvv7y/if_500_people_at_your_age_including_you_were/de5aqz3/) [dumb](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/comments/5vvfoo/video_a_self_care_checklist_for_those_days_when/de5ao0n/) [fucker.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5vvtab/republicans_of_reddit_why_do_you_think_white/de5acmx/) god your whole history is just cringe worthy. time for a new account bub. or a new attitude towards life.', '>>{Phisopholer} : Do the air pods add functionality to the phones side buttons?', ">>{istjgeek} : Was thinkin' of the auto-pause feature (when you yank one outta your ear)", ">>{Phisopholer} : Hmm. I had no idea about that feature. Cool feature but doesn't quite help me. My goal is to leave the bud in all day without needing to mess with it at all.", ">>{Phisopholer} : And you replied with the other gif that you have posted multiple times in the last few days. You seem like you might be simple and now I'm feeling bad for making fun of you. Edit- It's great watching the trends of the comments higher up in this train. I was down to -10 and you hit 12 before I called attention to your post history. I'm thinking people no longer want to support a statement made by an imbecile, regardless of whether the statement is something they agree with.", ">>{hotcoffeetime15} : Lol can't believe the OP, what a fuckin chode."], ['>>{target_locked} : Democrats are in favor of tax increases? Shocking!', '>>{ravupadh} : But CNN keeps telling me she wants to reduce taxes! Who do I believe ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯', ">>{exploding_growing} : Oh the poor rich, how will they ever survive. Won't someone, please, think about the rich?", ">>{HBombthrow} : Because if there's anything the plutocrats love, it's tax increases", '>>{target_locked} : Those fucking rich assholes we should show them by hitting everyone with a payroll tax!', '>>{Nrussg} : >Tax on Stock Trading -- Clinton has proposed a new, unquantified tax on stock trading. The tax increase would only further burden markets by discouraging trading and investment. Inevitably, costs associated with this new tax will be borne by millions of American families that hold **401(k)s, IRAs and other savings accounts.** If the tax on stock trading is having a substantive effect on your 401(k) or IRA you or your employer should probably find a new broker...', ">>{Get_____Fucked} : I'm not rich and trickle down is bullshit. So I say soak the fuckers.", ">>{W0666007} : Remember, though, she's the same as Trump. These are no doubt the same tax increases that Trump plans to enact.", '>>{introversed} : Let\'s just call "trickle-down" what it really is: a Goverment entitlement program for the rich.', '>>{exploding_growing} : When in doubt, [bullshit](https://www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/factsheets/2016/01/12/investing-in-america-by-restoring-basic-fairness-to-our-tax-code/). Payroll tax my ass.', '>>{target_locked} : You totally got me, what with a source as powerful and trusted as HillaryClinton.com', ">>{exploding_growing} : It's her fucking tax proposal. What right wing source should I be looking at to tell me what her **real** plans are?", '>>{cavehobbit} : > Her plan calls for an overly complex, byzantine capital gains tax regime with six brackets for those whose total taxable income puts them in the top 39.6 percent bracket. "byzantine" is another way of saying so complex only those who can afford very expensive accountants will be able to find the loopholes and deductions. The rest can go pound salt and pay.', '>>{Hillary_For_Prison} : Raising the capital gains tax is a good way to kill jobs. Raising the income tax and slapping a "fairness" tax on everything is a good way to turn upper-middle income into simply middle-income. An exit tax just means companies will flee right before it goes into effect. A tax on stock trading will kill investment. An increase in business taxes means fewer jobs. To sum up, this tax plan puts the squeeze on everyone. It\'s a means of transfering more wealth and power to the government while reducing economic freedom and making it that much harder to climb the economic ladder. Everyone should be opposed to this bitch.', '>>{kjvlv} : I can solve all your problems. If I just can take more of your money and keep a healthy VIG for myself.'], [">>{middleeastnewsman} : Madonna says White House comments 'taken out of context'", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : Conservatives can talk about all sorts of gun assassination euphemisms and always insist they were taken out of context or were joking. But they're such thing skinned dicks (pussies could take the pounding) when the tables are reversed even the slightest.", '>>{gonuts4donuts} : All that talent she usurped from Guy Richie, and yet she does not understand that when you upload an entire video, its hard for it being taken out of context. Spreading a message of love does not contain blowing up buildings.', '>>{soggylittleshrimp} : They push and push and push and when someone pushes back they cry, "no fair!".', '>>{MidgetLovingMaxx} : I thought the President said we should listen to the heart of it, not the actual words?', ">>{Detox1337} : If she hasn't bombed her plastic surgeon's office yet she's not going to bomb the whitehouse.", ">>{sonofabutch} : That's it, I'll never vote for Madonna again.", ">>{Sly_Wood} : You didn't listen to her entire speech apparently. She said despite her feeling that way she chose the higher ground and that's why she chooses love over hate.", '>>{xxsandmanxx} : This is a woman who said she would suck your dick if you were to vote for Hillary Clinton.', ">>{gonuts4donuts} : > She said despite her feeling that way she chose the higher ground and that's why she chooses love over hate. Right, and thus she starts off saying I feel this way, but I do not wanna nurture that feeling. so, you just agreed with me in saying that she does feel that way. AKA : Just because you say you are going to do nice things, its not ok to say bad things.", ">>{Cardenjs} : I fully believe what she intended to say and what came out of her mouth were two completely different things, but I'm not ruling out that it was a Freudian slip", '>>{Sly_Wood} : What the fuck. Did you pick up a phd in conways double speak??? Nowhere did we agree at all and nowhere did you even show anything that resembles that you read my post. She said that you can choose hate or love and despite her rage she chose love. Nothing to do with what you stated just now.', '>>{gonuts4donuts} : > and despite her rage I thought that wording this sentence like ; >Just because you say you are going to do nice things, its not ok to say bad things. ( yes saying things like blowing up buildings, being filled with rage are bad things! ) would make even the most hard headed be able to understand it.', ">>{Sly_Wood} : Oh so what's up with trump then because the only crap that comes out of his mouth are bad things.", ">>{gonuts4donuts} : >Oh so what's up with trump then because the only crap that comes out of his mouth are bad things. *He* **only** *says bad things ? You sure you wanted to use the word only there ? Oh well I digress.* So if one person does a bad thing, it excuses everyone else for doing bad things. Jesus. Christ. The thing that you got wrong here, is thinking that I excuse Trump for the shit he does. I am merely holding everyone up to the same standards, as should you. For Madonna to say things like she feels angry inside, but refuses to act on it (paraphrasing I know) is harmfull, she has a following and she knows that saying stuff like that has an effect, and that is why she said it.", ">>{UvonTheDeplorable} : I'm saying it was likely a metaphor, as she says.", ">>{OPsellsPropane} : It really doesn't matter how she *intended* it though. She literally mentioned blowing up the White House. If you don't think secret service should at least clarify the statement with her, you don't understand the concept of due diligence. I'm sure it will be cleared up very quickly with her, but there are some commenters acting like it's absurd for the SS to even look into the matter. It's not absurd, it's their job. Threats against the president are handled differently than threats against civilians.", ">>{OPsellsPropane} : If that's all you believe, you're too one dimensional to understand what being objective entails. What if I told you that I would criticize *any* person that said what Madonna said, regardless of me being a conservative and regardless of their political party. Shocking right? The comments have a few rational voices stating exactly this. It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you fall on, discussing your thoughts on blowing up the White House is just a public no no and will rightfully receive it's due diligence from SS.", '>>{UvonTheDeplorable} : This new mix tape is blowing up "My mom keeps blowing up my phone" You\'re right, no one ever says "blow up" without explicitly referring to explosives.']]
classify and reply
['>>{iluvkenbone} : iOS 10.1.1 does have battery drain issues no doubt. But, keeping things like facebook, instagram, and Twitter open in the background with "background app refresh" on will obliterate your battery. The Facebook app is known to be one of the biggest hogs with battery consumption. Additionally, poor cellular signal can also be a battery killer.', ">>{tyger2020} : I have my settings set up to conserve as much battery as possible, I have background app refresh off and location on for maybe one or two apps. As I said, I legit didn't use it between say 10am and 6pm and yet my usage/standby times both say 11 hours 34 minutes. I'm hoping that its to do with the software but I'm not sure how likely it is.", '>>{shah1012} : Should I wait for the 32GB iPhone SE or buy a 16GB one right now?', '>>{pennza} : Agree with all of this, especially the cell reception mention. I recently moved to a new part of town and noticed the cell reception in the bedroom frequently wavers between 2 dots and "No Sevice" and I found my battery was dropping overnight from 100% to 40% which was really odd. So one night I turned on Aiplane Mode in Control Center and then tapped Wifi and BT back on so I could use it in bed still, and that fixed the overnight battery drain problem. 3-5% drain instead of 50-60%. The phone must\'ve been constantly searching for a signal when it would drop out and kill the battery as a result. It might be worth trying, OP. Good luck!', ">>{Welshazam} : I found 10.1.1 on my 7 had terrible battery. I switched to the beta profile for 10.2 and it was noticeably better almost immediately. I think 10.2 is meant to be releasing fairly soon anyway, but if you can't wait, definitively sign up for the public beta.", '>>{executivemonkey} : Will The Trump Tape Have A Bigger Effect On The Race Than Past Controversies?', ">>{Ricksauce} : Advocating sexual assault because of celebrity is pretty bad. Victims are going to come forward. This is bad and I would assume there's more. This is why Hillary was so smug during debate number 1. She knows what's in the pipeline.", '>>{iluvkenbone} : Yes cell reception makes a big difference. How is your cell reception, OP?', '>>{tyger2020} : My cell reception is pretty standard 3/5 stars - but I had the phone for a good 6-8 weeks before and the battery life was really good, which makes me think it could be because of 10.1.1', '>>{Naturepower} : Apple is not going to release a new SE this year. I mean it is better to get 64gb, but since you are saying that 64gb is out of your budget, it is better to go with 16gb or you can wait until sept to checkout the new IPhones.', ">>{shah1012} : I know there won't be a new SE this year. But I wonder if Apple will bump the storages to 32GB and 128GB, like the rumors suggest. If a 32GB variant is coming for sure, I can hold on my purchase.", '>>{naeads} : Well, JD.com from the Chinese amazon-like market place is selling $330 for the 64g model. I have no idea how the shipment would work out, but if yoy can get it, that would be within your budget.', ">>{BrazenBribery} : The difference is that everything else about Trump was just heavily substantiated rumor. This is an admission from Trump himself that he's a sexual predator.", '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : Not if no one knows abouit it. I just looked at major general news aggregate sites, not much attention devoted to it today. Sweep it under the carpet asap seems to be the plan. Here is the yahoo news, google news, msn seems to have a bit more. suddenly Matthew is dominating the top posts on those sites.', '>>{shah1012} : Importing mobile devices from other countries will attract a lot of taxes in India. It may end up costlier than buying a 64GB one locally. :(', '>>{Roseking} : CNN was playing it uncensored yesterday. It is not being dropped. Top republicans are pulling support. This is big.', '>>{mwsomerset} : Probably not, the basket of deplorables think nothing of this, boys will be boys.', ">>{xjayroox} : Having a presidential nominee admit to sexually assaulting women on tape is kind of uncharted territory but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say YES IT WILL FUCKING HAVE A BIGGER EFFECT THAN PAST CONTROVERSIES", ">>{PizzaSatan} : If you've waited this long, wait a bit more. Once apple releases new phones, the prices of the present ones will go down anyway. Then you have the option of choosing from 16GB SE at a lower price than present and a 32 GB SE (if) they release it. Any which way, you will get the 16GB SE at a lower price point. I'd say wait.", ">>{nthknd} : It's a known issue with 10.1.1 so many have found there is an update available thru iTunes. Plug your phone in and see if there is an update", '>>{deathuntoourenemies} : Just imagine what else they have in the vault.', '>>{shah1012} : I guess the sale is to clear the stocks before the storage bump, if it happens. Anyway, even if the sale ends now, The prices will definitely go down next month as Apple will start manufacturing SE locally in India. So I will probably wait and see.', ">>{iluvkenbone} : Ya that might just be it in your case. 10.2 is coming out soon, so hopefully that'll fix your problems!:)", '>>{Diahreabombb} : How do you sign up for 10.2 beta? Also, any bugs that ruin the experience in beta currently?', '>>{black_flag_4ever} : The RNC is supposed to be the family values party. Of course this will have a bigger effect.', ">>{naeads} : Oh, sorry. I kind of assumed you were travelling in India and saw a deal over there. But you are actually from India. My bad. In that case, ya, go for it if you really want the SE. But if you could, just wait a couple of days to see how Apple would announce this year. That's what I would do.", '>>{bochelles} : I was noticing the same. I would unplug and within an hr, I would be down 20% without even using my phone... when I would barely hit 80% by the middle of my day... :(', ">>{WhyMnemosyne} : I don't think he will drop out, and Pence is not very smart, he is more like a well programmed but not charming Reagan. That is why he had to run from the reporters when the news broke. He didn't know how to respond. *not", '>>{shah1012} : Yeah, I will have to wait and see.', ">>{Welshazam} : You can sign up for the public beta using Apple's site [here.](https://beta.apple.com/sp/betaprogram/) I can't say I've seen any experience breaking bugs - it's up to beta #7 now, so I think a GM is right around the corner.", ">>{Tiababy} : With equal standby and usage times it'll be something running on your phone keeping it live. Check for apps you've installed or changes made around the time you started noticing it and remove or revert those and see if it changes.", '>>{IronTagger} : It is a rhetorical question, but the answer is yes or no.', '>>{sairamboko} : Amazon is selling the 64gb for ₹27k. Try getting it', '>>{shah1012} : I know it. At present, I cannot spend that much. If the deal continues next month, I shall get it at that time.', ">>{deathuntoourenemies} : It's on the top of even conservative publications, what are you talking about?", ">>{SvenHudson} : He tried to apologize for it. He's never done that before.", '>>{sairamboko} : Cool. Then wait for a month and get it. Prices will come down or if you are desperate then get a 16gb.', ">>{shah1012} : Yeah, Waiting seems to be best option right now. Even if a 32GB variant doesn't show up, The prices will go down as Apple will start manufacturing locally.", '>>{__adrenaline__} : I think you could wait for a week or two, not more than that.', ">>{ImTheHungriest} : Not anymore. Choo choo. The trump train has arraived at destination deplorable. If you're still on the train you are already there.", ">>{neoArmstrongCannon90} : Ok DAD, may I get a TL;DR? I'll proceed to choking myself now..", ">>{philly47} : He'll shake his head and deny any of it happened in a smug father-knows-best tone.", '>>{escalation} : Yep this. There will now be women coming forward making the claim that he "grabbed them by the pussy". Probably several of them. He\'s fucked.', '>>{watchout5} : It\'s also by far the best punch line from this election. GRAB them in the pussy. THAT\'S NOT EVEN HOW THEY WORK. I can\'t stop laughing. He can\'t save himself before Sunday. He can\'t save himself after. Everything he does or says all I\'m going to think is "grab them in the pussy" guy. He\'s reduced himself to a meme.', '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : Some, and I was wrong about google, now that it is later in the day they have more posts about it.', '>>{lawvas} : Sort of pathetic that none of the 16 other Republicans dragged this stuff out during the primaries. Their opposition research and treatment of Trump in the primaries was pathetic.', ">>{Elryc35} : In fairness, prior controversies include suggesting someone shoot his opponent. There's nothing normal about this election and common sense has been tossed out the window", ">>{watchout5} : They can't openly not care about women. The republicans have to distance themselves from rape. There's no alternative for them.", '>>{watchout5} : No he didn\'t. He said "I\'m sorry if anyone was offended". He\'s sorry people are taking this seriously.', '>>{whenyouflowersweep} : Will this have any relevance in his civil suit?', ">>{SvenHudson} : He didn't try very hard, I'll grant you, but that's still pretty much unprecedented and still speaks to how big a deal this is to his campaign compared to past controversies.", '>>{phatrice} : The race is late. Undecided are few. Only when the GOP abandons Trump enmasse will we see substantial impact on the race as a result of this tape.', ">>{noahcallaway-wa} : Literally _every single article_ on Politico refers to this issue. Four of the top stories on Google news are about this (out of 6 stories. This occupies the first three slots): > * Where Republicans stand on Trump > * Here's a list of the Republicans who have condemned Trump or demanded he quit > * Trump: There's 'zero chance I'll quit' race > * The Trump tape: Not all Utah Republicans leaving Donald's side Yahoo news is leading with this: > * GOPers bail on Trump after lewd comments > * Trump refuses to exit race amid GOP calls > * Republican Party could recover as early as 2096 experts say > * Trump: I'm not dropping out These are all just the above the fold headlines at Yahoo and Google news. I don't know what Google News or Yahoo pages you visited, but they are not the ones that everyone else is reading.", '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : I noted that I had looked at google early this morning. At that time there were only two stories. Here is Christian Science Monitor with two stories and a larger upper left, eye first with photo on Hillary and the questionable wiki dump. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics Here is the drudge report: http://drudgereport.com Another conservative aggregator: https://politipage.blogspot.com/ Fox News, never heard of the recording /lol http://www.foxnews.com/politics.html *rmv xtra links']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{executivemonkey} : Will The Trump Tape Have A Bigger Effect On The Race Than Past Controversies?', ">>{Ricksauce} : Advocating sexual assault because of celebrity is pretty bad. Victims are going to come forward. This is bad and I would assume there's more. This is why Hillary was so smug during debate number 1. She knows what's in the pipeline.", ">>{BrazenBribery} : The difference is that everything else about Trump was just heavily substantiated rumor. This is an admission from Trump himself that he's a sexual predator.", '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : Not if no one knows abouit it. I just looked at major general news aggregate sites, not much attention devoted to it today. Sweep it under the carpet asap seems to be the plan. Here is the yahoo news, google news, msn seems to have a bit more. suddenly Matthew is dominating the top posts on those sites.', '>>{Roseking} : CNN was playing it uncensored yesterday. It is not being dropped. Top republicans are pulling support. This is big.', '>>{mwsomerset} : Probably not, the basket of deplorables think nothing of this, boys will be boys.', ">>{xjayroox} : Having a presidential nominee admit to sexually assaulting women on tape is kind of uncharted territory but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say YES IT WILL FUCKING HAVE A BIGGER EFFECT THAN PAST CONTROVERSIES", '>>{deathuntoourenemies} : Just imagine what else they have in the vault.', '>>{black_flag_4ever} : The RNC is supposed to be the family values party. Of course this will have a bigger effect.', ">>{WhyMnemosyne} : I don't think he will drop out, and Pence is not very smart, he is more like a well programmed but not charming Reagan. That is why he had to run from the reporters when the news broke. He didn't know how to respond. *not", '>>{IronTagger} : It is a rhetorical question, but the answer is yes or no.', ">>{deathuntoourenemies} : It's on the top of even conservative publications, what are you talking about?", ">>{SvenHudson} : He tried to apologize for it. He's never done that before.", ">>{ImTheHungriest} : Not anymore. Choo choo. The trump train has arraived at destination deplorable. If you're still on the train you are already there.", ">>{neoArmstrongCannon90} : Ok DAD, may I get a TL;DR? I'll proceed to choking myself now..", ">>{philly47} : He'll shake his head and deny any of it happened in a smug father-knows-best tone.", '>>{escalation} : Yep this. There will now be women coming forward making the claim that he "grabbed them by the pussy". Probably several of them. He\'s fucked.', '>>{watchout5} : It\'s also by far the best punch line from this election. GRAB them in the pussy. THAT\'S NOT EVEN HOW THEY WORK. I can\'t stop laughing. He can\'t save himself before Sunday. He can\'t save himself after. Everything he does or says all I\'m going to think is "grab them in the pussy" guy. He\'s reduced himself to a meme.', '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : Some, and I was wrong about google, now that it is later in the day they have more posts about it.', '>>{lawvas} : Sort of pathetic that none of the 16 other Republicans dragged this stuff out during the primaries. Their opposition research and treatment of Trump in the primaries was pathetic.', ">>{Elryc35} : In fairness, prior controversies include suggesting someone shoot his opponent. There's nothing normal about this election and common sense has been tossed out the window", ">>{watchout5} : They can't openly not care about women. The republicans have to distance themselves from rape. There's no alternative for them.", '>>{watchout5} : No he didn\'t. He said "I\'m sorry if anyone was offended". He\'s sorry people are taking this seriously.', '>>{whenyouflowersweep} : Will this have any relevance in his civil suit?', ">>{SvenHudson} : He didn't try very hard, I'll grant you, but that's still pretty much unprecedented and still speaks to how big a deal this is to his campaign compared to past controversies.", '>>{phatrice} : The race is late. Undecided are few. Only when the GOP abandons Trump enmasse will we see substantial impact on the race as a result of this tape.', ">>{noahcallaway-wa} : Literally _every single article_ on Politico refers to this issue. Four of the top stories on Google news are about this (out of 6 stories. This occupies the first three slots): > * Where Republicans stand on Trump > * Here's a list of the Republicans who have condemned Trump or demanded he quit > * Trump: There's 'zero chance I'll quit' race > * The Trump tape: Not all Utah Republicans leaving Donald's side Yahoo news is leading with this: > * GOPers bail on Trump after lewd comments > * Trump refuses to exit race amid GOP calls > * Republican Party could recover as early as 2096 experts say > * Trump: I'm not dropping out These are all just the above the fold headlines at Yahoo and Google news. I don't know what Google News or Yahoo pages you visited, but they are not the ones that everyone else is reading.", '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : I noted that I had looked at google early this morning. At that time there were only two stories. Here is Christian Science Monitor with two stories and a larger upper left, eye first with photo on Hillary and the questionable wiki dump. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics Here is the drudge report: http://drudgereport.com Another conservative aggregator: https://politipage.blogspot.com/ Fox News, never heard of the recording /lol http://www.foxnews.com/politics.html *rmv xtra links'], ['>>{shah1012} : Should I wait for the 32GB iPhone SE or buy a 16GB one right now?', '>>{Naturepower} : Apple is not going to release a new SE this year. I mean it is better to get 64gb, but since you are saying that 64gb is out of your budget, it is better to go with 16gb or you can wait until sept to checkout the new IPhones.', ">>{shah1012} : I know there won't be a new SE this year. But I wonder if Apple will bump the storages to 32GB and 128GB, like the rumors suggest. If a 32GB variant is coming for sure, I can hold on my purchase.", '>>{naeads} : Well, JD.com from the Chinese amazon-like market place is selling $330 for the 64g model. I have no idea how the shipment would work out, but if yoy can get it, that would be within your budget.', '>>{shah1012} : Importing mobile devices from other countries will attract a lot of taxes in India. It may end up costlier than buying a 64GB one locally. :(', ">>{PizzaSatan} : If you've waited this long, wait a bit more. Once apple releases new phones, the prices of the present ones will go down anyway. Then you have the option of choosing from 16GB SE at a lower price than present and a 32 GB SE (if) they release it. Any which way, you will get the 16GB SE at a lower price point. I'd say wait.", '>>{shah1012} : I guess the sale is to clear the stocks before the storage bump, if it happens. Anyway, even if the sale ends now, The prices will definitely go down next month as Apple will start manufacturing SE locally in India. So I will probably wait and see.', ">>{naeads} : Oh, sorry. I kind of assumed you were travelling in India and saw a deal over there. But you are actually from India. My bad. In that case, ya, go for it if you really want the SE. But if you could, just wait a couple of days to see how Apple would announce this year. That's what I would do.", '>>{shah1012} : Yeah, I will have to wait and see.', '>>{sairamboko} : Amazon is selling the 64gb for ₹27k. Try getting it', '>>{shah1012} : I know it. At present, I cannot spend that much. If the deal continues next month, I shall get it at that time.', '>>{sairamboko} : Cool. Then wait for a month and get it. Prices will come down or if you are desperate then get a 16gb.', ">>{shah1012} : Yeah, Waiting seems to be best option right now. Even if a 32GB variant doesn't show up, The prices will go down as Apple will start manufacturing locally.", '>>{__adrenaline__} : I think you could wait for a week or two, not more than that.'], ['>>{iluvkenbone} : iOS 10.1.1 does have battery drain issues no doubt. But, keeping things like facebook, instagram, and Twitter open in the background with "background app refresh" on will obliterate your battery. The Facebook app is known to be one of the biggest hogs with battery consumption. Additionally, poor cellular signal can also be a battery killer.', ">>{tyger2020} : I have my settings set up to conserve as much battery as possible, I have background app refresh off and location on for maybe one or two apps. As I said, I legit didn't use it between say 10am and 6pm and yet my usage/standby times both say 11 hours 34 minutes. I'm hoping that its to do with the software but I'm not sure how likely it is.", '>>{pennza} : Agree with all of this, especially the cell reception mention. I recently moved to a new part of town and noticed the cell reception in the bedroom frequently wavers between 2 dots and "No Sevice" and I found my battery was dropping overnight from 100% to 40% which was really odd. So one night I turned on Aiplane Mode in Control Center and then tapped Wifi and BT back on so I could use it in bed still, and that fixed the overnight battery drain problem. 3-5% drain instead of 50-60%. The phone must\'ve been constantly searching for a signal when it would drop out and kill the battery as a result. It might be worth trying, OP. Good luck!', ">>{Welshazam} : I found 10.1.1 on my 7 had terrible battery. I switched to the beta profile for 10.2 and it was noticeably better almost immediately. I think 10.2 is meant to be releasing fairly soon anyway, but if you can't wait, definitively sign up for the public beta.", '>>{iluvkenbone} : Yes cell reception makes a big difference. How is your cell reception, OP?', '>>{tyger2020} : My cell reception is pretty standard 3/5 stars - but I had the phone for a good 6-8 weeks before and the battery life was really good, which makes me think it could be because of 10.1.1', ">>{nthknd} : It's a known issue with 10.1.1 so many have found there is an update available thru iTunes. Plug your phone in and see if there is an update", ">>{iluvkenbone} : Ya that might just be it in your case. 10.2 is coming out soon, so hopefully that'll fix your problems!:)", '>>{Diahreabombb} : How do you sign up for 10.2 beta? Also, any bugs that ruin the experience in beta currently?', '>>{bochelles} : I was noticing the same. I would unplug and within an hr, I would be down 20% without even using my phone... when I would barely hit 80% by the middle of my day... :(', ">>{Welshazam} : You can sign up for the public beta using Apple's site [here.](https://beta.apple.com/sp/betaprogram/) I can't say I've seen any experience breaking bugs - it's up to beta #7 now, so I think a GM is right around the corner.", ">>{Tiababy} : With equal standby and usage times it'll be something running on your phone keeping it live. Check for apps you've installed or changes made around the time you started noticing it and remove or revert those and see if it changes."]]
classify and reply
[">>{Emiranin} : Would you give up the iPhone 7's headphone jack for better battery life?", '>>{UvonTheTerrible} : And many black voters are supporting Trump. The latest Rasmussen poll has Trump at 23% of the black vote. [LA Times/UNC](http://graphics.latimes.com/usc-presidential-poll-dashboard/) shows Trump with 19% of the black vote. [Boston Herald poll](http://www.bostonherald.com/news/us_politics/2016/09/breaking_down_the_numbers_dig_deep_into_fpu_herald_poll_pdfs) shows Trump with 19% of the black vote, up from 10% in previous poll in July. Recent Emerson College state polls show Trump [getting 15% of the black vote in Virginia, 15% in New jersey, and 16% in North Carolina](http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/07/election-2016-new-polls-point-to-a-dramatic-trump-surge/). The [PPD Daily Tracking Poll](https://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/latest-polls/election-2016/us-presidential-election-daily-tracking-poll/) shows Trump at 15% of the black vote, up from 8% about a week ago when they frist started reporting the detailed demographic breakdown.', '>>{LandShark805} : >"He owes an apology to President Barack Obama, he owes an apology to African-American community and he owes an apology to the United States of America," said Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., adding that he considers Trump to be "nothing but a two-bit racial arsonist." Hakeem is a bit ignorant as to the irony of his words.', ">>{Trumpdestroyamerica} : r/the_donald Gotta go there to circlejerk and pretend he's going to get anything more than maybe 5% at the most nationally bud.", '>>{TwoFlush} : **26 Sep 2015**: [‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement](http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/09/26/washington-post-confirms-hillary-clinton-started-the-birther-movement/) **2016: Hillary tries to blame Trump!** **Here are the facts:** 1. More than a full year before anyone would hear of Orly Taitz, the Birther strategy was first laid out in the Penn memo. 1. The “othering” foundation was built subliminally by the Clinton campaign itself. 1. Democrats and Clinton campaign surrogates did the dirtiest of the dirty work: openly spread the Birther lies. 1. Staffers in Hillary’s actual campaign used email to spread the lies among other Democrats (this was a Democrat primary after all — so that is the only well you needed to poison a month before a primary). 1. The campaign released the turban photo. 1. Hillary herself used 60 Minutes to further stoke these lies.', ">>{Intern3} : Trump immigration plan draws criticism: 'Tears are running down the Statue of Liberty'", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Ah yes, all the polls I just linked to are wrong and your glib statement is absolutely correct. This trend in the black vote should be the most frightening thing for Clinton fans. If Trump breaks 20% there is no way Hillary wins. He's done a brilliant job of shining the light on decades of Democrat failures in inner cities, and the people are responding.", ">>{Trumpdestroyamerica} : It not frightening, and nobody's talking about is because it isn't happening in reality. Only in your safe space. The black demographic is the only demographic that actually likes Clinton. And overwhelmingly at that.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > It not frightening, and nobody's talking about is because it isn't happening in reality. Really, and what do you base that statement on? Your intuition?", ">>{exejpgwmv} : > 15% - 19% > many Come on man. You can't have it both ways", ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : I can't wait until we use this era of American politics as a cautionary tale to our children", '>>{darbington} : there goes being able to use my fm radio transmitter with that phone', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Romney got 6%. Recent Republican candidates have been getting about 5-10%. Most of the political eggheads agree that if Trump gets 20% Hillary can't win. Between the higher numbers supporting Trump, and the significant number who just refuse to support Hillary, she's in trouble.", ">>{dash47} : I can't wait till we use this as a successful example to the rest of the world", ">>{exejpgwmv} : > Most of the political eggheads agree that if Trump gets 20% Hillary can't win. Who exactly? Because I've litteraly never heard this.", '>>{ezaspie03} : Ha or you could put a normal size battery in there. I think I would rather have an extra mm of thickness for way more juice.', '>>{gimmyaliterofsoda} : yeah give me more power cause bluetooth use is going to be at an all time high without that jack', '>>{WolfgangK} : https://www.facebook.com/vanjones/videos/10154143952024910/ > If only 70 percent don\'t like Donald Trump, that means 30 percent are open to his argument; if he gets half of those, he\'s president," Jones said in a video posted on his Facebook page. "In order for the Democrats to win the White House, they … need 90 to 92 percent of the black vote."', ">>{Hal_Nein_Thousand} : Yeah that's bullshit, a 245mAh cell is way bigger than a headphone jack. You need an onboard DAC anyway in order to make the speakers work.", '>>{druuconian} : > Well, considering the polls are currently showing Trump having close to 20% of the black vote now, http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs3/1320851_o.gif Good luck with that!', '>>{SugarBear4Real} : If you are going to make something up why not go bigger and say 50% or 104% of black voters are supporting Trump?', '>>{Intern3} : You\'re more hopeful than I. If things don\'t change and we keep voting men like Trump into office, I fear the adage that history is written by the victors will hold true. Children may hear how the \'golden age\' of Trump ushered in hundreds of years of isolationism where America was made "pure" again.', ">>{TwistedPears} : No. I'd much rather they kept the headphone jack as well as increased the battery capacity. No point having a super thin phone at the expense of these two important features. They've lost me as a customer", '>>{GOPKillingUSA} : History was never written by the victors, the Confederate "lost cause" movement is proof enough of that.', ">>{october-supplies} : I just can't begin to unravel why that's a black specific headline. Not all blacks are from Kenya and I doubt anyone believes Trump feels any kind of remorse for ever posing the birth issue, so what's the point of even making a headline or an article specifically about black people? Did the Trump camp expect that disavowing the birther issue would somehow magically get him the black vote? It's like people are writing articles about something that seems relevant, but when you break down what it is they're trying to say, it just looks like autogenerated punditry from random statistical filler and then trying to apply a controversial edge about something that was never in question. Trump's stance on the birther issue is not a turning point for him, and it certainly wasn't anyone's holdout issue.", '>>{Tamagogo} : Not interested. iPhone 6s will be my last iPhone.', ">>{lobst3rclaw} : I suppose it's better for an inanimate object to cry than for mothers and daughters and brothers and sisters and friends to cry after a refugee terrorist blows up a dozen Americans", '>>{sud0sm1th} : So,... more battery life but you forced to use Bluetooth which will use up all that extra battery,...... nice work!', ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : You mean it's better for hundreds or thousands of middle-eastern refugees to almost certainly die because of a small chance of a terrorist attack.", ">>{vascopyjama} : [You're the ones blowing them up](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-bombing-four-seven-counttries-immigration-restrictions-middle-east-north-africa-syria-a7544906.html).", '>>{ElectricZ} : [Amazon Prime already has a documentary on the subject.](https://youtu.be/dDCyEvV6aAE?t=13)', ">>{exejpgwmv} : Ignoring the fact that is a Facebook post from one political activist and not a consensus from actual pollsters; allow me to explain why that's wrong. The black vote isn't the only minority group republicans have to worry about, and Trump is doing pretty bad in the majority of them, as in noticeably less than Romney's numbers.", ">>{Yville} : It'd be freaking annoying but a lightning port to a headphone jack adapter would be meeting people part way. Not sure how secure it would be though.", ">>{exejpgwmv} : > I just can't begin to unravel why that's a black specific headline The birther issue is pretty racially motivated.", ">>{october-supplies} : But at this point, bringing it up isn't going to change anything. No one's mind is going to change because Donald Trump took it back. He's more likely to lose some racist voters than win the black vote. It's not like anyone believes much of what he says, that isn't already in his camp. Everyone else knows he a chronic liar that will say anything. It's like writing an article about one particular second of white noise.", '>>{lowbiker} : Or you could make a phone with an interchangeable battery. (Gasp!)', ">>{Chair_Toaster} : No thanks! I'd much rather have a solid back than have a feature I never user.", '>>{lowbiker} : Some of us don\'t care to pay 800 bucks for a "mobile" phone that has to be tethered to a charging cord for half it\'s life. Battery changes take 5 seconds', ">>{lobst3rclaw} : Right. I doubt they're very happy with us right now for precisely that reason. We probably shouldn't let people into our country with an axe to grind with us, no?", '>>{CajunBindlestiff} : Because fuck the constitution "Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another . . ." Thomas Jefferson', ">>{Chair_Toaster} : So now you have to bring a battery charger with you? No thanks. Again id rather have a well made phone without decreased battery capacity because they had to build in a door. I've never had to change the battery in a phone. It's much more convenient to trickle charge than lug around a separate better, charger and cable.", '>>{ItchyThunder} : There is a lot of hypocrisy in this claim because plenty of people in the world cannot come to the US as refugees. The system is rather arbitrary. And it is true that vetting refugees from Syria and Sudan is virtually impossible.', '>>{StevenSpielbergOhYes} : Lol those are just the same 3,000 people over and over again.', ">>{mjk1093} : That panel poll has a total of 5 black respondents (that's also why it swings so wildly back and forth between Trump and Clinton, as the one black Trump supporter comes on and off the sampled list.)", '>>{lowbiker} : You still have to have your phone tethered for several hrs a day. I have an 8000 mah battery in my phone which adds thickness but Lasts for 3 to 4 days', '>>{Sorge74} : Yes but Trump was trolled by it for 8 years. She fooled him with the long game.', ">>{Chair_Toaster} : Only over night whilst I'm sleeping or however long you need to. I generally do t need to trickle charge so it's not a factor for me.", ">>{flick-} : Why did they lose you as a customer? Not being sarcastic, genuinely curious. It can't be just the headphone jack thing, right?", ">>{lptradish} : Well, considering the iPhone 7, or whatever it ends up being called, is said to have a bigger battery, and no heaphone jack, i would say 'yes', since i plan to get one. Wired headphones absolutely suck for anything but a laptop/desktop computer.", '>>{Sylanthra} : There is no usability difference between 6,7,8 mm phone. The next usability change would be to make the phone flexible, but until that happens, I would rather have an 8mm phone that can last a day+ then a 6mm phone that I need to recharge in the afternoon.', '>>{Tananar} : Yeah no. If they do this then the 6s will be my first and last iPhone.', '>>{FillKelix3} : I spend a third of my life asleep, this is when I charge my phone.', '>>{Citizen_Sn1ps} : Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!', ">>{Schnort} : For me, it'll be a tough choice to purchase something without a headphone jack. I have a lot of headphones and speakers I use regularly. At work, at home, when I run, when I work out. It's hard to find the right ergonomics in a head set, much less one that's wireless. Plus, as long as Apple refuses to support a better codec than bluetooth's SBC or AAC (which no headset manufacturers support), I'm really unenthusiastic about the loss of audio quality. I don't really want to replace all that just because my phone provider decided I needed to. As much as it hurts because of invested app purchases, I'll probably won't buy a latest iphone or ipad for years if they go to no headphone jack.", ">>{exejpgwmv} : Okay, let's back up. What exactly do you think is the point of this article?", ">>{fellatious_argument} : Shouldn't they be equally mad at the Clinton camp for also pushing birther rumors?", '>>{Cannon1} : Politifact rates this statement as: "Pants on Fire" The Statue of Liberty is not capable of weeping, cringing or walking, despite the depiction in the classic comedy Ghostbusters 2.', ">>{Lballz} : yeah but doesn't it come with a lightning to headphone jack adapter?", '>>{WolfgangK} : Hes, doing same or better than Romney with Latinos and married women', ">>{exejpgwmv} : No, It's trying to point out what you said earlier. That black people aren't fooled by his sudden turn around.", ">>{Daedaly} : I mean, if you really think about it, if it becomes a hit, then headphone makers are going to eventually dump 3.5mm jacks for the new iPhone's and above, so once those makers make enough of them, it's going to be really cheap like 3.5mm headphones and earbuds", '>>{kiddestructo} : Maybe then we can all round them up and put them in concentration camps for the final solution. /s What an isolated, ugly life you must lead.', '>>{Schnort} : The headphone jack is fragile enough. I don\'t want a 2" lever arm on the 1/4" lightning plug that\'s inserted into my $700 phone. It\'ll break something for sure, either itself or the receptacle.', ">>{october-supplies} : They're not. There wasn't any chance they were going to respond one way or another. As I said, he could only lose votes by giving up the birther ghost, and that's news to no one. No one was waiting with bated breath to see what black people were going to do about Donald Trump giving up on the birther nonsense.", ">>{exejpgwmv} : > There wasn't any chance they were going to respond one way or another You don't know that for sure. Neither does anyone else. This is why follow up news stories exist; so that we can know the exact effects of something. And not just our own assumptions about what we think should happen.", '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : And then ask "do you love Jesus?" before letting you in', '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : > Some of us don\'t care to pay 800 bucks for a "mobile" phone that has to be tethered to a charging cord for half it\'s life. So...don\'t? I get that it\'s frustrating to watch Apple lead the industry in directions that don\'t agree with your use profile, but it\'s not like everyone is going top copy them. There will always be a few outliers that have great battery life at the cost of bulk.', '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : Look at mister first world country over here with his super fancy "sleeping" and "electrical power."', ">>{lobst3rclaw} : You can't have a discussion without calling someone a name, but I'm the man baby? An adult would try to converse, but you lack the maturity", '>>{GruvDesign} : Interchangeable batteries drive device size. You then need a mechansm to keep shut, and more layers of plastic for a door, internal cavity, and possible a case for the battery', ">>{Je-Suis-Tobi} : Personally I don't care but no one seems to realize that the phone will come with a converter from lightning to 3.5mm.", '>>{ThisIsntOneOfMyNames} : Holy shit are there people who actually think this is a viable alternative?', ">>{kiddestructo} : Fear of the unfamiliar is most certainly not an adult trait in any true man's world. Best of luck out there!", ">>{M0b1u5} : Don't give a fuck: will never EVER buy an Apple product so long as I live.", '>>{giuliomagnifico} : No. And iPad Mini 4 is thinner than iPhone 6S and it has the jack. So, Apple keep this damn jack!', ">>{jmnugent} : It's more than viable. It's better in a multitude of ways. Lightning has 8 pins that can be controlled/reprogrammed on-the-fly. So not only do you get digital sound... but you can lots of reconfigurable things that you cannot do with an analog-port. Not only that.. but it simplifies the internal design of the phone.. and closes a hole which improves waterproofing.", '>>{jmnugent} : Other manufacturers are already ditching the analog-port. This isn\'t an "if" thing. It\'s happening. It\'s where the industry is going. Analog-port lovers are going to have a hard time.', ">>{jmnugent} : Perhaps you've heard of Bluetooth LE. (and Bluetooth 5 is right around the corner: https://www.bluetooth.com/news/pressreleases/2016/06/16/-bluetooth5-quadruples-rangedoubles-speedincreases-data-broadcasting-capacity-by-800 )", '>>{jmnugent} : Lighting cables and adapters have had chips embedded in them from the very introduction.', ">>{Tamagogo} : I'll be honest with myself. There's a number of factors that all need to come together before I even consider it and out of the gate a lot are not there. Down the road it all might work great but for the foreseeable future I have no interests in being limited to listening to music or charging my phone, or for having to shell out for less than stellar wireless headphones.", ">>{SordidDreams} : Same. This obsession with making phones as thin as possible is something I just can't understand. I would happily take a phone twice as thick as I have now if it meant double the battery life.", ">>{thefountainpenteen} : Is it even confirmed it won't have a jack?", ">>{Schnort} : It's not confirmed, but all the rumor sites are having a lot of convincing leaks from component and 3rd party accessory manufacturers. I'd like to believe it isn't happening, but I fear it is.", ">>{thefountainpenteen} : Meh nearly all of those are literally repeating the same thing from the same guy over and over. I'll believe it when I see it", '>>{Schnort} : The dongle will be a lever arm that will break off with very little effort. Lightning ports and connectors aren\'t terribly robust, and making a 2" dongle stick out the end of it with a wire at the end is begging for it to be snapped off and your receptacle be damaged.', '>>{gokuzbu} : 8 or 9mm is thin enough to look nice but have a bigger battery than current phones.', ">>{bam_dmux} : BLE has nothing to do with audio transmission, and v5 won't have noticeable improvements regarding to audio either.", ">>{Masteraustin} : I feel this all matter of personal preference. I have a 6S and I never use the headphone jack. All my playback devices are Bluetooth, including my truck which I use USB in anyway. You can't please everyone.", ">>{orrzxz} : I'm in your boat. I am looking for a new phone, and looking at an Ulefone POWER. Sure, it's not the most elegant and smooth phone, but for the love of me, I will give it up for that 6k mAh battery.", ">>{sammcj} : Absolutely not, I have no issues with the battery life as it stands and I'd class myself has a heavy phone user. One issue I do have with the analog audio output is that the noise floor is quite high, you can hear whenever the CPU/GPU scales in frequency if you have no music playing.", '>>{MisterE_MD} : I\'m totally in the same boat. I\'ve been buying iPhones since the first one, and the 6s was the biggest joke in the world. The "3D touch" is the dumbest excuse for a new phone release. The *one* thing that\'d be useful from it is being able to click on things if there is a bit of water/moisture on your screen and the heat register isn\'t working... and you can\'t do it! The only thing that keeps me buying these silly phones is iTunes and having access to music, but I can find 99% of what I listen to on Spotify. Apple, I don\'t like you and don\'t need you anymore. But, keep the headphone jack for Chrissakes.', '>>{jmnugent} : > "BLE has nothing to do with audio transmission" Your previous comment was about power-usage,.. thats what I was responding to.', ">>{JC-Dude} : As I said since the rumours strated: This is not about thinnes, it's about space inside the device. That's also why we have lightning, instead of 30-pin and NanoSIM.", ">>{JC-Dude} : I don't think it will, but it's definitely going to be an accessory.", '>>{DRo_OpY} : My phone is always big with a durable cover anyway. Cut out this thin shit and just make better phones that can last two-three days', ">>{SordidDreams} : Oooh, that's interesting, I didn't even know about that. I've had my eye on the Asus Zenfone Max, which has a 5K mAh battery and a Snapdragon CPU, which is supposedly the most energy-efficient.", ">>{aden34} : I'm sure it won't be Bluetooth. They will have a lightning to 3.5 adapter", '>>{Door2doorcalgary} : The movie "her" is becoming reality just a screen in are pocket and an air to fall.in love with', ">>{bam_dmux} : I't wasn't me :D Anyways power usage while transmitting audio won't be affected by BLE or v5. If you switch the jack for a BT, power consumption is gonna be negatively impacted for sure.", '>>{Glfpunk} : That has nothing to do with why you have lightning', ">>{Glfpunk} : The basis of this decision has always been the main negative of Apple- they're going to decide what's best for you. Instead of giving the consumer options, they just delete shit and make it impossible to have an experience that you want.", '>>{JC-Dude} : That has EVERYTHING to do with why we have lightning.', '>>{_cooze_} : 5/5s/6se = Hands down best chassis design period. Plenty thin, but the square edges gave it attitude while making it easy to handle. While heavier, the weight is almost welcomed and compliments the hand well. If they made an identical chassis that accommodated a 4.7" screen it would have plenty of room inside of it for continued support and, IMO, become the best selling chassis in the line up.', ">>{jmnugent} : > power consumption is gonna be negatively impacted for sure. Bluetooth LE has a power-usage range starting as low as 0.01 watts... up to 0.5 watts. I think you guys are dramatically hyperventilating over nothing. If you're using wireless BT headphones... you're going to run out of battery in the headphones way Way WAY **WAY** sooner than you will in the iPhone. Not only that.... but the power-usage of Bluetooth is exponentially tinier than other things on the phone like WiFi-radios or Screen-ON time. Being worried about Bluetooth power-usage in that scenario is like being worried about a hang-nail on your pinky toe while you're dying of bone cancer.", ">>{Shields42} : The iPhone SE was a brilliant move. The iPhone 5 was a great platform in the physical sense. You can reach the whole screen with your thumb, it's rigid, and it feels good to hold. Flat edges are awesome and I wish Apple could recognize that.", ">>{gvurrdon} : I never listen to music via headphones or using a cable so this wouldn't be a problem. Whether the outrageous price would be worth paying is another matter.", ">>{Glfpunk} : You can keep thinking that but you're still about as wrong as you could be.", '>>{Julius_Seizure77} : The only way I could see myself making this trade is if Apple gave us high quality bluetooth Earbuds that come with the phone and consume virtually no power when being used. And given how greedy Apple is, there is no way in hell Apple would do that, unless Android does it first.', ">>{andyster} : I feel like since I already use bluetooth in the car and headphones I'm not hit with much downside. I'd rather they do something to improve the phone than add battery as the 6S+ already has pretty amazing battery.", ">>{andyster} : The headphone jack isn't a thinness issue as the iPod Touch is considerably thinner than the iPhone. If they're really doing this it's for some other area to gain.", ">>{andyster} : Why? Like it's super easy to buy an external battery pack and extend my phones battery to a week but my hands aren't getting any bigger. It's super easy to address battery life but a twice as thick + is unusable.", ">>{SordidDreams} : Are your hands getting any smaller? Because phones are. The first iPhones were 12 mm thick, now they're down to 7, which is almost half. I don't remember anyone complaining that the early iPhones were unusable, quite the opposite, they were a big hit. To me a battery pack is the unusable solution. The whole point of a phone is that it's a self-contained unit. If I have to carry a second box with me and connect the two with a cable to top up every once in a while, well, that's just a load of silly hassle that I'd rather do without. If I'm going to be carrying a big battery with me, I'd rather it be integrated into the phone in the first place and do away with that hassle.", ">>{TheLawlessMan} : And my thought when I saw the rumor was: Oh wonderful! Now we have to carry adapters with us if we want to use headphones! Can't believe they did this ◔_◔", ">>{andyster} : As they get smaller they become easier to use. A thinner phone means it's easier to reach around the whole thing and the way you get to the magical credit card thick phone is incrementally taking off a mm here and there. The early iPhones were a lot smaller overall. I could use it with one hand. The early big Android phones were quite uncomfortable to hold. The Note 1 was ridiculous because they weren't thin. Also our brain normalizes what we have now. The plus seemed huge, then I had it for a week and the 5s seemed like a doll phone. So doubling the thickness would probably cost a lot of in the store sales. For me the battery pack works because it's a special occasion item. The 6s+ has only even come close to not making it through a full day when I was going somewhere special and playing Pokemon and just using it an insane amount. I don't always have it, but if I'm going on a trip it lets me not freak out about playing games.", ">>{cmatechno} : You mean the mechanical piece that ends up getting lose inside the phone and forces you to upgrade because cannot be repaired? Same shit with androids. Ever wonder why apple doesn't use the same connectors as on their MacBook? Then want you to upgrade all the time.", ">>{SordidDreams} : Why on earth would anyone want a credit card-thick phone? That seems ridiculously impractical to me. The thin phones of today are already uncomfortable to hold. If I want to hold mine securely, I can't grip it by the edge because there barely is any. I have to wrap my fingers all the way around, and then they obscure part of the screen because there aren't any bezels either. If anything, I want phones to be thicker. 10 to 15 mm seems ideal to me. I don't believe for a second that making a thick phone would lose sales, especially if you make it an optional extra. The number one concern people have with phones is battery life, and quite frankly I find the idea that it's okay for a phone to require charging every night to be ludicrous. We used to have phones that lasted *weeks* a decade or two ago. I want to go back to that. I want to go back to phones that are comfortable to hold and don't run out of juice after three seconds of use.", ">>{andyster} : I really can't see how making it thicker ends up with a usable size especiallyonce you wrap it up in a case. The plus size is already stretching my hands pretty far. Back then when you charged tour phone every couple of days I barely used my phone for anything by modern standards. Nowadays my phone is unquestionably the most important thing I own. It does more web and email type tasks, games plays most of my media etc. nightly charging seems like a small price to pay.", ">>{SordidDreams} : I guess it's just a question of preference. All the more reason for it to last a decent amount of time, I'd say.", '>>{Highfibercarpet} : Nope, Apple is going down a road that I am not going to follow. I am done with them my next phone is going to be an android-based device.', '>>{Highfibercarpet} : Yes, like forcing you to buy a $30 adapter, or forcing you to purchase their in-house brand of crappy headphones.', '>>{Highfibercarpet} : Agree 100% my last iPhone is in my hand as I speak when I trade that in I am done with Apple and their fuckery.', ">>{SociableSociopath} : Phones have been much thicker and were still perfectly usable. The iphone reducing thickness has not made the phone more usable and easy to reach around, it's the opposite in fact where the phone keeps getting thinner and longer, therefore causing some users to be unable to reach their thumb diagonally across the entire screen. This issue is caused by diagonal length, not thickness.", ">>{Nazck} : I guess having an option to have an external DAC if needed is nice.. Means audiophiles can get high-end DACs while the rest can get cheaper alternatives. I'd also imagine the adapter would just remain plugged into your headphones.", '>>{TheLawlessMan} : Means audiophiles can get high-end DACs while the rest can get cheaper alternatives. But hasn\'t this always been the option even when there was a jack built in? "I\'d also imagine the adapter would just remain plugged into your headphones." Good point.', ">>{bowb4zod} : I haven't used the headphone jack in a year or so. But I can see how this would piss people off.", ">>{andyster} : These aren't a 1 variable problem. A 3.5 inch iPhone could be several times thicker than a 5.5 inch iPhone because it was smaller in those dimensions. It's about total hand feel not just one thing Thickness causes other issues because it doesn't sit as nicely in the hand which compounds problems with screen size. You can solve for the length issues in software relatively easily; I use reachability a lot just double tap and the top of iOS comes down. But thickness combined with length makes it very difficult to hold a plus across the back over say a long phone call where the hold is a side to side grip. Also battery is heavy and the pinky shelf grip that is so ideal for one handed plus use becomes wholly untenable for much time. Try to pinky shelf an iPad mini and the weight becomes quite a lot and if you doubled the thickness to fill with battery your weight would be in that range.", ">>{graylingboy} : There are better options out there where you don't have to compromise. Lost their way. Dull, dull, dull.....", '>>{LatinGeek} : Being forced to use something isn\'t "an option".', ">>{Nazck} : I guess I meant higher end DAC. Though really it'll just be an adapter hooked up to your headphones permanently.. Likely free with the device. That's if they actually go forward with this plan..", '>>{mcnc} : So my DAC will be in the wire instead of the device, great. /s', ">>{Dr_McKay} : My issue is I don't want that yet. I want my headphones to fit into my phone, as well as my PC and PS4 controller etc. Until everything is USB-C or something Im stuck.", '>>{Slick37075} : The best way to improve the battery life is to get rid of the user.', '>>{Tainted-Archer} : And all android devices. And all tablets. And all devices with a battery because bluetooth drains.', ">>{PM_ME_ALL_THE_BOOBIE} : Happily. I don't use the jack at all. I haven't used a non-wireless headset in a very long time now.", ">>{Yabruh88} : That's odd you say that because my battery last much longer when i use bluetooth. I can barely get through a 2 hour workout without my battery dying when i use my apple headphones. When i use my sol republic Bluetooth set, i only use about 40%.", '>>{kobenoyashi} : I agree with this completely. Everyone I know who upgraded to the 6/6s laments how thin and awkward it is to hold', ">>{gatorguy850} : So explain..? Don't be an idiot. People won't just believe you because you say something. Dumbass", ">>{lptradish} : Your sentence doesn't really make sense in the context of a reply.", '>>{Gadgets5678} : A slim battery case with 3.5mm headphone jack could be the best resolution.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Emiranin} : Would you give up the iPhone 7's headphone jack for better battery life?", '>>{darbington} : there goes being able to use my fm radio transmitter with that phone', '>>{ezaspie03} : Ha or you could put a normal size battery in there. I think I would rather have an extra mm of thickness for way more juice.', '>>{gimmyaliterofsoda} : yeah give me more power cause bluetooth use is going to be at an all time high without that jack', ">>{Hal_Nein_Thousand} : Yeah that's bullshit, a 245mAh cell is way bigger than a headphone jack. You need an onboard DAC anyway in order to make the speakers work.", ">>{TwistedPears} : No. I'd much rather they kept the headphone jack as well as increased the battery capacity. No point having a super thin phone at the expense of these two important features. They've lost me as a customer", '>>{Tamagogo} : Not interested. iPhone 6s will be my last iPhone.', '>>{sud0sm1th} : So,... more battery life but you forced to use Bluetooth which will use up all that extra battery,...... nice work!', ">>{Yville} : It'd be freaking annoying but a lightning port to a headphone jack adapter would be meeting people part way. Not sure how secure it would be though.", '>>{lowbiker} : Or you could make a phone with an interchangeable battery. (Gasp!)', ">>{Chair_Toaster} : No thanks! I'd much rather have a solid back than have a feature I never user.", '>>{lowbiker} : Some of us don\'t care to pay 800 bucks for a "mobile" phone that has to be tethered to a charging cord for half it\'s life. Battery changes take 5 seconds', ">>{Chair_Toaster} : So now you have to bring a battery charger with you? No thanks. Again id rather have a well made phone without decreased battery capacity because they had to build in a door. I've never had to change the battery in a phone. It's much more convenient to trickle charge than lug around a separate better, charger and cable.", '>>{lowbiker} : You still have to have your phone tethered for several hrs a day. I have an 8000 mah battery in my phone which adds thickness but Lasts for 3 to 4 days', ">>{Chair_Toaster} : Only over night whilst I'm sleeping or however long you need to. I generally do t need to trickle charge so it's not a factor for me.", ">>{flick-} : Why did they lose you as a customer? Not being sarcastic, genuinely curious. It can't be just the headphone jack thing, right?", ">>{lptradish} : Well, considering the iPhone 7, or whatever it ends up being called, is said to have a bigger battery, and no heaphone jack, i would say 'yes', since i plan to get one. Wired headphones absolutely suck for anything but a laptop/desktop computer.", '>>{Sylanthra} : There is no usability difference between 6,7,8 mm phone. The next usability change would be to make the phone flexible, but until that happens, I would rather have an 8mm phone that can last a day+ then a 6mm phone that I need to recharge in the afternoon.', '>>{Tananar} : Yeah no. If they do this then the 6s will be my first and last iPhone.', '>>{FillKelix3} : I spend a third of my life asleep, this is when I charge my phone.', ">>{Schnort} : For me, it'll be a tough choice to purchase something without a headphone jack. I have a lot of headphones and speakers I use regularly. At work, at home, when I run, when I work out. It's hard to find the right ergonomics in a head set, much less one that's wireless. Plus, as long as Apple refuses to support a better codec than bluetooth's SBC or AAC (which no headset manufacturers support), I'm really unenthusiastic about the loss of audio quality. I don't really want to replace all that just because my phone provider decided I needed to. As much as it hurts because of invested app purchases, I'll probably won't buy a latest iphone or ipad for years if they go to no headphone jack.", ">>{Lballz} : yeah but doesn't it come with a lightning to headphone jack adapter?", ">>{Daedaly} : I mean, if you really think about it, if it becomes a hit, then headphone makers are going to eventually dump 3.5mm jacks for the new iPhone's and above, so once those makers make enough of them, it's going to be really cheap like 3.5mm headphones and earbuds", '>>{Schnort} : The headphone jack is fragile enough. I don\'t want a 2" lever arm on the 1/4" lightning plug that\'s inserted into my $700 phone. It\'ll break something for sure, either itself or the receptacle.', '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : > Some of us don\'t care to pay 800 bucks for a "mobile" phone that has to be tethered to a charging cord for half it\'s life. So...don\'t? I get that it\'s frustrating to watch Apple lead the industry in directions that don\'t agree with your use profile, but it\'s not like everyone is going top copy them. There will always be a few outliers that have great battery life at the cost of bulk.', '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : Look at mister first world country over here with his super fancy "sleeping" and "electrical power."', '>>{GruvDesign} : Interchangeable batteries drive device size. You then need a mechansm to keep shut, and more layers of plastic for a door, internal cavity, and possible a case for the battery', ">>{Je-Suis-Tobi} : Personally I don't care but no one seems to realize that the phone will come with a converter from lightning to 3.5mm.", '>>{ThisIsntOneOfMyNames} : Holy shit are there people who actually think this is a viable alternative?', ">>{M0b1u5} : Don't give a fuck: will never EVER buy an Apple product so long as I live.", '>>{giuliomagnifico} : No. And iPad Mini 4 is thinner than iPhone 6S and it has the jack. So, Apple keep this damn jack!', ">>{jmnugent} : It's more than viable. It's better in a multitude of ways. Lightning has 8 pins that can be controlled/reprogrammed on-the-fly. So not only do you get digital sound... but you can lots of reconfigurable things that you cannot do with an analog-port. Not only that.. but it simplifies the internal design of the phone.. and closes a hole which improves waterproofing.", '>>{jmnugent} : Other manufacturers are already ditching the analog-port. This isn\'t an "if" thing. It\'s happening. It\'s where the industry is going. Analog-port lovers are going to have a hard time.', ">>{jmnugent} : Perhaps you've heard of Bluetooth LE. (and Bluetooth 5 is right around the corner: https://www.bluetooth.com/news/pressreleases/2016/06/16/-bluetooth5-quadruples-rangedoubles-speedincreases-data-broadcasting-capacity-by-800 )", '>>{jmnugent} : Lighting cables and adapters have had chips embedded in them from the very introduction.', ">>{Tamagogo} : I'll be honest with myself. There's a number of factors that all need to come together before I even consider it and out of the gate a lot are not there. Down the road it all might work great but for the foreseeable future I have no interests in being limited to listening to music or charging my phone, or for having to shell out for less than stellar wireless headphones.", ">>{SordidDreams} : Same. This obsession with making phones as thin as possible is something I just can't understand. I would happily take a phone twice as thick as I have now if it meant double the battery life.", ">>{thefountainpenteen} : Is it even confirmed it won't have a jack?", ">>{Schnort} : It's not confirmed, but all the rumor sites are having a lot of convincing leaks from component and 3rd party accessory manufacturers. I'd like to believe it isn't happening, but I fear it is.", ">>{thefountainpenteen} : Meh nearly all of those are literally repeating the same thing from the same guy over and over. I'll believe it when I see it", '>>{Schnort} : The dongle will be a lever arm that will break off with very little effort. Lightning ports and connectors aren\'t terribly robust, and making a 2" dongle stick out the end of it with a wire at the end is begging for it to be snapped off and your receptacle be damaged.', '>>{gokuzbu} : 8 or 9mm is thin enough to look nice but have a bigger battery than current phones.', ">>{bam_dmux} : BLE has nothing to do with audio transmission, and v5 won't have noticeable improvements regarding to audio either.", ">>{Masteraustin} : I feel this all matter of personal preference. I have a 6S and I never use the headphone jack. All my playback devices are Bluetooth, including my truck which I use USB in anyway. You can't please everyone.", ">>{orrzxz} : I'm in your boat. I am looking for a new phone, and looking at an Ulefone POWER. Sure, it's not the most elegant and smooth phone, but for the love of me, I will give it up for that 6k mAh battery.", ">>{sammcj} : Absolutely not, I have no issues with the battery life as it stands and I'd class myself has a heavy phone user. One issue I do have with the analog audio output is that the noise floor is quite high, you can hear whenever the CPU/GPU scales in frequency if you have no music playing.", '>>{MisterE_MD} : I\'m totally in the same boat. I\'ve been buying iPhones since the first one, and the 6s was the biggest joke in the world. The "3D touch" is the dumbest excuse for a new phone release. The *one* thing that\'d be useful from it is being able to click on things if there is a bit of water/moisture on your screen and the heat register isn\'t working... and you can\'t do it! The only thing that keeps me buying these silly phones is iTunes and having access to music, but I can find 99% of what I listen to on Spotify. Apple, I don\'t like you and don\'t need you anymore. But, keep the headphone jack for Chrissakes.', '>>{jmnugent} : > "BLE has nothing to do with audio transmission" Your previous comment was about power-usage,.. thats what I was responding to.', ">>{JC-Dude} : As I said since the rumours strated: This is not about thinnes, it's about space inside the device. That's also why we have lightning, instead of 30-pin and NanoSIM.", ">>{JC-Dude} : I don't think it will, but it's definitely going to be an accessory.", '>>{DRo_OpY} : My phone is always big with a durable cover anyway. Cut out this thin shit and just make better phones that can last two-three days', ">>{SordidDreams} : Oooh, that's interesting, I didn't even know about that. I've had my eye on the Asus Zenfone Max, which has a 5K mAh battery and a Snapdragon CPU, which is supposedly the most energy-efficient.", ">>{aden34} : I'm sure it won't be Bluetooth. They will have a lightning to 3.5 adapter", '>>{Door2doorcalgary} : The movie "her" is becoming reality just a screen in are pocket and an air to fall.in love with', ">>{bam_dmux} : I't wasn't me :D Anyways power usage while transmitting audio won't be affected by BLE or v5. If you switch the jack for a BT, power consumption is gonna be negatively impacted for sure.", '>>{Glfpunk} : That has nothing to do with why you have lightning', ">>{Glfpunk} : The basis of this decision has always been the main negative of Apple- they're going to decide what's best for you. Instead of giving the consumer options, they just delete shit and make it impossible to have an experience that you want.", '>>{JC-Dude} : That has EVERYTHING to do with why we have lightning.', '>>{_cooze_} : 5/5s/6se = Hands down best chassis design period. Plenty thin, but the square edges gave it attitude while making it easy to handle. While heavier, the weight is almost welcomed and compliments the hand well. If they made an identical chassis that accommodated a 4.7" screen it would have plenty of room inside of it for continued support and, IMO, become the best selling chassis in the line up.', ">>{jmnugent} : > power consumption is gonna be negatively impacted for sure. Bluetooth LE has a power-usage range starting as low as 0.01 watts... up to 0.5 watts. I think you guys are dramatically hyperventilating over nothing. If you're using wireless BT headphones... you're going to run out of battery in the headphones way Way WAY **WAY** sooner than you will in the iPhone. Not only that.... but the power-usage of Bluetooth is exponentially tinier than other things on the phone like WiFi-radios or Screen-ON time. Being worried about Bluetooth power-usage in that scenario is like being worried about a hang-nail on your pinky toe while you're dying of bone cancer.", ">>{Shields42} : The iPhone SE was a brilliant move. The iPhone 5 was a great platform in the physical sense. You can reach the whole screen with your thumb, it's rigid, and it feels good to hold. Flat edges are awesome and I wish Apple could recognize that.", ">>{gvurrdon} : I never listen to music via headphones or using a cable so this wouldn't be a problem. Whether the outrageous price would be worth paying is another matter.", ">>{Glfpunk} : You can keep thinking that but you're still about as wrong as you could be.", '>>{Julius_Seizure77} : The only way I could see myself making this trade is if Apple gave us high quality bluetooth Earbuds that come with the phone and consume virtually no power when being used. And given how greedy Apple is, there is no way in hell Apple would do that, unless Android does it first.', ">>{andyster} : I feel like since I already use bluetooth in the car and headphones I'm not hit with much downside. I'd rather they do something to improve the phone than add battery as the 6S+ already has pretty amazing battery.", ">>{andyster} : The headphone jack isn't a thinness issue as the iPod Touch is considerably thinner than the iPhone. If they're really doing this it's for some other area to gain.", ">>{andyster} : Why? Like it's super easy to buy an external battery pack and extend my phones battery to a week but my hands aren't getting any bigger. It's super easy to address battery life but a twice as thick + is unusable.", ">>{SordidDreams} : Are your hands getting any smaller? Because phones are. The first iPhones were 12 mm thick, now they're down to 7, which is almost half. I don't remember anyone complaining that the early iPhones were unusable, quite the opposite, they were a big hit. To me a battery pack is the unusable solution. The whole point of a phone is that it's a self-contained unit. If I have to carry a second box with me and connect the two with a cable to top up every once in a while, well, that's just a load of silly hassle that I'd rather do without. If I'm going to be carrying a big battery with me, I'd rather it be integrated into the phone in the first place and do away with that hassle.", ">>{TheLawlessMan} : And my thought when I saw the rumor was: Oh wonderful! Now we have to carry adapters with us if we want to use headphones! Can't believe they did this ◔_◔", ">>{andyster} : As they get smaller they become easier to use. A thinner phone means it's easier to reach around the whole thing and the way you get to the magical credit card thick phone is incrementally taking off a mm here and there. The early iPhones were a lot smaller overall. I could use it with one hand. The early big Android phones were quite uncomfortable to hold. The Note 1 was ridiculous because they weren't thin. Also our brain normalizes what we have now. The plus seemed huge, then I had it for a week and the 5s seemed like a doll phone. So doubling the thickness would probably cost a lot of in the store sales. For me the battery pack works because it's a special occasion item. The 6s+ has only even come close to not making it through a full day when I was going somewhere special and playing Pokemon and just using it an insane amount. I don't always have it, but if I'm going on a trip it lets me not freak out about playing games.", ">>{cmatechno} : You mean the mechanical piece that ends up getting lose inside the phone and forces you to upgrade because cannot be repaired? Same shit with androids. Ever wonder why apple doesn't use the same connectors as on their MacBook? Then want you to upgrade all the time.", ">>{SordidDreams} : Why on earth would anyone want a credit card-thick phone? That seems ridiculously impractical to me. The thin phones of today are already uncomfortable to hold. If I want to hold mine securely, I can't grip it by the edge because there barely is any. I have to wrap my fingers all the way around, and then they obscure part of the screen because there aren't any bezels either. If anything, I want phones to be thicker. 10 to 15 mm seems ideal to me. I don't believe for a second that making a thick phone would lose sales, especially if you make it an optional extra. The number one concern people have with phones is battery life, and quite frankly I find the idea that it's okay for a phone to require charging every night to be ludicrous. We used to have phones that lasted *weeks* a decade or two ago. I want to go back to that. I want to go back to phones that are comfortable to hold and don't run out of juice after three seconds of use.", ">>{andyster} : I really can't see how making it thicker ends up with a usable size especiallyonce you wrap it up in a case. The plus size is already stretching my hands pretty far. Back then when you charged tour phone every couple of days I barely used my phone for anything by modern standards. Nowadays my phone is unquestionably the most important thing I own. It does more web and email type tasks, games plays most of my media etc. nightly charging seems like a small price to pay.", ">>{SordidDreams} : I guess it's just a question of preference. All the more reason for it to last a decent amount of time, I'd say.", '>>{Highfibercarpet} : Nope, Apple is going down a road that I am not going to follow. I am done with them my next phone is going to be an android-based device.', '>>{Highfibercarpet} : Yes, like forcing you to buy a $30 adapter, or forcing you to purchase their in-house brand of crappy headphones.', '>>{Highfibercarpet} : Agree 100% my last iPhone is in my hand as I speak when I trade that in I am done with Apple and their fuckery.', ">>{SociableSociopath} : Phones have been much thicker and were still perfectly usable. The iphone reducing thickness has not made the phone more usable and easy to reach around, it's the opposite in fact where the phone keeps getting thinner and longer, therefore causing some users to be unable to reach their thumb diagonally across the entire screen. This issue is caused by diagonal length, not thickness.", ">>{Nazck} : I guess having an option to have an external DAC if needed is nice.. Means audiophiles can get high-end DACs while the rest can get cheaper alternatives. I'd also imagine the adapter would just remain plugged into your headphones.", '>>{TheLawlessMan} : Means audiophiles can get high-end DACs while the rest can get cheaper alternatives. But hasn\'t this always been the option even when there was a jack built in? "I\'d also imagine the adapter would just remain plugged into your headphones." Good point.', ">>{bowb4zod} : I haven't used the headphone jack in a year or so. But I can see how this would piss people off.", ">>{andyster} : These aren't a 1 variable problem. A 3.5 inch iPhone could be several times thicker than a 5.5 inch iPhone because it was smaller in those dimensions. It's about total hand feel not just one thing Thickness causes other issues because it doesn't sit as nicely in the hand which compounds problems with screen size. You can solve for the length issues in software relatively easily; I use reachability a lot just double tap and the top of iOS comes down. But thickness combined with length makes it very difficult to hold a plus across the back over say a long phone call where the hold is a side to side grip. Also battery is heavy and the pinky shelf grip that is so ideal for one handed plus use becomes wholly untenable for much time. Try to pinky shelf an iPad mini and the weight becomes quite a lot and if you doubled the thickness to fill with battery your weight would be in that range.", ">>{graylingboy} : There are better options out there where you don't have to compromise. Lost their way. Dull, dull, dull.....", '>>{LatinGeek} : Being forced to use something isn\'t "an option".', ">>{Nazck} : I guess I meant higher end DAC. Though really it'll just be an adapter hooked up to your headphones permanently.. Likely free with the device. That's if they actually go forward with this plan..", '>>{mcnc} : So my DAC will be in the wire instead of the device, great. /s', ">>{Dr_McKay} : My issue is I don't want that yet. I want my headphones to fit into my phone, as well as my PC and PS4 controller etc. Until everything is USB-C or something Im stuck.", '>>{Slick37075} : The best way to improve the battery life is to get rid of the user.', '>>{Tainted-Archer} : And all android devices. And all tablets. And all devices with a battery because bluetooth drains.', ">>{PM_ME_ALL_THE_BOOBIE} : Happily. I don't use the jack at all. I haven't used a non-wireless headset in a very long time now.", ">>{Yabruh88} : That's odd you say that because my battery last much longer when i use bluetooth. I can barely get through a 2 hour workout without my battery dying when i use my apple headphones. When i use my sol republic Bluetooth set, i only use about 40%.", '>>{kobenoyashi} : I agree with this completely. Everyone I know who upgraded to the 6/6s laments how thin and awkward it is to hold', ">>{gatorguy850} : So explain..? Don't be an idiot. People won't just believe you because you say something. Dumbass", ">>{lptradish} : Your sentence doesn't really make sense in the context of a reply.", '>>{Gadgets5678} : A slim battery case with 3.5mm headphone jack could be the best resolution.'], ['>>{UvonTheTerrible} : And many black voters are supporting Trump. The latest Rasmussen poll has Trump at 23% of the black vote. [LA Times/UNC](http://graphics.latimes.com/usc-presidential-poll-dashboard/) shows Trump with 19% of the black vote. [Boston Herald poll](http://www.bostonherald.com/news/us_politics/2016/09/breaking_down_the_numbers_dig_deep_into_fpu_herald_poll_pdfs) shows Trump with 19% of the black vote, up from 10% in previous poll in July. Recent Emerson College state polls show Trump [getting 15% of the black vote in Virginia, 15% in New jersey, and 16% in North Carolina](http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/07/election-2016-new-polls-point-to-a-dramatic-trump-surge/). The [PPD Daily Tracking Poll](https://www.peoplespunditdaily.com/latest-polls/election-2016/us-presidential-election-daily-tracking-poll/) shows Trump at 15% of the black vote, up from 8% about a week ago when they frist started reporting the detailed demographic breakdown.', '>>{LandShark805} : >"He owes an apology to President Barack Obama, he owes an apology to African-American community and he owes an apology to the United States of America," said Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., adding that he considers Trump to be "nothing but a two-bit racial arsonist." Hakeem is a bit ignorant as to the irony of his words.', ">>{Trumpdestroyamerica} : r/the_donald Gotta go there to circlejerk and pretend he's going to get anything more than maybe 5% at the most nationally bud.", '>>{TwoFlush} : **26 Sep 2015**: [‘Washington Post’ Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement](http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/09/26/washington-post-confirms-hillary-clinton-started-the-birther-movement/) **2016: Hillary tries to blame Trump!** **Here are the facts:** 1. More than a full year before anyone would hear of Orly Taitz, the Birther strategy was first laid out in the Penn memo. 1. The “othering” foundation was built subliminally by the Clinton campaign itself. 1. Democrats and Clinton campaign surrogates did the dirtiest of the dirty work: openly spread the Birther lies. 1. Staffers in Hillary’s actual campaign used email to spread the lies among other Democrats (this was a Democrat primary after all — so that is the only well you needed to poison a month before a primary). 1. The campaign released the turban photo. 1. Hillary herself used 60 Minutes to further stoke these lies.', ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Ah yes, all the polls I just linked to are wrong and your glib statement is absolutely correct. This trend in the black vote should be the most frightening thing for Clinton fans. If Trump breaks 20% there is no way Hillary wins. He's done a brilliant job of shining the light on decades of Democrat failures in inner cities, and the people are responding.", ">>{Trumpdestroyamerica} : It not frightening, and nobody's talking about is because it isn't happening in reality. Only in your safe space. The black demographic is the only demographic that actually likes Clinton. And overwhelmingly at that.", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : > It not frightening, and nobody's talking about is because it isn't happening in reality. Really, and what do you base that statement on? Your intuition?", ">>{exejpgwmv} : > 15% - 19% > many Come on man. You can't have it both ways", ">>{UvonTheTerrible} : Romney got 6%. Recent Republican candidates have been getting about 5-10%. Most of the political eggheads agree that if Trump gets 20% Hillary can't win. Between the higher numbers supporting Trump, and the significant number who just refuse to support Hillary, she's in trouble.", ">>{exejpgwmv} : > Most of the political eggheads agree that if Trump gets 20% Hillary can't win. Who exactly? Because I've litteraly never heard this.", '>>{WolfgangK} : https://www.facebook.com/vanjones/videos/10154143952024910/ > If only 70 percent don\'t like Donald Trump, that means 30 percent are open to his argument; if he gets half of those, he\'s president," Jones said in a video posted on his Facebook page. "In order for the Democrats to win the White House, they … need 90 to 92 percent of the black vote."', '>>{druuconian} : > Well, considering the polls are currently showing Trump having close to 20% of the black vote now, http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs3/1320851_o.gif Good luck with that!', '>>{SugarBear4Real} : If you are going to make something up why not go bigger and say 50% or 104% of black voters are supporting Trump?', ">>{october-supplies} : I just can't begin to unravel why that's a black specific headline. Not all blacks are from Kenya and I doubt anyone believes Trump feels any kind of remorse for ever posing the birth issue, so what's the point of even making a headline or an article specifically about black people? Did the Trump camp expect that disavowing the birther issue would somehow magically get him the black vote? It's like people are writing articles about something that seems relevant, but when you break down what it is they're trying to say, it just looks like autogenerated punditry from random statistical filler and then trying to apply a controversial edge about something that was never in question. Trump's stance on the birther issue is not a turning point for him, and it certainly wasn't anyone's holdout issue.", ">>{exejpgwmv} : Ignoring the fact that is a Facebook post from one political activist and not a consensus from actual pollsters; allow me to explain why that's wrong. The black vote isn't the only minority group republicans have to worry about, and Trump is doing pretty bad in the majority of them, as in noticeably less than Romney's numbers.", ">>{exejpgwmv} : > I just can't begin to unravel why that's a black specific headline The birther issue is pretty racially motivated.", ">>{october-supplies} : But at this point, bringing it up isn't going to change anything. No one's mind is going to change because Donald Trump took it back. He's more likely to lose some racist voters than win the black vote. It's not like anyone believes much of what he says, that isn't already in his camp. Everyone else knows he a chronic liar that will say anything. It's like writing an article about one particular second of white noise.", '>>{StevenSpielbergOhYes} : Lol those are just the same 3,000 people over and over again.', ">>{mjk1093} : That panel poll has a total of 5 black respondents (that's also why it swings so wildly back and forth between Trump and Clinton, as the one black Trump supporter comes on and off the sampled list.)", '>>{Sorge74} : Yes but Trump was trolled by it for 8 years. She fooled him with the long game.', ">>{exejpgwmv} : Okay, let's back up. What exactly do you think is the point of this article?", ">>{fellatious_argument} : Shouldn't they be equally mad at the Clinton camp for also pushing birther rumors?", '>>{WolfgangK} : Hes, doing same or better than Romney with Latinos and married women', ">>{exejpgwmv} : No, It's trying to point out what you said earlier. That black people aren't fooled by his sudden turn around.", ">>{october-supplies} : They're not. There wasn't any chance they were going to respond one way or another. As I said, he could only lose votes by giving up the birther ghost, and that's news to no one. No one was waiting with bated breath to see what black people were going to do about Donald Trump giving up on the birther nonsense.", ">>{exejpgwmv} : > There wasn't any chance they were going to respond one way or another You don't know that for sure. Neither does anyone else. This is why follow up news stories exist; so that we can know the exact effects of something. And not just our own assumptions about what we think should happen."], [">>{Intern3} : Trump immigration plan draws criticism: 'Tears are running down the Statue of Liberty'", ">>{GOPKillingUSA} : I can't wait until we use this era of American politics as a cautionary tale to our children", ">>{dash47} : I can't wait till we use this as a successful example to the rest of the world", '>>{Intern3} : You\'re more hopeful than I. If things don\'t change and we keep voting men like Trump into office, I fear the adage that history is written by the victors will hold true. Children may hear how the \'golden age\' of Trump ushered in hundreds of years of isolationism where America was made "pure" again.', '>>{GOPKillingUSA} : History was never written by the victors, the Confederate "lost cause" movement is proof enough of that.', ">>{lobst3rclaw} : I suppose it's better for an inanimate object to cry than for mothers and daughters and brothers and sisters and friends to cry after a refugee terrorist blows up a dozen Americans", ">>{BeowulfShaeffer} : You mean it's better for hundreds or thousands of middle-eastern refugees to almost certainly die because of a small chance of a terrorist attack.", ">>{vascopyjama} : [You're the ones blowing them up](http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-bombing-four-seven-counttries-immigration-restrictions-middle-east-north-africa-syria-a7544906.html).", '>>{ElectricZ} : [Amazon Prime already has a documentary on the subject.](https://youtu.be/dDCyEvV6aAE?t=13)', ">>{lobst3rclaw} : Right. I doubt they're very happy with us right now for precisely that reason. We probably shouldn't let people into our country with an axe to grind with us, no?", '>>{CajunBindlestiff} : Because fuck the constitution "Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion to another . . ." Thomas Jefferson', '>>{ItchyThunder} : There is a lot of hypocrisy in this claim because plenty of people in the world cannot come to the US as refugees. The system is rather arbitrary. And it is true that vetting refugees from Syria and Sudan is virtually impossible.', '>>{Citizen_Sn1ps} : Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!', '>>{Cannon1} : Politifact rates this statement as: "Pants on Fire" The Statue of Liberty is not capable of weeping, cringing or walking, despite the depiction in the classic comedy Ghostbusters 2.', '>>{kiddestructo} : Maybe then we can all round them up and put them in concentration camps for the final solution. /s What an isolated, ugly life you must lead.', '>>{MostlyCarbonite} : And then ask "do you love Jesus?" before letting you in', ">>{lobst3rclaw} : You can't have a discussion without calling someone a name, but I'm the man baby? An adult would try to converse, but you lack the maturity", ">>{kiddestructo} : Fear of the unfamiliar is most certainly not an adult trait in any true man's world. Best of luck out there!"]]
classify and reply
['>>{DudeThatsErin} : xposted to r/apple: How much do you spend on apps/in-app purchases? What is your max?', ">>{cajunman4life} : Depends on how useful the app is. I'm not opposed to supporting developers who put great work into a great app.", '>>{DudeThatsErin} : How much would you spend on a good app though? $8? $50? $2? $0.99?', ">>{mycakeday} : I'm pretty picky. But if I know I will use it, or it has come highly recommended I will spend a few bucks. Iscanner, star walk, stuff like that.", ">>{cajunman4life} : Well put it this way. I'm relatively new to the iOS ecosystem. Got my first (personal) iPhone shortly after the release of the 7. The most I've spent on a single app so far is $10. That was a half price special on an app that normally sells for $20. I've bought one other app that was $10 also. Most of the others have been between $0.99 and $5.", '>>{knn328} : On a good app like Notability... AUD15 is my limit.', '>>{kadupse} : I always prefer to pay upfront instead of a subscription, if you can get an app you like by $8 you should go for it.', ">>{Herr_Paschulke} : Spent 29€ on Moog's Model 15 and did never regret it. If you want something - get it. Sometimes it's good to look if the developer updates his app regularly, of course.", ">>{_bearly} : I have spent hundreds of dollars on apps. I don't know what my limit is but I've bought $20-40 apps when I wanted them enough. Then again, the artisanal third-party software ecosystem is the primary reason I use Apple stuff.", ">>{PixelBurst} : Android may have more free apps, but you'll find the top choices across various categories are developed for both iOS and Android anyway, with developers charging the same across both platforms. The apps I bought on Android I could buy on iOS. The free apps I had on Android were free on iOS and both had IAPs for removing ads and such. Anecdotal, but you'll more than likely find yourself in the same boat. Your spending habits really shouldn't change."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{DudeThatsErin} : xposted to r/apple: How much do you spend on apps/in-app purchases? What is your max?', ">>{cajunman4life} : Depends on how useful the app is. I'm not opposed to supporting developers who put great work into a great app.", '>>{DudeThatsErin} : How much would you spend on a good app though? $8? $50? $2? $0.99?', ">>{mycakeday} : I'm pretty picky. But if I know I will use it, or it has come highly recommended I will spend a few bucks. Iscanner, star walk, stuff like that.", ">>{cajunman4life} : Well put it this way. I'm relatively new to the iOS ecosystem. Got my first (personal) iPhone shortly after the release of the 7. The most I've spent on a single app so far is $10. That was a half price special on an app that normally sells for $20. I've bought one other app that was $10 also. Most of the others have been between $0.99 and $5.", '>>{knn328} : On a good app like Notability... AUD15 is my limit.', '>>{kadupse} : I always prefer to pay upfront instead of a subscription, if you can get an app you like by $8 you should go for it.', ">>{Herr_Paschulke} : Spent 29€ on Moog's Model 15 and did never regret it. If you want something - get it. Sometimes it's good to look if the developer updates his app regularly, of course.", ">>{_bearly} : I have spent hundreds of dollars on apps. I don't know what my limit is but I've bought $20-40 apps when I wanted them enough. Then again, the artisanal third-party software ecosystem is the primary reason I use Apple stuff.", ">>{PixelBurst} : Android may have more free apps, but you'll find the top choices across various categories are developed for both iOS and Android anyway, with developers charging the same across both platforms. The apps I bought on Android I could buy on iOS. The free apps I had on Android were free on iOS and both had IAPs for removing ads and such. Anecdotal, but you'll more than likely find yourself in the same boat. Your spending habits really shouldn't change."]]
classify and reply
['>>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : TL;DR: Crybabies hate being called out, ignore that she only said this about half of *Trump supporters.* If you have to lie for a reason to cry, quit fuckin crying and grow up.', ">>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : Journalist who exposed Donald Trump charitable claims and revealed 'grab 'em by the pussy' tape wins Pulitzer", ">>{radicalheadphone} : Giuliani: no conflict in Trump kids running dad's business", '>>{Fatandmean} : Yes they are. It is why a massive majority of scientists agree with the research. Peer reviews are key in the acceptance and how this statement is just plain wrong.', ">>{Wrecksomething} : His financial reporting into Trump's shady dealings had amazing breadth and depth, almost a disservice to summarize it with the single discovery about the charity claim, though it's a memorable one. At the time I remember this sub constantly mentioning a Pulitzer for him, I think this was rather obvious and well earned.", '>>{wistfulmelancholy} : Lamar Smith is so far up the energy companies ass- he is burping coal...', '>>{bickets} : >Smith attended the private high school at TMI — The Episcopal School of Texas and graduated in 1965. He then earned a B.A. in American Studies from Yale University (1969) and a J.D. from Southern Methodist University (1975). Mmmhhmmm... those [credentials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamar_S._Smith) definitely make him an expert on the scientific method.', '>>{kmoros} : Too bad America collectively said "BUT HER EMAILS!" and voted for the clown anyway. Well, enough of America to take the EC anyway.', '>>{2ndprize} : We desperately need journalism to defeat Trump. They almost universally condemned him and were ignored by a huge chunk of the population. They need to be the tip of the spear now', ">>{amc111} : I can't wait to read Trump's twitter rant taking all the credit for David Fahrenthold's Pulitzer and accusing Columbia University of supporting fake news.", '>>{RemoteViewingTrainee} : Good job David Fahrenthold, you grabbed journalism by the Pulitzer', '>>{FuckingWhiteMale78} : She is projecting her [racism](https://youtu.be/IsSDqbot-EI), [homophobia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZkK2_6H9MM) and [misogyny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2f13f2awK4) Deplorable human being.', ">>{SlicedDicedBeef} : Create a nation based on reality. Now THERE'S a concept.", ">>{probablyuntrue} : Let's hope this is just the start of his work though", '>>{NoYourRacist} : Typical liberal bigot. "Everybody who disagrees with me is deplorable! And racist!"', '>>{seamonkeydoo2} : And according to polling data about beliefs among Trump supporters, she was being generous.', ">>{tanto_le_magnificent} : Lets create a nation based on love people. Now check out this predator drone strike I'm about to approve...", '>>{buckwlw} : Trump will vilify the judges... that ruled "against" him and "for" the truth.', '>>{buckwlw} : To be fair, HRC handled the whole private server thing poorly, IMHO. "Wiped it clean... like with a cloth?" Donald may be worse for the world... but HRC was like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. And I\'m NOT a Republican.', '>>{OneFretAway} : I guess I can\'t be doing that badly, because I\'m the president and you\'re not. Donald J. Trump and/or Richard Nixon "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall." God and/or Solomon.', '>>{luckytree2108} : But anyone who is financially successful is automatically evil, right!!?', ">>{fedorabro-69} : Trumperinas are so dead set on pretending that their straw liberal is real because they can't handle the opposition's actual arguments. It's much easier to imagine that your opponent is just name calling for no reason.", '>>{ferruix} : Even the Dalai Lama is in support of force when necessary.', ">>{wraithtek} : > Hillary Calls Americans Racist, Misogynists and Homophobes **(for not liking her!)** No. She's talking about the racists, misogynists, and homophobes that are supporting Donald Trump. You don't have to look very far to find Trump supporters very open about their racism, misogyny, and/or homophobia. And she specifically did not say *all* Trump supporters fall into one of these categories. Didn't make this claim about all voters that don't like her (many of which are not supporting Trump either).", ">>{RosneftTrump2020} : It was some hardcore reporting work, painstakingly contacting each charity since Trump wouldn't give the info.", ">>{dolphins3} : Fun fact: This guy is also supposedly also on Trump's Attorney General shortlist.", ">>{Major_punishment} : If you're not a racist, homophobic misogynistic Trump supporter why are you upset? Not PC enough for you?", ">>{FuckingWhiteMale78} : I never said I'm upset. I just said she was projecting, and is a deplorable human being. It's not news to me.", '>>{PutinsMissingShirt} : I\'m sure his BA in "American Studies" and experience writing for the Christian Science Monitor makes him an expert on the scientific method', ">>{ComradeManafort} : So the alt-Reich isn't racist, misogynist, and homophobic? I'll keep an eye out for Breibart articles supporting gay marriage and gender equality.", '>>{RosneftTrump2020} : What a fabricated nothing issue. It was a steady onslaught of "her emails" for over a year. It was nothing from the start. She may have handled the publicity of it poorly, but there was nothing to it to begin with.', '>>{torento89} : Clinton has always been a divisive candidate with zero interest in bringing Americans together (just look at the way she intentionally alienated BernieBros during the primaries). "Divide and conquer" is her MO. Ironically Trump would unify the country more, since both democrats and republicans would turn on him.', ">>{Nosnownow} : Well I'm not a liberal and certainly not a bigot but explain this comment by Trump for me then; “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” Yeah, that is so presidential", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Except there very clearly is a conflict of interest. The Trump kids are running the family business while being in constant contact with the President.', '>>{LongDevil} : If Lamar Smith was put on the spot and asked to recite all basic steps of the scientific method and could do it, then I would be truly surprised.', ">>{jcw4455} : Read the full quote. She was right. Half of Trump supporters are looking for change and are tired of the system. They don't believe everything he says, but they think he might have the right answer. The other half are racist mother fuckers. We've seen the white nationalists, Confederate flags, racial epithets yelled at rallies. You cant keep pretending that Trump doesn't appeal to these people and that he hasn't intentionally given them a voice.", ">>{zigzagmachine} : Whether you agree with Trump's complaints about media bias or not, he's handing the media a reason to *legitimately* question his every decision during his entire presidency.", ">>{sm0kie420} : The media got exposed by WikiLeaks for colluding with the DNC against Bernie and Trump. Thank God for whistle blowers like Edward Snowden and Wikileaks. Don't worry, we will remind people when it's time to vote.", ">>{Old_and_angry} : Oh Jesus! If it's not SC, it fucking TX. Can we please just get the fuck rid of these idiots and move on?", '>>{soalone34} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig You see no issue with a supposed "equal voice" system allowing this unequal amount of power? We\'ve seen the result of this, we\'ve seen how much suffering happened in 2008.', ">>{Randomusername_999} : That's why we're gonna elect trump. An America based on reality TV", '>>{tapptwit} : Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM86Bl4jSEI At 1:28:16, Smith asks about a source. When he hears that the source is Science, he says "that is not known as an objective writer or magazine."', ">>{Adamj1} : Oh. Well I'm glad that's settled. Weird how the whole Clinton Foundation accusations were unmitigated evil. But Ruby says it's cool, so no worries.", ">>{popname} : And Obama has a Nobel. Prizes don't have much meaning any more.", '>>{just_too_kind} : The key word here is "necessary". If we overload the term "necessary" to mean "necessary to ensure the safety of the American people and way of life", then the *vast majority* of drone strikes aren\'t necessary.', ">>{douche_or_turd_2016} : I didn't realize this was the same person. Exposing Trumps fake charity was some of the best journalism I saw all election. The access Hollywood tape seemed like something that would have been dug up by paid political operatives looking for mud to sling. It's good that it was made public, but the level of journalism involved in quoting Trumps own words back to him is far less than researching the history, relationships, and financial transactions of Trump's phony charity.", '>>{futurefightthrowaway} : They are all brainwasssshed. Peer review is just peer pressssure. Ssssheep.', ">>{douche_or_turd_2016} : You obviously were not paying attention. It's sad so many people are either too ignorant to care about facts, or OK with undermining the democratic process as long as they get their way. If you want to say its nothing that should have made people vote for Trump over Clinton, than I 100% agree and that is a perfectly valid claim. However, claiming it was 'fabricated' and 'nothing from the start' is not something that is backed up by facts, unless you are OK with dishonesty and corruption in American politics. To you, cheating in a debate is 'nothing', preferential treatment from the DNC, whose own by-laws state they must be impartial, is 'nothing'. Repeatedly lying to the American people about why you flip flopped on bankruptcy reform is 'nothing'", '>>{buckwlw} : That\'s what I\'m worried about... it\'s not enough to say that HRC would have been better than someone else. She simply does not "deserve" to be president because the alternative is less acceptable. She had a "likeability problem".', ">>{VINCE_C_} : Why couldn't we just leave this clown out of public picture, rot forgotten and irrelevant.", '>>{Old_and_angry} : I can attest that no one in the South voluntarily goes to an Episcopal School. That\'s where they send the bad boys to get them some religion! That or military school, but there was never a teen who said "I want to go to the Episcopal School," unless they were brainwashed by their parents. I was born and raised a SC Episcopalian, and some of the baddest boys around came from the Episcopal school in town -- really, really bad boys. Rich, but BAAAD.', ">>{luckytree2108} : That has nothing to do with what I said. I don't disagree with the Princeton study. I was commenting on the (unfortunate) jumps to conclusions a lot of young Sanders supporters have now that if you're (at this moment in time, that is....since our economic brackets are still rather fluid) in the top 10, 5, or 1%, then you're somehow the cause of every evil thing in our country, and that wealth and success should be frowned upon. Do wealthy people/entities take advantage of elected officials and powerless people? Yes. I didn't need a study from an Ivy League school and cute video to tell me that. Does that mean that I should be verbally assaulted and immediately judged as immoral by hoards of Sanders kids because I own a successful small business? No.", '>>{buckwlw} : It\'s not so much the emails as it is the existence of a private server, previously undisclosed, and here-to-fore without a reasonable explanation. Her stated reason was ~"so she didn\'t have to have too many devices..." or something to that affect. Really??', '>>{RosneftTrump2020} : I guess I never saw that as a big deal. So did Mike Pence and Dick Cheney.', ">>{TheLadyEve} : No one should listen to anything Giuliani has to say. Dude's as crooked as a dog's hind leg and nutty as a Christmas cake.", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : So you\'re saying "love" and "reality" are mutually exclusive. Is it because almost literally every human is a selfish, dumb asshole? Is that the way you prefer things? Do you want them to stay that way? Should we all accept Idiocracy as our waking life forever? That\'s so lazy and awful. We could have a nation based on love, but everyone sucks too much. And you love it that way.', '>>{Dissidentt} : Look for Uday and Qusay to diversify and start a new branch of the company called Trump Armaments. Deals with Saudi Arabia will be completely above board. /s', ">>{douche_or_turd_2016} : I generally agree, but when we were unfortunately forced into a situation where either Trump or HRC would be president, it should have been HRC. But she never really ran on her own merits even before that, it was always mud slinging and rarely if ever proffers of solutions. IMO she had far more than a 'likeability' problem. HRC has a problem with integrity, ethics, and judgement. HRC's senate voting record should have been enough for liberals to seek a better candidate.", '>>{BerningTendies} : And yet they were worried about the Clinton Foundation being a conflict of interest. What the fuck.', '>>{TheTossedSalad} : Where have Sanders supporters called you immoral for running a small business? I doubt anyone has ever said that to you.', '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : I wonder how the Hillary haters feel about this considering how they feel about the Clinton Foundation. If someone donated money to the charity it was treated like a direct deposit into her personal accounts. So how does this make Trump look?', '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : It is a legitimate charity. The top charity watch dogs give it top marks.', '>>{Unstumpt} : An ideal quarantine for people who think saying love a lot will fix our problems', ">>{-LiterallyHitler} : It is becoming increasingly obvious this country isn't big enough for both hippies and conservatives.", ">>{RobToastie} : Ok Lamar Smith, that is your hypothesis. Now you need to test that with an experiment. [Here's](http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method.shtml) a quick scientific method reference for you buddy!", ">>{bdog2g2} : If he could get the first step right, I'd probably eat a hat.", '>>{WinToGo} : Anyone bashing this probably wasn\'t hugged enough by their parents. He didn\'t even say anything spectacular, just added this to the usual "let\'s not be racist bigots". Tensions within the population are high and some people don\'t like it that way.', '>>{OliverQ27} : And will likely be the new Attorney General, so Trump can do anything illegal he wants and get away with it. And Clinton is the corrupt one...', ">>{jobrody} : When he dies, he should have his ashes scattered. If there's a grave, there will be a line around the block to piss on it.", ">>{TheLastHonestMan} : [Socially acceptable mental illness isn't really a problem but I wouldn't call it something you need a lot more of.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U226KDXA9Y)", ">>{flameruler94} : Tbf, Sanders has said the drone program, while possibly useful, does need to be seriously reigned in with higher use of discretion. It's difficult to get a more specific estimation of his stance because questions on drones aren't often asked, since both parties enjoy bombing things.", ">>{ricdesi} : I'm sure he'd say the same thing about Chelsea running the Clinton Foundation in he reverse scenario. /s", ">>{theRealRedherring} : I was here to say 'put up or shut up.' I'm glad you got here first.", '>>{ja734} : Its a bit hypocritical of him to come out and say that after he spent an entire campaign accusing anyone that didnt support him of being "corrupt" and "establishment".', ">>{Finkelton} : yeah... wait... no wow just holy crap that is the best you've got? try harder", '>>{ja734} : that was a lot of words you used to say nothing.', '>>{Latyon} : Are we talking Ethan Couch bad or Ralph "Boy Pussy" Shortey bad?', '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : Pointing out the truth, that Hillary has been bought by every corporation and changes her policies to fit their whims, is not accusing her of being a "racist bigot." "Corruption" and being a part of the corrupt "establishment" are not inborn qualities. Hillary earned them fair and square, just like her friend Marc Rich earned his conviction. (But not his pardon.)', '>>{Kunundrum85} : We should give Texas (with the Texans) back to Mexico, and then build that wall.', '>>{ja734} : Way to let that whole point sail right over your head. It doesnt matter how you feel about Clinton. The fact is, you cant use hyper divisive rhetoric like that and then be surprised when political tensions are high and have led to an environment where people hate each other. Just look at how he reacted to planned parenthood endorsing Clinton. They are universally considered to do good work that progressives are in favor of, but the moment they endorsed the person he was running aginst, they became part of the "establishment". Look at how his supporters treated Warren, who has a great history of fighting for consumer rights. Bernie created that climate. He bears responsibility for the environment of political hate we find ourselves in, and for him to act like he cares so much about solving that is insulting.', '>>{CarlTheRedditor} : The former types grow up to be the latter types.', ">>{BobDylan530} : There is a huge difference between divisions based on legitimate policy issues and divisions based on meaningless hatred. Refusing to align yourself with corrupt people is not even close to the same thing as spouting hatred because of some aspect of someone's personal life. Planned Parenthood choosing to make an endorsement in the first place is a sign that they care less about their issues and more about power and status. Both Clinton and Sanders have stellar records from Planned Parenthood - Sanders actually edges Clinton out a little bit but both of them are highly rated, there's no point in quibbling about who is better on this particular issue. Nobody expected Planned Parenthood to endorse Bernie. What they should have done was remain neutral. Their endorsement in a Democratic primary implies that only one of the two Democrats stands with Planned Parenthood on the issues, which is patently ludicrous.", ">>{CarlTheRedditor} : Y'all gonna have to deal with refugees from Austin seeking asylum.", ">>{bdog2g2} : Step 2: State your political party. doh! I fucked it up didnt' I?", '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : What matters more? Rhetoric or actually doing the right thing? Doing things that will help the country instead of just screeching words about our daughters and their dreams?', '>>{spacetimecliff} : Texans are quite capable of applying the scientific method I assure you. Smith is compromised by his funders. Place your blame more accurately in the future. Gerrymandering is the only reason this shithead gets to keep his seat.', ">>{puffykilled2pac} : Hard to do when you're importing thousands that hate your culture.", ">>{Kunundrum85} : I didn't say Texans couldn't apply the scientific method... it was a joke... lighten up.", '>>{9001_Dalmatians} : Not every human, just the vast majority. Democracy at work!', ">>{spacetimecliff} : It's a lazy joke. Texans are a proud group, and many despise Lamar Smith.", ">>{elevatefromthenorm} : It's the scientists who are greedy, not his parties humble lobbyists.", ">>{WinToGo} : I don't remember him saying that anyone who doesn't support him of being corrupt and establishment. That's saying the people who voted for Clinton and Trump are corrupt, which is nonsense. What I do remember being pointed out was the corrupting influence of money in politics. It just so happens that his opponent was essentially the poster child for this system.", ">>{Kunundrum85} : I wasn't going for Chappelle level material or anything. I'm genuinely a lazy person, so the shoe fits.", ">>{wearthewildthingsr} : Sanders: And the people to blame for this tragedy in Orlando is Wall Street and the 1%. We cannot have these big banks committing these atrocities! Go home you old man. You're no longer relevant asshole.", '>>{mutatron} : [Texas 21st district map](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/embed/mapframe?state=tx&district=21&bounds=-99.654,30.629,-97.997,29.229). Li\'l bit out of San Antone, li\'l bit out of Austin, then let\'s just throw in these ultra-conservative Hill Country counties to "balance" it out, if you know what I mean.', '>>{huggmachine} : This is the guy that said Trump is the only one people can go to for the truth.', '>>{Old_and_angry} : Basically, either or both. Same goes for Catholic school. There are some stone-cold crazy people in religious schools. I had a HS friend who was so bad that his father finally had to ship him off to military school, where he "allegedly" escaped and raped some girl, but he was never charged. He just came back to our school, where he promptly got the head cheerleader pregnant, then skipped off to college, where she followed him around for years. She turned out to be a pole dancer/hooker and he inherited his dad\'s business and went to live the high life in Hawaii. Died just recently, but no cause of death was listed anywhere. I\'m thinking it was something scandalous like AIDS or drugs, because that family was all about bragging about everthing. His sister and brother both died, and their causes of death (cancer and MS) were both put into their obituaries. His just said he died. Well, his kids and wife are rich as shit now, so the cycle continues.', ">>{OhMy8008} : I don't mind conservatives. This country isn't big enough for Hill$hills and progressives though, sickens me.", ">>{gravitas73} : Do you even think before you shit post like this? If they hated our culture, why the fuck wouldn't they goto ISIS instead?", ">>{Old_and_angry} : NO! I plan on retiring to Mexico! Please don't send them down there! :(", ">>{smilincriminal} : I mean, the top 20 percent of people's share of wealth is ridiculous. [graph](http://images.christianpost.com/full/67165/income-inequality-in-america.png)", ">>{puffykilled2pac} : Because they're still human. Free money and easy living appeals to everyone. Incredibly naive to say otherwise.", '>>{CousinImar} : I think this is great. Maybe some of his supporters here will become a little nicer.', '>>{kutwijf} : Maybe Hillary and Trump supporters will become a little nicer.', ">>{wearthewildthingsr} : lol no, he's done. and he's hurting party unity and costing us $38k a day with his stupid secret service detail. he should stop the bleeding and drop out with some dignity.", '>>{wearthewildthingsr} : yes he should you teenager. his security is 38k a day so you should "match him bro".', '>>{Ins_Weltall} : Yeah, popular Senators are totally irrelevant. /s', '>>{Ins_Weltall} : Where is all this free money you speak of?', '>>{wearthewildthingsr} : I just threw a chair and stole $50 from my mom to donate. match me bro.', '>>{Handsome_Fella} : Ah, summoning his inner hippie. ... Not that I have anything against hippies, by the way.', ">>{smilincriminal} : That's pretty hardcore, dude. You didn't need to steal from your moms. But all right, matched to Tim Canova :D", ">>{Landown} : No no no, see, you're being silly. Stereotyping someone wantonly based on their race is extremely wrong. Stereotyping someone wantonly based on the amount of money they make is progressive.", '>>{Antrophis} : No such thing as a nation based on love. Besides love and hate are way to close to each other for such a thing to be a good idea.', '>>{Antrophis} : Are you trying to prove yourself wrong? Because that is what it looks like.', ">>{peterkeats} : Nope. Sanders just at keeps saying his opponent is supported by establishment and took a lot of donations from people supported platforms she claims she doesn't support. If you support her, that doesn't make you establishment or corrupt per se. I can see how someone might mistake the logic though.", ">>{-LiterallyHitler} : Very true. Hillary is so full of shit. If Trump turns out to be stumping for her i'm going to be so pissed.", '>>{BrainPenetrator} : And then he pulled out his guitar and led everyone in a rousing rendition of Kumbaya. If Chicago and San Jose are an indication of this dipshit\'s "nation of love" it\'s off to a bit of a rocky start.', ">>{BrainPenetrator} : >Anyone bashing this probably wasn't hugged enough by their parents. I probably wasn't to be honest... but that's not really relevant and does nothing to change the fact that this is really fucking stupid.", ">>{CorrectedRecord} : Jesus the replies to this. Fucking Clintonites need to chill the hell out. For people who don't think they need Sanders supporters, they all seem on edge and worried. So freaking hostile.", ">>{CorrectedRecord} : So you can say Sanders supporters aren't nice but when others say the same about your candidates supporters, they're wrong? K lol", ">>{CorrectedRecord} : Because asking to spread love is being an asshole, don't you know?", ">>{thefivestagesofbern} : > Anyone bashing this probably wasn't hugged enough by their parents. And everyone who thinks peace and love is realistic, was hugged too much.", ">>{thefivestagesofbern} : > Rhetoric or actually doing the right thing? Apparently the former to Sanders. His campaign was nothing but divisive rhetoric. It's that shallowness and constant defaulting to stump speeches that lost him any chance of ever winning.", '>>{thefivestagesofbern} : But he was even bad at being a hippie. He got kicked out of commune for not doing his fair share of work.', '>>{DoctorDiscourse} : Hopefully the Democratic party can learn to love each other well enough to beat Trump badly at the polls this year.', ">>{rickjames730} : We can make a nation based on love without taxing everyone and everything to pay for the 'love'.", '>>{WrightFlyersDryer} : Lol. You have some serious issues man/woman. One day you won\'t be so hateful - hopefully. Love is a foundation of humanity and you\'re all through this thread denigrating and disparaging that which has been a huge factor in the making of -- well, you. You admit you weren\'t loved or hugged enough as a child, maybe that should tell you something? Anyway, before you say something like, "I was an accident and my parent\'s didn\'t love each other," you can\'t say that for the rest of your lineage. Try and find some basic compassion and exercise it a little bit.', ">>{sweatybronson} : Families should be based on love. Communities can be. Countries? Law. Law and Grace - you can't rely on the latter when you're constructing a nation.", ">>{LucksRunOut} : Uhm, most of the shitty comments come from people who primarily post on /r/the_donald. There is one primarily hillary poster though. Just one. But lets not let facts get in the way of a circlejerk. It's working for Trump.", '>>{Letchworth} : And understanding, and maybe sympathy and trust abounding.', '>>{Letchworth} : Hippies dont do fair shares of work. They do just enough to not have to work any further.', ">>{luckytree2108} : That's a static observation. While the chunks held by the upper brackets are very top heavy, there's a good amount of fluidity in and out of the top income brackets. You can't just take a snapshot of the wealth distribution and assume that that snapshot represents enduring classes of people.", '>>{TahMephs} : You know, this is a perfect example of how partisan bias can twist what are pretty straightforward words and actions into something completely manifest contrary to the reality', '>>{TahMephs} : Replace "human" with "American" and you\'ve got the reason why it\'s only our country that doesn\'t seem to "get it"', '>>{TahMephs} : He\'s never proposed taxing "everyone and everything".', '>>{TahMephs} : You should go masquerade as a refugee so you can live this wonderful high life with them where the rivers run over with wine and money falls from the sky. Or better yet live one day in their shoes where the foreign equivalent of the Westboro baptist church (with assault rifles) is trying to kill you every day. You can talk real big from the comfort of your la-z-boy watching the sportsball and complaining about how these people are ruining your life or you could think for one second that where they\'re coming from is literally hell on earth and they\'re not cramping your relatively comfortable and posh lifestyle one bit, while you gladly let the corporate parasites of this world empty your pockets so they don\'t have to pay their workers, and siphon your retirement every time they fuck up and the stock market plummets, using you as a golden parachute. Maybe rethink your priorities and who is really "ruining your life"', ">>{rickjames730} : Those trillion dollar social programs aren't going to run on wall streets profits.", '>>{TahMephs} : He has outlined his plan pretty clearly and nowhere does the plan involve taxing you', '>>{smilincriminal} : Where are you getting this assumption from? Countless studies dating back decades have found that socioeconomic mobility remains low in the US and has been since the 70s.', '>>{luckytree2108} : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4309558/ Interesting: 11% of people (age 25-60) have at least a year in the top 1%. However, geographic and racial factors obviously play a role in the specific individual observed. edit grammar', ">>{wearthewildthingsr} : Exhibit B: Deluded Sandroid who can't see he's done and that his economic policies don't add up unless you do Bernie Math."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{radicalheadphone} : Giuliani: no conflict in Trump kids running dad's business", ">>{dolphins3} : Fun fact: This guy is also supposedly also on Trump's Attorney General shortlist.", '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Except there very clearly is a conflict of interest. The Trump kids are running the family business while being in constant contact with the President.', ">>{zigzagmachine} : Whether you agree with Trump's complaints about media bias or not, he's handing the media a reason to *legitimately* question his every decision during his entire presidency.", ">>{Adamj1} : Oh. Well I'm glad that's settled. Weird how the whole Clinton Foundation accusations were unmitigated evil. But Ruby says it's cool, so no worries.", ">>{VINCE_C_} : Why couldn't we just leave this clown out of public picture, rot forgotten and irrelevant.", ">>{TheLadyEve} : No one should listen to anything Giuliani has to say. Dude's as crooked as a dog's hind leg and nutty as a Christmas cake.", '>>{Dissidentt} : Look for Uday and Qusay to diversify and start a new branch of the company called Trump Armaments. Deals with Saudi Arabia will be completely above board. /s', '>>{BerningTendies} : And yet they were worried about the Clinton Foundation being a conflict of interest. What the fuck.', '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : I wonder how the Hillary haters feel about this considering how they feel about the Clinton Foundation. If someone donated money to the charity it was treated like a direct deposit into her personal accounts. So how does this make Trump look?', '>>{_Bubba_Ho-Tep_} : It is a legitimate charity. The top charity watch dogs give it top marks.', '>>{OliverQ27} : And will likely be the new Attorney General, so Trump can do anything illegal he wants and get away with it. And Clinton is the corrupt one...', ">>{jobrody} : When he dies, he should have his ashes scattered. If there's a grave, there will be a line around the block to piss on it.", ">>{ricdesi} : I'm sure he'd say the same thing about Chelsea running the Clinton Foundation in he reverse scenario. /s"], ['>>{Fatandmean} : Yes they are. It is why a massive majority of scientists agree with the research. Peer reviews are key in the acceptance and how this statement is just plain wrong.', '>>{wistfulmelancholy} : Lamar Smith is so far up the energy companies ass- he is burping coal...', '>>{bickets} : >Smith attended the private high school at TMI — The Episcopal School of Texas and graduated in 1965. He then earned a B.A. in American Studies from Yale University (1969) and a J.D. from Southern Methodist University (1975). Mmmhhmmm... those [credentials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamar_S._Smith) definitely make him an expert on the scientific method.', '>>{PutinsMissingShirt} : I\'m sure his BA in "American Studies" and experience writing for the Christian Science Monitor makes him an expert on the scientific method', '>>{LongDevil} : If Lamar Smith was put on the spot and asked to recite all basic steps of the scientific method and could do it, then I would be truly surprised.', ">>{Old_and_angry} : Oh Jesus! If it's not SC, it fucking TX. Can we please just get the fuck rid of these idiots and move on?", '>>{tapptwit} : Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WM86Bl4jSEI At 1:28:16, Smith asks about a source. When he hears that the source is Science, he says "that is not known as an objective writer or magazine."', '>>{futurefightthrowaway} : They are all brainwasssshed. Peer review is just peer pressssure. Ssssheep.', '>>{Old_and_angry} : I can attest that no one in the South voluntarily goes to an Episcopal School. That\'s where they send the bad boys to get them some religion! That or military school, but there was never a teen who said "I want to go to the Episcopal School," unless they were brainwashed by their parents. I was born and raised a SC Episcopalian, and some of the baddest boys around came from the Episcopal school in town -- really, really bad boys. Rich, but BAAAD.', ">>{RobToastie} : Ok Lamar Smith, that is your hypothesis. Now you need to test that with an experiment. [Here's](http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_scientific_method.shtml) a quick scientific method reference for you buddy!", ">>{bdog2g2} : If he could get the first step right, I'd probably eat a hat.", ">>{theRealRedherring} : I was here to say 'put up or shut up.' I'm glad you got here first.", '>>{Latyon} : Are we talking Ethan Couch bad or Ralph "Boy Pussy" Shortey bad?', '>>{Kunundrum85} : We should give Texas (with the Texans) back to Mexico, and then build that wall.', '>>{CarlTheRedditor} : The former types grow up to be the latter types.', ">>{CarlTheRedditor} : Y'all gonna have to deal with refugees from Austin seeking asylum.", ">>{bdog2g2} : Step 2: State your political party. doh! I fucked it up didnt' I?", '>>{spacetimecliff} : Texans are quite capable of applying the scientific method I assure you. Smith is compromised by his funders. Place your blame more accurately in the future. Gerrymandering is the only reason this shithead gets to keep his seat.', ">>{Kunundrum85} : I didn't say Texans couldn't apply the scientific method... it was a joke... lighten up.", ">>{spacetimecliff} : It's a lazy joke. Texans are a proud group, and many despise Lamar Smith.", ">>{elevatefromthenorm} : It's the scientists who are greedy, not his parties humble lobbyists.", ">>{Kunundrum85} : I wasn't going for Chappelle level material or anything. I'm genuinely a lazy person, so the shoe fits.", '>>{mutatron} : [Texas 21st district map](https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/embed/mapframe?state=tx&district=21&bounds=-99.654,30.629,-97.997,29.229). Li\'l bit out of San Antone, li\'l bit out of Austin, then let\'s just throw in these ultra-conservative Hill Country counties to "balance" it out, if you know what I mean.', '>>{huggmachine} : This is the guy that said Trump is the only one people can go to for the truth.', '>>{Old_and_angry} : Basically, either or both. Same goes for Catholic school. There are some stone-cold crazy people in religious schools. I had a HS friend who was so bad that his father finally had to ship him off to military school, where he "allegedly" escaped and raped some girl, but he was never charged. He just came back to our school, where he promptly got the head cheerleader pregnant, then skipped off to college, where she followed him around for years. She turned out to be a pole dancer/hooker and he inherited his dad\'s business and went to live the high life in Hawaii. Died just recently, but no cause of death was listed anywhere. I\'m thinking it was something scandalous like AIDS or drugs, because that family was all about bragging about everthing. His sister and brother both died, and their causes of death (cancer and MS) were both put into their obituaries. His just said he died. Well, his kids and wife are rich as shit now, so the cycle continues.', ">>{Old_and_angry} : NO! I plan on retiring to Mexico! Please don't send them down there! :("], ['>>{GI_Malpractice_TA} : TL;DR: Crybabies hate being called out, ignore that she only said this about half of *Trump supporters.* If you have to lie for a reason to cry, quit fuckin crying and grow up.', '>>{FuckingWhiteMale78} : She is projecting her [racism](https://youtu.be/IsSDqbot-EI), [homophobia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZkK2_6H9MM) and [misogyny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2f13f2awK4) Deplorable human being.', '>>{NoYourRacist} : Typical liberal bigot. "Everybody who disagrees with me is deplorable! And racist!"', '>>{seamonkeydoo2} : And according to polling data about beliefs among Trump supporters, she was being generous.', ">>{fedorabro-69} : Trumperinas are so dead set on pretending that their straw liberal is real because they can't handle the opposition's actual arguments. It's much easier to imagine that your opponent is just name calling for no reason.", ">>{wraithtek} : > Hillary Calls Americans Racist, Misogynists and Homophobes **(for not liking her!)** No. She's talking about the racists, misogynists, and homophobes that are supporting Donald Trump. You don't have to look very far to find Trump supporters very open about their racism, misogyny, and/or homophobia. And she specifically did not say *all* Trump supporters fall into one of these categories. Didn't make this claim about all voters that don't like her (many of which are not supporting Trump either).", ">>{Major_punishment} : If you're not a racist, homophobic misogynistic Trump supporter why are you upset? Not PC enough for you?", ">>{FuckingWhiteMale78} : I never said I'm upset. I just said she was projecting, and is a deplorable human being. It's not news to me.", ">>{ComradeManafort} : So the alt-Reich isn't racist, misogynist, and homophobic? I'll keep an eye out for Breibart articles supporting gay marriage and gender equality.", '>>{torento89} : Clinton has always been a divisive candidate with zero interest in bringing Americans together (just look at the way she intentionally alienated BernieBros during the primaries). "Divide and conquer" is her MO. Ironically Trump would unify the country more, since both democrats and republicans would turn on him.', ">>{Nosnownow} : Well I'm not a liberal and certainly not a bigot but explain this comment by Trump for me then; “You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” Yeah, that is so presidential", ">>{jcw4455} : Read the full quote. She was right. Half of Trump supporters are looking for change and are tired of the system. They don't believe everything he says, but they think he might have the right answer. The other half are racist mother fuckers. We've seen the white nationalists, Confederate flags, racial epithets yelled at rallies. You cant keep pretending that Trump doesn't appeal to these people and that he hasn't intentionally given them a voice."], [">>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : Journalist who exposed Donald Trump charitable claims and revealed 'grab 'em by the pussy' tape wins Pulitzer", ">>{Wrecksomething} : His financial reporting into Trump's shady dealings had amazing breadth and depth, almost a disservice to summarize it with the single discovery about the charity claim, though it's a memorable one. At the time I remember this sub constantly mentioning a Pulitzer for him, I think this was rather obvious and well earned.", '>>{kmoros} : Too bad America collectively said "BUT HER EMAILS!" and voted for the clown anyway. Well, enough of America to take the EC anyway.', '>>{2ndprize} : We desperately need journalism to defeat Trump. They almost universally condemned him and were ignored by a huge chunk of the population. They need to be the tip of the spear now', ">>{amc111} : I can't wait to read Trump's twitter rant taking all the credit for David Fahrenthold's Pulitzer and accusing Columbia University of supporting fake news.", '>>{RemoteViewingTrainee} : Good job David Fahrenthold, you grabbed journalism by the Pulitzer', ">>{probablyuntrue} : Let's hope this is just the start of his work though", '>>{buckwlw} : Trump will vilify the judges... that ruled "against" him and "for" the truth.', '>>{buckwlw} : To be fair, HRC handled the whole private server thing poorly, IMHO. "Wiped it clean... like with a cloth?" Donald may be worse for the world... but HRC was like fingernails on a chalkboard for me. And I\'m NOT a Republican.', '>>{OneFretAway} : I guess I can\'t be doing that badly, because I\'m the president and you\'re not. Donald J. Trump and/or Richard Nixon "Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before the fall." God and/or Solomon.', ">>{RosneftTrump2020} : It was some hardcore reporting work, painstakingly contacting each charity since Trump wouldn't give the info.", '>>{RosneftTrump2020} : What a fabricated nothing issue. It was a steady onslaught of "her emails" for over a year. It was nothing from the start. She may have handled the publicity of it poorly, but there was nothing to it to begin with.', ">>{sm0kie420} : The media got exposed by WikiLeaks for colluding with the DNC against Bernie and Trump. Thank God for whistle blowers like Edward Snowden and Wikileaks. Don't worry, we will remind people when it's time to vote.", ">>{popname} : And Obama has a Nobel. Prizes don't have much meaning any more.", ">>{douche_or_turd_2016} : I didn't realize this was the same person. Exposing Trumps fake charity was some of the best journalism I saw all election. The access Hollywood tape seemed like something that would have been dug up by paid political operatives looking for mud to sling. It's good that it was made public, but the level of journalism involved in quoting Trumps own words back to him is far less than researching the history, relationships, and financial transactions of Trump's phony charity.", ">>{douche_or_turd_2016} : You obviously were not paying attention. It's sad so many people are either too ignorant to care about facts, or OK with undermining the democratic process as long as they get their way. If you want to say its nothing that should have made people vote for Trump over Clinton, than I 100% agree and that is a perfectly valid claim. However, claiming it was 'fabricated' and 'nothing from the start' is not something that is backed up by facts, unless you are OK with dishonesty and corruption in American politics. To you, cheating in a debate is 'nothing', preferential treatment from the DNC, whose own by-laws state they must be impartial, is 'nothing'. Repeatedly lying to the American people about why you flip flopped on bankruptcy reform is 'nothing'", '>>{buckwlw} : That\'s what I\'m worried about... it\'s not enough to say that HRC would have been better than someone else. She simply does not "deserve" to be president because the alternative is less acceptable. She had a "likeability problem".', '>>{buckwlw} : It\'s not so much the emails as it is the existence of a private server, previously undisclosed, and here-to-fore without a reasonable explanation. Her stated reason was ~"so she didn\'t have to have too many devices..." or something to that affect. Really??', '>>{RosneftTrump2020} : I guess I never saw that as a big deal. So did Mike Pence and Dick Cheney.', ">>{douche_or_turd_2016} : I generally agree, but when we were unfortunately forced into a situation where either Trump or HRC would be president, it should have been HRC. But she never really ran on her own merits even before that, it was always mud slinging and rarely if ever proffers of solutions. IMO she had far more than a 'likeability' problem. HRC has a problem with integrity, ethics, and judgement. HRC's senate voting record should have been enough for liberals to seek a better candidate."], [">>{SlicedDicedBeef} : Create a nation based on reality. Now THERE'S a concept.", ">>{tanto_le_magnificent} : Lets create a nation based on love people. Now check out this predator drone strike I'm about to approve...", '>>{luckytree2108} : But anyone who is financially successful is automatically evil, right!!?', '>>{ferruix} : Even the Dalai Lama is in support of force when necessary.', '>>{soalone34} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig You see no issue with a supposed "equal voice" system allowing this unequal amount of power? We\'ve seen the result of this, we\'ve seen how much suffering happened in 2008.', ">>{Randomusername_999} : That's why we're gonna elect trump. An America based on reality TV", '>>{just_too_kind} : The key word here is "necessary". If we overload the term "necessary" to mean "necessary to ensure the safety of the American people and way of life", then the *vast majority* of drone strikes aren\'t necessary.', ">>{luckytree2108} : That has nothing to do with what I said. I don't disagree with the Princeton study. I was commenting on the (unfortunate) jumps to conclusions a lot of young Sanders supporters have now that if you're (at this moment in time, that is....since our economic brackets are still rather fluid) in the top 10, 5, or 1%, then you're somehow the cause of every evil thing in our country, and that wealth and success should be frowned upon. Do wealthy people/entities take advantage of elected officials and powerless people? Yes. I didn't need a study from an Ivy League school and cute video to tell me that. Does that mean that I should be verbally assaulted and immediately judged as immoral by hoards of Sanders kids because I own a successful small business? No.", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : So you\'re saying "love" and "reality" are mutually exclusive. Is it because almost literally every human is a selfish, dumb asshole? Is that the way you prefer things? Do you want them to stay that way? Should we all accept Idiocracy as our waking life forever? That\'s so lazy and awful. We could have a nation based on love, but everyone sucks too much. And you love it that way.', '>>{TheTossedSalad} : Where have Sanders supporters called you immoral for running a small business? I doubt anyone has ever said that to you.', '>>{Unstumpt} : An ideal quarantine for people who think saying love a lot will fix our problems', ">>{-LiterallyHitler} : It is becoming increasingly obvious this country isn't big enough for both hippies and conservatives.", '>>{WinToGo} : Anyone bashing this probably wasn\'t hugged enough by their parents. He didn\'t even say anything spectacular, just added this to the usual "let\'s not be racist bigots". Tensions within the population are high and some people don\'t like it that way.', ">>{TheLastHonestMan} : [Socially acceptable mental illness isn't really a problem but I wouldn't call it something you need a lot more of.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U226KDXA9Y)", ">>{flameruler94} : Tbf, Sanders has said the drone program, while possibly useful, does need to be seriously reigned in with higher use of discretion. It's difficult to get a more specific estimation of his stance because questions on drones aren't often asked, since both parties enjoy bombing things.", '>>{ja734} : Its a bit hypocritical of him to come out and say that after he spent an entire campaign accusing anyone that didnt support him of being "corrupt" and "establishment".', ">>{Finkelton} : yeah... wait... no wow just holy crap that is the best you've got? try harder", '>>{ja734} : that was a lot of words you used to say nothing.', '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : Pointing out the truth, that Hillary has been bought by every corporation and changes her policies to fit their whims, is not accusing her of being a "racist bigot." "Corruption" and being a part of the corrupt "establishment" are not inborn qualities. Hillary earned them fair and square, just like her friend Marc Rich earned his conviction. (But not his pardon.)', '>>{ja734} : Way to let that whole point sail right over your head. It doesnt matter how you feel about Clinton. The fact is, you cant use hyper divisive rhetoric like that and then be surprised when political tensions are high and have led to an environment where people hate each other. Just look at how he reacted to planned parenthood endorsing Clinton. They are universally considered to do good work that progressives are in favor of, but the moment they endorsed the person he was running aginst, they became part of the "establishment". Look at how his supporters treated Warren, who has a great history of fighting for consumer rights. Bernie created that climate. He bears responsibility for the environment of political hate we find ourselves in, and for him to act like he cares so much about solving that is insulting.', ">>{BobDylan530} : There is a huge difference between divisions based on legitimate policy issues and divisions based on meaningless hatred. Refusing to align yourself with corrupt people is not even close to the same thing as spouting hatred because of some aspect of someone's personal life. Planned Parenthood choosing to make an endorsement in the first place is a sign that they care less about their issues and more about power and status. Both Clinton and Sanders have stellar records from Planned Parenthood - Sanders actually edges Clinton out a little bit but both of them are highly rated, there's no point in quibbling about who is better on this particular issue. Nobody expected Planned Parenthood to endorse Bernie. What they should have done was remain neutral. Their endorsement in a Democratic primary implies that only one of the two Democrats stands with Planned Parenthood on the issues, which is patently ludicrous.", '>>{Password_Is_Pantsuit} : What matters more? Rhetoric or actually doing the right thing? Doing things that will help the country instead of just screeching words about our daughters and their dreams?', ">>{puffykilled2pac} : Hard to do when you're importing thousands that hate your culture.", '>>{9001_Dalmatians} : Not every human, just the vast majority. Democracy at work!', ">>{WinToGo} : I don't remember him saying that anyone who doesn't support him of being corrupt and establishment. That's saying the people who voted for Clinton and Trump are corrupt, which is nonsense. What I do remember being pointed out was the corrupting influence of money in politics. It just so happens that his opponent was essentially the poster child for this system.", ">>{wearthewildthingsr} : Sanders: And the people to blame for this tragedy in Orlando is Wall Street and the 1%. We cannot have these big banks committing these atrocities! Go home you old man. You're no longer relevant asshole.", ">>{OhMy8008} : I don't mind conservatives. This country isn't big enough for Hill$hills and progressives though, sickens me.", ">>{gravitas73} : Do you even think before you shit post like this? If they hated our culture, why the fuck wouldn't they goto ISIS instead?", ">>{smilincriminal} : I mean, the top 20 percent of people's share of wealth is ridiculous. [graph](http://images.christianpost.com/full/67165/income-inequality-in-america.png)", ">>{puffykilled2pac} : Because they're still human. Free money and easy living appeals to everyone. Incredibly naive to say otherwise.", '>>{CousinImar} : I think this is great. Maybe some of his supporters here will become a little nicer.', '>>{kutwijf} : Maybe Hillary and Trump supporters will become a little nicer.', ">>{wearthewildthingsr} : lol no, he's done. and he's hurting party unity and costing us $38k a day with his stupid secret service detail. he should stop the bleeding and drop out with some dignity.", '>>{wearthewildthingsr} : yes he should you teenager. his security is 38k a day so you should "match him bro".', '>>{Ins_Weltall} : Yeah, popular Senators are totally irrelevant. /s', '>>{Ins_Weltall} : Where is all this free money you speak of?', '>>{wearthewildthingsr} : I just threw a chair and stole $50 from my mom to donate. match me bro.', '>>{Handsome_Fella} : Ah, summoning his inner hippie. ... Not that I have anything against hippies, by the way.', ">>{smilincriminal} : That's pretty hardcore, dude. You didn't need to steal from your moms. But all right, matched to Tim Canova :D", ">>{Landown} : No no no, see, you're being silly. Stereotyping someone wantonly based on their race is extremely wrong. Stereotyping someone wantonly based on the amount of money they make is progressive.", '>>{Antrophis} : No such thing as a nation based on love. Besides love and hate are way to close to each other for such a thing to be a good idea.', '>>{Antrophis} : Are you trying to prove yourself wrong? Because that is what it looks like.', ">>{peterkeats} : Nope. Sanders just at keeps saying his opponent is supported by establishment and took a lot of donations from people supported platforms she claims she doesn't support. If you support her, that doesn't make you establishment or corrupt per se. I can see how someone might mistake the logic though.", ">>{-LiterallyHitler} : Very true. Hillary is so full of shit. If Trump turns out to be stumping for her i'm going to be so pissed.", '>>{BrainPenetrator} : And then he pulled out his guitar and led everyone in a rousing rendition of Kumbaya. If Chicago and San Jose are an indication of this dipshit\'s "nation of love" it\'s off to a bit of a rocky start.', ">>{BrainPenetrator} : >Anyone bashing this probably wasn't hugged enough by their parents. I probably wasn't to be honest... but that's not really relevant and does nothing to change the fact that this is really fucking stupid.", ">>{CorrectedRecord} : Jesus the replies to this. Fucking Clintonites need to chill the hell out. For people who don't think they need Sanders supporters, they all seem on edge and worried. So freaking hostile.", ">>{CorrectedRecord} : So you can say Sanders supporters aren't nice but when others say the same about your candidates supporters, they're wrong? K lol", ">>{CorrectedRecord} : Because asking to spread love is being an asshole, don't you know?", ">>{thefivestagesofbern} : > Anyone bashing this probably wasn't hugged enough by their parents. And everyone who thinks peace and love is realistic, was hugged too much.", ">>{thefivestagesofbern} : > Rhetoric or actually doing the right thing? Apparently the former to Sanders. His campaign was nothing but divisive rhetoric. It's that shallowness and constant defaulting to stump speeches that lost him any chance of ever winning.", '>>{thefivestagesofbern} : But he was even bad at being a hippie. He got kicked out of commune for not doing his fair share of work.', '>>{DoctorDiscourse} : Hopefully the Democratic party can learn to love each other well enough to beat Trump badly at the polls this year.', ">>{rickjames730} : We can make a nation based on love without taxing everyone and everything to pay for the 'love'.", '>>{WrightFlyersDryer} : Lol. You have some serious issues man/woman. One day you won\'t be so hateful - hopefully. Love is a foundation of humanity and you\'re all through this thread denigrating and disparaging that which has been a huge factor in the making of -- well, you. You admit you weren\'t loved or hugged enough as a child, maybe that should tell you something? Anyway, before you say something like, "I was an accident and my parent\'s didn\'t love each other," you can\'t say that for the rest of your lineage. Try and find some basic compassion and exercise it a little bit.', ">>{sweatybronson} : Families should be based on love. Communities can be. Countries? Law. Law and Grace - you can't rely on the latter when you're constructing a nation.", ">>{LucksRunOut} : Uhm, most of the shitty comments come from people who primarily post on /r/the_donald. There is one primarily hillary poster though. Just one. But lets not let facts get in the way of a circlejerk. It's working for Trump.", '>>{Letchworth} : And understanding, and maybe sympathy and trust abounding.', '>>{Letchworth} : Hippies dont do fair shares of work. They do just enough to not have to work any further.', ">>{luckytree2108} : That's a static observation. While the chunks held by the upper brackets are very top heavy, there's a good amount of fluidity in and out of the top income brackets. You can't just take a snapshot of the wealth distribution and assume that that snapshot represents enduring classes of people.", '>>{TahMephs} : You know, this is a perfect example of how partisan bias can twist what are pretty straightforward words and actions into something completely manifest contrary to the reality', '>>{TahMephs} : Replace "human" with "American" and you\'ve got the reason why it\'s only our country that doesn\'t seem to "get it"', '>>{TahMephs} : He\'s never proposed taxing "everyone and everything".', '>>{TahMephs} : You should go masquerade as a refugee so you can live this wonderful high life with them where the rivers run over with wine and money falls from the sky. Or better yet live one day in their shoes where the foreign equivalent of the Westboro baptist church (with assault rifles) is trying to kill you every day. You can talk real big from the comfort of your la-z-boy watching the sportsball and complaining about how these people are ruining your life or you could think for one second that where they\'re coming from is literally hell on earth and they\'re not cramping your relatively comfortable and posh lifestyle one bit, while you gladly let the corporate parasites of this world empty your pockets so they don\'t have to pay their workers, and siphon your retirement every time they fuck up and the stock market plummets, using you as a golden parachute. Maybe rethink your priorities and who is really "ruining your life"', ">>{rickjames730} : Those trillion dollar social programs aren't going to run on wall streets profits.", '>>{TahMephs} : He has outlined his plan pretty clearly and nowhere does the plan involve taxing you', '>>{smilincriminal} : Where are you getting this assumption from? Countless studies dating back decades have found that socioeconomic mobility remains low in the US and has been since the 70s.', '>>{luckytree2108} : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4309558/ Interesting: 11% of people (age 25-60) have at least a year in the top 1%. However, geographic and racial factors obviously play a role in the specific individual observed. edit grammar', ">>{wearthewildthingsr} : Exhibit B: Deluded Sandroid who can't see he's done and that his economic policies don't add up unless you do Bernie Math."]]
classify and reply
['>>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : Democratic National Convention: Clinton, Sanders camps in talks about giving senator larger role tonight', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : He supports her because the issues he cares about have a chance under a Clinton administration and a Democratic congress. It doesn't make him a bitch, it makes him mature. We have to work within the system for progress we want.", ">>{HitsvilleUK} : GOP Holds Kansas House Seat As Democrat's Surprise Upset Bid Falls Short", ">>{Restroom406} : Does this really surprise anyone. This last 6 months proves that Trump owns God's country. People don't care about their own well being, just make sure Liberals lose.", '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : It indicates that districts need to be Я+12 to have an even chance. Those numbers are not comforting to any Я incumbent....', '>>{marsovec} : 6s owners: how does your phone handle ios10 so far?', '>>{54HP2969LTRHBK} : So now it\'s totally okay to sacrifice integrity as long as we push the right, the "progressive" agenda? How far we\'ve tumbled down as a nation ...', '>>{RhymeAzylum} : Mines been good. Havent noticed any freezing of sorts or anything noticeably annoying to mention.', '>>{CNegan} : Replace it with what? Since when did Republicans ever actually have a healthcare plan beyond "Die quickly"?', ">>{kobesrightelbow} : This is going to be an absolute shitshow, isn't it?", ">>{watthefucksalommy} : Further proof that the Democrats need to scrap the 20-state strategy in favor of a 50-state strategy. Call me crazy but I think with Trump suppressing the conservative turnout, O'Rourke can get Ted Cruz's seat if he gets even minimal support from the party.", ">>{dam_3} : Where's the replacement? That should be the rallying cry for Dems in 2018.", '>>{bvbrandon} : I was excited until I read it. By expanded role theyre talking about having him formally nominate her?', '>>{ptanaka} : Minimum wage workers will be saving tons of money in their freedom health savings account. /s', ">>{progwire} : That's the replacement. May the odds ever be in your favor", '>>{Uktabi68} : The idea of sanders nominating Hillary will only piss people off more. They actually think people will fall for that?', ">>{willtheydownvote} : I like that you have backwards R to remind us of Russia. This is great, because Russians are subhumans. I can't wait until we are back in charge and can put armbands on anyone who speaks favorably of Russia or its inhabitants. We can put a little backwards R on the armband. As for the Russians already in America, they are probably hackers or spies anyhow, so we should probably arrest them.", '>>{progwire} : For the rest of their lives! Edit: propose we update NH slogan: live free and die Prematurely', ">>{fatshooter} : Can't stand that tapping on notifications don't work half the time.", '>>{DickButtwoman} : >Paul floated replacing the ACA with "freedom," including saving money in a health savings account and buying insurance across state lines. So, it\'s no plan at all. And Republicans keep forgetting there\'s a reason why we avoid having insurance companies go across state lines.', '>>{BlatttWilliams4} : I would say "Fuck Kansans" but you already live in Kansas. Enjoy your punishment/lives.', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : It's called voting strategically. Do you think I'm happy with Clinton? No, I'm not. But I don't hate her enough to doom myself as someone who is non-white, and LGBT. I refuse to support the policies of regressives and will gladly do my part to help get her more votes.", ">>{Sshaawnn} : They fixed this in the latest update, didn't they? I know the workaround was to 3D Touch the notification to open it.", '>>{BlatttWilliams4} : It really shows how hopeless it all is. President breaking laws left and right nothing done, and GOP sheep will pull the lever for any (R), under any circumstances. They are fully brainwashed, and its a shame what happened to America.', ">>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : Yes, they think that. They haven't been good at strategy so far, considering their candidate is losing!", ">>{itzfry} : Everything was fine at first on my 6S but recently a lot of weird shit has been happening like phone dying at 10,6,8 % . Well hell the other day my phone shut off at 33% and wouldn't come on until I plugged it into a charger . Besides that it's wonderful no lag or stuttering .", '>>{IndridCipher} : Absolutely the only way we can continue to debate the corporatists and moderates is to win the white house, Congress, and Supreme Court. Then we can resume the debates amongst ourselves and actually try out some of our ideas. Otherwise what the fuck are we ever going to accomplish? Not a god damn thing unless we actually have control of these things and work with in the system itself to try and fix it.', ">>{SquidFarts} : Why do they continue to push him into this role that feels rightfully disingenuous and only serves to make his supporters angrier? Back in the 90's when he supported Clinton he wrote a tepid endorsement of Bill Clinton because he believed the alternative was much worse. If he had done that this election it would be believable, and perhaps more people would follow suit. But this just feels fake and tone deaf.", ">>{PugiPugiPugi43} : When somebody's grandfather falls and breaks a leg, it isn't freedom that pays for it.", '>>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : > But this just feels fake and tone deaf. Just like all of yesterday', ">>{johnmountain} : More bullshit pandering. And WaPo seems like it's in direct contact with the Clinton camp. I wonder if they even write their own posts anymore, or if they gave CTR a publishing account.", '>>{TheKingInTheNorth98} : Same thing has been happening to me as of recent. Was it happening in a cold environment for you?', ">>{johnmountain} : Of course it is. The better question is why does Bernie continue to stoop so low? It's like he's the Clinton and the establishment's servant at this point. Very disappointing to see.", ">>{itzfry} : Uhh yeah sorta it's been getting closer recently and I think that's Been adding to it .", '>>{monkeypack} : i also had the very same bug. I contacted support. They advised me two things. 1 restore and set up as new phone and 2 when it goes dark again plug in in charger and then start it up and take it out of the charger instantly. Then use the phone all the way until 0% then charge it to 100% and leave it in the charger for two hours after it reached 100%. It worked for me, no issues any more.', ">>{BlatttWilliams4} : They don't even have paper tissue yet in Kansas.", ">>{TheCoronersGambit} : Lol. I honestly couldn't think of a more ridiculously hyperbolic reaction to that comment if I tried.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : So Trump can run around making 'rigged' charges but nobody else?", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : Except he has played a role in this election that has resulted in a sharp leftward turn for the Democratic Party, resulting in a much more progressive platform and agenda. Not only that, but the republicans have shifted fiercely rightward. The circumstances are different, so the endorsement is different.', ">>{fatshooter} : Is there an update? I think I'm still on 10.0.2", '>>{uhuhuhu} : These who did not instantly dismiss his concerns when he announced them can.', ">>{Sshaawnn} : Yes, we're now on 10.1.1. I believe the notification issue was fixed with 10.1.0", '>>{MBAMBA0} : Nice to see that you have the objectivity to question the results of this Kansas election then.', ">>{fatshooter} : Cool. I'll be able to update when j find wifi", ">>{MrLister} : Basically it's a situation where no matter how bad Clinton is, Trump (and his insane VP) would be worse. If you live in a remotely contested state, plug your nose & vote for her. If you're in a solidly blue or red state, go ahead and cast a protest vote. The one thing we don't want is a Nader-effect in swing states.", '>>{johnmountain} : More of the "crumbs" Clinton promised during her campaign?', ">>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : We want the agenda and platform to become policy. That's the true test. It's the old adage that you never believe what a politician says when running for office.", '>>{ForestKing} : As a white male who has less to lose in a Trump Presidency, should I give up my ideals and integrity just to save you? Or am I still flaunting my privilege? How dare I have the right to push for the candidate I want without fear of repression? Things would be much better if I too had more to lose and could join you in your cowardice. This would surely push us forward together!', ">>{MontyAtWork} : Dnc needs to see the writing on the wall with the polling numbers. She's terrible and will deliver us a Trump presidency.", '>>{HIGH_ENERGY-VOTER} : ~~Obamacare~~ Romneycare of course! /s', ">>{politics4dummies} : [It's always funny when the pedantic Reddits show how uninformed they are](https://tomprice.house.gov/HR2300)", '>>{DJ_Spazzy_Jeff} : Hi. This bill was introduced in the Republican-controlled House in 2015. There have been zero committee meetings, debates, or votes on this bill. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/2300/actions', ">>{IndridCipher} : The integrity of a progressive is not based on selfish things. We want things to be better for people and objectively speaking things will be better for people with a Democrat right now. The GOPs hate parade allows people like Sanders and myself to keep our dignity and integrity when we vote against them. Because even though I don't like Clinton and I disagree with her on key things. She is so much better than the GOP that's it's a easy choice. If I want Bernies policies and the revolution to continue. It has to be under a Clinton presidency. We just have a better chance with corporatist Democrats than we do with Republicans. That's a fact.", ">>{Honztastic} : Trot out the diversity brigade, use some Hispanic child as a puppet, and throw feel good language out about Hillary. Except nearly every thing they said was a lie. And the best Trump bashing of the night was about Trump University. And the Clintons have a *bigger* for profit college screwing people over abroad. What a fucking sham. You know she'll lose because every single point is defined by Trump. There are no new ideas or good ideas, just we're not him. If he dominating the converaation and making you react to him, he's winning. And it's already backed up in the polls.", '>>{ForestKing} : It will cement him as a sellout. Their only chance is having him continue to push the logical anti-Trump narrative while staying away from her side as much as possible.', '>>{CNegan} : The most important parts of his plan, such as the "high-risk pools" for people with preexisting conditions, haven\'t worked. They have been tried and tested and haven\'t worked. This is just one in many of Republicans ideas that are good in theory but have been shit in practice.', '>>{Honztastic} : Oh bullshit. Hillary is the chief corporatist. She will not bite the hand that feeds her, and her entire record reflects that.', '>>{AmazingAnytime} : Just like with the PATRIOT Act, idiots will be duped by patriotic branding.', '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : Agreed on both counts. The only things we can really know for certain is that the platform has some chance with Clinton, and none with Trump.', ">>{manzoire} : It's unbelievable to watch someone work their entire life to stop giving people a little help. They jerk off to this shit. Like, its their LIFE GOAL. They go to sleep thinking about how to stop helping people. Only really really sick people are capable of this", '>>{manzoire} : 8 years of pent up mindless rage, bout to explode', '>>{Endorn} : All we need is an apology. Clinton herself needs to apologize.. Admit the game was rigged and say shell work closely with Bernie to make sure this thing can never happen again. Its a fact now that it happened. Spinning it only makes things worse. Unity begins with admitting your mistakes.', ">>{ForestKing} : Except the system has proven it will not give us that chance and that our opponents are untouchable. Those same opponents now want us to support them. I'd much rather watch them and their untouchable power collapse, and the movement rise out of the ashes on the backs of the establishments failures.", '>>{LazamairAMD} : > Then I chimed in with a joke about Republicans abolishing the minimum wage. I guess I missed that then...', ">>{politics4dummies} : Ok, it's still their plan, which you said they didn't have", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Your candidate does not have progressive values or policy. You cannot vote for him on the idea that he does. You can vote for whoever you want to, but you should be quite honest about what kind of policies he does have, and what the consequences of electing him are.', ">>{IndridCipher} : I agree with you. What I'm saying is looking at things practically. We have a better chance of getting progressive policy and concessions by working with Corporatist Democrats over Republicans. Thats just a fact at this point. Maybe one day that won't be the case but today... That's the case.", ">>{McTurdigan} : Why is insurance going across state lines bad? Not arguing just wondering because I don't know enough about the subject", ">>{ForestKing} : I'm not voting Trump. I will write in Bernie. It will mean nothing to anyone except myself. I will know that I still voted for the candidate I believed in. If Hillary is to win she will have to do it on her own merits, not on the coattails of Bernie's.", ">>{ottolite} : Are you telling me Freedom Fries weren't 1000 times better than French Fries?", '>>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : Amen! A sincere reason to believe! Instead they double down!', ">>{DickButtwoman} : [I could spend an hour writing it up here, but this sums it up far better than I ever could.](http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/01/upshot/the-problem-with-gop-plans-to-sell-health-insurance-across-state-lines.html?_r=0) >“I’ve tried for 10 years to explain this to Republicans; it is a big problem,” said Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation, which focuses on free-market solutions to policy problems. “Just because a good affordable policy is available in another state doesn’t mean that I would be able to get the network of physicians and the good prices that are available in that other state.” There's also other reasons, but that's the biggest one. There's also a quality issue, some anti-trust issues, a bunch of issues with what happens when the system fails (People die, compared to other free market solutions, like stores and like, where what happens when the system fails is that things are mis-priced a bit) Overall, we don't want Insurance becoming like credit cards companies (South Dakota) or corporations in general (Delaware), who forum shop and can pressure one jurisdiction to create a near-bullet-proof set of regulations that always protect the company involved. It turns medical care into a race to the bottom run by a walmart like company.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Look at her policies. A lot of them are good, and a lot are supported by Bernie. Please, just give it some more thought. I am begging you. We cannot afford a Trump presidency.', '>>{Quexana} : We need to rally around electing a Democratic Congress. And we need to continue holding Clinton accountable. Lukewarm resignation is about the best the DNC and Clinton should hope for at this point and they should accept it graciously.', '>>{Quexana} : The political revolution has shown that if we work together and if we stay engaged, we can achieve real change. What we\'ve accomplished: On the platform: - $15 dollar minimum wage - incentivizing businesses who profit share with employees. - remove tax breaks for companies who ship jobs overseas. - net neutrality - defense of the CFPB - updated and modernized Glass-Steagall - end deferrals on foreign corporate profit - not sign onto future trade deals that prevents our Government from making new laws to protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens. - End private prisons - Training for police on "de-escalation" tactics and the creation of national guidelines for the use of force. - Ending racial profiling - "banning the box" which will help former incarcerated felons find work and re-enter society, including restoration of voting rights. - Abolition of the death penalty - Restoring the Voting Rights Act - D.C. Statehood - Commitment to 50% clean energy within a decade - 500,000,000 solar panels within 4 years - Medicare will be allowed to negotiate drug prices and import drugs from Canada. -- Made the progressive movement larger than it\'s been in 30 years and, though the transition is ongoing and bumpy, begun to turn a protest movement into a lasting political movement. -- Got rid of 2/3rds of Superdelegates and ensured that fat cats and lobbyists will no longer be unbound and carry as much elective power as tens of thousands of citizens. -- Changed the leadership within the DNC. DWS is gone, let\'s ensure more (I\'m lookin\' at you Luis Miranda) are on their way out over the coming weeks and we get a DNC that fights for working people instead of payday loan interests. Clinton CAN NOT be trusted. I realize that. Here\'s the thing though. Let\'s imagine for a moment that our movement is able to do the near impossible and win back both houses of Congress. And imagine we\'re able to keep the heat on Congress and lobby them to pass a good chunk of that platform through Congress. Who is more likely to sign it, Hillary or Trump? Hillary will sign it just to take credit for it. Trump will make everything a pissing contest. If we love the issues more than we hate Hillary, it\'s a tough pill to swallow, but Hillary is actually the best bet to advance our agenda. Now I hate Hillary quite a lot, but I care about the people more. We\'ll have to watch Hillary like a hawk. She has broken trust. And once broken, trust has to be earned back through deeds, not words. We\'ll have to stay active, stay vigilant, and be ready to raise holy hell when she veers off course. We can\'t take off after November and go back to doing our own thing with her as President, but we wouldn\'t be able to do that with Trump either. We\'re going to have to work between the elections to continue building our base, bringing more people into the political revolution, and start working to 2018, and especially 2020, which due to redistricting, is a hugely important election.', '>>{ratspeels} : i can half-assed scribble some words on a piece of paper and call it a "plan." that doesn\'t actually make it a plan.', ">>{politics4dummies} : You don't have to like it, but it's a real plan. While you're here trying to win an Internet argument on imaginary semantics, Republicans are preparing to implement this plan (or something similar). Good luck with your winning argument! lmao", ">>{ottolite} : Because you will have a state like South Dakota (look up credit card regulations) where they will have virtually no standards and little regulations on what insurance companies can do. So, every insurance company, all of a sudden, sets up their crap plans in South Dakota and sells them to the other states. That's what it's really about.", ">>{54HP2969LTRHBK} : Voting strategically to your benefit, but if I vote strategically to my benefit - my needs - I couldn't give a rat's ass about social policy regarding LGBT. I don't hate LGBT, nor if presented with the option to outlaw gay marriage would I vote in favor of it, but it's literally the least important thing to me. What I care about is my leader's integrity not whether some gay's peg each other.", ">>{_tx} : I think he would. It doesn't necessarily have much power, but it's a role with a big voice. That said, she's already offered it to Kaine. That decision is done.", ">>{IndridCipher} : That's just counter productive. Rock Bottom won't help anyone. There is not even a guarantee you ever come back from rock bottom. Not to mention how long it would take to climb back out. Our demographics and our progressive policies popularity are getting better and better for us. Bernie Sanders ran the most successful true progressive campaign in 3 or 4 decades at the National level. Despite them being against us. We have to continue to make them nervous and continue to pressure them. We need to be able to get the DNC chair to resign the day before the convention. We can have a seat at this table we just need to keep fighting for it. One of the faces of American politics is now a Democratic Socialist from Vermont. We have gained so much during this primary that to throw it all out now and try to hit rock bottom is simply to dangerous. It's a high risk low reward play that could back fire to disastrous consequences. Yes Clinton and the DNC suck and i wish Sanders had won and this didn't have to happen like this. However the path forward is clear for Sanders supporters. We can influence the Democratic Primary that much... We can continue to do so and win one of these things in the not to distant future... Rock bottom solves nothing for us.. We would get nothing. This way we can work towards things and maybe we don't get everything we want and maybe the corporatists piss people off with some more bull shit. We can get a seat at this table... Sanders has proven that... We need to get more seats. There is a reason Bernie Sanders became a Democrat and not a Republican to launch his political revolution. We can actually accomplish some of our goals with them....", '>>{ZebZ} : Schadenfreude is gonna be a bitch. Unfortunately, a lot of sane people are going to get caught up in this mess as well.', '>>{not_djslinkk} : Ah yes, that golden moment where the republican congress decides to work with the one person they hate more than Obama. If you think that\'s gonna happen, I have a bridge to sell you. [Also, she\'s already started ignoring parts of the platform, because "it\'s not her plan."](http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/287223-clinton-campaign-carbon-price-is-not-her-plan)', ">>{Quexana} : The Political Revolution needs to absolutely turn its focus onto Congress, but even were Sanders the nominee, we would have to elect a Congress capable of passing his agenda. There's no difference. I don't expect Clinton to fight for the platform. I expect us, after the election, to have to continue dragging Hillary and the party kicking and screaming. Hillary is just a little lighter load to drag than Trump is.", ">>{AgainstCotton} : Make him VP Hillary. Then I'll vote for you... and on day 1 I'll start calling for your impeachment.", ">>{kitchen_floor} : i know you think you are being funny, but I have to pay 695 dollars to the IRS for not having health insurance this year (unless I lie). I can't afford health insurance, not even the Obamacare Bronze plan (which is utter shit). so now 1) i have no insurance and can't afford it 2) I owe the government 700 dollars for being poor and uninsured. I prefer freedom at this point. 700 dollars is a difference maker to me as well as millions of other people. let us be uninsured in fucking peace.", ">>{Chino1130} : I've supported him up until this point. Hell, I still have his magnet on the boot of my car. There is nothing he can say that will make me vote in favor of the DNC. Unless he becomes the nominee and/or everyone involved in this DNC bullshit steps down, I will not be voting democrat in November.", '>>{Chino1130} : Why is it so hard to see that an act like that is only going to infuriate those who are already upset even more?', ">>{shorthairedlonghair} : And that they have to go to Mississippi doctors and hospitals. And that they can't complain to the Mississippi insurance regulators because they're not Mississippi voters.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : LGBT equality is more than gay marriage. You care about your leader having integrity, but she is fighting for LGBT rights. People can still be discriminated against because of gender identity and orientation. Conversion therapy is still legal. She is trying to help your fellow citizens. That takes some degree of integrity.', '>>{shorthairedlonghair} : We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, **promote the general Welfare**, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.', '>>{BlindManBaldwin} : mhm if we make out of this alive, we can make it out of anything', ">>{steelesurfer} : As a Sanders supporter I'm tired of the DNC and related establishment unrelentlessly trying to push the worst possible democratic candidate down our throats. Unlike in previous years, voters now have more and more wits about them to make decisions for themselves, and won't blindly follow Bernie/Hillary/Trumps every command. Nothing Sanders does or says will convince me to vote for Hillary. She's the political whore that has cheated on the American Public one too many times to be forgiven.", '>>{Ody0genesO} : She will wipe her ass with that piece of paper the moment the deal is struck.', ">>{Quexana} : Again, > We'll have to stay active, stay vigilant, and be ready to raise holy hell when she veers off course. We can't take off after November and go back to doing our own thing with her as President, but we wouldn't be able to do that with Trump either. Ultimately, Hillary doesn't write the laws. Congress does. We have to pivot our Revolution towards Congress to make the people writing the laws as progressive as possible, and we have to lobby/protest Congress so that we can put as progressive legislation as possible onto the Resolute Desk. Once it's there, Hillary will sign it. Will Trump? We're going to have to continue dragging the Dems kicking and screaming, but at least they won't be able to take us for granted like they have been for 25 years now.", ">>{Fake_Virtanen} : Shes broken the public's trust. I'm not sure how her coming out and saying sorry makes anyone trust her any more than they do now.", ">>{CassandraVindicated} : Yeah, I'm left of (D) and voting for Trump. I'm voting tactically. Let's see what the field looks like in four years.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : That's not true, I'd accept him as the new Chairmen of the DNC to replace DWS. It's the best move. Not only do you show a great deal of respect to Bernie and his supporters but the party is already heading towards his goals and values, he had the greatest pull of the youth vote, again looking towards the future and you make a meaningful reparation to the email scandal. But they would never do that.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : > Why do they continue to push him into this role that feels rightfully disingenuous and only serves to make his supporters angrier? Because they literally don't know what the fuck they are doing. The part just spent the better part of year tirelessly working to get the most widely despised and distrusted Democrat as their nominee. Clearly they've just been riding on Obama's charisma the last 8 years.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : Clinton's never admitted any kind of wrongdoing, no reason she'd start now. Fuck, it's gotta be rough pretending you're perfect in the face mountains of public, documented evidence to the contrary."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{marsovec} : 6s owners: how does your phone handle ios10 so far?', '>>{RhymeAzylum} : Mines been good. Havent noticed any freezing of sorts or anything noticeably annoying to mention.', ">>{fatshooter} : Can't stand that tapping on notifications don't work half the time.", ">>{Sshaawnn} : They fixed this in the latest update, didn't they? I know the workaround was to 3D Touch the notification to open it.", ">>{itzfry} : Everything was fine at first on my 6S but recently a lot of weird shit has been happening like phone dying at 10,6,8 % . Well hell the other day my phone shut off at 33% and wouldn't come on until I plugged it into a charger . Besides that it's wonderful no lag or stuttering .", '>>{TheKingInTheNorth98} : Same thing has been happening to me as of recent. Was it happening in a cold environment for you?', ">>{itzfry} : Uhh yeah sorta it's been getting closer recently and I think that's Been adding to it .", '>>{monkeypack} : i also had the very same bug. I contacted support. They advised me two things. 1 restore and set up as new phone and 2 when it goes dark again plug in in charger and then start it up and take it out of the charger instantly. Then use the phone all the way until 0% then charge it to 100% and leave it in the charger for two hours after it reached 100%. It worked for me, no issues any more.', ">>{fatshooter} : Is there an update? I think I'm still on 10.0.2", ">>{Sshaawnn} : Yes, we're now on 10.1.1. I believe the notification issue was fixed with 10.1.0", ">>{fatshooter} : Cool. I'll be able to update when j find wifi"], [">>{HitsvilleUK} : GOP Holds Kansas House Seat As Democrat's Surprise Upset Bid Falls Short", ">>{Restroom406} : Does this really surprise anyone. This last 6 months proves that Trump owns God's country. People don't care about their own well being, just make sure Liberals lose.", '>>{winstonjpenobscot} : It indicates that districts need to be Я+12 to have an even chance. Those numbers are not comforting to any Я incumbent....', ">>{watthefucksalommy} : Further proof that the Democrats need to scrap the 20-state strategy in favor of a 50-state strategy. Call me crazy but I think with Trump suppressing the conservative turnout, O'Rourke can get Ted Cruz's seat if he gets even minimal support from the party.", ">>{willtheydownvote} : I like that you have backwards R to remind us of Russia. This is great, because Russians are subhumans. I can't wait until we are back in charge and can put armbands on anyone who speaks favorably of Russia or its inhabitants. We can put a little backwards R on the armband. As for the Russians already in America, they are probably hackers or spies anyhow, so we should probably arrest them.", '>>{BlatttWilliams4} : I would say "Fuck Kansans" but you already live in Kansas. Enjoy your punishment/lives.', '>>{BlatttWilliams4} : It really shows how hopeless it all is. President breaking laws left and right nothing done, and GOP sheep will pull the lever for any (R), under any circumstances. They are fully brainwashed, and its a shame what happened to America.', ">>{BlatttWilliams4} : They don't even have paper tissue yet in Kansas.", ">>{TheCoronersGambit} : Lol. I honestly couldn't think of a more ridiculously hyperbolic reaction to that comment if I tried.", ">>{MBAMBA0} : So Trump can run around making 'rigged' charges but nobody else?", '>>{uhuhuhu} : These who did not instantly dismiss his concerns when he announced them can.', '>>{MBAMBA0} : Nice to see that you have the objectivity to question the results of this Kansas election then.'], ['>>{CNegan} : Replace it with what? Since when did Republicans ever actually have a healthcare plan beyond "Die quickly"?', ">>{kobesrightelbow} : This is going to be an absolute shitshow, isn't it?", ">>{dam_3} : Where's the replacement? That should be the rallying cry for Dems in 2018.", '>>{ptanaka} : Minimum wage workers will be saving tons of money in their freedom health savings account. /s', ">>{progwire} : That's the replacement. May the odds ever be in your favor", '>>{progwire} : For the rest of their lives! Edit: propose we update NH slogan: live free and die Prematurely', '>>{DickButtwoman} : >Paul floated replacing the ACA with "freedom," including saving money in a health savings account and buying insurance across state lines. So, it\'s no plan at all. And Republicans keep forgetting there\'s a reason why we avoid having insurance companies go across state lines.', ">>{PugiPugiPugi43} : When somebody's grandfather falls and breaks a leg, it isn't freedom that pays for it.", '>>{HIGH_ENERGY-VOTER} : ~~Obamacare~~ Romneycare of course! /s', ">>{politics4dummies} : [It's always funny when the pedantic Reddits show how uninformed they are](https://tomprice.house.gov/HR2300)", '>>{DJ_Spazzy_Jeff} : Hi. This bill was introduced in the Republican-controlled House in 2015. There have been zero committee meetings, debates, or votes on this bill. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/2300/actions', '>>{CNegan} : The most important parts of his plan, such as the "high-risk pools" for people with preexisting conditions, haven\'t worked. They have been tried and tested and haven\'t worked. This is just one in many of Republicans ideas that are good in theory but have been shit in practice.', '>>{AmazingAnytime} : Just like with the PATRIOT Act, idiots will be duped by patriotic branding.', ">>{manzoire} : It's unbelievable to watch someone work their entire life to stop giving people a little help. They jerk off to this shit. Like, its their LIFE GOAL. They go to sleep thinking about how to stop helping people. Only really really sick people are capable of this", '>>{manzoire} : 8 years of pent up mindless rage, bout to explode', '>>{LazamairAMD} : > Then I chimed in with a joke about Republicans abolishing the minimum wage. I guess I missed that then...', ">>{politics4dummies} : Ok, it's still their plan, which you said they didn't have", ">>{McTurdigan} : Why is insurance going across state lines bad? Not arguing just wondering because I don't know enough about the subject", ">>{ottolite} : Are you telling me Freedom Fries weren't 1000 times better than French Fries?", ">>{DickButtwoman} : [I could spend an hour writing it up here, but this sums it up far better than I ever could.](http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/01/upshot/the-problem-with-gop-plans-to-sell-health-insurance-across-state-lines.html?_r=0) >“I’ve tried for 10 years to explain this to Republicans; it is a big problem,” said Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar at the Institute for Policy Innovation, which focuses on free-market solutions to policy problems. “Just because a good affordable policy is available in another state doesn’t mean that I would be able to get the network of physicians and the good prices that are available in that other state.” There's also other reasons, but that's the biggest one. There's also a quality issue, some anti-trust issues, a bunch of issues with what happens when the system fails (People die, compared to other free market solutions, like stores and like, where what happens when the system fails is that things are mis-priced a bit) Overall, we don't want Insurance becoming like credit cards companies (South Dakota) or corporations in general (Delaware), who forum shop and can pressure one jurisdiction to create a near-bullet-proof set of regulations that always protect the company involved. It turns medical care into a race to the bottom run by a walmart like company.", '>>{ratspeels} : i can half-assed scribble some words on a piece of paper and call it a "plan." that doesn\'t actually make it a plan.', ">>{politics4dummies} : You don't have to like it, but it's a real plan. While you're here trying to win an Internet argument on imaginary semantics, Republicans are preparing to implement this plan (or something similar). Good luck with your winning argument! lmao", ">>{ottolite} : Because you will have a state like South Dakota (look up credit card regulations) where they will have virtually no standards and little regulations on what insurance companies can do. So, every insurance company, all of a sudden, sets up their crap plans in South Dakota and sells them to the other states. That's what it's really about.", '>>{ZebZ} : Schadenfreude is gonna be a bitch. Unfortunately, a lot of sane people are going to get caught up in this mess as well.', ">>{kitchen_floor} : i know you think you are being funny, but I have to pay 695 dollars to the IRS for not having health insurance this year (unless I lie). I can't afford health insurance, not even the Obamacare Bronze plan (which is utter shit). so now 1) i have no insurance and can't afford it 2) I owe the government 700 dollars for being poor and uninsured. I prefer freedom at this point. 700 dollars is a difference maker to me as well as millions of other people. let us be uninsured in fucking peace.", ">>{shorthairedlonghair} : And that they have to go to Mississippi doctors and hospitals. And that they can't complain to the Mississippi insurance regulators because they're not Mississippi voters.", '>>{shorthairedlonghair} : We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, **promote the general Welfare**, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.', '>>{BlindManBaldwin} : mhm if we make out of this alive, we can make it out of anything'], ['>>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : Democratic National Convention: Clinton, Sanders camps in talks about giving senator larger role tonight', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : He supports her because the issues he cares about have a chance under a Clinton administration and a Democratic congress. It doesn't make him a bitch, it makes him mature. We have to work within the system for progress we want.", '>>{54HP2969LTRHBK} : So now it\'s totally okay to sacrifice integrity as long as we push the right, the "progressive" agenda? How far we\'ve tumbled down as a nation ...', '>>{bvbrandon} : I was excited until I read it. By expanded role theyre talking about having him formally nominate her?', '>>{Uktabi68} : The idea of sanders nominating Hillary will only piss people off more. They actually think people will fall for that?', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : It's called voting strategically. Do you think I'm happy with Clinton? No, I'm not. But I don't hate her enough to doom myself as someone who is non-white, and LGBT. I refuse to support the policies of regressives and will gladly do my part to help get her more votes.", ">>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : Yes, they think that. They haven't been good at strategy so far, considering their candidate is losing!", '>>{IndridCipher} : Absolutely the only way we can continue to debate the corporatists and moderates is to win the white house, Congress, and Supreme Court. Then we can resume the debates amongst ourselves and actually try out some of our ideas. Otherwise what the fuck are we ever going to accomplish? Not a god damn thing unless we actually have control of these things and work with in the system itself to try and fix it.', ">>{SquidFarts} : Why do they continue to push him into this role that feels rightfully disingenuous and only serves to make his supporters angrier? Back in the 90's when he supported Clinton he wrote a tepid endorsement of Bill Clinton because he believed the alternative was much worse. If he had done that this election it would be believable, and perhaps more people would follow suit. But this just feels fake and tone deaf.", '>>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : > But this just feels fake and tone deaf. Just like all of yesterday', ">>{johnmountain} : More bullshit pandering. And WaPo seems like it's in direct contact with the Clinton camp. I wonder if they even write their own posts anymore, or if they gave CTR a publishing account.", ">>{johnmountain} : Of course it is. The better question is why does Bernie continue to stoop so low? It's like he's the Clinton and the establishment's servant at this point. Very disappointing to see.", '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : Except he has played a role in this election that has resulted in a sharp leftward turn for the Democratic Party, resulting in a much more progressive platform and agenda. Not only that, but the republicans have shifted fiercely rightward. The circumstances are different, so the endorsement is different.', ">>{MrLister} : Basically it's a situation where no matter how bad Clinton is, Trump (and his insane VP) would be worse. If you live in a remotely contested state, plug your nose & vote for her. If you're in a solidly blue or red state, go ahead and cast a protest vote. The one thing we don't want is a Nader-effect in swing states.", '>>{johnmountain} : More of the "crumbs" Clinton promised during her campaign?', ">>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : We want the agenda and platform to become policy. That's the true test. It's the old adage that you never believe what a politician says when running for office.", '>>{ForestKing} : As a white male who has less to lose in a Trump Presidency, should I give up my ideals and integrity just to save you? Or am I still flaunting my privilege? How dare I have the right to push for the candidate I want without fear of repression? Things would be much better if I too had more to lose and could join you in your cowardice. This would surely push us forward together!', ">>{MontyAtWork} : Dnc needs to see the writing on the wall with the polling numbers. She's terrible and will deliver us a Trump presidency.", ">>{IndridCipher} : The integrity of a progressive is not based on selfish things. We want things to be better for people and objectively speaking things will be better for people with a Democrat right now. The GOPs hate parade allows people like Sanders and myself to keep our dignity and integrity when we vote against them. Because even though I don't like Clinton and I disagree with her on key things. She is so much better than the GOP that's it's a easy choice. If I want Bernies policies and the revolution to continue. It has to be under a Clinton presidency. We just have a better chance with corporatist Democrats than we do with Republicans. That's a fact.", ">>{Honztastic} : Trot out the diversity brigade, use some Hispanic child as a puppet, and throw feel good language out about Hillary. Except nearly every thing they said was a lie. And the best Trump bashing of the night was about Trump University. And the Clintons have a *bigger* for profit college screwing people over abroad. What a fucking sham. You know she'll lose because every single point is defined by Trump. There are no new ideas or good ideas, just we're not him. If he dominating the converaation and making you react to him, he's winning. And it's already backed up in the polls.", '>>{ForestKing} : It will cement him as a sellout. Their only chance is having him continue to push the logical anti-Trump narrative while staying away from her side as much as possible.', '>>{Honztastic} : Oh bullshit. Hillary is the chief corporatist. She will not bite the hand that feeds her, and her entire record reflects that.', '>>{WeJustOrderedBisque} : Agreed on both counts. The only things we can really know for certain is that the platform has some chance with Clinton, and none with Trump.', '>>{Endorn} : All we need is an apology. Clinton herself needs to apologize.. Admit the game was rigged and say shell work closely with Bernie to make sure this thing can never happen again. Its a fact now that it happened. Spinning it only makes things worse. Unity begins with admitting your mistakes.', ">>{ForestKing} : Except the system has proven it will not give us that chance and that our opponents are untouchable. Those same opponents now want us to support them. I'd much rather watch them and their untouchable power collapse, and the movement rise out of the ashes on the backs of the establishments failures.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Your candidate does not have progressive values or policy. You cannot vote for him on the idea that he does. You can vote for whoever you want to, but you should be quite honest about what kind of policies he does have, and what the consequences of electing him are.', ">>{IndridCipher} : I agree with you. What I'm saying is looking at things practically. We have a better chance of getting progressive policy and concessions by working with Corporatist Democrats over Republicans. Thats just a fact at this point. Maybe one day that won't be the case but today... That's the case.", ">>{ForestKing} : I'm not voting Trump. I will write in Bernie. It will mean nothing to anyone except myself. I will know that I still voted for the candidate I believed in. If Hillary is to win she will have to do it on her own merits, not on the coattails of Bernie's.", '>>{mysterious_fizzy_j} : Amen! A sincere reason to believe! Instead they double down!', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Look at her policies. A lot of them are good, and a lot are supported by Bernie. Please, just give it some more thought. I am begging you. We cannot afford a Trump presidency.', '>>{Quexana} : We need to rally around electing a Democratic Congress. And we need to continue holding Clinton accountable. Lukewarm resignation is about the best the DNC and Clinton should hope for at this point and they should accept it graciously.', '>>{Quexana} : The political revolution has shown that if we work together and if we stay engaged, we can achieve real change. What we\'ve accomplished: On the platform: - $15 dollar minimum wage - incentivizing businesses who profit share with employees. - remove tax breaks for companies who ship jobs overseas. - net neutrality - defense of the CFPB - updated and modernized Glass-Steagall - end deferrals on foreign corporate profit - not sign onto future trade deals that prevents our Government from making new laws to protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens. - End private prisons - Training for police on "de-escalation" tactics and the creation of national guidelines for the use of force. - Ending racial profiling - "banning the box" which will help former incarcerated felons find work and re-enter society, including restoration of voting rights. - Abolition of the death penalty - Restoring the Voting Rights Act - D.C. Statehood - Commitment to 50% clean energy within a decade - 500,000,000 solar panels within 4 years - Medicare will be allowed to negotiate drug prices and import drugs from Canada. -- Made the progressive movement larger than it\'s been in 30 years and, though the transition is ongoing and bumpy, begun to turn a protest movement into a lasting political movement. -- Got rid of 2/3rds of Superdelegates and ensured that fat cats and lobbyists will no longer be unbound and carry as much elective power as tens of thousands of citizens. -- Changed the leadership within the DNC. DWS is gone, let\'s ensure more (I\'m lookin\' at you Luis Miranda) are on their way out over the coming weeks and we get a DNC that fights for working people instead of payday loan interests. Clinton CAN NOT be trusted. I realize that. Here\'s the thing though. Let\'s imagine for a moment that our movement is able to do the near impossible and win back both houses of Congress. And imagine we\'re able to keep the heat on Congress and lobby them to pass a good chunk of that platform through Congress. Who is more likely to sign it, Hillary or Trump? Hillary will sign it just to take credit for it. Trump will make everything a pissing contest. If we love the issues more than we hate Hillary, it\'s a tough pill to swallow, but Hillary is actually the best bet to advance our agenda. Now I hate Hillary quite a lot, but I care about the people more. We\'ll have to watch Hillary like a hawk. She has broken trust. And once broken, trust has to be earned back through deeds, not words. We\'ll have to stay active, stay vigilant, and be ready to raise holy hell when she veers off course. We can\'t take off after November and go back to doing our own thing with her as President, but we wouldn\'t be able to do that with Trump either. We\'re going to have to work between the elections to continue building our base, bringing more people into the political revolution, and start working to 2018, and especially 2020, which due to redistricting, is a hugely important election.', ">>{54HP2969LTRHBK} : Voting strategically to your benefit, but if I vote strategically to my benefit - my needs - I couldn't give a rat's ass about social policy regarding LGBT. I don't hate LGBT, nor if presented with the option to outlaw gay marriage would I vote in favor of it, but it's literally the least important thing to me. What I care about is my leader's integrity not whether some gay's peg each other.", ">>{_tx} : I think he would. It doesn't necessarily have much power, but it's a role with a big voice. That said, she's already offered it to Kaine. That decision is done.", ">>{IndridCipher} : That's just counter productive. Rock Bottom won't help anyone. There is not even a guarantee you ever come back from rock bottom. Not to mention how long it would take to climb back out. Our demographics and our progressive policies popularity are getting better and better for us. Bernie Sanders ran the most successful true progressive campaign in 3 or 4 decades at the National level. Despite them being against us. We have to continue to make them nervous and continue to pressure them. We need to be able to get the DNC chair to resign the day before the convention. We can have a seat at this table we just need to keep fighting for it. One of the faces of American politics is now a Democratic Socialist from Vermont. We have gained so much during this primary that to throw it all out now and try to hit rock bottom is simply to dangerous. It's a high risk low reward play that could back fire to disastrous consequences. Yes Clinton and the DNC suck and i wish Sanders had won and this didn't have to happen like this. However the path forward is clear for Sanders supporters. We can influence the Democratic Primary that much... We can continue to do so and win one of these things in the not to distant future... Rock bottom solves nothing for us.. We would get nothing. This way we can work towards things and maybe we don't get everything we want and maybe the corporatists piss people off with some more bull shit. We can get a seat at this table... Sanders has proven that... We need to get more seats. There is a reason Bernie Sanders became a Democrat and not a Republican to launch his political revolution. We can actually accomplish some of our goals with them....", '>>{not_djslinkk} : Ah yes, that golden moment where the republican congress decides to work with the one person they hate more than Obama. If you think that\'s gonna happen, I have a bridge to sell you. [Also, she\'s already started ignoring parts of the platform, because "it\'s not her plan."](http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/287223-clinton-campaign-carbon-price-is-not-her-plan)', ">>{Quexana} : The Political Revolution needs to absolutely turn its focus onto Congress, but even were Sanders the nominee, we would have to elect a Congress capable of passing his agenda. There's no difference. I don't expect Clinton to fight for the platform. I expect us, after the election, to have to continue dragging Hillary and the party kicking and screaming. Hillary is just a little lighter load to drag than Trump is.", ">>{AgainstCotton} : Make him VP Hillary. Then I'll vote for you... and on day 1 I'll start calling for your impeachment.", ">>{Chino1130} : I've supported him up until this point. Hell, I still have his magnet on the boot of my car. There is nothing he can say that will make me vote in favor of the DNC. Unless he becomes the nominee and/or everyone involved in this DNC bullshit steps down, I will not be voting democrat in November.", '>>{Chino1130} : Why is it so hard to see that an act like that is only going to infuriate those who are already upset even more?', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : LGBT equality is more than gay marriage. You care about your leader having integrity, but she is fighting for LGBT rights. People can still be discriminated against because of gender identity and orientation. Conversion therapy is still legal. She is trying to help your fellow citizens. That takes some degree of integrity.', ">>{steelesurfer} : As a Sanders supporter I'm tired of the DNC and related establishment unrelentlessly trying to push the worst possible democratic candidate down our throats. Unlike in previous years, voters now have more and more wits about them to make decisions for themselves, and won't blindly follow Bernie/Hillary/Trumps every command. Nothing Sanders does or says will convince me to vote for Hillary. She's the political whore that has cheated on the American Public one too many times to be forgiven.", '>>{Ody0genesO} : She will wipe her ass with that piece of paper the moment the deal is struck.', ">>{Quexana} : Again, > We'll have to stay active, stay vigilant, and be ready to raise holy hell when she veers off course. We can't take off after November and go back to doing our own thing with her as President, but we wouldn't be able to do that with Trump either. Ultimately, Hillary doesn't write the laws. Congress does. We have to pivot our Revolution towards Congress to make the people writing the laws as progressive as possible, and we have to lobby/protest Congress so that we can put as progressive legislation as possible onto the Resolute Desk. Once it's there, Hillary will sign it. Will Trump? We're going to have to continue dragging the Dems kicking and screaming, but at least they won't be able to take us for granted like they have been for 25 years now.", ">>{Fake_Virtanen} : Shes broken the public's trust. I'm not sure how her coming out and saying sorry makes anyone trust her any more than they do now.", ">>{CassandraVindicated} : Yeah, I'm left of (D) and voting for Trump. I'm voting tactically. Let's see what the field looks like in four years.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : That's not true, I'd accept him as the new Chairmen of the DNC to replace DWS. It's the best move. Not only do you show a great deal of respect to Bernie and his supporters but the party is already heading towards his goals and values, he had the greatest pull of the youth vote, again looking towards the future and you make a meaningful reparation to the email scandal. But they would never do that.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : > Why do they continue to push him into this role that feels rightfully disingenuous and only serves to make his supporters angrier? Because they literally don't know what the fuck they are doing. The part just spent the better part of year tirelessly working to get the most widely despised and distrusted Democrat as their nominee. Clearly they've just been riding on Obama's charisma the last 8 years.", ">>{FirstTimeWang} : Clinton's never admitted any kind of wrongdoing, no reason she'd start now. Fuck, it's gotta be rough pretending you're perfect in the face mountains of public, documented evidence to the contrary."]]
classify and reply
['>>{KatyaBelli} : Texas Lt. tweets gays after shooting "Reap what you sow"', '>>{madam1} : “I am filled with furious anger”: Joe Biden pens passionate open letter to Stanford rape victim - "You will never be defined by what the defendant’s father callously termed \'20 minutes of action,\'" the VP writes', '>>{Ovedya2011} : And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and *furious anger*...', '>>{ogeegma} : I am filled with furious anger over neoliberals and how they have raped the middle class', '>>{Jackanova3} : Wonder if the dad of the scumbag has realised how badly he fucked up yet. E: of not if', '>>{Umlaut69} : If that was my daughter, that dad would be in the hospital next to his son, and I would be in jail for attempted manslaughter.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : What does the article have to do with politics?', ">>{ManunkaChunk} : Can we just hope that this is an extremely unfortunate coincidence? I'd like to think that my fellow human beings are not monsters.", '>>{Jackanova3} : I think if the Vice President (a super popular one at that) writes an open letter calling out how shitty you and your kid are, I think that has to sting a bit.', '>>{RandomCanucklehead} : According to this asshole\'s "logic", those kids at Sandy Hook had it coming.', ">>{TheRighteousTyrant} : Dannie Scott Goeb, as he is known on his birth certificate, is a real piece of garbage. He decried federal disaster relief for other states (without a commensurate budget decrease elsewhere), but had no qualms about requesting it for his state without suggesting similar offsets. He's a hypocrite of the worst kind, but that's what we get for electing a conservative talk radio host.", ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : It's a case of two religions agreeing to hate the same minority group.", '>>{dandylionsummer} : Then you will just keep electing them into office. Holding your hands over your eyes does not excuse it.', '>>{TheRighteousTyrant} : Unlikely. He has a habit of tweeting "have a blessed Sunday!" with a Biblical quote in recent Sundays, and he did so this Sunday, but it was after the "reap what you sow" quote. Seems a deliberate and specific response, unfortunately. http://imgur.com/a/KDe9F', ">>{HelmetTesterTJ} : Don't sell yourself short. You'd finish the job. I believe in you.", ">>{teknomanzer} : One would hope, but I wouldn't bet the house on it.", '>>{deeprogrammed} : Is what he eats for breakfast a relevant article to post here?', '>>{dbees92} : That is absolutely horrible. I am a very conservative Mormon and a Christian and my heart aches for this atrocity. Regardless of your opinion on the morality of homosexuality, being murdered is not "reaping what you sow". Disgusting tweet.', '>>{trump_rises} : [where was the furious anger here?] (https://i.sli.mg/Of52V5.jpg)', '>>{ManunkaChunk} : Thanks for going to the trouble. It seems like an older quote from this series that he cherry-picked this morning and didn\'t include the "have a blessed Sunday!" Really disappointing that we are electing people like this in 21st Century America.', '>>{janiceNaccounting} : > We will speak to change the culture on our college campuses — a culture that continues to ask the wrong questions: What were you wearing? > Why were you there? What did you say? How much did you drink? >Instead of asking: Why did he think he had license to rape? Encouraging words for so many victims who have been put through those horrors. I fucking love this man. He has been willing to take a stand on other important issues when no one would have faulted him for remaining silent. I will be a "ride or die" fan of his for life.', ">>{BigDickRichie} : People can hate whoever they want. There's no reason to hurt or kill anyone just because you hate them. One of those religious groups seems to be doing a lot of killing of gays in the world right now while the other is attempting (and failing) to fight gays with laws and lawsuits.", ">>{BigDickRichie} : I'm willing to bet this guy doesn't believe Sandy Hook even happened.", '>>{tuxxer} : If he was a real vice president like Cheney, he would have shot the dad, and probably the kid', '>>{Trunkington} : I guess this asshole caused the flooding in Texas.', ">>{TurnerJ5} : Texas Lieutenant *Governor* to be exact, how disgusting. Between this and the Conservative/Trump people trying to factor in the shooters Democratic Party affiliation I'm becoming nauseated.", ">>{premodernism} : Oh how the fuck is this off topic, he's the Lieutenant Governor of Texas you goddamn fucking twits.", '>>{qwerty1088} : This is original content. Confused why it was removed.', '>>{sexual_tazer} : I never understood this thinking... "My daughter was raped so I\'m going to abandon her." Do you want a stripper? Because that\'s how you get a stripper.', ">>{dovakiin1234567890} : Yeah fuck Hillary for being a good lawyer! You can't attack someone for doing their job", ">>{avian_buddha} : Anger at rape culture is very last year. In the current year we're busy reestablishing the patriarchy that you've been working to tear down.", '>>{cl33t} : I wonder who the 20% of people who downvoted this are.', '>>{creativejuice} : I think we should rape his wife for 20 minutes and then ask if he feels the same way still?', '>>{Regis_the_puss} : Every time you put shit on a just and good action you lessen it. Have some responsibility for your own words. Some people have been fighting this whole time. Others are just fighting to stay alive.', ">>{Regis_the_puss} : As someone who watched their apparently brave father walk away from his sister's molester- we all wish he would have had the courage to beat the shit out of him, because we were too small to.", '>>{Mythril_Zombie} : Not just any old anger. *Furious* anger.', '>>{crosstoday} : Well this kids lawyers did a bang up job. Lets elect them president too!', ">>{carlclashfan} : If this kid's lawyer had her experience and platform, I would be fine with that.", '>>{carlclashfan} : Dear Brock: go fuck yourself. Love, Dick', ">>{BSebor} : Nah, he would've shot the victim and then called for an invasion of a random country on the other side of the world.", '>>{Umlaut69} : Sorry to hear that. Hope the guy eventually got his punishment somewhere.', ">>{Regis_the_puss} : He didn't, unfortunately. We were advised by police that my sister would be ripped apart on the stand as her story was inconsistent. Over the years it was revealed that he had done it to two of his other Granddaughters. I am not a very religious man but for the damage he did I would gladly believe that there is a hell and that he is in it.", '>>{ogeegma} : lol thanks for the laugh. it *is* rather comical and this Angry American needed a laugh.', ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > as her story was inconsistent translation: it was a lie Look, the uncontested FACTS of this Stanford case are: accused is a handsome, smart, hot-swimmer-body girl left with him voluntarily girl didn't know their was evidence of sexual activity until she woke up in the hospital girl HAS A BOYFRIEND who was gonna need an explanation as to why she was alone getting drunk in bars, and going out to the back of dumpsters alone with a sexy swimmer.", '>>{crosstoday} : I was laughing at him bro. He really told you off /s', ">>{crosstoday} : I'm glad that's all it takes to quell your outrage and earn your vote.", ">>{Regis_the_puss} : Could you please not accuse my sister of falsifying molestation. She suffers severe post-traumatic stress disorder because of this and has huge trouble trusting men. She was also six years old at the time and was conflicted by the love she felt for her grandfather. I'm trying very hard not to personally attack you, but I will say one thing. A jury found him guilty of all counts.", ">>{Umlaut69} : That's terrible, but yeah, I really hope people like that burn in the worst part of hell.", ">>{abernasty42} : P.S.- I'm going to shoot you and make you apologize to me for getting shot.", ">>{20_TwentyTwo} : And he also endorsed Hillary Clinton. I might as well say that here because the Sandbaggers are blocking all information and news on that in r/politics Edit: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/joe-biden-endorses-hillary-clinton-224162 http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_575a127ae4b0ced23ca7a57a http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/09/politics/president-barack-obama-endorses-hillary-clinton-in-video/ The Sandbagger hivemind has been furiously at work to bury it and keep you from seeing it here. It's shameful.", '>>{partanimal} : The uncontested facts of this case are: pretentious, entitled douche decides to fuck an unconscious woman.', ">>{partanimal} : I thought I just saw that he hasn't yet?", ">>{20_TwentyTwo} : He did. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/joe-biden-endorses-hillary-clinton-224162 http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_575a127ae4b0ced23ca7a57a http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/09/politics/president-barack-obama-endorses-hillary-clinton-in-video/ The Sandbagger hivemind has been furiously at work to bury it and keep you from seeing it here. It's shameful.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > pretentious, entitled douche decides to fuck an unconscious woman if he had done that, he would have been convicted of rape. he was NOT convicted of rape. I understand that your search for the Great White Defendant is in bad condition ever since we found out the truth about Haven Monahan. I'm sorry for your loss. PS: Swim Team at Stanford is NOT pretentious. That's more real accomplishment than Sabrina Rubin-Erdely has had in her entire life.", '>>{partanimal} : You\'re right ... He was fortunately interrupted by some decent people. I should have said, "was attempting to fuck an unconscious woman, and was currently penetrating digitally an unconscious woman." Is that much better?', '>>{partanimal} : And the hill bots are trying to bury information about the wh calling it a criminal investigation, that she sent a wire directing all state employees to only use authorized ais-es, that she didn\'t remember signing her security briefing, and so on. Yes, this is an aggregate site. Many people are biased. Some people are paid to execute their biases here. All that means is some information unfavorable or favorable to each side gets elevated or buried depending on which side is more active at the time. Edit - "at least she\'s not trump"is perhaps not what I would call am endorsement, but to each his own.', '>>{Rodalli} : When your judgment is so poor that the vice president of the country feels compelled to put aside his other responsibilities to respond, in writing, to your complete lack of tact and awareness... ya dun goofed.', ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > Is that much better? not for your Narrative that upscale college white males are the nation's real rape threat. The GOOD news is that the hoe's bf is likely to figure out that - yes..... she got sexually assaulted in the course of cheating on him.", '>>{fuckface_academy} : Oh, Joe. Methinks thou doth protest too much.', ">>{20_TwentyTwo} : That's a stupid thing to say. It's right there on the front page. We aren't the ones downvoting news lol those are all sandtards", '>>{MrNPC009} : Came for this, was not disappointed Why has no one posted [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2WK_eWihdU) yet.', ">>{partanimal} : As long add you don't need our votes, call me what you want. We're not the tards who nominated a criminal.", '>>{partanimal} : So they just try real hard to rape, but sometimes fail. And classy move calling an attempted take victim a hoe.', '>>{anotherswingingdick} : > And classy move calling an attempted take victim a hoe. Tell that to the bf who found out that his lady picked up a stranger in a bar.', '>>{Pimpin-is-easy} : No anger is as passionate, righteous and pure as the one of the politician writing an open letter......', '>>{partanimal} : Source? Please ensure your source includes something other than the rapist saying it happened, seeing as how he was convicted on all counts, it would appear that his testimony that she had consented was dubious at best. So please, non-rapist source for her wanting to have sex with him.', ">>{anotherswingingdick} : she walked out of the place with Swimmer. Swimmer didn't hypnotize her, nor put anything in her drinks. Are you saying that he kidnapped her and CARRIED her to the scene of the incident? Try telling the bf that she got so drunk that she lost her inhibitions against cheating - so she doesn't deserve to get kicked to the curb. The mention of (the FACT of) her cheating, has really touched a nerve here with you. I wonder why this triggers you? You Sabrina's are all the same, you always end up digging yourself in deeper and deeper, and deeper.", '>>{buickandolds} : This also the same guy who said u should fire warning shots in the air. So 1 for 2', ">>{partanimal} : I didn't realize walking out of a bar with a person was the same as agreeing to have sex. (I also don't know that they left a bar together, but I'm so nice I'll even grant you that). I never said her bf shouldn't break up with her if he believes she was chatting on him. That's between them. But you still haven't provided any indication that she ever said she wanted to have sex. I don't know why you think I'm bent out of shape about whether or not she cheated. My tone hasn't changed at all in this exchange. Because, honestly, I don't know and I don't care if she cheated. If she did, that would be wrong, and I would leave it to her and her bf to sort that out. Doesn't mean she should have been raped. I also didn't know who the fuck sabrina was until I googled her after your first reference to her, I'm not triggered, I just think rape is bad, rapists are bad, and rape apologists are even worse.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > I just think rape is bad, rapists are bad, and rape apologists are even worse. That's exactly how I feel about false rape accusations, and about media-mediated lynchings of men for rapes that never actually happened.", ">>{partanimal} : False rape accusations are horrible. And this isn't one. Also, just fyi, next time you decide you need to make it clear how supportive you are of rape, maybe get the story straight. They weren't at a bar. They weren't interacting much. And neither of them claimed they left together. So, I'd really like to see any source that says that she in any way, shape, or form, indicated that she intended to have sex with anyone that night.", '>>{jlamamama} : Probably tells all his friends about it. "I got the *Vice President* to call me an asshole."', ">>{ZeCoolerKing} : Actually 0/2 considering he's now cheerleading this idea of rampant rape culture. The Obama administration has set back race and gender relationships half a century.", '>>{premium_rusks} : Where is his letter speaking about bill Clinton? Fucking pussy...', '>>{growyurown} : Anyone think the father would pen the same letter if it was not his son? Edit: The father of the rapist. This was in part a Joe Biden response to a letter the father wrote.', ">>{WorkHardForTheMoney} : Ahhh I'm glad the country has developed social media lynching for when they think 1 legal case doesn't have the appropriate punishment. If only this was a 100 years ago the country would of dragged the guy and his dad into the streets and hung them in public. Now we just get memes and stuff. Where's the social media mob calling for justice regarding the case of the man who raped a 12 year old and only got 1 year in prison??? No one wants to lynch the lawyer who blamed the 12 year old victim in that case?? Oh wait that's right that lawyer is currently the democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.", '>>{selfpromoting} : What? You think race and gender relationships are like how they were in 1966? Please, lets see some citations.', '>>{Zyom} : Was he talking about burglars? Because honestly I think firing in the air would probably scare them off.', ">>{LikeGoldAndFaceted} : She probably didn't notice until she woke up because, you know, she was unconscious. I'm guessing she probably didn't consent to being fucked on the ground behind a dumpster because she was, you know, unconscious. Whether she was partying with the kid or not and the fact that she has a boyfriend really has nothing to do with what this kid did.", ">>{heavencs117} : Holy shit you must've had a nasty head injury at some point", '>>{20_TwentyTwo} : Our? There is no "our". There\'s only YOU, cupcake. No one cares about you or your faction of disgruntled, online, white males. The *vast* majority of Bernie supporters are idealistic, level-headed sane and rational people who are already beginning to embrace Hillary Clinton and putting Bernie behind them. itshappening.gif', ">>{FakeeMcFake} : >He did. > >http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/joe-biden-endorses-hillary-clinton-224162 > http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_575a127ae4b0ced23ca7a57a > http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/09/politics/president-barack-obama-endorses-hillary-clinton-in-video/ > The Sandbagger hivemind has been furiously at work to bury it and keep you from seeing it here. It's shameful. Quoted you since you like repeating yourself. Nevermind *no one cares*, it's unrelated to the topic, & you use insults...the downvotes must be information suppression! Idiot.", ">>{20_TwentyTwo} : lol >no one cares lol wrap it up guys! The bernie brigade has decided no one cares about Liz Warren and Joe Biden endorsing the first woman to win a major party's nomination! Let's all go back to the HaHa Goodman article about delegate math and 20 articles about what some rando who says he's close to the FBI has to say about the emails!", '>>{buickandolds} : Home invaders and attackers. It would probably work fine except that it is highly illegal and dangerous to do.', ">>{partanimal} : Only me? But what about that faction you referred to? Also, not that gender should matter, but I'm a woman.", '>>{buyfreemoneynow} : I understand why groups like /r/PussyPass and /r/MensRights exist, but I do not know how many men actually know what happens to a rape victim after they are dragged through the mud repeatedly by character assassination. The "what were you wearing / how much did you drink / did you ever have sex with your boyfriend" line of questioning is horrific, and just keeps the damage going. Simultaneously, false rape accusations are a real thing, and that\'s just a hard thing to balance. But nothing justifies giving the little shit in this case such a light sentencing.', ">>{partanimal} : Okay, cupcake. Like I said, call me whatever names you want, just understand it doesn't endear like-thinking people to your side.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : who cares what Brock did; that's a matter for the police and the courts, not the mob. the take-away lesson here is that when a young woman cheats, the boyfriend only learns about it if the cheatring goes wrong. There's a lot more cheating women than there are rapes. Rape against women is extremely rare. There's more men getting raped than women getting raped. IF you want to fight rape on women, go to where it is prevelant - South Africa.", ">>{LikeGoldAndFaceted} : I'm just amazed when I see people like you actually exist. The main take away from this case of rape is about women cheating? Are you fucking serious? I'd laugh if I didn't have to live in a world with scum like you.", '>>{Binarylogic} : https://youtu.be/czb4jn5y94g?t=1m54s All I could imagine was Joe Biden giving this speech.', '>>{Binarylogic} : https://youtu.be/czb4jn5y94g?t=1m54s All I could imagine was Joe Biden giving this speech.', ">>{mrdouchy} : I understand why the defendant's father has a duty to defend his son, but I think we're also right to consider it abhorrent. Clinton also had a duty of sorts to defend the rapist of that 12-year-old, but I think we're right to consider that abhorrent, too. I don't understand why she gets a pass.", '>>{Craggy_Island} : The fact that she has a boyfriend is a red herring. She was physically attacked, and her having a boyfriend is a separate matter entirely.', ">>{Craggy_Island} : I'd laugh if it wasn't so depressing. I can only tell myself it's a teenager/ immature younger man, who will look back on this kind of thing and cringe when he's a bit older.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > and her having a boyfriend is a separate matter entirely. easy to say, when you're not in jeopardy of being court-ordered to 18 years of support for a kid who is not biologically yours.", ">>{Craggy_Island} : What are you even talking about? I can't find anything of this nature in relation to this case.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : Joe Biden wasn't part of the case, either. He just wants to jump on the bandwagon for his own political benefit. What he can do.... I can do."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{KatyaBelli} : Texas Lt. tweets gays after shooting "Reap what you sow"', ">>{ManunkaChunk} : Can we just hope that this is an extremely unfortunate coincidence? I'd like to think that my fellow human beings are not monsters.", '>>{RandomCanucklehead} : According to this asshole\'s "logic", those kids at Sandy Hook had it coming.', ">>{TheRighteousTyrant} : Dannie Scott Goeb, as he is known on his birth certificate, is a real piece of garbage. He decried federal disaster relief for other states (without a commensurate budget decrease elsewhere), but had no qualms about requesting it for his state without suggesting similar offsets. He's a hypocrite of the worst kind, but that's what we get for electing a conservative talk radio host.", ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : It's a case of two religions agreeing to hate the same minority group.", '>>{dandylionsummer} : Then you will just keep electing them into office. Holding your hands over your eyes does not excuse it.', '>>{TheRighteousTyrant} : Unlikely. He has a habit of tweeting "have a blessed Sunday!" with a Biblical quote in recent Sundays, and he did so this Sunday, but it was after the "reap what you sow" quote. Seems a deliberate and specific response, unfortunately. http://imgur.com/a/KDe9F', '>>{dbees92} : That is absolutely horrible. I am a very conservative Mormon and a Christian and my heart aches for this atrocity. Regardless of your opinion on the morality of homosexuality, being murdered is not "reaping what you sow". Disgusting tweet.', '>>{ManunkaChunk} : Thanks for going to the trouble. It seems like an older quote from this series that he cherry-picked this morning and didn\'t include the "have a blessed Sunday!" Really disappointing that we are electing people like this in 21st Century America.', ">>{BigDickRichie} : People can hate whoever they want. There's no reason to hurt or kill anyone just because you hate them. One of those religious groups seems to be doing a lot of killing of gays in the world right now while the other is attempting (and failing) to fight gays with laws and lawsuits.", ">>{BigDickRichie} : I'm willing to bet this guy doesn't believe Sandy Hook even happened.", '>>{Trunkington} : I guess this asshole caused the flooding in Texas.', ">>{TurnerJ5} : Texas Lieutenant *Governor* to be exact, how disgusting. Between this and the Conservative/Trump people trying to factor in the shooters Democratic Party affiliation I'm becoming nauseated.", ">>{premodernism} : Oh how the fuck is this off topic, he's the Lieutenant Governor of Texas you goddamn fucking twits.", '>>{qwerty1088} : This is original content. Confused why it was removed.'], ['>>{madam1} : “I am filled with furious anger”: Joe Biden pens passionate open letter to Stanford rape victim - "You will never be defined by what the defendant’s father callously termed \'20 minutes of action,\'" the VP writes', '>>{Ovedya2011} : And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and *furious anger*...', '>>{ogeegma} : I am filled with furious anger over neoliberals and how they have raped the middle class', '>>{Jackanova3} : Wonder if the dad of the scumbag has realised how badly he fucked up yet. E: of not if', '>>{Umlaut69} : If that was my daughter, that dad would be in the hospital next to his son, and I would be in jail for attempted manslaughter.', '>>{deeprogrammed} : What does the article have to do with politics?', '>>{Jackanova3} : I think if the Vice President (a super popular one at that) writes an open letter calling out how shitty you and your kid are, I think that has to sting a bit.', ">>{HelmetTesterTJ} : Don't sell yourself short. You'd finish the job. I believe in you.", ">>{teknomanzer} : One would hope, but I wouldn't bet the house on it.", '>>{deeprogrammed} : Is what he eats for breakfast a relevant article to post here?', '>>{trump_rises} : [where was the furious anger here?] (https://i.sli.mg/Of52V5.jpg)', '>>{janiceNaccounting} : > We will speak to change the culture on our college campuses — a culture that continues to ask the wrong questions: What were you wearing? > Why were you there? What did you say? How much did you drink? >Instead of asking: Why did he think he had license to rape? Encouraging words for so many victims who have been put through those horrors. I fucking love this man. He has been willing to take a stand on other important issues when no one would have faulted him for remaining silent. I will be a "ride or die" fan of his for life.', '>>{tuxxer} : If he was a real vice president like Cheney, he would have shot the dad, and probably the kid', '>>{sexual_tazer} : I never understood this thinking... "My daughter was raped so I\'m going to abandon her." Do you want a stripper? Because that\'s how you get a stripper.', ">>{dovakiin1234567890} : Yeah fuck Hillary for being a good lawyer! You can't attack someone for doing their job", ">>{avian_buddha} : Anger at rape culture is very last year. In the current year we're busy reestablishing the patriarchy that you've been working to tear down.", '>>{cl33t} : I wonder who the 20% of people who downvoted this are.', '>>{creativejuice} : I think we should rape his wife for 20 minutes and then ask if he feels the same way still?', '>>{Regis_the_puss} : Every time you put shit on a just and good action you lessen it. Have some responsibility for your own words. Some people have been fighting this whole time. Others are just fighting to stay alive.', ">>{Regis_the_puss} : As someone who watched their apparently brave father walk away from his sister's molester- we all wish he would have had the courage to beat the shit out of him, because we were too small to.", '>>{Mythril_Zombie} : Not just any old anger. *Furious* anger.', '>>{crosstoday} : Well this kids lawyers did a bang up job. Lets elect them president too!', ">>{carlclashfan} : If this kid's lawyer had her experience and platform, I would be fine with that.", '>>{carlclashfan} : Dear Brock: go fuck yourself. Love, Dick', ">>{BSebor} : Nah, he would've shot the victim and then called for an invasion of a random country on the other side of the world.", '>>{Umlaut69} : Sorry to hear that. Hope the guy eventually got his punishment somewhere.', ">>{Regis_the_puss} : He didn't, unfortunately. We were advised by police that my sister would be ripped apart on the stand as her story was inconsistent. Over the years it was revealed that he had done it to two of his other Granddaughters. I am not a very religious man but for the damage he did I would gladly believe that there is a hell and that he is in it.", '>>{ogeegma} : lol thanks for the laugh. it *is* rather comical and this Angry American needed a laugh.', ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > as her story was inconsistent translation: it was a lie Look, the uncontested FACTS of this Stanford case are: accused is a handsome, smart, hot-swimmer-body girl left with him voluntarily girl didn't know their was evidence of sexual activity until she woke up in the hospital girl HAS A BOYFRIEND who was gonna need an explanation as to why she was alone getting drunk in bars, and going out to the back of dumpsters alone with a sexy swimmer.", '>>{crosstoday} : I was laughing at him bro. He really told you off /s', ">>{crosstoday} : I'm glad that's all it takes to quell your outrage and earn your vote.", ">>{Regis_the_puss} : Could you please not accuse my sister of falsifying molestation. She suffers severe post-traumatic stress disorder because of this and has huge trouble trusting men. She was also six years old at the time and was conflicted by the love she felt for her grandfather. I'm trying very hard not to personally attack you, but I will say one thing. A jury found him guilty of all counts.", ">>{Umlaut69} : That's terrible, but yeah, I really hope people like that burn in the worst part of hell.", ">>{abernasty42} : P.S.- I'm going to shoot you and make you apologize to me for getting shot.", ">>{20_TwentyTwo} : And he also endorsed Hillary Clinton. I might as well say that here because the Sandbaggers are blocking all information and news on that in r/politics Edit: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/joe-biden-endorses-hillary-clinton-224162 http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_575a127ae4b0ced23ca7a57a http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/09/politics/president-barack-obama-endorses-hillary-clinton-in-video/ The Sandbagger hivemind has been furiously at work to bury it and keep you from seeing it here. It's shameful.", '>>{partanimal} : The uncontested facts of this case are: pretentious, entitled douche decides to fuck an unconscious woman.', ">>{partanimal} : I thought I just saw that he hasn't yet?", ">>{20_TwentyTwo} : He did. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/joe-biden-endorses-hillary-clinton-224162 http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_575a127ae4b0ced23ca7a57a http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/09/politics/president-barack-obama-endorses-hillary-clinton-in-video/ The Sandbagger hivemind has been furiously at work to bury it and keep you from seeing it here. It's shameful.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > pretentious, entitled douche decides to fuck an unconscious woman if he had done that, he would have been convicted of rape. he was NOT convicted of rape. I understand that your search for the Great White Defendant is in bad condition ever since we found out the truth about Haven Monahan. I'm sorry for your loss. PS: Swim Team at Stanford is NOT pretentious. That's more real accomplishment than Sabrina Rubin-Erdely has had in her entire life.", '>>{partanimal} : You\'re right ... He was fortunately interrupted by some decent people. I should have said, "was attempting to fuck an unconscious woman, and was currently penetrating digitally an unconscious woman." Is that much better?', '>>{partanimal} : And the hill bots are trying to bury information about the wh calling it a criminal investigation, that she sent a wire directing all state employees to only use authorized ais-es, that she didn\'t remember signing her security briefing, and so on. Yes, this is an aggregate site. Many people are biased. Some people are paid to execute their biases here. All that means is some information unfavorable or favorable to each side gets elevated or buried depending on which side is more active at the time. Edit - "at least she\'s not trump"is perhaps not what I would call am endorsement, but to each his own.', '>>{Rodalli} : When your judgment is so poor that the vice president of the country feels compelled to put aside his other responsibilities to respond, in writing, to your complete lack of tact and awareness... ya dun goofed.', ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > Is that much better? not for your Narrative that upscale college white males are the nation's real rape threat. The GOOD news is that the hoe's bf is likely to figure out that - yes..... she got sexually assaulted in the course of cheating on him.", '>>{fuckface_academy} : Oh, Joe. Methinks thou doth protest too much.', ">>{20_TwentyTwo} : That's a stupid thing to say. It's right there on the front page. We aren't the ones downvoting news lol those are all sandtards", '>>{MrNPC009} : Came for this, was not disappointed Why has no one posted [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2WK_eWihdU) yet.', ">>{partanimal} : As long add you don't need our votes, call me what you want. We're not the tards who nominated a criminal.", '>>{partanimal} : So they just try real hard to rape, but sometimes fail. And classy move calling an attempted take victim a hoe.', '>>{anotherswingingdick} : > And classy move calling an attempted take victim a hoe. Tell that to the bf who found out that his lady picked up a stranger in a bar.', '>>{Pimpin-is-easy} : No anger is as passionate, righteous and pure as the one of the politician writing an open letter......', '>>{partanimal} : Source? Please ensure your source includes something other than the rapist saying it happened, seeing as how he was convicted on all counts, it would appear that his testimony that she had consented was dubious at best. So please, non-rapist source for her wanting to have sex with him.', ">>{anotherswingingdick} : she walked out of the place with Swimmer. Swimmer didn't hypnotize her, nor put anything in her drinks. Are you saying that he kidnapped her and CARRIED her to the scene of the incident? Try telling the bf that she got so drunk that she lost her inhibitions against cheating - so she doesn't deserve to get kicked to the curb. The mention of (the FACT of) her cheating, has really touched a nerve here with you. I wonder why this triggers you? You Sabrina's are all the same, you always end up digging yourself in deeper and deeper, and deeper.", '>>{buickandolds} : This also the same guy who said u should fire warning shots in the air. So 1 for 2', ">>{partanimal} : I didn't realize walking out of a bar with a person was the same as agreeing to have sex. (I also don't know that they left a bar together, but I'm so nice I'll even grant you that). I never said her bf shouldn't break up with her if he believes she was chatting on him. That's between them. But you still haven't provided any indication that she ever said she wanted to have sex. I don't know why you think I'm bent out of shape about whether or not she cheated. My tone hasn't changed at all in this exchange. Because, honestly, I don't know and I don't care if she cheated. If she did, that would be wrong, and I would leave it to her and her bf to sort that out. Doesn't mean she should have been raped. I also didn't know who the fuck sabrina was until I googled her after your first reference to her, I'm not triggered, I just think rape is bad, rapists are bad, and rape apologists are even worse.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > I just think rape is bad, rapists are bad, and rape apologists are even worse. That's exactly how I feel about false rape accusations, and about media-mediated lynchings of men for rapes that never actually happened.", ">>{partanimal} : False rape accusations are horrible. And this isn't one. Also, just fyi, next time you decide you need to make it clear how supportive you are of rape, maybe get the story straight. They weren't at a bar. They weren't interacting much. And neither of them claimed they left together. So, I'd really like to see any source that says that she in any way, shape, or form, indicated that she intended to have sex with anyone that night.", '>>{jlamamama} : Probably tells all his friends about it. "I got the *Vice President* to call me an asshole."', ">>{ZeCoolerKing} : Actually 0/2 considering he's now cheerleading this idea of rampant rape culture. The Obama administration has set back race and gender relationships half a century.", '>>{premium_rusks} : Where is his letter speaking about bill Clinton? Fucking pussy...', '>>{growyurown} : Anyone think the father would pen the same letter if it was not his son? Edit: The father of the rapist. This was in part a Joe Biden response to a letter the father wrote.', ">>{WorkHardForTheMoney} : Ahhh I'm glad the country has developed social media lynching for when they think 1 legal case doesn't have the appropriate punishment. If only this was a 100 years ago the country would of dragged the guy and his dad into the streets and hung them in public. Now we just get memes and stuff. Where's the social media mob calling for justice regarding the case of the man who raped a 12 year old and only got 1 year in prison??? No one wants to lynch the lawyer who blamed the 12 year old victim in that case?? Oh wait that's right that lawyer is currently the democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.", '>>{selfpromoting} : What? You think race and gender relationships are like how they were in 1966? Please, lets see some citations.', '>>{Zyom} : Was he talking about burglars? Because honestly I think firing in the air would probably scare them off.', ">>{LikeGoldAndFaceted} : She probably didn't notice until she woke up because, you know, she was unconscious. I'm guessing she probably didn't consent to being fucked on the ground behind a dumpster because she was, you know, unconscious. Whether she was partying with the kid or not and the fact that she has a boyfriend really has nothing to do with what this kid did.", ">>{heavencs117} : Holy shit you must've had a nasty head injury at some point", '>>{20_TwentyTwo} : Our? There is no "our". There\'s only YOU, cupcake. No one cares about you or your faction of disgruntled, online, white males. The *vast* majority of Bernie supporters are idealistic, level-headed sane and rational people who are already beginning to embrace Hillary Clinton and putting Bernie behind them. itshappening.gif', ">>{FakeeMcFake} : >He did. > >http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/joe-biden-endorses-hillary-clinton-224162 > http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_575a127ae4b0ced23ca7a57a > http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/09/politics/president-barack-obama-endorses-hillary-clinton-in-video/ > The Sandbagger hivemind has been furiously at work to bury it and keep you from seeing it here. It's shameful. Quoted you since you like repeating yourself. Nevermind *no one cares*, it's unrelated to the topic, & you use insults...the downvotes must be information suppression! Idiot.", ">>{20_TwentyTwo} : lol >no one cares lol wrap it up guys! The bernie brigade has decided no one cares about Liz Warren and Joe Biden endorsing the first woman to win a major party's nomination! Let's all go back to the HaHa Goodman article about delegate math and 20 articles about what some rando who says he's close to the FBI has to say about the emails!", '>>{buickandolds} : Home invaders and attackers. It would probably work fine except that it is highly illegal and dangerous to do.', ">>{partanimal} : Only me? But what about that faction you referred to? Also, not that gender should matter, but I'm a woman.", '>>{buyfreemoneynow} : I understand why groups like /r/PussyPass and /r/MensRights exist, but I do not know how many men actually know what happens to a rape victim after they are dragged through the mud repeatedly by character assassination. The "what were you wearing / how much did you drink / did you ever have sex with your boyfriend" line of questioning is horrific, and just keeps the damage going. Simultaneously, false rape accusations are a real thing, and that\'s just a hard thing to balance. But nothing justifies giving the little shit in this case such a light sentencing.', ">>{partanimal} : Okay, cupcake. Like I said, call me whatever names you want, just understand it doesn't endear like-thinking people to your side.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : who cares what Brock did; that's a matter for the police and the courts, not the mob. the take-away lesson here is that when a young woman cheats, the boyfriend only learns about it if the cheatring goes wrong. There's a lot more cheating women than there are rapes. Rape against women is extremely rare. There's more men getting raped than women getting raped. IF you want to fight rape on women, go to where it is prevelant - South Africa.", ">>{LikeGoldAndFaceted} : I'm just amazed when I see people like you actually exist. The main take away from this case of rape is about women cheating? Are you fucking serious? I'd laugh if I didn't have to live in a world with scum like you.", '>>{Binarylogic} : https://youtu.be/czb4jn5y94g?t=1m54s All I could imagine was Joe Biden giving this speech.', '>>{Binarylogic} : https://youtu.be/czb4jn5y94g?t=1m54s All I could imagine was Joe Biden giving this speech.', ">>{mrdouchy} : I understand why the defendant's father has a duty to defend his son, but I think we're also right to consider it abhorrent. Clinton also had a duty of sorts to defend the rapist of that 12-year-old, but I think we're right to consider that abhorrent, too. I don't understand why she gets a pass.", '>>{Craggy_Island} : The fact that she has a boyfriend is a red herring. She was physically attacked, and her having a boyfriend is a separate matter entirely.', ">>{Craggy_Island} : I'd laugh if it wasn't so depressing. I can only tell myself it's a teenager/ immature younger man, who will look back on this kind of thing and cringe when he's a bit older.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : > and her having a boyfriend is a separate matter entirely. easy to say, when you're not in jeopardy of being court-ordered to 18 years of support for a kid who is not biologically yours.", ">>{Craggy_Island} : What are you even talking about? I can't find anything of this nature in relation to this case.", ">>{anotherswingingdick} : Joe Biden wasn't part of the case, either. He just wants to jump on the bandwagon for his own political benefit. What he can do.... I can do."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Chaos_Motor} : There is a huge difference between people fighting for a level playing field and the people fighting to keep the system rigged', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : The Clintons are a rigging team of con artists, versus the master con Trump.] This election proves, as a nation of people we are fucked, everyone better learn to kneel and cutesy.', '>>{Samuel311fan} : DELINGPOLE: NOAA Scandal Gives Trump The Perfect Excuse To Drain The Clima', '>>{paraconformity} : >None of these initiatives will happen if we do not elect a Democratic president in November. None! In fact, we will go backward. We must elect the Democratic nominee in November and progressive Democrats up and down the ballot so that we ensure that these policy commitments can advance.', '>>{theanticonservative} : She said in the same breath that she endorses a candidate that cheated her way to the nomination', ">>{Rev_Beaker} : Not going to click the link. Assuming it's crap seems safe.", ">>{jp_slim} : > Democrats worried about potentially raucous floor fights on wedge issues like an amendment opposing the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. That plank was Sanders' top policy goal heading into the Orlando, but it was voted down out of respect for President Obama, who supports the TPP. The TPP should be opposed out of respect to the thousands of American jobs that will be directly affected by this deal.", '>>{-917-} : The irony of Warren & co saying this from inside the DEM camp...smh', ">>{Samuel311fan} : Love how because you don't want to believe that Man Made Climate Change is fake you call the source fake news, I love your tolerance!", '>>{OKarizee} : The DNC is a crime syndicate, with activists posed as journalists in the media.', '>>{keeb119} : One has been leading a progressive movement and the other is the dnc nominee.', ">>{Yes_Man_} : How about the supers decide that the most tainted & disliked candidate since Nixon isn't the right person to head the ticket? Unless they want to lose to the candidate who they would have had no trouble beating with almost any other candidate.", ">>{MagicalGoldfish} : don't worry most americans dont care, and the politicians know it", ">>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : That's funny that you're still holding out hope for Bernie to flip the super delegates.", '>>{GuruOfGravity} : The richest the very wealthiest own all the news sources, content creators, internet portals and providers. You only get what they want for you and that is less each day.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Fat chance of that happening when over 400 of them declared their support for Clinton right out of the gate.', '>>{92Lean} : He is a sell-out! We were promised he would be in it until the end. He called for rallies at the Convention and we supported him. I am ashamed that Bernie has given up. I will **NOT** be voting for Clinton.', ">>{PullGrenadeThrowPin} : You can spot Trump supporters from a mile away. They don't know jack shit and let you know as soon as they open their mouths", ">>{kellysewrad} : In last night's delegate conf call, Bernie said he was going to the convention for a roll call vote and was ready for a floor fight over $ in politics and the TPP (starts around 17:25): https://soundcloud.com/lena_the_dj/bernie-7-12-16-delegate-conf-call-after-hrc-endorsement?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_content=https%3A//soundcloud.com/lena_the_dj/bernie-7-12-16-delegate-conf-call-after-hrc-endorsement Just image how this election would have gone if Bernie hadn't run, who would've fought for the issues that matter to the middle class?? No one.", '>>{mdtroyer} : I will say nothing about the article. Just the source, which has consistently proven to be a bastion of fake news.', ">>{andrewdt10} : It just demonstrates that she's a piece of shit. If it wasn't so ridiculous, it'd be funny.", ">>{guy15s} : I would never vote for Trump, but he basically made a joke out of the tilted Republican Primary and showed that their rigging can easily be used against them. If anybody's created a level playing field for their party, it's Trump.", '>>{thatpj} : So why say that in private, and then have Jeff Weaver on air say the opposite? Sorry but he is losing credibility with me.', ">>{c_double_u} : I love you how you don't believe in science because your worldview has been so clouded by delusional oligarchs who profit off of your ignorance.", '>>{SaltHash} : The folks at Breitbart repeatedly advertise their political persuasion as alt-right. So none of us have to pretend those alt-right-racists are objective about anything.', ">>{SaltHash} : >Love how because you don't want to believe that Man Made Climate Change is fake you call the source fake news, I love your tolerance! Nobody has to be tolerant for the intolerant alt-right-racists at Breitbart.", ">>{dbSterling} : You have to be truly petulant to not understand the importance of electing Clinton if you're a Sanders supporter.", '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : What does tolerance have to do with not buying into a load of shit from a fake news source? waiting', ">>{derppress} : Word is the Clinton team threatened to overturn all of the progress made on the platform if he didn't endorse before the convention, they also threatened to prevent him from speaking at the convention and essentially silencing him. It sucks and I'm terribly disappointed but he was pretty much stuck. He could have gone to the media to address these threats but they would have just asked him if he was sexist for not endorsing her again.", '>>{Asgard_Thunder} : >We get it the systems rigged... *so vote for our rigged candidate!* Fucking Warren, traded in her ideals and dignity for some kind of Scratch from the Clinton machine. She should be ashamed.', '>>{IntelligenceKills} : The fact that they call them "Floor Fights" is disgusting. Minority reports are a part of every state, district, and county convention. They are a way to ensure that the Platform Committee is not misrepresenting the will of the delegates. Delegates deserve a floor vote, and we would probably be surprised to see what would have passed. Fuck the media. EDIT: I was a Sanders delegate to the Iowa State convention, and we used minority reports to officially oppose superdelegates and to support marijuana legalization, among other things. Would not have been done just by the platform committee alone!', ">>{PullGrenadeThrowPin} : Lol what? What does this statement have to do with the two previous ones? But ill take the bait: I'm voting for Stein over a criminal any damn time the choice presents itself. Myself and the rest of the *petulant children* have principles and integrity. I know that's weird but try to understand it.", ">>{dbSterling} : Keep that ideological purity for your own sake. Voting for Stein means you get to feel principled while you waste the effort. You probably live in a state where your presidential pick doesn't matter anyway", ">>{chrom_ed} : You do realize she's only doing that to avoid trump right? Sometimes you have to make compromises. She's not suddenly a Hillary shill and I'll bet you she opposes her on policy over the next 4 years. But no go ahead with your little outrage machine.", ">>{beanzo} : That's because Bill Clinton deregulated the media and the cable companies with the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Looks like it paid off...", '>>{GuruOfGravity} : He only finished off what was nearly completed in the 80s during the Reagan years, from then The elimination of the fairness doctrine and a relaxation of ownership rules that allowed most of the consolidation into a few conservative owners of all information providers Clinton just polished it off.', ">>{discrete_maine} : i'll take any of the names floated other than hillary at this point. plug in warren or biden and i'll happily support them, but i'm not voting for hillary in november.", ">>{discrete_maine} : i care. lots of others who share similar perspective care. we don't care that *you* don't care. see? both sides don't give a fuck about the other sides feelings, so who the fuck cares that you don't care?", '>>{_Iamblichus_} : Like compromising on exactly how far back in your family tree you can go in order to claim minority status?', '>>{rhott} : She means well. This is from fear of Trump.', '>>{ohnothejuiceisloose} : Your daily reminder that Daily Kos and Alternet are banned sources in /r/politics, but Breitbart is fine.', '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : That\'s hilarious. Had Biden ran, you guys would have slaughtered him for supporting the crime bill and voting for Iraq. He\'s just as "conservative" as Hillary is if not more so.', '>>{theanticonservative} : I begrudgingly accept that. However, she and the rest of the party has no claim to the high road over "fighting a rigged system" after cheating to get hillary elected. Warren can endorse her, but not insult our intelligence by pretending they want an honest or democratic system', ">>{frackpot} : But donnie said the news is fake and full of bad people. He's right you know and it's on full display here. Do you believe CNN?", ">>{ColossalMistake} : So now he's not even fighting for his principles anymore. Truly weak.", '>>{chrom_ed} : Is Warren involved with the dnc in any capacity? Honest question.', '>>{whaatwhaatwhat} : Translated: "I don\'t like the rational implications of what you\'re saying. Therefore you are coercing me."', ">>{discrete_maine} : yup. an now, faced with hillary, i'll gladly support biden over her.", ">>{KrabMittens} : I disagree with that whole heartedly and believe that line is one of the greatest lies we've been told.", '>>{jp_slim} : > LMAO, respect? for the working class? I live in fantasyland, I know.', ">>{xrabidx} : I think what he doesn't like is his opinion being dismissed by smug assholes. This why the left has become so fucking toxic.", ">>{Samuel311fan} : You don't actually believe that human activity really affects our global climate, do you? For that you would have to have faith because there is no provable evidence that would lead a reasonable thinker to believe in AGW. Time after time we find out that these climate organizations have tampered the data and flat out lied to us, the public. We know is a crock and part of a larger movement to push a Globalist agenda on US policy makers ultimately hurting the poorest citizens. Get out of here with that garbage.", '>>{znfinger} : Plus, Biden isn\'t a liar. Being identified as a liar is a permanent mark. It\'s not like holding an unpopular opinion, where there\'s room to change your position and say, "okay, I admit that I was wrong or that I would be misrepresenting my constituents by holding to this position". There\'s no coming back from being identified as a liar.', ">>{chrom_ed} : So... No? It's not like Clint Eastwood has any say in the management of the RNC.", ">>{xrabidx} : Way to unite the party. It's idiots like you that are driving supporters from Clinton en Masse. Yes please tell him how his vote doesn't matter and that he's an idiot for not voting for your candidate, yes that will really change his mind and unite the people instead of leading to a trump presidency.", ">>{viccar0} : Breitbart and conservatives question climate scientists but see no irony in using technology invented by dint of the scientific method like microchips and the internet to propagate their bullshit. Science worked for tech but climate scientists, boy, can't trust em.", ">>{GaryRuppert} : Sanders Essentially gave up his Leverage by making this Lame move. Of course, he'll be praised by some. Understand That Bernie stabbed his revolution in the back. You want change. Vote Trump", ">>{dbSterling} : You are an idiot if someone on an internet forum can convince you to betray every platform your candidate has fought for just because you don't get to have it all. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt in assuming he's not in a battleground state and still willing to throw away his vote", '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : Nope, nobody has to be ignorant of the facts either, your choice.', '>>{xrabidx} : Yup keep calling potential voters idiots while Trump welcomes them with open arms. When trump wins its going to be directly because of people like you that drove away support from your own side. Good job.', ">>{theanticonservative} : I'm not sure what you're asking. She's the senior senator from MA which makes her a Superdelegate. Every Superdelegate has influence in the party. Clint Eastwood isn't a national politician for the republican party and they don't have superdelegates anyways", ">>{chrom_ed} : He spoke at the RNC last election cycle that's why I mentioned him. Since no one had said that she's a super delegate before then and just that she spoke at the DNC.", ">>{wurtis16} : Agreed on the piece of shit comment, she waiting to endorse the clear winner, she's an opportunist and a joke.", ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : Clever, i'll give you that. Usually, change is good, I don't see trump giving good change Not to mention his tax plan will do a severe amount of harm to us To say the least, some change can be very bad.", '>>{MasterCronus} : The difference is Trump lies to get ahead in business or makes outrageous claims to get free air time on TV. Clinton lies about everything including endangering national security and having her party rig an election.', ">>{viccar0} : Man made climate change is so fucking logical it's insane anyone buys into this propaganda. Question, how do you feel about computers and GPS? Do you question if the scientists who helped create them knew what they were talking about as you use them?", '>>{odoroustobacco} : One more reactionary buzz phrase and I hit bingo!', ">>{GuruOfGravity} : Trump just has had a chance to lie about political policies, we can count on him turning in a huge effort, really big and beautiful lies. But hasn't he already made some misspeaks, about employment, crime and the economy in general?", ">>{stuckinthepow} : > You don't actually believe that human activity really affects our global climate, do you? There is absolutely no way anyone will have a conversation with you if you lie. Until you face reality and facts, no one should respond. You live in a fake delusional world.", ">>{R2PDC} : She's way, way too sharp to give her the benefit of the doubt on any of this stuff. I give Bernie the benefit of the doubt, because I sense that he just swallows whatever the MSM feeds him on anything not having to do with his own campaign. I love the guy, but he's not in the same intellectual class as Warren.", ">>{R2PDC} : I loathe the RNC, and they were miles from ideal, but they put the DNC to shame this season. No superdelegates, and even if it required pulling them along kicking and screaming, they at least respected the voters enough to let the proverbial chips fall where they may. Trump exercised a hostile takeover of their party, threw all of their precious economic orthodoxy out the window and replaced it with pro-worker populism, and forced them to do a 180 on foreign policy, causing the neocon rats to completely abandon the ship. Their voters chose Trump, and they didn't like, but they respected the choice.", ">>{PullGrenadeThrowPin} : Well, your faith is actually well placed. I'm in WV and my state is going Trump no matter how I vote. There's actually a pretty good percentage of Sanders voters here who said they would vote for Trump even if Sanders won the nomination.", '>>{Ryriena} : Warren you just endorsed the idiot, who is basically keeping that system rigged.', '>>{fitzroy95} : Agreed. America gets the president that the establishment wants to sell to them. It is seriously hard to get past the onslaught of media and political propaganda. Its pretty understandable that the majority of the population are overwhelmed by the constant brainwashing they are subjected to.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : And Bernie is now fighting to keep the system rigged.', '>>{stuckinthepow} : Just report Breitbart as fake news to the mods and move along.', ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : listen man, I know where you are coming from. I was a huge sanders supporter and I want Hillary to fall into a volcano more than anybody. Voting for Jill Stein (or Johnson) can bring us a wonderful opportunity to have more choices in elections. But it has a major drawback, SCOTUS picks. Stein won't win and it will take away any chances of democratic Justice picks. All I can effectively do is vote for Hillary to have a *chance* and then make sure I vote at EVERY level of gov't", ">>{aelbric} : Right. Because there is any chance that the Democrats are going to actually go through with their policy. Or that Clinton will actually give it more than lip service if she gets into office. It's amazing that the people who were calling Clinton an unrepentant, unreliable liar 3 days ago are now trying to say the world will fall apart if we don't vote for her. Just like the SCOTUS justice argument before that. I DON'T LIKE CLINTON. I will never vote for her. Period. The only way the Democrats were going to get my vote this election was by nominating Sanders. No amount of gloom, doom, threats, gnashing of teeth, and wailing is going to change that.", '>>{Samuel311fan} : You mean lie like the NOAA and NASA and countless organizations that fake their data? Yeah, the fact is the case for AGW can NEVER win on its own merits so they have to lie about the data, talk about delusional. [source from Washington Times](http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/feb/5/climate-change-whistleblower-alleges-noaa-manipula/)', ">>{stuckinthepow} : You're making up fake claims and have no credible evidence to support your dubious claims. You live in an alternative world devoid of facts and reality. You have no one supporting you. You look like a fool talking to adults.", ">>{Samuel311fan} : If it's so logical then why do these climate organizations keep making up and falsely report data to prove their point? Hint: because AGW is not true. Don't be a lemming.", ">>{Tridamos} : So there's a massive conspiracy involving pretty much the entire scientific community to push an agenda that ultimately is designed to do what exactly?", ">>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : I'm honored. I have a true rival now. I would have enjoyed HillarysGapingVagina But I'll settle for huge. Prepare to battle.", '>>{whaatwhaatwhat} : I am not among the people who called Clinton an unrepentant, unreliable liar 3 days ago. Or ever.', '>>{HilaryHasAHugeVagina} : nah, gaping is a short term affair. hers is massive. floppy, loose and ready for a traffic cone at any time.', '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : Trump and Hillary would have terrible sex. Neither of them would feel anything.', ">>{chinese_farmer} : If trump get elected history will be looking squarely at you and your emotional non-rational decision. This isn't about liking hillary. No one likes hillary.", ">>{RancorHi5} : Any source on that? Sounds like something she and her team would do but I'd like to know who said it.", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : Please say the left and right have both become so fucking toxic and i'll agree. Pretending that Trump and his subreddit are anything but disgusting is laughable", '>>{RancorHi5} : I am so very disappointed. I wanted him to go to the convention and raise a yuge ruckus. Neither Clinton or Trump will ever get my vote.', '>>{chinese_farmer} : > That Bernie stabbed his revolution in the back. You want change. Vote Trump Bernie and Trump have nothing in common politically. Bernie would self immolate to stop Trump from being president. Bernie - liberal Hillary - liberal Bernie endorsed the winning candidate from his own team - what a back stabber!!', ">>{chinese_farmer} : People who 12 months ago didn't know anything about politics now telling us Bernie is a sell out and they know better than Bernie. Ya ok.", '>>{Turfyleek93} : Please.. Just stop. Go back to your safe space. Or you know, just post actual, credible claims.', ">>{jacksonsmashon} : where's the word coming from? just so I can point people there", ">>{GaryRuppert} : Bernie isn't a liberal, he's a socialist. Ask a Socialist about the differences, they hate liberals", '>>{viccar0} : Have you actually read a single report or research article from climate scientists? Do you mind weighing the evidence that you call "false" and weighing it against the evidence that has never once been disputed? How about the explanations they put forth? Do you have better explanations? If you had to tabulate and total up the data in terms of the explanations and historical data for vs against, or evidence for vs evidence "falsified", tell me, how do you think the scales would weigh out? And you didn\'t answer my question. You trust science to have produced what you are typing and transmitting on, but the climate scientists who utilize the same methods and ethos are... liars? Also, one more question which I think is the most important. If you have a big glass building, does it warm up in the sun quicker than its surroundings, and does it retain its heat better than its surroundings? Do you dispute that?', '>>{Samuel311fan} : To do these three things and more: -Impose a Global Tax, which will require a Global organization to enforce (UN?) - Reduce overpopulation by encouraging abortions and one-child policies like China - Reduce our quality of life (making us eat less meat, drive electric cars, use crappy ACs, etc. ) Basically institute a Globalist society with a communistic undertone.', ">>{Tridamos} : So basically, their evil plan is to make things worse for everyone for no particular reason? Wow, you're something alright.", '>>{jacksonsmashon} : jesus Christ you trump and Clinton folks spend more time on "clever" names than literally anything else', '>>{chubbysumo} : Ummm, china just eased the restrictions on the one child policy in most of the country. Get your shit up to date.', '>>{chinese_farmer} : Bernie is a realist. He accepted the situation he was in and made the best of it - which is what we should all do. On one side of the coin this is a "loss". On the other side of the coin its a "win" - we unify the party, sweep the whitehouse, supreme court and midterm elections. In 2 yrs people will recognize Bernie for the party savior he is.', '>>{Samuel311fan} : To the Left, it\'s all about Globalism. So they\'ll sacrifice some economic impact or babies to get their way, you know like "the end justifies the means" sorta thing. But I\'m with you, it is most certainly evil, good call.', '>>{GetTheLedPaintOut} : I think it should be supported out of respect for the millions of us that will benefit from it.', ">>{GetTheLedPaintOut} : > Because there is any chance that the Democrats are going to actually go through with their policy Elect Clinton and then ELECT PROGRESSIVES TO CONGRESS IF YOU WANT THIS. The president doesn't make or pass legislation. > I DON'T LIKE CLINTON. I will never vote for her. Period. Elections are choices. If you think Clinton and Trump are exactly the same amount of evil and bad, then don't vote for either of them. Otherwise, elections are choices.", '>>{KaijinDV} : Downvote as always, but for anyone interested in what the "NOAA Scandal" is and don\'t want to give propaganda sites a click, here\'s an article https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/02/article-names-whistleblower-who-told-congress-that-noaa-manipulated-data/', '>>{Tridamos} : I think you [got it wrong](http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/158/329/9189283.jpg) though.', ">>{GetTheLedPaintOut} : He didn't need to go that far to get what he wanted. > Neither Clinton or Trump will ever get my vote. You find Trump equally abhorrent to someone that agrees with Sanders on nearly all policy goals?", ">>{Samuel311fan} : Oh yeah, they're such a great government now, I wish we had a Chinese style government. /s Although, you leftists kinda like censorship (i.e. UC Berkley)", '>>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : spell out the first letters of what we both said.', ">>{Sparkybear} : Most trade deals impact lower class factory workers. You'll find that contributed a good part of why so many uneducated, unemployed men supported Trump when he said he would bring back jobs to the US and not trade with anyone. Free Trade makes things cheaper for everyone and can cause some unemployment as a result as jobs are outsourced when factories can no longer produce at a low enough cost to compete. That's why tariffs exist, to try and even that playing field a bit. That said, free trade is almost always more beneficial than it is detrimental, and that includes the unemployment effects. TPP is pretty messed up, but potential job loss is not unique to it.", '>>{gruntznclickz} : Clinton is going to appoint corpratists to the SC anyway, so what does it matter? People are *assuming* based on basically nothing that Trump is so bad that they want to vote for someone we *know* is bad.', ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : > People are assuming based on basically nothing that Trump is so bad I don't know about you but I don't think demagoguery, racism, a shitty tax plan, no idea about what's going on in the middle east and building a wall to stop immigration are points that help your statement", ">>{SublimeInAll} : Remember that what Clinton says on stage, and even what the platform contains, are just words. There is no obligation whatsoever to follow the platform or promises. Also chimps and humans share something like 97% percent of DNA. That 3% is where the real difference lies. For example, imagine 2 candidates agree on 99.9% of things. The one thing the don't agree on is genocide. One candidate supports it, the other doesn't. Obviously a hyperbolic example, but you get my point. Sometimes even if the difference is technically minor, the implications are wide-reaching. My issue is Hillary's mode of operation is well known, she has a track record shrouded in shady business. Trump is more of a wild card because he only has a corporate track record. Both are very real threats. If you have to choose between an assassin and an arsonist, the assassin might do less damage overall, but they are better equipped to operate under the radar. If the arsonist starts burning things to the ground the whole world will see. Measure can be taken faster and more deliberately. In my opinion I do not feel safer with Clinton in office, I find both equally capable of destruction. If I had to bet money I would say Clinton would be better than Trump, but you don't really want to start gambling on whether an assassin is as dangerous as an arsonist. You want to avoid both at all costs.", ">>{lesss365} : Watch his interview with Colbert, he said, 'I'd be lying if I said was there', when asked about running. If he runs he's a liar.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Lol at every Bernout who said he would take it to the convention. Only an idiot believed that.', '>>{gruntznclickz} : >> People are assuming based on basically nothing that Trump is so bad **that they will vote for someone we *know* is bad** If you want to quote me, quote the whole thing. >I don\'t know about you but I don\'t think demagoguery, racism, a shitty tax plan, no idea about what\'s going on in the middle east and building a wall to stop immigration are points that help your statement Show me something he has said that is racist. As far as I have seen he has not said anything about *all* people of any race. What is shitty about his tax plan? I won\'t doubt you, but can you articulate it? What is better about Hillary\'s? What has he said to make you think he has no idea what is going on in the middle east? What about Clinton makes you think she knows any more? Before you spew shit about her "experience", remember that she did a god awful job, pushed for the Lybian airstrikes over oil, voted for the Iraq war and wants to go to war with Syria. She\'s tone deaf and brain dead on the whole issue... she is a war hawk. We already have a god damned wall on the border. He doesn\'t hate immigrants, he dislikes and disavows *illegal* immigration and I have to agree. I\'m pretty fucking liberal and want to let people come to this country. That\'s how America was born and grew into a country. I even think allowing people to become citizens more quickly might be a good idea, but people that break the law to come here need to go to the back of the line. I don\'t agree with Trump on everything, however, these stupid fucking talking points and scare tactics are sickening. It\'s all over the media being shoved down everyone\'s throats "Be afraid, VEEEERY afraid!". If Trump is the boogey man, Clinton is Death. Fuck if I will ever vote for corruption.', '>>{prey4mojo} : Take the tin foil hat off... or put it on. Not sure which, but something has scrambled your brain', ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : First off, you're both idiots. A Democratic Socialist and a Socialist are 2 different animals entirely. Bernie Supports the Nordic model. It is a capitalist economy with a welfare state. And you, /u/chinese_farmer , You do realize Bernie is not a liberal, he's an independent progressive and Hillary is a moderate democrat who *pretends* to be liberal right?", '>>{damrider} : sell-out? please tell me how much money he took for his own pocket. please, show me.', ">>{buttaholic} : i agree with what you're saying, it is a little weird.. but i haven't seen jeff weaver on air saying they wouldn't be having a 'floor fight'", '>>{GaryRuppert} : Bernie is a socialist, he only started calling himself a Democratic socialist to fool people. He said he was a socialist multiple times until he rebranded himself.', ">>{aelbric} : > Elect Clinton and then ELECT PROGRESSIVES TO CONGRESS IF YOU WANT THIS. The president doesn't make or pass legislation Then who cares if Clinton is elected or not?", '>>{aelbric} : I accept the consequences of my actions and the DNC should have thought about that before they forced her down our throats.', '>>{alpha_dk} : If Trump gets elected, people will look at the Clinton Foundation and her obvious-to-many corruption as the cause. No one will be looking at "emotional non-rational decisions"', '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > People who 12 months ago didn\'t know anything about politics now telling us Bernie is a sell out and they know better than Bernie. Ya ok. You appear to be claiming that the only people who say "Bernie is a sellout" are people who didn\'t know anything about politics a year ago. I don\'t see evidence of that--furthermore, I very much doubt that you or anyone in this sub is qualified to assess whether such a generalization is true, even if there *were* data that could allow this kind of analysis. *** I think you **meant** to say that (in your opinion) 92Lean probably doesn\'t possess any special knowledge of Sanders, Sanders\'s motivations, intentions, and daily activities, or possess mental powers beyond the rest of us, such as would allow him/her to claim with any certainty that "Bernie is a sellout."', '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > Plus, Biden isn\'t a liar. Being identified as a liar is a permanent mark. It\'s not like holding an unpopular opinion, where there\'s room to change your position and say, "okay, I admit that I was wrong or that I would be misrepresenting my constituents by holding to this position". There\'s no coming back from being identified as a liar. IDK, I\'m still not convinced Biden isn\'t partially to blame for Clarence Thomas\'s confirmation.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : You care that trump supporters flood this sub pretending to be ass-hurt Sanders supporters? Cool. [Keep caring](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdPmqNRNsbs) To answer your question: no one cares that I don't care.", ">>{alpha_dk} : >He accepted the situation he was in and made the best of it So far so good... > which is what we should all do. Wrong. If you want change, you can't support the people fighting against it.", '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > Bernie isn\'t a liberal, he\'s a socialist. Ask a Socialist about the differences, they hate liberals Socialists *are* liberal in many senses of the word. It is horrible practice to refer to people of a particular party as "liberals," just because of the party they belong to. It\'s *standard*, but it\'s horrible. It totally obscures the meaning of the word *liberal* (and, by the same token, obscures the **actual** politics of the party). (Why do you think we needed the word *neoliberal*?)', ">>{No_Exits} : The threat was out of need, desperate need for Sanders' supporters. They thought (correctly) that if they threatened to take his symbolic victory away he would fall in line. I think the reality is Hillary had more to lose in the gambit, imagine Sanders' supporters that are going to vote for her doing such if they just took all the platform concessions away (I think she would have suffered markedly for it). I suppose Sanders could have calculated that the consequences of such a split would damage the Democratic party, but it still seems like a poor choice overall (but expected if he was willing to accept such indignity to get Hillary in the white house). Would you expect removing the platform concessions to have hurt Sanders more than Hillary, and why? Sure he gets to say some words at the convention, but is sufficient benefit gained from this? Honestly the reasoning I see as rational is that he knew he was endorsing her regardless (she knew this too) and he was desperate to get something out of it and took what little he could get. This would be rational and realistic given self imposed constraints.", '>>{lout_zoo} : I think convention floor fights should definitely be on the platform. https://youtu.be/kswOS1YfmPM?t=70', '>>{red-17} : If by forced down your throat you mean winning a primary fair and square vs Sanders then sure.', '>>{AnarcoDude} : yes, yes we do but to be honest were also pretty miffed about the whole rebranding social democracy as socialism thing.', ">>{buttaholic} : Thanks. It is weird, though weaver technically only said he doesn't anticipate a fight over TPP. Also the first link is an email from someone else in the campaign (gummel), not exactly Bernie.", ">>{red-17} : It's true. I don't need to believe anything to accept that facts are facts.", '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > You do realize Bernie is not a liberal There is a complication in this discussion that I\'m sure you\'re aware of, but which you don\'t seem inclined to point out. It\'s common to refer to Democrats, generally, as *liberals*, without saying what that means. Most people assume this means Democrats are both social and economic liberals. But there is a perpetual conflict in attempting to be socially and economically liberal at the same time. It is impossible [eventually] to respond to income inequality (fundamental to many liberal social causes) by economically liberal means. And likewise, economic liberalism cannot, on its own, aid social justice--at best, it can make calculated moves for social justice, but only by *politically undemocratic means*; at worst, it can make moves for social justice that *just happen to fit* the ideal liberal economy of the moment (which isn\'t exactly *social justice*...). The latter used to be the bent of the GOP to some extent, but that was by choice. In their leadership\'s current state of disunity, I\'m not sure it makes sense to ascribe any "ism" to the GOP anymore. On the other hand, I think *both* sides of that coin are clearly a problem for the Democratic Party; that\'s why it\'s so hard for so many people to believe in neoliberal politicians. Either they secretly favor one path, while publicly espousing another; or they switch freely between the two ways of thinking, like "Schrödinger\'s politician," setting the ideological rules only at the moment the rules are needed. This is the line that ideological neoliberalism walks. (The two MOs I just described are probably indistinguishable in practice. Personally, I doubt many neoliberals really believe in any ideology, anyway, or even fully understand social liberalism. By now, most neoliberals are just *professionals*, and their profession is *winning political elections*. I think someone like Dick Gephardt might have once been an example of the Schrödinger type, but it\'s hard to say.) *** Sanders is certainly *socially* liberal, and he believes in liberal *political* institutions (fair distribution of government access) as part of that. He is not *necessarily* economically liberal, *but*... his claim that he is a *democratic socialist* doesn\'t quite line up with his current activities. I would say he was once *firmly dem-soc*--for example, I think this was exhibited in his response to the GE protest in early 80s Burlington (the whole response--not just the lie that Chelsea Clinton\'s political rag reported). But since then he has leaned increasingly *liberal socialist*--which might look a lot like a shapeshifting neoliberal, in practice. (Their motives, ostensibly, aren\'t the same. A neoliberal pushes for liberal economy and society in some obscure configuration, as I mentioned above. For Sanders, the emphasis has remained on *healthy liberal society*, with a "naturally" liberal economy that readily yields to socialist economic principles when *enacted by a democratic political system*. This is probably why he still calls himself a democratic socialist. It\'s also probably why he is at odds with so many neoliberals, who typically fight *against* socialist economic principles, even when there is a clear democratic *call* for them. And to that extent, neoliberals are a danger to democratic *political* institutions. **Democratic politics are not a key concern of leadership in either party.**)', '>>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : > Most people assume this means Democrats are both social and economic liberals. But there is a perpetual conflict in attempting to be socially and economically liberal at the same time. Oh god I am so glad I knew where this was going. You sir/madam, are intelligent. A well articulated comment And I agree wholeheartedly.', '>>{rgraham888} : Welcome to politics. Bernie kinda ran out his timeline for negotiating for whatever it was he wanted. Quite honestly, holding out for platform planks was a weak endgame, no one really cares what the platform says. He should have found some safe D house seats and negotiated to have progressives take those seats with full backing form the DNC in return for an early endorsement.', '>>{jstenoien} : I could definitely see it being good for millions, but you have to then remember that is less than 1% of the US.', '>>{EngSciGuy} : Or just because it is a badly designed trade agreement. It encompasses such a mental amount of topics yet the only ones involved in the negotiations were political representatives from the respective countries and representatives from corporate interests. No reps from groups for environmental, labour, privacy, etc. I am somewhat biased being Canadian and our negotiator seeming to have been asleep the majority of the time.', ">>{chinese_farmer} : Sanders has been fighting for change his whole life. I'm going to follow him. People say he's going the wrong way. I'm with Sanders.", ">>{chinese_farmer} : I'm going to follow Bernie. Pardon my not believing folks on reddit when they suddenly seem to know more than him.", ">>{bcboncs} : Bernie's media influence is no longer relevant to his movement since his endorsement to HRC. Downvoting to give this less attention, nothing against the poster. -Berniecrat", '>>{RancorHi5} : I\'m pretty sure what he wanted was the Presidency, as well as a political revolution which is very far from where it needs to be in my eyes. Look at what the Democratic Party is force feeding us. I find her abhorrent as a human being and as a leader. The presidency is about leadership. This lady has been plagued by scandal for the last 30 years. Nobody gets the same type of shit said about them for 30 years and it\'s all wrong. And this is about my vote, it\'s mine, given to me by no small amount of blood shed, turmoil, and suffering. It\'s one of the few things in life you get that is sacred, even if our system is fucked. I\'m done with "lesser of two evils" I\'ll vote 3rd party or write in Sanders', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : I mean, three million would be less than 1%. Realistically that's maybe the amount of jobs we could lose as a result (given NAFTA as an example). Economically the vast majority of us would benefit from more free trade and lowered tariffs.", '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > I\'m going to follow Bernie. Pardon my not believing folks on reddit when they suddenly seem to know more than him. I never suggested that you should do otherwise. I\'m only pointing out that you\'re not privy to people\'s reasons for having various opinions--whether or not those opinions agree with you, or with Sanders. Just because someone calls Sanders a "sell-out!" and is "ashamed that Bernie has given up" **doesn\'t** mean they "didn\'t know anything about politics 12 months ago."', ">>{derppress} : It was reported by a delegate. That's probably as close to the real story as we'll ever get", '>>{playitleo} : Or there was no story to begin with and you are just spreading false rumors.', ">>{playitleo} : A delegate reported the other day that the Sanders camp is threatening throw more chairs if they don't get their way at the convention.", ">>{GetTheLedPaintOut} : That's fine. Just know that you are taking that vote and giving a small piece to the greater of two evils, which is exactly how we got GWB in 2000.", '>>{Toasterthegamer} : IDK If this is true it makes you wonder what the DNC said to bernie to make him back down like this. Perhaps they agreed to use some of his policies?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Samuel311fan} : DELINGPOLE: NOAA Scandal Gives Trump The Perfect Excuse To Drain The Clima', ">>{Rev_Beaker} : Not going to click the link. Assuming it's crap seems safe.", ">>{Samuel311fan} : Love how because you don't want to believe that Man Made Climate Change is fake you call the source fake news, I love your tolerance!", '>>{mdtroyer} : I will say nothing about the article. Just the source, which has consistently proven to be a bastion of fake news.', ">>{c_double_u} : I love you how you don't believe in science because your worldview has been so clouded by delusional oligarchs who profit off of your ignorance.", '>>{SaltHash} : The folks at Breitbart repeatedly advertise their political persuasion as alt-right. So none of us have to pretend those alt-right-racists are objective about anything.', ">>{SaltHash} : >Love how because you don't want to believe that Man Made Climate Change is fake you call the source fake news, I love your tolerance! Nobody has to be tolerant for the intolerant alt-right-racists at Breitbart.", '>>{IBringYouToBurn} : What does tolerance have to do with not buying into a load of shit from a fake news source? waiting', '>>{ohnothejuiceisloose} : Your daily reminder that Daily Kos and Alternet are banned sources in /r/politics, but Breitbart is fine.', ">>{frackpot} : But donnie said the news is fake and full of bad people. He's right you know and it's on full display here. Do you believe CNN?", ">>{Samuel311fan} : You don't actually believe that human activity really affects our global climate, do you? For that you would have to have faith because there is no provable evidence that would lead a reasonable thinker to believe in AGW. Time after time we find out that these climate organizations have tampered the data and flat out lied to us, the public. We know is a crock and part of a larger movement to push a Globalist agenda on US policy makers ultimately hurting the poorest citizens. Get out of here with that garbage.", ">>{viccar0} : Breitbart and conservatives question climate scientists but see no irony in using technology invented by dint of the scientific method like microchips and the internet to propagate their bullshit. Science worked for tech but climate scientists, boy, can't trust em.", '>>{UWantWhatUGet} : Nope, nobody has to be ignorant of the facts either, your choice.', ">>{viccar0} : Man made climate change is so fucking logical it's insane anyone buys into this propaganda. Question, how do you feel about computers and GPS? Do you question if the scientists who helped create them knew what they were talking about as you use them?", '>>{odoroustobacco} : One more reactionary buzz phrase and I hit bingo!', ">>{stuckinthepow} : > You don't actually believe that human activity really affects our global climate, do you? There is absolutely no way anyone will have a conversation with you if you lie. Until you face reality and facts, no one should respond. You live in a fake delusional world.", '>>{stuckinthepow} : Just report Breitbart as fake news to the mods and move along.', '>>{Samuel311fan} : You mean lie like the NOAA and NASA and countless organizations that fake their data? Yeah, the fact is the case for AGW can NEVER win on its own merits so they have to lie about the data, talk about delusional. [source from Washington Times](http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/feb/5/climate-change-whistleblower-alleges-noaa-manipula/)', ">>{stuckinthepow} : You're making up fake claims and have no credible evidence to support your dubious claims. You live in an alternative world devoid of facts and reality. You have no one supporting you. You look like a fool talking to adults.", ">>{Samuel311fan} : If it's so logical then why do these climate organizations keep making up and falsely report data to prove their point? Hint: because AGW is not true. Don't be a lemming.", ">>{Tridamos} : So there's a massive conspiracy involving pretty much the entire scientific community to push an agenda that ultimately is designed to do what exactly?", '>>{Turfyleek93} : Please.. Just stop. Go back to your safe space. Or you know, just post actual, credible claims.', '>>{viccar0} : Have you actually read a single report or research article from climate scientists? Do you mind weighing the evidence that you call "false" and weighing it against the evidence that has never once been disputed? How about the explanations they put forth? Do you have better explanations? If you had to tabulate and total up the data in terms of the explanations and historical data for vs against, or evidence for vs evidence "falsified", tell me, how do you think the scales would weigh out? And you didn\'t answer my question. You trust science to have produced what you are typing and transmitting on, but the climate scientists who utilize the same methods and ethos are... liars? Also, one more question which I think is the most important. If you have a big glass building, does it warm up in the sun quicker than its surroundings, and does it retain its heat better than its surroundings? Do you dispute that?', '>>{Samuel311fan} : To do these three things and more: -Impose a Global Tax, which will require a Global organization to enforce (UN?) - Reduce overpopulation by encouraging abortions and one-child policies like China - Reduce our quality of life (making us eat less meat, drive electric cars, use crappy ACs, etc. ) Basically institute a Globalist society with a communistic undertone.', ">>{Tridamos} : So basically, their evil plan is to make things worse for everyone for no particular reason? Wow, you're something alright.", '>>{chubbysumo} : Ummm, china just eased the restrictions on the one child policy in most of the country. Get your shit up to date.', '>>{Samuel311fan} : To the Left, it\'s all about Globalism. So they\'ll sacrifice some economic impact or babies to get their way, you know like "the end justifies the means" sorta thing. But I\'m with you, it is most certainly evil, good call.', '>>{KaijinDV} : Downvote as always, but for anyone interested in what the "NOAA Scandal" is and don\'t want to give propaganda sites a click, here\'s an article https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/02/article-names-whistleblower-who-told-congress-that-noaa-manipulated-data/', '>>{Tridamos} : I think you [got it wrong](http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/158/329/9189283.jpg) though.', ">>{Samuel311fan} : Oh yeah, they're such a great government now, I wish we had a Chinese style government. /s Although, you leftists kinda like censorship (i.e. UC Berkley)", '>>{prey4mojo} : Take the tin foil hat off... or put it on. Not sure which, but something has scrambled your brain'], ['>>{Chaos_Motor} : There is a huge difference between people fighting for a level playing field and the people fighting to keep the system rigged', '>>{GuruOfGravity} : The Clintons are a rigging team of con artists, versus the master con Trump.] This election proves, as a nation of people we are fucked, everyone better learn to kneel and cutesy.', '>>{theanticonservative} : She said in the same breath that she endorses a candidate that cheated her way to the nomination', '>>{-917-} : The irony of Warren & co saying this from inside the DEM camp...smh', '>>{OKarizee} : The DNC is a crime syndicate, with activists posed as journalists in the media.', '>>{keeb119} : One has been leading a progressive movement and the other is the dnc nominee.', ">>{MagicalGoldfish} : don't worry most americans dont care, and the politicians know it", '>>{GuruOfGravity} : The richest the very wealthiest own all the news sources, content creators, internet portals and providers. You only get what they want for you and that is less each day.', ">>{andrewdt10} : It just demonstrates that she's a piece of shit. If it wasn't so ridiculous, it'd be funny.", ">>{guy15s} : I would never vote for Trump, but he basically made a joke out of the tilted Republican Primary and showed that their rigging can easily be used against them. If anybody's created a level playing field for their party, it's Trump.", '>>{Asgard_Thunder} : >We get it the systems rigged... *so vote for our rigged candidate!* Fucking Warren, traded in her ideals and dignity for some kind of Scratch from the Clinton machine. She should be ashamed.', ">>{chrom_ed} : You do realize she's only doing that to avoid trump right? Sometimes you have to make compromises. She's not suddenly a Hillary shill and I'll bet you she opposes her on policy over the next 4 years. But no go ahead with your little outrage machine.", ">>{beanzo} : That's because Bill Clinton deregulated the media and the cable companies with the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Looks like it paid off...", '>>{GuruOfGravity} : He only finished off what was nearly completed in the 80s during the Reagan years, from then The elimination of the fairness doctrine and a relaxation of ownership rules that allowed most of the consolidation into a few conservative owners of all information providers Clinton just polished it off.', '>>{_Iamblichus_} : Like compromising on exactly how far back in your family tree you can go in order to claim minority status?', '>>{rhott} : She means well. This is from fear of Trump.', '>>{theanticonservative} : I begrudgingly accept that. However, she and the rest of the party has no claim to the high road over "fighting a rigged system" after cheating to get hillary elected. Warren can endorse her, but not insult our intelligence by pretending they want an honest or democratic system', '>>{chrom_ed} : Is Warren involved with the dnc in any capacity? Honest question.', ">>{KrabMittens} : I disagree with that whole heartedly and believe that line is one of the greatest lies we've been told.", ">>{chrom_ed} : So... No? It's not like Clint Eastwood has any say in the management of the RNC.", ">>{theanticonservative} : I'm not sure what you're asking. She's the senior senator from MA which makes her a Superdelegate. Every Superdelegate has influence in the party. Clint Eastwood isn't a national politician for the republican party and they don't have superdelegates anyways", ">>{chrom_ed} : He spoke at the RNC last election cycle that's why I mentioned him. Since no one had said that she's a super delegate before then and just that she spoke at the DNC.", ">>{wurtis16} : Agreed on the piece of shit comment, she waiting to endorse the clear winner, she's an opportunist and a joke.", '>>{MasterCronus} : The difference is Trump lies to get ahead in business or makes outrageous claims to get free air time on TV. Clinton lies about everything including endangering national security and having her party rig an election.', ">>{GuruOfGravity} : Trump just has had a chance to lie about political policies, we can count on him turning in a huge effort, really big and beautiful lies. But hasn't he already made some misspeaks, about employment, crime and the economy in general?", ">>{R2PDC} : She's way, way too sharp to give her the benefit of the doubt on any of this stuff. I give Bernie the benefit of the doubt, because I sense that he just swallows whatever the MSM feeds him on anything not having to do with his own campaign. I love the guy, but he's not in the same intellectual class as Warren.", ">>{R2PDC} : I loathe the RNC, and they were miles from ideal, but they put the DNC to shame this season. No superdelegates, and even if it required pulling them along kicking and screaming, they at least respected the voters enough to let the proverbial chips fall where they may. Trump exercised a hostile takeover of their party, threw all of their precious economic orthodoxy out the window and replaced it with pro-worker populism, and forced them to do a 180 on foreign policy, causing the neocon rats to completely abandon the ship. Their voters chose Trump, and they didn't like, but they respected the choice.", '>>{Ryriena} : Warren you just endorsed the idiot, who is basically keeping that system rigged.', '>>{fitzroy95} : Agreed. America gets the president that the establishment wants to sell to them. It is seriously hard to get past the onslaught of media and political propaganda. Its pretty understandable that the majority of the population are overwhelmed by the constant brainwashing they are subjected to.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : And Bernie is now fighting to keep the system rigged.'], ['>>{paraconformity} : >None of these initiatives will happen if we do not elect a Democratic president in November. None! In fact, we will go backward. We must elect the Democratic nominee in November and progressive Democrats up and down the ballot so that we ensure that these policy commitments can advance.', ">>{jp_slim} : > Democrats worried about potentially raucous floor fights on wedge issues like an amendment opposing the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. That plank was Sanders' top policy goal heading into the Orlando, but it was voted down out of respect for President Obama, who supports the TPP. The TPP should be opposed out of respect to the thousands of American jobs that will be directly affected by this deal.", ">>{Yes_Man_} : How about the supers decide that the most tainted & disliked candidate since Nixon isn't the right person to head the ticket? Unless they want to lose to the candidate who they would have had no trouble beating with almost any other candidate.", ">>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : That's funny that you're still holding out hope for Bernie to flip the super delegates.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Fat chance of that happening when over 400 of them declared their support for Clinton right out of the gate.', '>>{92Lean} : He is a sell-out! We were promised he would be in it until the end. He called for rallies at the Convention and we supported him. I am ashamed that Bernie has given up. I will **NOT** be voting for Clinton.', ">>{PullGrenadeThrowPin} : You can spot Trump supporters from a mile away. They don't know jack shit and let you know as soon as they open their mouths", ">>{kellysewrad} : In last night's delegate conf call, Bernie said he was going to the convention for a roll call vote and was ready for a floor fight over $ in politics and the TPP (starts around 17:25): https://soundcloud.com/lena_the_dj/bernie-7-12-16-delegate-conf-call-after-hrc-endorsement?utm_source=soundcloud&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=Twitter&utm_content=https%3A//soundcloud.com/lena_the_dj/bernie-7-12-16-delegate-conf-call-after-hrc-endorsement Just image how this election would have gone if Bernie hadn't run, who would've fought for the issues that matter to the middle class?? No one.", '>>{thatpj} : So why say that in private, and then have Jeff Weaver on air say the opposite? Sorry but he is losing credibility with me.', ">>{dbSterling} : You have to be truly petulant to not understand the importance of electing Clinton if you're a Sanders supporter.", ">>{derppress} : Word is the Clinton team threatened to overturn all of the progress made on the platform if he didn't endorse before the convention, they also threatened to prevent him from speaking at the convention and essentially silencing him. It sucks and I'm terribly disappointed but he was pretty much stuck. He could have gone to the media to address these threats but they would have just asked him if he was sexist for not endorsing her again.", '>>{IntelligenceKills} : The fact that they call them "Floor Fights" is disgusting. Minority reports are a part of every state, district, and county convention. They are a way to ensure that the Platform Committee is not misrepresenting the will of the delegates. Delegates deserve a floor vote, and we would probably be surprised to see what would have passed. Fuck the media. EDIT: I was a Sanders delegate to the Iowa State convention, and we used minority reports to officially oppose superdelegates and to support marijuana legalization, among other things. Would not have been done just by the platform committee alone!', ">>{PullGrenadeThrowPin} : Lol what? What does this statement have to do with the two previous ones? But ill take the bait: I'm voting for Stein over a criminal any damn time the choice presents itself. Myself and the rest of the *petulant children* have principles and integrity. I know that's weird but try to understand it.", ">>{dbSterling} : Keep that ideological purity for your own sake. Voting for Stein means you get to feel principled while you waste the effort. You probably live in a state where your presidential pick doesn't matter anyway", ">>{discrete_maine} : i'll take any of the names floated other than hillary at this point. plug in warren or biden and i'll happily support them, but i'm not voting for hillary in november.", ">>{discrete_maine} : i care. lots of others who share similar perspective care. we don't care that *you* don't care. see? both sides don't give a fuck about the other sides feelings, so who the fuck cares that you don't care?", '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : That\'s hilarious. Had Biden ran, you guys would have slaughtered him for supporting the crime bill and voting for Iraq. He\'s just as "conservative" as Hillary is if not more so.', ">>{ColossalMistake} : So now he's not even fighting for his principles anymore. Truly weak.", '>>{whaatwhaatwhat} : Translated: "I don\'t like the rational implications of what you\'re saying. Therefore you are coercing me."', ">>{discrete_maine} : yup. an now, faced with hillary, i'll gladly support biden over her.", '>>{jp_slim} : > LMAO, respect? for the working class? I live in fantasyland, I know.', ">>{xrabidx} : I think what he doesn't like is his opinion being dismissed by smug assholes. This why the left has become so fucking toxic.", '>>{znfinger} : Plus, Biden isn\'t a liar. Being identified as a liar is a permanent mark. It\'s not like holding an unpopular opinion, where there\'s room to change your position and say, "okay, I admit that I was wrong or that I would be misrepresenting my constituents by holding to this position". There\'s no coming back from being identified as a liar.', ">>{xrabidx} : Way to unite the party. It's idiots like you that are driving supporters from Clinton en Masse. Yes please tell him how his vote doesn't matter and that he's an idiot for not voting for your candidate, yes that will really change his mind and unite the people instead of leading to a trump presidency.", ">>{GaryRuppert} : Sanders Essentially gave up his Leverage by making this Lame move. Of course, he'll be praised by some. Understand That Bernie stabbed his revolution in the back. You want change. Vote Trump", ">>{dbSterling} : You are an idiot if someone on an internet forum can convince you to betray every platform your candidate has fought for just because you don't get to have it all. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt in assuming he's not in a battleground state and still willing to throw away his vote", '>>{xrabidx} : Yup keep calling potential voters idiots while Trump welcomes them with open arms. When trump wins its going to be directly because of people like you that drove away support from your own side. Good job.', ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : Clever, i'll give you that. Usually, change is good, I don't see trump giving good change Not to mention his tax plan will do a severe amount of harm to us To say the least, some change can be very bad.", ">>{PullGrenadeThrowPin} : Well, your faith is actually well placed. I'm in WV and my state is going Trump no matter how I vote. There's actually a pretty good percentage of Sanders voters here who said they would vote for Trump even if Sanders won the nomination.", ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : listen man, I know where you are coming from. I was a huge sanders supporter and I want Hillary to fall into a volcano more than anybody. Voting for Jill Stein (or Johnson) can bring us a wonderful opportunity to have more choices in elections. But it has a major drawback, SCOTUS picks. Stein won't win and it will take away any chances of democratic Justice picks. All I can effectively do is vote for Hillary to have a *chance* and then make sure I vote at EVERY level of gov't", ">>{aelbric} : Right. Because there is any chance that the Democrats are going to actually go through with their policy. Or that Clinton will actually give it more than lip service if she gets into office. It's amazing that the people who were calling Clinton an unrepentant, unreliable liar 3 days ago are now trying to say the world will fall apart if we don't vote for her. Just like the SCOTUS justice argument before that. I DON'T LIKE CLINTON. I will never vote for her. Period. The only way the Democrats were going to get my vote this election was by nominating Sanders. No amount of gloom, doom, threats, gnashing of teeth, and wailing is going to change that.", ">>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : I'm honored. I have a true rival now. I would have enjoyed HillarysGapingVagina But I'll settle for huge. Prepare to battle.", '>>{whaatwhaatwhat} : I am not among the people who called Clinton an unrepentant, unreliable liar 3 days ago. Or ever.', '>>{HilaryHasAHugeVagina} : nah, gaping is a short term affair. hers is massive. floppy, loose and ready for a traffic cone at any time.', '>>{TrumpHasATinyPenis} : Trump and Hillary would have terrible sex. Neither of them would feel anything.', ">>{chinese_farmer} : If trump get elected history will be looking squarely at you and your emotional non-rational decision. This isn't about liking hillary. No one likes hillary.", ">>{RancorHi5} : Any source on that? Sounds like something she and her team would do but I'd like to know who said it.", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : Please say the left and right have both become so fucking toxic and i'll agree. Pretending that Trump and his subreddit are anything but disgusting is laughable", '>>{RancorHi5} : I am so very disappointed. I wanted him to go to the convention and raise a yuge ruckus. Neither Clinton or Trump will ever get my vote.', '>>{chinese_farmer} : > That Bernie stabbed his revolution in the back. You want change. Vote Trump Bernie and Trump have nothing in common politically. Bernie would self immolate to stop Trump from being president. Bernie - liberal Hillary - liberal Bernie endorsed the winning candidate from his own team - what a back stabber!!', ">>{chinese_farmer} : People who 12 months ago didn't know anything about politics now telling us Bernie is a sell out and they know better than Bernie. Ya ok.", ">>{jacksonsmashon} : where's the word coming from? just so I can point people there", ">>{GaryRuppert} : Bernie isn't a liberal, he's a socialist. Ask a Socialist about the differences, they hate liberals", '>>{jacksonsmashon} : jesus Christ you trump and Clinton folks spend more time on "clever" names than literally anything else', '>>{chinese_farmer} : Bernie is a realist. He accepted the situation he was in and made the best of it - which is what we should all do. On one side of the coin this is a "loss". On the other side of the coin its a "win" - we unify the party, sweep the whitehouse, supreme court and midterm elections. In 2 yrs people will recognize Bernie for the party savior he is.', '>>{GetTheLedPaintOut} : I think it should be supported out of respect for the millions of us that will benefit from it.', ">>{GetTheLedPaintOut} : > Because there is any chance that the Democrats are going to actually go through with their policy Elect Clinton and then ELECT PROGRESSIVES TO CONGRESS IF YOU WANT THIS. The president doesn't make or pass legislation. > I DON'T LIKE CLINTON. I will never vote for her. Period. Elections are choices. If you think Clinton and Trump are exactly the same amount of evil and bad, then don't vote for either of them. Otherwise, elections are choices.", ">>{GetTheLedPaintOut} : He didn't need to go that far to get what he wanted. > Neither Clinton or Trump will ever get my vote. You find Trump equally abhorrent to someone that agrees with Sanders on nearly all policy goals?", '>>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : spell out the first letters of what we both said.', ">>{Sparkybear} : Most trade deals impact lower class factory workers. You'll find that contributed a good part of why so many uneducated, unemployed men supported Trump when he said he would bring back jobs to the US and not trade with anyone. Free Trade makes things cheaper for everyone and can cause some unemployment as a result as jobs are outsourced when factories can no longer produce at a low enough cost to compete. That's why tariffs exist, to try and even that playing field a bit. That said, free trade is almost always more beneficial than it is detrimental, and that includes the unemployment effects. TPP is pretty messed up, but potential job loss is not unique to it.", '>>{gruntznclickz} : Clinton is going to appoint corpratists to the SC anyway, so what does it matter? People are *assuming* based on basically nothing that Trump is so bad that they want to vote for someone we *know* is bad.', ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : > People are assuming based on basically nothing that Trump is so bad I don't know about you but I don't think demagoguery, racism, a shitty tax plan, no idea about what's going on in the middle east and building a wall to stop immigration are points that help your statement", ">>{SublimeInAll} : Remember that what Clinton says on stage, and even what the platform contains, are just words. There is no obligation whatsoever to follow the platform or promises. Also chimps and humans share something like 97% percent of DNA. That 3% is where the real difference lies. For example, imagine 2 candidates agree on 99.9% of things. The one thing the don't agree on is genocide. One candidate supports it, the other doesn't. Obviously a hyperbolic example, but you get my point. Sometimes even if the difference is technically minor, the implications are wide-reaching. My issue is Hillary's mode of operation is well known, she has a track record shrouded in shady business. Trump is more of a wild card because he only has a corporate track record. Both are very real threats. If you have to choose between an assassin and an arsonist, the assassin might do less damage overall, but they are better equipped to operate under the radar. If the arsonist starts burning things to the ground the whole world will see. Measure can be taken faster and more deliberately. In my opinion I do not feel safer with Clinton in office, I find both equally capable of destruction. If I had to bet money I would say Clinton would be better than Trump, but you don't really want to start gambling on whether an assassin is as dangerous as an arsonist. You want to avoid both at all costs.", ">>{lesss365} : Watch his interview with Colbert, he said, 'I'd be lying if I said was there', when asked about running. If he runs he's a liar.", '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Lol at every Bernout who said he would take it to the convention. Only an idiot believed that.', '>>{gruntznclickz} : >> People are assuming based on basically nothing that Trump is so bad **that they will vote for someone we *know* is bad** If you want to quote me, quote the whole thing. >I don\'t know about you but I don\'t think demagoguery, racism, a shitty tax plan, no idea about what\'s going on in the middle east and building a wall to stop immigration are points that help your statement Show me something he has said that is racist. As far as I have seen he has not said anything about *all* people of any race. What is shitty about his tax plan? I won\'t doubt you, but can you articulate it? What is better about Hillary\'s? What has he said to make you think he has no idea what is going on in the middle east? What about Clinton makes you think she knows any more? Before you spew shit about her "experience", remember that she did a god awful job, pushed for the Lybian airstrikes over oil, voted for the Iraq war and wants to go to war with Syria. She\'s tone deaf and brain dead on the whole issue... she is a war hawk. We already have a god damned wall on the border. He doesn\'t hate immigrants, he dislikes and disavows *illegal* immigration and I have to agree. I\'m pretty fucking liberal and want to let people come to this country. That\'s how America was born and grew into a country. I even think allowing people to become citizens more quickly might be a good idea, but people that break the law to come here need to go to the back of the line. I don\'t agree with Trump on everything, however, these stupid fucking talking points and scare tactics are sickening. It\'s all over the media being shoved down everyone\'s throats "Be afraid, VEEEERY afraid!". If Trump is the boogey man, Clinton is Death. Fuck if I will ever vote for corruption.', ">>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : First off, you're both idiots. A Democratic Socialist and a Socialist are 2 different animals entirely. Bernie Supports the Nordic model. It is a capitalist economy with a welfare state. And you, /u/chinese_farmer , You do realize Bernie is not a liberal, he's an independent progressive and Hillary is a moderate democrat who *pretends* to be liberal right?", '>>{damrider} : sell-out? please tell me how much money he took for his own pocket. please, show me.', ">>{buttaholic} : i agree with what you're saying, it is a little weird.. but i haven't seen jeff weaver on air saying they wouldn't be having a 'floor fight'", '>>{GaryRuppert} : Bernie is a socialist, he only started calling himself a Democratic socialist to fool people. He said he was a socialist multiple times until he rebranded himself.', ">>{aelbric} : > Elect Clinton and then ELECT PROGRESSIVES TO CONGRESS IF YOU WANT THIS. The president doesn't make or pass legislation Then who cares if Clinton is elected or not?", '>>{aelbric} : I accept the consequences of my actions and the DNC should have thought about that before they forced her down our throats.', '>>{alpha_dk} : If Trump gets elected, people will look at the Clinton Foundation and her obvious-to-many corruption as the cause. No one will be looking at "emotional non-rational decisions"', '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > People who 12 months ago didn\'t know anything about politics now telling us Bernie is a sell out and they know better than Bernie. Ya ok. You appear to be claiming that the only people who say "Bernie is a sellout" are people who didn\'t know anything about politics a year ago. I don\'t see evidence of that--furthermore, I very much doubt that you or anyone in this sub is qualified to assess whether such a generalization is true, even if there *were* data that could allow this kind of analysis. *** I think you **meant** to say that (in your opinion) 92Lean probably doesn\'t possess any special knowledge of Sanders, Sanders\'s motivations, intentions, and daily activities, or possess mental powers beyond the rest of us, such as would allow him/her to claim with any certainty that "Bernie is a sellout."', '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > Plus, Biden isn\'t a liar. Being identified as a liar is a permanent mark. It\'s not like holding an unpopular opinion, where there\'s room to change your position and say, "okay, I admit that I was wrong or that I would be misrepresenting my constituents by holding to this position". There\'s no coming back from being identified as a liar. IDK, I\'m still not convinced Biden isn\'t partially to blame for Clarence Thomas\'s confirmation.', ">>{Triggered_Trump} : You care that trump supporters flood this sub pretending to be ass-hurt Sanders supporters? Cool. [Keep caring](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdPmqNRNsbs) To answer your question: no one cares that I don't care.", ">>{alpha_dk} : >He accepted the situation he was in and made the best of it So far so good... > which is what we should all do. Wrong. If you want change, you can't support the people fighting against it.", '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > Bernie isn\'t a liberal, he\'s a socialist. Ask a Socialist about the differences, they hate liberals Socialists *are* liberal in many senses of the word. It is horrible practice to refer to people of a particular party as "liberals," just because of the party they belong to. It\'s *standard*, but it\'s horrible. It totally obscures the meaning of the word *liberal* (and, by the same token, obscures the **actual** politics of the party). (Why do you think we needed the word *neoliberal*?)', ">>{No_Exits} : The threat was out of need, desperate need for Sanders' supporters. They thought (correctly) that if they threatened to take his symbolic victory away he would fall in line. I think the reality is Hillary had more to lose in the gambit, imagine Sanders' supporters that are going to vote for her doing such if they just took all the platform concessions away (I think she would have suffered markedly for it). I suppose Sanders could have calculated that the consequences of such a split would damage the Democratic party, but it still seems like a poor choice overall (but expected if he was willing to accept such indignity to get Hillary in the white house). Would you expect removing the platform concessions to have hurt Sanders more than Hillary, and why? Sure he gets to say some words at the convention, but is sufficient benefit gained from this? Honestly the reasoning I see as rational is that he knew he was endorsing her regardless (she knew this too) and he was desperate to get something out of it and took what little he could get. This would be rational and realistic given self imposed constraints.", '>>{lout_zoo} : I think convention floor fights should definitely be on the platform. https://youtu.be/kswOS1YfmPM?t=70', '>>{red-17} : If by forced down your throat you mean winning a primary fair and square vs Sanders then sure.', '>>{AnarcoDude} : yes, yes we do but to be honest were also pretty miffed about the whole rebranding social democracy as socialism thing.', ">>{buttaholic} : Thanks. It is weird, though weaver technically only said he doesn't anticipate a fight over TPP. Also the first link is an email from someone else in the campaign (gummel), not exactly Bernie.", ">>{red-17} : It's true. I don't need to believe anything to accept that facts are facts.", '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > You do realize Bernie is not a liberal There is a complication in this discussion that I\'m sure you\'re aware of, but which you don\'t seem inclined to point out. It\'s common to refer to Democrats, generally, as *liberals*, without saying what that means. Most people assume this means Democrats are both social and economic liberals. But there is a perpetual conflict in attempting to be socially and economically liberal at the same time. It is impossible [eventually] to respond to income inequality (fundamental to many liberal social causes) by economically liberal means. And likewise, economic liberalism cannot, on its own, aid social justice--at best, it can make calculated moves for social justice, but only by *politically undemocratic means*; at worst, it can make moves for social justice that *just happen to fit* the ideal liberal economy of the moment (which isn\'t exactly *social justice*...). The latter used to be the bent of the GOP to some extent, but that was by choice. In their leadership\'s current state of disunity, I\'m not sure it makes sense to ascribe any "ism" to the GOP anymore. On the other hand, I think *both* sides of that coin are clearly a problem for the Democratic Party; that\'s why it\'s so hard for so many people to believe in neoliberal politicians. Either they secretly favor one path, while publicly espousing another; or they switch freely between the two ways of thinking, like "Schrödinger\'s politician," setting the ideological rules only at the moment the rules are needed. This is the line that ideological neoliberalism walks. (The two MOs I just described are probably indistinguishable in practice. Personally, I doubt many neoliberals really believe in any ideology, anyway, or even fully understand social liberalism. By now, most neoliberals are just *professionals*, and their profession is *winning political elections*. I think someone like Dick Gephardt might have once been an example of the Schrödinger type, but it\'s hard to say.) *** Sanders is certainly *socially* liberal, and he believes in liberal *political* institutions (fair distribution of government access) as part of that. He is not *necessarily* economically liberal, *but*... his claim that he is a *democratic socialist* doesn\'t quite line up with his current activities. I would say he was once *firmly dem-soc*--for example, I think this was exhibited in his response to the GE protest in early 80s Burlington (the whole response--not just the lie that Chelsea Clinton\'s political rag reported). But since then he has leaned increasingly *liberal socialist*--which might look a lot like a shapeshifting neoliberal, in practice. (Their motives, ostensibly, aren\'t the same. A neoliberal pushes for liberal economy and society in some obscure configuration, as I mentioned above. For Sanders, the emphasis has remained on *healthy liberal society*, with a "naturally" liberal economy that readily yields to socialist economic principles when *enacted by a democratic political system*. This is probably why he still calls himself a democratic socialist. It\'s also probably why he is at odds with so many neoliberals, who typically fight *against* socialist economic principles, even when there is a clear democratic *call* for them. And to that extent, neoliberals are a danger to democratic *political* institutions. **Democratic politics are not a key concern of leadership in either party.**)', '>>{Earnin_and_BERNin} : > Most people assume this means Democrats are both social and economic liberals. But there is a perpetual conflict in attempting to be socially and economically liberal at the same time. Oh god I am so glad I knew where this was going. You sir/madam, are intelligent. A well articulated comment And I agree wholeheartedly.', '>>{rgraham888} : Welcome to politics. Bernie kinda ran out his timeline for negotiating for whatever it was he wanted. Quite honestly, holding out for platform planks was a weak endgame, no one really cares what the platform says. He should have found some safe D house seats and negotiated to have progressives take those seats with full backing form the DNC in return for an early endorsement.', '>>{jstenoien} : I could definitely see it being good for millions, but you have to then remember that is less than 1% of the US.', '>>{EngSciGuy} : Or just because it is a badly designed trade agreement. It encompasses such a mental amount of topics yet the only ones involved in the negotiations were political representatives from the respective countries and representatives from corporate interests. No reps from groups for environmental, labour, privacy, etc. I am somewhat biased being Canadian and our negotiator seeming to have been asleep the majority of the time.', ">>{chinese_farmer} : Sanders has been fighting for change his whole life. I'm going to follow him. People say he's going the wrong way. I'm with Sanders.", ">>{chinese_farmer} : I'm going to follow Bernie. Pardon my not believing folks on reddit when they suddenly seem to know more than him.", ">>{bcboncs} : Bernie's media influence is no longer relevant to his movement since his endorsement to HRC. Downvoting to give this less attention, nothing against the poster. -Berniecrat", '>>{RancorHi5} : I\'m pretty sure what he wanted was the Presidency, as well as a political revolution which is very far from where it needs to be in my eyes. Look at what the Democratic Party is force feeding us. I find her abhorrent as a human being and as a leader. The presidency is about leadership. This lady has been plagued by scandal for the last 30 years. Nobody gets the same type of shit said about them for 30 years and it\'s all wrong. And this is about my vote, it\'s mine, given to me by no small amount of blood shed, turmoil, and suffering. It\'s one of the few things in life you get that is sacred, even if our system is fucked. I\'m done with "lesser of two evils" I\'ll vote 3rd party or write in Sanders', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : I mean, three million would be less than 1%. Realistically that's maybe the amount of jobs we could lose as a result (given NAFTA as an example). Economically the vast majority of us would benefit from more free trade and lowered tariffs.", '>>{lewkiamurfarther} : > I\'m going to follow Bernie. Pardon my not believing folks on reddit when they suddenly seem to know more than him. I never suggested that you should do otherwise. I\'m only pointing out that you\'re not privy to people\'s reasons for having various opinions--whether or not those opinions agree with you, or with Sanders. Just because someone calls Sanders a "sell-out!" and is "ashamed that Bernie has given up" **doesn\'t** mean they "didn\'t know anything about politics 12 months ago."', ">>{derppress} : It was reported by a delegate. That's probably as close to the real story as we'll ever get", '>>{playitleo} : Or there was no story to begin with and you are just spreading false rumors.', ">>{playitleo} : A delegate reported the other day that the Sanders camp is threatening throw more chairs if they don't get their way at the convention.", ">>{GetTheLedPaintOut} : That's fine. Just know that you are taking that vote and giving a small piece to the greater of two evils, which is exactly how we got GWB in 2000.", '>>{Toasterthegamer} : IDK If this is true it makes you wonder what the DNC said to bernie to make him back down like this. Perhaps they agreed to use some of his policies?']]
classify and reply
['>>{RenegadeUK} : Why I Might Ditch My Smartphone for the Nokia 3310.', ">>{Luca_1608} : Why not? It's the best mobile ever made and if they really sell it for around 50 bucks I would buy just because it was that cool. ^^", '>>{yam12} : Could the Khan Family Spell the End of Donald Trump?', ">>{RenegadeUK} : I'll definitely be buying one as my backup phone thats for sure :)", '>>{gabagool69} : [Could the Smith family spell the end of Hillary Clinton?](http://theamericanmirror.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/media.jpg)', ">>{josuhph} : I'd like to scoop one, for the very reasons discussed in the article. Get myself disconnected a bit so I can focus more on what matters.", '>>{Smeerlappie} : I will have to dig into my electronics junk box to see if I still have the original one.', '>>{Kinases} : Depends on whether or not Republicans have an actual backbone and will rescind their endorsements. All signs point towards them being spineless jelly fish at the moment.', '>>{IamDavidBrockAMA} : Ask yourself how many of these headlines saying the same things have come true', '>>{retnuh730} : It is when you have nothing else that you can say because your candidate never thinks what he says or does is wrong.', '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : Not to mention the News Media has from the beginning, done anything but encourage the Republican voters or the fact that the Republican Party didn\'t offer a single candidate who would not have produced a similar if less directly speaking kind of candidate. The "traditional since 1976" Republican voter. carefully groomed by the Republican party and the powerful conservative information system. and that voter is a racist, religious bigot who thinks poor people, powerless people stole their comfort zone, something they managed to do to themselves, with their own voting choices.', '>>{HerpesPhobic} : The nostalgia on this one is going to wear off very fast.', ">>{Deadcharacter} : I don't know it will stop him, but it will stick. Like the comment about mexicans being murderers and rapists. This will not be going away. Democrats are not going to let that be forgotten.", ">>{SplitFingerSkadootch} : Republicans know that he's still a better option than Hillary even with Trumps nonsense.", '>>{gabagool69} : There are a *lot* of assumptions built into this comment.', '>>{Deadcharacter} : Yea... That tells a lot about his base of voters... They are blinded by him.', '>>{thatpj} : Last I checked Clinton didn\'t personally attack pat smith despite what she said about her. Also she\'s a liar... >During this time, the official and unofficial support and communications I have experienced with the Department of State and FBI have been free flowing, and I have been satisfied with the level of information I have received. I have no doubt that I will also be made aware of any new facts as they are uncovered throughout the investigations." http://foreignpolicy.com/2012/10/16/benghazi-victims-widow-praises-state-department-cooperation/', '>>{Saltmineinspector} : I think lots of it has to do with media and government credibility.', ">>{Piggy888} : These things don't even have wifi? Just text and talk? So weird, right now I don't even need text and talk. Internet connection covered pretty much everything. I can't imagine going back in time like this.", ">>{Inthedunny} : Bullshit. As if you would go back to that. Great for it's time but so was small, black n white tv.", '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Left still doesnt get it if a year and a half of racist hitler didnt kill trump this shit wont. Problem is had the left been sane up to this point and then this happened it might have but media has been nothing but attack attack attack for so long no one cares if there is one more attack', ">>{smartfon} : 22 hour talk time is disappointing for a dumb phone. I expected a lot more from it. That's about as much as some cheap Android phones with decent batteries.", ">>{friendlyoffensive} : Except it looks ugly compared to original. They should sticked to classic design if they didn't even bothered put wifi module there. I mean they are missing their target audience - it's not THAT cheap for a modern device that efffectively can't do anything but call. And for the nostalgia sake - they ditched the original design. Who would need this one, it's just a toy to put on your shelf that kinda 'works' but 'why should I use it'. Maybe my grandpa would love it, but probably not since there is ton of better phones with bigger buttons and text on screen specially designed for elderly folks", ">>{gabagool69} : Just like all of Trump U's students wrote good reviews right after taking the course, right?", ">>{Deadcharacter} : For the republicans, that's the product of 8 years of Obama and 8 years of FOX news coverage about Obama...", ">>{Saltmineinspector} : I voted for Obama twice and I have to say he really screwed the pooch on his second go around. I'm ready for a new approach.", ">>{theombudsmen} : You're doubling down on your talking point. It's not hypocrisy for two reasons. One, Hillary didn't have anything to do with the death of Patricia Smith's son. And while Trump didn't have anything to do with the death of Captain Khan, the Khans aren't trying to say he did. Two, they are talking about the issue of Muslim immigration, a policy issue of Trumps. Where the Khans are wrong in this is that they are trying to use their dead son to gain attention to the policy issue. You all should modify your talking points to indicate that instead, as it would be real. Don't try and make the comparison between Khan and Smith, people won't buy into it.", '>>{Pommeroo} : I am on a back up phone now whilst waiting for my moto g of less than 12 months old is being repaired under warranty for a failed component. I bought that one to replace my sony z3c that started falling to pieces. Currently using an old borrowed Nokia Lumia that is still in prime condition.', ">>{thatpj} : You are one false equivalence machine! Never mind that Trump U hasn't been through the public ringer. Never mind that this isn't some random student but Sean Smith's widow. Just keeping being blissfully unaware you are getting played by a charlatan.", '>>{__Xenomorph__} : I wished they stayed true to the design of the original. I want a curved body. The updated internals will have to be 3G antenna and battery. Everything else remains the same.', ">>{gabagool69} : You wrongfully assume I support Trump. I also think he's a charlatan and I also think Trump U was a fraud. I also, however, think Hillary's actions both in Benghazi and in her response to the families of the victims in the aftermath was downright despicable, and her hypocrisy is playing out on the national stage.", ">>{Beat_Grinder} : I just don't understand the pull towards these relics. It's like buying a resurrected Gameboy instead of a Switch. The Switch can play all of your old Gameboy games already, so why would you buy a re-produced Gameboy? I had one of these long ago, and there is so little nostalgia to re-live with it, it's basically worthless unless you looking to show your cool with a dated, lacking, self-limiting dinosaur.", ">>{thatpj} : So you know more then Sean Smith's widow? Ooookay buddy.", ">>{gabagool69} : > You're doubling down on your talking point. Right. > It's not hypocrisy Wrong. > One, Hillary didn't have anything to do with the death of Patricia Smith's son Wrong. > Two, they are talking about the issue of Muslim immigration, a policy issue of Trumps. Wrong. > Where the Khans are wrong in this is that they are trying to use their dead son to gain attention to the policy issue. Right. > You all should modify your talking points to indicate that instead, as it would be real. I'm sorry you didn't understand that this was exactly the criticism.", ">>{Deadcharacter} : IMO he didn't screw anything.... The republicans just don't let him do anything. It has been that way from the start.", ">>{SmugAsHell} : We know you guys have low moral standards. Of course it won't stop him.", '>>{Saltmineinspector} : > We know you guys how low moral standards. Our proofreading is pretty good though.', '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Yeah no he had a friendly congress at the beginning of his first term and republican have little to nothing to do with his foreign policy failures.', '>>{SmugAsHell} : Ah, thanks. But also thank you for confirming my point. There is no low for you.', '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Says the guy that just launched unprovoked personal attacks.', ">>{gabagool69} : I know more now than Sean Smith's widow did on 10/16/12. As do all Americans.", '>>{thatpj} : Did you even bother to read what she said?', '>>{Deadcharacter} : Yes, at the beginning he had majorities. But he had a whole lot of blue dog democrats who blocked many initiatives. Also, in the senate, there was Joe Lieberman, who in a way, killed the public option, along with many conservative dems. About foreign policy: I think Obama has made as much as he could. The Iran deal is a great success for example. Republicans on the other hand would have gone to war with somebody already (Not just bombing like Obama, but with boots on the ground). Obama inhereted a mess from Bush. The Bush legacy still lingers in the air.', '>>{gabagool69} : Yes. I also bothered to read the date.', '>>{gabagool69} : People said One Direction was cool in 2012. Timing matters.', '>>{thatpj} : >I have no doubt that I will also be made aware of any new facts as they are uncovered throughout the investigations. Since you have trouble reading', ">>{gabagool69} : I have no doubt that I will win my softball game tonight. Until that doesn't happen.", '>>{gabagool69} : Typical liberal. Get facts you don\'t like, yell "BIGOT!" Get applicable analogies you don\'t like, yell "FALSE EQUIVALENCE!" They need to teach a few more buzz words over at CTR.', '>>{thatpj} : So your softball game is equivalent to a widow getting information about her husband? K.', '>>{gabagool69} : Saying "I have no doubt" about something you can\'t know about the future is completely equivalent in both situations.', ">>{thatpj} : Ah! So you are mind reader now! I'm glad you know exactly what information she has seen or who she has talked to so you can declare she can't know anything about her own life.", '>>{thatpj} : Figures. When confronted with how illogical his false equivalences are choose to remain ignorant.', ">>{ArfBox} : > Just keeping being blissfully unaware you are getting played by a charlatan Only one of the candidates has a track record of charlatanism. Hint: it's the one with law suits against him for the same.", '>>{Snakecharmer2016} : But..but......but Hillary, Benghazi, planned parenthood. Go drink more lead']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{RenegadeUK} : Why I Might Ditch My Smartphone for the Nokia 3310.', ">>{Luca_1608} : Why not? It's the best mobile ever made and if they really sell it for around 50 bucks I would buy just because it was that cool. ^^", ">>{RenegadeUK} : I'll definitely be buying one as my backup phone thats for sure :)", ">>{josuhph} : I'd like to scoop one, for the very reasons discussed in the article. Get myself disconnected a bit so I can focus more on what matters.", '>>{Smeerlappie} : I will have to dig into my electronics junk box to see if I still have the original one.', '>>{HerpesPhobic} : The nostalgia on this one is going to wear off very fast.', ">>{Piggy888} : These things don't even have wifi? Just text and talk? So weird, right now I don't even need text and talk. Internet connection covered pretty much everything. I can't imagine going back in time like this.", ">>{Inthedunny} : Bullshit. As if you would go back to that. Great for it's time but so was small, black n white tv.", ">>{smartfon} : 22 hour talk time is disappointing for a dumb phone. I expected a lot more from it. That's about as much as some cheap Android phones with decent batteries.", ">>{friendlyoffensive} : Except it looks ugly compared to original. They should sticked to classic design if they didn't even bothered put wifi module there. I mean they are missing their target audience - it's not THAT cheap for a modern device that efffectively can't do anything but call. And for the nostalgia sake - they ditched the original design. Who would need this one, it's just a toy to put on your shelf that kinda 'works' but 'why should I use it'. Maybe my grandpa would love it, but probably not since there is ton of better phones with bigger buttons and text on screen specially designed for elderly folks", '>>{Pommeroo} : I am on a back up phone now whilst waiting for my moto g of less than 12 months old is being repaired under warranty for a failed component. I bought that one to replace my sony z3c that started falling to pieces. Currently using an old borrowed Nokia Lumia that is still in prime condition.', '>>{__Xenomorph__} : I wished they stayed true to the design of the original. I want a curved body. The updated internals will have to be 3G antenna and battery. Everything else remains the same.', ">>{Beat_Grinder} : I just don't understand the pull towards these relics. It's like buying a resurrected Gameboy instead of a Switch. The Switch can play all of your old Gameboy games already, so why would you buy a re-produced Gameboy? I had one of these long ago, and there is so little nostalgia to re-live with it, it's basically worthless unless you looking to show your cool with a dated, lacking, self-limiting dinosaur."], ['>>{yam12} : Could the Khan Family Spell the End of Donald Trump?', '>>{gabagool69} : [Could the Smith family spell the end of Hillary Clinton?](http://theamericanmirror.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/media.jpg)', '>>{Kinases} : Depends on whether or not Republicans have an actual backbone and will rescind their endorsements. All signs point towards them being spineless jelly fish at the moment.', '>>{IamDavidBrockAMA} : Ask yourself how many of these headlines saying the same things have come true', '>>{retnuh730} : It is when you have nothing else that you can say because your candidate never thinks what he says or does is wrong.', '>>{WhyMnemosyne} : Not to mention the News Media has from the beginning, done anything but encourage the Republican voters or the fact that the Republican Party didn\'t offer a single candidate who would not have produced a similar if less directly speaking kind of candidate. The "traditional since 1976" Republican voter. carefully groomed by the Republican party and the powerful conservative information system. and that voter is a racist, religious bigot who thinks poor people, powerless people stole their comfort zone, something they managed to do to themselves, with their own voting choices.', ">>{Deadcharacter} : I don't know it will stop him, but it will stick. Like the comment about mexicans being murderers and rapists. This will not be going away. Democrats are not going to let that be forgotten.", ">>{SplitFingerSkadootch} : Republicans know that he's still a better option than Hillary even with Trumps nonsense.", '>>{gabagool69} : There are a *lot* of assumptions built into this comment.', '>>{Deadcharacter} : Yea... That tells a lot about his base of voters... They are blinded by him.', '>>{thatpj} : Last I checked Clinton didn\'t personally attack pat smith despite what she said about her. Also she\'s a liar... >During this time, the official and unofficial support and communications I have experienced with the Department of State and FBI have been free flowing, and I have been satisfied with the level of information I have received. I have no doubt that I will also be made aware of any new facts as they are uncovered throughout the investigations." http://foreignpolicy.com/2012/10/16/benghazi-victims-widow-praises-state-department-cooperation/', '>>{Saltmineinspector} : I think lots of it has to do with media and government credibility.', '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Left still doesnt get it if a year and a half of racist hitler didnt kill trump this shit wont. Problem is had the left been sane up to this point and then this happened it might have but media has been nothing but attack attack attack for so long no one cares if there is one more attack', ">>{gabagool69} : Just like all of Trump U's students wrote good reviews right after taking the course, right?", ">>{Deadcharacter} : For the republicans, that's the product of 8 years of Obama and 8 years of FOX news coverage about Obama...", ">>{Saltmineinspector} : I voted for Obama twice and I have to say he really screwed the pooch on his second go around. I'm ready for a new approach.", ">>{theombudsmen} : You're doubling down on your talking point. It's not hypocrisy for two reasons. One, Hillary didn't have anything to do with the death of Patricia Smith's son. And while Trump didn't have anything to do with the death of Captain Khan, the Khans aren't trying to say he did. Two, they are talking about the issue of Muslim immigration, a policy issue of Trumps. Where the Khans are wrong in this is that they are trying to use their dead son to gain attention to the policy issue. You all should modify your talking points to indicate that instead, as it would be real. Don't try and make the comparison between Khan and Smith, people won't buy into it.", ">>{thatpj} : You are one false equivalence machine! Never mind that Trump U hasn't been through the public ringer. Never mind that this isn't some random student but Sean Smith's widow. Just keeping being blissfully unaware you are getting played by a charlatan.", ">>{gabagool69} : You wrongfully assume I support Trump. I also think he's a charlatan and I also think Trump U was a fraud. I also, however, think Hillary's actions both in Benghazi and in her response to the families of the victims in the aftermath was downright despicable, and her hypocrisy is playing out on the national stage.", ">>{thatpj} : So you know more then Sean Smith's widow? Ooookay buddy.", ">>{gabagool69} : > You're doubling down on your talking point. Right. > It's not hypocrisy Wrong. > One, Hillary didn't have anything to do with the death of Patricia Smith's son Wrong. > Two, they are talking about the issue of Muslim immigration, a policy issue of Trumps. Wrong. > Where the Khans are wrong in this is that they are trying to use their dead son to gain attention to the policy issue. Right. > You all should modify your talking points to indicate that instead, as it would be real. I'm sorry you didn't understand that this was exactly the criticism.", ">>{Deadcharacter} : IMO he didn't screw anything.... The republicans just don't let him do anything. It has been that way from the start.", ">>{SmugAsHell} : We know you guys have low moral standards. Of course it won't stop him.", '>>{Saltmineinspector} : > We know you guys how low moral standards. Our proofreading is pretty good though.', '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Yeah no he had a friendly congress at the beginning of his first term and republican have little to nothing to do with his foreign policy failures.', '>>{SmugAsHell} : Ah, thanks. But also thank you for confirming my point. There is no low for you.', '>>{Saltmineinspector} : Says the guy that just launched unprovoked personal attacks.', ">>{gabagool69} : I know more now than Sean Smith's widow did on 10/16/12. As do all Americans.", '>>{thatpj} : Did you even bother to read what she said?', '>>{Deadcharacter} : Yes, at the beginning he had majorities. But he had a whole lot of blue dog democrats who blocked many initiatives. Also, in the senate, there was Joe Lieberman, who in a way, killed the public option, along with many conservative dems. About foreign policy: I think Obama has made as much as he could. The Iran deal is a great success for example. Republicans on the other hand would have gone to war with somebody already (Not just bombing like Obama, but with boots on the ground). Obama inhereted a mess from Bush. The Bush legacy still lingers in the air.', '>>{gabagool69} : Yes. I also bothered to read the date.', '>>{gabagool69} : People said One Direction was cool in 2012. Timing matters.', '>>{thatpj} : >I have no doubt that I will also be made aware of any new facts as they are uncovered throughout the investigations. Since you have trouble reading', ">>{gabagool69} : I have no doubt that I will win my softball game tonight. Until that doesn't happen.", '>>{gabagool69} : Typical liberal. Get facts you don\'t like, yell "BIGOT!" Get applicable analogies you don\'t like, yell "FALSE EQUIVALENCE!" They need to teach a few more buzz words over at CTR.', '>>{thatpj} : So your softball game is equivalent to a widow getting information about her husband? K.', '>>{gabagool69} : Saying "I have no doubt" about something you can\'t know about the future is completely equivalent in both situations.', ">>{thatpj} : Ah! So you are mind reader now! I'm glad you know exactly what information she has seen or who she has talked to so you can declare she can't know anything about her own life.", '>>{thatpj} : Figures. When confronted with how illogical his false equivalences are choose to remain ignorant.', ">>{ArfBox} : > Just keeping being blissfully unaware you are getting played by a charlatan Only one of the candidates has a track record of charlatanism. Hint: it's the one with law suits against him for the same.", '>>{Snakecharmer2016} : But..but......but Hillary, Benghazi, planned parenthood. Go drink more lead']]
classify and reply
[">>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : Jimmy Fallon roasts Trump in 'Golden Globes' monologue", ">>{The_Last_Crusader} : PSA. It's funny, but just look at the front page, don't click anything.", '>>{vaarr80} : Trump is trying to massively boost Military Spending. He conveniently holds stock in a company that conveniently designs defense electronic systems for military.', '>>{histagehand} : There are so many great nick names like fucky mc fuckface that is my fave. Or truplethinskin giant douche I am forgetting a few.', ">>{pwomptastic} : Well now I'm curious as to what happens when you click! Please explain or I'm afraid I'm going to act like a naughty child who was told not to put a fork in an electrical socket.", '>>{Ayatollah_Bahloni} : This is jejune, sophomoric, and scandalous. I laughed so hard I just about shat myself.', '>>{limbodog} : Conflicts of interest galore. Trump fans really screwed us all over.', '>>{vaarr80} : This article is a about a month old. But this is yet again something that should be considered a conflict of interest. Elbit Systems (ESLT) Elbit Systems is an Israel-based company that builds defense electronic systems and integrated battle systems for air, sea, land and space.', ">>{DomrepIII} : Well, hmm, good Edit: keep having these types of headlines come out Trump, then I'll be more inclined to accept you as my president", '>>{cough_cough_bullshit} : I am not sure why we were told not to click. I did and there were no surprises unless I am now infected with TrumpZombieCuckitis, PenceLimpDickChristanoma, KellyAnneCrotchCrickets or SpicerIamYourBitchLiartosis. YMMV.', ">>{Fapted} : I'm flabbergasted that this childish tripe is being upvoted on this subreddit. Not that I can say that I'm unhappy, hopefully you guys keep digging yourselves into a hole and get crushed in 2018.", ">>{cough_cough_bullshit} : It's ok Fap, we don't care what you think. Keep on flabbergasting.", '>>{kingofquay} : I really need to get a listing of everything he has invested in.', '>>{HBombthrow} : Welcome to the reality show, stunt presidency. Millions will suffer.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Not even president yet. Man this is going to be a great eight years.', ">>{Fapted} : Keep furiously circlejerking, I'm sure it'll help you win back the country.", ">>{scaldingramen} : SoftBank had already been planned a 100Bn investment Im guessing this is in addition to their prior investment, but that's funny. And if the tradeoff is to step out of the way of an emerging telecom monopoly... this deal has some serious strings attached.", ">>{awesomeness0232} : @JimmyFallon was a boring and unfunny host for the SAD #GoldenGlobes. That's probably coming soon.", '>>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : Like some kind of form that his taxes might be detailed on? A return? A tax return, you might say?', '>>{jinglejangle109} : I already reported 5 illegal families in my neighborhood. I hate these damn Mexicans that spit on the United States, while thinking they can stay here.', ">>{cruciblenein} : It's really funny to see. It's like one big tantrum in this sub, a total meltdown.", '>>{popname} : When did the definition of suffer become "gainfully employed"?', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Did you just scream monopoly at a quote that has the word compete in it?', '>>{Neo2199} : [Trump](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/806214236053667842): Masa said he would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election! The Hill > SoftBank was already planning a $100 billion tech investment fund.', '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : Oh my! How bad is that going to upset trump... I fully expect a halfwitted tweet tonight bashing the academy and Fallon. Then, all of his little kkk Midwestern minions will pile on and talk about boycotts', '>>{theRealRedherring} : so all a company has to do is name-check President Elect WeatherVain and they get free US Executive level publicity?', '>>{takeashill_pill} : @goldenglobes failing miserably in ratings! Liberal elites don\'t understand "entertainment". No laughs!', ">>{Fapted} : Yes, Trump's built a cult of personality around himself and his followers are fervently in support of him and his every action. What's your point?", ">>{HBombthrow} : Monopolists often defend their monopoly behavior with appeals to competition. I think we're seeing the new pattern emerge: Trump, who cares far more about appearances than substance, will trade tangible concessions to businesses in exchange for short term PR stunts.", ">>{_personofdisinterest} : Everything, son. Everything. Cult of personality isn't a positive thing in politics. It's not something to brag about at all", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : > SoftBank owns 80 percent of Sprint. Sprint was one of the big advertisers on Trump's apprentice show. I wonder how much of their pie is in his portfolio. I don't doubt they're making their move because they expect Trump to give them insider deals to help both himself and their company.", ">>{DustyFalmouth} : And he was Trump's bitch when he appeared on his show. He's a tool for whatever gets ratings.", ">>{MakingAmericaGreat4U} : This man is a fucking hero. I can already see that he will be the greatest president I'll live to see. God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless the United States of America.", '>>{Fapted} : Wait, am I supporting him? I can support the Republican party and oppose Trump at the same time, you know.', '>>{serpentinepad} : /r/politics seems to be actively rooting against the country at this point.', '>>{kingofquay} : That would not change a damn thing with the current block of Republican sheeple, I have given up on that. Now I just want a list to myself so i can make some coin.', ">>{Vanitas_Non_Fui} : I mean, of course he does. At this point, he's like a super inept and insecure Cobra Commander.", '>>{Beelzabubba} : The Golden Globes should be a safe space! -Hypocritical Trump supporter', '>>{_personofdisinterest} : Yep that happened. What other alternative facts do you have?', ">>{miltedmalkball} : Isn't that what talk show hosts do for a living? Whatever gets ratings?", '>>{SaltHash} : Trump is also a tool for whatever gets ratings or votes. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/08/politics/jared-kushner-donald-trump-new-york/index.html', '>>{Spirited_Cheer} : First, Trump will complain that the Golden Globes: > "is a totally one-sided, biased show." (As if America has two Presidents-elect.) Then, of course, he will rate the show: > "nothing funny at all." And don\'t forget: > "Sad!"', '>>{Megaloman71} : I expect 5 sequential tweets about it followed by Russian opportunists selling cheap mugs.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : This isn't even a duopoly we are talking about. More fear mongering from the braindead.", '>>{guitmusic12} : Ummmm... not exact title and the article says nothing of Donald trump holding those companies', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Along with Saudi Arabia. Didn't Trump complain about Saudi money during the campaign?", ">>{_personofdisinterest} : There's no difference now. He is the very top Republican and our president. Let's see what glorious heights he and the entire GOP controlled government can take us to, shall we?", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Yeah no. These companies would have to agree to price fixing. Allowing a third company to compete at this level will be good for the market.', '>>{guitmusic12} : The article never claims trump owns any of these companies', '>>{xeronotxero} : More people showed up to protest him than to cheer his inauguration. Lol.', ">>{t88m} : The article says the bank was already planning a $100 bil investment. Where'd the rest go? Also wouldn't call Carrier a victory, it's taxpayer-subsidized keeping of >1,000 jobs and the company just announced a 5% price hike effective January. I know you're a fan, but look closer and hold him accountable.", ">>{shadow776} : His 92-page [financial disclosure](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2838696-Trump-2016-Financial-Disclosure.html) is online, listing everything he owns (or it's supposed to anyway). Also, I don't see where the article claims that Trump owns shares in this company. It seems to just be companies that might do well under his administration.", '>>{HBombthrow} : Maybe read beyond the headlines? SoftBank is a majority owner of Sprint, which is currently looking for a merger with T-Mobile. Such a move would immediately attract antitrust attention from the FTC. Media consolidation is not a great thing for our world. SoftBank is no fool. All it did was announce "intentions", knowing that they are not binding, and knowing that the new president would be appreciative of the friendly PR to follow. Maybe appreciative enough to help ease a merger review through the FTC The playbook here is simply too easy -- company gives meaningless favor that provides Trump-friendly PR, takes its payback on the back end through something far more tangible. This is the stunt presidency, as fake as a car pimped up by Xzibit with brand new speakers and paint sitting on its old rusted chassis, or the Extreme Home Makeover that looks good from one angle but will fall apart in six months from shitty roof drainage. Don\'t be fooled.', '>>{Megaloman71} : You forgot to mention that the ratings are way down.', ">>{awesomeness0232} : And while we're at it, The Apprentice didn't even get nominated.", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : > don't see where the article claims that Trump owns shares in this company Because the headline is wrong/editorialized.", ">>{DustyFalmouth} : Some host principles they hold themselves to. I won't blame someone for still supporting Trump but Jimmy going from nice to his face then going out later and calling him deranged is not something I'll laud him for.", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : Editorialized title. The article doesn't say that Trump holds any of these stocks: > Here's a portfolio of 15 stocks **experts think should do well** with the real estate magnate in the White House, based largely on his stated policies and proposals on the campaign trail. Pretty sure he does own stock in private prisons but that doesn't matter, this still violates the rules.", '>>{GnarltonBanks} : They were planning a $100 billion investment fund that had yet to be allocated. Nowhere does it say that the fund was going to be entirely invested in the US. They could have invested it all in other markets if they wanted to.', ">>{DustyFalmouth} : These late night shows do nothing that's not pre approved. It's so far into the guest's terms, pretty much every question was suggested by the guest's agent", '>>{6p6ss6} : People tell me I have the most beautiful conflicts of interest. Really tremendous, very special conflicts of interest.', ">>{Plastic_Mouldsman} : You've changed the title for it to imply stuff that isn't true.", ">>{xeronotxero} : You're talking about it with me, a total stranger on the internet, right now. That's something!", '>>{jpgray} : Why would anyone think the U.S. needs more military spending? At $606 billion, the U.S. DoD budget is larger than the spending of the next 12 countries COMBINED. Oh, and 10 of those countries are our allies.', '>>{miltedmalkball} : I can\'t say "principled" is a litmus test I apply when choosing late night jesters, but to each his own.', ">>{Adrenalx42} : Maybe if the Democrats focused a little less on identity politics and gun control we wouldn't be in this mess", ">>{youcanonlybanmetwice} : are you really such a dumbshit lib that you interpreted the title as 'stocks the president owns'? l o fucking l new lows every day for u shitlibs.", '>>{Fapted} : Duly noted. Their problem was that they did it after the election rather than before it. What the hell is it going to change now?', '>>{limbodog} : I don\'t mind the "identity politics". We have one party trying to be cruel to American citizens, the other party should fight that. But I agree, gun control is a decided issue and the Constitution is pretty clear. I\'d say a smart democratic party would focus more on other ways to reduce violent crime rather than going straight for guns.', '>>{huggiesdsc} : I bet you make your final farewells to people every time you leave the room.', ">>{HBombthrow} : No they wouldn't. How many antitrust cases have you worked?", '>>{kingofquay} : Depends on who you are. Extreme right wing organizations love him (KKK, anti-semites, private prisons). Everyone else... not so much. EDIT: Oh Russia, russia is loving it, do they count ?', ">>{HBombthrow} : How many antitrust cases have you worked? I've worked five.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Irrelevant anonymous internet lawyer. Who is probably a paralegal', '>>{huggiesdsc} : Bro Trump won, why are you still salty? People have been shit talking presidents since day 1 of American history. Just enjoy it man.', ">>{Honest2Lettuce} : I would just stay away from this story kid. It's gonna be a tough one for even the best of you guys to spin. Also, >President Elect WeatherVain What is this even supposed to be mocking? What presumably biting commentary of Trump is going over my head right now?", '>>{BalanceCoil} : I think the complaint was in bankrolling politicians not in private sector investments.', ">>{jinglejangle109} : ICE was here yesterday in a SUV, but i'm not sure what happened after that.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : that 100 billion was a joint venture with Saudi Arabia.', ">>{HBombthrow} : We're actively rooting against a president we are certain will harm the country, and our fears are only being validated by the man's focus on reality show stunts like this", ">>{HBombthrow} : Zero, what I thought. Please stop pretending you have any idea what you're talking about", ">>{Misanthraloperer} : We've still got to get that wall built though, FFS. * Build the wall * Lock up Crooked * Send the illegals back home. Let's keep our eyes on the prize and not be distracted by all the glitter!", '>>{jej1} : Why is this on r/politics? This has almost nothing to do with politics.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : And there goes the deflection anonymous internet lawyer who is really a paralegal. 3 competing companies =/= a Monopoly. Especially when you consider now that we only have two that can currently compete at that level.', '>>{serpentinepad} : How, exactly, will this "harm the country"?', '>>{SergeantButthole} : As yes thank you, I knew Donald "Hitler" Trump can never do anything beneficial, ever. I can always look to the comments of this sub to tell me how every little thing he does is a calculated move to his journey to become dictator of the Fascist States of America. Look at this piece of shit fascist!', ">>{DPlaintiff} : I've been trying to push Manicula. It's like Caligula (which meant little boots), only it means little hands.", ">>{MakingAmericaGreat4U} : 2/3 I couldn't give a shit. Deporting illegals is a must, though.", '>>{SergeantButthole} : They want him to crash and burn just so they can say "Hahaha trumpettes I told you so." It\'s sad, really.', '>>{Burrito_nap} : Holy hell did you wake up triggered or did that comment really rustle you up that hard? Lol', '>>{Newstade} : As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion.', ">>{deathtotheemperor} : Don't bother, he's a troll. Check his post history, and move on.", ">>{No_Fucks-given} : because r/politics has degraded itself to be just stupid, super left wing kids. What did you expect? These are the people constantly calling trump all kinds of names and rioting in the streets because they lost. Either way, it is providing us on the other side with quite a bit of entertainment, somthing like this truly shows this sub's users' age, apperently 14.", ">>{xeronotxero} : It's already changing the narrative in the media, which our orange man child in chief seems to think is a pretty big deal even if you don't.", ">>{Misanthraloperer} : >Deporting illegals is a must, though. 1/3 ain't bad, I guess", '>>{Burrito_nap} : He probably meant weathervane, but used "vain" because Trump is narcissist. Because trump is a flip flopping any-which-way-the-wind-blows vain asshole.', '>>{Honest2Lettuce} : This looks like a lot of speculation simply for the sake of hoping against Trump\'s success. Sure, maybe what they said "isn\'t binding" in any legal sense, but don\'t you think Trump is good enough at this sort of thing to make sure he gets some results before they get anything out of the deal, which you\'re so worried about? I can tell you right now, if you\'re already resigned to arguing that if Trump is "looking good" more often than you are comfortable with, it\'s only because of some masterful PR stunt, when he hasn\'t even taken office, you\'re going to have a long 4 years. Because Trump is going to be looking pretty good for most of it.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : are three competing companies a monopoly? Considering that now we only have two that can actually compete at the highest level, this is a good thing.', ">>{HBombthrow} : How will an Office of the Presidency focused on superficial stunts and the appearance of success, rather than data and policy and *actual* success, harm the country? I'll let you work that out", '>>{Ethyl_Mercaptan} : This place has become a subreddit for irrational hysterics.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : yea, but its funny as fuck. we at r/shitpoliticssays just laugh at this sub.', ">>{HBombthrow} : A Sprint/T-Mobile merger would give the new entity about a third of the market and cut the number of major competing companies from four to three. There are certainly market segments and regions where the number is higher or lower. There is no industry where a merger of this type wouldn't attract antitrust scrutiny from regulators; the process would involve review, filings, and likely regulatory concessions to protect competition, which costs money for a company even if the merger is ultimately approved. If you'd spent more time paying attention in Google Law School, you'd know this", '>>{Cannon1} : Since when? That sort of information is important. Maybe they should sticky that information on every thread. *Then* people would calm down, and discuss politics and policy in a civil and adult manner.', '>>{Lobster_fest} : We\'re not rioting because we lost. We\'re *protesting* because trump has proven to us time and time again that he is a lying, racist, fascist, misogynist, sack of shit who only cares about him and his buddies making as much money pandering to conservative voters. It is astounding how uneducated you are that you can support this bullshit. I didn\'t draw the line at trump. I didn\'t cry or scream when he was elected. I said "good luck Mr president" and went on with my life. I drew the line at sessions, and Bannon, and priebus, and De Vos, and Tillerson, and Spicer, and Pai. This is why we are mad. Because while he claims to speak for the American people, he appoints more billionaires than any other president. His people openly lie, then call them alternative facts. If your reason for voting for trump was "he\'s better than Hillary" then you are part of the problem. You have no idea how much Hillary helped you succeed with her work as a senator, Secretary, and FLOTUS. Now quit name calling and pissing about and do yourself a favor and look at what trump is gonna do to the country we all love.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : Lets be clear anonymous internet Lawyer that is really a paralegal. There are only two companies that compete at the top level, AT&T and Verizon. This would give them a third competitor at that level. Don't worry though you can still get your boost mobile refills.", '>>{Lobster_fest} : We\'re not rioting because we lost. We\'re *protesting* because trump has proven to us time and time again that he is a lying, racist, fascist, misogynist, sack of shit who only cares about him and his buddies making as much money pandering to conservative voters. It is astounding how uneducated you are that you can support this bullshit. I didn\'t draw the line at trump. I didn\'t cry or scream when he was elected. I said "good luck Mr president" and went on with my life. I drew the line at sessions, and Bannon, and priebus, and De Vos, and Tillerson, and Spicer, and Pai. This is why we are mad. Because while he claims to speak for the American people, he appoints more billionaires than any other president. His people openly lie, then call them alternative facts. If your reason for voting for trump was "he\'s better than Hillary" then you are part of the problem. You have no idea how much Hillary helped you succeed with her work as a senator, Secretary, and FLOTUS. Now quit name calling and pissing about and do yourself a favor and look at what trump is gonna do to the country we all love.', '>>{HBombthrow} : I very much root against Trump\'s success, because I believe him succeeding in his proposals and governing/campaign style would cause immediate and lasting harm to my country. At the very least, we are lost as a country if racist dog whistling, nonstop shameless lying, and proud self-enriching corruption become the go-to playbook for electoral success. >but don\'t you think Trump is good enough at this sort of thing to make sure he gets some results before they get anything out of the deal No, I honestly don\'t. Until he found a business line based entirely around his celebrity and image of success, Trump\'s history is one of multiple disastrous failures, often the result of him striking ill-advised and over-leveraged deals to acquire some shiny bauble he\'d become obsessed with. Think Trump Shuttle. Think USFL. Yes, I know businessmen and entrepreneurs often fail -- more than a few of my best friends launched startups of varying success -- but he is of a different kind. Trump has a deep history of making terrible long-term moves that in the short term enhanced his prestige and image, and for which he has provided *himself* an exit strategy while his investors and employees lose massively. I don\'t doubt that a huge segment of the population will continually buy into superficial "wins" with who knows what hidden cost. This frightens me deeply.', ">>{kirukiru} : we have zero details on this specific deal we already have details on softbank's 100bn investment pledge that is happening irrespective of trump's presidency so what made them tack on an extra 50bn in spending? is this part of their 100bn that theyve already committed? we don't know anything about this beyond a tweet what makes sense in light of the context of the other amount of money being committed, is that there is a possibility that trump can, as stated above, ease through a merger that would create less competition in the marketplace. i'd be open to hearing other reasons that a 50% increase in investment value would be warranted.", '>>{kirukiru} : i mean lets just talk about why softbank would invest 50bn more. what are the optional reasons there? if the main point is "trump is just a fire negotiator" i have a hard time thinking that holds water. ignoring trump, why would softbank spend 150bn instead of 100 they had already planned?', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : When did Saudi Arabia bankroll a US politician? Hint: they didn't because it's illegal and the FEC would have gone after the candidate.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : By giving money to their "charities" and "Global initiatives" of course.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : hahaha, you lost, get over it. It is astounding how brainwashed you are by CNN.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : You are the problem. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about and the mental capacity of a 14 year old. You are a brainwashed useful idiot used by the left. He is better than hillary, fucking hillary wanted to go to war with russia, she was a warmongering criminal. All you hate trump for is because he said some bad things, boo fucking hoo, get over it child. My reason for voting trump was to not go to war with russia. My reason for voting trump was actual change. You can just keep complaining and riotion, you are helping to elect him in 2020, shit he had a better polling rate after the election because of the liberal screech. America is tired of your marxist bullshit. You should feel ashamed. You are brainwashed. Fuck socialism, fuck communism, You are the actual fascist (Look up fascism actual definition, it is left wing, fuck mussolini was a communist before he was a fascist). >Now quit name calling Fucking ironic coming from someone as childish as you.', ">>{Ethyl_Mercaptan} : Yeah... that's a good sub. This place is a cesspit.", '>>{huggiesdsc} : I distinctly remember this same shit when Obama swore in.', '>>{Agkistro13} : >We\'re protesting because trump has proven to us time and time again that he is a lying, racist, fascist, misogynist, sack of shit who only cares about him and his buddies making as much money pandering to conservative voters. It is astounding how uneducated you are that you can support this bullshit. Yeah, you say stuff like that every time you lose, too. In order to take you seriously, I\'d have to be unaware that the left whined all the exact same shit about Rubio, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Jeb!, Huckabee, Carson, McCain, Romney, Dole, Bush, Bush, and Reagan. Oh, and let\'s not forget Scalia, Thomas, Rehnquist, and Bork. I suppose I may as well throw in Rush, Hannity, Tucker, Coulter, Brietbart, Beck, Kristol, Thomas, Krauthammer, Shapiro, Drudge, and of course Yiannopolous. The reality is, your "The Republican who succeeded is literally every horrible thing I can think of to call a person!" screed is just a cut n\' paste of what liberals say every single fucking time a politican does anything they don\'t like. Pretending that Trump is uniquely horrible is just tired and stupid. You pretended the same thing 4 years ago, you\'ll pretend the same thing 8 years from now.', '>>{jej1} : It took them fucking 12 hours to take this post down.', '>>{nealski77} : And posts like this are why this subreddit lost default status', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : None of which personally benefited the Clintons and you said that Saudi Arabia bankrolled candidates so either you're 1) full of it or 2) don't have a clue what you're talking about or 3) **FAKE NEWZ** got ya again.", ">>{HBombthrow} : How about this, I'll bet you Gold that by Dec. 13, 2016, enough facts will have emerged to make clear that this statement: >Masa (SoftBank) of Japan has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 new jobs. Masa said he would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election! Is misleading. Deal?", ">>{kirukiru} : i 100% agree with you. sorry, wasnt meaning to combat your point, was simply trying to tack on to what you're saying by asking the important question why would a foreign billionaire increase investment valuation by 50%???? there are few honeypots that make sense that aren't related to a merger of some kind.", ">>{Lobster_fest} : Here's the thing. Why do you assume every thing is a conspiracy? Yeah cnn reports bullshit but it's better than Fox, and by your presidential logic, the best choice. And trump didn't just say mean things. He said I molest women because I'm a star. He said I'm gonna build a wall. Hillary has DONE things. Did you know a benghazi committee worked for over a year to prove Hillary was at fault? Do you know what they found? Nothing. What about emails? The fbi found, wait for it, nothing. Trump isn't all bad and Hillary isn't all good. But do some unbiased research. Please", ">>{Lobster_fest} : I don't have a problem with them. I am an independent myself, but trump is more than a conservative", ">>{Lobster_fest} : And also I hear the same shit from republicans about let's see, Hillary, Sanders, Clinton, nadow, Cooper, and, ya know, Obama. All without warrant. It goes for both sides, and as long as the smear and shit hurling continues, we won't get anywhere as a country", '>>{Lobster_fest} : And you believe the shit Fox and breitbart tell you.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : I forgot you guys are labeling everything you don't like as fake news now. Clinton's used the foundation to pay lavish dual salaries to their favorite toadies. Sorry but you lose again. Get used to it 8 more years to go.", '>>{No_Fucks-given} : lol no. But good try, everything is defently black and white.... Shows your mental capacity.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : >Why do you assume every thing is a conspiracy? Who is the one who thinks this is a conspiracy? Was it the russian hackers? I don\'t think it is a conspiracy, I think you are just dumb. >Yeah cnn reports bullshit but it\'s better than Fox, and by your presidential logic, the best choice. Lmfao ok child. As I told you in the other one, No. >He said I molest women because I\'m a star. You defently need hearing comprehension. He said "women let me molest them because I am a star" That gets into what exactly is molestation, because if a women wants it, then its not. >He said I\'m gonna build a wall. Yea, good. Lets not forget that trump has also done things, in the private sector, that NY skating rink is one that gov bureaucrats could not figure out for years and he did it in a few months.... He has built up a huge brand to the point that he could sell it... >Hillary has DONE things. Starting wars in the middle east, rattling the saber wanting to start a war with russia, Killing many, many people. Evading the law after subpoenas have been issued... Taking money from other governments for her \'foundation\' wich mysteriously disappeared the second she lost... Yea, she has done things, horrible horrible things. >What about emails? The fbi found, wait for it, nothing. What about her other 5 FBI investigations? They also did find shit in the emails, she just has a protected status being a clinton.... >But do some unbiased research. Fucking rich.', '>>{HBombthrow} : Ah, gotcha. My first guess is that their plans didn\'t really change, and Trump is just trying to take credit for something that was already happening. I also think it\'s possible that Masayoshi Son was just blowing smoke up Trump\'s ass, "Oh yes this was definitely because of you!" Companies don\'t make $50 billion decisions based off a conversation.', ">>{kirukiru} : knowing how japanese businessmen operate, yeah that's totally plausible. they'll fete you nonstop and then once the numbers are crunched the deal doesn't happen.", ">>{Agkistro13} : You pointing out that there are irrational dopes on both sides does not negate the fact that you're acting like an irrational dope. >It goes for both sides, and as long as the smear and shit hurling continues, we won't get anywhere as a country If that's how you feel, what the fuck are you hurling shit for? You don't get to be the 'hurl insults at Trump for upvotes' guy, and then the 'call for an end to the heated rhetoric' guy in the same conversation with the same person. At least toss in an apology or a *mea culpa* in there somewhere to take the edge off the hypocrisy a bit.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Still not direct benefit to the candidate like you claimed but can't prove. Just another **FAKE NEWZ** victim.", ">>{Agkistro13} : That's funny, right up until it became clear he was going to win the nomination, everybody was saying he was a Democrat in GOP's clothing and the most liberal guy on the stage. But it's an election year and the GOP has their candidate: Time to call them a right-wing extremist, reality be damned!", '>>{Agkistro13} : Cal Thomas. Was a pretty big conservative commentator in his day. I probably should have gone with Will there instead.', '>>{HBombthrow} : Not to be racist, but I see similar stuff sometimes representing SE Asian business clients as a lawyer. "Okay, you\'re sure nobody saw this document?" "Yes, totally." "You\'re absolutely sure? We\'re putting this in a declaration." "Yes." "Okay." [*later*] "Well, yes, the VP of European sales saw the document, but nobody else!" [*slams head on desk*] Just a different business culture over there', '>>{kirukiru} : Did consulting for companies wanting to operate in Asia as well "Wow this is a fantastic deal, you did a great job getting this proposal to us and we\'re very excited to get started!" *2 months pass* "Unfortunately we must now decline to enagage in this venture and wish you all the best in your future endeavours." bbut what happen u said u liked it', ">>{fungi1} : Because how dare he not release the data and statistics tracking the success he makes as president - before he is even president. As an outsider watching the attitude you have to your own president is actually baffling, so many people are foaming at the mouth hoping for a president to fail and damage their country just to say 'told you so' at the end.", ">>{janethefish} : First, off there isn't an official deal. Trump doesn't have the power to make them. Without something official, this is little more than a publicity stunt. Second, even if their is an unofficial deal, we don't know the details. If Trump is sending them 100 billion in free money this is a pretty shitty deal. Third, Trump is a serial liar who routinely makes outrageous lies, so we have no idea if this is even true. For fucks sake he claimed Obama founded ISIS! Fourth, and most damning they were already planning a [100 billion investment](http://www.wsj.com/articles/softbank-group-launches-investment-fund-1476398189), so getting them to invest 50 billion is not exactly a success. If we take Trump at his word, and assume this investment actually happens it appears Trump managed to lose 50 billion dollars worth of investment, and give the company who knows what. Quite frankly, a random cat would make a better negotiator.", '>>{ajaxsinger} : Or renting office space from them at drastically inflated prices?', '>>{pjabrony} : OK, yeah, I think I used to see him syndicated in my local newspaper...which would give you an idea of how long ago it was.', ">>{Agkistro13} : He had a show on Fox News for a little while, it was on pretty late, and there was this woman that played the piano. That's where I was introduced to him. But yeah, he was/is mostly a newspaper guy.", '>>{heyjesu} : Or this 50 is just part of the original 100?', '>>{gadsdenfags} : When the term "gainfully employed" turned into a monopoly on phone service.', '>>{gadsdenfags} : By consolidating phone service providers and decreasing competition which will drive up the cost of service.', '>>{gadsdenfags} : Looks like a lot of money is being shifted based on this speculation. https://www.google.com/finance?q=NYSE%3AS&ei=xitHWNHfD9ibee3Wn6AL', ">>{janethefish} : > so what made them tack on an extra 50bn in spending? I don't see anything saying that they are spending an extra 50 billion dollars. If it was extra they would be making a 100 billion investment.", '>>{1000000students} : hahah i see the confusion, only a simpleton could fall for such. its claim by juduical watch that had not bearing on Hillary becuase it was assumption not proof...hahah. why do rightwingers fall for fake news Cory lewandowski???? hahahah oh republicans taking us back to 1500 if we let them', ">>{Deplorable_Basket} : Aren't AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint the only real national mobile providers now anyway?", ">>{Deplorable_Basket} : Softbank isn't a bank, couldn't even get five words in without proving you have no idea what you are talking about.", '>>{superattune11} : So where were you when they announced this before the election?', ">>{t88m} : was using shorthand to refer to the company - but thanks for being condescending, I know it's appreciated by someone.", '>>{jubbergun} : Oh, wow...*we started a conversation*. The women who marched this weekend were truly stunning and brave, like a beautiful butterfly flying against the wind.', '>>{tallonfour} : If they are only stating intentions to have him warm up to their plans to purchase T Mobile.', '>>{Deplorable_Basket} : Lol, no you weren\'t. Nobody calls Softbank "the bank."', ">>{t88m} : I'm glad you've had that many conversations about it - please go bother someone else with your weak argument style.", '>>{iamjacksprofile} : Masayoshi said the same thing in an interview this morning on Fox Business.', '>>{Deplorable_Basket} : SoftBank is a major player in my industry, so yes, I talk about them often. Just admit you made a mistake, were talking about a company you know nothing about, and made incorrect assumptions. You could of at least googled SoftBank before feigning outrage and discrediting yourself. Instead you choose to double down when your ignorance is called out. "The bank" as shorthand doesn\'t even make sense, if that is really what you were doing you would have used their ticker symbol or even SB.', ">>{t88m} : >You could of Could have* FTFY. >feigning outrage and discrediting yourself Just pointing out what it was and calling your argument bullshit. Because it's weak. >Just admit you made a mistake, were talking about a company you know nothing about, and made incorrect assumptions. Shorthand=mistake in your world? Jesus. lol instead of wasting any more of my time, I'll use your logic - you clearly don't have a command of the English Language since you made a 3rd grade mistake that I had to correct for you. Therefore any argument you make in the English language is based in ignorance. Have a nice day! And, again, go bother someone else.", '>>{Deplorable_Basket} : I made a grammatical mistake, I was wrong, thank you for correcting me. See how easy that was. My mistake had no bearing on the substance of my statement, yours did. "The bank" is not shorthand for SoftBank as it implies the company is something that it is not. Is "ant" shorthand for elephant? If your pride won\'t let you admit that you knew nothing about SoftBank, why wouldn\'t you just say your phone autocorrected it to "the bank" which is a much more plausible excuse.', '>>{SunnySandie} : When you really hate your job, boss, or coworkers.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{The_Last_Crusader} : PSA. It's funny, but just look at the front page, don't click anything.", '>>{histagehand} : There are so many great nick names like fucky mc fuckface that is my fave. Or truplethinskin giant douche I am forgetting a few.', ">>{pwomptastic} : Well now I'm curious as to what happens when you click! Please explain or I'm afraid I'm going to act like a naughty child who was told not to put a fork in an electrical socket.", '>>{Ayatollah_Bahloni} : This is jejune, sophomoric, and scandalous. I laughed so hard I just about shat myself.', '>>{cough_cough_bullshit} : I am not sure why we were told not to click. I did and there were no surprises unless I am now infected with TrumpZombieCuckitis, PenceLimpDickChristanoma, KellyAnneCrotchCrickets or SpicerIamYourBitchLiartosis. YMMV.', ">>{Fapted} : I'm flabbergasted that this childish tripe is being upvoted on this subreddit. Not that I can say that I'm unhappy, hopefully you guys keep digging yourselves into a hole and get crushed in 2018.", ">>{cough_cough_bullshit} : It's ok Fap, we don't care what you think. Keep on flabbergasting.", ">>{Fapted} : Keep furiously circlejerking, I'm sure it'll help you win back the country.", '>>{jinglejangle109} : I already reported 5 illegal families in my neighborhood. I hate these damn Mexicans that spit on the United States, while thinking they can stay here.', ">>{cruciblenein} : It's really funny to see. It's like one big tantrum in this sub, a total meltdown.", ">>{Fapted} : Yes, Trump's built a cult of personality around himself and his followers are fervently in support of him and his every action. What's your point?", ">>{_personofdisinterest} : Everything, son. Everything. Cult of personality isn't a positive thing in politics. It's not something to brag about at all", '>>{Fapted} : Wait, am I supporting him? I can support the Republican party and oppose Trump at the same time, you know.', '>>{_personofdisinterest} : Yep that happened. What other alternative facts do you have?', ">>{_personofdisinterest} : There's no difference now. He is the very top Republican and our president. Let's see what glorious heights he and the entire GOP controlled government can take us to, shall we?", '>>{xeronotxero} : More people showed up to protest him than to cheer his inauguration. Lol.', ">>{xeronotxero} : You're talking about it with me, a total stranger on the internet, right now. That's something!", '>>{Fapted} : Duly noted. Their problem was that they did it after the election rather than before it. What the hell is it going to change now?', '>>{huggiesdsc} : I bet you make your final farewells to people every time you leave the room.', '>>{huggiesdsc} : Bro Trump won, why are you still salty? People have been shit talking presidents since day 1 of American history. Just enjoy it man.', ">>{jinglejangle109} : ICE was here yesterday in a SUV, but i'm not sure what happened after that.", '>>{jej1} : Why is this on r/politics? This has almost nothing to do with politics.', ">>{DPlaintiff} : I've been trying to push Manicula. It's like Caligula (which meant little boots), only it means little hands.", '>>{Newstade} : As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion.', ">>{No_Fucks-given} : because r/politics has degraded itself to be just stupid, super left wing kids. What did you expect? These are the people constantly calling trump all kinds of names and rioting in the streets because they lost. Either way, it is providing us on the other side with quite a bit of entertainment, somthing like this truly shows this sub's users' age, apperently 14.", ">>{xeronotxero} : It's already changing the narrative in the media, which our orange man child in chief seems to think is a pretty big deal even if you don't.", '>>{Ethyl_Mercaptan} : This place has become a subreddit for irrational hysterics.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : yea, but its funny as fuck. we at r/shitpoliticssays just laugh at this sub.', '>>{Cannon1} : Since when? That sort of information is important. Maybe they should sticky that information on every thread. *Then* people would calm down, and discuss politics and policy in a civil and adult manner.', '>>{Lobster_fest} : We\'re not rioting because we lost. We\'re *protesting* because trump has proven to us time and time again that he is a lying, racist, fascist, misogynist, sack of shit who only cares about him and his buddies making as much money pandering to conservative voters. It is astounding how uneducated you are that you can support this bullshit. I didn\'t draw the line at trump. I didn\'t cry or scream when he was elected. I said "good luck Mr president" and went on with my life. I drew the line at sessions, and Bannon, and priebus, and De Vos, and Tillerson, and Spicer, and Pai. This is why we are mad. Because while he claims to speak for the American people, he appoints more billionaires than any other president. His people openly lie, then call them alternative facts. If your reason for voting for trump was "he\'s better than Hillary" then you are part of the problem. You have no idea how much Hillary helped you succeed with her work as a senator, Secretary, and FLOTUS. Now quit name calling and pissing about and do yourself a favor and look at what trump is gonna do to the country we all love.', '>>{Lobster_fest} : We\'re not rioting because we lost. We\'re *protesting* because trump has proven to us time and time again that he is a lying, racist, fascist, misogynist, sack of shit who only cares about him and his buddies making as much money pandering to conservative voters. It is astounding how uneducated you are that you can support this bullshit. I didn\'t draw the line at trump. I didn\'t cry or scream when he was elected. I said "good luck Mr president" and went on with my life. I drew the line at sessions, and Bannon, and priebus, and De Vos, and Tillerson, and Spicer, and Pai. This is why we are mad. Because while he claims to speak for the American people, he appoints more billionaires than any other president. His people openly lie, then call them alternative facts. If your reason for voting for trump was "he\'s better than Hillary" then you are part of the problem. You have no idea how much Hillary helped you succeed with her work as a senator, Secretary, and FLOTUS. Now quit name calling and pissing about and do yourself a favor and look at what trump is gonna do to the country we all love.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : hahaha, you lost, get over it. It is astounding how brainwashed you are by CNN.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : You are the problem. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about and the mental capacity of a 14 year old. You are a brainwashed useful idiot used by the left. He is better than hillary, fucking hillary wanted to go to war with russia, she was a warmongering criminal. All you hate trump for is because he said some bad things, boo fucking hoo, get over it child. My reason for voting trump was to not go to war with russia. My reason for voting trump was actual change. You can just keep complaining and riotion, you are helping to elect him in 2020, shit he had a better polling rate after the election because of the liberal screech. America is tired of your marxist bullshit. You should feel ashamed. You are brainwashed. Fuck socialism, fuck communism, You are the actual fascist (Look up fascism actual definition, it is left wing, fuck mussolini was a communist before he was a fascist). >Now quit name calling Fucking ironic coming from someone as childish as you.', ">>{Ethyl_Mercaptan} : Yeah... that's a good sub. This place is a cesspit.", '>>{huggiesdsc} : I distinctly remember this same shit when Obama swore in.', '>>{Agkistro13} : >We\'re protesting because trump has proven to us time and time again that he is a lying, racist, fascist, misogynist, sack of shit who only cares about him and his buddies making as much money pandering to conservative voters. It is astounding how uneducated you are that you can support this bullshit. Yeah, you say stuff like that every time you lose, too. In order to take you seriously, I\'d have to be unaware that the left whined all the exact same shit about Rubio, Cruz, Carson, Fiorina, Jeb!, Huckabee, Carson, McCain, Romney, Dole, Bush, Bush, and Reagan. Oh, and let\'s not forget Scalia, Thomas, Rehnquist, and Bork. I suppose I may as well throw in Rush, Hannity, Tucker, Coulter, Brietbart, Beck, Kristol, Thomas, Krauthammer, Shapiro, Drudge, and of course Yiannopolous. The reality is, your "The Republican who succeeded is literally every horrible thing I can think of to call a person!" screed is just a cut n\' paste of what liberals say every single fucking time a politican does anything they don\'t like. Pretending that Trump is uniquely horrible is just tired and stupid. You pretended the same thing 4 years ago, you\'ll pretend the same thing 8 years from now.', '>>{jej1} : It took them fucking 12 hours to take this post down.', '>>{nealski77} : And posts like this are why this subreddit lost default status', ">>{Lobster_fest} : Here's the thing. Why do you assume every thing is a conspiracy? Yeah cnn reports bullshit but it's better than Fox, and by your presidential logic, the best choice. And trump didn't just say mean things. He said I molest women because I'm a star. He said I'm gonna build a wall. Hillary has DONE things. Did you know a benghazi committee worked for over a year to prove Hillary was at fault? Do you know what they found? Nothing. What about emails? The fbi found, wait for it, nothing. Trump isn't all bad and Hillary isn't all good. But do some unbiased research. Please", ">>{Lobster_fest} : I don't have a problem with them. I am an independent myself, but trump is more than a conservative", ">>{Lobster_fest} : And also I hear the same shit from republicans about let's see, Hillary, Sanders, Clinton, nadow, Cooper, and, ya know, Obama. All without warrant. It goes for both sides, and as long as the smear and shit hurling continues, we won't get anywhere as a country", '>>{Lobster_fest} : And you believe the shit Fox and breitbart tell you.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : lol no. But good try, everything is defently black and white.... Shows your mental capacity.', '>>{No_Fucks-given} : >Why do you assume every thing is a conspiracy? Who is the one who thinks this is a conspiracy? Was it the russian hackers? I don\'t think it is a conspiracy, I think you are just dumb. >Yeah cnn reports bullshit but it\'s better than Fox, and by your presidential logic, the best choice. Lmfao ok child. As I told you in the other one, No. >He said I molest women because I\'m a star. You defently need hearing comprehension. He said "women let me molest them because I am a star" That gets into what exactly is molestation, because if a women wants it, then its not. >He said I\'m gonna build a wall. Yea, good. Lets not forget that trump has also done things, in the private sector, that NY skating rink is one that gov bureaucrats could not figure out for years and he did it in a few months.... He has built up a huge brand to the point that he could sell it... >Hillary has DONE things. Starting wars in the middle east, rattling the saber wanting to start a war with russia, Killing many, many people. Evading the law after subpoenas have been issued... Taking money from other governments for her \'foundation\' wich mysteriously disappeared the second she lost... Yea, she has done things, horrible horrible things. >What about emails? The fbi found, wait for it, nothing. What about her other 5 FBI investigations? They also did find shit in the emails, she just has a protected status being a clinton.... >But do some unbiased research. Fucking rich.', ">>{Agkistro13} : You pointing out that there are irrational dopes on both sides does not negate the fact that you're acting like an irrational dope. >It goes for both sides, and as long as the smear and shit hurling continues, we won't get anywhere as a country If that's how you feel, what the fuck are you hurling shit for? You don't get to be the 'hurl insults at Trump for upvotes' guy, and then the 'call for an end to the heated rhetoric' guy in the same conversation with the same person. At least toss in an apology or a *mea culpa* in there somewhere to take the edge off the hypocrisy a bit.", ">>{Agkistro13} : That's funny, right up until it became clear he was going to win the nomination, everybody was saying he was a Democrat in GOP's clothing and the most liberal guy on the stage. But it's an election year and the GOP has their candidate: Time to call them a right-wing extremist, reality be damned!", '>>{Agkistro13} : Cal Thomas. Was a pretty big conservative commentator in his day. I probably should have gone with Will there instead.', '>>{pjabrony} : OK, yeah, I think I used to see him syndicated in my local newspaper...which would give you an idea of how long ago it was.', ">>{Agkistro13} : He had a show on Fox News for a little while, it was on pretty late, and there was this woman that played the piano. That's where I was introduced to him. But yeah, he was/is mostly a newspaper guy.", '>>{jubbergun} : Oh, wow...*we started a conversation*. The women who marched this weekend were truly stunning and brave, like a beautiful butterfly flying against the wind.'], [">>{DomrepIII} : Well, hmm, good Edit: keep having these types of headlines come out Trump, then I'll be more inclined to accept you as my president", '>>{HBombthrow} : Welcome to the reality show, stunt presidency. Millions will suffer.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Not even president yet. Man this is going to be a great eight years.', ">>{scaldingramen} : SoftBank had already been planned a 100Bn investment Im guessing this is in addition to their prior investment, but that's funny. And if the tradeoff is to step out of the way of an emerging telecom monopoly... this deal has some serious strings attached.", '>>{popname} : When did the definition of suffer become "gainfully employed"?', '>>{BalanceCoil} : Did you just scream monopoly at a quote that has the word compete in it?', '>>{Neo2199} : [Trump](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/806214236053667842): Masa said he would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election! The Hill > SoftBank was already planning a $100 billion tech investment fund.', '>>{theRealRedherring} : so all a company has to do is name-check President Elect WeatherVain and they get free US Executive level publicity?', ">>{HBombthrow} : Monopolists often defend their monopoly behavior with appeals to competition. I think we're seeing the new pattern emerge: Trump, who cares far more about appearances than substance, will trade tangible concessions to businesses in exchange for short term PR stunts.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : > SoftBank owns 80 percent of Sprint. Sprint was one of the big advertisers on Trump's apprentice show. I wonder how much of their pie is in his portfolio. I don't doubt they're making their move because they expect Trump to give them insider deals to help both himself and their company.", ">>{MakingAmericaGreat4U} : This man is a fucking hero. I can already see that he will be the greatest president I'll live to see. God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless the United States of America.", '>>{serpentinepad} : /r/politics seems to be actively rooting against the country at this point.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : This isn't even a duopoly we are talking about. More fear mongering from the braindead.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Along with Saudi Arabia. Didn't Trump complain about Saudi money during the campaign?", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Yeah no. These companies would have to agree to price fixing. Allowing a third company to compete at this level will be good for the market.', ">>{t88m} : The article says the bank was already planning a $100 bil investment. Where'd the rest go? Also wouldn't call Carrier a victory, it's taxpayer-subsidized keeping of >1,000 jobs and the company just announced a 5% price hike effective January. I know you're a fan, but look closer and hold him accountable.", '>>{HBombthrow} : Maybe read beyond the headlines? SoftBank is a majority owner of Sprint, which is currently looking for a merger with T-Mobile. Such a move would immediately attract antitrust attention from the FTC. Media consolidation is not a great thing for our world. SoftBank is no fool. All it did was announce "intentions", knowing that they are not binding, and knowing that the new president would be appreciative of the friendly PR to follow. Maybe appreciative enough to help ease a merger review through the FTC The playbook here is simply too easy -- company gives meaningless favor that provides Trump-friendly PR, takes its payback on the back end through something far more tangible. This is the stunt presidency, as fake as a car pimped up by Xzibit with brand new speakers and paint sitting on its old rusted chassis, or the Extreme Home Makeover that looks good from one angle but will fall apart in six months from shitty roof drainage. Don\'t be fooled.', '>>{GnarltonBanks} : They were planning a $100 billion investment fund that had yet to be allocated. Nowhere does it say that the fund was going to be entirely invested in the US. They could have invested it all in other markets if they wanted to.', ">>{HBombthrow} : No they wouldn't. How many antitrust cases have you worked?", ">>{HBombthrow} : How many antitrust cases have you worked? I've worked five.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : Irrelevant anonymous internet lawyer. Who is probably a paralegal', ">>{Honest2Lettuce} : I would just stay away from this story kid. It's gonna be a tough one for even the best of you guys to spin. Also, >President Elect WeatherVain What is this even supposed to be mocking? What presumably biting commentary of Trump is going over my head right now?", '>>{BalanceCoil} : I think the complaint was in bankrolling politicians not in private sector investments.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : that 100 billion was a joint venture with Saudi Arabia.', ">>{HBombthrow} : We're actively rooting against a president we are certain will harm the country, and our fears are only being validated by the man's focus on reality show stunts like this", ">>{HBombthrow} : Zero, what I thought. Please stop pretending you have any idea what you're talking about", ">>{Misanthraloperer} : We've still got to get that wall built though, FFS. * Build the wall * Lock up Crooked * Send the illegals back home. Let's keep our eyes on the prize and not be distracted by all the glitter!", '>>{BalanceCoil} : And there goes the deflection anonymous internet lawyer who is really a paralegal. 3 competing companies =/= a Monopoly. Especially when you consider now that we only have two that can currently compete at that level.', '>>{serpentinepad} : How, exactly, will this "harm the country"?', '>>{SergeantButthole} : As yes thank you, I knew Donald "Hitler" Trump can never do anything beneficial, ever. I can always look to the comments of this sub to tell me how every little thing he does is a calculated move to his journey to become dictator of the Fascist States of America. Look at this piece of shit fascist!', ">>{MakingAmericaGreat4U} : 2/3 I couldn't give a shit. Deporting illegals is a must, though.", '>>{SergeantButthole} : They want him to crash and burn just so they can say "Hahaha trumpettes I told you so." It\'s sad, really.', '>>{Burrito_nap} : Holy hell did you wake up triggered or did that comment really rustle you up that hard? Lol', ">>{deathtotheemperor} : Don't bother, he's a troll. Check his post history, and move on.", ">>{Misanthraloperer} : >Deporting illegals is a must, though. 1/3 ain't bad, I guess", '>>{Burrito_nap} : He probably meant weathervane, but used "vain" because Trump is narcissist. Because trump is a flip flopping any-which-way-the-wind-blows vain asshole.', '>>{Honest2Lettuce} : This looks like a lot of speculation simply for the sake of hoping against Trump\'s success. Sure, maybe what they said "isn\'t binding" in any legal sense, but don\'t you think Trump is good enough at this sort of thing to make sure he gets some results before they get anything out of the deal, which you\'re so worried about? I can tell you right now, if you\'re already resigned to arguing that if Trump is "looking good" more often than you are comfortable with, it\'s only because of some masterful PR stunt, when he hasn\'t even taken office, you\'re going to have a long 4 years. Because Trump is going to be looking pretty good for most of it.', '>>{BalanceCoil} : are three competing companies a monopoly? Considering that now we only have two that can actually compete at the highest level, this is a good thing.', ">>{HBombthrow} : How will an Office of the Presidency focused on superficial stunts and the appearance of success, rather than data and policy and *actual* success, harm the country? I'll let you work that out", ">>{HBombthrow} : A Sprint/T-Mobile merger would give the new entity about a third of the market and cut the number of major competing companies from four to three. There are certainly market segments and regions where the number is higher or lower. There is no industry where a merger of this type wouldn't attract antitrust scrutiny from regulators; the process would involve review, filings, and likely regulatory concessions to protect competition, which costs money for a company even if the merger is ultimately approved. If you'd spent more time paying attention in Google Law School, you'd know this", ">>{BalanceCoil} : Lets be clear anonymous internet Lawyer that is really a paralegal. There are only two companies that compete at the top level, AT&T and Verizon. This would give them a third competitor at that level. Don't worry though you can still get your boost mobile refills.", '>>{HBombthrow} : I very much root against Trump\'s success, because I believe him succeeding in his proposals and governing/campaign style would cause immediate and lasting harm to my country. At the very least, we are lost as a country if racist dog whistling, nonstop shameless lying, and proud self-enriching corruption become the go-to playbook for electoral success. >but don\'t you think Trump is good enough at this sort of thing to make sure he gets some results before they get anything out of the deal No, I honestly don\'t. Until he found a business line based entirely around his celebrity and image of success, Trump\'s history is one of multiple disastrous failures, often the result of him striking ill-advised and over-leveraged deals to acquire some shiny bauble he\'d become obsessed with. Think Trump Shuttle. Think USFL. Yes, I know businessmen and entrepreneurs often fail -- more than a few of my best friends launched startups of varying success -- but he is of a different kind. Trump has a deep history of making terrible long-term moves that in the short term enhanced his prestige and image, and for which he has provided *himself* an exit strategy while his investors and employees lose massively. I don\'t doubt that a huge segment of the population will continually buy into superficial "wins" with who knows what hidden cost. This frightens me deeply.', ">>{kirukiru} : we have zero details on this specific deal we already have details on softbank's 100bn investment pledge that is happening irrespective of trump's presidency so what made them tack on an extra 50bn in spending? is this part of their 100bn that theyve already committed? we don't know anything about this beyond a tweet what makes sense in light of the context of the other amount of money being committed, is that there is a possibility that trump can, as stated above, ease through a merger that would create less competition in the marketplace. i'd be open to hearing other reasons that a 50% increase in investment value would be warranted.", '>>{kirukiru} : i mean lets just talk about why softbank would invest 50bn more. what are the optional reasons there? if the main point is "trump is just a fire negotiator" i have a hard time thinking that holds water. ignoring trump, why would softbank spend 150bn instead of 100 they had already planned?', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : When did Saudi Arabia bankroll a US politician? Hint: they didn't because it's illegal and the FEC would have gone after the candidate.", '>>{BalanceCoil} : By giving money to their "charities" and "Global initiatives" of course.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : None of which personally benefited the Clintons and you said that Saudi Arabia bankrolled candidates so either you're 1) full of it or 2) don't have a clue what you're talking about or 3) **FAKE NEWZ** got ya again.", ">>{HBombthrow} : How about this, I'll bet you Gold that by Dec. 13, 2016, enough facts will have emerged to make clear that this statement: >Masa (SoftBank) of Japan has agreed to invest $50 billion in the U.S. toward businesses and 50,000 new jobs. Masa said he would never do this had we (Trump) not won the election! Is misleading. Deal?", ">>{kirukiru} : i 100% agree with you. sorry, wasnt meaning to combat your point, was simply trying to tack on to what you're saying by asking the important question why would a foreign billionaire increase investment valuation by 50%???? there are few honeypots that make sense that aren't related to a merger of some kind.", ">>{BalanceCoil} : I forgot you guys are labeling everything you don't like as fake news now. Clinton's used the foundation to pay lavish dual salaries to their favorite toadies. Sorry but you lose again. Get used to it 8 more years to go.", '>>{HBombthrow} : Ah, gotcha. My first guess is that their plans didn\'t really change, and Trump is just trying to take credit for something that was already happening. I also think it\'s possible that Masayoshi Son was just blowing smoke up Trump\'s ass, "Oh yes this was definitely because of you!" Companies don\'t make $50 billion decisions based off a conversation.', ">>{kirukiru} : knowing how japanese businessmen operate, yeah that's totally plausible. they'll fete you nonstop and then once the numbers are crunched the deal doesn't happen.", ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : Still not direct benefit to the candidate like you claimed but can't prove. Just another **FAKE NEWZ** victim.", '>>{HBombthrow} : Not to be racist, but I see similar stuff sometimes representing SE Asian business clients as a lawyer. "Okay, you\'re sure nobody saw this document?" "Yes, totally." "You\'re absolutely sure? We\'re putting this in a declaration." "Yes." "Okay." [*later*] "Well, yes, the VP of European sales saw the document, but nobody else!" [*slams head on desk*] Just a different business culture over there', '>>{kirukiru} : Did consulting for companies wanting to operate in Asia as well "Wow this is a fantastic deal, you did a great job getting this proposal to us and we\'re very excited to get started!" *2 months pass* "Unfortunately we must now decline to enagage in this venture and wish you all the best in your future endeavours." bbut what happen u said u liked it', ">>{fungi1} : Because how dare he not release the data and statistics tracking the success he makes as president - before he is even president. As an outsider watching the attitude you have to your own president is actually baffling, so many people are foaming at the mouth hoping for a president to fail and damage their country just to say 'told you so' at the end.", ">>{janethefish} : First, off there isn't an official deal. Trump doesn't have the power to make them. Without something official, this is little more than a publicity stunt. Second, even if their is an unofficial deal, we don't know the details. If Trump is sending them 100 billion in free money this is a pretty shitty deal. Third, Trump is a serial liar who routinely makes outrageous lies, so we have no idea if this is even true. For fucks sake he claimed Obama founded ISIS! Fourth, and most damning they were already planning a [100 billion investment](http://www.wsj.com/articles/softbank-group-launches-investment-fund-1476398189), so getting them to invest 50 billion is not exactly a success. If we take Trump at his word, and assume this investment actually happens it appears Trump managed to lose 50 billion dollars worth of investment, and give the company who knows what. Quite frankly, a random cat would make a better negotiator.", '>>{ajaxsinger} : Or renting office space from them at drastically inflated prices?', '>>{heyjesu} : Or this 50 is just part of the original 100?', '>>{gadsdenfags} : When the term "gainfully employed" turned into a monopoly on phone service.', '>>{gadsdenfags} : By consolidating phone service providers and decreasing competition which will drive up the cost of service.', '>>{gadsdenfags} : Looks like a lot of money is being shifted based on this speculation. https://www.google.com/finance?q=NYSE%3AS&ei=xitHWNHfD9ibee3Wn6AL', ">>{janethefish} : > so what made them tack on an extra 50bn in spending? I don't see anything saying that they are spending an extra 50 billion dollars. If it was extra they would be making a 100 billion investment.", '>>{1000000students} : hahah i see the confusion, only a simpleton could fall for such. its claim by juduical watch that had not bearing on Hillary becuase it was assumption not proof...hahah. why do rightwingers fall for fake news Cory lewandowski???? hahahah oh republicans taking us back to 1500 if we let them', ">>{Deplorable_Basket} : Aren't AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint the only real national mobile providers now anyway?", ">>{Deplorable_Basket} : Softbank isn't a bank, couldn't even get five words in without proving you have no idea what you are talking about.", '>>{superattune11} : So where were you when they announced this before the election?', ">>{t88m} : was using shorthand to refer to the company - but thanks for being condescending, I know it's appreciated by someone.", '>>{tallonfour} : If they are only stating intentions to have him warm up to their plans to purchase T Mobile.', '>>{Deplorable_Basket} : Lol, no you weren\'t. Nobody calls Softbank "the bank."', ">>{t88m} : I'm glad you've had that many conversations about it - please go bother someone else with your weak argument style.", '>>{iamjacksprofile} : Masayoshi said the same thing in an interview this morning on Fox Business.', '>>{Deplorable_Basket} : SoftBank is a major player in my industry, so yes, I talk about them often. Just admit you made a mistake, were talking about a company you know nothing about, and made incorrect assumptions. You could of at least googled SoftBank before feigning outrage and discrediting yourself. Instead you choose to double down when your ignorance is called out. "The bank" as shorthand doesn\'t even make sense, if that is really what you were doing you would have used their ticker symbol or even SB.', ">>{t88m} : >You could of Could have* FTFY. >feigning outrage and discrediting yourself Just pointing out what it was and calling your argument bullshit. Because it's weak. >Just admit you made a mistake, were talking about a company you know nothing about, and made incorrect assumptions. Shorthand=mistake in your world? Jesus. lol instead of wasting any more of my time, I'll use your logic - you clearly don't have a command of the English Language since you made a 3rd grade mistake that I had to correct for you. Therefore any argument you make in the English language is based in ignorance. Have a nice day! And, again, go bother someone else.", '>>{Deplorable_Basket} : I made a grammatical mistake, I was wrong, thank you for correcting me. See how easy that was. My mistake had no bearing on the substance of my statement, yours did. "The bank" is not shorthand for SoftBank as it implies the company is something that it is not. Is "ant" shorthand for elephant? If your pride won\'t let you admit that you knew nothing about SoftBank, why wouldn\'t you just say your phone autocorrected it to "the bank" which is a much more plausible excuse.', '>>{SunnySandie} : When you really hate your job, boss, or coworkers.'], ['>>{vaarr80} : Trump is trying to massively boost Military Spending. He conveniently holds stock in a company that conveniently designs defense electronic systems for military.', '>>{limbodog} : Conflicts of interest galore. Trump fans really screwed us all over.', '>>{vaarr80} : This article is a about a month old. But this is yet again something that should be considered a conflict of interest. Elbit Systems (ESLT) Elbit Systems is an Israel-based company that builds defense electronic systems and integrated battle systems for air, sea, land and space.', '>>{kingofquay} : I really need to get a listing of everything he has invested in.', '>>{OMGSPACERUSSIA} : Like some kind of form that his taxes might be detailed on? A return? A tax return, you might say?', '>>{kingofquay} : That would not change a damn thing with the current block of Republican sheeple, I have given up on that. Now I just want a list to myself so i can make some coin.', ">>{Vanitas_Non_Fui} : I mean, of course he does. At this point, he's like a super inept and insecure Cobra Commander.", '>>{guitmusic12} : Ummmm... not exact title and the article says nothing of Donald trump holding those companies', '>>{guitmusic12} : The article never claims trump owns any of these companies', ">>{shadow776} : His 92-page [financial disclosure](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2838696-Trump-2016-Financial-Disclosure.html) is online, listing everything he owns (or it's supposed to anyway). Also, I don't see where the article claims that Trump owns shares in this company. It seems to just be companies that might do well under his administration.", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : > don't see where the article claims that Trump owns shares in this company Because the headline is wrong/editorialized.", ">>{MostlyCarbonite} : Editorialized title. The article doesn't say that Trump holds any of these stocks: > Here's a portfolio of 15 stocks **experts think should do well** with the real estate magnate in the White House, based largely on his stated policies and proposals on the campaign trail. Pretty sure he does own stock in private prisons but that doesn't matter, this still violates the rules.", '>>{6p6ss6} : People tell me I have the most beautiful conflicts of interest. Really tremendous, very special conflicts of interest.', ">>{Plastic_Mouldsman} : You've changed the title for it to imply stuff that isn't true.", '>>{jpgray} : Why would anyone think the U.S. needs more military spending? At $606 billion, the U.S. DoD budget is larger than the spending of the next 12 countries COMBINED. Oh, and 10 of those countries are our allies.', ">>{Adrenalx42} : Maybe if the Democrats focused a little less on identity politics and gun control we wouldn't be in this mess", ">>{youcanonlybanmetwice} : are you really such a dumbshit lib that you interpreted the title as 'stocks the president owns'? l o fucking l new lows every day for u shitlibs.", '>>{limbodog} : I don\'t mind the "identity politics". We have one party trying to be cruel to American citizens, the other party should fight that. But I agree, gun control is a decided issue and the Constitution is pretty clear. I\'d say a smart democratic party would focus more on other ways to reduce violent crime rather than going straight for guns.', '>>{kingofquay} : Depends on who you are. Extreme right wing organizations love him (KKK, anti-semites, private prisons). Everyone else... not so much. EDIT: Oh Russia, russia is loving it, do they count ?'], [">>{cyanocittaetprocyon} : Jimmy Fallon roasts Trump in 'Golden Globes' monologue", ">>{awesomeness0232} : @JimmyFallon was a boring and unfunny host for the SAD #GoldenGlobes. That's probably coming soon.", '>>{WienerNuggetLog} : Oh my! How bad is that going to upset trump... I fully expect a halfwitted tweet tonight bashing the academy and Fallon. Then, all of his little kkk Midwestern minions will pile on and talk about boycotts', '>>{takeashill_pill} : @goldenglobes failing miserably in ratings! Liberal elites don\'t understand "entertainment". No laughs!', ">>{DustyFalmouth} : And he was Trump's bitch when he appeared on his show. He's a tool for whatever gets ratings.", '>>{Beelzabubba} : The Golden Globes should be a safe space! -Hypocritical Trump supporter', ">>{miltedmalkball} : Isn't that what talk show hosts do for a living? Whatever gets ratings?", '>>{SaltHash} : Trump is also a tool for whatever gets ratings or votes. http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/08/politics/jared-kushner-donald-trump-new-york/index.html', '>>{Spirited_Cheer} : First, Trump will complain that the Golden Globes: > "is a totally one-sided, biased show." (As if America has two Presidents-elect.) Then, of course, he will rate the show: > "nothing funny at all." And don\'t forget: > "Sad!"', '>>{Megaloman71} : I expect 5 sequential tweets about it followed by Russian opportunists selling cheap mugs.', '>>{Megaloman71} : You forgot to mention that the ratings are way down.', ">>{awesomeness0232} : And while we're at it, The Apprentice didn't even get nominated.", ">>{DustyFalmouth} : Some host principles they hold themselves to. I won't blame someone for still supporting Trump but Jimmy going from nice to his face then going out later and calling him deranged is not something I'll laud him for.", ">>{DustyFalmouth} : These late night shows do nothing that's not pre approved. It's so far into the guest's terms, pretty much every question was suggested by the guest's agent", '>>{miltedmalkball} : I can\'t say "principled" is a litmus test I apply when choosing late night jesters, but to each his own.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Stephen_Williams} : Donald Trump wants Congress to declare war on ISIS. It hasn’t done that since World War II.', '>>{moxy801} : Is it possible to declare war on a stateless group?', '>>{Vesstair} : We are important! I swear, we are important!', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : It is a weird situation the world has turned into. Stateless groups have been the attack dogs of choice for world leaders recently. Just look at those of-course-were-not-russian russian soldiers invading the Ukraine. How do you say "russia stop doing that" when russia can just say "its not us"? Can we? Who knows.', '>>{enjoyitalready} : Coming from a 5" Android and trying the iOS waters, 4" is just too small to type comfortably (and more important) accurately on. It\'s great hardware tho, good camera. Too bad app store purchases can\'t be transferred between worlds', ">>{homepregnancykit} : President Trump picks Patriots to win Super Bowl: 'Have to stick up for your friends'", '>>{Skhatty} : I had a moto G before my se, I completely understand. Instead of typing I use swipe keyboards and they are an easier work around for one hand texting.', ">>{kingp1ng} : The SE target audience is for people with small hands. Some people can one hand text on the 6/6s/7 while others can only one hand text on the 5/5s/SE. Everyone's different.", '>>{RayWencube} : Mr. President, isn\'t that just a bit on the nose? "Isn\'t..what..?" "Isn\'t that just a bit--" "I have the best nose. Tremendous nose."', '>>{Olivia033} : Why Hillary Is Not Winning Over Young Voters And How To Gain Their Support', ">>{moxy801} : What world leader do you think ISIS is the 'attack dog' for?", ">>{back_for_good} : What is the actual count for the number of times Trump has said him and Brady are friends, and how many times has Brady actually confirmed that they are. By my count it's at least 3 on Trump's end, and 0 on Brady's.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : I'd rather she not try to win over young voters. They never turn out, they seem to be politically naive and delusional as well. The rational ones will show up and vote for her, the remaining 10% of crazies will go to the green party.", ">>{shash1} : Well this is the way to do it isn't it? An official declaration supported by Congress. Not air strikes and boots on the ground by an executive order in an unofficial but very real war.", '>>{HonoredPeople} : Like when your "rich friends" cannot get loans because of bad credit or common sense regulations. You have to change the rules so that they can take out bad loans that they will never pay back. On a side note - Like the 6 bankruptcies of Trump.', ">>{janzeera} : You're right but I think Congress is still working on the 2010 budget and that's a priority.", ">>{Yo_2T} : Well I love it when people think it's the 5s. Folks with happy fingers aren't as inclined to borrow it.", ">>{CreepyStickGuy} : I have no idea. I don't even know if they are. I am just saying its a weird situation we find ourselves in when dealing with stateless groups, and countries are starting to realize they can use them without repercussion.", '>>{immawithHRC} : The United States under the Obama/Clinton administration. Partially the Gulf States but they have their own preffered faction of Islamo fascist proxies. The Turks had their theirs but Russia cut them out of the game.', ">>{Skhatty} : True, I just I don't need a flat screen tv in my pocket imo. But whatever works for everyone!", '>>{h3rring} : I lodged protest votes in my 20s, too. I probably would have kept doing that if not for Donald. Not worth going after them.', '>>{ReallyLikesRum} : Because anybody voting for anybody other than Clinton is crazy? Seriously? Your candidate is a magnet for controversy she basically steeps in it. We say *you* are the one off your rocker.', '>>{youareaspastic} : Do you think Trump supporters care about details like that?', '>>{Skhatty} : Yeah , when I first got my phone my dad had been rocking the 5s for 3 years. Then he held my phone and said "Oh you got a 5s too?" Then I explained it was the same thing except upgraded parts. Within one month he got his own se :)', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Hillary Clinton is the kind of woman who would record a Harlem Shake video to increase her visibility among young voters', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Yeah she underestimate how many flaming racists there were in America who lapped up Trump's red meat on a regular basis.", '>>{analog_stein} : If The Falcons win, lock them up and waterboard them! This guy... This fucking guy.', ">>{Ouroboros000} : So your southern supporters in Atlanta are not your 'friends'....OK...", ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Probably the leader of Luxembourg. I don't trust that guy one bit (if it is a guy)", ">>{incoherantcolin} : While he's sticking up for his friends, think he is going to ask Putin for krafts Super Bowl ring back? https://www.google.com/amp/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/heres-how-vladimir-putin-stole-a-super-bowl-ring-from-the-patriots-robert-kraft/amp/?client=safari", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Literally no rational way to conclude a vote for anyone other than Clinton this election is sane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az1JyDJ_iKU', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Obama's asked Congress for an official resolution on the use of force numerous times. But they are too busy passing a repeal of Obamacare again.", '>>{luqman_sha} : I came from an LG G4, and got used to the screen size within the first day even though my G4 is a 5.5" phone while my SE is 4". This is my first ever iPhone, and if they might realease another SE in 2018, I think this is the lineup of iPhones I\'ll be sticking with. The price is just right, I was basically giving iOS a try since I\'ve never owned an iOS device before, so for an experiment of a device, I\'ll say it was worth the change. I\'m not saying I won\'t go back to android, but android has been stagnant when it comes to new features and It just gets more battery consuming after every major update despite their tries in fixing things such as Doze, I gave up on that concept. The size too is another thing I love. Apple isn\'t into the resolution game when it comes to the specs of the screen, and that\'s good! The screen consumes lesser battery life, even though it has a smaller battery, the overall battery life is still better than those with more pixels and bigger battery capacity. Lastly, I love the battery capacity. Android users have this mindset that QuickCharge and bigger capacity means better battery life, and I hated how the market was going that way. Having a bigger battery might mean that you have a bigger capacity at first, but a few months down the road, due to deteoration, it might just be 70% useful while a smaller battery might still be capable of holding a charge of 85%. QuickCharge might fix the issue of slow charging, but that too deteorates the battery faster making the more unstable. How about a smaller battery, a smaller phone and less charging and your battery won\'t even deteorate that fast? I guess you could count me an SE fanboy! TL;DR. This is my first iPhone, and there\'s a lot of things Apple did right about this phone that just makes me want to wait for the the next SE in 2018 than grabbing the 7 instead. So you could count me as an SE fanboy.', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Lol yes it's sane to vote for someone who can't seem to help toeing the line of technically legal. Or who makes pledges that she doesn't keep. Or put the country at risk of cyber attacks.", ">>{ThatsRRtoYou} : Loving my SE! I feel like I respond to every one of these threads. I've always loved the 5/5S design and figured it was a matter of time before I picked this up. I really hope Apple can update this phone and keep it at the same screen size.", '>>{I_once_pooped} : Yes. A declaration of war is just a resolution passed by Congress. You know we have authorizations for the use of military force against AQ and the people who harbored AQ. That is ignoring the fact that the Islamic State can be argued to be a state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montevideo_Convention', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Again, I suggest you watch the video. Literally no rational or logical way. Clinton could literally have 20 email scandals and still be the best choice.', '>>{Donald_McPoyle} : Give me a fucking break. *Profound impact?* Stop jerking yourselves off you libelous hacks.', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Your opinion is not literal in fact you're using it the way it's been newly defined as not true. Picking Clinton is just as bad, LITERALLY What you call scandals, others call risking national security.", ">>{sleepy_batman1776} : >Dismayed that this Breitbart Effect of media independent of the former mainstream monopoly played so well into the social media revolution, Fallon griped, “We had a lot of policy we were trying to communicate that got overshadowed by whatever Donald Trump tweeted.” He added, “There was too much punditry on Twitter on Friday over who was going to take the blame for the health care bill.” >Fallon, who worked for top Democrats including Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NY) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) before joining the Clinton campaign, and is currently a CNN television pundit, witnessed first-hand the paradigm shift in media brought about by Breitbart and other independent news outlets during the 2016 election season. Now, before an assembled audience at a top American university, having had over four months to reflect on the shocking upset loss of his candidate, Fallon called this Breitbart Effect “one of the realities that I don’t think was truly appreciated by our campaign.” I think they're right, Breitbart could very well [supplant](http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/11/10/breitbart-beats-ny-times-cnn-fox-news-election-day-facebook-engagement/) the mainstream media they decry so much. But have any of their employees failed to register as foreign agents?", '>>{GoneGalt13} : I wish he lived to see the MSM exposed as the globalist fake news it is. He was a pioneer. The MSM are no longer the gatekeepers of information, and people can be told the truth.', ">>{I_once_pooped} : Why do you think the Congress can't declare war on a stateless group?", ">>{Gunski} : How to gain their support? Just keep manipulating media like you're doing already.", '>>{moxy801} : It *is* awfully suspicious about how they always keep so under the radar...', ">>{EllaShue} : Shit. That may be the only thing that makes a Saints fan cheer for the Falcons. Maybe I'll just sleep through the whole thing.", '>>{I_once_pooped} : Yes we can. It is just a piece of paper passed by the Congress. If you have 218 votes, you can pass it.', ">>{Jomenation} : There's kids born today who won't know what the Harlem shake is. Jk it's on the interwebz forever", '>>{CurryGettinSpicy} : Consider me part of the club lol I think if they found a way to change up the aesthetics a little bit and maintain the weight by making it incredibly durable (drop wise) as well as making it water resistant it would be the perfect phone (for me)', ">>{ms6615} : I like the SE for similar reasons as to why I liked the 5C so much, they really fill the same market. I got both when they came out because they had the things I wanted and omitted a lot of the features I didn't care about for a fair price drop", '>>{I_once_pooped} : Well Iran backs Hezbollah to the tilt. Russia backs the Eastern Ukrainian rebels. Etc.', '>>{AntiFear411} : Neither does the rest of the US population that can see through breitbarts bias views,', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : But who are you declaring war on? With delcaring war on a country, they have borders and cities you know are theirs. If we kill civilians, its fine within the UN war rules because you are at war. With a stateless group, you can\'t know if the people you are killing are actually in the group. We could bomb a city and not kill a single ISIS member because the city doesn\'t exactly "belong" to ISIS.', ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are better candidates and Clinton and if you don't know that then we can just end the conversation now. I refuse to vote for someone, pretending to be better than Trump, who in reality is just as evil.", '>>{SaltHash} : The full quote: >“One of the realities that I don’t think was truly appreciated by our campaign was just how profound the Breitbart effect was in cultivating a standalone ecosystem in conservative media that very aggressively and successfully promoted certain stories and narratives we had a blind-spot for during the campaign,” Fallon said. Breitbart alt-right/Neo-Nazis can fuck themselves with their propaganda.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Yeah, for profit prisons and banning GMOs sound like fantastic ideas. That bit about QE shows she's very economically literate as well.", '>>{I_once_pooped} : You are declaring war on the stateless group. How is this hard to understand? You know we "declared war" on AQ right? It is called an Authorization of Military Force now. That is also what we passed against Saddam and his Baathist regime. What difference does it make if it is called an AUMF, or a Declaration of War? Honestly, I am asking you what you think. > With a stateless group, you can\'t know if the people you are killing are actually in the group. We could bomb a city and not kill a single ISIS member because the city doesn\'t exactly "belong" to ISIS. I don\'t think you know what you are talking about.', '>>{Ducktart} : I love the SE. I\'m 6\'4" with large hands but I prefer small phones even after having the 6 and 6s Plus (even had a Nexus 6). I don\'t care that it looks like a 5/5s. I didn\'t buy it for them.', '>>{ArchiveSQ} : Moved from a 7 Plus to an SE. Wish it had 128GB but this works fine. Tether game on point too.', '>>{floriancarl} : Coming from the iPhone 6, I adore my SE. I never really enjoyed the design of the 6 series, plus the SE has amazing battery life and is very fast. This is hands down the best phone I have ever owned.', '>>{PM_ME_YOUR_YONI} : Was the photo above taken when his coked-up heart exploded in his chest?', '>>{yhwhx} : I just Breitbart effected in my mouth a bit.', '>>{anotherblue} : Working great for Patriots so far :) Lesson for republicans: Do not let Trump support you :)', '>>{TinyBaron} : They should have donated more to the self-funded campaign.', '>>{anon902503} : lol, Patriots down 21-0 in the 2nd quarter.', ">>{plyboult} : Check my post history. I have a major hard on for the SE. Not sure when they'll release another one, but I plan on using this for some time. Easily the best phone I've ever used and IMO it's the best phone out there. I don't have 1 complaint about it. I just hope it's not a one & done. You can't beat it (love the 5/5s design most of all)", ">>{Hurrah_for_Karamazov} : I don't have particularly small hands. But I guarantee I type faster on my SE than you do on whatever phone you use.", '>>{BigggSur} : Well who knows if they are but no way Brady would admit it if that were true. He would receive nothing but bad press.', '>>{dolphins3} : Also, sheer stupidity. The Clinton campaign severely underestimated just how fucking idiotic voters in red and swing States were.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Again, you have been provided with the reasoning for why you're incorrect. You can do it if you want, but reality won't change.", '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : To add on to the list the other guy used, Saudi Arabia used the "al-queda" to attack us (interesting use of a country using a false flag of a stateless group. The USA used mercenary groups like blackwater in the middle east. The USA is (probably) supporting the Mexican drug cartels and have supported numerous rebel groups in the past (The Contras in Nicaragua and Iran have the most proof they existed). I\'m sure there are others, but these are just the ones off the top of my head.', ">>{levert1} : I had the SE for about a week. I really did enjoy it, but I realized it wasn't for me. I've owned iPhones since the 5, but for some reason I needed more. I purchased by 7+ yesterday and I don't think I can ever go back to something that small.", '>>{Skhatty} : If you do a lot of video and media consumption, the bigger phone is nice.', ">>{pasekwgazie} : Try Microsoft's WordFlow if you're in a supported market.", '>>{Jkdsh} : [Just gonna leave this here. ](http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article139695453.html)', ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Basically stick any old joe schmoe off the street, that doesn't have a felony, and I'd bet money they'd be more viable than Clinton. Trump apparently is the only option, since though he's a piece of shit, at least I know what I'm getting. Clinton goes where the dollars do.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : Yeah, which is why she beat Sanders and is 10 points up on Trump. Seriously, how did you even come to this conclusion? If she's that bad, and she beat Sanders by 3.7 million votes, does that mean Sanders is worse?", ">>{yeaabut} : Tomorrow: I was for the falcons, I was always for the falcons, I never said I was for the Patriots. That's false news.", ">>{IVoteForTheHair} : > Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are better candidates Fucking lol There's a reason why they are third-party candidates.", '>>{BunsTown} : Dont forget the thousands of russians that swarmed and carried these stories through every nook of the internet where dim bulbs graze.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : If you mean the ability to destroy the GOP, then no. But then they had help from the Russians. Breitbart is the enemy of the American people and everyone of them should be tried for treason.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : You think opinions prove that I am incorrect? Makes sense.', ">>{TinyBaron} : Sorry Atlanta. Should have donated to the self-funded campaign. And you thought he'd be the President for ALL Americans.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : There's a difference between opinion and basic logic, friend. Trump is a dangerous moron of the absolute highest caliber.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : yes and Hillary is no better, great talk.', ">>{I_once_pooped} : lol. Oh, you still think the Islamic State isn't a state huh? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montevideo_Convention You can make a pretty good case based on international law they are. But that doesn't matter either way. If you can't understand that we are already at war with them, then you are the problem. edit: And your response doesn't answer my question. Why do you think Congress CANT declare war on a stateless group? In your mind, if you declare war on a stateless group, it turns them into a state?", ">>{porzellanladen} : I just hate it, that many folks are calling it 5SE. It's not a 5, nor it's officially called 5SE...so why? ☹️", '>>{majnus} : SwiftKey. You can precisely type with your eyes closed.', '>>{beetleking22} : When Breitbart start to stop talking about hillary. He is gone!', ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Exactly, and there's a reason we should vote for them. To stop Hillary Clinton being one of them.", '>>{im_a_basset_hound} : You mean the same Breitbart Effect that is currently under FBI investigation?', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : No we didn\'t declare war on Al-Queda; or more specifically, Congress did not actually declare war on them which is what we are talking about. Sure, we have been "at war" with a lot of stateless groups, but our government has never formally declared war on a county. How is it not clear what I am talking about? When we nuked Japan, it was not a war crime (even though we mostly killed civilians) because we were at war with Japan. We nuked two cities within the border of a country we were at war with. If we were to bomb a city in Syria, for instance, because we think or know it is an ISIS stronghold, we are still (technically) bombing Syria, a country we are not at war with. Declaring war on a stateless group is unprecedented, and I am not sure the UN even has procedures for how that would look or even if it would be possible.', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : > AUMF, or a Declaration of War It is the entire point of what we are talking about. "Trump wants congress to declare war on ISIS." We know the president can say "we are at war with so and so group," because it has happened. What we are talking about is if congress can declare war on a stateless group and what kind of war rules that would even entail.', ">>{PragProgLibertarian} : Fuck that. I'm for the Pats regardless of what he says.", '>>{I_once_pooped} : > What we are talking about is if congress can declare war on a stateless group and what kind of war rules that would even entail. It would entail having 218 votes for something in Congress. What the fuck are you talking about war rules? lol how high are you. Seriously I am fascinated by how stupid you are. Tell me what you think that would entail.', '>>{Kota_Cinder} : Leave it to Breitbart to publish an article on how great Breitbart is', '>>{_Throwgali_} : http://www.businessinsider.com/tom-brady-call-trump-not-a-big-deal-2017-1 >Brady said he called as a friend, as he would call and support his other friends. Yep, definitely not friends. Case closed!', ">>{theendofanerror} : We're at war with ISIS. Specific suggestions as to how to fight them more effectively are I'm sure appreciated by one and all.", ">>{Kota_Cinder} : Or alternative facts. We're just expanding the vocabulary now", ">>{Kota_Cinder} : You know they're right actually I do have a blind spot for blatant lies", ">>{IVoteForTheHair} : If you enjoy fucking yourself on your own, drunk on your own purity, please proceed. We don't really need you.", '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : Again, we aren\'t talking about the president declaring "war," we are talking about Congress. That is the entire point of this post, you are getting off topic. It has everything to do with what we are talking about because congress has never declared war on a stateless group. We don\'t know if it is possible or what rules would govern that decision. If we bomb Japan, a country that we are at war with, and kill civilians, that is fine. If we bomb Syria, a country we are not at war with, and kill civilians, there is no way to know if that is fine or not fine because the Geneva Convention exists. Yes, we bomb cities in Syria and Iraq, but congress has not declared war on anyone. Again, what we are talking about. The president declaring use of force is a clever work around for the Geneva Convention rules, because under those guidelines, we are not at war with anyone. > What does the UN have to do with the US declaring war on ISIS? It doesn\'t have anything to do with us declaring war, but it has everything to do with the rules of war after the war has been declared. > Wow you are retarded bro. Cute.', ">>{agent_philcoulson} : My tiny female hands love it. It actually still hard to use one handed. But it's much better then my previous 7 or 6s Plus.", ">>{back_for_good} : What a ringing endorsement of the man. Maybe now that the season is over he'll come out and say exactly how big of bros they are. Because thus far it's mostly been Donnie proclaiming the love.", ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : That's just one attitude of the Clinton campaign that will ensure she won't get elected. Thanks for helping spread my agenda with your negativity.", '>>{Archandroids} : I love that it fits in every pocket I have. It\'s so practical. I came from an LG G3, and honestly, while the screen was charming bc of the resolution and size, I could see phone companies are missing out on the meaning of the word "mobile". It was huge, it didn\'t fit anywhere and it wasn\'t that comfortable to carry around. SE is the complete opposite, even hardware-wise. iOS is becoming better in every update, while Android... My 1-year-old phone suffered when Lollipop came even with its ~*killer*~ specs.', '>>{I_once_pooped} : lol you are mind numbingly dumb. Can you answer my question. Do you think a President passes an authorization to use military force?', '>>{Kota_Cinder} : I appreciate the joke but you could have said Breitbarfed', ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Yes, you support them and you're one of their constituents. You represent them and condone their actions.", '>>{ReallyLikesRum} : You endorse them and spread their rhetoric. You may as well be a representative.', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : > Yes, that is why I said 218 votes. Why do you think I am talking about the President? Because you keep bringing up the fact that we are already "at war" with these stateless groups when we are not. > Oh, you think a President passes an Authorization to Use Military force. Is that it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_for_Use_of_Military_Force_Against_Terrorists You need to do more research.', '>>{alexkalinin} : the only problem I have is my pocket feels so empty after having a larger android phone', ">>{CreepyStickGuy} : Well, technically yes. It is a vote of one. Congress decided it was acceptable for the president to call for use of force in times of crisis. This circumvents the rules put in place by the Geneva Convention, because those rules disallow military force against civilians in neighboring areas. Since ISIS does not have a specific border, there is no way of deciding who is or is not a part of ISIS. If we bomb a city, we can't know if we killed ISIS militants or Syrian civilians.", '>>{paulr85mi} : Me, I love the device! Not yet completely getting used to iOS but the phone is great', '>>{IVoteForTheHair} : Hahahaha believe what you want but a random person on an obscure internet forum is not a representative from a campaign.', ">>{CreepyStickGuy} : I would love to if you have any kind of rebuttal. The problem is, you are wrong and you know you are wrong. I'm looking through your comment history and it seems like you have a tenuous grasp on politics and history in general. The fact that you are resorting to name calling is just embarrassing and I feel bad for you.", ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Says you, a representative of the Clinton campaign and it's ideals.", '>>{Kota_Cinder} : I love how globalist is used as if it were an insult by some people', ">>{OrcaGlass} : >Were at war with ISIS No, we're not. >Specific suggestions as to how fight them more effectively are I'm sure appreciated by one and all. Not really. There's nothing a candidate could say that would be groundbreaking, effective, or even valid in any manner. If there was, they would have taken it to the pentagon", ">>{theendofanerror} : How do you reckon we're not at war with ISIS? We keep dropping bombs on them and helping take territory from them.", ">>{Mol-lurker} : Well to be fair she didn't realize Breitbart would be helping Russia out with their propaganda game", '>>{rudieboy} : ACORN still remembers the Breitbart effect. Fake videos, turned into fake news, turned into real legislation to ruin poor peoples lives. Congrats, you have accomplished much.', ">>{Shanashy} : They also didn't appreciate election interference and outright lies, courtesy of Breitshart and the Russians.", ">>{CreepyStickGuy} : Ooooh. You are one of those people that thinks getting the last word in means you win. Ok, I will let you have the last word. Post 'lol' one more time and I will let you have it if it will make you feel better about yourself. Have a great day.", '>>{srikanthdude} : I had the SE for a couple of weeks and then returned it. The form factor was awesome and battery too on 9.3.3. Then I upgraded to 10.2 and it made the battery worse. Did anybody else experience the battery issues?', '>>{Jjwllms} : Just picked it up last night. I like it so much better than my iPhone 5', '>>{Skhatty} : Idk I have a 2400 mah battery case so battery has never been a problem. I put my phone in airplane and battery mode during school and work.', '>>{oddjam} : Man, that whole thing was tough to read. I feel bad for the guy honestly. Well argued btw.', '>>{Skhatty} : I know the feeling, I have a hefty battery case on it, so I always got some extra weight on it.', ">>{enjoyitalready} : Two other things I do love about this phone. It fits in pocket so nicely like others have mentioned, that I'm actually considering keeping it around. Also, since this is my first i device I must say I am amazed by the battery life. I mean all day without charging blows me away. I'm sure the small screen helps play a role, but that also means less room for battery. I'm really impressed with battery life.", '>>{altrightdragoneater} : I see Breitbarf has finally had those ribs removed so it can suck its own cock.', ">>{enjoyitalready} : I have the Gboard installed. One thing I still don't like is the cursor placement. Android somehow knew where I wanted, but apple forces it to the first of a word and precision placent after that seems cluttered....", '>>{udownvotefacts} : We have never declared war against ISIS, you know that right?', ">>{OrcaGlass} : Because we've never declared war with them? Seems pretty straight forward to me.", '>>{President_Babyhands} : The bb, furiously masturbating and visualizing itself the hero.', '>>{umpteenth_} : The Brightshart effect: Full of liquid brown diarrhea.', '>>{treerat} : Propaganda alert: [Breitbart and Infowars under investigation for ties to Russia: report](http://www.rawstory.com/2017/03/breitbart-and-infowars-under-investigation-for-ties-to-russia-report/)']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Olivia033} : Why Hillary Is Not Winning Over Young Voters And How To Gain Their Support', ">>{IDFSHILL} : I'd rather she not try to win over young voters. They never turn out, they seem to be politically naive and delusional as well. The rational ones will show up and vote for her, the remaining 10% of crazies will go to the green party.", '>>{h3rring} : I lodged protest votes in my 20s, too. I probably would have kept doing that if not for Donald. Not worth going after them.', '>>{ReallyLikesRum} : Because anybody voting for anybody other than Clinton is crazy? Seriously? Your candidate is a magnet for controversy she basically steeps in it. We say *you* are the one off your rocker.', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Hillary Clinton is the kind of woman who would record a Harlem Shake video to increase her visibility among young voters', '>>{IDFSHILL} : Literally no rational way to conclude a vote for anyone other than Clinton this election is sane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az1JyDJ_iKU', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Lol yes it's sane to vote for someone who can't seem to help toeing the line of technically legal. Or who makes pledges that she doesn't keep. Or put the country at risk of cyber attacks.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : Again, I suggest you watch the video. Literally no rational or logical way. Clinton could literally have 20 email scandals and still be the best choice.', ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Your opinion is not literal in fact you're using it the way it's been newly defined as not true. Picking Clinton is just as bad, LITERALLY What you call scandals, others call risking national security.", ">>{Gunski} : How to gain their support? Just keep manipulating media like you're doing already.", ">>{Jomenation} : There's kids born today who won't know what the Harlem shake is. Jk it's on the interwebz forever", ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are better candidates and Clinton and if you don't know that then we can just end the conversation now. I refuse to vote for someone, pretending to be better than Trump, who in reality is just as evil.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : Yeah, for profit prisons and banning GMOs sound like fantastic ideas. That bit about QE shows she's very economically literate as well.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : Again, you have been provided with the reasoning for why you're incorrect. You can do it if you want, but reality won't change.", ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Basically stick any old joe schmoe off the street, that doesn't have a felony, and I'd bet money they'd be more viable than Clinton. Trump apparently is the only option, since though he's a piece of shit, at least I know what I'm getting. Clinton goes where the dollars do.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : Yeah, which is why she beat Sanders and is 10 points up on Trump. Seriously, how did you even come to this conclusion? If she's that bad, and she beat Sanders by 3.7 million votes, does that mean Sanders is worse?", ">>{IVoteForTheHair} : > Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are better candidates Fucking lol There's a reason why they are third-party candidates.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : You think opinions prove that I am incorrect? Makes sense.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : There's a difference between opinion and basic logic, friend. Trump is a dangerous moron of the absolute highest caliber.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : yes and Hillary is no better, great talk.', ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Exactly, and there's a reason we should vote for them. To stop Hillary Clinton being one of them.", ">>{IVoteForTheHair} : If you enjoy fucking yourself on your own, drunk on your own purity, please proceed. We don't really need you.", ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : That's just one attitude of the Clinton campaign that will ensure she won't get elected. Thanks for helping spread my agenda with your negativity.", ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Yes, you support them and you're one of their constituents. You represent them and condone their actions.", '>>{ReallyLikesRum} : You endorse them and spread their rhetoric. You may as well be a representative.', '>>{IVoteForTheHair} : Hahahaha believe what you want but a random person on an obscure internet forum is not a representative from a campaign.', ">>{ReallyLikesRum} : Says you, a representative of the Clinton campaign and it's ideals."], ['>>{enjoyitalready} : Coming from a 5" Android and trying the iOS waters, 4" is just too small to type comfortably (and more important) accurately on. It\'s great hardware tho, good camera. Too bad app store purchases can\'t be transferred between worlds', '>>{Skhatty} : I had a moto G before my se, I completely understand. Instead of typing I use swipe keyboards and they are an easier work around for one hand texting.', ">>{kingp1ng} : The SE target audience is for people with small hands. Some people can one hand text on the 6/6s/7 while others can only one hand text on the 5/5s/SE. Everyone's different.", ">>{Yo_2T} : Well I love it when people think it's the 5s. Folks with happy fingers aren't as inclined to borrow it.", ">>{Skhatty} : True, I just I don't need a flat screen tv in my pocket imo. But whatever works for everyone!", '>>{Skhatty} : Yeah , when I first got my phone my dad had been rocking the 5s for 3 years. Then he held my phone and said "Oh you got a 5s too?" Then I explained it was the same thing except upgraded parts. Within one month he got his own se :)', '>>{luqman_sha} : I came from an LG G4, and got used to the screen size within the first day even though my G4 is a 5.5" phone while my SE is 4". This is my first ever iPhone, and if they might realease another SE in 2018, I think this is the lineup of iPhones I\'ll be sticking with. The price is just right, I was basically giving iOS a try since I\'ve never owned an iOS device before, so for an experiment of a device, I\'ll say it was worth the change. I\'m not saying I won\'t go back to android, but android has been stagnant when it comes to new features and It just gets more battery consuming after every major update despite their tries in fixing things such as Doze, I gave up on that concept. The size too is another thing I love. Apple isn\'t into the resolution game when it comes to the specs of the screen, and that\'s good! The screen consumes lesser battery life, even though it has a smaller battery, the overall battery life is still better than those with more pixels and bigger battery capacity. Lastly, I love the battery capacity. Android users have this mindset that QuickCharge and bigger capacity means better battery life, and I hated how the market was going that way. Having a bigger battery might mean that you have a bigger capacity at first, but a few months down the road, due to deteoration, it might just be 70% useful while a smaller battery might still be capable of holding a charge of 85%. QuickCharge might fix the issue of slow charging, but that too deteorates the battery faster making the more unstable. How about a smaller battery, a smaller phone and less charging and your battery won\'t even deteorate that fast? I guess you could count me an SE fanboy! TL;DR. This is my first iPhone, and there\'s a lot of things Apple did right about this phone that just makes me want to wait for the the next SE in 2018 than grabbing the 7 instead. So you could count me as an SE fanboy.', ">>{ThatsRRtoYou} : Loving my SE! I feel like I respond to every one of these threads. I've always loved the 5/5S design and figured it was a matter of time before I picked this up. I really hope Apple can update this phone and keep it at the same screen size.", '>>{CurryGettinSpicy} : Consider me part of the club lol I think if they found a way to change up the aesthetics a little bit and maintain the weight by making it incredibly durable (drop wise) as well as making it water resistant it would be the perfect phone (for me)', ">>{ms6615} : I like the SE for similar reasons as to why I liked the 5C so much, they really fill the same market. I got both when they came out because they had the things I wanted and omitted a lot of the features I didn't care about for a fair price drop", '>>{Ducktart} : I love the SE. I\'m 6\'4" with large hands but I prefer small phones even after having the 6 and 6s Plus (even had a Nexus 6). I don\'t care that it looks like a 5/5s. I didn\'t buy it for them.', '>>{ArchiveSQ} : Moved from a 7 Plus to an SE. Wish it had 128GB but this works fine. Tether game on point too.', '>>{floriancarl} : Coming from the iPhone 6, I adore my SE. I never really enjoyed the design of the 6 series, plus the SE has amazing battery life and is very fast. This is hands down the best phone I have ever owned.', ">>{plyboult} : Check my post history. I have a major hard on for the SE. Not sure when they'll release another one, but I plan on using this for some time. Easily the best phone I've ever used and IMO it's the best phone out there. I don't have 1 complaint about it. I just hope it's not a one & done. You can't beat it (love the 5/5s design most of all)", ">>{Hurrah_for_Karamazov} : I don't have particularly small hands. But I guarantee I type faster on my SE than you do on whatever phone you use.", ">>{levert1} : I had the SE for about a week. I really did enjoy it, but I realized it wasn't for me. I've owned iPhones since the 5, but for some reason I needed more. I purchased by 7+ yesterday and I don't think I can ever go back to something that small.", '>>{Skhatty} : If you do a lot of video and media consumption, the bigger phone is nice.', ">>{pasekwgazie} : Try Microsoft's WordFlow if you're in a supported market.", ">>{porzellanladen} : I just hate it, that many folks are calling it 5SE. It's not a 5, nor it's officially called 5SE...so why? ☹️", '>>{majnus} : SwiftKey. You can precisely type with your eyes closed.', ">>{agent_philcoulson} : My tiny female hands love it. It actually still hard to use one handed. But it's much better then my previous 7 or 6s Plus.", '>>{Archandroids} : I love that it fits in every pocket I have. It\'s so practical. I came from an LG G3, and honestly, while the screen was charming bc of the resolution and size, I could see phone companies are missing out on the meaning of the word "mobile". It was huge, it didn\'t fit anywhere and it wasn\'t that comfortable to carry around. SE is the complete opposite, even hardware-wise. iOS is becoming better in every update, while Android... My 1-year-old phone suffered when Lollipop came even with its ~*killer*~ specs.', '>>{alexkalinin} : the only problem I have is my pocket feels so empty after having a larger android phone', '>>{paulr85mi} : Me, I love the device! Not yet completely getting used to iOS but the phone is great', '>>{srikanthdude} : I had the SE for a couple of weeks and then returned it. The form factor was awesome and battery too on 9.3.3. Then I upgraded to 10.2 and it made the battery worse. Did anybody else experience the battery issues?', '>>{Jjwllms} : Just picked it up last night. I like it so much better than my iPhone 5', '>>{Skhatty} : Idk I have a 2400 mah battery case so battery has never been a problem. I put my phone in airplane and battery mode during school and work.', '>>{Skhatty} : I know the feeling, I have a hefty battery case on it, so I always got some extra weight on it.', ">>{enjoyitalready} : Two other things I do love about this phone. It fits in pocket so nicely like others have mentioned, that I'm actually considering keeping it around. Also, since this is my first i device I must say I am amazed by the battery life. I mean all day without charging blows me away. I'm sure the small screen helps play a role, but that also means less room for battery. I'm really impressed with battery life.", ">>{enjoyitalready} : I have the Gboard installed. One thing I still don't like is the cursor placement. Android somehow knew where I wanted, but apple forces it to the first of a word and precision placent after that seems cluttered...."], ['>>{Stephen_Williams} : Donald Trump wants Congress to declare war on ISIS. It hasn’t done that since World War II.', '>>{moxy801} : Is it possible to declare war on a stateless group?', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : It is a weird situation the world has turned into. Stateless groups have been the attack dogs of choice for world leaders recently. Just look at those of-course-were-not-russian russian soldiers invading the Ukraine. How do you say "russia stop doing that" when russia can just say "its not us"? Can we? Who knows.', ">>{moxy801} : What world leader do you think ISIS is the 'attack dog' for?", ">>{shash1} : Well this is the way to do it isn't it? An official declaration supported by Congress. Not air strikes and boots on the ground by an executive order in an unofficial but very real war.", ">>{janzeera} : You're right but I think Congress is still working on the 2010 budget and that's a priority.", ">>{CreepyStickGuy} : I have no idea. I don't even know if they are. I am just saying its a weird situation we find ourselves in when dealing with stateless groups, and countries are starting to realize they can use them without repercussion.", '>>{immawithHRC} : The United States under the Obama/Clinton administration. Partially the Gulf States but they have their own preffered faction of Islamo fascist proxies. The Turks had their theirs but Russia cut them out of the game.', '>>{youareaspastic} : Do you think Trump supporters care about details like that?', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Probably the leader of Luxembourg. I don't trust that guy one bit (if it is a guy)", ">>{AgoraiosBum} : Obama's asked Congress for an official resolution on the use of force numerous times. But they are too busy passing a repeal of Obamacare again.", '>>{I_once_pooped} : Yes. A declaration of war is just a resolution passed by Congress. You know we have authorizations for the use of military force against AQ and the people who harbored AQ. That is ignoring the fact that the Islamic State can be argued to be a state. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montevideo_Convention', ">>{I_once_pooped} : Why do you think the Congress can't declare war on a stateless group?", '>>{moxy801} : It *is* awfully suspicious about how they always keep so under the radar...', '>>{I_once_pooped} : Yes we can. It is just a piece of paper passed by the Congress. If you have 218 votes, you can pass it.', '>>{I_once_pooped} : Well Iran backs Hezbollah to the tilt. Russia backs the Eastern Ukrainian rebels. Etc.', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : But who are you declaring war on? With delcaring war on a country, they have borders and cities you know are theirs. If we kill civilians, its fine within the UN war rules because you are at war. With a stateless group, you can\'t know if the people you are killing are actually in the group. We could bomb a city and not kill a single ISIS member because the city doesn\'t exactly "belong" to ISIS.', '>>{I_once_pooped} : You are declaring war on the stateless group. How is this hard to understand? You know we "declared war" on AQ right? It is called an Authorization of Military Force now. That is also what we passed against Saddam and his Baathist regime. What difference does it make if it is called an AUMF, or a Declaration of War? Honestly, I am asking you what you think. > With a stateless group, you can\'t know if the people you are killing are actually in the group. We could bomb a city and not kill a single ISIS member because the city doesn\'t exactly "belong" to ISIS. I don\'t think you know what you are talking about.', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : To add on to the list the other guy used, Saudi Arabia used the "al-queda" to attack us (interesting use of a country using a false flag of a stateless group. The USA used mercenary groups like blackwater in the middle east. The USA is (probably) supporting the Mexican drug cartels and have supported numerous rebel groups in the past (The Contras in Nicaragua and Iran have the most proof they existed). I\'m sure there are others, but these are just the ones off the top of my head.', ">>{I_once_pooped} : lol. Oh, you still think the Islamic State isn't a state huh? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montevideo_Convention You can make a pretty good case based on international law they are. But that doesn't matter either way. If you can't understand that we are already at war with them, then you are the problem. edit: And your response doesn't answer my question. Why do you think Congress CANT declare war on a stateless group? In your mind, if you declare war on a stateless group, it turns them into a state?", '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : No we didn\'t declare war on Al-Queda; or more specifically, Congress did not actually declare war on them which is what we are talking about. Sure, we have been "at war" with a lot of stateless groups, but our government has never formally declared war on a county. How is it not clear what I am talking about? When we nuked Japan, it was not a war crime (even though we mostly killed civilians) because we were at war with Japan. We nuked two cities within the border of a country we were at war with. If we were to bomb a city in Syria, for instance, because we think or know it is an ISIS stronghold, we are still (technically) bombing Syria, a country we are not at war with. Declaring war on a stateless group is unprecedented, and I am not sure the UN even has procedures for how that would look or even if it would be possible.', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : > AUMF, or a Declaration of War It is the entire point of what we are talking about. "Trump wants congress to declare war on ISIS." We know the president can say "we are at war with so and so group," because it has happened. What we are talking about is if congress can declare war on a stateless group and what kind of war rules that would even entail.', '>>{I_once_pooped} : > What we are talking about is if congress can declare war on a stateless group and what kind of war rules that would even entail. It would entail having 218 votes for something in Congress. What the fuck are you talking about war rules? lol how high are you. Seriously I am fascinated by how stupid you are. Tell me what you think that would entail.', ">>{theendofanerror} : We're at war with ISIS. Specific suggestions as to how to fight them more effectively are I'm sure appreciated by one and all.", '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : Again, we aren\'t talking about the president declaring "war," we are talking about Congress. That is the entire point of this post, you are getting off topic. It has everything to do with what we are talking about because congress has never declared war on a stateless group. We don\'t know if it is possible or what rules would govern that decision. If we bomb Japan, a country that we are at war with, and kill civilians, that is fine. If we bomb Syria, a country we are not at war with, and kill civilians, there is no way to know if that is fine or not fine because the Geneva Convention exists. Yes, we bomb cities in Syria and Iraq, but congress has not declared war on anyone. Again, what we are talking about. The president declaring use of force is a clever work around for the Geneva Convention rules, because under those guidelines, we are not at war with anyone. > What does the UN have to do with the US declaring war on ISIS? It doesn\'t have anything to do with us declaring war, but it has everything to do with the rules of war after the war has been declared. > Wow you are retarded bro. Cute.', '>>{I_once_pooped} : lol you are mind numbingly dumb. Can you answer my question. Do you think a President passes an authorization to use military force?', '>>{CreepyStickGuy} : > Yes, that is why I said 218 votes. Why do you think I am talking about the President? Because you keep bringing up the fact that we are already "at war" with these stateless groups when we are not. > Oh, you think a President passes an Authorization to Use Military force. Is that it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_for_Use_of_Military_Force_Against_Terrorists You need to do more research.', ">>{CreepyStickGuy} : Well, technically yes. It is a vote of one. Congress decided it was acceptable for the president to call for use of force in times of crisis. This circumvents the rules put in place by the Geneva Convention, because those rules disallow military force against civilians in neighboring areas. Since ISIS does not have a specific border, there is no way of deciding who is or is not a part of ISIS. If we bomb a city, we can't know if we killed ISIS militants or Syrian civilians.", ">>{CreepyStickGuy} : I would love to if you have any kind of rebuttal. The problem is, you are wrong and you know you are wrong. I'm looking through your comment history and it seems like you have a tenuous grasp on politics and history in general. The fact that you are resorting to name calling is just embarrassing and I feel bad for you.", ">>{OrcaGlass} : >Were at war with ISIS No, we're not. >Specific suggestions as to how fight them more effectively are I'm sure appreciated by one and all. Not really. There's nothing a candidate could say that would be groundbreaking, effective, or even valid in any manner. If there was, they would have taken it to the pentagon", ">>{theendofanerror} : How do you reckon we're not at war with ISIS? We keep dropping bombs on them and helping take territory from them.", ">>{CreepyStickGuy} : Ooooh. You are one of those people that thinks getting the last word in means you win. Ok, I will let you have the last word. Post 'lol' one more time and I will let you have it if it will make you feel better about yourself. Have a great day.", '>>{oddjam} : Man, that whole thing was tough to read. I feel bad for the guy honestly. Well argued btw.', '>>{udownvotefacts} : We have never declared war against ISIS, you know that right?', ">>{OrcaGlass} : Because we've never declared war with them? Seems pretty straight forward to me."], [">>{homepregnancykit} : President Trump picks Patriots to win Super Bowl: 'Have to stick up for your friends'", '>>{RayWencube} : Mr. President, isn\'t that just a bit on the nose? "Isn\'t..what..?" "Isn\'t that just a bit--" "I have the best nose. Tremendous nose."', ">>{back_for_good} : What is the actual count for the number of times Trump has said him and Brady are friends, and how many times has Brady actually confirmed that they are. By my count it's at least 3 on Trump's end, and 0 on Brady's.", '>>{HonoredPeople} : Like when your "rich friends" cannot get loans because of bad credit or common sense regulations. You have to change the rules so that they can take out bad loans that they will never pay back. On a side note - Like the 6 bankruptcies of Trump.', '>>{analog_stein} : If The Falcons win, lock them up and waterboard them! This guy... This fucking guy.', ">>{Ouroboros000} : So your southern supporters in Atlanta are not your 'friends'....OK...", ">>{incoherantcolin} : While he's sticking up for his friends, think he is going to ask Putin for krafts Super Bowl ring back? https://www.google.com/amp/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/heres-how-vladimir-putin-stole-a-super-bowl-ring-from-the-patriots-robert-kraft/amp/?client=safari", ">>{EllaShue} : Shit. That may be the only thing that makes a Saints fan cheer for the Falcons. Maybe I'll just sleep through the whole thing.", '>>{anotherblue} : Working great for Patriots so far :) Lesson for republicans: Do not let Trump support you :)', '>>{TinyBaron} : They should have donated more to the self-funded campaign.', '>>{anon902503} : lol, Patriots down 21-0 in the 2nd quarter.', '>>{BigggSur} : Well who knows if they are but no way Brady would admit it if that were true. He would receive nothing but bad press.', ">>{yeaabut} : Tomorrow: I was for the falcons, I was always for the falcons, I never said I was for the Patriots. That's false news.", ">>{TinyBaron} : Sorry Atlanta. Should have donated to the self-funded campaign. And you thought he'd be the President for ALL Americans.", ">>{PragProgLibertarian} : Fuck that. I'm for the Pats regardless of what he says.", '>>{_Throwgali_} : http://www.businessinsider.com/tom-brady-call-trump-not-a-big-deal-2017-1 >Brady said he called as a friend, as he would call and support his other friends. Yep, definitely not friends. Case closed!', ">>{back_for_good} : What a ringing endorsement of the man. Maybe now that the season is over he'll come out and say exactly how big of bros they are. Because thus far it's mostly been Donnie proclaiming the love."], ['>>{Vesstair} : We are important! I swear, we are important!', ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Yeah she underestimate how many flaming racists there were in America who lapped up Trump's red meat on a regular basis.", '>>{Donald_McPoyle} : Give me a fucking break. *Profound impact?* Stop jerking yourselves off you libelous hacks.', ">>{sleepy_batman1776} : >Dismayed that this Breitbart Effect of media independent of the former mainstream monopoly played so well into the social media revolution, Fallon griped, “We had a lot of policy we were trying to communicate that got overshadowed by whatever Donald Trump tweeted.” He added, “There was too much punditry on Twitter on Friday over who was going to take the blame for the health care bill.” >Fallon, who worked for top Democrats including Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NY) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) before joining the Clinton campaign, and is currently a CNN television pundit, witnessed first-hand the paradigm shift in media brought about by Breitbart and other independent news outlets during the 2016 election season. Now, before an assembled audience at a top American university, having had over four months to reflect on the shocking upset loss of his candidate, Fallon called this Breitbart Effect “one of the realities that I don’t think was truly appreciated by our campaign.” I think they're right, Breitbart could very well [supplant](http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/11/10/breitbart-beats-ny-times-cnn-fox-news-election-day-facebook-engagement/) the mainstream media they decry so much. But have any of their employees failed to register as foreign agents?", '>>{GoneGalt13} : I wish he lived to see the MSM exposed as the globalist fake news it is. He was a pioneer. The MSM are no longer the gatekeepers of information, and people can be told the truth.', '>>{AntiFear411} : Neither does the rest of the US population that can see through breitbarts bias views,', '>>{SaltHash} : The full quote: >“One of the realities that I don’t think was truly appreciated by our campaign was just how profound the Breitbart effect was in cultivating a standalone ecosystem in conservative media that very aggressively and successfully promoted certain stories and narratives we had a blind-spot for during the campaign,” Fallon said. Breitbart alt-right/Neo-Nazis can fuck themselves with their propaganda.', '>>{PM_ME_YOUR_YONI} : Was the photo above taken when his coked-up heart exploded in his chest?', '>>{yhwhx} : I just Breitbart effected in my mouth a bit.', '>>{dolphins3} : Also, sheer stupidity. The Clinton campaign severely underestimated just how fucking idiotic voters in red and swing States were.', '>>{Jkdsh} : [Just gonna leave this here. ](http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/white-house/article139695453.html)', '>>{BunsTown} : Dont forget the thousands of russians that swarmed and carried these stories through every nook of the internet where dim bulbs graze.', '>>{mindlessrabble} : If you mean the ability to destroy the GOP, then no. But then they had help from the Russians. Breitbart is the enemy of the American people and everyone of them should be tried for treason.', '>>{beetleking22} : When Breitbart start to stop talking about hillary. He is gone!', '>>{im_a_basset_hound} : You mean the same Breitbart Effect that is currently under FBI investigation?', '>>{Kota_Cinder} : Leave it to Breitbart to publish an article on how great Breitbart is', ">>{Kota_Cinder} : Or alternative facts. We're just expanding the vocabulary now", ">>{Kota_Cinder} : You know they're right actually I do have a blind spot for blatant lies", '>>{Kota_Cinder} : I appreciate the joke but you could have said Breitbarfed', '>>{Kota_Cinder} : I love how globalist is used as if it were an insult by some people', ">>{Mol-lurker} : Well to be fair she didn't realize Breitbart would be helping Russia out with their propaganda game", '>>{rudieboy} : ACORN still remembers the Breitbart effect. Fake videos, turned into fake news, turned into real legislation to ruin poor peoples lives. Congrats, you have accomplished much.', ">>{Shanashy} : They also didn't appreciate election interference and outright lies, courtesy of Breitshart and the Russians.", '>>{altrightdragoneater} : I see Breitbarf has finally had those ribs removed so it can suck its own cock.', '>>{President_Babyhands} : The bb, furiously masturbating and visualizing itself the hero.', '>>{umpteenth_} : The Brightshart effect: Full of liquid brown diarrhea.', '>>{treerat} : Propaganda alert: [Breitbart and Infowars under investigation for ties to Russia: report](http://www.rawstory.com/2017/03/breitbart-and-infowars-under-investigation-for-ties-to-russia-report/)']]
classify and reply
['>>{familyandeducation} : Good. In my opinion, and one that is not religiously motivated, that is a human being and life needs to be protected in a civilized society.', ">>{thebossee} : Documents reveal feds' effort to discredit Snowden, reveal CIA ties", ">>{circlepush} : Saying 'I Make No Excuses' for Mishandling Classified Material, Clinton Offers New One", '>>{CranberrySchnapps} : Presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace says it’s not his job to be the “truth squad”', ">>{answermyquestions1} : Can't argue with that one. Great job guys!", ">>{LicensedShill} : Hey, an email about Intel from surveillance in Libya created by undercover operatives posing as diplomats... I don't see any classification header, might as well post this to my Facebook wall.", '>>{oldspeech} : So should we execute Clinton for exposing state secrets on an unsecured server?', ">>{green_euphoria} : You're completely misguessing his/her political views. My guess is he/she is ex military and would pull the trigger themselves if they could.", ">>{CNegan} : Every paper that's in front of him is going to be a detailed record of Hillary's entire life and he's going to be extremely vigilant on everything that comes out of her mouth so that he can correct her on any small detail.", '>>{versipelis} : And I fundamentally disagree with you. Heart cells can beat with no brain activity. Heart cells grown in a petri dish can beat on their own. Are they alive too?', ">>{innociv} : Wew. Fox News is posting this. What's going on? They've been by far the most reasonable news source this year. I guess with CNN and MSNBC going off the deep end, someone had to fill the void for sanity?", ">>{bacon_catz_karma} : It's not the moderators job. Never has been. His job is simply to ask the questions, make sure he tries to get them to answer the questions, and keep the debate moving forward.", '>>{Uktabi68} : I think they are embarrassed because they are responsible for Trump.', ">>{gottahavemycaffeine} : Let's stop talking about the emails, it's minor in the whole scheme of things.", ">>{OldMutant} : Life is a human right and should be protected from it's beginning to death. A fetus is an organism that has unique complete human DNA and multiplying cells. Only a science denier can say a fetus is not a unique human life. Our founding documents say life is a human right. Therefore killing a human in the womb is not a right unless the mother is defending her own life.", ">>{mostclever_184} : i can't believe how bat shit crazy CNN has gotten. i lost ALL respect for them after this interview, where the lady laughs at Bill saying that climate change is a HUGE DEAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiDfy1Cxyu8", '>>{spaceghoti} : I\'m sorry, Chris. Did you not claim the title of "journalist?" Because that\'s *exactly* what a journalist does. If you\'re not a journalist after all I\'d appreciate an admission of that fact so we can settle it once and for all. Now, is a moderator supposed to point out falsehoods? It depends on whether or not the moderator wants to ensure that viewers have the best information available on which to make their decisions. If you\'re just there to keep the time then we can save a lot of money on your fee and replace you with a computer.', ">>{Uktabi68} : No they should build a statue of them. Since you believe anyone should have the right to invade your privacy, post your phone number and address here. The government is invading the privacy of its people. It doesn't matter what term you call it, it is invasion of privacy pure and simple.", '>>{Kimchi1980} : Did you read what Colin Powell sent her? Look it up. He even used a private email. But like what Clinton said, if it was top sceret, it was done through that email. With all the government knows, if there was evidence, she disclosed top secret info through her private email, where are her top secrets involving military data or the US secrets? Obama killed Bin Laden while Clinton was Secretary of State. More than Bush did. Nothing gets deleted, when it is erased...what was found in her emails?', ">>{blackbrosinwhitehoes} : >Did you read what Colin Powell sent her? Look it up. He even used a private email. This only implicates Powell. This does not exonerate Hillary. >Obama killed Bin Laden while Clinton was Secretary of State. More than Bush did. Nothing gets deleted, when it is erased...what was found in her emails? Literally what are you talking about? Comey said there were thousands of permanently deleted emails he'd never see.", ">>{Smoy} : Yeah the whole damn leadership of both parties should be thrown in jail and we should have new national elections for every Damn seat. They are all corrupt, just because Powell is corrupt doesn't mean clinton is any less.", '>>{MysticRay} : The argument over when a human life begins has always been the wrong approach. This is a public health issue. I have personally never found a convenient way around the idea that abortion is killing. I do think that\'s what it is, but it isn\'t "murder." Same goes for the casualties of war. It\'s state sanctioned.', ">>{heelspider} : Reason used to be about promoting libertarian causes...now they've simply decided to be Breitbart Jr. Sad. Thanks Reason, I wasn't able to find anything critical of Clinton's email use until you came along.", '>>{ozabelle} : his job is to be the referee at a professional wrestling match.', '>>{gunt_master} : Hopefully it means they found a way to finally beat the Democrats: by being honest.', '>>{lPAINTRAINl} : This is one of the reasons our country is so screwed up. MSM (and politicians) not willing to listen to scientists because it goes against their agenda. The talking over Bill is ridiculous.', ">>{shard972} : Do we know that he still isn't a CIA asset? I mean, he mostly leaked info on the NSA right? How much dirt did snowden bring on the CIA?", ">>{danakowalski} : Bringing up Powell is just a deflection IMO. It's a separate topic. If he was the one that wrote, and enacted, the information security guidelines, that would make it relevant. You can read all this for yourself on the OIG.state.gov report where the OpenNet DoS unclassified email system was created during his tenure. That means email wasn't as common of a daily communication tool during that time period. You can also read NIST.gov for all the guidances that the SoS enforced on all other Govt systems that interacted with DoS, yet were completely ignored in this email system that she used. Powell can go under investigation for all anyone cares, it doesn't impact the facts of what she did as SoS being poor judgement, and a basic lack of technical savvy. If she wants to blame aides, fine. Why did you put those aides in that position without vetting their qualifications to do that job?", '>>{ITGuy_higgins} : I agree to the extent of arguing stats and figures because those can vary from source to source. However, when you have someone like Trump who openly contradicts and denies his own on-record statements, it seems that the moderator should say something to maintain journalistic integrity of the debates. Otherwise, what the fuck is he there for?', ">>{communistcrashdummy} : but his wrong cancels out Clinton's wrong. You are ruining muh narrative!!!!", ">>{rick325436} : > not religiously motivated [Faith2Action, a staunch pro-life organization driving much of the support behind the bill's passage](http://www.citybeat.com/home/blog/13034633/ohios-heartbeat-bill-drawing-national-attention).", ">>{darkknightwinter} : > Ohio would have the country's most restrictive abortion laws under a bill that passed the Ohio Senate Tuesday, as leading Republicans were emboldened by the anticipation of Donald Trump's upcoming federal and Supreme court appointments. Because that's what Republicans need: to be emboldened.", ">>{MaratLives} : Let's see how that works for you when Trump calls you a lizard person to your face on national television.", ">>{Solidarieta} : In a follow-up interview, [John Lester](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qVWQx0IIsQ) (the vet mentioned in the article) said he wasn't satisfied with Clinton's answer to his question: >Essentially what she was saying was, is that however she transacted with her emails was not in violation because there was no header. Well the fact is, is that someone at her level really should understand the content, and understand what's sensitive vs what's not. And I think, when you get to the root of it I think really that's where her response to me failed, if you will. >... >I guess you have to ask yourself, the question of judgement. When someone readily transmits our information in the way she has, does that not disqualify them for the highest office in the land? >-John Lester, Former Naval Flight Officer", '>>{thecolbster94} : Oh god not crossfire, the show that marginalizes everything into a us vs them issue between two shitty surrogates. I thought they axed that show years ago when Jon Stewart eviscerated the hosts.', ">>{versipelis} : As a scientist I can absolutely say a fetus isn't a human life. Just because we can save 14 month old babies doesn't mean they're alive either. At 6 weeks a baby can not even survive without the mother. They are parasites that happen to share our DNA.", ">>{Bab2385} : Seriously. Let's have a blank slate and start over.", ">>{versipelis} : I have a very tight definition. If the fetus could not survive on its own, it's not alive yet. That places the cutoff for me somewhere aroun d 24-28 weeks.", '>>{MysticRay} : Worse than that, putting mothers on welfare who were trying to avoid that very situation.', '>>{mcmeaningoflife42} : But where do we draw the line? Sentience is a good idea but if life begins at conception and the mother is unable to kill an unwanted blob of cells that is wrong. The blob is indistinguishable from cancer or folds of tissue at this stage. Unique human life does not mean alive, just as cell mutations are unique.', ">>{FlyingPanties69} : yeah right? I can't believe someone dredged that zombie up from the depths of irrelevancy", ">>{-LetterToTheRedditor} : Powell should be investigated. It won't be for obstruction of justice though. He was not under subpoena.", '>>{deflateddoritodinks} : She had several personal SERVERS not just "accounts". Jebus what a piece of shit.', '>>{DavidEdwardsUK} : Can you give me your email and password please?', ">>{bacon_catz_karma} : Let's start with that last part > what the fuck is he there fore I answered this. To ask questions, get them to answer them someone clearly, and move the debate forward. As for trump blatantly contradicting what he's recently said: look, as much as I'd love Wallace to call him out on his bullshit that's still not his job as moderator. If this were a TV interview on Wallace's show then he should absolutely do that. However this is a debate, and the reality is that it's Hillary's job to call trump out on his bullshit, not the moderators.", '>>{Verodimus} : They did. Then they brought it back in 2013 and it tanked within a year.', ">>{BeazyDoesIt} : According to Reddit, Hillary didn't do those things. I wonder why shes saying she did now. Thats odd.", ">>{noodlyarms} : Right and really the measure should instead be about brain formation and activity. So arguments after about 10 weeks would make more logical and scientific sense. Heartbeat just has this emotional sentiment that's being played up.", ">>{MrMadcap} : Cut them some slack. They're on a holy mission to get their high priestess elected President of the United States.", ">>{versipelis} : You're right, but I mean more on a medical/cellular level.", '>>{FredFredrickson} : Ugh, I forgot this clown is there moderator tonight. How did that even happen?', ">>{joepo32} : In a typical debate sure. But the presidential debates are more than just a debate. They are a job interview. For one of the highest power jobs in the world. It's a vetting process for voters. And the moderator is the voters voice. He/She should be informed and be able to rebuttal a lie with another question. It's how we find honest candidates.", '>>{YouandWhoseArmy} : They both just play a game. One plays it on the right, the other on the left. Each rues the chance to have legitimate things to report. Makes their other garbage more valuable.', '>>{versipelis} : And there it is, really the only argument anti-abortion people have.', ">>{loochbag17} : I'm an energy voter! (Brought to you by the American Petroleum Institute). Literally every commercial break on CNN for the past year and a half.", ">>{dubslies} : While I'm in favor of moderators fact-checking on blatant lies (like Trump saying he never supported the Iraqi war, which he did), I think it would probably be better if every single news outlet that was streaming it fact-checked as many lies as possible on the fly at the bottom of the screen. It seems extremely reckless for the media to let him sit up there in front of tens of millions of people and just spit out lie after lie, shamelessly and without regard. I say the same for Hillary as well, but ftr, she doesn't lie nearly as much as him. Not even remotely close. That way we don't have the moderator constantly having to interrupt. In Trump's case, it would be unmanageable given how much he lies. Either way, someone needs to do it. If Clinton fact-checks him, I imagine Trump people are less likely to believe her. They might believe 3rd party checkers more.", ">>{joepo32} : So the person acting as the voice of the voters shouldn't be able to rebuttal a lie with a follow up question about that lie?", '>>{waaart} : God forbid. Time we get these truthers out of here', ">>{loochbag17} : Be sure to stream your phone calls, texts, GPS location data from your cell phone, internet browser history, and complete financial records to the local authorities at all times citizen. Wouldn't want any secrets between friends!", ">>{safewoodchipper} : >fetus is an organism that has unique complete human DNA and multiplying cells. It certainly has the DNA of homo sapiens but I wouldn't necessarily call it *human* life. For instance a baby born without a brain would meet the criteria you described for a human life, should we really be giving that the rights of a human under the law? I'd think not.", ">>{versipelis} : It's just a mass of human cells. Is a Liver a human life? Is a heart? Both of those can survive on their own with medical intervention.", '>>{Supermoves3000} : John Bolton-- fucking Colonel Sanders looking piece of shit. Fox News must have a hard time coming up with respectable-sounding titles to put under his name when they roll him out on their show. "Former Ambassador to the UN!" "American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow!" They should call him Chickenhawk-In-Chief.', '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : I had a molar pregnancy and a heart beat was detected. My life was endangered. I had to have an abortion. Fuck you if you think a non viable fetus is more important than me', ">>{GoHuskies858} : They are 'reasonable' to you because they hate Hillary and affirm your biases. It's quite the coincidence how all the terrible MSM sources have criticized Bernie!! /s", '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : They should have just gone with a potted plant then. Cheaper.', ">>{Elranzer} : I'm an energy voter! - VOTE REPUBLICAN!", '>>{MutteringC} : Viability is probably a better word for it. Can the fetus survive outside the womb without outside intervention for basic bodily functions?', ">>{ozabelle} : well, in pro wrestling it's the referee's job to look the other way.", '>>{KaidenUmara} : Just means both sides are the same, your view just varies based on who you support.', ">>{jeremythelee} : Active Duty military here. I don't appreciate your ignorant stereotypes.", '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : I mean its not like he works for a real news agency.', '>>{Oilfan9911} : The issue is particularly relevant given Trump has been exposed as a habitual liar. I wouldn\'t expect a moderator to be able to fact check some of the deeper cuts like Trump denying he called global warming a hoax, but on something more straight forward like Trumps support of the Iraq war someone has to verify who\'s telling the truth. It does voters no good for Hillary to say "you supported it" and Trump to deny it and be left wondering who is being honest. And of course the opposite holds true as well, if Trump is absolutely correct on the facts and Clinton is in denial of reality the moderator should affirm that.', '>>{Rephaite} : >It\'s not the moderators job. Never has been. His job is simply to ask the questions Since when is there an official job description for "televised presidential debate moderator" that excludes journalistic followup like pointing out when a candidate is deflecting or lying his ass off and asking him for a more substantial answer? The role is whatever the debate participants and the moderator choose to let it be. And there\'s a strong argument to be made (based on journalistic standards, since this is being moderated and broadcast by journalistic organizations), that the moderator, *ought* to try to enforce honesty. Otherwise, every question can just descend into "is too!" "is not! "is too!" If a debate looks like that, it\'s not journalism, it\'s just tabloid trash.', ">>{bacon_catz_karma} : It's a debate. formal debates have never had the moderator be a fact checker.", '>>{alllie} : So revolution. Those girls better learn to shoot.', ">>{Silospek} : You're entitled to your opinion. For me, the philosophical question of when life starts has never been relevant. Maybe I'm too close to it to be impartial since I am a woman of reproductive age. The concept of making someone endure 9 months of pregnancy when they aren't ready to be a parent is cruel. That would mean going to the appointments, taking the meds, feeling shitty, living with permanent changes to their body, etc. That's all while having to figure out what to do once the baby is born. The reality is people won't do all that, I wouldn't do all that. I'd figure out where I could get an abortion, or how I could get the job done without going broke traveling for one. Abortions will always happen. If they're illegal or too expensive to get, they'll be unsafe and women will die trying. To some that's two lives lost.", ">>{mommy2libras} : Seriously. I'd love some kind of fact check during (there was a great video put out about how it would be helpful to do this with infographics when possible) but with debates, it's a job in itself to keep the candidate on topic and try to get an actual, concrete answer to a question, especially in these debates as we have one person who likes to talk about everything *but* the topic at hand.", ">>{platypuspracticus} : Fox is reporting this....I'm guessing that they're hoping everyone forgets that it was Bush Administration policy and changes to structure that made this play out as it did.", '>>{dkt} : As they should. Snowden is a traitor to his country.', '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : I had a molar pregnancy with a detectable heart beat. It was an non-viable fetus and I was at risk for cancer. I had to have an abortion. TO SAVE MY FUCKING LIFE I had to have an abortion. Fuck anyone who thinks a non-viable fetus deserves more protection than me. I was called murderer, killer, and a whore by people protesting outside a clinic. I had no insurance and the local Catholic hospital wasn\'t going to do shit because the "heart beat"...so I had to find a clinic. Fuck anyone who comes on here thinking this is a good idea. This shit just boils my blood. After the abortion I had to be screened for cancer and had surgeries soon after to remove a growth. Fuck this bill. Fuck this restriction. Fuck anyone who says that I\'m less than a FUCKING non-viable fetus.', ">>{promqueenskeletor} : Yeah, but, I mean... do you *know* how much cash you can line your pockets with if you're at the top? Isn't *that* what's important here?", ">>{mommy2libras} : Exactly. Hardly any questions would be gotten through if the moderator had to contradict every false statement, especially in Trump's case because he often denies he said or did sonething many people saw him say or do. And then he wants to get into an argument about it and bitch and whine about getting ganged up on. And yes, I'm aware of the parallel of this situation to one where a 4 year old gets caught coloring on the walls, denies it with the crayon in hand and artwork on the wall and then tells mom how mean she is for getting on to them.", '>>{wwarnout} : Calling it the "truth squad" makes it sound like "truth" is little more than some fringe group\'s opinion. This is why Wallace and "faux" News are so profoundly unfit to be involved.', ">>{ITGuy_higgins} : I respect your answer but disagree with you. If the moderator can determine a lie, *not an opinion*, their journalistic integrity should compel them to discredit a lie on behalf of voters. That goes for both candidates. Ideally, a moderator could ask a question and the candidates could argue a point of view on how to address and issue within their allotted time. However, these last two debates have shown us that one of the candidates will try to spout outright lies as truth to try and cause the other candidate to have to spend the bulk of their speaking time discrediting a known falsehood; that should've already been acknowledged as fallacy from the start. For instance, I say that the second debate was best moderated in this election. They didn't call out anyone on their opinion but stuck with what could be *proven* as false (i.e., Trump's denial of Iraq invasion with recorded testimony to the contrary and *NY's* ruling on 'Stop and Frisk' being unconstitutional). Personally, I look at it as a discredit to your field if you accept known falsehoods to be presented as facts on your watch. Fact is fact; its not optional.", ">>{reddit_l0l0l0l} : No, he's not. You are neck deep in kool aid little boy.", '>>{FredFredrickson} : And, if Trump TV comes to pass, future competitor. Which is the only silver lining I can see in that.', '>>{midnight_toker22} : I do support murdering babies. And so does the constitution. Get over it.', ">>{ShakespearInTheAlley} : No it isn't. The nonpartisan debate commission hosts the debates and selects moderators. Networks do not host debates.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Abortion isn't murder it's abortion. Fetuses aren't people, they're proto-people. Read roe v wade, all of this is addressed.", '>>{kstinfo} : If the moderator takes time away from the debate it is a disservice to the other candidate. If anyone should be fact checking it is other candidate.', ">>{Thief_of_Souls} : Candidate 1: *Lies about something* Candidate 2: *States that it is false and gives appropriate facts* For people that don't know (and won't look up) the actual truth, how are they suppose to determine what the actual facts are? For all they know candidate 1 could be stating the truth while candidate 2 is lying.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Not religiously motivated? Yeah for some reason I'm not buying that one...", '>>{GEN_CORNPONE} : That guy is a bought-and-paid-for shill. His time in the UN was a fucking embarrassment.', '>>{itswithinmyreach} : maybe they have been right all along? and our confirmation bias is finally broken.', '>>{novareddit2000} : People used as cannon fodder around the world or locked up as free slave labor in public or private prisons', ">>{chicken_w234} : They're on a holy mission to get their high priestess elected President of the reasons our country is so screwed up..", ">>{Marco_Robotio} : Are you actually implying that's not an argument? Lol", '>>{eowwwww} : sorry for what you went through that but a molar pregnancy is not considered a pregnancy as much as a abnormal growth so it is not considered an abortion it is just the removal of a tumor. You are definitely the poster child for unforeseen consequences of the law and I hope your experience will bring light to a rare situation so it wont happen to anyone else. I am very pro life and agree with the bill, but not in a case such as yours.', '>>{Marco_Robotio} : > The proposal would allow an exception for the life of the mother. What the fuck are you going on about?', '>>{Socal434} : I agree fully with you. John Bolton is a joke and his "analysis" is a joke as well.', ">>{Learned_Hand_01} : If he was interested in the truth, he wouldn't be able to keep a job at Fox News. Can you imagine what his job would be like if he tried to correct every lie someone said on air at Fox? Can you imagine his job lasting through even one broadcast if he tried?", '>>{losian} : And then we have Snowden telling us that Google is in bed with Clinton, and all we find out is that, looking back, Snowden was more and more correct in his revelations and his other remarks. Funny timing, that.', '>>{monkiesnacks} : It is highly likely that he is a CIA asset, you can tell because he damaged the organisation the CIA relies on for its signals intelligence. /s You know it could be that he leaked info on the NSA because that is what he had access too, which is not that strange considering he was a contractor at the NSA.', '>>{PonyExpressYourself} : The brilliance of this show from the Oligarchs perspective is that it gives the feeling of an idea being tackled head on when it fact it does absolutely nothing to elucidate said problem and just trots out the same worn out talking points.', ">>{Learned_Hand_01} : Part of the problem is that Trump supporters are not interested in believing anyone who contradicts their beliefs. This is why the conservative media bubble is so large and so impervious to penetration. It's a horrible feedback loop where people want news that caters to their preconceptions, and having gotten it, want more and exclusively that. (For the record, everyone is vulnerable to this, including me. It just happens that conservatives are *more* prone to it, and they have an unparalleled media bubble that has no mirror on on the left to retreat to.)", '>>{Radical_Theorist} : He is under the iron fist of the FSB. He discredited himself with that.', '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : No. I had to have an abortion. I had to pay $600 plus an extra $50 because of my blood type. I know what I had. Don\'t try to minimize what I went through. The "heart beat" is why the Catholic hospital refused to do shit. They sure as fuck didn\'t see it as a tumor.', ">>{Bardamuze} : Then why revoke his passport ? Snowden escaped the entire US intelligence community, why wouldn't be outsmart the FSB ?", ">>{SugarHooves} : How is that fair to the second candidate? That allows the first candidate to direct the debate with blatant lies and wastes the second candidate's time forcing them to correct those lies. If the lie is flat out an obvious lie, the moderator needs to correct it so that the time is not taken from the other candidate.", '>>{Rephaite} : >It\'s a debate. formal debates have never had the moderator be a fact checker. It\'s also a televised interview. Good televised interviews have pretty much always had interviewers push back when the interviewees try to pass off an obvious lie or deflection. Because the point of an interview is usually to inform the audience, which doesn\'t occur if the interviewer perpetuates falsehoods by letting them stand. You\'re treating this like it\'s the world championship of CX debate, where the only thing that\'s important is the debate skills of the competing parties, and a lie gets recorded in your favor if the opposing debater fails to call you on it. But that\'s not really the point of a presidential debate. Like an interview, the point is to inform. Like an interview, that doesn\'t occur if you let falsehoods stand. ---------- ***Also, I don\'t really accept your assertion that calling out lies has never been the role of a moderator.*** The role of the moderator in any formal debate *is and has always been* to enforce the rules of that formal debate. If one of the rules for a debate is "don\'t lie your ass off," then intervening when a candidate lies his ass off is part of the moderator\'s clear and historically well established role of debate rule enforcement. So the question is not really if fact checking is a moderator\'s job, but instead if it is in the public interest for a presidential debate to have a rule against lying your ass off. It turns out that yes, it is in the public\'s interest to have such a rule, and that the enforcement of such a rule, when it is emplaced, would fall to the moderator per his well established historic role.', ">>{RumpleCragstan} : Alright, so then I'll rephrase. This debate is moderated *entirely by Faux News staff.*", '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : The whole "heart beat" bullshit language and the ignorance that a heart beat means life crap.', '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : Also NOT for rape and incest. Fuck these people. No exemptions.', '>>{Brodusgus} : There are no real journalist working for cable television.', ">>{GirthlyBertha} : He's not going to be able to do a better job than the moderators at the 2nd debate. The 2 on 1 strategy to get the candidates to stop talking when they went over worked well.", ">>{kstinfo} : The people can't just sit back and rely on someone, anyone else to tell them what's right or wrong and what's true or not. Democracy is a bargain and the public need to hold up their end.", ">>{Mars_To_Sirius} : What the hell! Bill Nye couldn't even talk for three seconds without being interrupted!", '>>{Jumala} : If Pence wants to come in and loom behind Hillary during the debate, Chris Wallace will allow it, because pro wrestling is all about the drama.', '>>{Bannakaffalatta1} : Fun fact! On top of how disgusting this is to begin with (and that after 6 weeks majority of women don\'t know they\'re pregnant yet), the Ohio GOP attached this at the last second on a Bill that was designed to help out children of abuse and neglect. They literally did this just so they can run ads against State Democrats in the future saying that they "This Democrat voted against helping abused children!" Really classy politics here.', ">>{eowwwww} : well its a good thing you could go somewhere else. Why would you expect a Catholic hospital to do this in the first place? They aren't going to differentiate between a pregnancy and a molar growth. Good news is you lived to tell your story so it may be time to move on and get better health insurance.", ">>{thatgirlfromOhio} : 1...a Catholic hospital was all that was available. Sorry I didn't have other options. 2...at the time I worked for a hotel who didn't offer insurance to employees. Even if I had insurance... I would have to travel out of area to a hospital who maybe or maybe not accept my insurance. 3...I'm in a better position now but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And 4...not sure what world you are living in but must be nice to be so privileged.", '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : I\'m not so bad but that entire ordeal gave me some perspective regarding the "pro-life" crowd. Imagine going through that then having to deal with people who call your murderer etc etc yelling in your face spitting at you etc....pro-lifers can piss off', ">>{I_googled_that_} : His record is so correct they they didn't have to correct it", '>>{Phuqued} : https://upw-prod-images.global.ssl.fastly.net/nugget/55c24bf4333465000d160400/attachments/JSQuoteGraphic5-e7b13be4b12697c08cfac3146b3c2814.jpg Holy crap your video link is so bad, so the image is still valid today. :) I feel so bad for Bill having to deal with that idiocy. Why is there contention about climate science? Because idiots try to impose their ignorance as doubt.', ">>{Mars_To_Sirius} : It's crazy that some people buy into a Pundits climate change misinformation while completely ignoring Bill Nye.", ">>{_johngalt} : America stopped being a democracy the day president bush(and continued by obama) allowed the NSA to spy on all citizens without warrant. You can't have free speech when the US military is standing over your shoulder as your read/write/talk. Without free speech, you can't have a democracy.", ">>{green_euphoria} : Wasn't talking about you. A square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square.", ">>{jeremythelee} : I'm just saying it's probably a good idea to avoid generalizations.", ">>{green_euphoria} : It's not a generalization. Many people who want Snowden dead have a background relating to national security, but not everyone who has a background relating to national security wants Snowden dead. You're the one extrapolating a generalization out of a logical guess.", ">>{Top_Chef} : How do we know he isn't a Russian spy?", '>>{jeremythelee} : > Many people who want Snowden dead have a background relating to national security Any evidence to support this claim? I actually only know of a single military member who feels this way.', '>>{Beard_of_Valor} : No, no, we have serious debate on this show, we talk about issues that matter to America "Serious? You\'re wearing a bow tie."', '>>{5yearsinthefuture} : The NSA has been spying on US citizens for decades (without warrants). Echelon', '>>{pixelprophet} : Just so you know, it was actually Regan that signed [Executive order 12333](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_12333) that is used as the primary go to for spying on the US populace - Bush and Obama have only expanded upon it.', '>>{broncoz33} : Exactly. Its nothing new its just in the daylight now. I wonder how it felt to be the "crackpot theorist" 25 years ago that was eventually proven right.', ">>{misyo} : I can only guess they're reporting it because it makes the Obama administration look bad.", ">>{green_euphoria} : My personal experience is just anecdotal like yours, but my reasoning is fairly sound. Peoples' feelings about Snowden are often broken down on the line of libertarianism vs. authoritarianism or the balance between liberty of individuals and security of state. Those who have worked in fields relating to national security tend to sway toward policies which put security of state as a first priority. That's just their experience. Often they know and have seen things that we can't know, and that weighs heavily into their views. Likewise, those who fight for individual liberties, like an attorney for the ACLU for example, will be more likely to view Snowden in a positive light. In both these types of people, these beliefs often drive their decisions to get into those careers in the first place. So, their views are not only shaped by their experience in that career, but also by their preexisting views. In addition, they, like everyone else, are affected by the views of those around them. So, to some extent, there is a hegemonic ideology within their field due to a combination of the aforementioned 3 factors (and others). Now, the military was a bit of a broad guess. In any group as massive as that, there is a large spectrum of ideology, but due to the large size, it's more likely to bump into ex military on the web than ex CIA or something of that sort, where the homogeneity of these views is stronger. I was just making a guess, but I don't think it's unreasonable", ">>{marlowe650} : Hasn't given them yet? Probably has something to hide.", '>>{Paid_Internet_Troll} : How about "ripped thay\'re fookin\' guuts ouwt," in the same accent Bronn on *Game of Thrones* uses?', '>>{whitchurchy} : Which can only operate in secret due to national security.', '>>{RaginglikeaBoss} : While I may agree with you, Salon is a terrible source to try to use as justification for a point, regardless of which side of the aisle you sit.', ">>{cuteman} : You've only noticed it because your interests align. Before it was the evil GOP narrative versus the angelic Democrats but thus primary season the mask is off and many people have seen the DNC and GOP aren't very different after all. They both want to maintain power and each have their media creatures who will spin and shill content to their advantage or to energize various bases.", ">>{cuteman} : They've also since legalized propaganda. Which used to be illegal.", ">>{pixelprophet} : Not really 'legalized it', [but they repealed the ban against propaganda targeting US populace in 2013](https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130715/11210223804/anti-propaganda-ban-repealed-freeing-state-dept-to-direct-its-broadcasting-arm-american-citizens.shtml)", ">>{Spider__Jerusalem} : If only there were some tool that you could use to find other sources to confirm or deny Salon's story....", ">>{RaginglikeaBoss} : That's exactly my point. So why use Salon as your retort. I agree with you, I'm simply saying as you just did... Why use a very low bar source when there is a plethora of better sources?", '>>{bradok} : They are well on their way. There is a bill in the House, HR 5181, which seeks to create an agency to "counter" foreign propaganda by disseminating the "correct" information both within and outside of the country. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/5181/text http://theantimedia.org/bill-congress-ministry-of-truth/', '>>{lPAINTRAINl} : It\'s impressive. My dad listens to these same pundits. I\'m well on my way to a doctorate and my father argues with me constantly about this subject. Whenever I show proof, he always replies with, "well son, the country can\'t afford that", all while complaining that we need a flat tax (which would hurt his income, he makes a middle income wage), and that healthcare needs to be privatized. Seriously gets on my nerves sometimes how I can show people verifiable evidence in front of their face, yet people just refute me. Completely understand if Nye is very frustrated.', '>>{tablecontrol} : no.. they ran it because they could take another swipe at Obama.', '>>{nicksteron} : This really is disgusting and where it\'s headed. All warrantless for the sake of national security. All it takes is a crooked cop or crooked fed to call in an anonymous tip saying so and so said s/he was "going to bomb somewhere" and GUESS WHAT? That same crooked cop/fed gets access to your records because of that "tip". Instead of vetting the tip and investigating it and the target, all reason is lost and all records are free to get. The Constitution means nothing these days. The 4th ammendment was basically just overruled by allowing warrantless access to "3rd party" cellular locations for any person, for any reason.', '>>{sethop} : I had them on in the background for 4-5 hours that night. And I remember a time when I could barely stand to have them on for longer than 4-5 seconds. There was this one guy Tony Sayegh who was so completely on point with regards to Sanders supporters that he literally had me shouting "why the hell do I have to turn to *Fox News* to hear somebody say this???" And a few hours before that Megyn Kelly absolutely *roasted* some poor Trump spokeslady with the kind of legally and morally sophisticated argument against Donald Trump\'s asinine and inchoate approach to jurisprudence that made a bit of a mockery of more or less every other pundit or politician I\'d heard speak out on that particular matter, all of whom seemed to be saying little more than "that\'s racist, admit it". Well duh. I\'m not exactly sure when Fox News somehow collectively decided to grow a brain, but I hope they eventually decide to keep it.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{CranberrySchnapps} : Presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace says it’s not his job to be the “truth squad”', ">>{CNegan} : Every paper that's in front of him is going to be a detailed record of Hillary's entire life and he's going to be extremely vigilant on everything that comes out of her mouth so that he can correct her on any small detail.", ">>{bacon_catz_karma} : It's not the moderators job. Never has been. His job is simply to ask the questions, make sure he tries to get them to answer the questions, and keep the debate moving forward.", '>>{spaceghoti} : I\'m sorry, Chris. Did you not claim the title of "journalist?" Because that\'s *exactly* what a journalist does. If you\'re not a journalist after all I\'d appreciate an admission of that fact so we can settle it once and for all. Now, is a moderator supposed to point out falsehoods? It depends on whether or not the moderator wants to ensure that viewers have the best information available on which to make their decisions. If you\'re just there to keep the time then we can save a lot of money on your fee and replace you with a computer.', '>>{ozabelle} : his job is to be the referee at a professional wrestling match.', '>>{ITGuy_higgins} : I agree to the extent of arguing stats and figures because those can vary from source to source. However, when you have someone like Trump who openly contradicts and denies his own on-record statements, it seems that the moderator should say something to maintain journalistic integrity of the debates. Otherwise, what the fuck is he there for?', ">>{MaratLives} : Let's see how that works for you when Trump calls you a lizard person to your face on national television.", ">>{bacon_catz_karma} : Let's start with that last part > what the fuck is he there fore I answered this. To ask questions, get them to answer them someone clearly, and move the debate forward. As for trump blatantly contradicting what he's recently said: look, as much as I'd love Wallace to call him out on his bullshit that's still not his job as moderator. If this were a TV interview on Wallace's show then he should absolutely do that. However this is a debate, and the reality is that it's Hillary's job to call trump out on his bullshit, not the moderators.", '>>{FredFredrickson} : Ugh, I forgot this clown is there moderator tonight. How did that even happen?', ">>{joepo32} : In a typical debate sure. But the presidential debates are more than just a debate. They are a job interview. For one of the highest power jobs in the world. It's a vetting process for voters. And the moderator is the voters voice. He/She should be informed and be able to rebuttal a lie with another question. It's how we find honest candidates.", ">>{dubslies} : While I'm in favor of moderators fact-checking on blatant lies (like Trump saying he never supported the Iraqi war, which he did), I think it would probably be better if every single news outlet that was streaming it fact-checked as many lies as possible on the fly at the bottom of the screen. It seems extremely reckless for the media to let him sit up there in front of tens of millions of people and just spit out lie after lie, shamelessly and without regard. I say the same for Hillary as well, but ftr, she doesn't lie nearly as much as him. Not even remotely close. That way we don't have the moderator constantly having to interrupt. In Trump's case, it would be unmanageable given how much he lies. Either way, someone needs to do it. If Clinton fact-checks him, I imagine Trump people are less likely to believe her. They might believe 3rd party checkers more.", ">>{joepo32} : So the person acting as the voice of the voters shouldn't be able to rebuttal a lie with a follow up question about that lie?", '>>{waaart} : God forbid. Time we get these truthers out of here', '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : They should have just gone with a potted plant then. Cheaper.', ">>{ozabelle} : well, in pro wrestling it's the referee's job to look the other way.", '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : I mean its not like he works for a real news agency.', '>>{Oilfan9911} : The issue is particularly relevant given Trump has been exposed as a habitual liar. I wouldn\'t expect a moderator to be able to fact check some of the deeper cuts like Trump denying he called global warming a hoax, but on something more straight forward like Trumps support of the Iraq war someone has to verify who\'s telling the truth. It does voters no good for Hillary to say "you supported it" and Trump to deny it and be left wondering who is being honest. And of course the opposite holds true as well, if Trump is absolutely correct on the facts and Clinton is in denial of reality the moderator should affirm that.', '>>{Rephaite} : >It\'s not the moderators job. Never has been. His job is simply to ask the questions Since when is there an official job description for "televised presidential debate moderator" that excludes journalistic followup like pointing out when a candidate is deflecting or lying his ass off and asking him for a more substantial answer? The role is whatever the debate participants and the moderator choose to let it be. And there\'s a strong argument to be made (based on journalistic standards, since this is being moderated and broadcast by journalistic organizations), that the moderator, *ought* to try to enforce honesty. Otherwise, every question can just descend into "is too!" "is not! "is too!" If a debate looks like that, it\'s not journalism, it\'s just tabloid trash.', ">>{bacon_catz_karma} : It's a debate. formal debates have never had the moderator be a fact checker.", ">>{mommy2libras} : Seriously. I'd love some kind of fact check during (there was a great video put out about how it would be helpful to do this with infographics when possible) but with debates, it's a job in itself to keep the candidate on topic and try to get an actual, concrete answer to a question, especially in these debates as we have one person who likes to talk about everything *but* the topic at hand.", ">>{mommy2libras} : Exactly. Hardly any questions would be gotten through if the moderator had to contradict every false statement, especially in Trump's case because he often denies he said or did sonething many people saw him say or do. And then he wants to get into an argument about it and bitch and whine about getting ganged up on. And yes, I'm aware of the parallel of this situation to one where a 4 year old gets caught coloring on the walls, denies it with the crayon in hand and artwork on the wall and then tells mom how mean she is for getting on to them.", '>>{wwarnout} : Calling it the "truth squad" makes it sound like "truth" is little more than some fringe group\'s opinion. This is why Wallace and "faux" News are so profoundly unfit to be involved.', ">>{ITGuy_higgins} : I respect your answer but disagree with you. If the moderator can determine a lie, *not an opinion*, their journalistic integrity should compel them to discredit a lie on behalf of voters. That goes for both candidates. Ideally, a moderator could ask a question and the candidates could argue a point of view on how to address and issue within their allotted time. However, these last two debates have shown us that one of the candidates will try to spout outright lies as truth to try and cause the other candidate to have to spend the bulk of their speaking time discrediting a known falsehood; that should've already been acknowledged as fallacy from the start. For instance, I say that the second debate was best moderated in this election. They didn't call out anyone on their opinion but stuck with what could be *proven* as false (i.e., Trump's denial of Iraq invasion with recorded testimony to the contrary and *NY's* ruling on 'Stop and Frisk' being unconstitutional). Personally, I look at it as a discredit to your field if you accept known falsehoods to be presented as facts on your watch. Fact is fact; its not optional.", '>>{FredFredrickson} : And, if Trump TV comes to pass, future competitor. Which is the only silver lining I can see in that.', ">>{ShakespearInTheAlley} : No it isn't. The nonpartisan debate commission hosts the debates and selects moderators. Networks do not host debates.", '>>{kstinfo} : If the moderator takes time away from the debate it is a disservice to the other candidate. If anyone should be fact checking it is other candidate.', ">>{Thief_of_Souls} : Candidate 1: *Lies about something* Candidate 2: *States that it is false and gives appropriate facts* For people that don't know (and won't look up) the actual truth, how are they suppose to determine what the actual facts are? For all they know candidate 1 could be stating the truth while candidate 2 is lying.", ">>{Learned_Hand_01} : If he was interested in the truth, he wouldn't be able to keep a job at Fox News. Can you imagine what his job would be like if he tried to correct every lie someone said on air at Fox? Can you imagine his job lasting through even one broadcast if he tried?", ">>{Learned_Hand_01} : Part of the problem is that Trump supporters are not interested in believing anyone who contradicts their beliefs. This is why the conservative media bubble is so large and so impervious to penetration. It's a horrible feedback loop where people want news that caters to their preconceptions, and having gotten it, want more and exclusively that. (For the record, everyone is vulnerable to this, including me. It just happens that conservatives are *more* prone to it, and they have an unparalleled media bubble that has no mirror on on the left to retreat to.)", ">>{SugarHooves} : How is that fair to the second candidate? That allows the first candidate to direct the debate with blatant lies and wastes the second candidate's time forcing them to correct those lies. If the lie is flat out an obvious lie, the moderator needs to correct it so that the time is not taken from the other candidate.", '>>{Rephaite} : >It\'s a debate. formal debates have never had the moderator be a fact checker. It\'s also a televised interview. Good televised interviews have pretty much always had interviewers push back when the interviewees try to pass off an obvious lie or deflection. Because the point of an interview is usually to inform the audience, which doesn\'t occur if the interviewer perpetuates falsehoods by letting them stand. You\'re treating this like it\'s the world championship of CX debate, where the only thing that\'s important is the debate skills of the competing parties, and a lie gets recorded in your favor if the opposing debater fails to call you on it. But that\'s not really the point of a presidential debate. Like an interview, the point is to inform. Like an interview, that doesn\'t occur if you let falsehoods stand. ---------- ***Also, I don\'t really accept your assertion that calling out lies has never been the role of a moderator.*** The role of the moderator in any formal debate *is and has always been* to enforce the rules of that formal debate. If one of the rules for a debate is "don\'t lie your ass off," then intervening when a candidate lies his ass off is part of the moderator\'s clear and historically well established role of debate rule enforcement. So the question is not really if fact checking is a moderator\'s job, but instead if it is in the public interest for a presidential debate to have a rule against lying your ass off. It turns out that yes, it is in the public\'s interest to have such a rule, and that the enforcement of such a rule, when it is emplaced, would fall to the moderator per his well established historic role.', ">>{RumpleCragstan} : Alright, so then I'll rephrase. This debate is moderated *entirely by Faux News staff.*", '>>{Brodusgus} : There are no real journalist working for cable television.', ">>{GirthlyBertha} : He's not going to be able to do a better job than the moderators at the 2nd debate. The 2 on 1 strategy to get the candidates to stop talking when they went over worked well.", ">>{kstinfo} : The people can't just sit back and rely on someone, anyone else to tell them what's right or wrong and what's true or not. Democracy is a bargain and the public need to hold up their end.", '>>{Jumala} : If Pence wants to come in and loom behind Hillary during the debate, Chris Wallace will allow it, because pro wrestling is all about the drama.'], [">>{thebossee} : Documents reveal feds' effort to discredit Snowden, reveal CIA ties", '>>{oldspeech} : So should we execute Clinton for exposing state secrets on an unsecured server?', ">>{green_euphoria} : You're completely misguessing his/her political views. My guess is he/she is ex military and would pull the trigger themselves if they could.", ">>{innociv} : Wew. Fox News is posting this. What's going on? They've been by far the most reasonable news source this year. I guess with CNN and MSNBC going off the deep end, someone had to fill the void for sanity?", '>>{Uktabi68} : I think they are embarrassed because they are responsible for Trump.', ">>{mostclever_184} : i can't believe how bat shit crazy CNN has gotten. i lost ALL respect for them after this interview, where the lady laughs at Bill saying that climate change is a HUGE DEAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiDfy1Cxyu8", ">>{Uktabi68} : No they should build a statue of them. Since you believe anyone should have the right to invade your privacy, post your phone number and address here. The government is invading the privacy of its people. It doesn't matter what term you call it, it is invasion of privacy pure and simple.", '>>{gunt_master} : Hopefully it means they found a way to finally beat the Democrats: by being honest.', '>>{lPAINTRAINl} : This is one of the reasons our country is so screwed up. MSM (and politicians) not willing to listen to scientists because it goes against their agenda. The talking over Bill is ridiculous.', ">>{shard972} : Do we know that he still isn't a CIA asset? I mean, he mostly leaked info on the NSA right? How much dirt did snowden bring on the CIA?", '>>{thecolbster94} : Oh god not crossfire, the show that marginalizes everything into a us vs them issue between two shitty surrogates. I thought they axed that show years ago when Jon Stewart eviscerated the hosts.', ">>{FlyingPanties69} : yeah right? I can't believe someone dredged that zombie up from the depths of irrelevancy", '>>{DavidEdwardsUK} : Can you give me your email and password please?', '>>{Verodimus} : They did. Then they brought it back in 2013 and it tanked within a year.', ">>{MrMadcap} : Cut them some slack. They're on a holy mission to get their high priestess elected President of the United States.", '>>{YouandWhoseArmy} : They both just play a game. One plays it on the right, the other on the left. Each rues the chance to have legitimate things to report. Makes their other garbage more valuable.', ">>{loochbag17} : I'm an energy voter! (Brought to you by the American Petroleum Institute). Literally every commercial break on CNN for the past year and a half.", ">>{loochbag17} : Be sure to stream your phone calls, texts, GPS location data from your cell phone, internet browser history, and complete financial records to the local authorities at all times citizen. Wouldn't want any secrets between friends!", '>>{Supermoves3000} : John Bolton-- fucking Colonel Sanders looking piece of shit. Fox News must have a hard time coming up with respectable-sounding titles to put under his name when they roll him out on their show. "Former Ambassador to the UN!" "American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow!" They should call him Chickenhawk-In-Chief.', ">>{GoHuskies858} : They are 'reasonable' to you because they hate Hillary and affirm your biases. It's quite the coincidence how all the terrible MSM sources have criticized Bernie!! /s", ">>{Elranzer} : I'm an energy voter! - VOTE REPUBLICAN!", '>>{KaidenUmara} : Just means both sides are the same, your view just varies based on who you support.', ">>{jeremythelee} : Active Duty military here. I don't appreciate your ignorant stereotypes.", ">>{platypuspracticus} : Fox is reporting this....I'm guessing that they're hoping everyone forgets that it was Bush Administration policy and changes to structure that made this play out as it did.", '>>{dkt} : As they should. Snowden is a traitor to his country.', ">>{reddit_l0l0l0l} : No, he's not. You are neck deep in kool aid little boy.", '>>{GEN_CORNPONE} : That guy is a bought-and-paid-for shill. His time in the UN was a fucking embarrassment.', '>>{itswithinmyreach} : maybe they have been right all along? and our confirmation bias is finally broken.', ">>{chicken_w234} : They're on a holy mission to get their high priestess elected President of the reasons our country is so screwed up..", '>>{Socal434} : I agree fully with you. John Bolton is a joke and his "analysis" is a joke as well.', '>>{losian} : And then we have Snowden telling us that Google is in bed with Clinton, and all we find out is that, looking back, Snowden was more and more correct in his revelations and his other remarks. Funny timing, that.', '>>{monkiesnacks} : It is highly likely that he is a CIA asset, you can tell because he damaged the organisation the CIA relies on for its signals intelligence. /s You know it could be that he leaked info on the NSA because that is what he had access too, which is not that strange considering he was a contractor at the NSA.', '>>{PonyExpressYourself} : The brilliance of this show from the Oligarchs perspective is that it gives the feeling of an idea being tackled head on when it fact it does absolutely nothing to elucidate said problem and just trots out the same worn out talking points.', '>>{Radical_Theorist} : He is under the iron fist of the FSB. He discredited himself with that.', ">>{Bardamuze} : Then why revoke his passport ? Snowden escaped the entire US intelligence community, why wouldn't be outsmart the FSB ?", ">>{Mars_To_Sirius} : What the hell! Bill Nye couldn't even talk for three seconds without being interrupted!", ">>{I_googled_that_} : His record is so correct they they didn't have to correct it", '>>{Phuqued} : https://upw-prod-images.global.ssl.fastly.net/nugget/55c24bf4333465000d160400/attachments/JSQuoteGraphic5-e7b13be4b12697c08cfac3146b3c2814.jpg Holy crap your video link is so bad, so the image is still valid today. :) I feel so bad for Bill having to deal with that idiocy. Why is there contention about climate science? Because idiots try to impose their ignorance as doubt.', ">>{Mars_To_Sirius} : It's crazy that some people buy into a Pundits climate change misinformation while completely ignoring Bill Nye.", ">>{_johngalt} : America stopped being a democracy the day president bush(and continued by obama) allowed the NSA to spy on all citizens without warrant. You can't have free speech when the US military is standing over your shoulder as your read/write/talk. Without free speech, you can't have a democracy.", ">>{green_euphoria} : Wasn't talking about you. A square is a rectangle but not every rectangle is a square.", ">>{jeremythelee} : I'm just saying it's probably a good idea to avoid generalizations.", ">>{green_euphoria} : It's not a generalization. Many people who want Snowden dead have a background relating to national security, but not everyone who has a background relating to national security wants Snowden dead. You're the one extrapolating a generalization out of a logical guess.", ">>{Top_Chef} : How do we know he isn't a Russian spy?", '>>{jeremythelee} : > Many people who want Snowden dead have a background relating to national security Any evidence to support this claim? I actually only know of a single military member who feels this way.', '>>{Beard_of_Valor} : No, no, we have serious debate on this show, we talk about issues that matter to America "Serious? You\'re wearing a bow tie."', '>>{5yearsinthefuture} : The NSA has been spying on US citizens for decades (without warrants). Echelon', '>>{pixelprophet} : Just so you know, it was actually Regan that signed [Executive order 12333](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_12333) that is used as the primary go to for spying on the US populace - Bush and Obama have only expanded upon it.', '>>{broncoz33} : Exactly. Its nothing new its just in the daylight now. I wonder how it felt to be the "crackpot theorist" 25 years ago that was eventually proven right.', ">>{misyo} : I can only guess they're reporting it because it makes the Obama administration look bad.", ">>{green_euphoria} : My personal experience is just anecdotal like yours, but my reasoning is fairly sound. Peoples' feelings about Snowden are often broken down on the line of libertarianism vs. authoritarianism or the balance between liberty of individuals and security of state. Those who have worked in fields relating to national security tend to sway toward policies which put security of state as a first priority. That's just their experience. Often they know and have seen things that we can't know, and that weighs heavily into their views. Likewise, those who fight for individual liberties, like an attorney for the ACLU for example, will be more likely to view Snowden in a positive light. In both these types of people, these beliefs often drive their decisions to get into those careers in the first place. So, their views are not only shaped by their experience in that career, but also by their preexisting views. In addition, they, like everyone else, are affected by the views of those around them. So, to some extent, there is a hegemonic ideology within their field due to a combination of the aforementioned 3 factors (and others). Now, the military was a bit of a broad guess. In any group as massive as that, there is a large spectrum of ideology, but due to the large size, it's more likely to bump into ex military on the web than ex CIA or something of that sort, where the homogeneity of these views is stronger. I was just making a guess, but I don't think it's unreasonable", ">>{marlowe650} : Hasn't given them yet? Probably has something to hide.", '>>{Paid_Internet_Troll} : How about "ripped thay\'re fookin\' guuts ouwt," in the same accent Bronn on *Game of Thrones* uses?', '>>{whitchurchy} : Which can only operate in secret due to national security.', '>>{RaginglikeaBoss} : While I may agree with you, Salon is a terrible source to try to use as justification for a point, regardless of which side of the aisle you sit.', ">>{cuteman} : You've only noticed it because your interests align. Before it was the evil GOP narrative versus the angelic Democrats but thus primary season the mask is off and many people have seen the DNC and GOP aren't very different after all. They both want to maintain power and each have their media creatures who will spin and shill content to their advantage or to energize various bases.", ">>{cuteman} : They've also since legalized propaganda. Which used to be illegal.", ">>{pixelprophet} : Not really 'legalized it', [but they repealed the ban against propaganda targeting US populace in 2013](https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130715/11210223804/anti-propaganda-ban-repealed-freeing-state-dept-to-direct-its-broadcasting-arm-american-citizens.shtml)", ">>{Spider__Jerusalem} : If only there were some tool that you could use to find other sources to confirm or deny Salon's story....", ">>{RaginglikeaBoss} : That's exactly my point. So why use Salon as your retort. I agree with you, I'm simply saying as you just did... Why use a very low bar source when there is a plethora of better sources?", '>>{bradok} : They are well on their way. There is a bill in the House, HR 5181, which seeks to create an agency to "counter" foreign propaganda by disseminating the "correct" information both within and outside of the country. https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/5181/text http://theantimedia.org/bill-congress-ministry-of-truth/', '>>{lPAINTRAINl} : It\'s impressive. My dad listens to these same pundits. I\'m well on my way to a doctorate and my father argues with me constantly about this subject. Whenever I show proof, he always replies with, "well son, the country can\'t afford that", all while complaining that we need a flat tax (which would hurt his income, he makes a middle income wage), and that healthcare needs to be privatized. Seriously gets on my nerves sometimes how I can show people verifiable evidence in front of their face, yet people just refute me. Completely understand if Nye is very frustrated.', '>>{tablecontrol} : no.. they ran it because they could take another swipe at Obama.', '>>{nicksteron} : This really is disgusting and where it\'s headed. All warrantless for the sake of national security. All it takes is a crooked cop or crooked fed to call in an anonymous tip saying so and so said s/he was "going to bomb somewhere" and GUESS WHAT? That same crooked cop/fed gets access to your records because of that "tip". Instead of vetting the tip and investigating it and the target, all reason is lost and all records are free to get. The Constitution means nothing these days. The 4th ammendment was basically just overruled by allowing warrantless access to "3rd party" cellular locations for any person, for any reason.', '>>{sethop} : I had them on in the background for 4-5 hours that night. And I remember a time when I could barely stand to have them on for longer than 4-5 seconds. There was this one guy Tony Sayegh who was so completely on point with regards to Sanders supporters that he literally had me shouting "why the hell do I have to turn to *Fox News* to hear somebody say this???" And a few hours before that Megyn Kelly absolutely *roasted* some poor Trump spokeslady with the kind of legally and morally sophisticated argument against Donald Trump\'s asinine and inchoate approach to jurisprudence that made a bit of a mockery of more or less every other pundit or politician I\'d heard speak out on that particular matter, all of whom seemed to be saying little more than "that\'s racist, admit it". Well duh. I\'m not exactly sure when Fox News somehow collectively decided to grow a brain, but I hope they eventually decide to keep it.'], ['>>{familyandeducation} : Good. In my opinion, and one that is not religiously motivated, that is a human being and life needs to be protected in a civilized society.', ">>{answermyquestions1} : Can't argue with that one. Great job guys!", '>>{versipelis} : And I fundamentally disagree with you. Heart cells can beat with no brain activity. Heart cells grown in a petri dish can beat on their own. Are they alive too?', ">>{OldMutant} : Life is a human right and should be protected from it's beginning to death. A fetus is an organism that has unique complete human DNA and multiplying cells. Only a science denier can say a fetus is not a unique human life. Our founding documents say life is a human right. Therefore killing a human in the womb is not a right unless the mother is defending her own life.", '>>{MysticRay} : The argument over when a human life begins has always been the wrong approach. This is a public health issue. I have personally never found a convenient way around the idea that abortion is killing. I do think that\'s what it is, but it isn\'t "murder." Same goes for the casualties of war. It\'s state sanctioned.', ">>{rick325436} : > not religiously motivated [Faith2Action, a staunch pro-life organization driving much of the support behind the bill's passage](http://www.citybeat.com/home/blog/13034633/ohios-heartbeat-bill-drawing-national-attention).", ">>{darkknightwinter} : > Ohio would have the country's most restrictive abortion laws under a bill that passed the Ohio Senate Tuesday, as leading Republicans were emboldened by the anticipation of Donald Trump's upcoming federal and Supreme court appointments. Because that's what Republicans need: to be emboldened.", ">>{versipelis} : As a scientist I can absolutely say a fetus isn't a human life. Just because we can save 14 month old babies doesn't mean they're alive either. At 6 weeks a baby can not even survive without the mother. They are parasites that happen to share our DNA.", ">>{versipelis} : I have a very tight definition. If the fetus could not survive on its own, it's not alive yet. That places the cutoff for me somewhere aroun d 24-28 weeks.", '>>{MysticRay} : Worse than that, putting mothers on welfare who were trying to avoid that very situation.', '>>{mcmeaningoflife42} : But where do we draw the line? Sentience is a good idea but if life begins at conception and the mother is unable to kill an unwanted blob of cells that is wrong. The blob is indistinguishable from cancer or folds of tissue at this stage. Unique human life does not mean alive, just as cell mutations are unique.', ">>{noodlyarms} : Right and really the measure should instead be about brain formation and activity. So arguments after about 10 weeks would make more logical and scientific sense. Heartbeat just has this emotional sentiment that's being played up.", ">>{versipelis} : You're right, but I mean more on a medical/cellular level.", '>>{versipelis} : And there it is, really the only argument anti-abortion people have.', ">>{safewoodchipper} : >fetus is an organism that has unique complete human DNA and multiplying cells. It certainly has the DNA of homo sapiens but I wouldn't necessarily call it *human* life. For instance a baby born without a brain would meet the criteria you described for a human life, should we really be giving that the rights of a human under the law? I'd think not.", ">>{versipelis} : It's just a mass of human cells. Is a Liver a human life? Is a heart? Both of those can survive on their own with medical intervention.", '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : I had a molar pregnancy and a heart beat was detected. My life was endangered. I had to have an abortion. Fuck you if you think a non viable fetus is more important than me', '>>{MutteringC} : Viability is probably a better word for it. Can the fetus survive outside the womb without outside intervention for basic bodily functions?', '>>{alllie} : So revolution. Those girls better learn to shoot.', ">>{Silospek} : You're entitled to your opinion. For me, the philosophical question of when life starts has never been relevant. Maybe I'm too close to it to be impartial since I am a woman of reproductive age. The concept of making someone endure 9 months of pregnancy when they aren't ready to be a parent is cruel. That would mean going to the appointments, taking the meds, feeling shitty, living with permanent changes to their body, etc. That's all while having to figure out what to do once the baby is born. The reality is people won't do all that, I wouldn't do all that. I'd figure out where I could get an abortion, or how I could get the job done without going broke traveling for one. Abortions will always happen. If they're illegal or too expensive to get, they'll be unsafe and women will die trying. To some that's two lives lost.", '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : I had a molar pregnancy with a detectable heart beat. It was an non-viable fetus and I was at risk for cancer. I had to have an abortion. TO SAVE MY FUCKING LIFE I had to have an abortion. Fuck anyone who thinks a non-viable fetus deserves more protection than me. I was called murderer, killer, and a whore by people protesting outside a clinic. I had no insurance and the local Catholic hospital wasn\'t going to do shit because the "heart beat"...so I had to find a clinic. Fuck anyone who comes on here thinking this is a good idea. This shit just boils my blood. After the abortion I had to be screened for cancer and had surgeries soon after to remove a growth. Fuck this bill. Fuck this restriction. Fuck anyone who says that I\'m less than a FUCKING non-viable fetus.', ">>{promqueenskeletor} : Yeah, but, I mean... do you *know* how much cash you can line your pockets with if you're at the top? Isn't *that* what's important here?", '>>{midnight_toker22} : I do support murdering babies. And so does the constitution. Get over it.', ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Abortion isn't murder it's abortion. Fetuses aren't people, they're proto-people. Read roe v wade, all of this is addressed.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Not religiously motivated? Yeah for some reason I'm not buying that one...", '>>{novareddit2000} : People used as cannon fodder around the world or locked up as free slave labor in public or private prisons', ">>{Marco_Robotio} : Are you actually implying that's not an argument? Lol", '>>{eowwwww} : sorry for what you went through that but a molar pregnancy is not considered a pregnancy as much as a abnormal growth so it is not considered an abortion it is just the removal of a tumor. You are definitely the poster child for unforeseen consequences of the law and I hope your experience will bring light to a rare situation so it wont happen to anyone else. I am very pro life and agree with the bill, but not in a case such as yours.', '>>{Marco_Robotio} : > The proposal would allow an exception for the life of the mother. What the fuck are you going on about?', '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : No. I had to have an abortion. I had to pay $600 plus an extra $50 because of my blood type. I know what I had. Don\'t try to minimize what I went through. The "heart beat" is why the Catholic hospital refused to do shit. They sure as fuck didn\'t see it as a tumor.', '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : The whole "heart beat" bullshit language and the ignorance that a heart beat means life crap.', '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : Also NOT for rape and incest. Fuck these people. No exemptions.', '>>{Bannakaffalatta1} : Fun fact! On top of how disgusting this is to begin with (and that after 6 weeks majority of women don\'t know they\'re pregnant yet), the Ohio GOP attached this at the last second on a Bill that was designed to help out children of abuse and neglect. They literally did this just so they can run ads against State Democrats in the future saying that they "This Democrat voted against helping abused children!" Really classy politics here.', ">>{eowwwww} : well its a good thing you could go somewhere else. Why would you expect a Catholic hospital to do this in the first place? They aren't going to differentiate between a pregnancy and a molar growth. Good news is you lived to tell your story so it may be time to move on and get better health insurance.", ">>{thatgirlfromOhio} : 1...a Catholic hospital was all that was available. Sorry I didn't have other options. 2...at the time I worked for a hotel who didn't offer insurance to employees. Even if I had insurance... I would have to travel out of area to a hospital who maybe or maybe not accept my insurance. 3...I'm in a better position now but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And 4...not sure what world you are living in but must be nice to be so privileged.", '>>{thatgirlfromOhio} : I\'m not so bad but that entire ordeal gave me some perspective regarding the "pro-life" crowd. Imagine going through that then having to deal with people who call your murderer etc etc yelling in your face spitting at you etc....pro-lifers can piss off'], [">>{circlepush} : Saying 'I Make No Excuses' for Mishandling Classified Material, Clinton Offers New One", ">>{LicensedShill} : Hey, an email about Intel from surveillance in Libya created by undercover operatives posing as diplomats... I don't see any classification header, might as well post this to my Facebook wall.", ">>{gottahavemycaffeine} : Let's stop talking about the emails, it's minor in the whole scheme of things.", '>>{Kimchi1980} : Did you read what Colin Powell sent her? Look it up. He even used a private email. But like what Clinton said, if it was top sceret, it was done through that email. With all the government knows, if there was evidence, she disclosed top secret info through her private email, where are her top secrets involving military data or the US secrets? Obama killed Bin Laden while Clinton was Secretary of State. More than Bush did. Nothing gets deleted, when it is erased...what was found in her emails?', ">>{blackbrosinwhitehoes} : >Did you read what Colin Powell sent her? Look it up. He even used a private email. This only implicates Powell. This does not exonerate Hillary. >Obama killed Bin Laden while Clinton was Secretary of State. More than Bush did. Nothing gets deleted, when it is erased...what was found in her emails? Literally what are you talking about? Comey said there were thousands of permanently deleted emails he'd never see.", ">>{Smoy} : Yeah the whole damn leadership of both parties should be thrown in jail and we should have new national elections for every Damn seat. They are all corrupt, just because Powell is corrupt doesn't mean clinton is any less.", ">>{heelspider} : Reason used to be about promoting libertarian causes...now they've simply decided to be Breitbart Jr. Sad. Thanks Reason, I wasn't able to find anything critical of Clinton's email use until you came along.", ">>{danakowalski} : Bringing up Powell is just a deflection IMO. It's a separate topic. If he was the one that wrote, and enacted, the information security guidelines, that would make it relevant. You can read all this for yourself on the OIG.state.gov report where the OpenNet DoS unclassified email system was created during his tenure. That means email wasn't as common of a daily communication tool during that time period. You can also read NIST.gov for all the guidances that the SoS enforced on all other Govt systems that interacted with DoS, yet were completely ignored in this email system that she used. Powell can go under investigation for all anyone cares, it doesn't impact the facts of what she did as SoS being poor judgement, and a basic lack of technical savvy. If she wants to blame aides, fine. Why did you put those aides in that position without vetting their qualifications to do that job?", ">>{communistcrashdummy} : but his wrong cancels out Clinton's wrong. You are ruining muh narrative!!!!", ">>{Solidarieta} : In a follow-up interview, [John Lester](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qVWQx0IIsQ) (the vet mentioned in the article) said he wasn't satisfied with Clinton's answer to his question: >Essentially what she was saying was, is that however she transacted with her emails was not in violation because there was no header. Well the fact is, is that someone at her level really should understand the content, and understand what's sensitive vs what's not. And I think, when you get to the root of it I think really that's where her response to me failed, if you will. >... >I guess you have to ask yourself, the question of judgement. When someone readily transmits our information in the way she has, does that not disqualify them for the highest office in the land? >-John Lester, Former Naval Flight Officer", ">>{Bab2385} : Seriously. Let's have a blank slate and start over.", ">>{-LetterToTheRedditor} : Powell should be investigated. It won't be for obstruction of justice though. He was not under subpoena.", '>>{deflateddoritodinks} : She had several personal SERVERS not just "accounts". Jebus what a piece of shit.', ">>{BeazyDoesIt} : According to Reddit, Hillary didn't do those things. I wonder why shes saying she did now. Thats odd."]]
classify and reply
['>>{galt1776} : Clinton says ‘ranting and waving our arms’ is no way to respond to terrorism', '>>{NachoLawbre} : Tim Tebow Says He Won’t Speak at the Republican Convention', '>>{putinhylo} : Trump Would Be a Dictator If He Could Get Away With It', '>>{kekus_vult} : He would need to make a strawman crony rich enough to buy the majority of US media. Stage a foreign war and a domestic crisis. Dirty bomb or biologic weapon at the minium. Invade and loot the oil of the ME. Tho maybe my game theory is off.', ">>{Negative_Clank} : But super rich guys know how to make money, therefore it will show poor people how to make money. They made all their money by being selfless philanthropists, didn't they? Maybe I can be a tv star, or a pro sports guy too. I'm also gonna hide my tax returns. It's nobody's business even if I want to tell you how to run an economy. Also, emails and Benghazi!!!!", '>>{Spencerforhire83} : **[Below I have Compiled a List of the 14 Point of Fascism, Some of the Points are also links to back up the claims made in the List. ](http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/11/20/1452457/-Time-to-pull-out-again-The-14-Points-of-Fascism)** _________________________________________________________________________________________ **[Powerful and Continuing Nationalism](http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-nationalism-racism-make-america-great-again-521083)** Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. **[Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights](http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/314329-human-rights-org-lists-trump-as-threat-to-human-rights)** Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. **[Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/14/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-speeches.html?_r=0)** The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. **[Supremacy of the Military](http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/donald-trump-military-spending)** Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. **[Rampant Sexism](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/18-real-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-women_us_55d356a8e4b07addcb442023)** The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy. **[Controlled Mass Media](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/02/26/donald-trump-vows-to-open-up-libel-laws-to-make-suing-the-media-easier-heres-how-he-could-do-it/?utm_term=.92fab11c952a)** Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common. **Obsession with National Security** Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. **Religion and Government are Intertwined** Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government\'s policies or actions. **[Corporate Power is Protected](http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2016/11/politics/new-cabinet/)** The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. **[Labor Power is Suppressed](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/trump-unions-war-232382)** Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. **[Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html)** Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts. **Obsession with Crime and Punishment** Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. **[Rampant Cronyism and Corruption](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/politics/donald-trump-administration.html)** Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. **Fraudulent Elections** Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. **EDIT:** if that list by Laurence Britt during the Bush 43 administration doesn\'t worry you, check out Umberto Eco\'s list that he penned in 1995... **The cult of tradition.** “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, synergistic, occult elements.” **The rejection of modernism.** “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.” **The cult of action for action’s sake.** “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.” **Disagreement is treason.** “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.” **Fear of difference.** “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.” **Appeal to social frustration.** “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.” **[The obsession with a plot.](http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/plot-america-donald-trumps-rhetoric)** “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.” **The enemy is both strong and weak.** “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” **Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy.** “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.” **[Contempt for the weak.](http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/trump-denies-mocking-disabled-reporter-article-1.2447814)** “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.” **Everybody is educated to become a hero.** “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.” **[Machismo and weaponry.](http://nypost.com/2017/01/20/military-refused-trumps-bid-to-parade-missile-launchers-at-inauguration/)** “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.” **Selective populism.** “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.” **[Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak.](http://www.vocativ.com/364224/alt-right-twitter-has-a-new-racist-code/)** “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”', ">>{throwawatc123} : Why not? It's a place full of sexual frustration and religious showboating, so it's perfect for him.", ">>{AndreyRublyov} : I'm sure he would want a bunch of poor people running the government.", '>>{throwawatc123} : Imagine if Trump had been president when the OKC bombing happened. He would\'ve been tripping over himself to nuke the nearest country with brown people in it, and when the bomber turned out to be a white guy (and probably one of his supporters), he would\'ve said "you can\'t judge him, he was mentally ill!"', '>>{The_Vibrator} : Hell Tebow might even be closeted gay that fights his primal urges with Christ. He fits right in.', '>>{rdevaughn} : Why would anyone care what a guy whose claim to fame is briefly playing pro-football before being cut has to say anyway?', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : When will Democrats just nominate Soros for president? Yeah, I know he wasn't born in the US but after eight years of Obama no one cares about the constitution anymore. Seriously, cut out the middleman, no longer will money have to funnel through corporatist democrats, just go to the source. Nominate Soros.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Blaming it on a mean video is the only solution.', '>>{ronnie1211} : Trump and the Billionaire Club begin their effort to take over our nation as a dictatorship today. They will fail and we will take our nation back from the Oligarchy of Wealth.', ">>{rdevaughn} : I never heard of him until he was in the NFL, though I obviously don't follow college football (I see he won the Heisman).", '>>{gardenia42} : Those sound like his regular "talking" points.', ">>{so_so_sherlock} : Call me crazy, but I'd rather have people who know how to work hard, get value for money, make tough decisions and hold people accountable run our government than lifelong bureaucrats and politicians beholden to lobbyists.", ">>{Risk_Neutral} : He's like the good version(ethically) of Johnny Manziel.", '>>{gcm6664} : Seriously, what exactly is there left to prevent him from getting away with it?', ">>{Josephat} : >buy He got the media to give him all that free coverage during the election. It's still free, he's the greatest troll since OBL. >minimum Nah, just blow up an apartment building or two like Putin did. Dust off those Operation Northwoods plans. >loot Putin and Exxon's primary dream would be getting oil prices back up. Wars have a tendency to crash prices. So think harder.", ">>{ScintillatorX} : >Imagine if Trump had been president when the OKC bombing happened. He would've been tripping over himself to nuke the nearest country with brown people in it [Hmm...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkS9y5t0tR0)", ">>{rPOLITICS-IN-MY-ANUS} : Bernie sanders is a bigot towards rich people. It's really sad how people like him are treating our countries 1%, just because they are a minority.", ">>{partanimal} : She's just jealous because she can't wave her arms around without someone else pulling the strings.", '>>{DC25NYC} : >excusing Must be why Obama is dropping all those bombs on them in the Middle East Because they\'re being "excused"', ">>{DC25NYC} : Except a lot of smart people are saying he's bought out. Russians, China etc", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : He's not gonna speak, just gonna Tebow right there on the stage for a solid 15 minutes.", '>>{kekus_vult} : Putin was already popular Trump barely scrapped by he needs big. Trump got negative coverage 24/7 thats is preferable to no coverage but not for such a drastic change.', '>>{hotdogjohnny} : Could be worse he could just awkwardly try to throw passes.', '>>{infohack} : Sure. Let me know when Trump appoints one.', ">>{rdevaughn} : It seems so, although I and I suspect other people who don't follow college football, had never heard of him before he was in the NFL.", '>>{VROF} : Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are so drunk with power that they will help him get away with it.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : No idea. The only reason I think this is a "story" is because it\'s another example of the Trump campaign making shit up. Tebow was included on a list of speakers that they put out, and Erik Trump said yesterday that Tebow was going to be a speaker. Apparently, this was all news to Tebow, who just got back from the Philippines and heard about it for the first time.', ">>{finfan96} : It's quite possible. I know ESPN covered him non-stop once he was in the NFL", '>>{The_Vibrator} : He has a lot of influence on the Christian community.', ">>{bigcombination} : I think it's too much to expect of anyone that they could be highly effective in two extremely complicated fields with little in common. When bureaucrats try to run businesses you get Soviet Russia; when businesspeople try to run government you should expect a similarly disastrous bungling of the job.", '>>{Ohthere530} : My prediction is "Trump 2024." I won\'t be comfortable until it doesn\'t happen.', '>>{KingPickle} : I gotta say, it is going to be fun watching Bernie apply pressure to Trump, and his cabinet of swamp things, for the next few years.', '>>{Dadgavtron} : I mean the media doesnt like trump, everyone can see that. I wouldnt say this election was fraudulent, even though you could argue that with the russian hacking. He hasnt enlarged our military yet etc... theres a lot pointing to him having issues and being a bad president but i think were buying into fear mongering if we say that trump is fascist.', '>>{Meetchel} : Won the heisman as a sophomore (never happened before) and won a couple national titles. Threw for 32 TDs on 3,284 yards and ran for 23 TDs on 895 yards. In one fucking season. That nearly outdoes both Reggie and Leinart together who both had Heisman trophies while on the same team. I hate the dude but he was fucking incredible.', '>>{Undorkins} : Yeah, you should be calm and bomb the shit out of people in a country that might be related to the plot. This solves terrorism. Which is why the world has been terrorism free for 15 years.', '>>{sircool099} : yeah, like bombing people we have a cease fire with.', ">>{duraiden} : Has there ever been a dictator since the 19th Century that wasn't a Soldier/Freedom fighter first?", '>>{bluejumpingdog} : Well he’s been getting away with it already, and I don’t see anyone in the future willing to say anything, he’s been menacing the press and I wouldn’t be surprised if he acted on it.', ">>{TDV} : I'd be a dictator if I could get away with it.", '>>{fruitsforhire} : That was the argument to get Hillary elected, not Trump. All those lifelong bureaucrats and politicians are now his cabinet.', '>>{LuniWin} : This old commie really likes to demonize rich people.', '>>{tank_trap} : Keep posting these 14 points. People need to know fascism when they see it.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : Tebow says he had never even heard about this until he just got back from the Philippines yesterday, but he was included on a list of speakers released by the Trump campaign, and Eric Trump said yesterday that Tebow would be one of the speakers.', '>>{ShadyPollster} : Hmmn indeed, also this guy said the exact same thing about Trump yesterday wanting to nuke brown people....seems like the record may need to be corrected...', ">>{Agastopia} : Gasp I've never heard trump supporters say similar things days in a row!", ">>{I-seddit} : FFS, what's stopping him now? Clearly not the republicans, who are controlling the only other branches of government that can stop him...", ">>{MackLuster77} : He's not a pure passer and he's not fast enough to get away with the running he did in college.", '>>{partanimal} : A lot of other smart people are saying Hillary is too. Banks, Saudi Arabia, etc.', ">>{MackLuster77} : Maybe Donald's good friend, Serena Williams, will speak in his place.", '>>{ScroogeMcDrumf} : *People born rich who use their money to unfairly influence the system to horde more wealth.', ">>{E-rockComment} : You can't truck over linebackers and throw wind up passes in the NFL. His throwing mechanics were broken beyond repair.", '>>{Xelif} : Paul Ryan would make vaguely uncomfortable noises of mild disapproval.', ">>{surroundedbywolves} : ... Isn't he one of the lowest paid members of congress?", ">>{Clsballer23} : Bernie makes no real points here. This is just imputing swamp to billionaires for the hell of it. Now, taking money from swampy organizations raises legitimate eyebrows because they may want regulations and systemic favors in return. I feel much less worried about these people using one off deals and insider information to personally enrich themselves. It will be much easier to call them out on it rather than trusting our news to call out big banks for pushing through massive indecipherable regulation. Given the current state of the media I doubt they'd even parse through regulation benefiting big finance at the expense of the people depending on who passed it through. The 4 column is either dishonest or incompetent. Types like Bernie and the media hyperbolically crying wolf before we have anything to cry about is exactly how we got Trump.", '>>{gcm6664} : In a normal world yes that is our protection from Trump. However, and this is a serious question, who or what would stop him from calling off the election in four years? This is a person who got in literally ignoring every rule, convention, and even law that should have prevented him from being where he is in the first place. Why now, or even more so in the 4 years, would he not feel emboldened enough to declare an end to the electoral process? or perhaps to alter it enough that it becaomes impossible to elect anyone else? and if he did that what exact mechanism would stop him? Honestly I am beginning to lose faith that anything, or anyone would. As a matter of fact I am beginning to believe that that has been the plan all along.', '>>{alephnul} : *"Was"*... The word you were looking for is "was".', ">>{innervision} : Not only they know how to make money, they have enough money that they surely won't be interested in making more money! - trumpets who never figured out how rich people became rich.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : Yeah I was thinking, "did he go back to college to play college football?"', ">>{tacoextreme} : Maybe they booked him through his agent or something and the agent didn't run it by him since he was out of the country. Still funny for him to so clearly call bullshit though.", '>>{tacoextreme} : I can see some kind of Van Wilder type movie with him 30 and still playing college ball and partying, one credit away from graduating.', ">>{stillnotking} : It's going to take a hell of a lot to convince me that Trump's mideast policy could be worse than the Obama/Clinton one. Whether he's waving his arms or not doesn't seem terribly germane.", '>>{drew418} : Obama dropped more bombs on Libya in 80 days than on ISIS in 2 years.', ">>{BanzaiTree} : I agree, but that is why we need to keep fighting & keeping the pressure on. Congress needs to fear us. Call your representative & senators & ask them what they're doing to make sure Trump is obeying the emoluments clause of the Constitution, for example. Call each one of them, plus the White House, twice a day, until he proves he's cleared all of his conflicts of interest.", '>>{Meetchel} : Supposedly his arm motion was too slow and inefficient. It really does surprise me that he was as big a flop as he was though. >Chris Cotter: “The first question to come out of this is, is Tim Tebow the second best quarterback ever? I say, no. Emphatically, he is the best college quarterback of all time. Right Joe?” >Joe Schad: “I actually agree with you.” >Chris Cotter: “You agree with me?” >Joe Schad: “I’m totally … When this came up in the media this morning, I thought, my gosh, Tim Tebow. >“I mean, this is a long period of time – 75 years. And then I dug into it, and I thought more about it. And I thought about the 10 times or so I watched this guy from field level, in person. And I watched Tim Tebow be the best leader I’ve ever seen, the most difficult player to bring down on a rush. >“And you know what, everyone talks about how he couldn’t throw the football – 66 percent, the most efficient passer in SEC football history when he finished …” >Chris Cotter: “That’s saying a lot.” >Joe Schad: “You knew he had two national championships. This is a guy who electrified the stadium, who led men. You ask Urban Meyer, he talks about the competitive drive, the will to win. >“The more I thought about it, the more I agreed with you. No quarterback in college football history better than Tim Tebow.” [Source](http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-morris/joe-schad-no-quarterback-college-football-history-better-tim-tebow).', ">>{lcarlson6082} : If you're going to rant and wave your arms, at least do it like Bernie Sanders and have that rant be about policy.", ">>{NachoLawbre} : I really don't think Tebow's agent would book him to give a speech at Trump's RNC convention without running it by him. That's a pretty big and controversial thing.", '>>{gcm6664} : Oh I agree with that. Every minute that passes we lose more power to prevent this from happening. Somehow we need to wake up the press as well.', '>>{E-rockComment} : No. "Muhammad Ali is the greatest of all time." "Tim Tebow *is* one of the best college players *ever*." We\'re asserting as of now he is one of the best ever, the tense is fine.', '>>{alephnul} : Muhammad Ali is dead. I would certainly use the past tense for him, and Tebow is as good as dead. He deserves the past tense too.', ">>{hoodoo-operator} : wow this guy's opinion is consistent! he must be secretly getting paid!", ">>{E-rockComment} : The point is the present tense is fine in this sense. We're asserting that when compared to every other college player in NCAA history Tim Tebow *is* one of the best out of that group.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It'd just what they do. Clinton is having lady Gaga and shit.", ">>{KalCtuchik} : Even dead, I wouldn't want to fight Ali.", '>>{djm19} : Interesting you chose not to show the whole speech, where she says her vote is not for war, but for war as last resort. When she says she premises this vote on the assurance by Bush that he will use diplomatic approaches to open Iraq to inspectors, and her vote is to add strength to the leverage of that idea. >“Even though the resolution before the Senate is not as strong as I would like in requiring the diplomatic route first … I take the president at his word that he will try hard to pass a United Nations resolution and seek to avoid war, if possible. Because bipartisan support for this resolution makes success in the United Nations more likely and war less likely—and because a good faith effort by the United States, even if it fails, will bring more allies and legitimacy to our cause..."', '>>{rondell_jones} : Yeah, so did Charlie Ward, Chris Weinke and Danny Wuerffel, and no one gives a damn about them.', '>>{Jasontlyon} : His claim to fame was being a good college qb who briefly got pro an was very outwardly Christian.', ">>{Dunetrait} : Arming terrorists to fight proxy wars for US business interests sure hasn't helped either.", '>>{SinSkin} : And still miss Saudi Arabia... Who actually has ties with the terrorist...', ">>{alephnul} : It's still not correct. He was a good college player. He isn't a college player anymore.", ">>{alephnul} : I don't know. Now that he's dead, I think I could take him.", ">>{KalCtuchik} : You can't win that fight. You're either a racist, or picking on an old dead man, or some sort of freak, or all of the above....and that's IF you win. If you lose it's the end of you having any respect. It's the Mayweather Rousey problem all over again.", '>>{Undorkins} : Hey now. We need people to help us store our retribution bombs in the area. Why let an irrational desire for purity get in the way of bombing the shit out of people?', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : When Hillary speaks everyone says she's screeching and yelling and fear-mongering. Trump shrieks for an hour to the point of ending up a sweaty mess and his followers view it as presidential.", '>>{alephnul} : Truth be told, even dead, he could probably kick my sorry ass.', ">>{berniebrah} : Trump doesn't have a mideast policy. How can you equate the two when one doesn't even fucking exist?", '>>{waste-of-skin} : Taking the day off is how to respond to it, apparently. Happened on her home fucking turf.', ">>{KalCtuchik} : I'd expect some sort of muscle memory ghost to knock my ass out.", '>>{11111one11111} : Oh come on! It\'s one thing to support your party, we get it everyone hates Trump. But to support and defend this level of insanity is just plain stupid. This is his past few posts. Either this guy is trolling or I really am afraid for this country. He sounds like what "Hilldogs" laugh at "Trumpets" for being. Edit: Format. Tldr: Just read the last paragraph. >Imagine if Trump had been president when the OKC bombing happened. He would\'ve been tripping over himself to nuke the nearest country with brown people in it, and when the bomber turned out to be a white guy (and probably one of his supporters), he would\'ve said "you can\'t judge him, he was mentally ill!" >>Trump supporters in 2018: "Oh come on, he\'s only killed a few thousand brown people, we can\'t compare him to Hitler" >Trump: "Teh scary brown people are coming and only a big strong Republican he-man warrior like me can protect you! You need to start shitting your pants and be very afraid and vote for me and do whatever I say and check your civil liberties at the door and eat freedom fries just like you did when W was president because I\'m the only one who can keep us safe! If I was president when this latest bombing occurred, I would\'ve turned the entire Middle East into a giant radioactive sheet of glass before it was even confirmed that it was a bomb! Now THAT\'S strong, decisive leadership! Belieeeeeeeve me folks, I once derailed a speeding train with my penis! Belieeeeeeeve me!" >>Our national anthem states that we are "the land of the free and the home of the brave." >>Trump supporters are authoritarians and cowards which are the opposite of those lyrics above. All it takes is a nonfatal bombing in New York and they shit their pants and promise to sell their immortal souls to Daddy Trump just as long as he promises to keep them safe from the scary brown people. >Less than a week before Hilldog removes your balls through your mouth and hangs them from her rear view mirror like fuzzy dice in front of the entire nation. See you at the debates, Drumpf, unless you pussy out like we all expect you to.', '>>{SargeantSasquatch} : Well they have to keep up with Trump constantly changing his position on everything.', '>>{HighAndOnline} : *"The best way to deal with terrorism is violating the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments, and then treating minorities like shit."* - Republicans', ">>{dumbscrub} : the best way to respond to terrorism is to clear out your week's schedule because you're feeling a little 'overheated' again.", ">>{CharlieDarwin2} : Trump on terrorism: Live in fear, and give me credit Clinton: Be vigilant, don't live in fear.", '>>{CharlieDarwin2} : Jim Jefferies on what works against terrorists: [link](https://youtu.be/eaBuy-N7PNk?t=212) Basically, if people live in fear, the terrorists win. Hate breeds hate...more terrorists.', ">>{Boggledragon} : The way to respond is to bomb and destroy countries like Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan -- bombing wedding parties, children's birthdays, hospitals, etc. -- and then import as many people as possible from those same countries, because what possible reason could any of them have to be pissed at us?", ">>{Undorkins} : Well, it helps to pay attention to what she's saying too. What she says is bomb more people, more often, and we'll be more safe. I think she couldn't be more wrong.", '>>{fitzroy95} : His followers may do so, everyone else just says he is racist, fear-mongering, a bigot, and a conman. The reality is that both of the main presidential candidates are the two most hated and despised candidates in recorded polling, so there are lots of people who are confident that ***both of them*** are fear-mongering, war-mongering, greedy, egotistical, corporate shills. One of them may well be worse than the other. But both are horrible candidates to lead America.', '>>{fitzroy95} : the main reason that none of them want to mention "islamic terrorism" is that they don\'t want to lose all of their "donations" from Islamic nations, such as Saudi Arabia (even if they are the cause and drivers of most of that "islamic terrorism").', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Everyone says that about the candidates every single election. This is one where people can't. The differences are just too stark for any false equivalence to really be arguable.", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : > What she says is bomb more people, more often, and we'll be more safe. I would ask for a citation but I already know you're putting words in her mouth.", '>>{SmokeWordsEveryDay} : Wow, what a good point. A hypothetical time travel scenario used to make a bullshit argument with no support. Cogent. "Imagine if Hillary was president during WW2, after Pearl Harbor she probably would\'ve taken a bribe from Hitler to not go to war with Japan!"', '>>{SmokeWordsEveryDay} : Maybe when one has fucked the Middle East worse and worse with every decision?', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Are you suggesting Hillary didn't blame Benghazi on a mean video? (Protip: Google before you respond.)", '>>{Undorkins} : Do you ever pay any attention to your candidate, or do you spend all your time putting out her fires? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/clinton-calls-ramped-bomb-campaign-slams-republicans-article-1.2440323 Edit: That was the wrong link. http://time.com/4499459/hillary-clinton-new-york-bombing-press-conference/ "In the Middle East, we have to smash ISIS’ strongholds with an accelerated coalition air campaign, more support for Arab and Kurdish forces on the ground and intense diplomatic efforts in Syria, Iraq and across the region." More bombs, faster. This week. These are the words coming out of her mouth.', ">>{PixelBlock} : They've both fallen into 'undesirable' territory. That's a campaign problem, not the people's. Every election is an election where the America burns in ruin if the other guy gets in. It's lost effectiveness.", ">>{MrBojangles528} : That's what Bahrain is for, we don't need to store anything in SA.", '>>{MrBojangles528} : Or to talk to reporters in a zombie-like state on your plane.', ">>{Sayting} : Obama doesn't a middle east policy either. Thats why he stuffed it up so bad.", ">>{Undorkins} : Hey, we have a lot of retribution bombs. Also, haven't you heard that you never want to keep all your bombs in one basket?", '>>{BumbleTummy} : Rolling over and asking for more? Is that more her suggestion?', '>>{hacksociety} : Hillary : Instead you bomb them with weapons that are supplied by my sponsors at your expense and continue this money train of mine forevaaaaa', '>>{Corn-Tortilla} : but ranting about Internet frogs is a good way to respond to seeing my dreams of becoming president slip away.', '>>{fitzroy95} : No-one is saying that they are the same. But the choice is between electing totally horrific vs just horrible. Neither choice is close to good, and even the "vote for the least bad" is getting harder and harder to swallow when the ***best*** option is horrible.', ">>{Haebang} : We wouldn't want her to get heat stroke and pass out from over activity.", '>>{whakka} : neither is failing to secure our borders while your grandma or daughter gets molested by the tsa at the airport.', ">>{TuLegit2quit} : So what is? Cause what we are currently doing isn't working. Is the Clinton solution to simply take more money from the nations that support terrorism? Like her foundation did?", '>>{exalted0} : Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.', '>>{resinh} : [yeah! We love our "chilled out" candidates! Hill so chill!](https://magts-blindvotemedia.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/hillary-tired-ready-to-servefeature.jpg)', '>>{vestigial_snark} : Ah yes, another Hillary supporter changing the subject in response to a valid critique.', ">>{vestigial_snark} : Hitler and Stalin had stark differences; still wouldn't vote for either of them.", '>>{vestigial_snark} : > her vote is not for war, but for war as last resort. So, voted for war. Got it.', '>>{vestigial_snark} : To be fair, politicians of both major parties have shat all over the 1st, 4th, 5th amendments.', '>>{djm19} : Voted for authorizing the president to make the call. But clearly, repeatedly asked that it be last resort after exhausting diplomatic solutions.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{putinhylo} : Trump Would Be a Dictator If He Could Get Away With It', '>>{kekus_vult} : He would need to make a strawman crony rich enough to buy the majority of US media. Stage a foreign war and a domestic crisis. Dirty bomb or biologic weapon at the minium. Invade and loot the oil of the ME. Tho maybe my game theory is off.', '>>{Spencerforhire83} : **[Below I have Compiled a List of the 14 Point of Fascism, Some of the Points are also links to back up the claims made in the List. ](http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/11/20/1452457/-Time-to-pull-out-again-The-14-Points-of-Fascism)** _________________________________________________________________________________________ **[Powerful and Continuing Nationalism](http://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-nationalism-racism-make-america-great-again-521083)** Fascist regimes tend to make constant use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, and other paraphernalia. Flags are seen everywhere, as are flag symbols on clothing and in public displays. **[Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights](http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/314329-human-rights-org-lists-trump-as-threat-to-human-rights)** Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in fascist regimes are persuaded that human rights can be ignored in certain cases because of "need." The people tend to look the other way or even approve of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners, etc. **[Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/14/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-speeches.html?_r=0)** The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc. **[Supremacy of the Military](http://www.militarytimes.com/articles/donald-trump-military-spending)** Even when there are widespread domestic problems, the military is given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected. Soldiers and military service are glamorized. **[Rampant Sexism](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/18-real-things-donald-trump-has-said-about-women_us_55d356a8e4b07addcb442023)** The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy. **[Controlled Mass Media](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/02/26/donald-trump-vows-to-open-up-libel-laws-to-make-suing-the-media-easier-heres-how-he-could-do-it/?utm_term=.92fab11c952a)** Sometimes the media is directly controlled by the government, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially in war time, is very common. **Obsession with National Security** Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government over the masses. **Religion and Government are Intertwined** Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government\'s policies or actions. **[Corporate Power is Protected](http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2016/11/politics/new-cabinet/)** The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite. **[Labor Power is Suppressed](http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/trump-unions-war-232382)** Because the organizing power of labor is the only real threat to a fascist government, labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed. **[Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/01/28/upshot/donald-trump-twitter-insults.html)** Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and governments often refuse to fund the arts. **Obsession with Crime and Punishment** Under fascist regimes, the police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws. The people are often willing to overlook police abuses and even forego civil liberties in the name of patriotism. There is often a national police force with virtually unlimited power in fascist nations. **[Rampant Cronyism and Corruption](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/politics/donald-trump-administration.html)** Fascist regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in fascist regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by government leaders. **Fraudulent Elections** Sometimes elections in fascist nations are a complete sham. Other times elections are manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates, use of legislation to control voting numbers or political district boundaries, and manipulation of the media. Fascist nations also typically use their judiciaries to manipulate or control elections. **EDIT:** if that list by Laurence Britt during the Bush 43 administration doesn\'t worry you, check out Umberto Eco\'s list that he penned in 1995... **The cult of tradition.** “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, synergistic, occult elements.” **The rejection of modernism.** “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.” **The cult of action for action’s sake.** “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.” **Disagreement is treason.** “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.” **Fear of difference.** “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.” **Appeal to social frustration.** “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.” **[The obsession with a plot.](http://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/plot-america-donald-trumps-rhetoric)** “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.” **The enemy is both strong and weak.** “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” **Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy.** “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.” **[Contempt for the weak.](http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/trump-denies-mocking-disabled-reporter-article-1.2447814)** “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.” **Everybody is educated to become a hero.** “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.” **[Machismo and weaponry.](http://nypost.com/2017/01/20/military-refused-trumps-bid-to-parade-missile-launchers-at-inauguration/)** “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.” **Selective populism.** “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.” **[Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak.](http://www.vocativ.com/364224/alt-right-twitter-has-a-new-racist-code/)** “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : When will Democrats just nominate Soros for president? Yeah, I know he wasn't born in the US but after eight years of Obama no one cares about the constitution anymore. Seriously, cut out the middleman, no longer will money have to funnel through corporatist democrats, just go to the source. Nominate Soros.", '>>{ronnie1211} : Trump and the Billionaire Club begin their effort to take over our nation as a dictatorship today. They will fail and we will take our nation back from the Oligarchy of Wealth.', '>>{gardenia42} : Those sound like his regular "talking" points.', '>>{gcm6664} : Seriously, what exactly is there left to prevent him from getting away with it?', ">>{Josephat} : >buy He got the media to give him all that free coverage during the election. It's still free, he's the greatest troll since OBL. >minimum Nah, just blow up an apartment building or two like Putin did. Dust off those Operation Northwoods plans. >loot Putin and Exxon's primary dream would be getting oil prices back up. Wars have a tendency to crash prices. So think harder.", '>>{kekus_vult} : Putin was already popular Trump barely scrapped by he needs big. Trump got negative coverage 24/7 thats is preferable to no coverage but not for such a drastic change.', '>>{VROF} : Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are so drunk with power that they will help him get away with it.', '>>{Ohthere530} : My prediction is "Trump 2024." I won\'t be comfortable until it doesn\'t happen.', '>>{Dadgavtron} : I mean the media doesnt like trump, everyone can see that. I wouldnt say this election was fraudulent, even though you could argue that with the russian hacking. He hasnt enlarged our military yet etc... theres a lot pointing to him having issues and being a bad president but i think were buying into fear mongering if we say that trump is fascist.', ">>{duraiden} : Has there ever been a dictator since the 19th Century that wasn't a Soldier/Freedom fighter first?", '>>{bluejumpingdog} : Well he’s been getting away with it already, and I don’t see anyone in the future willing to say anything, he’s been menacing the press and I wouldn’t be surprised if he acted on it.', ">>{TDV} : I'd be a dictator if I could get away with it.", '>>{tank_trap} : Keep posting these 14 points. People need to know fascism when they see it.', ">>{I-seddit} : FFS, what's stopping him now? Clearly not the republicans, who are controlling the only other branches of government that can stop him...", '>>{Xelif} : Paul Ryan would make vaguely uncomfortable noises of mild disapproval.', '>>{gcm6664} : In a normal world yes that is our protection from Trump. However, and this is a serious question, who or what would stop him from calling off the election in four years? This is a person who got in literally ignoring every rule, convention, and even law that should have prevented him from being where he is in the first place. Why now, or even more so in the 4 years, would he not feel emboldened enough to declare an end to the electoral process? or perhaps to alter it enough that it becaomes impossible to elect anyone else? and if he did that what exact mechanism would stop him? Honestly I am beginning to lose faith that anything, or anyone would. As a matter of fact I am beginning to believe that that has been the plan all along.', ">>{BanzaiTree} : I agree, but that is why we need to keep fighting & keeping the pressure on. Congress needs to fear us. Call your representative & senators & ask them what they're doing to make sure Trump is obeying the emoluments clause of the Constitution, for example. Call each one of them, plus the White House, twice a day, until he proves he's cleared all of his conflicts of interest.", '>>{gcm6664} : Oh I agree with that. Every minute that passes we lose more power to prevent this from happening. Somehow we need to wake up the press as well.'], ['>>{galt1776} : Clinton says ‘ranting and waving our arms’ is no way to respond to terrorism', '>>{throwawatc123} : Imagine if Trump had been president when the OKC bombing happened. He would\'ve been tripping over himself to nuke the nearest country with brown people in it, and when the bomber turned out to be a white guy (and probably one of his supporters), he would\'ve said "you can\'t judge him, he was mentally ill!"', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Blaming it on a mean video is the only solution.', ">>{ScintillatorX} : >Imagine if Trump had been president when the OKC bombing happened. He would've been tripping over himself to nuke the nearest country with brown people in it [Hmm...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkS9y5t0tR0)", ">>{partanimal} : She's just jealous because she can't wave her arms around without someone else pulling the strings.", '>>{DC25NYC} : >excusing Must be why Obama is dropping all those bombs on them in the Middle East Because they\'re being "excused"', ">>{DC25NYC} : Except a lot of smart people are saying he's bought out. Russians, China etc", '>>{Undorkins} : Yeah, you should be calm and bomb the shit out of people in a country that might be related to the plot. This solves terrorism. Which is why the world has been terrorism free for 15 years.', '>>{sircool099} : yeah, like bombing people we have a cease fire with.', '>>{ShadyPollster} : Hmmn indeed, also this guy said the exact same thing about Trump yesterday wanting to nuke brown people....seems like the record may need to be corrected...', ">>{Agastopia} : Gasp I've never heard trump supporters say similar things days in a row!", '>>{partanimal} : A lot of other smart people are saying Hillary is too. Banks, Saudi Arabia, etc.', ">>{stillnotking} : It's going to take a hell of a lot to convince me that Trump's mideast policy could be worse than the Obama/Clinton one. Whether he's waving his arms or not doesn't seem terribly germane.", '>>{drew418} : Obama dropped more bombs on Libya in 80 days than on ISIS in 2 years.', ">>{lcarlson6082} : If you're going to rant and wave your arms, at least do it like Bernie Sanders and have that rant be about policy.", ">>{hoodoo-operator} : wow this guy's opinion is consistent! he must be secretly getting paid!", '>>{djm19} : Interesting you chose not to show the whole speech, where she says her vote is not for war, but for war as last resort. When she says she premises this vote on the assurance by Bush that he will use diplomatic approaches to open Iraq to inspectors, and her vote is to add strength to the leverage of that idea. >“Even though the resolution before the Senate is not as strong as I would like in requiring the diplomatic route first … I take the president at his word that he will try hard to pass a United Nations resolution and seek to avoid war, if possible. Because bipartisan support for this resolution makes success in the United Nations more likely and war less likely—and because a good faith effort by the United States, even if it fails, will bring more allies and legitimacy to our cause..."', ">>{Dunetrait} : Arming terrorists to fight proxy wars for US business interests sure hasn't helped either.", '>>{SinSkin} : And still miss Saudi Arabia... Who actually has ties with the terrorist...', '>>{Undorkins} : Hey now. We need people to help us store our retribution bombs in the area. Why let an irrational desire for purity get in the way of bombing the shit out of people?', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : When Hillary speaks everyone says she's screeching and yelling and fear-mongering. Trump shrieks for an hour to the point of ending up a sweaty mess and his followers view it as presidential.", ">>{berniebrah} : Trump doesn't have a mideast policy. How can you equate the two when one doesn't even fucking exist?", '>>{waste-of-skin} : Taking the day off is how to respond to it, apparently. Happened on her home fucking turf.', '>>{11111one11111} : Oh come on! It\'s one thing to support your party, we get it everyone hates Trump. But to support and defend this level of insanity is just plain stupid. This is his past few posts. Either this guy is trolling or I really am afraid for this country. He sounds like what "Hilldogs" laugh at "Trumpets" for being. Edit: Format. Tldr: Just read the last paragraph. >Imagine if Trump had been president when the OKC bombing happened. He would\'ve been tripping over himself to nuke the nearest country with brown people in it, and when the bomber turned out to be a white guy (and probably one of his supporters), he would\'ve said "you can\'t judge him, he was mentally ill!" >>Trump supporters in 2018: "Oh come on, he\'s only killed a few thousand brown people, we can\'t compare him to Hitler" >Trump: "Teh scary brown people are coming and only a big strong Republican he-man warrior like me can protect you! You need to start shitting your pants and be very afraid and vote for me and do whatever I say and check your civil liberties at the door and eat freedom fries just like you did when W was president because I\'m the only one who can keep us safe! If I was president when this latest bombing occurred, I would\'ve turned the entire Middle East into a giant radioactive sheet of glass before it was even confirmed that it was a bomb! Now THAT\'S strong, decisive leadership! Belieeeeeeeve me folks, I once derailed a speeding train with my penis! Belieeeeeeeve me!" >>Our national anthem states that we are "the land of the free and the home of the brave." >>Trump supporters are authoritarians and cowards which are the opposite of those lyrics above. All it takes is a nonfatal bombing in New York and they shit their pants and promise to sell their immortal souls to Daddy Trump just as long as he promises to keep them safe from the scary brown people. >Less than a week before Hilldog removes your balls through your mouth and hangs them from her rear view mirror like fuzzy dice in front of the entire nation. See you at the debates, Drumpf, unless you pussy out like we all expect you to.', '>>{SargeantSasquatch} : Well they have to keep up with Trump constantly changing his position on everything.', '>>{HighAndOnline} : *"The best way to deal with terrorism is violating the 1st, 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments, and then treating minorities like shit."* - Republicans', ">>{dumbscrub} : the best way to respond to terrorism is to clear out your week's schedule because you're feeling a little 'overheated' again.", ">>{CharlieDarwin2} : Trump on terrorism: Live in fear, and give me credit Clinton: Be vigilant, don't live in fear.", '>>{CharlieDarwin2} : Jim Jefferies on what works against terrorists: [link](https://youtu.be/eaBuy-N7PNk?t=212) Basically, if people live in fear, the terrorists win. Hate breeds hate...more terrorists.', ">>{Boggledragon} : The way to respond is to bomb and destroy countries like Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan -- bombing wedding parties, children's birthdays, hospitals, etc. -- and then import as many people as possible from those same countries, because what possible reason could any of them have to be pissed at us?", ">>{Undorkins} : Well, it helps to pay attention to what she's saying too. What she says is bomb more people, more often, and we'll be more safe. I think she couldn't be more wrong.", '>>{fitzroy95} : His followers may do so, everyone else just says he is racist, fear-mongering, a bigot, and a conman. The reality is that both of the main presidential candidates are the two most hated and despised candidates in recorded polling, so there are lots of people who are confident that ***both of them*** are fear-mongering, war-mongering, greedy, egotistical, corporate shills. One of them may well be worse than the other. But both are horrible candidates to lead America.', '>>{fitzroy95} : the main reason that none of them want to mention "islamic terrorism" is that they don\'t want to lose all of their "donations" from Islamic nations, such as Saudi Arabia (even if they are the cause and drivers of most of that "islamic terrorism").', ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : Everyone says that about the candidates every single election. This is one where people can't. The differences are just too stark for any false equivalence to really be arguable.", ">>{Literally_A_Shill} : > What she says is bomb more people, more often, and we'll be more safe. I would ask for a citation but I already know you're putting words in her mouth.", '>>{SmokeWordsEveryDay} : Wow, what a good point. A hypothetical time travel scenario used to make a bullshit argument with no support. Cogent. "Imagine if Hillary was president during WW2, after Pearl Harbor she probably would\'ve taken a bribe from Hitler to not go to war with Japan!"', '>>{SmokeWordsEveryDay} : Maybe when one has fucked the Middle East worse and worse with every decision?', ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : Are you suggesting Hillary didn't blame Benghazi on a mean video? (Protip: Google before you respond.)", '>>{Undorkins} : Do you ever pay any attention to your candidate, or do you spend all your time putting out her fires? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/clinton-calls-ramped-bomb-campaign-slams-republicans-article-1.2440323 Edit: That was the wrong link. http://time.com/4499459/hillary-clinton-new-york-bombing-press-conference/ "In the Middle East, we have to smash ISIS’ strongholds with an accelerated coalition air campaign, more support for Arab and Kurdish forces on the ground and intense diplomatic efforts in Syria, Iraq and across the region." More bombs, faster. This week. These are the words coming out of her mouth.', ">>{PixelBlock} : They've both fallen into 'undesirable' territory. That's a campaign problem, not the people's. Every election is an election where the America burns in ruin if the other guy gets in. It's lost effectiveness.", ">>{MrBojangles528} : That's what Bahrain is for, we don't need to store anything in SA.", '>>{MrBojangles528} : Or to talk to reporters in a zombie-like state on your plane.', ">>{Sayting} : Obama doesn't a middle east policy either. Thats why he stuffed it up so bad.", ">>{Undorkins} : Hey, we have a lot of retribution bombs. Also, haven't you heard that you never want to keep all your bombs in one basket?", '>>{BumbleTummy} : Rolling over and asking for more? Is that more her suggestion?', '>>{hacksociety} : Hillary : Instead you bomb them with weapons that are supplied by my sponsors at your expense and continue this money train of mine forevaaaaa', '>>{Corn-Tortilla} : but ranting about Internet frogs is a good way to respond to seeing my dreams of becoming president slip away.', '>>{fitzroy95} : No-one is saying that they are the same. But the choice is between electing totally horrific vs just horrible. Neither choice is close to good, and even the "vote for the least bad" is getting harder and harder to swallow when the ***best*** option is horrible.', ">>{Haebang} : We wouldn't want her to get heat stroke and pass out from over activity.", '>>{whakka} : neither is failing to secure our borders while your grandma or daughter gets molested by the tsa at the airport.', ">>{TuLegit2quit} : So what is? Cause what we are currently doing isn't working. Is the Clinton solution to simply take more money from the nations that support terrorism? Like her foundation did?", '>>{exalted0} : Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.', '>>{resinh} : [yeah! We love our "chilled out" candidates! Hill so chill!](https://magts-blindvotemedia.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/hillary-tired-ready-to-servefeature.jpg)', '>>{vestigial_snark} : Ah yes, another Hillary supporter changing the subject in response to a valid critique.', ">>{vestigial_snark} : Hitler and Stalin had stark differences; still wouldn't vote for either of them.", '>>{vestigial_snark} : > her vote is not for war, but for war as last resort. So, voted for war. Got it.', '>>{vestigial_snark} : To be fair, politicians of both major parties have shat all over the 1st, 4th, 5th amendments.', '>>{djm19} : Voted for authorizing the president to make the call. But clearly, repeatedly asked that it be last resort after exhausting diplomatic solutions.'], [">>{Negative_Clank} : But super rich guys know how to make money, therefore it will show poor people how to make money. They made all their money by being selfless philanthropists, didn't they? Maybe I can be a tv star, or a pro sports guy too. I'm also gonna hide my tax returns. It's nobody's business even if I want to tell you how to run an economy. Also, emails and Benghazi!!!!", ">>{AndreyRublyov} : I'm sure he would want a bunch of poor people running the government.", ">>{so_so_sherlock} : Call me crazy, but I'd rather have people who know how to work hard, get value for money, make tough decisions and hold people accountable run our government than lifelong bureaucrats and politicians beholden to lobbyists.", ">>{rPOLITICS-IN-MY-ANUS} : Bernie sanders is a bigot towards rich people. It's really sad how people like him are treating our countries 1%, just because they are a minority.", '>>{infohack} : Sure. Let me know when Trump appoints one.', ">>{bigcombination} : I think it's too much to expect of anyone that they could be highly effective in two extremely complicated fields with little in common. When bureaucrats try to run businesses you get Soviet Russia; when businesspeople try to run government you should expect a similarly disastrous bungling of the job.", '>>{KingPickle} : I gotta say, it is going to be fun watching Bernie apply pressure to Trump, and his cabinet of swamp things, for the next few years.', '>>{fruitsforhire} : That was the argument to get Hillary elected, not Trump. All those lifelong bureaucrats and politicians are now his cabinet.', '>>{LuniWin} : This old commie really likes to demonize rich people.', '>>{ScroogeMcDrumf} : *People born rich who use their money to unfairly influence the system to horde more wealth.', ">>{surroundedbywolves} : ... Isn't he one of the lowest paid members of congress?", ">>{Clsballer23} : Bernie makes no real points here. This is just imputing swamp to billionaires for the hell of it. Now, taking money from swampy organizations raises legitimate eyebrows because they may want regulations and systemic favors in return. I feel much less worried about these people using one off deals and insider information to personally enrich themselves. It will be much easier to call them out on it rather than trusting our news to call out big banks for pushing through massive indecipherable regulation. Given the current state of the media I doubt they'd even parse through regulation benefiting big finance at the expense of the people depending on who passed it through. The 4 column is either dishonest or incompetent. Types like Bernie and the media hyperbolically crying wolf before we have anything to cry about is exactly how we got Trump.", ">>{innervision} : Not only they know how to make money, they have enough money that they surely won't be interested in making more money! - trumpets who never figured out how rich people became rich."], ['>>{NachoLawbre} : Tim Tebow Says He Won’t Speak at the Republican Convention', ">>{throwawatc123} : Why not? It's a place full of sexual frustration and religious showboating, so it's perfect for him.", '>>{The_Vibrator} : Hell Tebow might even be closeted gay that fights his primal urges with Christ. He fits right in.', '>>{rdevaughn} : Why would anyone care what a guy whose claim to fame is briefly playing pro-football before being cut has to say anyway?', ">>{rdevaughn} : I never heard of him until he was in the NFL, though I obviously don't follow college football (I see he won the Heisman).", ">>{Risk_Neutral} : He's like the good version(ethically) of Johnny Manziel.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : He's not gonna speak, just gonna Tebow right there on the stage for a solid 15 minutes.", '>>{hotdogjohnny} : Could be worse he could just awkwardly try to throw passes.', ">>{rdevaughn} : It seems so, although I and I suspect other people who don't follow college football, had never heard of him before he was in the NFL.", '>>{NachoLawbre} : No idea. The only reason I think this is a "story" is because it\'s another example of the Trump campaign making shit up. Tebow was included on a list of speakers that they put out, and Erik Trump said yesterday that Tebow was going to be a speaker. Apparently, this was all news to Tebow, who just got back from the Philippines and heard about it for the first time.', ">>{finfan96} : It's quite possible. I know ESPN covered him non-stop once he was in the NFL", '>>{The_Vibrator} : He has a lot of influence on the Christian community.', '>>{Meetchel} : Won the heisman as a sophomore (never happened before) and won a couple national titles. Threw for 32 TDs on 3,284 yards and ran for 23 TDs on 895 yards. In one fucking season. That nearly outdoes both Reggie and Leinart together who both had Heisman trophies while on the same team. I hate the dude but he was fucking incredible.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : Tebow says he had never even heard about this until he just got back from the Philippines yesterday, but he was included on a list of speakers released by the Trump campaign, and Eric Trump said yesterday that Tebow would be one of the speakers.', ">>{MackLuster77} : He's not a pure passer and he's not fast enough to get away with the running he did in college.", ">>{MackLuster77} : Maybe Donald's good friend, Serena Williams, will speak in his place.", ">>{E-rockComment} : You can't truck over linebackers and throw wind up passes in the NFL. His throwing mechanics were broken beyond repair.", '>>{alephnul} : *"Was"*... The word you were looking for is "was".', '>>{gaeuvyen} : Yeah I was thinking, "did he go back to college to play college football?"', ">>{tacoextreme} : Maybe they booked him through his agent or something and the agent didn't run it by him since he was out of the country. Still funny for him to so clearly call bullshit though.", '>>{tacoextreme} : I can see some kind of Van Wilder type movie with him 30 and still playing college ball and partying, one credit away from graduating.', '>>{Meetchel} : Supposedly his arm motion was too slow and inefficient. It really does surprise me that he was as big a flop as he was though. >Chris Cotter: “The first question to come out of this is, is Tim Tebow the second best quarterback ever? I say, no. Emphatically, he is the best college quarterback of all time. Right Joe?” >Joe Schad: “I actually agree with you.” >Chris Cotter: “You agree with me?” >Joe Schad: “I’m totally … When this came up in the media this morning, I thought, my gosh, Tim Tebow. >“I mean, this is a long period of time – 75 years. And then I dug into it, and I thought more about it. And I thought about the 10 times or so I watched this guy from field level, in person. And I watched Tim Tebow be the best leader I’ve ever seen, the most difficult player to bring down on a rush. >“And you know what, everyone talks about how he couldn’t throw the football – 66 percent, the most efficient passer in SEC football history when he finished …” >Chris Cotter: “That’s saying a lot.” >Joe Schad: “You knew he had two national championships. This is a guy who electrified the stadium, who led men. You ask Urban Meyer, he talks about the competitive drive, the will to win. >“The more I thought about it, the more I agreed with you. No quarterback in college football history better than Tim Tebow.” [Source](http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-morris/joe-schad-no-quarterback-college-football-history-better-tim-tebow).', ">>{NachoLawbre} : I really don't think Tebow's agent would book him to give a speech at Trump's RNC convention without running it by him. That's a pretty big and controversial thing.", '>>{E-rockComment} : No. "Muhammad Ali is the greatest of all time." "Tim Tebow *is* one of the best college players *ever*." We\'re asserting as of now he is one of the best ever, the tense is fine.', '>>{alephnul} : Muhammad Ali is dead. I would certainly use the past tense for him, and Tebow is as good as dead. He deserves the past tense too.', ">>{E-rockComment} : The point is the present tense is fine in this sense. We're asserting that when compared to every other college player in NCAA history Tim Tebow *is* one of the best out of that group.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : It'd just what they do. Clinton is having lady Gaga and shit.", ">>{KalCtuchik} : Even dead, I wouldn't want to fight Ali.", '>>{rondell_jones} : Yeah, so did Charlie Ward, Chris Weinke and Danny Wuerffel, and no one gives a damn about them.', '>>{Jasontlyon} : His claim to fame was being a good college qb who briefly got pro an was very outwardly Christian.', ">>{alephnul} : It's still not correct. He was a good college player. He isn't a college player anymore.", ">>{alephnul} : I don't know. Now that he's dead, I think I could take him.", ">>{KalCtuchik} : You can't win that fight. You're either a racist, or picking on an old dead man, or some sort of freak, or all of the above....and that's IF you win. If you lose it's the end of you having any respect. It's the Mayweather Rousey problem all over again.", '>>{alephnul} : Truth be told, even dead, he could probably kick my sorry ass.', ">>{KalCtuchik} : I'd expect some sort of muscle memory ghost to knock my ass out."]]
classify and reply
['>>{ed2417} : House Dems Lose Big, Change Nothing As Pelosi is Re-Elected', '>>{ch4dw} : What about display screen replacement? With no legitimate one, does it function exactly like the original one?', '>>{mortfeinberg} : I\'m a strong believer in "give republicans the 3rd world country they want so very badly." When millions of poor white conservatives quit getting that welfare and those food stamps maybe they\'ll snap out of it.', '>>{LockUpObama} : 1) Obama is using his new mansion, just two miles from the White House, as his headquarters in his insurgency against Trump. 2) Obama’s shadow White House has a taxpayer-funded office, a chief of staff and press secretary. 3) He is working behind the scenes to set up a shadow government to protect his legacy and sabotage the incoming administration. 4) A family source said Obama was reluctant to lead the opposition to Trump because he was “weary and burned out.” But top adviser Valerie Jarrett convinced him it was the only way to salvage his legacy. 5) The source said, “Obama doesn’t make a decision without her,” and he has now embraced his new role leading the campaign to sabotage the administration because he loathes Trump, whose presidency he considers illegitimate. 6) To guide and counsel Obama, Jarrett has moved into his 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million mansion. 7) According to the source, Michelle Obama and Jarrett will strategize to topple Trump. 8) The former first lady and the Obama Foundation will both have offices in the mansion. 9) Obama will implement his plans through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action, or OFA, the organization that grew out of his campaign group, Organizing for America. 10) That will give Obama a virtual army of agitators and organizers at is disposal. Federal tax records show OFA has 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Another 25,000 are actively under training.', '>>{harnaldo} : Go to your medicine cabinet, take everything, and lie down.', '>>{Odawn} : In an attempt to divert public attention away from the increasingly expanding public view of the secret and possibly criminal political partnerships and financial connections between Putin, Trump, and the Russian oligarchs, Trump and his team are creating and using distraction methods and other propaganda techniques described and listed in the 2016 RAND CORPORATION "The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model": https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf http://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html Selected excerpts of the methods and techniques in the "The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model": Pg. 1 Par. 2...an emphasis on obfuscation and on getting targets to act in the interests of the propagandist without realizing that they have done so...Its tools and channels include the Internet, social media, and the evolving landscape of professional and amateur journalism and media outlets. Pg 1. Par. 3...a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions. Pg 1. Par. 4... rapid, continuous, and repetitive, and it lacks commitment to consistency. Pg. 1. Par. 5...engaging in obfuscation, confusion, and the disruption or diminution of truthful reporting and messaging. Pg. 2. Par. 2...propaganda produced in incredibly large volumes...broadcast or otherwise distributed via a large number of channels...includes text, video, audio, and still imagery propagated via the Internet, social media, satellite television, and traditional radio and television broadcasting. Pg. 2. Par. 2...The producers and disseminators include a substantial force of paid Internet “trolls” who also often attack or undermine views or information that runs counter to Russian themes, doing so through online chat rooms, discussion forums, and comments sections on news and other websites. Pg. 3. Par. 9...The experimental psychology literature suggests that, all other things being equal, messages received in greater volume and from more sources will be more persuasive...receiving a message via multiple modes and from multiple sources increases the message’s perceived credibility, especially if a disseminating source is one with which an audience member identifies. Pg. 5., top of page...Why Is Rapid, Continuous, and Repetitive Propaganda Successful? • First impressions are very resilient. • Repetition leads to familiarity, and familiarity leads to acceptance. Pg. 7., top of page...How Does Propaganda Undercut Perceptions of Reality? • People are poor judges of true versus false information—and they do not necessarily remember that particular information was false. • Information overload leads people to take shortcuts in determining the trustworthiness of messages. • Familiar themes or messages can be appealing even if they are false. • Statements are more likely to be accepted if backed by evidence, even if that evidence is false. • Peripheral cues—such as an appearance of objectivity—can increase the credibility of propaganda. This attempt by Trump and Putin to distract the target audience - the collective mind of the American public - is a classic play straight out of the 16-page expert study, the 2016 [RAND CORPORATION "The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model"](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf). During the 17-month U.S. presidential election campaign season, Putin, Russian government intelligence agencies, the Trump campaign, and their Internet trolls persistently targeted the American audience with a flood of propaganda 24 hours per day for at least 17 months, beginning on and most likely before the date Trump announced his candidacy on 16 June 2015 to Election Day, 8 November 2016, by using the methods and techniques described and listed in the ["The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model"](http://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html). During the U.S. presidential transition period, 8 November 2016 - 20 January 2017, Inauguration Day, Putin, Russian government intelligence agencies, the Trump transition team, and their Internet trolls consistently targeted the American audience with a flood of propaganda 24 hours per day by using the methods and techniques described and listed in the "The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model". Since 20 January 2017, Inauguration Day, Putin, Russian government intelligence agencies, the Trump regime, and their Internet trolls consistently have been targeting the American audience with a flood of propaganda 24 hours per day by using the methods and techniques described and listed in the ["The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model"](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf).', '>>{wwarnout} : Insanity - doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.', '>>{marsovec} : is it shattered or a hairline crack? are there any visible impact marks?', ">>{ch4dw} : It's shattered only from the outside ,the inner screen is totally fine, but there's a tiny orange spot on the corner. it's iphone 7 btw", '>>{el_muchacho_loco} : Nancy "we know how to win elections" Pelosi. smh When she dies, how long for all of the plastic in her face to whither away, do you think?', '>>{MAGA-forthekids} : We are a third world country now. After Trump and the American people MAGA, the only people still collecting welfare and food stamps will be the liberals that are still too lazy to make their own way.', '>>{operation_mindcrime} : I prefer Nancy "impeachment is off the table" Pelosi.', ">>{MindWr4ith} : But they need their welfare, it's only temporary and soon they'll be in the millionaire club!!!! Not those dirty, homoloving, pc, liberals! They should pull themselves up by the bootstraps.", ">>{marsovec} : just asking because apple fixed my hairline crack for free, so it's worth trying", ">>{ch4dw} : That's the problem, there isn't any Apple Stores in my country. Looks like i have to wait till the summer vacation to travel to a country that actually has apple stores in it", '>>{QuantumDrej} : Not necessarily. There should be independent cell phone stores around you - just check online for reviews before going there.', '>>{calm_spaghetti} : How do you function in day to day life?', '>>{ch4dw} : There are a dozen of em, but everything in the market is a shit quality Tell me if you know any good quality display screen i can find them online', '>>{QuantumDrej} : Try MobileSentrix or MobileDefenders. Expensive but high quality. We used these in our repair shop and hardly ever had issues.', '>>{smagmite} : 11) Intellectually challenged people have difficulty with reality.', '>>{1blah1} : may be they never wanted welfare but wanted jobs instead and no one ever listened to them until Trump.', ">>{ch4dw} : Really? And there's absolutely no flaw? If there's mention them", '>>{farcetragedy} : Most of that assistance goes to the moocher red states. Trump is going to cut you guys off. Enjoy.', '>>{QuantumDrej} : I mean, we bought hundreds of the things in bulk and only ever had a few bad ones a month. You can always RMA a bad screen for a good one.', '>>{youtubefactsbot} : >[**iPhone 6 GLASS ONLY Screen Repair COMPLETE [14:17]**](http://youtu.be/z9drzO9hO_U) > [*^JerryRigEverything*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWFKCr40YwOZQx8FHU_ZqqQ) ^in ^Howto ^& ^Style >*^2,668,032 ^views ^since ^Dec ^2014* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)', '>>{mivvan} : This is the most pathetic non-denial response I have ever seen being touted as a denial in some circles. It never denies there was a wiretap on Trump Tower during the election. It never denies the White House was reading the information from this wiretap. It never denies that Obama was gaining information from this wiretap or that he uses this information in some way against his political opponents. All it denies that WH staff ordered this wiretap. If someone Obama hand picked and personally put in the DOJ ordered this wiretap and then they were all reading the results of it, Obama included, that would 100% be consistent with this non-denial "denial". If Obama DOJ ordered the wiretap and Obama just benefited from the information it fits 100% with this "denial".', '>>{osaucyone} : Got proof for all these claims? Pretty big accusations.', '>>{WippitGuud} : TL;DR: Trump lies to try to make himself look good.', '>>{Odawn} : You should consider selling this story to a Hong Kong or South Korea movie producer after you write in scenes of martial arts hand-to-hand combat between the protagonists and antagonists.', ">>{Staback} : The house Dems gained seats, they didn't lose big. I guess against expectations they could have won more, but it was the presidency that was the biggest shock. Dems had little to no chance of taking the House.", ">>{dolphins3} : The best part is, some of them aren't nefarious at all. That taxpayer funded office? Every former president gets a taxpayer funded office for life as part of the Former Presidents Act. That multimillion dollar mansion? The Obamas were far more responsible with their savings and investments than Trump and just signed a huge book deal.", '>>{enslavedroosters} : Is it KellyAnne Conway? The spin is unreal!', '>>{mortfeinberg} : You know red states are the ones with high levels of welfare, right? Blue states pay the bills.', '>>{Bernie_CombswBalloon} : wut, they picked up 6 seats. They won the popular vote by 2.5 million votes, and they picked up 2-3 seats in the Senate. The fuck you mean they lost big?', ">>{whiskeyfries} : Obama just called me and told me to let you know he's watching you too. I recommend tacking blankets over your windows, and taping hundreds of newspaper clippings to your wall while you write everything down in dozens of notebooks.", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Wake the sam fuck up. Rural America (read - poor white conservatives) have been the largest recipients of welfare/tax payer dollars by far compared to any other demographic. What we need to do, is turn of the spigot of farm subsidies and other infrastructure/communication taxes that blue state tax payers keep pumping into red states welfare nincompoops. Let them see how the rest of us live without hand outs. (Sources [1](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_reckoning/2012/10/25/blue_state_red_face_guess_who_benefits_more_from_your_taxes.html) [2](http://www.politicususa.com/2015/01/15/7-biggest-deadbeat-states-federal-tax-dollars-voted-republican.html) [3](http://ijr.com/2015/01/230371-2-map-shows-red-states-rely-federal-aid-looks-can-deceiving/) [4](http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/which-states-are-givers-and-which-are-takers/361668/)).', ">>{HillaryWon1} : >The house Dems gained seats, they didn't lose big. The House Democrats had 188 seats going into a presidential election year, the fewest seats they have had in decades. It's not surprising they gained seats considering this, but even with everything in their favor they only gained 6 seats. For the past several elections Democrats have done better during presidential election years and Republicans have done better during midterms, if Democrats only pick up 6 seats during a presidential election it doesn't look good for them for the upcoming midterms.", ">>{osaucyone} : Yeah, this new deflection angle also seems to strangely mimic the new report done by the Russian critic who was poisoned twice. Except he's actually outing oligarchs using boatloads of money illegally obtained to buy lavish homes and things of the sort. Edit: [The report via NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/02/world/europe/russia-dmitri-medvedev-aleksei-navalny.html?_r=0)", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Get an education. Blue State tax payers take care of the welfare queens in red states. Red states are the real moochers. (Sources [1](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_reckoning/2012/10/25/blue_state_red_face_guess_who_benefits_more_from_your_taxes.html) [2](http://www.politicususa.com/2015/01/15/7-biggest-deadbeat-states-federal-tax-dollars-voted-republican.html) [3](http://ijr.com/2015/01/230371-2-map-shows-red-states-rely-federal-aid-looks-can-deceiving/) [4](http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/which-states-are-givers-and-which-are-takers/361668/)).', '>>{enslavedroosters} : No one can truly believe this. Reported for trolling!', '>>{D74248} : No one can "order a wiretap", you need a warrant from a court. And it appears that there was one -- the FISA Court is reported to have issued a warrant involving up to 4 people in Trump Tower. "Obama wiretapped Trump Tower" sounds good to the rabid right, but the actual sound bite is "The FISA Court (Foreign Surveillance Act Court) issued a warrant involving up to 4 Trump campaign officials". And that is a very bad thing for the Republican Party. Bigly bad. Which is no doubt why they are screaming "Obama" on a weekend.', '>>{cybexg} : I feel exactly the same as you. However, I know that other than the top 1%, all of us are going to suffer from their policies.', ">>{invadrzim} : Sure they may want jobs, but they take the welfare because they want jobs that don't exist anymore. They want to walk into a big metal building with nothing but a high school drop out education and walk out with a 40 year high pay career and a pension, but those are gone and never coming back, no matter what trump says.", '>>{ozric101} : **No Way** to spin what happened here. >Agents do not ordinarily draw FISA requests around possible crimes. Possible crimes prompt applications for regular criminal wiretaps, because the objective is to prosecute any such crimes in court. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/443768/obama-fisa-trump-wiretap People are going to go to Prison over this and it will not be any of the GOP or President Trump.', '>>{jzpenny} : > The fuck you mean they lost big? This is what liberal delusion looks like.', '>>{1blah1} : Look at the hate you have for certain set of people. No wonder why liberals lost and will keep losing until something changes. The liberals spend too much time talking about gender issues and social welfare issues and when someone brings up their economic issues, they are vilified for not falling in line with your political ideology. Your blue state snowflakes are not the ones going to war in terms of crisis. The people from red states do.', '>>{Bernie_CombswBalloon} : >they picked up 6 seats. They won the popular vote by 2.5 million votes, and they picked up 2-3 seats in the Senate. k', ">>{jzpenny} : So they went from historically low minority in the House to slightly less historically low minority in the House, same with the Senate, during a Presidential year when Dems historically outperform Reps. And they lost the Presidency, leaving Democrats in control of precisely zero federal branches of government. If this is what you call winning, that explains Trump's popularity.", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Keep distracting from the core issue that red states are moocher central. You are probably receiving my taxes, so you are welcome. Have an ounce of gratitude. It will take you far in life.', '>>{D74248} : You are going to have a very bad week.', '>>{1blah1} : Trump is going to reduce everyones taxes. It is in your best interest to cheer for that. This settles it. Trump is good for liberals and conservatives.', '>>{veniceinperil} : The DOJ can\'t order it. A judge has to agree. We have an independent judiciary precisely to prevent "the DOJ ordering it."', ">>{OutRaged_Indian} : > It never denies there was a wiretap on Trump Tower during the election. It never denies the White House was reading the information from this wiretap. It never denies that Obama was gaining information from this wiretap or that he uses this information in some way against his political opponents. Why would they deny accusations Trump never made? Why isn't Trump denying that he is a pedophile who fucks Ivana which is why Melania is not living with him? Why won't he deny this, is it because it's true or I just made it all up?", ">>{Taytayswifties} : What if it's sort of true? What if Obama set up the meet between Sessions and the Russian, and they used this as cause to get a wiretap on Trump?", ">>{Imperial_Forces} : Exactly, Democrats won the popular vote, the Republicans are the party that's in shambles and should regroup. Sure they have the Senate the House and the Presidency but what's that compared to the popular vote?", ">>{StupidRuralAmerican} : To be that stupid - that Trump will reduce everyone's taxes, you must be from a broken family and or low information and or low education voter.", '>>{1blah1} : Look at your comment history, you are not a beacon of hope either. You are an example of a toxic Reddit user. I bet you also cheered for Pelosi. With Liberals like you, conservatives will be tired of too much winning.', ">>{spaldinggetsnothing} : Sorry, but Trump's tax plan is only going to help the wealthy. The middle and lower-middle class (especially single parents) are going to get fucked - hard.", ">>{1blah1} : I don't think so. In Trump administration Everyone pays less taxes.", ">>{Acrimony01} : > The house Dems gained seats, they didn't lose big. This is delusion of the highest order. You realize you were in control of the US house in 2006-2010?", '>>{Acrimony01} : >They won the popular vote by 2.5 million votes And they lost the entire midwest. Pyrrhic victory.', '>>{mivvan} : FISA is not a real court, there are not two sides arguing, no adversarial system. Snowden docs showed it has no basis in fact to say it is a court, it was revealed to work as a rubber stamp always approving whatever was asked in 99.9% of cases historically. That\'s better than Saddam\'s election results. The fact is there was a wiretap of Obama\'s political opponents, that Obama and his people listened to. During the election. Do we know if he used info from the wiretap to try to swing the election? We definitely know Obama\'s people used the wiretap info against Trump after the election, we know that for a fact. Every time you see "Former administration official with knowledge of the situation" it means exactly this. Obama and his people using information from the wiretaps of their political opponents to be used for political purposes. This can very easily lead to prosecution of Obama by Sessions.', ">>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : Or we could give the Liberals their welfare state they want so bad and we can end up broke and on our way to becoming a 3rd world country. Seems like we're screwed either way", '>>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : Maybe we should just cut everyone off and see who survives the fallout. The tough will get tougher and the weak and lazy will move to Canada or Europe', ">>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : I don't have to be grateful for shit! I work for a living", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : That article is from Jan 11. Since then Trump has had one cabinet member resign and his AG just recused himself from the ongoing FBI investigation.', ">>{InnocuousUserName} : Would you care to answer the inverse, why wouldn't it matter?", ">>{StupidRuralAmerican} : > I don't have to be grateful for shit! I work for a living And thats why we like to call you low information/low education voters. If you live in rural America, the road you use, the phone you use, the infrastructure you use, was subsidized by my tax dollars. All the public stuff you take for granted was paid for by tax dollars from predominantly blue states.", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : At least I wasnt stupid enough to vote for Trump.', ">>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : Well then, could you send someone to fix the road by my place? It's pretty rough", '>>{Serge_Klarsfeld} : Is politics to rough and tumble for the snowflake Trump? Maybe he should go back to reality TV.', '>>{indigowarrior} : If so, so what? Other than calling it a "Shadow White House," so what if Obama is helping organize the resisting calls for investigation? Will you still vilify all of these actions if the resulting independent investigation finds incontrovertible proof that the Russians installed a figurehead president into the White House by corrupting a portion of the GOP?', ">>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : I'd ask Hillary but she's busy grocery shopping and redoing her 8 year plan", '>>{D74248} : > Obama and his people using information from the wiretaps of their political opponents to be used for political purposes. This can very easily lead to prosecution of Obama by Sessions. Or the Trump campaign was involved in a conspiracy with a foreign power hostile to the United States. The evidence supports the latter. And FISA is a real court. "Two sides" do not argue when the Justice Department is seeking a warrant, regardless of the court.', '>>{500547} : Because you can make good points in multiple subs...?', ">>{mivvan} : I hope Obama rots in prison for what he did. It doesn't matter how you dress it up. He was reading the wiretaps of political opponents. Something that even Nixon could not do even though he tried. Using information from intelligence agencies against political opponents is something police states do. It is exactly what Obama and his people did and never denied it.", ">>{Odawn} : Yes, it's lying, but it goes way beyond lying. It goes to the enduring widespread and deep attempt to destroy American democracy with the help of legions of people working inside the corrupted Trump and Putin regimes, which intend to transform the United States into an autocratic oligarchy under the control of Trump and Putin. One lie is one lie. On the other hand, an enduring campaign that includes tens of thousands of lies and other propaganda created by Putin and Trump meant to attack and destroy American democracy is like Japanese Imperial forces attacking American democracy at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. *History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.* \\- Attributed to Mark Twain and others.", ">>{enslavedroosters} : Sweet whataboutism! Can't wait for Trumps fall. He seems upset at Sessions for recusing himself. He is getting nervous. Happy days for people who love freedom.", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Yes, sadists take please in other peoples suffering. Your parents should be so proud of you. Oh wait - you are from a broken family, hence the lack of empathy.', '>>{Team_Realtree} : Oh look at you, so special that your tax dollars are in use like everyone else who works...', '>>{Neglectful_Stranger} : You could always try hiding welfare as a job. Give them pointless busy work and pay them a livable wage. Easy.', ">>{jamesroberts} : Good god we've got to stop him! The mad man!", '>>{PutinPuppetTrump} : You seem triggered. Sessions and traitor Trumpty Dumpty are more likely headed to prison.', '>>{spaldinggetsnothing} : TPC found that while the Trump campaign plan would cut taxes for every income class on average, some people would pay more under his plan than they do today. Among the losers: Single parents with children, families with large numbers of kids, and even some higher income childless singles.', '>>{TerribleTherapist} : And the red states grow most of your food.', '>>{PutinPuppetTrump} : Lol. The best points. The most beautiful points.', '>>{PutinPuppetTrump} : Because /r/the_puppet is the biggest collection of morons and racists on the internet?', '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Subsidized by my tax dollars and using illegal immigrants.', '>>{D74248} : His political opponent should not have been committing crimes and colluding with a foreign power. It is fortunate for Trump that the United States Constitution erects an exceptionally high bar for treason. The reality free bubble that the right has created is why this old guy, who sill reads *Conscience of a Conservative* from time to time, has left the party.', '>>{Odawn} : The FBI would have obtained a wiretap search warrant from the FISA Court. The wiretap would have been completely legal. The judges on the FISA Court are not dummies. They know who is the enemy of American democracy. Or, UK General Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), a close ally to the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), could have wiretapped the Trump Tower and relayed the intelligence to the NSA, which would be completely legal. Or, the Russian, Chinese, or North Korean governments could have done the wiretapping.', ">>{TerribleTherapist} : My grandpa used himself for 90 years in Iowa. Nobody else, and he sold he excess corn every year. He didn't get anything from the government except bullshit. You don't know anything about rural farmers.", '>>{LuckyNo13} : It has been a real court since 1978. It wasnt until the USA PATRIOT Act that it was expanded into full riduculous mode. Who was it that was behind that act again? What president? Ill give ya a hint, not Obama or even a Clinton. Edited for clarity', ">>{albinofrenchy} : The premise of what you are saying is that something can't both be a crime and a national security risk. Which is obviously not true.", ">>{albinofrenchy} : My favorite part is that you didn't even bother to link some bull shit blog as a source. You people are deranged. Try to get help before Trump is impeached.", '>>{Odawn} : Trump is way more popular in Russia than he is in the United Sates. VTSIOM, a research center run by the Russian government, surveyed Russians and found that [nearly one-half of Russians](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/11/21/us-russian-relations-trump-putin-clinton/94207878/) said they would vote for Trump. In a popular bar nearby the [Moscow Kremlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Kremlin), Russians were raising their glasses to [toast and drink to dewey portraits](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/10/world/europe/russia-putin-donald-trump.html) of Vladimir Putin and Trump. The portraits were hanging side-by-side on a wall in the bar, which is only a few blocks away from the 700-room [Grand Kremlin Palace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Kremlin_Palace), the official residence of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. After Trump resigns or is impeached, he can move to Moscow and run for public office to become the Mayor of Moscow.', '>>{spaldinggetsnothing} : TPC is the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center that aims to provide independent analyses of current and longer-term tax issues and to communicate its analyses to the public and to policymakers in a timely and accessible manner. The Center combines top national experts in tax, expenditure, budget policy, and microsimulation modeling to concentrate on four overarching areas of tax policy that are critical to future debate. The Tax Policy Center (TPC) is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. The Center is made up of nationally recognized experts in tax, budget, and social policy who have served at the highest levels of government.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{LockUpObama} : 1) Obama is using his new mansion, just two miles from the White House, as his headquarters in his insurgency against Trump. 2) Obama’s shadow White House has a taxpayer-funded office, a chief of staff and press secretary. 3) He is working behind the scenes to set up a shadow government to protect his legacy and sabotage the incoming administration. 4) A family source said Obama was reluctant to lead the opposition to Trump because he was “weary and burned out.” But top adviser Valerie Jarrett convinced him it was the only way to salvage his legacy. 5) The source said, “Obama doesn’t make a decision without her,” and he has now embraced his new role leading the campaign to sabotage the administration because he loathes Trump, whose presidency he considers illegitimate. 6) To guide and counsel Obama, Jarrett has moved into his 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million mansion. 7) According to the source, Michelle Obama and Jarrett will strategize to topple Trump. 8) The former first lady and the Obama Foundation will both have offices in the mansion. 9) Obama will implement his plans through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action, or OFA, the organization that grew out of his campaign group, Organizing for America. 10) That will give Obama a virtual army of agitators and organizers at is disposal. Federal tax records show OFA has 32,525 volunteers nationwide. Another 25,000 are actively under training.', '>>{harnaldo} : Go to your medicine cabinet, take everything, and lie down.', '>>{Odawn} : In an attempt to divert public attention away from the increasingly expanding public view of the secret and possibly criminal political partnerships and financial connections between Putin, Trump, and the Russian oligarchs, Trump and his team are creating and using distraction methods and other propaganda techniques described and listed in the 2016 RAND CORPORATION "The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model": https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf http://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html Selected excerpts of the methods and techniques in the "The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model": Pg. 1 Par. 2...an emphasis on obfuscation and on getting targets to act in the interests of the propagandist without realizing that they have done so...Its tools and channels include the Internet, social media, and the evolving landscape of professional and amateur journalism and media outlets. Pg 1. Par. 3...a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions. Pg 1. Par. 4... rapid, continuous, and repetitive, and it lacks commitment to consistency. Pg. 1. Par. 5...engaging in obfuscation, confusion, and the disruption or diminution of truthful reporting and messaging. Pg. 2. Par. 2...propaganda produced in incredibly large volumes...broadcast or otherwise distributed via a large number of channels...includes text, video, audio, and still imagery propagated via the Internet, social media, satellite television, and traditional radio and television broadcasting. Pg. 2. Par. 2...The producers and disseminators include a substantial force of paid Internet “trolls” who also often attack or undermine views or information that runs counter to Russian themes, doing so through online chat rooms, discussion forums, and comments sections on news and other websites. Pg. 3. Par. 9...The experimental psychology literature suggests that, all other things being equal, messages received in greater volume and from more sources will be more persuasive...receiving a message via multiple modes and from multiple sources increases the message’s perceived credibility, especially if a disseminating source is one with which an audience member identifies. Pg. 5., top of page...Why Is Rapid, Continuous, and Repetitive Propaganda Successful? • First impressions are very resilient. • Repetition leads to familiarity, and familiarity leads to acceptance. Pg. 7., top of page...How Does Propaganda Undercut Perceptions of Reality? • People are poor judges of true versus false information—and they do not necessarily remember that particular information was false. • Information overload leads people to take shortcuts in determining the trustworthiness of messages. • Familiar themes or messages can be appealing even if they are false. • Statements are more likely to be accepted if backed by evidence, even if that evidence is false. • Peripheral cues—such as an appearance of objectivity—can increase the credibility of propaganda. This attempt by Trump and Putin to distract the target audience - the collective mind of the American public - is a classic play straight out of the 16-page expert study, the 2016 [RAND CORPORATION "The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model"](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf). During the 17-month U.S. presidential election campaign season, Putin, Russian government intelligence agencies, the Trump campaign, and their Internet trolls persistently targeted the American audience with a flood of propaganda 24 hours per day for at least 17 months, beginning on and most likely before the date Trump announced his candidacy on 16 June 2015 to Election Day, 8 November 2016, by using the methods and techniques described and listed in the ["The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model"](http://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html). During the U.S. presidential transition period, 8 November 2016 - 20 January 2017, Inauguration Day, Putin, Russian government intelligence agencies, the Trump transition team, and their Internet trolls consistently targeted the American audience with a flood of propaganda 24 hours per day by using the methods and techniques described and listed in the "The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model". Since 20 January 2017, Inauguration Day, Putin, Russian government intelligence agencies, the Trump regime, and their Internet trolls consistently have been targeting the American audience with a flood of propaganda 24 hours per day by using the methods and techniques described and listed in the ["The Russian \'Firehose of Falsehood\' Propaganda Model"](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/perspectives/PE100/PE198/RAND_PE198.pdf).', '>>{calm_spaghetti} : How do you function in day to day life?', '>>{smagmite} : 11) Intellectually challenged people have difficulty with reality.', '>>{mivvan} : This is the most pathetic non-denial response I have ever seen being touted as a denial in some circles. It never denies there was a wiretap on Trump Tower during the election. It never denies the White House was reading the information from this wiretap. It never denies that Obama was gaining information from this wiretap or that he uses this information in some way against his political opponents. All it denies that WH staff ordered this wiretap. If someone Obama hand picked and personally put in the DOJ ordered this wiretap and then they were all reading the results of it, Obama included, that would 100% be consistent with this non-denial "denial". If Obama DOJ ordered the wiretap and Obama just benefited from the information it fits 100% with this "denial".', '>>{osaucyone} : Got proof for all these claims? Pretty big accusations.', '>>{WippitGuud} : TL;DR: Trump lies to try to make himself look good.', '>>{Odawn} : You should consider selling this story to a Hong Kong or South Korea movie producer after you write in scenes of martial arts hand-to-hand combat between the protagonists and antagonists.', ">>{dolphins3} : The best part is, some of them aren't nefarious at all. That taxpayer funded office? Every former president gets a taxpayer funded office for life as part of the Former Presidents Act. That multimillion dollar mansion? The Obamas were far more responsible with their savings and investments than Trump and just signed a huge book deal.", '>>{enslavedroosters} : Is it KellyAnne Conway? The spin is unreal!', ">>{whiskeyfries} : Obama just called me and told me to let you know he's watching you too. I recommend tacking blankets over your windows, and taping hundreds of newspaper clippings to your wall while you write everything down in dozens of notebooks.", ">>{osaucyone} : Yeah, this new deflection angle also seems to strangely mimic the new report done by the Russian critic who was poisoned twice. Except he's actually outing oligarchs using boatloads of money illegally obtained to buy lavish homes and things of the sort. Edit: [The report via NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/02/world/europe/russia-dmitri-medvedev-aleksei-navalny.html?_r=0)", '>>{enslavedroosters} : No one can truly believe this. Reported for trolling!', '>>{D74248} : No one can "order a wiretap", you need a warrant from a court. And it appears that there was one -- the FISA Court is reported to have issued a warrant involving up to 4 people in Trump Tower. "Obama wiretapped Trump Tower" sounds good to the rabid right, but the actual sound bite is "The FISA Court (Foreign Surveillance Act Court) issued a warrant involving up to 4 Trump campaign officials". And that is a very bad thing for the Republican Party. Bigly bad. Which is no doubt why they are screaming "Obama" on a weekend.', '>>{ozric101} : **No Way** to spin what happened here. >Agents do not ordinarily draw FISA requests around possible crimes. Possible crimes prompt applications for regular criminal wiretaps, because the objective is to prosecute any such crimes in court. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/443768/obama-fisa-trump-wiretap People are going to go to Prison over this and it will not be any of the GOP or President Trump.', '>>{D74248} : You are going to have a very bad week.', '>>{veniceinperil} : The DOJ can\'t order it. A judge has to agree. We have an independent judiciary precisely to prevent "the DOJ ordering it."', ">>{OutRaged_Indian} : > It never denies there was a wiretap on Trump Tower during the election. It never denies the White House was reading the information from this wiretap. It never denies that Obama was gaining information from this wiretap or that he uses this information in some way against his political opponents. Why would they deny accusations Trump never made? Why isn't Trump denying that he is a pedophile who fucks Ivana which is why Melania is not living with him? Why won't he deny this, is it because it's true or I just made it all up?", ">>{Taytayswifties} : What if it's sort of true? What if Obama set up the meet between Sessions and the Russian, and they used this as cause to get a wiretap on Trump?", '>>{mivvan} : FISA is not a real court, there are not two sides arguing, no adversarial system. Snowden docs showed it has no basis in fact to say it is a court, it was revealed to work as a rubber stamp always approving whatever was asked in 99.9% of cases historically. That\'s better than Saddam\'s election results. The fact is there was a wiretap of Obama\'s political opponents, that Obama and his people listened to. During the election. Do we know if he used info from the wiretap to try to swing the election? We definitely know Obama\'s people used the wiretap info against Trump after the election, we know that for a fact. Every time you see "Former administration official with knowledge of the situation" it means exactly this. Obama and his people using information from the wiretaps of their political opponents to be used for political purposes. This can very easily lead to prosecution of Obama by Sessions.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : That article is from Jan 11. Since then Trump has had one cabinet member resign and his AG just recused himself from the ongoing FBI investigation.', ">>{InnocuousUserName} : Would you care to answer the inverse, why wouldn't it matter?", '>>{Serge_Klarsfeld} : Is politics to rough and tumble for the snowflake Trump? Maybe he should go back to reality TV.', '>>{indigowarrior} : If so, so what? Other than calling it a "Shadow White House," so what if Obama is helping organize the resisting calls for investigation? Will you still vilify all of these actions if the resulting independent investigation finds incontrovertible proof that the Russians installed a figurehead president into the White House by corrupting a portion of the GOP?', '>>{D74248} : > Obama and his people using information from the wiretaps of their political opponents to be used for political purposes. This can very easily lead to prosecution of Obama by Sessions. Or the Trump campaign was involved in a conspiracy with a foreign power hostile to the United States. The evidence supports the latter. And FISA is a real court. "Two sides" do not argue when the Justice Department is seeking a warrant, regardless of the court.', '>>{500547} : Because you can make good points in multiple subs...?', ">>{mivvan} : I hope Obama rots in prison for what he did. It doesn't matter how you dress it up. He was reading the wiretaps of political opponents. Something that even Nixon could not do even though he tried. Using information from intelligence agencies against political opponents is something police states do. It is exactly what Obama and his people did and never denied it.", ">>{Odawn} : Yes, it's lying, but it goes way beyond lying. It goes to the enduring widespread and deep attempt to destroy American democracy with the help of legions of people working inside the corrupted Trump and Putin regimes, which intend to transform the United States into an autocratic oligarchy under the control of Trump and Putin. One lie is one lie. On the other hand, an enduring campaign that includes tens of thousands of lies and other propaganda created by Putin and Trump meant to attack and destroy American democracy is like Japanese Imperial forces attacking American democracy at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. *History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.* \\- Attributed to Mark Twain and others.", ">>{enslavedroosters} : Sweet whataboutism! Can't wait for Trumps fall. He seems upset at Sessions for recusing himself. He is getting nervous. Happy days for people who love freedom.", ">>{jamesroberts} : Good god we've got to stop him! The mad man!", '>>{PutinPuppetTrump} : You seem triggered. Sessions and traitor Trumpty Dumpty are more likely headed to prison.', '>>{PutinPuppetTrump} : Lol. The best points. The most beautiful points.', '>>{PutinPuppetTrump} : Because /r/the_puppet is the biggest collection of morons and racists on the internet?', '>>{D74248} : His political opponent should not have been committing crimes and colluding with a foreign power. It is fortunate for Trump that the United States Constitution erects an exceptionally high bar for treason. The reality free bubble that the right has created is why this old guy, who sill reads *Conscience of a Conservative* from time to time, has left the party.', '>>{Odawn} : The FBI would have obtained a wiretap search warrant from the FISA Court. The wiretap would have been completely legal. The judges on the FISA Court are not dummies. They know who is the enemy of American democracy. Or, UK General Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), a close ally to the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), could have wiretapped the Trump Tower and relayed the intelligence to the NSA, which would be completely legal. Or, the Russian, Chinese, or North Korean governments could have done the wiretapping.', '>>{LuckyNo13} : It has been a real court since 1978. It wasnt until the USA PATRIOT Act that it was expanded into full riduculous mode. Who was it that was behind that act again? What president? Ill give ya a hint, not Obama or even a Clinton. Edited for clarity', ">>{albinofrenchy} : The premise of what you are saying is that something can't both be a crime and a national security risk. Which is obviously not true.", ">>{albinofrenchy} : My favorite part is that you didn't even bother to link some bull shit blog as a source. You people are deranged. Try to get help before Trump is impeached.", '>>{Odawn} : Trump is way more popular in Russia than he is in the United Sates. VTSIOM, a research center run by the Russian government, surveyed Russians and found that [nearly one-half of Russians](http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/11/21/us-russian-relations-trump-putin-clinton/94207878/) said they would vote for Trump. In a popular bar nearby the [Moscow Kremlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_Kremlin), Russians were raising their glasses to [toast and drink to dewey portraits](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/10/world/europe/russia-putin-donald-trump.html) of Vladimir Putin and Trump. The portraits were hanging side-by-side on a wall in the bar, which is only a few blocks away from the 700-room [Grand Kremlin Palace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Kremlin_Palace), the official residence of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. After Trump resigns or is impeached, he can move to Moscow and run for public office to become the Mayor of Moscow.'], ['>>{ch4dw} : What about display screen replacement? With no legitimate one, does it function exactly like the original one?', '>>{marsovec} : is it shattered or a hairline crack? are there any visible impact marks?', ">>{ch4dw} : It's shattered only from the outside ,the inner screen is totally fine, but there's a tiny orange spot on the corner. it's iphone 7 btw", ">>{marsovec} : just asking because apple fixed my hairline crack for free, so it's worth trying", ">>{ch4dw} : That's the problem, there isn't any Apple Stores in my country. Looks like i have to wait till the summer vacation to travel to a country that actually has apple stores in it", '>>{QuantumDrej} : Not necessarily. There should be independent cell phone stores around you - just check online for reviews before going there.', '>>{ch4dw} : There are a dozen of em, but everything in the market is a shit quality Tell me if you know any good quality display screen i can find them online', '>>{QuantumDrej} : Try MobileSentrix or MobileDefenders. Expensive but high quality. We used these in our repair shop and hardly ever had issues.', ">>{ch4dw} : Really? And there's absolutely no flaw? If there's mention them", '>>{QuantumDrej} : I mean, we bought hundreds of the things in bulk and only ever had a few bad ones a month. You can always RMA a bad screen for a good one.', '>>{youtubefactsbot} : >[**iPhone 6 GLASS ONLY Screen Repair COMPLETE [14:17]**](http://youtu.be/z9drzO9hO_U) > [*^JerryRigEverything*](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWFKCr40YwOZQx8FHU_ZqqQ) ^in ^Howto ^& ^Style >*^2,668,032 ^views ^since ^Dec ^2014* [^bot ^info](/r/youtubefactsbot/wiki/index)'], ['>>{ed2417} : House Dems Lose Big, Change Nothing As Pelosi is Re-Elected', '>>{mortfeinberg} : I\'m a strong believer in "give republicans the 3rd world country they want so very badly." When millions of poor white conservatives quit getting that welfare and those food stamps maybe they\'ll snap out of it.', '>>{wwarnout} : Insanity - doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.', '>>{el_muchacho_loco} : Nancy "we know how to win elections" Pelosi. smh When she dies, how long for all of the plastic in her face to whither away, do you think?', '>>{MAGA-forthekids} : We are a third world country now. After Trump and the American people MAGA, the only people still collecting welfare and food stamps will be the liberals that are still too lazy to make their own way.', '>>{operation_mindcrime} : I prefer Nancy "impeachment is off the table" Pelosi.', ">>{MindWr4ith} : But they need their welfare, it's only temporary and soon they'll be in the millionaire club!!!! Not those dirty, homoloving, pc, liberals! They should pull themselves up by the bootstraps.", '>>{1blah1} : may be they never wanted welfare but wanted jobs instead and no one ever listened to them until Trump.', '>>{farcetragedy} : Most of that assistance goes to the moocher red states. Trump is going to cut you guys off. Enjoy.', ">>{Staback} : The house Dems gained seats, they didn't lose big. I guess against expectations they could have won more, but it was the presidency that was the biggest shock. Dems had little to no chance of taking the House.", '>>{mortfeinberg} : You know red states are the ones with high levels of welfare, right? Blue states pay the bills.', '>>{Bernie_CombswBalloon} : wut, they picked up 6 seats. They won the popular vote by 2.5 million votes, and they picked up 2-3 seats in the Senate. The fuck you mean they lost big?', '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Wake the sam fuck up. Rural America (read - poor white conservatives) have been the largest recipients of welfare/tax payer dollars by far compared to any other demographic. What we need to do, is turn of the spigot of farm subsidies and other infrastructure/communication taxes that blue state tax payers keep pumping into red states welfare nincompoops. Let them see how the rest of us live without hand outs. (Sources [1](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_reckoning/2012/10/25/blue_state_red_face_guess_who_benefits_more_from_your_taxes.html) [2](http://www.politicususa.com/2015/01/15/7-biggest-deadbeat-states-federal-tax-dollars-voted-republican.html) [3](http://ijr.com/2015/01/230371-2-map-shows-red-states-rely-federal-aid-looks-can-deceiving/) [4](http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/which-states-are-givers-and-which-are-takers/361668/)).', ">>{HillaryWon1} : >The house Dems gained seats, they didn't lose big. The House Democrats had 188 seats going into a presidential election year, the fewest seats they have had in decades. It's not surprising they gained seats considering this, but even with everything in their favor they only gained 6 seats. For the past several elections Democrats have done better during presidential election years and Republicans have done better during midterms, if Democrats only pick up 6 seats during a presidential election it doesn't look good for them for the upcoming midterms.", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Get an education. Blue State tax payers take care of the welfare queens in red states. Red states are the real moochers. (Sources [1](http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_reckoning/2012/10/25/blue_state_red_face_guess_who_benefits_more_from_your_taxes.html) [2](http://www.politicususa.com/2015/01/15/7-biggest-deadbeat-states-federal-tax-dollars-voted-republican.html) [3](http://ijr.com/2015/01/230371-2-map-shows-red-states-rely-federal-aid-looks-can-deceiving/) [4](http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/which-states-are-givers-and-which-are-takers/361668/)).', '>>{cybexg} : I feel exactly the same as you. However, I know that other than the top 1%, all of us are going to suffer from their policies.', ">>{invadrzim} : Sure they may want jobs, but they take the welfare because they want jobs that don't exist anymore. They want to walk into a big metal building with nothing but a high school drop out education and walk out with a 40 year high pay career and a pension, but those are gone and never coming back, no matter what trump says.", '>>{jzpenny} : > The fuck you mean they lost big? This is what liberal delusion looks like.', '>>{1blah1} : Look at the hate you have for certain set of people. No wonder why liberals lost and will keep losing until something changes. The liberals spend too much time talking about gender issues and social welfare issues and when someone brings up their economic issues, they are vilified for not falling in line with your political ideology. Your blue state snowflakes are not the ones going to war in terms of crisis. The people from red states do.', '>>{Bernie_CombswBalloon} : >they picked up 6 seats. They won the popular vote by 2.5 million votes, and they picked up 2-3 seats in the Senate. k', ">>{jzpenny} : So they went from historically low minority in the House to slightly less historically low minority in the House, same with the Senate, during a Presidential year when Dems historically outperform Reps. And they lost the Presidency, leaving Democrats in control of precisely zero federal branches of government. If this is what you call winning, that explains Trump's popularity.", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Keep distracting from the core issue that red states are moocher central. You are probably receiving my taxes, so you are welcome. Have an ounce of gratitude. It will take you far in life.', '>>{1blah1} : Trump is going to reduce everyones taxes. It is in your best interest to cheer for that. This settles it. Trump is good for liberals and conservatives.', ">>{Imperial_Forces} : Exactly, Democrats won the popular vote, the Republicans are the party that's in shambles and should regroup. Sure they have the Senate the House and the Presidency but what's that compared to the popular vote?", ">>{StupidRuralAmerican} : To be that stupid - that Trump will reduce everyone's taxes, you must be from a broken family and or low information and or low education voter.", '>>{1blah1} : Look at your comment history, you are not a beacon of hope either. You are an example of a toxic Reddit user. I bet you also cheered for Pelosi. With Liberals like you, conservatives will be tired of too much winning.', ">>{spaldinggetsnothing} : Sorry, but Trump's tax plan is only going to help the wealthy. The middle and lower-middle class (especially single parents) are going to get fucked - hard.", ">>{1blah1} : I don't think so. In Trump administration Everyone pays less taxes.", ">>{Acrimony01} : > The house Dems gained seats, they didn't lose big. This is delusion of the highest order. You realize you were in control of the US house in 2006-2010?", '>>{Acrimony01} : >They won the popular vote by 2.5 million votes And they lost the entire midwest. Pyrrhic victory.', ">>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : Or we could give the Liberals their welfare state they want so bad and we can end up broke and on our way to becoming a 3rd world country. Seems like we're screwed either way", '>>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : Maybe we should just cut everyone off and see who survives the fallout. The tough will get tougher and the weak and lazy will move to Canada or Europe', ">>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : I don't have to be grateful for shit! I work for a living", ">>{StupidRuralAmerican} : > I don't have to be grateful for shit! I work for a living And thats why we like to call you low information/low education voters. If you live in rural America, the road you use, the phone you use, the infrastructure you use, was subsidized by my tax dollars. All the public stuff you take for granted was paid for by tax dollars from predominantly blue states.", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : At least I wasnt stupid enough to vote for Trump.', ">>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : Well then, could you send someone to fix the road by my place? It's pretty rough", ">>{Ju5t_My_0pini0n} : I'd ask Hillary but she's busy grocery shopping and redoing her 8 year plan", '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Yes, sadists take please in other peoples suffering. Your parents should be so proud of you. Oh wait - you are from a broken family, hence the lack of empathy.', '>>{Team_Realtree} : Oh look at you, so special that your tax dollars are in use like everyone else who works...', '>>{Neglectful_Stranger} : You could always try hiding welfare as a job. Give them pointless busy work and pay them a livable wage. Easy.', '>>{spaldinggetsnothing} : TPC found that while the Trump campaign plan would cut taxes for every income class on average, some people would pay more under his plan than they do today. Among the losers: Single parents with children, families with large numbers of kids, and even some higher income childless singles.', '>>{TerribleTherapist} : And the red states grow most of your food.', '>>{StupidRuralAmerican} : Subsidized by my tax dollars and using illegal immigrants.', ">>{TerribleTherapist} : My grandpa used himself for 90 years in Iowa. Nobody else, and he sold he excess corn every year. He didn't get anything from the government except bullshit. You don't know anything about rural farmers.", '>>{spaldinggetsnothing} : TPC is the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center that aims to provide independent analyses of current and longer-term tax issues and to communicate its analyses to the public and to policymakers in a timely and accessible manner. The Center combines top national experts in tax, expenditure, budget policy, and microsimulation modeling to concentrate on four overarching areas of tax policy that are critical to future debate. The Tax Policy Center (TPC) is a joint venture of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution. The Center is made up of nationally recognized experts in tax, budget, and social policy who have served at the highest levels of government.']]
classify and reply
[">>{NoTaxesTrump} : This is just one reason he won't release his taxes.", ">>{RockyFlintstone} : Republicans think it's sexy to lie about how rich you are and how charitable you are. SO HOT.", ">>{pm_me_ur_bantz} : like literally this republicans love to pretend they're the charitable party but they give less charity to secular causes than demicrats do. republicans are greedy (they also hate taxes)", ">>{Dionysus_the_Greek} : Which many voters don't care about or even read any dissenting news about Donald.", '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : I always thought it was ironic how republicans hate taxes, but use the deficit to attack Obama. "Less taxes! The deficit is growing!" Maybe, these things are related? Lol', '>>{gza_liquidswords} : So when someone says Michelle Obama looks like an ape, that is a "racially charged" comment, not a "racist" comment. And when Donald Trump "lies" he is "falsely bragging". But no we can\'t appear "biased". The main stream media needs to man up, continue to report the truth, as they will be called biased no matter what they say. Half of Trump supporters believe in PizzaGate for christs sake, why is the MSM pandering to this demographic?', ">>{madam1} : The only thing chump is willing to give away is other people's money, and even then the giving is to himself.", '>>{The_Vagina_Whisperer} : False bragging = self-serving lies. Call it what it is.', ">>{Poguemohon} : As soon as he's in he can be FOIL'd.", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : Trump claims to be worth 10 billion, yet, has given less than $4m of (tax deductible) charitable donations in 15 years. Oprah is worth a third of that ($2.9b), but contributed ten times as much ($41 million) in 2009 alone. Basically, he's bragging about being adv order of magnitude less generous than some old black woman.", '>>{mindlessrabble} : Trump must be branded as the sad little liar that he is. People need to come to understand that the first, last and every word in between that he says is a lie. He is a nation joke. Anyone who believes him is a fool.', ">>{mindlessrabble} : Don't forget to deduct the $3+billion he owes to China, Russia and other banks.", '>>{mindlessrabble} : Mormons are perfect Republicans, they only give 0.7% of their sizable revenues to charitable causes.', ">>{pm_me_ur_bantz} : ugh i kno right? mormonism should be outlawed they're so selfish they just take take takr from the government", '>>{pottertown} : Buffett gave over $1b last YEAR, and only claimed something like $11m. The maximum allowed. Keep talking donnie. Keep talking.', ">>{mindlessrabble} : I just don't want to subsidize their tax free ride. The idea of tax free status was that such organizations were doing things for the whole community, not just their leadership or members. Country clubs do a lot for their members, but nothing for outsiders, which is why they are taxed. Churches that only do for their members are more like country clubs than they are like Good Will or the Red Cross. Though I have my doubts about the Red Cross.", '>>{Aqquila89} : >Nearly every major news organization has covered the subject (Trump\'s foundation) as well. You’d think that the president-elect would avoid calling attention to it, especially with his foundation’s own lawyers having filed paperwork that casts it in a bad light. No, why would he avoid it? It doesn\'t matter when he tells the most blatant, the most obvious, the most easily disprovable lies and he knows it. Remember his steak and wine display during the primaries? That was it March, when Mitt Romney criticized his business record and brought up Trump magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks. So, Trump held a press conference, [where he displayed](http://www.npr.org/2016/03/09/469775355/trump-doesnt-own-most-of-the-products-he-pitched-last-night) raw steaks, bottles of wine and vodka, and magazines claiming that he still owns all of these products. But he was lying. Trump Steaks don\'t exist anymore. The steaks he displayed were from another company. He displayed a magazine called *The Jewel of Palm Beach*. But he doesn\'t own it, and it\'s not what Romney was talking about. There was a magazine called *Trump* which folded in 2009. He displayed wine from Trump Winery, even though Romney was talking about vodka, not wine. And he said "It’s the largest winery on the East Coast. I own it 100 percent. No mortgage. No debt. You can all check. *You have to go check the records, folks. In fact, the press, I’m asking you, please check*.” [That was a lie too.](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/03/trump-fact-check-errors-exaggerations-falsehoods-213730) Trump Winery is not the largest on the East Coast, and Trump doesn\'t own it, his son does. The winery\'s own website said that it\'s "not owned, managed or affiliated with Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization or any of their affiliates." And yet he said: check it, I want you to check. He was taunting the press. He knew that it won\'t matter when they show that he was lying. This doesn\'t matter either.', ">>{MrsMI1UCAN2} : I don't think I've ever had this kind of surreal experience where every day I have to remind myself that this is really happening. This awful, lying, dark and absurd theater piece of a human being has actually been elected President of the US. I feel like we've all been dragged into a really scary Marvel comic book.", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : I used Oprah because at least she's in the same ballpark when it comes to net worth and income. If I wanted to make Trump look really bad, I'd point out how Bill Gates donated more than $28B to charity over the past 15 years. Interesting fact: Trump's foundation has no employees (because it's little more than a facade). Gate's foundation has almost 1,400 full timers.", ">>{pm_me_ur_bantz} : why stop at groups? any person who doesn't pay taxes should be forced to volunteer their time. it's just so fucking selfish how religious people expect their church and government to provide for them while not contributing one iota to society", '>>{sbhikes} : If the employees of his charity had kept the money for themselves, they would have gone to prison. But Trump gets away with it? He can just check a box somewhere and people are like okay fine he checked the box. These rich fuckers need more prison.', ">>{sid_lwa} : Donald Trump is a wasteman. It's like watching a man that can't swim trying desperately not to drown. Although sadly, rather than fearing death, Donny is more concerned by the crowds watching. Wondering if he'll learn to kick his legs and stop being such a fuckboi mess of a human being.", '>>{bleachworthy} : And now "20h20 hours ago Donald J. Trump \u200f@realDonaldTrump The U.S. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.7, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! Thanks Donald!" oh my God I just died. He just did it...', ">>{haikarate12} : He didn't false brag, he lied. He outright lied. Media needs to start reporting the truth.", ">>{madqui} : And not a very good one because the bad guy is too farcical. What comic book hero do you oppose to Lyin' Trump? Maybe the TV batman from the 60s with the tilted images?", '>>{madqui} : And many, many evangelicals vote for them. They should do a Bible study on what Jesus said about hypocrites: "You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness” " To anyone who might counter that in context this refers to Pharisees and Scribes, I would respond that, in the spirit of what Jesus is saying, this applies to any leaders claiming to be followers of the faith whose actual thoughts and actions contradict its teachings. For your own sake and that of your religion, please reject these hypocrites. For the sake of having politicians support some of your favorite socials issues, you have put you trust into people filled with greed, lies, and sinful pride, and you glorify their actions. Edit: spelling', '>>{extraterresticles} : It would be hilarious if the media used Dutch angle anytime Trump gave a press conference or interview.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{NoTaxesTrump} : This is just one reason he won't release his taxes.", ">>{RockyFlintstone} : Republicans think it's sexy to lie about how rich you are and how charitable you are. SO HOT.", ">>{pm_me_ur_bantz} : like literally this republicans love to pretend they're the charitable party but they give less charity to secular causes than demicrats do. republicans are greedy (they also hate taxes)", ">>{Dionysus_the_Greek} : Which many voters don't care about or even read any dissenting news about Donald.", '>>{PersonOfThePeople} : I always thought it was ironic how republicans hate taxes, but use the deficit to attack Obama. "Less taxes! The deficit is growing!" Maybe, these things are related? Lol', '>>{gza_liquidswords} : So when someone says Michelle Obama looks like an ape, that is a "racially charged" comment, not a "racist" comment. And when Donald Trump "lies" he is "falsely bragging". But no we can\'t appear "biased". The main stream media needs to man up, continue to report the truth, as they will be called biased no matter what they say. Half of Trump supporters believe in PizzaGate for christs sake, why is the MSM pandering to this demographic?', ">>{madam1} : The only thing chump is willing to give away is other people's money, and even then the giving is to himself.", '>>{The_Vagina_Whisperer} : False bragging = self-serving lies. Call it what it is.', ">>{Poguemohon} : As soon as he's in he can be FOIL'd.", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : Trump claims to be worth 10 billion, yet, has given less than $4m of (tax deductible) charitable donations in 15 years. Oprah is worth a third of that ($2.9b), but contributed ten times as much ($41 million) in 2009 alone. Basically, he's bragging about being adv order of magnitude less generous than some old black woman.", '>>{mindlessrabble} : Trump must be branded as the sad little liar that he is. People need to come to understand that the first, last and every word in between that he says is a lie. He is a nation joke. Anyone who believes him is a fool.', ">>{mindlessrabble} : Don't forget to deduct the $3+billion he owes to China, Russia and other banks.", '>>{mindlessrabble} : Mormons are perfect Republicans, they only give 0.7% of their sizable revenues to charitable causes.', ">>{pm_me_ur_bantz} : ugh i kno right? mormonism should be outlawed they're so selfish they just take take takr from the government", '>>{pottertown} : Buffett gave over $1b last YEAR, and only claimed something like $11m. The maximum allowed. Keep talking donnie. Keep talking.', ">>{mindlessrabble} : I just don't want to subsidize their tax free ride. The idea of tax free status was that such organizations were doing things for the whole community, not just their leadership or members. Country clubs do a lot for their members, but nothing for outsiders, which is why they are taxed. Churches that only do for their members are more like country clubs than they are like Good Will or the Red Cross. Though I have my doubts about the Red Cross.", '>>{Aqquila89} : >Nearly every major news organization has covered the subject (Trump\'s foundation) as well. You’d think that the president-elect would avoid calling attention to it, especially with his foundation’s own lawyers having filed paperwork that casts it in a bad light. No, why would he avoid it? It doesn\'t matter when he tells the most blatant, the most obvious, the most easily disprovable lies and he knows it. Remember his steak and wine display during the primaries? That was it March, when Mitt Romney criticized his business record and brought up Trump magazine and Trump Vodka and Trump Steaks. So, Trump held a press conference, [where he displayed](http://www.npr.org/2016/03/09/469775355/trump-doesnt-own-most-of-the-products-he-pitched-last-night) raw steaks, bottles of wine and vodka, and magazines claiming that he still owns all of these products. But he was lying. Trump Steaks don\'t exist anymore. The steaks he displayed were from another company. He displayed a magazine called *The Jewel of Palm Beach*. But he doesn\'t own it, and it\'s not what Romney was talking about. There was a magazine called *Trump* which folded in 2009. He displayed wine from Trump Winery, even though Romney was talking about vodka, not wine. And he said "It’s the largest winery on the East Coast. I own it 100 percent. No mortgage. No debt. You can all check. *You have to go check the records, folks. In fact, the press, I’m asking you, please check*.” [That was a lie too.](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/03/trump-fact-check-errors-exaggerations-falsehoods-213730) Trump Winery is not the largest on the East Coast, and Trump doesn\'t own it, his son does. The winery\'s own website said that it\'s "not owned, managed or affiliated with Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization or any of their affiliates." And yet he said: check it, I want you to check. He was taunting the press. He knew that it won\'t matter when they show that he was lying. This doesn\'t matter either.', ">>{MrsMI1UCAN2} : I don't think I've ever had this kind of surreal experience where every day I have to remind myself that this is really happening. This awful, lying, dark and absurd theater piece of a human being has actually been elected President of the US. I feel like we've all been dragged into a really scary Marvel comic book.", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : I used Oprah because at least she's in the same ballpark when it comes to net worth and income. If I wanted to make Trump look really bad, I'd point out how Bill Gates donated more than $28B to charity over the past 15 years. Interesting fact: Trump's foundation has no employees (because it's little more than a facade). Gate's foundation has almost 1,400 full timers.", ">>{pm_me_ur_bantz} : why stop at groups? any person who doesn't pay taxes should be forced to volunteer their time. it's just so fucking selfish how religious people expect their church and government to provide for them while not contributing one iota to society", '>>{sbhikes} : If the employees of his charity had kept the money for themselves, they would have gone to prison. But Trump gets away with it? He can just check a box somewhere and people are like okay fine he checked the box. These rich fuckers need more prison.', ">>{sid_lwa} : Donald Trump is a wasteman. It's like watching a man that can't swim trying desperately not to drown. Although sadly, rather than fearing death, Donny is more concerned by the crowds watching. Wondering if he'll learn to kick his legs and stop being such a fuckboi mess of a human being.", '>>{bleachworthy} : And now "20h20 hours ago Donald J. Trump \u200f@realDonaldTrump The U.S. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.7, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! Thanks Donald!" oh my God I just died. He just did it...', ">>{haikarate12} : He didn't false brag, he lied. He outright lied. Media needs to start reporting the truth.", ">>{madqui} : And not a very good one because the bad guy is too farcical. What comic book hero do you oppose to Lyin' Trump? Maybe the TV batman from the 60s with the tilted images?", '>>{madqui} : And many, many evangelicals vote for them. They should do a Bible study on what Jesus said about hypocrites: "You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness” " To anyone who might counter that in context this refers to Pharisees and Scribes, I would respond that, in the spirit of what Jesus is saying, this applies to any leaders claiming to be followers of the faith whose actual thoughts and actions contradict its teachings. For your own sake and that of your religion, please reject these hypocrites. For the sake of having politicians support some of your favorite socials issues, you have put you trust into people filled with greed, lies, and sinful pride, and you glorify their actions. Edit: spelling', '>>{extraterresticles} : It would be hilarious if the media used Dutch angle anytime Trump gave a press conference or interview.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Get_____Fucked} : As they should. Take stock first, don't say something you'll regret later. Keeping your trap shut prevents that.", '>>{D3al3R1} : Trump to order construction of US-Mexico border wall; expected to suspend refugee program', '>>{EisenhowerAmerican} : All she has to do is give up the transcripts, give a real press conference, and walk into the white house. If she has nothing to hide, she has nothing to fear.', '>>{Jas9191} : One day a third party will overtake one of the major parties or at least win the Presidency or a governors seat and thats because of people like Stein and Johnson who keep fighting the good, albeit losing, fight.', '>>{candl2} : It seems she never has many comments about things.', '>>{Account9726} : Get with the times, Washington Post. Ideological purity is in. Jill Stein, having never had meaningful power and promising the moon while being hilariously incapable of achieving anything, is therefore the perfect candidate. At least she will be, if Harambe ever stops stealing her voters.', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : First week and already the greatest of all time President', '>>{Captain_Clark} : You might be witnessing something *somewhat* like that. The GOP is in tatters and if it continues being so, it\'s own representatives may switch teams. Which could lead to a schism between the more leftist ideals in the Sanders / Stein wing vs the more centrist democrats like Clinton and Obama. I would not call that a "third party" per se, but rather a defining schism within the remaining party, if the GOP becomes defunct.', ">>{sunnieskye1} : The woo. It just never stops. She has good intentions, but she is absolutely proving that she could get zero done, Congress would probably make her cry three or four times a day, and her fringe lunatic running mate...well, I can't see anyone even wanting him in their country.", '>>{PBFT} : If she wants to produce an independent movement, she better make sure her future green candidates are more educated than her.', '>>{Heybae12} : Better than Washington? Better than Lincoln? Better than Reagan? Really?!? Have you even researched every president? Or have you just made a statement without any knowledge? A narcissist that puts his own election into question so he can claim he won the popular vote to is not a great man, he is an idiot.', ">>{NickConrad} : Here's how to tell if a 3rd party is actually serious about what they're doing: are they organizing state and local election challenges as well as congressional ones and Presidential ones, or do they just show up every 4 years for the Presidential Election? Imagine a President Stein with zero support anywhere outside of her cabinet. What do you suppose she'll be able to accomplish in her agenda without some thought experiment fiat towards folks from a different party somehow falling in line behind the mandate she has?", '>>{DumpsterDon} : FPTP says otherwise. The electoral college, that the framers created, makes that extremely difficult. I\'m not saying that it\'s a mission not worthy of fighting, just that the "system", again, created by our founders, makes a third party at most a potential spoiler more than anything. So there are two choices. Make a party that is spoilerific enough to warrant attention, or influence one of the current parties. The crazy alt-right infiltrated the GOP. The libs not so much. Create a real, lasting movement that demands attention within the party structure or don\'t.', '>>{-Natsoc-} : And that\'s a confirmation. If they weren\'t they could easily say so and end the story. Just as Comey stated "i cannot comment on the existence or non existence of other FBI investigations when asked about the Clinton Foundation. Kek', ">>{clintonyrallih} : Oh look, it's Trump fulfilling his campaign promises.", ">>{pavelbure_96} : If these get released, her campaign is going to burn down. Everyone already suspects them of being corrupt tools, but the plain as day proof is what's required to destroy her candidacy.", ">>{BebopRocksteady82} : or perhaps he wanted the media to be distracted while he furthers his agenda, but keep on thinking Trump has no idea what he's doing while he wins", ">>{Peter_Sparker_} : That's seems very transparent and not suspicious at all.", '>>{enRutus} : It\'s just "convenient" not to do all of that.', ">>{thumbprick} : The Libertarian convention was in May. The Green convention was in August. Consequently they are not on the ballot in at least one state because they screwed up the petitions and didn't validate their people (NV). Another state has the wrong ticket because they assumed the wrong VP. If they had done this simple activity say, in the spring, they could start gathering names immediately, double-check all the names and have a mailing list with over a hundred thousand supporters to start things off. Instead they're only on the ballot in 38 states. The incompetence is staggering.", ">>{Zefrum} : I have seen this argument around quite a bit today. The issue that I have with it is that Hillary, who certainly would have the support of the Democrats, would have the support of exactly none of the Republicans in the House or Senate. Unless some miracle happens in November, Dems will not regain control of both houses of Congress, thus ensuring gridlock. Hillary is such a polarizing figure that I don't think she will be able to enact any of her agenda either.", ">>{Loxodontist} : It occurred to me that a huge part of Trump's campaign image was being tough on Mexico and bending the country to his will. Every time the Mexican government rebuffs him, it's a direct assault on not just his pride, but the strongman persona that millions of Americans are fanatically devoted to. We already know that Trump will go to extreme lengths to avoid even the specter of weakness. I cannot rule out military action against Mexico as an impossibility. Not when our president is as thin-skinned and tyrannical as Trump.", ">>{The-13th} : This is such a stupid idea. An actual physical wall? It's one thing that it's going to cost billions to build, but then you have to remember that you will have to pay for upkeep too. And future presidents would have to pay to tear it down (should they chose to do so). How is this a W for America?", '>>{jestlolk} : As somebody who needs to change her positions often, she\'s realized that speaking publicly lowers her flexibility when it comes to changing positions. After losing in 2008, she seems to have stopped any form of unscripted public speaking. She only disseminates her positions through indirect channels, which allows her the freedom to change later whenever it is convenient. That\'s why she didn\'t go to a final debate. Bernie would have forced her to go on record about a lot of the things now in the DNC platform. As it is now, her campaign or surrogates define her positions. I\'m not sure you\'ll ever get a controversial soundbite from her ever again as long as she lives. She will only ever take overwhelmingly popular positions publicly, and only those that couldn\'t conflict with her donors interests. If you were able to talk to her, I\'m sure she\'d say it\'s because of how she\'s been attacked. She\'d probably be half telling the truth. She wouldn\'t be getting attacked if she could stop blatantly lying. The scary thing now is that I see Bernie participating in her lawyer-ish rhetoric. The new quote from most popular democrats is "We cannot allow the TPP to pass in the lame duck session of congress". This seemingly leaves it open to be signed afterwards, I\'m sure after it has received very minor tweaks.', ">>{Chickens_and_Gardens} : Okay republicans. Question time now. You screamed that Obama didn't have the power to write sweeping executive orders (I agreed with you). Now Trump is already continuing the same shit. So tell me now, was it because of an over powerful executive branch like you said, or just that you didn't like what he was doing?", ">>{Janky42} : You're saying this like we don't already have a wall... don't be ignorant. Not saying it's a w for America either. Just seems like a lot of people don't know we have a border wall/fence that already requires upkeep.", '>>{EisenhowerAmerican} : she will continue losing 2% per day until she does...', '>>{Petorie} : And all Trump has to do is hand over his tax returns. But apparently hiding his NAMBLA donations is more important to him.', ">>{adictedlabrat} : The President will show the world what real work looks like. Then when he is done in 8 years we are going to wonder what the previous Presidents were doing the whole time in the oval office. It doesn't take a magic wand just a phone call and a tweet.", ">>{sunstersun} : not all executive orders are the same. for example yesterday trump signed an executive order to undo obama's executive order.", '>>{annoyingstranger} : Better than Trump, which is what happens when too many idealists throw their votes away.', '>>{Get_____Fucked} : As opposed to running their gabs and painting themselves into a corner?', ">>{EisenhowerAmerican} : Trump wont lose any votes if doesn't, she loses 2% a day until she does...", ">>{Peter_Sparker_} : I see your point there but they have been so silent and avoided addressing any sort of allegation or leak, they haven't even held a press conference this year. The silence is hurting her campaign.", ">>{Heybae12} : You really are delusional, aren't you? If he sticks to some of his promises, sure he'll do a good job in those areas. But if he sticks to all of them, the world will be in chaos and he will certainly not win reelection if he chooses to seek it in 2020.", ">>{immbored} : Hasn't built anything, not how funding works in the U.S. the wall exucutive action is just to placate to his uninformed base. It's meaningless without the house allocating and wasting billions of tax payer money. Looks like the false show worked. Also I guess fuck it to making Mexico pay for it", ">>{Petorie} : She's gone up in the polls over the past several days. Nobody knows or cares about this press conference thing outside of reddit. And the fact that she donated 17.6 million of her speaking fees to charity kinda makes the whole speech thing backfire. We know this because it was in her tax returns. Why won't Donald release his? Who is he donating to? Who is he accepting money from?", ">>{awesomeness0232} : Guy it's gonna be okay, you just have to take him *seriously* but not *literally*. Wait what? He's doing what? Shit.", ">>{Get_____Fucked} : Agreed, they should address it. But they should also be highly mindful of what they say. Don't pull a Donald and screw yourself.", ">>{bbiggs32} : Look at what's in his heart, not what he says.", ">>{Zefrum} : I don't think it is idealistic to support the candidate who most closely aligns with one's views. Hillary doesn't deserve anyone's votes, but she does have the ability to go out and earn it and to make policy changes to her platform that appeal to Stein voters.To tell you the truth, I may actually hold my nose and vote for her if she ever gave substantive proposals that ensure that we will cease our perpetual interventionist wars. Until that time, I cannot in good conscience vote for her.", '>>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : Maybe Trump is hiding the fact that....HE DONATED TO HITLER!!!!', '>>{dekanger} : > she donated 17.6 million of her speaking fees to charity Wow, that\'s actually pretty generous. Let me look up and see what charities.... hmmm, says here "The Clinton Foundation". Hah, what a funny coincidence, they share the same name.', ">>{thatpj} : Here's is the media coverage the Greens were hoping for. Too bad no one told em about there would be questions about their batshit policy proposals...", '>>{annoyingstranger} : Well the nation is grateful that your conscience is clear.', '>>{KuKluxKlan4Trump} : Did you think Republicans liked Obama any better? You can bet Clinton would compromise with a Republican controlled congress much better than a ideological purist would.', '>>{Chickens_and_Gardens} : This thread is talking about the wall, which would be more than cancelling out an executive order, which is why I asked what I asked.', '>>{Petorie} : Maybe Hillary donated her speech money to Hitler! Wait actually she donated it to charity, we can tell because she released her tax returns.', '>>{LWZRGHT} : Millennials. Yes you. Time for a choice. You have one extremely bad option, one meh but mostly pragmatic option, and one fairy tale option. Of course we want the fairy tale. We want a complete transition to a clean energy economy to cost only $500 billion. We want to guarantee a federal job to anyone who asks for it. And we want our foreign policy to make us feel good about ourselves instead of the slow descent to mirror hatred we\'ve seen over the last 15 years. At the same time, we\'ve figured shit out too. We are ultimately a pragmatic folk, not quite understanding all of the stories about us in the news about "following our dreams," and "taking a chance." We don\'t love Hillary Clinton. But when faced between the choice between our crazy racist uncle and the aunt from the other side of the family who lives in a commune, Mom actually looks pretty damn good, doesn\'t she? Yeah, she\'s a hard ass, carries a hammer at work and ignores you after dinner. But ultimately, you know she\'d kick ass at being President.', '>>{Petorie} : 89% of Clinton Foundation money goes directly to charity. This is verified and a better track record than most charities. The CF has given over 2 billion dollars to the poor and needy. She has donated more charity in the past year than Trump has in his life, unless you count NAMBLA as a real charity.', '>>{xXPOTUSTrumpPOTUSXx} : Except your post was not about the wall. It was specifically about executive orders. You just didnt like the answer.', '>>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : I guess we should ignore the other $125 million in "speaking fees" then.', '>>{thatpj} : >make policy changes to her platform that appeal to Stein voters. Oh? You mean the [most progressive platform](https://berniesanders.com/democrats-adopt-progressive-platform-party-history/) in Democrat party history?', ">>{Petorie} : How much has Trump made in speaking fees? Let's check. Oh he hasn't released his tax returns. I wonder what he's hiding in there. Who has he donated to? Who has he gotten money from?", ">>{Zefrum} : That's the democratic platform, it does not reflect Hillary Clinton's views on warfare. I need Hillary herself to give me specific details about how she will get us out of these wars and keep us from starting another one.", ">>{red-light} : It's just a tweet. A bill hasn't gone through Congress, no one knows where the money is going to come from. This is just a PR stunt. We'll see if he can live up to his promise when President Nieto meets with him at the end of this month. Perhaps trump will do better than the first time they met when he embarrassed himself in front of the entire world.", '>>{Banished377} : Ill come back to you in a while with the upated version of that list.', ">>{Zefrum} : I don't think Republicans liked Obama any better, nor did I say that. But I think the one person who Republicans dislike more than Obama is Hillary Clinton. >You can bet Clinton would compromise with a Republican controlled congress much better than a ideological purist would. I don't really know why you think this, but I would not take that bet.", ">>{thatpj} : You are aware that no President can guarantee there won't be any wars and it would be completely idiotic to do so?", '>>{BernieBustie} : Trump is fulfilling the exact promises he made a million times throughout the campaign. There are no surprises. The American people voted for these policies and now he is holding up his end of the deal.', '>>{dekanger} : > unless you count NAMBLA as a real charity. Guess that depends on if it is tax deductible.', ">>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : Omg what's in Trump's tax returns!? Is it proof of a Putin and Trump love affair? A NAMBLA fetish? Tune in next week for the conclusion of CTR: Tales of Desperation.", '>>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : And yet people around here seem to have too many comments about things.', '>>{Zefrum} : I do realize that. But her policy does not outline specific changes that would make more war less likely. Continuing as we have in the Middle East is the epitome of insanity. Will she curb arms deals to countries with ties to militant groups? I have no idea, and Saudi Arabia just received 1.5 billion dollars worth of arms two weeks ago. These are issues that she does not address.', ">>{Chickens_and_Gardens} : Excuse me? >You screamed that Obama didn't have the power to write sweeping executive orders (I agreed with you). Now Trump is already continuing the same shit. So tell me now, was it because of an over powerful executive branch like you said, or just that you didn't like what he was doing? My exact point is that Trump is continuing the same executive order pattern than Obama did. I didn't write the question in the threads about eliminating other executive orders, I wrote it in a thread about the wall.", ">>{KuKluxKlan4Trump} : You're misunderstanding why the Republicans hate the Clintons so much. When they want something done, they'll get it done. This scares Republican voters so much because progress by the Democrats pulls back their agenda more and more, especially with Bill's record. While you're right that Republicans hate Clinton more than Obama, they'll gladly take the novice over the more experienced enemy.", '>>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : What would they have to gain? And you are silly if you think that would end the story.', '>>{thatpj} : >But her policy does not outline specific changes that would make more war less likely. Hello? You can\'t predict when war is going to happen. It\'s this sort of backwards thinking that gave us the "Compassionate Conservative" George Dubya Bush who wouldn\'t hurt a fly.....and then 9/11 happened.', ">>{Zefrum} : I want to agree with your argument. It is very hopeful. Clinton is viewed as an untrustworthy and corrupt politician by the entire Republican party. I just can't believe that negotiating with her or compromising with her will do anything but anger Republican voters. Keeping up the grid lock has been exceedingly beneficial for Republicans and they currently have a fairly dominant position in the House and a clear majority in the Senate (although, that may change). If they lose the Senate, it will be because of Trump, not because obstructionism hasn't worked. I can't see them changing just because Hillary says so.", ">>{xXPOTUSTrumpPOTUSXx} : > I didn't write the question in the threads about eliminating other executive orders, I wrote it in a thread about the wall. That's nice. The only problem is your Q has nothing to do with the wall.", ">>{disturbd} : It takes time to prepare answers when you have to screen them against 25 years of lies so you don't incriminate yourself.", ">>{Chickens_and_Gardens} : Just because he promised it, doesn't mean he has to do it through executive order. There are ways this stuff is supposed to get done. I don't care if Trump was doing every detail he campaigned on, he cannot do it through executive order.", ">>{Zefrum} : Did you read the rest of my post? >Will she curb arms deals to countries with ties to militant groups? I have no idea, and Saudi Arabia just received 1.5 billion dollars worth of arms two weeks ago. It's not about predicting war. We are actively providing arms to countries with known ties to militant groups. How do you think ISIS and the various terrorist groups get weapons and supplies? Where do you think these weapons and supplies come from? We are the world's largest arms dealers, and most of the arms used by terrorists originated from the US.", ">>{CouchRadish} : It's my belief that Trump is actually building the wall to curb drug trafficking from Mexican cartels. It won't stop them, but it'll help ICE and border patrol officials with stopping them and make it much more expensive for the cartels to send drugs to the US.", '>>{thatpj} : >How do you think ISIS and the various terrorist groups get weapons and supplies? Where do you think these weapons and supplies come from? [Oil.](http://www.businessinsider.com/isis-making-50-million-a-month-from-oil-sales-2015-10) But who needs facts when you can deep dive into conspiracy theories! Let me guess...Obama is the FOUNDER of ISIS. Right?', '>>{Bill_Raped_Me} : Was Trump taking speaking fees in exchange for political promises?', '>>{9fingerwonder} : legallize all the drugs and tax them BAM wall paid for.....that we dont need', ">>{Petorie} : There's as much evidence he was as there is evidence Hillary was, yes.", ">>{Zefrum} : Yes, they use oil money to buy the weapons. But who sells it to them? It's not like they just go into Walmart and pick them up. This is not a conspiracy theory, it's all documented.", ">>{KuKluxKlan4Trump} : If what you're saying about Clinton is true, then what does one in your position do? Let a Trump presidency occur and push your progressive agenda decades further to the past? You keep mentioning the gridlock Republicans have on congress, and assuming Trump wins, what good will it do for us who are opposed to them alike? Also, in an alternative dimension where Bernie or Jill wins, what will either candidates who've alienated themselves from both parties do better than Clinton as president?", ">>{thatpj} : >it's all documented. Yet I see no documents....", ">>{Zefrum} : You are correct, I don't really have an alternative. OP of the thread was saying Hillary is better than Jill because Hillary knows people. I don't agree with that. I think in the short term, regardless of who wins, gridlock will remain the dominant force, which is why there is so much attention put on who gets to pick the Supreme Court replacements. This is where I will sound, admittedly, idealistic. I truly think Bernie was the only hope to break the gridlock. He had a mandate from millions of active, vocal voters who would love nothing more than to put pressure on politicians to enact policies that they want. Hillary is an old-school politician who wants to do the work behind closed doors in rooms filled with smoke and mirrors, and doesn't want to utilize the power of modern technology to rally people at a moment's notice. I don't think that will be a winning strategy long term.", ">>{KuKluxKlan4Trump} : Why isn't it right to assume Hillary knows more people? She, in fact, does, and has the entire Democratic party behind her. The same cannot be said for Jill, who is a green party candidate, nonetheless. I'm not sure I see how Bernie could've broken the gridlock. Sure the Democratic party is liberal, but they aren't as far left as he is. It seems the only way he could've gotten something done is if there were more far-left politicians, like him, in office. This is where I believe Bernie didn't intend to win at all. Him running was his way to create awareness and build a foundation for a future progressive caucus."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Jas9191} : One day a third party will overtake one of the major parties or at least win the Presidency or a governors seat and thats because of people like Stein and Johnson who keep fighting the good, albeit losing, fight.', '>>{Account9726} : Get with the times, Washington Post. Ideological purity is in. Jill Stein, having never had meaningful power and promising the moon while being hilariously incapable of achieving anything, is therefore the perfect candidate. At least she will be, if Harambe ever stops stealing her voters.', '>>{Captain_Clark} : You might be witnessing something *somewhat* like that. The GOP is in tatters and if it continues being so, it\'s own representatives may switch teams. Which could lead to a schism between the more leftist ideals in the Sanders / Stein wing vs the more centrist democrats like Clinton and Obama. I would not call that a "third party" per se, but rather a defining schism within the remaining party, if the GOP becomes defunct.', ">>{sunnieskye1} : The woo. It just never stops. She has good intentions, but she is absolutely proving that she could get zero done, Congress would probably make her cry three or four times a day, and her fringe lunatic running mate...well, I can't see anyone even wanting him in their country.", '>>{PBFT} : If she wants to produce an independent movement, she better make sure her future green candidates are more educated than her.', ">>{NickConrad} : Here's how to tell if a 3rd party is actually serious about what they're doing: are they organizing state and local election challenges as well as congressional ones and Presidential ones, or do they just show up every 4 years for the Presidential Election? Imagine a President Stein with zero support anywhere outside of her cabinet. What do you suppose she'll be able to accomplish in her agenda without some thought experiment fiat towards folks from a different party somehow falling in line behind the mandate she has?", '>>{DumpsterDon} : FPTP says otherwise. The electoral college, that the framers created, makes that extremely difficult. I\'m not saying that it\'s a mission not worthy of fighting, just that the "system", again, created by our founders, makes a third party at most a potential spoiler more than anything. So there are two choices. Make a party that is spoilerific enough to warrant attention, or influence one of the current parties. The crazy alt-right infiltrated the GOP. The libs not so much. Create a real, lasting movement that demands attention within the party structure or don\'t.', ">>{thumbprick} : The Libertarian convention was in May. The Green convention was in August. Consequently they are not on the ballot in at least one state because they screwed up the petitions and didn't validate their people (NV). Another state has the wrong ticket because they assumed the wrong VP. If they had done this simple activity say, in the spring, they could start gathering names immediately, double-check all the names and have a mailing list with over a hundred thousand supporters to start things off. Instead they're only on the ballot in 38 states. The incompetence is staggering.", ">>{Zefrum} : I have seen this argument around quite a bit today. The issue that I have with it is that Hillary, who certainly would have the support of the Democrats, would have the support of exactly none of the Republicans in the House or Senate. Unless some miracle happens in November, Dems will not regain control of both houses of Congress, thus ensuring gridlock. Hillary is such a polarizing figure that I don't think she will be able to enact any of her agenda either.", '>>{annoyingstranger} : Better than Trump, which is what happens when too many idealists throw their votes away.', ">>{Zefrum} : I don't think it is idealistic to support the candidate who most closely aligns with one's views. Hillary doesn't deserve anyone's votes, but she does have the ability to go out and earn it and to make policy changes to her platform that appeal to Stein voters.To tell you the truth, I may actually hold my nose and vote for her if she ever gave substantive proposals that ensure that we will cease our perpetual interventionist wars. Until that time, I cannot in good conscience vote for her.", ">>{thatpj} : Here's is the media coverage the Greens were hoping for. Too bad no one told em about there would be questions about their batshit policy proposals...", '>>{annoyingstranger} : Well the nation is grateful that your conscience is clear.', '>>{KuKluxKlan4Trump} : Did you think Republicans liked Obama any better? You can bet Clinton would compromise with a Republican controlled congress much better than a ideological purist would.', '>>{LWZRGHT} : Millennials. Yes you. Time for a choice. You have one extremely bad option, one meh but mostly pragmatic option, and one fairy tale option. Of course we want the fairy tale. We want a complete transition to a clean energy economy to cost only $500 billion. We want to guarantee a federal job to anyone who asks for it. And we want our foreign policy to make us feel good about ourselves instead of the slow descent to mirror hatred we\'ve seen over the last 15 years. At the same time, we\'ve figured shit out too. We are ultimately a pragmatic folk, not quite understanding all of the stories about us in the news about "following our dreams," and "taking a chance." We don\'t love Hillary Clinton. But when faced between the choice between our crazy racist uncle and the aunt from the other side of the family who lives in a commune, Mom actually looks pretty damn good, doesn\'t she? Yeah, she\'s a hard ass, carries a hammer at work and ignores you after dinner. But ultimately, you know she\'d kick ass at being President.', '>>{thatpj} : >make policy changes to her platform that appeal to Stein voters. Oh? You mean the [most progressive platform](https://berniesanders.com/democrats-adopt-progressive-platform-party-history/) in Democrat party history?', ">>{Zefrum} : That's the democratic platform, it does not reflect Hillary Clinton's views on warfare. I need Hillary herself to give me specific details about how she will get us out of these wars and keep us from starting another one.", ">>{Zefrum} : I don't think Republicans liked Obama any better, nor did I say that. But I think the one person who Republicans dislike more than Obama is Hillary Clinton. >You can bet Clinton would compromise with a Republican controlled congress much better than a ideological purist would. I don't really know why you think this, but I would not take that bet.", ">>{thatpj} : You are aware that no President can guarantee there won't be any wars and it would be completely idiotic to do so?", '>>{Zefrum} : I do realize that. But her policy does not outline specific changes that would make more war less likely. Continuing as we have in the Middle East is the epitome of insanity. Will she curb arms deals to countries with ties to militant groups? I have no idea, and Saudi Arabia just received 1.5 billion dollars worth of arms two weeks ago. These are issues that she does not address.', ">>{KuKluxKlan4Trump} : You're misunderstanding why the Republicans hate the Clintons so much. When they want something done, they'll get it done. This scares Republican voters so much because progress by the Democrats pulls back their agenda more and more, especially with Bill's record. While you're right that Republicans hate Clinton more than Obama, they'll gladly take the novice over the more experienced enemy.", '>>{thatpj} : >But her policy does not outline specific changes that would make more war less likely. Hello? You can\'t predict when war is going to happen. It\'s this sort of backwards thinking that gave us the "Compassionate Conservative" George Dubya Bush who wouldn\'t hurt a fly.....and then 9/11 happened.', ">>{Zefrum} : I want to agree with your argument. It is very hopeful. Clinton is viewed as an untrustworthy and corrupt politician by the entire Republican party. I just can't believe that negotiating with her or compromising with her will do anything but anger Republican voters. Keeping up the grid lock has been exceedingly beneficial for Republicans and they currently have a fairly dominant position in the House and a clear majority in the Senate (although, that may change). If they lose the Senate, it will be because of Trump, not because obstructionism hasn't worked. I can't see them changing just because Hillary says so.", ">>{Zefrum} : Did you read the rest of my post? >Will she curb arms deals to countries with ties to militant groups? I have no idea, and Saudi Arabia just received 1.5 billion dollars worth of arms two weeks ago. It's not about predicting war. We are actively providing arms to countries with known ties to militant groups. How do you think ISIS and the various terrorist groups get weapons and supplies? Where do you think these weapons and supplies come from? We are the world's largest arms dealers, and most of the arms used by terrorists originated from the US.", '>>{thatpj} : >How do you think ISIS and the various terrorist groups get weapons and supplies? Where do you think these weapons and supplies come from? [Oil.](http://www.businessinsider.com/isis-making-50-million-a-month-from-oil-sales-2015-10) But who needs facts when you can deep dive into conspiracy theories! Let me guess...Obama is the FOUNDER of ISIS. Right?', ">>{Zefrum} : Yes, they use oil money to buy the weapons. But who sells it to them? It's not like they just go into Walmart and pick them up. This is not a conspiracy theory, it's all documented.", ">>{KuKluxKlan4Trump} : If what you're saying about Clinton is true, then what does one in your position do? Let a Trump presidency occur and push your progressive agenda decades further to the past? You keep mentioning the gridlock Republicans have on congress, and assuming Trump wins, what good will it do for us who are opposed to them alike? Also, in an alternative dimension where Bernie or Jill wins, what will either candidates who've alienated themselves from both parties do better than Clinton as president?", ">>{thatpj} : >it's all documented. Yet I see no documents....", ">>{Zefrum} : You are correct, I don't really have an alternative. OP of the thread was saying Hillary is better than Jill because Hillary knows people. I don't agree with that. I think in the short term, regardless of who wins, gridlock will remain the dominant force, which is why there is so much attention put on who gets to pick the Supreme Court replacements. This is where I will sound, admittedly, idealistic. I truly think Bernie was the only hope to break the gridlock. He had a mandate from millions of active, vocal voters who would love nothing more than to put pressure on politicians to enact policies that they want. Hillary is an old-school politician who wants to do the work behind closed doors in rooms filled with smoke and mirrors, and doesn't want to utilize the power of modern technology to rally people at a moment's notice. I don't think that will be a winning strategy long term.", ">>{KuKluxKlan4Trump} : Why isn't it right to assume Hillary knows more people? She, in fact, does, and has the entire Democratic party behind her. The same cannot be said for Jill, who is a green party candidate, nonetheless. I'm not sure I see how Bernie could've broken the gridlock. Sure the Democratic party is liberal, but they aren't as far left as he is. It seems the only way he could've gotten something done is if there were more far-left politicians, like him, in office. This is where I believe Bernie didn't intend to win at all. Him running was his way to create awareness and build a foundation for a future progressive caucus."], [">>{Get_____Fucked} : As they should. Take stock first, don't say something you'll regret later. Keeping your trap shut prevents that.", '>>{EisenhowerAmerican} : All she has to do is give up the transcripts, give a real press conference, and walk into the white house. If she has nothing to hide, she has nothing to fear.', '>>{candl2} : It seems she never has many comments about things.', '>>{-Natsoc-} : And that\'s a confirmation. If they weren\'t they could easily say so and end the story. Just as Comey stated "i cannot comment on the existence or non existence of other FBI investigations when asked about the Clinton Foundation. Kek', ">>{pavelbure_96} : If these get released, her campaign is going to burn down. Everyone already suspects them of being corrupt tools, but the plain as day proof is what's required to destroy her candidacy.", ">>{Peter_Sparker_} : That's seems very transparent and not suspicious at all.", '>>{enRutus} : It\'s just "convenient" not to do all of that.', '>>{jestlolk} : As somebody who needs to change her positions often, she\'s realized that speaking publicly lowers her flexibility when it comes to changing positions. After losing in 2008, she seems to have stopped any form of unscripted public speaking. She only disseminates her positions through indirect channels, which allows her the freedom to change later whenever it is convenient. That\'s why she didn\'t go to a final debate. Bernie would have forced her to go on record about a lot of the things now in the DNC platform. As it is now, her campaign or surrogates define her positions. I\'m not sure you\'ll ever get a controversial soundbite from her ever again as long as she lives. She will only ever take overwhelmingly popular positions publicly, and only those that couldn\'t conflict with her donors interests. If you were able to talk to her, I\'m sure she\'d say it\'s because of how she\'s been attacked. She\'d probably be half telling the truth. She wouldn\'t be getting attacked if she could stop blatantly lying. The scary thing now is that I see Bernie participating in her lawyer-ish rhetoric. The new quote from most popular democrats is "We cannot allow the TPP to pass in the lame duck session of congress". This seemingly leaves it open to be signed afterwards, I\'m sure after it has received very minor tweaks.', '>>{EisenhowerAmerican} : she will continue losing 2% per day until she does...', '>>{Petorie} : And all Trump has to do is hand over his tax returns. But apparently hiding his NAMBLA donations is more important to him.', '>>{Get_____Fucked} : As opposed to running their gabs and painting themselves into a corner?', ">>{EisenhowerAmerican} : Trump wont lose any votes if doesn't, she loses 2% a day until she does...", ">>{Peter_Sparker_} : I see your point there but they have been so silent and avoided addressing any sort of allegation or leak, they haven't even held a press conference this year. The silence is hurting her campaign.", ">>{Petorie} : She's gone up in the polls over the past several days. Nobody knows or cares about this press conference thing outside of reddit. And the fact that she donated 17.6 million of her speaking fees to charity kinda makes the whole speech thing backfire. We know this because it was in her tax returns. Why won't Donald release his? Who is he donating to? Who is he accepting money from?", ">>{Get_____Fucked} : Agreed, they should address it. But they should also be highly mindful of what they say. Don't pull a Donald and screw yourself.", '>>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : Maybe Trump is hiding the fact that....HE DONATED TO HITLER!!!!', '>>{dekanger} : > she donated 17.6 million of her speaking fees to charity Wow, that\'s actually pretty generous. Let me look up and see what charities.... hmmm, says here "The Clinton Foundation". Hah, what a funny coincidence, they share the same name.', '>>{Petorie} : Maybe Hillary donated her speech money to Hitler! Wait actually she donated it to charity, we can tell because she released her tax returns.', '>>{Petorie} : 89% of Clinton Foundation money goes directly to charity. This is verified and a better track record than most charities. The CF has given over 2 billion dollars to the poor and needy. She has donated more charity in the past year than Trump has in his life, unless you count NAMBLA as a real charity.', '>>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : I guess we should ignore the other $125 million in "speaking fees" then.', ">>{Petorie} : How much has Trump made in speaking fees? Let's check. Oh he hasn't released his tax returns. I wonder what he's hiding in there. Who has he donated to? Who has he gotten money from?", '>>{dekanger} : > unless you count NAMBLA as a real charity. Guess that depends on if it is tax deductible.', ">>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : Omg what's in Trump's tax returns!? Is it proof of a Putin and Trump love affair? A NAMBLA fetish? Tune in next week for the conclusion of CTR: Tales of Desperation.", '>>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : And yet people around here seem to have too many comments about things.', '>>{OscarMiguelRamirez} : What would they have to gain? And you are silly if you think that would end the story.', ">>{disturbd} : It takes time to prepare answers when you have to screen them against 25 years of lies so you don't incriminate yourself.", '>>{Bill_Raped_Me} : Was Trump taking speaking fees in exchange for political promises?', ">>{Petorie} : There's as much evidence he was as there is evidence Hillary was, yes."], ['>>{D3al3R1} : Trump to order construction of US-Mexico border wall; expected to suspend refugee program', '>>{BebopRocksteady82} : First week and already the greatest of all time President', '>>{Heybae12} : Better than Washington? Better than Lincoln? Better than Reagan? Really?!? Have you even researched every president? Or have you just made a statement without any knowledge? A narcissist that puts his own election into question so he can claim he won the popular vote to is not a great man, he is an idiot.', ">>{clintonyrallih} : Oh look, it's Trump fulfilling his campaign promises.", ">>{BebopRocksteady82} : or perhaps he wanted the media to be distracted while he furthers his agenda, but keep on thinking Trump has no idea what he's doing while he wins", ">>{Loxodontist} : It occurred to me that a huge part of Trump's campaign image was being tough on Mexico and bending the country to his will. Every time the Mexican government rebuffs him, it's a direct assault on not just his pride, but the strongman persona that millions of Americans are fanatically devoted to. We already know that Trump will go to extreme lengths to avoid even the specter of weakness. I cannot rule out military action against Mexico as an impossibility. Not when our president is as thin-skinned and tyrannical as Trump.", ">>{The-13th} : This is such a stupid idea. An actual physical wall? It's one thing that it's going to cost billions to build, but then you have to remember that you will have to pay for upkeep too. And future presidents would have to pay to tear it down (should they chose to do so). How is this a W for America?", ">>{Chickens_and_Gardens} : Okay republicans. Question time now. You screamed that Obama didn't have the power to write sweeping executive orders (I agreed with you). Now Trump is already continuing the same shit. So tell me now, was it because of an over powerful executive branch like you said, or just that you didn't like what he was doing?", ">>{Janky42} : You're saying this like we don't already have a wall... don't be ignorant. Not saying it's a w for America either. Just seems like a lot of people don't know we have a border wall/fence that already requires upkeep.", ">>{adictedlabrat} : The President will show the world what real work looks like. Then when he is done in 8 years we are going to wonder what the previous Presidents were doing the whole time in the oval office. It doesn't take a magic wand just a phone call and a tweet.", ">>{sunstersun} : not all executive orders are the same. for example yesterday trump signed an executive order to undo obama's executive order.", ">>{Heybae12} : You really are delusional, aren't you? If he sticks to some of his promises, sure he'll do a good job in those areas. But if he sticks to all of them, the world will be in chaos and he will certainly not win reelection if he chooses to seek it in 2020.", ">>{immbored} : Hasn't built anything, not how funding works in the U.S. the wall exucutive action is just to placate to his uninformed base. It's meaningless without the house allocating and wasting billions of tax payer money. Looks like the false show worked. Also I guess fuck it to making Mexico pay for it", ">>{awesomeness0232} : Guy it's gonna be okay, you just have to take him *seriously* but not *literally*. Wait what? He's doing what? Shit.", ">>{bbiggs32} : Look at what's in his heart, not what he says.", '>>{Chickens_and_Gardens} : This thread is talking about the wall, which would be more than cancelling out an executive order, which is why I asked what I asked.', '>>{xXPOTUSTrumpPOTUSXx} : Except your post was not about the wall. It was specifically about executive orders. You just didnt like the answer.', ">>{red-light} : It's just a tweet. A bill hasn't gone through Congress, no one knows where the money is going to come from. This is just a PR stunt. We'll see if he can live up to his promise when President Nieto meets with him at the end of this month. Perhaps trump will do better than the first time they met when he embarrassed himself in front of the entire world.", '>>{Banished377} : Ill come back to you in a while with the upated version of that list.', '>>{BernieBustie} : Trump is fulfilling the exact promises he made a million times throughout the campaign. There are no surprises. The American people voted for these policies and now he is holding up his end of the deal.', ">>{Chickens_and_Gardens} : Excuse me? >You screamed that Obama didn't have the power to write sweeping executive orders (I agreed with you). Now Trump is already continuing the same shit. So tell me now, was it because of an over powerful executive branch like you said, or just that you didn't like what he was doing? My exact point is that Trump is continuing the same executive order pattern than Obama did. I didn't write the question in the threads about eliminating other executive orders, I wrote it in a thread about the wall.", ">>{xXPOTUSTrumpPOTUSXx} : > I didn't write the question in the threads about eliminating other executive orders, I wrote it in a thread about the wall. That's nice. The only problem is your Q has nothing to do with the wall.", ">>{Chickens_and_Gardens} : Just because he promised it, doesn't mean he has to do it through executive order. There are ways this stuff is supposed to get done. I don't care if Trump was doing every detail he campaigned on, he cannot do it through executive order.", ">>{CouchRadish} : It's my belief that Trump is actually building the wall to curb drug trafficking from Mexican cartels. It won't stop them, but it'll help ICE and border patrol officials with stopping them and make it much more expensive for the cartels to send drugs to the US.", '>>{9fingerwonder} : legallize all the drugs and tax them BAM wall paid for.....that we dont need']]
classify and reply
['>>{skilliard7} : Eric Trump questions Clintons’ enormous wealth: ‘What product were they selling?’', '>>{Vesstair} : Their knowledge and experience from a lifetime of public service. You might get some of that if you ever work for anything in your life, Eric.', '>>{17281posse} : To this day I still mix up Trump and that other can of Cheezwiz, Robin Leach. This kid must have signed up to say the most retarded stuff.', '>>{Writerhaha} : Hint, not steaks, ties, water, vodka, Fake educations, board games, magazines...', '>>{DumpsterDon} : Mexican ties are the fashion statement to make this fall. Grab those Trump ties while you can!', ">>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Wow so a lifetime of 'public service' makes you 100M dollars? Is this the US we are talking about or Kazakhstan?", ">>{DumpsterDon} : [A random citizen questions Eric Dumpster's humanity and choices in recreational activity.](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/13/article-2114122-1224A53F000005DC-522_634x736.jpg) Yeah, that's Eric with an elephant tail he chopped off.", '>>{Opie67} : He means communicating their knowledge and experience through speeches and books.', '>>{DumpsterDon} : You seem beta to me. Always defending the alphas. Probably more of that "poorly educated" class that Dumpster loves so much and who\'ll do anything for him. Again. BETA.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : That $100M didn't come from the taxpayers or theft of the treasury. Poor analogy.", '>>{frackpot} : RUMP INFLATES THE NUMBERSTRUMP: I got more than a million dollars, because they have tremendous promotion expenses, to my advantage. In other words, they promote, which has great value, through billboards, through newspapers, through radio, I think through television – yeah, through television. And they spend – again, I’d have to ask them, but I bet they spend at least a million or two million or maybe even more than that on promoting Donald Trump.LAWYER: But how much of the payments were cash? TRUMP: Approximately $400,000. LAWYER: So when you say publicly that you got paid more than a million dollars, you’re including in that sum the promotional expenses that they pay?TRUMP: Oh, absolutely, yes. That has a great value. It has a great value to me.LAWYER: Do you actually say that when you say you got paid more than a million dollars publicly?TRUMP: I don’t break it down.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Not when you think about all the sheep their donors get to shear. Critical thinking, it's important more than ever in the new millenium.", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : I mean no way those 15 minute speeches to wall street executives for 500k a pop could possibly mean the big bankers would expect anything in return right?', ">>{0zymandeus} : Didn't I see this exact article about a week ago?", ">>{Biggusdickus73} : It wasn't ripping off private contractors like daddy, Eric.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : And I bet you look at it every time before posting it.', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'd like to see Trump's taxes and college transcripts.", '>>{Crit_Romney} : Lets try this with reason. What is more likely? Clintons were selling political favor for 100 million? Or Clintons were selling their knowledge of public service for 100 million? I think reasonable people might question that second one.', '>>{Opie67} : I was just clarifying what the OP wrote, since you seemed to struggle with it.', ">>{skilliard7} : Are you seriously implying that they aren't using paid public speaking events as a loophole to sell political favors?", ">>{nocigssincemar1} : The Clintons pull down the same speaking fees as other top draws on the professional speaking circuit, and they spoke to a bunch of different industries and groups for the same high rate. It wasn't as if Goldman Sachs paid more than The GAP or The American Association of Pathology. What kind of favors do you think those two groups bought?", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : What Political office did Trump hold when he was paid that?', '>>{nirad} : I remember I once tried to go to a Bill Clinton book signing. The line was actually over a mile long and the LAPD brought out a helicopter to monitor it. Being the most popular living politician in a country of over 300 million people can be pretty lucrative.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump has been hinting at running for president for a while now. It's just as likely that the people that paid the fees were planning ahead and buying influence.", ">>{nirad} : Only in America can the son of a billionaire who has never had to work a real day in his life question the wealth of self-made man who came from nothing. There's something seriously twisted about the American right. Everything the say they are for they are actually against.", '>>{0zymandeus} : The same one that Hillary held when she was doing paid speeches. Hint: None.', ">>{Neverhood123} : It's not implying when he is stating a fact. Nobody cares how you FEEL about their speeches.", ">>{nocigssincemar1} : [Here's a list](http://imgur.com/Mp9y1Iw) of their speaking engagements and the fees they were paid. Are all of these groups shearing sheep?", ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : One is an entertainer with bad hair and a horrible accent and pretends to be rich. The other one's Robin Leach.", '>>{stop-being-poor} : Have you ever worked for a Fortune 50 company? They pay top notch figures to appear all the time. I highly doubt they pay Tiger Woods or Malala for political favors.', '>>{Crit_Romney} : Hard to say without seeing any information about the speech. There could be tax breaks for the company, gov contracts up for grabs, kickbacks for friends in the industry or just a way to donate to the Clintons for future goodwill of the company. It is just as hard to reason why the GAP wants to listen to a speech about her lifetime of public service is it not?', ">>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Oh wow thanks Opie you really cleared that up. I'm sure in those 15 minutes they really were able to pass on a lifetime of knowledge.", '>>{Opie67} : I found this very intriguing, so I googled "Clinton 15 minute speech". Unfortunately no relevant results came up. Where did you get that?', ">>{creejay} : c) They were selling their fame, just as Obama will make tens of millions off his fame. D list celebrities get paid a lot of money to attend events and parties, so it's not surprising that the Clintons can make millions off books and speeches. It's all in their in their tax returns (~~25+~~ 39 years worth).", ">>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Well the problem is you won't hear any copies because clinton's staff in some cases confiscated attendees phones and made sure no copies got out. You would think with all that knowledge she would share with America kind of weird how they are so secretive of it isn't it?", ">>{Crit_Romney} : I have no doubt they would pay high profile speakers well. But they could easily have a vested interest in Hillary. She is a powerful woman so it isn't crazy to try and be on her good side.", '>>{Opie67} : Yea, but not a single article or even blog post about it. Nothing at all saying a Clinton gave a private speech that lasted 15 minutes. Surely you heard that somewhere, so I was just wondering where.', ">>{nocigssincemar1} : [Here's the list of the groups they gave speeches for.](http://imgur.com/Mp9y1Iw) That's a pretty diverse set of graft if we were assuming your theory. I think it's hard to see why any company would pay that much for any speaker, but the market exists at these prices for a lot more speakers than just the Clintons or the politically powerful. My guess is it's motivated by status signalling and vanity rather than getting $225,000 worth of information.", '>>{creejay} : 25 years of being 2 international celebrities with amazing name recognition will do that, yes. They are already predicting that the Obamas could make $45 million in book deals.', '>>{mic9ael} : IKR, it **is** fun.', '>>{Crit_Romney} : Yea i have seen the list. It is a huge range of the uber elite and the who the hell is that group. It would be funny as hell if GAP just wanted to one up Old Navy and say hey look at us! All the politics go right out the window for some clothing line CEO dick measuring contest.', ">>{nocigssincemar1} : So what's the conclusion if a bunch of nobodies are willing to pay the same price? The point is, no corruption is needed to justify the fees the Clintons earned speaking. That's just the price they commanded.", ">>{Byzantine279} : But that makes no sense. She isn't getting paid more by people who are supposedly courting favors.", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : From some of the attendees reports. Btw they also said there was nothing really informative in the speeches.', '>>{yobsmezn} : I sincerely hate to agree with anything a mini-Trump has to say, but this is a perfectly legitimate question.', ">>{Byzantine279} : The list of known videos: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4xnx7m/hillary_clintons_tax_return_is_a_message_to/d6h13yu Sorry, no one's bothered to transcribe most of them.", '>>{yobsmezn} : There are a lot of folks on here [cough]ing the [cough].', ">>{Opie67} : I didn't think I was asking for much. I even tried Googling for you. Wouldn't it be easier to let me know where I can read up on this?", '>>{Byzantine279} : Hillary did speeches for a shit ton of groups. The ones that people are taking issue with (Wall street) did not pay her more than other groups. Further, lots of other people - including Trump, funnily enough - also give paid speeches to a lot of groups. There is a whole thing on it, and the price is determined pretty much entirely by how famous the person is.', ">>{alexanderwales} : [See here for a list of speaking fees.](https://www.allamericanspeakers.com/searchfee.php?fee=6) I personally can't fathom why anyone would pay Billy Crystal that much to give a speech, but apparently it happens. And I doubt that most actors and athletes are selling state secrets or engaging in quid pro quo.", ">>{Crit_Romney} : There is no conclusion because there really isn't an investigation into it. In that total number of speeches lets say three were bought for political favor. We will never know if that is the case in any of these or not. A few big companies could have said hey Hillary Clinton is doing a speech tour this is a perfect time to throw some money her way for when we need that _________________. You can't get a conclusion we can only speculate.", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Sorry you are having such a tough time sounds like you really struggle with simple tasks.', '>>{Crit_Romney} : Thats not true if you look at how many speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs for example. 675,000 for three speeches. So three times they wanted to hear her talk about her time in public office. You think so?', '>>{nocigssincemar1} : Not all speculation is created equal. If the implication is some of the companies paid Clinton for political favors then they apparently got a $225,000 speaking appearance for free.', ">>{Byzantine279} : Yep, which when divided per speech was almost exactly what she was being paid by everyone else. You misunderstand how these speeches work. These are corporate events with tons of middle managers miling around. The people at each event were different, and they booked Hillary as a headliner because it's all about the name, the audience (who are not the big wigs) barely pays attention to the speech.", ">>{Opie67} : Sorry you're having a tough time typing a source for your claims. Sounds like spewing nonsense is easier.", ">>{kiwisrkool} : This article says he sold 2.25 million books. Don't think that makes 150 million in author profits. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Life_(Bill_Clinton_autobiography)", ">>{golikehellmachine} : This, unfortunately, isn't just the American right.", '>>{Crit_Romney} : Then why not release the transcripts for them if everything is on the up and up?', ">>{Byzantine279} : Because it takes time, money, and effort to collect speeches she may not even possess anymore, transcribe them, and then release them. And even if she did do all of this, people would just assume the transcripts are edited or she's hiding the damaging ones behind these innocuous ones, etc. Hillary really has no win in this game, so her choice was to not play.", '>>{golikehellmachine} : Having actually worked in arranging events like this for a Fortune 100 company, it\'s absolutely infuriating to have watched all sorts of people all over the internets speak about them like they have the slightest fucking clue whatsoever as to what they\'re talking about. We can criticize the culture of hiring "motivational speakers" or "gurus" or what the fuck ever, but to pretend that Hillary Clinton\'s unique - or, to a degree, even noteworthy in this context - demonstrates a significant lack of awareness of how common this kind of thing is. I don\'t blame the average person who\'s never worked in the corporate field, but the press who have reported on this *absolutely know better*, but are happy to gin up the outrage of the former for clicks.', '>>{golikehellmachine} : > My guess is it\'s motivated by status signalling and vanity rather than getting $225,000 worth of information. Yes, absolutely. No-name speakers make astronomical figures, too. These things are typically tax write-offs, and they\'re frequently used as smokescreens to provide "Leadership!" training to the rank and file, in lieu of, you know, actually *doing* something. $225K isn\'t that much when the alternative is putting 15K employees through 10h of paid training.', ">>{Byzantine279} : She's not even close to a top-end booking, either. Those can charge a million+ a speech. Her husband can charge more than her, but still doesn't get anywhere near that. Frankly the whole thing, like most Hillary scandals, is so annoyingly mundane no one believes it's the truth.", ">>{Crit_Romney} : Or a speech never even took place just the transfer of funds and the paper trail. There are quite a few speeches i could not find events listed for. But in one of the company's event archive....I cant remember which right now. One was just a dinner with a really small board of directors in DC or TX. Like 8 to 10 people. Easy to fake a meeting with.", ">>{nocigssincemar1} : But that's based on nothing whereas there's plenty of reasons to conclude Clinton got paid for her speeches alone. This is not even close to a 50/50 proposition.", ">>{golikehellmachine} : She's also, repeatedly, the most admired woman in the world, and not even close to the top, in terms of pay.", ">>{damrider} : She's so corrupt that why they're so wealthy but they're also really poor because they're bad at business", '>>{Three__14} : Not fake degrees, I can tell you that much', '>>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : Boy it sure would be nice to see some evidence of your accusation for once.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : What about the ones she did when she already established her campaign team to run?', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : This is not a good argument since we know that Hillary had her campaign team set up and headquarters leased while doing speeches.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : She had someone transcript her speeches, it was written into the contracts.', '>>{dfaraci} : Your link shows that he was paid 15 million to write it, then made another 30 million (as of 2008) from sales of this and his next book That is 45 million by 2008 from 2 books with no info on how much he was paid up front for the second book The Clintons have written 11 books', ">>{stop-being-poor} : $250k per speech is actually quite little for someone of Hillary Clinton's celebrity stature. Tiger Woods makes double what she makes, and I doubt he is a more universally known / admired figure. And yes, this is post sex scandal Tiger Woods.", '>>{CarmineFields} : And the people that hired trump knew he planned on running.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Does it matter? He said he was running and they bought influence. You're trying to split hairs but it's the same damn thing.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : yes it does matter, when did he announce that he was running compared to the speeches? that matters. He has said that hes been interested in running for years.', ">>{CarmineFields} : If he told the people who paid him that he was running, it's the same exact thing. No one pays that much to hear Trump's incomprehensible ramblings. They paid for influence but it's okay because Trump.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : what speech are you referring to? hes been giving speeches for years, youre claiming that he told them "hey eventually im gonna run so pay me now"?', ">>{CarmineFields} : And Clinton has given speeches for years too. You want this both ways like everything with Trump. Fraud, corruption, pay to play. It's all fine when Trump does it.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : you are ignoring the differences which are significant. Hillary did speeches while she already had her campaign team started and leased her headquarters. You also arent providing an example of a speech that he gave after he announced that he was running. I dont want anything both ways, I am not a trump supporter. Im just pointing out the differences with your attack.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump has both been paid and paid for influence. See the Florida auditor general. See Trump's gushing love of all things Russian when Rusdia pays Trump's former campaign manager's salary. There are dozens of examples of near-identical situations where trump has used or taken money for influence. But it's okay because Trump.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : okay now youre completely changing the subject and claiming things that you have nothing to back it up. Ive seen your post in the past using the common rhetoric of innocent until proven guilty and wheres the proof but now youre going to be hypocritical and just make claims without anything to back it up. Since you changed the subject im assuming that you dont have a real response, have a good one.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Where's your proof that Hillary has allowed people that hired her to have any influence? You want this both ways.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Did I make that argument? I said that you shouldnt be using this argument when Hillary infact was already starting her campaign while doing speeches. You are wanting it both ways not me.', ">>{Brightlinger} : Definitely the latter, since that's a totally normal thing for ex-Presidents to do, while the former would be quite unusual.", ">>{paxtanaa} : Her husband's speaking fees went up drastically after she became Sec of State. How does Bill Clinton get paid $500-750k per speech during the years Hillary is Sec of State by foreign governments and companies that were under investigation by the state department? Other former presidents barely crack $150k for speaking events.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump did start his campaign but it doesn't count because he didn't have an office set up or some garbage that makes it okay. Just like trump promises war, torture and bombings but he can't be a war-monger because he hasn't actually done it yet. There's all these excuses for why trump's actions and words don't count because they aren't identical to Hillary's. It's one of the reasons he's losing.", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : no he didnt start his campaign. There are literally rules and regulations to when you start your campaign that the FEC established. Again you're going off topic and arguing your feelings which isn't something im interested in talking about. Also, you brought up the florida AG earlier. Did you know that the original AG had that lawsuit for 3 years and did nothing with it? That the outcome of staff of the current AG was to allow any Floridian to file a lawsuit with the NY lawsuit if they wanted to since there was only one complaint in FL with no other state other than NY filing the suit? Just thought id share some more facts with you.", '>>{CarmineFields} : > no he didnt start his campaign. There are literally rules and regulations to when you start your campaign Yes, you\'re working super hard to be "technically right". Trump said he was running. He told people he was running. People wanted to buy influence from a guy they knew was running but it doesn\'t count because he didn\'t do the paperwork yet. I guess it\'s okay. This is no different from Jeb! waiting until the last minute to apply so he could control a superpac. It\'s just a slimy way of working around the rules. >Also, you brought up the florida AG earlier. Did you know that the original AG had that lawsuit for 3 years and did nothing with it? So what? That\'s the same thing as you not being able to prove Clinton allowed speech-buyers to influence her. It\'s the appearance of impropriety that counts in conflict of interest.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Again what speech are you referring to trump doing when he "said" he was going to run? So what? There was plenty of time for the lawsuit to be accepted prior to him donating to the current AG. What influence did he attempt on the previous AG?', ">>{CarmineFields} : >from 2006 until he announced his presidential bid in 2015, Trump was easily ACN’s most famous unofficial spokesman. For nearly a decade, Trump appeared in promotional videos touting ACN’s “revolutionary products,” he devoted an episode of NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice to ACN’s “revolutionary” videophone, and he earned millions of dollars giving speeches at ACN events as recently as early 2015 http://www.nationalreview.com/article/432709/donald-trump-american-communications-network-multi-level-marketing-boondoggle >What influence did he attempt on the previous AG? It doesn't matter. Conflict of interest still counts even if nothing was brokered. You don't need to commit bribery for it to count. Both he and the AG had a glaring conflict.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : so you are syaing that since 2006 ACN was paying him because he told them he was going to run in 2016? You know that your argument doesnt make sense but for some reason you refuse to acknowledge the difference. There was no conflict of interest. The lawsuit was able to take place with the NY lawsuits if they wanted to. the AG did not stop the lawsuit from happening. You dont seem too informed about the lawsuit so id suggest looking into it. Why do you think none of the other states filed a suit against him? Were those AG of those states also bribed? Or is it possible that the lawsuits had no legs to stand on so they all came to the same conclusion? 25k isnt a bribe any AG would risk their career for.', ">>{CarmineFields} : First of all, it went right up to 2015 and it's a pyramid scheme. It doesn't matter if an AG would risk their career or not. It's still a conflict of interest."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{skilliard7} : Eric Trump questions Clintons’ enormous wealth: ‘What product were they selling?’', '>>{Vesstair} : Their knowledge and experience from a lifetime of public service. You might get some of that if you ever work for anything in your life, Eric.', '>>{17281posse} : To this day I still mix up Trump and that other can of Cheezwiz, Robin Leach. This kid must have signed up to say the most retarded stuff.', '>>{Writerhaha} : Hint, not steaks, ties, water, vodka, Fake educations, board games, magazines...', '>>{DumpsterDon} : Mexican ties are the fashion statement to make this fall. Grab those Trump ties while you can!', ">>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Wow so a lifetime of 'public service' makes you 100M dollars? Is this the US we are talking about or Kazakhstan?", ">>{DumpsterDon} : [A random citizen questions Eric Dumpster's humanity and choices in recreational activity.](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/13/article-2114122-1224A53F000005DC-522_634x736.jpg) Yeah, that's Eric with an elephant tail he chopped off.", '>>{Opie67} : He means communicating their knowledge and experience through speeches and books.', '>>{DumpsterDon} : You seem beta to me. Always defending the alphas. Probably more of that "poorly educated" class that Dumpster loves so much and who\'ll do anything for him. Again. BETA.', ">>{NotFooledbyFools} : That $100M didn't come from the taxpayers or theft of the treasury. Poor analogy.", '>>{frackpot} : RUMP INFLATES THE NUMBERSTRUMP: I got more than a million dollars, because they have tremendous promotion expenses, to my advantage. In other words, they promote, which has great value, through billboards, through newspapers, through radio, I think through television – yeah, through television. And they spend – again, I’d have to ask them, but I bet they spend at least a million or two million or maybe even more than that on promoting Donald Trump.LAWYER: But how much of the payments were cash? TRUMP: Approximately $400,000. LAWYER: So when you say publicly that you got paid more than a million dollars, you’re including in that sum the promotional expenses that they pay?TRUMP: Oh, absolutely, yes. That has a great value. It has a great value to me.LAWYER: Do you actually say that when you say you got paid more than a million dollars publicly?TRUMP: I don’t break it down.', ">>{AngerMacFadden} : Not when you think about all the sheep their donors get to shear. Critical thinking, it's important more than ever in the new millenium.", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : I mean no way those 15 minute speeches to wall street executives for 500k a pop could possibly mean the big bankers would expect anything in return right?', ">>{0zymandeus} : Didn't I see this exact article about a week ago?", ">>{Biggusdickus73} : It wasn't ripping off private contractors like daddy, Eric.", '>>{AngerMacFadden} : And I bet you look at it every time before posting it.', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'd like to see Trump's taxes and college transcripts.", '>>{Crit_Romney} : Lets try this with reason. What is more likely? Clintons were selling political favor for 100 million? Or Clintons were selling their knowledge of public service for 100 million? I think reasonable people might question that second one.', '>>{Opie67} : I was just clarifying what the OP wrote, since you seemed to struggle with it.', ">>{skilliard7} : Are you seriously implying that they aren't using paid public speaking events as a loophole to sell political favors?", ">>{nocigssincemar1} : The Clintons pull down the same speaking fees as other top draws on the professional speaking circuit, and they spoke to a bunch of different industries and groups for the same high rate. It wasn't as if Goldman Sachs paid more than The GAP or The American Association of Pathology. What kind of favors do you think those two groups bought?", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : What Political office did Trump hold when he was paid that?', '>>{nirad} : I remember I once tried to go to a Bill Clinton book signing. The line was actually over a mile long and the LAPD brought out a helicopter to monitor it. Being the most popular living politician in a country of over 300 million people can be pretty lucrative.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump has been hinting at running for president for a while now. It's just as likely that the people that paid the fees were planning ahead and buying influence.", ">>{nirad} : Only in America can the son of a billionaire who has never had to work a real day in his life question the wealth of self-made man who came from nothing. There's something seriously twisted about the American right. Everything the say they are for they are actually against.", '>>{0zymandeus} : The same one that Hillary held when she was doing paid speeches. Hint: None.', ">>{Neverhood123} : It's not implying when he is stating a fact. Nobody cares how you FEEL about their speeches.", ">>{nocigssincemar1} : [Here's a list](http://imgur.com/Mp9y1Iw) of their speaking engagements and the fees they were paid. Are all of these groups shearing sheep?", ">>{winstonjpenobscot} : One is an entertainer with bad hair and a horrible accent and pretends to be rich. The other one's Robin Leach.", '>>{stop-being-poor} : Have you ever worked for a Fortune 50 company? They pay top notch figures to appear all the time. I highly doubt they pay Tiger Woods or Malala for political favors.', '>>{Crit_Romney} : Hard to say without seeing any information about the speech. There could be tax breaks for the company, gov contracts up for grabs, kickbacks for friends in the industry or just a way to donate to the Clintons for future goodwill of the company. It is just as hard to reason why the GAP wants to listen to a speech about her lifetime of public service is it not?', ">>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Oh wow thanks Opie you really cleared that up. I'm sure in those 15 minutes they really were able to pass on a lifetime of knowledge.", '>>{Opie67} : I found this very intriguing, so I googled "Clinton 15 minute speech". Unfortunately no relevant results came up. Where did you get that?', ">>{creejay} : c) They were selling their fame, just as Obama will make tens of millions off his fame. D list celebrities get paid a lot of money to attend events and parties, so it's not surprising that the Clintons can make millions off books and speeches. It's all in their in their tax returns (~~25+~~ 39 years worth).", ">>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Well the problem is you won't hear any copies because clinton's staff in some cases confiscated attendees phones and made sure no copies got out. You would think with all that knowledge she would share with America kind of weird how they are so secretive of it isn't it?", ">>{Crit_Romney} : I have no doubt they would pay high profile speakers well. But they could easily have a vested interest in Hillary. She is a powerful woman so it isn't crazy to try and be on her good side.", '>>{Opie67} : Yea, but not a single article or even blog post about it. Nothing at all saying a Clinton gave a private speech that lasted 15 minutes. Surely you heard that somewhere, so I was just wondering where.', ">>{nocigssincemar1} : [Here's the list of the groups they gave speeches for.](http://imgur.com/Mp9y1Iw) That's a pretty diverse set of graft if we were assuming your theory. I think it's hard to see why any company would pay that much for any speaker, but the market exists at these prices for a lot more speakers than just the Clintons or the politically powerful. My guess is it's motivated by status signalling and vanity rather than getting $225,000 worth of information.", '>>{creejay} : 25 years of being 2 international celebrities with amazing name recognition will do that, yes. They are already predicting that the Obamas could make $45 million in book deals.', '>>{mic9ael} : IKR, it **is** fun.', '>>{Crit_Romney} : Yea i have seen the list. It is a huge range of the uber elite and the who the hell is that group. It would be funny as hell if GAP just wanted to one up Old Navy and say hey look at us! All the politics go right out the window for some clothing line CEO dick measuring contest.', ">>{nocigssincemar1} : So what's the conclusion if a bunch of nobodies are willing to pay the same price? The point is, no corruption is needed to justify the fees the Clintons earned speaking. That's just the price they commanded.", ">>{Byzantine279} : But that makes no sense. She isn't getting paid more by people who are supposedly courting favors.", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : From some of the attendees reports. Btw they also said there was nothing really informative in the speeches.', '>>{yobsmezn} : I sincerely hate to agree with anything a mini-Trump has to say, but this is a perfectly legitimate question.', ">>{Byzantine279} : The list of known videos: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4xnx7m/hillary_clintons_tax_return_is_a_message_to/d6h13yu Sorry, no one's bothered to transcribe most of them.", '>>{yobsmezn} : There are a lot of folks on here [cough]ing the [cough].', ">>{Opie67} : I didn't think I was asking for much. I even tried Googling for you. Wouldn't it be easier to let me know where I can read up on this?", '>>{Byzantine279} : Hillary did speeches for a shit ton of groups. The ones that people are taking issue with (Wall street) did not pay her more than other groups. Further, lots of other people - including Trump, funnily enough - also give paid speeches to a lot of groups. There is a whole thing on it, and the price is determined pretty much entirely by how famous the person is.', ">>{alexanderwales} : [See here for a list of speaking fees.](https://www.allamericanspeakers.com/searchfee.php?fee=6) I personally can't fathom why anyone would pay Billy Crystal that much to give a speech, but apparently it happens. And I doubt that most actors and athletes are selling state secrets or engaging in quid pro quo.", ">>{Crit_Romney} : There is no conclusion because there really isn't an investigation into it. In that total number of speeches lets say three were bought for political favor. We will never know if that is the case in any of these or not. A few big companies could have said hey Hillary Clinton is doing a speech tour this is a perfect time to throw some money her way for when we need that _________________. You can't get a conclusion we can only speculate.", '>>{MenShouldntHaveCats} : Sorry you are having such a tough time sounds like you really struggle with simple tasks.', '>>{Crit_Romney} : Thats not true if you look at how many speeches she gave to Goldman Sachs for example. 675,000 for three speeches. So three times they wanted to hear her talk about her time in public office. You think so?', '>>{nocigssincemar1} : Not all speculation is created equal. If the implication is some of the companies paid Clinton for political favors then they apparently got a $225,000 speaking appearance for free.', ">>{Byzantine279} : Yep, which when divided per speech was almost exactly what she was being paid by everyone else. You misunderstand how these speeches work. These are corporate events with tons of middle managers miling around. The people at each event were different, and they booked Hillary as a headliner because it's all about the name, the audience (who are not the big wigs) barely pays attention to the speech.", ">>{Opie67} : Sorry you're having a tough time typing a source for your claims. Sounds like spewing nonsense is easier.", ">>{kiwisrkool} : This article says he sold 2.25 million books. Don't think that makes 150 million in author profits. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Life_(Bill_Clinton_autobiography)", ">>{golikehellmachine} : This, unfortunately, isn't just the American right.", '>>{Crit_Romney} : Then why not release the transcripts for them if everything is on the up and up?', ">>{Byzantine279} : Because it takes time, money, and effort to collect speeches she may not even possess anymore, transcribe them, and then release them. And even if she did do all of this, people would just assume the transcripts are edited or she's hiding the damaging ones behind these innocuous ones, etc. Hillary really has no win in this game, so her choice was to not play.", '>>{golikehellmachine} : Having actually worked in arranging events like this for a Fortune 100 company, it\'s absolutely infuriating to have watched all sorts of people all over the internets speak about them like they have the slightest fucking clue whatsoever as to what they\'re talking about. We can criticize the culture of hiring "motivational speakers" or "gurus" or what the fuck ever, but to pretend that Hillary Clinton\'s unique - or, to a degree, even noteworthy in this context - demonstrates a significant lack of awareness of how common this kind of thing is. I don\'t blame the average person who\'s never worked in the corporate field, but the press who have reported on this *absolutely know better*, but are happy to gin up the outrage of the former for clicks.', '>>{golikehellmachine} : > My guess is it\'s motivated by status signalling and vanity rather than getting $225,000 worth of information. Yes, absolutely. No-name speakers make astronomical figures, too. These things are typically tax write-offs, and they\'re frequently used as smokescreens to provide "Leadership!" training to the rank and file, in lieu of, you know, actually *doing* something. $225K isn\'t that much when the alternative is putting 15K employees through 10h of paid training.', ">>{Byzantine279} : She's not even close to a top-end booking, either. Those can charge a million+ a speech. Her husband can charge more than her, but still doesn't get anywhere near that. Frankly the whole thing, like most Hillary scandals, is so annoyingly mundane no one believes it's the truth.", ">>{Crit_Romney} : Or a speech never even took place just the transfer of funds and the paper trail. There are quite a few speeches i could not find events listed for. But in one of the company's event archive....I cant remember which right now. One was just a dinner with a really small board of directors in DC or TX. Like 8 to 10 people. Easy to fake a meeting with.", ">>{nocigssincemar1} : But that's based on nothing whereas there's plenty of reasons to conclude Clinton got paid for her speeches alone. This is not even close to a 50/50 proposition.", ">>{golikehellmachine} : She's also, repeatedly, the most admired woman in the world, and not even close to the top, in terms of pay.", ">>{damrider} : She's so corrupt that why they're so wealthy but they're also really poor because they're bad at business", '>>{Three__14} : Not fake degrees, I can tell you that much', '>>{SHOW_ME_YOUR_GOATS} : Boy it sure would be nice to see some evidence of your accusation for once.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : What about the ones she did when she already established her campaign team to run?', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : This is not a good argument since we know that Hillary had her campaign team set up and headquarters leased while doing speeches.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : She had someone transcript her speeches, it was written into the contracts.', '>>{dfaraci} : Your link shows that he was paid 15 million to write it, then made another 30 million (as of 2008) from sales of this and his next book That is 45 million by 2008 from 2 books with no info on how much he was paid up front for the second book The Clintons have written 11 books', ">>{stop-being-poor} : $250k per speech is actually quite little for someone of Hillary Clinton's celebrity stature. Tiger Woods makes double what she makes, and I doubt he is a more universally known / admired figure. And yes, this is post sex scandal Tiger Woods.", '>>{CarmineFields} : And the people that hired trump knew he planned on running.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Does it matter? He said he was running and they bought influence. You're trying to split hairs but it's the same damn thing.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : yes it does matter, when did he announce that he was running compared to the speeches? that matters. He has said that hes been interested in running for years.', ">>{CarmineFields} : If he told the people who paid him that he was running, it's the same exact thing. No one pays that much to hear Trump's incomprehensible ramblings. They paid for influence but it's okay because Trump.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : what speech are you referring to? hes been giving speeches for years, youre claiming that he told them "hey eventually im gonna run so pay me now"?', ">>{CarmineFields} : And Clinton has given speeches for years too. You want this both ways like everything with Trump. Fraud, corruption, pay to play. It's all fine when Trump does it.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : you are ignoring the differences which are significant. Hillary did speeches while she already had her campaign team started and leased her headquarters. You also arent providing an example of a speech that he gave after he announced that he was running. I dont want anything both ways, I am not a trump supporter. Im just pointing out the differences with your attack.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump has both been paid and paid for influence. See the Florida auditor general. See Trump's gushing love of all things Russian when Rusdia pays Trump's former campaign manager's salary. There are dozens of examples of near-identical situations where trump has used or taken money for influence. But it's okay because Trump.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : okay now youre completely changing the subject and claiming things that you have nothing to back it up. Ive seen your post in the past using the common rhetoric of innocent until proven guilty and wheres the proof but now youre going to be hypocritical and just make claims without anything to back it up. Since you changed the subject im assuming that you dont have a real response, have a good one.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Where's your proof that Hillary has allowed people that hired her to have any influence? You want this both ways.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Did I make that argument? I said that you shouldnt be using this argument when Hillary infact was already starting her campaign while doing speeches. You are wanting it both ways not me.', ">>{Brightlinger} : Definitely the latter, since that's a totally normal thing for ex-Presidents to do, while the former would be quite unusual.", ">>{paxtanaa} : Her husband's speaking fees went up drastically after she became Sec of State. How does Bill Clinton get paid $500-750k per speech during the years Hillary is Sec of State by foreign governments and companies that were under investigation by the state department? Other former presidents barely crack $150k for speaking events.", ">>{CarmineFields} : Trump did start his campaign but it doesn't count because he didn't have an office set up or some garbage that makes it okay. Just like trump promises war, torture and bombings but he can't be a war-monger because he hasn't actually done it yet. There's all these excuses for why trump's actions and words don't count because they aren't identical to Hillary's. It's one of the reasons he's losing.", ">>{JohnnyRandazzo} : no he didnt start his campaign. There are literally rules and regulations to when you start your campaign that the FEC established. Again you're going off topic and arguing your feelings which isn't something im interested in talking about. Also, you brought up the florida AG earlier. Did you know that the original AG had that lawsuit for 3 years and did nothing with it? That the outcome of staff of the current AG was to allow any Floridian to file a lawsuit with the NY lawsuit if they wanted to since there was only one complaint in FL with no other state other than NY filing the suit? Just thought id share some more facts with you.", '>>{CarmineFields} : > no he didnt start his campaign. There are literally rules and regulations to when you start your campaign Yes, you\'re working super hard to be "technically right". Trump said he was running. He told people he was running. People wanted to buy influence from a guy they knew was running but it doesn\'t count because he didn\'t do the paperwork yet. I guess it\'s okay. This is no different from Jeb! waiting until the last minute to apply so he could control a superpac. It\'s just a slimy way of working around the rules. >Also, you brought up the florida AG earlier. Did you know that the original AG had that lawsuit for 3 years and did nothing with it? So what? That\'s the same thing as you not being able to prove Clinton allowed speech-buyers to influence her. It\'s the appearance of impropriety that counts in conflict of interest.', '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : Again what speech are you referring to trump doing when he "said" he was going to run? So what? There was plenty of time for the lawsuit to be accepted prior to him donating to the current AG. What influence did he attempt on the previous AG?', ">>{CarmineFields} : >from 2006 until he announced his presidential bid in 2015, Trump was easily ACN’s most famous unofficial spokesman. For nearly a decade, Trump appeared in promotional videos touting ACN’s “revolutionary products,” he devoted an episode of NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice to ACN’s “revolutionary” videophone, and he earned millions of dollars giving speeches at ACN events as recently as early 2015 http://www.nationalreview.com/article/432709/donald-trump-american-communications-network-multi-level-marketing-boondoggle >What influence did he attempt on the previous AG? It doesn't matter. Conflict of interest still counts even if nothing was brokered. You don't need to commit bribery for it to count. Both he and the AG had a glaring conflict.", '>>{JohnnyRandazzo} : so you are syaing that since 2006 ACN was paying him because he told them he was going to run in 2016? You know that your argument doesnt make sense but for some reason you refuse to acknowledge the difference. There was no conflict of interest. The lawsuit was able to take place with the NY lawsuits if they wanted to. the AG did not stop the lawsuit from happening. You dont seem too informed about the lawsuit so id suggest looking into it. Why do you think none of the other states filed a suit against him? Were those AG of those states also bribed? Or is it possible that the lawsuits had no legs to stand on so they all came to the same conclusion? 25k isnt a bribe any AG would risk their career for.', ">>{CarmineFields} : First of all, it went right up to 2015 and it's a pyramid scheme. It doesn't matter if an AG would risk their career or not. It's still a conflict of interest."]]
classify and reply
['>>{10390} : I stopped reading at: "The violence at the Nevada Democratic Party convention, comments by the Senator justifying it"', ">>{space_dan} : I mean I'll take 11.6 or 13, doesn't matter to me haha. But wouldn't that be a change within the margin of error? Or am I just ignorant?", ">>{sunkaoyate} : The US government is literally arming the world, and nobody's even talking about it", '>>{TheTrollingPakistani} : And? China/India/iran/etc. Do it.', ">>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Weed smoking and casual indifference? They'll get to 40 one day and wonder why those youngsters bitch so much though.", '>>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : They will dye their hair a different color "outrage orange" i suppose maybe "petulant purple"', ">>{nikv760} : What's your favorite case for you new iPhone 7+ I am loving this statement otterbox with my matte black 7+", '>>{truthhurts4444} : Literally arming the world? Like how they turned a planet into a gun in the new Star Wars movie?', '>>{mindscrambler26} : But he is a racist...therefore if you are against Wall Street corruption then you hate black people', '>>{terri_dahoo} : This is about the time they start believing in Hillary because they have no other choice.', '>>{csimons425} : I gave some serious thought to that case and actually end up cancelling my order for it. Do you have any pictures of that case with your phone in it?', ">>{RevThwack} : So, she went from +13 to +11.6, and it's time for Trumpers to celebrate?", '>>{thistlefink} : Jamie Dimon for Treasury is a great sign of that /s', '>>{Firetrucker} : Trump really knows how to ride the terror wave, a few more massacres, a few more tweets about how right he is should put him right in the Oval Office.', ">>{Cupinacup} : If Bernie can inspire more turnout in 2018, he'll be able to do what even Obama couldn't.", '>>{progressive_voter} : steve bannon sounds like bernie. how will r/berniesanders (i mean r/politics) respond to this?', ">>{androidpk} : Yeah, I'm really gonna start believing in the candidate that's under an FBI criminal investigation.", ">>{reptilian1976} : Red states aren't switching to D for Hillary Clinton. omg, the 15% delusion is so real. http://www.gallup.com/poll/188096/democratic-republican-identification-near-historical-lows.aspx", ">>{terri_dahoo} : When you are a member of a cult shit like that doesn't really make a difference.", ">>{miashaee} : They really don't have to at this point, if she holds what democrats always win then this is still over. Trump needs to make up some ground to make this competitive, we will see.", '>>{leontes} : Your steady confidence could be seen, perhaps, as a deeper delusion.', ">>{Youdontknowjack900} : Steve Bannon is pretty much America's worst enemy. There are too many reasons why this man should not have such influence over the most powerful government in the world.", '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Hey now. The world needs these young liberal arts upstarts to change the world. They actually can change the world, just not on Reddit.', ">>{I_Forgot_My_} : I have the otterbox commuter. It's super sleek and super durable. EDIT: Mine is for the 7, not the 7+. Oops.", ">>{StupidRuralAmerican} : If he follows through with his intent of 'blowing up the system', the very people who voted for Trump will be the most affected. Its quite possible, that Bannon has a honey pot video of Trump. He is using it as leverage. The moment Bannon is kicked out - Trumps presidency ends.", ">>{Just1Hall} : I can't seem to find that case for the 7+... Does the one for the 6s+ fit fine or where did you find the one for the 7+?", ">>{SquirrelTopTrump} : I like my weed, don't get me wrong. I also like the world of reality, even if I have to deal with it in the workplace. Probably a space most Bernie supporters haven't been in.", '>>{sfislander} : I like the urban armor gear and will go after the rhinoshield playproof when it comes out', '>>{bernieaccountess} : surely these are the people we should inspire to emulate.', '>>{androidpk} : Clearly you have no idea about reality if you think all of Bernie Sanders supporters are young people. People of all age, sex and race support him. Keep trying to act otherwise though, people are just gonna laugh at you even more.', '>>{RammingIntoChicks} : Rand paul talks about it but the Senate votes down his proposals to stop arming other countries', '>>{rsjp} : no we are against a white supremacist who runs a disinformation movement.', '>>{Dont_Blink-182} : Speck Presidio Grip. Been using speck since the 4S and never been disappointed', '>>{BugFix} : Jesus fuck, CNBC: > [Bannon said in a 2014 speech] "For Christians, and particularly for those who believe in the underpinnings of the Judeo-Christian West, I don\'t believe that we should have a bailout. I think the bailouts in 2008 were wrong. That is **not** what the headline implies. This isn\'t pro-bank-regulation, this is pro-societal-collapse. Refresher: this was in fact the tactic tried by the Bush administration. Lehman Brothers was the first bank to have trouble, and they let them struggle. **They failed utterly almost overnight**. Then it turned out that the rest of the industry was similarly leveraged, and for a few days it seriously looked like the western reserve banking economy might have literally met its end. The 2008 bailout wasn\'t an optional act. The banks were out of money and the economy (the global economy, not just our little piece) was literally frozen. The only questions at issue were how to implement the extraordinarily complicated plan to fix things. And we\'re all just lucky that it worked. "Shouldn\'t have had a bailout". Eeesh.', '>>{blatherskiter} : Trump, like Reagan, is the new law and order candidate courting former hippies disenchanted with violent, anti-American Marxists.', '>>{20WPM} : This story first appeared on the TomDispatch website. Still, how can this be? Clinton is not even in the government. Who is sucking up all of that bribe money?', ">>{gorgerwert} : > Then it turned out that the rest of the industry was similarly leveraged, and for a few days it seriously looked like the western reserve banking economy might have literally met its end. Some may argue that this system itself is broken, and the bailouts were only delaying its inevitable collapse. Can't blame the government for the bailouts though, nobody wants the chaos that would follow pinned on them.", ">>{cratermoon} : I'm sure the gold selling hucksters love him, though.", '>>{78pickup} : The US increasingly resembles the Soviet Union before the collapse. No one believes the media, no one trusts the dominant institutions, corruption at all levels of society, and the lingering threat of violence.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Hey, where's watchingdonfail, is he not in today?", '>>{japroct} : If everything he does is wrong then why does he keep getting more and more popular? I also refuse to believe he is trailing Clinton in any form, polls are obviously being taken in high democrat areas only.', '>>{space_dan} : Not trusting the polls. Go ask Romney how that worked out.', '>>{abacabbx} : Spigen ultra hybrid crystal clear for my silver 7 32gb. I’ve used this same brand, model, and crystal clear option for the last 4 iPhone models and spigen has never let me down. Takes considerably longer to yellow than most other clear options, gives all around protection at a general usage level. This and my zagg hdx and it’s like I have a naked phone without most of the worry.', ">>{Just1Hall} : Hey thanks! I was confused since they don't even show on the Otterbox official site.", '>>{Warmth_of_the_Sun} : Indeed he does, at least in terms of crony capitalism. If you really investigate his speeches and sayings on the matter (rather than just believe BS headlines) you will see he believes American capitalism is broken because the intimate connection between ultra rich business interests and ultra-powerful (politicians) who have conspired to rig the system against everyone else.', ">>{78pickup} : Check out the polls on trust in America's dominant institutions. I'm not exaggerating. The approval rating for Congress is roughly on par with cockroaches, and only old people believe the corporate media. Shit's about to get real.", '>>{kurtfan182} : Just got done reading 5 different stories this morning on Reddit about Hillary killing him in the polls since the attack. Hello my name is Kurtfan182 and I am running for president. I have one platform and one platform only. We will ban the use of polls in all elections. We will put that shit in the constitution. If you are curious how everyone else feels asked your damn neighbor and wait to find out in November. Kurtfan182 out.', '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : Thats how we keep the Military Industrial Complex rolling Jobs jobs Jobs', ">>{rsjp} : you're still against hillary at this point? the election is over. instead you may want to pay attention to the festering wound of washed-out GOP rejects, nakedly corrupt lobbyist/industry insiders, and ideologue ghouls pledging their undying fealty to a narcissistic tyrant with no impulse control and no cognizance of governance who will soon have executive power over the most powerful apparatus in the history of the world. reality will welcome you back if you want it to. give it a try.", '>>{TheTrollingPakistani} : We get paid billions from selling weapons to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Latin America, etc.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Just because your candidate didn't win the primary, it doesn't automatically follow that the country is on the brink of collapse. Sorry, man.", '>>{lakersfan014} : you have a sick obsession with bernie. seek help.', '>>{Zackstail} : Currently on my black iPhone 7 Plus, I am using a Speck case. It\'s a "Presidio grip" case. It works well on keeping the phone in my hand, which is a big deal for me! I was using the phone naked for about maybe 5 days and the phone was very slippery. So I went out and bought the case. It is very minimal and very well aesthetically designed. On the box it mentioned they can be dropped at 10 feet. Hopefully I won\'t have to experience that though! But, I do enjoy a minimal case with great protection with a added bonus to the rubber grippy sides. Link for anyone interested! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JKB7I0E/ref=twister_B01L3HYVTO?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1', '>>{BugFix} : Fractional reserve banking is broken? Only in one of those "worst form except for all the others" senses. But yes: it requires regulation. Banks had, in essence, discovered tricks to multiply their reserve fraction. And that\'s bad, for exactly the reason that the reserve fraction gets regulated in the first place. They were cheating. The blew it all up. The fix is to not let them cheat, because realistically you can cheat your way to collapse in any number of other ways too.', '>>{SATexas1} : So when NATO gets up to their 2% goal, we should be able to make some money from them.', ">>{wytxcook} : Clearly you have no idea sex and race are just a social constructs. It's crazy to think otherwise in 2016, unless YOU want to get laughed at.", '>>{nikv760} : Yea I was looking for the symmetry case on apples site and found this one not going to lie I love this case', '>>{MianaQ} : remember this? [Bush Delivers Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia](http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,13319,159984,00.html) [President Bush Arming Fellow Tyrants Globally](http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-weapons-sales-president-bush-arming-fellow-tyrants-globally/7850)', '>>{78pickup} : American\'s trust in Government Near all time low: http://time.com/4124076/survey-americans-trust-government-pew/ "American\'s trust in Media remains at historical low": http://www.gallup.com/poll/185927/americans-trust-media-remains-historical-low.aspx Sooner or later something\'s gotta give. But keep telling people to vote Hillary, aka the most corrupt politician in modern history. Yeah, that\'s the ticket.', '>>{gorgerwert} : > They were cheating. The blew it all up. The fix is to not let them cheat, because realistically you can cheat your way to collapse in any number of other ways too. Agreed, and if the people responsible for the cheating were held accountable I\'d be much more willing to support the bailouts. Saving the companies involved without punishing the individuals responsible for the cheating sends the message that such actions are permissible and the taxpayers will always be there to pick up the pieces. I think breaking up the involved institutions into smaller companies with unconnected owners would also be a proper response. >Fractional reserve banking is broken? Only in one of those "worst form except for all the others" senses. I think bringing the Federal Reserve under the direct control of the government, with an accompanying audit, would shed light on how sustainable that system is.', '>>{nikv760} : I had the symmetry otter box on my 6s + which fell from stories and survived this feels a little sturdier and leather at the bottom just feels good to hold', ">>{bernieaccountess} : And effectively arming the very same rebels and extremest's; we are sent to kill. > Saudi Arabia, reason to believe that they funded and carried out 9/11. >Pakistan US government files, leaked by Wikileaks, disclosed that American diplomats had been told that Pakistani security services were tipping off bin Laden every time US forces approached. Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), also helped smuggle al-Qaeda militants into Afghanistan to fight NATO troops. >Israel Obama's worst mistake: libya ([hillary clintons destroy Libya for Israel](https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/18328)", '>>{satosaison} : It is, but any change from one poll to the next (which is usually a period of days) is going to be within the margin of error, and they have to generate clicks with something', ">>{Eeeveee} : Man, once the MSM reports it that'll really hurt Jeb in the general election polls.", '>>{guiltyofnothing} : >aka the most corrupt politician in modern history Again with the teeth-gnashing, shirt-tearing, phlegmatic hyperbole. Why is it so hard to recognize that millions more people voted for her?', '>>{MrAnalog} : There were simply too many elected officials involved in the sub prime disaster to expect any sort of accountability.', '>>{madleon1} : Do you stupid Americans realise that all it will take is one terrorist attack right before the elections by some foreigners and Trump will win in a landslide? The odds of that happening are pretty high considering the current geopolitical climate...', '>>{akaBigWurm} : I dont see it, Trump and his rich friends love money', ">>{TheTrollingPakistani} : I'm a trump supporter so why does this matter? https://au.news.yahoo.com/world/a/32117717/trump-praises-erdogan-for-coup-crackdown/ https://www.rt.com/usa/352464-trump-erdogan-turkey-nato/ Trump praised edrogan, Mashallah! http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/03/donald-trump-israel-2016-netanyahu-213748 http://m.jpost.com/Opinion/Trump-and-Israel-Closer-than-one-might-think-454328 Pro Israeli, another check!", ">>{dbSterling} : Yeah because Trump seems so measured and competent in times of emergency. No one in the general election wants this guy at the podium after a tragedy yelling about brown people. Regardless of the poll, this was a net loss for him. After 50 Americans were murdered, he congratulated himself. That image won't go away", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Meh, even if hitter himself was the GOP nominee and Jesus was the Democratic, Adolf would get 45% of the vote against a democrat.', '>>{78pickup} : Can you name an American politician more corrupt? I mean she takes money from Saudi child killers and Chinese billionaires and pedophiles like Jeffrey Eptstein. She is the very embodiment of corruption. She represents everything that is wrong with the American political system.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : on the face of it this should concern a trump supporters because we are making powerful or enemies of democracy. and empowering ISIS and etc in return. the weapons that we sell to those countries often wind up in extremest strongholds like Libya and in the middle east in general.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : You really don't realize how ridiculous and unhinged you sound, do you?", ">>{Chel_of_the_sea} : I'm not at all indifferent to politics and have voted in every election (save one midterm) for which I've been eligible. I've never smoked pot, and never intend to. I still voted for Sanders.", '>>{DefinitelyIngenuous} : Bannon knows this from first hand experience. He worked at Goldman and it left him disgusted.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : We had just that, and it didn't help.", '>>{Krisjhn} : I have the Parallax case in black by Caseology. So far I like it a lot. https://www.caseologycases.com/products/parallax-series-20', '>>{78pickup} : Just stating the facts. I agree with you to a certain extent: Hillary\'s depravities are so extreme as to beggar believe. A Hollywood biopic would have to excise her most extreme acts of moral degeneracy, eg taking money from Jeffrey Epstein so he could go on molesting kids with Bill Clinton on the "lolita express" and cash from the Saudi Royal Family.', ">>{fatuous_uvula} : How's the protection? I ordered it after comparing many different case designs, reading professional and user reviews.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : And don't forget how she personally murdered Vince Foster!", ">>{maxstolfe} : I had the statement for my iPhone 6 and it's a fantastic case. Right now I'm rocking the apple battery case but I will probably get the new statement eventually too.", '>>{78pickup} : Sorry, there are no white noise machines here. But by all means, keep trying to distract from the issues.', '>>{guiltyofnothing} : Nah, this is just fun for me now. My point is -- they stuff you\'re spewing about "The Lolita Express" and "Clinton Ca$h" has just about as much basis in reality as Hillary personally putting one in Vince Foster\'s head.', '>>{fitzroy95} : > "Shouldn\'t have had a bailout". Eeesh. The bailout was necessary, but should have come with teeth to try and ensure that it wasn\'t going to happen again. It should have included legislation to replace something similar to Glass-Steagal. It should have included criminal charges for any executive found to have employed or required fraudulent activities, and if found guilty, they should have, at a minimum, lost all income derived from those criminal activities. It should have mandated real investigations into the causes of the financial collapse with legislation to close those gaps and charges against those directly causing it. Whereas we are currently at the point of rebuilding similar bubbles, with banks who are "too big to fail, and too big to jail", and almost a guarantee of a similar financial collapse within the next 10 years because ***none*** of the behavior or arrogance or greed has changed. Any corporation who is "too big to fail" and also plays a critical role in the economy should be forced to be broken up to a size which ***can*** be allowed to fail if they screw up.', ">>{CaptainShanks} : Apple's Midnight Blue leather case on my matte black iPhone 7 Plus. So gorgeous 💙", '>>{TheTrollingPakistani} : My goal is to make Muslims and the Ummah as conservative and fundamental as possible. I believe that trump and the far right are the best options for that. When someone is scared guess where they run to? Religion.', '>>{BugFix} : All of which is more or less correct, though some of the moralizing leaves me a little cold. Regulation is about incentives, not "justice". But whatever floats your boat. I was just pointing out that Bannon\'s insane "let them fail" idea (1) was tried and (2) nearly led to the death of the global economy.', '>>{78pickup} : Slick Willy took two dozens trips on the lolita express, some without his SS detail. Do you deny that? Hillary receives donations from the Saudi Royal family. Do you deny that?', ">>{Krisjhn} : So far so good. But I've only had it since Tuesday. So not a lot of data points. I haven't dropped the phone or had any hard bangs. Hopefully I never do. The case looks good. Fits great. And seems like it will do the job when my luck finally runs out and I do drop it.", '>>{fitzroy95} : > Regulation is about incentives, not "justice". regulation is about defining a framework for all people within a society to interact within. That includes incentives as well as disincentives, it provides for mechanisms to support the society (taxes, education, infrastructure, defense) and must also include reasonable enforcement of those regulations to ensure that they are effective and followed, and specifying the consequences of igoring or breaking the law (and a process of adapting and evolving those regualtions over time as that society changes). Most of that isn\'t "moralizing", thats just ensuring that there are actual consequences for anyone caught breaking the regulations, and also ensuring that everyone within the society is able to be covered within the same legal system. When you start creating separate legal systems for anyone "too big to fail", then you are designing a broken legal system', '>>{sexbobombj} : Seconded! Plus cheap enough to replace if super scratched. Mine have never yellowed', ">>{grandmachine} : Do you mind posting a picture of it? I'm leaning towards getting either a black or blue leather case for my 7 plus.", '>>{Cupinacup} : /r/politics has been getting really crazy lately.', '>>{Sheeshur} : Probably looking for a job now that the whole "everything for free"-thing is not woking out', '>>{thisxisxlife} : I bought this case originally but returned it because it was too thick for my liking 😔', ">>{CaptainShanks} : Certainly! Have to wait and borrow someone else's phone though, haha. If I don't respond within the next day, feel free to bug and remind me!", '>>{MellowMelo} : Really wanted a Sea Blue or Saddle Brown leather case for my 7+, but my Apple Store was sold out. So I settled on the Cocoa silicone case.', '>>{Elidaman44} : Was thinking of getting that, does it offer much protection?', ">>{19683dw} : This kinda seems to me justification that we can spend a lot less on our military. In time of war, our production could be rapidly shifted from exports to domestic armament, and in doing so we'd rapidly increase the cost to our potential opposition.", ">>{bernieaccountess} : even if that fear and fudamentalist religion is what people exploit when carrying out events like 9/11, car bombings, beheading of people of other religions (christians, jew's etc etc.) here and abroad and, take your civil liberties away like, your right to bear arms/ freedom of speech (seeing the subs you mod) and your privacy online and off?", '>>{Curri} : I used this exact case for my iPhone 6. Dropped it from a bench at the gym, and the screen cracked.', '>>{erlend53} : Do you have a picture with the phone in? I am wondering to buy the case, and I also have a matte black :) Looks like a lovely combination Thanks!', '>>{HypeManiac} : That actually looks pretty great. It was between the Statement and the Symmetry. Went with the Symmetry.', ">>{TheTrollingPakistani} : Yes. I want trump to ban Muslims, close mosques, etc. Look at the far right in France. They're rapidly growing, and conservatism is also growing. When people are unsure and scared they run to religion. He'll in the '08 economic crash religious attendance skyrocketed. Why do you think poor countries are religious?", ">>{bernieaccountess} : (preface) you post history doesn't lead me to believe you are a trump supporter. >Why do you think poor countries are religious? i cannot find any studies that (without a doubt say that a countries wealth is related to its religiosity) the United States is one of the wealthier countries that also has relatively high religiosity (60% have no doubt God exists), but if you are a republican you should be all about the civil libraties that the democrats are trying to take away. the way they are doing that is exploiting terrorist attacks. and using it as a guise to take again your right to bear arms/ freedom of speech and privacy. all because we want to sell guns and support the enemies of america we are sent to destroy.", ">>{sunkaoyate} : & when I post it through TOMDISPACHE you tell me it's not an 'approved' publication.... shifty shifty rules... or maybe you just don't like the content???", ">>{nikv760} : I was debating the same thing, I had symmetry last year which is an amazing case by the way son threw my 6s + from two stories and phone didn't even have scratch on it. But this year I went with this one because I like how the leather bottom feels", ">>{pilotm} : That is the case I've been looking at. Thanks!", '>>{Kronosan} : Well, saved me from a five ft hard surface drop today. I have a screen protector as well.', ">>{yummypunani} : I'm using Spigen Liquid Crystal Case for $14.", ">>{ruckis} : How did the clear part of the Statement case hold up? I'm worried about scratches.", ">>{maxstolfe} : Full of scratches lol but I don't care if a case gets beat up. That's the point of a case. It never damaged the phone though, if that's what you're concerned with."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{10390} : I stopped reading at: "The violence at the Nevada Democratic Party convention, comments by the Senator justifying it"', ">>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Weed smoking and casual indifference? They'll get to 40 one day and wonder why those youngsters bitch so much though.", '>>{ImYoreHuckleberry} : They will dye their hair a different color "outrage orange" i suppose maybe "petulant purple"', '>>{terri_dahoo} : This is about the time they start believing in Hillary because they have no other choice.', ">>{Cupinacup} : If Bernie can inspire more turnout in 2018, he'll be able to do what even Obama couldn't.", ">>{androidpk} : Yeah, I'm really gonna start believing in the candidate that's under an FBI criminal investigation.", ">>{terri_dahoo} : When you are a member of a cult shit like that doesn't really make a difference.", '>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : Hey now. The world needs these young liberal arts upstarts to change the world. They actually can change the world, just not on Reddit.', ">>{SquirrelTopTrump} : I like my weed, don't get me wrong. I also like the world of reality, even if I have to deal with it in the workplace. Probably a space most Bernie supporters haven't been in.", '>>{androidpk} : Clearly you have no idea about reality if you think all of Bernie Sanders supporters are young people. People of all age, sex and race support him. Keep trying to act otherwise though, people are just gonna laugh at you even more.', '>>{blatherskiter} : Trump, like Reagan, is the new law and order candidate courting former hippies disenchanted with violent, anti-American Marxists.', '>>{78pickup} : The US increasingly resembles the Soviet Union before the collapse. No one believes the media, no one trusts the dominant institutions, corruption at all levels of society, and the lingering threat of violence.', ">>{78pickup} : Check out the polls on trust in America's dominant institutions. I'm not exaggerating. The approval rating for Congress is roughly on par with cockroaches, and only old people believe the corporate media. Shit's about to get real.", ">>{guiltyofnothing} : Just because your candidate didn't win the primary, it doesn't automatically follow that the country is on the brink of collapse. Sorry, man.", ">>{wytxcook} : Clearly you have no idea sex and race are just a social constructs. It's crazy to think otherwise in 2016, unless YOU want to get laughed at.", '>>{78pickup} : American\'s trust in Government Near all time low: http://time.com/4124076/survey-americans-trust-government-pew/ "American\'s trust in Media remains at historical low": http://www.gallup.com/poll/185927/americans-trust-media-remains-historical-low.aspx Sooner or later something\'s gotta give. But keep telling people to vote Hillary, aka the most corrupt politician in modern history. Yeah, that\'s the ticket.', '>>{guiltyofnothing} : >aka the most corrupt politician in modern history Again with the teeth-gnashing, shirt-tearing, phlegmatic hyperbole. Why is it so hard to recognize that millions more people voted for her?', '>>{78pickup} : Can you name an American politician more corrupt? I mean she takes money from Saudi child killers and Chinese billionaires and pedophiles like Jeffrey Eptstein. She is the very embodiment of corruption. She represents everything that is wrong with the American political system.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : You really don't realize how ridiculous and unhinged you sound, do you?", ">>{Chel_of_the_sea} : I'm not at all indifferent to politics and have voted in every election (save one midterm) for which I've been eligible. I've never smoked pot, and never intend to. I still voted for Sanders.", '>>{78pickup} : Just stating the facts. I agree with you to a certain extent: Hillary\'s depravities are so extreme as to beggar believe. A Hollywood biopic would have to excise her most extreme acts of moral degeneracy, eg taking money from Jeffrey Epstein so he could go on molesting kids with Bill Clinton on the "lolita express" and cash from the Saudi Royal Family.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : And don't forget how she personally murdered Vince Foster!", '>>{78pickup} : Sorry, there are no white noise machines here. But by all means, keep trying to distract from the issues.', '>>{guiltyofnothing} : Nah, this is just fun for me now. My point is -- they stuff you\'re spewing about "The Lolita Express" and "Clinton Ca$h" has just about as much basis in reality as Hillary personally putting one in Vince Foster\'s head.', '>>{78pickup} : Slick Willy took two dozens trips on the lolita express, some without his SS detail. Do you deny that? Hillary receives donations from the Saudi Royal family. Do you deny that?', '>>{Cupinacup} : /r/politics has been getting really crazy lately.', '>>{Sheeshur} : Probably looking for a job now that the whole "everything for free"-thing is not woking out'], [">>{space_dan} : I mean I'll take 11.6 or 13, doesn't matter to me haha. But wouldn't that be a change within the margin of error? Or am I just ignorant?", ">>{RevThwack} : So, she went from +13 to +11.6, and it's time for Trumpers to celebrate?", '>>{Firetrucker} : Trump really knows how to ride the terror wave, a few more massacres, a few more tweets about how right he is should put him right in the Oval Office.', ">>{reptilian1976} : Red states aren't switching to D for Hillary Clinton. omg, the 15% delusion is so real. http://www.gallup.com/poll/188096/democratic-republican-identification-near-historical-lows.aspx", ">>{miashaee} : They really don't have to at this point, if she holds what democrats always win then this is still over. Trump needs to make up some ground to make this competitive, we will see.", '>>{leontes} : Your steady confidence could be seen, perhaps, as a deeper delusion.', ">>{UWantWhatUGet} : Hey, where's watchingdonfail, is he not in today?", '>>{japroct} : If everything he does is wrong then why does he keep getting more and more popular? I also refuse to believe he is trailing Clinton in any form, polls are obviously being taken in high democrat areas only.', '>>{space_dan} : Not trusting the polls. Go ask Romney how that worked out.', '>>{kurtfan182} : Just got done reading 5 different stories this morning on Reddit about Hillary killing him in the polls since the attack. Hello my name is Kurtfan182 and I am running for president. I have one platform and one platform only. We will ban the use of polls in all elections. We will put that shit in the constitution. If you are curious how everyone else feels asked your damn neighbor and wait to find out in November. Kurtfan182 out.', '>>{satosaison} : It is, but any change from one poll to the next (which is usually a period of days) is going to be within the margin of error, and they have to generate clicks with something', '>>{madleon1} : Do you stupid Americans realise that all it will take is one terrorist attack right before the elections by some foreigners and Trump will win in a landslide? The odds of that happening are pretty high considering the current geopolitical climate...', ">>{dbSterling} : Yeah because Trump seems so measured and competent in times of emergency. No one in the general election wants this guy at the podium after a tragedy yelling about brown people. Regardless of the poll, this was a net loss for him. After 50 Americans were murdered, he congratulated himself. That image won't go away", '>>{CornCobbDouglas} : Meh, even if hitter himself was the GOP nominee and Jesus was the Democratic, Adolf would get 45% of the vote against a democrat.', ">>{CornCobbDouglas} : We had just that, and it didn't help."], ['>>{mindscrambler26} : But he is a racist...therefore if you are against Wall Street corruption then you hate black people', '>>{thistlefink} : Jamie Dimon for Treasury is a great sign of that /s', '>>{progressive_voter} : steve bannon sounds like bernie. how will r/berniesanders (i mean r/politics) respond to this?', ">>{Youdontknowjack900} : Steve Bannon is pretty much America's worst enemy. There are too many reasons why this man should not have such influence over the most powerful government in the world.", ">>{StupidRuralAmerican} : If he follows through with his intent of 'blowing up the system', the very people who voted for Trump will be the most affected. Its quite possible, that Bannon has a honey pot video of Trump. He is using it as leverage. The moment Bannon is kicked out - Trumps presidency ends.", '>>{rsjp} : no we are against a white supremacist who runs a disinformation movement.', '>>{BugFix} : Jesus fuck, CNBC: > [Bannon said in a 2014 speech] "For Christians, and particularly for those who believe in the underpinnings of the Judeo-Christian West, I don\'t believe that we should have a bailout. I think the bailouts in 2008 were wrong. That is **not** what the headline implies. This isn\'t pro-bank-regulation, this is pro-societal-collapse. Refresher: this was in fact the tactic tried by the Bush administration. Lehman Brothers was the first bank to have trouble, and they let them struggle. **They failed utterly almost overnight**. Then it turned out that the rest of the industry was similarly leveraged, and for a few days it seriously looked like the western reserve banking economy might have literally met its end. The 2008 bailout wasn\'t an optional act. The banks were out of money and the economy (the global economy, not just our little piece) was literally frozen. The only questions at issue were how to implement the extraordinarily complicated plan to fix things. And we\'re all just lucky that it worked. "Shouldn\'t have had a bailout". Eeesh.', ">>{gorgerwert} : > Then it turned out that the rest of the industry was similarly leveraged, and for a few days it seriously looked like the western reserve banking economy might have literally met its end. Some may argue that this system itself is broken, and the bailouts were only delaying its inevitable collapse. Can't blame the government for the bailouts though, nobody wants the chaos that would follow pinned on them.", ">>{cratermoon} : I'm sure the gold selling hucksters love him, though.", '>>{Warmth_of_the_Sun} : Indeed he does, at least in terms of crony capitalism. If you really investigate his speeches and sayings on the matter (rather than just believe BS headlines) you will see he believes American capitalism is broken because the intimate connection between ultra rich business interests and ultra-powerful (politicians) who have conspired to rig the system against everyone else.', ">>{rsjp} : you're still against hillary at this point? the election is over. instead you may want to pay attention to the festering wound of washed-out GOP rejects, nakedly corrupt lobbyist/industry insiders, and ideologue ghouls pledging their undying fealty to a narcissistic tyrant with no impulse control and no cognizance of governance who will soon have executive power over the most powerful apparatus in the history of the world. reality will welcome you back if you want it to. give it a try.", '>>{lakersfan014} : you have a sick obsession with bernie. seek help.', '>>{BugFix} : Fractional reserve banking is broken? Only in one of those "worst form except for all the others" senses. But yes: it requires regulation. Banks had, in essence, discovered tricks to multiply their reserve fraction. And that\'s bad, for exactly the reason that the reserve fraction gets regulated in the first place. They were cheating. The blew it all up. The fix is to not let them cheat, because realistically you can cheat your way to collapse in any number of other ways too.', '>>{gorgerwert} : > They were cheating. The blew it all up. The fix is to not let them cheat, because realistically you can cheat your way to collapse in any number of other ways too. Agreed, and if the people responsible for the cheating were held accountable I\'d be much more willing to support the bailouts. Saving the companies involved without punishing the individuals responsible for the cheating sends the message that such actions are permissible and the taxpayers will always be there to pick up the pieces. I think breaking up the involved institutions into smaller companies with unconnected owners would also be a proper response. >Fractional reserve banking is broken? Only in one of those "worst form except for all the others" senses. I think bringing the Federal Reserve under the direct control of the government, with an accompanying audit, would shed light on how sustainable that system is.', '>>{MrAnalog} : There were simply too many elected officials involved in the sub prime disaster to expect any sort of accountability.', '>>{akaBigWurm} : I dont see it, Trump and his rich friends love money', '>>{DefinitelyIngenuous} : Bannon knows this from first hand experience. He worked at Goldman and it left him disgusted.', '>>{fitzroy95} : > "Shouldn\'t have had a bailout". Eeesh. The bailout was necessary, but should have come with teeth to try and ensure that it wasn\'t going to happen again. It should have included legislation to replace something similar to Glass-Steagal. It should have included criminal charges for any executive found to have employed or required fraudulent activities, and if found guilty, they should have, at a minimum, lost all income derived from those criminal activities. It should have mandated real investigations into the causes of the financial collapse with legislation to close those gaps and charges against those directly causing it. Whereas we are currently at the point of rebuilding similar bubbles, with banks who are "too big to fail, and too big to jail", and almost a guarantee of a similar financial collapse within the next 10 years because ***none*** of the behavior or arrogance or greed has changed. Any corporation who is "too big to fail" and also plays a critical role in the economy should be forced to be broken up to a size which ***can*** be allowed to fail if they screw up.', '>>{BugFix} : All of which is more or less correct, though some of the moralizing leaves me a little cold. Regulation is about incentives, not "justice". But whatever floats your boat. I was just pointing out that Bannon\'s insane "let them fail" idea (1) was tried and (2) nearly led to the death of the global economy.', '>>{fitzroy95} : > Regulation is about incentives, not "justice". regulation is about defining a framework for all people within a society to interact within. That includes incentives as well as disincentives, it provides for mechanisms to support the society (taxes, education, infrastructure, defense) and must also include reasonable enforcement of those regulations to ensure that they are effective and followed, and specifying the consequences of igoring or breaking the law (and a process of adapting and evolving those regualtions over time as that society changes). Most of that isn\'t "moralizing", thats just ensuring that there are actual consequences for anyone caught breaking the regulations, and also ensuring that everyone within the society is able to be covered within the same legal system. When you start creating separate legal systems for anyone "too big to fail", then you are designing a broken legal system'], [">>{nikv760} : What's your favorite case for you new iPhone 7+ I am loving this statement otterbox with my matte black 7+", '>>{csimons425} : I gave some serious thought to that case and actually end up cancelling my order for it. Do you have any pictures of that case with your phone in it?', ">>{I_Forgot_My_} : I have the otterbox commuter. It's super sleek and super durable. EDIT: Mine is for the 7, not the 7+. Oops.", ">>{Just1Hall} : I can't seem to find that case for the 7+... Does the one for the 6s+ fit fine or where did you find the one for the 7+?", '>>{sfislander} : I like the urban armor gear and will go after the rhinoshield playproof when it comes out', '>>{Dont_Blink-182} : Speck Presidio Grip. Been using speck since the 4S and never been disappointed', '>>{abacabbx} : Spigen ultra hybrid crystal clear for my silver 7 32gb. I’ve used this same brand, model, and crystal clear option for the last 4 iPhone models and spigen has never let me down. Takes considerably longer to yellow than most other clear options, gives all around protection at a general usage level. This and my zagg hdx and it’s like I have a naked phone without most of the worry.', ">>{Just1Hall} : Hey thanks! I was confused since they don't even show on the Otterbox official site.", '>>{Zackstail} : Currently on my black iPhone 7 Plus, I am using a Speck case. It\'s a "Presidio grip" case. It works well on keeping the phone in my hand, which is a big deal for me! I was using the phone naked for about maybe 5 days and the phone was very slippery. So I went out and bought the case. It is very minimal and very well aesthetically designed. On the box it mentioned they can be dropped at 10 feet. Hopefully I won\'t have to experience that though! But, I do enjoy a minimal case with great protection with a added bonus to the rubber grippy sides. Link for anyone interested! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01JKB7I0E/ref=twister_B01L3HYVTO?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1', '>>{nikv760} : Yea I was looking for the symmetry case on apples site and found this one not going to lie I love this case', '>>{nikv760} : I had the symmetry otter box on my 6s + which fell from stories and survived this feels a little sturdier and leather at the bottom just feels good to hold', '>>{Krisjhn} : I have the Parallax case in black by Caseology. So far I like it a lot. https://www.caseologycases.com/products/parallax-series-20', ">>{fatuous_uvula} : How's the protection? I ordered it after comparing many different case designs, reading professional and user reviews.", ">>{maxstolfe} : I had the statement for my iPhone 6 and it's a fantastic case. Right now I'm rocking the apple battery case but I will probably get the new statement eventually too.", ">>{CaptainShanks} : Apple's Midnight Blue leather case on my matte black iPhone 7 Plus. So gorgeous 💙", ">>{Krisjhn} : So far so good. But I've only had it since Tuesday. So not a lot of data points. I haven't dropped the phone or had any hard bangs. Hopefully I never do. The case looks good. Fits great. And seems like it will do the job when my luck finally runs out and I do drop it.", '>>{sexbobombj} : Seconded! Plus cheap enough to replace if super scratched. Mine have never yellowed', ">>{grandmachine} : Do you mind posting a picture of it? I'm leaning towards getting either a black or blue leather case for my 7 plus.", '>>{thisxisxlife} : I bought this case originally but returned it because it was too thick for my liking 😔', ">>{CaptainShanks} : Certainly! Have to wait and borrow someone else's phone though, haha. If I don't respond within the next day, feel free to bug and remind me!", '>>{MellowMelo} : Really wanted a Sea Blue or Saddle Brown leather case for my 7+, but my Apple Store was sold out. So I settled on the Cocoa silicone case.', '>>{Elidaman44} : Was thinking of getting that, does it offer much protection?', '>>{Curri} : I used this exact case for my iPhone 6. Dropped it from a bench at the gym, and the screen cracked.', '>>{erlend53} : Do you have a picture with the phone in? I am wondering to buy the case, and I also have a matte black :) Looks like a lovely combination Thanks!', '>>{HypeManiac} : That actually looks pretty great. It was between the Statement and the Symmetry. Went with the Symmetry.', ">>{nikv760} : I was debating the same thing, I had symmetry last year which is an amazing case by the way son threw my 6s + from two stories and phone didn't even have scratch on it. But this year I went with this one because I like how the leather bottom feels", ">>{pilotm} : That is the case I've been looking at. Thanks!", '>>{Kronosan} : Well, saved me from a five ft hard surface drop today. I have a screen protector as well.', ">>{yummypunani} : I'm using Spigen Liquid Crystal Case for $14.", ">>{ruckis} : How did the clear part of the Statement case hold up? I'm worried about scratches.", ">>{maxstolfe} : Full of scratches lol but I don't care if a case gets beat up. That's the point of a case. It never damaged the phone though, if that's what you're concerned with."], [">>{sunkaoyate} : The US government is literally arming the world, and nobody's even talking about it", '>>{TheTrollingPakistani} : And? China/India/iran/etc. Do it.', '>>{truthhurts4444} : Literally arming the world? Like how they turned a planet into a gun in the new Star Wars movie?', '>>{bernieaccountess} : surely these are the people we should inspire to emulate.', '>>{RammingIntoChicks} : Rand paul talks about it but the Senate votes down his proposals to stop arming other countries', '>>{20WPM} : This story first appeared on the TomDispatch website. Still, how can this be? Clinton is not even in the government. Who is sucking up all of that bribe money?', '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : Thats how we keep the Military Industrial Complex rolling Jobs jobs Jobs', '>>{TheTrollingPakistani} : We get paid billions from selling weapons to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel, Latin America, etc.', '>>{SATexas1} : So when NATO gets up to their 2% goal, we should be able to make some money from them.', '>>{MianaQ} : remember this? [Bush Delivers Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia](http://www.military.com/NewsContent/0,13319,159984,00.html) [President Bush Arming Fellow Tyrants Globally](http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-weapons-sales-president-bush-arming-fellow-tyrants-globally/7850)', ">>{bernieaccountess} : And effectively arming the very same rebels and extremest's; we are sent to kill. > Saudi Arabia, reason to believe that they funded and carried out 9/11. >Pakistan US government files, leaked by Wikileaks, disclosed that American diplomats had been told that Pakistani security services were tipping off bin Laden every time US forces approached. Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), also helped smuggle al-Qaeda militants into Afghanistan to fight NATO troops. >Israel Obama's worst mistake: libya ([hillary clintons destroy Libya for Israel](https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/18328)", ">>{Eeeveee} : Man, once the MSM reports it that'll really hurt Jeb in the general election polls.", ">>{TheTrollingPakistani} : I'm a trump supporter so why does this matter? https://au.news.yahoo.com/world/a/32117717/trump-praises-erdogan-for-coup-crackdown/ https://www.rt.com/usa/352464-trump-erdogan-turkey-nato/ Trump praised edrogan, Mashallah! http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/03/donald-trump-israel-2016-netanyahu-213748 http://m.jpost.com/Opinion/Trump-and-Israel-Closer-than-one-might-think-454328 Pro Israeli, another check!", '>>{bernieaccountess} : on the face of it this should concern a trump supporters because we are making powerful or enemies of democracy. and empowering ISIS and etc in return. the weapons that we sell to those countries often wind up in extremest strongholds like Libya and in the middle east in general.', '>>{TheTrollingPakistani} : My goal is to make Muslims and the Ummah as conservative and fundamental as possible. I believe that trump and the far right are the best options for that. When someone is scared guess where they run to? Religion.', ">>{19683dw} : This kinda seems to me justification that we can spend a lot less on our military. In time of war, our production could be rapidly shifted from exports to domestic armament, and in doing so we'd rapidly increase the cost to our potential opposition.", ">>{bernieaccountess} : even if that fear and fudamentalist religion is what people exploit when carrying out events like 9/11, car bombings, beheading of people of other religions (christians, jew's etc etc.) here and abroad and, take your civil liberties away like, your right to bear arms/ freedom of speech (seeing the subs you mod) and your privacy online and off?", ">>{TheTrollingPakistani} : Yes. I want trump to ban Muslims, close mosques, etc. Look at the far right in France. They're rapidly growing, and conservatism is also growing. When people are unsure and scared they run to religion. He'll in the '08 economic crash religious attendance skyrocketed. Why do you think poor countries are religious?", ">>{bernieaccountess} : (preface) you post history doesn't lead me to believe you are a trump supporter. >Why do you think poor countries are religious? i cannot find any studies that (without a doubt say that a countries wealth is related to its religiosity) the United States is one of the wealthier countries that also has relatively high religiosity (60% have no doubt God exists), but if you are a republican you should be all about the civil libraties that the democrats are trying to take away. the way they are doing that is exploiting terrorist attacks. and using it as a guise to take again your right to bear arms/ freedom of speech and privacy. all because we want to sell guns and support the enemies of america we are sent to destroy.", ">>{sunkaoyate} : & when I post it through TOMDISPACHE you tell me it's not an 'approved' publication.... shifty shifty rules... or maybe you just don't like the content???"]]
classify and reply
['>>{faguzzi} : What If: Can Trump boost turnout among white voters?', ">>{deeprogrammed} : This isn't fact checking this is adding oppo spin to Trump's comments >It's rigged by big businesses who want to leave our country, fire our workers, and sell their products back into the U.S. with absolutely no consequences for them. >>[Donald Trump has expressed great outrage over trade deals leading to the offshoring of American jobs. But when it comes to his own Trump-branded products, the vast majority are made overseas. — Tamara Keith] Dishonest NPR", '>>{ChristiOnionstrings} : Manafort Is Willing to Talk With House Committee, Nunes Says', '>>{Trombosaurus} : What "low IQ"? And while you try to explain that without coming across as a flaming racist, try to explain as well why crimes rates in white and black neighborhoods with similar levels of poverty are comparable. Edit: Jesus Christ. Just had a look at your posting history, and came across this vile comment. >Africa has the highest birth rate and it\'s destroying the place. >And as crass as it may sound, it\'s because we just won\'t let them die and allow the infrastructure to adapt normally.', ">>{Arsicle7} : NPR isn't worth a crap anymore. What is this trash?", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : If he makes them feel like they are under high enough threat.', '>>{LJ_909} : I didnt think that White voter turnout was a problem.', ">>{rmendesjr} : Obama's Kenyan Brother Released Obama’s Alleged True Birth Certificate", '>>{MBAMBA0} : Nunes seems to have called off the hearing (?)', '>>{pwomptastic} : How to avoid talking about real issues: 1) run against Donald Trump 2) question mark 3) make adorable checklists that condense the "minority voters" into a neat little group and have people write pat articles about this.', '>>{TheTelephone} : Voter turnout in general is a bit of a problem.', ">>{CaptainKompromat} : Fake news. But if true I wonder what conservative asshole is paying Obama's brother to do stuff like this?", '>>{Rayborn} : Sheesh, watch out T_D is leaking into the real world.', '>>{CpnStumpy} : This has to be a trap.. Why would manafort agree to this unless he had something in mind.', '>>{feabney} : > What "low IQ"? Blacks have low IQ, that simple. Quite a bit below everyone else. >And while you try to explain that without coming across as a flaming racist That\'s easy, it\'s true. Check any non agenda pushing chart. >Jesus Christ. Just had a look at your posting history, and came across this vile comment. Because, yeah, we totally turned africa into a fucking utopia. Do you know if the west stops sending aid the largest genocide ever will happen? We created that fucked up mess out of unending "altruism" that just made everything worse.', '>>{handfinisher} : Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.. fake news=down vote', ">>{archeominus} : Trump is getting universally fact-checked by every media outlet in the country today. Wow, I've never seen them come down this hard on him after a speech.", '>>{ItsYaBoyBeasley} : I don\'t think it was ever advertised that way. This was billed as a summary of everything wrong with HRC. His "Crooked Hillary" speech if you will.', ">>{feabney} : > Especially when making broadly farcical arguments about intelligence First, stop denying science. Second, I did that on purpose because I know the first port of call by people who don't have an argument is grammar. Anyone not a raging ignorant would have just ignored it. Congratulations on using nitpicking to kill your own credibility. >(which it will never attain), It already has it, but I know your type only cares about science when it suits you.", ">>{XeroFlint} : He'll do a closed hearing but not an open? What is he hiding? Is this to control the narrative?", '>>{MC_Fap_Commander} : I fuck up grammar all the time. It\'s no big deal. You fucked up grammar while discussing the collective intelligence of an entire group. That sort of disconnect is amusing coming from someone who is claiming to be racially superior. What\'s more, it\'s clear this wasn\'t a simple grammar mistake. Creating made-up words that sounds important wreaks of desperation... the pretending an intellectual prowess that, at some level, one knows he lacks. No educated person would likely have any interest in engaging in an argument with you. Trust me, it\'s not out of fear that you have some "truth" we sheeple haven\'t gleaned. The "science" used by white supremacists as validation for their claims has been thoroughly discredited. Pointing this out with extensive citations would serve no purpose, however. "Mainstream science has been taken over by race mixing homosexual feminists, etc" you would say. And then you\'d cite the rogues\'s gallery of alt right crackpots with along some cherry picked data. The value of such an exchange calls to mind the proverb that one shouldn\'t give medicine to the dead.', ">>{feabney} : Yet you've not been able to deny statistics. Because you can't. Instead you devolved into ad hom to try to make a point that eludes you. >Pointing this out with extensive citations would serve no purpose, *weasel words* Your entire argument would be bullshit, but you don't even have an argument. You have saying I'm stupid.", ">>{MC_Fap_Commander} : I was rude, apologies. It wasn't fair and no one (even a person whose ideas I abhor) deserves that. An argument would still serve no purpose, however, because my evidence would not be accepted as validation of my claims. You wouldn't trust the extensive sourcing that clearly shows race as only a nominally important genetic trait. I would dismiss what you present (I suspect a fair amount from Charles Murray?). It would be ships in the night with both sides getting progressively more angry. I'll instead say this. Being a white nationalist won't make you happy. It will make you isolated, bitter, less engaged, and more fearful. I hope you meet decent people in this walk through life. It would be wonderful if a few weren't like you... and you wound up caring about them anyway. Because no human being should have to live a life divorced from the human family... hateful and paranoid towards a world he can never be a part of. People can change. If this happens and you begin questioning the precepts that I suspect define a great deal of who you are now, don't be too hard on yourself. There's a better world waiting for you and I hope you find it.", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : It could have been really effective if he'd just stuck to the facts instead of making shit up.", ">>{feabney} : > I suspect a fair amount from Charles Murray? who? Just look at sat scores by race, and them notice it's reflected across all areas. All you have to do is the one thing science is meant to do, and not come up with bogus justifications that rely on wishful thinking over logic. >It will make you isolated, bitter, less engaged, and more fearful. This is exactly what multicult does. It's been proven. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_multiculturalism#Diversity_and_social_trust I don't even know what I bothered linking anything, almost all academia has been completely bought out at this point.", ">>{D74248} : If he spills his guts to congress under immunity doesn't that then make it difficult for the DOJ to prosecute him? I am not a lawyer, but I recall that Oliver North and John Poindexter used that argument to reduce their legal exposure during Iran Contra.", '>>{sikeston} : This is crazy! There goes his future Presidential hopes.', '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : About [16% of funding, yes.](http://www.cjr.org/behind_the_news/dont_forget_the_facts_about_np.php)', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : We get mad when reporters rubber-stamp speeches without providing context, and then when they do (with citations and everything) calling out the lies, you don't like it. If you actually look at it, they also call out his big claims about Clinton which are confirmed.", '>>{MC_Fap_Commander} : I\'m actually fairly conservative on the subject of assimilation (so I\'m unmoved by the link). People need to accept the basic rules, norms, and language of the space they live in. The problem with white nationalists is that they will never allow that happen. Culture is the manifestation of race in their minds. Thus, the foundation of their thinking always returns to white supremacy. What\'s curious is the disregard for historical context. "Irish" for example, was considered a race until a little over a century ago. They did all the bad things you project on others now (more poverty, violence, crime, drug abuse, low educational attainment, etc ). When the cultural construction of what "Irish" means changed, so did they. They\'re just normal white people now. Again, debating this is pointless and I do wish you well.', ">>{spaceghoti} : But was [Donald Trump's father an orangutan?](http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/09/trump-files-donald-son-orangutan)", ">>{Thecalculatorman} : It is for Republicans. I forgot where I read it but I remember reading an analysis done on the 2012 election and they found that if Romney had captured only 3% more of the white vote he would have won. However Trump is a much weaker candidate than Romney, Trump will have to get a lot more whites to vote. Also Romney did far better with women voters than Trump is going to. Pretty much the only vote Trump has is the white male vote, he's losing with everyone else. I don't think you can win even if white male voter turnout is high this year.", '>>{Draskinn} : Manafort needs to be in protective custody before he goes out to lunch and comes back with his hair falling out. This is THE guy to flip, if they can make him sing this whole mess could unravel.', '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : Calling out a liar with citations is not "dishonest". But yeah, who the fuck do they think they are with their "facts" and "objective reality". Don\'t they know better?', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : If all you have to argue is semantics, you've already lost. China isn't overseas, it's over an ocean! See, that also doesn't make sense.", ">>{historycat95} : Let it go already. A black guy was president. You can't unring that bell. This is worse than the Shillaries still trying to get an electoral college do over. We had a black president, now we have an orange one. Everybody needs to work in the current reality, not the alternate universe which they would have wanted.", ">>{bdysnatchers} : Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't mean it sucks.", '>>{just_a_timetraveller} : Absolutely. Also, because it is closed, members cannot share with public without appearing to be "leaking" info. This is to give an illusion that Nunes is doing his job by investigating one of the key russian collusion suspects. He could always say that the investigation is under control and that it will take time. These guys are buying time. They are trying to instigate a war to distract and stay in power. One thing is that by hiding from us, it shows they are scared of us. We need to keep pushing and demanding answers and accountability.', ">>{whydoyouonlylie} : I don't think any are. He just legitimately seems to hate his half-brother because he believes he was shunned by him when he was president. He was a poster boy of t_d during the election, where they would often refer to Barrack as 'Malik's brother' as some sort of juvenile attempt at being insulting.", '>>{feabney} : Quantity, the difference in all of that is quantity.', ">>{CaptainKompromat} : Yeh I've heard that narrative. Has Obama ever addressed it? And how long did they actually live together or know eachother growing up?", ">>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : This is bullshit on a lot of levels. But among other things, why would Malik even have his brother's birth certificate? Who has their estranged half-sibling's birth certificate?", ">>{Ajreil} : He's allienated every other demographic he could possibly go for. The white vote is all that's left.", ">>{Quinnjester} : don't believe this bullshit from nunes. hes trying to obstruct justice.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : He will always be a footnote in history because half-brother ruled the free world.', '>>{john_doe_jersey} : Basically. No chance for the Dems on the committee to use this as a platform to attack Trump via Manafort in a public hearing.', '>>{myexguessesmyuser} : Congress can grant immunity for someone testifying and yes that can make it difficult to prosecute the person later, Oliver North being an example of that. I doubt that is what is happening here, though. Edit: the implication, I think, is that if Manafort testified in exchange for immunity and a closed session, it would suggest that he has flipped to save himself. Although possible, it seems too early in the investigative process for him to flip.', ">>{Arsicle7} : Shitty journalism and misleading headlines don't really hurt my feelings.", '>>{yescaman} : Really? Still? Let it go already and move on.', ">>{orionquest2016} : I wonder if this certificate has 9 points of forgery like his 'real' one does?", '>>{landragon} : you are gonna get fact checked when half of what you want people to believe and repeat is libel', ">>{WinstonWolf77} : >You can't unring that bell. > >This is worse than the ~~Shillaries~~ *Bernie Bros* still trying to get ~~an electoral college~~ *a primary* do over. FTFY", ">>{malpais} : Here's how that's looked for the Democrats: ^^That ^^last ^^column ^^is ^^what's ^^killing ^^the ^^Republicans.   Democratic Presidential vote 1992-2012 (Black Hispanic Asian White)   Year| |BLACK %Dem|B % all votes|  |HSPNC %Dem|H % all votes|  |ASIAN %Dem|A % all votes|  |WHITE %Dem|W % all votes| -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  ||||||||||||| **1992**||    83|(10.6)||    61|(4.4)||    31|(1.5)||    39|(88) | ||||||||||||| **1996**||    84|(10.8)||    72|(4.7)||    43|(1.7)||    43|(83) | ||||||||||||| **2000**||    90|(11.7)||    61|(5.4)||    62|(1.8)||    42|(81) | ||||||||||||| **2004**||    88|(11.1)||    53|(6.0)||    56|(2.2)||    41|(77) | ||||||||||||| **2008**||    95|(12.3)||    67|(7.4)||    62|(2.6)||    43|(74) | ||||||||||||| **2012**||    93|(13.4)||    71|(8.4)||    63|(2.9)||    39|(72)  ", '>>{vancevon} : Plaintiff has demonstrated no likelihood of success on the merits. Her claims are based on sheer conjecture and speculation. She alleges no factual basis for her “hunch” or “feeling” or subjective belief that the President was not born in the United States … Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so. Plaintiff’s counsel, who champions herself as a defender of liberty and freedom, seeks to use the power of the judiciary to compel a citizen, albeit the President of the United States, to “prove his innocence” to “charges” that are based [solely] upon conjecture and speculation. Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony of abandoning [the] fundamental principles upon which our country was founded in order to purportedly “protect and preserve” those very principles. Plaintiff’s counsel is hereby notified that the filing of any future actions in this Court, which are similarly frivolous, shall subject counsel to sanctions. \\- Clay Land, George W. Bush appointed district judge for the middle district of Georgia on an attempt to introduce that "birth certificate" into evidence.', '>>{LJ_909} : Thats what I gathered. Hes just playing on the aggravation of White male votes, who for some reason dont feel that they are being listened to or whatever. But his win is going to be a longshot for sure.', '>>{nzmn} : Being that person probably means money from appearance fees etc.', ">>{ThePissWhisperer} : >Liar in Chief: Kenyan Brother Alegedly Released Obama’s True Birth Cetrificate; Not from Unitred States Ah yes, I get my news from jackass websites that can't spell.", ">>{forticus} : I hope the Russians don't get to him first!!!", '>>{My3rdTesticle} : This is speculation but I think there\'s been an internal leak. Maybe related to Schiff\'s "more than circumstantial" evidence. Prior to Schiff\'s announcement yesterday you may have noticed that Nunes made the absurd claim he didn\'t know who Stone or Paige were. And just prior (I think) to that you had Spicer reducing Manafort down to a minor player making is should like he was barely involved in the campaign. That seemed to be random and out of nowhere. There is non-public data driving these things I think. If there is damning evidence against Manafort on the brink of being released it would probably be in his interest to come forward with an immunity deal in place. I\'m hard pressed to come up with any other reason why he\'d volunteer to be interviewed by the committee.', ">>{bdysnatchers} : Kind of seems like it Tbh. Just because Cheeto Jesus has paper thin skin doesn't mean you need to too.", ">>{myexguessesmyuser} : > I'm hard pressed to come up with any other reason why he'd volunteer to be interviewed by the committee. An alternative reason would be to make a strong showing of innocence because he feels he has nothing to hide (or can get away with it).", ">>{ChristiOnionstrings} : Tomorrow's headline: Paul Manafort shoots himself in the back of the head", '>>{introversed} : Finally, some *real* news! -Trump supporter', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : [Yes they have, NPR does this frequently.](http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/410124143/fact-check) There are biased sources out there, but NPR has an unrivaled dedication to being fair to the truth. They may not give both sides of an issue equal time, but in many cases, both sides aren't equal. For example, they give more time to experts saying Flint's water is dangerous than the spin doctors paid to say it's safe.", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : Finally we have an Obama who will make Kenya Great Again.', '>>{ratcw73} : Did you even read it? Half of what they are "fact checking" is just changing cash numbers around. What pet of it even said, referring to how he made his wealth, "it is false that he recieved a small loan, he was loaned a million dollars". Cheap ass reporting.', '>>{LJ_909} : And in 21 Century America (thank god) thats not the only voice that makes a difference anymore.', '>>{Ajreil} : Actual statistics in /r/politics. That earns you a +1 from me.', '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : > Half of what they are "fact checking" is just changing cash numbers around. Okay, then the *other* half. Blaming the Secretary of State for the change in trade imbalance with China qualifies as "making shit up".', '>>{TigerExpress} : The irony here is that many of the voter registration laws that have been put in place over the last decade to disenfranchise minority voters may end up preventing those white voters who had given up on voting from being able to cast a vote this year.', '>>{FookYu315} : So I was trying to find out what a Kenyan birth certificate looks like in order to disprove this. It pains me to say it, but this story is [totally legit](http://newyorkleftist.blogspot.com/2009/09/another-kenyan-birth-certificate.html?m=1)', '>>{raresanevoice} : are these people confused? Are they aware that President Obama is no longer in the White House?', '>>{Gscarveguy} : Makes no difference where he was born, Obama fucked by being born black!', ">>{FookYu315} : It looks an awful lot like ny Kenyan cat's: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YnDlDR82V_Y/SqV3jveYCzI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/cPjU7F2uOQQ/s1600-h/kenya+bc+jpg4.jpg I'm gonna have to say this is legit.", ">>{orionquest2016} : It's not a race thing, America is proud to be a forward progressive leader. People or powers that discredit the integrity of the system should be brought to justice.", ">>{conservativeliberals} : He's running in the general election to become POTUS, if Clinton went and made a speech that was 75% BS they would call her out as well. I guess Trump thinks he is still in the GOP primary."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Trombosaurus} : What "low IQ"? And while you try to explain that without coming across as a flaming racist, try to explain as well why crimes rates in white and black neighborhoods with similar levels of poverty are comparable. Edit: Jesus Christ. Just had a look at your posting history, and came across this vile comment. >Africa has the highest birth rate and it\'s destroying the place. >And as crass as it may sound, it\'s because we just won\'t let them die and allow the infrastructure to adapt normally.', '>>{pwomptastic} : How to avoid talking about real issues: 1) run against Donald Trump 2) question mark 3) make adorable checklists that condense the "minority voters" into a neat little group and have people write pat articles about this.', '>>{feabney} : > What "low IQ"? Blacks have low IQ, that simple. Quite a bit below everyone else. >And while you try to explain that without coming across as a flaming racist That\'s easy, it\'s true. Check any non agenda pushing chart. >Jesus Christ. Just had a look at your posting history, and came across this vile comment. Because, yeah, we totally turned africa into a fucking utopia. Do you know if the west stops sending aid the largest genocide ever will happen? We created that fucked up mess out of unending "altruism" that just made everything worse.', ">>{feabney} : > Especially when making broadly farcical arguments about intelligence First, stop denying science. Second, I did that on purpose because I know the first port of call by people who don't have an argument is grammar. Anyone not a raging ignorant would have just ignored it. Congratulations on using nitpicking to kill your own credibility. >(which it will never attain), It already has it, but I know your type only cares about science when it suits you.", '>>{MC_Fap_Commander} : I fuck up grammar all the time. It\'s no big deal. You fucked up grammar while discussing the collective intelligence of an entire group. That sort of disconnect is amusing coming from someone who is claiming to be racially superior. What\'s more, it\'s clear this wasn\'t a simple grammar mistake. Creating made-up words that sounds important wreaks of desperation... the pretending an intellectual prowess that, at some level, one knows he lacks. No educated person would likely have any interest in engaging in an argument with you. Trust me, it\'s not out of fear that you have some "truth" we sheeple haven\'t gleaned. The "science" used by white supremacists as validation for their claims has been thoroughly discredited. Pointing this out with extensive citations would serve no purpose, however. "Mainstream science has been taken over by race mixing homosexual feminists, etc" you would say. And then you\'d cite the rogues\'s gallery of alt right crackpots with along some cherry picked data. The value of such an exchange calls to mind the proverb that one shouldn\'t give medicine to the dead.', ">>{feabney} : Yet you've not been able to deny statistics. Because you can't. Instead you devolved into ad hom to try to make a point that eludes you. >Pointing this out with extensive citations would serve no purpose, *weasel words* Your entire argument would be bullshit, but you don't even have an argument. You have saying I'm stupid.", ">>{MC_Fap_Commander} : I was rude, apologies. It wasn't fair and no one (even a person whose ideas I abhor) deserves that. An argument would still serve no purpose, however, because my evidence would not be accepted as validation of my claims. You wouldn't trust the extensive sourcing that clearly shows race as only a nominally important genetic trait. I would dismiss what you present (I suspect a fair amount from Charles Murray?). It would be ships in the night with both sides getting progressively more angry. I'll instead say this. Being a white nationalist won't make you happy. It will make you isolated, bitter, less engaged, and more fearful. I hope you meet decent people in this walk through life. It would be wonderful if a few weren't like you... and you wound up caring about them anyway. Because no human being should have to live a life divorced from the human family... hateful and paranoid towards a world he can never be a part of. People can change. If this happens and you begin questioning the precepts that I suspect define a great deal of who you are now, don't be too hard on yourself. There's a better world waiting for you and I hope you find it.", ">>{feabney} : > I suspect a fair amount from Charles Murray? who? Just look at sat scores by race, and them notice it's reflected across all areas. All you have to do is the one thing science is meant to do, and not come up with bogus justifications that rely on wishful thinking over logic. >It will make you isolated, bitter, less engaged, and more fearful. This is exactly what multicult does. It's been proven. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_multiculturalism#Diversity_and_social_trust I don't even know what I bothered linking anything, almost all academia has been completely bought out at this point.", '>>{MC_Fap_Commander} : I\'m actually fairly conservative on the subject of assimilation (so I\'m unmoved by the link). People need to accept the basic rules, norms, and language of the space they live in. The problem with white nationalists is that they will never allow that happen. Culture is the manifestation of race in their minds. Thus, the foundation of their thinking always returns to white supremacy. What\'s curious is the disregard for historical context. "Irish" for example, was considered a race until a little over a century ago. They did all the bad things you project on others now (more poverty, violence, crime, drug abuse, low educational attainment, etc ). When the cultural construction of what "Irish" means changed, so did they. They\'re just normal white people now. Again, debating this is pointless and I do wish you well.', '>>{feabney} : Quantity, the difference in all of that is quantity.'], [">>{deeprogrammed} : This isn't fact checking this is adding oppo spin to Trump's comments >It's rigged by big businesses who want to leave our country, fire our workers, and sell their products back into the U.S. with absolutely no consequences for them. >>[Donald Trump has expressed great outrage over trade deals leading to the offshoring of American jobs. But when it comes to his own Trump-branded products, the vast majority are made overseas. — Tamara Keith] Dishonest NPR", ">>{Arsicle7} : NPR isn't worth a crap anymore. What is this trash?", ">>{archeominus} : Trump is getting universally fact-checked by every media outlet in the country today. Wow, I've never seen them come down this hard on him after a speech.", '>>{ItsYaBoyBeasley} : I don\'t think it was ever advertised that way. This was billed as a summary of everything wrong with HRC. His "Crooked Hillary" speech if you will.', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : It could have been really effective if he'd just stuck to the facts instead of making shit up.", '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : About [16% of funding, yes.](http://www.cjr.org/behind_the_news/dont_forget_the_facts_about_np.php)', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : We get mad when reporters rubber-stamp speeches without providing context, and then when they do (with citations and everything) calling out the lies, you don't like it. If you actually look at it, they also call out his big claims about Clinton which are confirmed.", '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : Calling out a liar with citations is not "dishonest". But yeah, who the fuck do they think they are with their "facts" and "objective reality". Don\'t they know better?', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : If all you have to argue is semantics, you've already lost. China isn't overseas, it's over an ocean! See, that also doesn't make sense.", ">>{bdysnatchers} : Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't mean it sucks.", ">>{Arsicle7} : Shitty journalism and misleading headlines don't really hurt my feelings.", '>>{landragon} : you are gonna get fact checked when half of what you want people to believe and repeat is libel', ">>{bdysnatchers} : Kind of seems like it Tbh. Just because Cheeto Jesus has paper thin skin doesn't mean you need to too.", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : [Yes they have, NPR does this frequently.](http://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/410124143/fact-check) There are biased sources out there, but NPR has an unrivaled dedication to being fair to the truth. They may not give both sides of an issue equal time, but in many cases, both sides aren't equal. For example, they give more time to experts saying Flint's water is dangerous than the spin doctors paid to say it's safe.", '>>{ratcw73} : Did you even read it? Half of what they are "fact checking" is just changing cash numbers around. What pet of it even said, referring to how he made his wealth, "it is false that he recieved a small loan, he was loaned a million dollars". Cheap ass reporting.', '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : > Half of what they are "fact checking" is just changing cash numbers around. Okay, then the *other* half. Blaming the Secretary of State for the change in trade imbalance with China qualifies as "making shit up".', ">>{conservativeliberals} : He's running in the general election to become POTUS, if Clinton went and made a speech that was 75% BS they would call her out as well. I guess Trump thinks he is still in the GOP primary."], [">>{rmendesjr} : Obama's Kenyan Brother Released Obama’s Alleged True Birth Certificate", ">>{CaptainKompromat} : Fake news. But if true I wonder what conservative asshole is paying Obama's brother to do stuff like this?", '>>{Rayborn} : Sheesh, watch out T_D is leaking into the real world.', '>>{handfinisher} : Go peddle your bullshit elsewhere.. fake news=down vote', '>>{sikeston} : This is crazy! There goes his future Presidential hopes.', ">>{spaceghoti} : But was [Donald Trump's father an orangutan?](http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/09/trump-files-donald-son-orangutan)", ">>{historycat95} : Let it go already. A black guy was president. You can't unring that bell. This is worse than the Shillaries still trying to get an electoral college do over. We had a black president, now we have an orange one. Everybody needs to work in the current reality, not the alternate universe which they would have wanted.", ">>{whydoyouonlylie} : I don't think any are. He just legitimately seems to hate his half-brother because he believes he was shunned by him when he was president. He was a poster boy of t_d during the election, where they would often refer to Barrack as 'Malik's brother' as some sort of juvenile attempt at being insulting.", ">>{CaptainKompromat} : Yeh I've heard that narrative. Has Obama ever addressed it? And how long did they actually live together or know eachother growing up?", ">>{JustGotOffOfTheTrain} : This is bullshit on a lot of levels. But among other things, why would Malik even have his brother's birth certificate? Who has their estranged half-sibling's birth certificate?", '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : He will always be a footnote in history because half-brother ruled the free world.', '>>{yescaman} : Really? Still? Let it go already and move on.', ">>{orionquest2016} : I wonder if this certificate has 9 points of forgery like his 'real' one does?", ">>{WinstonWolf77} : >You can't unring that bell. > >This is worse than the ~~Shillaries~~ *Bernie Bros* still trying to get ~~an electoral college~~ *a primary* do over. FTFY", '>>{vancevon} : Plaintiff has demonstrated no likelihood of success on the merits. Her claims are based on sheer conjecture and speculation. She alleges no factual basis for her “hunch” or “feeling” or subjective belief that the President was not born in the United States … Unlike in Alice in Wonderland, simply saying something is so does not make it so. Plaintiff’s counsel, who champions herself as a defender of liberty and freedom, seeks to use the power of the judiciary to compel a citizen, albeit the President of the United States, to “prove his innocence” to “charges” that are based [solely] upon conjecture and speculation. Any middle school civics student would readily recognize the irony of abandoning [the] fundamental principles upon which our country was founded in order to purportedly “protect and preserve” those very principles. Plaintiff’s counsel is hereby notified that the filing of any future actions in this Court, which are similarly frivolous, shall subject counsel to sanctions. \\- Clay Land, George W. Bush appointed district judge for the middle district of Georgia on an attempt to introduce that "birth certificate" into evidence.', '>>{nzmn} : Being that person probably means money from appearance fees etc.', ">>{ThePissWhisperer} : >Liar in Chief: Kenyan Brother Alegedly Released Obama’s True Birth Cetrificate; Not from Unitred States Ah yes, I get my news from jackass websites that can't spell.", '>>{introversed} : Finally, some *real* news! -Trump supporter', '>>{WesternPhilosophy} : Finally we have an Obama who will make Kenya Great Again.', '>>{FookYu315} : So I was trying to find out what a Kenyan birth certificate looks like in order to disprove this. It pains me to say it, but this story is [totally legit](http://newyorkleftist.blogspot.com/2009/09/another-kenyan-birth-certificate.html?m=1)', '>>{raresanevoice} : are these people confused? Are they aware that President Obama is no longer in the White House?', '>>{Gscarveguy} : Makes no difference where he was born, Obama fucked by being born black!', ">>{FookYu315} : It looks an awful lot like ny Kenyan cat's: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YnDlDR82V_Y/SqV3jveYCzI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/cPjU7F2uOQQ/s1600-h/kenya+bc+jpg4.jpg I'm gonna have to say this is legit.", ">>{orionquest2016} : It's not a race thing, America is proud to be a forward progressive leader. People or powers that discredit the integrity of the system should be brought to justice."], ['>>{faguzzi} : What If: Can Trump boost turnout among white voters?', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : If he makes them feel like they are under high enough threat.', '>>{LJ_909} : I didnt think that White voter turnout was a problem.', '>>{TheTelephone} : Voter turnout in general is a bit of a problem.', ">>{Thecalculatorman} : It is for Republicans. I forgot where I read it but I remember reading an analysis done on the 2012 election and they found that if Romney had captured only 3% more of the white vote he would have won. However Trump is a much weaker candidate than Romney, Trump will have to get a lot more whites to vote. Also Romney did far better with women voters than Trump is going to. Pretty much the only vote Trump has is the white male vote, he's losing with everyone else. I don't think you can win even if white male voter turnout is high this year.", ">>{Ajreil} : He's allienated every other demographic he could possibly go for. The white vote is all that's left.", ">>{malpais} : Here's how that's looked for the Democrats: ^^That ^^last ^^column ^^is ^^what's ^^killing ^^the ^^Republicans.   Democratic Presidential vote 1992-2012 (Black Hispanic Asian White)   Year| |BLACK %Dem|B % all votes|  |HSPNC %Dem|H % all votes|  |ASIAN %Dem|A % all votes|  |WHITE %Dem|W % all votes| -|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  ||||||||||||| **1992**||    83|(10.6)||    61|(4.4)||    31|(1.5)||    39|(88) | ||||||||||||| **1996**||    84|(10.8)||    72|(4.7)||    43|(1.7)||    43|(83) | ||||||||||||| **2000**||    90|(11.7)||    61|(5.4)||    62|(1.8)||    42|(81) | ||||||||||||| **2004**||    88|(11.1)||    53|(6.0)||    56|(2.2)||    41|(77) | ||||||||||||| **2008**||    95|(12.3)||    67|(7.4)||    62|(2.6)||    43|(74) | ||||||||||||| **2012**||    93|(13.4)||    71|(8.4)||    63|(2.9)||    39|(72)  ", '>>{LJ_909} : Thats what I gathered. Hes just playing on the aggravation of White male votes, who for some reason dont feel that they are being listened to or whatever. But his win is going to be a longshot for sure.', '>>{LJ_909} : And in 21 Century America (thank god) thats not the only voice that makes a difference anymore.', '>>{Ajreil} : Actual statistics in /r/politics. That earns you a +1 from me.', '>>{TigerExpress} : The irony here is that many of the voter registration laws that have been put in place over the last decade to disenfranchise minority voters may end up preventing those white voters who had given up on voting from being able to cast a vote this year.'], ['>>{ChristiOnionstrings} : Manafort Is Willing to Talk With House Committee, Nunes Says', '>>{MBAMBA0} : Nunes seems to have called off the hearing (?)', '>>{CpnStumpy} : This has to be a trap.. Why would manafort agree to this unless he had something in mind.', ">>{XeroFlint} : He'll do a closed hearing but not an open? What is he hiding? Is this to control the narrative?", ">>{D74248} : If he spills his guts to congress under immunity doesn't that then make it difficult for the DOJ to prosecute him? I am not a lawyer, but I recall that Oliver North and John Poindexter used that argument to reduce their legal exposure during Iran Contra.", '>>{Draskinn} : Manafort needs to be in protective custody before he goes out to lunch and comes back with his hair falling out. This is THE guy to flip, if they can make him sing this whole mess could unravel.', '>>{just_a_timetraveller} : Absolutely. Also, because it is closed, members cannot share with public without appearing to be "leaking" info. This is to give an illusion that Nunes is doing his job by investigating one of the key russian collusion suspects. He could always say that the investigation is under control and that it will take time. These guys are buying time. They are trying to instigate a war to distract and stay in power. One thing is that by hiding from us, it shows they are scared of us. We need to keep pushing and demanding answers and accountability.', ">>{Quinnjester} : don't believe this bullshit from nunes. hes trying to obstruct justice.", '>>{john_doe_jersey} : Basically. No chance for the Dems on the committee to use this as a platform to attack Trump via Manafort in a public hearing.', '>>{myexguessesmyuser} : Congress can grant immunity for someone testifying and yes that can make it difficult to prosecute the person later, Oliver North being an example of that. I doubt that is what is happening here, though. Edit: the implication, I think, is that if Manafort testified in exchange for immunity and a closed session, it would suggest that he has flipped to save himself. Although possible, it seems too early in the investigative process for him to flip.', ">>{forticus} : I hope the Russians don't get to him first!!!", '>>{My3rdTesticle} : This is speculation but I think there\'s been an internal leak. Maybe related to Schiff\'s "more than circumstantial" evidence. Prior to Schiff\'s announcement yesterday you may have noticed that Nunes made the absurd claim he didn\'t know who Stone or Paige were. And just prior (I think) to that you had Spicer reducing Manafort down to a minor player making is should like he was barely involved in the campaign. That seemed to be random and out of nowhere. There is non-public data driving these things I think. If there is damning evidence against Manafort on the brink of being released it would probably be in his interest to come forward with an immunity deal in place. I\'m hard pressed to come up with any other reason why he\'d volunteer to be interviewed by the committee.', ">>{myexguessesmyuser} : > I'm hard pressed to come up with any other reason why he'd volunteer to be interviewed by the committee. An alternative reason would be to make a strong showing of innocence because he feels he has nothing to hide (or can get away with it).", ">>{ChristiOnionstrings} : Tomorrow's headline: Paul Manafort shoots himself in the back of the head"]]
classify and reply
[">>{Meatsim1} : Syria conflict: Assad hopes for 'anti-terror ally' in Trump", '>>{supreme_man} : Good lord. If he befriends assad... Jesus.', ">>{99PercentTruth} : Donald Trump's tax plan would help the 1% most", '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : > "I am shocked" -No one, 2016', ">>{IslamicShibe} : Hillary Clinton's tech tried to ask Reddit for ways to have her email display another address so she could keep her private email.", '>>{Locopeople} : What? A man who was democratically voted and had to with stand obama funded terrorist groups?', '>>{Meatsim1} : No intelligent person thinks WW3 was going to start in Syria regardless of who was elected', ">>{DAVEYDYK} : That's like saying Reagan's policies would only help the 1%. We all learned that wasn't true /s", '>>{ggyujjhi} : Actually look it up. If Hillary initiated a no-fly zone, Russia would refuse to acknowledge it, and likely be engaged: this would have caused an international stand off that could easily lead to war between two superpowers. I would link but you are capable of using a search function.', '>>{Dankmemehater} : Anyone at this point who thinks Hillary and Trump are the same are fucking stupid. He is everything Bernie stood against.', '>>{99PercentTruth} : Trying to deflect to "but but Hillary" isn\'t going to make Trump\'s tax plan any better.', ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Great. What's that got to do with Trump's tax plan?", ">>{IslamicShibe} : The article is shit, might as well bring up a fact. Are these the same 'analysists' that made up the 10 trillion Bernie Sanders lie?", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Look how much they downvote this. They know it goes against there "I\'m a progressive" concern trolling they do.', ">>{JoJoWiCo} : In an election where no one was allowed to oppose him? Sounds very democratic. But hey, at least he got the most votes. He's got that over Donald.", '>>{IslamicShibe} : Except establishment cronyism. Sanders is supporting those who rigged the primaries against him, probably got a nice payoff', ">>{SNStains} : The Tax Foundation? They're a conservative-leaning think tank. They've been around forever. They're credible. It's Trump that has no credibility.", '>>{Meatsim1} : Its so frustrating dealing with people who think a complicated series of events is going to unfold exactly like they think it will. Why is it the people who know the least are so convinced they know the most? Look, you assume Clinton won\'t attempt to negotiate with Russia on the nature of a no fly-zone and you assume if they couldn\'t reach an agreement she\'d just "initiate it" unilaterally. Come on now dude, can we drop the premise that Clinton is too stupid to realize the implications of shooting down Russian planes?', '>>{rajrdajr} : This comment belongs over in the [IT guy asks how to cover up email](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/53h8vk/evidence_of_hillarys_it_guy_paul_combetta_asking/) topic, right? 😉', ">>{JoJoWiCo} : It's really funny because Donald threatened to shoot Iranian ships out of the water over a rude gesture. That surely wouldn't have increased tensions with their Russian ally. Not at all.", '>>{Meatsim1} : He also directly threatened to shoot down Russian planes as well. http://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-us-should-shoot-russian-planes-if-putin-calls-fail-454902 But no, its Clinton saying "I\'d like to have a no fly zone in Syria" that was gonna start WW3', '>>{AdalineMaj} : I think more accurately it would hurt the 1% the least.', ">>{ggyujjhi} : You mean the way libs have argued the market would crash upon Trump's election? Or that the economy will tank if we start deporting 2 or 3 million illegal immigrants? Putin has said that Clinton's no-fly zone would be a dangerous move She threatened military action for cyber attacks that sh presumed", '>>{Meatsim1} : >You mean the way libs have argued the market would crash upon Trump\'s election? Or that the economy will tank if we start deporting 2 or 3 million illegal immigrants? Yes. Sorry were you hoping to catch me being a hypocrite because you brought up someone else\'s viewpoint? Oopes. Thats not how it works. I never said any of those things about the economy, so don\'t try to paint me as a hypocrite for what someone else said. Still I don\'t have high hopes for the economy after Trump\'s elections, the mass deportations are part of that lack of hope. >Putin has said that Clinton\'s no-fly zone would be a dangerous move Putin says a lot of shit. But thats why you attempt to negotiate something first and if that fails you decide what the risks are if you do it anyway and make a decision. Thats why you don\'t just rush in like you\'ve assumed Clinton will do. Threats are useful foreign policy tools, they get made all the time. >She threatened military action for cyber attacks that sh presumed Thats right. Whats wrong with making a threat? Threats deter people. Thats why Putin threatened the US by saying a no-fly zone would be a dangerous move. Also she said "We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses.” So please don\'t go pretending she was going to respond to any cyber attack with military force and please also remember that responding to cyber attacks with another cyber attack is a use of force. If you hack us, and we hack you back, that is a military action', '>>{99PercentTruth} : That is probably a better way of putting it, agreed.', ">>{Meatsim1} : He's a big /r/altright poster, he's already an admitted authoritarian", ">>{ggyujjhi} : You are just asserting your viewpoints, as I am. It doesn't make you right. I believe Hillary was hell-bent on going to war with Russia.", '>>{Meatsim1} : Your beliefs don\'t mean shit because you haven\'t taken the slightest effort to base them in reality. Why would Clinton be "hell-bent on war with Russia?" It makes no sense, what evidence do you have back up your claim? You know I\'ve worked in or studied foreign affairs for almost 10 years now going back to my undergrad, and while its true none of us have crystal balls to view the future and know what will happen we can\'t just say "I believe X will happen" and have that be the end of it. We actually have to make compelling arguments. One thing I know for sure though is that countries don\'t just go to war for no reason, everyone has a reason. Whats her\'s in your opinion?', '>>{DAVEYDYK} : They could sing that Tin Man song alot and see if that works', '>>{ggyujjhi} : She would risk it to take out Assad as part of her personal vendetta', ">>{Trumpbart} : That story is going no where. That's probably the best October surprise Trumpsters are going to get and it's September. Tick tock on Wikileaks BTW. I believe it's overdue. We did it Reddit!", '>>{tau-lepton} : Are you serious? The Tax Foundation? Maybe do a quick search, they are far from liberal.', '>>{Meatsim1} : You\'re just stating beliefs again. Sorry but just because you "believe" something doesn\'t mean fucking dick. I know you\'re attached to it, because its your belief, but Christ almighty. Having some dignity, don\'t double down on an opinion you have no way of supporting just because its hard to admit its faulty. Clinton has 30 years of experience in this field and you\'re giving her an amateur psychological assessment that she\'s some kind kid on the playground who\'s going to pick a fight out of a personal vendetta. People like you are whats so scary about this \'post-fact\' post-rational world we\'ve entered, you don\'t care you can\'t back up anything you say with facts, you don\'t care that it makes no sense, you\'ve got a belief, you\'ve convinced yourself its true, and thats the end of it. Thats the end of your thought-process. Thats sad. You can\'t come up with a single reason to support your opinion other than other opinions you have. Thats insane.', ">>{ggyujjhi} : I'm actually not the only one - it was quite the story for a stretch during the campaign. It was strongly touted by one of the third party candidates, and by a number of other sources.", '>>{IslamicShibe} : NeverTrump was a conservative movement. The Wall Street journal was a credible source of news. All the integrity goes to shit at election time', ">>{Dumbass_McGee_} : Assad isn't necessarily the boogeyman we make him out to be, hes a secular, anti-terror leader that just wants to see his country become peaceful", '>>{SedQuisCustodiet} : I believe the "if I only had a brain" is the Scarecrow part. Mind you, the GOP could well sing the Tin Man song too - to see if they can find their heart.', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : We are supposed to hurt, not help the 1%.', '>>{DAVEYDYK} : Shit oops yup I messed that one up. But ya both work lol', '>>{SedQuisCustodiet} : I personally think the "mess up" was very clever. :-)', '>>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Oh yeah? How about the military times saying his plan will hurt vets? They being "bias" too? People are trying to tell you what a horrible candidate he is, and you reject facts and logic', '>>{SNStains} : He got a shitty review from the Tax Foundation and an F in economics from liberal Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz. You can blame the media, or you can just own up to the fact that your guy has some shitty ideas about taxes and the economy.', '>>{MEsniff} : Corrupt elitist billionaire lowering taxes for the rich....go figure.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : People who are still carrying the torch for Bernie after Bernie endorsed Hillary are just odd. He's not running, and it's obvious that if you want a shot at getting good changes to the law, you have to defeat Republicans. The Trump people are all over the place - the strangest are the people who tell pollsters that Trump's not qualified to be president but still plan to vote for him.", ">>{Tey-re-blay} : You couldn't be any more intellectually dishonest of you tried. But I guess that's too be expected from the anti-intellectual party.", ">>{IslamicShibe} : Nope. Even Fox slaughtered him when he was in the primaries, they still don't even like him, he is a total outsider. It's silly to suggest he's part of the establishment.", '>>{farcetragedy} : He\'s a billionaire. Look up the term "establishment." Of course he\'s a part of it--by definition.', ">>{IslamicShibe} : Now he's a billionaire? I thought he didn't release his tax returns and we don't know if he is one? Regardless of his money he is still a complete outsider. Never did internships for establishment politicians, never even lives in or around DC, he may be totally incompetent but you have to admit he is no establishment or else they wouldn't have spend hundreds of millions trying to defeat him.", '>>{keldorr92} : Billionaire Republican nominee wants to help billionaires with his tax plan? No. Really?', ">>{FishyFred} : His tax plan isn't what's going to hurt the 1%. It's his economic policies in general that will do the most damage.", ">>{NoNewsizBadnews} : An outsider who is surrounded by insiders and fellow shady moguls running under an insider ticket. A man who vows to close the very loopholes he exploited so much he won't even show his taxes for fear of showing he still does it. Man he's got you twisted.", ">>{IslamicShibe} : If you think tax returns are the gate to see all he is done then you should look it up for yourself. His 'fear' is that the media will over analyze everything in his returns (which they will) and paint inflammatory headlines for weeks. Chances are he pays very little in taxes (every real estate mogul does) because he pays a very good accountant. Tax returns won't show 'conflict of interests' or 'shady deals' like the media says, it's all bullshit. It is only numbers and they are painting that picture that it will be hidden with gems because they know most Americans are dont know enough about it to think otherwise.", '>>{farcetragedy} : > Now he\'s a billionaire? I thought he didn\'t release his tax returns and we don\'t know if he is one? > So he was lying? > Regardless of his money he is still a complete outsider. Did you look up the term "establishment"?', '>>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : But the Amazing Atheist just told me that Trump is just like Bernie! Who do I believe now?', ">>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : Plenty of downvotes though, I wonder where they're all coming from. Surely /r/The_BigCheeto wouldn't brigade or anything like that!", '>>{limited8} : But the Republican party and the Democratic party and the media and think tanks and foundations and Nobel laureates and scientists and politicians and economists and pollsters are all biased!!! /s', ">>{limited8} : But I'm a former Bernie supporter who is now supporting Trump because their ideas are so similar! They're both anti-establishment and stand for the little guy even though Trump is literally a Wall Street millionaire!! /s", ">>{thegreatdocbrown} : a red plastic bucket of diarrhea or a steel garbage can of diarrhea. Sure, they look different, but don't knock it over.", ">>{Skank_Slayer} : Good. I hope the rich get so wealthy we all decide that we'd be better off eating them. The more tax breaks they get the closer we resemble Mexico....", '>>{theplott} : small correction - Trump is a fake, bankrupt, real estate "millionaire" $600 million dollars in debt.', '>>{nondescript1001} : If you want a "tax" plan to help you more, pay more tax! not paying any tax and still want help, that\'s entitlement plan', '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : And she would raise taxes on the 1%. The email stuff is unrelated.', '>>{Maloth_Warblade} : Another anti Trump deflection article to avoid the email revelation, lovely', '>>{99PercentTruth} : Another stunning non-rebuttal from a Trump supporter. How very unsurprising!', '>>{Maloth_Warblade} : I am not a Trump supporter. You can check my entire post history, it was all Bernie, with my sole purpose now on election day to vote for local issues. But yes deflect by accusing me of supporting the other evil', '>>{GonzoNation} : NO! GOD DAMN IT! The FUCKER is going to lower taxes for the rich JUST LIKE THE GOD DAMNED ELITE DO IN KANSAS! GEZUS!@', '>>{GonzoNation} : I voted for Bernie. GET ON THE FUCKING TRAIN!!!!!!!! I don\'t WANT this country wrecked by Manchuco. At some point we\'ve got to deal with the "narcissism of small differences" and not give in to the the narcissist with the fake hair. Just LET IT GO! This used to be a good country. People used to be able to go to college without going to the poor house and NO SANE PERSON would create TRump university to FOOL PEOPLE!', '>>{Maloth_Warblade} : Look, I hate trickle down voodoo economics as much as any sane non rich person, but this info in the article is old. Conveniently timed, too', ">>{Maloth_Warblade} : I'm not voting for either one. Trump and Clinton are both horrible, both are evil. She is not 'better than Trump'. She isn't as openly racist, yet her actions in the 90s showed that she definitely isn't free from that accusation. She corrupt, and evil incarnate. I'd probably vote for Johnson if I didn't disagree with a decent portion of libertarian policies either. And Stein is a fucking lunatic anti vaxxer. No one left on this election earned my vote. You need to stop trying to convince others to vote for Hillary, let it go.", '>>{GonzoNation} : >Look, I hate trickle down voodoo economics as much as any sane non rich person, A new "Scalia?" They\'ll drop the "G" and just call it the "Obstruction Party." >but this info in the article is old. Conveniently timed, too It\'s "old" but - not old?', ">>{Maloth_Warblade} : The posting of it, after the newest email information, is 'Conveniently Timed'.", '>>{GonzoNation} : I\'m asking for help for U. Michigan, U. Wisconsin, U Va, UC Berkeley, UCLA and the rest of public research universities. They educate 8 times as many students as private universities. They\'re not getting adequate funding. They\'re dying. We have the best public universities in the world. They\'re more efficient. they deserve support. I\'m asking on behalf of the middle class who want jobs and who would get them from infrastructure. I\'m asking on behalf of the public option and the end of the insurance company "pooling" monopoly which is hurting people today. I\'m asking on behalf of the people who put the platform together for help. >She is not \'better than Trump\'. I see people are not familiar with Trumps platform: tax cuts for the rich, torture and control by the elite. Or they put no time looking into the platform that Bernie and Hillary people hammered out. I voted for Bernie. I don\'t understand this attitude. It\'s sickening and frankly poison. Progressive is not the same as nihilist.', ">>{GonzoNation} : Why even post on this thread? Why not go over there with the big Trump conspiracy thread where they're trying to prove that some guy who was on reddit is the same as some guy who FUCKING TUCKER CARLSON WANTS TO PERSECUTE??? This thead is about REAL THINGS that affect MY LIFE DAMN IT!! I'm SICK of this. STOP BAITING people - if you support liberal or progressive causes then STOP INTERFERING WITH others who want to FUCKING WIN THIS THING Even if and when we get the Supreme Court in line its going to TAKE A DECADE to get the gerrymandering out of Congress! THere are already plenty of Republicans HITTING PROGRESSIVES BELOW THE BELT in Kansas. And other places. I don't think we FUCKING NEED THAT HERE! Huh?", ">>{GonzoNation} : Oh yeah. I've been here for years. I support this site. JUST HOW WRONG CAN SOMEONE BE??? I don't FUCKING GET PAID TO BE HERE!!! What is different from a Trump supporter saying that and someone who WANTS TO FORCE US TO LOSE TO the racist for no reason. Hillary has a **BETTER** plan for higher ed funding than what Bernie had. I don't really care. I voted for Bernie and I think we have to watch Congress like a hawk. But I believe in Hillary's higher ed program. It's the right thing to do.", ">>{GonzoNation} : Maybe what I'm saying isn't agreeable but I'm NOT A GOD DAMNED FUCKING SHILL FUCK THAT!@ NO one has a right to pull that shit! GO AHEAD! MAKE MY DAY with another fucking MOUSE CLICK! Unbelievable!", '>>{Agedwithaview} : Dude, take it easy. Your opinions are shared.', '>>{dxtboxer} : It\'s so strange. The facts say that Trump\'s plan will help the rich; yet they refuse to even consider Clinton because many people "don\'t trust" her to actually follow through with her liberal plans once she\'s elected. I get that nobody really likes or trusts her, but how people can put that distrust on the same level as objective numbers is beyond me.', '>>{theplott} : Trump sold his name, long ago, to get out from under one of his many bankruptcies. His branding money goes to a consortium of banks who negotiated his bad investments into things like his own airline.', ">>{GonzoNation} : Thanks. The nihilism by which Reddit has destroyed itself, especially today - it kind of made me upset and so here's a great topic that exposes Trump for being the same kind of Republican who has demolished Kansas.", ">>{99PercentTruth} : > it was all Bernie Ahhh, another bitter Bernie bro that runs around attacking Clinton because you're still upset about the primaries. Makes sense. >But yes deflect Deflect, like coming into a thread about Trump's tax plan to talk about Hillary's emails?", '>>{DRUNK_Trump_Guy} : We dont like Bernies economic policy. 15 min wage sb no fed min wage. There is some overlap between bern and trump tho: No TPP, and other examples.', '>>{ilasfm} : Yep, and that is why I am not surprised that you have all the big business stacking up behind Clinton. Economic stability is important for businessmen. Regardless of whether economists think Clinton\'s policies will help or hurt the US in the long run, I think virtually everyone agrees that it will be both far more stable, less threatening, better balanced, and way safer in multiple ways than what Trump is pushing out. Trump\'s approach is essentially to try to bluff a bunch of countries into "renegotiating" for better deals (under the threat of tariffs which would just make things worse for everyone with inevitable negative pushback, or by pulling support from allies using conditions that aren\'t really realistic or reasonable). Trump is supposed to be an amazing businessman, and one of his main goals is supposed to be to strengthen the American economy. You would *think* that with those credentials and a tax plan that very obviously favors the richest in the country would easily win the support of big business and the 1%. Instead, they\'re all running away from him because they fear his economic policies will be disastrous in general. Even if these super awesome tax cuts for the rich benefit them greatly in the short term, I think they recognize that these policies would throw us for a wild, awful ride in the long run.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{99PercentTruth} : Donald Trump's tax plan would help the 1% most", '>>{Crazy_Mastermind} : > "I am shocked" -No one, 2016', ">>{IslamicShibe} : Hillary Clinton's tech tried to ask Reddit for ways to have her email display another address so she could keep her private email.", ">>{DAVEYDYK} : That's like saying Reagan's policies would only help the 1%. We all learned that wasn't true /s", '>>{Dankmemehater} : Anyone at this point who thinks Hillary and Trump are the same are fucking stupid. He is everything Bernie stood against.', '>>{99PercentTruth} : Trying to deflect to "but but Hillary" isn\'t going to make Trump\'s tax plan any better.', ">>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Great. What's that got to do with Trump's tax plan?", ">>{IslamicShibe} : The article is shit, might as well bring up a fact. Are these the same 'analysists' that made up the 10 trillion Bernie Sanders lie?", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Look how much they downvote this. They know it goes against there "I\'m a progressive" concern trolling they do.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : Except establishment cronyism. Sanders is supporting those who rigged the primaries against him, probably got a nice payoff', ">>{SNStains} : The Tax Foundation? They're a conservative-leaning think tank. They've been around forever. They're credible. It's Trump that has no credibility.", '>>{rajrdajr} : This comment belongs over in the [IT guy asks how to cover up email](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/53h8vk/evidence_of_hillarys_it_guy_paul_combetta_asking/) topic, right? 😉', '>>{AdalineMaj} : I think more accurately it would hurt the 1% the least.', '>>{99PercentTruth} : That is probably a better way of putting it, agreed.', '>>{DAVEYDYK} : They could sing that Tin Man song alot and see if that works', ">>{Trumpbart} : That story is going no where. That's probably the best October surprise Trumpsters are going to get and it's September. Tick tock on Wikileaks BTW. I believe it's overdue. We did it Reddit!", '>>{tau-lepton} : Are you serious? The Tax Foundation? Maybe do a quick search, they are far from liberal.', '>>{IslamicShibe} : NeverTrump was a conservative movement. The Wall Street journal was a credible source of news. All the integrity goes to shit at election time', '>>{SedQuisCustodiet} : I believe the "if I only had a brain" is the Scarecrow part. Mind you, the GOP could well sing the Tin Man song too - to see if they can find their heart.', '>>{OctoberxxSurprise} : We are supposed to hurt, not help the 1%.', '>>{DAVEYDYK} : Shit oops yup I messed that one up. But ya both work lol', '>>{SedQuisCustodiet} : I personally think the "mess up" was very clever. :-)', '>>{HollowUkuleleChords} : Oh yeah? How about the military times saying his plan will hurt vets? They being "bias" too? People are trying to tell you what a horrible candidate he is, and you reject facts and logic', '>>{SNStains} : He got a shitty review from the Tax Foundation and an F in economics from liberal Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz. You can blame the media, or you can just own up to the fact that your guy has some shitty ideas about taxes and the economy.', '>>{MEsniff} : Corrupt elitist billionaire lowering taxes for the rich....go figure.', ">>{AgoraiosBum} : People who are still carrying the torch for Bernie after Bernie endorsed Hillary are just odd. He's not running, and it's obvious that if you want a shot at getting good changes to the law, you have to defeat Republicans. The Trump people are all over the place - the strangest are the people who tell pollsters that Trump's not qualified to be president but still plan to vote for him.", ">>{Tey-re-blay} : You couldn't be any more intellectually dishonest of you tried. But I guess that's too be expected from the anti-intellectual party.", ">>{IslamicShibe} : Nope. Even Fox slaughtered him when he was in the primaries, they still don't even like him, he is a total outsider. It's silly to suggest he's part of the establishment.", '>>{farcetragedy} : He\'s a billionaire. Look up the term "establishment." Of course he\'s a part of it--by definition.', ">>{IslamicShibe} : Now he's a billionaire? I thought he didn't release his tax returns and we don't know if he is one? Regardless of his money he is still a complete outsider. Never did internships for establishment politicians, never even lives in or around DC, he may be totally incompetent but you have to admit he is no establishment or else they wouldn't have spend hundreds of millions trying to defeat him.", '>>{keldorr92} : Billionaire Republican nominee wants to help billionaires with his tax plan? No. Really?', ">>{FishyFred} : His tax plan isn't what's going to hurt the 1%. It's his economic policies in general that will do the most damage.", ">>{NoNewsizBadnews} : An outsider who is surrounded by insiders and fellow shady moguls running under an insider ticket. A man who vows to close the very loopholes he exploited so much he won't even show his taxes for fear of showing he still does it. Man he's got you twisted.", ">>{IslamicShibe} : If you think tax returns are the gate to see all he is done then you should look it up for yourself. His 'fear' is that the media will over analyze everything in his returns (which they will) and paint inflammatory headlines for weeks. Chances are he pays very little in taxes (every real estate mogul does) because he pays a very good accountant. Tax returns won't show 'conflict of interests' or 'shady deals' like the media says, it's all bullshit. It is only numbers and they are painting that picture that it will be hidden with gems because they know most Americans are dont know enough about it to think otherwise.", '>>{farcetragedy} : > Now he\'s a billionaire? I thought he didn\'t release his tax returns and we don\'t know if he is one? > So he was lying? > Regardless of his money he is still a complete outsider. Did you look up the term "establishment"?', '>>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : But the Amazing Atheist just told me that Trump is just like Bernie! Who do I believe now?', ">>{mynaughtyaltaccount} : Plenty of downvotes though, I wonder where they're all coming from. Surely /r/The_BigCheeto wouldn't brigade or anything like that!", '>>{limited8} : But the Republican party and the Democratic party and the media and think tanks and foundations and Nobel laureates and scientists and politicians and economists and pollsters are all biased!!! /s', ">>{limited8} : But I'm a former Bernie supporter who is now supporting Trump because their ideas are so similar! They're both anti-establishment and stand for the little guy even though Trump is literally a Wall Street millionaire!! /s", ">>{thegreatdocbrown} : a red plastic bucket of diarrhea or a steel garbage can of diarrhea. Sure, they look different, but don't knock it over.", ">>{Skank_Slayer} : Good. I hope the rich get so wealthy we all decide that we'd be better off eating them. The more tax breaks they get the closer we resemble Mexico....", '>>{theplott} : small correction - Trump is a fake, bankrupt, real estate "millionaire" $600 million dollars in debt.', '>>{nondescript1001} : If you want a "tax" plan to help you more, pay more tax! not paying any tax and still want help, that\'s entitlement plan', '>>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : And she would raise taxes on the 1%. The email stuff is unrelated.', '>>{Maloth_Warblade} : Another anti Trump deflection article to avoid the email revelation, lovely', '>>{99PercentTruth} : Another stunning non-rebuttal from a Trump supporter. How very unsurprising!', '>>{Maloth_Warblade} : I am not a Trump supporter. You can check my entire post history, it was all Bernie, with my sole purpose now on election day to vote for local issues. But yes deflect by accusing me of supporting the other evil', '>>{GonzoNation} : NO! GOD DAMN IT! The FUCKER is going to lower taxes for the rich JUST LIKE THE GOD DAMNED ELITE DO IN KANSAS! GEZUS!@', '>>{GonzoNation} : I voted for Bernie. GET ON THE FUCKING TRAIN!!!!!!!! I don\'t WANT this country wrecked by Manchuco. At some point we\'ve got to deal with the "narcissism of small differences" and not give in to the the narcissist with the fake hair. Just LET IT GO! This used to be a good country. People used to be able to go to college without going to the poor house and NO SANE PERSON would create TRump university to FOOL PEOPLE!', '>>{Maloth_Warblade} : Look, I hate trickle down voodoo economics as much as any sane non rich person, but this info in the article is old. Conveniently timed, too', ">>{Maloth_Warblade} : I'm not voting for either one. Trump and Clinton are both horrible, both are evil. She is not 'better than Trump'. She isn't as openly racist, yet her actions in the 90s showed that she definitely isn't free from that accusation. She corrupt, and evil incarnate. I'd probably vote for Johnson if I didn't disagree with a decent portion of libertarian policies either. And Stein is a fucking lunatic anti vaxxer. No one left on this election earned my vote. You need to stop trying to convince others to vote for Hillary, let it go.", '>>{GonzoNation} : >Look, I hate trickle down voodoo economics as much as any sane non rich person, A new "Scalia?" They\'ll drop the "G" and just call it the "Obstruction Party." >but this info in the article is old. Conveniently timed, too It\'s "old" but - not old?', ">>{Maloth_Warblade} : The posting of it, after the newest email information, is 'Conveniently Timed'.", '>>{GonzoNation} : I\'m asking for help for U. Michigan, U. Wisconsin, U Va, UC Berkeley, UCLA and the rest of public research universities. They educate 8 times as many students as private universities. They\'re not getting adequate funding. They\'re dying. We have the best public universities in the world. They\'re more efficient. they deserve support. I\'m asking on behalf of the middle class who want jobs and who would get them from infrastructure. I\'m asking on behalf of the public option and the end of the insurance company "pooling" monopoly which is hurting people today. I\'m asking on behalf of the people who put the platform together for help. >She is not \'better than Trump\'. I see people are not familiar with Trumps platform: tax cuts for the rich, torture and control by the elite. Or they put no time looking into the platform that Bernie and Hillary people hammered out. I voted for Bernie. I don\'t understand this attitude. It\'s sickening and frankly poison. Progressive is not the same as nihilist.', ">>{GonzoNation} : Why even post on this thread? Why not go over there with the big Trump conspiracy thread where they're trying to prove that some guy who was on reddit is the same as some guy who FUCKING TUCKER CARLSON WANTS TO PERSECUTE??? This thead is about REAL THINGS that affect MY LIFE DAMN IT!! I'm SICK of this. STOP BAITING people - if you support liberal or progressive causes then STOP INTERFERING WITH others who want to FUCKING WIN THIS THING Even if and when we get the Supreme Court in line its going to TAKE A DECADE to get the gerrymandering out of Congress! THere are already plenty of Republicans HITTING PROGRESSIVES BELOW THE BELT in Kansas. And other places. I don't think we FUCKING NEED THAT HERE! Huh?", ">>{GonzoNation} : Oh yeah. I've been here for years. I support this site. JUST HOW WRONG CAN SOMEONE BE??? I don't FUCKING GET PAID TO BE HERE!!! What is different from a Trump supporter saying that and someone who WANTS TO FORCE US TO LOSE TO the racist for no reason. Hillary has a **BETTER** plan for higher ed funding than what Bernie had. I don't really care. I voted for Bernie and I think we have to watch Congress like a hawk. But I believe in Hillary's higher ed program. It's the right thing to do.", ">>{GonzoNation} : Maybe what I'm saying isn't agreeable but I'm NOT A GOD DAMNED FUCKING SHILL FUCK THAT!@ NO one has a right to pull that shit! GO AHEAD! MAKE MY DAY with another fucking MOUSE CLICK! Unbelievable!", '>>{Agedwithaview} : Dude, take it easy. Your opinions are shared.', '>>{dxtboxer} : It\'s so strange. The facts say that Trump\'s plan will help the rich; yet they refuse to even consider Clinton because many people "don\'t trust" her to actually follow through with her liberal plans once she\'s elected. I get that nobody really likes or trusts her, but how people can put that distrust on the same level as objective numbers is beyond me.', '>>{theplott} : Trump sold his name, long ago, to get out from under one of his many bankruptcies. His branding money goes to a consortium of banks who negotiated his bad investments into things like his own airline.', ">>{GonzoNation} : Thanks. The nihilism by which Reddit has destroyed itself, especially today - it kind of made me upset and so here's a great topic that exposes Trump for being the same kind of Republican who has demolished Kansas.", ">>{99PercentTruth} : > it was all Bernie Ahhh, another bitter Bernie bro that runs around attacking Clinton because you're still upset about the primaries. Makes sense. >But yes deflect Deflect, like coming into a thread about Trump's tax plan to talk about Hillary's emails?", '>>{DRUNK_Trump_Guy} : We dont like Bernies economic policy. 15 min wage sb no fed min wage. There is some overlap between bern and trump tho: No TPP, and other examples.', '>>{ilasfm} : Yep, and that is why I am not surprised that you have all the big business stacking up behind Clinton. Economic stability is important for businessmen. Regardless of whether economists think Clinton\'s policies will help or hurt the US in the long run, I think virtually everyone agrees that it will be both far more stable, less threatening, better balanced, and way safer in multiple ways than what Trump is pushing out. Trump\'s approach is essentially to try to bluff a bunch of countries into "renegotiating" for better deals (under the threat of tariffs which would just make things worse for everyone with inevitable negative pushback, or by pulling support from allies using conditions that aren\'t really realistic or reasonable). Trump is supposed to be an amazing businessman, and one of his main goals is supposed to be to strengthen the American economy. You would *think* that with those credentials and a tax plan that very obviously favors the richest in the country would easily win the support of big business and the 1%. Instead, they\'re all running away from him because they fear his economic policies will be disastrous in general. Even if these super awesome tax cuts for the rich benefit them greatly in the short term, I think they recognize that these policies would throw us for a wild, awful ride in the long run.'], [">>{Meatsim1} : Syria conflict: Assad hopes for 'anti-terror ally' in Trump", '>>{supreme_man} : Good lord. If he befriends assad... Jesus.', '>>{Locopeople} : What? A man who was democratically voted and had to with stand obama funded terrorist groups?', '>>{Meatsim1} : No intelligent person thinks WW3 was going to start in Syria regardless of who was elected', '>>{ggyujjhi} : Actually look it up. If Hillary initiated a no-fly zone, Russia would refuse to acknowledge it, and likely be engaged: this would have caused an international stand off that could easily lead to war between two superpowers. I would link but you are capable of using a search function.', ">>{JoJoWiCo} : In an election where no one was allowed to oppose him? Sounds very democratic. But hey, at least he got the most votes. He's got that over Donald.", '>>{Meatsim1} : Its so frustrating dealing with people who think a complicated series of events is going to unfold exactly like they think it will. Why is it the people who know the least are so convinced they know the most? Look, you assume Clinton won\'t attempt to negotiate with Russia on the nature of a no fly-zone and you assume if they couldn\'t reach an agreement she\'d just "initiate it" unilaterally. Come on now dude, can we drop the premise that Clinton is too stupid to realize the implications of shooting down Russian planes?', ">>{JoJoWiCo} : It's really funny because Donald threatened to shoot Iranian ships out of the water over a rude gesture. That surely wouldn't have increased tensions with their Russian ally. Not at all.", '>>{Meatsim1} : He also directly threatened to shoot down Russian planes as well. http://www.newsweek.com/trump-says-us-should-shoot-russian-planes-if-putin-calls-fail-454902 But no, its Clinton saying "I\'d like to have a no fly zone in Syria" that was gonna start WW3', ">>{ggyujjhi} : You mean the way libs have argued the market would crash upon Trump's election? Or that the economy will tank if we start deporting 2 or 3 million illegal immigrants? Putin has said that Clinton's no-fly zone would be a dangerous move She threatened military action for cyber attacks that sh presumed", '>>{Meatsim1} : >You mean the way libs have argued the market would crash upon Trump\'s election? Or that the economy will tank if we start deporting 2 or 3 million illegal immigrants? Yes. Sorry were you hoping to catch me being a hypocrite because you brought up someone else\'s viewpoint? Oopes. Thats not how it works. I never said any of those things about the economy, so don\'t try to paint me as a hypocrite for what someone else said. Still I don\'t have high hopes for the economy after Trump\'s elections, the mass deportations are part of that lack of hope. >Putin has said that Clinton\'s no-fly zone would be a dangerous move Putin says a lot of shit. But thats why you attempt to negotiate something first and if that fails you decide what the risks are if you do it anyway and make a decision. Thats why you don\'t just rush in like you\'ve assumed Clinton will do. Threats are useful foreign policy tools, they get made all the time. >She threatened military action for cyber attacks that sh presumed Thats right. Whats wrong with making a threat? Threats deter people. Thats why Putin threatened the US by saying a no-fly zone would be a dangerous move. Also she said "We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses.” So please don\'t go pretending she was going to respond to any cyber attack with military force and please also remember that responding to cyber attacks with another cyber attack is a use of force. If you hack us, and we hack you back, that is a military action', ">>{Meatsim1} : He's a big /r/altright poster, he's already an admitted authoritarian", ">>{ggyujjhi} : You are just asserting your viewpoints, as I am. It doesn't make you right. I believe Hillary was hell-bent on going to war with Russia.", '>>{Meatsim1} : Your beliefs don\'t mean shit because you haven\'t taken the slightest effort to base them in reality. Why would Clinton be "hell-bent on war with Russia?" It makes no sense, what evidence do you have back up your claim? You know I\'ve worked in or studied foreign affairs for almost 10 years now going back to my undergrad, and while its true none of us have crystal balls to view the future and know what will happen we can\'t just say "I believe X will happen" and have that be the end of it. We actually have to make compelling arguments. One thing I know for sure though is that countries don\'t just go to war for no reason, everyone has a reason. Whats her\'s in your opinion?', '>>{ggyujjhi} : She would risk it to take out Assad as part of her personal vendetta', '>>{Meatsim1} : You\'re just stating beliefs again. Sorry but just because you "believe" something doesn\'t mean fucking dick. I know you\'re attached to it, because its your belief, but Christ almighty. Having some dignity, don\'t double down on an opinion you have no way of supporting just because its hard to admit its faulty. Clinton has 30 years of experience in this field and you\'re giving her an amateur psychological assessment that she\'s some kind kid on the playground who\'s going to pick a fight out of a personal vendetta. People like you are whats so scary about this \'post-fact\' post-rational world we\'ve entered, you don\'t care you can\'t back up anything you say with facts, you don\'t care that it makes no sense, you\'ve got a belief, you\'ve convinced yourself its true, and thats the end of it. Thats the end of your thought-process. Thats sad. You can\'t come up with a single reason to support your opinion other than other opinions you have. Thats insane.', ">>{ggyujjhi} : I'm actually not the only one - it was quite the story for a stretch during the campaign. It was strongly touted by one of the third party candidates, and by a number of other sources.", ">>{Dumbass_McGee_} : Assad isn't necessarily the boogeyman we make him out to be, hes a secular, anti-terror leader that just wants to see his country become peaceful"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Soldier-2Point0} : Man, I was ready to buy one despite all the negative reviews and horrible design and now I see this.', ">>{Trivialnicesuit} : I've had this case since it came out and it still looks new. Are you super hard on cases?", ">>{freechef} : I've got the black one so my experience might be different but mine is still in great shape.", ">>{lonelysoap} : Yeah... I think I'm just going to pick up one of the new Mophie cases.", '>>{StevenSanders90210} : >Remember when Trump would be a great president because he was a great negotiator? That old chestnut has been discarded in favor of “Trump got played by that Machiavellian Snidely Ryan.” These Trumpers change their stories to fit the current narrative. It\'s bad here on Reddit but luckily none of these MAGAminds realize their post history is public. Yesterday:" I never said it was a good bill!" One week ago: "Trumps finally fixing everything!!! Train breaks!! ALL CAPS!!"', '>>{suckZEN} : they have a new thing now, brigade default subs and complain about people even talking about politics you\'ll see posts like "i want to go on reddit and not read about politics" and their post history will show them to be t_d regulars it\'s the same thing racist relatives do when they say: we don\'t talk about politics at the table, but then vote for some bigot every single time', ">>{angryfetis} : That is so fucking shady. Those aren't 'get my favorite candidate into office tactics'.", ">>{suckZEN} : it's an attempt to quell people talking about the shit that goes down daily in washington, can't risk the sheep waking up to the fact that republicans fuck them in the ass", ">>{a_vulpix} : I've only had mine for a month but it is holding up fine :)", ">>{Mrpornogoregrind} : Can't you return it? Read the warranty my nigga.", ">>{RepublicanDeathPanel} : Good read. I clearly don't agree with the conservative agenda, but his point is that neither does Trump and his followers make constant excuses for Trumps failures. He argues it's a religion. Good read", ">>{El_Jengibre_Cojones} : I've had mine since the week it came out and it's fine. You should have the store replace that under warranty.", '>>{GuavaMyPickle} : I recommend buying a ZeroLemon Slim Juicer. I have one for about 4 months, and regularly use it and has so far he absolutely no signs of any scratches or abuse! Only 30.99..good price for the 3100mAh battery and smart features', ">>{ponch_ki} : I'd say pretty normal? I don't throw my phone around, but I do always put it in my pocket.", ">>{aarstar} : My smartcase is also pretty beatup but is working great. Haven't worried about battery life at all since I got it.", ">>{KlugMedia} : They also suffer from irreversible stupidity and should be put down like old, rapid dogs. They're fucking useless human beings, and they don't deserve to live. Fuck all of them.", ">>{Dear_Occupant} : I still don't understand why reddit puts up with that subreddit. They break the TOS as a matter of routine and they contribute nothing to the wider community. They're a pestilence on this website and we'll all be better off when they're gone from it.", ">>{Accusatory_Giblet} : I've had mine for 6 months and I work in construction. The only issue with mine is that the charging port is flakey, probably from dirt and dust. Other than that, it looks pretty good.", ">>{UsernameError404} : I'd go to apple about it I mean it should be just as durable as the regular silicone cases. Mine is holding up just fine outside of the drops I've put it through.", '>>{BitingChaos} : I\'d like to know as well. I\'ve purchased a few iPhone 5C models for family, and Apple\'s silicone case for those (with the ugly circle cutouts) seems to fall apart easily. Any scratch to the silicone can result in what seems like its outer "skin" to tear and peel off. I have an Apple silicone case for my iPhone 6S, but after having grip issues with it I quickly replaced it, so I don\'t know how well it holds up.', ">>{suckZEN} : some people still believe that containing them to a single subreddit is somehow the better choice and that killing t_d would flood reddit with them. the thing is tho, that reddit is already flooded with them and they'd be at the bottom of every thread just like they are now", '>>{llllIlllIllIlI} : I volunteer you as Chief Officer of the new Committee of Public Safety.', '>>{shanenanigans1} : Oh Ben Shapiro haha, there\'s a few good nuggets in this pile of shit. "They followed Trump’s lead, as Trump outrageously blamed the Freedom Caucus for preserving Planned Parenthood funding and Obamacare. The more to the left Trump moves, the more incompetently he governs, the more unpopular he becomes, the more his election defenders feel the need to defend him beyond the election" LOL! Trump governing from the left? Hahahahahaahhaha', '>>{Macracanthorhynchus} : The shifting goalposts are typical to religion - Trump is a "Republican President of the Gaps" i.e. he\'s only assumed to be a good Republican in the gaps between his actual policies.', ">>{Firsttimepostr} : Yikes... I've had mine since debut and it looks brand new still.", '>>{Declan_McManus} : I guess governing from the left means not going along with the far right, for once', '>>{iaymnu} : I have the black one and where the bump is the 4 corners start to do the same. looks like discoloration.', '>>{pablorodriguezm} : Yo tengo también una de silicona y hace igual! Es la segunda vez que la cambio.', '>>{imdaMANimal} : Anything that does not work out for them is "left".', '>>{politicalanimalz} : Whenever he needed to grift cash from gullible suckers, of course.', ">>{donnyradwell} : Donald Trump is like Jesus Christ's evil twin. Look at their lives and ideologies. They are exactly opposite."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{StevenSanders90210} : >Remember when Trump would be a great president because he was a great negotiator? That old chestnut has been discarded in favor of “Trump got played by that Machiavellian Snidely Ryan.” These Trumpers change their stories to fit the current narrative. It\'s bad here on Reddit but luckily none of these MAGAminds realize their post history is public. Yesterday:" I never said it was a good bill!" One week ago: "Trumps finally fixing everything!!! Train breaks!! ALL CAPS!!"', '>>{suckZEN} : they have a new thing now, brigade default subs and complain about people even talking about politics you\'ll see posts like "i want to go on reddit and not read about politics" and their post history will show them to be t_d regulars it\'s the same thing racist relatives do when they say: we don\'t talk about politics at the table, but then vote for some bigot every single time', ">>{angryfetis} : That is so fucking shady. Those aren't 'get my favorite candidate into office tactics'.", ">>{suckZEN} : it's an attempt to quell people talking about the shit that goes down daily in washington, can't risk the sheep waking up to the fact that republicans fuck them in the ass", ">>{RepublicanDeathPanel} : Good read. I clearly don't agree with the conservative agenda, but his point is that neither does Trump and his followers make constant excuses for Trumps failures. He argues it's a religion. Good read", ">>{KlugMedia} : They also suffer from irreversible stupidity and should be put down like old, rapid dogs. They're fucking useless human beings, and they don't deserve to live. Fuck all of them.", ">>{Dear_Occupant} : I still don't understand why reddit puts up with that subreddit. They break the TOS as a matter of routine and they contribute nothing to the wider community. They're a pestilence on this website and we'll all be better off when they're gone from it.", ">>{suckZEN} : some people still believe that containing them to a single subreddit is somehow the better choice and that killing t_d would flood reddit with them. the thing is tho, that reddit is already flooded with them and they'd be at the bottom of every thread just like they are now", '>>{llllIlllIllIlI} : I volunteer you as Chief Officer of the new Committee of Public Safety.', '>>{shanenanigans1} : Oh Ben Shapiro haha, there\'s a few good nuggets in this pile of shit. "They followed Trump’s lead, as Trump outrageously blamed the Freedom Caucus for preserving Planned Parenthood funding and Obamacare. The more to the left Trump moves, the more incompetently he governs, the more unpopular he becomes, the more his election defenders feel the need to defend him beyond the election" LOL! Trump governing from the left? Hahahahahaahhaha', '>>{Macracanthorhynchus} : The shifting goalposts are typical to religion - Trump is a "Republican President of the Gaps" i.e. he\'s only assumed to be a good Republican in the gaps between his actual policies.', '>>{Declan_McManus} : I guess governing from the left means not going along with the far right, for once', '>>{imdaMANimal} : Anything that does not work out for them is "left".', '>>{politicalanimalz} : Whenever he needed to grift cash from gullible suckers, of course.', ">>{donnyradwell} : Donald Trump is like Jesus Christ's evil twin. Look at their lives and ideologies. They are exactly opposite."], ['>>{Soldier-2Point0} : Man, I was ready to buy one despite all the negative reviews and horrible design and now I see this.', ">>{Trivialnicesuit} : I've had this case since it came out and it still looks new. Are you super hard on cases?", ">>{freechef} : I've got the black one so my experience might be different but mine is still in great shape.", ">>{lonelysoap} : Yeah... I think I'm just going to pick up one of the new Mophie cases.", ">>{a_vulpix} : I've only had mine for a month but it is holding up fine :)", ">>{Mrpornogoregrind} : Can't you return it? Read the warranty my nigga.", ">>{El_Jengibre_Cojones} : I've had mine since the week it came out and it's fine. You should have the store replace that under warranty.", '>>{GuavaMyPickle} : I recommend buying a ZeroLemon Slim Juicer. I have one for about 4 months, and regularly use it and has so far he absolutely no signs of any scratches or abuse! Only 30.99..good price for the 3100mAh battery and smart features', ">>{ponch_ki} : I'd say pretty normal? I don't throw my phone around, but I do always put it in my pocket.", ">>{aarstar} : My smartcase is also pretty beatup but is working great. Haven't worried about battery life at all since I got it.", ">>{Accusatory_Giblet} : I've had mine for 6 months and I work in construction. The only issue with mine is that the charging port is flakey, probably from dirt and dust. Other than that, it looks pretty good.", ">>{UsernameError404} : I'd go to apple about it I mean it should be just as durable as the regular silicone cases. Mine is holding up just fine outside of the drops I've put it through.", '>>{BitingChaos} : I\'d like to know as well. I\'ve purchased a few iPhone 5C models for family, and Apple\'s silicone case for those (with the ugly circle cutouts) seems to fall apart easily. Any scratch to the silicone can result in what seems like its outer "skin" to tear and peel off. I have an Apple silicone case for my iPhone 6S, but after having grip issues with it I quickly replaced it, so I don\'t know how well it holds up.', ">>{Firsttimepostr} : Yikes... I've had mine since debut and it looks brand new still.", '>>{iaymnu} : I have the black one and where the bump is the 4 corners start to do the same. looks like discoloration.', '>>{pablorodriguezm} : Yo tengo también una de silicona y hace igual! Es la segunda vez que la cambio.']]
classify and reply
['>>{Ajskrim99} : Iphone 7 screen protector issue.. Does anyone have problem like me, it has not been sticking to screen properly since i "glued" it on.. For 25$ screen protector i expected more. Let me know your opinions and thoughts.', '>>{nayabkl} : Spend another 15 and get the belkin one from Apple store. The one you have is too big and is not conforming to the contour of the screen.', ">>{slavingia} : We Should Not Be Subjecting Children's Brains To Wi-Fi Screens In Schools. It's Not OK — Jill Stein", ">>{topcutter} : Erik Prince: Clinton 'Very Likely Caused’ Iranian Nuclear Scientist’s Death", ">>{scrizewly} : This is why I don't use screen protectors. They never ever fit properly for me.", '>>{guinne55fan} : Spend about 8$ on Anker from Amazon. Great product.', '>>{Saudi-A-Labia} : Lol, defecting to America then flying back to Iran expecting open arms....', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Literally not possible for this to be true. The emails were obtained via a FOIA request, they were not classified. Seriously, no possible way for you to blame Clinton for this. Out of all the scandal attempts I've seen come out of the GOP in my years this is one of the most absurd next to the Christmas card fiasco.", '>>{thevenividivici} : On eBay they have these "3D" glass ones, they cover almost edge to edge, also at the edge they curve with the phone so it feels very seamless.', '>>{mr_shortypants} : Wifi screens? Not in *my* brain!', '>>{kneeco28} : Everything is bad for kids according to Jill Stein, especially vaccines.', ">>{American_FETUS} : Yea what a psycho. She thinks kids spend to much time staring at tv's, phones and computers.", '>>{benperez} : It scares me that someone so out of touch could be taken seriously... oh wait, that makes her just like the others', ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : ***Breitbart.com:*** *We are gonna give WorldNetDaily a run for it's money pushing crazy conspiracies to the Right Wing whackjobs, and we don't care how many times we're proven wrong!*", '>>{ihopethisisvalid} : I had the same issue. Sent an email to the company with pictures and copy of receipt and they overnighted me a new one.', '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : Awww, poor Eric Prince. Must be tough these days without the unlimited procurements giving his defense firm lucrative contracts to do a bunch of bullshit no one in America, including *republicans*, really even support anymore. Edit: look at OP downvoting. Lol.', ">>{TrippyTheSnail} : I'm loving all the anti-Stein posts today. Definitely going to vote her (or whomever the Green Party candidate is) in November.", ">>{vph} : The scientist returned to Iran in July 2010. Well before the State Department released Clinton's emails.", ">>{sftbert} : We should be moving away from screens at all levels of education Wow. Great idea Jill, let's educate our kids but have them be totally unprepared for anything other than commune life.", ">>{radicalelation} : I like *her*, but I don't like her world views. She's coming from the right place, but I think she's become so focused on a few issues that it's blinding her from everything else. It's a damn shame, because I would love to have someone with a heart like hers being a big part of our government, but she's got some severe political and ideological tunnelvision that she'd be ineffective and, as she has shown in some cases regarding GMOs, nuclear, and, right here, dangers of wifi, just plain wrong. I don't believe her to be self-serving like many of our other politicians, especially our two major presidential candidates, but she can't get a pass on her incompetence in some big areas just because she's a kind, compassionate person.", ">>{cajunman4life} : I've had this on two screen protectors so far. Eventually it'll get worse. I guess it's true what they say; you get what you pay for. I'll either not replace this one, or spend a bit more money.", ">>{dirtychinchilla} : I buy one for £2 every so often and it's perfect...", ">>{PerniciousPeyton} : It's Erik Prince. Blackwater had some bad press, and with America having no open-ended commitments to send ground troops into a long and drawn-out war, business has been bad. He just needs a little cheese with his whine is all.", '>>{greg19735} : I think there\'s just a lack of context here. It\'s bad if kids are just sitting there and watching TV, a movie or even educational show at school. But "screens" can be so much more than that. Let\'s say that a kid\'s doing poorly at math. A (good, well designed) app on a tablet is going to be a far better tutor than a math book. Or maybe they\'re able to look at videos online to help explain them. While it may not be as good as a personal tutor, it\'s also far cheaper. We may be 20 years away from great technology being able to properly teach people things in ways that are as effective as a good teacher. But when used as supplements of education, especially if the student\'s school is a bad one, it could definitely be a positive. I think a big thing is that the technology needs to be interactive rather than just a video. And it\'s also stupid to compare this to kids not exercising. screens don\'t give more exercise than a teacher standing at the front of a classroom.', ">>{Tafsern} : I bought a 3 pack from GColor on Ebay, works awesome. Doesn't go all the way to the edge, but if they had the same thing would have happened with lose edges.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : The emails that contained his name were ones obtained via FOIA and were not classified. http://www.politicususa.com/2016/08/08/trump-crashes-burns-accusing-clinton-murdering-iranian-scientist-emails.html http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/08/politics/hillary-clinton-attacked-iran-nuclear-scientist-execution/ >> The emails mentioning Amiri were were part of a tranche released by the State Department last year pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request in the wake of the revelation that Clinton used a personal server to conduct official business.', ">>{allworknoplaytoday} : She literally says children's brains should not be subjected to Wifi a minute in and then another woman mentions that Jill answered her question regarding wifi radiation at the end. There's nothing but crazy here. The first question is innocuous enough, the second is extremely clear cut especially with the final woman mentioning explicitly.", ">>{IDFSHILL} : Are you literally now trying to deny objective reality and claim these are not the emails from the FOIA request? These are the emails the state department released, they are from the FOIA request, that is reality. You're free to deny it if you want, but that won't make you correct. You will remain incorrect no matter what, because reality is reality and fact is fact no matter how badly you object to it.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : The Green convention doesn't vote until later this month, so Bill Kreml still has a chance to become the nominee!", '>>{dmstmster} : It was reported in the press at the time he went back to Iran that he worked for the CIA. The CIA briefed reporters. Google the articles from 2010.', ">>{suppiuliuma} : Limiting screen time for children is reasonable. What is outrageous is the later part of the video, where Stein is asked about the dangers of wi-fi radiation. Instead of answering that there is *no* evidence for any adverse effects of the wireless transmitters found in homes, Stein uses weasel words to suggest that the extensive research on this topic is sullied somehow by regulatory capture. This is merely irritating when it comes to wi-fi and cell phones. But she shows the same cowardice in failing to state forthrightly that vaccines are safe, and that parents who don't vaccinate their kids are not only endangering their families but are endangering society as a whole. As a medical doctor, she presumably is aware of all of this, and her failure to speak plainly about it is disgusting.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : >> no, retard. I\'m saying that when a ljournalis" says something is lindane", they are no longer a journalist, and are just writing an opinion piece. Shouting insults at people when you\'re proven wrong doesn\'t gain you anything, you are incorrect and will remain incorrect. >> I asked for citation. Which means I\'d like credible citation. Do you have the state department citation or information showing these were released via FOIA? Again, facts are facts, reality is reality. You will remain wrong, period. All of the emails related to Clintons server were released via the FOIA, so it\'s literally impossible for you to be correct here. >> You provided an opinion piece and CNN. Neither are credible. Again, all emails related to Clinton\'s server came out via a FOIA request, meaning it is literally impossible for you to be correct. You are wrong, you will remain wrong no matter how badly you try to deny objective reality. Take a seat.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Again, all emails related to Clintons email server came out via the FOIA, meaning it is impossible for you to be correct. You are wrong and will remain wrong no matter what you say here, it is impossible for you to be right. You can stick your fingers in your ears and deny reality all you want, you will remain wrong. That is reality, that is fact. You can try to hand wave away every source that proves you wrong, it doesn't change reality.", '>>{dmstmster} : http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/16/world/middleeast/16iran.html?_r=2 I am sure this is a fabrication. /s', '>>{Jsombatphibane} : Got zagg screen protectors and replacements, they all did this', ">>{mr_shortypants} : Let's not have them be technologically literate! It's not like they'll face screens in one form or another nearly every day for the rest of their lives.", ">>{TheWasabiSlayer} : I have this issue on my plus. Only had it once on my 6 and never happened on my 6s. Crazy thing it's I've bought the same brand each time. Really annoying and bugs me", '>>{nestorbestor} : ebay "iphone 7 tempered screen" and buy any 3 pack thats less than $7 with free shipping and you\'ll never be let down. stop wasting your $ getting these brand name tempered screens', '>>{zone23} : This one fits the 7 Plus perfectly. Its not edge to edge and some reviews say its too small but to me its perfect. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01KOZAOEW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1', '>>{Eromu} : Maybe some sort of faraday cage that blocks out WiFi signals? All children should have access to WiFi. # BlockedDataMatters', '>>{20WPM} : Most WiFi signals can be measured in milliwatts (a milliwatt is equal to one thousandth (10−3) of a watt). This is the typical power output of cell phones. If Radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves are dangerous let’s shut down radar, AM, FM, and television broadcasting where the power output can be as high as 50,000 watts.', '>>{creejay} : > Q: And **what about the wireless**? > Stein: **We should not be subjecting kids brains, especially, to that**, and you know we don\'t follow that issue in this country, but in Europe where they do, you know they have good precautions around wireless. Maybe not good enough, because it\'s very hard to study this stuff. You know we make guinea pigs out of whole populations and then discover how many die."', ">>{creejay} : Q: And what about the wireless? Stein: We should not be subjecting kids brains, especially, to that Tell me, when she answers a question about wireless and says children's brains shouldn't be subjected to it, what does she mean?", ">>{Uncle_Charnia} : That's very disappointing. I don't care whether she pandering to nutjobs or truly doesn't understand science. In a public official, it amounts to the same thing.", '>>{Nurgle} : It seems like sticking kids in front of screens was the first part and wifi was separate. >Audience: "And what about the wireless?" >JS: "Yes, right. We should not be subjecting kids\' brains especially to that. And you know we don\'t follow that issue in this country but in Europe where they do, you know they have good precautions around wireless. Maybe not good enough, because it\'s very hard to study this stuff. You know we make guinea pigs out of whole populations and then discover how many die."', ">>{kyonu} : Kreml is to Stein as O'Malley was to Bernie.", ">>{FR4NOx} : The only screen protector I've had issues with was the Verizon tempered glass on an iPhone 6. Have had zero issues with ZAGG glasses and plastics on multiple devices though.", '>>{kyonu} : You should ask her, just like how you should hold Clinton accountable to what "assault weapons" means.', ">>{mr_shortypants} : In that none of them are going to become President? At least Stein's almost officially won her party's nomination.", ">>{OMGshNicholas} : I have a Zagg one. It was fine, I got a replacement cuz the Verizon guy got some dust under t when he put it on. But the replacement is fine. There is a SLIGHT like half a millimeter spot on the bottom on the side that looks a little lifted, but it doesn't feel lifted.", '>>{CamiloTiria} : Bought one screen protector about 4$ and I have no issues, i think the cheapest screen protectors are the best. Check EAP last tempered glass protector test', ">>{HLef} : To be honest I'm not sure what they're supposed to protect your phone from.", ">>{Flashh101} : More expensive doesn't always mean it's better. I bought [two screen protectors from amazon,](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01415QHYW/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_5j0UybHBRFCQ8) for 7 bucks; I used one of them and kept the other one to use later if something goes wrong. The screen protector has been on my iphone 7 since October, no problem whatsoever. Just make sure to use the cleaning wipes that come with them to clean the screen before putting the protector on.", '>>{creebler} : Oh come on! Just put on a Bill Nye re-run and call it day!', '>>{Dads_cream_soda} : So the revolutionaries have moved on from white noise machines to Wi-Fi screens? As if the Green Party and the like could afford ruining their credibility than they already are.', '>>{kyonu} : Nope. Not at all to what I was referring.', '>>{berniesanders86} : wifi is a relatively new thing (a little more than a decade) and the jury is still out on the effects of its long term exposure on health.', '>>{Clessiah} : The difference in quality between different brands of TG screen protector is noticeable. Some brands will consistently give you unsatisfying result no matter how clean the screen is. I am really happy with Tech Armor and Spigen.', '>>{TV_3} : Same thing happened on my 7 plus. Where I work we apply the zagg screen protectors all the time, and this has happened to 75% of the screen protectors across different models of phones. Right after being cleaned properly.', '>>{scmihi73} : If you have \uf8ffcare, a new screen is $30.', '>>{blancs50} : Lol Stein is totally the Hillary of the party. Green establishment pick, sense of entitlement, looking forward to the general before even locking up the nomination. Darryl Cherney represents the true environmental progressivism that the greens are founded on. #CherneyOrBust #FeelTheChern', ">>{chanataba} : The Apple Store put mine on with a tool. I think it was Belkin. I can't even tell it's on there.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Is it because even though he dropped out after the first race, O'Malley still won more votes in his primary campaign than Stein won in hers? Or that he released more policy papers in his single run than Stein released in both of her campaigns?", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Hey, don't discount Bill Kreml, winner of the South Carolina Green primary!", ">>{mr_shortypants} : I don't see any use for visible light anyway.", ">>{lukee910} : The one he has is too small, isn't it? Shouldn't the protector cover the entire front? I got the same size (accidentally) and was surprised by how small it was.", ">>{20WPM} : Let's ban it all from DC to light and be done with the entire electromagnetic spectrum. To keep the kids safe.", ">>{kyonu} : Another swing and a miss. You're not very good at euphemisms, are you?", '>>{EL337} : do you read? or just blindly accept every bit of propaganda you hear?', ">>{mr_shortypants} : Ooh, I think I get it! O'Malley and Sanders have actually held significant elected office, but Stein and Kreml haven't? Kreml served as a Professor, at least. You'd think he'd get *some* respect from the GNC.", '>>{HeyBlubby} : Did you have to ask them to do that? I like that idea a lot but I\'d probably feel awkward asking "can you put this on my phone?"', ">>{kyonu} : Welp, guess you can't teach a Clinton supporter new tricks. Have fun in life, mate.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : It reminds me of when John McCain was asked by the Einstein-haired lady about Obama, who she said was an Arab. McCain addressed the differences between his campaign and Obama's, *but also* told her that Obama wasn't an Arab and that he was a good man. You don't have to agree with someone all the time to recognize when a candidate lets something crazy a voter said slide.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : I'm not aware of any place where Jill Stein said vaccines were bad for kids.", '>>{FloydMcScroops} : I have had [these](https://www.amazon.com/iCarez-Tempered-Protector-Lifetime-Replacement/dp/B00NJEYC62) for my past three phones. They are phenomenal in all aspects. Mainly the adhesion. Incredible application tools and really good product. Swear by them.', ">>{Rawmin} : No. Most of them don't have curved glass so they can only cover the perfectly flat part of the front. If they are slightly bigger than that or you get the alignment even slightly off, this will happen.", ">>{Rawmin} : Don't. If they mess it up they can apply a new one. If you mess it up you're screwed.", '>>{TheTrollingPakistani} : We need to close nuclear power plants. They are nukes and can give off gamma radiation. https://mobile.twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/715230945679380481', ">>{mr_shortypants} : I'm not aware of any place where Jill Stein said that wifi screens were harmful to children.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Welp, guess you can't teach a Stein supporter to respect Kreml and Cherney. Have fun in life, bro.", ">>{sundialinshade} : > there is no evidence for any adverse effects of the wireless transmitters found in homes So there should be plenty of robust studies repeatedly demonstrating that there are zero risks. Can you share those please? I use Wi-fi, and assume its not dangerous, but I always like to have more information rather than less. If the studies don't exist, why not investigate in order to prove or disprove the safety?", ">>{creejay} : I expanded it to the full quote. I think it's actually less favorable to her as she starts talking about us being guinea pigs, and it starts to sound very /conspiracy.", '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : Stein-bernouts are to politics as the Clintons are to ethics', ">>{Rawmin} : Scratches, obviously. I've also had the screen protector shatter when I dropped my phone face down while the screen did not - hard to find any solid evidence on whether they do add impact protection but plenty of people, myself included are inclined to believe they do.", '>>{madeInNY} : This may be obvious, they will only do it for ones you buy in the apple store. But they have a cool tool for doing it and I bet they like using it.', ">>{HLef} : All that tells me is the screen could sustain the impact but not the screen protector. And said protector will also be full of scratches because it's softer than the screen itself.", '>>{creejay} : Yeah, just like you Stein establishment types to ignore Cherney!', ">>{DrMikeTyson} : Ah yes, that's one way to advance the agenda of the nation, elect the anti-vax, anti-wifi candidate.", '>>{suppiuliuma} : Sure, here is a study on cell phones (which broadcast on similar frequencies as wifi) : [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17619826](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17619826). [Here is an article discussing wifi radiation more generally](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2012/sep/27/wi-fi-health-risks). And [here is another](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/mother-tongue/11599311/Wi-Fi-is-not-harming-our-chidren-heres-the-evidence.html). As the wikipedia article on this notes, ["all reviews conducted so far have indicated that, as long as exposures are below the limits recommended in the ICNIRP (1998) EMF guidelines, which cover the full frequency range from 0–300 GHz, such exposures do not produce any known adverse health effect."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_electronic_devices_and_health) The basic point is that wifi operates at microwave frequencies. Radiation at those wavelengths is too low energy to ionize the atoms in your body, unlike ultraviolet or X-ray radiation, or charged particles. The only effect wifi signals can have on you is through heating, but routers, cell phones, etc. have milliwatt power levels. Given the lack of any plausible mechanism through which residential wifi can affect you, and the lack of any evidence of health risks from the aforementioned studies, we can reasonably conclude that wi-fi is safe.', '>>{DrMikeTyson} : The jury very much is not out. There is no scientific basis to believing that Wifi, or cellular radiation, is dangerous to human health.', ">>{DrMikeTyson} : That's only half of what she said, the other half is that wifi is bad for human health.", ">>{MasterOfBinary} : Think about it like this: Electromagnetic radiation has a massive set of frequencies that interact differently with different things. Microwaves are a great example of this. Microwaves produce EM radiation at (typically) 2.45 Ghz. This is what frequency is needed to excite water. You WiFi router emits EM radiation at 2.4 Ghz. So why doesn't your WiFi router cook food that you put next to it, or even boil water throughout your house? The answer is that your router *does* heat water around it, but your microwave is about 2000 times more powerful than your router. Most routers use 1 watt of power dispersed all around it, while microwaves use up to 2000 watts, all going in one place. On the other hand, visible light that you receive every day by going outside has much more power than you Wifi, at 1000 watts per square meter of direct sunlight. However, this is a different frequency that will effect different things. This basically means that your router doesn't have enough power to even energize even a few molecules in your body, meaning that you're probably safe. If you want to read more about this, here's a link to what seems to be a reasonably unbiased source on it [**here**](http://www.atomsandnumbers.com/2013/why-the-sun-can-harm-you-and-wifi-cant-and-how-microwave-ovens-cook-your-food/). Source for watts per square meter on the ground: [(Link)](https://ag.tennessee.edu/solar/Pages/What%20Is%20Solar%20Energy/Sun's%20Energy.aspx)", '>>{DWells55} : They all come out of the same one or two factories in China anyway.', ">>{mr_shortypants} : I'm not aware of any link between Jill Stein and anti-vaxxers.", ">>{Rawmin} : > All that tells me is the screen could sustain the impact but not the screen protector. Like I said, hard to find good evidence and I'm not inclined to go hunting for it. You either buy into it or your don't. > And said protector will also be full of scratches because it's softer than the screen itself. If you think that a phone screen physically cannot be scratched then I guess just enjoy being definitively wrong.", '>>{DrMikeTyson} : > There were concerns among physicians about what the vaccination schedule meant, the toxic substances like mercury which used to be rampant in vaccines. There were real questions that needed to be addressed. I think some of them at least have been addressed. I don’t know if all of them have been addressed. Round here we call that a dog whistle.', '>>{somaek} : So, being concerned about the connection between profit motive and and medicine production makes you an anti-vaxxer. Got it. That makes me an anti-vax parent whose daughter is fully caught up on her vaccinations.', ">>{bunnae} : My screen protector from Amazon for $5 doesn't that's this issue lol. It has no scratches either.", '>>{DrMikeTyson} : Stating that you believe that there are serious questions regarding things like Hg content in vaccines is irresponsible pandering. Even if Jill Stein isn\'t anti-vax herself, she will still say what she needs to get votes from that community. It\'s incredibly irresponsible. The Wifi stuff is even worse. I bet if I showed up at one of her town halls and asked about the moon landings she\'d say "There are still things that I haven\'t seen explained".', ">>{berniesanders86} : There may not be any scientific basis now but that doesn't mean anything. Again ubiquitous wifi use is a relatively new thing so long term studies don't exist.", '>>{x3n0n1c} : Guys.... This has nothing to do with the protector. Every phone is different and some start to curve a little earlier than others. If you are unlucky then it will start a bit to early and the edge of the protector will not make good enough contact. Its luck of the draw. Some protectors have thicker adhesive than others, thicker adhesive can help with this.', ">>{HLef} : I'm not saying it's impossible to scratch. I'm saying I don't subject my phone that would scratch it unless it's completely accidental and those instances would likely not be negated by a simple screen protector. I have a day 1 iPhone 6 and it's not scratched. My previous phones didn't have cases or protectors and were also in good shape.", '>>{sundialinshade} : Thanks for the info! Haven\'t read much about the topic before. From the sources you provided: > it is a sensible precautionary approach...to keep the situation under ongoing review (British Health Protection Agency) -- > That means that there "could be some risk" of carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-term, heavy use of wireless devices needs to be conducted. (WHO) -- > The potential elevated risk of brain tumors after long-term cellular phone use awaits confirmation by future studies. (2008 meta-analysis) The researchers did not find causal relationships between Wi-fi and negative health outcomes, but they suggest that the subject should continue to be reviewed for long-term data. Continuing to study it seems like a reasonable approach. There is a distinction between fearing Wi-fi and genuinely wanting further research.', ">>{juttep1} : This is the real advice. They're way cheaper and are probably the best I've ever used. Any type I've ever used always seems to have some sort of issue so I'm just chalking it up to lack of user skill. However the maker ones are cheap enough that if you do mess it up it's not devastating to get another. I always have on on my phone and I've never had a real issue with anker and I *abuse* my poor phone.", ">>{kerbuffel} : And that's fine, I can replace the screen protector for a few bucks; a scratch on the phone itself and it loses resale value and I can't trade it in for a new one a year later.", ">>{talones} : One of the Belkin ones comes with the jig, so you can't really fuck it up.", ">>{DrMikeTyson} : Sorry but you are just super ignorant as to the actual science of radiation. There isn't even a plausible mechanism by which wifi could cause cancer. The radiation is non-ionizing. If Wifi caused cancer it would also mean that visible light and infrared radiation also cause cancer, which they do not.", ">>{thejoshu} : God damn it, 2016. You're really going to make me bite the bullet and vote for Clinton, aren't you? I was hoping for some sort of pro-science third party candidate, but... between this and Gary Johnson's stance on climate change (that it may exist but still doesn't justify government regulation, because libertarian) I'm going to have to go Clinton on this one.", ">>{Jmk1981} : Aren't vaccinations and wifi the only serious issues in this election? Am I missing something???", ">>{smatef} : Actually not really. I purchased a belkin screen protector from amazon for my i7+ and took it to the Apple Store. They applied it free of charge. But if you take any other brand they won't. So tl;dr Apple Store will apply a belkin screen protector purchased from anywhere.", '>>{lanetrain7} : god dude just ask them, they do this literally all the goddamn time for people, usually without even asking, if you get it there.', '>>{thejoshu} : Any phrase like "there may not be any scientific basis now but that doesn\'t mean anything" is often followed by unscientific ignorance. Cases in point: anti-vax, evolution deniers, climate change "skeptics", New Age stuff like crystals, reiki, anti-GMO...', ">>{thejoshu} : I'd like to not only give you props on an excellent post (which I'm going to have to borrow for discussions with some Stein supporter friends), but also an excellent username. I just finished reading *1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed* and recognized the name.", ">>{somaek} : No, but I also don't believe she's anti wifi. In the context of the interview the issue of wifi and screen time seem to be conflated. I don't understand why you guys can't be against her because of her actual positions. There are plenty of people who hate environmentalists.", ">>{thefatoldman} : The government can send an e-mail directly into the children's heads, which can be hacked.", ">>{FrederikTwn} : Okay, you seem to genuinely have no idea how they work, so allow me to explain! How doe a bicycle helmet work? The helmet takes most of the energy from the crash and breaks, thus dispersing the energy before it reaches your skull and cracks it open. The same applies to your phone screen. The screen protector absorbs the energy and it cracks, sparing your screen from a lot of the energy. By your logic an unshatterable screen protector would be better, which just isn't true. That screen protector wouldn't shatter and the energy would go to your screen, which would then break under the force. As for the scratches, well, first of all, the tempered screen protectors are made of a glass like material and are actually pretty hard to scratch. They do, however, scratch, by nothing more than your phone screen would if you didn't use one. Oh and they also pick up less fingerprints! I'd rather replace my screen protector once every couple of months, instead of having to replace the screen of my iPhone because it is scratches. If I had to send it in for replacement af the phone company, I'd have to pay the insurance fees and wait for it to arrive back to me. I think I'll choose to spend 50€ every once in a while, instead (Europe, our prices are fucked)", ">>{TodayILurkNoMore} : Those are her actual positions. You don't want to believe your lying eyes, that's on you.", ">>{HLef} : Every phone I've ever seen with a screen protector was otherwise trashed. I don't know, I have never needed one.", ">>{Fender6969} : I use tempered glass and this isn't an issue.", '>>{smatef} : They are awesome to use without a case or with a thin one. I had that but my case did not really like it. Just something to know about them.', '>>{TodayILurkNoMore} : Your request to prove a negative will go up for review by the logical fallacy board as soon as possible.', '>>{somaek} : Ok. Then I too am anti-vax and "anti-wifi", whatever the fuck that means. Happy?', '>>{council_estate_kid} : Not the glass ones - dropped my phone and it took the damage. Peeled it off and got a new one.', '>>{doglover129} : My brother purchased a relatively pricey one and got a two pack. His were so bad. As I run a small, local shop here, I order mine wholesale pretty cheap. No name brands, by they work damn well. Stay in great, and saved my phone quite a few times!', '>>{mr_shortypants} : Lol I was making a jab at her making a tweet that said "There\'s no evidence that vaccines cause autism." then deleting it and replacing it with the weaker "I\'m not aware of any link between autism and vaccines."', ">>{MuskyTaint} : I had that one and honestly didn't like it. Yes they have the absolute best solution for applying them, but they're the only screen protectors I've come across that don't actually cover the edges of the screen. Yes, none of them go to the edge of the glass panel, but the belkin has like 1mm strips of bare screen on both sides, and that absolutely pissed me off so I ripped it off after a month.", '>>{DJ_Sk8Nite} : Tempered glass actually can be lifted and reapplied at the install phase. Those old plastic ones...faaahetabbbboutit', ">>{HoloYoitsu} : Lol wut? That's not how it works at all lol. What the good screen protectors do is spread out the energy from the point of impact besides just protecting your screen from scratches. It shouldn't shatter... I have yet to see. Bike helmet break from falling. All they do I get scuffed up but that is to be expected.", ">>{Frederickanne} : The only screen protectors I've ever bought are the tempered glass ones for >$1 on aliexpress and they're amazing. Never had a broken screen, even accidentally slammed my phone in my car door and blew the back out of it but the screen was intact", '>>{thevenividivici} : I never tried them with a thicker case myself. I use the apple leather case and that accepts it like a dream.', ">>{lMETHANBRADBERRY} : iPhones are made to incredibly tight tolerances. The difference in curve would be fractions of a millimetre. It's small enough to be completely irrelevant.", ">>{Davcoss} : I think iphone screens are curved differently, my 6s had halo around the tempered glass while my friend's didn't eventhough we got the same tempered glass.", ">>{Rawmin} : > I'm saying I don't subject my phone that would scratch it Well screen protectors aren't manufactured specifically for you. You asked what they protect against, not why you yourself should get one. > completely accidental and those instances would likely not be negated by a simple screen protector. How not? If it were put in a pocket with keys, for example, the keys might scratch the protector but not the screen.", '>>{Rawmin} : Not very well usually. If you get a bunch of dust under there, forget it.', '>>{thekid2009} : I got an iPhone 6s and had my screen protector installed by the Verizon guy.', ">>{HLef} : That's my point. Keys and wallet go in the left pocket. Phone and never anything else in the right pocket.", ">>{Rawmin} : Well, no, that's not your point though. It's not about you. Look back, you said you didn't know what they were supposed to protect *your* phone from. If all you wanted to do was puff up about how super-dee-duper careful you are, then congratulations, I guess? But you and your habits aside, screen protectors protect screens, and tempered glass ones are a better product."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{topcutter} : Erik Prince: Clinton 'Very Likely Caused’ Iranian Nuclear Scientist’s Death", '>>{Saudi-A-Labia} : Lol, defecting to America then flying back to Iran expecting open arms....', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Literally not possible for this to be true. The emails were obtained via a FOIA request, they were not classified. Seriously, no possible way for you to blame Clinton for this. Out of all the scandal attempts I've seen come out of the GOP in my years this is one of the most absurd next to the Christmas card fiasco.", ">>{Mister_Jay_Peg} : ***Breitbart.com:*** *We are gonna give WorldNetDaily a run for it's money pushing crazy conspiracies to the Right Wing whackjobs, and we don't care how many times we're proven wrong!*", '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : Awww, poor Eric Prince. Must be tough these days without the unlimited procurements giving his defense firm lucrative contracts to do a bunch of bullshit no one in America, including *republicans*, really even support anymore. Edit: look at OP downvoting. Lol.', ">>{vph} : The scientist returned to Iran in July 2010. Well before the State Department released Clinton's emails.", ">>{PerniciousPeyton} : It's Erik Prince. Blackwater had some bad press, and with America having no open-ended commitments to send ground troops into a long and drawn-out war, business has been bad. He just needs a little cheese with his whine is all.", '>>{IDFSHILL} : The emails that contained his name were ones obtained via FOIA and were not classified. http://www.politicususa.com/2016/08/08/trump-crashes-burns-accusing-clinton-murdering-iranian-scientist-emails.html http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/08/politics/hillary-clinton-attacked-iran-nuclear-scientist-execution/ >> The emails mentioning Amiri were were part of a tranche released by the State Department last year pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request in the wake of the revelation that Clinton used a personal server to conduct official business.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Are you literally now trying to deny objective reality and claim these are not the emails from the FOIA request? These are the emails the state department released, they are from the FOIA request, that is reality. You're free to deny it if you want, but that won't make you correct. You will remain incorrect no matter what, because reality is reality and fact is fact no matter how badly you object to it.", '>>{dmstmster} : It was reported in the press at the time he went back to Iran that he worked for the CIA. The CIA briefed reporters. Google the articles from 2010.', '>>{IDFSHILL} : >> no, retard. I\'m saying that when a ljournalis" says something is lindane", they are no longer a journalist, and are just writing an opinion piece. Shouting insults at people when you\'re proven wrong doesn\'t gain you anything, you are incorrect and will remain incorrect. >> I asked for citation. Which means I\'d like credible citation. Do you have the state department citation or information showing these were released via FOIA? Again, facts are facts, reality is reality. You will remain wrong, period. All of the emails related to Clintons server were released via the FOIA, so it\'s literally impossible for you to be correct here. >> You provided an opinion piece and CNN. Neither are credible. Again, all emails related to Clinton\'s server came out via a FOIA request, meaning it is literally impossible for you to be correct. You are wrong, you will remain wrong no matter how badly you try to deny objective reality. Take a seat.', ">>{IDFSHILL} : Again, all emails related to Clintons email server came out via the FOIA, meaning it is impossible for you to be correct. You are wrong and will remain wrong no matter what you say here, it is impossible for you to be right. You can stick your fingers in your ears and deny reality all you want, you will remain wrong. That is reality, that is fact. You can try to hand wave away every source that proves you wrong, it doesn't change reality.", '>>{dmstmster} : http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/16/world/middleeast/16iran.html?_r=2 I am sure this is a fabrication. /s'], [">>{slavingia} : We Should Not Be Subjecting Children's Brains To Wi-Fi Screens In Schools. It's Not OK — Jill Stein", '>>{mr_shortypants} : Wifi screens? Not in *my* brain!', '>>{kneeco28} : Everything is bad for kids according to Jill Stein, especially vaccines.', ">>{American_FETUS} : Yea what a psycho. She thinks kids spend to much time staring at tv's, phones and computers.", '>>{benperez} : It scares me that someone so out of touch could be taken seriously... oh wait, that makes her just like the others', ">>{TrippyTheSnail} : I'm loving all the anti-Stein posts today. Definitely going to vote her (or whomever the Green Party candidate is) in November.", ">>{sftbert} : We should be moving away from screens at all levels of education Wow. Great idea Jill, let's educate our kids but have them be totally unprepared for anything other than commune life.", ">>{radicalelation} : I like *her*, but I don't like her world views. She's coming from the right place, but I think she's become so focused on a few issues that it's blinding her from everything else. It's a damn shame, because I would love to have someone with a heart like hers being a big part of our government, but she's got some severe political and ideological tunnelvision that she'd be ineffective and, as she has shown in some cases regarding GMOs, nuclear, and, right here, dangers of wifi, just plain wrong. I don't believe her to be self-serving like many of our other politicians, especially our two major presidential candidates, but she can't get a pass on her incompetence in some big areas just because she's a kind, compassionate person.", '>>{greg19735} : I think there\'s just a lack of context here. It\'s bad if kids are just sitting there and watching TV, a movie or even educational show at school. But "screens" can be so much more than that. Let\'s say that a kid\'s doing poorly at math. A (good, well designed) app on a tablet is going to be a far better tutor than a math book. Or maybe they\'re able to look at videos online to help explain them. While it may not be as good as a personal tutor, it\'s also far cheaper. We may be 20 years away from great technology being able to properly teach people things in ways that are as effective as a good teacher. But when used as supplements of education, especially if the student\'s school is a bad one, it could definitely be a positive. I think a big thing is that the technology needs to be interactive rather than just a video. And it\'s also stupid to compare this to kids not exercising. screens don\'t give more exercise than a teacher standing at the front of a classroom.', ">>{allworknoplaytoday} : She literally says children's brains should not be subjected to Wifi a minute in and then another woman mentions that Jill answered her question regarding wifi radiation at the end. There's nothing but crazy here. The first question is innocuous enough, the second is extremely clear cut especially with the final woman mentioning explicitly.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : The Green convention doesn't vote until later this month, so Bill Kreml still has a chance to become the nominee!", ">>{suppiuliuma} : Limiting screen time for children is reasonable. What is outrageous is the later part of the video, where Stein is asked about the dangers of wi-fi radiation. Instead of answering that there is *no* evidence for any adverse effects of the wireless transmitters found in homes, Stein uses weasel words to suggest that the extensive research on this topic is sullied somehow by regulatory capture. This is merely irritating when it comes to wi-fi and cell phones. But she shows the same cowardice in failing to state forthrightly that vaccines are safe, and that parents who don't vaccinate their kids are not only endangering their families but are endangering society as a whole. As a medical doctor, she presumably is aware of all of this, and her failure to speak plainly about it is disgusting.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Let's not have them be technologically literate! It's not like they'll face screens in one form or another nearly every day for the rest of their lives.", '>>{Eromu} : Maybe some sort of faraday cage that blocks out WiFi signals? All children should have access to WiFi. # BlockedDataMatters', '>>{20WPM} : Most WiFi signals can be measured in milliwatts (a milliwatt is equal to one thousandth (10−3) of a watt). This is the typical power output of cell phones. If Radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic waves are dangerous let’s shut down radar, AM, FM, and television broadcasting where the power output can be as high as 50,000 watts.', '>>{creejay} : > Q: And **what about the wireless**? > Stein: **We should not be subjecting kids brains, especially, to that**, and you know we don\'t follow that issue in this country, but in Europe where they do, you know they have good precautions around wireless. Maybe not good enough, because it\'s very hard to study this stuff. You know we make guinea pigs out of whole populations and then discover how many die."', ">>{creejay} : Q: And what about the wireless? Stein: We should not be subjecting kids brains, especially, to that Tell me, when she answers a question about wireless and says children's brains shouldn't be subjected to it, what does she mean?", ">>{Uncle_Charnia} : That's very disappointing. I don't care whether she pandering to nutjobs or truly doesn't understand science. In a public official, it amounts to the same thing.", '>>{Nurgle} : It seems like sticking kids in front of screens was the first part and wifi was separate. >Audience: "And what about the wireless?" >JS: "Yes, right. We should not be subjecting kids\' brains especially to that. And you know we don\'t follow that issue in this country but in Europe where they do, you know they have good precautions around wireless. Maybe not good enough, because it\'s very hard to study this stuff. You know we make guinea pigs out of whole populations and then discover how many die."', ">>{kyonu} : Kreml is to Stein as O'Malley was to Bernie.", '>>{kyonu} : You should ask her, just like how you should hold Clinton accountable to what "assault weapons" means.', ">>{mr_shortypants} : In that none of them are going to become President? At least Stein's almost officially won her party's nomination.", '>>{creebler} : Oh come on! Just put on a Bill Nye re-run and call it day!', '>>{Dads_cream_soda} : So the revolutionaries have moved on from white noise machines to Wi-Fi screens? As if the Green Party and the like could afford ruining their credibility than they already are.', '>>{kyonu} : Nope. Not at all to what I was referring.', '>>{berniesanders86} : wifi is a relatively new thing (a little more than a decade) and the jury is still out on the effects of its long term exposure on health.', '>>{blancs50} : Lol Stein is totally the Hillary of the party. Green establishment pick, sense of entitlement, looking forward to the general before even locking up the nomination. Darryl Cherney represents the true environmental progressivism that the greens are founded on. #CherneyOrBust #FeelTheChern', ">>{mr_shortypants} : Is it because even though he dropped out after the first race, O'Malley still won more votes in his primary campaign than Stein won in hers? Or that he released more policy papers in his single run than Stein released in both of her campaigns?", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Hey, don't discount Bill Kreml, winner of the South Carolina Green primary!", ">>{mr_shortypants} : I don't see any use for visible light anyway.", ">>{20WPM} : Let's ban it all from DC to light and be done with the entire electromagnetic spectrum. To keep the kids safe.", ">>{kyonu} : Another swing and a miss. You're not very good at euphemisms, are you?", '>>{EL337} : do you read? or just blindly accept every bit of propaganda you hear?', ">>{mr_shortypants} : Ooh, I think I get it! O'Malley and Sanders have actually held significant elected office, but Stein and Kreml haven't? Kreml served as a Professor, at least. You'd think he'd get *some* respect from the GNC.", ">>{kyonu} : Welp, guess you can't teach a Clinton supporter new tricks. Have fun in life, mate.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : It reminds me of when John McCain was asked by the Einstein-haired lady about Obama, who she said was an Arab. McCain addressed the differences between his campaign and Obama's, *but also* told her that Obama wasn't an Arab and that he was a good man. You don't have to agree with someone all the time to recognize when a candidate lets something crazy a voter said slide.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : I'm not aware of any place where Jill Stein said vaccines were bad for kids.", '>>{TheTrollingPakistani} : We need to close nuclear power plants. They are nukes and can give off gamma radiation. https://mobile.twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/715230945679380481', ">>{mr_shortypants} : I'm not aware of any place where Jill Stein said that wifi screens were harmful to children.", ">>{mr_shortypants} : Welp, guess you can't teach a Stein supporter to respect Kreml and Cherney. Have fun in life, bro.", ">>{sundialinshade} : > there is no evidence for any adverse effects of the wireless transmitters found in homes So there should be plenty of robust studies repeatedly demonstrating that there are zero risks. Can you share those please? I use Wi-fi, and assume its not dangerous, but I always like to have more information rather than less. If the studies don't exist, why not investigate in order to prove or disprove the safety?", ">>{creejay} : I expanded it to the full quote. I think it's actually less favorable to her as she starts talking about us being guinea pigs, and it starts to sound very /conspiracy.", '>>{sandernista_4_TRUMP} : Stein-bernouts are to politics as the Clintons are to ethics', '>>{creejay} : Yeah, just like you Stein establishment types to ignore Cherney!', ">>{DrMikeTyson} : Ah yes, that's one way to advance the agenda of the nation, elect the anti-vax, anti-wifi candidate.", '>>{suppiuliuma} : Sure, here is a study on cell phones (which broadcast on similar frequencies as wifi) : [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17619826](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17619826). [Here is an article discussing wifi radiation more generally](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2012/sep/27/wi-fi-health-risks). And [here is another](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/mother-tongue/11599311/Wi-Fi-is-not-harming-our-chidren-heres-the-evidence.html). As the wikipedia article on this notes, ["all reviews conducted so far have indicated that, as long as exposures are below the limits recommended in the ICNIRP (1998) EMF guidelines, which cover the full frequency range from 0–300 GHz, such exposures do not produce any known adverse health effect."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireless_electronic_devices_and_health) The basic point is that wifi operates at microwave frequencies. Radiation at those wavelengths is too low energy to ionize the atoms in your body, unlike ultraviolet or X-ray radiation, or charged particles. The only effect wifi signals can have on you is through heating, but routers, cell phones, etc. have milliwatt power levels. Given the lack of any plausible mechanism through which residential wifi can affect you, and the lack of any evidence of health risks from the aforementioned studies, we can reasonably conclude that wi-fi is safe.', '>>{DrMikeTyson} : The jury very much is not out. There is no scientific basis to believing that Wifi, or cellular radiation, is dangerous to human health.', ">>{DrMikeTyson} : That's only half of what she said, the other half is that wifi is bad for human health.", ">>{MasterOfBinary} : Think about it like this: Electromagnetic radiation has a massive set of frequencies that interact differently with different things. Microwaves are a great example of this. Microwaves produce EM radiation at (typically) 2.45 Ghz. This is what frequency is needed to excite water. You WiFi router emits EM radiation at 2.4 Ghz. So why doesn't your WiFi router cook food that you put next to it, or even boil water throughout your house? The answer is that your router *does* heat water around it, but your microwave is about 2000 times more powerful than your router. Most routers use 1 watt of power dispersed all around it, while microwaves use up to 2000 watts, all going in one place. On the other hand, visible light that you receive every day by going outside has much more power than you Wifi, at 1000 watts per square meter of direct sunlight. However, this is a different frequency that will effect different things. This basically means that your router doesn't have enough power to even energize even a few molecules in your body, meaning that you're probably safe. If you want to read more about this, here's a link to what seems to be a reasonably unbiased source on it [**here**](http://www.atomsandnumbers.com/2013/why-the-sun-can-harm-you-and-wifi-cant-and-how-microwave-ovens-cook-your-food/). Source for watts per square meter on the ground: [(Link)](https://ag.tennessee.edu/solar/Pages/What%20Is%20Solar%20Energy/Sun's%20Energy.aspx)", ">>{mr_shortypants} : I'm not aware of any link between Jill Stein and anti-vaxxers.", '>>{DrMikeTyson} : > There were concerns among physicians about what the vaccination schedule meant, the toxic substances like mercury which used to be rampant in vaccines. There were real questions that needed to be addressed. I think some of them at least have been addressed. I don’t know if all of them have been addressed. Round here we call that a dog whistle.', '>>{somaek} : So, being concerned about the connection between profit motive and and medicine production makes you an anti-vaxxer. Got it. That makes me an anti-vax parent whose daughter is fully caught up on her vaccinations.', '>>{DrMikeTyson} : Stating that you believe that there are serious questions regarding things like Hg content in vaccines is irresponsible pandering. Even if Jill Stein isn\'t anti-vax herself, she will still say what she needs to get votes from that community. It\'s incredibly irresponsible. The Wifi stuff is even worse. I bet if I showed up at one of her town halls and asked about the moon landings she\'d say "There are still things that I haven\'t seen explained".', ">>{berniesanders86} : There may not be any scientific basis now but that doesn't mean anything. Again ubiquitous wifi use is a relatively new thing so long term studies don't exist.", '>>{sundialinshade} : Thanks for the info! Haven\'t read much about the topic before. From the sources you provided: > it is a sensible precautionary approach...to keep the situation under ongoing review (British Health Protection Agency) -- > That means that there "could be some risk" of carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-term, heavy use of wireless devices needs to be conducted. (WHO) -- > The potential elevated risk of brain tumors after long-term cellular phone use awaits confirmation by future studies. (2008 meta-analysis) The researchers did not find causal relationships between Wi-fi and negative health outcomes, but they suggest that the subject should continue to be reviewed for long-term data. Continuing to study it seems like a reasonable approach. There is a distinction between fearing Wi-fi and genuinely wanting further research.', ">>{DrMikeTyson} : Sorry but you are just super ignorant as to the actual science of radiation. There isn't even a plausible mechanism by which wifi could cause cancer. The radiation is non-ionizing. If Wifi caused cancer it would also mean that visible light and infrared radiation also cause cancer, which they do not.", ">>{thejoshu} : God damn it, 2016. You're really going to make me bite the bullet and vote for Clinton, aren't you? I was hoping for some sort of pro-science third party candidate, but... between this and Gary Johnson's stance on climate change (that it may exist but still doesn't justify government regulation, because libertarian) I'm going to have to go Clinton on this one.", ">>{Jmk1981} : Aren't vaccinations and wifi the only serious issues in this election? Am I missing something???", '>>{thejoshu} : Any phrase like "there may not be any scientific basis now but that doesn\'t mean anything" is often followed by unscientific ignorance. Cases in point: anti-vax, evolution deniers, climate change "skeptics", New Age stuff like crystals, reiki, anti-GMO...', ">>{thejoshu} : I'd like to not only give you props on an excellent post (which I'm going to have to borrow for discussions with some Stein supporter friends), but also an excellent username. I just finished reading *1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed* and recognized the name.", ">>{somaek} : No, but I also don't believe she's anti wifi. In the context of the interview the issue of wifi and screen time seem to be conflated. I don't understand why you guys can't be against her because of her actual positions. There are plenty of people who hate environmentalists.", ">>{thefatoldman} : The government can send an e-mail directly into the children's heads, which can be hacked.", ">>{TodayILurkNoMore} : Those are her actual positions. You don't want to believe your lying eyes, that's on you.", '>>{TodayILurkNoMore} : Your request to prove a negative will go up for review by the logical fallacy board as soon as possible.', '>>{somaek} : Ok. Then I too am anti-vax and "anti-wifi", whatever the fuck that means. Happy?', '>>{mr_shortypants} : Lol I was making a jab at her making a tweet that said "There\'s no evidence that vaccines cause autism." then deleting it and replacing it with the weaker "I\'m not aware of any link between autism and vaccines."'], ['>>{Ajskrim99} : Iphone 7 screen protector issue.. Does anyone have problem like me, it has not been sticking to screen properly since i "glued" it on.. For 25$ screen protector i expected more. Let me know your opinions and thoughts.', '>>{nayabkl} : Spend another 15 and get the belkin one from Apple store. The one you have is too big and is not conforming to the contour of the screen.', ">>{scrizewly} : This is why I don't use screen protectors. They never ever fit properly for me.", '>>{guinne55fan} : Spend about 8$ on Anker from Amazon. Great product.', '>>{thevenividivici} : On eBay they have these "3D" glass ones, they cover almost edge to edge, also at the edge they curve with the phone so it feels very seamless.', '>>{ihopethisisvalid} : I had the same issue. Sent an email to the company with pictures and copy of receipt and they overnighted me a new one.', ">>{cajunman4life} : I've had this on two screen protectors so far. Eventually it'll get worse. I guess it's true what they say; you get what you pay for. I'll either not replace this one, or spend a bit more money.", ">>{dirtychinchilla} : I buy one for £2 every so often and it's perfect...", ">>{Tafsern} : I bought a 3 pack from GColor on Ebay, works awesome. Doesn't go all the way to the edge, but if they had the same thing would have happened with lose edges.", '>>{Jsombatphibane} : Got zagg screen protectors and replacements, they all did this', ">>{TheWasabiSlayer} : I have this issue on my plus. Only had it once on my 6 and never happened on my 6s. Crazy thing it's I've bought the same brand each time. Really annoying and bugs me", '>>{nestorbestor} : ebay "iphone 7 tempered screen" and buy any 3 pack thats less than $7 with free shipping and you\'ll never be let down. stop wasting your $ getting these brand name tempered screens', '>>{zone23} : This one fits the 7 Plus perfectly. Its not edge to edge and some reviews say its too small but to me its perfect. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01KOZAOEW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1', ">>{FR4NOx} : The only screen protector I've had issues with was the Verizon tempered glass on an iPhone 6. Have had zero issues with ZAGG glasses and plastics on multiple devices though.", ">>{OMGshNicholas} : I have a Zagg one. It was fine, I got a replacement cuz the Verizon guy got some dust under t when he put it on. But the replacement is fine. There is a SLIGHT like half a millimeter spot on the bottom on the side that looks a little lifted, but it doesn't feel lifted.", '>>{CamiloTiria} : Bought one screen protector about 4$ and I have no issues, i think the cheapest screen protectors are the best. Check EAP last tempered glass protector test', ">>{HLef} : To be honest I'm not sure what they're supposed to protect your phone from.", ">>{Flashh101} : More expensive doesn't always mean it's better. I bought [two screen protectors from amazon,](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01415QHYW/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_5j0UybHBRFCQ8) for 7 bucks; I used one of them and kept the other one to use later if something goes wrong. The screen protector has been on my iphone 7 since October, no problem whatsoever. Just make sure to use the cleaning wipes that come with them to clean the screen before putting the protector on.", '>>{Clessiah} : The difference in quality between different brands of TG screen protector is noticeable. Some brands will consistently give you unsatisfying result no matter how clean the screen is. I am really happy with Tech Armor and Spigen.', '>>{TV_3} : Same thing happened on my 7 plus. Where I work we apply the zagg screen protectors all the time, and this has happened to 75% of the screen protectors across different models of phones. Right after being cleaned properly.', '>>{scmihi73} : If you have \uf8ffcare, a new screen is $30.', ">>{chanataba} : The Apple Store put mine on with a tool. I think it was Belkin. I can't even tell it's on there.", ">>{lukee910} : The one he has is too small, isn't it? Shouldn't the protector cover the entire front? I got the same size (accidentally) and was surprised by how small it was.", '>>{HeyBlubby} : Did you have to ask them to do that? I like that idea a lot but I\'d probably feel awkward asking "can you put this on my phone?"', '>>{FloydMcScroops} : I have had [these](https://www.amazon.com/iCarez-Tempered-Protector-Lifetime-Replacement/dp/B00NJEYC62) for my past three phones. They are phenomenal in all aspects. Mainly the adhesion. Incredible application tools and really good product. Swear by them.', ">>{Rawmin} : No. Most of them don't have curved glass so they can only cover the perfectly flat part of the front. If they are slightly bigger than that or you get the alignment even slightly off, this will happen.", ">>{Rawmin} : Don't. If they mess it up they can apply a new one. If you mess it up you're screwed.", ">>{Rawmin} : Scratches, obviously. I've also had the screen protector shatter when I dropped my phone face down while the screen did not - hard to find any solid evidence on whether they do add impact protection but plenty of people, myself included are inclined to believe they do.", '>>{madeInNY} : This may be obvious, they will only do it for ones you buy in the apple store. But they have a cool tool for doing it and I bet they like using it.', ">>{HLef} : All that tells me is the screen could sustain the impact but not the screen protector. And said protector will also be full of scratches because it's softer than the screen itself.", '>>{DWells55} : They all come out of the same one or two factories in China anyway.', ">>{Rawmin} : > All that tells me is the screen could sustain the impact but not the screen protector. Like I said, hard to find good evidence and I'm not inclined to go hunting for it. You either buy into it or your don't. > And said protector will also be full of scratches because it's softer than the screen itself. If you think that a phone screen physically cannot be scratched then I guess just enjoy being definitively wrong.", ">>{bunnae} : My screen protector from Amazon for $5 doesn't that's this issue lol. It has no scratches either.", '>>{x3n0n1c} : Guys.... This has nothing to do with the protector. Every phone is different and some start to curve a little earlier than others. If you are unlucky then it will start a bit to early and the edge of the protector will not make good enough contact. Its luck of the draw. Some protectors have thicker adhesive than others, thicker adhesive can help with this.', ">>{HLef} : I'm not saying it's impossible to scratch. I'm saying I don't subject my phone that would scratch it unless it's completely accidental and those instances would likely not be negated by a simple screen protector. I have a day 1 iPhone 6 and it's not scratched. My previous phones didn't have cases or protectors and were also in good shape.", ">>{juttep1} : This is the real advice. They're way cheaper and are probably the best I've ever used. Any type I've ever used always seems to have some sort of issue so I'm just chalking it up to lack of user skill. However the maker ones are cheap enough that if you do mess it up it's not devastating to get another. I always have on on my phone and I've never had a real issue with anker and I *abuse* my poor phone.", ">>{kerbuffel} : And that's fine, I can replace the screen protector for a few bucks; a scratch on the phone itself and it loses resale value and I can't trade it in for a new one a year later.", ">>{talones} : One of the Belkin ones comes with the jig, so you can't really fuck it up.", ">>{smatef} : Actually not really. I purchased a belkin screen protector from amazon for my i7+ and took it to the Apple Store. They applied it free of charge. But if you take any other brand they won't. So tl;dr Apple Store will apply a belkin screen protector purchased from anywhere.", '>>{lanetrain7} : god dude just ask them, they do this literally all the goddamn time for people, usually without even asking, if you get it there.', ">>{FrederikTwn} : Okay, you seem to genuinely have no idea how they work, so allow me to explain! How doe a bicycle helmet work? The helmet takes most of the energy from the crash and breaks, thus dispersing the energy before it reaches your skull and cracks it open. The same applies to your phone screen. The screen protector absorbs the energy and it cracks, sparing your screen from a lot of the energy. By your logic an unshatterable screen protector would be better, which just isn't true. That screen protector wouldn't shatter and the energy would go to your screen, which would then break under the force. As for the scratches, well, first of all, the tempered screen protectors are made of a glass like material and are actually pretty hard to scratch. They do, however, scratch, by nothing more than your phone screen would if you didn't use one. Oh and they also pick up less fingerprints! I'd rather replace my screen protector once every couple of months, instead of having to replace the screen of my iPhone because it is scratches. If I had to send it in for replacement af the phone company, I'd have to pay the insurance fees and wait for it to arrive back to me. I think I'll choose to spend 50€ every once in a while, instead (Europe, our prices are fucked)", ">>{HLef} : Every phone I've ever seen with a screen protector was otherwise trashed. I don't know, I have never needed one.", ">>{Fender6969} : I use tempered glass and this isn't an issue.", '>>{smatef} : They are awesome to use without a case or with a thin one. I had that but my case did not really like it. Just something to know about them.', '>>{council_estate_kid} : Not the glass ones - dropped my phone and it took the damage. Peeled it off and got a new one.', '>>{doglover129} : My brother purchased a relatively pricey one and got a two pack. His were so bad. As I run a small, local shop here, I order mine wholesale pretty cheap. No name brands, by they work damn well. Stay in great, and saved my phone quite a few times!', ">>{MuskyTaint} : I had that one and honestly didn't like it. Yes they have the absolute best solution for applying them, but they're the only screen protectors I've come across that don't actually cover the edges of the screen. Yes, none of them go to the edge of the glass panel, but the belkin has like 1mm strips of bare screen on both sides, and that absolutely pissed me off so I ripped it off after a month.", '>>{DJ_Sk8Nite} : Tempered glass actually can be lifted and reapplied at the install phase. Those old plastic ones...faaahetabbbboutit', ">>{HoloYoitsu} : Lol wut? That's not how it works at all lol. What the good screen protectors do is spread out the energy from the point of impact besides just protecting your screen from scratches. It shouldn't shatter... I have yet to see. Bike helmet break from falling. All they do I get scuffed up but that is to be expected.", ">>{Frederickanne} : The only screen protectors I've ever bought are the tempered glass ones for >$1 on aliexpress and they're amazing. Never had a broken screen, even accidentally slammed my phone in my car door and blew the back out of it but the screen was intact", '>>{thevenividivici} : I never tried them with a thicker case myself. I use the apple leather case and that accepts it like a dream.', ">>{lMETHANBRADBERRY} : iPhones are made to incredibly tight tolerances. The difference in curve would be fractions of a millimetre. It's small enough to be completely irrelevant.", ">>{Davcoss} : I think iphone screens are curved differently, my 6s had halo around the tempered glass while my friend's didn't eventhough we got the same tempered glass.", ">>{Rawmin} : > I'm saying I don't subject my phone that would scratch it Well screen protectors aren't manufactured specifically for you. You asked what they protect against, not why you yourself should get one. > completely accidental and those instances would likely not be negated by a simple screen protector. How not? If it were put in a pocket with keys, for example, the keys might scratch the protector but not the screen.", '>>{Rawmin} : Not very well usually. If you get a bunch of dust under there, forget it.', '>>{thekid2009} : I got an iPhone 6s and had my screen protector installed by the Verizon guy.', ">>{HLef} : That's my point. Keys and wallet go in the left pocket. Phone and never anything else in the right pocket.", ">>{Rawmin} : Well, no, that's not your point though. It's not about you. Look back, you said you didn't know what they were supposed to protect *your* phone from. If all you wanted to do was puff up about how super-dee-duper careful you are, then congratulations, I guess? But you and your habits aside, screen protectors protect screens, and tempered glass ones are a better product."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Evil_phd} : I feel like getting Clinton to look like someone that people would want to vote for (outside of party loyalty) will be a much higher hurdle than making Trump look silly.', '>>{DragonPup} : Election Update: Is Trump Getting A Convention Bump?', '>>{alphonse_schilling} : There is not one single quote that expresses fear in the "article."', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : I don't approve of her choice, but we already knew she was running on bringing more of the same to the table. Democrats are not as anti-establishment as the right or independents are. It's not as if has zero progressives on her transition team either. It's a mixed basket.", '>>{DrJarns} : Hillary will most certainly vote for TPP if she were to win. She flipped to try and get Bernie supporters and she will flip right back if she has an opportunity.', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : I am not against the TPP. There are parts of it I would like to see re-negotiated but it does a lot of important things for the U.S.--namely being the curbing of China's influence in the Pacific.", ">>{Saltmineinspector} : He gained 9 points in the rueters poll in a week I'd call that a pretty big bump.", ">>{MAGA24} : True convention bump will be revealed next week. DNC leak bump will be revealed towards the end of next week. Clinton's convention bump will be revealed the week after next.", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : Reuters put him at even with Hillary. When they had her at a double digit in every poll before. Id say he got a bump.', '>>{vfc2000} : Makes sense. Part of the agreement the DNC made with Hillary in 2008 was that Obama would endorse Hillary for president in 2016 if she dropped out. Coming into this election the conventional wisdom was the election would be a referendum on Obama. Hillary wants to be the candidate who represents more Obama or more of the status quo. The take away from this endorsement is if you support Obama and want more of the same, vote for Hillary. I do wonder if this election will end up being a referendum on Obama or a referendum on Trump which no one in the mainstream seemed to have seen coming in the early part of the primary.', ">>{Claritypleas} : Too soon. That poll likely represents Hillary's bad email news.", ">>{EasyLightfoot} : I have been saying this the whole election cycle. What's amazing is all the things he has said about the Clintons still remains true and is just affirmed more and more.", '>>{Mojo12000} : No one outside of Reddit is going to care about that.', ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : ... the transition team doesn't set policy I don't care what their beliefs are, I care if they're organized and can manage a transition. Also of the 4 people named, one is literally the president of Center for American Progress - a prominent progressive policy research and advocacy group. Though I'm sure they somehow also fail the new purity test.", '>>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : How dare you express nuance on a complex topic.', ">>{Gandy435} : > bitch can't go five minutes without contradicting himself Thought you were talking about Hillary until I saw the reflexive pronoun", ">>{getthebestofredd} : Well the were betting on violence at the RNC and that didn't turn out true. Right after the dems said Trump was fear mongering, Germany happened. I always expect them to say something stupid.", ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : I know the transition team doesn't set policy. They decide who to elect within the party, or something along those lines. Most of the people chosen have corporate ties. They vastly outnumber the progressives she has chosen. Look, I support Hillary Clinton but you can't convince me she's as progressive as U.S. progressives would like her to be. This isn't the party of progressives, it is largely centrist---but we do push some progressive policies.", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : This is "Push" journalism from a publication linked to Hillary. They aim to push the President into a statement, I am especially impressed that this post came with agreeable comments. Daily Beast isn\'t really that popular here.', '>>{Island_Three} : CTR has been out in full force the past few days.', '>>{DrJarns} : I was referring to the Bernie supporters that may switch to Hillary or the Democrats that are against TPP. Obviously there are those that also support it. I think the whole thing needs to be renegotiated personally.', ">>{whodaman82} : It shouldn't surprise anyone that The Daily Beast would put out an article like this...", ">>{EspadaNumberNine} : It's not about nuance, it's about defense of the hegemony. Which must be maintained. Do you want to live in a world where China is the superpower?", ">>{Jwalla83} : I find it strange that Obama/the DNC would feel obligated to fulfill that deal, though. What leverage does Clinton have against them? Obama already had the 2 term presidency, it's not like he has anything to lose now. Clinton is on the edge of a cliff with all these investigations & accusations, combined with the head-to-head polls against Trump... I know the DNC hates Sanders, but I'm still surprised that they're so dedicated to Clinton when she's such a risky candidate", '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Not now. It takes a week for the polls to show. What we are looking at is clinton email and pence announcement.', ">>{Bernerberry} : Look on RCP. He obviously is. But things are pretty volatile right now so let's see where things are a week after the DNC.", '>>{redfiz} : Source on that? I was under the informed assumption that Clintons endorsement in 2008 was in trade for a cabinet position in his white house, although not technically spoken of due to legal restrictions. However, expect the same this primary when Clinton offers Sanders something in exchange for his endorsement as well. At no point have I been told that Obama promised to endorse Clinton in future contests.', '>>{getthebestofredd} : I thought no one outside of reddit was suppose to care about the emails too? Edit: and really no one else? Considering it is blowing up on twitter I think not.', '>>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : Yes out of the 4 people, 2 of them held private sector jobs before instead of only working in government or policy groups. The horror.', '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Fbi is investigating the clinton foundation, state department has their email investigation, and the cia has an investigation going as well but i dont remember as to what.', ">>{redfiz} : The DNC has data you do not, they know that as it sits right now Clinton is technically the strongest candidate they can offer. Keeping a white house one party through multiple administrations is historically difficult, it's been 60+ years since the dems were able to pull off such a victory. The reason why Clinton is technically strongest is her resilience to attacks. Clinton statistically has received the worst media coverage of any candidate in history, pulls in nearly historic unfavorable ratings, yet still leads EVERY other candidate in votes by millions and millions of people. That says something, it says to the DNC that even with her flaws, people are willing to support her because like her or not, she's absolutely 100% qualified to be President of the United States. And most people vote as if they were hiring someone for a job, only a small percentage vote for a friend.", '>>{vfc2000} : Good call out, that was just my own speculation I should have indicated that.', ">>{DragonPup} : > No, that's an STD. Condoms are 'too modern' for the GOP.", ">>{Jwalla83} : Clinton is leading because, A. The DNC/establishment basically handed her the presidency before the race even started, and B. Her competition has been a joke - Ted Cruz? Donald Trump? Outsider, socialist Bernie Sanders? Please. Had another big-name Dem (Biden?) been part of the race from the start, I think it would have been '08 all over again. The second these investigations started becoming and issue, they would've dropped her like a hot plate and jumped aboard the Biden express.", '>>{tacomanceralpha} : Oh its the social media "management" group that Sanders paid 16 million too', ">>{redfiz} : Well, I wasn't trying to call you out, I was just genuinely curious as to learn of such an exchange, as it would be very very interesting to read up on. It's not a far fetched assumption though, but it would have been a risky gamble on Obamas part, just imagine if Biden had run, which he apparently would have had his son not died recently. The spot Obama would have been in... having to endorse Clinton over his own VP, sheesh. Ouch.", '>>{roseshui} : They make applications like PB for bernie for mobile devices. What does correct the record make?', ">>{r3ll1sh} : I'd love to see a source for that CIA investigation on her... Edit: or for an FBI investigation into the foundation. Haven't heard anything about that outside of Reddit.", ">>{GravitasIsOverrated} : That's not how polls work. They aren't instant, and there's a delay - usually at least a week.", ">>{DeadRedRussian} : Yes and now he's gonna get a Tim Kaine bump.", ">>{absurdamerica} : Try reading the post, they're talking about post convention polls.", ">>{lye_milkshake} : Looking at the aggregates it seems Trump has had a 1% bump. And that's actually his numbers going up, not Clinton's going down for once. Clinton has also climbed ever so slightly since the beginning of the RNC. Too early to really make any predictions...", '>>{youdidntreddit} : The German guy was a Brevik fan not ISIS.', '>>{getthebestofredd} : it was a terrorist attack regardless of whether it was ISIS or not.', '>>{youdidntreddit} : How? It was by a guy who was obsessed with mass shootings with no political motivation. Was Columbine a terrorist attack?', ">>{Quexana} : She didn't get indicted, so. . .yeah. She could have had a worse month.", ">>{Downbound92} : The bump is supposed to put you ahead. If that's his bump, it would be more like a blip."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{alphonse_schilling} : There is not one single quote that expresses fear in the "article."', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : I don't approve of her choice, but we already knew she was running on bringing more of the same to the table. Democrats are not as anti-establishment as the right or independents are. It's not as if has zero progressives on her transition team either. It's a mixed basket.", '>>{DrJarns} : Hillary will most certainly vote for TPP if she were to win. She flipped to try and get Bernie supporters and she will flip right back if she has an opportunity.', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : I am not against the TPP. There are parts of it I would like to see re-negotiated but it does a lot of important things for the U.S.--namely being the curbing of China's influence in the Pacific.", ">>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : ... the transition team doesn't set policy I don't care what their beliefs are, I care if they're organized and can manage a transition. Also of the 4 people named, one is literally the president of Center for American Progress - a prominent progressive policy research and advocacy group. Though I'm sure they somehow also fail the new purity test.", '>>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : How dare you express nuance on a complex topic.', ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : I know the transition team doesn't set policy. They decide who to elect within the party, or something along those lines. Most of the people chosen have corporate ties. They vastly outnumber the progressives she has chosen. Look, I support Hillary Clinton but you can't convince me she's as progressive as U.S. progressives would like her to be. This isn't the party of progressives, it is largely centrist---but we do push some progressive policies.", '>>{DrJarns} : I was referring to the Bernie supporters that may switch to Hillary or the Democrats that are against TPP. Obviously there are those that also support it. I think the whole thing needs to be renegotiated personally.', ">>{EspadaNumberNine} : It's not about nuance, it's about defense of the hegemony. Which must be maintained. Do you want to live in a world where China is the superpower?", '>>{ImAHackDontLaugh} : Yes out of the 4 people, 2 of them held private sector jobs before instead of only working in government or policy groups. The horror.'], ['>>{DragonPup} : Election Update: Is Trump Getting A Convention Bump?', ">>{Saltmineinspector} : He gained 9 points in the rueters poll in a week I'd call that a pretty big bump.", ">>{MAGA24} : True convention bump will be revealed next week. DNC leak bump will be revealed towards the end of next week. Clinton's convention bump will be revealed the week after next.", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : Reuters put him at even with Hillary. When they had her at a double digit in every poll before. Id say he got a bump.', ">>{Claritypleas} : Too soon. That poll likely represents Hillary's bad email news.", '>>{Mojo12000} : No one outside of Reddit is going to care about that.', ">>{getthebestofredd} : Well the were betting on violence at the RNC and that didn't turn out true. Right after the dems said Trump was fear mongering, Germany happened. I always expect them to say something stupid.", '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Not now. It takes a week for the polls to show. What we are looking at is clinton email and pence announcement.', ">>{Bernerberry} : Look on RCP. He obviously is. But things are pretty volatile right now so let's see where things are a week after the DNC.", '>>{getthebestofredd} : I thought no one outside of reddit was suppose to care about the emails too? Edit: and really no one else? Considering it is blowing up on twitter I think not.', '>>{kanye_likes_rent_boy} : Fbi is investigating the clinton foundation, state department has their email investigation, and the cia has an investigation going as well but i dont remember as to what.', ">>{DragonPup} : > No, that's an STD. Condoms are 'too modern' for the GOP.", ">>{r3ll1sh} : I'd love to see a source for that CIA investigation on her... Edit: or for an FBI investigation into the foundation. Haven't heard anything about that outside of Reddit.", ">>{GravitasIsOverrated} : That's not how polls work. They aren't instant, and there's a delay - usually at least a week.", ">>{DeadRedRussian} : Yes and now he's gonna get a Tim Kaine bump.", ">>{absurdamerica} : Try reading the post, they're talking about post convention polls.", ">>{lye_milkshake} : Looking at the aggregates it seems Trump has had a 1% bump. And that's actually his numbers going up, not Clinton's going down for once. Clinton has also climbed ever so slightly since the beginning of the RNC. Too early to really make any predictions...", '>>{youdidntreddit} : The German guy was a Brevik fan not ISIS.', '>>{getthebestofredd} : it was a terrorist attack regardless of whether it was ISIS or not.', '>>{youdidntreddit} : How? It was by a guy who was obsessed with mass shootings with no political motivation. Was Columbine a terrorist attack?', ">>{Quexana} : She didn't get indicted, so. . .yeah. She could have had a worse month.", ">>{Downbound92} : The bump is supposed to put you ahead. If that's his bump, it would be more like a blip."], ['>>{Evil_phd} : I feel like getting Clinton to look like someone that people would want to vote for (outside of party loyalty) will be a much higher hurdle than making Trump look silly.', '>>{vfc2000} : Makes sense. Part of the agreement the DNC made with Hillary in 2008 was that Obama would endorse Hillary for president in 2016 if she dropped out. Coming into this election the conventional wisdom was the election would be a referendum on Obama. Hillary wants to be the candidate who represents more Obama or more of the status quo. The take away from this endorsement is if you support Obama and want more of the same, vote for Hillary. I do wonder if this election will end up being a referendum on Obama or a referendum on Trump which no one in the mainstream seemed to have seen coming in the early part of the primary.', ">>{EasyLightfoot} : I have been saying this the whole election cycle. What's amazing is all the things he has said about the Clintons still remains true and is just affirmed more and more.", ">>{Gandy435} : > bitch can't go five minutes without contradicting himself Thought you were talking about Hillary until I saw the reflexive pronoun", '>>{JumpingJazzJam} : This is "Push" journalism from a publication linked to Hillary. They aim to push the President into a statement, I am especially impressed that this post came with agreeable comments. Daily Beast isn\'t really that popular here.', '>>{Island_Three} : CTR has been out in full force the past few days.', ">>{whodaman82} : It shouldn't surprise anyone that The Daily Beast would put out an article like this...", ">>{Jwalla83} : I find it strange that Obama/the DNC would feel obligated to fulfill that deal, though. What leverage does Clinton have against them? Obama already had the 2 term presidency, it's not like he has anything to lose now. Clinton is on the edge of a cliff with all these investigations & accusations, combined with the head-to-head polls against Trump... I know the DNC hates Sanders, but I'm still surprised that they're so dedicated to Clinton when she's such a risky candidate", '>>{redfiz} : Source on that? I was under the informed assumption that Clintons endorsement in 2008 was in trade for a cabinet position in his white house, although not technically spoken of due to legal restrictions. However, expect the same this primary when Clinton offers Sanders something in exchange for his endorsement as well. At no point have I been told that Obama promised to endorse Clinton in future contests.', ">>{redfiz} : The DNC has data you do not, they know that as it sits right now Clinton is technically the strongest candidate they can offer. Keeping a white house one party through multiple administrations is historically difficult, it's been 60+ years since the dems were able to pull off such a victory. The reason why Clinton is technically strongest is her resilience to attacks. Clinton statistically has received the worst media coverage of any candidate in history, pulls in nearly historic unfavorable ratings, yet still leads EVERY other candidate in votes by millions and millions of people. That says something, it says to the DNC that even with her flaws, people are willing to support her because like her or not, she's absolutely 100% qualified to be President of the United States. And most people vote as if they were hiring someone for a job, only a small percentage vote for a friend.", '>>{vfc2000} : Good call out, that was just my own speculation I should have indicated that.', ">>{Jwalla83} : Clinton is leading because, A. The DNC/establishment basically handed her the presidency before the race even started, and B. Her competition has been a joke - Ted Cruz? Donald Trump? Outsider, socialist Bernie Sanders? Please. Had another big-name Dem (Biden?) been part of the race from the start, I think it would have been '08 all over again. The second these investigations started becoming and issue, they would've dropped her like a hot plate and jumped aboard the Biden express.", '>>{tacomanceralpha} : Oh its the social media "management" group that Sanders paid 16 million too', ">>{redfiz} : Well, I wasn't trying to call you out, I was just genuinely curious as to learn of such an exchange, as it would be very very interesting to read up on. It's not a far fetched assumption though, but it would have been a risky gamble on Obamas part, just imagine if Biden had run, which he apparently would have had his son not died recently. The spot Obama would have been in... having to endorse Clinton over his own VP, sheesh. Ouch.", '>>{roseshui} : They make applications like PB for bernie for mobile devices. What does correct the record make?']]
classify and reply
[">>{HonoredPeoples} : I'm not generally fond of the material *Time* puts out, but I found myself agreeing with much of the gist. The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton has difficulty connecting with regular people. The job she is applying for, in essence, is a pimp. It is her job to pimp oligarchoglobalism to regular people. She needs to convince them that it's good for them. That is what her masters fund her to do. The problem is, people don't like her. And if people don't like you, it's harder to sell them on supporting things that are against their interests so that her donors can get richer.", ">>{hgfggt} : In short, Clinton is long on foreign policy experience, but short on foreign policy successes. Everything she touched at State was a disaster. Her decisions at State led to some objectively terrible outcomes. Destabilizing multiple regimes in the middle East was not smart. She pushed to topple Libya and now that country is in utter chaos. She pushed to destabilize and topple Syria. Now that country has half a million dead and millions more homeless and displaced. She didn't support Mubarak and the Muslim Brotherhood took over briefly before a military coup. A general still leads Egypt, but thousands died, and there is a low grade civil war in the Sinai now. The European migration crisis and the billions it is costing the Europeans can be laid at her feet. The migrants wouldn't be migrating if they had had stable governments at home still. Now the project for a united Europe is in Jeopardy because average Europeans don't like the migrant crisis and the social and political unrest it causes. Hillary even screwed up the Bin Laden raid. The military did their job, but the Pakistani doctor who made it possible (Dr. Shakil Afridi) is still rotting in a Pakistani prison. Hillary did virtually nothing to free him. She was objectively terrible at diplomacy.", '>>{sedgwickian} : Quite frankly, if these people are getting college degrees, universities need more liberal profs working harder at more indoctrination.', ">>{htomserveaux} : of all the articles on her speech I'm guessing this is the most likely to reach the front page. the speech wasn't about her it's about him, she took the fight to him and he has to go on damage control and address these criticisms. whether you plan to vote for him or not you must admit it will be hard for him shake this off", ">>{valleyshrew} : >She pushed to destabilize and topple Syria. Now that country has half a million dead and millions more homeless and displaced. Yeah if only Bernie had been elected there'd be peace in the middle east!", '>>{Ohmiglob} : The X_Bros meme is played out, these guys are neo-nazis plain and simple', ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : Statistics can't be sexist. Men are responsible for over 90% of violence. /s ^but ^not ^too ^sarcastic", ">>{hgfggt} : I am not naive. I know full well the place is more than a little insane. You don't take the straight jacket of the mental patient and hand him a knife. Not a good idea. Toppling regimes and arming the opposition is doing just that, and with the same predictable results. Disaster.", ">>{duffmanhb} : She has a serious credibility issue, and I don't think she's yet to figure it out. Her foreign policy speech was a nice attempt at trying distance herself from the hawkish stereotype people have on her, but I don't think it's enough. She has an issue with being credible. I'm sure many people think she's just saying what her focus groups said would work best. If she really wants to turn around. She's going to have to sound sincere, and I'm just not getting that vibe at all.", '>>{sedgwickian} : > DAE white men are the truly oppressed group?', ">>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : I don't like them but no, I don't really agree. Some degrees such as accounting, in my case don't need a professor who will push an agenda on you. Just one who can actually prepare you for the class.", '>>{Ask_Threadit} : That\'s not a good thing. Clinton’s campaign has devolved into, "I\'m not Trump." A lot of people are looking for a single positive in either candidate to vote for and Clinton spent the majority of her speech saying, "well there\'s nothing really great about me but at least I\'m not Trump." I expect childish behavior and character attacks from Trump, Clinton is supposed to be an adult with decades of political experience...', ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : I keep saying we should ban all travel to the US by men until we can figure out what's going on with their massively higher murder, rape, and theft rates. I'm not a sexist because facts can't be sexist.", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Sexism is not constrained to the oppressing group Edit: Changed phrasing to make it better understood', ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : The TrumpHos are pretty bad too, to be fair. Source: my best friend from high school. Edited to add that I think all of these 'bro' labels are stupid. Why not just call a fascist stooge a fascist stooge?", '>>{Comeyqumqat} : They get gentlemen Cs They should likely be flunked and would be if they were racial minorities', ">>{KingPickle} : On top of everything you guys have said, it feels too early for a speech like this. I'd expect something like this after the nomination. I realize she isn't polling very well against Trump, and so her team probably thought that attacking him was a good idea. But it feels like skipping to the end of the book. I think she needs to sell herself first, before trying to make her opponent look bad. Not that I'm surprised. Her entire campaign, and the DNC in general, seems smitten with divisive strategies. But at some point they're going to have to find a way to sell her as being *for* something.", '>>{Viol33} : triggered alt-righter rant about affirmative action in 3...2...', '>>{fabioke} : >Hillary Clinton delivered a solid, well-crafted foreign policy speech today, and she did it very effectively. But this wasn’t the speech she needed to give. >First, her remarks were intended for the foreign policy establishment, the people who care about foreign policy details and America’s role in the world. It was primarily for the mainstream media. They were hyping this up before it started and it was made to divert from the FBI issue. All the Pro-Clinton media glowing reviews feel very scripted.', ">>{22254534} : Corruption isn't restricted to the rich and powerful /s", ">>{htomserveaux} : That's not true, it's just that pro-Clinton doesn't make headlines (it least not on reddit) anti-Trump does.", ">>{Ask_Threadit} : You literally just said that's all her speech was...", '>>{tainted_waffles} : We already have a fascist stooge. His name is Obama.', ">>{htomserveaux} : Yes THAT speech was anti-Trump and she'll give more like it, but she has been talking about other things. She has an affordable and comprehensive infrastructure plan, a plan for improving the conditions soldiers live under, a plan to reduce student debt and she's talking about these plans frequently. part of the pivot the the general is going after the opposition that's just how it works", '>>{like_ya_do} : You see similar verbiage in all the pieces. It was a muscular speech full of zingers that decisively cut Trump off at the knees with strong policy positions and smart power and experience.', '>>{johnnyzito} : And the whole thing was over shadowed by Paul Ryan endorsing Trump.', ">>{johnnyzito} : You go policy first. Personal attack last. She's got no where to go. Clinton stepped into Trump-World and she doesn't have the razor wit or charm to beat a bully with words. So, enjoy this one sided pummeling.", '>>{dissaver} : Which is why it so completely baffling to me how Democrats can support her when, in essence, she is a neoconservative when it comes to foreign policy. One of the funniest parts of her recent foreign policy speech was when she said the idea of Trump with the nuclear launch codes was frightening as he would use nukes whenever he is insulted. This is telling for two reasons, A) clearly she has no respect for congressional approval for war (see libya), and B) why would we trust her with the codes, as it is clear she is a hawk, it is not clear that Trump is.', ">>{misyo} : If you recall, she was already fighting the general election at the first Democratic debate when she said she's proud Republicans are her enemy. This is how Clintons campaign- negative attack dogs. What is she really going to campaign on? A fairly unremarkable Senate career and a bad run as Secretary of State. She's already had to walk back her part in a trade agreement and now she has to lay off one of her few legislative successes, CHIP, because expanding healthcare is off the table for her.", ">>{misyo} : Except all of those plans don't do nearly enough to address the problems they're intended to tackle. They're Band-Aids on a gaping wound.", ">>{htomserveaux} : Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man", ">>{htomserveaux} : She survived a 12 hour nonstop inquisition during the Benghazi hearings I think she knows what she's doing", ">>{johnnyzito} : I don't think Clinton survived the Benghazi hearings. She may have actually perjured herself according to findings in the IG report.", '>>{htomserveaux} : Nothing in that report says anything to discount her testimony it just says she committed a minor rule violation', ">>{johnnyzito} : Nothing about this is minor. Please stop spreading disinformation. When Clinton testified that her server was legal and above board, the IG report says that's a lie. She also knew it wasn't legal as evidence from the emails uncovered by the IG report. I'm not making the case, but Trump will soon enough, Clinton perjured herself.", ">>{htomserveaux} : >When Clinton testified that her server was legal and above board, the IG report says that's a lie. show me were, because the closest thing the report says is it's against the rules as they're written NOW, if she had done something so blatantly Illegal this would be over already. and If this was illegal then don't you think someone would have stopped her back then? why was she allowed to do this for 4 years if it was against the rules/law do you do you think the CIA, NSA and FBI just didn't notice she was running a private server? and another thing, do you really think the CIA or anyone else sends secret or top secret information over Email?", '>>{johnnyzito} : The "rules" are federal laws called the Federal Records Act. Breaking these laws by mishandling top secret info is super illegal. Relevant pages from FRA. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2008-title44/pdf/USCODE-2008-title44-chap31-sec3101.pdf https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2008-title44/pdf/USCODE-2008-title44-chap31-sec3105.pdf How do you think the CIA and FBI communicate? Smoke signals? They use encrypted emails and phone lines. These channels are monitored by our own security agencies. Clinton spread top secret info around the world. If you have even a slight understanding of network security you can see that. Clinton wasn\'t allowed to do this. She asked and was told "no" but hid the fact that she did it anyway. And then when the FBI found out they started an investigation. That\'s why it\'s all coming out now. The IG report confirmed all the rumors. And Clinton has looked in the camera and lied about it for a year. You should read up on this. It\'s fascinating stuff.', ">>{htomserveaux} : That law didn't exist until 2014 http://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clintons-personal-email-use-came-before-recent-rule-changes-1425415233 in fact both condoleezza rice and Colin Powell used private servers. You cant try someone for something that was legal when they did it >They use encrypted emails and phone lines. when they have to yeah, but not for sending something important to someone close by >These channels are monitored by our own security agencies. And yet you seem to think no one noticed before the hearings.", ">>{johnnyzito} : Those laws are from 2005. How would you know how close a CIA op has to be before it's better to send an e-mail or a carrier pigeon? If the state dept was hacked, that's an attack on the US. People are informed and in the loop to respond. When Hillary's server was hacked, they unplugged it and never reported the breech.", ">>{htomserveaux} : No they aren't read the article They're in the driving distance from each other Cite your source", '>>{johnnyzito} : The IG report says what year those rules went into effect. It\'s literally mentioned in context of Clinton\'s excuses/lies. "The IG report cited department policies dating to 2005 that require “normal day-to-day operations” to be conducted on government servers, contrary to Clinton’s claim that her server was allowed. It also said she “had an obligation” to discuss her email system with cybersecurity officials, but there’s “no evidence” that she sought or received their approval." http://www.factcheck.org/2016/05/ig-report-on-clintons-emails/ Not to mention the two specific pages of the FRA I linked you to mention the year they were created (2005) and the year they were updated (2008). Please don\'t down vote my responses. You\'re burying the conversation. Isn\'t the point to share information? I\'m not trying to win an argument. I\'m trying to ensure a democratic victory in the fall.', '>>{htomserveaux} : If any of that were true why didn\'t they notice during her time in office? And if her "crime" is so obvious why is it taking so long for an indictment? Simple fact of the matter is even if what she was doing was discouraged it wasn\'t against the law at the time, and no one cared until it became a political attack', '>>{johnnyzito} : Well it would have been illegal for the FBI to pay attention to clinton\'s communications without cause. She\'s the SoS and there was no reason to mistrust her. Chances are the FBI/NSA/CIA did know though, since they illegally spy on everyone... It wasn\'t until the Benghazi hearings when Clinton admitted in front of TV cameras that she had done state department business on a personal server that the FBI had cause to investigate. Such an admission sent up "red flags" because that very thing is illegal. The FBI don\'t investigate "rules violations" the hunt federal criminals (and occasional X-files). The Inspector General began it\'s own investigation to determine whether state department rules had been broken. But the IG has no authority other than to investigate and write reports. It\'s the FBI who can use the IG report as evidence. The simple fact is it is against the law, I showed you which laws. The IG report proves it. You seem to be in denial of facts.', ">>{htomserveaux} : They don't have to break the law to notice the email she's used wasn't a government one and again the was changed in 2014 before that it wasn't illegal EDIT: and if the NSA or CIA knew why would they send classified information to it, Why aren't we seeing an investigation into their sending classified information to an unsecured server?", '>>{johnnyzito} : When people noticed the e-mail extension wasn\'t .gov they were lied to and told it was all approved. It\'s in the IG report... which you should at least read a summary of. I\'m not cherry picking. It\'s damaging. "When two lower-level information technology officials tried to raise concerns about Clinton\'s email arrangement in late 2010, their supervisor in Clinton\'s office instructed them "never to speak of the Secretary\'s personal email system again," the report said. Their supervisor told them that department lawyers had approved of the system, but the inspector general\'s office said it found no evidence this was true." http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-clinton-idUSKCN0YG21Z', '>>{htomserveaux} : Your not cherry picking your flat out making shit up. absence of evidence is not evidence of absence', ">>{johnnyzito} : The evidence is the IG report. It's illegal to store records the way she did. I have pointed out the laws and supplied the examples of those actions in the IG report which violated the law. You think it's all made up - cool.", ">>{htomserveaux} : She didn't break the law because there wasn't an applicable law at the time and there not being evidence of her getting permission is not evidence that she set it up with out permission.", ">>{johnnyzito} : I have proven multiple times the law was the law in 2005. The Reuters article cites the part of the IG report that explains how she asked for and was denied permission for private email. You're in denial.", ">>{htomserveaux} : A law existed in 2005 but not the one you are accusing her of breaking. And the Reuters just says they cant find evidence of her asking back then and if she asked now they'd say no", ">>{johnnyzito} : Because the NSA is in charge of federal communication security. They told her she could have a window's phone and she ignored them. Read the law it's pretty solid in 2005 and I sent you the amended 2008 version with stricter language.", ">>{htomserveaux} : The blackberry is irrelevant there to separate things and no evidence she used for what should have been secure calls (although I wouldn't be surprised to something on the front page bitching about it) The law was updated several times but the version that would effect her didn't come into affect until 2014 after she left office", ">>{johnnyzito} : You have no idea what you're talking about because you don't understand the technical information. Blackberry connects to public wifi in china, london, russia airport/hotel. Blackberry accesses emails on private server. Anyone else on that public wifi can now use the blackberry to gain access to the server. That means she was carrying around a backdoor to the server with her where ever she went. Giving hackers in each of those countries a chance at her files.", ">>{htomserveaux} : you have no idea how her blackberry was used, you're just making up things for her to be guilty of.", ">>{htomserveaux} : Ok I'm done we're not going to convince each other of any thing and frankly I've stopped caring", ">>{johnnyzito} : Which explains why you don't understand any of this."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{HonoredPeoples} : I'm not generally fond of the material *Time* puts out, but I found myself agreeing with much of the gist. The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton has difficulty connecting with regular people. The job she is applying for, in essence, is a pimp. It is her job to pimp oligarchoglobalism to regular people. She needs to convince them that it's good for them. That is what her masters fund her to do. The problem is, people don't like her. And if people don't like you, it's harder to sell them on supporting things that are against their interests so that her donors can get richer.", ">>{hgfggt} : In short, Clinton is long on foreign policy experience, but short on foreign policy successes. Everything she touched at State was a disaster. Her decisions at State led to some objectively terrible outcomes. Destabilizing multiple regimes in the middle East was not smart. She pushed to topple Libya and now that country is in utter chaos. She pushed to destabilize and topple Syria. Now that country has half a million dead and millions more homeless and displaced. She didn't support Mubarak and the Muslim Brotherhood took over briefly before a military coup. A general still leads Egypt, but thousands died, and there is a low grade civil war in the Sinai now. The European migration crisis and the billions it is costing the Europeans can be laid at her feet. The migrants wouldn't be migrating if they had had stable governments at home still. Now the project for a united Europe is in Jeopardy because average Europeans don't like the migrant crisis and the social and political unrest it causes. Hillary even screwed up the Bin Laden raid. The military did their job, but the Pakistani doctor who made it possible (Dr. Shakil Afridi) is still rotting in a Pakistani prison. Hillary did virtually nothing to free him. She was objectively terrible at diplomacy.", ">>{htomserveaux} : of all the articles on her speech I'm guessing this is the most likely to reach the front page. the speech wasn't about her it's about him, she took the fight to him and he has to go on damage control and address these criticisms. whether you plan to vote for him or not you must admit it will be hard for him shake this off", ">>{valleyshrew} : >She pushed to destabilize and topple Syria. Now that country has half a million dead and millions more homeless and displaced. Yeah if only Bernie had been elected there'd be peace in the middle east!", ">>{hgfggt} : I am not naive. I know full well the place is more than a little insane. You don't take the straight jacket of the mental patient and hand him a knife. Not a good idea. Toppling regimes and arming the opposition is doing just that, and with the same predictable results. Disaster.", ">>{duffmanhb} : She has a serious credibility issue, and I don't think she's yet to figure it out. Her foreign policy speech was a nice attempt at trying distance herself from the hawkish stereotype people have on her, but I don't think it's enough. She has an issue with being credible. I'm sure many people think she's just saying what her focus groups said would work best. If she really wants to turn around. She's going to have to sound sincere, and I'm just not getting that vibe at all.", '>>{Ask_Threadit} : That\'s not a good thing. Clinton’s campaign has devolved into, "I\'m not Trump." A lot of people are looking for a single positive in either candidate to vote for and Clinton spent the majority of her speech saying, "well there\'s nothing really great about me but at least I\'m not Trump." I expect childish behavior and character attacks from Trump, Clinton is supposed to be an adult with decades of political experience...', ">>{KingPickle} : On top of everything you guys have said, it feels too early for a speech like this. I'd expect something like this after the nomination. I realize she isn't polling very well against Trump, and so her team probably thought that attacking him was a good idea. But it feels like skipping to the end of the book. I think she needs to sell herself first, before trying to make her opponent look bad. Not that I'm surprised. Her entire campaign, and the DNC in general, seems smitten with divisive strategies. But at some point they're going to have to find a way to sell her as being *for* something.", '>>{fabioke} : >Hillary Clinton delivered a solid, well-crafted foreign policy speech today, and she did it very effectively. But this wasn’t the speech she needed to give. >First, her remarks were intended for the foreign policy establishment, the people who care about foreign policy details and America’s role in the world. It was primarily for the mainstream media. They were hyping this up before it started and it was made to divert from the FBI issue. All the Pro-Clinton media glowing reviews feel very scripted.', ">>{htomserveaux} : That's not true, it's just that pro-Clinton doesn't make headlines (it least not on reddit) anti-Trump does.", ">>{Ask_Threadit} : You literally just said that's all her speech was...", ">>{htomserveaux} : Yes THAT speech was anti-Trump and she'll give more like it, but she has been talking about other things. She has an affordable and comprehensive infrastructure plan, a plan for improving the conditions soldiers live under, a plan to reduce student debt and she's talking about these plans frequently. part of the pivot the the general is going after the opposition that's just how it works", '>>{like_ya_do} : You see similar verbiage in all the pieces. It was a muscular speech full of zingers that decisively cut Trump off at the knees with strong policy positions and smart power and experience.', '>>{johnnyzito} : And the whole thing was over shadowed by Paul Ryan endorsing Trump.', ">>{johnnyzito} : You go policy first. Personal attack last. She's got no where to go. Clinton stepped into Trump-World and she doesn't have the razor wit or charm to beat a bully with words. So, enjoy this one sided pummeling.", '>>{dissaver} : Which is why it so completely baffling to me how Democrats can support her when, in essence, she is a neoconservative when it comes to foreign policy. One of the funniest parts of her recent foreign policy speech was when she said the idea of Trump with the nuclear launch codes was frightening as he would use nukes whenever he is insulted. This is telling for two reasons, A) clearly she has no respect for congressional approval for war (see libya), and B) why would we trust her with the codes, as it is clear she is a hawk, it is not clear that Trump is.', ">>{misyo} : If you recall, she was already fighting the general election at the first Democratic debate when she said she's proud Republicans are her enemy. This is how Clintons campaign- negative attack dogs. What is she really going to campaign on? A fairly unremarkable Senate career and a bad run as Secretary of State. She's already had to walk back her part in a trade agreement and now she has to lay off one of her few legislative successes, CHIP, because expanding healthcare is off the table for her.", ">>{misyo} : Except all of those plans don't do nearly enough to address the problems they're intended to tackle. They're Band-Aids on a gaping wound.", ">>{htomserveaux} : Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man", ">>{htomserveaux} : She survived a 12 hour nonstop inquisition during the Benghazi hearings I think she knows what she's doing", ">>{johnnyzito} : I don't think Clinton survived the Benghazi hearings. She may have actually perjured herself according to findings in the IG report.", '>>{htomserveaux} : Nothing in that report says anything to discount her testimony it just says she committed a minor rule violation', ">>{johnnyzito} : Nothing about this is minor. Please stop spreading disinformation. When Clinton testified that her server was legal and above board, the IG report says that's a lie. She also knew it wasn't legal as evidence from the emails uncovered by the IG report. I'm not making the case, but Trump will soon enough, Clinton perjured herself.", ">>{htomserveaux} : >When Clinton testified that her server was legal and above board, the IG report says that's a lie. show me were, because the closest thing the report says is it's against the rules as they're written NOW, if she had done something so blatantly Illegal this would be over already. and If this was illegal then don't you think someone would have stopped her back then? why was she allowed to do this for 4 years if it was against the rules/law do you do you think the CIA, NSA and FBI just didn't notice she was running a private server? and another thing, do you really think the CIA or anyone else sends secret or top secret information over Email?", '>>{johnnyzito} : The "rules" are federal laws called the Federal Records Act. Breaking these laws by mishandling top secret info is super illegal. Relevant pages from FRA. https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2008-title44/pdf/USCODE-2008-title44-chap31-sec3101.pdf https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2008-title44/pdf/USCODE-2008-title44-chap31-sec3105.pdf How do you think the CIA and FBI communicate? Smoke signals? They use encrypted emails and phone lines. These channels are monitored by our own security agencies. Clinton spread top secret info around the world. If you have even a slight understanding of network security you can see that. Clinton wasn\'t allowed to do this. She asked and was told "no" but hid the fact that she did it anyway. And then when the FBI found out they started an investigation. That\'s why it\'s all coming out now. The IG report confirmed all the rumors. And Clinton has looked in the camera and lied about it for a year. You should read up on this. It\'s fascinating stuff.', ">>{htomserveaux} : That law didn't exist until 2014 http://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clintons-personal-email-use-came-before-recent-rule-changes-1425415233 in fact both condoleezza rice and Colin Powell used private servers. You cant try someone for something that was legal when they did it >They use encrypted emails and phone lines. when they have to yeah, but not for sending something important to someone close by >These channels are monitored by our own security agencies. And yet you seem to think no one noticed before the hearings.", ">>{johnnyzito} : Those laws are from 2005. How would you know how close a CIA op has to be before it's better to send an e-mail or a carrier pigeon? If the state dept was hacked, that's an attack on the US. People are informed and in the loop to respond. When Hillary's server was hacked, they unplugged it and never reported the breech.", ">>{htomserveaux} : No they aren't read the article They're in the driving distance from each other Cite your source", '>>{johnnyzito} : The IG report says what year those rules went into effect. It\'s literally mentioned in context of Clinton\'s excuses/lies. "The IG report cited department policies dating to 2005 that require “normal day-to-day operations” to be conducted on government servers, contrary to Clinton’s claim that her server was allowed. It also said she “had an obligation” to discuss her email system with cybersecurity officials, but there’s “no evidence” that she sought or received their approval." http://www.factcheck.org/2016/05/ig-report-on-clintons-emails/ Not to mention the two specific pages of the FRA I linked you to mention the year they were created (2005) and the year they were updated (2008). Please don\'t down vote my responses. You\'re burying the conversation. Isn\'t the point to share information? I\'m not trying to win an argument. I\'m trying to ensure a democratic victory in the fall.', '>>{htomserveaux} : If any of that were true why didn\'t they notice during her time in office? And if her "crime" is so obvious why is it taking so long for an indictment? Simple fact of the matter is even if what she was doing was discouraged it wasn\'t against the law at the time, and no one cared until it became a political attack', '>>{johnnyzito} : Well it would have been illegal for the FBI to pay attention to clinton\'s communications without cause. She\'s the SoS and there was no reason to mistrust her. Chances are the FBI/NSA/CIA did know though, since they illegally spy on everyone... It wasn\'t until the Benghazi hearings when Clinton admitted in front of TV cameras that she had done state department business on a personal server that the FBI had cause to investigate. Such an admission sent up "red flags" because that very thing is illegal. The FBI don\'t investigate "rules violations" the hunt federal criminals (and occasional X-files). The Inspector General began it\'s own investigation to determine whether state department rules had been broken. But the IG has no authority other than to investigate and write reports. It\'s the FBI who can use the IG report as evidence. The simple fact is it is against the law, I showed you which laws. The IG report proves it. You seem to be in denial of facts.', ">>{htomserveaux} : They don't have to break the law to notice the email she's used wasn't a government one and again the was changed in 2014 before that it wasn't illegal EDIT: and if the NSA or CIA knew why would they send classified information to it, Why aren't we seeing an investigation into their sending classified information to an unsecured server?", '>>{johnnyzito} : When people noticed the e-mail extension wasn\'t .gov they were lied to and told it was all approved. It\'s in the IG report... which you should at least read a summary of. I\'m not cherry picking. It\'s damaging. "When two lower-level information technology officials tried to raise concerns about Clinton\'s email arrangement in late 2010, their supervisor in Clinton\'s office instructed them "never to speak of the Secretary\'s personal email system again," the report said. Their supervisor told them that department lawyers had approved of the system, but the inspector general\'s office said it found no evidence this was true." http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-clinton-idUSKCN0YG21Z', '>>{htomserveaux} : Your not cherry picking your flat out making shit up. absence of evidence is not evidence of absence', ">>{johnnyzito} : The evidence is the IG report. It's illegal to store records the way she did. I have pointed out the laws and supplied the examples of those actions in the IG report which violated the law. You think it's all made up - cool.", ">>{htomserveaux} : She didn't break the law because there wasn't an applicable law at the time and there not being evidence of her getting permission is not evidence that she set it up with out permission.", ">>{johnnyzito} : I have proven multiple times the law was the law in 2005. The Reuters article cites the part of the IG report that explains how she asked for and was denied permission for private email. You're in denial.", ">>{htomserveaux} : A law existed in 2005 but not the one you are accusing her of breaking. And the Reuters just says they cant find evidence of her asking back then and if she asked now they'd say no", ">>{johnnyzito} : Because the NSA is in charge of federal communication security. They told her she could have a window's phone and she ignored them. Read the law it's pretty solid in 2005 and I sent you the amended 2008 version with stricter language.", ">>{htomserveaux} : The blackberry is irrelevant there to separate things and no evidence she used for what should have been secure calls (although I wouldn't be surprised to something on the front page bitching about it) The law was updated several times but the version that would effect her didn't come into affect until 2014 after she left office", ">>{johnnyzito} : You have no idea what you're talking about because you don't understand the technical information. Blackberry connects to public wifi in china, london, russia airport/hotel. Blackberry accesses emails on private server. Anyone else on that public wifi can now use the blackberry to gain access to the server. That means she was carrying around a backdoor to the server with her where ever she went. Giving hackers in each of those countries a chance at her files.", ">>{htomserveaux} : you have no idea how her blackberry was used, you're just making up things for her to be guilty of.", ">>{htomserveaux} : Ok I'm done we're not going to convince each other of any thing and frankly I've stopped caring", ">>{johnnyzito} : Which explains why you don't understand any of this."], ['>>{sedgwickian} : Quite frankly, if these people are getting college degrees, universities need more liberal profs working harder at more indoctrination.', '>>{Ohmiglob} : The X_Bros meme is played out, these guys are neo-nazis plain and simple', ">>{TrumpHadMeAborted} : Statistics can't be sexist. Men are responsible for over 90% of violence. /s ^but ^not ^too ^sarcastic", '>>{sedgwickian} : > DAE white men are the truly oppressed group?', ">>{RunnyBabbitRoy} : I don't like them but no, I don't really agree. Some degrees such as accounting, in my case don't need a professor who will push an agenda on you. Just one who can actually prepare you for the class.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : I keep saying we should ban all travel to the US by men until we can figure out what's going on with their massively higher murder, rape, and theft rates. I'm not a sexist because facts can't be sexist.", '>>{tainted_waffles} : Sexism is not constrained to the oppressing group Edit: Changed phrasing to make it better understood', ">>{ForcedPoliteness} : The TrumpHos are pretty bad too, to be fair. Source: my best friend from high school. Edited to add that I think all of these 'bro' labels are stupid. Why not just call a fascist stooge a fascist stooge?", '>>{Comeyqumqat} : They get gentlemen Cs They should likely be flunked and would be if they were racial minorities', '>>{Viol33} : triggered alt-righter rant about affirmative action in 3...2...', ">>{22254534} : Corruption isn't restricted to the rich and powerful /s", '>>{tainted_waffles} : We already have a fascist stooge. His name is Obama.']]
classify and reply
['>>{mafco} : The Death Of Trumpcare Is The Ultimate Proof Of Obamacare’s Historic Accomplishment', ">>{Odawn} : If Trump's accomplishments include a legacy of conviction in a U.S. federal court for colluding with a hostile foreign government, Russia, to conduct an attack, a cyberattack, to harm American democracy and cause damage to the United States, what should be the sentence of the court?", '>>{monkeydeluxe} : Democrats Got Wrecked Again in State Legislative Races, and it Matters More Than You Might Think', '>>{DreadPirateKiwi} : Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.', ">>{Cuckberg} : It's kind of hard to come back when these places are gerrymandered to hell.", '>>{ClumpOfCheese} : Death! Or at least five years of prison. Quite the range.', '>>{fleasbassist} : The only reason gerrymandering works is because people are stupid. Congress\' approval rating is at an all time low, and what do the voters do? Send the same people back or send people are even more nutty than the previous guy - like the Teaparty Republicans did. *Their* people are the ones who really screwed up Congress. Two years ago my state could have replaced a Republican with a Democrat - she lost be a couple of points and we sent in a Teaparty nut. Many Democrats couldn\'t be bothered to vote because the Dem candidate didn\'t "inspire" them. And many couldn\'t be bothered to vote last week, either. But they sure have no problem getting out into the streets and burning shit and acting like morons.', ">>{Shaella_} : Democrats seem unwilling to 'fall in line' to gain the reigns of power. This inability to just vote for someone who at least covers ya know, 50% of what you want rather than 0% of what you want is leading to defeat over and over. /shrug", ">>{dankerton} : I think it speaks towards how fractured the right really is. I don't see the Democrats letting something like this ever happen with full governmental control. If we had it now, we'd pass either Obamacare fixes or universal care, no question. The right is seriously just going to move on from this topic defeated lol? Stooges! It was their biggest talking point for years. They only put a couple months in it and then said ah fuck I, such low energy. They have no real ideas.", ">>{bbiggs32} : Just to pick one example: WV was smart and opted for the Medicaid expansion under Obamacare. Enrollment is up 62% and most folks covered are those with low paying jobs that aren't offered employee health insurance. Until republicans offer a better plan that covers more people for less, just recognize that Obamacare is pretty damn good.", ">>{sphere2040} : For the bolstering the Dems did about the 'ground game'. Its has proven to be nothing more than writing on water. Dems can thank DWS for this monumental catastrophe. Blame the very people you are trying to court for your failure - [Debbie Wasserman Schultz blames voters for failures of Democratic party.](http://rewire.news/article/2016/01/07/debbie-wasserman-schultz-blames-voters-failures-democratic-party/?utm_content=buffer27e37&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer) During DWS tenure at the DNC - Democrat voter registration was less than 150K - just stop and think about that for a minute. Ground game my fart! She had one job and she didnt do it. We want to bitch about Trumps qualifications? Whats her qualifications?", '>>{TuLegit2quit} : Close friend and supporter of Hillary, apparently that is all that mattered for the DNC brass for the last 4 years.', '>>{bmalph182} : Gore is boring. Kerry is weak. Clinton is uninspiring. The left is full of fucking babies who will rather cede power in a cloud of self-righteous indignation to those they hate, rather than dare lower themselves to the ignominy of actual compromise.', ">>{Msshadow} : I didn't even have Democrats running against Republicans in most of the races in my area.", ">>{Robert_L0blaw} : Healthcare battle is far from over. This won't be the last time they try and scrap it.", ">>{RagingCain} : Or when the liberal population are heavily concentrated in only states like NY/CA - I found a few statistical blogs predicting 2020/2024 it maybe impossible to win the Electoral College without having +5~10% of the popular vote. Which means the left can't win without the right voters. The liberal migration is explained as liberals, are usually young, and willing to relocate for jobs - usually tech jobs, or related to the tech industry (supporting roles). Not to mention, they enjoy being in what they view as an acceptable and hospitable politic climate. Left leaners like living next to left neighbors.", '>>{BlindManBaldwin} : DWS completely botched the past few years for the Democratic party', ">>{badger0511} : It's not worth the cost of the campaign to run a candidate you know will lose 60% to 40% based on the district map alone. The only chance of winning that seat for the disadvantaged party is a wave election or the incumbent retiring.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Somehow, despite the intense political forces arrayed against it, and the mind-boggling policy problems it tries to solve, the 2010 health care law keeps defying efforts to wipe it out. That says something about the people who wrote it ― and what they have achieved. Obamacare has never been hugely popular, and it has never worked as well as its architects hoped. Millions of Americans don’t like it and, even now, there are parts of the country where the markets are struggling to survive. But the program has provided security and access to care for millions of others. More importantly, it has shifted the expectations of what government should do ― and of what a decent society looks like. This week’s defeat of the Republican repeal effort shows just how hard it is to undo those changes. And it won’t get any easier. TrumpCare was hateCare', ">>{Msshadow} : Sigh. True. I rather like the Republican guy who won, so there's that. It was just.... Unexpected. First election I've been through in Washington state.", ">>{TriNovan} : Except, once again, treason is not the applicable charge here by virtue of there being no declaration of war against Russia and so it not being considered an enemy state. More likely you'd see a charge of seditious conspiracy.", '>>{Odawn} : Thanks for the Code http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim §2381. Treason §2382. Misprision of treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.', ">>{dbSterling} : When we eventually move to medicare-for-all, it will be because of the groundwork the ACA established. There would be no national conversation about healthcare without the actions of the Obama Admin; it damn sure wouldn't be coming from Republicans", '>>{gypsygib} : Except Trump and the republicans will do everything they can to make it fail now to save face, because, you know, f people. Only votes matter.', '>>{basicislands} : I agree, but just to play devil\'s advocate... 1. At the hearing last Monday, James Comey (director of the FBI) and Admiral Michael Rogers (director of the NSA) both described Russia as "our adversary". 2. During that same hearing, Democratic questioning on the subject led one or both (I forget) directors to confirm that unseemly ties to Russia would be considered worse than similar ties to another country (Britain was used as an example) Obviously the FBI and NSA aren\'t judges and aren\'t involved in sentencing. But I think it\'s at least possible that, based on the US\'s adversarial relationship with Russia, and given how rarely situations like this happen (and consequently the lack of legal precedent) treason charges could be on the table.', ">>{Philaholic} : This is why the 2018 midterms are so very important. Congress won't try again until after the results of that election.", ">>{felisdom} : trump still doesn't think he is touchable because historically businessmen have been in contact with some of the worst people; even enemies of the state. thing is, now that he represents our government he can't keep doing that because it's now treason if he even talks to them. he's so used to talking to whomever and getting his way no matter his role he doesn't understand that the president works for us, not the other way around and he actually has to answer to people. he is being backed into a corner and his attempts at misdirection and deflection are getting crazier and harder to even indulge. yeah my toaster and microwave are totally spying on me. yeah massacres are happening every minute of every day everywhere. he is freaking out with no actual ground to stand on.", '>>{felisdom} : it\'s adorable that you think there is an "eventually" and that we won\'t be a smoldering crater in a few months.', '>>{Odawn} : Saturday, December 31, 2016 ([CNN](http://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/30/politics/mccain-cyber-hearing/)) — Sen. John McCain said Friday that Russia\'s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election amounted to an act of war: "When you attack a country, it\'s an act of war. And so we have to make sure that there is a price to pay so that we can perhaps persuade Russians to stop this kind of attacks on our very fundamentals of democracy." U.S. Senator [John McCain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain), age 80, is a retired Navy captain and an American war hero. During the Vietnam War, McCain was a U.S. Navy carrier-based jet pilot. On October 26, 1967, McCain was flying a combat mission over hostile territory when [his plane was shot down](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain#Prisoner_of_war) on his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam. McCain was a prisoner in a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp for 5 and and half years. His North Vietnamese captors [severely tortured](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain#Prisoner_of_war) him. McCain\'s North Vietnamese captors offered to release him from the prisoner-of-war camp early, ahead of other U.S. prisoners-of-war, because McCain\'s father was a high-ranking U.S. Navy admiral. The North Vietnamese wanted a propaganda coup by showing they released an admiral\'s son ahead of his turn. McCain said no. He said he would not volunteer for release until the prisoners-of-war ahead of him were released first. McCain was horribly tortured. For 2 years, he was in solitary confinement. His wartime injuries left him permanently incapable of raising his arms above his head. McCain is more than a hero. He is a man of extraordinarily high moral fiber, guts, and backbone. He is a man of respect. If you meet him, you look him straight in the eye and salute him. You address him as "Sir." You shake his hand. If McCain says Russia\'s cyber attack on American democracy and the United States was an act of war, it was an act of war.', ">>{rubydrops} : Wow. Thanks, Obama. I think he was right to stress that the work was being done before Obama got there, the dialogue had started because things needed to change so folks can start taking better care of themselves or at least afford to do so. It brings up the question of whether or not it would have succeeded at if step 1 has started in Obama'S WH rather than prior years - I guess Romney's Romney care was the experiment to see how it works in a state. Maybe that's what republicans should have done - people who wanted to vote no should have to implement this in their state before coming back to Washington to vote yes. There wasn't a big core constituency here and it was harder to defend when it seemed like medical professionals were not even brought in, let alone a democrat. I think one of the more powerful things that Joe Biden said before leaving office was that people deserved to be treated with dignity and more than nothing, the aHCA went against that, even to the end where the GOP started talking about taking away essential care. This is a reminder that perhaps we need a reset - when the opposition to the bill was that it's too generous, I wonder what the constituents who were part of federal programs thought, how can you still vote for someone who not only judge you for being poor or sick but apparently have some childhood ambition of making sure it's hard for you to take care of yourself?", ">>{kvrdave} : This is like praising Hillary because Trump is such a turd. The ACA is better than nothing, but the majority of bankruptcies are still for medical bills and of those, 3/4 have insurance. I'm very glad the repeal failed, but let's not act like the ACA did anything other than kick the can down the road.", ">>{centexgoodguy} : It is important to note that President Obama took ownership of the ACA despite the rancor, false narratives, fear mongering, etc.... He did not shy away from what was passed or place blame on anyone person or group. He took the heat with integrity and, I believe, was honest in his willingness to fix what needed fixed but the anti-Obama obstructionist never wanted to work with him to make improvements (and really couldn't after painting him to be the destroyer of America.", '>>{TriNovan} : McCain being a prisoner of war does not lend his words any extra credence here. "Act of war" has a strict legal definition under Title 18 Section 2331 of the US Code. "(4) the term “act of war” means any act occurring in the course of— (A) declared war; (B) armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or (C) armed conflict between military forces of any origin; and [goes on to define "domestic terrorism" for the purposes of Title 18]" Similarly, treason specifically requires that it be done to aid an enemy, which is legally defined under Title 50 Section 2204 of the US Code: "(2) the term “enemy” means any country, government, group, or person that has been engaged in hostilities, whether or not lawfully authorized, with the United States;" Both definitions have the meaning of physical violence occurring between the countries involved. For treason to be the applicable charge here, you\'d have to argue in court that "hostilities" extended to undermining an election. Historically, "enemy" has only ever been applied to countries that the US has been at war with. Not even the Soviet Union was considered an enemy state in the legal sense despite the Cold War. Hence why various spies caught in the US were tried with espionage and did not also see treason charges. Simply working for a foreign government against the interests of your government is not, itself, treason. It specifically *must* occur to aid a state the US has declared war upon for treason charges to be applicable. Full stop. So if it was North Korea backing him? Yeah, you could get him for treason. But as is, the statute for seditious conspiracy is far more likely to be what he\'d get charged with, along with FARA charges like what Flynn\'s facing. That might actually be why Flynn\'s immunity offer wasn\'t accepted, assuming they intend on nailing him, Bannon, Manafort, Trump, and a few others with seditious conspiracy charges. Trying to go with treason, however, is akin to going for first-degree murder when you can only really get third-degree murder. The statute for seditious conspiracy, incidentally. "If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."', ">>{TriNovan} : Thing is, that would be a kind of ex post facto sentencing in that (assuming the definition of treason is modified somewhat here) the specific modification to the statute did not exist at the time the crime was committed, and so Trump wouldn't be eligible under it anyway. I suppose they could *maybe* argue that, if he was President at the time of the change and afterward, that he violated the modified statute, but it'd be a pretty questionable way to go about it legally. As is, however, they could feasibly get him on charges of seditious conspiracy, espionage, and FARA violations at the very least (assuming the Trump-Russia collusion is validated by the investigation). Incidentally, the legal precedent is why this scenario would cause a constitutional crisis. I would fully expect argumentation to bring up the possibility of treason. But expanding it specifically to get him strikes me as something that the courts would be hesitant to do when there's a buttload of stuff they could try to get him for already. Wouldn't keep them from trying him for both seditious conspiracy and treason at the same time, however. I would expect the treason charges to be dropped though.", '>>{basicislands} : Not saying you\'re wrong, but: >Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. The argument that "it isn\'t treason because we\'re not at war with Russia" might not be valid if the courts conclude that Russia qualifies as our "enemy". And, as I said, the FBI and NSA directors\' testimony that Russia is our "adversary" lend some strength to that possibility. However I\'m unaware of the precise legal definition of "enemy" in this context, if such a definition exists. If "enemy" is specifically defined as "a foreign power with which the US has declared war" then that nullifies my previous statements.', '>>{TriNovan} : Quoted it below, but basically yes. Title 50 Section 2204 of the US Code: "(2) the term “enemy” means any country, government, group, or person that has been engaged in hostilities, whether or not lawfully authorized, with the United States;" And there\'s the historical precedent as well where, even during the Cold War, spies leaking info to the Soviet Union were not charged with treason. The Soviet Union was just as much our adversary and geopolitical rival as Russia is today. But if the Rosenburgs didn\'t qualify for charges of treason, it\'s doubtful Trump and his gang would. So, traditionally, "enemy of the United States" has been taken by the courts to mean that there is a declaration of war between the US and that state or a de facto state of war such as in the case of non-state actors like the US and Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. That last one is how Adam Gadahn was charged with it in 2006 and he was the first incident of someone being charged with treason in over 50 years. The last people convicted of it before that were all people who had been charged for it due to them in some way aiding the Axis powers in WW2. So there\'s a pretty clear indication in the judicial record that it\'s only to be used against those helping the other side during a war. However, like you said, having the President compromised and colluding with a foreign power is a unique event. The real danger is in winding up with him falling through a legal loophole and there not quite being something fitting to charge him with. I doubt the courts would deviate from prior precedent here however.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{mafco} : The Death Of Trumpcare Is The Ultimate Proof Of Obamacare’s Historic Accomplishment', ">>{Odawn} : If Trump's accomplishments include a legacy of conviction in a U.S. federal court for colluding with a hostile foreign government, Russia, to conduct an attack, a cyberattack, to harm American democracy and cause damage to the United States, what should be the sentence of the court?", '>>{DreadPirateKiwi} : Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.', '>>{ClumpOfCheese} : Death! Or at least five years of prison. Quite the range.', ">>{dankerton} : I think it speaks towards how fractured the right really is. I don't see the Democrats letting something like this ever happen with full governmental control. If we had it now, we'd pass either Obamacare fixes or universal care, no question. The right is seriously just going to move on from this topic defeated lol? Stooges! It was their biggest talking point for years. They only put a couple months in it and then said ah fuck I, such low energy. They have no real ideas.", ">>{bbiggs32} : Just to pick one example: WV was smart and opted for the Medicaid expansion under Obamacare. Enrollment is up 62% and most folks covered are those with low paying jobs that aren't offered employee health insurance. Until republicans offer a better plan that covers more people for less, just recognize that Obamacare is pretty damn good.", ">>{Robert_L0blaw} : Healthcare battle is far from over. This won't be the last time they try and scrap it.", '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Somehow, despite the intense political forces arrayed against it, and the mind-boggling policy problems it tries to solve, the 2010 health care law keeps defying efforts to wipe it out. That says something about the people who wrote it ― and what they have achieved. Obamacare has never been hugely popular, and it has never worked as well as its architects hoped. Millions of Americans don’t like it and, even now, there are parts of the country where the markets are struggling to survive. But the program has provided security and access to care for millions of others. More importantly, it has shifted the expectations of what government should do ― and of what a decent society looks like. This week’s defeat of the Republican repeal effort shows just how hard it is to undo those changes. And it won’t get any easier. TrumpCare was hateCare', ">>{TriNovan} : Except, once again, treason is not the applicable charge here by virtue of there being no declaration of war against Russia and so it not being considered an enemy state. More likely you'd see a charge of seditious conspiracy.", '>>{Odawn} : Thanks for the Code http://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter115&edition=prelim §2381. Treason §2382. Misprision of treason Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States and having knowledge of the commission of any treason against them, conceals and does not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President or to some judge of the United States, or to the governor or to some judge or justice of a particular State, is guilty of misprision of treason and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than seven years, or both.', ">>{dbSterling} : When we eventually move to medicare-for-all, it will be because of the groundwork the ACA established. There would be no national conversation about healthcare without the actions of the Obama Admin; it damn sure wouldn't be coming from Republicans", '>>{gypsygib} : Except Trump and the republicans will do everything they can to make it fail now to save face, because, you know, f people. Only votes matter.', '>>{basicislands} : I agree, but just to play devil\'s advocate... 1. At the hearing last Monday, James Comey (director of the FBI) and Admiral Michael Rogers (director of the NSA) both described Russia as "our adversary". 2. During that same hearing, Democratic questioning on the subject led one or both (I forget) directors to confirm that unseemly ties to Russia would be considered worse than similar ties to another country (Britain was used as an example) Obviously the FBI and NSA aren\'t judges and aren\'t involved in sentencing. But I think it\'s at least possible that, based on the US\'s adversarial relationship with Russia, and given how rarely situations like this happen (and consequently the lack of legal precedent) treason charges could be on the table.', ">>{Philaholic} : This is why the 2018 midterms are so very important. Congress won't try again until after the results of that election.", ">>{felisdom} : trump still doesn't think he is touchable because historically businessmen have been in contact with some of the worst people; even enemies of the state. thing is, now that he represents our government he can't keep doing that because it's now treason if he even talks to them. he's so used to talking to whomever and getting his way no matter his role he doesn't understand that the president works for us, not the other way around and he actually has to answer to people. he is being backed into a corner and his attempts at misdirection and deflection are getting crazier and harder to even indulge. yeah my toaster and microwave are totally spying on me. yeah massacres are happening every minute of every day everywhere. he is freaking out with no actual ground to stand on.", '>>{felisdom} : it\'s adorable that you think there is an "eventually" and that we won\'t be a smoldering crater in a few months.', '>>{Odawn} : Saturday, December 31, 2016 ([CNN](http://edition.cnn.com/2016/12/30/politics/mccain-cyber-hearing/)) — Sen. John McCain said Friday that Russia\'s alleged meddling in the 2016 presidential election amounted to an act of war: "When you attack a country, it\'s an act of war. And so we have to make sure that there is a price to pay so that we can perhaps persuade Russians to stop this kind of attacks on our very fundamentals of democracy." U.S. Senator [John McCain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain), age 80, is a retired Navy captain and an American war hero. During the Vietnam War, McCain was a U.S. Navy carrier-based jet pilot. On October 26, 1967, McCain was flying a combat mission over hostile territory when [his plane was shot down](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain#Prisoner_of_war) on his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam. McCain was a prisoner in a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp for 5 and and half years. His North Vietnamese captors [severely tortured](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_McCain#Prisoner_of_war) him. McCain\'s North Vietnamese captors offered to release him from the prisoner-of-war camp early, ahead of other U.S. prisoners-of-war, because McCain\'s father was a high-ranking U.S. Navy admiral. The North Vietnamese wanted a propaganda coup by showing they released an admiral\'s son ahead of his turn. McCain said no. He said he would not volunteer for release until the prisoners-of-war ahead of him were released first. McCain was horribly tortured. For 2 years, he was in solitary confinement. His wartime injuries left him permanently incapable of raising his arms above his head. McCain is more than a hero. He is a man of extraordinarily high moral fiber, guts, and backbone. He is a man of respect. If you meet him, you look him straight in the eye and salute him. You address him as "Sir." You shake his hand. If McCain says Russia\'s cyber attack on American democracy and the United States was an act of war, it was an act of war.', ">>{rubydrops} : Wow. Thanks, Obama. I think he was right to stress that the work was being done before Obama got there, the dialogue had started because things needed to change so folks can start taking better care of themselves or at least afford to do so. It brings up the question of whether or not it would have succeeded at if step 1 has started in Obama'S WH rather than prior years - I guess Romney's Romney care was the experiment to see how it works in a state. Maybe that's what republicans should have done - people who wanted to vote no should have to implement this in their state before coming back to Washington to vote yes. There wasn't a big core constituency here and it was harder to defend when it seemed like medical professionals were not even brought in, let alone a democrat. I think one of the more powerful things that Joe Biden said before leaving office was that people deserved to be treated with dignity and more than nothing, the aHCA went against that, even to the end where the GOP started talking about taking away essential care. This is a reminder that perhaps we need a reset - when the opposition to the bill was that it's too generous, I wonder what the constituents who were part of federal programs thought, how can you still vote for someone who not only judge you for being poor or sick but apparently have some childhood ambition of making sure it's hard for you to take care of yourself?", ">>{kvrdave} : This is like praising Hillary because Trump is such a turd. The ACA is better than nothing, but the majority of bankruptcies are still for medical bills and of those, 3/4 have insurance. I'm very glad the repeal failed, but let's not act like the ACA did anything other than kick the can down the road.", ">>{centexgoodguy} : It is important to note that President Obama took ownership of the ACA despite the rancor, false narratives, fear mongering, etc.... He did not shy away from what was passed or place blame on anyone person or group. He took the heat with integrity and, I believe, was honest in his willingness to fix what needed fixed but the anti-Obama obstructionist never wanted to work with him to make improvements (and really couldn't after painting him to be the destroyer of America.", '>>{TriNovan} : McCain being a prisoner of war does not lend his words any extra credence here. "Act of war" has a strict legal definition under Title 18 Section 2331 of the US Code. "(4) the term “act of war” means any act occurring in the course of— (A) declared war; (B) armed conflict, whether or not war has been declared, between two or more nations; or (C) armed conflict between military forces of any origin; and [goes on to define "domestic terrorism" for the purposes of Title 18]" Similarly, treason specifically requires that it be done to aid an enemy, which is legally defined under Title 50 Section 2204 of the US Code: "(2) the term “enemy” means any country, government, group, or person that has been engaged in hostilities, whether or not lawfully authorized, with the United States;" Both definitions have the meaning of physical violence occurring between the countries involved. For treason to be the applicable charge here, you\'d have to argue in court that "hostilities" extended to undermining an election. Historically, "enemy" has only ever been applied to countries that the US has been at war with. Not even the Soviet Union was considered an enemy state in the legal sense despite the Cold War. Hence why various spies caught in the US were tried with espionage and did not also see treason charges. Simply working for a foreign government against the interests of your government is not, itself, treason. It specifically *must* occur to aid a state the US has declared war upon for treason charges to be applicable. Full stop. So if it was North Korea backing him? Yeah, you could get him for treason. But as is, the statute for seditious conspiracy is far more likely to be what he\'d get charged with, along with FARA charges like what Flynn\'s facing. That might actually be why Flynn\'s immunity offer wasn\'t accepted, assuming they intend on nailing him, Bannon, Manafort, Trump, and a few others with seditious conspiracy charges. Trying to go with treason, however, is akin to going for first-degree murder when you can only really get third-degree murder. The statute for seditious conspiracy, incidentally. "If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."', ">>{TriNovan} : Thing is, that would be a kind of ex post facto sentencing in that (assuming the definition of treason is modified somewhat here) the specific modification to the statute did not exist at the time the crime was committed, and so Trump wouldn't be eligible under it anyway. I suppose they could *maybe* argue that, if he was President at the time of the change and afterward, that he violated the modified statute, but it'd be a pretty questionable way to go about it legally. As is, however, they could feasibly get him on charges of seditious conspiracy, espionage, and FARA violations at the very least (assuming the Trump-Russia collusion is validated by the investigation). Incidentally, the legal precedent is why this scenario would cause a constitutional crisis. I would fully expect argumentation to bring up the possibility of treason. But expanding it specifically to get him strikes me as something that the courts would be hesitant to do when there's a buttload of stuff they could try to get him for already. Wouldn't keep them from trying him for both seditious conspiracy and treason at the same time, however. I would expect the treason charges to be dropped though.", '>>{basicislands} : Not saying you\'re wrong, but: >Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. The argument that "it isn\'t treason because we\'re not at war with Russia" might not be valid if the courts conclude that Russia qualifies as our "enemy". And, as I said, the FBI and NSA directors\' testimony that Russia is our "adversary" lend some strength to that possibility. However I\'m unaware of the precise legal definition of "enemy" in this context, if such a definition exists. If "enemy" is specifically defined as "a foreign power with which the US has declared war" then that nullifies my previous statements.', '>>{TriNovan} : Quoted it below, but basically yes. Title 50 Section 2204 of the US Code: "(2) the term “enemy” means any country, government, group, or person that has been engaged in hostilities, whether or not lawfully authorized, with the United States;" And there\'s the historical precedent as well where, even during the Cold War, spies leaking info to the Soviet Union were not charged with treason. The Soviet Union was just as much our adversary and geopolitical rival as Russia is today. But if the Rosenburgs didn\'t qualify for charges of treason, it\'s doubtful Trump and his gang would. So, traditionally, "enemy of the United States" has been taken by the courts to mean that there is a declaration of war between the US and that state or a de facto state of war such as in the case of non-state actors like the US and Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. That last one is how Adam Gadahn was charged with it in 2006 and he was the first incident of someone being charged with treason in over 50 years. The last people convicted of it before that were all people who had been charged for it due to them in some way aiding the Axis powers in WW2. So there\'s a pretty clear indication in the judicial record that it\'s only to be used against those helping the other side during a war. However, like you said, having the President compromised and colluding with a foreign power is a unique event. The real danger is in winding up with him falling through a legal loophole and there not quite being something fitting to charge him with. I doubt the courts would deviate from prior precedent here however.'], ['>>{monkeydeluxe} : Democrats Got Wrecked Again in State Legislative Races, and it Matters More Than You Might Think', ">>{Cuckberg} : It's kind of hard to come back when these places are gerrymandered to hell.", '>>{fleasbassist} : The only reason gerrymandering works is because people are stupid. Congress\' approval rating is at an all time low, and what do the voters do? Send the same people back or send people are even more nutty than the previous guy - like the Teaparty Republicans did. *Their* people are the ones who really screwed up Congress. Two years ago my state could have replaced a Republican with a Democrat - she lost be a couple of points and we sent in a Teaparty nut. Many Democrats couldn\'t be bothered to vote because the Dem candidate didn\'t "inspire" them. And many couldn\'t be bothered to vote last week, either. But they sure have no problem getting out into the streets and burning shit and acting like morons.', ">>{Shaella_} : Democrats seem unwilling to 'fall in line' to gain the reigns of power. This inability to just vote for someone who at least covers ya know, 50% of what you want rather than 0% of what you want is leading to defeat over and over. /shrug", ">>{sphere2040} : For the bolstering the Dems did about the 'ground game'. Its has proven to be nothing more than writing on water. Dems can thank DWS for this monumental catastrophe. Blame the very people you are trying to court for your failure - [Debbie Wasserman Schultz blames voters for failures of Democratic party.](http://rewire.news/article/2016/01/07/debbie-wasserman-schultz-blames-voters-failures-democratic-party/?utm_content=buffer27e37&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer) During DWS tenure at the DNC - Democrat voter registration was less than 150K - just stop and think about that for a minute. Ground game my fart! She had one job and she didnt do it. We want to bitch about Trumps qualifications? Whats her qualifications?", '>>{TuLegit2quit} : Close friend and supporter of Hillary, apparently that is all that mattered for the DNC brass for the last 4 years.', '>>{bmalph182} : Gore is boring. Kerry is weak. Clinton is uninspiring. The left is full of fucking babies who will rather cede power in a cloud of self-righteous indignation to those they hate, rather than dare lower themselves to the ignominy of actual compromise.', ">>{Msshadow} : I didn't even have Democrats running against Republicans in most of the races in my area.", ">>{RagingCain} : Or when the liberal population are heavily concentrated in only states like NY/CA - I found a few statistical blogs predicting 2020/2024 it maybe impossible to win the Electoral College without having +5~10% of the popular vote. Which means the left can't win without the right voters. The liberal migration is explained as liberals, are usually young, and willing to relocate for jobs - usually tech jobs, or related to the tech industry (supporting roles). Not to mention, they enjoy being in what they view as an acceptable and hospitable politic climate. Left leaners like living next to left neighbors.", '>>{BlindManBaldwin} : DWS completely botched the past few years for the Democratic party', ">>{badger0511} : It's not worth the cost of the campaign to run a candidate you know will lose 60% to 40% based on the district map alone. The only chance of winning that seat for the disadvantaged party is a wave election or the incumbent retiring.", ">>{Msshadow} : Sigh. True. I rather like the Republican guy who won, so there's that. It was just.... Unexpected. First election I've been through in Washington state."]]
classify and reply
['>>{peddelman42} : Trump says he will introduce reforms to legalize some undocumented immigrants', '>>{Firetrucker} : Should be interesting to see how his fans react.', ">>{h3rring} : > “He’s always understood the problems of the 11 million people that are here and are good people,” Bramnick said. “The first thing is to establish the safety of this country and make it clear that criminals cannot stay. But there are good people and we have to propose reform to discuss what to do with these people,” he said. It's funny how Trump himself never says these gentle, understanding words. Always a surrogate trying to explain what he means. And he was yelling about building the wall today at his rally, too. Huh. Plus that campaign ad... edit: Clinton camp responds - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqV04utWgAAkCE0.jpg edit2: https://twitter.com/JuddLegum/status/767157214930952192 > Trump will either be radically changing his position on immigration or keeping it the same, according to sources edit3: https://twitter.com/Carrasquillo/status/767158833827414016 Trump camp pushing back super hard. Could be this stuff wasn't meant to leak, so now they look like fucking idiots. edit4: Wellness check for Ann Coulter, anybody?", '>>{ozabelle} : his current wife, for example. maybe even ted cruz, if he begs for it.', '>>{peddelman42} : I can\'t even with this election anymore. >"I really liked that Trump acknowledged that there is a big problem with the 11 million [undocumented] people who are here, and that deporting them is neither possible nor humane,” said Jacob Monty, a Texas immigration lawyer who attended the meeting. This is literally the opposite of everything he\'s been saying for a year! >“The candidate also said he would announce a way to give them [legal] status that wouldn\'t be citizenship but would allow them to be here without fear of deportation." said Monty, adding that Trump told the group that he planned to announce the plan this week. (bangs head into desk repeatedly) That\'s been the Democrats\' plan, hasn\'t it? Again, the opposite of everything he has been saying for a year and basically invalidating the core premise of his entire run. >When he launched his presidential campaign in June last year, Trump linked immigration and crime. "When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people," he said at the time. >According to one of the meeting\'s attendees, Trump said Saturday that he regretted having made those comments. Aw, that just makes it all better. He can be president now. He\'s changed! He\'s different this time! He won\'t hit us anymore!', '>>{h3rring} : Yeah, it\'s pretty audacious of him to "regret" something like that. Note: no apologies, and definitely nothing public. Also, to sum it up: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqV04utWgAAkCE0.jpg', '>>{Xirdus} : > the opposite of everything he has been saying for a year and basically invalidating the core premise of his entire run You made this sound like a bad thing.', ">>{peddelman42} : The cognitive dissonance is so great that I'm actually incredulous. I don't believe him, and anyone that has been watching this campaign should know better than to believe him. It's a pander without any attempt at subtlety or finesse. He's attempting to tell people what they want to hear when everything he's said this entire campaign is the opposite. I'm insulted that they think we're all this stupid, and I'm worried that a lot of people might be that stupid.", '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : WOW! this will trigger liberals. This election is now over. Trump will win.', ">>{TheDarkAgniRises} : Hey Howdy Hey, you're still tagged as 'Trumpsucker' for me! So, how does it feel for Trump to flip flop on one of the only policy points he had in his dumpster fire of a campaign?", ">>{h3rring} : Cognitive dissonance summed up here: https://twitter.com/JuddLegum/status/767157214930952192 I'm laughing.", ">>{zotc} : This must mean that his wife isn't actually naturalized.", ">>{cl33t} : Well, now that we know Melania Trump was an undocumented worker, he has to change his policy so he doesn't seem too hypocritical. I'm sure Trump's plan will be a path to citizenship for white undocumented immigrants or those with special talents like modeling.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : one IMPORTANT thing people are missing: this isn't aimed at convincing Liberals or even Hispanics. This is aimed at convincing the 15% of republicans that aren't voting for him to forgive him and vote for him--the 15% that he NEEDS to win. Kasich types. Ryan types. I'd be worried if I were a liberal.", ">>{KaitRaven} : Liar, liar, pants on fire. He can't be telling the truth to everyone.", '>>{h3rring} : Trump camp currently pushing back hard on this. They fucked up something in the delivery, so now they look like fucking idiots. https://twitter.com/Carrasquillo/status/767158833827414016', '>>{peddelman42} : Can one man gaslight an entire nation for two months?', ">>{h3rring} : I'm going to guess the conversation at that meeting was *not* meant to be public.", ">>{h3rring} : I think his base shatters if he goes for non-deportation amnesty. Some will try to rationalize it, sure, but they'll be too depressed to go to the polls, knowing all them illegals will steal their SS or whatever.", '>>{Leoric} : Pushing back on leaked stories and then confirming them like it was their plan all along is something the Trump campaign has been doing all summer.', ">>{tau-lepton} : He doesn't want to legalize anyone. You're on his Twitter feed I assume.", ">>{gsxdsm} : Yeah this is bad. Like really bad. This is a candidate that just doesn't care. Will say exactly the opposite thing every day. Fine. Do that. But the supporters that eat it up. I don't know what's wrong with them.", '>>{peddelman42} : This was probably part of the same strategy as Trump\'s Af-Am "outreach". It\'s not about convincing minority voters, it\'s about helping educated white voters rationalize voting for Trump by convincing them that he isn\'t really a racist. That might have given Trump a fighting chance, but they botched the roll out or it leaked early. Now he\'s either supporting amnesty, violating the raison d\'etre for his entire campaign and nomination, or he\'s the same old Trump. Staggering incompetence.', '>>{gsxdsm} : 1. Trump will not win. 2. How do you feel when other supporters refer to him as "Daddy"? It\'s really really stupid, wondering your thoughts.', '>>{Scoutster13} : Someone who has to have "alpha" in their name. LOL Speaks volumes.', '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : Of course it was. Why do you think he met with them?', ">>{the92jays} : Hahahahahahah I'm sure the white supremacists will love this. He has to be a plant. This is insane. The wall just got 10 feet lower.", '>>{the92jays} : I think this is literally one of the worst thing he could have done if he wanted to win the election. He just flip flopped on the entire foundation of his campaign.', '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : Nope. People want an excuse to vote for him. Hillary is uninspiring', ">>{h3rring} : It's worth noting that Conway supported amnesty herself. I think he's really going to go for it and see what happens next... or he was, anyway, before this accidental reveal.", ">>{the92jays} : I don't think you understand. Those voters on the fence about Trump... Most of them don't like illegal immigrants. These are people who vote GOP most of the time. They don't want amnesty lol. They just didn't like that Trump is insane. The only people who would be swayed by this are democrats, and democrats hate Trump. Plus, even if there were people fooled by this, they just need to see an ad calling illegals rapists to remind them who said it. This wins him zero votes while totally spitting in the face of the people that got him to this point. This isn't 4d chess, it's a monumental fuck up.", '>>{malpais} : This is about half of the page of NBC\'s attempt to document the changing positions of Trump on the issues. All the points contain dates/quotes/links on [their webpage](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-i-want-gop-be-home-african-american-voter-n635266).   PROPOSED MUSLIM BAN 1. No Muslims should be allowed to enter the United States —as immigrants or visitors. 2. Ban Muslims from entering but make an exception for friends and Muslims serving in the US military. 3. The Muslim ban was just an suggestion. 4. Ban Muslims as a matter of policy, as well as people from countries with a history of terrorism. 5. Ban people from countries with a history of terrorism. 6. Ban Muslims from countries with a history of terrorism, and potentially also other Muslims. 7. The Muslim ban was never about Muslims. 8. The ban is negotiable. 9. The ban would call for "extreme vetting." 10. The ban hasn\'t changed, I just don\'t like saying the word "Muslim." DEFEATING ISIS 1. Maybe send troops in. Definitely go after the oil fields. 2. Bomb the oil fields. Send some troops in. 3. Send troops to defeat ISIS. Don\'t forget about the oil fields. 4. Destroy the oil. Let our regional allies send ground troops. If they don\'t, stop buying their oil. 5. Declare war, send in some troops. VOTING FOR THE IRAQ WAR 1. Clinton voted for the war, so she has bad judgment. 2. It doesn\'t matter, people make mistakes. TAXES 1. The wealthy should pay more. 2. Cut taxes for the wealthy big time. 3. People like me should pay more. 4. I never said that! Cut everyone\'s taxes! 5. Maybe don\'t slash taxes by $10 billion — slash taxes by $3 billion, instead. IMMIGRATION 1. Build a wall, deport all undocumented immigrants. 2. Deport all undocumented immigrants but bring the \'good\' ones back legally. Dreamers can maybe stay. 3. Dreamers cannot stay. 4. Trump might be flexible on actually deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. 5. Deport undocumented immigrants, but don\'t call it "mass deportations." GUNS 1. Get rid of gun-free zones 2. No guns in classrooms, except maybe some guns in classrooms. 3. I\'m not advocating for guns in classrooms, but wait, yes I am. 4. Let\'s put trained gunmen in schools. 5. We should only get rid of some gun-free zones. 6. More guns would save lives. 7. I didn\'t actually mean arming clubgoers. 2011 INTERVENTION IN LIBYA 1. The intervention in Libya by the U.S.-led coalition was a terrible idea. 2. I\'ve never offered a different opinion on Libya. 3. I guess I did support an intervention. 4. I wanted a surgical intervention, not a "strong" intervention. NATIONAL DEBT 1. Get rid of the national debt in 8 years. 2. Only pay down a little. Invest in infrastructure first. 3. Pay off the debt by getting America\'s creditors to accept less. 4. Don\'t worry about it — the U.S. can\'t default because we "print the money." 5. I won\'t try to renegotiate the national debt. 6. Take out new loans and pay back debt with new debt. ABORTION 1. Criminalize women who have abortions. 2. Let the states decide what to do about criminalizing abortion. 3. Never mind. Don\'t punish the women. MINIMUM WAGE 1. Against raising the minimum wage. Jobs would move to China. 2. Wages should be raised through economic growth. 3. Raise the minimum wage. 4. Get rid of the federal minimum wage, leave it to the states.', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : You're wrong. They're the David Brooks types. Suburban voters. Romney's. They don't care about immigration. They care about their tax bill. It's in the data. Trump is only getting 79% of R's. He needs more.", '>>{IraenaCath} : He accidentally told the truth with #4 on the debt', ">>{the92jays} : If they don't care about immigration and only care about their tax bill, why do they care about this? Why weren't they supporting him already due to his tax plan? You really think the 20% of R's who don't support him are going to get on board because he's giving amnesty? And it in no way hurts him with his base because they elected him to be hard on illegal immigrants? All I can say is lol.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Well, I guess we'll wait for the polls and see.", '>>{bird_dog91} : I was fully expecting him to end his statement with ... "So we will consider naturalizing all of these undocumented people, except the Mexicans. They are not the best. They are rapists."', '>>{hazenthephysicist} : I had already forgotten about when he wanted to end birthright citizenship. There is just too much crazy to keep track of.', '>>{socsa} : Yes. The very fact that Trump is within a hundred miles of the presidency should concern any rational person.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{peddelman42} : Trump says he will introduce reforms to legalize some undocumented immigrants', '>>{Firetrucker} : Should be interesting to see how his fans react.', ">>{h3rring} : > “He’s always understood the problems of the 11 million people that are here and are good people,” Bramnick said. “The first thing is to establish the safety of this country and make it clear that criminals cannot stay. But there are good people and we have to propose reform to discuss what to do with these people,” he said. It's funny how Trump himself never says these gentle, understanding words. Always a surrogate trying to explain what he means. And he was yelling about building the wall today at his rally, too. Huh. Plus that campaign ad... edit: Clinton camp responds - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqV04utWgAAkCE0.jpg edit2: https://twitter.com/JuddLegum/status/767157214930952192 > Trump will either be radically changing his position on immigration or keeping it the same, according to sources edit3: https://twitter.com/Carrasquillo/status/767158833827414016 Trump camp pushing back super hard. Could be this stuff wasn't meant to leak, so now they look like fucking idiots. edit4: Wellness check for Ann Coulter, anybody?", '>>{ozabelle} : his current wife, for example. maybe even ted cruz, if he begs for it.', '>>{peddelman42} : I can\'t even with this election anymore. >"I really liked that Trump acknowledged that there is a big problem with the 11 million [undocumented] people who are here, and that deporting them is neither possible nor humane,” said Jacob Monty, a Texas immigration lawyer who attended the meeting. This is literally the opposite of everything he\'s been saying for a year! >“The candidate also said he would announce a way to give them [legal] status that wouldn\'t be citizenship but would allow them to be here without fear of deportation." said Monty, adding that Trump told the group that he planned to announce the plan this week. (bangs head into desk repeatedly) That\'s been the Democrats\' plan, hasn\'t it? Again, the opposite of everything he has been saying for a year and basically invalidating the core premise of his entire run. >When he launched his presidential campaign in June last year, Trump linked immigration and crime. "When Mexico sends its people they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists, and some, I assume, are good people," he said at the time. >According to one of the meeting\'s attendees, Trump said Saturday that he regretted having made those comments. Aw, that just makes it all better. He can be president now. He\'s changed! He\'s different this time! He won\'t hit us anymore!', '>>{h3rring} : Yeah, it\'s pretty audacious of him to "regret" something like that. Note: no apologies, and definitely nothing public. Also, to sum it up: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CqV04utWgAAkCE0.jpg', '>>{Xirdus} : > the opposite of everything he has been saying for a year and basically invalidating the core premise of his entire run You made this sound like a bad thing.', ">>{peddelman42} : The cognitive dissonance is so great that I'm actually incredulous. I don't believe him, and anyone that has been watching this campaign should know better than to believe him. It's a pander without any attempt at subtlety or finesse. He's attempting to tell people what they want to hear when everything he's said this entire campaign is the opposite. I'm insulted that they think we're all this stupid, and I'm worried that a lot of people might be that stupid.", '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : WOW! this will trigger liberals. This election is now over. Trump will win.', ">>{TheDarkAgniRises} : Hey Howdy Hey, you're still tagged as 'Trumpsucker' for me! So, how does it feel for Trump to flip flop on one of the only policy points he had in his dumpster fire of a campaign?", ">>{h3rring} : Cognitive dissonance summed up here: https://twitter.com/JuddLegum/status/767157214930952192 I'm laughing.", ">>{zotc} : This must mean that his wife isn't actually naturalized.", ">>{cl33t} : Well, now that we know Melania Trump was an undocumented worker, he has to change his policy so he doesn't seem too hypocritical. I'm sure Trump's plan will be a path to citizenship for white undocumented immigrants or those with special talents like modeling.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : one IMPORTANT thing people are missing: this isn't aimed at convincing Liberals or even Hispanics. This is aimed at convincing the 15% of republicans that aren't voting for him to forgive him and vote for him--the 15% that he NEEDS to win. Kasich types. Ryan types. I'd be worried if I were a liberal.", ">>{KaitRaven} : Liar, liar, pants on fire. He can't be telling the truth to everyone.", '>>{h3rring} : Trump camp currently pushing back hard on this. They fucked up something in the delivery, so now they look like fucking idiots. https://twitter.com/Carrasquillo/status/767158833827414016', '>>{peddelman42} : Can one man gaslight an entire nation for two months?', ">>{h3rring} : I'm going to guess the conversation at that meeting was *not* meant to be public.", ">>{h3rring} : I think his base shatters if he goes for non-deportation amnesty. Some will try to rationalize it, sure, but they'll be too depressed to go to the polls, knowing all them illegals will steal their SS or whatever.", '>>{Leoric} : Pushing back on leaked stories and then confirming them like it was their plan all along is something the Trump campaign has been doing all summer.', ">>{tau-lepton} : He doesn't want to legalize anyone. You're on his Twitter feed I assume.", ">>{gsxdsm} : Yeah this is bad. Like really bad. This is a candidate that just doesn't care. Will say exactly the opposite thing every day. Fine. Do that. But the supporters that eat it up. I don't know what's wrong with them.", '>>{peddelman42} : This was probably part of the same strategy as Trump\'s Af-Am "outreach". It\'s not about convincing minority voters, it\'s about helping educated white voters rationalize voting for Trump by convincing them that he isn\'t really a racist. That might have given Trump a fighting chance, but they botched the roll out or it leaked early. Now he\'s either supporting amnesty, violating the raison d\'etre for his entire campaign and nomination, or he\'s the same old Trump. Staggering incompetence.', '>>{gsxdsm} : 1. Trump will not win. 2. How do you feel when other supporters refer to him as "Daddy"? It\'s really really stupid, wondering your thoughts.', '>>{Scoutster13} : Someone who has to have "alpha" in their name. LOL Speaks volumes.', '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : Of course it was. Why do you think he met with them?', ">>{the92jays} : Hahahahahahah I'm sure the white supremacists will love this. He has to be a plant. This is insane. The wall just got 10 feet lower.", '>>{the92jays} : I think this is literally one of the worst thing he could have done if he wanted to win the election. He just flip flopped on the entire foundation of his campaign.', '>>{an_alphas_opinion} : Nope. People want an excuse to vote for him. Hillary is uninspiring', ">>{h3rring} : It's worth noting that Conway supported amnesty herself. I think he's really going to go for it and see what happens next... or he was, anyway, before this accidental reveal.", ">>{the92jays} : I don't think you understand. Those voters on the fence about Trump... Most of them don't like illegal immigrants. These are people who vote GOP most of the time. They don't want amnesty lol. They just didn't like that Trump is insane. The only people who would be swayed by this are democrats, and democrats hate Trump. Plus, even if there were people fooled by this, they just need to see an ad calling illegals rapists to remind them who said it. This wins him zero votes while totally spitting in the face of the people that got him to this point. This isn't 4d chess, it's a monumental fuck up.", '>>{malpais} : This is about half of the page of NBC\'s attempt to document the changing positions of Trump on the issues. All the points contain dates/quotes/links on [their webpage](http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/trump-i-want-gop-be-home-african-american-voter-n635266).   PROPOSED MUSLIM BAN 1. No Muslims should be allowed to enter the United States —as immigrants or visitors. 2. Ban Muslims from entering but make an exception for friends and Muslims serving in the US military. 3. The Muslim ban was just an suggestion. 4. Ban Muslims as a matter of policy, as well as people from countries with a history of terrorism. 5. Ban people from countries with a history of terrorism. 6. Ban Muslims from countries with a history of terrorism, and potentially also other Muslims. 7. The Muslim ban was never about Muslims. 8. The ban is negotiable. 9. The ban would call for "extreme vetting." 10. The ban hasn\'t changed, I just don\'t like saying the word "Muslim." DEFEATING ISIS 1. Maybe send troops in. Definitely go after the oil fields. 2. Bomb the oil fields. Send some troops in. 3. Send troops to defeat ISIS. Don\'t forget about the oil fields. 4. Destroy the oil. Let our regional allies send ground troops. If they don\'t, stop buying their oil. 5. Declare war, send in some troops. VOTING FOR THE IRAQ WAR 1. Clinton voted for the war, so she has bad judgment. 2. It doesn\'t matter, people make mistakes. TAXES 1. The wealthy should pay more. 2. Cut taxes for the wealthy big time. 3. People like me should pay more. 4. I never said that! Cut everyone\'s taxes! 5. Maybe don\'t slash taxes by $10 billion — slash taxes by $3 billion, instead. IMMIGRATION 1. Build a wall, deport all undocumented immigrants. 2. Deport all undocumented immigrants but bring the \'good\' ones back legally. Dreamers can maybe stay. 3. Dreamers cannot stay. 4. Trump might be flexible on actually deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants. 5. Deport undocumented immigrants, but don\'t call it "mass deportations." GUNS 1. Get rid of gun-free zones 2. No guns in classrooms, except maybe some guns in classrooms. 3. I\'m not advocating for guns in classrooms, but wait, yes I am. 4. Let\'s put trained gunmen in schools. 5. We should only get rid of some gun-free zones. 6. More guns would save lives. 7. I didn\'t actually mean arming clubgoers. 2011 INTERVENTION IN LIBYA 1. The intervention in Libya by the U.S.-led coalition was a terrible idea. 2. I\'ve never offered a different opinion on Libya. 3. I guess I did support an intervention. 4. I wanted a surgical intervention, not a "strong" intervention. NATIONAL DEBT 1. Get rid of the national debt in 8 years. 2. Only pay down a little. Invest in infrastructure first. 3. Pay off the debt by getting America\'s creditors to accept less. 4. Don\'t worry about it — the U.S. can\'t default because we "print the money." 5. I won\'t try to renegotiate the national debt. 6. Take out new loans and pay back debt with new debt. ABORTION 1. Criminalize women who have abortions. 2. Let the states decide what to do about criminalizing abortion. 3. Never mind. Don\'t punish the women. MINIMUM WAGE 1. Against raising the minimum wage. Jobs would move to China. 2. Wages should be raised through economic growth. 3. Raise the minimum wage. 4. Get rid of the federal minimum wage, leave it to the states.', ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : You're wrong. They're the David Brooks types. Suburban voters. Romney's. They don't care about immigration. They care about their tax bill. It's in the data. Trump is only getting 79% of R's. He needs more.", '>>{IraenaCath} : He accidentally told the truth with #4 on the debt', ">>{the92jays} : If they don't care about immigration and only care about their tax bill, why do they care about this? Why weren't they supporting him already due to his tax plan? You really think the 20% of R's who don't support him are going to get on board because he's giving amnesty? And it in no way hurts him with his base because they elected him to be hard on illegal immigrants? All I can say is lol.", ">>{an_alphas_opinion} : Well, I guess we'll wait for the polls and see.", '>>{bird_dog91} : I was fully expecting him to end his statement with ... "So we will consider naturalizing all of these undocumented people, except the Mexicans. They are not the best. They are rapists."', '>>{hazenthephysicist} : I had already forgotten about when he wanted to end birthright citizenship. There is just too much crazy to keep track of.', '>>{socsa} : Yes. The very fact that Trump is within a hundred miles of the presidency should concern any rational person.']]
classify and reply
['>>{BernieBro} : Admit It: These Terrorists Are Muslims; "There’s a lot of special pleading about Orlando from Muslims and liberals. It’s time to do away with that. If not, we give the issue away to Trump."', ">>{Gold_Jacobson} : Also known as George W. Bush's brother, Marvin.", ">>{Trumpicana} : There's a marvin bush? Damn how pathetic do you have to be to be less known than jeb?", '>>{119-92-6734} : Ok I admit it. What do I win? Did it make it go away yet?', '>>{ko3promat} : The alt-right eats its own: Neo-Nazi podcaster “Mike Enoch” quits after doxxers reveal his wife is Jewish', ">>{ezreading} : Jeb? Jeb, it's your brother, Marvin! Marvin Bush! Remember that new bullshit you were talking about? Well listen to this!", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Plot twist: Mike Enoch's wife is the Notorious H.A. Goodman.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Dude JEB was a governor, most kings didn't even have that many subjects!", '>>{Firetrucker} : Admit it anyone of any religion, nation or people can be a terrorist and in America if you want to kill a lot of people getting the tools to do so is easy.', ">>{whitemest} : What about all the mass shootings in the states that aren't Muslims? What about those? Any religion or race can and appear to commit mass shootings and violence.", ">>{greentheorpy} : No. They were clean that he is only Jeb's brother. Stop spouting attacks on this guy. He's in a bad enough situation without people claiming he is closely related to GWB! Stop attacking this poor guy.", ">>{BernieBro} : We have to thread a needle here. There are many people who are bigoted towards Muslims and Arabs, and will jump at any opportunity to use recent events to justify and reinforce their biases. But in our vigilance to protect Muslims and Arabs from discrimination, we can't close the door to rational scrutiny of theology. To deny that there is a relationship between Islam and homophobia is like denying there is also one between Christianity and homophobia. If our goal is to end the intolerance of gays around the world, we have to go after the source: religion.", ">>{DamagedHells} : What a fucking pointless article. The issue isn't that liberals won't admit he's Muslim and that extremist Islam teaching aren't an issue. The issue is that the right wants to pretend that this is the ONLY issue.", '>>{guiltyofnothing} : Anyone else see "Jeb Bush\'s Brother Marvin Gaye for President" at first?', ">>{IDUnavailable} : >[Jeb? Jeb?! It's Marvin! Your brother, Marvin Bush! You know that new candidate you lookin' for? Well listen to this!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dKrEDptjps) FTFY", ">>{PhyterNL} : When you make your home on a den of snakes don't complain if you get bitten.", '>>{VicePresidentJesus} : Get the fuck out of here. *Marvin* Bush? Gary Johnson clearly just made this Bush up.', '>>{cs_747} : I thought the alt-right went Jonestown Massacre and drank the kool-aid when Donald backed Israel?', '>>{Casey234} : That\'s the problem with white supremacy, it descends into a contest of who\'s purest, and starts targeting its own ranks. And the thing is, there\'s a lot of different cultures who are considered white today who weren\'t in years passed, take for example the Irish, and I\'ve heard plenty of neo nazis complain that "Slavs" aren\'t white either. So while it may seem like it\'s the most obvious thing in the world to one guy who\'s white and who\'s not, the next guy might have a starkly different view that doesn\'t include the first guy. White supremacy is not a logical or reasonable position.', ">>{p1um5mu991er} : Damn...so many rules, right? It must be difficult to be super racist. You fuck up just a little bit and you'll get knocked down to regular old racist", '>>{LEGALIZE-MARINARA} : In the next few weeks Clinton is going to extend her polling lead on Trump, what with the convention bounce and also the recent fuck-ups by Trump in relation to Captain Khan and the Putin man-love. Could be a good time for the rest of the family to also endorse Johnson, and stomp out the Cheeto forever. Jeb already requested and was granted a meeting with Johnson.', ">>{SocialJustise} : Yeah there was a Trump supporter poster on here who said Trump can't be racist because Melania isn't white. It blew my mind.", ">>{All_Meshed_Up} : ~ to the care of no one. Bigger story is that there's a Marvin Bush. Who knew?", ">>{cheerio_knickers} : I guess you just can't hate Jews sufficiently when you are married to one.", '>>{unsilviu} : No, that\'s t_d. The "original" alt right are literally dressed up neo-Nazis. They\'re supporting Trump, but they don\'t make up a large fraction of his supporters, and if you go on /r/altright, you\'ll see that they view /r/t_d as too progressive and tolerant, and lament that they don\'t believe in the grand jewish conspiracies.', '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Which religion seems to be less of an issue than whether people can get mental health services and whether the mentally ill can buy a gun designed to kill people as efficiently as possible.', '>>{BernieBro} : >In the long run, only reducing the local appeal of this ideology will solve the problem. Whereas Islam today requires reform, the Islamist ideology must be intellectually terminated. To do so requires first acknowledging it exists, isolating it from Muslims, devising a strategy to challenge it, and then backing the voices that do. >As I argued in a TV debate with Fareed Zakaria, the danger of not doing so is twofold. Within the Muslim context, it is a betrayal of those liberal reforming Muslims who risk everything daily. These are feminist Muslims, gay Muslims, ex-Muslims, dissenting liberal and secular Muslim voices, persecuted minority sects among Muslims, the Ismailis, the Ahmedis and the Shia—all these different minorities within the minority of the Muslim community—they are immediately betrayed by our silence. >By shutting down the conversation about Islamist extremism we deprive them of the lexicon to deploy against those who are attempting to silence their progressive efforts within their own communities. We surrender their identity of Islam to the extremists.', ">>{SDTHEMAN} : The left does this to itself everyday. It happens so much it's not even news. Ever. You step out of line even a little expect the tolerant liberals lynch mob to come after you.", '>>{wdjm} : Something like 99% of all mass shooters are men, too. I think we should ban all men from the country also. (Yes, /s)', ">>{ethicsingamesjournal} : I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... But your kids are gonna love it. -Jeb Bush on Libertarianism", '>>{deeprogrammed} : That is the real story here. Were their SOPs not adequate to deal with this?', '>>{birdsofterrordise} : Yeah, Slavs and people from the Middle East aren\'t considered "white people" even though they are literally from the Caucus region. It boggles the mind but then you remember oh yeah, this is racism, where nothing makes sense and no empathy lives.', '>>{BernieBro} : Maajid Nawaz does not live in the US. The reason he is writing this is because Western liberals are damaging the work he and other reformers, such as Irshad Manji, are doing to improve the lives of feminist, gay, and secular Muslims around the world by erroneously equating criticism of theology with bigotry against people. EDIT: >The issue isn\'t that liberals won\'t admit he\'s Muslim and that extremist Islam teaching aren\'t an issue. There are liberals who won\'t admit this. Here\'s the text of one of the memes I\'ve seen floating around Facebook about this: >>"This was an Islamist attack on America! Wake up! >False. This was a domestic terrorist act carried out by a New York-born American homophobe that was mad he saw two men kiss. That meme isn\'t wrong, but it completely leaves out religion. That right there is the basis for the homophobia in the first place. It\'s no coincidence that in America over 90% of the irreligious are accepting of gay people, while just 54% of Christians and 45% of Muslims are.', ">>{lyles} : There's two more even. Another brother and a sister.", '>>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : Any relation to George H. W. Bush?', '>>{LackingLack} : Note: I would not suggest going on /r/altright.', '>>{simxc} : Neo Nazis are idiotic. How sad life must be for them.', '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : You\'re defending neo-nazi behavior. "But.. But... Libruls!" Take a step back, man.', '>>{Noastroturfinthissub} : Thats because the political people on youtube are just persuing money they are not believers. I mean christ look at glen becks career before hitting fox he was a total left winge. Or do you think a feminist writer who writes an article for ms magazine chamioning the end of men one month and then next month bitch about not being able to find a man in cosmo the next is a legit feminist? Reminds me of a tool song "All you know about me is what ive sold you. Dumb fuck i sold out long before you ever even heard my name." Its all media whores media whoring. Their job is saying anything for a dollar, their job isnt to inform you.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : >The loosely knit group was shocked to the core Saturday night when one of its most influential leaders — a man known to his online followers as “Mike Enoch,” a virulent racist and anti-Semite — was revealed to be a New York website developer named Mike Peinovich, who has said that his wife is Jewish. Although the motivations behind Peinovich’s apparent deception are not clear, his operation presumably generated some modest cashflow from true believers in the alt-right crusade. > >In his online persona, Peinovich routinely cracked jokes about killing Jewish people and forcibly deporting Muslims and people of African descent. The weekly program had roughly 100,000 regular listeners, many of whom regularly sent in financial donations by PayPal or bought merchandise from the site. Was Peinovich running a scam to fleece his bigoted audience, or is he just a totally off-the-hook strange-o? Hard to tell. >Peinovich’s wife appears to have been aware of the entire situation. She even appeared on “The Daily Shoah” several times, including a special holiday-season segment in 2015 where she read a neo-Nazi parody of “The Night Before Christmas.” Introducing the clip, which can be found online, Peinovich said his wife was “very proud of it.” His wife was in on the sham/scam too? Ruh-roh. >Within a few more hours, Peinovich’s partners announced that he was resigning from TRS entirely. > >The 8channers, who pride themselves on their refusal to adopt pseudonyms (all site users post under the handle “Anonymous”), were ecstatic. > >“(((TRS))) is over. Period,” gloated one of them. > >Another, who prefers being called neo-Nazi instead of “alt-right,” hoped the entire movement would just disappear: “After the shitstorm is over the alt-right won’t be important enough to warrant a [discussion] thread,” he wrote. “In my opinion, they never did.” These revelations border on stranger than fiction, but are weirdly appropriate for a period in American history that can only be described as 'a whole lot of unbelievable'.", ">>{Casey234} : Don't you see? When left wing people criticize each other it's exactly the same as STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF RACIAL PURITY! Haven't you seen the absolute bloodbath from the left when someone says it's not cool to use autism as an insult? Also, I am twelve and what is false equivalence?", '>>{sphere2040} : The way to start that is to deny these religious institution the tax havens they are. **Start taxing these churches and mosques.** This is where their funding comes from. This is how they fund the hate. Cut the funding. Cut the tax haven status. In a way, our taxes are subsidizing this hate. **We are subsiding the sale of weapons of mass killings and we are subsidizing the hate that fuels these killings. SHAME ON US!!!**', '>>{pipsdontsqueak} : Seriously, his parents named him Marvin. His life is hard enough without everyone piling on.', ">>{sjchoking} : AKA George H.W. Bush's son, Marvin.", '>>{verbose_gent} : They hate jews? What exactly makes the alt-right different from white supremacist or neo-nazis in their mind?', '>>{keeb119} : Yes some are Muslim. Some are also Christian.', ">>{escalation} : Nah, he's the smartest one of the lot. Probably why he never tried to run for President", ">>{escalation} : We'll see. He'll get to the debates and then we'll know if he's Presidential enough to stand his ground.", ">>{MannToots} : No one said they weren't. What the fuck is this article trying to get at? This is stupid.", ">>{SageeDuzit} : Didn't he kill his Nanny (ran over her I believe..idk)", ">>{kadzier} : yeah, you know all those racist nazis that donald trump supporters claim they aren't? r/altright is all those racist nazis.", '>>{ward0630} : The author writes that "Islamist ideology must be intellectually terminated," but never explains how you kill an idea.', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : So heres the peices of the puzzle i d9nt get - dad was an extermist nutter in afghanistan - he was an extremist nutter here - obviously raised his s9n as an extremist nutter - dad had multiple meetings at the state department - dad had multiple meetings at the white house - state department shut down investigation into nutters mosque, who preeches hate - nutter went on multiple trips to saudi arabia like the san bernadino nutter - clinton and us gov is bff with saudi arabia - fbi investigated nutter twice and backed off This seems extremly fishy to me. My next door neighbor was suspected of disability fraud and neither the government or the company backed off for a decade...but this guy has all these connections and the government "meh, my pizza rolls are burning" multiple times?', ">>{playitleo} : They have so little in their lives to be proud of that all they can say is hey at least I'm not black, jewish or a woman.", ">>{fullofgreendust} : I think it's more of an issue of population percentage. If 2 percent of the population commit 20 percent of the crimes for example", ">>{MannToots} : > erroneously equating criticism of theology with bigotry against people. You're seriously saying the Libs do that when Trump is actively saying an American born Muslim killing 49 people is proof we should be bigoted against their entire religion and ban them all from this country? That's a Republican sir.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : 97 percent of terrorist attacks are muslim, awareness and properly appling fault is not bigotry. If the left adhered to the definition of the terms instead of trying to use them as a political bludgeon there would be far less "xenophobes", "bigots", "racists" in the world to them. Also islam is not a race.', ">>{nanarpus} : Yeah, /r/altright isn't dressed up neo-Nazis. Its just full blown Nazis.", ">>{Landown} : Speak for yourself, there are plenty of Gary fans on this sub. I'm one of them.", ">>{wut44} : There's also Neil, although he's pretty well known for the Silverado savings and loan scandal in the 80s. And there's sisters Pauline and Dorothy.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Boys under 18 spend 80% of their time in the care of women. So the real question is, why do women produce violent men?', '>>{DamagedHells} : Deal with what? He never committed a crime until he shot up a gay club.', '>>{BernieBro} : Criticism, the same way you kill other bad ideas. Catering to these taboos, even unintentionally, serves to suppress criticism. Think about what Martin Luther did just by posting his 95 Theses. His refusal to have his criticisms suppressed lead to a reformation of Christianity that made it better (not good enough mind you, but definitely an improvement).', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Under this interpritation heavens gate wasnt a tragedy and charles manson shouldnt have spent his life in jail', '>>{CaptainNose} : Fuck Marvin bush. He was head.of security detail at 911 towers and aided in the placement of explosives charges.', '>>{PM__me_ur_A_cups} : I can\'t be the only person that read that title as "Jeb Bush endorses Marvin Gaye for President" at first glance...', ">>{Jank_Reed} : Because she's lightly toasted. - Actual thing a Trump supporter said to me once", '>>{Veniabiit} : Actually the German social democrats pushed Chancelor Schröder to his victory in 2002 by campaigning for him as "I\'m voting for Doris\' her husband". Yeah, I\'m aware that no one really wanted to know that because it\'s not all that interesting, so I figured this would be the perfect article to mention it.', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : He's not a politician so I'm assuming that he doesn't care about publicity.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Its easy anywhere if you can find an ounce of pot, you can find an ounce of coke, if you can find an ounce of coke, you can find an illegal gun. Because no one selling out ounces of coke is unarmed', ">>{Jank_Reed} : I can't hate Jews because I support Israel. Check out Breitbart - plenty of pro-Israel articles.", ">>{BernieBro} : > You're seriously saying the Libs do that... Unfortunately, many do. [Nawaz has written a few articles calling out Western liberals over this in the past.](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/09/15/we-need-to-talk-about-islam-s-jihad-problem.html?via=desktop&source=twitter) Remember Maher vs. Batfleck late last year? Maher levies the same criticisms as Nawaz, a Muslim trying to liberalize his religion, and he gets accused by liberals of being bigoted...for wanting liberalism. It's insane. EDIT: Grammar.", '>>{ward0630} : It just seems like an impossible goal. The majority of the world is extremely critical of Nazism, but that\'s still around. Is "intellectually terminating" terrorism really even possible?', ">>{wookie89} : Hey Jeb it's your brother Marvin, Marvin Bush. You know that new candidate you've been looking for? Well listen to this!", ">>{derpoftheirish} : Marvin... Marvin Berry! You know that new political rhetoric you've been looking for? Well, listen to THIS!", '>>{ln3} : 17 minutes long but worth every second.... 1947 (post-WW2) PSA put out by the US War Dept. "Don\'t be a Sucker". Extremely relevant https://youtu.be/Ag40XYIj4hE', '>>{MannToots} : So the moral of the story is picking dems, libs, repubs, conservatives, etc is fucking stupid. Some people are just assholes. The labels are extra and intended to white wash all the people in that group as having similar opinions. We should be able to recognize and asshole for an asshole.', '>>{Ikimasen} : Why are Jermaine and Tito the two that everyone knows? I have no idea who the other two are, those are the two that get mentioned in a Brian Regan joke. Did they do stuff after the band broke up?', ">>{BernieBro} : The WBC is still around but tolerance of gay people is on the rise among Christians. The same progress we made in that arena has to be made in the Islamic one, and I think it's absolutely possible.", ">>{Razumen} : How many shootings across the world are perpetuated by followers of Nazism though? Obviously it's impossible to do it 100%, but it'd be irresponsible to not try and suppress these radical interpretations and the teachings they come from.", '>>{ward0630} : I agree with you on suppressing radical interpretations, but how do you do that in a society founded on free speech?', ">>{escalation} : He's the youngest of the boys, maybe they moved to a house where they didn't have all those tasty lead paint chips to eat", ">>{BernieBro} : While yes, some people are just assholes, I don't think you're understanding the article. Please reread it if you're interested.", ">>{b_tight} : You assume Trump voters dislike what he says. They don't.", ">>{cynicallad} : I'm frankly surprised his Lord father didn't send him to the citadel to be a maester.", ">>{Firetrucker} : No, it isn't, for instance in Canada one would not be able to buy an ar-15 via Craig's List.", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : Lightly toasted? Like the toasted flakes they sprinkle on top of coconut meringue pies? Because that Trump supporter's statement is both nutty and flaky.", ">>{Razumen} : Education, open debates about the issues rather than shutting them down. This is a huge problem with Islam because mentioning ANY kind of reform of the religion is considered heretical and can have you excommunicated in many countries, or worse. And no, drawing hateful comics of people's prophets doesn't help either.", ">>{dabulls113} : I like how it is Jeb's brother when It should be George's brother as the headline.", '>>{AsAGayJewishDemocrat} : Oh. Oops. Or maybe I was just putting another murder theory out there.', '>>{Jank_Reed} : Take your upvote. I\'m 90% certain the reason she used the "lightly toasted" phrase (oh, this was my HR person at work by the way) is because I think she wanted to avoid saying "because she speaks funny/comes from another country."', ">>{TDenverFan} : Nobody really cares about Marvin Bush's endorsement, but it gets Gary in the news and it could mEan a Jeb endorsement is more likely.", ">>{raouldukesaccomplice} : Everyone knows WASPs don't actually engage in *relations*! *(clutches giant Wilma Flintstone pearls)* Barbara produced her young via the tried and true process of asexual budding. She may have also eaten a couple of her offspring, which is why you never hear about the other Bush daughter LaToya.", '>>{MannToots} : Oh I read it. Thanks for assuming I didn\'t. He constantly uses "Liberals" to white wash the entire group of us instead of being more specific with his issues. He\'s as bad as the people he\'s complaining about. Discriminating and making opinions on an entire group of people just because their liberal. Sad.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Great find - absolutely worth 17 minutes. Thanks for sharing.', ">>{lordtaco} : The ghost of Billy Carter endorses Gary Johnson. That's how relevant this is.", '>>{coonana} : We need a global front of support for liberal Muslims. We need to help support countries bordering Turkey on the European side esp. by strictly enforcing a border. We need to open up the conversation with Muslims around the world. They are being being exterminated by countries that pretend to be our allies.', ">>{escalation} : The younger Bush's went into finance, the older into politics.", '>>{DamagedHells} : He very well could have been using it as an excuse. Nobody pledges allegiance to ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban in the same breath. He was still Muslim.', '>>{unrealious} : In other news, today I learned there is a Marvin Bush.', '>>{BernieBro} : > Oh I read it. Thanks for assuming I didn\'t. I said ***re***read. >He constantly uses "Liberals" to white wash the entire group of us instead of being more specific with his issues. He\'s as bad as the people he\'s complaining about. Discriminating and making opinions on an entire group of people just because their liberal. Sad. He\'s specifically talking about a subset of liberals. He said: >So far do ***many of us liberals*** go in denying the problem...', ">>{DamagedHells} : He was a terrorist. I'm saying the issue isn't as non-convoluted as some of you would love to make it, because you think identifying some sole factor will allow you to band-aid it with little effort. It's just as inane as the dems thinking an assault weapon ban is going to do much.", ">>{MannToots} : > There’s a lot of special pleading about Orlando from Muslims and liberals. > It is time that we liberals took the fabled red pill and accepted reality. > But it is as if we liberals will stoop to anything to avoid discussing ideology. > So this is my appeal to President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and to **all liberals** and Muslims, for humanity’s sake let’s stop playing politics with evil. > But liberals must own this debate, not merely appear to be defensively reacting to Trump’s agenda. Only two uses of the word Liberal in the entire article specified that it wasn't all. He uses it broadly far more often than narrowly.", ">>{Firetrucker} : Yup, or a tank of sweet lady propane or a chainsaw. But on the whole when one wants cheap and easy mayhem an AR-15 does seem to be the crazy killer's goto. Probably because that is the AR-15's reason for existence, not like you can BBQ or cut down a tree with one.", '>>{Firetrucker} : Yes, the gun he used had a different name but it was the same death dealer. And yes, other things are dangerous too which is why after Ok bombing they brough in a shit load of regulation on fertilizer sales. Not the most dangerous = not dangerous? Not banned, regulated but to some that is unacceptable because you think your Gun freedom is the most important thing in the world and if other have to die to preserve it for you, oh well, they are not you so who cares?', '>>{Firetrucker} : No, there are no regulations of any great effect in America, see he would have not gotten that gun in Canada or Australia or Uk or any nation with sensible gun control. Its weird how you dont notice the rest of the world. Is that a choice?', ">>{BernieBro} : So at worst, he was unclear. I can forgive him for that, it wasn't an intentional attempt to smear everyone.", '>>{TheSwordofGod} : You do know why the Church is exempt from taxes right? Separation of Church and state. It sets a bad precedent if the Church and State do business with each other.', '>>{sphere2040} : > It sets a bad precedent if the Church and State do business with each other. They already do. Every church I know endorses republican candidates out the wazoo, each and every election cycle. The moment they force their beliefs on the rest of us - Like abortion control, bathroom bills, they have decided they are political. If they are political - they need to start paying taxes. >Separation of Church and state. Separation my ass - either get out from under the rock you have been living in or stop drinking the koolaid.', ">>{TheSwordofGod} : They have freedom of speech... it is their constitutional right to endorse what ever GOP candidate they want. I'm saying this as a hardcore Democrat. Abortion, bathrooms, etc. are public issues and they are just saying their opinion on the matter. I'm a Muslim and trump has a 100% right to call for a Muslim ban, that's his constitutional right. If you do not agree with the Constitution then you can gtfo of this country."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BernieBro} : Admit It: These Terrorists Are Muslims; "There’s a lot of special pleading about Orlando from Muslims and liberals. It’s time to do away with that. If not, we give the issue away to Trump."', '>>{119-92-6734} : Ok I admit it. What do I win? Did it make it go away yet?', '>>{Firetrucker} : Admit it anyone of any religion, nation or people can be a terrorist and in America if you want to kill a lot of people getting the tools to do so is easy.', ">>{whitemest} : What about all the mass shootings in the states that aren't Muslims? What about those? Any religion or race can and appear to commit mass shootings and violence.", ">>{BernieBro} : We have to thread a needle here. There are many people who are bigoted towards Muslims and Arabs, and will jump at any opportunity to use recent events to justify and reinforce their biases. But in our vigilance to protect Muslims and Arabs from discrimination, we can't close the door to rational scrutiny of theology. To deny that there is a relationship between Islam and homophobia is like denying there is also one between Christianity and homophobia. If our goal is to end the intolerance of gays around the world, we have to go after the source: religion.", ">>{DamagedHells} : What a fucking pointless article. The issue isn't that liberals won't admit he's Muslim and that extremist Islam teaching aren't an issue. The issue is that the right wants to pretend that this is the ONLY issue.", '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Which religion seems to be less of an issue than whether people can get mental health services and whether the mentally ill can buy a gun designed to kill people as efficiently as possible.', '>>{BernieBro} : >In the long run, only reducing the local appeal of this ideology will solve the problem. Whereas Islam today requires reform, the Islamist ideology must be intellectually terminated. To do so requires first acknowledging it exists, isolating it from Muslims, devising a strategy to challenge it, and then backing the voices that do. >As I argued in a TV debate with Fareed Zakaria, the danger of not doing so is twofold. Within the Muslim context, it is a betrayal of those liberal reforming Muslims who risk everything daily. These are feminist Muslims, gay Muslims, ex-Muslims, dissenting liberal and secular Muslim voices, persecuted minority sects among Muslims, the Ismailis, the Ahmedis and the Shia—all these different minorities within the minority of the Muslim community—they are immediately betrayed by our silence. >By shutting down the conversation about Islamist extremism we deprive them of the lexicon to deploy against those who are attempting to silence their progressive efforts within their own communities. We surrender their identity of Islam to the extremists.', '>>{wdjm} : Something like 99% of all mass shooters are men, too. I think we should ban all men from the country also. (Yes, /s)', '>>{deeprogrammed} : That is the real story here. Were their SOPs not adequate to deal with this?', '>>{BernieBro} : Maajid Nawaz does not live in the US. The reason he is writing this is because Western liberals are damaging the work he and other reformers, such as Irshad Manji, are doing to improve the lives of feminist, gay, and secular Muslims around the world by erroneously equating criticism of theology with bigotry against people. EDIT: >The issue isn\'t that liberals won\'t admit he\'s Muslim and that extremist Islam teaching aren\'t an issue. There are liberals who won\'t admit this. Here\'s the text of one of the memes I\'ve seen floating around Facebook about this: >>"This was an Islamist attack on America! Wake up! >False. This was a domestic terrorist act carried out by a New York-born American homophobe that was mad he saw two men kiss. That meme isn\'t wrong, but it completely leaves out religion. That right there is the basis for the homophobia in the first place. It\'s no coincidence that in America over 90% of the irreligious are accepting of gay people, while just 54% of Christians and 45% of Muslims are.', '>>{sphere2040} : The way to start that is to deny these religious institution the tax havens they are. **Start taxing these churches and mosques.** This is where their funding comes from. This is how they fund the hate. Cut the funding. Cut the tax haven status. In a way, our taxes are subsidizing this hate. **We are subsiding the sale of weapons of mass killings and we are subsidizing the hate that fuels these killings. SHAME ON US!!!**', '>>{keeb119} : Yes some are Muslim. Some are also Christian.', ">>{MannToots} : No one said they weren't. What the fuck is this article trying to get at? This is stupid.", '>>{ward0630} : The author writes that "Islamist ideology must be intellectually terminated," but never explains how you kill an idea.', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : So heres the peices of the puzzle i d9nt get - dad was an extermist nutter in afghanistan - he was an extremist nutter here - obviously raised his s9n as an extremist nutter - dad had multiple meetings at the state department - dad had multiple meetings at the white house - state department shut down investigation into nutters mosque, who preeches hate - nutter went on multiple trips to saudi arabia like the san bernadino nutter - clinton and us gov is bff with saudi arabia - fbi investigated nutter twice and backed off This seems extremly fishy to me. My next door neighbor was suspected of disability fraud and neither the government or the company backed off for a decade...but this guy has all these connections and the government "meh, my pizza rolls are burning" multiple times?', ">>{fullofgreendust} : I think it's more of an issue of population percentage. If 2 percent of the population commit 20 percent of the crimes for example", ">>{MannToots} : > erroneously equating criticism of theology with bigotry against people. You're seriously saying the Libs do that when Trump is actively saying an American born Muslim killing 49 people is proof we should be bigoted against their entire religion and ban them all from this country? That's a Republican sir.", '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : 97 percent of terrorist attacks are muslim, awareness and properly appling fault is not bigotry. If the left adhered to the definition of the terms instead of trying to use them as a political bludgeon there would be far less "xenophobes", "bigots", "racists" in the world to them. Also islam is not a race.', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Boys under 18 spend 80% of their time in the care of women. So the real question is, why do women produce violent men?', '>>{DamagedHells} : Deal with what? He never committed a crime until he shot up a gay club.', '>>{BernieBro} : Criticism, the same way you kill other bad ideas. Catering to these taboos, even unintentionally, serves to suppress criticism. Think about what Martin Luther did just by posting his 95 Theses. His refusal to have his criticisms suppressed lead to a reformation of Christianity that made it better (not good enough mind you, but definitely an improvement).', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Under this interpritation heavens gate wasnt a tragedy and charles manson shouldnt have spent his life in jail', '>>{in_the_saddle_again} : Its easy anywhere if you can find an ounce of pot, you can find an ounce of coke, if you can find an ounce of coke, you can find an illegal gun. Because no one selling out ounces of coke is unarmed', ">>{BernieBro} : > You're seriously saying the Libs do that... Unfortunately, many do. [Nawaz has written a few articles calling out Western liberals over this in the past.](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/09/15/we-need-to-talk-about-islam-s-jihad-problem.html?via=desktop&source=twitter) Remember Maher vs. Batfleck late last year? Maher levies the same criticisms as Nawaz, a Muslim trying to liberalize his religion, and he gets accused by liberals of being bigoted...for wanting liberalism. It's insane. EDIT: Grammar.", '>>{ward0630} : It just seems like an impossible goal. The majority of the world is extremely critical of Nazism, but that\'s still around. Is "intellectually terminating" terrorism really even possible?', '>>{MannToots} : So the moral of the story is picking dems, libs, repubs, conservatives, etc is fucking stupid. Some people are just assholes. The labels are extra and intended to white wash all the people in that group as having similar opinions. We should be able to recognize and asshole for an asshole.', ">>{BernieBro} : The WBC is still around but tolerance of gay people is on the rise among Christians. The same progress we made in that arena has to be made in the Islamic one, and I think it's absolutely possible.", ">>{Razumen} : How many shootings across the world are perpetuated by followers of Nazism though? Obviously it's impossible to do it 100%, but it'd be irresponsible to not try and suppress these radical interpretations and the teachings they come from.", '>>{ward0630} : I agree with you on suppressing radical interpretations, but how do you do that in a society founded on free speech?', ">>{BernieBro} : While yes, some people are just assholes, I don't think you're understanding the article. Please reread it if you're interested.", ">>{Firetrucker} : No, it isn't, for instance in Canada one would not be able to buy an ar-15 via Craig's List.", ">>{Razumen} : Education, open debates about the issues rather than shutting them down. This is a huge problem with Islam because mentioning ANY kind of reform of the religion is considered heretical and can have you excommunicated in many countries, or worse. And no, drawing hateful comics of people's prophets doesn't help either.", '>>{MannToots} : Oh I read it. Thanks for assuming I didn\'t. He constantly uses "Liberals" to white wash the entire group of us instead of being more specific with his issues. He\'s as bad as the people he\'s complaining about. Discriminating and making opinions on an entire group of people just because their liberal. Sad.', '>>{coonana} : We need a global front of support for liberal Muslims. We need to help support countries bordering Turkey on the European side esp. by strictly enforcing a border. We need to open up the conversation with Muslims around the world. They are being being exterminated by countries that pretend to be our allies.', '>>{DamagedHells} : He very well could have been using it as an excuse. Nobody pledges allegiance to ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban in the same breath. He was still Muslim.', '>>{BernieBro} : > Oh I read it. Thanks for assuming I didn\'t. I said ***re***read. >He constantly uses "Liberals" to white wash the entire group of us instead of being more specific with his issues. He\'s as bad as the people he\'s complaining about. Discriminating and making opinions on an entire group of people just because their liberal. Sad. He\'s specifically talking about a subset of liberals. He said: >So far do ***many of us liberals*** go in denying the problem...', ">>{DamagedHells} : He was a terrorist. I'm saying the issue isn't as non-convoluted as some of you would love to make it, because you think identifying some sole factor will allow you to band-aid it with little effort. It's just as inane as the dems thinking an assault weapon ban is going to do much.", ">>{MannToots} : > There’s a lot of special pleading about Orlando from Muslims and liberals. > It is time that we liberals took the fabled red pill and accepted reality. > But it is as if we liberals will stoop to anything to avoid discussing ideology. > So this is my appeal to President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and to **all liberals** and Muslims, for humanity’s sake let’s stop playing politics with evil. > But liberals must own this debate, not merely appear to be defensively reacting to Trump’s agenda. Only two uses of the word Liberal in the entire article specified that it wasn't all. He uses it broadly far more often than narrowly.", ">>{Firetrucker} : Yup, or a tank of sweet lady propane or a chainsaw. But on the whole when one wants cheap and easy mayhem an AR-15 does seem to be the crazy killer's goto. Probably because that is the AR-15's reason for existence, not like you can BBQ or cut down a tree with one.", '>>{Firetrucker} : Yes, the gun he used had a different name but it was the same death dealer. And yes, other things are dangerous too which is why after Ok bombing they brough in a shit load of regulation on fertilizer sales. Not the most dangerous = not dangerous? Not banned, regulated but to some that is unacceptable because you think your Gun freedom is the most important thing in the world and if other have to die to preserve it for you, oh well, they are not you so who cares?', '>>{Firetrucker} : No, there are no regulations of any great effect in America, see he would have not gotten that gun in Canada or Australia or Uk or any nation with sensible gun control. Its weird how you dont notice the rest of the world. Is that a choice?', ">>{BernieBro} : So at worst, he was unclear. I can forgive him for that, it wasn't an intentional attempt to smear everyone.", '>>{TheSwordofGod} : You do know why the Church is exempt from taxes right? Separation of Church and state. It sets a bad precedent if the Church and State do business with each other.', '>>{sphere2040} : > It sets a bad precedent if the Church and State do business with each other. They already do. Every church I know endorses republican candidates out the wazoo, each and every election cycle. The moment they force their beliefs on the rest of us - Like abortion control, bathroom bills, they have decided they are political. If they are political - they need to start paying taxes. >Separation of Church and state. Separation my ass - either get out from under the rock you have been living in or stop drinking the koolaid.', ">>{TheSwordofGod} : They have freedom of speech... it is their constitutional right to endorse what ever GOP candidate they want. I'm saying this as a hardcore Democrat. Abortion, bathrooms, etc. are public issues and they are just saying their opinion on the matter. I'm a Muslim and trump has a 100% right to call for a Muslim ban, that's his constitutional right. If you do not agree with the Constitution then you can gtfo of this country."], [">>{Gold_Jacobson} : Also known as George W. Bush's brother, Marvin.", ">>{Trumpicana} : There's a marvin bush? Damn how pathetic do you have to be to be less known than jeb?", ">>{ezreading} : Jeb? Jeb, it's your brother, Marvin! Marvin Bush! Remember that new bullshit you were talking about? Well listen to this!", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Dude JEB was a governor, most kings didn't even have that many subjects!", ">>{greentheorpy} : No. They were clean that he is only Jeb's brother. Stop spouting attacks on this guy. He's in a bad enough situation without people claiming he is closely related to GWB! Stop attacking this poor guy.", '>>{guiltyofnothing} : Anyone else see "Jeb Bush\'s Brother Marvin Gaye for President" at first?', ">>{IDUnavailable} : >[Jeb? Jeb?! It's Marvin! Your brother, Marvin Bush! You know that new candidate you lookin' for? Well listen to this!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dKrEDptjps) FTFY", '>>{VicePresidentJesus} : Get the fuck out of here. *Marvin* Bush? Gary Johnson clearly just made this Bush up.', '>>{LEGALIZE-MARINARA} : In the next few weeks Clinton is going to extend her polling lead on Trump, what with the convention bounce and also the recent fuck-ups by Trump in relation to Captain Khan and the Putin man-love. Could be a good time for the rest of the family to also endorse Johnson, and stomp out the Cheeto forever. Jeb already requested and was granted a meeting with Johnson.', ">>{All_Meshed_Up} : ~ to the care of no one. Bigger story is that there's a Marvin Bush. Who knew?", ">>{ethicsingamesjournal} : I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... But your kids are gonna love it. -Jeb Bush on Libertarianism", ">>{lyles} : There's two more even. Another brother and a sister.", '>>{TRUMP_EQUALS_HITLER} : Any relation to George H. W. Bush?', '>>{pipsdontsqueak} : Seriously, his parents named him Marvin. His life is hard enough without everyone piling on.', ">>{sjchoking} : AKA George H.W. Bush's son, Marvin.", ">>{escalation} : Nah, he's the smartest one of the lot. Probably why he never tried to run for President", ">>{escalation} : We'll see. He'll get to the debates and then we'll know if he's Presidential enough to stand his ground.", ">>{SageeDuzit} : Didn't he kill his Nanny (ran over her I believe..idk)", ">>{Landown} : Speak for yourself, there are plenty of Gary fans on this sub. I'm one of them.", ">>{wut44} : There's also Neil, although he's pretty well known for the Silverado savings and loan scandal in the 80s. And there's sisters Pauline and Dorothy.", '>>{CaptainNose} : Fuck Marvin bush. He was head.of security detail at 911 towers and aided in the placement of explosives charges.', '>>{PM__me_ur_A_cups} : I can\'t be the only person that read that title as "Jeb Bush endorses Marvin Gaye for President" at first glance...', '>>{Veniabiit} : Actually the German social democrats pushed Chancelor Schröder to his victory in 2002 by campaigning for him as "I\'m voting for Doris\' her husband". Yeah, I\'m aware that no one really wanted to know that because it\'s not all that interesting, so I figured this would be the perfect article to mention it.', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : He's not a politician so I'm assuming that he doesn't care about publicity.", ">>{wookie89} : Hey Jeb it's your brother Marvin, Marvin Bush. You know that new candidate you've been looking for? Well listen to this!", ">>{derpoftheirish} : Marvin... Marvin Berry! You know that new political rhetoric you've been looking for? Well, listen to THIS!", '>>{Ikimasen} : Why are Jermaine and Tito the two that everyone knows? I have no idea who the other two are, those are the two that get mentioned in a Brian Regan joke. Did they do stuff after the band broke up?', ">>{escalation} : He's the youngest of the boys, maybe they moved to a house where they didn't have all those tasty lead paint chips to eat", ">>{b_tight} : You assume Trump voters dislike what he says. They don't.", ">>{cynicallad} : I'm frankly surprised his Lord father didn't send him to the citadel to be a maester.", ">>{dabulls113} : I like how it is Jeb's brother when It should be George's brother as the headline.", '>>{AsAGayJewishDemocrat} : Oh. Oops. Or maybe I was just putting another murder theory out there.', ">>{TDenverFan} : Nobody really cares about Marvin Bush's endorsement, but it gets Gary in the news and it could mEan a Jeb endorsement is more likely.", ">>{raouldukesaccomplice} : Everyone knows WASPs don't actually engage in *relations*! *(clutches giant Wilma Flintstone pearls)* Barbara produced her young via the tried and true process of asexual budding. She may have also eaten a couple of her offspring, which is why you never hear about the other Bush daughter LaToya.", ">>{lordtaco} : The ghost of Billy Carter endorses Gary Johnson. That's how relevant this is.", ">>{escalation} : The younger Bush's went into finance, the older into politics.", '>>{unrealious} : In other news, today I learned there is a Marvin Bush.'], ['>>{ko3promat} : The alt-right eats its own: Neo-Nazi podcaster “Mike Enoch” quits after doxxers reveal his wife is Jewish', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Plot twist: Mike Enoch's wife is the Notorious H.A. Goodman.", ">>{PhyterNL} : When you make your home on a den of snakes don't complain if you get bitten.", '>>{cs_747} : I thought the alt-right went Jonestown Massacre and drank the kool-aid when Donald backed Israel?', '>>{Casey234} : That\'s the problem with white supremacy, it descends into a contest of who\'s purest, and starts targeting its own ranks. And the thing is, there\'s a lot of different cultures who are considered white today who weren\'t in years passed, take for example the Irish, and I\'ve heard plenty of neo nazis complain that "Slavs" aren\'t white either. So while it may seem like it\'s the most obvious thing in the world to one guy who\'s white and who\'s not, the next guy might have a starkly different view that doesn\'t include the first guy. White supremacy is not a logical or reasonable position.', ">>{p1um5mu991er} : Damn...so many rules, right? It must be difficult to be super racist. You fuck up just a little bit and you'll get knocked down to regular old racist", ">>{SocialJustise} : Yeah there was a Trump supporter poster on here who said Trump can't be racist because Melania isn't white. It blew my mind.", ">>{cheerio_knickers} : I guess you just can't hate Jews sufficiently when you are married to one.", '>>{unsilviu} : No, that\'s t_d. The "original" alt right are literally dressed up neo-Nazis. They\'re supporting Trump, but they don\'t make up a large fraction of his supporters, and if you go on /r/altright, you\'ll see that they view /r/t_d as too progressive and tolerant, and lament that they don\'t believe in the grand jewish conspiracies.', ">>{SDTHEMAN} : The left does this to itself everyday. It happens so much it's not even news. Ever. You step out of line even a little expect the tolerant liberals lynch mob to come after you.", '>>{birdsofterrordise} : Yeah, Slavs and people from the Middle East aren\'t considered "white people" even though they are literally from the Caucus region. It boggles the mind but then you remember oh yeah, this is racism, where nothing makes sense and no empathy lives.', '>>{LackingLack} : Note: I would not suggest going on /r/altright.', '>>{simxc} : Neo Nazis are idiotic. How sad life must be for them.', '>>{TJ_Millers_Pimp_Hand} : You\'re defending neo-nazi behavior. "But.. But... Libruls!" Take a step back, man.', '>>{Noastroturfinthissub} : Thats because the political people on youtube are just persuing money they are not believers. I mean christ look at glen becks career before hitting fox he was a total left winge. Or do you think a feminist writer who writes an article for ms magazine chamioning the end of men one month and then next month bitch about not being able to find a man in cosmo the next is a legit feminist? Reminds me of a tool song "All you know about me is what ive sold you. Dumb fuck i sold out long before you ever even heard my name." Its all media whores media whoring. Their job is saying anything for a dollar, their job isnt to inform you.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : >The loosely knit group was shocked to the core Saturday night when one of its most influential leaders — a man known to his online followers as “Mike Enoch,” a virulent racist and anti-Semite — was revealed to be a New York website developer named Mike Peinovich, who has said that his wife is Jewish. Although the motivations behind Peinovich’s apparent deception are not clear, his operation presumably generated some modest cashflow from true believers in the alt-right crusade. > >In his online persona, Peinovich routinely cracked jokes about killing Jewish people and forcibly deporting Muslims and people of African descent. The weekly program had roughly 100,000 regular listeners, many of whom regularly sent in financial donations by PayPal or bought merchandise from the site. Was Peinovich running a scam to fleece his bigoted audience, or is he just a totally off-the-hook strange-o? Hard to tell. >Peinovich’s wife appears to have been aware of the entire situation. She even appeared on “The Daily Shoah” several times, including a special holiday-season segment in 2015 where she read a neo-Nazi parody of “The Night Before Christmas.” Introducing the clip, which can be found online, Peinovich said his wife was “very proud of it.” His wife was in on the sham/scam too? Ruh-roh. >Within a few more hours, Peinovich’s partners announced that he was resigning from TRS entirely. > >The 8channers, who pride themselves on their refusal to adopt pseudonyms (all site users post under the handle “Anonymous”), were ecstatic. > >“(((TRS))) is over. Period,” gloated one of them. > >Another, who prefers being called neo-Nazi instead of “alt-right,” hoped the entire movement would just disappear: “After the shitstorm is over the alt-right won’t be important enough to warrant a [discussion] thread,” he wrote. “In my opinion, they never did.” These revelations border on stranger than fiction, but are weirdly appropriate for a period in American history that can only be described as 'a whole lot of unbelievable'.", ">>{Casey234} : Don't you see? When left wing people criticize each other it's exactly the same as STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF RACIAL PURITY! Haven't you seen the absolute bloodbath from the left when someone says it's not cool to use autism as an insult? Also, I am twelve and what is false equivalence?", '>>{verbose_gent} : They hate jews? What exactly makes the alt-right different from white supremacist or neo-nazis in their mind?', ">>{kadzier} : yeah, you know all those racist nazis that donald trump supporters claim they aren't? r/altright is all those racist nazis.", ">>{playitleo} : They have so little in their lives to be proud of that all they can say is hey at least I'm not black, jewish or a woman.", ">>{nanarpus} : Yeah, /r/altright isn't dressed up neo-Nazis. Its just full blown Nazis.", ">>{Jank_Reed} : Because she's lightly toasted. - Actual thing a Trump supporter said to me once", ">>{Jank_Reed} : I can't hate Jews because I support Israel. Check out Breitbart - plenty of pro-Israel articles.", '>>{ln3} : 17 minutes long but worth every second.... 1947 (post-WW2) PSA put out by the US War Dept. "Don\'t be a Sucker". Extremely relevant https://youtu.be/Ag40XYIj4hE', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : Lightly toasted? Like the toasted flakes they sprinkle on top of coconut meringue pies? Because that Trump supporter's statement is both nutty and flaky.", '>>{Jank_Reed} : Take your upvote. I\'m 90% certain the reason she used the "lightly toasted" phrase (oh, this was my HR person at work by the way) is because I think she wanted to avoid saying "because she speaks funny/comes from another country."', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : Great find - absolutely worth 17 minutes. Thanks for sharing.']]
classify and reply
[">>{greenisunderdog} : The media doesn't like him because of his race.", ">>{georgiapeanuts} : Gay Bernie delegate from California explains why he's not backing Clinton", ">>{greymanbomber} : Orlando nightclub patrons shouldn't have been armed, NRA says", ">>{georgiapeanuts} : I liked his response; I'm a gay Bernie supporter who won't be voting Clinton as well and the only thing I will add is that even though Hillary evolved she continues to mock LGBT intelligence by lying and saying she was always for LGBT rights. She can fuck off with that bullshit.", '>>{redgrass40} : > but a 2014 study by Jesse Richman and David Earnest **found more than 14% of non-citizens in 2008 and 2010 "indicated that they were registered to vote."** >The study was designed by Schaffner\'s Cooperative Congressional Election Study, **but he told Blitzer that he and his colleagues spoke with voters who had self-identified themselves as "non-citizens" and discovered that they had all mistakenly clicked the wrong radio button during the survey -- and they were all actually citizens.**', '>>{backpackwayne} : Yes let the party who has the most anti-gay platform in history win because of your inability to admit your candidate lost. From one gay to another..., what I would have to say to him would get me banned.', '>>{ronnie1211} : The problem is simple. He just cannot accept the fact that Clinton won the popular vote. He cannot accept criticism of any kind. He must always feel he is number 1. He needs to be concerned about the people of this country and start acting like a president, and deal with the concerns of the people.', '>>{backpackwayne} : Care to explain that? What am I supposedly afraid of that is controlling me?', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Um duh, why would you allow a bunch of drunk people at a gay disco to be armed. Even the NRA doesn't think drunk people dancing in the dark need to be strapped.", ">>{Kutchu} : So this survey wasn't anonymous? Could that have affected the results? Or even the follow up afterwards when they realized it was not anonymous?", ">>{papabattaglia} : I haven't been following this story much, but if aipac and the right are against him I'm inclined to give him a chance.", '>>{CarmineFields} : A lot of people think exactly that. Or teenagers in high schools or other ridiculous situations.', '>>{georgiapeanuts} : I watched when Trump brought up Pulse shooting during the RNC, and Repukes actually were applauding him for pledging to defend LGBT people in America. I still think Repukes are probably still anti-gay, but seems they may be coming around already.', ">>{sircool099} : the fear of a donal trump winning. It's one of the few consistent points clinton has.", '>>{gotsafe} : CAIR Calls on GOP to Demand Dismissal of Trump Adviser Steve Bannon After Revelation of His Anti-Muslim Film Proposal', '>>{tangibleadhd} : >"I don’t think you should have firearms where people are drinking," said NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre on CBS\'s Face the Nation. Is this the first time he said a group of people SHOULD NOT have guns? By God', '>>{mclumber1} : There are many states where it is perfectly legal to carry a concealed weapon into a bar or other business that sells alcohol. However, in most of those states, you cannot consume alcohol if you decide to carry. I think that is a good compromise. Unfortunately, Florida law prohibits this practice.', ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Haven't heard much about Trump at the DNC. The RNC dedicated their whole convention to fear mongering a Clinton presidency.", ">>{ailboles} : Never gonna happen. THEY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK.", '>>{gotsafe} : > The Washington Post revealed today that Bannon once outlined a documentary-style movie "that envisioned radical Muslims taking over the country and remaking it into the \'Islamic States of America.\'" >... > According to the Post: "It names the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America as examples of such \'cultural jihadists.\' The proposal also lists other \'enablers,\' including The Post, the New York Times, NPR, \'Universities and the Left,\' the \'American Jewish Community,\' the ACLU, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department and the White House."', '>>{3klipse} : Who the hell is advocating for armed high schoolers in class?', '>>{totallyclips} : Imagine my surprise, but then he is mentally ill', '>>{letdogsvote} : So, President Trump, as you can see there is no real evidence of voter fraud. "SMART PEOPLE FIND RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD! MILLIONS! SAD!" "Uh, sir? Did you hear what we said?"', '>>{hairybeasty} : Here it is in Orlando Fl it is illegal to carry in a bar. The state statute that covers the license to carry a weapon, Title XLVI Chapter 790, clearly states that guns are not permitted in bars. Section (12)(a) tells concealed carry license holders that “A license issued under this section does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed weapon or firearm into: Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose.”', '>>{as_a_black_guy} : >- DECEMBER 07, 2015 - DONALD J. TRUMP STATEMENT ON PREVENTING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION (New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country\'s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing "25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad" and 51% of those polled, "agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah." Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won\'t convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women. >Mr. Trump stated, "Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again." - Donald J. Trump', ">>{CarmineFields} : Gun nuts every single time there's a school shooting.", ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : Because the people who control the DNC and get rich off it don't want to lose that.", ">>{TheGoobCow} : Bannon isn't just some one who created a crazy script like this in a vacuum. [He's served as producer, director and writer on a number of films,](http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0052442/) mostly alt-right documentaries. He was also in his 50s when he wrote this.", ">>{3klipse} : Teachers and staff yes, NOT kids who can't even legally own a pistol.", '>>{realitycheck123456} : So liberals disagree with him so he should be fired? The only views allowed to be expressed are liberal views? Disgusting alt left fascists.', ">>{softnsensualrape} : Trump didn't misinterpret the data. He just didn't like it. So he completely fabricated his own.", ">>{absurdamerica} : So you don't believe the election matters? That's the only logical conclusion to someone essentially saying who cares who wins.", '>>{absurdamerica} : What are you even talking about their platform includes gay conversion therapy...', '>>{KingJak117} : No more like he created news to steal focus from the pipeline or something. There was zero reason to bring up the voter fraud otherwise.', '>>{backpackwayne} : I highly doubt that. They may pander a little to them at election time but their platform says otherwise. Even Log Cabin republicans are pissed.', '>>{amaleigh13} : [It is literally a quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWlQ3buH9FI)', ">>{greenisunderdog} : That's part of being progressive. If you're happy with the shit that the Republucans have turned the Earth into the. You don't want change. I wan change. I want it so hard.", ">>{greenisunderdog} : That's part of being progressive. If you're happy with the shit that the Republucans have turned the Earth into the. You don't want change. I wan change. I want it so hard.", '>>{QuietGentleman} : ProgressiveArmy Lol, just so you know they have some street cred because they put progressive in the URL.', ">>{madsock} : Conservative views are allowed. What isn't allowed is fascist, hate mongering views. Are you actually defending Steve Bannon's views, or are you just here to stir up trouble?", '>>{jackduloz} : You are technically right, it is not a direct quote. It leaves out a couple of words at the very end. "until our representatives can figure out what *the hell* is going on." https://youtu.be/LRxozK6Bpvk Drop your lies.', ">>{Artificecoyote} : But a place like Applebee's or something where they mostly serve food but also have a bar is ok?", ">>{F22Rapture} : For what it's worth, I listened to him do an interview on Keepin it 1600 and wasn't terribly impressed. There were several questions where he either danced around actually answering it or didn't go into much more than platitudes.", '>>{georgiapeanuts} : http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/excited-trump-gay-republicans-struggle-rest-gop-40781225 >Trump\'s call in his speech to the Republican National Convention for protecting the "LGBTQ community" was a watershed moment for the Republican Party — the first time the issue has been elevated in a GOP nomination address. Four years ago, Mitt Romney never uttered the word "gay," much less the full acronym — standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning.', '>>{007meow} : It\'s in line with his "*Everybody* loves me!" shtick. He brought it up again a few days ago/yesterday, how millions of illegals voted in the election and how he would have also won the popular vote if not for those dastardly illegals. Then he was called out for it by the media - if there was voter fraud, why is it not being investigated? Keeping in line with his media infatuation, he snapped and called for an investigation.', ">>{zpedv} : Good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart. ^Good ^genes, ^^very ^^good ^^genes, ^^^OK, ^^^very ^^^smart. ^^^^it's ^^^^true!", '>>{hazpat} : Wait, trump cant comprehend academic level writing? Im shocked. They should have limited the abstract to 140 characters for him.', '>>{the_shadowmind} : Here is him saying that he released a statement calling for a complete and total shut down of Muslims entering the US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTXjKgRRio', '>>{Opie67} : Keeps the left wing divided and second guessing itself.', ">>{BromanJenkins} : Yeah, the poll is actually done in waves with the same set of voters. http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cces/home This isn't much different than the LA Times/Daybreak poll in that the demographics of each participant were known and weighted, though the actual content and techniques at use are different. In a survey like this the identities of the individuals usually aren't known among the researchers, they are assigned a number so their answers can be tracked and compared without being able to link their names to their views directly. The researchers could simply send out a message to the participants through the survey's website asking for clarification on answers, which is what sounds like what happened here.", '>>{gotsafe} : You believe that fake video? Sad! /s... just in case.', '>>{ronbag} : The media is entirely owned by the same people Ellison offended with his leaked comments.', ">>{realitycheck123456} : Steve Bannon went to Harvard, was a Navy Seal, investment banker at Goldman Sachs, ran a prominent media publication and now advises POTUS. He's supremely qualified and his viewpoints are honorable. He will be preserving American culture from a primitive belief system. Hero is a strong word, but I'll just come out and say it: Bannon is an American hero.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : He used "alternative facts" to reach an "alternative interpretation."', ">>{georgiapeanuts} : Their platform has always had anti-gay crap in it, I am acknowledging progress even if a few steps. I'm not voting for Trump though, I'm #JillNotHill.", '>>{backpackwayne} : So because I am against something means I am afraid of it?', ">>{nliausacmmv} : Just when I think it can't get any dumber, it does.", '>>{h5h6} : Reminder that the only documented case of voter fraud this election was from a trump supporter.', ">>{theSofterMachine} : Warren's entire speech was about Trump and everyone talked about how terrible he is", '>>{Waiting_to_be_banned} : Well Trump was a "bitch" who says he likes grabbing "pussies" and that was only in 2005 when he was 60 years old so that was a long time ago and he was just a young buck who was engaging in locker room talk, so that Bannon thing is positively archaeological.', ">>{Waiting_to_be_banned} : No, he's a nazi so he should be fired.", '>>{madsock} : Your hero is a Nazi, you might want to rethink your entire life.', '>>{DamagedHells} : Meanwhile two weeks ago State-run media Breitbart labeled CAIR as a "terrorist-linked group"', '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : What is the statistical probability that they ALL clicked the wrong radio button? Seems unlikely.', ">>{Girl_with_the_Curl} : Exactly. And all he's doing right now is fanning the flame and biting the hand that fed him. He won, it's time for him to move on. Though given how he's focused his first few days on the attendance at his inauguration, this is just another attempt to distract the American public from his incompetence and keep us talking about things that aren't the real issues.", '>>{CEMN} : Look at his post history. Rarely answers posts, always aggressive and inciteful, fascist worldview, mysteriously inactive for 4 months - right after the election, and suddenly, after /r/altright gets banned he starts showing up on this account. Report for trolling and likely ban evasion.', '>>{TequilaFarmer} : I don\'t think so. I think trump is that bright. I think he likes the spotlight. His ego requires him to lash out at every slight. Real or imagined. To your point. I think it works into his "handlers" hands perfectly. He\'s a buffoon who will get into petty little publicity battles. All the while they craft his executive orders and get legislation started for him to rubber stamp between childish rants. So to a degree I believe both prevailing opinions are correct. Narcissistic douche bag and a distraction.', '>>{bodiaz6} : Don\'t forget the \'Q\', Trump never does. "L-G-B-T---Q"', ">>{ohheyitsdeejay} : He's literally fighting everything that makes America great, but continue to drink the kool aid as we careen off the side of a mountain", ">>{KingJak117} : So you don't think it's peculiar that we never heard about the Trump University settlement after the Hamilton cast criticized Pence the same day(or the following day)?", ">>{_bsebhat_} : Remember when Shirley Sherrod and Van Jones had to quit because Glenn Beck and Breitbart didn't like them?", ">>{JitGoinHam} : That's cool how Trump thinks banning Muslim immigration is a pro-LGBTQ policy to applaud, but he also wants to make sure gay people in red states aren't allowed to get married or adopt children. You know he's promised to appoint justices who would overturn Obergefell v Hodges, right?", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : I'm not sure what's the scariest prospect: 14% of voters not being citizens? 14% of voters not knowing they're citizens? 14% of voters not being able to choose the response they want on a multiple choice question? (The third is the reality, but to me, that's the scariest option. Even 6 year olds know how to fill in the bubble next to the answer.)", '>>{DyedInkSun} : Playing the [Race/Identity] Card means selling you down the river. Thats a classic Clinton play. Ask [david Mixner](https://twitter.com/DavidMixner/status/658319006970060801) how well donating his time and money to Clintons worked out for him.', '>>{Opie67} : This country turned out in droves to elect Barack Hussein Obama. I think Keith Ellison from Detroit will be acceptable.', '>>{coffee_achiever} : Well, this is fucked. It turns out he *is* doing what we are yelling at him for not doing: using published scientific studies. Then it turns out the published data is either "open to interpretation", or just fucking wrong. Follow the consequence train from there...', '>>{vph} : This guy is thinking that Sanders will be going against Trump.', '>>{D3korum} : Guys and gals come on, I am a horrible writer but even I would never write "He wants the DNC to increasing funding". Rise above and see this for what it is. Its editor-less shit, if the news source you are getting information from can\'t even edit what is the point...', ">>{derppress} : The DNC handed out Trump signs. Christ the DNC leaks showed that they lamented the fact that Bernie stayed in because they had to wait to shift to the center and are now apparently abandoning the left entirely to try and go for the less right wing republicans. I can't believe they're doing so very poorly against Trump. It's embarrassing. The Clintons have been planning this for the last eight years and this is the best they can do?", ">>{kjellpu} : People need to realize he has the exact same foreign policy as Hillary Clinton. From supporting the intervention in Libya, to the no-fly zone in Syria, Ellison's foreign policy is a disaster.", '>>{IkastI} : Jesus...that\'s like...everybody! I love when they lump in "Universities" as part of the problem. This should be a loud and bloody bright red flag to supporters. It means these people worry when you become "too" educated. It\'s not that universities have a liberal agenda. It\'s that when you actually learn about science, foreign affairs and cultures, our own history, REASONING...when you learn alongside students from around the world and around the country - these experiences give you the tools to think for yourself, to challenge your own biases, and to recognize the "other" as more like you than you ever would have imagined. This scares those who would rather you stay in church, date the same race, and never leave your home town. Not that going to church is bad, if that\'s your thing. When we say you need to open your eyes, it\'s because they are fighting tooth and nail to keep them closed. "Don\'t you eat from that tree of knowledge." Edit: punctuation', ">>{TequilaFarmer} : No. The media is what it is. The right wing is what it is. Redditors have been able to easily predict his behavior, (e.g. cue angry trump tweet...). I'm sure the right wing, who want to advance their positions without public scrutiny, are happy for distractions. I just hope the fucker has a irredeemable public break down. Has to step aside and we can face the right wing without the pussy grabber in chief being a distraction.", ">>{Spacemonkey57} : Just as scary as politicians who think electricity generated with nuclear power is radioactive...At least the survey takes don't control our country.", '>>{Darth_Banal} : Or Trump is someone who has a history of telling easily disprovable lies and assumes (probably rightfully) that his base would never bother to read the report he was citing.', '>>{saturnengr0} : Who else is going to win? Last time I checked, the odds were fairly good that it was either Clinton or trump.', ">>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : >[Senate Committee now taking calls on Bannon's appointment to Security Council](http://banstevebannon.wixsite.com/report/single-post/2017/02/03/BREAKING-Senate-Committee-now-taking-calls-on-Bannons-appointment-to-Security-Council) Call/Email. Let them know how you feel. [Fuck Steve Bannon](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckSteveBannon/comments/5s1q9r/fuck_steve_bannon/)", ">>{saturnengr0} : Small steps? Like not allowing them to die. Well, it's a start.", '>>{thisborglife} : We have one single individual, Robert Mercer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Mercer_(businessman) to blame for D Trump, S. Bannon, T. Cruz, K Conway, and R. Bolton. Many of you know this already; I just recently got the memo. This one person is largely responsible for the chaos we are currently enduring and for all that comes after. This is one evil rich dude.', '>>{CilantroBox} : Ellison is my representative and I think he would make a terrific chair as the Democrats shift from the old guard (Pelosi and crew) to newer people (Sanders, Warren etc...). The thing I like about Ellison is he has good support among the working class in Minneapolis, which will clearly be important as the Democrats try to swipe the "Coastal/Big City elite image.', ">>{billslovechild} : He's done a pretty good job himself. Accepting money from Hamas to believing 9/11 was an inside job by Bush. Can't wait till libs defend him for him being against not only gay marriage but gays in general. The hypocrisy will be awesome.", '>>{jackduloz} : He didn\'t say "something" like that, he said EXACTLY that. A ban on all Muslims. He walked it back because EVERYONE with a shred of respect for the Constitution and the basis of our nation ripped into him. "Neither Pagan nor Mahamedan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion." -Thomas Jefferson', '>>{goldenbrowngirl} : Trump came out and said "a total shutdown of ALL Muslims entering the US." These are his words. Nobody took anything out of context. The left should be the least of your worries. Trump is a bigot, surrounded by known white supremacists and neo-nazis like Stephen Bannon & Stephen Miller with an agenda. This new administration is merely following thorough with their promise of a Muslim ban and among other things such as, but not limited to - the renaming of the law enforcement program called CVE or Countering Violent Extremism to one called Countering Islamic Extremism that will focus only on Muslims. I don\'t know what kind of Muslim supports a man who has yet to condemn the terrorist attack on the Quebec Mosque carried out by a white supremacist who is one of his supporters. Not a single condolence or condemnation, but plenty of hate for Muslims. Nobody wants to face "a crazy terrorist", but this was never about protecting anyone. This is the workings of the unapologetic neo-nazi called Stephen Bannon. He\'s talked about doing something like this for years. You just need to watch or read Bannon\'s materials to understand what this is about, no conspiracy theories. You\'ve been played.', ">>{spotted_dick} : Let's just start calling ourselves the United States of North Korea.", ">>{NativistBastard} : I demand CAIR be outlawed and they're leaders detained and taken to Guantanamo. Steve Bannon is a hero.", ">>{MediocreBandito} : Does anyone else remember that anti-Muslim film some Conservative group sent out with millions of newspapers back in like 2008? My family got one and I watched it. It was some garbage about Islam's inherent need to destroy the West.", '>>{LucienLibrarian} : >when you learn alongside students from around the world and around the country Same goes for people who live in cities. When you go bowling with a Palestinian, its hard to shit your pants every time Fox says, "Boo!"', ">>{Rollakud} : Bannon's movies are great always informative and displaying patriotism but I just don't see any sense in this new adventure.", ">>{niveknhoj} : Just today I've read that Biden, Ellison, Warren, and even Sanders are each bad choices for leadership. Crabs in a bucket. Is the idea that if Republicans stay in office forever, they'll destroy the Earth and *then* we'll get acceptable change?", '>>{MechaSandstar} : How about you contribute to the conversation, and not just gloat about winning?', '>>{SlumberCat} : Is this why Andrew Breitbart called him Leni Riefenstahl?', '>>{AbstractTeserract} : I listened to that same interview and thought it was great. Topical and substantive. Different strokes for different folks, I guess', '>>{backpackwayne} : You heard what you wanted to hear. They are for revoking gay marriage, legalizing gay conversion therapy, and taking away all the rights recently gained by the LGBT community. If you heard pro-gay speeches then, you heard hypocrisy. They are saying one thing but doing another.', '>>{outlooker707} : Which is hilarious cuz bernie opposed gay marriage in his own home state back in 2006.', ">>{Got_pissed_and_raged} : Lol. You're either a shill or supremely delusional. Or you just really hate colored people.", ">>{technocassandra} : If I didn't know better, my first thought in response to that is that Bannon is developing alcoholic wet brain. That's some pretty paranoid shit there.", ">>{MechaSandstar} : Yeah, but a lot of the time, I play to the crowd, and not the actual person I'm replying to.", '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Nope, look at the transcripts, he is being ignored.', ">>{FantasyPls} : He's literally a mod from /r/hillaryclinton who has mocked Sanders supporters this entire election.", '>>{Zandt88} : So Bannon is using the old playbook and going for his own "Birth of America".', '>>{Kingsgirl} : Don\'t worry OP, it\'s difficult for people to reconcile "I don\'t think my state is ready to vote for that right now" and "I DON\'T SUPPORT THIS PERSONALLY" as different concepts. Bernie has always led the fight for LGBTQ rights.', '>>{Zandt88} : So Bannon is using the old playbook and going for his own "Birth of America".', '>>{AbstractTeserract} : Lol please. Ellison was strongly against Iraq before the war.', ">>{comeherebob} : Have you seen the website this story is on? It's militantly anti-DNC and has nothing to do with the mainstream media. Incidentally, it's also a pile of shit.", ">>{ronbag} : Nah I like The_Donald better than this sub because they actually have a sense of humor and aren't pretending to be a neutral sub reddit. But Ellison claimed the Jewish people run the banks and politics in the US and dictate our foreign policy as well. The main stream media is almost entirely Jewish-owned, so obviously they are going to go on a co-ordinated smear campaign on Ellison now.", '>>{outlooker707} : [oh really? Read this then](http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2015/10/05/bernie_sanders_on_marriage_equality_he_s_no_longtime_champion.html)', '>>{IlliterateJedi} : >When you go bowling with a Palestinian, its hard to shit your pants every time Fox says, "Boo!" I don\'t know, after the Bowling Green Massacre, I think we all need to be wary', '>>{DrinkVictoryGin} : So going to Harvard makes a person automatically correct and trustworthy? You might be disappointed in how many evil liberals also went to Harvard.', '>>{Kingsgirl} : Yes, really. - In 1972 and 1976, when Bernie first ran for office in Vermont, he was an outspoken ally of the LGBTQ community; as a plank of his platform, he proposed the abolishment of all discriminatory laws pertaining to sexuality. - In 1983, during his first term as Mayor of Burlington, Sen. Sanders supported the city’s first ever Pride Parade. He later signed a city ordinance banning housing discrimination. - [My favorite Bernie rant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GcC34iRNjc), this one from 1995. - In 1999, Bernie voted against an amendment that would have prevented same-sex couples in Washington D.C. from adopting children. On the 2006 decision not to pursue marriage rights at that time: > At the time, Sanders was opposed to the amendment, but is quoted as saying when asked if Vermont should legalize same-sex marriage, **“Not right now, not after what we went through.”** Sanders defended his 2006 opposition to same-sex marriage to Maddow by recalling Vermont had legalized civil unions just six years ago in 2000. >“Vermont was the first state in the union to pass civil unions, and trust me, I was there and it brought forth just a whole lot of emotion, and the state was torn in a way I have never seen the state torn,” Sanders said. “So Vermont led the nation in that direction, and **what my view was give us a little bit of time.”** >It should be noted Vermont legalized civil unions as a result of a court order requiring the legislature to enact some kind of relationship recognition for same-sex couples legally equal to marriage. The state legislature opted for civil unions, not outright marriage equality. >When Maddow mentioned the internal rancor in Vermont at the time, Sanders replied, **“I felt that at the time, given Vermont had gone first in breaking new ground, let’s take it easy for a little while. That was my reasoning.”**', ">>{Jmk1981} : This is just like Sanders supporters telling LGBT voters that they shouldn't vote for Clinton and Sanders has the better record. Why? Marriage equality. Sanders had no input for or against VT's civil unions law in 2000, and vocally opposed Marriage Equality in a 2006 debate, but whatever. Marriage equality. That's the number one issue for the gays. Just like black people only care about prison. Where was Sanders when Clinton pushed for meaningful hate crime legislation? Where was Sanders when Clinton pushed for same sex spouses of federal employees to get equal benefits? Has Sanders done anything at all for LGBT causes even something as simple as allowing transgendered Americans to self-identify on their passports, as Clinton did? He allowed Burlington to hold a gay pride parade in the 80's. That's neat. Did he have anything to say about the AIDS epidemic? No. Gay people only care about marriage equality and black people only care about jail. No wonder Sanders support was limited to rural whites."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{georgiapeanuts} : Gay Bernie delegate from California explains why he's not backing Clinton", ">>{georgiapeanuts} : I liked his response; I'm a gay Bernie supporter who won't be voting Clinton as well and the only thing I will add is that even though Hillary evolved she continues to mock LGBT intelligence by lying and saying she was always for LGBT rights. She can fuck off with that bullshit.", '>>{backpackwayne} : Yes let the party who has the most anti-gay platform in history win because of your inability to admit your candidate lost. From one gay to another..., what I would have to say to him would get me banned.', '>>{backpackwayne} : Care to explain that? What am I supposedly afraid of that is controlling me?', '>>{georgiapeanuts} : I watched when Trump brought up Pulse shooting during the RNC, and Repukes actually were applauding him for pledging to defend LGBT people in America. I still think Repukes are probably still anti-gay, but seems they may be coming around already.', ">>{sircool099} : the fear of a donal trump winning. It's one of the few consistent points clinton has.", ">>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Haven't heard much about Trump at the DNC. The RNC dedicated their whole convention to fear mongering a Clinton presidency.", ">>{absurdamerica} : So you don't believe the election matters? That's the only logical conclusion to someone essentially saying who cares who wins.", '>>{absurdamerica} : What are you even talking about their platform includes gay conversion therapy...', '>>{backpackwayne} : I highly doubt that. They may pander a little to them at election time but their platform says otherwise. Even Log Cabin republicans are pissed.', '>>{georgiapeanuts} : http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/excited-trump-gay-republicans-struggle-rest-gop-40781225 >Trump\'s call in his speech to the Republican National Convention for protecting the "LGBTQ community" was a watershed moment for the Republican Party — the first time the issue has been elevated in a GOP nomination address. Four years ago, Mitt Romney never uttered the word "gay," much less the full acronym — standing for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning.', ">>{georgiapeanuts} : Their platform has always had anti-gay crap in it, I am acknowledging progress even if a few steps. I'm not voting for Trump though, I'm #JillNotHill.", '>>{backpackwayne} : So because I am against something means I am afraid of it?', ">>{theSofterMachine} : Warren's entire speech was about Trump and everyone talked about how terrible he is", '>>{bodiaz6} : Don\'t forget the \'Q\', Trump never does. "L-G-B-T---Q"', ">>{JitGoinHam} : That's cool how Trump thinks banning Muslim immigration is a pro-LGBTQ policy to applaud, but he also wants to make sure gay people in red states aren't allowed to get married or adopt children. You know he's promised to appoint justices who would overturn Obergefell v Hodges, right?", '>>{DyedInkSun} : Playing the [Race/Identity] Card means selling you down the river. Thats a classic Clinton play. Ask [david Mixner](https://twitter.com/DavidMixner/status/658319006970060801) how well donating his time and money to Clintons worked out for him.', '>>{vph} : This guy is thinking that Sanders will be going against Trump.', ">>{derppress} : The DNC handed out Trump signs. Christ the DNC leaks showed that they lamented the fact that Bernie stayed in because they had to wait to shift to the center and are now apparently abandoning the left entirely to try and go for the less right wing republicans. I can't believe they're doing so very poorly against Trump. It's embarrassing. The Clintons have been planning this for the last eight years and this is the best they can do?", '>>{saturnengr0} : Who else is going to win? Last time I checked, the odds were fairly good that it was either Clinton or trump.', ">>{saturnengr0} : Small steps? Like not allowing them to die. Well, it's a start.", '>>{backpackwayne} : You heard what you wanted to hear. They are for revoking gay marriage, legalizing gay conversion therapy, and taking away all the rights recently gained by the LGBT community. If you heard pro-gay speeches then, you heard hypocrisy. They are saying one thing but doing another.', '>>{outlooker707} : Which is hilarious cuz bernie opposed gay marriage in his own home state back in 2006.', '>>{IAMTHEWALLS} : Nope, look at the transcripts, he is being ignored.', ">>{FantasyPls} : He's literally a mod from /r/hillaryclinton who has mocked Sanders supporters this entire election.", '>>{Kingsgirl} : Don\'t worry OP, it\'s difficult for people to reconcile "I don\'t think my state is ready to vote for that right now" and "I DON\'T SUPPORT THIS PERSONALLY" as different concepts. Bernie has always led the fight for LGBTQ rights.', '>>{outlooker707} : [oh really? Read this then](http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2015/10/05/bernie_sanders_on_marriage_equality_he_s_no_longtime_champion.html)', '>>{Kingsgirl} : Yes, really. - In 1972 and 1976, when Bernie first ran for office in Vermont, he was an outspoken ally of the LGBTQ community; as a plank of his platform, he proposed the abolishment of all discriminatory laws pertaining to sexuality. - In 1983, during his first term as Mayor of Burlington, Sen. Sanders supported the city’s first ever Pride Parade. He later signed a city ordinance banning housing discrimination. - [My favorite Bernie rant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GcC34iRNjc), this one from 1995. - In 1999, Bernie voted against an amendment that would have prevented same-sex couples in Washington D.C. from adopting children. On the 2006 decision not to pursue marriage rights at that time: > At the time, Sanders was opposed to the amendment, but is quoted as saying when asked if Vermont should legalize same-sex marriage, **“Not right now, not after what we went through.”** Sanders defended his 2006 opposition to same-sex marriage to Maddow by recalling Vermont had legalized civil unions just six years ago in 2000. >“Vermont was the first state in the union to pass civil unions, and trust me, I was there and it brought forth just a whole lot of emotion, and the state was torn in a way I have never seen the state torn,” Sanders said. “So Vermont led the nation in that direction, and **what my view was give us a little bit of time.”** >It should be noted Vermont legalized civil unions as a result of a court order requiring the legislature to enact some kind of relationship recognition for same-sex couples legally equal to marriage. The state legislature opted for civil unions, not outright marriage equality. >When Maddow mentioned the internal rancor in Vermont at the time, Sanders replied, **“I felt that at the time, given Vermont had gone first in breaking new ground, let’s take it easy for a little while. That was my reasoning.”**', ">>{Jmk1981} : This is just like Sanders supporters telling LGBT voters that they shouldn't vote for Clinton and Sanders has the better record. Why? Marriage equality. Sanders had no input for or against VT's civil unions law in 2000, and vocally opposed Marriage Equality in a 2006 debate, but whatever. Marriage equality. That's the number one issue for the gays. Just like black people only care about prison. Where was Sanders when Clinton pushed for meaningful hate crime legislation? Where was Sanders when Clinton pushed for same sex spouses of federal employees to get equal benefits? Has Sanders done anything at all for LGBT causes even something as simple as allowing transgendered Americans to self-identify on their passports, as Clinton did? He allowed Burlington to hold a gay pride parade in the 80's. That's neat. Did he have anything to say about the AIDS epidemic? No. Gay people only care about marriage equality and black people only care about jail. No wonder Sanders support was limited to rural whites."], [">>{greymanbomber} : Orlando nightclub patrons shouldn't have been armed, NRA says", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : Um duh, why would you allow a bunch of drunk people at a gay disco to be armed. Even the NRA doesn't think drunk people dancing in the dark need to be strapped.", '>>{CarmineFields} : A lot of people think exactly that. Or teenagers in high schools or other ridiculous situations.', '>>{tangibleadhd} : >"I don’t think you should have firearms where people are drinking," said NRA Vice President Wayne LaPierre on CBS\'s Face the Nation. Is this the first time he said a group of people SHOULD NOT have guns? By God', '>>{mclumber1} : There are many states where it is perfectly legal to carry a concealed weapon into a bar or other business that sells alcohol. However, in most of those states, you cannot consume alcohol if you decide to carry. I think that is a good compromise. Unfortunately, Florida law prohibits this practice.', '>>{3klipse} : Who the hell is advocating for armed high schoolers in class?', '>>{hairybeasty} : Here it is in Orlando Fl it is illegal to carry in a bar. The state statute that covers the license to carry a weapon, Title XLVI Chapter 790, clearly states that guns are not permitted in bars. Section (12)(a) tells concealed carry license holders that “A license issued under this section does not authorize any person to openly carry a handgun or carry a concealed weapon or firearm into: Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose.”', ">>{CarmineFields} : Gun nuts every single time there's a school shooting.", ">>{3klipse} : Teachers and staff yes, NOT kids who can't even legally own a pistol.", ">>{Artificecoyote} : But a place like Applebee's or something where they mostly serve food but also have a bar is ok?"], ['>>{gotsafe} : CAIR Calls on GOP to Demand Dismissal of Trump Adviser Steve Bannon After Revelation of His Anti-Muslim Film Proposal', ">>{ailboles} : Never gonna happen. THEY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK.", '>>{gotsafe} : > The Washington Post revealed today that Bannon once outlined a documentary-style movie "that envisioned radical Muslims taking over the country and remaking it into the \'Islamic States of America.\'" >... > According to the Post: "It names the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America as examples of such \'cultural jihadists.\' The proposal also lists other \'enablers,\' including The Post, the New York Times, NPR, \'Universities and the Left,\' the \'American Jewish Community,\' the ACLU, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department and the White House."', '>>{as_a_black_guy} : >- DECEMBER 07, 2015 - DONALD J. TRUMP STATEMENT ON PREVENTING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION (New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, -- Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country\'s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing "25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad" and 51% of those polled, "agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah." Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won\'t convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women. >Mr. Trump stated, "Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again." - Donald J. Trump', ">>{TheGoobCow} : Bannon isn't just some one who created a crazy script like this in a vacuum. [He's served as producer, director and writer on a number of films,](http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0052442/) mostly alt-right documentaries. He was also in his 50s when he wrote this.", '>>{realitycheck123456} : So liberals disagree with him so he should be fired? The only views allowed to be expressed are liberal views? Disgusting alt left fascists.', '>>{amaleigh13} : [It is literally a quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWlQ3buH9FI)', ">>{madsock} : Conservative views are allowed. What isn't allowed is fascist, hate mongering views. Are you actually defending Steve Bannon's views, or are you just here to stir up trouble?", '>>{jackduloz} : You are technically right, it is not a direct quote. It leaves out a couple of words at the very end. "until our representatives can figure out what *the hell* is going on." https://youtu.be/LRxozK6Bpvk Drop your lies.', '>>{the_shadowmind} : Here is him saying that he released a statement calling for a complete and total shut down of Muslims entering the US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTXjKgRRio', '>>{gotsafe} : You believe that fake video? Sad! /s... just in case.', ">>{realitycheck123456} : Steve Bannon went to Harvard, was a Navy Seal, investment banker at Goldman Sachs, ran a prominent media publication and now advises POTUS. He's supremely qualified and his viewpoints are honorable. He will be preserving American culture from a primitive belief system. Hero is a strong word, but I'll just come out and say it: Bannon is an American hero.", '>>{Waiting_to_be_banned} : Well Trump was a "bitch" who says he likes grabbing "pussies" and that was only in 2005 when he was 60 years old so that was a long time ago and he was just a young buck who was engaging in locker room talk, so that Bannon thing is positively archaeological.', ">>{Waiting_to_be_banned} : No, he's a nazi so he should be fired.", '>>{madsock} : Your hero is a Nazi, you might want to rethink your entire life.', '>>{DamagedHells} : Meanwhile two weeks ago State-run media Breitbart labeled CAIR as a "terrorist-linked group"', '>>{CEMN} : Look at his post history. Rarely answers posts, always aggressive and inciteful, fascist worldview, mysteriously inactive for 4 months - right after the election, and suddenly, after /r/altright gets banned he starts showing up on this account. Report for trolling and likely ban evasion.', ">>{ohheyitsdeejay} : He's literally fighting everything that makes America great, but continue to drink the kool aid as we careen off the side of a mountain", ">>{_bsebhat_} : Remember when Shirley Sherrod and Van Jones had to quit because Glenn Beck and Breitbart didn't like them?", '>>{IkastI} : Jesus...that\'s like...everybody! I love when they lump in "Universities" as part of the problem. This should be a loud and bloody bright red flag to supporters. It means these people worry when you become "too" educated. It\'s not that universities have a liberal agenda. It\'s that when you actually learn about science, foreign affairs and cultures, our own history, REASONING...when you learn alongside students from around the world and around the country - these experiences give you the tools to think for yourself, to challenge your own biases, and to recognize the "other" as more like you than you ever would have imagined. This scares those who would rather you stay in church, date the same race, and never leave your home town. Not that going to church is bad, if that\'s your thing. When we say you need to open your eyes, it\'s because they are fighting tooth and nail to keep them closed. "Don\'t you eat from that tree of knowledge." Edit: punctuation', ">>{Fuck_Steve_Bannon} : >[Senate Committee now taking calls on Bannon's appointment to Security Council](http://banstevebannon.wixsite.com/report/single-post/2017/02/03/BREAKING-Senate-Committee-now-taking-calls-on-Bannons-appointment-to-Security-Council) Call/Email. Let them know how you feel. [Fuck Steve Bannon](https://www.reddit.com/r/FuckSteveBannon/comments/5s1q9r/fuck_steve_bannon/)", '>>{thisborglife} : We have one single individual, Robert Mercer https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Mercer_(businessman) to blame for D Trump, S. Bannon, T. Cruz, K Conway, and R. Bolton. Many of you know this already; I just recently got the memo. This one person is largely responsible for the chaos we are currently enduring and for all that comes after. This is one evil rich dude.', '>>{jackduloz} : He didn\'t say "something" like that, he said EXACTLY that. A ban on all Muslims. He walked it back because EVERYONE with a shred of respect for the Constitution and the basis of our nation ripped into him. "Neither Pagan nor Mahamedan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion." -Thomas Jefferson', '>>{goldenbrowngirl} : Trump came out and said "a total shutdown of ALL Muslims entering the US." These are his words. Nobody took anything out of context. The left should be the least of your worries. Trump is a bigot, surrounded by known white supremacists and neo-nazis like Stephen Bannon & Stephen Miller with an agenda. This new administration is merely following thorough with their promise of a Muslim ban and among other things such as, but not limited to - the renaming of the law enforcement program called CVE or Countering Violent Extremism to one called Countering Islamic Extremism that will focus only on Muslims. I don\'t know what kind of Muslim supports a man who has yet to condemn the terrorist attack on the Quebec Mosque carried out by a white supremacist who is one of his supporters. Not a single condolence or condemnation, but plenty of hate for Muslims. Nobody wants to face "a crazy terrorist", but this was never about protecting anyone. This is the workings of the unapologetic neo-nazi called Stephen Bannon. He\'s talked about doing something like this for years. You just need to watch or read Bannon\'s materials to understand what this is about, no conspiracy theories. You\'ve been played.', ">>{spotted_dick} : Let's just start calling ourselves the United States of North Korea.", ">>{NativistBastard} : I demand CAIR be outlawed and they're leaders detained and taken to Guantanamo. Steve Bannon is a hero.", ">>{MediocreBandito} : Does anyone else remember that anti-Muslim film some Conservative group sent out with millions of newspapers back in like 2008? My family got one and I watched it. It was some garbage about Islam's inherent need to destroy the West.", '>>{LucienLibrarian} : >when you learn alongside students from around the world and around the country Same goes for people who live in cities. When you go bowling with a Palestinian, its hard to shit your pants every time Fox says, "Boo!"', ">>{Rollakud} : Bannon's movies are great always informative and displaying patriotism but I just don't see any sense in this new adventure.", '>>{MechaSandstar} : How about you contribute to the conversation, and not just gloat about winning?', '>>{SlumberCat} : Is this why Andrew Breitbart called him Leni Riefenstahl?', ">>{Got_pissed_and_raged} : Lol. You're either a shill or supremely delusional. Or you just really hate colored people.", ">>{technocassandra} : If I didn't know better, my first thought in response to that is that Bannon is developing alcoholic wet brain. That's some pretty paranoid shit there.", ">>{MechaSandstar} : Yeah, but a lot of the time, I play to the crowd, and not the actual person I'm replying to.", '>>{Zandt88} : So Bannon is using the old playbook and going for his own "Birth of America".', '>>{Zandt88} : So Bannon is using the old playbook and going for his own "Birth of America".', '>>{IlliterateJedi} : >When you go bowling with a Palestinian, its hard to shit your pants every time Fox says, "Boo!" I don\'t know, after the Bowling Green Massacre, I think we all need to be wary', '>>{DrinkVictoryGin} : So going to Harvard makes a person automatically correct and trustworthy? You might be disappointed in how many evil liberals also went to Harvard.'], ['>>{redgrass40} : > but a 2014 study by Jesse Richman and David Earnest **found more than 14% of non-citizens in 2008 and 2010 "indicated that they were registered to vote."** >The study was designed by Schaffner\'s Cooperative Congressional Election Study, **but he told Blitzer that he and his colleagues spoke with voters who had self-identified themselves as "non-citizens" and discovered that they had all mistakenly clicked the wrong radio button during the survey -- and they were all actually citizens.**', '>>{ronnie1211} : The problem is simple. He just cannot accept the fact that Clinton won the popular vote. He cannot accept criticism of any kind. He must always feel he is number 1. He needs to be concerned about the people of this country and start acting like a president, and deal with the concerns of the people.', ">>{Kutchu} : So this survey wasn't anonymous? Could that have affected the results? Or even the follow up afterwards when they realized it was not anonymous?", '>>{totallyclips} : Imagine my surprise, but then he is mentally ill', '>>{letdogsvote} : So, President Trump, as you can see there is no real evidence of voter fraud. "SMART PEOPLE FIND RAMPANT VOTER FRAUD! MILLIONS! SAD!" "Uh, sir? Did you hear what we said?"', ">>{softnsensualrape} : Trump didn't misinterpret the data. He just didn't like it. So he completely fabricated his own.", '>>{KingJak117} : No more like he created news to steal focus from the pipeline or something. There was zero reason to bring up the voter fraud otherwise.', '>>{007meow} : It\'s in line with his "*Everybody* loves me!" shtick. He brought it up again a few days ago/yesterday, how millions of illegals voted in the election and how he would have also won the popular vote if not for those dastardly illegals. Then he was called out for it by the media - if there was voter fraud, why is it not being investigated? Keeping in line with his media infatuation, he snapped and called for an investigation.', ">>{zpedv} : Good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart. ^Good ^genes, ^^very ^^good ^^genes, ^^^OK, ^^^very ^^^smart. ^^^^it's ^^^^true!", '>>{hazpat} : Wait, trump cant comprehend academic level writing? Im shocked. They should have limited the abstract to 140 characters for him.', ">>{BromanJenkins} : Yeah, the poll is actually done in waves with the same set of voters. http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cces/home This isn't much different than the LA Times/Daybreak poll in that the demographics of each participant were known and weighted, though the actual content and techniques at use are different. In a survey like this the identities of the individuals usually aren't known among the researchers, they are assigned a number so their answers can be tracked and compared without being able to link their names to their views directly. The researchers could simply send out a message to the participants through the survey's website asking for clarification on answers, which is what sounds like what happened here.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : He used "alternative facts" to reach an "alternative interpretation."', ">>{nliausacmmv} : Just when I think it can't get any dumber, it does.", '>>{h5h6} : Reminder that the only documented case of voter fraud this election was from a trump supporter.', '>>{TrumpCardStrategy} : What is the statistical probability that they ALL clicked the wrong radio button? Seems unlikely.', ">>{Girl_with_the_Curl} : Exactly. And all he's doing right now is fanning the flame and biting the hand that fed him. He won, it's time for him to move on. Though given how he's focused his first few days on the attendance at his inauguration, this is just another attempt to distract the American public from his incompetence and keep us talking about things that aren't the real issues.", '>>{TequilaFarmer} : I don\'t think so. I think trump is that bright. I think he likes the spotlight. His ego requires him to lash out at every slight. Real or imagined. To your point. I think it works into his "handlers" hands perfectly. He\'s a buffoon who will get into petty little publicity battles. All the while they craft his executive orders and get legislation started for him to rubber stamp between childish rants. So to a degree I believe both prevailing opinions are correct. Narcissistic douche bag and a distraction.', ">>{KingJak117} : So you don't think it's peculiar that we never heard about the Trump University settlement after the Hamilton cast criticized Pence the same day(or the following day)?", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : I'm not sure what's the scariest prospect: 14% of voters not being citizens? 14% of voters not knowing they're citizens? 14% of voters not being able to choose the response they want on a multiple choice question? (The third is the reality, but to me, that's the scariest option. Even 6 year olds know how to fill in the bubble next to the answer.)", '>>{coffee_achiever} : Well, this is fucked. It turns out he *is* doing what we are yelling at him for not doing: using published scientific studies. Then it turns out the published data is either "open to interpretation", or just fucking wrong. Follow the consequence train from there...', ">>{TequilaFarmer} : No. The media is what it is. The right wing is what it is. Redditors have been able to easily predict his behavior, (e.g. cue angry trump tweet...). I'm sure the right wing, who want to advance their positions without public scrutiny, are happy for distractions. I just hope the fucker has a irredeemable public break down. Has to step aside and we can face the right wing without the pussy grabber in chief being a distraction.", ">>{Spacemonkey57} : Just as scary as politicians who think electricity generated with nuclear power is radioactive...At least the survey takes don't control our country.", '>>{Darth_Banal} : Or Trump is someone who has a history of telling easily disprovable lies and assumes (probably rightfully) that his base would never bother to read the report he was citing.'], [">>{greenisunderdog} : The media doesn't like him because of his race.", ">>{papabattaglia} : I haven't been following this story much, but if aipac and the right are against him I'm inclined to give him a chance.", ">>{o0flatCircle0o} : Because the people who control the DNC and get rich off it don't want to lose that.", ">>{greenisunderdog} : That's part of being progressive. If you're happy with the shit that the Republucans have turned the Earth into the. You don't want change. I wan change. I want it so hard.", ">>{greenisunderdog} : That's part of being progressive. If you're happy with the shit that the Republucans have turned the Earth into the. You don't want change. I wan change. I want it so hard.", '>>{QuietGentleman} : ProgressiveArmy Lol, just so you know they have some street cred because they put progressive in the URL.', ">>{F22Rapture} : For what it's worth, I listened to him do an interview on Keepin it 1600 and wasn't terribly impressed. There were several questions where he either danced around actually answering it or didn't go into much more than platitudes.", '>>{Opie67} : Keeps the left wing divided and second guessing itself.', '>>{ronbag} : The media is entirely owned by the same people Ellison offended with his leaked comments.', '>>{Opie67} : This country turned out in droves to elect Barack Hussein Obama. I think Keith Ellison from Detroit will be acceptable.', '>>{D3korum} : Guys and gals come on, I am a horrible writer but even I would never write "He wants the DNC to increasing funding". Rise above and see this for what it is. Its editor-less shit, if the news source you are getting information from can\'t even edit what is the point...', ">>{kjellpu} : People need to realize he has the exact same foreign policy as Hillary Clinton. From supporting the intervention in Libya, to the no-fly zone in Syria, Ellison's foreign policy is a disaster.", '>>{CilantroBox} : Ellison is my representative and I think he would make a terrific chair as the Democrats shift from the old guard (Pelosi and crew) to newer people (Sanders, Warren etc...). The thing I like about Ellison is he has good support among the working class in Minneapolis, which will clearly be important as the Democrats try to swipe the "Coastal/Big City elite image.', ">>{billslovechild} : He's done a pretty good job himself. Accepting money from Hamas to believing 9/11 was an inside job by Bush. Can't wait till libs defend him for him being against not only gay marriage but gays in general. The hypocrisy will be awesome.", ">>{niveknhoj} : Just today I've read that Biden, Ellison, Warren, and even Sanders are each bad choices for leadership. Crabs in a bucket. Is the idea that if Republicans stay in office forever, they'll destroy the Earth and *then* we'll get acceptable change?", '>>{AbstractTeserract} : I listened to that same interview and thought it was great. Topical and substantive. Different strokes for different folks, I guess', '>>{AbstractTeserract} : Lol please. Ellison was strongly against Iraq before the war.', ">>{comeherebob} : Have you seen the website this story is on? It's militantly anti-DNC and has nothing to do with the mainstream media. Incidentally, it's also a pile of shit.", ">>{ronbag} : Nah I like The_Donald better than this sub because they actually have a sense of humor and aren't pretending to be a neutral sub reddit. But Ellison claimed the Jewish people run the banks and politics in the US and dictate our foreign policy as well. The main stream media is almost entirely Jewish-owned, so obviously they are going to go on a co-ordinated smear campaign on Ellison now."]]
classify and reply
[">>{DC25NYC} : Imagine being this unaware. That's what surrounding yourself with yes men does to you for your entire life", '>>{speckz} : BenQ PD2710QC Announced: 27" 2560x1440 with Integrated USB Type-C Dock', ">>{mrjackm124} : If they can keep the $350 price, that'd be great. Otherwise the improvements are minimal from the previous model save for better looking design, USB-C (which I guess is useful?) And better color reproduction", ">>{yakinikutabehoudai} : Pundit cites 'Dora the Explorer' to criticize Kaine's use of Spanish", '>>{thinkadrian} : A fine-tuned machine [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z86V_ICUCD4)', '>>{CGYflames01} : As a Canadian I feel so bad for you guys....Never seen anything like this, he literally had an entire press conference that was a lie from start to finish....Good luck down there feel free to come for a visit!', '>>{jarsolwi} : iPhone 7 Plus Matte Black shipping earlier than expected.', '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : Should have just tweeted out another picture of a taco bowl.', '>>{enarik} : I got my card charged last night, no shipment notification though... I can hope though.', ">>{Whipit} : Unless we're talking about very high refresh rates of 144hz+ ( which this isn't) displays with lower resolutions than 4k don't really make sense anymore. Why would I buy this over a larger 4k TV? It's not even G-sync / Freesync. Why does this exist?", '>>{GameArtZac} : 1440p is a better sweet spot. 4k scaling still sucks, and 4k gaming is too demanding. $350 for a decent IPS 1440p monitor is the norm right now.', ">>{haha2704} : It's scary how hard this president is trying to disinform the public.", '>>{_CtrlAltLeft_} : Of course he was. Is anyone even doubting that?', ">>{ObnoxiousPuma} : My card was charged three days ago, and still no update on the order. The only thing that's changed is when I check the status in the my Verizon app it says shipping date 9/14/16, well that's come and gone and still not shipping info.", ">>{isthatmyex} : I can't stand the guy but I would say its likely his Tower that he has packed with Russian mobsters was tapped at some point.", ">>{VTFD} : So far we've had *Frozen*, *My Little Pony*, and *Dora The Explorer* cited by the right in the last 2 weeks. Making a compelling play for the 8 year old girl vote.", '>>{RosneftTrump2020} : He wasn\'t. Others that he communicated with were. That isn\'t in doubt. But it\'s a big difference from "Trump was wiretapped". If you call your friend Vlad in Russia, and Vlad is being surveilled, then the conversation will be tapped.', '>>{mrbarky} : Then why did Trump punt and tell people to talk to that "nice legal mind" over at Fox when asked for proof?', ">>{Whipit} : Last year I'd agree but this year seems like the year for going 4k IMO. Also, 1080p content scales perfectly to 4k. 1440p is just an odd resolution IMO. A stop gap between 1080p and 4k.", '>>{backpackwayne} : In other news, it has been determined that 74% of republicans require no facts to make their decisions.', '>>{troubleondemand} : He sounds like a teenager who got caught doing something bad.', ">>{theplott} : US Americans are suspicious of intelligence. We should want people in office who can speak other languages. John Kerry's language abilities have been of great service to this country. Why shouldn't we want more of that?", '>>{GameArtZac} : I have a 1440p 27" monitor and at that size and resolution it\'s a perfect balance for gaming and productivity. I\'ve tried 4k monitors at that size and larger, and it\'s not a great experience.', ">>{Roseking} : When a top end card (1080) can't play everything at 4K 60fps it is not really prime time for 4k gaming. And there are plenty of scaling issue still present. I know League has a lot of issues at 4K.", ">>{piexil} : As someone with a 970 and a 4k monitor. You can get tons of frames back by turning off AA. The best part is, you don't even need it at 4k.", ">>{FatLadySingin} : If it walks like a [GOP](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cn-0YajVYAE8M0Y.jpg)..... Quacks like a [GOP](http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/07/21/3800778/donald-trump-white-supremacist-rnc/) .... It must be a [GOP](http://www.salon.com/2016/07/23/anatomy_of_a_trump_voter_how_racism_propelled_trump_to_the_republican_nomination/) GOP [simple greeting](https://media.giphy.com/media/l0Hlvh1us2dpuNglO/giphy.gif)...? It's a [Sheriff's star](http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a46422/david-duke-donald-trump-star-david-tweet/)..? Maybe we should let [US Rep. Steve King](http://www.vox.com/2016/7/18/12218672/steve-king-racist-ignorant) chime in....? Maybe we should check the [big screen](http://time.com/4418591/republican-convention-white-supremacist-tweet/)....?", ">>{damstr} : It's common practice to show customers later shipping times when larges amounts of orders are coming through to cover their ass. Better to surprise someone with a quicker ship time rather than a later.", '>>{Synapseon} : A fine tuned machine indeed that spits out useless parts from time to time', '>>{AnarkistReese} : Idk why assume Trump Tower was the only place that was tapped. I bet theres a hot mic in his favorite golf cart.', '>>{b0redengr} : 60% believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old. http://www.gallup.com/poll/108226/Republicans-Democrats-Differ-Creationism.aspx', ">>{GheyTardid} : it's amazing how 8 years ago when obisis said the same thing, all the republicans raised hell and the liberals tried to call them immature, and now there doing the *exact same thing* . Oh the hypocrasy", '>>{eggsuckingdog} : The geologic column was put out by geologists to test our faith!! I actually had a guy tell me that once. He had a BS in geology .', ">>{chriswcarter2} : I ordered at 3:08 CST from Verizon, and mine still shows 9/23 (and my card hasn't been charged). Looks like I'll be waiting until sometime next week...", '>>{chriswcarter2} : Where are you able to see shipping information in the My Verizon app?', '>>{politicsuck} : Scottie Nell Hughes on Saturday criticized Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine for speaking in Spanish, saying it contrasted with this week\'s Republican convention in which I didn\'t have to get a translator." WOOOOOOOOOOOOW The new GoP is just outwardly ignorant and racist now isn\'t it? Thank you Trump for giving these people a platform to stand on...', '>>{misscee} : If someone who speaks two languages is bilingual, and someone who speaks many languages is multilingual, then what do you call someone who speaks one language? An American.', '>>{North101} : >Why would I buy this over a larger 4k TV? TVs tend to have a higher latency compared to monitors, especially the 4k ones.', ">>{Sunfest} : I worry that they won't let me come back home if I do visit. After all, I am a scientist and known associate with damn foreigners.", ">>{eneguekered} : The only two sources to believe are Trump's tweets and some talking heads on Fox. MUST BE TRUE! MAGA!", '>>{Tenacious_Ceeee} : He is living in a complete and isolated group think silo.', '>>{ObnoxiousPuma} : I go to devices and then my order, it then shows the shipping date, still as yesterday...but like I said no shipping info yet', '>>{nbruch42} : To me the issue isnt his intelligence it is that when he stands on the stage and speaks spanish he and hillary acted as if thats all it takes to get latin americans to vote for them, its demeaning that their campaign can reduce them to a language, any one can learn a language but it takes so much more than that to understand the issues facing the latin american community, and on top of that all the media coverage of the event was tim kaine speaks spainish not tim kaine addresses latian American issues', '>>{ivsciguy} : Sounds good. Where would you recommend camping and hiking this summer that is within 12hr driving distance of a major international airport?', ">>{theplott} : Great points. Thanks for explaining that. It's not like I understand Latino issues, either, but it's good to see a clearer perspective on Kaine. From my perspective, I'm so tired of the bromides of the Democrats without substance.", ">>{mellofello808} : Most Macs choke at 4k. I just bought a 1440p monitor for this reason. I am as big a 4k proponent as anyone(on my third TV now). However it really isn't necessary at 27 inches IMO.", ">>{maxelrod} : Why do you believe that? Because a proven compulsive liar farted it out on Twitter with nothing to back it up? Or because everyone with any knowledge on the matter has stated unequivocally (and some of them under oath) that it's not true? Yeah, he's got a real strong case...", ">>{chrispy145} : It's funny because he combined Obama and Isis in one word! Haha, literally did a spit take of my coffee at work. Jessica in marketing is going to get a kick out of this! Great joke, comrade! Your account has been credited 58 Rubles.", '>>{oscaralexander} : Sorry for necroposting, but what was the previous model in your opinion? The PD2700Q?', '>>{WarPhalange} : New? Bobby Jindal said the GOP needs to stop being the party of stupid years ago.', '>>{tenebris_spiritus} : And I did those things with his wife to test his marriage.', ">>{DudeBroChad} : I feel your pain. We ordered two (1 black +, 1 rose gold +) and only the rose gold, which isn't mine, has shipped. Mine is stuck in processing.", ">>{ViskerRatio} : This is a poorly phrased question. No one - not even Donald Trump - is claiming that his offices were tapped. What people are claiming (and what happens to be true): 1. The U.S. government was engaged in foreign intelligence operations against individuals resident in Trump Tower that appear to be incidental to Trump and his transition team. 2. The U.S. government was engaged in surveillance against foreign nationals that incidentally included correspondence/conversations with members of the Trump transition team. 3. That individuals within the Obama Administration and intelligence community 'unmasked' these conversations, leaking identifying information to the press. Depending on who did it, this is a felony. I don't care what you think about Trump, if you're not *very* concerned about #3 you're living in a fantasyland. If the rules on masking U.S. identities are not preserved, you might as well tear up the 4th Amendment right now. It's hard to believe that people are up in arms about ISPs have the same ability to track your online presence as Google or Facebook - while being in absolute denial about the dangers of the U.S. intelligence community being given carte blanche to surveil any U.S. citizen and use that information however they like.", '>>{johnfrance} : Maybe Americans should actually just try to learn something other than English maybe.. You know more than half of Europeans can speak two languages? And a quarter can speak three? Learn Spanish and be able to converse with the largest Spanish speaking country in the world just to your south! Learn French and you will be able to talk with upwards to the 7 million Canadians who speak that as their main language!', '>>{drodkiin} : This is a non-story. Who cares what some nobody said on Twitter?', ">>{Rsubs33} : A fine tuned machine where the radio, AC, wipers and headlights all don't work and your are leaking oil, antifreeze, and brake fluid everywhere.", '>>{ron2838} : I think most people here seperate whistleblowing and leaking.', ">>{yakinikutabehoudai} : >This is a non-story. Who cares what some nobody said on Twitter? looks like you didn't bother to even click the link", '>>{DC25NYC} : And just like a teenager he\'s blaming the teacher for his (admin\'s)wrong doing "MY DADs GONNA GET YOU FIRED! DONT EXPOSE MY BAD BEHAVIOR! YOUR JOB IS TO TEACH ME!"', '>>{drodkiin} : I clicked it... Lady is small-time. This is nothing', '>>{ScholarOfTwilight} : [FINALLY I can use this again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8pXoJRBt7g)', ">>{CGYflames01} : It's okay just stay here we could use some more citizens anyway!!", ">>{yakinikutabehoudai} : If you clicked it you would know it wasn't Twitter but live tv", '>>{whyd_I_laugh_at_that} : Yes! checked last night and still showed as "processing." This morning shows: >Apple® iPhone® 7 Plus 128GB in Black > >Status: >Your order has been shipped. Will be here tomorrow. I thought this might happen, same as when I pre-ordered my 6 from Verizon - first shows a later date then sends by release date.', '>>{CGYflames01} : Lol if leave from Seattle you can camp anywhere in Britsh Columbia same kind of weather beautiful camping sites everywhere...enjoy!!', ">>{drodkiin} : You're right, she later spoke on Twitter though, she's still a nobody", ">>{SilverMt} : It is insulting to Hispanics to think that speaking Spanish is more important than where he stands on the issues. It's nice that he can speak Spanish, but that isn't why he should become Vice President.", '>>{GreasedLlama} : Same experience here. Shipping date said the 23rd, yesterday am got a shipping notification for delivery on the 16th. Matte black 7+ 128gb', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Oh man these folks are everywhere. Well, I am in KY so there is that. But. These folks are widespread. The early years of indoctrination seem to be hard to shake.', ">>{ClarkDV} : You're not alone my friend. :( Edit: oh boy you're alone now, mine says preparing for shipment. Check again!", ">>{JacobCrim88} : > “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” * Joseph Goebbels (I've heard this quote might not be real tho)", ">>{KevOK80} : Mine has always said 10/5 and still shows that now. I guess I'll def be waiting a couple weeks. :(", '>>{Morgan_Sloat} : If by "fine tuned machine" you mean a decades-old riding lawnmower that fell down multiple flights of stadium stairs, sure.', ">>{Newbsaccount} : At this point, I think it's safe to assume that whatever Trump says is the complete opposite of the truth. No, I am not being hyperbolic.", '>>{errbodylovesaonsie} : To be completely fair. I don\'t think it would be very reasonable for a president to come out and say, "Yeah we are totally lost right now" That being said though....I think he probably actually believes it, and if he doesn\'t yet, he\'ll just keep telling himself that he does till it happens.', ">>{unobserved} : I'm starting to think that he's not actually trying to disinform the public, but that these are things that he actually believes.", ">>{PoliticalStooge137} : That's usually only something that's said when an administration is, in fact, not running like a fine-tune machine.", '>>{thebabybananagrabber} : Till processing. Let me clarify. I ordered the next morning on vzw.com. At midnight I tried to use the iPhone upgrade program that I started last year but the site was so borked.', ">>{ViskerRatio} : Except this isn't 'whistleblowing' under any reasonable definition. This is members of the U.S. intelligence community illegally using privileged intelligence information to manipulate the political processes of the country. It doesn't matter who it's targeted at - this is the single most important political issue in our nation right now, and the fact that half the nation is simply ignoring it because they don't the President is a travesty.", ">>{rhandle_stephens} : A lot of Americans do learn a 2nd language in high school or college. However, it's not fair to compare us to Europeans. For one, we don't have a lot of opportunities to use that second language. In Europe you are just a few hours away from many other countries. Secondly, almost everyone we come across speaks English, which diminshes our need to practice a second language unless we really go out of our way to force it.", '>>{MissionStyle} : Never liked the Ketchup Chips but Poutine is OK I guess. Having grown up on a border town and seeing how much nicer Canada was than the U.S. I always envied Canada a bit. That being said, Niagara Falls, NY is one big ghetto.', '>>{Sega32X} : Mines still processing. Ship date 2-3 weeks. Expected delivery Oct 4-10. 7 Plus Matte Black 128gb Sprint.', ">>{Banditus} : American here. I speak fluent German, elementary Spanish and Albanian, and know some basics in some pet project languages. I think it's neat that kaine speaks Spanish. And good for him I suppose for using it to reach out to a portion of the base. However, I think it's important for people coming to a country or region to learn the local language. The de facto language in the US is English. We should support multilingualism and add Spanish to help, but we shouldn't give up on encouraging or expecting people to also learn English. Just for a bit of an example of what I'm kind of saying. In germany, there's a huge Turkish population. You could easily pull a tim kaine and get a bit of recognition from the Turks as a politician. Yet you don't see Merkel go on TV and give a speech in Turkish despite the millions of Turks in germany. Moreover, many Turks in germany speak German and continue to learn it. As a polyglot, I fully agree Americans need to boost their language skills, but it should be a two way street.", ">>{SmellyMcSmelly} : Mine is also shipping in 2-3 weeks. Matte black 128 October 4-10. I'm going on vacation the 9th so let's hope it comes before then...", ">>{johnfrance} : Don't get me wrong, I definitely recognize the importance of new immigrants learning English, I definitely wouldn't expect to be accommodated if I didn't learn the language if I moved to a totally different place. I understand how important it is for having integration and preventing the isolation of immigrant groups and all the things that go along with that. I'm just giving a bit of sass because so many Americans (Anglo Canadians too) act so childish when it comes to the idea of learning a different language. But I agree the government should provide services and resources to assist new Americans in learning English. Although one thing with Spanish is that there are many historically Spanish communities in the south, places where Spanish was spoken for a long time before English or French was. As they like to say 'we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us', and I think they deserve some sort of deference with respect to their language rights, and for those places I don't necessarily think English should be forced upon them.", '>>{darkonex} : I ordered the same exact phone @ 2:03AM CST with the same arrival date, mine is still stuck in "preparing to ship" which is what it has said the past few days. I\'d better get mine shipped too since you ordered a lot later than I did! ;) *edit - well it\'s confirmed ATT is an asshole, even though you ordered yours later than me, same exact phone, mine didn\'t ship and yet yours did, wtf!?', ">>{SensualPuma} : 99% of you are w/ Verizon. I'm with T-Mobile. Ordered 7 Plus 32GB in Matte Black. Estimated to Ship 09/27/2016 - 10/10/2016. Ordered at 5am EST (2 hours after launch). However, I ordered two regular iPhone 7s in black (32GB) and those have already shipped as I type this overnight from T-Mobile. :(", ">>{thecolbster94} : Understand pro wrestling and you'll understand Trump. He's 'working' the media with his own 'kayfabe'.", '>>{johnb0z} : Same here. Then I got tracking information from Verizon yesterday with a delivery date of 9/16. Good times!', '>>{franklinsteiner1} : [You mean like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COjmPC7pqlM)', '>>{ivsciguy} : Thanks, was just wondering if there was anywhere you specifically recommended. In the US, I would likely recommend Rocky Mountain National Park. Truly beautiful landscape, nice amenities and trails, and some great micro-breweries near both sides of the park.', ">>{NovaStubble} : The ice makers all still work and there is a ton of available parking. Metrics used for Trump Hotel evaluations shouldn't be used to evaluate the United States of America.", '>>{JakeT-life-is-great} : Also, since donnie is a proven pathological liar, he is in fact admitting his administration is a cluster fuck of incompetence.', '>>{drumminherbie} : Still waiting on my matte black 128 plus. I ordered at 6:00 AM EST.', ">>{noott} : Unaware? He's just lying. He's not unaware of his own unwavering support for Putin. He's not unaware of Flynn's contact with the Russians. He's not unaware of the fact that the CIA is withholding information from him. The only way he can maintain any support from anyone at this point is to lie through his teeth. For some reason, some people believe what he says, and if he shuts up, the only ones left talking are the ones pointing out the Trumpster fire.", ">>{CGYflames01} : Well I'm probably biased because I live here but Banff National Park is one of the most beautiful places I've been to in this country!! it is also in the heart of the rocky mountains.", ">>{CGYflames01} : I used to live in Ontario so trust me Toronto and the GTA isn't much to brag about!", ">>{CollumMcJingleballs} : I can't watch it because it is just so fucking bizarre and depressing", ">>{Sega32X} : I'm going in vacation from the 24-1st. I have a feeling it will come early while I'm gone.", ">>{ivsciguy} : Cool, thanks. I'll check it out, although I think that trip my have to wait until next year. I am think this year I am going to take a trip to New Zealand, as I got two plane tickets to almost anywhere as a bonus at work. I want to go on a trip where airfare would normally be the most expensive part.", '>>{Hotguy657} : Same thing happened to me. Verizon\'s website said "ship by 9/23/16" so I assumed it wouldn\'t ship until then. What a good way to start the day', ">>{DarkHiei} : Don't worry man, I also ordered the 128GB 7 Plus M. Black and I also have a ship date of 10/05. I ordered a lot later in the day at like 9:45am because I was trying to figure out the best way to get it and Best Buy and Apple were no goes.", '>>{ivsciguy} : Not a fan of Ketchup Chips, but I do like Lays All Dressed...', ">>{aahmed3688} : I completely wasn't expecting mine until next month, but I just checked and my ATT 7+ in black is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow! Now i'm trying to go to bed like a child the day before Disney lol", ">>{poobybooby} : I guess I'll share this again if anyone is confused or wondering why Trump and his administration seem to be saying clearly false statements, oftentimes even contradicting previous statements or statements from other aides. There's an underlying strategy taken directly from [Russia's propaganda model.](http://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html) Here's a summary I made and have been sharing around on here. >Since its 2008 incursion into Georgia (if not before), there has been a remarkable evolution in Russia’s approach to propaganda. The country has effectively employed new dissemination channels and messages in support of its 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula, its ongoing involvement in the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, and its antagonism of NATO allies. Like a “firehose of falsehood,” the Russian propaganda model is high-volume and multichannel, and it disseminates messages without regard for the truth. It is also rapid, continuous, and repetitive, and it lacks commitment to consistency. These techniques would seem to run counter to the received wisdom for successful information campaigns, but research in psychology supports many of the most successful aspects of the model. Furthermore, the very factors that make the firehose of falsehood effective also make it difficult to counter. Traditional counterpropaganda approaches will likely be inadequate in this context. More effective solutions can be found in the same psychology literature that explains the surprising success of the Russian propaganda model and its messages. > **Distinctive Features of the Contemporary Model > for Russian Propaganda** > > 1. High-volume and multichannel > 1. Rapid, continuous, and repetitive > 1. Lacks commitment to objective reality > 1. Lacks commitment to consistency. > **What Matters in Producing and Disseminating High-Volume, Multichannel Propaganda?** > * Variety of sources > > * Number and volume of sources > * The views of others, especially the views of those who are similiar to the message recipient. > **Why Is Rapid, Continuous, and Repetitive Propaganda Successful?** > > * First impressions are very resilient. > > * Repetition leads to familiarity, and familiarity leads to acceptance. > > **How Does Propaganda Undercut Perceptions of Reality?** > > * People are poor judges of true versus false information—and they do not necessarily remember that particular information was false. > * Information overload leads people to take shortcuts in determining the trustworthiness of messages. > * Familiar themes or messages can be appealing even if they are false. > * Statements are more likely to be accepted if backed by evidence, even if that evidence is false. > * Peripheral cues—such as an appearance of objectivity—can increase the credibility of propaganda. > **How Can Propaganda Succeed While Disseminating Contradicting Messages?** > > * Research suggests that inconsistency has a deleterious effect on persuasion, but audiences overlook contradictions under certain circumstances, such as a convincing reason for a shift in opinion. > * Potential losses in credibility due to inconsistency can be offset by synergies with other characteristics of propaganda success, such as effective peripheral cues. PS- Watch this news conference in its entirety, there's much more than the soundbites and headlines that you'll see in articles and news. Trump is a combative madman with nearly no ability follow even a basic form of logic. Fucking incredible that a man like this is in the most powerful position on the planet.", ">>{idontlikeflamingos} : Well, if the machine is supposed to spew shit uncontrollably everywhere he's not lying.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Heel thinks he's a face. He's not too good with self awareness.", ">>{haha2704} : And I'm not sure what is worse. But even if his ego is the driving force of these statements, he has people in his administration that knows how to use this unstoppable force to drive a wedge between people and at the same time continue their shady opperations in the shadows.", '>>{EvergreenBipolar} : You had better start building YOUR border wall, because you are going to have a lot of undocumented immigrants from the South pouring in. And some of them are good people', '>>{CGYflames01} : Hahaha well we look forward to it!! Seems like the level headed people will be the ones leaving so that will be great for everyone.', ">>{shelbys_foot} : Sometimes I find it hard to believe that this man doesn't drink. Half the time he sounds like someone on his 4th gin and tonic.", ">>{redditzendave} : He's right, it's running like a finely tuned chaos machine.", '>>{heliumspoon} : If that machine is garbage truck than I agree.', ">>{MissionStyle} : Yeah, its not quite as drastic as that border change is. Having been to much of Canada it overall isn't much different in that way. Just that drastic different going across the Rainbow bridge showed tho lol", ">>{OptimusSublime} : I'd love to know how that was created. Buster Keaton was amazing. That being said, I will be stealing this gif for future use.", '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : > my administration is running like a pretty hate machine...', '>>{thegreystash} : A garbage truck is more efficient than his current administration.', '>>{gAlienLifeform} : [Trump is far from alone in that experience](http://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=499213698)', '>>{gAlienLifeform} : ["What would an EXTERNAL combustion [administration] be like?"](http://achewood.com/index.php?date=11142007)', '>>{factsRcool} : Whoever manufactured that machine would be out of business. Imagine the RMA rate...', '>>{Polishhellman} : A fine-tuned, bigoted, lying, death machine.', '>>{The_Distance_From} : I love Buster Keaton. Everything he did on film was insane.', ">>{preserved_fish} : [This one](https://68.media.tumblr.com/d5de1c8b8cbc78303501671d7a8359fe/tumblr_num6lpcLRT1tojh0do1_500.gif) also seems apt. It's the Buster Keaton presidency!", ">>{orionbeltblues} : This is entirely true. The Trump administration _**is**_ running like a fine-tuned machine. The problem is that the machine in question appears to be one of [Thijs Rijkers' Suicide Machines](https://vimeo.com/56871178).", '>>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : Like those Dada kinectic sculptures that were designed to rip themselves apart.', ">>{orionbeltblues} : I'm a fan of ketchup chips. I live 13 miles from Abbotsford, and ketchup chips are the #1 reason I cross the border. (The fish & chips shops along the boardwalk in White Rock are the #2 reason.)", ">>{DreamsAndSchemes} : If you're willing to drive 12 hours, save your tickets for a far off destination. Fly into Detroit, drive across the border, and hit a campground on Georgian Bay. The best one I found had campgrounds right on the lake, and it was awesome to wake up to that view. Ontario Parks will be your go to for those. Source: American that drove/camped across Manitoba and Southern Ontario a couple years ago. e: Scratch that, I stayed at [Lake Superior Provincial Park](http://ontarioparks.com/park/lakesuperior). Agawa Bay wasn't too far. Still a hell of a view. Cross over at Sault Ste Marie (bonus: Mackinac Bridge is cool) and bang a left on the TransCanada.", ">>{ONXwat} : He's not unaware. He's not lying. His administration *is* running like a fine tuned machine, and that machine's purpose is to make money off the backs of americans, subvert democracy and be the kremlin's puppet. And that machine is running very, very well.", '>>{blix797} : [More like a Reliant Robin.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QQh56geU0X8/hqdefault.jpg)']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{_CtrlAltLeft_} : Of course he was. Is anyone even doubting that?', ">>{isthatmyex} : I can't stand the guy but I would say its likely his Tower that he has packed with Russian mobsters was tapped at some point.", '>>{RosneftTrump2020} : He wasn\'t. Others that he communicated with were. That isn\'t in doubt. But it\'s a big difference from "Trump was wiretapped". If you call your friend Vlad in Russia, and Vlad is being surveilled, then the conversation will be tapped.', '>>{mrbarky} : Then why did Trump punt and tell people to talk to that "nice legal mind" over at Fox when asked for proof?', '>>{backpackwayne} : In other news, it has been determined that 74% of republicans require no facts to make their decisions.', '>>{AnarkistReese} : Idk why assume Trump Tower was the only place that was tapped. I bet theres a hot mic in his favorite golf cart.', '>>{b0redengr} : 60% believe the earth is less than 10,000 years old. http://www.gallup.com/poll/108226/Republicans-Democrats-Differ-Creationism.aspx', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : The geologic column was put out by geologists to test our faith!! I actually had a guy tell me that once. He had a BS in geology .', ">>{eneguekered} : The only two sources to believe are Trump's tweets and some talking heads on Fox. MUST BE TRUE! MAGA!", ">>{maxelrod} : Why do you believe that? Because a proven compulsive liar farted it out on Twitter with nothing to back it up? Or because everyone with any knowledge on the matter has stated unequivocally (and some of them under oath) that it's not true? Yeah, he's got a real strong case...", '>>{tenebris_spiritus} : And I did those things with his wife to test his marriage.', ">>{ViskerRatio} : This is a poorly phrased question. No one - not even Donald Trump - is claiming that his offices were tapped. What people are claiming (and what happens to be true): 1. The U.S. government was engaged in foreign intelligence operations against individuals resident in Trump Tower that appear to be incidental to Trump and his transition team. 2. The U.S. government was engaged in surveillance against foreign nationals that incidentally included correspondence/conversations with members of the Trump transition team. 3. That individuals within the Obama Administration and intelligence community 'unmasked' these conversations, leaking identifying information to the press. Depending on who did it, this is a felony. I don't care what you think about Trump, if you're not *very* concerned about #3 you're living in a fantasyland. If the rules on masking U.S. identities are not preserved, you might as well tear up the 4th Amendment right now. It's hard to believe that people are up in arms about ISPs have the same ability to track your online presence as Google or Facebook - while being in absolute denial about the dangers of the U.S. intelligence community being given carte blanche to surveil any U.S. citizen and use that information however they like.", '>>{ron2838} : I think most people here seperate whistleblowing and leaking.', '>>{eggsuckingdog} : Oh man these folks are everywhere. Well, I am in KY so there is that. But. These folks are widespread. The early years of indoctrination seem to be hard to shake.', ">>{ViskerRatio} : Except this isn't 'whistleblowing' under any reasonable definition. This is members of the U.S. intelligence community illegally using privileged intelligence information to manipulate the political processes of the country. It doesn't matter who it's targeted at - this is the single most important political issue in our nation right now, and the fact that half the nation is simply ignoring it because they don't the President is a travesty."], [">>{yakinikutabehoudai} : Pundit cites 'Dora the Explorer' to criticize Kaine's use of Spanish", '>>{yakinikutabehoudai} : Should have just tweeted out another picture of a taco bowl.', ">>{VTFD} : So far we've had *Frozen*, *My Little Pony*, and *Dora The Explorer* cited by the right in the last 2 weeks. Making a compelling play for the 8 year old girl vote.", ">>{theplott} : US Americans are suspicious of intelligence. We should want people in office who can speak other languages. John Kerry's language abilities have been of great service to this country. Why shouldn't we want more of that?", ">>{FatLadySingin} : If it walks like a [GOP](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cn-0YajVYAE8M0Y.jpg)..... Quacks like a [GOP](http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/07/21/3800778/donald-trump-white-supremacist-rnc/) .... It must be a [GOP](http://www.salon.com/2016/07/23/anatomy_of_a_trump_voter_how_racism_propelled_trump_to_the_republican_nomination/) GOP [simple greeting](https://media.giphy.com/media/l0Hlvh1us2dpuNglO/giphy.gif)...? It's a [Sheriff's star](http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a46422/david-duke-donald-trump-star-david-tweet/)..? Maybe we should let [US Rep. Steve King](http://www.vox.com/2016/7/18/12218672/steve-king-racist-ignorant) chime in....? Maybe we should check the [big screen](http://time.com/4418591/republican-convention-white-supremacist-tweet/)....?", '>>{politicsuck} : Scottie Nell Hughes on Saturday criticized Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine for speaking in Spanish, saying it contrasted with this week\'s Republican convention in which I didn\'t have to get a translator." WOOOOOOOOOOOOW The new GoP is just outwardly ignorant and racist now isn\'t it? Thank you Trump for giving these people a platform to stand on...', '>>{misscee} : If someone who speaks two languages is bilingual, and someone who speaks many languages is multilingual, then what do you call someone who speaks one language? An American.', '>>{nbruch42} : To me the issue isnt his intelligence it is that when he stands on the stage and speaks spanish he and hillary acted as if thats all it takes to get latin americans to vote for them, its demeaning that their campaign can reduce them to a language, any one can learn a language but it takes so much more than that to understand the issues facing the latin american community, and on top of that all the media coverage of the event was tim kaine speaks spainish not tim kaine addresses latian American issues', ">>{theplott} : Great points. Thanks for explaining that. It's not like I understand Latino issues, either, but it's good to see a clearer perspective on Kaine. From my perspective, I'm so tired of the bromides of the Democrats without substance.", '>>{WarPhalange} : New? Bobby Jindal said the GOP needs to stop being the party of stupid years ago.', '>>{johnfrance} : Maybe Americans should actually just try to learn something other than English maybe.. You know more than half of Europeans can speak two languages? And a quarter can speak three? Learn Spanish and be able to converse with the largest Spanish speaking country in the world just to your south! Learn French and you will be able to talk with upwards to the 7 million Canadians who speak that as their main language!', '>>{drodkiin} : This is a non-story. Who cares what some nobody said on Twitter?', ">>{yakinikutabehoudai} : >This is a non-story. Who cares what some nobody said on Twitter? looks like you didn't bother to even click the link", '>>{drodkiin} : I clicked it... Lady is small-time. This is nothing', ">>{yakinikutabehoudai} : If you clicked it you would know it wasn't Twitter but live tv", ">>{drodkiin} : You're right, she later spoke on Twitter though, she's still a nobody", ">>{SilverMt} : It is insulting to Hispanics to think that speaking Spanish is more important than where he stands on the issues. It's nice that he can speak Spanish, but that isn't why he should become Vice President.", ">>{rhandle_stephens} : A lot of Americans do learn a 2nd language in high school or college. However, it's not fair to compare us to Europeans. For one, we don't have a lot of opportunities to use that second language. In Europe you are just a few hours away from many other countries. Secondly, almost everyone we come across speaks English, which diminshes our need to practice a second language unless we really go out of our way to force it.", ">>{Banditus} : American here. I speak fluent German, elementary Spanish and Albanian, and know some basics in some pet project languages. I think it's neat that kaine speaks Spanish. And good for him I suppose for using it to reach out to a portion of the base. However, I think it's important for people coming to a country or region to learn the local language. The de facto language in the US is English. We should support multilingualism and add Spanish to help, but we shouldn't give up on encouraging or expecting people to also learn English. Just for a bit of an example of what I'm kind of saying. In germany, there's a huge Turkish population. You could easily pull a tim kaine and get a bit of recognition from the Turks as a politician. Yet you don't see Merkel go on TV and give a speech in Turkish despite the millions of Turks in germany. Moreover, many Turks in germany speak German and continue to learn it. As a polyglot, I fully agree Americans need to boost their language skills, but it should be a two way street.", ">>{johnfrance} : Don't get me wrong, I definitely recognize the importance of new immigrants learning English, I definitely wouldn't expect to be accommodated if I didn't learn the language if I moved to a totally different place. I understand how important it is for having integration and preventing the isolation of immigrant groups and all the things that go along with that. I'm just giving a bit of sass because so many Americans (Anglo Canadians too) act so childish when it comes to the idea of learning a different language. But I agree the government should provide services and resources to assist new Americans in learning English. Although one thing with Spanish is that there are many historically Spanish communities in the south, places where Spanish was spoken for a long time before English or French was. As they like to say 'we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us', and I think they deserve some sort of deference with respect to their language rights, and for those places I don't necessarily think English should be forced upon them."], ['>>{speckz} : BenQ PD2710QC Announced: 27" 2560x1440 with Integrated USB Type-C Dock', ">>{mrjackm124} : If they can keep the $350 price, that'd be great. Otherwise the improvements are minimal from the previous model save for better looking design, USB-C (which I guess is useful?) And better color reproduction", ">>{Whipit} : Unless we're talking about very high refresh rates of 144hz+ ( which this isn't) displays with lower resolutions than 4k don't really make sense anymore. Why would I buy this over a larger 4k TV? It's not even G-sync / Freesync. Why does this exist?", '>>{GameArtZac} : 1440p is a better sweet spot. 4k scaling still sucks, and 4k gaming is too demanding. $350 for a decent IPS 1440p monitor is the norm right now.', ">>{Whipit} : Last year I'd agree but this year seems like the year for going 4k IMO. Also, 1080p content scales perfectly to 4k. 1440p is just an odd resolution IMO. A stop gap between 1080p and 4k.", '>>{GameArtZac} : I have a 1440p 27" monitor and at that size and resolution it\'s a perfect balance for gaming and productivity. I\'ve tried 4k monitors at that size and larger, and it\'s not a great experience.', ">>{Roseking} : When a top end card (1080) can't play everything at 4K 60fps it is not really prime time for 4k gaming. And there are plenty of scaling issue still present. I know League has a lot of issues at 4K.", ">>{piexil} : As someone with a 970 and a 4k monitor. You can get tons of frames back by turning off AA. The best part is, you don't even need it at 4k.", '>>{North101} : >Why would I buy this over a larger 4k TV? TVs tend to have a higher latency compared to monitors, especially the 4k ones.', ">>{mellofello808} : Most Macs choke at 4k. I just bought a 1440p monitor for this reason. I am as big a 4k proponent as anyone(on my third TV now). However it really isn't necessary at 27 inches IMO.", '>>{oscaralexander} : Sorry for necroposting, but what was the previous model in your opinion? The PD2700Q?'], [">>{DC25NYC} : Imagine being this unaware. That's what surrounding yourself with yes men does to you for your entire life", '>>{thinkadrian} : A fine-tuned machine [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z86V_ICUCD4)', '>>{CGYflames01} : As a Canadian I feel so bad for you guys....Never seen anything like this, he literally had an entire press conference that was a lie from start to finish....Good luck down there feel free to come for a visit!', ">>{haha2704} : It's scary how hard this president is trying to disinform the public.", '>>{troubleondemand} : He sounds like a teenager who got caught doing something bad.', '>>{Synapseon} : A fine tuned machine indeed that spits out useless parts from time to time', ">>{GheyTardid} : it's amazing how 8 years ago when obisis said the same thing, all the republicans raised hell and the liberals tried to call them immature, and now there doing the *exact same thing* . Oh the hypocrasy", ">>{Sunfest} : I worry that they won't let me come back home if I do visit. After all, I am a scientist and known associate with damn foreigners.", '>>{Tenacious_Ceeee} : He is living in a complete and isolated group think silo.', '>>{ivsciguy} : Sounds good. Where would you recommend camping and hiking this summer that is within 12hr driving distance of a major international airport?', ">>{chrispy145} : It's funny because he combined Obama and Isis in one word! Haha, literally did a spit take of my coffee at work. Jessica in marketing is going to get a kick out of this! Great joke, comrade! Your account has been credited 58 Rubles.", ">>{Rsubs33} : A fine tuned machine where the radio, AC, wipers and headlights all don't work and your are leaking oil, antifreeze, and brake fluid everywhere.", '>>{DC25NYC} : And just like a teenager he\'s blaming the teacher for his (admin\'s)wrong doing "MY DADs GONNA GET YOU FIRED! DONT EXPOSE MY BAD BEHAVIOR! YOUR JOB IS TO TEACH ME!"', '>>{ScholarOfTwilight} : [FINALLY I can use this again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8pXoJRBt7g)', ">>{CGYflames01} : It's okay just stay here we could use some more citizens anyway!!", '>>{CGYflames01} : Lol if leave from Seattle you can camp anywhere in Britsh Columbia same kind of weather beautiful camping sites everywhere...enjoy!!', ">>{JacobCrim88} : > “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” * Joseph Goebbels (I've heard this quote might not be real tho)", '>>{Morgan_Sloat} : If by "fine tuned machine" you mean a decades-old riding lawnmower that fell down multiple flights of stadium stairs, sure.', ">>{Newbsaccount} : At this point, I think it's safe to assume that whatever Trump says is the complete opposite of the truth. No, I am not being hyperbolic.", '>>{errbodylovesaonsie} : To be completely fair. I don\'t think it would be very reasonable for a president to come out and say, "Yeah we are totally lost right now" That being said though....I think he probably actually believes it, and if he doesn\'t yet, he\'ll just keep telling himself that he does till it happens.', ">>{unobserved} : I'm starting to think that he's not actually trying to disinform the public, but that these are things that he actually believes.", ">>{PoliticalStooge137} : That's usually only something that's said when an administration is, in fact, not running like a fine-tune machine.", '>>{MissionStyle} : Never liked the Ketchup Chips but Poutine is OK I guess. Having grown up on a border town and seeing how much nicer Canada was than the U.S. I always envied Canada a bit. That being said, Niagara Falls, NY is one big ghetto.', ">>{thecolbster94} : Understand pro wrestling and you'll understand Trump. He's 'working' the media with his own 'kayfabe'.", '>>{franklinsteiner1} : [You mean like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COjmPC7pqlM)', '>>{ivsciguy} : Thanks, was just wondering if there was anywhere you specifically recommended. In the US, I would likely recommend Rocky Mountain National Park. Truly beautiful landscape, nice amenities and trails, and some great micro-breweries near both sides of the park.', ">>{NovaStubble} : The ice makers all still work and there is a ton of available parking. Metrics used for Trump Hotel evaluations shouldn't be used to evaluate the United States of America.", '>>{JakeT-life-is-great} : Also, since donnie is a proven pathological liar, he is in fact admitting his administration is a cluster fuck of incompetence.', ">>{noott} : Unaware? He's just lying. He's not unaware of his own unwavering support for Putin. He's not unaware of Flynn's contact with the Russians. He's not unaware of the fact that the CIA is withholding information from him. The only way he can maintain any support from anyone at this point is to lie through his teeth. For some reason, some people believe what he says, and if he shuts up, the only ones left talking are the ones pointing out the Trumpster fire.", ">>{CGYflames01} : Well I'm probably biased because I live here but Banff National Park is one of the most beautiful places I've been to in this country!! it is also in the heart of the rocky mountains.", ">>{CGYflames01} : I used to live in Ontario so trust me Toronto and the GTA isn't much to brag about!", ">>{CollumMcJingleballs} : I can't watch it because it is just so fucking bizarre and depressing", ">>{ivsciguy} : Cool, thanks. I'll check it out, although I think that trip my have to wait until next year. I am think this year I am going to take a trip to New Zealand, as I got two plane tickets to almost anywhere as a bonus at work. I want to go on a trip where airfare would normally be the most expensive part.", '>>{ivsciguy} : Not a fan of Ketchup Chips, but I do like Lays All Dressed...', ">>{poobybooby} : I guess I'll share this again if anyone is confused or wondering why Trump and his administration seem to be saying clearly false statements, oftentimes even contradicting previous statements or statements from other aides. There's an underlying strategy taken directly from [Russia's propaganda model.](http://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html) Here's a summary I made and have been sharing around on here. >Since its 2008 incursion into Georgia (if not before), there has been a remarkable evolution in Russia’s approach to propaganda. The country has effectively employed new dissemination channels and messages in support of its 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula, its ongoing involvement in the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, and its antagonism of NATO allies. Like a “firehose of falsehood,” the Russian propaganda model is high-volume and multichannel, and it disseminates messages without regard for the truth. It is also rapid, continuous, and repetitive, and it lacks commitment to consistency. These techniques would seem to run counter to the received wisdom for successful information campaigns, but research in psychology supports many of the most successful aspects of the model. Furthermore, the very factors that make the firehose of falsehood effective also make it difficult to counter. Traditional counterpropaganda approaches will likely be inadequate in this context. More effective solutions can be found in the same psychology literature that explains the surprising success of the Russian propaganda model and its messages. > **Distinctive Features of the Contemporary Model > for Russian Propaganda** > > 1. High-volume and multichannel > 1. Rapid, continuous, and repetitive > 1. Lacks commitment to objective reality > 1. Lacks commitment to consistency. > **What Matters in Producing and Disseminating High-Volume, Multichannel Propaganda?** > * Variety of sources > > * Number and volume of sources > * The views of others, especially the views of those who are similiar to the message recipient. > **Why Is Rapid, Continuous, and Repetitive Propaganda Successful?** > > * First impressions are very resilient. > > * Repetition leads to familiarity, and familiarity leads to acceptance. > > **How Does Propaganda Undercut Perceptions of Reality?** > > * People are poor judges of true versus false information—and they do not necessarily remember that particular information was false. > * Information overload leads people to take shortcuts in determining the trustworthiness of messages. > * Familiar themes or messages can be appealing even if they are false. > * Statements are more likely to be accepted if backed by evidence, even if that evidence is false. > * Peripheral cues—such as an appearance of objectivity—can increase the credibility of propaganda. > **How Can Propaganda Succeed While Disseminating Contradicting Messages?** > > * Research suggests that inconsistency has a deleterious effect on persuasion, but audiences overlook contradictions under certain circumstances, such as a convincing reason for a shift in opinion. > * Potential losses in credibility due to inconsistency can be offset by synergies with other characteristics of propaganda success, such as effective peripheral cues. PS- Watch this news conference in its entirety, there's much more than the soundbites and headlines that you'll see in articles and news. Trump is a combative madman with nearly no ability follow even a basic form of logic. Fucking incredible that a man like this is in the most powerful position on the planet.", ">>{idontlikeflamingos} : Well, if the machine is supposed to spew shit uncontrollably everywhere he's not lying.", ">>{UrukHaiGuyz} : Heel thinks he's a face. He's not too good with self awareness.", ">>{haha2704} : And I'm not sure what is worse. But even if his ego is the driving force of these statements, he has people in his administration that knows how to use this unstoppable force to drive a wedge between people and at the same time continue their shady opperations in the shadows.", '>>{EvergreenBipolar} : You had better start building YOUR border wall, because you are going to have a lot of undocumented immigrants from the South pouring in. And some of them are good people', '>>{CGYflames01} : Hahaha well we look forward to it!! Seems like the level headed people will be the ones leaving so that will be great for everyone.', ">>{shelbys_foot} : Sometimes I find it hard to believe that this man doesn't drink. Half the time he sounds like someone on his 4th gin and tonic.", ">>{redditzendave} : He's right, it's running like a finely tuned chaos machine.", '>>{heliumspoon} : If that machine is garbage truck than I agree.', ">>{MissionStyle} : Yeah, its not quite as drastic as that border change is. Having been to much of Canada it overall isn't much different in that way. Just that drastic different going across the Rainbow bridge showed tho lol", ">>{OptimusSublime} : I'd love to know how that was created. Buster Keaton was amazing. That being said, I will be stealing this gif for future use.", '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : > my administration is running like a pretty hate machine...', '>>{thegreystash} : A garbage truck is more efficient than his current administration.', '>>{gAlienLifeform} : [Trump is far from alone in that experience](http://www.npr.org/templates/transcript/transcript.php?storyId=499213698)', '>>{gAlienLifeform} : ["What would an EXTERNAL combustion [administration] be like?"](http://achewood.com/index.php?date=11142007)', '>>{factsRcool} : Whoever manufactured that machine would be out of business. Imagine the RMA rate...', '>>{Polishhellman} : A fine-tuned, bigoted, lying, death machine.', '>>{The_Distance_From} : I love Buster Keaton. Everything he did on film was insane.', ">>{preserved_fish} : [This one](https://68.media.tumblr.com/d5de1c8b8cbc78303501671d7a8359fe/tumblr_num6lpcLRT1tojh0do1_500.gif) also seems apt. It's the Buster Keaton presidency!", ">>{orionbeltblues} : This is entirely true. The Trump administration _**is**_ running like a fine-tuned machine. The problem is that the machine in question appears to be one of [Thijs Rijkers' Suicide Machines](https://vimeo.com/56871178).", '>>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : Like those Dada kinectic sculptures that were designed to rip themselves apart.', ">>{orionbeltblues} : I'm a fan of ketchup chips. I live 13 miles from Abbotsford, and ketchup chips are the #1 reason I cross the border. (The fish & chips shops along the boardwalk in White Rock are the #2 reason.)", ">>{DreamsAndSchemes} : If you're willing to drive 12 hours, save your tickets for a far off destination. Fly into Detroit, drive across the border, and hit a campground on Georgian Bay. The best one I found had campgrounds right on the lake, and it was awesome to wake up to that view. Ontario Parks will be your go to for those. Source: American that drove/camped across Manitoba and Southern Ontario a couple years ago. e: Scratch that, I stayed at [Lake Superior Provincial Park](http://ontarioparks.com/park/lakesuperior). Agawa Bay wasn't too far. Still a hell of a view. Cross over at Sault Ste Marie (bonus: Mackinac Bridge is cool) and bang a left on the TransCanada.", ">>{ONXwat} : He's not unaware. He's not lying. His administration *is* running like a fine tuned machine, and that machine's purpose is to make money off the backs of americans, subvert democracy and be the kremlin's puppet. And that machine is running very, very well.", '>>{blix797} : [More like a Reliant Robin.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QQh56geU0X8/hqdefault.jpg)'], ['>>{jarsolwi} : iPhone 7 Plus Matte Black shipping earlier than expected.', '>>{enarik} : I got my card charged last night, no shipment notification though... I can hope though.', ">>{ObnoxiousPuma} : My card was charged three days ago, and still no update on the order. The only thing that's changed is when I check the status in the my Verizon app it says shipping date 9/14/16, well that's come and gone and still not shipping info.", ">>{damstr} : It's common practice to show customers later shipping times when larges amounts of orders are coming through to cover their ass. Better to surprise someone with a quicker ship time rather than a later.", ">>{chriswcarter2} : I ordered at 3:08 CST from Verizon, and mine still shows 9/23 (and my card hasn't been charged). Looks like I'll be waiting until sometime next week...", '>>{chriswcarter2} : Where are you able to see shipping information in the My Verizon app?', '>>{ObnoxiousPuma} : I go to devices and then my order, it then shows the shipping date, still as yesterday...but like I said no shipping info yet', ">>{DudeBroChad} : I feel your pain. We ordered two (1 black +, 1 rose gold +) and only the rose gold, which isn't mine, has shipped. Mine is stuck in processing.", '>>{whyd_I_laugh_at_that} : Yes! checked last night and still showed as "processing." This morning shows: >Apple® iPhone® 7 Plus 128GB in Black > >Status: >Your order has been shipped. Will be here tomorrow. I thought this might happen, same as when I pre-ordered my 6 from Verizon - first shows a later date then sends by release date.', '>>{GreasedLlama} : Same experience here. Shipping date said the 23rd, yesterday am got a shipping notification for delivery on the 16th. Matte black 7+ 128gb', ">>{ClarkDV} : You're not alone my friend. :( Edit: oh boy you're alone now, mine says preparing for shipment. Check again!", ">>{KevOK80} : Mine has always said 10/5 and still shows that now. I guess I'll def be waiting a couple weeks. :(", '>>{thebabybananagrabber} : Till processing. Let me clarify. I ordered the next morning on vzw.com. At midnight I tried to use the iPhone upgrade program that I started last year but the site was so borked.', '>>{Sega32X} : Mines still processing. Ship date 2-3 weeks. Expected delivery Oct 4-10. 7 Plus Matte Black 128gb Sprint.', ">>{SmellyMcSmelly} : Mine is also shipping in 2-3 weeks. Matte black 128 October 4-10. I'm going on vacation the 9th so let's hope it comes before then...", '>>{darkonex} : I ordered the same exact phone @ 2:03AM CST with the same arrival date, mine is still stuck in "preparing to ship" which is what it has said the past few days. I\'d better get mine shipped too since you ordered a lot later than I did! ;) *edit - well it\'s confirmed ATT is an asshole, even though you ordered yours later than me, same exact phone, mine didn\'t ship and yet yours did, wtf!?', ">>{SensualPuma} : 99% of you are w/ Verizon. I'm with T-Mobile. Ordered 7 Plus 32GB in Matte Black. Estimated to Ship 09/27/2016 - 10/10/2016. Ordered at 5am EST (2 hours after launch). However, I ordered two regular iPhone 7s in black (32GB) and those have already shipped as I type this overnight from T-Mobile. :(", '>>{johnb0z} : Same here. Then I got tracking information from Verizon yesterday with a delivery date of 9/16. Good times!', '>>{drumminherbie} : Still waiting on my matte black 128 plus. I ordered at 6:00 AM EST.', ">>{Sega32X} : I'm going in vacation from the 24-1st. I have a feeling it will come early while I'm gone.", '>>{Hotguy657} : Same thing happened to me. Verizon\'s website said "ship by 9/23/16" so I assumed it wouldn\'t ship until then. What a good way to start the day', ">>{DarkHiei} : Don't worry man, I also ordered the 128GB 7 Plus M. Black and I also have a ship date of 10/05. I ordered a lot later in the day at like 9:45am because I was trying to figure out the best way to get it and Best Buy and Apple were no goes.", ">>{aahmed3688} : I completely wasn't expecting mine until next month, but I just checked and my ATT 7+ in black is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow! Now i'm trying to go to bed like a child the day before Disney lol"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Speedstr} : Trump sign with razor blades injures person at Collin County polling site', '>>{squirtingispeeing} : Why the Associated Press called the race for Hillary Clinton when nobody was looking', '>>{Mawo123} : Why was the person touching the sign? And the blades are pretty obvious.', '>>{LineNoise} : SCOTUS Reprimands Anti-LGBTQ Groups for Misgendering Trans Student Gavin Grimm', '>>{Simoni_Deo} : NEWS FLASH: **Hillary has not been nominated.**', '>>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : Misgendering And Democrats are wondering why they lost people like me.', '>>{LegoFarmer} : Trump sets 5-year and lifetime lobbying ban for officials', '>>{RobToastie} : This is something I can actually get behind, as long as it is properly implemented. Getting the money out of politics is a win for democracy. Not that this administration is a win for democracy, but hey, silver linings? Edit: nope, looks like this is actually weakening existing rules. Because fuck democracy', ">>{TinyBaron} : Most lobbyists are former Congresspeople. The real lobbying is done in Congress, who dole out the government's money in the Committees. The sitting congressmen listen to the lobbyists because they themselves plan to join their ranks when they leave office. While a step in the right direction, this won't have much of an impact. Like a lot of these executive orders, just done for show. At least we know he can still sign his own name.", '>>{cam396} : This is definitely a step in the right direction.', '>>{jaCASTO} : read the god damn article >The campaign sign was blocking a “vote here" sign, which prompted a volunteer to try to move it. Instead, the volunteer cut their hand on the blades glued to the bottom of the sign.', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : No thanks. I'll just stick with the sirloin.", '>>{abieyuwa} : You aren\'t missed. If your first response to someone bring discriminated against is "what about me??" then you\'re incredibly fucking selfish and will not be missed.', ">>{zan5ki} : [To feed the corporate, profit-driven, ratings whore media and prop up the candidate they like.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4mypq5/z/d3zcg3e) It's not that complicated (unless you don't want to believe it).", '>>{ozric101} : Democrats should talk, they are the ones trying to shut down free speech almost everywhere you go.', '>>{jaCASTO} : Voter suppression on a whole new level! Put razor blades on signs to harm anyone who tries to remove Trump propaganda away from signage indicating people are at the proper polling location.', '>>{Speedstr} : The article says that the Trump sign was blocking a "vote here" sign. A voting center volunteer tried to move the sign, and was injured.', ">>{Hurvisderk} : Makes sense that they voted Trump too, when you think about it. The boy can't talk in front of people without mentioning how great he is. Edit: different words to word better.", ">>{kescusay} : Don't change the subject. What's so hard about respecting the gender pronoun an individual prefers? How does it injure you to respect your fellow human being?", ">>{plato1123} : Politico is saying he's actually significantly weakened Obama's ethics rules in this area. \\#draintheswamp? http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-lobbying-ban-weakens-obama-ethics-rules-234318", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : >Obviously, this single rebuke will not persuade these organizations to respect Grimm’s gender identity. But it does, I think, effectively disqualify these amicus briefs from serious consideration. By misgendering Grimm, these briefs clearly reflect the kind of animus that moved the school board to bar Grimm from the correct bathroom in the first place. The briefs reject the very validity of Grimm’s identity in a manner that is both offensive and petty. Indeed, these organizations are so eager to deny Grimm this basic dignity that they intentionally flouted the rules of the Supreme Court of the United States. It is difficult to imagine a justice citing anything these groups’ briefs say—even those who vote against Grimm. Liberty Counsel, NOM, and the CCJ have given the game away, revealing that while they claim to care about bathroom predators, they are really attempting to repudiate trans people’s identity.', ">>{Hurvisderk} : I don't think anyone is wondering why you don't vote democrat.", ">>{KarmasCominBoys} : I'm only here to see how George Soros enthusiasts will spin this to be a bad thing.", ">>{Riflemate} : Hillary won, you can't blame the media for that. Though you don't need to vote for her. #FeelTheJohnson", '>>{WaffleDynamics} : This is a serious question: why are you offended by using male pronouns to refer to this kid? Do you feel that it harms you I some way?', '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : NEWS FLASH: the AP did not report that she was', '>>{sunshines_fun_time} : The entirety of the trump administration is lobbying for the Russian govt', '>>{Simoni_Deo} : The AP called her the nominee in its first report.', ">>{CLcore} : Because they had better things to do than consider assholes? It doesn't affect you at all. You're going out of your way to be a prick. That's why.", '>>{aaronler} : Meh, spend the money on the wristband and upgrade the watch. I have a short attention span anyways.', '>>{CarlTheRedditor} : >read the god damn article >>The campaign sign was blocking a “vote here" sign, which prompted a volunteer to try to move it. Instead, the volunteer cut their hand on the blades glued to the bottom of the sign.', '>>{2sliderz} : yea big shocker...I think its just assumed these watches age poorly hardware, firmware and software wise.', ">>{i_start_fires} : As an owner of the Moto 360 v1, this isn't surprising at all. The hardware in the Moto was pretty weak sauce compared to its competitors so it likely can't handle the extra stuff coming in 2.0. I'm fine with that quite honestly as the watch continues to do everything I need it to.", ">>{Sloan_Kettering} : My Moto 360 is a paperweight in a drawer right now. I think I'm done with smart watches for a while. Really disappointed in the whole experience tbh", ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : If I think I'm King Solomon, are you a bigot for not indulging me? There's a reason transgendered people have 41% rate of suicide attempts. It's because they need treatment for mental health issues. 80% of transgendered children under the age of 18 end up being normal straight adults, yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they've going through puberty. If you're trying to convince me that we should allow naked men in the women's locker room so my daughter can prove she's not a bigot by gazing upon a penis, then you're not understanding why Hillary lost. Imagine wanting your junk back so you can date women.", ">>{ZPTs} : > Most lobbyists are former Congresspeople Not quite. Edit: okay, so I don't have numbers, but that's not true. Many former members of Congress go on to lobby in some capacity but it's a huge industry.", ">>{Helagak} : Well, that kind of sucks. I have been pretty unimpressed with my 360 lately. I wear it every day. But only as a watch and fitness tracker. It would have been nice to get some new features. But I'm not going to upgrade. This really hasn't been worth the entry cost. It's a nice watch. But not mind blowing.", '>>{nigelgtx} : Somehow this will be a racist, nazi, bigot, anti-muslim move...', ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : I'm just a consultant, so I don't need to register as a lobbyist.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Gavin Grimm is legally and anatomically male, and unfortunately for the bigots misgendering him in official court documents violates legal rules and further harms their bigoted case. If groups being required to follow the proper legal procedure for bringing cases before SCOTUS drives you away from a political party it seems like you base your decisions on irrational basis anyway and aren't worth chasing after.", '>>{Turboxide_} : Ah android technology at its best, always supporting the older devices. I feel bad for the people affected by this.', '>>{lillyluminatus} : Yes, clearly the relevant point here is that a poll worker had the gall to properly move an improperly placed sign, and not the obvious fact that this was a violent set-up by Trump supporters intended to injure a poll worker who would be certain to move a booby-trapped, intentionally improperly placed sign.', ">>{cerberus698} : Does it actually harm you in any to abide by this kids wishes? I'm just curious. If your reason is I just want to be rude or otherwise unpleasant, I can respect that. It's your right. You just need to be able to live with people pointing out that your an asshole. You don't get the right to be a snowflake if that transgendered kid doesn't either. If you have an actual reason why you can't call someone what they want to be called, I would love to hear it, no one has ever been able to tell me why.", '>>{_C2J_} : Dear lord, WTF is wrong with people. This shit is out of control.', '>>{Simoni_Deo} : The AP called her the nominee in its first report.', '>>{RepublicanDeathPanel} : We could all believe this if he showed any ethics himself.', ">>{10390} : There's a difference between a poll and a vote. Do they get extra credit or something for calling it first, or is the only explanation that they hoped to depress turnout? (sincere question)", ">>{onerandomperson} : [It's been done before](http://www.nytimes.com/1992/12/10/us/the-transition-clinton-team-issues-5-year-lobby-ban.html) [And then reversed](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2000/12/29/clinton-reverses-5-year-ban-on-lobbying-by-appointees/e5a0571f-5c54-4988-adc6-5571a7557e83/?utm_term=.154136a74230)", ">>{aKindWordandaGun} : What's particularly interesting (mortifying) is that this tactic can apparently be traced to neonazi movements in Germany and the likes where they put up a poster or sticker on a mosque or something and put razor blades under it to cut whoever tries to remove it. Just imagine how bad this could get if they intentionally contaminated the blades with something, too.", ">>{CoronationSalt} : Very good and accurate points, but you're ignoring that OVER 80% of **non**-transgendered children have been **murdered** and are **dead**. And that's on you.", '>>{RobToastie} : Ah for fucks sake. Why do I even bother being optimistic anymore', ">>{IRLImADuck} : Look into Pebble. I've had one for years and I love it.", ">>{UnbelievableBastard} : Because you can't put campaign materials past a certain point at polling places and you can't block the vote here signs. Are you on drugs?", ">>{IronyIntended2} : while I don't have any skin in this game, I could make the argument that this is a Hillary supporter trying to make Trump supporters look bad. Just because something looks one way, doesn't mean it is.", ">>{onedoor} : posted this elsewhere: [Trump Toughens Some Facets of Lobbying Ban and Weakens Others](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/28/us/politics/trump-toughens-some-facets-of-lobbying-ban-and-weakens-others.html?_r=0) > Executive branch employees, including those in the White House, will now be barred for five years after they leave government from lobbying the federal agency where they worked. Under Mr. Obama, they had to wait until the end of the administration, meaning a shorter ban for some departing officials. Former executive branch officials will now also be permanently banned from serving as foreign lobbyists. - > But Mr. Eisen and other ethics experts noted that rules banning lobbyists from taking any job with an agency they had tried to influence in the past two years had been removed. Also, the new rules allow departing executive branch employees to take private sector jobs and then informally lobby the administration, as long as they are not registered as a lobbyist, a type of activity previously prohibited for two years. Registration is required once a person does a certain amount of work for a client. also > Mr. Trump’s ethics policy also has provisions that will affect officials while they are working in the government. As part of the order he signed, executive branch employees will be barred for two years from working on any “particular matter” that they had been involved in while in the private sector. That is the same amount of time that Mr. Obama imposed on officials who worked for him. And I'll give credit to NYT here. Other articles I saw didn't have the comparison to Obama. Of course, the first I saw(but not the only) was a post from T_D, so yeah...", ">>{cerberus698} : He's a snowflake who needs to be able to have his desire to say what he wants be respected and no one can hurt his feelings because he said it.", ">>{johnyeros} : The legend of Fragmented Android continues -- this time on your wrist!!! But in general all of them are half bake product and we'll probably have to wait a few more years for something that will probably be bad ass and replace our phones.", ">>{JSwag1310} : Motorola treats their phones the same way, I had two phones phased out from future upgrades of Android OS. Won't buy Motorola ever again.", ">>{wraithtek} : Nah, I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one. The simplest explanation tends to be the right one.", ">>{thatoneanarchista} : They didn't want you anyway. I'd rather DJT get elected and burn everything to the ground for 4 years than have the only remaining sane party accomodate people who get so triggered from the word 'misgendered' that they have to vote for that mentally-deficient dreamsicle.", '>>{Sloan_Kettering} : thanks. I really did use a few functions all of the time. It just bricked right after the warranty expired. I also found out after the fact that the stress cracks on the back would have given me an automatic replacement. I am not happy with Motorola customer service', '>>{Dopple_Deaner} : You get more clicks and views when you call it first. They didn\'t "poll." They individually called superdelegates to ask who they were voting for. They found enough superdelegates that were previously undecided who said they were voting for Clinton.', '>>{tainted_waffles} : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkTrl5yWYAEiQkT.jpg Pretty clear here that they made no mention of "presumptive" nomination.', '>>{10390} : The clicks thing makes sense, thanks. The polling otoh doesn\'t seem right to me. Until they vote they aren\'t committed. I think the press has backtracked and changed their tune to say that Clinton is the "presumptive" nominee, which seems right to me. She\'s been that since before the race began.', ">>{dankerton} : Thinking your a specific person you are not is psychotic. feeling more like the other gender then the one you are told by society to be is completely different. Transgender people can live normal lives if it wasn't for ignorant dickheads like yourself telling them they are rejects. They kill themselves more often because of the oppression. If that's not obvious to you, you are a disgrace to humanity.", '>>{WMDMA} : Welcome to being an early adopter. Did you not see this coming?', '>>{tainted_waffles} : Did you look at my link? It doesn\'t say "Clinton wins presumptive nomination."', '>>{DOWNVOTED_BY_EUROS} : There are tens of thousands of lobbyists. How can they all be former congressmen?', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : If a kid wishes he should have his penis cut off because he thinks he's a girl, then sorry kiddo. Not going to be a party that. >You don't get the right to be a snowflake if that transgendered kid doesn't either. I'm pointing out what the WHO and any psychiatric organization you can name is pointing out. Gender Dysphoria is serious psychological disorder that requires treatment from health care professionals. For some reason, Democrats have decided that a mental problem means men like me can walk around naked in the ladies locker room.", ">>{interpreted} : Sorry to be a bummer but I disagree. It's a vibrating notification strap that fails to monitor your sleep properly and says you walked some steps. Big whoop-de-doo", '>>{adle1984} : How does one clinch if the threshold to clinch must include super delegates that have yet to vote?', '>>{IronyIntended2} : Right, because we all know there are no crazy people on both sides of this.', '>>{IRLImADuck} : You should check out the new Time 2 and Pebble 2 that they are coming out with. What are you expecting a smartwatch to be able to accomplish?', ">>{hk93g3} : Let's not forget he signed this AFTER the people he wanted got a pass.", '>>{ozric101} : https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/Children-and-Adolescents-With-Gender-Identity-Disorder-Referred-to-a-Pediatric-Medical-Center.aspx >Study authors advocate for early evaluation of children exhibiting GID, but treatment with medications should not be started until they reach puberty. Pediatricians and parents should consult with experienced mental health professionals for children and adolescents experiencing gender-related issues. When patients are sufficiently physically mature to receive medical treatment, they should be referred to a medical specialist or program treating GID.', ">>{ShutYourFaceJabroni} : >80% of transgendered children under the age of 18 end up being normal straight adults, yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they've going through puberty. Where is your evidence? This sounds like a huge pile of shit.", ">>{tainted_waffles} : (1) Obama was declared the nominee AFTER all the states had voted. Last time I checked, there are still 600 pledged delegates up for grabs, which exceeds Hillary's pledged delegate lead. (2) None of the supers publicly pledged to support Hillary. This is all based on an anonymous survey.", '>>{aerosplat} : > Do they get extra credit or something for calling it first, or is the only explanation that they hoped to depress turnout? (sincere question) Why not both? The Clinton campaign sent out a fundraiser email almost immediately after AP made the announcement yesterday. The email contained a banner picture quoting the announcement. Except the banner picture had a versioned filename called "secret-win-V2-**060416**c_04.png" -- dated 2 days ahead of the announcement itself. Basically, the Clinton campaign had advance knowledge of the "secret win" that AP was going to declare, and they possibly even facilitated it by rounding up the anonymous super-delegate support for the AP count. AP benefits from this because they get to announce it first and reap the page clicks. Clinton benefits from it because it suppresses election-day turnout and increases the share of early votes as part of the total. The only loser is democracy, but who the fuck cares about that?', ">>{cerberus698} : What he's doing is exactly what psychology prescribes. It's the only treatment course shown to reliably reduce suicide rates among affected individuals. Either way, it still does not explain why you are unable to address him as he wishes. The only conclusion I'm able to reach is you simply don't want to. That's fine, as I said earlier, it's your right. That being said, none of that shields you from judgement by your peers. They have the same right to ridicule you as you do to ridicule transgendered people.", ">>{BagOfMeats} : Honest question: why do you guys have a smartwatch and how do you use it effectively? I've personally never seen the use of it, considering my phone is right there, in my pocket. Sure, you can control your music player etc but I really can't see a reason to buy one besides negligible added convenience.", '>>{nate077} : How fucking hard is it to refer to people in the manner they prefer? Would you call Robert Bob if asked not to? Then why die on this hill?', '>>{DexySP} : Ah, speaking like Democracy is still here. Im sorry but I have to say it, the US is an oligarchy, literalry http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746', '>>{CoronationSalt} : This changes **everything**. /s Edit: Added "/s" because I forgot how low the bar is.', ">>{Feshtof} : Don't cover vote here signs with your candidate's sign?", '>>{celebradar} : There are some minor conveniences. When I run to the gym my phone is in my bag so I can change sonds without needing to get my phone out. Sleep tracking, pedometer, few fitness reminders (e.g. sitting at my desk too ling, get up and walk, drink water etc.). All of these things can be on my phone but having notifications on my wrist means my phones battery lasts 2 days. Its the little things that I like about it but I agree it is not for everyone.', '>>{tinoynk} : One "side" elects people to office who openly entertain the idea of violence if Hillary wins. The craziest anybody even close to the mainstream gets on the other "side" is a goofy and useless but well-meaning Kindergarten teacher that gets outvoted by a dead gorilla and laughed at by everybody, even among people who generally agree with her. And in the voter bases, the crazies of one "side" legitimately believe that our president is secretly a Muslim terrorist plotting the downfall of America and the white Christian establishment as we know it, while the crazies of the other "side" think that we should be careful with GMOs and that gender pronouns are of the utmost importance. Sure, I\'m not opposed to GMOs and I don\'t get hung up on the gender pronoun thing, but if you\'re going to sit here and act like you don\'t see a difference of degrees in the craziness of the "sides," you\'re a fucking idiot. I don\'t mean any offense by that, and I\'m sure that you do see the difference, because it\'s just so goddamn stark. But for people who don\'t see a difference, yea, they\'re fucking idiots.', '>>{IronyIntended2} : [just a small sample of some Hillary supporters who beg to differ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvBkRHwHXaU)', ">>{magnus007} : Other than bluetooth proximity unlock for my LG V10, I don't really use my 360.", '>>{gotsafe} : As a non democrat progressive, I get the feeling that they aren\'t wondering why they lost you. They probably don\'t care, but if they did, they\'re probably glad you left off you were ever even "with" them to begin with. I\'d try to convince you to rethink your opinion, which you\'re entitled to, but I know that an Internet forum, with both of us hidden by anonymity, isn\'t a place where I\'d likely succeed. With your current sentiment on this matter, I wouldn\'t want to be associated with any group that would be willing to accept someone who holds an opinion like yours. But if you ever change your mind, I wouldn\'t want your past views held against you, as I wouldn\'t want my past views held against me.', '>>{akronix10} : Did they source/cite these super delegates or was it all done in secret?', ">>{tinoynk} : Get back to me when democrats actually elect people that don't believe in science.", ">>{P0llyPrissyPants} : Get a smart watch that looks good and that alone will help make it useful. My moto 360 looks good and goes with everything. I get a lot of compliments of how nice it looks. I don't use it like crazy but I do find it very useful for checking notifications.", ">>{feiwynne} : > 80% of transgendered children under the age of 18 end up being normal straight adults, yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they've going through puberty. Source?", '>>{Dopple_Deaner} : I never saw anyone say just "nominee," but it might be because I always assumed they meant presumptive. It\'s really just quarreling with minutia.', '>>{Leprecon} : Android wear is closed source and updates are managed by Google directly, not the OEM. This was Googles call, not Motorolas.', ">>{dedicated2fitness} : Decent fitness tracking with integrated heart rate monitor and a color screen that doesn't require me to charge it every couple of days. i liked the iwatch but the interface is too fiddly. i liked the pebble but just when i was about to pull the trigger they announced the new one. in summation, i am not an early adopter so like 3d tvs, this fad will probably pass me by until there is something like an industry standard", ">>{dedicated2fitness} : more like fragmented everything, you can't replace the h/w so even if your device gets an update it will start chugging on software it wasn't meant to support", ">>{squirtingispeeing} : That's not evidence. She was on the verge of clinching it, of course the campaign had something prepared.", '>>{Rabid-Duck-King} : Well shit doctor thanks for letting us all know the truth.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : The transphobes love quoting that one particular study by Dr. Kenneth Zucker. He ran a repartive therapy clinic for trans kids. It's since been shut down. https://thinkprogress.org/infamous-reparative-therapy-clinic-for-transgender-youth-set-to-close-bd4e960519c3#.35ihwuo9h", ">>{IRLImADuck} : You should really look into the new Time 2, and see if that's more your speed, I think you'd like it. Its battery is reported to be 10 days, full color, heart monitor, fitness tracker, has a microphone to reply to texts and calls, etc.", ">>{rickytickytackybitch} : Or they were preparing it for Tuesday, I'm sure Bernie has images ready if he wins California", '>>{dedicated2fitness} : yeah i mentioned in my comment that when i was about to buy the pebble, the time 2 kickstarter was announced', ">>{feiwynne} : FYI, it's transgender people, not 'transgendered,' the past tense conflates being trans with medical transition.", '>>{St_Bernardus} : People hate on apple but at least they give you the option to update software at all.', '>>{tinoynk} : I see people in the pockets of energy companies in mostly red states. I don\'t see explicit denials of scientific consensus, or anybody saying that that we don\'t have to worry about global warming because the bible never mentioned it. I see political shittiness and opportunism, not outright lunacy or denial of what\'s essentially accepted fact. Even if one or two democrats did say anything close to that, you still seem to be having an issue understanding the concept of degrees. When you have sample sizes as large as the American voter base, or even the legislature, sure, there\'ll be some outliers on both end. And if you have certain preconceived notions of things, these sample sizes will always be able to afford you a Youtube video or a half-assed list from some random political blog to support your point, and though the stats contradict everything you seem to saying, do you really need to hear them? According to the NY Times last month (I know I know, commie liberal propaganda, but hear me out), "Nearly seven of 10 Democrats believe climate change is mainly a result of human activity; fewer than a quarter of Republicans believe that. A similarly worded question that appeared on surveys from 2006 to 2015 found comparable gaps on the perceived causes of climate change." (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/05/science/climate-change-poll-pew.html?_r=0) So you can give me all the links you want, but the bottom line is that the democratic voter base at least lives in reality, on planet earth. The things believed by the republican voter base have no basis in reality. The funny thing about this is that if you are part of that republican alternative reality, you\'ll read all of my clearly worded and impeccably constructed statement and it just won\'t register. Because you\'re a fucking idiot.', ">>{IronyIntended2} : Or I just don't read what you write, scan it for keywords and respond to egg you on.", ">>{feiwynne} : The WHO's page on Transgender people: >Violence against transgender people is common (including police abuse, abuse perpetrated by clients of sex workers and intimate partner violence). Further, transgender people may experience family rejection, violation of their rights to education, employment and social protections and as such experience higher rates of unemployment, poverty, housing insecurity and marginalisation. >A lack of legal recognition of transgender in most countries contributes to their exclusion and marginalisation. While a few countries in South Asia now recognise a “third gender” in other settings transgender people are required to undergo genital surgery before legal recognition of their gender. Edit: Also, the [American Psychological Association Guidelines](https://www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/transgender.pdf) which recommend gender affirmation.", '>>{SeanTronathon} : > If a kid wished he should have his penis cut off ... Here, you\'re confusing *your* ideas of what it means to be a man/woman with those of *others*. My gf\'s cousin said it this way (paraphrased): "When I was a little girl, I just assumed that one day I\'d be an old man." You could pretend you\'re a professional and label this person as delusional/not right in the head, or you could make an attempt at empathy and wonder what that feeling would be like. I think it\'s not so strange to be a child and assume that one day you\'ll be an astronaut, and while this is an unlikely career for every kid (just statistically speaking), calling that person delusional doesn\'t really fit. Another angle to look at this from is to see that some people live vicariously through others. Some fathers create an entire world of joy and fulfillment putting their son through tee-ball, maybe getting them to the major league, because they can\'t go back and relive their life the way they wish they had. Would you think that this father is mentally ill for viewing himself as a baseball player at heart even if he wasn\'t worth a damn at the game himself? > Democrats have decided that mental problem means men like me can walk around naked in ladies locker room. Again, you\'re projecting your ideas onto everyone else. Just because you would like the ability to walk around ladies locker rooms with impunity doesn\'t mean other people would. Mostly, these people just want to be able to go into the bathroom (not locker rooms) and do their business in a way that feels right with who they are. The fact that you think the issue is about perverts in teenage girls\' bathrooms speaks to how little you know about transgender individuals or think about this issue for yourself (using your own neurons, not just listening to Fox anchors talk about it). Being an astronaut at heart and a janitor during the day sucks, but no one wants you trying to take away that person\'s freedom to play Kerbal Space Program and build flight simulator cockpits in their house. Saying these people are mentally ill is a stubbornness not a welcome sentiment in the future of the world. So you can do what you can to try to fit the ideas of future generations into your brain\'s framework or not. If you can\'t figure it out, well then your ideas are going to die along with you, and I can say I\'m glad of that.', ">>{ChemLok} : It's awfully convenient that bad things trump fans do can be blamed on Hillary", ">>{rickytickytackybitch} : You don't think Bernie has California images ready to go?", '>>{St_Bernardus} : Sounds just like what happens most of of the android devices. They are supposed to get updates and then they just don\'t. I have had "flagship" phones that only get one major software update if anything at all.', ">>{travio} : That is awesome. I read some briefs in a Texas workplace discrimination case where the defendant's brief and even their answer misgendered the woman who brought the case. It was almost uncomfortable to read.", '>>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : I have ten replies, and it takes me nine minutes between each of my posts because Share Blue is paying people to downvote people like me. Naturally you could google this, it would have taken you all of five seconds. https://www.acpeds.org/the-college-speaks/position-statements/gender-dysphoria-in-children Congrats, you got my nine minutes.', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : Google it. Just kidding, here you go https://www.acpeds.org/the-college-speaks/position-statements/gender-dysphoria-in-children It's actually 80-95%. I guess your next move is to call the American College of Pediatricians a bunch of bigots?", ">>{dedicated2fitness} : and then what? complain about how slow your phone has gotten unless you turn off all the fancy new stuff the OS has? you don't need upgrades, you need upgrades specific to your phone or else it's pointless", '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : Donald is a bit scary, but his supporters are fucking terrifying.', '>>{aerosplat} : Don\'t be ridiculous. The image is specifically quoting an AP announcement from the future, and is titled "secret win". There\'s no universe where you can spin this as innocent preparation.', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : You sure seem awfully passionate for somebody who doesn't care... unless you're lying.", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : > negligible added convenience This describes half the shit I own.', '>>{rickytickytackybitch} : They didn\'t quote the AP it has one AP logo and "* AP delegate count" It\'s not a stretch to believe there is a NBC/ABC/CNN version too > 060416c_04.png They dated it and likely have 3+ options based on who got there first, NBC news said they knew AP was also trying to get a count done, Hills team was ready for whoever got done first', '>>{IronyIntended2} : Its very interesting how Convenient and Hillary are interchangeable.', ">>{barrel_roller} : He doesn't have images specifically referencing a news article that wouldn't be published for another two days, if that's what you mean.", '>>{St_Bernardus} : How about comparability with new apps? Improved security? Improved voice recognition? Apple devices also don\'t get much slower until maybe the third update. You are lucky to get one on android. You know what phone is still actually worth something two years later? The iphone that still has some support. I bought a few "Flagship" android phones that are practically worthless two years later because the manufacturer/carier don\'t give a shit. If you don\'t need new software features and you think it will be slower then DON\'T FUCKING UPGRADE. You have a choice. But yea it\'s cool that updates suck on android because you didn\'t want them anyway. /s', '>>{UncleMeat11} : That was really what did it for you? You were all on board with left wing politics until we started trying to help transgender people?', '>>{feiwynne} : First, This is a bocus pedeatrics organizatyion that was made specificaly because they were removed from the actual pediatrics organization for being conservative idealogues. From Wikipedia: >The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States.[1] The group was founded in 2002 by a group of pediatricians, including Joseph Zanga, a past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as a protest against the AAP\'s support for adoption by gay couples.[2][3] The group\'s membership as of 2016 is estimated at 500 members,[4][5] in contrast to the AAP\'s over 60,000 members.[6] >The organization\'s view on parenting is at odds with the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which holds that sexual orientation has no correlation with the ability to be a good parent and to raise healthy and well-adjusted children.[5][9][10] The American College of Pediatricians has been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a "hate group", with "a history of propagating damaging falsehoods about LGBT people".[11][12] Second, the claim made in the article is that PREPUBESCENT children often reverse gender nonconforming behavior by 16, (A claim they have no source, citation, or evidence for. This claim originates from a conversion therapy program where 95 percent of children stopped attending sessions, and that was assumed to be because they had \'worked\'.) And, ultimately, recommends hormone replacement therapy for 16 year olds who persist in their gender identity. >"The Endocrine Society and others, including Dr. Zucker, therefore regard it reasonable to affirm children who persist in their GD beyond puberty, as well as those who present after puberty, and to proceed with cross-sex hormones at age 16 years." From your own conservatively biased source. There is no mention of children being subjected to sex reassignment surgery. The actual American Academy of Pediatricians statement is [here](https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/AAP-Statement-on-Protecting-Transgender-Youth.aspx)', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : No, it was lots of things. I cried tears of joy as a college student when we elected Obama. Creating a phony culture war to cover up his disaster of a presidency might have worked had it not been that he was arguing men can shower with my daughter. Transgendered bathrooms was just the straw that broke the poor camel's back.", '>>{drkristen} : I still like my Samsung Gear S for the big screen (for browsing (albeit very limited)), phone functionality (really loud speaker), and basic fitness features. The S2 looks quite nice too and is compatible with all Android phones.', ">>{dedicated2fitness} : didn't say i don't want security upgrades. i don't want bloatware upgrades. which is what iphone does.", ">>{10390} : fwiw - I do. Thanks much for the explanation, didn't know that.", ">>{Cloud_0x0} : I had a moto 360 sport for barely a day and ended up returning it because I didn't care for how Android ware worked and the lack of fitness features. Personally I believe a smart watch should be more focused on your well-being than your phone. It should still be worth while experience even if your phone isn't connected. I have a vivoactive hr now and I'm fairly content with it, only wish it supported storing music locally for when I go on runs.", ">>{joedapper} : I mean sure, that's a good rule and all, but after someone stole my Johnson sign, all signs are traps.", ">>{bldvlp} : Shhh let him talk out of his ass. It's fun watching people spout their uninformed musings.", '>>{rickytickytackybitch} : How do you know he doesn\'t have "Bernie wins California" images ready to go? All the image says is "Hillary Clinches Democratic Presidential Nomination" which isn\'t even what the AP headline was.', '>>{IronyIntended2} : If that is passion, then you should get your head checked', '>>{bldvlp} : I can take phone calls on my huawei watch while my phone is in the other room. The watches are good fitness trackers and they give me notifications. Definitely not a necessity, but also definitely not useless.', '>>{Nifarious} : >My world, it comes crashing down! /s', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : I chose my words in such a weedy top afford you an out. Looking at your comments it's apparent I was too generous.", '>>{bldvlp} : Sounds like you need to stop being an idiot and buy Nexus.', ">>{Cerus-} : >Transgendered bathrooms was just the straw that broke the poor camel's back. You know it was the right wing who started it right? Trans people were using the bathroom they matched with for a very long time before the right wing lost their war against gay people and decided to go against transgender people instead.", ">>{St_Bernardus} : Like the bloatware that comes on android phones that you can't get rid of without rooting your phone? Yea apple is just as bad /s", '>>{dedicated2fitness} : cool apple watch app bro-sure its tons of fun to use', '>>{IronyIntended2} : So was I based on your sentence structure. You are definitely dumb. Edit : Although your addiction to porn is enlightening', '>>{barrel_roller} : He probably does have images saying "Bernie wins California!" ready to go. He probably doesn\'t have images saying "the AP reports they\'ve secretly talked to Bernie superdelegates and claims he has enough votes to win the nomination!" dated well before the AP made that claim.', ">>{rickytickytackybitch} : It's not a stretch to believe there is a NBC/ABC/CNN version too 060416c_04.png They dated it and likely have 3+ options based on who said it first, everyone knew she would clinch today.", '>>{barrel_roller} : Are you intentionally being this belligerently obtuse? This isn\'t about polling or about securing enough delegates. She still hasn\'t done that. This is about how the AP contacted superdelegates **in private** and totaled them up. **This is not public information** and nobody "knew" this would happen. Clinton\'s campaign is not referencing anything publically known- it\'s referencing an article about privileged information known only to the AP writers involved in the article. Her campaign referenced a **specific news article** that wouldn\'t be released for another two days. Either the AP leaked this information to her campaign or else Clinton is employing some top notch psychics.', ">>{ChemLok} : It's awfully Hillary that bad things trump fans do can be blamed on convenient?", '>>{shadofx} : When both parties have crazies, you have to look at relative frequency, as well as the leadership itself.', ">>{rickytickytackybitch} : NBC news said they knew AP was calling Supers and were close to finishing, **because they were calling too** (about 20 minutes too late), along with the other news networks who have been calling supers all year. Which part of the image **specifically** references the AP story, if HRC knew the article was coming, **why didn't it have the same headline**?", ">>{joedapper} : until the law makers are held to the same standard as the citizenry, I'm not concerned with legality of anything really.", ">>{infohack} : > if HRC knew the article was coming, why didn't it have the same headline? That's an image of the tweet of the AP sent out. Apparently before they sent it.", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : Anything that goes against the "everything is rigged" conspiracy circlejerk gets downvotes. Facts are irrelevant here.', ">>{WhatIsPants} : The blades are pretty obvious in a close-up photo. At the time clearly they weren't or the poll worker would not have injured himself.", ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : The superdelegates wanted to remain anonymous, probably because they didn't want to get harassment and death threats. The AP is credible though, it's the oldest and one of the most trusted reporting agencies in the world, and they were the only ones that didn't call Florida for Bush in 2000 because they didn't see evidence for it.", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : According to the report the superdelegates said they were "unequivocally" voting for Clinton.', '>>{10390} : Understand, just think "presumptive" is more accurate since she\'s not actually the nominee yet. She could be today though depending on how she does with the pledged guys.', '>>{Cerus-} : >I guess your next move is to call the American College of Pediatricians a bunch of bigots? Well they are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_College_of_Pediatricians They only call themselves that to fool people like you into thinking they have any legitimacy.', ">>{akronix10} : So AP held secret talks with anonymous party insiders to announce the outcome of a primary election the day before the largest state in the union voted. I'm not sure you know what credible means.", ">>{pseudolocus} : Do you check your sources or are you intentionally trying to deceive people? There are quite a few of these copy cat medical and professional organizations that are not the actual professional organization that trained physicians belong to. Just like those fake money raising phone calls from Fireman's charity associations.", ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : Math doesn't give a shit when California votes. And what's even the point of suppressing votes at this point? The contest has been inevitable for some time, Clinton won.", ">>{Nimmy_the_Jim} : Will I be able to run ArMA 3 on the 'SCOTUS Anti-LGBTQ Misgenderer' Or should I stick with nvidia ?", '>>{4J5533T6SZ9} : Not everyone that disagrees with how trans-issues are being dealt with by the left is "transphobic".', ">>{4J5533T6SZ9} : To many people it's akin to asking them to call green eyes blue. I.e. it feels like they're betting asked to deny physical reality to cater to one person's preferred reality.", ">>{4J5533T6SZ9} : The position you're taking is tremendously unhelpful to having a productive conversation and isn't winning anyone to your side. If your political conversations are marked by throwing out labels to dismiss what other people think, then you will live your entire life within a restrictive mental framework. Calling people transphobic doesn't progress the conversation, it stifles it.", ">>{addy-Bee} : >If a kid wishes he should have his penis cut off because he thinks he's a girl, then sorry kiddo. Not going to be a party that. ...he's ftm, you dumb fuck.", '>>{efnel} : > I guess your next move is to call the American College of Pediatricians a bunch of bigots? It was literally founded in order to try and stop same-sex couples from adopting children. What do you think?', '>>{efnel} : > If I think I\'m King Solomon, are you a bigot for not indulging me? The thing is, usually we do respect people\'s choices about what they want to be known as, even if they are pretty outlandish. Queen Latifah clearly isn\'t a monarch, but I\'ve never heard of anyone insisting on calling her Dana Owens (her real name). And AFAIK "Queen Latifah" isn\'t even the name she actually identifies with, it\'s just a stage name she uses for commercial reasons. We even tend to be happy to use feminine names and pronouns to refer to drag queens and female alter egos like Dame Edna, as long as it\'s clear that it\'s all a performance and not their authentic identity. It\'s only when it comes to actual trans people that this becomes an issue. Intentionally misnaming and misgendering trans people isn\'t just refusing to "indulge" them, it\'s refusing to extend them a basic courtesy that we extend to absolutely everybody else without thinking about it. > There\'s a reason transgendered people have 41% rate of suicide attempts. Many other minority groups experience raised suicide rates. > end up being normal straight adults Is that a subtle homophobic dig, or do you just really want to avoid using the word "cis", or are you one of those people who thinks that being trans is basically like being extra-gay, or what? > yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they\'ve going through puberty. Absolute garbage. The youngest example I can find of someone undergoing sex reassignment surgery was 16, and several news sources claim that this is the youngest ever. Either you have been taken in by right-wing fake news sites that fail to make the distinction between having surgery and wearing a dress, or you are just making shit up. > If you\'re trying to convince me that we should allow naked men in the women\'s locker room so my daughter can prove she\'s not a bigot by gazing upon a penis No, I\'m trying to convince you that trans people should be allowed to use the facilities where they feel most comfortable (which is usually the one that people would expect them to use based on their appearance - after all, being told you are in the wrong bathroom does not make you feel very comfortable) like they have been doing for decades, and that [this teenage wrestler](http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2017/02/24/transgender-boy-forced-to-wrestle-in-girls-tournament-thanks-to-dumb-texas-rules/) should be allowed to compete against other boys, instead of being forced to compete against girls. > then you\'re not understanding why Hillary lost "my pet issue is why you lost the election, therefore you have to agree with me if you want to win next time" yeah, no', '>>{drewiepoodle} : I didnt realize that equality equated to bullying. We arent the ones who are introducing all these bathroom laws. We arent the ones painting us as sexual deviants. We arent the ones being deviants. So take your fake outrage and shove it up somewhere deep and dark where the sun dont shine.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : It's selfish to want to shit in the bathroom with people who are the same gender as you? What harm does it do you if someone who is biologically female but looks and dresses like a male takes a shit in the stall next to you? Why do you care so much about where people shit?", '>>{drewiepoodle} : And we plan to run roughshod over every bigot like you standing in the way of equality. Glad we drew the battle lines. Like I said, I could give a flying fuck what you think. Either give us equality, or get run over, Those are your choices, there will be no negotiation.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : At no point in this thread did I advocate violence. So far, you're the one that has brought it up, twice. >im not trying to take anything from you. Yes, you are, you're trying to tell we where I can go pee and where I can go change. >im a 3rd party, commenting on your divisive tactics, informing you that it pushes away people caught in the middle. This trans woman is gonna go take a piss in the ladies' room. Cry me a fucking river. Get over yourself, your feelings dont mean more than my rights. So if you're uncomfortable with a trans person changing or pissing in the same room as you, then find somewhere else to go.", ">>{SAneeraQadri} : No one is given hormones until they reach puberty, that's the way things already are. What's your point?", ">>{Cerus-} : I couldn't really give a fuck whether you think you are transphobic or not. Plenty of racists don't think they are racist either.", '>>{hello3pat} : You do realize that transition is one of the treatments right?', ">>{hello3pat} : And those people don't understand the difference between sex and gender", '>>{trump_4_gulag} : You know the petitioner in this case is a legal adult right?', '>>{kescusay} : Bahahahahah! I downvote people who spread misinformation and unscientific garbage for free.', '>>{ruler_gurl} : Ha, of course, a fake medical assoc. Pro tip, you can always find some official sounding source that conforms to your preconceived bias and incorrect understanding of the world is such is your desire.', '>>{ruler_gurl} : I think we lost you a long time ago.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : Put down the crack pipe, I'm not deleting shit. I have nothing to hide, and I am not ashamed of anything I have written. I stand by what I've said. If you cant see that you're on the wrong side of history, that is not my problem. I do not have to sugarcoat it for you that you are losing a place of privilege. I could give two fucks less. We WILL pee and change in the restrooms and locker rooms of our proper gender. And that may mean a different thing to you, but again, I do not give one flying fuck about what you think. You and your ilk are trying to take a fundamental right away from me. So you do not deserve any respect or consideration. I did not start this fight, but you better goddamn believe that I AM going to finish it. And if i have to rustle your jimmies to make sure that all of us are treated equally, than so be it.", '>>{drewiepoodle} : And for the millionth time I really dont give a flying fuck what you think. Glad we could sort that out.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : See, right there, you're saying that you are going to willing flout the rules of convention and pee in someplace that you arent supposed to. I on the other hand, as a trans woman who is a woman, only want to pee in the women's restroom. You know, where I've been peeing ever since I came out. So in this case, You're the asshole, not me.", '>>{AthenaOrCara} : Free speech only protects you from government action you dunce.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : > were you born with a penis? if so, you are not a woman. aaaaaaaaaaaaand there we have it, the kneejerk fallback defense of a bigot. And how pray tell are you EVER going to find out if I have one or not? To you genitals are what defines you as male or female, when biologists have LONG ago established that BOTH sex and gender exist across a spectrum. When it comes down to it, my very existence make you uncomfortable. To which i say one more time, I could give a flying fuck. Get over it. Trans people exist. We WILL pee where we're supposed to. YOU are not going to tell us otherwise because you have no goddamn reason against it. So suck it up, snowflake, get used to having other people in your space. The faster you get to acceptance, the better off we will all be. Or you can get left behind like the rest of the garbage. Your choice.", '>>{drewiepoodle} : Well, let\'s get the science out there first, here are a couple of studies that address the biological aspects of gender dysphoria. [Study on gender: Who counts as a man and who counts as a woman](http://phys.org/news/2013-10-gender-woman.html) [A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality](http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v378/n6552/abs/378068a0.html) [Sex redefined - The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.](http://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943) [Transgender: Evidence on the biological nature of gender identity](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/02/150213112317.htm) [Transsexual gene link identified](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7689007.stm) [Challenging Gender Identity: Biologists Say Gender Expands Across A Spectrum, Rather Than Simply Boy And Girl](http://www.medicaldaily.com/challenging-gender-identity-biologists-say-gender-expands-across-spectrum-rather-323956) [Sex Hormones Administered During Sex Reassignment Change Brain Chemistry, Physical Characteristics](http://www.medicaldaily.com/sex-hormones-administered-during-sex-reassignment-change-brain-chemistry-physical-356620) [Gender Differences in Neurodevelopment and Epigenetics](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3654067/) [Sexual Differentiation of the Human Brain in Relation to Gender-Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Neuropsychiatric Disorders](http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4614-1997-6_115) [Gender Orientation: IS Conditions Within The TS Brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3C4ZJ7HyuE) A [2008 study reported that](http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223\\(08\\)01087-1/abstract) trans women have a longer androgen receptor gene than cis men, which is less effective at binding testosterone, potentially preventing complete masculinization of the brain. (Prenatal androgen exposure or sensitivity, or lack thereof, is an often cited mechanism to explain observed brain-structure differences.) The androgen receptor (AR), also known as NR3C4, is activated by the binding of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone, where it plays a critical role in the forming of primary and secondary male sex characteristics. Hare et al. found that male-to-female transsexuals were found to have longer repetitions of the gene, which reduced its effectiveness at binding testosterone. A variant genotype for a gene called CYP17, which acts on the sex hormones pregnenolone and progesterone, has been found to be linked to female-to-male transsexualism but not MTF transsexualism. Most notably, the FTM subjects not only had the variant genotype more frequently, but had an allele distribution equivalent to male controls, unlike the female controls. The paper concluded that the loss of a female-specific CYP17 T -34C allele distribution pattern is associated with FtM transsexualism. In a [first-of-its-kind study](http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v378/n6552/abs/378068a0.html), Zhou et al. (1995) found that in a region of the brain called the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc), a region known for sex and anxiety responses, MTF transsexuals have a female-normal size while FTM transsexuals have a male-normal size. While the transsexuals studied had taken hormones, this was accounted for by including non-transsexual male and female controls who, for a variety of medical reasons, had experienced hormone reversal. The controls still retained sizes typical for their gender. No relationship to sexual orientation was found. In [a follow-up study](http://press.endocrine.org/doi/full/10.1210/jcem.85.5.6564), Kruijver et al. (2000) looked at the number of neurons in BSTc instead of volumes. They found the same results as Zhou et al. (1995), but with even more dramatic differences. One MTF subject who had never gone on hormones was also included, and who matched up with the female neuron counts nonetheless. In 2002, [a follow-up study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11826131) by Chung et al. found that significant sexual dimorphism (variation between sexes) in BSTc did not become established until adulthood. Chung et al. theorized that either changes in fetal hormone levels produce changes in BSTc synaptic density, neuronal activity, or neurochemical content which later lead to size and neuron count changes in BSTc, or that the size of BSTc is affected by the failure to generate a gender identity consistent with one\'s anatomic sex. In[ a review of the evidence in](http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018506X06001462) 2006, Gooren confirms the earlier research as supporting the concept that transsexualism is a sexual differentiation disorder of the sex dimorphic brain. [Dick Swaab (2004) concurs](http://www.functionalneurology.com/materiale_cic/389_XXIV_1/3373_sexual/). In [a 2008 study](https://academic.oup.com/brain/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/brain/awn276), a new region with properties similar to that of BSTc in regards to transsexualism was found by Garcia-Falgueras and Swaab: the interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3), part of the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus. The same method of controlling for hormone usage was used as in Zhou et al. (1995) and Kruijver et al. (2000). The differences were even more pronounced than with BSTc; control males averaged 1.9 times the volume and 2.3 times the neurons as control females, yet once again, regardless of hormone exposure, MTF transsexuals lay within the female range and the FTM transsexual within the male range. While the resolution of MRI tomographs in general can be fine enough, independent nuclei are not visible due to lack of contrast between different neurological tissue types. Therefore, such images do not show detailed structures such as BSTc and INAH3, and studies on BSTC were done by bisecting brains postmortem. However, MRI does much more easily allow the study of larger brain structures. In [Luders et al. (2009)](http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811909003176), 24 MTF transsexuals not-yet treated with cross-sex hormones were studied via MRI. While regional gray matter concentrations were more similar to men than women, there was a significantly larger volume of gray matter in the right putamen compared to men. As with many earlier studies, they concluded that transsexualism is associated with a distinct cerebral pattern. An additional feature was studied in a group of FTM transsexuals who had not yet received cross-sex hormones: fractional anisotropy values for white matter in the medial and posterior parts of the right superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), the forceps minor, and the corticospinal tract. [Rametti et al. (2010)](http://www.journalofpsychiatricresearch.com/article/S0022-3956\\(10\\)00158-5/abstract) discovered that, "Compared to control females, FtM showed higher FA values in posterior part of the right SLF, the forceps minor and corticospinal tract. Compared to control males, FtM showed only lower FA values in the corticospinal tract." [Hulshoff Pol et al. (2006)](http://www.eje-online.org/content/155/suppl_1/S107), studied the gross brain volume of subjects undergoing hormone treatment. They discovered that whole brain volume for subjects changes toward the size of the opposite sex during hormone treatment. The conclusion of the study was, "The findings suggest that, throughout life, gonadal hormones remain essential for maintaining aspects of sex-specific differences in the human brain."', '>>{Metaphorictrash} : Some extra information on this topic: It was, as far as I can tell, the North Carolinian House Bill 2 which started this all. It listed protections in things like workspaces, bathrooms, public... etc etc, and the list of protected classes did not include sexual orientation or gender identity. Further, it declared it a state-wide issue, and forbade any city from straying from the rules it set down. The result of this was no protections for LGBT people in general, and cities could not add protections. Bathrooms are just one aspect of it.', ">>{SAneeraQadri} : That's like taking Jewish crime rate statistics from a Nazi group.", ">>{drewiepoodle} : Dont be mad because science has shown you to be wrong. I've saved up all the responses to anything you can bring up because I have heard it from bigots like you a thousand times over. And all of you use the same ole tired responses over and over and over again. So, one more time from the top. Get with the program, or get the fuck out of the way. Either which way, I really dont give a flying fuck. Have a good one, thanks for playing.", ">>{drewiepoodle} : > FORCE my views on others. You mean like the bathroom laws are forcing trans people to use bathrooms not meant for them? Glad we can agree on something >im not a bigot you sickness, You really kinda are. >there are probably REAL bigots out there who deserve your outrage. I'm talking to one right now. If you cant see it, that you're the one with issues, not me. >and your behavior has pushed me further from supporting your cause. Please, look at all the fucks I have to give. Oh wait, I have none. >i'd bet there are a lot of people like me 'in the way' of your 'program' Cool, the more people like you show your true colors the easier it will be to point out the bigots. Please, by all means, proceed. >but you dont give a flying fuck! Nope. kthnxbai.", '>>{AnotherSoulessGinger} : [How did we get here?](http://www.charlottemagazine.com/Charlotte-Magazine/April-2016/HB2-How-North-Carolina-Got-Here/) The education department said title IX sex discrimination prohibition now covers trans students. Charlotte wanted to add LGBTQ to the protected classes. State government freaks and we get HB2.', '>>{conuly} : The reputable and mainstream organization for pediatricians is the AAP. The ACP is neither reputable nor mainstream.', ">>{conuly} : > There's a reason transgendered people have 41% rate of suicide attempts. It's because they need treatment for mental health issues. It's because they face a lot of discrimination and bigotry in society.", '>>{conuly} : Though some people do confuse hormones and puberty blockers.', ">>{conuly} : The only medication for GID is puberty blockers (between the normal age of puberty and adulthood) and hormones (after you go off puberty blockers). There's no point starting either of those before puberty, because young children don't have any secondary sex characteristics.", '>>{conuly} : Okay, and? How does it harm them?', ">>{4J5533T6SZ9} : It's about the truth, not about whether someone comes to harm.", ">>{Vehudur} : Seriously, I wish I got paid to downvote people like him - I'm doing it for free right now.", ">>{elakastekatt} : A bit late to the party, but: > he was arguing men can shower with my daughter. That's Republicans, not Democrats. Republicans want to force for example [this man](https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=http%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2FHdj9smI.png&key=SOWEYH2EN5pnznHKeSgu3A) to use female toilet facilities just because he was assigned female at birth. Democrats want to allow him to use male toilet facilities.", '>>{souprize} : And it works every time. Just like Milo could speak for the gay community, even though he was homophobic and self hating and would change his sexuality if he could, the poor fuck.', ">>{Tymareta} : > There's a reason transgendered people have 41% rate of suicide attempts. It's because they need treatment for mental health issues. Couldn't at all possibly be because of people with attitudes like yours and the general bigotry from society at large, nah, not at all. > yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they've going through puberty. Doesn't happen."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{aaronler} : Meh, spend the money on the wristband and upgrade the watch. I have a short attention span anyways.', '>>{2sliderz} : yea big shocker...I think its just assumed these watches age poorly hardware, firmware and software wise.', ">>{i_start_fires} : As an owner of the Moto 360 v1, this isn't surprising at all. The hardware in the Moto was pretty weak sauce compared to its competitors so it likely can't handle the extra stuff coming in 2.0. I'm fine with that quite honestly as the watch continues to do everything I need it to.", ">>{Sloan_Kettering} : My Moto 360 is a paperweight in a drawer right now. I think I'm done with smart watches for a while. Really disappointed in the whole experience tbh", ">>{Helagak} : Well, that kind of sucks. I have been pretty unimpressed with my 360 lately. I wear it every day. But only as a watch and fitness tracker. It would have been nice to get some new features. But I'm not going to upgrade. This really hasn't been worth the entry cost. It's a nice watch. But not mind blowing.", '>>{Turboxide_} : Ah android technology at its best, always supporting the older devices. I feel bad for the people affected by this.', ">>{IRLImADuck} : Look into Pebble. I've had one for years and I love it.", ">>{johnyeros} : The legend of Fragmented Android continues -- this time on your wrist!!! But in general all of them are half bake product and we'll probably have to wait a few more years for something that will probably be bad ass and replace our phones.", ">>{JSwag1310} : Motorola treats their phones the same way, I had two phones phased out from future upgrades of Android OS. Won't buy Motorola ever again.", '>>{Sloan_Kettering} : thanks. I really did use a few functions all of the time. It just bricked right after the warranty expired. I also found out after the fact that the stress cracks on the back would have given me an automatic replacement. I am not happy with Motorola customer service', '>>{WMDMA} : Welcome to being an early adopter. Did you not see this coming?', ">>{interpreted} : Sorry to be a bummer but I disagree. It's a vibrating notification strap that fails to monitor your sleep properly and says you walked some steps. Big whoop-de-doo", '>>{IRLImADuck} : You should check out the new Time 2 and Pebble 2 that they are coming out with. What are you expecting a smartwatch to be able to accomplish?', ">>{BagOfMeats} : Honest question: why do you guys have a smartwatch and how do you use it effectively? I've personally never seen the use of it, considering my phone is right there, in my pocket. Sure, you can control your music player etc but I really can't see a reason to buy one besides negligible added convenience.", '>>{celebradar} : There are some minor conveniences. When I run to the gym my phone is in my bag so I can change sonds without needing to get my phone out. Sleep tracking, pedometer, few fitness reminders (e.g. sitting at my desk too ling, get up and walk, drink water etc.). All of these things can be on my phone but having notifications on my wrist means my phones battery lasts 2 days. Its the little things that I like about it but I agree it is not for everyone.', ">>{magnus007} : Other than bluetooth proximity unlock for my LG V10, I don't really use my 360.", ">>{P0llyPrissyPants} : Get a smart watch that looks good and that alone will help make it useful. My moto 360 looks good and goes with everything. I get a lot of compliments of how nice it looks. I don't use it like crazy but I do find it very useful for checking notifications.", '>>{Leprecon} : Android wear is closed source and updates are managed by Google directly, not the OEM. This was Googles call, not Motorolas.', ">>{dedicated2fitness} : Decent fitness tracking with integrated heart rate monitor and a color screen that doesn't require me to charge it every couple of days. i liked the iwatch but the interface is too fiddly. i liked the pebble but just when i was about to pull the trigger they announced the new one. in summation, i am not an early adopter so like 3d tvs, this fad will probably pass me by until there is something like an industry standard", ">>{dedicated2fitness} : more like fragmented everything, you can't replace the h/w so even if your device gets an update it will start chugging on software it wasn't meant to support", ">>{IRLImADuck} : You should really look into the new Time 2, and see if that's more your speed, I think you'd like it. Its battery is reported to be 10 days, full color, heart monitor, fitness tracker, has a microphone to reply to texts and calls, etc.", '>>{dedicated2fitness} : yeah i mentioned in my comment that when i was about to buy the pebble, the time 2 kickstarter was announced', '>>{St_Bernardus} : People hate on apple but at least they give you the option to update software at all.', '>>{St_Bernardus} : Sounds just like what happens most of of the android devices. They are supposed to get updates and then they just don\'t. I have had "flagship" phones that only get one major software update if anything at all.', ">>{dedicated2fitness} : and then what? complain about how slow your phone has gotten unless you turn off all the fancy new stuff the OS has? you don't need upgrades, you need upgrades specific to your phone or else it's pointless", '>>{TheBatmanToMyBruce} : > negligible added convenience This describes half the shit I own.', '>>{St_Bernardus} : How about comparability with new apps? Improved security? Improved voice recognition? Apple devices also don\'t get much slower until maybe the third update. You are lucky to get one on android. You know what phone is still actually worth something two years later? The iphone that still has some support. I bought a few "Flagship" android phones that are practically worthless two years later because the manufacturer/carier don\'t give a shit. If you don\'t need new software features and you think it will be slower then DON\'T FUCKING UPGRADE. You have a choice. But yea it\'s cool that updates suck on android because you didn\'t want them anyway. /s', '>>{drkristen} : I still like my Samsung Gear S for the big screen (for browsing (albeit very limited)), phone functionality (really loud speaker), and basic fitness features. The S2 looks quite nice too and is compatible with all Android phones.', ">>{dedicated2fitness} : didn't say i don't want security upgrades. i don't want bloatware upgrades. which is what iphone does.", ">>{Cloud_0x0} : I had a moto 360 sport for barely a day and ended up returning it because I didn't care for how Android ware worked and the lack of fitness features. Personally I believe a smart watch should be more focused on your well-being than your phone. It should still be worth while experience even if your phone isn't connected. I have a vivoactive hr now and I'm fairly content with it, only wish it supported storing music locally for when I go on runs.", ">>{bldvlp} : Shhh let him talk out of his ass. It's fun watching people spout their uninformed musings.", '>>{bldvlp} : I can take phone calls on my huawei watch while my phone is in the other room. The watches are good fitness trackers and they give me notifications. Definitely not a necessity, but also definitely not useless.', '>>{bldvlp} : Sounds like you need to stop being an idiot and buy Nexus.', ">>{St_Bernardus} : Like the bloatware that comes on android phones that you can't get rid of without rooting your phone? Yea apple is just as bad /s", '>>{dedicated2fitness} : cool apple watch app bro-sure its tons of fun to use'], ['>>{LineNoise} : SCOTUS Reprimands Anti-LGBTQ Groups for Misgendering Trans Student Gavin Grimm', '>>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : Misgendering And Democrats are wondering why they lost people like me.', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : No thanks. I'll just stick with the sirloin.", '>>{abieyuwa} : You aren\'t missed. If your first response to someone bring discriminated against is "what about me??" then you\'re incredibly fucking selfish and will not be missed.', '>>{ozric101} : Democrats should talk, they are the ones trying to shut down free speech almost everywhere you go.', ">>{Hurvisderk} : Makes sense that they voted Trump too, when you think about it. The boy can't talk in front of people without mentioning how great he is. Edit: different words to word better.", ">>{kescusay} : Don't change the subject. What's so hard about respecting the gender pronoun an individual prefers? How does it injure you to respect your fellow human being?", '>>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : >Obviously, this single rebuke will not persuade these organizations to respect Grimm’s gender identity. But it does, I think, effectively disqualify these amicus briefs from serious consideration. By misgendering Grimm, these briefs clearly reflect the kind of animus that moved the school board to bar Grimm from the correct bathroom in the first place. The briefs reject the very validity of Grimm’s identity in a manner that is both offensive and petty. Indeed, these organizations are so eager to deny Grimm this basic dignity that they intentionally flouted the rules of the Supreme Court of the United States. It is difficult to imagine a justice citing anything these groups’ briefs say—even those who vote against Grimm. Liberty Counsel, NOM, and the CCJ have given the game away, revealing that while they claim to care about bathroom predators, they are really attempting to repudiate trans people’s identity.', ">>{Hurvisderk} : I don't think anyone is wondering why you don't vote democrat.", '>>{WaffleDynamics} : This is a serious question: why are you offended by using male pronouns to refer to this kid? Do you feel that it harms you I some way?', ">>{CLcore} : Because they had better things to do than consider assholes? It doesn't affect you at all. You're going out of your way to be a prick. That's why.", ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : If I think I'm King Solomon, are you a bigot for not indulging me? There's a reason transgendered people have 41% rate of suicide attempts. It's because they need treatment for mental health issues. 80% of transgendered children under the age of 18 end up being normal straight adults, yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they've going through puberty. If you're trying to convince me that we should allow naked men in the women's locker room so my daughter can prove she's not a bigot by gazing upon a penis, then you're not understanding why Hillary lost. Imagine wanting your junk back so you can date women.", ">>{ItsJustAJokeLol} : Gavin Grimm is legally and anatomically male, and unfortunately for the bigots misgendering him in official court documents violates legal rules and further harms their bigoted case. If groups being required to follow the proper legal procedure for bringing cases before SCOTUS drives you away from a political party it seems like you base your decisions on irrational basis anyway and aren't worth chasing after.", ">>{cerberus698} : Does it actually harm you in any to abide by this kids wishes? I'm just curious. If your reason is I just want to be rude or otherwise unpleasant, I can respect that. It's your right. You just need to be able to live with people pointing out that your an asshole. You don't get the right to be a snowflake if that transgendered kid doesn't either. If you have an actual reason why you can't call someone what they want to be called, I would love to hear it, no one has ever been able to tell me why.", ">>{CoronationSalt} : Very good and accurate points, but you're ignoring that OVER 80% of **non**-transgendered children have been **murdered** and are **dead**. And that's on you.", ">>{cerberus698} : He's a snowflake who needs to be able to have his desire to say what he wants be respected and no one can hurt his feelings because he said it.", ">>{thatoneanarchista} : They didn't want you anyway. I'd rather DJT get elected and burn everything to the ground for 4 years than have the only remaining sane party accomodate people who get so triggered from the word 'misgendered' that they have to vote for that mentally-deficient dreamsicle.", ">>{dankerton} : Thinking your a specific person you are not is psychotic. feeling more like the other gender then the one you are told by society to be is completely different. Transgender people can live normal lives if it wasn't for ignorant dickheads like yourself telling them they are rejects. They kill themselves more often because of the oppression. If that's not obvious to you, you are a disgrace to humanity.", ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : If a kid wishes he should have his penis cut off because he thinks he's a girl, then sorry kiddo. Not going to be a party that. >You don't get the right to be a snowflake if that transgendered kid doesn't either. I'm pointing out what the WHO and any psychiatric organization you can name is pointing out. Gender Dysphoria is serious psychological disorder that requires treatment from health care professionals. For some reason, Democrats have decided that a mental problem means men like me can walk around naked in the ladies locker room.", '>>{ozric101} : https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/Children-and-Adolescents-With-Gender-Identity-Disorder-Referred-to-a-Pediatric-Medical-Center.aspx >Study authors advocate for early evaluation of children exhibiting GID, but treatment with medications should not be started until they reach puberty. Pediatricians and parents should consult with experienced mental health professionals for children and adolescents experiencing gender-related issues. When patients are sufficiently physically mature to receive medical treatment, they should be referred to a medical specialist or program treating GID.', ">>{ShutYourFaceJabroni} : >80% of transgendered children under the age of 18 end up being normal straight adults, yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they've going through puberty. Where is your evidence? This sounds like a huge pile of shit.", ">>{cerberus698} : What he's doing is exactly what psychology prescribes. It's the only treatment course shown to reliably reduce suicide rates among affected individuals. Either way, it still does not explain why you are unable to address him as he wishes. The only conclusion I'm able to reach is you simply don't want to. That's fine, as I said earlier, it's your right. That being said, none of that shields you from judgement by your peers. They have the same right to ridicule you as you do to ridicule transgendered people.", '>>{nate077} : How fucking hard is it to refer to people in the manner they prefer? Would you call Robert Bob if asked not to? Then why die on this hill?', '>>{CoronationSalt} : This changes **everything**. /s Edit: Added "/s" because I forgot how low the bar is.', '>>{gotsafe} : As a non democrat progressive, I get the feeling that they aren\'t wondering why they lost you. They probably don\'t care, but if they did, they\'re probably glad you left off you were ever even "with" them to begin with. I\'d try to convince you to rethink your opinion, which you\'re entitled to, but I know that an Internet forum, with both of us hidden by anonymity, isn\'t a place where I\'d likely succeed. With your current sentiment on this matter, I wouldn\'t want to be associated with any group that would be willing to accept someone who holds an opinion like yours. But if you ever change your mind, I wouldn\'t want your past views held against you, as I wouldn\'t want my past views held against me.', ">>{feiwynne} : > 80% of transgendered children under the age of 18 end up being normal straight adults, yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they've going through puberty. Source?", '>>{Rabid-Duck-King} : Well shit doctor thanks for letting us all know the truth.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : The transphobes love quoting that one particular study by Dr. Kenneth Zucker. He ran a repartive therapy clinic for trans kids. It's since been shut down. https://thinkprogress.org/infamous-reparative-therapy-clinic-for-transgender-youth-set-to-close-bd4e960519c3#.35ihwuo9h", ">>{feiwynne} : FYI, it's transgender people, not 'transgendered,' the past tense conflates being trans with medical transition.", ">>{feiwynne} : The WHO's page on Transgender people: >Violence against transgender people is common (including police abuse, abuse perpetrated by clients of sex workers and intimate partner violence). Further, transgender people may experience family rejection, violation of their rights to education, employment and social protections and as such experience higher rates of unemployment, poverty, housing insecurity and marginalisation. >A lack of legal recognition of transgender in most countries contributes to their exclusion and marginalisation. While a few countries in South Asia now recognise a “third gender” in other settings transgender people are required to undergo genital surgery before legal recognition of their gender. Edit: Also, the [American Psychological Association Guidelines](https://www.apa.org/practice/guidelines/transgender.pdf) which recommend gender affirmation.", '>>{SeanTronathon} : > If a kid wished he should have his penis cut off ... Here, you\'re confusing *your* ideas of what it means to be a man/woman with those of *others*. My gf\'s cousin said it this way (paraphrased): "When I was a little girl, I just assumed that one day I\'d be an old man." You could pretend you\'re a professional and label this person as delusional/not right in the head, or you could make an attempt at empathy and wonder what that feeling would be like. I think it\'s not so strange to be a child and assume that one day you\'ll be an astronaut, and while this is an unlikely career for every kid (just statistically speaking), calling that person delusional doesn\'t really fit. Another angle to look at this from is to see that some people live vicariously through others. Some fathers create an entire world of joy and fulfillment putting their son through tee-ball, maybe getting them to the major league, because they can\'t go back and relive their life the way they wish they had. Would you think that this father is mentally ill for viewing himself as a baseball player at heart even if he wasn\'t worth a damn at the game himself? > Democrats have decided that mental problem means men like me can walk around naked in ladies locker room. Again, you\'re projecting your ideas onto everyone else. Just because you would like the ability to walk around ladies locker rooms with impunity doesn\'t mean other people would. Mostly, these people just want to be able to go into the bathroom (not locker rooms) and do their business in a way that feels right with who they are. The fact that you think the issue is about perverts in teenage girls\' bathrooms speaks to how little you know about transgender individuals or think about this issue for yourself (using your own neurons, not just listening to Fox anchors talk about it). Being an astronaut at heart and a janitor during the day sucks, but no one wants you trying to take away that person\'s freedom to play Kerbal Space Program and build flight simulator cockpits in their house. Saying these people are mentally ill is a stubbornness not a welcome sentiment in the future of the world. So you can do what you can to try to fit the ideas of future generations into your brain\'s framework or not. If you can\'t figure it out, well then your ideas are going to die along with you, and I can say I\'m glad of that.', ">>{travio} : That is awesome. I read some briefs in a Texas workplace discrimination case where the defendant's brief and even their answer misgendered the woman who brought the case. It was almost uncomfortable to read.", '>>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : I have ten replies, and it takes me nine minutes between each of my posts because Share Blue is paying people to downvote people like me. Naturally you could google this, it would have taken you all of five seconds. https://www.acpeds.org/the-college-speaks/position-statements/gender-dysphoria-in-children Congrats, you got my nine minutes.', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : Google it. Just kidding, here you go https://www.acpeds.org/the-college-speaks/position-statements/gender-dysphoria-in-children It's actually 80-95%. I guess your next move is to call the American College of Pediatricians a bunch of bigots?", '>>{UncleMeat11} : That was really what did it for you? You were all on board with left wing politics until we started trying to help transgender people?', '>>{feiwynne} : First, This is a bocus pedeatrics organizatyion that was made specificaly because they were removed from the actual pediatrics organization for being conservative idealogues. From Wikipedia: >The American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds) is a socially conservative advocacy group of pediatricians and other healthcare professionals in the United States.[1] The group was founded in 2002 by a group of pediatricians, including Joseph Zanga, a past president of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), as a protest against the AAP\'s support for adoption by gay couples.[2][3] The group\'s membership as of 2016 is estimated at 500 members,[4][5] in contrast to the AAP\'s over 60,000 members.[6] >The organization\'s view on parenting is at odds with the position of the American Academy of Pediatrics, which holds that sexual orientation has no correlation with the ability to be a good parent and to raise healthy and well-adjusted children.[5][9][10] The American College of Pediatricians has been described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a "hate group", with "a history of propagating damaging falsehoods about LGBT people".[11][12] Second, the claim made in the article is that PREPUBESCENT children often reverse gender nonconforming behavior by 16, (A claim they have no source, citation, or evidence for. This claim originates from a conversion therapy program where 95 percent of children stopped attending sessions, and that was assumed to be because they had \'worked\'.) And, ultimately, recommends hormone replacement therapy for 16 year olds who persist in their gender identity. >"The Endocrine Society and others, including Dr. Zucker, therefore regard it reasonable to affirm children who persist in their GD beyond puberty, as well as those who present after puberty, and to proceed with cross-sex hormones at age 16 years." From your own conservatively biased source. There is no mention of children being subjected to sex reassignment surgery. The actual American Academy of Pediatricians statement is [here](https://www.aap.org/en-us/about-the-aap/aap-press-room/Pages/AAP-Statement-on-Protecting-Transgender-Youth.aspx)', ">>{RalphWaldoWiggum} : No, it was lots of things. I cried tears of joy as a college student when we elected Obama. Creating a phony culture war to cover up his disaster of a presidency might have worked had it not been that he was arguing men can shower with my daughter. Transgendered bathrooms was just the straw that broke the poor camel's back.", '>>{Nifarious} : >My world, it comes crashing down! /s', ">>{Cerus-} : >Transgendered bathrooms was just the straw that broke the poor camel's back. You know it was the right wing who started it right? Trans people were using the bathroom they matched with for a very long time before the right wing lost their war against gay people and decided to go against transgender people instead.", '>>{Cerus-} : >I guess your next move is to call the American College of Pediatricians a bunch of bigots? Well they are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_College_of_Pediatricians They only call themselves that to fool people like you into thinking they have any legitimacy.', ">>{pseudolocus} : Do you check your sources or are you intentionally trying to deceive people? There are quite a few of these copy cat medical and professional organizations that are not the actual professional organization that trained physicians belong to. Just like those fake money raising phone calls from Fireman's charity associations.", ">>{Nimmy_the_Jim} : Will I be able to run ArMA 3 on the 'SCOTUS Anti-LGBTQ Misgenderer' Or should I stick with nvidia ?", '>>{4J5533T6SZ9} : Not everyone that disagrees with how trans-issues are being dealt with by the left is "transphobic".', ">>{4J5533T6SZ9} : To many people it's akin to asking them to call green eyes blue. I.e. it feels like they're betting asked to deny physical reality to cater to one person's preferred reality.", ">>{4J5533T6SZ9} : The position you're taking is tremendously unhelpful to having a productive conversation and isn't winning anyone to your side. If your political conversations are marked by throwing out labels to dismiss what other people think, then you will live your entire life within a restrictive mental framework. Calling people transphobic doesn't progress the conversation, it stifles it.", ">>{addy-Bee} : >If a kid wishes he should have his penis cut off because he thinks he's a girl, then sorry kiddo. Not going to be a party that. ...he's ftm, you dumb fuck.", '>>{efnel} : > I guess your next move is to call the American College of Pediatricians a bunch of bigots? It was literally founded in order to try and stop same-sex couples from adopting children. What do you think?', '>>{efnel} : > If I think I\'m King Solomon, are you a bigot for not indulging me? The thing is, usually we do respect people\'s choices about what they want to be known as, even if they are pretty outlandish. Queen Latifah clearly isn\'t a monarch, but I\'ve never heard of anyone insisting on calling her Dana Owens (her real name). And AFAIK "Queen Latifah" isn\'t even the name she actually identifies with, it\'s just a stage name she uses for commercial reasons. We even tend to be happy to use feminine names and pronouns to refer to drag queens and female alter egos like Dame Edna, as long as it\'s clear that it\'s all a performance and not their authentic identity. It\'s only when it comes to actual trans people that this becomes an issue. Intentionally misnaming and misgendering trans people isn\'t just refusing to "indulge" them, it\'s refusing to extend them a basic courtesy that we extend to absolutely everybody else without thinking about it. > There\'s a reason transgendered people have 41% rate of suicide attempts. Many other minority groups experience raised suicide rates. > end up being normal straight adults Is that a subtle homophobic dig, or do you just really want to avoid using the word "cis", or are you one of those people who thinks that being trans is basically like being extra-gay, or what? > yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they\'ve going through puberty. Absolute garbage. The youngest example I can find of someone undergoing sex reassignment surgery was 16, and several news sources claim that this is the youngest ever. Either you have been taken in by right-wing fake news sites that fail to make the distinction between having surgery and wearing a dress, or you are just making shit up. > If you\'re trying to convince me that we should allow naked men in the women\'s locker room so my daughter can prove she\'s not a bigot by gazing upon a penis No, I\'m trying to convince you that trans people should be allowed to use the facilities where they feel most comfortable (which is usually the one that people would expect them to use based on their appearance - after all, being told you are in the wrong bathroom does not make you feel very comfortable) like they have been doing for decades, and that [this teenage wrestler](http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2017/02/24/transgender-boy-forced-to-wrestle-in-girls-tournament-thanks-to-dumb-texas-rules/) should be allowed to compete against other boys, instead of being forced to compete against girls. > then you\'re not understanding why Hillary lost "my pet issue is why you lost the election, therefore you have to agree with me if you want to win next time" yeah, no', '>>{drewiepoodle} : I didnt realize that equality equated to bullying. We arent the ones who are introducing all these bathroom laws. We arent the ones painting us as sexual deviants. We arent the ones being deviants. So take your fake outrage and shove it up somewhere deep and dark where the sun dont shine.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : It's selfish to want to shit in the bathroom with people who are the same gender as you? What harm does it do you if someone who is biologically female but looks and dresses like a male takes a shit in the stall next to you? Why do you care so much about where people shit?", '>>{drewiepoodle} : And we plan to run roughshod over every bigot like you standing in the way of equality. Glad we drew the battle lines. Like I said, I could give a flying fuck what you think. Either give us equality, or get run over, Those are your choices, there will be no negotiation.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : At no point in this thread did I advocate violence. So far, you're the one that has brought it up, twice. >im not trying to take anything from you. Yes, you are, you're trying to tell we where I can go pee and where I can go change. >im a 3rd party, commenting on your divisive tactics, informing you that it pushes away people caught in the middle. This trans woman is gonna go take a piss in the ladies' room. Cry me a fucking river. Get over yourself, your feelings dont mean more than my rights. So if you're uncomfortable with a trans person changing or pissing in the same room as you, then find somewhere else to go.", ">>{SAneeraQadri} : No one is given hormones until they reach puberty, that's the way things already are. What's your point?", ">>{Cerus-} : I couldn't really give a fuck whether you think you are transphobic or not. Plenty of racists don't think they are racist either.", '>>{hello3pat} : You do realize that transition is one of the treatments right?', ">>{hello3pat} : And those people don't understand the difference between sex and gender", '>>{trump_4_gulag} : You know the petitioner in this case is a legal adult right?', '>>{kescusay} : Bahahahahah! I downvote people who spread misinformation and unscientific garbage for free.', '>>{ruler_gurl} : Ha, of course, a fake medical assoc. Pro tip, you can always find some official sounding source that conforms to your preconceived bias and incorrect understanding of the world is such is your desire.', '>>{ruler_gurl} : I think we lost you a long time ago.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : Put down the crack pipe, I'm not deleting shit. I have nothing to hide, and I am not ashamed of anything I have written. I stand by what I've said. If you cant see that you're on the wrong side of history, that is not my problem. I do not have to sugarcoat it for you that you are losing a place of privilege. I could give two fucks less. We WILL pee and change in the restrooms and locker rooms of our proper gender. And that may mean a different thing to you, but again, I do not give one flying fuck about what you think. You and your ilk are trying to take a fundamental right away from me. So you do not deserve any respect or consideration. I did not start this fight, but you better goddamn believe that I AM going to finish it. And if i have to rustle your jimmies to make sure that all of us are treated equally, than so be it.", '>>{drewiepoodle} : And for the millionth time I really dont give a flying fuck what you think. Glad we could sort that out.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : See, right there, you're saying that you are going to willing flout the rules of convention and pee in someplace that you arent supposed to. I on the other hand, as a trans woman who is a woman, only want to pee in the women's restroom. You know, where I've been peeing ever since I came out. So in this case, You're the asshole, not me.", '>>{AthenaOrCara} : Free speech only protects you from government action you dunce.', ">>{drewiepoodle} : > were you born with a penis? if so, you are not a woman. aaaaaaaaaaaaand there we have it, the kneejerk fallback defense of a bigot. And how pray tell are you EVER going to find out if I have one or not? To you genitals are what defines you as male or female, when biologists have LONG ago established that BOTH sex and gender exist across a spectrum. When it comes down to it, my very existence make you uncomfortable. To which i say one more time, I could give a flying fuck. Get over it. Trans people exist. We WILL pee where we're supposed to. YOU are not going to tell us otherwise because you have no goddamn reason against it. So suck it up, snowflake, get used to having other people in your space. The faster you get to acceptance, the better off we will all be. Or you can get left behind like the rest of the garbage. Your choice.", '>>{drewiepoodle} : Well, let\'s get the science out there first, here are a couple of studies that address the biological aspects of gender dysphoria. [Study on gender: Who counts as a man and who counts as a woman](http://phys.org/news/2013-10-gender-woman.html) [A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality](http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v378/n6552/abs/378068a0.html) [Sex redefined - The idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.](http://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943) [Transgender: Evidence on the biological nature of gender identity](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/02/150213112317.htm) [Transsexual gene link identified](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7689007.stm) [Challenging Gender Identity: Biologists Say Gender Expands Across A Spectrum, Rather Than Simply Boy And Girl](http://www.medicaldaily.com/challenging-gender-identity-biologists-say-gender-expands-across-spectrum-rather-323956) [Sex Hormones Administered During Sex Reassignment Change Brain Chemistry, Physical Characteristics](http://www.medicaldaily.com/sex-hormones-administered-during-sex-reassignment-change-brain-chemistry-physical-356620) [Gender Differences in Neurodevelopment and Epigenetics](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3654067/) [Sexual Differentiation of the Human Brain in Relation to Gender-Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Neuropsychiatric Disorders](http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4614-1997-6_115) [Gender Orientation: IS Conditions Within The TS Brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3C4ZJ7HyuE) A [2008 study reported that](http://www.biologicalpsychiatryjournal.com/article/S0006-3223\\(08\\)01087-1/abstract) trans women have a longer androgen receptor gene than cis men, which is less effective at binding testosterone, potentially preventing complete masculinization of the brain. (Prenatal androgen exposure or sensitivity, or lack thereof, is an often cited mechanism to explain observed brain-structure differences.) The androgen receptor (AR), also known as NR3C4, is activated by the binding of testosterone or dihydrotestosterone, where it plays a critical role in the forming of primary and secondary male sex characteristics. Hare et al. found that male-to-female transsexuals were found to have longer repetitions of the gene, which reduced its effectiveness at binding testosterone. A variant genotype for a gene called CYP17, which acts on the sex hormones pregnenolone and progesterone, has been found to be linked to female-to-male transsexualism but not MTF transsexualism. Most notably, the FTM subjects not only had the variant genotype more frequently, but had an allele distribution equivalent to male controls, unlike the female controls. The paper concluded that the loss of a female-specific CYP17 T -34C allele distribution pattern is associated with FtM transsexualism. In a [first-of-its-kind study](http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v378/n6552/abs/378068a0.html), Zhou et al. (1995) found that in a region of the brain called the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc), a region known for sex and anxiety responses, MTF transsexuals have a female-normal size while FTM transsexuals have a male-normal size. While the transsexuals studied had taken hormones, this was accounted for by including non-transsexual male and female controls who, for a variety of medical reasons, had experienced hormone reversal. The controls still retained sizes typical for their gender. No relationship to sexual orientation was found. In [a follow-up study](http://press.endocrine.org/doi/full/10.1210/jcem.85.5.6564), Kruijver et al. (2000) looked at the number of neurons in BSTc instead of volumes. They found the same results as Zhou et al. (1995), but with even more dramatic differences. One MTF subject who had never gone on hormones was also included, and who matched up with the female neuron counts nonetheless. In 2002, [a follow-up study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11826131) by Chung et al. found that significant sexual dimorphism (variation between sexes) in BSTc did not become established until adulthood. Chung et al. theorized that either changes in fetal hormone levels produce changes in BSTc synaptic density, neuronal activity, or neurochemical content which later lead to size and neuron count changes in BSTc, or that the size of BSTc is affected by the failure to generate a gender identity consistent with one\'s anatomic sex. In[ a review of the evidence in](http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018506X06001462) 2006, Gooren confirms the earlier research as supporting the concept that transsexualism is a sexual differentiation disorder of the sex dimorphic brain. [Dick Swaab (2004) concurs](http://www.functionalneurology.com/materiale_cic/389_XXIV_1/3373_sexual/). In [a 2008 study](https://academic.oup.com/brain/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/brain/awn276), a new region with properties similar to that of BSTc in regards to transsexualism was found by Garcia-Falgueras and Swaab: the interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus (INAH3), part of the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus. The same method of controlling for hormone usage was used as in Zhou et al. (1995) and Kruijver et al. (2000). The differences were even more pronounced than with BSTc; control males averaged 1.9 times the volume and 2.3 times the neurons as control females, yet once again, regardless of hormone exposure, MTF transsexuals lay within the female range and the FTM transsexual within the male range. While the resolution of MRI tomographs in general can be fine enough, independent nuclei are not visible due to lack of contrast between different neurological tissue types. Therefore, such images do not show detailed structures such as BSTc and INAH3, and studies on BSTC were done by bisecting brains postmortem. However, MRI does much more easily allow the study of larger brain structures. In [Luders et al. (2009)](http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811909003176), 24 MTF transsexuals not-yet treated with cross-sex hormones were studied via MRI. While regional gray matter concentrations were more similar to men than women, there was a significantly larger volume of gray matter in the right putamen compared to men. As with many earlier studies, they concluded that transsexualism is associated with a distinct cerebral pattern. An additional feature was studied in a group of FTM transsexuals who had not yet received cross-sex hormones: fractional anisotropy values for white matter in the medial and posterior parts of the right superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF), the forceps minor, and the corticospinal tract. [Rametti et al. (2010)](http://www.journalofpsychiatricresearch.com/article/S0022-3956\\(10\\)00158-5/abstract) discovered that, "Compared to control females, FtM showed higher FA values in posterior part of the right SLF, the forceps minor and corticospinal tract. Compared to control males, FtM showed only lower FA values in the corticospinal tract." [Hulshoff Pol et al. (2006)](http://www.eje-online.org/content/155/suppl_1/S107), studied the gross brain volume of subjects undergoing hormone treatment. They discovered that whole brain volume for subjects changes toward the size of the opposite sex during hormone treatment. The conclusion of the study was, "The findings suggest that, throughout life, gonadal hormones remain essential for maintaining aspects of sex-specific differences in the human brain."', '>>{Metaphorictrash} : Some extra information on this topic: It was, as far as I can tell, the North Carolinian House Bill 2 which started this all. It listed protections in things like workspaces, bathrooms, public... etc etc, and the list of protected classes did not include sexual orientation or gender identity. Further, it declared it a state-wide issue, and forbade any city from straying from the rules it set down. The result of this was no protections for LGBT people in general, and cities could not add protections. Bathrooms are just one aspect of it.', ">>{SAneeraQadri} : That's like taking Jewish crime rate statistics from a Nazi group.", ">>{drewiepoodle} : Dont be mad because science has shown you to be wrong. I've saved up all the responses to anything you can bring up because I have heard it from bigots like you a thousand times over. And all of you use the same ole tired responses over and over and over again. So, one more time from the top. Get with the program, or get the fuck out of the way. Either which way, I really dont give a flying fuck. Have a good one, thanks for playing.", ">>{drewiepoodle} : > FORCE my views on others. You mean like the bathroom laws are forcing trans people to use bathrooms not meant for them? Glad we can agree on something >im not a bigot you sickness, You really kinda are. >there are probably REAL bigots out there who deserve your outrage. I'm talking to one right now. If you cant see it, that you're the one with issues, not me. >and your behavior has pushed me further from supporting your cause. Please, look at all the fucks I have to give. Oh wait, I have none. >i'd bet there are a lot of people like me 'in the way' of your 'program' Cool, the more people like you show your true colors the easier it will be to point out the bigots. Please, by all means, proceed. >but you dont give a flying fuck! Nope. kthnxbai.", '>>{AnotherSoulessGinger} : [How did we get here?](http://www.charlottemagazine.com/Charlotte-Magazine/April-2016/HB2-How-North-Carolina-Got-Here/) The education department said title IX sex discrimination prohibition now covers trans students. Charlotte wanted to add LGBTQ to the protected classes. State government freaks and we get HB2.', '>>{conuly} : The reputable and mainstream organization for pediatricians is the AAP. The ACP is neither reputable nor mainstream.', ">>{conuly} : > There's a reason transgendered people have 41% rate of suicide attempts. It's because they need treatment for mental health issues. It's because they face a lot of discrimination and bigotry in society.", '>>{conuly} : Though some people do confuse hormones and puberty blockers.', ">>{conuly} : The only medication for GID is puberty blockers (between the normal age of puberty and adulthood) and hormones (after you go off puberty blockers). There's no point starting either of those before puberty, because young children don't have any secondary sex characteristics.", '>>{conuly} : Okay, and? How does it harm them?', ">>{4J5533T6SZ9} : It's about the truth, not about whether someone comes to harm.", ">>{Vehudur} : Seriously, I wish I got paid to downvote people like him - I'm doing it for free right now.", ">>{elakastekatt} : A bit late to the party, but: > he was arguing men can shower with my daughter. That's Republicans, not Democrats. Republicans want to force for example [this man](https://a.disquscdn.com/get?url=http%3A%2F%2Fimgur.com%2FHdj9smI.png&key=SOWEYH2EN5pnznHKeSgu3A) to use female toilet facilities just because he was assigned female at birth. Democrats want to allow him to use male toilet facilities.", '>>{souprize} : And it works every time. Just like Milo could speak for the gay community, even though he was homophobic and self hating and would change his sexuality if he could, the poor fuck.', ">>{Tymareta} : > There's a reason transgendered people have 41% rate of suicide attempts. It's because they need treatment for mental health issues. Couldn't at all possibly be because of people with attitudes like yours and the general bigotry from society at large, nah, not at all. > yet parents are giving them sex change operations before they've going through puberty. Doesn't happen."], ['>>{Speedstr} : Trump sign with razor blades injures person at Collin County polling site', '>>{Mawo123} : Why was the person touching the sign? And the blades are pretty obvious.', '>>{jaCASTO} : read the god damn article >The campaign sign was blocking a “vote here" sign, which prompted a volunteer to try to move it. Instead, the volunteer cut their hand on the blades glued to the bottom of the sign.', '>>{jaCASTO} : Voter suppression on a whole new level! Put razor blades on signs to harm anyone who tries to remove Trump propaganda away from signage indicating people are at the proper polling location.', '>>{Speedstr} : The article says that the Trump sign was blocking a "vote here" sign. A voting center volunteer tried to move the sign, and was injured.', '>>{CarlTheRedditor} : >read the god damn article >>The campaign sign was blocking a “vote here" sign, which prompted a volunteer to try to move it. Instead, the volunteer cut their hand on the blades glued to the bottom of the sign.', '>>{lillyluminatus} : Yes, clearly the relevant point here is that a poll worker had the gall to properly move an improperly placed sign, and not the obvious fact that this was a violent set-up by Trump supporters intended to injure a poll worker who would be certain to move a booby-trapped, intentionally improperly placed sign.', '>>{_C2J_} : Dear lord, WTF is wrong with people. This shit is out of control.', ">>{aKindWordandaGun} : What's particularly interesting (mortifying) is that this tactic can apparently be traced to neonazi movements in Germany and the likes where they put up a poster or sticker on a mosque or something and put razor blades under it to cut whoever tries to remove it. Just imagine how bad this could get if they intentionally contaminated the blades with something, too.", ">>{UnbelievableBastard} : Because you can't put campaign materials past a certain point at polling places and you can't block the vote here signs. Are you on drugs?", ">>{IronyIntended2} : while I don't have any skin in this game, I could make the argument that this is a Hillary supporter trying to make Trump supporters look bad. Just because something looks one way, doesn't mean it is.", ">>{wraithtek} : Nah, I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one. The simplest explanation tends to be the right one.", '>>{IronyIntended2} : Right, because we all know there are no crazy people on both sides of this.', ">>{Feshtof} : Don't cover vote here signs with your candidate's sign?", '>>{tinoynk} : One "side" elects people to office who openly entertain the idea of violence if Hillary wins. The craziest anybody even close to the mainstream gets on the other "side" is a goofy and useless but well-meaning Kindergarten teacher that gets outvoted by a dead gorilla and laughed at by everybody, even among people who generally agree with her. And in the voter bases, the crazies of one "side" legitimately believe that our president is secretly a Muslim terrorist plotting the downfall of America and the white Christian establishment as we know it, while the crazies of the other "side" think that we should be careful with GMOs and that gender pronouns are of the utmost importance. Sure, I\'m not opposed to GMOs and I don\'t get hung up on the gender pronoun thing, but if you\'re going to sit here and act like you don\'t see a difference of degrees in the craziness of the "sides," you\'re a fucking idiot. I don\'t mean any offense by that, and I\'m sure that you do see the difference, because it\'s just so goddamn stark. But for people who don\'t see a difference, yea, they\'re fucking idiots.', '>>{IronyIntended2} : [just a small sample of some Hillary supporters who beg to differ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvBkRHwHXaU)', ">>{tinoynk} : Get back to me when democrats actually elect people that don't believe in science.", '>>{tinoynk} : I see people in the pockets of energy companies in mostly red states. I don\'t see explicit denials of scientific consensus, or anybody saying that that we don\'t have to worry about global warming because the bible never mentioned it. I see political shittiness and opportunism, not outright lunacy or denial of what\'s essentially accepted fact. Even if one or two democrats did say anything close to that, you still seem to be having an issue understanding the concept of degrees. When you have sample sizes as large as the American voter base, or even the legislature, sure, there\'ll be some outliers on both end. And if you have certain preconceived notions of things, these sample sizes will always be able to afford you a Youtube video or a half-assed list from some random political blog to support your point, and though the stats contradict everything you seem to saying, do you really need to hear them? According to the NY Times last month (I know I know, commie liberal propaganda, but hear me out), "Nearly seven of 10 Democrats believe climate change is mainly a result of human activity; fewer than a quarter of Republicans believe that. A similarly worded question that appeared on surveys from 2006 to 2015 found comparable gaps on the perceived causes of climate change." (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/05/science/climate-change-poll-pew.html?_r=0) So you can give me all the links you want, but the bottom line is that the democratic voter base at least lives in reality, on planet earth. The things believed by the republican voter base have no basis in reality. The funny thing about this is that if you are part of that republican alternative reality, you\'ll read all of my clearly worded and impeccably constructed statement and it just won\'t register. Because you\'re a fucking idiot.', ">>{IronyIntended2} : Or I just don't read what you write, scan it for keywords and respond to egg you on.", ">>{ChemLok} : It's awfully convenient that bad things trump fans do can be blamed on Hillary", '>>{BedWedOrBehead} : Donald is a bit scary, but his supporters are fucking terrifying.', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : You sure seem awfully passionate for somebody who doesn't care... unless you're lying.", '>>{IronyIntended2} : Its very interesting how Convenient and Hillary are interchangeable.', ">>{joedapper} : I mean sure, that's a good rule and all, but after someone stole my Johnson sign, all signs are traps.", '>>{IronyIntended2} : If that is passion, then you should get your head checked', ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : I chose my words in such a weedy top afford you an out. Looking at your comments it's apparent I was too generous.", '>>{IronyIntended2} : So was I based on your sentence structure. You are definitely dumb. Edit : Although your addiction to porn is enlightening', ">>{ChemLok} : It's awfully Hillary that bad things trump fans do can be blamed on convenient?", '>>{shadofx} : When both parties have crazies, you have to look at relative frequency, as well as the leadership itself.', ">>{joedapper} : until the law makers are held to the same standard as the citizenry, I'm not concerned with legality of anything really.", ">>{WhatIsPants} : The blades are pretty obvious in a close-up photo. At the time clearly they weren't or the poll worker would not have injured himself."], ['>>{LegoFarmer} : Trump sets 5-year and lifetime lobbying ban for officials', '>>{RobToastie} : This is something I can actually get behind, as long as it is properly implemented. Getting the money out of politics is a win for democracy. Not that this administration is a win for democracy, but hey, silver linings? Edit: nope, looks like this is actually weakening existing rules. Because fuck democracy', ">>{TinyBaron} : Most lobbyists are former Congresspeople. The real lobbying is done in Congress, who dole out the government's money in the Committees. The sitting congressmen listen to the lobbyists because they themselves plan to join their ranks when they leave office. While a step in the right direction, this won't have much of an impact. Like a lot of these executive orders, just done for show. At least we know he can still sign his own name.", '>>{cam396} : This is definitely a step in the right direction.', ">>{plato1123} : Politico is saying he's actually significantly weakened Obama's ethics rules in this area. \\#draintheswamp? http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/trump-lobbying-ban-weakens-obama-ethics-rules-234318", ">>{KarmasCominBoys} : I'm only here to see how George Soros enthusiasts will spin this to be a bad thing.", '>>{sunshines_fun_time} : The entirety of the trump administration is lobbying for the Russian govt', ">>{ZPTs} : > Most lobbyists are former Congresspeople Not quite. Edit: okay, so I don't have numbers, but that's not true. Many former members of Congress go on to lobby in some capacity but it's a huge industry.", '>>{nigelgtx} : Somehow this will be a racist, nazi, bigot, anti-muslim move...', ">>{IBringYouToBurn} : I'm just a consultant, so I don't need to register as a lobbyist.", '>>{RepublicanDeathPanel} : We could all believe this if he showed any ethics himself.', ">>{onerandomperson} : [It's been done before](http://www.nytimes.com/1992/12/10/us/the-transition-clinton-team-issues-5-year-lobby-ban.html) [And then reversed](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2000/12/29/clinton-reverses-5-year-ban-on-lobbying-by-appointees/e5a0571f-5c54-4988-adc6-5571a7557e83/?utm_term=.154136a74230)", '>>{RobToastie} : Ah for fucks sake. Why do I even bother being optimistic anymore', ">>{onedoor} : posted this elsewhere: [Trump Toughens Some Facets of Lobbying Ban and Weakens Others](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/28/us/politics/trump-toughens-some-facets-of-lobbying-ban-and-weakens-others.html?_r=0) > Executive branch employees, including those in the White House, will now be barred for five years after they leave government from lobbying the federal agency where they worked. Under Mr. Obama, they had to wait until the end of the administration, meaning a shorter ban for some departing officials. Former executive branch officials will now also be permanently banned from serving as foreign lobbyists. - > But Mr. Eisen and other ethics experts noted that rules banning lobbyists from taking any job with an agency they had tried to influence in the past two years had been removed. Also, the new rules allow departing executive branch employees to take private sector jobs and then informally lobby the administration, as long as they are not registered as a lobbyist, a type of activity previously prohibited for two years. Registration is required once a person does a certain amount of work for a client. also > Mr. Trump’s ethics policy also has provisions that will affect officials while they are working in the government. As part of the order he signed, executive branch employees will be barred for two years from working on any “particular matter” that they had been involved in while in the private sector. That is the same amount of time that Mr. Obama imposed on officials who worked for him. And I'll give credit to NYT here. Other articles I saw didn't have the comparison to Obama. Of course, the first I saw(but not the only) was a post from T_D, so yeah...", '>>{DOWNVOTED_BY_EUROS} : There are tens of thousands of lobbyists. How can they all be former congressmen?', ">>{hk93g3} : Let's not forget he signed this AFTER the people he wanted got a pass."], ['>>{squirtingispeeing} : Why the Associated Press called the race for Hillary Clinton when nobody was looking', '>>{Simoni_Deo} : NEWS FLASH: **Hillary has not been nominated.**', ">>{zan5ki} : [To feed the corporate, profit-driven, ratings whore media and prop up the candidate they like.] (https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4mypq5/z/d3zcg3e) It's not that complicated (unless you don't want to believe it).", ">>{Riflemate} : Hillary won, you can't blame the media for that. Though you don't need to vote for her. #FeelTheJohnson", '>>{quacking_quackeroo} : NEWS FLASH: the AP did not report that she was', '>>{Simoni_Deo} : The AP called her the nominee in its first report.', '>>{Simoni_Deo} : The AP called her the nominee in its first report.', ">>{10390} : There's a difference between a poll and a vote. Do they get extra credit or something for calling it first, or is the only explanation that they hoped to depress turnout? (sincere question)", '>>{Dopple_Deaner} : You get more clicks and views when you call it first. They didn\'t "poll." They individually called superdelegates to ask who they were voting for. They found enough superdelegates that were previously undecided who said they were voting for Clinton.', '>>{tainted_waffles} : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CkTrl5yWYAEiQkT.jpg Pretty clear here that they made no mention of "presumptive" nomination.', '>>{10390} : The clicks thing makes sense, thanks. The polling otoh doesn\'t seem right to me. Until they vote they aren\'t committed. I think the press has backtracked and changed their tune to say that Clinton is the "presumptive" nominee, which seems right to me. She\'s been that since before the race began.', '>>{tainted_waffles} : Did you look at my link? It doesn\'t say "Clinton wins presumptive nomination."', '>>{adle1984} : How does one clinch if the threshold to clinch must include super delegates that have yet to vote?', ">>{tainted_waffles} : (1) Obama was declared the nominee AFTER all the states had voted. Last time I checked, there are still 600 pledged delegates up for grabs, which exceeds Hillary's pledged delegate lead. (2) None of the supers publicly pledged to support Hillary. This is all based on an anonymous survey.", '>>{aerosplat} : > Do they get extra credit or something for calling it first, or is the only explanation that they hoped to depress turnout? (sincere question) Why not both? The Clinton campaign sent out a fundraiser email almost immediately after AP made the announcement yesterday. The email contained a banner picture quoting the announcement. Except the banner picture had a versioned filename called "secret-win-V2-**060416**c_04.png" -- dated 2 days ahead of the announcement itself. Basically, the Clinton campaign had advance knowledge of the "secret win" that AP was going to declare, and they possibly even facilitated it by rounding up the anonymous super-delegate support for the AP count. AP benefits from this because they get to announce it first and reap the page clicks. Clinton benefits from it because it suppresses election-day turnout and increases the share of early votes as part of the total. The only loser is democracy, but who the fuck cares about that?', '>>{DexySP} : Ah, speaking like Democracy is still here. Im sorry but I have to say it, the US is an oligarchy, literalry http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746', '>>{akronix10} : Did they source/cite these super delegates or was it all done in secret?', '>>{Dopple_Deaner} : I never saw anyone say just "nominee," but it might be because I always assumed they meant presumptive. It\'s really just quarreling with minutia.', ">>{squirtingispeeing} : That's not evidence. She was on the verge of clinching it, of course the campaign had something prepared.", ">>{rickytickytackybitch} : Or they were preparing it for Tuesday, I'm sure Bernie has images ready if he wins California", ">>{rickytickytackybitch} : You don't think Bernie has California images ready to go?", '>>{aerosplat} : Don\'t be ridiculous. The image is specifically quoting an AP announcement from the future, and is titled "secret win". There\'s no universe where you can spin this as innocent preparation.', '>>{rickytickytackybitch} : They didn\'t quote the AP it has one AP logo and "* AP delegate count" It\'s not a stretch to believe there is a NBC/ABC/CNN version too > 060416c_04.png They dated it and likely have 3+ options based on who got there first, NBC news said they knew AP was also trying to get a count done, Hills team was ready for whoever got done first', ">>{barrel_roller} : He doesn't have images specifically referencing a news article that wouldn't be published for another two days, if that's what you mean.", ">>{10390} : fwiw - I do. Thanks much for the explanation, didn't know that.", '>>{rickytickytackybitch} : How do you know he doesn\'t have "Bernie wins California" images ready to go? All the image says is "Hillary Clinches Democratic Presidential Nomination" which isn\'t even what the AP headline was.', '>>{barrel_roller} : He probably does have images saying "Bernie wins California!" ready to go. He probably doesn\'t have images saying "the AP reports they\'ve secretly talked to Bernie superdelegates and claims he has enough votes to win the nomination!" dated well before the AP made that claim.', ">>{rickytickytackybitch} : It's not a stretch to believe there is a NBC/ABC/CNN version too 060416c_04.png They dated it and likely have 3+ options based on who said it first, everyone knew she would clinch today.", '>>{barrel_roller} : Are you intentionally being this belligerently obtuse? This isn\'t about polling or about securing enough delegates. She still hasn\'t done that. This is about how the AP contacted superdelegates **in private** and totaled them up. **This is not public information** and nobody "knew" this would happen. Clinton\'s campaign is not referencing anything publically known- it\'s referencing an article about privileged information known only to the AP writers involved in the article. Her campaign referenced a **specific news article** that wouldn\'t be released for another two days. Either the AP leaked this information to her campaign or else Clinton is employing some top notch psychics.', ">>{rickytickytackybitch} : NBC news said they knew AP was calling Supers and were close to finishing, **because they were calling too** (about 20 minutes too late), along with the other news networks who have been calling supers all year. Which part of the image **specifically** references the AP story, if HRC knew the article was coming, **why didn't it have the same headline**?", ">>{infohack} : > if HRC knew the article was coming, why didn't it have the same headline? That's an image of the tweet of the AP sent out. Apparently before they sent it.", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : Anything that goes against the "everything is rigged" conspiracy circlejerk gets downvotes. Facts are irrelevant here.', ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : The superdelegates wanted to remain anonymous, probably because they didn't want to get harassment and death threats. The AP is credible though, it's the oldest and one of the most trusted reporting agencies in the world, and they were the only ones that didn't call Florida for Bush in 2000 because they didn't see evidence for it.", '>>{NeverDrumpf2016} : According to the report the superdelegates said they were "unequivocally" voting for Clinton.', '>>{10390} : Understand, just think "presumptive" is more accurate since she\'s not actually the nominee yet. She could be today though depending on how she does with the pledged guys.', ">>{akronix10} : So AP held secret talks with anonymous party insiders to announce the outcome of a primary election the day before the largest state in the union voted. I'm not sure you know what credible means.", ">>{NeverDrumpf2016} : Math doesn't give a shit when California votes. And what's even the point of suppressing votes at this point? The contest has been inevitable for some time, Clinton won."]]
classify and reply
[">>{iLoveChiquita} : U.S. EPA employees protest Trump's pick to run agency", '>>{_Damn_Russians_} : Hope they had their resumes in order before this. TrumpCo is fond of purges.', ">>{SgtBaxter} : Purges? They're trying to completely eliminate the agency altogether.", ">>{peadith} : If the Trump Administration were obviously in favor of a stronger, more responsible America to lead the world, that'd be great.", '>>{roastbeeftacohat} : one where led in the water is just a flavor bonus.', ">>{InertiaInMyPants} : This reminds me of when I was looking for Environmental Jobs in Houston. I thought it was going to be a lot more like that girl scout who sold cookies outside of Colorado Marijuana dispensaries... it wasn't.", '>>{LucidDreamsDankMemes} : *And now in completely unrelated news...* *EPA Completely Purged*', ">>{nishinoran} : Oh dang, looks like they're gonna end up firing most of the EPA. Oh noo..... That sucks.", ">>{dr_grigore} : I'll be OK if the Republican Congress also passes laws requiring the price of goods reflect the cost of pollution and companies to set aside money to pay for cleanup or really any market incentives to do things right. But until then we need the EPA. Anyone who wants to hit the EPA has to spend a week in Beijing/anywhere in China.", ">>{Drew4} : Apparently, these EPA employees aren't the brightest bulbs in the bunch. Would you openly picket against your incoming boss to his face?", ">>{my_mind_is_glowing} : It's not a lack of intelligence. It's an abundance of principles. Sometimes standing up for what is right requires personal sacrifice.", ">>{Drew4} : Then they should resign and make a public statement. It seems like they're trying to have their cake and eat it too.", ">>{ajiveturkey} : Something tells me you've never stood up for anything in your life.", ">>{iwinagin} : Boss wants to fire them all anyway. They can go out silently with dignity or go out swinging. Likely won't change much either way.", ">>{Drew4} : I doubt it, but wouldn't it make more sense to see and find out whether you could have positive influence from the inside?", ">>{Drew4} : Something tells me you have **absolutely** no idea what I've done in real life.", ">>{Spes-Caritas} : It's the EPA, not the military. They can have an opinion on politics because they're civilians. Public servants, federal employees? Yes. But still civilians.", ">>{armchairepicure} : These are union-protected, civil servants. The only way to purge them is by cutting EPA budget so severely as to cause serious repercussions across America. Good luck having nice places to hunt and fish; good luck keeping your drinking water clean. EPA pays your state (and everyone else's) to maintain these programs. Cutting EPA in any meaningful way will mean huge budget cuts to states. So, hope you didn't actually like clean air, water, and contaminated site remediation. That's the agency this administration is trying to dismantle.", ">>{SubParMarioBro} : You can't lead a horse to water but you can lead America to greatness again.", ">>{sadistic_cat} : What's that, now? You mean there's more to government regulations than banning my favorite weed and fatty taxes on them soda pop drinks? I probably mightn't've shoulda wanna looked into that before I voted for Trumps, I guess.", ">>{GoodOnYouOnAccident} : I don't want to pay to clean up pollution -- I want there to not be pollution. Cleaning up pollution after the fact is inefficient and expensive, and something that fucking idiot Republicans think makes sense. It's so bafflingly shortsighted.", ">>{sleepehead} : Nah he would be a fool if he did that. If you fire or all of these employees quit it'll undermine everything he will do and also cause problems he won't have the ability to handle. Beaucracy works because the system relies on multiple people knowing how to handle tough problems the best way possible. But without all of these people with experience, he'll lose confidence in his job and will get sacked quickly. What's worse for him is that some that would stay with him may continue to undermine everything he does. Which does two things in that it shines a light and causes more problems with the public for Trump. Whether he likes it or not, Trump will get screwed in multiple fronts if he lets the EPA go to shit. How do you win a reelection when no one wants to work with you or will continue to leak and undermine your authority. 2020 elections really begin in 2019 and the 2018 elections will ramp up soon too.", '>>{VanillaIcedTea} : Yes, but for a short period of time, a very small amount of shareholders make an obscene amount of money. And if that means that some of that money gets kicked back to the politicians as campaign donations, then the planet going to shit is a sacrifice that those politicians are willing to make.', '>>{Undertakerjoe} : Wasn\'t the EPA responsible for that huge waste water spillage from that mine a while back? Something about the EPA ignoring the people from the mining company & breaching a dam, releasing dangerous waste water into a local river? I\'m not trying to be a dick or shill, but people who work for the gov\'t are generally fucking morons who could not hold a real job. I\'m not saying "throw the baby out w/ the bath water", but the gov\'t has a track record of being terrible @ almost everything it tries.', ">>{voiderest} : I'm not sure what they plan on doing. Sure they could strike but it isn't Trump and friends wants them to do their job anyway.", ">>{amateur_mistake} : First, No, almost certainly not. The EPA can't be responsible for a spill since they control nothing that could make one (for the most part). Second, if you want to make a claim like that, cite a source. That way we can have some idea of what you are even talking about.", '>>{mlmayo} : Who do you think determines when things are polluted enough? Yep, the USEPA. Outside of some other govt agencies that dabble in regulatory sampling and testing, the main indicator of pollution would be birth defects, illness, and death for both human and wildlife populations.', ">>{mlmayo} : They won't lose their jobs from something like this. Federal employees are fired after a long performance based process. They could be fired for repeated poor job performance but not for political reasons.", '>>{NematodeArthritis} : Forewarning to anyone reading these comments: This thread is poison on both sides', '>>{WyoVolunteer} : Animas River, NM. EPA contractor breached a dam.', ">>{RationalTrumpVoter} : As a rural conservative, I am glad the the government D.C. establishment bureaucrats are pointing themselves out. I know the left thinks that the EPA protects the environment, but the truth is the average employee spends much of their time shutting down rural businesses with regulations - the types that voted for Trump in blue states. The left needs to embrace policies that actually help the environment to persuade the American public to vote for them again. /////////////////////////// Disclaimer: I'm a college-educated, bisexual conservative who just posted on /r/politics. Since liberals hate free speech, hate me, and wish that I would kill myself, I will be down voted. That's okay! I believe in free speech so I will not downvote anyone who replies to me, or anyone who posts in /r/politics and I look forward to a productive conversation that will expand our horizons equally. //////////////////////////", '>>{Give_Me_Your_Name} : Those regulations are there to protect the environment. If businesses refuse to abide by the regulations then they should be shut down.', '>>{LordStudz} : This sounds like a meme: "Don\'t have to listen to EPA protests if there is no EPA."', ">>{GoodwaterVillainy} : Small businesses being unable to conform to EPA, CWA, CAA, etc. standards is a problem that needs a solution for sure. But Taking the agency to nothing with no suitable replacement seems like a very shortsighted solution. Sorry that you might be downvoted but a lot of people feel very strongly about the issue and don't view it as a left vs right thing. The environmental impact of dismantling EPA could be huge. look at the love canal disaster to try to understand why people felt that environmental protections were needed in the first place https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Canal", '>>{Drumlin} : Or Manila, or Mexico City, or Rio de Janeiro...any country that lacks even modest environmental regulations. At least China is moving in the right direction. We are headed towards smog and spoiled water.', ">>{fullofwind} : > I'm not trying to be a dick or shill, but people who work for the gov't are generally fucking morons who could not hold a real job Do people actually believe this shit?", '>>{Drew4} : Until the Republicans and Trump change the rules. Oops.', '>>{Drew4} : A better questions would be why government was so busy banning your favorite weed and taxing sugary drinks. Almost like it got too large and nanny-like or something...', '>>{Drew4} : Civilians whose employment protections could be stripped at any moment by their new boss and hostile Congress.', ">>{thesink} : My father is a (retired) founding employee of the EPA. He says that Trump's pick might actuall be worse than Anne Gorsuch Burford was under Reagan. Anne Gorsuch Burford, the woman who put the FUN in Superfund, was the first U.S. admin to be cited for contempt of Congress. She is also the mother of Trump's SCOTUS pick.", ">>{L1QU1DF1R3} : I'm pretty sure they understand that. Yet, they do it anyway. It's almost like they have principles and it's worth the risk.", '>>{L1QU1DF1R3} : Looks like someone got their buttons pushed. What a snowflake.', ">>{georgiedawn} : Liberals need a much better way to tackle these problems. The EPA while protects the environment should be focused more on talking about how getting rid of the EPA = killing human lives. It was founded post Silent Spring when DDT was found to not only impact wildlife (thin shelled eggs for example) but also to have impacts on human. Things like a Civil Action (the movie) or Erin Brokovich are why the EPA exists, otherwise companies can release a ton of chemicals that harm the local communities/give them cancer -- Flint Michigan and it's water for ex.", '>>{Drew4} : More like brigaded and downvoted by overly sensitive snowflakes.', '>>{Undertakerjoe} : http://www.vox.com/2015/8/10/9126853/epa-mine-spill-animas Here is one from Vox. http://www.newsweek.com/epa-causes-massive-colorado-spill-1-million-gallons-mining-waste-turns-river-361019 Newsweek. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/08/10/431223703/epa-says-it-released-3-million-gallons-of-contaminated-water-into-river NPR.', ">>{amateur_mistake} : Cool. Thank you. Yeah that is some bullshit and that EPA guy should not be allowed near a decision making position again. Here's the thing though. That mining company spent years creating the pollution that was eventually spilled. Also, some dam builder didn't compensate for future morons. To my mind, the EPA failed by not adequately protecting us. If they could inadvertently cause the dam to collapse then the thing was probably going to collapse eventually, anyway. They should have been in there years earlier strengthening the thing or cleaning up the mess. So I would say we should give them more money and higher wages so they can get better employees than the one who messed up this dam. The original fault was not with them, however. The Toxins only existed because mining has a lot of externalities.", '>>{ajiveturkey} : What? Someone disagrees with me? Snowflakes! Fake downvotes!', ">>{CornyHoosier} : > I'm not trying to be a dick or shill, but people who work for the gov't are generally fucking morons who could not hold a real job. What ... ? Some of the smartest people in the world work for the U.S. government. We're talking *masters* of math, science, war, education, etc. You think NSA analysts just luck into hacking? You think NASA accidentally landed on the moon? You think the U.S. military is the best in the world because everyone else is just *that* bad? Get fucking real."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{iLoveChiquita} : U.S. EPA employees protest Trump's pick to run agency", '>>{_Damn_Russians_} : Hope they had their resumes in order before this. TrumpCo is fond of purges.', ">>{SgtBaxter} : Purges? They're trying to completely eliminate the agency altogether.", ">>{peadith} : If the Trump Administration were obviously in favor of a stronger, more responsible America to lead the world, that'd be great.", '>>{roastbeeftacohat} : one where led in the water is just a flavor bonus.', ">>{InertiaInMyPants} : This reminds me of when I was looking for Environmental Jobs in Houston. I thought it was going to be a lot more like that girl scout who sold cookies outside of Colorado Marijuana dispensaries... it wasn't.", '>>{LucidDreamsDankMemes} : *And now in completely unrelated news...* *EPA Completely Purged*', ">>{nishinoran} : Oh dang, looks like they're gonna end up firing most of the EPA. Oh noo..... That sucks.", ">>{dr_grigore} : I'll be OK if the Republican Congress also passes laws requiring the price of goods reflect the cost of pollution and companies to set aside money to pay for cleanup or really any market incentives to do things right. But until then we need the EPA. Anyone who wants to hit the EPA has to spend a week in Beijing/anywhere in China.", ">>{Drew4} : Apparently, these EPA employees aren't the brightest bulbs in the bunch. Would you openly picket against your incoming boss to his face?", ">>{my_mind_is_glowing} : It's not a lack of intelligence. It's an abundance of principles. Sometimes standing up for what is right requires personal sacrifice.", ">>{Drew4} : Then they should resign and make a public statement. It seems like they're trying to have their cake and eat it too.", ">>{ajiveturkey} : Something tells me you've never stood up for anything in your life.", ">>{iwinagin} : Boss wants to fire them all anyway. They can go out silently with dignity or go out swinging. Likely won't change much either way.", ">>{Drew4} : I doubt it, but wouldn't it make more sense to see and find out whether you could have positive influence from the inside?", ">>{Drew4} : Something tells me you have **absolutely** no idea what I've done in real life.", ">>{Spes-Caritas} : It's the EPA, not the military. They can have an opinion on politics because they're civilians. Public servants, federal employees? Yes. But still civilians.", ">>{armchairepicure} : These are union-protected, civil servants. The only way to purge them is by cutting EPA budget so severely as to cause serious repercussions across America. Good luck having nice places to hunt and fish; good luck keeping your drinking water clean. EPA pays your state (and everyone else's) to maintain these programs. Cutting EPA in any meaningful way will mean huge budget cuts to states. So, hope you didn't actually like clean air, water, and contaminated site remediation. That's the agency this administration is trying to dismantle.", ">>{SubParMarioBro} : You can't lead a horse to water but you can lead America to greatness again.", ">>{sadistic_cat} : What's that, now? You mean there's more to government regulations than banning my favorite weed and fatty taxes on them soda pop drinks? I probably mightn't've shoulda wanna looked into that before I voted for Trumps, I guess.", ">>{GoodOnYouOnAccident} : I don't want to pay to clean up pollution -- I want there to not be pollution. Cleaning up pollution after the fact is inefficient and expensive, and something that fucking idiot Republicans think makes sense. It's so bafflingly shortsighted.", ">>{sleepehead} : Nah he would be a fool if he did that. If you fire or all of these employees quit it'll undermine everything he will do and also cause problems he won't have the ability to handle. Beaucracy works because the system relies on multiple people knowing how to handle tough problems the best way possible. But without all of these people with experience, he'll lose confidence in his job and will get sacked quickly. What's worse for him is that some that would stay with him may continue to undermine everything he does. Which does two things in that it shines a light and causes more problems with the public for Trump. Whether he likes it or not, Trump will get screwed in multiple fronts if he lets the EPA go to shit. How do you win a reelection when no one wants to work with you or will continue to leak and undermine your authority. 2020 elections really begin in 2019 and the 2018 elections will ramp up soon too.", '>>{VanillaIcedTea} : Yes, but for a short period of time, a very small amount of shareholders make an obscene amount of money. And if that means that some of that money gets kicked back to the politicians as campaign donations, then the planet going to shit is a sacrifice that those politicians are willing to make.', '>>{Undertakerjoe} : Wasn\'t the EPA responsible for that huge waste water spillage from that mine a while back? Something about the EPA ignoring the people from the mining company & breaching a dam, releasing dangerous waste water into a local river? I\'m not trying to be a dick or shill, but people who work for the gov\'t are generally fucking morons who could not hold a real job. I\'m not saying "throw the baby out w/ the bath water", but the gov\'t has a track record of being terrible @ almost everything it tries.', ">>{voiderest} : I'm not sure what they plan on doing. Sure they could strike but it isn't Trump and friends wants them to do their job anyway.", ">>{amateur_mistake} : First, No, almost certainly not. The EPA can't be responsible for a spill since they control nothing that could make one (for the most part). Second, if you want to make a claim like that, cite a source. That way we can have some idea of what you are even talking about.", '>>{mlmayo} : Who do you think determines when things are polluted enough? Yep, the USEPA. Outside of some other govt agencies that dabble in regulatory sampling and testing, the main indicator of pollution would be birth defects, illness, and death for both human and wildlife populations.', ">>{mlmayo} : They won't lose their jobs from something like this. Federal employees are fired after a long performance based process. They could be fired for repeated poor job performance but not for political reasons.", '>>{NematodeArthritis} : Forewarning to anyone reading these comments: This thread is poison on both sides', '>>{WyoVolunteer} : Animas River, NM. EPA contractor breached a dam.', ">>{RationalTrumpVoter} : As a rural conservative, I am glad the the government D.C. establishment bureaucrats are pointing themselves out. I know the left thinks that the EPA protects the environment, but the truth is the average employee spends much of their time shutting down rural businesses with regulations - the types that voted for Trump in blue states. The left needs to embrace policies that actually help the environment to persuade the American public to vote for them again. /////////////////////////// Disclaimer: I'm a college-educated, bisexual conservative who just posted on /r/politics. Since liberals hate free speech, hate me, and wish that I would kill myself, I will be down voted. That's okay! I believe in free speech so I will not downvote anyone who replies to me, or anyone who posts in /r/politics and I look forward to a productive conversation that will expand our horizons equally. //////////////////////////", '>>{Give_Me_Your_Name} : Those regulations are there to protect the environment. If businesses refuse to abide by the regulations then they should be shut down.', '>>{LordStudz} : This sounds like a meme: "Don\'t have to listen to EPA protests if there is no EPA."', ">>{GoodwaterVillainy} : Small businesses being unable to conform to EPA, CWA, CAA, etc. standards is a problem that needs a solution for sure. But Taking the agency to nothing with no suitable replacement seems like a very shortsighted solution. Sorry that you might be downvoted but a lot of people feel very strongly about the issue and don't view it as a left vs right thing. The environmental impact of dismantling EPA could be huge. look at the love canal disaster to try to understand why people felt that environmental protections were needed in the first place https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Canal", '>>{Drumlin} : Or Manila, or Mexico City, or Rio de Janeiro...any country that lacks even modest environmental regulations. At least China is moving in the right direction. We are headed towards smog and spoiled water.', ">>{fullofwind} : > I'm not trying to be a dick or shill, but people who work for the gov't are generally fucking morons who could not hold a real job Do people actually believe this shit?", '>>{Drew4} : Until the Republicans and Trump change the rules. Oops.', '>>{Drew4} : A better questions would be why government was so busy banning your favorite weed and taxing sugary drinks. Almost like it got too large and nanny-like or something...', '>>{Drew4} : Civilians whose employment protections could be stripped at any moment by their new boss and hostile Congress.', ">>{thesink} : My father is a (retired) founding employee of the EPA. He says that Trump's pick might actuall be worse than Anne Gorsuch Burford was under Reagan. Anne Gorsuch Burford, the woman who put the FUN in Superfund, was the first U.S. admin to be cited for contempt of Congress. She is also the mother of Trump's SCOTUS pick.", ">>{L1QU1DF1R3} : I'm pretty sure they understand that. Yet, they do it anyway. It's almost like they have principles and it's worth the risk.", '>>{L1QU1DF1R3} : Looks like someone got their buttons pushed. What a snowflake.', ">>{georgiedawn} : Liberals need a much better way to tackle these problems. The EPA while protects the environment should be focused more on talking about how getting rid of the EPA = killing human lives. It was founded post Silent Spring when DDT was found to not only impact wildlife (thin shelled eggs for example) but also to have impacts on human. Things like a Civil Action (the movie) or Erin Brokovich are why the EPA exists, otherwise companies can release a ton of chemicals that harm the local communities/give them cancer -- Flint Michigan and it's water for ex.", '>>{Drew4} : More like brigaded and downvoted by overly sensitive snowflakes.', '>>{Undertakerjoe} : http://www.vox.com/2015/8/10/9126853/epa-mine-spill-animas Here is one from Vox. http://www.newsweek.com/epa-causes-massive-colorado-spill-1-million-gallons-mining-waste-turns-river-361019 Newsweek. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/08/10/431223703/epa-says-it-released-3-million-gallons-of-contaminated-water-into-river NPR.', ">>{amateur_mistake} : Cool. Thank you. Yeah that is some bullshit and that EPA guy should not be allowed near a decision making position again. Here's the thing though. That mining company spent years creating the pollution that was eventually spilled. Also, some dam builder didn't compensate for future morons. To my mind, the EPA failed by not adequately protecting us. If they could inadvertently cause the dam to collapse then the thing was probably going to collapse eventually, anyway. They should have been in there years earlier strengthening the thing or cleaning up the mess. So I would say we should give them more money and higher wages so they can get better employees than the one who messed up this dam. The original fault was not with them, however. The Toxins only existed because mining has a lot of externalities.", '>>{ajiveturkey} : What? Someone disagrees with me? Snowflakes! Fake downvotes!', ">>{CornyHoosier} : > I'm not trying to be a dick or shill, but people who work for the gov't are generally fucking morons who could not hold a real job. What ... ? Some of the smartest people in the world work for the U.S. government. We're talking *masters* of math, science, war, education, etc. You think NSA analysts just luck into hacking? You think NASA accidentally landed on the moon? You think the U.S. military is the best in the world because everyone else is just *that* bad? Get fucking real."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Martintech123} : Fujifilm upgrades the sensors in its excellent midrange X-series cameras', '>>{drewiepoodle} : How The Marijuana Industry Might Go Up In Smoke Under Trump', '>>{Strixxor} : When you jailbreak and get the tweak for it. I stopped waiting for Apple to add stuff long ago.', '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : First up against the wall if Sessions get confirmed.', '>>{pantsoff} : Me if (on the iPhone 7) the 3.5" jack is removed and replaced with dongle.', '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : > In 1996, when serving as Alabama’s attorney general, he promoted H.B. 242, S.B. 291, a state bill to establish mandatory death sentences for a second drug trafficking conviction, including for dealing marijuana. His support for the bill was reported at the time by several local newspapers, as well as The Alabama Lawyer, the Alabama State Bar’s official publication. The Alabama Lawyer described the bill as part of a legislative package that Sessions and then-Governor Fob James proposed to “fix a broken system.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-conversation-us/did-jeff-sessions-forget_b_14344218.html Likes to pretend it never happened.', '>>{gifv-bot} : [GIFV link](https://i.imgur.com/ofJR2Ex.gifv) --- _^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/livven/wiki/gifv-bot) ^// ^[code](https://github.com/Livven/GifvBot)_', ">>{Bekabam} : I'll wait to see some comparisons before I start thinking of ditching my X100T. The dials and back don't look like big improvements to me, if anything they look worse (excluding the joystick).", ">>{Herdnerfer} : Understandable, some people fear change and there's nothing wrong with that.", ">>{xmnstr} : Yes you will, or you'll be one of those people who avoid things they would enjoy over some petty principle. You're essentially painting yourself in a corner with this attitude.", '>>{blackergot} : So much for creating more jobs. >>...jeopardize the jobs of an estimated 86,000 people who work in marijuana production, sales, and testing around the U.S.', '>>{ImGayHmu} : I definitely will not buy it until i see how other people are fairing with it. I just cannot have 1 port for 2 completely different things', '>>{quantamskates} : I mean, they kinda did with 3D Touch. Highlighting with 3D touch is perfect.', ">>{hetellsitlikeitis} : > The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people, as long as it's ok with Cletus", '>>{Leave-A-Note} : The best news of this is that the X100T will probably have a price drop. Which means I can get slightly closer to affording that beautiful camera.', '>>{Creiz} : I irks me as well. How am I supposed to listen to music and charge the phone? Maybe I\'m in a café or something and there\'s a plug in there so now I\'ll have to decide if I want to charge or to enjoy my music. Or I could buy bluetooth headphones. But they suck. So I\'ll have to go and buy a bluetooth DAC instead. One more gizmo to take with me. Either way, I\'ll have to find cables to charge them, too. Or then again, wait if an adapter with both a 3.5 plug and a lightning slot to be able to do both. [Shit is, if I don\'t trust the lightning connector coming directly from Apple](http://i.imgur.com/xTNbkzW.jpg) imagine something bigger sticking out from the bottom of the phone. It\'s a stupid move. It\'s not "change". It\'s removing a perfectly fine and useful thing and replacing it with more work. Remember the Macbook and it\'s *only* USB C plug? Oh there\'s an adapter. Yeah one more thing you still have to buy. 2 if you need it for work and home. I\'m with you, OP. I\'m skipping this generation. Let\'s see if the iPhone 7S reintroduce it by calling it the "revolutionary iJack, connecting your favorite headphones has never been easier." ^^^yeah ^^^I\'m ^^^salty, ^^^I ^^^have ^^^a ^^^perfectly ^^^good ^^^pair ^^^of ^^^sennheisers ^^^that ^^^I ^^^love.', ">>{SpoonOnGuitar} : If you use the stock keyboard, yes. It's horrible with danish words, so I use SwiftKey, and you can't force touch on that.", ">>{therealhood} : Inn going to just threaten to move my marijuana business to mexico.... then I will get a tax break here... isn't that how it works now?", '>>{gza_liquidswords} : Well not only does going after marijuana make little common sense, it also makes no political sense. The pro marijuana movement is on the rise, so just alienating that demographic.', ">>{MKTTLDSTRY} : I probably won't get the iPhone 7 anyway because the 6s is definitely good enough for me until the 8. Maybe Apple will roll back on this decision, there was an Android phone that removed it too but hopefully other companies don't follow.", '>>{WorkReddit8420} : It probably wont be a big enough difference for an upgrade. Rarely are upgrades worth it (unless money is just no object) from one generation to the next. Usually have to wait 3 generations to make it actually work a camera upgrade.', '>>{sambooka} : I have two dollar headphones and I have $200 headphones and a few pairs in between. What they all have in common… 3.5 mm plugs. Changing one Apple connector for another is a pain in the ass but changing something that is equivalent of an industry standard is not acceptable. I know lots of people drink the Kool-Aid and suck it up but, like Jerry Seinfeld, I am out of here…', ">>{Wdc331} : Have mixed feelings. On one hand, if this makes the phone nearly or completely waterproof, I'm all for it. I would love a phone that could be used at the pool or water park. As long as a split adapter exists (so that I could use standard headphones and charge the phone at the same time), I'm also good. I love my Bluetooth headphones but for calls and long days, they just don't have the quality or battery life I need. I think removing the jack could work, but it needs to be done right.", ">>{PeterVanDeWinkel} : Damm, love the cameras, hate the name. Why don't they just call it Fuji?", '>>{mombot} : The X100T is almost 3 generations old (released in 2014). The new model looks like a solid upgrade for current X100 users.', ">>{quantamskates} : Try GBoard from Google, they've implanted 3D in it like stock, I just don't know how it is with Danish words.", ">>{somethingisaskew} : I don't buy it. Sessions is a mess on the issue but I think Trump will instruct him to leave it alone. He wants America to like him and this has yuge support in much of the country. I expect he'll leave it up to states. I don't expect he'll move to reclassify it unfortunately. If he makes us go backwards on this, I'll be loudly protesting with you. Edit: I realize many hate what Trump is already doing (many don't). *But*, he is largely already doing what he said he'd do. TPP. EPA. The wall. And what he's said on marijuana is that he supports medical and that states should decide on further legalization: http://time.com/4594445/legal-marijuana-trump-sessions-policy/", '>>{nonstopflux} : What does the keyboard have to do with selecting text?', '>>{osivert} : Because there are different brands that have the nick name Fuji too. Fujitsu is a different company but are also just called Fuji.', '>>{fullmoon_coldbrew} : You can use 3D Touch to highlight text with more precision, but the keyboard needs to support this aspect of 3D Touch', '>>{pantsoff} : I will not have left. I will still be with my SE...but it may be my last if the 3.5" doesn\'t come back. Either way it should be interesting to see how things pan out.', ">>{KingVikram} : It looks like the the jack is on its way out. I'm sure Apple isn't the only one going this route. You'll eventually have no choice. Resistance is futile, 🤖.", ">>{snailiens} : Pretty sure OP is talking about highlighting when *not* in text entry mode (e.g., in Safari). This is broken by div blocks, for example. There are nice jailbreak tweaks that fix this, proving that this is a solvable issue, and it blows my mind that Apple still hasn't done anything about it!", '>>{pantsoff} : Or I, and many others, could refuse to support the change by voting with our wallets. Consumers need not give in to every change. The change is not for the better for consumers, only Apple. > Resistance is futile I disagree.', ">>{quantamskates} : Oh, didn't think about that. And it's Apple, they don't listen to their consumer base.", ">>{qukab} : His actions over the last few days don't seem to reflect Trump wanting America to like him...", ">>{mike_b_nimble} : Not to mention a huge cash cow. If they try to pull the plug they'll be hit with multiple lawsuits in multiple states.", '>>{osivert} : It has the same lens too, which is a bit soft wide open.', ">>{AltTabbed} : That's surprising. When all the leaks appeared there was some pretty hefty speculation that the focal plane had shifted and the lens was different. All said and done; As an owner of every X100 model that's come and gone, this iteration (so far) doesn't excite me. The change in rear controls particularly. The sensor change will be the only thing that would motivate my purchase so far.", ">>{seppohovy} : I think you're confusing generations with years. X100F(ourth) is the next generation after the X100T(hird) as its name suggests. The X100 cameras have a good resale value which makes the possible upgrade a bit less expensive, but the T still takes very good images.", ">>{KUSH_DELIRIUM} : the gboard implementation is nowhere near as good as the stock keyboard. it's the reason I can't use any keyboard except stock.", ">>{Stealyphil1905} : > Sessions is a mess on the issue but *I think Trump will instruct him to leave it alone*. You're hopeless.", '>>{rad_platypus} : Good for you but I am willing to bet the majority of iPhone users use the jack over Bluetooth.', '>>{somethingisaskew} : Actually, *hopeful*. You were close.', '>>{kurnikoff} : Yesss!!! Its so good and too expensive :P', '>>{Minstral_Meadows} : Except USB has universal in it for a reason. This would only be for iPhone and hopefully only for this one model if any.', ">>{Bekabam} : AF is the biggest regret I have on the X100T, I didn't read in the linked article about that new AF system. Did I miss it or did you pull that from a different source?", ">>{LordCheng} : Yeah if Apple switched to something more (soon to be) universal like USB-C I wouldn't bitch as much. Better than using something as uncommon as the Lightning connector.", '>>{KUSH_DELIRIUM} : For some reason I always though iOS beat Android in this regard. After finally making the switch to iOS, I realized they both sucked at text selection.', '>>{Bekabam} : The X100T is Gen-3, the X100F is Gen-4. Release date is irrelevant.', '>>{Greenman851} : Notice how everyone else in the crowd stayed? Yeah, exactly.', ">>{hopegigolo} : Yeah, they only seem to want to leave things to the states when they know that the states will do exactly what they want them to do. It's almost as if they want complete, unfettered power over both the states and the individuals. Who could've guessed?", ">>{Cesuva} : Can't you just tap and hold to select a word, then 3D Touch and drag to select text? Or 3D Touch once to select a word, twice to select a sentence and a third time for the whole paragraph?", '>>{g1z3rd83} : They were also one of the first companies to do away with the floppy drive and people said the same thing about that.', '>>{Kalom} : I\'m just going to enjoy 6s at lower price and stick with it until industry adapts to this new \'feature\' - new motorola phone doesn\'t use 3.5" jack.', ">>{Nutcup} : Or how about in *News*. It's horrible. Can't read a single article without selecting text.", ">>{hopegigolo} : Well, after freezing all hiring for our country's largest employer, the federal government, it's quite clear he doesn't even give a fuck about existing jobs, let alone creating new ones.", ">>{SpoonOnGuitar} : I would love to use GBoard, but there's no danish support yet.", '>>{MonkeysOnMyBottom} : Naw, Hope was the other guy. You want Great', '>>{therealhood} : Cool, cause I have all kinds of "businesses" I want to move to Mexico and hire ..1000... no 10,000 workers.... where is my tax break no interest loan money so I can hire 10 Americans and still hire 10,000 in mexico?', ">>{blindmansarrow} : I've never even held a X100t but i have the X100s and its close to perfect.", ">>{quantamskates} : Oh, trust I know. I wonder if it's a patent thing or if they just haven't done it. I stopped using it because it didn't have the new emojis yet.", ">>{YoshiYogurt} : The floppy drive wasn't replaced by a propriety Apple cable though. There is nothing wrong our outdated about the 3.5mm jack", '>>{canikony} : The og a7r to the a7r2 was quite substantial for real world use imho. Not sure if the same can be said for canikon though.', '>>{KingVikram} : There\'s enough wallets out there that will still buy the phones. I\'m sure Apple isn\'t worried. Same "outrage" happened when they went to the Lightning cable. They\'re doing pretty good after that.', '>>{AkirIkasu} : As the quality of the sensors has increased over the years, full-frame sensor cameras have become overkill for most photographers. Getting this new one would get you comparable performance to what you would have got if you had chosen to get a full-frame camera of that era (though maybe not quite as good low-light performance)', ">>{justin_memer} : Article says it's up to 91 points from 49.", ">>{ZeroPride} : Jesus Christ, would people stop using the fucking floppy drive argument already? The floppy drive was phased out because of a newer standard form of memory, which at the time was the USB Storage Drive. USB stands for *universal serial bus*. It's a universal standard and was in every form better than the floppy drive (portability, storage capacity, and reliability). Apple switching from the 3.5mm jack to the *Lightning port* for audio is innovation for the sake of innovation. The lightning port is *proprietary*.", ">>{YoshiYogurt} : Probably because the majority of people don't even listen to music or even have nice headphones. Those of us that care will find different phones", ">>{Baconquake} : Actually, it's the oldest port used in modern technology.", '>>{umamiking} : I have a X100s too. Is the x100f a significant enough upgrade to make?', ">>{bazfoobar} : I think it was reported that the majority of iPhone users don't listen to music on their phones, actually. Let me see if I can find some sauce.", ">>{Readingwhilepooping} : They're about to release a medium format camera, the GFX50S.", ">>{jeffmon} : I love my X100T so much. I know they're different cameras but I haven't touched my Canon 6D ONCE since owning the X100T.", ">>{ZeroPride} : Outdated ≠ old. Outdated means it's obsolete and out of date. The 3.5mm is in no way obsolete. While the oldest, it's the most widely utilized.", '>>{Lalalama} : My XT-1 was best purchase ever! Even my friends with 5D MKIV like playing with it.', '>>{seppohovy} : Yes and sixth as the second generation was already called X100S.', '>>{fist_taco} : Except you have more than one USB port in the average computer.', ">>{5uspect} : Text selection rarely works as expected for me, it either jumps to the whole paragraph or moves the other end marker randomly when I try to edit the selection. I've sent feedback feedback on this.", '>>{snailiens} : I use the Flex tweak "Easier Text Selection" by sinfool. I think there\'s also a standalone tweak if you don\'t have Flex, but I forgot the name', '>>{GlobalWarmer12} : Who the hell calls Fujitsu Fuji? Is that a US thing?', ">>{1N54N3M0D3} : Oldest and outdated aren't synonymous. But the 3.5 is fucking ooooold. And works wonderfully.", ">>{cjorgensen} : I'm looking forward to it going away. Fucking lint hole is all it is.", ">>{Dolemarq} : I'm fine with removing the port, though I'd be annoyed. The big issue is the proprietary port is have to use- I buy a headset and am forced to deal with Bluetooth lag which I've never seen a fix for, or I buy a headset that only works with the iPhone.", ">>{jfp51} : Love my X100T, apart from the new sensor nothing there to make me want to upgrade. I usually keep my camera's for 2-3 generations anyways.", ">>{1N54N3M0D3} : I mean, this was Apple changing their own proprietary port to another proprietary port, not an industry standard that isn't outdated, or need a change. At least it was just a different port and not a removal of the port to use a single to charge through the headphone jack or something. I mean, look at the USB-C MacBook. That was horrendous. It did fuck all previous cables and accessories, which was horrible, but I didn't have much of a problem with it, because it didn't affect me much, and it was smaller. I use the 3.5mm continuously throughout the day, everyday. I have a few sets of high-end (relatively, anyway) headphones that are always used. Expensive and (looking at their charging cables) brittle dongles hanging out of a small port *that is needed for charging* turns me off in every sort of way, and lightning headphones turn me off even more. I am a VERY heavy usage person, and iPhones just don't have enough battery life for me to be using that port for something else, anyway. And buying *another* accessory to be able to do both doesn't appeal to me either.", '>>{1N54N3M0D3} : This is Apple removing a standard to shove in their proprietary port. Not making a standard to add functionality. Pretty different.', '>>{Leave-A-Note} : That makes me slightly nervous, as I have a Canon 70D with a handful of wonderful lenses and I would very much like to continue using it if I purchase a X100T.', ">>{erekohn} : The good thing is that I legitimately think that my iPhone SE is one of the best phones I've ever owned and will probably keep it for a very long time. No headphone problems for me!", '>>{dont_know_what_i_am} : I still have an old S5 and i love it. Will these new Fuji cameras accept F mount Nikon Lenses?', '>>{g1z3rd83} : Youre right, it wasnt replaced bu a cable, it was replaced with a cd drive. Which is also being phased out of computer', ">>{YoshiYogurt} : There is nothing that's higher quality to replace the headphone jack though.", ">>{aieaieandgoodbye} : Here's a [review from one of the pre-launch testers](https://ianmacdonaldphotography.com/2017/01/19/coming-home-the-new-fujifilm-x100f/)", ">>{thenewvegas} : I've been wanting to upgrade from the X-10 for a long time. This might be the right time!", ">>{ImGayHmu} : Yeah...if there's a single USB on a piece of hardware, there's a very high chance there's a second one, if not more...", ">>{Poormidlifechoices} : Does it text and play Netflix? Honestly I feel like I'm looking at an advertisement for an 8 Track tape player.", '>>{mombot} : I was using "generation" on a more general level, taking into account innovation and technology in the camera industry. Using it merely as a counter seems short sighted. We missed at least one full generation of CMOS and processor but probably more like 2.', ">>{balalalaika} : I love my x100 and would love to upgrade, and for me its all about that auto-focus or even...dare i say it, a better manual focus. I tend to ditch this camera a lot when it comes to photographing something I actually give a damn about, the focusing is just so unreliable. From what I've seen the x100S or T have been only marginally better in that department."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Martintech123} : Fujifilm upgrades the sensors in its excellent midrange X-series cameras', ">>{Bekabam} : I'll wait to see some comparisons before I start thinking of ditching my X100T. The dials and back don't look like big improvements to me, if anything they look worse (excluding the joystick).", '>>{Leave-A-Note} : The best news of this is that the X100T will probably have a price drop. Which means I can get slightly closer to affording that beautiful camera.', '>>{WorkReddit8420} : It probably wont be a big enough difference for an upgrade. Rarely are upgrades worth it (unless money is just no object) from one generation to the next. Usually have to wait 3 generations to make it actually work a camera upgrade.', ">>{PeterVanDeWinkel} : Damm, love the cameras, hate the name. Why don't they just call it Fuji?", '>>{mombot} : The X100T is almost 3 generations old (released in 2014). The new model looks like a solid upgrade for current X100 users.', '>>{osivert} : Because there are different brands that have the nick name Fuji too. Fujitsu is a different company but are also just called Fuji.', '>>{osivert} : It has the same lens too, which is a bit soft wide open.', ">>{AltTabbed} : That's surprising. When all the leaks appeared there was some pretty hefty speculation that the focal plane had shifted and the lens was different. All said and done; As an owner of every X100 model that's come and gone, this iteration (so far) doesn't excite me. The change in rear controls particularly. The sensor change will be the only thing that would motivate my purchase so far.", ">>{seppohovy} : I think you're confusing generations with years. X100F(ourth) is the next generation after the X100T(hird) as its name suggests. The X100 cameras have a good resale value which makes the possible upgrade a bit less expensive, but the T still takes very good images.", '>>{kurnikoff} : Yesss!!! Its so good and too expensive :P', ">>{Bekabam} : AF is the biggest regret I have on the X100T, I didn't read in the linked article about that new AF system. Did I miss it or did you pull that from a different source?", '>>{Bekabam} : The X100T is Gen-3, the X100F is Gen-4. Release date is irrelevant.', ">>{blindmansarrow} : I've never even held a X100t but i have the X100s and its close to perfect.", '>>{canikony} : The og a7r to the a7r2 was quite substantial for real world use imho. Not sure if the same can be said for canikon though.', '>>{AkirIkasu} : As the quality of the sensors has increased over the years, full-frame sensor cameras have become overkill for most photographers. Getting this new one would get you comparable performance to what you would have got if you had chosen to get a full-frame camera of that era (though maybe not quite as good low-light performance)', ">>{justin_memer} : Article says it's up to 91 points from 49.", '>>{umamiking} : I have a X100s too. Is the x100f a significant enough upgrade to make?', ">>{Readingwhilepooping} : They're about to release a medium format camera, the GFX50S.", ">>{jeffmon} : I love my X100T so much. I know they're different cameras but I haven't touched my Canon 6D ONCE since owning the X100T.", '>>{Lalalama} : My XT-1 was best purchase ever! Even my friends with 5D MKIV like playing with it.', '>>{seppohovy} : Yes and sixth as the second generation was already called X100S.', '>>{GlobalWarmer12} : Who the hell calls Fujitsu Fuji? Is that a US thing?', ">>{jfp51} : Love my X100T, apart from the new sensor nothing there to make me want to upgrade. I usually keep my camera's for 2-3 generations anyways.", '>>{Leave-A-Note} : That makes me slightly nervous, as I have a Canon 70D with a handful of wonderful lenses and I would very much like to continue using it if I purchase a X100T.', '>>{dont_know_what_i_am} : I still have an old S5 and i love it. Will these new Fuji cameras accept F mount Nikon Lenses?', ">>{aieaieandgoodbye} : Here's a [review from one of the pre-launch testers](https://ianmacdonaldphotography.com/2017/01/19/coming-home-the-new-fujifilm-x100f/)", ">>{thenewvegas} : I've been wanting to upgrade from the X-10 for a long time. This might be the right time!", ">>{Poormidlifechoices} : Does it text and play Netflix? Honestly I feel like I'm looking at an advertisement for an 8 Track tape player.", '>>{mombot} : I was using "generation" on a more general level, taking into account innovation and technology in the camera industry. Using it merely as a counter seems short sighted. We missed at least one full generation of CMOS and processor but probably more like 2.', ">>{balalalaika} : I love my x100 and would love to upgrade, and for me its all about that auto-focus or even...dare i say it, a better manual focus. I tend to ditch this camera a lot when it comes to photographing something I actually give a damn about, the focusing is just so unreliable. From what I've seen the x100S or T have been only marginally better in that department."], ['>>{pantsoff} : Me if (on the iPhone 7) the 3.5" jack is removed and replaced with dongle.', '>>{gifv-bot} : [GIFV link](https://i.imgur.com/ofJR2Ex.gifv) --- _^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^[FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/livven/wiki/gifv-bot) ^// ^[code](https://github.com/Livven/GifvBot)_', ">>{Herdnerfer} : Understandable, some people fear change and there's nothing wrong with that.", ">>{xmnstr} : Yes you will, or you'll be one of those people who avoid things they would enjoy over some petty principle. You're essentially painting yourself in a corner with this attitude.", '>>{ImGayHmu} : I definitely will not buy it until i see how other people are fairing with it. I just cannot have 1 port for 2 completely different things', '>>{Creiz} : I irks me as well. How am I supposed to listen to music and charge the phone? Maybe I\'m in a café or something and there\'s a plug in there so now I\'ll have to decide if I want to charge or to enjoy my music. Or I could buy bluetooth headphones. But they suck. So I\'ll have to go and buy a bluetooth DAC instead. One more gizmo to take with me. Either way, I\'ll have to find cables to charge them, too. Or then again, wait if an adapter with both a 3.5 plug and a lightning slot to be able to do both. [Shit is, if I don\'t trust the lightning connector coming directly from Apple](http://i.imgur.com/xTNbkzW.jpg) imagine something bigger sticking out from the bottom of the phone. It\'s a stupid move. It\'s not "change". It\'s removing a perfectly fine and useful thing and replacing it with more work. Remember the Macbook and it\'s *only* USB C plug? Oh there\'s an adapter. Yeah one more thing you still have to buy. 2 if you need it for work and home. I\'m with you, OP. I\'m skipping this generation. Let\'s see if the iPhone 7S reintroduce it by calling it the "revolutionary iJack, connecting your favorite headphones has never been easier." ^^^yeah ^^^I\'m ^^^salty, ^^^I ^^^have ^^^a ^^^perfectly ^^^good ^^^pair ^^^of ^^^sennheisers ^^^that ^^^I ^^^love.', ">>{MKTTLDSTRY} : I probably won't get the iPhone 7 anyway because the 6s is definitely good enough for me until the 8. Maybe Apple will roll back on this decision, there was an Android phone that removed it too but hopefully other companies don't follow.", '>>{sambooka} : I have two dollar headphones and I have $200 headphones and a few pairs in between. What they all have in common… 3.5 mm plugs. Changing one Apple connector for another is a pain in the ass but changing something that is equivalent of an industry standard is not acceptable. I know lots of people drink the Kool-Aid and suck it up but, like Jerry Seinfeld, I am out of here…', ">>{Wdc331} : Have mixed feelings. On one hand, if this makes the phone nearly or completely waterproof, I'm all for it. I would love a phone that could be used at the pool or water park. As long as a split adapter exists (so that I could use standard headphones and charge the phone at the same time), I'm also good. I love my Bluetooth headphones but for calls and long days, they just don't have the quality or battery life I need. I think removing the jack could work, but it needs to be done right.", '>>{pantsoff} : I will not have left. I will still be with my SE...but it may be my last if the 3.5" doesn\'t come back. Either way it should be interesting to see how things pan out.', ">>{KingVikram} : It looks like the the jack is on its way out. I'm sure Apple isn't the only one going this route. You'll eventually have no choice. Resistance is futile, 🤖.", '>>{pantsoff} : Or I, and many others, could refuse to support the change by voting with our wallets. Consumers need not give in to every change. The change is not for the better for consumers, only Apple. > Resistance is futile I disagree.', '>>{rad_platypus} : Good for you but I am willing to bet the majority of iPhone users use the jack over Bluetooth.', '>>{Minstral_Meadows} : Except USB has universal in it for a reason. This would only be for iPhone and hopefully only for this one model if any.', ">>{LordCheng} : Yeah if Apple switched to something more (soon to be) universal like USB-C I wouldn't bitch as much. Better than using something as uncommon as the Lightning connector.", '>>{Greenman851} : Notice how everyone else in the crowd stayed? Yeah, exactly.', '>>{g1z3rd83} : They were also one of the first companies to do away with the floppy drive and people said the same thing about that.', '>>{Kalom} : I\'m just going to enjoy 6s at lower price and stick with it until industry adapts to this new \'feature\' - new motorola phone doesn\'t use 3.5" jack.', ">>{YoshiYogurt} : The floppy drive wasn't replaced by a propriety Apple cable though. There is nothing wrong our outdated about the 3.5mm jack", '>>{KingVikram} : There\'s enough wallets out there that will still buy the phones. I\'m sure Apple isn\'t worried. Same "outrage" happened when they went to the Lightning cable. They\'re doing pretty good after that.', ">>{ZeroPride} : Jesus Christ, would people stop using the fucking floppy drive argument already? The floppy drive was phased out because of a newer standard form of memory, which at the time was the USB Storage Drive. USB stands for *universal serial bus*. It's a universal standard and was in every form better than the floppy drive (portability, storage capacity, and reliability). Apple switching from the 3.5mm jack to the *Lightning port* for audio is innovation for the sake of innovation. The lightning port is *proprietary*.", ">>{YoshiYogurt} : Probably because the majority of people don't even listen to music or even have nice headphones. Those of us that care will find different phones", ">>{Baconquake} : Actually, it's the oldest port used in modern technology.", ">>{bazfoobar} : I think it was reported that the majority of iPhone users don't listen to music on their phones, actually. Let me see if I can find some sauce.", ">>{ZeroPride} : Outdated ≠ old. Outdated means it's obsolete and out of date. The 3.5mm is in no way obsolete. While the oldest, it's the most widely utilized.", '>>{fist_taco} : Except you have more than one USB port in the average computer.', ">>{1N54N3M0D3} : Oldest and outdated aren't synonymous. But the 3.5 is fucking ooooold. And works wonderfully.", ">>{cjorgensen} : I'm looking forward to it going away. Fucking lint hole is all it is.", ">>{Dolemarq} : I'm fine with removing the port, though I'd be annoyed. The big issue is the proprietary port is have to use- I buy a headset and am forced to deal with Bluetooth lag which I've never seen a fix for, or I buy a headset that only works with the iPhone.", ">>{1N54N3M0D3} : I mean, this was Apple changing their own proprietary port to another proprietary port, not an industry standard that isn't outdated, or need a change. At least it was just a different port and not a removal of the port to use a single to charge through the headphone jack or something. I mean, look at the USB-C MacBook. That was horrendous. It did fuck all previous cables and accessories, which was horrible, but I didn't have much of a problem with it, because it didn't affect me much, and it was smaller. I use the 3.5mm continuously throughout the day, everyday. I have a few sets of high-end (relatively, anyway) headphones that are always used. Expensive and (looking at their charging cables) brittle dongles hanging out of a small port *that is needed for charging* turns me off in every sort of way, and lightning headphones turn me off even more. I am a VERY heavy usage person, and iPhones just don't have enough battery life for me to be using that port for something else, anyway. And buying *another* accessory to be able to do both doesn't appeal to me either.", '>>{1N54N3M0D3} : This is Apple removing a standard to shove in their proprietary port. Not making a standard to add functionality. Pretty different.', ">>{erekohn} : The good thing is that I legitimately think that my iPhone SE is one of the best phones I've ever owned and will probably keep it for a very long time. No headphone problems for me!", '>>{g1z3rd83} : Youre right, it wasnt replaced bu a cable, it was replaced with a cd drive. Which is also being phased out of computer', ">>{YoshiYogurt} : There is nothing that's higher quality to replace the headphone jack though.", ">>{ImGayHmu} : Yeah...if there's a single USB on a piece of hardware, there's a very high chance there's a second one, if not more..."], ['>>{Strixxor} : When you jailbreak and get the tweak for it. I stopped waiting for Apple to add stuff long ago.', '>>{quantamskates} : I mean, they kinda did with 3D Touch. Highlighting with 3D touch is perfect.', ">>{SpoonOnGuitar} : If you use the stock keyboard, yes. It's horrible with danish words, so I use SwiftKey, and you can't force touch on that.", ">>{quantamskates} : Try GBoard from Google, they've implanted 3D in it like stock, I just don't know how it is with Danish words.", '>>{nonstopflux} : What does the keyboard have to do with selecting text?', '>>{fullmoon_coldbrew} : You can use 3D Touch to highlight text with more precision, but the keyboard needs to support this aspect of 3D Touch', ">>{snailiens} : Pretty sure OP is talking about highlighting when *not* in text entry mode (e.g., in Safari). This is broken by div blocks, for example. There are nice jailbreak tweaks that fix this, proving that this is a solvable issue, and it blows my mind that Apple still hasn't done anything about it!", ">>{quantamskates} : Oh, didn't think about that. And it's Apple, they don't listen to their consumer base.", ">>{KUSH_DELIRIUM} : the gboard implementation is nowhere near as good as the stock keyboard. it's the reason I can't use any keyboard except stock.", '>>{KUSH_DELIRIUM} : For some reason I always though iOS beat Android in this regard. After finally making the switch to iOS, I realized they both sucked at text selection.', ">>{Cesuva} : Can't you just tap and hold to select a word, then 3D Touch and drag to select text? Or 3D Touch once to select a word, twice to select a sentence and a third time for the whole paragraph?", ">>{Nutcup} : Or how about in *News*. It's horrible. Can't read a single article without selecting text.", ">>{SpoonOnGuitar} : I would love to use GBoard, but there's no danish support yet.", ">>{quantamskates} : Oh, trust I know. I wonder if it's a patent thing or if they just haven't done it. I stopped using it because it didn't have the new emojis yet.", ">>{5uspect} : Text selection rarely works as expected for me, it either jumps to the whole paragraph or moves the other end marker randomly when I try to edit the selection. I've sent feedback feedback on this.", '>>{snailiens} : I use the Flex tweak "Easier Text Selection" by sinfool. I think there\'s also a standalone tweak if you don\'t have Flex, but I forgot the name'], ['>>{drewiepoodle} : How The Marijuana Industry Might Go Up In Smoke Under Trump', '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : First up against the wall if Sessions get confirmed.', '>>{hetellsitlikeitis} : > In 1996, when serving as Alabama’s attorney general, he promoted H.B. 242, S.B. 291, a state bill to establish mandatory death sentences for a second drug trafficking conviction, including for dealing marijuana. His support for the bill was reported at the time by several local newspapers, as well as The Alabama Lawyer, the Alabama State Bar’s official publication. The Alabama Lawyer described the bill as part of a legislative package that Sessions and then-Governor Fob James proposed to “fix a broken system.” http://www.huffingtonpost.com/the-conversation-us/did-jeff-sessions-forget_b_14344218.html Likes to pretend it never happened.', '>>{blackergot} : So much for creating more jobs. >>...jeopardize the jobs of an estimated 86,000 people who work in marijuana production, sales, and testing around the U.S.', ">>{hetellsitlikeitis} : > The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people, as long as it's ok with Cletus", ">>{therealhood} : Inn going to just threaten to move my marijuana business to mexico.... then I will get a tax break here... isn't that how it works now?", '>>{gza_liquidswords} : Well not only does going after marijuana make little common sense, it also makes no political sense. The pro marijuana movement is on the rise, so just alienating that demographic.', ">>{somethingisaskew} : I don't buy it. Sessions is a mess on the issue but I think Trump will instruct him to leave it alone. He wants America to like him and this has yuge support in much of the country. I expect he'll leave it up to states. I don't expect he'll move to reclassify it unfortunately. If he makes us go backwards on this, I'll be loudly protesting with you. Edit: I realize many hate what Trump is already doing (many don't). *But*, he is largely already doing what he said he'd do. TPP. EPA. The wall. And what he's said on marijuana is that he supports medical and that states should decide on further legalization: http://time.com/4594445/legal-marijuana-trump-sessions-policy/", ">>{qukab} : His actions over the last few days don't seem to reflect Trump wanting America to like him...", ">>{mike_b_nimble} : Not to mention a huge cash cow. If they try to pull the plug they'll be hit with multiple lawsuits in multiple states.", ">>{Stealyphil1905} : > Sessions is a mess on the issue but *I think Trump will instruct him to leave it alone*. You're hopeless.", '>>{somethingisaskew} : Actually, *hopeful*. You were close.', ">>{hopegigolo} : Yeah, they only seem to want to leave things to the states when they know that the states will do exactly what they want them to do. It's almost as if they want complete, unfettered power over both the states and the individuals. Who could've guessed?", ">>{hopegigolo} : Well, after freezing all hiring for our country's largest employer, the federal government, it's quite clear he doesn't even give a fuck about existing jobs, let alone creating new ones.", '>>{MonkeysOnMyBottom} : Naw, Hope was the other guy. You want Great', '>>{therealhood} : Cool, cause I have all kinds of "businesses" I want to move to Mexico and hire ..1000... no 10,000 workers.... where is my tax break no interest loan money so I can hire 10 Americans and still hire 10,000 in mexico?']]
classify and reply
[">>{Izor28} : Yeah, dunno what you're trying to show here. What else would you call it. Pretty much everyone agrees that isn't very wealthy.", '>>{mcotter12} : This is something trust his opinion on. Donald Trump knows a thing or two about Rape.', ">>{sedgwickian} : So how's that outreach to women voters going for ya, Trump?", '>>{dyzo-blue} : With all the women coming forward with stories of how Donald raped them, or attempted to rape them, Trump should probably stay away from that word.', ">>{fdsa4325} : you're thinking of Rapin' Bill and his twat cigars http://media.breitbart.com/media/2015/12/Bill-Clinton-cigar-3.jpg http://imgur.com/jAxvYXM", ">>{zapichigo} : Doubtful, Bill's not running. Trump is the only alleged rapist in this race.", ">>{zapichigo} : It's as if the world flew into a rage after getting terrible and painful hair plugs and slapped America around a bit before fucking us against our will, continued Trump, to a cheering crowd.", ">>{BenJacks} : I'm not very wealthy and I would like to see the TPP signed.", '>>{Laneofhighhopes} : Haha is that the new angle from the Clinton campaign? "Maybe if we call Trump a rapist then people will stop thinking about Bill!"', '>>{Laneofhighhopes} : Hahah what a joke. Is that what Correct The Record is pitching these days?', ">>{GonzoNation} : It's not the wisest choice of words for him. I don't know that there is anyone to explain it to him though.", ">>{Afalau} : How so? I don't know much about the TPP, could someone explain what's good/bad about it in some ELI5 terms?", '>>{zapichigo} : No, just reminding people that the only alleged rapist running for President is Trump. Bill is not running (had his two terms already).', ">>{zapichigo} : How's the weather in the bubble? Allegations against Trump are in public court records. Do you need a source for the fact that Bill is not running?", ">>{TheMozone1} : It gives multinational corporations to sue governments that enact laws that hurt their profits (even if they're otherwise perfectly fair laws to protect citizens)", '>>{General_Sux} : That is bs, the TPP would have ways of stopping this']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{Izor28} : Yeah, dunno what you're trying to show here. What else would you call it. Pretty much everyone agrees that isn't very wealthy.", '>>{mcotter12} : This is something trust his opinion on. Donald Trump knows a thing or two about Rape.', ">>{sedgwickian} : So how's that outreach to women voters going for ya, Trump?", '>>{dyzo-blue} : With all the women coming forward with stories of how Donald raped them, or attempted to rape them, Trump should probably stay away from that word.', ">>{fdsa4325} : you're thinking of Rapin' Bill and his twat cigars http://media.breitbart.com/media/2015/12/Bill-Clinton-cigar-3.jpg http://imgur.com/jAxvYXM", ">>{zapichigo} : Doubtful, Bill's not running. Trump is the only alleged rapist in this race.", ">>{zapichigo} : It's as if the world flew into a rage after getting terrible and painful hair plugs and slapped America around a bit before fucking us against our will, continued Trump, to a cheering crowd.", ">>{BenJacks} : I'm not very wealthy and I would like to see the TPP signed.", '>>{Laneofhighhopes} : Haha is that the new angle from the Clinton campaign? "Maybe if we call Trump a rapist then people will stop thinking about Bill!"', '>>{Laneofhighhopes} : Hahah what a joke. Is that what Correct The Record is pitching these days?', ">>{GonzoNation} : It's not the wisest choice of words for him. I don't know that there is anyone to explain it to him though.", ">>{Afalau} : How so? I don't know much about the TPP, could someone explain what's good/bad about it in some ELI5 terms?", '>>{zapichigo} : No, just reminding people that the only alleged rapist running for President is Trump. Bill is not running (had his two terms already).', ">>{zapichigo} : How's the weather in the bubble? Allegations against Trump are in public court records. Do you need a source for the fact that Bill is not running?", ">>{TheMozone1} : It gives multinational corporations to sue governments that enact laws that hurt their profits (even if they're otherwise perfectly fair laws to protect citizens)", '>>{General_Sux} : That is bs, the TPP would have ways of stopping this']]
classify and reply
[">>{bonn89} : > iPhone 7s Space Grey 512GB > Wallet with a wad of $100's I mean he obviously has an iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods, but methinks there *might* be some exaggeration here. 😜", ">>{drewiepoodle} : 'Worse than Jim Crow': black politicians try to halt Mississippi's anti-LGBT law", '>>{kadupse} : If you listen closely you can hear the joke flying past you', ">>{Soldier_Of__Christ} : Poll: Majority of Voters Want to See Hillary's Health Records", ">>{w3bCraw1er} : Agree. Mine says Batteries not Batterien. Can't even spell check", '>>{KKK4Trump} : The firmly held religious beliefs of members of the Southern Baptist Church were simply trampled upon by the Civil Rights Act. Sorry about that.', '>>{KKK4Trump} : Did you read the title of the article we are discussing?', '>>{jp_slim} : How is baking a fucking cake or selling a goddamn pizza a religious issue? Stay in your lane and do your job.', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : no, because your beliefs do not supersede civil rights. If you think religious beliefs can be a blank check to do whatever the fuck you\'d like to- welcome to theocracy and anti-everythingthefoundersstoodfor. law is the law. Your religion comes 2nd. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar\'s, and unto god the things that are god\'s"', '>>{drewiepoodle} : You mean like [this BBQ restaurant owner in South Carolina](http://www.forwardprogressives.com/sc-restaurant-owner-refuses-serve-blacks-cites-religious-beliefs/) who claimed that he was within his rights to refuse service to blacks based on his religious beliefs?', ">>{invesDOGE8er} : More conspiracy theories will definitely pull in the independents that Trump needs! Don't believe the polls, conservatives, this tactic is totally working and will not in any way drive voters away from you!", '>>{ecs0013} : I enjoy the humor here, but how were you able to have the battery levels for each AirPod displayed?', '>>{NeuroWorm} : Also invited NAMBLA sympathizer Mark Foley to sit right behind him at a rally.', '>>{WetEraser} : I would assume no. This looks either edited or Jailbroken. I have all of these products (Minus the impossible Storage size, no 18k on the watch and no wads of anything..) and they always look the same on the battery widget, and never look like this.', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : again not how it works. Your religion does not allow you to discriminate if there are laws against discrimination. If this is how you want it- then again you are advocating theocracy.', ">>{KarmaAndLies} : Both her and Trump have had a doctor describe their overall health and any prescription medication they're taking. You can read it for her here: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/hillary-clinton-health-excellent-doctor-letter-2016-campaign-120861 So I'd say voter's request has already been met.", '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : Yes. Law > opinion backed explicitly by a lack of evidence.', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : ha, well this is actually the crux of it. Forget the whole civil rights violations- its food.', '>>{NazgulXXI} : When you take them out and listen, it displays battery of each AirPod instead of both :)', '>>{w3bCraw1er} : Really? So I had to add "funny" tag there homie?', ">>{Seankps} : His name is KKK4Trump, clearly a diluted nut job. I can't wait for you to", '>>{Yo_2T} : The real question is how did one airpod have less charge than the other? Is one of your ears more active?', ">>{reditum} : It's getting **so** ridiculous people didn't get the joke.", '>>{duffbeers} : FYI this was in reference to this (now deleted) humblebrag post: https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/63msnv/this_is_getting_ridiculous/', ">>{seshfan} : B-b-but they *prayed* for us after Orlando! Oh, wait, it's almost like Republicans don't give a single fuck about us.", '>>{ecs0013} : That makes some sense - after taking one out, listening with only one for a bit, I saw them split, but only when the case was open.', '>>{Ancient_hacker} : Well, let me put it this way: either we recognize that corporate conduct is not the same as a personal religious endorsement, or we get started on dumping the first amendment. Your choice.', ">>{Vulpes-Vulpes-Fox} : I agree with your statement, but seriously, fuck the 'stay in your lane' bullshit.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : These business owners also enjoy the public infrastructure constructed and maintained by all taxpayers. If these people wish to cater only to individuals of their choosing, they need to move their businesses off the grid and accept customers by invitation and referrals only. We live in a secular society. Commerce trumps bigotry.', ">>{rdldr1} : Yeah, when you have that much cash you don't need *to charge*.", '>>{aldrinjtauro} : Oh, I thought you were jailbroken since the widget data font looked like Calibri.', ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I do. And I'm voting for her. I think that's its pertinent info. Trump too.", '>>{ozric101} : Democrats are responsible for 100 years of Jim Crow oppression in the South. This is no WAY COMPARES to that.. You people are out of your GOD DAM MINDS!!!! I am not saying this LGBT thing is not bad but to compare it to Jim Crow is just disrespectful and wrong.', '>>{Fdnyc} : More of a whistle to it, like one of those vortex footballs.', '>>{UrsusRagnor} : Sometimes I prefer to listen to music in one ear only so I can hear if coworkers are talking to me from the other. I just leave the second AirPod in the case.', '>>{Soldier_Of__Christ} : damn bro, you and the nambla jokes, you sure are making all the reddit nerds laugh this fine afternoon. You must be the funny guy in your social group', '>>{KaptainCapture} : You can... •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) in photoshop', '>>{Rawmin} : That would have been more than a bit of a stretch, homie.', ">>{slick_licks_dicks} : Yeah, I don't think I've ever held a wad of 100s in my life 😞", '>>{emersonlakeandlagoon} : This is crazy. Nobody can get ahold of AirPods.', '>>{Courtlessjester} : Sounds like most media want to talk about anything but the Clinton foundation.', ">>{kurtca} : LOL look at OP. Soldier of Christ, yet posts nothing but hate. Hate on the poor, discourage healing the sick, deny protecting the innocent. Congrats OP you're 100% OPPOSITE of Christ.", ">>{Trumppered} : There's nothing funny about Diddlin' Donnie being the founder of NAMBLA and, if elected, planning to divert $550Bn in tax payer dollars over 10 years towards NAMBLA.", ">>{EndoExo} : >59% of voters also now believe all major presidential candidates should release at least their most recent medical records to the public. Do we have Trump's?", '>>{AndyInAtlanta} : Here\'s the thing, I\'m willing to bet she\'ll release [another] health report from her doctor; hell, she might even find a panel of doctors to swear on their licenses that she\'s in good health [for someone approaching 70]. But the better question is, will it even matter? This is the "Obama birth certificate" all over again. It didn\'t matter what Obama did, alt-right conservatives still found a way to find something wrong. "It was scanned", "it was the short form", "blah blah blah didn\'t look right", the list went on. The reality, every time Clinton coughs some dumbass is going to shout, "She\'s having a seizure!" You know what, I\'m confident Hillary doesn\'t want to keel over in the next four years. This idea from the alt-right (I use "alt-right" because I know many Republicans aren\'t this stupid) that she knows she\'s near death and just wants to win is stupid.', ">>{FiestaFriday} : If she doesn't have any medical problems, why won't she release them? I'm sure the American people want to know they are voting for a healthy person considering they have to live 4 years.", '>>{DrassupTrollsbane} : You must be the edgy guy in your socia-- oh wait, nevermind', '>>{vonscorpio} : > iPhone 7s Did I miss the most recent iPhone release? *edit: learned how to quote! Yay me!', ">>{wodthing} : Well, there's always the funny guy in a social group, and then there's the pathetic guy in a social group... and that's usually the one posting Breitbart crap.", ">>{Soldier_Of__Christ} : Implying every article on the top page on this subreddit has 0 liberal bias. In case you haven't realized, it's been an echo chamber the past 6 months wether it's Anti Hillary, Pro-Bernie, Pro-Trump-As-Long-As-Its-Pro-Bernie, or Anti-Trump. Why isn't CNN reporting Hillary's health or is her health not that important? Cmon now kiddo", ">>{barbief} : Keep licking dicks, slick. You'll have a stack of cash soon enough. 👍", ">>{BlankVerse} : Trump's doctor's report looked pretty phony, especially compared to Clinton's. I'd like to see both doctors show up on some news show to discuss their findings. I'd akso like to see a psych eval on both candidates.", ">>{Trulaw} : Where are TRUMP's health records? We have *far* more and better info about Hillary. Donald only gave us the one letter that sounds like he wrote it himself! Plus we have worrying reports of his habitual use of diet pills to stay awake, he brags of sleeping only three hours per night--which is *super unhealthy*", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : 23% upvoting? On an article about whether Bobblehead Hillary is healthy enough to serve as President/Head of Clinton Foundation/Lead Bribe Receiver?', ">>{Benjamminmiller} : I think that's the joke. But jokes are funny, so who knows.", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : CLINTON 2016: Basically the Same as Trump, Maybe Slightly Better on an Issue or Two', ">>{Trulaw} : Right! Like how Trump is releasing his tax returns to dispel those NAMBLA rumors. So easy! Why *wouldn't* he? Now all those questions are laid to rest!", ">>{EspadaNumberNine} : What's amazing is that username was available up until 24 hours ago. Meanwhile /u/Shiteater has been taken for the last 7 years.", ">>{nb4hnp} : It's been around for more than a thousand years, so you'll likely be hearing it for the remainder of your life.", ">>{retrovertigo} : Is this what the battery widget does? I thought it just didn't work on my iPhone 7. Now I know I need to have connected devices to see results.", '>>{DeathByPetrichor} : Its actually quite amazing that people DONT get that this is a joke. I mean come on people', ">>{wodthing} : I'm sorry... Rally? Gathering? Lynch Party? I'm not sure...", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I guess you're right. Trump is the bribe giver, Clinton is the bribe taker. But it's better to give than to receive!", ">>{pravenone} : Their values maybe opposite of Jesus, but they're right in line with mainstream American Christianity. Hate thy neighbor. Punch the other cheek. Jesus Christ as Chuck Norris. Merica.", '>>{ilym} : Breitbart is a Shit Rag. OP is a moron.', ">>{Trulaw} : some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn", '>>{jokerZwild} : That "majority" is the GOP and no one else.', '>>{roo-ster} : The Cross? No, I was only supposed to bring the matches and the Budweiser. Billy-Bob was in charge of the Cross.', ">>{grungebot5000} : they're extremely different, but i wouldn't go that far", '>>{pessamistic} : You could get some good internet points for this over on r/mildlyinfuriating.', ">>{fredandersonsmith} : I know right! It is so obvious. I know why I think it's funny what do you find funny about it?", '>>{jonginator} : Is 10/10 GF the name of your battery powered Fleshlight?', ">>{MickShrimptonsGhost} : In New York she's a 6 but in Scranton she's a 7.", '>>{trouser_tiger} : Who is a model and lives in another country.', '>>{Lychentous} : Having that many Apple products over 30% battery.', '>>{Dimebag82} : > *edit: learned how to quote! Me too! :D', ">>{bombardior} : wtf? its not really funny and i didn't know this sub is turning into meme town?", '>>{ImFatWannaParty} : Is that a rating for your girlfriend or is that what number of girlfriend out of the 10 you have?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{bonn89} : > iPhone 7s Space Grey 512GB > Wallet with a wad of $100's I mean he obviously has an iPhone, Apple Watch, and AirPods, but methinks there *might* be some exaggeration here. 😜", '>>{kadupse} : If you listen closely you can hear the joke flying past you', ">>{w3bCraw1er} : Agree. Mine says Batteries not Batterien. Can't even spell check", '>>{ecs0013} : I enjoy the humor here, but how were you able to have the battery levels for each AirPod displayed?', '>>{WetEraser} : I would assume no. This looks either edited or Jailbroken. I have all of these products (Minus the impossible Storage size, no 18k on the watch and no wads of anything..) and they always look the same on the battery widget, and never look like this.', '>>{NazgulXXI} : When you take them out and listen, it displays battery of each AirPod instead of both :)', '>>{w3bCraw1er} : Really? So I had to add "funny" tag there homie?', '>>{Yo_2T} : The real question is how did one airpod have less charge than the other? Is one of your ears more active?', ">>{reditum} : It's getting **so** ridiculous people didn't get the joke.", '>>{duffbeers} : FYI this was in reference to this (now deleted) humblebrag post: https://www.reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/63msnv/this_is_getting_ridiculous/', '>>{ecs0013} : That makes some sense - after taking one out, listening with only one for a bit, I saw them split, but only when the case was open.', ">>{rdldr1} : Yeah, when you have that much cash you don't need *to charge*.", '>>{aldrinjtauro} : Oh, I thought you were jailbroken since the widget data font looked like Calibri.', '>>{Fdnyc} : More of a whistle to it, like one of those vortex footballs.', '>>{UrsusRagnor} : Sometimes I prefer to listen to music in one ear only so I can hear if coworkers are talking to me from the other. I just leave the second AirPod in the case.', '>>{KaptainCapture} : You can... •_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) in photoshop', '>>{Rawmin} : That would have been more than a bit of a stretch, homie.', ">>{slick_licks_dicks} : Yeah, I don't think I've ever held a wad of 100s in my life 😞", '>>{emersonlakeandlagoon} : This is crazy. Nobody can get ahold of AirPods.', '>>{vonscorpio} : > iPhone 7s Did I miss the most recent iPhone release? *edit: learned how to quote! Yay me!', ">>{barbief} : Keep licking dicks, slick. You'll have a stack of cash soon enough. 👍", ">>{Benjamminmiller} : I think that's the joke. But jokes are funny, so who knows.", ">>{nb4hnp} : It's been around for more than a thousand years, so you'll likely be hearing it for the remainder of your life.", ">>{retrovertigo} : Is this what the battery widget does? I thought it just didn't work on my iPhone 7. Now I know I need to have connected devices to see results.", '>>{DeathByPetrichor} : Its actually quite amazing that people DONT get that this is a joke. I mean come on people', '>>{pessamistic} : You could get some good internet points for this over on r/mildlyinfuriating.', ">>{fredandersonsmith} : I know right! It is so obvious. I know why I think it's funny what do you find funny about it?", '>>{jonginator} : Is 10/10 GF the name of your battery powered Fleshlight?', ">>{MickShrimptonsGhost} : In New York she's a 6 but in Scranton she's a 7.", '>>{trouser_tiger} : Who is a model and lives in another country.', '>>{Lychentous} : Having that many Apple products over 30% battery.', '>>{Dimebag82} : > *edit: learned how to quote! Me too! :D', ">>{bombardior} : wtf? its not really funny and i didn't know this sub is turning into meme town?", '>>{ImFatWannaParty} : Is that a rating for your girlfriend or is that what number of girlfriend out of the 10 you have?'], [">>{Soldier_Of__Christ} : Poll: Majority of Voters Want to See Hillary's Health Records", ">>{invesDOGE8er} : More conspiracy theories will definitely pull in the independents that Trump needs! Don't believe the polls, conservatives, this tactic is totally working and will not in any way drive voters away from you!", '>>{NeuroWorm} : Also invited NAMBLA sympathizer Mark Foley to sit right behind him at a rally.', ">>{KarmaAndLies} : Both her and Trump have had a doctor describe their overall health and any prescription medication they're taking. You can read it for her here: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/hillary-clinton-health-excellent-doctor-letter-2016-campaign-120861 So I'd say voter's request has already been met.", ">>{GrumpyBearBank} : I do. And I'm voting for her. I think that's its pertinent info. Trump too.", '>>{Soldier_Of__Christ} : damn bro, you and the nambla jokes, you sure are making all the reddit nerds laugh this fine afternoon. You must be the funny guy in your social group', '>>{Courtlessjester} : Sounds like most media want to talk about anything but the Clinton foundation.', ">>{kurtca} : LOL look at OP. Soldier of Christ, yet posts nothing but hate. Hate on the poor, discourage healing the sick, deny protecting the innocent. Congrats OP you're 100% OPPOSITE of Christ.", ">>{Trumppered} : There's nothing funny about Diddlin' Donnie being the founder of NAMBLA and, if elected, planning to divert $550Bn in tax payer dollars over 10 years towards NAMBLA.", ">>{EndoExo} : >59% of voters also now believe all major presidential candidates should release at least their most recent medical records to the public. Do we have Trump's?", '>>{AndyInAtlanta} : Here\'s the thing, I\'m willing to bet she\'ll release [another] health report from her doctor; hell, she might even find a panel of doctors to swear on their licenses that she\'s in good health [for someone approaching 70]. But the better question is, will it even matter? This is the "Obama birth certificate" all over again. It didn\'t matter what Obama did, alt-right conservatives still found a way to find something wrong. "It was scanned", "it was the short form", "blah blah blah didn\'t look right", the list went on. The reality, every time Clinton coughs some dumbass is going to shout, "She\'s having a seizure!" You know what, I\'m confident Hillary doesn\'t want to keel over in the next four years. This idea from the alt-right (I use "alt-right" because I know many Republicans aren\'t this stupid) that she knows she\'s near death and just wants to win is stupid.', ">>{FiestaFriday} : If she doesn't have any medical problems, why won't she release them? I'm sure the American people want to know they are voting for a healthy person considering they have to live 4 years.", '>>{DrassupTrollsbane} : You must be the edgy guy in your socia-- oh wait, nevermind', ">>{wodthing} : Well, there's always the funny guy in a social group, and then there's the pathetic guy in a social group... and that's usually the one posting Breitbart crap.", ">>{Soldier_Of__Christ} : Implying every article on the top page on this subreddit has 0 liberal bias. In case you haven't realized, it's been an echo chamber the past 6 months wether it's Anti Hillary, Pro-Bernie, Pro-Trump-As-Long-As-Its-Pro-Bernie, or Anti-Trump. Why isn't CNN reporting Hillary's health or is her health not that important? Cmon now kiddo", ">>{BlankVerse} : Trump's doctor's report looked pretty phony, especially compared to Clinton's. I'd like to see both doctors show up on some news show to discuss their findings. I'd akso like to see a psych eval on both candidates.", ">>{Trulaw} : Where are TRUMP's health records? We have *far* more and better info about Hillary. Donald only gave us the one letter that sounds like he wrote it himself! Plus we have worrying reports of his habitual use of diet pills to stay awake, he brags of sleeping only three hours per night--which is *super unhealthy*", '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : 23% upvoting? On an article about whether Bobblehead Hillary is healthy enough to serve as President/Head of Clinton Foundation/Lead Bribe Receiver?', '>>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : CLINTON 2016: Basically the Same as Trump, Maybe Slightly Better on an Issue or Two', ">>{Trulaw} : Right! Like how Trump is releasing his tax returns to dispel those NAMBLA rumors. So easy! Why *wouldn't* he? Now all those questions are laid to rest!", ">>{EspadaNumberNine} : What's amazing is that username was available up until 24 hours ago. Meanwhile /u/Shiteater has been taken for the last 7 years.", ">>{wodthing} : I'm sorry... Rally? Gathering? Lynch Party? I'm not sure...", ">>{RajivFernanDatBribe} : I guess you're right. Trump is the bribe giver, Clinton is the bribe taker. But it's better to give than to receive!", ">>{pravenone} : Their values maybe opposite of Jesus, but they're right in line with mainstream American Christianity. Hate thy neighbor. Punch the other cheek. Jesus Christ as Chuck Norris. Merica.", '>>{ilym} : Breitbart is a Shit Rag. OP is a moron.', ">>{Trulaw} : some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn", '>>{jokerZwild} : That "majority" is the GOP and no one else.', '>>{roo-ster} : The Cross? No, I was only supposed to bring the matches and the Budweiser. Billy-Bob was in charge of the Cross.', ">>{grungebot5000} : they're extremely different, but i wouldn't go that far"], [">>{drewiepoodle} : 'Worse than Jim Crow': black politicians try to halt Mississippi's anti-LGBT law", '>>{KKK4Trump} : The firmly held religious beliefs of members of the Southern Baptist Church were simply trampled upon by the Civil Rights Act. Sorry about that.', '>>{KKK4Trump} : Did you read the title of the article we are discussing?', '>>{jp_slim} : How is baking a fucking cake or selling a goddamn pizza a religious issue? Stay in your lane and do your job.', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : no, because your beliefs do not supersede civil rights. If you think religious beliefs can be a blank check to do whatever the fuck you\'d like to- welcome to theocracy and anti-everythingthefoundersstoodfor. law is the law. Your religion comes 2nd. "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar\'s, and unto god the things that are god\'s"', '>>{drewiepoodle} : You mean like [this BBQ restaurant owner in South Carolina](http://www.forwardprogressives.com/sc-restaurant-owner-refuses-serve-blacks-cites-religious-beliefs/) who claimed that he was within his rights to refuse service to blacks based on his religious beliefs?', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : again not how it works. Your religion does not allow you to discriminate if there are laws against discrimination. If this is how you want it- then again you are advocating theocracy.', '>>{PurpleProsePoet} : Yes. Law > opinion backed explicitly by a lack of evidence.', '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : ha, well this is actually the crux of it. Forget the whole civil rights violations- its food.', ">>{Seankps} : His name is KKK4Trump, clearly a diluted nut job. I can't wait for you to", ">>{seshfan} : B-b-but they *prayed* for us after Orlando! Oh, wait, it's almost like Republicans don't give a single fuck about us.", '>>{Ancient_hacker} : Well, let me put it this way: either we recognize that corporate conduct is not the same as a personal religious endorsement, or we get started on dumping the first amendment. Your choice.', ">>{Vulpes-Vulpes-Fox} : I agree with your statement, but seriously, fuck the 'stay in your lane' bullshit.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : These business owners also enjoy the public infrastructure constructed and maintained by all taxpayers. If these people wish to cater only to individuals of their choosing, they need to move their businesses off the grid and accept customers by invitation and referrals only. We live in a secular society. Commerce trumps bigotry.', '>>{ozric101} : Democrats are responsible for 100 years of Jim Crow oppression in the South. This is no WAY COMPARES to that.. You people are out of your GOD DAM MINDS!!!! I am not saying this LGBT thing is not bad but to compare it to Jim Crow is just disrespectful and wrong.']]
classify and reply
['>>{neptunedragon} : Well for starters the sic and HIC have no scheduled hearings this month, the effect of the missile wonders are dying off, and we got a couple stories coming up so.....', '>>{haffbaked} : iPhone keeps "deleting" specific songs despite me putting them on my phone repeatedly.', ">>{haffbaked} : Lol why even come to this sub to say that? Also, at least we don't have exploding time bombs sitting in our pockets.", ">>{thewhitedeath} : I don't think the FBI is ignoring it however.", '>>{haffbaked} : Damn from your library as well? My tracks are all there on my laptop they just seem to pick and choose to delete on my phone. How the fuck can I listen to Blond without self control?!?', '>>{0ne_Word} : As was the plan. It accomplished nothing and made a big smokescreen.', ">>{JamisonP} : MSNBC ignores hundreds of more valid & newsworthy stories to constantly harp on Trump-Russia probe conspiracies, so it's a bit of a wash for me. It's the age of giving your viewers what they want, regardless of journalistic integrity I guess.", ">>{Scarlettail} : I'm not sure what to think about a major media outlet criticizing the media for ignoring a problem. I'm sure MSNBC also ignores issues to instead talk about the Russian probe. That's what happens when you have to selectively choose what topics to cover. Additionally, the Syria story is pretty important and deserves airtime.", ">>{nrfind} : Conspiracies? The FBI, House, and Senate are actively investigating these things. Where's the conspiracy?", ">>{sudo-is-my-name} : Sorry, I deleted that comment. I don't want a big fight about itunes again.", ">>{PassionatelyInnocent} : It's been happening to me since I've updated to iOS 10.0.1. I'm not sure how widespread this issue is, but I've seen a few posts about this on Reddit recently. I've restored my phone twice between iOS 10.0.1 and iOS 10.0.2 and nothing has changed either time. I really hope this gets fixed soon.", ">>{tank_trap} : Trump's attack on Syria is a distraction from the real story - which is that him and his lackeys colluded with Russia. Don't let Trump distract us from his betrayal of the USA.", '>>{JamisonP} : Well, Lawrence O\'Donnell is a prominent MSNBC anchor and he spent a show or two speculating that perhaps Putin masterminded the USA\'s strike against Syria\'s air base... >"It\'s perfect. Just Perfect. I wish it wasn\'t. If Vladimir Putin masterminded the last week in Syria? He has gotten everything he wants. [...] >[If] Putin said [to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad] I have an idea. Go ahead — do a small chemical attack. Nothing like the big ones you\'ve done in the past. >Just big enough to attract media attention — so that my friend in the White House will see it on TV. And then, Donald Trump can fire some missiles at Syria that\'ll do no real damages. >And then the American news media will change the subject from Russian influence in the Trump campaign [...] President Trump has finally dared to do something that Vladimir Putin doesn\'t like. It changes everything." >Wouldn\'t it be nice,” if it was just completely, totally, absolutely impossible to suspect that Vladimir Putin orchestrated what happened in Syria this week — so that his friend in the White House could have a big night with missiles and all the praises he\'s picked up over the past 24 hours?” Maddow regularly starts her shows talking about connections between servers and Russian banks, yachts and airplanes in the general vicinity of each other, supposedly shadowy meetings US Senators have in their own office with the Russian Ambassador to the United States. They\'re trafficking conspiracy theories pretty heavily, don\'t know why you disagree. If they were reporting using actual evidence, the investigation would be over already and people would be tried & sentenced already.', '>>{haffbaked} : It *seems* like it has to do with music the phone *thinks* you "downloaded" because it will sometimes show that I have downloaded Blond when I definitely did not download it to my phone in that way. Perhaps that\'s why?', '>>{d_mcc_x} : They are in recess for another two weeks. The earliest hearings would be on 04/24, and there is a looming government shutdown on 04/28', '>>{Kabuki_Writer} : As it should be. The Trump/Russia story is bogus. There is a real possibility that Russia and Iran could start shooting at our ships over there. This would rapidly escalate into a real devastating war if they succesfully sunk any of our ships.', ">>{aDDnTN} : Now that apple has stopped supporting iTunes on my 8 year old Macbook, i'm switching back to Google Music, because at least then i'll be able to use my phone to listen to music. So no more of this itunes bullshit for me!", '>>{Ulthanon} : Ok. Here\'s the fucking problem, MSNBC. Does the Syria strike need to be covered? *Of course it fucking does*. The problem with the coverage isn\'t that you\'re covering it at all- or even that it dominated headlines for a day or two! You think the FBI just *forgot* about this stuff along with all of the talking heads? Nah. The problem is everyone and their mother were *immediately all over Trump\'s dick* because he threw a hundred million worth of fireworks around. It was a complete replay of the Van Jones "In that moment, he became the President". It was fucking *shameful* to have anchors on TV saying that video of missiles launching was "beautiful". And this problem is amplified a hundredfold because this President is an infantile praise-seeker and will *do this shit again* in order to improve his media treatment, since y\'all gave him the one thing he can never get enough of: validation. So grats, guys. Glad we could count on you to exhibit some self-restraint.', ">>{TygrScott} : Why even come here to say that? It's only the Note7. I'm on Note 3 but getting i7+.", '>>{bassististist} : > If they were reporting using actual evidence, the investigation would be over already and people would be tried & sentenced already. Investigations take a long time, but thanks for your minimal efforts to stifle this one.', ">>{nrfind} : Yes and the news coming out that Russia was aware of or complicit (there's that word again) in the chemical weapons attacks by Assad lends O'Donnell's theory credibility, doesn't it? Which part of that is implausible to you? Maddow isn't in charge of the investigations, she's reporting on all the connections between Trump and Russia. The fact that there are enough that she can open her show with a new connection each night should be a bit concerning, no?", '>>{nrfind} : >The Trump/Russia story is bogus. *leans into mic* Wrong.', ">>{JamisonP} : Of course Putin is complicit in the chemical attack. As Secretary of State Tillerson said - they are either complicit or incompetent. That's the official stance of the US Government right now. You're willfully ignoring (impressively so) a grand canyon sized leap of logic which doesn't just connect the deathstar sized dots of Putin & Assads coordination in the chemical attack - but also O'Donnell's conspiracy theory that Putin *orchestrated this to benefit Donald Trump*, alluding that Trump could have even been in on the scheme himself. That my friend, is a conspiracy theory.", '>>{MattAlbie60} : It was happening to me too. Not 100% sure why, but only ever tracks I purchased legally. Long story short, use iTunes to convert to a new AAC file, delete the old one, sync the new one and it will never happen again.', '>>{mistergreg} : I really wish my iPhone would stop adding Taylor Swift back to my library after I delete it. GO AWAY TAYLOR.', ">>{itsnottommy} : when I wanted to download ariana grande's 'christmas & chill' through apple music, i repeatedly pressed the download button and it didn't work. the next time i opened the music app, it was attempting to download about 60 copies of the album. maybe something similar is happening to you? edit // this was on ios 8.x", ">>{flounder19} : News networks definitely struggle to present everything fairly while meeting customer demand. But when you look at things in the aggregate, they roundly [suck at running news on important stories that aren't particularly sexy](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2017/mar/27/pbs-is-the-only-network-reporting-on-climate-change-trump-wants-to-cut-it)", '>>{haffbaked} : Well the thing is I did **not** download the album through iTunes. I had it on my laptop, moved it into itunes and then synced it to my phone. I just noticed that sometimes my phone will say that the album was "downloaded" which is incorrect but might be the reason it is deleting songs?', '>>{Scarlettail} : Right, this is a result of having a for-profit media that caters to what people want to hear.', '>>{itsnottommy} : have you tried taking it to the genius bar? it can be frustrating but they usually have the answers.', ">>{nrfind} : Give me the alternatives, given the set of facts we know. What was Assad's reason for using the chemical weapons. What was he trying to accomplish? What did he stand to gain or lose, and was the risk/reward factor beneficial enough to justify the use of chemical reactions, inviting potential retaliation strikes as well as international rebuke? Give me the theory that is more credible than O'Donnell's and I'll bite.", ">>{haffbaked} : I have not just because I'm fuckin busy nonstop with law school and work but I might as well take the hour or so out of my weekend to check it.", ">>{JamisonP} : My theory? He heard the US publicly stating they were no longer prioritizing regime change in Syria the week before his attack, and took that to mean he could operate with impunity and we would not respond. He started with a small scale attack in a remote town to test how hamstrung Trump is by partisan bickering, and was planning on escalating his attacks if there was no forceful response by the Trump administration. Chemical Weapons are remarkably effective in both demoralizing your enemy, and also killing them while leaving the infrastructure in place for after the war. So, I believe it was a severe miscalculation by Assad (and/or Putin) - and I'm glad Trump responded as he did. It's hard to parse out morality in war, but the proliferation of chemical weapons benefits no one except for murderous dictators.", ">>{RonaldDumbsfield} : Yeah...ok. Trump doesn't want to piss off papa putin. Why do you think he called Russia before congress?", '>>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : > It was a complete replay of the Van Jones "In that moment, he became the President". I hope that just like last time, some big Russia headline comes out to deflate the 24 hours of good publicity. That Van Jones line was followed 12 hours later by "Sessions lied"', ">>{nrfind} : I don't disagree with any of that. It certainly highlights the incompetency of this administration that they'd enable these actions one day and then retaliate against them the next. However, I don't think O'Donnell's theory is implausible either. Russia could benefit by regime change by pushing for Putin-booster Kassis to be Assad's replacement. Trump would look good for opposing Assad, seemingly standing up to Russia, but Russia doesn't really lose anything long term anyway but controlling who takes over after Assad. Win-win scenario.", ">>{JamisonP} : Yes, yes they do. I have no desire to stifle the investigation, I have every desire to see it thoroughly investigated. I have every desire to see each intelligence committee compile & present the findings to the public in a manner we can trust to be accurate & nonpartisan. This doesn't conflict with my opinion that MSNBC spends a disproportionate amount of their airtime peddling Russia-Trump conspiracy theories. Those aren't mutually exclusive opinions.", '>>{Thechosenf3w} : I love how Trump got some love for his war antics from the establishment, who oddly remain pro war despite who is office, and the rest of us are like wait just a God damn minute! He may be President, but this is still Donald J. Trump, the lunatic Russian puppet spy, we are talking about.', '>>{probablyuntrue} : Yup, 0 fucking articles about the Russia probe popped up my dashboard since the Syria strike. Unbelievable', ">>{afforkable} : You hit the nail on the head. It's like the media's still waiting desperately for the fucking pivot they kept talking about during the campaign", ">>{JohnTitor2020} : MAybe if you lot included hadn't jumped to get some of trumps dick in your mouth the moment he bombed a country", ">>{JamisonP} : I agree that Russia does not need Assad in power to protect their interests in the country - the Naval base in Tartarus & the Iran-Iraq-Syria oil pipeline. But what in the days since Trump ordered the missile strike against Assad's airbase have given you any indication that Putin is happy about the USA's response? They've condemned it, called an emergency UN security council meeting, removed Tillerson meeting Putin from his itinerary, sought to downplay the effectiveness of the strike in their state media. If Putin orchestrated the attacks to provide Trump favorable media coverage and distract from the Russia/Trump investigation, he certainly did so at his own expense on the world stage. Trump threw down a gauntlet, attacked one of Russia's allies at an airbase Russia jointly operates. Putin now is faced with either needing to stand up to the USA, or impotently whine about it - which is what they're now doing. Doesn't strike me as an outcome that Russia is particularly happy with.", '>>{RidleyScotch} : Honestly if there is no new public news there is nothing to report or talk about beside the same thing over and over. This goes for anything, if there is nothing new after a week or two it will fall out of the mainstream news discussion until new information comes to light that makes the conversation worth having again.', ">>{orrangearrow} : Most of the bombshells have come from leaks within the FBI or the white house itself. When there is another bombshell leak about somebody in the administration, I'm sure the media cycle will re-focus on it. I'm guessing the people leaking content of the investigation are letting the Syria narrative play out before putting the spotlight back on Russian interference. We're also finding out about the collaboration between Russia and Syria in the attacks and the attack response on the hospital. Syria and possible Russian interference in our administration are not mutually exclusive stories. This is all connected.", ">>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Well, about 5 minutes before the attack, Nunes recused himself from the HIC and Gowdy is supposedly taking his place. Is that repetition of the same old same old? Or is it, look at them bombs! Hold the phone and stop the presses. Cuz no one wants to hear about anything but this bombing. The media is supposedly there to protect us and not the enemy of the people. Remember that whole deal? Well, in some ways, they are not unlike politicians and need to be reminded that they have serious job to do and don't just get to report on what gets them numbers. Moreover, have you ever watched one of these 24-hour news outlets? They run about 87 minutes of news for one 24-hour period ad nauseum. It's utter BS that they don't have the time to cover this in their vapid programming schedules. Don't let them treat us like goldfish.", '>>{RidleyScotch} : > Well, about 5 minutes before the attack, Nunes recused himself from the HIC and Gowdy is supposedly taking his place. Well that was an easily debunked lie: APRIL 6TH (MORNING) - CNN Report tweets statement that Nunes if off and Gowdy is in Source: https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/849981518269296641/photo/1 APRIL 7 (EVENING) - Morning Joe Producer tweets NBC News: US military has launched more than 50 missile strikes on al-Shayrat military airfield near Homs, Syria https://twitter.com/JesseRodriguez/status/850154418486038528', '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Oh yeah, debunk me! Or, let me make it a little bit simpler for you who may not have fully grasped what I mean when I said 5 minutes: So, in the 5 days since Nunes "if off" [sic], how much coverage of Nunes/Gowdy has there been? Didn\'t Nunes say he wouldn\'t step down? So why is he stepping down? And what does Gowdy have to say about all of this? Is he leaking or chasing leakers this week? But no no no, I wanna hear about missiles!', ">>{RidleyScotch} : If your entire argument hinges on not giving any time to Nunes stepping down and the fact is that there was an entire day between news stories, you're argument is weak. You lied about the time table, something easily verifiable for you. Nunes stepping down from the Russia investigation was given all the news it needed. Did he step down? Yes. Why? Because of xyz Who is replacing him? These guys There is no more information, story over. Lets wait for the investigation to continue. There are far more important things in the world going on than the guy stepping down. It's not as big a deal overrall as some redditors like to make it seem. It seems like a big deal or like the biggest news story in the world because this is an echo chamber. It was a big story, it was given the time it deserved and everybody was caught up and moved onto the next important world event. Everything you question was discussed when the event was in the news cycle. If you missed it, you missed, you can seek out those opinions if you wish but that is on you. Do not blame anybody but yourself for not getting yourself up to speed. It's 2017, the information is right there. I work at a major media outlet and i cannot stand lazy people who cant be bothered to seek out information they miss and blame everybody else for it. Nunes stepping down was given the time of day it was deserved for the impact it had overall to the grand scheme of things. Neither side is perfect, media or the consumers. But as reddit finds out time and time again, not everything that is treated as biggest story on earth here is the biggest story out in reality.", '>>{RidleyScotch} : What would you like Russia probe articles about then? More opinion pieces or something or reporting of facts that take time to uncover? How will you react when Congress goes on recess and the hearings dont happen for a few weeks? Will you complain then about no articles then as well?', ">>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Sorry Sean, but if you really thought I literally meant that Nunes stepped down 5 minutes before the attacks, and it is exceedingly obvious you do, then it's hopeless to talk to you. You work at a major media outlet? That's even scarier. And, really, ask me if I care whether you think the story has already been sufficiently covered. I'm sorry if that doesn't fit your conservative sensibilities, and your series of tirades about this suggests it doesn't. So please try to keep the spittle in and not flying everywhere.", ">>{RidleyScotch} : You need realize or at least acknowledge that more people in the USA will care more about the United States launching weapons into another nation than Devin Nunes stepping down from the committee. For example i i dont understand why you are incapable of giving an inch or even bothering to see the other side. Do you believe that youre opinions are the only correct ones on this matter or something? Since you refuse to come halfway and i'll have to waste time either trying to drag it out of you or do the work for you. So instead of doing any work, engaging in any worthwhile discussion you are more intent on hurling insults like a child. If you can't be bothered to try to understand why something is the way it is and would rather resort to insult and shooting down first hand experience from people who are trying to explain it you, than you are not worth anybody's time in this discussion, argument or any future ones. When you are ready to drop the hyperbole and the bullshit i'll be here.", ">>{row_guy} : Well Kushner lied in his TS clearence forms that's a huge deal. A US comressman conspired with the Whitehouse\u200b to stop a house investigation into the Whitehouse. A Russian hacker was arrested in Spain today. There's lots to cover.", '>>{RidleyScotch} : >Well Kushner lied in his TS clearence forms that\'s a huge deal That was before the strike, those articles were sent out. My RSS feed got them. I saw it Reddit and facebook shared there, it was covered on at least CNN and MSNBC and i\'m positive of. > A US comressman conspired with the Whitehouse\u200b to stop a house investigation into the Whitehouse Literally like 2 weeks of news coverage, covered the day he stepped down too, again before the strike. I know everybody covered that, shared online everywhere. >A Russian hacker was arrested in Spain today. Yes and now what? From just the page on reddit it confuses and makes no sense to me and i\'m very technologically literate i would say. But you sayd 0 articles popped up about the Russia prob, but is the hacker in Spain deal about the Russia probe or not about the Russia probe? Did that not pop up on your "dashboard?" Are your complaints more that the tv news networks haven\'t given ample time to that story today rather than it being on your "dashboard" even though i presume you saw it somewhere, on reddit or wherever else. IMO with the Russian hacker in Spain, it seems to be the connections may run deep to other people and to the layman person would be rather complex for those who don\'t "get tech" aka older and or just technologically illiterate folks. So i think in that regard media people need to simplify the story some way. To be like "Okay a Russian hacker was arrested in Spain. Why does Bobby in middle america need to know about this, why should he care about this, etc etc." In that regard, it\'s not as simple for "mainstream" outlets i feel.', '>>{GOP_HYPOCRISY} : His lackeys? HE DID! He should never be allowed to resign in disgrace. Nothing will do but charges.', ">>{arizonajill} : Here's a good headline. MSNBC ignores Bernie Sanders for a year and a half as he fills stadiums 3 and 4 times a day.", '>>{echo-chamber-chaos} : Brian Williams sounded like Jodie Foster at the end of Contact trying to describe the "beauty" of a missile launch. What the fuck is happening?', ">>{darwinn_69} : Don't worry, tis only a brief distraction. Russia will be back....with love.", '>>{Doright36} : So basically they are saying the attack was a success in that it achieved exactly what they wanted it to.', '>>{Ph4ndaal} : Brian Williams is exactly like Ron Burgandy, without the excuse of being in the 70s.', ">>{yeabutstill} : It's not odd when you trace their ownership. Same people who make money off missiles make money telling you how beautiful they are. It was only a matter of time before the corporate stooges of the MSM had to return to their real corporate propaganda jobs.", '>>{Thechosenf3w} : Are they really that directly related? That\'s fascinating. I mean, I was rather sarcastically mentioning the "oddity" that MSM would be so pro war but I haven\'t followed the money.', '>>{exelion18120} : > The Trump/Russia story is bogus. So the Fbi has been investigating this since July for what? Shits and giggles?', '>>{nuorigin} : Everything Trump does needs to be related to the Russia probe. Lob a bunch of Tomahawks at Syria, report on how Trump and Putin planned it to distract from the Russia probe. Guy gets kicked off of a plane, United did it to distract from the Russia probe.', '>>{clamatowas} : This just in, the media ignores a story that still after months has produced no real evidence to talk about a real story with real consequences..... How dare they, lets tear down their buildings.', '>>{theguyfromgermany} : I have posted 3x times on politics to show that neither the house or Senate have planed Intel committee hearing. it was deleted by the mods because the official calender of those sources is not an article', '>>{TaylorSpokeApe} : An infinitely long time, but we can hold our breath as long as it takes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', '>>{TaylorSpokeApe} : Give it time, these things take time. It could be well into his second term before this wraps up, but we need to be patient and not be distracted by other things. In the mean time there are protests, and the chanting of slogans to attend to.', '>>{Kabuki_Writer} : The FBI has been investigating the Russia aspect of the story. Half truth there. Already concluded there is no connection to Trump.', '>>{theguyfromgermany} : The house intelligence committee has failed to schedule any new hearings for April so far. The public calendar can be viewed here: http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByMonth.aspx?M=4&Y=2017 Make sure to tweet Rep. Adam Schiff, the democratic Co-Chair of the Committee to ask when the next meeting will be scheduled and if Sally Yates and Cater Page will testify@ https://twitter.com/repadamschiff', '>>{theguyfromgermany} : The house intelligence committee has failed to schedule any new hearings for April so far. The public calendar can be viewed here: http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByMonth.aspx?M=4&Y=2017 Make sure to tweet Rep. Adam Schiff, the democratic Co-Chair of the Committee to ask when the next meeting will be scheduled and if Sally Yates and Cater Page will testify@ https://twitter.com/repadamschiff', '>>{Ulthanon} : That may have more to do with Nunes than with Schiff.', ">>{factsRcool} : That's how you let the tyrant win. These mass media companies all want to be Trump's Pravda", ">>{theguyfromgermany} : I agree, but Schiff is actualy on the good side, he WANTS to get the Investigation under way. Let's show him some positive support!"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{haffbaked} : iPhone keeps "deleting" specific songs despite me putting them on my phone repeatedly.', ">>{haffbaked} : Lol why even come to this sub to say that? Also, at least we don't have exploding time bombs sitting in our pockets.", '>>{haffbaked} : Damn from your library as well? My tracks are all there on my laptop they just seem to pick and choose to delete on my phone. How the fuck can I listen to Blond without self control?!?', ">>{sudo-is-my-name} : Sorry, I deleted that comment. I don't want a big fight about itunes again.", ">>{PassionatelyInnocent} : It's been happening to me since I've updated to iOS 10.0.1. I'm not sure how widespread this issue is, but I've seen a few posts about this on Reddit recently. I've restored my phone twice between iOS 10.0.1 and iOS 10.0.2 and nothing has changed either time. I really hope this gets fixed soon.", '>>{haffbaked} : It *seems* like it has to do with music the phone *thinks* you "downloaded" because it will sometimes show that I have downloaded Blond when I definitely did not download it to my phone in that way. Perhaps that\'s why?', ">>{aDDnTN} : Now that apple has stopped supporting iTunes on my 8 year old Macbook, i'm switching back to Google Music, because at least then i'll be able to use my phone to listen to music. So no more of this itunes bullshit for me!", ">>{TygrScott} : Why even come here to say that? It's only the Note7. I'm on Note 3 but getting i7+.", '>>{MattAlbie60} : It was happening to me too. Not 100% sure why, but only ever tracks I purchased legally. Long story short, use iTunes to convert to a new AAC file, delete the old one, sync the new one and it will never happen again.', '>>{mistergreg} : I really wish my iPhone would stop adding Taylor Swift back to my library after I delete it. GO AWAY TAYLOR.', ">>{itsnottommy} : when I wanted to download ariana grande's 'christmas & chill' through apple music, i repeatedly pressed the download button and it didn't work. the next time i opened the music app, it was attempting to download about 60 copies of the album. maybe something similar is happening to you? edit // this was on ios 8.x", '>>{haffbaked} : Well the thing is I did **not** download the album through iTunes. I had it on my laptop, moved it into itunes and then synced it to my phone. I just noticed that sometimes my phone will say that the album was "downloaded" which is incorrect but might be the reason it is deleting songs?', '>>{itsnottommy} : have you tried taking it to the genius bar? it can be frustrating but they usually have the answers.', ">>{haffbaked} : I have not just because I'm fuckin busy nonstop with law school and work but I might as well take the hour or so out of my weekend to check it."], ['>>{neptunedragon} : Well for starters the sic and HIC have no scheduled hearings this month, the effect of the missile wonders are dying off, and we got a couple stories coming up so.....', ">>{thewhitedeath} : I don't think the FBI is ignoring it however.", '>>{0ne_Word} : As was the plan. It accomplished nothing and made a big smokescreen.', ">>{JamisonP} : MSNBC ignores hundreds of more valid & newsworthy stories to constantly harp on Trump-Russia probe conspiracies, so it's a bit of a wash for me. It's the age of giving your viewers what they want, regardless of journalistic integrity I guess.", ">>{Scarlettail} : I'm not sure what to think about a major media outlet criticizing the media for ignoring a problem. I'm sure MSNBC also ignores issues to instead talk about the Russian probe. That's what happens when you have to selectively choose what topics to cover. Additionally, the Syria story is pretty important and deserves airtime.", ">>{nrfind} : Conspiracies? The FBI, House, and Senate are actively investigating these things. Where's the conspiracy?", ">>{tank_trap} : Trump's attack on Syria is a distraction from the real story - which is that him and his lackeys colluded with Russia. Don't let Trump distract us from his betrayal of the USA.", '>>{JamisonP} : Well, Lawrence O\'Donnell is a prominent MSNBC anchor and he spent a show or two speculating that perhaps Putin masterminded the USA\'s strike against Syria\'s air base... >"It\'s perfect. Just Perfect. I wish it wasn\'t. If Vladimir Putin masterminded the last week in Syria? He has gotten everything he wants. [...] >[If] Putin said [to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad] I have an idea. Go ahead — do a small chemical attack. Nothing like the big ones you\'ve done in the past. >Just big enough to attract media attention — so that my friend in the White House will see it on TV. And then, Donald Trump can fire some missiles at Syria that\'ll do no real damages. >And then the American news media will change the subject from Russian influence in the Trump campaign [...] President Trump has finally dared to do something that Vladimir Putin doesn\'t like. It changes everything." >Wouldn\'t it be nice,” if it was just completely, totally, absolutely impossible to suspect that Vladimir Putin orchestrated what happened in Syria this week — so that his friend in the White House could have a big night with missiles and all the praises he\'s picked up over the past 24 hours?” Maddow regularly starts her shows talking about connections between servers and Russian banks, yachts and airplanes in the general vicinity of each other, supposedly shadowy meetings US Senators have in their own office with the Russian Ambassador to the United States. They\'re trafficking conspiracy theories pretty heavily, don\'t know why you disagree. If they were reporting using actual evidence, the investigation would be over already and people would be tried & sentenced already.', '>>{d_mcc_x} : They are in recess for another two weeks. The earliest hearings would be on 04/24, and there is a looming government shutdown on 04/28', '>>{Kabuki_Writer} : As it should be. The Trump/Russia story is bogus. There is a real possibility that Russia and Iran could start shooting at our ships over there. This would rapidly escalate into a real devastating war if they succesfully sunk any of our ships.', '>>{Ulthanon} : Ok. Here\'s the fucking problem, MSNBC. Does the Syria strike need to be covered? *Of course it fucking does*. The problem with the coverage isn\'t that you\'re covering it at all- or even that it dominated headlines for a day or two! You think the FBI just *forgot* about this stuff along with all of the talking heads? Nah. The problem is everyone and their mother were *immediately all over Trump\'s dick* because he threw a hundred million worth of fireworks around. It was a complete replay of the Van Jones "In that moment, he became the President". It was fucking *shameful* to have anchors on TV saying that video of missiles launching was "beautiful". And this problem is amplified a hundredfold because this President is an infantile praise-seeker and will *do this shit again* in order to improve his media treatment, since y\'all gave him the one thing he can never get enough of: validation. So grats, guys. Glad we could count on you to exhibit some self-restraint.', '>>{bassististist} : > If they were reporting using actual evidence, the investigation would be over already and people would be tried & sentenced already. Investigations take a long time, but thanks for your minimal efforts to stifle this one.', ">>{nrfind} : Yes and the news coming out that Russia was aware of or complicit (there's that word again) in the chemical weapons attacks by Assad lends O'Donnell's theory credibility, doesn't it? Which part of that is implausible to you? Maddow isn't in charge of the investigations, she's reporting on all the connections between Trump and Russia. The fact that there are enough that she can open her show with a new connection each night should be a bit concerning, no?", '>>{nrfind} : >The Trump/Russia story is bogus. *leans into mic* Wrong.', ">>{JamisonP} : Of course Putin is complicit in the chemical attack. As Secretary of State Tillerson said - they are either complicit or incompetent. That's the official stance of the US Government right now. You're willfully ignoring (impressively so) a grand canyon sized leap of logic which doesn't just connect the deathstar sized dots of Putin & Assads coordination in the chemical attack - but also O'Donnell's conspiracy theory that Putin *orchestrated this to benefit Donald Trump*, alluding that Trump could have even been in on the scheme himself. That my friend, is a conspiracy theory.", ">>{flounder19} : News networks definitely struggle to present everything fairly while meeting customer demand. But when you look at things in the aggregate, they roundly [suck at running news on important stories that aren't particularly sexy](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2017/mar/27/pbs-is-the-only-network-reporting-on-climate-change-trump-wants-to-cut-it)", '>>{Scarlettail} : Right, this is a result of having a for-profit media that caters to what people want to hear.', ">>{nrfind} : Give me the alternatives, given the set of facts we know. What was Assad's reason for using the chemical weapons. What was he trying to accomplish? What did he stand to gain or lose, and was the risk/reward factor beneficial enough to justify the use of chemical reactions, inviting potential retaliation strikes as well as international rebuke? Give me the theory that is more credible than O'Donnell's and I'll bite.", ">>{JamisonP} : My theory? He heard the US publicly stating they were no longer prioritizing regime change in Syria the week before his attack, and took that to mean he could operate with impunity and we would not respond. He started with a small scale attack in a remote town to test how hamstrung Trump is by partisan bickering, and was planning on escalating his attacks if there was no forceful response by the Trump administration. Chemical Weapons are remarkably effective in both demoralizing your enemy, and also killing them while leaving the infrastructure in place for after the war. So, I believe it was a severe miscalculation by Assad (and/or Putin) - and I'm glad Trump responded as he did. It's hard to parse out morality in war, but the proliferation of chemical weapons benefits no one except for murderous dictators.", ">>{RonaldDumbsfield} : Yeah...ok. Trump doesn't want to piss off papa putin. Why do you think he called Russia before congress?", '>>{Soros_Bucks_or_Bust} : > It was a complete replay of the Van Jones "In that moment, he became the President". I hope that just like last time, some big Russia headline comes out to deflate the 24 hours of good publicity. That Van Jones line was followed 12 hours later by "Sessions lied"', ">>{nrfind} : I don't disagree with any of that. It certainly highlights the incompetency of this administration that they'd enable these actions one day and then retaliate against them the next. However, I don't think O'Donnell's theory is implausible either. Russia could benefit by regime change by pushing for Putin-booster Kassis to be Assad's replacement. Trump would look good for opposing Assad, seemingly standing up to Russia, but Russia doesn't really lose anything long term anyway but controlling who takes over after Assad. Win-win scenario.", ">>{JamisonP} : Yes, yes they do. I have no desire to stifle the investigation, I have every desire to see it thoroughly investigated. I have every desire to see each intelligence committee compile & present the findings to the public in a manner we can trust to be accurate & nonpartisan. This doesn't conflict with my opinion that MSNBC spends a disproportionate amount of their airtime peddling Russia-Trump conspiracy theories. Those aren't mutually exclusive opinions.", '>>{Thechosenf3w} : I love how Trump got some love for his war antics from the establishment, who oddly remain pro war despite who is office, and the rest of us are like wait just a God damn minute! He may be President, but this is still Donald J. Trump, the lunatic Russian puppet spy, we are talking about.', '>>{probablyuntrue} : Yup, 0 fucking articles about the Russia probe popped up my dashboard since the Syria strike. Unbelievable', ">>{afforkable} : You hit the nail on the head. It's like the media's still waiting desperately for the fucking pivot they kept talking about during the campaign", ">>{JohnTitor2020} : MAybe if you lot included hadn't jumped to get some of trumps dick in your mouth the moment he bombed a country", ">>{JamisonP} : I agree that Russia does not need Assad in power to protect their interests in the country - the Naval base in Tartarus & the Iran-Iraq-Syria oil pipeline. But what in the days since Trump ordered the missile strike against Assad's airbase have given you any indication that Putin is happy about the USA's response? They've condemned it, called an emergency UN security council meeting, removed Tillerson meeting Putin from his itinerary, sought to downplay the effectiveness of the strike in their state media. If Putin orchestrated the attacks to provide Trump favorable media coverage and distract from the Russia/Trump investigation, he certainly did so at his own expense on the world stage. Trump threw down a gauntlet, attacked one of Russia's allies at an airbase Russia jointly operates. Putin now is faced with either needing to stand up to the USA, or impotently whine about it - which is what they're now doing. Doesn't strike me as an outcome that Russia is particularly happy with.", '>>{RidleyScotch} : Honestly if there is no new public news there is nothing to report or talk about beside the same thing over and over. This goes for anything, if there is nothing new after a week or two it will fall out of the mainstream news discussion until new information comes to light that makes the conversation worth having again.', ">>{orrangearrow} : Most of the bombshells have come from leaks within the FBI or the white house itself. When there is another bombshell leak about somebody in the administration, I'm sure the media cycle will re-focus on it. I'm guessing the people leaking content of the investigation are letting the Syria narrative play out before putting the spotlight back on Russian interference. We're also finding out about the collaboration between Russia and Syria in the attacks and the attack response on the hospital. Syria and possible Russian interference in our administration are not mutually exclusive stories. This is all connected.", ">>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Well, about 5 minutes before the attack, Nunes recused himself from the HIC and Gowdy is supposedly taking his place. Is that repetition of the same old same old? Or is it, look at them bombs! Hold the phone and stop the presses. Cuz no one wants to hear about anything but this bombing. The media is supposedly there to protect us and not the enemy of the people. Remember that whole deal? Well, in some ways, they are not unlike politicians and need to be reminded that they have serious job to do and don't just get to report on what gets them numbers. Moreover, have you ever watched one of these 24-hour news outlets? They run about 87 minutes of news for one 24-hour period ad nauseum. It's utter BS that they don't have the time to cover this in their vapid programming schedules. Don't let them treat us like goldfish.", '>>{RidleyScotch} : > Well, about 5 minutes before the attack, Nunes recused himself from the HIC and Gowdy is supposedly taking his place. Well that was an easily debunked lie: APRIL 6TH (MORNING) - CNN Report tweets statement that Nunes if off and Gowdy is in Source: https://twitter.com/jimsciutto/status/849981518269296641/photo/1 APRIL 7 (EVENING) - Morning Joe Producer tweets NBC News: US military has launched more than 50 missile strikes on al-Shayrat military airfield near Homs, Syria https://twitter.com/JesseRodriguez/status/850154418486038528', '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Oh yeah, debunk me! Or, let me make it a little bit simpler for you who may not have fully grasped what I mean when I said 5 minutes: So, in the 5 days since Nunes "if off" [sic], how much coverage of Nunes/Gowdy has there been? Didn\'t Nunes say he wouldn\'t step down? So why is he stepping down? And what does Gowdy have to say about all of this? Is he leaking or chasing leakers this week? But no no no, I wanna hear about missiles!', ">>{RidleyScotch} : If your entire argument hinges on not giving any time to Nunes stepping down and the fact is that there was an entire day between news stories, you're argument is weak. You lied about the time table, something easily verifiable for you. Nunes stepping down from the Russia investigation was given all the news it needed. Did he step down? Yes. Why? Because of xyz Who is replacing him? These guys There is no more information, story over. Lets wait for the investigation to continue. There are far more important things in the world going on than the guy stepping down. It's not as big a deal overrall as some redditors like to make it seem. It seems like a big deal or like the biggest news story in the world because this is an echo chamber. It was a big story, it was given the time it deserved and everybody was caught up and moved onto the next important world event. Everything you question was discussed when the event was in the news cycle. If you missed it, you missed, you can seek out those opinions if you wish but that is on you. Do not blame anybody but yourself for not getting yourself up to speed. It's 2017, the information is right there. I work at a major media outlet and i cannot stand lazy people who cant be bothered to seek out information they miss and blame everybody else for it. Nunes stepping down was given the time of day it was deserved for the impact it had overall to the grand scheme of things. Neither side is perfect, media or the consumers. But as reddit finds out time and time again, not everything that is treated as biggest story on earth here is the biggest story out in reality.", '>>{RidleyScotch} : What would you like Russia probe articles about then? More opinion pieces or something or reporting of facts that take time to uncover? How will you react when Congress goes on recess and the hearings dont happen for a few weeks? Will you complain then about no articles then as well?', ">>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Sorry Sean, but if you really thought I literally meant that Nunes stepped down 5 minutes before the attacks, and it is exceedingly obvious you do, then it's hopeless to talk to you. You work at a major media outlet? That's even scarier. And, really, ask me if I care whether you think the story has already been sufficiently covered. I'm sorry if that doesn't fit your conservative sensibilities, and your series of tirades about this suggests it doesn't. So please try to keep the spittle in and not flying everywhere.", ">>{RidleyScotch} : You need realize or at least acknowledge that more people in the USA will care more about the United States launching weapons into another nation than Devin Nunes stepping down from the committee. For example i i dont understand why you are incapable of giving an inch or even bothering to see the other side. Do you believe that youre opinions are the only correct ones on this matter or something? Since you refuse to come halfway and i'll have to waste time either trying to drag it out of you or do the work for you. So instead of doing any work, engaging in any worthwhile discussion you are more intent on hurling insults like a child. If you can't be bothered to try to understand why something is the way it is and would rather resort to insult and shooting down first hand experience from people who are trying to explain it you, than you are not worth anybody's time in this discussion, argument or any future ones. When you are ready to drop the hyperbole and the bullshit i'll be here.", ">>{row_guy} : Well Kushner lied in his TS clearence forms that's a huge deal. A US comressman conspired with the Whitehouse\u200b to stop a house investigation into the Whitehouse. A Russian hacker was arrested in Spain today. There's lots to cover.", '>>{RidleyScotch} : >Well Kushner lied in his TS clearence forms that\'s a huge deal That was before the strike, those articles were sent out. My RSS feed got them. I saw it Reddit and facebook shared there, it was covered on at least CNN and MSNBC and i\'m positive of. > A US comressman conspired with the Whitehouse\u200b to stop a house investigation into the Whitehouse Literally like 2 weeks of news coverage, covered the day he stepped down too, again before the strike. I know everybody covered that, shared online everywhere. >A Russian hacker was arrested in Spain today. Yes and now what? From just the page on reddit it confuses and makes no sense to me and i\'m very technologically literate i would say. But you sayd 0 articles popped up about the Russia prob, but is the hacker in Spain deal about the Russia probe or not about the Russia probe? Did that not pop up on your "dashboard?" Are your complaints more that the tv news networks haven\'t given ample time to that story today rather than it being on your "dashboard" even though i presume you saw it somewhere, on reddit or wherever else. IMO with the Russian hacker in Spain, it seems to be the connections may run deep to other people and to the layman person would be rather complex for those who don\'t "get tech" aka older and or just technologically illiterate folks. So i think in that regard media people need to simplify the story some way. To be like "Okay a Russian hacker was arrested in Spain. Why does Bobby in middle america need to know about this, why should he care about this, etc etc." In that regard, it\'s not as simple for "mainstream" outlets i feel.', '>>{GOP_HYPOCRISY} : His lackeys? HE DID! He should never be allowed to resign in disgrace. Nothing will do but charges.', ">>{arizonajill} : Here's a good headline. MSNBC ignores Bernie Sanders for a year and a half as he fills stadiums 3 and 4 times a day.", '>>{echo-chamber-chaos} : Brian Williams sounded like Jodie Foster at the end of Contact trying to describe the "beauty" of a missile launch. What the fuck is happening?', ">>{darwinn_69} : Don't worry, tis only a brief distraction. Russia will be back....with love.", '>>{Doright36} : So basically they are saying the attack was a success in that it achieved exactly what they wanted it to.', '>>{Ph4ndaal} : Brian Williams is exactly like Ron Burgandy, without the excuse of being in the 70s.', ">>{yeabutstill} : It's not odd when you trace their ownership. Same people who make money off missiles make money telling you how beautiful they are. It was only a matter of time before the corporate stooges of the MSM had to return to their real corporate propaganda jobs.", '>>{Thechosenf3w} : Are they really that directly related? That\'s fascinating. I mean, I was rather sarcastically mentioning the "oddity" that MSM would be so pro war but I haven\'t followed the money.', '>>{exelion18120} : > The Trump/Russia story is bogus. So the Fbi has been investigating this since July for what? Shits and giggles?', '>>{nuorigin} : Everything Trump does needs to be related to the Russia probe. Lob a bunch of Tomahawks at Syria, report on how Trump and Putin planned it to distract from the Russia probe. Guy gets kicked off of a plane, United did it to distract from the Russia probe.', '>>{clamatowas} : This just in, the media ignores a story that still after months has produced no real evidence to talk about a real story with real consequences..... How dare they, lets tear down their buildings.', '>>{theguyfromgermany} : I have posted 3x times on politics to show that neither the house or Senate have planed Intel committee hearing. it was deleted by the mods because the official calender of those sources is not an article', '>>{TaylorSpokeApe} : An infinitely long time, but we can hold our breath as long as it takes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!', '>>{TaylorSpokeApe} : Give it time, these things take time. It could be well into his second term before this wraps up, but we need to be patient and not be distracted by other things. In the mean time there are protests, and the chanting of slogans to attend to.', '>>{Kabuki_Writer} : The FBI has been investigating the Russia aspect of the story. Half truth there. Already concluded there is no connection to Trump.', '>>{theguyfromgermany} : The house intelligence committee has failed to schedule any new hearings for April so far. The public calendar can be viewed here: http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByMonth.aspx?M=4&Y=2017 Make sure to tweet Rep. Adam Schiff, the democratic Co-Chair of the Committee to ask when the next meeting will be scheduled and if Sally Yates and Cater Page will testify@ https://twitter.com/repadamschiff', '>>{theguyfromgermany} : The house intelligence committee has failed to schedule any new hearings for April so far. The public calendar can be viewed here: http://docs.house.gov/Committee/Calendar/ByMonth.aspx?M=4&Y=2017 Make sure to tweet Rep. Adam Schiff, the democratic Co-Chair of the Committee to ask when the next meeting will be scheduled and if Sally Yates and Cater Page will testify@ https://twitter.com/repadamschiff', '>>{Ulthanon} : That may have more to do with Nunes than with Schiff.', ">>{factsRcool} : That's how you let the tyrant win. These mass media companies all want to be Trump's Pravda", ">>{theguyfromgermany} : I agree, but Schiff is actualy on the good side, he WANTS to get the Investigation under way. Let's show him some positive support!"]]
classify and reply
['>>{jjhats} : I bought an iPhone second hand with broken battery. Will Apple replace it?', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : The government doesn't want those banned because they want to track people through them. Also alt right is not conservative. Paul Ryan is conservative, Trump is alt right - big government, low taxes", '>>{Odawn} : Trump. Reality? No. Fake memories? Yes. Obsessions? Yes. Delusions? Yes. Enemies everywhere? Yes. "Everybody\'s out to get me! I\'ll show them!" Here\'s an example of Trump\'s persistent and serious mental and memory problems. During the past 15 years, Trump repeatedly has claimed that on Sep 11, 2001, he saw on television "thousands and thousands of people" cheering in [Jersey City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_City), New Jersey as a World Trade Center building collapsed. Jersey City has a large Muslim community. Jersey City is about one-half mile distant from New York City. The Hudson River separates Jersey City from New York City. People in Jersey City can look east and clearly see New York City on the other side of the river. [YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjzcWcas2Ss), includes clip with Trump yelling at his audience during one of his presidential campaign rallies. He yells that on Sep 11, 2001, he saw "thousands and thousands" of people on television in Jersey City, cheering as they watched a World Trade Center building collapse. Nov. 22, 2015, [The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/11/22/donald-trumps-outrageous-claim-that-thousands-of-new-jersey-muslims-celebrated-the-911-attacks/?utm_term=.70f5357eca7c). During an ABC News television interview with GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, Trump says: *"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."* On Dec. 4, 2015, [ABC News reported](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/11/22/donald-trumps-outrageous-claim-that-thousands-of-new-jersey-muslims-celebrated-the-911-attacks/?utm_term=.70f5357eca7c) an extensive [search of its video archives found no evidence](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/abc-news-footage-shows-911-celebrations/story?id=35534125) for Trump’s claim. "An extensive search of ABC News transcript and video archives shows that no footage of celebrations in New Jersey aired on ABC News on Sept. 11 or on the following day’s special report coverage of the attacks," ABC News said. "Instead, there are repeated mentions on ABC News of celebrations on Sept. 11 among a group of Palestinians in the Middle East in the city of [East Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Jerusalem), 5,700 miles away from New Jersey." On November 17, 2001, MTV NEWS produced a documentary film, "Fight for Your Rights: Aftermath of Terror." The original film is not available in digital format. IMBD says the film "follows the lives of some young adults in Paterson, NJ in the months following the attacks of 9/11. Paterson NJ is a multicultural community, home to a large Muslim community, and also to friends and family of 9/11 victims." New York City is clearly visible from Paterson, which is on the west bank of the Hudson River, about one-half mile from NYC. On Nov. 25, 2015, MTV NEWS posted on [YouTube a compilation of video clips made from its November 17, 2001 MTV NEWS documentary film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjzcWcas2Ss), "Fight for Your Rights: Aftermath of Terror." The title of the video compilation is "Trump Is Wrong About People \'Cheering\' 9/11 in New Jersey". The video compilation includes MTV NEWS reporters and video cameras investigating in neighborhoods and interviewing residents in the streets of Paterson, N.J. on Nov. 17, 2001, thirty-six days after the 9/11 attacks. The MTV NEWS reporters interviewed numerous people who live in Paterson. The video clips include a statement by the Mayor of Paterson. The Mayor states that no masses of people in Paterson were cheering as the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. The clips include an interview with a neighborhood woman, who states on Sep. 11, 2001, she saw about 13-14 children, ages 12-13, holding sticks and banging on fences and garbage cans, which is typical behavior of some street gangs in Paterson on a summer night. The MTV NEWS reporters found no evidence or testimony from residents of mass crowds of Muslims celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11. Imo, in Trump\'s mind, no difference exists between reality, fake memories, and delusions, which makes him an extreme danger to the United States, American democracy, and world peace. Note: on September 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center in New York City, [two 110-story skyscrapers and one 47-story skyscraper collapsed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks): 1. [World Trade Center Tower 1, The North Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tenants_in_One_World_Trade_Center), 110-story skyscraper. 2. [World Trade Center Tower 2, The South Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_World_Trade_Center#Original_building), 110-story skyscraper. 3. [World Trade Center Building 7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_World_Trade_Center), 47-story skyscraper. No aircraft hit Building 7. The video clearly shows a series of controlled demolitions caused Building 7 to collapse in free fall, in just a few seconds, straight down into its own footprint. [Video of controlled demolition and free-fall collapse of Building 7 on Sep. 11, 2001.](http://www.ae911truth.org/38-home-posts/78-education.html)', ">>{portnux} : What's it's history? My guess is you either have a stolen iPhone, or it's just been virtually stolen.", '>>{wilsonmarie12} : It really looks like Trump purged 46 US Attorneys because Fox News told him to', '>>{sandyvag69} : Nope just set up a Genius Bar appointment. This is where apple really shines.', '>>{MBAMBA0} : My feeling is that the WH probably sits down with Rupert Murdoch every day to determine what their top stories are going to be - so I doubt its as simple as the headline makes it.', ">>{jjhats} : They won't ask any questions? They would literally need to not ask me my name or phone number for me not to get busted. I'm worried they will make me unlock it once they replace battery.", '>>{therightmustrise} : Last time I checked Richard Spencer never made treads or threaten to kill anyone. If anything is considered a "moderate" on the Alt-Right.', ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : It's been my iPhone for two years. Bought it at the apple store, so it's not stolen. I can't access account recovery. What do you mean by virtually stolen?", ">>{FrontDoorParkour} : We always knew he was made of shit filled burlap bags held together with bailing wire, it's just now that he is coming undone. 😂", '>>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : And why would it be virtually stolen? I have no information that would be stolen.', ">>{CrystalBlueOccasion} : Yeah Genius Bar is the way to go. And I'm pretty sure battery isn't covered under hardware warranty unless it's some sort of abnormal defect. Batteries have a life cycle, if it's simply used up, they won't change it for free. When you plug the phone in it doesn't turn on either?", ">>{CrystalBlueOccasion} : Can't you just erase the phone and remove her iCloud ?", ">>{portnux} : I mean perhaps it's been stolen by another account and then locked. Have you kept it up to date with iOS updates? I don't recall details but I remember seeing posts regarding accounts being hijacled and devices under those accounts being remotely locked.", ">>{stufen1} : > When Americans most need be able to spot a lie, Trump is creating an environment were people don't know who to believe. The cult Trump supporters will go along with anything that Trump and the extreme right wing media spew, which is why the hypocrisy is so rampant with them. Their ideas are not based on morality, but just following along with extreme right wing ideology of the day.", ">>{tklane} : Alt-right =/= conservative. They aren't even on the same scale as the Tea Party. The alt-right are more closely aligned with neo-nazis.", ">>{CrystalBlueOccasion} : Hmmm, I would assume being plugged into external power even with a bad battery, it should still power on. Maybe there's more to the issue than she let you believe?", ">>{joephusweberr} : I don't think Trump ever learned the lesson that he might not know all the details.", ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : it's still associated with my email account and phone number. all my other accounts are connected to the phone and none are having issues", ">>{mindscrambler26} : LOL CNN...meanwhile...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQei9cy8RF8 NOTE: Not saying Trump doesn't lie, of course he does...I'm laughing at the source though", '>>{TinyBaron} : Every totalitarian regime and Cult is engaged in a War with the truth. Truth can only exist with a free press. Which is why the Dear Leader is constantly fighting it.', '>>{Tackbracka} : I really hate the safe space Twitter is becomming. But this is just to funny.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : I remember the aftermath of 9/11 and I do remember news reports of people cheering in the Palistinian territories. Perhaps Trump is mixing such a news story into his memories. The New York metropolitan area was in a state of collective shock that day, but also collective aid. I honestly cannot imagine there would have been no retribution for these people who Trump says were cheering. The days after 9/11 were not a good time to be muslim, or even brown-skinned.', ">>{Rkziki} : What exactly is the problem? If it's your iCloud why can't you just sign in with your password?", ">>{jcargile242} : Time for someone to hack Hannity's Twitter account and have him declare that advocating for single-payer healthcare would be the single greatest thing DT could do to Make America Great Again.", '>>{Cylinsier} : They should start their own microblogging platform. They can call it Twatter.', ">>{sandyvag69} : Well if you get a repair done you'll have to give them your name. I have bought many 30+ 2nd hand apple products and they have been incredibly helpful every time. Why can't they ask you anything? I thought this was legit?", ">>{jjhats} : This is 100% legit I bought the phone and she seemed genuine and gave me all the pass codes and didn't seem like she was lying but until I boot it up I don't know anything. I just know Apple can be difficult and may say warranty covers first owner not the device which is stupid but I'm just paranoid. So you think I should just say I bought this used its not registers under my name yet and it doesn't turn on?", ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : I forgot my password (or the one I remember last isn't the password it ended up being) and my only trusted device is my phone.", ">>{Rkziki} : Have you tried resetting the password on iCloud.com? It's possible your account has been compromised.", '>>{distinctvagueness} : Way to sneak the conspiracy shit in there at the end, bud.', ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : it's not letting me do that. i have to wait for account recovery but who knows what can happen in the meantime.", ">>{wowcunning} : I donno, stuff like this annoy's me; just like when they stop these alt-right guys from speaking on different campuses etc. I like my bigot's, racists, misogynists and assholes right out in the open, loud and proud. I don't tend to melt away when I hear things that I don't like or agree with. What's worrying is that if you shut enough of these people up, then you'll end up shutting up people who agree with them on every point. A Neo-Nazi with a swastika tattooed on his forehead is much less worrying to me than one who dresses in a 3 piece suit, speaks articulately and hides his views until he attains a position within the legislative branch of government.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Tracking potential terrorism through twitter is not facism. Good try though. Keep studying the definition you might get it next time.', '>>{MakeMine5} : Trump has been fed that excuse multiple times and rejected it every time.', '>>{Odawn} : When Trump is speaking in public, nearly 100% of the time he is reading aloud the text that appears in his indispensable teleprompter. The words he is reading are the words of Steven Bannon, Stephen Miller, and/or Jared Kushner. Bannon\'s official [White House title](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Office_of_the_President#Organization) is "Senior Counselor to the President/Chief Strategist". [Miller\'s title](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Office_of_the_President#Organization) is "Senior Advisor to the President (Policy)". [Kushner\'s title](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Office_of_the_President#Organization) is "Senior Advisor to the President (Strategic Planning)". Bannon, Miller, and Kushner carefully craft and tailor the exact words and language that appear in Trump\'s teleprompter. The primary target audience is not the widespread audience. The primary audience, but not the only audience, is the core of Trump supporters, which one pundit estimated to be about 20% of the [62.99 million](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/133Eb4qQmOxNvtesw2hdVns073R68EZx4SfCnP4IGQf8/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true) people who voted for Trump. *"Darkness is good,"* [says Bannon](http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/steve-bannon-trump-tower-interview-trumps-strategist-plots-new-political-movement-948747). *"Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That\'s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they\'re blind to who we are and what we\'re doing."* Trump\'s core supporters eagerly anticipate everything the [demagogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demagogue) says to them. Trump is a popular leader of this mob. He is a rabble-rouser in a democracy. He holds up his popularity by exploiting prejudice and ignorance among the common people, whipping up the passions of his core and shutting down reasoned deliberation in them. Historically, demagogues usually have advocated immediate, violent action to address a national crisis while accusing moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness or disloyalty. Demagogues overturn established customs of political conduct or promise or threaten to do so. Most who were elected to high office changed their democracy into some form of managed democracy. However, Aristotle said, *"Revolutions in democracies are generally caused by the intemperance of demagogues...Of old, the demagogue was also a general, and then democracies changed into tyrannies. Most of the ancient tyrants were originally demagogues. Demagogues have appeared in democracies since ancient Athens. They exploit a fundamental weakness in democracy: because ultimate power is held by the people, nothing stops the people from giving that power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of a large segment of the population."* (*Politics*, by Aristotle, [Book Five, Section V](https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/a/aristotle/a8po/book5.html)). Trump\'s core supporters gulp down everything he says - lies, delusions, fake news, impossible promises that he will never keep, "I know more than generals,", "I know many words because I went to Wharton, and only smart people go there." If he told his core, "I have secret wings, and I fly around the top of my 58-story Trump Tower penthouse on moonless nights," I think some of his core might believe him. In his [highly-cited research](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-2016-authoritarian-213533), political scientist Matthew MacWilliams, Ph.D., found 2 variables that predict whether someone will become a Trump supporter, including a single statistically significant variable—and it’s not race, income or education levels: It’s authoritarianism, followed by fear of terrorism, though the former was far more significant than the latter. MacWilliams conducted a [poll](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/02/01/how-your-parenting-style-predicts-whether-you-support-donald-trump/), which asked a set of four simple survey questions that political scientists have employed since 1992 to measure inclination toward authoritarianism. These questions pertain to child-rearing: whether it is more important for the voter to have a child who is respectful or independent; obedient or self-reliant; well-behaved or considerate; and well-mannered or curious. Respondents who pick the first option in each of these questions are strongly authoritarian. [Matthew MacWilliams](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-2016-authoritarian-213533): *"Only two of the variables I looked at were statistically significant: authoritarianism, followed by fear of terrorism, though the former was far more significant than the latter...Authoritarians obey...rally to and follow strong leaders...respond aggressively to outsiders, especially when they feel threatened. From pledging to \'make America great again\' by building a wall on the border to promising to close mosques and ban Muslims from visiting the United States, Trump is playing directly to authoritarian inclinations."* The intellectual writer and Christian preacher [Paul Prather](http://www.kentucky.com/living/religion/paul-prather/article57553638.html) says he solved the riddle why so many Christians support Trump: *"To these Law folks, he stands for authority. He’s large and in charge and vindictive and brazenly unapologetic. He’s as good an approximation of their God as they’re likely to find in such a gone-to-blazes world...[Taub](http://www.vox.com/2016/5/20/11720276/donald-trump-authoritarianism) describes authoritarianism as \'a desire for order and a fear of outsiders. People who score high in authoritarianism, when they feel threatened, look for strong leaders who promise to take whatever action necessary to protect them from outsiders and prevent the changes they fear.\' More than other voters, authoritarians want the government to eliminate perceived dangers, by force if needed...65 percent of those scoring highest on the authoritarian scale are Republicans. Of those who score lowest, 75 percent are Democrats. We have two parties so different they can barely comprehend each other...Authoritarians are driven, rather, by fear: fear of specific sources of physical harm, such as terrorism, and fear of social chaos. Statistically, authoritarians are far more frightened of being killed by terrorists than of dying in a car wreck — although the latter is more likely to happen."* [Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5ta82l/us_investigators_corroborate_some_aspects_of_the/ddm2s4h/)', ">>{sandyvag69} : Then you have no worries they go by the sn. I have taken many just purchased through clist and offer up. They likely won't question you at all. I have had nothing but helpful people at the Genius Bar. Just set up an appointment. You can tell them you bought the phone on clist it happens all the time.", '>>{Odawn} : No. Have your ever heard of 9/11? Do you know what are New York City and The Pentagon? 9/11 is a date when 3 skyscrapers in New York City collapsed straight down into their own footprints, and The Pentagon building in Arlington County, Virginia received major damage. You do not know what you are talking about - your are ignorant of the facts. Look before you leap. History accepts proven conspiracies, such as the conspiracy by Russia to intervene in the U.S. Presidential Election, the conspiracy by Japanese Imperial forces to attack Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and the proven conspiracy that had the result two 110-story buildings and one 47-story building collapsed in New York City on the same day, September 11, 2001. Get it? 3 buildings collapsed on Sep. 11, 2011, boy.', ">>{Rkziki} : Maybe you should try contacting Apple support again. If you have access to the email that is associated with your Apple ID you should be able to recover the account. If you don't have access to that email you're probably SOL.", '>>{jjhats} : If the lady lied to me and she found it or stole it and I took it to Apple would they confiscate it?', ">>{6p6ss6} : Somebody please run Hannity's promise to get waterboarded for charity on a TV show that Trump watches. Then perhaps the SCROTUS will order Hannity to be waterboarded. Morning Joe, I am looking at you.", ">>{janethefish} : Really cnn? Trump is waging war on reality and helping putin because he likes putin. The guy gave trump the presidency! Trump doesn't want to get on putin's bad side either. That cost hillary the election. Trump and putin are teammates. What's not to get?", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Only Twitter can overhaul Twitter. Also I think you ignored my first sentence. Again, the alt right is not conservative. They're very different actually. Conservatism is small government, low taxes, pro market. Alt right is low taxes, big government, with an authoritarian strain which is absolutely true but I'm sure you will disagree with.", ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : i have access to it but idk for how long now. i keep calling but they keep saying nothing can happen until i pass account recovery and i'm freaking out.", '>>{distinctvagueness} : >"controlled demolitions" [links to conspiracy shit website]', '>>{mt_weather} : lol, ok. say that when it is you. *first they came for the unionists...*', '>>{BillTowne} : Did Trump fire them because he saw it on Hannity, or did he fire them to forestall an investigation? I believe we need to turn to Zoidberg for wisdom: "Why not both." I am going with Hannity suggested because of the threat of an investigation and Trump agreed with the suggestion because of the threat of an investigation.', '>>{stufen1} : Great read - the study authoritarians is helpful to understand the die hard Trump supporters better. Someone should gild your comment!', '>>{TinyBaron} : He got elected by repeating Fox News talking points to other Fox News viewers.', '>>{Odawn} : No. You are showing your ingorance. http://www.ae911truth.org/38-home-posts/78-education.html is a web site of videos and facts, boy.', '>>{Odawn} : After I studied this school of thought, I finally understood what drives Trump\'s core supporters and what motivates them. Imo, most of them would have loved living in Germany in 1933-1945, cheering Hitler, the Holocaust, and the murder of 11 million "outsiders" in Nazi concentration camps, and imo, Trump\'s core supporters would have loved living in the years when they could be part of the crowd when scores or hundreds of White people brought food and drink to merry outdoor parties where they would lynch a Black man for winking at a White woman or would lynch a Black woman because she sassed a White woman.', '>>{Odawn} : The days after January 20, 2017, are not a good time to be muslim, or even brown-skinned.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Very true. You could even add Jewish to the list, given the rising number of threats against Jewish organisations.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Surely they wouldn't keep running topics right before trump makes an announcement on them to make him look stupid like that?", ">>{Odawn} : Yes, Trump's existence encourages anti-Semitism, neo-Nazis, White Nationalists, the KKK, and other hate groups. American democracy is working to get rid of the Trump regime as rapidly as possible. I think most of the 2.1 civil service employees in the U.S. federal government oppose Trump. They work in the White House, Congress, Supreme Court, the 17 agencies in the U.S. Intelligence Community, Department of Justice, State Department, Treasury Department, Commerce Department, Defense Department and the Pentagon, Department of Veterans Affairs, and every other federal department and agency. Every day, they are leaking truth and classified information bad for the Trump regime. They leak the truth to The New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and other media - the truth and free press that Trump hates and fears. The magnificent American free press, the truth, American democracy, and We The People will dismantle and eject the Trump regime. Trump and his regime made a big mistake when they attacked American democracy. *I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him* *with a terrible resolve.* \\- Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, after Japanese Imperial forces attacked American democracy at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, *Tora! Tora! Tora!*", ">>{tklane} : Even Trump isn't alt-right, he's just an ego-maniacal populist. Steve Bannon is a prime example of the alt-right.", ">>{HillbillyInHouston} : The Base doesn't see it as looking stupid, it sees Fox identifying a problem, and Trump responding. He's looking presidential in their eyes.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : You should throw in a 1984 reference there too for maximum scare factor! Also I might take you seriously when your candidate isn't considering a Muslim registery lmao", '>>{MeatwadMakeTheMoney} : No, they aren\'t. You guys know literally nothing about Trump and his supporters, it\'s hilarious. "Know thy enemy" and all that. If you guys really understood Trumps support and what it\'s actually all about, maybe Hillary would have been better prepared to beat him. But "racist" is easy to explain, so that must be it. Whats funny is that the people who talk about race the most, by far, are on the left.', '>>{iamitman007} : Here is some news for you, Twitter is not State Run Media.', '>>{tklane} : What are you talking about? The casual Trump supporter is not alt-right. The vast majority of those claiming to be alt-right are not. They themselves are attaching to a label that they have decided is in vogue without understanding the implications. Small government? Conservative. Anti-tax/Anti-Fed? Tea Party. Nationalistic authoritarian with a penchant for ideals surrounding genetic supremacy and cultural cleansing? Alt-right.', '>>{tklane} : They already have their own forums. They call it Stormfront.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Surely people don't respect a president who sits around all day and watches Fox News like great grandma does? Oh god they do.", '>>{Duke_Swillbottom} : I think he turned on morning joe. Its all fox and friends now.', '>>{RockyFlintstone} : One of the quotes in there calls it "corporate Stalinism".', ">>{RockyFlintstone} : You can say it, but they'll never understand it.", ">>{6p6ss6} : He's an addict. He will stay away for a few days, and he will go right back.", ">>{ivsciguy} : They don't leave up terrorist accounts. They take them down all the time. There is a big difference, though. The terrorist ones are annonymous, so they just make more accounts. The alt-right figurehead are doing it for fame and money, so they don't want to come back if no one can know who they are.", ">>{JLTuttoilmondo} : Look at Twitter, hindering people's humanistic rights to express themselves freely. Isn't ISIS and supporters for ISIS actively on Twitter? Why aren't their accounts being banned?", '>>{Lionel-Richie} : It\'s bizarre because this narcissist man could have his name go down in history as the guy who elevated US Healthcare to great levels, but his boomer McCarthyism fear of "social" plans and his unstoppable yearning to have other wealthy people like him prevents him from trying it.', '>>{innervision} : Nope, they can still bitch and moan in Breitbart all they want.', ">>{uncle_bad_touches} : Maybe Fox is Putin's backchannel for sending instructions to the Trump admin?", '>>{NeoMegaRyuMKII} : Small nitpick: Zoidberg\'s quote was "why not Zoidberg." "Why not both?" Is a shorter version of "why don\'t we have both?" From a Taco shell advertisement focusing on sift shell or hard shell.', '>>{Catalyst8487} : You are looking for the phrase "Porque no los dos?"', '>>{DoiX} : To be even more nit picky: Zoidberg never said "Why not Zoidberg?" but only "Why not?". The rest is just internet meme magic.', '>>{ambivalentbystander} : If he tried to do that Republicans would magically grow a spine and impeach him for Russia, profiting from the presidency, etc', ">>{strangeelement} : They reminded him that he can do that. Let's not be mistaken here: Fox News or whatever news the president is presented to him by a neo-nazi, he is going to react. He knows nothing of how government works. He can selectively be given a summary of one of his powers as chief executive officer in order to have him use it pretty much immediately in the exact way in which it was sold to him. Fox News, along with a few other news disinformation outlets, have the power to make the president do anything they want, just by talking about it when he is watching. But her emails.", '>>{sock_lover} : Doesnt every president do this? Both Obama and Clinton did. Dont remember this outrage in those cases.', ">>{atomcrafter} : They are political appointees, but I don't expect that Trump has vetted attorneys lined up to fill those positions. This was abrupt, and it continues the narrative that Trump just parrots whatever he sees on television.", ">>{lagerbaer} : And I know exactly the angle for that: > Even Obama wouldn't have had the balls to implement single-payer care! And to be fair, it *would* piss off the Democrats if it was Republicans who'd implement single payer care. So hey, Donnie, stick it to Obama and Hillary and DO IT!", '>>{MASKMOVQ} : Yeah but when Obama does it, its "replace" and when Trump does it\'s "The Purge 2017"', ">>{sw66sw} : The devil, as is often the case, is in the details once again: asking for resignations for appointees is, indeed, normal. Not having a plan for whom to put in their place - that's *un*usual, and is becoming emblematic for this adminstration, it seems.", '>>{corkboy} : The article says that. The difference is that it happened just after Fox suggested it. The article says that, too.', '>>{sock_lover} : Ah.. isnt that most likely a coincidence? It couldnt POSSIBLY be linked to Sessions just getting confirmed I guess. When did conspiracy theories become mainstream news? :p brb getting my tinfoil LMFAO', ">>{MASKMOVQ} : It's really not unusual for a newly elected president to fire an US Attorney and to have an acting US Attorney for a couple of months instead of immediately appointing a replacement.", '>>{sw66sw} : And again, my counter would be about the details. I would agree that not having every single position lined up is to be expected. There are quite a few U.S. Attorneys. But to have apparently none (you will agree, I hope) is unusual. And similar things, as I mentioned, appear to apply elsewhere: ambassadors, 2nd and 3rd level admin officials etc. Not having all of them is one thing, but having none of them is quite another. And it does seem that thus far, the latter seems to be the new normal.', ">>{realjefftaylor} : Sessions got confirmed a month ago. And you typically don't fire them without having someone ready to replace them. The trump team hasn't put forth any names yet for these roles, who knows if they've even identified prospects, let alone vetted any. Further, trump originally asked preet bharara *in person* to stay on. The timing of the sudden reversal (taking place after the Hannity comment *AND* amid rumors that bharara has been / is planning to investigate trump corruption makes the move very suspicious.", '>>{joe020} : When reached for comment, Fox news said, "OMG I can\'t believe he actually fucking did it! This is going to be fun..."', ">>{nycpb1} : Apparently Hannity heard about the firings before hand and then wanted people to think he influenced the decision so he suggested it; when in reality it wasn't his doing. Not sure that's better.", ">>{mindlessrabble} : One of the attorneys was about to prosecute Fox News. So, that's even more disgusting.", ">>{Damasticator} : Isn't it normal for new AGs to call for a clean slate every time there's a new administration?", '>>{Soulgee} : I can hear the scene in my head and I am sure he said Why not Zoidberg.', ">>{Soulgee} : When you have replacements already lined up to immediately fill the vacancies, it's replacing. When you just create a void immediately after fox news suggests it, thats a little weird. He could have waited a week and it would have been much less suspicious.", '>>{DoiX} : Human memory is a funny thing. No one can deny "Why not Zoidberg ?" is a golden line, unfortunately the writers did not think of it. Source [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/futurama/comments/26djut/since_it_comes_up_frequently_heres_a_list_of/), [2](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/futurama-zoidberg-why-not-zoidberg)', '>>{manimhungry} : Either that or someone tipped hannity off as he wanted to seem like he was giving advice when he was just parroting back known facts', ">>{TheCoronersGambit} : This is hardly the first time that Fox has appeared to directly influence Trump's actions.", ">>{asherrd} : Holy fucking shit I've watch OG Futurama literally 100+ times (often in the background of course) and didn't even realize. The crazy thing is I've noticed other very popular meme sayings were incorrect for shows that I've only seen once.", ">>{MrIosity} : Democrats would actually probably unite behind it. Why wouldn't they? Many Republican congressman wouldn't vote for it, for certain. And the only proponent of single payer over the years has been the left and its progressive wing of the Democratic Party. The messaging is already out their for them to come in and simply take credit for it, and steal the Republicans thunder.", '>>{DrPepsiJamBlast} : This "purge" word has been used specifically by Hannity, Steve King, conservative radio talking heads, etc. It\'s their word choice on their "deep state" talking point.', '>>{ishkabum} : Impeach him for Russia? Specifically what, might I ask? The investigations into Russian collusion have yielded nothing.', '>>{cremater68} : An orderly transition of attorneys is standard practice, nothing like this is standard at all including firing an attorney that just weeks earlier was asked to stay on by both #45 and sessions.', ">>{aykontakt} : US attorneys are political appointees so the president or whoever acting on his or the ruling party's behalf can replace them. It is also true that when the Democratic president does it, the Republicans flip their shit. According to the Internet the replacement of 46 US Attorneys is rare so let's go ahead and flip our asses off."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{wilsonmarie12} : It really looks like Trump purged 46 US Attorneys because Fox News told him to', '>>{MBAMBA0} : My feeling is that the WH probably sits down with Rupert Murdoch every day to determine what their top stories are going to be - so I doubt its as simple as the headline makes it.', ">>{joephusweberr} : I don't think Trump ever learned the lesson that he might not know all the details.", ">>{jcargile242} : Time for someone to hack Hannity's Twitter account and have him declare that advocating for single-payer healthcare would be the single greatest thing DT could do to Make America Great Again.", ">>{6p6ss6} : Somebody please run Hannity's promise to get waterboarded for charity on a TV show that Trump watches. Then perhaps the SCROTUS will order Hannity to be waterboarded. Morning Joe, I am looking at you.", '>>{BillTowne} : Did Trump fire them because he saw it on Hannity, or did he fire them to forestall an investigation? I believe we need to turn to Zoidberg for wisdom: "Why not both." I am going with Hannity suggested because of the threat of an investigation and Trump agreed with the suggestion because of the threat of an investigation.', '>>{TinyBaron} : He got elected by repeating Fox News talking points to other Fox News viewers.', ">>{NotJustAmy} : Surely they wouldn't keep running topics right before trump makes an announcement on them to make him look stupid like that?", ">>{HillbillyInHouston} : The Base doesn't see it as looking stupid, it sees Fox identifying a problem, and Trump responding. He's looking presidential in their eyes.", ">>{NotJustAmy} : Surely people don't respect a president who sits around all day and watches Fox News like great grandma does? Oh god they do.", '>>{Duke_Swillbottom} : I think he turned on morning joe. Its all fox and friends now.', ">>{6p6ss6} : He's an addict. He will stay away for a few days, and he will go right back.", '>>{Lionel-Richie} : It\'s bizarre because this narcissist man could have his name go down in history as the guy who elevated US Healthcare to great levels, but his boomer McCarthyism fear of "social" plans and his unstoppable yearning to have other wealthy people like him prevents him from trying it.', ">>{uncle_bad_touches} : Maybe Fox is Putin's backchannel for sending instructions to the Trump admin?", '>>{NeoMegaRyuMKII} : Small nitpick: Zoidberg\'s quote was "why not Zoidberg." "Why not both?" Is a shorter version of "why don\'t we have both?" From a Taco shell advertisement focusing on sift shell or hard shell.', '>>{Catalyst8487} : You are looking for the phrase "Porque no los dos?"', '>>{DoiX} : To be even more nit picky: Zoidberg never said "Why not Zoidberg?" but only "Why not?". The rest is just internet meme magic.', '>>{ambivalentbystander} : If he tried to do that Republicans would magically grow a spine and impeach him for Russia, profiting from the presidency, etc', ">>{strangeelement} : They reminded him that he can do that. Let's not be mistaken here: Fox News or whatever news the president is presented to him by a neo-nazi, he is going to react. He knows nothing of how government works. He can selectively be given a summary of one of his powers as chief executive officer in order to have him use it pretty much immediately in the exact way in which it was sold to him. Fox News, along with a few other news disinformation outlets, have the power to make the president do anything they want, just by talking about it when he is watching. But her emails.", '>>{sock_lover} : Doesnt every president do this? Both Obama and Clinton did. Dont remember this outrage in those cases.', ">>{atomcrafter} : They are political appointees, but I don't expect that Trump has vetted attorneys lined up to fill those positions. This was abrupt, and it continues the narrative that Trump just parrots whatever he sees on television.", ">>{lagerbaer} : And I know exactly the angle for that: > Even Obama wouldn't have had the balls to implement single-payer care! And to be fair, it *would* piss off the Democrats if it was Republicans who'd implement single payer care. So hey, Donnie, stick it to Obama and Hillary and DO IT!", '>>{MASKMOVQ} : Yeah but when Obama does it, its "replace" and when Trump does it\'s "The Purge 2017"', ">>{sw66sw} : The devil, as is often the case, is in the details once again: asking for resignations for appointees is, indeed, normal. Not having a plan for whom to put in their place - that's *un*usual, and is becoming emblematic for this adminstration, it seems.", '>>{corkboy} : The article says that. The difference is that it happened just after Fox suggested it. The article says that, too.', '>>{sock_lover} : Ah.. isnt that most likely a coincidence? It couldnt POSSIBLY be linked to Sessions just getting confirmed I guess. When did conspiracy theories become mainstream news? :p brb getting my tinfoil LMFAO', ">>{MASKMOVQ} : It's really not unusual for a newly elected president to fire an US Attorney and to have an acting US Attorney for a couple of months instead of immediately appointing a replacement.", '>>{sw66sw} : And again, my counter would be about the details. I would agree that not having every single position lined up is to be expected. There are quite a few U.S. Attorneys. But to have apparently none (you will agree, I hope) is unusual. And similar things, as I mentioned, appear to apply elsewhere: ambassadors, 2nd and 3rd level admin officials etc. Not having all of them is one thing, but having none of them is quite another. And it does seem that thus far, the latter seems to be the new normal.', ">>{realjefftaylor} : Sessions got confirmed a month ago. And you typically don't fire them without having someone ready to replace them. The trump team hasn't put forth any names yet for these roles, who knows if they've even identified prospects, let alone vetted any. Further, trump originally asked preet bharara *in person* to stay on. The timing of the sudden reversal (taking place after the Hannity comment *AND* amid rumors that bharara has been / is planning to investigate trump corruption makes the move very suspicious.", '>>{joe020} : When reached for comment, Fox news said, "OMG I can\'t believe he actually fucking did it! This is going to be fun..."', ">>{nycpb1} : Apparently Hannity heard about the firings before hand and then wanted people to think he influenced the decision so he suggested it; when in reality it wasn't his doing. Not sure that's better.", ">>{mindlessrabble} : One of the attorneys was about to prosecute Fox News. So, that's even more disgusting.", ">>{Damasticator} : Isn't it normal for new AGs to call for a clean slate every time there's a new administration?", '>>{Soulgee} : I can hear the scene in my head and I am sure he said Why not Zoidberg.', ">>{Soulgee} : When you have replacements already lined up to immediately fill the vacancies, it's replacing. When you just create a void immediately after fox news suggests it, thats a little weird. He could have waited a week and it would have been much less suspicious.", '>>{DoiX} : Human memory is a funny thing. No one can deny "Why not Zoidberg ?" is a golden line, unfortunately the writers did not think of it. Source [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/futurama/comments/26djut/since_it_comes_up_frequently_heres_a_list_of/), [2](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/futurama-zoidberg-why-not-zoidberg)', '>>{manimhungry} : Either that or someone tipped hannity off as he wanted to seem like he was giving advice when he was just parroting back known facts', ">>{TheCoronersGambit} : This is hardly the first time that Fox has appeared to directly influence Trump's actions.", ">>{asherrd} : Holy fucking shit I've watch OG Futurama literally 100+ times (often in the background of course) and didn't even realize. The crazy thing is I've noticed other very popular meme sayings were incorrect for shows that I've only seen once.", ">>{MrIosity} : Democrats would actually probably unite behind it. Why wouldn't they? Many Republican congressman wouldn't vote for it, for certain. And the only proponent of single payer over the years has been the left and its progressive wing of the Democratic Party. The messaging is already out their for them to come in and simply take credit for it, and steal the Republicans thunder.", '>>{DrPepsiJamBlast} : This "purge" word has been used specifically by Hannity, Steve King, conservative radio talking heads, etc. It\'s their word choice on their "deep state" talking point.', '>>{ishkabum} : Impeach him for Russia? Specifically what, might I ask? The investigations into Russian collusion have yielded nothing.', '>>{cremater68} : An orderly transition of attorneys is standard practice, nothing like this is standard at all including firing an attorney that just weeks earlier was asked to stay on by both #45 and sessions.', ">>{aykontakt} : US attorneys are political appointees so the president or whoever acting on his or the ruling party's behalf can replace them. It is also true that when the Democratic president does it, the Republicans flip their shit. According to the Internet the replacement of 46 US Attorneys is rare so let's go ahead and flip our asses off."], [">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : The government doesn't want those banned because they want to track people through them. Also alt right is not conservative. Paul Ryan is conservative, Trump is alt right - big government, low taxes", '>>{therightmustrise} : Last time I checked Richard Spencer never made treads or threaten to kill anyone. If anything is considered a "moderate" on the Alt-Right.', ">>{tklane} : Alt-right =/= conservative. They aren't even on the same scale as the Tea Party. The alt-right are more closely aligned with neo-nazis.", '>>{Tackbracka} : I really hate the safe space Twitter is becomming. But this is just to funny.', '>>{Cylinsier} : They should start their own microblogging platform. They can call it Twatter.', ">>{wowcunning} : I donno, stuff like this annoy's me; just like when they stop these alt-right guys from speaking on different campuses etc. I like my bigot's, racists, misogynists and assholes right out in the open, loud and proud. I don't tend to melt away when I hear things that I don't like or agree with. What's worrying is that if you shut enough of these people up, then you'll end up shutting up people who agree with them on every point. A Neo-Nazi with a swastika tattooed on his forehead is much less worrying to me than one who dresses in a 3 piece suit, speaks articulately and hides his views until he attains a position within the legislative branch of government.", '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Tracking potential terrorism through twitter is not facism. Good try though. Keep studying the definition you might get it next time.', ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : Only Twitter can overhaul Twitter. Also I think you ignored my first sentence. Again, the alt right is not conservative. They're very different actually. Conservatism is small government, low taxes, pro market. Alt right is low taxes, big government, with an authoritarian strain which is absolutely true but I'm sure you will disagree with.", '>>{mt_weather} : lol, ok. say that when it is you. *first they came for the unionists...*', ">>{tklane} : Even Trump isn't alt-right, he's just an ego-maniacal populist. Steve Bannon is a prime example of the alt-right.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : You should throw in a 1984 reference there too for maximum scare factor! Also I might take you seriously when your candidate isn't considering a Muslim registery lmao", '>>{MeatwadMakeTheMoney} : No, they aren\'t. You guys know literally nothing about Trump and his supporters, it\'s hilarious. "Know thy enemy" and all that. If you guys really understood Trumps support and what it\'s actually all about, maybe Hillary would have been better prepared to beat him. But "racist" is easy to explain, so that must be it. Whats funny is that the people who talk about race the most, by far, are on the left.', '>>{iamitman007} : Here is some news for you, Twitter is not State Run Media.', '>>{tklane} : What are you talking about? The casual Trump supporter is not alt-right. The vast majority of those claiming to be alt-right are not. They themselves are attaching to a label that they have decided is in vogue without understanding the implications. Small government? Conservative. Anti-tax/Anti-Fed? Tea Party. Nationalistic authoritarian with a penchant for ideals surrounding genetic supremacy and cultural cleansing? Alt-right.', '>>{tklane} : They already have their own forums. They call it Stormfront.', '>>{RockyFlintstone} : One of the quotes in there calls it "corporate Stalinism".', ">>{RockyFlintstone} : You can say it, but they'll never understand it.", ">>{ivsciguy} : They don't leave up terrorist accounts. They take them down all the time. There is a big difference, though. The terrorist ones are annonymous, so they just make more accounts. The alt-right figurehead are doing it for fame and money, so they don't want to come back if no one can know who they are.", ">>{JLTuttoilmondo} : Look at Twitter, hindering people's humanistic rights to express themselves freely. Isn't ISIS and supporters for ISIS actively on Twitter? Why aren't their accounts being banned?", '>>{innervision} : Nope, they can still bitch and moan in Breitbart all they want.'], ['>>{jjhats} : I bought an iPhone second hand with broken battery. Will Apple replace it?', '>>{sandyvag69} : Nope just set up a Genius Bar appointment. This is where apple really shines.', ">>{jjhats} : They won't ask any questions? They would literally need to not ask me my name or phone number for me not to get busted. I'm worried they will make me unlock it once they replace battery.", ">>{CrystalBlueOccasion} : Yeah Genius Bar is the way to go. And I'm pretty sure battery isn't covered under hardware warranty unless it's some sort of abnormal defect. Batteries have a life cycle, if it's simply used up, they won't change it for free. When you plug the phone in it doesn't turn on either?", ">>{CrystalBlueOccasion} : Can't you just erase the phone and remove her iCloud ?", ">>{CrystalBlueOccasion} : Hmmm, I would assume being plugged into external power even with a bad battery, it should still power on. Maybe there's more to the issue than she let you believe?", ">>{sandyvag69} : Well if you get a repair done you'll have to give them your name. I have bought many 30+ 2nd hand apple products and they have been incredibly helpful every time. Why can't they ask you anything? I thought this was legit?", ">>{jjhats} : This is 100% legit I bought the phone and she seemed genuine and gave me all the pass codes and didn't seem like she was lying but until I boot it up I don't know anything. I just know Apple can be difficult and may say warranty covers first owner not the device which is stupid but I'm just paranoid. So you think I should just say I bought this used its not registers under my name yet and it doesn't turn on?", ">>{sandyvag69} : Then you have no worries they go by the sn. I have taken many just purchased through clist and offer up. They likely won't question you at all. I have had nothing but helpful people at the Genius Bar. Just set up an appointment. You can tell them you bought the phone on clist it happens all the time.", '>>{jjhats} : If the lady lied to me and she found it or stole it and I took it to Apple would they confiscate it?'], [">>{portnux} : What's it's history? My guess is you either have a stolen iPhone, or it's just been virtually stolen.", ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : It's been my iPhone for two years. Bought it at the apple store, so it's not stolen. I can't access account recovery. What do you mean by virtually stolen?", '>>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : And why would it be virtually stolen? I have no information that would be stolen.', ">>{portnux} : I mean perhaps it's been stolen by another account and then locked. Have you kept it up to date with iOS updates? I don't recall details but I remember seeing posts regarding accounts being hijacled and devices under those accounts being remotely locked.", ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : it's still associated with my email account and phone number. all my other accounts are connected to the phone and none are having issues", ">>{Rkziki} : What exactly is the problem? If it's your iCloud why can't you just sign in with your password?", ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : I forgot my password (or the one I remember last isn't the password it ended up being) and my only trusted device is my phone.", ">>{Rkziki} : Have you tried resetting the password on iCloud.com? It's possible your account has been compromised.", ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : it's not letting me do that. i have to wait for account recovery but who knows what can happen in the meantime.", ">>{Rkziki} : Maybe you should try contacting Apple support again. If you have access to the email that is associated with your Apple ID you should be able to recover the account. If you don't have access to that email you're probably SOL.", ">>{ch00ch00goesthetrain} : i have access to it but idk for how long now. i keep calling but they keep saying nothing can happen until i pass account recovery and i'm freaking out."], ['>>{Odawn} : Trump. Reality? No. Fake memories? Yes. Obsessions? Yes. Delusions? Yes. Enemies everywhere? Yes. "Everybody\'s out to get me! I\'ll show them!" Here\'s an example of Trump\'s persistent and serious mental and memory problems. During the past 15 years, Trump repeatedly has claimed that on Sep 11, 2001, he saw on television "thousands and thousands of people" cheering in [Jersey City](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_City), New Jersey as a World Trade Center building collapsed. Jersey City has a large Muslim community. Jersey City is about one-half mile distant from New York City. The Hudson River separates Jersey City from New York City. People in Jersey City can look east and clearly see New York City on the other side of the river. [YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjzcWcas2Ss), includes clip with Trump yelling at his audience during one of his presidential campaign rallies. He yells that on Sep 11, 2001, he saw "thousands and thousands" of people on television in Jersey City, cheering as they watched a World Trade Center building collapse. Nov. 22, 2015, [The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/11/22/donald-trumps-outrageous-claim-that-thousands-of-new-jersey-muslims-celebrated-the-911-attacks/?utm_term=.70f5357eca7c). During an ABC News television interview with GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, Trump says: *"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."* On Dec. 4, 2015, [ABC News reported](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/11/22/donald-trumps-outrageous-claim-that-thousands-of-new-jersey-muslims-celebrated-the-911-attacks/?utm_term=.70f5357eca7c) an extensive [search of its video archives found no evidence](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/abc-news-footage-shows-911-celebrations/story?id=35534125) for Trump’s claim. "An extensive search of ABC News transcript and video archives shows that no footage of celebrations in New Jersey aired on ABC News on Sept. 11 or on the following day’s special report coverage of the attacks," ABC News said. "Instead, there are repeated mentions on ABC News of celebrations on Sept. 11 among a group of Palestinians in the Middle East in the city of [East Jerusalem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Jerusalem), 5,700 miles away from New Jersey." On November 17, 2001, MTV NEWS produced a documentary film, "Fight for Your Rights: Aftermath of Terror." The original film is not available in digital format. IMBD says the film "follows the lives of some young adults in Paterson, NJ in the months following the attacks of 9/11. Paterson NJ is a multicultural community, home to a large Muslim community, and also to friends and family of 9/11 victims." New York City is clearly visible from Paterson, which is on the west bank of the Hudson River, about one-half mile from NYC. On Nov. 25, 2015, MTV NEWS posted on [YouTube a compilation of video clips made from its November 17, 2001 MTV NEWS documentary film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjzcWcas2Ss), "Fight for Your Rights: Aftermath of Terror." The title of the video compilation is "Trump Is Wrong About People \'Cheering\' 9/11 in New Jersey". The video compilation includes MTV NEWS reporters and video cameras investigating in neighborhoods and interviewing residents in the streets of Paterson, N.J. on Nov. 17, 2001, thirty-six days after the 9/11 attacks. The MTV NEWS reporters interviewed numerous people who live in Paterson. The video clips include a statement by the Mayor of Paterson. The Mayor states that no masses of people in Paterson were cheering as the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. The clips include an interview with a neighborhood woman, who states on Sep. 11, 2001, she saw about 13-14 children, ages 12-13, holding sticks and banging on fences and garbage cans, which is typical behavior of some street gangs in Paterson on a summer night. The MTV NEWS reporters found no evidence or testimony from residents of mass crowds of Muslims celebrating the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11. Imo, in Trump\'s mind, no difference exists between reality, fake memories, and delusions, which makes him an extreme danger to the United States, American democracy, and world peace. Note: on September 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center in New York City, [two 110-story skyscrapers and one 47-story skyscraper collapsed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks): 1. [World Trade Center Tower 1, The North Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tenants_in_One_World_Trade_Center), 110-story skyscraper. 2. [World Trade Center Tower 2, The South Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_World_Trade_Center#Original_building), 110-story skyscraper. 3. [World Trade Center Building 7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_World_Trade_Center), 47-story skyscraper. No aircraft hit Building 7. The video clearly shows a series of controlled demolitions caused Building 7 to collapse in free fall, in just a few seconds, straight down into its own footprint. [Video of controlled demolition and free-fall collapse of Building 7 on Sep. 11, 2001.](http://www.ae911truth.org/38-home-posts/78-education.html)', ">>{FrontDoorParkour} : We always knew he was made of shit filled burlap bags held together with bailing wire, it's just now that he is coming undone. 😂", ">>{stufen1} : > When Americans most need be able to spot a lie, Trump is creating an environment were people don't know who to believe. The cult Trump supporters will go along with anything that Trump and the extreme right wing media spew, which is why the hypocrisy is so rampant with them. Their ideas are not based on morality, but just following along with extreme right wing ideology of the day.", ">>{mindscrambler26} : LOL CNN...meanwhile...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQei9cy8RF8 NOTE: Not saying Trump doesn't lie, of course he does...I'm laughing at the source though", '>>{TinyBaron} : Every totalitarian regime and Cult is engaged in a War with the truth. Truth can only exist with a free press. Which is why the Dear Leader is constantly fighting it.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : I remember the aftermath of 9/11 and I do remember news reports of people cheering in the Palistinian territories. Perhaps Trump is mixing such a news story into his memories. The New York metropolitan area was in a state of collective shock that day, but also collective aid. I honestly cannot imagine there would have been no retribution for these people who Trump says were cheering. The days after 9/11 were not a good time to be muslim, or even brown-skinned.', '>>{distinctvagueness} : Way to sneak the conspiracy shit in there at the end, bud.', '>>{MakeMine5} : Trump has been fed that excuse multiple times and rejected it every time.', '>>{Odawn} : When Trump is speaking in public, nearly 100% of the time he is reading aloud the text that appears in his indispensable teleprompter. The words he is reading are the words of Steven Bannon, Stephen Miller, and/or Jared Kushner. Bannon\'s official [White House title](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Office_of_the_President#Organization) is "Senior Counselor to the President/Chief Strategist". [Miller\'s title](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Office_of_the_President#Organization) is "Senior Advisor to the President (Policy)". [Kushner\'s title](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Office_of_the_President#Organization) is "Senior Advisor to the President (Strategic Planning)". Bannon, Miller, and Kushner carefully craft and tailor the exact words and language that appear in Trump\'s teleprompter. The primary target audience is not the widespread audience. The primary audience, but not the only audience, is the core of Trump supporters, which one pundit estimated to be about 20% of the [62.99 million](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/133Eb4qQmOxNvtesw2hdVns073R68EZx4SfCnP4IGQf8/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true) people who voted for Trump. *"Darkness is good,"* [says Bannon](http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/steve-bannon-trump-tower-interview-trumps-strategist-plots-new-political-movement-948747). *"Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That\'s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they\'re blind to who we are and what we\'re doing."* Trump\'s core supporters eagerly anticipate everything the [demagogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demagogue) says to them. Trump is a popular leader of this mob. He is a rabble-rouser in a democracy. He holds up his popularity by exploiting prejudice and ignorance among the common people, whipping up the passions of his core and shutting down reasoned deliberation in them. Historically, demagogues usually have advocated immediate, violent action to address a national crisis while accusing moderate and thoughtful opponents of weakness or disloyalty. Demagogues overturn established customs of political conduct or promise or threaten to do so. Most who were elected to high office changed their democracy into some form of managed democracy. However, Aristotle said, *"Revolutions in democracies are generally caused by the intemperance of demagogues...Of old, the demagogue was also a general, and then democracies changed into tyrannies. Most of the ancient tyrants were originally demagogues. Demagogues have appeared in democracies since ancient Athens. They exploit a fundamental weakness in democracy: because ultimate power is held by the people, nothing stops the people from giving that power to someone who appeals to the lowest common denominator of a large segment of the population."* (*Politics*, by Aristotle, [Book Five, Section V](https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/a/aristotle/a8po/book5.html)). Trump\'s core supporters gulp down everything he says - lies, delusions, fake news, impossible promises that he will never keep, "I know more than generals,", "I know many words because I went to Wharton, and only smart people go there." If he told his core, "I have secret wings, and I fly around the top of my 58-story Trump Tower penthouse on moonless nights," I think some of his core might believe him. In his [highly-cited research](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-2016-authoritarian-213533), political scientist Matthew MacWilliams, Ph.D., found 2 variables that predict whether someone will become a Trump supporter, including a single statistically significant variable—and it’s not race, income or education levels: It’s authoritarianism, followed by fear of terrorism, though the former was far more significant than the latter. MacWilliams conducted a [poll](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/02/01/how-your-parenting-style-predicts-whether-you-support-donald-trump/), which asked a set of four simple survey questions that political scientists have employed since 1992 to measure inclination toward authoritarianism. These questions pertain to child-rearing: whether it is more important for the voter to have a child who is respectful or independent; obedient or self-reliant; well-behaved or considerate; and well-mannered or curious. Respondents who pick the first option in each of these questions are strongly authoritarian. [Matthew MacWilliams](http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-2016-authoritarian-213533): *"Only two of the variables I looked at were statistically significant: authoritarianism, followed by fear of terrorism, though the former was far more significant than the latter...Authoritarians obey...rally to and follow strong leaders...respond aggressively to outsiders, especially when they feel threatened. From pledging to \'make America great again\' by building a wall on the border to promising to close mosques and ban Muslims from visiting the United States, Trump is playing directly to authoritarian inclinations."* The intellectual writer and Christian preacher [Paul Prather](http://www.kentucky.com/living/religion/paul-prather/article57553638.html) says he solved the riddle why so many Christians support Trump: *"To these Law folks, he stands for authority. He’s large and in charge and vindictive and brazenly unapologetic. He’s as good an approximation of their God as they’re likely to find in such a gone-to-blazes world...[Taub](http://www.vox.com/2016/5/20/11720276/donald-trump-authoritarianism) describes authoritarianism as \'a desire for order and a fear of outsiders. People who score high in authoritarianism, when they feel threatened, look for strong leaders who promise to take whatever action necessary to protect them from outsiders and prevent the changes they fear.\' More than other voters, authoritarians want the government to eliminate perceived dangers, by force if needed...65 percent of those scoring highest on the authoritarian scale are Republicans. Of those who score lowest, 75 percent are Democrats. We have two parties so different they can barely comprehend each other...Authoritarians are driven, rather, by fear: fear of specific sources of physical harm, such as terrorism, and fear of social chaos. Statistically, authoritarians are far more frightened of being killed by terrorists than of dying in a car wreck — although the latter is more likely to happen."* [Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/5ta82l/us_investigators_corroborate_some_aspects_of_the/ddm2s4h/)', '>>{Odawn} : No. Have your ever heard of 9/11? Do you know what are New York City and The Pentagon? 9/11 is a date when 3 skyscrapers in New York City collapsed straight down into their own footprints, and The Pentagon building in Arlington County, Virginia received major damage. You do not know what you are talking about - your are ignorant of the facts. Look before you leap. History accepts proven conspiracies, such as the conspiracy by Russia to intervene in the U.S. Presidential Election, the conspiracy by Japanese Imperial forces to attack Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and the proven conspiracy that had the result two 110-story buildings and one 47-story building collapsed in New York City on the same day, September 11, 2001. Get it? 3 buildings collapsed on Sep. 11, 2011, boy.', ">>{janethefish} : Really cnn? Trump is waging war on reality and helping putin because he likes putin. The guy gave trump the presidency! Trump doesn't want to get on putin's bad side either. That cost hillary the election. Trump and putin are teammates. What's not to get?", '>>{distinctvagueness} : >"controlled demolitions" [links to conspiracy shit website]', '>>{stufen1} : Great read - the study authoritarians is helpful to understand the die hard Trump supporters better. Someone should gild your comment!', '>>{Odawn} : No. You are showing your ingorance. http://www.ae911truth.org/38-home-posts/78-education.html is a web site of videos and facts, boy.', '>>{Odawn} : After I studied this school of thought, I finally understood what drives Trump\'s core supporters and what motivates them. Imo, most of them would have loved living in Germany in 1933-1945, cheering Hitler, the Holocaust, and the murder of 11 million "outsiders" in Nazi concentration camps, and imo, Trump\'s core supporters would have loved living in the years when they could be part of the crowd when scores or hundreds of White people brought food and drink to merry outdoor parties where they would lynch a Black man for winking at a White woman or would lynch a Black woman because she sassed a White woman.', '>>{Odawn} : The days after January 20, 2017, are not a good time to be muslim, or even brown-skinned.', '>>{Shr3kk_Wpg} : Very true. You could even add Jewish to the list, given the rising number of threats against Jewish organisations.', ">>{Odawn} : Yes, Trump's existence encourages anti-Semitism, neo-Nazis, White Nationalists, the KKK, and other hate groups. American democracy is working to get rid of the Trump regime as rapidly as possible. I think most of the 2.1 civil service employees in the U.S. federal government oppose Trump. They work in the White House, Congress, Supreme Court, the 17 agencies in the U.S. Intelligence Community, Department of Justice, State Department, Treasury Department, Commerce Department, Defense Department and the Pentagon, Department of Veterans Affairs, and every other federal department and agency. Every day, they are leaking truth and classified information bad for the Trump regime. They leak the truth to The New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and other media - the truth and free press that Trump hates and fears. The magnificent American free press, the truth, American democracy, and We The People will dismantle and eject the Trump regime. Trump and his regime made a big mistake when they attacked American democracy. *I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him* *with a terrible resolve.* \\- Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, after Japanese Imperial forces attacked American democracy at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, *Tora! Tora! Tora!*"]]
classify and reply
['>>{Shitposter123456789} : Prediction: Donald Trump Will Take Full Credit for Decrease in Illegal Immigrants That Started in 2007', '>>{rwilso7} : The " decrease " is wholly bogus. First it happened because of a world-wide recession, and then because of Obama faking the figures. Not debatable.', '>>{TinyBaron} : You also think the Zapruder film is fake too, right?', '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : Swedes baffled by Trump’s ’last night in Sweden’ comment', '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : Silly Swedes don\'t even know he was talking about the other Sweden, the one in Bowling Green but I guess it\'s just okay for the president of the us to just stand in places and say words about his delusions and hallucinations while doing weird gesticulations and call it "governing"', '>>{stonedhillbilly} : bowling green, atlanta, sweden... when will there be peace?! we are alt strong! remember the children!', ">>{stonedhillbilly} : last night in sweden means last night on fox, they said something about sweden... in his 70 yr old mind, that means something happened in sweden he doesn't want details, he never does, he never waits... sweden, last night, bad, GO GO GO", '>>{Shitposter123456789} : You got any evidence "of Obama faking the figures"?', ">>{HarperCharlotte67} : Hannity on Previous Susan Rice Denials: 'Sounds Like a Lie To Me'", '>>{James-Delaney} : Not that guy, but here: http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-obama-deportations-20140402-story.html It actually started with Bush, accelerated under Obama. They stopped calling people who were apprehended at the border "voluntary returns" and started fingerprinting and "deporting" them to put a formal charge on their record. Actual deportations of illegals already in the United States went down under Obama according to this. >"If you are a run-of-the-mill immigrant here illegally, your odds of getting deported are close to zero — it\'s just highly unlikely to happen," John Sandweg, until recently the **acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement**, said in an interview. Almost all of Obamas increase in deportations came from this new method of charging people and formally deporting them after catching them near the border. So in essence, it wasn\'t Obama faking the figures, but following the new guidelines set up under Bush. Still, deportations have gone down drastically outside a narrow strip near the border, it just doesn\'t happen often unless they commit a crime and it\'s picked up.', '>>{skinny1971} : How Fox News has an elevated status (sort of) above Breitbart and infowars is still beyond me.', '>>{llywelynowen} : Building a wall will sure help, just look at the data for other countries who built walls.', ">>{radickulous} : Trust me, I'm an expert on lying Fuck you, Hannity. You're bad for America", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Swedes are totally baffled. Redditors claiming to be Swedes posting in threads about it are totally sure that Sweden is basically on fire while men in turbans run around with torches, raping all the women.', ">>{thraway500} : Exactly. He's going to take credit for anything good that happens whether or not he has any involvement. And he's going to take credit good things that he makes up.", '>>{TinyBaron} : This ship is going down. They are frantically grabbing onto anything they can to stay afloat... But then, of course, Hannity owes us a waterboarding...', ">>{histagehand} : I am surprised he doesn't thank himself for the sun rising.", ">>{Buffalox} : I just love how Sweden is crying for Trump to come and help them. One of their main problems is that they still have a functioning democracy that needs to be dismantled, and they are governed by intellectual elitists that have an IQ that actually registers on scales above serious brain damage, and they still care about their constitution and basic human decency. It's a total disaster.", '>>{Dirkpitt} : I bet he deports more than Obummer... *per year', ">>{loumenati} : He admits he's an opinion columnist. Not a journalist. Fuck this guy.", '>>{chocolatevape} : Guy will take credit for everything. Sunrise and sunset, totally better thank him for that!', ">>{Buffalox} : Maybe Trump will actually be good for Europe in kind of the same way Brexit may be. Brexit made many Europeans realize that EU actually has some pretty concrete values, and in the same way, Trump has made Europeans realize the dangers of the alt right insanity. We are learning to appreciate what we have more, because although it isn't perfect, it's a lot better than the alternatives we are shown.", ">>{students4trumpMI} : Can't tell if sarcasm…. Ask an Israeli.", ">>{chalk46} : I half-expected to find a story about swedish terrorism on infowars, but I was wrong. It was [prisonplanet](http://www.prisonplanet.com/police-inspector-sweden-on-verge-of-collapse-due-to-migrant-crime.html). [The source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones_\\(radio_host\\)#Politics) of Trump's fake news addiction!", '>>{weightloss89} : Yep. He\'ll also take credit for the existing border wall/fence, and for the stock market hitting 20,000, for the low unemployment rate, and for the US Military being ["far and away the world\'s top military superpower,"](http://www.businessinsider.com/these-are-the-worlds-20-strongest-militaries-ranked-2015-9). Conservative media has convinced its audience (Trump) that the US is a third-world country. In order to appear to be a success, Trump and FoxNews just have to stop lying about the state of the nation.', '>>{bbiggs32} : Water boarding yourself tomorrow you say? Cool bro.', ">>{FriesWithThat} : No a lie is when you promise to be waterboarded because it isn't a big deal but you're really a huge pussy and make us wait what will be 8-years on April 21st.", '>>{Nanookofthewest} : I predict all immigration will dramatically drop now. Who wants to live here after he is done with it?', '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : can confirm, am swedish turban believe me, folks, believe me', '>>{KopOut} : On Jan 21, 2017, the economy suddenly became "tremendous."', '>>{Seanatronic} : well yea, everything that happened before him is a lie.', ">>{Newlg16} : Like he's trying to take credit for 20K dow Jones when it tripled during Obamas 8 years", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Putting aside, for the moment, that Susan Rice did nothing wrong, Sean Hannity crying about people lying while schlobning on Trump's noggin, is incredibly ironic.", ">>{viva_la_vinyl} : The asshole bitches about fake news and then does this? It's frightening", ">>{Frisnfruitig} : He didn't lie, the media are just taking him out of context!! There is no way he actually just means the words that come from his mouth!", '>>{hidemeplease} : Respect to my American brethren for taking a hit like this for the good of all!', ">>{davefoxred} : Now Mitch is calling for a senate intelligence investigation. These motherfuckers are pure evil. Yesterday, I felt fairly optimistic about Trump ending up in jail and America being able to bounce back from all this. Suddenly, I'm not feeling so good. These fucking republicans are willing and ready to sink this entire fucking ship for good. They could give a fuck if our country ends up like Russia -- an economic mess with terrible human rights for a 1st world major world power that's run by greedy gangsters and nihilistic spies. After all, they'll all still be rich.", ">>{kodefuguru} : None of us should feel good until we've taken our government back from these treasonous assholes.", ">>{red-moon} : Why is 'thelocal.se' an unacceptable source? Seriously r / politics.", ">>{pingieking} : As far as predictions go, this is almost cheating. I mean, one should at least put a little bit of work into it and predict something that isn't a direct outcome of a law of nature.", '>>{Quinnjester} : Lets just hope most of the senate give him the finger and move on. But knowing the GOP....', ">>{Buffalox} : It's so bad you wouldn't believe, it's like they're not even trying.", ">>{Bentekes_Space_Pants} : Actually, I'd expect illegal immigration to start rising again at this point, especially if Trump enacts policy that destabilizes the Mexican economy. The only thing that would likely prompt further decline is if a recession hits fairly soon. However, Trump will claim the rate is decreasing regardless of what the facts say.", ">>{hetellsitlikeitis} : Of course he will, same way he'll blame Obama for the horrible events of 9/11, 2011.", ">>{ExcitableNate} : Mitch McConnel once took credit for an uptick in the unemployment rate that happened right after the GOP took majority. He said they were hiring because they're optimistic about a Republican majority.", ">>{Buffalox} : If only we had some historic precedence that showed that totalitarian governments and discrimination are harmful even for those it claims to protect, then all this shit wouldn't be necessary. But as the saying goes, the Americans will do the right thing when all other options are exhausted.", '>>{newsified} : Hopefully Hannity is the next degenerate to go down.', ">>{anehum} : I hadn't read a Reason article in a while, Jesus, when did the libertarians over there become trump supporters? That comment section is awful. How a libertarian can embrace DJT is beyond me.", '>>{donnyradwell} : TLDR: Fox talks about non-story to deflect from real story', '>>{aurelorba} : Not only that, the assault on Mosul that he called a disaster will now be a YUGE SUCCESS, the unemployment rate of 4.6% he said was really \'40%, 50%, 60%, will now be lower than the Bureau of Labour Statistics says, and the \'horrible\' 2% Obama growth will now be the "tremendous\' 2% TRUMP growth.', '>>{newsified} : You created a profile for this? Good comrade.', '>>{twitchinstereo} : *Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!*', ">>{GravitasIsOverrated} : Don't forget the decline of ISIS, who had started to wither away months before the election.", ">>{windsorlockwoodIII} : Which candidate was more likely to downsize govt? Hillary or Donald? You play the cards you're dealt.", '>>{cd411} : Thanks to the FOX/Limbaugh/Breitbart 24 hour GOP bullshit machine loyal Trump voters will have no way of knowing this.', ">>{anehum} : I think there's a big difference between resignation to the choices and active support. A libertarian may resign to Trump over Hillary in the election, but I see no basis for actively supporting Trump and his ilk as a libertarian now that they are in power.", '>>{killerkadugen} : He (or she) is saying that he eventually will. On Stocktwits, some already are attributing it to him.', ">>{personoid} : Remember that illegal immigrants do jobs that Americans don't nt want", ">>{RabidTurtl} : Well no shit. He was taking credit for creating jobs that were happening under Obama's last days. Funny how he wasn't taking credit for any jobs lost then.", '>>{CallThe2ndFoundation} : Quantum effects felt backward through history because of the coming of the Donald', '>>{Dr_0ctagon} : To be fair, living in the south and the rust belt flyover states is pretty much the same thing as a third world country. Conservative media just blames everyone with no power and ignores the idiot GOP that actually has all the power to make changes but does nothing.', '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : I believe he already tweeted out the the dow hit 20000 because of hm..', '>>{riptydeco} : 2009. Then you can say "when Obama was in office, illegal immigration was [pick highest number during his tenure]. Under me its [pick lowest number].', ">>{i_dont_like_trump} : It makes a lot more sense when you realize that a lot of self-identified libertarians are actually just: - embarrassed conservatives who don't want to be associated with the GOP's stances on certain issues (e.g., same-sex marriage, marijuana legalization, etc.) - populists and anti-establishment types in general - people who essentially only vote based on whoever they think is going to give them the biggest tax cut", ">>{AH_Josh} : Trump didn't directly tweet it, but it was a WH insider whistleblower. Ill try and find a link. At work.", '>>{riptydeco} : So these people broke the law and Obama put it on their criminal record and recorded their fingerprints so the could be identified if caught again. Thanks for admitting that Obama is tough on crime!', ">>{particle409} : Every time he opens his mouth, the value of the peso drops. That's going to drive a ton of illegal immigration... Trump is going to be the biggest driver of illegal immigration over the next four years.", ">>{JacobCrim88} : He'd also take credit for a successful surgery if he walked into the OR as it was happening.", ">>{StayLivnTheDream} : Ahh yes. Let's start bashing trump and predicting news because we have to find a way to hate on him.", '>>{ilivehalo} : Prediction: Liberals will freak over anything Trump does with illegals; even though they never said shit when Obama was deporting record numbers of illegals.', '>>{weightloss89} : Well let\'s not exaggerate there. "Pretty much the same thing as a third world country." 70% of American adults are overweight or obese.', '>>{Shitposter123456789} : Yes, but none of that changes the fact that illegal immigration has been declining since 2007.', '>>{Star_Tropic} : Tides go in, tides go out. We can now explain that.', ">>{Roundhouse1988} : Prediction: Trump will undermine Mexico's economy to create an artificial immigrant crisis, then use it to justify the wall, and an expansion of private immigrate detention centers. The corruption of this administration knows no bounds.", ">>{pzerr} : If he does anything significant to NAFTA that hurts Mexico's economy, then he can also expect to take the credit for increased illegal Mexican immigration.", ">>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : Here's where he started claiming it was because of him. Wasn't even in office. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/26/president-elect-donald-trump-claims-credit-for-higher-market-christmas-shopping.html Here is where he and all his sycophants started claiming exactly what I said. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/the-trump-effect-white-house-claims-credit-for-dow-20000-152043940.html", '>>{simpersly} : If a wall does get built Mexicans should make it a pastime to sneak into the U.S. and get caught just to show how stupid a wall is.', '>>{popsmash} : He actually says it in the recent abc interview with David Muir', ">>{L_duo2} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saYLOkAnINc I, personally, can't wait for our new national anthem.", '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : Your argument is the equivalent of shoving your fingers in your ears and yelling "NA NA NA NA I CAN\'T HEAR YOU!!". I mean I didn\'t expect you to admit you were wrong but I kinda figured you\'d stop talking about it.', '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : Ok I get it. Everyone is wrong but you. Got it. Thanks.', ">>{Publius_Jr} : If you're referring to the interview transcribed here I don't believe he did. At least I didn't find it. http://fortune.com/2017/01/26/donald-trump-interview-abc/ EDIT: I found the section where he mentions it.", '>>{ptwonline} : Correction: it *would* be like a third-world country if it were not for all the socialism they hate.', '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : Yup. I get it. Don\'t mess with your tangerine messiah. Any criticism at all is "fake news". Everyone loves the orange man. All hail Drumpf God Emporer!', '>>{MortalBean} : Who have been withering for a long ass time now, there is a reason why no other jihadist group has tried to hold land.', '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : I made a claim. You asked for proof. I gave proof. You spun the proof and denied the proof and tried to claim it was fake. You should apply to work for the white house you could be the next Kellyanne Conway.', ">>{Tidusx145} : Isn't that because cheap food is worse for you? Just look at Mexico", '>>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : Rust belt is hardly a third world country, Illinois is considerably above the national median household income and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are right at it. Indiana is comparable to Oregon. Even our lowest states, Michigan and Ohio, are still better off than Florida, North Carolina, mountain states Idaho and Montana, and southwest state New Mexico, not to mention all of the Deep South.', ">>{ptwonline} : He'll say it's 2%, then 3%, then 4%...all within 2 minutes of each other.", ">>{weightloss89} : No. You get fat from consuming more calories than you burn. They're consuming too many calories.", '>>{eggson} : Conway: "Trump Effect #20kDow" Trump son: "and he\'s [Trump] just getting started #20kdow" Trump might not have been explicit, but his sycophants are. They think the Dow going over 20k is directly caused by Trump. Cry more about people calling him names, though, since he\'s such a special snowflake, we don\'t want him to be demoralized by mean people.', ">>{ShiningRayde} : Winter's gone Spring is here For this we praise Our Donny Dear.", '>>{Tidusx145} : Well I agree with that. But cheetos are a cheaper snack than healthier foods like nuts. Same for meat, you pay more for the lean stuff. The cheap shit like chips are less filling so people eat more. So both of us are kind of right here.', '>>{weightloss89} : You can eat less of the more caloric foods, saving even more money!', '>>{kwhitegocubs} : Oh, look at the user name. From fat people hate, are we? The kind that ignores how the brain works and the feedback loop between microflora in the digestive system and hunger, or studies showing that high calorie foods are more addictive than most hard drugs, and how the relative quantity of healthy foods in poor neighborhoods is far lower (yes, food deserts still have healthy foods but not enough to come close to sate any demand, were it to magically arise), or how nutritional deficits can exist even where caloric deficits do not. Please, cherrypick some livestrong articles and blogs as a self-righteous method of invalidating peer-reviewed science and sociology research. I dare you.', '>>{opticd} : Double prediction: His supporters will buy it and echo it.', ">>{weightloss89} : how the brain works and the feedback loop between microflora in the digestive system and hunger = lack of self control Nutritional deficits don't make you fat. Please, consume fewer calories than you burn each day for a week and come back and tell me you didn't lose weight.", ">>{XcessivFour} : Precisely. Both sides act exactly like one another. It's absurd and takes over my front page :(", ">>{popsmash} : Yeah he definitely did. It's funny you're doing the exact same thing you just accused me of. Maybe you should watch the thing before you make shut up to support your agenda http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/26/president-trump-on-dow-20k-im-very-proud-of-that.html", '>>{ModernStrangeCowboy} : Ive already seen shit crediting him for the dow being above 20k when it was at 19k on obamas last day', '>>{angryfetis} : He has just increased the available options to be an illegal immigrant.', ">>{rex_today} : So, he doesn't think he had anything to do with it, but he is proud that his election led to the rise, which means he knows he had something to do with it. How do you square that circle?", '>>{rex_today} : Ah the semantic bullshit argument, like how there is no separation of church and state in this country because he word "separation" doesn\'t appear in the constitution. Perhaps you can enlighten me: if he didn\'t think the increase was from his winning the election, what did he think its from, given that he didn\'t say the rise was from Obama\'s financial policies (the truth) either?', '>>{rex_today} : 0 Celsius presents dangers, but 0 kelvin presents much more significant dangers.', ">>{rex_today} : I see you don't understand how language works, and can't actually defend your pick for president, so you use silly semantic arguments that hide the reality that there is no reason he would say anything if he didn't think he would benefit from saying it, and his benefit is the only thing he cares about, not you, not me, not reality, just his personal benefit.", '>>{rex_today} : There is. I separation of church and state because the word "separation" isn\'t in the constitution, right?', ">>{eggson} : Yes, you are technically correct, the best and (most pedantic) type of correct. Please keep your fingers in your ears and don't worry about any contradictory bullshit permeating through your smug reality.", '>>{rex_today} : You had a point beyond your false equivalence that is still false?', '>>{rex_today} : > says the poster that ignores every question posed to him and every bit of evidence that conflicts with his preferred interpretation, just like Fox News does.', '>>{rex_today} : Sorry you find reality annoying. Good luck with that.', ">>{XcessivFour} : Instead of reading what you want, please understand that I said 'you' are annoying. That is the reality of the situation. Loud-mouthed and close-minded, arguing with people like you is useless. Have fun with yourself.", '>>{rex_today} : I am neither loud mouthed nor closed minded, that is you. I merely pointed out your false equivalence and then pointed it out again when you started being an asshole to me for doing so. You are free to ignore me if you find me annoying, as a normal person would do. But because **you** have decided to act like an asshole, **you** keep posing to me with personal insults. Go figure.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Shitposter123456789} : Prediction: Donald Trump Will Take Full Credit for Decrease in Illegal Immigrants That Started in 2007', '>>{rwilso7} : The " decrease " is wholly bogus. First it happened because of a world-wide recession, and then because of Obama faking the figures. Not debatable.', '>>{TinyBaron} : You also think the Zapruder film is fake too, right?', '>>{Shitposter123456789} : You got any evidence "of Obama faking the figures"?', '>>{James-Delaney} : Not that guy, but here: http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-obama-deportations-20140402-story.html It actually started with Bush, accelerated under Obama. They stopped calling people who were apprehended at the border "voluntary returns" and started fingerprinting and "deporting" them to put a formal charge on their record. Actual deportations of illegals already in the United States went down under Obama according to this. >"If you are a run-of-the-mill immigrant here illegally, your odds of getting deported are close to zero — it\'s just highly unlikely to happen," John Sandweg, until recently the **acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement**, said in an interview. Almost all of Obamas increase in deportations came from this new method of charging people and formally deporting them after catching them near the border. So in essence, it wasn\'t Obama faking the figures, but following the new guidelines set up under Bush. Still, deportations have gone down drastically outside a narrow strip near the border, it just doesn\'t happen often unless they commit a crime and it\'s picked up.', '>>{llywelynowen} : Building a wall will sure help, just look at the data for other countries who built walls.', ">>{thraway500} : Exactly. He's going to take credit for anything good that happens whether or not he has any involvement. And he's going to take credit good things that he makes up.", ">>{histagehand} : I am surprised he doesn't thank himself for the sun rising.", '>>{Dirkpitt} : I bet he deports more than Obummer... *per year', '>>{chocolatevape} : Guy will take credit for everything. Sunrise and sunset, totally better thank him for that!', ">>{students4trumpMI} : Can't tell if sarcasm…. Ask an Israeli.", '>>{weightloss89} : Yep. He\'ll also take credit for the existing border wall/fence, and for the stock market hitting 20,000, for the low unemployment rate, and for the US Military being ["far and away the world\'s top military superpower,"](http://www.businessinsider.com/these-are-the-worlds-20-strongest-militaries-ranked-2015-9). Conservative media has convinced its audience (Trump) that the US is a third-world country. In order to appear to be a success, Trump and FoxNews just have to stop lying about the state of the nation.', '>>{Nanookofthewest} : I predict all immigration will dramatically drop now. Who wants to live here after he is done with it?', '>>{KopOut} : On Jan 21, 2017, the economy suddenly became "tremendous."', '>>{Seanatronic} : well yea, everything that happened before him is a lie.', ">>{Newlg16} : Like he's trying to take credit for 20K dow Jones when it tripled during Obamas 8 years", ">>{pingieking} : As far as predictions go, this is almost cheating. I mean, one should at least put a little bit of work into it and predict something that isn't a direct outcome of a law of nature.", ">>{Bentekes_Space_Pants} : Actually, I'd expect illegal immigration to start rising again at this point, especially if Trump enacts policy that destabilizes the Mexican economy. The only thing that would likely prompt further decline is if a recession hits fairly soon. However, Trump will claim the rate is decreasing regardless of what the facts say.", ">>{hetellsitlikeitis} : Of course he will, same way he'll blame Obama for the horrible events of 9/11, 2011.", ">>{ExcitableNate} : Mitch McConnel once took credit for an uptick in the unemployment rate that happened right after the GOP took majority. He said they were hiring because they're optimistic about a Republican majority.", ">>{anehum} : I hadn't read a Reason article in a while, Jesus, when did the libertarians over there become trump supporters? That comment section is awful. How a libertarian can embrace DJT is beyond me.", '>>{aurelorba} : Not only that, the assault on Mosul that he called a disaster will now be a YUGE SUCCESS, the unemployment rate of 4.6% he said was really \'40%, 50%, 60%, will now be lower than the Bureau of Labour Statistics says, and the \'horrible\' 2% Obama growth will now be the "tremendous\' 2% TRUMP growth.', '>>{twitchinstereo} : *Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!*', ">>{GravitasIsOverrated} : Don't forget the decline of ISIS, who had started to wither away months before the election.", ">>{windsorlockwoodIII} : Which candidate was more likely to downsize govt? Hillary or Donald? You play the cards you're dealt.", '>>{cd411} : Thanks to the FOX/Limbaugh/Breitbart 24 hour GOP bullshit machine loyal Trump voters will have no way of knowing this.', ">>{anehum} : I think there's a big difference between resignation to the choices and active support. A libertarian may resign to Trump over Hillary in the election, but I see no basis for actively supporting Trump and his ilk as a libertarian now that they are in power.", '>>{killerkadugen} : He (or she) is saying that he eventually will. On Stocktwits, some already are attributing it to him.', ">>{personoid} : Remember that illegal immigrants do jobs that Americans don't nt want", ">>{RabidTurtl} : Well no shit. He was taking credit for creating jobs that were happening under Obama's last days. Funny how he wasn't taking credit for any jobs lost then.", '>>{CallThe2ndFoundation} : Quantum effects felt backward through history because of the coming of the Donald', '>>{Dr_0ctagon} : To be fair, living in the south and the rust belt flyover states is pretty much the same thing as a third world country. Conservative media just blames everyone with no power and ignores the idiot GOP that actually has all the power to make changes but does nothing.', '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : I believe he already tweeted out the the dow hit 20000 because of hm..', '>>{riptydeco} : 2009. Then you can say "when Obama was in office, illegal immigration was [pick highest number during his tenure]. Under me its [pick lowest number].', ">>{i_dont_like_trump} : It makes a lot more sense when you realize that a lot of self-identified libertarians are actually just: - embarrassed conservatives who don't want to be associated with the GOP's stances on certain issues (e.g., same-sex marriage, marijuana legalization, etc.) - populists and anti-establishment types in general - people who essentially only vote based on whoever they think is going to give them the biggest tax cut", ">>{AH_Josh} : Trump didn't directly tweet it, but it was a WH insider whistleblower. Ill try and find a link. At work.", '>>{riptydeco} : So these people broke the law and Obama put it on their criminal record and recorded their fingerprints so the could be identified if caught again. Thanks for admitting that Obama is tough on crime!', ">>{particle409} : Every time he opens his mouth, the value of the peso drops. That's going to drive a ton of illegal immigration... Trump is going to be the biggest driver of illegal immigration over the next four years.", ">>{JacobCrim88} : He'd also take credit for a successful surgery if he walked into the OR as it was happening.", ">>{StayLivnTheDream} : Ahh yes. Let's start bashing trump and predicting news because we have to find a way to hate on him.", '>>{ilivehalo} : Prediction: Liberals will freak over anything Trump does with illegals; even though they never said shit when Obama was deporting record numbers of illegals.', '>>{weightloss89} : Well let\'s not exaggerate there. "Pretty much the same thing as a third world country." 70% of American adults are overweight or obese.', '>>{Shitposter123456789} : Yes, but none of that changes the fact that illegal immigration has been declining since 2007.', '>>{Star_Tropic} : Tides go in, tides go out. We can now explain that.', ">>{Roundhouse1988} : Prediction: Trump will undermine Mexico's economy to create an artificial immigrant crisis, then use it to justify the wall, and an expansion of private immigrate detention centers. The corruption of this administration knows no bounds.", ">>{pzerr} : If he does anything significant to NAFTA that hurts Mexico's economy, then he can also expect to take the credit for increased illegal Mexican immigration.", ">>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : Here's where he started claiming it was because of him. Wasn't even in office. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/26/president-elect-donald-trump-claims-credit-for-higher-market-christmas-shopping.html Here is where he and all his sycophants started claiming exactly what I said. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/the-trump-effect-white-house-claims-credit-for-dow-20000-152043940.html", '>>{simpersly} : If a wall does get built Mexicans should make it a pastime to sneak into the U.S. and get caught just to show how stupid a wall is.', '>>{popsmash} : He actually says it in the recent abc interview with David Muir', ">>{L_duo2} : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saYLOkAnINc I, personally, can't wait for our new national anthem.", '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : Your argument is the equivalent of shoving your fingers in your ears and yelling "NA NA NA NA I CAN\'T HEAR YOU!!". I mean I didn\'t expect you to admit you were wrong but I kinda figured you\'d stop talking about it.', '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : Ok I get it. Everyone is wrong but you. Got it. Thanks.', ">>{Publius_Jr} : If you're referring to the interview transcribed here I don't believe he did. At least I didn't find it. http://fortune.com/2017/01/26/donald-trump-interview-abc/ EDIT: I found the section where he mentions it.", '>>{ptwonline} : Correction: it *would* be like a third-world country if it were not for all the socialism they hate.', '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : Yup. I get it. Don\'t mess with your tangerine messiah. Any criticism at all is "fake news". Everyone loves the orange man. All hail Drumpf God Emporer!', '>>{MortalBean} : Who have been withering for a long ass time now, there is a reason why no other jihadist group has tried to hold land.', '>>{JoJackthewonderskunk} : I made a claim. You asked for proof. I gave proof. You spun the proof and denied the proof and tried to claim it was fake. You should apply to work for the white house you could be the next Kellyanne Conway.', ">>{Tidusx145} : Isn't that because cheap food is worse for you? Just look at Mexico", '>>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : Rust belt is hardly a third world country, Illinois is considerably above the national median household income and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are right at it. Indiana is comparable to Oregon. Even our lowest states, Michigan and Ohio, are still better off than Florida, North Carolina, mountain states Idaho and Montana, and southwest state New Mexico, not to mention all of the Deep South.', ">>{ptwonline} : He'll say it's 2%, then 3%, then 4%...all within 2 minutes of each other.", ">>{weightloss89} : No. You get fat from consuming more calories than you burn. They're consuming too many calories.", '>>{eggson} : Conway: "Trump Effect #20kDow" Trump son: "and he\'s [Trump] just getting started #20kdow" Trump might not have been explicit, but his sycophants are. They think the Dow going over 20k is directly caused by Trump. Cry more about people calling him names, though, since he\'s such a special snowflake, we don\'t want him to be demoralized by mean people.', ">>{ShiningRayde} : Winter's gone Spring is here For this we praise Our Donny Dear.", '>>{Tidusx145} : Well I agree with that. But cheetos are a cheaper snack than healthier foods like nuts. Same for meat, you pay more for the lean stuff. The cheap shit like chips are less filling so people eat more. So both of us are kind of right here.', '>>{weightloss89} : You can eat less of the more caloric foods, saving even more money!', '>>{kwhitegocubs} : Oh, look at the user name. From fat people hate, are we? The kind that ignores how the brain works and the feedback loop between microflora in the digestive system and hunger, or studies showing that high calorie foods are more addictive than most hard drugs, and how the relative quantity of healthy foods in poor neighborhoods is far lower (yes, food deserts still have healthy foods but not enough to come close to sate any demand, were it to magically arise), or how nutritional deficits can exist even where caloric deficits do not. Please, cherrypick some livestrong articles and blogs as a self-righteous method of invalidating peer-reviewed science and sociology research. I dare you.', '>>{opticd} : Double prediction: His supporters will buy it and echo it.', ">>{weightloss89} : how the brain works and the feedback loop between microflora in the digestive system and hunger = lack of self control Nutritional deficits don't make you fat. Please, consume fewer calories than you burn each day for a week and come back and tell me you didn't lose weight.", ">>{XcessivFour} : Precisely. Both sides act exactly like one another. It's absurd and takes over my front page :(", ">>{popsmash} : Yeah he definitely did. It's funny you're doing the exact same thing you just accused me of. Maybe you should watch the thing before you make shut up to support your agenda http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/26/president-trump-on-dow-20k-im-very-proud-of-that.html", '>>{ModernStrangeCowboy} : Ive already seen shit crediting him for the dow being above 20k when it was at 19k on obamas last day', '>>{angryfetis} : He has just increased the available options to be an illegal immigrant.', ">>{rex_today} : So, he doesn't think he had anything to do with it, but he is proud that his election led to the rise, which means he knows he had something to do with it. How do you square that circle?", '>>{rex_today} : Ah the semantic bullshit argument, like how there is no separation of church and state in this country because he word "separation" doesn\'t appear in the constitution. Perhaps you can enlighten me: if he didn\'t think the increase was from his winning the election, what did he think its from, given that he didn\'t say the rise was from Obama\'s financial policies (the truth) either?', '>>{rex_today} : 0 Celsius presents dangers, but 0 kelvin presents much more significant dangers.', ">>{rex_today} : I see you don't understand how language works, and can't actually defend your pick for president, so you use silly semantic arguments that hide the reality that there is no reason he would say anything if he didn't think he would benefit from saying it, and his benefit is the only thing he cares about, not you, not me, not reality, just his personal benefit.", '>>{rex_today} : There is. I separation of church and state because the word "separation" isn\'t in the constitution, right?', ">>{eggson} : Yes, you are technically correct, the best and (most pedantic) type of correct. Please keep your fingers in your ears and don't worry about any contradictory bullshit permeating through your smug reality.", '>>{rex_today} : You had a point beyond your false equivalence that is still false?', '>>{rex_today} : > says the poster that ignores every question posed to him and every bit of evidence that conflicts with his preferred interpretation, just like Fox News does.', '>>{rex_today} : Sorry you find reality annoying. Good luck with that.', ">>{XcessivFour} : Instead of reading what you want, please understand that I said 'you' are annoying. That is the reality of the situation. Loud-mouthed and close-minded, arguing with people like you is useless. Have fun with yourself.", '>>{rex_today} : I am neither loud mouthed nor closed minded, that is you. I merely pointed out your false equivalence and then pointed it out again when you started being an asshole to me for doing so. You are free to ignore me if you find me annoying, as a normal person would do. But because **you** have decided to act like an asshole, **you** keep posing to me with personal insults. Go figure.'], ['>>{EmergencyChocolate} : Swedes baffled by Trump’s ’last night in Sweden’ comment', '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : Silly Swedes don\'t even know he was talking about the other Sweden, the one in Bowling Green but I guess it\'s just okay for the president of the us to just stand in places and say words about his delusions and hallucinations while doing weird gesticulations and call it "governing"', '>>{stonedhillbilly} : bowling green, atlanta, sweden... when will there be peace?! we are alt strong! remember the children!', ">>{stonedhillbilly} : last night in sweden means last night on fox, they said something about sweden... in his 70 yr old mind, that means something happened in sweden he doesn't want details, he never does, he never waits... sweden, last night, bad, GO GO GO", '>>{FlyingSquid} : Swedes are totally baffled. Redditors claiming to be Swedes posting in threads about it are totally sure that Sweden is basically on fire while men in turbans run around with torches, raping all the women.', ">>{Buffalox} : I just love how Sweden is crying for Trump to come and help them. One of their main problems is that they still have a functioning democracy that needs to be dismantled, and they are governed by intellectual elitists that have an IQ that actually registers on scales above serious brain damage, and they still care about their constitution and basic human decency. It's a total disaster.", ">>{Buffalox} : Maybe Trump will actually be good for Europe in kind of the same way Brexit may be. Brexit made many Europeans realize that EU actually has some pretty concrete values, and in the same way, Trump has made Europeans realize the dangers of the alt right insanity. We are learning to appreciate what we have more, because although it isn't perfect, it's a lot better than the alternatives we are shown.", ">>{chalk46} : I half-expected to find a story about swedish terrorism on infowars, but I was wrong. It was [prisonplanet](http://www.prisonplanet.com/police-inspector-sweden-on-verge-of-collapse-due-to-migrant-crime.html). [The source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones_\\(radio_host\\)#Politics) of Trump's fake news addiction!", '>>{EmergencyChocolate} : can confirm, am swedish turban believe me, folks, believe me', ">>{viva_la_vinyl} : The asshole bitches about fake news and then does this? It's frightening", ">>{Frisnfruitig} : He didn't lie, the media are just taking him out of context!! There is no way he actually just means the words that come from his mouth!", '>>{hidemeplease} : Respect to my American brethren for taking a hit like this for the good of all!', ">>{red-moon} : Why is 'thelocal.se' an unacceptable source? Seriously r / politics.", ">>{Buffalox} : It's so bad you wouldn't believe, it's like they're not even trying.", ">>{Buffalox} : If only we had some historic precedence that showed that totalitarian governments and discrimination are harmful even for those it claims to protect, then all this shit wouldn't be necessary. But as the saying goes, the Americans will do the right thing when all other options are exhausted."], [">>{HarperCharlotte67} : Hannity on Previous Susan Rice Denials: 'Sounds Like a Lie To Me'", '>>{skinny1971} : How Fox News has an elevated status (sort of) above Breitbart and infowars is still beyond me.', ">>{radickulous} : Trust me, I'm an expert on lying Fuck you, Hannity. You're bad for America", '>>{TinyBaron} : This ship is going down. They are frantically grabbing onto anything they can to stay afloat... But then, of course, Hannity owes us a waterboarding...', ">>{loumenati} : He admits he's an opinion columnist. Not a journalist. Fuck this guy.", '>>{bbiggs32} : Water boarding yourself tomorrow you say? Cool bro.', ">>{FriesWithThat} : No a lie is when you promise to be waterboarded because it isn't a big deal but you're really a huge pussy and make us wait what will be 8-years on April 21st.", ">>{conanthecnidarian} : Putting aside, for the moment, that Susan Rice did nothing wrong, Sean Hannity crying about people lying while schlobning on Trump's noggin, is incredibly ironic.", ">>{davefoxred} : Now Mitch is calling for a senate intelligence investigation. These motherfuckers are pure evil. Yesterday, I felt fairly optimistic about Trump ending up in jail and America being able to bounce back from all this. Suddenly, I'm not feeling so good. These fucking republicans are willing and ready to sink this entire fucking ship for good. They could give a fuck if our country ends up like Russia -- an economic mess with terrible human rights for a 1st world major world power that's run by greedy gangsters and nihilistic spies. After all, they'll all still be rich.", ">>{kodefuguru} : None of us should feel good until we've taken our government back from these treasonous assholes.", '>>{Quinnjester} : Lets just hope most of the senate give him the finger and move on. But knowing the GOP....', '>>{newsified} : Hopefully Hannity is the next degenerate to go down.', '>>{donnyradwell} : TLDR: Fox talks about non-story to deflect from real story', '>>{newsified} : You created a profile for this? Good comrade.']]
classify and reply
[">>{Royal_Cascadian} : Donald Trump's candidacy is a 'civic emergency,' and the press doesn't know what to do about it", ">>{oranjemania} : Donald Trump Shifts on Muslim Ban, Calls for 'Extreme Vetting'", '>>{rodneyP} : my girlfriend was very excited when they showed him last night', '>>{Eeeveee} : >"Change territories, but there are territories and terror states and terror nations that we\'re not going to allow the people to come into our country," he said. It sounds like they\'re going to vet all Muslims anyways.', '>>{Mycoxadril} : Anyone experiencing more battery drain over last few days? 7+', ">>{NameRetrievalError} : >We're going to have a thing called 'extreme vetting.' And if people want to come in, there's going to be extreme vetting. We're going to have extreme vetting.", '>>{turbofarts1} : not just vetting...but *extreme* vetting.', '>>{Warhawk137} : How dare an actor so brashly express an opinion contrary to a character he played by sitting quietly at a political event!', ">>{zeroShifter} : Hmm... I noticed a similar situation today. I got home to 7% for the first time since I've owned my phone back in September, and I usually get home with around 60%. I used the phone just as much as I usually do. Not sure why there was a sudden drain today. I'll check it out tomorrow again. I hope it's not a 6 month bug that's similar to the 1 year bug that appeared with the launch 6s'...", ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Why would it? Democrats are transforming into multicultural Reaganites. I'm fine with the adjective, but why does Reaganomics have to dog the Party of Progress?", '>>{seanosul} : Haha. Sun rises. Sun sets. Conservatives irked and confused. Lol cons.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : This means that Donald Trump, all within the span of one year, has flipped on every single policy position besides opposition to the TPP and the wall', '>>{DragonPup} : Press: "Act like it\'s a neck and neck horse race and engage in false equivalency!"', '>>{dfecht} : Was he one of the respondents to the craigslist ad looking for actors to attend?', ">>{kah0922} : For the sake of this argument, let's pretend your average democrat was running instead of Clinton. Trump has said things on this campaign trail that many would consider political suicide. In addition, his policies are either nonexistent or a complete joke (The Commander-In-Chief forum made that painfully obvious). Yet, despite all this, he has a loyal following. This is unprecedented and the press has no idea what to do.", '>>{Sickman-D} : Same here with my 6 and my wife\'s 6S. Past couple of days just seems to be draining like crazy even after killing all running apps and full reboot. Could be a "buy a new phone" bug.', ">>{wowcunning} : Is anyone really surprised? We're dealing with people that don't know the difference between pretend & reality.", ">>{dgforce} : I've noticed the drain ever since updating to 10.2.1, and I just got my 7plus less than a month ago. I was really impressed with the battery life over my S6 when I initially got it, but less so right now.", '>>{The_Vibrator} : How about not suppressing honest news, and quit regurgitating false bull shit. "DNC emails leaked that prove collusion between them and the Hillary Clinton camp to be the nominee months before her announcing her candidacy? Shit, lets blame the Russians and not question the content of said emails". It doesn\'t surprise me that the press doesn\'t know what to do with Trump.', '>>{HEARTFELT_UNKINDNESS} : It\'s a good thing that some of the press aren\'t acting like unhinged partisans spouting nonsense like "civic emergency." Give me a break. These candidates suck, but both sides need to cool it with the hyperbole.', ">>{Jabbajaw} : Hey conservatives!! HE IS AN ACTOR. And regardless of what you think a person's beliefs should be people are free to think what they want and make their own decisions. Maybe Clint should have got Chuck Norris or Scott Baio to play Chris Kyle.", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Bryan Cranston showed up for half a second with hims arms folded like "pfft".', '>>{ozabelle} : there goes $ billions in tourist dollars and investment, not to mention highest skilled labor. but rednecks in dixie trailer parks who never leave their god forsaken counties will be happy -- until a black kindergartner rides by on a her tricycle...', ">>{pramoni} : Maybe he understands that the armed forces of our country fight to support our country and not turn it over to serious potential adversaries like Putin, nor abandon this country's historic role and position regarding our long standing allies in NATO.", '>>{stevebeyten} : so we went from an absolute ban on all muslims to an absolute ban on all persons from terror nations to now "extreme vetting" of persons from terror nations? By the time the debate roll around Trump is gonna be on stage in a Hijab declaring that when he\'s president, Iran will be our 51st State', '>>{I_Key_Cars} : Conservative = Insane bigot living in the dark ages.', ">>{restlessruby} : It's proving the bed of nails theory, for sure.", '>>{The_Liberal_Agenda} : We already have a very intricate vetting process. But what this shows is that Trump continues to flip around on his "policies".', ">>{Teotwawki69} : It'll be extreme. It'll be... I'll have the most extreme vetting. Big vetting. Wonderful vetting...", '>>{Gold_Jacobson} : Haha. Conservatives thought Cooper really was Chris Kyle. *whaaat? But I saw him in mah tv box saying he was republican!*', ">>{BertieBongo} : Yep I thought my battery drained pretty quickly too, was below 20% when I got home at 4pm and that was without any real heavy usage. I'm on a 7 plus.", '>>{meeeega} : Can confirm, same thing happens to me. It is not worrysome yet, but not worrying about battery too much is the exact reason why i made the switch from Android to my iPhone7+ in the first place...', '>>{misscee} : is this "journalist" saying that our Republic is in danger and the press needs to do something? good grief. The voters are going to decide and everyone whether or not they want Clinton or Trump is just going to have to live with it. I\'m not voting for either one ... I\'ll let the bozos who want one or the other decide.', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Conveniently enough for him they were only "suggestions"', ">>{Phi-Phi-Kappa-Alpha} : Yup. It's laughable that the press is victimizing itself after so much collusion with the Clinton Camp and her agenda. Pure propaganda. Can't take them seriously anymore.", '>>{GaussianDistributi0n} : Democracies have the governments they deserve. If Trump is elected and Roe v. Wade is repealed; if he pulls the US from the Paris climate agreement; if climate change isn\'t stopped because of his denial; if he triggers a war with Russia or China; if he causes the US to default on the national debt, "knowing we could make a deal"; if the ruling that legalized same-sex marriage is overturned and same-sex marriage is made illegal in all 50 states; if he enacts his fiscal policies and causes the debt to explode; if income inequality keeps increasing (the US already has third-world levels of income inequality); if he makes the US the world\'s pariah by banning Muslim immigration; if he has reporters arrested because they criticize him; then it\'s because the American people wants it, and the American people will deserve what it gets.', ">>{laverty660} : Same issue here . 6S Plus, under normal usage I'd get home at 5/6pm with 50/60%. Only been taken off the charge at 7am and yesterday and today at 11am I had 40%. Like mentioned below had not changed any settings apart from updated apps as normal. Unsure if its a specific app draining the battery or if its an actual iPhone/iOS issue. It sucks!!!!", ">>{xHolomovementx} : Could be a bug in iOS that is using more resources than it should be. I doubt it's planned obsolescence, the phone is not even a year old yet. Have you ruled out environmental causes? (Poor signal ect)", '>>{Mycoxadril} : I would agree it would be quite soon for planned obsolescence. I work from home so I am on wifi 90% of my day, so definitely no service issues or reasons I can identify that anything has been working harder all of a sudden. Quite the mystery.', '>>{Bernin4U} : People have ideas that are different from ours! This is the end of democracy!', ">>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Why does he always say the exact same thing like three times? I'm beginning to think he's a huge fucking idiot.", ">>{xHolomovementx} : Ahh I see, that is odd. I would not be surprised if it was a bug in the OS. It's happened before so it's likely a bug. Hopefully Apple will address the issue. I would recommend a full backup and restore through iTunes. Hope you get this figured out!", '>>{Teotwawki69} : You have a source for your "most Americans," are you just throwing around the word "most" the way that The Donald does, as an adjective meant to assure himself in the face of his own deep insecurities? Most Americans like having hemorrhoids, too. It\'s true because I just said "most."', ">>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Aren't you mad that he flip flopped away from the ban?", '>>{The_Vibrator} : Very. Have you noticed the strange wasteland that r/politics has turned into. Seems like there is almost zero CTR employees around here after Clintons aneurysm or whatever the fuck happened to her.', '>>{The_Liberal_Agenda} : It means we have no idea what he actually plans or thinks he will do. Which makes for a terrible president.', ">>{PainTrainMD} : Last few days on my 6s I've been getting home under 20%. Usually 35-40%. No difference in usage.", ">>{TKay421} : Trump has no ideas besides a wall that he can't get built. He just vomits words in no particular order, repeats them four times, and moves on to something else. That's not a leader, that's a schizophrenic.", ">>{DumpsterDon} : He's a Dumpster flopping around on the knife edge of throwing out red meat to his racist supporters and actually trying to win?", ">>{0ne_Word} : Or a fantastic president! We have no idea, which only makes it more exciting to see what he'll do.", ">>{0ne_Word} : Not at all, I figured he would ease up on that eventually. Most of the people I've talked to about it thought so as well. This isn't surprising or shocking at all to us Trump supporters.", ">>{Bernin4U} : Yeah him and his lousy thoughtcrimes! He's a madman for having a different view of the world than the enlightened people like ourselves!", ">>{danielscha} : Anyone know if there are any updates on this? This happened about a week ago for me where I wouldn't be using my phone much but battery would drop 20-30%.", ">>{Phi-Phi-Kappa-Alpha} : They're just waiting to milk the next controversial thing Trump does. And during that, they take the chance to slip in a few pro-Clinton articles.", ">>{restlessruby} : Honestly, this kind of bullshit is how he's normalized bigotry.", '>>{SinSkin} : A lot has to do with not being able to accept Clinton, 4 ever Bern!', ">>{arhamjamal} : I have noticed the same thing on my iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10.2.1 for the past few days. The battery drains pretty fast as compared to normal days. Haven't installed any new app or anything. Definitely not normal.", ">>{Yuri_Is_Master} : Politics is a wasteland with CTR. they have been temporarily silenced by real people who aren't paid to troll on the Internet by a super PAC.", ">>{The_Liberal_Agenda} : Are you serious? That's not exciting. This is the most powerful position in the free world. You don't want someone who obviously has no clue what they are talking about.", '>>{0ne_Word} : I lived through "Mission Accomplished" and "Hope and Change". Trump won\'t be bad. In fact I expect good things out of the man.', ">>{gAlienLifeform} : [About that TPP opposition...](http://i.imgur.com/k29su4m.jpg) If Trump vets immigrants like he vets VP choices, I really can't see what all this fuss has been about", '>>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : The majority of American politics is an emergency, why just limit it to this.', ">>{Mycoxadril} : Well I'm glad I'm not losing my mind. Hopefully it'll all just magically correct itself, right?", ">>{arhamjamal} : I hope so. One reason why I moved from Android to iOS was stability of the platform but this is the first time so I'll be patient.", ">>{AdalineMaj} : Tremendous vetting. You wouldn't even believe the vetting. The vetting is going to be so good.", ">>{Archaic_Ursadon} : This line of criticism would be appropriate if directed against hyperbolic critics of a Romney, Ryan, McCain, or Bush. But Trump is something else entirely. His view of the world isn't just different; it's entirely self-centered, largely unmoored from reality, and impervious to the norms of political discourse.", '>>{DragonPup} : Jon Oliver described it as such: > “Trump hasn’t said one crazy thing — he’s said thousands of crazy things. Each of which blunts the effect of the others. It’s the bed-of-nails principle.” He continued: “If you step on one nail, it hurts you. If you step on a thousand nails, no single one stands out and you’re fine.”', '>>{0ne_Word} : And his opponent is a whore for Wall St. Give me the dumpster by all means.', ">>{GaussianDistributi0n} : Not really? Mike Pence [said](http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-democratic-convention-2016-live-pence-says-roe-v-wade-will-be-1469737388-htmlstory.html) Roe v. Wade would be overturned if Trump was elected president: > “I’m pro-life and I don’t apologize for it,” he said during a town hall meeting here. “We’ll see Roe vs. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs.” I didn't exaggerate when I said that. Trump has also [said](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/03/hillary-clinton/yes-donald-trump-did-call-climate-change-chinese-h/) that climate change was a hoax, and that he would [cancel](http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36401174) the Paris climate agreement. That's not an exaggeration. I could go on, but I'm not kidding.", ">>{leadhead702} : The US has a system in place, created by the constitution, which prevents the president from doing whatever he/she wants. If this was not the case the US would be a dictatorship. The president has an obligation to work with the rest of the government. So it matters very little what either of these candidates 'say.' If Tump were to be president and started trying to change some of these things you example, he would come up against massive opposition that would end in stalemate. Don't learn politics from the media's doom and gloom reporting.", '>>{GaussianDistributi0n} : That\'s kind of a weird argument though. "Vote for my candidate, but don\'t worry about him, because the Constitution would stop him." If you don\'t want Trump\'s policies to be implemented, why would you vote for him?', ">>{wavescrashover} : All of what they said is accurate. Don't know if you're a Trump supporter or not but if you are, I suggest you pay more attention.", ">>{The_Liberal_Agenda} : > Trump won't be bad. In fact I expect good things out of the man. Honestly and in good faith, how can you expect that? He suggests one thing and then completely turns around and backs out and suggests another. It shows he either does not understand *at all* what he is talking about or he is comfortable lying through his teeth about his policies.", '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : A big part of his unelectability would include his stark unpredictability.', '>>{rockstarfish} : Trump would fill government with People like Mike Pence that would change the constitution....', ">>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : It's called pivoting to the center (read: winning the election).", '>>{losjoo} : Nope, all of that is on target. Have you been listening to trump?', ">>{DumpsterDon} : I'll take the wall street whore over a racist any day. Pence loves him some TTP and was all in on the Iraq war though. Nicely done Dumpster. With one decision you've shit canned your entire argument. Dumpster truly is the best.", ">>{0ne_Word} : I've lived with and watched establishment politicians lie, cheat, and steal all my life. This is a chance at changing things. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.", '>>{turbofarts1} : i was going for more of a Phil Hartman voice.', ">>{DumpsterDon} : Pivoting towards the radical-right wing-nuts, which Pence completely represents, isn't going to win Trump jack shit. Should have picked the General or even Newt.", '>>{TheNarrMaster} : Dude, I know what you mean, holy crap.', ">>{IrishJoe} : You're going to get tired of all the vetting we're going to be doing.", '>>{build-a-guac} : > absolute ban on all muslims temporary ban on muslim immigration -> temporary ban on immigration from terror nations -> very very restricted immigration from terror nations *wow* what a shift', ">>{rustyzippergriswold} : Put Johnson in the debates. Of course, that might also take votes from the chosen one, and the press can't have that now can they?", '>>{pixl_graphix} : If you really think Trump is a civic emergency, then vote better people into the house and senate.', '>>{IrishJoe} : I read it in John Oliver\'s voice with him practically screaming the word "extreme."', ">>{Obvious_Moose} : Hey now, his website has a whole 6 other issues that aren't the wall!", '>>{build-a-guac} : If you really pay attention to Trump he hardly flips on anything. Sure, link me your huffpo article where you get all of your information from. That will sure convince me...', ">>{Obvious_Moose} : If you aren't planning on voting, please consider voting for Gary Johnson instead. The more votes third party candidates get, the closer we are to getting rid of the two party system and bullshit elections like this", ">>{sonofabutch} : Trump is a straight shooter who says what he means... except when he doesn't.", '>>{SnazzyD} : >All of what they said is accurate You mean all of those "if....if....if" hypotheticals, and you somehow think you can forecast their theoretical accuracy? Wow, that\'s amazing. Fortunately, I am watching this one from the international bleachers but man oh man, you Americans are one messed up society that can\'t see what\'s so obvious to everyone else.', '>>{info-info} : For those who do not understand Trump, \'Extreme Vetting" is not the same as "Bed Wetting", a different term many might be aware of.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : Too bad they didn't conduct 'Extreme Vetting' when they looked for a vice presidential candidate.", ">>{stupidaccountname} : I'm beginning to think that nobody watched his policy speech weeks ago when he changed this. Not journalists who cover Trump. Not Paul Ryan. It is a little ridiculous, honestly. It is even weirder, because the news talked about it being Rudy's input that changed his strategy. Suddenly, they all have amnesia.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : >Why does he always say the exact same thing like three times? That's how advertising works.", '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : > muslim immigration You\'re missing at least one step. When he first introduced it and was asked if it applied to american citizens returning home, he replied "[everyone](http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/262348-trump-calls-for-shutdown-of-muslims-entering-us)" (although he quickly abandoned this, likely because it\'s like seven different flavours of unconstitutional). So really there\'s a "No muslims (including citizens) at all allowed back in" step you\'re missing.', '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : Also, just like Trump\'s "very few boots on the ground to fight ISIS" comment, isn\'t "extreme vetting of immigrants from terror nations" **exactly** what we already do? You try to come to the US with an Iranian or Iraqi passport, you\'re gonna get seriously examined before a visa is issued. This isn\'t even a new policy!', '>>{jokerZwild} : Or applied to the GOP nominee. But I know that has more to do with who is ahead.', ">>{build-a-guac} : Nope. Check the press release where he first made this statement. If you can't find it, its in the title.", '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : So what of my source where he said "Everyone" in response to a question about american citizens?', '>>{build-a-guac} : A statement over email from a Trump spokeswoman versus an official press release.... you decide', ">>{freakincampers} : The vetting will be so good, it'll make your head spin.", '>>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : We need Xteme vetting! America is in Code Red! We also need to join forces to prevent a Baja Blast of immigrants! In completely unrelated news, Donald Mountain Dew Trump has gone full Idiocracy', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Is he trying to advertise that he\'s a huge fucking idiot? I got the part about "extreme vetting" the first time.', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Why do you think he eased up on it? Is it because it was a fucking stupid idea like everybody was telling you?', ">>{sayqueensbridge} : The way we vet these people it's gonna be like nothing you've ever seen, that I can tell you. Believe me.", ">>{0ne_Word} : Not at all. An outright ban from terror friendly nations is something that I am fine with. If they can't get here, they can't kill here. There was never any doubt he would change the stance in the name of political expediency. This is an election afterall.", ">>{PerniciousPeyton} : Yeah... Trump has no fucking clue what he's talking about.", '>>{Scoutster13} : Changing things to what? What is he going to change?', '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : Trump changed his policy a while ago when he said that his ban on all Muslims was only just a "suggestion." Now, he\'s saying that we should be conducting "extreme vetting" of immigrating Muslims. What a clown. Nobody knows what he wants to do, except that it will probably be illegal.', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Nothing will convince you. That doesn't mean he doesn't flip", '>>{0ne_Word} : No idea, but whatever it is is better than 8 more years of Bush/Obama war and shitty economy.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : Art of the deal. Read it then all the shit Trump does won't surprise you.", ">>{stupidaccountname} : He said it was a suggestion because he's not in a position to implement it. What is the confusion.", '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : Are you serious? It was originally a *policy* he wanted to enact, before he decided it wasn\'t a certainty and instead a "suggestion" for how America should treat Muslim immigrants. Nice try.', '>>{stupidaccountname} : You can twist a quote snippet until it is a pretzel, but it is clear what was being talked about.', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Is it because I need to work on my resonance with huge fucking idiots?', '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : So should I treat everything he says as a policy "suggestion?" Obviously, he just says bullshit things just to gin up his crowds. And then he walks it back when he realizes he needs support from *outside* his mobile-home dwelling base.', '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : A suggestion? Seems like a default position Don takes when he\'s getting in over his head with attacks from both the left *and* the right regarding his "ban all Muslims" policy.', ">>{johnnynutman} : you mean, the US will be Iran's 51st state!", ">>{Thedummies} : Because he never says anything of substance. Easy when you're hedging every fucking word with it appears, or people are saying. .", '>>{noelsusman} : We already have "extreme vetting" for travel from countries with terrorism.', '>>{noelsusman} : Yup. [Iraq and Syria were added to the list just last year for obvious reasons](https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/158). The list includes Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Any citizen of those countries (including dual citizens) or anybody who has been there since 2011 must go through the full vetting process to even obtain a travel visa.', '>>{noelsusman} : It wasn\'t clear that he was actually changing the policy, he just described a new one that banned all travel from countries with a history of terrorism. Now he has changed that from an outright ban to "extreme vetting".', '>>{chiron1500} : And Hillary Kkklinton wants a million terrorists migrate to the USA.......', ">>{SuperCashBrother} : Ahhh the inevitable back pedal. It might take a few hours, days, or months, but rest assured it's gonna happen sooner or later.", ">>{SuperCashBrother} : Right, and he likes to speak as if that vetting process doesn't exist. Blatant fear mongering. Par for the course.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : Most Americans being for it doesn't mean it doesn't violate the very first thing in our Bill of Rights. The fact that so many people want to strip fundamental freedom like that is tragic.", ">>{GeneticsGuy} : Isn't this his stance from the beginning? Trump said the ban would only be in place until they could ensure a better vetting process. So him saying that if he could do EXTREME VETTING of people, the ban would not be necessary has been what he has been saying all along? Maybe, just maybe, this is another example of NBC misrepresenting information to make Trump appear to somehow be flipflopping on something when this has been his stance from the beginning. Don't let the media manipulate you by manipulating the facts.", ">>{PandaHat48} : You'll be vetted so hard it'll make your head spin!", ">>{Sci-pssy} : He's learning a trick or two from Clinton, isn't he?", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : It\'s almost as if he\'s learning the constitution as he goes along by people pointing things out to him. "Let\'s ban all Muslims!" "Hey Don, we can\'t do that. There are US citizens that are Muslim." "Fuck it, let\'s just ban all Muslims coming from terroristic countries." "Hey Don, you don\'t really get to declare unilaterally who terrorist countries are, nor would you want to. That seems like a diplomatic disaster." "Fuck it, we\'ll just extreme vet them, that\'s got to be doable, right?" "Yeah Don, I\'m sure there is enough money and federal agents to take care of researching the family and social history of everyone that visits the US. Let\'s try that."', '>>{flippant_fox} : Your doing just fine pandering to the idiots on /r/politics, keep up the fight ace', ">>{lost_send_berries} : See how successful Trump is? He isn't even elected yet and his policies are already reality!", '>>{AssCalloway} : Then everything he says should be prefaced with its a suggestion. Like the wall', ">>{Iwanttobedelivered} : Vetting so strong.... We don't accept any of them.", ">>{oranjemania} : More importantly, don't let Trumpsters manipulate you by denying the facts.", '>>{one8sevenn} : The thing you have to understand about Trump and is positions is that they are all negotiable. Saying to ban all Muslims and then incorporating a extreme vetting process seems like a good compromise, but it will be swung in the favor of Trump. Same thing with the wall. Build a wall could go to extreme surveillance process. It is all about moving the conversation in your direction. Want to buy a horse. Put in a bid on the farm to get the farmer to listen. Then buy the horse, while negotiations for the farm are being had.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{oranjemania} : Donald Trump Shifts on Muslim Ban, Calls for 'Extreme Vetting'", '>>{Eeeveee} : >"Change territories, but there are territories and terror states and terror nations that we\'re not going to allow the people to come into our country," he said. It sounds like they\'re going to vet all Muslims anyways.', ">>{NameRetrievalError} : >We're going to have a thing called 'extreme vetting.' And if people want to come in, there's going to be extreme vetting. We're going to have extreme vetting.", '>>{turbofarts1} : not just vetting...but *extreme* vetting.', '>>{lipsyncforyourlife} : This means that Donald Trump, all within the span of one year, has flipped on every single policy position besides opposition to the TPP and the wall', '>>{ozabelle} : there goes $ billions in tourist dollars and investment, not to mention highest skilled labor. but rednecks in dixie trailer parks who never leave their god forsaken counties will be happy -- until a black kindergartner rides by on a her tricycle...', '>>{stevebeyten} : so we went from an absolute ban on all muslims to an absolute ban on all persons from terror nations to now "extreme vetting" of persons from terror nations? By the time the debate roll around Trump is gonna be on stage in a Hijab declaring that when he\'s president, Iran will be our 51st State', '>>{The_Liberal_Agenda} : We already have a very intricate vetting process. But what this shows is that Trump continues to flip around on his "policies".', ">>{Teotwawki69} : It'll be extreme. It'll be... I'll have the most extreme vetting. Big vetting. Wonderful vetting...", '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Conveniently enough for him they were only "suggestions"', ">>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Why does he always say the exact same thing like three times? I'm beginning to think he's a huge fucking idiot.", '>>{Teotwawki69} : You have a source for your "most Americans," are you just throwing around the word "most" the way that The Donald does, as an adjective meant to assure himself in the face of his own deep insecurities? Most Americans like having hemorrhoids, too. It\'s true because I just said "most."', ">>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Aren't you mad that he flip flopped away from the ban?", '>>{The_Liberal_Agenda} : It means we have no idea what he actually plans or thinks he will do. Which makes for a terrible president.', ">>{DumpsterDon} : He's a Dumpster flopping around on the knife edge of throwing out red meat to his racist supporters and actually trying to win?", ">>{0ne_Word} : Or a fantastic president! We have no idea, which only makes it more exciting to see what he'll do.", ">>{0ne_Word} : Not at all, I figured he would ease up on that eventually. Most of the people I've talked to about it thought so as well. This isn't surprising or shocking at all to us Trump supporters.", ">>{The_Liberal_Agenda} : Are you serious? That's not exciting. This is the most powerful position in the free world. You don't want someone who obviously has no clue what they are talking about.", '>>{0ne_Word} : I lived through "Mission Accomplished" and "Hope and Change". Trump won\'t be bad. In fact I expect good things out of the man.', ">>{gAlienLifeform} : [About that TPP opposition...](http://i.imgur.com/k29su4m.jpg) If Trump vets immigrants like he vets VP choices, I really can't see what all this fuss has been about", ">>{AdalineMaj} : Tremendous vetting. You wouldn't even believe the vetting. The vetting is going to be so good.", '>>{0ne_Word} : And his opponent is a whore for Wall St. Give me the dumpster by all means.', ">>{The_Liberal_Agenda} : > Trump won't be bad. In fact I expect good things out of the man. Honestly and in good faith, how can you expect that? He suggests one thing and then completely turns around and backs out and suggests another. It shows he either does not understand *at all* what he is talking about or he is comfortable lying through his teeth about his policies.", '>>{TOMapleLaughs} : A big part of his unelectability would include his stark unpredictability.', ">>{BREXIT-THEN-TRUMP} : It's called pivoting to the center (read: winning the election).", ">>{DumpsterDon} : I'll take the wall street whore over a racist any day. Pence loves him some TTP and was all in on the Iraq war though. Nicely done Dumpster. With one decision you've shit canned your entire argument. Dumpster truly is the best.", ">>{0ne_Word} : I've lived with and watched establishment politicians lie, cheat, and steal all my life. This is a chance at changing things. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.", '>>{turbofarts1} : i was going for more of a Phil Hartman voice.', ">>{DumpsterDon} : Pivoting towards the radical-right wing-nuts, which Pence completely represents, isn't going to win Trump jack shit. Should have picked the General or even Newt.", ">>{IrishJoe} : You're going to get tired of all the vetting we're going to be doing.", '>>{build-a-guac} : > absolute ban on all muslims temporary ban on muslim immigration -> temporary ban on immigration from terror nations -> very very restricted immigration from terror nations *wow* what a shift', '>>{IrishJoe} : I read it in John Oliver\'s voice with him practically screaming the word "extreme."', '>>{build-a-guac} : If you really pay attention to Trump he hardly flips on anything. Sure, link me your huffpo article where you get all of your information from. That will sure convince me...', ">>{sonofabutch} : Trump is a straight shooter who says what he means... except when he doesn't.", '>>{info-info} : For those who do not understand Trump, \'Extreme Vetting" is not the same as "Bed Wetting", a different term many might be aware of.', ">>{LordPantyhorn} : Too bad they didn't conduct 'Extreme Vetting' when they looked for a vice presidential candidate.", ">>{stupidaccountname} : I'm beginning to think that nobody watched his policy speech weeks ago when he changed this. Not journalists who cover Trump. Not Paul Ryan. It is a little ridiculous, honestly. It is even weirder, because the news talked about it being Rudy's input that changed his strategy. Suddenly, they all have amnesia.", ">>{thisisATHENS} : >Why does he always say the exact same thing like three times? That's how advertising works.", '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : > muslim immigration You\'re missing at least one step. When he first introduced it and was asked if it applied to american citizens returning home, he replied "[everyone](http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/presidential-races/262348-trump-calls-for-shutdown-of-muslims-entering-us)" (although he quickly abandoned this, likely because it\'s like seven different flavours of unconstitutional). So really there\'s a "No muslims (including citizens) at all allowed back in" step you\'re missing.', '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : Also, just like Trump\'s "very few boots on the ground to fight ISIS" comment, isn\'t "extreme vetting of immigrants from terror nations" **exactly** what we already do? You try to come to the US with an Iranian or Iraqi passport, you\'re gonna get seriously examined before a visa is issued. This isn\'t even a new policy!', '>>{jokerZwild} : Or applied to the GOP nominee. But I know that has more to do with who is ahead.', ">>{build-a-guac} : Nope. Check the press release where he first made this statement. If you can't find it, its in the title.", '>>{GravitasIsOverrated} : So what of my source where he said "Everyone" in response to a question about american citizens?', '>>{build-a-guac} : A statement over email from a Trump spokeswoman versus an official press release.... you decide', ">>{freakincampers} : The vetting will be so good, it'll make your head spin.", '>>{Rhesusmonkeydave} : We need Xteme vetting! America is in Code Red! We also need to join forces to prevent a Baja Blast of immigrants! In completely unrelated news, Donald Mountain Dew Trump has gone full Idiocracy', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Is he trying to advertise that he\'s a huge fucking idiot? I got the part about "extreme vetting" the first time.', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Why do you think he eased up on it? Is it because it was a fucking stupid idea like everybody was telling you?', ">>{sayqueensbridge} : The way we vet these people it's gonna be like nothing you've ever seen, that I can tell you. Believe me.", ">>{0ne_Word} : Not at all. An outright ban from terror friendly nations is something that I am fine with. If they can't get here, they can't kill here. There was never any doubt he would change the stance in the name of political expediency. This is an election afterall.", ">>{PerniciousPeyton} : Yeah... Trump has no fucking clue what he's talking about.", '>>{Scoutster13} : Changing things to what? What is he going to change?', '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : Trump changed his policy a while ago when he said that his ban on all Muslims was only just a "suggestion." Now, he\'s saying that we should be conducting "extreme vetting" of immigrating Muslims. What a clown. Nobody knows what he wants to do, except that it will probably be illegal.', ">>{fatherstretchmyhams} : Nothing will convince you. That doesn't mean he doesn't flip", '>>{0ne_Word} : No idea, but whatever it is is better than 8 more years of Bush/Obama war and shitty economy.', ">>{BalanceCoil} : Art of the deal. Read it then all the shit Trump does won't surprise you.", ">>{stupidaccountname} : He said it was a suggestion because he's not in a position to implement it. What is the confusion.", '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : Are you serious? It was originally a *policy* he wanted to enact, before he decided it wasn\'t a certainty and instead a "suggestion" for how America should treat Muslim immigrants. Nice try.', '>>{stupidaccountname} : You can twist a quote snippet until it is a pretzel, but it is clear what was being talked about.', '>>{VIRGINS_FOR_TRUMP} : Is it because I need to work on my resonance with huge fucking idiots?', '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : So should I treat everything he says as a policy "suggestion?" Obviously, he just says bullshit things just to gin up his crowds. And then he walks it back when he realizes he needs support from *outside* his mobile-home dwelling base.', '>>{PerniciousPeyton} : A suggestion? Seems like a default position Don takes when he\'s getting in over his head with attacks from both the left *and* the right regarding his "ban all Muslims" policy.', ">>{johnnynutman} : you mean, the US will be Iran's 51st state!", ">>{Thedummies} : Because he never says anything of substance. Easy when you're hedging every fucking word with it appears, or people are saying. .", '>>{noelsusman} : We already have "extreme vetting" for travel from countries with terrorism.', '>>{noelsusman} : Yup. [Iraq and Syria were added to the list just last year for obvious reasons](https://www.congress.gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/158). The list includes Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. Any citizen of those countries (including dual citizens) or anybody who has been there since 2011 must go through the full vetting process to even obtain a travel visa.', '>>{noelsusman} : It wasn\'t clear that he was actually changing the policy, he just described a new one that banned all travel from countries with a history of terrorism. Now he has changed that from an outright ban to "extreme vetting".', '>>{chiron1500} : And Hillary Kkklinton wants a million terrorists migrate to the USA.......', ">>{SuperCashBrother} : Ahhh the inevitable back pedal. It might take a few hours, days, or months, but rest assured it's gonna happen sooner or later.", ">>{SuperCashBrother} : Right, and he likes to speak as if that vetting process doesn't exist. Blatant fear mongering. Par for the course.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : Most Americans being for it doesn't mean it doesn't violate the very first thing in our Bill of Rights. The fact that so many people want to strip fundamental freedom like that is tragic.", ">>{GeneticsGuy} : Isn't this his stance from the beginning? Trump said the ban would only be in place until they could ensure a better vetting process. So him saying that if he could do EXTREME VETTING of people, the ban would not be necessary has been what he has been saying all along? Maybe, just maybe, this is another example of NBC misrepresenting information to make Trump appear to somehow be flipflopping on something when this has been his stance from the beginning. Don't let the media manipulate you by manipulating the facts.", ">>{PandaHat48} : You'll be vetted so hard it'll make your head spin!", ">>{Sci-pssy} : He's learning a trick or two from Clinton, isn't he?", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : It\'s almost as if he\'s learning the constitution as he goes along by people pointing things out to him. "Let\'s ban all Muslims!" "Hey Don, we can\'t do that. There are US citizens that are Muslim." "Fuck it, let\'s just ban all Muslims coming from terroristic countries." "Hey Don, you don\'t really get to declare unilaterally who terrorist countries are, nor would you want to. That seems like a diplomatic disaster." "Fuck it, we\'ll just extreme vet them, that\'s got to be doable, right?" "Yeah Don, I\'m sure there is enough money and federal agents to take care of researching the family and social history of everyone that visits the US. Let\'s try that."', '>>{flippant_fox} : Your doing just fine pandering to the idiots on /r/politics, keep up the fight ace', ">>{lost_send_berries} : See how successful Trump is? He isn't even elected yet and his policies are already reality!", '>>{AssCalloway} : Then everything he says should be prefaced with its a suggestion. Like the wall', ">>{Iwanttobedelivered} : Vetting so strong.... We don't accept any of them.", ">>{oranjemania} : More importantly, don't let Trumpsters manipulate you by denying the facts.", '>>{one8sevenn} : The thing you have to understand about Trump and is positions is that they are all negotiable. Saying to ban all Muslims and then incorporating a extreme vetting process seems like a good compromise, but it will be swung in the favor of Trump. Same thing with the wall. Build a wall could go to extreme surveillance process. It is all about moving the conversation in your direction. Want to buy a horse. Put in a bid on the farm to get the farmer to listen. Then buy the horse, while negotiations for the farm are being had.'], ['>>{rodneyP} : my girlfriend was very excited when they showed him last night', '>>{Warhawk137} : How dare an actor so brashly express an opinion contrary to a character he played by sitting quietly at a political event!', ">>{WesternPhilosophy} : Why would it? Democrats are transforming into multicultural Reaganites. I'm fine with the adjective, but why does Reaganomics have to dog the Party of Progress?", '>>{seanosul} : Haha. Sun rises. Sun sets. Conservatives irked and confused. Lol cons.', '>>{dfecht} : Was he one of the respondents to the craigslist ad looking for actors to attend?', ">>{wowcunning} : Is anyone really surprised? We're dealing with people that don't know the difference between pretend & reality.", ">>{Jabbajaw} : Hey conservatives!! HE IS AN ACTOR. And regardless of what you think a person's beliefs should be people are free to think what they want and make their own decisions. Maybe Clint should have got Chuck Norris or Scott Baio to play Chris Kyle.", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Bryan Cranston showed up for half a second with hims arms folded like "pfft".', ">>{pramoni} : Maybe he understands that the armed forces of our country fight to support our country and not turn it over to serious potential adversaries like Putin, nor abandon this country's historic role and position regarding our long standing allies in NATO.", '>>{I_Key_Cars} : Conservative = Insane bigot living in the dark ages.', '>>{Gold_Jacobson} : Haha. Conservatives thought Cooper really was Chris Kyle. *whaaat? But I saw him in mah tv box saying he was republican!*'], ['>>{Mycoxadril} : Anyone experiencing more battery drain over last few days? 7+', ">>{zeroShifter} : Hmm... I noticed a similar situation today. I got home to 7% for the first time since I've owned my phone back in September, and I usually get home with around 60%. I used the phone just as much as I usually do. Not sure why there was a sudden drain today. I'll check it out tomorrow again. I hope it's not a 6 month bug that's similar to the 1 year bug that appeared with the launch 6s'...", '>>{Sickman-D} : Same here with my 6 and my wife\'s 6S. Past couple of days just seems to be draining like crazy even after killing all running apps and full reboot. Could be a "buy a new phone" bug.', ">>{dgforce} : I've noticed the drain ever since updating to 10.2.1, and I just got my 7plus less than a month ago. I was really impressed with the battery life over my S6 when I initially got it, but less so right now.", ">>{BertieBongo} : Yep I thought my battery drained pretty quickly too, was below 20% when I got home at 4pm and that was without any real heavy usage. I'm on a 7 plus.", '>>{meeeega} : Can confirm, same thing happens to me. It is not worrysome yet, but not worrying about battery too much is the exact reason why i made the switch from Android to my iPhone7+ in the first place...', ">>{laverty660} : Same issue here . 6S Plus, under normal usage I'd get home at 5/6pm with 50/60%. Only been taken off the charge at 7am and yesterday and today at 11am I had 40%. Like mentioned below had not changed any settings apart from updated apps as normal. Unsure if its a specific app draining the battery or if its an actual iPhone/iOS issue. It sucks!!!!", ">>{xHolomovementx} : Could be a bug in iOS that is using more resources than it should be. I doubt it's planned obsolescence, the phone is not even a year old yet. Have you ruled out environmental causes? (Poor signal ect)", '>>{Mycoxadril} : I would agree it would be quite soon for planned obsolescence. I work from home so I am on wifi 90% of my day, so definitely no service issues or reasons I can identify that anything has been working harder all of a sudden. Quite the mystery.', ">>{xHolomovementx} : Ahh I see, that is odd. I would not be surprised if it was a bug in the OS. It's happened before so it's likely a bug. Hopefully Apple will address the issue. I would recommend a full backup and restore through iTunes. Hope you get this figured out!", ">>{PainTrainMD} : Last few days on my 6s I've been getting home under 20%. Usually 35-40%. No difference in usage.", ">>{danielscha} : Anyone know if there are any updates on this? This happened about a week ago for me where I wouldn't be using my phone much but battery would drop 20-30%.", ">>{arhamjamal} : I have noticed the same thing on my iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10.2.1 for the past few days. The battery drains pretty fast as compared to normal days. Haven't installed any new app or anything. Definitely not normal.", ">>{Mycoxadril} : Well I'm glad I'm not losing my mind. Hopefully it'll all just magically correct itself, right?", ">>{arhamjamal} : I hope so. One reason why I moved from Android to iOS was stability of the platform but this is the first time so I'll be patient."], [">>{Royal_Cascadian} : Donald Trump's candidacy is a 'civic emergency,' and the press doesn't know what to do about it", '>>{DragonPup} : Press: "Act like it\'s a neck and neck horse race and engage in false equivalency!"', ">>{kah0922} : For the sake of this argument, let's pretend your average democrat was running instead of Clinton. Trump has said things on this campaign trail that many would consider political suicide. In addition, his policies are either nonexistent or a complete joke (The Commander-In-Chief forum made that painfully obvious). Yet, despite all this, he has a loyal following. This is unprecedented and the press has no idea what to do.", '>>{The_Vibrator} : How about not suppressing honest news, and quit regurgitating false bull shit. "DNC emails leaked that prove collusion between them and the Hillary Clinton camp to be the nominee months before her announcing her candidacy? Shit, lets blame the Russians and not question the content of said emails". It doesn\'t surprise me that the press doesn\'t know what to do with Trump.', '>>{HEARTFELT_UNKINDNESS} : It\'s a good thing that some of the press aren\'t acting like unhinged partisans spouting nonsense like "civic emergency." Give me a break. These candidates suck, but both sides need to cool it with the hyperbole.', ">>{restlessruby} : It's proving the bed of nails theory, for sure.", '>>{misscee} : is this "journalist" saying that our Republic is in danger and the press needs to do something? good grief. The voters are going to decide and everyone whether or not they want Clinton or Trump is just going to have to live with it. I\'m not voting for either one ... I\'ll let the bozos who want one or the other decide.', ">>{Phi-Phi-Kappa-Alpha} : Yup. It's laughable that the press is victimizing itself after so much collusion with the Clinton Camp and her agenda. Pure propaganda. Can't take them seriously anymore.", '>>{GaussianDistributi0n} : Democracies have the governments they deserve. If Trump is elected and Roe v. Wade is repealed; if he pulls the US from the Paris climate agreement; if climate change isn\'t stopped because of his denial; if he triggers a war with Russia or China; if he causes the US to default on the national debt, "knowing we could make a deal"; if the ruling that legalized same-sex marriage is overturned and same-sex marriage is made illegal in all 50 states; if he enacts his fiscal policies and causes the debt to explode; if income inequality keeps increasing (the US already has third-world levels of income inequality); if he makes the US the world\'s pariah by banning Muslim immigration; if he has reporters arrested because they criticize him; then it\'s because the American people wants it, and the American people will deserve what it gets.', '>>{Bernin4U} : People have ideas that are different from ours! This is the end of democracy!', '>>{The_Vibrator} : Very. Have you noticed the strange wasteland that r/politics has turned into. Seems like there is almost zero CTR employees around here after Clintons aneurysm or whatever the fuck happened to her.', ">>{TKay421} : Trump has no ideas besides a wall that he can't get built. He just vomits words in no particular order, repeats them four times, and moves on to something else. That's not a leader, that's a schizophrenic.", ">>{Bernin4U} : Yeah him and his lousy thoughtcrimes! He's a madman for having a different view of the world than the enlightened people like ourselves!", ">>{Phi-Phi-Kappa-Alpha} : They're just waiting to milk the next controversial thing Trump does. And during that, they take the chance to slip in a few pro-Clinton articles.", ">>{restlessruby} : Honestly, this kind of bullshit is how he's normalized bigotry.", '>>{SinSkin} : A lot has to do with not being able to accept Clinton, 4 ever Bern!', ">>{Yuri_Is_Master} : Politics is a wasteland with CTR. they have been temporarily silenced by real people who aren't paid to troll on the Internet by a super PAC.", '>>{thinkB4WeSpeak} : The majority of American politics is an emergency, why just limit it to this.', ">>{Archaic_Ursadon} : This line of criticism would be appropriate if directed against hyperbolic critics of a Romney, Ryan, McCain, or Bush. But Trump is something else entirely. His view of the world isn't just different; it's entirely self-centered, largely unmoored from reality, and impervious to the norms of political discourse.", '>>{DragonPup} : Jon Oliver described it as such: > “Trump hasn’t said one crazy thing — he’s said thousands of crazy things. Each of which blunts the effect of the others. It’s the bed-of-nails principle.” He continued: “If you step on one nail, it hurts you. If you step on a thousand nails, no single one stands out and you’re fine.”', ">>{GaussianDistributi0n} : Not really? Mike Pence [said](http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/trailguide/la-na-democratic-convention-2016-live-pence-says-roe-v-wade-will-be-1469737388-htmlstory.html) Roe v. Wade would be overturned if Trump was elected president: > “I’m pro-life and I don’t apologize for it,” he said during a town hall meeting here. “We’ll see Roe vs. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs.” I didn't exaggerate when I said that. Trump has also [said](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jun/03/hillary-clinton/yes-donald-trump-did-call-climate-change-chinese-h/) that climate change was a hoax, and that he would [cancel](http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-36401174) the Paris climate agreement. That's not an exaggeration. I could go on, but I'm not kidding.", ">>{leadhead702} : The US has a system in place, created by the constitution, which prevents the president from doing whatever he/she wants. If this was not the case the US would be a dictatorship. The president has an obligation to work with the rest of the government. So it matters very little what either of these candidates 'say.' If Tump were to be president and started trying to change some of these things you example, he would come up against massive opposition that would end in stalemate. Don't learn politics from the media's doom and gloom reporting.", '>>{GaussianDistributi0n} : That\'s kind of a weird argument though. "Vote for my candidate, but don\'t worry about him, because the Constitution would stop him." If you don\'t want Trump\'s policies to be implemented, why would you vote for him?', ">>{wavescrashover} : All of what they said is accurate. Don't know if you're a Trump supporter or not but if you are, I suggest you pay more attention.", '>>{rockstarfish} : Trump would fill government with People like Mike Pence that would change the constitution....', '>>{losjoo} : Nope, all of that is on target. Have you been listening to trump?', '>>{TheNarrMaster} : Dude, I know what you mean, holy crap.', ">>{rustyzippergriswold} : Put Johnson in the debates. Of course, that might also take votes from the chosen one, and the press can't have that now can they?", '>>{pixl_graphix} : If you really think Trump is a civic emergency, then vote better people into the house and senate.', ">>{Obvious_Moose} : Hey now, his website has a whole 6 other issues that aren't the wall!", ">>{Obvious_Moose} : If you aren't planning on voting, please consider voting for Gary Johnson instead. The more votes third party candidates get, the closer we are to getting rid of the two party system and bullshit elections like this", '>>{SnazzyD} : >All of what they said is accurate You mean all of those "if....if....if" hypotheticals, and you somehow think you can forecast their theoretical accuracy? Wow, that\'s amazing. Fortunately, I am watching this one from the international bleachers but man oh man, you Americans are one messed up society that can\'t see what\'s so obvious to everyone else.']]
classify and reply
['>>{teague412} : Works when I click it. There are even 7+ available here! Maybe clear your browser cache and try again?', '>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Without Obamacare, I Will Get Sicker, Faster, Until I Die', '>>{FowelBallz} : A Trump supporter was charged with voting twice. Her lawyer says she shouldn’t stand trial', '>>{economicallyanxious} : are they asking for ICE to become a permanent feature of their town', ">>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : Without ACA provisions, I wouldn't have a large intestine right now. Crohn's. Nah, but I'm sure I'm just some mooch. That's why I've been working all this time, just to cover my tracks.", '>>{OldMutant} : Yeah, and back in the day some cities swore they would never stop segregation. The feds can apply lots of force.', ">>{Swifity} : I got the same issue, can't reserve anything.", ">>{liberte_} : Spoiler, Trump followists don't care (unless it's them or someone they know personally).", ">>{Rocket_Widget} : >Terri Lynn Rote, who was accused of casting two votes for Donald Trump in October, has 'cognitive limitations' and is unfit to stand trial, her lawyer says. ............ I....... How.......... Lol....... WTF can you possibly say about that.", ">>{Guy_Le_Douche_} : That's OK, because generous Trump supporters are going to step up and take care of all these sick people through charity. Right all you Trump supporters? You're all now actively engaged in caring for the poor and sick now that you're succeeding in eliminating our public healthcare systems right?", ">>{XZigZX} : Ohh, so there's all the illegal voting Trump was talking about. I get it now.", '>>{jnr_77} : Honestly? Probably. They get to look like the good guys, "Hey, I *tried,* didn\'t I? Vote for me in the next election!" They know they can\'t do anything, really.', ">>{Jigsawpebbles} : Haha bretbart, you've been named a shit poster and fake news. Still trying hard kek", '>>{Backflip_Wilson} : Just a second ago the Republicans were all about decentralized power... Now Trump is gonna veto mayors. Fluoride advocates, you are WARNED!', '>>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : Oh but they\'re not on public health care, y\'see. They\'re on "Kentucky HEALTH" or whatever these Red States named their ACA programs. Totally different.', ">>{HeyThereToughGuy} : If you're looking this far back, you were trolled.", '>>{moxy801} : Trolling is only OK when the Dear Leader does it.', '>>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : Oh those are plenty covered. Like a cobblestone road made of inflamed tonsils.', ">>{dolphins3} : Please don't jinx it. If Trump learns about the anti-fluoride whackos, he'll probably jump on board with them too.", '>>{totallyclips} : sounds like the illness the person she voted twice for has', '>>{wraithtek} : > A woman who was arrested after **voting twice for Donald Trump**.. . > But her court-appointed attorney, Jane White, filed a motion last week saying Rote has **“cognitive limitations”** and **can’t stay focused for long periods**... . > “It is **unknown if the Defendant has been diagnosed** previously with a mental health disorder, but **her interactions with counsel indicate to counsel that this may be the case.”** Presented without comment.', '>>{PRChic81} : Try this link... Although I have heard that it isn\'t until you go to confirm the reservation at the end that it returns the "Unavailable" message. Initially, all seems well. https://reserve.cdn-apple.com/US/en_US/reserve/iPhone/availability?channel=1&sourceID=email&rv=0&path=&iPP=U&appleCare=Y', '>>{Swifity} : Weird. How is it that this link works but none other?', '>>{Wegonbealtright} : I believe that in addition to pulling all federal funds Jeff Sessions could also force the DOJ to pursue charges against city council members', ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : If you can't afford a large intestine in cash you don't deserve one.", '>>{Swifity} : Just did. Weird how it lets us reserve but not any other link!', '>>{PRChic81} : I dunno, it is odd but I noticed the link seemed shorter. Hope you find your phone!', ">>{Wolf-Head} : Will they want to? It's one thing to send in the national guard to protect kids going to school, it's another thing to send them in to arrest moms.", ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : Totally. If you were rich you'd be fine, and that's your own fault. Dems the brakes in republicanland.", '>>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : [Aw, my pun...](http://orig14.deviantart.net/2f6c/f/2010/226/b/2/sad_owl_3_by_distasty.jpg)', '>>{Ehwic} : Do you know how to change your reservation time?', '>>{americanidiot2} : It does prove the narrative that there is none to be wrong.', '>>{994Bernie} : Apparently it was viral, and we need to inoculate sooner than later.', '>>{PRChic81} : At the bottom of the reservation email it states: Can I change or cancel my reservation after I’ve confirmed it? You can’t change or cancel your reservation. However, if you’d like to change the model you reserved, a Specialist can check the availability of a different iPhone when you come in. Due to high demand, the availability of some models may be limited', '>>{Swifity} : Interesting, where did you get your link? Thanks again!', '>>{PRChic81} : I\'m pretty sure I snagged it from someones post in the "It\'s Here! iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus Arrival Megathread" here on Reddit.', ">>{LanceBelcher} : Dude, Crohn's is rough. Hope its under control.", ">>{roofrenegade} : Dammit. This is going to be such a lightning rod for opponents of Trump to jump on, but it is not the point. Obviously, the president hasn't presented any evidence for his claims, but anyone who attacks people that were so desperate to finally have their voices heard by Washington they committed a felony isn't going to help solve the major problems of divisiveness. Until his term is up or he is impeached, everyone in the country needs to work together to truly listen to everyone in need. Calling attention to this and deriding Trump supporters will only cause them to want to lash out more and find their own focus of democratic corruption, which I'm pretty confident there is. Just listen to each other, without derision. Disagree without sowing dissent. Be the bigger person when someone insults you for your beliefs, and don't strike back against them. Take the highroad, but don't be smug about it. We are all on the same team, every one of us, even the president, and we have to start acting like it.", ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : Wow. That's a sure sign I'm too high for Reddit right now. I'm sorry my friend, I've cut both of us short.", '>>{traunks} : >[People must remember that ObamaCare just doesn\'t work, and it is not affordable - 116% increases (Arizona). Bill Clinton called it "CRAZY"](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/816264484629184513) -Donald Trump, January 3, 2017', ">>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : Thanks man. For now it is. That said if the pre-existing conditions part of the ACA goes away, I'm probably going to become a resection (gut-cut) candidate again within pretty short time.", '>>{southtexasmama} : BreitBart is a downvote. Fake news. Fake memes. Full of racists.', ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : 'Obamacare' = Is the Republican Party's Privatized plan they pushed for decades!", '>>{Ehwic} : Well I ended up reading their TOS at the very bottom of that email rather than the bolded letters lol. Thanks for providing the feedback!', '>>{Morchaint} : Republicans arguing for Federal enforcement over state and municipal rights. What does the party even stand for anymore?', '>>{Swifity} : So weird, I was trying all night and kept getting service unavailable. Thanks so much!', '>>{Epic_7} : Thanks for this link!!!! Reserved a Plus for today!!!', ">>{abdlforever} : >Nah, but I'm sure I'm just some mooch. That's why I've been working all this time, just to cover my tracks. Nope. You are the only legitimate case of where Obamacare helped. Everyone else are a bunch of free loading poor minorities trying to make us hard working americans pay more taxes so they can do drugs... ^^^^^^and ^^^^^^in ^^^^^^case ^^^^^^you ^^^^^^couldn't ^^^^^^already ^^^^^^tell ^^^^^^I'm ^^^^^^being ^^^^^^very ^^^^^^very ^^^^^^verrrrrrrryyyyyy ^^^^^^sarcastic", '>>{RxVote} : Liars figure and figures lie: "One reason Arizona rates rose so much is that premiums in that state had been inordinately low; insurers were making up in 2017 for lost ground. In 2016, the average benchmark plan premium for a 40-year-old in Phoenix, according to healthinsurance.org, had been $207 per month, one of the lowest rates in the nation, bested only by New Mexico and Indiana. The 2017 increase will raise Arizona’s rates to among the nation’s highest, but the increase over the average is nowhere near what Ryan cited. Most important, the premium increases don’t remotely reflect what most Arizona ACA enrollees — or those of the other states — will actually pay. That’s because ACA subsidies are designed to rise in tandem with premiums, or in some cases even faster. In Arizona, 76% of enrollees get a premium subsidy, and more than half also get a subsidy to help pay deductibles and co-pays." http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-obamacare-ryan-townhall-20170113-story.html In Arizona, outside of special interest lobby supported legislators and governor there is widespread support for the ACA: http://www.azcentral.com/story/money/business/health/2017/01/04/arizona-obamacare-supporters-defend-health-law/96162316/', ">>{huey_and_riley} : Haha if only. Trump supporters don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.", ">>{TheRunner_PD} : It's a court appointed attorney. He has to come up with something. Please don't knock him for it. I'm serious. Public defenders have a thankless job sometimes but they are key to preserving our Constitutional rights.", ">>{remote_production} : And then when it's them, it's going to be liberals fault for not explaining that the ACA and Obamacare are the same thing.", '>>{PM-ME-YOUR-DICTA} : >We are all on the same team, every one of us, even the president, and we have to start acting like it. But what are we supposed to do when it seems clear the President is not on our team?', '>>{egenesis} : What are the chances of Sanders against Trump during general. Election?', ">>{JaisBit} : Nobody ever claimed there was none, just that it's uncommon enough that it doesn't have any real effect on elections. Also, the kinds of voter fraud that do occur, such as the instance referred to in the article, are virtually always caught, thanks to the safeguards that are already in place.", '>>{Littlewigum} : I think people in blue states need to start a letter writing campaign to random people in red states. In these letters they need to explain how regressive GOP policies hurt actual people. Just go online and look up a random white pages book. Send them a letter. If we all do this, it could change a lot of peoples minds. For a lot of "red" voter, they are just voting on ideology and how things "should be" and not the real world. Make them see the terrible harm they are doing. Send a thoughtful hand written letter.', ">>{crashlove} : Ha! Because of ACA provisions, I don't have a large intestine right now. I ended up getting insurance, and two weeks later I was in the hospital with toxic mega colon because of ulcerative colitis. My colon ruptured right before they removed it. I was hospitalized for six or seven weeks all together that time and had two emergency surgeries. I just had another surgery last week to remove my diseased rectum. I have one more surgery left (if all goes well). Would I have gone to the emergency room if I didn't have insurance at that point? I don't know. I didn't even know I had ulcerative colitis or that toxic mega colon was a real disease. But if I had gone to the er without insurance, I'd be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt right now. If ACA is repealed, I'm not sure if I will be able to get my last surgery. So I'll be living in limbo for who knows how long. And it'll be very difficult to get insurance with a preexisting condition like ulcerative colitis. I also don't know if not having my colon, appendix (it's attached to the colon!), and rectum will hurt my chances of getting health insurance in the future.", ">>{jesus_zombie_attack} : No I think trump is on putins team. Sorry but I can't support this childish moron.", '>>{another_sunnyday} : This woman has no one to blame but herself, however: > Rote told an Iowa radio station that she believes “the polls are rigged” — a common Trump refrain in the closing weeks of the election. Rote said she feared that her first vote would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton. This is your brain on propaganda', '>>{Southernerd} : Trump really has no choice but to appoint her to head the investigation into voter fraud.', ">>{1800Feelsbadman} : Psssssss... it is Boston surburb in a rich neighborhood, you don't even have a 100 if any illegals. Trump should just bus illegals from New York who are homeless into Somerville.", '>>{Cinemaphreak} : What about those Bernie Bros who voted for Stein or simply refused to vote for anyone, "voting their conscience?" Stein\'s vote count in Michigan, Wisconsin & Pennsylvania is greater than Trump\'s margin of victory there. Those three states would have flipped the election to Clinton. This is what happens when you have a naive, immature understanding of how the political process works. Trump vs Clinton was the greatest political test most people will ever take in terms of "do you vote for policy or the personality?" A lot of so called progressives failed miserably and it\'s likely to get people **killed.**', '>>{lostfinch} : Maybe waterborne? We should have the EPA look into it.... oh wait. Fuck...', '>>{rwilso7} : Mayors can be voted out. They can also be sued. They can even be arrested. In the end, Trump has the law on his side, and that is enough if he cares to use it.', '>>{Cannon1} : So *now* can we have stricter voting laws?', ">>{roofrenegade} : There are a lot of reasons to think that. While he is certainly attempting to forge a strong alliance with the Russian dictator, I have to hope that any friendship gained will be leveraged to at least make America stronger. It isn't what I want, but our system voted him in. I will protest, and I will and have alerted my elected officials of my opinions on the handful of things that are already happening in Washington. I will also watch and listen and not outright shout slurs at Trump, because that isn't how lasting change occurs (which, incidentally, is why I am optimistic about the future).", '>>{QQMau5trap} : I remember watching the jimmy kimmel quiz where they asked people on the streets. As a european I was baffled.', '>>{alexoobers} : No one is saying the number is 0, especially after multiple Trump supporters were trying to get away with voting twice', ">>{roofrenegade} : Making choices we disagree with or that are counter to the ideologies we hold does not make our president an enemy. I get if you don't agree with me on that, especially since he may actually have done treasonous things, the least of which could be the dispute over his businesses. Simply disagree with policy, though, is how our country has always evolved. Heated discourse over the actions of our highest offices will help shape our country for years to come, I only advocate that we attempt it civilly and without malice.", ">>{PM-ME-YOUR-DICTA} : >Making choices we disagree with or that are counter to the ideologies we hold does not make our president an enemy. I get if you don't agree with me on that, especially since he may actually have done treasonous things, the least of which could be the dispute over his businesses. Simply disagree with policy, though, is how our country has always evolved. Heated discourse over the actions of our highest offices will help shape our country for years to come, I only advocate that we attempt it civilly and without malice. You admit he may have done treasonous things. Someone who does those things is our enemy. It's not a disagreement about policy. It is about fearing for the continued existence of our country and its values because of this President who is not on our team.", '>>{JesusaurusPrime} : Pretty sure the number of known fraudulent votes is 4 though.', ">>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : >No I think trump is on putins team. He's Putin's bitch. But he probably doesn't realize it.", ">>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : >that isn't how lasting change occurs Getting out in the streets and never backing down is how lasting change occurs.", '>>{throwawaygaspile} : They are replacing Obamacare with an even better Bill. Are you still going to bitch when they do that? Rand Paul is revealing today.', '>>{roofrenegade} : Yea, I did sort of talk against my point there. I guess I mean that whether his business dealing are treasonous or just selfish is up to debate. Other allegations have yet to be completely substantiated, though I believe that there is every possibility they will be. I am curious why you think the country will disappear or be destroyed. Did you mean that it is just changing toward a nation that your conscience can not abide, or are you worried about an actual war breaking out and conquering America under another nations flag?', ">>{happyscrappy} : See how much money repealing Obamacare is going to save! The cost of this person's procedures will go from tens of thousands of dollars to zero rapidly.", ">>{Peninj} : You're right of course. But nuance seems to be lost in the current state of political discussions. We need to find it again to make certain the american people can all start pulling in the right direction.", '>>{roofrenegade} : Reasons to maybe be optimistic: 1) TV (cable or Netflix or otherwise) is so good nowadays, and it will likely only get even better as all the anger and frustration of that community is poured into the arts. 2) There was an article somewhere about scientists that made a pig with human DNA. Regardless of the obvious medical advances this could mean, it also gives us a great amount of insight in to the world\'s truest enemy, man-bear-pig. 3) The new Mass effect game looks rad as heck. 4) Someone paid for 10 free coffees at the Manhatten bagel I was at this morning in order to "pay it forward" or something, which was neat. Maybe some of that will help?', '>>{roofrenegade} : Yes, but that kind of civil disobedience can go hand in hand with respect, or at least tolerance, for those who disagree with you.', ">>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : [For the record, this is what Inflammatory Bowel Diseases like Crohn's and UC can do, left untreated](http://www.arcadyholistic.ca/_colon2.jpg)", '>>{tomz17} : > Rote said she feared that her first vote would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton. Great... so this genius gave them TWO votes to change for Hillary. /s', ">>{Downbound92} : She didn't vote twice because she was desperate to have her voice heard in Washington, she voted twice because she believed Trump's conspiracy theory that votes were being thrown away.", '>>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : No, he said today that he was drafting one, and focused on the failed idea of interstate policies. Six states have had laws enabling them for decades now, not a [single interstate policy has been sold in any of these states, to date](http://www.rwjf.org/content/dam/farm/reports/issue_briefs/2012/rwjf401409) Interstate policies are a very jargon-y way of saying "do literally nothing."', ">>{PM-ME-YOUR-DICTA} : >I am curious why you think the country will disappear or be destroyed. Did you mean that it is just changing toward a nation that your conscience can not abide, or are you worried about an actual war breaking out and conquering America under another nations flag? I think a country known as the United States of America will probably continue to exist, but it will be nothing like the country we know. If things keep moving in the direction they seem to be, I think the personal liberties and social programs we enjoy and feel are fundamental to our country are going to be gone or degraded so much to be meaningless. I don't think an actual war breaking out is unthinkable. We have a leader with questionable (at best) and varying mental states. There are adversarial leaders who are insane and unpredictable. Trump and many of these leaders have access to nuclear weapons that could literally destroy the world in minutes. Do I think this is likely to happen? Probably not. But if you would have asked me 4 years ago whether Donald Trump would be president I would have said 100% no. But here we are. So it seems anything is possible.", '>>{ihugfaces} : Fuck that. Too many people in the country have ignored all of the evidence that their senses give to them. Too many people voted for "wrong" and I can and will hold it against them. This shit is how every single other major world power in *history* has crumbled, yet we never seem to heed the lessons *every major civilization that has existed before us has succumbed to* Civility? Unity? Tell me how well that worked out for Nazi Germany. Very soon it will be "you\'re either with us or against us", I\'m just jumping the gun. This is quite literally good vs. evil.', '>>{roofrenegade} : Thanks for answering my question so completely, you bring up good points for me to think about.', ">>{roofrenegade} : Is the cure for brainwashing casting insults at the victims? I think the point I want to make, though, is that, while solving the issue of how she came to feel betrayed by our former administration could help ward against future feelings of futility, it won't solve the root of the dilemma, which is that she did feel betrayed. I am trying to advocate reasonable discourse in the face of unreasonable people making a lot of decisions. I don't know if my way is the best way, but I believe it is.", ">>{roofrenegade} : I'm sorry that you feel that way, and I wish I could convince you otherwise, but you made a good point about people not learning from history. I do think that with such a globalized and communicative planet, any empire falling will be different than what we have seen before, but it will be a tough road whether we weather this storm or not. There were a lot of reasons why Nazi Germany became a thing, and propaganda was probably their biggest tool. Nationwide feeling of degradation and shame also primed the majority for a charismatic leader. While these parallels can be attributed to multiple governments in modern times, it is important to identify the similarities in our own country. It is also important to note that they were not unified. Resistance to the changes certainly came too little too late by most standards, but that leads me to have faith in the American people standing up to a man who is making decisions that may go against there well being. We should do everything we can to win this country back, but in the right way, or we could end up back in this predicament in 10-20 years.", '>>{Downbound92} : This is a news story of the "Florida man" variety. There\'s no need to ascribe to this person imaginary conditions to engender pity.', ">>{italianfatman} : Apparently 'cognitive limitations' won't keep you from becoming president.", '>>{LDLover} : You are truly a special kind of person. We need more bots to be modeled after the likes of you instead of the partisan agitators as I think you represent more of the type of people you encounter IRL but that we see so few of online.', ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : No it doesn't, no one ever said that there was none."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{FowelBallz} : A Trump supporter was charged with voting twice. Her lawyer says she shouldn’t stand trial', ">>{Rocket_Widget} : >Terri Lynn Rote, who was accused of casting two votes for Donald Trump in October, has 'cognitive limitations' and is unfit to stand trial, her lawyer says. ............ I....... How.......... Lol....... WTF can you possibly say about that.", ">>{XZigZX} : Ohh, so there's all the illegal voting Trump was talking about. I get it now.", '>>{totallyclips} : sounds like the illness the person she voted twice for has', '>>{wraithtek} : > A woman who was arrested after **voting twice for Donald Trump**.. . > But her court-appointed attorney, Jane White, filed a motion last week saying Rote has **“cognitive limitations”** and **can’t stay focused for long periods**... . > “It is **unknown if the Defendant has been diagnosed** previously with a mental health disorder, but **her interactions with counsel indicate to counsel that this may be the case.”** Presented without comment.', '>>{americanidiot2} : It does prove the narrative that there is none to be wrong.', '>>{994Bernie} : Apparently it was viral, and we need to inoculate sooner than later.', ">>{roofrenegade} : Dammit. This is going to be such a lightning rod for opponents of Trump to jump on, but it is not the point. Obviously, the president hasn't presented any evidence for his claims, but anyone who attacks people that were so desperate to finally have their voices heard by Washington they committed a felony isn't going to help solve the major problems of divisiveness. Until his term is up or he is impeached, everyone in the country needs to work together to truly listen to everyone in need. Calling attention to this and deriding Trump supporters will only cause them to want to lash out more and find their own focus of democratic corruption, which I'm pretty confident there is. Just listen to each other, without derision. Disagree without sowing dissent. Be the bigger person when someone insults you for your beliefs, and don't strike back against them. Take the highroad, but don't be smug about it. We are all on the same team, every one of us, even the president, and we have to start acting like it.", ">>{TheRunner_PD} : It's a court appointed attorney. He has to come up with something. Please don't knock him for it. I'm serious. Public defenders have a thankless job sometimes but they are key to preserving our Constitutional rights.", '>>{PM-ME-YOUR-DICTA} : >We are all on the same team, every one of us, even the president, and we have to start acting like it. But what are we supposed to do when it seems clear the President is not on our team?', ">>{JaisBit} : Nobody ever claimed there was none, just that it's uncommon enough that it doesn't have any real effect on elections. Also, the kinds of voter fraud that do occur, such as the instance referred to in the article, are virtually always caught, thanks to the safeguards that are already in place.", ">>{jesus_zombie_attack} : No I think trump is on putins team. Sorry but I can't support this childish moron.", '>>{another_sunnyday} : This woman has no one to blame but herself, however: > Rote told an Iowa radio station that she believes “the polls are rigged” — a common Trump refrain in the closing weeks of the election. Rote said she feared that her first vote would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton. This is your brain on propaganda', '>>{Southernerd} : Trump really has no choice but to appoint her to head the investigation into voter fraud.', '>>{lostfinch} : Maybe waterborne? We should have the EPA look into it.... oh wait. Fuck...', '>>{Cannon1} : So *now* can we have stricter voting laws?', ">>{roofrenegade} : There are a lot of reasons to think that. While he is certainly attempting to forge a strong alliance with the Russian dictator, I have to hope that any friendship gained will be leveraged to at least make America stronger. It isn't what I want, but our system voted him in. I will protest, and I will and have alerted my elected officials of my opinions on the handful of things that are already happening in Washington. I will also watch and listen and not outright shout slurs at Trump, because that isn't how lasting change occurs (which, incidentally, is why I am optimistic about the future).", '>>{alexoobers} : No one is saying the number is 0, especially after multiple Trump supporters were trying to get away with voting twice', ">>{roofrenegade} : Making choices we disagree with or that are counter to the ideologies we hold does not make our president an enemy. I get if you don't agree with me on that, especially since he may actually have done treasonous things, the least of which could be the dispute over his businesses. Simply disagree with policy, though, is how our country has always evolved. Heated discourse over the actions of our highest offices will help shape our country for years to come, I only advocate that we attempt it civilly and without malice.", ">>{PM-ME-YOUR-DICTA} : >Making choices we disagree with or that are counter to the ideologies we hold does not make our president an enemy. I get if you don't agree with me on that, especially since he may actually have done treasonous things, the least of which could be the dispute over his businesses. Simply disagree with policy, though, is how our country has always evolved. Heated discourse over the actions of our highest offices will help shape our country for years to come, I only advocate that we attempt it civilly and without malice. You admit he may have done treasonous things. Someone who does those things is our enemy. It's not a disagreement about policy. It is about fearing for the continued existence of our country and its values because of this President who is not on our team.", '>>{JesusaurusPrime} : Pretty sure the number of known fraudulent votes is 4 though.', ">>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : >No I think trump is on putins team. He's Putin's bitch. But he probably doesn't realize it.", ">>{BulbousAlsoTapered} : >that isn't how lasting change occurs Getting out in the streets and never backing down is how lasting change occurs.", '>>{roofrenegade} : Yea, I did sort of talk against my point there. I guess I mean that whether his business dealing are treasonous or just selfish is up to debate. Other allegations have yet to be completely substantiated, though I believe that there is every possibility they will be. I am curious why you think the country will disappear or be destroyed. Did you mean that it is just changing toward a nation that your conscience can not abide, or are you worried about an actual war breaking out and conquering America under another nations flag?', ">>{Peninj} : You're right of course. But nuance seems to be lost in the current state of political discussions. We need to find it again to make certain the american people can all start pulling in the right direction.", '>>{roofrenegade} : Reasons to maybe be optimistic: 1) TV (cable or Netflix or otherwise) is so good nowadays, and it will likely only get even better as all the anger and frustration of that community is poured into the arts. 2) There was an article somewhere about scientists that made a pig with human DNA. Regardless of the obvious medical advances this could mean, it also gives us a great amount of insight in to the world\'s truest enemy, man-bear-pig. 3) The new Mass effect game looks rad as heck. 4) Someone paid for 10 free coffees at the Manhatten bagel I was at this morning in order to "pay it forward" or something, which was neat. Maybe some of that will help?', '>>{roofrenegade} : Yes, but that kind of civil disobedience can go hand in hand with respect, or at least tolerance, for those who disagree with you.', '>>{tomz17} : > Rote said she feared that her first vote would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton. Great... so this genius gave them TWO votes to change for Hillary. /s', ">>{Downbound92} : She didn't vote twice because she was desperate to have her voice heard in Washington, she voted twice because she believed Trump's conspiracy theory that votes were being thrown away.", ">>{PM-ME-YOUR-DICTA} : >I am curious why you think the country will disappear or be destroyed. Did you mean that it is just changing toward a nation that your conscience can not abide, or are you worried about an actual war breaking out and conquering America under another nations flag? I think a country known as the United States of America will probably continue to exist, but it will be nothing like the country we know. If things keep moving in the direction they seem to be, I think the personal liberties and social programs we enjoy and feel are fundamental to our country are going to be gone or degraded so much to be meaningless. I don't think an actual war breaking out is unthinkable. We have a leader with questionable (at best) and varying mental states. There are adversarial leaders who are insane and unpredictable. Trump and many of these leaders have access to nuclear weapons that could literally destroy the world in minutes. Do I think this is likely to happen? Probably not. But if you would have asked me 4 years ago whether Donald Trump would be president I would have said 100% no. But here we are. So it seems anything is possible.", '>>{ihugfaces} : Fuck that. Too many people in the country have ignored all of the evidence that their senses give to them. Too many people voted for "wrong" and I can and will hold it against them. This shit is how every single other major world power in *history* has crumbled, yet we never seem to heed the lessons *every major civilization that has existed before us has succumbed to* Civility? Unity? Tell me how well that worked out for Nazi Germany. Very soon it will be "you\'re either with us or against us", I\'m just jumping the gun. This is quite literally good vs. evil.', '>>{roofrenegade} : Thanks for answering my question so completely, you bring up good points for me to think about.', ">>{roofrenegade} : Is the cure for brainwashing casting insults at the victims? I think the point I want to make, though, is that, while solving the issue of how she came to feel betrayed by our former administration could help ward against future feelings of futility, it won't solve the root of the dilemma, which is that she did feel betrayed. I am trying to advocate reasonable discourse in the face of unreasonable people making a lot of decisions. I don't know if my way is the best way, but I believe it is.", ">>{roofrenegade} : I'm sorry that you feel that way, and I wish I could convince you otherwise, but you made a good point about people not learning from history. I do think that with such a globalized and communicative planet, any empire falling will be different than what we have seen before, but it will be a tough road whether we weather this storm or not. There were a lot of reasons why Nazi Germany became a thing, and propaganda was probably their biggest tool. Nationwide feeling of degradation and shame also primed the majority for a charismatic leader. While these parallels can be attributed to multiple governments in modern times, it is important to identify the similarities in our own country. It is also important to note that they were not unified. Resistance to the changes certainly came too little too late by most standards, but that leads me to have faith in the American people standing up to a man who is making decisions that may go against there well being. We should do everything we can to win this country back, but in the right way, or we could end up back in this predicament in 10-20 years.", '>>{Downbound92} : This is a news story of the "Florida man" variety. There\'s no need to ascribe to this person imaginary conditions to engender pity.', ">>{italianfatman} : Apparently 'cognitive limitations' won't keep you from becoming president.", '>>{LDLover} : You are truly a special kind of person. We need more bots to be modeled after the likes of you instead of the partisan agitators as I think you represent more of the type of people you encounter IRL but that we see so few of online.', ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : No it doesn't, no one ever said that there was none."], ['>>{teague412} : Works when I click it. There are even 7+ available here! Maybe clear your browser cache and try again?', ">>{Swifity} : I got the same issue, can't reserve anything.", '>>{PRChic81} : Try this link... Although I have heard that it isn\'t until you go to confirm the reservation at the end that it returns the "Unavailable" message. Initially, all seems well. https://reserve.cdn-apple.com/US/en_US/reserve/iPhone/availability?channel=1&sourceID=email&rv=0&path=&iPP=U&appleCare=Y', '>>{Swifity} : Weird. How is it that this link works but none other?', '>>{Swifity} : Just did. Weird how it lets us reserve but not any other link!', '>>{PRChic81} : I dunno, it is odd but I noticed the link seemed shorter. Hope you find your phone!', '>>{Ehwic} : Do you know how to change your reservation time?', '>>{PRChic81} : At the bottom of the reservation email it states: Can I change or cancel my reservation after I’ve confirmed it? You can’t change or cancel your reservation. However, if you’d like to change the model you reserved, a Specialist can check the availability of a different iPhone when you come in. Due to high demand, the availability of some models may be limited', '>>{Swifity} : Interesting, where did you get your link? Thanks again!', '>>{PRChic81} : I\'m pretty sure I snagged it from someones post in the "It\'s Here! iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus Arrival Megathread" here on Reddit.', '>>{Ehwic} : Well I ended up reading their TOS at the very bottom of that email rather than the bolded letters lol. Thanks for providing the feedback!', '>>{Swifity} : So weird, I was trying all night and kept getting service unavailable. Thanks so much!', '>>{Epic_7} : Thanks for this link!!!! Reserved a Plus for today!!!'], ['>>{CollumMcJingleballs} : Without Obamacare, I Will Get Sicker, Faster, Until I Die', ">>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : Without ACA provisions, I wouldn't have a large intestine right now. Crohn's. Nah, but I'm sure I'm just some mooch. That's why I've been working all this time, just to cover my tracks.", ">>{liberte_} : Spoiler, Trump followists don't care (unless it's them or someone they know personally).", ">>{Guy_Le_Douche_} : That's OK, because generous Trump supporters are going to step up and take care of all these sick people through charity. Right all you Trump supporters? You're all now actively engaged in caring for the poor and sick now that you're succeeding in eliminating our public healthcare systems right?", '>>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : Oh but they\'re not on public health care, y\'see. They\'re on "Kentucky HEALTH" or whatever these Red States named their ACA programs. Totally different.', ">>{HeyThereToughGuy} : If you're looking this far back, you were trolled.", '>>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : Oh those are plenty covered. Like a cobblestone road made of inflamed tonsils.', ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : If you can't afford a large intestine in cash you don't deserve one.", ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : Totally. If you were rich you'd be fine, and that's your own fault. Dems the brakes in republicanland.", '>>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : [Aw, my pun...](http://orig14.deviantart.net/2f6c/f/2010/226/b/2/sad_owl_3_by_distasty.jpg)', ">>{LanceBelcher} : Dude, Crohn's is rough. Hope its under control.", ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : Wow. That's a sure sign I'm too high for Reddit right now. I'm sorry my friend, I've cut both of us short.", '>>{traunks} : >[People must remember that ObamaCare just doesn\'t work, and it is not affordable - 116% increases (Arizona). Bill Clinton called it "CRAZY"](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/816264484629184513) -Donald Trump, January 3, 2017', ">>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : Thanks man. For now it is. That said if the pre-existing conditions part of the ACA goes away, I'm probably going to become a resection (gut-cut) candidate again within pretty short time.", ">>{Shiba-Shiba} : 'Obamacare' = Is the Republican Party's Privatized plan they pushed for decades!", ">>{abdlforever} : >Nah, but I'm sure I'm just some mooch. That's why I've been working all this time, just to cover my tracks. Nope. You are the only legitimate case of where Obamacare helped. Everyone else are a bunch of free loading poor minorities trying to make us hard working americans pay more taxes so they can do drugs... ^^^^^^and ^^^^^^in ^^^^^^case ^^^^^^you ^^^^^^couldn't ^^^^^^already ^^^^^^tell ^^^^^^I'm ^^^^^^being ^^^^^^very ^^^^^^very ^^^^^^verrrrrrrryyyyyy ^^^^^^sarcastic", '>>{RxVote} : Liars figure and figures lie: "One reason Arizona rates rose so much is that premiums in that state had been inordinately low; insurers were making up in 2017 for lost ground. In 2016, the average benchmark plan premium for a 40-year-old in Phoenix, according to healthinsurance.org, had been $207 per month, one of the lowest rates in the nation, bested only by New Mexico and Indiana. The 2017 increase will raise Arizona’s rates to among the nation’s highest, but the increase over the average is nowhere near what Ryan cited. Most important, the premium increases don’t remotely reflect what most Arizona ACA enrollees — or those of the other states — will actually pay. That’s because ACA subsidies are designed to rise in tandem with premiums, or in some cases even faster. In Arizona, 76% of enrollees get a premium subsidy, and more than half also get a subsidy to help pay deductibles and co-pays." http://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-obamacare-ryan-townhall-20170113-story.html In Arizona, outside of special interest lobby supported legislators and governor there is widespread support for the ACA: http://www.azcentral.com/story/money/business/health/2017/01/04/arizona-obamacare-supporters-defend-health-law/96162316/', ">>{huey_and_riley} : Haha if only. Trump supporters don't give a damn about anyone but themselves.", ">>{remote_production} : And then when it's them, it's going to be liberals fault for not explaining that the ACA and Obamacare are the same thing.", '>>{egenesis} : What are the chances of Sanders against Trump during general. Election?', '>>{Littlewigum} : I think people in blue states need to start a letter writing campaign to random people in red states. In these letters they need to explain how regressive GOP policies hurt actual people. Just go online and look up a random white pages book. Send them a letter. If we all do this, it could change a lot of peoples minds. For a lot of "red" voter, they are just voting on ideology and how things "should be" and not the real world. Make them see the terrible harm they are doing. Send a thoughtful hand written letter.', ">>{crashlove} : Ha! Because of ACA provisions, I don't have a large intestine right now. I ended up getting insurance, and two weeks later I was in the hospital with toxic mega colon because of ulcerative colitis. My colon ruptured right before they removed it. I was hospitalized for six or seven weeks all together that time and had two emergency surgeries. I just had another surgery last week to remove my diseased rectum. I have one more surgery left (if all goes well). Would I have gone to the emergency room if I didn't have insurance at that point? I don't know. I didn't even know I had ulcerative colitis or that toxic mega colon was a real disease. But if I had gone to the er without insurance, I'd be hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt right now. If ACA is repealed, I'm not sure if I will be able to get my last surgery. So I'll be living in limbo for who knows how long. And it'll be very difficult to get insurance with a preexisting condition like ulcerative colitis. I also don't know if not having my colon, appendix (it's attached to the colon!), and rectum will hurt my chances of getting health insurance in the future.", '>>{Cinemaphreak} : What about those Bernie Bros who voted for Stein or simply refused to vote for anyone, "voting their conscience?" Stein\'s vote count in Michigan, Wisconsin & Pennsylvania is greater than Trump\'s margin of victory there. Those three states would have flipped the election to Clinton. This is what happens when you have a naive, immature understanding of how the political process works. Trump vs Clinton was the greatest political test most people will ever take in terms of "do you vote for policy or the personality?" A lot of so called progressives failed miserably and it\'s likely to get people **killed.**', '>>{QQMau5trap} : I remember watching the jimmy kimmel quiz where they asked people on the streets. As a european I was baffled.', '>>{throwawaygaspile} : They are replacing Obamacare with an even better Bill. Are you still going to bitch when they do that? Rand Paul is revealing today.', ">>{happyscrappy} : See how much money repealing Obamacare is going to save! The cost of this person's procedures will go from tens of thousands of dollars to zero rapidly.", ">>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : [For the record, this is what Inflammatory Bowel Diseases like Crohn's and UC can do, left untreated](http://www.arcadyholistic.ca/_colon2.jpg)", '>>{KamalaKHAAAAAAAAAN} : No, he said today that he was drafting one, and focused on the failed idea of interstate policies. Six states have had laws enabling them for decades now, not a [single interstate policy has been sold in any of these states, to date](http://www.rwjf.org/content/dam/farm/reports/issue_briefs/2012/rwjf401409) Interstate policies are a very jargon-y way of saying "do literally nothing."'], ['>>{economicallyanxious} : are they asking for ICE to become a permanent feature of their town', '>>{OldMutant} : Yeah, and back in the day some cities swore they would never stop segregation. The feds can apply lots of force.', '>>{jnr_77} : Honestly? Probably. They get to look like the good guys, "Hey, I *tried,* didn\'t I? Vote for me in the next election!" They know they can\'t do anything, really.', ">>{Jigsawpebbles} : Haha bretbart, you've been named a shit poster and fake news. Still trying hard kek", '>>{Backflip_Wilson} : Just a second ago the Republicans were all about decentralized power... Now Trump is gonna veto mayors. Fluoride advocates, you are WARNED!', '>>{moxy801} : Trolling is only OK when the Dear Leader does it.', ">>{dolphins3} : Please don't jinx it. If Trump learns about the anti-fluoride whackos, he'll probably jump on board with them too.", '>>{Wegonbealtright} : I believe that in addition to pulling all federal funds Jeff Sessions could also force the DOJ to pursue charges against city council members', ">>{Wolf-Head} : Will they want to? It's one thing to send in the national guard to protect kids going to school, it's another thing to send them in to arrest moms.", '>>{southtexasmama} : BreitBart is a downvote. Fake news. Fake memes. Full of racists.', '>>{Morchaint} : Republicans arguing for Federal enforcement over state and municipal rights. What does the party even stand for anymore?', ">>{1800Feelsbadman} : Psssssss... it is Boston surburb in a rich neighborhood, you don't even have a 100 if any illegals. Trump should just bus illegals from New York who are homeless into Somerville.", '>>{rwilso7} : Mayors can be voted out. They can also be sued. They can even be arrested. In the end, Trump has the law on his side, and that is enough if he cares to use it.']]
classify and reply
['>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : lol. The elite of energy companies are definitely up and stiff. Fuck off Corbyn.', ">>{kobesrightelbow} : Look, I've got 300 jewish friends!", '>>{WildAnimus} : Donald Trump Ridiculed Iraq War Position Held By His VP Pick, Mike Pence', ">>{subware} : Why do I get the feeling that the elites will suck up more of the wealth distribution after Trump carries out his plans? I bet they're quaking in the Armani shoes about the prospect of being richer.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : because you arent done being wrong yet. Im still not sick of winning so Mr.Trump keep proving them wrong.', ">>{Cuckberg} : The guy is pushing the deregulation of wall street and the banks, lower taxes for the wealthy, and increased military spending. He's stacked his admin with establishment people and bankers. Grats, you guys voted to trash our country based on a con. When the republicans dismantle the EPA and clean air act and drive the economy into the dirt, which they always do I'm sure you'll be chanting MAGA from the roof tops.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : Trump to Stress Unity in Inaugural Speech, Aide Says', '>>{LBullingdon} : He will just insult his critics, as usual.', ">>{subware} : The rise in my stock portfolio says different. Don't get me wrong, I will benefit financially from a Trump Presidency. Don't know if you will, though (maybe you'll just get a good feeling out of it).", '>>{MagicComa106} : But I was told that Keith Ellison was an anti-Semite!', ">>{crsy10} : This just in trump's VP is not a carbon copy of trump", ">>{BlackTea14} : Was anyone under the impression that consistency was a hallmark of Donald Trump's campaign? And just how far up your own butt was your head?", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : You mean the stock market closing at a record high 2 days in a row?', '>>{TwoToneTrump} : Sorry I dont believe media reports with no evidence to back them up. Trump hasent released anything yet. When he lets us know its we can discuss it then.', '>>{subware} : Yeah, I benefited. You need reading comprehension. Did you get anything out of that stock rise?', '>>{The_cuckmaker} : You sweet summer children. Grats, you voted in Trump. An east coast billionaire who has made his fortune by scamming investors who trusted him and not paying the small businesses that he has hired. You think he knows anything about what it is like to be middle class? A \'patriot\' that has received deferments so that he didn\'t have to serve while his generation was dying, only to refer to his sex life as "his own personal Vietnam". You think he knows anything about what it is like to sacrifice for a greater good? A man who, as I type this, is filling his cabinet with cronies over qualified people. You think he *isn\'t* about to hand out some sweet political kickbacks? Okay guys. One born every minute. The irony here is that when protections get dismantled, it isn\'t going to be the liberals who pay the price - we are largely concentrated in cities and have the economic and political clout to weather the majority of the fall out. It is **your** jobs that are going to never come back. It is **your** children who wont receive adequate education to compete in the market. It is **your** communities that will become dumping grounds for commercial waste. It is **your** wealth that will continue to be funneled upwards in various schemes wrapped in patriotism. It is **your** children that will be sent to die in wars. But do you. You voted for this. Winter is coming.', '>>{puckhead66} : This is one of the few topics I agree with DT on', ">>{TheCabbager} : People are saying this guy is antisemitic. Well, we are leaders of our Jewish communities and we think he isn't and furthermore he would make a great leader of the DNC. Context matters, bruh.", '>>{Cuckberg} : Are you fucking serious. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-banks-idUSKCN0Y900J Here\'s him saying he\'ll deregulate them. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2016/11/11/if-you-voted-for-trump-because-hes-anti-establishment-guess-what-you-got-conned/ Here\'s him loading his government with the establishment. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2016/09/26/Trump-s-Tax-Plan-Would-Benefit-Wealthy-Most-Study-Finds Here\'s his massive tax cuts for the wealthy. http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/10/politics/david-perdue-on-trump-100-days/ Here\'s them already going after the clean air act. You guys got scammed, enjoy. Keep voting for that trickle down economics, if you let the rich piss on you for long enough it\'s basically rain. >> Republican Sen. David Perdue is laying out what he thinks president-elect Donald Trump\'s first 100 days will look like, saying in radio interviews that GOP lawmakers will not need to compromise to swiftly push through a repeal of Obamacare, the Clean Air Act, the so-called "Waters of the United States" rule, and pass the Keystone pipeline. >> "We repealed Obamacare this year without the Democrats. We can do it again early next year and it will become law — we will repeal it from law, because we\'ll have a president that won\'t veto it. I believe that we\'ll repeal the Waters of the US, we\'ll repeal the Clean Air Act, and we\'ll pass Keystone Pipeline again. And all three, all four of those things will get signed into law by President Trump, so that\'s with the votes we already had. That\'s no new Democrats. That\'s just what we did this year. So I\'m hopeful that that will set a tone." Well played.', '>>{inadazed} : You pathetic losers need to come together and unify.', '>>{pussyonapedestal} : Better start getting that toast boy CNn already confirmed it', '>>{Magjee} : Jews & Muslims working together, we made it guys *cries* We made it :)   For serious, this is a really great thing, I love it when people of different ethnic or religious backgrounds work together :)', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Trump's tax plan has major tax cuts for the rich. If Trump says what he said he will do, the rich are in for a good time.", '>>{kobesrightelbow} : I was just making a joke. I think Ellison should be the DNC chair.', ">>{211logos} : Probably hard to find anyone that ticked any Republican boxes, and was willing to run with Trump, that didn't have some contrary views to Trump himself. And as they go, the Iraq war is old news and unlikely to be a factor in the election. Although that could change....", '>>{I_politics} : All of my enemies need to unite with me and.....uh....never mind losers! I alone can make America sick again!', ">>{Cupinacup} : By golly, you'd better do it. Pop that toast not in the toaster and prepare to get snackin'.", '>>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : We always knew it was going to go bad. People like Trump were just living in denial.', ">>{Leftberg} : Well, he was affiliated with Farrakhan and involved with an anti-Semitic group *a long time ago.* He apologized as a result of Jewish criticism, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. He owed an explanation. As someone of Jewish descent on the left, it needed to happen if he wanted my support, and now he has it. It's pretty much exactly how a pluralistic democracy *should* work.", '>>{AdalineMaj} : Who is "we"? 72% of Americans supported it. http://www.gallup.com/poll/8038/seventytwo-percent-americans-support-war-against-iraq.aspx Dont act like your\'e some foreign policy genius.', '>>{fabric_dindu_nuffin} : He is palpably correct. Trump got in because people were not being heard. Look at how bad the polls got it! People were not listening. It is a different matter whether his actual presidency will be detrimental to the wealthy or not (the word elite is so fucking stupid nowadays).', '>>{totallyclips} : So typical of tyrants, divide the country then tell the people were in this together', '>>{SmugAsHell} : He ridiculed a lot of his own positions. Thats just another on the list.', ">>{UA_Hammer} : Please make it happen Democrats can't wait to see no more whites in your party", ">>{randomized_botanist} : But like most things he says in speeches, he won't actually follow through with what he talks about. For example, [Drain the Swamp](http://www.npr.org/2016/12/22/506611986/trump-and-gingrich-disagree-on-that-whole-swamp-draining-thing), [make Mexico pay to build the wall](http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/06/trump-knocks-border-wall-reports-insists-mexico-will-pay-eventually.html), [Lock her up](http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/09/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-lock-her-up-chant/), etc.", ">>{BaptizedInFire_} : Let's just hope Donna Brazile isn't still the chair in four years.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : You realize that not all Americans are white, right?', ">>{Panda413} : Trump is known to be a hypocrite... so revealing another stated hypocrisy is not news and will not change anyone's opinion of Trump. If you already disliked him because of his constant hypocrisy, this changes nothing. If you support him and don't care about his hypocrisies, this changes nothing.", '>>{whitemest} : Too late for that. Victory tours, and twitter rants. Hes a sore winner, and nothing hes done post election shows hes capable of being anything but.', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : He should just rip off one of Obama's speeches. It worked for Melania.", ">>{billyhorton} : He's done little to nothing to unify the country. In fact, he's been more divisive since being declared the winner.", '>>{radioradio555} : Where were they when the DNC conspired against Bernie Sanders who is also Jewish?', '>>{UA_Hammer} : Yup. They have a party representing their interests (Democrats). The more implicitly and explicitly anti white they get the more the Republican party becomes the party of white interests. I\'m legitimately excited for Keith "the Constitution is a white racist conspiracy" Ellison', '>>{Cupinacup} : A few years from now, Mike Pence is going to release a memoir titled, "Well Someone Had To Do It."', '>>{DC25NYC} : How long before he goes off script and starts shit talking like the debates.', ">>{hillarysidiot} : I'd like to have a party for Americans, I don't give a shit what color, religion or sexual preference they were born with.", ">>{PutinsPepePuppet} : Go fuck yourself Trump. How's that for unity?", '>>{AdalineMaj} : Which is now apparently 90% of the public. Someone is lying.', '>>{the_dirtycheeto} : Hahahaha in no way is the republican party the party of white interest. It just happens that a lot of fucking white people are horrible individuals that follow a politics that aligns with the GOP.', ">>{2chainz3felonies} : Donald was for it until it started to become clear that things went bad. There's a recording of him on a radio show. Still, I do appreciate that he had the balls to call out the republicans at the debate who were sill pretending like it was a good thing.", ">>{Muh_Purity_Tests} : It has to be Keith Ellison. I mean, Tom Perez basically holds the same exact views on what the party should do going forward and how important a 50 state strategy will be, but Bernie Sanders endorsed Ellison so that should ultimately be the deciding factor. If Ellison doesn't get the nomination it will be an affront to my righteous purity tests and literally *everything* progressives stand for. If, for whatever reason, Ellison isn't voted in as DNC chair, I say we immediately begin a scathing, hate-based propaganda campaign against whoever is awarded the seat so that we can continue to splinter the Democratic party, and ruin its chances of taking back the White House for an entire generation, until they finally come to their senses and tell us all how intelligent and compassionate we are. Republicans controlling every branch of government for the next decade and reversing every bit of progressive legislation we've passed since the Roosevelt administration is a small price to pay for me to be able to plaster my facebook wall with status updates about how moral and superior I am to Democrats.", '>>{DonkeyKongCountry2} : cnn != Trump, nothing is confirmed until Trump confirms it himself', '>>{BoringSupreez} : Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Is she a Republican too?', '>>{Puffin_fan} : Dft accumulating quite a crowd of miscreants. Not sure if that indicates anything other than he is indifferent to making healthy political decisions on the ground.', '>>{sunnieskye1} : Anyone whose first words after the election were "Don\'t be afraid" doesn\'t engender a lot of desire in me to unify with the folks who elected him.', '>>{dicks1jo} : How does that matter? DWS is also jewish. Are religious and ethnic groups somehow required to vote in unison as a bloc now?', '>>{LittleShrub} : He will then personally insult anyone who disagrees with him.', ">>{zherok} : The party aiming to take away healthcare, and social security, that doesn't agree with minimum wage, climate change, or really anything but corporate interests is the party of white interests? Most whites aren't in the 1%.", '>>{TheOfficialJoeBiden} : I completely agree. I think Perez is a good guy and all but this is not the direction the party needs to go. The party needs to actually seem genuine and fight for the people.', '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : I think the DNC divided this country further than Trump has. Playing favorites their presidential candidates has cost them the Senate, House, and the Presidency.', '>>{blunted1} : > Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don\'t know what to do. Love! Yeah, Donald, that just screams "Unity". You sir have divided this country more than any other point in my lifetime.', '>>{spaceghoti} : That\'s rich. "America for Americans! We need to stand together against the forces of evil Mexicans sending their thieves, murders and rapists across our borders!" He still doesn\'t understand how he sows dissent, and doesn\'t care. As long as he pays lip service to concepts like "unity" he thinks he\'s got *carte blanche* to do as he pleases.', ">>{dbreeck} : Could someone please remind me which DNC chair hopeful we're supposed to support? Really though: can anyone provide me with a rough summary of those in contention, and their general positions?", ">>{roastbeeftacohat} : Schumer and Sanders endorsed him, it's a great way to show the progressives they have a seat at the table and how the party has moved past Clinton.", ">>{DaveSW777} : The short version: Ellision is a populist backed by Sanders. Perez is a corpratist backed by Clinton's people.", '>>{DaveSW777} : Dude, slavery is in the fucking constitution. It *is* racist. It was founded by people that, at best, were willing to allow the continued existense of slavery in their country.', ">>{puroloco} : Perez is also backed by Obama if I am not mistaken. Clinton's name aint worth much nowadays", '>>{DC25NYC} : What has Trump done to unify us? Because all he has done is divide us. By race, by religion, by income. Look at his twitter full of ~~rants~~ Tantrums. Not one single tweet about unity or togetherness. All shitting on opponents. Hell even this morning Ternminator got to him', '>>{AncillaryIssues} : Trump voters got played for fools. They gobbled down the bait.', ">>{talktojoe} : 300 Jewish leaders? Who knew there were so many. Prolly couldn't name one jewish leader, as there is no such thing. 100 Rabbis doesn't count. What does the opinion of a rabbi matter with regard to who should run the DNC? Nothing is the correct answer. The title should be 300 nobodies in charge of nothing signed some letter about something or other.", '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : He has never said anything that would ever indicate he has discriminated anyone against race, religion, or even income. He\'s not afraid to hide behind political correctness, he points the glaring issues that we have in American society. You have to admit, that the loss of HRC was because of the DNC and their play for favorites. I find it ironic that people are throwing a tantrum over trump winning the electoral college, when the DNC has "super delegates" embedded into their own system.', ">>{dbreeck} : Thanks. I hate to be that sort of uninformed voter but, since this isn't anything in which I have a say (and both of my state's senators are democratic and fairly progressive), it's good to know who I can auto-support with minimal investment of labor.", '>>{thesilvertongue} : The Anti-Semitism claims honestly came from right-wing smear campaigns, not jews or actual victims of Anti-Semitism.', '>>{Mawontalk} : A quote from Stephen Miller, Trump\'s sometimes speech "writer", in the article: >“He cares about what every single word says." Okay, I\'ve read far enough. Given Trump\'s previous speeches, I\'m going to have to say that\'s *probably* not true. If it is true, it\'s just frightening.', ">>{DC25NYC} : > He has never said anything that would ever indicate he has discriminated anyone against race, religion, or even income. Nice one. Surely you're joking.", '>>{Leftberg} : Are you equating the second and third group with the first group or something?', ">>{thesilvertongue} : Personally, I like Perez because I think he appeals to a wider audience and has a huge history with labor rights and jobs, which was a big issue this election. Keith Ellison would do a good job too. I've got nothing against him, I just think Perez is better.", ">>{kidkerouac} : I was about ready to throw the remote through the television watching his acceptance speech when he did the same thing. He ran a disgusting and divisive campaign and has the gull to tepidly say we need to now get along? Please. Nothing he's done to date has shown he has any desire to be a uniter. You don't appoint a ultra-right cabinet and unite the country.", '>>{thesilvertongue} : No, I just made a horrible typo. I fixed it, now it shoud make sense.', '>>{ObamaBigBlackCaucus} : Or the fact that he [denied that Farrakhan was an anti-Semite](http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/12/6/13819248/keith-ellison-dnc-chair) despite [overwhelming evidence to the contrary](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/louis-farrakhan). Ellison has since apologized, but to attribute the accusations to "right-swing smear campaigns" is absurd.', '>>{LLandthePofH} : Unity just isn\'t a thing when a "president" behaves the way he does.', '>>{thesilvertongue} : Thats honestly a huge oversimplification. There are lots of views in the Democrats party. Splitting them between "Clinton/corporatist" and "Sanders" is pretty ridiculous imo.', '>>{Leftberg} : Ah, I see now, thank you for correcting that. I still disagree. Yes, the right is hitting him on Israel, but forget them for a minute. Plenty of liberal Jews (and the overwhelming majority are liberal) have a big problem with Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, and its justified. People can change, but it is not wrong to bring it up when someone wants to run for chairman of the DNC after a catastrophic defeat.', ">>{NotABluSpy} : Wasn't there a short on comedy central about this, where they talked/joked about how black people aren't a monolith?", '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : Then show me proof, you made the accusation, I want the evidence. Give me a clear instance where he has discriminated against someone based on race, religion, or income.', ">>{DC25NYC} : [Literally the first time he ever made the paper.](http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2015/07/30/1973-meet-donald-trump/?_r=0) [3 years later when he still didn't allow black people to live in his buildings](http://www.nytimes.com/1978/03/07/archives/trump-charged-with-rental-bias.html) That wasn't that hard now was it. Obviously theres plenty more, but you know that deep down. You forgot, Im from NY. I know this man is a narcissistic racist perverted conman. Has always been, always will be.", ">>{NotABluSpy} : I'm sorry my fellow saltine american, but you're fucking crazy.", '>>{mrbarky} : Because nothing says unity like quoting a foreign autocrat like Putin criticizing Clinton.', ">>{dicks1jo} : Hell if I know. Haven't had cable for years. Link if you find it?", '>>{soccertown} : Muslims and Jews have worked together for centuries. It was to Muslim lands Jews were migrating when Europeans were killing Jews in middle ages and Jews played great role advancement of Muslim societies during that time. Palestine issue was created out of thin air to create division between Muslim and Jews by the British and they did the same in South Asia to create division between Hindus and Muslims. It is easier to control divided people.', '>>{Sgerv21} : It was actually a Key and Peele sketch I believe. It is specifically about black Republicans IIRC.', '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : These are charges that have no factual evidence behind them, by the very definition of a charge these are unproven accusations. These charges never amounted to anything, thus not proof.', '>>{fukdisaccount} : He retweeted a white supremacist lie about crime by race, publicly called for the execution of exonerated teenagers and still thinks they\'re guilty and his campaign pitch to non whites was "what do you have to lose?"', '>>{bijan4187} : Youre right, it came from the right wing of the left wing party (the obama/clinton wing).', '>>{CuntTheRouge} : > As someone of Jewish descent on the left such username', ">>{Boxy310} : You're either with me or you're going back in the pit.", '>>{DC25NYC} : I can see that if it happened once, but for him to get CHARGED AGAIN. Stop sticking your head in the sand.', ">>{DJBuckCallYo} : The inherent flaw in your logic, is you are taking the accusations as fact. Unproven charges/accusations have already manipulated and biased your opinion of the man. That's the problem with people these days, they read a headline and assume that's true, they don't look for raw facts anymore. People are easy to manipulate, nobody wants to work hard to get the information.", ">>{BudrickBundy} : It isn't racist, it was the best business decision to make at the time. Later on, in the case of [Palm Beach](http://www.vanityfair.com/style/2016/12/how-donald-trump-beat-palm-beach-society-and-won-the-fight-for-mar-a-lago), it was advantageous to go the other way. He wound up welcoming blacks and Jews when other clubs wouldn't. He is famous for having become friends with numerous black luminaries. Call him what you want from all of that but he isn't a racist. Good grief!", '>>{gorillaverdict} : Hopefully we won\'t be able to hear it over the "lock him up" chants', '>>{Susarian} : Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause The people under fascist governments are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, media, etc. https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html', '>>{BloodNGutz} : Hey Trump, maybe you should have not called millions of American citizens your enemy.', '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : Way to go. This "Ellison is an anti-Semite" was a divisive and Islamaphobic Clintonista smear launched so they can put their own person in charge. Those rich donors are being watched!', '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : You caught me, I work directly for Putin.', '>>{topherwhelan} : While I like Perez, he unfortunately has the distinction of being disqualified from the last election he ran in. Ellison has way more experience running and winning elections.', ">>{kiirakiiraa} : Serious question: Who does Perez appeal to that Ellison doesn't, and why is that? I haven't read up on them a ton, but from what I have read/seen they both seem very pro-labor, pro-civil rights, progressive.", ">>{waydownLo} : If he's a corporatist, he's a really shitty one based on his tenure at DoL", '>>{goody_heggety} : I refuse to turn on the TV for his speech. Boycott the damn thing.', ">>{troll_is_obvious} : > It isn't racist, it was the best business decision to make at the time. LOL whut?!?! Being racist for dollars is totally not racist? If your old Ron Paul friends could see you now, enthusiastically embracing the right to discriminate. Yes, let's bring back whites only restaurants and drinking fountains while we're at it. Holy shit, you have totally gone off the alt-right deep end! You clearly never had any actual principles or moral compass to speak of. You used to scream *racist* at the Libertarians for this sort of shit. Now you're doing mental gymnastics to rationalize the exact same thing, because now it's Trump that did it. You are lost, son.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : This is not anywhere near the same level as Ron Paul and his newsletters and I wasn\'t "embracing" it. That said, your comparison is unreasonable and shows poor faith on your part. It was a business decision made during the days of middle class "white flight" to the suburbs and busing kids to other neighborhoods in order to integrate the schools. This is not even as racist as the numerous restaurant servers and taxi/uber drivers (of any race!) who to this day would avoid black customers if they could because blacks usually don\'t tip well.', '>>{ertri} : Jews were migrating there because Muslims would just tax them. Which, it turns out, is more productive than killing', '>>{ertri} : Some Dems like TPP. I think TPP is awesome', ">>{troll_is_obvious} : Dude, you literally just said in your previous comment that housing discrimination was not racist. Now you're saying it's not *that* racist, because everybody was doing it back then. Do you think before you type? And it is exactly the same thing. You're defending Trump's history of discrimination, which falls exactly in line with the Libertarian argument that you should have the right to do so. At least they have some principles about it and admit it's racist, though they make the argument that it should be allowed anyways because *the individual, hurr, durr*.", ">>{BudrickBundy} : In my previous comment I literally said that *Mr. Trump* is not a racist. I am not defending it. I am explaining why that doesn't make Mr. Trump a racist!", '>>{troll_is_obvious} : You said, and I *quote*, "**It** isn\'t racist." You were clearly positing that housing discrimination is not a racist act. I am not putting words in your mouth. They are *your* words. Or are you now saying you are unsure of the proper use of semantics in that sentence? Either you think it isn\'t racist (again precisely what you said) or you\'re somewhat illiterate. And it absolutely makes him a racist. When you put personal financial gain ahead of the dignity of an entire race of people, that makes you a racist. Your mental gymnastics are quite impressive, but you\'re so amazingly and obviously wrong that one would have to conclude you are a racist as well. And "Everybody was doing it," is a defense. A terribly weak one, but you were defending it.', '>>{BudrickBundy} : It wasn\'t racist! It was a business decision based on how the market was operating at the time. This market environment was created in part by racism, in part by ignorance, and in part by real world concerns. The root cause of all of it was slavery and institutionalized racism that lasted for generations. You ever hear "the customer is always right?" Later on when Mr. Trump was on his own, and not under his father, he went down to Palm Beach and used the race card to attack his enemies, who at the time were WASP clubs that did not admit blacks or Jews. If Mr. Trump harbored such great racial animus I don\'t think he would have acted in the way that he did in Palm Beach, and I don\'t think he would have made so many close business and personal relationships with prominent black people. An intelligent argument you could have made would have been to compare the actions to others who just went along with the system. You could have brought up the Jews in Germany prior to and during WW2. I would have said something along the lines of *"that\'s a bit of an extreme example, but that is a very good point."* You need to work on your critical thinking skills, Lube.', '>>{ragnarockette} : Same. I used to be a staunch conservative. I changed my views. I think that\'s totally valid and I have great respect for anyone who can say "I was wrong."', '>>{ragnarockette} : Yep. Muslims and Jews have lived side by side for a long time. The Israel/Palestine conflict has created something very ugly.', ">>{ragnarockette} : I wouldn't call Ellison a populist. In fact he's the exact opposite. He's extremely socially progressive.", '>>{CommanderMcBragg} : >He is and has long been a friend of Israel Why is this the gold standard for vetting any political candidate or appointee? You can be for or against abortion, for or against guns, oil, environment, pro-anti-lgbt, you can even be a confirmed racist and run for office or be a senior party leader. Just as long as you are committed to Zionism.', '>>{vintageshade} : Corporations are people too, my friend - Mitt Romney', '>>{progress10} : Problem with Perez is he has no organizing experience or experience in running campaigns, he actually got disqualified from the last race he attempted. Ellison is an organizer with a proven record of success.', ">>{bijan4187} : ^ this is why we lost the midwest. Also, she didn't campaign in Wisconsin and gave up on ohio too early.", ">>{Quexana} : Outside of tougher positions on immigration and a moderate position on gun control, what's the difference on social issues between populists and the extremely socially progressive?", '>>{Quexana} : We must stop living in our fears of Republicans. Disqualifying a guy for a job based on his religion is everything we as progressives stand against.', '>>{Quexana} : We can\'t engage with the people on the Republicans\' terms. I learned that lesson myself during the gay marriage movement. Though I 100% agreed with the issue, and participated in a few marches on the issue, I admit I did so with heavy doubt and fear. I often worried that gay activists were "overplaying their hand," pushing for more than the country was ready for, and should be more willing to settle for civil unions where they could be gotten. The backlash that came with states passing anti-gay marriage amendments to their state constitutions, at the time, seemed to validate my fears. And yet, that movement slowly began persevering. They won a state here, and a state there, Connecticut and California, then Iowa, which was a shock, my home state of North Carolina was a bigger shock, and finally they won everywhere at once. We don\'t win by keeping people in the shadows. We win by being ourselves, as true to ourselves as we can be, not being afraid to be ourselves in front of people who disagree with us. And slowly, we change public opinion. Respect for all religions is who we are. We must not be afraid to show it.', ">>{Quexana} : When we don't resist crazy openly, we allow crazy to spread covertly. If we fear practicing our own principles because it might cause a headache, why do we even bother?", '>>{Quexana} : Policy is built upon our principles. It is the foundation and policy is the house built upon it. A house with a weak or no foundation can not stand, just as policy without principles will not stand. Let\'s do it your way. Let\'s refuse Ellison a job, because he\'s a muslim, in favor of a guy whose only election win was in a safe Democratic district of a county council. How do we then stand on principle when the Republicans want to begin refusing people jobs based on religion, or ethnicity, or sexual preference? We will never defeat Trump if our primary message is defeating Trump. Clinton tried. We can only win if we fight *for* things. We ran the safe boring candidate with no ethics issues in John Kerry. We put another one on the ticket in the VP slot this year. It didn\'t help us one bit. To quote MLK the day after his holiday: > First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro\'s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen\'s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man\'s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. What MLK was saying about the white moderate in regards to black people is exactly what I felt towards the gay marriage movement, and you feel towards muslims in powerful positions. It is wrong.', ">>{Quexana} : They're going to see what they want no matter what we do. Let's stop fighting for the LGBT community so Republicans won't see us as wanting to allow men to molest our daughters in public bathrooms. Let's stop fighting for Latinos so Republicans won't think we're promoting criminals and rapist. Let's not give black people jobs so we won't be thought of as pushing PC affirmative action. Let's not fight for civil rights period because it's reverse racism. Let's stop talking about income inequality because it's class warfare. Let's stop talking about single payer or universal healthcare because it's socialist. You see what we become when we let Republicans define us?"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{BudrickBundy} : Trump to Stress Unity in Inaugural Speech, Aide Says', '>>{LBullingdon} : He will just insult his critics, as usual.', '>>{inadazed} : You pathetic losers need to come together and unify.', '>>{I_politics} : All of my enemies need to unite with me and.....uh....never mind losers! I alone can make America sick again!', '>>{totallyclips} : So typical of tyrants, divide the country then tell the people were in this together', ">>{randomized_botanist} : But like most things he says in speeches, he won't actually follow through with what he talks about. For example, [Drain the Swamp](http://www.npr.org/2016/12/22/506611986/trump-and-gingrich-disagree-on-that-whole-swamp-draining-thing), [make Mexico pay to build the wall](http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/06/trump-knocks-border-wall-reports-insists-mexico-will-pay-eventually.html), [Lock her up](http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/09/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-lock-her-up-chant/), etc.", '>>{whitemest} : Too late for that. Victory tours, and twitter rants. Hes a sore winner, and nothing hes done post election shows hes capable of being anything but.', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : He should just rip off one of Obama's speeches. It worked for Melania.", ">>{billyhorton} : He's done little to nothing to unify the country. In fact, he's been more divisive since being declared the winner.", '>>{DC25NYC} : How long before he goes off script and starts shit talking like the debates.', ">>{PutinsPepePuppet} : Go fuck yourself Trump. How's that for unity?", '>>{sunnieskye1} : Anyone whose first words after the election were "Don\'t be afraid" doesn\'t engender a lot of desire in me to unify with the folks who elected him.', '>>{LittleShrub} : He will then personally insult anyone who disagrees with him.', '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : I think the DNC divided this country further than Trump has. Playing favorites their presidential candidates has cost them the Senate, House, and the Presidency.', '>>{blunted1} : > Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don\'t know what to do. Love! Yeah, Donald, that just screams "Unity". You sir have divided this country more than any other point in my lifetime.', '>>{spaceghoti} : That\'s rich. "America for Americans! We need to stand together against the forces of evil Mexicans sending their thieves, murders and rapists across our borders!" He still doesn\'t understand how he sows dissent, and doesn\'t care. As long as he pays lip service to concepts like "unity" he thinks he\'s got *carte blanche* to do as he pleases.', '>>{DC25NYC} : What has Trump done to unify us? Because all he has done is divide us. By race, by religion, by income. Look at his twitter full of ~~rants~~ Tantrums. Not one single tweet about unity or togetherness. All shitting on opponents. Hell even this morning Ternminator got to him', '>>{AncillaryIssues} : Trump voters got played for fools. They gobbled down the bait.', '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : He has never said anything that would ever indicate he has discriminated anyone against race, religion, or even income. He\'s not afraid to hide behind political correctness, he points the glaring issues that we have in American society. You have to admit, that the loss of HRC was because of the DNC and their play for favorites. I find it ironic that people are throwing a tantrum over trump winning the electoral college, when the DNC has "super delegates" embedded into their own system.', '>>{Mawontalk} : A quote from Stephen Miller, Trump\'s sometimes speech "writer", in the article: >“He cares about what every single word says." Okay, I\'ve read far enough. Given Trump\'s previous speeches, I\'m going to have to say that\'s *probably* not true. If it is true, it\'s just frightening.', ">>{DC25NYC} : > He has never said anything that would ever indicate he has discriminated anyone against race, religion, or even income. Nice one. Surely you're joking.", ">>{kidkerouac} : I was about ready to throw the remote through the television watching his acceptance speech when he did the same thing. He ran a disgusting and divisive campaign and has the gull to tepidly say we need to now get along? Please. Nothing he's done to date has shown he has any desire to be a uniter. You don't appoint a ultra-right cabinet and unite the country.", '>>{LLandthePofH} : Unity just isn\'t a thing when a "president" behaves the way he does.', '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : Then show me proof, you made the accusation, I want the evidence. Give me a clear instance where he has discriminated against someone based on race, religion, or income.', ">>{DC25NYC} : [Literally the first time he ever made the paper.](http://www.nytimes.com/times-insider/2015/07/30/1973-meet-donald-trump/?_r=0) [3 years later when he still didn't allow black people to live in his buildings](http://www.nytimes.com/1978/03/07/archives/trump-charged-with-rental-bias.html) That wasn't that hard now was it. Obviously theres plenty more, but you know that deep down. You forgot, Im from NY. I know this man is a narcissistic racist perverted conman. Has always been, always will be.", '>>{mrbarky} : Because nothing says unity like quoting a foreign autocrat like Putin criticizing Clinton.', '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : These are charges that have no factual evidence behind them, by the very definition of a charge these are unproven accusations. These charges never amounted to anything, thus not proof.', '>>{fukdisaccount} : He retweeted a white supremacist lie about crime by race, publicly called for the execution of exonerated teenagers and still thinks they\'re guilty and his campaign pitch to non whites was "what do you have to lose?"', ">>{Boxy310} : You're either with me or you're going back in the pit.", '>>{DC25NYC} : I can see that if it happened once, but for him to get CHARGED AGAIN. Stop sticking your head in the sand.', ">>{DJBuckCallYo} : The inherent flaw in your logic, is you are taking the accusations as fact. Unproven charges/accusations have already manipulated and biased your opinion of the man. That's the problem with people these days, they read a headline and assume that's true, they don't look for raw facts anymore. People are easy to manipulate, nobody wants to work hard to get the information.", ">>{BudrickBundy} : It isn't racist, it was the best business decision to make at the time. Later on, in the case of [Palm Beach](http://www.vanityfair.com/style/2016/12/how-donald-trump-beat-palm-beach-society-and-won-the-fight-for-mar-a-lago), it was advantageous to go the other way. He wound up welcoming blacks and Jews when other clubs wouldn't. He is famous for having become friends with numerous black luminaries. Call him what you want from all of that but he isn't a racist. Good grief!", '>>{gorillaverdict} : Hopefully we won\'t be able to hear it over the "lock him up" chants', '>>{Susarian} : Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause The people under fascist governments are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, media, etc. https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html', '>>{BloodNGutz} : Hey Trump, maybe you should have not called millions of American citizens your enemy.', '>>{DJBuckCallYo} : You caught me, I work directly for Putin.', '>>{goody_heggety} : I refuse to turn on the TV for his speech. Boycott the damn thing.', ">>{troll_is_obvious} : > It isn't racist, it was the best business decision to make at the time. LOL whut?!?! Being racist for dollars is totally not racist? If your old Ron Paul friends could see you now, enthusiastically embracing the right to discriminate. Yes, let's bring back whites only restaurants and drinking fountains while we're at it. Holy shit, you have totally gone off the alt-right deep end! You clearly never had any actual principles or moral compass to speak of. You used to scream *racist* at the Libertarians for this sort of shit. Now you're doing mental gymnastics to rationalize the exact same thing, because now it's Trump that did it. You are lost, son.", '>>{BudrickBundy} : This is not anywhere near the same level as Ron Paul and his newsletters and I wasn\'t "embracing" it. That said, your comparison is unreasonable and shows poor faith on your part. It was a business decision made during the days of middle class "white flight" to the suburbs and busing kids to other neighborhoods in order to integrate the schools. This is not even as racist as the numerous restaurant servers and taxi/uber drivers (of any race!) who to this day would avoid black customers if they could because blacks usually don\'t tip well.', ">>{troll_is_obvious} : Dude, you literally just said in your previous comment that housing discrimination was not racist. Now you're saying it's not *that* racist, because everybody was doing it back then. Do you think before you type? And it is exactly the same thing. You're defending Trump's history of discrimination, which falls exactly in line with the Libertarian argument that you should have the right to do so. At least they have some principles about it and admit it's racist, though they make the argument that it should be allowed anyways because *the individual, hurr, durr*.", ">>{BudrickBundy} : In my previous comment I literally said that *Mr. Trump* is not a racist. I am not defending it. I am explaining why that doesn't make Mr. Trump a racist!", '>>{troll_is_obvious} : You said, and I *quote*, "**It** isn\'t racist." You were clearly positing that housing discrimination is not a racist act. I am not putting words in your mouth. They are *your* words. Or are you now saying you are unsure of the proper use of semantics in that sentence? Either you think it isn\'t racist (again precisely what you said) or you\'re somewhat illiterate. And it absolutely makes him a racist. When you put personal financial gain ahead of the dignity of an entire race of people, that makes you a racist. Your mental gymnastics are quite impressive, but you\'re so amazingly and obviously wrong that one would have to conclude you are a racist as well. And "Everybody was doing it," is a defense. A terribly weak one, but you were defending it.', '>>{BudrickBundy} : It wasn\'t racist! It was a business decision based on how the market was operating at the time. This market environment was created in part by racism, in part by ignorance, and in part by real world concerns. The root cause of all of it was slavery and institutionalized racism that lasted for generations. You ever hear "the customer is always right?" Later on when Mr. Trump was on his own, and not under his father, he went down to Palm Beach and used the race card to attack his enemies, who at the time were WASP clubs that did not admit blacks or Jews. If Mr. Trump harbored such great racial animus I don\'t think he would have acted in the way that he did in Palm Beach, and I don\'t think he would have made so many close business and personal relationships with prominent black people. An intelligent argument you could have made would have been to compare the actions to others who just went along with the system. You could have brought up the Jews in Germany prior to and during WW2. I would have said something along the lines of *"that\'s a bit of an extreme example, but that is a very good point."* You need to work on your critical thinking skills, Lube.'], [">>{kobesrightelbow} : Look, I've got 300 jewish friends!", '>>{MagicComa106} : But I was told that Keith Ellison was an anti-Semite!', ">>{TheCabbager} : People are saying this guy is antisemitic. Well, we are leaders of our Jewish communities and we think he isn't and furthermore he would make a great leader of the DNC. Context matters, bruh.", '>>{Magjee} : Jews & Muslims working together, we made it guys *cries* We made it :)   For serious, this is a really great thing, I love it when people of different ethnic or religious backgrounds work together :)', '>>{kobesrightelbow} : I was just making a joke. I think Ellison should be the DNC chair.', ">>{Leftberg} : Well, he was affiliated with Farrakhan and involved with an anti-Semitic group *a long time ago.* He apologized as a result of Jewish criticism, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. He owed an explanation. As someone of Jewish descent on the left, it needed to happen if he wanted my support, and now he has it. It's pretty much exactly how a pluralistic democracy *should* work.", ">>{UA_Hammer} : Please make it happen Democrats can't wait to see no more whites in your party", ">>{BaptizedInFire_} : Let's just hope Donna Brazile isn't still the chair in four years.", '>>{hillarysidiot} : You realize that not all Americans are white, right?', '>>{radioradio555} : Where were they when the DNC conspired against Bernie Sanders who is also Jewish?', '>>{UA_Hammer} : Yup. They have a party representing their interests (Democrats). The more implicitly and explicitly anti white they get the more the Republican party becomes the party of white interests. I\'m legitimately excited for Keith "the Constitution is a white racist conspiracy" Ellison', ">>{hillarysidiot} : I'd like to have a party for Americans, I don't give a shit what color, religion or sexual preference they were born with.", '>>{the_dirtycheeto} : Hahahaha in no way is the republican party the party of white interest. It just happens that a lot of fucking white people are horrible individuals that follow a politics that aligns with the GOP.', ">>{Muh_Purity_Tests} : It has to be Keith Ellison. I mean, Tom Perez basically holds the same exact views on what the party should do going forward and how important a 50 state strategy will be, but Bernie Sanders endorsed Ellison so that should ultimately be the deciding factor. If Ellison doesn't get the nomination it will be an affront to my righteous purity tests and literally *everything* progressives stand for. If, for whatever reason, Ellison isn't voted in as DNC chair, I say we immediately begin a scathing, hate-based propaganda campaign against whoever is awarded the seat so that we can continue to splinter the Democratic party, and ruin its chances of taking back the White House for an entire generation, until they finally come to their senses and tell us all how intelligent and compassionate we are. Republicans controlling every branch of government for the next decade and reversing every bit of progressive legislation we've passed since the Roosevelt administration is a small price to pay for me to be able to plaster my facebook wall with status updates about how moral and superior I am to Democrats.", '>>{dicks1jo} : How does that matter? DWS is also jewish. Are religious and ethnic groups somehow required to vote in unison as a bloc now?', ">>{zherok} : The party aiming to take away healthcare, and social security, that doesn't agree with minimum wage, climate change, or really anything but corporate interests is the party of white interests? Most whites aren't in the 1%.", '>>{TheOfficialJoeBiden} : I completely agree. I think Perez is a good guy and all but this is not the direction the party needs to go. The party needs to actually seem genuine and fight for the people.', ">>{dbreeck} : Could someone please remind me which DNC chair hopeful we're supposed to support? Really though: can anyone provide me with a rough summary of those in contention, and their general positions?", ">>{roastbeeftacohat} : Schumer and Sanders endorsed him, it's a great way to show the progressives they have a seat at the table and how the party has moved past Clinton.", ">>{DaveSW777} : The short version: Ellision is a populist backed by Sanders. Perez is a corpratist backed by Clinton's people.", '>>{DaveSW777} : Dude, slavery is in the fucking constitution. It *is* racist. It was founded by people that, at best, were willing to allow the continued existense of slavery in their country.', ">>{puroloco} : Perez is also backed by Obama if I am not mistaken. Clinton's name aint worth much nowadays", ">>{talktojoe} : 300 Jewish leaders? Who knew there were so many. Prolly couldn't name one jewish leader, as there is no such thing. 100 Rabbis doesn't count. What does the opinion of a rabbi matter with regard to who should run the DNC? Nothing is the correct answer. The title should be 300 nobodies in charge of nothing signed some letter about something or other.", ">>{dbreeck} : Thanks. I hate to be that sort of uninformed voter but, since this isn't anything in which I have a say (and both of my state's senators are democratic and fairly progressive), it's good to know who I can auto-support with minimal investment of labor.", '>>{thesilvertongue} : The Anti-Semitism claims honestly came from right-wing smear campaigns, not jews or actual victims of Anti-Semitism.', '>>{Leftberg} : Are you equating the second and third group with the first group or something?', ">>{thesilvertongue} : Personally, I like Perez because I think he appeals to a wider audience and has a huge history with labor rights and jobs, which was a big issue this election. Keith Ellison would do a good job too. I've got nothing against him, I just think Perez is better.", '>>{thesilvertongue} : No, I just made a horrible typo. I fixed it, now it shoud make sense.', '>>{ObamaBigBlackCaucus} : Or the fact that he [denied that Farrakhan was an anti-Semite](http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/12/6/13819248/keith-ellison-dnc-chair) despite [overwhelming evidence to the contrary](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/louis-farrakhan). Ellison has since apologized, but to attribute the accusations to "right-swing smear campaigns" is absurd.', '>>{thesilvertongue} : Thats honestly a huge oversimplification. There are lots of views in the Democrats party. Splitting them between "Clinton/corporatist" and "Sanders" is pretty ridiculous imo.', '>>{Leftberg} : Ah, I see now, thank you for correcting that. I still disagree. Yes, the right is hitting him on Israel, but forget them for a minute. Plenty of liberal Jews (and the overwhelming majority are liberal) have a big problem with Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, and its justified. People can change, but it is not wrong to bring it up when someone wants to run for chairman of the DNC after a catastrophic defeat.', ">>{NotABluSpy} : Wasn't there a short on comedy central about this, where they talked/joked about how black people aren't a monolith?", ">>{NotABluSpy} : I'm sorry my fellow saltine american, but you're fucking crazy.", ">>{dicks1jo} : Hell if I know. Haven't had cable for years. Link if you find it?", '>>{soccertown} : Muslims and Jews have worked together for centuries. It was to Muslim lands Jews were migrating when Europeans were killing Jews in middle ages and Jews played great role advancement of Muslim societies during that time. Palestine issue was created out of thin air to create division between Muslim and Jews by the British and they did the same in South Asia to create division between Hindus and Muslims. It is easier to control divided people.', '>>{Sgerv21} : It was actually a Key and Peele sketch I believe. It is specifically about black Republicans IIRC.', '>>{bijan4187} : Youre right, it came from the right wing of the left wing party (the obama/clinton wing).', '>>{CuntTheRouge} : > As someone of Jewish descent on the left such username', '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : Way to go. This "Ellison is an anti-Semite" was a divisive and Islamaphobic Clintonista smear launched so they can put their own person in charge. Those rich donors are being watched!', '>>{topherwhelan} : While I like Perez, he unfortunately has the distinction of being disqualified from the last election he ran in. Ellison has way more experience running and winning elections.', ">>{kiirakiiraa} : Serious question: Who does Perez appeal to that Ellison doesn't, and why is that? I haven't read up on them a ton, but from what I have read/seen they both seem very pro-labor, pro-civil rights, progressive.", ">>{waydownLo} : If he's a corporatist, he's a really shitty one based on his tenure at DoL", '>>{ertri} : Jews were migrating there because Muslims would just tax them. Which, it turns out, is more productive than killing', '>>{ertri} : Some Dems like TPP. I think TPP is awesome', '>>{ragnarockette} : Same. I used to be a staunch conservative. I changed my views. I think that\'s totally valid and I have great respect for anyone who can say "I was wrong."', '>>{ragnarockette} : Yep. Muslims and Jews have lived side by side for a long time. The Israel/Palestine conflict has created something very ugly.', ">>{ragnarockette} : I wouldn't call Ellison a populist. In fact he's the exact opposite. He's extremely socially progressive.", '>>{CommanderMcBragg} : >He is and has long been a friend of Israel Why is this the gold standard for vetting any political candidate or appointee? You can be for or against abortion, for or against guns, oil, environment, pro-anti-lgbt, you can even be a confirmed racist and run for office or be a senior party leader. Just as long as you are committed to Zionism.', '>>{vintageshade} : Corporations are people too, my friend - Mitt Romney', '>>{progress10} : Problem with Perez is he has no organizing experience or experience in running campaigns, he actually got disqualified from the last race he attempted. Ellison is an organizer with a proven record of success.', ">>{bijan4187} : ^ this is why we lost the midwest. Also, she didn't campaign in Wisconsin and gave up on ohio too early.", ">>{Quexana} : Outside of tougher positions on immigration and a moderate position on gun control, what's the difference on social issues between populists and the extremely socially progressive?", '>>{Quexana} : We must stop living in our fears of Republicans. Disqualifying a guy for a job based on his religion is everything we as progressives stand against.', '>>{Quexana} : We can\'t engage with the people on the Republicans\' terms. I learned that lesson myself during the gay marriage movement. Though I 100% agreed with the issue, and participated in a few marches on the issue, I admit I did so with heavy doubt and fear. I often worried that gay activists were "overplaying their hand," pushing for more than the country was ready for, and should be more willing to settle for civil unions where they could be gotten. The backlash that came with states passing anti-gay marriage amendments to their state constitutions, at the time, seemed to validate my fears. And yet, that movement slowly began persevering. They won a state here, and a state there, Connecticut and California, then Iowa, which was a shock, my home state of North Carolina was a bigger shock, and finally they won everywhere at once. We don\'t win by keeping people in the shadows. We win by being ourselves, as true to ourselves as we can be, not being afraid to be ourselves in front of people who disagree with us. And slowly, we change public opinion. Respect for all religions is who we are. We must not be afraid to show it.', ">>{Quexana} : When we don't resist crazy openly, we allow crazy to spread covertly. If we fear practicing our own principles because it might cause a headache, why do we even bother?", '>>{Quexana} : Policy is built upon our principles. It is the foundation and policy is the house built upon it. A house with a weak or no foundation can not stand, just as policy without principles will not stand. Let\'s do it your way. Let\'s refuse Ellison a job, because he\'s a muslim, in favor of a guy whose only election win was in a safe Democratic district of a county council. How do we then stand on principle when the Republicans want to begin refusing people jobs based on religion, or ethnicity, or sexual preference? We will never defeat Trump if our primary message is defeating Trump. Clinton tried. We can only win if we fight *for* things. We ran the safe boring candidate with no ethics issues in John Kerry. We put another one on the ticket in the VP slot this year. It didn\'t help us one bit. To quote MLK the day after his holiday: > First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro\'s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen\'s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man\'s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. What MLK was saying about the white moderate in regards to black people is exactly what I felt towards the gay marriage movement, and you feel towards muslims in powerful positions. It is wrong.', ">>{Quexana} : They're going to see what they want no matter what we do. Let's stop fighting for the LGBT community so Republicans won't see us as wanting to allow men to molest our daughters in public bathrooms. Let's stop fighting for Latinos so Republicans won't think we're promoting criminals and rapist. Let's not give black people jobs so we won't be thought of as pushing PC affirmative action. Let's not fight for civil rights period because it's reverse racism. Let's stop talking about income inequality because it's class warfare. Let's stop talking about single payer or universal healthcare because it's socialist. You see what we become when we let Republicans define us?"], ['>>{WildAnimus} : Donald Trump Ridiculed Iraq War Position Held By His VP Pick, Mike Pence', ">>{crsy10} : This just in trump's VP is not a carbon copy of trump", ">>{BlackTea14} : Was anyone under the impression that consistency was a hallmark of Donald Trump's campaign? And just how far up your own butt was your head?", '>>{puckhead66} : This is one of the few topics I agree with DT on', '>>{pussyonapedestal} : Better start getting that toast boy CNn already confirmed it', ">>{211logos} : Probably hard to find anyone that ticked any Republican boxes, and was willing to run with Trump, that didn't have some contrary views to Trump himself. And as they go, the Iraq war is old news and unlikely to be a factor in the election. Although that could change....", ">>{Cupinacup} : By golly, you'd better do it. Pop that toast not in the toaster and prepare to get snackin'.", '>>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : We always knew it was going to go bad. People like Trump were just living in denial.', '>>{AdalineMaj} : Who is "we"? 72% of Americans supported it. http://www.gallup.com/poll/8038/seventytwo-percent-americans-support-war-against-iraq.aspx Dont act like your\'e some foreign policy genius.', '>>{SmugAsHell} : He ridiculed a lot of his own positions. Thats just another on the list.', ">>{Panda413} : Trump is known to be a hypocrite... so revealing another stated hypocrisy is not news and will not change anyone's opinion of Trump. If you already disliked him because of his constant hypocrisy, this changes nothing. If you support him and don't care about his hypocrisies, this changes nothing.", '>>{Cupinacup} : A few years from now, Mike Pence is going to release a memoir titled, "Well Someone Had To Do It."', '>>{AdalineMaj} : Which is now apparently 90% of the public. Someone is lying.', ">>{2chainz3felonies} : Donald was for it until it started to become clear that things went bad. There's a recording of him on a radio show. Still, I do appreciate that he had the balls to call out the republicans at the debate who were sill pretending like it was a good thing.", '>>{DonkeyKongCountry2} : cnn != Trump, nothing is confirmed until Trump confirms it himself', '>>{BoringSupreez} : Hillary voted for the Iraq war. Is she a Republican too?', '>>{Puffin_fan} : Dft accumulating quite a crowd of miscreants. Not sure if that indicates anything other than he is indifferent to making healthy political decisions on the ground.'], ['>>{SquirrelTopTrump} : lol. The elite of energy companies are definitely up and stiff. Fuck off Corbyn.', ">>{subware} : Why do I get the feeling that the elites will suck up more of the wealth distribution after Trump carries out his plans? I bet they're quaking in the Armani shoes about the prospect of being richer.", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : because you arent done being wrong yet. Im still not sick of winning so Mr.Trump keep proving them wrong.', ">>{Cuckberg} : The guy is pushing the deregulation of wall street and the banks, lower taxes for the wealthy, and increased military spending. He's stacked his admin with establishment people and bankers. Grats, you guys voted to trash our country based on a con. When the republicans dismantle the EPA and clean air act and drive the economy into the dirt, which they always do I'm sure you'll be chanting MAGA from the roof tops.", ">>{subware} : The rise in my stock portfolio says different. Don't get me wrong, I will benefit financially from a Trump Presidency. Don't know if you will, though (maybe you'll just get a good feeling out of it).", '>>{TwoToneTrump} : You mean the stock market closing at a record high 2 days in a row?', '>>{TwoToneTrump} : Sorry I dont believe media reports with no evidence to back them up. Trump hasent released anything yet. When he lets us know its we can discuss it then.', '>>{subware} : Yeah, I benefited. You need reading comprehension. Did you get anything out of that stock rise?', '>>{The_cuckmaker} : You sweet summer children. Grats, you voted in Trump. An east coast billionaire who has made his fortune by scamming investors who trusted him and not paying the small businesses that he has hired. You think he knows anything about what it is like to be middle class? A \'patriot\' that has received deferments so that he didn\'t have to serve while his generation was dying, only to refer to his sex life as "his own personal Vietnam". You think he knows anything about what it is like to sacrifice for a greater good? A man who, as I type this, is filling his cabinet with cronies over qualified people. You think he *isn\'t* about to hand out some sweet political kickbacks? Okay guys. One born every minute. The irony here is that when protections get dismantled, it isn\'t going to be the liberals who pay the price - we are largely concentrated in cities and have the economic and political clout to weather the majority of the fall out. It is **your** jobs that are going to never come back. It is **your** children who wont receive adequate education to compete in the market. It is **your** communities that will become dumping grounds for commercial waste. It is **your** wealth that will continue to be funneled upwards in various schemes wrapped in patriotism. It is **your** children that will be sent to die in wars. But do you. You voted for this. Winter is coming.', '>>{Cuckberg} : Are you fucking serious. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-trump-banks-idUSKCN0Y900J Here\'s him saying he\'ll deregulate them. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2016/11/11/if-you-voted-for-trump-because-hes-anti-establishment-guess-what-you-got-conned/ Here\'s him loading his government with the establishment. http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2016/09/26/Trump-s-Tax-Plan-Would-Benefit-Wealthy-Most-Study-Finds Here\'s his massive tax cuts for the wealthy. http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/10/politics/david-perdue-on-trump-100-days/ Here\'s them already going after the clean air act. You guys got scammed, enjoy. Keep voting for that trickle down economics, if you let the rich piss on you for long enough it\'s basically rain. >> Republican Sen. David Perdue is laying out what he thinks president-elect Donald Trump\'s first 100 days will look like, saying in radio interviews that GOP lawmakers will not need to compromise to swiftly push through a repeal of Obamacare, the Clean Air Act, the so-called "Waters of the United States" rule, and pass the Keystone pipeline. >> "We repealed Obamacare this year without the Democrats. We can do it again early next year and it will become law — we will repeal it from law, because we\'ll have a president that won\'t veto it. I believe that we\'ll repeal the Waters of the US, we\'ll repeal the Clean Air Act, and we\'ll pass Keystone Pipeline again. And all three, all four of those things will get signed into law by President Trump, so that\'s with the votes we already had. That\'s no new Democrats. That\'s just what we did this year. So I\'m hopeful that that will set a tone." Well played.', ">>{FavoriteCentaurMoe} : Trump's tax plan has major tax cuts for the rich. If Trump says what he said he will do, the rich are in for a good time.", '>>{fabric_dindu_nuffin} : He is palpably correct. Trump got in because people were not being heard. Look at how bad the polls got it! People were not listening. It is a different matter whether his actual presidency will be detrimental to the wealthy or not (the word elite is so fucking stupid nowadays).']]
classify and reply
['>>{SaltHash} : Ivanka is a creepy woman who tolerates her dad sexually harassing her.', '>>{axus_auto} : Threat to Jail Clinton Smacks of ‘Tin-Pot Dictators,’ Experts Say', '>>{BetaEchoStudios} : This would be true if his opponent wasn\'t previously under investigation by the FBI and no charges brought under "suspicious circumstances". A lot of people including Non-Trump supporters like myself believe based on the evidence Comey himself presented that she committed a crime or two. Sure she wasn\'t charged I get that. But there is very public doubt to her innocents that\'s not completely (maybe partially) drummed up Republican trash. She appears above the law to large portion of the American people.', '>>{vibrate} : Donald Trump appears to soften stance on range of pledges', '>>{DrDaniels} : Having a predetermined outcome of a trial is not justice.', ">>{Kvetch__22} : This is basic rule of law stuff though. Just because a bunch of people think she is guilty doesn't change the fact that the government body that handles these things did not find grounds to bring a case. People who say it was suspicious are often doing so for political gain. If Trump wanted to investigate the FBI, and found solid evidence of corruption, then it would be proper to re-open Clinton's case. But he doesn't do thag, and he promises to put her in jail. That is tin pot dictator stuff.", '>>{exejpgwmv} : Come on Trump, even your VP is doing it.', '>>{choppedscrew} : Sounds like both sides might be trying to abuse the system for political gain. If only there was some sort of special prosecutor that could determine a non-partisan conclusion.', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : NO UNITY! We must elect out the regressive Trump regime. The man is a bigot, a xenophobe, a racist, and a misogynist. No amount of policy changes is going to erase his comments. There was not a single apology issued for his comments, nor the actions taken against innocent people by his hostile supporters. They have literally urinated on immigrants, and cited Trump\'s "illegals" position as the reason why! Unacceptable.', '>>{BeeLuv} : Little did we know that a vote for Donald was a vote for Ivanka, Uday, and Qusay.', '>>{Pepeforthelulz} : Lol so RICH, this fatass divided this country to fking slices of pizza and now he is going to unit the Palestinians with the isrealis lol Boy, Netflix better not waste their money on any new shows, the finale 4 seasons of America are going to be lit fam', ">>{meatpony} : This is the clearest description of Hilary's situation I think I have seen and you have changed my thinking. Justice isn't what most people think it is, nor is it what I want it to be either.", ">>{friendsafari123} : He is going to do exactly what he says. People voted for trump, some said they did out of pure spite for Hillary. It's funny how the right is so silent on his comments yet Hillary seems to get bad press for whatever she's done", ">>{vonotar} : Trump may be a swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood. But he's not soft.", ">>{MFG1628} : Trump is even getting pressure from his own VP. That's hilarious. The GOP needs to stop acting like the party is united. The fact check is in, it's not.", ">>{OllieAnntan} : Who knows what he'll end up doing. I bet he doesn't even know what his plan is.", '>>{rspix000} : Comey claimed no evidence of intent, merely gross negligence. Fun fact, intent isn\'t required so we get "rules for thee, but not for me" from Clinton. BTW, check out what Comey\'s brother does for a living.', '>>{Kvetch__22} : As I understood, intent was required for what the inquiry looked at.', '>>{yougottasliceitright} : I tried to Google translate that crap but it just kept directing me to alcoholism treatment results.', '>>{TW1971} : You know, the day before the election, but before the election for sure.', ">>{simcrook} : Trump realizes he doesn't stand a chance of winning, and whatever information is within his tax returns is not going to win him any votes. After the election, he will obviously have no need to release anything, so the public will never find out his true wealth.", '>>{Kvetch__22} : No, it sounds like one party abusing their powers of inquiry to try and convict a political rival, fail, and then decide not to give up.', ">>{stillnotking} : So you're just going to give him shit no matter what? Shouldn't you be happy that he's softening his most controversial stances? If the left treats President Trump as Lucifer for four years, and he ends up being even minimally competent -- a safe bet, given how he's been underestimated by almost everyone this year -- he'll cruise to re-election just like Obama did. Sanders gets that, but the rank and file doesn't.", ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : >So you're just going to give him shit no matter what? Yes. > Shouldn't you be happy that he's softening his most controversial stances? He AND THE GOP HE COMES WITH are not in office yet. They haven't done shit yet. >If the left treats President Trump as Lucifer for four years, and he ends up being even minimally competent -- a safe bet, given how he's been underestimated by almost everyone this year -- he'll cruise to re-election just like Obama did. Sanders gets that, but the rank and file doesn't. K. See you in 4 years.", ">>{Kvetch__22} : It doesn't matter what people think. It's what the law says. Most people aren't lawyers.", ">>{veniceinperil} : Ivanka has serious boundary issues that make her very difficult to watch. It's common for children of narcissistic parents to have serious issues around personal space and autonomy. I hope that she can get some counseling to understand how incredibly inappropriate her relationship with her father is. It's really unfortunate that this had to play out for her on the national stage.", ">>{Draskinn} : Wow I think this is the first time I've ever been glad to hear about a presidential candidate going back on their promises! Welcome to Bizarro World folks, it's going to be a strange four years.", ">>{61-50-7} : I don't want Clinton jailed for emails if Trump wins and I don't want Trump jailed for Cuba or his foundation if Clinton wins. If justice is determined by who wins an election it isn't justice. I know this is tough for deplorables to understand.", ">>{reticulogic} : There was not a single apology issued. That's a complete lie.", ">>{DamagedHells} : What I'm getting from this: The GOP are ***100%*** planning to dump Trump (impeachment likely) if he is elected.", '>>{alexanderwales} : I see their brilliant strategy: 1. Tell everyone publicly that the party is united 3. Have numerous people speak off the record about discord within the party 2. Give every outward appearance of not being united 4. ??? 5. Win the presidency', ">>{sedgwickian} : *The* implies only one. She is *a* wild card. Frankly, she's one of the least frightening wild cards in the whole deck.", ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : Historically the problem isn't finding a reason, it's getting the supermajority of votes. Somehow, I don't think the votes will be a problem.", ">>{Seeeab} : Is this a tactic or something? Make promises froth up the opposition as much as possible, and then when you default on them it they look like unreasonable jackasses and instead of being upset with him for not following through his supporters love it because they get to take the moral high ground and justify their support I mean if that's on purpose it's clever. If it's a happy accident then, well, still better for everyone.", '>>{gooderthanhail} : >So you\'re just going to give him shit no matter what? Shouldn\'t you be happy that he\'s softening his most controversial stances? >Did he not just get elected a few days ago? If he had waited a year or two after getting into office and said, "You know what? After actually seeing what Obama did, he was right about X. I may or may not change it" I would have been more willing to accept it. I\'d still laugh at you, but I *could* respect that. THIS IS DAYS AFTER HE RAN. HE LIED. HE LIED TO WIN. You bought the con. PERIOD. >given how he\'s been underestimated by almost everyone this year -- he\'ll cruise to re-election just like Obama did. # At first, I was afraid there might be some actual silent majority that got him elected. If that were the case, then he might actually be a two term president. But no. He won by winning less votes than Romney who lost. Hillary was a bad candidate who turned away voters from her own base by cheating. Also, people didn\'t show up (or voted 3rd party) because they thought Hillary had it in the bag (and they didn\'t really want to get their hands dirty voting for her). Now, that people see that their vote really counts (Thanks, Trump), and that the election isn\'t rigged (Thanks, Trump), I wouldn\'t be surprised if he gets landslide BTFO. He would need to be more than just competent. Too many people dislike him. Save this comment. Calling the shit out of it now.', ">>{nerveonya} : It's one of Trump's biggest principles of negotiation. You go way high, they go low, and you meet in the middle. The healthcare thing is a nonstory though because he has always said there were 2 parts to it he wanted to keep", ">>{helpfulkorn} : Whatever, I'll take it. I didn't vote for him because his policies terrified me. If he wants to walk them back and adopt a more moderate or even liberal approach I am all for it. I voted against who he campaigned as, but if he's going to preside over the country as an entirely different person, I might be able to get behind it. Depending upon what he changes.", '>>{BrooksPuuntai} : The country was already divided, hence why we got Trump.', '>>{MFG1628} : Change 1,2,3, and 5 to what you have for 4 and you have their official strategy.', '>>{stupid-rando} : Surprisingly, he gave 10% of his income to Planned Parenthood.', '>>{progressivemoron} : Hopefully Ivanka will be able to take over in 8 years when Trump can no longer run again.', '>>{Kvetch__22} : There is exactly one widley recognized credible source in your list, Politico, and it leads with this. >Extreme carelessness isn’t criminal, at least when it comes to handling classified information. So you agree that there were no grounds for indictment?', ">>{choppedscrew} : You do realize you're saying she hasn't faced justice yet...", ">>{symbadawg} : LMAO @ Ivanka being the wild card....But one thing has come to light out of this pseudo-journalistic blowhard's spiel and that is that Tiffany Trump has an asshole for a father....", '>>{NiceHookMarty} : 1. Travel back in time approx 6 months 2. Show past self this headline 3. Past self has fatal heart attack 4. Temporal paradox results, Berenstain universe unravels 5. Multiverse celebrates end of darkest timeline', '>>{rspix000} : Out of the hours of tape of dirty tricking, Nixon\'s lawyers picked the , "But that would be wrong" snippet too.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : If she supports climate change and is capable of listening to and processing what the scientists are telling us, she may make a great contribution It may be one more inconvenient truth LOL', ">>{61-50-7} : >You do realize you're saying she hasn't faced justice yet... No and you seem barely literate.", '>>{cGxvd21} : If Trump somehow wins, the House will definitely have the articles of impeachment ready before he takes office. It is hard to imagine Trump could get through his first day without violating his oath to uphold the Constitution.', ">>{stillnotking} : It amuses me how I get accused of being a Trump voter for saying anything minimally supportive, or indeed *sane*, about the president-elect. I'm a lifelong liberal who voted for Clinton. But Trump won a free and fair election! He is *our president*. If you can't acknowledge even that much, *you're* going to get BTFO in four years, of that I am absolutely certain. So, sure. Save this comment. Everyone underestimated him during the campaign and they're still underestimating him. Let's see where that gets us.", ">>{band_in_DC} : Nah, Ivanka needs to give birth to Donald's child so that we can have the next great leader in 10 years. Their bloodline is way purer than ours.", ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : Please list Donald Trump's apologies from the campaign. I believe he did issue one after the devastating crush of the tapes.", ">>{AerialShorts} : For a moment, with all the talk about boundaries and Trump's sexual assaults, I thought you said Tiffany has an asshole for her father. ;-)", ">>{PostTruthPete} : No she isn't. Stop it. She won't do anything that isn't approved by daddy Vlad and her father.", ">>{Trauerkraus} : Not like Pence is trying to put Trump on the spot. There's no good way out for himself. If he doesn't release the tax returns that damages his integrity and the public's trust, if he does release then he makes Trump look bad.", '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : Ivanka is an American oligarch in the making. The media gives her too much leeway because she is very attractive but make no mistake, she is just as corrupt as her dad.', ">>{lockerius} : And Hillary gave 99% of her charitable donations to her own charity. Seems like a money laundering technique to me. Not that Obama's allies ever get audited by the IRS.", ">>{the_hamturdler} : I'm hoping he just used the Republican party to take control and get elected and is not beholden to them. I'd love to see him work on both sides of the aisle, but with the way he is setting up his cabinet it's unlikely.", ">>{helpfulkorn} : If he tried the republican congress that he's now spurned will give him the full Obama treatment and throw government stopping tantrums any time he breaks from formation. They're the real problem, not who is at the top. Without their obstructionist agenda Obama would have been able to pass Healthcare reform that works, among other things. Then people wouldn't have gotten so divided and caught up in the narrative that Obama has been a total disaster when in fact, it was Congress the whole time. They have been purposely breaking this nation just so we will beg them to fix it.", ">>{stupid-rando} : Um, actually, no. That's how private charities operate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_foundation", ">>{pinelands1901} : He'll need Democrats to pass his infrastructure and proposals. Bernie seems I inclined to rack up IOUs like this.", ">>{lockerius} : Remember that if/when Trump releases his returns, and people see he doesn't even make 100k a year. How corporations work.", ">>{the_hamturdler} : An IOU from Trump wouldn't be worth shit. He's already backpedaling on the things he promised his supporters and is a know con.", '>>{reticulogic} : If you believe he issued one, why discredit yourself with the prior statement?', '>>{Kvetch__22} : Again, that is the only credible source in your list, and it confirms my point.', ">>{coned_miro} : The problem is the divide in the country is getting even deeper, and people are freaking the fuck out. I was all for peaceful protest, hey, that's their right - they have s voice they should use it. But a protest gone riot, and doing public damage? The stances have flipped, because this isn't my democratic party. I'm used to effective clever protests not flinging mud. I'm used to using facts, not fists. I'm saddened by the Left's almost completely guaranteeing the rights viewpoint of us as someone once told me, a whiny bitch who handed what he had. Now I don't speak for everyone but I've worked hard and messed up harder in life, yet bounced back. I'm going to give president elect Trump a chance. If he Fucks up, so be it. It's only two years to Senate reelection (if I remember correctly) Can't we all be freaking adults and see what happens? The only real thing to do is move forward and hope for the best", '>>{Thisguyynotthatguy12} : Never heard her speak before but with all this talk of her being the liberal balance in the administration I decided to watch a couple of interviews on YouTube.......Disappointed. 😞', '>>{Gaben2016} : I honestly believe if you will calm down and actually go read some news sources outside of a very liberal bubble, that you will realize a lot of the things you are saying are extreme hyperbole. I am not saying that there are not plenty of things to fear from a Trump and GOP run government, I just feel that you are a lot more stressed out than you need to be because you are getting your news from circular sources.', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Just because you are not as outraged as I am does not mean I or my outrage should be dismissed. I am an LGBT immigrant of color. This administration is my enemy. I will do all I am politically able to do, to oppose them. We must use our outrage to reform the DNC and purge the vile Trump regime. The time for milquetoast politicking is over.', ">>{61-50-7} : No, it's a simple concept and I used simple, easily understood language.", '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Because I sorted through the many offensive things he said, and remembered that finally---when his poll numbers were in freefall mind you, he apologized for casually talking about his sexual assault of women. I hate this man and will oppose him with every fiber of my being.', ">>{manzoire} : trump doesn't be understand that Syria, Russia are way more dangerous than isis. He will use them to defeat isis, but we will have an emboldened Russia which is way worse", '>>{RandInMyVagina} : ~~Ivanka~~ Imelda, Uday, and Qusay FTFY', ">>{Rupperrt} : It's called populism. It happens everywhere in the world. If you'd actually try to do populistic policies, it'd be a disaster or embarrassment. There is a pre election candidate and a post election president and those aren't the same people.", ">>{mielcal} : That would mean the man elected for presidentt isn't capable of science and doesn't trust objective understanding of reality. That is an ***inconvenient truth***.", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : I doubt Trump will be a factor in 4. However, I'd say Ivanka will need more than 8 before she's really ready for the white house. There's a lot of needed upgrades when comparing her to either Obama", '>>{data2dave} : Girls Gone Wild 8 in Washington? (Video)', ">>{Gcoal2} : Yeah I Heard it all before. The Swing States weren't even close and he managed to turn some states like Pennsylvania Red when something like 65% of the country thought he was unqualified to be President. 4 years as President will make that number disappear. But yeah it's funny how you people on this Sub had convinced yourselves that he would never get over 40% of the vote, then that he would never be the GOP nominee, then that he would never be President and now you are convinced he will only be President for 4 years. You would think you people would be sick of being wrong at this point.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : I remember when "soften" meant "flip-flop" and "failed to deliver on promises". But that was waaay back when there was a Democrat in the oval office.', ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > some states like Pennsylvania Red when something like 65% of the country thought he was unqualified to be President. It looks tlike they didn't believe that, because te were the ones whose mistakes elected him > 4 years as President will make that number disappear. It will make him disappear. His lethal mitakes will be eident in 2020 There's already methods to ensure that any blockade of money from workers to their families in Mexico is neutralized, and the money will go", '>>{Gcoal2} : Lots of leaps of faith you are making there Buddy. Anyway there is a reason this Sub is Wrong 95% of the time.', '>>{savagedan} : If this happens he truly would be a transformational figure. I am not that optimistic.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Your leaps of faith are even more amazing. And your statistics are wrong', '>>{Stuckinaloop} : Just remember. Destroying evidence of a crime is also a crime.', ">>{skekze} : Get on the boat, the banana boat. It's time to take the keys off grandpa, he parked the car in the family picnic.", ">>{spacester} : So. The experts say that Tin-Pot dictators are bad? They're just trying to get grant money.", ">>{Gcoal2} : HaHaHa Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to get through these next 8 years of Trump. There is a reason people say r/politics is the Sub for people who don't know anything about politics to talk about politics. You people don't have a clue what you are talking about. You people have been wrong about pretty much everything all year."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{vibrate} : Donald Trump appears to soften stance on range of pledges', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : NO UNITY! We must elect out the regressive Trump regime. The man is a bigot, a xenophobe, a racist, and a misogynist. No amount of policy changes is going to erase his comments. There was not a single apology issued for his comments, nor the actions taken against innocent people by his hostile supporters. They have literally urinated on immigrants, and cited Trump\'s "illegals" position as the reason why! Unacceptable.', '>>{Pepeforthelulz} : Lol so RICH, this fatass divided this country to fking slices of pizza and now he is going to unit the Palestinians with the isrealis lol Boy, Netflix better not waste their money on any new shows, the finale 4 seasons of America are going to be lit fam', ">>{friendsafari123} : He is going to do exactly what he says. People voted for trump, some said they did out of pure spite for Hillary. It's funny how the right is so silent on his comments yet Hillary seems to get bad press for whatever she's done", ">>{OllieAnntan} : Who knows what he'll end up doing. I bet he doesn't even know what his plan is.", '>>{yougottasliceitright} : I tried to Google translate that crap but it just kept directing me to alcoholism treatment results.', ">>{stillnotking} : So you're just going to give him shit no matter what? Shouldn't you be happy that he's softening his most controversial stances? If the left treats President Trump as Lucifer for four years, and he ends up being even minimally competent -- a safe bet, given how he's been underestimated by almost everyone this year -- he'll cruise to re-election just like Obama did. Sanders gets that, but the rank and file doesn't.", ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : >So you're just going to give him shit no matter what? Yes. > Shouldn't you be happy that he's softening his most controversial stances? He AND THE GOP HE COMES WITH are not in office yet. They haven't done shit yet. >If the left treats President Trump as Lucifer for four years, and he ends up being even minimally competent -- a safe bet, given how he's been underestimated by almost everyone this year -- he'll cruise to re-election just like Obama did. Sanders gets that, but the rank and file doesn't. K. See you in 4 years.", ">>{Draskinn} : Wow I think this is the first time I've ever been glad to hear about a presidential candidate going back on their promises! Welcome to Bizarro World folks, it's going to be a strange four years.", ">>{reticulogic} : There was not a single apology issued. That's a complete lie.", ">>{Seeeab} : Is this a tactic or something? Make promises froth up the opposition as much as possible, and then when you default on them it they look like unreasonable jackasses and instead of being upset with him for not following through his supporters love it because they get to take the moral high ground and justify their support I mean if that's on purpose it's clever. If it's a happy accident then, well, still better for everyone.", '>>{gooderthanhail} : >So you\'re just going to give him shit no matter what? Shouldn\'t you be happy that he\'s softening his most controversial stances? >Did he not just get elected a few days ago? If he had waited a year or two after getting into office and said, "You know what? After actually seeing what Obama did, he was right about X. I may or may not change it" I would have been more willing to accept it. I\'d still laugh at you, but I *could* respect that. THIS IS DAYS AFTER HE RAN. HE LIED. HE LIED TO WIN. You bought the con. PERIOD. >given how he\'s been underestimated by almost everyone this year -- he\'ll cruise to re-election just like Obama did. # At first, I was afraid there might be some actual silent majority that got him elected. If that were the case, then he might actually be a two term president. But no. He won by winning less votes than Romney who lost. Hillary was a bad candidate who turned away voters from her own base by cheating. Also, people didn\'t show up (or voted 3rd party) because they thought Hillary had it in the bag (and they didn\'t really want to get their hands dirty voting for her). Now, that people see that their vote really counts (Thanks, Trump), and that the election isn\'t rigged (Thanks, Trump), I wouldn\'t be surprised if he gets landslide BTFO. He would need to be more than just competent. Too many people dislike him. Save this comment. Calling the shit out of it now.', ">>{nerveonya} : It's one of Trump's biggest principles of negotiation. You go way high, they go low, and you meet in the middle. The healthcare thing is a nonstory though because he has always said there were 2 parts to it he wanted to keep", ">>{helpfulkorn} : Whatever, I'll take it. I didn't vote for him because his policies terrified me. If he wants to walk them back and adopt a more moderate or even liberal approach I am all for it. I voted against who he campaigned as, but if he's going to preside over the country as an entirely different person, I might be able to get behind it. Depending upon what he changes.", '>>{BrooksPuuntai} : The country was already divided, hence why we got Trump.', ">>{stillnotking} : It amuses me how I get accused of being a Trump voter for saying anything minimally supportive, or indeed *sane*, about the president-elect. I'm a lifelong liberal who voted for Clinton. But Trump won a free and fair election! He is *our president*. If you can't acknowledge even that much, *you're* going to get BTFO in four years, of that I am absolutely certain. So, sure. Save this comment. Everyone underestimated him during the campaign and they're still underestimating him. Let's see where that gets us.", ">>{radiant_snowdrop} : Please list Donald Trump's apologies from the campaign. I believe he did issue one after the devastating crush of the tapes.", ">>{the_hamturdler} : I'm hoping he just used the Republican party to take control and get elected and is not beholden to them. I'd love to see him work on both sides of the aisle, but with the way he is setting up his cabinet it's unlikely.", ">>{helpfulkorn} : If he tried the republican congress that he's now spurned will give him the full Obama treatment and throw government stopping tantrums any time he breaks from formation. They're the real problem, not who is at the top. Without their obstructionist agenda Obama would have been able to pass Healthcare reform that works, among other things. Then people wouldn't have gotten so divided and caught up in the narrative that Obama has been a total disaster when in fact, it was Congress the whole time. They have been purposely breaking this nation just so we will beg them to fix it.", ">>{pinelands1901} : He'll need Democrats to pass his infrastructure and proposals. Bernie seems I inclined to rack up IOUs like this.", ">>{the_hamturdler} : An IOU from Trump wouldn't be worth shit. He's already backpedaling on the things he promised his supporters and is a know con.", '>>{reticulogic} : If you believe he issued one, why discredit yourself with the prior statement?', ">>{coned_miro} : The problem is the divide in the country is getting even deeper, and people are freaking the fuck out. I was all for peaceful protest, hey, that's their right - they have s voice they should use it. But a protest gone riot, and doing public damage? The stances have flipped, because this isn't my democratic party. I'm used to effective clever protests not flinging mud. I'm used to using facts, not fists. I'm saddened by the Left's almost completely guaranteeing the rights viewpoint of us as someone once told me, a whiny bitch who handed what he had. Now I don't speak for everyone but I've worked hard and messed up harder in life, yet bounced back. I'm going to give president elect Trump a chance. If he Fucks up, so be it. It's only two years to Senate reelection (if I remember correctly) Can't we all be freaking adults and see what happens? The only real thing to do is move forward and hope for the best", '>>{Gaben2016} : I honestly believe if you will calm down and actually go read some news sources outside of a very liberal bubble, that you will realize a lot of the things you are saying are extreme hyperbole. I am not saying that there are not plenty of things to fear from a Trump and GOP run government, I just feel that you are a lot more stressed out than you need to be because you are getting your news from circular sources.', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Just because you are not as outraged as I am does not mean I or my outrage should be dismissed. I am an LGBT immigrant of color. This administration is my enemy. I will do all I am politically able to do, to oppose them. We must use our outrage to reform the DNC and purge the vile Trump regime. The time for milquetoast politicking is over.', '>>{radiant_snowdrop} : Because I sorted through the many offensive things he said, and remembered that finally---when his poll numbers were in freefall mind you, he apologized for casually talking about his sexual assault of women. I hate this man and will oppose him with every fiber of my being.', ">>{manzoire} : trump doesn't be understand that Syria, Russia are way more dangerous than isis. He will use them to defeat isis, but we will have an emboldened Russia which is way worse", ">>{Rupperrt} : It's called populism. It happens everywhere in the world. If you'd actually try to do populistic policies, it'd be a disaster or embarrassment. There is a pre election candidate and a post election president and those aren't the same people.", '>>{cool_hand_luke} : I remember when "soften" meant "flip-flop" and "failed to deliver on promises". But that was waaay back when there was a Democrat in the oval office.', '>>{savagedan} : If this happens he truly would be a transformational figure. I am not that optimistic.'], ['>>{axus_auto} : Threat to Jail Clinton Smacks of ‘Tin-Pot Dictators,’ Experts Say', '>>{BetaEchoStudios} : This would be true if his opponent wasn\'t previously under investigation by the FBI and no charges brought under "suspicious circumstances". A lot of people including Non-Trump supporters like myself believe based on the evidence Comey himself presented that she committed a crime or two. Sure she wasn\'t charged I get that. But there is very public doubt to her innocents that\'s not completely (maybe partially) drummed up Republican trash. She appears above the law to large portion of the American people.', '>>{DrDaniels} : Having a predetermined outcome of a trial is not justice.', ">>{Kvetch__22} : This is basic rule of law stuff though. Just because a bunch of people think she is guilty doesn't change the fact that the government body that handles these things did not find grounds to bring a case. People who say it was suspicious are often doing so for political gain. If Trump wanted to investigate the FBI, and found solid evidence of corruption, then it would be proper to re-open Clinton's case. But he doesn't do thag, and he promises to put her in jail. That is tin pot dictator stuff.", '>>{choppedscrew} : Sounds like both sides might be trying to abuse the system for political gain. If only there was some sort of special prosecutor that could determine a non-partisan conclusion.', ">>{meatpony} : This is the clearest description of Hilary's situation I think I have seen and you have changed my thinking. Justice isn't what most people think it is, nor is it what I want it to be either.", ">>{vonotar} : Trump may be a swaggering, overbearing, tin-plated dictator with delusions of godhood. But he's not soft.", '>>{rspix000} : Comey claimed no evidence of intent, merely gross negligence. Fun fact, intent isn\'t required so we get "rules for thee, but not for me" from Clinton. BTW, check out what Comey\'s brother does for a living.', '>>{Kvetch__22} : As I understood, intent was required for what the inquiry looked at.', '>>{Kvetch__22} : No, it sounds like one party abusing their powers of inquiry to try and convict a political rival, fail, and then decide not to give up.', ">>{Kvetch__22} : It doesn't matter what people think. It's what the law says. Most people aren't lawyers.", ">>{61-50-7} : I don't want Clinton jailed for emails if Trump wins and I don't want Trump jailed for Cuba or his foundation if Clinton wins. If justice is determined by who wins an election it isn't justice. I know this is tough for deplorables to understand.", '>>{Kvetch__22} : There is exactly one widley recognized credible source in your list, Politico, and it leads with this. >Extreme carelessness isn’t criminal, at least when it comes to handling classified information. So you agree that there were no grounds for indictment?', ">>{choppedscrew} : You do realize you're saying she hasn't faced justice yet...", '>>{rspix000} : Out of the hours of tape of dirty tricking, Nixon\'s lawyers picked the , "But that would be wrong" snippet too.', ">>{61-50-7} : >You do realize you're saying she hasn't faced justice yet... No and you seem barely literate.", '>>{Kvetch__22} : Again, that is the only credible source in your list, and it confirms my point.', ">>{61-50-7} : No, it's a simple concept and I used simple, easily understood language.", '>>{Stuckinaloop} : Just remember. Destroying evidence of a crime is also a crime.', ">>{skekze} : Get on the boat, the banana boat. It's time to take the keys off grandpa, he parked the car in the family picnic.", ">>{spacester} : So. The experts say that Tin-Pot dictators are bad? They're just trying to get grant money."], ['>>{SaltHash} : Ivanka is a creepy woman who tolerates her dad sexually harassing her.', '>>{BeeLuv} : Little did we know that a vote for Donald was a vote for Ivanka, Uday, and Qusay.', ">>{veniceinperil} : Ivanka has serious boundary issues that make her very difficult to watch. It's common for children of narcissistic parents to have serious issues around personal space and autonomy. I hope that she can get some counseling to understand how incredibly inappropriate her relationship with her father is. It's really unfortunate that this had to play out for her on the national stage.", ">>{sedgwickian} : *The* implies only one. She is *a* wild card. Frankly, she's one of the least frightening wild cards in the whole deck.", '>>{progressivemoron} : Hopefully Ivanka will be able to take over in 8 years when Trump can no longer run again.', ">>{symbadawg} : LMAO @ Ivanka being the wild card....But one thing has come to light out of this pseudo-journalistic blowhard's spiel and that is that Tiffany Trump has an asshole for a father....", '>>{NiceHookMarty} : 1. Travel back in time approx 6 months 2. Show past self this headline 3. Past self has fatal heart attack 4. Temporal paradox results, Berenstain universe unravels 5. Multiverse celebrates end of darkest timeline', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : If she supports climate change and is capable of listening to and processing what the scientists are telling us, she may make a great contribution It may be one more inconvenient truth LOL', ">>{band_in_DC} : Nah, Ivanka needs to give birth to Donald's child so that we can have the next great leader in 10 years. Their bloodline is way purer than ours.", ">>{AerialShorts} : For a moment, with all the talk about boundaries and Trump's sexual assaults, I thought you said Tiffany has an asshole for her father. ;-)", ">>{PostTruthPete} : No she isn't. Stop it. She won't do anything that isn't approved by daddy Vlad and her father.", '>>{ImSuperHighRightNow} : Ivanka is an American oligarch in the making. The media gives her too much leeway because she is very attractive but make no mistake, she is just as corrupt as her dad.', '>>{Thisguyynotthatguy12} : Never heard her speak before but with all this talk of her being the liberal balance in the administration I decided to watch a couple of interviews on YouTube.......Disappointed. 😞', '>>{RandInMyVagina} : ~~Ivanka~~ Imelda, Uday, and Qusay FTFY', ">>{mielcal} : That would mean the man elected for presidentt isn't capable of science and doesn't trust objective understanding of reality. That is an ***inconvenient truth***.", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : I doubt Trump will be a factor in 4. However, I'd say Ivanka will need more than 8 before she's really ready for the white house. There's a lot of needed upgrades when comparing her to either Obama", '>>{data2dave} : Girls Gone Wild 8 in Washington? (Video)', ">>{Gcoal2} : Yeah I Heard it all before. The Swing States weren't even close and he managed to turn some states like Pennsylvania Red when something like 65% of the country thought he was unqualified to be President. 4 years as President will make that number disappear. But yeah it's funny how you people on this Sub had convinced yourselves that he would never get over 40% of the vote, then that he would never be the GOP nominee, then that he would never be President and now you are convinced he will only be President for 4 years. You would think you people would be sick of being wrong at this point.", ">>{WatchingDonFail} : > some states like Pennsylvania Red when something like 65% of the country thought he was unqualified to be President. It looks tlike they didn't believe that, because te were the ones whose mistakes elected him > 4 years as President will make that number disappear. It will make him disappear. His lethal mitakes will be eident in 2020 There's already methods to ensure that any blockade of money from workers to their families in Mexico is neutralized, and the money will go", '>>{Gcoal2} : Lots of leaps of faith you are making there Buddy. Anyway there is a reason this Sub is Wrong 95% of the time.', '>>{WatchingDonFail} : Your leaps of faith are even more amazing. And your statistics are wrong', ">>{Gcoal2} : HaHaHa Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself to get through these next 8 years of Trump. There is a reason people say r/politics is the Sub for people who don't know anything about politics to talk about politics. You people don't have a clue what you are talking about. You people have been wrong about pretty much everything all year."], ['>>{exejpgwmv} : Come on Trump, even your VP is doing it.', ">>{MFG1628} : Trump is even getting pressure from his own VP. That's hilarious. The GOP needs to stop acting like the party is united. The fact check is in, it's not.", '>>{TW1971} : You know, the day before the election, but before the election for sure.', ">>{simcrook} : Trump realizes he doesn't stand a chance of winning, and whatever information is within his tax returns is not going to win him any votes. After the election, he will obviously have no need to release anything, so the public will never find out his true wealth.", ">>{DamagedHells} : What I'm getting from this: The GOP are ***100%*** planning to dump Trump (impeachment likely) if he is elected.", '>>{alexanderwales} : I see their brilliant strategy: 1. Tell everyone publicly that the party is united 3. Have numerous people speak off the record about discord within the party 2. Give every outward appearance of not being united 4. ??? 5. Win the presidency', ">>{DontBeSoHarsh} : Historically the problem isn't finding a reason, it's getting the supermajority of votes. Somehow, I don't think the votes will be a problem.", '>>{MFG1628} : Change 1,2,3, and 5 to what you have for 4 and you have their official strategy.', '>>{stupid-rando} : Surprisingly, he gave 10% of his income to Planned Parenthood.', '>>{cGxvd21} : If Trump somehow wins, the House will definitely have the articles of impeachment ready before he takes office. It is hard to imagine Trump could get through his first day without violating his oath to uphold the Constitution.', ">>{Trauerkraus} : Not like Pence is trying to put Trump on the spot. There's no good way out for himself. If he doesn't release the tax returns that damages his integrity and the public's trust, if he does release then he makes Trump look bad.", ">>{lockerius} : And Hillary gave 99% of her charitable donations to her own charity. Seems like a money laundering technique to me. Not that Obama's allies ever get audited by the IRS.", ">>{stupid-rando} : Um, actually, no. That's how private charities operate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_foundation", ">>{lockerius} : Remember that if/when Trump releases his returns, and people see he doesn't even make 100k a year. How corporations work."]]
classify and reply
[">>{wytxcook} : Watch College Students' Shock After They Wrongly Attribute Hillary Scandals To Trump", ">>{UncleSamGamgee} : Corporate CEO Pay Was 276 Times the Average Worker's Income Last Year", ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Wait that's my school lol. It's Georgetown if anyone cares. The political culture and state of ignorance at the school is disgraceful.", '>>{a496h8} : This just in: College students are fucking morons.', '>>{kurokamifr} : Romanian hacker with access to Clinton emails found dead in jail cell', ">>{janzeera} : Interesting. Should we spend the money investing in our communities or spend it on policing to beat down our communities? Decisions, decisions.. That's a tough one bruh.", '>>{JohnDelmont} : Sorry. I never engage in conversations with novelty accounts.', ">>{tedlove} : If the Clintons didn't do this, I'll eat my socks.", ">>{myfourthacct} : Politics is all about image. Hillary has an advantage because people have pushed such a bad image onto Trump and she has been successful in hiding her racist and wealth related comments from the majority of the mainstream media. This video is biased to the right because all of the footage from more knowledgeable individuals isn't sensational or video worthy. Still sad that a lot of people don't research their candidate of choice before making a decision.", '>>{sedgwickian} : There has been no data to suggest that the "Ferguson effect" is real. It\'s police propaganda. These people only care about socalled black-on-black crime when calling attention to it deflects from their own shortcomings. See: this article calling violence in Chicago a new "epidemic." Shit\'s been bad there for years, but white people did nothing to help. They only care now bc they think they can use it to justify excessive use of force and discriminator practices in policing.', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Rahm Emanuel spent the last of his political capital covering up a police killing until after the election because he knew if the story broke earlier he would be working in the private sector right now. That left us with a city that doesn't trust its mayor and a police force that doesn't trust its mayor. Not a good combo. The situation in Chicago has fuck all to do with Ferguson. A fish rots from its head, and Rahm is the problem in Chicago.", ">>{SchlangeHatRecht} : No way. Is this for real? If so then there are some dots to connect. Another case of 'barbell-itis' strikes an anti-Clinton witness", '>>{the_schlonger} : Why is it white people\'s job to help in the first place? The rise of the new "white man\'s burden" fixation among liberals is weird.', '>>{MonsieurIneos} : Here come all the "If you want good pay just start your *own* company" idiots.', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Because your average CEO is not 200+ times smarter, 200+ times more productive, or 200+ times of intrinsically more value than the average person. Some estimate Fortune 500 CEOs may have an average IQ of [124](https://brainsize.wordpress.com/2014/07/18/the-iqs-of-fortune-500-ceos/). That's high. But it's less than surgeons, professors, researchers. More like lawyers and good accountants. Is society better off paying these people hundreds of times more than these other professionals? Hard to argue it is but that's what capitalistic markets dictate so here we are.", ">>{sedgwickian} : White peoples' job is to acknowledge the systemic privilege they enjoy and work to acknowledge and correct it. To listen to the perspective of people of color. That is not the same as some Rudyard Kipling civilization-bearer bullshit.", '>>{VTFD} : Nobody else has this story. How is christiantimesnewspaper.com breaking it? Latest [published story](http://www.snopes.com/guccifer-missing-from-jail-cell/) from Google News on Guccifer is from snopes, disproving a rumor that he was missing from his jail cell. I\'m going to reserve judgment until MSM weighs in. ____ EDIT: confirmed that christiantimesnewspaper.com is a satire website. This story is bunk. [sauce](http://www.snopes.com/donald-trump-primary-ballots/): > The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:', '>>{kimmisseswhitedick} : Of course. Law enforcement is a job environment that includes bullets and requires split second life or death decsions. If some politician looking to score virtue points by throwing you under the bus could mean 5 to 10 years in prison. Fuck yeah you minimize your exposure to making such descions.', '>>{Cornelius_J_Suttree} : I really dislike Hillary, but this video is kind of bullshit. The stories are true, but then the guy adds stuff like "they said quote \'black people are always late\'"... Hillary was indeed involed in that ill-conceived CPT joke, but she didn\'t say "black people are always late" lol good lord', '>>{kimmisseswhitedick} : No its not upper middle class are always trying to virtue signal by saving the plebes for themselves', ">>{Pm__Me_Steam_Codes} : Naw man, Reddit fucking hates Hillary right now. It's the perfect time to cash in.", '>>{bitfriend} : Blacks get the same level playing field as every other race in the US. If they can\'t win due to some gauge, unspecificable, untraceable, source of "systematic" racism then they\'re only defeating themselves by legitimatizing their status as victims of the past rather than actors of the future. And that\'s the point here: the whole "systematic racism" thing is inherently retrospective (based on *past* crimes) and has no vision for the future. The constant looking backwards causes outlooks to narrow, and people to become parochial. Which is why blacks have mostly not benefited from globalization (ie, looking forward), as they won\'t even look beyond their neighborhoods. >That is not the same as some Rudyard Kipling civilization-bearer bullshit. It absolutely is. You have asked people to "correct" themselves, to bear the burden of the sins of their forefathers (such as the original sin of eve biting the apple, or god cursing ham) and labor to correct it. It is very similar to the white man\'s burden, but with a twist on the origin myth.', ">>{oldbeth} : tRump has so many scandals, it's not humanly possible to keep up with them all.", ">>{bitfriend} : older people don't care about hilary in the first place and will vote for her on name recognition. The only people that have beef with her are young people who don't vote anyway.", '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : SO, as a society, we need to correct that.', ">>{Shaella_} : I don't care if they're not 200x smarter or whatever. They're doing far more valuable work and taking on well over 200x the responsibility.", ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Well he's still alive, so break out the webcam.", ">>{fireshitup} : Chalk another mysterious death up to bill and hillary's mad lust for power.", ">>{sedgwickian} : lol. > I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because policemen call me sir. --Stephen Colbert", '>>{bitfriend} : are you actually going to respond to my comment or just spam quotes from people smarter than you?', '>>{thisisATHENS} : >There has been no data to suggest that the "Ferguson effect" is real. It\'s police propaganda. Besides crime rising in concert with soft pull backs in Baltimore and other places.', ">>{Shaella_} : explain whats wrong with someone taking on thousands x the responsibility of the 'average worker' getting a lot more compensation", '>>{MagicComa106} : Thousands times more responsibility? Tell that to the CEO of Volkswagen who pulled the ripcord and evaded all responsibility for cheating emissions testing. edit: wording', '>>{sendingsignal} : yeah, these things all happened, were all shitty, but were all much more subtle. He could have let it be known he was paraphrasing or said them the way they were actually said and it would STILL have been terrible. No reason to slant these at all.', ">>{jen1980} : > not humanly possible to keep up with them all. Don't you mean Hillary?", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Deserves an Emmy . Also Clinton never said she carried hot sauce to pander to black voters. She has been a hot sauce aficionado forever . This guy is a hack', '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : explain how doing one job is "thousands x the responsibility" of any other job?', '>>{Shaella_} : ... do you not get what a CEO does?', '>>{drdawwg} : Someone should make a website where you select the person behind the quote. That would be fun to share around.', ">>{myfourthacct} : Should I dare say, most of his scandals are milquetoast in comparison to Hillary's? Fuck, even if you love Hillary, if she is found to have mishandled classified it permanently bars your candidate from being president. If I supported her, I would be fairly concerned.", ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : I know the CEO of the company I work for doesn't make or sell anything.", '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Actually, it looks like I understand it better than you. I understand that the vast majority of people in a company actually work and a very few get paid for doing something almost anyone can do.', ">>{Shaella_} : ... Its not their job to make or sell anything? They're doing other, much more important things.", '>>{sedgwickian} : I have no interest in arguing with "level playing field."', '>>{_tx} : There are morons, reasonable, and brilliant people in nearly every group.', ">>{sedgwickian} : I'm sure you have a citation from a credible, peer-reviewed study to support this claim!", '>>{truthmama} : It is a parody website...go to main page...', '>>{leontes} : Yes and ""Which candidate said they carry hot sauce everywhere they go to \'pander to black voters\'?" Hillary never said that. She just carries hot sauce everywhere cause she likes it. You can\'t pretend someone said something and then act all shocked when someone says they didn\'t say it.', '>>{stupidaccountname} : We have no sources, but you can trust us!', '>>{thisisATHENS} : http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-deadliest-year-20160101-story.html Normal year..then Freddie Gray, then the biggest year ever.', ">>{MagicComa106} : Based on what I've seen, just like the rest of higher management a CEO's job is to come into a company, cut 'costs' (which will probably ultimately cost the company more somewhere else down the road), take a chunk of the new 'profit' and then go to the next company to do the same thing. Meanwhile the worker gets shit on.", '>>{SALTED_MEAT} : Prolly not. If it says "christian" and isn\'t followed by "science monitor", then it is probably not true. This has served me well.', '>>{sedgwickian} : Correlation =/= Causation. ETA: shit, I posted too soon. Ferguson effect is that police are afraid to do their jobs and therefore crime goes up. FROM THE ARTICLE YOU POSTED: > The violence continued despite several new police initiatives, including a partnership with federal authorities to investigate those behind the violence in the city\'s "War Room." This has nothing to do with a disengagement of police. They are more engaged than ever.', ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Almost anyone can manage people. The people who do the work don't need any particular manager, but every manager depends on workers.", ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Let's see how important those things are if no one is making or selling.", '>>{thisisATHENS} : Sometimes it is causation. Heavy broken windows policing led to a drop in crime and the draw back meant a rise in crime.', '>>{HeSoScary} : > The political culture and state of ignorance at the school is disgraceful. The political culture and state of ignorance of the majority of eligible voters is disgraceful.', '>>{sedgwickian} : Nearly every external study of broken windows suggests it had nothing to do with drops in crime. Even police are starting to give up on the policy as meaningless and cruel.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Right as crime starts to rise. Funny how that goes.', '>>{rws531} : I\'ve seen plenty of groups lacking a "brilliant" person.', ">>{VTFD} : > If the Clintons didn't do this, I'll eat my socks. ~ /u/tedlove Game on.", '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : >She has been a hot sauce aficionado forever lol', '>>{MagicComa106} : As long as we glorify the rich we will never see change. Yes some people made their fortunes through hard work, but the majority of the time we are rewarding the most shameless, greedy people that society has ever produced. Look at Shkreli.', ">>{DumpsterDon} : Hillary's quite the ninja. I'm with that shit. I don't want it against me!", '>>{sedgwickian} : Sticking your head in the sand does not make the world above the sand not exist. The rest of the world has acquired object permanence.', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : ...which is very different than her supplying the framing herself that she might be pandering. In fact, she has a widely-known love of hot sauce going back decades. And as a white person who similarly loves hot sauce, I'm not even sure why that stereotype is a thing. It's another bullshit non-scandal.", '>>{berlinbrown} : This is the kind of post we allow on this subreddit? Seriously.', ">>{myfourthacct} : The ultimate decision on what is classified/releasable belongs to the Commander in Chief. The President can at will release whatever he/she wants. It's too bad that the assholes under him didn't all get punished. At least the leaks drew attention to the lack of OPSEC by assholes and helped patch the leaks.", '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : The satire would be if he remains alive to see Christmas', ">>{sedgwickian} : Again, you have no credible source for this. It's literal bullshit.", ">>{macwelsh007} : I was against Bush mishandling classified information, I'm against Hillary having done it. I'm consistent, how about you?", '>>{Shaella_} : Yes, rise up and crush the borgiouse already.', ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Almost anyone can give direction, it's not a difficult or specialized skill.", ">>{asghostdj} : Exactly. No fucking way. It's a satire site.", ">>{Hatewrecked} : Doesn't matter, it's anti-Hillary. Lift with your legs ye scurvy dogs, we're hoisting this baby to the top of the front page!", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : >Fuck, even if you love Hillary, if she is found to have mishandled classified it permanently bars your candidate from being president. This isn't remotely true. The president is the person all intelligence agencies report to *ex officio*, and does not need any further security clearance whatsoever to view any government document. It is also impossible for the president to violate classification sches, being that they themselves are the ultimate authority on classification. They are *the decider*, so to speak. If you want to stop Hillary, you have to use your ballot, because this won't work.", '>>{EllisHughTiger} : Average worker has a set list of things they need to accomplish. A CEO at a big company might have to keep things running smoothly in 120 countries, with all their bullshit rules and cultural differences, as well as be responsible to shareholders and the public. And if anything bad ever happens, be able to withstand public rage, govt barging in, and all kinds of other crap. It takes a good bit of smarts, experience, and tough skin to be able to work at the top. Hell, your "average" worker often will say no to a management position with a little more money, if it means taking on larger responsibilities. The higher you go up in management, the fewer people are willing to move up. So of course pay has to rise to entice them.', ">>{SentientSalmon} : I've always liked the fact that Wiktionary - in honor of the classic joke - doesn't feature an entry for the word 'gullible'.", '>>{BlueDogDem62} : Stop the lying. She called it cautious politician time.', ">>{asghostdj} : Okay, let's see it. I'm sure you're a man of your word, right?", '>>{VTFD} : Well, that was quick. via snopes: > The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories. [sauce](http://www.snopes.com/donald-trump-primary-ballots/) ____ I think it\'s only fair to allow you unlimited use of the condiment (or condiments) of your choosing. http://www.snopes.com/donald-trump-primary-ballots/', '>>{Thongpirate} : Bart: Here you go, Todd: the city edition. [headline: "Extra Extra! Todd Smells"] Rod: Bart, I don\'t know if this should be an "extra." Todd: Is your source on this reliable?', '>>{optimusderp} : Oh snap! Whats the death count on Trumps scandals? It probably towers over clintons', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : No, they really are not. Maybe the CEO of a renewable energy company is doing valuable work but so is everybody else in that company. I can accept there is responsibility in actions affecting a workforce and investors but when you are paid millions for screwing up that responsibility is somewhat diminished. If you fire 10,000 people you don't then have to go and live in that community.", '>>{10390} : We contacted authorities at the Virginia jail, who were able to confirm that Lehel is alive, well, and in custody there. There is no truth to the claim he went mysteriously missing from his jail cell in early July 2016. http://www.snopes.com/guccifer-missing-from-jail-cell/', ">>{whatcolorwasit} : no, they're clearly better, thats why they're CEO's", ">>{SATexas1} : What's bad is that people believe this is a possibility I did, I was like, wow another one.", ">>{myfourthacct} : This is in regards to her stripping the classification markings (willful concealing/mutilating) and sending classified material. [18 U.S. Code § 2071](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2071) - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and **be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.** As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States. If she was found to have done so, she will be barred from Presidency. Since she wasn't president when/if this happened, all of the privileges of being able to anything you want with classified do not apply with her.", '>>{escalation} : The majority of time there is little class movement. The wealthy start with more capital and better connections to leverage it with. This tends to reinforce the lack of social mobility.', '>>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : This isn\'t "satire" this is just fucking false information. Sites like these can burn for all I care.', ">>{SATexas1} : I think it's sad for America that we have such bad candidates that the general public believes they'd murder and rape people, that's how low the bar is. Worst candidates ever.", ">>{W0666007} : Eh, what can you do? Can't cure crazy.", '>>{mostly_fiction} : Maybe you need to learn how to judge source credibility. The Clintons attract crazy like no one', '>>{Downbound92} : Something like [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/pb/who-said-it-donald-trump-or-mr-burns-from-the-simpsons-/2b1b5802-5a07-4206-a1a4-3fd584374be8_quiz.html)? Or [this](http://interactive.nydailynews.com/2016/03/quiz-who-said-it-trump-hitler-mussolini-stalin/)? Or [this](http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2016/02/politics/trump-kanye-who-tweeted/)', ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Wow what an inference that was. I don't care about people's opinions but when I said ignorance I meant almost every conversation I've had on campus about politics people just don't know anything about the details of the contemporary issues they're discussing. I don't know too much myself, but I hate nothing more than when people act like they know everything about political discussion and don't even follow the news at all or anything about the campaigns. But I mean that's the standard for us college students.", '>>{IrishJoe} : Yes it\'s a bullshit satire site, but watch every right-wing outlet (including Fox "News") report it as the God\'s honest truth.', '>>{escalation} : So how much should we be paying heart surgeons then?', ">>{elgul} : >or 200+ times of intrinsically more value than the average person. The shareholders of company x think otherwise, hence they wouldn't be paying them. If those same shareholders had some kind of CEO AI worth a one-time purchase of $100, they would buy that and not pay some human millions. That is why they're paid so much, because the shareholders value them as such.", ">>{CatalyticDragon} : > The shareholders of company x think otherwise Yes. That's what happens in capitalism. CEO packages and stock prices are very rarely, if ever, a product of rational thought. What people _think_ and react to does not have a direct link to actual value or performance. It's simply a reflection of how human psychology evolved. - http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2014/06/16/the-highest-paid-ceos-are-the-worst-performers-new-study-says/#2bc0d136293a", ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Like all these people; - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Ebbers - http://www.khaleejtimes.com/nation/crime/former-deyaar-ceo-jailed-over-dh563m-fraud - http://time.com/4153113/ceo-arrested-for-securities-fraud/ - http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Finmeccanica-ex-CEO-jailed-in-copter-scam/articleshow/51750019.cms - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Nacchio - http://www.alternet.org/rss/breaking_news/93181/ex-ceo_of_enron's_telecom_business_jailed_for_fraud - http://www.ann7.com/us-ex-ceo-jailed-15-years-in-uae-for-fraud/ - https://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/dec/15/ex-jjb-sports-chief-executive-jailed-fraud - http://www.ibtimes.com/nigerian-bank-ceo-arrested-anti-corruption-agency-over-alleged-goodluck-jonathan-2361223 - http://www.channelweb.co.uk/crn-uk/news/1884363/former-nsc-head-jailed-fraud Weirdly performance and ethical responsibility don't appear to have any correlation to salary package.", ">>{headShrinker} : Her people organized with deblow's people to write the joke. She's not innocent.", '>>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Grilling Hillary for taking part in a really stupid, and kind of insensitive joke while ignoring how Trump systematically discriminated against minorities in his housing business is ridiculous.', ">>{HelloFellowHumans} : Trying to reason with this sub on anything vaguely related to Hillary Clinton possibly not being the second coming of Stalin is pissing in the wind I'm afraid.", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : To get there, you'd first have to actually have the credntials stripped, which is by no means likely. Secretary of State is not the ultumate classifying authority, but it does have a very high latitude as an originating authority withing the department. In any case, the presidency is legally unlike a lot of other government offices. Have fun taking your case up against the provisions of the Electoral College that are **directly in the text of the Constitution and its amendments.** When a mere federal law contradicts the clear provisions of the Constitution itself, its application in that scenario is what we call **unconstitutional**.", ">>{elgul} : I don't think I ever argued that it was rational. And I agree with you, CEOs aren't 200x smarter or 200x more hard working or worth 200x more than any other person on a base human level. However, I will argue that they are 200x more irreplaceable to the business than the average worker...or else they'd have been replaced. And if someone created a $100 Super CEO AI they *would* be replaced.", ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Right. The only thing stopping a CEO from being replaced, in many cases, is the irrational public's reaction to change which tends to be fearful. And of course that results in a self fulfilling prophecy of (frequently temporary) stock price drops.", '>>{Chkn10derPubSub} : Lol I love people like you. She says the punchline in an obviously planned joke but its in no way something she said, right? So sad.', '>>{Simplicity3245} : When your reply to that question is. "Is it working"..... yea.', '>>{Laneofhighhopes} : They can come to the right conclusion if they are given all of the applicable information!', ">>{Radiacity} : It's like the time where some people read sections of a text to pass it off as the Quran, only to reveal that it was actually from the Bible.", '>>{globallysilver} : Were those actual college students? When I see those lanyards around their necks, I thought they were high schoolers that were there for summer programs.', ">>{InFunkWeTrust} : That's the thing Hillary, there's always a asterisk, like the fact she supports Gay Marriage (as of very recently)", '>>{Ins_Weltall} : Giving her a free pass just because Trump was even worse about it is pretty ridiculous too.', ">>{InFunkWeTrust} : This, people in college are just out of highschool, but people can talk shit if it makes them feel smarter, yeah there aren't a lot of super smart 18-21 year olds out there, they're young!", '>>{PlausibleDeniablty} : Or the people who use the internet for news.', ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Most likely were high schoolers. We have a lot of summer programs. If they're wearing a lanyard in the summer, it's a high schooler since all of the freshmen have gone home and don't stay and are also already passed the lanyard phase. It's mostly just high schoolers and grad students on campus during the summer.", ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Well this is my school and they're wearing lanyards so I'm pretty certain that almost all of these people are high schoolers. I will say the college students are quite a bit better than this but you will still run into stupid people like this sometimes.", ">>{Poolooloo} : She doesn't hide it from the mainstream media. The mainstream media chooses not to cover her flaws(in a substantive way) and goes after everything Trump says like it's another holocaust.", '>>{Venkerman} : Plus Trump has over 500 businesses with his name on it. No way he personally controls how each of them are handled. If one business did something racist out of that many, that shows me that the integrity of most of his businesses is still nearly 100% positive.', ">>{Poolooloo} : It's almost like people who produce media, whether it's a major media outlet, or a YouTube channel intentionally sensationalize news and spin and mischaracterize statements to negatively portray the side they disagree with.", '>>{Poolooloo} : I\'m sure if it was Trump in Hillary\'s place, most leftists would have no problem with the statement "Trump made a racist joke about CP time implying black people are always late".', '>>{usuqmydiq} : Nope, but the person she said it it to replied with that.', '>>{BLMAreTerrorists} : He was explaining what "CP time" meant in case it wasn\'t clear to the person and why such a statement would be offensive.', ">>{dantepicante} : I came here to say this. Hillary is the worst, but we don't need to resort to lying to prove it.", ">>{ekfslam} : There's a reason Trump has a bad image. It's not like he doesn't have a bunch of terrible opinions. They're both terrible people. A good option would be to vote but for someone in a smaller party that still has your interests at hand. Just stop voting for the main two parties and over time they'll lose support. If people keep having the mindset of choosing the lesser of two evils, then nothing will change.", ">>{VerilyAMonkey} : They don't cover Clinton, but the reason they cover Trump that way is because it's accurate. What he says daily would have been fatal for many previous campaigns.", '>>{beavissimpson} : Just say what she said. Don\'t say what a different person said and then say "she said it." If you think it\'s so bad that she even took part in the joke, then just say she took part in the joke and that should be enough.', '>>{g3notype} : I hope you realize that your answer just now disparages yourself as well. (Yes, to be sure, I understand that it also includes myself as well, but I hardly care about what an anonymous Internet personality says about me. I find what they say about themselves much more interesting.)', '>>{g3notype} : I hope you realize that your answer just now disparages yourself as well. (Yes, to be sure, I understand that it also includes myself as well, but I hardly care about what an anonymous Internet personality says about me. I find what they say about themselves much more interesting.)', '>>{YuNg_Amumu} : Yet when Trump, jokingly said that he would date his daughter, Ivanka, he got loads of shit and the media is making him out to be a champion of incest. When Hillary makes a racially insensitive joke, its just a joke guys.', ">>{Mrludy85} : I'm voting for Trump because he isn't someone normally like the two major parties. There is a reason the GOP elite doesn't like him. And there is a reason why both sides try to smear him so hard while Hillary has 2 active scandals that no left leaning news station addresses", ">>{Mrludy85} : Didn't you hear Trump is responsible for each and every one who works for him. Also if one of his supporters does something bad it is his fault too.", ">>{bluntedaffect} : And that's a good thing, because CP times means something very different in certain circles...", '>>{mike45010} : Yeah an anti-Clinton post on /r/politics, what a brave soul OP is for attempting that. /s', '>>{fitzroy95} : Yes its accurate, but so is Hilary\'s history of corruption and failure. Both are horrific candidates for President, both will continue the wreckage that the US image has become, both will increase the corporatization of America and the world, both will continue the growth in inequality between rich and poor. Probably Hilary is much more likely to start or expand US wars around the world by deliberate intent and for corporate (or Israeli) objectives (which includes the risk of escalation against a major opponent such as Iran, China or Russia), whereas Trump is more likely to ruin international relations by being an arrogant jerk who doesn\'t think before he acts or speaks. The fact that the US media (consisting as it does, of only ***6 large corporations***) prefer to avoid showing Hilary\'s true colors and her true background is more a reflection of how corporatised they are. Pushing the "establishment" agenda, and the "establishment" candidate, almost solely in the interests of US corporate profits, and based on US nationalism and permanent war. America doesn\'t really have much of a "free" press, or an "independent" media as is necessary for democracy to work. On the other hand, the US establishment, for whom Hilary is the primary candidate, doesn\'t really believe in democracy anyway', ">>{VerilyAMonkey} : I agree whole-heartedly. I think there's a major issue is to do with how the media covers Clinton. However, I also notice a tendency that people have to get so upset about Hillary that they begin to give Trump a pass, and I really can't abide that. ^(on another note, since I've been wondering for a while, I looked it up and Hillary has two Ls.)", ">>{ekfslam} : That's great. If you think he will address the issues that are important to you, then more power to you. People shouldn't be voting for him out of spite though because that's childish. We're grown ups and should act like so. Both sides are trying to smear anyone that is not them. He's not special in that aspect. Personally, him being unlike the normal two major parties doesn't make him automatically good in my book. There are many shades of bad and he's still part of that.", '>>{Ctrl_Alt_Abstergo} : That is seriously so fucking untrue lmfao. Yeah, the constitution says those things, but that is such an inaccurate interpretation of what it means to be "unconstitutional." If that\'s how it worked, literally no gun law ever would be constitutional, because that would be a """"mere"""" federal law going against the constitution. Yes, crimes have consequences and some crimes carry the removal of the ability to serve as president. Have fun taking that up with the entire fucking justice system.', '>>{Ctrl_Alt_Abstergo} : Don\'t worry, Trump has killed zero people. And no, not Killary\'s style of zero ala "we didn\'t lose a single person in Libya," actually zero people.', ">>{The_Thrash_Particle} : That's a joke man... If Hillary is this crazy schemer who is bought by businesses do you think should would ask if her pandering is working? What are you talking about?", '>>{Groomper} : Nobody\'s saying he\'s a "champion of incest". They\'re saying he\'s fucking creepy for making that comment about his daughter.', '>>{fitzroy95} : Yup, my apologies for the low "l" count in Hillllary. As far as > people have to get so upset about Hillary that they begin to give Trump a pass, I believe that much of that is due to a lifetime of brainwashing from that same corporate agenda that tells the regular voter that it is pointless voting for anyone except one of the two main parties. This sets up a no-win situation for those trying to make a decision as to whom to vote for. Resulting in a brain-fart of huge magnitude. Hillllary ? ***HELL NO !!!*** which means that there is ***only*** one alternative, which is to vote for Trump. The converse is also true, if you reject Trump, media\'s propaganda and brainwashing leaves you ***zero*** alternative except to vote for Hilllllary. What very few of them ever actually do is reconsider their basic assumptions, which is to realize that there are alternatives outside of the "Tremp/Hillllary" dichotomy. If US media were actually free, open, unbiased etc, then they might choose to advise their reading public that there are other choices in the race, and that it is completely legitimate to reject all of the current candidates and ***write-in*** the name of their preferred candidate, whether that is Bernie or "Wily Coyote" (or even "Fuck all of the above"). Welcome to the US, fundamentally broken, deliberately corrupt (by design), anti-democratic, 2-Party, first-past the post, electoral system. Anyone not already owned by the establishment need not apply.', '>>{YuNg_Amumu} : Yet you take it out of context now, he said it as a joke, because he is known to date younger women. Whether that joke was okay for is up to interpretation', ">>{YuNg_Amumu} : Why shouldn't I complain about the media blatantly, taking Donald Trump's words and twisting them without context. While everything depicted in this video, and in scandals gets swept under the rug by the leftist controlled media.", ">>{BRD-2016} : Media isn't controlled by leftists. If it were, you would know.", '>>{YuNg_Amumu} : Lmfao yes it is. They cover up for liberals but say everything every conservative does is evil and racist hehexd', '>>{Venkerman} : Right, I mean literally Hitler OMG!!!!', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : You go take a copy of that law and sue her when she's the president, then.", '>>{escapefromelba} : I would find that joke creepy about any father saying that about his daughter', '>>{HeSoScary} : It\'s not about being "smart" in terms of IQ or "good grades" or anything like that. It\'s about being "smart enough" to research before you speak and stop letting the media do it for you. The majority of voters, regardless of age, hear something on news or from some forms of media, and take it as 100% fact and run with it. Even if that "fact" has been twisted and paraphrased and turned into something much bigger than it really was. You do this 100 times over and you have people voting on candidates based on a backbone of lies.', ">>{Poolooloo} : It's also accurate to say Hillary has shamelessly pandered to minorities and her past shows she doesn't actually care about them. Like Obama said in 08, she'll say anything and change nothing. She called black men super predators in the 90's the. Need to be brought to heel. She's been anti gay marriage for most of her life. If they covered Hillary the way the cover Trump you'd see a lot more of this stuff.", '>>{Poolooloo} : If that exact situation happened and the media reported it like I just did, would you have a problem with that? Apparently some folks have trouble saying that about Hillary but not Trump.', '>>{BigE1996} : trump is not owned by the establishment and proved the voice of the people can be heard.', ">>{escapefromelba} : Hillary did take flack for it, didn't she? Trump certainly would have taken flack but he tends to be more blunt with his racially charged commentary than that.", '>>{Chkn10derPubSub} : The point is the intent and meaning behind the joke, not the joke itself. His summation of what the joke implies is spot on. The hypocrisy of Hillary supporters is comical.', '>>{fitzroy95} : Trump is certainly not a member of the neocon warmongering part of the establishment that Hillary is part of, but he is certainly part of the 1%. He is a millionaire (possibly a billionaire), who was born and raised a millionaire all his life, and has never known the need to find a job, nor struggle to put food on the table, or make the hard decision whether to pay his medical insurance or pay his power bill. All his life he has lived a life of wealth and privilege, surrounded by others of wealth and privilege, pandering to the corporate world. Pretty sure that qualifies him as part of the establishment rather than part of the middle or working class.', ">>{InFunkWeTrust} : Truth, it feels like we're almost being trained to be ready to 'throw shade' or squabble over petty stuff and use non-factual exaggerations as fact."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{wytxcook} : Watch College Students' Shock After They Wrongly Attribute Hillary Scandals To Trump", ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Wait that's my school lol. It's Georgetown if anyone cares. The political culture and state of ignorance at the school is disgraceful.", '>>{a496h8} : This just in: College students are fucking morons.', ">>{myfourthacct} : Politics is all about image. Hillary has an advantage because people have pushed such a bad image onto Trump and she has been successful in hiding her racist and wealth related comments from the majority of the mainstream media. This video is biased to the right because all of the footage from more knowledgeable individuals isn't sensational or video worthy. Still sad that a lot of people don't research their candidate of choice before making a decision.", '>>{Cornelius_J_Suttree} : I really dislike Hillary, but this video is kind of bullshit. The stories are true, but then the guy adds stuff like "they said quote \'black people are always late\'"... Hillary was indeed involed in that ill-conceived CPT joke, but she didn\'t say "black people are always late" lol good lord', ">>{Pm__Me_Steam_Codes} : Naw man, Reddit fucking hates Hillary right now. It's the perfect time to cash in.", ">>{oldbeth} : tRump has so many scandals, it's not humanly possible to keep up with them all.", ">>{bitfriend} : older people don't care about hilary in the first place and will vote for her on name recognition. The only people that have beef with her are young people who don't vote anyway.", '>>{sendingsignal} : yeah, these things all happened, were all shitty, but were all much more subtle. He could have let it be known he was paraphrasing or said them the way they were actually said and it would STILL have been terrible. No reason to slant these at all.', ">>{jen1980} : > not humanly possible to keep up with them all. Don't you mean Hillary?", '>>{sausage_ditka_bulls} : Deserves an Emmy . Also Clinton never said she carried hot sauce to pander to black voters. She has been a hot sauce aficionado forever . This guy is a hack', '>>{drdawwg} : Someone should make a website where you select the person behind the quote. That would be fun to share around.', ">>{myfourthacct} : Should I dare say, most of his scandals are milquetoast in comparison to Hillary's? Fuck, even if you love Hillary, if she is found to have mishandled classified it permanently bars your candidate from being president. If I supported her, I would be fairly concerned.", '>>{_tx} : There are morons, reasonable, and brilliant people in nearly every group.', '>>{leontes} : Yes and ""Which candidate said they carry hot sauce everywhere they go to \'pander to black voters\'?" Hillary never said that. She just carries hot sauce everywhere cause she likes it. You can\'t pretend someone said something and then act all shocked when someone says they didn\'t say it.', '>>{HeSoScary} : > The political culture and state of ignorance at the school is disgraceful. The political culture and state of ignorance of the majority of eligible voters is disgraceful.', '>>{rws531} : I\'ve seen plenty of groups lacking a "brilliant" person.', '>>{GhostOfJebsCampaign} : >She has been a hot sauce aficionado forever lol', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : ...which is very different than her supplying the framing herself that she might be pandering. In fact, she has a widely-known love of hot sauce going back decades. And as a white person who similarly loves hot sauce, I'm not even sure why that stereotype is a thing. It's another bullshit non-scandal.", ">>{myfourthacct} : The ultimate decision on what is classified/releasable belongs to the Commander in Chief. The President can at will release whatever he/she wants. It's too bad that the assholes under him didn't all get punished. At least the leaks drew attention to the lack of OPSEC by assholes and helped patch the leaks.", ">>{macwelsh007} : I was against Bush mishandling classified information, I'm against Hillary having done it. I'm consistent, how about you?", ">>{Hatewrecked} : Doesn't matter, it's anti-Hillary. Lift with your legs ye scurvy dogs, we're hoisting this baby to the top of the front page!", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : >Fuck, even if you love Hillary, if she is found to have mishandled classified it permanently bars your candidate from being president. This isn't remotely true. The president is the person all intelligence agencies report to *ex officio*, and does not need any further security clearance whatsoever to view any government document. It is also impossible for the president to violate classification sches, being that they themselves are the ultimate authority on classification. They are *the decider*, so to speak. If you want to stop Hillary, you have to use your ballot, because this won't work.", '>>{BlueDogDem62} : Stop the lying. She called it cautious politician time.', '>>{optimusderp} : Oh snap! Whats the death count on Trumps scandals? It probably towers over clintons', ">>{myfourthacct} : This is in regards to her stripping the classification markings (willful concealing/mutilating) and sending classified material. [18 U.S. Code § 2071](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2071) - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and **be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.** As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States. If she was found to have done so, she will be barred from Presidency. Since she wasn't president when/if this happened, all of the privileges of being able to anything you want with classified do not apply with her.", '>>{Downbound92} : Something like [this](https://www.washingtonpost.com/pb/who-said-it-donald-trump-or-mr-burns-from-the-simpsons-/2b1b5802-5a07-4206-a1a4-3fd584374be8_quiz.html)? Or [this](http://interactive.nydailynews.com/2016/03/quiz-who-said-it-trump-hitler-mussolini-stalin/)? Or [this](http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2016/02/politics/trump-kanye-who-tweeted/)', ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Wow what an inference that was. I don't care about people's opinions but when I said ignorance I meant almost every conversation I've had on campus about politics people just don't know anything about the details of the contemporary issues they're discussing. I don't know too much myself, but I hate nothing more than when people act like they know everything about political discussion and don't even follow the news at all or anything about the campaigns. But I mean that's the standard for us college students.", ">>{headShrinker} : Her people organized with deblow's people to write the joke. She's not innocent.", '>>{RIPGeorgeHarrison} : Grilling Hillary for taking part in a really stupid, and kind of insensitive joke while ignoring how Trump systematically discriminated against minorities in his housing business is ridiculous.', ">>{HelloFellowHumans} : Trying to reason with this sub on anything vaguely related to Hillary Clinton possibly not being the second coming of Stalin is pissing in the wind I'm afraid.", ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : To get there, you'd first have to actually have the credntials stripped, which is by no means likely. Secretary of State is not the ultumate classifying authority, but it does have a very high latitude as an originating authority withing the department. In any case, the presidency is legally unlike a lot of other government offices. Have fun taking your case up against the provisions of the Electoral College that are **directly in the text of the Constitution and its amendments.** When a mere federal law contradicts the clear provisions of the Constitution itself, its application in that scenario is what we call **unconstitutional**.", '>>{Chkn10derPubSub} : Lol I love people like you. She says the punchline in an obviously planned joke but its in no way something she said, right? So sad.', '>>{Simplicity3245} : When your reply to that question is. "Is it working"..... yea.', '>>{Laneofhighhopes} : They can come to the right conclusion if they are given all of the applicable information!', ">>{Radiacity} : It's like the time where some people read sections of a text to pass it off as the Quran, only to reveal that it was actually from the Bible.", '>>{globallysilver} : Were those actual college students? When I see those lanyards around their necks, I thought they were high schoolers that were there for summer programs.', ">>{InFunkWeTrust} : That's the thing Hillary, there's always a asterisk, like the fact she supports Gay Marriage (as of very recently)", '>>{Ins_Weltall} : Giving her a free pass just because Trump was even worse about it is pretty ridiculous too.', ">>{InFunkWeTrust} : This, people in college are just out of highschool, but people can talk shit if it makes them feel smarter, yeah there aren't a lot of super smart 18-21 year olds out there, they're young!", '>>{PlausibleDeniablty} : Or the people who use the internet for news.', ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Most likely were high schoolers. We have a lot of summer programs. If they're wearing a lanyard in the summer, it's a high schooler since all of the freshmen have gone home and don't stay and are also already passed the lanyard phase. It's mostly just high schoolers and grad students on campus during the summer.", ">>{shadowofahelicopter} : Well this is my school and they're wearing lanyards so I'm pretty certain that almost all of these people are high schoolers. I will say the college students are quite a bit better than this but you will still run into stupid people like this sometimes.", ">>{Poolooloo} : She doesn't hide it from the mainstream media. The mainstream media chooses not to cover her flaws(in a substantive way) and goes after everything Trump says like it's another holocaust.", '>>{Venkerman} : Plus Trump has over 500 businesses with his name on it. No way he personally controls how each of them are handled. If one business did something racist out of that many, that shows me that the integrity of most of his businesses is still nearly 100% positive.', ">>{Poolooloo} : It's almost like people who produce media, whether it's a major media outlet, or a YouTube channel intentionally sensationalize news and spin and mischaracterize statements to negatively portray the side they disagree with.", '>>{Poolooloo} : I\'m sure if it was Trump in Hillary\'s place, most leftists would have no problem with the statement "Trump made a racist joke about CP time implying black people are always late".', '>>{usuqmydiq} : Nope, but the person she said it it to replied with that.', '>>{BLMAreTerrorists} : He was explaining what "CP time" meant in case it wasn\'t clear to the person and why such a statement would be offensive.', ">>{dantepicante} : I came here to say this. Hillary is the worst, but we don't need to resort to lying to prove it.", ">>{ekfslam} : There's a reason Trump has a bad image. It's not like he doesn't have a bunch of terrible opinions. They're both terrible people. A good option would be to vote but for someone in a smaller party that still has your interests at hand. Just stop voting for the main two parties and over time they'll lose support. If people keep having the mindset of choosing the lesser of two evils, then nothing will change.", ">>{VerilyAMonkey} : They don't cover Clinton, but the reason they cover Trump that way is because it's accurate. What he says daily would have been fatal for many previous campaigns.", '>>{beavissimpson} : Just say what she said. Don\'t say what a different person said and then say "she said it." If you think it\'s so bad that she even took part in the joke, then just say she took part in the joke and that should be enough.', '>>{g3notype} : I hope you realize that your answer just now disparages yourself as well. (Yes, to be sure, I understand that it also includes myself as well, but I hardly care about what an anonymous Internet personality says about me. I find what they say about themselves much more interesting.)', '>>{g3notype} : I hope you realize that your answer just now disparages yourself as well. (Yes, to be sure, I understand that it also includes myself as well, but I hardly care about what an anonymous Internet personality says about me. I find what they say about themselves much more interesting.)', '>>{YuNg_Amumu} : Yet when Trump, jokingly said that he would date his daughter, Ivanka, he got loads of shit and the media is making him out to be a champion of incest. When Hillary makes a racially insensitive joke, its just a joke guys.', ">>{Mrludy85} : I'm voting for Trump because he isn't someone normally like the two major parties. There is a reason the GOP elite doesn't like him. And there is a reason why both sides try to smear him so hard while Hillary has 2 active scandals that no left leaning news station addresses", ">>{Mrludy85} : Didn't you hear Trump is responsible for each and every one who works for him. Also if one of his supporters does something bad it is his fault too.", ">>{bluntedaffect} : And that's a good thing, because CP times means something very different in certain circles...", '>>{mike45010} : Yeah an anti-Clinton post on /r/politics, what a brave soul OP is for attempting that. /s', '>>{fitzroy95} : Yes its accurate, but so is Hilary\'s history of corruption and failure. Both are horrific candidates for President, both will continue the wreckage that the US image has become, both will increase the corporatization of America and the world, both will continue the growth in inequality between rich and poor. Probably Hilary is much more likely to start or expand US wars around the world by deliberate intent and for corporate (or Israeli) objectives (which includes the risk of escalation against a major opponent such as Iran, China or Russia), whereas Trump is more likely to ruin international relations by being an arrogant jerk who doesn\'t think before he acts or speaks. The fact that the US media (consisting as it does, of only ***6 large corporations***) prefer to avoid showing Hilary\'s true colors and her true background is more a reflection of how corporatised they are. Pushing the "establishment" agenda, and the "establishment" candidate, almost solely in the interests of US corporate profits, and based on US nationalism and permanent war. America doesn\'t really have much of a "free" press, or an "independent" media as is necessary for democracy to work. On the other hand, the US establishment, for whom Hilary is the primary candidate, doesn\'t really believe in democracy anyway', ">>{VerilyAMonkey} : I agree whole-heartedly. I think there's a major issue is to do with how the media covers Clinton. However, I also notice a tendency that people have to get so upset about Hillary that they begin to give Trump a pass, and I really can't abide that. ^(on another note, since I've been wondering for a while, I looked it up and Hillary has two Ls.)", ">>{ekfslam} : That's great. If you think he will address the issues that are important to you, then more power to you. People shouldn't be voting for him out of spite though because that's childish. We're grown ups and should act like so. Both sides are trying to smear anyone that is not them. He's not special in that aspect. Personally, him being unlike the normal two major parties doesn't make him automatically good in my book. There are many shades of bad and he's still part of that.", '>>{Ctrl_Alt_Abstergo} : That is seriously so fucking untrue lmfao. Yeah, the constitution says those things, but that is such an inaccurate interpretation of what it means to be "unconstitutional." If that\'s how it worked, literally no gun law ever would be constitutional, because that would be a """"mere"""" federal law going against the constitution. Yes, crimes have consequences and some crimes carry the removal of the ability to serve as president. Have fun taking that up with the entire fucking justice system.', '>>{Ctrl_Alt_Abstergo} : Don\'t worry, Trump has killed zero people. And no, not Killary\'s style of zero ala "we didn\'t lose a single person in Libya," actually zero people.', ">>{The_Thrash_Particle} : That's a joke man... If Hillary is this crazy schemer who is bought by businesses do you think should would ask if her pandering is working? What are you talking about?", '>>{Groomper} : Nobody\'s saying he\'s a "champion of incest". They\'re saying he\'s fucking creepy for making that comment about his daughter.', '>>{fitzroy95} : Yup, my apologies for the low "l" count in Hillllary. As far as > people have to get so upset about Hillary that they begin to give Trump a pass, I believe that much of that is due to a lifetime of brainwashing from that same corporate agenda that tells the regular voter that it is pointless voting for anyone except one of the two main parties. This sets up a no-win situation for those trying to make a decision as to whom to vote for. Resulting in a brain-fart of huge magnitude. Hillllary ? ***HELL NO !!!*** which means that there is ***only*** one alternative, which is to vote for Trump. The converse is also true, if you reject Trump, media\'s propaganda and brainwashing leaves you ***zero*** alternative except to vote for Hilllllary. What very few of them ever actually do is reconsider their basic assumptions, which is to realize that there are alternatives outside of the "Tremp/Hillllary" dichotomy. If US media were actually free, open, unbiased etc, then they might choose to advise their reading public that there are other choices in the race, and that it is completely legitimate to reject all of the current candidates and ***write-in*** the name of their preferred candidate, whether that is Bernie or "Wily Coyote" (or even "Fuck all of the above"). Welcome to the US, fundamentally broken, deliberately corrupt (by design), anti-democratic, 2-Party, first-past the post, electoral system. Anyone not already owned by the establishment need not apply.', '>>{YuNg_Amumu} : Yet you take it out of context now, he said it as a joke, because he is known to date younger women. Whether that joke was okay for is up to interpretation', ">>{YuNg_Amumu} : Why shouldn't I complain about the media blatantly, taking Donald Trump's words and twisting them without context. While everything depicted in this video, and in scandals gets swept under the rug by the leftist controlled media.", ">>{BRD-2016} : Media isn't controlled by leftists. If it were, you would know.", '>>{YuNg_Amumu} : Lmfao yes it is. They cover up for liberals but say everything every conservative does is evil and racist hehexd', '>>{Venkerman} : Right, I mean literally Hitler OMG!!!!', ">>{sagan_drinks_cosmos} : You go take a copy of that law and sue her when she's the president, then.", '>>{escapefromelba} : I would find that joke creepy about any father saying that about his daughter', '>>{HeSoScary} : It\'s not about being "smart" in terms of IQ or "good grades" or anything like that. It\'s about being "smart enough" to research before you speak and stop letting the media do it for you. The majority of voters, regardless of age, hear something on news or from some forms of media, and take it as 100% fact and run with it. Even if that "fact" has been twisted and paraphrased and turned into something much bigger than it really was. You do this 100 times over and you have people voting on candidates based on a backbone of lies.', ">>{Poolooloo} : It's also accurate to say Hillary has shamelessly pandered to minorities and her past shows she doesn't actually care about them. Like Obama said in 08, she'll say anything and change nothing. She called black men super predators in the 90's the. Need to be brought to heel. She's been anti gay marriage for most of her life. If they covered Hillary the way the cover Trump you'd see a lot more of this stuff.", '>>{Poolooloo} : If that exact situation happened and the media reported it like I just did, would you have a problem with that? Apparently some folks have trouble saying that about Hillary but not Trump.', '>>{BigE1996} : trump is not owned by the establishment and proved the voice of the people can be heard.', ">>{escapefromelba} : Hillary did take flack for it, didn't she? Trump certainly would have taken flack but he tends to be more blunt with his racially charged commentary than that.", '>>{Chkn10derPubSub} : The point is the intent and meaning behind the joke, not the joke itself. His summation of what the joke implies is spot on. The hypocrisy of Hillary supporters is comical.', '>>{fitzroy95} : Trump is certainly not a member of the neocon warmongering part of the establishment that Hillary is part of, but he is certainly part of the 1%. He is a millionaire (possibly a billionaire), who was born and raised a millionaire all his life, and has never known the need to find a job, nor struggle to put food on the table, or make the hard decision whether to pay his medical insurance or pay his power bill. All his life he has lived a life of wealth and privilege, surrounded by others of wealth and privilege, pandering to the corporate world. Pretty sure that qualifies him as part of the establishment rather than part of the middle or working class.', ">>{InFunkWeTrust} : Truth, it feels like we're almost being trained to be ready to 'throw shade' or squabble over petty stuff and use non-factual exaggerations as fact."], [">>{janzeera} : Interesting. Should we spend the money investing in our communities or spend it on policing to beat down our communities? Decisions, decisions.. That's a tough one bruh.", '>>{JohnDelmont} : Sorry. I never engage in conversations with novelty accounts.', '>>{sedgwickian} : There has been no data to suggest that the "Ferguson effect" is real. It\'s police propaganda. These people only care about socalled black-on-black crime when calling attention to it deflects from their own shortcomings. See: this article calling violence in Chicago a new "epidemic." Shit\'s been bad there for years, but white people did nothing to help. They only care now bc they think they can use it to justify excessive use of force and discriminator practices in policing.', ">>{DebussySIMiami} : Rahm Emanuel spent the last of his political capital covering up a police killing until after the election because he knew if the story broke earlier he would be working in the private sector right now. That left us with a city that doesn't trust its mayor and a police force that doesn't trust its mayor. Not a good combo. The situation in Chicago has fuck all to do with Ferguson. A fish rots from its head, and Rahm is the problem in Chicago.", '>>{the_schlonger} : Why is it white people\'s job to help in the first place? The rise of the new "white man\'s burden" fixation among liberals is weird.', ">>{sedgwickian} : White peoples' job is to acknowledge the systemic privilege they enjoy and work to acknowledge and correct it. To listen to the perspective of people of color. That is not the same as some Rudyard Kipling civilization-bearer bullshit.", '>>{kimmisseswhitedick} : Of course. Law enforcement is a job environment that includes bullets and requires split second life or death decsions. If some politician looking to score virtue points by throwing you under the bus could mean 5 to 10 years in prison. Fuck yeah you minimize your exposure to making such descions.', '>>{kimmisseswhitedick} : No its not upper middle class are always trying to virtue signal by saving the plebes for themselves', '>>{bitfriend} : Blacks get the same level playing field as every other race in the US. If they can\'t win due to some gauge, unspecificable, untraceable, source of "systematic" racism then they\'re only defeating themselves by legitimatizing their status as victims of the past rather than actors of the future. And that\'s the point here: the whole "systematic racism" thing is inherently retrospective (based on *past* crimes) and has no vision for the future. The constant looking backwards causes outlooks to narrow, and people to become parochial. Which is why blacks have mostly not benefited from globalization (ie, looking forward), as they won\'t even look beyond their neighborhoods. >That is not the same as some Rudyard Kipling civilization-bearer bullshit. It absolutely is. You have asked people to "correct" themselves, to bear the burden of the sins of their forefathers (such as the original sin of eve biting the apple, or god cursing ham) and labor to correct it. It is very similar to the white man\'s burden, but with a twist on the origin myth.', ">>{sedgwickian} : lol. > I don't see color. People tell me I'm white and I believe them because policemen call me sir. --Stephen Colbert", '>>{bitfriend} : are you actually going to respond to my comment or just spam quotes from people smarter than you?', '>>{thisisATHENS} : >There has been no data to suggest that the "Ferguson effect" is real. It\'s police propaganda. Besides crime rising in concert with soft pull backs in Baltimore and other places.', '>>{sedgwickian} : I have no interest in arguing with "level playing field."', ">>{sedgwickian} : I'm sure you have a citation from a credible, peer-reviewed study to support this claim!", '>>{thisisATHENS} : http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-deadliest-year-20160101-story.html Normal year..then Freddie Gray, then the biggest year ever.', '>>{sedgwickian} : Correlation =/= Causation. ETA: shit, I posted too soon. Ferguson effect is that police are afraid to do their jobs and therefore crime goes up. FROM THE ARTICLE YOU POSTED: > The violence continued despite several new police initiatives, including a partnership with federal authorities to investigate those behind the violence in the city\'s "War Room." This has nothing to do with a disengagement of police. They are more engaged than ever.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Sometimes it is causation. Heavy broken windows policing led to a drop in crime and the draw back meant a rise in crime.', '>>{sedgwickian} : Nearly every external study of broken windows suggests it had nothing to do with drops in crime. Even police are starting to give up on the policy as meaningless and cruel.', '>>{thisisATHENS} : Right as crime starts to rise. Funny how that goes.', '>>{sedgwickian} : Sticking your head in the sand does not make the world above the sand not exist. The rest of the world has acquired object permanence.', ">>{sedgwickian} : Again, you have no credible source for this. It's literal bullshit."], ['>>{kurokamifr} : Romanian hacker with access to Clinton emails found dead in jail cell', ">>{tedlove} : If the Clintons didn't do this, I'll eat my socks.", ">>{SchlangeHatRecht} : No way. Is this for real? If so then there are some dots to connect. Another case of 'barbell-itis' strikes an anti-Clinton witness", '>>{VTFD} : Nobody else has this story. How is christiantimesnewspaper.com breaking it? Latest [published story](http://www.snopes.com/guccifer-missing-from-jail-cell/) from Google News on Guccifer is from snopes, disproving a rumor that he was missing from his jail cell. I\'m going to reserve judgment until MSM weighs in. ____ EDIT: confirmed that christiantimesnewspaper.com is a satire website. This story is bunk. [sauce](http://www.snopes.com/donald-trump-primary-ballots/): > The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:', ">>{VacationAwayFromWork} : Well he's still alive, so break out the webcam.", ">>{fireshitup} : Chalk another mysterious death up to bill and hillary's mad lust for power.", '>>{truthmama} : It is a parody website...go to main page...', '>>{stupidaccountname} : We have no sources, but you can trust us!', '>>{SALTED_MEAT} : Prolly not. If it says "christian" and isn\'t followed by "science monitor", then it is probably not true. This has served me well.', ">>{VTFD} : > If the Clintons didn't do this, I'll eat my socks. ~ /u/tedlove Game on.", ">>{DumpsterDon} : Hillary's quite the ninja. I'm with that shit. I don't want it against me!", '>>{berlinbrown} : This is the kind of post we allow on this subreddit? Seriously.', '>>{onboardthetrumptrain} : The satire would be if he remains alive to see Christmas', ">>{asghostdj} : Exactly. No fucking way. It's a satire site.", ">>{SentientSalmon} : I've always liked the fact that Wiktionary - in honor of the classic joke - doesn't feature an entry for the word 'gullible'.", ">>{asghostdj} : Okay, let's see it. I'm sure you're a man of your word, right?", '>>{VTFD} : Well, that was quick. via snopes: > The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories. [sauce](http://www.snopes.com/donald-trump-primary-ballots/) ____ I think it\'s only fair to allow you unlimited use of the condiment (or condiments) of your choosing. http://www.snopes.com/donald-trump-primary-ballots/', '>>{Thongpirate} : Bart: Here you go, Todd: the city edition. [headline: "Extra Extra! Todd Smells"] Rod: Bart, I don\'t know if this should be an "extra." Todd: Is your source on this reliable?', '>>{10390} : We contacted authorities at the Virginia jail, who were able to confirm that Lehel is alive, well, and in custody there. There is no truth to the claim he went mysteriously missing from his jail cell in early July 2016. http://www.snopes.com/guccifer-missing-from-jail-cell/', ">>{SATexas1} : What's bad is that people believe this is a possibility I did, I was like, wow another one.", '>>{ConsonantlyDrunk} : This isn\'t "satire" this is just fucking false information. Sites like these can burn for all I care.', ">>{SATexas1} : I think it's sad for America that we have such bad candidates that the general public believes they'd murder and rape people, that's how low the bar is. Worst candidates ever.", ">>{W0666007} : Eh, what can you do? Can't cure crazy.", '>>{mostly_fiction} : Maybe you need to learn how to judge source credibility. The Clintons attract crazy like no one', '>>{IrishJoe} : Yes it\'s a bullshit satire site, but watch every right-wing outlet (including Fox "News") report it as the God\'s honest truth.'], [">>{UncleSamGamgee} : Corporate CEO Pay Was 276 Times the Average Worker's Income Last Year", '>>{MonsieurIneos} : Here come all the "If you want good pay just start your *own* company" idiots.', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Because your average CEO is not 200+ times smarter, 200+ times more productive, or 200+ times of intrinsically more value than the average person. Some estimate Fortune 500 CEOs may have an average IQ of [124](https://brainsize.wordpress.com/2014/07/18/the-iqs-of-fortune-500-ceos/). That's high. But it's less than surgeons, professors, researchers. More like lawyers and good accountants. Is society better off paying these people hundreds of times more than these other professionals? Hard to argue it is but that's what capitalistic markets dictate so here we are.", '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : SO, as a society, we need to correct that.', ">>{Shaella_} : I don't care if they're not 200x smarter or whatever. They're doing far more valuable work and taking on well over 200x the responsibility.", ">>{Shaella_} : explain whats wrong with someone taking on thousands x the responsibility of the 'average worker' getting a lot more compensation", '>>{MagicComa106} : Thousands times more responsibility? Tell that to the CEO of Volkswagen who pulled the ripcord and evaded all responsibility for cheating emissions testing. edit: wording', '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : explain how doing one job is "thousands x the responsibility" of any other job?', '>>{Shaella_} : ... do you not get what a CEO does?', ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : I know the CEO of the company I work for doesn't make or sell anything.", '>>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Actually, it looks like I understand it better than you. I understand that the vast majority of people in a company actually work and a very few get paid for doing something almost anyone can do.', ">>{Shaella_} : ... Its not their job to make or sell anything? They're doing other, much more important things.", ">>{MagicComa106} : Based on what I've seen, just like the rest of higher management a CEO's job is to come into a company, cut 'costs' (which will probably ultimately cost the company more somewhere else down the road), take a chunk of the new 'profit' and then go to the next company to do the same thing. Meanwhile the worker gets shit on.", ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Almost anyone can manage people. The people who do the work don't need any particular manager, but every manager depends on workers.", ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Let's see how important those things are if no one is making or selling.", '>>{MagicComa106} : As long as we glorify the rich we will never see change. Yes some people made their fortunes through hard work, but the majority of the time we are rewarding the most shameless, greedy people that society has ever produced. Look at Shkreli.', '>>{Shaella_} : Yes, rise up and crush the borgiouse already.', ">>{GuitarsAndCameras} : Almost anyone can give direction, it's not a difficult or specialized skill.", '>>{EllisHughTiger} : Average worker has a set list of things they need to accomplish. A CEO at a big company might have to keep things running smoothly in 120 countries, with all their bullshit rules and cultural differences, as well as be responsible to shareholders and the public. And if anything bad ever happens, be able to withstand public rage, govt barging in, and all kinds of other crap. It takes a good bit of smarts, experience, and tough skin to be able to work at the top. Hell, your "average" worker often will say no to a management position with a little more money, if it means taking on larger responsibilities. The higher you go up in management, the fewer people are willing to move up. So of course pay has to rise to entice them.', ">>{CatalyticDragon} : No, they really are not. Maybe the CEO of a renewable energy company is doing valuable work but so is everybody else in that company. I can accept there is responsibility in actions affecting a workforce and investors but when you are paid millions for screwing up that responsibility is somewhat diminished. If you fire 10,000 people you don't then have to go and live in that community.", ">>{whatcolorwasit} : no, they're clearly better, thats why they're CEO's", '>>{escalation} : The majority of time there is little class movement. The wealthy start with more capital and better connections to leverage it with. This tends to reinforce the lack of social mobility.', '>>{escalation} : So how much should we be paying heart surgeons then?', ">>{elgul} : >or 200+ times of intrinsically more value than the average person. The shareholders of company x think otherwise, hence they wouldn't be paying them. If those same shareholders had some kind of CEO AI worth a one-time purchase of $100, they would buy that and not pay some human millions. That is why they're paid so much, because the shareholders value them as such.", ">>{CatalyticDragon} : > The shareholders of company x think otherwise Yes. That's what happens in capitalism. CEO packages and stock prices are very rarely, if ever, a product of rational thought. What people _think_ and react to does not have a direct link to actual value or performance. It's simply a reflection of how human psychology evolved. - http://www.forbes.com/sites/susanadams/2014/06/16/the-highest-paid-ceos-are-the-worst-performers-new-study-says/#2bc0d136293a", ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Like all these people; - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Ebbers - http://www.khaleejtimes.com/nation/crime/former-deyaar-ceo-jailed-over-dh563m-fraud - http://time.com/4153113/ceo-arrested-for-securities-fraud/ - http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Finmeccanica-ex-CEO-jailed-in-copter-scam/articleshow/51750019.cms - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Nacchio - http://www.alternet.org/rss/breaking_news/93181/ex-ceo_of_enron's_telecom_business_jailed_for_fraud - http://www.ann7.com/us-ex-ceo-jailed-15-years-in-uae-for-fraud/ - https://www.theguardian.com/business/2014/dec/15/ex-jjb-sports-chief-executive-jailed-fraud - http://www.ibtimes.com/nigerian-bank-ceo-arrested-anti-corruption-agency-over-alleged-goodluck-jonathan-2361223 - http://www.channelweb.co.uk/crn-uk/news/1884363/former-nsc-head-jailed-fraud Weirdly performance and ethical responsibility don't appear to have any correlation to salary package.", ">>{elgul} : I don't think I ever argued that it was rational. And I agree with you, CEOs aren't 200x smarter or 200x more hard working or worth 200x more than any other person on a base human level. However, I will argue that they are 200x more irreplaceable to the business than the average worker...or else they'd have been replaced. And if someone created a $100 Super CEO AI they *would* be replaced.", ">>{CatalyticDragon} : Right. The only thing stopping a CEO from being replaced, in many cases, is the irrational public's reaction to change which tends to be fearful. And of course that results in a self fulfilling prophecy of (frequently temporary) stock price drops."]]
classify and reply
['>>{wobel85} : Looking for a case similar to the The Veil XT by Caudabe?', '>>{2Brew} : Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro Meet With Hillary Clinton Amid VP Speculation', ">>{mysticportal} : Just do a search for ultra thin cases. Personally, I would just buy from Caudabe; the feel of their cases are better. The case I got from TOZO has like a rough-ish feel that's uncomfortable.", '>>{Chris20nyy} : How long before Trump insults his own daughter? I say by 10am tomorrow the latest.', ">>{viccar0} : Well, that sounds -- who wrote that? Did Donald's script writer write it?", ">>{AnJarBo} : I have a Mcdodo Swan Series Ultra Slim PP Case Fit for my 7 Plus. It's basically the same Veil XT (bottom is also covered), and much much cheaper.", '>>{wobel85} : Having a hard time finding this on Amazon. Do you have a link? Trying to find one for the 6s.', ">>{quirkyrocket} : I'm using something called SlenderCase that I found on Amazon for like seven bucks. Super slim, very comparable to Caudabe, but no branding (which I prefer) Here's the link: [Ultra Thin iPhone 6S, 6 Phone Case With Clear Flexible Shell, Camera Protection & 36..](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01A1LHAW8/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_.N0ZybKJ01X9A)", ">>{SaltHash} : The Fox/NRO cons' tune would be vastly different if this happened to their self-admitted groper. They are partisan hacks instead of the patriots they pretend to be.", '>>{KatiePuss} : I don\'t think she\'s seriously considering Castro, he\'s too inexperienced. IMO, it\'s going to be one of three people: Tim Kaine, Elizabeth Warren, or a "Dark Horse" pick (Booker? Sherrod Brown? Al Franken? Tom Perez?)', '>>{1461DaysInHell} : Putin approved humor. Anything to distract the rank and file from realizing they have gone from Reagan to the donnie the Putin play toy.', '>>{_Underoath_} : INB4 the usual scripted "Donald harassed his own daughter"', '>>{KatiePuss} : I think Kaine is definitely the leader of the pack as of right now.', ">>{KevOK80} : I have a TOZO case from Amazon. Pretty similar IMO although I find that all these extremely thin cases don't offer more, if any, additional grip over going case less.", ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : I agree. Hanging out with Warren was a scheme to gain credibility and attract 'progressive' voters. Warren as a running mate would weaken an already unappealing ticket.", ">>{theduke282} : I'm not sure about that, but I have been reading many things about donations to NAMBLA.", ">>{_Underoath_} : I don't have an issue with somebody donating to the National Association of Marlin Brando Look-Alikes.", ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Castro's youth could work to her advantage. She wants to pull millennials, so she may want a fresh face. Not only that but he's Hispanic and from Texas. Diversity will help reinforce Clinton's image as a collaborative candidate.", '>>{Ouroboros000} : William F. Buckly would be appalled if he saw what has became of the publication he helped to found.', ">>{KatiePuss} : Maybe, but I just don't know how wise of a pick he is... Tom Perez is better.", '>>{Zukeyknee} : Probably not voting for the ticket but would rather see ask/choose Perez.', ">>{gdex86} : Other side of it is that Warren is pushing for it so she'll be set up for a run in 4 to 8 years as the progressive president. She has/had a huge amount of support from those that made up the Sanders camp. VP gives her time to brush up on her Foreign relations cred.", ">>{ward0630} : It would be the equivalent of the Pence pick, a kind of generally unknown politician who would fire up some aspects of the base. It's not an insane pick, but Hillary would definitely be accused of playing gender politics.", '>>{santa_91} : She seems like the only one of them who thinks before speaking.', ">>{Goodstyle_4} : I really wanna hear her response to her brother's comments and her dad saying she should quit if she were sexually harassed.", '>>{wobel85} : I bought the Veil XT, I do like it. However, the back has no grip, this damn thing is too slippery. If it had a rough back it would be perfect. If I can find something like the Veil XT with a tad bit of grip on the back, perfect.', '>>{wobel85} : I bought the Veil XT, I do like it. However, the back has no grip, this damn thing is too slippery. If it had a rough back it would be perfect. If I can find something like the Veil XT with a tad bit of grip on the back, perfect.', '>>{wobel85} : I bought the Veil XT, I do like it. However, the back has no grip, this damn thing is too slippery. If it had a rough back it would be perfect. If I can find something like the Veil XT with a tad bit of grip on the back, perfect.', ">>{wobel85} : How is the back? My Veil XT is to smooth on the back so it's super slippery.", ">>{quirkyrocket} : I used to have the Caudabe and I'd say it's got a bit more grip than the Veil XT. However, my bf has a Tozo case and if you're looking for something similarly slim but way grippier, I think I'd recommend that.", '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : Nah, the buckets of tears pity party is ripe for ridicule. How can you not mock people musing about how to censor "fake news" and trumpeting "trust the CIA." It\'s pure fucking comedy. And yes, it\'s pure fucking comedy from partisan hacks.', '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Picking Bernie might win her the election, but I doubt she would select him.', '>>{Chris20nyy} : Your kidding, right? North American Mario Brothers League of Aficionados.', ">>{H0agh} : Could've at least taken the effort to research the the KGB no longer exists.", '>>{typical_trump_voter} : Trump becoming the GOP nominee all but guarantees Clinton will win. She can pick whoever she wants at this point.', ">>{farcetragedy} : What's disgusting is Trump literally siding with Putin over those sworn to protect us. Big scandal. Not going away. Presidency already under dark cloud. Looks v bad", ">>{CarmineFields} : She's also his only attractive child. I suspect Ivana got around.", '>>{treerat} : Hows the weather in Macedonia today, 4 day old redditor?', ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm still waiting for Donald to release her nudes as a distraction.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : I think Warren does a good job in the Senate. I hope she remains there.', ">>{JennysDad} : I think if she does pick Warren it will for the sole reason that Warren would be best at verbally destroying Pence in a debate, and could troll Trump from now until the election. I hope she doesn't pick Warren because I believe Warren is doing good work in the Senate.", ">>{GunOfSod} : I'd be worried that you were going to ruin the comedy if I wasn't already so sure of their lack of awareness.", ">>{Bert-Goldberg} : Castro will be her vp. He's just as corrupt as her and follows orders", ">>{jz68} : I feel so bad for Ivanka in this whole mess. She seems like a genuinely good person and is stuck right in the middle of her dad acting like a complete asshole and her brothers defending it. Besides that, she's obviously a democrat.", '>>{lowercase_thoughts} : picking bernie would lose her the election. bernie == bye bye moderates and #nevertrumpers', '>>{ShadyPollster} : Which useful idiot will she pick? They all *know* she has signalled to them and them only they are the one.', '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : It\'s cold (50s) and clear in LA where I am. I\'d expect it to be colder in Macedonia this time of year. Did you miss the "no accusations of shilling" part of the rules? And to be clear in the face of your self serving assumption, Putin is a fascist prick and Russia offers no vision for the future that I can see.', ">>{row_guy} : Ya it's the CIA , FBI and 15 other intelligence agencies as well as many republican members of Congress and the private firms that have looked into this. They all say the same thing. CIA and FBI both agree they did it to help trump. But ya say something about a pity party plug you fingers in your ears and hum.", '>>{TheJIbberJabberWocky} : The national review is weird mix of The Onion and Colbert Report.', ">>{preserved_fish} : The John Birch wing of the GOP, which WFB worked so hard to kick out, is now ascendant. At least most of Irving Kristol's proteges over at the Standard stood their ground.", '>>{NachoLawbre} : Julian Castro? The last thing the Clinton campaign needs is another person who comes across as fake and robotic.', '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : You\'re absolutely correct that\'s there has been a large public effort to demonize the Russian government and Vladimir "the Devil" Putin ahead of the inauguration of the Donald who campaigned on rapprochement with Russia. The American people have elected a Washington outsider and the security apparatus and the rest of Washington will have to figure out how to work with him. Maybe they should reach out privately to the former generals with whom he\'s stacked his cabinet instead of public grandstanding? The Russians weren\'t in the voting booths and describing divisive work to limit the President Elect, censor "fake news," and instill trust in the CIA as patriotic is truly Orwellian. These public displays have nothing to do with patriotism - unless you\'ve got evidence the Donald is a traitor?', '>>{row_guy} : Thank you comrade. I am feeling much better now.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : Picking Bernie would not only increase voter turnout among liberals (particularly young people), but it would also attract some of the people who are voting for Trump only because they are anti-establishment.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : And he comes across as fake and orchestrated as her.', ">>{jcsatan} : If she wants to promote any type of progressive agenda, she'll leave Warren in the Senate where she can have much more influence. I think Kaine would be a smarter pick, he's still relatively popular in VA and not very well known on a national level. He could help her retain a hold in a swing state and not result in losing more moderate democrats nationally.", ">>{JDKov} : I'm sure you thought Trump would get this far, too.", ">>{DumpsterDon} : Getting this far isn't the same as winning it all.", ">>{Chris20nyy} : He's trying to Photoshop himself out of them still.", ">>{sixtycoffees} : Why the hell is she still on board with his campaign? Like I get family is important, but she's clearly pretty liberal, has voted (and financed) democrat, and is watching as her father and brother victim blame women for sexual assault.", ">>{JDKov} : I didn't say that. I just think it's funny that 99.9% of Trump's detractors (probably you) said that Trump wouldn't win a primary, win the nomination, etc., yet here everyone is again, underestimating him thinking he has no shot at the general. But hey, he probably likes to be underestimated.", '>>{Byzantine279} : I know you feel you have to support him, but your dad is an asshole.', '>>{Byzantine279} : No, he means until Donald Trump started running as a Republican she was a registered democrat, and appears to have only changed to independent to support her father.', '>>{stupidaccountname} : One of three people. \\*lists six people\\*', ">>{Gold_Jacobson} : I'd like to hear what the daughter says. If you look at Trump's daughter, she was standing there, She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.", '>>{Fizzy_T} : Did you listen to her speech at the repub convention?', ">>{DumpsterDon} : I'd add Admiral Stavridis into the darkhorse mix. One of Trumps only strengths comes out when a terrorist attack occurs. He'd negate instantly any BS the Dumpster campaign throws out and make them regret it. The flip side is progressive berners aren't going to like it, at all.", '>>{djhornpout} : Yeah, except she was a registered democrat before her father decided to run, Beta.', ">>{DumpsterDon} : I think Perez is better too. A true labor warrior who doesn't lose Dems a Senate seat. The Castros are young and will have their time later. [He also speaks really well.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alnOJxnBkj4) I like his style a lot and I think he'd be a real asset to Hillary.", ">>{Leafstillidie} : I hope she doesn't pick Brown, it might ruin his progressive image and damage his chances getting the progressive vote in a possible 2024 run.", ">>{Leafstillidie} : If she picks Warren it's because she wants the stereotypical VP attack dog, to attack Trump and Pence. Warren is a very good attack dog Sortve like the left wing Newt Gingrich.", '>>{Scoutster13} : running for public office is something I don\'t want to be doing." Which is a shame because she seems like the only one with anything valuable to say.', ">>{KatiePuss} : I don't think it'll ruin his progressive image at all. he's only slightly to the left of Clinton anyway. and if he's a sitting VP he'll be in a very strong position in 2024, assuming he can secure the Democratic nomination.", ">>{stephersms} : She's clearly a Dem but don't feel bad for her. She's a willful participant in this shit show.", '>>{gangsta_baby} : The internet would break...so that must be his plan to prevent access to porn.', '>>{JennysDad} : and that is also a potential drawback, Warren will not back down on issues she believes in', ">>{stephersms} : In my opinion, that's going too far. Just because Donald slept around, doesn't mean Ivana did. She's the victim of his adultery.", ">>{Disadvorange} : Now I'm not saying that Trump himself has been hiding his taxes because it would show a number of yearly donations to NAMBLA, I would never insinuate that. But we have some very smart people who are up at Trump Tower and they tell me they have found some very interesting things and that they don't point to Trump *not* donating large sums to NAMBLA.", ">>{lawvas} : I'll admit that i never thought he would win the primary, and the fact that he has means he should be taken seriously. He has a shot, but I don't think HRC's (or Trump's) VP pick will change much (unless she picked Bernie, which come to think of it might be a stroke of genius).", ">>{justjack48} : She's young, attractive, and smart. She will bounce back and find a prominent and respectable position in American politics, or wherever she goes really. Once she emerges from the smoldering ruins of her father's campaign that is.", '>>{hehyougotme} : Hillary will pick boring, neoliberal Tim Kaine over Elizabeth Warren and it will likely cost her the election because she and her advisors are too stupid and arrogant to be able to read the mood of the country.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Liberals of reddit. Who are you hoping she picks?', ">>{Askew_2016} : Hillary doesn't need to attract moderates. She needs to hold young voters and youth. Stavridis would drive those voters further away. Huge mistake and would just remind Dem voters of how hawkish Hillary is.", '>>{A4O4} : You would know lady, you would know. I never got the feeling that you were enjoying the uncalled for advances on national media by your Dad toward you.', ">>{Chronic_Apathy1} : To an extent, but to do anything but support her father, even begrudgingly, would potentially require her to cut ties with her entire family. That's not an easy decision.", '>>{Askew_2016} : Warren or Booker are the only two that would get me to vote for Hillary.', '>>{hehyougotme} : I agree. Hillary is apparently hell-bent on sucking every last ounce of energy and enthusiasm out of her already lacklustre campaign.', ">>{Nate_W} : Well look. You're being unfair to the Trump family. She would never have to quit as her dad suggested she should because she never would be harassed because as her brother points out, only poor, dumb bitches that got it comin' to 'em get harassed. And Ivanka isn't poor.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : As a Republican I really hope it's Warren too.", ">>{Hadiya72} : As a Bernie supporter, I could see myself voting for Shillary if Bernie was VP, I'd rather have had Bernie as my commander and chief, but lets be honest, Hillary will get in legal trouble sooner or latter and Bernie would be great to have to restore confidence in our broken political system. Other wise, I'm going thermo-nuclear option, Trump.", '>>{Nate_W} : Oh, you missed it. He did. He said that she should quit and find a new job if she were harassed. Equal-opportunity victim blamer.', ">>{Nate_W} : So you're saying that Donald Trump's son shouldn't get airtime? Your attempt to distract from the issue seems to have some logical holes.", ">>{Hadiya72} : Trump just survived a very ugly Primary, and Hillary had Bernie who treated her with kid gloves, so I don't see where all the confidence that Trump can't win is coming from. We can't be delusional into thinking its not in the realm of a realistic possibility. I'm voting Trump out of spite, tired of Wall Street $200,000.00 per speech paid politicians in political office. Don't get me wrong I think Trump is a shill but I believe that we see his graft coming from a miles away, career politician are just too good at hiding their frauds.", ">>{the_other_50_percent} : A lot of people. I don't know. But they're good people. They're saying it. She was awfully quiet.", ">>{Nate_W} : u/Da_Holy_Pope literally committed a mass genocide during a large-scale Satanic ritual. Huh, I guess it turns out it's easy to accuse people of shit.", '>>{Boucot} : The dinners at the Trump Tower must be fun.', ">>{the_other_50_percent} : You heard that too? All the time, Trump and NAMBLA, Trump and NAMBLA. I haven't said it, myself, but a lot of other people are saying it. Good people. I'm not there, but they're there, and they're saying it, a lot. So often about Trump and NAMBLA, you wouldn't believe it. Good people.", '>>{mjst0324} : I don\'t know about "willful." She seems reluctant as fuck to me. What are you supposed to do if your father\'s running for president and you don\'t support any of his ideas? If she was anything but fully supportive and present the entire time the media would be all over her and her father to figure out why she wasn\'t more visible in the campaign.', '>>{progress10} : Not if she wants a Pence kind of situation where the VP differs from the Nominee on large policy issues like TPP and Dodd Frank.', '>>{citizen_coping} : She is impressive... probably the most impressive of that family.', '>>{progress10} : He supports the TPP and voted to weaken Dodd Frank. Her picking him would affirm the sentiment in sanders supporters minds that she will flip. Pick Warren and Sanders becomes head of the progressive wing.', '>>{obeseredditadmin} : >young people You mean that demographic that lost Bernie the primary despite it being his main voter bloc? >anti-establishment Bernie endorsed Hillary Clinton right after calling her unqualified. No anti-establishment voter will vote for him.', '>>{-Mountain-King-} : Assuming she can find a way not to be buried.', '>>{Nate_W} : Are you also upset that [the girl that claims Donald Trump raped her]( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-the-new-child-rape-ca_b_10619944.html) should get more air time? Because she has gotten none. And she shouldn\'t. Because unsubstantiated claims don\'t generally get airtime on real media sites. I\'m consistent in my belief that neither should get air time. But your whole "Clinton owns the media" conspiracy falls apart in the face of that fact.', ">>{kutwijf} : Accept for when it's her doing it to us guys. Amirite?", '>>{BeowulfShaeffer} : You realize how many court vacancies have gone unfilled the last eight years? Do you want republicans filling them all?', ">>{jcsatan} : I don't think Bernie would accept the veep nom from her honestly, Warren may but Clinton would probably be better off nominating someone who wouldn't alienate moderates.", '>>{progress10} : Trump already did that, what Clinton needs are progressives. She has the moderates locked in by way of having Trump/Pence on the other side. Warren brings the progressives. Clinton the moderates. Kaine chases them away. What I meant was that if Clinton chooses Warren, Sanders takes her place of prominence in the Senate.', ">>{stephersms} : I don't see the media going after his wife for not being visible. Melania only campaigned with him a few times. Nobody cares and they wouldn't care if Ivanka wasn't right by his side. Because she's so prominent in his campaign, that puts her in the spotlight. Since she plays damage control for him, she isn't reluctant. In fact, she's using this whole thing to promote the brand and her clothing line.", '>>{justjack48} : Stockholm Syndrome will be her out. Not a single person on this planet would question it.', '>>{chornu} : People who are questioning why an obvious Democrat would stay with the campaign are forgetting that Trump was a Democrat for a very long time.', ">>{ahrzal} : You act as if her opponent didn't just drop the ball in his pick. Whomever Clinton chooses, it's better than pence.", ">>{dumbscrub} : anyone that thinks Hillary isn't pro-TPP is actually dumb. she spent YEARS calling it the gold standard.", ">>{Uxbridge42} : No they won't. Do you actually believe that?", '>>{clain4671} : but she cant go any further left. she needs to keep playing it safe', '>>{citizen_coping} : One of my friends went to Penn and continued on to the Business School at Wharton to get his Masters in Business.... same year as Donald Trump Jr. He said the guy insisted on being called DT, and was a pretty big douche, but nice overall.', ">>{Sherm} : That's the point of choosing someone on your left; then you are free to tack to the center.", ">>{Sherm} : Do you actually agree with any of Sanders' positions, or did you just like that he seemed like an outsider?", ">>{CarmineFields} : Fair enough, I just don't understand how the orange mess could produce someone attractive, intelligent and reasonable. I guess she takes after her mom.", '>>{clain4671} : maybe brown for that though. warren seems to be too alienating in general', ">>{PainfulPeanutBlender} : Listen the Hillary shills want us to believe that she's really a democrat, that's the story we're gonna go with. Didn't you get the memo?", '>>{progress10} : I know that but making Kaine VP would kinda make that obvious to everyone.', ">>{Sherm} : If it weren't for the Senate if say he'd be perfect. Might still be worth it, though.", '>>{progress10} : She is running against Trump. She has the moderates she needs someone to shore up the progressive vote. Warren fits the bill.', ">>{Nate_W} : I'm not sure you know what the word cherry picking means. You're not using it correctly. You posited the claim that the reason Clinton's allegations don't get media coverage is because the media is in the tank for Clinton. But that theory makes no sense of the fact that they also don't cover Trump's rape allegation. Your theory doesn't work. This is a pretty easy logical exercise. But keep trying to repost bullshit as truth. Then you don't need to think!", ">>{ArfBox} : Then that's too bad for her father, then; she's hitched her wagon to something deeply immoral and truly dangerous.", ">>{Hoenhoff} : The whole election dynamic is out of kilter. If she doesn't choose Warren or someone from the Sanders camp, and Trump wins, making wall st donors mad will be the least of her problems.", ">>{GaryAGalindo} : ~~My issue is that Castro is from Texas which is important. It's really hard to have a Blue Texas Senator and if he is VP, we lose a D seat in the Senate that we may never get back for a good amount of years.~~ **I was wrong and falsely thought Castro was a senator from Texas. Thanks to the person who corrected me. I've heard some people say having a VP from Texas might put it into play for future elections but I just can't see it.** Democrats won't win Texas anyways. I'd pick Klaine because you win the Swing State of Virginia and he still can get the Latino vote because he is fluent AF in Spanish. Edit: Corrected myself and clarification", '>>{praxeo} : She said on the CNN town hall during the primary that she was a registered independent.', ">>{Casey_is_drunk} : Watch her do the dumb thing - she's continuously amazed me with her poor choices this election.", ">>{CatTrump} : You know how you feel about Pence? That's how people on the right feel about Warren.", ">>{Byzantine279} : But he's actually a pathological liar. He just makes things up and thinks no one is going to call him on it.", '>>{TrumpUGraduate} : Relying on young people is suicidal. Just look at Bernie and Brexit.', ">>{TrumpUGraduate} : > arrogant to be able to read the mood of the country Moderates don't like Elizabeth.", '>>{TexianForSecession} : The fact that this even needs to be said...', '>>{theplott} : Just so you know, Ivanka has had a massive amount of plastic surgery on her face. She looked more like Eric before going under the knife.', '>>{FuckMeBernie} : Really? I can see them not agreeing with her liberalism, but I thought Warren was well liked and for some reason thought the right was just apathetic about her. What makes them hate her? Not trying to argue, but really curious.', ">>{Beeftech67} : That's exactly what the letter the NFL sent me said!", '>>{BillTowne} : And when she speaks, she sounds like a Democrat. Required paid family leave, anyone?', ">>{DVZ1} : Cory Booker please! I'll take Elizabeth Warren too.", '>>{FuckShitPoopPants} : For this election. All previous elections she was a (D)', '>>{CatTrump} : She is an acedemic who lectures us on how terrible we are.', '>>{offensivelypoor} : I will satisfy America just like i satisfied my husband! Hillary Clinton', '>>{zoidboix} : I hate to sound so superficial, but Castro looks so.. strange.', '>>{BrainOnLoan} : I am more impressed by those who stand aside in silence.', ">>{zoidboix} : Castro doesn't speak a lick of Spanish. If she's gunna choose a Hispanic, she should choose someone who can talk to Hispanic communities.", ">>{zoidboix} : Perez is also my hope for her VP pick. But it's probably not gunna be him.", '>>{jcsatan} : All that does is take a progressive out of a position in which she can impact the most change.', '>>{mwsomerset} : I would be insulted if my dad said this...on national tv. http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/279254/donald-trump-sex-ivanka-wendy-williams/', '>>{Chris20nyy} : Pooooooo!!! >"I was gonna say sex but...oh shit"', '>>{GI581G} : Recent poll had her tied with Trump in Virginia; it has to be Kaine.', ">>{arthurdent11} : She previously donated to Hillary Clinton in 2007 and then Romney in 2012. Her biggest political interaction was to bundle 40k for Democrat Corey Booker's Senate Campaign. Her husband has also donated over 100k to the democratic party (before they were married though) The blaze (Although I hate linking there) has an even more in depth breakdown. http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/donald-trumps-kids-donate-to-democrats/", '>>{Trump_Stumps_All} : By this logic Trump himself is also a democrat.', ">>{Im_Not_A_Socialist} : Honestly, if she were running for office I would probably vote for her based on her general political views. It kind of seems like she's just along for the ride on her father's campaign and she doesn't really do anything for him since her policy views are far more in line with those of the democrats.", ">>{Trump_Stumps_All} : >She's clearly a Dem Yeah that's a bit of a reach there buddy, you don't just get to claim people over to your side.", '>>{Trump_Stumps_All} : [citation needed] especially considering she donated to mittens last cycle', ">>{USEDGUACBOWLMERCHANT} : She would prove her insanity if she doesn't pick Kaine.", '>>{MrPennywise} : He called himself a Democrat for most of his life. He wrote in one of his books that he would run as a Republican basically because it would be easier.', '>>{progress10} : Hillary needs a progressive to shore up the vote. We also have Feingold likely coming in to the Senate. It is a tricky situation.', ">>{BackstabGhillie} : I mean Trump also used to be a registered Democrat, and think about it he probably only changed because his campaign would only work if he ran as a Republican. If he ran as a democrat with the campaign he is running currently Martin O'Malley could've gotten more votes than him.", ">>{arthurdent11} : No, Donald has bounced back and forth between republican, reform, and democrat for the last 30 years. Republican, then reform, then democrat, then republican again. Ivanka has donated an order of magnitude more to democrats than to the only republican she's donated to, and some of her views (paid family leave, birth control) are diametrically opposed to where the Republicans stand today.", ">>{Leafstillidie} : Not necessarily, If he wants the Berniecrat vote he'll have to wash off the Clinton stench.", ">>{Leafstillidie} : For the progressive voters Clinton is targeting, They'll love it.", ">>{escalation} : Pretty much killed Kucinich's chances, and didn't do Kerry any favors at the ballot box. People are superficial.", '>>{Hadiya72} : No, off course not, however I can not and will not in good conscience vote for a Candidate that has been found to be "too important to indict" and is continually marred by accusations of wrongdoing that it would make a mobster delirious at how often she eludes prison. Saint Hillary will without a doubt stuff the supreme court court with whoever her wall street superiors tell her to nominate.', ">>{Maggie_A} : Maybe she should tell that to her dad the next time he starts talking about how he'd like to ~~fuck~~ date her.", ">>{arthurdent11} : Ya, not like she's donated multiple times to democratic congressional committees supporting both Pelosi and Reid. (She did)", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : Who is she talking to? We already know that, we're not the ones who disagree.", ">>{ONXwat} : you could ask him what he had for breakfast this morning and he'd lie just for the hell of it", ">>{Trump_Stumps_All} : No, Trump didn't just change his party affiliation just recently or just for his run. He was a Republican voter in the late 80's and all through the 90's, an independent for a couple years, and a Democrat for only 8 years.", ">>{Trump_Stumps_All} : She donated to Romney and McCain as well. Also Trump has been forthright that he donated to Democrats to gain favor because most of his business is conducted in New York, a place where Republicans don't really have a chance of getting elected.", '>>{Trump_Stumps_All} : >wrote in one of his books that he would run as a Republican basically because it would be easier. [citation needed] >Called himself a Democrat for most of his life. Called himself or not, his voting record is majority Republican.', ">>{Cielo11} : Wasn't Trump a democrat? My understanding of Trump is that he only supports whoever its in his own interests to support.", '>>{Hadiya72} : I agree with Sanders positions and admired that he is an outsider. People follow leaders not Wall Street Democratic and Republican shills.', ">>{Sherm} : Which positions? Specifically. Because if you genuinely supported his positions, I can't imagine you'd vote for Trump, who is anathema to everything he believes. So please tell me, which of his positions did you like?", '>>{Tai_daishar} : She wont even need to say that. "He is my dad and he asked me to support him. So I did. That is what family does."', '>>{Hadiya72} : Both Sanders and Trump are against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, because NAFTA turned out so well for the middle-class. I will stand for Trump on that issue and anyone else who is sensible would do the same. What positions of Clinton do you like? and how are you not concerned with her now evasion of FBI indictment due to her being too big to jail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak3mocfrMjA', ">>{Tai_daishar} : Damnit. I never look at usernames. Why aren't the mods removing obvious troll/novelty accounts? Oh right, because that would be enforcing their rules.", '>>{MarcSlayton} : Ivanka seems reasonable and intelligent. She would make a better candidate for President than her Dad. Of course, she does not want to be a politician though. Also she is married into the Kushner family who are noted Democrats. So in between her Father and her family by marriage, she is used to having differing political opinions with those close to her.', ">>{FuckMeBernie} : I would actually vote for a Clinton/Sanders ticket in a heartbeat. Clinton's vp pick is what I'm now basing my vote on. I don't think I can stomach Clinton/Castro though. Too fake for me.", ">>{Sherm} : Who said I'm voting for Clinton? I'm going third party. Do you really think you can trust Trump? Given the fact that he's quite possibly the only person in the country who lies as much as Clinton does.", '>>{ed2417} : In this campaign., a rational comment from a Trump is news.', ">>{Hadiya72} : I'm going Third party too, only so long as Trump has the lead. I trust that there are enough checks and balances to keep Trump under some control. Clinton makes a mockery of the law, we don't need her Nixon era style anywhere near the Presidency.", '>>{Sherm} : > I trust that there are enough checks and balances to keep Trump under some control. You mean like how the Republican party had checks and balances to keep Trump under control?', '>>{eman620} : This was a tightly packed comment of fun, well said', '>>{cynicallad} : The guy below you said citation needed, and he got downvoted to oblivion. I googled it, hoping to shut him up, but apparently, this is an urban legend.', '>>{JoshSwol} : The Trump boys shoot elephants for fun. This is all one needs to know to draw the innescapable conclusions that they are huge fucking idiots.', '>>{Eaoll} : She should run instead of her father. Something tells me that to this very day and moment, that would be the only way to put the Trump name on the White House.', '>>{Notafrenchaccent} : The Dean of Students reprimanded her for plagiarism and her parents had to come pick her up by the Public Safety office.', '>>{Risk_Neutral} : Trump seems to be running 5 different campaigns. Ivanka was literally spitting Hillary policy at the RNC', '>>{darwin2500} : >I think harassment in general, regardless, sexual or otherwise, is totally inexcusable and if it transpires it needs to be reported **and it needs to be dealt with on a company level**" Coded statement saying the government shouldn\'t be doing anything to protect women from sexual harassment or enforcing any existing laws on the issue. Less boneheaded than her relative\'s comments, but still a fundamentally conservative position saying \'we don\'t care about this issue\'.', ">>{darwin2500} : Umm she's 100% dependent on the family to remain wealthy and famous? You think Trump wouldn't turn his own daughter out onto the street if she defied him?", '>>{BillTowne} : Yet she said it at the RNC. > "Is there anything Ivanka Trump has said tonight that wouldn\'t be cheered at a DNC? Except, you know, \'Donald Trump.\'" https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/07/ivanka-trump-proposes-democrat-policies-for-her-dad-at-convention#sthash.R8KUPrVT.dpuf', ">>{AnghellicKarma} : Right, I'm aware of that fact. I still think it's a stupid notion, however.", '>>{mwsomerset} : I thought it was pretty obvious what he meant....it is called a Freudian Slip...and boy is it showing.', ">>{buttaholic} : yes i know, that's why i asked what he even meant by that. i wish the clip was longer, maybe he tried explaining himself."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{2Brew} : Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro Meet With Hillary Clinton Amid VP Speculation', '>>{KatiePuss} : I don\'t think she\'s seriously considering Castro, he\'s too inexperienced. IMO, it\'s going to be one of three people: Tim Kaine, Elizabeth Warren, or a "Dark Horse" pick (Booker? Sherrod Brown? Al Franken? Tom Perez?)', '>>{KatiePuss} : I think Kaine is definitely the leader of the pack as of right now.', ">>{pissbum-emeritus} : I agree. Hanging out with Warren was a scheme to gain credibility and attract 'progressive' voters. Warren as a running mate would weaken an already unappealing ticket.", ">>{SatanicBloodOrgy} : Castro's youth could work to her advantage. She wants to pull millennials, so she may want a fresh face. Not only that but he's Hispanic and from Texas. Diversity will help reinforce Clinton's image as a collaborative candidate.", ">>{KatiePuss} : Maybe, but I just don't know how wise of a pick he is... Tom Perez is better.", '>>{Zukeyknee} : Probably not voting for the ticket but would rather see ask/choose Perez.', ">>{gdex86} : Other side of it is that Warren is pushing for it so she'll be set up for a run in 4 to 8 years as the progressive president. She has/had a huge amount of support from those that made up the Sanders camp. VP gives her time to brush up on her Foreign relations cred.", ">>{ward0630} : It would be the equivalent of the Pence pick, a kind of generally unknown politician who would fire up some aspects of the base. It's not an insane pick, but Hillary would definitely be accused of playing gender politics.", '>>{SchlangeHatRecht} : Picking Bernie might win her the election, but I doubt she would select him.', '>>{typical_trump_voter} : Trump becoming the GOP nominee all but guarantees Clinton will win. She can pick whoever she wants at this point.', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : I think Warren does a good job in the Senate. I hope she remains there.', ">>{JennysDad} : I think if she does pick Warren it will for the sole reason that Warren would be best at verbally destroying Pence in a debate, and could troll Trump from now until the election. I hope she doesn't pick Warren because I believe Warren is doing good work in the Senate.", ">>{Bert-Goldberg} : Castro will be her vp. He's just as corrupt as her and follows orders", '>>{lowercase_thoughts} : picking bernie would lose her the election. bernie == bye bye moderates and #nevertrumpers', '>>{ShadyPollster} : Which useful idiot will she pick? They all *know* she has signalled to them and them only they are the one.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : Julian Castro? The last thing the Clinton campaign needs is another person who comes across as fake and robotic.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : Picking Bernie would not only increase voter turnout among liberals (particularly young people), but it would also attract some of the people who are voting for Trump only because they are anti-establishment.', '>>{NachoLawbre} : And he comes across as fake and orchestrated as her.', ">>{jcsatan} : If she wants to promote any type of progressive agenda, she'll leave Warren in the Senate where she can have much more influence. I think Kaine would be a smarter pick, he's still relatively popular in VA and not very well known on a national level. He could help her retain a hold in a swing state and not result in losing more moderate democrats nationally.", ">>{JDKov} : I'm sure you thought Trump would get this far, too.", ">>{DumpsterDon} : Getting this far isn't the same as winning it all.", ">>{JDKov} : I didn't say that. I just think it's funny that 99.9% of Trump's detractors (probably you) said that Trump wouldn't win a primary, win the nomination, etc., yet here everyone is again, underestimating him thinking he has no shot at the general. But hey, he probably likes to be underestimated.", '>>{stupidaccountname} : One of three people. \\*lists six people\\*', ">>{DumpsterDon} : I'd add Admiral Stavridis into the darkhorse mix. One of Trumps only strengths comes out when a terrorist attack occurs. He'd negate instantly any BS the Dumpster campaign throws out and make them regret it. The flip side is progressive berners aren't going to like it, at all.", ">>{DumpsterDon} : I think Perez is better too. A true labor warrior who doesn't lose Dems a Senate seat. The Castros are young and will have their time later. [He also speaks really well.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alnOJxnBkj4) I like his style a lot and I think he'd be a real asset to Hillary.", ">>{Leafstillidie} : I hope she doesn't pick Brown, it might ruin his progressive image and damage his chances getting the progressive vote in a possible 2024 run.", ">>{Leafstillidie} : If she picks Warren it's because she wants the stereotypical VP attack dog, to attack Trump and Pence. Warren is a very good attack dog Sortve like the left wing Newt Gingrich.", ">>{KatiePuss} : I don't think it'll ruin his progressive image at all. he's only slightly to the left of Clinton anyway. and if he's a sitting VP he'll be in a very strong position in 2024, assuming he can secure the Democratic nomination.", '>>{JennysDad} : and that is also a potential drawback, Warren will not back down on issues she believes in', ">>{lawvas} : I'll admit that i never thought he would win the primary, and the fact that he has means he should be taken seriously. He has a shot, but I don't think HRC's (or Trump's) VP pick will change much (unless she picked Bernie, which come to think of it might be a stroke of genius).", '>>{hehyougotme} : Hillary will pick boring, neoliberal Tim Kaine over Elizabeth Warren and it will likely cost her the election because she and her advisors are too stupid and arrogant to be able to read the mood of the country.', '>>{Trump-Tzu} : Liberals of reddit. Who are you hoping she picks?', ">>{Askew_2016} : Hillary doesn't need to attract moderates. She needs to hold young voters and youth. Stavridis would drive those voters further away. Huge mistake and would just remind Dem voters of how hawkish Hillary is.", '>>{Askew_2016} : Warren or Booker are the only two that would get me to vote for Hillary.', '>>{hehyougotme} : I agree. Hillary is apparently hell-bent on sucking every last ounce of energy and enthusiasm out of her already lacklustre campaign.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : As a Republican I really hope it's Warren too.", ">>{Hadiya72} : As a Bernie supporter, I could see myself voting for Shillary if Bernie was VP, I'd rather have had Bernie as my commander and chief, but lets be honest, Hillary will get in legal trouble sooner or latter and Bernie would be great to have to restore confidence in our broken political system. Other wise, I'm going thermo-nuclear option, Trump.", ">>{Hadiya72} : Trump just survived a very ugly Primary, and Hillary had Bernie who treated her with kid gloves, so I don't see where all the confidence that Trump can't win is coming from. We can't be delusional into thinking its not in the realm of a realistic possibility. I'm voting Trump out of spite, tired of Wall Street $200,000.00 per speech paid politicians in political office. Don't get me wrong I think Trump is a shill but I believe that we see his graft coming from a miles away, career politician are just too good at hiding their frauds.", '>>{progress10} : Not if she wants a Pence kind of situation where the VP differs from the Nominee on large policy issues like TPP and Dodd Frank.', '>>{progress10} : He supports the TPP and voted to weaken Dodd Frank. Her picking him would affirm the sentiment in sanders supporters minds that she will flip. Pick Warren and Sanders becomes head of the progressive wing.', '>>{obeseredditadmin} : >young people You mean that demographic that lost Bernie the primary despite it being his main voter bloc? >anti-establishment Bernie endorsed Hillary Clinton right after calling her unqualified. No anti-establishment voter will vote for him.', '>>{BeowulfShaeffer} : You realize how many court vacancies have gone unfilled the last eight years? Do you want republicans filling them all?', ">>{jcsatan} : I don't think Bernie would accept the veep nom from her honestly, Warren may but Clinton would probably be better off nominating someone who wouldn't alienate moderates.", '>>{progress10} : Trump already did that, what Clinton needs are progressives. She has the moderates locked in by way of having Trump/Pence on the other side. Warren brings the progressives. Clinton the moderates. Kaine chases them away. What I meant was that if Clinton chooses Warren, Sanders takes her place of prominence in the Senate.', ">>{ahrzal} : You act as if her opponent didn't just drop the ball in his pick. Whomever Clinton chooses, it's better than pence.", ">>{dumbscrub} : anyone that thinks Hillary isn't pro-TPP is actually dumb. she spent YEARS calling it the gold standard.", '>>{clain4671} : but she cant go any further left. she needs to keep playing it safe', ">>{Sherm} : That's the point of choosing someone on your left; then you are free to tack to the center.", ">>{Sherm} : Do you actually agree with any of Sanders' positions, or did you just like that he seemed like an outsider?", '>>{clain4671} : maybe brown for that though. warren seems to be too alienating in general', '>>{progress10} : I know that but making Kaine VP would kinda make that obvious to everyone.', ">>{Sherm} : If it weren't for the Senate if say he'd be perfect. Might still be worth it, though.", '>>{progress10} : She is running against Trump. She has the moderates she needs someone to shore up the progressive vote. Warren fits the bill.', ">>{Hoenhoff} : The whole election dynamic is out of kilter. If she doesn't choose Warren or someone from the Sanders camp, and Trump wins, making wall st donors mad will be the least of her problems.", ">>{GaryAGalindo} : ~~My issue is that Castro is from Texas which is important. It's really hard to have a Blue Texas Senator and if he is VP, we lose a D seat in the Senate that we may never get back for a good amount of years.~~ **I was wrong and falsely thought Castro was a senator from Texas. Thanks to the person who corrected me. I've heard some people say having a VP from Texas might put it into play for future elections but I just can't see it.** Democrats won't win Texas anyways. I'd pick Klaine because you win the Swing State of Virginia and he still can get the Latino vote because he is fluent AF in Spanish. Edit: Corrected myself and clarification", ">>{Casey_is_drunk} : Watch her do the dumb thing - she's continuously amazed me with her poor choices this election.", ">>{CatTrump} : You know how you feel about Pence? That's how people on the right feel about Warren.", '>>{TrumpUGraduate} : Relying on young people is suicidal. Just look at Bernie and Brexit.', ">>{TrumpUGraduate} : > arrogant to be able to read the mood of the country Moderates don't like Elizabeth.", '>>{FuckMeBernie} : Really? I can see them not agreeing with her liberalism, but I thought Warren was well liked and for some reason thought the right was just apathetic about her. What makes them hate her? Not trying to argue, but really curious.', ">>{DVZ1} : Cory Booker please! I'll take Elizabeth Warren too.", '>>{CatTrump} : She is an acedemic who lectures us on how terrible we are.', '>>{zoidboix} : I hate to sound so superficial, but Castro looks so.. strange.', ">>{zoidboix} : Castro doesn't speak a lick of Spanish. If she's gunna choose a Hispanic, she should choose someone who can talk to Hispanic communities.", ">>{zoidboix} : Perez is also my hope for her VP pick. But it's probably not gunna be him.", '>>{jcsatan} : All that does is take a progressive out of a position in which she can impact the most change.', '>>{GI581G} : Recent poll had her tied with Trump in Virginia; it has to be Kaine.', ">>{USEDGUACBOWLMERCHANT} : She would prove her insanity if she doesn't pick Kaine.", '>>{progress10} : Hillary needs a progressive to shore up the vote. We also have Feingold likely coming in to the Senate. It is a tricky situation.', ">>{Leafstillidie} : Not necessarily, If he wants the Berniecrat vote he'll have to wash off the Clinton stench.", ">>{Leafstillidie} : For the progressive voters Clinton is targeting, They'll love it.", ">>{escalation} : Pretty much killed Kucinich's chances, and didn't do Kerry any favors at the ballot box. People are superficial.", '>>{Hadiya72} : No, off course not, however I can not and will not in good conscience vote for a Candidate that has been found to be "too important to indict" and is continually marred by accusations of wrongdoing that it would make a mobster delirious at how often she eludes prison. Saint Hillary will without a doubt stuff the supreme court court with whoever her wall street superiors tell her to nominate.', '>>{Hadiya72} : I agree with Sanders positions and admired that he is an outsider. People follow leaders not Wall Street Democratic and Republican shills.', ">>{Sherm} : Which positions? Specifically. Because if you genuinely supported his positions, I can't imagine you'd vote for Trump, who is anathema to everything he believes. So please tell me, which of his positions did you like?", '>>{Hadiya72} : Both Sanders and Trump are against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, because NAFTA turned out so well for the middle-class. I will stand for Trump on that issue and anyone else who is sensible would do the same. What positions of Clinton do you like? and how are you not concerned with her now evasion of FBI indictment due to her being too big to jail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak3mocfrMjA', ">>{FuckMeBernie} : I would actually vote for a Clinton/Sanders ticket in a heartbeat. Clinton's vp pick is what I'm now basing my vote on. I don't think I can stomach Clinton/Castro though. Too fake for me.", ">>{Sherm} : Who said I'm voting for Clinton? I'm going third party. Do you really think you can trust Trump? Given the fact that he's quite possibly the only person in the country who lies as much as Clinton does.", ">>{Hadiya72} : I'm going Third party too, only so long as Trump has the lead. I trust that there are enough checks and balances to keep Trump under some control. Clinton makes a mockery of the law, we don't need her Nixon era style anywhere near the Presidency.", '>>{Sherm} : > I trust that there are enough checks and balances to keep Trump under some control. You mean like how the Republican party had checks and balances to keep Trump under control?'], [">>{SaltHash} : The Fox/NRO cons' tune would be vastly different if this happened to their self-admitted groper. They are partisan hacks instead of the patriots they pretend to be.", '>>{1461DaysInHell} : Putin approved humor. Anything to distract the rank and file from realizing they have gone from Reagan to the donnie the Putin play toy.', '>>{Ouroboros000} : William F. Buckly would be appalled if he saw what has became of the publication he helped to found.', '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : Nah, the buckets of tears pity party is ripe for ridicule. How can you not mock people musing about how to censor "fake news" and trumpeting "trust the CIA." It\'s pure fucking comedy. And yes, it\'s pure fucking comedy from partisan hacks.', ">>{H0agh} : Could've at least taken the effort to research the the KGB no longer exists.", ">>{farcetragedy} : What's disgusting is Trump literally siding with Putin over those sworn to protect us. Big scandal. Not going away. Presidency already under dark cloud. Looks v bad", '>>{treerat} : Hows the weather in Macedonia today, 4 day old redditor?', ">>{GunOfSod} : I'd be worried that you were going to ruin the comedy if I wasn't already so sure of their lack of awareness.", '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : It\'s cold (50s) and clear in LA where I am. I\'d expect it to be colder in Macedonia this time of year. Did you miss the "no accusations of shilling" part of the rules? And to be clear in the face of your self serving assumption, Putin is a fascist prick and Russia offers no vision for the future that I can see.', ">>{row_guy} : Ya it's the CIA , FBI and 15 other intelligence agencies as well as many republican members of Congress and the private firms that have looked into this. They all say the same thing. CIA and FBI both agree they did it to help trump. But ya say something about a pity party plug you fingers in your ears and hum.", '>>{TheJIbberJabberWocky} : The national review is weird mix of The Onion and Colbert Report.', ">>{preserved_fish} : The John Birch wing of the GOP, which WFB worked so hard to kick out, is now ascendant. At least most of Irving Kristol's proteges over at the Standard stood their ground.", '>>{__EmmanuelGoldstein_} : You\'re absolutely correct that\'s there has been a large public effort to demonize the Russian government and Vladimir "the Devil" Putin ahead of the inauguration of the Donald who campaigned on rapprochement with Russia. The American people have elected a Washington outsider and the security apparatus and the rest of Washington will have to figure out how to work with him. Maybe they should reach out privately to the former generals with whom he\'s stacked his cabinet instead of public grandstanding? The Russians weren\'t in the voting booths and describing divisive work to limit the President Elect, censor "fake news," and instill trust in the CIA as patriotic is truly Orwellian. These public displays have nothing to do with patriotism - unless you\'ve got evidence the Donald is a traitor?', '>>{row_guy} : Thank you comrade. I am feeling much better now.'], ['>>{Chris20nyy} : How long before Trump insults his own daughter? I say by 10am tomorrow the latest.', ">>{viccar0} : Well, that sounds -- who wrote that? Did Donald's script writer write it?", '>>{_Underoath_} : INB4 the usual scripted "Donald harassed his own daughter"', ">>{theduke282} : I'm not sure about that, but I have been reading many things about donations to NAMBLA.", ">>{_Underoath_} : I don't have an issue with somebody donating to the National Association of Marlin Brando Look-Alikes.", '>>{santa_91} : She seems like the only one of them who thinks before speaking.', ">>{Goodstyle_4} : I really wanna hear her response to her brother's comments and her dad saying she should quit if she were sexually harassed.", '>>{Chris20nyy} : Your kidding, right? North American Mario Brothers League of Aficionados.', ">>{CarmineFields} : She's also his only attractive child. I suspect Ivana got around.", ">>{CarmineFields} : I'm still waiting for Donald to release her nudes as a distraction.", ">>{jz68} : I feel so bad for Ivanka in this whole mess. She seems like a genuinely good person and is stuck right in the middle of her dad acting like a complete asshole and her brothers defending it. Besides that, she's obviously a democrat.", ">>{Chris20nyy} : He's trying to Photoshop himself out of them still.", ">>{sixtycoffees} : Why the hell is she still on board with his campaign? Like I get family is important, but she's clearly pretty liberal, has voted (and financed) democrat, and is watching as her father and brother victim blame women for sexual assault.", '>>{Byzantine279} : I know you feel you have to support him, but your dad is an asshole.', '>>{Byzantine279} : No, he means until Donald Trump started running as a Republican she was a registered democrat, and appears to have only changed to independent to support her father.', ">>{Gold_Jacobson} : I'd like to hear what the daughter says. If you look at Trump's daughter, she was standing there, She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.", '>>{Fizzy_T} : Did you listen to her speech at the repub convention?', '>>{djhornpout} : Yeah, except she was a registered democrat before her father decided to run, Beta.', '>>{Scoutster13} : running for public office is something I don\'t want to be doing." Which is a shame because she seems like the only one with anything valuable to say.', ">>{stephersms} : She's clearly a Dem but don't feel bad for her. She's a willful participant in this shit show.", '>>{gangsta_baby} : The internet would break...so that must be his plan to prevent access to porn.', ">>{stephersms} : In my opinion, that's going too far. Just because Donald slept around, doesn't mean Ivana did. She's the victim of his adultery.", ">>{Disadvorange} : Now I'm not saying that Trump himself has been hiding his taxes because it would show a number of yearly donations to NAMBLA, I would never insinuate that. But we have some very smart people who are up at Trump Tower and they tell me they have found some very interesting things and that they don't point to Trump *not* donating large sums to NAMBLA.", ">>{justjack48} : She's young, attractive, and smart. She will bounce back and find a prominent and respectable position in American politics, or wherever she goes really. Once she emerges from the smoldering ruins of her father's campaign that is.", '>>{A4O4} : You would know lady, you would know. I never got the feeling that you were enjoying the uncalled for advances on national media by your Dad toward you.', ">>{Chronic_Apathy1} : To an extent, but to do anything but support her father, even begrudgingly, would potentially require her to cut ties with her entire family. That's not an easy decision.", ">>{Nate_W} : Well look. You're being unfair to the Trump family. She would never have to quit as her dad suggested she should because she never would be harassed because as her brother points out, only poor, dumb bitches that got it comin' to 'em get harassed. And Ivanka isn't poor.", '>>{Nate_W} : Oh, you missed it. He did. He said that she should quit and find a new job if she were harassed. Equal-opportunity victim blamer.', ">>{Nate_W} : So you're saying that Donald Trump's son shouldn't get airtime? Your attempt to distract from the issue seems to have some logical holes.", ">>{the_other_50_percent} : A lot of people. I don't know. But they're good people. They're saying it. She was awfully quiet.", ">>{Nate_W} : u/Da_Holy_Pope literally committed a mass genocide during a large-scale Satanic ritual. Huh, I guess it turns out it's easy to accuse people of shit.", '>>{Boucot} : The dinners at the Trump Tower must be fun.', ">>{the_other_50_percent} : You heard that too? All the time, Trump and NAMBLA, Trump and NAMBLA. I haven't said it, myself, but a lot of other people are saying it. Good people. I'm not there, but they're there, and they're saying it, a lot. So often about Trump and NAMBLA, you wouldn't believe it. Good people.", '>>{mjst0324} : I don\'t know about "willful." She seems reluctant as fuck to me. What are you supposed to do if your father\'s running for president and you don\'t support any of his ideas? If she was anything but fully supportive and present the entire time the media would be all over her and her father to figure out why she wasn\'t more visible in the campaign.', '>>{citizen_coping} : She is impressive... probably the most impressive of that family.', '>>{-Mountain-King-} : Assuming she can find a way not to be buried.', '>>{Nate_W} : Are you also upset that [the girl that claims Donald Trump raped her]( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-bloom/why-the-new-child-rape-ca_b_10619944.html) should get more air time? Because she has gotten none. And she shouldn\'t. Because unsubstantiated claims don\'t generally get airtime on real media sites. I\'m consistent in my belief that neither should get air time. But your whole "Clinton owns the media" conspiracy falls apart in the face of that fact.', ">>{kutwijf} : Accept for when it's her doing it to us guys. Amirite?", ">>{stephersms} : I don't see the media going after his wife for not being visible. Melania only campaigned with him a few times. Nobody cares and they wouldn't care if Ivanka wasn't right by his side. Because she's so prominent in his campaign, that puts her in the spotlight. Since she plays damage control for him, she isn't reluctant. In fact, she's using this whole thing to promote the brand and her clothing line.", '>>{justjack48} : Stockholm Syndrome will be her out. Not a single person on this planet would question it.', '>>{chornu} : People who are questioning why an obvious Democrat would stay with the campaign are forgetting that Trump was a Democrat for a very long time.', ">>{Uxbridge42} : No they won't. Do you actually believe that?", '>>{citizen_coping} : One of my friends went to Penn and continued on to the Business School at Wharton to get his Masters in Business.... same year as Donald Trump Jr. He said the guy insisted on being called DT, and was a pretty big douche, but nice overall.', ">>{CarmineFields} : Fair enough, I just don't understand how the orange mess could produce someone attractive, intelligent and reasonable. I guess she takes after her mom.", ">>{PainfulPeanutBlender} : Listen the Hillary shills want us to believe that she's really a democrat, that's the story we're gonna go with. Didn't you get the memo?", ">>{Nate_W} : I'm not sure you know what the word cherry picking means. You're not using it correctly. You posited the claim that the reason Clinton's allegations don't get media coverage is because the media is in the tank for Clinton. But that theory makes no sense of the fact that they also don't cover Trump's rape allegation. Your theory doesn't work. This is a pretty easy logical exercise. But keep trying to repost bullshit as truth. Then you don't need to think!", ">>{ArfBox} : Then that's too bad for her father, then; she's hitched her wagon to something deeply immoral and truly dangerous.", '>>{praxeo} : She said on the CNN town hall during the primary that she was a registered independent.', ">>{Byzantine279} : But he's actually a pathological liar. He just makes things up and thinks no one is going to call him on it.", '>>{TexianForSecession} : The fact that this even needs to be said...', '>>{theplott} : Just so you know, Ivanka has had a massive amount of plastic surgery on her face. She looked more like Eric before going under the knife.', ">>{Beeftech67} : That's exactly what the letter the NFL sent me said!", '>>{BillTowne} : And when she speaks, she sounds like a Democrat. Required paid family leave, anyone?', '>>{FuckShitPoopPants} : For this election. All previous elections she was a (D)', '>>{offensivelypoor} : I will satisfy America just like i satisfied my husband! Hillary Clinton', '>>{BrainOnLoan} : I am more impressed by those who stand aside in silence.', '>>{mwsomerset} : I would be insulted if my dad said this...on national tv. http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/279254/donald-trump-sex-ivanka-wendy-williams/', '>>{Chris20nyy} : Pooooooo!!! >"I was gonna say sex but...oh shit"', ">>{arthurdent11} : She previously donated to Hillary Clinton in 2007 and then Romney in 2012. Her biggest political interaction was to bundle 40k for Democrat Corey Booker's Senate Campaign. Her husband has also donated over 100k to the democratic party (before they were married though) The blaze (Although I hate linking there) has an even more in depth breakdown. http://www.theblaze.com/contributions/donald-trumps-kids-donate-to-democrats/", '>>{Trump_Stumps_All} : By this logic Trump himself is also a democrat.', ">>{Im_Not_A_Socialist} : Honestly, if she were running for office I would probably vote for her based on her general political views. It kind of seems like she's just along for the ride on her father's campaign and she doesn't really do anything for him since her policy views are far more in line with those of the democrats.", ">>{Trump_Stumps_All} : >She's clearly a Dem Yeah that's a bit of a reach there buddy, you don't just get to claim people over to your side.", '>>{Trump_Stumps_All} : [citation needed] especially considering she donated to mittens last cycle', '>>{MrPennywise} : He called himself a Democrat for most of his life. He wrote in one of his books that he would run as a Republican basically because it would be easier.', ">>{BackstabGhillie} : I mean Trump also used to be a registered Democrat, and think about it he probably only changed because his campaign would only work if he ran as a Republican. If he ran as a democrat with the campaign he is running currently Martin O'Malley could've gotten more votes than him.", ">>{arthurdent11} : No, Donald has bounced back and forth between republican, reform, and democrat for the last 30 years. Republican, then reform, then democrat, then republican again. Ivanka has donated an order of magnitude more to democrats than to the only republican she's donated to, and some of her views (paid family leave, birth control) are diametrically opposed to where the Republicans stand today.", ">>{Maggie_A} : Maybe she should tell that to her dad the next time he starts talking about how he'd like to ~~fuck~~ date her.", ">>{arthurdent11} : Ya, not like she's donated multiple times to democratic congressional committees supporting both Pelosi and Reid. (She did)", ">>{BedWedOrBehead} : Who is she talking to? We already know that, we're not the ones who disagree.", ">>{ONXwat} : you could ask him what he had for breakfast this morning and he'd lie just for the hell of it", ">>{Trump_Stumps_All} : No, Trump didn't just change his party affiliation just recently or just for his run. He was a Republican voter in the late 80's and all through the 90's, an independent for a couple years, and a Democrat for only 8 years.", ">>{Trump_Stumps_All} : She donated to Romney and McCain as well. Also Trump has been forthright that he donated to Democrats to gain favor because most of his business is conducted in New York, a place where Republicans don't really have a chance of getting elected.", '>>{Trump_Stumps_All} : >wrote in one of his books that he would run as a Republican basically because it would be easier. [citation needed] >Called himself a Democrat for most of his life. Called himself or not, his voting record is majority Republican.', ">>{Cielo11} : Wasn't Trump a democrat? My understanding of Trump is that he only supports whoever its in his own interests to support.", '>>{Tai_daishar} : She wont even need to say that. "He is my dad and he asked me to support him. So I did. That is what family does."', ">>{Tai_daishar} : Damnit. I never look at usernames. Why aren't the mods removing obvious troll/novelty accounts? Oh right, because that would be enforcing their rules.", '>>{MarcSlayton} : Ivanka seems reasonable and intelligent. She would make a better candidate for President than her Dad. Of course, she does not want to be a politician though. Also she is married into the Kushner family who are noted Democrats. So in between her Father and her family by marriage, she is used to having differing political opinions with those close to her.', '>>{ed2417} : In this campaign., a rational comment from a Trump is news.', '>>{eman620} : This was a tightly packed comment of fun, well said', '>>{cynicallad} : The guy below you said citation needed, and he got downvoted to oblivion. I googled it, hoping to shut him up, but apparently, this is an urban legend.', '>>{JoshSwol} : The Trump boys shoot elephants for fun. This is all one needs to know to draw the innescapable conclusions that they are huge fucking idiots.', '>>{Eaoll} : She should run instead of her father. Something tells me that to this very day and moment, that would be the only way to put the Trump name on the White House.', '>>{Notafrenchaccent} : The Dean of Students reprimanded her for plagiarism and her parents had to come pick her up by the Public Safety office.', '>>{Risk_Neutral} : Trump seems to be running 5 different campaigns. Ivanka was literally spitting Hillary policy at the RNC', '>>{darwin2500} : >I think harassment in general, regardless, sexual or otherwise, is totally inexcusable and if it transpires it needs to be reported **and it needs to be dealt with on a company level**" Coded statement saying the government shouldn\'t be doing anything to protect women from sexual harassment or enforcing any existing laws on the issue. Less boneheaded than her relative\'s comments, but still a fundamentally conservative position saying \'we don\'t care about this issue\'.', ">>{darwin2500} : Umm she's 100% dependent on the family to remain wealthy and famous? You think Trump wouldn't turn his own daughter out onto the street if she defied him?", '>>{BillTowne} : Yet she said it at the RNC. > "Is there anything Ivanka Trump has said tonight that wouldn\'t be cheered at a DNC? Except, you know, \'Donald Trump.\'" https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/07/ivanka-trump-proposes-democrat-policies-for-her-dad-at-convention#sthash.R8KUPrVT.dpuf', ">>{AnghellicKarma} : Right, I'm aware of that fact. I still think it's a stupid notion, however.", '>>{mwsomerset} : I thought it was pretty obvious what he meant....it is called a Freudian Slip...and boy is it showing.', ">>{buttaholic} : yes i know, that's why i asked what he even meant by that. i wish the clip was longer, maybe he tried explaining himself."], ['>>{wobel85} : Looking for a case similar to the The Veil XT by Caudabe?', ">>{mysticportal} : Just do a search for ultra thin cases. Personally, I would just buy from Caudabe; the feel of their cases are better. The case I got from TOZO has like a rough-ish feel that's uncomfortable.", ">>{AnJarBo} : I have a Mcdodo Swan Series Ultra Slim PP Case Fit for my 7 Plus. It's basically the same Veil XT (bottom is also covered), and much much cheaper.", '>>{wobel85} : Having a hard time finding this on Amazon. Do you have a link? Trying to find one for the 6s.', ">>{quirkyrocket} : I'm using something called SlenderCase that I found on Amazon for like seven bucks. Super slim, very comparable to Caudabe, but no branding (which I prefer) Here's the link: [Ultra Thin iPhone 6S, 6 Phone Case With Clear Flexible Shell, Camera Protection & 36..](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01A1LHAW8/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_.N0ZybKJ01X9A)", ">>{KevOK80} : I have a TOZO case from Amazon. Pretty similar IMO although I find that all these extremely thin cases don't offer more, if any, additional grip over going case less.", '>>{wobel85} : I bought the Veil XT, I do like it. However, the back has no grip, this damn thing is too slippery. If it had a rough back it would be perfect. If I can find something like the Veil XT with a tad bit of grip on the back, perfect.', '>>{wobel85} : I bought the Veil XT, I do like it. However, the back has no grip, this damn thing is too slippery. If it had a rough back it would be perfect. If I can find something like the Veil XT with a tad bit of grip on the back, perfect.', '>>{wobel85} : I bought the Veil XT, I do like it. However, the back has no grip, this damn thing is too slippery. If it had a rough back it would be perfect. If I can find something like the Veil XT with a tad bit of grip on the back, perfect.', ">>{wobel85} : How is the back? My Veil XT is to smooth on the back so it's super slippery.", ">>{quirkyrocket} : I used to have the Caudabe and I'd say it's got a bit more grip than the Veil XT. However, my bf has a Tozo case and if you're looking for something similarly slim but way grippier, I think I'd recommend that."]]
classify and reply
['>>{jonsnowme} : Does Iowa GOP Think Miscarriages Should Be Brought To Term?', ">>{jonsnowme} : [The answer is yes](https://twitter.com/ProgressIowa/status/847262252600184834) Miscarrying is already pretty traumatic for women, I can't imagine how many women would be emotionally fucked up. > But what is disturbing is both that Lundgren apparently didn’t realize that and that no fellow Republican legislators corrected the error in committee. 11 of 12 Republicans on the committee ended up voting for the bill, so it’s fair to question whether they did so believing what Lundgren seemed to – that women who have a miscarriage in Iowa will have to bring the dead fetus to term, or at least continue to carry it until it endangers the mother’s life. Downright horrifying that people like this exist.", ">>{jonsnowme} : Yep. And this is the type of thing while some of us live in states where this shit wouldn't happen, we need to know about it and stand up against it even if we're not in Iowa.", '>>{staffcrafter} : Do they even understand basic reproductive biology? If a woman miscarries is the doctor suppose to force it back into the womb?', ">>{jonsnowme} : If they're passing a bill like this, my immediate thought is no, no they don't.", '>>{chloes1_1968} : Whatever they think, I think they need an introduction to basic biology... maybe even a crash course in "words have meanings".', ">>{fcsuper} : That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works!", '>>{NorbertDupner} : This does nothing to improve my opinion of Iowans, which is already pretty damn low.', ">>{corgidogmom} : I can't get the article to load to read the specifics yet, but my educated guess is they are talking about a missed miscarriage where the fetus has died but the body has not passed it (and generally won't for whatever reason- this can become life threatening and is obviously emotionally traumatic as is). In order to remove the pregnancy tissue before it causes an infection, a D&C procedure must be done- this is technically called an abortion. So my guess is in trying to outlaw all abortion they are outlawing D&C procedures in the event of a miscarriage, which is a necessary and common procedure. I sincerely doubt they are talking about keeping a body from naturally expelling a miscarriage or premature birth or anything like that.", '>>{jonsnowme} : I honestly don\'t know much about Iowa, this is the sort of headline I would expect to read "Does Alabama GOP.." or "Does Mississippi GOP.." But now, I shall no longer be surprised by Iowa bullshit.', ">>{NorbertDupner} : I think they've all been neurologically affected by the Round-Up they spray on all that corn.", '>>{South_in_AZ} : Well, [The medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion.](http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Miscarriage) of course they are going to do everything they can to make it illegal.', ">>{timothydog76} : Not that it really matters what you think of us, but I can assure you there are many sane (and even progressive) Iowans here like myself. Iowa was actually one of the first states to make same sex marriage legal too so it's not the complete worst. But we have some real garbage people in office here at the moment like Steve King. Unfortunately he represents the most rural and reddest part of the state so I can't personally vote his ass out but he is a total embarrassment to many of us here.", ">>{staffcrafter} : I haven't seen the law but the article made it sound like all miscarriages. I would not put it past these asshats, who would force a woman to keep dead rotting tissue in their body until their life is in danger and in some cases medical intervention is too late or compromises the woman's health for the rest of their life. Medical care should be between a person and their doctor.", '>>{NorbertDupner} : Yes, well, I live in North Carolina and I understand completely. Your crazies are, however, a good bit louder than ours.', ">>{timothydog76} : I guess if crazies are loud it's easier to identify them and vote them out maybe? haha", '>>{unhampered_by_pants} : So the GOP wants to go back to a time when women died from a dead fetus rotting in their bodies? Because that used to happen a lot. It would cause septicemia. I know it\'s super threatening for those guys that women have been shitting all over their biblical "women are inferior in every way" worldview by outperforming men scholastically and "infiltrating" male-dominated industries and performing just as well as the men (or better, in the case of doctors), but I don\'t think trying to kill them is going to achieve anything. This is like an extinction burst, except they\'re not actually going to be rewarded with women being forced to be their brood mares and nothing else, like the old days. They should have paid attention to the women\'s marches all over the world. A lot of men are getting sick of their shit too.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{jonsnowme} : Does Iowa GOP Think Miscarriages Should Be Brought To Term?', ">>{jonsnowme} : [The answer is yes](https://twitter.com/ProgressIowa/status/847262252600184834) Miscarrying is already pretty traumatic for women, I can't imagine how many women would be emotionally fucked up. > But what is disturbing is both that Lundgren apparently didn’t realize that and that no fellow Republican legislators corrected the error in committee. 11 of 12 Republicans on the committee ended up voting for the bill, so it’s fair to question whether they did so believing what Lundgren seemed to – that women who have a miscarriage in Iowa will have to bring the dead fetus to term, or at least continue to carry it until it endangers the mother’s life. Downright horrifying that people like this exist.", ">>{jonsnowme} : Yep. And this is the type of thing while some of us live in states where this shit wouldn't happen, we need to know about it and stand up against it even if we're not in Iowa.", '>>{staffcrafter} : Do they even understand basic reproductive biology? If a woman miscarries is the doctor suppose to force it back into the womb?', ">>{jonsnowme} : If they're passing a bill like this, my immediate thought is no, no they don't.", '>>{chloes1_1968} : Whatever they think, I think they need an introduction to basic biology... maybe even a crash course in "words have meanings".', ">>{fcsuper} : That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works!", '>>{NorbertDupner} : This does nothing to improve my opinion of Iowans, which is already pretty damn low.', ">>{corgidogmom} : I can't get the article to load to read the specifics yet, but my educated guess is they are talking about a missed miscarriage where the fetus has died but the body has not passed it (and generally won't for whatever reason- this can become life threatening and is obviously emotionally traumatic as is). In order to remove the pregnancy tissue before it causes an infection, a D&C procedure must be done- this is technically called an abortion. So my guess is in trying to outlaw all abortion they are outlawing D&C procedures in the event of a miscarriage, which is a necessary and common procedure. I sincerely doubt they are talking about keeping a body from naturally expelling a miscarriage or premature birth or anything like that.", '>>{jonsnowme} : I honestly don\'t know much about Iowa, this is the sort of headline I would expect to read "Does Alabama GOP.." or "Does Mississippi GOP.." But now, I shall no longer be surprised by Iowa bullshit.', ">>{NorbertDupner} : I think they've all been neurologically affected by the Round-Up they spray on all that corn.", '>>{South_in_AZ} : Well, [The medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion.](http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Miscarriage) of course they are going to do everything they can to make it illegal.', ">>{timothydog76} : Not that it really matters what you think of us, but I can assure you there are many sane (and even progressive) Iowans here like myself. Iowa was actually one of the first states to make same sex marriage legal too so it's not the complete worst. But we have some real garbage people in office here at the moment like Steve King. Unfortunately he represents the most rural and reddest part of the state so I can't personally vote his ass out but he is a total embarrassment to many of us here.", ">>{staffcrafter} : I haven't seen the law but the article made it sound like all miscarriages. I would not put it past these asshats, who would force a woman to keep dead rotting tissue in their body until their life is in danger and in some cases medical intervention is too late or compromises the woman's health for the rest of their life. Medical care should be between a person and their doctor.", '>>{NorbertDupner} : Yes, well, I live in North Carolina and I understand completely. Your crazies are, however, a good bit louder than ours.', ">>{timothydog76} : I guess if crazies are loud it's easier to identify them and vote them out maybe? haha", '>>{unhampered_by_pants} : So the GOP wants to go back to a time when women died from a dead fetus rotting in their bodies? Because that used to happen a lot. It would cause septicemia. I know it\'s super threatening for those guys that women have been shitting all over their biblical "women are inferior in every way" worldview by outperforming men scholastically and "infiltrating" male-dominated industries and performing just as well as the men (or better, in the case of doctors), but I don\'t think trying to kill them is going to achieve anything. This is like an extinction burst, except they\'re not actually going to be rewarded with women being forced to be their brood mares and nothing else, like the old days. They should have paid attention to the women\'s marches all over the world. A lot of men are getting sick of their shit too.']]
classify and reply
['>>{GonzoNation} : Bullshit. Franken got him several times. Who is paying for Gorsech?', '>>{mafco} : Trump Panel Of Advisers On Job Creation Includes Jamie Dimon, GM CEO', ">>{johnmountain} : Washington State Senator Wants To Turn First Amendment Activity Into 'Economic Terrorism'", '>>{dunkeater} : Posting to ask for community feedback. Does this video have its sound altered, especially around Bernie chants? Original video on CSPAN: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4613361/senator-al-franken-sarah-silverman Check both videos @ 6:00, 6:23, 7:00, 7:50', '>>{GeorgeBushIsIsis} : iPhone 6S Plus or iPhone 7 Plus, switching from android?', ">>{mafco} : This is worrisome. Very heavy on investment bankers and global corporation CEOs. Zero small business owners even though small businesses create most of the new jobs in the US. And zero renewable energy technology companies even though renewable energy represents the biggest economic opportunity of this century. Trump's cabinet and adviser picks continue to disappoint.", ">>{jnr_77} : Relax. They won't do it. Pretty soon someone's going to point out to them that if they pass that, no one can protest outside Planned Parenthood anymore.", ">>{Focus--Pocus} : I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, Americans should have a right to protest and be heard On the other hand, I was in the MSP airport a year ago when black lives matter shut down an entire terminal, which was really disruptive to lots of innocent people and should not be allowed.", '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : The main takeaway is that this is stolen seat and Gorsuch is illegitimate.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : yes the youtube video seems very muted you can tell differences at the 5:55 mark on youtube and the 6:00 mark of the cspan video', '>>{juantalamera} : 7 plus ... faster everything and dual camera so portrait mode.', '>>{rossco9} : Poor headline writing, makes it seem like Jamie Dimon is the CEO of GM.', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : Protests should be carried out in a way so as to not interfere with, or be noticed by citizenry in any way.', '>>{bernieaccountess} : its a shame her speech was actually pretty good. my favorite part tho is her face 6:26 you can tell she really didn\'t want to say it. (but again you can tell what the party wanted: she was wanting them to chant "unity". he was "hillary"', '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : Umm, both are relatively famous comedians. And Franken is Senator.', '>>{Focus--Pocus} : You do know it is possible to be heard without harming others right?', ">>{spacehogg} : The Judicial Crisis Network is involved & there's a threadbare link to Koch. Is that what your questioning here?", '>>{GonzoNation} : I want to know why they think they have to control.', '>>{letdogsvote} : Well, you know, the only way to MAGA is get rid of all the taxes and regulation so Job Creators^tm can have all the money.', '>>{billrariden} : The main takeaway is that Sen. Amy Klobuchar is the dumbest congressperson this side of Shelia Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi. WTF Minnesota? Al Franken and this dumb see you next Tuesday?', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : I feel if I need to include an /s, then my sarcasm is lame. Sorry, I really was being sarcastic.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : One's a sitting senator. The other is a famous comedian. Keep trying.", '>>{Martincbk} : I just did the switch from a nexus 6p to a 6s plus and could not be happier! This phone is super fast and the battery is awesome, especially it feels more reliable, the drain is the same every day. No bad and good days like android has.', ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Silverman is a burned out racist hack. She's basically a modern Andrew Dice Clay.", '>>{Focus--Pocus} : I understood you were being sarcastic , and responded to your intent . How did you not catch that?', '>>{GeorgeBushIsIsis} : When did you switch? If it was before the 7, has your 6S plus slowed down at all?', '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : How would you prevent someone like you from becoming rich at the expense of everyone else?', ">>{mayaisme} : Not op, but I've had mine since feb last year and it still runs as good as day one. No lag and battery is still stellar. It's a good choice if you want to save a bit extra money", ">>{CaulkusAurelis} : Sometimes it's tough to tell apart the people who are being deliberately stupid from those who are doing it naturally.", ">>{dafragsta} : They are both famous comedians. Al Franken just doesn't do that anymore. I do love how Al Franken is there holding an invisible leash in case Sarah goes rebel for Bernie. That whole fucking exchange made me hate both of them. Sarah Silverman started off for Hillary, then went to Bernie, and then back to Hillary like flipping a switch.", '>>{Focus--Pocus} : Ahh yes. There it is. Do you have anything relevant to the topic to say to me?', ">>{spacehogg} : Ah, 'cause the rich people always believe they're the smartest person in the room. The rich are way more involved in politics than the average person. They love entitlements and the rich know that the best entitlements are entitlements from the government. Also, that the best person to owe you money is the government!", ">>{GonzoNation} : > Ah, 'cause the rich people always believe they're the smartest person in the room. I would think - everyone believes they are. Or most people. But some of us believe in democracy and in the purpose of the US Constitution. I find this 'originalism' that Scalia touted to be without purpose and probably misleading away from purpose. The purposes are very clear.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : If true, none of that changes the fact that she is a relatively famous comedian.', ">>{Martincbk} : I just got the 6s+ this friday :) Actually I bought it used just because of the very large price difference to the 7+, here in Sweden it would be 2x the money to get a used 7+ and probably 2.5x to ge a new base line model. I have the 64gb version and it is very fast, keeps apps in memory for a long time and hasn't stuttered once! The A9 chip is very good, however the recent switch to 4 cores with the A10 is a step in the right direction. Although since all apps have been optimized for 2 core usage for such a long time, the real world usage is negligible. Some speed tests on youtube even show the 6s+ beeing a bit speedier in certain applications. So as I reasoned what I would be paying roughly 2x the money for is only a better camera. The maybe superior preformance in the latest 3d games do not interest me, and I can not for the life of me understand everyone's craving for water resistance, has never been a problem for me.", '>>{spacehogg} : Idk, I felt much smarter after graduating HS than I did graduating college!', '>>{TheLonelyRedPanda} : I switched from android too and I went for a 7 plus. The dual camera and A10 fusion chip was too much too pass up', '>>{360langford} : I was you about 3 weeks ago my 6p was dying at 25% as no amount of factory resets was doing anything so bought a 6s plus for ~£400 and I love it', ">>{forgeofgod} : No it's not. Stop it. These guys employ a lot of people in good paying jobs. Not everyone that is rich is evil and it's time to move past that narrative. Just as an FYI, both Barra and Dimon are democrats.", '>>{Iammattieee} : Just made the switch from a lg G3 to a Apple refurbished iPhone 6s Plus 64gb for $589. Thing is practically new with a new casing, battery, and screen. Also came with a 1 year warranty from Apple. This thing is snappy and the battery life is insane. I average about 9-10 hours of screen on time and 34 hours on a single charge.', ">>{GonzoNation} : There was a song from the early 60s by the Animals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_I_Was_Young >When I was young, it was more important, Pain more painful, Laughter much louder, Yeah. >My faith was so much stronger then >I believed in fellow men >And I was so much older then >When I was young Of course - Eric Burdon wasn't very old then either.", ">>{spacehogg} : Ah, I believe that's also done by the Ramones!", '>>{taboo007} : Doing the same (from V20) and going with the 7 plus. I always recommend the latest version of iPhone just because of longevity reasons, and if you have the note 4 then this will last as long or longer.', '>>{mafco} : You infer a lot that I neither said nor implied. I was commenting on the sectors missing on the panel and my concern about investment bankers are that they are not big employers yet their influence played a significant role in crashing the economy in 2008. > Just as an FYI, both Barra and Dimon are democrats. And I said nothing about political affiliation either. Nice contrived arguments though.', ">>{SoCalDawg} : Loved my 6S+. Upgraded early as part of upgrade program to 7+ and now about to be oh my 3rd 7+ due to camera issues. If I wasn't in the upgrade program I would go back to 6S+ I think. Hell, if this soon to be third 7+ has camera issues I may do it anyway for a year. I am not seeing major speed differences in the 7+ & 6S Plus. Yes, faster but not crazy difference. 7+ speakers are nice. The 6S Plus/6S is a great phone.", ">>{mr_fn_wonderful} : Here's the deal though: those protestors could've been arrested on trespass charges. Simple solution. They get what they want - publicity - the airport operation resumes. The problem with this legislation is that it would have a clear stifling effect on speech. It's also utterly unnecessary as there are undoubtedly other laws - the trespass I noted - that are more efficient and don't come with the baggage of other unforeseen consequences this would. It's pretty clear this guy is NOT a lawyer.", ">>{JKCIO} : I just got a 7+ yesterday. I didn't have android but had the iPhone 5s. Still getting used to this huge screen but so far it's crazy fast and the sound and screen are fantastic.", '>>{Washboard_Flabs} : I am 100% positive the audio has been edited. Shameful that they got to c-span as well.', ">>{forgeofgod} : >Very heavy on investment bankers and global corporation CEOs. you implied it by saying somehow they can't think and act on their behalf. You think they will only work for their own benefit. Here are Dimon's own words as food for thought: >I've gotten disturbed at some of the Democrats' anti-business behavior, the attacks on work ethic and successful people. I think it's very counterproductive. ... It doesn't mean I don't have their values. I want jobs. I want a more equitable society. I don't mind paying higher taxes. ... I do think we're our brother's keeper but I think that attacking that which creates all things, is not the right way to go about it. - >Zero small business owners even though small businesses create most of the new jobs in the US. I am sure there are a lot of qualified small business owners that can talk US fiscal policy. Care to name a single one that could talk about it as well as anyone on that list? >And zero renewable energy technology companies even though renewable energy represents the biggest economic opportunity of this century. First guy on the list runs a green tech VC firm. It's not contrived. Your outrage makes no sense.", '>>{GonzoNation} : Them too. Eric Burdon wrote it though - for the Animals.', '>>{TheUniversalMind} : I remember watching it live and hearing Sarah Silverman say "thank god they can fix this in post" lol.', '>>{Focus--Pocus} : How do you charge someone with trespassing in a public venue?', ">>{mafco} : > you implied it. I implied nothing of the sort. As I said, my concern is that investment bankers and global corporations aren't net job creators, and the investment banking sector's motives are suspect given past behavior. > I am sure there are a lot of qualified small business owners that can talk US fiscal policy. Care to name a single one that could talk about it as well as anyone on that list? It's supposed to be about job creation, not 'talking about fiscal policy'. Small businesses are the biggest net job creators in the US economy. > VC firm Investment firm. Financial sector. Which is wholly about enriching their clients, not job creation. You make my case. > It's not contrived. When you make shit up that the person didn't say for the sake of argument it's contrived. Nice try though.", '>>{joplaya} : Probably the only thing that will stop them at this point.', ">>{forgeofgod} : >I implied nothing of the sort. and >investment banking sector's motives are suspect given past behavior. I'll just leave this for others to read and make the judgment themselves. They can determine if what I am saying is contrived. Dimon is a guy that runs a company that employs 235,000 people. Said company is moving towards a $16.50 minimum wage. What the hell does it even mean that he is not a 'net job creator'. You couldn't name another company that has as many employees that has similar wages. >Investment firm. Financial sector. Which is wholly about enriching their clients, not job creation. You make my case. A VC firm invests in small businesses and grows them. They not only invest in the small businesses that you keep touting, they also help those small business grow bigger.", ">>{SoCalDawg} : Blurry images, especially faces & skin. Watercolor effect. Normal images looking like they were processed as Portrait mode. Based on how well Apple treated me today they know it's an issue. They even said tech thinks it's software. I agree. I made my case with similar images from an iPhone 6, 6S Plus & 7 Plus. They said they are sending my phone to engineers. Hoping OS resolves. I get some AMAZING photos with the 7+ and it blows away the 6 with colors but images of people are really bad. I didn't update the phone they gave me today to 10.2 to see how that does.", '>>{mr_fn_wonderful} : When the public venue - or whomever is in charge including those providing security - says "get the hell out", you leave. At least that\'s how it works in my state.', '>>{mafco} : > investment banking sector\'s motives are suspect given past behavior. Is a bit different than saying "everyone that is rich is evil" fyi. But go ahead and have an argument with your caricature if you\'d prefer. Just don\'t attribute things to me that I didn\'t say. It\'s incredibly dishonest and a lazy method of debating. > A VC firm invests in small businesses and grows them. Startups with the potential for high growth, not small businesses. And for the purpose reaping financial rewards, not creating jobs. The jobs are created by the entrepreneurs, not the financiers.', ">>{win_the_day_go_ducks} : You're not good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, people don't like you.", '>>{forgeofgod} : >Is a bit different than saying "everyone that is rich is evil" fyi. sure. your original statement included CEOs as well. don\'t forget them now. How many people are really left after that? >Startups with the potential for high growth, not small businesses. So now you want to claim start ups are not a small business? lol. seriously. Let\'s not give any credit to the guys taking time to invest in companies that will most likely fail. Let\'s only give it where /u/mafco feels is right.', ">>{mafco} : > your original statement included CEOs as well. don't forget them now. CEO's of multinational corporations. Again you change my words. And I explained why I included them. They aren't net job creators. Large corporations have laid off as many as they've hired in the last couple of decades. > So now you want to claim start ups are not a small business? lol. That's not what I said either. VC's limit themselves to high return startups, not small businesses [in general]. If I'd wanted to say the stupid things you attributed to me I would have just said them. > Let's not give any credit to the guys taking time to invest in companies that will most likely fail And I didn't say that either. You're batting 100%. I said the jobs are created by the entrepreneurs not the financiers. The VC's invest capital for a return on investment. They could care less how many jobs are created. I'm starting to wonder if you don't understand my points or if you just enjoy acting like a dishonest sanctimonious prick on an anonymous internet forum. Let me know if you want to discuss what I actually wrote instead of the twisted interpretation in your own mind.", ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : Al Franken was funny 20 years ago, that's about what the average person remembers and I don't blame them. He got into the Senate and then, um, yea. He's the first Comedian in Congress. Just like an astronaut!", ">>{forgeofgod} : > Startups with the potential for high growth, not small businesses. Your statement, not mine. >So now you want to claim start ups are not a small business? lol My statement. >That's not what I said either. VC's limit themselves to high return startups, not small businesses. You literally say it again after saying that's not what you are saying. How can you not understand something so basic. You are fucking saying it word for word. It's not dishonest. It's literally exactly what you are saying. >The jobs are created by the entrepreneurs, not the financiers. Not giving any credit in this statement. Literally 0, but you come back with this beauty. >And I didn't say that either. You're batting 100%. I said the jobs are created by the entrepreneurs not the financiers. The VC's invest capital for a return on investment. They could care less how many jobs are created. You literally give no credit once again. You think that going for a profit and trying to make the world a better place are mutually exclusive. They aren't and it's leading to completely bad assumptions. I am not twisting your words at all. You are saying these things.", ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : She has a couple funny lines but they're from Mr. Show around 1994.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Yes because that was a totally serious comment from someone who doesn't make jokes for a living.", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Franken is also so familiar with television that he knew there\'d be a 7 second delay, and only a few broadcasts picked him up going "look what you did!" to Sarah and shaking his head. The PBS broadcast I saw live skipped right over that little 5 second comment.', ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : It's the Odd Couple 2099! Can they both get along?!?!"]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{GonzoNation} : Bullshit. Franken got him several times. Who is paying for Gorsech?', '>>{Clintonistas4WallSt} : The main takeaway is that this is stolen seat and Gorsuch is illegitimate.', ">>{spacehogg} : The Judicial Crisis Network is involved & there's a threadbare link to Koch. Is that what your questioning here?", '>>{GonzoNation} : I want to know why they think they have to control.', '>>{billrariden} : The main takeaway is that Sen. Amy Klobuchar is the dumbest congressperson this side of Shelia Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi. WTF Minnesota? Al Franken and this dumb see you next Tuesday?', ">>{spacehogg} : Ah, 'cause the rich people always believe they're the smartest person in the room. The rich are way more involved in politics than the average person. They love entitlements and the rich know that the best entitlements are entitlements from the government. Also, that the best person to owe you money is the government!", ">>{GonzoNation} : > Ah, 'cause the rich people always believe they're the smartest person in the room. I would think - everyone believes they are. Or most people. But some of us believe in democracy and in the purpose of the US Constitution. I find this 'originalism' that Scalia touted to be without purpose and probably misleading away from purpose. The purposes are very clear.", '>>{spacehogg} : Idk, I felt much smarter after graduating HS than I did graduating college!', ">>{GonzoNation} : There was a song from the early 60s by the Animals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_I_Was_Young >When I was young, it was more important, Pain more painful, Laughter much louder, Yeah. >My faith was so much stronger then >I believed in fellow men >And I was so much older then >When I was young Of course - Eric Burdon wasn't very old then either.", ">>{spacehogg} : Ah, I believe that's also done by the Ramones!", '>>{GonzoNation} : Them too. Eric Burdon wrote it though - for the Animals.'], [">>{johnmountain} : Washington State Senator Wants To Turn First Amendment Activity Into 'Economic Terrorism'", ">>{jnr_77} : Relax. They won't do it. Pretty soon someone's going to point out to them that if they pass that, no one can protest outside Planned Parenthood anymore.", ">>{Focus--Pocus} : I'm torn on this one. On the one hand, Americans should have a right to protest and be heard On the other hand, I was in the MSP airport a year ago when black lives matter shut down an entire terminal, which was really disruptive to lots of innocent people and should not be allowed.", '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : Protests should be carried out in a way so as to not interfere with, or be noticed by citizenry in any way.', '>>{Focus--Pocus} : You do know it is possible to be heard without harming others right?', '>>{CaulkusAurelis} : I feel if I need to include an /s, then my sarcasm is lame. Sorry, I really was being sarcastic.', '>>{Focus--Pocus} : I understood you were being sarcastic , and responded to your intent . How did you not catch that?', ">>{CaulkusAurelis} : Sometimes it's tough to tell apart the people who are being deliberately stupid from those who are doing it naturally.", '>>{Focus--Pocus} : Ahh yes. There it is. Do you have anything relevant to the topic to say to me?', ">>{mr_fn_wonderful} : Here's the deal though: those protestors could've been arrested on trespass charges. Simple solution. They get what they want - publicity - the airport operation resumes. The problem with this legislation is that it would have a clear stifling effect on speech. It's also utterly unnecessary as there are undoubtedly other laws - the trespass I noted - that are more efficient and don't come with the baggage of other unforeseen consequences this would. It's pretty clear this guy is NOT a lawyer.", '>>{Focus--Pocus} : How do you charge someone with trespassing in a public venue?', '>>{joplaya} : Probably the only thing that will stop them at this point.', '>>{mr_fn_wonderful} : When the public venue - or whomever is in charge including those providing security - says "get the hell out", you leave. At least that\'s how it works in my state.'], ['>>{dunkeater} : Posting to ask for community feedback. Does this video have its sound altered, especially around Bernie chants? Original video on CSPAN: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4613361/senator-al-franken-sarah-silverman Check both videos @ 6:00, 6:23, 7:00, 7:50', '>>{bernieaccountess} : yes the youtube video seems very muted you can tell differences at the 5:55 mark on youtube and the 6:00 mark of the cspan video', '>>{bernieaccountess} : its a shame her speech was actually pretty good. my favorite part tho is her face 6:26 you can tell she really didn\'t want to say it. (but again you can tell what the party wanted: she was wanting them to chant "unity". he was "hillary"', '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : Umm, both are relatively famous comedians. And Franken is Senator.', ">>{guiltyofnothing} : One's a sitting senator. The other is a famous comedian. Keep trying.", ">>{AllHailKingJeb} : Silverman is a burned out racist hack. She's basically a modern Andrew Dice Clay.", ">>{dafragsta} : They are both famous comedians. Al Franken just doesn't do that anymore. I do love how Al Franken is there holding an invisible leash in case Sarah goes rebel for Bernie. That whole fucking exchange made me hate both of them. Sarah Silverman started off for Hillary, then went to Bernie, and then back to Hillary like flipping a switch.", '>>{GrumpyBearBank} : If true, none of that changes the fact that she is a relatively famous comedian.', '>>{Washboard_Flabs} : I am 100% positive the audio has been edited. Shameful that they got to c-span as well.', '>>{TheUniversalMind} : I remember watching it live and hearing Sarah Silverman say "thank god they can fix this in post" lol.', ">>{win_the_day_go_ducks} : You're not good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, people don't like you.", ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : Al Franken was funny 20 years ago, that's about what the average person remembers and I don't blame them. He got into the Senate and then, um, yea. He's the first Comedian in Congress. Just like an astronaut!", ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : She has a couple funny lines but they're from Mr. Show around 1994.", ">>{yeahsureYnot} : Yes because that was a totally serious comment from someone who doesn't make jokes for a living.", '>>{Muh_Condishuns} : Franken is also so familiar with television that he knew there\'d be a 7 second delay, and only a few broadcasts picked him up going "look what you did!" to Sarah and shaking his head. The PBS broadcast I saw live skipped right over that little 5 second comment.', ">>{Muh_Condishuns} : It's the Odd Couple 2099! Can they both get along?!?!"], ['>>{GeorgeBushIsIsis} : iPhone 6S Plus or iPhone 7 Plus, switching from android?', '>>{juantalamera} : 7 plus ... faster everything and dual camera so portrait mode.', '>>{Martincbk} : I just did the switch from a nexus 6p to a 6s plus and could not be happier! This phone is super fast and the battery is awesome, especially it feels more reliable, the drain is the same every day. No bad and good days like android has.', '>>{GeorgeBushIsIsis} : When did you switch? If it was before the 7, has your 6S plus slowed down at all?', ">>{mayaisme} : Not op, but I've had mine since feb last year and it still runs as good as day one. No lag and battery is still stellar. It's a good choice if you want to save a bit extra money", ">>{Martincbk} : I just got the 6s+ this friday :) Actually I bought it used just because of the very large price difference to the 7+, here in Sweden it would be 2x the money to get a used 7+ and probably 2.5x to ge a new base line model. I have the 64gb version and it is very fast, keeps apps in memory for a long time and hasn't stuttered once! The A9 chip is very good, however the recent switch to 4 cores with the A10 is a step in the right direction. Although since all apps have been optimized for 2 core usage for such a long time, the real world usage is negligible. Some speed tests on youtube even show the 6s+ beeing a bit speedier in certain applications. So as I reasoned what I would be paying roughly 2x the money for is only a better camera. The maybe superior preformance in the latest 3d games do not interest me, and I can not for the life of me understand everyone's craving for water resistance, has never been a problem for me.", '>>{TheLonelyRedPanda} : I switched from android too and I went for a 7 plus. The dual camera and A10 fusion chip was too much too pass up', '>>{360langford} : I was you about 3 weeks ago my 6p was dying at 25% as no amount of factory resets was doing anything so bought a 6s plus for ~£400 and I love it', '>>{Iammattieee} : Just made the switch from a lg G3 to a Apple refurbished iPhone 6s Plus 64gb for $589. Thing is practically new with a new casing, battery, and screen. Also came with a 1 year warranty from Apple. This thing is snappy and the battery life is insane. I average about 9-10 hours of screen on time and 34 hours on a single charge.', '>>{taboo007} : Doing the same (from V20) and going with the 7 plus. I always recommend the latest version of iPhone just because of longevity reasons, and if you have the note 4 then this will last as long or longer.', ">>{SoCalDawg} : Loved my 6S+. Upgraded early as part of upgrade program to 7+ and now about to be oh my 3rd 7+ due to camera issues. If I wasn't in the upgrade program I would go back to 6S+ I think. Hell, if this soon to be third 7+ has camera issues I may do it anyway for a year. I am not seeing major speed differences in the 7+ & 6S Plus. Yes, faster but not crazy difference. 7+ speakers are nice. The 6S Plus/6S is a great phone.", ">>{JKCIO} : I just got a 7+ yesterday. I didn't have android but had the iPhone 5s. Still getting used to this huge screen but so far it's crazy fast and the sound and screen are fantastic.", ">>{SoCalDawg} : Blurry images, especially faces & skin. Watercolor effect. Normal images looking like they were processed as Portrait mode. Based on how well Apple treated me today they know it's an issue. They even said tech thinks it's software. I agree. I made my case with similar images from an iPhone 6, 6S Plus & 7 Plus. They said they are sending my phone to engineers. Hoping OS resolves. I get some AMAZING photos with the 7+ and it blows away the 6 with colors but images of people are really bad. I didn't update the phone they gave me today to 10.2 to see how that does."], ['>>{mafco} : Trump Panel Of Advisers On Job Creation Includes Jamie Dimon, GM CEO', ">>{mafco} : This is worrisome. Very heavy on investment bankers and global corporation CEOs. Zero small business owners even though small businesses create most of the new jobs in the US. And zero renewable energy technology companies even though renewable energy represents the biggest economic opportunity of this century. Trump's cabinet and adviser picks continue to disappoint.", '>>{rossco9} : Poor headline writing, makes it seem like Jamie Dimon is the CEO of GM.', '>>{letdogsvote} : Well, you know, the only way to MAGA is get rid of all the taxes and regulation so Job Creators^tm can have all the money.', '>>{Cindernubblebutt} : How would you prevent someone like you from becoming rich at the expense of everyone else?', ">>{forgeofgod} : No it's not. Stop it. These guys employ a lot of people in good paying jobs. Not everyone that is rich is evil and it's time to move past that narrative. Just as an FYI, both Barra and Dimon are democrats.", '>>{mafco} : You infer a lot that I neither said nor implied. I was commenting on the sectors missing on the panel and my concern about investment bankers are that they are not big employers yet their influence played a significant role in crashing the economy in 2008. > Just as an FYI, both Barra and Dimon are democrats. And I said nothing about political affiliation either. Nice contrived arguments though.', ">>{forgeofgod} : >Very heavy on investment bankers and global corporation CEOs. you implied it by saying somehow they can't think and act on their behalf. You think they will only work for their own benefit. Here are Dimon's own words as food for thought: >I've gotten disturbed at some of the Democrats' anti-business behavior, the attacks on work ethic and successful people. I think it's very counterproductive. ... It doesn't mean I don't have their values. I want jobs. I want a more equitable society. I don't mind paying higher taxes. ... I do think we're our brother's keeper but I think that attacking that which creates all things, is not the right way to go about it. - >Zero small business owners even though small businesses create most of the new jobs in the US. I am sure there are a lot of qualified small business owners that can talk US fiscal policy. Care to name a single one that could talk about it as well as anyone on that list? >And zero renewable energy technology companies even though renewable energy represents the biggest economic opportunity of this century. First guy on the list runs a green tech VC firm. It's not contrived. Your outrage makes no sense.", ">>{mafco} : > you implied it. I implied nothing of the sort. As I said, my concern is that investment bankers and global corporations aren't net job creators, and the investment banking sector's motives are suspect given past behavior. > I am sure there are a lot of qualified small business owners that can talk US fiscal policy. Care to name a single one that could talk about it as well as anyone on that list? It's supposed to be about job creation, not 'talking about fiscal policy'. Small businesses are the biggest net job creators in the US economy. > VC firm Investment firm. Financial sector. Which is wholly about enriching their clients, not job creation. You make my case. > It's not contrived. When you make shit up that the person didn't say for the sake of argument it's contrived. Nice try though.", ">>{forgeofgod} : >I implied nothing of the sort. and >investment banking sector's motives are suspect given past behavior. I'll just leave this for others to read and make the judgment themselves. They can determine if what I am saying is contrived. Dimon is a guy that runs a company that employs 235,000 people. Said company is moving towards a $16.50 minimum wage. What the hell does it even mean that he is not a 'net job creator'. You couldn't name another company that has as many employees that has similar wages. >Investment firm. Financial sector. Which is wholly about enriching their clients, not job creation. You make my case. A VC firm invests in small businesses and grows them. They not only invest in the small businesses that you keep touting, they also help those small business grow bigger.", '>>{mafco} : > investment banking sector\'s motives are suspect given past behavior. Is a bit different than saying "everyone that is rich is evil" fyi. But go ahead and have an argument with your caricature if you\'d prefer. Just don\'t attribute things to me that I didn\'t say. It\'s incredibly dishonest and a lazy method of debating. > A VC firm invests in small businesses and grows them. Startups with the potential for high growth, not small businesses. And for the purpose reaping financial rewards, not creating jobs. The jobs are created by the entrepreneurs, not the financiers.', '>>{forgeofgod} : >Is a bit different than saying "everyone that is rich is evil" fyi. sure. your original statement included CEOs as well. don\'t forget them now. How many people are really left after that? >Startups with the potential for high growth, not small businesses. So now you want to claim start ups are not a small business? lol. seriously. Let\'s not give any credit to the guys taking time to invest in companies that will most likely fail. Let\'s only give it where /u/mafco feels is right.', ">>{mafco} : > your original statement included CEOs as well. don't forget them now. CEO's of multinational corporations. Again you change my words. And I explained why I included them. They aren't net job creators. Large corporations have laid off as many as they've hired in the last couple of decades. > So now you want to claim start ups are not a small business? lol. That's not what I said either. VC's limit themselves to high return startups, not small businesses [in general]. If I'd wanted to say the stupid things you attributed to me I would have just said them. > Let's not give any credit to the guys taking time to invest in companies that will most likely fail And I didn't say that either. You're batting 100%. I said the jobs are created by the entrepreneurs not the financiers. The VC's invest capital for a return on investment. They could care less how many jobs are created. I'm starting to wonder if you don't understand my points or if you just enjoy acting like a dishonest sanctimonious prick on an anonymous internet forum. Let me know if you want to discuss what I actually wrote instead of the twisted interpretation in your own mind.", ">>{forgeofgod} : > Startups with the potential for high growth, not small businesses. Your statement, not mine. >So now you want to claim start ups are not a small business? lol My statement. >That's not what I said either. VC's limit themselves to high return startups, not small businesses. You literally say it again after saying that's not what you are saying. How can you not understand something so basic. You are fucking saying it word for word. It's not dishonest. It's literally exactly what you are saying. >The jobs are created by the entrepreneurs, not the financiers. Not giving any credit in this statement. Literally 0, but you come back with this beauty. >And I didn't say that either. You're batting 100%. I said the jobs are created by the entrepreneurs not the financiers. The VC's invest capital for a return on investment. They could care less how many jobs are created. You literally give no credit once again. You think that going for a profit and trying to make the world a better place are mutually exclusive. They aren't and it's leading to completely bad assumptions. I am not twisting your words at all. You are saying these things."]]
classify and reply
['>>{mayaisme} : What is this icon change feature you speak of?', ">>{CarmineFields} : Please stop. I love Bernie but it just ain't happening.", ">>{coffeespeaking} : Trump: I have 'great confidence' in Christie despite Bridgegate trial", '>>{Jump_Yossarian} : So Clinton is corrupt but Christie gets the thumbs up? In Trumpland that makes perfect sense.', ">>{Digit-Aria} : Many CA counties have yet to count provisional ballots. It'll be close, but probably not a win.", '>>{Holmes02} : But to get a head start on letting a real conservative be president, Trump investigations have begun.', '>>{kmallon12} : Clinton has been winning the late returns 52 to 48, and still leads by double digits overall. Sanders is not going to win CA.', '>>{Brad_Wesley} : >hat means Clinton is taking away 269 delegates to Sanders’ 206 delegates. Supporters of Sanders were confused by this outcome, when early exit polls of absentee ballots gave the edge to Sanders. How do you exit-poll absentee ballots?', '>>{TrizzaElemental} : You can change icons now in 10.3, but it has to be done by the developer. So far the biggest uses have been the MLB at bat and NHL apps. You can choose a team logo under settings.', '>>{woofwoofwoof} : >Will Sanders win California. No. For the following three reasons: Reason 1 - There are more Clinton voters. Reason 2 - There are less Sanders voters. Reason 3 - See reasons 1 & 2.', ">>{toekknow} : He **has** to have tremendous confidence in Christie. Otherwise he doesn't get his daily Big Mac hand delivered. Sad!", '>>{mike_gainor} : Where do you find the time, with the Trump University fraud case, his fraudulent charity, his sexual assault accusations, etc.', '>>{IfIKnewThen} : Of course he does. He only supports the best kind of corruption.', '>>{linxdev} : This is quickly turning into a "nothing to see here folks" ordeal. Not like corruption, but more like there is nothing to really see here. "Here is your new boss. Same as the old boss."', '>>{Adam_Nox} : I think Christie saw the writing on the wall a while back. Maybe Trump offered him a pardon if he wins.', '>>{fetchingmorbid} : In other news Trump told reporters later that day, "You know, that guy Satan really is a tremendous guy. He gets a bad rap but look at his track record. That guy gets things done."', '>>{ksarizona} : If you voted provisionally or by mail, you can check on the status of your ballot at: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ballot-status/ "Because of concerns of election fraud, Bernie Sanders supporters are volunteering to help make sure that every vote counts. These volunteers will observe mail-in and provisional ballots as they are counted." To volunteer to observe: http://ballotsforbernie.org', ">>{FunkyTown313} : Do you watch Lucifer? I think I might agree with that statement if it's an accurate portrayal.", '>>{space_goat} : Top headline on /r/politics on November 5, 2016: Could The Presidency Flip for Bernie Sanders?', ">>{democratichorror} : She lost, so let's hope the GOP doesn't see Hillary as a threat anymore.", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : >Could An Enormous Flying Reptile Attack Los Angeles? FTFY', '>>{mrb2011} : Is it possible for developers to change the logo based on real-time information? For example, I can imagine a weather app showing the weather condition and temperature as the logo', '>>{crisss1205} : No. Apple is strict when it comes to changing the icon. It specifically has to be user set and approved for an icon change.', '>>{FunkyTown313} : Well given that Trump has a rape case pending regarding an underage girl, I think hypocrisy on that side of the aisle is pretty clear.', ">>{mrb2011} : Ah, that's a shame. It would've been cool to have that! Thanks for answering", '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : I like your sense of humor. Also your ability to predict future events.', '>>{EsmeAlaki} : They will have to get in line. First they have to deal with the 75 civil suits pending against him, starting with the RICO Trump U. case.', '>>{NorbertDupner} : Of course not, the fools chanting "lock her up" were just that.', ">>{whitemest} : Wait, suddenly they're don't care anymore??? It's almost as if the investigations which turned up nothing was merely bullshit paid for on taxpayers dimes.. I'm sure the gop is more mature than that though, right? *right?*", '>>{Anomaj} : Almost as if the Clinton investigation was completely politically motivated...', '>>{TrizzaElemental} : No. The icons cannot be dynamic and require user input to make the change. Cannot be a background change. This is to avoid apps from changing to fraud icons like a facebook or bank app and asking for your password.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : I haven\'t watched it. But I do enjoy "Lucy Daughter of the Devil" on Adult Swim.', ">>{LastRedCoat} : I'd watch that. Does it star The Rock?", ">>{redfiz} : Not mathematically possible any longer, there simply aren't enough uncounted ballots to make up the huge difference between them. And even if he did eek out a victory, it wouldn't matter, he'd still be down hundreds of pledged delegates anyways. Sanders should concede the state, but he is incapable of conceding because optimizes the worst of America, the narcissism and selfishness that man possess as normal trait is second to none. The anger for all those who do not bend over to him is terrifying. Sanders has never conceded a single contest, even when it was a massive landslide he refuses to congratulate Clinton for anything. Even being the first woman to ever win the nomination of a major political party, the selfish old coot couldn't say a single thing about it. Sanders is a terrible evil human being. Enjoy the monster you create. Tea party of the left.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : They call them and ask them who they voted for.', ">>{montydad5000} : Haven't seen anything like that yet, but you can use the Fahrenheit app, which will show the current temperature as a badge alert. I use it all the time.", '>>{wolftray} : probably not, but like, anything is possible?', ">>{tsdguy} : It's a security feature. If apps could change icons dynamically then they could easily impersonate other apps for malware purposes. You can watch this happen soon with the next release of Android (as if it needed any more security issues).", '>>{tsdguy} : This is completely different. Apps can change the icon appearance with a preselected and Apple approved list of icons.', '>>{IrishJoe} : Trump: He holds my coat. He runs out and gets me Big Macs when I tell him to. I have yuuge confidence in him bigly!', ">>{tsdguy} : I don't know pitch. Does this icon change have any functional purpose?", '>>{LittlefingerVulgar} : Of course. Like I said time and time before. The minute she loses, all investigations stop and we\'ll never hear about them ever again. Just like how Benghazi was 100% Obama\'s fault until he won. Literally the day after, Benghazi became 100% Hillary\'s fault. Congratulations, "Hillary is Corrupt!" people. You got played. There never were crimes, the investigations were witch hunts and now that they\'ve served their purpose (depressing Democratic turnout during the elections), they\'re over and done with. Ya\'ll got played.', '>>{BerningSandals} : True, it is always pathetic when voters want to, you know, *actually vote*.', ">>{FunkyTown313} : But where's muh justice? Come on GOP don't you just have a super hard justice boner for crooked Hillary? Don't you want to thrust it into the wet vaginal canal of justice? Or is it really just that you didn't care about Clinton and were just being assholes.", '>>{IrishJoe} : Maybe it was drained and Christie was left wallowing in the muddy bank.', ">>{Circumin} : Don't worry. We will see more congressional and FBI investigations as soon as another democratic politician becomes nationally popular and exhibits presidential ambitions.", '>>{IrishJoe} : Great leader Lucifer. I wish we had such leadership in this country. - Orange Man', ">>{Just_For_Da_Lulz} : It's just a repeat of Pence and Hillary's votes on the Iraq war: an explicit Trumpian double standard.", ">>{dermotBlancmonge} : the circles Donald travels in would strongly disapprove of him locking up Hillary And they're the only people he cares about", '>>{BerningSandals} : This [article on election fraud](http://caucus99percent.com/content/election-fraud-study-authors-respond-critics) is relevant. A scientific research into the discrepancies in this election.', ">>{montydad5000} : I understand that, but the poster above was asking if there was a way to dynamically display the temperature. While Apple isn't allowing this to be done with the icon, it CAN be done using the badge alert.", ">>{tsdguy} : Weather temp sure but the post also says weather conditions which isn't possible. Even temp with negative numbers is not possible without some gymnastics. Apps that want to change the badge have to open a dialog box and get approval from the user to change the icon. That wouldn't be feasible for a dynamic situation like weather conditions. It's more for badging. If the app was allows to make the icon assume any image then malware could easily introduce an icon that looked like someone elses apps.", '>>{themiDdlest} : I was just thinking about this today. Really... Can you imagine the POTUS in a rape trial or convicted of rape? How have we came to this point?', ">>{jordan777er} : Nothing to do with the matter at hand I guess, but thank you for posting this! I'd never heard of Pitch, but it looks like good app for ear training, excited to use it.", '>>{suomyn0na} : Clearly not. It just matches the theme of the app. White or black', ">>{themiDdlest} : There's a tiny part of me that wants to be able to observe a parallel universe where Trump wins, because the train wreck would just be so entertaining", '>>{dermotBlancmonge} : Lets face it these were trumped up charges to begin with', ">>{urfriendosvendo} : Ha, I love this. If Trump were to continue to investigate Hillary, he'd be an asshole. Now that he's not, he's an asshole. You guys don't know which way is up right now, huh?", ">>{whitemest} : YUP. For years I had this argument how Obama was at fault for benghazi. After he won it suddenly became hillarys scar on her record and Obama was just the potus, he wouldn't have control of that.", ">>{MrLister} : Actually Clinton started at 55.8% and is now at 54.9% while Sanders started at 43.2% and is now at 44.1% That said, I don't think he'll make enough to overcome that margin, but it would be fascinating if he did.", '>>{BerniesARealAmerican} : Going so far as to say Hillary Clinton was popular might be a bit much.', '>>{GaryGnu1979} : Oh everyone on /r/politics has the ability to predict the future. Right now all the mystics are predicting the FBI will help select Sanders.', ">>{ThouHastLostAn8th} : The point is, as long as the majority of newly counted votes lean Hillary, no matter how small the margin, while the percentage difference between the candidates may narrow, the actual vote total difference is getting bigger. In other words, he's currently further away from winning the state than the morning after the primary (when he was behind ~400K votes).", ">>{n0xz} : It's only 100%... reported and Sanders is gaining fast on Hillary. Give it a few months until 1000% are reported.. He'll win and makes Hillary non viable in CA.", ">>{cd411} : Well, you see, the thing about Trump is....He is an asshole either way. Don't take my word for it, [take it from Donald himself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKFIHRpe7I&t=0m20s)", '>>{HarlanCedeno} : Oh yeah, been a while since we heard about that one.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : All the people who wanted her scalp just got fucked by the people they voted for.', ">>{HarlanCedeno} : This is on Congress, not Trump. If they will only investigate Hillary when she represents a threat to get elected, then it doesn't do much for the credibility of the accusations.", '>>{kdeff} : So...the whole thing was just a distraction?', '>>{lyth} : I actually disagree with "should concede" Voting isn\'t euchre. The principle of the matter is that every single vote matters, every sine vote should be respected, and every single vote should be counted. To concede is to say "those votes don\'t matter" I understand that current ongoing narrative is "the polite thing to do" is to concede, but I also am not totally bothered by just letting the whole process play out. I can see where it\'s roughly going to net out, I accept what the upcoming outcome is likely going to be, I understand statistical sampling and the fact that we\'ve crossed the n > 30 barrier for statistical sampling. Counting all the votes is the most respectful thing you can do. People throughout history have died for the right for those votes. I\'m really ok with Bernie staying in until every single vote is counted.', ">>{billthomson} : Like every other Trump policy, it seems to have been BS. What a shock. No Hillary investigation. No Wall. No repeal of Obamacare. Almost like they were just appealing to people's worst instincts.", ">>{zoidboix} : I'm pretty sure Ecuador pissed off most of it's neighbors because of Julian.", '>>{zoidboix} : [She held bipartisan popularity](http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/hillary-clinton-favorable-rating)... until the GOP started the Benghazi witchhunt', ">>{ashstronge} : I don't think dropping out is saying those uncounted votes don't matter- it is simply an acknowledgement that there aren't enough votes left uncounted to realistically flip California, and even with that, flipping California doesn't impact the final result much.", '>>{urfriendosvendo} : Yeah, I agree. I bet Trey Gowdy is going to continue.', ">>{HarlanCedeno} : Not without Ryan's approval. Now Trump *did* say that he would have his attorney general investigate Clinton and she would end up in jail. Whether he keeps his word on that, time will tell.", ">>{reasonably_plausible} : >Actually Clinton started at 55.8% and is now at 54.9% while Sanders started at 43.2% and is now at 44.1% Which doesn't contradict what he said...", ">>{reasonably_plausible} : They didn't call them, they sent them an email link to a survey.", '>>{smithcm14} : Almost magical how low of a priority jailing Hillary is now since she is no longer in the way of the GOP. As if Republcians only cared about criminalizing Hillary if it caused her favorability polling to dip. I wonder if her investigations would be relevant had she won and the pre-impeach impeachment process was underway.', '>>{Julythisyear} : Honest q: if she is winning late returns, how can her lead have shrunk?', '>>{janethefish} : Yup. The democrats need to be prepared for this. I think its very likely their 2020 presidential candidate will be arrested.', ">>{kms7941} : Because she's winning them by less of a margin than she won the originals. Apologies in advance if the formatting is bad, I'm on mobile. Let's say that there were 5 million votes counted on the 7th, and that now there are two million extra that have been counted (both completely arbitrary). If Hillary won 55.8% of the 5 million, she'd have 2,790,000 votes, and Bernie would have 2,210,000 votes. Now let's say she had 52% of the 2 million, she'd have 1,040,000 votes, and Bernie would have 960,000. Now if we add the, up, after counting the extra votes, Hillary had 3,830,000 votes, and Bernie would have 3,170,000 votes. 3,830,000/7,000,000 is around .547, or 54.7%. So even though Hillary would be winning the late counted votes too, her margin would be shrinking.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : I\'m waiting for them to bring back the House Un-American Activities Committee (v2.0) to investigate "subversive" activities like protesting Trump, or criticizing Trump, or writing a mean news article or blog post about Trump, or generally disagreeing with Trump, or not kissing Trump\'s ass *just* right.', ">>{sartori_tangier} : What difference would it make? The race is over, and Hillary won. The fact that you people can't accept this just shows how deluded you are. The fact that Bernie can't accept it just shows what a douche bag he is. I used to have a lot of respect for Sanders, but that respect is gone. I wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher.", ">>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : > Come on GOP don't you just have a super hard justice boner for crooked Hillary? I believe if you have a justice boner for more than four years you're supposed to call your doctor immediately.", ">>{TimothyN} : The methodology there is awful and I think as a source it's unreliable.", '>>{Julythisyear} : Wow, I am thicker than a castle wall. Thanks', '>>{kms7941} : No worries I get where you were coming from.', '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : Again. They should probably get used to that.', '>>{LucksRunOut} : I guess the GOP really does like their publicly funded campaigns.', ">>{DuckSledge} : I think you'll find that South America stands pretty united against the US. Only Brazil seem to be slipping back into the Monroe doctrine. Obama/Clinton was not as kind to South America as Bush was. 2 military coups, 1 political coup, all 3 sponsored by US interests/state. Venezuela on the brink of collapse and starvation due to US sanctions. Argentina defaulted, etc. Also I'm pretty sure Evo Morales is still pretty pissed that they broke international law when they grounded his plane and searched it for Assange.", ">>{zoidboix} : Disagree. South America is getting hurt so badly by the commodity crisis. Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile rely so much on either oil, agriculture, or metals and all those commodities ocollapsed in 2014. So their economies are experiencing tepid growth if any. Second, Venezuela has only itself to blame for the crisis and its neighboring countries know it. Their economic/fiscal was entirely dependent on oil. There was no concern for diversification. So they view Maduro's crackdown as brutal and trying to prevent the inevitable. Argentina? They had a staunch anti US leftist for a decade. She was replaced with a pro business president who wants better ties to the US. Obama and him met this year in Buenos Aires, I believe. They technically defaulted but that issue will be resolved. And Ecuador is currently facing economic issues because it depended so much on Venezuela. And even President Morales said he would prefer Clinton, in spite of her history. The fact that Ecuador cut off Julian's internet access should have been a huge clue that they were having buyer's regret. So yeah, all these South American economies are barely progressing and the last thing they wanted was a Trump presidency and the extra risk to trade that creates.", ">>{WilyDoppelganger} : There are more than three hundred million Americans. There just isn't time to ruin their lives one by one.", ">>{iizkaraa} : Are you serious? Shouldn't you be mad he's not pursuing it, then? Or are you determined to be happy with whatever he does?", ">>{PotluckPony} : >you mean it's not just a coincidence wikileaks has stopped releasing stuff since the election ended? They're still releasing stuff, so this is just incorrect. Edit: I just checked their twitter to make sure I wasn't talking out my ass. They are in fact still releasing information after the election. But I'm sure if you downvote my comment more, you can change reality. I guess Novermber 9th doesn't count as after the election, to some people: https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/796470682880249856", ">>{urfriendosvendo} : Honestly, I though Comey was right the first time. I don't have to be related to a party to have an opinion. I can do that on my own. You should try it; it's great.", '>>{Obiwontaun} : Why would there be? It was never about justice, it was about destroying Clinton. Mission accomplished.', ">>{HonoredPeople} : Pursuing Hillary's fake corruption only serves to remind the people that there is corruption. The republicans didn't just use all of this for just witchhunts. Now they want to remove the image of corruption for themselves, so that they can put their people in place. If they continue to hound Hillary it will only serve to remind the American people.", '>>{Circumin} : She was, actually, until republicans did their thing. About 65% popularity until the propaganda machine started up again. You can literally see the effect in action at a graph on this page http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/may/22/hillary-clinton/hillary-clintons-approval-rating-secretary-state-w/', ">>{moose_cahoots} : Wow. Only a few days and he's already breaking promises.", ">>{BerniesARealAmerican} : You're right she was trustworthy, well liked, imbued voters with enthusiasm and she was an all around fantastic candidate /s", '>>{EsmeAlaki} : Are you referring to DJT? This is from the house majority leader, Kevin McCarthy, not from Trump, and it refers to the house investigations. Trump may still try to get HRC prosecuted by DOJ/FBI, but that is looking pretty unlikely too.', ">>{EsmeAlaki} : Let's hope so. Irrespective of political leanings, I think everyone is tired of the endless investigations into the same facts.", '>>{EsmeAlaki} : I agree, but there are still a lot of people who want her prosecuted into prison, or persecuted into oblivion.', ">>{EsmeAlaki} : You may be right, but this particular quote is from the house majority leader Kevin McCarthy, not from DJT. Trump may yet pursue charges against HRC, but that's looking pretty unlikely also.", '>>{EsmeAlaki} : It was never about justice, it was always about political vengeance.', '>>{EsmeAlaki} : Not saying that DJT is NOT an A-hole, but this is about the house of representatives deciding not to have a 10th investigation of the exact same facts as the last 9. This was always about stopping her political ambitions, not about justice. DJT may yet try to move on her through the DOJ after he is sworn in.', '>>{senatorpjt} : There\'s really no point now. When all the pro-Hillary people were saying "b..b..but Colin Powell" the counterargument always was that Powell wasn\'t running for office. Now that Hillary\'s career is over, there\'s no more damage that she can do. It\'s like when prisoners get early released because they\'re so old that they can\'t do any more harm if they wanted to. I\'d still like Obama to give her a pardon to put an end to it once and for all, both any chance of her resurfacing or a dragged out prosecution.', '>>{liam_l25} : I don\'t get the "/s" tag. She was, that wasn\'t a lie. Clinton had a very high approval rating post-campaign in 2008. It was after there was news about her potentially running in 2016, that the Republican machine brought out all of her background. That doesn\'t say I think she had no faults, its just she was liked until early 2013/late 2012', ">>{EsmeAlaki} : While that makes perfect sene politically, the GOP had always insisted that this is all about justice, not about political sabotage. As pretty much everyone, except the hyper partisan operatives, knew all along, this was a complete lie and the whole purpose was to shamelessly exploit the tragic death of our brave diplomats to torpedo HRC's political future, and nothing else, at least starting with investigation #2 of 9.", ">>{liam_l25} : Mr. Chafe-itz has always been a bit of a scumbag. He used a [specific chart to](http://static.politifact.com.s3.amazonaws.com/politifact/photos/mega-center-release-graphic.jpg) try and entrap a PP person testifying in front of committee. [Whoops, that didn't work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGlLLzw5_KM) It is no surprise to me he was planning on lying to ensure Hillary's time in office would be kept infront of tribunal.", ">>{frontierparty} : They're saving that for the end of 2017 when civil unrest grows and stocks start crashing so they have a red herring to point to.", '>>{innervision} : Actually, as much as I hate to admit it, Argentina is basically under a puppet government right now, with an insane amount of parallels to the current situation in the US.', '>>{Slampumpthejam} : She got more votes than anyone in history save Obama', ">>{WhatIsPants} : They grabbed her by the electoral p---- and figure that's okay, just so long as she knows who's boss. /sardonic", '>>{senatorpjt} : I suppose one could argue that with her career over, justice has been served. I feel like losing this election is more of a punishment for Hillary than a few years in jail would be.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{CarmineFields} : Please stop. I love Bernie but it just ain't happening.", ">>{Digit-Aria} : Many CA counties have yet to count provisional ballots. It'll be close, but probably not a win.", '>>{kmallon12} : Clinton has been winning the late returns 52 to 48, and still leads by double digits overall. Sanders is not going to win CA.', '>>{Brad_Wesley} : >hat means Clinton is taking away 269 delegates to Sanders’ 206 delegates. Supporters of Sanders were confused by this outcome, when early exit polls of absentee ballots gave the edge to Sanders. How do you exit-poll absentee ballots?', '>>{woofwoofwoof} : >Will Sanders win California. No. For the following three reasons: Reason 1 - There are more Clinton voters. Reason 2 - There are less Sanders voters. Reason 3 - See reasons 1 & 2.', '>>{ksarizona} : If you voted provisionally or by mail, you can check on the status of your ballot at: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/ballot-status/ "Because of concerns of election fraud, Bernie Sanders supporters are volunteering to help make sure that every vote counts. These volunteers will observe mail-in and provisional ballots as they are counted." To volunteer to observe: http://ballotsforbernie.org', '>>{space_goat} : Top headline on /r/politics on November 5, 2016: Could The Presidency Flip for Bernie Sanders?', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : >Could An Enormous Flying Reptile Attack Los Angeles? FTFY', '>>{pissbum-emeritus} : I like your sense of humor. Also your ability to predict future events.', ">>{LastRedCoat} : I'd watch that. Does it star The Rock?", ">>{redfiz} : Not mathematically possible any longer, there simply aren't enough uncounted ballots to make up the huge difference between them. And even if he did eek out a victory, it wouldn't matter, he'd still be down hundreds of pledged delegates anyways. Sanders should concede the state, but he is incapable of conceding because optimizes the worst of America, the narcissism and selfishness that man possess as normal trait is second to none. The anger for all those who do not bend over to him is terrifying. Sanders has never conceded a single contest, even when it was a massive landslide he refuses to congratulate Clinton for anything. Even being the first woman to ever win the nomination of a major political party, the selfish old coot couldn't say a single thing about it. Sanders is a terrible evil human being. Enjoy the monster you create. Tea party of the left.", '>>{gaeuvyen} : They call them and ask them who they voted for.', '>>{wolftray} : probably not, but like, anything is possible?', '>>{BerningSandals} : True, it is always pathetic when voters want to, you know, *actually vote*.', '>>{BerningSandals} : This [article on election fraud](http://caucus99percent.com/content/election-fraud-study-authors-respond-critics) is relevant. A scientific research into the discrepancies in this election.', ">>{MrLister} : Actually Clinton started at 55.8% and is now at 54.9% while Sanders started at 43.2% and is now at 44.1% That said, I don't think he'll make enough to overcome that margin, but it would be fascinating if he did.", '>>{GaryGnu1979} : Oh everyone on /r/politics has the ability to predict the future. Right now all the mystics are predicting the FBI will help select Sanders.', ">>{ThouHastLostAn8th} : The point is, as long as the majority of newly counted votes lean Hillary, no matter how small the margin, while the percentage difference between the candidates may narrow, the actual vote total difference is getting bigger. In other words, he's currently further away from winning the state than the morning after the primary (when he was behind ~400K votes).", ">>{n0xz} : It's only 100%... reported and Sanders is gaining fast on Hillary. Give it a few months until 1000% are reported.. He'll win and makes Hillary non viable in CA.", '>>{lyth} : I actually disagree with "should concede" Voting isn\'t euchre. The principle of the matter is that every single vote matters, every sine vote should be respected, and every single vote should be counted. To concede is to say "those votes don\'t matter" I understand that current ongoing narrative is "the polite thing to do" is to concede, but I also am not totally bothered by just letting the whole process play out. I can see where it\'s roughly going to net out, I accept what the upcoming outcome is likely going to be, I understand statistical sampling and the fact that we\'ve crossed the n > 30 barrier for statistical sampling. Counting all the votes is the most respectful thing you can do. People throughout history have died for the right for those votes. I\'m really ok with Bernie staying in until every single vote is counted.', ">>{ashstronge} : I don't think dropping out is saying those uncounted votes don't matter- it is simply an acknowledgement that there aren't enough votes left uncounted to realistically flip California, and even with that, flipping California doesn't impact the final result much.", ">>{reasonably_plausible} : >Actually Clinton started at 55.8% and is now at 54.9% while Sanders started at 43.2% and is now at 44.1% Which doesn't contradict what he said...", ">>{reasonably_plausible} : They didn't call them, they sent them an email link to a survey.", '>>{Julythisyear} : Honest q: if she is winning late returns, how can her lead have shrunk?', ">>{kms7941} : Because she's winning them by less of a margin than she won the originals. Apologies in advance if the formatting is bad, I'm on mobile. Let's say that there were 5 million votes counted on the 7th, and that now there are two million extra that have been counted (both completely arbitrary). If Hillary won 55.8% of the 5 million, she'd have 2,790,000 votes, and Bernie would have 2,210,000 votes. Now let's say she had 52% of the 2 million, she'd have 1,040,000 votes, and Bernie would have 960,000. Now if we add the, up, after counting the extra votes, Hillary had 3,830,000 votes, and Bernie would have 3,170,000 votes. 3,830,000/7,000,000 is around .547, or 54.7%. So even though Hillary would be winning the late counted votes too, her margin would be shrinking.", ">>{sartori_tangier} : What difference would it make? The race is over, and Hillary won. The fact that you people can't accept this just shows how deluded you are. The fact that Bernie can't accept it just shows what a douche bag he is. I used to have a lot of respect for Sanders, but that respect is gone. I wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher.", ">>{TimothyN} : The methodology there is awful and I think as a source it's unreliable.", '>>{Julythisyear} : Wow, I am thicker than a castle wall. Thanks', '>>{kms7941} : No worries I get where you were coming from.'], [">>{coffeespeaking} : Trump: I have 'great confidence' in Christie despite Bridgegate trial", '>>{Jump_Yossarian} : So Clinton is corrupt but Christie gets the thumbs up? In Trumpland that makes perfect sense.', ">>{toekknow} : He **has** to have tremendous confidence in Christie. Otherwise he doesn't get his daily Big Mac hand delivered. Sad!", '>>{IfIKnewThen} : Of course he does. He only supports the best kind of corruption.', '>>{Adam_Nox} : I think Christie saw the writing on the wall a while back. Maybe Trump offered him a pardon if he wins.', '>>{fetchingmorbid} : In other news Trump told reporters later that day, "You know, that guy Satan really is a tremendous guy. He gets a bad rap but look at his track record. That guy gets things done."', ">>{FunkyTown313} : Do you watch Lucifer? I think I might agree with that statement if it's an accurate portrayal.", '>>{FunkyTown313} : Well given that Trump has a rape case pending regarding an underage girl, I think hypocrisy on that side of the aisle is pretty clear.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : I haven\'t watched it. But I do enjoy "Lucy Daughter of the Devil" on Adult Swim.', '>>{IrishJoe} : Trump: He holds my coat. He runs out and gets me Big Macs when I tell him to. I have yuuge confidence in him bigly!', '>>{IrishJoe} : Maybe it was drained and Christie was left wallowing in the muddy bank.', '>>{IrishJoe} : Great leader Lucifer. I wish we had such leadership in this country. - Orange Man', ">>{Just_For_Da_Lulz} : It's just a repeat of Pence and Hillary's votes on the Iraq war: an explicit Trumpian double standard.", '>>{themiDdlest} : I was just thinking about this today. Really... Can you imagine the POTUS in a rape trial or convicted of rape? How have we came to this point?', ">>{themiDdlest} : There's a tiny part of me that wants to be able to observe a parallel universe where Trump wins, because the train wreck would just be so entertaining"], ['>>{mayaisme} : What is this icon change feature you speak of?', '>>{TrizzaElemental} : You can change icons now in 10.3, but it has to be done by the developer. So far the biggest uses have been the MLB at bat and NHL apps. You can choose a team logo under settings.', '>>{mrb2011} : Is it possible for developers to change the logo based on real-time information? For example, I can imagine a weather app showing the weather condition and temperature as the logo', '>>{crisss1205} : No. Apple is strict when it comes to changing the icon. It specifically has to be user set and approved for an icon change.', ">>{mrb2011} : Ah, that's a shame. It would've been cool to have that! Thanks for answering", '>>{TrizzaElemental} : No. The icons cannot be dynamic and require user input to make the change. Cannot be a background change. This is to avoid apps from changing to fraud icons like a facebook or bank app and asking for your password.', ">>{montydad5000} : Haven't seen anything like that yet, but you can use the Fahrenheit app, which will show the current temperature as a badge alert. I use it all the time.", ">>{tsdguy} : It's a security feature. If apps could change icons dynamically then they could easily impersonate other apps for malware purposes. You can watch this happen soon with the next release of Android (as if it needed any more security issues).", '>>{tsdguy} : This is completely different. Apps can change the icon appearance with a preselected and Apple approved list of icons.', ">>{tsdguy} : I don't know pitch. Does this icon change have any functional purpose?", ">>{montydad5000} : I understand that, but the poster above was asking if there was a way to dynamically display the temperature. While Apple isn't allowing this to be done with the icon, it CAN be done using the badge alert.", ">>{tsdguy} : Weather temp sure but the post also says weather conditions which isn't possible. Even temp with negative numbers is not possible without some gymnastics. Apps that want to change the badge have to open a dialog box and get approval from the user to change the icon. That wouldn't be feasible for a dynamic situation like weather conditions. It's more for badging. If the app was allows to make the icon assume any image then malware could easily introduce an icon that looked like someone elses apps.", ">>{jordan777er} : Nothing to do with the matter at hand I guess, but thank you for posting this! I'd never heard of Pitch, but it looks like good app for ear training, excited to use it.", '>>{suomyn0na} : Clearly not. It just matches the theme of the app. White or black'], ['>>{Holmes02} : But to get a head start on letting a real conservative be president, Trump investigations have begun.', '>>{mike_gainor} : Where do you find the time, with the Trump University fraud case, his fraudulent charity, his sexual assault accusations, etc.', '>>{linxdev} : This is quickly turning into a "nothing to see here folks" ordeal. Not like corruption, but more like there is nothing to really see here. "Here is your new boss. Same as the old boss."', ">>{democratichorror} : She lost, so let's hope the GOP doesn't see Hillary as a threat anymore.", '>>{EsmeAlaki} : They will have to get in line. First they have to deal with the 75 civil suits pending against him, starting with the RICO Trump U. case.', '>>{NorbertDupner} : Of course not, the fools chanting "lock her up" were just that.', ">>{whitemest} : Wait, suddenly they're don't care anymore??? It's almost as if the investigations which turned up nothing was merely bullshit paid for on taxpayers dimes.. I'm sure the gop is more mature than that though, right? *right?*", '>>{Anomaj} : Almost as if the Clinton investigation was completely politically motivated...', '>>{LittlefingerVulgar} : Of course. Like I said time and time before. The minute she loses, all investigations stop and we\'ll never hear about them ever again. Just like how Benghazi was 100% Obama\'s fault until he won. Literally the day after, Benghazi became 100% Hillary\'s fault. Congratulations, "Hillary is Corrupt!" people. You got played. There never were crimes, the investigations were witch hunts and now that they\'ve served their purpose (depressing Democratic turnout during the elections), they\'re over and done with. Ya\'ll got played.', ">>{FunkyTown313} : But where's muh justice? Come on GOP don't you just have a super hard justice boner for crooked Hillary? Don't you want to thrust it into the wet vaginal canal of justice? Or is it really just that you didn't care about Clinton and were just being assholes.", ">>{Circumin} : Don't worry. We will see more congressional and FBI investigations as soon as another democratic politician becomes nationally popular and exhibits presidential ambitions.", ">>{dermotBlancmonge} : the circles Donald travels in would strongly disapprove of him locking up Hillary And they're the only people he cares about", '>>{dermotBlancmonge} : Lets face it these were trumped up charges to begin with', ">>{urfriendosvendo} : Ha, I love this. If Trump were to continue to investigate Hillary, he'd be an asshole. Now that he's not, he's an asshole. You guys don't know which way is up right now, huh?", ">>{whitemest} : YUP. For years I had this argument how Obama was at fault for benghazi. After he won it suddenly became hillarys scar on her record and Obama was just the potus, he wouldn't have control of that.", '>>{BerniesARealAmerican} : Going so far as to say Hillary Clinton was popular might be a bit much.', ">>{cd411} : Well, you see, the thing about Trump is....He is an asshole either way. Don't take my word for it, [take it from Donald himself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMKFIHRpe7I&t=0m20s)", '>>{HarlanCedeno} : Oh yeah, been a while since we heard about that one.', '>>{Plisskens_snake} : All the people who wanted her scalp just got fucked by the people they voted for.', ">>{HarlanCedeno} : This is on Congress, not Trump. If they will only investigate Hillary when she represents a threat to get elected, then it doesn't do much for the credibility of the accusations.", '>>{kdeff} : So...the whole thing was just a distraction?', ">>{billthomson} : Like every other Trump policy, it seems to have been BS. What a shock. No Hillary investigation. No Wall. No repeal of Obamacare. Almost like they were just appealing to people's worst instincts.", ">>{zoidboix} : I'm pretty sure Ecuador pissed off most of it's neighbors because of Julian.", '>>{zoidboix} : [She held bipartisan popularity](http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/pollster/hillary-clinton-favorable-rating)... until the GOP started the Benghazi witchhunt', '>>{urfriendosvendo} : Yeah, I agree. I bet Trey Gowdy is going to continue.', ">>{HarlanCedeno} : Not without Ryan's approval. Now Trump *did* say that he would have his attorney general investigate Clinton and she would end up in jail. Whether he keeps his word on that, time will tell.", '>>{smithcm14} : Almost magical how low of a priority jailing Hillary is now since she is no longer in the way of the GOP. As if Republcians only cared about criminalizing Hillary if it caused her favorability polling to dip. I wonder if her investigations would be relevant had she won and the pre-impeach impeachment process was underway.', '>>{janethefish} : Yup. The democrats need to be prepared for this. I think its very likely their 2020 presidential candidate will be arrested.', '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : I\'m waiting for them to bring back the House Un-American Activities Committee (v2.0) to investigate "subversive" activities like protesting Trump, or criticizing Trump, or writing a mean news article or blog post about Trump, or generally disagreeing with Trump, or not kissing Trump\'s ass *just* right.', ">>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : > Come on GOP don't you just have a super hard justice boner for crooked Hillary? I believe if you have a justice boner for more than four years you're supposed to call your doctor immediately.", '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : Again. They should probably get used to that.', '>>{LucksRunOut} : I guess the GOP really does like their publicly funded campaigns.', ">>{DuckSledge} : I think you'll find that South America stands pretty united against the US. Only Brazil seem to be slipping back into the Monroe doctrine. Obama/Clinton was not as kind to South America as Bush was. 2 military coups, 1 political coup, all 3 sponsored by US interests/state. Venezuela on the brink of collapse and starvation due to US sanctions. Argentina defaulted, etc. Also I'm pretty sure Evo Morales is still pretty pissed that they broke international law when they grounded his plane and searched it for Assange.", ">>{zoidboix} : Disagree. South America is getting hurt so badly by the commodity crisis. Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile rely so much on either oil, agriculture, or metals and all those commodities ocollapsed in 2014. So their economies are experiencing tepid growth if any. Second, Venezuela has only itself to blame for the crisis and its neighboring countries know it. Their economic/fiscal was entirely dependent on oil. There was no concern for diversification. So they view Maduro's crackdown as brutal and trying to prevent the inevitable. Argentina? They had a staunch anti US leftist for a decade. She was replaced with a pro business president who wants better ties to the US. Obama and him met this year in Buenos Aires, I believe. They technically defaulted but that issue will be resolved. And Ecuador is currently facing economic issues because it depended so much on Venezuela. And even President Morales said he would prefer Clinton, in spite of her history. The fact that Ecuador cut off Julian's internet access should have been a huge clue that they were having buyer's regret. So yeah, all these South American economies are barely progressing and the last thing they wanted was a Trump presidency and the extra risk to trade that creates.", ">>{WilyDoppelganger} : There are more than three hundred million Americans. There just isn't time to ruin their lives one by one.", ">>{iizkaraa} : Are you serious? Shouldn't you be mad he's not pursuing it, then? Or are you determined to be happy with whatever he does?", ">>{PotluckPony} : >you mean it's not just a coincidence wikileaks has stopped releasing stuff since the election ended? They're still releasing stuff, so this is just incorrect. Edit: I just checked their twitter to make sure I wasn't talking out my ass. They are in fact still releasing information after the election. But I'm sure if you downvote my comment more, you can change reality. I guess Novermber 9th doesn't count as after the election, to some people: https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/796470682880249856", ">>{urfriendosvendo} : Honestly, I though Comey was right the first time. I don't have to be related to a party to have an opinion. I can do that on my own. You should try it; it's great.", '>>{Obiwontaun} : Why would there be? It was never about justice, it was about destroying Clinton. Mission accomplished.', ">>{HonoredPeople} : Pursuing Hillary's fake corruption only serves to remind the people that there is corruption. The republicans didn't just use all of this for just witchhunts. Now they want to remove the image of corruption for themselves, so that they can put their people in place. If they continue to hound Hillary it will only serve to remind the American people.", '>>{Circumin} : She was, actually, until republicans did their thing. About 65% popularity until the propaganda machine started up again. You can literally see the effect in action at a graph on this page http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/may/22/hillary-clinton/hillary-clintons-approval-rating-secretary-state-w/', ">>{moose_cahoots} : Wow. Only a few days and he's already breaking promises.", ">>{BerniesARealAmerican} : You're right she was trustworthy, well liked, imbued voters with enthusiasm and she was an all around fantastic candidate /s", '>>{EsmeAlaki} : Are you referring to DJT? This is from the house majority leader, Kevin McCarthy, not from Trump, and it refers to the house investigations. Trump may still try to get HRC prosecuted by DOJ/FBI, but that is looking pretty unlikely too.', ">>{EsmeAlaki} : Let's hope so. Irrespective of political leanings, I think everyone is tired of the endless investigations into the same facts.", '>>{EsmeAlaki} : I agree, but there are still a lot of people who want her prosecuted into prison, or persecuted into oblivion.', ">>{EsmeAlaki} : You may be right, but this particular quote is from the house majority leader Kevin McCarthy, not from DJT. Trump may yet pursue charges against HRC, but that's looking pretty unlikely also.", '>>{EsmeAlaki} : It was never about justice, it was always about political vengeance.', '>>{EsmeAlaki} : Not saying that DJT is NOT an A-hole, but this is about the house of representatives deciding not to have a 10th investigation of the exact same facts as the last 9. This was always about stopping her political ambitions, not about justice. DJT may yet try to move on her through the DOJ after he is sworn in.', '>>{senatorpjt} : There\'s really no point now. When all the pro-Hillary people were saying "b..b..but Colin Powell" the counterargument always was that Powell wasn\'t running for office. Now that Hillary\'s career is over, there\'s no more damage that she can do. It\'s like when prisoners get early released because they\'re so old that they can\'t do any more harm if they wanted to. I\'d still like Obama to give her a pardon to put an end to it once and for all, both any chance of her resurfacing or a dragged out prosecution.', '>>{liam_l25} : I don\'t get the "/s" tag. She was, that wasn\'t a lie. Clinton had a very high approval rating post-campaign in 2008. It was after there was news about her potentially running in 2016, that the Republican machine brought out all of her background. That doesn\'t say I think she had no faults, its just she was liked until early 2013/late 2012', ">>{EsmeAlaki} : While that makes perfect sene politically, the GOP had always insisted that this is all about justice, not about political sabotage. As pretty much everyone, except the hyper partisan operatives, knew all along, this was a complete lie and the whole purpose was to shamelessly exploit the tragic death of our brave diplomats to torpedo HRC's political future, and nothing else, at least starting with investigation #2 of 9.", ">>{liam_l25} : Mr. Chafe-itz has always been a bit of a scumbag. He used a [specific chart to](http://static.politifact.com.s3.amazonaws.com/politifact/photos/mega-center-release-graphic.jpg) try and entrap a PP person testifying in front of committee. [Whoops, that didn't work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGlLLzw5_KM) It is no surprise to me he was planning on lying to ensure Hillary's time in office would be kept infront of tribunal.", ">>{frontierparty} : They're saving that for the end of 2017 when civil unrest grows and stocks start crashing so they have a red herring to point to.", '>>{innervision} : Actually, as much as I hate to admit it, Argentina is basically under a puppet government right now, with an insane amount of parallels to the current situation in the US.', '>>{Slampumpthejam} : She got more votes than anyone in history save Obama', ">>{WhatIsPants} : They grabbed her by the electoral p---- and figure that's okay, just so long as she knows who's boss. /sardonic", '>>{senatorpjt} : I suppose one could argue that with her career over, justice has been served. I feel like losing this election is more of a punishment for Hillary than a few years in jail would be.']]
classify and reply
['>>{UMDMustang92} : According to new leak, the "iPhone 8" will be called "iPhone Edition" include Touch ID on rear and keep metal back instead of glass', ">>{BroadAndPattison} : I don't care what it's made out of just that it's no so damn slippery", '>>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : Trump: We Will Deport Non-Mexicans to Mexico. Mexican Officials: Hell No', '>>{UMDMustang92} : I truly hope there is no truth to this. I will be disappointed if this is what we get in September.', ">>{MessisTaxAccountant} : I'm sure they would even if they didn't do it though. Just like ISIS will take credit for anything too.", '>>{Scoutandabout} : Trump is literally running out of human beings on the face of this earth, to offend.', '>>{satosaison} : So, the same week Donald Trump says he will reevaluate our commitment to NATO, the Russian government hacker releases documents in an attempt to discredit his opponent? Convenient.', '>>{SernyRanders} : Wikileaks.... Guccifer dumped the documents a few weeks ago.', '>>{CisternaChyli} : Yeah no, sounds like fake news to me lol.', ">>{sensicle} : I'm into 3D modeling\u200b on Blender (software) and just last night I was making an artist render of iPhone 8 and I also left the front free of buttons. Cool if it's true. :)", ">>{AdSin15} : They came to the USA through Mexico. They can go home the same way they came. I don't see the problem. Maybe the Mexican Government should stop allowing illegals to cross their gigantic country unchallenged? Edit: wow lots of down votes. I honestly don't understand what is controversial about this.", '>>{LuredGondola} : Hopefully not, I know it is common with Android phones but I am not a big fan of the fingerprint sensor being on the back of the phone. Mainly because of case restrictions.', '>>{basedOp} : Wikileaks has had the emails for over a month. Guccifer 2.0 sent them shortly after being kicked out of the DNC system around May 26th.', ">>{r3dk0w} : What if they didn't come to the US through Mexico? They have these things now called airplanes where people can fly from point to point without having to stop in the middle. Maybe, just maybe some of these immigrants just overstayed their visa, but are from non-Mexico countries.", ">>{sensicle} : They just put a hole in the case. It's really not a problem and, once you use it awhile, I think you'll find it's actually more convenient and allows for a cleaner aesthetic on the face of the device.", ">>{besse} : It's hard to stop people going across long stretches of land borders. If you're American, you should already know this — that's how undocumented people cross through. It's as hard (if not harder; US is a richer nation) for Mexico to stop outgoing people as it is for US to stop them coming in. :-)", ">>{giscard78} : You also can't walk up to the border, open a door, and throw people across through. Deportees not only have to be deported but must also be *received*.", ">>{Mongopwn} : Guccifer 2.0 is known to be a different individual (or group). Many people believe that it is actually a Russian agent/operation, but truthfully I don't think anyone outside the intelligence community really knows for sure.", '>>{PM_Me_Your_Tabs} : That\'s literally the most half-assed render of a "leak" I\'ve ever seen. There\'s no way they\'re going to make the back of the phone look that ugly with how the camera is', ">>{Evgarian} : Shit, I hope it isn't 24k gold and $15,000", '>>{felinepine} : If Steve Jobs could see how Cook & Co. Are running Apple with so little attention to detail he would be spinning in his grave...', ">>{CadetPeepers} : Guccifer is a Romanian named Marcel Lehel who is currently in jail. Guccifer 2.0's identity isn't known. The DNC claimed that he's a Russian state actor, but nobody actually knows.", ">>{AdSin15} : Illegal immigrants from South America don't come on planes. They don't have passports. If you don't have a passport or a work visa...its pretty obvious you didn't come on a plane. Therefore they came through Mexico.", ">>{Overly_Triggered} : No way, bro. It was me. I just wanted to prove that Redditors don't really give a shit about privacy as long as the people being targetted are someone they don't like.", ">>{bongggblue} : > I don't see the problem. Probably the only thing right about your post", ">>{pipsdontsqueak} : *I broke the dam.* And no, Reddit doesn't care about Other People's Privacy.", ">>{bombingwinger} : Trump already took an early L from Mexico when Nieto cancelled the meeting, forcing Trump to call and apologize. So I'm sure any tough talk from him can be dismissed. Indeed he also bowed down to China and ofc Russia. Dude is a loser. The irony of his winner persona has been on full display since he became the so called winner of the election.", ">>{Turbohand} : You guys didn't let him complete is full plan. 1. We will rename Mexico to Notwhiteistan 2. We will deport all non-white people to Notwhiteistan.", ">>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : I've heard of them airplanes and I've also heard of other countries but ain't never seen one of any of them afore. So I'm guessing you be perpetrating that fake news. -yours sincerely Jethro Chewstain McInbred", '>>{TypeCorrectGetBanned} : And yet there is still no credible evidence that this person has anything to do with Russia. Keep pushing that narrative.', '>>{sniperhare} : If this happens they will probably just start putting them in prisons, and making them work as slaves to pay off the cost of incarceration. I could see Donnie 54 putting up a string of prisons across the Southern border.', '>>{AdSin15} : and yet you cannot seem to articulate the problem yourself...', ">>{BDMayhem} : That's how Melania did it when she was an undocumented worker.", '>>{Francoisvillian} : Can other countries deport whomever they please to the US?', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : Yeah. And *finally* all of the unemployed *natural born* citizens will have access to all of those *sweet, sweeet* agricultral and house keeping jobs! Brilliant plan!', '>>{RIC_FLAIR-WOOO} : FWIW, Guccifer 2.0 has published hacked DNC docs awhile back. https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/dnc/', '>>{Ruslan124} : Because it is not true. The majority of undocumented immigrants came legally and overstayed. Some came directly by air. How are Mexico responsible for those that did?', ">>{IdiocracyAmerica2016} : Can we please deport all the horrible Trump supporters. They are terrible human beings that base their actions on fear and ignorance. The immigrants coming would make far better Americans than these cowards that blame their problems on everybody else. And that's not even getting into them supposedly being Christians with no empathy.", '>>{BaumerS4} : Oh well, ship them to Canada I guess... /s', '>>{theduke9} : We can tell from all the creepy photos you neckbeards take of humans in public.', ">>{AdSin15} : I admit it is hard to stop them. However they came through Mexico. They can go back through Mexico. Why would they go back any other way? We can't send them home through Canada. Flying them all home would cost an astronomical amount of taxpayer dollars. They got here on their own they can get home on their own.", ">>{Trump-Tzu} : The DNC's own security team said it was a Russian actor though.", ">>{fallin_up} : The same team that didn't detect an intrusion for a full year... Yeah i trust them completely", '>>{mattbau90} : These emails were gathered by a hacker and released with a clear intent to influence our election. I mean, why is no one trying to hack the RNC email server? If you think the problem is a couple of emails that weren’t acted on, and not the hacking of a political party’s servers, boy, I dunno…', '>>{freecavitycreep} : That\'s actually already their plan. What do you think these "detention centers" are?', '>>{AdSin15} : Those jobs will have to pay living wages to American Workers which will enhance the economy of the United States. Most of these illegals take their money and send it home...eliminating it from the American Economy just as if it was flushed down the toilet. Billions of dollars every year...flushed right out of America and out of the pockets of American Citizens. Massive Agrobusiness will simply have to make less profits and pay decent wages. Are liberals against Americans making a decent wage now? What happened to the Democrats?', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : > Those jobs will have to pay living wages to American Workers Absolutely! Enjoy your $10 head of lettuce!', ">>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : That's not even true. Most illegal immigrants overstay Visas, not cross the border.", '>>{gruntznclickz} : Not to mention colluding with Clinton while telling everyone else there was actually a primary race.', ">>{dtracers} : But the rnc server was hacked and revealed info about them trying to take down trump... Or maybe RNC actually does better security with email and don't let their leading candidate put info on private servers?", '>>{Tadra29} : Yeah, dumping people who are not their citizens into them, how is that not a violation of their sovereignty?', '>>{AdSin15} : If they came by air then they have a passport. If they have a passport we can send them home by air. Nothing wrong with that. If you came by land though...you go home by land right?', '>>{mattbau90} : This leak is not from her private email server. And where are these RNC email leaks?', ">>{Jahobes} : The fact that our politicians are in bed with the media pushing a narrative is the problem. I don't care whether I get this information from the devil or Putin's minions.", '>>{AdSin15} : No of course not. Only people that came to their country via the USA.', ">>{mattbau90} : That's not something Clinton created though. And I believe your overestimating the amount of influence these emails had.", '>>{Francoisvillian} : Are we showing that the people deported came through Mexico? Nope, we just assume it. If that is far it is fair for other countries to assume.', '>>{besse} : Actually, despite the costs, it\'s the responsibility of the host nation to find a way to transport people they don\'t want to keep in. What they *can* do is negotiate with Mexico saying "hey mate, would you mind if these guys pass through your land under police protection and our cost?" But that\'s not what\'s happening here; here US wants to simply dump them on to Mexico. There\'s no way Mexico takes up that responsibility. Think about what would happen if a drugs guy came through US and then illegally crossed into Mexico to do his dealings. What would you say if Mexico decided to catch the guy and just dump him into US? Wouldn\'t you prefer Mexico to deal with people that *they* have a problem with? Why would he be US\'s headache just because he happened to pass through it?', '>>{freecavitycreep} : Pick up that can, ~~citizen~~ slave.', ">>{Ampu-Tina} : Attack the source, not the overwhelming evidence being found of DNC improprieties. Did the Russians write the emails? Did they send them? Did they directly collude to destroy the Sanders campaign? No. They - and that's still very questionable - simply released the evidence thereof.", '>>{escalation} : Nah, this is nothing. The Russian government is very likely to be in possession of emails from her server. If they want to cripple Hillary, they just need something leaked that proves server penetration', ">>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : Because most didn't come through Mexico: they overstay visas. And those that did come through the border risked life and limb to get here, spending years worth of savings to make the trip. Now, you're dumping them in a poor nation with no job, no money, no food and no shelter. How in the fuck are they supposed to get back to their country of origin? Planes, trains, cars etc. aren't free. And that's not to mention the biggest issue: 30% of undocumented immigrants come from nations that will not take them back. These people become citizens without a nation stuck in legal limbo and left stranded in a foreign land without any form of resources. How are these people going to live? You don't want that Human Rights issue on your hands. Not to mention this is a major violation of another nation's sovereignty. It's not their responsibility to police our border. One nation does not get to force people on another nation.", '>>{AdSin15} : By all means keep trying to play grammar police on somebody who has a degree in English. It amuses me greatly. PS you used a different account to respond the second time.', '>>{freecavitycreep} : Ah... Arbeit macht frei. Yes, quite appropriate.', ">>{Ampu-Tina} : If you think the problem is the hacking of emails and not the DNC violating is own rules to influence the election for the most powerful office on the planet, you've really got your head buried in the sand.", ">>{escalation} : Clinton created her own documents, there are thousands of those already. If the DNC was conspiring against Sanders to manipulate the outcome while presenting themselves as neutral, this is a serious problem. We don't know if this can be concretely demonstrated at this point. If collusion while soliciting funds can be shown, the DNC is going to have some significant issues to deal with.", ">>{gmz_88} : I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of it all. Clinton was berated for the possibility of being hacked. Yet the people doing the hacking for political ammo are just fine.", '>>{Jahobes} : It does not matter whether the influence is real or imagined. Are you a liar only if you are incompetent enough to be caught?', ">>{dick_beverson} : What's to stop Mexico from sending non-citizens back to the country from where they came? We send illegal immigrants back, Mexico screens and sends all of the non Mexicans back to the US. Tit for tat.", ">>{AdSin15} : First of all...I didn't vote for Trump. Second, No...the person who makes troll comments comes across as a troll. Bonggblue was clearly trolling me and I called him on it. Why shouldn't we return them to their country of origin? Is that our duty? Why? These people are criminals. We shouldn't have to bother with all that. They snuck into the USA through Mexico. They can go back to wherever they came from through Mexico too. All we are obligated to do is drive them to the border. They can figure the rest out themselves. They clearly had the resources to get to the USA through Mexico. They can go back the same way. The idea is to discourage people from coming here. The idea is to discourage Mexico from allowing them to traverse their country unchallenged. mexico allows them to do this because they know they aren't going to stay in Mexico...they are just passing through. It's time Mexico realized the scope of the problem. Dumping all the illegals that come through Mexico to the USA back in mexico is an excellent way to get them to start cracking down on this problem.", '>>{bernieaccountess} : it was the email he stole from the dnc it is kinda his responsibility.', '>>{seizurevictim} : There are also these weird vehicles that transport people over water; Elian Gonzalez can probably fill in a few gaps. I think the Brits call them floaty zoomers?', ">>{CadetPeepers} : > I mean, why is no one trying to hack the RNC email server? Who says they didn't try? The DNC and their candidate have a history of shitty cyber security.", '>>{constantly_drunk} : Courtesy of /u/nope-absolutely-not in a previous submission: >Tim Canova has a name? DWS demanded that CNN remove his name from this headline (and they obliged). [Email](https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/6131) [CNN](http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/21/politics/bernie-sanders-debbie-wasserman-schultz/index.html) There\'s blatant examples of CNN and other media outlets taking direct orders from the DNC. This is influential to our elections because it\'s unmasking who actually controls our supposedly "impartial" fourth estate.', '>>{millos15} : It has been estimated that at least 40 percent of non-Mexican immigrants from Central/South America arrive with a visa and overstay.', ">>{Allahuakgaybar} : Sanders coulda had all the delegates he wasn't going to be the nominee", ">>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : You go to your country of origin. If you want to drive a bus down to Venezuela instead of flying, I mean that would probably cost us more, but be my guest. But dumping them in a foreign land without the resources to get back? HOW are they going to get back? That doesn't even make sense.", '>>{HeadyGrilledCheese} : Yeah the guys who think the internet is a series of tubes and want to live in 1949 again are super cyber-sophisticated!', '>>{wwjd117} : This was after her emails were made public. Everyone could claim to have hacked them.', '>>{seizurevictim} : How do you know they came through Mexico? Do you think they have receipts from their journey years ago that will make it abundantly clear when and how they traveled? Your assumptions are pretty wild.', '>>{wwjd117} : Like the emails already released. Dinner recipes. Arranging dinners. Making plans with daughter and grandchild. You know, national security level stuff.', '>>{AdSin15} : We want to discourage illegal immigration. In what way does your plan provide incentive for the illegal immigrant to not return after being deported? These things fall into the category of "Not my problem." They shouldn\'t have come to America in the first place. This is how the 1% divide us. They are using your feelings to make you feel bad for these people whom the 1% invited into America to take your jobs. They want cheap labor and they are now getting you to defend the very people that are taking your jobs and suppressing wages for all working class Americans. It\'s a scam. We need to start imprisoning ANYONE that is caught employing an illegal immigrant. That\'s obviously never going to happen though because the 1% owns Washington. If Trump\'s plan can discourage more illegals from coming here then I\'m for it...but the real criminals are the Business Owners who hire them.', '>>{epericolososporgersi} : If we have to send them back, it would be to their respective countries, not a 3rd party country.', ">>{AdSin15} : Mexico simply wants to dump these people in the USA. Mexico is a failed state run by criminals and corrupt politicians. Illegal immigration is the pressure release valve that stops regular Mexican citizens from taking up arms against their government. It's a LOT easier to just walk over the border to the USA and get a job than it is to fight for your homeland. If they had no place to go...they would start a revolution.", ">>{AdSin15} : If they didn't fly...the only way they got here is through Mexico.", '>>{dibship} : So, slightly off topic but: if emails from hillarys home server get leaked that were not ones made public, or that the FBI never had - are they compelled to indict?', ">>{epericolososporgersi} : It's hard to prove they actually came from Mexico. It's not like they have a stamp on a passport or anything. Regardless of what we can think of illegal immigration, we have to keep a cool head. I see it as my old math teacher who was tough but fair. Being tough is a personality choice, but being unfair is a flaw.", ">>{dibship} : I mean, why are you so sure no one is trying? I am seeing this question all over the place tonight, and it's kinda a bad assumption to make. Maybe the RNC got good IT people? Who can say.", '>>{basedOp} : Compelled yes. Will they? no. Not unless Trump is elected. The crimes took place within the statute of limitations, so Hillary can be indicted and charged. The issue is that FBI Director Comey has no intention of indicting Hillary and AG Loretta Lynch is in the pocket of the Clintons. Trump has already stated his willingness to indict and prosecute the Clintons, so he would fire Lynch and likely tell Comey to "re-open" the investigation.', ">>{AdSin15} : It's simple. Do they have a passport? Yes? They flew on a plane. No? They came through Mexico. Right? Maybe I'm wrong but that's pretty much it.", ">>{AdSin15} : Well you've hit upon the real problem. We need to ensure that there is a large disincentive to come to the USA in the first place. There is two ways to do this: draconian penalties on Business owners for hiring them. Draconian Penalties on Illegal Immigrants for coming over the border. Neither of the two major Corporate Owned Parties will enforce an penalties on business owners for hiring illegals. That would simply destroy their fundraising ability. So I guess we're left with the Anti-Establishment GOP solution of draconian Penalties on illegals who are caught here. Maybe someday the Democrats will start caring about American workers but I doubt it. They are the Wall Street Party now.", ">>{dibship} : But, you can't run someone who is now unquestionably guilty.. right? I mean, she would technically be f****d one way or another - if the fix wasnt in. But that kind of thing could all but guarantee a trump presidency. And at that point it would be at the feet of the DNC for not dropping her out of common sense.", '>>{bongggblue} : Just trying to see if you\'re worthy of having an conversation at the adult table. Have you left the country much, being such an expert on immigration policy, to the point where you can comfortably refer to other HUMAN BEINGS as "illegals" They\'re fucking people dude, even if they\'re brown. Just because they are from another country and speak Spanish does not make them Mexican... I\'m not sitting here holding your mother\'s vagina responsible for you coming into this country illegally either, although I should (ok..that was trolling)', '>>{dibship} : actually, they oddly enough may be more likely to hire a good group of people if they dont know a thing about it. And then what does that say about the dnc?', ">>{trailrunner666} : That's an awful lot of geopolitical games you're playing there. If they started a revolution, that would be MUCH worse for the US. One of their largest trading parts lost for years to a revolutionary war, and not to mention the exodus of Mexicans into the US like refugees. Regardless of what anyone thinks, the US would take refugees in from Mexico even if we shouldn't.", ">>{comeoncomeon10371} : I'm sure most things fall into the category of not your problem", ">>{dibship} : Seriously - stop asking, it's a disingenuous question. One being hacked does not have any corollary with anyone else being hacked.", ">>{dick_beverson} : >There is two ways to do this Or, you know, maybe a third way? Like maybe help reinforce the economies of the countries immigrants are coming from? There is already solid proof this works. As Mexico's economy has grown, we have had less and less illegal immigration coming from Mexico. You also need to recognize that many coming from South America, are fleeing violence in their own country.", '>>{RIC_FLAIR-WOOO} : Whose emails? Those are from the DNC, not Hillary.', '>>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : >We want to discourage illegal immigration. The punishment should fit the crime. Is death a worthy punishment of illegal immigration? Because many of these people are going to die. I don\'t want to be Indonesia and executing people for shoplifting. We have laws against cruel and unusual punishment for a reason. >These things fall into the category of "Not my problem." They shouldn\'t have come to America in the first place. This is how you pretend to ignore your role in sentencing people to a potential death. Even if you\'re unwilling to take emotional responsibility for it, though, our Constitution protects all people who enter our borders. Our own laws make us legally responsible for the hardship they go through. What\'s more is that international law makes us legally responsible. This is the start of the type of thing that gets leaders in international court. Not my problem is not an option here, whether you want it to be or not. Legally, it is your problem. >This is how the 1% divide us. They are using your feelings to make you feel bad for these people whom the 1% invited into America to take your jobs. They want cheap labor and they are now getting you to defend the very people that are taking your jobs and suppressing wages for all working class Americans. Immigrants do not take our jobs. That isn\'t how jobs work. More people = more consumers = more spending and economic activity = more jobs for everyone else. I don\'t know how the Trump crowd is so ignorant on this, basic economics like this used to be universally understood. JOBS ARE NOT ZERO SUM. MONEY IS NOT ZERO SUM. Removing consumers kills more jobs than it opens up. What\'s more is that hiring American workers will inevitably run up prices on these products, decreasing demand and causing many of the jobs worked by immigrants to disappear as well. >We need to start imprisoning ANYONE that is caught employing an illegal immigrant Majority of illegal immigrants use phony SSNs now after we passed laws cracking down on this during the Bush/Obama era. Incidentally, that\'s also why illegal immigration has leveled off. It\'s not a problem anymore, because now those immigrants are paying payroll and income taxes anyways. They\'re not an issue. Employers that pay under the table need to be cracked down on, yes, but that cracking down has already been happening for years. Which is, again, why illegal immigration has leveled off.', '>>{basedOp} : > But, you can\'t run someone who is now unquestionably guilty.. right Corporate America and the wealthy elite have already voted. They want Hillary. * Look at what the DNC has done to try and fix the race for Hillary. * Look at how major media networks and print publications have protected and shilled for the Clintons * Look at the Clinton\'s past including the accusations of money laundering, bribery and corruption involving the Clinton Foundation * Look at the series of events that took place in the week that lead up to "no indictments" or prosecution for Hillary despite overwhelming evidence of prosecutable violations for gross negligence. The proof was there. The Clintons orchestrated a cover-up with help from AG Loretta Lynch and FBI Director Comey. Comey gave her a pass, but not without wounding her. [For anyone that puts time in here to research](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-sZr9zqCJo), the hubris, gross negligence, and violations of US legal statutes are as clear as day. Hillary covered it up with help, then lied over and over and over again. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4shn7d/lynch_repeatedly_deflects_questions_on_clinton/d59k4b8 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4shn7d/lynch_repeatedly_deflects_questions_on_clinton/d59quh4 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4shn7d/lynch_repeatedly_deflects_questions_on_clinton/d59rpdu https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4siqi2/judicial_watch_statement_on_state_departments_and/d59kgii', ">>{escalation} : Oh ya, by the way, how's the grandkids?", '>>{lobst3rclaw} : Has he offended people who use, unnecessary commas yet?', '>>{KrabMittens} : Comey put the responsibility on Lynch who pointed her finger back at Comey. Lynch flat out refused to do her job and be held accountable for it.', '>>{AdSin15} : lol ridiculous. It might go up a few cents.', ">>{KrabMittens} : How much more do you need to see the that she's not just innocently surrounded by corruption and scandal, but is in fact complicit.", '>>{basedOp} : Comey interjected by making the ridiculous assertion that "no reasonable prosecutor" would take the case and file charges. Comey\'s job was to find evidence, see if it met the statutory requirements (it did), and then forward recommendations. He didn\'t do that. His actions raised eyebrows of more than a few former DOJ employees including former AG Michael Mukasey and Ruldoph Giulliani (who was once Comey\'s boss) Comey essentially gave Lynch cover to claim she was following the FBI lead. It looks like Comey was an unwilling participant in the cover-up. After Lynch\'s 30 minute private meeting with Bill Clinton, red flags were raised. The fix was already in, Lynch didn\'t recuse herself, which more or less confirmed it. Comey gave his 15 minute speech deriding Clinton and outlining a case to prosecute, but then strangely said no indictments.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : > lol ridiculous. It might go up a few cents. How do you figure?', ">>{seizurevictim} : Boats are capable of transporting humans, if you haven't heard. And even if we start including other forms of transportation, your assumption is still quite broad.", ">>{AdSin15} : If you tried having an adult conversation maybe we could talk like adults? They are illegals. They are criminals who are stealing from citizens of the USA. I don't particularly blame them. If we lived in their shithole countries we'd come here too looking for a better life. The real criminals are the 1%. If the two major Corporate Parties cared about citizens they would crack down on businesses who hire illegals but they don't because both the DNC and the GOP are owned by the 1%. The 1% wants all the illegal cheap immigrant labor they can get. They also want all the legal H1B1 immigrant labor they can get. They want to depress wages and ensure that Americans cannot get work at decent wages. Neither Corporate Lapdog Party will risk angering the Business Owners who fund their campaigns. If the Democrats cared about American Workers they'd be doing everything possible to hold the Business Community responsible for their crimes...but they don't. The GOP and the DNC are scamming you. They've got you all concerned about these people. They've tugged on your heartstrings and now you're so concerned with their plight that you are actively defending people who are stealing from you and who are being exploited by the same people who are also exploiting you. It boggles my mind that people cannot see that the entire illegal immigration debate is a farce. I could end all illegal immigration and force all currently illegals to self-deport tomorrow by passing a 1 sentence law if I alone possessed such authority. This problem exists because Politicians want it to exist so they can get people like you to vote against your own interests.", '>>{AdSin15} : It\'s not a game. This is the same problem we face with North Korea. If we stopped giving them aid the country would collapse in a few years...but we won\'t stop because of "humanitarian" reasons. So we\'re allowing a brutal dictatorship to continue for decades because we don\'t want to sit by and watch millions of their people starve to death with their inept boy king spends all the nations money on Nuclear Weapons. Mexico is failed state. It\'s run by Criminal Gangs. Corruption is rampant. The government has absolutely zero power once you travel 100 miles outside of Mexico City. It\'s never going to get better until the Mexican People decide they\'ve had enough. Right now whenever some Mexican Citizen decides they\'ve had enough...they just go to the USA...because that\'s FAR easier and safer than standing up for yourself. Syria is another example. Why should we be helping these friggin people? They need to grow a spine and fight for their own country instead of running away and expecting the USA to come to the rescue.', ">>{_durian_} : Prove they didn't come by sea or via Canada.", ">>{_durian_} : There are several problems. Firstly, Mexico has no legal requirement to receive non-citizens that happened to cross their border to get to the US. Once they land on US soil, they are the problem of the US. Just dumping them back over the border is a violation of international law. Secondly, even if might have transited Mexico and the US could dump them back you'd still need proof that they did enter via Mexico. Expect each case to be an expensive legal nightmare.", '>>{ceciltech} : Can you imagine if Canada was just like, "Yeah I think we will just dump an illegal immigrants into US"?!?!', ">>{raincheckonreality} : I don't really understand your logic here. Won't dumping millions of people into Mexico make things even worse for Mexico? If Mexico is destabilized, the Mexican government will have less control over the border, and it will be even easier for people to get through Mexico to the US. Never mind that if the Mexican economy fails, Mexicans will have more incentive to cross illegally into the US.", ">>{zonagree} : I'm not a lawyer. I'm not even sure if it's just American laws we're dealing with at that point. Can countries just dump non citizens on a country's doorstep according to international law?", '>>{AdSin15} : I\'ll try to respond to your other points later but first I wanna take on this comment: "Immigrants do not take our jobs. That isn\'t how jobs work. More people = more consumers = more spending and economic activity = more jobs for everyone else. I don\'t know how the Trump crowd is so ignorant on this, basic economics like this used to be universally understood. JOBS ARE NOT ZERO SUM. MONEY IS NOT ZERO SUM. Removing consumers kills more jobs than it opens up. What\'s more is that hiring American workers will inevitably run up prices on these products, decreasing demand and causing many of the jobs worked by immigrants to disappear as well." First off I voted for Jill Stein. Second...immigrants don\'t "steal" jobs. When I said "take" I mean they accept jobs they are offered at the expense of an American Worker. They are offered these jobs by wealthy American Business Owners because they are able to work for FAR less than an American Worker. Criminal Business owners don\'t care about their fellow citizens and would rather make huge profits by using illegal labor. Third; Jobs ARE a zero sum game. There are X amount of jobs. New ones are created and obsolete ones are eliminated but there is a finite amount of jobs to be had in America. Money is a fictional concept. Resources are a zero sum game and resources are what money is based on. There is only X amount of Oil, Gold and Steel in the world. Since money controls the allocation of resources...money is a zero sum game. people with more money get more resources than people with less money. Fourth: These people are not really consumers. Most of them take a large portion of their money and send it back to their home country. That money disappears from our economy and doesn\'t create jobs in America. Fifth: Nobody is removing consumers. We are simply trading illegal immigrant consumers for American Citizen consumers. Illegal immigrants will lose money and American Workers will get money. More money in fact since they will demand a higher wage. The higher wages will allow people to easily afford any miniscule price increases related to the higher wages. Rising tide lifts all boats. No more illegals to exploit means increased competition for low skill jobs which leads to increased wages for medium skill jobs etc etc across the board. sixth: Demand will not increase in every product. Furthermore demand is not the problem. Lack of affordability is the problem. Take Computers for example. The key to selling more computers is not to increase demand for them...that demand already exists. If a person wants a computer but doesn\'t have one right now...that\'s not because there is a lack of computers in the retail market. It\'s because that person is poor and cannot afford one. Give them a higher wage and they can now afford a computer. The price of computers will not change because there is plenty of supply. Finally...there is absolutely no crackdown on employers who hire illegals. Look it up. To the best of my knowledge there has only been one case in American History where an employer went to prison for hiring illegal workers even if the person hired hundreds of them. All you\'d have to do is send some rich guy...like Trump\'s recent pick for Secretary of Labor for Christ\'s sake...to jail for hiring an illegal housekeeper and this problem is gone overnight.', '>>{AdSin15} : Can countries actively allow thousands of unidentified people to cross their borders on their way to invade another country?', ">>{AdSin15} : If the Mexican Government has zero control over the border right now. How can they have less? Nobody will come to the USA for illegal work if we start throwing business owners who hire them in prison. Obviously the GOP won't do that cause they are Fascists but the Democrats are now the Wall Street Party and they won't do a thing about the problem either.", ">>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : Your understanding of economics is really poor. More people create more economic activity, which creates jobs and creates money through the money multiplier. More money is available to be spent, which creates demand, which causes countries to increase supply and thereby increase jobs. It is really basic stuff here. Your insistence that jobs are zero sum and money is zero sum is absurd: the GDP grows every year and the number of jobs grow every year. This would be impossible if they were zero sum. More economic activity makes more money and jobs. >These people are not really consumers. Most of them take a large portion of their money and send it back to their home country. That money disappears from our economy and doesn't create jobs in America. The vast majority of their wages are spent here. They send back what they manage to save in some cases, but as low wage earners the vast bulk of their earnings are spent on the necessities of staying alive. >Nobody is removing consumers. We are simply trading illegal immigrant consumers for American Citizen consumers. 11 million consumers are gone. Their jobs aren't just replaced by Americans. More jobs will disappear than open up. Other people won't suddenly start demanding stores and restaurants and additional housing and all the myriad essentials of daily life each human consumes: all those markets disappear. You're living in a fantasy unsupported by any economic data, theory, or evidence. >Illegal immigrants will lose money and American Workers will get money. More money in fact since they will demand a higher wage. The higher wages will allow people to easily afford any miniscule price increases related to the higher wages. Rising tide lifts all boats. No more illegals to exploit means increased competition for low skill jobs which leads to increased wages for medium skill jobs etc etc across the board. No, that's not how any of this works. Those jobs would need to remain in the market to be taken by American workers. But it is impossible for more jobs to open up than are taken out of the economy by mass deportation, so American workers won't be filling magical jobs making things that aren't being bought at the same volume anymore. Moreover, many Americans who make products and provide services will be out of a job because 11 million users of that product and service are gone. We're not going to just magically all start consuming the food consumption of 11 million people. We're not going to use an extra 11 million people's worth of toilet paper. We're not going to buy 11 million people's worth of clothes. We're not going to replace 11 million people's worth of going to restaurants. We're not going to magically fill 11 million people's homes: because the demand for homes will be much less, the value of our own homes will plummet, putting many homeowners under water, while still leaving rent prices high because property owners are still locked into mortgages. >Demand will not increase in every product. Furthermore demand is not the problem. Lack of affordability is the problem. Take Computers for example. The key to selling more computers is not to increase demand for them...that demand already exists. If a person wants a computer but doesn't have one right now...that's not because there is a lack of computers in the retail market. It's because that person is poor and cannot afford one. Give them a higher wage and they can now afford a computer. The price of computers will not change because there is plenty of supply. This is true for expensive items. However, it is not true for the bulk of consumer purchases. People don't just buy shit tons more food. People don't just buy shit tons more toilet paper. People dont just buy shit tons more toothpaste. Hell, even with computers, people don't just buy more computers for shits and giggles If you walk through a Walmart, nearly every item in the store is population-dependent on its consumption. Furthermore, you just made all those products more expensive because you increased production costs. I can't help it that you don't have any grasp on economics, but at least be willing to listen", '>>{AdSin15} : how do you figure it will go up to ten.', '>>{raincheckonreality} : >the Mexican Government has zero control over the border right now That sounds a tad bit hyperbolic. Mexico is not a failed state.', ">>{_durian_} : > Democrats are now the Wall Street Party Have you checked Trump's cabinet lately? He's got more billionaires and people from Goldman Sachs than any other administration. At least Democrats have Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are serious about steering the party away from the rich.", '>>{twxxx} : are you really arguing for slave labor via underpaid illegal immigrants?', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Ten is admittedly hyperbolic. -*If* you can get unemployed citizens to go out and pick lettuce for a livable wage, you've increased the cost of production to the farmer by many fold, assuming a livable wage in California is going to be in the $15-20/hr range. This vs. what they currently pay migrant labor min. or below with ZERO benefits. The farmer isn't going to eat that loss as he's probably selling on thin margins to begin with. He HAS to pass that extra cost upstream. -I'm all for paying people a fair and livable wage, but the dirty secret is that Americans are used to a certain price point fixed to their average income (like WalMart.) the only way to keep the status quo is to pay someone in another country WAY less or pay your undocumented workers relatively little (who are they going to complain to?).", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : No. I'm just pointing out the reality of how the system works *now*. I think those people should be given a permit to work and at least min. wage (which would be an increase for most). I think if we get those people out of the shadow economy and into the light, we all stand to benefit.", '>>{Victor_Zsasz} : Imagine your reaction if you woke up tomorrow and Canada had decided to deport all immigrants from our hemisphere that were in their country, into America. You\'d probably think "Canada can\'t just chose to deport all the Mexicans, El Salvadorians, Bolivians, Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Panamanians, Argentinians, Colombians, Brazilians, Hondurans, Peruvians, and several other countries, into my country! None of these people are from here!" And you\'d be right. Same way Mexico feels about being told they might have to deal with all the El Salvadorians, Bolivians, Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Panamanians, Argentinians, Colombians, Brazilians, Hondurans, Peruvians, and several other countries being deported into their country.', '>>{bongggblue} : Donnie 54 is a scary ass typo, or not typo... 36 more years of Trump, and a 106 year old Rotten Mango saying "fake newsssthh fake newsssthhh" through his false teeth is not the mental picture I\'m trying to have right before I close reddit and open redtube', '>>{twxxx} : well then lettuce will still be $10 head, so nkt sure how your previous comment applies. Plenty of americans take and would take min wage. Better than slave labor and abuse though.', ">>{seizurevictim} : Should Canada sue us? Based on your logic, Canadian immigrants either arrived via airports or the United States. In case you haven't visited, Canada is rather diverse.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : Most illegal immigrants in the US legally obtain their visas and then just don't leave. Just so you know. Also, even if they *did* come through Mexico, we can't force them on Mexico. You can't just boot them over the line and leave.", '>>{nliausacmmv} : Or, you know, Canada. Or Cuba. Or the Bahamas.', '>>{nliausacmmv} : Canada, Cuba, and the Bahamas are actually imaginary.', ">>{silverscrub} : > wow lots of down votes. I honestly don't understand what is controversial about this. I don't think that's what controversial means. Everyone agrees that your comment is bad.", '>>{AdSin15} : it not the cost of production. it the cost of picking. also the farmer is a giant corporation making billions in profit. they will take a loss', '>>{sniperhare} : Typo, yes that would be scary. I could try and say I was doing a joke with Studio 54 and the NY club scene that was "his \'Nam" but I just reversed them.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{MessisTaxAccountant} : I'm sure they would even if they didn't do it though. Just like ISIS will take credit for anything too.", '>>{satosaison} : So, the same week Donald Trump says he will reevaluate our commitment to NATO, the Russian government hacker releases documents in an attempt to discredit his opponent? Convenient.', '>>{SernyRanders} : Wikileaks.... Guccifer dumped the documents a few weeks ago.', '>>{basedOp} : Wikileaks has had the emails for over a month. Guccifer 2.0 sent them shortly after being kicked out of the DNC system around May 26th.', ">>{Mongopwn} : Guccifer 2.0 is known to be a different individual (or group). Many people believe that it is actually a Russian agent/operation, but truthfully I don't think anyone outside the intelligence community really knows for sure.", ">>{CadetPeepers} : Guccifer is a Romanian named Marcel Lehel who is currently in jail. Guccifer 2.0's identity isn't known. The DNC claimed that he's a Russian state actor, but nobody actually knows.", ">>{Overly_Triggered} : No way, bro. It was me. I just wanted to prove that Redditors don't really give a shit about privacy as long as the people being targetted are someone they don't like.", ">>{pipsdontsqueak} : *I broke the dam.* And no, Reddit doesn't care about Other People's Privacy.", '>>{TypeCorrectGetBanned} : And yet there is still no credible evidence that this person has anything to do with Russia. Keep pushing that narrative.', '>>{RIC_FLAIR-WOOO} : FWIW, Guccifer 2.0 has published hacked DNC docs awhile back. https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/dnc/', '>>{theduke9} : We can tell from all the creepy photos you neckbeards take of humans in public.', ">>{Trump-Tzu} : The DNC's own security team said it was a Russian actor though.", ">>{fallin_up} : The same team that didn't detect an intrusion for a full year... Yeah i trust them completely", '>>{mattbau90} : These emails were gathered by a hacker and released with a clear intent to influence our election. I mean, why is no one trying to hack the RNC email server? If you think the problem is a couple of emails that weren’t acted on, and not the hacking of a political party’s servers, boy, I dunno…', '>>{gruntznclickz} : Not to mention colluding with Clinton while telling everyone else there was actually a primary race.', ">>{dtracers} : But the rnc server was hacked and revealed info about them trying to take down trump... Or maybe RNC actually does better security with email and don't let their leading candidate put info on private servers?", '>>{mattbau90} : This leak is not from her private email server. And where are these RNC email leaks?', ">>{Jahobes} : The fact that our politicians are in bed with the media pushing a narrative is the problem. I don't care whether I get this information from the devil or Putin's minions.", ">>{mattbau90} : That's not something Clinton created though. And I believe your overestimating the amount of influence these emails had.", ">>{Ampu-Tina} : Attack the source, not the overwhelming evidence being found of DNC improprieties. Did the Russians write the emails? Did they send them? Did they directly collude to destroy the Sanders campaign? No. They - and that's still very questionable - simply released the evidence thereof.", '>>{escalation} : Nah, this is nothing. The Russian government is very likely to be in possession of emails from her server. If they want to cripple Hillary, they just need something leaked that proves server penetration', ">>{Ampu-Tina} : If you think the problem is the hacking of emails and not the DNC violating is own rules to influence the election for the most powerful office on the planet, you've really got your head buried in the sand.", ">>{escalation} : Clinton created her own documents, there are thousands of those already. If the DNC was conspiring against Sanders to manipulate the outcome while presenting themselves as neutral, this is a serious problem. We don't know if this can be concretely demonstrated at this point. If collusion while soliciting funds can be shown, the DNC is going to have some significant issues to deal with.", ">>{gmz_88} : I'm pissed at the hypocrisy of it all. Clinton was berated for the possibility of being hacked. Yet the people doing the hacking for political ammo are just fine.", '>>{Jahobes} : It does not matter whether the influence is real or imagined. Are you a liar only if you are incompetent enough to be caught?', '>>{bernieaccountess} : it was the email he stole from the dnc it is kinda his responsibility.', ">>{CadetPeepers} : > I mean, why is no one trying to hack the RNC email server? Who says they didn't try? The DNC and their candidate have a history of shitty cyber security.", '>>{constantly_drunk} : Courtesy of /u/nope-absolutely-not in a previous submission: >Tim Canova has a name? DWS demanded that CNN remove his name from this headline (and they obliged). [Email](https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/6131) [CNN](http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/21/politics/bernie-sanders-debbie-wasserman-schultz/index.html) There\'s blatant examples of CNN and other media outlets taking direct orders from the DNC. This is influential to our elections because it\'s unmasking who actually controls our supposedly "impartial" fourth estate.', ">>{Allahuakgaybar} : Sanders coulda had all the delegates he wasn't going to be the nominee", '>>{HeadyGrilledCheese} : Yeah the guys who think the internet is a series of tubes and want to live in 1949 again are super cyber-sophisticated!', '>>{wwjd117} : This was after her emails were made public. Everyone could claim to have hacked them.', '>>{wwjd117} : Like the emails already released. Dinner recipes. Arranging dinners. Making plans with daughter and grandchild. You know, national security level stuff.', '>>{dibship} : So, slightly off topic but: if emails from hillarys home server get leaked that were not ones made public, or that the FBI never had - are they compelled to indict?', ">>{dibship} : I mean, why are you so sure no one is trying? I am seeing this question all over the place tonight, and it's kinda a bad assumption to make. Maybe the RNC got good IT people? Who can say.", '>>{basedOp} : Compelled yes. Will they? no. Not unless Trump is elected. The crimes took place within the statute of limitations, so Hillary can be indicted and charged. The issue is that FBI Director Comey has no intention of indicting Hillary and AG Loretta Lynch is in the pocket of the Clintons. Trump has already stated his willingness to indict and prosecute the Clintons, so he would fire Lynch and likely tell Comey to "re-open" the investigation.', ">>{dibship} : But, you can't run someone who is now unquestionably guilty.. right? I mean, she would technically be f****d one way or another - if the fix wasnt in. But that kind of thing could all but guarantee a trump presidency. And at that point it would be at the feet of the DNC for not dropping her out of common sense.", '>>{dibship} : actually, they oddly enough may be more likely to hire a good group of people if they dont know a thing about it. And then what does that say about the dnc?', ">>{dibship} : Seriously - stop asking, it's a disingenuous question. One being hacked does not have any corollary with anyone else being hacked.", '>>{RIC_FLAIR-WOOO} : Whose emails? Those are from the DNC, not Hillary.', '>>{basedOp} : > But, you can\'t run someone who is now unquestionably guilty.. right Corporate America and the wealthy elite have already voted. They want Hillary. * Look at what the DNC has done to try and fix the race for Hillary. * Look at how major media networks and print publications have protected and shilled for the Clintons * Look at the Clinton\'s past including the accusations of money laundering, bribery and corruption involving the Clinton Foundation * Look at the series of events that took place in the week that lead up to "no indictments" or prosecution for Hillary despite overwhelming evidence of prosecutable violations for gross negligence. The proof was there. The Clintons orchestrated a cover-up with help from AG Loretta Lynch and FBI Director Comey. Comey gave her a pass, but not without wounding her. [For anyone that puts time in here to research](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-sZr9zqCJo), the hubris, gross negligence, and violations of US legal statutes are as clear as day. Hillary covered it up with help, then lied over and over and over again. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4shn7d/lynch_repeatedly_deflects_questions_on_clinton/d59k4b8 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4shn7d/lynch_repeatedly_deflects_questions_on_clinton/d59quh4 https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4shn7d/lynch_repeatedly_deflects_questions_on_clinton/d59rpdu https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4siqi2/judicial_watch_statement_on_state_departments_and/d59kgii', ">>{escalation} : Oh ya, by the way, how's the grandkids?", '>>{KrabMittens} : Comey put the responsibility on Lynch who pointed her finger back at Comey. Lynch flat out refused to do her job and be held accountable for it.', ">>{KrabMittens} : How much more do you need to see the that she's not just innocently surrounded by corruption and scandal, but is in fact complicit.", '>>{basedOp} : Comey interjected by making the ridiculous assertion that "no reasonable prosecutor" would take the case and file charges. Comey\'s job was to find evidence, see if it met the statutory requirements (it did), and then forward recommendations. He didn\'t do that. His actions raised eyebrows of more than a few former DOJ employees including former AG Michael Mukasey and Ruldoph Giulliani (who was once Comey\'s boss) Comey essentially gave Lynch cover to claim she was following the FBI lead. It looks like Comey was an unwilling participant in the cover-up. After Lynch\'s 30 minute private meeting with Bill Clinton, red flags were raised. The fix was already in, Lynch didn\'t recuse herself, which more or less confirmed it. Comey gave his 15 minute speech deriding Clinton and outlining a case to prosecute, but then strangely said no indictments.'], ['>>{UMDMustang92} : According to new leak, the "iPhone 8" will be called "iPhone Edition" include Touch ID on rear and keep metal back instead of glass', ">>{BroadAndPattison} : I don't care what it's made out of just that it's no so damn slippery", '>>{UMDMustang92} : I truly hope there is no truth to this. I will be disappointed if this is what we get in September.', '>>{CisternaChyli} : Yeah no, sounds like fake news to me lol.', ">>{sensicle} : I'm into 3D modeling\u200b on Blender (software) and just last night I was making an artist render of iPhone 8 and I also left the front free of buttons. Cool if it's true. :)", '>>{LuredGondola} : Hopefully not, I know it is common with Android phones but I am not a big fan of the fingerprint sensor being on the back of the phone. Mainly because of case restrictions.', ">>{sensicle} : They just put a hole in the case. It's really not a problem and, once you use it awhile, I think you'll find it's actually more convenient and allows for a cleaner aesthetic on the face of the device.", '>>{PM_Me_Your_Tabs} : That\'s literally the most half-assed render of a "leak" I\'ve ever seen. There\'s no way they\'re going to make the back of the phone look that ugly with how the camera is', ">>{Evgarian} : Shit, I hope it isn't 24k gold and $15,000", '>>{felinepine} : If Steve Jobs could see how Cook & Co. Are running Apple with so little attention to detail he would be spinning in his grave...'], ['>>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : Trump: We Will Deport Non-Mexicans to Mexico. Mexican Officials: Hell No', '>>{Scoutandabout} : Trump is literally running out of human beings on the face of this earth, to offend.', ">>{AdSin15} : They came to the USA through Mexico. They can go home the same way they came. I don't see the problem. Maybe the Mexican Government should stop allowing illegals to cross their gigantic country unchallenged? Edit: wow lots of down votes. I honestly don't understand what is controversial about this.", ">>{r3dk0w} : What if they didn't come to the US through Mexico? They have these things now called airplanes where people can fly from point to point without having to stop in the middle. Maybe, just maybe some of these immigrants just overstayed their visa, but are from non-Mexico countries.", ">>{besse} : It's hard to stop people going across long stretches of land borders. If you're American, you should already know this — that's how undocumented people cross through. It's as hard (if not harder; US is a richer nation) for Mexico to stop outgoing people as it is for US to stop them coming in. :-)", ">>{giscard78} : You also can't walk up to the border, open a door, and throw people across through. Deportees not only have to be deported but must also be *received*.", ">>{AdSin15} : Illegal immigrants from South America don't come on planes. They don't have passports. If you don't have a passport or a work visa...its pretty obvious you didn't come on a plane. Therefore they came through Mexico.", ">>{bongggblue} : > I don't see the problem. Probably the only thing right about your post", ">>{bombingwinger} : Trump already took an early L from Mexico when Nieto cancelled the meeting, forcing Trump to call and apologize. So I'm sure any tough talk from him can be dismissed. Indeed he also bowed down to China and ofc Russia. Dude is a loser. The irony of his winner persona has been on full display since he became the so called winner of the election.", ">>{Turbohand} : You guys didn't let him complete is full plan. 1. We will rename Mexico to Notwhiteistan 2. We will deport all non-white people to Notwhiteistan.", ">>{Donald_Drunk_On_Piss} : I've heard of them airplanes and I've also heard of other countries but ain't never seen one of any of them afore. So I'm guessing you be perpetrating that fake news. -yours sincerely Jethro Chewstain McInbred", '>>{sniperhare} : If this happens they will probably just start putting them in prisons, and making them work as slaves to pay off the cost of incarceration. I could see Donnie 54 putting up a string of prisons across the Southern border.', '>>{AdSin15} : and yet you cannot seem to articulate the problem yourself...', ">>{BDMayhem} : That's how Melania did it when she was an undocumented worker.", '>>{Francoisvillian} : Can other countries deport whomever they please to the US?', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : Yeah. And *finally* all of the unemployed *natural born* citizens will have access to all of those *sweet, sweeet* agricultral and house keeping jobs! Brilliant plan!', '>>{Ruslan124} : Because it is not true. The majority of undocumented immigrants came legally and overstayed. Some came directly by air. How are Mexico responsible for those that did?', ">>{IdiocracyAmerica2016} : Can we please deport all the horrible Trump supporters. They are terrible human beings that base their actions on fear and ignorance. The immigrants coming would make far better Americans than these cowards that blame their problems on everybody else. And that's not even getting into them supposedly being Christians with no empathy.", '>>{BaumerS4} : Oh well, ship them to Canada I guess... /s', ">>{AdSin15} : I admit it is hard to stop them. However they came through Mexico. They can go back through Mexico. Why would they go back any other way? We can't send them home through Canada. Flying them all home would cost an astronomical amount of taxpayer dollars. They got here on their own they can get home on their own.", '>>{freecavitycreep} : That\'s actually already their plan. What do you think these "detention centers" are?', '>>{AdSin15} : Those jobs will have to pay living wages to American Workers which will enhance the economy of the United States. Most of these illegals take their money and send it home...eliminating it from the American Economy just as if it was flushed down the toilet. Billions of dollars every year...flushed right out of America and out of the pockets of American Citizens. Massive Agrobusiness will simply have to make less profits and pay decent wages. Are liberals against Americans making a decent wage now? What happened to the Democrats?', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : > Those jobs will have to pay living wages to American Workers Absolutely! Enjoy your $10 head of lettuce!', ">>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : That's not even true. Most illegal immigrants overstay Visas, not cross the border.", '>>{Tadra29} : Yeah, dumping people who are not their citizens into them, how is that not a violation of their sovereignty?', '>>{AdSin15} : If they came by air then they have a passport. If they have a passport we can send them home by air. Nothing wrong with that. If you came by land though...you go home by land right?', '>>{AdSin15} : No of course not. Only people that came to their country via the USA.', '>>{Francoisvillian} : Are we showing that the people deported came through Mexico? Nope, we just assume it. If that is far it is fair for other countries to assume.', '>>{besse} : Actually, despite the costs, it\'s the responsibility of the host nation to find a way to transport people they don\'t want to keep in. What they *can* do is negotiate with Mexico saying "hey mate, would you mind if these guys pass through your land under police protection and our cost?" But that\'s not what\'s happening here; here US wants to simply dump them on to Mexico. There\'s no way Mexico takes up that responsibility. Think about what would happen if a drugs guy came through US and then illegally crossed into Mexico to do his dealings. What would you say if Mexico decided to catch the guy and just dump him into US? Wouldn\'t you prefer Mexico to deal with people that *they* have a problem with? Why would he be US\'s headache just because he happened to pass through it?', '>>{freecavitycreep} : Pick up that can, ~~citizen~~ slave.', ">>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : Because most didn't come through Mexico: they overstay visas. And those that did come through the border risked life and limb to get here, spending years worth of savings to make the trip. Now, you're dumping them in a poor nation with no job, no money, no food and no shelter. How in the fuck are they supposed to get back to their country of origin? Planes, trains, cars etc. aren't free. And that's not to mention the biggest issue: 30% of undocumented immigrants come from nations that will not take them back. These people become citizens without a nation stuck in legal limbo and left stranded in a foreign land without any form of resources. How are these people going to live? You don't want that Human Rights issue on your hands. Not to mention this is a major violation of another nation's sovereignty. It's not their responsibility to police our border. One nation does not get to force people on another nation.", '>>{AdSin15} : By all means keep trying to play grammar police on somebody who has a degree in English. It amuses me greatly. PS you used a different account to respond the second time.', '>>{freecavitycreep} : Ah... Arbeit macht frei. Yes, quite appropriate.', ">>{dick_beverson} : What's to stop Mexico from sending non-citizens back to the country from where they came? We send illegal immigrants back, Mexico screens and sends all of the non Mexicans back to the US. Tit for tat.", ">>{AdSin15} : First of all...I didn't vote for Trump. Second, No...the person who makes troll comments comes across as a troll. Bonggblue was clearly trolling me and I called him on it. Why shouldn't we return them to their country of origin? Is that our duty? Why? These people are criminals. We shouldn't have to bother with all that. They snuck into the USA through Mexico. They can go back to wherever they came from through Mexico too. All we are obligated to do is drive them to the border. They can figure the rest out themselves. They clearly had the resources to get to the USA through Mexico. They can go back the same way. The idea is to discourage people from coming here. The idea is to discourage Mexico from allowing them to traverse their country unchallenged. mexico allows them to do this because they know they aren't going to stay in Mexico...they are just passing through. It's time Mexico realized the scope of the problem. Dumping all the illegals that come through Mexico to the USA back in mexico is an excellent way to get them to start cracking down on this problem.", '>>{seizurevictim} : There are also these weird vehicles that transport people over water; Elian Gonzalez can probably fill in a few gaps. I think the Brits call them floaty zoomers?', '>>{millos15} : It has been estimated that at least 40 percent of non-Mexican immigrants from Central/South America arrive with a visa and overstay.', ">>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : You go to your country of origin. If you want to drive a bus down to Venezuela instead of flying, I mean that would probably cost us more, but be my guest. But dumping them in a foreign land without the resources to get back? HOW are they going to get back? That doesn't even make sense.", '>>{seizurevictim} : How do you know they came through Mexico? Do you think they have receipts from their journey years ago that will make it abundantly clear when and how they traveled? Your assumptions are pretty wild.', '>>{AdSin15} : We want to discourage illegal immigration. In what way does your plan provide incentive for the illegal immigrant to not return after being deported? These things fall into the category of "Not my problem." They shouldn\'t have come to America in the first place. This is how the 1% divide us. They are using your feelings to make you feel bad for these people whom the 1% invited into America to take your jobs. They want cheap labor and they are now getting you to defend the very people that are taking your jobs and suppressing wages for all working class Americans. It\'s a scam. We need to start imprisoning ANYONE that is caught employing an illegal immigrant. That\'s obviously never going to happen though because the 1% owns Washington. If Trump\'s plan can discourage more illegals from coming here then I\'m for it...but the real criminals are the Business Owners who hire them.', '>>{epericolososporgersi} : If we have to send them back, it would be to their respective countries, not a 3rd party country.', ">>{AdSin15} : Mexico simply wants to dump these people in the USA. Mexico is a failed state run by criminals and corrupt politicians. Illegal immigration is the pressure release valve that stops regular Mexican citizens from taking up arms against their government. It's a LOT easier to just walk over the border to the USA and get a job than it is to fight for your homeland. If they had no place to go...they would start a revolution.", ">>{AdSin15} : If they didn't fly...the only way they got here is through Mexico.", ">>{epericolososporgersi} : It's hard to prove they actually came from Mexico. It's not like they have a stamp on a passport or anything. Regardless of what we can think of illegal immigration, we have to keep a cool head. I see it as my old math teacher who was tough but fair. Being tough is a personality choice, but being unfair is a flaw.", ">>{AdSin15} : It's simple. Do they have a passport? Yes? They flew on a plane. No? They came through Mexico. Right? Maybe I'm wrong but that's pretty much it.", ">>{AdSin15} : Well you've hit upon the real problem. We need to ensure that there is a large disincentive to come to the USA in the first place. There is two ways to do this: draconian penalties on Business owners for hiring them. Draconian Penalties on Illegal Immigrants for coming over the border. Neither of the two major Corporate Owned Parties will enforce an penalties on business owners for hiring illegals. That would simply destroy their fundraising ability. So I guess we're left with the Anti-Establishment GOP solution of draconian Penalties on illegals who are caught here. Maybe someday the Democrats will start caring about American workers but I doubt it. They are the Wall Street Party now.", '>>{bongggblue} : Just trying to see if you\'re worthy of having an conversation at the adult table. Have you left the country much, being such an expert on immigration policy, to the point where you can comfortably refer to other HUMAN BEINGS as "illegals" They\'re fucking people dude, even if they\'re brown. Just because they are from another country and speak Spanish does not make them Mexican... I\'m not sitting here holding your mother\'s vagina responsible for you coming into this country illegally either, although I should (ok..that was trolling)', ">>{trailrunner666} : That's an awful lot of geopolitical games you're playing there. If they started a revolution, that would be MUCH worse for the US. One of their largest trading parts lost for years to a revolutionary war, and not to mention the exodus of Mexicans into the US like refugees. Regardless of what anyone thinks, the US would take refugees in from Mexico even if we shouldn't.", ">>{comeoncomeon10371} : I'm sure most things fall into the category of not your problem", ">>{dick_beverson} : >There is two ways to do this Or, you know, maybe a third way? Like maybe help reinforce the economies of the countries immigrants are coming from? There is already solid proof this works. As Mexico's economy has grown, we have had less and less illegal immigration coming from Mexico. You also need to recognize that many coming from South America, are fleeing violence in their own country.", '>>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : >We want to discourage illegal immigration. The punishment should fit the crime. Is death a worthy punishment of illegal immigration? Because many of these people are going to die. I don\'t want to be Indonesia and executing people for shoplifting. We have laws against cruel and unusual punishment for a reason. >These things fall into the category of "Not my problem." They shouldn\'t have come to America in the first place. This is how you pretend to ignore your role in sentencing people to a potential death. Even if you\'re unwilling to take emotional responsibility for it, though, our Constitution protects all people who enter our borders. Our own laws make us legally responsible for the hardship they go through. What\'s more is that international law makes us legally responsible. This is the start of the type of thing that gets leaders in international court. Not my problem is not an option here, whether you want it to be or not. Legally, it is your problem. >This is how the 1% divide us. They are using your feelings to make you feel bad for these people whom the 1% invited into America to take your jobs. They want cheap labor and they are now getting you to defend the very people that are taking your jobs and suppressing wages for all working class Americans. Immigrants do not take our jobs. That isn\'t how jobs work. More people = more consumers = more spending and economic activity = more jobs for everyone else. I don\'t know how the Trump crowd is so ignorant on this, basic economics like this used to be universally understood. JOBS ARE NOT ZERO SUM. MONEY IS NOT ZERO SUM. Removing consumers kills more jobs than it opens up. What\'s more is that hiring American workers will inevitably run up prices on these products, decreasing demand and causing many of the jobs worked by immigrants to disappear as well. >We need to start imprisoning ANYONE that is caught employing an illegal immigrant Majority of illegal immigrants use phony SSNs now after we passed laws cracking down on this during the Bush/Obama era. Incidentally, that\'s also why illegal immigration has leveled off. It\'s not a problem anymore, because now those immigrants are paying payroll and income taxes anyways. They\'re not an issue. Employers that pay under the table need to be cracked down on, yes, but that cracking down has already been happening for years. Which is, again, why illegal immigration has leveled off.', '>>{lobst3rclaw} : Has he offended people who use, unnecessary commas yet?', '>>{AdSin15} : lol ridiculous. It might go up a few cents.', '>>{Beard_o_Bees} : > lol ridiculous. It might go up a few cents. How do you figure?', ">>{seizurevictim} : Boats are capable of transporting humans, if you haven't heard. And even if we start including other forms of transportation, your assumption is still quite broad.", ">>{AdSin15} : If you tried having an adult conversation maybe we could talk like adults? They are illegals. They are criminals who are stealing from citizens of the USA. I don't particularly blame them. If we lived in their shithole countries we'd come here too looking for a better life. The real criminals are the 1%. If the two major Corporate Parties cared about citizens they would crack down on businesses who hire illegals but they don't because both the DNC and the GOP are owned by the 1%. The 1% wants all the illegal cheap immigrant labor they can get. They also want all the legal H1B1 immigrant labor they can get. They want to depress wages and ensure that Americans cannot get work at decent wages. Neither Corporate Lapdog Party will risk angering the Business Owners who fund their campaigns. If the Democrats cared about American Workers they'd be doing everything possible to hold the Business Community responsible for their crimes...but they don't. The GOP and the DNC are scamming you. They've got you all concerned about these people. They've tugged on your heartstrings and now you're so concerned with their plight that you are actively defending people who are stealing from you and who are being exploited by the same people who are also exploiting you. It boggles my mind that people cannot see that the entire illegal immigration debate is a farce. I could end all illegal immigration and force all currently illegals to self-deport tomorrow by passing a 1 sentence law if I alone possessed such authority. This problem exists because Politicians want it to exist so they can get people like you to vote against your own interests.", '>>{AdSin15} : It\'s not a game. This is the same problem we face with North Korea. If we stopped giving them aid the country would collapse in a few years...but we won\'t stop because of "humanitarian" reasons. So we\'re allowing a brutal dictatorship to continue for decades because we don\'t want to sit by and watch millions of their people starve to death with their inept boy king spends all the nations money on Nuclear Weapons. Mexico is failed state. It\'s run by Criminal Gangs. Corruption is rampant. The government has absolutely zero power once you travel 100 miles outside of Mexico City. It\'s never going to get better until the Mexican People decide they\'ve had enough. Right now whenever some Mexican Citizen decides they\'ve had enough...they just go to the USA...because that\'s FAR easier and safer than standing up for yourself. Syria is another example. Why should we be helping these friggin people? They need to grow a spine and fight for their own country instead of running away and expecting the USA to come to the rescue.', ">>{_durian_} : Prove they didn't come by sea or via Canada.", ">>{_durian_} : There are several problems. Firstly, Mexico has no legal requirement to receive non-citizens that happened to cross their border to get to the US. Once they land on US soil, they are the problem of the US. Just dumping them back over the border is a violation of international law. Secondly, even if might have transited Mexico and the US could dump them back you'd still need proof that they did enter via Mexico. Expect each case to be an expensive legal nightmare.", '>>{ceciltech} : Can you imagine if Canada was just like, "Yeah I think we will just dump an illegal immigrants into US"?!?!', ">>{raincheckonreality} : I don't really understand your logic here. Won't dumping millions of people into Mexico make things even worse for Mexico? If Mexico is destabilized, the Mexican government will have less control over the border, and it will be even easier for people to get through Mexico to the US. Never mind that if the Mexican economy fails, Mexicans will have more incentive to cross illegally into the US.", ">>{zonagree} : I'm not a lawyer. I'm not even sure if it's just American laws we're dealing with at that point. Can countries just dump non citizens on a country's doorstep according to international law?", '>>{AdSin15} : I\'ll try to respond to your other points later but first I wanna take on this comment: "Immigrants do not take our jobs. That isn\'t how jobs work. More people = more consumers = more spending and economic activity = more jobs for everyone else. I don\'t know how the Trump crowd is so ignorant on this, basic economics like this used to be universally understood. JOBS ARE NOT ZERO SUM. MONEY IS NOT ZERO SUM. Removing consumers kills more jobs than it opens up. What\'s more is that hiring American workers will inevitably run up prices on these products, decreasing demand and causing many of the jobs worked by immigrants to disappear as well." First off I voted for Jill Stein. Second...immigrants don\'t "steal" jobs. When I said "take" I mean they accept jobs they are offered at the expense of an American Worker. They are offered these jobs by wealthy American Business Owners because they are able to work for FAR less than an American Worker. Criminal Business owners don\'t care about their fellow citizens and would rather make huge profits by using illegal labor. Third; Jobs ARE a zero sum game. There are X amount of jobs. New ones are created and obsolete ones are eliminated but there is a finite amount of jobs to be had in America. Money is a fictional concept. Resources are a zero sum game and resources are what money is based on. There is only X amount of Oil, Gold and Steel in the world. Since money controls the allocation of resources...money is a zero sum game. people with more money get more resources than people with less money. Fourth: These people are not really consumers. Most of them take a large portion of their money and send it back to their home country. That money disappears from our economy and doesn\'t create jobs in America. Fifth: Nobody is removing consumers. We are simply trading illegal immigrant consumers for American Citizen consumers. Illegal immigrants will lose money and American Workers will get money. More money in fact since they will demand a higher wage. The higher wages will allow people to easily afford any miniscule price increases related to the higher wages. Rising tide lifts all boats. No more illegals to exploit means increased competition for low skill jobs which leads to increased wages for medium skill jobs etc etc across the board. sixth: Demand will not increase in every product. Furthermore demand is not the problem. Lack of affordability is the problem. Take Computers for example. The key to selling more computers is not to increase demand for them...that demand already exists. If a person wants a computer but doesn\'t have one right now...that\'s not because there is a lack of computers in the retail market. It\'s because that person is poor and cannot afford one. Give them a higher wage and they can now afford a computer. The price of computers will not change because there is plenty of supply. Finally...there is absolutely no crackdown on employers who hire illegals. Look it up. To the best of my knowledge there has only been one case in American History where an employer went to prison for hiring illegal workers even if the person hired hundreds of them. All you\'d have to do is send some rich guy...like Trump\'s recent pick for Secretary of Labor for Christ\'s sake...to jail for hiring an illegal housekeeper and this problem is gone overnight.', '>>{AdSin15} : Can countries actively allow thousands of unidentified people to cross their borders on their way to invade another country?', ">>{AdSin15} : If the Mexican Government has zero control over the border right now. How can they have less? Nobody will come to the USA for illegal work if we start throwing business owners who hire them in prison. Obviously the GOP won't do that cause they are Fascists but the Democrats are now the Wall Street Party and they won't do a thing about the problem either.", ">>{TheManWhoWasNotShort} : Your understanding of economics is really poor. More people create more economic activity, which creates jobs and creates money through the money multiplier. More money is available to be spent, which creates demand, which causes countries to increase supply and thereby increase jobs. It is really basic stuff here. Your insistence that jobs are zero sum and money is zero sum is absurd: the GDP grows every year and the number of jobs grow every year. This would be impossible if they were zero sum. More economic activity makes more money and jobs. >These people are not really consumers. Most of them take a large portion of their money and send it back to their home country. That money disappears from our economy and doesn't create jobs in America. The vast majority of their wages are spent here. They send back what they manage to save in some cases, but as low wage earners the vast bulk of their earnings are spent on the necessities of staying alive. >Nobody is removing consumers. We are simply trading illegal immigrant consumers for American Citizen consumers. 11 million consumers are gone. Their jobs aren't just replaced by Americans. More jobs will disappear than open up. Other people won't suddenly start demanding stores and restaurants and additional housing and all the myriad essentials of daily life each human consumes: all those markets disappear. You're living in a fantasy unsupported by any economic data, theory, or evidence. >Illegal immigrants will lose money and American Workers will get money. More money in fact since they will demand a higher wage. The higher wages will allow people to easily afford any miniscule price increases related to the higher wages. Rising tide lifts all boats. No more illegals to exploit means increased competition for low skill jobs which leads to increased wages for medium skill jobs etc etc across the board. No, that's not how any of this works. Those jobs would need to remain in the market to be taken by American workers. But it is impossible for more jobs to open up than are taken out of the economy by mass deportation, so American workers won't be filling magical jobs making things that aren't being bought at the same volume anymore. Moreover, many Americans who make products and provide services will be out of a job because 11 million users of that product and service are gone. We're not going to just magically all start consuming the food consumption of 11 million people. We're not going to use an extra 11 million people's worth of toilet paper. We're not going to buy 11 million people's worth of clothes. We're not going to replace 11 million people's worth of going to restaurants. We're not going to magically fill 11 million people's homes: because the demand for homes will be much less, the value of our own homes will plummet, putting many homeowners under water, while still leaving rent prices high because property owners are still locked into mortgages. >Demand will not increase in every product. Furthermore demand is not the problem. Lack of affordability is the problem. Take Computers for example. The key to selling more computers is not to increase demand for them...that demand already exists. If a person wants a computer but doesn't have one right now...that's not because there is a lack of computers in the retail market. It's because that person is poor and cannot afford one. Give them a higher wage and they can now afford a computer. The price of computers will not change because there is plenty of supply. This is true for expensive items. However, it is not true for the bulk of consumer purchases. People don't just buy shit tons more food. People don't just buy shit tons more toilet paper. People dont just buy shit tons more toothpaste. Hell, even with computers, people don't just buy more computers for shits and giggles If you walk through a Walmart, nearly every item in the store is population-dependent on its consumption. Furthermore, you just made all those products more expensive because you increased production costs. I can't help it that you don't have any grasp on economics, but at least be willing to listen", '>>{AdSin15} : how do you figure it will go up to ten.', '>>{raincheckonreality} : >the Mexican Government has zero control over the border right now That sounds a tad bit hyperbolic. Mexico is not a failed state.', ">>{_durian_} : > Democrats are now the Wall Street Party Have you checked Trump's cabinet lately? He's got more billionaires and people from Goldman Sachs than any other administration. At least Democrats have Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are serious about steering the party away from the rich.", '>>{twxxx} : are you really arguing for slave labor via underpaid illegal immigrants?', ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : Ten is admittedly hyperbolic. -*If* you can get unemployed citizens to go out and pick lettuce for a livable wage, you've increased the cost of production to the farmer by many fold, assuming a livable wage in California is going to be in the $15-20/hr range. This vs. what they currently pay migrant labor min. or below with ZERO benefits. The farmer isn't going to eat that loss as he's probably selling on thin margins to begin with. He HAS to pass that extra cost upstream. -I'm all for paying people a fair and livable wage, but the dirty secret is that Americans are used to a certain price point fixed to their average income (like WalMart.) the only way to keep the status quo is to pay someone in another country WAY less or pay your undocumented workers relatively little (who are they going to complain to?).", ">>{Beard_o_Bees} : No. I'm just pointing out the reality of how the system works *now*. I think those people should be given a permit to work and at least min. wage (which would be an increase for most). I think if we get those people out of the shadow economy and into the light, we all stand to benefit.", '>>{Victor_Zsasz} : Imagine your reaction if you woke up tomorrow and Canada had decided to deport all immigrants from our hemisphere that were in their country, into America. You\'d probably think "Canada can\'t just chose to deport all the Mexicans, El Salvadorians, Bolivians, Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Panamanians, Argentinians, Colombians, Brazilians, Hondurans, Peruvians, and several other countries, into my country! None of these people are from here!" And you\'d be right. Same way Mexico feels about being told they might have to deal with all the El Salvadorians, Bolivians, Venezuelans, Ecuadorians, Panamanians, Argentinians, Colombians, Brazilians, Hondurans, Peruvians, and several other countries being deported into their country.', '>>{bongggblue} : Donnie 54 is a scary ass typo, or not typo... 36 more years of Trump, and a 106 year old Rotten Mango saying "fake newsssthh fake newsssthhh" through his false teeth is not the mental picture I\'m trying to have right before I close reddit and open redtube', '>>{twxxx} : well then lettuce will still be $10 head, so nkt sure how your previous comment applies. Plenty of americans take and would take min wage. Better than slave labor and abuse though.', ">>{seizurevictim} : Should Canada sue us? Based on your logic, Canadian immigrants either arrived via airports or the United States. In case you haven't visited, Canada is rather diverse.", ">>{nliausacmmv} : Most illegal immigrants in the US legally obtain their visas and then just don't leave. Just so you know. Also, even if they *did* come through Mexico, we can't force them on Mexico. You can't just boot them over the line and leave.", '>>{nliausacmmv} : Or, you know, Canada. Or Cuba. Or the Bahamas.', '>>{nliausacmmv} : Canada, Cuba, and the Bahamas are actually imaginary.', ">>{silverscrub} : > wow lots of down votes. I honestly don't understand what is controversial about this. I don't think that's what controversial means. Everyone agrees that your comment is bad.", '>>{AdSin15} : it not the cost of production. it the cost of picking. also the farmer is a giant corporation making billions in profit. they will take a loss', '>>{sniperhare} : Typo, yes that would be scary. I could try and say I was doing a joke with Studio 54 and the NY club scene that was "his \'Nam" but I just reversed them.']]
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['>>{Laudato_si} : Chelsea Clinton Claims She Won’t Seek US Senate Seat', ">>{MrZimothy} : She wouldn't get it anyway. That name is burned regardless of merit...at least for now. Edit: which isn't to comment one way or the other on Chelsea's merit.", ">>{drdawwg} : Smartest thing I've seen her say in a while.", '>>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : Is Killing All Whites The Answer To Create A Black Utopia?', '>>{Laudato_si} : Do you suppose Chels has a lot of merit?', ">>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : [what's wrong? this sub upvote the bias conspiracy artist Young Turds to /r/all but hate on this jorualist Alex jones? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4l8x61/young_turks_host_offers_1_million_to_stage/)", ">>{NekronOfTheBlack} : Well then maybe you should do some research. She's very well-educated. I'm not sure why she should suffer for her parents' actions.", ">>{AleppoMoment} : She will. She's just a liar just like Hillary.", ">>{Captain_Clark} : Well, you must leave a few whites to reproduce or you'll run out of whites to kill.", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : >what wrong Top minds of /r/the_donald', '>>{zoeyfleming13} : *Looks at Title* *Sees its a YouTube video* *Looks at top comment* *Backs away slowly out of sight*', ">>{SlicedDicedBeef} : > Is Killing All Whites The Answer To Create A Black Utopia? If you're idea of a 'Black Utopia' is Haiti.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : If it means I don't have to hear from Alex Jones, then sure. lmao", ">>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : What this to do with /r/the_donald? I am not top mind, I merely the messager. I am nobody but somebody that witnessing the down fall of this beautiful country. but the liberal government never care, because true liberal never care a single bit about well being of Americans. Just look you can't argue with me therefore attack me on my English. Sorry /u/shillmaster_90 I do not have a English Major paid by tax payer like you did. You liberal elitism is showing. I hope trump wins so you rich ass gobalist Liberal will never ever look down on hard working Americans ever again.", '>>{Matthmaroo} : Ffs man You know nothing about her Take your asshole self back to TD', '>>{shillmaster_9000} : > I hope trump wins so you rich ass gobalist Liberal will globalist liberals* I actually learned this in elementary school, not in college. There are more typos btw do yourself a solid and proofread before you hit save.', '>>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : Why, How is this off topic? This is explicitly about current US politics. it talk about some important things.', ">>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : ^ still can't argue with core message, so lets be gamma nazi instead.", ">>{AleppoMoment} : Please try to be civil. I know enough about Chelsea to know I don't want to know any more about her, little buddy.", '>>{Matthmaroo} : Yet you call her a liar without any proof what so ever', ">>{MrZimothy} : I wasn't saying she does or doesn't have merit. I was saying people won't do the research now because of her parents. Hell, I'm not even arguing its just or not, I just have 0 confidence in the Clintons and know I am not alone. If she announced candidacy for anything remotely relevant (or at all) I would research her. I vote on issues and record. Nothing more.", '>>{JohnTitor2020} : Senate yes. didnt say nothing about any other spot.', ">>{AleppoMoment} : Did you not see her speeches when she was stumping for Hillary? She sounded _exactly_ like her war loving sellout mum. Said all the same things. What more proof do you need? Do you think Clinton wasn't lying non-stop? Because that would just be funny, at this point. The campaigns over, she lost, you can admit she's trash now.", ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : She stumped for Hillary. What more do you need to know? That's basically her record, btw.", ">>{Matthmaroo} : Sigh Your opinion / feelings are not proof When trumps got us occupying Syria later this year I'm sure you will love war then Yes .. he plans on occupying parts of Syria ... shocker ... he said he would at nearly every speech ... day 5 of his presidency he set the wheels in motion Also Clinton would of been better then trump ... but so would a squirrel... so I guess that's not saying much for both", ">>{AleppoMoment} : She probably would have been better but she would have come with her own set of problems, too. She may well have been impeached and she absolutely would have been awful for national and dem unity. (Maybe you noticed???) I don't like unnecessary war any more under Trump than I would have under Hillary. It's tragic. Your accusations are sorely misplaced.", '>>{your_real_father} : How about her made up story about dodging sniper fire?', '>>{Matthmaroo} : What would she of been impeached for? Fake email controversy is not enough, especially since trump is doing the exact same thing', ">>{NekronOfTheBlack} : Yeah she's obviously done absolutely nothing else. And omg She supported her freaking mom for president. Shocking."]
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : Is Killing All Whites The Answer To Create A Black Utopia?', ">>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : [what's wrong? this sub upvote the bias conspiracy artist Young Turds to /r/all but hate on this jorualist Alex jones? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/4l8x61/young_turks_host_offers_1_million_to_stage/)", ">>{Captain_Clark} : Well, you must leave a few whites to reproduce or you'll run out of whites to kill.", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : >what wrong Top minds of /r/the_donald', '>>{zoeyfleming13} : *Looks at Title* *Sees its a YouTube video* *Looks at top comment* *Backs away slowly out of sight*', ">>{SlicedDicedBeef} : > Is Killing All Whites The Answer To Create A Black Utopia? If you're idea of a 'Black Utopia' is Haiti.", ">>{lipsyncforyourlife} : If it means I don't have to hear from Alex Jones, then sure. lmao", ">>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : What this to do with /r/the_donald? I am not top mind, I merely the messager. I am nobody but somebody that witnessing the down fall of this beautiful country. but the liberal government never care, because true liberal never care a single bit about well being of Americans. Just look you can't argue with me therefore attack me on my English. Sorry /u/shillmaster_90 I do not have a English Major paid by tax payer like you did. You liberal elitism is showing. I hope trump wins so you rich ass gobalist Liberal will never ever look down on hard working Americans ever again.", '>>{shillmaster_9000} : > I hope trump wins so you rich ass gobalist Liberal will globalist liberals* I actually learned this in elementary school, not in college. There are more typos btw do yourself a solid and proofread before you hit save.', '>>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : Why, How is this off topic? This is explicitly about current US politics. it talk about some important things.', ">>{MAKE_US_GREAT_AGAIN} : ^ still can't argue with core message, so lets be gamma nazi instead."], ['>>{Laudato_si} : Chelsea Clinton Claims She Won’t Seek US Senate Seat', ">>{MrZimothy} : She wouldn't get it anyway. That name is burned regardless of merit...at least for now. Edit: which isn't to comment one way or the other on Chelsea's merit.", ">>{drdawwg} : Smartest thing I've seen her say in a while.", '>>{Laudato_si} : Do you suppose Chels has a lot of merit?', ">>{NekronOfTheBlack} : Well then maybe you should do some research. She's very well-educated. I'm not sure why she should suffer for her parents' actions.", ">>{AleppoMoment} : She will. She's just a liar just like Hillary.", '>>{Matthmaroo} : Ffs man You know nothing about her Take your asshole self back to TD', ">>{AleppoMoment} : Please try to be civil. I know enough about Chelsea to know I don't want to know any more about her, little buddy.", '>>{Matthmaroo} : Yet you call her a liar without any proof what so ever', ">>{MrZimothy} : I wasn't saying she does or doesn't have merit. I was saying people won't do the research now because of her parents. Hell, I'm not even arguing its just or not, I just have 0 confidence in the Clintons and know I am not alone. If she announced candidacy for anything remotely relevant (or at all) I would research her. I vote on issues and record. Nothing more.", '>>{JohnTitor2020} : Senate yes. didnt say nothing about any other spot.', ">>{AleppoMoment} : Did you not see her speeches when she was stumping for Hillary? She sounded _exactly_ like her war loving sellout mum. Said all the same things. What more proof do you need? Do you think Clinton wasn't lying non-stop? Because that would just be funny, at this point. The campaigns over, she lost, you can admit she's trash now.", ">>{I_HUG_TREEZ} : She stumped for Hillary. What more do you need to know? That's basically her record, btw.", ">>{Matthmaroo} : Sigh Your opinion / feelings are not proof When trumps got us occupying Syria later this year I'm sure you will love war then Yes .. he plans on occupying parts of Syria ... shocker ... he said he would at nearly every speech ... day 5 of his presidency he set the wheels in motion Also Clinton would of been better then trump ... but so would a squirrel... so I guess that's not saying much for both", ">>{AleppoMoment} : She probably would have been better but she would have come with her own set of problems, too. She may well have been impeached and she absolutely would have been awful for national and dem unity. (Maybe you noticed???) I don't like unnecessary war any more under Trump than I would have under Hillary. It's tragic. Your accusations are sorely misplaced.", '>>{your_real_father} : How about her made up story about dodging sniper fire?', '>>{Matthmaroo} : What would she of been impeached for? Fake email controversy is not enough, especially since trump is doing the exact same thing', ">>{NekronOfTheBlack} : Yeah she's obviously done absolutely nothing else. And omg She supported her freaking mom for president. Shocking."]]
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['>>{exersia} : Do you think Apple will ever reintroduce the headphone jack? Need help with decision to upgrade.', ">>{cliffr39} : I don't think so. Remember they dropped CD drives and people complained... then other laptop makers did the same thing.", '>>{swimatm} : >I heard a source say that once Apple makes a decision, they usually stick with it. How accurate would you guys say that is? Very.', ">>{cruiser02} : Definitely not. Doesn't bother me that much though.", ">>{Anaron} : I doubt they'd re-add it. Lots of people bought the iPhone 7.", ">>{exersia} : That is a good point. I didn't know until I just researched it that they started that.", '>>{pw5a29} : they also dropped the LAN too.... I"m so stupid to stick with the older macbook pro that year..... the CD drive wasn\'t used for more than 5 times in 4 years', ">>{Backtothelabagain} : I doubt they will go back to the headphone jack. It would be like admitting they were wrong. Don't let that be your deciding factor though. It's mostly a minor annoyance.", '>>{Arc1ZD} : Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump: "Never tweet"', ">>{KawaiiNazi} : How is this notable news? Trump's funny tweets never get reporting from you.", ">>{nipplekick} : No one cares the headphone jack is gone right now but they will when battery life sucks and they can't make it more than 8 hours before their phone dies. Dongles though.", '>>{presidentparrot} : Pretty funny, but not quite as good as Clinton\'s, "Delete your account."', '>>{CMCScootaloo} : Dropping Ethernet is simply the worst thing they have done', '>>{AZwildcatsNT} : Very unlikely they ever bring the headphone jack back, one of the reasons the 6s Plus is likely my last iPhone', '>>{sircool099} : No you is enough for a news story, apparently.', '>>{exersia} : Lol true. You mean when the phone starts dying randomly at like 10 or 20%?', '>>{noopept2} : Sure showed him. But thanks for reposting Trumps tweet on your own account.', ">>{Stumper4Trump} : They love getting Trump's message to all of their followers. I don't get it. Sanders might as well have just said 'I agree'", '>>{OBAMAS_BROTHER} : Bernie is just salty as fuck that someone is calling him out on his BS. He endorsed exactly the **opposite** of what he stands for.', '>>{driving_that_train} : Its Vox now, lets not call this "news"', ">>{nipplekick} : Yeah or when there's enough cycles on the battery to knock the capacity by half or more.", ">>{JimWebbolution} : The reason why this attack will never work is because he just won't stop tweeting! Twitter will have to ban him like they did to Milo Yiannopoulos", '>>{sydeburnz} : Probably saved a few thousand warranty calls though. To many tripped ethernet cords forcing laptop repair.', ">>{localbizdude} : Man, what a gangster. Wait, what's in the Trump tweet below Bernie's tweet... Oh.", ">>{Overly_Triggered} : The Obamas and Sanders are trending hard on Twitter right now. Whether you think that matters or not, it's Donald's domain so it's at least important to him.", ">>{Overly_Triggered} : You just don't understand Twitter shitposting or memes. They're different than reddit and The_Donald memes. Check out the retweets and likes that Sanders and the Obamas are getting tonight. They're not all fake accounts.", '>>{sircool099} : yeah, they just spoke, a lot of people are talking about them.', '>>{Stumper4Trump} : You actually think this traitor abandoning his cause was a positive thing??? He literally told people to overthrow the corrupt establishment and the big banks etc etc then endorsed the candidate that best represents all those things.', '>>{Beesfield} : Me to Bernie: Never turn your microphone over to hecklers.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Arc1ZD} : Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump: "Never tweet"', ">>{KawaiiNazi} : How is this notable news? Trump's funny tweets never get reporting from you.", '>>{presidentparrot} : Pretty funny, but not quite as good as Clinton\'s, "Delete your account."', '>>{sircool099} : No you is enough for a news story, apparently.', '>>{noopept2} : Sure showed him. But thanks for reposting Trumps tweet on your own account.', ">>{Stumper4Trump} : They love getting Trump's message to all of their followers. I don't get it. Sanders might as well have just said 'I agree'", '>>{OBAMAS_BROTHER} : Bernie is just salty as fuck that someone is calling him out on his BS. He endorsed exactly the **opposite** of what he stands for.', '>>{driving_that_train} : Its Vox now, lets not call this "news"', ">>{JimWebbolution} : The reason why this attack will never work is because he just won't stop tweeting! Twitter will have to ban him like they did to Milo Yiannopoulos", ">>{localbizdude} : Man, what a gangster. Wait, what's in the Trump tweet below Bernie's tweet... Oh.", ">>{Overly_Triggered} : The Obamas and Sanders are trending hard on Twitter right now. Whether you think that matters or not, it's Donald's domain so it's at least important to him.", ">>{Overly_Triggered} : You just don't understand Twitter shitposting or memes. They're different than reddit and The_Donald memes. Check out the retweets and likes that Sanders and the Obamas are getting tonight. They're not all fake accounts.", '>>{sircool099} : yeah, they just spoke, a lot of people are talking about them.', '>>{Stumper4Trump} : You actually think this traitor abandoning his cause was a positive thing??? He literally told people to overthrow the corrupt establishment and the big banks etc etc then endorsed the candidate that best represents all those things.', '>>{Beesfield} : Me to Bernie: Never turn your microphone over to hecklers.'], ['>>{exersia} : Do you think Apple will ever reintroduce the headphone jack? Need help with decision to upgrade.', ">>{cliffr39} : I don't think so. Remember they dropped CD drives and people complained... then other laptop makers did the same thing.", '>>{swimatm} : >I heard a source say that once Apple makes a decision, they usually stick with it. How accurate would you guys say that is? Very.', ">>{cruiser02} : Definitely not. Doesn't bother me that much though.", ">>{Anaron} : I doubt they'd re-add it. Lots of people bought the iPhone 7.", ">>{exersia} : That is a good point. I didn't know until I just researched it that they started that.", '>>{pw5a29} : they also dropped the LAN too.... I"m so stupid to stick with the older macbook pro that year..... the CD drive wasn\'t used for more than 5 times in 4 years', ">>{Backtothelabagain} : I doubt they will go back to the headphone jack. It would be like admitting they were wrong. Don't let that be your deciding factor though. It's mostly a minor annoyance.", ">>{nipplekick} : No one cares the headphone jack is gone right now but they will when battery life sucks and they can't make it more than 8 hours before their phone dies. Dongles though.", '>>{CMCScootaloo} : Dropping Ethernet is simply the worst thing they have done', '>>{AZwildcatsNT} : Very unlikely they ever bring the headphone jack back, one of the reasons the 6s Plus is likely my last iPhone', '>>{exersia} : Lol true. You mean when the phone starts dying randomly at like 10 or 20%?', ">>{nipplekick} : Yeah or when there's enough cycles on the battery to knock the capacity by half or more.", '>>{sydeburnz} : Probably saved a few thousand warranty calls though. To many tripped ethernet cords forcing laptop repair.']]
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[">>{xahnel} : And let me guess, it's all his fault. Fuck it, I'm blaming every instance of left wing violence on Hillary. The logic is just as sound.", ">>{limbodog} : I'm well aware we have racists in this country, and that they usually side with the right. However I am not going to get all bent out of shape when a Trumpling is racist. I am generally much more concerned when one of his staffers is, or the man himself is.", '>>{CyberBot129} : Is anyone else getting lots of Bluetooth connection drops since the new iOS updates?', '>>{Nperks2004} : As apposed to the DNC being blatantly anti-Semitic? Remember them emails?', '>>{LittleShrub} : Pro tip: "Traditional Christianity" includes ignoring the poor and despising immigrants fleeing oppression.', '>>{Cardboard_Knight} : My bluetooth connection to my fitbit is terrible now. Thought it was just myself having issues with bluetooth.', ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : You guys are such a bunch of drama queens. I'm actually going to miss you after the election is over.", ">>{Jstuyfzand} : I don't think I'll buy it, also because I just bought my S7 :D", '>>{HamChannell} : 55% of America Pro Choice, 45% Pro Life - Democracy is about majority rules - and so it is time to settle this Democratically - Nov 8th will clearly show where the USA stands.', '>>{Barfuzio} : Well...some one has to protect us from it.', ">>{pooponagoose} : Is this on 10.2? Since I've had my iPhone 7 Plus the Bluetooth in my car would play kinda fast forward randomly and then silence. With 10.1 it would randomly just do the fast forward thing but fix itself after a few seconds. I'm on 10.2 now and have only been in my car once since I updated and it played fine my entire trip.", '>>{moleratical} : Trump should give all of America the silent treatment. And the other nations too', '>>{Rocko9999} : I have. They are quick 1-2 second drops on my headphones, never had them before.', ">>{Buttocks} : Keep trying to make the racism thing happen. Hasn't worked for a year and Trump is now leading in the polls.", '>>{herberttractor} : He likes playing in trucks and gives people that make him mad the silent treatment and projects his misbehavior onto others. Tillerson gets sleepy easily. Nunes is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. These people are seriously adult-sized children.', '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : Traditional Christianity is apparently about 40 years old, if the Religious Right is to be believed. That makes "traditional Christianity" younger than, say, Scientology.', ">>{classic_collector} : I was having that problem with my 6s plus since the update. I just upgrades to the 7 plus and haven't seen it yet, but I've only had the phone for 3 days now.", '>>{Rucser} : he is the real world equivalent of Joffrey Baratheon.. the pure embodiment of smug entitlement and extreme narcissism. fuck us for voting this guy in.', '>>{WaltBush} : 8 Times Hillary Clinton Supporters Shot Police Officers', ">>{TrumpImpeachedInJuly} : They are meeting tonight for some event trump is putting on for senators and spouses. Shouldn't be awkward at all...", '>>{calripkenjunior} : In my car the bluetooth connection is now pretty consistently sounding like a scratched CD while listening to music. It is absolutely maddening.', ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Not to mention he was actually a child. At least perhaps he could have grown out of his shit behavior. Unlikely, but hey. We're stuck with a 70 year old who's only get more bitchy and entitled.", ">>{Rucser} : hmm. .according to the script from America 2017 - Season 2, that's the job of the American people..", '>>{nihiLSD} : And throwing minorities in jail for smoking weed and allowing the rich to get richer and hating women etc', '>>{nick_martin} : Connection between my SE and Megaboom went from rock solid to half second blips every 15-20 seconds. Extremely annoying.', '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : And Jesus said, "giveth thy tithe to the job creators, so that it mayest trickle down to thine poor and downtrodden, so sayeth the Lord."', '>>{bluerazr} : and here I thought it was my crappy MyFordTouch system that was dropping bluetooth lol', '>>{waaart} : And arming everyone to the teeth while passing Stand Your Ground laws that enable people to commit murder and get off scott-free', ">>{mathiastodd21} : The candidates really aren't similar enough for abortion to be the dividing issue. I know plenty of pro-life people who think Trump would be more likely to cause more damage to America than Clinton. It's very lesser of two evils but I doubt the elections' outcome would indicate the pro-life/pro-choice divide.", '>>{Ennion} : Me too. I got a Gear Fit 2 for free. Love it.', '>>{morbidexpression} : Any type of cooperation with Trump is looked upon as treason now,” said Rep. Peter King, a New York Republican who knows both men. Uh, not quite. It\'s the whole any type of cooperation with Putin to subvert our elections" is looked upon as treason thing, Petey.', '>>{GODGK} : I bet that got a smile from Chuck. He knows he is dealing with a petulant child.', '>>{7w9-} : >supporters Should we list the number of times Democrats have rushed Trump at his rallies? Or the number of times Democrats have prevented them from even happening? How about mass shootings perpetrated by Democrats?', '>>{Cardboard_Knight} : If you disconnect and reconnect from the Bluetooth menu it fixes it temporarily. :)', ">>{Another_Alex} : >And the other nations too Did you not see the child's attitude with Merkel? Someone should have sat him down and given him a firm talking to about manners.", '>>{AnnaTrocity} : Ahh the good old days of traditional Christianity when women were breeding stock and could be purchased for the price of a couple goats.', '>>{valdev} : Would like to get one, but my Lg Urbane is sitting gathering dust already.', ">>{midnight_toker22} : Charges of racism haven't worked thus far because up until now, he only had to appeal to racists and people who may not be racists but are accustomed to and comfortable with racism. The republican primary is over, now he has to appeal to the general electorate, who mostly find racism abhorrent.", ">>{dominoid73} : Being pro-life doesn't mean you're anti Roe vs Wade.", ">>{Buttocks} : You must have missed the part where Trump is beating Hillary in the polls. Those aren't just Republican polls. Your analysis is asinine by the way.", ">>{paninis4life} : don't forget the lying about it, the cover up, the deflections. sheesh. it's almost as if these folk aren't aware of how they're coming off. almost like they're not seasoned politicians with no respect for optics.", ">>{Fucking-Use-Google} : I barely use my Apple Watch as it is. This one is thicker and heavier. There's basically no reason for me to buy it. Might just get the stainless steel link bracelet instead.", '>>{DBDude} : Blatantly racist. For several of those you have to infer racism from racially neutral statements, such as "All these illegals need to be deported." That\'s not blatant.', '>>{pahutakz} : that moment when we have same headphones. gonna try it now.', '>>{ozric101} : Trump has been in the media for over 30 years.. Never once has be been accused of racism. The Lies about Trump are not going to work this time DNC.', '>>{HamChannell} : But it goes to who will be appointing Supreme Court Justices, and you can bet Clinton will be putting forward pro Roe vs Wade candidates - she has stated that very thing in her speeches - hence it is very political =)', ">>{CyberBot129} : They may not be the best Bluetooth headphones out there, but I've really liked my pair", ">>{QuasisLogic} : I own the old gen Apple Watch. I used to rip on it like why buy something that doesn't do as much as your phone when you already have a phone? I got it last year for quite cheap and I must say that i do like it. It's not a replacement it compliments the phone. You don't miss phone calls or messages, you can use it to change your music tracks, you can quickly reply to messages without getting your phone out and you can use it for Apple Pay. I also have my hue lights app on it so I can turn on my lights as I walk through the door effortlessly as I don't need to have my keys and phone in my hand. It's convenient.", ">>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : Ha, so she's just concern-trolling on behalf of Catholics. Brilliant.", ">>{PartyMobster} : I think it's nice that they're finally updating the watch, but honestly I'd rather stick with my original Apple Watch. Not too much to offer for an upgrade, but to new buyers it's a pretty decent device.", '>>{Al_2015} : You mean like when his company was investigated by the justice department twice for refusing to rent to African Americans? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/29/donald-trump-blacks-lawsuit_n_855553.html', ">>{J_WalterWeatherman_} : And it's basis in the bible is tenuous at best. I have always found it strange that so many Christians just take it as a given that life starts at conception, seemingly based solely on a very strained reading of a single bible passage.", '>>{Twerkulez} : > How about mass shootings perpetrated by angry young white males? ftfy', ">>{BattleBuddha} : I'm using an AKG Y50bt with an iPhone 7 on iOS 10.2, and my bt connection seems fine (tested it for a few hours yesterday).", ">>{Gscarveguy} : ALL of Trumps supporters are either racist or they are abysmally ignorant. That's it. Period. No wiggle room. If you support Trump you are racist or too dumb to know any better.", '>>{ozric101} : The Clintons know all bout investigations. I think you might not understand the US legal system .', ">>{HamChannell} : Ah, but this is one of the huge anti Evangelical stances - No to Pro Choice - can't get around it. The extreme right and how they have used their stance and the GOP is all about anti Pro Choice - which is much like ISIS and their forcing religous beliefs on others. We should round up both groups, and lock them in a room together, and let them sort things out =)", '>>{7w9-} : > How about mass shootings perpetrated by angry young black males? ftfy', '>>{SomethingNicer} : For runners, having built in gps is a big deal. That said, from the spec sheet, I agree.', ">>{ocelotofdeadbodies} : > There are two ways to activate the water resistance mode... Uhhhhh, what happens if you don't activate it and jump in a pool?", ">>{JohnnyNorCal} : Yes I'm having the same issues on 10.2 and my wife is as well. Happening on all my speakers and my Apple Watch.", ">>{Twerkulez} : Aww, you're sensitive! Love it when edgelords are triggered by facts. But yes, go back to your white male teen victimhood schtick.", '>>{claudiakishihere} : How? If you agree that abortion should remain legal, then you are pro choice.', '>>{Chair_Toaster} : The screen stays touch sensitive. All the water mode does is turn off touch.', '>>{mattymelt} : Otherwise known as the first ten posts on /pol/', '>>{hmspain} : I was expecting thinner and lighter and perhaps a bit less “boxy”. Sounds like the are going in the wrong direction.', ">>{Misanthraloperer} : He literally just promised at his speech in Sanford, FL that if he's elected, *One People, under One God, saluting the American Flag*. So yeah....I mean, sounds pretty traditional Christian to *me* (better get out if you're a Hindu or something.)", ">>{AnalogAccount} : Don't expect that to change until battery tech improves or the internals start using half the power they do now.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_STETHOSCOPE} : I still do not really see how these are useful. I've only ever seen them being used as expensive notification dismissers.", '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : That\'s a problem that\'s endemic to fundamentalist Christianity. Their "literal, plain-language" reading of the Bible is often anything but, since it\'s impossible to take a two- to five thousand year old document with multiple authors, translators and redactors and expect it to translate plainly to the modern era. Most Catholics and mainline Protestants are far more reasonable in that respect.', ">>{Capolan} : they are incredibly inaccurate - at least the first one was. I'll be curious if they did some much needed improvements to the optical HR sensor. I'll wait till DC Rainmaker reviews it to use for exercise. The first one he said was great for everything but exercise. for exercise it was terrible. I hope they improved it.", '>>{myneckbone} : So is mine, though only because Android Wear is gaab.', ">>{dominoid73} : At least from my perspective here's how it works. My wife and I are pro-life in that we would never personally consider an abortion, but are in no way making that decision for others. If you say that makes us pro-choice, we won't argue. But the confusion that I describe above may also affect how people answer the poll question.", '>>{tussilladra} : Can you live without them? Sure. But answering phone calls, changing music, seeing and replying to texts without having to find your phone sure is convenient.', ">>{Lego_C3PO} : Isn't there also a feature to play a certain frequency to clear water from the speaker?", '>>{Chair_Toaster} : Yeah hat happens at the end of that mode. But you can do that an any point.', '>>{dhamon} : Custom watch faces are the only reason why I would get one. And they tell the time.', '>>{piyushr21} : I would take thicker smart watch for more battery and performance anytime plus the added benefit of water resistance. And the difference is almost negligible. People use to hate because the where obsessed over thinness and now something is tad bit thicker and people are blaming for being going in wrong direction.', ">>{Fucking-Use-Google} : I don't need more battery or performance in my watch. It barely does anything for me, certainly nothing essential. It's 50%+ fashion.", '>>{piyushr21} : Lol, Battery is the most important thing for smartwatch users many people use smartwatch for fitness tracking which requires constant use of battery and Apple Watch looks are great, Apple purposely chose square design for proper usability because smartwatch has small touchscreen, it was wise decision by apple and for performance Apple Watch was given bad reviews because it was slow at doing task like opening apps slower thus performance boost a huge thing for smartwatch users. It does lot of things for me like I can pay with my Apple Watch no to remove smartphone with Apple Pay using NFC, I can take calls, I can glance at my notifications even reply back using Siri, its and awesome fitness tracker for me, the heartrate sensor are quite good, I can control music app too.', ">>{Fucking-Use-Google} : Yeah, I can do all of those things too. Still doesn't make it remotely a necessity. That's why I don't need the battery to last over a day. I still have to carry around backup methods for doing every one of those tasks, aside from the fitness tracker which is not needed on a daily basis.", ">>{claudiakishihere} : Yeah I think a lot of people feel the same with regards to the choice they would make personally, but as long as you aren't trying to take away anyone else's options then that is prochoice imo.", '>>{Sigmorhair666} : But of course Trump is totally A-OK and no threat to "Traditional Christianity." Which is a no true Scotsman fallacy in the first place.', ">>{BroboxylicAcid} : Preach it, brother. Or don't. Evangelizing can't be proven to be prima scriptura vs. merely tradition by the Wesleyan standard.", '>>{Sigmorhair666} : Pretty sure Trump is paying lip service to the guy on the right, not the real one. http://montaraventures.com/blog/wp-content/2011/02/real-jesus-vs-republican-jesus-590x823.jpg', ">>{piyushr21} : It's not necessity my friend it's complementary smart watch are to ease not to change.", '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : And maybe just a hair less corrupt and dishonest.', '>>{Sigmorhair666} : The problem is "Traditional" in this sense/case means the twisted "American Jesus", the difference shown here: http://montaraventures.com/blog/wp-content/2011/02/real-jesus-vs-republican-jesus-590x823.jpg', '>>{Sigmorhair666} : Yep I think he has a couple other similar ones.', '>>{Genoscythe_} : The idea that the Bible speaks about ebortion, is pretty much the best example of a liberal christianity at least in terms of hermeneutics.', '>>{TheOrangeGroper} : **69%** support abortion rights. http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/healthcare/300703-americans-overwhelmingly-support-abortion-rights', '>>{Parrek} : So allowing gay rights and abortion is destroying christianity? It\'s not letting religion into government. If she forces you to go to another church and prevents Bibles from being sold, then she is harming religion. I love this "Democrats are destroying freedoms" argument when the only side taking away freedoms like choice and the right to have consensual sex in any way are the republicans.', '>>{SWaspMale} : I am more inclined to look at actions and history rather than promises, particularly from him.', '>>{AtlasPJackson} : >In an email from February 2012, Sandy Newman, president and founder of the progressive nonprofit Voices for Progress, wrote to John Podesta (now Clinton\'s campaign chairman) that "there needs to be a Catholic Spring [like the Arab Spring], in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church." >Podesta, rather than dismissing the idea of infiltrating a Christian church and trying to force it to reject longstanding doctrine, said he had already attempted to do this. "We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a movement like this. Likewise Catholics United," he replied. The first group Podesta mentioned, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, is funded by George Soros and pushes left-wing ideologies which are inconsistent with Catholic doctrine. Because the only Catholics who would support birth control are obviously infiltrators. >Much of the way Americans see the world is heavily influenced by St. Thomas Aquinas [...] The idea that Americans in general even know who Thomas Aquinas is is a joke. But even Aquinas wouldn\'t pitch too much of a fit at abortion. From his Summa Theologica, page 498 (649 in the PDF) of [this translation](http://www.basilica.org/pages/ebooks/St.%20Thomas%20Aquinas-Summa%20Theologica.pdf): >Reply to Objection 3: The embryo has first of all a soul which is merely sensitive, and when this is removed, it is supplanted by a more perfect soul, which is both sensitive and intellectual: as will be shown further on (Q[118], A[2], ad 2). He even talks about the existence of a new soul at the *end* of the generation of a human on pages 767-768 (918-919 of the PDF). The earliest forms of embryos have souls, but these are not intellectual, human souls; they are baser animal souls. >It is in this way that through many generations and corruptions we arrive at the ultimate substantial form, both in man and other animals. This indeed is apparent to the senses in animals generated from putrefaction. We conclude therefore that the intellectual soul is created by God at the end of human generation, and this soul is at the same time sensitive and nutritive, the pre-existing forms being corrupted. I remember this because I had a batshit-insane philosophy professor who assigned selections from this god-awful book, insisted that it was the actual word of god (except this one thing about fetuses), and also insisted that the Pope is totally within his rights to sell indulgences. No one had asked about that last one, she just volunteered it. More to the point, "Traditional Christian" reproductive medicine apparently begins and ends at this philosophy textbook from 1485, you know, with some edits.', '>>{CH_GOROG} : Bullshit. Christians are the most giving group in the entire world by giving 358.4 billion dollars in charity alone in 2014. Also, the Catholics were the ones who were enormous proponents AGAINST black slavery back during the days of the antebellum south.', '>>{LittleShrub} : They "give" mostly to themselves (i.e., their churches).', '>>{CH_GOROG} : Churches do not, generally, make those numbers available but as part of an answer, The Economist estimates the Catholic Church spent $171,600,000,000 in 2010 (worldwide figures) (cf. Page on patheos.com). Overall giving in the US was $260.3B in 2005 (How Much is Given?). Also, [here](http://nccs.urban.org/statistics/quickfacts.cfm) Stop making ignorant comments and actually find facts.', '>>{fgsgeneg} : If by "Traditional Christianity" you mean the religious right, then I would say "Traditional Christianity" is its own biggest threat. Maybe they should try reading the Bible. Can you really see Jesus holding his nose and voting for Trump? Really?']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{CyberBot129} : Is anyone else getting lots of Bluetooth connection drops since the new iOS updates?', '>>{Cardboard_Knight} : My bluetooth connection to my fitbit is terrible now. Thought it was just myself having issues with bluetooth.', ">>{pooponagoose} : Is this on 10.2? Since I've had my iPhone 7 Plus the Bluetooth in my car would play kinda fast forward randomly and then silence. With 10.1 it would randomly just do the fast forward thing but fix itself after a few seconds. I'm on 10.2 now and have only been in my car once since I updated and it played fine my entire trip.", '>>{Rocko9999} : I have. They are quick 1-2 second drops on my headphones, never had them before.', ">>{classic_collector} : I was having that problem with my 6s plus since the update. I just upgrades to the 7 plus and haven't seen it yet, but I've only had the phone for 3 days now.", '>>{calripkenjunior} : In my car the bluetooth connection is now pretty consistently sounding like a scratched CD while listening to music. It is absolutely maddening.', '>>{nick_martin} : Connection between my SE and Megaboom went from rock solid to half second blips every 15-20 seconds. Extremely annoying.', '>>{bluerazr} : and here I thought it was my crappy MyFordTouch system that was dropping bluetooth lol', '>>{Cardboard_Knight} : If you disconnect and reconnect from the Bluetooth menu it fixes it temporarily. :)', '>>{pahutakz} : that moment when we have same headphones. gonna try it now.', ">>{CyberBot129} : They may not be the best Bluetooth headphones out there, but I've really liked my pair", ">>{BattleBuddha} : I'm using an AKG Y50bt with an iPhone 7 on iOS 10.2, and my bt connection seems fine (tested it for a few hours yesterday).", ">>{JohnnyNorCal} : Yes I'm having the same issues on 10.2 and my wife is as well. Happening on all my speakers and my Apple Watch."], [">>{xahnel} : And let me guess, it's all his fault. Fuck it, I'm blaming every instance of left wing violence on Hillary. The logic is just as sound.", ">>{limbodog} : I'm well aware we have racists in this country, and that they usually side with the right. However I am not going to get all bent out of shape when a Trumpling is racist. I am generally much more concerned when one of his staffers is, or the man himself is.", '>>{Nperks2004} : As apposed to the DNC being blatantly anti-Semitic? Remember them emails?', ">>{Buttocks} : Keep trying to make the racism thing happen. Hasn't worked for a year and Trump is now leading in the polls.", '>>{WaltBush} : 8 Times Hillary Clinton Supporters Shot Police Officers', '>>{7w9-} : >supporters Should we list the number of times Democrats have rushed Trump at his rallies? Or the number of times Democrats have prevented them from even happening? How about mass shootings perpetrated by Democrats?', ">>{midnight_toker22} : Charges of racism haven't worked thus far because up until now, he only had to appeal to racists and people who may not be racists but are accustomed to and comfortable with racism. The republican primary is over, now he has to appeal to the general electorate, who mostly find racism abhorrent.", ">>{Buttocks} : You must have missed the part where Trump is beating Hillary in the polls. Those aren't just Republican polls. Your analysis is asinine by the way.", '>>{DBDude} : Blatantly racist. For several of those you have to infer racism from racially neutral statements, such as "All these illegals need to be deported." That\'s not blatant.', '>>{ozric101} : Trump has been in the media for over 30 years.. Never once has be been accused of racism. The Lies about Trump are not going to work this time DNC.', '>>{Al_2015} : You mean like when his company was investigated by the justice department twice for refusing to rent to African Americans? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/29/donald-trump-blacks-lawsuit_n_855553.html', '>>{Twerkulez} : > How about mass shootings perpetrated by angry young white males? ftfy', ">>{Gscarveguy} : ALL of Trumps supporters are either racist or they are abysmally ignorant. That's it. Period. No wiggle room. If you support Trump you are racist or too dumb to know any better.", '>>{ozric101} : The Clintons know all bout investigations. I think you might not understand the US legal system .', '>>{7w9-} : > How about mass shootings perpetrated by angry young black males? ftfy', ">>{Twerkulez} : Aww, you're sensitive! Love it when edgelords are triggered by facts. But yes, go back to your white male teen victimhood schtick.", '>>{mattymelt} : Otherwise known as the first ten posts on /pol/'], ['>>{LittleShrub} : Pro tip: "Traditional Christianity" includes ignoring the poor and despising immigrants fleeing oppression.', ">>{CheetoJesusTheonlyon} : You guys are such a bunch of drama queens. I'm actually going to miss you after the election is over.", '>>{HamChannell} : 55% of America Pro Choice, 45% Pro Life - Democracy is about majority rules - and so it is time to settle this Democratically - Nov 8th will clearly show where the USA stands.', '>>{Barfuzio} : Well...some one has to protect us from it.', '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : Traditional Christianity is apparently about 40 years old, if the Religious Right is to be believed. That makes "traditional Christianity" younger than, say, Scientology.', '>>{nihiLSD} : And throwing minorities in jail for smoking weed and allowing the rich to get richer and hating women etc', '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : And Jesus said, "giveth thy tithe to the job creators, so that it mayest trickle down to thine poor and downtrodden, so sayeth the Lord."', '>>{waaart} : And arming everyone to the teeth while passing Stand Your Ground laws that enable people to commit murder and get off scott-free', ">>{mathiastodd21} : The candidates really aren't similar enough for abortion to be the dividing issue. I know plenty of pro-life people who think Trump would be more likely to cause more damage to America than Clinton. It's very lesser of two evils but I doubt the elections' outcome would indicate the pro-life/pro-choice divide.", '>>{AnnaTrocity} : Ahh the good old days of traditional Christianity when women were breeding stock and could be purchased for the price of a couple goats.', ">>{dominoid73} : Being pro-life doesn't mean you're anti Roe vs Wade.", '>>{HamChannell} : But it goes to who will be appointing Supreme Court Justices, and you can bet Clinton will be putting forward pro Roe vs Wade candidates - she has stated that very thing in her speeches - hence it is very political =)', ">>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : Ha, so she's just concern-trolling on behalf of Catholics. Brilliant.", ">>{J_WalterWeatherman_} : And it's basis in the bible is tenuous at best. I have always found it strange that so many Christians just take it as a given that life starts at conception, seemingly based solely on a very strained reading of a single bible passage.", ">>{HamChannell} : Ah, but this is one of the huge anti Evangelical stances - No to Pro Choice - can't get around it. The extreme right and how they have used their stance and the GOP is all about anti Pro Choice - which is much like ISIS and their forcing religous beliefs on others. We should round up both groups, and lock them in a room together, and let them sort things out =)", '>>{claudiakishihere} : How? If you agree that abortion should remain legal, then you are pro choice.', ">>{Misanthraloperer} : He literally just promised at his speech in Sanford, FL that if he's elected, *One People, under One God, saluting the American Flag*. So yeah....I mean, sounds pretty traditional Christian to *me* (better get out if you're a Hindu or something.)", '>>{Tarquin_Underspoon} : That\'s a problem that\'s endemic to fundamentalist Christianity. Their "literal, plain-language" reading of the Bible is often anything but, since it\'s impossible to take a two- to five thousand year old document with multiple authors, translators and redactors and expect it to translate plainly to the modern era. Most Catholics and mainline Protestants are far more reasonable in that respect.', ">>{dominoid73} : At least from my perspective here's how it works. My wife and I are pro-life in that we would never personally consider an abortion, but are in no way making that decision for others. If you say that makes us pro-choice, we won't argue. But the confusion that I describe above may also affect how people answer the poll question.", ">>{claudiakishihere} : Yeah I think a lot of people feel the same with regards to the choice they would make personally, but as long as you aren't trying to take away anyone else's options then that is prochoice imo.", '>>{Sigmorhair666} : But of course Trump is totally A-OK and no threat to "Traditional Christianity." Which is a no true Scotsman fallacy in the first place.', ">>{BroboxylicAcid} : Preach it, brother. Or don't. Evangelizing can't be proven to be prima scriptura vs. merely tradition by the Wesleyan standard.", '>>{Sigmorhair666} : Pretty sure Trump is paying lip service to the guy on the right, not the real one. http://montaraventures.com/blog/wp-content/2011/02/real-jesus-vs-republican-jesus-590x823.jpg', '>>{FullClockworkOddessy} : And maybe just a hair less corrupt and dishonest.', '>>{Sigmorhair666} : The problem is "Traditional" in this sense/case means the twisted "American Jesus", the difference shown here: http://montaraventures.com/blog/wp-content/2011/02/real-jesus-vs-republican-jesus-590x823.jpg', '>>{Sigmorhair666} : Yep I think he has a couple other similar ones.', '>>{Genoscythe_} : The idea that the Bible speaks about ebortion, is pretty much the best example of a liberal christianity at least in terms of hermeneutics.', '>>{TheOrangeGroper} : **69%** support abortion rights. http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/healthcare/300703-americans-overwhelmingly-support-abortion-rights', '>>{Parrek} : So allowing gay rights and abortion is destroying christianity? It\'s not letting religion into government. If she forces you to go to another church and prevents Bibles from being sold, then she is harming religion. I love this "Democrats are destroying freedoms" argument when the only side taking away freedoms like choice and the right to have consensual sex in any way are the republicans.', '>>{SWaspMale} : I am more inclined to look at actions and history rather than promises, particularly from him.', '>>{AtlasPJackson} : >In an email from February 2012, Sandy Newman, president and founder of the progressive nonprofit Voices for Progress, wrote to John Podesta (now Clinton\'s campaign chairman) that "there needs to be a Catholic Spring [like the Arab Spring], in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church." >Podesta, rather than dismissing the idea of infiltrating a Christian church and trying to force it to reject longstanding doctrine, said he had already attempted to do this. "We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a movement like this. Likewise Catholics United," he replied. The first group Podesta mentioned, Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, is funded by George Soros and pushes left-wing ideologies which are inconsistent with Catholic doctrine. Because the only Catholics who would support birth control are obviously infiltrators. >Much of the way Americans see the world is heavily influenced by St. Thomas Aquinas [...] The idea that Americans in general even know who Thomas Aquinas is is a joke. But even Aquinas wouldn\'t pitch too much of a fit at abortion. From his Summa Theologica, page 498 (649 in the PDF) of [this translation](http://www.basilica.org/pages/ebooks/St.%20Thomas%20Aquinas-Summa%20Theologica.pdf): >Reply to Objection 3: The embryo has first of all a soul which is merely sensitive, and when this is removed, it is supplanted by a more perfect soul, which is both sensitive and intellectual: as will be shown further on (Q[118], A[2], ad 2). He even talks about the existence of a new soul at the *end* of the generation of a human on pages 767-768 (918-919 of the PDF). The earliest forms of embryos have souls, but these are not intellectual, human souls; they are baser animal souls. >It is in this way that through many generations and corruptions we arrive at the ultimate substantial form, both in man and other animals. This indeed is apparent to the senses in animals generated from putrefaction. We conclude therefore that the intellectual soul is created by God at the end of human generation, and this soul is at the same time sensitive and nutritive, the pre-existing forms being corrupted. I remember this because I had a batshit-insane philosophy professor who assigned selections from this god-awful book, insisted that it was the actual word of god (except this one thing about fetuses), and also insisted that the Pope is totally within his rights to sell indulgences. No one had asked about that last one, she just volunteered it. More to the point, "Traditional Christian" reproductive medicine apparently begins and ends at this philosophy textbook from 1485, you know, with some edits.', '>>{CH_GOROG} : Bullshit. Christians are the most giving group in the entire world by giving 358.4 billion dollars in charity alone in 2014. Also, the Catholics were the ones who were enormous proponents AGAINST black slavery back during the days of the antebellum south.', '>>{LittleShrub} : They "give" mostly to themselves (i.e., their churches).', '>>{CH_GOROG} : Churches do not, generally, make those numbers available but as part of an answer, The Economist estimates the Catholic Church spent $171,600,000,000 in 2010 (worldwide figures) (cf. Page on patheos.com). Overall giving in the US was $260.3B in 2005 (How Much is Given?). Also, [here](http://nccs.urban.org/statistics/quickfacts.cfm) Stop making ignorant comments and actually find facts.', '>>{fgsgeneg} : If by "Traditional Christianity" you mean the religious right, then I would say "Traditional Christianity" is its own biggest threat. Maybe they should try reading the Bible. Can you really see Jesus holding his nose and voting for Trump? Really?'], ['>>{moleratical} : Trump should give all of America the silent treatment. And the other nations too', '>>{herberttractor} : He likes playing in trucks and gives people that make him mad the silent treatment and projects his misbehavior onto others. Tillerson gets sleepy easily. Nunes is caught with his hand in the cookie jar. These people are seriously adult-sized children.', '>>{Rucser} : he is the real world equivalent of Joffrey Baratheon.. the pure embodiment of smug entitlement and extreme narcissism. fuck us for voting this guy in.', ">>{TrumpImpeachedInJuly} : They are meeting tonight for some event trump is putting on for senators and spouses. Shouldn't be awkward at all...", ">>{Crazymodsarecrazy} : Not to mention he was actually a child. At least perhaps he could have grown out of his shit behavior. Unlikely, but hey. We're stuck with a 70 year old who's only get more bitchy and entitled.", ">>{Rucser} : hmm. .according to the script from America 2017 - Season 2, that's the job of the American people..", '>>{morbidexpression} : Any type of cooperation with Trump is looked upon as treason now,” said Rep. Peter King, a New York Republican who knows both men. Uh, not quite. It\'s the whole any type of cooperation with Putin to subvert our elections" is looked upon as treason thing, Petey.', '>>{GODGK} : I bet that got a smile from Chuck. He knows he is dealing with a petulant child.', ">>{Another_Alex} : >And the other nations too Did you not see the child's attitude with Merkel? Someone should have sat him down and given him a firm talking to about manners.", ">>{paninis4life} : don't forget the lying about it, the cover up, the deflections. sheesh. it's almost as if these folk aren't aware of how they're coming off. almost like they're not seasoned politicians with no respect for optics."], [">>{Jstuyfzand} : I don't think I'll buy it, also because I just bought my S7 :D", '>>{Ennion} : Me too. I got a Gear Fit 2 for free. Love it.', '>>{valdev} : Would like to get one, but my Lg Urbane is sitting gathering dust already.', ">>{Fucking-Use-Google} : I barely use my Apple Watch as it is. This one is thicker and heavier. There's basically no reason for me to buy it. Might just get the stainless steel link bracelet instead.", ">>{QuasisLogic} : I own the old gen Apple Watch. I used to rip on it like why buy something that doesn't do as much as your phone when you already have a phone? I got it last year for quite cheap and I must say that i do like it. It's not a replacement it compliments the phone. You don't miss phone calls or messages, you can use it to change your music tracks, you can quickly reply to messages without getting your phone out and you can use it for Apple Pay. I also have my hue lights app on it so I can turn on my lights as I walk through the door effortlessly as I don't need to have my keys and phone in my hand. It's convenient.", ">>{PartyMobster} : I think it's nice that they're finally updating the watch, but honestly I'd rather stick with my original Apple Watch. Not too much to offer for an upgrade, but to new buyers it's a pretty decent device.", '>>{SomethingNicer} : For runners, having built in gps is a big deal. That said, from the spec sheet, I agree.', ">>{ocelotofdeadbodies} : > There are two ways to activate the water resistance mode... Uhhhhh, what happens if you don't activate it and jump in a pool?", '>>{Chair_Toaster} : The screen stays touch sensitive. All the water mode does is turn off touch.', '>>{hmspain} : I was expecting thinner and lighter and perhaps a bit less “boxy”. Sounds like the are going in the wrong direction.', ">>{AnalogAccount} : Don't expect that to change until battery tech improves or the internals start using half the power they do now.", ">>{PM_ME_UR_STETHOSCOPE} : I still do not really see how these are useful. I've only ever seen them being used as expensive notification dismissers.", ">>{Capolan} : they are incredibly inaccurate - at least the first one was. I'll be curious if they did some much needed improvements to the optical HR sensor. I'll wait till DC Rainmaker reviews it to use for exercise. The first one he said was great for everything but exercise. for exercise it was terrible. I hope they improved it.", '>>{myneckbone} : So is mine, though only because Android Wear is gaab.', '>>{tussilladra} : Can you live without them? Sure. But answering phone calls, changing music, seeing and replying to texts without having to find your phone sure is convenient.', ">>{Lego_C3PO} : Isn't there also a feature to play a certain frequency to clear water from the speaker?", '>>{Chair_Toaster} : Yeah hat happens at the end of that mode. But you can do that an any point.', '>>{dhamon} : Custom watch faces are the only reason why I would get one. And they tell the time.', '>>{piyushr21} : I would take thicker smart watch for more battery and performance anytime plus the added benefit of water resistance. And the difference is almost negligible. People use to hate because the where obsessed over thinness and now something is tad bit thicker and people are blaming for being going in wrong direction.', ">>{Fucking-Use-Google} : I don't need more battery or performance in my watch. It barely does anything for me, certainly nothing essential. It's 50%+ fashion.", '>>{piyushr21} : Lol, Battery is the most important thing for smartwatch users many people use smartwatch for fitness tracking which requires constant use of battery and Apple Watch looks are great, Apple purposely chose square design for proper usability because smartwatch has small touchscreen, it was wise decision by apple and for performance Apple Watch was given bad reviews because it was slow at doing task like opening apps slower thus performance boost a huge thing for smartwatch users. It does lot of things for me like I can pay with my Apple Watch no to remove smartphone with Apple Pay using NFC, I can take calls, I can glance at my notifications even reply back using Siri, its and awesome fitness tracker for me, the heartrate sensor are quite good, I can control music app too.', ">>{Fucking-Use-Google} : Yeah, I can do all of those things too. Still doesn't make it remotely a necessity. That's why I don't need the battery to last over a day. I still have to carry around backup methods for doing every one of those tasks, aside from the fitness tracker which is not needed on a daily basis.", ">>{piyushr21} : It's not necessity my friend it's complementary smart watch are to ease not to change."]]
classify and reply
['>>{Alltta} : Trump Team Was ‘Incidentally’ Snooped on Post-Election, Says GOP Intel Chair Devin Nunes', '>>{Green-Goblin} : Why can’t Sanders admit defeat? He’s looking more and more foolish as he denies Hillary’s victory', ">>{gamechanger55} : It's because people that want to vote for him don't want him to.", '>>{Henry33322} : I can no longer lock my phone and listen to youtube', '>>{wickedogg} : Is there a war going on between Trump and the FBI/intelligence community? Good thing Trump has Russia on his side.', '>>{MelaniasNudez} : Nunes leaks classified info to press, should be locked up.', ">>{Astreix_} : It's been like this for a while. Google wants you to subscribe to their paid YouTube service to gain background/locked playing.", ">>{kyonu} : Oh hi Salon, I see you're taking a much needed gasp of fresh air. I can't imagine how bad the methane inside Hillary's ass smells.", ">>{SamJSchoenberg} : Probably because The number of yet uncommitted delegates is larger than Hillary's lead among Committed delegates.", ">>{Alltta} : There is no evidence the info he leaked was classified, and he stated that the info was obtained through legal means regardless. EDIT: Why are y'all downvoting this? My claim is understood to be true.", '>>{sivribiber} : No, President Trump has not created 600,000 new jobs', '>>{MrMattles} : This article is implying that Sanders is sexist for not dropping out. Mkay.', ">>{USModerate} : Let's stop with this stuff until we see how Sanders reacts to the primaries tomorrw", '>>{TrumpIsStumped} : I feel like most headlines these days are just responding to moronic things said by Trump that only idiots would believe. What makes me really sad is that this has become a needed service.', ">>{Yungskeeme} : I've had no issues. Tested it right now and it works", '>>{garrygarry123} : The inference (admission?) being that the Trump team was communicating with people who were under surveillance authorised by a FISA warrant. Whoops?', ">>{skizmo} : Creating jobs ? He's making sure of losing jobs...", '>>{snakkbar} : Inadvertent admission of something *else* going on?', ">>{professorrumham} : See! I told you my wires were tapped! Is essentially his response on twitter by sharing Nune's presser. Good god he's an idiot. But he does know that his base is dumb enough to think that makes him the good guy.", '>>{Henry33322} : I had no issues just yesterday. Maybe it was the last update?', '>>{patricktherat} : Was it any more or less classified than what the Michael Flynn leaker exposed? Seems familiar right? Only this time we know who leaked it to the press.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : Just remember Bernie supporters....this is how the DNC views you... remember that when it comes time for them to demand your vote.', '>>{Ralph1962} : I can respect Sanders for sticking it out. I wish we still had a real Republican running this election.', '>>{Alltta} : Yes, the fact that we know who it is makes the situation very different. Unmasking a person itself is a violation of FISA, which is illegal. Here Nunes is not unmasking anyone, just presenting information that he obtained legally (he claims) that pertains highly to current national political interests. To my, and so far general political, understandings, what Nunes did was at worst unproductive to an ongoing investigation, not (at least yet) in any way illegal.', ">>{vfc2000} : He doesn't look foolish to me. The DNC pushing articles like this, though, does seem consistent with his claim of the DNC rigging the primary against him. It certainly isn't just coincidence that a bunch of DNC mouthpieces like BNR are all pushing this story at the same time. And also this article even pushes the made up sexism claims. Give me a break. *rolls eyes* >Amanda Marcotte is a politics writer for Salon who covers American politics, feminism, and culture. Oh, it's a feminist. That discredits this garbage.", ">>{ccap17} : I know words, I have the best words, I created 600,000 words. They're all synonymous with liar", '>>{SpoonOnGuitar} : Pay for Protube. It really is worth it.', ">>{MuppetsTakeManhattan} : No one is demanding anyone's vote. The only person with an expectation to vote a certain way is the runner up, whoever that ends up being.", '>>{syncopator} : How does it "pertain highly to current national political interests"? If there were unmasked names in an IC report, it is because those names are suspected of serious national security and/or criminal actions. If there were not unmasked names in an IC report, then water is wet. Incidental collection of communications between US persons and foreign persons under surveillance happens all the time and is completely legal. It would in fact be expected to some degree between members of an incoming administration and foreign counterparts.', ">>{toxic_badgers} : I'm still unemployed, well underemployed (I do odd jobs because I cant work retail effectively)... the fucking market for science jobs is brutal. Anyway... if anyone needs a microbiologist, I'm looking for a job.", '>>{aranasyn} : Because they were communicating with targets of FISA investigations? Do Republicans really want to be shouting this shit from the rooftops? This is basically saying, "Yes, Trump was/is communicating with people we know to be foreign agents during an investigation where we suspect him of colluding with foreign agents." We already knew that American voices get recorded if a foreign FISA target is being surveilled. This isn\'t like, a surprise or anything. It\'s also not Americans being "wiretapped." Also, I guess we should lock up Nunes now.', ">>{kyonu} : You're right, and it won't be Trump *or* Hillary.", ">>{aranasyn} : The info he leaked is likely TS SCI/ECI, because that's what FISA targeting information is rated as. It doesn't matter that he didn't say a name, because a name can be easily deduced by the opposing country's intel services now. Said person will likely be the 11th Russian intel professional associated with the Trump collusion to wind up falling out of a 10 story building or getting into a mysterious radiation-related car crash or whatever they're doing these days. I assume when you find this out, there will be a new reason that his leak isn't as bad as the other leaks you guys have been yelling about all month?", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : Something I hope everyone remembers; a big number does not mean big success. 600,000 jobs is a complete failure when the economy was on a path to create 700,000 jobs if no one did anything. Reality is, Trump actions stopped the creation of 100,000 jobs. Jan/Feb were right on target, March was 100k short, and the first month to reflect his changes. It's sort of like how Trump making 10 million dollars sounds impressive, until you realize his competitors made 100 million in the same time.", '>>{AutoGeek3000} : What version of the player do you have installed? What country are you in?', '>>{tweakingforjesus} : Where were you during the campaign? Trump has attacked the IC for months now.', '>>{jonpkay} : What does the DNC have to do with this? This article is from Salon.com.', '>>{RikersTrombone} : > if anyone needs a microbiologist Have you tried isis?', ">>{Alltta} : That in itself doesn't warrant the individual to become unmasked, in the case of Flynn, who i assume you are referring to, he was unmasked through illegal means, and I suspect the intelligence community is doing an internal investigation to punish those responisble.", '>>{tacomanceralpha} : You mean the site that posted almost exclusively poro bernie stuff for the past few months solely to get page clicks from bernie supporters?', '>>{ddnava} : Just aquire ProTube. It is only one small pay, but I swear you it is much nicer than the official App. It has audio streaming (data saving) and background playback without issues', '>>{ddnava} : Rather buy ProTube. One little payment for a way better App', '>>{ChillinOnTheBeach} : Bernie has said over and over and over that there has been no pressure from the DNC for him to drop out........But Bernie was lying I guess and you know it all', ">>{Henry33322} : For 4+ years? I don't think so :P", '>>{toxic_badgers} : I have my problems with America, but I still love this country and would never actively work to subvert it or harm human being because of political or religious beliefs.', '>>{scootunit} : I for one do not think he is foolish. He is trying his best to help America, not himself. Hillary is in it for herself. Plus he is not under indictment. She could be pulled off stage at any point. As reprehensible as it was to state she should stay in till the primary of 08 in case Obama got popped it is not unreasonable for Sanders to stay in case she gets jailed.', ">>{MetryKels} : I've been on Android for a couple years but get my iPhone SE in the mail Friday and apparently I have a bit to catch up on. I use YouTube red on a lot of platforms though so I'll probably keep it.", ">>{Bigchile123} : Just get YouTube red. You get there version of Spotify, no ads, background play. For some reason it last longer battery wise. It's worth every cent. Just see it as 15 hot cheeto bags you aren't going to eat.", '>>{leviathan65} : He has. Reportedly cannot be seen by the naked eye.', '>>{jjmc123a} : Ran on a platform for creating jobs. What was the first thing he did? Institute a hiring freeze.', ">>{Chrisiztopher1} : You can't work in retail because you can't work effectively?? Who can expect you to work with Microbes then? Always playing the victim", '>>{lightninhopkins} : He looks desperate and pathetic. I like it.', ">>{JimmyNelson} : That's great! I like someone that sticks to their principles. Voting Clinton on the Dem side would definitely be selling out your principles. Edit: Auto-correct. Thanks to /u/TheTelephone for bringing it to my attention. Nice username, btw.", '>>{AutoGeek3000} : Strange. I just checked mine and it was not at 12.10 so I updated and I still cannot lock my phone and keep listening, it pauses the music/video.', ">>{DrunkenGenie} : So what. I thought the Republican motto was if you're not doing anything wrong what are you afraid of.", '>>{AutoGeek3000} : Do you pay for youtube red or google music or any of their premium services?', '>>{JimmyNelson} : Salon has been defending the Clintons since the Lewinsky scandal.', '>>{bbiggs32} : He was just trying to conflate incidental snooping with wiretapping for his orange overlord. I think what he accomplished was to bump himself off of the investigation and spur on the call for independent prosecutors.', ">>{toxic_badgers} : I can't work retail because I am not a people person and am bad at it. I do great in a laboratory setting, which is entirely different from retail... It's a hard concept, I get that... but laboratory work and retail are not the same.", ">>{Chrisiztopher1} : You don't get into lab work without networking, no networking, no jobs. See where I'm going? Don't be a victim of the circumstances. Get a job in retail and work your way up, you'll learn skills.", ">>{GandalfSwagOff} : It is going to be interesting in 30-40 years when us millennials are old. I wouldn't bet against Bernie playing a bigger role in our political lives than Hillary. He sparked a political passion in a formerly apathetic generation. Hillary is his antithesis.", '>>{Birata} : Why can’t Clinton go to jail? She’s looking more and more foolish as she denies her crimes...', '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Look over here! Look over here! NO, not at Russia, at Obama! OVER HERE!', '>>{M-as-in-Mancyyy} : So i am not doubting, but completely just curious, what are the actions & thus causes of stopping creation of 100k of jobs?', ">>{toxic_badgers} : Retail work doesn't have any connection to lab work...", '>>{OdinSQL} : I got a one day ban for saying pretty much the same thing.', '>>{Chrisiztopher1} : No? What about organization? Time management? Record keeping? People skills, to idk GET A JOB?!', '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : And abused his position. GTFO and get us the independent counsel.', ">>{jz68} : The super delegates have committed, stop living in a fantasy world where you think they're going to go to the convention and cast a ballot for the candidate with fewer votes.", ">>{toxic_badgers} : >what about organization? Time management? Record keeping? Yeah I am a microbiologist... all of those things are something I have to do. And I have a job... but it's not a high paying job. Go preach your bootstraps bullshit somewhere else.", ">>{Dr_puffnsmoke} : So what you're saying is he IS creating jobs... Fact checker is a job.", ">>{Chrisiztopher1} : Coming from a fellow scientist, I've said nothing but the truth. Keep giving excuses why you don't have a job. Or why you don't have a high paying job. You're in control. Edit : you do or don't have a job? Which is it?", '>>{JimmyNelson} : Well that is dumb. People can come on here and call Trump supporters every name in the book. They can call Trump Hitler but vagina upsets the mods? haha', ">>{toxic_badgers} : Like I said I do odd jobs. I have stable income right now. I am trying to find something in my field, but I don't have the income to move somewhere else. The lab I worked in lost it's grant that was paying for me. Now I don't have a science job. It's not like I have never done anything in my field. and I'm not just sitting on my ass doing nothing. I apply to jobs in my field every day when I have time.", ">>{c0pypastry} : If you don't have a D by your name, what are you afraid of", ">>{Chrisiztopher1} : Okay but it starts with retail, get some experience in if you say your not good with people. Makes you a better candidate, idk why you think that's a bad thing.", ">>{toxic_badgers} : >Okay but it starts with retail No it doesn't, it starts with experience.", '>>{jonpkay} : Not this election cycle. See H.Goodman. Once again, What does the DNC have to do with this? This article is from Salon.com.', ">>{JimmyNelson} : One is responsible for some of the worst foreign policy in US history, partly responsible for the deaths of thousands if not millions of lives, and has grossly mishandled classified information which would have me buried under Leavenworth. One said some things you don't agree with or hurt your feelings. Yeah, I will go with the guy that hurts your feelings.", '>>{Chrisiztopher1} : Well nothing I say will sway you. Godspeed sir.', '>>{newsified} : So to recap: Trump team was speaking with foreign agents who were under surveillance. Nunes may be one of the Trump team members on that list. Nunes betrayed the trust of his position to reveal state secrets in an attempt to change the headlines. He was successful, to a degree, but perhaps not in the manner he was expecting. Nunes can\'t be trusted with secrets. Some extreme right wingers, including Fox "News", are too stupid to see how their totalitarian traitorous leaders are knotting their own nooses.', ">>{-Dakia} : Wow, that's a 180 from the usual Salon.", ">>{Alltta} : Your entire comment is highly opinionated speculation, that isn't a recap.", ">>{regeya} : You see, here's the real problem: people just don't want to work.", '>>{SamJSchoenberg} : > committed [That word... I do not think it means what you think it means](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hOrHY7ZYxrQ/UOr98Mbs5wI/AAAAAAAAAXM/HXKS50rnOAk/s1600/You+keep+using+that+word....jpg) Just so you know, it is the past tense form of the word "Commit", which means to put yourself in a position where you **can\'t** undo a decision.', '>>{newsified} : It is indeed highly opinionated. Some of it is even speculation.', '>>{gonemad16} : Retail has non customer facing positions like the backroom / overnight', ">>{devilsavocadoranch} : Why would a retail job make you a better candidate to work in a lab? I'm in IT and currently hiring a couple of people and seeing retail jobs on a person's resume does not make me want to hire them,", '>>{Laxman259} : Fed hiring freeze, lack of budget certainty for grant based industries..', '>>{OdinSQL} : I think I said "magnificent flapping gray vagina"', ">>{zherok} : It's not speculative, Nunes went out of his way to make it clear that the collection was lawful, and incidental, ie, picked up as a consequence of a foreign source being tapped and then that source either contacting or being contacted by the individuals in question. The fact that he first found out this information and then went to Paul Ryan, then to a Press Conference, then to Trump, before even the rest of his committee knew of the facts definitely undermines his position handling sensitive information. How can you possibly validate his ability to investigate the Trump campaign when he's a) an involved party as part of the transition team and b) running off to go tell the central figure in the investigation as soon as he hears something.", '>>{BenBenson4321} : Just think of one thing and you will instantly cheer up. It could of been president hillary clinton. Phew dodged a huge fucking bullet there.', ">>{buckfan149} : I hope I don't get banned for up-voting this.", '>>{MyNameIsRay} : The "Trump Slump" in tourism has reduced the need for staff on a wide scale. March reflects staff hiring for the spring season (ex: spring break), and with less tourism, there\'s less need for staff. Hiring also lags 2-4 months behind policy, so this is the first peek into the effects of his first decisions. His activities in NYC and Palm Beach have led to local companies being unable to operate full hours, and thus, reduced staffing needs. (I know it seems minor, but hundreds if not thousands of employees are affected) General uncertainty has led many companies to hold course and see what happens instead of expand (I know my company, health insurance industry, is waiting to see what he does with health care reform). He\'s left a few thousand appointed positions vacant, 2-3k of that figure is purely due to his refusal to hire staff. Reduced or promised reductions in various agencies, like the EPA and parks services, have directly resulted in job losses. He\'s instructed federal agencies to not enforce parts of ACA (even though the repeal bill failed), less enforcement means less enforcers, and therefore, less hiring. Federal hiring freeze is an obvious source of reduced jobs. Keep in mind, it\'s not just the direct positions, but the indirect positions (EX: A mom that can\'t get a job, because she can\'t get child care, because they can\'t hire new child care staff.) His Muslim ban, the increase in ICE enforcement and deportations, and the general xenophobic sentiment that has spread has resulted in quite a few businesses reconsidering opening, expanding, or continuing to operate here.', ">>{TheTelephone} : *principles For the record, you shouldn't sell out your principals, either; principals are people, too.", ">>{tratsky} : >Trump wasn't tapped, that's a lie and he's breaking the law! ... 1 week later ... >Yes he was tapped but there must have been a good reason he's breaking the law! Wow lol I was told the narrative would follow this exact path but I didn't expect it to be this blatant Do you really think the only people we monitor are enemies of our country? You *know* Obama was tapping Merkel right? You remember the Wikileaks from 2006 showing that the CIA was stealing UN workers' blood to keep their DNA on file? This is a ridiculous argument", '>>{drdawwg} : She talks about her accomplishments and her record a lot. She just never cites specifics because there are very few positives to speak of.', '>>{tratsky} : >So what Literally all week this sub has been calling Trump a liar for his tweet. Do you retract that now?', ">>{tratsky} : Since when did we on the left start believing that everyone who is under surveillance must be an enemy of the state? What ever happened to Snowden? What happened to us considering the 'nothing to hide nothing to fear' argument to be ridiculous?", ">>{DrunkenGenie} : Trump said Obama ordered a wire tap on him, Trump straight up lied. It was never implied till just now by anyone on Trumps team that they may have just been picked up incidentally. You don't get to go back and say 'well I meant incidentally' because it is fucking convenient.", ">>{tratsky} : He meant that phone conversations out of trump tower were listened to under Obama's offers, they clarified that very quickly. Did Obama directly order it? We don't know, but were phone conversations intercepted and listened to? Absolutely. Did this happen during Obama's administration? Yes. Don't you think it's a bit quick to judge to say he lied given that we can't actually demonstrate that he's wrong, and the major aspect of his claim has been proven true? (It would also be quick to judge to say he was telling the truth though)", '>>{JimmyNelson} : haha I just spit up my soda. Thanks for the visual. gag.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : haha agreed! Although some will get you top dollar. haha', ">>{DrunkenGenie} : No it isn't too quick to judge, there is no evidence what ever for the claim Trump made. Obama cannot order a wire tap, the head of IC have said there was no wire tap of the Trump people, both Republican and Democrat leaders have said there is no evidence of Trumps claim. Now did Trumps people get swept up in other warrants, yes. But that wasn't the original claim. Therefore making Trumps statement a bold flat out lie. > Don't you think it's a bit quick to judge to say he lied given that we can't actually demonstrate that he's wrong, and the major aspect of his claim has been proven true? No major aspect of what Trump said has been proven true...you are just making up things to suit your narrative.", ">>{snakkbar} : Seems pretty simple to me. The story he made up about Trump Tower being tapped was false, because it wasn't being tapped. At a different point in space and time, he and / or his associated were caught up in wiretaps place on other phones, at least that's what Nunes stated. The two are very different and distinct.", ">>{U_love_my_opinion} : > One said some things you don't agree with or hurt your feelings Why can't you at least own the policies he's advocated? Why are you pretending it's some PC thing? Why can't you be honest about your own candidate?", '>>{JimmyNelson} : I am voting for [Trumps positions.](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions)', ">>{DoomAndGloom4} : FYI you and /u/mafco have a strong competition going for most downvotes by me. RES indicates that you're down to -138. Keep at it.", ">>{Whitlieann} : Because she's being investigated by the fucking FBI!!! I'd stay in the race too. Lol", ">>{adamacuo} : TL;DR Sanders isn't quitting cause he's sexist.", '>>{Whitlieann} : I got a 7 day ban for calling her a criminal and a princess in the same comment. I wear it as a badge of honor.', ">>{kyonu} : I really don't want to know what your intimate fantasies are.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : They hid my comment in one thread earlier for saying MAGA. haha mods are so sensitive.', ">>{U_love_my_opinion} : Don't be facetious, you know what I'm talking about. Legitimizing and institutionalizing torture. Targeting innocent civilians in order to influence the behavior of our enemies. (That's literally the definition of terrorism, by the way. Trump wants to make us a terrorist state.) I don't want to rant, so I'll stop there. I mean, those are just the war crimes he's campaigned on. You can support him for his other policies if you want, but I can't get over the dishonesty of pretending these things don't exist when you're disparaging his opponents. I'm sorry. I see obvious dishonesty like that as a sign of weakness.", ">>{JimmyNelson} : Only one of them has instituted regime change and dropped bombs.... only one... Is that a double-dare? You don't even have to dare me. I voted for Obama...the guy that has bombed 7 countries since winning a peace prize. What a disaster that guy was. Hillary is one in the same.", '>>{Whitlieann} : It was on her subreddit where I aid that. My boyfriend told me that some mods from that page are from her campaign. I messaged them and asked if they wanted to keep the criminal thing on the down low, since no one seemed to be talking about it. This was right after the state department made their announcement. Lol', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : You guys don't mind when they say it to Trump, enjoy some of your own medicine. Upvoted.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : Only one has actually committed war crimes... only one...', ">>{JimmyNelson} : We are not the policeman of the world. It's not our place to defend the world from Tyranny. Its our place to defend the US from tyranny. We have been at war longer than anytime in our history. Time to give the boys a rest. Dictators and leaders have been slaughtering their own people for thousands of years. The US will not stop it. Our military is to be used to defend the US and her people. Not other countries and their people...and yes, Hillary is responsible for her votes and foreign policy.", ">>{U_love_my_opinion} : See? You're running away from your candidate. Magicians train for years to learn misdirection so that when they do it, it doesn't come off as obvious and ham-fisted like what you just did. Trump openly advocated for torture and intentionally targeting innocents. You can paint Clinton as a war criminal all you want, but even you know it takes interpretation. No president or presidential candidate in the history of this country has ever advocated terrorism, i.e. killing innocent civilians to influence policy in another country. Please tell me what Clinton has done that holds a candle to that.", '>>{Cernywerty} : You can literally smell the condescension through the page.', ">>{JimmyNelson} : You don't seem to understand how scare tactics work in the mental propaganda war. It's not that we advocate torture...it's that we want our enemies to believe that we will do anything...ANYTHING...to defend our country and garner information. The fear of that alone is a useful tool in the propaganda of war. Funny, Obama is the only US president in modern history to assassinate not just one but two US citizens. I'm sure you are completely ok with that... > Trump openly advocated for torture and intentionally targeting innocents. ..are they really innocent if they are harboring terrorists or helping them financially or logistically?", '>>{formerprof} : BS. He is demonstrating profound respect for the process of voting. States that still have that opportunity should just say thank you.', ">>{dbreeck} : Didn't Hillary wait to concede until after the convention too?", ">>{JimmyNelson} : No, I won't. I do support Israels sovereignty. I do not support war for war. I only support war when the US is a direct target of the enemy. anyone that votes to send bombers or troops to war is responsible for their vote. Whether Sanders, Clinton, or Trump.", '>>{HolyHabenula} : Goddammit man. A+ for vivid imagery, F for making me want to power puke all over the place. *grrk*', ">>{JimmyNelson} : Trump never advocated the use of Nuclear Weapons. But countries that follow the rules and border Nuclear states should have the same opportunity to defend themselves against a Nuclear attack. The same reason Suddam openly said he had Nuclear weapons when he didn't. It kept Iran from invading him. Read Suddams CIA transcripts.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : DuH! No President should take anything off the table. Saying he would not rule it out is exactly the point. Why have them if they are not used as defensive weapons? Part of that defense is making your enemies believe you will actually use them if needed. > “What I said and what I mean is that there will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that the nuclear option should not at all be taken off the table. That has been my position consistently.” - Hillary Clinton', ">>{JimmyNelson} : Whether it's ISIS or a nation state. Enemy is enemy. They must fear us. It's psychological warfare. They must believe that we will use them if needed. Will we use them? probably not... but they should believe we would.", '>>{TexasDeano} : He is waiting for the FBI investigation to be completed, and rightfully so.', '>>{U_love_my_opinion} : Oh, this shit again. "He\'s lying! But don\'t worry, I have the decoder ring that lets me know what he -really- means!" And yet you go on to argue as if he weren\'t. >It\'s not that we advocate torture...it\'s that we want our enemies to believe that we will do anything...ANYTHING...to defend our country and garner information. No, **you** don\'t understand how the propaganda war works. You\'re hopelessly naive if you think Islamic terrorists are afraid of anything we would do to them. They laugh at our excuses for torture. How can you be so hyper aware of how evil they are, and not realize they do much worse to themselves? Being tortured and killed fits into their faith, for christ\'s sake. And we know that torture doesn\'t even give us good information. For nothing but lizard brain revenge pleasure, you\'d concede the propaganda war to them. Do you need convincing that terrorist organizations have had WILD success using Guantanimo and Abu Ghraib as recruitment tools? >..are they really innocent if they are harboring terrorists or helping them financially or logistically? Disgusting. Now you\'re saying it\'s okay to kill the families and children of people fighting against you. You are no different than the terrorists. Aside from the fact that you lack the conviction to put on a suicide vest and go killing children yourself.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : haha I lived the psychological warfare. I understand it just fine. Did you have a problem when Obama assassinated a US Citizen and his son with hellfire missiles? Were you upset and complaining then? You do realize that children and women can be terrorists, correct? They strap bombs to their chests too. Do I think innocent people should be killed? Absolutely not! But again, are you innocent if you are harboring terrorists or supplying them with any support? Try harboring a murderer and see how far you get on being "innocent". If you play with fire, you may get burned. I believe that GITMO should remain in place.']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[['>>{Alltta} : Trump Team Was ‘Incidentally’ Snooped on Post-Election, Says GOP Intel Chair Devin Nunes', '>>{wickedogg} : Is there a war going on between Trump and the FBI/intelligence community? Good thing Trump has Russia on his side.', '>>{MelaniasNudez} : Nunes leaks classified info to press, should be locked up.', ">>{Alltta} : There is no evidence the info he leaked was classified, and he stated that the info was obtained through legal means regardless. EDIT: Why are y'all downvoting this? My claim is understood to be true.", '>>{garrygarry123} : The inference (admission?) being that the Trump team was communicating with people who were under surveillance authorised by a FISA warrant. Whoops?', '>>{snakkbar} : Inadvertent admission of something *else* going on?', ">>{professorrumham} : See! I told you my wires were tapped! Is essentially his response on twitter by sharing Nune's presser. Good god he's an idiot. But he does know that his base is dumb enough to think that makes him the good guy.", '>>{patricktherat} : Was it any more or less classified than what the Michael Flynn leaker exposed? Seems familiar right? Only this time we know who leaked it to the press.', '>>{Alltta} : Yes, the fact that we know who it is makes the situation very different. Unmasking a person itself is a violation of FISA, which is illegal. Here Nunes is not unmasking anyone, just presenting information that he obtained legally (he claims) that pertains highly to current national political interests. To my, and so far general political, understandings, what Nunes did was at worst unproductive to an ongoing investigation, not (at least yet) in any way illegal.', '>>{syncopator} : How does it "pertain highly to current national political interests"? If there were unmasked names in an IC report, it is because those names are suspected of serious national security and/or criminal actions. If there were not unmasked names in an IC report, then water is wet. Incidental collection of communications between US persons and foreign persons under surveillance happens all the time and is completely legal. It would in fact be expected to some degree between members of an incoming administration and foreign counterparts.', '>>{aranasyn} : Because they were communicating with targets of FISA investigations? Do Republicans really want to be shouting this shit from the rooftops? This is basically saying, "Yes, Trump was/is communicating with people we know to be foreign agents during an investigation where we suspect him of colluding with foreign agents." We already knew that American voices get recorded if a foreign FISA target is being surveilled. This isn\'t like, a surprise or anything. It\'s also not Americans being "wiretapped." Also, I guess we should lock up Nunes now.', ">>{aranasyn} : The info he leaked is likely TS SCI/ECI, because that's what FISA targeting information is rated as. It doesn't matter that he didn't say a name, because a name can be easily deduced by the opposing country's intel services now. Said person will likely be the 11th Russian intel professional associated with the Trump collusion to wind up falling out of a 10 story building or getting into a mysterious radiation-related car crash or whatever they're doing these days. I assume when you find this out, there will be a new reason that his leak isn't as bad as the other leaks you guys have been yelling about all month?", '>>{tweakingforjesus} : Where were you during the campaign? Trump has attacked the IC for months now.', ">>{Alltta} : That in itself doesn't warrant the individual to become unmasked, in the case of Flynn, who i assume you are referring to, he was unmasked through illegal means, and I suspect the intelligence community is doing an internal investigation to punish those responisble.", ">>{DrunkenGenie} : So what. I thought the Republican motto was if you're not doing anything wrong what are you afraid of.", '>>{bbiggs32} : He was just trying to conflate incidental snooping with wiretapping for his orange overlord. I think what he accomplished was to bump himself off of the investigation and spur on the call for independent prosecutors.', '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : Look over here! Look over here! NO, not at Russia, at Obama! OVER HERE!', '>>{Knight_of_the_Lepus} : And abused his position. GTFO and get us the independent counsel.', ">>{c0pypastry} : If you don't have a D by your name, what are you afraid of", '>>{newsified} : So to recap: Trump team was speaking with foreign agents who were under surveillance. Nunes may be one of the Trump team members on that list. Nunes betrayed the trust of his position to reveal state secrets in an attempt to change the headlines. He was successful, to a degree, but perhaps not in the manner he was expecting. Nunes can\'t be trusted with secrets. Some extreme right wingers, including Fox "News", are too stupid to see how their totalitarian traitorous leaders are knotting their own nooses.', ">>{Alltta} : Your entire comment is highly opinionated speculation, that isn't a recap.", '>>{newsified} : It is indeed highly opinionated. Some of it is even speculation.', ">>{zherok} : It's not speculative, Nunes went out of his way to make it clear that the collection was lawful, and incidental, ie, picked up as a consequence of a foreign source being tapped and then that source either contacting or being contacted by the individuals in question. The fact that he first found out this information and then went to Paul Ryan, then to a Press Conference, then to Trump, before even the rest of his committee knew of the facts definitely undermines his position handling sensitive information. How can you possibly validate his ability to investigate the Trump campaign when he's a) an involved party as part of the transition team and b) running off to go tell the central figure in the investigation as soon as he hears something.", ">>{tratsky} : >Trump wasn't tapped, that's a lie and he's breaking the law! ... 1 week later ... >Yes he was tapped but there must have been a good reason he's breaking the law! Wow lol I was told the narrative would follow this exact path but I didn't expect it to be this blatant Do you really think the only people we monitor are enemies of our country? You *know* Obama was tapping Merkel right? You remember the Wikileaks from 2006 showing that the CIA was stealing UN workers' blood to keep their DNA on file? This is a ridiculous argument", '>>{tratsky} : >So what Literally all week this sub has been calling Trump a liar for his tweet. Do you retract that now?', ">>{tratsky} : Since when did we on the left start believing that everyone who is under surveillance must be an enemy of the state? What ever happened to Snowden? What happened to us considering the 'nothing to hide nothing to fear' argument to be ridiculous?", ">>{DrunkenGenie} : Trump said Obama ordered a wire tap on him, Trump straight up lied. It was never implied till just now by anyone on Trumps team that they may have just been picked up incidentally. You don't get to go back and say 'well I meant incidentally' because it is fucking convenient.", ">>{tratsky} : He meant that phone conversations out of trump tower were listened to under Obama's offers, they clarified that very quickly. Did Obama directly order it? We don't know, but were phone conversations intercepted and listened to? Absolutely. Did this happen during Obama's administration? Yes. Don't you think it's a bit quick to judge to say he lied given that we can't actually demonstrate that he's wrong, and the major aspect of his claim has been proven true? (It would also be quick to judge to say he was telling the truth though)", ">>{DrunkenGenie} : No it isn't too quick to judge, there is no evidence what ever for the claim Trump made. Obama cannot order a wire tap, the head of IC have said there was no wire tap of the Trump people, both Republican and Democrat leaders have said there is no evidence of Trumps claim. Now did Trumps people get swept up in other warrants, yes. But that wasn't the original claim. Therefore making Trumps statement a bold flat out lie. > Don't you think it's a bit quick to judge to say he lied given that we can't actually demonstrate that he's wrong, and the major aspect of his claim has been proven true? No major aspect of what Trump said has been proven true...you are just making up things to suit your narrative.", ">>{snakkbar} : Seems pretty simple to me. The story he made up about Trump Tower being tapped was false, because it wasn't being tapped. At a different point in space and time, he and / or his associated were caught up in wiretaps place on other phones, at least that's what Nunes stated. The two are very different and distinct."], ['>>{sivribiber} : No, President Trump has not created 600,000 new jobs', '>>{TrumpIsStumped} : I feel like most headlines these days are just responding to moronic things said by Trump that only idiots would believe. What makes me really sad is that this has become a needed service.', ">>{skizmo} : Creating jobs ? He's making sure of losing jobs...", ">>{ccap17} : I know words, I have the best words, I created 600,000 words. They're all synonymous with liar", ">>{toxic_badgers} : I'm still unemployed, well underemployed (I do odd jobs because I cant work retail effectively)... the fucking market for science jobs is brutal. Anyway... if anyone needs a microbiologist, I'm looking for a job.", ">>{MyNameIsRay} : Something I hope everyone remembers; a big number does not mean big success. 600,000 jobs is a complete failure when the economy was on a path to create 700,000 jobs if no one did anything. Reality is, Trump actions stopped the creation of 100,000 jobs. Jan/Feb were right on target, March was 100k short, and the first month to reflect his changes. It's sort of like how Trump making 10 million dollars sounds impressive, until you realize his competitors made 100 million in the same time.", '>>{RikersTrombone} : > if anyone needs a microbiologist Have you tried isis?', '>>{toxic_badgers} : I have my problems with America, but I still love this country and would never actively work to subvert it or harm human being because of political or religious beliefs.', '>>{leviathan65} : He has. Reportedly cannot be seen by the naked eye.', '>>{jjmc123a} : Ran on a platform for creating jobs. What was the first thing he did? Institute a hiring freeze.', ">>{Chrisiztopher1} : You can't work in retail because you can't work effectively?? Who can expect you to work with Microbes then? Always playing the victim", ">>{toxic_badgers} : I can't work retail because I am not a people person and am bad at it. I do great in a laboratory setting, which is entirely different from retail... It's a hard concept, I get that... but laboratory work and retail are not the same.", ">>{Chrisiztopher1} : You don't get into lab work without networking, no networking, no jobs. See where I'm going? Don't be a victim of the circumstances. Get a job in retail and work your way up, you'll learn skills.", '>>{M-as-in-Mancyyy} : So i am not doubting, but completely just curious, what are the actions & thus causes of stopping creation of 100k of jobs?', ">>{toxic_badgers} : Retail work doesn't have any connection to lab work...", '>>{Chrisiztopher1} : No? What about organization? Time management? Record keeping? People skills, to idk GET A JOB?!', ">>{toxic_badgers} : >what about organization? Time management? Record keeping? Yeah I am a microbiologist... all of those things are something I have to do. And I have a job... but it's not a high paying job. Go preach your bootstraps bullshit somewhere else.", ">>{Dr_puffnsmoke} : So what you're saying is he IS creating jobs... Fact checker is a job.", ">>{Chrisiztopher1} : Coming from a fellow scientist, I've said nothing but the truth. Keep giving excuses why you don't have a job. Or why you don't have a high paying job. You're in control. Edit : you do or don't have a job? Which is it?", ">>{toxic_badgers} : Like I said I do odd jobs. I have stable income right now. I am trying to find something in my field, but I don't have the income to move somewhere else. The lab I worked in lost it's grant that was paying for me. Now I don't have a science job. It's not like I have never done anything in my field. and I'm not just sitting on my ass doing nothing. I apply to jobs in my field every day when I have time.", ">>{Chrisiztopher1} : Okay but it starts with retail, get some experience in if you say your not good with people. Makes you a better candidate, idk why you think that's a bad thing.", ">>{toxic_badgers} : >Okay but it starts with retail No it doesn't, it starts with experience.", '>>{Chrisiztopher1} : Well nothing I say will sway you. Godspeed sir.', ">>{regeya} : You see, here's the real problem: people just don't want to work.", '>>{gonemad16} : Retail has non customer facing positions like the backroom / overnight', ">>{devilsavocadoranch} : Why would a retail job make you a better candidate to work in a lab? I'm in IT and currently hiring a couple of people and seeing retail jobs on a person's resume does not make me want to hire them,", '>>{Laxman259} : Fed hiring freeze, lack of budget certainty for grant based industries..', '>>{BenBenson4321} : Just think of one thing and you will instantly cheer up. It could of been president hillary clinton. Phew dodged a huge fucking bullet there.', '>>{MyNameIsRay} : The "Trump Slump" in tourism has reduced the need for staff on a wide scale. March reflects staff hiring for the spring season (ex: spring break), and with less tourism, there\'s less need for staff. Hiring also lags 2-4 months behind policy, so this is the first peek into the effects of his first decisions. His activities in NYC and Palm Beach have led to local companies being unable to operate full hours, and thus, reduced staffing needs. (I know it seems minor, but hundreds if not thousands of employees are affected) General uncertainty has led many companies to hold course and see what happens instead of expand (I know my company, health insurance industry, is waiting to see what he does with health care reform). He\'s left a few thousand appointed positions vacant, 2-3k of that figure is purely due to his refusal to hire staff. Reduced or promised reductions in various agencies, like the EPA and parks services, have directly resulted in job losses. He\'s instructed federal agencies to not enforce parts of ACA (even though the repeal bill failed), less enforcement means less enforcers, and therefore, less hiring. Federal hiring freeze is an obvious source of reduced jobs. Keep in mind, it\'s not just the direct positions, but the indirect positions (EX: A mom that can\'t get a job, because she can\'t get child care, because they can\'t hire new child care staff.) His Muslim ban, the increase in ICE enforcement and deportations, and the general xenophobic sentiment that has spread has resulted in quite a few businesses reconsidering opening, expanding, or continuing to operate here.'], ['>>{Henry33322} : I can no longer lock my phone and listen to youtube', ">>{Astreix_} : It's been like this for a while. Google wants you to subscribe to their paid YouTube service to gain background/locked playing.", ">>{Yungskeeme} : I've had no issues. Tested it right now and it works", '>>{Henry33322} : I had no issues just yesterday. Maybe it was the last update?', '>>{SpoonOnGuitar} : Pay for Protube. It really is worth it.', '>>{AutoGeek3000} : What version of the player do you have installed? What country are you in?', '>>{ddnava} : Just aquire ProTube. It is only one small pay, but I swear you it is much nicer than the official App. It has audio streaming (data saving) and background playback without issues', '>>{ddnava} : Rather buy ProTube. One little payment for a way better App', ">>{Henry33322} : For 4+ years? I don't think so :P", ">>{MetryKels} : I've been on Android for a couple years but get my iPhone SE in the mail Friday and apparently I have a bit to catch up on. I use YouTube red on a lot of platforms though so I'll probably keep it.", ">>{Bigchile123} : Just get YouTube red. You get there version of Spotify, no ads, background play. For some reason it last longer battery wise. It's worth every cent. Just see it as 15 hot cheeto bags you aren't going to eat.", '>>{AutoGeek3000} : Strange. I just checked mine and it was not at 12.10 so I updated and I still cannot lock my phone and keep listening, it pauses the music/video.', '>>{AutoGeek3000} : Do you pay for youtube red or google music or any of their premium services?'], ['>>{Green-Goblin} : Why can’t Sanders admit defeat? He’s looking more and more foolish as he denies Hillary’s victory', ">>{gamechanger55} : It's because people that want to vote for him don't want him to.", ">>{kyonu} : Oh hi Salon, I see you're taking a much needed gasp of fresh air. I can't imagine how bad the methane inside Hillary's ass smells.", ">>{SamJSchoenberg} : Probably because The number of yet uncommitted delegates is larger than Hillary's lead among Committed delegates.", '>>{MrMattles} : This article is implying that Sanders is sexist for not dropping out. Mkay.', ">>{USModerate} : Let's stop with this stuff until we see how Sanders reacts to the primaries tomorrw", '>>{JimmyNelson} : Just remember Bernie supporters....this is how the DNC views you... remember that when it comes time for them to demand your vote.', '>>{Ralph1962} : I can respect Sanders for sticking it out. I wish we still had a real Republican running this election.', ">>{vfc2000} : He doesn't look foolish to me. The DNC pushing articles like this, though, does seem consistent with his claim of the DNC rigging the primary against him. It certainly isn't just coincidence that a bunch of DNC mouthpieces like BNR are all pushing this story at the same time. And also this article even pushes the made up sexism claims. Give me a break. *rolls eyes* >Amanda Marcotte is a politics writer for Salon who covers American politics, feminism, and culture. Oh, it's a feminist. That discredits this garbage.", ">>{MuppetsTakeManhattan} : No one is demanding anyone's vote. The only person with an expectation to vote a certain way is the runner up, whoever that ends up being.", ">>{kyonu} : You're right, and it won't be Trump *or* Hillary.", '>>{jonpkay} : What does the DNC have to do with this? This article is from Salon.com.', '>>{tacomanceralpha} : You mean the site that posted almost exclusively poro bernie stuff for the past few months solely to get page clicks from bernie supporters?', '>>{ChillinOnTheBeach} : Bernie has said over and over and over that there has been no pressure from the DNC for him to drop out........But Bernie was lying I guess and you know it all', '>>{scootunit} : I for one do not think he is foolish. He is trying his best to help America, not himself. Hillary is in it for herself. Plus he is not under indictment. She could be pulled off stage at any point. As reprehensible as it was to state she should stay in till the primary of 08 in case Obama got popped it is not unreasonable for Sanders to stay in case she gets jailed.', '>>{lightninhopkins} : He looks desperate and pathetic. I like it.', ">>{JimmyNelson} : That's great! I like someone that sticks to their principles. Voting Clinton on the Dem side would definitely be selling out your principles. Edit: Auto-correct. Thanks to /u/TheTelephone for bringing it to my attention. Nice username, btw.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : Salon has been defending the Clintons since the Lewinsky scandal.', ">>{GandalfSwagOff} : It is going to be interesting in 30-40 years when us millennials are old. I wouldn't bet against Bernie playing a bigger role in our political lives than Hillary. He sparked a political passion in a formerly apathetic generation. Hillary is his antithesis.", '>>{Birata} : Why can’t Clinton go to jail? She’s looking more and more foolish as she denies her crimes...', '>>{OdinSQL} : I got a one day ban for saying pretty much the same thing.', ">>{jz68} : The super delegates have committed, stop living in a fantasy world where you think they're going to go to the convention and cast a ballot for the candidate with fewer votes.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : Well that is dumb. People can come on here and call Trump supporters every name in the book. They can call Trump Hitler but vagina upsets the mods? haha', '>>{jonpkay} : Not this election cycle. See H.Goodman. Once again, What does the DNC have to do with this? This article is from Salon.com.', ">>{JimmyNelson} : One is responsible for some of the worst foreign policy in US history, partly responsible for the deaths of thousands if not millions of lives, and has grossly mishandled classified information which would have me buried under Leavenworth. One said some things you don't agree with or hurt your feelings. Yeah, I will go with the guy that hurts your feelings.", ">>{-Dakia} : Wow, that's a 180 from the usual Salon.", '>>{SamJSchoenberg} : > committed [That word... I do not think it means what you think it means](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hOrHY7ZYxrQ/UOr98Mbs5wI/AAAAAAAAAXM/HXKS50rnOAk/s1600/You+keep+using+that+word....jpg) Just so you know, it is the past tense form of the word "Commit", which means to put yourself in a position where you **can\'t** undo a decision.', '>>{OdinSQL} : I think I said "magnificent flapping gray vagina"', ">>{buckfan149} : I hope I don't get banned for up-voting this.", ">>{TheTelephone} : *principles For the record, you shouldn't sell out your principals, either; principals are people, too.", '>>{drdawwg} : She talks about her accomplishments and her record a lot. She just never cites specifics because there are very few positives to speak of.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : haha I just spit up my soda. Thanks for the visual. gag.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : haha agreed! Although some will get you top dollar. haha', ">>{U_love_my_opinion} : > One said some things you don't agree with or hurt your feelings Why can't you at least own the policies he's advocated? Why are you pretending it's some PC thing? Why can't you be honest about your own candidate?", '>>{JimmyNelson} : I am voting for [Trumps positions.](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions)', ">>{DoomAndGloom4} : FYI you and /u/mafco have a strong competition going for most downvotes by me. RES indicates that you're down to -138. Keep at it.", ">>{Whitlieann} : Because she's being investigated by the fucking FBI!!! I'd stay in the race too. Lol", ">>{adamacuo} : TL;DR Sanders isn't quitting cause he's sexist.", '>>{Whitlieann} : I got a 7 day ban for calling her a criminal and a princess in the same comment. I wear it as a badge of honor.', ">>{kyonu} : I really don't want to know what your intimate fantasies are.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : They hid my comment in one thread earlier for saying MAGA. haha mods are so sensitive.', ">>{U_love_my_opinion} : Don't be facetious, you know what I'm talking about. Legitimizing and institutionalizing torture. Targeting innocent civilians in order to influence the behavior of our enemies. (That's literally the definition of terrorism, by the way. Trump wants to make us a terrorist state.) I don't want to rant, so I'll stop there. I mean, those are just the war crimes he's campaigned on. You can support him for his other policies if you want, but I can't get over the dishonesty of pretending these things don't exist when you're disparaging his opponents. I'm sorry. I see obvious dishonesty like that as a sign of weakness.", ">>{JimmyNelson} : Only one of them has instituted regime change and dropped bombs.... only one... Is that a double-dare? You don't even have to dare me. I voted for Obama...the guy that has bombed 7 countries since winning a peace prize. What a disaster that guy was. Hillary is one in the same.", '>>{Whitlieann} : It was on her subreddit where I aid that. My boyfriend told me that some mods from that page are from her campaign. I messaged them and asked if they wanted to keep the criminal thing on the down low, since no one seemed to be talking about it. This was right after the state department made their announcement. Lol', ">>{SoTiredOfWinning} : You guys don't mind when they say it to Trump, enjoy some of your own medicine. Upvoted.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : Only one has actually committed war crimes... only one...', ">>{JimmyNelson} : We are not the policeman of the world. It's not our place to defend the world from Tyranny. Its our place to defend the US from tyranny. We have been at war longer than anytime in our history. Time to give the boys a rest. Dictators and leaders have been slaughtering their own people for thousands of years. The US will not stop it. Our military is to be used to defend the US and her people. Not other countries and their people...and yes, Hillary is responsible for her votes and foreign policy.", ">>{U_love_my_opinion} : See? You're running away from your candidate. Magicians train for years to learn misdirection so that when they do it, it doesn't come off as obvious and ham-fisted like what you just did. Trump openly advocated for torture and intentionally targeting innocents. You can paint Clinton as a war criminal all you want, but even you know it takes interpretation. No president or presidential candidate in the history of this country has ever advocated terrorism, i.e. killing innocent civilians to influence policy in another country. Please tell me what Clinton has done that holds a candle to that.", '>>{Cernywerty} : You can literally smell the condescension through the page.', ">>{JimmyNelson} : You don't seem to understand how scare tactics work in the mental propaganda war. It's not that we advocate torture...it's that we want our enemies to believe that we will do anything...ANYTHING...to defend our country and garner information. The fear of that alone is a useful tool in the propaganda of war. Funny, Obama is the only US president in modern history to assassinate not just one but two US citizens. I'm sure you are completely ok with that... > Trump openly advocated for torture and intentionally targeting innocents. ..are they really innocent if they are harboring terrorists or helping them financially or logistically?", '>>{formerprof} : BS. He is demonstrating profound respect for the process of voting. States that still have that opportunity should just say thank you.', ">>{dbreeck} : Didn't Hillary wait to concede until after the convention too?", ">>{JimmyNelson} : No, I won't. I do support Israels sovereignty. I do not support war for war. I only support war when the US is a direct target of the enemy. anyone that votes to send bombers or troops to war is responsible for their vote. Whether Sanders, Clinton, or Trump.", '>>{HolyHabenula} : Goddammit man. A+ for vivid imagery, F for making me want to power puke all over the place. *grrk*', ">>{JimmyNelson} : Trump never advocated the use of Nuclear Weapons. But countries that follow the rules and border Nuclear states should have the same opportunity to defend themselves against a Nuclear attack. The same reason Suddam openly said he had Nuclear weapons when he didn't. It kept Iran from invading him. Read Suddams CIA transcripts.", '>>{JimmyNelson} : DuH! No President should take anything off the table. Saying he would not rule it out is exactly the point. Why have them if they are not used as defensive weapons? Part of that defense is making your enemies believe you will actually use them if needed. > “What I said and what I mean is that there will have to be consequences for any violation by Iran and that the nuclear option should not at all be taken off the table. That has been my position consistently.” - Hillary Clinton', ">>{JimmyNelson} : Whether it's ISIS or a nation state. Enemy is enemy. They must fear us. It's psychological warfare. They must believe that we will use them if needed. Will we use them? probably not... but they should believe we would.", '>>{TexasDeano} : He is waiting for the FBI investigation to be completed, and rightfully so.', '>>{U_love_my_opinion} : Oh, this shit again. "He\'s lying! But don\'t worry, I have the decoder ring that lets me know what he -really- means!" And yet you go on to argue as if he weren\'t. >It\'s not that we advocate torture...it\'s that we want our enemies to believe that we will do anything...ANYTHING...to defend our country and garner information. No, **you** don\'t understand how the propaganda war works. You\'re hopelessly naive if you think Islamic terrorists are afraid of anything we would do to them. They laugh at our excuses for torture. How can you be so hyper aware of how evil they are, and not realize they do much worse to themselves? Being tortured and killed fits into their faith, for christ\'s sake. And we know that torture doesn\'t even give us good information. For nothing but lizard brain revenge pleasure, you\'d concede the propaganda war to them. Do you need convincing that terrorist organizations have had WILD success using Guantanimo and Abu Ghraib as recruitment tools? >..are they really innocent if they are harboring terrorists or helping them financially or logistically? Disgusting. Now you\'re saying it\'s okay to kill the families and children of people fighting against you. You are no different than the terrorists. Aside from the fact that you lack the conviction to put on a suicide vest and go killing children yourself.', '>>{JimmyNelson} : haha I lived the psychological warfare. I understand it just fine. Did you have a problem when Obama assassinated a US Citizen and his son with hellfire missiles? Were you upset and complaining then? You do realize that children and women can be terrorists, correct? They strap bombs to their chests too. Do I think innocent people should be killed? Absolutely not! But again, are you innocent if you are harboring terrorists or supplying them with any support? Try harboring a murderer and see how far you get on being "innocent". If you play with fire, you may get burned. I believe that GITMO should remain in place.']]
classify and reply
['>>{I_SHOT_TWICE_ONCE} : Donald Trump Gettysburg Address: Republican promises to shut down climate change funding, close sanctuary cities and halve corporation tax', ">>{ilikelegoandcrackers} : And I suspect she won't be the last one. I still believe we'll see video / hear audio of him using the N word too. Going for election Trump bingo here, folks, and I'm sure the fat orange Oompa Loompa won't let me down.", '>>{farhan583} : I believe we can go after [Assange] for espionage - Megyn Kelly', '>>{GoThroughThis} : Finally, the first certified card for 1080p gaming.', '>>{fateislosthope} : I love how he complained that we are spending billions and billions of money with the United Nations to fix the worlds environment and he wants to use that money to fix "our environment" as if he is unaware we all share the same environment and we are not a series of independent snow globes.', '>>{Ninja_Kodiak} : this tech should be on more than just shoes.', ">>{rhn94} : can't wait for 1080ti and the rest of the AMD line-up (come on AMD, don't be bitches like last year)", '>>{ace425} : Any news on when that lineup is supposed to be released?', '>>{farhan583} : This is the same guy she interviewed earlier tonight and was fawning over asking for an October surprise.', ">>{dash95} : All that tech in them future-man shoes and I guarantee we'll see a dick butt on instagram or facebook within the first 90 minutes of release.", ">>{thrshe4} : [Live look at Trump's legal team.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqN41aEzVCM)", '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : *If those corporations even pay tax in the first place...', ">>{HaiphongWangchuck} : This is pretty disingenuous. She wasn't voicing her opinion if you look at the transcript, she was discussing what possible options the US had to prosecute Assange for any crime, if at all, in response to an inquiry from O'Reilly.", '>>{rhn94} : nothing concrete, just rumors and educated guesses https://techreport.com/news/30113/rumor-amd-may-pull-vega-gpu-forward-for-an-october-launch http://en.yibada.com/articles/129619/20160607/nvidia-release-gtx-1080-ti-1060-titan-x-successor-before.htm', '>>{JoeKkerr} : I see the price is same as titan x, considering the performance and the future drop in price of titan cards, whaddya recommend ?', ">>{SpookyKid94} : Nothing. It's vindication. Everyone warned republicans that he was a bad guy, now we get to watch his downfall.", ">>{thrshe4} : If Trump drops just a few more points nationally, states like Georgia and Texas could genuinely become battlegrounds. It's not about just *winning* at this point; it's about the unequivocal rejection of Trump's toxic and incompetent campaign via electoral humiliation.", '>>{Fragasm} : Titan X is/was over $1000. You can beat it now with a 1070 at around $400.', '>>{GonzoNation} : Why Gettysburg: General Stonewall Pickett Trump believes he has won the Civil War. http://www.breitbartunmasked.com/2016/10/19/trump-refuses-to-say-he-will-accept-election-results/', ">>{Hitch23} : This is from 2011. O'Reilly re-packaging and spinning because he hates Megyn Kelly.", ">>{Walkitback} : I'll be so happy when in 11 days Trump won't be able to pretend he'll ever be president.", '>>{thanksddq} : Lol. Agree. May starting to see naked woman or walking advertisement', ">>{hydestreet} : It has to be a landslide. It's not about just beating him, it's about destroying him so thoroughly that his kind will never rise again", ">>{hydestreet} : He's going to end up in prison, isn't he?", ">>{jz68} : That's like designating a peeing area in a pool. Trump: no peeing in this corner. credit to /u/WorfDenied for the analogy", '>>{NCC_1701A} : And spend billions on a useless wall. Such good policy. How the fuck anybody buys what this guy sells is a mystery to me.', '>>{mrjackm124} : Fucking amazing. I never saw anything like this coming', '>>{Traece} : >Allred also said she will "respond to Mr. Trump\'s comment that the allegations of 9 women that Mr. Trump has engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with them are \'lies and fiction.\' This is either going to be a sternly-worded message, or Gloria Allred is about to fuck his shit up.', '>>{TheBlueEdition} : The big strap along the entire shoe is quite ugly IMO.', ">>{BefallenTragedy} : Ah, the 'Ender's Game' strategy. I like it.", '>>{lotsofii} : Wonder what else can we put on the shoes. "Trump Dumbass"?', ">>{lolhaap} : I'll totally use it to advertise for my brand. It could bring some traffic to my brand.", '>>{Brotworst} : I love how I knew someone was going to say what you said as soon as he said that. We need to fix our nation. Decreasing our environmental impact would improve the overall environment.', '>>{sphigel} : Will this card get me 60 fps on my 1280x1024 monitor?', ">>{Brotworst} : The last two democrats that lost the presedention election actually weren't ready to accept it either...like they said they would.", '>>{notdust} : And I guess if a person leans left this election you like the idea of demoralizing the other side, given the house/senate being up for grabs. The more that comes out, the worse the blows to the Republican party. Seems they will have to do a lot of repairs afterward. I like them as a balancing force, but they are ineffective legislators at this point. Hopefully our future elections return to some semblance of civility. I know campaign ads will stay toxic, but at least candidates will talk more about specifics of issues during debates and dispense with the stunts. Fucking circus, really.', ">>{davled} : I'm putting 'Trump: Maga' on mine, dumbass.", '>>{American_FETUS} : I really wish everyone would stop shitting on Assange. I see the pattern of the CTR reporting the same articles over and over, so when the evidence does get delivered, AS IT DID LAST TIME, it will be ignored. It is disheartening to say CTR is working. I have been down voted 53 times within an hour for a questionable rebuttal against Mrs. Clinton. No one is addressing the legal side where if you are CTR you need to state it under campaign rules. So far I have never seen any CTR come forward after 6 million (even though there records show different from the treasure reports who is also a long standing employee pf CNN). It is a crusade. Just do at most 3 days of personal research.', ">>{KikiFlowers} : Yes we could. We won't though, being as he's held technically in a country we do not have an extradition treaty with. The moment he steps out, he could be captured, but otherwise the US has no way to get to him.", '>>{GoThroughThis} : No, it only works on monitors with 1080p resolution.', '>>{Gargatua13013} : I thought he was insane before - but now he seems even worse ... how can that be?', '>>{so-gun-ho} : I take it you are too young to have lived during any of the Cold War which Clinton is desperately attempting to restart.', ">>{GonzoNation} : Subject change. This has nothing to do with the election.This has to do with Trumps belief that racism, Hoover, torture and trickle down are winning arguments. They're just not. The last Republican to really win was George H. W. Bush and he believed in none of those country destroying things that Trump is pushing.", '>>{bobsante} : 700 bucks to play a 20 dollar game. Genius.', '>>{-Zev-} : The wheels really fell off the wagon on that last paragraph.', '>>{American_FETUS} : Why? [Elizabeth Cohen CTR Treasurer](http://clintonfoundationinvestigation.com/2016/08/09/correct-the-record-ctr/) I am not trying to be a psycho. There are too many governments and too many donations and too many meetings that have led to weapons and money exchange. [reports](http://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/318/201607159020655318/201607159020655318.pdf#navpanes=0). I am not asking you to believe me, I have no horse. Just look.', ">>{Traece} : That's the working theory, yes. The assumption is that Gloria Allred was waiting for him to call her client a liar so she could let loose the documents of war. Whether this is going to be her formally announcing that he's sufficiently triggered her trap card or not, we won't know until the morning. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't if his general statements that they're liars are sufficient, or if he has to be more direct about it, or even if that's what she's actually after. Seems like a pretty reasonable assumption thus far given her track record. Regardless of whether it happens now or later on, I doubt she could possibly have any other intent but a lawsuit if she's pulling up two clients with press conferences.", ">>{BulletProofJoe} : I had a pair of shoes when I was in the second grade that had a clear plastic sleeve on the outside of each shoe and you could insert all of three different designs. They were kickass! Was I feeling sporty? No problem, I'd just rock the soccerball/football holographic insert. Maybe feeling a little wild? Easy, just switch those bad boys out for the roaring lion insert. Trust me guys, these kicks turned some heads back in my day. I don't mean to brag, but my birthday party was lit as fuck that year, and I believe I have the shoes to thank for that.", '>>{ashstronge} : So you have been down voted because of CTR? Have you any actual evidence of this, rather than people just not liking what you have to say?', ">>{wanson} : How fucking stupid do you have to be to give a 'Gettysburg' address. Hey everybody. Compare me to Lincoln please.", '>>{jivetalker7} : you could use it for something "you might want to protest, or use it to stand up for the rights of somebody. Just slap that symbol on there without having to say a word and with every step you take, people get to see why you\'re upset." lol, this made me cringe so fucking hard. I love how its implied that this generation is a bunch of social justice warriors who are always i need of something to protest......and this shoe makes it easier than ever! lol.....it\'s funny cause it\'s true.', ">>{LedZeppelinRising} : Fuck dude I'm actually considering the OLED variant Edit: fak dude, there are many failed Kickstarters similar to this and Im not sure anymore", '>>{American_FETUS} : No. I have no evidence. I received signals from the planet HERDALICIOUS. Would you like me to submit my records? Or are you able to use eye hand coordination to navigate to my history?', '>>{Brotworst} : That was after the recount and after he formally contested those results. That is a good video though.', '>>{kwonara} : Shoe protector ads might get a little creative with this one lol', ">>{Cadrid} : No, thanks. I'll keep wearing comfortable shoes that don't tell people to rob me.", ">>{gotsafe} : But not until we have a mail-in rebate to send to Mexico. I'm sure Trump will just write Mexico in big letters on the envelope when he mails it in.", ">>{BeerOtter} : The tech is cool, but as pointed out in Shawshank Redemption, how often do you look at someone's shoes?", ">>{FreakoCheeto} : That's always part of the argument. Those promoting lower corporate tax rates think it will stop corporations going offshore. In reality, plenty of companies do pay taxes, and in the short term it would lower revenues trying to entice companies like Apple to abandon their tax havens.", ">>{ashstronge} : Yes, I took a brief look and actually saw some comments against Clinton with a '+10' score (although didn't look that far back tbf). It just doesn't make sense that CTR would spent a load of effort on one section of one platform, when platforms like Facebook and Twitter would yield a far larger return for them and cost for less effort and money. I have seen many people on here use the CTR or 'paid shill' excuse just to dismiss the fact that there is opposition to their statements or comments. It is a lazy excuse for not engaging with their detractors. Like we know that Clinton has at least 16 million supporters- surely some of them Cousy be contributing to the down votes?", '>>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : Careful. If you point out obvious grammatical irregularities or the basic talking points that are copy/pasted throughout you could get in trouble. You might get report brigaded for "suggesting" that they\'re part of Russia\'s online troll army and auto-moderated.', '>>{thrshe4} : >at least candidates will talk more about specifics of issues during debates and dispense with the stunts. Let\'s be honest, though; the toxicity and "stunts" throughout this election cycle were not coming from candidate**s**. They were coming from **a** candidate.', '>>{so-gun-ho} : And how is our heroine going to govern when a large part of the country thinks she won only by using dirty tricks?', '>>{Opie67} : Such a divisive asshole should not be giving a speech at Gettysburg.', '>>{so-gun-ho} : No fly zones and blame everything on Russia. Next.', '>>{hydestreet} : No fly zone are only possible with international cooperation with Russia', ">>{American_FETUS} : Are you saying I am lazy? I have -54 of the moment of some obscure fact I posted on Clinton. What is your motive to dissuade me? At the moment I am concerned about Bahrain and Hillary's meetings and donations for a Prince in charge of defense. I can send you a lot of horrifying videos of[ peaceful protesters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-4uXkbDhis) getting shot and killed. The money he needed from Clinton for his defense program, helped kill them. Or I can show you a TV-MA Bahrain video from like 2006 . Around the time we were still sending funds, and up till 2009 when it was all on the books. I guess I am being an asshole right now. It is just very fucked up. Do you really believe these donors are giving from the goodness of their heart? Why is it so hard to believe your hero is playing the same game she has been playing since Watergate? It is not just Clinton, it is everyone. I have no clue what to do.", ">>{saturninus} : I'm not CTR here, though I could use a pay day. Just your average college-educated person that think that Assange is playing for a team with the most reprehensible actors on the geopolitical stage. Timing his leaks and directing them at one person: he is an intellectual bankrupt.", '>>{lwg-shitposter} : What about "I don\'t know" or "I plead the fifth"?', ">>{ashstronge} : I actually didn't make a character judgement on you at all. I said that the argument you used to dismiss your opposition was lazy i.e. requires very little effort. Also, you have completely changed your argument. Originally it was that the CTR were downvoting you and now you are saying that Hillary is just a bad person because of who the US sends funds to/who funds Hillary. It isn't very consistent. >Why is it so hard to believe your hero is playing the same game she has been playing since Watergate? What game is this?", ">>{so-gun-ho} : Don't hold your breath! Russia and Syria have had a long term alliance.", ">>{so-gun-ho} : Didn't graduate from Trump U by any chance did you?", '>>{Tangmelo} : I thought you were innocent until proven guilty in America.', ">>{notmathrock} : Don't worry! We can vote for the one that couldn't say she doesn't support fracking, doesn't think healthcare or higher education should be a right, and takes millions of dollars from large corpora--dammit.", '>>{aykyle} : Already is. Going on televisions and phones, pretty sure, at least.', ">>{TheHouseofOne} : This is going to be tremendous. It's going to be yuge.", '>>{baristol123} : Does anyone remember something called shiftwear which is exactly the same as this just that the developers basically raised 900k and went silent after', '>>{general_nuisance} : Defining on how you define it, 93%-99% of US corporations are small business. And yes we pay (excessive) taxes.', '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : Trump only wants to build a wall so he can slap **TRUMP** on it in tacky gold letters, just like everything else he builds.', ">>{jbrandona119} : Do not buy these. Do not invest. It's not possible to create these sneakers. I've seen this same exact thing time after time and people invest $200+ for nothing.", ">>{general_nuisance} : 93%-99% of US corporations are small business that can't go offshore. This modest tax cut will help them most of all.", ">>{etxbkst} : Has he actually commented on her client yet? I haven't seen anything, while he's talking shit about all the other women. I wonder if he's legit scared of Allred and what she's got up her sleeve.", ">>{jbrandona119} : These things aren't possible to create. So many failed campaigns around these stupid shoes...", '>>{Cyyyyk} : Those are all standard Republican policy ideas. The real problem for Trump is that it is hard to imagine him having the ability to be effective enough to get any of that done if he gets elected. He is so easy to trick into chasing his own tail that the Dems will not have try very hard to stop him. They just have to bait him into destroying himself like Hillary has done. Of course, this is all a moot point because he is not going to be elected anyway.', '>>{Bobby_Marks2} : There are certain gerrymandered states that, should they go hard enough blue, may never go back to being red. For example, if he melted down and lost Texas.', ">>{thanksddq} : Yeah, I do remember. But shiftwear don't have no prototypes and they do", ">>{aykyle} : Were a lot of failed concepts. None I've seen with an actual prototype, though.", '>>{Lukin4} : Fuck him up! Fuck him up! Fuck him up!', ">>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : It's probably his [personal Vietnam](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/02/16/draft-dodger-trump-said-sleeping-around-was-my-personal-vietnam.html) catching up with him.", '>>{fateislosthope} : Obviously decreasing our environmental impact would improve the overall environment. No one is arguing that. But you need a two front approach. We just cant cut all climate change funding globally and worry about us. We need to make efforts to curb issues on both fronts.', ">>{TheHouseofOne} : I'm sure the big boys in prison will appreciate his tiny hands.", ">>{jpop23mn} : Well hopefully down ticket republicans lose and that will help. If you worry about the Alex jones crowd you won't get anything accomplished. Except some studies on gay fish I guess Maybe put them all in FEMA camps set up in walmarts?", '>>{kushxmaster} : And you can change your cause at a moments notice! Great for our fast moving and forgetful society.', '>>{ProfessorBamBam} : Hey mate, ready to hit the clubs? "Sorry man, I forgot to CHARGE my shoes..."', ">>{momisherea} : Agreed. But they do have a prototype and, as far as i can tell, it's real", '>>{so-gun-ho} : What was up with that four-minute launch time for nuclear weapons comment? Taking about stupidity.', ">>{jk4life} : Nope..... Went to a real university. If you can't see that Putin is actively trying to revive the cold war, then I really doubt you actually lived through any point of the cold war. I'm not even sure you understand what the cold war is....", ">>{spring_buddha} : Unless you're Bill Clinton, then it's ok to call you a rapist right?", '>>{BigTastyWithBacon} : They look nasty as fuck. Clearly this company needs to hire some sort of designer as these look like fucking moon boots.', '>>{jpop23mn} : Yeah she will be thrown in prison for that.', ">>{aykyle} : That's what I meant. That this one was further along than the others", '>>{Wurplewillow} : But most of the money goes to the larger corporations. Cutting their taxes means that they just get more money, which means less money for us.', ">>{momisherea} : Yeah. Definitely. I'm actually considering buying lol. Can't stop thinking about what I can do with it", ">>{LedZeppelinRising} : Yea I was being stupid. Won't buy anything unless it's been out for a while and has multiple reviews.", '>>{ricard_anise} : I\'m gonna be "that guy" for a minute here. Are the shoes fresh to death? Absolutely. Fucking fly as fuck. But... the negative impact of this trend could be enormous on both a human and environmental scale from rare earth elements mined to manufacture flexible lcd. That mining fuels shitty situations like low-intensity civil war in places like Congo and DRC, and has significant negative environmental consequences. And that is happening already from current market demands on rare earth extraction. Do we really need to expand into shoes and other wearables? I think the problem is that most people have at least some level of a disconnect between a finished product and the long, meandering road involving huge multinational corps who deal with the materiel that ultimately produces things in the marketplace. And people rarely remember to ask not just the "can we" but also the "should we" be doing this. One can feel bad enough knowing their fly Nikes were stitched up by exploited workers, but do we really need to bring fucking mining companies into this? Just for a more fly pair of shoes? It seems dumb to me, considering that rare earth elements are rarely recycled, and in a product like a shoe or some other wearable, the likelihood of it being recycled is probably even less. I think the shoes are definitely cool as fuck, but c\'mon. I dunno, maybe it is too much to ask to expect your average sneakerhead (or average person) to consider where shit comes from, to really think it through. And I am not saying this without acknowledging that to some degree it is hypocritical to say shit like this comment and even exist for one day in the modern world. I\'m guilty of bad behavior due to this disconnect just as much as anyone can be on a random day, but I really do try not to be. I\'m certainly not out in the market making and trying to sell products like this. I dunno, yeah, it is a bit of a rant, but I see shit like this and think "whoa, cool" and then my mind takes a step back and I think, "fuck man, do we really need to add mining companies to the list of entities benefitting from a significant share of material cost for making a pair of sneakers?" To me, the answer is no. And before anybody comments to take a shit on my rant saying "why are you taking a pair of shoes so seriously bro?", consider that products like this could be the avant garde of a trend toward more and more wearable, tech-infused products, and then think about the increased load of strain on the earth such a market force would inevitably produce. I could go on and on, but if anyone has hung in there this far down into the comment, they probably already agree with me to some extent.', '>>{movzx} : You can tell a lot about a man by his shoes.', '>>{Wurplewillow} : We gotta vote. His numbers rose in the polls by 1%. Way too close,', ">>{GringoGoneWild} : very frequently if you're interested remotely in shoes or fashion.", '>>{movzx} : What about it? Have you researched anything or are you parroting words you heard?', '>>{joshing_slocum} : One part of Lincoln\'s Gettysburg Address fits Mr. Pumpkinhead\'s: *"The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here"*', ">>{wavescrashover} : Summer Zarvos. He's denied her claims... Produced that evidence letter from her cousin (a Trump supporter.)", ">>{BeerOtter} : I'm not much interested in either, aside from functionality. Working on my feet is my career, and I've worn the same model and brand of shoe for most of my working life. I get that I am on the lower end of the scale in this, I was kind of just trying to be funny with the Shawshank reference. I think the shoes are great, I just don't know how much I'd notice them on someone else.", '>>{so-gun-ho} : I have never been to Alabama but I have spent time in Corinth Mississippi. I remember the people as being wonderful, warm and friendly. I also remember what a fallout shelter sign looks like.', ">>{FuckingMemeAccount} : Hit r/shittykickstarters, you'll love it and these sneakers feature.", '>>{cbfw86} : I am going to do to this country what I have done to the GOP! *crowd goes ballistic with hype*', ">>{smoothmedia} : Excuse me. It was Gay FROGS. Get it straight! Unless you're already influenced by the chemicals and are no longer able to be straight", ">>{BeerOtter} : Heard that, but honestly, how often do you look at someone's shoes daily? I look at shoes on pretty girls when they walk by. I don't leer, I look. I rarely look at another man's shoes. FWIW, I don't have a foot or shoe fetish, frankly, I find feet a little bit repulsive.", '>>{PanamaMoe} : Hmm, how can I scream look at me without saying or doing something meaningful? These shoes are how.', '>>{jk4life} : What did the monkey say when he got his tail run over by the lawnmower? *not long now, not long now*', '>>{gtivroom} : Just curious, want brand and model are you speaking of?', '>>{ShoutsAtClouds} : Canadian seeking clarification. How would states going blue in one election end the gerrymandering? The gerrymandered districts would need to be redrawn. Is a simple majority enough to do that? Also, given the slow creeping nature of the problem over many decades, is it even possible to reverse what\'s been done before 2020? And if it is, surely such drastic redistricting would be presented by the Republican party as "Dems trying to steal the election". Just thinking about it is giving me a headache on your behalf.', '>>{CrapOnTheCob} : The frogs were gay, and there were babies crossed with fish (they had gills). You just got 2 different Alex Jones stories mixed together.', ">>{BreakingBrains} : If only that wasn't indiegogo, those fuckers don't give a shit about their customer protection.", '>>{etxbkst} : Ahh. Ok. Thanks. I somehow missed that one.', ">>{BeerOtter} : I've worn Adidas Sambas for most of my career. $50ish a pair, they last about 10-12 months. Leather uppers, comfortable, lightweight, and you don't look like a moron in them after work having a drink. They are slippy on wet floors. You have to prepare for, and get used to this. I know a lot of people who prefer other shoes. These are my favorite.", ">>{dudettte} : so he's going down gloria must have evidence, not only a story", '>>{F_Dingo} : > spend billions on a useless wall Walls work. Ask the Israelis how well their walls around Gaza and the west bank have worked. Infiltration from terrorists dropped like a rock when the wall was built. Ask the Chinese about the great wall they built. Walls do work.', '>>{MyOversoul} : I hope this is the greatest landslide election in history,,, going to a woman for president of America.', ">>{copycat} : Of course you can. That's how the scam works.", '>>{spacelincoln} : Roll over and Russia take the Baltic states. Got it.', '>>{FullFlava} : If only there were [some sort of recorded confession, the man in his own voice admitting he did these things](http://youtu.be/IY8FwWwIVyQ).', '>>{ZeroMmx} : MOM, DAD, PLEASE STOP FIGHTING!', ">>{exoromeo} : Sadly it won't be. Won't even come close to Nixon-McGovern or Reagan-Mondale.", ">>{OliverQ27} : They didn't have these things called Airplanes that allow you to go over the wall when the Great Wall was built.", ">>{Dand321} : Incorrect election date aside, you're assuming that he lives in the same version of reality as the rest of us. I think he'll go on pretending he could've/should've been president for a very long time.", ">>{Dand321} : AFTER the Republicans ripped on Hillary for likening herself to Lincoln in the second debate, too. He really just can't help himself.", ">>{AGiantNun} : Not likely. The burden of proof is really high, and it should be. We can't send people to prison just because they're ass-hats. It's destroying him politically, but he's not going to end up in jail for being a pervert. The statute of limitations is passed for most of these women and unless there is video tape or (god help us all) semen found then he'll be declared innocent.", ">>{F_Dingo} : Don't allow people in from said countries. Turn them back at the point of entry.", '>>{xoites} : I think I will just waste my money on Health Insurance or something.', '>>{SLOTH_POTATO_PIRATE} : Combat boots! Everytime I wear my combat boots out, nobody fucks with me.', '>>{Microham} : Judging by experience I am almost certain that they will never come out.', ">>{Azureknight205} : Except most immigrants come into this country either legally, with a visa that they let expire and then they just never leave, or they come by boat, where a wall won't do shit. If they build a 50 foot wall, all they'll really do is create a market for 51 foot ladders.", '>>{lofi76} : I think to understand we share air with china and their factories, one has to have a real understanding that the world is not flat. And that we are but not of many planets in space, in one of many solar systems in one of many galaxies.', '>>{bynapkinart} : Well the other guy is gonna lose, so go stock up on prepper supplies and ammo and find yourself a shelter to hide in indefinitely. The fears over Hillary starting a cold war are almost as ridiculous and unfounded as "Obama is gonna take out guns" and "Bush is gonna draft everyone".', ">>{Fnhatic} : My mate Petersen once bought a pair of shoes with artificial intelligence. 'Smart Shoes' they were called. It was a neat idea: no matter how blind drunk you were, they could always get you home. But he got pissed one night in Oslo and woke up the next morning in Burma. You see, the shoes got bored just going from his local pub to the flat. They wanted to see the world. He had a hell of a job getting rid of them. No matter who he sold them to, they'd show up again the next day. He tried to shut them out, but they just kicked the door down. Last thing he heard, they'd sort of robbed a car and drove it into a canal. They couldn't steer, you see. He was really, really blown away about it. He went to see a priest. The priest told him it was alright and all that the shoes were happy and that they'd gone to heaven. You see, it turns out shoes have soles.", '>>{AGiantNun} : Careful with that analogy. Keep in mind the sympathy that the Speaker for the Dead ended up creating...', '>>{Breadmakesyoufatt} : It might be a scam, but I genuinely did get excited for this product.', '>>{LittleShrub} : [Back of the line.](http://www.lawlogix.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Longline.jpg)', ">>{taco1520} : The gerrymandering has given the republicans a lot of districts but they mostly have really small margins, so only a small percentage of voters need to flip from R to D for them to lose. Conversely many of the current Democratic districts in those states are tightly packed with Democrats so their margin is bigger, making it more difficult for the Republicans to pick up more districts. Ideally, the democrats would then redraw the districts more fairly. I don't think it this will happen though, both parties have too much to gain from gerrymandering. They may try to split high democratic population districts in two and consolidate some of the lower democratic population districts though.", ">>{lofi76} : Redditor for almost a decade. The only brigading I've ever gotten has been from Trumpets recently on an article about CNN. It's hilarious looking at my history and seeing all these regular posts with a few upvotes here and there, and then BAM! -54! They're dedicated, albeit vacuous and parasitic.", '>>{Roach35} : He realized only a civil war could get him in the White House, but since nobody (outside of his rally) has mentioned it hes just poking a stick at a dead animal.', '>>{Spyzilla} : Do people usually fuck with you when youre not wearing them?', '>>{LovableContrarian} : Lol "invest." Kickstarter doesn\'t allow you to invest. It only allows you to take the risk of the producer and buy products before the exist.', ">>{Roach35} : Good to hear he wasn't a draft dodger /facepalm.", ">>{evilrobotdrew1} : He conceded, then when Florida announced the recount (part of that state's law) he rescinded it and worked through the courts. Both Gore and W both made very very clear that they would respect the decision of the SCOTUS. Depite the fact that if Gore had wanted, he had a great argument that the system was rigged against him (voting discrepancies in the state where his opponent was governor). Gore put country before party and himself, dragging him through the mud by arguing that Trump is just 'pulling a Gore' is insulting to every American who takes pride in our peaceful transition of power. No one ever contests the election until votes are in, and then only when there is a real legal case to be made.", ">>{otterly-adorable} : It should be starting soon. [Here's a link.] (http://www.msnbc.com/live-online/watch/live-gloria-allred-press-conference-789920835812)", '>>{so-gun-ho} : Oct 8, 2016 - MOSCOW Russia has moved nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles into the Kaliningrad enclave bordering Poland and Lithuania, The Russian aircraft carrier fleet is on its way to pass through the English Channel on its way to join Bashar al-Assad\'s bombing campaign in Syrian city Aleppo, the Ministry of Defense has confirmed. Russia is "deploying all of the Northern fleet and much of the Baltic fleet in the largest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War," May we live in interesting times.', '>>{xHeero} : Is that why Trump supporters constantly chant "lock her up" at his rallys? She hasn\'t been proven guilty. That means they want to lock up an innocent person just because she is Trump\'s political opponent. Hmmm...', '>>{Spyzilla} : In one of their Kickstarter videos he mentions an "open API" and the only thing on his screen is the Arduino IDE. Scam much?', '>>{YnoS4950} : What about the rest of the speech? **On the economy:** "Change has to come from outside our very broken system." "We\'ve doubled our national debt to $20 trillion under President Obama." "Nearly 1 in 4 Americans in their prime earning years isn\'t even working." "I am asking the American people to dream big once again." "Will withdraw the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. "Will cancel every un-Constitutional executive action, memorandum, and order issued by President Obama." "We will cancel all federal funding of sanctuary cities." "The veterans will finally be taken care of properly." "If we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by, and for the people." **On Obamacare:** "Fully repeal ObamaCare and replace it with health savings accounts." **On education:** "We are going to end Common Core." **On tax reform:** "Tax forms will be greatly simplified." "When they know there are consequences, our companies will stop leaving the United States." **On voter fraud:** "1.8 million dead people are registered to vote. And some of them are voting." "2.8 million people are registered in more than one state... 14% of non-citizens are registered to vote." "According to Pew, there are 24 million voter registrations in the United States that are either invalid or significantly inaccurate." "Just been learned on video that the violent protests at some of my rallies...were caused by paid DNC & Clinton campaign operatives." **On immigration:** "We\'re going to suspect immigration from terror-prone regions." **On Hillary:** "Hillary Clinton should have been precluded from running... but the FBI and the Justice Dept. covered up her crimes." "Hillary Clinton is not running against me. She\'s running against change." "HillaryClinton is... running against all of the American people and all of the American voters. **In terms of actual political measures that Trump would propose and/or enact, he listed the following six:** "A Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress." "A hiring freeze on all federal employees." "A requirement that for every new federal regulation, 2 existing regulations must be eliminated." "A 5-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government." "A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government." "A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections."', '>>{lovesickremix} : I want some to design a twerking cartman ...why? Why not?', ">>{MartinSchou} : > What was up with that four-minute launch time for nuclear weapons comment? She was saying that someone who doesn't have the ability to step back from a fucking Twitter feud is probably not going to have the ability to take a step back, take a breather and get on the phone with whomever the early warning systems claims launched nukes. From launch to impact there's probably going to be about 30 to 45 minutes (ICBMs, not submarine launches), which gives you a window of opportunity to think things through before launching a full scale retaliation attack. Would it make sense for XXX to launch an attack on the US? Why with that few missiles instead of an all out attack? Could this be a glitch in our detections? Could it be some rogue party wanting to force a nuclear war? These are things you **really** want anyone with the ability to wipe out entire countries and continents to think about before launching a counter attack.", ">>{lovesickremix} : But aren't they showing a prototype? Or is this a rendered commerical?", ">>{Bobby_Marks2} : It's kind of a win-win-win situation for Dems. They'd probably have the majority to redraw districts, and they either get away with it and never lose the state again, or they don't and gerrymandering reform comes in. People don't realize that the states with big gerrymandering issues are mostly Southern states perceived as being GOP strongholds. When those walls come down, those states can flip hard and in some cases never go back. Case in point: Texas. It's somewhere between 60% and 65% blue voters, and it's most rapidly growing demo is latino (which the GOP doesn't court). The Democrats don't need to gerrymander anything - they just need to undo what's been done - and Texas will be so blue that it won't even be a swing state. Gerrymandering brings good results to a party when national elections are close. But when the Presidential candidate is a landslide loser (like Trump may be), it makes the GOP very vulnerable because red precincts are red by a small margin under normal circumstances.", '>>{SLOTH_POTATO_PIRATE} : I live near Portland, Oregon. We have a lot of homeless, and I have insomnia so I walk around a lot at night when the streets are mostly empty. I\'ve been stopped quite a few times when wearing my normal shoes and such. But when I wear the boots, I can almost always walk without being bothered. I think the first thought of any mugger is "does he look easy to mug?", so I try to look as intimidating as possible. The boots belonged to my uncle. He toured 3 times in Iraq. Chinatown is literally riddled with homeless drug abusers and I\'ve been followed and screamed at for 20 minutes until I called police. I guess the boots are more or less me *thinking* I\'m safer. I just have a lot of confidence in my ability to protect myself when I wear them, so I walk with a longer stride and look straight ahead instead of looking down and listening to Spotify or something.', ">>{ToddHelton4Ever} : Yes! Our corporate tax rate is ludicrous! It's no wonder Google, Facebook, Apple, etc. are all doing business through Ireland.", ">>{link3945} : Not always: most economists are against the corporate tax in general. It's a pretty inefficient tax that just gets passed on to final goods. You'll find even really liberal economists advocating for either massively reducing it or getting rid of it.", ">>{Microham} : And this raises a question. The idea is old and has been brought up again and again. It is proven that there is a demand for them. Then why aren't Nike, Adidas and Reebok all over this already? Wouldn't they at least bring out a limited edition? The fact that they have not done a single move in that direction should tell you that it is not going to happen any time soon.", '>>{i_bhoptoschool} : Oh he wants to put that about trump just saying you could put that about Hilary', '>>{landlubber89} : This is reddit, most people will only read the title, form their opinion and move on. Nobody actually investigates things for themselves...', ">>{jbrandona119} : Dawg it's still investing money lol and it is still a huge rip off", '>>{GMMALIK470} : His proposals include scrapping funding to UN climate change programmes, stopping immigration from war-torn countries and “extreme vetting” of everyone else, slashing corporation tax by more than half to 15 per cent and building controversial projects such as the oil and gas Keystone Pipeline.', ">>{thoughthough} : If that is what he meant by it, that he is going to ask for a recount if it's extremely close in a key state I'm totally fine with that. But he seems to be strongly encouraging a non peaceful presidential transition. Which is what most people are concerned about including the Republican moderator at the last debate.", '>>{GonzoNation} : The rich exist just to make decisions. Not to pay for them. Like "let\'s have an illegitimate war...we\'ll invite the poor and the immigrants to fight it... and the middle class will pay for it."', '>>{Wombizzle} : Because the shills only get paid to regurgitate pre-planned talking points, not actually read the speech', ">>{jbrandona119} : You're right. It's because it's genuinely not possible to create this product. I don't know science shit but I'm not stupid and I can tell that there's no way to do it or it'd be ugly and very bulky or very blurry and unsaturated and shit and still ultra expensive. At least that's IMHO lol I mean you can see in their prototype that huge wire going in when they turn it on and they're all acting like they're surprised and excited it came to life. Idk this one seems to be more real because of the basic black and white led but even then I don't understand how the Bluetooth is in the shoe and shit. They don't explain it which is what fucks me up", ">>{BOZGBOZG} : You're such a fucking pessimist. There's no way it will take that long.", ">>{Kelly_jernigan} : Still didn't explain away how the wall the Israelis built is working or that the Vatican's wall is doing it's job. Even Hillary want's a wall, she just couldn't get one built. Walls work, the reason Mexico is looking at building a wall now. The reason your neighbor wants a wall when he seen your vote for Hillary sign. Walls work. I don't see any illegals flying across the border right now anyhow, they are all on foot or in the back of trucks, so I don't get your aircraft argument at all.", '>>{movzx} : But what about it? Explain your understanding of what the issue is.', ">>{i_bhoptoschool} : Oh if we can put trump is a dumbass then why not put benghazi? Hillary didn't send the help needed to save the people fighting for our country when it was needed. They held an embassy for an entire night ambush after ambush", '>>{movzx} : Is there anything you would accept as evidence to the contrary to that, or would I be wasting my time? >Several investigations have found, however, that no action by Clinton -- or anybody in the administration -- could have moved additional forces to Benghazi before the last American deaths... >There have been eight congressional investigations of Benghazi so far, most of which were run by Republicans. Several of their reports criticized Clinton and her State Department for the security setup in Benghazi, for their part in the administration messaging after the attack, and for not holding themselves accountable afterward. >But **they [the Republican-led investigations] generally criticized the Defense Department or other parts of the administration, not Clinton or the State Department, for delays in deploying military assets the night of the attack**. When Congressman Mike Pompeo asked Clinton, "Why was heaven and earth not moved at the initial sound of guns," in terms of sending help, Clinton told him to ask the Defense Department. >...In fact, **it wasn’t Clinton’s responsibility to send troops to the scene — the military chain of command took that responsibility**. The Defense Department attempted to send help to the scene, but was unable to reach Benghazi before the deaths occurred. Criticizing her for the initial security issues would be fair. Criticizing her for things that were not her responsibility or within her control just shows you are not informed about the issue and are serving as a parrot. It\'s important to not just accept things at face value regardless of who is saying them.', ">>{i_bhoptoschool} : Wow Clinton needed a lot more investigations than I originally thought. Isn't this man acting like a parrot up here? Saying the same shit about trump over and over again. Are you a Clinton supporter?", ">>{Kelly_jernigan} : Have you been to the border? Have you seen the numbers that cross each day? Or are you just guessing at what is going on from somewhere way up north? I tell you what, all the southern states needs to stop wasting money on shipping illegals back across the border. They just walk right back. What we need to do, is drop them ALL off right in front of the white house. Each day, every day, until the US sees how big the problem is. When you get a few million illegals walking around DC, it would be very obvious to even the dumbest diehard dem that there is a problem. And once they build a wall like they did at the DNC convention, we could start shipping them to other democratic cities known as Safe zones. That alone would bankrupt every democratic city in the US, forcing their elected parties out of their jobs, and we could finally get the US borders secure. I don't ever see any dems opening up their homes to families or any refuges? Do You??? Bring the down votes... The butt hurt runs strong with this sub!!!!", '>>{movzx} : I would not say he\'s being a parrot because his statement is fairly generic. If you had said "Dumb Clinton" or whatever we wouldn\'t be having this conversation. You can\'t really cite anything to prove or disprove that claim. If he would have said "Rapist Trump" I might be having this conversation with him instead because that is about a specific, falsifiable claim. I\'m not a Clinton supporter nor am I a Trump supporter, but I benefit strongly from either side being in office. Clinton\'s social plans align more with my interests, but as an upper class white male with real estate and other investments Trump will undoubtedly benefit me financially. I am, however, a huge fan of both sides doing their own research into topics instead of just parroting talking points. If you feel that she deserves more investigations because of what I quoted above then the more power to you. I just want your disdain for her (or any candidate) to be based in reality and not lies put forth by the media. I defend Trump the same way when people make outlandish claims that are provably false. For example, being against welfare programs doesn\'t immediately mean someone is racist just because a higher population of black people might be on welfare.', ">>{Kelly_jernigan} : Or maybe he would stop all imports from Mexico until they paid the for the wall? Or maybe would could stop our payments to Mexico and use them instead for the wall?? How much of a dumb ass do you have to be to think Trump would ask for a check? Are you really that out of touch on how things work??? [Let's look at how much we send to Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_aid_recipients) So, we send $560 million to Mexico a year, and you dems keep screaming that the wall will cost 12 billion to build. Let's do the math to see how long it would take Mexico to build that wall??? 12,000,000,000 is the wall. 560,000,000 is the aid we pay.... Looks like 21.43 years at your highest est. wall cost. Or 2,000,000,000 estimated wall cost. We could have it paid for in 3.58 years. It would be paid for before the wall was complete. Great job Mexico!!! It would of been cheaper for them to build a wall on their southern border then us building one our ours.", '>>{OliverQ27} : Half of all illegal immigrants come in by air.', ">>{Kelly_jernigan} : Source? Because all the ones I see on my local news station are running across the border. Jumping out of trucks, and hiding in suv's under the seats. I have yet to see them drop out of an airplane.", ">>{movzx} : I glance at shoes. I don't focus on them. I do believe you can get insight into how people are based on their apparel, shoes included. >FWIW, I don't have a foot or shoe fetish, frankly, I find feet a little bit repulsive. Thou dost protest too much, sir...", '>>{gtivroom} : Oh yeah I have a pair of sambas that are about 4 years old that I used for futsol. Still wear them every now and then. They last forever']
classify the strings into threads and reply as one of them
[[">>{ilikelegoandcrackers} : And I suspect she won't be the last one. I still believe we'll see video / hear audio of him using the N word too. Going for election Trump bingo here, folks, and I'm sure the fat orange Oompa Loompa won't let me down.", ">>{thrshe4} : [Live look at Trump's legal team.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqN41aEzVCM)", ">>{SpookyKid94} : Nothing. It's vindication. Everyone warned republicans that he was a bad guy, now we get to watch his downfall.", ">>{thrshe4} : If Trump drops just a few more points nationally, states like Georgia and Texas could genuinely become battlegrounds. It's not about just *winning* at this point; it's about the unequivocal rejection of Trump's toxic and incompetent campaign via electoral humiliation.", ">>{hydestreet} : It has to be a landslide. It's not about just beating him, it's about destroying him so thoroughly that his kind will never rise again", ">>{hydestreet} : He's going to end up in prison, isn't he?", '>>{Traece} : >Allred also said she will "respond to Mr. Trump\'s comment that the allegations of 9 women that Mr. Trump has engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct with them are \'lies and fiction.\' This is either going to be a sternly-worded message, or Gloria Allred is about to fuck his shit up.', ">>{BefallenTragedy} : Ah, the 'Ender's Game' strategy. I like it.", '>>{notdust} : And I guess if a person leans left this election you like the idea of demoralizing the other side, given the house/senate being up for grabs. The more that comes out, the worse the blows to the Republican party. Seems they will have to do a lot of repairs afterward. I like them as a balancing force, but they are ineffective legislators at this point. Hopefully our future elections return to some semblance of civility. I know campaign ads will stay toxic, but at least candidates will talk more about specifics of issues during debates and dispense with the stunts. Fucking circus, really.', '>>{so-gun-ho} : I take it you are too young to have lived during any of the Cold War which Clinton is desperately attempting to restart.', ">>{Traece} : That's the working theory, yes. The assumption is that Gloria Allred was waiting for him to call her client a liar so she could let loose the documents of war. Whether this is going to be her formally announcing that he's sufficiently triggered her trap card or not, we won't know until the morning. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't if his general statements that they're liars are sufficient, or if he has to be more direct about it, or even if that's what she's actually after. Seems like a pretty reasonable assumption thus far given her track record. Regardless of whether it happens now or later on, I doubt she could possibly have any other intent but a lawsuit if she's pulling up two clients with press conferences.", '>>{thrshe4} : >at least candidates will talk more about specifics of issues during debates and dispense with the stunts. Let\'s be honest, though; the toxicity and "stunts" throughout this election cycle were not coming from candidate**s**. They were coming from **a** candidate.', '>>{so-gun-ho} : And how is our heroine going to govern when a large part of the country thinks she won only by using dirty tricks?', '>>{so-gun-ho} : No fly zones and blame everything on Russia. Next.', '>>{hydestreet} : No fly zone are only possible with international cooperation with Russia', ">>{so-gun-ho} : Don't hold your breath! Russia and Syria have had a long term alliance.", ">>{so-gun-ho} : Didn't graduate from Trump U by any chance did you?", '>>{Tangmelo} : I thought you were innocent until proven guilty in America.', ">>{TheHouseofOne} : This is going to be tremendous. It's going to be yuge.", ">>{etxbkst} : Has he actually commented on her client yet? I haven't seen anything, while he's talking shit about all the other women. I wonder if he's legit scared of Allred and what she's got up her sleeve.", '>>{Bobby_Marks2} : There are certain gerrymandered states that, should they go hard enough blue, may never go back to being red. For example, if he melted down and lost Texas.', '>>{Lukin4} : Fuck him up! Fuck him up! Fuck him up!', ">>{TheHouseofOne} : I'm sure the big boys in prison will appreciate his tiny hands.", ">>{jpop23mn} : Well hopefully down ticket republicans lose and that will help. If you worry about the Alex jones crowd you won't get anything accomplished. Except some studies on gay fish I guess Maybe put them all in FEMA camps set up in walmarts?", '>>{so-gun-ho} : What was up with that four-minute launch time for nuclear weapons comment? Taking about stupidity.', ">>{jk4life} : Nope..... Went to a real university. If you can't see that Putin is actively trying to revive the cold war, then I really doubt you actually lived through any point of the cold war. I'm not even sure you understand what the cold war is....", ">>{spring_buddha} : Unless you're Bill Clinton, then it's ok to call you a rapist right?", '>>{jpop23mn} : Yeah she will be thrown in prison for that.', ">>{wavescrashover} : Summer Zarvos. He's denied her claims... Produced that evidence letter from her cousin (a Trump supporter.)", '>>{so-gun-ho} : I have never been to Alabama but I have spent time in Corinth Mississippi. I remember the people as being wonderful, warm and friendly. I also remember what a fallout shelter sign looks like.', ">>{smoothmedia} : Excuse me. It was Gay FROGS. Get it straight! Unless you're already influenced by the chemicals and are no longer able to be straight", '>>{jk4life} : What did the monkey say when he got his tail run over by the lawnmower? *not long now, not long now*', '>>{ShoutsAtClouds} : Canadian seeking clarification. How would states going blue in one election end the gerrymandering? The gerrymandered districts would need to be redrawn. Is a simple majority enough to do that? Also, given the slow creeping nature of the problem over many decades, is it even possible to reverse what\'s been done before 2020? And if it is, surely such drastic redistricting would be presented by the Republican party as "Dems trying to steal the election". Just thinking about it is giving me a headache on your behalf.', '>>{CrapOnTheCob} : The frogs were gay, and there were babies crossed with fish (they had gills). You just got 2 different Alex Jones stories mixed together.', '>>{etxbkst} : Ahh. Ok. Thanks. I somehow missed that one.', ">>{dudettte} : so he's going down gloria must have evidence, not only a story", '>>{spacelincoln} : Roll over and Russia take the Baltic states. Got it.', '>>{FullFlava} : If only there were [some sort of recorded confession, the man in his own voice admitting he did these things](http://youtu.be/IY8FwWwIVyQ).', ">>{AGiantNun} : Not likely. The burden of proof is really high, and it should be. We can't send people to prison just because they're ass-hats. It's destroying him politically, but he's not going to end up in jail for being a pervert. The statute of limitations is passed for most of these women and unless there is video tape or (god help us all) semen found then he'll be declared innocent.", '>>{bynapkinart} : Well the other guy is gonna lose, so go stock up on prepper supplies and ammo and find yourself a shelter to hide in indefinitely. The fears over Hillary starting a cold war are almost as ridiculous and unfounded as "Obama is gonna take out guns" and "Bush is gonna draft everyone".', '>>{AGiantNun} : Careful with that analogy. Keep in mind the sympathy that the Speaker for the Dead ended up creating...', '>>{LittleShrub} : [Back of the line.](http://www.lawlogix.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Longline.jpg)', ">>{taco1520} : The gerrymandering has given the republicans a lot of districts but they mostly have really small margins, so only a small percentage of voters need to flip from R to D for them to lose. Conversely many of the current Democratic districts in those states are tightly packed with Democrats so their margin is bigger, making it more difficult for the Republicans to pick up more districts. Ideally, the democrats would then redraw the districts more fairly. I don't think it this will happen though, both parties have too much to gain from gerrymandering. They may try to split high democratic population districts in two and consolidate some of the lower democratic population districts though.", ">>{otterly-adorable} : It should be starting soon. [Here's a link.] (http://www.msnbc.com/live-online/watch/live-gloria-allred-press-conference-789920835812)", '>>{so-gun-ho} : Oct 8, 2016 - MOSCOW Russia has moved nuclear-capable Iskander-M missiles into the Kaliningrad enclave bordering Poland and Lithuania, The Russian aircraft carrier fleet is on its way to pass through the English Channel on its way to join Bashar al-Assad\'s bombing campaign in Syrian city Aleppo, the Ministry of Defense has confirmed. Russia is "deploying all of the Northern fleet and much of the Baltic fleet in the largest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War," May we live in interesting times.', '>>{xHeero} : Is that why Trump supporters constantly chant "lock her up" at his rallys? She hasn\'t been proven guilty. That means they want to lock up an innocent person just because she is Trump\'s political opponent. Hmmm...', ">>{MartinSchou} : > What was up with that four-minute launch time for nuclear weapons comment? She was saying that someone who doesn't have the ability to step back from a fucking Twitter feud is probably not going to have the ability to take a step back, take a breather and get on the phone with whomever the early warning systems claims launched nukes. From launch to impact there's probably going to be about 30 to 45 minutes (ICBMs, not submarine launches), which gives you a window of opportunity to think things through before launching a full scale retaliation attack. Would it make sense for XXX to launch an attack on the US? Why with that few missiles instead of an all out attack? Could this be a glitch in our detections? Could it be some rogue party wanting to force a nuclear war? These are things you **really** want anyone with the ability to wipe out entire countries and continents to think about before launching a counter attack.", ">>{Bobby_Marks2} : It's kind of a win-win-win situation for Dems. They'd probably have the majority to redraw districts, and they either get away with it and never lose the state again, or they don't and gerrymandering reform comes in. People don't realize that the states with big gerrymandering issues are mostly Southern states perceived as being GOP strongholds. When those walls come down, those states can flip hard and in some cases never go back. Case in point: Texas. It's somewhere between 60% and 65% blue voters, and it's most rapidly growing demo is latino (which the GOP doesn't court). The Democrats don't need to gerrymander anything - they just need to undo what's been done - and Texas will be so blue that it won't even be a swing state. Gerrymandering brings good results to a party when national elections are close. But when the Presidential candidate is a landslide loser (like Trump may be), it makes the GOP very vulnerable because red precincts are red by a small margin under normal circumstances."], ['>>{GoThroughThis} : Finally, the first certified card for 1080p gaming.', ">>{rhn94} : can't wait for 1080ti and the rest of the AMD line-up (come on AMD, don't be bitches like last year)", '>>{ace425} : Any news on when that lineup is supposed to be released?', '>>{rhn94} : nothing concrete, just rumors and educated guesses https://techreport.com/news/30113/rumor-amd-may-pull-vega-gpu-forward-for-an-october-launch http://en.yibada.com/articles/129619/20160607/nvidia-release-gtx-1080-ti-1060-titan-x-successor-before.htm', '>>{JoeKkerr} : I see the price is same as titan x, considering the performance and the future drop in price of titan cards, whaddya recommend ?', '>>{Fragasm} : Titan X is/was over $1000. You can beat it now with a 1070 at around $400.', '>>{mrjackm124} : Fucking amazing. I never saw anything like this coming', '>>{sphigel} : Will this card get me 60 fps on my 1280x1024 monitor?', '>>{GoThroughThis} : No, it only works on monitors with 1080p resolution.', '>>{bobsante} : 700 bucks to play a 20 dollar game. Genius.'], ['>>{farhan583} : I believe we can go after [Assange] for espionage - Megyn Kelly', '>>{farhan583} : This is the same guy she interviewed earlier tonight and was fawning over asking for an October surprise.', ">>{HaiphongWangchuck} : This is pretty disingenuous. She wasn't voicing her opinion if you look at the transcript, she was discussing what possible options the US had to prosecute Assange for any crime, if at all, in response to an inquiry from O'Reilly.", ">>{Hitch23} : This is from 2011. O'Reilly re-packaging and spinning because he hates Megyn Kelly.", '>>{American_FETUS} : I really wish everyone would stop shitting on Assange. I see the pattern of the CTR reporting the same articles over and over, so when the evidence does get delivered, AS IT DID LAST TIME, it will be ignored. It is disheartening to say CTR is working. I have been down voted 53 times within an hour for a questionable rebuttal against Mrs. Clinton. No one is addressing the legal side where if you are CTR you need to state it under campaign rules. So far I have never seen any CTR come forward after 6 million (even though there records show different from the treasure reports who is also a long standing employee pf CNN). It is a crusade. Just do at most 3 days of personal research.', ">>{KikiFlowers} : Yes we could. We won't though, being as he's held technically in a country we do not have an extradition treaty with. The moment he steps out, he could be captured, but otherwise the US has no way to get to him.", '>>{-Zev-} : The wheels really fell off the wagon on that last paragraph.', '>>{American_FETUS} : Why? [Elizabeth Cohen CTR Treasurer](http://clintonfoundationinvestigation.com/2016/08/09/correct-the-record-ctr/) I am not trying to be a psycho. There are too many governments and too many donations and too many meetings that have led to weapons and money exchange. [reports](http://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/318/201607159020655318/201607159020655318.pdf#navpanes=0). I am not asking you to believe me, I have no horse. Just look.', '>>{ashstronge} : So you have been down voted because of CTR? Have you any actual evidence of this, rather than people just not liking what you have to say?', '>>{American_FETUS} : No. I have no evidence. I received signals from the planet HERDALICIOUS. Would you like me to submit my records? Or are you able to use eye hand coordination to navigate to my history?', ">>{ashstronge} : Yes, I took a brief look and actually saw some comments against Clinton with a '+10' score (although didn't look that far back tbf). It just doesn't make sense that CTR would spent a load of effort on one section of one platform, when platforms like Facebook and Twitter would yield a far larger return for them and cost for less effort and money. I have seen many people on here use the CTR or 'paid shill' excuse just to dismiss the fact that there is opposition to their statements or comments. It is a lazy excuse for not engaging with their detractors. Like we know that Clinton has at least 16 million supporters- surely some of them Cousy be contributing to the down votes?", ">>{American_FETUS} : Are you saying I am lazy? I have -54 of the moment of some obscure fact I posted on Clinton. What is your motive to dissuade me? At the moment I am concerned about Bahrain and Hillary's meetings and donations for a Prince in charge of defense. I can send you a lot of horrifying videos of[ peaceful protesters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-4uXkbDhis) getting shot and killed. The money he needed from Clinton for his defense program, helped kill them. Or I can show you a TV-MA Bahrain video from like 2006 . Around the time we were still sending funds, and up till 2009 when it was all on the books. I guess I am being an asshole right now. It is just very fucked up. Do you really believe these donors are giving from the goodness of their heart? Why is it so hard to believe your hero is playing the same game she has been playing since Watergate? It is not just Clinton, it is everyone. I have no clue what to do.", ">>{saturninus} : I'm not CTR here, though I could use a pay day. Just your average college-educated person that think that Assange is playing for a team with the most reprehensible actors on the geopolitical stage. Timing his leaks and directing them at one person: he is an intellectual bankrupt.", ">>{ashstronge} : I actually didn't make a character judgement on you at all. I said that the argument you used to dismiss your opposition was lazy i.e. requires very little effort. Also, you have completely changed your argument. Originally it was that the CTR were downvoting you and now you are saying that Hillary is just a bad person because of who the US sends funds to/who funds Hillary. It isn't very consistent. >Why is it so hard to believe your hero is playing the same game she has been playing since Watergate? What game is this?"], ['>>{I_SHOT_TWICE_ONCE} : Donald Trump Gettysburg Address: Republican promises to shut down climate change funding, close sanctuary cities and halve corporation tax', '>>{fateislosthope} : I love how he complained that we are spending billions and billions of money with the United Nations to fix the worlds environment and he wants to use that money to fix "our environment" as if he is unaware we all share the same environment and we are not a series of independent snow globes.', '>>{Kanzisbuddy} : *If those corporations even pay tax in the first place...', '>>{GonzoNation} : Why Gettysburg: General Stonewall Pickett Trump believes he has won the Civil War. http://www.breitbartunmasked.com/2016/10/19/trump-refuses-to-say-he-will-accept-election-results/', ">>{Walkitback} : I'll be so happy when in 11 days Trump won't be able to pretend he'll ever be president.", ">>{jz68} : That's like designating a peeing area in a pool. Trump: no peeing in this corner. credit to /u/WorfDenied for the analogy", '>>{NCC_1701A} : And spend billions on a useless wall. Such good policy. How the fuck anybody buys what this guy sells is a mystery to me.', '>>{Brotworst} : I love how I knew someone was going to say what you said as soon as he said that. We need to fix our nation. Decreasing our environmental impact would improve the overall environment.', ">>{Brotworst} : The last two democrats that lost the presedention election actually weren't ready to accept it either...like they said they would.", '>>{Gargatua13013} : I thought he was insane before - but now he seems even worse ... how can that be?', ">>{GonzoNation} : Subject change. This has nothing to do with the election.This has to do with Trumps belief that racism, Hoover, torture and trickle down are winning arguments. They're just not. The last Republican to really win was George H. W. Bush and he believed in none of those country destroying things that Trump is pushing.", ">>{wanson} : How fucking stupid do you have to be to give a 'Gettysburg' address. Hey everybody. Compare me to Lincoln please.", '>>{Brotworst} : That was after the recount and after he formally contested those results. That is a good video though.', ">>{gotsafe} : But not until we have a mail-in rebate to send to Mexico. I'm sure Trump will just write Mexico in big letters on the envelope when he mails it in.", ">>{FreakoCheeto} : That's always part of the argument. Those promoting lower corporate tax rates think it will stop corporations going offshore. In reality, plenty of companies do pay taxes, and in the short term it would lower revenues trying to entice companies like Apple to abandon their tax havens.", '>>{Trigger_Me_Harder} : Careful. If you point out obvious grammatical irregularities or the basic talking points that are copy/pasted throughout you could get in trouble. You might get report brigaded for "suggesting" that they\'re part of Russia\'s online troll army and auto-moderated.', '>>{Opie67} : Such a divisive asshole should not be giving a speech at Gettysburg.', ">>{notmathrock} : Don't worry! We can vote for the one that couldn't say she doesn't support fracking, doesn't think healthcare or higher education should be a right, and takes millions of dollars from large corpora--dammit.", '>>{general_nuisance} : Defining on how you define it, 93%-99% of US corporations are small business. And yes we pay (excessive) taxes.', '>>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : Trump only wants to build a wall so he can slap **TRUMP** on it in tacky gold letters, just like everything else he builds.', ">>{general_nuisance} : 93%-99% of US corporations are small business that can't go offshore. This modest tax cut will help them most of all.", '>>{Cyyyyk} : Those are all standard Republican policy ideas. The real problem for Trump is that it is hard to imagine him having the ability to be effective enough to get any of that done if he gets elected. He is so easy to trick into chasing his own tail that the Dems will not have try very hard to stop him. They just have to bait him into destroying himself like Hillary has done. Of course, this is all a moot point because he is not going to be elected anyway.', ">>{Minion_of_Cthulhu} : It's probably his [personal Vietnam](http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/02/16/draft-dodger-trump-said-sleeping-around-was-my-personal-vietnam.html) catching up with him.", '>>{fateislosthope} : Obviously decreasing our environmental impact would improve the overall environment. No one is arguing that. But you need a two front approach. We just cant cut all climate change funding globally and worry about us. We need to make efforts to curb issues on both fronts.', '>>{Wurplewillow} : But most of the money goes to the larger corporations. Cutting their taxes means that they just get more money, which means less money for us.', '>>{Wurplewillow} : We gotta vote. His numbers rose in the polls by 1%. Way too close,', '>>{joshing_slocum} : One part of Lincoln\'s Gettysburg Address fits Mr. Pumpkinhead\'s: *"The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here"*', '>>{cbfw86} : I am going to do to this country what I have done to the GOP! *crowd goes ballistic with hype*', '>>{F_Dingo} : > spend billions on a useless wall Walls work. Ask the Israelis how well their walls around Gaza and the west bank have worked. Infiltration from terrorists dropped like a rock when the wall was built. Ask the Chinese about the great wall they built. Walls do work.', '>>{MyOversoul} : I hope this is the greatest landslide election in history,,, going to a woman for president of America.', ">>{exoromeo} : Sadly it won't be. Won't even come close to Nixon-McGovern or Reagan-Mondale.", ">>{OliverQ27} : They didn't have these things called Airplanes that allow you to go over the wall when the Great Wall was built.", ">>{Dand321} : Incorrect election date aside, you're assuming that he lives in the same version of reality as the rest of us. I think he'll go on pretending he could've/should've been president for a very long time.", ">>{Dand321} : AFTER the Republicans ripped on Hillary for likening herself to Lincoln in the second debate, too. He really just can't help himself.", ">>{F_Dingo} : Don't allow people in from said countries. Turn them back at the point of entry.", ">>{Azureknight205} : Except most immigrants come into this country either legally, with a visa that they let expire and then they just never leave, or they come by boat, where a wall won't do shit. If they build a 50 foot wall, all they'll really do is create a market for 51 foot ladders.", '>>{lofi76} : I think to understand we share air with china and their factories, one has to have a real understanding that the world is not flat. And that we are but not of many planets in space, in one of many solar systems in one of many galaxies.', ">>{lofi76} : Redditor for almost a decade. The only brigading I've ever gotten has been from Trumpets recently on an article about CNN. It's hilarious looking at my history and seeing all these regular posts with a few upvotes here and there, and then BAM! -54! They're dedicated, albeit vacuous and parasitic.", '>>{Roach35} : He realized only a civil war could get him in the White House, but since nobody (outside of his rally) has mentioned it hes just poking a stick at a dead animal.', ">>{Roach35} : Good to hear he wasn't a draft dodger /facepalm.", ">>{evilrobotdrew1} : He conceded, then when Florida announced the recount (part of that state's law) he rescinded it and worked through the courts. Both Gore and W both made very very clear that they would respect the decision of the SCOTUS. Depite the fact that if Gore had wanted, he had a great argument that the system was rigged against him (voting discrepancies in the state where his opponent was governor). Gore put country before party and himself, dragging him through the mud by arguing that Trump is just 'pulling a Gore' is insulting to every American who takes pride in our peaceful transition of power. No one ever contests the election until votes are in, and then only when there is a real legal case to be made.", '>>{YnoS4950} : What about the rest of the speech? **On the economy:** "Change has to come from outside our very broken system." "We\'ve doubled our national debt to $20 trillion under President Obama." "Nearly 1 in 4 Americans in their prime earning years isn\'t even working." "I am asking the American people to dream big once again." "Will withdraw the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. "Will cancel every un-Constitutional executive action, memorandum, and order issued by President Obama." "We will cancel all federal funding of sanctuary cities." "The veterans will finally be taken care of properly." "If we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by, and for the people." **On Obamacare:** "Fully repeal ObamaCare and replace it with health savings accounts." **On education:** "We are going to end Common Core." **On tax reform:** "Tax forms will be greatly simplified." "When they know there are consequences, our companies will stop leaving the United States." **On voter fraud:** "1.8 million dead people are registered to vote. And some of them are voting." "2.8 million people are registered in more than one state... 14% of non-citizens are registered to vote." "According to Pew, there are 24 million voter registrations in the United States that are either invalid or significantly inaccurate." "Just been learned on video that the violent protests at some of my rallies...were caused by paid DNC & Clinton campaign operatives." **On immigration:** "We\'re going to suspect immigration from terror-prone regions." **On Hillary:** "Hillary Clinton should have been precluded from running... but the FBI and the Justice Dept. covered up her crimes." "Hillary Clinton is not running against me. She\'s running against change." "HillaryClinton is... running against all of the American people and all of the American voters. **In terms of actual political measures that Trump would propose and/or enact, he listed the following six:** "A Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress." "A hiring freeze on all federal employees." "A requirement that for every new federal regulation, 2 existing regulations must be eliminated." "A 5-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government." "A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government." "A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections."', ">>{ToddHelton4Ever} : Yes! Our corporate tax rate is ludicrous! It's no wonder Google, Facebook, Apple, etc. are all doing business through Ireland.", ">>{link3945} : Not always: most economists are against the corporate tax in general. It's a pretty inefficient tax that just gets passed on to final goods. You'll find even really liberal economists advocating for either massively reducing it or getting rid of it.", '>>{landlubber89} : This is reddit, most people will only read the title, form their opinion and move on. Nobody actually investigates things for themselves...', '>>{GMMALIK470} : His proposals include scrapping funding to UN climate change programmes, stopping immigration from war-torn countries and “extreme vetting” of everyone else, slashing corporation tax by more than half to 15 per cent and building controversial projects such as the oil and gas Keystone Pipeline.', ">>{thoughthough} : If that is what he meant by it, that he is going to ask for a recount if it's extremely close in a key state I'm totally fine with that. But he seems to be strongly encouraging a non peaceful presidential transition. Which is what most people are concerned about including the Republican moderator at the last debate.", '>>{GonzoNation} : The rich exist just to make decisions. Not to pay for them. Like "let\'s have an illegitimate war...we\'ll invite the poor and the immigrants to fight it... and the middle class will pay for it."', '>>{Wombizzle} : Because the shills only get paid to regurgitate pre-planned talking points, not actually read the speech', ">>{Kelly_jernigan} : Still didn't explain away how the wall the Israelis built is working or that the Vatican's wall is doing it's job. Even Hillary want's a wall, she just couldn't get one built. Walls work, the reason Mexico is looking at building a wall now. The reason your neighbor wants a wall when he seen your vote for Hillary sign. Walls work. I don't see any illegals flying across the border right now anyhow, they are all on foot or in the back of trucks, so I don't get your aircraft argument at all.", ">>{Kelly_jernigan} : Have you been to the border? Have you seen the numbers that cross each day? Or are you just guessing at what is going on from somewhere way up north? I tell you what, all the southern states needs to stop wasting money on shipping illegals back across the border. They just walk right back. What we need to do, is drop them ALL off right in front of the white house. Each day, every day, until the US sees how big the problem is. When you get a few million illegals walking around DC, it would be very obvious to even the dumbest diehard dem that there is a problem. And once they build a wall like they did at the DNC convention, we could start shipping them to other democratic cities known as Safe zones. That alone would bankrupt every democratic city in the US, forcing their elected parties out of their jobs, and we could finally get the US borders secure. I don't ever see any dems opening up their homes to families or any refuges? Do You??? Bring the down votes... The butt hurt runs strong with this sub!!!!", ">>{Kelly_jernigan} : Or maybe he would stop all imports from Mexico until they paid the for the wall? Or maybe would could stop our payments to Mexico and use them instead for the wall?? How much of a dumb ass do you have to be to think Trump would ask for a check? Are you really that out of touch on how things work??? [Let's look at how much we send to Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_aid_recipients) So, we send $560 million to Mexico a year, and you dems keep screaming that the wall will cost 12 billion to build. Let's do the math to see how long it would take Mexico to build that wall??? 12,000,000,000 is the wall. 560,000,000 is the aid we pay.... Looks like 21.43 years at your highest est. wall cost. Or 2,000,000,000 estimated wall cost. We could have it paid for in 3.58 years. It would be paid for before the wall was complete. Great job Mexico!!! It would of been cheaper for them to build a wall on their southern border then us building one our ours.", '>>{OliverQ27} : Half of all illegal immigrants come in by air.', ">>{Kelly_jernigan} : Source? Because all the ones I see on my local news station are running across the border. Jumping out of trucks, and hiding in suv's under the seats. I have yet to see them drop out of an airplane."], ['>>{Ninja_Kodiak} : this tech should be on more than just shoes.', ">>{dash95} : All that tech in them future-man shoes and I guarantee we'll see a dick butt on instagram or facebook within the first 90 minutes of release.", '>>{thanksddq} : Lol. Agree. May starting to see naked woman or walking advertisement', '>>{TheBlueEdition} : The big strap along the entire shoe is quite ugly IMO.', '>>{lotsofii} : Wonder what else can we put on the shoes. "Trump Dumbass"?', ">>{lolhaap} : I'll totally use it to advertise for my brand. It could bring some traffic to my brand.", ">>{davled} : I'm putting 'Trump: Maga' on mine, dumbass.", ">>{BulletProofJoe} : I had a pair of shoes when I was in the second grade that had a clear plastic sleeve on the outside of each shoe and you could insert all of three different designs. They were kickass! Was I feeling sporty? No problem, I'd just rock the soccerball/football holographic insert. Maybe feeling a little wild? Easy, just switch those bad boys out for the roaring lion insert. Trust me guys, these kicks turned some heads back in my day. I don't mean to brag, but my birthday party was lit as fuck that year, and I believe I have the shoes to thank for that.", '>>{jivetalker7} : you could use it for something "you might want to protest, or use it to stand up for the rights of somebody. Just slap that symbol on there without having to say a word and with every step you take, people get to see why you\'re upset." lol, this made me cringe so fucking hard. I love how its implied that this generation is a bunch of social justice warriors who are always i need of something to protest......and this shoe makes it easier than ever! lol.....it\'s funny cause it\'s true.', ">>{LedZeppelinRising} : Fuck dude I'm actually considering the OLED variant Edit: fak dude, there are many failed Kickstarters similar to this and Im not sure anymore", '>>{kwonara} : Shoe protector ads might get a little creative with this one lol', ">>{Cadrid} : No, thanks. I'll keep wearing comfortable shoes that don't tell people to rob me.", ">>{BeerOtter} : The tech is cool, but as pointed out in Shawshank Redemption, how often do you look at someone's shoes?", '>>{lwg-shitposter} : What about "I don\'t know" or "I plead the fifth"?', '>>{aykyle} : Already is. Going on televisions and phones, pretty sure, at least.', '>>{baristol123} : Does anyone remember something called shiftwear which is exactly the same as this just that the developers basically raised 900k and went silent after', ">>{jbrandona119} : Do not buy these. Do not invest. It's not possible to create these sneakers. I've seen this same exact thing time after time and people invest $200+ for nothing.", ">>{jbrandona119} : These things aren't possible to create. So many failed campaigns around these stupid shoes...", ">>{thanksddq} : Yeah, I do remember. But shiftwear don't have no prototypes and they do", ">>{aykyle} : Were a lot of failed concepts. None I've seen with an actual prototype, though.", '>>{kushxmaster} : And you can change your cause at a moments notice! Great for our fast moving and forgetful society.', '>>{ProfessorBamBam} : Hey mate, ready to hit the clubs? "Sorry man, I forgot to CHARGE my shoes..."', ">>{momisherea} : Agreed. But they do have a prototype and, as far as i can tell, it's real", '>>{BigTastyWithBacon} : They look nasty as fuck. Clearly this company needs to hire some sort of designer as these look like fucking moon boots.', ">>{aykyle} : That's what I meant. That this one was further along than the others", ">>{momisherea} : Yeah. Definitely. I'm actually considering buying lol. Can't stop thinking about what I can do with it", ">>{LedZeppelinRising} : Yea I was being stupid. Won't buy anything unless it's been out for a while and has multiple reviews.", '>>{ricard_anise} : I\'m gonna be "that guy" for a minute here. Are the shoes fresh to death? Absolutely. Fucking fly as fuck. But... the negative impact of this trend could be enormous on both a human and environmental scale from rare earth elements mined to manufacture flexible lcd. That mining fuels shitty situations like low-intensity civil war in places like Congo and DRC, and has significant negative environmental consequences. And that is happening already from current market demands on rare earth extraction. Do we really need to expand into shoes and other wearables? I think the problem is that most people have at least some level of a disconnect between a finished product and the long, meandering road involving huge multinational corps who deal with the materiel that ultimately produces things in the marketplace. And people rarely remember to ask not just the "can we" but also the "should we" be doing this. One can feel bad enough knowing their fly Nikes were stitched up by exploited workers, but do we really need to bring fucking mining companies into this? Just for a more fly pair of shoes? It seems dumb to me, considering that rare earth elements are rarely recycled, and in a product like a shoe or some other wearable, the likelihood of it being recycled is probably even less. I think the shoes are definitely cool as fuck, but c\'mon. I dunno, maybe it is too much to ask to expect your average sneakerhead (or average person) to consider where shit comes from, to really think it through. And I am not saying this without acknowledging that to some degree it is hypocritical to say shit like this comment and even exist for one day in the modern world. I\'m guilty of bad behavior due to this disconnect just as much as anyone can be on a random day, but I really do try not to be. I\'m certainly not out in the market making and trying to sell products like this. I dunno, yeah, it is a bit of a rant, but I see shit like this and think "whoa, cool" and then my mind takes a step back and I think, "fuck man, do we really need to add mining companies to the list of entities benefitting from a significant share of material cost for making a pair of sneakers?" To me, the answer is no. And before anybody comments to take a shit on my rant saying "why are you taking a pair of shoes so seriously bro?", consider that products like this could be the avant garde of a trend toward more and more wearable, tech-infused products, and then think about the increased load of strain on the earth such a market force would inevitably produce. I could go on and on, but if anyone has hung in there this far down into the comment, they probably already agree with me to some extent.', '>>{movzx} : You can tell a lot about a man by his shoes.', ">>{GringoGoneWild} : very frequently if you're interested remotely in shoes or fashion.", '>>{movzx} : What about it? Have you researched anything or are you parroting words you heard?', ">>{BeerOtter} : I'm not much interested in either, aside from functionality. Working on my feet is my career, and I've worn the same model and brand of shoe for most of my working life. I get that I am on the lower end of the scale in this, I was kind of just trying to be funny with the Shawshank reference. I think the shoes are great, I just don't know how much I'd notice them on someone else.", ">>{FuckingMemeAccount} : Hit r/shittykickstarters, you'll love it and these sneakers feature.", ">>{BeerOtter} : Heard that, but honestly, how often do you look at someone's shoes daily? I look at shoes on pretty girls when they walk by. I don't leer, I look. I rarely look at another man's shoes. FWIW, I don't have a foot or shoe fetish, frankly, I find feet a little bit repulsive.", '>>{PanamaMoe} : Hmm, how can I scream look at me without saying or doing something meaningful? These shoes are how.', '>>{gtivroom} : Just curious, want brand and model are you speaking of?', ">>{BreakingBrains} : If only that wasn't indiegogo, those fuckers don't give a shit about their customer protection.", ">>{BeerOtter} : I've worn Adidas Sambas for most of my career. $50ish a pair, they last about 10-12 months. Leather uppers, comfortable, lightweight, and you don't look like a moron in them after work having a drink. They are slippy on wet floors. You have to prepare for, and get used to this. I know a lot of people who prefer other shoes. These are my favorite.", ">>{copycat} : Of course you can. That's how the scam works.", '>>{ZeroMmx} : MOM, DAD, PLEASE STOP FIGHTING!', '>>{xoites} : I think I will just waste my money on Health Insurance or something.', '>>{SLOTH_POTATO_PIRATE} : Combat boots! Everytime I wear my combat boots out, nobody fucks with me.', '>>{Microham} : Judging by experience I am almost certain that they will never come out.', ">>{Fnhatic} : My mate Petersen once bought a pair of shoes with artificial intelligence. 'Smart Shoes' they were called. It was a neat idea: no matter how blind drunk you were, they could always get you home. But he got pissed one night in Oslo and woke up the next morning in Burma. You see, the shoes got bored just going from his local pub to the flat. They wanted to see the world. He had a hell of a job getting rid of them. No matter who he sold them to, they'd show up again the next day. He tried to shut them out, but they just kicked the door down. Last thing he heard, they'd sort of robbed a car and drove it into a canal. They couldn't steer, you see. He was really, really blown away about it. He went to see a priest. The priest told him it was alright and all that the shoes were happy and that they'd gone to heaven. You see, it turns out shoes have soles.", '>>{Breadmakesyoufatt} : It might be a scam, but I genuinely did get excited for this product.', '>>{Spyzilla} : Do people usually fuck with you when youre not wearing them?', '>>{LovableContrarian} : Lol "invest." Kickstarter doesn\'t allow you to invest. It only allows you to take the risk of the producer and buy products before the exist.', '>>{Spyzilla} : In one of their Kickstarter videos he mentions an "open API" and the only thing on his screen is the Arduino IDE. Scam much?', '>>{lovesickremix} : I want some to design a twerking cartman ...why? Why not?', ">>{lovesickremix} : But aren't they showing a prototype? Or is this a rendered commerical?", '>>{SLOTH_POTATO_PIRATE} : I live near Portland, Oregon. We have a lot of homeless, and I have insomnia so I walk around a lot at night when the streets are mostly empty. I\'ve been stopped quite a few times when wearing my normal shoes and such. But when I wear the boots, I can almost always walk without being bothered. I think the first thought of any mugger is "does he look easy to mug?", so I try to look as intimidating as possible. The boots belonged to my uncle. He toured 3 times in Iraq. Chinatown is literally riddled with homeless drug abusers and I\'ve been followed and screamed at for 20 minutes until I called police. I guess the boots are more or less me *thinking* I\'m safer. I just have a lot of confidence in my ability to protect myself when I wear them, so I walk with a longer stride and look straight ahead instead of looking down and listening to Spotify or something.', ">>{Microham} : And this raises a question. The idea is old and has been brought up again and again. It is proven that there is a demand for them. Then why aren't Nike, Adidas and Reebok all over this already? Wouldn't they at least bring out a limited edition? The fact that they have not done a single move in that direction should tell you that it is not going to happen any time soon.", '>>{i_bhoptoschool} : Oh he wants to put that about trump just saying you could put that about Hilary', ">>{jbrandona119} : Dawg it's still investing money lol and it is still a huge rip off", ">>{jbrandona119} : You're right. It's because it's genuinely not possible to create this product. I don't know science shit but I'm not stupid and I can tell that there's no way to do it or it'd be ugly and very bulky or very blurry and unsaturated and shit and still ultra expensive. At least that's IMHO lol I mean you can see in their prototype that huge wire going in when they turn it on and they're all acting like they're surprised and excited it came to life. Idk this one seems to be more real because of the basic black and white led but even then I don't understand how the Bluetooth is in the shoe and shit. They don't explain it which is what fucks me up", ">>{BOZGBOZG} : You're such a fucking pessimist. There's no way it will take that long.", '>>{movzx} : But what about it? Explain your understanding of what the issue is.', ">>{i_bhoptoschool} : Oh if we can put trump is a dumbass then why not put benghazi? Hillary didn't send the help needed to save the people fighting for our country when it was needed. They held an embassy for an entire night ambush after ambush", '>>{movzx} : Is there anything you would accept as evidence to the contrary to that, or would I be wasting my time? >Several investigations have found, however, that no action by Clinton -- or anybody in the administration -- could have moved additional forces to Benghazi before the last American deaths... >There have been eight congressional investigations of Benghazi so far, most of which were run by Republicans. Several of their reports criticized Clinton and her State Department for the security setup in Benghazi, for their part in the administration messaging after the attack, and for not holding themselves accountable afterward. >But **they [the Republican-led investigations] generally criticized the Defense Department or other parts of the administration, not Clinton or the State Department, for delays in deploying military assets the night of the attack**. When Congressman Mike Pompeo asked Clinton, "Why was heaven and earth not moved at the initial sound of guns," in terms of sending help, Clinton told him to ask the Defense Department. >...In fact, **it wasn’t Clinton’s responsibility to send troops to the scene — the military chain of command took that responsibility**. The Defense Department attempted to send help to the scene, but was unable to reach Benghazi before the deaths occurred. Criticizing her for the initial security issues would be fair. Criticizing her for things that were not her responsibility or within her control just shows you are not informed about the issue and are serving as a parrot. It\'s important to not just accept things at face value regardless of who is saying them.', ">>{i_bhoptoschool} : Wow Clinton needed a lot more investigations than I originally thought. Isn't this man acting like a parrot up here? Saying the same shit about trump over and over again. Are you a Clinton supporter?", '>>{movzx} : I would not say he\'s being a parrot because his statement is fairly generic. If you had said "Dumb Clinton" or whatever we wouldn\'t be having this conversation. You can\'t really cite anything to prove or disprove that claim. If he would have said "Rapist Trump" I might be having this conversation with him instead because that is about a specific, falsifiable claim. I\'m not a Clinton supporter nor am I a Trump supporter, but I benefit strongly from either side being in office. Clinton\'s social plans align more with my interests, but as an upper class white male with real estate and other investments Trump will undoubtedly benefit me financially. I am, however, a huge fan of both sides doing their own research into topics instead of just parroting talking points. If you feel that she deserves more investigations because of what I quoted above then the more power to you. I just want your disdain for her (or any candidate) to be based in reality and not lies put forth by the media. I defend Trump the same way when people make outlandish claims that are provably false. For example, being against welfare programs doesn\'t immediately mean someone is racist just because a higher population of black people might be on welfare.', ">>{movzx} : I glance at shoes. I don't focus on them. I do believe you can get insight into how people are based on their apparel, shoes included. >FWIW, I don't have a foot or shoe fetish, frankly, I find feet a little bit repulsive. Thou dost protest too much, sir...", '>>{gtivroom} : Oh yeah I have a pair of sambas that are about 4 years old that I used for futsol. Still wear them every now and then. They last forever']]
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